Yale University Library 39002006304357 ^ajgHg YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY CONTENTS CHAPTER I. ABORIGINES. The Mound Builders — Indian Tribes — Explorers — Missionaries — Indian Troubles — Wars and Treaties — Battle of Tippecanoe and Other Bat tles — Extinguishing Indian Titles — Exodus of the Indian.. Page 17 CHAPTER II. GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY. Drainage — Soil — Strata — Fossils — Minerals — Eminent Scientists — Early Headquarters at Ne.w Harmony — Geological Survey — Archaeology — Relics of Pre-historic Races — Analysis of Water and Soil — Nat ural Resources Page 40 CHAPTER III. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. Customs and Hardships of the Pioneer — Early Day Defenses — Incidents of Pioneer Life — Settlement of Posey County — First Land Entries — Early Homesteaders — First Mill — Flatboating — Runaway Slaves — Primitive Justice Page 46 CHAPTER IV. ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY. Location of County Seat — Early Courts — Elections — County Officers — Changing County Seat — Selling Town Lots — Location of Present County Seat — Early County Government — Changes Under New Constitution Page 64 CONTENTS CHAPTER V. ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIPS. Appointment of Officers— First Elections— Early Settlements— Land Entries Primitive Occupations — First Grist Mills — Distilleries — Cotton Gins— Tanneries— Origin of "Hoop Pole Township". .Page 75 CHAPTER VI. FOUNDING OF CITIES AND TOWNS. Early Settlements — Pioneer Merchants — Municipal Organizations — Early Officers — Libraries — Parks — Other Institutions and Im provements — Original Plats — Incorporation of Towns — First Coun cils — Rappites — Cholera Epidemic Page 87 CHAPTER VII. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Primitive School Houses — Subscription Schools — Pioneer Teachers — Educational Progress — School Legislation — Uniform School Term — Consolidation of Township Schools — New School Buildings. .Page 122 CHAPTER VIII. CHURCHES. Pioneer Churches — Their Growth and Progress — First Religious Ser vices — Pioneer Priests and Ministers — Early Organizations — New Churches — Parochial Schools — Town Clock Page 132 CHAPTER IX. THE BENCH AND BAR. Early Courts and Lawyers — First Cases Tried — Pioneer Court Houses — Important Litigation — Judges — Members of the Bar — First Juries — New Constitution — Change in Procedure — First Case Appealed. Page 147 CONTENTS CHAPTER X. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. Pioneer Practitioners and Later Posey County Physicians Page 160 CHAPTER XI. AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE. Classification of Soil" — Its Productiveness — Drainage — Natural Re sources — Posey County Products — The Farmer of Today — Improved Methods — Agricultural Society Page 182 CHAPTER XII. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES. Navigation and Steam Railroads — Early Steamboating — First Railroad — Voting Bonds — Electric Railway Page 187 CHAPTER XIII. MANUFACTURING AND COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES. Their Organization — Development — Officers and Products — Flouring and Cereal Mills — Machine Shops — Brick — Tile — Cigar — Ice — Coop erage and Handle Manufacturers Page 189 CHAPTER XIV. BANKS AND BANKING. Pioneer Banks — Later Financial Institutions — Their Organization — Capitalization and Officers Page 195 CONTENTS CHAPTER XV. NEWSPAPERS. Early Newspapers— Progress of the Press— Newspapers of Today- Editors— Political Policies— Modern Equipment Page 199 CHAPTER XVI. MILITARY HISTORY. Posey County in the Wars of the Nation — Indian Wars — Battle of Tippecanoe — War of 1812 — Mexican War — Civil War — Posey County Organizations and Officers — Campaigns — Spanish-Ameri can War Page 203 ILLUSTRATIONS John C. Lef f el Frontispiece Court House Page 17 County Jail 64 County Infirmary 75 Sherburne Park 86 Alexandrian Library 96 Rappite Rooming House 98 Workingmen's Institute 105 Owen-Maclure-Corbin Home 112 Mt. Vernon High School 122 Public School, New Harmony 128 Rappite Church 134 City Hall, Mt. Vernon 146 Central School, Mt. Vernon 188 G. V. Menzies 217 J. H. Moeller 256 L. J. Wilkinson 304 First Christian Church 305 John Corbin 336 Martin Golden 368 INDEX Alcorn, David C ' 291 AUdredge, Alonzo J 379 AUdredge, John S 380 Arburn, Charles 351 Barker, Daniel 0 233 Barker, Roscoe U 234 Barter, Julius C 222 Becker, Jacob 356 Bennett, William D 271 Bender, Valentine 295 Benthal, S 397 Bixler, Enoch B 278 Boren, William 0 308 Brinkman, Henry 315 Brown, Henry 302 Cale, James 292 Cale,, Oscar 293 Cale, Ellison 298 Calvert, Henry T 288 Carroll, Samuel 325 Carson, Walter G „ 393 Cartwright, Vincent M 250 Causey, Joseph M 248 Cleveland, Arthy M 309 Cleveland, Lewis W 309 Corbin, John 336 INDEX Cox, Clarence 3 3 Curtis, George William 22° Curtis, George William, Sr : 2I9 Dausman, Charles 32° De Fur, Kelly 245 Deig, John A 266 Deig, Frank 34$ Dieg, John W 335 Dixon, John O , 349 Donner, Henry 321 Downen, Timothy S 320 Edson, William P 242 ¦ Ehrhardt, " George J 333 Ehrhardt, John F 349 Ellis, Elisha E 400 Erwin, David M 259 Erwin, William D 381 Espenlaub, Henry 335 Espenlaub, John 330 Espenschied, William 245 Fisher, Henry 332 Flucks, Carl 343 Fogas, William H 226 French, Raymond A 370 Frier, William 227 Fuhrer, William C .,-, Funke, Ferdinand A * 2-_ Gill, John T a6 Grabert, Michael g INDEX Greathouse, Francis M 365 Greathouse, James M 263 Golden, Martin 368 Gonnerman, William 236 Gudgel, James E 283 Hagerman, Fred 0 395 Hagerman, Fred H 394 Haines, Joseph R 264 Hall, Marshall H 228 Hastings, William E 400 Hellenberg, Herman 382 Henderson, Samuel C 391 Herrmann, John 277 Herschelman, Henry 392 Hiatt, Joel W 300 Hoehn, George L , 271 Holton, William M 239 Holton, William E 240 Hovey, Alvin P 345 Hovey, Charles J 347 Howard, Silas G 243 Jeffries, James C 375 Johnson, Pitts 385 Johnson, Thomas J 225 Jones, Thomas 391 Keck, John 273 Keeling, James L 374 Kemper, Frederick A. R 252 Kettelhut, Charles G 325 INDEX Klein, Arno 249 La Duke, Elliott W 377 Lawless, Frank R 3°7 Layer, John G 33° Leffel, John C 357 Leffel, Edward 359 Leonard, Frederick P 371 Lewis, Edward 33^ Lewis, Frank E 290 Lewis, James R 327 Lewis, Thompson P 339 Llewelyn, Edgar J 331 Loesch, George T 334 Luebbermann, Francis B 298 McFaddin, Enoch W 387 McFaddin, James F 389 McFaddin, Noah 389 McReynolds, Samuel M 296 MacGregor, Francis B 244 Macy, Carlos B 287 Marvel, Alexander L 400 Marvel, Thomas 397 Meinschein, Conrad 338 Menzies, G. V 217 Menzies, Winston 2Ig Miller, Lorenz C ,gr- Moeller, John H 2r.g Montgomery, Samuel B 2g2 Morrow, Lannie G _-0 Moye, James H ,g2 INDEX Nash, Eugene W 303 Newman, Schuyler C 287 Nolte, Frederick W 235 Oliver, William A 359 Owen, Horace P 301 Pendell, James 328 Phillips, Elisha H 383 Pote, M. B 341 Press, Rev. Paul 270 Raben, Theodore 230 Raben, Louis W 232 Ramsey, Douglas C 253 Reister, Christ : 363 Renschler, William 324 Ribeyre, Alferd 317 Rinear, Edwin 269 Ritzert, Frank 328 Robertson, George W 235 Roche, Peter W 343 Sarlls, Howard H 260 Sarlls, Richard 254 Schenk, Andrew A 275 Schenk, Clem V 277 Schenk, Eberhardt B 276 Schenk, Fred ¦> 386 Scherer, John C 311 Schick, Peter 329 Schieber, August 354 Schieber, August F 355 Schmitt, Joseph 322 Schreiber, John H 323 Schulthies, John L 223 INDEX Seib, George 393 Seifert, George J. 329 Shelton, Jesse J 296 Shelton, Thomas D 294 Smith, Alfred E 396 Smith, Charles, Jr 246 Smith, John C 3*4 Spencer, Elijah M 270 Taylor, George C 39° Templeton, Armenius 251 Thomas, A. C 340 Thomas, Enoch E 268 Thomas, George G 224 Thomas, Miles W 274 Trainor, George F 312 Tretheway, W. 0 299 Turman, Ira L 280 Turner, John W 261 Uhde, Henry 381 Wade, George B 361 Wade, Warren 3DO Webb, William H ' _'3I3 Weissinger, Henry _ 2g~ Welborn, Joseph R ,jq Welch, David W .253 Whipple, Elijah D ,g2 Whitehead, James N _Qg Wiggins, James W „ Williams, Dan ,. Willman, Earnest ' 323 Williams, John H Wilkinson, Levi J Wilson, William O 3°4 341 Wolfe, Clarence P 400 Wolfinger, Frederick , Yunker, Henry 378 CHAPTER I. ABORIGINES. THE MOUND BUILDERS INDIAN TRIBES EXPLORERS MISSIONARIES — INDIAN WARS AND TREATIES. These people, who inhabited the central portion of our continent at so early a period that no trace can be had of their character or manner of life, except the numerous sepulchres which betoken certain religious beliefs, were the first people known to have possessed that part of the country now called Posey county. That they reached a degree of intel lectual development far above the Indian tribes inhabiting the country at the coming of the white man seems certain, yet they did not attain the civilization of the ancient peoples of the eastern continents, as is proven by their lack of literature and by the fact that their immense tombs were built of earth instead of the more enduring materials, like the pyramids of Egypt where engineering must have been a well devel oped science. However, they were miners and agriculturists and had many flourishing colonies in the great basin between the Alleghany and Rocky mountains. They were in some ways related to the Mongolians and are supposed to have emigrated from Asia under the mysterious spell which occasionally possesses the race*to face all dangers in order to subdue a new land. Their fate is a matter of conjecture. It is hardly reasonable to believe that they were exterminated by the sav ages who later possessed their lands. It is more probable that they con tinued on south and founded the civilization of Mexico and the southern continent. The State of Indiana is rich in their relics, among the most important of which is a point in Posey county ten miles above the mouth of the Wabash river known as "Bone Bank," now very rap idly being washed away by the current of the river. At one time this mound was on an island in the stream, but as the Wabash has for a long time been changing its bed and the same river which at one time afforded it protection is now gradually destroying the mound and wash ing away its rich relics of pottery, tablets of stone and human skeletons. Some of this pottery is of quaint design and shows skillful workman ship and all of it is of material resembling Portland cement. The origin of the North American Indian is still a matter of con- l8 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY jecture from circumstantial evidence, but the theory generally agreed upon is that he is Asiatic, on account of the resemblance in physiog nomy, traditions and language to the tribes inhabiting the northeastern part of that continent. If the mound builders had not preceded him on this continent we might as well suppose that he originated here as to assign him to any other country. That the homes of the mound builders were destroyed by the southern tribes from Mexico and that the Indians represent the remnant of a despoiled people is the theory entertained b_v some. Those putting forth this explanation say that those that escaped death by taking refuge in the wilderness were put to such straits that their finer arts and civilization were lost in the hard battle for mere existence and their desperate condition developed a stolid and fierce disposition. Whether this is true or not, it is nevertheless certain that after the white man began the war of extermination against the red man the latter did not live the sort of life to which he was accus tomed before the invasion. We think of the Indian as a wild, roving, ferocious savage, living entirely by hunting and fishing, having no fixed abode, no friendly intercourse and no commerce. This was the Indian as he existed after he had been driven half way across the continent, but does not represent his earlier condition before his manner of life became so precarious and before he was constantly menaced, harassed and driven by the ever-encroaching white foe. In the Seventeenth century the agriculture and industrial organization of the Five Great Nations occupying the Mississippi river land from the Great Lakes to the Ohio river are not incomparable with those of Europe a century or two earlier. They built villages of log houses, planted orchards and cultivated plantations. They had commercial intercourse with the southern tribes. Their industrial organization was of that order in which each tribe or division of a tribe had a monopoly on some staple article of trade which they had exclusive right to manufacture and sell, though the right was probably the mere grant of custom. The area now known as Posey county was successively occupied by a number of different tribes as the red men were gradually pushed west ward. For many years previous to 1670 this territory was held by the Miami Confederacy, which was formed in the early part of the Seven teenth century for protection against the Five Great Nations, with whom they were in constant conflict for the possession of this region. The confederacy consisted of several of the Algonquin tribes, notably the Twightwees, the Weas, the Piankeshaws and the Shockeys. They lived in small villages along the rivers in Indiana, extending 'their do minions east as far as the Scioto river, west as far as the country of the Illinois and north to the Great Lakes. Their principal settlements were along the headwaters of the Great Miami, the banks of the Maumee the St. Joseph of Michigan and the Wabash and its tributaries At one HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 1 9 time they had been important among the nations of the lake region but their powers were weakened by repeated defeats in war and they were m a demoralized condition when first visited by the French and their villages presented a very untidy appearance. They were living in con stant terror of the Five Nations and were practicing only enough indus try to avoid starvation. Their resources were depleted and they were indulging all their vicious passions so that they were in a state of retrogression. In the latter years of the Seventeenth and the early years of the Eighteenth centuries the French came to the Miamis bearing aloft the cross of Christ, under the cloaks the whiskey jug to further degrade an already declining people, and in their hearts the lust of gold and the greed of conquest. As in most cases of successful invasion the missionaries in their black robes preceded the traders. They were the Jesuit priests and were kindly treated by the Miamis. The Indians would listen patiently to the strange theory of the Savior and salvation which they could not in the least understand, but in which they would manifest a willing belief by way of courtesy and hospitality, and then they would attempt to entertain their visitors with a recital of their own simple faith in the Manitous, and were disappointed and dissatisfied, because the mission aries would not accept their religion with the same politeness that they showed toward the white man's God. Missionary stations were estab lished in the principal villages and the work of converting the savages begun. The principal stations were at the villages of Maumee, those of the Weas about Ouiatenon on the Wabash, and those of the Pianke- shaws around Vincennes, the latter having been established in 1749. However, the missionaries were active in the Miami country at least twenty years before that. There was a regular daily order of services at the missions. Early in the morning the priests would gather the In dians together at the church for prayers and for the teaching of the Catholic religion. This was followed by singing, at the conclusion of which the congregation was dismissed, the Christians only remaining to take part in mass. This service was followed by prayers. During the forenoon the priests spent the time in visiting the sick and com forting the afflicted. In the afternoon another service was held in which all the Indians were allowed to appear in their finery, and each without regard to rank or station answered questions put by the mis sionaries. This exercise was concluded by the singing of hymns set to airs familiar to the Indians. In the evening all again assembled at the church for instruction, prayers and singing. The Indians greatly enjoyed the singing of their favorite hymns. The priests for the most part were zealous and conscientious and were greatly beloved by their dusky converts. Close upon the heels of the black robed fathers came the advance guard of the French fur traders dressed in gay attire and 20 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY with coarse blue and red cloths, their fine scarlet, balls, knives, rib bons, beads, vermilion, guns, powder, tobacco and rum. These were the "coureurs des bois" or rangers, and they were engaged to conduct canoes along the rivers and trade for furs which they brought back to the trading posts. Many of them carried on a remunerative business inland by carrying the goods for many miles on their backs. They min gled freely with the Indians, lived their life, intermarried and many of them became renegades, sinking below the level of the self-respecting savage. Intoxicating liquors were freely introduced and found a ready sale. The distribution of it was made in the following way : a certain number of persons have delivered to each of them a sufficient quantity to get drunk on so that the whole were often drunk for days at a time. The" drinking would begin in the villages as soon as the sun had set, and night after night the woods and fields echoed with the most hideous howling. A line of trading points was established in 1719 on the Wa bash, around Vincennes and at Fort Wayne. A fort was built at the Piankeshaw village near Vincennes in 1750, the next year after the build ing of the permanent mission at that place. At the same time a fort was erected near the mouth of the Wabash. These forts drew a large number of French traders and in a few years they had become impor tant settlements with a mixed population of French and Indian. At the close of the French and Indian wars, when Canada and its depend encies fell into the hands of the British, the French, for the protection of their business interests, swore allegiance to the British government and were allowed to continue in the occupation of their lands with the slight improvements they had effected. But with the change in governments came a change of policy toward the Indian. The French had been very polite and deferential toward the native. They were robbers none the less, but they were polite about it and managed to get along beautifully. But when the English came into power they assumed an arrogant manner toward the Indians that aroused their enmity. The British opposed any strengthening of the interior settlements lest they become self-supporting and independent. The government held the land and would not let it be apportioned out to the settlers and so provoked the Americans that the British o-overn- ment had no friends upon this continent. At the close of the French and Indian war the number of families in what was known as the Northwest Territory did not exceed 600, none of whom, as far as we are able to ascertain, were in Posey county. The Miamis at this time had 1,050 warriors, about 300 of whom belonged to the Wea tribes on the Wabash. The British policy toward the settlement of the new lands was one of the things which led to the American Revolution, which ended in the establishment of the new government on this con tinent in 1783. The American government made liberal propositions to settlers and civilization pushed rapidly westward. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 21 The principal opening wedge to the occupation of the Wabash coun try by the white people was the work of Francois Morgan de Vinsenne in the early part of the century. He probably reached the place now known as Vincennes as early at 1732. There is a record of a sale made by himself and Madame Vinsenne dated January 5, 1735. This docu ment gives his military position as commandant of the post of Ouabache (Wabash) in the service of the French King. The will of his wife's father, dated March 10 of the same year, bequeathes among other things 408 pounds of pork which he ordered kept safe until Vinsenne, who was then at Ouabache, returned to Kaskaskia. Another document is a receipt signed by Vinsenne for 100 pistols granted him as his wife's dowry. This officer was killed in Louisiana in a war with the Chicka- saws. Over forty years later, and while the American Revolution was still in progress, Colonel George Rogers Clark led his memorable expedi tion against the ancient French settlements of Kaskaskia and Post Vin cennes. This was one of the most gigantic single feats of the whole history of settlement and called for courage and daring, for, while the government of Virginia, Clark's native State, was friendly to the undertaking, they had no authority to assist very largely in the affair. Governor Henry and a few other gentlemen lent private assistance and Clark organized his expedition and laid his plans secretly so that he would not be confronted with organized opposition. The object of the expedition was to open the western territory to active settle ment to take the French forts, establish American control, wrest the land from the hands of the alien and the savage and blazon a trail for safe immigration. He took stores at Pittsburgh and Wheeling and proceeded down the river to the "Falls," where he took possession of an island of about seven acres. Here he for the first time made known to his troops the real intent of the expedition and disclosed to them his plans for the taking of Kaskaskia and Vincennes. It was a daring proposal and many of his men deserted. He then divided the island among a small number of families, threw up some light fortifications and decided, on account of the weakened condition of his forces, to take Kaskaskia first, as the post at Vincennes had about 400 militia to his handful of men. On the night of the Fourth of July he came near the village, keeping his spies ahead. He took possession of a house for headquarters and the spies returned, saying that the town had laid down arms and that the Indians had all left. He took possession with out opposition of the fort and the town. The people thought resistance in vain. Having become master of the situation, he treated the inhabi tants kindly, secured their good will and they swore allegiance to Vir ginia. The inhabitants were in terror of Clark at first, never dream ing but that he would lay waste to their homes and separate them from their families and starve their children. This helped him to gain their 22 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY good will, as he explained to them that the French and Americans were now friends and allies against the British, that the war for independ ence would soon be over, and that their religion would be respected by the American law. The few men who had been arrested were set at liberty and the inhabitants were so pleased that a volunteer com pany of French militia joined his forces. Clark also enlisted the serv ices of Father Gibault in the expedition to Vincennes. When they arrived at that fort some time was spent in explaining to the people the nature and intent of the war, with the result that the inhabitans proceeded at once to the church and unanimously took the oath of alle giance to the American flag. A fort was immediately garrisoned to defend these colors and the flag was unfurled. The Indians were also greatly pleased and were induced to become friendly toward the Amer icans, and treaties of peace were effected with the Piankeshaws, Ouiatenous, Kickapoos, Illinois, Kaskaskias, Peorias, and some of the other tribes that inhabited the country between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi river. The treaty with the Piankeshaws was accom plished in the following manner: When Captain Helm, who was ap pointed by Clark to take charge of Vincennes, set out from Kaskaskia in August he took with him a speech and a belt of wampum from Colonel Clark to be presented to "The Grand Door to the Wabash," or the To bacco's Son, as the leading Piankeshaw chief was called. He arrived safely at Vincennes and was received with acclamations by the people. After the usual ceremony the "Grand Door" was called and Helm deliv ered the speech and the belt. Grand Door informed the captain that he was indeed glad to welcome him as one of the Big Knife's chiefs. He thought favorably of the idea of joining the Americans, but accord ing to their custom asked time to present the matter to the other lead ing men of the tribe. After several days had elapsed Captain Helm was invited to the Indian council and was told that the chiefs had con sidered his case and had decided that he was right; that they would tell all the Indians on the Wabash to waste no more blood in behalf of the English. Then the Grand Door jumped up, called himself a man and a warrior, said that he was now a Big Knife and took Captain Helm by the hand. His example was followed by all present and the council ended in good feeling and merriment. This treaty was followed by treaties with all the tribes above mentioned and the American fla°- waved above Indiana for the first time. When the General Assembly in Virginia met in October, 1778, they passed an act which provided for home government for all the territory west of the Ohio river. Be fore the provisions of the act could be carried out Henry Hamilton the British Lieutenant-Governor of Detroit, collected an army of about thirty regulars, fifty French volunteers and 400 Indians. At the head of this force he proceeded down the Wabash and seized Vincennes HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 23 in December, 1778. When he entered the place there were but two Americans at the post, Helm and a man by the name of Henry, Colonel Clark having in the meantime turned his attention to other points. Helm and Henry were arrested and a number of the French citizens disarmed. When the news reached Clark at Kaskaskia he made prepa rations for his famous march to Vincennes. Hitherto he, had not gone there himself, the work of winning over the people having been done by Father Gibault and the treaties having been made by the agency of Helm. He now gathered together a force of 170 men and on Feb ruary 5, 1779, crossed the Kaskaskia river and proceeded to Vincennes. In January he had learned that Hamilton had sent his Indians to the frontier and to block up the Ohio, expecting them to return to Post Vincennes in the spring, bringing their friends with them in great enough numbers to drive all Americans out of the West. This left Hamilton with eighty men in the garrison, three pieces of cannon and some swivels mounted, but they were repairing the fort and expected reenforcements. The stores of most of the merchants of the town had been taken to provide for Hamilton's men, but they were expecting a large supply of all kinds of provisions in the spring. It seemed that the blow must be dealt at once before these plans of the British could be consummated. Clark's situation was a perilous one, cut off from Virginia and his source of reenforcements and supplies. He had only a few weeks left before all would be lost, for if the enemy were left to proceed in peace with their preparations there was no possibility of his being able to cope with them. He called upon Major Bowman to evac uate the fort at Cahokia and join him, and immediately gave orders to prepare for the march on Vincennes. The inhabitants of Kaskaskia rallied enthusiastically to his support and provisions and clothing to withstand the coldest weather were soon provided. It was decided to _ send a vessel by water to carry the stores and arms. A large Mis sissippi boat was purchased and fitted out as a war vessel so that she might force her way if necessary. Two four-pounders and four large swivels were placed in position and she was manned by forty-four men under Captain John Rodgers. He embarked the fourth of February with orders to force his way up the Wabash as far as White river and there await further orders. In case he found himself discovered he was to do all the damage possible without running the risk of losing his vessel, and not to leave the river until he had lost all hope of the arrival of the land forces. Clark placed much reliance upon this vessel, as the craft was much superior to anything the enemy could muster. Having gotten her started, he took the remainder of his men, 170 in number, and on the fifth of February crossed the Kaskaskia on his way to Vincennes. The march was fraught with the greatest hardship, for not only was the weather cold, but the plains were covered with several 24 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY inches of water through which the little band was forced to wade day by dav. Everything possible was done by the commander to keep the men in good spirits. He allowed them to shoot game on all occasions and to make feasts on it after the stvle of the Indian war dancers. Each company in turn invited the others to feast with them and entertained them with singing and stories. Thus the soldiers were led without a murmur to the banks of the Little Wabash, arriving there on February 13. A camp was formed on a small elevation on the bank of the river and Clark ordered his men to construct a boat, pretending all the time to believe that the crossing of the river would be a piece of little boy plav. The boat was finished the next day and a small company was selected to make the first trip to the other side. They were privately instructed as to the sort of report they should make and told to find a spot of dry land if possible. They found half an acre of dry land and, marking the place, returned with a very encouraging report. On the fifteenth the work of crossing began. Fortunately the day was warm for the season. The channel at this point was about thirty yards wide. A scaffold was built on the opposite shore, which was about three feet in water, and the baggage was landed in this manner. The horses next swam across and received their loads at the scaffold. The men were then ferried over the river and the little army again took up the march in water knee deep. Much bantering and jollying was indulged in and it kept up the spirits of the men to a remarkable degree and bv night they were encamped on a pretty height. They were in high spirits at their success thus far and indulged that night in extravagant specula tions of their future prospects of crossing the main stream, taking Vin cennes and marching on Detroit. However, the next day they marched in a driving rain and Clark discovered that the whole Wabash valley was overflowed and that he could be easily approached bv the enemy. That night they spent miserably in the wet without sufficient provisions. The next day they continued their march in search of the Wabash. They found no dry land and were compelled to spend the night in the water. After such an experience the morning gun of Vincennes sounded sweet as a dinner horn when they heard it at sunrise on the eighteenth. They were able by this to locate the river and reached it about 2 o'clock. They tried to steal boats by means of rafts but met with no success that day or night. The next day intelligence was brought to Clark that two fires were within a mile of their camp. He at once sent a canoe down the stream to meet the vessel with their stores and am munition and bring it with all possible haste to their aid. Their food supplies were now entirely exhausted and they were in a critical condi tion. At noon the next day the river sentinel brought in five French men from Vincennes and from them they learned that their presence was not known as yet. The men were pretty nearly exhausted and had lost . HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 25 courage when the last day's march to Post Vincennes began on the twenty-first. They had to cross the main stream of the Wabash now and there was no time to construct boats. Encouraged by Colonel Clark, who painted his face black and gave a war whoop, the whole company plunged to their necks in ice-cold water. They succeeded in making the other shore, although they had to be encouraged in heroic ways by their leader and by his most devoted followers, one in partic ular being a little drummer boy who beat the advance under the most discouraging and disheartening circumstances. The other shore was gained in safety and they found a sugar camp where there was half an acre of dry land and here remained for the night. They continued the next day and came to a copse of timber called "Warrior's Island," in full view of the fort and town. From a prisoner captured while shoot ing ducks it was learned that the town was full of Indians and that to gether with them and the troops there were about 600 men. Meantime the boat with ammunition and supplies had not been heard from. A bold letter requesting those who wished to fight to gather at the fort and those who wished to remain loyal to the Americans to keep in their houses was dispached to Vincennes, and upon receiving no reply Clark displayed his force in such a way that they appeared numerous, march ing back and forth for some time, and finally occupying the heights back of the town. Fourteen men were then sent to fire upon the fort, while the main body took possession of the strongest part of town. Clark then ordered Hamilton to surrender. This being refused the fight ing began, and an hour later Clark dictated the terms of surrender on February 24, 1779. Hamilton was kept as a prisoner till the next June and then was sent to Virginia. It appears that he was a savage as much as any of the Indians and offered a reward for every American scalp lock. Clark organized a military government at Vincennes and left Helm in charge while he returned to Kaskaskia by boat. Here he was reenforced by a command under Captain George. About this time the Delawares murdered and plundered a party of traders on White river. Captain Helm was sent to make war upon them. They soon sued for peace and Colonel Clark required them to find a neighboring tribe who would vouch for their future good behavior. The Piankeshaws went security for them. This not only warned the Delawares but secured the respect of the neighboring tribes. Meantime the preparations for establishing civil government in Indiana went on in Virginia, to which State this territory belonged by right of conquest. Colonel John Todd came to the settlements and the military government maintained by Clark at Vincennes gave place to civil and criminal courts in June, 1779. The giving out of land grants began and the courts adopted the opinion that they were at liberty to dispose of the entire region that in 1742 had been given to the French at Vincennes by the Piankeshaw 26 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Indians. The whole country accordingly was divided among the mem bers of the honorable court. From the first invasion of this section by Clark until 1783, when the war with Great Britain was concluded, there was a succession of wars along the border, sometimes resulting in vic tory for the Americans and sometimes for the other side. However, Clark succeeded in holding the country, which, upon the establishment of the Republic in 1783, was ceded by Virginia to the United States. When the transfer was finally consummated in 1784 the work of ex tinguishing Indian titles began. In 1787 the "Northwest Territory" was created and Major-General Arthur St. Clair was elected by Con gress governor of the territory. He was instructed to ascertain the real attitude of the Indians, do all in his power to secure their friendship toward the government and quiet as many titles as possible. Governor St. Clair established headquarters at the new settlement of Marietta, Ohio, where he organized the government of the territory and in 1788 held the first session of court and the necessary laws for the administra tion of affairs were passed. This done, the governor, accompanied by the judges, proceeded to Kaskaskia for the purpose of organizing the government there. Meantime, Major Hamtramck, commander at Vincennes, had received instructions to ascertain the temper of the In dians along the Wabash and be prepared to report the exact situation. On April 5, 1790, a Frenchman by the name of Antoine Gamelin was sent out of Vincennes with speeches to all the tribes. He visited nearly all the tribes of the Wabash country and those of the St. Joseph and St. Mary's rivers, but was coldly received, owing to dissatisfaction created among the Indians by English misrepresentation. A full account of the situation reached St. Clair at Kaskaskia in June, 1790. The Governor, being satisfied that there was no prospect of a peaceful settlement of affairs with the natives of Indiana, resolved to visit General Harmer at his headquarters at Fort Washington and there consult with him in regard to an expedition against the hostile tribes. Meantime, Winthrop Sargent, secretary of the territory, was to send resolutions to Congress in regard to the lands and settlers on the Wabash, and also to go to Vincennes, lay out a county there and appoint civil and military offi cers. Sargent found great difficulty in adjusting claims to land, as previous to this time the most important deals had been committed to loose sheets of paper, many of which had been stolen or lost. To set tle such matters Congress in 1791 passed an act to give lands not to exceed 400 acres to any one person to those having made improve ments under a supposed grant for the lands. In the summer of 1790 the court of Vincennes passed the following laws : I. An act to prohibit the giving or selling of intoxicating liquors to Indians residing in or coming into the territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio river, and for preventing foreigners from tradin°- with Indians therein. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 27 II. An act prohibiting the sale of spirituous or other intoxicating liquors to soldiers in the service of the United States, being within ten miles of any military post within the territory of the United States northwest of the River Ohio, and to prevent the selling or pawning of arms, ammunition, clothing or accoutrements. III. An act for suppressing and prohibiting every species of gambling for money or other property and for making void contracts and pay ments made in consequence thereof, and for restraining the disorderly practice of discharging arms at certain hours and places. The conference between Governor St. Clair and General Harmer at Fort Washington resulted in the determination to send a powerful force to whip the Indians of the Wabash into submission. The President had empowered St. Clair to call upon Virginia for 1,000 troops and on Pennsylvania for 500, and he now exercised this authority. Three hun dred of the Virginia militia were ordered to join the forces at Fort Steuben and with them march to Vincennes and join the command of Major Hamtramck, who had orders to proceed up the Wabash and at tack any Indian tribe with forces not superior to his own. The remain ing 1,200 men were ordered to join the regular troops at Fort Wash ington, of which there were about 400 effective men under General Harmer. All was in readiness by September and General Harmer marched from Fort Washington on the thirteenth of that month at the head of 1,450 men. This force reached Maumee on the seventeenth and the work of punishing the Indians began, but the expedition did not result in any permanent gain, for the American forces were about as sorely punished as the Indians, and the latter refused to sue for peace. A detachment of 340 militia and sixty regulars under Colonel Hardin was defeated at Maumee on October 22 and the next day they started back to Fort Washington, reaching there November 4, having lost in the expedition 183 killed and thirty-one wounded. The Indians sus tained a similar loss. While these operations were going on Major Hamtramck marched up the Wabash from Vincennes as far as the mouth of the Vermilion river, destroyed several deserted villages, but returned without meeting the enemy. The Indians continued their hos tilities and the inhabitants of the frontier settlements took alarm. Dele gates of Ohio, Monongahela, Harrison, Randolph, Greenbrier, Kanawha and Montgomery counties of Virginia sent a memorial to their gov ernor calling attention to their exposed situation, to the inability of the Continental troops to be of any use to them and calling upon the State of Virginia for protection. The legislature of Virginia then au thorized the governor to take such measures as he deemed necessary for the protection of the settlements until the national government had time to act. The governor immediately called upon the military com manding officers in the western counties of Virginia to raise several 28 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY small companies by the first of March, 1791- Charles Scott was ap pointed Brigadier-General of the militia of the district of Kentucky with the authority to raise 226 volunteers to protect the most exposed parts of the district. Congress was appraised of the need for protection on the frontier and, upon consideration of the situation, created a board of war for the district of Kentucky, this board being composed of Briga dier-General Scott, Henry Innis, John Brown, Benjamin Logan and Isaac Shelby. On March 9, 1791, General Henry Knox, secretary of war, sent a letter of instructions to Brigadier-General Scott recommend ing an expedition of mounted men, not over 750, to proceed against the Wea villages along the Wabash. Accordingly, on the twenty-third of May Scott crossed the Ohio at the head of 800 mounted men, reach ing the AVabash on the first of June. He destroyed all the villages around Ouitenon and several Kickapoo towns, killing thirty-two war riors and taking fifty-eight prisoners. A few of the most infirm were released in order that they might spread the news all up and down the Wabash, as Scott's command, not being well enough mounted, could not go up the river. On March 3, 1791, Congress provided for raising and equipping a regiment for the protection of the frontier and about 3,000 men were placed at the disposal of Governor St. Clair, who was instructed by the secretary of war to establish at the Miami village a strong and permanent military post, and in the process of his advance to that point to establish along, the Ohio such posts of communication with Fort Washington as he deemed expedient. The post at Miami was intended to keep the Indians in that section of the country in check and the secretary of war insisted that it be established in any event and that it be strongly garrisoned. In case terms were arranged with the hostile tribes the establishment and maintenance of this post was to become a part of the treaty of peace. Previous to the establish ing of this post at the Miami village Governor St. Clair sent Brigadier- General Wilkinson to conduct a second campaign in the Wabash coun try. Wilkinson mustered his forces and on July 20, 1791, started at the head of 525 mounted volunteers, well armed and provisioned for thirty days. On August 7 he came with this force to the village of Ke-na-pa-com-a-qua, on the northern bank of the Eel river, six miles above the junction of that stream with the Wabash. Here he killed six warriors, took thirty-four prisoners and totally destroyed the village. These Indians belonged to the Kickapoo tribe. The army encamped on the ruins that night and the next day started for the Kickapoo village on the prairie, but was unable to reach it on account of the impassable condition of the route he selected. These three expeditions by Harmer, Scott and Wilkinson resulted in great damage to the Indians but did not restore peace. They believed the American . policy to be one of extermination and were goaded to desperation. Contrary to the treaty HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 29 of Paris, the British government was still maintaining posts at Niagara, Detroit and Michilimacinac, and from these points not only incited the hostile Indians against the Americans, but actually rendered them every possible assistance in the way of stores and provisions. This condition continued until the English posts were withdrawn by a second treaty in 1796. In September, 1791, Governor St. Clair prepared to carry out the orders of the secretary of war and left Fort Washington with 2,000 men. On November — the main body of the army, comprising about 1,400 men, moved forward and encamped at the headwaters of the Wabash, where Fort Recovery was afterward built. Here he was surprised by the Indians, who attacked his force about half an hour before sunrise, which is their favorite hour for making war on their enemies. The Indians were 1,200 strong and were led by the chiefs Little Turtle, Blue Jacket and Buck-ong-a-helas, who had secreted their forces and watched the enemy until such a time as they could deal a crushing blow. The white army was cut to pieces and there were lost in the engagement thirty-nine officers killed, 539 men killed and missing, twen ty-two officers and 232 men wounded, and all the baggage, ammunition and provisions, and several pieces of artillery. The property lost in this engagement was valued at $32,800. The most deplorable aspect of the disaster was the fate of more than 100 women who were following the fortunes of their husbands. Very few escaped the brutality of the vic torious savages, who proceeded to avenge their real and imaginary wrongs by the most unspeakable atrocities. Believing that the white men had been making war to acquire land, they stuffed sand and clay in the eyes and down the throats of the dying and dead. Governor St. Clair felt the force of this defeat very keenly and, although he was in no way to blame, he resigned upon leading the remnant of his disheart ened army back to Fort Washington. St. Clair was succeeded by the brilliant and distinguished Anthony Wayne, who became famous in the Revolutionary war. Early in 1792 the general government made provisions for the reorganization and strengthening of the army and in June of that year Wayne came to Pittsburgh, where he remained until October, 1793, organizing and training his army. Then at the head of 3,600 effective men he moved to Fort Washington. During all this time efforts were being made to bring the Indians to a peaceable adjustment of affairs. Major Ham tramck, who was still at Vincennes, succeeded in concluding a peace treaty with the Wabash and with the Illinois tribes, but the tribes more directly under the influence of the British refused to be reconciled, would not listen to the speeches of friendship presented to them and tomahawked several of the messengers sent to them. They had been greatly encouraged by their victory over St. Clair and believed them- 30 HISTORY OF "POSEY COUNTY selves equal to the forces mustered by Wayne. They insisted on the Ohio river as the boundary line between their possessions and those of the United States and determined to defend their claims in battle if necessary rather than make any further concessions. On July 26, 1794, Major-General Scott joined General Wayne with 1,600 mounted volunteers and two days later the united forces proceeded to the Maumee river and, arriving at the confluence of that stream with the Auglaize, they erected Fort Defiance. August 15 Wayne moved his army toward the British fort at the foot of the rapids of the Maumee and here gained a decisive victory over the combined Indian and British forces. The enemy was completely routed and demoralized and after the engagement the woods were full of the dead bodies of Indians and red coats shot down in flight. In the return march to Fort Defiance the villages and corn fields on either side of the Maumee were de stroyed, as well as everything within a large radius of the fort. The next movement on the part of Wayne was to the confluence of the St. Joseph and the St. Mary's rivers, where stood the deserted villages of the Miamis. Here a fort was erected and garrisoned by a strong detach ment of infantry and artillery under Colonel John F. Hamtramck, who named the place Fort Wayne. The Kentucky volunteers who had come in the command of Scott returned to Fort Washington, where they were mustered out of service. General Wayne marched to Greenville and took up his winter quarters and began negotiations with the Indians. Finally, in August, 1795, a general treaty of peace was concluded with all the hostile tribes which had been contesting the territory of the United States beyond the Ohio river. This was known as- the Treaty of Greenville and it opened the way for the rapid settlement of all the lands of the Northwest Territory. In July, 1796, a treaty with Spain was entered into by the United States and the British withdrew from • their posts in the territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio river. The next thing of importance to our present story was the organiza tion of the territory of Indiana in 1800, immediately following which the attention of Governor Harrison was called by the federal government to the necessity of making a final adjustment of affairs with all Indians still holding claims to lands within the limits of the territory. In the course of the next five years he succeeded in closing several treaties with the Indians by which 46,000 square miles of land were added to those already obtained by the government. This land acquired by Gov ernor Harrison included all that lying on the borders of the Ohio river, between the mouth of the Wabash and the western boundary of Ohio! Among these treaties was the one which ceded Posey county to the white man. Settlement had already begun within its borders before the treaty was consummated. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 3 1 In his message to the territorial legislature in 1806 Governor Har rison congratulated the people upon the fact that peace had been brought about with the Indians and the lands opened to civilized devel opment. He advanced the opinion that further war would not be nec essary unless the Indians were driven to arms by a succession of injus tices. However, he remarked by the way that the Indians were already making complaints which were far from being groundless. While the laws provided the same punishments for offenses committed against the Indian as against a white man, the laws were so administered that in every case the Indian got the worst of it, whether he was the offender or the one against whom the offense was committed. Crimes against him went unpunished, while he was severely punished even for the smallest crime against his boasted superior. From the time the treaties were closed in 1805 until 1810, the Indians complained bitterly against the encroachments of the white men on ground which belonged to them selves, and of the ¦ unjustifiable killing of many of their number. In laying the matter before Governor Harrison an old chief used these words : "You call us your children ; why do you not make us happy as our fathers, the French, did? They never took from us our lands; in deed, they were in common between us. They planted where they pleased; they cut wood where they pleased; so did we. But now if a poor Indian attempts to take a little bark from a tree to cover him from the rain, up comes a white man and threatens to shoot him, claiming the tree as his own." It is more to the credit of the Indian than anything else that these continued offenses should end in war. In the midst of their tribulation and unrest there arose a prophet among the red men. This was none other than the brother of Tecumseh, the crafty Shawnee. His name was Law-le-was-i-kaw, but upon assuming the character of the prophet he took the name of Pems-quat-a-wah, or the Open Door, signifying that he was the means of opportunity for his people. Open Door was a gifted orator. He began by preaching a crusade against witchcraft, the drinking of intoxicating liquors, the intermar riage of Indian women with white men, the dress and customs of the white race and the practice of selling Indian lands to the United States. He said that the Great Spirit required them to punish with death those who practiced the arts of witchcraft and magic, and declared that he had been given power to discover all such persons ; to cure all dis eases ; to confound his enemies, and to stay the arm of death in sick ness and on the battlefield. Through the excitement caused by his preaching an old Delaware named Tate-e-bock-o-she, through whose influence the treaty with the Delawares had been made in 1804, was accused of witchcraft and upon his conviction was tomahawked and his body burned. His wife, nephew, and another aged Indian were then accused, tried and condemned. The two men were executed but the 32 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY woman was saved by her brother, who led her out of the council house and, returning, rebuked the proceedings in an effective manner. When the news reached Governor Harrison he sent word to the Indians, plead ing with them to renounce the prophet and return to reasonable ways of thinking. This had some effect but, in 1808, the Open Door, with a large following, settled near the mouth of the Tippecanoe river at a place which was afterward known as Prophet's Town. Meantime, Tecumseh, following up the advantage of his brother's influence, as well as of his own popularity, began the organization of the various tribes into a confederacy. He declared the treaties hitherto entered into in reference to the lands beyond the Ohio river as null and void for the reason that, according to his idea, no single tribe had a right to cede any lands without the consent of the others, as the land belonged to all of them in common. He declared that he and his brother, the Prophet, would oppose any future attempts on the part of the white people to extend their territory. Early in 1808 Governor Harrison sent a speech to the Shawnees in which he accused Open Door of being in league with the British and asked the people to send him away to the lake region. In August of that year the Prophet visited Vincennes and spent several weeks there for the purpose of holding interviews with the governor. He was so smooth and talked so earnestly about his mission as a religious teacher that Harrison was led for the time being to believe him a man of honest motives. But he soon dis covered his double nature and learned that he and his brother, Tecumseh, were enemies of the United States and in league with the British, whom they would induce the tribes to join in case of war between the two nations. In face of all these difficulties Harrison continued to extinguish Indian titles in Indiana and to secure lands for settlement, prosecuting this work in direct opposition to the two Shawnee brothers. In the year 1810 the movements of Tecumseh and Open Door caused so much alarm among prospective immigrants as to materially retard settlement. Under the guise of forming a confederacy to prevent fur ther sale of lands, Tecumseh, at the instigation of the English, was or ganizing a force to oppose the American government. Governor Har rison understood this and used all means he was able to contrive to prevent further progress of the scheme and break up the plot peace fully. In the spring the officials who offered the followers of the Prophet their annuity were insulted and the provisions were refused. In the months that followed the governor made repeated efforts to con ciliate the Prophet, but without avail. Finally, on August 10 of that year, Tecumseh with twenty of his principal warriors came in state to Vincennes to interview the governor. For twelve days Governor Harrison met them in a grove near his house in daily council. Tecumseh said that he wanted the lands which had been ceded to the white men HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 33 northwest of the Ohio and gave the governor the alternative of return ing them or engaging in war with the confederacy. At this time some of the most fertile sections of Indiana were still the property of the Indians, and the eastern and western settlements were separated by the hunting grounds of the savages. It was not satis factory to either white men or Indians, as the lands still held by the red men were now scarce of game and of little real use, while the fact that they were still the property of the Indians was a detriment to set tlement anywhere in the State. Governor Harrison continued to per suade different tribes of Indians to give up the lands which afforded them such scanty sustenance and accept the provisions from the gov ernment, which were ample for all needs. This policy was vigorously opposed by the warriors, who would not agree to give up their habits until compelled to do so. In the year 1811 the British Indian agent adopted measures for the support of the savages in the war which then seemed inevitable. To the last Harrison endeavored to destroy the influence of Tecumseh and the Prophet, but without avail. It was now coming to a point where it was with great difficulty that peace was maintained between the whites and Indians. An Indian would be killed and a white man scalped in return, neighborhood raids and depredations were a constant occur rence and property was being destroyed on both sides. Finally the governor sent a message to Tecumseh and the Prophet telling them that for three years they had threatened the white people with war and that through reliable sources he had the information that it was their intention to murder him and then begin war upon the settlers. He warned them that they were about to undertake a very rash act, as the white men were prepared to defend themselves and that they far outnumbered the strongest force the Indians could muster. He told them that it was not the wish of the white men to hurt them, that it was the desire of the government that they should live long and happily beside the white people, but that they must desist from their hostile preparations and from seizing the salt which belonged to other tribes. He offered them the means to go to Washington for a conference with the President, should they desire to lay their wrongs before him. Te cumseh received the messenger politely and send word to Harrison that he would visit Vincennes in a few days. He came on July 27, 181 1, and brought with him a considerable force, against the specific instruc tions of the governor, who told him he would not allow him to come into the settlements with an armed force. On the day of the arrival of Tecumseh Governor Harrison reviewed the militia of the county — about 750 well armed men — and stationed two companies of militia, and a detachment of dragoons on the borders of the town. Tecumseh made his usual conciliatory talk, claiming that it was not his intention to make 34 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY war, but merely to protect the Indian lands from encroachments. He asked forgiveness for the Indians who had killed white people and said the white people who had killed Indians were forgiven. He promised to send letters among the tribes to stop the depredations and murders and to go south as he wished to unite all the tribes, and upon his return would visit the President of the United States and settle all matters of difficulty. In the meantime he hoped that there would be no attempt to settle the lands ceded at the treaty of Fort Wayne, as he said the Indians needed those lands for themselves. Tecumseh took twenty war riors and went south for the purpose of inducing the southern tribes to join his confederacy. After realizing that peace could not be maintained with the Prophet and his followers, Harrison determined to resort to arms. The President gave him instructions to break up the Prophet's town and to that end he established a new fort on the Wabash. Colonel Boyd's regiment was ordered from the falls of the Ohio to Vincennes and soon Governor Har rison had a powerful military expedition ready to march on Prophet's Town. On September 25, the day they were ready to start a number of chiefs arrived in Vincennes from their objective point and offered to disperse the Indians. This did not check the expedition, which started the next day under the personal command of Harrison. On October 3 the army camped on the site of Fort Harrison, where the city of Terre Haute now stands. On October 11 a few hostile Indians approached the camp, wounding one of the sentinels. Harrison sent a message to Prophet's Town requiring the Shawnees, the Winnebagoes, the Potta- watomies and the Kickapoos who were at that place to return to their respective tribes. The Prophet was required to give up all stolen horses and all murderers of white people. There was no reply made and Har rison pursued the work of erecting the new fort on the Wabash, which by unanimous request of all subordinate officers was called Fort Har rison. It was finished on October 28 and Lieutenant-Colonel Miller was left in charge with a small garrison. The next day Harrison, with a force of about 900 efficient men who could be called into action, moved toward the mouth of the Tippecanoe. About 270 men were mounted and there were in the army only 250 regular army men under Colonel Boyd, while the rest were citizens of Indiana to the number of 600, and sixty militia men from Kentucky. When within half a mile of Prophet's Town a conference was held with the Prophet, who ex pressed surprise at the approach of an armed force. Harrison replied that he would hold an interview with him in the morning and hoped that things might end peacefully. They encamped on a spot of dry oak land which rose about ten feet above the marshy prairie in front of Prophet's Town. As the place was easily accessible to the enemy the order of encampment was the order of battle and each man slept HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 35 immediately opposite his post. The single file formation of troops was adopted in order to extend the lines as far as possible. Here they re mained without action until November 7, when about 4 in the morning, when the governor had just arisen, the left flank was charged by the Indians. The first notice that the troops had that the flank was in dan ger was the yells of the savages a short distance from the line. How ever, they met the situation with much courage. Those who were quick enough seized their arms and took their posts and those who were slower had to contend with the enemy in their tent doors. The storm center at the beginning was in Captain Barton's company of the Fourth United States regiment and in Captain Geiger's company of mounted riflemen, which formed the left angle of the rear line. As soon as the governor could mount he rode to the angle that was attacked and found that Barton's company had suffered severely and that Geiger's had been cut to pieces. Some of the Indians had passed into the encampment near the angle and two had penetrated the line before they were killed. Harrison ordered Cook's and Wentworth's companies to march up to the center of the rear line and form an angle in support. A heavy fire upon the left of the. front line then attracted Governor Harrison's atten tion and he rode up to where the companies of Bean, Snelling and Pres cott and a small company of United States riflemen were stationed. Here Major Davies was forming the dragoons at the rear of these com panies for support. Finding that the heaviest fire proceeded from be hind some trees about twenty paces away, Harrison ordered Major Davies to dislodge the Indians from that position with his dragoons. The Major undertook this enterprise with fewer men than were required for the work and the enemy was thus enabled to avoid his front and attack his flanks. The dragoons were driven back and Major Davies was mortally wounded. Captain Snelling, however, immediately dis lodged the Indians from their position. The work was being done under cover of darkness, as it was a cloudy morning and the few fires of the camp gave more aid to the enemy than to the soldiers and were extinguished shortly after the attack began. Within a few moments the firing extended along the left flank, the whole of the front, the right flank and part of the rear line. The Prophet stood on an elevation near by encouraging his men to battle by singing a favorite war song. The fire upon Spencer's mounted riflemen in the rear was exceedingly severe. Captain Spencer and his two lieutenants, first and second, were killed and Captain Warwick was mortally wounded. The companies stood bravely by their posts, but the attack was so severe on Spencer's command and they suffered so greatly in loss of numbers that Har rison reenforced them with a company of riflemen that had been driven from their position on the left flank. The object of the governor was to keep the line intact and prevent the Indians entering the camp until 36 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY the coming of daylight should give him an opportunity to charge. Ac cordingly, he had reenforced every part of the line that was suffering very greatly from the attack, and as morning approached he withdrew several companies from the front and rear lines in order to reenforce the right and left flanks, knowing that the enemy would make their last stand against these points. When it was light enough to take the offensive Major Wells, who commanded the left flank, charged upon the enemy with the bayonet, driving them into the marsh where they could not be followed. In the meantime Captain Cook and Lieutenant Barabes marched their companies to the rear flank and, forming- under fire, were joined by a company of riflemen and made a charge upon the enemy, killing a number of the Indians and putting the rest to disor derly flight. This ended the famous battle of Tippecanoe, which meant so much to the peace and future development of the State of Indiana and Posey county, which we have now under consideration. The loss on the American side was thirty-seven killed on the field, twenty-five mortally wounded and 126 wounded. There were forty Indians killed on the field and the number wounded was unknown. On November 8 Prophet's Town was totally destroyed, and on the eighteenth, after having cared for their wounded, the army under General Harrison re turned to Vincennes, where the men were honorably discharged and allowed to go back to their homes. The surviving Indians lost their faith in the Prophet and in his ability to call upon the Great Spirit to render the bullets of the enemy ineffective. Those who had come from distant tribes returned to their homes and the confederacy was broken up. The Prophet left without a following and took up his residence with a small band of Wyandottes on Wildcat creek. Resolutions of appreci ation and congratulation were extended to Governor Harrison by the territorial legislature. This would have ended Indian depredations in this section of the country had it not been for the War of 1812, which gave the hostile bands another opportunity. Upon the defeat of his brother, the Prophet, Tecumseh went to On tario to his friends, the English, and from there incited the Indians to an uprising. War between the United States and Great Britain was de clared in June, 1812, and in September of the same year the Indians began to assemble in warlike numbers around Fort Wayne. A lar°-e force attacked Fort Harrison, while at the same time other bands made an extensive raid through the State, particularly in Clark and Jefferson counties, and massacred twenty-four persons at a colony called "Pigeon Roost Settlement." The attack upon Fort Harrison was made early in the morning, which is the Indian custom. There were but fifteen men there able for duty, the others being sick or convalescent, and it was with difficulty that Captain Zachary Taylor, the famous old hero who was in command, succeeded in saving the fort. The Indians set fire HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 37 to the barracks in several places, and when daylight came so that they could be seen and fired upon they retired, killing the horses belonging to the citizens and driving away the cattle and oxen. Relief was imme diately sent from Vincennes to the fort, but the Indians had withdrawn from the neighborhood. Meantime, the little garrison at Fort Wayne was in a desperate situ ation. A dispatch was sent to General Harrison requesting volunteers, but before they could arrive the Indians, learning that Harrison was coming to the relief, began a furious attack upon the little band de fending the stronghold. However, they repelled the attack day after day until General Harrison with 3,500 men came to their relief. He arrived there on the tenth of September and the Indians retreated east and north. The town in the vicinity had been totally destroyed by the savages and as soon as General Harrison had made his camp he sent out two detachments and destroyed all the Indian villages in the whole region. This was the last struggle with the Indians in the State and Fort Wayne was permanently evacuated in 1819. The process of extinguishing Indian titles inaugurated by General Harrison while governor of the territory was carried on until in 1830 there were only two tribes within the boundaries of the State. These were in a degenerate condition, ignorant, indolent, intemperate, depend ent upon their neighbors for sustenance. Without prospects of living by the chase they gave themselves over to acts of reprisal from the nearby white settlements, committing murders and other outrages and display ing their savage customs before the children of the white people. These things made it very desirable to be rid of them entirely and in 1831 the legislature in a joint resolution requested Congress to appropriate enough funds to extinguish the Indian titles within the State. The request was granted and the appropriation was made and the secretary of war designated three citizens to carry the transfer of the lands into effect. The Miami lands were surrounded entirely by white settle ments and it was thought of greatest importance that their lands should be bought. A summons to the treaty was sent to this, tribe and, although the chiefs obeyed promptly and cheerfully, they absolutely refused to sell their lands and go west. The negotiations with the Pottawatomies, however, were successful and they disposed of their entire claims in this State. In July, 1837, the time arrived when, according to the treaty, the Pottawatomie nation had to give up their homeland and remove be yond the Mississippi. It was a sad and solemn affair as they bade a last farewell to their hunting grounds, battle fields and play grounds of their childhood, realizing that they must soon be desecrated by the ploughshare of the white man. In the fall of the year about eighty or ninety of the leading men were taken across the Mississippi to select a 3g HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY new home for their people and the main exodus of about 1,000 people took place in the summer of 1838 under the direction of Colonel Pepper and General Tipton. It was a mournful procession of all sizes and ages of Indians, some in wagons, some on horseback and others on foot. Some seemed to pray, others to weep, and occasionally one of them would break from the line and return to their old camps, declaring that they would die in their native haunts. In this way scores of discontented emigrants returned home from different points in the journey and it was several years before all of them were induced to quit the land for the new home of their kinsmen across the Mississippi. Several years after the Pottawatomies had relinquished their lands in Indiana the Miamis, who were more obstinate, were conducted by coercive methods to the west by an escort of United States troops. Once a powerful nation, the Miamis had deteriorated in numbers and capabilities until at the time of their removal they were fewer than the Pottawatomies, who had for so long enjoyed their hospitality after being driven from their original homes in the lake region. A striking example of Indian savagery is contained in "Recollections of the Wabash Valley," by Cox. On February 11, 1781, a wagoner by the name of Irvin Hinton, accompanied by two young men, Richard Rue and George Holman, aged respectively nineteen and sixteen years, were sent from the block house at Louisville, Kentucky, to Harrodsburg for a load of provisions. Soon after their start a severe snow storm came up and they fired their guns off, intending to reload as soon as the storm ceased so that the melting snow would not dampen the powder in their rifles. Hinton drove, while Rue walked a few rods ahead and Holman about the same distance behind. They were waylaid by Simon Girty, a renegade white man, with thirteen Indians. Being so near the two forts, they made all possible speed to join the rest of the tribe at the vil lage of Wa-puc-ca-nat-ta, which was several days' journey away. There the prisoners were compelled to run the gantlet and in this way were severely beaten. Hinton tried to escape but was brought back to camp and burned at the stake amid horrible orgies. The fire was slow and he was roasted for several hours before death relieved him. After three more days' march the other two prisoners were compelled to run the gantlet again and were nearly killed. It was decided that both should be burned at the stake that night. However, when the preparations were in progress a tall, noble looking Indian who had been opposed to this act of savagery took Holman by the hand and adopted him as his son in place of one he had lately lost. This Indian was Logan, who after ward proved such a staunch friend to General Harrison in his cam paigns for the peace of the Wabash country. The preparations for the burning of Rue went on. The two young men bade each other a touch ing farewell, but just as the faggots had been lighted a young Shawnee HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 39 came to the rescue of the poor fellow and adopted him as his brother. They were in captivity three and one-half years and spent most of this time in the Wabash country. A few days before their escape the two prisoners decided to question the tribal prophet concerning their fam ilies at home. The Indian seer astonished them with correct descrip tions of their loved ones and told them they were soon to go home to them. He described the perilous journey ahead of them, but said that just when they would give up all hope succor would come to them when least expected. He said the first game Rue would succeed in taking would be a male of some kind and after that he would have plenty of game and reach home safely. Strangely enough the prophet kept these things secret from the rest of the tribe, and a few days later the young man succeeded in getting away and, after just such experiences as the prophet had foretold, he reached home completely worn out from three weeks of exposure and walking through the rough country. Holman's party returned to the village of Wa-puc-ca-nat-ta and he was once more put on trial for his life, but was saved by a small vote. In the time of his captivity he saw many brutal scenes enacted, one of them being the burning of a Kentuckian by the name of Richard Hoag- land, who was taken prisoner at the defeat of Colonel Crawford. They roasted him more than twelve hours before he died. The torture was excruciating and upon his begging to be killed they cut gashes in his flesh and heaped burning ashes into the wounds. When he was dead they scalped him, cut his body to pieces, burned it to ashes and scat-* tered these through the village to ward off the evil spirits. After three years and a half in captivity Holman saw an opportunity of going on a mission for destitute Indians. This took him to Harrods- ville, Ky., where he had a rich uncle who paid a ransom for him and he was released. Such were the customs of the race of people who were driven out of Posey county to give place to the civilization now in evidence, and when we consider the improvements which the white men made in the course of a hundred years, having no more at their command than the savages had, namely, the earth and the fullness thereof, it does not seem so much of an injustice that the Indians were deprived of that which they could not or would not use. CHAPTER II. GEOLOGY AND TOPOGRAPHY. DRAINAGE SOIL STRATA FOSSILS MINERALS EMINENT SCIENTISTS EARLY HEADQUARTERS AT NEW HARMONY. Posey county, Indiana, is bounded on the north by Gibson county, on the east by Gibson and Vanderburg, on the south by the Ohio river, and on the west by the Wabash river and the State of Illinois. The Ohio and Wabash rivers meet at its extreme southwestern point and it is crossed by Black river, Big creek and a number of smaller streams. The surface is flat bottom land with the exception of a small area of bluffs commencing at Mt. Vernon and extending four miles below. The land is very low and formerly was subject to yearly overflows. This condi tion has been remedied since the land has been brought under cultiva tion. The interior is undulating or rolling prairie, with the eastern part somewhat hilly. The bottom lands comprise about one-sixth of the area of the whole county and that formerly covered with forest com prises three-fifths. There are no barrens or waste lands in the county. The bottom lands are a rich loam formed by the deposits of the rivers. It is more or less sandy. The soil in the interior formed by vegetation is a dark, rich loam resting upon a substantial yellow clay sub-soil. Geologists have investigated in shafts and borings and classified forty- two different strata of soil and rock under the surface. These have been tabulated as follows: i. Buff, brown, red and mottled shales, ex tending to a depth of two feet. 2. Merom sandstone, soft, shaly upper division, twenty to twenty-five feet thick. 3. Merom sandstone, massive in quarry beds, ten to thirty feet in thickness. 4. Dark gray or buff shales and flaggy sandstones, with clay iron stones, ten to twenty feet. 5. A poor grade of brown coal, third rash coal about a foot in depth. 6. Flaggy or thick bedded sandstone, ripple marked nine to four feet. 7. Hard, clinky, gray limestone, at bottom irregular and sometimes flinty, passing to the west to a calcareous shale two to six feet. 8. Argillaceous shale and shaly sandstone thirty-four feet in places and absent in other spots. 9. Black slate, with fish spines and fossils, nar row strata. 10. Second rash coal, very thin strata. 11. Fire clay, about one foot where it occurs at all. 12. Gray shale, six feet deep in places. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY- 41 13. Limestone (yellow ferruginous), three to twelve feet deep. 14. Gray shale, ninety-eight feet. 15. First rash coal and black slate, very thin strata. 16. Fire clay, one to two feet. 17. Soft, flaggy, blue, buff and gray sandstone, with much gray shale and beds of clay iron-stone and nodules, sixty to 121 feet. 18. Yellow and gray sandstone, often giving good quarry beds, fifteen to twenty-nine feet. 19. Gray and buff alluminous, arenaceous or shaly, flaggy sandstone, with iron-stone nod ules and shaly concretions, twenty-nine to eight feet. 20. Black slate or clod, with fossils one foot deep. 21. Coal, N, choice gassy caking, two feet. 22. Fire clay, at bottom shaly, with iron balls, five feet. 23. Buff or gray limestone, with Choetetes, eight to five feet. 24. Gray or white shale, with nodules of iron-stone and bands of sandstone thirty to forty feet. 25. Siliceous shale, passing into massive sandrock to south and west ; anvil rock of Lesquereux and Owen, sixty to seventy-one feet. 26. Black slate and clod, with many animal and vegetable fossils, two to one feet. 27. Ingleside coal M, laminated coal, one foot four inches; parting, two inches to nothing; solid cubic coal, two feet eight inches to four feet. 28. Fire clay, four feet. 29. Fire clay with pyrite balls, three feet. 30. Siliceous shale, eleven feet. 31. Argillaceous sandstone, five feet. 32. Gray shale and soapstone, sixty-four feet. 33. Soapstone with plant remains, very thin strata. 34. Coal L, impure cannel coal, one foot six inches. 35. Fire clay, two feet. 36. . 37. Siliceous shales and coarse, massive ferruginous sandstone, ninety to 120 feet. 38. Bituminous limestone and black slate, two to eight feet. 39. Coal K, coking pyritous, one foot. 40. Laminated fire clay, two to one foot. 41. Siliceous and black aluminous shales with lands and pockets of nod ular ore, ten to thirty feet. 42. Conglomerate sandrock, no to 180 feet. 43. Coal A, three feet. 44. Dark or black shale with iron ore, thirty to five feet. 45. Chester sandstone and lower carboniferous limestone, depth of strata unknown. The above general description applies to the whole county, with a few local variations and details. The following section was observed at the Harmony cut-off, which is, as the name indicates, a place cut off from the mainland by an arm of the river. It contains 2,000 acres of rich river bottom land, hence the first strata is described as: 1. Alluvium running from thirty to ten feet deep. 2. Loess, twenty to ten feet. 3 Clay, sand, gravel, etc., sorted from glacial drifts, thirty to thirteen feet 4. Merom sandstone, massive in eastern parts, to the west laminated fifty to twenty feet. 5. Limestone, four to twelve feet. 6. Black shale 7. Upper rash coal, ten feet. 8. Shaly sandstone, ten to forty feet. 9 Concretionary iron balls, one foot. 10. Calcareous shale, with fossils one to two feet. n. Black, sheety shale, with coprolites and fossil remains, one to two feet. 12. Lower rash coal. 13. Gray shales with plant remains to low water in river, two to four feet. 42 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY The lower sandstones of this locality show casts of strong, growing plants representing the Permo-carboniferous age. This section extends to the depth of n6y2 feet and does not reach the bottom of the upper coal region and indicates that the horizon of workable coals he from 200 to 500 feet below. A section was taken near the county line on the southwest quarter of section 32, township 6, range 11, where the upper limestones were well developed. It ran as follows : Loess, loam, twenty feet; red sand loess, four feet; soft merom sandstone, twenty-six feet; shaly sandstone, twelve feet; blue limestone, three feet to one foot; calcareous argillite, three feet; gray and buff limestone with fossils, eight feet; gray shale to brook, two feet. Formerly the more compact of the merom standstone formed occa sional "rock houses" which were used for shelter by Indians and wild animals. Very little of the coal found has been either sufficient in quan tity or good enough in quality to justify mining, although in the early days a thin coal was worked for blacksmith's use on section 1, town ship 6, range 12. Six miles north of New Harmony the following section appears: Covered tops of hills, seventy feet; limestone with fossils, two feet; shaly sandstone, five feet; soft shales with plants and stems, twenty- one feet; coal, one foot; fire clay, two feet. Coal occurs in two thin seams eight miles north of New Harmony, in a ten-inch bed on Big creek, near the New Harmony and Mt. Vernon road, and on Rush creek in a thin strata ten to eighteen inches thick. These beds are generally covered with soft shales exposing plant and fossil remains. The fol lowing is the section at Blairsville: (1) alluvial soil and loess, five feet; (2) shales and shaly sandstone, fifteen feet; rash coal, three inches; fire clay with broken plants, six feet; sandstone, six feet; fire clay and trace coal, three inches ; shales and shaly sandstone to creek, one foot. The sandstone of this section has contained many remarkable specimens of fossil remains, which have been taken out and preserved. The following section was taken at New Harmony : Soil and sub-soil, one to six feet; loess, six to thirty feet; drift, yellow clay with small crystalline boulders, ten to twenty feet ; hard, blue clay, about one foot ; merom sandstone, seldom suited for building purposes, ten to fifty feet ; argillaceous and siliceous shales, five to ten feet ; coal, six inches to one foot ; fire clay, one to three feet ; limestone, about two feet ; argillaceous, jointed and bluish gray shale, twenty to thirty feet; schistose sand stone, highly micaceous, three to six feet; banded limestone, several inches; calcareous shale and limestone, full of fossils, two to twenty- five feet ; argillaceous shales with coal plants, two feet ; coal, six inches ; bluish under clay, full of fossil plants. The most valuable geological feature of Posey county is the lime stones. That on Big creek is black and very close grained. It admits HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 43 of a high polish and can be used for table tops and decorative purposes. The limestone opposite Diamond Island is thick and very valuable. That found in Bethel township is earthy and destitute of fossils. At the New Harmony cut-off the lower part of the Kerom sandstones and the upper part of the shales are shown. About ten feet of the sandstone is coarse grained and reddish brown in color, underneath which lies five or six feet of argillaceous shale containing a seam of poor coal eight inches thick, underlaid with fire clay, beneath which is an earthy limestone. The next strata is shale and the next is a sandstone used for building purposes. The remarkable feature of the geological deposits of Posey county is the plant and fossil remains, and in the past the soil has been the "happy hunting ground" for numerous eminent scientists. Beautiful fossilized ferns, trunks of upright trees, six inches to a foot in diameter and three feet or more high, remains of extinct animals, all have gone from this locality to enrich the geological and natural history collec tions of the country. One of the prominent early collectors was Dr. Richard Owen, who was appointed State geologist and who, with his brother, Dr. D. D. Owen, came to New Harmony in 1832 from studying in Europe. In 1837 Dr. D. D. Owen was made United States geologist, with headquarters at New Harmony, these headquarters being continued until 1856. With the two Owens, one in charge of the United States survey, the other in charge of the Indiana survey, both at New Har mony, also Dr. J. G. Norwood, in charge of Illinois, the town became one of the most prominent geological centers of the country and all the leading scientists in that line frequented the place. Among those con nected with the Kentucky survey under Dr. D. D. Owen were Major Sidney Lyon, Professor E. T. Cox, Leo Lesquereux, Mr. Nicholson, civil engineer and topographist. In the Arkansas survey were E. T. Cox, Leo Lesquereux, Dr. Elderhorst (author of Elderhorst on the Blow pipe) and Joseph Lesley. The Illinois survey was handled by J. G. Norwood, chief; Henry Pratten, J. H. Wolfers, Dr. Varner, A. H. Worthen and J. H. McChesney. In the Indiana survey Richard Owen was assisted by Leo Lesquereux. Dr. D. D. Owen founded one of the best museums of natural history in the country, using as the foundation the vast and valuable collection of William McClure, who crossed the Alleghany mountains in the early days to study their structure, and located finally at New Harmony. He had traveled in many countries and his collection included specimens from Italy, Spain, Portugal, West Indies, Mexico and France. Dr. Owen had instructions from the government to locate the salt springs, mineral-bearing rocks previous to offering the lands for sale, and point them out for preservation. He covered that part of the North west which is now Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa in the short period 44 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY of two months and laid his report before Congress. In order to do this he employed several hundred men. They were divided into companies, each with an intelligent head, and each allotted a district in which to gather specimens. At each camping place men were secured to hunt and provide food for the entire company. Dr. Owen himself visited each camp at stated points to give instructions and study the work ac complished. After the completion of the Smithsonian Institution at Washington the headquarters of the government surveys were established in that city. A. H. Worthen became State geologist of Illinois with headquar ters at Springfield, and in 1869 Professor E. T. Cox became State ge ologist of Indiana and the headquarters for this State were removed from New Harmony to Indianapolis. The valuable collections were removed and many of them taken to the State University at Bloom- ington. The archaeology of Posey county consists in the relics of the Mound Builders' period. Copper was beaten into thin plates for buttons, gor gets and tiny bells; hard flint was polished to a high degree; shells of the ocean were worked into ornaments ; beautiful vases and vessels were made into perfect symmetry, and the native pearls of the Wabash were prepared and pierced for beads. At West Franklin several good-sized mounds may be seen 170 feet above the Ohio river. A clump of mounds on the bluff overlooking New Harmony were explored by the early sci entists. An analysis of the water shows an excess of magnesia, which, how ever, disappears to a great extent upon the water being exposed to the air. The river bottom lands are due to causes now in action. The solid rocks by exposure to the elements have become disintegrated and ground into sands and clays, the finer particles of which have combined with rich organic matter. This deposit is always above or against the sides or evacuated edges of older river beds. Evacuations at Evansville, Ind., and Henderson, Ky., show a bed of river shells which indicates an era when the Ohio was much lower than at present, and which tells a story of life and climate in a time far remote. The mollusks found at these points indicate a tropical climate and may be intimately connected with the lasustral age, which was the epoch of warm climate succeeding the glacial period. The deposits indicate great lakes or slow moving la goons by which this section was largely submerged at that time. Next in order was the ice age and the deposits indicate the youthful vigor of the Wabash. It sorted out the different deposits and they lodged where the current left them, a ripple causing a deposit of gravel or boulders, a slower current leaving banks of sand and eddy currents making banks' of clay. The natural resources of the county may be summed up as being HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 45 largely in the rich soil, which yields abundant crops of all varieties of grain, vegetables and fruits common to the temperate regions. The wood which at one time covered the whole county has now largely disappeared and such coal as was workable has been mined out. There remain, however, the valuable limestones above mentioned. The Ohio and Wabash rivers furnish power for manufacturing purposes. CHAPTER III. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. CUSTOMS AND HARDSHIPS OF THE PIONEER EARLY DAY DEFENSES INCIDENTS OF PIONEER LIFE. The settlement of Posey county began in the first decade of the Nine teenth century, while that section of the country was still claimed by the Indians, the possession of southern Indiana having been finally' set tled at the battle of Tippecanoe, in 1811, when the great Miami Con federacy was completely crushed. It is not known just when the ear liest settler came. The first records of land entries were in 1807, but those making the entries doubtless came much earlier. Among the first mentioned in history is the Black family, that located in the town ship named for them in 1806. This family has grown quite large and is still prominently identified with the interests of the community. The head of the family at the time they located in Posey county was Thomas Black. He had four sons — James, William, Thomas and John. The three latter were killed in the battle of Tippecanoe. In 1810 James Black completed the first mill ever built in Black township. It was a horse power mill and was begun by William Weir. Later Mr. Black built a water mill and moved his old mill to the same place. Another early family was that of Adam Albright, who with his sons. Adam, Wil liam and John, came from North Carolina, in 1807. They formed what was known as the Albright settlement in Black township. William Weir, Amos Robinson, Samuel Gill, Thomas Givens, Gen. William Henry Harrison and Jabez Jones also came to Black township in 1807. General Harrison entered a portion of the land on which the city of Mt. Vernon now stands. His claim called for 317 acres of section 8. He tried to sell out to James Black, who would not buy because one of the McFaddins was squatting there and refused to give it up. Harrison sold all this land to Aaron Williams, of Big Prairie, 111., for a horse and some money, borrowed of James Black. The McFaddin family mentioned as having been squatting on the land were also one of the earliest in the township. There were several McFaddin families, all related, and they had some queer nicknames, such as "Slim," who claimed the honor of having fired the first gun at Tippecanoe, and "Pid- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 47 dle-de-dum," also "Big" and "Little" Jim. The bluff on the river was named for this family. The Aldridge family came in 1810 from North Carolina. The father was John Aldridge, who was a blacksmith, and the sons were Samuel, Elijah, Reuben, Henry, William and Aaron. The Todd family, also, came from North Carolina, their native town being Charlottesville. The original members of the family in Black township were William and Hugh. Other families who settled in the township before the battle of Tippecanoe were the Rowes, Dunns, Jef fries and the Andrews, Nestlers, Ashworths, Frenches, Bacons, Ken nedys, the Burlisons, Joseph Holleman, Thomas Russell and George Harshman, who located in what is known as Prairie Settlement. Most of the foregoing names are familiar in Black township and in Posey county today. Nathan and Moses, who represented the Ashworth fam ily, brought two slaves with them. Moses was a Methodist preacher. There were four of the Bacons — Aaron, Edmond, Samuel and Joseph. The two latter brought two slaves with them, but as they could not hold them they were taken south and sold. Aaron Bacon was one of the early sheriffs of Posey county and served from 1820 to 1824. The first settler to enter land in Harmony township was Isaac White, in 1807. John Gray entered in 1809, Isham Fuller in 181 1, John Phillips and Thomas Tuggles in the same year. In Robb township Joshua Overton and Joseph Montgomery came with their families in 1808. William Nelson and Robert Allman entered land in 1809, James Allen, Samuel Murphy and Joseph Johnson in 1810, and Jonathan Jaquess, Maxwell Jolly, Thomas Shouse, Thomas Allmon, Daniel Drake, James Rankin and John Cox in 181 1. In Smith township the first en tries were by Elsberry Armstrong, Miles Armstrong and Joseph Garris, in 1810, and by James Rankin in 181 1, although it seems highly probable that there were settlements far in advance of any land entries, the land office being difficult of access and there being no necessity in owning a claim until there were people enough living in the community to make protection of one's interests necessary. Lynn township shows no en tries prior to 1815. John Gray and Thomas Rodgers entered land in Center township in 1809. In Marrs township Thomas E. Casselberry entered land in 1807, and John and Alexander Barton and William Dow- nen in 181 1. In Point, originally Daniel township, or "The Daniel Ter ritory," the first settlement in Posey county was made by Thomas Jones. William Broadhead entered land in 1800. Samuel Kimmel en tered land here in 1809. John Waller took land in Bethel township in 1807, James Farris in 1808, and John McQuidy and Mathias Mounts in 181 1. In Robinson township there are no records of settlements prior to 181 1, although there must have been squatters located there before that time. After the control of this portion of the country was permanently 48 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY wrested from the Indians at the battle of Tippecanoe, there was an in flux of settlers. Those coming prior to 1820 will be mentioned as "early settlers," although this did not conclude the pioneer period, the settlers for many years later having to endure many of the hardships and priva tions that were the lot of those coming in the early years of the century. Those locating in the county in 1812 were Andrew McFaddin, B. W. Moore and Lowery Hay, in Black township; James Murphy, in Robb township ; William Sample in Marrs township ; Thomas Shouse in Bethel township. In the year 1813 the following took homesteads : Solomon Nelson, Samuel Aldridge and Alexander Willis in Black township ; Samuel Jaquess in Harmony township ; John Wilkins and Thomas Robb in Robb township; W. M. Steel and David Benson, in Smith township; Paul Casselberry, Elsberry and Samuel B. Marrs, in Marrs township ; Seth Hargrave and James Black, in Point township. In 1814 land was entered by David Thomas, Samuel Gregg and Thomas Miller in Black township ; by Ignatius Leavitt, Robert Allen, Thomas Randolph, John Rodgers, James Ritchey, William Nelson and Thomas Barton in Harmony township ; Right Stallings, Peter Jones, William Harrigan, Warner Clark, Simeon Reecles, John Stroud, John Waller, Thomas and William Harrison, Harrison Sartin, John Gwaltney, Wil liam Stallings, Langston Drew, Leander Defer, Thomas Owens, John Crabtree, William Price, Thomas Rodgers and John Robards in Robb township ; Joseph Rosborough, Simon Williams, George and Bennett Williams, William Downey, George Smith and Regina Gale in Smith township; by Samuel Elbin in Lynn township; Adam Young, William Barton, Jacob and James Winemiller, Robert Dery, John Moon and El- kanah Williams in Marrs township ; Samuel Aldridge, George Bow, Hugh Todd, Robert Hargrave, Nathaniel Ewing, Samuel Parr and Joseph Kennedy in Point township ; Thomas Denney in Robinson town ship. In 1815 were Thomas Templeton and John Caldwell, in Black town ship; George Rapp and the "Harmonie Association," Wiliiam Rodgers and Robert Randolph in Harmony township; John Drew, William Gray, Nathan Britton, John Calvin, Richard Harrison, William McPherson and Ezekiel Kight, and a colony of forty-four persons, among whom were the following names : Jonathan Jaquess, James Rankin, Joseph Endicott, William Casey, Alexander Ferguson, Asburry C. Jaquess, Harry En dicott, Betsey Cooper, Polly Price and Lucinda Casey in Robb township ; Thomas McClure, John Smith, Thomas Duncan, William Smith, Isaac Kimball, Robert Davis, Thomas Ashley and Simpson Richey in' Smith township; George Rapp and his association, David Lynn, Abel Math ews, Robert Wilson and Thomas Miller in Lynn township ; Sharp Garris, William Dodge, Andrew E. Cross, George Rapp and his association, and HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 49 William Weir in Center township; William Hutcheson, Benjamin and Needham Blount in Marrs township ; Aaron Bacon in Point township ; George Rapp and the association, Isaac and Alexander Boyer, Samuel Williams and Joseph Green in Bethel township. The setters who filed on land in 1816 were James Moore, Absalom Willis, Reason Calvin, Samuel Jones, Thomas Nestler, Joseph Johnson, Samuel Elbin, Francis Miller and Mark Barrett in Black township; Clement Estes, Joseph Endicott, Joshua Overton, Thomas Maclure, Legro Bennett, John Calvin, Jesse Britton, Frederick Rapp, James An derson and Jesse Cox in Robb township ; William Davis, Henry Casey, Stephen Eaton, John Neal, Sallie Sanders, Willis Armstrong and Zach- ariah Harris in Smith township ; Alexander Heighman, John Saltz- man, Aquilla Mathews, Michael Saltzman, Abel Mathews and John Wilson in Lynn township ; Sharp Garriss, John Crunk, William Nel son, Thomas Wilson, D. Lynn, John Stallings, Jacob Kern and Wil liam Alexander in Center township ; Lawrence Stull in Marrs township ; Rezin Halsell and Samuel Barton in Robinson township ; and John Neal in Bethel township. The land entries of 181 7 were made by the following: Thomas Duck worth, James Duckworth, Daniel Barton, Edward Blount, F. & S. Cully, James Moore, Robert Castles, John Russel, Peter Wilkinson, John Walker in Black township ; Lawrence Stull and John Walker in Robb town ship ; John McConnell, Louis Williams, Jonathan Jaquess, George Eaton, Stubel Garrett, Samuel McReynolds and Joshua Elkins in Smith township; Frederick Rapp in Lynn township; Andrew Cavitt from Pennsylvania, Joshua and Caleb Wade, near Wadesville, Wright Stall ings, Joseph McReynolds, Jesse Stallings, John Hay, Frederick ,Rapp, Samuel Scott, Al Wilson, John D. Hay, David A. Willis, Thomas Leavett in Center township ; Jeffrey Sanders, John Williams and Charles Smith in Marrs township ; Thomas Jones, Christopher Ash- worth and Elisha Boudinott in Point township ; William Dodge in Rob inson township; and George Barnett, John S. Campbell, Carmelia Car penter, Thomas Jordan and John E. Wilson in Bethel township. In 1818 there were Sylvester French, Anson S. Andrews, Daniel A. Willis, Elisha Phillips, Samuel Phillips, Joseph P. Coburn, William Moffitt, Aaron Burlison, Christopher Nelson, Edward Trafford, Wil liam Russell and Jacob Kern in Black township; Benjamin Cater in Harmony township ; James Robb in Robb township ; Elisha Kimball, Herndon Meadows, George Lowe and Harrison Meadows in Smith township; Ajax Campbell, David Ball, Jonathan Robinson, Michael Smith, Thomas Smith, James Owens and James Robb in Center town ship ; Elias McNamee in Marrs township ; Martin Shlater, George Hershman, John Hamilton and David Greathouse in Point township; William Rodgers, Ajax Campbell, Charles Kimball, Ezekiel Dukes, 50 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY John Crunk, Joel Pruitt and Alexander S. Morrow in Robinson town ship; and Robert Allen, Jesse Spann, John B. Rachels, Gillison Price and Nicholas Harding in Bethel township. Those locating claims in 1819 were Joseph Cully, Aaron Moore, John Bradley, John Burlison, Elijah Cully and John Goad in Black town ship ; Absalom Kinson in Lynn township ; William F. Daniel in Point- township ; Stephen Eaton, William Griffin, Jacob Whittaker, Jesse Wil liams and William Browder in Bethel township. The majority of these people were here several years before their names were listed as homesteaders. The land office was at Vincennes, and the only means of travel was horseback, and the settler often had to go alone that was a hazardous journey, on account there being no roads and the woods being infested with wild animals and Indians. The first settlements were made along the Ohio river, the early set tlers coming from the south side of the river. The only means of mar keting produce was by flatboats, and "flatboating" was the occupation of many of the first comers. It is said by the pioneers who were fa miliar with the usage of those times that often when a flatboat was hailed on the Ohio or Mississippi river the following conversation took place : "Where do you hail from?" "Posey county, Hooppole township, Pumpkin postoffice, three miles behind the meetin' house." "What's your cargo?" "Fruit and lumber." "What kind of fruit and lumber?" "Hooppoles and dried pumpkin." This was in the days when the iron hooppole had not yet come into use and the Southern States did not have the kind of saplings that made a good hooppole for their molasses and sugar barrels, and the article was imported from Illinois. It was a long and tedious voyage to New Orleans, the trip taking weeks, and even months to accomplish. Whiskey also was an important article of commerce, as this was about the only way any money could be realized from the grain grown in this section of the country. One of the earliest of these flatboat trad ing and landing points was in Point township, at the mouth of the Wabash river. The first white man in the county, Thomas Jones, located here in the latter part of the Eighteenth century, and died at the place in 1826. Later a man by the name of Roach located here and his place became important as a commercial point, the flatboats often extending a mile in length along the river waiting for their cargoes. Mr. Roach died in 1848. Other early settlers at this point were Samuel Black, Nathaniel Miller, the Robinson family, Summers, and old keel- boatman, George Henchet, James Conner, William and Isaac James, a man by the name of Edwards, the Bacon family, 'Squire Love, Capt. Henry Stripe and the Greathouse and Dixon families. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 51 In the settlement of Posey county there were a number of colonies, the largest of which was the "Harmonie Association," of which George Rapp was the head. This colony came to the county in the winter of 1814 and 1815 and took land in Harmony, Lynn, Center and Bethel townships. Upon their relinquishment of their holdings the land was occupied by the followers of Mr. Owen, who also headed a commu nity. On September 25, 1815, a colony of forty-four persons from Cynthiana, Ky., located in Robb township, about a mile from Poseyville, near the Sulphur Springs. There are many pioneers on the list of those coming into the county previous to or shortly after 1820 that are not found on the land lists. Silas Parker located in Robinson township near the point where the New Harmony & Evansville road crosses the Cynthiana & Diamond Island road. Near him Ezekiel Dukes settled in 1820, also John, Jacob and William McMann. Other early settlers in the same township were Richard Edwards and the Grant family, south of Blairs- ville, Samuel Lee, a blacksmith, north of the same town, and Hugh Mc- Kinnis, David Murphy, Greenberry Radcliff, John Stephenson, John DePlaster, Frederick Christ and Herman Ryster near Blairsville. Near St. Wendel the early pioneers were Samuel and Steve McCollons, George Ramsey, James Haynes, Daniel G. Walson and Benjamin Garris. Hon. William Heilman and Mr. Weis were early German settlers. John Wil liams, John Raller, John Mitz, Utley Mills, Samuel and Jonathan Wil kins, William Hopson, Samuel and Daniel Barton and Thomas Denney were other settlers in this township. In Marrs township the following are among the first inhabitants: Alexander Barton, Moses Calvin, George Daws, John Caborn, William Hutcheson, James Benbrook, Ga briel David, Hamilton Corson, James B. Campbell, Bedford Lynn, Judge Marrs, Lewis Benner, Michael Schrieber, John Vanwey, Wilson Jones, the Forris family, John Usery and others. In Center township there was Joseph Robinson, father of Jonathan and James Robinson, the Wade family, for whom Wadesville was named, John Parish, David Ball, the Wallaces, Smiths and Wilkinsons. Reuben Stallings brought four negro slaves with him — George, Jerry, Becca and Morning, but as slavery was not tolerated they were soon taken back. Prominent among the early families in Lynn township was that of Billy Alexander, who had three sons — William, John and Silas ; John Noel, Henry Kivett, Samuel York, John Server, a Methodist class leader, F. and Edmond Bacon, the Goad family, John Turney and Elias Altizer. The earliest industries were horse-power mills for the grinding of grain and the sawing of lumber, and the manufacture of whiskey. As many of the settlers were from the adjoining or near-by Southern States, nearly everybody raised a small patch of cotton, and cotton gins were also used. Wool was carded, spun and woven by hand, leather was 52 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY tanned and made up into shoes and harness at home or by a neighbor,. with whom work was exchanged. Hides were frequently tanned on the shares. As in all early rural communities, it was the custom to make house-raisings, log-rollings, husking-bees, and, in fact, the whole neigh borhood joined in to help in any work which the family alone could not well accomplish. These gatherings were the principal social functions of the community as well as occasions of labor, and corn-huskings were looked forward to with much pleasurable anticipation, and this labor, which was thus made a sport, was engaged in heartily by both men and women. At night-fall, after the day's work was over, the dance com menced to the music of the bones and fiddle, and by the light of the. tallow-dip. So the rigors of early pioneer life were lightened by a com munity of interest and good feeling among the neighbors. The early farm implements were very rude. The "jumping devil" was used for breaking new soil. It was a home-made affair, fashioned after the man ner of the single-shovel ploughs, only much stouter and heavier. Ploughs with wooden mouldboards were in use as late as 1850. In the earlier days oxen were much in use to do the heavy work of clearing the soil and breaking the ground for the first time. The roads were so poor that they made the most practical animal for hauling for many. years,, as they have more strength and patience than a horse and were cheaper and more easily handled than the mule. Wheat was originally sown broadcast and covered by dragging a huge pile of brush over the field by oxen. In later years the wooden toothed harrow took the place of the brush, and finally this instrument was supplemented by the iron- toothed harrow. Up to 1840 wheat was reaped in the same manner that it was thousands of years ago when Ruth gleaned after the reapers. In that year cradles were introduced and were regarded as a wonderful in vention. Corn was dropped by hand and covered with a hoe. As the- settlers had to raise their clothing, flax also was grown, and the process of pulling, rotting, breaking, swingling, hackling, spinning and weaving was done by the women. Enough cotton was raised to supply the needs of the family, so that in all things these pioneers were independent of foreign articles, either for food, clothing, building or machinery, as most of the latter was also home-made. Even the guns used in defense and for killing game were made in Posey county. One of the early gun smiths was Cornelius Foster, known as "Rifle Foster." He was a promi nent character in early times, and was a very large man weighing 300 pounds. He was a preacher as well as gunsmith and used to preach in one denomination until trouble arose and then go to another denomina tion and remain there as long as he could do so peaceably. He was sometimes a Methodist, and sometimes a Baptist. Small horse mills were established all over the county in the first two decades of the century, and grain which had been threshed with a HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 53 flail was carried to these mills on horseback. It was necessary to wait until the mill could grind the grist and the time was filled in by those waiting in such sports as rifle practice, jumping, wrestling, etc. Some times one had to wait a whole day until those ahead of him were served, as the horse mill had a capacity of only twenty-five bushels per day. Each man in turn had to hitch his horse to the mill to grind his own grain. As distilleries were frequently maintained in connection with the grist mills, the form of pastime engaged in often took the form of a joy drunk. Later, near the close of the second decade, the horse-mills were replaced by water-mills, and still many years later steam mills were installed. As we have mentioned, the clothing of the pioneers was cotton, linen and wool, home grown and home manufactured. Their food at first consisted in wild game, of which there were deer, turkey, bear and smaller game, grain and vegetables and wild fruits. In course of a few years as the timber was cleared and the wild game and wild fruits disappeared they were replaced by domestic meats and orchard fruits. Wolves were so plentiful as to be a menace to sheep, often attacking them in day light. At night the sheep had to be locked in a secure enclosure for safety. Wolves were hunted by riflemen, trapped or caught in pens. There was practically no home market for anything raised in this section in early times. For that reason the perishable goods that could not be taken to other markets in flatboats brought an extremely low price. It was nothing unusual for a person to walk several miles to the nearest town carrying a basket of eggs and butter, receiving for the former 6% to 12% cents per dozen and for the butter about that much per pound. Pork was always killed at home and brought from 1^ to 3j4 cents per pound. The horse-mills have been referred to; however, there was a time before the introduction of these mills when the settlers had to grind the grain by hand. The methods employed take us back to prehistoric times. After sowing the grain by hand, covering it with a brush, reap ing it with a grain hook, beating it out with a flail, cleaning it by running it through a sieve and allowing the air to carry away the chaff by an artificial current made by waving a sheet over the grain, it was then ready to be ground. A mortar was made by hollowing out a rock, or a big stump. A heavy wooden pestle was shaped to fit the mortar and used to crush the grain. When the meal was fine enough it was run through a buckskin sieve. It is small wonder that very little wheat was grown for market considering the laborious methods employed to produce it. As corn required so much less work it was grown in pref erence to wheat, even for family use. The use of the mortar required a man's strength, but often when the women wanted to use some of the early-ripened ears of corn before the harvest had been gathered 54 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY they would husk a few ears and manufacture the meal by the use of what looked to be a huge nutmeg grater. This grater was made by driving nail holes in a piece of tin and fastening it to a board. As corn was the easiest grain to raise, so pigs were the least expensive animals, and the diet of the early settlers may be said to have consistd largely of corn bread and pork, or at least these were the mainstay in the way of food stuffs. The prices of food stuffs not only shows the lack of demand for the articles, but also the scarcity of the "coin of the realm." The money of those days current in Posey county was in silver 6%, I2j4, 25 and 50-cent pieces, with only an occasional dollar. A good farm hand le- ceived $8.00 per month, and according to the prices of what he raised he was lucky enough, for wheat brought only 40 cents per bushel, in contrast to the dollar wheat of these times, which does not require one-hundredth part of the work ; corn was 123^ cents, and was exchanged for whiskey, bushel for gallon. Posey county, as well as most of the State of Indiana, was covered with an excellent and valuabe growth of timber. Had this wood been left growing the land would now be worth several times its present value, but as several generations have in the meantime been able to subsist upon it, which would have been impossible had it been left in virgin forest, it has been worth more to the race by having been cleared. Every tree, no matter how fine a growth, or what the variety of wood, was marked for destruction by the pioneers who could see nothing in trees at that time except an enemy usurping the ground which they needed to raise bread. So every tree was felled or "deadened," and only sufficient of the wood was reserved to fence the clearing, the rest being burned up. In this way valuable black walnut, white oak and other wood was destroyed, which, if preserved to the present day, would have been worth untold millions of dollars. We have mentioned the early saw mills, which were built along the Wabash and Ohio and other streams, but for a number of years before they came into use the lum ber was sawed by hand with a whip-saw. It seems a shame to have wasted all these millions of feet of the best lumber on the continent, but as there was then no market for it, and as the settlers needed the land it could not have been avoided. The original price of land, tim ber and all, was $2.00 per acre. It went back to $1.25 per acre, while rich bottom land was worth about 12^ cents. Hard as the facts of existence were in Posey county a century ago, the early pioneers did not forget that the spirit must be satisfied as well as the body, and scarcely had they erected their own rude dwellings than they began to think of churches and meeting houses. In the ab sence of all forms of entertainment with which we are familiar, the church was a greater factor in the life of the community than it is at HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 55 present. While we find it impossible to attend church if the weather is the least bit inclement, or the distance more than a few blocks, the pioneers often rode ten, twenty and even forty and sixty miles over rough roads, perhaps behind an ox team, to attend the occasional ser vices held in the little log churches of those times. Here it was that the deacon or pastor lined out the hymns and the congregation sang with their whole hearts, and listened to the rigid interpretation of the Gospel, which, though it seems to us of this day a narrow interpreta tion, was none the less sincere, and made for good citizenship. Bap tists and Methodists predominated, although there were the Cumberland Presbyterians, tjhe Disciples, and other denominations in the some parts of the county. Perhaps the most historic point for early-day re ligion is Smith township. There was a log church at Liberty, about a mile northeast of Cynthiana, by the Disciples, in which Elders Elijah and Moses Goodwin held forth, denouncing the mourners' bench and the idea that anyone did or could "get" religion, declaring the doctrine of "good works" as the road to heaven. But in spite of this people could and did get religion at the Cumberland church, which was lo cated four miles southwest of Cynthiana and christened Mount Pleasant. A large log church was built by the Cumberland organization at this point about 1820, about which a camp ground was laid out in a large square. All around this square small log houses were built for the accom modation, of the campers, who flocked there in great numbers from far and near to enjoy the exhilaration and ecstacies of religion as preached and experienced in that manner. In those days it was not alone the beau ties of heaven and everlasting bliss that was presented to the people, but the horrors of hell were vividly pictured, and sinners were called upon to flee from the wrath to come, and this proved often to be more potent than the hopes of heaven. The greatest revivals in this section of the State were held at this old camp ground, and it was not unusual for hundreds of voices to be heard at once supplicating for mercy before the throne of grace. At times the excitement became very intense, so fully were the minds of the people concentrated upon one idea, and so completely were they under the mental influence of the minister. Often numbers of people at once were seized with strange hallucinations, de claring they could smell the burning of brimstone, see the devil, or the angels, or Christ, and the unreal mental picture no doubt was real to them, although we now explain it on a simple psychological basis. Some were seized with nervous fits and would fall headlong upon the floor jerking violently. The jerking fit spent they would relapse to a com atose state, in which they would remain for half an hour, sometimes for a much longer period, and not understanding their own mental and ner vous constitution, believe such experiences were the working of the Holy Spirit. However, the people of those days enjoyed it, as do the less 56 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY intellectual of our own day, and it is, perhaps, justified on those grounds. and on the grounds that the pastors and congregation were in earnest. Some of the noted camp meeting preachers were Thomas Smiley, "Uncles" Tommy Wilson, Johnnie Shelton and 'Squire James Wilson. The pulpit in that old camp meeting house was typical of early day pul pits, and would be a great curiosity to church goers of the present day. It was built about four feet above the main floor and was reached by a flight of steps on either side. The dimensions were about 6 x 12 feet, and it was boxed in to the height of four feet above the pulpit floor, leaving a small opening on either side for entrance. Thus, unless the preacher was an exceptionally tall man, only his head and shoulders were visible to the audience. And while the pioneers were wrestling with nature for physical ex istence, the intellectual training of their children was not wholly over looked. As soon as there were enough intellectual and progressive people in a neighborhood who believed in education to pay a teacher even a meager living a subscription school was started. The log build ing was erected by the fathers who were interested in giving their children a chance in the world, and the teacher took pupils at the rate of about $1.50 per term for each pupil, and boarded around among the families represented, staying two or three weeks at each house, free of charge. Each family felt honored to entertain the teacher and his stay was the event of the school year. The term lasted three months and the course of study was the three "R's," with perhaps a little geography or history. In those days when society was not as well organized as now the teacher was often expected to act the part of prize-fighter as well as instructor, and often had to "lick" the school before he could have an opportunity to teach them anything. On the other hand, some teachers were a little too free with their use of the "gad," and much suffering was endured for trifling offenses, and school was looked upon by many as a place of torture and punishment, and only those ambi tious for an education, or those who wished to torment the teacher would attend. Hardly a person can be found in the present day that will not admit the advantages of an education, or to some extent avail themselves of their educational opportunities, but in those days there was a large class that thought education beneath them, only intended for people too lazy to work, and this class was large enough to consti tute no little discouragement to the pioneer teacher. The early school houses were of home construction throughout and followed one general plan. The first school buildings were 12 x 14 feet, the later ones were 20x30 feet, or larger, with ceilings about eight feet high. The walls were built of round or hewed logs, the cracks between being chinked or daubed with mud. The floor was of puncheon, which was split logs, and the roofs of boards held in place by rib poles. Sometimes the rool HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 57 was made of shingles instead of boards, and held together the same way. There were two fire-places, one for the use of the boys and the other for the girls. They were built of hewed or split logs notched so as to be held securely in place. This was liberally daubed with clay for protection from the fire. The fireplaces were 4 feet wide, 4 feet deep and 10 feet long. The chimneys were made of poles or sticks and covered thickly on the inside with mud. The doors were of split logs pinned together and swung on wooden hinges. There were usually two win dows, one on each side of the room, and these were about 20 feet long and covered with greased paper instead of glass. The seats were made of split logs, the split side being placed uppermost, and pegs driven into the bark side for legs. They were without backs. The writing desk was usually of split logs and fastened to the wall on one side of the room. The spelling book was the principal text, and writing was done with goose quill sharpened. A number of incidents are told which shed light on the customs and practices of the early schools. . It was the custom on the day before any great holiday, like Christmas or Thanksgiving, to make the teacher treat, or if he did not treat to force him to do so. The attempted en forcement of this rule nearly cost the life of a teacher by the name of Gages, who was teaching in the Aldridge settlement. On his refusal to treat the boys promptly set upon him and carried him to the nearest pond, where they broke the ice and dipped him under a few times. Chunks of ice were placed on his bare bosom, but he was rescued before anything serious happened. The first schools were supported by the parents of the pupils, but about the year 1822 a seminary fund was provided by the General As sembly of the State in an act whereby certain fines, forfeitures, penalties, etc., were to be applied to a fund to maintain a county seminary of learning. It was 1833 before an amount was raised in Posey county sufficient to begin the erection of a building. It was located in Mt. Vernon, and finished in 1843. (See School History in this volume.) One of the first things that had to be provided for by the early set tlers was defense, for in the early settlement of this county it was still claimed by the Indians, and numerous depredations throughout the country by the red foe prompted the pioneers in 1809 to build a fort or blockhouse as a common place of refuge in case of attack or raid by the Indians. This fort was located in Harmony township, about a mile southwest of Stewartsville on land owned at that time by John Cox, nicknamed "Doublehead." It was 30 x 30 feet, built of round logs and two stories high. The upper story was projected about a foot out from the lower story and in the upper room v-shaped loopholes were sawed in the logs, some with points downward and some with points outward, thus affording a view of the enemy both when approaching the fort and 58 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY when near the walls. The blocks sawed out in making the loopholes were kept to plug them up again after firing at the enemy, leather straps having been fastened to them to facilitate handling. There were no windows, the light being admitted through the holes. There was one door downstairs and one leading to the second floor. Tradition does not tell of any engagements, although the fort was frequently used by the neighboring families during trouble with Indians in their vicinity. The families using the fort most frequently were those of John Cox, Moxey Jolly, Thomas Robb, V. Leavitt and John Wallace. Mrs. Sarah Cox, wife of John Cox, often had thrilling experiences during her hus band's absence from home. On one occasion when he had gone to Vincennes for a load of salt and she and her little children were left alone in their cabin in the woods the Indians became troublesome and visited the cabin in war paint. With rare courage and presence of mind Mrs. Cox received them with great respect, invited them in and set cakes and other food before them, and they went away without doing any harm. Upon another occasion when alone she found upon arising in the morning the tracks of a huge bear in the door yard. She armed herself with a butcher knife and tracked the animal to his hid ing place and found him in a hollow log. Having no gun herself she called some of the neighbors to kill the bear. Mr. Cox at this time was making a journey on foot to Terre Haute for seed corn, showing the amount of physical labor that was often expended to gain a point. Another stockade was built in 1811. This was on Black river near Shaw's Ford. It was 50 x 50 feet and built of split logs. The timbers were set on end in a deep trench, the split side being turned to the out side. The families of the neighborhood used to gather in this fort whenever an Indian uprising startled the country. Until 1837 military duty was required of every man and musters regularly held. There were the company, battalion, regimental and brigade muster. These musters were held at the homes of the different officers and the following is a sample of the orders issued calling the men together: New Harmony, February 26, 1826. Regimental Order. The officers of the companies will appear with their com mands at the house of Robert Randolph, on the 16 day of October, 1826, for a two days' regimental muster. All commissioned officers must appear in full uniform. Bat talion muster will be held at the house of Joshua Overton. ZACHARIAH WADE, Commanding Twenty-sixth Regiment. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 59 Some of the other commanders were Gen. William Twigg, Gen. James P. Drake, Col. Jesse Nash, Col. Clement Whiting, Capt. W. J. Lowery, Lieut. John F. Allison, Adjutant Allen and others. The officers wore gorgeous uniforms when they held musters. A blue coat cut swallow tailed with red stripes on the breast, and adorned with double rows of large brass buttons and tinsel epaulets, buckskin trousers, a large three- cornered hat with waving plume, moccasins and a sword. The rank and file were in ordinary homespun clothing of the frontier, and had rifles or muskets, and those who had no firearms held the drill with cornstalks. Each section had its place of drill. At Mt. Vernon the field east of Milton Black's place was the favorite rendezvous; Blairsville was an other point, and general musters were held at the farm of Lewis Wilson in the vicinity of Springfield. Not the least of the difficulties of pioneer life comes from lack of transportation facilities. Posey county was better equipped in this par ticular than most new localities, having river transportation on two sides, giving an outlet to a market, if only a far distant one. Many of the early settlers found their way into the county traveling by water. But by far the greater majority came in the more common pioneer style by driving in a wagon. These trips made as they were to Posey county from Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky were dangerous as well as arduous, requiring many weeks, sometimes months, to complete, on account of unavoidable delays caused by weather conditions, sickness or accidents. Sometimes there were trails blazoned by those gone be fore and sometimes the pioneer had to blazon a new trail for others who would follow him. It took stout hearts to bid their home and friends farewell and set out with only the members of their own family, with little dependent children to provide for and protect, and go west into unknown dangers and hardships, but it seems that the fever of emigra tion and colonization attacks mankind at intervals, for we have other in stances in history when whole races of people would begin a general migration into another land in spite of seemingly insurmountable hard ships and difficulties. In reading the records of the trips made by Posey county pioneers we find where occasionally a mother, a father or a child succumbed to the hardships of the journey and had to be lowered into the grave by the hands of their own family, and left in the heart of the wilderness "where the foe and the stranger shall over them tread" and while those who loved them would be far away. Often there were injuries sustained through exposure and hardship that did not result in death, but left the heroic sufferer still continuing the strug gle for existence handicapped. One remarkable case was that of An drew Gudgel (the great-grandfather of Dr. James Edward Gudgel, of Cynthiana, Ind.), who came to this county from Kentucky in 1811. He had been a pioneer in Kentucky and while there lost the use of his lower 60 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY limbs through exposure. However, he would sit in a chair and chop and clear up brush around his cabin for hours at a time. At the time of an Indian raid, when the whole neighborhood took refuge in the stronghold at Fort Branch, he would not go along, but insisted in re maining behind to take care of things. Here the Indians found him and they were so pleased with his courage that they did him no injury, but instead made frequent visits to his place, walking around his chair, patting him on the head and in their Indian fashion complimenting his bravery. The wedding customs of those days are interesting. Marriages were made young, as there was no long continued course of education, and no complex standards of life to deter them. All the people were on the same social plane, so that there was no objection of relatives or friends on that score. No hindrances in the way of the first impression of love generally resulted in marriage, and these marriages were universally successful, the young people learning each other's ways as they molded their own, and living long and happily together. Whenever there was a wedding the whole settlement, old and young, attended, and the occa sion was looked forward to with the greatest delight. The friends of the bride assembled at her home and assisted in the preparations and the friends of the groom came to his home, and together they proceeded enmasse to the bride's home. Here the whole neighborhood gathered, some coming on foot, some on horseback, and others in carts or wagons. Everybody was there, from grandmothers to babes in arms. The trip there was always one of merrymaking, the bottle being taken along. When the groom arrived the ceremony took place, after which the din ner or supper was served. After this the dancing began and lasted until the following morning. They usually commenced with a square-four, which was followed by a jig, that is two of the four would single out for a jig and were followed by the remaining couples. When anyone of the jigging party became tired the place was supplied on intimation of the one wishing to retire by someone present without interrupting the dance. In this way the jig continued until the musician was ex hausted. It was the custom to see who could keep the floor continuously for the longest time. About 9 or 10 o'clock in the evening a deputation of young ladies stole away the bride and proceeded to put her to bed. In order to do this they had to take her to the "loft" overhead by way of a ladder from the kitchen. Here in the rude bridal chamber the frightened and simple-hearted girl was tucked away by her enthusiastic friends. This done the friends of the groom took him to the same cham ber and tucked him in bed beside his bride. The dancing went on unin terruptedly. There were few benches or chairs, and the young men when not dancing were expected to offer their laps for seats for the girls. In the course of the festivities spirits were freely used, but seldom HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 6 1 to excess, and as the liquors of those days were from the home distil lery they were not nearly so dangerous as those on the markets today. The celebration was carried over to the following evening, when the same order of exercises was observed. A spot was then selected for the cabin of the new family and a day appointed for the beginning of the building. The fatigue party, consisting of the choppers, felled the trees and cut the logs in proper lengths. A man with a team hauled them to the site. Another party selected the materials for the roof, and still another prepared the puncheons for the floor. When these things were done the raising took place. Four corner men were selected, whose business it was to notch the logs and place them. The rest of the com pany lifted the logs into position. When the cabin was finished a house- warming was held and a good breakdown or dance was indulged in, ac companied by spirits in liberal quantities. Many of the early settlers lived to reap large financial rewards for their efforts. One of the wealthiest flatboat owners was Richard Bar ter, who began life in Posey county as a -blacksmith. For several months after arriving he was prostrated with ague and could not do any manual labor, and in this time he not only was out of money, but when his health began to improve his clothing was reduced to rage, and he bought a suit that had belonged to a dead man, one of his friends going security for him. He then began to work at his trade. He said that he worked oftentimes nineteen or twenty hours per day, but that he was happier at that time in the anticipation of making money than he ever was in the possession of wealth. It was customary upon the death of one or more parents for children to be "bound out" to strangers. Instead of adopting the child and mak ing it a joint heir with the other children of their family the person tak ing a child expected service from it until twenty-one and did not expect to give anything in return. In other words, instead of taking the child with the idea of helping it, the family took the child with the idea of making it work for them. A "bound out" child was often very little better off than a slave until it reached its majority. Such a child was seldom educated. It was obliged to give its services to the family it was bound to until twenty-one years of age. If such a child should work for other parties the wages could not legally be paid to it, but were the property of the foster parent. Often a boy having both parents living was bound out to a man to learn a trade. In that case he worked for the man until twenty-one years of age in return for his board and the trade. There were not many negroes in Posey county before the Civil war, a few having been brought here were later taken back south by their owners or were kidnaped by slave dealers. Occasionally runaway slaves, after finding their way this far, were kidnaped and taken back 62 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY to slavery. There was one instance of kidnaping which was surrounded by peculiar circumstances. A man by the name of Goddard was immi grating to this county with his wife in 1815, when the latter took sick and her husband deserted her. She had smallpox, and as this was such a deadly disease in those days it is not to be wondered at that he was alarmed for his own safety, and being of a dissipated and dissolute char acter it is quite natural that he should not care for her when ill. The woman was picked up by a negro, who had one small hut on the river, and was cared for here until the return of her health, when she returned to her husband and soon afterward gave birth to twin boys, one bright mulatto, the other of darker complexion. Mr. Goddard was a believer in psychological impressions and accounted for the complexion of the twins on the theory that it was a birthmark. In 1882, when the boys were about six years of age, they were kidnaped by Aquilla Ford and Jack Lynn, members of a gang of adventurous and desperate men who had a rendezvous at Diamond Island, later known as West Franklin. The news of this dastardly act roused the whole township and a number of men, namely, Patrick Calvert, William Rodgers and Joe Cater, organ ized a rescuing party of twenty-seven men, armed with flintlock guns, horse pistols, clubs and knives, and went in pursuit of the kidnapers. The gang at West Franklin, hearing of the movement, made prepara tions to defend themselves. The rescuing party, upon arriving at the village, demanded that a search be made. At this the citizens were highly incensed, declaring that the boys were not there, and a heated discussion followed, which ended in a conflict. The citizens rallied to the defense of the gang. The rescuers, being greatly outnumbered, re treated to a near-by corn field, the worthless Goddard being the first to run away. This left Calvert, Cater and Rodgers to repell the attack. Guns and clubs were freely in play and two of the Ford gang were wounded, while only Calvert, of the other side, was hurt. By this time Dan Lynn appeared as arbitrator, and the hostilities came to an end. Calvert was picked up and found to be very severely hurt. Indeed he had been beaten so severely that he had been left for dead. The gang was merciless in their treatment of Calvert after they had taken his gun away from him. They beat him up and asked him if he were not sorry he came, and on his reply that he was not, they endeavored by cruelty to make him say that he was sorry. His steadfast refusal resulted in his nearly losing his life. After this Joe Cater organized another searching party of forty picked men, who made a thorough search of West Frank lin without opposition, as the boys had been taken away before they could get there. They crossed over to the Kentucky side and searced the near-by neighborhood there without results. Two years later Pat rick Calvert visited the Red river district in Arkansas on a prospecting tour in company with a number of Posey county farmers. On their re- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 63 turn they camped near Fulton, Ark., and in swapping yarns with the citizens about the camp fire Calvert related the story of the stolen boys. This reminded one of the citizens that two boys answering the descrip tion had been brought to that neighborhood and sold to a certain party still living there. The next morning Calvert went to see the boys and tested their memory on the incidents of the kidnaping. The matter was taken to the courts and the boys were turned over to Calvert, who returned them to their overjoyed mother. In gratitude for his services in rescuing the children from slavery the boys were bound out to Cal vert and gave him devoted service long after the had become of age. In the early days justice was meted out by the judge according to his own ideas, as there was not much law or precedent to be guided by. When Jacob Weinmiller was justice of the peace at West Franklin, a man sued another on a note, the payment of which was for one milch cow. The note was twelve months past due and a verdict was rendered for the plaintiff. The judgment called for the payment of one milch cow and calf, the court holding that had the debt been paid at the time the note matured the cow would have had a calf, and therefore the calf was due the holder of the note. At Blackford, court was held in the open, the clerk using the stump of a tree for a desk and the jury being seated on logs. A man was found guilty of stealing a hog and was pun- ised by receiving thirty-nine lashes. When John Williams was justice of the peace at West Franklin a crowd of men got into a fight. Wil liams rushed out and cried, "I command the peace," and upon finding the order disregarded he proceeded to enforce it by jumping in and thrashing the whole bunch. James Lafferty was another officer with original ideas in administering justice. Two men, Nathan Overton and Allen Moutry, were in a hand-to-hand combat one day when he rushed out and cried, "I command the peace! Give him h , Nathan, I will fine you only $1.00 and pay half of it myself ! I command the peace !" CHAPTER IV. ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY. LOCATION OF COUNTY SEAT EARLY COURTS ELECTIONS COUNTY OFFICERS. In the month of September, 1814, by an act of the legislature, Posey county was formed from parts of Gibson and Warrick. In December, 1818, Vanderburgh was formed from parts of Gibson, Warrick and Posey, thereby reducing Posey county to her present bound aries, with an area of 420 square miles, or 268,800 acres. In the year 1800, when the Territory of Indiana was formed, it con tained only the four counties of Knox, Harrison, Clark and Dearborn, but when Indiana was admitted as a State, it was composed of thirteen counties, viz. : Wayne, Franklin, Dearborn, Switzerland, Jefferson, Clark, Harrison, Washington, Knox, Gibson, Warrick, Perry and Posey. At that time Posey county was so thinly settled that she commanded very little attention. The official returns of the population of Indiana on December 4, 181 5, showed the inhabitants of Posey county to be 1,619, but, as may be seen from the following records of her growth in popu lation, Posey county was destined to have a steady natural growth, viz.: 1816, 2,240; 1820, 4,061; 1830, 6,540; 1840, 9,583; 1850, 12,549; i860, 16,147; 1870, 19,185; 1880, 22,057; 1890, 21,529; 1900, 22,333; 1910, 21,670. The first session of court was held at the house of Absalom Duck worth, about five miles north of the present site of Mt. Vernon. It was convened Monday, January 6, 1815. In the record it is called the Court of Claims. It was really a court to do the business of the county, sim ilar in nature to our present board of county commissioners. It was presided over by Isaac Blackford, with Thomas E. Casselberry and Dann Lynn, associate judges of the county. William Prince, on the day court was convened, was appointed pros ecuting attorney, which position he held until 1817, when he was elected judge. He was succeeded by David Floyd as prosecutor. Other business coming before the court was the report of the commis sioners appointed to fix the seat of justice as follows: "We, the commissioners appointed by a special act of the General As sembly of the Indiana Territory, for to fix on the permanent seat of justice in Posey county, do certify that we, the undersigned, have POSEY COUNTY JAIL HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 65 selected 320 acres of land, to-wit: The northeast quarter of section Number 30, in township Number 6 south of range Number 12 west, also the southeast quarter of section Number 19 in township south of range Number 12 west, a beautiful situation and excellent soil. We do certify to the honorable judges of Posey county that the above named is land selected for your permanent seat of justice of Posey county. "Given from under our hands and seals this 14th day of January, 1816. "ADAM YOUNG, "JOSEPH INGLISH, "WILLIAM BRISCOE, "SAMUEL SMYTH, "GEORGE W. TEVAULT." This was to be the county seat of Posey county. Its location was about a mile north of Caborn Station, now a station on the Louisville & Nashville railroad, in Marrs township. Samuel R. Marrs, after whom Marrs township was named, was ap pointed county agent. It was the duty of the county agent to receive the lands and to perform such other business as was the custom in those days. The court ordered that this seat of justice for Posey county be called Blackford, and instructed the county agent to lay out the town into town lots in a certain manner. Then came the advertisement for the sale of the lots on the first Monday in March following. Eight lots adjoining the public square were to be sold at $40.00 each, those on Main street at $20.00 each, and the others at $12.00 each. Twelve months' time was given in which to make final payment on the lots. The county agent was ordered to receive on the same day, at the house of Absalom Duckworth, proposals for the building of a court house and jail, plans for same having been adopted at this same session. The first orders for money to be paid out of the Posey county treasury were in favor of Thomas E. Casselberry for $102, and Jacob Landers for $60, money loaned to the county. The second session opened Monday, the first of May, 181 5, at the house of Absalom Duckworth, the same judges presiding. It adjourned at once to meet at the town of Blackford, the new county seat, as William Hutchinson had offered the use of his house free of rent. The contract for building the county jail was given to Samuel Jones for $565, and the contract for the court house to Jacob Weinmiller for $125, each giving bond for the fulfillment of his engagement. Another sale of town lots was held on the first Wednesday after the third Monday in June, 181 5. The out-lots were to be sold at $12 per acre. Thomas E. Casselberry was appointed to survey the lots and the county agent was ordered to advertise for bids for the clearing of the lots. 66 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY In November William Hutchinson was allowed $6.00 for whiskey fur nished at the auction sale of town lots. Considering the fact that whiskey was quite cheap in those days, twenty-five cents per gallon, we would imagine that $6.00 would purchase enough to make them all feel rich, or liberal at least. William E. Stewart, county clerk, was allowed $63.00 for his services for the year; Thomas E. Casselberry, associate judge. $46.00; Dan Lynn, associate judge, $35.00, and William Prince, prosecuting attorney, $45.00. In May, 1816, Jacob Weinmiller, having completed the court house building, offered it to the court for acceptance, which was refused, and John Stapleton and Elsberry Alexander were appointed to inspect the building. They reported that it had not been built according to con tract. Finally, in July, it was accepted by deducting $10 from the contract price, so the cost of Posey county's first court house was $115. The jail building was accepted after deducting $100 from the original contract price. So that the cost of both jail and court house amounted to $582. It goes without saying that the buildings were constructed of logs in the style of the times. On the twenty-first of October, 1816, the first session of court under the State law was held at the town of Blackford. Under the new State law the county business was to be done by three county commissioners. These commissioners were Samuel R. Marrs, Thomas Robb and Abner Coates. Their first act was to fix upon a county seal, which had the words, "Commissioners' Seal of Posey County." Samuel Jones was appointed treasurer of Posey county for one year; David Love was allowed $42.50 for assessing the taxable property of Posey county for the year 1816. William E. Stewart, the first clerk of Posey county, was allowed $23.50 "for ex-officio services for the year 1816, and for the rent of his office eight months," showing that our first county officials were compelled to provide themselves with offices and serve the county at very small salaries. In March, 1817, the places for holding elections were fixed and the inspectors appointed as follows : For Marrs township, at the house of William Hutchinson, with Elsberry Armstrong, inspector; for Black township, at the house of Thomas Givens in Mt. Vernon, with Samuel -Jones, inspector; for Lynn township, at Harmonie, with Elias Allitzer, inspector; for Robb township, at the house of Langston Drew, with Thomas Robb, inspector; for Smith township, at the house of George Smith, with Miles Armstrong, inspector; for Wayne township, at the house of Mr. Johnson, formerly the house of Mr. Long, at the fork of the Cony branch of the stream, in said township, with Daniel Miller, inspector. In May of this year Samuel Jones was appointed county treasurer, which office he held until 1822. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 67 The people soon became dissatisfied with the location of the county seat at Blackford, and demanded that it be moved to a more central place. In order to change the location an act of the legislature was passed, appointing a committee for that purpose. At a session of the board of commissioners, held on the twelfth day of May, 1817, the fol lowing report of the commissioners appointed to change the location of the county seat was received : "We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, being appointed by the legislature of the State of Indiana, to fix the permanent seat of justice for Posey county in the said State, did meet at the house of Elias Allitzer on the day appointed by law, and after being first sworn have proceeded to examine and explore the said county in different directions; have received proposals of donation in land from different persons; have maturely considered their several advantages and situations, together with the extent of the county, the advantages of the soil, the weight of the present as well as the prospect of the future population and future divisions : have selected 100 acres of land, a donation given by Fred erick Rapp, on which to fix the permanent seat of justice for said county, it being the southeast quarter of section 33, in township 5 south, in range 13 west, and to lie on the south side of said quarter section from corner to corner of the same, it being near the center (of the county) and an eligible situation for a town, do make this our report of the same to the county commissioners of Posey. Given under our hands and seals this 22d day of February, 1817. "ISAAC MONTGOMERY, "HUGH McGARY, "ADAM HOPE, "JOHN BRAZELTON." The board met on the twenty-fourth day of May and approved the plan of the new town, and ordered that it be known and designated as Springfield. Frederick Rapp was appointed county agent and or dered to lay out the town and advertise a sale of lots to be held on the fifteenth of July, also at the same time to receive bids for the building of a court house and jail. Lots facing the public square were to be sold at $100, and back lots at $12 each. This was the beginning of Springfield. The new town immediately began to experience quite a boom on account of being the county seat. Another sale of lots was held in October following, and a large number of lots were sold, the buyers being among the best citizens of the county. The agent was ordered to keep up the clearing of the land until November. Samuel Jones, treasurer of Posey county, took out a license to keep a tavern in the new town and everything seemed flourishing. At this sale of lots Thomas E. Casselberry furnished $7.00 worth of whiskey. 68 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY For some unknown reason the contracts for the building of the court house and jail were not let at the appointed time. In November the county board met for the first time in Springfield, although there was no public building in which to hold court. How ever, it is likely that there was a building of some kind that was used by the officers for a court house, as an order for $16.50 appears in the record in favor of Alexander Hindman for laying a floor in the court house in Springfield. The contract for building the county jail was given to Abner Coates for $458. It was built on the same plan as the old one at Blackford — a two-story structure of hewn logs, the first story of double log walls and the top story of single log walls. The first story was called the dungeon, and the top story the debtors' prison. Imprisonment for debt was then lawful in Indiana. Frederick Rapp, county agent, resigned and Thomas E. Casselberry was appointed in his place and served something over one year. In November, 1818, he reported the proceeds from the sale of town lots as $2,866.25, which would indicate that there was a good demand for property in Springfield. Good clay for making brick was found at the town-site and James P. Drake, who was made county agent to succeed Thomas E. Casselberry, was ordered to let the contract for making the brick and delivering them to the public square ready to be used in building the new court house. As the board had plenty of money from the sale of town lots, which could not be used for anything except public buildings, they decided to build a good, substantial court house.. The contract for making the brick and doing the mason work was given to Joseph Spaulding. The building was to be forty feet square and two stories high. The contract for the carpenter work was given to James Carter, but Frederick Rapp took his place and finished the building. This house is still standing, was converted into a school building several years ago, and is still used for that purpose. The total cost of the building was about $4,500. This was the first brick court house built in Southern Indiana. Up to this time the county had expended about $6,000 for its build ings, a large portion of it having been collected from the sale of lots. Elias Roberts, one of the leading attorneys of the county, was ap pointed county agent, but he did not hold the office long. His suc cessor was Alexander Mills. James P. Drake collected during his term- as county agent $1,087.50 for lots in Springfield; Elias Roberts, $1,175. In November, 1820, Alexander Mills reported the proceeds from the sale of lots, collected by him, as amounting to $750. He was succeeded by Peter Saltzman in May, 1822, and John Schnee became the county treasurer, succeeding Samuel Jones. The method of doing the county business had been changed by law. All the justices of the peace formed a board for transacting the county HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 69 business instead of a board of three commissioners. Their first session was held in September, 1824, and was composed of the following men : Peter Jones, William Moffatt, Robert Denny, Josiah Downen, James Conlin, Joseph Spalding, William J. Lowry and Peter Saltzman. Although the town of Springfield was a central location for the county seat it did not have the natural commercial advantages to make a flourishing town. In those days the rivers were the commercial thoroughfares of the country. Mt. Vernon, being thus advantageously situated on the Ohio river, rapidly grew into prominence as a trading point and soon surpassed every town in the county, while it was plainly evident that Springfield had nothing in its favor that would ever give it any importance except the fact that it was the county seat. In February, 1825, the legislature passed a law authorizing a change in the location of the county seat of Posey county, and appointed a board of commissioners for that purpose. This board of commissioners made their report to the board of justices on special session on the tenth of May, 1825. Accordingly, at this same session, the clerk and recorder were directed to move their offices to Mt. Vernon, suitable buildings having been pro cured for them. The first session of the county board held in Mt. Vernon was con vened on Monday, the fourth day of July, 1825, and was made up of the following men : James Conlin, William Moffatt, Jonathan Robinson, Robert Denny, John Graddy, James Dunn, William J. Lowry, James Swift, Peter Jones and John Williams. John Graddy was president. Their first act was to order the sheriff to dispose of the court house and jail at Springfield at public auction. The court house was sold to Darius North for $380 and the jail to William Hutchinson for $10. Liberal donations to the county in land in and around the town were made by Jesse Y. Welborn, John Burlison and Darius North in order to secure the location of the county seat at Mt. Vernon. The county agent was ordered to lay the land out in town lots. The first sale of lots took place on July 4, 1826. The new court house was built by Jesse Y. Welborn, free of cost to the county, a number of the leading citizens donating liberally. The value of town lots in Springfield had depreciated in value and to reimburse the property owners the legislature in May, 1827, passed an act for their relief. Town lots were not so much in demand as they were in Springfield and the lot sale was a little slow. In 1831 the law was changed so that the county business was again transacted by three commissioners, but four years later it was changed again, giving the board of justices power and authority to transact the county business. x In March, 1836, a contract was let to William J. Lowry to build a 70 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY fire-proof clerk's office for $2,580. It was completed and accepted in June of the next year. It was located near the southwest corner of the present court house. In January, 1837, the contract for building a new jail on the public square was given to Eben D. Edson and Charles Hovey for $3,800, but Arza Lee soon after assumed the responsibilities of the contract in their stead and completed the job on time. It was located near the east door of the present court house. In 1839 the board of three commissioners came into power again. In that year a strip of land 87 feet wide was laid off along the north side of the public square into four lots and offered for sale. At the organization of the State under the new constitution the coun ties were to be governed, and ever since have been, by three commis sioners. The first board elected under this new order of things were John Moore, James Wilson and A. E. Fretagoet. In March, 1855, John R. Hugo was given the contract to build a new jail for $7,603. It was to contain four cells, was to be built of brick and iron, and be attached to the old jail. It was completed and received by the commissioners in November, 1855. I* remained in use until the present one was built in 1878 at a cost of $17,700. The building con sists of a prison and sheriff's residence combined. The sheriff's residence, occupying the front of the building, is built of brick and the prison is built of heavy limestone with a roof composed of iron and slate. There are fourteen cells, separated into five wards, the doors, made of grated prison iron, are made secure by the May lever locks, the levers all ter minating at the main entrance to the prison, from which place they are operated. The present court house was built in 1876 at a cost of $95,000, including an iron fence enclosing the square, the fence having been replaced since by concrete curbing. The building is 105 feet in length from north to south and 75 feet from east to west. The base of the building and the cappings and sills used in ornamenting the windows and doors are of stone brought from Bedford, Ind. The building is of of Romanesque style of architecture, with a roof of slate and copper and has a handsome dome with an apex reaching 119 feet above the foundation. The first story of the building contains the county offices and is made entirely fireproof by the use of incombustible materials, and rests on a system of arches, affording a very substantial foundation. The court room, which is located on the second floor, is in the form of an elliptical circle, with a gallery surrounding it. Its acoustic prop erties are exceptionally good. A list of the county officers is here given : Senators— Thomas Givens, William Casey, Charles I. Battell, Joseph HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 71 Lane, John Pitcher, William H. Stockwell, Enoch R. James, William Greathouse, Cyrus K. Drew, Magnus T. Carnahan, Thomas C. Jaquess, Thomas J. Hargrave, Jasper Davidson, G. V. Menzies, Albert G. Hol- comb, 1890-1894; V P. Bozeman, 1894-1898; William E. Stilwell, 1898- 1902; John D. Roche, 1902-1906; Charles W. White, 1906-1910; George William Curtis, now serving. Representatives — Dan Lynn, William Casey, Jesse R. Craig, John Schrader, Jesse Y. Welborn, Richard Daniel, George S. Green, Robert D.'Owen, Charles I. Battell, Arza Lee, Samuel Annable, W. B. Southard, Eben D. Edson, James C. Endicott, John Hall, M. T. Carnahan, George W. Thomas, Adam Lichtenberger, Felix Mills, Horatio C. Cooper, Silas Cox, H. S. Casselberry, Joel Hume, Urbin Marrs, William P. Edson, William C. Pitts, Hazel Nelson, Joseph P. Edson, Edward T. Sullivan, Elijah M. Spencer, George Wolfin, Wolfgang Hynes, James M. Whit- worth, Joseph F. Welborn, Russell Blockey, John Walz, Leroy Wil liams, James W. French, William H. Whitworth, John C. Smith, 1891- 1895; S. Jett Williams, 1895-1897; Taylor I. Record, 1897-1899; Herdis F. Clements, 1899-1901 ; Joseph R. Haines, 1901-1905 ; Frank N. Wade, 1905-1909; Henry Demberger, 1909-1911; Chilton R. Pleasants, 191 1- 1913 ; Charles Nix, 1913 — present incumbent. Judges of the Common Pleas Court — John Pitcher, from October, 1852, to November 5, 1866; Andrew L. Robinson, from November 5, 1866, to November 4, 1867; Morris S. Johnson, from November 4, 1867, to July n, 1871 ; William P. Edson, from November 6, 1871, to July 13, 1872; J. B. Handy, from November 4, 1872, to March 12, 1873. This court ceased to exist after 1880. The State causes in the common pleas court were transferred to the jurisdiction of the circuit court. Judges of the Posey County Circuit Court — Isaac Blackford, from 1815 to March 18, 1816. David Raymond (appointed by Governor Thomas Posey), from March 18, 1816, to August 16, 1816. William Prince, from August 16, 1816, to March 17, 1817. David Hart, from February 16, 1818, to March 8, 1819. Richard Daniel, from March 8, 1819, to March 3, 1820. James R. E. Goodlet, from March 20, 1820, to February, 1832. Samuel Hall, from February, 1832, to September 13, 1835. Charles I. Battell, from September 13, 1835, to 1836. Elisha Embree, from 1836 to March, 1846. James Lockhart, from March, 1846, to September 21, 1851. Alvin P. Hovey (appointed by Gov. Joseph A. Wright), from Septem ber 21, 185 1, to April, 1854. (Appointed to fill vacancy on supreme bench, May 18, 1854.) William E. Niblack, from 1854 to March 29, 1858; Ballard Smith (ap pointed to fill vacancy occasioned by the resignation of William E. Nib- lack), from March 29, 1858, to April, 1859. >J2 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Michael F. Burke, from April, 1859, to September, 1859. William F. Parrett (appointed to fill vacancy caused by death of M. F. Burke), from September, 1859, to March, 1869. James G. Jones, from March, 1869, to November, 1870. David T. Laird, from November, 1870, to March 7, 1873 (when a change in the judicial district by an act of the legislature deposed him). William F. Parrett (appointed by Gov. Thomas A. Hendricks to fill the vacancy caused by an act of the legislature deposing David T. Laird), from March 7, 1873, to January 1, 1889. Robert D. Richardson, from January 1, 1889, to August, 1895. Oscar M. Welborn, from August, 1895, to October 25, 1909. Hardis F. Clements, from October 25, 1909 — present incumbent. County Clerks — William E. Stewart, from the organization of the county in January, 1816, to June, 1817; David Love to 1819; James P. Drake to 1829; W. E. Stewart to 1839; Turner Nelson to 1861 ; William' P. Edson to 1865; Turner Nelson to 1867; William Nelson to 1875; George W. Curtis, November 1, 1875, to November 1, 1883 ; Oliver M. Fretagoet, 1883 to 1891 ; George H. Wilson, November 1, 1891, to No vember 1, 1899; Paul Maier, November 1, 1899, to January 1, 1904; Joseph L. Blase (died in office), January 1, 1904, to January 28, 1904; Lawrence E. Barter (appointed to fill unexpired term), January 30, 1904, to Jan uary 1, 1905; Lawrence E. Barter, January 1, 1905, to January 1, 1913; Kelly De Fur, January 1, 1913- — now serving. County Treasurers — It is probable that Samuel R. Marrs, the county agent, acted as county treasurer up to 1817, when Samuel Jones was appointed and served until 1822; John Shnee to 1826; J. W. Swift to 1829; James Robb to 1830; Felix Mills to 1833; George S. Green to 1837; Eben D. Edson to 1839; John Pitcher to 1840; William J. Lowry to 1844; John Cox to 1847; J°hn M. Sanders to 1853; Felix Mills to 1857; John M. Sanders to 1859; John B. Gardiner to 1861 ; Joseph F. Welborn to 1863; William B. Smith to 1867; Thomas Stephens to 1869; Joseph Showers, 1873; John C. Young to 1875; George Naas to 1879; Nicholas Joest to 1884; Andrew Wasem to 1888; John Herrmann, 1888 to 1892; John Walz, 1892 to 1896; George L. Hoehn, 1896 to 1900; Henry Fischer, 1900 to 1904; Fred O. Morelock, 1904 (died in office in 1907) ; Joseph R. Haines, 1907 (filled out unexpired term); Christ Reister, 1908 to 1912; Andrew A. Schenk, 1912 — now serving. County Auditors — Thomas F. Prosser, 1844 to 1863; John B. Gardiner to 1871 ; F. D. Bolton to 1875 ; Alfred D. Owen, from March 6, 1875, to March 6, 1883 »' George S. Green, March 6, 1883, to March 6, 1891 ; Thom as J. Johnson, March 6, 1891, to March 6, 1899; Silas G. Howard, March 6, 1899, to January 1, 1908; Paul Maier, January 1, 1908, to January 1, 1912; Joseph R. Haines, January 1, 1912 — now serving. County Recorders— Prior to 185 1 the county clerk performed the duties HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 73 that now devolve on the recorder. In May of that year Thomas B. Holt was elected recorder and served to 1855. His successors have been George R. Latham, 1855, serving but two months ; John D. Hinch to 1863 ; George W. Thomas to 1867 ; F. A. Pentecost to 1875 ; Philo A. Hutchinson to 1879 ; Aaron Lichtenberger to 1883 ; Vincent Cartwright, 1883 to 1891; John E. Anderson, 1891 to 1899; George W. Price, 1889 to 1908 ; G. W. Thomas, 1908 — present incumbent. Sheriffs — John Carson to 1817; William Boyle (one year) ; James Robb (one year) ; Aaron Bacon (four years) ; John Carson (four years) ; Felix Mills (four years) ; William James (four years) ; John Cox (two years) ; Felix Mills (four years) ; Aaron C. Moore (two years) ; John Patterson (two years) ; Joseph Showers (two years) ; Felix Mills (six years) ; Jo seph Showers (two years) ; Aaron Lichtenberger (two years) ; Alexander Crunk (four years) ; John S. Wheeler (four years) ; Alexander Crunk (four years); Edward S. Hays, August 31, 1883, to August 31, 1887; Samuel C. Dixon, August 31, 1887, to August 31, 1889; Edward E. High- man, August 31, 1889, to August 31, 1893; Holman Freeman, August 31, 1893, to August 31, 1895 ; Paul Maier, August 31, 1895, to August 31, 1897; Enoch E. Thomas, August 31, 1897, to January 1, 1902; James F. Mc- Fadden, January 1, 1902, to January 1, 1906; Alonzo K. Grant, January 1, 1906, to January 1, 1910; Joseph M. Causey, January 1, 1910, to Jan uary 1, 1914; Marshall H. Hall, January 1, 1914 — now serving. Prosecuting Attorneys, Common Pleas Court — Henry Kaiger, 1852 to 1854; Joseph P. Edson, 1854 to 1856; E. M. Spencer, 1856 to 1858; Wil liam P. Edson, 1858 to i860 ; E. M. Spencer, i860 to 1862 ; Ellis Lewis, 1862 to 1864; Charles G. Bennett, 1864 to 1868; William M. Hoggatt, 1868 to 1870. After 1880 the State causes were transferred to the juris diction of the circuit court prosecutor and the office ceased to exist. Prosecuting Attorneys, Circuit Court — Ebon D. Edson, James Blythe, Thomas B. Holt, Richard Clements, H. G. Barkwell, A. L. Robinson, Nat Usher, James M. Shanklin, September, 1857, to September, i860; Ellis Lewis (pro tern.), September, i860, to June, 1862; Blythe Hynes, June, 1862, to September, 1863 ; Charles E. Marsh, September, 1863, to September, 1864; Lewis C. Stinson, September, 1864, to 1866; W. P Hargrave, March, 1866, to March, 1869; William P. Henning, March, 1869, to April, 1871 ; C. A. DeBruler, April, 1871, to October, 1873 ; John Brownlee, October, 1873, to October, 1879; William H. Gudgel, Octo ber, 1879, to November, 1883 ; Phil W. Frey, November, 1883, to Novem ber, 1887; Andrew J. McCutcheon, 1887 to 1891 ; John W. Spencer, 1891 to 1895; John R. Brill, 1895 to 1897; James Kilroy, 1897 to 1899; William Espenscheid, 1901 to 1905; George William Curtis, 1905 to 1909; San ford Trippet, 1909 to 1913 ; Harvey Harmon, January 1, 1913, to March 1, 1913 ; Roscoe U. Barker, March 1 — now serving. County School Superintendents — Robert McCann, from June, 1861, to 74 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY June, 1865; M. W. Pearse, June, 1865, to June, 1868; James B. Campbell, from June, 1868, to June, 1875 ; Harrison O'Bannon, from June, 1875, to November, 1875; James B. Campbell, from November, 1875, to June, 1877; James W. French, from June, 1877, to June, 1881 ; James Kilroy, from June, 1881, to June, 1887; O. L. Sewell, 1887 to June, 1891 ; Walter W. French, from from June 1, 1891, to September 2, 1895 ; Charles A. Greathouse, September 5, 1895, to August 24, 1905 ; William O. Wilson,, August 24, 1905 — now serving. Coroners— Jacob Fisher, from August, 1851, to August, 1855 ; Joseph Spaulding, from August, 1859, to October 30, 1861 ; John Conyngton, from October 30, 1861, to November 2, 1863 ; Adam Lichtenberger, from November 2, 1863, to November 2, 1865 ; Marcus S. Blount, from No vember 2, 1865, to November 1, 1867; S. H. Pearse, from November 1, 1867, to October 25, 1870; Jesse Kuykendall, from October 25, 1870, to October 25, 1872; Adolph Matzdorf, from November 12, 1872, to July 20, 1873 ; Cyrus O. Thomas, from August 22, 1873, to October 9, 1874 ; William Hendricks, from October 12, 1863, to 1890; John Doyle, 1890 to 1894; Henry Weisinger, 1894 to 1906; Merle A. Weisinger, 1906— still serving. County Surveyors — John Talbert, Matthew Williams, Ebenezer Phil lips, William F. Phillips, J. W. Whitworth, Aaron Baker, Moses John son; Thomas J. Johnson, March 1, 1881, to March 1, 1891 ; William H. Whitworth, March 1, 1891, to death ; Ezra Stephens (by appointment to fill unexpired term) ; George W. Sarlls, March 1, 1893, to January 1, 1899; Elias Anderson, 1899 to 1901 ; George W. Sarlls, 1901 to 1903; Thomas J. Johnson, January 1, 1903 — still serving. CHAPTER V. ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIPS. APPOINTMENT OF OFFICERS FIRST ELECTIONS EARLY SETTLERS LAND ENTRIES. At the first session of court held in Posey county, which convened January 6, 1815, at the house of Absalom Duckworth, John Graddy was recommended to the governor for justice of the peace for Lynn town ship, Peter Wilkinson and Nathan Ashworth for Big Creek township, William Wagner and S. R. Marrs for Casselberry township. For these three townships, respectively, were recommended Charles Symmons, Samuel Canady and Robert Denny for constables, John Talbert for county surveyor and Samuel Jones for coroner. For the administration of the public affairs of the townships, the following offices were established : Inspector of elections, assessor, overseer of the poor, school superintendent, constable and justice of the peace. At the March term in 1817 the board of commissioners appointed all the township officers in each township, and ordered an election held in each township on April 12, 1817, to elect justices of the peace, fixing the places for holding the elections as follows : For Marrs township at house of William Hutchinson. For Black township at house of Thomas Givens. For Robb township at house of Langston Drew. For Smith township at house of George Smith. For Wagnori township at house of William Johnson. For Lynn township at Harmonic BLACK TOWNSHIP. Black township was named after the three brothers, Hugh, William and Thomas Black, who were highly respected by their acquaintances, and who were among the early pioneers of this part of the county. The township was organized March 24, 1817, by the county commissioners who were in session at Blackford, and included what is known now as Point township, but from August 14, 1821, till May 13, 1822, was called 76 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Daniel township, in honor of John Daniel, the first permanent settler in that part. The first election held in this township was at the house of Thomas Givens in Mt. Vernon. The early land entries were as follows: James Moore, 1816; Amos Robinson, 1807; Thomas Duckworth, 1817; Absalom Duckworth, 1811; Svlvester French, 1818; Anson S. Andrews, 1818; Daniel A. Willis, 1818; Elisha Phillips, 1818; James Duckworth, 1817; Samuel Phillips, 1818; Absalom AVillis, 1816; Alexander Willis, 1813; Daniel Barton, 1817; Edward Blount, 1817; Joseph Culley, 1819; Reason Cavin. 1816; F. and S. Culley, 1817; Joseph P. Coburn, 1818; Aaron Moore, 1819; David R. A. Bradley, 1819; William Moffit, 1818; Aaron Burlison, 1818; Andrew McFaddin, 1812; James Moore, 1817; B. W. Moore, 1812; Samuel Gill, 1807; John Bradley, 1819; Solomon Nelson, 1813; Christo pher Nelson, 1818; Edward Trafford, 1818; Samuel Jones, 1816; William Russel, 1818; John Burlison, 1819; Elijah Culley, 1819; David Thomas, 1814; Robert Castles, 1817; Thomas Nesler, 1816; Samuel Jones, 1807; Samuel Gregg, 1814; Thomas Templeton, 1815 ; Samuel Aldridge, 1813; Thomas Givens, 1807; William Wier, 1807; Gen. William Henry Har rison, 1807 (section 8, town 7 south, range 13 west) ; Henry P. Colvin, 1818; John Russel, 1817; Jabez Jones, 1807; John Caldwell, 1815 ; Thomas Miller, 1814; John Warrick, 1811; Peter Wilkinson, 1817; Jo seph Johnson, 1816; John Goad, 1819; Charles Allison, 1818; Jacob Kern, 1818; Samuel Eblin, 1816; Francis Miller, 1816; Aaron Robinson, 1808; John Phillips, 1816; Mark Barrett, 1816; Thomas Willie, 1817; Lowry Hay, 1812; John Walker, 1817; James Black, 1811. In 1810 James Black built the first mill in the township. It was a horse-mill. In 1817 he built a water-mill on Big Creek and afterwards moved his horse-mill to the same place for use when the water was too low. In 1820 Hugh Todd built a horse.-mill about eight miles northwest of Mt. Vernon. In 1831 Darius North, Virgil Soaper and Andrew McFadden built the first steam mill in the township at Mt. Vernon. It was at first a saw mill, burrs being added later for grinding corn, and finally changed to a grist mill and distillery. In 1832 John Weir built a water mill within the city limits of Mt. Vernon, but soon after moved it to the river bank and changed it to a steam mill. The first tannery in Posey was built by Adam Albright in 18 10, on the farm known as the "Old Jordan Place," five miles northwest of Mi Vernon. This was before the quick process of tanning was known. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 77 LYNN TOWNSHIP. Lynn township was organized by the board of county commissioners in 1817, and embraced at that time a part of Harmony township. It was named after Dan Lynn, the first representative of Posey county in the legislature, and who was also a member of the convention that adopted the constitution when Indiana was admitted into the Union. The first election in this township was held in New Harmony, or Harmonie, as it was then known. Among the early settlers of the township were: Samuel Eblin, who settled in the township about 1814. John Server was a Methodist class leader, a justice of the peace and a kind of lawyer. The Goad family, who were prominent in the township, came from Kentucky. Henry Kivett and Samuel York were two other early settlers. Billy Alexander, another settler, had sons : John, William and Silas. John Noel came from Ohio and settled in the township in 1820; he raised quite a large family. Early land entries were: George Rapp and association, 1815 ; Alex ander Heyman, 1816; John Saltzman, 1816; Frederick Rapp, 1817; Aquilla Mathews, 1816; Michael Saltzman, 1816; David Lynn, 1815; Abel Mathews, 1816; Robert Wilson, 1815; John Wilson, 1816; Thomas Miller, 1815; Absalom Kinson, 1819. John Turney and Elias Altizer were the first overseers of the poor. Altizer was inspector of elections before the township was separated from Harmony township. John Curtis and David Love were constables in 1818, and Frederick Rapp was appointed superintendent of school section for Lynn town ship in March, 1817. James Black, in 1817, built a mill on Big Creek, near the upper New Harmony and Mt. Vernon stage route. This was a water mill and in 1823 he built a horse mill near by. The same year William Wier built a horse mill on Mill creek, in Lynn township, and Abner Coates built a mill on Coates' creek in the same township in 1825. George W. Thomas built an ox tread mill on Big creek in 1836, and it burned down in 1841, but it was rebuilt soon after and changed to a steam mill. This was burned also in 1848, but Mr. Thomas erected a new mill, which he used till it was worn out. Grafton now marks the location of it. POINT TOWNSHIP. Point township was organized. in May, 1822, and so named for the reason that it is the extreme point of Posey county, and of the State. For a short time previous to its organization, it was known as Daniel township, in honor of John Daniel, the first permanent settler there. 78 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Early settlers were: Thomas Jones, Corduff, Samuel Black, Nathaniel Miller, Robinson family, Roach, Summers, George Henchet, James Con ner, William and Isaac James, Squire Love, Capt. Henry Stripe, and the families of Dixon, Greathouse and Bacon. Early land entries prior to 1820: William Broadhead, 1800; Samuel Kimmel, 1809; Seth Hargrave, 1813; James Black, 1813; Samuel Al dridge, 1814; George Rowe, 1814; Hugh Todd, 1814; Robert Hargrave, 1814; Nathaniel Ewing, 1814; Samuel W. Parr, 1814; Joseph Kennedy, 1814; Francis Black, 1815; Aaron Bacon, 1815; Thomas Jones, 1817; Elisha Boudinott, 1817; Christopher Ashworth, 1817; Martin Shlater, 1818; George Hershman, 1818; John Hamilton, 1818; David Greathouse, 1818; William F. Daniel, 1819. The first election in the township was held at the house of Daniel Owen for the purpose of electing a justice of the peace and the regular township officers. The first white man to settle in Posey county is supposed to have settled in what is now Point township, near the mouth of the Wabash river, some time in the latter part of the eighteenth century. He was an Irishman by the name of Thomas Jones. He remained there until his death in 1826. A man named Roach settled at the mouth of the Wabash and established a landing and trading point for the flatboat business at that place, and did a good business with the river men. Mr. Roach died in this township in 1848. Bone Bank, a famous Indian burying place in this township, now 1913, about wiped out by the cutting of the Wabash river, was situated on the Indiana bank of that stream, about three miles from its mouth, where it empties into the Ohio. It was on a high spot about sixty feet above the river. It was evidently the burying place for centuries of the Indian tribes of this section of America. Pottery, implements of warfare, metal articles of personal adornment and vast quantities of human bones were found there by the early settlers. Within the memory of many of the citizens of Point township, the Wabash flowed from 1,500 to 1,800 feet to the westward of its present course, a forty-acre corn field lying between the river and Bone Bank. As the river cut into the old burial ground bones were exposed in such quantities that they glistened in the sun's rays and were easily seen by those navigating the river. At the present writing, 1913, the river has cut away all but about 100 feet of this mound and is rapidly approaching a previous channel to the east of the mound from which it changed its course so long ago that giant trees, some of them six to eight feet in diameter, have grown in the center of the former watercourse. HARMONY TOWNSHIP Was organized August 14, 1821, and was named after the Harmonie Society, who were its first settlers. The history of the township is so HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 79 interwoven with the Rapp and Owen communities as to be difficult to separate. The Rappites owned and settled the greater part of the township. The following were the early land entries : The Rapps entered most of their lands in 1825. William Rogers entered lands in 1815; Ignatius Leavitt in 1814, and John Phillips in 1811. Robert Allen entered the lands owned by him in 1814; William Stallings in 1816, and Mr. Allen in 1809. All these were entered at the land office at Vincennes. It is claimed by some that George Rapp and his associates built the first grist mill in the county, but this is denied, and it has been stated on good authority that John Warrick built a mill on the cut-off at New Harmony in the year 1812, which was in operation for some time, but was sold to the Rappites who remodeled it. The first home-made flour was manufactured at this mill, the honor falling to the peculiar society which located at Harmonie in 1814 and 1815. The mill was run by water power. -The Cut-off, as the name indicates, is a body of land cut off from the mainland by an arm of the river. It consists of about 2,000 acres of very rich soil. It was occupied by the Rappites in the early days and yielded them immense harvests. The cut-off chute afforded an excellent site for water power, of which they took advantage. ROBB TOWNSHIP Was organized March 24, 1817, by the board of county commissioners, but embraced, in addition to its present area, all of Bethel and the greater part of Harmony townships. The first election in the township was held at the house of Langston Drew, April 12, 1817, for the purpose of electing one justice of the peace. Peter Jones was elected. The first township officers were: Gillison Price, Nathan Britton, Joshua Wade, John Gale, constables ; Thomas Robb, Peter Jones, Lang ston Drew, James Robb, William Casey, election inspectors ; Robert Allen, Jonathan Jaquess, William Casey, John Waller, James Murphy, Job Calvin, Peter Jones and James Calvin, overseers of the poor ; Joshua Overton, Thomas Owens, Leander DeFer, Ezekiel Kight, James Calvin and John Allman, supervisors. The following persons entered land up to 1818: William Nelson and Robert Allmon, 1809; James Allen, Samuel Murphy, Joseph Johnson, 1810; Jonathan Jaquess, Maxwell Jolley, Thomas Shouse, Thomas All mon, Daniel Drake, James Rankin, John Cox, 181 1; James Murphy, 1812; John Wilkins, Thomas Robb, 1813; Right Stallings, Peter Jones, William Harrigan, Warner Clark, Simeon Reecles, John Stroud, John Waller, Thomas and William Harrison, Harrison Sartin, John Gwalt- 80 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY ney, William Stallings, Langston Drew, Leander DeFer, Thomas Owens, John Crabtree, William Price, Thomas Rogers, John Robards, 1814; John Drew, William Gray, Nathan Britton, John Calvin, Richard Harrison, William McPherson, Ezekiel Kight, 1815 ; Clement Estes, Jo seph Endicott, Joshua Overton, Thomas McLure, Legro Bennett, John Calvin, Jesse Britton, Frederick Rapp, James Anderson, Jesse Cox, 1816; Lawrence Stull, John Walker, 1817; James Robb, 1818. The first settlers were : Joshua Overton and Joseph Montgomery, who came with their families in 1808. Though there were no records of the fact, it is quite probable that there were settlers in the township as trappers and hunters at the .beginning of the last century. In 1817 James Rankin built the first saw mill in the township. It was built on Black river, and was swept away by the high water shortly after it was finished. Another saw mill known as Grammis' saw mill was located on Cox creek. James Murphy and Joshua Overton owned mills near Poseyville and Stewartsville. The Murphy mill had a still house in connection that was famous for distilling liquors of excellent quality. The price was twenty-five cents per gallon. These mills were known as horse mills, as the motive power was that of horses hitched at each end of a long sweep. James Robb was the proprietor of a still house on Cox's creek. Tur ner Nelson established a still house near Stewartsville. Later Mr. Nel son became very prominent in county politics. In 1820 Robert Downey established a cotton gin about a mile south of Poseyville. In those days a cotton gin was about as important as a distillery. Every farmer raised enough cotton for his own use. The cotton cloth was woven by the women on hand looms. Tanyards were also important. Allen Westfall owned a tanyard near Stewartsville in the '40s, and tanned hides on the .shares. In most cases some mem ber of a family made shoes for the whole family, but there were cobblers who made shoes to sell while others cobbled on the shares. Farming was carried on in a very primitive manner. As late as 1850 plows with wooden mould-boards were in rise. Oxen were used for plowing and about all other farm work. Wheat was sown by hand and brushed in by a pile of brush drawn over the field by oxen. Later harrows with wooden teeth were used. The price of land, known as Congress land, was two dollars per acre, but it was afterward reduced to one dollar and twenty-five cents, and swamp lands sold for twelve and one-half cents. An immense lot of timber was destroyed in those days in order to get the land ready for cultivation. Timber in those days was not con sidered as having any value except for making rails and such other purposes as the farmer could make of it in its raw state. Anything HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 8l that would split was good rail timber and no tree was considered too valuable for rails. Many a fine walnut tree was made into rails to fence the "clearing." As a protection against the Indians the settlers built forts or block houses, a common place of refuge when the Indians went on the war path. A block house was located about a mile south of Stewarts ville, on the farm then owned by John Cox. It was a two-story building and was built of heavy, round logs. The lower story was 30x30 feet and the upper story a foot larger each way, projecting over the first story a foot all around and had V-shaped loop-holes sawed into the logs, some with points downward and others outward to afford a view of an enemy approaching. The blocks sawed out were kept to plug up the holes after firing at the enemy. There were two doors to the building and no windows, one door for an entrance to the first story, and one at the head of the stairway lead ing to the second story. However, no account of any engagement at the fort seems to be available, although it was frequently made use of as a refuge when the behavior of their Indian neighbors became suspicious. MARRS TOWNSHIP. At a meeting of the board of county commissioners held at Black ford, March 24, 1817, Marrs township was organized with its present boundaries. It was named after Samuel R. Marrs, who was one of the pioneers of the township, having come here from Warrick county. He was the first sheriff of Warrick county. The first election held in Marrs township was at the house of Wil liam Hutchinson, one of the first settlers in the township. The following are the names of some of the early settlers of the township : Alexander Barton, Moses Calvin, George Daws, John Ca- born, William Hutcheson, James Benbrook, Gabriel David, Hamilton Corson, James B. Campbell, Bedford Lynn, Judge Marrs, Lewis Benner, Michael Schreiber, John Vanwey, Wilson Jones, the Forris family, John Usery, the Weinmillers, and some others. The following land entries were made prior to 1820: Thomas E. Casselberry, 1807; John and Alexander Barton, 181 1; William Downen, 1811; William Sample, 1812; Paul Casselberry, 1813; Elsberry Arm strong, 1813; Samuel R. Marrs, 1813; Adam Young, 1814; William Bor- ton, 1814; Jacob and James Weinmiller, 1814; Robert Dery, 1814; John Moon, 1814; Elkanah Williams, 1814; William Hutcheson, 1815; Ben jamin Worthington, 1815 ; Needham Blount, 1815 ; Lawrence Stull, 1816; Jeffrey Sanders, 1817; John William, 1817; Charles Smith, 1817,- Elias McNamee, 1818. The first mill in the township was built in 1839, on Big creek, by a 82 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY man named Vauble, who came to the township in the same year. About that time, als9, James Benbrook built a small distillery and "swopped" whiskey for corn, giving a gallon of whiskey for a bushel of corn. He became widely known as the "whiskey swopper." Cornelius Foster was known as Rifle Foster. He was a gunsmith and pioneer preacher, and, being a first class mechanic, he manufactured nearly all the early rifles used by the pioneers of this township and the surrounding country. He died in this township many years ago, but now and then a Foster rifle can be found to tell the story. The principal mill in the township was known as Black Hawk's Mill. It finally came into the possession of and was operated by Joseph Deig, and was known from that time on as Deig's mill. The first post office in the township was at West Franklin, there being a great many settlers in that vicinity as early as 1815. In 1858 the office was removed to Black Hawk's Mill, where it remained until the first railway through the county was completed, passing through Caborn, it was removed to that place and the office at West Franklin was re-established. ROBINSON TOWNSHIP. The exact time when this township was organized is not known, but it is undoubtedly one of the oldest townships in the county, as it was formed in the first days of the territory's history. There is no record in possession of the county telling of its organization. It was named after Jonathan Robinson, who was prominently identified with the public affairs of that section in the early days. Very few land entries were made within the present township pre vious to 1820, owing to the fact that there was plenty of desirable land subject to entry nearer the market, but finally a great influx of Ger mans began to pour into this county and, large areas of land being still unoccupied in this township, they soon began to settle in that local ity. The greater portion of the population of the township now con sists of Germans. The land entries prior to 1820 were: William Dodge, in 1817; William Rodgers, 1818; Ajax Campbell, 1818; Charles Kim ball, 1818; Ezekiel Dukes, 1818; Rezin Halsell, 1816; Isaac Slover, 1819; David Murphy, 1819; John Crunk, 1818; Josiah Denney, 1814; Joel Pruitt, 1818; Thomas Halsell, 1817; William Holson, 1819; Alexander S. Morrow, 1818, and Samuel Barton, 1816. William Dodge entered land in 1817 and built a horse mill on his farm near Blairsville. Charles Kimball obtained permission from the county commissioners to build a mill at the bridge where the Evans- ville and New Harmony road crosses Big creek and that is supposed to be about the date of the building of his mill. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 83 As these mills had a capacity of from fifteen to twenty-five bushels a day, the miller was compelled to carry on some other kind of business in connection with his mill to support his family. In a great many cases small distilleries were run in connection with them. The region around Blairsville has been called the Mecca of Geologists, being rich in fossils, yielding argillaceous shales containing fossil ferns, and other coal plants, and a thin layer of coal and Sigillaria Oweni of large size. The region has been visited by many eminent scientists, in cluding Dr. Owen, William McClure, Sir Charles Lyell, Thomas Say, Pratten, Worthen, L. Lesquereux, Norwood Shumard, Dr. Troost, E. T. Cox and others. SMITH TOWNSHIP. Smith township at the time of its organization, March 24, 1817, by the board of county commissioners, included, in addition to its present area, additional territory which has since become parts of Gibson and Warrick counties and Lynn township. It was named in honor of George Smith, one of the earliest and most prominent settlers. The first election was held at his house. Early settlers and land entries : Elsberry Armstrong, Miles Arm strong and Joseph Garris entered land in 1810; James Rankin, 181 1; W. M. Stell, David Benson, 1813 ; Joseph Rasborough, Simon Williams, George and Bennet Williams, William Downey, George Smith, Regina Gale, 1814; Thomas McLure, John Smith, Thomas Duncan, William Smith, Isaac Kimball, Robert Davis, Thomas Ashley, Simpson Richey, 1815; William Davis, Henry Casey, Stephen Eaton, John Neal, Sallie Sanders, Willis Armstrong, Zachariah Harris, 1816; John McConnell, Louis Williams, Jonathan Jaquess, George Eaton, John Eaton, Stubel Garrett, Samuel McReynolds, Joshua Elkins, 1817; Elisha Kimball, Herndon Meadows, George Lowe, Harrison Meadows, 1818. The county board made the following appointments of township offi cers in 1817: William Davis, assessor and inspector of merchandise; John Arm strong and James Martin, overseers of the poor; John McCrary, con stable; Josiah Elkins, supervisor of all the roads in Smith township; Miles Armstrong, inspector of an election, held on the twelfth day of April of that year for the purpose of electing two justices of the peace. George Smith, one of the first to settle in the township, built a horse mill for grinding corn and wheat about two miles south of Cynthiana. He also ran a still in connection with it, exchanging a gallon of whiskey for a bushel of meal. Kimball's grist mill, Knight's grist mill, Alcorn's grist and saw mill, and Elperman's grist and saw mills were all located on Big creek, where excellent water power was afforded. g4 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Lumber in those days was sawed with a whip saw. Jonathan and William Moutry did a great deal of sawing for the neighbors with their hand saw mill. Ford Robinson built a cotton gin about 1825, but cotton soon became cheap and people stopped raising cotton. But during the Rebellion cotton reached such a high price that people began raising it again,, and Elisha Jones built and operated a cotton gin. WAGNON TOWNSHIP Was organized in March, 1817, and when Vanderburgh county waa formed, January 7, 1818, it became a part of that county and is known as Perry township. It was named after William Wagnon, a very early settler and one of the first panel of jurors that ever sat in Posey county. BETHEL TOWNSHIP Was formed August 14, 1821, and was named after P. C. Bethel, the first white man to settle within its confines. Eli Robb was one of the first justices of the peace. The following officers were appointed 'in 1822: Joseph Johnston, con stable ; Joseph Green and Joseph Johnston, overseers of the poor ; Joseph Johnston, supervisor of all the roads in the township ; Gillison Price, election inspector; John Colvin, assessor. The records show that John Waller entered land in 1807; James Ferris, 1808; John McQuidy and Mathias Mounts, 181 1 ; Thomas Shouse, 1812;- George Rapp and the "Harmonie Association," Isaac and Alexander Boyer, Samuel B. Williams and Joseph Green, 1815 ; John Neal, 1816; George Barnett, John S. Campbell, Carmelia Carpenter, Thomas Jordan, John E. Wilson, 1817; Robert Allen, Jess Spann, John B. Rachels, Gilli son Price, Nicholas Harding, 1818; Stephen Eaton, William Griffin,, Jacob Whittaker, Jesse Williams and William Browder, 1819. A water-power saw and grist mill was established and operated by John J. Morehead on the bayou for several years. John Vanway finally became his successor as proprietor of the mill and he moved it to the- mouth of the bayou and changed into a steam mill. Before mills were invented the settlers made meal in a mortar after the manner of their Indian neighbors. The best mortars were hollowed out of rock, but occasionally a large stump was used as a mortar. A large, deep, funnel- shaped hole was burned in the top of the stump, and a heavy wooden pestle, with the lower end pointed to fit the shape of the mortar, was used to crush the corn into meal. After the meal was thought to be fine- enough it was run through a buckskin sieve. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 85 CENTER TOWNSHIP, So named on account of its location in the center of the county, was formed from parts of Robinson, Lynn and Harmony townships in March, 1859, by order of the county commissioners. The following land entries were made at the dates annexed : William Dodge, 1815; John McReynolds, 1817; Sharp Garriss, 1816; Andrew Cavitt, 1815; Wright Stallings, 1817; Joseph McReynolds, 1817; John Ashley, 1819; Jesse Stallings, 1817; Ajax Campbell, 1818; David Ball, 1818; E. Cross, 1815; Jonathan Robinson, 1818; Enoch Fillingim, 1819; Archibald South, 1819; Michael Smith, 1818; Thomas Smith, 1818; George Rapp and Association, 1815 ; James Owens, 1818; John Crunk, 1816; John Hay, 1817; Frederick Rapp, 1817; William Nelson, 1816; Samuel Scott, 1817; Thomas Wilson, 1816; Al Wilson, 1817; John D. Hay, 1817; D. Lynn, 1816; David A. Willis, 1817; John Stallings, 1816; Jacob Kern, 1816; William Alexander, 1816; Thomas Leavett, 1817; Wil liam Wier, 1815; James Robb, 1818; John Gray, 1809; Thomas Rogers, 1809. The early settlers were Andrew Cavitt and sister, Joseph Robinson, Joshua and Caleb Wade, John Ashley, Sharp Gar-ris, John Parish, Ben jamin Gwaltney, David Ball, Moses Cross, Abner and Ajax Campbell, Reuben and Wright Stallings. Other families were the Wallaces, the Smiths and the Wilkinses. Mills, cotton-gins, distilleries and tanneries were a necessity in every neighborhood. Joseph Robinson supplied his neighbors with meal and whiskey and ginned their cotton for a long time. Cotton was high and money, scarce, so every farmer had his cotton patch. Corn or wheat was carried to' the mill on horseback and the settlers had to wait their turn, in some instances having to wait a day or two, as the capacity of the mills in those days was all the way from ten to twenty-five bushels per day. If it was a "horse mill" each man furnished the horse-power to do his own grinding. Distilleries were often connected with the mills and many indulged in drinking while waiting their "turn." They were small copper stills with a capacity of only a few gallons per day. The price of liquors, meals and lodging was regulated by the commissioners. Whiskey was 12^ cents per half-pint, wines 50 cents, food and lodging 25 cents, a horse with hay and stall all night 50 cents. "HOOP-POLE TOWNSHIP." Let a resident of Posey county go among strangers almost anywhere in the United States and tell anybody he came from Posey county, In diana, he will be required to answer the question: "Are you from Hoop-pole township?" And many who ask that question really believe that such a township actually exists in Posey county. 86 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY It is hoped that the following may disabuse the minds of those who entertain the idea that there is a township by that name in Posey county : Soon after the county seat was removed to Mt. Vernon, which was in the year 1825, barrel making became an important business in Mt. Vernon. William Hatfield and John Cooper were engaged in that busi ness on a rather extensive scale for that time. In those days there was a class of robust, fearless men who followed the river for a livelihood, known as flatboatmen. It was not uncommon to see a dozen or more of this kind of craft afloat or lying at the landing. One day, about the year 1833, some ten or fifteen flatboats were at the wharf while their own ers were up in town at the taverns and groceries drinking, making merry, and having a good time, and some of them became involved in a quarrel with residents of the town, in which the latter were worsted and routed. The news of the defeat spread over the town and several of the rougher element determined to avenge the wrong perpetrated upon their fellow citizens, so they equipped themselves with hoop-poles from the cooper shop, and another fight ensued, in which the river men were badly beaten, and made a hasty retreat to their boats, and pushed into the stream as quickly as possible. They passed, and were passed in turn, by boatmen, and their unsightly appearance called for explanation, and the questioner soon heard the story about the hoop-poles. After that when a flatboatmen was seen with a broken nose or a black eye, or otherwise damaged appearance, he was accused of having been to Vernon, and the place soon came to be known up and down the river as Hoop-pole township. SHERBURNE PARK Mt. Vernon CHAPTER VI. FOUNDING OF CITIES AND TOWNS. MT. VERNON. EARLY SETTLEMENTS PIONEER MERCHANTS MUNICIPAL ORGANIZATION EARLY OFFICERS LIBRARIES PARKS OTHER INSTITUTIONS AND IM PROVEMENTS. Mt. Vernon was first known as McFaddin's Bluff. The McFaddins had been residents of North Carolina, later moving to Bowling Green, Ky. Andrew McFadden, on a hunting expedition, crossed over into Posey county at Diamond Island and, coming down the river, discov ered the location of. the present town of Mt. Vernon, a spot conspicuous for its highness and dryness, with settlers above and below on the river. Soon after returning to his home in Kentucky Mr. McFaddin moved his family here. This was about the year 1805. Soon after, his cousins, William and Andrew, came and settled near him, and the place soon came to be known as McFaddin's Bluff, and kept that name for some time after the town of Mt. Vernon was founded in 1816. For a year after coming to this country the McFaddins lived on what is now known as the Hageman farm, which at that time was owned by Jesse Oatman. Trading boats landed at the rocks in front of this farm till about the year 1810, when they began to stop at the present wharf. The McFaddins moved to the present town site in 1806 and built the first dwelling in Mt. Vernon, which was a log cabin, at the foot of Store street, intending to enter land as soon as convenient, unaware of the fact that Gen. William Henry Harrison had bought all of fractional section 8, township 7 south, range 13 west, comprising 371.82 acres. This caused them considerable inconvenience and expense before the lands were released from the claims of General Harrison. Others soon located here and engaged in various pursuits, although at that time the town site and all the surrounding country was an absolute wilderness, full of game and wild animals. William McFaddin was a noted and skillful hunter and trapper, and had at the time the town was founded two pet beavers, which he had captured when young. As late as 1824 deer were 88 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY killed where Second street crosses Main, and the portion of the town which is now bounded by Fourth, Fifth, Main and Store streets was a pond. Nimrods of that day came hither in quest of wild geese and ducks. The first store in Mt. Vernon was opened by Darius North and Wil liam P. Robinson with a stock of general merchandise amounting to about $500. In a few years North bought out his partner and continued alone. — In 1817 there were about fifteen families living in and near Mt. Ver non. The principal business portion of the town was built on the wharf. The buildings were constructed of logs, the doors, floors, etc., being whipsawed at a great cost of time and labor. Samuel Aldridge entered a tract of land on section 6 (north-west of town) in May, 1807 ; and on the same section Thomas Givens bought a tract June 4, 1807. William Weir bought a tract in section 7, west of town, in May, 1807 ; and Samuel Jones bought a tract in section 5, north of town, June 4, 1807; so there was quite a populous settlement in the vicinity at the time the town was started up. It is said that Thomas Givens started a tavern at Mt. Vernon before any town lots were laid out. Nathan Ashworth was the first justice of the peace in Mt. Ver non, elected in 1816. In March, 1816, Aaron Williams laid out the present public square and thirty-two lots south and west of it to the river. The lots still bear their original numbers. About the same time John Wagoner laid out sixty-six lots and a public square of two acres and four poles on the west side of Mill creek. Williams sold a far greater number of lots than Wagoner. The majority of the buyers, however, bought for speculation. Wagoner's part of the town grew very slowly from the start, while Wil liams's part immediately began a rapid growth. Gen. William Henry Harrison still owned these lands, but some time within the next year he sold 185 acres at the junction of Mill creek with the Ohio river, east of the creek, to Aaron Williams for $500. Early in the year 1819 a stock company, consisting of Thomas E. Cas selberry, Jesse Y. Welborn, Aaron Baker, William Crabtree, John Bur lison, Matthew Williams, Aaron Burlison and Samuel Gill, bought of Aaron Williams seventy-two and one-half acres on the east bank of Mill creek, now in the heart of the town, for $3,500, resurveyed it and offered the lots for sale. In November, 1822, Mr. Welborn laid out an addition from Walnut to Mulberry streets and from Sixth street on north to Water street on the south ; he also laid out an addition in June, 1826, extending from Walnut to Main and from Sixth to Eighth. When the county seat was moved to Mt. Vernon, in 1825, the town HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 89 commenced to grow rapidly and, for a time, was ahead of Evansville in commercial importance. First merchants of Mt. Vernon were: Shanklin & Moffit, Dunn & McFaddin, Jesse Y. Welborn, North & Stewart, Richard and James Barter, McFaddin were engaged in mer chandising. Henry G. Luston, tavern. From 1830 to 1840 the leading firms were, in addition to most of the above : Presley Pritchett, tavern ; R. Barter & Co., Aaron Baker, Bacon & James, H. S. Wilson, McFaddin & Nettleton, T. S. Veatch & Co., H. H. Richardson, Adam Moffit, Hector Craig, James & Lowery, Barter, Swift & Barter, Dunn & Harrison, Scarborough Pentecost, Aaron B. Gill, Craig & Pollard, John T. Gill & Co., T. J. Hinch, James F. Reeder and others were engaged in the mercantile business. The grocers were : John S. Dunn, John McMunn, Baldwin & Hogue, William Aldridge, J. B. Weir, David Spalding, H. B. Dean, Beniah Moss, John Carson, Daniel Arthur, A. W. Welborn and others. The tavern keepers were : Presley Pritchett, Asa Bacon, Felix Mills. At an election held in November, 1832, the citizens of Mt. Vernon voted to incorporate the town. A plan for the division of the town was presented by Jesse Y. Welborn and formalty accepted by vote. The following were elected trustees : E. R. James, Moses Welborn, Ebon D. Edson, Jesse Y. Welborn and Aaron Baker. The votes polled were: Henry Holland, Presley Pritchett, T. J. Duncan, William Hall, John Knight, E. R. James, Asa Bacon, H. G. Luston, Samuel Scott, Jesse Y. Welborn, Adam Moffit, J. N. Hatcher, L. J. Larkin, Moses Welborn, Zachariah Baker, George S. Baker, John C. Welborn, Francis De San- chet, John Carson, Jeremiah Spillman, Levi M. Ricksicker, Mason F. Green, Richard Barter, William Moss, Andrew S. Gamble, James Bar ton, James B. Finch, H. H. Richardson, George S. Green and T. S. Veatch. The municipal wheels were soon rolling, but how long they continued cannot be stated, as all traces of corporate government are lost at the end of two years. The Ohio river afforded the only means of transportation. Corn and pork were the most important articles shipped away. As early as 1820 North & Robinson bought hogs and corn for shipment to the Southern markets of Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee. Dunn & McFaddin and Richard and James Barter were engaged in the same business. The first steam saw mill in Mt. Vernon was constructed by Darius North, Virgil Soaper and Andrew McFadden in 183 1. They afterward added machinery for grinding corn, and it finally became a grist mill and distillery. In 1838 it was destroyed by fire but was rebuilt the same year, and again burned down in 1853. . It was rebuilt in 1855 by De Witt C. James and George Mugge, four stories high with a capacity equal to 90 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 225 barrels of flour and 1,300 gallons of whiskey. In 1865 it passed into the hands of Herman Munchoff and George Wolflin, and was again de stroyed by fire, in 1873, for the third and last time. The building was located near the present site of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois railroad depot. The huge smokestack remained standing until a few months ago. North & McFaddin, about the year 1834, erected a steam saw mill, and as soon as they could saw the lumber, built a three-story grist mill and a distillery all combined. They also owned a large store and bought pork and grain and carried on an extensive business. Their saw mill and grist mill both being crowded to their utmost capacity, as there was a constant demand for all the lumber they could saw for the frame houses going up in all directions, and for all the flour and meal they could grind for home consumption, and the distillery had all it could do to supply the demand for whiskey. In 1837 the mills and the distillery were destroyed by fire, entailing a heavy loss on the proprietors. In 1840-41 Rogers & Moore rebuilt the saw mill and a two-story grist mill, but not the distillery. After a few years they sold out to John Baker and he sold to Mickey & Crowell, and while in their possession the mills again burned down. John Wagner's plat, laid out March 11, 1816, and bounded by,Mill Wat ter, Mulberry and Fourth streets. Aaron Williams's plat, laid out March 23, 1816, and bounded by Water, Store, -Walnut and Third. Jesse Y. Welborn's addition, May 10, 1819, bounded by Mill creek, and Fifth, Walnut and Water streets. J. Y. Welborn's addition, November 26, 1822, bounded by Walnut, Mulberry, Water and Sixth streets. J. Y. Welborn's addition, June 29, 1826, bounded by Walnut, Mulberry, Sixth and Eighth streets; John Given's re-survey, in 1840, bounded by Water, Chestnut, Pearl and Second. M. F. Green's addition, July 4, 1841, enlarged May 10, 1851, bounded by Main, Store, Seventh and Ninth. D. T. Kimball's, 1849, addition to Belleville. Robert Dale Owen's addi tion, November 21, 1836, and also in 1874. James & Hovey's enlarge ment, March 9, 1851, between Sixth and Ninth and Mill and Store. W. C. Saunder's enlargement, March 15, 1851. W. J. Lowery's addition, May 25, 1851, from Mill to Store, and from Eighth to Ninth. E. T. Sullivan's addition, January 3, 185 1, from Fourth to Fifth, and from Mulberry to Locust. W. J. Lowery's enlargement, December, 1852, from Mill to Main, and Eighth to Eleventh. W. W. Welborn's enlargement, June 7, 1853, from Second to Third, and from Pearl to Munchoff streets. Low ery & Larkin's enlargement, April, i860, from Third to Sixth and from Munchoff to Mill streets. Munchoff & Wolfin's enlargement, April 22, 1866, from Water to Second, and from Munchoff to Pearl. Company's' enlargement, February and August, 1866, and February, 1868, east of Walnut street. William Nettleton's enlargement, 1868, bounded by Wolfin, Nettleton, Second and Fourth streets. J. M. Barter's enlarge- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 91 ment, April, 1868, on Walnut, between Eighth and Ninth. J. A. Mann's, May, 1869, First to Second, and from Wolfin to Barter. N. G. Nettle- ton's enlargement, August, 1869, Second to Fourth, and Pearl to Net- tleton. School enlargement, September, 1869, Fourth to Fifth, and Canal to Locust. Mann & Barter's enlargement, First to Second, Wolfin to Barter. Mann & Barter's enlargement, February, 1870, Eleventh to Lin coln, and Canal to Locust. W. P. Edson's subdivision, October, 1871, nine lots in Kimball's part. J. A. Mann's addition to William Nettle- ton's enlargement, Second to Third, and east of the line between sections 7 and 8, April 30, 1874. Charles Leunig's enlargement, August, 1871, four acres north of Eleventh, and west of Main. Benjamin Lowenhupt's enlargement, 1880, one acre between Fourth and Fifth, and Mulberry and Locust. J. F. Welborn's enlargement, Fifth to Sixth, and Canal to Mulberry. Parke's enlargement, October 7, 1885, consisting of four lots on west side of Locust street between Fourth and Fifth streets, and four lots on each side of Fifth street between Locust and Canal streets and four teen lots on the east side of Canal street between Fourth and Sixth streets. Highbank addition, October 8, 1885, bounded on the north by Second street and Water street; east by Barter street and Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway Company's grounds, south by the Ohio river, west by Park street. V. M. Cartwright's addition, consisting of eight lots between Third and- Fourth streets, and Owendale addition and Wil liam Nettleton's enlargement, August 9, 1886. Wasem's substituted enlargement, seventeen lots bounded on the north by Acuff 's enlargement, on the east by Wolflin, on south by Fourth street, on the west by Venus avenue and the corporation line. April 29, 1887; Charles W. Fuhrer's enlargement, bounded on the north by the corporation line, on the east by Venus avenue, on the south by Owen- dale addition, on the west by Barter street and the corporation line, April 21, 1888; Gardner's Part, bounded on the north by Seventh street, on the east by Main street, south by Sixth street, on the west by Store street, April 23, 1889; William Acuff's enlargement, four lots, March 22, 1890; School Hill enlargement, bounded on the north by Central school , grounds, east by Canal street, south by Sixth street, west by Locust street, March 23, 1891. Cartwright's subdivision, lot No. 7 in Charles Leunig's enlargement, January 27, 1893; Helleman's addition, bounded on the north by Sixth street and William Mann's addition, east by Mill street, south by some out-lots and Mill creek, west by Mill creek and James street, February 21, 1893; Northwestern enlargement, bounded on the north by Sixth street and Model enlargement, east by alley between Pearl and Munchoff streets, south by Fourth street, west by Chicago & Eastern Illinois Rail way Company's grounds, February 14, 1893 ; Raben & Fuelling's enlarge- 92 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY ment, bounded on the north by Sixth street, east by Jones's enlarge ment, south by alley between Fourth and Fifth streets, west by Parkes enlargement, April 24, 1899; Harper's addition, bounded on the north by the Louisville & Nashville Railway Company's grounds, east by Wal nut street, south by out-lots, west by Main street, April 21, 1902; Wil liam Mann's addition, bounded on the north by an alley between Sixth and Seventh streets and James and Hovey's enlargement, east by James & Hovey's enlargement and Mill street, south by Sixth street, west by out-lots, January 23, 1905 ; Owendale addition, bounded on the north by Fourth street, east by Cartwright's and William Nettleton's enlarge ment and Mann's addition to William Nettleton's enlargement, south by West Second street, west by Parke street; Model addition, bounded on the north by unplatted land, east by Pearl street, south by Sixth street, west by Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railway Company's grounds, June 25, 1906; Jones's addition, bounded on the north by an alley between Fifth and Sixth streets, east by tile factory road, south by Fourth street, west by Raben & Fuelling's enlargement, July 16, 1906; Sarlls's subdi vision, April 16, 1906, bounded on the North by Ninth street, east by Canal street, south by Eighth street, west by Locust street ; Henry Schnuer's enlargement, December, 1907, bounded on the north by Black- grove, east by the lower New Harmony road, south by out-lots, west by land owned by Grant Dixon ; Lorenz Hempfling's subdivision of lots 7 and 8 of Kimball's additional enlargement, August 7, 1908, bounded on the north by Fourth street, east by Lorenz alley, south by Third street, west by Hempfling's alley ; Pfeffer's addition, April 14, 1910, bounded on the north by an alley between Fifth and Sixth streets, east by an alley between Store and Mill streets, south by Fifth street, west by Mill street; Brown's addition, September 1, 191 1, bounded on the north by Grant street, east by Leunig's enlargement, Cartwright's subdivision and Louisville & Nashville Railway Company's grounds, south by Louisville & Nashville Railway Company's grounds, west by land of William Ford and others; Rosa Raben's subdivision, November 30, 191 1, bounded on the north by Sixth street, on the east by Wood street, south by an alley between Fifth and Sixth streets, west by Canal street. The second incorporation of the town took place in 1846, the election to decide the question being held October 1. The first trustees at this time were Thomas F. Prosser, Noble Graig, F. N. Mills, Walter F. Lar- kin and Thomas Newman. Seventy-two votes were polled, probably not over three-fourths of these in town, indicating a population of about 500. T. F. Prosser was first clerk; Seth M. Leavenworth, treasurer, and Whipple White, marshal. As the records from that date up to 1859 are missing, nothing of the acts of the board can be stated. In October, 1859, the trustees elected were Enoch R. James, T. F. Prosser, Charles' Haas, W. D. Covington, and Turner Nelson; Joseph P. Edson, clerk; HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 93 E. R. James, treasurer; Harrison Carter, marshal; George W. Thomas, wharf master. The receipts from October 30, 1858, to October 19, 1859, were $7,385.82, and the expenses $6,978.82, leaving a balance on hand of $407. About one-half of this expense was in payment of principal, the interest of the wharf debt, which had been contracted in 185 1, the total amount of the debt at first being, it is said, $20,000. In October, 1859, the debt was $5,164.05. At this time, and for the succeeding two or three years, Main, Store and other streets of the town were macadamized at a large expense, and the greater portion of which was paid at the time from special tax levies. F. and E. Schenk, A. B. Galliger, Jean Febre and others were contractors. The officers elected in October, i860, were as follows: Noble Craig, G. W. Thomas, Otto Schaeffer, S. M. Leaven worth and John D. Hinch, trustees; Leavenworth, treasurer; Hinch, clerk, and Harrison Carter, marshal. The receipts for the year ending October 16, i860, were $11,390.57, and the expenses, $10,652.18. This heavy expense was on the streets and the wharf debt. The receipts for the year ending October, 1861, were $4,533.41, and the expenses, $3,924.72. The officers elected, October, 1861, were : John A. Mann, Charles Haas, Charles Leunig, Otto Schaeffer and Leonidas Cralle, trustees ; Otto Schaeffer, clerk; Charles Leunig, treasurer; Isaac P. Lamb, marshal. The receipts for the year ending October, 1862, were, $5,544.66, and the ex penses, $5,399.07. At this time the wharf debt was $4,500. The officers of 1862-63 were: B. F. Server, Charles Haae, J. M. Monroe, F. Schenk and W. P. Daniel, trustees ; W. P. Daniel, clerk ; F. Schenk, treasurer, J. M. Monroe, marshal. In April, 1863, the board donated $1,000 toward a new school house. The officers of 1863-64 were: B. F. Server, W. P. Daniel, J. M. Monroe, Charles Haas and F. Schenk, trustees; Schenk, treasurer; Daniel, clerk, and H. Carter, marshal. In 1864-65 the officers were : Josiah Forth, M. S. Blunt, Aaron Galliger, John Pfeffer and Charles Haas, trustees ; Otto Schaefer, clerk ; W. Forth, marshal ; Noble Craig, treasurer ; James Ferguson, assessor. In August, 1864, upon peti tion, corporate bonds to the amount of $4,000 were sold to pay the wharf debt of $4,500, with what was in the treasury. They were all taken by the First National Bank, then just founded. The receipts of 1864-65 were, $5,783.85, and the expenses, $5,909.60. The officers of 1865-66 were : An ton Haas, W. P. Edson, Samuel S. Dryden, John Pfeffer, John B. Gard ner and A. B. Galliger, trustees; J. F. Welborn, clerk; C. F. Leonard, treasurer; Thomas Stevens, marshal; W. H. Larkin, assessor. A pest house was built in 1865. In 1851, a stock company consisting of John Pitcher, president; Robert D. Owen, secretary and treasurer ; with N. G. Nettleton, John Sweeney, Enoch R. James, Charles F. Leonard, Richard Barter, Pitcher and Owen as directors, built a plank road from New Harmony to Mt. Vernon. Upon its completion, the event was celebrated by an elaborate public dinner at 94 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Mt. Vernon, and a grand ball at New Harmony in the evening of the same day. Toll gates were established and business of the two towns increased rapidly. The population of Mt. Vernon soon increased fifty per cent., a phenomenal growth, largely attributable to the plank road. But, at that, the travel was not sufficient to warrant the outlay, and in a few years the road was abandoned. Within the last decade this public thoroughfare has been covered with crushed rock and gravel. The most dreadful epidemic to which a community was ever subjected was the visitation of the cholera in Posey county in 1873. This was one of the darkest and most sorrowful periods in the history of the county. For two long months, the relentless disease spread sorrow and death in all directions. People generally fled from it, but many instances of hero ism and martydom are on record as our oldest citizens can attest. For five long weary weeks coal was publicly burned in great quantities on many street corners in Mt. Vernon, and lime and other disinfectants were scattered profusely in the streets and gutters. Everything possible was done to eradicate the disease while it was stubbornly and relentlessly performing its awful mission. A list of the deaths with the dates, from cholera, in and around Mt. Vernon, which we believe to be correct, is given below : Joseph Pickles, June 7 ; a daughter of George Muncey and Mrs. William Miller, the fif teenth; a child of Mr. Roberts, the twentieth; Mrs. Joseph Sloat, the twenty-second; John Caldwell (colored), the twenty-seventh; Lucy Kirk, a child, a daughter of Mrs. John Snyder and Mrs. Collins, the twenty- eighth ; a daughter of Mrs. John Snyder, the thirtieth ; Mrs. Grant, July 1; Thomas Caldwell (colored), the eighth; unknown negro woman, and an unknown pauper the ninth ; Miss Sheldon, Miss Gordon, Mrs. George Weilbrenner, a daughter of John Reichert, Mrs. Barker, and James Weeks, the eleventh ; Samuel K. Bell, his mother and sister, Mrs. Helen Gordon, Larkin Duncan and Alvin Hovey, the twelfth ; Augustus Gordon and a daughter of Robert Lyon the thirteenth ; Mrs. Conrad Shertz, Wil liam King and child of James McClain, the fourteenth; Robert Peters and Mrs. S. Huff, the fifteenth; Taylor Woody, Orrin Johnson, a child of J. C. Woody, Henry Osborne and wife, the sixteenth ; an unknown pauper, Lewis Barton, Mrs. J. C. Woody and child, the seventeenth ; Jo seph Harris, Mary Shertz and Mrs. Barton, the eighteenth; a son of Mrs. Bonenberger, Katie Shertz and Mrs. Grace Craw, the nineteenth; Lettie Watkins (colored), Mrs. Timmons and Dr. A. Matzdorf, the twen- tieh; Mrs. Robert Lyon, Mrs. McLaughlin and Miss Eva Hovey, the twenty-first ; Lizzie Haas and a son of Mrs. Cook, the twenty-second ; a son of James C. Dixon, an unknown negro, and Mrs. McDowell, the twen ty-third; son of James Davenport, the twenty-fourth; Ant'one Haas John Quick, wife and child, the twenty-fifth; Mrs. John D. Hinch and Mrs. Musselman, the twenty-sixth; an unknown pauper the twenty- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 95 eighth; Mrs. Latham, the twenty-ninth; Jeff Hopkins, the thirtieth; a child of Isaac Newton the thirty-first ; John Tier, August i ; Charles Kreie, the second; Robert Moore, the third; Mattie Stein and Henry Washington (colored), the fourth; Joseph Clemmens and an unknown pauper, the fifth. An election was held on the seventh of December, 1865, to decide the question of incorporating Mt. Vernon as a city. The vote was 219 for, and 130 against the proposition. The city was divided into three wards, as follows : The first ward embraced all that part of the city lying east of Main and south of Fourth streets ; second ward, all lying north of Fourth street; third ward, all lying west of Main and south of Fourth streets. A city seal was adopted in February, 1865. The pest house was sold the same year. William Harrow, at the first meeting of the council, was appointed city attorney, but he refused for private reasons to serve, and William P. Ed son was elected to fill the position. The city ordinances were revised and new ones adopted. In May, 1867, the city's debts, including the wharf debt of $4,500, amounted to $14,449.32. In 1868 a high school building was erected at a cost of $17,000, and the next year the central and western school build ings were erected at a cost of $5,500 each, and the same year the council issued and sold $10,000 worth of school house bonds, realizing ninety- six cents on the dollar. For the fiscal year 1868-69 the receipts were $24,291.81, and the expenses $15,921.55 ; the debt was reduced to $3,543.07. In 1871 bonds to the amount of $3,000 were issued to build a school house west of Mill creek. They sold for $2,820, and the house cost $4,501.80. William Nettleton from January, 1866, to May, 1866; Otto Schaeffer, May, 1866, to May, 1867; Jonathan H. Burlison, May, 1867, to May, 1868 (elected to fill vacancy caused by death of Otto Schaeffer) ; William Pi Edson, from May, 1868, to October, 1869 (resigned) ; Jonathan Burlison, from October, 1868, to May, 1872; U. G. Damron, from May, 1872, to May, 1874; J. H. Burlison, May, 1874, to May, 1878; Oliver C. Terry, 1886, to May, 1888; E. E. Thomas, May, 1888, to May, 1892; Fred P. Leonard, May, 1892, to 1894; L. J. Larkin, 1894, to September, 1898; Al fred D. Owen, September, 1898, to September, 1902; Samuel J. Miller, September, 1902, to September, 1904; Herdis F. Clements, September, 1904, to September, 1906; Edwin Page, September, 1906, to January 1, 1910; J. H. Moeller, January 1, 1910, present incumbent. The city of Mt. Vernon is situated on a beautifully elevated spot on the Ohio river, surrounded by a fertile and picturesque country. Its natural drainage makes its sanitary condition excellent. The elevation, according to the United States Navigation Engineering Corps, is forty feet above that of Evansville, and several feet above that of any other place on the Ohio river below Cincinnati. 96 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY The city is the shipping point for a rich farming territory of approxi mately one hundred square miles. Thousands of barrels of hominy and flour leave this place annually, and many tons of hay and corn find their way to the markets of the world from Mt. Vernon. The city has a good water system, a splendid electric lightning system, an excellent sewerage and drainage and several blocks of substantial business houses. Mt. Vernon is pre-eminently a city of homes and the well-kept streets, the handsome residences, surrounded by beautiful lawns, the numerous shade trees never fail to awaken the admiration of visitors. The city has ninety-five blocks of macadamized and thirty-three blocks of asphalt paving. At present there are fifteen rural mail routes run ning out of the city. One of the beautiful and valuable acquisitions, acquired recently by the city, is Sherburne Park, located on the water front at the foot of Main street. The grounds were donated by the city and the park was laid out and equipped by Jacob Cronbach, at great expense, and named Sherburne in perpetuation of the memory of his beloved son, Sherburne. A concrete walk surrounds the park, and on the lower side is a succession of concrete steps descending to the wharf. The interior is elaborately fitted up with various equipment for the innocent amusement of children, such as teeters, gymnasium racks, merry-go-rounds, chute-the-chutes and stationary swings; also seats where young and old may sit and rest on a summer's evening and enjoy the cool breezes of the river. At the center of the park is, a fountain of ice cold water and beautiful and sub stantial rest room and comfort station, built of vitrified brick, with tile roof. One of the early buildings of Mt. Vernon, which has disappeared with time, was the public market. It was situated upon the northeast cor ner of the court house grounds and was erected in the late '50s. It was a monument to the generosity of Dan Rice, the most famous clown of his day, and later the owner of a circus which bore his name. The funds with which this building was built were donated by Dan Rice and his generosity was due to the fact that he wished to attract to his show all of the people of Mt. Vernon and vicinity, another circus having arranged to exhibit on the same day as the Rice show. He had many friends and acquaintances in the city, having visited Mt. Vernon on numerous occasions, and on learning of the billing of the rival show, he went out among the citizens and offered the entire receipts of his afternoon performance for some public enterprise, suggesting that a public market building would benefit the town. His offer was accepted and his tent filled, the rival attraction playing to empty seats. During the performance he remarked to his audience that "the evening per formance would occur as usual," and that the proceeds were needed by himself. That night the citizens responded to his invitation in such HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 97 numbers that the side walls of the tents were taken down to permit the crowd a view of the entertainment, the rival show still playing to empty benches, and Dan Rice was happy. With the funds secured from Rice a building about 120x50 feet was built. A large sign was placed over the entrance and bore the name of Dan Rice. During the first months of 1861 the building was used by the newly enlisted volunteers as an armory. , The citizens purchased many of their supplies here, farmers bringing in produce from the country and butcher stalls were run by John Pfeffer, John Dieteile and John Schisler. When the present court house was under construction the old market was torn down. THE ALEXANDRIAN FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. October 11, 1892, the Alexandrian Literary Society was organized at the residence of Mrs. Matilda Alexander. The purpose and aim of this society was to found a library for the citizens of Mt. Vernon. On Sep tember 28, 1895, the Alexandrian Library was opened to the public, and was located in one of the rooms of the city hall. Much benefit was de rived from the use of the library and there was a demand for a better and a larger one. Some of the citizens became enthused to the extent of soliciting Mr. Carnegie for sufficient funds, and a committee, con sisting of Jacob Cronbach, Prof. Edwin S. Monroe and Prof. E. G. Bau- man, began a correspondence with him. At first they were unsuccess ful, but after many efforts obtained promise of the desired amount. He gave $12,500 for building, and later an additional $1,400 to equip the building. The south half of the city lot was chosen for the site of the building, and the erection of same began in July, 1904. In May, 1902, Mrs. Matilda Alexander tendered to the city the Alex andrian Library, which consisted of 1,200 volumes. The new building was completed during the summer of 1905, and October 16, 1905, the Al exandrian Free Public Library was dedicated. Nine hundred new vol umes were added and Mrs. Olive McGregor Smith, the librarian, with the aid of Miss Dodd, classified and catalogued books ready for the shelves and circulation. The library has steadily grown and now has more than 5,000 volumes and there are 55 different, periodicals on read ing tables each month. In the basement of the building is a club room. Three literary clubs hold their meetings in this room Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons of each week, and much work is done for them by the librarian. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union meets Friday afternoons, twice a month, and the charity organization the first Saturday of each month, use the room ; also Sunday afternoons the Jewish children use the room for religious services. The library is open each day of the week, including Sunday, except Thursday. Spe cial attention is given both city and township school children. 98 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY NEW HARMONY. By far the most interesting of the early settlements in Posey county is that of New Harmony, on account of its early settlers, the Rappites and the Owens. The Rappites, under the leadership of George Rapp, came from Wur- tenberg, Germany, to Butler county, Pennsylvania. This was in the days of religious intolerance in Germany and George Rapp became a dissenter from the doctrines and practices as taught by the Lutherans of Wurtenberg. George Rapp was a vine dresser and farmer and a man of great strength of character. He was born in 1757. He began to speak, in his own house, when he was about thirty years of age, and it was not long till his congregation was quite large, coming from miles around. He was a great Bible student and taught certain doctrines that were peculiarly his own. He taught that Adam was of a dual nature, containing within his own person both the sexual elements, and quoted in support of this Genesis i -.26-27 : "And God said, let us make man in our own image, after our own likeness, and let them have dominion. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female created he them." Rapp taught that this meant that both the creator and the created had this dual nature, and if Adam had been allowed to remain in his original state he would have begot ten offspring without the aid of a female. But Adam became discon tented and God separated from his body the female part. This was Rapp's interpretation of the fall of man. From this he evolved the doctrine of celibacy, declaring that the celibate state is more pleasing to God, and that in the "renewed" world man would be restored to the Adamic condition. Rapp taught that the coming of Christ and the "renovation" of the world were near at hand. He believed that he would live to see the reappearance of Christ and that he would be permitted to present his followers to the Savior. He taught that Christ was, like Adam, a dual being and that he enjoined upon his followers a community of goods. In support of this, Rapp referred to Acts iv :32 : "And the multitude of them that believed were of one mind and one soul, neither said any of them that aught of the things which he possessed was his own, but they had all things common." Before leaving Germany he and a number of his adherents had been brought before the king for the teaching of his doctrines, and their refusal to attend the services of the established church. The king, however, was lenient with them upon learning that they had been accustomed to obey the laws of the country, and allowed them to go unpunished. But persecution did not cease with this display of royal clemency, and, finally, after securing quite a large number of fol- OLD RAPPITE ROOMING HOUSE New Harmony HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 99 lowers and not being willing to submit to the persecution necessary in carrying out his ideas of economy, George Rapp conceived the idea of seeking a home in the New World for himself and followers, where they could promulgate the tenets of their peculiar belief without restric tion. Accordingly, in the year 1803, he with his adopted son, Fred erick, and several associates set out for the United States for the pur pose of locating a colony in the New World. They selected and bought an estate of 5,000 acres of unimproved land in Butler county, Pennsylvania. They set to work under the direc tion of George Rapp with great zeal and earnestness, and soon made comfortable homes for the entire population. But they did not all come at this time. In 1804 the "Aurora" sailed from Amsterdam to Phila delphia with 300 immigrants ; six weeks later the "Atlantic" sailed with 300 more, and in the fall of the same year the "Marquette" brought the remainder. In 1805 the "community of equality" was established among them and they began life according to the manner they had planned while in Germany. They threw their entire possessions into a com munity stock, as they had resolved to have all things in common. They adopted a uniform style of dress and built all their houses nearly alike. With their characteristic zeal, energy and earnestness, they began clear ing their lands. The wilderness was soon made to blossom as the rose. One hundred and fifty acres of land were cleared the first year. At the end of the next year four hundred acres had been cleared, a saw mill, tannery, store house and distillery erected, and a vineyard of several acres had been planted. Music, painting, sculpture and other liberal arts flourished among them. Their museums and gardens were the wonder and delight of those who saw them. They adopted celibacy in 1807. Those who had been married, of whom there was a large number, were separated and placed in different establishments. Their strict observance of this rule indicates the su preme power and authority of George Rapp, whom they revered as a prophet and a saint. The remarkable prosperity of the .community is readily seen, when it is stated on good authority that in 1807 these people were worth on an average of $25 per head, and in 1825 they had $2,500 for every man, woman and child in the community. In the year 1809 they raised 6,000 bushels of Indian corn, 4,000 bushels of wheat, the same of rye, 5,000 bushels of oats, 10,000 bushels of potatoes, and 4,000 pounds of flax and hemp, besides other less important products. This same year they made their first woolen cloth, spun by hand from yarn, and the next year a woolen factory was erected. They had 2,000 acres of land under cultivation and large tracts of surplus land for sale. But the Rappites soon realized the disadvantages of their location, being twelve miles from navigation, the inadaptability of their lands I0O HISTORY OF POSEY- COL"NTY" for fruit culture in which they desired to engage, and the severity of the climate. Frederick Rapp was commissioned to go in search of a new home farther west. He set out in 1812 and visited six of the western States and territories, and finally decided upon moving the colony to a beauti ful tract of land on the Wabash river, a few miles above its mouth. Frederick Reichert, who is known as Frederick Rapp, was really no kin to George Rapp. He was a stone cutter by trade, and when on a visit to the neighborhood of George Rapp became acquainted with him and was soon a zealous and earnest follower. George Rapp soon saw in Reichert the mechanical skill and business qualifications necessary for carrying out the scheme he then had under consideration, and made him his business manager and confidential agent, and adopted him as his son, and Reichert was always called Frederick Rapp, and so signed his name to legal documents. They accordingly sold their possessions in Pennsylvania, consisting of about 6,000 acres of land, with great flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, and their factories, mills, etc., at a great sacrifice for $100,000, and in 1814 a part of them arrived at New Harmony and began the requisite clearing and founded the town of "Harmonic" Early in 1815 the re mainder came, the whole colony consisting of about 700 persons. Here they bought vast tracts of land, most of which was in Harmony township, but some in Bethel and some in Point. They also had lands in Knox county, and some in Illinois. All these lands were entered in the name of George Rapp and associates, or Frederick Rapp individually. Their home in Pennsylvania had been called "Harmonie" and for this reason they called their new home Harmonie, or New Harmony. They began the work of erecting homes and clearing the land with the same zeal and earnestness that had characterized their efforts in Pennsylvania. Taking advantage of the fall in the river at the cut-off, about two miles below the town, they erected a water mill at that point. This mill not only did the work for the community but made meal and flour for the entire surrounding country for several years. A large vineyard of eighteen acres was planted on the hills south of town, which furnished an abundance of the finest grapes. The vine yard was in charge of one Strock, the vine dresser, who carefully econ omized the fruits of his labors. He is said to have remained after the Rappites took their departure and is remembered by many of the old settlers. The wine press, which was situated near the vineyard, consisted of a circular tank in which the grapes were placed, and a large circular stone, which was rolled upon them to bruise them in order to extract the juice.. The remains of the old press are still to be seen. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 101 There was also a distillery and a brewery. Inconsistent as it may seem in view of the fact that Father Rapp rigidly prohibited intem perance, yet he encouraged the manufacture of wine, beer and whiskey as articles of commerce. They had little or no communication with the outside world except through the miller, the store keeper, the tavern keeper and Frederick Rapp. Old Straheli, the herdsman, tended the large flocks and herds. He rode to the pastures in a wagon which resembled a small house on wheels, drawn by cattle. Individual settlers near the community chris tened it "Noah's Ark." He drove the herds and flocks to the fields, to the hills south of town, and to the island for pasturage in the daytime, and at night drove them into the barns and sheds for protection. They had men of all trades, professions and occupations. They raised all kinds of produce, from the garden and orchard to the extensive fields of grain. They cleared and ditched the land, built houses and barns, and fenced their fields. They raised everything they used except groceries, and they got those by exchange. Frederick Rapp was the general busi ness manager and had agents in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. They discouraged the learning of the English language and were ad verse to explain their tenets. They were severely criticised by their neighbors for living such exclusive lives and not encouraging popular education more, but it is doubtful if the community could have succeeded in any other way. At times there was bitter feeling toward the Rappites by their neighbors. But, on the whole, the colony was useful to the community. They set a good example in neatness, industry and orderly conduct. Their reputation for honesty was one of the secrets of their commercial prosperity. Flour, woolen goods or distillery products bear ing the New Harmony brand were known to be of the best quality. They were a kind-hearted, temperate and industrious people, sincere, upright and honest in their dealings. They built a steam grist mill about the year 1820 and later added to it a cotton and woolen factory for spinning, weaving, dyeing and coloring cloth. For a time a cocoonery and silk factory was in operation, and some very fine articles of silk were manufactured. An oil mill for the manufacture of castor oil was located on a small creek about two and one-half miles from town. There was a brickyard in the south part of town. They built a granary of stone, the walls being two feet thick and the roof of tile, making the building fireproof. In the walls were loop holes, making the building serviceable also as a fortress. In fact, in later years, it came to be known as the "old fort." This building was con nected with Rapp's residence by a subterranean passage which has long since been closed up, but the old fort is still standing. About the only changes that have been made in it are the portholes, which have been 102 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY enlarged to windows and some slight changes have been made to accom modate the mill machinery that was placed in it, the building having been used as a grist mill. After a residence of ten years at New Harmony the Rapps opened negotiations for the sale of their vast estate with Richard Flower, who had established an English settlement in Edwards county, Illinois, in 1818. Mr. Flower and his associates had made frequent visits to the Harmony colony and had established intimate business relations with them. Father Rapp commissioned him to sell the Harmonist property for $125,000, agreeing to pay him a commission of $5,000. He found a purchaser in the person of Robert Owen, of New Lanark, Scotland. Mr. Owen was a philanthropist by nature and a man of talent and wealth. Mr. Flower visited New Lanark and laid before Mr. Owen the advan tages of Harmony as a site for a communistic establishment in the New World, where he might work into practice theories which he had pro mulgated long before. He was manager of a large establishment that he had run successfully on the community plan and was anxious to try out the experiment on a larger scale. Frederick Rapp was made their "true and lawful attorney in fact" for the sale of their property. The article was signed by George Rapp, Christina Rapp, Rosina Rapp, Johana Rapp and 497 others, all of whom, except thirty-nine, were able to make their own signatures. On the consummation of the sale, December 25, 1825, Mr. Owen came into possession of 19,997.87 acres of land, 800 acres of which were in White county, Illinois. The consideration was $125,000. Double this amount would have been a very modest estimate of the value of the large estate and well built town. The Rapps must have had good rea sons for desiring to sell the property, for the sale was made at a great sacrifice, not only in the intrinsic value of the estate alone, but in their extensive trade in adjacent States and down the Mississippi to New Orleans. With the proceeds of the sale the Rappites purchased an estate in Beaver county, Pennsylvania, below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio river, not far from the site of their first settlement. Here they built a village and called it Economy. In 1874 the Rappites sent Jonathan Lentz to New Harmony and he purchased the immense church of the Rappites and the lot on which it stood, and tore down all but the east wing, using the brick to con struct the wall which protects the Rappite cemetery. This wall is one foot thick, five feet high, covered with a heavy limestone coping, and guarded by iron gates. The Harmonists gave the church lot, together with the remaining material and the wing standing, to the town of New Harmony. Mr. Owen, like Mr. Rapp, believed in the community system of prop- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY IO3 erty, but differed very materially in policy of management. Instead of assuming the entire control and management himself, he allowed every one to have a part in it. Early in the year 1825 Mr. Owen delivered two addresses in the Hall of Representatives at Washington, having for his audiences distinguished men from all over the United States. In these addresses he explained his plans for the redemption of the human race from the evils of the existing state of society, going into details very minutely, and declaring his intention to carry his purposes into immediate execution to the full extent of his means. These addresses were published in 1825 and a manifesto was issued announcing that "a new society is about to be formed at Harmony in Indiana," and inviting to its membership all who were in sympathy with the founder in his desire for a new state of society. On April 27, 1825, Robert Owen addressed the community member ship and a number of visitors from the surrounding country in the old Rappite church. He said : "I am come to this country to introduce an entirley new state of society ; to change it from the ignorant and selfish system to an enlightened social system which shall remove all causes of complaint and reconcile all differences between individuals." He laid before his followers the proposed constitution for the Preliminary Society, carefully explaining the document in all of its details. Mr. Owen made addresses in other cities and soon the attention of the whole country had been drawn to the project, and many of the most distinguished men of the time gave at least partial approval to his plans. The previous success of the Rappites on the same site furnished an object lesson in communism and there seemed to be no apparent reason why even greater success should not come to the new community, which eliminated all the disagreeable features of the Rappite community and contemplated the practice of theories in local government and education. Under the Rappites ignorance and superstition had been the prominent characteristics of their membership, while the members of the new com munity were to be persons of liberal and progressive ideas and a high ideal of social life. Mr. Owen enlisted the interest of William Maclure, of Philadelphia, a wealthy scientist and a man of broad views, varied experience and a truly philanthropic spirit. He was born in Scotland in 1763 and came to America at the age of thirty-three to make a geological survey of the United States. In prosecuting this work he crossed and recrossed the Alleghanies several times and traveled on foot through every State and Territory within the limits of the United States at that time. The results of his labors were published in 1809. Mr. Maclure was deeply interested in education. It was his avowed intention to make New Harmony the center of American education 104 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY through the introduction of the Pestalozzian system of instruction and he brought to New Harmony a most distinguished coterie of scientists and educators, among them being Thomas Say, Thomas Pearce, J. K. Colidge, Richardson Whitby, Feldman Witwell and others. Mrs. Mary D. Fretageot, a lady of great learning, came to New Harmony at the request of William Maclure in 1825. She was the mother of A. E. Fretageot, a former county commissioner and prominent merchant of New Harmony. In 1826 Mr. Maclure bought 490 acres of land, or about one-third of the town, from Mr. Owen for $40,000. There was a tendency on the part of the community toward the acquisition of individual property. Although the constitution seemed liberal and good, it soon became nec essary to modify it to meet the demands and suit the clamors of the community. In April, 1826, it was allowed that twenty-five persons might move out and form a separate community, and in May following three separate divisions were made. The first, or New Harmony proper, was Community No. 1 ; the second was Macluria, or Community No. 2 ; the third was Community No. 3, called Feiba Peveli. A fourth com munity was soon established. In a short time an individual store was established in opposition to the general store, and the courts established its right to sell goods within the community. Soon the continuance of the community, as a community, was found to be impossible and in a short time it was abandoned by common consent. On Sunday, May 26, 1827, Robert Owen made his "farewell address to the citizens of New Harmony and the members of the neighboring com munities." Mr. Owen left New Harmony for England on June 1, 1827, stopping en route to New York in the principal cities to deliver lectures on the social system. He returned to New Harmony April 1, 1828, and delivered an address at New Harmony Hall a few days later. He said in closing: "I can only feel regret instead of anger. My intention now is to form such arrangements on the estate as will enable those who desire to promote the practice of the social system to live in separate families on the indi vidual system and yet to unite their general labor ; or to exchange labor for labor on the most beneficial terms for all ; all to do both or neither, as their feelings or apparent interest may influence them ; while the chil dren shall be educated with a view to the establishment of the social sys tem in the future. I will not be discouraged by any obstable, but will persevere to the end. In 1827 he leased lands to small communistic societies, some of which were sincere and industrious workers, while others cared nothing for Mr. Owen or his scheme and regarded the matter as a chance for specu lation and through these speculations he lost a large amount of personal property. To those who acted in good faith he finally sold at a low THE WORKINGMEN'S INSTITUTE New Harmony HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 105 figure the lands they occupied. In later years he conveyed the balance of his estate at New Harmony to his four sons on condition that they execute a deed of trust for $30,000 worth of land, yielding an annual income of $1,500, which was his sole support for many years. THE WORKINGMEN'S INSTITUTE. By Joel Willis Hiatt, A. M. One cannot properly understand the genesis and development of the library of the Workingmen's Institute unless he knows something of the men who builded New Harmony and of the spirit which moved them. New Harmony stands alone among the towns of the country in the character of the men who lived within its borders and who gave it renown throughout the world. William Maclure was associated with Robert Owen in the purchase of the village and the lands surrounding the Rapp town of Harmonie, on the lower Wabash in Indiana. Mr. Maclure had visited the manu facturing town of New Lanark, Scotland, where Robert Owen conducted a model cotton factory; had witnessed the schools which Mr. Owen conducted for the benefit of his operatives' children ; had been pro foundly impressed with the work which they were doing for the peo ple, and he had seen the order and industry and happiness which pre vailed there. Therefore, when Mr. Owen came to this country to es tablish a community in which to work out his ideas for the betterment of the people, he was personallly known to Mr. Maclure as a philan thropist who had achieved a notable success in Scotland. When Mr. Owen proposed to Mr. Maclure that he assist in the formation of a community at Harmonie he consented to do so, not because he accepted all of Mr. Owens's theories as being correct, but because, from what he had seen at New Lanark, he thought that he could do a great good in an educational way in this new undertaking. Inasmuch as Mr. Maclure was the founder of the Workingmen's In stitute it would be well to know something about his career. William Maclure was born at Ayr, Scotland, in 1763. He received a primary education under Mr. Douglas, "an intelligent teacher, who was especially reputed for classical and mathematical attainments." At nineteen years of age he came to this county, and having established the necessary connections, returned to London and entered the mercantile business, as a partner in the firm of Miller, Hart & Company. He was very successful in business and soon amassed a fortune. He seems to have laid aside the cares of a commercial life at an early age, for we find him, at the age of forty years, acting for our Government as a com missioner in adjusting the damages arising to American citizens from spoliation of France. 106 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY He then traveled over Europe, making natural history observations, particularly in geology. He thus laid the foundations for making a geological survey of the LTnited States, a thing which he had greatly desired to do for years. He entered upon that work and in 1809 he pub lished the first geological map of the LTnited States, at Philadelphia. He was "Father of American Geology." In 1817 he was elected presi dent of the Academy of Sciences, in Philadelphia, and continued to re side there until 1826. At that time he joined Mr. Owen in making the New Harmony experiment. Mr. Maclure induced a number of scientific gentlemen to accompany him to New Harmony and assist in the work of establishing schools there. He introduced the Pestalozzian method of teaching through Madam Fretageot, of Paris, France, and Joseph Neef, a coadjutor of Pestalozzi's in Switzerland, also taught in New Harmony. True to his respect for labor, he embraced manual training as a branch of instruction in his school and some works of great scien tific value were issued from the press of this school. Thomas Say, Mr. Lesueur, Dr. Troost and others were in the assemblage of talent which he brought to carry on the work of his school. They have always been known in New Harmony history as the "boat load of knowledge" because they came down the Ohio and up the Wabash in a keelboat. In a year the community project failed, but Mr. Maclure continued to reside in New Harmony until some time in 1827. After that time he resided al most continuously in Mexico, because of its milder climate. He died in 1840. In his absence from New Harmony he committed the man agement of his philanthropic enterprises to his friend, Thomas Say, the great chonchologist and entomologist. In 1838 he established and en dowed the AA'orkingmen's Institute. He gave to it an order on a debtor publisher in London for $1,000, which was partially honored, and he gave books and philosophical instruments from his own collection. Upon the order given on Mr. Rich by Mr. Maclure the institute obtained 360 volumes. Subsequently the brother and sister of Mr. Maclure con veyed to it by deed a house and lot and it became an institution with a home. Mr. Maclure was not alone a devotee of science. He was full of plans for the ameloriation of the condition of those who toil with their hands. He despised the affectations of the wealth}' and loved the poor, in their affliction. It was at his suggestion that the membership of the institute was limited to those who "get their living by the work of their hands." The Institute took advantage of a provision in his will that gave $500 to any community that would give that amount of money, or books of that value, towards the establishment of a library. Bv this provision $80,000 was distributed to found 160 libraries throughout the country. We have a catalogue of the library issued in 1847, nine years after it was founded. It shows that they possessed 1,092 volumes. They were not trifling works, but they were works of seriousness and merit. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 107 There were 95 volumes of high-class fiction, 12 of poetry, 17 of phi losophy, 7 of religion (four of these opposed to Christianity), 60 of so ciology, 105 of science, 250 of history (including biography and trav els), the remainder treating of miscellaneous subjects. In 1870 another catalogue was issued. It shows that they then pos sessed 3,207 volumes. The institute had now become the home of the township and school library, I have not made an analysis of the books in this catalogue, but, generally speaking, they were of the same char acter as those of the first catalogue. The same men were at the head of the Institute then who were connected with it in is infancy. Advanced thought in science, sociology, philosophy and comparative religion found a welcome home on its shelves. The library was maintained during these years, and for some years after, by dues assessed on members, by gifts of books and by benefits given for the library by local theatrical talent. The dues were $1.50 per year for each member. It held its own and grew slowly until 1894. At this time an event occurred which entirely changed its condition. Dr. Edward Murphy had been an active member of the Institute all of its life. He came to New Harmony just after the failure of the Owen community, a ragged, barefoot, friendless Irish boy. He learned the tailor's trade and worked at it for some time, but studied medicine and successfully practiced his profession for many years. By frugality and prudence he was able to accumulate a competency. He retired from the practice of medicine and spent the last twenty-five years of his life in travel and study. Dr. and Mrs. Murphy, when they were of middle age, had the misfortune to lose all of their children. They were compelled to struggle on through old age, childless and alone. In 1894 Dr. Mur phy gave to the Institute $42,000 in first mortgage notes. This sum rep resented that portion of his fortune which gave him care in handling. When he had completed the transfer he expressed himself as feeling greatly relieved and very happy. Subsequently, on the death of Dr. and Mrs. Murphy (Mrs. Murphy died a few days after the doctor), the Institute came into possession of the greater portion of their fortune, the whole of their gifts amount ing to $140,000. During Mr. Murphy's lifetime he built the home which the Institute now occupies. It cost $24,000 and all of that amount ex cept $4,000 was contributed by Dr. and Mrs. Murphy. The Institute sold the home which the Maclures had given it and invested the amount so realized ($4,000) in its new home. It now possesses a working capital of $100,000, which is invested in first mortgage real estate loans and bonds. Its total assets are estimated at $170,000. Its income at present is about $6,000 per year. This is divided among the following funds : The lecture, museum, book, insurance and repair, and the expense funds. 108 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY About $1,200 is spent in lectures each year. Season tickets to these are sold at 50 cents. Dr. Murphy wished they should be absolutely free. He said in a meeting which was considering the matter, "I wish the lectures to be absolutely free. When I was a boy in this place, I could attend any lecture that was given without paying anything. I wish these lectures to be free." He was, however, overruled by the members and a nominal admission charge, as given above, was fixed. The Institute has now (1913) bought a lot adjoining the library site, -at a cost of $3,000 and is erecting an auditorium at an approximate cost, when completed, of $25,000.00. The income of $10,000 is set aside for the maintenance of the Mu seum. This consists of the geological and mineralogical collection of the late Edward T. Cox, one time Indiana State geologist; of a part of the collection of Prof. Richard Owen, for many years professor of natural science at Indiana State University; the collection of James Sampson, a local scientist, and with the two aforementioned persons, among the founders of the Institute. It also contains other objects of scientific value or local interest. It occupies one-half of the second story of the library building. The other half of the second story of the library building is occupied by a collection of oil paintings which Dr. Murphy bought in Europe and gave to the Institute. In this gallery is a portrait of William Mac lure, painted by Northcote, which is regarded as a fine work of art. There are also portraits of Dr. and Mrs. Murphy as they appeared in their latter life. For several years the Institute conducted a free school of art during the summer months. Its purpose was to inculcate the principles of art and enable the young to appreciate the works in the gallery and all works of art. The library building was decorated by 'a young man, Harry Hawkins, who obtained his first instruction in art in this school. He has painted in the hall of the library a notable representation of George Rapp deeding the site of Harmonie to Robert Owen. In 1908 the writer of this article arranged and classified the books of the library according to the Dewey system of classification. At that time the library contained 17,474 volumes, divided as follows: General works, 1,624; philosophy, 236; religion, 694; sociology, 890; philology, 288; science, 1,367; useful arts, 469; fine arts, 235; literature, 2,226; his tory, 4,004; children's books, 1,220; popular fiction, 1,414; public docu ments, 1,977; duplicates (mostly public documents), 830; total, 17,474. The two classes — popular fiction and children's books — were made because the books had been roughly grouped into these two classes for a long time and it was thought best not to disturb an arrangement which had been in existence so long. The notable features of the collection are, first, the works relating to HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 1 09 local history and those produced by former residents of this place. The influence which New Harmony exerted on the sociological and scien tific thought of the early part of last century was both profund and wide spread. No pains have been spared or will be spared to obtain all of the information which can be procured on these matters. The division of sociology is well represented both in the number and character of the works which we possess. In general works it possesses complete sets of Harper's Monthly, Cen tury, Scribner's, Popular Science and others and has the best cyclo pedias. In philosophy the library is rich in works which are fundamental and important. In religion it has outgrown the bitterness and meagerness of 1847, although the number of doctrinal works is small. Works treating of practical religion are more numerous and it has some works on the great world religions that are important. The influence of the fathers, who annually celebrated the birthday of Thomas Paine with a ball, is still manifest in the small number of sectarian publications and in the selection of works which take a world-wide view of religion. The science class contains all of the library of Dr. Richard Owen, which Dr. Murphy bought during his lifetime, and it was enriched by contributions from other men of scientific attainments who have lived here. The collection in this class, which is full enough and rich enough to meet the requirements of the village, at present, is not such as sat isfy the requirements of the advanced student of today. A special effort was being made to bring the library up to what its founder wished in the useful arts class. Mr. Maclure had adopted as the principal motto of his "school of industry," "Utility shall be the scale by which we shall endeavor to measure the value of everything." This has not been the controlling principle in the library management, but it ought to exercise a strong influence. In literature the library is rich in its collection and in history it is, as has been the case from the beginning, especially rich. Old works and reprints of old works abound. It has the "Annual Register" in un broken series from 1758 to the present time. Some years ago those who were investigating the question of the boundary lines of Venezuela found here data that they could not obtain elsewhere. The library, against stubborn opposition of some of the members, was card indexed by Miss Rena Reese in 1908. She was an accomplished libra rian and was vouched for by the secretary of the Public Library Com mission of Indiana. Miss Reese was instructed by the writer of this to pay particular attentinon to instructing Mrs. Nora C. Fretageot, who was then employed in the library and is now de facto librarian. In addition to the instruction in library work given by Miss Reese IIO HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Mrs. Fretageot has profited by attendance at the library school con ducted by the State Commission and is extending the sphere of useful ness of the library. Given form and sustenance in its infancy by William Maclure, "who loved his fellow men," endowed in later years with the rich, golden sheaves which were the harvest of the lifetime of Dr. and Mrs. Edward Murphy, it is to be hoped that the institution will broaden and deepen in a benign influence in the community. JOEL WILLIS HIATT, A. M. In 1844 the town contained twelve stores, two steam mills and two tanneries. The streets were raised and the sidewalks graveled. A high levee was built to the river in order to make a passable road to it at all seasons, and at the sides of the levee were canals to admit keel-boats and flat-boats into the city when the water was high. The town of New Harmony was incorporated in August, 1850. The board was organized by electing James Sampson president and proceed ing to pass the customary ordinances and by-laws regulating saloons, peddlers, the rate of taxation, etc. The board adjourned their meeting April n, 1867, sine die, and their charter was allowed to lapse. The town was not reincorporated until 188 1. When the town was reincorporated the following men were elected trustees: J. W. Miller, first ward; O. N. Fretageot, second; Henry Hunsden, third ; John Walz, fourth, and W. M. Ford, fifth. John Walz was chosen president of the board. The following were chosen as school trustees : Richard Owen, John Corbin and Thomas Mumford. June 13, 1882, the city was provided with a fire engine and a hook and ladder company. New Harmony has perhaps the finest parks of any town of its size in Indiana or elsewhere. Murphy park, consisting of six acres, and sit uated in the southern part of town, east of Main street, is a beautiful, well kept city park, of which the town may be justly proud. The ground was donated to the town by Dr. Edward Murphy in 1890, during his life time, and he also donated a fund of $10,000, the income of which was to be used to maintain this park. The fund, however, consisted of mu nicipal bonds in a western city and the value thereof depreciated to some extent so that the actual amount which finally reached the park fund was a little less than $7,000. This amount is now held in trust and the income from it is used to defray the park expense. The direction of the park is in the hands of a committee of three, composed of two members of the town council and one citizen member. The grounds are well laid out, having been surveyed and designed by Mr. Elliott, a landscape gardener of Pittsburgh, Pa. The trees, shrubs and flowers are artistically arranged and present a very pleasing appearance. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY III McClure park is also a very pretty park, but not so large as Murphy park. It consists of one city block and is located north of Church street. It was originally a part of a common kept by William McClure in the city plat. J. W. Hiatt, the present citizen member of the park com mission, designed the landscape plan of this park and, while the trees and shrubs are yet young, the place bids fair to be very attractive. Thoroughly in keeping with the educational spirit of the town, New Harmony built a new school building during 1913 which is one of the most complete and modern structures in the United States. Practically consisting of three floors, for the basement serves a number of material purposes, it is the last word in school architecture and in it is expressed every influence that will conduce to the physical and mental welfare of the pupil. The building is a beautiful two-story brick, strong in outline and fin ished in every detail. Thoroughly modern, except in one instance when modernity gives way to the historic Rapp doorway that has been saved to posterity, and placed in the west side of the building where it causes the mind to hark back to Rappite times. The system of heating is a low-pressure direct and indirect radiation, using two-thirds direct and one-third indirect radiation gravity system, all water of condensation being returned to the boiler by gravity without the aid of pumps. The boiler is a ten-section sectional boiler with a capacity one-third larger than the radiation required to heat the building. The indirect radiation is connected to fresh air ducts leading from the outside of the building in the basement, and fresh air is carried over an aspirating coil placed in each fresh air duct, and is warmed and carried into each room at a point eight feet above the floor line. In each room there are two or more foul air ducts placed at the floor level, into which is placed a radiator which forms a draft and carries the foul air into the attic, and from thence it is carried through the roof ventilators. The system is guaranteed to maintain a temperature of seventy de grees when the temperature is ten degrees below zero. There are two drinking fountains in the hallway on the first floor, and one in the hallway on the second floor. The entire building is supplied with water from a composition tank in the basement with a capacity of 1,500 gallons. The water is pumped into the compression tank by a Kewanee electric deep well pump with automatic starting and stopping device. The basement extends under the entire building and will serve a mul titude of purposes. The boiler room is located in the northeast corner and the other sections are as follows : Agricultural science room, manual training room, domestic science, boys' toilet room, boys' locker room, gymnasium, girls' toilet room, girls' locker room. 112 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY The first floor will be devoted to the grades, beginning at the primary and including the eighth and the sewing room. Ascending by a wide and ample stairway, either in the front or west end of the building, one comes to the second floor, where the higher departments are conducted. At the head of the front stairway is situated the superintendent's room and private office. Much of the south side is given to the large assembly room, capable of seating 300 pupils. Other rooms on the second floor are the music, English, botany and physics room, physical laboratory, supply room, dark room, teachers' retiring room and two toilet rooms. A system of electric bells leads throughout the building and the old- time bell in the tower is a thing of the past. The pupils will be called and dismissed by electric bells, the headquarters of which will be the superintendent's room. The lighting is one of the important features of the new building and the pupils will be seated so that the light comes over their left shoulders. Each pupil is guaranteed an ample amount of light and fresh air by the law which governs the new school buildings erected in this State. The interior woodwork is of southern pine and the panels in the doors are made of a beautifully grained veneer. When completed the new building will represent an expenditure of $35,000. It will give added glory to New Harmony as an educational center and show the centennial guests of next year that this town has not fallen behind in the march of progress that education has made in this State. Here, within a radius of two city blocks are located the Working Men's Institute or library building, which was built at a cost of $24,000, the Auditorium, a magnificent structure now in course of erection, to cost about $25,000, and the new public school building. Truly the hope and ambition of Robert Owen and his illustrious contemporaries for the advancement of education and the diffusion of knowledge could not reach a more fitting climax, even though it was realized by means other than those of which he dreamed. New Harmony is the second town in size in Posey county. The cen sus of 1910 gives its population 1,229. It is situated in the heart of one of the best agricultural districts in the State. It has many beautiful residences and several blocks of macadamized streets with concrete curb ing and gutters. There are four churches, representing the Episcopal, Catholic, Methodist and German Evangelical denominations, all of which are well attended. The business interests of New Harmony are repre sented by two substantial banking institutions, one flour mill, three grain elevators, and several prosperous and extensive mercantile estab lishments, representing every branch of trade. The town has two weekly newspapers, the New Harmony "Times" and the New Harmony "Reg- THE OWEN-MACLURE HOME Residence of the late Captain John Corbin, New Harmony HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 1 13 ister." The city owns and operates its electric light plant, which has proven a success. As a place of residence New Harmony has few equals and no superiors. It is situated on the banks of the Wabash in the most picturesque coun try in America. Its citizens are upright, the climate ideal, and its insti tutions unsurpassed. POSEYVILLE. The town of Poseyville was laid out by Ellison Cale and Talbott Sharp February 18, 1840. Until 1852 it was called Palestine, when, in order to secure a post office, the name was changed. It is situated twenty-fo'ur miles northeast of Mt. Vernon, in a fine agricultural section of. the county, at the intersection of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois and the Illinois Central railroads. For a number of years after the town was laid out its growth was quite slow, but within the last decade it has grown quite rapidly. The first house in the town was built by Dr. Alexander Church. It was a frame structure, weatherboarded with clapboards. The first store was established in 1841 by J. S. Jaquess. He continued in business for eleven years, then moved to Evansville, where he opened a wholesale house. T. C. Jaquess, his brother, was for twenty years his successor in business in Poseyville. In 185 1 J. L. Walker opened a store in the town and continued busi ness until his death in 1874. The first mill was built by Alexander Church. It was what was known as a "stump mill," the propelling power being horses. In 1853 James Rosborough and Gillison Thomas built the first steam mill. They sold it to Walker & Jaquess. In 1874 Walker became the sole owner and operated it till 1883, when he sold out to Drake Bros. & Hall, who later equipped the mill with modern machinery. The first tanyard was built by Preston Talbot. W. C. Bozeman owned a carding machine which was operated by a tread mill. He sold this machine to Leonard Bozeman and in 1853 began a private brokerage business and in the course of twenty years he succeeded in building up a large business and was reputed to be worth $40,000. The first blacksmith shop was built by Thomas Malone in 1855. The first school house used by the people of Poseyville was built about one-half mile north of the town. In 1873 a good brick school. house was built near the spot where the Chicago & Eastern Illinois rail road crosses Main street, a part of the money for which was furnished by private subscriptions. This building burned down in the winter of 1884-85 and a new building was erected in the summer of 1885 at a cost of $6,000. 114 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Poseyville, at the present writing, is a progressive and up-to-date town. Located in one of the richest agricultural sections of the State, it enjoys a patronage from the surrounding country equaled by few towns of its size. The farming community is of the highest type. The farms, of black, sandy loam, are of inexhaustible fertility. The farm houses are modern in architecture and furnishings, and the surroundings are models of neatness and beauty. The latest improved machinery and implements are in common use and in contented luxury the farmer and his happy family dwell in a "Garden of Eden." From these farms come a prodigious amount of produce into the markets of Poseyville. Corn, wheat and stock are the principal products and these are purchased by the local buyers and shipped to distant markets. These products annu ally bring to Poseyville a great wealth in money, which has drawn to the town the most progressive business men. Under the stimulus of the wealth promoted in conservative channels by progressive citizens, Poseyville within the past decade has shown a wonderful development. Several new additions have been platted and added to the corporate limits in recent years. The citizens take pride in the beauty of the lit tle town and work in harmony for its advancement. The town has im proved streets and sidewalks, well-kept lawns and beautiful modern houses adorn either side in the residence section. A new electric light plant furnishes light for the town, business houses and residences. The business houses are all excellent structures and are stocked with high- class goods. Among the trades represented are two drygoods stores, two drug stores, two banks, two implement houses, two blacksmiths, three confectioneries, two groceries, two millinery stores, one market shop, two hotels, one hardware store, one meat shop, one bakery, four barbers, one newspaper, one tin shop, two repair shops, one poultry market, one flouring mill, one harness shop, etc. Among the professional men are four doctors, two dentists and two lawyers. The town has four modern church buildings, represented by the Meth odist, Christian, Catholic and Baptist, each with a large membership. The fraternities are represented by the Masons, Knights of Pythias, Odd Fellows, Modern Woodmen, Ben Hur and Court of Honor. The educational status of the town ranks high. A Carnegie library is free to the citizenship. A modern school building is just completed and ranks with the best. The course of study measures up to the larger towns and graduates of the school are given credits in the State insti tutions, the school having been commissioned for a number of years. The financial, business and other features of the town are covered un der the proper head, but viewed from whatever point — financial, educa tional, moral — Poseyville measures up to its full scope as a home for the highest and best in citizenship. Its beauties and hospitality, en hanced by the sociability and moral and educational tone of its citizen ship, make it a desirable residing place. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 115 WEST FRANKLIN. This place was laid out in January, 1837. It is situated twelve miles above Mt. Vernon on the Ohio river. It is claimed that Jacob Wine- miller settled there in 1807. Daniel Lynn ran a ferry there at that time, and in 181 3 Elcana Williams ran the ferry. The place was then called Diamond Island Ferry. It was the favorite crossing place for immi grants from Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina into Posey county. For a number of years the place was quite a promising village, but with the advent of the Louisville & Nashville railroad through Caborn it dwindled into a place of very limited extent. Daniel Lynn died here of cholera in 1833. Although no town site was laid out there were a great many settlers here as early as 1815. The first store was kept by John M. Hayne about 1835. The first physicians were F. H. Pease and Floyd Williams, about 1848. The first school house was built in 1850. The first school taught in it was by James B. Campbell. Mr. Campbell was elected county school superintendent in 1868. The first church was built by the Methodists in 1848. It was destroyed by the flood in 1883 and a new building was erected in the summer of 1885. At present the town has a general merchandise store, a saloon, a blacksmith shop, a school and a church. BLAIRSVILLE. The town of Blairsville is located on Big creek in Robinson township. It was named in honor of Stephen Blair who, in company with Ebenezer Phillips, laid out the town on the Fourth of July, 1837. It soon grew into prominence as a half-way place on the Evansville and New Har mony stage road, besides it was fairly well located for the convenience of settlers in all directions from the town as a trading point. Political speakings were held here quite often in the old days of the Whig and the Democrat. A joint discussion was held here during the campaign of 1842 between Robert Dale Owen, the Democratic candidate for Congress, and John W. Payne, the Whig candidate. Among the first residents of Blairsville were Stephen Blair, after whom the town was named, Ebenezer Phillips, who surveyed the town, Charles Kim ball, a Dr. Owens and later a Dr. Mitchell, Henry Theuerkauf and Henry Weber, shoemakers. Henry Newman was one of the first black smiths. Charles Kimball ran a feed mill. John B. Gardner and John Becker were among the early successful merchants and business men. The extension of the Evansville & Terre Haute railroad through Wades- ville in 1880 was a severe blow to Blairsville from which the town never recovered. For several years the population has been composed largely, if not entirely, of Germans. The importance of the town in 1842 may be Il6 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY judged by the fact that the following petitioned the "honorable board"- for tavern licenses (which meant to sell whiskey also) : J. H. Owens, Daniel Cox, William Watson, David R. Downen, M. Duty, Robert Stevens, William Dodge, Nelson Doty, Daniel Elkins, Benjamin Garris, Soren Sorenson, M. Watson, H. W. Young, William F. Phillips and Richard Ramsey. At present there is one saloon in the town and the place is practically a mere settlement. STEWARTSVILLE. Stewartsville was laid out October 29, 1838, by James Stewart. The town was first called Paris, but on the establishment of a post office in 1853 the name was changed to Stewartsville. John W. Robb was the first postmaster. The first store in the place was that of Perry & Schneider, established about 1844. Since then other merchants have been John Robb & Silas Cox, James Montgomery, Thomas Robb, John & Thomas Robb, Demberger & Faul. About the year 1842 George Gleichman built a horse mill. In 1845 Schneider & Wise started a still house. In 1853 David Knewler built a saw and grist mill. For a while a man named Montgomery ran a moonshine distillery; but was soon stopped by the government. At present the town has one general merchandise store, one grocery store, one grain elevator, one church, a blacksmith shop and a livery stable. FARMERSVILLE. Farmersville marks the location of one of the oldest settlements in Posey county. The first settlers were Samuel Black, Anson Andrews, Rufus Johnson, Elisha Ellis and Samuel Phillips. As they were mainly from the New England States, the settlement was for some time known as the Yankee settlement and sometimes called Yankeetown. On ac count of being at the corner of four farms the place was sometimes called the "Corners." Mr. Phillips settled on 100 acres lying to the- northeast of town, Mr. Johnson to the southeast on 250 acres, Mr. An drews on 120 acres to the northwest and Mr. Ellis on an eighty-acre farm to the southwest of town. For some time the place gave promise of becoming a place of consid erable importance, but other places having more advantageous sites have far outstripped it. The first store was conducted by Anson An drews on the corner of his place where the store now stands. This. store was burned down and a larger store was built on the same spot by E. Ellis, A. S. Osborn, D. F. Johnson and A. Andrews. This was called the "Union Store." This store was also burned down and a sec ond union store was built which was burned in 1863. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 1 17 In all there have been nine other stores, nine blacksmith shops, one furniture store and one cooper shop. At present there is one store and one blacksmith shop. The first building in the place was a log school house. It stood where the old store now stands. The present school building is a brick structure of four rooms. It was built in 1875 at a cost of $6,000. At present only two of the rooms are in use. Sylvanus Johnson is principal and Vina K. Ellis is the primary teacher. In the early days religious services were held in private dwellings or in the old school house, but later a building was erected by the Christians. Then, later, the Baptists built a church and this was fol lowed by the Methodists, all of which are still in existence. At present the town has one general merchandise store, one black smith shop, a Baptist church and a school. WADESVILLE. The town of Wadesville was laid out by Daniel Leffel, James Pelt and William Moye in February, 1853. At that time the place belonged in Robinson township. Previously, the place had been called Cross Roads, but after it was laid out it was named Wadesville in honor of the Wade family. Daniel Leffel owned and operated the first business house in Wadesville. He kept a small stock of dry goods and groceries. The next was that of the Moye Bros., with whom Zachariah Wade after ward became associated, and later, for a time, Abner Wade. This firm did an extensive business in clocks. Other business houses were those of James Gardner, William Haines, Nicholas Joest and Finley Allison, and Nicholas Joest and James Cross. The last named, under the firm name of Joest & Cross, did an extensive business in dry goods, gro ceries, etc., besides having an extensive warehouse for grain. Other lines of business were agricultural implements, blacksmith shops and hotel. The first physician in the town was Richard Smyth. He settled there in 1852 and remained for several years and finally moved to Mt. Vernon. At present the town has two general merchandise stores, one imple ment store, one blacksmith shop and a grain elevator. CYNTHIANA. The town of Cynthiana was laid out March 6, 1817, by William Davis, who, with about forty others, came from the vicinity of Cynthiana, Ky. Almost the entire colony settled in the neighborhood. It was laid out with a public square which still remains unoccupied, as the conditions were that it shall remain to the public so long as kept for public pur poses exclusively. The growth of the town was very slow, a great many of the original lots remaining unimproved sixty years later. Il8 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Andrew Moffat and John Shanklin kept the first store in the town in a small log house. George Jaquess and Thomas Blackhurst later did business in the same place. Goods were brought mainly from Hen derson, Ky. Clement Whiting did business on the corner on which the residence of D. B. Montgomery was built many years later. Robert Long is believed to have built the first mill in the western part of the town. Other mill men in the early days of the town were: Tol Grigsby, George W. Lindsey and Jesse Kimball. About 1858 a" steam saw mill and grist mill was built. The first school house was located in the south part of town on the Evansville road. The first teachers were Ebenezer Phillips, John Grant, Elijah Goodwin and Thomas Barrett. The first physician is believed to be Enoch Jones. The first enlargement to the town was made by Clement Whiting in June, 1819. This was known as the "Whiting enlargement," but the growth of the town was very slow until about the year 1876. In Jan uary of that year D. B. Montgomery's enlargement was added and James Redman's enlargement was added in February, 1885. James Redman owned a tile factory at that time. The town gave liberally to the Evansville & Terre Haute railroad as an inducement to the building of a branch of that road through the town, and on its completion in 1880, and since that time, the town has had a healthful and substantial growth. At present the town has two dry goods stores, one drug store, two hardware stores, one meat market, two grocery stores, three confec tioneries, three blacksmith shops, a lighting system and a grain elevator. Cynthiana has many beautiful and substantial residences. Many re tired farmers have built comfortable homes in the town, contributing materially to the hospitality, sociability and moral tone of its citizenship. GRIFFIN. This place was laid out August n, 1881, by William Price. It is situated in section 6 in Bethel township, between the Black and Wa bash rivers, on the Illinois Central railroad, and is an important ship ping point. The post office is called Griffin, but the place is some times called Price's Station. The place is surrounded by rich farming lands. The town has two general merchandise stores, two blacksmith shops, two grain elevators, two physicians and four churches. A new, up-to- date school building, modern in every detail, is now under construction and will cost approximately $5,000. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY II9 BLACKFORD. The town of Blackford was laid out in 1815 for the county seat of Posey county. It was located in section 29 of Marrs township, about a mile northeast of the present town of Caborn. It was named in honor of Hon. Isaac Blackford, who was the first circuit judge. The last term of court held there was in May, 1817, when the county seat was moved to Springfield and Blackford became a mere settlement and the land on which it stood is now a part of a cultivated farm. WINFIELD. This town was laid out by John Cox in 1838. It is situated in section 26 in Harmony township. Previous to the year 1859 Joshua and John Cox kept a store there. At present the place is a mere settlement, some times called Bugtown. HOVEY. Hovey, Point township, has one general merchandise store and one blacksmith shop. SOLITUDE. Solitude is located on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois railroad in Lynn township. It has a general merchandise store and a blacksmith shop. NEW BALTIMORE. This town site was laid out in 1837 by Wilson J. Johnson. The plat contained fifty-six lots. Mr. Johnson opened the first store and, for a time, did a good business. Later merchants were David Waller, James L. Jolly, Wash Wheeler and Isaac Williams. The town was located at the mouth of Black river. It was an important river landing and large quantities of produce found a ready market here and many flat boats were built here, but towns soon sprung up in more accessible localities and, with the opening of roads, business found outlets elsewhere and the town soon ceased to exist. OLIVER. Oliver is located on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois railroad in Center township. This place has a general merchandise store, a blacksmith shop, an elevator and a saloon. 120 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY SAINT PHILIP. This village is situated eleven miles east of Mt. Vernon in Marrs town ship, on the Louisville & Nashville railroad. It is in a rich agricultural settlement. One of the finest churches in the county was built here in 1870 at a cost of $10,000. On the completion of this church Elizabeth Deig, a lady noted for her liberality and Christian spirit, purchased an organ costing $2,000 and presented it to the church. The place is largely made up of German Catholics and the town has a Catholic school and a creamery. CABORN STATION. The town of Caborn was laid out in 1871 by Cornelius Caborn, the leading farmer in that locality, and was originally called Caborn Sum mit. It is located on the Louisville & Nashville railroad and the Evans ville & Mt. Vernon electric railway, in Marrs township. Benjamin Crack was appointed postmaster in 1876 and opened the first store the following year. Cornelius Caborn began buying grain in 1871 at the station and John Fox started a blacksmith shop and wagon shop in 1877. H. C. Bradley conducted a saloon and grocery store. At present the place has one general merchandise store, one saloon, one blacksmith shop, one grain elevator, a Modern Woodman hall, a church and a school. GRAFTON. The town of Grafton was laid out in June, 1852, by George W. Thomas, who owned a steam flouring mill there at the time. It is located in section 14 of Black township, on Big creek. It is surrounded by a rich farming country. Grafton has one general merchandise store, one sa loon, one blacksmith shop, an Odd Fellows' hall and a school. UPTON. The town of Upton, a short distance south of Grafton, is a station on the Louisville & Nashville railroad, important as a shipping point for grain. It was named in honor of a man living in the vicinity of the station, but no plat of the place has ever been made. ST. WENDEL. This village was never formally laid out. It is supposed that its name was derived from Wendel Wasem, who contributed liberally to the building of a large Catholic church, which cost about $10,000. The HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 121 village is located in the northeastern part of Robinson township, on the Vanderburg county line, the line running through the center of the village. Raben & Naas for many years owned and operated a mill and a large mercantile house there. The population is made up almost entirely of Germans. The town has two general merchandise stores, three saloons, three blacksmith shops, two implement stores, one Catholic church and school, and the residence of the sisters. The present population is about 300. SPRINGFIELD. The beginning of Springfield dates from the time it was selected for the location of the county seat of Posey county in the year 1817. George Rapp donated 100 acres of land to the county on which to locate the town, having entered these lands the same year. The town was laid out in rectangular form and contained 189 lots and a public square. The surveying was done by Mathew Williams, assisted by Andrew Hindman, Thomas Wilson and William Alexander. Frederick Rapp was given the contract for the building of the court house March 2, 1817. The building was of brick, two stories high, with stone foundation. A well was dug in the public square by John Hinch for $25. James Campbell was given the contract for clearing the public square. The town immediately began to boom on account of its being the new county seat. Lots sold well for a time, but the people soon realized that the place did not have the elements to make a flour ishing town, and real estate began to decline and the development of the town was very slow. , Finally, in 1825, the county seat was removed to Mt. Vernon. This was the death blow to Springfield. In May, 1827, the legislature passed an act for the relief of property owners in Springfield and a committee was appointed to assess the damage to property incident to the removal of the county seat, and damages amounting to $1,313 were paid to the owners of the lots. The court house was fitted up and used as a school house and continued to be used as such until very recently. At present the place has no business houses. CHAPTER VII. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. PRIMITIVE SCHOOL HOUSES SUBSCRIPTION SCHOOLS PIONEER TEACHERS EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS MODERN SCHOOLS. The first school house in Posey county was built in the year 1814, on the southeast corner of the public square in Mt. Vernon (then called McFaddin's Bluff). Another school was located on the farm of James Black about the year 1816. Mr. Black having built a new frame house, permitted the use of his old log house as a school house. As the country was thinly settled, school houses were not numerous, nor were the buildings or furniture commodious. The houses were log buildings, usually about 12x14 ieet. The seats were made of split logs with auger holes bored into the bark side and pegs inserted for legs. They were usually all of the same height and without backs. The writ ing desks consisted of wide, heavy planks sawed with a whip saw, rest ing on pins driven into auger holes in the side walls of the room. Instead of windows, an opening about a foot wide was hewed out of the upper and lower sides of two logs in the wall above the writing desk; over this opening, greased paper or rawhide was pasted as a substitute for glass. Stoves for heating purposes were unknown in those days and fire places, usually about 4x10 feet, were built in the end of the room. These fire-places were made of logs, poles and sticks heavily plastered on the inside with mud as a protection from the fire. The chimneys were built of sticks and mud. The cost of a school building was not considered anything, as no money was expended incident to its erection. All that was required was labor, which was furnished by the residents of the district, free of cost. There was no public money available then, as there is now. Our pres ent free public school system was not established until 1853. The above description is applicable in a general way to school houses established in all the settlements and townships in those days all over the county. The salary of teachers was from $1 to $1.50 per pupil for a term of three months, and "board around" among the parents gratuitously. This HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 123 money the teacher collected from the parents, according to the "article" arranged before the opening of the school, often taking a great portion in produce. The following is a sample of one of the many forms of "articles" : "I, Ebenezer Phillips, agree to teach an English school (here state county, township and district) for the term of three months at $ per scholar, to begin (date). Will teach reading, writing and arithmetic as far as the single rule of three. My government will be : For being idle, two lashes with beech switch; for whispering, three lashes; for fight ing, six lashes; for pinching, three licks across the palm of the hand with my ferrule ; for tearing the books or thumbing, four licks with fer rule across the palm of the hand. "We, the subscribers, agree to pay said Phillips in vegetables, such as potatoes, onions, beets, cabbage ; in fruit, such as apples, peaches ; in corn, bacon and wheat, all at market prices or money in payments ; last payment at end of term. (Following this were the names of sub scribers, and number subscribed by each.) "We, the subscribers, agree to furnish said Phillips a house, or we agree to board him according to number subscribed." They solicited their pupils from house to house, telling or submitting in writing to the parents where they would hold school ; that they would teach spelling, reading, writing and arithmetic, as far as the single rule of three; they also announced what their charges would be. The children learned to read from whatever book the family happened to possess. A pointed goose-quill was used for the pen, and the ink for copy-book work was manufactured from oak-balls saturated with vinegar. The teachers in those days were expected to be experts at making quill pens and keeping them in order. The first year or two of the school life of the pupil was taken up in learning the alphabet — both capitals and small letters — fifty-two dis tinct forms. After the child had accomplished this task he spent an other year or two in spelling and pronouncing monosyllables, as mean ingless to him as the letters of the alphabet had been. At the end of that course the child was thought to be prepared to commence the spelling and pronouncing of intelligible words and, finally, he was allowed to read short, simple sentences, fables and stories found in the spelling book. Exceptionally .bright pupils were sometimes allowed to read from a reader and "cipher" from Pike's Arithmetic. But the spelling book was the all-important and indispensable text book. Everything else was supplementary. At night the school children studied their lessons and "worked their sums" by the firelight or the feeble flame of a "tallow-dip." Often pine knots were burned in the fire-place to produce a good light. 124 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY The pupils regarded the school as a place of torture and punishment. What little knowledge they did gain was acquired under the greatest disadvantages. They were confronted with incompetent teachers and were compelled to help their parents at home, thus preventing anything like regular attendance. The school term was short, usually about three months, but the daily sessions were long, beginning at sunrise, or as soon as the pupil arrived, and continuing until sunset. Probably the parents thought their children were getting a considerable amount of schooling by reason of these long daily sessions. As a rule, the school of those days was nothing short i of a petty despotism. Fear of punish ment was constantly on the pupil's mind, as the most trivial offense brought on a severe application of the rod. "Lickin' and larnin' " formed an inseparable link, according to the opinion of the majority of teachers and patrons. This was the theory of teaching in those days. Under such conditions, it is not hard to understand why so many of the chil dren of our first settlers never acquired the rudiments of an English education. The schools of the county made slow progress for a number of years. For more than half a century the most serious obstacle was the great deficiency of qualified teachers. With the advent of the steam saw mill physical conditions were greatly improved, as new school houses were built of lumber, with windows of glass, instead of greased paper and rawhide. The seats were more com fortable, although they were very different from the comfortable school desk of today. The double desk, made entirely of wood with a single straight board seat and a straight, slightly reclining back, was consid ered a wonder in point of perfection. Then, too, stoves were invented, and soon took the place of fireplaces. However, with all these physical betterments, the qualifications of teachers were still at a low standard. From 1824 to 1837 three trustees were authorized to examine appli cants for schools as to their qualifications before employing them. It is easy to see how inefficient their examinations must usually have been, if they made an examination at all. Quite often the whole matter was turned over by two of the trustees to the third, who was left to carry on the school in his own way. From 1837 up to some time in the '50s, the law required the county commissioners to appoint three examiners to examine teachers and grant certificates to those found to have the requisite qualifications. No record was required to be kept of the re sult of these examinations. It was not expected that the examiners should sit as a board, so each acted wholly independent of the other. But they had no standard of qualifications and, in some cases, one of the ex aminers would issue a certificate without any educational test. The ex aminers were men of various pursuits and callings, some were county of ficers, some were lawyers, some were one thing and some another, but HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 125 whatever they were the business of examining teachers was of minor importanc to them. In an examination the teacher had an easy time. The examinations could be held on the street or anywhere. The nature of the examination was left to the discretion of the examiners. A certain young man went to the county seat to secure his license. Applying to one of the examiners — a young lawyer — that official told him he was too busy and sent him to another examiner, who was a preacher. The preacher was just getting ready to attend a wedding and sent him back to the lawyer. He found the lawyer on the street, apparently not very busy, and told him the preacher's reason for not being able to conduct the examination, so the lawyer finally consented. On the way to the office the examiner asked, "How many genders have nouns?" The candidate's answer was "Four." "All right," said the ex aminer, "of course you could name them." On to his office, and after a little conversation, the examiner wrote him out a two years' certificate. So we see that the teachers of those days had an easy way of securing a certificate to teach. In 1853 the State legislature fixed a standard of qualification and gave to the county commissioners the authority to license teachers, and in case there was not a sufficient number of properly qualified teachers in the county the commissioners were authorized to grant temporary li censes and to employ "unqualified teachers," especially in remote rural districts. The greatest need in 1854 was for qualified teachers, although the progress of public education during this and following years was very great. State Superintendent Barnabus C. Hobbs, who held the office from 1868 to 1871, was among the first in this country to give attention to the question of grading the district schools, and of regular and uniform courses of study and a common scheme of recitation. His first step toward the improvement of the schools was to recommend that the office of county examiner be changed to that of county superintendent. Ac cordingly, the office was established, in 1873. Our free school system, which is a part of our new State constitution, adopted in 1852, provided for the election of three trustees, a clerk and treasurer in each township to constitute a township board. This board was charged with the duty of looking after the schools, roads, bridges and the poor. The first duty of the board was to establish and conveniently locate a sufficient number of school houses to educate the children of their re spective townships. Previously, the school houses had been built by the districts. Now they became the property of the township, but many were unfit for use, and several new houses were built at the expense of the township by an appropriation of township funds by the trustees, as provided by law. 126 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY All schools, from the elementary up, had been left to private enter prises. Even as late as 1850 the prevailing opinion was that parents alone were responsible for the education of their children, and should determine the extent of their education. The idea that every child has a right to an education, and that it is to the interest of the general pub lic to provide it, and if need be, compel it, had not yet been recognized or accepted. The legislature of 1852 enacted a law that provided for a tax of ten cents on each one hundred dollars for school tuition purposes. Up to this time there had been no free schools. Section 32 of this law made in corporate cities and towns independent of townships for school purposes, and gave them trustees with power to establish graded schools, and power to levy taxes for their support, to erect school houses, etc. Sec tion 130 of the same act gave townships the same power as granted cities, in the following words : "The voters of any township shall have power at any general or special meeting to vote a tax for the purpose of building or repairing school houses and purchasing sites therefor, providing fuel, furniture, maps, apparatus, libraries, or increase thereof, or to discharge debts in curred therefor, and for continuing their schools after the public school funds shall have been expended, to any amount not exceeding annually fifty cents on each one hundred dollars of property, and fifty cents on each poll." This law gave new life to the entire educational work of the State. New schoolhouses were erected and graded schools were established in rapid succession. In a few years many cities and larger towns had flourishing high schools. But in 1858 these two sections were declared unconstitutional on the ground that the local laws were not "general and uniform," as the constitution requires. This virtually killed every high school in the State and crippled all other free schools. But while it did this, it created a universal sentiment in favor of local taxation, which resulted in the enactment, in 1865, of exactly the same law, only with different wording. The result was high schools began to increase in all the cities, incorporated towns and townships all over the State, and continued to increase down to the present time. In the same year the amendments to the school law added history of the United States and physiology to the subjects to be taught and examined upon. The natural advantages and resources of the county continued to at tract settlers, and the taxable property increased rapidly. Taxes for school purposes were levied. The salary of teachers was increased, and the standard of qualification of teachers was increased as rapidly as the available supply of qualified teachers would permit. The salary paid to teachers in the county has always compared favorably with that HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 127 of other counties in the State ; in fact, a great many teachers from other counties in the State, and from other States, have been induced to seek employment in Posey county by reason of a pecuniary consideration. The present high state of efficiency which the schools of Posey county have attained has been brought about by the ceaseless, untiring and intelligent efforts toward organization, supervision, gradation and gen eral betterment on the part of superintendents and teachers, working together. Material progress was quite slow for several years after our free school system was in operation. In 1873, when the supervision of the schools of the different counties of the State of Indiana was turned over to the county superintendents, they found them without order or sys tem, and in the hands of untrained teachers. A tremendous task con fronted them. System had to be created out of chaos, and this was not to be accomplished in a day, but they set themselves to work. They were never content with things as they found them, if they could dis cover a chance for improvement. They had the courage of their con victions and held firmly to what they believed to be good. Their aim was to produce better results each day. They must administer the sys tem as they found it, and at the same time endeavor to develop and perfect it. Chief among the defects in the workings of the system, as they con sidered, was the lack of uniformity. They established a standard not lower than the best school in the county, and endeavored to bring all others to it. The first step was to improve the teachers. With this idea in view the results accomplished were : Our system of teachers' examinations, the steady and healthy growth of our State Normal School, which was established in 1865, private normals throughout the State, county summer normals of six or eight weeks' duration, the county and township institutes prescribed by law enjoyed a greater increase in at tendance and interest. The second step taken up was the classifying or grading of the coun try schools, which resulted in the preparation, adoption and enforcement of a uniform course of study for the common schools of the State, bi monthly examination questions prepared by a committee of county su perintendents, and forwarded to the county superintendents by the State Superintendent. A uniform length of school term of eight months for all the schools in each township has been established. This arrangement makes possible better systemized work, uniform examinations and reports, and gives equal advantages and opportunities to all the children of the county. Ag riculture and domestic science are taught in all schools of two rooms or more in the county, in the seventh and eighth grades. The law requires that music and drawing be taught in commissioned and certified high schools of the county. Manual training is taught in the city schools. 128 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY All the high schools in the county, not already commissioned, are ad vancing toward that end as rapidly as possible. Those of Mt. Vernon, New Harmony, Poseyville and Cynthiana are commissioned, and the Wadesville and Stewartsville schools will be able to meet the require ments necessary to become commissioned, next year. Within the last three years Black township has erected four good school buildings, modern in all respects, at a cost of $15,000, one of which is a consolidated school of two rooms. Simultaneously Marrs township was expending $11,000 in the erection of two one-room buildings, and building an addition to one of her one- room buildings to accommodate a consolidated school. Point township, in 191 1, built a two-room concrete building, with fur nace, heat and a modern system of ventilating, etc., at a cost of $4,000, and a one-room concrete building of modern design at a cost of $2,500. Point township has two two-room buildings. During the school year, 1911-1912, the total enrollment in the county was as follows: The certified high schools of the county, 31 pupils; in the non-commissioned high schools, 46; commissioned high schools, 398. The total enrollment in the county was as follows : In township schools, 2,543 ; in town schools, 582; in city schools, 1,233, making a total of 4,358 pupils enrolled in the schools of the county, not including enrollment in parochial schools of 404 pupils. Pupils graduated from the different schools of the county in 1912 as follows: From commissioned high schools, 74; from certified high schools, 6; graduates in the common branches, 198. The number of volumes in the libraries of the county in 1912 was, in township schools, 2,526 ; in towns, 20,326 ; in cities, 4,063 ; a total of 2$,9i5- The county employs 162 teachers, forty-seven of whom teach in single room schools in the rural districts. There are twenty-one township con solidated schools, employing two or more teachers. The average amount paid teachers per day in the district schools in the school year 191 1- 1912 was $2.73. The average in the graded township schools was $3.14; in the graded town schools, $3.27, and in the city schools, $3.29 ; average in the county, $3.18. The entire number of school-houses, year ending July 31, 1912, was: Concrete, one ; brick, thirty-eight ; frame, thirty-nine ; total, seventy-eight. Black township employs twenty-two teachers and has nine two-room buildings. Marrs township has three two-room buildings, and eleven one-room buildings, and employs seventeen teachers. Lynn township has seven school buildings, three of which are two- room buildings, and employs ten teachers. Robinson township has nine one-room buildings, and employs nine teachers. PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDING New Harmony HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY I29 Center township has five school houses, one of which is a two-room building. The township employs six teachers. Harmony township has four one-room school houses and employs four teachers. Bethel township has four one-room school houses, and employs four- teachers. Robb township has a two-room building and two one-room buildings, and employs four teachers. Smith township has three schools, with one teacher in each. Point township has two buildings of two rooms each, and three one- room buildings, and employs seven teachers. Education reform has always been slow to reach the country school. It has been the rule for the country schools to have the poorest equip ment, poorest buildings, shortest terms and the poorest paid teachers. It seems that all reforms have been introduced into the city first, then the towns, and after a long time it reached the country schools. Un doubtedly, one of the greatest steps of the State of Indiana has ever taken toward advancement in the efficiency of our country schools was the consolidation of weak country schools into strong central ones. The little one-room school house at the crossroads, with its six months' term, and one lone teacher, has always been a sorry substitute for the advan tages supplied by the city schools. But, fortunately, our leaders in edu cational matters had visions of better ways and finally the general as sembly, in 1899, passed a law, giving the township trustees the right to transport pupils at public expense to a stronger central school, and in 1907 a law was passed compelling them to discontinue weak schools aver aging twelve pupils or less. There are at present twenty-one consolidated schools in the county, each employing two or more teachers and children are transported to better equipped schools than could be maintained in the little crossroads school house attended by less than a dozen pupils. The county has tried the plan to its entire satisfaction. The children transported find themselves in better buildings, under better teachers, and with access to libraries, and more thorough work is possible for the teachers. The object toward which the friends of improved rural schools are working is, that each township shall have a complete system of schools centrally located, with a uniform standard throughout the country and the entire State. The plan is to equalize the advantages for education between the city and the country youth. Centralization is the farmers' opportunity to get as good schools as the village and town schools have. It is cheaper to run the wagons than it is to run the little weak schools, and the educational advantages are many times greater. The schools are made more interesting and more prac tical. The children are reading more books and better books than ever 130 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY before. It is possible for every child to have access to a good library. All in all, the outlook is encouraging. We are certainly on the road to better things. The spirit of community life will build a central school where every boy and girl will have the best there is in education. For many years after our free school system became operative through out the State there was no law making attendance compulsory, and truancy or very indifferent regularity of attendance was common. In 1897 and 1901 laws were enacted compelling attendance at school until the age of fourteen; and the same law provided that books and clothing should be furnished if necessary. There is no longer any doubt that there is a very close relationship between truancy and crime. Tru ancy, idleness, ignorance, incompetency and drunkenness are the allies that work to keep our jails, reformatories and prisons full. On the first Monday in May, each year, the county board of educa tion, as a board of truancy, appoints one truant officer for the county. In addition to this officer the cities may appoint officers, the number to be determined by population. The law has been effective, and with good teachers and conscientious truant officers, the attendance can be kept to the maximum. Mt. Vernon schools are under the supervision of Prof. E. J. Llewelyn. Besides the thirty-eight principals and grade teachers, the city schools employ a supervisor of music and an office clerk. There are five school buildings in the city. The work covers primary, intermediate, grammar, and high school departments. One of the five school buildings is that known as the Booker T. Washington School for colored children. New Harmony schools are under the supervision of W. V. Mangrum and employ eleven additional teachers. The town has under construc tion a commodious and up-to-date building of modern architecture and design, to cost about $35,000. Poseyville is justly proud of a recently constructed up-to-date building at a cost of about $27,000. Prof. O. H. Harrall is superintendent and eight additional teachers are employed. The town of Wadesville has a new, modern building of six rooms, erected in 191 1 at a cost of $16,000. Prof. J. Ora Ault is superintendent and five additional teachers are employed. The Stewartsville school is under the supervision of Prof. B. A. Trim ble, and six additional teachers are employed. An addition to their school building was made in 191 1 at a cost of about $7,000. The town of Cynthiana employs Prof. C. B. Macy as superintendent, and seven additional teachers, and has a good, modern school building. The town of Griffin has a high school building of four rooms. Edna Hyatt is principal. Previous to the adoption of the new State constitution in 1852 there was a small State seminary fund that was apportioned among the dif- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 13 1 ferent counties occasionally. The law provided that when there was a surplus in the county seminary fund of $500, the trustees might, at their option, erect a seminary building. The fund grew out of certain fines, forfeitures, penalties, etc., before the justices, circuit court, etc. The first trustees for the Posey County Seminary were Samuel Jones, Joseph Price and William Hunter. They were appointed in 1822, and made their first report in November, 1825, which showed a balance of about $300 on hand. In February, 1833, suf ficient money had accumulated to begin the erection of the building, and the General Assembly appointed General W. Johnson, of Knox county, Daniel Grass, of Spencer, and the Hon. George H. Proffit, of Pike county, as commissioners to locate the seminary building. Sev eral places made offers of money and land as inducements to secure the location of the seminary. Hon. R. D. Owen offered ninety-two square rods of land at New Harmony, and about eighty acres of land on the Springfield road, and the free use of his library. The McClure library also was offered. Money to the amount of $1,399.50 and a petition of 114 names also came from New Harmony. Lynn, Robb, Smith and Rob inson also sent petitions. Mt. Vernon sent a long list of petitioners and offered $500 and about four acres of ground. The commissioners decided on Mt. Vernon, and the erection of the building was begun on the site now occupied by the grammar school, and was completed in 1843. The building was begun with an available amount on hand of $1,564.78, in 1841, and on its completion there was a deficit of $194.27. In September, 1850, the trustees were out of debt and had a surplus of $277.66. For that year, Mr. R. K. Dibble, the principal, reported that the average cost of tuition per scholar was $4. To encourage patronage and to give all parts of the county some ben efit of the school, the trustees recommended that free scholarship be given to one or two in each township. The adoption of the constitutional amendment in 1853 providing for a free school system, which was soon in practical operation, made the seminary as a separate institution unnecessary, and the building was sold and the proceeds transferred to the .common school fund. CHAPTER VIII. CHURCHES. PIONEER CHURCHES, THEIR GROWTH AND PROGRESS. It is believed that the Rev. Samuel Jones, a Baptist minister, was the first minister to preach in the county. Previous to the building of churches preaching was in private houses or in groves. There were comparatively few people to attend church in those days and private houses, though small, furnished reasonably good accommodations for them and many of the private houses became fixed places of worship. Revs. Thomas King, Thomas Davis and John Schrader were the first Methodist ministers who rode the circuit in Posey county. They all came to the county about the year 1815. The Cumberland Presbyterians began preaching in this county as early as 1820. Their most noted ministers were: Revs. Denny, Car- sins, John and William Barnett, David Lowry, William Lynn (Uncle "Billy") and Hiram A. Hunter. The Christians preached in the county as early as 1816. They were then called the New Lights. Revs. James Moultry and Joseph Wasson were the first ministers. The latter is usually regarded as the founder of that denomination in the southern part of the State. In 1823 the Methodists designated the entire southwestern corner of the State by the name of "Patoka Circuit," and December 27, 1828, it was changed to "Princeton Circuit"; November 21, 1835, it was called the "Evansville Circuit," and December 24, 1836, it was changed to the "Mt. Vernon Circuit." The following were presiding elders between 1823 and 1850: William Beauchamp, James Armstrong, C. Holliday, George Locke, Enos G. Woods, Aaron Woods, John Miller, H. S. Tal bot, John Kern, John Kerger and E. Whitton. In 1849 Black's Chapel was erected on land then owned by Ezekiel Black, who deeded the lands to the church for the consideration of $1. Prairie Chapel was organized about the same time and Welborn's Chapel was built in 1857. There had been preaching at Welborn as- early as 1824 and conferences were begun in 1825. Regular camp grounds were established near John Welborn's about 1830. Nathan Ash- worth and Joseph Whitworth were licensed to exhort in 1825 and Wil- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 133 Ham Pool, Andrew Joel, William Bonner and Absalom Duckworth in 1836. Prominent among the Methodist families at the first organization of the church were the Welborns, Aldredges, Ashworths and Blacks. In 1825 the General and Regular Baptists united and built Mount Pleasant Church, about three miles northeast of Mt. Vernon, on the Blackford road. It was a small log house but was soon replaced by a larger one. This house burned down and a building with a seating ca pacity of about 300 was erected. Rev. Benoni Stinson was the first minister. In 1866 the membership was 240. The first religious services of all denominations were held in private houses. A small brick house was erected on the corner of Main and Sixth streets in 1828. This was used by different denominations for a time, but with the population steadily increasing it soon became too small and in 1840 the Christians erected a church on Fifth street, be tween Main and Walnut. The lot was deeded by Aaron Baker and Wil liam Hendricks. This church was organized in 1833. Among the first members were William Daniel, William Hendricks, Aaron and John Baker, James Moore, Noble Craig, Mrs. Larkin, William Larkin and the Douzouchett family. The first preacher was Elijah Goodwin. Later ones were Philo Dibble, Flower, Mason and McReynolds. Their first services were held in private houses and in the brick church above mentioned until 1840, when they built a church on Fourth street, between Walnut and Mulberry. They used this building till April, 1852, when they sold it to the German Methodists for $400. They then built a church on Walnut street, between Fourth and Fifth. In 1853 a German Evangelical congregation started up. At first their membership consisted of only twelve Germans, holding religious services in private houses. Soon their memership increased and four years later they built a new frame church on North Mulberry street at a cost of $800. The first regular minister was T. H. H. Schmitz. This was the Evangelic Trinity Church. In 1883 they built a new church, which was completed and conse crated March 17, 1884, at a cost, including furniture, etc., of over $10,000. The congregation now embraces some of the most prominent families in Mt. Vernon. The Presbyterian church of Mt. Vernon was organized in 1839, with ten members. Their first minister was Rev. Rankin, who came as a missionary and held monthly services for about a year. A few years later Rev. Tiffany came. He was also a carpenter and through his ef forts their first church building was erected in 1851. The next minister was Rev. Charles Fitch. He had charge of the church for several years and was succeeded by Rev. N. T. Tuck, who preached and taught school. Rev. T. W. Mitchel was pastor for two years and principal of the Mt. Vernon schools for one year. Other preachers, coming later, were 134 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Revs. Fisher, Taylor, John L. Yomley, B. Mills, John Montgomery, H. A. Dodge, Bailey, L. C. Mitchell and A. E. Chase. The first German Methodist society was organized in Cincinnati in 1836. The society at Mt. Vernon was organized in 1843 with about twelve members. The first missionary was Peter Schmucker. In 1854 they bought the church property occupied by the English speaking Methodists," previous to the erection of their new church. During the pioneer days of Posey county the Baptists (Hards-hells) and the Methodists were the principal denominations represented, though itinerant preachers representing other denominations came occasionally and preached to the settlers. Rev. John Schrader, a Methodist preacher who traveled extensively in this State, Illinois and Missouri, came in 1814. He was one of the first preachers to locate in Robb township and was regarded as a powerful preacher. He died in 1880, at the age of ninety. Among the early ministry of Robb township were Revs. Scrip, Hol- liday and Thomas Davis. Among the pioneer Baptist preachers were Elders James Martin, Benny Keith, Charles Whiting, Ezekiel Sanders, Louis Williams, Joel Hume, Elijah and William Goodwin. The Elders Goodwin denounced unequivocally the use of the "mourners' bench" and the doctrine that people could and did "get religion." They declared that the mourners' bench was without precedent in the Bible and that religion consisted in doing good works and obeying the commands of the Scriptures to the letter. Rev. Joseph Wasson, dissenting from those views, organized a fac tion and withdrew from the church. This was about the year 1816. Henceforth the followers of Rev. Wasson were called Wassonites, but called themselves the Christians. They built a log church at a place called Liberty in Smith township and several years later, through the benevolence of "Uncle" Isaiah Wilkinson, a neat frame building was erected on the old site and the Wassonites continued to "hold the fort" at the same old stand. About the year 1821 they built a large log church and laid out a camp ground, in the form of a hollow square, at Mt. Pleasant, also in Smith township. A large number of log huts were built all around the outer edge of the square for the accommodation of campers. Here the people flocked in great numbers to attend the camp meetings and revivals. Some of the greatest revivals of the time occurred at this camp ground. Thomas Smiley, 'Squire James Wilson, "Uncle" Tommy Wilson, and "Uncle" Johnnie Shelton were prominent in camp meeting days. At times the excitement became very intense and the penitent sinners were seized with strange hallucinations, declare ing that they could see the Savior or the devil; smell the burning of brimstone in hell, etc. The pulpit in their church was very different from those of the present THE OLD RAPPITE CHURCH New Harmony HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 135 day but was modeled after the design common in most churches of that day and would be quite a curiosity to church-goers of today. The floor was about four feet above the main floor. It was six feet wide and twelve feet long and was enclosed or boxed up all around to a height of about four feet, with the exception of a small opening on each side for doors, which were approached by stairways. The first church in New Harmony was the old frame church of the Rappites. In 1842 the St. Stevens Episcopal Church was built. For many years this had a large membership, had a large Sunday school, supported an able minister and was in a flourishing condition, but in later years it ceased to maintain a minister. The first Methodist min isters to preach in New Harmony were Revs. Meek and Burkitt, who were in the town in community days. They organized the first Meth odist class in 1846 at the house of Mrs. Anderson. A Sunday school was organized in the same year with John R. Hugo as superintendent and Mrs. Heaton as, assistant. The Methodists built a camp ground at Beech Grove in Lynn township in 1843 and in 1870 the General Baptists built a church at that place which they called Bethsada, a church organ ization having existed there for several years previously. The trustees of the church were John G. Donaldson, B. S. Aldrich and William York. The General Baptists built the first church in Center township in 1876 on land in section 26, which was formerly owned by John R. Skelton. The first trustees were Weston Lewis, Robert Willis and Francis M. Tennison. The church has a very large membership at present. Greathouse Church in Point township was built in 1872, at a cost of approximately $1,500. The ground on which it was built was given by Henry Stripe on condition that the house should be called and retain the name of Greathouse Church. It was a Methodist institution. Pre vious to its erection the Methodists, as well as the Baptists and Chris tians, worshipped in the Stripe school house, which was a log building, the first school house built in the township. In 1843 Zion's Evangelical Church was organized with sixteen fam ilies, and a log building was erected in the southern part of Robinson township. In 1856 they erected a new frame house at a cost of $2,200, and a $600 pipe organ was installed. In 1815 the Baptists built a small log house in Bethel township and worshipped here for many years before they became strong enough to build a more commodious frame building. Jerry Cash, Louis Williams and Peter Saltzman were their earliest preachers. After the Baptists built their new church the Disciples preached in their old log church till they also grew stronger and built a new frame house. Today, beautiful, commodious and up-to-date church buildings are to be found in every hamlet, village and town in Posey county, represent ing the Methodists, Baptists, Catholics, Christians, Presbyterians, Epis- I36 HISTORY OF POSEY' COUNTY copalians, and several churches belonging to the German Lutheran and German Methodist denominations. ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH, MT. VERNON. When this part of the country was practically a wilderness and the forests primeval still surrounded the locality now occupied by the city of Mt. Vernon there was already a thriving town beautifully situated on the banks of the Ohio river known then as McFaddin's Bluff. As the river trade brought with it an increasing population, the missionary would come along also to look after the spiritual wants of his people. The only means of travel the missionary had in those days was on horse back along the trail in the woods, unless he could glide for a time along the streams in a little boat or skiff. As early as 1840 the Rev. E. J. Durbin, a zealous and well known priest from St. Vincents, Ky., came to Mt. Vernon on his trips through southern Indiana and Illinois, visiting the Catholic people, attending to the sick and dying and occa sionally stopping to hold services for the little flock at Mt. Vernon. Father Durbin was a typical Kentuckian. He was noted for his kind ness to everyone, also for his bravery when called upon to face danger in the exercise of his duties. One stormy night there was a man walk ing up and down the banks at Uniontown looking for some one to to take him across. The river was too wild for the most expert oars man to venture rowing a skiff across, when the man spied a fisherman and said, "If you will let me have a skiff, I'll go myself." The man gave him the boat but said, in amazement, "You are either a crazy man or else you are Father Durbin." "Well," he said, "I am Father Durbin." He was on his way to a dying man across the river. He was a welcome guest in an)' company on account of his wit and democratic manners. He dedicated the first church at Mt. Vernon. Doing services in Ken tucky for man}' years he lived to a ripe old age and died revered by all. In 1844 the Rev. A. Deydier, the first resident priest at Evansville, came occasionally, but the Rev. Roman Weinzoepfel was the first priest to pa}- Mt. Vernon regular visits, holding services in the parlors of the hotel then owned by the Schenk brothers. In 1857 a lot 140 x 140 was bought from Hiram P. Casselberry for $660.00. Father Weinzoepfel received substantial encouragement from the citizens in general and soon let the contract for a church building 40 x 22 to be built of brick. The church was dedicated in October, 1857, by the Rev. E. J. Durbin and named after St. Matthew, the apostle. Father Weinzoepfel visited Mt. Vernon for the last time in 1858, attended New Alsace, Ind., for sev eral years, but spent the decline of his life in the quiet cloister of Mein- rad, Ind., -where he died about twelve years ago. He was held in high veneration, being the martyr priest during the early know-nothing HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 137 times, when bigotry ran high. He was persecuted for several years, until the tide turned, principally through the intervention of President Polk and Governor Whitcomb, of Indiana. The congregation of Mt. Vernon was now attended by priests from St. Wendel, Evansville and Vincennes, until 1865, when the Rev. H. J. Diestel, residing at St. Philip, visited Mt. Vernon once a month. He took a great interest in the con gregation and built a spacious one-story frame school house and par sonage. Father Diestel was beloved by everybody on account of his genial disposition and kindly manner. He could make himself at home in the court house, swapping yarns with the county officers, or on the business streets shaking hands and saying a kind word to everybody. After remaining at St. Philip for twenty-two years he became pastor of Trinity Church, Evansville. He died October 27, 1907. In 1868 St. Matthew's Church received its first resident pastor, in the person of Rev. J. F. Sondermann, who remained until May, 1874. From now on the little congregation made rapid progress. Father Sonder mann made many improvements in the church, also bought the ground for a Catholic cemetery. Being of a gentle disposition and conscien tious in his work he soon won the favor of all classes of people, went through the sieges of cholera and smallpox and came very nearly dying of smallpox himself. After being pastor at Evansville for a while he was promoted to take charge of a church at Lawrenceburg, where he has endeared himself to his flock and is the pastor to this very day. St. Matthew's parish has always believed in a good school. From the very beginning a parochial school was established and a competent teacher secured in the person of Jacob Weiss, who taught for fifteen years. The school was very popular from the start and many of our most prominent business men received their education in St. Matthew's school. Fifty or sixty years ago our schools through the country were mostly subscription schools, the people of a neighborhood subscribing for a teacher, whom they hired for as many months as they could af ford. Up to 1820 all our public schools were denominationl schools under the supervision of the clergy. In our present school system much has been done for education, but religion was entirely abolished from the schools. Catholics, believing that morality is based on religion, make it a matter of conscience that education is complete only when religion is taught along with the secular branches, and since the State school cannot teach religion without violating the law, they maintain their own parochial schools, carrying their own burden and saving thereby a great amount of money to the town and State. At the pres ent day many of our most prominent educators and sociologists main tain strongly that we must come back to a system in which religion is taught in our schools if we care for the welfare of our country. The parochial school is not inimical to the public school ; on the contrary, its attitude has always been that of friendly relationship. I38 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY In 1900 a large substantial brick building was erected for a school house with an entertainment hall on the second floor, on the corner of Fifth and Mulberry streets. The school building is modern in every way, with high ceilings, is well lighted and ventilated and heated by steam. The equipment of the school is up to date in every particular, has its sanitary drinking fountains, all the latest maps, charts, globes, and whatever belongs to the educational system. At this time the Servite Sisters, of London, England, were induced to come and take charge of the school. These ladies are members of a religious commu nity that stands high in the ranks of educators. They have prominent schools in Paris and London. They devote themselves entirely to teach ing and have the traditions of centuries in their order to profit from. They established a separate kindergarten on scientific principles and taught it for eight years to the great delight of the parents as well as the little one who attended. The curriculum of St. Matthew's school includes the usual eight grades of the public school, and a graduate is fit to enter the city high school. Manual training, drawing, sewing and physical exercises have always been part of the school work. At pres ent the Sisters of St. Benedict have charge of the school. Besides striving for efficiency in school work they conduct a music academy, where an able teacher gives lessons in both vocal and instrumental mu sic. The school is in a flourishing condition. After Father Sondermann left, the Rev. Mathias A. Gillig was pastor until July, 1877, when the Rev. J. J. Schoentrup took charge of St. Matthew's parish. The church was now entirely too small for the ac commodation of the rapidly increasing congregation and the necessity of building a new and larger church became evident. Father Schoen trup, then a young and energetic man with pleasant manners, went to work with a will and was generously supported by all the people. There never was any religious bigotry in Mt. Vernon, the people believing in religious liberty and living happily together in perfect harmony. They were glad to see a new and beautiful church edifice being erected that would be a credit to the city. The building was begun in the sum mer of 1879 and was completed in 1880. The building is Roman style, 112x50 feet. The steeple is 146 feet high. Bishop Chatard dedicated the church October 10, 1880. The cost of the building was $10,000, the interior furnishings $1,700. The congregation has always kept on im proving the interior of the church by adding new artistic furniture and church furnishings. The whole interior of the church is beautifully dec orated in fresco, done by three artists from Italy. The columns are in onyx. The ceiling reprents heaven with clusters of angels, natural as life, in the alcoves. The facade of the sanctuary shows our Lord inviting us to pray; on each side is a recording angel. The ceiling of the sanctuary shows the representation of the Holy Spirit hovering HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 1 39 over the altar. The whole scene is very inspiring and devotional. The roof of the church was changed and covered with the very best ma terial — the fire-proof asbestos slate. The other buildings are covered with the same material. In 1893 the first church building, one of the old landmarks, was removed and a priest's residence built on the north side of the church, corner Fifth and Walnut streets, which greatly im proved this place. Rev. J. J. Schoentrup worked faithfully for the wel fare of the church during six years of his pastorship and was then called to take charge of the church at Aurora, Ind. He died March 14, 1891. He was succeeded by the Rev. A. Koesters, a brilliant man and great orator, who remained until December, 1883, when he resigned to take up literary work. At his request the Rt. Rev. Bishop Chatard, D. D., appointed the present pastor, the Rev. F. B. Luebbermann, who officiated at St. Matthew's Church for the first time on December 8, 1883. During his administration the church has grown to be a large congregation, which became a factor in the history of Posey county. It numbers over a thousand souls and in its fold are some of our most prominent business men and most substantial farmers. The congrega tion, always progressive, has steadily improved its church property, which today is an ornament to the city. In 1912 the parish built a new and modern priest's residence facing Mulberry street on the old Mc- Arthur property, which was purchased some years before. The build ing is made of vitrified brick with asbestos slate roof. This part of the property being shaped up is a great improvement to that part of the city and a credit to the congregation. THE TOWN CLOCK. About twenty years ago there was a general desire of the citizens of Mt. Vernon to have a town clock that could be heard all over the city, and besides its practical use would be like music and poetry to the people. It was a luxury that few cities of the size of Mt. Vernon would dream of. The city was not in the position to get one. The only way, therefore, to secure it was by popular subscription. This was done, Frederick P. Leonard heading the list with fifty dollars. The natural place for it would have been on the city or county building, but the subscribers wanted it on a place where it would surely be well cared for, and decided in favor of the tower of St. Matthew's Church. The clock is a fine piece of mechanism, built by the M. Schwalbach Company, of Milwaukee, Wis., and has done service all these years, and having been overhauled- lately is as good as new. It strikes the quarters on two bells and the hour on the largest bell. The city pays the nominal sum of fifty dollars a year for taking care of it. It is wound up every day and the weights are from 400 to 600 pounds. The 140 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY people are so well pleased with it and have become so accustomed to it, they could not do without it. St. Matthew's Church now has a cluster of substantial and up-to-date buildings on the half block it owns, which, with the grounds all neatly trimmed, are a credit to the city and in keeping with the city's progress. What adds mostly to the neat appearance of the city of Mt. Vernon is its improved streets, clean-cut curbings and concrete sidewalks. St. Matthew's parish put down the first concrete sidewalk in the city of Mt. Vernon, twenty years ago. The work was watched by all the peo ple with keen interest and has now stood the test of time, for, though made in large blocks, it is as good today as it was at first, not showing even the sign of a crack. The history of St. Matthew's Church would be incomplete without mentioning its religious services and its singing choir. The church itself, being consecrated to the worship of God, is never used for any thing else but Divine worship. The services in the Catholic church, if rightly understood, are beautiful and elevating. The Latin language is used only in its ritual and it shows that the church is not national but universal, being the same all the world over. The people, however, have the vernacular translation of it all in their prayer books. The ser mons in the St. Matthew's church are always in the English language. Anybody is welcome to any and all of its services. At certain times a course of lectures is given to non-Catholics, explaining in all charity the doctrine, customs and the history of the Catholic church. Although the church advocates congregational singing of popular hymns by the people it always maintains a select choir of superior voices for the more difficult chant. Miss Mary Munchoff and Miss Olga Joest, two star singers of the world, were members of the St. Matthew's choir and re ceived their first instructions in its rehearsals. The music is taken from the masterpieces of the greatest composers of the world, who found their inspirations in the solemn services of the Catholic church, and if properly rendered is always inspiring and devotional. The St. Matthew's choir has always kept up its record for efficiency in high- class church music. St. Matthew's congregation is a model for harmony. There is never any friction or antagonism among its members. The people work in harmony with their pastor and the pastor is devoted to his flock. The pastor had many calls to higher places in larger cities, but when the people found it out they always petitioned against it, and he was willing to stay with them. The priest is naturally kind to everybody, irrespect ive of creed, and is everybody's friend. The people of St. Matthew's congregation always believed in the proverb, "United we stand," and to this united work and sentiment is probably due in a large measure the success of St. Matthew's church. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY ^ I4I THE CATHOLIC CHAPEL IN POINT TOWNSHIP. Through the munificences of Hovey and Menzies, each of whom gave forty acres of timber land, it was made possible to start a church in Point township. The pretty little frame church, 72 x 35, was built in 1900 and dedicated with great solemnity in October, 1902. It is attended to once a month from Mt. Vernon, Ind. A church, wherever established, becomes not only an educational and moral factor in the community, but also a great help in the material progress and pros perity of the country. When this church was to be built a half-mile stretch of the road was yet in timber and had to be cleared. It is now a continuous, much traveled road, the longest and straightest in Posey county. The improvements about the church stimulated the farmers and everyone began to improve and progress, so that the general verdict of the people was that nothing ever contributed as much for the devel opment of Point township as the building of this church. Other sub stantial farmers, seeing the fertile soil and the possibilities for the future, bought land and settled down. The prices of land have more than doubled and quite a transformation took place in that section with in the last ten years. With thrift and energy on the part of the pro gressive farmers, with improved roads and proper drainage, Point township is destined to be the garden spot of Posey county. The church has also provided for the social enjoyment of the people. In the rear of the church building is a beautiful grove, where large gatherings have their amusements in summer time, in an orderly way, and are pro tected from ruffianism of any sort. The church is free and open to all and admits non-Catholics as well as Catholics to all of its services. The congregation is steadily growing and in the course of time will be a substantial country parish. ST. PHILIP'S CHURCH. Prior to 1846 Catholics living in this vicinity were attended by the Rev. Fathers Czackert, C. S. S. R., A. Deydier, C. Schniederzans and Charles Oppermann, who celebrated mass in private houses. During the year 1843 a log chapel was raised, but not completed. The place, selected by .Rev. Schniederzans, was located a quarter of a mile east of the present church site. Not proving satisfactory, the work was aban doned until the arrival of Rev. Roman Weinzapfel, who took charge of the mission in 1846. By order of Rt. Rev. Bishop De La Hailandiere the chapel was to be erected on a piece of land near the West Franklin road. The chapel was rebuilt near the present site of church and com pleted in 1846. Mass was celebrated for the first time September 12, 1847, and the chapel was dedicated to St. Philip, the apostle. In the 142 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY year 1857 Rev. Weinzapfel made preliminary arrangement for the build ing of a large brick church 50x100 feet. This work was completed in i860 by Rev. F. Wagner, of St. Wendel's, who had charge after the resignation of Rev. Weinzapfel. From 1861 to 1865 Rev. J. B. Merl had charge of the mission. On the fifteenth of January, 1865, Rev. H. T. Diestel arrived at St. Philip's and became the first resident pastor. He remained until his promotion to Holy Trinity church, Evansville, In diana. During the twenty-one years of his pastorate a substantial brick parsonage and a school building were erected. The church steeple was replaced by a new and beautiful chime of four bells placed therein. Mrs. E. Deig donated a costly high altar. Later on a pipe organ was obtained by general contribution, the organ costing $1,700. Other im provements were made, all of which rendered St. Philip's congregation a most desirable and flourishing congregation. Rev. W. Kemper was in charge eighteen months. He was obliged to resign on account of fail ing health. On the seventh day of August, 1888, Rev. George T. Loesch received the appointment as pastor of St. Philip's church. The congregation at that time numbered ninety-three families, with an average school at tendance of fifty to sixty children. George Schenk, an uncle of Rev. Loesch, taught school, with only one year's interruption (1865), for a term of forty years. George Loesch, father of the Reverend Loesch, and A. T. Alies also taught school for short periods very successfully. Since 1896 three Benedictive sisters have had charge of the school ; ninty-five pupils are now enrolled and the sisters' work is duly appreciated. One of the pleasing and useful features of the school is the industrial work, which is taught to the girls by the sisters one day each week. The congregation owns eighteen acres of land, moreover two ceme teries, each having many beautiful and costly monuments. The congre gation now numbers 100 families, of whom many are rich and pros perous farmers. Rev. Father Loesch has had charge of St. Philip's Church twenty-five years. Two other events worthy of mention were the silver jubilee of the ordination of the pastor of St. Philip's on Decoration day, May 30, 1910, and in October, 1910, the golden jubilee of the church, built in i860. At both celebrations hundreds of friends and visitors from Mt. Vernon and Posey county were present and entertained. ST. WENDEL'S CHURCH. Prior to December, 1841, mass had been celebrated in St. Wendel parish from the time of its creation in the home of Martin Kohl, but, in Christmas week of the year mentioned the congregation, composed HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 143 of twenty families, prepared the material and erected within five days a log structure as a house of worship. This chapel was regularly visited by Rev. Roman Weinzoepfel until May, 1842, and in October of the same year Rev. Conrad Schneiderjans became the first resident pastor, enjoying the hospitality of Mr. Kohl until a primitive log cabin was erected for his home, and here he remained until the fall of 1845, when he was called by the bishop to Vincennes, after which St. Wendel was occasionally visited by Revs. Charles Oppermann and Martin Stohl until April, 1846, when Father Weinzoepfel returned to the mission. Rev. Father Weinzoepfel labored hard for the improvement of his parish and the church property. The little log building had now become too small for the growing congregation and steps were taken for the erection of a new church. The material was mostly donated. A sub scription of $5,000 was raised and April 17, 1853, Bishop de St. Palais laid the corner stone of the present church. The cost of the structure, exclusive of the material, which was mostly donated, was $5,600. From 1858 until 1879 St. Wendel's was in charge of a number of priests, none of whom remained more than a few years. However, each one took up the good work where his predecessor left off and improve ments went on. During this period a brick school house of two rooms and a residence for teachers was built and other improvements made. June 6, 1879, Rev. Michael Heck was placed in charge. He has much improved the church by adding a sacristy to it, thoroughly renovating the interior, placing in three beautiful altars, hardwood pews, new wooden floor, nice communion railing and pulpit, had the church fres coed, put in stained glass windows, put a slate roof on the church, as well as the erection of a superb school house, 70x70 feet, at the cost of $8,000. Father Heck died the thirty-first day of January, 1899, and was buried at St. Wendel's cemetery the third day of February. The schools of St. Wendel have by no means been neglected. The first classes were taught by F. W. Pepersack during the pastorate of Rev. Father Weinzoepfel, but it was not until the incoming of Father Heck that the schools were truly vitalized. The school is in charge of three Sisters of St. Francis of Oldenburg, Ind. After the death of Father Heck Rev. James Pfeiffer had charge for a brief period and on February 21, 1899, Rev. Nicholas Klein was assigned to the parish. During his pastorate the church and school property have been extensively improved and the parish brought up to a high standard. The improvements and articles purchased amounted to over $23,000. The congregation of St. Wendel is in a flourishing condition, num bering 185 families, and the largest country congregation, with the finest property in the diocese of Indianapolis, as a country congregation. 144 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY ZION'S EVANGELICAL CHURCH AT LIPPE, ROBINSON TOWNSHIP. This church is one of the earliest established in Posey county. It is located south of the center of Robinson township. Seventy years ago this location was selected by the first German Evangelical settlers and founders of Zion's Church. The membership includes Parker's Settle ment, Blairsville, Caborn, St. Philips and vicinity. The local name "Lippe" was given to this church and community by its early members from Lippe, Germany. The early records of the congregation at this place date back to 1842. Six miles east, on the New Harmony road in Vanderburg county, there was a small congregation already in existence. The pastor of this church, named Krassauer, came from time to time to do pastoral work. Services were held in a nearby district school house. And as all these settlers had come from good Christian communities in the old country, the opportunity of worshipping God in their accustomed way seems to have been highly appreciated. The fathers of this church, however, soon realized that a school house could not properly be turned into a house of worship and laid plans for the future. An organization was formed and a suitable place for the location of a church building was considered. As a result, an acre and a half of land was bought for $18 and is now occupied by the graveyard and the parsonage. Additions have been made to this land, so that at present the site comprises over six acres. In 1845 the first church, a log building, was erected. The congre gation then numbered sixteen families. After Rev. Krassauer's services, between two and three years, Rev. Zaupert, stationed at Evansville, Ind., attended to the pastoral work for one year. He was succeeded by Rev. Lauer, pastor of St. John's Evangelical Church at Evansville, for two years. During his pastorate a more complete constitution was adopted and the organization was made permanent. For the last time, in 1848, Zion was found in want of a neighboring pastor's services. Rev. Dulitz, on the New Harmony road, took up the work here and carried it on for about one year. In 1849 with the general tide of immigration came a bright and well ed ucated Christian young man, Mr. Austmann, from Lippe, in Germany. His ability as well as his qualifications for evangelistic work found the approval of Zion's members. Upon application he was ordained to the ministry by the German Evangelical Synod of North America. "This marks the very first occasion of Zion's Church coming into touch with an organized church body, while so far it had worked its course as an individual or free Protestant congregation. In 1851 it formally joined HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 145 this body and has ever since held its membership with this church. All its pastors for the past sixty-three years were members of the same church. Of the twelve men who have served as pastors all but three have gone to their reward. L. Schmidt, G. Tillmanns and C. G. Kettelhut still are in active service. Rev. C. F. Warth died September 18, 1884, while in his pastorate at the congregation. His remains, as well as those of his wife and a grown son, are interred at the congregation's cemetery. In 1850 the congregation built its first parsonage, a log building, for Rev. Austmann. When a few years later it was destroyed by fire the congregation rebuilt it at once. Early in the '50s we notice the first efforts toward the establishment and maintenance of a regular parochial school. The first teacher, Mr. Stahlschmidt, was engaged. When in 1856 the congregation had to build a larger and more commodious frame church, the old log church was remodeled into a school building and served its purpose up to 1865, in which year a spacious frame building was put up for $600. This school has flourished from that time, having at times an enrollment of nearly 100 pupils. In this school not only Ger man Bible history, but also all the various elementary studies of our common schools are taught. Besides the teacher above mentioned we find the names of the following men on the record, some of whom have for a number of years continually taught this school : H. Weiss, A. C. Walther, George Appel, Henry Scherer, Ernst Wandtke. In 1904, for the lack of proper interest, the school was discontinued and the school building was torn down in 1912. In i860 the congregation numbered forty-one, all names of whom appear as signatures to a revised constitution in i860. We might conclude that these people in their pioneer days, some of them with large families to support, might have been taxed to the limit of their means in keeping up with the running expenses of their own church and school; but to convince us that even in those early days of comparatively meager means a lively sense of Christian sympathy and brotherly love had been cultivated and manifested. To show the spirit of loyalty with which the church has been supported a few figures may be produced from the records. We shall take the years from 1858 to 1865, bearing in mind that two years previous a new church had been built, and in the last year of this period a school build ing finished, we find that Zion's congregation in these eight years, through collections and personal offerings, raised $1,781.44, including nominal sums for deprived families of Union soldiers on the battle field. In 1878 a new parsonage was erected, the present two-story solid brick building. 146 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY In 1895 Zion erected its third church, a building 40x70 feet, in Gothic style, of brick. One of the records, beginning in 1854, furnishes the following fig ures: Baptisms, 1,164; confirmations, 893; marriages, 286; deaths, 490. The present membership, together with the adherents, numbers about 100 families. CHAPTER IX. THE BENCH AND BAR. EARLY COURTS AND LAWYERS FIRST CASES TRIEI> — PIONEER COURT HOUSES IMPORTANT LITIGATION JUDGES MEMBERS OF THE BAR. The circuit court has always been the most important judicial tribunal in the State of Indiana. In the early days the law required that the court should be presided over by three judges, one chief or president judge, who presided over the courts in all the counties constituting the circuit, and two associate judges elected from each county. The asso ciate judges were not necessarily men of a superior knowledge of the law, but were selected because of their disposition to be impartial in their decisions, and because of their established reputations for honest dealing among their fellow men. It was their duty to convene and adjourn court, and in the absence of the chief justice to try cases of minor importance. For a while the associate judges constituted a pro bate court, handling matters pertaining to the settlement of estates, guardianships, etc., but in a few years after the organization of the State government was effected a probate judge was provided for in each county. The salaries of the officers of the law in those days were not exorbi tant. The judges of the circuit court received $700 per annum, the pros ecutor $100 per year, the assessor in the year 1816 was paid $42.50 for assessing all the taxable property of the county; the clerk was allowed $23.50 for his services for that year, and the treasurer received for his services for the year ending December 31, 1816, $50. Section 4 of an act of the territorial legislature, entitled "An act for the formation of two new counties out of the county of Warrick and part of Gibson county," approved September 7, 1814, provided "That until a court house shall be erected in the said county of Posey sufficient for the accommodation of the court, the courts for the said county of Posey shall be held at the house of Absalom Duckworth, in said county." Absalom Duckworth lived about five miles north of Mt. Vernon, and in accordance with the provisions of the above act the first session of the Posey County Circuit Court began at his house Monday, the twentieth day of March, 1815, with the Hon. Isaac Blackford, one of Indiana's most I48 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY widely known jurists, presiding judge of the circuit that embraced the new county of Posey, and Thomas E. Casselberry and Daniel Lynn, two men prominent in the early affairs of the county, associate judges. John Carson was sheriff and William E. Stewart, clerk. About the first thing the court did was to put the grand jury to work inquiring into the shortcomings and misdeeds that required the court's attention. That body was composed of David Thomas, John Crunk, James Black, James Robertson, Nathaniel Munsey, Wilson Butler, Alex ander Mills, John Stapleton, William Wagnon, Adam Albright, John Aldridge, Samuel Aldridge, Mathew Adams, Seth Hargrave, Ezekiel Jones and John B. Stephenson. William Prince, who was one of the leading attorneys of this part of the State, was appointed prosecuting attorney for Posey county and the court was then prepared and proceeded at once to administer justice. The grand jury was not long in finding business. The first indictment found read as follows : "The jurors for the United States of America, and the body of the county of Posey, upon their oath, present that William Blizard, late of Casselberry township in the said county of Posey, yeoman, on the twenty-third day of January, 1815, with force and arms, at the township aforesaid, in the county aforesaid, two hogs of the value of five dollars, of the goods and chattels of Margaret Hall, then and there being found, feloniously did steal, take and carry away, against the peace and dignity of the United States, and the form and the statute in such cases made and provided." The court next ordered that a scrawl containing the words : "Circuit Court Seal, Posey County," be recognized as the seal of the court. When the defendant named in the above indictment was arraigned he said he was not guilty, and on being asked how he wished to be tried, answered "by God and his country." An indictment against Shadrack Green, for killing seven head of hogs in the woods completed the doings of the first day of court in Posey county. The next day Blizard was tried before a jury of twelve good men, whose names were Nicholas Long, Daniel Miller, William Stephens, Jo seph Felser, John Barton, John Martin, Samuel Barton, Timothy Downen, John Ridenhour, John McFaddin, David Mills and James Duckworth. They returned a verdict of not guilty, and the defendant was discharged. The case of Green was then called, but he did not appear, and his recognizance was respited till the next term, and court was adjourned and the first session was at an end. The second term began Monday, the nineteenth day of June, at the same place and with the same officers presiding. At this term the first civil cause appeared on the docket. It was entitled Thomas Allen vs. Joshua HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 149 Beard. This was an appeal from Nathan Ashworth, a justice of the peace. The original suit was brought by Beard on an account for black- smithing. It was dismissed in the circuit court at cost of appellee. The charge against Shadrach Green was dismissed by the prosecuting attorney. At this term the grand jury returned indictments against Needham Blount, John Warrick, Meshack Green, H. and J. Robertson, and William and Julius Stallion. The case against Meshack Green was for marking hogs. He was tried and found guilty. In those days this amounted to larceny. This was the first criminal cause in the county in which the defendant was found guilty. His fine was fixed at $50 and "twenty-five lashes on his bare back, publicly, between the hour five and half after five this evening." The whipping post was recognized throughout the United States in those days as a proper means for the punishment of criminals. The third term began Monday, October 16, 1815, at the house of Absalom Duckworth, with the same presiding officers. Davis Floyd and Elias Roberts, upon producing satisfactory evidence to the court that they were legally authorized to appear as counsellors and attorneys- at-law, were admitted to practice in this court. Henry Robertson was placed on trial for assault and battery and found guilty of assault but not of battery. The court granted a new trial and he was tried on the following day before "twelve good and lawful men," and found not guilty. Several indictments were returned by the grand jury and a few criminal causes were tried and disposed of. This was Judge Blackford's last term on the bench of Posey county. He was appointed judge of the Supreme Court of Indiana, December 10, 1817, this position being made vacant by the death of Judge John Johnson. Judge Blackford occupied the supreme bench until January 3, 1853. It is probable that he did more to establish the early courts of Indiana upon a sound and correct basis than any other man. He edited the first eight volumes of the decisions in the Supreme Court of Indiana, and these reports have been regarded by courts and lawyers as among the very best edited of the Indiana court decisions. David Raymond was appointed by Governor Thomas Posey to succeed him. Up to this time the bar docket shows the following names of attor neys practicing in the courts of Posey county: John Johnson, George R. C. Sullivan, William Prince, Mr. Douglas, Davis Floyd and Elias Roberts. The fourth session began Monday, March 18, 1816, at the house of Absalom Duckworth, with David Raymond as presiding judge. Wil liam Prince resigned his office of prosecuting attorney and Davis Floyd was appointed to succeed him. The grand jury found several indict ments and a number of criminal cases were tried. A few civil causes were on the docket but none were tried. 150 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY The next term of court was convened June 17, 1816, as usual at the house of Absalom Duckworth, but as the court house at Blackford was ready for occupancy, court adjourned to meet at Blackford at 10 o'clock the same day. Here Thomas H. Blake and John Fletcher were admitted to the bar. The first court under the State law was convened at Blackford Oc tober 21, 1816, with John Graddy as associate judge. Davis Floyd, pros ecuting attorney, was absent and Richard Daniels was appointed to act until the next term of court. In March, 1817, William Prince was succeeded by Judge Raymond as presiding judge and Alexander Mills and Thomas Givens on producing their commissions, took their seats as associate judges. Richard Dan iels was regularly appointed prosecuting attorney for the county of Posey. At this term the first case of slander was tried in the Posey Circuit Court. The plaintiffs were William and Rosannah Curtis, and the defendants were Samuel and Aaron Aldridge, Robert Graham and John Bostick. It was brought for slanderous words alleged to have been spoken by the defendants against the virtue and character of the plain tiff. The defendants acknowledged in open court that they knew noth ing defamatory to the plaintiff's character or virtue, and the case was dismissed at their cost. The first appeal to the supreme court was taken at this term. It was a civil cause for debt between Arthur Green and Thomas Miller. The plaintiff had received a judgment for $165 and the defendant appealed. G. R. C. Sullivan was attorney for the appellant. The names of Daniel Huntington and David Hart first appear as attorneys at this term of court and both became eminent in their profession in later years. At the June term of 1817 the first change of venue was granted. It was a case of Thomas E. Casselberry vs. Joshua Elkins. It was sent to the Gibson Circuit Court at the plaintiff's request. At this term a case for slander was brought by Francis Hopkins against Anthony Griffin. It was tried before a jury of "twelve good and lawful men" whose names were: Nicholas Long, William Greathouse, Thomas Booth, William C. Carson, Alexander Barton, John Lewis, Adam Albright, John Duck worth, William Givens, William Alexander, James Duckworth and James Todd. They found "the defendant guilty in manner and form, as the plaintiff in his declaration has alleged, and do assess his (the plain tiff's) damages to $1,000." Court convened at Blackford in October, 1817, but immediately ad journed to meet at Springfield, the new county seat. Judge Prince was still presiding but this was his last term. He was succeeded in Feb ruary, 1818, by Hon. David Hart. James R. E. Goodlett, Charles Dewey and John Law were admitted to practice at the Posey bar as attorneys and counsellors during this term and at the May term in 1818 James HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 15 1 Dougherty and Thomas C. Brown were admitted. The following was the oath administered to attorneys and others: "I swear I will do no falsehood, nor counsel to the doing of any in the courts of justice, and if I know of any attempt to commit any, I will give knowledge thereof to courts, that it may be prevented. I will riot willingly promote or see any false, groundless or unlawful suit, nor give aid nor counsel to the same." The grand jury on the second day of the October term in 1818 found an indictment against George F. Gibbons, otherwise George Gibbons, otherwise George Givens, for the murder of Dr. Thomas Moore Parke, in the handwriting of and signed by Richard Daniels, prosecuting attor ney. This was the first indictment for murder in Posey county. Dr. Parke had fallen a victim to the anger he had excited by stealing a human corpse (that of a man named Peter Hendrix) and carrying it from the graveyard in which it was entombed and hiding it in his' barn. The indictment charged "that the defendant, being a laborer and not having the fear of God before his eyes, and at the instigation of the devil, did on the 29th day of March, 1818, feloniously, willfully and of his malice aforethought, strike and beat with an ashen club or stake the said Thomas Moore Parke in and upon the left temple, whereby a fracture of the skull was effected, a mortal wound, of which he, the said Parke, did languish, and languishing did live one minute, and on the said 29th day of March did die of the said mortal wound." The defendant pleaded not guilty, and a continuance was granted from time to time. In the meantime Rachael Given had been indicted as an acces sory before the fact to the murder of Thomas Moore Parke, and it was charged that she offered a reward publicly to any one who would kill Parke, and it was further alleged that in the hope of gaining this reward, George Gibbons, alias George Givens, was induced to commit the mur der. This made Gibbons the most important witness in the case against Mrs. Givens and Gibbons was assisted to escape from the county and he and his wife were placed in a small boat, given a jug of poisoned whiskey and started down the river, and Gibbons died from the effects of the poisoned whiskey before they had floated many miles down the stream. Both cases were dismissed for lack of evidence. At the September term, 1818, Willis C. Osborn, William Hoggatt and James A. Boise were admitted to the bar. The case of the State of Indiana against Edward C. Fitzgerald, alias Brown, was dismissed at this term. The defendant in this case had been charged with having stolen a large amount of bank notes, silver coin and other property from the store of George Rapp and associates at New Harmony, on the thir teenth day of April, 1817. The indictment against him was returned by the grand jury at the June term, 1817. He was tried and found guilty, but made his escape from the jail while the decision of the court on a motion 152 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY for a new trial was pending, notwithstanding the fact that the county had been at great expense in hiring guards to watch the jail while he was confined therein. The indictment was signed by Richard Daniels, prosecuting attorney, and indorsed by William Casey, foreman of the grand jury. The witnesses were John Shiver, Mathew Sholly, Frederick Eckesparger, William Weir, Joseph Lockwood, John Baker, Francis James, George Codd, Ratliff Boone, Dann Lynn, Wilson Butler, David Lawrence, Wright Stallings, Thomas D. Anderson, Daniel Akin and L. Barter. David Love qualified as clerk and recorder of Posey county, and James P. Drake as his deputy. This was the last term of Judge Hart upon the Posey circuit bench. He was succeeded by Hon. Richard Daniels and William Prince was appointed prosecuting attorney. Jephtha Har den, Henry Dulaney, William F. Mosley, Laban Jones, George W. Lindsey and Amos Clark were admitted to the bar. At the March term, 18 19, the first divorce case appears on the docket. The case was carried over to the next term when it was dismissed, the plaintiff being required to stand in miseri cordia. General W. Johnson, Charles I. Battell and Samuel Hall were admitted to the bar at this term and Robert M. Evans was admitted in October following. Nearly all of the foremost attorneys in southwestern Indiana were now practicing at the Posey bar, some of whom afterward became known throughout the State. Judge Raymond is said to have been a splendid lawyer and a man of more than ordinary ability. Richard Daniel was an able and successful lawyer and made crim inal law a specialty, practicing in the courts of all the neighboring counties. Judge David Hart was a very able man, noted for his uprightness and integrity. Some of the most important of the early cases were dis posed of during his term upon the bench. Thomas H. Blake was one of the most widely known attorneys in southern Indiana and afterwards became circuit judge in his district. His name appears for the plaintiff in the first case reported in the su preme court. He was a candidate for United States senator in 1839, but was defeated by Albert S. White, by only one vote. Charles Dewey, a resident of Harrison county, was an able prac titioner at the bar and served on the supreme bench for a time. John Law was a native of New England. He lived at Vincennes for a while but later moved to Evansville. He had a splendid education and as a lawyer was the peer of any in this part of the State. He served as circuit judge and was for a time a member of Congress. General W. Johnson was also a resident of Knox county and one of its most prominent men. He had an exceptionally good education. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 153 Amos Clark, of New Harmony, was very successful with a jury, but his ability as a lawyer was not of the highest type. For a time he was engaged in merchandising in New Harmony and moved to Evansville later in life. At the March term, 1820, James R. E. Goodlett produced his com mission as presiding judge. It was signed by Governor Jonathan Jen nings and dated at Corydon, Ind. At this term Charles I. Battell was appointed prosecuting attorney and ex-Judge Hart was admitted as an attorney and counsellor-at-law. James Rankin and Thomas Givens were associate judges at that time. At the June term, 1821, Charles I. Battell was appointed master in chancery and the first decree of divorce was granted. The parties were Elizabeth Hirons vs. Samuel C. Hirons. In these early days the judicial district was very sparsely settled and embraced several counties. We find that in 1830 the following coun ties were embraced in the circuit: Crawford, Perry, Spencer, Dubois, Warrick, Pike, Gibson, Vanderburgh and Posey. As the country was without railroads the lawyers and judges traveled from court to court on horseback, with change of linen in their saddle bags. In 1832 Hon. Samuel Hall became presiding judge of the circuit and the associate judges were Andrew Cavitt and Samuel M. Reynolds. Judge Hall possessed a profound knowledge of law, but as a practitioner he was not above the ordinary. Among the lawyers in the decade of the '20s was John Pitcher, who soon came to be known as one of the ablest lawyers in the State. He was well educated and a very close student in the law. He possessed that rare faculty — a quick comprehension of a case in all of its bearings. His judgment was nearly always correct, and he was regarded as a very safe counsellor. Mr. Pitcher was also a ready impromptu speaker and seemed to possess an inexhaustible supply of bitter or withering sar casm, which was always at his command. With his forcible speaking and his deep impassioned sentiment, he at times became so eloquent as to carry both jury and audience with him. As an attorney he was in great demand as an ally, and dreaded as an adversary. He was prose cuting attorney early in the '30s and was the first judge of the common pleas court, ascending to the bench in October, 1852, and continuing till November 5, 1866. He was a resident of Mt. Vernon till his death at an extreme old age. Ebon D. Edson was admitted to the bar at the August term, 1829, and continued to practice for many years, locating in Posey county about the same time. He remained in the county until his death, March 4, 1846. He was county treasurer from 1837 to 1839, and later was prosecuting attorney. He had a better education than most members of the bar in his time and was a very able lawyer and a fluent and elo- 154 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY quent speaker. He was a representative in the legislature and was one of that body's most distinguished members. George S. Green was another of Posey county's distinguished lawyers. He was a graduate of West Point, but upon leaving there he became a disciple of Blackstone, and in a short time passed a creditable examina tion before the Supreme Court of Indiana and was admitted to practice in that court in November, 1829. He was one of the best educated and most polished members of the Posey county bar and established a reputation among the ablest lawyers of the State, and no one was more highly respected and esteemed by the people of Posey county. He was elected representative in the legislature and held several im portant positions of trust. He had an excellent command of language, a remarkable memory, and enjoyed an extensive practice. He died in Mt. Vernon September 11, 1857. During court, March 7, 1834, Judge Samuel Hall occupied the bench as circuit judge and ex-Judge James R. E. Goodlett was employed as an attorney in a case and during the trial he disputed in a very insolent manner the ruling of Judge Hall, who thereupon ruled Judge Goodlett to show cause why he should not be fined for contempt of court. On the following morning William T. T. Jones, anticipating trouble and knowing the violent temper and fiery disposition of Judge Goodlett, walked up to Judge Hall while he was on the bench and in a skillful manner dropped a silken handkerchief containing in its folds a dangerous weapon in the form of a dagger such as was carried in those days. A few moments later Judge Hall informed Judge Goodlett that it "would be in order for him to show cause why he should not be fined for con tempt of court." "I will show cause now," exclaimed Judge Goodlett, at the same time springing to his feet and attacking Judge Hall as he sat upon the bench. Judge Hall made furious thrusts at him with the dagger and at one of the thrusts would have stabbed him had he not been jerked backward suddenly by the sheriff, William James, an act which in all probability saved Judge Goodlett's life. After the excite ment had abated a fine of $50 and imprisonment in the county jail for thirty days was imposed. Judge Goodlett stayed in jail very little of the time and in a short time brought suit against Judge Hall for false imprisonment. The case was taken to Vincennes but was withdrawn before it ever came to a trial. Judge Goodlett seems to have been the aggressor in this matter throughout. He seems to have incurred the enmity of the bar while he occupied it from 1820 to 1830, and the lawyers, irrespective of politics, worked with all their might to defeat him. The result of their efforts was that his opponent, Samuel Hall, was appointed by the gov ernor. Judge Goodlett seemed to harbor a very bitter and resentful feeling against his successor. The indignation of the members of the HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 155 bar of the county was aroused by this act of one of the legal fraternity to the extent that expression of their sentiment was embodied in the following document, which was placed upon the records of the court : "The undersigned, members of the bar of Posey County Circuit Court, feeling highly indignant at what they consider a most flagrant outrage upon every principle of order and decorum, as well as individual rights, in the late conduct of J. R. E. Goodlett, one of the members of said bar, ask leave to express their abhorrence of such conduct by spreading the following resolution upon the memorials of this court : "Resolved, that the attack by James R. E. Goodlett, a member of the bar of the Posey Circuit Court, last evening, upon the Hon. Samuel Hall, while on the bench and in the faithful and impartial discharge of his duty as a judge, and a repetition of the same act this morning, is, in their opinion, without parallel in the history of our judicial proceedings ; and for the honor of our country, our social, judicial and political insti tutions, they hope such may never occur again. They more regret the circumstance from the elevated station which the offender has held in the community, and deem it their duty thus to express their abhor rence and indignation at such conduct." [Signed] Amos Clark, E. Embree, E. D. Edson, J. Lockhart, W. T. T. Jones, John Pitcher, R. Daniels, C. I. Battell, George S. Green. Judge Goodlett followed the law for some time after this, but he was not an able practitioner. He lacked that faculty of readiness and alac rity so essential before a jury. At the September term, 1835, Charles I. Battell succeeded Judge Hall upon the bench. He had been a resident of Posey county for several years and lived at Springfield, while the county seat was located there. He was a fairly well educated man but was not a fluent speaker. He was perhaps more noted for his absent-mindedness than anything else. His service on the bench was of short duration, he being succeeded in March, 1836, by Elisha Embree, of Princeton. Judge Embree was a man of considerable ability, made a good impression and had many friends. He was presiding judge for ten years and after that was elected to Congress. Judge Embree's successor was James Lockhart, of Evansville. He was a successful lawyer and had been prosecuting attorney. He resigned about the time of the adoption of the new constitution and was sent to Congress from this district. Alvin P. Hovey, of Mt. Vernon, was appointed by Governor Wright to fill the vacancy May 31, 185 1. Mr. Hovey had been a delegate to the convention that framed the new constitution for Indiana in 1850. He had studied law in the office of Judge John Pitcher while that gen tleman was in the full vigor of his intellect. At the time he was admit ted to the bar Posey county bar was represented by some of the ablest I56 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY lawyers in its history, and among these he became eminently successful as a practitioner. He was fearless and energetic, and the cause he advo cated was always backed by a thorough knowledge and comprehension of all its bearings. As a judge his ability was of a high order, possessing the ability to grasp the intricacies of law in such a manner as to solve them in harmony with justice. He retired from the bench in 1854 and soon after became a member of the Supreme Court of Indiana. For more than thirty years he was one of the most conspicuous men of the State and during the Civil war his patriotic devotion to the cause of the Union was excelled by none. He acquired the rank of Major-Gen eral. Hon. William E. Niblack, a young lawyer of Martin county, succeeded him upon the bench in May, 1854. In spite of his lack of experience and legal learning, Judge Niblack, with the aid of his extraordinarily good common sense, soon came to be regarded as a very good judge. His kind, affable, honest and upright disposition made him many friends and after leaving the bench he was elected to Congress. Ballard Smith was appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Judge Niblack March 29, 1858. Judge Smith was a very polished and well educated gentleman and an able and brilliant lawyer. He was succeeded by M. F. Burke, of Daviess county. Judge Burke was a lawyer of considerable ability, a ready and eloquent speaker, and possessed an abundance of resource. In September, 1859, William F. Parrett was appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge M. F. Burke. Judge Parrett served until March, 1869. His successor was James G. Jones, a very able lawyer and chancery solicitor, whose extraordinary ability won for him the office of attorney-general of the State. In April, 1871, David T. Laird succeeded him. Posey county was then a part of the Fifteenth Circuit. Judge Laird was not a man of extraordinary ability, but was regarded as a good judge and an hon orable and upright man. A change in the judicial district by an act of the legislature deposed him and William F. Parrett was appointed by Governor Hendricks to the position in March, 1873. It is probable that he possessed more ability and was more satisfactory as a judge than any of his predecessors. He occupied the bench until January 1, 1889. Judge Parrett was succeeded by Robert D. Richardson, who was regarded as a very able man and was eminently satisfactory to the bar. He was appointed to the position by Governor Isaac P Gray December 31, 1888. Judge Richardson was succeeded by Oscar M. Welborn August 12, 1895. Judge Welborn was also an able man and had a large number of friends. He was succeeded by Herdis Clements October 25, 1909. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 157 Judge Clements, the present incumbent, is a young man of exceptional ability and by his upright and affable manner has made a host of friends and well-wishers. The adoption of a new constitution for the State of Indiana, framed in 1850, resulted in a radical change in the courts of the State. The associate judges were dispensed with, as were many of the old common law proceedings. A new code was established in May, 1853. The old and familiar John Doe and Richard Roe, having outlived their useful ness, were buried beneath reform in pleading and in practice. The new law required that every cause should be prosecuted by the real party in interest, and upon the real party complained of. With the abolition of the mythical personages of John Doe and Richard Roe as plaintiff and defendant, and a modification and simplification of many of the legal terms of the old times, much of the old common law faded away and became matters of history. Many of the old practitioners regarded the change as sacrilegious and never became reconciled to the change, but there is little doubt that the practice of law in Indiana has been greatly improved, and litigation has been directed to smoother channels by legislation. The associate judges under the territorial government had jurisdic tion in probate matters, but soon after the organization of the State government, a separate probate court was established, with a judge in each county, which continued under occasional modifications until the court of common pleas was established. Probate matter was trans ferred to that court and the probate court ceased to exist. The common pleas court had original jurisdiction of all that class of offenses which did not amount to felony, except those over which the justice of the peace had exclusive jurisdiction. Under certain restric tions this court had jurisdiction over felonies where the punishment could not be death, and in no case was the intervention of a grand jury necessary. In all civil cases except for slander, libel, breach marriage, action on official bond of the State or county offices, or where the title to real estate was involved, the common pleas court had concurrent juris diction with the circuit court where the sum or damages due or de manded did not exceed $1,000, exclusive of interest and cost, and con current jurisdiction with justices of the peace when the amount involved exceeded $50. The first common pleas court held in Posey county was on January 3, 1853. John Pitcher was judge and held the position until November, 1866. A. L. Robinson was his successor and held the office one year. He was succeeded by Morris S. Johnson. He died in office and Wil liam P Edson was appointed to the position in November, 1871. He held the office one year and John B. Handy became judge and contin ued until March 12, 1873, when this court was abolished. I58 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY The McClure will case was perhaps the most important civil cause tried in Posey county. It involved the question of the validity of the will of William McClure. Mr. McClure was one of the residents of New Harmony in the days of Robert Owen. He was a man of great wealth in his day, owning a large amount of property in various parts of the county, as well as in Pennsylvania, Spain and other parts of the world. He was the founder of several institutions for the cause of education. While in Mexico for the purpose of regaining his health he made his will. This was in January, 1839. The will provided that his brother and two sisters, Alexander, Margaret and Anna McClure, should have the use of all his property in and around New Harmony during their lifetime, and that after their death the property should "be applied for the diffusion of useful knowledge and instruction amongst the insti tutes, libraries, clubs or meetings of the working classes, or manual laborers, who earn their bread by the sweat of their brow, agreeable to the instruction and directions which shall be inserted in a codicil to this will." After granting several annuities and disposing of some other matters, the will closes by saying that upon the termination of these annuities they shall be added to the joint "funds or property that may remain in any part of the world," after his death, to be appropriated as above set forth, but the charity was confined to the United States. Alexander McClure was appointed executor and for some reason acted upon the presumption that so far as charity was concerned, the will was null. He sold a large amount of property and converted the pro ceeds to his private use. William McClure died in Mexico about a year after he made his will, and Alexander McClure died during the time the case was in progress. Alvin P. Hovey was appointed to carry out the intentions of the will. He collected what property he could and distributed it among the working classes in the form of libraries. He, disposed of about $150,000 in this manner. Most of it went to the State of Indiana, but some was distributed in Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois and other States. Every county in Indiana received a portion. Books were scattered among a class of people who were too poor to buy them, as books at that time were far more expensive than now, and the good accomplished in this way was immeasurable. The will was carried to the supreme court and there it was sustained in every detail. The following attorneys were active and prominent members of the Posey County Bar: John Pitcher, Alvin P. Hovey, William Harrow, Harry Pitcher, E. M. Spencer, Milton W. Pearse, William P. Edson, William Loudon, William Hoggatt, James H. Laird, Leroy Williams, Daniel O. Barker, John W. Spencer, Leroy M. Wade and Charles Spencer. Among the most active practitioners at present are : G. V. Menzies, HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 159 Fred P. Leonard, Walter Jackson, James Kilroy, William Espenschied, George William Curtis, Roscoe U. Barker, James. H. Blackburn, George C. Taylor, Lucien Hayden, Jesse E. Wade, Silas G. Howard and James S. Kilroy. CHAPTER X. THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. By David W. Welch, M. D. Dr. David Krausgill was born in Harrison county, Kentucky, in 1848, son of Philip and Mary (Keller) Krausgill. He grew to manhood in his native county and when sixteen years old enlisted in the Thirteenth In diana cavalry, serving from March 14, 1864, to December 4, 1865. After the war he attended school at Orleans, Ind., for three years, and taught school for four subsequent years. He then commenced the study of medicine and graduated from the Medical College of Ohio in 1879. He began the practice of medicine in Francisco, Gibson county, Indiana, and after two years removed to Wadesville, Ind. He remained in Wadesville several years, attaining a large practice, then went to Terre Haute for a while, thence to the northern part of the State. The writer has been unable to secure further details. He can only add that from personal knowledge the doctor was a skilled physician and an estimable gentleman. He died a few years ago. Dr. T. J. Hall, of Caborn, Ind., was born March 15, 1862, in Harrison county, Kentucky. He was a son of Volney and Nancy (Oder) Hall. His early life was spent on the farm, attending the district schools at intervals. Later he attended school at Lebanon, Ohio, after which he taught in the public schools for a few years. He took his medical degree at the Cincinnati School of Medicine and Surgery, graduating March 22, 1892, at the age of thirty years. He began the practice of medicine at Springfield, Ind.; afterwards spent some time at Grafton, and practiced awhile at Mt. Vernon. In the summer of 1889 he took a special course in the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, in New York City. He located in Caborn, Posey county, in 1897, and has resided there ever since. He was married to Miss Lena Kuhn, of Farmersville, Ind., in 1896. One son, Morris, has blessed this union. Dr. George C. Smith was born January 15, 1864, on the old home stead two miles east of Poseyville, Ind. He is the fourth of a family of eight children, born to John C. and Lavirta (Robb) Smith. Dr. Smith received his literary education in the Posey county common schools, at the Northern Indiana Normal School, at Valparaiso, and at Indiana HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY l6l University at Bloomington. After three years spent in teaching at Poseyville and Stewartsville, Ind., he began the study of medicine. His professional education was received at Jefferson Medical College at Phil adelphia, where he graduated in 1891. He was married April 29, 1891, to Miss Etta McReynolds, youngest daughter of Samuel M. and Eliza beth (Young) McReynolds. One son, Bertram C, was born to them November 3, 1893. He began the practice of medicine at Cynthiana, Ind., in August, 1891, and on July 13, 1893, he removed to Poseyville, Ind., where he has since resided with the exception of a residence of fifteen months in Colorado Springs, Colo., in 1901 and 1902. Dr. Smith is actively engaged in the general practice of medicine. In addition, he is actively interested in agriculture, as the owner and manager of farm lands. Dr. Richard Smyth was born in Ireland, April 28, 1830, and he had an Irishman's wit and grit. He was one of fourteen children born to Thomas and Susan (Dudgem) Smyth, who came from the Emerald Isle in 1839. They located on a farm in Gibson county, where the father died a few years later. Dr. Smyth grew up on the home farm and se cured a good education in the Princeton schools. When sixteen years old he went to Evansville and worked in a drug store for several years. He attended the Evansville Medical College and graduated in 1852. He lo cated in Wadesville, Ind., and practiced his art until 1864, then removed to Princeton, Ind., and practiced his profession there till 1878, when, on account of failing health, he moved to Kansas. In 1881 he returned to Posey county and located in Mt. Vernon and practiced with marked success. He was married twice, first to Jane Hunter, in 1853, who died a year later; in 1854 he was married to Maria Pitts, who is still living. Having secured a competence and his health failing, he removed to Princeton, Ind., in 1898, where he lived in retirement until his death, which occurred in the year 1904. He was a member of the pension ex amining, board, which met in his office at Mt. Vernon, Ind., during Har rison's administration. "After life's fitful fever, he sleeps well." Dr. Claude L. Rawlings was born in New Harmony, Ind., April 11, 1880. He is the son of Dr. Sam Rawlings, one of the old physicians of New Harmony, consequently Dr. Claude has breathed a medical atmos phere from childhood. He graduated from the Mt. Vernon High School in 1898, and was a student of DePauw University one year. He grad uated in the medical department of Washington University in St. Louis in 1903. Afterwards he was interne in the St. Louis Female and City hos pitals, then returned to his native town, the modern "Athens on the Wabash," and began the practice of his profession in 1904; and has re sided there ever since. He was married to Miss Catherine Barnes, of St. Louis, in 1905. To this union have been added three children, two boys and one girl. Since the doctor is young, industrious, intelligent and ad- l62 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY mirably equipped by education, training and association for his calling, his friends — and they are numerous — may well predict for him a large measure of success. Dr. John B. Weever, who, while he lived in Posey county, was the most popular physician therein, was "to the manner born," his father be ing a physician of note. He was born in Hallowell, Me., September 25, 1836, one of seven children born to Dr. Charles S. and Mary (Trafton) Weever, natives both of Maine. Dr. Charles Weever, the father of John B., came to Indiana in 1837 and located at Evansville, Ind., where he practiced his profession and held the chair of Professor of Anatomy in the Evansville (Ind.) Medical College for one year, and then came to Mt. Vernon, where he died April 21, 1862. Dr. John secured such educa tion as could be had in the common schools of the city where he resided. At the age of fourteen he attended a full course of lectures in Evansville, Ind. He continued his studies until he was nineteen, when he entered the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia, graduating in 1858. He was for awhile in the office of old Sam Gross, the "Father of American Surgery." After receiving his degree he came to Mt. Vernon and practiced with his father until the death of the latter in 1861. In December, 1862, he mar ried Miss Emma Slocum, an accomplished young lady of Carmi, 111. They became the parents of seven children, three of whom are now living. In the year 1886 he removed to Evansville, Ind., where he still lives, and though he is seventy-seven years of age, still practices his profession. He is a member of the County, State and America Medical associations. The doctor is tall, straight, broad-shouldered, apt at repartee and noted for the ease, grace and graciousness of his manners and his courtesy to the younger members of the profession'. May he long continue to live and practice the profession of which he is an ornament. Dr. J. F. Leslie was born at McLeansboro, 111., in 1879. His father, James F. Leslie, is at this time adjusting attorney for the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company. His mother, Miss Lora Casey, belonged to a distinguished Irish family. Her father, widely known throughout Southern Illinois, as "Buck" Casey, was a mail contractor, providing stages for a large number of stage routes before there were any rail roads in Southern Illinois. The doctor's maternal uncle, Sam Casey, was circuit judge of the Mt. Vernon (111.) circuit for twelve years. The sub ject of this sketch was educated in the common schools of McLeansboro, and in the Evansville High School. He is a graduate of the Northwest ern University Medical College, Chicago, and held an interneship in the Post-graduate Hospital of Chicago for one year, and took a post-graduate course in the same school in 1909, and again in 191 1. He began prac tice in Jonesboro, Ark., afterward practiced in Maunie, 111., until No vember, 1912, when he removed to Mt. Vernon, where he now resides. He was married to Miss Stella Weber of Salem, 111., in January, 1909. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 163 The doctor is now surgeon for the Chicago, Evansville & Louisville rail road. Dr. James Edward Gudgel, a prominent physician and surgeon of Cyn thiana, was born in Gibson county, on the farm of his parents, March 10, 1858. His paternal ancestry were of German origin, while his mother was of Scotch-Irish extraction. His parents, grandparents and great- grandparents were prominent among the early pioneers who carved a nation out of a wilderness. Dr. Gudgel is the next oldest practitioner in the county now actively engaged in the profession. He attended the common schools in the county where his parents resided until he was fifteen years of age, when he entered the high school of Oakland City, where he graduated in the class of 1879, and then entered the normal school at that place, making in all about nine years attendance in school there. He afterwards taught school four years in the county, and one year in the grammar grade at Booneville, Ind. He graduated at the Evansville Medical College in 1883. In 1883 he located in Cynthiana, where he practiced five years and then entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons at St. Louis, Mo., graduating in 1888, and resumed his work in Cynthiana, where he still resides. He is a member of the Posey County Medical Society, of which he served one year as president, and is also a member of the State and American Medical associations. He was married in 1886 to Lizzie T. Smith, of Posey county. They are the parents of four children. The doctor is a Republican in politics, and the family are members of the Presbyterian church. Dr. C. H. Fullinwider was born near Alton, Ind., in 1854. He is of German lineage, but his ancestry had been for several generations in this country. Dr. Fullinwider received his literary education partly in the public schools of the neighborhood and partly from private tutors. He was reared on the farm. He finished his education at what was then known as Hartsville (Ind.) University, later entering the Medical College of Ohio, at Cincinnati, at that time the best medical college west of the Alleghanies. He graduated with the class of 1883, and began the prac tice of medicine at Petersburg, Pike county, Indiana, where he was as sociated for eight years with Dr. J. R. Adams, one of the oldest and best physicians in the county. He came to Mt. Vernon in 1872, where he has since resided. Before coming to Mt. Vernon he did post-graduate work in Philadelphia, Pa., under Dr. S. Weir Mitchell and Joseph Price, then went to New York and took a full course in the New York Polyclinic. He was married to Miss Cornelia Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thomas, of this city, in 1897. Two daughters have been born to them, Anne V. and Emma B. The doctor is one of the leading physicians of the county. He is careful, conscientious and painstaking, being especially skillful in diagnosis. He does a large consultation practice. Ira L. Turman, M. D., a physician and surgeon of Cynthiana, Ind., 164 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY was born at Grayville, 111., February 15, 1877, and was raised on a farm, attending the common schools of his neighborhood and finished his liter ary education at Union Christian College at Merom, Ind. Afterwards he taught school one year and then began the study of medicine under Dr. J. M. Durham, of Grayville, 111. He graduated from the University of Louisville, Ky., in 1894. In May of that year he located at Cynthiana, where he has since resided and practiced his profession. His ancestry, of English origin, were pioneer settlers of Indiana, coming from Bedford county, Virginia, in 1810. Dr. Turman belongs to the County, State and American Medical associations. He was president one year and secre tary two years of the county society. He was married in August, 1895, to Miss Agnes Bixler, of Vanderberg county, Indiana. They had one child, Claude Kenneth, now a graduate of the Cynthiana High School. Mrs. Turman died in October, 1904. In March, 1906, Dr. Turman married Grace Bixler (nee Emmerson), of Gibson county. Dr. and Mrs. Turman have two children, Robert E. and Agnes Lucile. The Turman family are members of the Christian church, and Dr. Turman is a deacon in his church and director of the choir. Dr. David Walter Welch was born near Galatia, 111., in 1848. He is the son of E. G. Welch and Nancy (Upchurch) Welch. The father was of an old Virginia family, but was raised at Murfreesboro, Tenn., and moved to Southern Illinois when quite a young man. Dr. Welch's mother was born at Galatia, which was founded by her father, David Upchurch, lived there all her life and died in the same village at the age of eighty. The father died at the ripe age of eighty-eight in the same village. Dr. Welch, the oldest of twelve children, was reared on the farm near Galatia, attended the village schools in winter and later the Illinois State Normal at Normal. He taught school for fifteen years, three years in Shawneetown, 111. ; two as assistant superintendent of Evansville, Ind., schools; two as superintendent of Rockport schools, which he re-organ ized and graded, and two as superintendent of schools in Boonville, Ind. He read medicine at home of evenings and afterwards in the office and1 under the tuition of Dr. George B. Walker, dean of the faculty at Evans ville, Ind. He graduated from the Evansville Medical College in 1886, having previously lived in the country northeast of Mt. Vernon, Ind., for four years. He located in Mt. Vernon in 1888, where he has since resided. Some years ago he took a post-graduate course in the Chicago Clinical College, and served four years on the board of pension examiners during the Harrison administration, being associated with the late Drs. Smith and Holton. He was married in 1868 to Miss Jennie R. Wright, of Cloverport, Ky. They have five sons and two daughters, all grown and married. He is in politics a Prohibitonist. There are just two planks in his political platform. He hates whisky and mud. He is the originator of the movement which resulted in building more than 200 miles of rock HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 1 65 and gravel roads in Posey county. He met fierce opposition and defied it. Before that the county had not a foot of decent road. They have at this time more than <2oo miles and are still building. Dr. John W. Powell, late of Mt. Vernon, Ind., now a resident of Ev ansville, Ind., was born in Henderson, county, Kentucky. June 16, 1844, and is the only son of eleven children born to James M. and Matilda (Greene) Powell, who were born, the former in Kentucky, the latter in Virginia. The father was a farmer and resided in the county of his nativity all his life excepting two years spent in Indiana. John W. ob tained his literary education in the Asbury Universtiy, Greencastle, Ind., and later at Washington College, Lexington, Va. He received his med ical education in the University of Louisville, Ky. Lie began the prac tice of his profession in his native county, remaining there until 1880. In December of that year he came to Mt. Vernon, Ind., and spent several years in that place and its vicinity. A few years ago he discontinued the practice of medicine and moved to Evansville, where he now resides. In 1870 he was married to Miss Belle Dorsey. To this union six chil dren were born, three of whom are now living. Dr. Daniel Neal, one of the oldest physicians of Posey county and for many years a resident of New Harmony, is a son of Max and Anna (Williams) Neal, who were of Irish lineage. They were natives of South Carolina, and when Indiana was yet a Territory, removed thither and set tled in Posey county, where Dr. Neal was born January 21, 1828. His early life was passed on the farm and then he spent three years in the Mt. Vernon public schools. He worked in a dry goods store one year and then crossed the plains to California, where he remained until 1852, when he returned to his native county. He began the study of medicine with Dr. Mott, of New Harmony, in 1853, and in 1854 he attended the Transylvania Medical College at Lexington, Ky., and two years later began the practice of medicine in New Harmony. In 1857 he moved to Jackson, 111., but in 1866 returned to New Harmony and resumed the practice there. He married Martha Bennett in May, 1857. Four chil dren have been born to them — Nellie, Mollie, Benjamin and August. About eight years ago he removed to California, where he has since re sided. Dr. Samuel O. Rawlings, one of the oldest physicians in Posey county, was born in Olney, 111., September 10, 1845. His father, Lloyd Rawlings, was born in Ohio and moved to Illinois at an early day. He was one of the "forty-niners," and while in the gold fields of California had an encounter with a grizzly bear and came off second best, being disabled and disfigured for life. He died in 1885. Dr. Rawlings began the study of medicine in his native county under the tutorship of Dr. M. Van- couglan, and entered the Cincinnati College of Physicians and Surgeons in 1869, graduating therefrom in 1873. He located in New Harmony in l66 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 1871, where he has resided and practiced his profession ever since. He was married to Miss Alice Youngblood, of Poseyville, Ind., in May, 1877. Seven children have blessed this union, four of whom survive. Elbert, one of the sons, is a druggist in Washington State; another, Claude, is a physician, a sketch of whom is found elsewhere in this vol ume. The doctor still does some practice for his old customers. The first wife died in 1909. He was married in 1912 to Miss Mary Givens. Politically he is a Democrat. Dr. John W. Ranes was born in White county, Illinois, in 1881, reared in Gibson county, near Owensville, Ind., to which place the family re moved when the subject of our sketch was two years old. He attended Owensville and Princeton high schools three years and attended Oakland City College three years. He graduated from the Indiana School of Medicine in 1908. He practiced medicine in Union, Pike county, Indiana, removed to Mt. Vernon in 191 1, where he still resides and practices his profession. He was married in 1904 to Miss Sadie Arnold, of Warrick county, Indiana. Two children have blessed this union. Husband and wife are both members and active workers in the General Baptist church. Being young, well educated and of exemplary habits, a long career of usefulness awaits him. Dr. Oscar T. Schultz, deceased, during his lifetime a prominent phy sician of Posey county, Indiana, was born near Breslau, Germany, in 1848, and was the oldest son of Theodore and Henrietta (Weber) Schultz. The father came with his family to the United States in 1853 and located first in New York City, but after two years' residence there moved to Evansville, Ind., where he engaged in the practice of medicine. Oscar T. received his education in the public schools of Evansville, graduating from the high school in 1856. In the fall of that year he moved to Owens- boro, Ky., and taught in a private school. From 1868 to 1874 he was superintendent of German in the public schools of Owensboro and Evans ville. February 26, 1875, he graduated from the Hospital College of Medicine at Louisville, Ky., at the head of his class. In April, 1875, he located in Mt. Vernon, where he resided and practiced his profession till the time of his death, which occurred late in the year of 1891. May 9, 1876, he married Louisa, daughter of John Pfeffer, of Mt. Vernon. To this union were born six children, four of whom are living. He and his family were prominent members of the German Evangelical Trinity church. Mrs. Schultz departed this life March 6, 1903. Dr. Schultz was one of a long line of physicians, there having been one at least in nearly every generation for three centuries, and his oldest son, Oscar Schultz, M. D., of Omaha, Neb., is not the least distinguished among the number. Dr. Charles Arburn, of Wadesville, Ind., was born on a farm in Gib son county, Indiana, October 13, 1858. He was a son of John and Ange- line (Henson) Arburn. The father was from England, the mother HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 167 from Pennsylvania. Dr. Arburn attended the public schools of his na tive county and began teaching at the age of twenty-one. Four years later he entered the Kentucky School of Medicine at Louisville, grad uating therefrom with the class of 1889. He located at Carmi, 111., re maining two years, and then removed to East Lynn, 111. After practic ing four years there he came to Wadesville, where he has since resided and practiced his profession. He is a Democrat in politics and a Primi tive Baptist in religion. Dr. Arburn was married in 1884 to Miss Martha Florence Smith, daughter of John W. and Mary Jane (Calvert) Smith, of Smith township, Posey county, Indiana, after whom Smith township was named. Dr. and Mrs. Arburn have two sons and two daughters. Dr. Samuel G. Henderson, who has spent his entire professional life in St. Phillips, Posey county, Indiana, was born at Surgeonville, Hawkins county, Tennessee, in 1848, the son of S. L. and Annie (Williams) Hen derson. The doctor's grandfather was killed and robbed by the Indians near Chattanooga, Tenn. Dr. Henderson was reared on a farm in his native county, attending the common schools of his neighborhood. At the age of fifteen he enlisted 'in Company E, First Tennessee Federal cavalry, but on account of his youth was not permitted to serve. Two of his brothers were in the Federal and one in the Confederate army. After his discharge he again attended school. In March, 1866, he came to Indiana, locating first at Francisco,- Gibson county. He attended school for a short time at Poseyville, Ind., and subsequently taught school in Posey county. He graduated in 1876 from the Cincinnati Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons. He began practicing his profession in St. Phillips, Posey county, where he has since resided. He has retired from active practice, but still does some office work. He has accumu lated a competence, owns several farms and is a raiser of cattle and hogs. In politics he is a Democrat. He belongs to no church, but is a Meth odist in belief. In 1873 Dr. Henderson married Barbara Pelt, daughter of James and Nancy Pelt. Dr. and Mrs. Henderson are the parents of eight children. Dr. Arno Klein was born in Mt. Vernon, Ind., in 1886, of German par entage, his father, Charles P. Klein, having been born in Rhine-Essen, Germany. His mother, formerly Miss Katherine M. Schwerdt, was born in Evansville, Ind., and is also of German descent. The parents came to Mt. Vernon thirty-three years ago, where the father has been and is still engaged in the grocery business on a large scale ; Arno graduated in the Mt. Vernon High School, attended Culver (Ind.) Military Academy three years, and then spent eight and one-half months traveling in Ger many and Switzerland. Upon his return from Europe he entered the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, remaining till he graduated, and then served four years as interne in the hospital connected with the school. Not getting just what he wanted there he went to Williams- 1 68 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY port, Pa., and served one year as interne in the hospital at that place. He began the practice of his profession in Mt. Vernon in 1912. He was married in February, 1913, to Miss Emily V. Brower, of Williamsport, Pa., so he certainly spent his year in Williamsport hospital to some pur pose. He has recently been appointed surgeon in the Indiana National Guard and attached to the First regiment. He is bright, energetic, speaks English and German, and certainly has a bright future before him. Dr. Ulysses G. Whiting was born September 24, 1869, in Evansville, Ind. He was the son of John and Sarah O. Whiting. He received his literary education in the common schools of Cynthiana, Ind., and the Northern Indiana Normal University at Valparaiso, Ind. At the age of nineteen he engaged in the drug business at Cynthiana and followed this avocation until the fall of 1894, when he entered the medical de partment of the University of Louisville, where he graduated in 1897. He located at Wadesville, Ind., for the practice of medicine and re mained there until 1905, when he moved to New Harmony, forming a partnership with Dr. J. M. Glaze. He was, in 1904, elected grand medical examiner of the Ancient Order of United Workmen for the State, filling said office until 1906. He quit New Harmony in 1908 to take clinical courses in Chicago, New York and Vienna, Austria. Returning to America he again resumed the practice in Mt. Vernon. Dr. Whiting was married to Miss Lula Wasson, of Gibson county, in 1893 They have two children, Miss Fay, a teacher in the city schools, and Van, who is in the senor class of the Mt. Vernon High School. Dr. Edwin Rinear was born in Liberty Center, Wells county, In diana, in 1866, son of Elias M. and Mary Jane (Hupp) Rinear. His great grandfather was a Frenchman, who came to this country with Lafayette and served in the American Revolution. His grandfather, Charles Ri near, son of the Frenchman, was born in New Jersey, and his son, father of Dr. Edwin, was born in Cuyahoga county, Ohio. His mother was of Pennsylvania Dutch ancestry. Elias M. Rinear, the doctor's father, was a druggist in Liberty Center, and other towns in Indiana and low lives in Bluffton. He was a soldier in the One Hundred and First Indiana infantry and for three years was "fife major." Edwin Rinear attended the public schools of his neighborhood and later completed the teacher's course in Holbrook Normal at Lebanon, Ohio, after which he taught for six years in the Wells county public schools. He graduated from the Medical College of Ohio in 1890. He practiced at Liberty center ten years, at Warren, Ind., three or four years, at Bluffton for a time, and located at Mt. Vernon in 191 1. He is a member of the Mt. Vernon So ciety, which owes its existence to him ; is secretary of the County Medi cal Association and is a member of the State Association. He was mar ried in 1891 to Queen Mabel Webb, of Warren, Ind. They have no chil dren. In politics he is a Democrat. The doctor is a musician of more than ordinary skill and an artist of no mean ability. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 169 Dr. Henry H. Sugg was born on a farm near Fayetteville, Tenn., in 1866. His father was Henry H. Sugg; his mother was Sally E. Yowell, a great-granddaughter of the celebrated John Sevier, pioneer Indian fighter and first governor of Tennessee. Dr. Sugg attended the common schools of his native county as a boy and when a young man attended the medical department of the Vanderbilt University and of the Ten nessee Medical College, graduating later in the American Medical Col lege at St. Louis. He began the practice of medicine at Trenton, Tenn., where he remained one year; then he removed to Greenville, Tex., where he practiced three years ; returning to his old home he practiced two years near Fayetteville. In the year 1892 he moved to Mt. Vernon, where he has resided and practiced his profession ever since. The best thing he ever did was to marry, in 1891, Miss Lula McGowan, of good Presby terian stock. To this union have been born five children, two boys and three girls. The doctor has been quite successful in business and now owns 400 acres of land in Posey county. He practices medicine accord ing to the theories of the Eclectics. Dr. Sugg affiliates with the Chris tian church. His wife, true to the Scotch traditions, is an old-school Presbyterian and both are highly respected citizens in the town in which they reside. Dr. William Mason Holton was born in Westminster, Vt., July 16, 1827. He was a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, class of 1852. After his graduation he practiced one year m New York City; from 1853 to i860 at Plymouth, 111.; then till 1863 he practiced his profession at Stewartsville, Ind., and from 1862 till the time of his death, which occurred December 13, 1910, at New Harmony, Ind. He was a member of the Posey County, State and American Med ical societies. During the Civil war he served as first lieutenant in the Sixtieth Indiana regiment and afterward as surgeon of the Twenty-fifth Indiana. He was on the board of pension examiners at Mt. Vernon four years during the Harrison administration. He practiced his profession continuously, except the time he was in the army, for fifty-eight and one- half years. Few men in America ever practiced longer. Dr. Robert Lee Hardwick was born February 16, 1863, near Dawson Springs, Hopkins county, Kentucky. His father, Christopher C, was a dry goods merchant. His mother's maiden name was Adeline Henson. He was educated in the public schools of his neighborhood, is a graduate of the Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, finishing the course in 1886. He first practiced his profession in Clay, Ky., and later at Dixon, Ky. ; moved to Mt. Vernon in 1897, where he has since resided. He was mar ried to Miss Lura F. Watson in 1891. To this union two daughters have been born — Lucile and Adelaide. He is in religious belief a Mis sionary Baptist, though not connected with any church here. In poli tics he has always been a Democrat. He is secretary of the board of 170 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY health in Posey county. The doctor has been quite successful in business and owns 384 acres of land in Posey county. Douglas X. Ramsey, one of the oldest physicians in point of contin uous service in Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Xenia, 111., son of George D. and Mary A. (Price) Ramsey. His father was a practicing physi cian of Xenia, 111., where he died at the age of seventy-seven. The mother died in Mt. Vernon, aged eighty-two. Dr. Ramsey attended the public schools of his native village and for two or three years had a private tutor. He took his medical degree at Washington University, St. Louis, in 1880, and shortly afterward located in Mt. Vernon, where he has since resided. He took post-graduate courses in St. Louis University in 1873 and in the Chicago Polyclinic in 1875. He was appointed a member of the State Board of Health by Governor Matthews and served from 1895 to 1897. He has been twice president of the Posey County Medical Society, and for four years he was medical examiner for the Ancient Order of United Workmen. Governor Durbin appointed Dr. Ramsey delegate to the National Tuberculosis Congress, held in New York in 1907. He served two terms on the board of pension examiners under Cleveland's administrations. He was married, in December, 1909, to Miss Rosa Scheller, who was born in Interlachen, Switzerland, but spent most of her life prior to her marriage in Evansville, Ind. In politics Dr. Ramsey is a Democrat ; fraternally a Master Mason. Dr. William Edward Hasting, until recently a prominent physician and surgeon of Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Point township, Posey county, Indiana, in August 1867. He was a son of William Thomas and Jane (Booth) Hasting, the former born in Delaware, the latter in Posey county. Dr. Hasting's father was of English descent and a pio neer settler of Posey county. He died at his farm in Point township at the age of fifty-five. Dr. Hasting was reared on the Point township farm, receiving his early education in the county schools. Later he was a student at De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind. He entered the medical department of the Washington University at St. Louis in 1893, graduating in 1897. He spent three years as interne or superin tendent of a hospital there and in East St. Louis. He removed thence to Mt Vernon, Ind., where he built up a large practice, owning a farm of 1,000 acres of land in Point township, which demanded his atten tion. He has recently quit the practice of his profession and is giving his attention to stock breeding and buying and selling mules. He was married to Miss Anna Bell, a native of Ireland, in 1895. She died No vember 6, 1910, leaving two children, David and Anna. Dr. Samuel Benson Montgomery, a prominent physician and sur geon of Cynthiana, was born in Gibson county, Indiana, July 6, 1874. He was the youngest child of Jesse M. and Lemira (Benson) Montgomery. He was raised on a farm, completed the common school course and HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 171 graduated from the Owensville High School in 1892. He attended Wa bash College one year and then entered the University Medical College at Louisville, graduating in 1898. He practiced one year at Poseyville, three years at St. Wendel, and then located in 1902 at Cynthiana, where he still resides and enjoys a lucrative practice. He is a member of the County, State and American Medical Associations. He belongs to the Christian church. Dr. Montgomery is of French extraction, tracing his ancestry back to the Tenth century, to the Count of Alencon in Nor- many, descendants of whom are found in England, Scotland, Holland and America. It is from those that settled in Scotland and Ireland that we have the American line and the antecedents of our subject. In Sep tember, 1898, Dr. Montgomery was married to Miss Eva L. Boyle, daughter of Henry and Tilda (McReynolds) Boyle, both native Hoo- siers, the father of Vanderburg county and the mother of Posey. They have two children, Mary Lena and Dorothy Mae. Dr. David B. Montgomery was born March 26, 1834, on a farm in Gibson county, Indiana. His early life on the farm consisted of the usual tasks incident to farm life, with a few months' attendance of the district schools in winter. When nearing manhood he attended an acad emy in Newburg, Ind., for two years. Upon attaining his majority he read medicine with Dr. John Runcie, of Cynthiana, Ind. He graduated from the Rush Medical College in Chicago in 1858. Upon receiving his diploma he located at Cynthiana, where he built a large and lucrative practice. Beginning the practice he was compelled to buy a home and outfit on credit, but at his death he left an estate valued at many thou sands of dollars. The doctor was a man of fine personal appearance, neat in his dress and courteous in manners. He was "liberal" in his religious views. He thought, spoke and acted in accordance with his own view of right and propriety, letting consequences take care of them selves. Out of his own ample means he erected in 1875 a neat brick edifice, which he called Byron Hall, to be used by the young people for their social gatherings and by any religious sect or political party. He was twice married. The first wife was Miss Margaret Whiting, whom he married in i860. The union proving unhappy, it was dissolved by the court in 1883 after long and bitter litigation. In the same year he was married to Miss Mary Downs, who survived him. The doctor "fell asleep" on September 1, 1885. Dr. Thomas W. Wilson was born in Lynn township October 18, i860. He worked on the farm and attended the district schools until he was nineteen years of age, when he entered the Indiana University at Bloomington, graduating therefrom in 1884. He received his medical degree from the Miami Medical College at Cincinnati in 1887. Shortly after his graduation he formed a partnership with Dr. William Holton at New Harmony and they practiced together for eight years. Since 172 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY then he has practiced alone in New Harmony, where he continues to reside. For ten years he was health officer of the county and has also filled the positions of president and secretary of the County Medical Society. Dr. Wilson is the son of John Wilson and Mrs. Amanda (Grad) Wilson, both of Lynn township. Dr. Wilson was married to Miss Annie B. Miller, of New Harmony, in 1893. They have one son, Gordon M. Wilson. Dr. Wilson is a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Modern Woodmen and the tribe of Ben Hur. Dr. George R. Peckinpaugh was born in Crawford county, Indiana, June 5, 1854, being the next youngest of twelve children born to Nich olas and Eleanor (Scheckell) Peckinpaugh. The parents were from Hardin county, Kentucky, but emigrated to Crawford county, Indiana, in 1818. Here he was raised, married and reared a large family. Dr. George R. remained on the farm till he was seventeen years old, when he entered the Hartsville, Ind., University and later the University at Bloomington, Ind., completing there his sophomore year. He then took a two-years course in chemistry and other branches pertaining to the medical profession. In the fall of 1878 he matriculated at the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, graduating in 1881. He located in Mt. Vernon in September of that year and began the practice of his profes sion. He soon became one of the most popular physicians and surgeons of Posey county. From then until 1907, with the exception of a short time spent in Chicago, he practiced in this city and vicinity. In that year he removed to Evansville, Ind., where he has since devoted his en tire time to pulmonary diseases, in the treatment of which he has been very successful. The doctor is affable, courteous and unassuming in manner and simple in his dress. Though some of his theories as to the causes and treatment of pulmonary diseases are original, the doctor is honest, terribly in earnest, and able to give a reason for the faith that is in him. He was married to Miss Rose Alexander, an accomplished young lady of this city. Dr. J. M. Glaze was born at Joneshart, in Upper East Tennessee. At thirteen years of age he was sent to Greenville, Tenn., where he remained two years. He is a graduate of the University of Nashville and Vanderbuilt University at Nashville, Tenn. He began the practice of medicine at nineteen years of age, located at Gainesville, Ky., where he practiced six years. Later he moved to New Harmony. He is the son of William B. Glaze and Elizabeth (Clark) Glaze, both natives of Tennessee. Dr. Glaze was married September 6, 1894, to Miss Mary R. Cooper, daughter of John Cooper, a prominent citizen of Posey county during his life time. The doctor married some money and made more, and had accumulated considerable property when he left New Harmony about five years ago for California, where he now resides. He has one child, Anna Reed Glaze. Dr. Glaze was a member of the Posey HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 173 County Medical Society, and was for a while surgeon for the Peoria, De catur and Evansville Railroad Company at New Harmony. He is a Democrat in politics. Besides his practice he has large farming inter ests. Dr. T. C. Emmick was born near Grandview, Ind., on Corn Island, the name given a mound built by the mound builders, August 9, 1872. His parents were John W. Emmick and Rebecca (Peckinpaugh) Emmick. Thomas, the subject of this sketch, left the island or mound farm, orf which he was born, and where he passed his early childhood, and went with his father, who was a steamboatman, to Yazoo City, Miss., and later to Alton, Ind. His literary education was received in the public schools of Alton. When a young man he clerked for three years in the Fogas drug store in Mt. Vernon, then read medicine about one year in the office of his uncle, Dr. George R. Peckinpaugh, at that time one of the leading physicians and surgeons of Posey county. He then entered the Louisville Medical College, where he remained two years, graduating at the Ohio Medical College in the class of 1897. After obtaining his degree he located in Mt. Vernon, where he still resides and practices his profes sion. Dr. Emmick was married in 1906 to Miss Betty Dunn, of Alton, Ind. Dr. Edwin V. Spencer, who at the time of his death was one of the oldest and most successful physicians of Posey county, was born irt Warren county, Pennsylvania, and was one of a family of nine children born to Mathias and Harriet (Smith) Spencer, natives respectively of Connecticut and Vermont. He grew to manhood in his native county, where he secured a common school education and later attended an academy at Sherburne, N. Y. He began the study of medicine when nineteen years of age, and was graduated from the Cleveland (Ohio) Medical College in 185 1. He came to Posey county in the spring of 1852 and located in Mt. Vernon. He was one of the oldest physicians and surgeons in the county in his day. Making money in the practice and investing it in real estate, which afterwards increased greatly in value, he became quite wealthy, and at his death left a large landed estate. In February, 1852, he married Sarah J. Baxter, of Erie county, Pennsyl vania. They became the parents of eight children, four of whom are now living. One of them, George W., is a distinguished physician and surgeon of Philadelphia. The doctor was a Democrat in politics, and in his later years a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He was a member of the Indiana Medical Society. On March 28, 1902, he joined the "Silent Majority," "And there shall be no night (riding) there." Dr. Marcus Sherburne Blunt was born in Narridgewock, Me, in 1826. He was fortunate in his birthplace, as at that time New England was a center of culture and refinement, of courage and energy. Dr. William Trafton, Dr. Charles Weever and others who adorned the medical profes- I74 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY sion in that early day, were also natives of New England, and brought to the western wilds something of the culture of the East. "There were giants in those days" and giants were needed to help subdue the wilderness, to contend with Indians and wickedness, to struggle through mud and swim swollen, unbridged streams, to carry the light of hope and health to the sick, to smooth the pillow of the dying. "The paths of pain were theirs" and they were trodden by weary, but unfaltering feet, not the least among these pioneer physicians being the subject of our sketch. Dr. Blunt graduated from Bowdoin College in 185 1 and came west, locating at Mt. Vernon, then a mere village, in 1852, where he resided and prac ticed his profession till his death, twenty-nine years later. Those were strenuous years, filled with high purpose and hard work. Those of us "upon the ends of the world are come," who practice medicine in auto mobiles, over rock roads, can little appreciate the hardships which these older physicians had to undergo. After two years the doctor realized it was "not good for man to be alone," especially in the western wilds, and he married Miss Caroline B. Abbott, of Farmington, Me., who was not merely a helpmate for him, but an addition to the society of the village. The writer was proud to number her among his friends not many years after her husband's death. Dr. Blunt was "gathered to his fathers" after a long and painful illness, October 2, 1881, and his devoted wife joined him in the "land of shadows" in 1904. Six children were born to this union, five of whom are yet living. Said one of his contemporaries : "He had the courage of his convictions honestly, faithfully in his sphere of action, did he fulfill his destiny. Upright and honest in all his busi ness relations he stood without reproach." Though he did not accept the dogmas of revealed religion, "His convictions, as to the future were sin cere and pronounced. Above all creeds or books he looked and believed that any power which could mysteriously call him into existence was suf ficient to care for him in the great Beyond." "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" If he had the faults and foibles of humanity, he was also the possessor of its grandest attributes. His humanity was extended as the human family, his benevolence only circumscribed by his power to do good. Said another, "The sacrifices he made during the cholera epidemic in Mt. Vernon will never be known and never forgotten, in that memorable conflict with pole horse and his rider how unflinchingly he stood by the post of his duty. All mercenary motives were lost sight of, the poorest had his professional counsel and assistance as readily as those from whom he might expect remuneration and more, they had ac cess to his purse as long as he could keep it supplied and the overflowing sympathy of his warm heart in their affliction." He was not orthodox but he entered into the spirit of him who said, "I will have mercy and not sacrifice." Dr. Lawrence B. Bitz, for many years a prominent physician of Blairs- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 175 ville, Ind., was born December 6, 1839, Bavaria, Germany. He is the third of a family of four children born to Simon and Catherine (Schaf- fener) Bitz. They came to the United States in 1847, locating in War rick county, Indiana, where they lived until the father's death in 1875, and the mother died there in 1881. Dr. Bitz was raised on a farm and served one year during the Civil war in Company G, Forty-fourth Indiana volunteers. Returning from the war he farmed until 1867 and then entered Miami Medical College, graduating two years later. He then located in Blairsville, Ind., where he built a large and lucrative practice. He married Mary Marvick in 1871. He and his family are members of the Catholic church. Fifteen or twenty years ago he removed to Evansville, Ind., where he still lives and practices medi cine in partnership with his son. Dr. William Louis Miller, practicing physician, was born in Cin cinnati, October 24, 1873. He is the son of Rev. Louis and Elizabeth (Doerr) Miller. His father is a native of Germany, born eighty-four years ago and is now living. He has been a Methodist minister for over fifty-three years. His mother died a few years ago. Our sub ject, Dr. William Louis Miller, graduated from the Boonville High School at the age of seventeen. After teaching school for several years he attended De Pauw University and later studied medicine at Louisville Medical College. In April, 1901, he graduated from the University of Indianapolis, after which he practiced medicine in West Franklin for about one year. In 1902 he was married to Miss Anna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Weilbrenner, of Mt. Vernon, Ind., and located near St. Phillips, in Robinson township, where he has con tinued his practice for eleven years. Dr. Miller and wife are the par ents of two children, Harold L. and Raymond A., and are members of the German Methodist church. Dr. George W. Welborn, formerly a practicing physician of Stewarts ville, Ind., was born March 17, 1844, in Evansville, Ind., where he grew to manhood and received his early education. In 1859 he entered the Asbury University, , now De Pauw University, where he remained until the beginning of the Civil war. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Com pany B, Sixtieth Indiana infantry, and served three years, receiving his discharge June 30, 1865. For a short time after the war he clerked in a drug store in Evansville, but at the end of six months^ entered into partnership in the boot and shoe business. Two years later he sold out and came to Stewartsville and engaged in farming. October 27, 1867, he married Martha Stinnett, who was born in 1845 in Kentucky. They had four children, all of whom survived him. The doctor began his medical studies while in the army and, in 1875, quit farming, took a two years' course in the Evansville Medical College; graduating in 1877. The parents of the doctor were William W. and Hannah (Walker) I76 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Welborn. The father was a physician, who received his medical educa tion in Evansville and died in that city in 1871. The subject of our sketch took a post-graduate course in Philadelphia in 1894. He located in Stewartsville and practiced there till failing health compelled him to seek relief in a hospital in St. Louis. He died in that city as the re sult of a prostatectomy in 1895. Dr. Francis H. Kelley was born October 1, 1835, in Kentucky. His parents were Robert and Charlotte (Walton) Kelley. The father, who was a farmer, was born in Virginia in 1797. He died in Missouri, where he then resided, in 1864. The mother was born in 1805, and died in Missouri in 1877. He received his literary education in the district schools, from his mother, and from a high school, which he attended two years, and from the Georgetown (Ky.) College, where he attended two years. In 1859 he entered the University of Charlottesville, Va. When the Civil war began he was a student in a medical college at Nashville, Tenn. He joined the Confederate army, was commissioned captain, and later was promoted to the rank of major. He fought at Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Vicksburg, Corinth, Murfrees- boro and Chickamauga. In the skirmish at Danville, Ala., he was taken prisoner and sent to Indianapolis, where he was released in 1865. Being without money or friends in that locality he went to Orange county, Indiana, and worked for a time in a saw mill. In a short time, learn ing that he possessed some knowledge of medicine, he was called to see a sick man, and treated him successfully. In 1867 he married Rhoda E. Stone, who bore him one child, Albert Lee. He died in June, 1870, and in March of the same year he graduated from the Louisville Medical College. He then located in Stewartsville, Ind., where he remained till 1885. He then left Posey county and settled on a farm in Saline county, where he lived fourteen years. Left there in 1901 and spent about one year in Texas. He located in New Harmony in 1902, where he now lives in retirement. Has not been in active practice since leav ing Stewartsville. His wife, who is still living, was Miss Mary Alice Robb. They have three children. Dr. Simeon H. Pearse was born in Allegany county, New York, in 1830, being the oldest of a family of three sons and three daughters, born to Benjamin H. and Mary (Heath) Pearse, natives respectively of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Dr. Pearse was raised in the county of his nativity and secured a fair education, completing his academic course and securing a State teachers' license at the age of twenty-one. He obtained the means to enable him to pursue the study of medicine by teaching. He graduated in 1854 from the Castleton (Vt.) Medical College. He practiced his profession in Onon daga and Allegany counties for four years, and spent one winter in Bellevue Hospital, New York. He then came to Mt. Vernon, where HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 177 he remained till the year 1896, when he returned to New York. In 1855 he was married to Lucy A. Abbott, in his native county. They had two children, Eliza M. and Warren M. The doctor in politics was a Dem ocrat and fraternally a Mason. He and his wife were members of the Presbyterian church. He was a member of the Mt. Vernon public school board from 1868 to 1878, with the exception of two years. He died in 1896, shortly after his return to his old home in New York. Dr. Carl Flucks, of St. Wendel, Ind., was born in Germany, Decem ber 11, 1837. He is a son of Carl and Anna Flucks, who were native Germans, and lived and died in the land of their birth. The doctor re ceived an exceptionally fine education in the German language and literature, and also in theology. He entered the German army at nine teen, and was in the sanitary service for about seven years. He came to the United States in 1872, located in Terre Haute, and practiced medicine for about nine months, when he removed to St. Wendel, where he has since resided. He was married to Mary McHenry in 1873. They had six children, three of whom were living in 1885. Dr. Flucks and family are members of the Catholic church, and politically he is a Democrat. The doctor is quite a fine musician, having attended some of the best musical schools of Europe. The doctor left St. Wendel and moved to Arkansas for a while, where he was elected to the legislature. After a few years he re moved back to St. Wendel. Who wouldn't, after having been elected to the Arkansas legislature? The old doctor is living in retirement at St. Wendel. Dr. John W. Rutter was born in Posey county, Indiana, near Cyn thiana in 1857. He was a son of John Rutter and Jane (Carter) Rutter and was raised in the same neighborhood where his parents were. He was educated in the Cynthiana public schools. He grad uated from the Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1881. He practiced medicine in Cynthiana twenty-eight years and came to Poseyville in 1909, where he still resides. He has been married twice — first to Frances Sketler, who died in 1906, leaving two children; then to Mrs. Belle W. White, of Eldorado county, Illinois, in 1908. Fra ternally he is a Mason. He belongs to the Posey County Medical Society. Dr. K. C. Fitzgerald was born in Philipstown, 111., in 1884. He is the son of Charles and Isabel Fitzgerald. The doctor was educated in the public schools of his native village and at the Kentucky Universtity, Lexington, Ky. He received his medical degree at the Kentucky School of Medicine, graduating in 1906. He served two years as in terne in the City Hospital and in St. Anthony's Hospital, Louisville. He was a student of Dr. William Wathen, of Louisville, in his day one of the greatest gynecologists in the West. He located in New Har- 178 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY mony, Ind., in 1908, where he still resides and practices his profession. He is a member of the city council. He was married in 1909 to Miss Nelgine Schnee. One child has been born to them, in 1912, named Eliz abeth. He was in college a Greek letter man, a Phi Chi. In politics he is a Democrat. He belongs to the Woodmen, Odd Fellows and Masons. He is a member of the County, State and American Medical associations. Dr. J. P. Gibson, of Stewartsville, was born at Barboursville, Knox county, Kentucky, in 1877. He received the degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Union College, Barboursville, Ky., in 1896. He attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons, graduating therefrom April 11, 1900. He served as contract surgeon for the North Jellico Coal Company at Milton, Ky., 1901-1902. He then located at Corbin, Ky., 1903, where he owned a drug store and practiced medicine till 1908. He then removed to Stewartsville, Ind., where he has since resided. He was married to Miss Mamie Spahr, of Cincinnati, Ohio, in July, 1900. They have four children — one boy and three girls. The doctor is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and is Republican in politics. Dr. Ernest Wilson, "Doc Ernie," as he is familiarly called by his friends, was born in Lynn township, Posey county, in 1867. He was the son of Alex. Wilson and Margaret (Stallings) Wilson, both of Lynn township, Posey county, Indiana. The doctor was raised on the Lynn township farm, attended the district schools, and finished his literary education at the State University at Bloomington. He obtained his medical degree at Miami University, Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1896. He had prior to this taken a course in pharmacy, graduating at the Cincin nati College of Pharmacy. He served as interne at St. Mary's Hos pital, Evansville, Ind., in 1896 and 1897. He then practiced his profes sion in New Harmony, Ind., about one year. He then located near Solitude, Posey county, Indiana, within a mile or two of his boyhood home, where he has resided ever since. He was married to Miss Elsie Neu- som, of New Harmony, in 1897. They have had two children ; one, a lit tle girl, is living. Dr. Wilson is a stockholder and director in the Peo ple's Bank at Mt. Vernon and owns considerable land — two or more farms — in Lynn township. He is a Democrat in politics. Dr. Commodore P. Barrett, the third child in a family of twelve chil dren, and the son of Isaac and Louisa Barrett, was born in Pike county, Indiana, November 26, 1869. He was raised on a farm and attended the district schools during the winter. Began teaching school in 1889 and continued several years in the country and village schools. Grad uated from the State I. N. School at Princeton, Ind., in 1891. and from the Hospital College of Indiana at Louisville, Ky., in 1898. Since his graduation he has been engaged in the practice of his profession in HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 179 Pike and in Posey counties. He was located for a time at Grafton and more recently at Oliver Station, in Posey county. At present he is located at Mt. Vernon, Ind. Dr. Barrett was married in 1898 to Miss Jada M. Glasson, of Warrick county, Indiana. This union has been blessed with three children, two boys and a girl. Orba Leonard Woods, M. D., was born September 27, 1883. He is the son of Albert Franklin and Mary E. Woods. Attended the Prince ton public schools and graduated from the high school in 1903. Worked for the United States Express Company in St. Louis about one year. Entered Indiana Medical College in 1905. This school became affiliated with the Indiana University and was known as the Indiana School of Medicine. Dr. Woods graduated therefrom in 1909. He then served as interne at St. Anthony's Hospital, Terre Haute. In the fall of 1910 he located at Poseyville, Ind., in the office of Dr. Runcie, deceased, where he still resides and practices his profession. December 14, 1910, Dr. Woods was married to Miss Margaret Deutsch, of Houston, Tex., formerly of Terre Haute, Ind. Two children have been born to them — Elsie Frances and Loren Paul. Since the doctor is young and well equipped for his calling, a large field of usefulness is open to him. Dr. George U. Runcie was born August 14, 1858, at Cynthiana, Ind. He is one of a family of seven sons and five daughters born to Dr. John W. and Mary N. (Whiting) Runcie, who have resided at Fort Branch, Ind., since i860. Dr. Runcie received his preliminary education in the high school at Fort Branch and began the study of medicine in 1877. In September of the same year he entered the Chicago Medical College, where he attended the three-year graded course, graduating March 30, 1880. He practiced his profession at Fort Branch, Ind., until July, 1889, with the exception of eighteen months spent at Inglefield, Van derburg county. In July, 1889, he became the physician and surgeon in charge of the Indiana State Prison South, at Jeffersonville. During the winters of 1889 and 1890 he attended the lectures and clinics at the University of Louisville, graduating therefrom February 28, 1890. He remained in charge of the medical department of the prison until July 1, 1895. Resigning his position at the prison he bought out Dr. A. L. Glase at Poseyville, Ind., where he resided and practiced his profession till his death, which occurred in 1910. The doctor was married to Nattie B. Schutz at Madison, Ind., April 8, 1890, Mrs. Runcie being a daughter of Jonathan and Jennie (King) Schutz. There were born to this union two sons, who, with their mother, survive him. Dr. Edward Murphy was born in the city of Cork, Ireland, in the year 1813. He came to America with his uncle, Dennis Murphy, when the former was not quite seven years old. They landed at Baltimore, where they remained but a short time, and then went to Wheeling, Va. Thence they removed to Louisville, Ky., in 1821. Here Edward made his home l8o HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY with his uncles who were engaged in mercantile business. After a brief residence in Washington the brothers returned to Ireland. Young Edward lived for a while in Washington with relatives till he was nearly thir teen years of age, then ran away and came to New Harmony, where he spent all of his subsequent life, except seven years in Evansville. He fol lowed various callings to make a living, being printer, tailor, merchant and laborer. In 1845 he commenced the study of medicine and later graduated from the University of Louisville and located in New Har mony, where he acquired both fame and fortune. He was married in 1832 to Miss Sophia Johnston, of Vincennes. They had six children, all of whom died young. Mrs. Murphy was a daughter of Gen. M. John ston, who was a member of the Territorial legislature. Dr. Murphy was for a time connected with the Evansville Medical College, where he held the chair of chemistry. He was an enthusiastic and able teacher. All his life he was a hard student, like Paul he never "counted himself to have attained." He never professed any religious faith, but worshiped God by serving man. His long life was crowded with usefulness and he crowned it at his death by his beneficence. "He being dead, yet speaketh." He built a library building for the city where he spent seventy-three years of useful living, lined its shelves with books, covered its walls with pictures and curios, gave it a park enclosed by an iron fence on a stone base, and endowed a lecture course in which the ablest lecturers on the platform may be heard every winter for a nominal price. Elsewhere in this volume is told the details of his beneficence. He died December 3, 1910, and his wife followed him a few days later. Dr. George W. Welborn, formerly a practicing physician of Stewarts ville, Ind., was born March 17, 1844, in Evansville, Ind., where he grew to manhood and received his early education. In 1859 he entered the Asbury University, now De Pauw College, where he remained till the be ginning of the Civil war. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company B, Sixtieth Indiana infantry, and served three years, receiving his discharge June 30, 1865. For a short time after the war he clerked in a drug store in Evansville, but at the end of six months entered into partnership in Evansville in the boot and shoe business. Two years later he sold out and came to Stewartsville and engaged in farming. October 27, 1867, he married Martha Stinnett, who was born in 1845 m Kentucky. They had four children, all of whom survive him. The doctor began his med ical studies while in the army and in 1875 quit farming, took a two years' course in the Evansville Medical College, graduating in 1877. The par ents of the doctor were William W. and Hannah (Walker) Welborn. The father was a physician, who received his medical education in Ev ansville and died in that city in 1871. The subject of our sketch took a post-graduate course in Philadelphia in 1894. He located in Stew artsville shortly after graduation and practiced there until failing health HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY l8l compelled him to seek relief in a hospital in St. Louis. He died in that city as the result of prostatectomy in 1895. Dr. John E. Doerr, one of the leading physicians and surgeons of Mt. Vernon, was born at Santa Claus, Ind., November 4, 1865. His father, Philip Doerr, a German Methodist minister, and his mother, Margaret (Von Austermueller) Doerr, were both born in Germany. The doctor attended the public schools of Evansville, taught three years in the com mon schools of Posey county, and then spent three years at De Pauw College, Greencastle. Obtained his medical education at the University of Pennsylvania, graduating with the class of 1891. Located in Mt. Vernon in the year 1896 and has resided there ever since, and built up a large practice. He is a member of the City, County and American Medical associations, and the Clinical Congress of Surgeons of North America. While he does a large general practice he pays especial atten tion to surgery. He was married in 1898 to Miss Anna M. Cole, of Pottsville, Pa. Mrs. Doerr was born in Minnesota, but losing her mother when she was but a child, she was reared in Pennsylvania. They have three children — two girls and a boy. Dr. S. W. Boren was born April 6, 1867, at Cynthiana, Ind., and at tended the public schools of that place. Taught school for two years, then attended school at Lebanon, Ohio, graduating in the scientific course thereof in 1891 ; taught school two years more, and then entered Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa., from which he graduated in 1897. In 1896 he married Miss Gertrude Lockund, of Fort Branch, who died in 1899. Began practice of medicine at Stewartsville, Ind., in 1897. Three years later he accepted a position as assistant superintendent of the Hospital for the Insane at Evansville, remaining six months. He then began the practice of medicine in Cynthiana, Ind., remaining one year, when he removed to Poseyville, in 1902, where he still lives. Dr. Boren was married again in January, 1903, to Rosalie Kight. To this union have been born two sons, Paul and Charles. The doctor is a mem ber of the Royal Arch Masons and of the Knights of Pythias. CHAPTER XL AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE. CLASSIFICATION OF SOIL ITS PRODUCTIVENESS DRAINAGE — NATURAL RE SOURCES POSEY COUNTY PRODUCTS THE FARMER OF TODAY. It was George Washington who said : "Agriculture is the most health ful, most useful and most noble employment of man." It is agricul ture which has made and is still making the United States so great. The farm products of this country have practically reached an amount equal to ten billion dollars annually — an amount equal in value to all the gold and silver mined since the world has been in existence, or equal in value to all the railroads in the United States. This fact, and this fact alone, makes this country feared and respected by all the powers in time of peace and in time of war. So important is this condition that before any power enters into war agents are at once despatched to the United States to know if necessary animals for transportation can be obtained and feed for these animals, also food for the army and navy, and clothing from the cotton, the wool and the hides. All of these are farm products and are necessary for the existence of the army. The entire world realizes more and more the importance of agriculture and as the realization grows its importance advances by leaps and bounds. The increased cost of living means, first of all, increased prices for farm products and these prices must continue to grow until science comes in and "makes two blades of grass grow where one formerly grew." The natural elements for farm products are light, air, sunshine, warmth and soil, and this soil must have the food elements for plant life and grain producing. Posey county, with its 252,000 acres of land, most cer tainly has all these elements — then, too, it has other conditions most valuable in two large navigable rivers on its south and west borders, three big railway systems, both rock and gravel roads which traverse the entire county, giving it an advantage in marketing its products over any county in Indiana. Seventy-seven miles of river front means seventy-seven miles of alluvial soil — a soil which needs no rotation nor rest. These lands equal in fertility the lands of the river Nile, and extending along the entire river frontage, in width varying from a few rods to a few miles, produce the best corn of the world. The soil of HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 183 these bottom lands, always responsive to the plow and cultivator, pro duces more per acre than any other soil continuously farmed in one crop. These lands, with the creek and branch bottoms, which are equally as fertile, constitute one-eighth of Posey county's area. Nor is this all — the hills, the valleys and all surrounding country have been so blessed and smiled upon by God that they, too, are rich in plant life elements. Thus it is that Posey county, year after year, adds its millions and millions to make the ten billions of the United States. Let us not think that the corn, the wheat and the hay are the only Posey county products, for the live stock, the poultry, the eggs, the milk and the but ter all come in for their important positions. The melons, the sorghum and sweet potatoes must receive notice. The nut crop is no small matter — the pecan, recognized as the finest and best nut in the world, has its native home here. No country produces such sweet nuts, with thin shells and plump kernels. The hickory nut and walnut are found in abundance, but the hazel nut and chestnut are very scarce. Add to all these the orchard and garden products, and one begins to realize what Posey county farms produce. A study of Posey county is interesting. Its 25,000 inhabitants are composed of whites, excepting a few colored people in and near Mt. Vernon, the county seat. But little authentic information can be ob tained of this county previous to the coming of the white settlers, excepting that it is known that the Pottawatomie and Wea Indian tribes once lived in this community. In 1809 the white settlers made their appearance here, North Carolina and Tennessee supplying these, closely followed by several German families from Pennsylvania. Today many Germans are found all over Posey county, especially in the eastern half and southern portion. At this early period much of the fertile lands were swampy — it is this old and long passed condition which causes the wag of today to refer to Posey county as a wet waste of swampy land. It is not generally known that since i860 almost three-fourths of the county has been cleared, stumped, drained and" put under cultivation. The Rapps, the Owens and Thomas Posey, for whom the county was named, were the pioneer prominent farmers. The lands of Posey county are broadly divided into upland and river bottoms. What is known as Miami silt loam constitutes five-eighths of the area of this county. This is a very fertile soil, generally rolling, with but little hilly, broken land. It is especially fitted for all grains and forage crops. The alluvial soil known as Yazoo clay or river bottom land, also creek bottom lands, con stitute another eighth of Posey county's area. This land, due to its yearly overflow, provides yearly good crops of corn, no rotation of crops being necessary, the alluvial deposits being so heavy that practiced rota tion is unnecessary. The various sands, sandy loam and clay and black bottom constitute the remaining fourth of Posey county soils. It is 184 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY these lands which produce the watermelon, canteloupe, sweet potato, sorghum, etc. The surface soil has a depth of from twelve to forty-eight inches. It is this fact which so materially helps to maintain soil fertility, produce large crops and of the best quality. Add to this the liberal growth of the various nitrogenous gathering plants, such as the various clovers, cow peas, soy beans, etc., and one can readily understand why we have a productive soil. The character of the work of our thrifty, industrious, economical people who cultivate these lands adds materially to our good soiles and makes our resources possible. Our farmers fully realize that agriculture is a science, and as such they study every phase of the farm and farming. The work which is being done in this line in Posey county improves each year. The natural drainages are being bettered, drain tile are being put in and big, open ditches are being dug every day. The houses are modern in every sense, two stories, with water, light and heating systems being established. The telephone, the daily mail, the improved roads and the automobile place these people in better living position than the city people. When you add to this the home library and good musical instruments, one may very justly ask: "Can any home be as good as a country home?" The barns and granaries are modern in every sense, with water supply of the purest — the Wabash river ter ritory furnishing pure, cool, inexhaustible water at a depth of twenty- five to thirty-five feet, and the hill lands with water almost as good at a depth of thirty-five to seventy-five feet. With the pure air and God's wholesome sunshine, is it strange that good health and long life are prevalent in this county? Each community has its house of worship, and school houses are dotted here and there in such numbers that the child must learn. The schools, too, are of the very best, and thus it is that we pile advantage upon advantage. A community's civilization is measured by its schools, churches and roads — we proudly exclaim meas ure our civilization thusly — we shall find all our measures piled up to overflowing. Proud? Why shouldn't a county be proud of such advantages? Advantages given by God, advantages made possible by man. Thus could we go on indefinitely showing our good points. These advantages are such that all farm lands have very materially ad vanced in value. There are but few large land owners here, less than twenty-five in the entire county. The average size of the Posey county farm is less than seventy-five acres. The tenant and the land owner mingle in friendly work and discussion, and thus it is that the very best feeling prevails at all times. Game is almost extinct. Some water fowls, rabbit, squirrel and quail are hunted here every year, also the raccoon and opossum, which were formerly hunted for their pelts alone, but now their flesh for food is fully as important. The waters abound in fish — perch, carp, buffalo, HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 185 cat, sun and bass are found. Hovey's lake, the largest body of water in the county, is considered the ideal place for the fisherman, and the hunter, too, finds sport here. Mussel fishing or digging in the Wabash river is very profitable, the shells bringing $25 a ton. Many valuable pearls are found in this work, frequently bringing hundreds, yes, thou sands of dollars. Their beauty and luster are such that a ready market awaits the fortunate finder of a pearl. The sandy loams in and about Poseyville, New Harmony and along the Wabash river produce the famous Posey county canteloupes and watermelons. No place produces better nor more to the acre. A few years ago these lands were considered valueless. - Today they are valued with any of the lands, as their revenue equals that of the rich bottom lands and the valuable hill lands. The sweet potato and sorghum are rotating crops with the melons, and they are as fine and good in their class. At one time Posey county had timber of unusual growth and value, but here is where man has been wasteful and extravagant. Black walnut — there is no finer lumber in the world — has been cut for rails and sawed into lumber for pig sties and stables. Poplar — the beautiful yellow poplar — is now extinct. The immense trees, one hundred feet high and five to ten feet in diameter, are unknown to the youth of today in this county ; the sweet gum is no more, and ash of size is scarce. The various oaks — white, red, black, burr, water, etc. — alone remain to tell our children's children that at one time we were a wooded country, and even these lack majesty and height, circumference and symmetry, the best of these having been assigned to the saw dog. Why dwell upon this? Were the trees here the farm lands would be prim itive. Perhaps it is best to rejoice that things are as they are. Posey county ranks first in the State of Indiana in the production of wheat, the quality being high and always good. In corn, no county can ¦compare with Posey in high class and big yield. This corn bears ship ping to any southern country, no weevil affecting it. The St. Charles corn in Missouri bears this proud distinction with the Ohio and Wabash river corn. The quality of both clover and timothy hay are unexcelled. Much is shipped to the markets where premium prices are paid. Live stock is beginning to assume the importance that it should. The north ern half of the county prides itself upon its fancy cattle, fine sheep and high class horses. The entire county has several types of hogs of very high class. The southern half of the county is today looking after im proved breeds of all live stock, and in a few years we can sing the praises of fine live stock all over Posey county. Poultry and eggs, milk and butter, "the woman's part of farm life," bring in thousands of dol lars every week. The table is not complete without these or their prod ucts. The sick and the well always enjoy them, and they alone make country life well worth seeking. The farmer is broad and magnanimous, 1 86 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY unwilling to unite to dictate prices, or form a trust, but willing at all times to do his share towards human betterment and advancement, 'Tmagine a farmers' combine and trust ! The sick, the poor, the hungry would be the sufferers, and for this reason alone let us be willing to praise his good qualities. For all of this did George Washington speak of agriculture as "the most healthful, most useful and most noble em ployment of man," and for all this is exactly why he was known the world over for his truthfulness. Well, I know many of my readers are disappointed in this article because it is free from statistics. Mark Twain said there are three kinds of lies — plain lines, d n lies, and statistics. JACOB CRONBACH. POSEY COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The present Posey County Fair Association was temporarily organ ized July 17, 1858, and permanent officers were elected and directors appointed soon after. M. T. Carnahan was elected first permanent president; John Cooper, vice-president; J. C. Miller, corresponding sec retary, and Samuel Arthur, treasurer. The first fair was held October 25, 26 and 27, 1859. The next fair was supposed to have been attended by 5,000 visitors and left a balance in the treasury of $1,500. The purpose of the society is to promote the agricultural, horticultural, live stock, manufacturing and mechanical art interests of the county. For the first ten years the receipts were usually a little in excess of the expenditures. In 1867 the receipts were about $3,000 and in 1881 they amounted to about $4,500. In that year the society donated $300 to aid the Peoria, Decatur and Evansville railroad and paid $2,242 in premiums. The next year the receipts dropped to $3,500. In 1883 and 1884 the receipts were something over $4,000. For the next few years, owing to increased cost of attractions, improvements and other expenses, the expenditures exceeded the receipts. This society is incorporated under the laws of Indiana, and is one of the substantial agricultural soci eties of the State and owns the fair grounds property at New Harmony, which consist of about twenty-four acres, with all modern equipment for exhibition purposes. The annual fair held by the association is an event that has proved of great value to the agriculturists from an educational standpoint and the association distributes about $3,500 annually in pre miums, which has proven very effective as a stimulus to competitive exhibitors. The institution has always been under capable manage ment and is on a sound financial basis. The present officers are Edwin Gentry, president; Mrs. Carrie Miller, secretary, and Edwin Ford, treasurer. CHAPTER XII. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES— NAVIGATION AND RAILROADS. Posey county is crossed by three lines of steam railway and one electric line, and is bounded on two sides by navigable streams. The Illinois Central enters the county in the northwest corner, runs south and east across the county, through Poseyville, and continues into Van derburg county, connecting at Evansville. The Evansville & Terre Haute road enters the county in the northeast corner, runs south and west to Mt. Vernon, where it terminates. The Louisville & Nashville railroad enters on the west side of the county in the central part, runs south and east to Mt. Vernon, thence north and east, leaving the county in the southern part and continuing to Evansville. The electric line enters the county on the east, running parallel with the Louisville & Nashville railroad from Evansville to Mt. Vernon. New Harmony is reached by a cut-off or spur of the Illinois Central, running south and west from Stewartsville. The steamboat line on the Ohio river connects Mt. Vernon with all the river towns both east and south and brings the markets of Cincin nati and Pittsburgh into easy access. Smaller boats connect with the towns up the Wabash, making transportation cheaper than by railroad. The history of railroads in Posey county begins in 1869, when a peti tion signed by one hundred freeholders was filed with the county board asking that an election be held to determine whether the county should appropriate $100,000 for the construction of the Mt. Vernon & Grayville railroad. The election took place July 27 of the same year and the bonds carried by a vote of 1,686 to 922, Black township registering 973 votes for and only nine against the proposition. A levy of 80 cents on each $100 worth of property was then ordered by the county board and all of the amount was collected. The railroad company was soon consolidated with another corporation and the combination was known as the Chi cago .& Southern Illinois Railway Company. Upon the completion of five miles of road the sum of $20,000 was paid over by the county. The contractors then filed suit to secure their claims and further pay ments to the railroad company were stopped. The work was stopped and the company went into the hands of a receiver. Mt. Vernon had 188 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY pledged $200,000 besides that pledged by the county and had paid $30,000. In 1875 the receiver sold the iron and one locomotive belonging to the defunct company to satisfy a mortgage held by New Jersey parties. The first railroad to be completed through the county was the Louis ville & Nashville railway, running east and west through Mt. Vernon, which was constructed in 1869 and 1870. It has twenty-three miles of track in the county and has from the beginning been of the greatest possible advantage to the section through which it runs. In 1872 a proposition was submitted to the voters of the county to aid the Cincinnati, Rockport & Southwestern Railway with an appro priation of $125,000. It lost, by the narrow margin of 1,257 to 1,221. Another vote was held on the same proposition, December 31 of the same year, and this time it carried, by a vote of 2,045 to 1,416. However, the road was never built and the county was released from all obliga tions. In 1880 the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company leased the tracks built by the St. Louis & Southwestern Company in i869-'7o and has operated it ever since. In 1881 a 2 per cent, aid was voted in Smith township to assist in the construction of the Evansville & Terre Haute railroad extension from Owensville to Cynthiana. The line was completed immediately and the tax amounting to $8,468.30 was paid. In October of the same year Black township voted a 2 per cent, aid, amounting to $48,102.20, and Center township voted the sum of $7,191.60 for the pur pose of having this line extended to Mt. Vernon. This extension was immediately made and the money paid. In the spring of 1880 the people of Robb township voted the sum of $13,199 to aid the Peoria, Decatur & Evansville railway to build through the township, and the following year the amount of $16,000 was voted by New Harmony for a branch to that point. This road is now a part of the Illinois Central system. This completed the building of rail roads in the county until the electric lines were built for the accommo dation of those traveling short distances. Posey county is as well sup plied with railroad facilities as any in the State. A drive of a very few miles from any farm in the county is required to reach a railroad market. ^ass^i CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING Mt. Vernon are, but not completed, Mr. Onk returning to Lou lliam Gonnerman and Henry Kuebler secured ea st and the firm name was changed to Keck, Gon Mr. Louis H. Keck entered the firm in 1885, purcl I90 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Mt. Vernon Straw Board Company. The plant of this corporation is located in the western part of the city of Mt. Vernon and ranks second in importance from a pay roll standpoint among the manufacturing industries of Posey county. The organizers of the company were John M., Ferd A. and Joseph Funke, H. M. French and Frank Endress, all of Evansville, Ind., and the incorporation was effected in 1904. Its capital is $150,000, and its officers are John M. Funke, Evansville, president and treasurer; Ferd A. Funke, Mt. Vernon, vice-president and general manager; Joseph Funke, Mt. Vernon, secretary. Construction of the plant was begun in 1903 and completed the following year. The build ings and ground used for the piling of raw materials cover an area of twenty-one acres. It is one of the best built and equipped plants devoted to the manufacture of straw board in the United States and represents an investment of $300,000. Employment is given to eighty hands, fifty per cent, of whom are skilled workmen who receive a wage totaling $50,000 per annum. Since its establishment in 1904 the plant has con sumed 25,000 tons of straw per annum and of this amount one-half has been purchased from the farmers of Posey county, who have received for their straw an average of $125,000 yearly. Previous to the erection of this plant this was a waste material, usually destroyed by 'fire. In order to insure continuous operation of the plant, should there occur a shortage in straw, the company in 191 3 began the manufacture of container board, made largely from old paper. This product is used in making shipping cases of all descriptions. The plant has averaged an annual output of 15,000 tons of straw board, which has been marketed through the Graham Paper Company, of St. Louis, Mo., its sales agents. The business of this company has been one of continuous and healthy growth, its products of the highest standard of quality, and as a factor in the development of Mt. Vernon, it is second to none. Personal men tion of Ferd A. Funke, to whose management the success of this enter prise is largely due, will be found in the biographical section of this work. American Hominy Company, Plant F, Mt. Vernon. This business was established in 1877 by Cooper, Hudnut & Warder and later incor porated as The Hudnut Company. The original mill, erected in 1877, was destroyed by fire in 1893 and the present one was completed in 1894. It is considered one of the best equipped plants of its kind in the United States. On the organization of the American Hominy Company in 1901 the business of The Hudnut Company was one of those included in the merger; Theodore Hudnut and R. G. Jenks, his associate in business, having been active in the formation of the new organization. This mill is the most important factor in a cereal consuming way in Posey county. Over 1,000,000 bushels of corn are ground each year, fully half of which is raised in the county. The company pay out in HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 191 wages $20,000 annually and in addition disburse from $12,000 to $15,000 each year among residents of Mt. Vernon for freighting and hauling grain. They own and operate elevators at Upton and McGarvey, Ind., and Maunee, 111., have buying stations at Epworth and Springfield and at the following river landings: Whitmans, Hagermans, Club House, Cottonwood Point, and Conlins. The plant is under the management of George H. Wilson, a native of Posey county, well and favorably known in connection with official affairs for many years. Fuhrer-Ford Milling Company, one of the successful milling enter prises of southwestern Indiana, was organized and incorporated in 1904 with a capital of $45,000. The flouring mill of the company is located in Mt. Vernon, has a daily capacity of 500 barrels, and is considered one of the best modern mills of the State. Their flour brands are "Dictator," "Monarch," "Senator," "Emperor," "Grace Darling" salt rising and "Sure" salt rising. The output is marketed principally in the Southeastern States. The company are also extensive grain dealers and operate eleva tors at Springfield, Wadesville, Wilsons and Olivers on the Chicago & Eastern Illinois railway and at Epworth, Caborns, New Haven and West Franklin on the Louisville & Nashville. Their plant and equip ment represents an investment of over $100,000, they employ thirty-five hands and disburse in wages over $20,000 annually. They buy largely in Posey county and have elevator capacity of 450,000 bushels of wheat and 400,000 bushels of corn. The officers are : President, William C. Fuhrer, Mt. Vernon; vice-president, William M. Ford, New Harmony; secretary, treasurer and manager, Eugene H. Fuhrer, Mt. Vernon. These officers and A. C. Thomas and J. N. Whitehead, of New Harmony, constitute the board of directors, personal mention of whom appears in the biographical section of this work. Home Mill & Grain Company, Mt. Vernon, one of the successful milling and grain enterprises of Southwestern Indiana, was established in 1900. The original capital was $30,000, which was increased in 1904 to $50,000, to which has been added a surplus of $50,000. The company owns and operates elevators at Upton, Solitude, Olivers and Wadesville, Ind. The plant represents an investment of $70,000, has a capacity of 500 barrels of flour and 2,500 bushels of corn daily, consumes annually 400,000 bushels of wheat, 200,000 bushels of corn, employs twenty hands and pays out in wages over $17,000 yearly. Its flour brands are "Azile," "Nonesuch," "Home," "U-Knead-It," "Mt. Vernon," "Indiana," "Home Made," "New Life," self-rising, and "Buster Brown," self-rising. Its products are sold principally in the Southeastern States. Its officers are: President, Edward E. Highman; vice-president, Louis H. Keck; secretary and treasurer, Charles T. Johnson. Sunlight Milling Company, Mt. Vernon, incorporated in 1902 with a capital of $35,000. The mill of this company has a daily capacity of 250 192 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY barrels of flour and consumes annually 150,000 bushels of wheat. Its flour brands are "Sunlight," "Best," "Sifted Snow," "Mascot," "Peach," "Belle of Mt. Vernon," "Ready," self-rising, and "Sunlight," self-rising. The officers of the company are: President and treasurer, Charles T. Johnson; secretary, Louis H. Keck; general manager, Charles T. John son, Jr. Over $8,000 is paid out annually in wages. William Frier, cigar manufacturer, Mt. Vernon. This enterprise is one of the important factors in the manufacturing life of Posey county and especially to the city of Mt. Vernon, where it disburses annually in wages over $15,000, while its output of more than one million cigars per year are daily advertisements throughout southern Indiana and Illinois of the metropolis of the county. The business was established in 1897 by William Frier and Frank Kahn, who constituted the original working force. Mr. Kahn retired in 1898 and the original business style — Mt. Vernon Cigar Company — was changed to its present reading. Under the ownership and management of Mr. Frier the business has had a steady growth, its products have become popular over a large territory and at the present writing, 1913, the sales total over one mil lion cigars per annum. The trade brands of the factory are : "Highlife," "Gento," "King," the five-cent line, and "Quality" and "San Zeno" in the ten-cent line. Employment is given to thirty workmen and over $15,000 dollars is paid out each year in wages. The factory equipment represents an investment of $15,000. Mr. Frier and two others consti tute the sales force, about seventy-five per cent, of the output being marketed by the owner. Personal mention of Mr. Frier appears in the biographical section of this work. Whitmore Llandle Company, the latest addition to the manufacturing enterprises of Mt. Vernon, was incorporated in 1912, has a capital of $5,000 and its business has been steadily growing- since its establish ment in Mt. Vernon. The officers of the company, W. E. Whitmore, president, and Jay M. Whitmore, secretary and treasurer, operated at Danville, 111., a similar enterprise for some twenty years previous to their coming to Posey county. The credit for securing this plant as an added industry to Mt. Vernon rests with the Commercial Club and it is proving to be a most successful organization. The company man ufactures handles of all kinds. Their output is sold throughout the Central States and is recognized by the trade and consumer, as well, to be of the highest standard as to material and workmanship. Ash and hickory are used exclusively and this raw material is purchased prin cipally in Posey county, a part coming from nearby points in Illinois and Kentucky. Practically every dollar paid for raw material is ex pended by the timber sellers among the merchants of Mt. Vernon. The plant is in continuous operation and over $10,000 was paid out in wages during its first year. The Whitmores are men of proven experi- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 193 ence in this line of endeavor and their plant is a valuable factor in the activities of the county. Industrial Brick Company, Mt. Vernon. The establishment of this enterprise dates from 1903, when the company was organized and incor porated with a capital of $6,000. Its officers are: President, William Gonnerman; secretary and treasurer, Louis A. Keck; and A. R. Cook, manager. At this writing, 1913, the plant represents an investment of $30,000, gives employment to twenty-five hands, pays out in wages annually over $10,000, and its output is about two millions of brick per annum. Its property includes twenty-one acres of land, building for housing equipment and stock, and work animals and wagons for haul ing its products. Its trade territory is principally in southern Illinois. John Moeller, manufacturer of cooperage, Mt. Vernon. Business es tablished in 1864. The plant gives employment to fifteen hands, pays out in wages annually about $10,000, and represents an investment of $15,000. Its products are disposed of in the city of Mt. Vernon. The business was under the management of its founder, John Moeller, until 1905, when he retired, since which time his son, William G. Moeller, has been in charge. The buildings cover 140x140 feet of land situated along the Louisville & Nashville railway tracks, and are well equipped for the manufacture of cooperage products. Consumers Ice & Cold Storage Company, Mt. Vernon. This enter prise was organized and incorporated in 1901. Its promoters were the late August Scheiber, Theodore Raben and Allyn B. Hart. Its original stockholders included some twenty of the successful business men of Mt. Vernon and its original capital was $25,000. This amount being found in excess of the sum needed to engage in the manufacture of ice, the capital was reduced to $10,000. The first officers of the company were : President, August Scheiber; vice-president, John Forthoffer; secretary, Theodore Raben; treasurer and general manager, Allyn B. Hart. The company purchased the plant of Lee Wolf, situated in the western part of the city, and its first output was manufactured in the spring of 1901. The original plant, built of wood and equipped with old style machinery, has been entirely replaced by modern buildings built of brick, and new equipment of the highest standard installed. It is considered a model plant by those in the trade and insures the manufacture of the highest grade of products. Its capacity is fifteen tons of ice per day. The plant has a storage capacity of three hundred and fifty tons. Over $5,000 is paid in wages annually; its employes numbering twelve to fifteen men during the season, which covers about eight months. It is prob able that there is not a business enterprise within the county which is conducted upon a closer margin of profit. Profits from sales to the small consumer have not averaged over five cents per hundred pounds, as from eight to ten stops are made by the delivery wagons in selling this amount. Since the establishing of the business the average profits 194 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY per ton have not exceeded one dollar. The officers of the company at this writing, 1913, are: Theodore Raben, president; Louis Brettner, vice-president; Allyn B. Hart, secretary, treasurer and general manager, personal mention of whom appears in the biographical section of this work. Henry Brinkmann, tile manufacturing plant, Mt. Vernon. The busi ness was founded by Mr. Brinkmann in 1875 and since its establishment its products have been marketed in the vicinity of Mt. Vernon. The plant is situated in the northeastern part of the city and represents an investment of about $7,000. Employment is given to six hands and $2,000 is paid in wages per annum. There is an abundant supply of clay on the twenty-five acres of land owned by Mr. Brinkmann, on which the plant is situated. The general use of its products, within the territory adjacent to Mt. Vernon, is proof of their high standard of quality. Since its establishment the business has been under the per sonal management of Mr. Brinkmann, who, though in his eighty-eighth year, seldom allows a day to pass without visiting the works. Personal mention of Mr. Brinkmann, the nestor of Posey county's business men, appears in the biographical section of this work. John Forthoffer, manufacturer of carbonated beverages, Mt. Vernon. The business was established by Mr. Forthoffer in 1883, and since its founding has been under the sole management of its owner. Within a trade territory which does not extend beyond a thirty-mile circle from Mt. Vernon he has built up a demand for his products which requires a factory output of 10,000 cases per annum. His products have always been of a high standard as to quality and the plant is one of those which are helping to make Mt. Vernon known in a manufacturing way. Two thousand dollars is distributed in wages annually. The factory em ploys six hands during the season. W. A. McGregor & Company, planing mill, Mt. Vernon. This mill does a general jobbing business, is well equipped, and has been operated by the present owner, William A. McGregor, since 1909. The plant rep resents an investment of $20,000, offers employment to six hands, and pays out in wages $3,500 per year. Poseyville Milling Company, flour manufacturers and merchant mil lers, Poseyville. Incorporated in June, 1908, with a capital of $25,000. President, M. T. Dilger; vice-president, Joseph F. Schaefer; secretary, treasurer and manager, Joseph L. Shafer. Plant is modern. Has a capacity of seventy-five barrels of flour per day. The company also operates a coal yard in connection with their milling business. The Poseyville Light and Power Company, incorporated in May, 1908, with a capital of $10,000, and having the same officers as the milling company, is operated jointly with the mill, the same building housing both. The joint plant represents an investment of $25,000, gives employment to six hands and about $4,000 is paid annually in wages. CHAPTER XIV. BANKS AND BANKING. PIONEER BANKS LATER FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS THEIR ORGANIZATION, CAPITALIZATION AND OFFICERS. The first bank to open for business in Posey county was established in 1854. It was a private enterprise founded by George E. Booker and A. S. Curtis and was conducted by them until 1857, when they disposed of their interests to William J. Lowery, Richard Barter, John A. Mann, Seth M. Leavenworth and Nelson G. Nettleton. During the '30s an attempt was made by G. S. Green, member of the legislature from Posey county, to establish a branch of the State Bank in the city of Mt. Ver non, which was a failure and due to the lack of enterprise and fore sight on the part of the substantial citizens. Evansville, which secured the prize, enjoyed a rapid growth after its establishment and secured a prestige which has enabled her to dwarf the development of Mt. Vernon. Seth M. Leavenworth and his associates took over the Curtis bank in 1857. Their published capital was $14,000. They did a general banking business, issued a limited quantity of bank's bills, and developed a suc cessful and profitable enterprise. In the previous year, 1856, Enoch R. De Witt, Charles and Lawrence James founded the "Exchange Bank," with a capital of $15,000. They transacted a general banking business, issuing shinplasters, and remained in operation until 1863, when they retired. On the enactment of the national banking act in 1863, applica tion was made by John G. Gardiner, Seth M. Leavenworth and associates for a charter to operate a national bank, which was granted, the title of the institution being "The First National Bank of Mt. Vernon, In diana." The next enterprise was that of the Mt. Vernon Banking Com pany, established as a private bank in 1867 by Seth M. Leavenworth, Joseph F. Wellborn, Edward T. Sullivan and Charles A. Parke. On Au gust 27, 1883, the International Bank of Mt. Vernon was established. Its promoters were John B. Gardiner, Charles F. Leonard and Mark F. Leonard. In 1877 the New Harmony Banking Company, a private insti tution, was established by the Owens, Horace P. Owen being the first cashier. Poseyville was the third town to enjoy banking facilities, a private bank being established there in 1884 by Virgil P. Bozeman and I96 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY George J. Waters. The Cynthiana Banking Company, a private insti tution, was established in 1899 by Frank and Z. T. Emmerson. Wades ville was the last town in the county in which a bank has been organ ized, the Farmers National Bank of Wadesville having been granted a charter in 1907. The history of Posey county's financial institutions is creditable to those who have filled administrative positions, the various directorates have been composed of the most successful men the county has produced, and the policy of the various executives has been to fos ter development, in so far as sound banking would permit, of manufac turing and commercial enterprises. A brief review of the institutions now doing business in the county follows : The First National Bank of Mt. Vernon, charter No. 366, was organ ized and began business in 1863, its original capital being $50,000, which was increased in 1865 to $100,000. John B. Gardiner was its first presi dent and Seth M. Leavenworth its first cashier. Its stock was held by the following, viz. : John M. Lockwood, Milton Black, Richard Barter, M. A. Weir, S. S. Dryden, Charles Luening, John A. Mann, A. G. Crutchfield, James F. Welborn, John R. Evertson, W. M. McArthur, James Carson, Aaron Lichtenberger, John M. Lockwood and Seth M. Leavenworth. Its statement of condition, issued August 9, 1913, shows a capital of $100,000, surplus and undivided profits of $38,899.45, and deposits of $401,007.55. Its officers are: Edward E. Highman, presi dent; Louis H. Keck, vice-president; John W. Turner, cashier; who, with the following, constitute its board of directors, viz. : Lemuel T. Osborn, Louis Wasem, Charles T. Johnson, Robert W. Highman, Allyn B. Hart and Jacob M. Harlem. John M. Lockwood, one of Posey county's early financiers, served for many years as president, as did the late Asa C. Williams. E. W. Rosenkrans and Manuel Cronbach filled the position of cashier, each of whom served in this capacity with credit. The Mt. Vernon National Bank. This institution was organized in 1905. Its capital was $50,000 and it had a paid-in surplus of $5,000. This institution succeeded to the business of the Mt. Vernon Banking Com pany, which was established in 1867 by Joseph F. Welborn, Seth M. Leavenworth, Edward T. Sullivan and Charles A. Parke, as a private bank. Mr. Welborn was its first president and Mr. Parke its cashier. In 1876 Alfred Dale, William H., Eugene F. and Horace P Owen, all of New Harmony, purchased a considerable interest in the institution and in 1883 Charles A. Parke became president and Alfred Dale Owen cashier. In 1887 the business of the International Bank of Mt. Vernon was absorbed by the Mt. Vernon Banking Company and John B. Gar diner, who was president of the first named institution, was elected pres ident of the last named, Mr. Owen continuing as cashier and William E. Holton became assistant cashier. Upon the death of Mr. Gardiner Mr. Parke was elected president and served until his death in 1900, when HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 197 William M. Ford, of New Harmony, was elected to succeed him. In 1898 Mr. Owen resigned as cashier and he was succeeded by William E. Holton. At the present writing, 1913, the institution has a capital of $50,000, surplus of $50,000 and deposits of $350,000. Its officers are William H. Ford, president; Fred P. Leonard, vice president; William E. Holton, cashier, and H. B. Fitton, assistant cashier, who, with the following, constitute its board of directors, viz. : Eugene H. Furher, Henry Brinkmann, Alfred Ribeyre and Horace P. Owen. The business of this institution has had a satisfactory growth, it has been profitable to its stockholders, its management has been highly creditable to execu tives and directorate, and it has the distinction of having, in 1904, estab lished the first savings department' in connection with its regular busi ness of any bank in the county. Peoples Bank & Trust Company, Mt. Vernon. This institution was organized and incorporated in 1907 with a capital of $50,000 and began business on March 9, 1908. Its first officers and directors were as fol lows : Charles A. Greathouse, president ; William Gonnerman, vice-pres ident; Joseph E. Kelley, secretary; R. V Stinson, David Rosenbaum, Alanzo K. Grant, Paul Maier, A. A. Schenk, John Forthoffer and Herdis F. Clements. R. V. Stinson was elected president in 19 — and Dr. R. E. Wilson to the board in place of John Forthoffer. Its capital in 1913 is $50,000, it has a surplus and undivided profits of $10,000, and deposits of $325,000. Its officers and directors are all residents of Mt. Vernon. The business of the institution has been ably conducted and its growth satis factory to the stockholders. The Bozeman-Waters National Bank of Poseyville received its char ter, which is number 8149, in April, 1906, and succeeded to the business of Bozeman & Waters, bankers. The business was founded as a private institution in 1884 by Virgil P. Bozeman and George J. Waters and was conducted under the firm name of Virgil P. Bozeman & Company until 1888, when its style was changed to Bozeman & Waters. The officers of the institution are : President, George J. Waters ; cashier, A. E. Jaquess, who, with the following, constitute the board of directors : E. E. Lock- wood, W. D. Cushman and S. E. Bozeman. It is one of the strongest and most successful banks of southwestern Indiana and its management has been of the highest standard. Its statement of condition August 9, 1913, shows capital, $50,000; surplus and undivided profits, $41,000, and deposits $421,000. The First National Bank of Poseyville was organized in 1903 and began business in December of that year. Its chief promoters were Isaiah Fletcher, James Cale and John W. Turner. Its charter number is 7036 and its capital $25,000. Its statement of August, 1913, shows a surplus of $12,000, undivided profits of $800 and deposits of $165,000. Its officers are : President, Oscar Cale ; vice-president, Wesley Wade ; I98 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY James H. Gwaltney, cashier. The banking office of the institution is one of the handsomest in the county, its business has shown a sound and steady growth, and it has paid satisfactory dividends. The officers and the following constitute its board of directors : William Hume Wil liams, Joseph J. Davis, J. F. A. Robb, Ellison Cale, Owen Williams, E. D. Fletchall, Joseph F. Schaefer and Mack B. Williams. The Cynthiana Banking Company, a State institution, was chartered in 1905 and succeeded to the business of the private bank of the same name, which was established in 1899 by Frank and Z. T. Emerson. Its statement of October 21, 1913, shows a capital of $25,000, surplus of $12,500, and deposits of $116,433.28. Its officers are: Frank Emerson, president; Z. T. Emerson, vice-president, and William O. Boren, cashier, who, with the following, constitute its board of directors: John S. Mc Reynolds, J. E. Gudgel, H. T. Calvert and L. E. Pruitt. The Farmers National Bank of Wadesville, charter number 8927, was organized in 1907. Its statement of August 9, 1913, shows a capital of $25,000, surplus and undivided profits, $5,507.96, and deposits of $86,- 020.11. Its officers are: Warren Wade, president; C. E. Miller, vice- president; Dan Williams, cashier; who, with the following, constitute its board of directors, viz. : Conrad Kolb, Joseph M. Nash, John M. Hunter, G. B. Causey, John Heckman and James A. Cox. The institu tion owns and occupies a modern building, built of brick, which is one of the most sightly in the county. The First National Bank of New Harmony. This institution was organized in 1903. Its statement of August 9, 1913, shows a capital of $25,000, surplus of $25,000, and substantial deposits. Its officers are : James N. Whitehead, president, since organization, Ezra Stephens, cash ier, and Miles A. Perry, assistant cashier. The New Harmony Banking Company, a private banking enterprise, was established in 1877. Its first president was Eugene S. Thrall and Horace P. Owen its first cashier. The latter became president in 1890 and is still serving in that capacity. Edward C. Ford is the cashier and Clyde Wilson, assistant cashier. . The individual liability of the stock holders is $600,000. The banking office of the company was erected in 1882, is used exclusively by the bank, and is built of stone. This is the third oldest bank in Posey county and its business has been con ducted upon safe and conservative lines. CHAPTER XV. NEWSPAPERS. EARLY NEWSPAPERS PROGRESS OF THE PRESS NEWSPAPERS OF TODAY. MT. VERNON. The Mt. Vernon "Courier," established by Thomas F. Prosser in the spring of 1838, was the first paper published in Mt. Vernon. Mr. Prosser continued its publication until 1841, when it was discontinued on account of his election to the office of county auditor. During the years from 1841 to 1848 this town was without a newspaper, but in the latter year Mr. Prosser established the "South Western Advocate," which he continued until 1862, when it ceased to exist. The first- named paper was Republican and the latter independent in politics. In the latter part of 1862 Charles L. Prosser, a son of Thomas F. Prosser, founded the "Union," a folio of four pages and Republican in politics. This paper was published until the spring of 1869, when it was discontinued on account of the proprietor having been appointed United States gauger, which position he held until 1872, when he again entered the. journalistic field, accepting a position on the "Republican." Mr. Prosser was one of the ablest editorial writers in the State but never made a financial success in the newspaper business. The "Umpire," a Republican paper, was established by Rev. Thomas Abbott, a Universalist minister, in January, i860. It was published here but a few months when the plant was sold and moved to Rock- port, Ind. In July, 1871, Mr. Abbott again entered the field by estab lishing the "New Republic," also Republican, and in December fol lowing sold the paper to S. T. Palmer, who changed its name to the "Republican." This paper remained under his management until July, 1872, when Charles L. Prosser became its proprietor. A year later this print-shop was leased to John Mason and Virgil Veatch, and in the summer following Mr. Prosser again took control, continuing its publication until 1877, when it ceased to exist and Mr. Prosser retired permanently from the newspaper field to accept the office of city clerk, to which he was elected, and which position he held almost up to the time of his death. 200 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY In August, 1871, Rev. Thomas Abbott, the Universalist minister, again embarked in the newspaper business by establishing "The Har binger," which advocated the doctrine of Universalism. This paper was published here but a few months, when it was moved to St. Louis and ceased to exist two years later. "The Democrat" was founded by James Huckeby in 1861 and soon passed successively into the hands of William Loudon, Van B. Jolly and Charles Legge, the latter publishing it until 1864, when it ceased publication. In July, 1867, Thomas Collins established the present Mt. Vernon "Democrat," the publication of which was under his control until April, 1879, when he sold the plant to Albert A. Sparks, who continued its publication until January, 1885, when he sold out to his stepsons, Peter W. and John Roche, to accept the appointment of postmaster in Mt. Vernon. In 1912 John Roche sold his interest in the paper to his brother, Peter W. Roche, who is its present proprietor. The Democrat is, as its name implies, Democratic in politics, and in 1891 it was changed from a weekly to a daily paper. The "Wochenblatt," the first and only German paper published in Posey county, was established by John C. Leffel October 23, 1875, under whose proprietorship it continued until October, 1881, when it was sus pended, not for lack of patronage, but on account of the scarcity of German printers, there being but few in this section, and they were all employed. In February, 1877, John C. Leffel also established "The Western Star," Democratic in politics, under whose proprietorship it is still pub lished. The "Star" was the first paper in the county to install power presses, running its edition off by steam, and the first and only paper in the county to install a Mergenthaler Linotype machine — setting all its type by machine instead of by hand. The "Sun" was established by James M. Barter in 1878. This sheet was inclined to be in the "blackmailing" order and after an existence of about two years was discontinued. Howard H. Sarlls established the Mt. Vernon "Republican" in 1879 and is still publishing the same. Politically it is a Republican paper. The Posey County "Republican," an advocate of Republican princi ples, was established by C. F. Wertz in June, 1879. In 1889 he sold the plant to A. J. Calkins, who changed the name of the paper to the Mt. Vernon "Sun," and who continued its publication up to the time of his death, in 1892, when the paper passed into the hands of his son, Clinton G. Calkins. In 1909 Mr. Calkins sold the paper to Captain Wins ton Menzies, the present proprietor, who in 1912 changed its politics, taking sides with the Progressives or "Bull Moose" party. In 1907 the paper also began the publication of a daily, which is still in existence. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 201 The Posey "Banner," supposed to be Democratic, was established in January, 1881, by Thomas Collins and six months later was moved to Rockport, Ind., where it was issued in the interest of the Republican party. It lived less than one year, when Mr. Collins sold out and moved to Louisville, Ky., where he died a few years later. In 1897 A. A. Sparks again entered the newspaper field by estab lishing the Mt. Vernon "News," Republican in politics. This paper was not a financial success and lived less than one year. In 1905 B. O. Hanby established "The Unafraid," a weekly six-column folio. This paper was published in the interest of Socialism, but a few weeks prior to the November, 1913, election it joined the ranks of the liberal Republicans and is now being published in the interest of that party. NEW HARMONY. The first paper in New Harmony and in Posey county was the New Harmony "Gazette." It was begun October 1, 1825, and continued till October 28, 1828. It was the organ of Mr. Owen and was widely cir culated, there being agents for it in every prominent city in the United States. It had able contributors. In October, 1828, it was consolidated with the Nashoba "Gazette," Frances Wright's paper. It was then called the "Free Enquirer" and continued at New Harmony till December 31, 1828, when it was moved to New York. Its range of matter was very wide. The "Disseminator" was founded by William Maclure Janu ary 28, 1828. It was published by the School of Industry. It was an ably edited paper and was devoted mainly to science and literature. It was continued till May 7, 1840. The Indiana "Statesman" was begun at Evansville by Alexander Burns May 13, 1842, but was moved to New Harmony October 22, 1842, and was continued till 1845. Burns said : "Be just, and fear not." The paper was spicy, Democratic in politics and made war on Whiggery and warned the people against "rag" money and "coons." In 1846 James Bennett started the "Western Star," but it was discontinued the following year. In 1848 the same individual began the publication of the "Gleaner," but ceased its publica tion the following year. The first number of the New Harmony "Reg ister" appeared Saturday, July 12, 1858. The paper was published by its present proprietor as an independent paper, with Democratic proclivi ties. The paper maintained a very consistent course and Wednesday following the fall of Fort Sumter the American flag was hoisted over the office of the "Register." Owing to the "assistant" going to the army the paper was suspended August 18, 1861. It was again revived by C. W. Slater and J. P. Bennett February 3, 1867. It was again run as an independent paper for about one year, since which time it has advo cated the doctrines of the Democratic party. 202 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY The New Harmony "Times" was established August 20, 1892, by Clar ence P. Wolfe, who is still its editor and publisher. The "Times" is a weekly paper and has a distinct individuality and a wholesome influ ence. Its files are replete with much valuable historic matter and early reminiscences of this section of the State. The political policy of the "Times" is Democratic. POSEYVILLE. The Poseyville "News" was preceded by the Poseyville "Times," which was started October 20, 1881, by James B. Berkshire as a six- column folio. Its journalistic career ended in failure after about one year's existence. Whereupon the Poseyville "News" was established December 10, 1882, as a seven-column folio by Joseph A. Leonard and George J. Waters. The paper was independent in politics and acquired a liberal patronage and support and a fair measure of success. In 1884 James I. Brydon became the sole owner and proprietor and the paper became Democratic in politics and has remained Democratic down to the present time. Mr. Brydon continued as editor and proprietor until 1886, when John S. Williams became his business partner and associate editor. The paper continued under the firm of Brydon & Williams until 1888, when Mr. Williams sold his interest in the paper to Joseph R. Haines. In 1890 Mr. Haines bought out his partner and converted the paper into a six-column quarto publication and made extensive improve ments in new equipment in the way of presses, power, job presses, type, etc. The paper enjoys the distinction of being housed in its own build ing. It is a weekly paper and through the untiring zeal and energy of Mr. Haines it has become one of the county's most reliable, newsy and up-to-date newspaper publications. CHAPTER XVI. MILITARY HISTORY. POSEY COUNTY IN THE WARS OF THE NATION. Although Posey county was unheard of in 1776 and the territory now comprising it had not yet been visited by white men, a number of men who afterward became citizens of the county fought in the Revolution ary war. Later when Tecumseh formed his formidable organization, a number of men who had settled within the boundaries of this county took part in the campaign under General Harrison that ended in crush ing the Indians and driving them from the Wabash valley. Among those who enlisted from Posey county were : Thomas Allman, Thomas Givens, Adam Fisher and Ezekiel Kight, who were wounded in the battle of Tippecanoe. Jumes Duckworth was an ensign in the company of Captain Jacob Warrick and after all the commissioned officers had been killed the command of the company devolved upon the young Posey county officer, who bore himself with honor, and after his return home he was made major of the State militia. John Black was killed by a bullet through his head. Others from this county were William and Hugh Todd, Robert Jeffries, Timothy Downen and Thomas Duck worth. So far as the West was concerned the War of 1812 was merely a continuation of the Indian troubles, which were only temporarily checked by the battle of Tippecanoe. It is probable that those who enlisted from Posey county assisted in the Indian campaigns which were a feature of the two-years war with England, it being the British policy to harrass the Americans by stirring up the border tribes against them. After both British and Indians were conquered, the military organ ization was continued and regular musters were held at stated inter vals, as explained in a previous chapter. The Posey county regiment was the Thirty-fifth Indiana in the early '20s. There were two com panies in Black township, commanded by Captains Harshman and Dunn. Other captains in the county were: W. A. S. Green, Alexander Mills, H. G. Lerton and Mr. Ellis. These musters were abandoned about 1833- In 1836 a few Posey county men took part, notably among them 204 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Willis Edson, captain of a company. The War of 1848 with Mexico called out an entire company from this county with Enoch R. James as captain and Alvin P. Hovey as first lieutenant. On account of the quota of the State being filled this company could not get in. The Civil war opened with a great division of opinion in Posey county as to the right of the government to coerce a State, but from the outset Posey county was loyal to the Union and remained so during the entire war, sending all the able-bodied men to the battle field and enduring hardships at home for the old flag. Before the firing at Fort Sumter mass meetings were being held in all parts of the county and these were addressed by Union orators, so that when the call for men came from the President the Posey county boys were ready to take the field. On April 22, 1861, the county board met in special session for the purpose of preparing the county for the emergencies of war. The gov ernor was requested to deliver to the county its quota of arms, a sum of $2,000 was ordered paid to Enoch R. James, chairman of the vigi lance committee to be used in protecting the citizens and their property by the purchase of arms and munitions of war. The county board at that time was composed of the following gentlemen : A. C. Williams, Josiah Forth and R. G. Thomas. They held another meeting on May 21 and a committee composed of Robert Dale Owen and Alvin P. Hovey was authorized to go to Indianapolis at the expense of the county and offer to advance $10,000 for the purchase of arms for Posey county and take State bonds for the amount. The Bank of Mt. Vernon was ordered to be indemnified for any moneys drawn by Owen or Hovey to make this advance to the State. On April 15, 1861, Governor Morton, called the "war governor" of Indiana, had offered President Lincoln 10,000 men for the defense of the nation. On the same day the President issued his call for troops. The quota for Indiana was six regiments, comprising in all 4,683 offi cers and men. This quota was filled so quickly that only those near Indianapolis, the place of rendezvous, were able to get there in time to be accepted. Twelve thousand men were tendered in less than a. week. In May the six regiments were transferred to the United States service under the call of the President May 3, for 42,034 volunteers for the regular army to serve three years. Posey county did not get in on this first quota of troops on account of its remote location from Indian apolis. The first full companies of men from Posey county were in the Twenty-fifth regiment. These companies were A and F and they were mustered into service on August 19, 1861. Upon its organization in July Company A had the following men as its commissioned officers: George W. Saltzman, of New Harmony, captain; Enoch J. Randolph, Mt. Vernon, first lieutenant; Absalom Boren, New Harmony, second HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 205 lieutenant. Captain Saltzman was killed at the battle of Shiloh April 6, 1862. . The following men subsequently became captain of this com pany in turn: Enoch J. Randolph, April 10, 1862; Absalom Boren, Jan uary 22, 1863; James P. Bennett, August 18, 1864; Gilbert M. Smith, August 25, 1864; George W Ham, March 1, 1865. Captain Bennett was commissioned three days after his death at Atlanta, Ga. Gilbert M. Smith was never mustered as captain, and was discharged as second lieutenant November 8, 1864. Those commissioned as first lieutenant during the entire service were: Absalom Boren, April 10, 1862; James P. Bennett, January 22, 1863 ; George W. Ham, August 25, 1864, and James P. Black, May 1, 1865. The second lieutenants were: James P. Bennett, April 10, 1862; Gilbert M. Smith, January 22, 1863; William Todd, May 1, 1865. The original enrollment was 100 men and the whole number of recruits was sixty-nine. Thirty-two died or were killed and four deserted. John Hugo was killed at Fort Donelson February 15, 1862, and Jacob Jordan and Henry Myer at Shiloh. Company F was organized with the following commissioned officers : Victor C. Larkin, captain ; Robert G. Shannon, first lieutenant ; Miles Wilsly, second lieutenant. Robert G. Shannon was commissioned cap tain on August 21, 1864, and John H. Oaks March 20, 1865. John H. Oaks was commissioned first lieutenant March 20, 1865, and Nathaniel Henderson June 5, 1865. For second lieutenant Rufus F. Larkin was commissioned September 4, 1862; John H. Oaks January 11, 1865; Jo seph Barrett May 1, 1865. Robert G. Shannon was the only commis sioned officer that was killed in the company. He was a veteran of the Mexican war and was wounded at the battle of Chapultepec. In the Civil war he was wounded at Hatchie River October 5, 1862; at Snake Creek Gap October 15, 1864, and at Bentonville March 21, 1865, dying March 23, 1865, from his latest wounds. The original enrollment of this company was 100 men. It recruited fifty-four men and lost six teen. Albert Norcross and Seth Johnson were killed at Atlanta August, 1864, and John Ellis at Shake Creek Gap, October 14, 1864. Captain Larkin was commissioned major August 5, 1864. The Twenty-fifth regiment was organized at Evansville July 17, 1861. In October of that year it marched with Fremont 240 miles in sixteen days. December 19 it assisted in the capture of 1,000 rebels on the Black Water, taking charge of the prisoners the next day and escort ing them to St. Louis, where it remained until February, 1862, when it left to join the expedition against Fort Donelson. On February 13 it lost sixteen killed and eighty wounded. It occupied the fort after the surrender and remained there until March 5, when it went to Fort Henry, embarking at that point on the eleventh for Pittsburgh Landing, where it arrived on the eighteenth. It was actively engaged in the battle of Shiloh on the sixth and seventh of April, losing twenty-seven killed 206 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY and 122 wounded. It then took part in the siege of Corinth, going from there to Memphis, where it was on guard duty till September 6. On October 5 it fought at Hachie river, losing three killed and seventy-six wounded. Six companies under Colonel Morgan were attacked at Davis Mill in Mississippi by General Van Dorn with a large force of mounted infantry, but the rebels were repulsed with a heavy loss. On February 29, 1864,. the regiment reenlisted and soon after came home on a fur lough. Its next engagement of consequence was at Atlanta, Ga., where the loss was three killed, six wounded and four prisoners. On October 3 it left Atlanta in pursuit of Hood's army and engaged the enemy at Snake Creek Gap on the fifteenth, with a loss of nine killed and four teen wounded. Returning to Atlanta, it was with Sherman on his march to the sea and on December 9 to 14 participated in the battle of Savan nah, losing nine of its number. On January 4 it was transported to Beaufort, S. C, whence it moved to Pocotaligo, and on the thirtieth started for Goldsboro, N. C, and on the way was engaged in the battle at River Bridge on February 3 and 4, losing ten wounded and one cap tured. At Bentonville on the nineteenth it lost two killed, twelve wounded and two missing. It arrived in Goldsboro March 24, having completed a 500-mile march in fifty-four days. It marched to Raleigh, where it remained until the surrender of Johnson's army. The regiment was mustered out at Indianapolis in July, 1865. The First Cavalry regiment of Indiana volunteers contained no less than three full companies of Posey county men. They were C, D and H, and were organized in the months of July and August, 1861. The first captain of Company C was John K. Highman, who was killed at Fredericktown, Mo., in November, 1861. Following him were Julian D. Owen, November 12, 1861 ; William W. McReynolds, January 13, 1863; James L. Carey, July 6, 1863. The first lieutenants were Josiah Forth, August 20, 1861 ; William W. McReynolds, November 12, 1861 (resigned) ; Mark McCauley, January 15, 1862;' William W. McReynolds, January 13, 1863; James L. Carey, January 13, 1863; Charles S. Ran dolph, July 6, 1863. Second lieutenants : Julian D. Owen, August 20, 1861; Mark McCauley, November 12, 1861 ; James L. Carey, January 15, 1862 ; Charles S. Randolph, January 13, 1863 ; George W. Richards, July 6, 1863. All these officers were from New Harmony and the entire company came from the northern part of the county. The original en rollment was seventy-seven men. Julian D. Owen was promoted lieu tenant-colonel, Josiah Forth and Mark McCauley, majors of the First cavalry regiment. Lieutenant Randolph was murdered at Carrollton, La., in February, 1864, Alexander M. Fretageot died September 7, 1862, on the field, Elihu Robinson died in New Orleans in September, 1863, and John Williamson at Greenville, Mo. Four deserted. The commissioned officers of Company D were as follows : Captains : HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 207 Lyman W. Brown, August 20, 1861 ; George P. DeWeese, March 25, 1862; James B. Talbott, October 17, 1862; Orrison J. Kyler, April 2, 1864. First lieutenants : George P. DeWeese, August 20, 1861 ; James B. Talbott, March 25, 1862; Orrison J. Kyler, October 17, 1862; John D. Krousch, April 2, 1864. Second lieutenants: James B. Talbott, Au gust 20, 1861 ; George W. Brown, March 25, 1862; Orrison J. Kyler, April 30, 1862; John D. Krousch, December 22, 1862. The original en listment in this company was seventy-six men, eleven of whom died and eleven of whom deserted. It was recruited with twenty-five men in the time of its service. Charles Pabst, Thomas Asbury and Thomas Sny der died at St. Louis; Lemuel Asbury, Charles Hinson and John H. Scott died at Pine Bluff, Ark. ; Samuel Atkins died at Pilot Knob ; John Goarty and William W. Marshall died at Helena, Ark. ; Dorastus Ruple died at Cairo, and Peter Winterath died at Indianapolis in 1864. Company H was organized largely from the vicinity of Mt. Vernon. Its commissioned officers were : Captains : James H. Barter, August 20, 1861 ; John Harding, June 6, 1863. First lieutenants : Edward S. Hayes, August 20, 1861 ; and John Harding, December 18, 1861. Sec ond lieutenants: John Harding, August 20, 1861, and Francis M. Great- house, December 18, 1861. Captain Barter resigned June 5, 1861, and Lieutenant Hayes December 4, 1861. There were seventy-seven men in the company, fifteen of whom died : Thomas Acuff, Thomas Chatsman, Benjamin Cook, Lowery Davenport, Lafayette Hall, George F. Huck, Charles Isenhart, Frederick Kemper, James McDeryman, George F. Majors, John Neely, Henry C. Sherbourn, William Stork, Conrad Thu- mire and Jonathan Topper. Those who were killed in battle or died of wounds were Thomas Acuff, Charles Isenhart and William Stork. The First cavalry regiment was organized at Evansville and mus tered into service August 20, 1861, with Conrad Baker as colonel. The first encounter with the enemy was September 12, near Ironton, Mo., when three companies had a sharp skirmish with the rebels. October 18 the regiment participated in the engagement at Fredericktown and in the charge that decided the battle it captured a piece of artillery and drove the enemy from the field. Major Gavitt and Captain High- man were killed in that charge. The regiment remained in the vicinity of Pilot Knob until the next spring, when it moved to Arkansas and on July 7 fought the battle of Round Hill. For more than a year it remained at Helena and engaged in various expeditions from that point. It was then stationed at Pine Bluff. Company C, composed of men from the northern part of Posey county, had been detached as an escort to General Hovey and did not rejoin the regiment until just before its return home. This company was with Grant at Vicksburg, later joining the command of General Franklin in western Louisiana, returning to New Orleans in December, 1863. Here it remained until July, 1864, 208 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY when it joined the rest of the regiment in Arkansas. The original mem bers of the regiment were ordered to Indianapolis in August, 1864, and discharged in September. The recruits numbered thirty-eight men whose terms had not expired. Three of these were in Company A, reorganized, with James A. Pine, of Rockport, captain, and the others were all in Company B, reorganized, with Orrison J. Kyler, captain, William B. Ellsworth, first lieutenant, and Samuel L. Mellen, second lieutenant. In January, 1865, the regiment moved to the mouth of White river in Arkansas, thence to St. Charles on March 20, remain ing there until June 24, when it was ordered to Indianapolis and was given honorable discharge. In addition to these five companies furnished by Posey county in the early months of the war, a considerable number of men had entered the Fifteenth and Sixteenth regiments and the county never received due credit for these. Richard Owen, a famous scientist of New Har mony, was commissioned lieutenant-colonel of the Fifteenth, Michael W. Smith, of the same place, adjutant, and Daniel W. Nettleton became captain of Company C of the same regiment. Owen was promoted colonel of the Sixteenth regiment at its organization. The home defense was also kept up. By the middle of June, 1861, seven companies had been organized for home defense. These belonged to the Indiana Legion, an organization in which Posey county had six teen companies before the close of the war. They were known as the First regiment, First brigade of the Indiana Legion. Alvin P. Hovey was the first colonel, his successor being Colonel Enoch James, who was in turn succeeded by John A. Mann. A highly complimentary re port was given out by the adjutant-general of the State concerning this regiment. It was well drilled and efficient, doing scouting duty, assist ing in dangerous arrests, guarding prisoners and preventing guerilla raids on the border towns. Alarms were frequent on account of the presence of lawless bands roaming through Kentucky, and it was owing to the promptness and activity of the legion that depredations were pre vented. The First regiment was often called upon to do guard duty along the river. An instance of the efficiency of the members of the legion in Posey county is shown in the following account: Late at night on July 9, 1863, Colonel Mann received orders from Governor Morton to hold his command in readiness for action, with the result that by 10 o'clock the next morning seven companies were ready for action. In July, 1864, the regiment of Posey county guards was sent into Kentucky on an expedition under General Hovey. The Twenty-fourth regiment, of which Alvin P. Hovey was made first colonel, also contained a few Posey county men. It was organized and mustered into service July 31, 1861. Among the Posey county men in this regiment were Richard F. Barter, a resident of Mt. Vernon, HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 209 lieutenant-colonel of the regiment, later colonel of the One Hundred and Twentieth regiment ; Charles Fitch, the chaplain ; Charles Larch, a first lieutenant in Company C ; William S. Pollard, of Cynthiana, who became captain of Company K, and who at the reorganization of the regiment was made lieutenant-colonel. The regiment took an active part in the war and was conspicuously engaged at the battle of Shiloh. The Sixteenth regiment had three companies, B, C and E, which were composed almost entirely of Posey county men. Of the regimental offi cers, Colonel Richard Owen, Jesse Nash, major, and Eugene F. Owen, Horace P. Owen and Llenry H. Llitchcock, adjutants, were all from New Harmony, while Major Wolfgang Llyne was from Stewartsville. The men in the three companies were largely from the northern part of Posey county and many of the officers were from Wadesville and Stew artsville. The officers, with the dates of their commissions, appear as follows : Company B : Captains : Wolfgang Hyne, November 18, 1861 ; Joseph B. Noble, December 1, 1862. First lieutenants: Alfred Dale Owen, November 18, 1861 ; Joseph Noble, September 1, 1862; George W. Fairchild, December 1, 1862; Joseph A. Barrett, February 4, 1863; Jacob Haff, August 12, 1863. Second lieutenants : William M. Holton, November 18, 1861 ; George W. Fairchild, September 1, 1862; Joseph A. Barrett, December 1, 1862; James Cobble, February 4, 1863. Of Com pany C the captains were : Jesse Nash, November 22, 1861 ; Richard A. Wilsey, February 19, 1863; Courtland D. Slow, April 15, 1863; Alex ander Stallings, September 30, 1863. First lieutenants, Richard A. Wil sey, November 22, 1861 ; Courtland D. Slow, February 19, 1863 ; Alex ander Stallings, April 15, 1863; Isaac Wilson, September 30, 1863; sec ond lieutenants, John O'Neil, November 22, 1861 ; Courtland D. Slow, November 15, 1862; Alexander Stallings, February 19, 1863. Of Com pany E the captains were: Henry F. Fitton, November 13, 1861 ; Wal ter E. Thrall, July 12, 1863 ; first lieutenants, Walter E. Thrall, Novem ber 13, 1863; Eugene S. Thrall, July 12, 1863; second lieutenants, Philip L. Cox, February 20, 1862. In Company I, Samuel H. Endicott became first lieutenant. The regiment was mustered into service March 11, 1862. The organization had been completed at Indianapolis and the regiment moved from that point to Louisville and thence to Lebanon, where it remained for a time and then went to Munfordsville. There on Sep tember 14 seven companies of the regiment were captured by Bragg's army. In November, 1862, they were exchanged and at once started for Memphis, joining the army of the Mississippi. The regiment took part in the battle of Arkansas Post, January 10, 1863. In the campaign against Vicksburg it moved from Milliken's Bend April 14, making rapid and fatiguing marches through swamps and in the scorching sun, and engaged in five desperately fought battles. It was among the first to enter Port Gibson May 1, was in advance at Champion Hills on the 2IO HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY sixteenth, and behaved with marked gallantry at Black River. It was in the siege of Vicksburg and took part in several skirmishes in the vicinity. In August it was transferred to New Orleans. November 3 the regiment was engaged in the battle of Grand Corteau Plains and soon afterward was with Bank's expedition up Red river. It was in the battle of Saline Cross Roads April 8, 1864, and at Carrion Crow Bayou, La., where its loss was heavy in killed and wounded. Company B started out with ninety-six men, and in course of its ser vice recruited sixteen. Twenty-five died and seven deserted. The en rollment of Company C was 103, and recruits, sixteen. Twenty-nine died in the service and two deserted. Company E had ninety-seven men and recruited five. Sixteen died and seventeen deserted. Before the close of the year 1861 Posey county had more than 800 men in the service. Even those at first opposed to the war manfully bore the burdens and not only went to the battle field, but those left at home cooperated with their neighbors to aid the families of those who had enlisted and to bet ter the soldiers conditions. Clothing, socks and other comforts were pro vided by the women, who formed aid societies. A military hospital was opened at Mt. Vernon, and the county board voted $500 to assist in maintaining it. In August, 1862, another company of Posey county men was organized. It was recruited at Mt. Vernon and became Company A, Sixty-fifth In diana. Its officers were: Captains, Walter G. Hodge, August 11, 1862; John M. Duckworth, June 24, 1864; first lieutenants, Moses Ashworth, August 11, 1862; John M. Duckworth, January 1, 1864; William Wim- pleberg, June 24, 1864; William P. Finch, April 6, 1865; second lieu tenants, Barney York, August 11, 1862; John M. Duckworth, October 9, 1863; William Wimpleberg, January 1, 1864; William P. Finch, Septem ber 1, 1864; Harrison C. Stout, June 1, 1865. A few days after its organ ization the Sixty-fifth regiment engaged Adam Johnson's rebel force at Madisonville, Ky., with a slight loss. The companies were then dis tributed to various points in Kentucky, where they remained on' guard duty until August, 1863. In this time the regiment had been mounted and attached to the cavalry. It took part in the following battles : Zolli- coffer, September 20, 1863 ; Blountsville, September 22, 1863 ; Rheatown, October 11, 1863; Walker's Ford, Tenn., November 17, 1863; Bean Sta tion, December 14, 1863, and the next day at Powder Spring Gap and at Skaggs' Mill. It was dismounted and joined Sherman's march to the sea. After a pursuit of Hood's army and engaging in several other battles and skirmishes the regiment was mustered out June 22, 1865. The company started out with ninety-seven men, was recruited with 16 men. Twenty- five were killed or died and five deserted. Captain Hodge was pro moted lieutenant-colonel May 24, 1864, but his death occurred before he was mustered in as such. William Wimpleberg became adjutant of the regiment. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 211 On August 4, 1862, came the fourth call of the Government for troops, asking for 300,000 men. Indiana had up to that time furnished 93,041 men, and the number yet required was 3,003. Posey county had fur nished 1,343 soldiers, and if Robinson county had furnished thirty-four men, this county would have escaped the draft which took place October 6. In June, 1863, the Government called for 100,000 more men, under which Indiana was to raise four regiments. The number of men re quired were secured without delay. October 17, 1863, the President called for 300,000 men, the number being increased February 1, 1864, to 500,- 000, and on March 14, to 700,000. Of these Posey county was to raise 683 men and the required number were enlisted without resort to draft. However, the call for another 500,000 additional men, on July 18, 1864, made a draft necessary, and 186 men were taken from the county by this means. Under the impetus of the call for volunteers in August, 1862, Com pany F of the Eighteenth regiment was organized in Posey county. Its officers were : Captains, Russell J. Showers, August 27, 1862, and James S. Epperson, July 1, 1864; first lieutenants, James S. Epperson, August 27, 1862; Thomas S. Craig, June 24, 1864; John M. Wolfe, Jan uary 17, 1865; second lieutenants, James H. C. Lowe, August 27, 1862; Alexander R. Smith, January 30, 1863. The original enrollment of Company F was eighty-eight men, and the recruits numbered nineteen. Twenty were killed or died and one deserted. At the battle of Perryville, one month after its organization, the regiment bore a conspicuous part and lost 150 men in killed and wounded. It remained in Kentucky and Tennessee until it started on the Atlanta campaign, in which it was en gaged in all the important battles. It pursued Hood's army and was in the battle of Nashville. The regiment was mustered out June 22, 1865. In the same month about 200 men volunteered for the Ninety-first regi ment. Company A was entirely made up of Posey county volunteers, while Company D had fifty-seven and Company G thirty-eight from this county. The officers of Company A were as follows : Captains, James M. Carson, August 10, 1862; K. D. Wise, September 12, 1863; John Cor- bin, June 1, 1864; first lieutenants, K. D. Wise, August 10, 1862; John Corbin, September 10, 1863; Bedford L. Farris, June 1, 1864; second lieu tenants, John Corbin, August 10, 1862 ; Enoch Snelling, September 12, 1863; Thomas J. Robertson, June 1, 1864; Jacob Boucher, November 1, 1864. The Ninety-first regiment performed duty in Kentucky until the winter of 1864. February 22 of that year Company A had a sharp skir mish with 1,200 rebels near Cumberland Gap. The regiment was with General Schofield at Pine Mountain, in the campaign around Kenesaw and Lost Mountain, took part in the Atlanta campaign, and pursued Hood as far as Nashville, and then went to North Carolina. It was dis charged in June, 1865. 212 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Under the call of October, 1863, two more companies were raised in Posey county. These were Companies A and K, Tenth cavalry, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth regiment. Company A was officered as fol lows : Captains, Sylvanus Milner, November 19, 1863 ; Thomas Claiborn, May 1, 1865 ; first lieutenants, Thomas Claiborn, November 19, 1863 ; William F. Dixon, May 1, 1865, and James H. Chaffin, June 1, 1865; sec ond lieutenants, William F. Dixon, November 19, 1863; James H. Chaffin, May 1, 1865 ; James K. Vint, August 20, 1865. The officers of Company K were as follows: Captains, Dewitt C. James, January 11, 1864; Wil liam H. Whitworth, June 1, 1865; first lieutenants, Alexander G. Twigg, January 11, 1864; Jenkin T. Hugo, June 1, 1865; second lieutenants, Leonidas L. Walker, January 11, 1864; Edward A. Pitts, August 20, 1865. The total enrollment of Company A was ninety-seven men, all but thir teen from Posey county. Twenty-one were killed or died, and five deserted. Company K had 101 men, all but twenty-two from Posey county. Thirteen died and eleven deserted. The Tenth cavalry was or ganized at Vincennes in the fall and winter of 1863 and 1864, but did not leave the State until the following May. It saw some hard service. In the vicinity of Nashville it engaged Hood's forces and was in several other battles, with an aggregate loss of three field officers and twelve men killed, forty-eight wounded, and seventy-five taken prisoners. On the other hand it captured from the enemy four stands of colors and 300 men, with officers and their arms. In the following winter it captured ten pieces of artillery, 150 officers and men and a supply train of 150 wagons and 500 mules. The regiment was mustered out at Vicksburg in August, 1865, and a little later was discharged at Indianapolis. The last full company raised in Posey county was a company of 100- day men, known as Company G, in the One Hundred and Thirty-sixth regiment. Joseph Moore was captain, Ebe W. Murray first lieutenant, and James J. Parrett, second lieutenant. In all Posey county furnished the grand total of 3,000 men for the Civil war, a record of which every loyal citizen may still be proud. However, it should be explained that there were but 2,441 able-bodied men in Posey county at that time, and the total given represents the number of enlistments, many of the men enlisting twice and some of them three times, and being counted for each enlistment. On April 25, 1898, the United States formally declared war against Spain, and on June 24, by direction of the war department, and under the President's second call for volunteers (issued May 25, 1898), to provide for Indiana's quota under said call, twelve new companies were ordered to report at Camp Mount. One of these companies had been organized at Mt. Vernon, by Capt. Winston Menzies, and composed mostly of Posey county boys. In response to this order, the company arrived by rail at Camp Mount, Indianapolis, July 1, 1898, and was mustered into HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 213 the One Hundred and Sixty-first regiment, Indiana infantry, United States volunteers, as Company B. The following officers and men were members of this company : Cap tain, Winston Menzies ; first lieutenant, Asa E. Williams ; second lieu tenant, Percy Welch; first sergeant, Mike Lowenhaupt; quartermaster sergeant, Frank Jones ; sergeants, Edward Works, Harold Stephens, Wil liam B. Fuhrer, Oscar T. Schultz; corporals, Randolph J. Hovey, Charles A. Bennett, David Groves, Flairance W. Nash, Charles H. Miller, James H. Kreutzinger, Noble Moore, George R. Tingle, Charles F. Cox, John Summers, James Lance, John M. Harris ; musicians, Harry M. Lord, Edward Lance, Morton Stalnaker; artificer, Samuel W. King; wagoner, Samuel Kahn; privates, James Allen, Linwood Z. Alsop, George Bayer, Charles T. Berlin, Frank Bieker, Ralph T. Boren, Arthur Brokaw, George M. Bruce, James Cantrell, Benjamin F. Casey, Arthur Cawthorne, Levi Cooper, George Cox, George W. Cravens, James Crilley, Isaac N. Cun ningham, Thomas Drear, Jacob Easmon, Calie Edwards, Samuel Estes, Peter Frohmann, Gustave W. Grabert, George Green, Jr., Charlie Hanks, George F. Harding, William S. Hayes, Richard Hill, Porter G. Holleman, Otta D. Houchin, Lemuel P. Jones, Andrew Keitel, John Kennedy, Ferdi nand Koerner, Noah Kuykendall, John Lance, Oscar W. La Grange, Charles G. Maus, John W. Males, David R. Marshall, George McAtee, Floyd Meadows, Charles A. Miller, George A. Murphy, Orvel Murphy, Frank Newell, Arthur Nicholson, Charles Nuthmann, Floyd Ott, James Parke, Marion Parmer, John F. Pearson, August Pfeifer, George B. Phifer, Albert Pirnat, William M. Powers, Fred G. Reavis, Frank Re- denour, Robert R. Reed, Henry Rose, August E. Schaefer, Perry F. Sin gleton, Lafayette Sluder, Jay J. Smith, Henry Smith, William Stewart, Lyman Switzer, Harry T. Switzer, Samuel Spencer, William Trapp, Burl E. Turner, James K. Utley, Everett Vint, Peter Wallace, Edward Wal ter, Clarence E. Ward, Jesse Weissinger, Michael Welsh, Thomas A. Westfall, Harry Williams, William Woerner, Otto Wehr, Harvey Yea- ger, Harold C. Bays, Smith Hoge, Nelson Norton, Walter Baldwin ; cook, William L. Corkin. The company left Camp Mount, Indianapolis, Ind., by rail, August n, 1898, in command of Col. Winfield Durbin, arriving at Camp Cuba Libre, Ponoma Park, Fla., at 7:45 a. m. August 14, 1898. The company re mained in camp at Camp Libre, Ponoma Park, Fla., from August 14, 1898, to October 23, 1898, inclusive ; they broke camp on the morning of Octo ber 23, 1898, at 10 130 o'clock, boarded cars at Cummer's Switch and ar rived at Savannah, Ga., October 24, 1898, at 10:30 a. m., a distance of about 150 miles, via Savannah, Florida & Western railroad. It re mained in camp at Camp Onward, Savannah, Ga., from October 24 to December 12, 1898, inclusive, and broke camp and loaded on transport Mobile December 12, 1898, and sailed on the morning of December 13, 214 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 1898, for the Island of Cuba, arriving at Havanna Harbor, Cuba, De cember 15, 1898, and remained on board the transport until December 17, 1898. The company then disembarked and marched nine miles to camp near Marianar, Cuba. They participated in a march from Camp Columbia, Cuba, to Havana, Cuba, and was reviewed by Major-General Brooks January 1, 1899; remained in Camp Columbia, Cuba, from De cember 17, 1898, until March 29, 1899, inclusive, when they embarked on the transport Logan, arriving at Savannah, Ga., Quarantine Station on the morning of March 31, 1899, and at camp near Savannah, Ga., at 10:30 a. m. March 31, 1899, and was mustered out April 30, 1899. BIOGRAPHICAL BIOGRAPHICAL G. V. Menzies, of Mount Vernon, ranks as one of the leading members of the Indiana bar. He has practiced' law in this State for over forty years, and during that time has been a prominent figure in many of the important cases that have been adjudicated by the highest tribunals of the Commonwealth. Like many other successful lawyers, he has taken an active interest in politics, and on several occasions figured promi nently in the National councils of the Democratic party. He was born in Boone county, Kentucky, December 21, 1844, and is a son of Dr. Samuel G. and Sally (Winston) Menzies, the former was a native of Woodford county, Kentucky, and the descendant of Revolutionary stock from Vir ginia. Capt. Samuel P. Menzies, a direct lineal ancestor, served in Wash ington's army, and commanded a battery at Yorktown. Sally Winston, the wife of Dr. Menzies, was born near Richmond, Va. Her parents emi grated to Kentucky when she was a child. G. V. Menzies, the subject of this review, was reared on a farm and attended the common schools and also attended school in Cincinnati, Ohio. When sixteen years of age he went with his father, who at that time was surgeon of the First regi ment, Kentucky volunteers (Union). Young Menzies was present at the campaign in West Virginia during the summer of 1861, when the First Kentucky served in General Cox's brigade against the Confederate forces under Generals Wise and Floyd, in the Kanawha Valley. When at Gauley Bridge, W. Va., the boy received an appointment as midshipman at the United States Naval Academy, at Annapolis, Md. Part of Mr. Menzies' class completed the four-years course in three years, and he was therefore graduated in the class of 1864. He was assigned to duty at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, where he served until June, 1865, when he was ordered to the frigate Colorado, the flagship of the European Squad ron and served in that duty two years. He was then transferred to the Monitor Miantonomah, the first vessel of that type to cross the ocean. He served as ensign on board that vessel until they returned to the United States in July, 1867. In September, 1867, he joined the South Pacific Squadron, serving on the frigate Powhatan. He was appointed to the staff of Rear Admiral John A. Dalhgren and served as flag lieu tenant until he was relieved. Lieutenant Menzies then served in the same capacity on the staff of Rear Admiral Thomas Turner. In October, 1869, Mr. Menzies returned to the United States, and on November 11, 1869, was united in marriage to Miss Esther Hovey, the only daughter 2l8 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY of Gen. Alvin P. Hovey, who was then United States Minister to Peru. To this union were born three children : Mary M., married Walter A. Seymour, who is now deceased, and she resides at Pelham, N. Y. ; Juliet M., married Lloyd B. Fitzhugh, and she resides at Mt. Vernon, and Win ston, personal mention of whom is made elsewhere in this volume. Short ly after his marriage Lieutenant Menzies was assigned to duty at Ports: mouth Navy Yard, until August, 1870. From that date until Novem ber, 1871, he was on duty at the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Md., when he resigned from the navy, having attained the rank of lieutenant com mander. He immediately came to Mt. Vernon and engaged in the prac tice of law, and has been continuously in the practice to the present time, and through all these years has taken an active part in politics also. He was a delegate to the Democratic convention at St. Louis in 1876, which nominated Samuel J. Tilden and was Presidential elector for the First district of Indiana that year. In 1878 he was elected to the State senate, from the district composing Gibson and Posey counties, for a term of four years. In 1880 he served as a delegate of the National Democratic convention held at Cincinnati, and in 1884 was a delegate to the Demo cratic National convention and vice chairman of the Indiana delegation. He was a delegate-at-large to the National Democratic conventions of 1896, 1900, 1904 and 1912. In 1904 he was chairman of the Indiana dele gation and also member of the committee on credentials. He placed Governor Marshall in nomination for Vice-President at the Baltimore convention by a clever and able speech, which was well received, and in the convention of 1884 he made the motion to make Cleveland's nomi nation unanimous, which was carried. Mr. Menzies was the Democratic nominee for Congress at a special election in 1905, also at the general election of 1906, but was defeated both times. He has served as delegate to several river and harbor conventions, by appointment of governors of Indiana, and was a member of the commission appointed by the United States Supreme Court to establish the boundary line between Indiana and Kentucky opposite Green River Island. He has been a member of the board of control for the State Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument since 1894, by appointment from governors of the State, and is now president of the board. He has been admitted to practice in all the courts, both State and Federal. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and the Loyal Legion of Indiana. Mr. Menzies possesses the natural attri butes of a great lawyer, in addition to being a close student of the law all his life. He is possessed of a well balanced legal mind, and is a fearless and forcible advocate, and as a trial lawyer has few equals in the State. Capt. Winston Menzies, editor and proprietor of the "Evening and Weekly Sun," Mt. Vernon, is a native of Posey county, and a son of Maj. G. V. Menzies, born in Mt. Vernon November 22, 1876. He was educated in the public schools of Posey county and the New York HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 219 Military Academy at Cornwall-on-the Hudson, New York. Later he entered the University of Indiana at Bloomington, Ind., graduating in the class of 1897. He then took up newspaper work, and was reporter on the "Daily Democrat" one summer. He then went to St. Louis, and was employed on the "Republic" staff until the breaking out of the Spanish- American war. In April, 1898, he enlisted as a private in Company H, One Hundred and Fifty-ninth Indiana infantry, and on July 11, 1898, was transferred to the One Hundred and Sixty-first Indiana infantry, and commissioned captain of Company B. His regiment was sent South, as signed to the Seventh army corps, under Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, and served through the entire Cuban campaign. To Captain Menzies belongs the distinction of being the youngest captain in the Seventh army corps. He received his commission before he was twenty-two. He was mustered out of the service in April, 1899, and returned to Mt. Vernon, again en gaging in the newspaper work, this time as city editor of the "Demo crat." In 1901 he went to Fort Wayne, in the employ of the United Boxboard & Paper Company, and remained there until 1905, when he went to Indianapolis for the same company. In 1907 he again returned to Mt. Vernon, and became managing editor of the "Evening Sun," which was organized at that time. In December, 1909, he bought the paper, and is now the sole owner. Captain Menzies was married April 30, 1901, to Miss Irma Wasem, eldest daughter of Louis Wasem, a prominent merchant of Mt. Vernon and Evansville. To Captain and Mrs. Menzies has been born one child : Esther Hovey, born at Fort Wayne, February 4, 1902. Captain Menzies is a member of Camp Fee, Spanish-American War Veterans; the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and the Press Club of Indianapolis. George William Curtis, Sr., former clerk of the Eleventh judicial cir cuit, popular citizen and breeder of pedigreed horses of National repu tation, was born on the old Curtis farm in Black township, Posey county, Indiana, the son of William Boyd and Nancy Lucy (Harshman) Curtis. The farnily is of English descent, and was founded in the Virginia colony previous to the War of the Revolution, in which members of the family served with the Colonial troops. The first of the family to settle in In diana was William Curtis, a native of Virginia, who came to Posey county previous to 1814, and located on land in what is now Black town ship. He was accompanied by a son, Thomas Cottrell Curtis, who also located in Black township, and reached the advanced age of ninety-two years, and who resided on the same farm until his death. Both were farmers, acquired valuable properties, and were men of influence in the formative period of the county. William Curtis was the grandfather of the subject of this review. His son, William Boyd Curtis, was reared on the home farm, attended the schools of the period, and became one of the successful farmers of the county, and the owner of valuable lands. 220 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY He was a Democrat, took an active part in the work of his party, and was one of the influential men of his time. He married Nancy Lucy Harshman, the daughter of George and Dorcas Harshman, residents of the township, and pioneer settlers in the county. George William Curtis, Sr., acquired his education in the district schools of Black town ship, and the academy in Mt. Vernon. Until 1862, he was employed on the home farm. From the year mentioned until 1867, he was a teacher in the schools of Indiana and Illinois. In the last named year he rented from his father a tract of land and began farming. On April 7, 1869, he married Miss Ruth Greathouse, the daughter of Lorenzo D. Greathouse, born in Posey county in 1818, the son of David Greathouse, a native of Pennsylvania, and founder of the family in Indiana. From that year until 1900, with the exception of eight years, in which he occupied the office of clerk of the Posey County Circuit Court, he was engaged in farming and the breeding and racing of pedigreed horses. His initial purchase of breeding stock was from the famous Belle Meade farm of Tennessee in 1883. The most notable of the performers which were bred on his farm were, Egmont, the sensation of the season of 1887, entered for the season of 1888, in stakes totaling over $80,000, and sold by him in the spring of the last named year for $10,500; Topmast, who won the greatest number of races of any horse in America during the season of 1889; Gold Band, Red Cap and Silver Set. His animals were raced on the tracks at Louisville, Chicago, St. Louis, Lexington, New Orleans, Covington, Memphis and elsewhere. Mr. Curtis became one of the prominent and popular breeders of the country and his stable was a profitable one. Previous to his engaging in the breeding of racing stock, he was an active and influential factor in the political life of his county. He has been a lifelong Democrat. He was elected clerk of the Posey County Circuit Court in 1874, and re-elected in 1878. His administra tion of the affairs of this office was such as to procure the highest com mendation. In 1900, he became a resident of the city of Mt. Vernon, where he has since resided. He was appointed deputy circuit clerk of the Eleventh judicial circuit in 1904, and is still serving in that capacity. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis are the parents of the following children, viz. : Stella, born January 26, 1870, the widow of Silas O. Thomas, a farmer of Black township; Olive Branch Curtis, born in 1874, and who died aged nine ; George William Curtis, Jr., personal mention of whom follows this article, and Ben Wilkes Curtis, born October 6, 1880, an employee of the Cumberland Telephone Company at New Harmony, Ind. George William Curtis, influential lawyer of Posey county, senator from the First district of Indiana, and citizen of State-wide prominence, was born in Mt. Vernon, November 10, 1878, the son of George W. and Ruth (Greathouse) Curtis, a personal review of whom precedes this article. Senator Curtis received his early educational discipline in the HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 221 schools of his native city, and later entered the University of Indiana, from which he was graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1900. He was admitted to the bar in Mt. Vernon in May, 1901, where he has since practiced his profession. Since October, 1910, he has been as sociated in practice with William Espenschied, under the firm style of Espenchied & Curtis. The firm is recognized as one of the most success ful in Southwestern Indiana, and they have appeared in connection with the most important litigations in both the State and Federal courts. In the practice of his profession Senator Curtis has attained recognition as a leader among his fellow members of the bar through his comprehen sive knowledge of the law, his logic in argument, and as an orator of more than usual brilliance. His close attention to business and the hon esty and fairness with which he has treated his clientage have won the support and respect of the citizens of his district. His political alle giance has been given the Democratic party, and of his party and its policies he has ever been a consistent supporter. He was elected prose cuting attorney of the Eleventh judicial circuit, composed of Posey and Gibson counties, in 1904. His record in the administration of the affairs of this office was such as to place him in line for the nomination to the senatorship from the First district, to which he was elected in 1910. His work as a member of the senate during the session of 191 1, was such that his colleagues on the Democratic side unanimously selected him as pres ident pro tempore and floor leader during the session of 1913. Much can be said of his labors in the last named session. He was identified as a leader in the framing and passage of the Public Utility Act. The voca tional education bill, passed through his committee, and received his active support on the floor of the senate. He was the author of the uni form high school text book law, and through much opposition and by his efforts it became a law. In its operation a large saving to the parents of the school children will obtain. As floor leader and president pro tem pore, he labored not alone for himself, but by his accommodating disposi tion was of great assistance to all who were working openly for pro gressive Democratic legislation. Through both sessions in which he served he took an active part in those measures which were worth while, and was considered by his fellow members as one of the energetic and active leaders of his party therein. It is generally conceded that as a parliamentarian he ranks as a leader in his State; as an orator he has few equals, while his charming personality has endeared him to a wide acquaintanceship. He has always stood for the interests of the com mon people, and to his constituents he has been loyal. He possesses abil ity, honesty and courage, while his fairness is an added quality which de serves honorable mention. At this writing, 1913, he has announced himself as a candidate for the office of attorney general. The com ment of the press of the State succeeding his announcement shows a con- 222 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY census of opinion as to his qualifications for the office, which has seldom been equaled in its praise of a candidate for nomination. Senator Curtis is a member of the Masonic order and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Of the latter order he is vice-president for Indiana, and served during 1912 and 1913 as district deputy. Senator Curtis married, on September 16, 1903, Miss Rena Streeby, the daughter of Jay B. Streeby, of Mt. Vernon. Mrs. Curtis is a woman of wide acquaintance and popular in the social circles of her home city, in which she is a leader. She is a member of the Martha Hunter Guild. During the resi dence of Senator Curtis and his wife at the State capital Mrs. Curtis was known as one of the leaders of the official set, and her charm of per sonality and mind assisted greatly in furthering the Senator's influence. Julius C. Barter, successful farmer, influential citizen and descend ant of two of Posey county's pioneer families, was born in the Barter home, Second and Walnut streets, Mt. Vernon, on December 30, 1857, the son of John L. and Jane (Templeton) Barter. The Barter family is of English origin and was founded in Posey county by John Barter, born May 14, 1797, in the village of Houl, Devonshire, England, who settled with his sons, John, Richard, William and James, in Black township pre vious to 1820. James, the youngest of these sons, and the grandfather of our subject, Julius C. Barter, engaged in the general merchandise business in Mt. Vernon in 1825, shortly after it became the county seat. John L., the son of James, and father of our subject, was born in Mt. Vernon in 1830. He was also a merchant. He married when a young man, Jane Templeton, the daughter of Samuel L. Templeton, a pioneer of Black township. He was a native of North Carolina, and entered upon land two miles west of Mt. Vernon in 1825. He was a tanner and built and operated a tannery upon his farm. He also manufactured harness and saddles and later shoes. He was thrifty and became the owner of valu able land interests. He was a member of the Methodist church, active in its support, and served as trustee for many years. He married Sally Curtis, the daughter of William G. Curtis, a native of North Carolina, who was also a pioneer settler of Posey county. Jane Templeton Barter was born in Posey county in 1835 and died on December 5,' 1902. Her surviving children are as follows: Julius C, the subject of this sketch; Sally, the widow of Worth Templeton, former trustee of Black town ship, and successful farmer, who resides in Los Angeles, Cal., and Harris, who is married and resides in Los Angeles. The eldest child, Mark Barter, born December 2, 1855, died in June, 1905. Julius Ceasar Barter was reared in the family of his grandfather Templeton, with whom his mother went to live when he was four years of age. He attended the district schools of Posey county and acquired a good common school education. Since early boyhood, farming has been his occupation, and in this line of endeavor he is recognized as authority. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 223 He is the owner of a portion of the old Templeton farm, on which is situated "Barter's Grove," one of the favorite picnic grounds near Mt. Vernon, and which has been the scene of many enjoyable festivities. Mr. Barter has been a lifelong Democrat, has been active in the political life of the county, but has no inclination for public office. He cast his first vote for Samuel J. Tilden. He has never married. John Lorenz Schultheis, clerk of the city of Mt. Vernon, is a native of Indiana, and was born in Haubstadt, Gibson county, on May 21, 1865, the son of Lambert and Elizabeth (Mauder) Schultheis. Lambert Schul theis was born in Germany, September 24, 1838, and died on August 9, 1903. He came to the United States in 1844, with his father, Michael Schultheis, who had $800, considered a large sum for an emigrant at that time. He came to Gibson county, Indiana, and bought land. His resi dence in the new land was short, however, as he died about three months after investing in Gibson county. Lambert, but six years of age at the time of his father's death, was reared in the family of Anton Schaefer, a distant relative, and later learned the cooper's trade. When seventeen years of age he secured employment, as a cooper, with Anton Raben, of St. Wendel, Posey county, remaining in his employ until 1872. From the last mentioned year until his death, which occurred in 1903, he fol lowed the carpenter's trade. He was a Democrat in his political affilia tions, and a devout member of the Catholic church. He married when a young man, Elizabeth Mauder, the daughter of Joseph and Margaret Mauder, of Haubstadt, Gibson county. She was born on May 8, 1839, and died on August 29, 1869. They were the parents of four children, two of whom survive: John Lorenz, the subject of this review, and Kate, who married Victor Knapp, M. D., a resident of Ferdinand, Ind. Mary, the eldest child, married August Wolf, who died, and she mar ried Fred Schnautz, of Haubstadt. She died on April 30, 1901. Joseph M., the youngest of the children, died January 24, 191 1, aged forty-two. Lambert Schultheis married for a second wife, Kate Handel, and of this union one son was born, Edmond, a resident of Mt. Carmel, and a cooper by trade. John Lorenz Schultheis received his educational training in the parochial school of Haubstadt, and was taught the carpenter's trade by his father, a line of occupation he followed until 1891, in the vicinity of Haubstadt until 1886, when he removed to Mt. Vernon, and until 1891, in the last named city. From 1891 to 1895, he was employed as clerk by William Melton, from 1895 until 1903, in a like capacity by Andrew A. Schenk, and from 1903 until January, 1906, as secretary and manager of the Mt. Vernon Opera House, by the late August Schieber. In 1905, he was elected treasurer of the city of Mt. Vernon, for a four-year term, which expired in January, 1910. His administration of the affairs of that office was such as to secure his election, in 1909, by a flattering majority, to the city clerkship, in which position he is now serving. He is a 224 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Democrat, has been an active worker in his party's interests, and enjoys the confidence of his fellow citizens. As a public official, his acts have been marked by honesty and fidelity, and the departments of the city's business over which he has had charge have been known for their effi ciency. Mr. Schultheis is a member of Posey Aerie, No. 1717, Fraternal Order of Eagles, and of the German Aid Society of Mt. Vernon, of which he is secretary. Mr. Schultheis married, on November 1, 1898, Miss Anna Maus, the daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Maus, of Mt. Vernon. Mr. Maus was a well known millwright and many of the flouring plants of Posey county were built under his supervision. Mrs. Schultheis was born on August 15, 1870. There is one child of this union, Ruth E. Schultheis, born August 22, 1899. George Green Thomas, auditor of Posey county, is a native of Lynn township, and was born on his father's farm November 25, 1855, the son of James E. and Margaret (Duckworth) Thomas. James E. Thomas was born in Waverley, Humphries county, Tennessee, February 22, 1820. He came to Posey county in 1839 and entered on land in Lynn town ship. Here he cleared away the forest and developed a fine farming property. He underwent the hardships incident to the pioneer of that period, labored successfully with the problems at hand, and became a man of influence in his township. He was a Democrat, served in town ship office, and was an active supporter of those measures which had for their object the betterment of the community. He was a member of the Baptist church and gave generously to its support. He married in 1840 Miss Margaret Duckworth, the daughter of William Duckworth, a pioneer settler of Black township. She was born in Posey county in 1821. The Duckworth family came from North Carolina; and Absalom Duckworth entered land in Black township in 181 1, Thomas and James in 181 7. James E. Thomas died in 1895, and his wife in 1879. Three children were born of this union: George G., the subject of this review; Cornelia, the wife of Robert Campbell, owner of extensive ranch prop erty and a resident of Spokane, Wash., and Margaret S., the wife of David J. Noel, of Carmi, 111., grandson of John Noel, one of the early settlers of Posey county, who died in Mt. Vernon, aged ninety-five. Previous to his marriage to Miss Duckworth, Mr. Thomas had married Miss May Robinson and of this union one daughter was born : Louisa J., the widow of Harrison C. Stout, who was a farmer of Black town ship. She is a resident of Carmi, 111. George Green Thomas acquired his education in the public schools of Lynn township and Mt. Vernon. Reared on his father's farm, he has been engaged in farming since boy hood, and is recognized as one of the successful agriculturists of his county. His farm property, which consists of the old Thomas farm in Lynn township, to which he has added by purchase, has improvements that are modern in all respects, is well stocked, and is operated at a sat- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 225 isfactory profit. Mr. Thomas has been a lifelong Democrat. His first public office was that of trustee of Lynn township, to which he was elected in 1890. He carried the township by a majority of sixty, although it had a normal Republican majority of fifteen. In 1906 he was elected recorder of Posey county, and was re-elected in 1910. He took office January 1, 1908, and his present term expires January 1, 1916. He has made an efficient and courteous official and his administration of the business of his office has won the esteem of the citizens of his county. Mr. Thomas married on October 23, 1879, Miss Margaret N. Weir, the daughter of James Weir, a prominent farmer of Lynn township, and member of one of the oldest families in the county. The family was founded in Posey county by William Weir, a native of Virginia, who settled in Black township in 1807. She is also a granddaughter of John Noel, early settler and one of the most prominent citizens of his time. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are the parents of one child, a son, Archie Lee Thomas. He was educated in the schools of Lynn township and Mt. Vernon, and completed a course in Perkins & Herpel's Commer cial College, St. Louis, in 1901. He is the manager of his father's farm interests. Mr. Thomas is in all respects a high type of the con servative, unassuming American, diligent in his various duties and busi ness affairs and conscientious in all things. He is rich in the possession of personal popularity and the esteem which comes from honorable living. Thomas Jefferson Johnson, surveyor of Posey county, is a native of Harmony township and was born on his father's farm, four miles east of New Harmony, on January 11, 1845, the son of Moses and Elizabeth (Johnson) Johnson. The family was founded in Posey county by Thomas Johnson, a native of North Carolina, later a resident of Ken tucky, who settled in Harmony township prior to 1816. He was a blacksmith, an occupation which he followed while a resident of Posey county. He removed to Clay county, Illinois, about 1840, where he died. Moses Johnson was born in Harmony township in 1817. He was a farmer and surveyor. He was a Democrat and was elected county surveyor in 1853 and in 1872, and died in 1874 while in office. He was a member of the Regular Baptist church. He married Elizabeth John son, a distant relative, who was born in Kentucky in 1813. She died in April, 1889. They were the parents of five children, four of whom survive : Cynthia, the wife of Orvis S. Endicott, a farmer of New Haven, Ind. ; Susan, the widow of Martin Williams, who was a farmer of Robb township, Posey county; she. is a resident of Evansville; Thomas J., the subject of this review; and Mary, the widow of Jeddy Pitts, who was a well known farmer of Mt. Vernon; she is a resident of Pomona, Cal. Thomas Jefferson Johnson received his early educational training in the district schools of Harmony township, later attended the Uni- 226 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY versity of Indiana, where he completed a two-year course in the law department, being a member of the class of 1865. He subsequently practiced his profession in Posey county. From the days of his early manhood he took an active interest in his father's work as a surveyor and became proficient in this line of endeavor. He also was an active participant in the political life of his section and an ardent Democrat. His first public office was that of assessor of Harmony township. He was elected surveyor of Posey county in 1870 and appointed in 1874 to fill out the unexpired term of his father, who had succeeded him. From 1875 until 1881 he farmed in Harmony township. In 1880 he was elected to his former office, that of county surveyor, and was re-elected in 1882, 1884, 1886 and 1888, serving until January, 1891, when he became auditor of the county, having been elected the previous fall. He was re-elected to this office in 1894 and served until March, 1899. From the last-named year until 1903 he farmed in Center and Point townships. In 1902 he was again elected surveyor of Posey county, his seventh election to this office. He was re-elected in 1906, 1908, 1910 and 1912, his term expiring in January, 1914, and the eleventh which he has served As a public official, Mr. Johnson has won the respect and esteem of the citizens of his county and his administration of the affairs of his office has been marked by honesty, fidelity and high efficiency. In point of years of service, few county officials of the State of Indiana have ever equalled him, as he will have concluded, when his present term expires in 1914, twenty-nine years of public duty, of which twenty-one have been passed in the office of surveyor. Mr. Johnson married on March 18, 1869, Miss Caroline Barrett, of Harmony township, who died De cember 18, 1881. William Henry Fogas, ex-secretary of the Indiana State Board of Pharmacy and well known druggist of Mt. Vernon, was born in that city on February 21, 1862, the son of Andrew C. and Mary (Heilman) Fogas, natives of Germany. The father was born in the Province of Hanover in 1837, and his wife in Hessen-Darmstadt in 1839. Andrew C. Fogas came to the United States with his parents in 1841, who located in New Orleans, La., and were stricken with yellow fever within a few months after their arrival, and died. Andrew, then a boy of four, was taken into the family of William Zimmerman, who had married his step-sister. The Zimmermans became residents of Evansville, Ind., and Andrew was apprenticed to the cigarmaker's. trade with John Rhine- lander, of that city. In 1861 he came to Mt. Vernon and established the first cigar factory. He conducted this business until his death in 1904, a period of forty-three years. He was a successful business man, a popular and respected citizen, and an active factor in the commercial, civil and social life of the city. He was a Republican in politics, served as treasurer of the city of Mt. Vernon several terms, and took an active HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 227 part in the campaigns. He was prominently identified with the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows and served as treasurer of the Mt. Vernon lodge for some thirty years. He married, when a young man, Miss Mary Heilman, the daughter of William Heilman, of Evansville. Mrs. Fogas died in 1906. They were the parents of nine children, four of whom are living: William H., the subject of this sketch; John T., retail druggist; George A. and Fred C, jewelers, all of Indianapolis; Mary Louise, the wife of Fred C. Schnur, of Mt. Vernon, died in 1887. Four children died in infancy. William Henry Fogas received his early educational discipline in the schools of his native city and graduated from its high school in 1878. While in the employ of McArthur & Company he completed a course in the St. Louis, Mo., College of Pharmacy, graduating with the class of 1884. Subsequent to his gradu ation he entered the employ of Joseph G. Gardiner, druggist, Mt. Ver non. He remained with Mr. Gardiner until his death in 1880. From 1880 to 1884 he clerked for William M. McArthur & Company, when he established his present business, which is, at this writing, 1913, the oldest in the city. His standing among the pharmacists of the State is attested by his appointment as a member of the Indiana State Board of Pharmacy in 1907 by Governor Hanly, re-appointed in 1908 and appointed by Governor Marshall in 1912. His present term expires in 1916. He served as secretary of this body in 191 1. He is a Republican, takes an active part in the work of his party, and is a consistent sup porter of those measures which have for their object the betterment of the community. He has attained the Knights Templars degree in Ma sonry, is a member of La Vallette Commandery and of Hadi Temple Shrine of Evansville; and is also a member of Criterion Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Mr. Fogas married on June 24, 1886, Miss Kate L. Black, the daughter of Hon. Asa M. Black, a prominent attorney of Terre Haute. They are the parents of one child, a daughter, Alice B. Fogas. She is a graduate of the Mt. Vernon High School, Tudor Hall School, Indianapolis, and attended for two years Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. The family have long been prominent in the social circles of their home city. William Frier. — A publication of this nature exercises its most impor tant function when it takes cognizance of the life and labors of those who have risen, through their own unaided efforts, to positions of prom inence and usefulness in the community and who have been of material value in its growth and development. Mr. Frier has realized a sub stantial success in the business world, is the owner of an important manufacturing enterprise in the city of Mt. Vernon and merits distinctive recognition in this publication. William Frier is a native of Illinois and was born at Shawneetown on August 12, 1875. His parents were Wil liam Matthew and Hannah (McGuire) Frier. The father was also born 228 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY at Shawneetown. He was a printer by trade, an occupation he fol lowed until 1909. From 1892 until 1897 he resided in Mt. Vernon, sub sequently in McLeansboro, 111., and is now a resident of East St. Louis. He retired from active business in 1909. William Frier received his education in the public schools of his native town and later learned the cigarmakers' trade. He came, with his parents, to Mt. Vernon in 1892, where he secured employment with A. C. Fogas, a pioneer cigar man ufacturer of the city. He was employed in the Fogas factory until 1897,, when, with Frank Kahn, he established the Mt. Vernon Cigar Com pany. The following year, 1898, he withdrew from this partnership and established his present factory, operated under the business style of William Frier, cigar manufacturer. During the fifteen years in which this enterprise has been under his ownership and management a trade has been developed requiring a factory output of over one million cigars per annum. His products have always had that necessary essential to success — quality. He possesses executive ability of a high order, is rec ognized by the trade as a salesman of exceptional ability, and his finan cial judgment sound. Mr. Frier has a substantial and profitable invest ment in Sapulpa, Okla., owning the controlling interest in the firm of Lawrence & Frier, wholesale and retail cigar merchants. They have a large and growing jobbing business in the territory surrounding Sa pulpa and the most extensive retail business in their line in that city. Essentially a business man, Mr. Frier has neither inclination nor time for politics. He is independent as to party. On questions and measures affecting the welfare of the community he can be relied upon to lend his support. He is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevo lent and Protective Order of Elks, Mt. Vernon Aerie, No. 1717, Fraternal Order of Eagles, and the Modern Woodmen of America. He is a liberal contributor in support of the Catholic church. On August 15, 1900, Mr. Frier married Miss Lula Lawrence, a daughter of David Lawrence, a well known stock dealer of Mt. Vernon. Mrs. Frier is a native of Ala bama and was born in Huntsville on October 27, 1876. They are the parents of one child, a son, Lawrence Matthew Frier, born October 3, 1903. Marshall Hume Hall. — History is the preserved record of events — as. biography is the personal record of those who have been actively con cerned in the molding and action of the events from which history is, made. A publication of this nature exercises its most important func tion when it takes cognizance of the life and labors of those citizens who have been of material value in the advancement and development of a community. Mr. Hall is well and favorably known to the citizens of Posey county through his service as a public official, which is attested through his election in 1912 to the office of sheriff by the largest ma jority ever received by a candidate for that position. Marshall Hume- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 229 Hall is a native of Posey county and was born on his father's farm in Black township December 16, 1859. His father was John T. Hall, a native of North Carolina, who settled in Black township about 1830, where he took up land and engaged in farming, an occupation which he followed until his death, which occurred on April 7, 1869. He was a man of strong religious convictions, served as clerk of the Baptist church at Farmersville for over twenty-five years, and became an influential citizen of his county. He married, when a young man, Lavina, a daugh ter of John Bradley, of Black township, and granddaughter of Cornelius Bradley, one of the early pioneers of Posey county. Cornelius Bradley was a native of Ireland who came to the Virginia colony previous to the War of the Revolution, in which he served until its close. The Posey county records show that he drew a pension for his services dur ing the struggle of the colonists for independence. He took up land and was engaged in farming in Black township until his death, which occurred in 1840. His daughter, Lavina, and her husband, John T. Hall, were the parents of six children, of whom but two are living at this writ ing, 1913: Mary E. Whipple, widow of Marion Whipple, residing in Black township, and Marshall Hume Hall, the subject of this review. Those deceased are Medora, who married Polk Dowen; Lawrence T. ; Edward B. and William J. The latter married Emily Dunn. She is a resident of Mt. Vernon. Marshall Hume Hall was called upon to earn his living at the age of ten; his father having died in 1869 and his mother when he was aged three. His education was acquired in the country schools during such time as the earning of a livelihood would permit. He was employed as a boy in doing odd jobs and later engaged in farming. In 1886 he entered the employ of A. Wassem & Company, lumber manufacturers of Mt. Vernon, and remained with this firm until 1893, when he was appointed custodian of the Posey county court house. He was made a deputy sheriff in 1901, and served in this capacity under Sheriffs James F. McFaddin, Alonzo K. Grant and Joseph M. Causey. Recognition of efficient service was given him in 1912, when he was made the nominee of the Democratic party for the office of sheriff and his election by a greatly increased majority over previous incumbents of the office attests to his qualifications for the position and his popularity in the county of his birth. It is certain that his administration of the office of sheriff will meet the approval of the citizenship of Posey county, as has his service in the past. He is a member of the Mt. Vernon Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Court of Honor and of the Metho dist church. Mr. Hall married on February 20, 1884, Ruth, the daugh ter of John and Ellen Russell, of Black township. Mr. Russell was a native of England, became a resident of Posey county in 1850, where he was a successful farmer and well and favorably known. Mr. Russell died in 1872. His widow is a resident of Black township and has reached 230 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY the ripe age of eighty-seven. Mr. and Mrs. Hall are the parents of three children: John W., born December 4, 1884, a merchant tailor of Mt. Vernon; Ina B., born July 31, 1889, employed as cashier by Stinson Brothers, Mt. Vernon, and Orran R., born February 9, 1900. Theodore Raben, president of the Mt. Vernon Construction Company, the Consumers Ice and Cold Storage Company, and the John Larkin Company, is a native of Posey county, and was born in St. Wendel, May 17, i860, the son of Anthony and Mary S. (Ten Barge) Raben, the for mer of Lichtendoorde, Gelderland, Holland, came to the United States in 1840 and settled in St. Wendel, Posey county, Indiana. He was a cooper and he established the first cooper shop in St. Wendel, also the first general store. Some years later he formed, with George Naas, the firm of Raben & Naas, general merchants and millers. The business of this firm grew to be the largest, in point of sales, in the county. They owned the leading stores in Mt. Vernon and St. Wendel, and were also interested in flour mills in both towns. In 1884 the junior partner, Mr. Naas, died and the firm style was changed to Raben & Sons, of which firm our subject, Theodore Raben, was an interested principal. The money stringency of 1893, together with too generous credits, forced the firm to make an assignment, and the business was liquidated. Anthony Raben resumed business in St. Wendel, where he conducted a general store until his death in 1904. He served as postmaster of that town for about fifty years, through both Republican and Democratic administra tions, although he was a Democrat and an active and influential member of the party in his section. He was reared a Catholic and gave generously toward the support of his church. He married, when a young man, Mary S. Ten Barge, who died in 1867. They were the parents of sixteen children, eight of whom are living at the present time (1913). They are as follows: Johanna, the wife of Frederick Brakamp, merchant tailor, of Evansville ; John, a retired farmer, of St. Wendel ; Joseph, who owns extensive farm property near Ridgeway, 111. ; Theodore, the subject of this review ; Mary, the wife of Frank Thuis, a well known manufacturer of Vincennes; Louisa, the wife of Anthony Louix, wholesale dealer in dairy products, Evansville; Charles, a general merchant of St. Wendel, and who succeeded his father in that line; and Elizabeth, the wife of George Mann, a farmer of Black township. Five children died in in fancy and the following lived to maturity: Anna, the wife of William Heyns, the well known furniture dealer and manufacturer of Evansville, who was the owner of the Vendome Hotel and promoted the organiza tion of the company which built the present structure, operated as the new Vendome ; died in 1891 ; Kate, the wife of Joseph Ebner, president of the Consolidated Ice Company, of Vincennes, died in 1893; and Henry, manager of the Raben merchandise business and mill at St. Wen del, died in 1910. Theodore Raben received his early educational dis- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 23 1 cipline in the public schools of St. Wendel, which was supple mented by a course in St. Meinrad's College, Spencer county, Indiana, and St. Francis College, Teotopolis, 111. He also attended a commercial college at Evansville and completed a course there in 1879. His first employment was with the firm of Hankins, Naas & Co., for whom he clerked from 1876 until 1879, and in the last named year he en tered the employ of Fuhrer, Boyce & Co., millers and grain dealers, of Mt. Vernon, of which firm his father was a partner. In 1881 he married, resigned his position in Mt. Vernon and removed to St. Wendel, where he had secured a position with the firm of Raben & Naas, general mer chants and millers, of which his father was the senior partner. On the death of Mr. Naas in 1884 the firm of Raben & Sons was organized and he became an interested principal, and he was given the management of the Mt. Vernon store, of which he was in charge until the closing out of the business in 1893. From 1893 until 1896 he was the resident agent at Mt. Vernon of the Fulton Avenue Brewing Company, of Evansville. In the the last named year Rosa Raben secured the agency for southwest ern Indiana and southeastern Illinois from the American Brewing Com pany, of St. Louis, for their product, and Mr. Raben covered the ter ritory as her agent, continuing in this capacity until 1898, when she se cured the Mt. Vernon agency of the F. W. Cook Brewing Company, of Evansville, since which time he has been her agent. In 1907 he, with Rosa Raben, Louis Raben and S. A. Gano organized the Mt. Vernon Construction Company. It was incorporated with a paid-in capital of twenty-five thousand dollars and the following officers elected : Presi dent, Theodore Raben; secretary and treasurer, Louis W Raben; and S. A. Gano, general manager. Since the establishment of its business, in 1907, the company has constructed fifteen miles of rock road in Gibson county, sixty-five miles of gravel road in Posey county, and some two hundred bridges, the latter of various types, and all in Posey county. The company operate a large gravel plant at New Harmony and are extensive employers of labor, as many as one hundred teams and two hundred men having been on the pay roll at one time. The work done by the company has given entire satisfaction, the business is in a most satisfactory condition, has paid large dividends to the stock holders, and since the retirement of Mr. Gano, in 1909, has been under the management of Louis W. Raben, the secretary and treasurer. In 1901 our subject, with Allyn B. Hart and the late August Schieber, or ganized the Consumers' Ice and Cold Storage Company, of Mt. Vernon (see chapter on Manufacturing and Commercial Enterprises), of which he is president. He is also president of the John Larkin Company, of Mt. Vernon, manufacturers of washing compounds and toilet preparations. As a builder of residence property Mr. Raben has done much for the city of Mt. Vernon, having built within the past ten years twenty-one houses. 232 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY He has had in view, as his principal object in this work, the offering of an opportunity to men of the laboring and salaried class to own their own homes, as he has sold on the small payment plan and at prices which have been reasonable. Measures having for their object the welfare of the city and its residents have always received his active support. His political allegiance has been given to the Democratic party. He is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and of its house committee since the General Hovey home was purchased ; Posey aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, and the German Aid Society of Mt. Vernon. Mr. Raben married, on May 17, 1881, Miss Rosa Fuelling, the daughter of Clamour and Regina Fuelling, of Mt. Vernon, where Mr. Fuelling is a well known merchant tailor. They are the parents of three children : Antoinette, born December 13, 1883, the wife of John W. Hall, dry cleaner and tailor of Mt. Vernon; Louis W. Raben, a sketch of whom follows this review ; and Vera, born March 16, 1892, who resides with her parents. In the successes realized by Mr. Raben, and they are substantial ones, his wife has been of poten tial assistance. Shortly after their marriage, when reverses had swept away about all he possessed, her sympathy, counsel and courage put heart and fighting spirit into his efforts, while her sound business judg ment, keen financial sense, and sound advice were drawn upon within stint. Her possession of business qualification of high order have in no wise detracted from her love of home and family. She has reared her children to be useful citizens, the home life of the family has been per fect, and she is one of the popular hostesses of her home city. Louis William Raben, secretary, treasurer and general manager of the Mt. Vernon Construction Company, is a native of Posey county and was born in Mt. Vernon on' July 26, 1887, the son of Theodore and Rosa (Fuelling) Raben, personal mention of whom precedes this review. Louis W. Raben received his early educational discipline in the public schools of Mt. Vernon and subsequently completed a course in the Chris tian Brothers College at St. Louis, Mo. In 1903, when but seventeen years of age, he entered the employ of the Lee Lumber Company, of Memphis, Tenn., as bookkeeper, a position he filled with credit until 1906, when ill health compelled him to resign. He returned to Mt. Ver non and spent the year in recuperating from an operation. In 1907 he assisted in the organization of the Mt. Vernon Construction Company, and upon its incorporation was elected secretary and treasurer. In 1909 he was made general manager, succeeding S. A. Gano, who had filled the position since the establishment of the business. That he possesses busi ness qualifications of high order is proven in the growth of the business of the company under his management, together with the standard of work which it has completed. He has pluck and energy, a pleasing per sonality and is recognized as one of the most successful. of the young HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 233 business men of the county. Mr. Raben is unmarried and resides with his parents. He is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, of which he is lecturing knight. He is a communicant of the Catholic church. Daniel Oscar Barker, a leading lawyer of southwestern Indiana and a prominent citizen of Posey county, of which he is a native, was born on his father's farm in Robb township, July 31, 1853, the son of Hiram and Elizabeth A. (Fitzgerrell) Barker. Hiram Barker is a native of Ken tucky, born near Bowling Green on February 25, 1824, and now a resident of the city of Mt. Vernon. He came to Indiana when a lad of ten years of age, his parents locating in Gibson county. Here he spent the early years of his life, underwent the vicissitudes incident to that pioneer period, and became a successful farmer. His farm and residence were near the city of Owensville. He became a resident of Mt. Vernon about 1889, and is one of the oldest men in Posey county, his ninetieth birth day occurring in 1914. His wife was a daughter of John S. Fitzgerrell, who was a native of Posey county, and the son of James and Elizabeth (Ray) Fitzgerrell, natives of Ireland, who became pioneer settlers in Robb township. Daniel Oscar Barker acquired his early education in the public schools of Owensville. Subsequently he entered the law de partment of the Indiana State University and was graduated a member of the class of 1875. He located for practice in Brinston, Ind., where he remained but a few months, removing to McPherson, Kan., the county seat of McPherson county, then in its formative period. Here he built up a lucrative business, was recognized as one of the leading men in his profession in the county, and attained an influential position as a citi zen. The severe crop failures, grasshopper plague and reaction from the booming of county seat towns in the early '80s, caused him to return to Indiana, in 1885. He became a resident of the city of Mt. Ver non and resumed the practice of his profession. In 1897 he formed, with George F. Zimmerman, a son-in-law, the firm of Barker & Zimmer man, and was his associate in practice- until 1907. In 1909 he formed with Roscoe Usher, his son, the firm of Barker & Barker, with which he was connected at the time of his death, on February 25, 1910. During his practice in Posey county, which covered a span of twenty-five years, Mr. Barker appeared in connection with the most important litigations in its courts. He had wide and comprehensive knowledge of the science of jurisprudence, was a man of strong character and individuality, an orator of- no mean power and in argument logical and convincing. He was held in high esteem by the fellow members of his profession and the citizens of his county, in which he attained a position of prominence. Mr. Barker married, on May 25, 1876, Miss Alice B. Doss, the daughter of Azriah Doss, who built the first grist mill in Posey county. This was located at Blairsville. Mr. and Mrs. Barker became the parents of six 234 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY children, five of whom are living. They are, in order of birth, as follows : Mabel, born January 8, 1878, the wife of George F. Zimmerman, for ten years the associate of Mr. Barker in the practice of law and now a res ident of Oklahoma City, Okla. ; Roscoe Usher Barker, a review of whom follows this article; Mary V., born February 20, 1889; Claude F., born July 1, 1892, an employe of the Chalmers Motor Company, of Detroit, Mich. ; and Gladys A., born October 2, 1894, a graduate of the Mt. Ver non High School, class of 1912 ; Loyette Barker, born July 8, 1882, died February 4, 1902. When a child of eighteen months she received an injury that resulted in curvature of the spine. She was a brilliant scholar and though an invalid through life was insistent on being al lowed to attend school, and completed the tenth grade. Mr. Barker was a high type of the American gentleman, unassuming and conservative, diligent in his duties and commercial affairs, and conscientious in all things. He was a student, possessed a large and well selected library and kept thoroughly in touch with the men and affairs of his day. Po litical office never appealed to him, although he never neglected in the least his civic duties. He was a Democrat. He was a member of the Masonic order and prominent in the work of the various bodies of that order in Mt. Vernon. He was a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and Criterion Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Roscoe Usher Barker, prosecuting attorney of the Eleventh judicial circuit of Indiana, was born at McPherson, Kan., November 2, 1879, the son of Daniel O. and Alice B. (Doss) Barker, a review of whom precedes this article. Roscoe U. Barker was reared in the city of Mt. Vernon, where his parents located when he was six years of age. His early education was gained in the schools of the city and subsequently he entered the lit erary department of the Indiana University, from which he was grad uated with the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the class of 1901. He re ceived the degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1907. He engaged in teaching in the school year 1901-2 in Mt. Vernon, and was principal of the gram mar school during the years 1902-3-4 and 1905. From 1905 until 1907 he was in the office of Baker & Zimmerman, of which his father was the senior member. In the last named year he commenced the active prac tice of law, although admitted to the bar in 1901. He formed with his father, in 1909, the firm of Barker & Barker, an association which lasted but one year, his father's death occurring in 1910. He was appointed to his present office on March 1, 1913, by Governor Ralston, for a term of two years, his circuit, the Eleventh, comprising Posey county, having been cut down by the making of Gibson county a separate circuit in 1913. Since attaining his majority he has taken an active part in the political affairs of 'his home city and county. He is president of the Democratic Central Committee of Mt. Vernon, and is influential in the councils of HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 235 his- party. He has attained the Council degrees in Masonry and is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, of which he is exalted ruler. Mr. Barker is recognized as not only one of the coming men of the Indiana State bar, but as one of the progressive citizens of Mt. Vernon who are using their best efforts toward the growth and development of their city. Frederick W. Nolte, deceased, formerly a farmer and land owner on a large scale, was born in Prussia, Germany, June 14, 1847, an^ died August 20, 1899. He was a son of August and Charlotte (Schwartz) Nolte, natives of Germany, who came to the United States in 1856, locat ing at Evansville, Ind., where he followed the occupation of shoemaker. Frederick Nolte obtained a good German education in the schools of Germany, but his English education was acquired by his own efforts. At the age of thirteen years he began clerking in a dry goods, boot and shoe establishment in Evansville, continuing there for a number of years, and then going into an exclusive dry goods store. Here he re mained seven years. Later he became managing proprietor of a large dry goods store, but discontinued this after eighteen months and became a traveling salesman, which vocation he followed successfully for five years. In 1880 he removed to Mt. Vernon and bought 1,400 acres of land, at once becoming a successful farmer on a large scale. Frederick Nolte was twice married. His first wife was Miss Lizzie Link, whom he married in 1875, but who lived but seven months after their marriage. On April 23, 1879, Mr. Nolte married Miss Mary Ann Evison, daughter of James and Mary Ann (Broadhead) Evison. She was born May 10, 1855, in Mt. Vernon. Her father was born March 16, 1809, in England and came to America by way of New Orleans at the age of twenty-five. He died September 5, 1873, at Mt. Vernon, where he had been a merchant tailor. He was a consistent member of the Episcopal church. During the Civil war he was a member of the State Home Guards. Mr. Evison was married, August 13, 1839, to Miss Mary Ann Broadhead, daughter of William and Mary Ann (Baldwin) Broadhead. Mary Ann Broadhead was born April 12, 1813, and died August 3, 1883. They had seven chil dren, all of whom died in infancy except Mary Ann, who became Mrs. Frederick Nolte. Mr. and Mrs. Nolte had six children, four daughters and two sons : Mary Evison, born September 17, 1880, graduated from the Mt. Vernon High School and became a teacher of note in the State, married E. M. Spencer, Jr. (see sketch of Elijah M. Spencer), November 30, 1900, and they have one child, Elizabeth, born July 20, 1901 ; Lola Evison, born November 3, 1881 ; Frederick Evison, born February 25, 1884; James Evison, born April 2, 1885; Lucy Isabel, born January 1, 1892 ; Emily, born August 9, 1894. George Washington Robertson, deceased, inventor, banker and public official, was born December 22, 1842, in Connersville, Ind., son of Thomas 236 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY and Lydia (Frost) Robertson, natives of Westchester county, New York. He was the eldest of five children. After finishing high school he became a clerk to a qtiartermaster in the United States Navy at the age of nineteen. At the age of twenty-one he was commissioned pay master of the flag ship "Carondelet" for a fleet of twenty-one vessels. On account of sickness he resigned after a service of four years, and after remaining one year at a sanitarium in New York he entered the college at Marietta, Ohio, taking the full collegiate course. He then took a commercial course in Chicago, all at his own expense. He be came clerk in a bank at Muncie, Ind., and later in Evansville, Ind. In 1880 he organized the Monticello National Bank at Monticello, Ind., becomings its cashier and its active head. Three years later he came to Mt. Vernon and became assistant cashier of the First National Bank. Under President Harrison's administration he was appointed chief of the redemption division of the United States Treasury, holding this office ten years. He assisted in counting all the funds in the United States treasury for both the outgoing and incoming administrations of Presi dents Cleveland and Harrison. Mr. Robertson also was an inventor, hav ing patented the Robertson machine gun, which he sold to the Govern ment for use in the army and navy. He had a number of other patents, among which was the automobile seat. He retired from active life in 1899 and died July 5, 1912. In politics he was a Republican and his fra ternal affiliations were with the Knights Templars. On June 10, 1875, Mr. Robertson married Miss Anna Pullar Lockwood, daughter of John M. and Caroline Charlotte (Newman) Lockwood. She was born Novem ber 23, 1852, at Evansville, Ind. John M. Lockwood was a descendant of Edmund Lockwood, who came with Governor Winthrop and his Pil grim band in 1630. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson had one child, Estella Lock- wood. She lives with her mother at 604 Main street, Mt. Vernon, on Lot No. 179, corner of Main and Sixth streets, which is the same lot on which the first school house in Posey county was built. Miss Robertson is an expert musician and a teacher of theory, harmony and composition. She was educated in Chicago and in Washington, D. C. Mrs. Robertson is a literary woman, making frequent contributions to the press on historic subjects and on present day matters of general interest. Hon. William Gonnerman. — Success in any line of occupation, in any avenue of business, is not a matter of spontaneity, but represents the result of the application of definite subjective forces and the controlling of objective agencies in such a way as to achieve desired ends. Mr. Gonnerman has realized a large and substantial success in the business world and his career has well exemplified the truth of the foregoing statements. He occupies today a large place in the commercial circles of the city of Mt. Vernon and is a potential force in its most important industry. He has large and varied capitalistic interests and is one of the HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 237 distinctively representative men of Posey county. Progressive and en ergetic in the management of these varied affairs, loyal and public spir ited as a citizen, he holds a secure position in the confidence and esteem of the community and has contributed in large measure to the industrial advancement of Mt. Vernon. He is viceTpresident of the Keck-Gonner- man Company and the People's Bank and Trust Company and president of the Industrial Brick Company, specifically mentioned on other pages of this volume. William Gonnerman is a native of Germany and was born in Solz, county of Rodenberg, Province of Hessen-Nassau, on Jan uary 5, 1856, the son of Adam and Martha (Ripple) Gonnerman. The father, Adam Gonnerman, owned and managed a bakery in the town of Solz, having learned the trade when a boy, and the business has, since his death, been conducted by his son-in-law. Mrs. Gonnerman survived the death of her husband but three years, passing to her reward in 1904. The surviving children by this union are : Catherine, the widow of Johann Schaefer, machinist of Sontra, Germany ; Christina, the wife of William Shaus, a farmer of Armstrong, Vanderburg county, Indiana ; Conrad, foreman of the Louisville & Nashville railroad's freight depot in Evans ville ; Rudolph, in the forestry service of the German government ; Wil liam, the subject of this review; Henry, secretary of insurance for the Province of Nassau ; Elizabeth, the wife of George Gross, of Sontra; Her man, a retired baker, of Eschwege, Germany; Eliza, the wife of Fred Eichholz, a saloonkeeper, of Cassel; Christian, proprietor of a bakery in Eschwege, Germany; and Julia, the wife of Henry Abel, baker, of Solz, Germany, and successor to Adam Gonnerman. Adam J. Gonner man, the eldest child of this union, died in 1883. William Gonnerman re ceived his education in the public schools of his native town, was ap prenticed to the machinist's trade, which he learned under his brother- in-law, Johann Shaefer, and became a journeyman machinist at the age of seventeen. In 1873 he decided to avail himself of the broader opportu nities offered in the United States. He landed at Castle Garden, and later came to Evansville, Ind. He secured employment in the foundry and machine shops of Conrad Gratz, and was made foreman in 1878, a position which he creditably filled until 1884. In the year mentioned he removed to Mt. Vernon, and here instituted his first independent busi ness venture. With John Keck and Henry Kippler he formed the firm of Keck, Gonnerman & Co., and engaged in the foundry business. From the modest enterprise thus established has been developed the extensive and important industry of the Keck-Gonnerman Company, the most important industrial plant in Posey county, and one of the largest and most successful in southwestern Indiana. As vice-president in charge of the manufacturing and sales departments of the company he has been responsible for the high standard of quality maintained in its products, their efficiency in performance, and improvement in design. That he 238 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY possesses the qualifications necessary to the successful management of the departments under his charge is proven by the highly satisfactory growth of the business of the corporation. He is also president of the Industrial Brick Company, of Mt. Vernon, of which he and Louis A. Keck were the principal organizers. A review of these enterprises is found in the chapter, "Manufacturing and Commercial Enterprises," to which the reader is referred for supplemental information. In 1908 he, with Charles A. Greathouse, organized the People's Bank and Trust Company, of Mt. Vernon. He was elected vice-president on its incorpora tion and is still serving in that capacity. A review of this institution is found in the chapter, "Banks and Banking." For some time he was the senior member of the form of William Gonnerman & Co., who owned and operated the electric lighting plant at Mt. Vernon. Mr. Gonnerman has always taken an active interest in the questions of the day and he has actively supported, both with time and money, those measures which have had for their object the betterment of civic, commercial and social conditions. He is a Republican. He was elected to the city coun cil in 1890 and served for ten years. He introduced the measure, which was passed, providing the fund for the building of the present city hall, and it was through his efforts that modern fire equipment was provided by the city. He was elected to the State senate in 1904 and served one term, which included the regular sessions of 1907 and 1909 and the special session of 1908. He was made chairman of one of the most important of the committees, that of manufactures, and was a member of those on banks and banking, agriculture, executive appointments, labor, fees and sal aries, claims and expenditures, and congressional apportionment. He refused to become a candidate for renomination, as his business affairs required his attention. His election to the senate was a distinct personal victory, as he received a majority of 198 in a district having a normal Democratic majority of 600. Mr. Gonnerman is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks ; Criterion lodge, Knights of Pythias, and the Modern Woodmen of America. He is a member and generous supporter of the German Lutheran church. Mr. Gonnerman married, on September 7, 1875, Miss Lena Alexander, the daughter of Henry Alexander, a farmer of Rheinfaltz, of Germany. She died on April 5, 1891. They were the parents of the following chil dren: Margaret, born November 13, 1876, the wife of Joseph Forthof fer, a machinist in the employ of the Keck-Gonnerman Company ; Cath erine, born July 20, 1878, the wife of William Espencheid. an attorney of Mt. Vernon, a sketch of whom is published in this work; Caroline, born May 15, 1880, the wife of Ray Smith, lumber dealer of Mt. Vernon; William H. Gonnerman, born July 23, 1884, mechanical engineer, Keck- Gonnerman Company, and a graduate of Purdue University, class of 1906, and Lena, born December 31, 1888. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 239 William Mason Holton, M. D. — Among the physicians and surgeons of Indiana who attained a distinction merited by years of study, observa tion and practice, was he whose name initiates this article. An active practitioner in his profession for fifty-eight years, he equalled, in length of service, the record of American practice. Doctor Holton was born in Westminster, Vt., on July 15, 1827, a son of William and Betsey (Mason) Holton. His ancestors, paternal and maternal, were among the early settlers of America, and numbered among them are men who achieved distinction in the frontier life of those early days, in the commercial era which followed, in the French and Indian wars, and later in the War of the Revolution. The Holton family was founded in America by Wil liam Holton, a native of Ipswich, England, who came to the Massachu setts Colony in 1634. He removed to Hartford, Conn., in 1636, where he was one of the first settlers, and died in Northampton, Mass., August 12, 1691. He was a member of the first board of magistrates and a repre sentative to the grand court. Doctor Holton is descended from William Holton as follows : John, the son of William, born in Hartford, died in Northampton, Mass., April 14, 1712. William, son of John, a resident of Northampton, Mass., died in 1756; John, son of William, was born in Northampton, Mass., August 24, 1707, died in Northfield, Mass., Octo ber, 1793. Joel, son of John, born in Northfield, Mass., July 10, 1738, died August 12, 1821. He was one of the twelve original settlers of Westminster, Vt., built and owned the first saw mill in the town, and was one of its most influential citizens. His brother, Solomon Holton, was a lieutenant in the Colonial army and served throughout the War of the Revolution. William, the son of Joel, was born in Westminster, Vt., July 26, 1771. He was a farmer and removed to McDonough county, Illinois, in 1835, where he died in 1857. His son, William, born in West minster, Vt., October 31, 1801, was the father of Doctor Holton. He was a farmer, and with his father settled in McDonough county, Illinois, in 1835. He married, on September 15, 1826, at Cavendish, Vt., Betsey Ma son, a member of a pioneer family of that State. William Mason Hol ton acquired his literary education in the public schools of Vermont and Illinois. He later determined to make the practice of medicine his life work and entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, of New York City, from which he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medi cine in 1852. Following his graduation he spent one year in practice in that city. In 1853 he removed to Plymouth, 111., practicing his profession in that town until 1859, when he came to Posey county, Indiana, and located in Stewartsville. Doctor Holton served for about two years in support of the Union cause in the Civil war. He enlisted in 1861 in Com pany D, Sixtieth Indiana volunteer infantry, and became lieutenant of his company. He was transferred by Governor Morton, in 1862, to the Twenty-fifth Indiana and served as assistant surgeon of that regiment 240 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY until 1863, when he was compelled to resign on account of ill health. In 1863 he located at New Harmony, his place of residence until his death, which occurred on December 13, 1910. As a physician and sur geon he was considered one of the most able in his section of the State. Until his death, at the age of eighty-three, he continued to keep up his interest in the advancement of the science of medicine. He possessed a large library, which was well selected and of wide range. He was a stu dent all his life, a great reader, and kept abreast of the times, not only as to his profession, but upon general subjects as well. He was a mem ber of the Posey County Medical Society, the Indiana State Medical So ciety and the American Medical Association. The meetings of these or ganizations were his opportunity for relaxation from practice, kept him in touch with fellow practitioners and the advancement in medicine and surgery. He seldom failed to attend these gatherings, even during his latter years. He took an active interest in the political affairs of his county and State, was a Republican from the birth of the party, and in fluential in the councils of his local organizations. He had neither incli nation nor time for public office, although frequently urged to become a candidate. Doctor Holton married, at Elizabethtown, Essex county, New York, on March 14, 1853, Miss Caroline E. Cuyler, the daughter of Col. E. S. Cuyler, a prominent lawyer of Essex, and a member of one of the pioneer families of that section of the State. She was born in Essex, Essex county, on December 24, 1833, and died in New Harmony, March 8, 1873. They were parents of eight children, five of whom are living. They are as follows : Mrs. Fannie C. Kight, of Washburn, 111. ; Mrs. Cornelia Catherine Brigham, of Chicago, 111. ; Mrs. Minnie G. Bailey, the wife of William S. Bailey, lawyer of Tulsa, Okla. ; William E. Holton, cashier of the Mt. Vernon National Bank, a review of whose life follows this sketch ; and Frank C. Holton, of Plymouth, 111., an employe of the Post Office Department, rural mail service. Those deceased are : Emma E., who married Leo Kahn, of Evansville, Ind. ; Charlotte E., who was the wife of August Duysing, of Evansville; and Mary Alice, who died August 4, 1875. The tributes of respect, and in many cases of affec tion, called forth by the death of Doctor Holton have seldom been equalled in Posey county in the passing away of a citizen. His life work was finished; it had met to a great extent the fullness of his ambition. But infinitely more precious and of personal consequence to him was the fact that he died rich in the possession of a well earned popularity, and in the affection that slowly develops only from unselfish works. William Edward Holton. — The growth and development of Posey county, particularly its commercial and industrial development, has been accomplished by and with the assistance of its financial institutions. In the conduct of the business of its banks opportunity has been given many men to exercise not only their financial talents, but to greatly assist in HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 24I molding public opinion along constructive, productive and progressive lines. In this respect no man has been a more consistent supporter of and worker for those measures which have had for their object the "growth of the commercial and industrial enterprises of the county than he whose name initiates this article. William Edward Holton, cashier of the Mt. Vernon National Bank and treasurer of the People's Loan and Savings Association, was born in Stewartsville, Robb township, Posey county, on November 27, 1861, the son of the late William M. Holton, a prominent physician of the county, a personal review of whom precedes this article, and his wife, Caroline E. Cuyler. He acquired his education in the schools of his native county and was graduated from the New Harmony High School in 1881, a member of its first class, which had but two members, our subject and his step-sister (Miss Mollie Foe- tageot, now Mrs. John M. Hale, of Oklahoma City). From 1881 to 1883, he was engaged in teaching in Harmony and Bethel townships. In the last named year he initiated his banking career by entering the employ of the Mt. Vernon Banking Company in the capacity of individual book keeper. He was made assistant cashier in 1889 and elected cashier in 1898. Since the death of Charles A. Parke, its president, in 1900, he has been the controlling executive. The history of the Mt. Vernon Banking Company and of its successor, the Mt. Vernon National Bank, since his employment by the former institution, is the history of Mr. Holton's identification with the banking life of Indiana. An article descriptive of this bank is included in the chapter on "Banks and Bank ing," to which the reader may consistently refer for supplemental infor mation. He is known to the banking fraternity as a close student, not only of banking, but of commercial and industrial methods and condi tions, and is considered one of the most able financiers of Southern In diana. He was one of the organizers of the Germania Loan and Savings Association, incorporated in 1887, and served as treasurer until the busi ness was voluntarily liquidated in 1907. He is treasurer of the People's Loan and Savings Association, incorporated in December, 1905, and was one of its organizers. He has been a member and active supporter of the various commercial organizations of the city of Mt. Vernon. His efforts in assisting these organizations to attract manufacturing and commercial enterprises to locate in the city have been second to none; while his individual services along this line have been of inestimable value. Mr. Holton has always taken a keen interest in the questions of the day and has been actively identified with the political life of his county and State. He is a Republican. Political office has never ap pealed to him. He is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevo lent and Protective Order of Elks, and of Criterion Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Mr. Holton married on June 25, 1890, Miss Otillie E. Brink- man, the daughter of Henry Brinkman, pioneer manufacturer and mer- 242 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY chant of Mt. Vernon, personal mention of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. They are the parents of one child, a daughter, Margaret Cuyler Holton, born August 18, 1899. The family have long been prom inent in the social life of the county and the attractive home in Mt. Vernon is known for its gracious hospitality. Mrs. Holton is a member of the Episcopal church and active in the charitable and social work of that organization. Judge William P. Edson (deceased), formerly an eminent jurist of Posey county, was born May 14, 1834, in Mt. Vernon, where he resided all his life and where he was the first mayor of the town. His father, the Hon. Eben D. Edson, was an early settler and a talented lawyer of Southwestern Indiana who came from Otsego county, New York, in 1828 and located in Mt. Vernon, where he resided until his death on March 4, 1846. He held several offices of trust and was representative in the legislature and at the time of his death was prosecuting attorney - of Posey county. Sarah L. Phelps, the mother of Judge Edson, was a native of Litchfield, Conn., and removed to Leavenworth, Ind., where she was married. She lived to see her son attain a high position among his fellow men, who placed unlimited confidence in his ability and worth. Her death occurred September 2, 1868. William Edson entered the schools of Mt. Vernon when quite young and later obtained an excellent education in the seminary at that place. Before reaching manhood he had read every book in the public library of Posey county that was calculated to be of benefit to him in later years. He was a close student, consequently his mind was a storehouse containing the main facts in the many valuable works he read. After finishing his education he obtained a position as teacher in a country, school. He then taught two terms at Mt. Vernon. At the age of nineteen he began the study of law in the office of Judge John Pitcher, and, after two years, was , admitted to practice. In October, 1856, he was elected representative to the leg islature, being the youngest member of that body. He was placed on some very important committees, among which was the joint senate and house committee on the State library, of which he was chairman. He introduced a bill providing for the geological survey of the State, to aid in its mineral development, and made several important speeches advocating its passage, on which he was highly complimented by the leading newspapers of the State. It was adopted at the next session of the legislature. In 1858 he was elected prosecuting attorney for Posey and Gibson counties and held that position one term. -In 1871 he was appointed judge of the court of common pleas for Posey, Gibson, Van derburg and Warrick counties, in which capacity he distinguished him self by his knowledge of law and his business dispatch. On January 1, 1862, Judge Edson married Erruphene Lockwood, of Mt. Vernon, and to this union five children were born : Eben Darwin, born November 9, HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 243 1862, died November 15, 1879; Louisa Lockwood, born May 17, 1864, died August 15, 1865 ; Sarah Phelps, born June 21, 1866, now the wife of Judge James W. Henson, of Henderson, Ky. ; John Murrey, of Evans ville, Ind., born November 28, 1868; Caroline Charlotte, born December 27, 1873. Caroline became the wife of Amos Erwin September 6, 1893, by whom she had one child, Edson Lockwood, born September 12, 1897. She took as her second husband James Humber, a Mississippi cotton planter, to whom she was married July 12, 1916. Mrs. Edson, the esteemed wife of Judge Edson, is a daughter of John M. Lockwood, a prominent pioneer of Southern Indiana, born in Westchester county, New York, April 24, 1809. In 1852 he removed to Mt. Vernon, where he died April 30, 1902. He Avas a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln, was active in public life in Posey county, being one of the founders of the First National Bank of Mt. Vernon, in which he was a large stock holder and of which he was president for sixteen. years. He served in this capacity without compensation other than from the dividends upon his stockholdings in the institution. Silas Green Howard, former auditor of Posey county, junior member of the firm of Hoehn & Howard, a -leading real estate and insurance firm of Mt. Vernon, was born in Obian county, Tennessee, August 25, 1858, the son of William A. and Louisa E. (Roden) Lloward. The Howard family is of Irish ancestry, was founded in the Virginia colony previous to the War of the Revolution, and was also early settlers of Tennessee. The Roden family came to Kentucky during its formative period. William A. Howard was reared a farmer, but later became a wagon maker. His death occurred in 1881, and that of his wife in 1893. Both are buried in Mt. Vernon, of which they became residents in 1873. Silas Green Howard acquired his education in the schools of his native State and in Posey county, graduating from the Mt. Vernon Lligh School in 1878. Following his graduation he became a teacher in the schools of Mt. Vernon. In 1883 he resigned as principal of the East Ward School to accept the position of deputy auditor of Posey county and remained in this office through the administrations of George Green and Thomas J. Johnson. He was elected auditor of the county in 1898 and re-elected in 1902. His service as auditor and as deputy was cred itable to himself and his constituents. He has always been a consistent advocate of the principles and policies of the Democratic party. He formed in 1908, with George L. Hoehn, the firm of Hoehn & Howard, with which he has since been identified. The firm is a leader in the real estate and insurance field in Posey county and its principles are recog nized as among the progressive and successful men of their county. Mr. Howard married on September 24, 1902, Miss Catherine Mann, a daughter of Philip Mann, a successful business man of Mt. Vernon. They are the parents of two children: Catherine Louisa Howard, born 244 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY August 16, 1903, and William Philip Howard, born November 16, 1907. Mr. Howard is a member of the Masonic order and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Francis Braddock MacGregor (deceased), formerly a manufacturer and land owner on a large scale, veteran of the Civil war, was born at High land, W. Va., July 24, 1845. His parents, who were natives of Scotland, had eight children : John, Sarah, Florence, Francis B., Susana, James F., Joseph P. and William Alexander, all deceased, except James F. and William Alexander, the last named being in the plaining mill business in Mt. Vernon. Francis Braddock was left an orphan at the early age of eight years, and went to live with his grandparents at Marietta, Ohio, where he received a public school education. At the age of sixteen years he enlisted in Company B, Seventy-seventh Ohio regiment, and served four years in the Civil war, attaining the rank of sergeant. He was in many important battles, was taken prisoner once, but never wounded. He was discharged at the close of the war with an excellent record. He came to Posey county, Indiana, and purchased a farm near Mt. Vernon. A year later he engaged in the saw milling and grain threshing business, and in 1873 returned to Cairo, W. Va. Here he followed mercantile pursuits until November, 1876, when he returned to Posey county and took up his residence at Farmersville, and resumed the saw milling busi ness. In 1880 he and his brother, William A., bought a farm of 1,000 acres on the Wabash river, clearing this farm and sawing up the timber. In 1883 he removed to Mt. Vernon and March 1, 1884, purchased a one- half interest in the saw mill and stave factory owned by Ford & Vander- grift, retaining Ford as a partner and later having a chain of mills in Mississippi and buying large tracts of timbered land in that State. He founded the town of Ritchie, Miss., and was a successful promoter on a large scale, accumulating quite a fortune. He was a liberal donor to charity. Mr. MacGregor was a Republican in politics, and his fraternal affiliations were with the Knights Templar Masons, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and the Elks. He belonged to the Presbyterian church. He served four years as a member of the city council from the second ward and being public-spirited and progres sive he was instrumental in having the streets of Mt. Vernon paved. In 1880, he, with Mr. Ford, his partner, installed the_ electric lighting system. Mr. MacGregor died at Ritchie, Miss., November 24, 1906, and his re mains were brought to Mt. Vernon for burial. On January 21, 1869, oc curred the marriage of Francis Braddock MacGregor and Miss Louise Catherine Monroe, daughter of Edwin and Miranda (North) Monroe. She was born June 7, 1850, in Mt. Vernon, Ind. Her father was born in New York in 1815, his parents being natives of Scotland. He came to Mt. Vernon at the age of sixteen and was a brick mason. He later bought a farm four miles north of town and farmed for forty-seven years HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 245 prior to his death, which occurred January 31, 1899. He was married July 15, 1840, and had thirteen children as follows: Julia A., Darius North, Mary Jane, Charles P., Louise Catherine, Nathaniel Stewart, Al vin Hovey, Emily, William, Ira Hackett, James Madison, Edwin Sher man and Derusha Ella. Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor had three children: Olive, born October 11, 1869, married Frank M. Smith, June 27, 1894. had one child, Francis McGregor, born April 5, 1900, and lost her husband January 6, 1900; Inez, born October 1, 1872; Charles Monroe, born June 2, 1876, graduate of Purdue University, at Lafayette, Ind., now an electrician of Mt. Vernon. Charles Married Miss Mabel Clair Highman, on November 27, 1907, and they have one child, Sarah Catherine, born December 2, 1908. William Espenschied, prominent attorney, popular citizen, and senior member of the law firm of Espenschied & Curtis, of Mt. Vernon, was born at Leavenworth, Kan., April 27, 1876, the son of Peter and Kath- erine (Schnarr) Espenschied. Mr. Espenschied was reared in the city of Mt. Vernon, of which his parents became residents in 1878, was grad uated from its high school in 1892, and completed a two-year course in the State University at Bloomington. From 1895 until 1897, he was en gaged in teaching in the public schools of Posey county. He then read law and was admitted to practice in 1898. In November of the last named year he was appointed deputy prosecuting attorney for the Eleventh judicial district, composed of Posey and Gibson counties. He remained in this ppsition until 1901, when he became prosecuting attor ney of this district, having been elected in 1900. He was elected to succeed himself in 1902. His record in the office was creditable to him self and to his constituents. Following his retirement, in 1905, he re sumed the practice of law, and in 1910 formed with Hon. George Wil liam Curtis the firm of Espenschied & Curtis. During the years of his practice, Mr. Espenschied has appeared in connection with important litigations in both the State and Federal courts, and is recognized by members of the bar as an able and conscientious practitioner. He is a member of the Masonic order and of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benev olent and Protective Order of Elks. Mr. Espenschied married, on October 30, 1901, Miss Katherine Gonnerman, daughter of Hon. William Gonner man, a personal review of whom appears elsewhere in this work. They are the parents of one child, William Peter Espenschied, born August 28, 1903. Kelly De Fur, clerk of the circuit court of Posey county, was born on his father's farm near Wadesville, Center township, on May 5, 1875, the son of Theophilus and Eliza (Wade) De Fur. He is of French an cestry on the paternal side, the De Fur family having been founded in America during the Colonial period, when his ancestors came from France to the Carolina colony. The family dates its founding in Posey 246 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY county from the settlement in Robb township of De Fur, the great-grandfather of our subject. Thomas De Fur, his son, became a man of influence in his township, was a farmer, a lifelong Democrat, and supported the Christian church. Theophilus, the son of Thomas and father of our subject, was born in Robb township. He was a car penter and cabinet maker. He sold furniture, made coffins, and acted as the undertaker of that district. He married Eliza Wade, the daughter of Thomas Wade, a native of South Carolina, and a pioneer resident of Center township. He was a successful farmer, influential, and founder of the town of Wadesville. Theophilus De Fur and wife were the par ents of four children, three of whom survive his death, which occurred on January 24, 1886. They are : William E. De Fur, a machinist of Ash- ton, 111.; Kelly, the subject of this sketch, and Omar, born May 18, 1885, of Wadesville, with whom the mother resides. A son, Thomas, died an infant. Kelly De Fur received his education in the schools of Center township, working during his boyhood years as a farm hand. In 1893, he entered the employ of Thomas D. Shelton, grain dealer of Wades ville, as bookkeeper and buyer, remaining in this position until 1895, when he became a clerk in the general store of James Cross, Wadesville. In 1904, he formed a partnership with Walter Williams, under the firm name of De Fur & Williams, and they engaged in the hardware busi ness at Wadesville. He disposed of his interest in this enterprise in 1905 and secured a position as a traveling salesman, which he followed until March, 1906, when he formed with Louis Schlosser, a brother-in-law, the firm of De Fur & Schlosser, general merchants, Wadesville. In 1909, the interest of Mr. Schlosser was bought by John A. Wade, and the firm style changed to De Fur & Wade. The business was liquidated in 191 1. Subsequently, Mr. De Fur, a lifelong Democrat, received the nomination of clerk of the circuit court, and was elected by more than the normal majority. He entered office on January 1, 1913. Since his incumbency of the office, the administration of its business affairs have been such as to receive public commendation. He is an untiring worker, his courtesy is unfailing, and he possesses the qualifications for the success ful conduct of the office. Mr. De Fur is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and of the Modern Woodmen of America. He married on November 3, 1898, Miss Emma Schlosser, the daughter of Christian Schlosser, a well known farmer of Wadesville. They are the parents of two children : Dale De Fur, born June 3, 1900, and Clyde De Fur, born January 1, 1910. Charles Smith, Jrl, founder of the retail lumber firm of Charles Smith & Sons, well known citizen of Posey county, and veteran of the Civil war, was a native of Germany, born in Baden on June 8, 1844, the son of Carl Schmidt, who brought his family to the United States in 1852, and first settled in Shawneetown, 111. He afterwards removed to Carmi, HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 247 that State, and later became a resident of Mt. Vernon, Ind., where he was engaged in the saw mill and lumber business, from which he retired in 1890, and died in Mt. Vernon in 1902. Charles Smith, Jr., as the name is now spelled, enlisted in Company F, Eighty-seventh Illinois volunteer mounted infantry on August 15, 1862, and served for three years with his regiment, being mustered out in Helena, Ark., June 16, 1865. On the conclusion of his military service he entered the employ of Charles Schaumberger, a retail grocer of Mt. Vernon. About 1868, he formed with his father, the firm of Charles Smith & Son, and engaged in the manufacture of lumber, their mill being at the corner of Sycamore and Saw Mill streets. In 1882, Louis Smith, a brother, was admitted to part nership, and the firm named changed to Charles Smith & Sons. In 1886, the entire plant was destroyed by fire, the loss suffered being a total one, as they carried no insurance. Two years later the business was moved to its present location on Second street. In 1890, the elder Smith retired and the business was continued by the sons under the firm style of Charles Smith, Jr., & Brother. In 1901, Louis Smith retired from the firm, and Mr. Smith's four sons were admitted to partnership, under the present name of Charles Smith, Jr., & Sons. On January 24 of the fol lowing year, 1902, Mr. Smith died, his life work ended, and which in cluded one of his cherished wishes; the establishing of his sons in the business which he had developed until it was the leading one in its line in Posey county. He was a man of strict integrity, of warm friend ships, a home builder; a predominant characteristic of whom was his fatherliness, his great foresight in caring for his own, and his tender sympathy with them was conspicuous in his life. He believed in the family and the fireside, and in the sacredness of the hearth. Mr. Smith married on January 7, 1869, Miss Lizsette Armbruster, the daughter of Barnabus Armbruster, a well known farmer of Black township, and a native of Germany. She was born on September 2, 1844, in Marrs town ship, Posey county. They were the parents of seven children, five of whom, with their mother, survive. They are in order of birth, as follows : Charles Edward, born February 14, 1871 ; William Lee, born February 20, 1874; Clinton F., born December 19, 1876; Ira A., born December 28, 1878, allof whom are members of the firm of Charles Smith, Jr., & Sons ; Winona A., born March 28, 1882, the wife of Otto Weilbrenner, of Mt. Vernon ; Ordella M., born November 20, 1869, and Ruby, born July 4, 1885, are deceased. The business of Charles Smith, Jr., & Sons, owned by the four sons of its founder and their mother, is conceded to be, by those in the lumber industry, one of the best managed enterprises of its kind in Southern Indiana. They operate a planing mill, carry a general line of rough and dressed lumber, and finished builders' material. The buildings are models of their kind and equipped with modern labor saving devices for the satisfactory conduct of the business. The build- 248 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY ings and yards occupy a space having a frontage on Second street of 148 feet, and extending back to the Ohio river. The plant represents an investment of $18,000, one half million feet of lumber is carried in stock and the average sales per year total $40,000. In the conduct of the busi ness Charles E. Smith is in charge of the mill and yards, Clinton F. Smith is the buyer, William Lee Smith, who is an architect, the sales depart ment, and Ira F. Smith is the office manager. Joseph Milton Causey, sheriff of Posey county, successful agriculturist and prominent citizen, was born on his father's farm in Lynn township on February 27, 1864, the son of David Bryant and Margaret E. (Cox) Causey. The family was founded in Indiana in 1830, when Hutson Bryant Causey, born in North Carolina, in 1795, came to Posey county and settled in Center township, where David Bryant was born on July 1, 1840. The latter married in early manhood, Margaret E. Cox, the daughter of David Cox, who was also a pioneer resident of Center town ship. Hutson Causey and his son, David, were farmers. They under went the hardships incident to the development of a wilderness, cleared away the forest and made productive farm lands from it, were active and influential in the various phases of the life of their period, and performed men's work at a time when living was a strenuous performance and suc cess was obtained only through hard work and the enduring of many privations. Hutson Bryant Causey died in 1872, aged seventy-seven. His son, David Bryant, on September 13, 1900. Margaret Cox Causey preceded her husband to the rest eternal on October 1, 1892. They were the parents of eight children: Jane D., born December 11, 1861, is the wife of Daniel Willis, a farmer, who resides near Dexter, Mo. ; Joseph M., the subject of this review; Maria, born June 3, 1866, the wife of Henry Travers, a farmer of Center township ; William H., born January 20, 1870, a farmer, residing at Mt. Vernon; Emma B., born September 20, 1872, the wife of Henry Shaffer, a farmer of Lynn township ; Sarah J., born March 30, 1875, the wife of Elvis Wiley, also a farmer of Lynn town ship ; Enoch E., born December 30, 1877, a farmer of Lynn township, and Seth L., born January 22, 1880, of Lynn township. Joseph Milton Causey was reared on his father's farm and acquired his education in the district schools of Lynn and Center townships. Reared a farmer, he has continued in that line of endeavor, and has made a success of it. His farm property, which consists of 170 acres, is situated near Wadesville, in Center township, its improvements, which include a modern residence, erected in 1913, are of the best, and in the conduct of his farm work, he is recognized as one of the most progressive agriculturists in the coun ty. To the citizens of Posey county, Mr. Causey is best known through his service as sheriff, a position he has filled since 1910, although he had attained prominence in public life as trustee of Center township, an office to which he was elected in 1900, and in which he served from No- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 249 vember 16 of that year until January i, 1905. During his incumbency of this office he built some twelve miles of new dirt roadway, repaired or reconstructed nearly all of the bridges in the township, and secured the addition of high school work in the schools. He left the office with a cash balance of about $1,000 more than when he entered it, and not withstanding the large expenditures necessary for the improvements made by him, was able to reduce the tax levy from sixty-three to fifty- five cents. He has been a lifelong Democrat. He has always taken an active part in the work of his party, has been influential in its coun cils, and his record as trustee of his township was such as to secure for him the nomination for sheriff in 1908, which was followed by his elec tion by a flattering majority. He entered upon the duties of his office on January 1, 1910, and his administration of the business of this de partment of the county's official service has been commended for its effi ciency. He has always made good ; as a farmer, as trustee, and as sheriff. His methods have been clean, capable and honest, and he possesses a pop ularity which is deserved. He is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks ; Posey Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, and Wadesville Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Causey married, on August 10, 1884, Miss Laura Travers, the daughter of Joseph A. Travers, a well known farmer of Harmony township. They adopted, in 1894, a son, Edwin A. Causey, who is the manager of the Causey farm in Center township. He married, on July 11, 1909, Miss Lois Wade, the daughter of James A. Wade, a farmer of Center township. They are the parents of two children : Ralph Causey, born November 6, 191 1, and Joseph Merle Causey, born January 27, 1913. James M., born May 18, 1910, died January 26, 191 1. Dr. Arno Klein, a popular and successful young physician of Mt. Ver non, is a native of Posey county. He was born at Mt. Vernon, November 19, 1886, and is a son of Charles P. and Catherine (Schwerdt) Klein. The former is a native of Alzei, Germany, and the latter of Evansville, Ind. The father came to America when a young man and, for several years, was engaged in buying furs. He then settled in Kentucky and engaged in the general mercantile business at a place which he named Alzei, after his native city. He remained there until 1882, when he came to Mt. Vernon and engaged in the grocery business, which he has successfully conducted ever since, and is one of the substantial business men of Posey county. He has accumulated every dollar earned by straightforward business methods, which has won for him the confidence of the business world. The Klein family consists of two sons : Dr. Klein, of this re view, and Otto C, who is engaged in the grocery business with his father. Dr. Klein attended the public schools of Mount Vernon and was graduated from the high school in the class of 1906. He also at tended the Culver Military Academy three years. After spending a year 250 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY in Germany, he returned to America and entered the Jefferson Medical College, at Philadelphia, Pa. He graduated from this time-honored in stitution of medical science and surgery in 191 1, with a degree of Doctor of Medicine. After serving three months as interne in the Jefferson Hospital, he accepted a position in the Williamsport State Hospital, Williamsport, Pa. He remained there one year, when he returned to his home in Mt. Vernon, and engaged in the general practice of his profes sion. Dr. Klein is well known in the county, and his skill in the field he has chosen for his life's work was recognized from the start. He is capable, diligent, and a close student of the science of his profession, and enjoys a good practice. He was united in marriage February 26; 1913, to Miss Emily V. Brower, of Williamsport, Pa. Dr. Klein is a member of the Mt. Vernon Medical Society ; a Thirty-second degree Ma son, and a member of the Elks. Vincent M. Cartwright, of Mt. Vernon, is a native son of Posey county, and a descendant of sturdy pioneer ancestors. He was born in Harmony township, January 17, 1843, ar*d was one of a family of ten children born to Presley and Sidda M. (Mage) Cartwright. Presley Cartwright was also born in what is now Harmony township, then in the Northwestern Territory, August 11, 1811. He spent his life in the locality of his birth, where he died November 26, 1896. He followed farming most of his life. He was also a cooper, shoe maker, and car penter. Presley Cartwright was a son of Samuel, who came to the Northwestern Territory from Tennessee in 1800, at about the age of twenty. He settled in what is now Harmony township, which was an unbroken wilderness. The Cartwrights suffered all the privations and hardships common to the lot of the pioneers of the times. Two brothers of Samuel were killed by the Indians. The Cartwrights are of Scotch de scent. Sidda M. Mage, our subject's mother, was a daughter of Daniel and Sidda (Green) Mage. The family came from Washington county, North Carolina, about 1825, and settled in the northern part of Posey county. They drove the entire distance from North Carolina, the girl, Sidda, walking most of the distance, as did the other members of the family. She died in February, 1882. Vincent Cartwright remained at home and worked on the farm after the fashion of the average boy of the times, until the peaceful life of the Nation was interrupted by the coming on of the Civil war. At this time, young Cartwright enlisted August 1, 1862, at Evansville, in Company C, Sixty-fifth regiment, Indiana vol unteer infantry. His regiment was immediately sent to Kentucky to- oppose the Confederate operations in that section. The campaigning there was mostly of a skirmishing nature, and what insurance com panies would term "extra hazardous." Mr. Cartwright did a great deal of scout duty. He was wounded September 22, 1863, at Bloutsville,, Tenn., but recovered after a few months and took part in Sherman's At- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 25 1 lanta campaign. He participated in the engagements at Jonesboro and Franklin, Tenn. His regiment was in the pursuit of Hood and from Clifton, Tenn., went by boat to Cincinnati, then to Annapolis, and from there to Fort Fisher. Took part in the North Carolina campaign, and was at the surrender of Johnston at Greensboro, N. C. Here Mr. Cart wright was mustered out, June 22, 1865. When discharged, he was ser geant of the color guard. He had been elected first lieutenant of his company and recommended by the captain of his company for appoint ment, but never received his commission. At the close of the war, Mr. Cartwright returned to his Posey county home, and attended school for a time. He then went to Missouri and from there to Salina, Kan., where he was engaged in the lumber business. He was thus engaged when he lost his left hand in a mill accident, September 2, 1866. He then re? turned to Harmony township, and attended school again for a time where he engaged in teaching in Lynn, Center and Harmony townships until 1876, when he was elected trustee of Lynn township, serving two terms. In 1882, Mr. Cartwright was elected county recorder and served two terms, or until 1890. He then engaged in the real estate business and did an extensive business as pension attorney. In 1910, he was elected justice of the peace, which office he still holds. As a public offi cer, Mr. Cartwright's methods have been of the character that. has won for him the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. He was united in marriage March 25, 1869, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of William Wil son, of Lynn township. She was born in that township and her father was also a native of Posey county. To Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright were born five children, three of whom are living: Cynthia, married Aaron Shuffert, of Chicago; Ethel, married Noble Utley, of Mt. Vernon, and Fannie O., married Henry A. Deutsch, of Strathmore, Cal. Mr. Cart wright has been a lifelong Democrat, and taken a keen interest in the af fairs of his county, State and Nation. He was chairman of the Demo cratic central committee of Posey county in 1884, and as a token of appre ciation of his services, the committee presented him with a beautiful gold-headed cane, which he prizes very highly. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and is past chancellor of the lodge.. He was the first State representative at the grand lodge at Indianapolis ; he is a mem ber of the Grand Army of the Republic, Post No. 491, and is the presi dent of the Sixty-fifth Indiana Regimental Association, which meets on September 22 of each year. The meeting of 1913 was held at his resi dence. He is a charter member of the regular Baptist church. Armenius Templeton, retired farmer and stock raiser, of Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Black township, Posey county, October 30, 1849, a son of Gilbert and Desire (Phillips) Templeton, the parents natives of Posey county, where the father farmed and raised stock. Gilbert Templeton- was the son of Samuel and Sally (Curtis) Templeton, natives of North 252 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Carolina, who came to Posey county about 1815, one year before State hood and one year after the organization of the county. Samuel Tem pleton entered land, the country at that time being a wilderness. His son, Gilbert, was born in Posey county in 1820, and grew to manhood, assisting in clearing the land. Our subject also cleared a great deal of farm land and can remember when a large part of the land now under cultivation was thickly wooded. The first school he attended was in a log building on his father's farm. After finishing school he worked on the farm with his parents. His father died in 1891. Mr. Templeton was engaged in farming and stock raising until twenty-three years ago, when he retired from active farming to look after his lands. All of his farms are in Point and Black townships, 300 acres being in the former, and 150 in the latter. On his retirement from farming he removed to Mt. Vernon, and in 1888 went into the hardware business, confining the store for sixteen years. He has served as councilman and has been in various ways identified with the upbuilding of the town and county. He is a member of the Methodist church, in which he is a trustee. In politics he is a Prohibitionist. Mr. Templeton was married February 3, 1880, to Pauline Newman, daughter of Charles and Rosana (Scheiber) Newman, parents natives of Germany, who came, to this country when young. Mr. Newman was a farmer. Pauline was born in Posey county and attended the country schools at that time held in a log house. Later she continued her education at Mt. Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Templeton be came the parents of five children: Bertha, who married Edward Blake- ly, and lives in Lajunta, Colo. ; Everett A. (see sketch of E. A. Temple ton) ; Gilbert C, married Justine Stander, and lives in Fowler, Colo. ; Arthur N., at home with his parents, and Raymond, deceased. Mrs. Templeton is an active worker in the Methodist church and the whole family are members. Frederick A. R. Kemper (deceased), formerly a prominent farmer of Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in that town February 14, i860, a son of Frederick and Anna (Mehl) Kemper, parents natives of Germany. Fred erick, Sr., was a veteran of the Mexican war. Before the Civil war he was a farmer and saw mill man, but died during the Civil war while a soldier in Missouri. The parents of our subject had six children. .Fred erick, Jr., was married January 27, 1883, to Miss Bertha Haas, daughter of Anton and Nancy (Henry) Haas. Bertha Haas was born September 23, 1863, in Mt. Vernon. Her father was a native of Germany, and her mother of Posey county. Mr. and Mrs. Kemper had six sons : Earl Vernon, born February 26, 1885, a steamboat clerk, Memphis, Tenn. ; Royal Haas, born August 10, 1888, postoffice clerk at Mt. Vernon, be longs to the Elks ; Edmund Emil, born June 26, 1892 ; Raymond Lester, born July 3, 1895; Paul Frederick, born December 19, 1898; Walter HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 253 Anton, born August 13, 1902. Mr. Kemper died November 15, 1910. He was a farmer all his life, and belonged to the German Methodist Epis copal church. David Walter Welch, M. D., of Mt. Vernon, was born in Saline county, Illinois, near Galatia, March 5, 1848, and is a son of Egbert G. and Nancy (Upchurch) Welch. His father was a native of Tennessee, and came of an old Virginia family, and at the age of eighty-eight years he died at Galatia, 111., where he was a pioneer settler, and his mother was born at Galatia, 111., and was a daughter of David Upchurch, who came from North Carolina to Illinois, and was the founder of Galatia. Dr. Welch was reared on the farm, attended the country schools, and the Illinois State Normal at Normal, 111., and then engaged in the profession of school teaching for fifteen years. He was superintendent of schools at Rock- port, Ind., for two years, of the schools of Boonville, Ind., for two years, having previously been assistant superintendent of schools at Evansville, Ind. His early teaching was in Illinois. He was at Shawneetown for three years. He read medicine in the office of Dr. George B. Walker, dean of the Evansville Medical College. He then began practice in the country about five miles northeast of Mt. Ver non. He located in Mt. Vernon in 1888. He did post-graduate work at the Chicago Clinical College, and is a member of the Mt. Vernon City, the Posey County, and Indiana State Medical societies, and also of the Ohio Valley Medical Association. Dr. Welch married in 1868 Jennie R. Wright, of Cloverport, Ky. They have five sons and two daughters. The Doctor is a Prohibitionist in politics. He is not only an able and prominent physician, but as a citizen is progressive. To him is largely due the steps that led to the improvement of the public roads in Posey county, in which matter he received strong opposition, but the splendid roads of the county stand as a monument to his spirit of progress and foresight. Douglas C. Ramsey, M. D., a prominent physician of Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Xenia, Clay county, Illinois, son of George D. and and Mary A. (Price) Ramsey. His father was born and reared in Cincinnati, Ohio, and his mother in Vincennes, Ind. The father was a physician and prac ticed at Xenia, Illinois, where he died at the age of seventy-seven, and the mother died at Mt. Vernon, aged eighty-two. The name Ramsey is of Scotch origin. Douglas Ramsey attended the public schools and for two or three years had a private tutor. He graduated from the Washington University in 1886, and shortly afterward located in Mt. Vernon, remaining here since that time. He took a post-graduate course in the St. Louis University in 1893, one in the Chicago Policlinics in 1895, and has visited Montreal and other Eastern cities to obtain medical knowledge. He has written much for medical journals, the following being among his subjects : "Brain Surgery," New York "Medical Ree- 254 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY ord," "Salicylic Acid in Rheumatism," and "Preventation of Tuberculo sis." Dr. Ramsey was appointed a member of the State Board of Health by Governor Matthews, and served from 1895 to 1897. He was president of the board and while serving in this capacity he wrote sev eral valuable reports. He is a member of the Posey County, the State and American Medical associations, and also of the Mississippi Valley So ciety. He has twice been president of the Posey County Medical As sociation. For four years he was medical examiner for the Ancient- Order of United Workmen, and was for a similar time their medical director or intermediate. Governor Durbin appointed Dr. Ramsey dele gate to the National Tuberculosis Congress, held in New York in 1907. He was president of the pension board under the two terms of President Cleveland. In politics, Dr. Ramsey is a Democrat, and fraternally he is a Master Mason and an Elk. He was medical director for the Inter mediate Life Assurance Company for the first four years of its exis tence. Col. Richard Sarlls, one of the early pioneers of Posey county, Indi ana, was born in Ghent, Carroll county, Kentucky, August 13, 1839, son of Richard and Julia (Evertson) Sarlls, the mother a native of New York, and the father of Indiana. They removed to Kentucky and died when Richard was but seven years of age. Richard Sarlls came to Posey county, Indiana, in 1846. At that time the place called McFadden's Bluff, now Mt. Vernon, did not number over 500 inhabitants, and the wharf was not yet built. The boy had already begun its schooling in Ken tucky, and continued in the schools of Posey county, paying tuition of $1.00 per month, besides having to do the janitor's work. He attended school in Mt. Vernon. At that time the "Ricaune" mill stood where the wharf was built later. Our subject started in life by blacking shoes, and at the age of twelve was able to operate the steam wool carding mill owned by his uncle. About three years later he and his uncle began grinding wheat. He became an expert judge of grain, and during the Civil war worked for Lowry Welborn & Sullivan, a big grain concern. Upon leaving the employ of this firm he engaged in the grain busi ness with a nephew of Mr. Sullivan, under the name of Sullivan, Sarlls & Company. They did a general merchandise business, in addition to buying and selling grain. This company did a thriving business until the cholera epidemic in the '70s, when they failed and turned everything over to their creditors. He left the company in 1874, and two or three weeks later he bought a barge load of drowned corn and flour, the cargo of the old "Ironsides." Inside of two more weeks he sold the cargo at a profit of five cents per bushel, netting the sum of $2,500, with which he again embarked in the grain business. The next year Mr. Wash ington Boyce sent Mr. Sarlls and Mr. William Fuhrer to Wichita, Kan., to buy grain and they bought 30,000 bushels, which they sold in Kansas HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 255 City and returned to Mt. Vernon. That fall they began buying hogs, as there was no corn on account of the floods. In 1876 they bought over 450,000 bushels of corn, which they sold at a profit of $50,000. Mr. Sarlls then began buying land and secured 1,100 acres in Illinois. He continued in the grain business alone and has prospered ever since. He has made his money by dealing in grain and land, and has handled more than 20,000 acres of land. He did not make money in hogs, having only about $100 when he got through with his season, but the buying of grain in 1876 put him on his feet again. Mr. Sarlls is also a mechanic and un derstands machinery about mills. On one occasion he was paid $20.00 for four hours' work fixing a pump. This was before he worked for Wel born & Sullivan. Colonel Sarlls now owns about 2,800 acres of land in Illinois, Kentucky and Indiana. At the time of the Civil war Colonel Sarlls was lieutenant in Company A, National Home Guards, and made trips to Kentucky in charge of his company. On June 7, i860, occurred the marriage of Richard Sarlls to Elizabeth Hinkle, daughter of Edward Hinkle, a merchant of Shawneetown, 111., where Mrs. Sarlls was born, December 7, 1840, and where she was raised. They had seven children: Richard E., deceased; Edward, deceased; Jessie Walter, of Jackson, Miss.; Howard, of Mt. Vernon; LeRoy Anson, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Louis, of Evansville. Jessie married E. M. Brady. The first wife died February 7, 1879. Mr. Sarlls married again in June, 1883, Frances Hinch, daughter of John D. and Ellen Hinch, natives of Posey county, where she was born and raised. They have one child, Mary Emily, who mar ried Dr. H. P. Carson, now a resident of Phoenix, Ariz. Our subject is one of the largest land owners of Posey county, and is offering some at tractive farms to the people. Ferdinand A. Funke, vice-president and general manager of the Mt. Vernon Straw Board Company, was born in Evansville, Ind., January 24, 1868, the son of Ferdinand and Mary (Kuntz) Funke, both of whom were born in Germany, the father at Ruethen, Luebstadt, Westphalia, and the mother near the city of Worms. Ferdinand Funke learned the trade of a gun and lock smith. He came to the United States in 1849, locating in Evansville, Ind., where he opened a shop and followed the trade learned in his native land. In 1858 he built a paper mill and began the manufacture of wrapping paper, in the operation and man agement of which he continued until his death in 1895. The enterprise was a success from the start and he realized a substantial fortune from its profits. After his death the business was continued by his sons, John M., Ferd A. and Joseph, under the firm style of Ferdinand Funke Sons. The output of the plant at the present writing is three thou sand tons per annum, marketed in the United States, and the plant rep resents an investment of over $50,000. It is operated under the man agement of John M. Funke. Mr. Funke is survived by his widow and 256 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY the following children: Caroline; John M. Funke, president of the Mt. Vernon Straw Board Company, Mt. Vernon, the Commercial Bank, Ev ansville, director in the Globe Paper Company, and having important real estate and manufacturing interests in Evansville; Ferdinand A. Funke, the subject of this article, and Joseph Funke, secretary of the Mt. Vernon Straw Board Company, Mt. Vernon. Ferdinand A. Funke acquired his education in the public schools of Evansville and the Ev ansville Business College. He entered the employ of his father in 1885 and was taught by him the trade of making wrapping paper. On his father's death in 1895, and the taking over of the business by his sons-, under the firm style of Ferdinand Funke Sons, he became superintend ent of the mill and remained in charge of the manufacturing end of the business until 1904, when he was elected vice-president and general manager of the Mt. Vernon Straw Board Company (see chapter on Manufacturing). The continuous and healthy growth of the business of this corporation since its founding, the satisfaction given by its prod ucts, together with the good will extended to him at all times by the employees, prove his possession of these qualities which not only assure his business success, but make him a valuable acquisition to the citizen ship of Mt. Vernon, of which he became a resident in 1909. He is a Democrat and a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He is a communicant of the Catholic church and a member of the Knights of Columbus. Mr. Funke married on October 11, 1909, Miss Mary Logel, daughter of Louis Logel, of Evansville. They are the parents of two children : Ludwig Ferdinand, born August 2, 1910, and Karl Ferdinand, born May 2, 1912. Mrs. Funke is a communicant of the Catholic church and a leader in the social circles of Mt. Vernon. John H. Moeller, mayor of the city of Mt. Vernon, successful man of affairs and popular citizen, is a native of Posey county and was born in the city of which he has served as chief executive on August 7, 1867, the son of John and Dortha (Haas) Moeller. John Moeller, the founder of the family in Indiana, was born in Altenschlirf, Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, on December 11, 1837. He received a good education in the schools of his native town, was apprenticed to the cooper's trade, and came to the United States in 1855, first locating in New Orleans, where he remained a short time, and then came by boat to Louisville, Ky., where he secured employment at his trade. In 1857 he became a resi dent of Mt. Vernon, secured employment in the cooper shop of Philip Vernon, and in 1864 succeeded to this business through purchase. From 1882 until 1893 he had as associates in business George Zeigler and William Rheinwald, but in the last named yeat bought them out. In 1903 he consolidated his business with that of his son's, John H. Moeller, under the firm style of J. H. Moeller & Company. In addition to the HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 257 cooperage shop they ran a saw mill and stave and heading factory. The business was operated very successfully, but in 191 1 the mill burned and John Moeller retired from the firm. He at present is the owner of a cooperage plant which is reviewed at length in the chapter "Manufactur ing and Commercial Enterprises." Mr. Moeller married on May 18, 1859, Miss Dortha Haas, a daughter of Charles Haas, a pioneer resident of Mt. Vernon, who was born in Lauteraka, Beiren, Germany, and who died in Mt. Vernon in 1892. Mr. and Mrs. Moeller are the parents of the following children : Mollie L., the wife of Adam Ware, Mt. Vernon ; Charles C, Mt. Vernon; John H. Moeller, the subject of this review; William, Mt. Vernon; and Nellie H., the wife of Charles Pearson, Mt. Vernon. Mr. Moeller and his wife are members of the German Metho dist church. Mayor Moeller was reared in the city of Mt. Vernon, ac quired his education in its public schools, and learned his father's trade, that of cooper. He became a clerk when sixteen years of age; later learned telegraphy and was employed in. Mt. Vernon by the West ern Union Telegraph Company, the Evansville & Terre Haute and the Louisville & Nashville railroads, and in Texas by the Missouri Pacific railway. He returned to Mt. Vernon from Texas in 1885 and was made assistant agent of the Evansville & Terre Haute railroad, a position he filled until 1888, when he engaged in the cooperage business, having as a partner his brother, Charles. He purchased the latter's interest in 1898, built up an exceedingly profitable enterprise and in 1903 consoli dated it with that of his father, under the firm style of J. H. Moeller & Company, as previously stated. In 191 1 the saw mill was destroyed by fire, and as this portion of the firm's enterprise was uninsured, they suffered a heavy loss. Shortly after the fire the elder Moeller retired from the firm and the business was continued by our subject. During 191 1 he was the chief factor in inducing the Whitmore Handle Com pany to locate in Mt. Vernon, and as one of the inducements held out to them for locating in the city, rented his cooperage property to them at a very low rental. The value of this plant to the city of Mt. Vernon is easily estimated by perusal of the chapter on "Manufacturing and Commercial Enterprises," which contains an article descriptive of its history. As a manufacturer of staves, heading and cooperage, Mayor Moeller attained a substantial success ; he was an untiring worker, knew each and every detail of the business, from the buying of timber in the tree to the marketing of the finished product, and had the cheerful co operation of his employees. As a citizen of Mt. Vernon he has, since attaining his majority, been actively concerned in the development and betterment of its commercial and civic affairs. He has always been a consistent advocate of the principles and policies of the Republican party and an active worker in its ranks. His first public office was an ap pointive one, that of city commissioner, which he entered in 1901, and 258 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY served for six years. His record in the administration of the affairs of this office was such that he was honored in 1909 by his party with the nomination for the office of mayor, and he was elected by the largest majority ever given a candidate for that position. During the four years in which he has occupied the mayor's chair he has given the city an exceedingly able and frugal administration, considering the many im provements made; while his unselfish attitude and broad-mindedness in dealing with questions and policies which had for their object the good of the city proves that he has the right conception of the duties and obligations of the office. To his progressiveness, stick-to-it-iveness in surmounting difficulties and business foresight the city is indebted for its handsome water-front park; another site having been under con sideration. His logical handling of the proposition, combined with per severance in securing the money necessary for its equipment, won for the citizens not only a place of recreation for young and old, but one that could not be surpassed for accessibility and beauty of view. He found the city with a debt of $3,000 in excess of its limit. This was changed within two years to a surplus of $5,000. He has secured greatly improved service from the light, water and telephone companies, public drinking fountains, an overhead crossing at Mulberry street and the Louisville & Nashville railway, safety gates at other dangerous cross ings have been installed, sanitation and sewerage conditions greatly im proved, a street flushing machine bought, many of the unpaved streets oiled, the weeds cut and trees trimmed on the public thoroughfares, while other improvements are in prospect. During the disastrous flood of April, 1913, his executive and initiative talents were exploited at their best. With a vast section of territory adjacent to the city under water, thousands without shelter or provisions, and live stock in the greatest peril, he headed the relief movement and assumed charge of its opera tion. He secured, through the War Department, rations for ten thou sand people for ten days, together with a distributing force under the command of Captain W. K. Naylor, and with him acted as pilot of the relief expedition. He commandeered every boat, power, skiff, and flat, on the river and these were in constant use' in bringing to Mt. Ver non the people who were marooned. He obtained by telegraph from Governor Ralston an order stationing one company of militia in the city, who were to assist in rescue work, and who were under his orders. Through his efforts the Red Cross Society sent a representative, Mr. Hubbard, to the city, and through their joint efforts $20,000 was raised for the relief of those who had lost their all in the disaster. This labor entailed upon Mayor Moeller severe hardship and caused him to be absent from his business for nearly one month. During this trying period his conduct was marked by no thought of self but by a desire to do all in his power to relieve those who were in need, irrespective of HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 259 condition, and to fulfill to the utmost his obligations as head of the government of Mt. Vernon, which was untouched by the waters. That his efforts have been appreciated is attested through his nomination for the office of mayor, to succeed himself, in the election of 1913; his ma jority in the primary having been overwhelming, and his reward by elec tion to a second term seems certain. Mayor Moeller is affiliated with a number of secret and social organizations. He is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; Posey Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles ; Loyal Order of Moose ; Knights of Pythias, Hoo Hoos, and is president of the Mt. Vernon Boosters Club. He is a member of the German Methodist church. Mr. Moeller married on August 23, 1892, Miss Anna H. Nefzger, daughter of the late Xavier Nefzger, of Mt. Vernon. They are the parents of two children: Esther C. Moeller, born October 25, 1893, who graduated from the Mt. Vernon High School in the class of 1912, and John Robert Moeller, born January 18, 1911. The family are popular in the social circles of their home city and the Moeller residence is known for its generous hospital ity. Mrs. Moeller is a communicant of St. Matthew's Catholic Church. Mayor Moeller is a fine type of the German-American citizen, is a self- made man, possesses energy, initiative, and executive ability of a high order, and is justly entitled to the popularity he has attained, both as a citizen and as an official of his home city. He has always maintained that the best citizen is the home builder, and that such are to be de pended upon to devote a part of their time, intelligence and funds to secure that which is most desirable in furthering the general welfare of the community in which they reside. That he is consistent is exempli fied in his record as mayor of Mt. Vernon. David M. Erwin, formerly a merchant at Erwin Station, a point named for him, was born in that vicinity in Black township, Posey county, Indiana, July 21, 1854, son of James M. and Rachael J. (Redman) Erwin, both natives of the township in which our subject was born. James M. is the son of Samuel Erwin. Both his parents were natives of Tennessee and came to Posey county over one hundred years ago, when this part of the country was still a wilderness, there being no city of Mt. Vernon. Samuel Erwin entered several hundred acres of land in Black township, part of which is still in the hands of his grandson, David M. James Erwin cleared up a number of acres of this land and our subject finished the work of clearing away the forest. James Erwin was born September 6, 1829, and his wife, Rachael, was born August 25, 1832. Both are living with their son, David M., enjoying a ripe old age. David Erwin received his early education at Farmersville and at Gill school house. Later he graduated from the Evansville Commercial Col lege and attended the University of Indiana at Bloomington, Ind. After leaving the university he engaged in the book business in Mt. Vernon, 260 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY where he had a store for about two years. Selling out, he went back to the farm where he was raised and farmed for about six years. In 1884 he opened a general stole at Erwin Station. Here he remained for twenty years and was ticket agent for the Evansville & Terre Haute railroad and the only postmaster the place ever had. The store is now abandoned, but the flag station is still known as Erwin's Station. In 1902 he retired from business and removed to Mt. Vernon, where he has a nice city home. His farm at Erwin's Station contains no acres. Mr. Erwin has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows for thirty-three years, a member of the Encampment for sixteen years, and has represented the Grand Lodge and Grand Encampment sev eral times. He also belongs to the Ben Hur Lodge and the Baptist church. In politics he is a Republican. On April 12, 1879, Mr. Erwin married Miss Katie Kastenbader, a native of Hawesville, Ky., who was raised in Mt. Vernon, where she attended common school. They had three children: Minnie, John and James, all deceased, and the mother died in December, 1881. Mr. Erwin married the second time, February 12, 1884, taking as his wife Amelia Banks, a native of White county, Illinois, where she was raised and attended common school. They had two children, one of whom died in infancy. The other, Frank M., was born June 25, 1889. He attended at Craborchard school in Black town ship until he finished the eighth grade. His parents then removed to Mt. Vernon and he graduated from the high school there. He then entered Purdue University, graduating with the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1912, and also received a degree in civil engineering, being the first person from Posey county to graduate with the degree of Civil En gineer. He married Pearl Bottomly, daughter of James Bottomly, of Mt. Vernon, and he is now engaged by the Louisville & Nashville rail road as civil engineer at Louisville, Ky. In politics he is a Republican. Howard H. Sarlls, publisher and proprietor of the Mt. Vernon "Re publican," a weekly newspaper, was born in Mt. Vernon December 27, 1870, and has been a resident of that city ever since. He is the son of Colonel Richard and Elizabeth A. Sarlls (see sketch of father). His mother died February 7, 1879. He attended the public schools of Mt. Vernon, graduating in the class of 1888. He worked at the printer's trade in local offices during the summer months while attending school. He went to business college in Indianapolis in the winter of 1889-1890, after which he again took up printing in local offices and in the offices of the Poseyville "News" and Evansville "Journal." In February, 1893, he went in with John B. Thomas to establish the "Republican" under the firm name of Sarlls and Thomas. Eighteen months later he took entire charge of the paper, which he has since conducted. On December 4, 1895, Mr. Sarlls married Miss Lottie Engler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Engler. At present their home is at 220 West Fifth street,. Mt. Vernon. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 26l John Willis Turner. — The growth and development of any community depends largely upon the management of its financial institutions. The manufacturing and commercial enterprises of the city of Mt. Vernon, as well as the farmers of Posey county, owe much to the progressive policy of the First National Bank of Mt. Vernon, of which Mr. Turner has been the controlling executive since 1907. He occupies today a prominent place in the banking circles of southwestern Indiana, has contributed in large measure to the advancement of Mt. Vernon, in whose still greater commercial and civic prestige he is a firm believer, and holds a secure position in the confidence and esteem of the citizens of the county. John Willis Turner was born on his father's farm in Owen county, Kentucky, near Georgetown, Scott county, on August 7, 1872, the son of Thomas W. and Amanda J. (Lee) Turner. The family was founded in America by Joshua Turner, a native of Ireland, who settled in Kentucky in 1847. He was a farmer and a successful one. He served with the Confederate forces in the Civil War and was killed at the battle of Cumberland Gap. His son, Thomas W. Turner, the father of our subject, was also a native of Ireland, where he was born on February 19, 1843. He came to Ken tucky with his parents in 1846 and was reared on his father's farm. He also served with the Confederate forces in the Civil war and was wounded in the battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn. He married when a young man Miss Amanda J. Lee, the daughter of Nathaniel W. Lee, founder and owner of the town of Lee's Mills, and well known distiller and land owner of Owen county, Kentucky. Mr. Turner was reared and has always followed farming as an occupation. He has been suc cessful as an agriculturist, is a man of influence and enjoys the confi dence and esteem of the residents of his neighborhood. His political allegiance has been given the Democratic party and he has taken an active part in the work of that organization. Mrs. Turner died in 1880. They were the parents of four children, two of whom are living: Fan nie Lee, born August 26, 1870, is the wife of Frank M. Davis, a car riage and implement dealer of Corinth, Ky., and John Willis, our sub ject. Flora, born October 5, 1875, died of pneumonia in 1892, and Stella, born April 5, 1879, died in 1887. Mrs. Turner's maternal ancestors were among the early settlers of America and numbered among them are men who achieved distinction in the frontier life of those early days, in the commercial era which followed, in the War of the Revolution, and later in the Civil war. The founding of the Lee family in Kentucky dates from the settlement there of Dr. LeGrand Lee, a physician of Virginia, and descendant of General Lee of Revolutionary fame. He was joined later by Doctor Joseph Lee, a physician, John Lee, a Bap tist preacher, and Nathaniel W. Lee, brothers, the latter of whom was the grandfather of the subject of this review. He became the most extensive land owner of his section of the State, one of its most sue- 262 ' HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY cessful distillers, and was one of the most influential citizens of his dis trict. His death occurred on August 27, 1893. John Willis Turner re ceived his early educational discipline in the public schools of Owen county, graduated from Owenton High School and in 1889 entered the literary department of the Kentucky State College at Lexington and was graduated in the class of 1893. The succeeding two years he was engaged in raising hogs on an extensive scale, purchasing the refuse from his grandfather's distillery for feed. The markets of 1894 and 1895 were high and he sold at a large profit. The success he had attained in his initial business venture attracted the attention of the officers of the First National Bank of Owenton and he was offered and accepted a position with that institution. He resigned from this position in 1897 and entered the People's Bank of the same town, where he remained until 1899, when he accepted the position of corporation clerk in the State Capitol at Frankfort. While in charge of this office he gained a com prehensive grasp of banking as conducted in Kentucky, which has been of great advantage to him in his later career. He became a resident of Posey county in 1903, when he came to Poseyville and organized the First National Bank of that town. His connection with this insti tution, of which he was cashier, continued until 1907, when he was offered and accepted the position of cashier of the First National Bank of Mt. Vernon, the oldest financial institution in the county and which, at this writing, 1913, has the largest deposits. In the administration of the business of this bank, of which he has been the dominant execu tive since 1907, his progressiveness, energy and resourcefulness have been largely responsible for the healthy growth enjoyed by the institution, as well as the high reputation of the organization. He is known to the banking fraternity as an able and discriminating financier and one who has brought the administrative policy of his bank up to the point of highest efficiency. Essentially a business man, he has neither the time nor inclination for public office, though he never neglects in the least his civic duties and obligations and has taken an active part in the councils of his party. He has been a lifelong Democrat. Mr. Turner has attained the Thirty-second degree in Scottish Rite Masonry, is a mem ber of Indianapolis Consistory, and Hadi Temple Shrine, Evansville. He is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks. Mr. Turner married on October 14, 1896, Miss Anna Lee True, the daughter of William R. and Sue Katherine True, of Louisville, Ky. They are the parents of one child, a daughter, Mary Louise, born March 12, 1907. Mrs. Turner is a woman of broad culture and refinement and popular in the social circles of Mt. Vernon, in which she is a leader. The Turner residence, one of the most attractive in Posey county, is known for its gracious hospitality. Mr. Turner is in HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 263 all respects a high type of the conservative, unassuming American, dil igent in his various duties and business affairs and conscientious in all things. James Madison Greathouse. — Great, indeed, have been the changes which time and man have wrought in Posey county since the birth of Mr. Greathouse in 1847, and no man has been more actively identified with the work of improvement in Point township than he. He is best known to the citizens of his native county through his service as town ship trustee, to which office he was elected in 1908, in the administra tion of which he has proven the possession of sound financial ability, marked executive talent and sound business judgment. To him the township is indebted for an extended school term, modern school build ings, greatly improved roads, substantial bridges and a financial policy which has wiped out a considerable indebtedness, replaced it with a comfortable cash balance, and this has all been accomplished without an increase in the tax rate. James M. Greathouse was born on his father's farm in Point township, on April 27, 1847, a son of John Tecum seh and Eliza (Browning) Greathouse. The father was a native of Union county, Kentucky. Little is known of his early life or occupa tions, except that he operated a grist mill on Highland creek, Union county, previous to his locating in Posey county, Indiana. In some manner he learned that relatives were living in the latter county and acting on an impulse to join them, he tied his belongings on a slab and, pushing it ahead of him, swam across the Ohio to the Indiana shore. In Point township he found three cousins, the sons of David Greathouse (see sketch of Frank M. Greathouse). During the year of his arrival in Posey county, 1844, he married Eliza Browning Great- house, the widow of his cousin John. They became the parents of the following children: Aaron, born in 1845, a resident of Mt. Vernon and veteran of the Civil War; James Madison, our subject; William R., a traveling salesman ; and Sarah Ann, the wife of James Dowell, a farmer of Black township. John Tecumseh Greathouse underwent the hard ships incident to the early life of the county, cleared and improved land and became a prosperous farmer. The first frame building in Point township, a school house, was built on his farm in 1872, and was named the Greathouse school. This building was replaced in 1913 by one of concrete, substantially finished and furnished and erected under the supervision of his son, James M., trustee of the township. Mr. Great- house died in 1880. He was a charter member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and of the Methodist church. His wife died in 1863. James Madison Greathouse was reared on his father's farm and received his education in the school bearing the family name. From boyhood his occupation has been that of a farmer. He is recog nized as one of the progressive and successful men of his district; one 264 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY who has always taken an active interest in public affairs and who has given generously of both time and money in assisting those movements which had the public good in view. He has been a lifelong Democrat. He was elected trustee of Point township in 1908. When he entered upon the duties of this office the affairs of the township were in a deplorable condition. The treasury was empty and an indebtedness totaling $17,000 had been incurred by previous incumbents of the office. During his administration of the affairs of the township its indebted ness has been reduced to $2,250; two modern school buildings have been built, one a graded school building of two rooms at a cost of $3,500, and the new Greathouse school, a one-room building costing $3,000. These buildings are modern in all respects. They are constructed of concrete and the interior finish and equipment are of the best. The roads of the township have been greatly improved and a number of substantial bridges have been built. The township treasury has about $4,000 in cash (1913). These improvements have been made and the debt reduced without increasing the levy of previous years and the levy for 1913 was cut four cents. The record made in the administration of the affairs of this office by Mr. Greathouse will probably stand as the high-water mark of efficiency and accomplishment for many years to come. Mr. Greathouse married on March 29, 1871, Miss Victoria Combs, a daughter of David Combs, a farmer of Black township. Lie was born in Kentucky in 1816 and died in 1876. His wife was Jane Thompson, also a native of Kentucky.- Mr. and Mrs. Greathouse are the parents of the following children : Evaleen, born September 21, 1876, the wife of Edwin V. Spencer, Jr., a farmer of Black township; Flora May, born July 4, 1880, the wife of Edward Morlock, also of Black township ; and Bessie, born March 10, 1889, residing with her parents. Three children died in infancy — David A., James C. and Ida Belle. Mr. Greathouse is in all respects a high type of the conservative American, diligent in his various duties and commercial affairs, and conscientious in all things. He is rich in the possession of a well earned popularity and the esteem which comes only from honorable living. Joseph Robinson Haines, auditor of Posey county, editor and pub lisher, was born at St. Wendel, Ind., January 31, 1864, the son of Charles and Jane (Culley) Haines. The first of the family to settle in Indiana was Peter Haines, a native of Kentucky, who located in Robinson town ship, Posey county, during its formative period. He was a farmer and the grandfather of the subject of this article. His son, Charles Haines, born in Posey county, also a farmer, married when a young man Miss Jane Culley, also a native of the county, where she was born in 1835. Charles Haines died when our subject was a child. He is survived by his widow, now a resident of Cynthiana, and the following children, viz : Mary E., the wife of James R. Smith, a farmer of Smith township, Posey HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 265 county; Martha, the widow of Albert Whiting, Anna, 111.; Ella, the wife of Crawford B. Smith, a farmer of Smith township, Posey county; Jo seph R., auditor of Posey county; Charles L., Cynthiana; and Fannie J., the wife of William M. Chappel, a farmer of Oakland City, Gibson county, Indiana. Joseph Robinson Haines was reared on the Haines farm in Robinson township and assisted in the work incident to its car rying on until he was aged nineteen. He received his education in the public schools of Posey county and was graduated from the Cynthiana High School in 1883. From 1883 until 1890 he was engaged in teaching in the schools of the county. In the latter year he purchased the Posey ville "News," of which he was the editor and publisher until he entered the office of auditor in 1912, and of which he retains the ownership. Mr. Haines has always taken a keen interest in the questions of the day and has been active and influential in the political life of his home county. He is a Democrat. He was elected to the lower house of the State Legislature in 1900 and re-elected in 1902. His work during the sessions of 1900-01 and 1902-03 received the commendations of his constituents and he was considered by his colleagues as one of the energetic and active leaders of his party in the house. He was elected auditor of Posey county in 1910 and entered upon the duties of the office on Jan uary 1, 1912. His administration of the business affairs of this depart ment of the county's official life has received favorable comment, effi ciency has been the mark consistently sought, and promptness in the conduct of work constantly maintained. He had previously served as an official of the county through appointment, having filled the office of treasurer from February 28, 1907, until January 1, 1908, succeeding Fred A. Morelock, who had died in office. He is a member of the Masonic order, Knights of Pythias and Modern Woodmen of America. Mr. Haines married on December 20, 1893, Miss Virgie C. Dougherty, the daughter of James H. Dougherty, a farmer of Rolla, Mo. They are the parents of one child, Edith May Haines, born May 7, 1895. John T. Gill, a retired farmer of Posey county, now living at 324 West Ninth street, Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Black township, Posey county, March 20, 1845, son °f John T. and Anna (Moore) Gill, also na tives of Posey county. Their parents, who were natives of Virginia, came to Posey county at an early date. Samuel Gill, the grandfather of our subject, at one time owned a part of the land on which Mt. Vernon now stands. Before his death, in 1850, he owned 300 acres three miles northwest of the town, where he had been an active farmer all his life. He had two daughters and six sons as follows : Joseph, John T., Samuel, Sarah, Anna, James M., Quincy A., William H., all born in Posey county, and all now deceased. John T. Gill, Sr., the father of John T., of this record, was born in Posey county in 1806 and married Miss Anna Moore in 1831. She was born October 5, 1810, in Posey county, her parents, 266 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, natives of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. John T., Sr., had ten children: Sarah (deceased), born April 18, 1832; Sam uel (deceased), born December 23, 1833 ; James (deceased), born April 21, 1836; Joseph (deceased), born December 14, 1837; Rachel, born Septem ber 24, 1839, now the widow of David Lyttle, Clarkston, Wash. ; Charles (deceased), born May 6, 1841 ; Martha Ann, born December 30, 1842, now the widow of John M. Crunk, Mt. Vernon; John T., of this sketch; Zachariah Taylor, born October 28, 1848, now deceased; Harriet, the youngest, died in infancy. John T. Gill, our subject, was educated in the public schools of Posey county. His father died when he was but five years of age and he was reared by his uncle, Joseph Gill, who lived five miles northwest of Mt. Vernon. Here John T. lived until 1864, when he enlisted in Company B, First Indiana cavalry, and was mustered out in July, 1865 at St. Charles, Ark. He took part in the battles of Pea Ridge, Pine Bluff and Helena, Ark., but was never wounded. He is now a member of the Harrow post of the Grand Army of the Republic, of Mt. Vernon, in which he has served as adjutant and has from time to time been honored with other offices. His brothers, James and Joseph, were also veterans of the Civil war, serving in Company F, Twenty-fifth In diana volunteer infantry. In 1902 Mr. Gill was elected a member of the advisory board of Black township, serving eight years. In 1904 he was elected councilman from the Fourth ward in Mt. Vernon, serving six years. He is a Republican, and belongs to Beulah Lodge No. 578, An cient Free and Accepted Masons. On March 10, 1875, Mr. Gill married Miss Mary A. Brookins, daughter of Milton and Sarah (Davis) Brookins. She was born May 2, 1855, near Mt. Vernon, 111. Her parents were na tives of Ohio. They have had but one child, Fannie, born March 23, 1879, and died April 30, 1907. She was educated in the schools of Mt. Vernon. Mr. Gill was a farmer all his his life until his retirement in 1900. His farming interests comprise eighty-seven acres in Black township, which he rents. He now lives in Mt. Vernon. John A. Deig, a prominent farmer of Mt. Vernon, was born in Black township, March 21, 1870, son of John S. and Mary (Muller) Deig, the fa ther born in Germany, came to this country in 1838 with his parents and settled in Posey county near St. Phillips. John S. was but five years of age at that time and he was educated in the common schools of his locality and later engaged in farming and stock raising. He married Mary Muller, daughter of Louis Muller, in 1855. They became the parents of twelve children : Caroline, Mary, Margaret, Joseph, Charles, Louis, William, John A., Frank, Lillie, Anna, and one who died in infancy. Of these only John A. and Frank are living. Caroline married Antone Breiner (see sketch). John A. Deig was raised in Black township, Po sey county, where he was educated in the public schools and worked on the farm with his father until of age, when he started out for him- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 267 self, farming one year on the home place on the Fourth street road. After the first year he removed to his farm adjoining the town of Mt. Vernon, and has recently built one of the finest residences in the city, located on Main street, the last house inside the city limits. It is near one of his farms containing ninety-one acres. He has 160 acres east of town, making a total of 251 acres. On Octo ber 10, 1893, occurred the marriage of John A. Deig and Matilda Fischer, daughter of Valentine and Barbara (Soellner) Fischer, her parents natives of Germany, the mother from Bavaria and the father from Hessen- Darmstadt, Germany. The mother came to Posey county in 1836 with her parents, who located in the county. The father came in 1839 with his parents, who located in West Virginia, and after two or three years came to Posey county, where they engaged in farming and stock raising. Mrs. Deig was born in Marrs township, December 13, 1869, where she was reared, and educated as far as the common schools went. She then attended St. Joseph Academy at Evansville, where she graduated in 1886. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Deig became the parents of five children: John (deceased), Cecelia (deceased), Sylvester S., Alfonso W. F., and Francis J. Sylvester S. and Alfonso W. F are attending school in Mt. Vernon. Mr. Deig is a Democrat in politics, and he and his family are members of the Catholic church. Henry Weissinger (deceased), former undertaker and furniture dealer, of Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Springfield, Ohio, July 14, 1834, and died in Mt. Vernon, Ind., May 22, 1906. He was a son of Carl and Marie (Klenck) Weissinger, both natives of Hessen-Darmstadt, Ger many. They came to Mt. Vernon when their son, Henry, was a boy. Henry was bound out to a cabinet maker of New Albany and remained with him many years. During the Civil war he was in the United States Marine Service on the gunboat "Autocrat," and as a ship carpen ter had the the rank of second lieutenant. He came to Mt. Vernon in 1866 and opened an undertaking and furniture establishment. Later he discontinued the furniture business, but continued in the undertak ing line until his death. In 1894 his son, Allison V., became his part ner and the firm of Weissinger & Son was formed. The business is still conducted under this name, Allison V. now having as his partner his own son, Merle A. Henry Weissinger was married, in New Albany, Ind., in 1857, to Martha Venable, who was born and reared in that town and who now lives in Mt. Vernon at the age of seventy-five years. They became the parents of eight children : Allison Venable, of Mt. Vernon ; Harry, of Chicago ; John R., of Enid, Okla. ; Elizabeth, now Mrs. Henry Walters, of Sapulpa, Okla. ; Manor, of Mt. Vernon ; Frank, of Enid, Okla. ; Mattie, now Mrs. Jesse Sutton, of Danville, 111., and Jesse, of Enid, Okla. Henry Weissinger was a Democrat, served as councilman of Mt. Vernon and was county coroner four terms. He 268 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY was a Master Mason and with his wife belonged to the Missionary Baptist church. Allison V. Weissinger was born in New Albany, Ind., March 31, 1859. He was reared in Mt. Vernon to the age of about sixteen, when he returned to his maternal grandparents in New Albany, remaining there for eight years attending school. He then came back to Mt. Vernon to work with his father. From 1888 to 1894 he was with the Adams Express Company and was away in the West a greater part of this time. In 1894 he became his father's partner and has con tinued in the business since that time, building his present fine estab lishment in 191 1. He is a licensed embalmer and served as secretary of the State board of embalmers, to which office he was appointed by Governor Durbin, for seven years. Mr. Weissinger is a member of the Elks lodge and of the Knights of Pythias. He is a Democrat in politics and a member of the Presbyterian church. In 1882 he was married, at Mt. Vernon, to Adellah Duckworth, daughter of John K. Duckworth, a liveryman and stage line owner of Mt. Vernon and related to one of the early pioneer families of Posey county. They have but one child, Merle, who is associated with his father in business and has served his third term as county coroner. He married, in 1906, Miss Grace Sullivan, daughter of Richard L. Sullivan, grain dealer of Mt- Vernon. They are the parents of one child — Emily Dee — born April 22, 1908. Enoch E. Thomas, former mayor of Mt. Vernon, Ind., and ex-sheriff of Posey county, was born October 8, 1837, on a farm in Lynn town ship, Posey county, son of Capt. George W. and Ann L. (Noel) Thomas. George W. Thomas was born in Kentucky in 1813, while his parents were enroute from North Carolina to Posey county, Indiana, one year after the county was organized. The parents of George W. farmed in Posey county from 1813 to 1855, when they removed to Mt. Vernon. He became the owner of several hundred acres of land and was a pioneer miller, having built the first steam mill in Posey county. In 1855 he engaged in wharf and steam boating on the Ohio river, fol lowing this business until his retirement. He represented Posey county in the State legislature two years and was county recorder four years, and at different times was city councilman. While recorder of the county he, with Governor Hovey, secured the passage of an act permitting the use of funds in the county treasurer's hands for building the present court house. He was a life-long Democrat and belonged to the Masonic lodge. Enoch Thomas was reared on his father's farm in Lynn town ship, where he attended the country schools three months out of the year. In 1855 his parents removed to Mt. Vernon and he attended the old seminary two years. He is essentially a self-made man, and at the age of eighteen he engaged in the wharf and boating business with his father under the firm name of G. W. Thomas & Son. He continued in HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 269 the business until 1882, when he embarked in the coal business. In 1884 he was elected on the Democratic ticket to the council from the Second ward, which is strongly Republican. This office he held two years. In 1886 he was elected mayor of Mt. Vernon, and was reelected in 1888. The water works franchise was granted during his first term as mayor. In 1897 he was elected sheriff of Posey county, and was reelected in 1899, serving four years and four months in all. He is said to have been the best sheriff the county ever had. He was always a prominent and active citizen. He is a charter member of the Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 277, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and has filled all of its offices. At present he is treasurer of the lodge. On December 1, 1864, occurred the marriage of Enoch E. Thomas to Miss Anna Weaver, daughter of Dr. Warren Weaver, of Mt. Vernon. She was born in Evansville, Ind. They have five children : Gertrude, born in 1865, died in 1871 ; Mabel, the wife of Wilbur Cushman, lumberman, of Poseyville; Cornelia, the wife of Dr. C. H. Fullinwider, of Mt. Vernon ; Emma, the wife of Charles Chislett, real estate, of North Vancouver, British Columbia ; Ena, wife of A. K. Boyce, commercial traveler, of Terre Haute, Ind. Edwin Rinear, M. D., one of the leading physicians of Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Liberty Center, Wells county, Indiana, June 24, 1866, son of Elias M. and Mary Jane (Hupp) Rinear. His great-grandfather was a Frenchman who came to this country with Lafayette and served in the American Revolution. His grandfather, Charles Rinear, son of the French soldier, was born in New Jersey, and Elias M. Rinear, son of Charles Rinear, was born in Cuyahoga county, Ohio. Mary Jane Hupp was born in Wells county, Indiana, of Pennsylvania Dutch ancestry. Elias M. Rinear was a druggist in Liberty Center and other towns of In diana, and now lives in Bluffton. He was a soldier in the One Hundred and First Indiana infantry and for three years was a "fife major." Ed win Rinear was reared in the place of his birth and attended the public schools, later completing a teacher's course in Holbrook Normal at Leb anon, Ohio, after which he taught for six years in the Wells county public schools. He- then took up the study of medicine at Cincinnati, Ohio, graduating from the Medical College of Ohio, of that city, in 1890. He practiced at Liberty Center ten years, at Warren, Ind., three or four years, at Bluffton for a time and located at Mt. Vernon in May, 191 1. He is a member of the Mt. Vernon Medical Association, which he or ganized in 1912, is secretary of the Posey County Medical Association and a member of the Indiana Medical Society. In 1890 Dr. Rinear married Queen Mabel Webb, daughter of Benjamin F. Webb, of Warren, Ind. In politics he is a Democrat. Our subject is a self-made man, rising in the world by his own efforts. His chief distinction apart from his skill as a physician and surgeon is that he is a musician of more than ordinary skill and an artist of no mean ability. 270 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Rev. Paul Press, pastor of the Trinity Evangelical Church at Mt. Ver non, Ind., was born at Cambria, Wis., March 30, 1877, son of Reverend Gottlob and Julia (Guenther) Press, both born in Germany, and married in Missouri in 1867, shortly after coming to America, having known each other in Germany. Gottlob Press has devoted his life to the ministry in the Evangelical church. When Paul was about three years of age his father accepted a pastorate at Areola, 111., and four years later was called to New Hanover, 111., where our subject spent the greater part of his youth. Paul Press was educated in the public schools at Elmhurst Col lege, Elmhurst, 111., and at Eden Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Mo., where he completed a four-year course and was ordained in the ministry in 1898. His first work was at Murphysboro, 111., where he remained five and one-half years, and in January, 1904, came to Mt. Vernon. He has been a member of the board of education since 1910 and in politics is a Republican. In 1905 Reverend Press married Anna Brauer, of Murphys boro, 111., and they have two children, Paul and Helen. Elijah M. Spencer, deceased, formerly a prominent attorney of Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Erie county, Pennsylvania, December 6, 1831, the seventh son of Mathias and Harriet (Smith) Spencer, natives of Con necticut, the father born November 15, 1795, and the mother born April 23, 1796, and died April 9, 1874. The parents were farmers. They were married in 1818, and had eight sons : William D., born March 5, 1819, died May 7, 1858; Daniel S., born April 5, 1820, now deceased; John W., born February 24, 1823, died March 15, 1859; Dr. Edwin V., born October 9, 1825, died May 28, 1902; Henry A., born August 29, 1828, died January 21, 1888; Harvey H., born June 12, 1830, died February 13, 1831; Elijah M., born December 6, 1831, died October 3, 1912; George W., born August 9, 1835, now a retired farmer of Corey, Pa. Elijah M. Spencer was a graduate of the Allegheny College, of Meadville, Pa., and came to Mt. Vernon in July, 1856, where he was an active and successful lawyer all his life. At the time of his death, October 3, 1912, he was the oldest member of the Posey County Bar Association, and that fraternity adopted elaborate resolutions of respect. He was an ex tensive owner of real estate and had retired in 1906 after fifty years of law practice. In politics Mr. Spencer was a Democrat and represented Posey county in the State legislature for two terms, beginning in 1865. He was very active in law making, was a member of several important commit tees and author of several successful measures, which today stand as monuments to his memory. He served for a time as county attorney. Mr. Spencer was public spirited and liberal, and the last check he issued before his death was a large donation to the Presbyterian church, of which his wife and daughters are active members. He was very highly respected in the community in which he for so many years was a substan tial and dependable citizen. Elijah Spencer was married November 15, HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 27I i860 at Akron, Ohio, to Miss Mary E. Morse, daughter of Huron and Alethia (Ives) Morse. Mrs. Spencer was born December 27, 1839, in Port age county, Ohio. Her father was born July 29, 1807, and died June 16, 1885, and her mother, born April 30, 1810, died March 20, 1854. Mr. and Mrs. Huron Morse had four children : Laura A., born August 12, 1833, died May 24, 1901 ; Lucy H., born July 9, 1835, died October 26, 1894; Charles R., born October 14, 1837, died April 9, 1905 ; Mary E., born De cember 27, 1839. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah M. Spencer had six children: CharlesM., born November 21, 1861, lawyer and assistant State auditor, Indianapolis; John W., born March 7, 1864, now chief justice of the State Supreme Court; Frank B., born August 12, 1868, died June 17, 1892; Mary A., born November 29, 1870, now the wife of Allyn B. Hart, su perintendent of ice company, Mt. Vernon; Stella I., born March 19, 1873, was the wife of Arthur E. Fretageot, a merchant of New Harmony, died August 22, 1913, leaving one daughter, Mary, eight years old; Elijah M., born March 19, 1876. George L. Hoehn, of Hoehn & Howard, real estate and insurance, Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Harmony township, February 8, 1856. He is a son of Blasius and Josephine (Pfister) Hoehn, both natives of Germany, and also settled in Posey county in 1853. The father died in Lynn township in 1869, aged forty-eight, and the mother passed away in 1875, aged fifty years. George L. Hoehn was educated in the public schools, and took a commercial course. He engaged in the grocery business and later learned the tinner's trade. In 1887 he was appointed deputy county treasurer, serving in that capacity until 1895, when he was elected county treasurer, and served until 1900. For a time he was engaged in the grocery business, and in 1908 formed the present partner ship with Mr. Howard. Mr. Hoehn was married October 8, 1890, to Miss Margaret Deig, of Marrs township. They have one child, Raymond L. He is a member of the Catholic Knights of St. John and is a Democrat. William Degress Bennett. — In the development of the agricultural re sources of Posey county, which has resulted in her fame as a corn pro ducing district, opportunity has been offered to many not only to cause the dense woodland to bloom with waving grain, to realize substantial returns in a financial way, but to become leaders and teachers among their fellow men. Among those who have been active in the develop ment of Point township from the time of the removal of the forests to the present is numbered the subject of this review. William D. Ben nett is a native of Kentucky and was born near Bell's Coal Mine, Crit- tendon county, March 1, 1857, a son of James Madison and Mary E. (Humphreys) Bennett, both of whom were born in Tennessee. The Ben nett family are of English ancestry. Prior to the War of the Revo lution, three brothers, Nicholas L., Walker Marion and Emory Hughes Bennett, immigrated to the Virginia colony, and subsequently all three 272 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY served in the Continental Line in the struggle which resulted in the for mation of the Union. These brothers were the founders of the family in America. William D. Bennett is the fourth in descent from Emory Hughes Bennett, the Revolutionary soldier, which is as follows : Emory Hughes Bennett, born in England, resident of Virginia colony, a soldier of the Colonial army; Emory Hughes Bennett, Jr., his son, plantation owner of Tennessee (2) ; Emory Hughes Bennett, second, his son, born in Tennessee, resident of Kentucky and an early settler in Point town ship, Posey county, a blacksmith by trade, and father of our subject (3). He was born near Nashville, on December n, 1834. He served with Morgan's force in the Civil war, was captured by the Union forces, and remained a prisoner at Chicago for twenty-two months, refusing to take the oath of allegiance to the Union in order to secure his release. On the conclusion of hostilities he followed his trade of blacksmith, locating in Kentucky, and came to Posey county in 1875. With his son, William D., he bought 100 acres of land, at that time covered with forest. The tract was located in Point township, and is a part of the farm now owned by our subject. The elder Bennett followed his trade until his death, and the shop was operated for some years afterward by his son. He married when a young man, Mary E. Humphrey, a native of Tennessee, and whose father was a plantation owner and man of influence. The family originated in England, was founded in America during the Colo nial period, and several members were active supporters of the move ment which resulted in independence and served as well with the Colonial forces. Mr. Bennett's death occurred on December 28, 1887, and that of his wife on May 20, 1902. They were the parents of the following chil dren : William D. ; Jane Anne, wife of Jeremiah Kelley, a veteran of the Civil war, and resident of Mt. Vernon. Mrs. Kelley died in 1891 ; Emory Hughes Bennett, a retired farmer of Mt. Vernon; Fannie M., wife of Walter A. Curtis, farmer of Point township ; John K. Bennett, farmer of Point township, and Walker Marion Bennett, also a farmer of Point township. William D. Bennett attended the country schools of his na tive State, the time spent in securing an education being very limited. From his father he learned the trade of blacksmithing, which he followed both in Kentucky and Indiana. Upon his coming to Posey county, in 1875, when, with his father, he purchased a tract of timber land, much of his time was spent in clearing the tract for farming purposes. The hardships incident to reaching the goal — a producing farm — were many ; privations equally plenty, but he had the pluck, courage and energy necessary to win out. His farm, one of the most productive ones per acre in his township, is the return for many years of hard labor, privation and possibly some loss of enthusiasm. His holdings comprise 130 acres. The improvements are substantial, the farm well stocked and its owner is considered one of the successful men of his township, as well as one HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 273 of the most influential. He has been a lifelong Democrat, is active in the affairs of that organization in his district, but not inclined to accept office. He is a member of Point Lodge, No. 779, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and is a liberal supporter of the Methodist church. Mr. Bennett married, on April 3, 1887, Louisa, the daughter of the late Henry Heinekamp, a native of Germany, and a carpenter by trade and a resident of Mt. Vernon-. He was accidentally killed on March 26, 1889, by being thrown from his wagon, which ran over him. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett are the parents of the following children : Annie Christina, Cora Elgin, Emory Hughes, and George Washington. One child, a son, died in infancy. John Keck, manufacturer and man of affairs, president of the Keck- Gonnerman Company, of Mt. Vernon, and one of the most influential men in Posey county, of which he is a native, was born on his father's farm in Marrs township on August 7, 1851, the son of Andrew and Ro- sanna (Grossman) Keck. Andrew Keck and his wife were natives of Germany, who came to America with their parents and lived in Phila delphia, Pa., where they married. He brought his family to Posey county, Indiana, in 1835, and located on land in Marrs township. He was a farmer, an untiring worker, possessed the frugality common to the Ger man race, and was known as a man of strict honesty. His death oc curred in 1876, and that of his wife in 1861. They were the parents of twelve children, seven of whom are living. They are in order of birth, as follows: Caroline, the wife of Christian C. Stilz, a market gardener of Evansville; Anna B., the widow of Jacob Meyers, who resides in Portland, Ore. ; Rosanna, the widow of John C. Woody, who resides in Terre Haute ; Christiana, the wife of J. F. Schiela, of Mt. Vernon ; John, the subject of this review; Peter, of Mt. Vernon, proprietor of an elec trical equipment supply store, and Louis H., secretary and treasurer of the Keck-Gonnerman Company, of Mt. Vernon. The deceased children are as follows : Maria, who was the wife of George Maurer, a farmer of Marrs township ; Amelia, who married Henry Habenicht, a grocer of Evansville; Andrew, a drygoods merchant of Evansville; Eliza, who was the wife of Benjamin Blakely, of Mt. Vernon, and Catherine, who died in her eighteenth year. John Keck was reared on his father's farm, assisted in the farm work, and acquired his education in the district schools of his home township and Evansville. On attaining his ma jority, he struck out for himself, secured employment in Evansville, and became a machinist. He initiated his first business venture in 1877, when he purchased a half interest in the foundry owned by his brother- in-law, John C. Woody, at Mt. Vernon. The business was conducted under the firm name of Woody & Keck until 1883, when it became Keck & Onk, this partnership continuing for a few months, when new prin cipals were admitted and the firm, Keck, Gonnerman & Company formed. 274 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY The business of this firm was incorporated in 1901, as the Keck-Gonner man Company, of which Mr. Keck has since been president. A review of the growth of this enterprise, the most important in Posey county, is included in the chapter, "Manufacturing and Commercial Enterprises," to which the reader is referred for supplemental information. As a citi zen of Mt. Vernon, his place of residence for thirty years, Mr. Keck has been one of its most potential factors as a developer of commercial enter prises. He was one of the active factors in the organization of the Industrial Brick Company, the Home Mill & Elevator Company, and the Sunlight Milling Company, all of which have added to the prosperity of the city and which are reviewed at length in the chapter, "Manufacturing and Commercial Enterprises." He is also a member of the directorate of the First National Bank of Mt. Vernon. With his brother, Louis H. Keck, he is the owner of 865 acres of choice bottom land in Posey and Gibson counties, which are operated under their supervision. He has always taken an active interest in the civil affairs of his county and State, but political office has never appealed to him. He is a Democrat. He is a member of the Masonic and Knights of Pythias orders, and of the Methodist church. Mr. Keck married, on March 20, 1877, Miss Addie Frank, the daughter of Valentine Frank, a market gardener of Louisville, Ky. They are the parents of two children : Frank L. Keck, born June 16, 1882, a graduate of the Mt. Vernon High School, and as sistant superintendent of the Keck-Gonnerman Company, and Grover C. Keck, a graduate of the engineering department of Purdue University, class of 1906, who is the assistant secretary and treasurer of the Keck- Gonnerman Company, and manager of the automobile sales department Miles W. Thomas, influential citizen, successful farmer and trustee of Black township, was born on his father's farm near the city of Mt. Vernon on May 15, 1858, the son of David and Mary (Noles) Thomas. David Thomas was also a native of Posey county, his wife a native of Kentucky. Both died in 1864, when Miles was a lad of six years of age. He was reared in the family of his brother-in-law, John M. Gregory, a farmer of Black township, who removed in 1874 to Illinois. In the last named year, Miles Thomas became self-supporting. He secured em ployment as a farm hand and continued in this occupation until 1876, when he rented an eighty-acre farm in Marrs township. He remained a renter until 1893, when he purchased 180 acres of land in Marrs town ship, and which he has brought up to a high point of cultivation. He also owns forty-three acres in Black township, three miles east of Mt. Vernon, which he purchased in 1897. Since attaining his majority he has taken an active part in the political life of his township, and has been a consistent supporter of the policies of the Democratic party. He was elected to his present office, that of trustee of Black township, in 1908, and in the administration of its affairs he has proven the possession of HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 275 sound business judgment and keen financial sense. Since taking up the duties of the office, he has built three modern school buildings, one in 191 1, one in 1912, and one in 1913, at a total cost of $13,800; besides put ting all of the older buildings in a thorough state of repair. The roads of Black township are conceded to be the best in the county, and Tepre- sent close attention to this essential of the farmer by the trustee. A drainage ditch, costing $3,200, has also been completed under his super vision, and is one of the important improvements of the township under his administration. His election was by a majority of 176 in a township normally Republican by 100; a highly complimentary evidence of his standing as a citizen and reputation as a man of affairs. Mr. Thomas married in 1879 Miss Mary Lewis, the daughter of Thompson P. Lewis, farmer and influential citizen of Marrs township. To them have been born seven children, four of whom died in infancy, and the others are as follows : Lewis W., born July 3, 1880; Elizabeth, born November 27, 1888, and Thompson, born October 12, 1900. The family became resi dents of the city of Mt. Vernon in 1909, and are well and favorably known. Andrew A. Schenk, successful merchant, influential citizen, and treas urer of Posey county, is a native of the city of Mt. Vernon, where he was born on April 8, 1857, the son of Eberhardt P. and Margaret (Deig) Schenk. The family was founded in Indiana by Frank Schenk, a native of Germany, who came to Posey county in January, 1837, and located on land in Marrs township. He died in 1846 and his wife in 1872. They were the parents of Eberhardt P. Schenk, who was born in Germany, in 1821, and who obtained a good education in that country. His early life was passed on his father's farm. In 1847 he settled on a farm of his own in Marrs township, which he operated profitably. In 1855 he, with his brother, Frank Schenk, built the Union Hotel on the southeast corner of Main and Second streets, which they conducted until 1861, when Eber hardt P. sold his interest and returned to his farm in Black township, resumed its operation and continued farming there until his death. Mr. Schenk was an active and influential factor in the political life of Posey county, a Democrat, and served acceptably as county commissioner for several years. He married Margaret Deig in 1847. They were the parents of the following children, viz. : Mary Ann (deceased), Katherine, Frank P., Andrew A., the subject of this article, Barbara, Margaret (deceased), and Elizabeth. The parents were communicants of the Catholic church, and the family were reared in that faith. Andrew A. Schenk was reared on his father's farm and educated in the schools of Marrs township. On attaining his majority he engaged in farming on his own account and remained in this occupation until 1892, when he removed to Mt. Vernon and engaged in the grocery business. He has since developed one of the most profitable enterprises in this line in the 276 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY county. He posseses a reputation for honesty and fair dealing which combined with commercial ability of high order has enabled his to ac cumulate a competence. Like his father, he has been an active factor in the political life of his home township, and later in that of the county. He has ever been a consistent advocate of the principles and policies of the Democratic party, which honored him, in 1910, with nomination to the office of treasurer of Posey county, and elected him by a highly satisfactory majority. He was elected, to succeed himself, in 1912. In the administration of the affairs of this department of the county's busi ness, Mr. Schenk has given the same close attention to detail which made for his success both as a farmer and merchant. The writer is per suaded to believe that for all round efficiency the office has never had a more able occupant. Mr. Schenk married, on September 18, 1884, Miss Katy Grabert, the daughter of Frederick Grabert, of Black township. They are the parents of five children, who are as follows : Fred E. Schenk, assistant treasurer of Posey county; William C. Schenk, man ager of the Schenk grocery store ; Carl O. Schenk, Arthur A. Schenk, and Raymond Schenk, the last three named being employed in various ca pacities in the store owned by their father. The family is popular in their home city, active in its social life, and the Schenk residence on Water street is one of the handsome homes of Mt. Vernon. Eberhardt B. Schenk, president of the E. B. Schenk Hardware Com pany, of Mt. Vernon, influential citizen and successful man of affairs, was born near Evansville, Ind., July 10, 1844. He was reared in St. Philip and Mt. Vernon, coming to the latter city with his parents in 1856. His education was acquired in the public schools and his first occupation was that of clerk in the Union Hotel of Mt. Vernon, built and conducted by his father and uncle. He initiated his first commercial venture in 1866, when he engaged in the pump business. In this he was successful. He engaged in the hardware business in 1873, doing busines under the style of E. B. Schenk. Under his management this enterprise has grown to be the leading one of its line in Posey county. Mr. Schenk occupies the office of president and his son, John Schenk, that of secretary and treasurer. The company carries a complete line of hardware, plumbing materials, stoves and furnaces, sporting goods, cutlery, and implements. The stock carried represents by far the largest investment of any similar enterprise in the county, is the most comprehensive in assortment, and in point of volume of sales, exceeds by far any competitor in the city. Mr. Schenk is known to the hardware trade as being especially well in formed in all the branches and details of the line. As a merchant, he is considered as one of the most successful in his section. He is a citizen of influence, and that influence he has consistently used in the support of those measures which have had for their object the development and betterment of the commercial, civil and religious life of his city and HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 277 county. He is a Democrat, takes an active interest in the questions of the day, but has never had inclination for public office. He is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and a communicant of the Catholic church. Mr. Schenk married Miss Elizabeth Stahloefer, of Mt. Vernon. Clem V. Schenk, a young business man of Mt. Vernon, who is success fully conducting a plumbing, heating and sheet metal enterprise, which ranks first in its line in Posey county, was born in Mt. Vernon on Jan uary 6, 1885, the son of Eberhardt B. Schenk, a review of whose life precedes this article. Clem V. Schenk received his education in the schools of his native city, supplemented by a two-year course in Jasper College, at Jasper, Ind. His first employment was in the store of his father, where for three years he was a salesman, eight years an em ployee in the plumbing and sheet iron department of the same store, and of which he became foreman. In June, 191 1, he took over the shop end of his father's business, and has developed a successful enterprise. He occupies commodious quarters in a two-story brick building on West Second street, having a frontage of forty feet and running back ninety feet. His equipment comprises all needed machinery necessary for the carrying on of the business, and his stock of material is the largest and most varied of any in its line in the county. Mr. Schenk is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and takes an active interest in the political life of his city and State. He is a Democrat. Mr. Schenk married, on September 25, 1907, Miss Carrie Frielinghausen, the daughter of Antone Frielinghausen. The family are communicants of the Catholic church. John Herrmann, one of Posey county's most enterprising and intelli gent citizens, was reared and educated in Germany, where he was born August 10, 1827, the fourth son of a family of six children born to John and Magdalena (Wagner) Herrmann, who were natives of Germany and lived and died in the Fatherland. He came to America in 1851, locating first in New York State, where he remained for one year. He then went to Ohio and on March 18, 1853, he located on a farm near Wadesville, Ind., remaining there until 1887, when he came to Mt. Vernon. John Herrmann made his own start in life, unselfishly leav ing his share of the family estate to his widowed mother and brothers and sisters. By indomitable courage and energy he succeeded in ac quiring 300 acres of very fine land, now under cultivation. His barn, which is the finest in the county, cost $6,000. He has an elegant resi dence and financially is one of the foremost farmers in the State. Mr. Herrmann is a member of the Lutheran church and is a Democrat and takes an active interest in politics. He held the office of justice of the peace sixteen years, and in all respects is worthy of the confidence reposed in him. He has been offered many positions of honor and trust 278 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY by his political friends, which for various reasons he could not accept. He is prominent in the councils of his party and as a citizen takes a leading place in the community. In 1887 he removed from Wades ville to Mt. Vernon and after holding the office of county treasurer he retired. Mrs. Herrmann died in 1906, and since that time he has made his home with his son, John G. Herrmann. On August 20, 185 1, occurred the marriage of John Herrmann and Margaret Hempfling and they became the parents of seven children : Barbara, deceased ; Simon, deceased; Elizabeth, deceased; Christiana; Carolina, deceased; John G., and Sophia, deceased. John G. was born September 10, 1866. On September 7, 1890, he married Miss Tillie Stephens, daughter of Henry and Mollie (Vosloh) Stephens. The next year he removed to Mt. Vernon and engaged in farming. At the same time he was in the im plement business with his brother-in-law, Joseph M. Stephens, from 1902 to 1912, when he purchased Mr. Stephens' interests in both farm and implement business. At present Mr. Herrmann is the proprietor of an up-to-date garage located on Main street and sells the Buick auto mobile and carries a full line of automobile accessories. The farm is known as the Little Island in the western part of Black township, and consists of 423 acres. Mr. Herrmann was also in the race horse busi ness for three years. He belongs to the Masons, Odd Fellows and Elks. Enoch Beal Bixler, successful man of affairs and popular citizen of Cynthiana, was born on his father's farm in Armstrong township, Van derburg county, Indiana, April 21, 1853, the son of John and Caroline (Lechner) Bixler, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania, John Bixler having been born in Lebanon county on July 8, 1802, and his wife in Lewistown on September 1, 1815. They were married in Lew- istown on March 27, 1834. Four years later, in 1838, John Bixler de cided to seek his fortune in the West and, with a covered wagon, drawn by one horse, he set out for Indiana and eventually located in Vander burg county, where he purchased land from the government, paying $1.25 per acre. In his new home he underwent the hardships common to the pioneer of that time, did his due share toward the development of his section and accumulated a competence. He was a man of some influ ence in his township, was held in esteem by his fellow citizens, and reared his children with a view to their becoming useful men and women. The original Bixler homestead, when purchased from the gov ernment a wilderness, through his efforts made a highly productive farm property and is still owned by one of his children. John and Caroline Bixler were the parents of eleven children, seven of whom are living at this writing (1913) and are as follows: Benedict, Nancy J., the widow of Moses Wilkinson, who was a resident of Smith township, and in which she resides; Cornelia; Jonas T. ; Enoch B., the subject of this review ; Edson M. and Ella F. The deceased children are : Mary HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 279 C, Virginia, John H. and Elias W. Enoch Beal Bixler was reared on the home farm in Vanderburg county and acquired his education in its district schools and in Cynthiana, being a pupil in the first school house erected in that town. Subsequently he engaged in teaching. He was engaged in this profession for eight years, six in Armstrong township, Vanderburg county, and two in Smith township, Posey county. He next engaged in farming and stock raising, an occupation in which he has been signally successful. His eight years as a teacher has had much to do with his desire to keep in touch with the advancement in agricul tural methods, and the result of his studies along this line is seen in the results obtained in the management of his farm properties. As a stock raiser he ranks among the first in his section. His farm of 200 acres in Vanderburg county is one of the most valuable in that section of the State, its improvements are modern, it is well stocked, and under his management is a profitable enterprise. He is president of the Mu tual Telephone Company of Cynthiana and a director in the Evansville, Mt. Carmel & Olney Railroad Company, an organization chartered to build an electric line from Olney, 111., through Mt. Carmel to Evans ville, a distance of about sixty miles. A portion of the road has been completed and it is the expectation that it will be in operation from terminal to terminal within two years. It traverses a highly productive country, having an average population of 700 per square mile, and will stimulate development of the territory through which it runs. Mr. Bix ler has been an active factor in the enterprise, not only in the organiza tion of the company, but in the affairs of the company since incorpora tion. He has other investments of importance. His political affiliation has been with the Republican party and he is a consistent supporter of its principles and policies. Political office has never appealed to him. He is a member of the town council of Cynthiana, however, a case of the office seeking the man. He became a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows in 1883 and has been an active worker in his lodge. He is a member of the Christian church and served as moderator of the congregation at New Liberty for five years. In 1907 he built one of the most beautiful residences in Cynthiana, having seven acres of grounds, and the family have since resided in that city. Mr. Bixler married on September 26, 1885, Miss Nettie Newman, a daughter of William and Jane (Rutter) Newman, personal mention of whom will be found in the sketch of Schuyler C. Newman. Mrs. Bixler was born on the Newman farm in Armstrong township, Vanderburg county, and was educated in the schools of her home township and in Cynthiana. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Bixler: Ivey Florence, deceased, and Edna E., born May 12, 1888. She is the wife of Ransom Ewing, a farmer of Cynthiana. Mr. and Mrs. Ewing are the parents of two children: Arvin K., born July 5, 1909, and Millage W., born Feb ruary 13, 1913. 280 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Ira L. Turman, a physician and surgeon of Cynthiana, Ind., belongs to an old established Indiana family rich in historical lore. His great grandfather, Benjamin Turman, was of English descent and was born in Virginia, residing for a number of years in Bedford county, of that State, where all of his children were born. He removed to Champaign county, Ohio, remaining there four years, thence to Sullivan county, Indiana, in the year 1810. In the year 1806 Mr. Benjamin Turman had, with a small party, explored the country on the Wabash near the mouth of what afterwards was called Turman's creek, but at that time a set tlement seemed too hazardous an undertaking. Four years later, on returning to the Wabash valley, he left his family at Carlisle, where a settlement had been made, while he, with his sons and a few soldiers, built a fort on the prairie where he had decided to locate his home. From that time the prairie, the creek, which joins the Wabash at that point, and the township took his name. He brought with him from Ohio his farm implements, furniture and a considerable number of horses, cattle and hogs. These were the first hogs in this section of the country and they were capable of subsisting on the natural products of the soil. The Indians still frequented the locality and sometimes were cross and im pudent. This did not deter Mr. Turman from the purchase of a large tract of land from the government in 1816. He had the first dairy and first fruit tree nursery in that part of the State, and some of the trees planted nearly 100 years ago are still standing, one apple tree meas uring three feet and three inches in diameter. He lived to see peace restored between the United States and England and the Indians driven from the Wabash Valley. His death occurred in his spacious dwelling, built of hewed logs, in 1818. Thomas Turman, the grandfather of our subject, was born in Bedford county, Virginia, August 18, 1796, and his wife, Susannah Lavina (White) Turman, was born in Roane county, Tennessee, November 1, 1801. They were married January 27, 1818, her grandfather, the Rev. Hezekiah James Balch, performing the ceremony. Rev. Balch was appointed on May 20, 1775, on a committee of three to draft and revise what was known as the Mecklenberg Declaration, which was the first Declaration of Independence made in America, and which was sent to the President of Congress in Philadelphia by Capt. James Jack. The Turmans produced large quantities of corn, for which there was no market nearer than New Orleans, and it is said that they were the first to propose .transportation to that point by means of flat boats of home construction. Thomas Turman was one of the first to make the perilous journey, and opened up a trade that meant so much to the set tlers all along the rivers and streams leading to the Mississippi from that time until the coming of railroads. The Wabash, Ohio and Mississippi rivers had many hidden rocks, dangerous sand bars and imbedded logs of immense size, which added greatly to the perils of the voyage, which HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 28l often required months to make. However, Mr. Turman carried on a successful freighting business for many years, always accompanying his boats personally and superintending the sales of goods. In his ab sence his wife conducted the farming operations with such energy and good judgment that an ample crop was always awaiting transportation. On one of these trips he was gone so long that he was given up for lost, but returned just after the birth of a son, who was named Return Jon athan, and who was the father of Dr. Ira L. Turman, of this record. Thomas Turman died June 30, 1863, and his wife died March 28, 1875. Return Jonathan Turman was born July 6, 1837, attended the common schools and when old enough to do so he farmed and raised stock on Turman's prairie, where he still resides. He was married April 3, 1864, to Perlina A. Wible, and to them were born twelve children, our subject, Ira L., being the third. The family are distinguished for great natural musical ability. The wife and mother died February 2, 1890. Dr. Ira L. Turman was born at Graysville, Ind., February 13, 1869, and was raised a farmer boy. After finishing the common schools he attended the Union Christian College at Merom, Ind., after which he taught school for one year and then began the study of medicine under Dr. J. L. Durham, of Graysville. He entered the medical department of the University of Louisville, Ky., graduating with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1894. In May of that year he located for the practice of his profes'- sion at Cynthiana, where he has since remained and enjoys a lucrative practice. Dr. Turrhan belongs to the Posey County and Indiana State societies, and the American Medical Association. He was president for one year and secretary for two years, 1910-1911, of the "Posey County Medical Society: He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. The first marriage of Dr. Turman was on August 22, 1895, to Miss Agnes Bixler, daughter of Benedict R. and Martha (Boren) Bixler, natives of Vanderburg county, where they were engaged in farming and stock rais ing. Agnes Bixler was born and raised in Vanderburg county. She at tended common and high schools and graduated from the normal school at Princeton, after which she taught several terms in the rural schools prior to her marriage. They had one child, Claud Kenneth, born Decem ber 14, 1896, a graduate of the Cynthiana High School, class of 1913, and now a teacher. The first wife died on October 26, 1904. On March 15, 1906, Dr. Turman married Grace Bixler (nee Emerson), daughter of John W. and Ellen (Yeager) Emerson, natives of Gibson county, where Grace Emerson was born and reared. She was a student of the Union Christian College at Merom, Ind. Mrs. Turman had one child by her first mar riage, David Clair Bixler, born July 16, 1904. Dr. and Mrs. Turman have two children, Robert E., born February 2, 1908, and Agnes Lucile, born February 4, 1912. The Turman family are members of the Chris tian church. 282 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Samuel Benson Montgomery, physician and surgeon of Cynthiana, Ind., is a member of a family which has figured prominently in the his tory of the world since 944, the death of Yves de Bellesme, Count of Alencon, in Normandy, the first person recorded as bearing the name of Montgomery, occurring in that year. Since that time the Montgomerys have been heard of in France, England, Holland, Scotland, Ireland and America, his descendants having located in all those countries. It is from those that lived in Scotland and Ireland that we have the American line, and the antecedents of our subject. In 1605 Hugh Montgomery, of Braidstane, Scotland, was given title to one-third of the Con Oneil estate of Ireland for services rendered in Oneil's behalf in securing his pardon from King James. Mr. Montgomery at once set about to place a desirable class of emigrants on the large possessions he had secured. Of the first fifty-one families he brought there six families bore the name Montgomery, and within five years his colonization was so successful that he was able to report 1,000 men at his Majesty's service. Out of the amalgamation of the thousands of Scotch emigrants brought into Ire land by Hugh Montgomery and other knights, with the native Irish, came the Scotch-Irish family, many of whom have come to America, settling at first in Virginia and finally scattering in every State in the Union. Samuel Montgomery, Sr., a direct descendant of Hugh Montgomery, was born in Virginia about 1740, and served in the Revolutionary war. He was quiet, peace-loving, industrious and religious, and was highly es teemed by his neighbors. He was an elder in the old Presbyterian church in Kentucky, and in 1814, three years after coming to Indiana, he con sented to assist in the organization of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. This he did at the earliest solicitation of Rev. William Barnett, and with them in the project was James Knowles, an elder in the Old School Presbyterian church. These three men formed the basis for the first Cumberland Presbyterian church of Indiana, and they formed the new organization without reordination or relinquishing any part of their former faith, and for the sole purpose of advancing the cause of Christ. Samuel Montgomery, Sr., married Polly McFarland, in Virginia, and later removed to Perryville, Ky. In 181 1 he came with most of his fam ily to Indiana and settled in Gibson county. The father of Samuel Montgomery, Sr., had slaves, and the son, being a religious man, did not believe it was right, and for that reason left home with his belongings and came to Indiana, where he set his negroes free at Evansville, which at that time consisted of two log houses and a cornfield. He bought his land at $1.50 per acre. It is now worth $200 per acre. Samuel Mont gomery, Jr., was born in Kentucky in 1794, the ninth and youngest child of Samuel Montgomery, Sr. At the age of seventeen years he belonged to the State militia, and at the time of the call of General Harrison for help at the battle of Tippecanoe, he was absent on a visit. Upon return- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 283 ing and learning that his company had joined General Harrison, he hastily followed on horseback, but met his company at Vincennes, on their re turn. He married Sarah Montgomery on November 15, 1814. She was born in 1793, and died in August, 1829. This was the thirty-eighth mar riage license issued in Gibson county. Five children were born to this union. He was married the second time in 1833, when Nancy Robb, nee Davis, became his wife. Five children were born to this second marriage. Mr. Montgomery was drawn on the first jury in the county. Court was held in a small log cabin southwest of Princeton, on the McCurdy farm. Jesse M. Montgomery, the tenth and youngest child of Samuel Montgomery, Jr., was born May 5, 1845, in Gibson county, Indiana. He is a farmer by occupation, and a staunch Republican in politics, having represented Gibson county in the legislature in 1887. He now lives one mile north of Cynthiana, where he has one of the finest farms in the county. On November 22, 1866, he married Lemira Benson, a daughter of William Benson, of Montgomery township, Gibson county, and they became the parents of three children all of whom received college educa tions. Samuel B. Montgomery, the youngest child of Jesse M. and Le mira (Benson) Montgomery, was born on his father's farm in Gibson county, one mile north of Cynthiana, July 6, 1874. He was raised on the farm, completed the common schools and graduated from the Owensville High School in 1892. He attended Wabash College one year and then entered the medical department of the University of Louisville, where he graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine, in 1898. He lo cated at Poseyville, Ind., for practice, remaining there one year. He then went to St. Wendel, where he remained three years, and although successful in both these places he decided to locate in Cynthiana, and came here in 1902. He enjoys a large and lucrative practice, and is a member of the Posey County and Indiana State Medical societies, and the American Medical Association. He belongs to the Christian church, the Modern Woodmen of America, and the Court of Honor. Politically, he is a Progressive. On September 15, 1898, Dr. Montgomery married Miss Eva L. Boyle, daughter of Henry and Matilda (McReynolds) Boyle, both natives of Indiana, the father of Vanderburg county, and the mother of Posey county. Her parents are now retired, living in Cynthiana in the summer and in Florida in the winter. Mrs. Montgomery was born in Vanderburg county, July 17, 1879, and was educated in the common and high schools of Cynthiana, and at Owensboro College, Owensboro, Ky. They are the parents of two children: Mary Leona, born March 5, 1901, and Dorothy Mae, born March 16, 1905. Mrs. Montgomery is a mem ber of the Presbyterian church, and active in its charities. James Edward Gudgel, physician and surgeon of Cynthiana, Ind., be longs to a family which figures prominently in the history of Indiana. His great grandfather was named Andrew Gudgel, his grandfather, Wil- 284 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Ham Gudgel, and his father, Andrew Gudgel. We quote from the histor)' of Gibson county, Indiana, published by James T. Tarlt & Company, con cerning the Gudgel family: Andrew Gudgel, the grandfather of the present Andrew Gudgel, of Columbia township, was a man whose mem ory is worthy of record in this work. He was of German origin, and settled in Pennsylvania. He was married three times, and the father of seventeen children. The maiden name of the last wife was Elizabeth, and she was the grandmother of Andrew Gudgel, of Columbia township. After the Revolutionary war was over and peace declared, Mr. Gudgel, like many of that day, concluded to emigrate to the then far West, be yond the Alleghany mountains. In the year 1785 he set out with his family for Kentucky, a region then being wrested from the savages by Boone and his heroic companions. After a tedious and toilsome jour ney they arrived at their destination, and located on Silver creek, a strip of country which lies between the present cities of Lexington and Frank- ford, where he erected a cabin and subsequently built a grist mill on the creek. He operated this water mill for a number of years, to the great advantage of the settlers. Mills at that time were not numerous in the then wild West. Gudgel's mill was considered the best one in Kentucky. Owing to a defect in the title of his land, a farm of 600 acres, on which the mill was located, and which involved him in three law suits, he con cluded in order to avoid further annoyance to leave that locality. He disposed of some of his property and removed to the Territory of In diana, arriving here early in 181 1. He settled in the timber on a tract of land about two miles east of where Owensville is now situated. Llere, with the energy characteristic of the old settler, he cleared a small patch of ground, erected a log cabin, and subsequently made a farm, upon which he continued to reside until his death. Prior to his coming to Indiana, in consequence of exposure, he had practically lost the use of his legs; but he was a man of determined energy, and he would chop and clear up brush around his cabin for hours while sitting in a chair. The following incident will show the pluck of the old veteran. During the Indian troubles, which occurred about this time, his family all went to Fort Branch, which was a strong block house, erected as a rendezvous for the settlers of that locality. This plucky old pioneer would not go to the fort, but insisted on remaining at home in his cabin to take care of things. The Indians frequently come to his place, and while the old man was sitting in his chair, fearless of danger, the wily savages walked around him, frequently patting him on the head, and in their rude fashion complimented him on his bravery. It is one of the peculiarities of Indian character to admire bravery in those they regard as their foes. His third and last wife survived him a few years. By his last marriage he had a family of three children: Nancy, who married William Teel, and Hettie, who became the wife of Harrison McGary, a relative of whom HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 285 was the first settler of what is now Evansville. Both Teel and McGary were old and prominent settlers in that part of the country and many of their descendants still live in and around the neighborhood of Owens ville. The only son by the last marriage was William Gudgel, who was the father of Andrew Gudgel, of Columbia township, and he was the father of James Edward, Our subject. The history continues about Wil liam Gudgel, the grandparent of our subject. He was born in the State of Kentucky in the year 1802, and came here with his parents in 181 1. As will be observed, he was then a lad of ten years of age, and he, like most of the boys of the pioneers, was handy in assisting to clear away the bush and timber around the cabin home. As he grew to manhood he became quite a noted hunter, and by his skill he succeeded in killing a great deal of game. It is related of him by his son, Andrew, that it was no uncommon thing for him to sally out and on a single trip kill three or four deer and several turkeys, which were then very plentiful in the densely timbered districts of that neighborhood. The pecularity of his fire arms is worthy of description. His rifle was what was then known as a sixty-bullet gun to the pound. It was a hammered barrel made by hand, flint lock, horn trigger, and very effective in doing its work. In the year 1824 William Gudgel married Lucy Thurman. They had born to them a family of twelve children, who grew to man and womanhood. Eleven are yet living (1884) and ten are residents of Gibson county and one of the State of Illinois. Five of the gallant sons of this old pioneer did service in the Union army during the late Rebellion. The names of the children of William and Lucy Gudgel in the order of their birth were : Andrew, the father of our subject; Henry T., who was a soldier in an Illinois regiment during the late war, died at Pine Bluff, Ark. ; Martha, who became the wife of Henderson Pritchett; Nancy, wife of Lorenzo S. Douglas ; Jacob ; Edward ; Sarah, wife of Rice Redman, now residing in White county, Illinois; Nicholas; John; Caroline, the wife of Leroy Martin, and they reside in Fort Branch ; Abraham, and Harriett, the wife of Henry Yeager. The last named are living on a farm a short distance from Owensville. William Gudgel was a farmer and was an industrious and enterprising man. He reared a large family, who are among the best citizens of the county. For many years he was an invalid. In poli tics he was identified with the Whig and Republican parties. His death took place in February, 1877. His widow survived him until 1888, and resided at the old homestead with her sons, John and Abraham. Andrew Gudgel, the father of our subject, was born in Gibson county, Indiana, February 19, 1825, the son of William and Lucy (Thurman) Gudgel, the grandson of Andrew and Elizabeth (Pane) Gudgel. His early education was -such as could be obtained in the district schools of that period. He remained with his parents, working on the farm until September 3, 1846, when he was married to Elvira Wallace, the daughter of John Wallace. 286 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY He held the office of justice of the peace for several years, and was a strong Republican, although never a man of political aspirations. When the Civil war broke out he enlisted in Company A, Fifty-eighth regiment, Indiana volunteers, and participated in many battles, was severely wounded at the battle of Stone River, but he would not go to the hos pital, and never was absent a day during his service of three years and three months. He had eight children, four boys and four girls. The four boys were all professional men, two lawyers and two doctors. James Edward Gudgel, our subject, was born in Gibson county, on the farm of his parents, on the tenth of March, 1858. His parents are of German descent, while his grandmother, Lucy (Thurman) Gudgel, was of Scotch- Irish extraction. A relic of the voyage they made across the ocean is still in Cynthiana. It is a pot, in which they cooked potatoes on the vessel during the voyage. The name was originally spelled Goodgell, but the Kentucky family spelled it Gudgell, and the Indiana family Gud gel. Parents on both sides were farmers and stick raisers, and his fore fathers made their livelihood out of the wilderness of Indiana. Dr. Gud gel attended the district schools until he was about fifteen years old, when he entered the high school at Oakland City, Ind., and graduated with the class of 1879. At this time there was a normal school at Oak land City, which he attended, making about nine years in school at that place. He afterwards taught school four years in rural districts, and one year in the grammar grade at Booneville, Ind. After teaching school he attended Evansville Medical College, graduating with the degree of Doctor of Medicine as a member of the class of 1883, and during his last year was interne in the Evansville City Hospital. In 1883 he located at Cynthiana, Ind., where he has since remained in the practice of his pro fession, and is one of the three oldest men, in point of continuous service, in Posey county. He is a student, possesses a comprehensive library, and keeps in touch with the advancement in medicine and surgery. In 1888 he spent three months in post-graduate work in the College of Phy sicians and Surgeons at St. Louis. Dr. Gudgel has always taken an active part in the political life of his township, and is a consistent advocate of the principals and policies of the Republican party. He served one term as a trustee of the city of Cynthiana, and as health officer for two years. He is a director of the Cynthiana Banking Company. He is a member of the Posey County Medical Association, of which he was president in 1910. Lie is also a member of the Indiana State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. He is a member of the Modern Wood men of America. He was married September 3, 1886, to Lizzie T. Smith, a daughter of George W. and Mary J. (Calvert) Smith, natives of Smith township, Posey county. The grandfather of Dr. Gudgel's wife, Daniel Smith, was also a pioneer resident of Posey county, and lived near Posey ville. The family came to Indiana from Kentucky, but originally from HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 287 North Carolina, coming to Posey county during the early days of the Eighteenth century. Dr. Gudgel's wife is the daughter of a farmer and stock raiser, and she was born and educated in Posey county, graduating from the Cynthiana High School in 1880. After her graduation she taught school one term in Owensville, two terms in Gibson county, and one term in Posey county. The family are members of the Presbyterian church. Four children have been born to Dr. and Mrs. Gudgel : Harold Owen, born July 12, 1887, who completed a three-years course in the Indiana State University in 1908, subsequently was a teacher in the Cyn thiana schools, and is now superintendent of the Maxwell Garage, Law- renceville, 111. ; Helen, born December 28, 1897. Eva and Marjorie died in infancy. Schuyler C. Newman, lumber merchant and former school teacher, came of an English family, and was born in Armstrong township, Van derburg county, December 21, 1869, son of William and Jane (Rutter) Newman. His father is a native of Vanderburg county, and his mother was born in Posey county. His father was a successful farmer, and is now retired, and living in Cynthiana, where he and Mrs. Newman cele brated their golden wedding January 26, 1913, all of their six children being present. The father is seventy-seven and the mother seventy- eight years of age. Schuyler C. Newman was reared on his father's farm in Vanderburg county, and received his education in the district schools, Cynthiana High School, the normal school at Princeton, and the Indiana State Normal School at Terre Haute. After finishing his education he engaged in teaching for six years in the rural schools of Vanderburg county, farming the last two years of this time. He then gave up teach ing and farmed for two years. About 1903 he bought a farm adjoining Cynthiana, and in 1905 he became a resident of that town, where he estab lished a lumber business, which he still owns. In 1906 his brother was admitted to partnership in the firm, under the style of Newman Brothers: The firm carries a well assorted stock of lumber, sashes and doors, fence posts, cement, sand, lime, plaster and paints and oils. They also oper ate a planing mill. Their business is profitable, and the firm enjoys a reputation for honest and fair dealing. Mr. Newman is an active worker in the Presbyterian church, in which he has his membership. He be longs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In politics he was formerly a Republican, but is now a Prohibitionist. He was married in Cynthiana on May 7, 1899, to Miss Ada Stewart, daughter of Frank and Martha Stewart, of Vanderburg county, where she was born and raised on her father's farm. Mr. and Mrs. Newman have two children : Iva S., born March 6, 1900, and Maurice T., born March 13, 1907, both now attending the Cynthiana schools. Carlos B. Macy, superintendent of the city schools of Cynthiana, Ind., was born on a farm in Posey township, Rush county, Ind., November 29, 288 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 1882, son of Thomas B. and Lutitia (Pitts) Macy, natives of the, same county. Our subject attended the common and high schools of Manilla, Ind., and then spent one year in the academy at Spiceland, Ind., after which he began teaching school in the rural districts, continuing his edu cation in the University of Valparaiso in the summer months. He was also a student at Purdue, at the University of Indiana, and graduated from the Indiana State Normal, Terre Haute, in the class of 1912. After leaving Rush county he taught one year in Marion county, at New Au gusta, and one year in Corydon, and one year at Wadesville. In 1910 he was appointed principal of the high school at Cynthiana, and in 1912 be came superintendent. He is a member of the Quaker church and belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America. In 1908 Mr. Macy married Nelle Underwood, daughter of Joseph N. and Elizabeth Underwood, of Ver sailles, Ind., where her father was a merchant. Mrs. Macy was reared in the town, graduated from its high school in the class of 1901, and taught school for a number of years prior to her marriage. She is a member of the Baptist church. They are the parents of one child, a daughter, Mary Elizabeth. Henry Thomas Calvert, of Cynthiana, Ind., is a representative of a family long established in Southern Indiana, the first of that line to lo cate in this section having been Patrick Calvert, who was born in Ten nessee in 1784. In 1804 he married Miss Sarah Martin, who was born in South Carolina in 1783. They came to Indiana in 181 1 and settled near Owensville, in Gibson county. About this time the country was in the throes of war and Patrick Calvert, like a true patriotic citizen, assisted in bringing about peace, driving the Indians permanently from the fertile Wabash Valley. He was also a soldier under Gen. W. H. Harri son in the famous battle of Tippecanoe. After the war he returned to his farm, and in 1816 removed to Armstrong township, Vanderburg coun ty, and purchased from the Government land which is still in possession of the family. Here he followed the occupation of a farmer until his death, in i860. His wife died in 1840. Patrick Calvert was a man of rigid convictions on matters of right and wrong, dealt justly and honor ably with all and being always friendly and neighborly he was loved by all who knew him. Leroy Calvert, the seventh child of Patrick Calvert, was born on February 4, 1819. On January 13, 1843, he married Pene lope Shelton, who was born in Mason county, Kentucky, September 24, 1821, coming to Indiana with her parents when two years of age. His tory records no stronger, cleaner character than the Hon. Leroy Calvert, father of our subject. He had strong religious convictions, and worked earnestly for the advancement of his country and community. His early life was spent in attending the common schools and in working on his father's farm, where he received strict training and high ideals of right and wrong, which later were so noticeable in his character in han- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 289 dling the important affairs of life intrusted to him by his friends and neighbors, and in his public service. Until 1876 Armstrong township had been without a church, and the one built at that time was called "Cal vert's Chapel," in appreciation of the assistance of Mr. Calvert and of his worth to the community. The building is free to all Christian denomi nations. The political career of Leroy Calvert has been a notable one, and such as to reflect credit upon himself and family. He was a staunch Democrat until 1884, when he voted for St. John for President. Under the old constitution he served as clerk of the board of trustees, after which he held offices as follows. He was elected justice of the peace in 1848 and served two years, resigning to become a candidate for county commissioner, to which office he was elected in 1850. At the time of the building of the Vanderburg county court house, in 1852, he held the re sponsible position of president of the board. From 1856 to i860, he served as township trustee, being in the latter year elected county treas urer. His execution of the duties of his office was so satisfactory that he was re-elected to the office. At the expiration of his second term he retired to his farm, but was chosen by the people of Armstrong town ship as their trustee once more, and in 1868 was elected representative in the general assembly. When in the session following his election, an at tempt was made to pass the fifteenth amendment, Mr. Calvert, with fifty-five of his fellow Democratic members, resigned and returned to their homes. In the special election which was then called by Governor Baker, Mr. Calvert was re-elected and returned to the assembly, but the obnoxious attempt being made again at a special session he resigned a second time and came back home to stay. Upon his affiliation with the Prohibition party, in 1884, he was made their first nominee for Con gress, in the First district, and was an exceptionally strong candidate. In 1888 he was placed upon the ticket as a candidate for presidential elector for the First district. His death occurred in 1898, and that of his wife in 1876. They had seven children, five girls and two boys, Henry T. Calvert, the sixth child, being our subject. Henry T. Calvert was born in Armstrong township, Vanderburg county, Indiana, April 25, 1855, son of Leroy and Penelope (Shelton) Calvert. He was reared in his native township, where he attended the common schools, first in an old frame school house of early construction, later attended the Fort Branch schools, and for several years went to school in Cynthiana. After leaving school he began farming, first with his father, and later for him self on a rented place. After his marriage he farmed the homestead, and his father lived with him until his death. Our subject farmed and raised stock for several years and lived on the farm until 1899, when he re moved to Cynthiana and built a nice city home. In the fall of 1900 he became an employee of the Ziliak Schafer Milling Company's elevator at Cynthiana. He was engineer for four years and was then made man- 290 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY ager of the elevator, which position he held until 1909, when he resigned- to make a trip to California. He left Indiana in July, 1909, and remained through the next winter. Since his return to Cynthiana, Mr. Calvert has lived a retired life, still owning his farm and city property. He is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, in which he has always been an active worker. Until 1900 Mr. Calvert was a staunch Democrat, but since that time he has been a worker in the Prohibition party. His first Presidential vote was cast for Samuel J. Tilden. On October 1, 1879, Mr. Calvert married Marietta McConnell, daughter of Robert G. and Sarah (Kimball) McConnell, the former a native of Smith town ship, Posey county, and the latter of Gibson county. Robert G. Mc Connell was born about 1832, the son of John B. and Lucinda (McCrary) McConnell. John B. McConnell was born in Scotland, August 29, 1794, and his wife was of Irish descent. He was married December 23, 1817, to Lucinda McCrary, who was born July 7, 1800, and to them were born nine children: James C, born February 28, 1819; Alexander R., born December 7, 1821 ; Marinda K., born April 17, 1824; Ann E., born Septem ber 29, 1826; Miner G., born October 20, 1829; Robert G., born March 2, 1832; Zerelda C, born December 25, 1833; John C, born March 16, 1837, and Mary Ruth, born March 9, 1839. The mother of Mrs. Calvert died August 23, 1874, and her father died September 17, 1881. The mother was born November 12, 1837. John B. McConnell came to this country from Scotland, about the year 1800, and settled in North Carolina. He removed to Tennessee, where he remained only a short time before com ing to Indiana and locating with his family in Posey county, where his son, Robert G., father of Mrs. Calvert, was born. Robert G. and Sarah E. McConnell became the parents of six children : Marietta, the wife of our subject, born June 28, 1857; Louella, born May 27, 1862; William G., born September 21, 1866; Eliza C, born January 7, 1869; Lillian G., born September 16, 1871, now deceased; Sarah E., born August 9, 1874. Mrs. Calvert attended the common schools of Posey county as a child. She and Mr. Calvert are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. To Mr. and Mrs. Calvert four children were born : Eva, born September 22, 1895 ; Maude, died in infancy ; Ethel died aged eight years, and Edith died aged four years and six months. Frank E. Lewis, editor and publisher and former minister of the Chris tian church, of Cynthiana, Ind., was born in Jasper county, 111., January 5, 1871, son of James and Joan (Woodward) Lewis, mother a native of Kentucky and the father a native of Jasper county, where he was chief engineer of the light plant at Newton, 111. Frank Lewis was raised in Newton and attended the common and high schools, after which he began work in a newspaper office at the age of fourteen years. He learned the printer's trade, which he followed until 1906, when he was ordained a minister of the Christian denomination. He located at Danville, 111., HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 29I where he had several churches on a circuit, and remained here until April 1, 1912, when he bought the Cynthiana "Argus" and took charge of the paper, which he has since edited and published. He is a Democrat in pol itics and belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows On July 3, 1891, Mr. Lewis married Miss Maude Johnson, daughter of Harry D. and Belle (Phillips) Johnson, of Noble, Richland county, Illinois, where her parents were born and where her father was proprietor of a hotel. Here Mrs. Lewis was born and educated. They became the parents of five children: Lucile, Aden, Hershey, Isabelle and Harry T., the last deceased. Aden and Hershey are attending school in Cynthiana and Lucile is assistant in the "Argus" office. The family are members of the Christian church. David C. Alcorn, a prominent farmer of Smith township, Posey county, Indiana, was born in the same place where he now lives on October 3, 1868. He is the son of James T. and Anne (Boren) Alcorn, both born in Gibson county, Indiana. The great-grandparents of our subject set tled in Indiana at an early date and the family helped wrest the land from the Indians and wild beasts and develop it into what it has now become. The grandfather, also James T. Alcorn, married a Miss Haines. The family have always been farmers. The father of David C. died November 7, 1870, when the latter was but two years old and his mother married R. J. Brown and still lives, residing in Poseyville. David was reared on a farm, attended common school, later graduating from the schools of Poseyville. He then took a course in a commercial college at Terre Haute, Ind., graduating in 1888. He then obtained a position as bookkeeper in the Calvert & Bozeman Lumber Company, of Poseyville, Ind. He had a small piece of land containing thirty-three and one-third acres near town and decided to farm it, so he gave up his position and lived on his farm, "batching" for one season. He then thought he would like to be a commercial traveler, but as he expressed it in his own lan guage, "After spending money for two beds in one night and not having time to get either of them warm," decided once more to return to the farm. His experiences at first were not so pleasant, as he did his own farm work and housekeeping for the first four years, until he got a start. On October 27, 1894, he married Ella Saulmon. Mrs. Alcorn was born in Gibson county and was raised in Posey county, where she was educated, and was married in her twenty-sixth year. Two years after his marriage Mr. Alcorn discontinued the old way of farming and began with new methods, breeding hogs for the market. By adding good blooded stock to keep his drove up to the standard and by exercising care not to over-fatten his animals he made a great success of the business. Mr. Alcorn is one of the most scientific farmers in Posey county. He runs his farm on business principles, taking an invoice each year. His land is well improved, having tile drainage and other conveniences. He 292 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY keeps strict account of each investment, which enables him to stick to the most profitable ones. He is active among the hog breeders of the county and has taken a trip west into Kansas to study the cattle feeding business, in which he is now engaged to some extent. From his start of thirty-three and one-third acres Mr. Alcorn has, by scientific methods, close study, industry and economy amassed a comfortable fortune, now owning 370 acres of land. He is a director in the Poseyville Mutual Telephone Association. Mr. and Mrs. Alcorn have two children : Corry A., born June 26, 1897, and Alma, born December 18, 1899. Corry A. is a freshman in the Poseyville High School. He raised fifty acres of corn last year, which made eighty-one bushels to the acre. This field was the best reported in the county and he sold more than 200 bushels for seed. Alma is now attending school in Poseyville. The family be longs to the Christian church, Mr. Alcorn being an elder in the church. James Cale, a member of one of the pioneer families of Kentucky and Indiana, was born April 3, 1829, son of Ellison and Margaret Cale, natives of Kentucky, who came to Posey county, Indiana, where James was born and reared. After finishing common school he began farming and accumulated a large fortune before his death. He bought his farm in Smith township in 1849, and on May 2 of the next year married Jane Jolly, daughter of Maxie and Nancy (Price) Jolly, natives of South Carolina, who came to Posey county in 1804, and are said to have been the first settlers near Stewartsville, where they located in the midst of the forest, there being no road, or even trail, near their home. Here a small clearing was made and a cabin built. The clearing was added to from time to time and the land farmed. Eight years after his location here Mr. Jolly joined the army of Gen. W. H. Harrison and helped drive out the Indians in the Wabash valley. Upon the restoration of peace he returned to his home and continued farming and stock raising. He was a blacksmith by trade, and being the only skilled workman in the vicinity, he had plenty of this kind of work. He helped build the first church in Posey county, which was located in the grove where Stewartsville now stands. In the erection of the building a log fell and killed a little boy, and his was the first grave in the church yard. This cemetery in the church yard is now said to the largest in the county. Mrs. James Cale is the sixth child in a family of eleven children, of whom only herself and one sister are living. She was born April 14, 1825, and attended such schools as were in those days available. The first one was held in her father's kitchen, before any school building had been erected in the county, and the first teacher was James Wasson. When school buildings finally were erected they were of logs with puncheon seats and no ceiling except the boards of the roof. Heat was furnished by large fire-places. In those days the woods of Indiana were full of Indians and. wild animals. The Jolly family had a neighbor by the HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 293 name of Parks who was a bee hunter, and who had three children whom he was accustomed to take with him on his expeditions into the woods. One day when he had just cut down a bee tree on the Wabash the In dians came up and killed him and took his children captives. When they did not return the neighbors went to look for them, finding the body of Mr. Parks, but before they got it home they were ordered to Vincennes for the War of 1812. At that time there were no towns of New Harmony, Mt. Vernon or Evansville, and Mr. Jolly went to Red Banks, now Henderson, to trade. This was through woods uninhabited except by wild animals and Indians. Mr. arid Mrs. Cale became the parents of five children: Annie, Sidney (deceased), Delia (deceased), Oscar, and Maxie (deceased). Annie married James Kimball and they live in Gibson county. They have no children. Sidney married Joseph Davis and lived in Gibson county until her death. Joseph Davis and Sidney Cale had five children — Mabel, Delia, James, Ewell K. and Lois. Delia Cale married Dr. Thomas Young, of Poseyville and they had one child, Morris, who was two years of age when his mother died and who was raised by his grandmother Cale. Oscar Cale, banker and landowner of Poseyville, Ind., was born in Smith township, same county, March 5, 1862, son of James and Jane (Jolly) Cale (see sketch). He attended school in Smith and Robb town ships, after which he entered college at Valparaiso, Ind. Upon complet ing his education Mr. Cale returned home and engaged in farming and stock raising. After his marriage, in 1884, he went to Gibson county, Indiana. Here he remained for about six years, and in August, 1890, he located in Smith township, Posey county, on a farm, where he has since lived. Mr. Cale is president of the First National Bank, in which he is also a director. He was one of the first stockholders of the institution. He is also the largest landowner in his township. In politics he is a Democrat. Mr. Cale married Mary J. Young, daughter of Thomas and Martha (McFadden) Young, on October 26, 1884. The grandparents of Mrs. Cale on her mother's side were among the first settlers of Mt. Ver non, Ind. Both parents were natives of Posey county, where they were engaged in farming and stock raising. Mrs. Cale was born in Smith township, August 28, 1863. She attended the common schools of her native township and of Robb township. Mr. and Mrs. Cale became the parents of four children: Mattie, born August 31, 1885; Lena, born Feb ruary 26, 1890; Mary, born September 22, 1901, and one that died in infancy. Mattie married Kern A. Williams and lives in Poseyville, Ind. Lena and Mary are at home with their parents. The family are mem bers of the Christian church. James W. Wiggins, a successful farmer of Poseyville, Ind., was born in Saline county, Illinois, March 10, 1865, son of John M. and Emily (Endicott) Wiggins, the mother a native of Virginia and the father of 294 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Kentucky. They came to Illinois in 1867, removed to Gibson county, Indiana. John M. Wiggins was the son of Thurin Wiggins and his wife was the daughter of John H. Endicott. A short time after John M. came to Indiana his father located in Montgomery county, this State. Thurin Wiggins had six sons and one daughter, of whom John was the fifth child. Three of the boys, Charles, Newton and David, were in the Civil war. Two of them were killed. John Wiggins was born April 23, 1827, and died March 5, 1885. Emily Endicott was born April 16, 1830, and died March 21, 1887. They were married in Saline county, Illinois, where they engaged in farming and stock raising, and where our subject was born. They removed to Gibson county, Illinois, and after two or three years came to Indiana and located in Smith township, Posey county, in 1869. They became the parents of ten children : Leoma M. (deceased), Mary E. (deceased), Sarah E., John N., Kesiah F. (deceased), Matilda F., James W., Emily M. (deceased), David S. and Elam G. James Wig- giris attended the country schools and the high school at Cynthiana until his father's death, when he was called upon to look after the farm. Two years later the mother died. At that time two of the children were mar ried and three were dead, and our subject remained at home with Ma tilda F., Emily M., David S. and Elam G. The first of those remaining to marry was David S., who went to farming for himself in Smith town ship. The next was our subject, who marred Miss Emma E. Martin, daughter of Ellison L. and Mariah (McDonald) Martin, of Posey county, the wedding occurring May 7, 1892. Her father was a son of Harrison and Mary (Russell) Martin, and her mother was the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Graves) McDonald. Ellison L. was a native of Arm strong township, Vanderburg county, Indiana. Mrs. Wiggins was born in Vanderburg county, January 14, 1869, but while she was still a child her parents removed to Posey county, where she attended the country schools and the Poseyville High School. Mr. and Mrs. James Wiggins have two children : Jesse E. resides at home and is a graduate of the common schools and is working on the farm with his parents, and Oma A., a graduate of high school, is also at home. The family are members of the Christian church at Poseyville, in which organization Mr. Wiggins is an elder. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and in politics is a Prohibitionist. Thomas D. Shelton, former county commissioner of Posey county, is a native of Indiana, having been born in that State April 1, 1837, one of the ten children of John and Catherine (Finch) Shelton. He made his home with his parents until the death of his father, when Thomas was about twenty years of age. He then made his home with his brother, George. Three years later (February 14, i860) he married Keziah Mur phy, daughter of Aaron and Amelia Murphy, who was born in Posey county, February 2, 1839. At the time of his marriage Mr. Shelton lo- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 295 cated on the home place in Vanderburg county. A year later he removed to Posey county, purchasing land in Smith township. Lie sold this holding in 1871 and bought another tract of eighty-five acres, which he farmed until 1906, when he retired. Mr. Shelton was elected county commissioner in 1886 and served six years. He was later elected ditch commissioner, still holding that office. He has settled up nu merous estates, was appointed guardian and several different times was appointed by the court land commissioner. For several years Mr. Shelton was a wheat buyer, doing business on commission. He was successful and amassed a comfortable fortune. The Shelton family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. Our subject is a Prohibitionist in politics and a member of the Ancient Free and Accept ed Masons. Mr. and Mrs. Shelton had four children : George M. (de ceased), James A. (deceased), Flora married E. W. Anderson and they live in Poseyville, Ind., and Jesse, whose biography is here given. Valentine Bender, a German farmer of Poseyville, Ind., was born in Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, November 6, 1863, son of August and Catherine (Berg) Bender, natives of the same province in Germany, who came to America in 1865,- locating in Vanderburg county. August Bender taught school in Germany and farmed. When he came to America he engaged in farming and stock raising. He died in A^ander- burg county in 1874, and his wife died in 1886. Valentine Bender at tended the common schools of Vanderburg county, first going to a pub lic school held in a log school house and later attending private school. After finishing his education he worked on the farm. His father hav ing died when he was eleven years old he remained at home until after the death of his mother. In 1888 he removed to Posey county, locating in Smith township, where he bought a farm near the Robb township line. Here he began improving the place and doing general farming, and raising stock for sale. He has sixty-two and one-half acres tinder cultivation. Mr. Bender was married, June 1, 1886, to Threase Will, daughter of Jasper and Louisa (Sanders) Will, natives of Vanderburg county, Indiana, where they were farmers. Mrs. Bender was born in the same county, in Armstrong township, where she attended school. They have nine children : Louisa, who married George Augermeyer, lives in Vanderburg county on a farm ; Henry, Frederick A., Olivia T., Alamanda C, Ida M., Viola T., Oscar Antone, Albert A. Jasper, Ida, Viola and Oscar are attending common school in Posey county and all the children are at home except the married daughter. All the family are members of the Catholic church at Poseyville, and Mr. Ben der is a Democrat. Mrs. Bender was born December 26, 1865. Her father died in 1870. Mr. Bender came of a family of musicians, his grandfather, Philip Bender, having been an organist as well as a school teacher and his father also having been an organist of note in Ger- 296 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY many. August Bender was born in 1822 and came to America at the age of forty-three. Valentine Bender is one of a family of six brothers and one sister: Philip, Vanderburg county; John, now dead; Fred died at Mt. Carmel, 111.; Barthel, Vanderburg county; Valentine, subject; and Henry, who also lives in Vanderburg county, and Catherine, who married Henry Will, of Poseyville, Ind. All the brothers are farmers except Henry and Barthel. Mr. Bender is one of the most progressive farmers of Posey county. Jesse J. Shelton, son of Thomas D. and Keziah (Murphy) Shelton, of Robb township, was born in that township May 14, 1873. He was edu cated in the country schools, in the Poseyville High School, where he graduated, and in the University of Kentucky at Lexington. After leaving the university he came to Cynthiana, where he engaged in the drug business for two or three years. He then farmed and bought grain for a time and later was employed for about a year with the Cum berland Telephone Company. In 1907 he returned again to the farm in Robb township, where he has remained ever since. He is an auction eer, devotes a part of his time to that business and is making a success of it. He farms ninety acres of land, making a specialty of Hampshire hogs, and has for several years been a promoter of pure-bred stock in Posey county, being an active member of the Breeders' Association. He was a member of the executive committee of the First District Corn School for a number of years. He belongs to the General Baptist church, is a member of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons and of the Modern Woodmen of America. In politics he is a Democrat. Mr. Shelton was married, March 26, 1896, to Miss Marvel, daughter of Thomas Marvel (see history of Marvel family). They have two chil dren : Van Thomas, born September 23, 1899, and Imogene, born Jan uary 19, 1903. Both children are attending school in Poseyville. Mrs. Shelton is a member of the Christian church at Cynthiana. Samuel M. McReynolds, a member of an old established family, and son of Revolutionary ancestry, was born in Smith township, Posey county, Indiana, August 22, 1840. His parents were Joseph and Elizabeth (Compton) McReynolds, the former also a native of Smith township and the son of Samuel McReynolds, the son of Joseph McReynolds, who enlisted in the Revolutionary war at the age of seventeen years and served seven years. He was a native of Tennessee and of Scotch- Irish ancestry. The first of the family to come to this country from the highlands of Scotland were James and John McReynolds, and this sketch deals with their descendants. Joseph McReynolds, the Revo lutionary soldier, came to Posey county, Indiana, before the State was admitted to the Union, and his grandson, Joseph, the father of our subject, was born here in 1816. In coming to the new home from Ten nessee the wife of Joseph McReynolds was drowned in crossing Barr's HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 297 creek in Smith township. Samuel McReynolds attended the common schools of his township in a log building with puncheon seats and desks made of a plank fastened to the sides of the room. There were no blackboards, charts or other facilities for instruction. Later a better school house was built and better equipment installed. After his fa ther's death he worked for his board among the farmers while attend ing school. After saving a little money he went to school at Owens ville, then a graded school of two rooms. After completing this course he began teaching school and continued for four years, at the same time studying penmanship, in which he later completed a course in Indianap olis. After this he taught penmanship at night in addition to his day duties as teacher and saved about $2,000. He then married and went to farming on the Wabash bottoms. The first year the floods destroyed all crops and he went to Kansas in 1869, where he settled on Osage Indian land, twelve miles south of Eureka in Greenwood county. With the exception of two neighbors, one living one-half mile away and the other four miles, there were no settlers in the vicinity. At that time Indians were numerous and buffalo roamed the plains in thousands. On one occasion Mr. McReynolds went buffalo hunting with his neighbors. While hunting near Medicine Lodge, about 150 miles west of his home, they were warned that the Indians were about to raid that part oi- the country, and as they were about through hunting they went home at once. Two weeks later they heard news of the terrible Indian raid. There being no railroads the news traveled slowly. He remained in Kansas about three years, when he sold out and brought his family back to Posey county. On their return his wife's father gave her eighty acres of swamp land. He improved this property and lived on it seven or eight years, farming and raising stock. He then bought his present farm of 253 acres of land in Smith township and continued in farming and stock raising until 1891, when he retired from active busi ness, and has since devoted his time to looking after his interests. Mr. McReynolds is an example of a self-made man, having hired out on a farm, clerked in drug and dry goods stores and taught day and night to get his start in life. In his life on the plains he was never afraid of the Indians, although his great-grandfather and great-grandmother Compton were killed by the savages in Illinois while hunting bees. In 1864 Mr. McReynolds enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Thirty- sixth Indiana infantry, and served until the close of the war. In politics he is a Democrat. On June 5, 1868, Samuel McReynolds married Miss Elizabeth J. Young, daughter of Greenberry and Barthenia (Sinclaire) Young, and a native of Smith township, Posey county. Her father was a native of Posey county and his father, Jackson Young, came to this county from Virginia at an early date. Greenberry Young was a farmer in Robb township on the line between Smith and Robb townships, and 298 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY here the wife of our subject was reared and attended country schools, and later the schools at Owensville. She taught school one term before her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. McReynolds became the parents of three children, one of whom died in infancy. Two daughters are living : Min nie Ettie, who married Dr. George C. Smith, of Poseyville, has one child; Elva Aline married I. E. Wilkinson and they live in Cynthiana, where he is a retired farmer. They have one child. Ellison Cale, one of the prominent farmers of Smith township, Posey county, Indiana, was born December 31, 1866, on the old family home stead where his father was born. He is the son of Joseph and Eliza (Jolly) Cale. His grandfather, who also was named Ellison Cale, was born in Kentucky and came to Posey county at an early date and estab lished the family residence here. Joseph and Eliza (Jolly) Cale had five children, of whom our subject was the fourth. He first attended the country schools and later graduated from the Cynthiana schools. After finishing his education he worked on the farm with his parents until the death of his father, in 1902. His mother then removed to Poseyville, and our subject is now in possession of the old homestead and additional land to the total amount of 270 acres located about the center of Smith township. It is not only one of the largest farms in the township, but is one of the best improved, having a large brick dwelling house, built before the death of the father. It is one of the prettiest and best kept country places in Posey county. Mr. Cale has made a specialty of hogs, raising the Poland China stock, and raises horses and cattle for farm purposes, making no specialty of thoroughbred animals. Ellison Cale was married October 28, 1892, to Miss Manervia E. Fletchall, daughter of Isaiah and Emma (Stevens) Fletchall, of Posey county, of which they are natives, and where Mr. Fletchall engaged in farming and stock raising. Mrs. Cale was born in Posey county and attended the schools of Poseyville until her graduation. She is a member of the Christian Science church of Evansville, Ind. Rev. Francis B. Luebbermann, of Mt. Vernon, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in June, 1857. He attended the Christian Brothers' School of that city and at the age of fourteen began the study of languages, classics, finally philosophy and theology at St. Meinrad's Seminary. He was or dained in 1880, and was located at Evansville, Ind., as assistant in Trin ity church, and remained there until 1883. He located in Mt. Vernon in December, 1883, and after a brief respite returned in 1884, under perma nent appointment to St. Matthew's church, and has remained ever since. He has a congregation of 250 families, but, when he came, he had seventy- eight families only, an increase of 172 families. Rev. Father Luebber mann has been indefatigable in his labors to advance the prosperity of St. Matthew's parish, and being a gentleman of scholarly attainments and eloquence, and withal possessed of a genial temperment, he has won HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 299 the sincere affection and esteem of his flock, and these amiable qualities have proven to be no small factors in the successful prosecution of the good work he has set before him. His zeal in church labor is untiring and unflagging. He was appointed to the parish when in his early prime, and no clergyman could well have been found to carry out, with as favor able prospects for the desired results, the commendable, yet arduous duties to the performance of which he was assigned. Besides his parish duties Father Luebbermann has always been engaged in literary work of some kind, writing or translating books of historic interest. From 1888 until 1907 he published two monthly magazines, "The Poor Souls' Advo cate," and "Der Armen Sulin Freund" ; also started the "Knights of St. John's Journal," and in July, 1913, began the publication of the "Parish Record of St. Matthew's Church." The publication, now in its fifth month, is well edited, handsomely typed, and has a general circulation among the families of the parish. W. O. Tretheway is one of the substantial citizens of New Harmony, who enjoys a well earned reputation for honesty, uprightness and good citizenship. Mr. Tretheway is a native of England, born February 28, 1848, at St. Stephens, forty-one miles from Lands End, in the county of Cornwall. His parents, Thomas and Ann (Columb) Tretheway, lived in the mother country, and are both now deceased. Young Tretheway was educated in the schools of his native land, and in early life was appren ticed to learn the blacksmith and wagon making trades. He served five years and his princely salary was $5.00 and his board and clothes. But pay was not the prime object of his endeavor. He was there to learn his trade, and he learned it thoroughly. When a young man of nineteen, in 1867, he immigrated to America, locating in New Harmony, where he had a brother and sister living at the time. Here he worked at his trade for a time, when he went to Mt. Vernon, where he remained seven years, working at his trade. Then on account of ill health he was advised to go west and accordingly went to Stockton, Cal. He soon gained his health in sunny California, and remained there working at his trade until the spring of 1878, when he returned to New Harmony and engaged .in gen eral blacksmithing and wagon making, which has claimed his attention ever since. He has built up an extensive business and constantly em ployes two assistants and sometimes more. Mr. Tretheway was married November 17, 1869, to Miss Sarah Baldwin, of Mt. Vernon. To this union have been born six children : Mary Leora, married John Arm strong ; William A., blacksmith and wagonmaker, New Harmony ; Grace, married Nelson Felch, New Harmony; Clara, married William Ward, New Harmony; Hattie, married Fred E. Cook, New Harmony, and Gar field, died in 1904, at the age of nineteen. Mr. Tretheway has always taken a keen interest in political affairs and is a Republican. He has served with credit in the city council. He is a member of the Independent 300 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Order of Odd Fellows, the Encampment and Rebekahs, and takes a prom inent part in the State organization, as well as the local lodge. While Mr. Tretheway takes a deep interest in the welfare of all public insti tutions, perhaps his devotion to the fire department of New Harmony is paramount. He has served as chief for twenty-seven consecutive terms and has been identified with that organization for thirty-five years. His long experience as a fire fighter, coupled with his ability to handle men, places him in the front ranks of the volunteer fire chiefs of the State. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and has served as superintendent of the Sunday school for twenty-five years. Joel W. Hiatt, one of the most highly respected citizens of New Har mony, is a native of Indiana, and has been a resident of Posey county for nearly forty years. Joel Hiatt was born June 10, 1850, in Hamilton county, Indiana. His parents were Harmon and Mary (Harris) Hiatt, both natives of North Carolina, and early settlers in Randolph county, Indiana. They later removed to Hamilton county. The father was a physician and practiced his profession many years in the State. The Hiatts came from Quaker stock, and the maternal side of our subject's ancestors were Virginians of English descent. Both parents are now de ceased, and their mortal remains rest in the cemetery at Crawfordsville, Ind. Joel Hiatt's early life was mostly spent in Crawfordsville, where he attended the public schools and later entered Wabash College, where he graduated in the class of 1873, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and in 1888 the college conferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts. After graduating from Wabash College, Mr. Hiatt entered Harvard Uni versity as a Divinity student, pursuing the study of philosophy for a time, but upon due reflection decided that an .ecclesiastical function in life was not to his liking. He then abandoned that course and turned to teaching and accepted the position of principal of the Mt. Vernon High School, a position which he held two years. In 1876 he came to New Harmony as superintendent of schools there, a position which he filled with entire satisfaction two years. In 1885 he was appointed document clerk of the House of Representative, Washington, D. C. He served in this capacity until 1895, except an interval of two years. Mr. Hiatt was united in marriage in 1878 to Francis Owen Fitten, an estimable lady of culture and refinement. She is a daughter of William Owen. Politi cally, Mr. Hiatt has never wavered in his allegiance to the Democratic party. He is a man of deep convictions, and a lover of justice and fair play. He has ever been a student of men and affairs, as well as of books, and is a profound scholar. His duties while at Washington, D. C, brought him into close and intimate relation with many of the leading men of the Nation, whose acquaintance in many instances ripened into lasting friendships, which have afforded him much pleasure. He is an ardent supporter of every institution which tends for the uplifting of HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 301 humanity and the betterment of his fellow men. Mr. Hiatt is a member of the Working Man's Institute, and has taken an active interest in its welfare. A few years ago he led and won in the movement for cata loguing the books of that institution by the card index system. He also secured the services of a public accountant and devised a system which was introduced. He is a member of the park commission, and for eight years has been superintendent of the parks .of New Harmony. Mr. Hiatt is a great lover of nature and his work in connection with the parks is an agreeable task, and the beauty and well kept appearance of the city parks certainly bear mute testimony of the magic touch of a master hand. The writer of this sketch has known Mr. Hiatt intimately and well can testify to his many manly excellencies. Horace Pestalozzi Owen, president of the New Harmony Banking Company, and one of the active financiers of Posey county, is the only male representative of the Owen family now living in New Harmony. He is a son of Col. Richard Owen, esteemed mention of whom is made elsewhere in this volume. Horace Owen was born in New Harmony, November 2, 1842, received his education in private schools and the Western Military Institute at Blue Lick Springs, Ky., an institution owned by his father and Gen. Bushnell Johnson, which later became the University of Nashville. About this time the sectional feeling that pre ceded the Civil war was growing more and more bitter, and on this ac count his father came north. Colonel Owen was State geologist at the time and Horace accompanied him in his work in that connection, and assisted him for the next two years. Then the great Civil war came on and in the fall of 1861 he enlisted in Company F, Sixteen Indiana in fantry, and was commissioned first lieutenant. Afterwards he was ad jutant of the regiment and later served as adjutant of the First brigade, Tenth division, Thirteenth army corps, Army of the Mississippi. He was at Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Jackson and the siege of Vicks burg. Mr. Owen saw much hard fighting and fortunately escaped serious injury. His narrowest escape was at Arkansas Post, where he was reni dered unconscious by the explosion of a shell. In 1863 Mr. Owen re signed his commission to return home and care for his mother, while his father remained in the army. After he returned to New Harmony he turned his attention to the business world, and in a short time engaged in the hardware and implement business with Victor C. Duclos as a partner. He continued in this business two or three years, when he engaged in the drygoods business until 1872, when he went to Terre Haute, where he engaged in the grain business for two years. In 1874 he returned to New Harmony and again entered the hardware and imple ment business with his brother,. E. F. Owen. They sold the first binder south of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad in Indiana. He became cashier of the New Harmony Banking Company at the organization of that in- 302 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY stitution, and in 1879 became its president, in which position he still serves. Mr. Owen is of the banker's temperment, safe, sane and con servative, always bearing in mind how he can give the best service to his patrons, and at the same time serve the best interests of his institution. Horace Owen is a man of genial disposition, who makes friends and keeps them. He is naturally of a generous nature and kind hearted. He takes a deep interest in the progress and welfare of his town and county. For twenty-five years he has been president of the school board, and has served as president of the Working Man's Institute for ten years. He is also president of the New Harmony 1914 Centennial Commission. He has always been an active Republican, but has never aspired to hold office. Mr. Owen was united in marriage May 8, 1867, to Miss Natalie Burroughs Mann, who is also a native of New Harmony. She belongs to a highly respected family, being the daughter of Dr. Josiah Stockton Mann, who came west from the Genesee Valley, New York, at an early day. Mrs. Owen is prominent in the social world and possesses the true nobility of American womanhood. To Mr. and Mrs. Owen have been born three children : Nora Edgeworth, married Arthur DeBois Arm strong, Memphis, Tenn.; Aline Dale, married Dr. Benjamin F. Neal, New Harmony, and Richard Dale, a successful real estate dealer of Los An geles, Cal. Mr. Owen is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows, Knights of Pythias, and the Grand Army of the Republic, of which he is past commander. The family are communicants of the Episcopal church, of which he has been senior warden twenty-five years. Henry Brown, clothier and general outfitter, New Harmony, Ind., whose name introduces this sketch, is a striking example of what indus try and honest business methods will do for a poor boy who starts life in a strange land, empty handed and alone, with a determination to win by right methods. Henry Brown is a native of Germany, and was born April 12, 1853. He came to America when a lad of fourteen. After re maining in the East about a year, he journeyed westward, coming to Evansville, Ind., in 1869. Here he spent ten years in mercantile business, and in 1879 came to New Harmony and engaged in the clothing and gents' furnishing business. He has conducted this business up to the present time, and is today one of the leading merchants of Posey county, and the only complete men's outfitter in New Harmony. For thirty-four years Henry Brown has done business with the people of New Harmony and from every part of Posey county, and his customers who regard his word as good as his bond, are legion. He has built up a business and a reputation of which he may be justly proud. While Mr. Brown has been successful in business, he has also cheerfully given his time to public affairs, in which he has taken a keen interest and an active part. He has served as president of the town board about ten years, and acted as clerk of that body about the same length of time. He was united in HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 303 marriage October 14, 1879, to Miss Katie A. Adler, of Evansville. To this union have been born two children : H. L. and L. A., both prosper ous manufacturers in Cincinnati, Ohio. They are owners and proprietors of the H. L. Brown Fence Manufacturing Company, who are extensive manufacturers of heavy wire goods. Henry Brown is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Knights of Pythias. For several years he took an active and prominent part in lodge affairs, and his politcal affiliations have been with the Democratic party. Eugene W. Nash, one of New Harmony's representative business men, and descendant of a pioneer family of Posey county, was born five miles east of New Harmony, May 12, 1862. He is a son of Andrew and Julia (Smith) Nash, the former a native of Butler county, Pennsylvania, and the latter of Kentucky. Andrew Nash was a son of Jesse and Sarah (Cavett) Nash, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of Ireland. Jesse Nash came to New Harmony with his family from Butler county, Pennsylvania, in 1815. They came down the Ohio river on a flat boat. He and George Rapp were close friends back in Pennsylvania, and he was induced by Rapp's glowing accounts of the possibilities in Posey county to emigrate here with his family. He bought his first land from George Rapp and this same farm is still owned by his descendants. Jesse Nash was a cabinet maker, but devoted the latter part of his life to farm ing. He was a conscientious, hard working man, and took a live interest in the affairs of his time. He was an old-time Whig. He died in 1844, aged eighty-two years, and was survived by his wife two years, who was also eighty-two at the time of her death. Andrew Nash, father of Eugene, came to Posey county with his parents in 1815. In early life he was a shoe maker, but later a farmer, and spent his life in Harmony township. He was one of a family of seven children, all of whom are now deceased. They all lived to ripe old ages. Three of the sisters passed the ninety-third milestone. Andrew Nash died April 24, 1900, aged ninety-one. His wife departed this life October 8, 1899, aged eighty- two. They were the parents of ten children : George, deceased ; William, deceased ; Mary, married James H. Cox, Stewartsville ; John, resides on the old homestead ; Edward, deceased ; Martha, deceased ; Nancy, mar ried William J. Johnson, Harmony township ; James, Harmony town ship ; Andrew, Harmony township, and Eugene W., the subject of this review. Eugene Nash was reared on the old homestead in Harmony township, educated in the district schools and the Poseyville High School. He remained on the farm until he was twenty-eight years old, when he came to New Harmony and engaged in the furniture and under taking business, from 1890 to 1900. At this time he sold his furniture business, but continued in the undertaking business, and is still en gaged in that occupation. He is also interested in the general insurance business. Mr. Nash has been twice married. On October 30, 1889, he 304 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY was married to Aquilla, daughter of Dr. John J. Grigsby, of Petersburg, Ind. Two children were born to this union : Hercia and Kenneth. Mrs. Nash died May 25, 1900. September 15, 1909, Mr. Nash married Miss Emma, a daughter of Col. Charles C. Screeder, of Evansville, Ind. Po litically Mr. Nash has always been identified with the Republican party and is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias, and holds membership in the Methodist Episcopal church. He is one of the substantial business men of Posey county. Levi J. Wilkinson: — To have accomplished so notable work as has Levi J. Wilkinson in connection with the Christian church would prove sufficient to give precedence and reputation to any man, were it to rep resent the sum total of his efforts ; but Mr. Wilkinson is a man of broad mental ken, strong initiative and distinct individuality, who will not only leave a lasting impression in the denomination in which he has been a lifelong member, but has been a potent, though unostentatious factor in the commercial life of Posey county, where for fifty years he conducted a successful retail enterprise, devoted to a general line of merchandise. To him the city of -Cynthiana is indebted for one of the most beautiful, from an architectural standpoint, and substantially built church edifices in southern Indiana, together with a substantial endowment, which places it upon a self-sustaining basis. Other institutions also have re ceived generous donations and endowments, his philanthropies to date exceeding those of any citizen who has resided within the county, and other substantial gifts to his church are contemplated. Levi J. Wil kinson was born on his father's farm in Gibson county, In diana, February 22, 1825, the son of William and Mary (Miller) Wil kinson. The Wilkinson family is of English origin and dates its found ing in America during the early Colonial period when members of the family came from England and settled in the Colony of North Carolina. Numbered among them are men who achieved distinction in the front ier life of those early days, in the commercial era which followed and later in the War of the Revolution. The family was founded in Indiana by Cary Wilkinson, a native of North Carolina, who came to the State from Barren county, Kentucky, in 1808. He made the journey in one of the old style Conestoga wagons and crossed the Ohio at Red Banks, now Henderson, on a ferry. He located on land near what is now Fort Branch, and the old log fort of that name, erected for protection from the Indians, was built with the assistance of him and his sons. The country was a wilderness and the settlers few when he erected his first house. It was constructed of logs, without nails, and without windows, light being admitted through the door and chimney. The floor was of puncheon and the beds were made by boring holes in the logs of the walls about three feet from the floor and driving in poles, making a scaffolding on which the bed clothing was placed. While FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Cynthiana HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 305 they were short on luxuries they were long on hospitality — the latch- string was always out to all comers. Added to the hardships incident to the clearing of the wilderness were the Indians, then plentiful, and the wild animals, panthers, bob-cats, bear and wolves being in abundance. Cary Wilkinson did not live to see the territory which he had helped to wrest from the savages become a State. He passed away in 1815. He married Sarah Mangrum, a daughter of William Mangrum. They became the parents of eleven children, four of whom died in childhood. William Wilkinson, the fourth of these children to reach man's estate, was born in North Carolina, on December 18, 1800, and came to In diana with his parents in 1808. His education was acquired in the schools of that period. The school house was built of blocks, greased paper was used for window lights, quill pens for writing, and the ink at that time was made by boiling maple bark and adding a little copperas. He was forced to take up a man's work at the age of fifteen, through the death of his father, and the making of tillable land from the forest fell upon his shoulders. He married Mary Miller, a daughter of the Rev. John Miller, a minister of the Christian church. In 1830 he be came a member of this denomination and lived a devout Christian life. He was a successful farmer, an influential citizen and one of the most active factors in the development of his township. He became a resi dent of Cynthiana on his retirement from active labor and passed away in 1887. His political affiliations were first with the Whigs, but upon the organization of the Republican party he became an active supporter of its principles. He was an ardent admirer of Abraham Lincoln, once journeying to Illinois to hear him speak. William and Mary (Miller) Wilkinson were the parents of eleven children, all of whom, except Levi J., the subject of this review, have passed to their reward. They were in order of birth as follows : Isaiah, John, Deliah, Sarah, Nar- cissa, Emily, Balaam, Aaron B., Levi J., Silas N. and Amos C. Levi J. Wilkinson, farmer, merchant and philanthropist, was reared on his father's farm in Gibson county, received his education in the dis trict schools and engaged in farming, an occupation he followed until 1855 — in Gibson county until 1851 and in Posey county until 1855. In the last named year he engaged in the general merchandise business in Cynthiana under the firm style of Wilkinson & Putnam, having as an associate James Putnam. The latter's interest was purchased by Mr. Wilkinson shortly afterward and J. H. C. Lowe became his part ner. Two others were admitted to the firm and its style became Wil kinson, Lowe & Co, Mr. Wilkinson retired from the firm within a few months, however, and engaged in the business without associates. As a merchant he was successful. His business was the leading one in Cynthiana, his stock the largest, offering the most in the way of selec tion, and was as well the best kept and arranged of any in the city. 306 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Posey county has never had a merchant who in his dealings with all has been more fair, more honest or more charitable than was Mr. Wilkin son during an active commercial life of fifty years, and which in re spect to lerigth has seldom been equalled in the State. During his active commercial life he was a purchaser of choice farm lands and be came the owner of several hundred acres in Posey county. As a citi zen he has always taken an active interest in those enterprises which have had for their object the development and betterment of the com munity. He made a donation of one thousand dollars toward the build ing of the Evansville & Terre Haute railroad, in addition to paying his proportion of the bonds. In 1901 the Christian church and parsonage at Cynthiana were erected at a cost of twenty-five thousand dollars, the fund for this undertaking being the gift of Mr. Wilkinson to the con gregation. He also deeded to the congregation one hundred and fifty- eight acres of land as an endowment for maintenance. His gifts to the Christian College at Merom to date are two hundred and seventy acres of land and seven thousand dollars in money. To Jireh College, at Jireh, Wyo., he has given sixty-two acres of land and five thousand two hundred dollars in money. It is the intention of him and his wife to leave to the mission board of the Christian church that part of their fortune which remains upon their departure from this life. Mr. Wilkinson married, in 1845, Miss Elizabeth Smith, a daughter of Daniel and Nancy (Spain) Smith, who died in 1870. Of this union two children were born, both of whom died in infancy. On March 16, 1871, Mr. Wilkinson married Miss Julia E. Wilkinson, a daughter of Isaiah and Mary (Pruett) Wilkinson. She was born in Johnson town ship, Gibson county, Indiana, on December 4, 1840. They have been members of the Christian church since childhood and have always been leaders in the work of building up their denomination. The sunset years of their lives have been given over to the work of the Master, while the fruits of their labor are being expended in furthering the work of their church. Mr. Wilkinson, now in his eighty-ninth year, is re markably vigorous, his health remarkably good for one of his age, while his mental powers are practically unimpaired. Mrs. Wilkinson, who has been a willing helpmeet for over forty years, is now in her seventy-third year. She is a woman of fine intellectuality and her in fluence has been of potent value in the community. Their home life has been ideal. What may be termed their life work is nearly finished. It has met to a great extent the fullness of their ambition, but, infinitely more precious to them is the fact that they are rich in the pos- sion of the affection which slowly develops only from unselfish works and the esteem which comes from honorable living. James N. Whitehead, one of the prominent and influential men of affairs of Posey county, was born in Harmony township December 2, 1868, of pioneer ancestors. Mr. Whitehead was reared on a farm and HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 307 received his education in the public schools. He began life as a farmer and has followed this vocation all his life, and has been successful to a marked degree. Today he is one of the large land owners of Posey county. Seven years ago he moved to New Harmony, where he has a beautiful residence. He conducts his large agricultural operations throughout the county, while he maintains his residence in town. Judg ing from the success which Mr. Whitehead has met in farming, one would naturally think that this line of endeavor had received his un divided attention, but such is not the case. He has found time for other business enterprises in which he has been equally successful. He has been interested in the First National Bank of New Harmony for several years, and for the last four years has been president of this substan tial institution, a position he now holds. He served as its vice-president for two years before he succeeded to the presidency of the institution. He is also extensively interested in the Corbin Milling Company, of New Harmony, and the Fuhrer-Ford Milling Company of Mt. Vernon. Mr. Whitehead was united in marriage January i, 1892, to Miss Iva E. Wil liams, also a native of Posey county. To Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead have been born four children: Lela, Earl (deceased), Martha E. and Jennie Louise. Mr. Whitehead is a member of the Knights of Pythias. He is the progressive kind of citizen that counts in any community. He is public-spirited and ever ready to support any worthy enterprise for the upbuilding of his county and her institutions. Frank R. Lawless, president of the town board of New Harmony, is a native of Ireland. He was born in the city of Dublin in 1870, and when a child came to America with his parents, who settled in Richland county, Illinois. Here young Lawless spent his boyhood days, and attended the public schools until about fifteen years of age, when his mother died. He then went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he learned the trade of sheet metal worker and plumbing, heating, and ventilating. After mastering his trade, Mr. Lawless worked as a journeyman in Cincinnati, Detroit and St. Louis for a time, and in 1894 came to New Harmony and engaged in business for himself. His business embraces plumbing, sheet metal work ing, heating, and ventilating. He has completed several of the most extensive contracts in his line in Posey county, and from a business standpoint, has met with well earned success. As a mechanic, he is mas ter of his art, and as a manager of men, he is equally competent: While Mr. Lawless has been successful in a business way, he has also devoted much time and study to local municipal affairs. He was first elected a member of the city council in 1906, and since that time, has been untiring in his efforts for civic betterment of New Harmony. He is now serving his fourth term as president of the town board, and every term of his administrations has been characterized by improvement and betterment of conditions. Under his careful and far-sighted business methods as 308 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY applied to municipal affairs, New Harmony's municipal lighting plant is an institution of which any citizen of New Harmony may be proud. Other improvements at which he has aimed and fought for have been equally successful. He has endeavored to administer the affairs of the town with fairness to all and special privilege to none and has succeeded as nearly as is possible. If he has made mistakes, they have been "mistakes of the head and not of the heart." He has studied the prob lems which confronted him and has used his best judgment, and the re sult is that New Harmony has as good city government as any other municipality in the State. Mr. Lawless was married November 6, 1894, to- Miss Carrie A. Smith, of Olney, Richland county, Illinois. To this union have been born four children : Robert, Richard, Charles and Paul- inus, all students in the New Harmony schools. Mr. Lawless is a mem ber of the Modern Woodmen of America, and chairman of the centennial executive committee of that order. His political affiliations are with the Democratic party, and he is a member of Holy Angels Catholic Churh of New Harmony, of which he is a trustee. William O. Boren, banker, merchant and educator of Cynthiana, and trustee of Smith township, Posey county, Indiana, was born on his father's farm near Fort Branch, Gibson county, September 14, 1869, the son of Absalom and Mary (Redman) Boren. Both of his parents were born in Gibson county and were members of pioneer families who were actively concerned in the early development of that section of Indiana. Absalom Boren spent the active years of his life in his native county, where he was engaged in farming and stock raising. Upon his retire ment he removed to Cynthiana, where he has since resided. William O. Boren received his early educational discipline in the district schools of Gibson county. This was supplemented by a high school course and further study in the Indiana State Normal College at Danville. Upon completion of his school work he engaged in teaching and was principal of the Howell, Ind., schools. In 1904 he formed, with Perry Pritchett, the firin of Pritchett & Boren and engaged in the retail hardware busi ness in Cynthiana. This enterprise was a success. In 1912 Mr. Boren disposed of his interest and accepted the position of cashier of the Cyn thiana Banking Company, of which he is a director, and in this capacity has made good. Detailed information of this institution is to be found in the chapter on "Banks and Banking." Since becoming a resident of Posey county he has taken an active part in the political life of Cyn thiana and Smith township. He is a Democrat and was honored by his party through election to the office of trustee of Smith township, in 1908, and is still serving in that capacity. His administration of the affairs of this office has been marked by the same close attention to de tail, progressiveness and sound financial sense that has characterized his commercial career. The schools of his township have received the bene- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 309 fit of his past experience as a teacher, which has resulted in the Cyn thiana school becoming a commission institution ; its equipment is equal to that of any in the county, while the district schools have been greatly improved as regards those essentials which permit of successful opera tion. Mr. Boren is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and Modern Woodmen of America. He is a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Cynthiana, has served as treas urer for several years and is one of the most influential and active men in the congregation. Mr. Boren married, in 1891, Miss Stella Pritchett, a daughter of Henderson and Martha (Gudgel) Pritchett, of Montgom ery township, Gibson county, in which county each was born. Mr. Pritchett is a successful farmer and stock raiser. Of this union one child has been born, viz. : Martha Marie Boren, born July 7, 1907. Arthy M. Cleveland, a prominent farmer of Cynthiana, Ind., was born in Gibson county, same State, May 18, 1863, son of L. W. Cleveland (see sketch for ancestry). When he was about fifteen years of age his parents removed from Gibson county to Posey county, locating in Smith town ship. Arthy attended school in these two counties and at the age of eighteen years began farming, working on shares with his grandfather for two years, after which he hired out by the day at various jobs. At the age of twenty-three he rented a farm and began farming for himself. After living on various farms he rented a place from C. Reister in 1891. This farm then consisted of sixty acres, but he now has 145 acres. Mr. Cleveland cleared about twenty-five acres on this farm, and in all has cleared fifty- five acres of ground. Our subject became township trustee in 1904 and served for one term of four years. He has also served as deputy sheriff, constable, and two terms as road supervisor. In politics he is a Democrat. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, the Mod ern Woodmen of America and the Royal Neighbors. On October 19, 1886, Mr. Cleveland was married to Mary L. Craig, daughter of David E. Craig, a farmer of Smith township, where she was born and raised and where she received her education. She died August 31, 1896. Mr. Cleveland took as his second wife Miss Hannah Stevens, daughter of Daniel and Elzina Stevens, of Smith township, natives of Posey county, where they were raised and where they raised their daughter. The wed ding occurred June 22, 1899. Mrs. Cleveland attended the common schools of her county, and graduated from the Cynthiana High School in 1887. Lewis W. Cleveland, farmer and justice of the peace of Smith town ship, ' Posey county, Indiana, was born in Gibson county, same State, June 16, 1842, son of Charles and Phoebe (Lundford) Cleveland. Charles Cleveland was born May 10, 1800, in Harrison county, Kentucky, and his wife was born in September, 1806, a native of Virginia. The father of Charles Cleveland was Micajah Cleveland, who was born in Virginia and 3IO " HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY served with his two sons in the War of 1812. In 1834 Charles Cleveland came from near Cynthiana, Ky., and with his wife and five children set tled in Gibson county, Indiana, then a wilderness with plenty of game roaming the woods. He and his wife, whom he married in Harrison county, Kentucky, became the parents of thirteen children, ten of whom lived to be men and women. Lewis W. Cleveland was the tenth child in the family. He was reared in Gibson county, where he attended common schools in a rude log building (for full description see sketch of Thomas Marvel in this book). After leaving school he taught for one year and then farmed on the home place, where he was born. He was married May 25, 1862, to Elizabeth Meadows, daughter of George H. and Ma tilda (Allen) Meadows, after his marriage continued for five years to live on the home farm with his parents, removing from there to Posey county in 1869. For one year he farmed in Robb township, after which he traded his farm for a grocery business in Cynthiana. He closed out this business in 1874, since which he has farmed. In 1884 he was elected justice of the peace of Smith township and has held the office continuously ever since. He and his wife had nine children : Arthur M., George W., Lucian N. (deceased), Laura E., Mandaily, Effie G. (deceased), Dexter Lee, in St. Louis, Mo., Grover and Guy. Laura E. married Newton Finley and they live in Cynthiana. Mandaily married Ed. Harper and they now live near Mt. Carmel, 111. Mr. Cleveland has been a member of the Regular Baptist church for fifty years. He is a Democrat and his first vote was cast for Stephen A. Douglas for President. John H. Williams, farmer and stock raiser, of Cynthiana, Ind., was born November 6, 1856, son of William H. and Mary (Meadows) Wil liams. William H. was the son of Enoch Williams, who married Miss Lowe and was the first of the family to come to Posey county, having removed to this section from South Carolina. The country was in a wild condition at that time and the woods were still full of Indians and wild animals. They located in Smith township, and here William H. was born in 1820, and was reared in the woods, where he helped clear the ground. He attended the schools of those times and later engaged in farming and stock raising, continuing in this business until his death in 1886. His wife preceded him in death, passing away in 1861. John H. Williams was born in Smith township, where he attended the coun try schools, which were still furnished with log benches. He after ward attended the graded schools of Cynthiana and went one year to high school at Poseyville, Ind. Upon leaving school he worked at home with his parents until his marriage, which occurred December 10, 1881, to Martha E. Marvel, daughter of John and Mary (Young) Mar vel. This Marvel family is descended from the Marvels of Sussex county, Delaware, and the Youngs were early settlers in Posey county. John Marvel was a soldier in the Civil war. He was a farmer and stock HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 3II raiser, and, following the family tradition, was a breeder of fine horses. Some of the best colts in this section were raised from his stallions. Mr. and Mrs. Marvel are both dead, the latter passing away about two years ago. Mrs. Williams was born and raised in Smith township, where she attended common schools. Mr. and Mrs. Williams had four children: Harvey T., James W. (deceased), Ethel, and one who died in infancy. Harvey T., a farmer and former teacher, married Ivy L. Yates and now lives in Knox county, Indiana. Ethel married Dr. D. W. Montgomery and lives in Princeton, Ind. The first wife died October 12, 1889, and Mr. Williams married again, on June 2, 1891, to Mrs. Elzina Witherspoon, widow of James N. Witherspoon. daughter of Dean and Elizabeth Martin, natives of Vanderburg county, where she was born and raised. She received a common school education. They have no children. The family are members of the Big Creek Regular Baptist Church, in which Mr. Williams is one of the deacons. He is a Democrat. Mr. Williams is one of the two men who are raising alfalfa in Smith township. He was the first in Posey county to begin raising pure-bred White Leghorn poultry and now there is hardly a farm that does not have them. He has won many blue ribbons at the poultry shows of Evansville, Princeton and elsewhere. Mr. Williams served as president of the Wabash Valley Poultry Association from 1904 to 1909. He ships his chickens all over the United States. The Williams farm has the largest apple orchard in Posey county, having seven acres exclusively in apple trees. Its yield has been 2,000 bushels of apples besides fruit enough to make 2,000 gallons of cider. John C. Scherer, undertaker, of St. Wendel, Ind., was born October 30, 1864, a son of Jacob and Margaret (Knapp) Scherer, the former a native of Niederzengheim, Germany, a cabinet maker, who traveled ex tensively in his native land before coming to America. Jacob Scherer was born in 1816, learned his trade by the time he was nineteen years of age and came to America in 1842, locating first in Canada, and later in Evansville, Ind., where he lived until the war broke out. He was engaged in the furniture business, but the war drove him out and he came to St. Wendel, where he opened a general merchandise store. After living here for some time he removed to Fort Branch, but re turned seven years later and engaged in cabinet making and in the un dertaking business, in which he continued until his death, June 10, 1891. Mrs. Margaret Scherer was also born in Germany, coming to this country at the age of eight years with her parents, who settled in Penn sylvania and afterward removed to Posey county, Indiana. John Scherer graduated from the public schools of St. Wendel, after which he went to work with his father and learned the cabinet making and undertaking business, and after the death of the father he succeeded to the business. In May, 1897, Mr. Scherer graduated from Clark's Embalming School, 312 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Evansville, Ind., and the next year graduated from Clark's Embalming College, of Indianapolis. In 1902 he was admitted by the State Board of Embalmers to practice his profession in the State of Indiana. Until the year 1906 he was engaged in the implement business under the firm name of Coudret & Scherer, but sold out to devote his entire time to undertaking. He is a Democrat in politics and a member of the Cath olic church. On October 10, 1893, Mr. Scherer married Miss Benie Hofmann, daughter of William and Catherine (Wolf) Hofmann. Her father, a native of Rheinphalz, Germany, came to America at the age of nineteen and first located in Pennsylvania, three years later coming to Posey county and locating in Parker's Settlement, where he engaged in the general merchandise business and later, with Philip Speck, ran a brewery at the same place. He was trustee of Robinson township several terms and was also postmaster for many years. He died Jan uary 20, 1876. Mrs. Hofmann was born in Evansville, Ind., August 20, 1838, and raised in Parker's Settlement, where she received her edu cation and married. Her death occurred October 15, 1889. Mrs. Scherer was born in Parker's Settlement September 5, 1864. She re ceived her education in the town of her birth and later graduated from Eurmick's Commercial College at Evansville, of which her sister was principal of typewriting, bookkeeping and shorthand. Mr. and Mrs. Scherer have three children: Clarence, born August 13, 1894; Irma, November 13, 1896; Elsie, April 4, 1899. Clarence attended commercial college at Evansville, was for one year in the office of the auditor of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois, Evansville, Ind., and is now telegraph operator at Petersburg, Ind., with the same company. Irma is attend ing high school at Tell City, Ind. Elsie is now attending public school in Smith township. Mr. Scherer and children are communicants of the Catholic church. Mrs. Scherer is a member of the German Evangelical church. George Franklin Trainor, station agent of the Chicago & Eastern Illi nois railroad at Wadesville, Ind., was born March 7, 1868, on a farm in Robb township, Posey county, son of George King and Susan (Schrader) Trainor. George K. Trainor was born about 1813 at Williamsport, Pa., and came to Posey county at the age of twenty years, where he was a farmer until his death, in 1897. He married Miss Susan Schrader, daughter of John and Pamelia (Jaques) Schrader, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Posey county, where she was born in 1826. She died at Poseyville in 1901. They both belonged to the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. and Mrs. George K. Trainor had eight children : John Schrader Trainor, now a merchant at Hayti, Mo. ; Charles Edward Trainor, grain merchant, Griffin, Ind. ; Clara, wife of Joseph W. Stevens, wagon maker and justice of the peace, Poseyville, Ind.; Algernon (de ceased), William A., formerly agent of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 3 13 at Poseyville, who was killed by hold-up men in 1892, and leaving a wife and three children ; Carrie, wife of James Kilroy, a lawyer at Po seyville ; George F., of this record ; Chauncy, graduate of the medical department of Louisville University, now an employe of the patent office at Washington, D. C, and also a magazine writer. George F. Trainor was educated in the public schools of Poseyville, graduating from the high school in the class of 1889. He then took a business course in Lexington, Ky., after which he taught school one year in Bethel town ship, Posey county. He then began the study of telegraphy in the depot of Illinois Central at Poseyville, and after eight months became operator at Stewartsville, where he remained five years, when he was appointed cashier at Mattoon, 111., for the same road. After one year at Mattoon he became station agent at Stewartsville, and has since filled that posi tion successively at Hartsburg, Latham, Mt. Zion, Sullivan, Newton, West Liberty, Parkersburg, Grayville, Griffin and New Harmony, all on the Illinois Central. In 1910 he became station agent at Wadesville, his present location. For a town of its size Wadesville is an unusually good shipping point, the freight business averaging about 400 cars per annum, while it does a good local passenger business. Mr. Trainor is a member of the Order of Ben Hur at Parkersburg, 111., of the Mystic Workers at West Liberty, 111., and also of the Order of Railway Teleg raphers. On March 10, 1897, Mr. Trainor married Miss Lottie Bare, daughter of Alexander and Margaret (Dawson) Bare, of West Salem, 111., the former a hardware merchant. She was born June 7, 1879, at Belmont, 111. Her father is a native of Germany and her mother of Illinois. They have four children: Murtel Kenneth, born May 23, 1899; Margaret, born September 8, 1903; Fred, born March 8, 1905, and Katherine, born December 6, 191 1. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal church. William H. Webb, a farmer of Smith township, Posey county, was born in Franklin county, Illinois, September 30, 1869, son of S. M. and Louisa (Britton) Webb. S. M. Webb was a son of Louis and Harriet Webb, and Louisa Britton Webb was the daughter of William Britton. The whole family are natives of Illinois, where S. M. Webb was a farmer and stock raiser, and where the subject of this sketch was raised and attended the country schools. He was a student one term at Ewing College, Ewing, 111., after which he farmed at home with his parents until the age of twenty-three years, at which time the family removed to Posey county, Indiana. This was in 1892, and Mr. Webb lived and farmed in Robb township until 1905, when he bought a farm in Smith township, where he now lives. His entire farm of eighty-six acres is under cultivation and he has some very fine stock, although he has never made a specialty of any breed. In politics Mr. Webb is a Democrat. He has served the township as election judge and road supervisor, and 314 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY is now employed by the township trustee to haul the children in a bus to and from school. On March 5, 1893, occurred the marriage of Wil liam H. Webb to Miss Alice Dunn, daughter of William and Susan (Gill) Dunn, natives of Tennessee, where they were engaged in farming and stock raising. They later lived in Duquoin, 111., where their daughter, Alice, was born and where she was educated, first attending common school, and later a private high school, in which she completed the course. Mr. and Mrs. Webb have three children : Estella, born Feb ruary 27, 1895, is a graduate of the common school and has attended the Cynthiana High School; Normalee, born in September, 1897, is now attending high school in Cynthiana, and Donald, born September 13, 1900, is attending the common schools of Cynthiana. Mrs. Webb is a member of the Baptist church. John C. Smith, a prosperous farmer of Cynthiana, Ind., was born in Patoka township, Gibson county, that State, June 18, 1831, son of Daniel and Nancy (Spain) Smith, natives of North Carolina, where the former was born in 1788, and the latter about 1800, and they came to Indiana in 1818, locating in Gibson county. In coming to this State he crossed the river at West Franklin and moved northward, stopping at old Fort Branch, which had been built shortly before for the protec tion of the settlers. He camped at the fort for the night and the next day moved north into what is now called Pike county, where they en tered land. On the way they often had to cut their own road through the forest. After coming to the State they moved around from place to place trying to find a suitable location and finally settled in Johnson township, Gibson county. John C. Smith was born before his parents moved to Johnson township. He began attending school at the age of four. His first teacher was Joshua Kitchen and school was held in a log building with split log seats and it was heated by a big fire-place. The window was made by leaving out a log. The school was moved to the public road later and, as there were no bridges, they put logs across the streams so the children could cross. The teacher was Dr. Ralston, now of Evansville, who is ninety-six years old. The school was maintained by subscription, as there were no public schools. After leaving school he continued to work on the farm with his parents. They removed to Posey county about 1848, but as John C. was working as a hired hand he did not come till 1852, when he was twenty-one years of age. In that year he married Lavina Robb, daughter of Peyton and Susan (Finch) Robb, in whose honor Robb township was named. The Robb family were among the earliest settlers of the county and Lavina Robb was born in Robb township, where she lived until her marriage. After his marriage Mr. Smith bought a farm in Smith township, just east of Poseyville, where he lived for some time, when he sold out and bought the property he now owns, two and one-half miles southeast of HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 315 Cynthiana. He has been assessor for his township for six years and later was elected county commissioner, serving three terms. He was State representative twice, 1889 and 1891. He has been a lifelong Dem ocrat and is prominent in the councils of the party. In i860 he was a delegate to the Democratic State convention. The feeling was so strong that it was said that the convention could not be held, but with the aid of guards the meetings went on. While in the legislature he helped elect two United States senators — Dan Voorhees and Senator Turpie. He was also a member of. the county and township committees in the house. Since serving in the legislature he has not sought any further political honors and has limited his political activities to looking after his party in Posey county. His first vote for the President was in 1852, for James K. Polk. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith became the parents of ten children: Peyton, Mary, Annie (deceased), Walter, Nora, Flora, Alice, and two who died in infancy. Mary married Walter Endicott, of Poseyville. Nora is the widow of Osbourne Endicott, of Cynthiana. Flora married Newton Martin and after his death married Treat Saul- mon and lives on a farm. Alice married Hugh McNair, a druggist, and they live in Sullivan, Ind. Mrs. Smith died August 13, 1888. Mr. Smith remarried in February, 1891, Catherine Robb, daughter of Wil liam Robb, and a cousin of his first wife. She died June 13, 1902. Henry Brinkman. — A man's real worth to his community is best de termined by inquiring into the sentiment of his neighbors and fellow citizens. Their estimate of him is found to be of more value in uncov ering the truth than all other sources of information. However, if there is found in this sentiment a diversity of opinion, it is difficult to arrive at accurate conclusions. On the other hand, if absolute harmony pre vails in it, if it is found to be a single unit, if a man's neighbors and daily associates, without a single dissenter, proclaim him to be a worthy citizen and a power for good in the community, then accuracy of con clusion is made easy; for no precedent exists in which perfect harmony of public opinion has proved to be wrong. The conclusions formed and herein set forth with reference to the man under consideration have been moulded entirely from the sentiment of his friends and fellow citizens and, since this sentiment had in it not a single discordant note, its accuracy can be fully vouchsafed and relied upon. Henry Brinkman is the nestor of Posey county's men of affairs. He became a resident of the county in 1850, a principal in a commercial enterprise in 185 1, a manufacturer in 1853, and is still the active head, at the age of eighty- eight, of a drain-tile plant and a retail hardware, implement and furni ture business. Sixty-two years of continuous commercial activity, dur ing which time his name has become familiar in practically every home within the county, a reputation for honesty, fairness and high business ideals, seldom attained in the field of commerce, entitle him to distinctive 316 HISTORY OF POSEY CQJJNTY recognition in this publication. Henry Brinkman was born in the Duchy of Lippe-Detmold, Germany, May 16, 1825. He obtained a fair educa tion in the schools of his native country, which he attended until the age of fourteen, learned the brickmaker's trade in the succeeding six years and, during the next five, that of wagon-making. In 1850 inclina tion led him to seek the opportunities then offering in the United States and he came to Indiana, remaining for about two months in Evansville, and then locating in Mt. Vernon, where he secured employment in the wagon factory of Gottlieb Koerner, and in the following year, 1852, secured in interest in the business. During the years 1854 to 1861 he was engaged in the manufacture of agricultural implements and wag ons, the last two years having as an associate in business, John H. Bar ter. In the last-named year he began the manufacture of the "Brink- man Wagon," having but one apprentice to assist him at the start. His products were well received, proved to be of high quality, and the fac tory force soon numbered twenty hands. He was the inventor of the "Posey Clipper" plow and manufactured them in profitable quantities. In 1869 he established a brick manufacturing plant which he operated successfully until 1875, when he changed it into a drain-tile factory. This enterprise he has conducted with success, it has given employment to as many as thirty-five hands, and is still operated with profit. In 1875 he formed, with William Burtis, the firm of Brinkman & Burtis and engaged in the implement business. Mr. Burtis retired from the firm in 1881 and the firm name was changed to Brinkman & Sons, two of his sons, Henry A. and Charles, being admitted to partnership. Another son, Otto, was given an interest later and he, with his father and brother, Charles, constitute the present firm, Henry A. Brinkman having died in 1900. Hardware and furniture have since been added to the line of implements and the business is not only the oldest in years of establishment in Posey county, but enjoys a satisfied clientage, while its sales exceed $40,000 per annum. Mr. Brinkman has also been inter ested directly and indirectly with many other business enterprises of his home city and perhaps no one of its citizens has had more to do with the development and building up of Mt. Vernon than he during the years i860 to 1895. In truth he has been one of the foremost in every move ment which had for its object the city's progress, thrift and substantial growth. He was for several years president of the Manufacturers' Aid Society of Mt. Vernon and brought to this office the same business ability which he had displayed in his private affairs, with the result that the society's affairs were conducted in a wise, conservative and business like way. He has been a Republican since the formation of that party. He served as a member of the city council for several terms, having been first elected in 1869. Mr. Brinkman is a member of the directorate of the Mt. Vernon National Bank, is seldom absent from a meeting of the HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 3 17 board, and it is probable that there is not another man of his age in the State of Indiana that is a member of the board of directors of a financial institution, much less one who is actively concerned with the conduct of his bank and who is conceded to be a valued member of its governing body. He is a member of the Masonic order and of the Evangelical church. Mr. Brinkman married in October, 1852, Miss Margaret Hahn, a native of Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, and the daughter of Henry Hahn. Mrs. Brinkman died in 1893. Ten children were born of this union, who are as follows : Minnie, who married John C. Leffel, of Mt. Vernon, publisher of "The Western Star" and editor of this work; Mrs. Leffel died on February 28, 1907. Henry A., until his death in 1900 a member of the firm of Brinkman & Sons; Mollie, who has never married and resides with her father; Charles, of the H. Brinkman Company ; Caroline, who became the wife of Fred Walter, a merchant of Mt. Vernon, both of whom are deceased ; Louis, formerly interested with his father and now a manufacturer of tile in Georgia; Anna, who married Meade Williams, of Mt. Vernon, both of whom are deceased; Otto, a member of the H. Brinkman Company; Matilda, the wife of William A. Holton, cashier of the Mt. Vernon Na tional Bank, personal mention of whom appears in this work, and Hat- tie, the wife of William O. Wilson, superintendent of the schools of Posey county, who is also mentioned in the biographical section of this volume. To do justice to the many phases of the career of Mr. Brink- man within the limits of an article of this order would be impossible, but in even touching upon the more salient points there may come objective lesson and incentive and thus a tribute of appreciation. As a man among men, bearing his due share in connection with the practical activities and responsibilities of a work-a-day world, he has been suc cessful, but over all and above all, he has gained a deep knowledge of the well springs from which emerge the stream of human motive and action. He has gained a clear apprehension of what life means, what its dominating influences, what its possibilities, and is ever ready to impart to his fellow men the fruits of his investigation, contemplation and ma ture wisdom. Capt. Alferd Ribeyre, of New Harmony, known far and wide as "The Corn King," is one of the most extensive land owners and developers in the State. He has inaugurated a plan of farming so extensive that it is difficult to contemplate the man and his great institution, and give him due credit. Captain Ribeyre's vast farming interests aggregate over 7,000 acres, about one-half of which is composed of Cut-off Island. These ex tensive farms are occupied by about 150 tenants, who work the land on a crop sharing plan, Mr. Ribeyre furnishing everything necessary to go on and do the work. The principal crops are corn and wheat ; however, other crops are raised, but not extensively. But, on account of the great 3l8 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY corn production, Captain Ribeyre has earned the title of "The Corn King." He is a native of Posey county, born February 17, 1851, one mile southeast of New Harmony, on the "Deep Creek Stock Farm." He is a son of John and Emily Ribeyre, both natives of France. John Ribeyre settled in Posey county, near New Harmony, in the '40s. He was one of the most extensive business men in Southern Indiana. He bought land, developed it, and also dealt extensively in cattle. He owned several boats, with which he marketed his own products in St. Louis and New Orleans. He owned the "Buckeye," the "Hoosier," and other boats. He was also a banker, owning and operating the Cut-off Island Bank, at New Harmony, in 1866. He loaned money extensively, and was always lenient to the unfortunate. At the time of his death, he owned about 8,000 acres. John Ribeyre was a man thoroughly abreast of his time. He was a member of the Workingmen's Institute, and public-spirited. His first wife died, leaving two children, Alferd, the subject of this sketch, and Emily, who married Frank Fitton, of Indianapolis. After the death of his first wife, he married Harriet Stanhope, and to this union was born one daughter, Erma, who married Charles A. Greathouse, the present Superintendent of Public Instruction of Indiana. Captain Ribeyre spent his boyhood days in New Harmony, and vicinity, and was associated with his father. While he inherited considerable property from his father, he has made good on his own account, and added vast holdings to his original property. Captain Ribeyre possesses many traits of his father. He is a progressive, liberal, and charitable man. He is always ready to contribute to worthy public enterprises, and render assistance to the needy. He contributes to churches of all denominations, and when the question of raising funds for the New Harmony Centennial of 1914 was being discussed, Captain Ribeyre came forward with a donation of $1,000. Such men are worth while to a town or community. He was united in marriage December 14, 1879, to an estimable lady, Miss Pauline Arnold, of New Harmony. She was born at sea. To Mr. and Mrs. Ribeyre were born three children, only one of whom, Robert R., survives. He resides in New Harmony, and is one of its progressive young business men. He married Jessie, daughter of A. C. Thomas, and to this union have been born one child, Susanna, who, by the way, oc cupies a prominent place in the affection of her grandfather. Captain Ribeyre is interested, as a stockholder, in the New Harmony Banking Company, and the Mt. Vernon National Bank. His splendid residence, located on Main street, in New Harmony, is one of the finest to be seen anywhere. While Captain Ribeyre has not been active in politics, he has always been a Republican, and served on the town council. Besides his vast farm holdings, and interests above described, Captain Ribeyre owns seven of the best business properties in New Harmony. He also owns and operates a private ferry for his own business. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 319 Joseph R. Welborn, successful farmer, influential citizen, and member of the council of Posey county, was born on his father's farm in Mont gomery township, Gibson county, Indiana, December n, 1849, a son of Samuel P. and Mary (Waters) Welborn. The family was founded in Indiana by Moses Welborn, a native of North Carolina, who was born in Guilford county, near Guilford court house, July 4, 1783. He came to Posey county in 1833 and located at Mt. Vernon, subsequently entering land at the forks of Big creek, which he cleared and developed into pro ductive farm land. He died in 1851, a victim of the cholera scourge of that year. He married, about 1808, Deborah Chipman, born on No vember 3, 1787. They reared a family of eight children, of whom Samuel P. Welborn was the third in order of birth. The latter was born in North Carolina in 1814, and came to Posey county with his parents. Shortly after arriving in Mt. Vernon, he engaged in flat boating, the one means of transportation at that time, his cargoes consisting of grain and provisions, which he carried to the New Orleans market. While visiting in Gibson county he became acquainted with Mary Waters, a daughter of James Rice Waters, a native of North Carolina, and pioneer settler of Gibson county, where she was born in 1816. They were married shortly afterwards and located on land in that county, at the time densely wooded, which he cleared; and for a time continued, during the winter months, the transportation of produce to the New Orleans market by flat boat. He became not only a successful farmer and man of means, but was a citizen of influence in his county. He served as treasurer of Gibson county from 1857 to 1861. His death occurred in 1875, and that of his wife in 1887. They were the parents of eleven children, ten of whom reached their majority, and six of whom are living at this writing, 1913. They are as follows : William P., James F., Francis M. Oscar M., Ellen, Sarah, Mary, Joseph R., Eliza, Alice and John. Joseph R. Welborn acquired his education in the schools of his native township, held in the primitive school buildings of that period, later attended the graded school in Owensville, and during the winter of 1868-69 was a student in the Indiana State University at Bloomington. With the ex ception of two years, in which he was engaged in the general merchan dise business in Poseyville, his occupation has been that of a farmer and stock raiser. The Welborn farm, situated one mile west of Cynthiana, consists of 150 acres, and is known as "Homeland." Mr. Welborn has retired from active business cares and the farm is conducted by his son, Ernest P. Welborn, a graduate of the Wisconsin State Agricultural College, who as a breeder of registered Poland China hogs has attained wide prominence. Animals from his breeding farm, known to breeders as "Homeland's" stock, have a ready sale over a wide area and bring at tractive prices. As regards improvements and farming methods, the property represents all essentials known to the scientific agriculturist, 320 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY and is one of the model enterprises in this line of Southern Indiana. As a citizen, Mr. Welborn has always taken an active interest in the political life of his county and State. He is a Democrat, and has been honored by his party with public office, in which he served with credit to himself and his constituents. He was elected trustee of Smith township in 1882, a member of the council of Smith township in 1900, and to the Posey county council in 1910, in which capacity he is still serving. Mr. Wel born married on June 3, 1874, Miss Rebecca Calvert, a daughter of Wil liam and Martha (Endicott) Calvert. Mr. Calvert was born in Vander burg county, Indiana, of which his father, a native of Ireland, was a pio neer. Martha Endicott was born in Posey county, and is descended from Colonial stock, and members of the family have held positions of promi nence in the town, State and Nation. Rebecca Calvert was born in Posey county, Indiana, June 14, 1847, and died September 15, 1907. They were the parents of four children, who are as follows, viz. : Edgar C. Welborn, a graduate of the literary department of the Indiana State University of the engineering department of Cornell, Ithaca, New York, and who is now a mechanical engineer, residing in Milwaukee, Wis. ; William C. Welborn, a graduate of both the literary and law departments of Indiana State University, and junior member of the firm of Veneman & Welborn, attorneys, Evansville. He married Miss Edith Gauntt, a daughter of Jasper Gauntt, of Marion, Ind. They are the parents of four children, Marion, Ruth, Dorothy and Francis. Alice Welborn, the third ehild, is deceased. Ernest P. Welborn, the youngest of the family, born December 12, 1881, received his early educational discipline in the schools of Cynthiana, later attended Indiana State University, and subsequently was graduated from the Wisconsin State Agricultural College at Madi son. He married on April 12, 1903, Miss Ethel Emerson, a daughter of Benjamin F. Emerson, president of the Cynthiana Banking Company. They are the parents of two children : Joseph E. Welborn, born October 4, 1905, and Virginia C. Welborn, born July 4, 1908. Mr. Welborn is manager of the "Homeland" property. The family are popular in the social circles of their county and are members of the Baptist church. Timothy Scott Downen, a farmer in Robinson township, Posey county, Indiana, is a native of the same township, having been born on the place where he now lives, on December 1, 1880, son of George T. and Classie (Allyn) Downen, natives of Posey county, the father reared on the place in possession of our subject, and the mother in Black township, near Bufkin. George Downen was born in June, 1854, son of Tillman Downen and Classie Allyn was the daughter of Bijah Allyn, of Black township. The father died April 1, 1910, and the mother in June, 1897. Timothy attended the schools of Robinson township, and after finishing his educa tion remained at home with his parents. After they passed away the farm came into his possession. This farm was entered by a Downen 111 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 321 years before it came into the hands of Timothy Downen, and has re mained in the family all this time. Mr. Downen makes a specialty of Duroc Jersey hogs, also does general farming and stock raising. He has a good farm of eighty acres. Mr. Downen was married November 30, 1902, to Miss Mary Mills, daughter of Aleck and Matilda (Wilkie) Mills, both parents born in Posey county. Matilda Wilkie was reared in the place of her birth, but Aleck Mills went south with his parents when about eight years old, and did not return for thirty years. Mrs. Downen was born in Posey county, and was reared and educated here. Her father died in autumn of 1905 and her mother is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Downen have had four children, Merle and Leona, who are attending school in Robinson township, Clarisey, and Lynn, who is deceased. Mr. Downen is a Democrat in politics. Henry Donner, a farmer of Robinson township, Posey county, Indiana, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, September 25, 1866, son of Fred and Bar bara (Bauer) Donner, natives of Stuttgart, Germany, who came to this country before they were married. They both died while their five chil dren were quite young, the mother in 1870, and the father in 1871. Henry was in bed with smallpox when his mother died, and could not attend the funeral. When left an orphan he lived with his brothers and sisters. His brothers worked in a brick yard, and Henry carried their break fasts and dinners to them, beside going to school. In 1877, at the age of eleven years, Henry Donner came to Posey county with his brother, William. He lived with his uncle, Henry Donner, Sr., while William went to live with their cousin, Henry Donner, Jr. Here our subject re mained for three years, attending school and doing all kinds of farm work and assisting in clearing new ground. He then went to the farm of his cousin, John Donner, where he worked two years for his board and clothes. At the end of this time he hired out to his cousin, Henry Don ner, for $80 per year. Half of this he spent for clothes and saved $40. The next year he hired to another farmer for $140 per year and board, saving $100 that year. The next year he was with another neighbor at $150 and board, remaining here two years. After this he returned to his cousin, Henry, who paid him $160 per year, and here he remained four years. He then learned the carpenter's trade and received $1.50 per day, and worked at the trade until his marriage, which'occurred Septem ber 11, 1892, to Miss Carry Huber, daughter of George and Barbara (Hahn) Huber, natives of Posey county, where they were reared. After his marriage he started farming for himself. Mrs. Huber, mother of Mrs. Donner, died in 1893, and they lived on the George Huber farm for two years. He then removed to Black township, renting the Joseph Welborn farm, where Samuel Benthal now lives, remaining there four years. In 1897 he rented a farm just west of Oliver, and in 1900 he bought his present farm, which is the old Tim Downen place in Robinson town- 322 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY ship, and contains 130 acres. Mr. Donner is engaged in general farming. Mr. and Mrs. Donner have had six children: Henry, who died in in fancy; Ida, who married Fred Wedeking, at present living in Evans ville ; Alk, and Olive, graduates of the common school, at home with their parents ; Harry, now in the seventh grade in the Downen school. The Donner family are members of the Evangelical church. Mr. Donner is a Republican in politics, and is now holding the office of trustee of Robin son township, to which he was elected in 1908, and was for two years a member of the advisory board of the township. Joseph Schmitt, a farmer of Posey county, Indiana, was born in Ger many, his parents, Joseph and Anna Marie (Van Waltensberger) Schmitt, being natives of Elsas Ardelsheim, where they engaged in farming, and where their son, Joseph, was born, March 18, 1851. The family came to America in 1855, locating at Princeton, Gibson county, Indiana, where the father drove an ox team, hauling logs for one year, after which he re moved to a farm in Robinson township, Posey county, the place where Adam Schmitt now lives, and remained here until his death in 1896. The mother died in 1900. Our subject started to school in Princeton, and after the removal of his parents to Robinson township, attended school at St. Wendel. He worked on the home place until he was seventeen years of age, when he started learning the carpenter trade, working at this until twenty-one. He then worked on a farm one year, and in the sum mer of 1873 worked with a threshing crew. He was married in Septem ber of that year and in the fall cholera broke out and his wife's sister lost her husband and four children and husband's father. After his marriage he began farming on the home place of his wife's father, and has continued farming ever since. In 1892 he was elected assessor on the Democratic ticket, and served five years, and since that time has been deputy assessor for the township every time one has been needed. In 1912 he was elected county commissioner, and is now holding that office. Mr. Schmitt is an auctioneer, and since he was twenty-four years of age he has cried over 300 sales. The marriage of Joseph Schmitt and Miss Amalia Dudenhefer occurred in Robinson township, Posey county, where the bride was born and raised, on September 29, 1873. She is the daugh ter of Jacob and Magdalene Dudenhefer, natives of Rheinprovinz, Hairx- heim, Germany, who came to America, locating first in Cincinnati, where they were married. Mrs. Schmitt was educated in the schools of St. Wendel. Mr. and Mrs. Schmitt became the parents of ten children : Helena, Anna, Alfonso, Amanda, Alice, Cecelia, Louisa (deceased), Ida (deceased), Olevia and Elvera. Elvera is a graduate of the St. Wendel school and lives at home with her parents. Helena married Jacob Rothlei, and had three children, Raymond, Daniel and Elmar, the latter deceased. Anna married William Weyer. They live in Robinson town ship and have had seven children, Urban, Viola, Arthur, Marie, Ran- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 323 dolph, Wilmor (deceased) and Norman (deceased). Amanda married George Baehl, and has three children, Leona, Genevieve and Joseph, the latter deceased. Cecilia married William Engbers, and has one child, William Joseph. Both Amanda and Cecilia live in Evansville. Olevia married Phillip Muhelbaur, and they live in Poseyville. The family are members of the Catholic church at St. Wendel, where Mr. Schmitt has been trustee of the church three terms, and is now director of the choir. Earnest Willman, a farmer living near Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., November 30, 1845, son °f Earnest and Katherine Will- man, natives of Germany, who came to Pennsylvania and later removed to Posey county, Indiana, when their son, Earnest, was about a year old. They made the trip from Pittsburgh by boat, there being no railroads. They located in the woods at St. Philip, and built a log hut. For more than a year Mrs. Willman baked bread in a skillet. Earnest at tended the common schools, and remained at home, working on the farm, until thirty years of age, when he bought a farm of his own. He still owns this place, adjoining his present home. On September 22, 1877, occurred the marriage of Earnest Willman and Miss Johana Elderbrook, daughter of Henry and Sophia (Leonard) Elderbrook, natives of Han over, Germany, who came to America in 1872, and located in Gibson county, Indiana, where Mr. Elderbrook engaged in farming and stock raising. Johana was born in Hanover in 1854, and attended school in Germany, coming to America with her parents at the age of eighteen. Mr. and Mrs. Willman have seven children : Folney, who married Bar bie Winter; Earnest, married Carry Roiddle; George, married Louise Reinghie; Frederick, married Annie Dempersenier ; Louise and Tillie. All five boys are farming in Posey county. The children are all grad uates of the common schools. The family are all members of the Luth eran church. John Henry Schreiber, a farmer of Black township, Posey county, In diana, was born on the same farm where he now lives on February 23, 1868, son of Michael and Elizabeth (Franbel nee Dickout) Schreiber, na tives of Germany. Michael Schrieber was born in the Fatherland in 1800 and about 1825 or 1826 he started with his young wife to America. She died on the way and was buried at sea. Upon his arrival he located in Posey county, and as land was cheap he soon became one of the largest land owners in this section of the country, having more than 1,000 acres. He was a hard worker, often helping his neighbors in the daytime and doing his own clearing at night. He used cattle exclusively in his farming and clearing. The mother of our subject came to America when a young lady about twenty-three years of age. She received her education in Germany. Michael Schreiber died February 22, 1881, at the age of eighty-one years, and his wife died four years later, on July 8, 1885. John Henry Schreiber was but thirteen years of age when his 324 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY father died and at the death of his mother he was left in charge of the farm, being the only child by his father's third marriage. There was still plenty of timber standing and he cleared about forty-five acres on the place. At that time there were no rock roads, telephones, autos or other modern conveniences, and at times the roads were so bad that it would be impossible to get to Mt. Vernon for two months at a time, sometimes having to walk the entire distance on the Louisville & Nash ville railroad ties. Mr. Schreiber can remember when this railroad was built. Being a hard worker, like his father he has met with a large de gree of success, has a farm of 260 acres, all under cultivation except about thirty-five acres of fine white oak arid poplar timber. During the past few years he has been raising cattle and hogs for market, meeting with much success in this line. The Schreiber farm is equipped with all modern improvements, gasoline engines for grinding grain, pumping water and other work, an auto, a fine residence and large modern barns. Mr. Schreiber was married December 14, 1888, to Bertha Deitz, daughter of Philip and Charlotta Deitz, natives of Germany, who came to Posey county, where their daughter, Bertha, was born and raised in Black township. Philip Deitz was a cabinet maker. Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber became the parents of five children: John Philip, William Fred, Eliza beth Margaret, George Arthur and William Henry, the last deceased. They are all at home with their father. William Fred married Carry Renner and they have one child, Albert Fred. The family belongs to the Evangelical church, and Mr. Schreiber is a Republican in politics. William Renschler, farmer, dairy man and stock breeder, of Mt. Ver non, Ind., was born in Vanderburg county, Indiana, July 23, 1869, son of John and Elizabeth (Fuhs) Renschler, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Indiana. John Renschler, now in his eightieth year, still lives on his farm south of Caborn. William Renschler came with his parents to Marrs township, Posey county, at the age of six years and here attended common school. He remained on the farm with his parents until twenty-one years of age and then started for himself, buy ing his present farm north of Mt. Vernon, on which he has lived con tinuously since. He now has 160 acres with modern improvements and a beautiful residence. Mr. Renschler is a scientific farmer and breeder of cattle and hogs, using Durham for his beef stock and Jersey for his milk herd. He has lately begun breeding Guernsey for milk and is meeting with success. He breeds Poland China hogs. At present Mr. Renschler is making large quantities of butter, which he sells in Mt. Vernon. His leading farm products are wheat, corn and clover, and he has several smaller crops that pay well. On October 27, 1891, occurred the marriage of William Renschler and Maggie Sailor, daughter of John and Doradier (Schreiber) Sailor, natives of Germany, where the father was a farmer. Mrs. Renschler was born and reared in Black township. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 325 Five children were born to this union: Anna, Christiana, Loulie (de ceased), Minnie Katherine, Liddie Mary and George Wesley. The children are all at home with their parents sand Anna Christiana and Minnie Katherine are graduates of the common schools. The family belongs to the Evangelical church and in politics Mr. Renschler is a Republican. Samuel Carroll, a farmer of Black township, Posey county, Indiana, was born in the same township where he now lives November 16, 1870, son of John R. and Virginia (Adzech) Carroll. His father, a native of Tennessee, came to Posey county at the time of the Civil war. He en listed in the Forty-sixth Ohio and served three years in the war. After peace was declared he located in Posey county, where he has lived ever since, and engaged in farming and stock raising. Samuel Carroll fin ished the common schools and then began farming, first hiring out by the month until 1900, when he rented a farm and began for himself. The man for whom he was working left the county and sold his teams to Mr. Carroll on three years' time. He paid for them in two years. In 191 1 he removed to his present home in Black township, where he owns forty acres and rents eighty-five acres. He is a member of the Ben Hur fraternal order, and in politics is a Republican. Mr. Carroll was married July 24, 1892, to Abbie (West) Gulledge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob West. She was reared and educated in Posey county, where she died in 1902, leaving two children: John, born September 29, 1893, and Trin, born March 28, 1896. On August 10, 1903, Mr. Carroll married Ida Allyn, daughter of Joseph and Rachel Allyn, natives of Posey county, both now dead. Mr. Allyn was a farmer. Mrs. Carroll was born and educated in Posey county. They have two children : Joseph, born November 14, 191 1, and Esther Virginia, born April 5, 1912. Reverend Charles G. Kettelhut, pastor of the Zion's Evangelical church at Lippe, Robinson township, Posey county, Indiana, was born in Pomerania, Germany, February 19, 1866, son of William and Henrietta Kettelhut, natives of the same place. His parents came to America in the fall of 1880 and settled in Freelandville, Knox county, Indiana. Here they engaged in farming and stock raising, and Charles attended the common schools, getting his first lessons in English, although his early education had already been begun in the Fatherland. While going to school he worked on the farm with his parents, but on completing his elementary education he entered the preparatory college at Elmhurst, 111., in the fall of 1887, graduating with the class of 1891. He was then transferred to Eden Theological Seminary of the Evangelical church at St. Louis, Mo., from which he graduated in 1894. After graduating from the seminary he returned to his home at Freeland, Ind., where he was ordained as a minister of the Zion Evangelical Church and was assigned to the charge at High Hill, Montgomery county, Missouri, 326 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY in January, 1894, remaining about two years. From there he was called to fill the charge at New Palestine, Ind., remaining there until 1898, when he removed to Powhatan Point, Ohio. He had charge of that congregation until the fall of 1902, going from there to the congregation at Westphalia, Knox county, Indiana, remaining there until April 15, 1906, at which time he accepted the call of the church at Lippe, Robinson township, Posey county, where he has a large and wealthy con gregation with a membership of about 100 families. Since his pastorate here the church has prospered and has one of the largest church build ings in the county with a parsonage of brick in connection. Rev. Kettel hut was married October 7, 1894, to Elizabeth R. Preiss, daughter of George and Catherine Preiss, both deceased. George Preiss was very prominent in St. Louis county, Missouri, where several other members of the Preiss family have received political honors. He died in the fall of 1908.. He was born in Germany and came to this country with his father at the age of nine years. Mrs. Kettelhut was born in St. Louis county, Missouri, and attended the public schools. They have five children : Herbert, who graduated from the Mt. Vernon High School in 1913 and is now attending the Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, 111.; Freda and Hulda, graduates of the public schools, who are now taking a spe cial course in music; Theophil and Gertrude, both attending the public schools of Robinson township at District No. 6. All the family are active church workers. Charles Dausman, trustee of Marrs township and one of the leading farmers of the vicinity, was born in German township, Vanderburg county, Indiana, June 15, i860, son of Jacob and Barbra (Groeninger) Dausman, both natives of the same township, where they were farmers. The father died in 1867 and the mother in 1861. They were the parents of five children as follows : Mary A., born November 23, 1852, now the wife of Adam Roeder, Evansville, Ind. ; Henry Jacob, born October 5, 1854, now a blacksmith in Marrs townhip; John, born December 3, 1856, died December 8, 1856; George F., born December 25, 1857, died in 1876, and Charles, the subject of this sketch. Charles Dausman was educated in the public schools of Vanderburg county, after which he became a blacksmith, and followed this occupation for twelve years. On May 18, 1876, he came to Posey county, locating in Marrs township, where he worked at his trade. He purchased a small farm in 1889 and began farming. In 1910 he bought the 160-acre tract on which he lives at present. He is a successful agriculturist and stock raiser and has one of the finest farms in the county. In 1909 Mr. Dausman was elected trustee of Marrs township and is still holding that office. He is a Re publican in politics and, with the remainder of the family, is a member of the Lutheran church. On January 4, 1885, Mr. Dausman married Miss Katherine Jourdan, daughter of Jacob and Margaret Jourdan, of HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 327 Posey county. Jacob Jourdan was born in Germany and died in Posey county, where he was engaged in farming. Mrs. Jourdan was born in Germany July 29, 1829, and died in Marrs township October 22, 1909. Mr. and Mrs. Dausman became the parents of six sons and one daugh ter: Jacob Charles, born November 13, 1885, married Miss Caroline Noelle, December 27, 191 1. She died October 14, 1913. He is now a farmer in Marrs township; Lydia Katherine, born June 6, 1888, is living with her parents ; Charles Henry, born February 4, 1890 ; Arthur Philip, born May 6, 1894; George Adam, born October 5, 1896, died October 9, 1896; William Henry, born June 30, 1898, and Raymond Oscar, born May 6, 1904. James Robert Lewis, a farmer of Marrs township, Posey county, In diana, was born in that locality October 7, 1861 (see sketch of Thomp son Price Lewis). He was educated in the public schools of his native township and worked on his father's farm until the age of twenty-one, when he began farming for himself. In politics Mr. Lewis is a Demo crat and in the past ten years he has been several times deputy assessor of Marrs township and has also been bailiff of the Posey county court several times. Mr. Lewis has been married twice. He first married Miss Ella Wade, in 1882. She was born March 11, 1863, in Harmony township, Posey county, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Wade, both deceased, and died June 20, 1887. She became the mother of two chil dren: Ethel, born December 17, 1884, now the wife of John Derrington, a farmer of Black township, Posey county; and Stella, born August 15, 1886, died December 23, 1886. On March 15, 1888, our subject married Miss Edith Donna Reed, daughter of John H. and Jane A. (Johnson) Reed, of Akin, 111. Mr. Reed was born April 22, 1838, in Virginia, and his wife on February 22, 1841, in Blairsville, Ind. They were married November 24, 1858, and had nine children : Marinda L., born January 21, i860, died September 5, 1894; Malissa Ellen, born April 17, 1862, died July 4, 1863 ; Mary Etta, born June 8, 1864, now the wife of Robert S. Lawrence, a farmer of Marrs township ; Marcus D., born August 26, 1866; Edith D., born October 20, 1868; Martha Ona, born October 25, 1870, now the wife of Wesley Crumens, of Illinois; Ada Gertrude, born May 1, 1872, died February 3, 1885; Perry Paul, born July 7, 1874, now a farmer in Illinois, and James Harvey, born April 6, 1880. By his second wife Mr. Lewis had three sons and three daughters : William David, born September 19, 1889, was married to Miss Minnie Conley, daughter of William and Eliza Conley, March 25, 1909; she was born May 16, 1889, in Polk county, Illinois, and became the mother of two children, Arvale Lee, born August 23, 1910, and Fred Leroy, born November 30, 1912; John Thomson Lewis, born September 20, 1891 ; James Herschel, born November 17, 1895 ; Jennie, born December 24, 1892, died August 5, 1895; Edith Donna, born July 30, 1896; Eva Belle, born April 11, 328 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 1898, who had the honor in 1913 of being elected delegate from Posey county, in the contest conducted by the Evansville "Courier," to go to Washington for the the inauguration of President Wilson. Mr. Lewis is one of Posey county's substantial citizens. He and his family are members of the General Baptist church. James Pendell (deceased), who for many years was a successful and prominent farmer in Marrs township, Posey county, Indiana, was born in that locality February 4, 1831, and died in the game township April 25, 1909, where his remains were interred in Colven cemetery. He was a son of Harrison Pendell, who came from North Carolina at an early date and settled in Posey county, where he died, in Marrs township, in 1886. Our subject was married January 17, 1883, to Mrs. Sarah J. Knowles, daughter of Stephen and Melvina (Gwaltney) Harrison. Mrs. Pendell was born March 26, 1858, in Marrs township. Her parents were native farmers of Posey county and her father was a veteran of the Mexican war. James Pendell and wife became the parents of five sons and two daughters: William, born February 10, 1886; Charles, born January 26, 1887; Llerbert, born October 27, 1888; Ethel, born October 4, 1890; Myrtle, born February 20, 1893; Elmer, born November 22, 1897, died January 4, 1898; Raymond A., born June 1, 1899. Mr. Pendell was a private in Company H, One Hundred and Forty-fourth Indiana volunteer regiment, during the Civil war. Mrs. Sarah J. Pendell was first married to William J. Knowles, January 7, 1874. He was a son of Thomas Knowles, of Black township. Mr. Knowles died in 1880. Four children were born to this union : Zella Belle, born October 14, 1874, died December 25, 1875 ; Stephen Thomas, born September 22, 1876, now in the artillery in the United States Army; Saphrona Lee, born December 3, 1878, now the wife of Herbert Frazier, a railroad man of Reading, Pa.; and Cynthia Jane, born January 4, 1880, died May 21, 1909. Mrs. Pendell now lives on the old homestead in Marrs township at Caborn Station. She is a member of the Primitive Baptist church. Frank Ritzert (deceased) was a farmer all his life in Marrs township, Posey county, Indiana, owning his own land. He was born February 7, 1865, in the same township where he spent his life, son of Henry and Barbara (Kroek) Ritzert, natives of Germany, who came to this country when the father was fifty-six years of age. They located in Marrs town ship and took up the occupation of farming and Mr. Ritzert became one of the most active and successful men in the locality. He died, March 28, 1913, and was buried in St. Phillip's cemetery. He was a Roman Catholic, as was also his son, Frank, who died April 15, 1909. On No vember 17, 1896, occurred the marriage of Frank Ritzert to Miss Bertha E. Wernet, daughter of Henry and Mary (Mesker) Wernet. She was born March 27, 1867, in Vanderburg county, Indiana. Her parents, both of whom are deceased, came from Germany early in life. Mr. and Mrs. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 329 Ritzert have had five children. Mary C, born October, 1897; Henry, born February 15, 1899, died on the same day; Cecelia E., born January 6, 1902; Sylvester J., born April 1, 1904; and Leroy J., born December 31, 1906. George J. Seifert, a merchant of Caborns, Marrs township, Posey coun ty/Indiana, was born February 8, 1874, in that township, son of William and Louise (Roesner) Seifert, the former having been born in Marrs township, March 3, 1847. The grandfather of our subject came from Germany to Posey county, and became one of its first settlers. He died in 1891. Four sons and four daughters survive him: William, Nicho las, Fred, John, Susan, Elizabeth, Anna and Carrie. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Seifert were married in 1873, and became the parents of several children, six of whom are living: George L., William H., Louis B., Edward, Hermann and Philip. George Seifert was educated in the public schools of Marrs township, and worked on his father's farm until twenty-four years of age, when he bought a farm for himself. He con tinued farming until 191 1, when he sold his land and established a gen eral merchandise business at Caborns, where he has a large trade from the tributary neighborhood. The business was established by William H., his brother, who had conducted it seven years. He was married March 6, 1898, to Miss Emma Martin, daughter of Peter Martin, of Marrs town ship. Mrs. Seifert was born January 21, 1876, in Black township. Her parents are deceased. They have one child, Viola Martha, born Septem ber 12, 1908. Peter Schick (deceased), of Marrs township, Posey county, Indiana, was born in Germany, January 27, 1850, and came to America in 1883, locating in Evansville, where he worked in a saw mill for two years. In 1885 he removed to Marrs township, where he bought a farm near Ca borns Station, and was engaged in the occupation of farming until his death, April 18, 1910. He was a member of the Evangelical church. Mr. Schick was married April 3, 1876, to Miss Anna Mary Wirth, the wed ding taking place in Germany. Mrs. Schick was born April 8, 1855, and was the only member of her family to come to America. Mr. and Mrs. Schick became the parents of six daughters and five sons: Magdalena Maria, born August 15, 1877, married to John Hofman February 22, 1906, and became the mother of two children, Laura Marie, born December 16, 1906, and Alma Katherine, born November 10, 191 1; Elizabeth, born October 2, 1879, married George Kaffenberger October 6, 1904; Mar garet, born July 10, 1881 ; Peter, born April 3, 1883, died May 1, 1898; George, born February 20, 1885, married Miss Phoebe Schreiber April 10, 1912, and has one child, Alma Marie, born December 23, 1912 ; Mary, born October 15, 1886, now a teacher in Marrs township ; Abraham, born . September 19, 1889; Katherine, born December 18, 1891, graduated from 330 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY the Mt. Vernon High School in 1910, now a teacher in Marrs town ship; Jacob, born November 1, 1893, died March 10, 1896; Anna, born August 4, 1895, and Friedrick, born August 19, 1897. John G. Layer, a prominent farmer of Marrs township, was born in Chambersburg, Pa., July 23, 1843, a son of David and Rachel (Doberer) Layer, both natives of Germany, who, on coming to America, located at Baltimore. The father died when John was a small boy, and he was left on his own resources. Prior to his fifteenth year he worked on a farm, and was a sheep herder, so that his schooling was limited. In 1859 he came to Posey county and worked as a farm hand until the Civil war. On November 7, 1863, he enlisted as a private in Company A, Tenth Indiana cavalry, serving until the close of the war, being mus tered out at Vicksburg, Miss. In his period of service he participated in many battles, the last being the siege of Mobile, and he is able to relate many interesting reminiscences. He was wounded once. Upon returning to Posey county, after the war, Mr. Layer bought land, and for the first time in his life became a farmer on his own account. On March 30, 1870, the marriage of John C. Layer and Miss 'Lodema Har rison occurred. She is the daughter of Zephnirah and Nancy (Cox) Harrison, of Center township, both now deceased, the father dying in 1873 and the mother in 1874. They were both natives of Posey county, and their daughter, Lodema, was born in Center township, July 27, 1848. Mr. and Mrs. Layer became the parents of eight children : Evaline, born February 12, 1871, died February 12, 1876; Ida May, born June 30, 1883, died July 17, 1894; Charles Sherman, born August 14, 1885, died August 26, 1886; Emma Jane, born July 17, 1872, married George Rodel, of Warrick county, Indiana, February 13, 1901 ; Rachel Ellen, born Novem ber 27, 1874, married William Vaupel, of Warrick county, Indiana, Au gust 12, 1902; Walter George, born March 26, 1877, married Emma Baker December 14, 1902; Henry Harrison, born May 29, 1879, married Lena Miller July 20, 1902, and Elizabeth Anna, born March 20, 1881. Mr. Layer is a member of the Harrison Post, No. 91, Grand Army of the Republic, of Mt. Vernon. John Espenlaub, a farmer and land owner of Marrs township, Posey county, Indiana, was born in Robinson township of the same county, October 14, 1856, son of John C. and Barbara (Mueller) Espenlaub. The father of our subject was born in Germany, September 26, 1826, and came to the United States at the age of twenty-six years, locating in Robinson township, where he bought land and became a farmer, following that occupation until his death, in November, 1907. He was an active mem ber of the Zion Evangelical church in Robinson township, and was a trustee in that organization. He married at the age of twenty-seven, and he and his wife became the parents of fourteen children : Lena, Elizabeth, Caroline, Katherine, John, Louise, William, Henry, Charles, Bertha, HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 33I Pauline, Minnie, Ernest, and Herman. All are living except Lena. The mother died in 1900. The subject of this record was reared in Robinson township, and in 1882 bought the farm he now owns in Marrs township, where he has since lived and prospered. On November 27, 1882, he mar ried Miss Minnie Dora Schroeder, daughter of Fred and Mary (Berger) Schroeder, farmers of Robinson township, where Mrs. Espenlaub was born, May 10, 1863. The Schroeders came from Germany early in life be fore their marriage. Their other children were : Louise, Henry, Minnie, Mary, Ernest and Fred. All are living except Ernest, who died No vember 15, 191 1. They are members of the Evangelical church. Mr. and Mrs. Espenlaub have had two sons and four daughters : Anna Bar bara, born August 28, 1883, now the wife of Fred Donner, of Robinson township, has had five children, Edward, born December 22, 1907, Fred, born July 14, 1906, Albert, born in January, 1910, Clarence, born No vember 6, 1912, and Henry, the second, died in infancy ; William Henry, born April 8, 1885; Mary Minnie, born March 8, 1889; Fred, born Sep tember 26, 1893, a graduate of the Posey County High School, studied special courses at the State Normal, and is now a teacher in the Marrs township schools; Selma K. L., born August 14, 1896; Emily Anna, born July 31, 1903, died January 21, 1908. The family are members of the Zion Evangelical Church and are active workers. Mr. Espenlaub is a Republican, but has never sought office. He is one of the progressive farmers of Posey county, and has a well improved farm, where he car ries on general farming and stock raising. Edgar J. Llewelyn, superintendent of schools of Mt. Vernon, and one of the leading educators of the State, is a native of Ohio. He was born at Martinsville, Ohio, Clinton county, November 21, 1876. He is the son of John and Anne Elizabeth (Kester) Llewelyn, both natives of Ohio, the former of Welsh descent and the latter of German ; the former was born at Pennsville, Morgan county, Ohio, and the latter near Mar- tirisville, Ohio. Both parents are now deceased. The mother died in 1881, when the subject of this review was only five years old, and the father departed this life in 1905. There were six children in the Llew elyn family, only two of whom survive: Edgar J. and Mrs. G. D. Burg- noon, of Lawrenceville, 111. Prof. Llewelyn is a descendant from teach ers on both sides, which, no doubt, had its influence in shaping his ca reer in that profession, while good, hard, honest work has been the mas ter force of his success. When young Llewelyn was about six years of age, and about the time of his mother's death, the father settled near Marion, Grant county, Indiana. Here Edgar attended the public schools until he was thirteen years of age, when his father broke up house keeping. From this time on the boy made his own way in the world. He went to Hamilton county and completed the course in the Westfield High School, graduating in the class of 1899. In the meantime he had 332 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY taught school and at one time was engaged in threshing, owning and operating his own machine. In 1900 he entered Earlham College, devot ing part of his time to teaching, and graduating in 1907 with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. In 1908 he entered the University of Indiana at Bloomington, where he was graduated in 1910 with the degree of Master of Arts, and at the present time is taking a course in Columbia Uni versity, New York City. Mr. Llewelyn's life, so far, has been a busy one. He has done things from the start, and at all times has been a close student, taking advantage of every opportunity for improvement and advancement. His career as a teacher began in the district school be fore he was nineteen, and three years later we find him holding the responsible position of superintendent of city schools at Fishers, Ind. He held this position three years, when he accepted a similar one at Arcadia, Ind. He remained there four years, during which time his sal ary was nearly doubled, which is the best evidence of the appreciation of his services. In 1905 he was elected superintendent of city schools of Sheridan, Ind., where he was engaged until 191 1, with the exception of one year spent in special study at Earlham College. July 1, 191 1, Mr. Llewelyn was elected superintendent of city schools of Mount Ver non and has since maintained the high standard of the Mount Vernon schools, which are second to none in the country — with its corps of thirty-nine of the most efficient teachers to be found anywhere. Prof. Llewelyn was married May 17, 1899, to Miss Florence E. Mendenhall, of Westfield, Hamilton county, Indiana. They have one child, Martha Myrtilla, born at Mount Vernon October 14, 1913. Several years ago Mr. Llewelyn became interested in the Men's Bible Class movement. He has made an exhaustive study of the subject and is an enthusiastic promoter of that organization. While at Sheridan, Ind., he organized a class of 200. When he came to Mount Vernon he continued the work of organization with the same untiring zeal which he had manifested at Sheridan. In January, 1912, he organized a class with seventeen mem bers, which has grown to a membership of nearly 700. Mr. Llewelyn has taken an active part in the broader field of educational matters, out side of the school room. He takes an active interest in State and na tional matters, generally attending conventions of that character. As a public speaker he is well known in many sections. He has delivered a number of addresses at commencement exercises, as well as a number of lectures, and on several occasions acted as an instructor at various teachers' institutes, etc. He is a member of the Improved Order of Red Men, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias and the Masons. Henry Fisher, farmer and poultry fancier, was born on the same farm where he now lives in Marrs township, Posey county, Indiana, on Sep tember 11, 1865, son of Valentine and Barbara (Soellner) Fisher, father HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 333 a native of Hesse, Germany, and the mother a native of Bavaria. Val entine Fisher was reared in Posey county, coming here with his parents when but eight years of age. He engaged in farming and stock raising until his death in 1895. Although very prominent in the Democratic party, he never sought or accepted office. The mother died in 1910. Henry Fisher attended school at St. Philips for seven years and then entered the college oi Effingham, 111., remaining two years. Upon fin ishing his education he returned home and worked on the farm. For one year he was bookkeeper in a grocery house in Evansville. Aside from this he spent his entire time until thirty-three years of age ori the Valentine Fisher farm. In 1898 he was elected county treasurer and in 1899 removed to Mt. Vernon, where he lived during his term of office. He served four years in this capacity and for one year was secretary of the E. B. Schenk Hardware Company. He then engaged in the insur ance business. In 1906 he returned to his farm, where he has since re mained. He has a fine herd of stock and a valuable flock of thorough bred chickens. The Valentine Fisher farm contains 220 acres, has the best of improvements and among other things has one of the largest barns in the county. The house is of brick and modern in every respect. On November 21, 1894, Mr. Fisher married Clara Ledvina. The cere mony took place at Trinity Church in Evansville, Father E. B. Ledvina, a brother, officiating. . She is the daughter of George E. Ledvina, a na tive of Bohemia, who is now a civil engineer in New York City. Her mother was born in Tell City, Ind. Mrs. Fisher was born in St. Louis, where she was educated. She came to Evansville to help an aunt who was a fashionable dressmaker, and remained here until her marriage. They have eight children : Victoria, Olivia, Erma, Arthur, Charles, Mar garet, Helen Louise and Joseph. All of the children live at home with their parents and received their education in the schools of St. Philip and Mt. Vernon. The family are members of the Catholic church, the father having been trustee in the church at St. Philips for two years and trustee for three years in the church of Mt. Vernon. In politics Mr. Fisher is a Democrat. He is a member of the Mt. Vernon branch of the Catholic Knights of America. George J. Ehrhardt, blacksmith and farmer of Marrs township, Posey county, Indiana, was born in that township, February 11, 1863, son of Jacob and Louisa (Dolde) Ehrhardk- the former a native of Germany and the latter of German township, Vanderburg county, where she was reared. The elder Ehrhardt came to America from Baden, Germany, about the year 1858, locating in Posey county, where he built a black smith shop at St. Philip, and engaged in this business until his death, in 1880. His son, George, then succeeded in the business, hiring a skilled workman until he learned the trade himself. When our subject was a boy the free schools were only open six months each year, but he paid 334 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY for three months additional each year until he finished the common school branches. He then went to Rank & Wright's Business College, at Evansville, where he studied bookkeeping. After completing the course he was called home by the death of his father to look after the business, and has remained here ever since. He has a farm across the road from his shop. In 1904 Mr. Ehrhardt was elected trustee of Marrs town ship on the Democratic ticket, and served four years, after which he made the race for Democratic nominee for county treasurer against the present incumbent, A. A. Schenk, and carried every precinct in the coun ty except Poseyville and Mt. Vernon. Mr. Ehrhardt is secretary of the Home Fire Insurance Company of Marrs township, and was the organ izer of the St. Philip Telephone Company. His father helped organize the insurance company above named, and was its first president. The family are very progressive and thinkers as well as doers. Although not a medical man our subject was the first health officer in this district. He is a member of the Lutheran church and a Democrat in politics. On October 16, 1887, Mr. Ehrhardt married Miss Carrie Wild, daughter of Lawrence and Elizabeth (Schreiber) Wild, the former a native of Ba varia, Germany, and the latter born in America of German ancestry. Mrs. Ehrhardt was born in Marrs township, Posey county, Indiana, Feb ruary 9, 1863, attended subscription school until she graduated from the common branches. They became the parents of four children : Carrie (deceased), Elfriede, Alma, and Arthur. Elfriede married Dan Seifert, and they live at Caborns, where he is engaged in farming and stock rais ing. They have one child, Alma. Alma and Arthur are at home with their parents. Elfriede attended high school and Alma graduated from the Mt. Vernon High School. Arthur is now attending high school. Mrs. Ehrhardt is a member of the German Methodist church. Rev. George T. Loesch, the son of George and Veronica Schmitt Loesch, was born at Nauvoo, 111., April 18, 1857. Having entered St. Meinrad's Seminary, September, 1876, and completed his studies, he was ordained priest May 30, 1885, by the Rt. Rev. F. S. Chatard, D. D., of Indianapolis. His first appointment was as assistant to the Rev. F. T. T. Duddenhausen, of Holy Trinity Church, Evansville, Ind., after whose dea.th, October 27, 1886, Rev. Loesch had temporary charge of Holy Trinity, until the permanent appointment of Rev. H. T. Diestel, of St. Philip, Ind. He remained one year as assistant rector under Father Diestel. November 9 he took charge of St. Bernard's Church in Spencer county ; from there he was transferred to Holy Guardian Angel's Church in Franklin county, where he remained until his appointment to St. Philip's in August, 1888. Many improvements being necessary he set to work at once. The entire congregation responded willingly and lent a helping hand. The church was covered with the best Bangor slate and two vestry rooms added. The church was also frescoed and artistically HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 335 ornamented by Guy Leber, of Louisville, Ky. New side altars and stained glass windows were donated and placed in the church. Hand some oil paintings and statues were bought, together with a complete out fit of church vestments, and new regalias and banners for the societies. The sisters' residence was erected at a cost of $2,000 in 1894, and many other improvements were made, which are too numerous to mention. St. Philip is in a flourishing condition, and may be justly proud of her church property. At a cost of $10,000 the beautiful new school was built in 1904. This school presents a magnificent piece of architecture and fine arrangements for school room and hall for entertainments. The author of the plans and contractor for the building was Tom Rollett, of Howell, Ind. Henry Espenlaub, farmer and land owner of Marrs township, Posey county, Indiana, was born in Robinson township of the same county, May 24, 1861, the son of German parents, John C. and Barbara (Mueller) Espenlaub. (See sketch of his brother, John Espenlaub.) In 1887 our subject moved from the locality of his birth and located in Mar'rs town ship on the tract of land he now occupies. His farm contains 120 acres, and is eight miles from Mt. Vernon. On February 10 of the above mentioned year he married Miss Maggie Jourdan, daughter of Jacob and Margaret (Jourdan) Jourdan. Mrs. Espenlaub was born March 10, 1861, in Marrs township. Her parents, who were born in Germany, came to America early in life, locating in Posey county. They married in this country and became the parents of four sons and five daughters : John, Katherine, Phillus, Jacob, Johanna, Margaret, Abraham, Lizzie and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Espenlaub have had three sons and six daughters : Mary Anna, born November 28, 1887, now the wife of William Hausman, farmer in Marrs township, and mother of one child, Henry William, born January 27, 1913 ; John Jacob, born September 16, 1889; Henry Charles, born March 29, 1893; Elsie, born February 20, 1896, died July 3, 1898; Lydia Elizabeth, born February 27, 1898; Emma Hanna, born June 20, 1900; Lulu Katie, born January 6, 1901 ; the eighth child died in infancy; Alice Maggie Minnie, born August 21, 1906. Mr. Espenlaub is a Re publican and he and his family are members of the Lutheran church. John W. Dieg, of Marrs township, Posey county, was born April 16, 1869, son of Joseph and Caroline (Fisher) Dieg, natives of Germany, who came with their respective parents to America at an early age, she at the age of three, and he at the age of eight. The families both located in Posey county. The father of our subject is still living, but the mother died in 1905. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dieg became the parents of five sons and five daughters. Two of the daughters died in infancy. The other children are : Maggie, now the wife of George Fulz, of Evansville ; Julia,- now the wife of George Nuruebern, of Vanderburg county ; Kate, now the wife of Louis Depple, of Evansville ; Joseph, Jr. ; Andrew, John, George 33° HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY (deceased), and Henry. Our subject has lived on a farm in Marrs town ship all of his life, and has been four years on the place where he now lives. He is a Democrat and in 1908 was elected assessor of the township for a term of six years. Mr. Dieg was married July 28, 1907, to Miss Anna Brass, daughter of Casper and Dena (Kreger) Brass, of Marrs township. Mrs. Dieg was born August 29, 1878, in that township, her parents being natives of Germany, who came to America in their early years. Mr. Brass died in 1897. Both Mr. and Mrs. Dieg are Catholics. They have no children. Captain John Corbin. — -On February 13, 191 1, there passed to life eter nal one of Posey county's most notable citizens, Capt. John Corbin, who, during his lifetime, and held a position among the most honored business men of the community, and, as one of its most successful men of affairs. A distinct force of character and individuality appeared throughout the life of Captain Corbin. He was a man of strong personal conviction, sound and clear judgment, with a capacity for liberal views, and a natural spirit of benevolence. His patriotism, like his other characteristics, had an intensity that belonged to his nature. He was a native son of Posey county, and came of both Colonial and Revolutionary descent. His first ancestor in America was Henry Corbin, of Warwickshire, England, who settled in Westmoreland county, Virginia, in 1650. Captain Corbin was born at Farmersville, Posey county, Indiana, March 20, 1840, a son of John and Margaret (Gibson) Corbin. His parents came to Posey county in 1836, and settled in New Harmony. Two years later they removed to Yankee settlement, now Farmersville, but in 1844 returned to New Har mony. Captain Corbin spent his early boyhood in Posey county, at tending the schools of New Harmony. In 1854 he and a brother and sister drove overland to California, where their father had preceded them four years. They remained in the Sacramento Valley until 1858, when he returned to Posey county via the Isthmus route and New York. In 1859 young Corbin entered Asbury University, Greencastle, Ind. Here he pursued his studies in the style of the average student until the thun der of the guns at Fort Sumter announced that the great conflict was on. Immediately he abandoned his college career, and gave his services to the cause of his flag, with the same indomitable courage that character ized his life. On April 19, 1861, he enlisted in Company K, Sixteenth In diana infantry. His company was known as the "Asbury Guards." He served in this company until May 14, 1862, when he was discharged by reason of expiration of term of enlistment; August 10, 1862, he re- enlisted in Company A. Ninety-first Indiana infantry, and was mus tered in as first lieutenant. On June 1, 1864, Captain Corbin was pro moted to captain. This regiment was mustered out in June, 1865, and Captain Corbin was transferred to Company G, One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Indiana infantry. When the One Hundred and Twenty- 1 \ f **^^l I \ f* * ^B 1 ^EM ,^-, >»**- '^Hp ,/*^P*<*# f "Mr^" ^83! Mfe H -••#, if /**" 'W WLnL ' ^9 HI^^^m*^ ¦b/v Jekm Ihh. 2*&t/ HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 337 eighth was mustered out, September 5, 1866, Captain Corbin was re tained by telegraphic orders from the war department and appointed a member of the military commission to try Maj. John H. Gee, Confederate keeper of Salisbury military prison. During his military career he held many positions of great trust and responsibility. He was commander of military musters at Raleigh, N. C, and on various occasions served as regimental quartermaster. He was post commissary at Cumberland Gap and served as inspector general of the district of the Clinch ; he was in spector of the Second brigade, Third division Twenty-third army corps. He also served on the staff of General Couch, and was acting assistant general on the staff of General Schofield, and aide-de-camp on the staff of General McLean. He acted as judge advocate on several court mar- tials. He was mustered out September 5, 1866, after having refused to accept a commission in the regular army, which was offered him by the war department. His army life was filled with incidents of active ser vice. He participated in the battles of Perryville, the campaign against Morgan, battles of Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, the siege of Atlanta, operations against Hood, at Franklin and Nashville, and participated in the campaign through the Carolinas. At the close of the war he returned to New Harmony, where he read law for a year. In 1867 he engaged in the milling business, and founded the Corbin Milling Company. This venture was a notable success, and stands today as the chief industry of New Harmony. He was the president of this corpora tion to the time of his death ; also was engaged in various other business enterprises. He was one of the principal stockholders and a director in the New Harmony Banking Company. Politically Captain Corbin was a staunch Republican, and a local leader of his party, but never sought po litical preferment. He served several years on the school board, and took a deep interest in educational matters, and was a member of the Work ingmen's Institute. He was public-spirited, and gave cheerfully to every worthy enterprise. He was a member of the committee that built the soldiers' and sailors' monument at Mt. Vernon, and was the author of the inscription which appears on that monument. These lines are typi cal of Captain Corbin's deep seated conviction of what constitutes citizen ship, and are as follows : "A patriotism which readily responds to its country's call ; a deep reverence for its laws ; a decent respect for the rights of others; a sincere love of justice, truth and country are the best safeguards of a Nation's peace." Captain Corbin was united in mar riage, January 13, 1869, to Miss Mary Truscott, a native of Cornwall, England. To Captain and Mrs. Corbin were born five children : Laura Lee, born January 13, 1870, a graduate of St. Mary's School, Knoxville, 111., married H. W. Monical, of Brooklyn, Ind., June 9, 1897; John, born December 9, 1871, graduated at the University of Michigan ; Marcia, born February 25, 1874, educated at Mt. Mary's School, Knoxville, 111., married 338 HISTORY OF POSEY" COUNTY' Harry Cuyler Ford, New Harmony. October 7, 1903, and three children have been born to them : Richard Corbin, born September 23, 1904, John Birkbeck, born December 4. 1906, and William Michaux, born Novem ber 3, 1909; Helen Margaret, born March 31, 1882, married Robert Heinl, of Terre Haute, Ind., September 3, 1912. Mrs. Heinl is a musician of unusual talent. She studied under such noted instructors as Prof. Albino Gorno, Edward MacDowell, Carreno and Harold Bauer, and was a stu dent at Madam Fredin's School, Cincinnati, and the Packer Institute at Brooklyn, N. Y., also Barnard College, New York. The youngest child born to Captain and Mrs. Corbin is Courtland Gibson, born January 9, 1886, who resides in Xew Harmony. At college Captain Corbin was a Beta Theta Pi. The Corbin family residence is one of deep historic in terest. It is one of the finest modern residences to be found in the coun ty, a part of it stands on the original foundation, built by George Rapp in 1819, and later occupied by William Maclure. The original house was burned in 1844, and rebuilt by the Maclure estate in 1847, afterwards owned by David Dale Owen and heirs, from whom it was purchased by Captain Corbin in 1901, who partially remodeled and rebuilt it. Thomas Say, the naturalist, at one time lived there, and in the rear of the Corbin home is a marble monument, erected by Alexander Maclure to the mem ory of this genius of his time. Here, too, is a mound, underneath the green sward of which rests the mortal dust of Alexander, Ann and Mar garet Maclure, and Thomas Say. Surely, this spot possesses a rare combination, as it seems to whisper in deep historic accents, the story of past ages, and at the same time presents to the beholder a magnificent place with every modern convenience and luxury. Conrad Meinschein (deceased), a German-born farmer of Marrs town ship, Posey county, Indiana, came to the LTnited States when two years of age, with his parents, who located in Posey county and lived there the remainder of their lives. Our subject was a farmer in Marrs township ail his life, and died there in 1894. He married Miss Mary Espenscheid, daughter of Peter and Katherine (Schnare) Espenscheid, the former a na tive of Germany, and the latter of Posey county. Their daughter, Mary, was born January 1, 1857, in Leavenworth, Kan., to which place the family had removed about 1850. They returned to Posey county in 1878. Mr. Espenschied died in 1892. He was a butcher. Mr. and Mrs. Meins chein became the parents of six children: Adam, born August 1, 1884, died August 2, 1885; Conrad, born January 29, 1886; John, born January 2, 1888 ; Frank, born July 2, 1890, died in infancy ; William, born Septem ber 20, 1892; George, born June 2, 1894. Mr. Meinschein died in 1894. He was a Republican and a member of the German Presbyterian church, in which organization he was an officer. Edward Lewis, a farmer of Marrs township, was born April 20, 1879, son of Thompson Price and Elizabeth (Green) Lewis (see sketch of HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 339 former). He was married July 23, 1902, to Miss Anna Katherine Niemier, daughter of Antone and Katherine (Wolfe) Niemier, of Marrs township, where she was born, July 23, 1885. Mr. Niemier was born in Germany, coming to the United States at the age of eighteen. He was a farmer in Posey county until his death, in 1898. By his first mar riage he had one child, Henry Niemier, who lives in Marrs township. By his second marriage he had eight children: Antone, Benjamin F., Anna K., John, Maggie, Lena, Philip, and Mary. The Niemiers were Catholics, as are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lewis, who became the parents of three sons: Amanel Antone, Edward Benjamin, and Charles Ellis. This family also belongs to the Catholic church. Thompson Price Lewis, a pioneer farmer of Marrs township, Posey county, Indiana, was born June 8, 1840, in the same farm house where he now lives. He is the son of Robert and Martha (Price) Lewis, the former having been born March 26, 1814, in Marrs township, where he was a farmer till his death, on August 10, 1848. The father of Robert Lewis was a native of Kentucky and came to Posey county in 1809, mak ing the trip on foot and carrying his supplies, and blazing the way with a hatchet. This was Col. John Lewis. He had two sons : James and Robert, the latter the father of our subject; and four daughters — Jane, Betsie, Nancy and Martha, all deceased. Colonel Lewis resided in Posey county till his death in 1854. Robert Lewis had four sons and one daughter: James, born in 1835, died March 16, 1876; John, born in 1837, died in infancy; Thompson Price, of this sketch; Orila Jane, born January 30, 1849, now the wife of Thomas M. Green, a farmer in Black township; Nathaniel, born in 1847, died in December, 1864. Thomp son Price Lewis was married November 3, 1858, to Miss Elizabeth J. Green, daughter of Thomas S. and Mary Green, of Hamilton county, Illinois. She was born February 22, 1844, in the same county. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis became the parents of six sons and six daughters : Mary Jane, born May 11, i860, now the wife of Miles Thomas, farmer and trustee of Black township; James Robert, born October 7, 1861, now a farmer in Marrs township; Udora, born January 6, 1863, now the wife of Alexander S. Goodall, a farmer of Marrs township; Nathaniel, born January 6, 1866, a farmer in Marrs township; Patsey, born April 12, 1868, now the wife of Jacob Benner, farmer in Marrs township ; William David, born April 15, 1870, died October 18, 1877; Orila, born August 22, 1872, died August 26, 1873; Price, born August 18, 1874, a farmer in Lynn township ; Ellsworth, born September 22, 1876, a farmer in Marrs township; Edward, born April 20, 1879, a farmer of Marrs township; Thompson, born July 27, 1882, now on the old home place with his parents, married Miss Margaret Keitel December 31, 1905, and has one child — Elwood Thompson Lewis, born August 27, 1912; Oscar, the youngest child of Thomas Price Lewis, was born May 17, 1885, died 340 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY May 4, 1887. Mr. Lewis has 365 acres of land in Marrs township and has one of the best improved farms in Posey county with a fine residence and a number of large barns. He is a Democrat and a Baptist. A. C. Thomas, New Harmony. Perhaps no other man in Posey county is more entitled to the substantial success that he has made of his efforts and opportunities than the gentleman whose name introduces this sketch. His early advantages for an education were limited to what was known as the Bayou school in Bethel township, Posey county, but he continued to be a student of books as well as of men and affairs, so far, throughout a career of advancement and accomplishment. He is a native son of Posey county, born in Bethel township, November 28, 1857. His parents were Shelby H. and Sarah (Williams) Thomas. The father was a native of Kentucky and the mother of Indiana. The Thomas family consisted of three brothers, and one sister who died in childhood. A. C. remained at home and worked on the farm until he reached ma jority, when he went to Kansas to join a brother, who had pre ceded him a short time. He located in Cloud county, between the towns of Minneapolis and Concordia. This section of Kansas was well on the frontier in those early days. He bought land and remained there two years, during 1879 and 1880. These two years of pioneer life on the great plains of the West gave the young man an insight into the development of the country, which, no doubt, was a valuable asset to his business career. In 1880 he returned to Posey county and engaged in farming until 1885. About this time the Corbin Milling Company was organized. Mr. Thomas took stock and became secretary and treasurer of the company. He later took more stock, and in 1906 be came the active manager of the company. His management of this ex tensive milling and grain business was characterized with the same en ergy and keen business insight typical of the man. In 1913 he retired as the active business head of this institution in order that he might be able to devote more attention to his other investments and extensive real es tate holdings. Mr. Thomas was united in marriage October 16, 1881, to Miss Ella C. Bailey, a refined daughter of William and Elizabeth Bailey, prominent pioneers of Posey county. To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have been born four children: Clauda B., who died in childhood; William H., a resident of Los Angeles, Cal.; Jessie M., who married Robert Ribeyre, of New Harmony; and Helen C, a student at a young ladies' school at Oxford, Ohio. Mr. Thomas is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Knights of Pythias, a director of the New Harmony Banking Company, and has been a member of the Working Men's Institute twenty years. He has been a Democrat all his life, cast ing his first Presidential vote for Cleveland in 1884, and the last one to date for Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have one of the finest residences in Posey county and their genial hospitality is highly prized and much appreciated by their many friends. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 341 M. B. Pote, postmaster of New Harmony, is a native son of Posey county, born in New Harmony July 28, 1844. He is a son of Thomas and Maria Pote; both natives of England, and early settlers in Posey county, and spent the latter part of their lives in New Harmony. The subject of this review spent his boyhood days in New Harmony, where he attended the public schools during the winter terms. He was just growing into manhood when the Civil war came on, and July 28, 1862, which was his eighteenth birthday, he enlisted in Company A, Ninety-first Indiana in fantry. He was in Sherman's march, including the campaign in pursuit of Hood, then back to Clifton, Tenn. Then, they were ordered to Cin cinnati, and from there to Washington, then to Wilmington, Cape Fear, Raleigh, and he was mustered out at Salisbury, N. C, July 7, 1865, which gave him an active and honorable military career of three years, lacking twenty days. He served as orderly on General McClain's staff for a time. At the close of the war Mr. Pote returned to New Harmony and was engaged in farming until July 1, 1897, when he was appointed postmaster of New Harmony, having served in that capacity to the present time. Mr. Pote has given general satisfaction in the conduct of the office. He was united in marriage, May 6, 1866, to Miss Mary, daughter of Luther Schnee, a Posey county pioneer. To Mr. and Mrs. Pote have been born five children : Carrie married J. W. Bailey, New Harmony ; Anna resides at home ; Ray married F. J. Hortsman, Chicago ; Sara married Alva J. Ragon, Evansville ; and Geraldine is a teacher of art and music in the New Harmony public schools. Mr. Pote has a fine farm of 160 acres just east of town. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Episcopal church, and is a Republican. William Oliphant Wilson, who has so capably and acceptably filled the position of superintendent of schools for Posey county, occupies a notable position among the educators of Indiana. He was born on his father's farm in Center township, Posey county, on September 22, 1878, a son of Lewis M. and Missouri (Record) Wilson. John S. L. Wilson, grandfather of the subject of this review, was the founder of this branch of the family in Indiana. He was a native of Butler county, Pennsyl vania, and came to Posey county previous to 1820. It is probable that the Wilson family have had a more important part in connection with the development of Lynn township than has any other. They were among its first settlers, accumulated extensive land holdings, were active in practically every movement which concerned the progress of the community, and were, without exception, men of influence. Lewis M. Wilson, the father of Superintendent Wilson, was born in Lynn town ship. His early life was spent on the farm of his father. After acquir ing his education he was for some few years a teacher, but later returned to farming. He was a Democrat, but political office never appealed 342 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY to him, although he served for several years as a justice of the peace. He married Missouri Record, who died in 1888. Mr. Wilson died in 1895. They are survived by the following children: Clara E., the wife of Rev. William L. Rhein, of Francisco, 111.; William O., the subject of this sketch; Nina D., the wife of E. Benson Oliphant, a salesman in the employ of the Vincennes Bridge Company, who resides at Fort Branch, Ind. ; Lewis O., a well known educator of Tulsa, Okla. ; and Ethel M., the wife of Charles Fox, a farmer of Center township, Posey county, Indiana. Two children are deceased, viz. : John, who died in infancy; and Ernest Cleveland, born in 1887, a graduate of the Mt. Ver non High School, who completed a two-years course in the School of Mines at Rolla, Mo., and who died at Bisbee, Ariz., on September 29, 191 1. In 1884 Mr. Wilson removed to a farm near Carmi, 111., his place of residence at the time of his death. Here also occurred the death of his first wife and his marriage, in 1889, to his second, who was Miss Anna Donoghue. One child, a daughter, was born of this union. She died aged three. William Oliphant Wilson was graduated from the high school at Mt. Vernon with the class of 1899. He initiated his career as an educator in the fall of that year as a teacher in the Mt. Vernon schools. From 1901 until the close of the spring term in 1904, he was principal of the Wadesville, Ind., schools. During the summer months of the years in which he was employed in teaching he was a student, completing a one-term course in the State Normal School at Terre Haute in 1900, a similar course in the State University at Bloom- ington in 1901-02-03 and returned to the latter institution in the fall of 1904. In August, 1905, he was elected superintendent of schools for Posey county for the unexpired term of Charles A. Greathouse, who had resigned. He was elected to succeed himself in 1907 and in 191 1. Dur ing the eight years in which Professor Wilson has been at the head of Posey county schools, he has proven the possession of administrative ability of a high order, has initiated reforms which have greatly bene fited the pupils of the county, and has been a consistent advocate of sys tem in all departments of school work. He has brought about uniformity in length of school term in all district schools, uniform reports, and has developed interest among the pupils as regards the Young People's Reading Circle, which has resulted in an increase in the number of books read of about 700 volumes. There is not a school in the county which does not possess a good library, well selected and of wide range, and numbering 200 or more volumes. His administration has been marked by the harmony which has prevailed between superintendent and teachers. Agriculture was included among the studies for students of the seventh and eighth grades in 1912, anticipating by one year its introduction by law. Domestic science was introduced in the country schools in 1913, and although entailing an expense of $2 per student, HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 343 it is proving generally popular and can not help but be beneficial to the pupil. Mr. Wilson is a member of the National Educational Association, the Indiana State Teachers' Association, the Southern Indiana Teachers' Association and the Southwestern Indiana Teachers' Association, and of the last named was one of its most active organizers and has served as secretary of the organization. He has attained to the Council degrees in Masonry, is a member of the Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevo lent and Protective Order of Elks, Court of Honor, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows — a charter member of Wadesville Lodge. He is an influential factor in the political life of his county, is a Democrat and chairman of the county central committee of his party and treasurer of the Mt. Vernon city committee. Mr. Wilson married on June 29, 1910, Miss Harriet Brinkman, a daughter of Henry Brinkman, of Mt. Vernon, personal mention of whom is to be found elsewhere in this work. Mrs. Wilson is a graduate of the Chicago Musical School and popular in the social circles of Mt. Vernon, in which she is a leader. Peter W. Roche, editor and publisher of the Mt. Vernon "Democrat," was born October 14, 1867, in the city of Evansville. His father was John D. Roche, who served as city treasurer of Evansville one term. His grandfather, Peter W. Roche, was a pioneer who settled in Point township and was a large land owner. He was a resident of Ireland and came to America in his early days, after one of the numerous insur rections in that country. He was educated for a Catholic priest and taught school after coming here. He died in 1844. Dr. Moses Wining was the maternal grandfather of Mr. Roche. He died in 1875. He was born in 1790 and came to this section in the '20s. He was one of the earliest doctors in Posey county and blazed the trail to make many calls in his practice. Peter Roche has been in charge of the "Democrat" since September, 1907, when he purchased his brother's interest in the paper. April 15, 1891, he was married to Miss Letitia Pugh at Paducah, Ky., a daughter of Captain Phineas Pugh, one of the noted river men of the war times. He was pilot of many boats that transported soldiers during the war. Mr. Roche has served as Democratic county chairman and been on the Posey county executive committee for twenty years. He served three years as a member of the Mt. Vernon school board, two years being president of that body. At the session of the Indiana State Senate in 1913 he served as chief clerk of the engraving department, a very responsible position. Dr. Carl Flucks, of Armstrong, Ind., one of the best known men in his section of the State, was born in Patchkau Schlesien, Germany, De cember 11, 1847, son °f Carl and Anna Ertelt Flucks, both born and reared in that place, where the father was a veterinary surgeon. The grandfather of Dr. Flucks, who was sheriff of the State of Prussia, sold the property and rights back to the State. The father of our sub- 344 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY ject was born in the prison where the grandfather was sheriff. Carl Flucks attended at the Perfectorat School of Patchkau and later Neisse in Breslau Neurachi Clinic, after which he was in the sanitary service iri the Austrian war and later in the Franco-Prussian war in 1870 and 1871. After the latter war Dr. Flucks' came to America, locating in Terre Haute, Ind., where he practiced medicine. Here he married Miss Mary McHenry, daughter of George (of Scotch parentage) and Hannah Mc- Henry (a native of Ireland). Mrs. Flucks was born in Terre Haute. Dr. Flucks practiced there one year and then came to St. Wendell, where he has practiced continuously since 1872, except for a short period when he was in Arkansas. In point of service he is the oldest physician in the county. He keeps abreast of the times, being a reader of all the mod ern journals dealing with his profession, and belongs to the American, State and county medical associations. In 1887 Dr. Flucks went from St. Wendell to Conway county, Arkansas, for his health. Here he had a drug store and also engaged in the gin business and had other inter ests which were profitable. In 1892 he was elected to the legislature of Arkansas, where he was a member of the medical committee and of the immigration committee. He introduced the first sanitary bill ever drawn in the State, besides fathering several other bills that became laws. Dr. Flucks also bought several hundred acres of land near the town of Moralton, Ark., the county seat of Conway county, and remained in that place until 1897, when he returned to Posey county, taking up his practice at St. Wendell. He made many friends on his sojourn in Arkansas, among whom are Governor Clark, the present United States senator, Jefferson Davis, Congressman Reed, of the Fifth District, and Captain Carroll Armstrong, of Moralton. He was at one time post master of Oppelo, Ark. Since his return he has been exclusively engaged in the practice of his profession, but does only office practice. Dr. Flucks had three brothers : one in Germany, one in St. Louis, and Em- mett Flucks, now deceased, for several years a veterinary surgeon of St. Wendell. Dr. Flucks was married May 21, 1873, and had twelve children, seven of whom are living: Annie, born February 26, 1876, married Fred Sheller, lives in Washington, Mo., and has five children, Carl, Harold, William, Mary Alice and Helen Marie; Martha, born January 29, 1880, married William Hildebrand, lives at Moberly, Mo., where Mr. Hildebrand is foreman in the Brown shoe factory, had two children, Hubert and Margaret (deceased) ; Carl Joseph, born August 20, 1884, married Bessie Kabe (now deceased), by whom he had one child, married as his second wife Miss Florence Sneyd, of Terre Haute, has four children, Melvin, Carl Jay, William and John Silas ; John J., cor poral of the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh company at Ft. Crock ett, Galveston, Texas, where he is serving his second enlistment, his first being in the Forty-fifth company coast artillery at Fort Du Pont, HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 345 Del., where he was first gunner; Theoderic, born July 29, 1896, at home with parents ; Albertine, born August 18, 1899, living with parents, and Paul, born September 26, 1904, now attending school at St. Wendell. Dr. Flucks is prominent in the councils of the Democratic party in this section of the State, especially in his own county. He is a member of the Catholic church and of the Woodmen of the World. General Alvin Peterson Hovey. — A pioneer family in any community is of more or less historic interest, no matter if its tenure of residence be of long or short duration. But when a family is not only among the first to settle in a community, but also continues to reside in it for decade after decade and generation after generation, and certain of its members at all times are leaders in every movement intended to con serve the community's welfare and promote its progress, then that family becomes of special historic interest and prominence. One of the most prominent families of southern Indiana, and, indeed, of the whole State, is the Hovey family of Mt. Vernon, established there in 1818 by Abiel Hovey, a native of Vermont and son of Rev. Samuel and Abigail (Cleveland) Hovey. Abiel Hovey married in 1802 Frances Peterson, born in Vermont on May 20, 1780. He brought his family to Posey county in 1818, then in a formative condition, and engaged in farming. He possessed energy, thrift characteristic of the native of New England, his home training had imbued him with high ideals, which, together with his desire to attain a competence in his new home, soon caused him to become one of the influential men of the county. His death occurred on July 17, 1823, after a residence of five years in Posey county. That of his wife, on September 6, 1836. Alvin Peterson Hovey, the youngest child of Abiel and Frances (Peterson) Hovey, was born in Mt. Vernon on September 6, 1821. He acquired his education in the schools of his native town, was variously employed, while a boy, part of the time as a mason, and while in the latter occupation studied law of evenings in the office of Judge John Pitcher. He was admitted to the bar in 1843. ^n *849 he was elected delegate to the Indiana consti tutional convention. He served as judge of the circuit court of South western Indiana, composed of eleven counties, from 1851 to 1854. He was elevated to the bench of the Supreme Court of Indiana in 1854 and served for one year, being the youngest member in the history of that body. He was appointed by President Pierce in 1856 United States attorney for the district of Indiana. When the division in the Demo cratic party occurred, with President Buchanan and Stephen A. Douglas as leaders of the two factions, Mr. Hovey became a partisan of the latter and his activities in his behalf were so fruitful that Buchanan re moved him from office, appointing Daniel W Voorhees to succeed him. On the first call of President Lincoln for volunteers, Judge Hovey be gan the organization of a company and in a short time the First regi- 346 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY ment of Indiana legion, of which he was commissioned colonel, was ready for the field. Later he became colonel of the Twenty-fourth In diana, which joined Tremont's army in Missouri. He was with General Grant in the Vicksburg campaign and was made brigadier-general for gallant conduct at Shiloh. In the battle of Champion's Hill, Miss., May 16, 1863, Hovey's brigade suffered one-third of the entire loss of the Federal forces. He commanded the Twelfth division of the Thirteenth army corps in this engagement. General Grant, in his memoirs, gives special credit to Hovey for his part in the battle. In July, 1864, he was appointed major-general and ordered by General Grant to raise 10,000 men. Only those unmarried were invited to enlist and when the quota was made up it was found that many of the recruits were mere boys and on that account were afterward known as "Hovey's babies." Llowever, there were no more effective troops in the march to the sea. In the latter part of 1864 Secretary of War Stanton appointed General Hovey military commander of Indiana, an office made necessary by a growing hostility in the State toward the national government. While serving in this capacity General Hovey caused the arrest of a number of persons belonging to the so-called "Sons of Liberty," a treas onable organization, five of whom were convicted and sentenced to be hanged, their sentences being commuted to life imprisonment by Pres ident Lincoln. In 1865, at the request of General Grant, he was ap pointed minister to Peru, serving in this capacity until 1870, when he returned to Mt. Vernon and resumed the practice of law. In 1872 he refused the nomination for governor as he did not wish to reenter poli tics. However, in 1886, he accepted the unanimous nomination as the Republican candidate for Congress from the first district and was elected by a majority of 1,357 over McCullough, his Democratic opponent. In Congress he championed the cause of the Union veterans in the matter of pensions. In the Republican State convention of June, 1888, he was unanimously nominated for governor and in the election the following November received a majority of 2,000 over the Democratic candidate, C. C. Matson. While in the executive chair the legislature passed a measure making the State Board of Education a text-book commission and authorizing it to determine what text-books should be used in the schools. During the debate on this bill Governor Hovey urged that all text-books used in the public schools should be furnished by the State. The Australian ballot system was also adopted during his administra tion. At the annual encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, held in St. Louis in 1888, Governor Hovey was unanimously elected president of the service pension association of the United States and in December, 1889, he addressed an appeal "to the loyal people of the United States and their representatives in Congress," demanding on be half of the many surviving Union soldiers of the late war the passage HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 347 of a service pension law. Governor Hovey married on November 24, 1844, Miss Mary James, a daughter of Col. E. R. James, a prominent citizen of southern Indiana. She was born at Baton Rouge, La., Feb ruary 22, 1825, and died at Mt. Vernon, Ind., on November 6, 1863. They were the parents of five children, who are, in order of birth, as follows, viz.: Esther, born January 8, 1846, the wife of Major G. V. Menzies, of Mt. Vernon, personal mention of whom appears elsewhere in this volume; Enoch James, born February 7, 1848, died August 4, 1852 ; Charles James Hovey, a sketch of whom follows this article ; Mary, born January 18, 1854, died March 30, 1855; and Mary Anne, born April 17, 1857, died April 7, 1858. Governor Hovey was married a second time to Mrs. Rosa Valette Smith, the daughter of Caleb B. Smith, Secretary of the Interior in the cabinet of President Lincoln. She died about six months after her marriage. Governor Hovey died in Indianapolis on November 23, 1891. The tributes of respect, and in many cases of affection called forth by the death of Alvin P Hovey have seldom been equalled in the State in the passing away of a citi zen. His own standard of life was high and it was apparent through out his life while in the practice of his profession, during his service in defence of the Union, and in the positions of public trust which he so creditably filled. What may be termed his life work was finished; it had met to a great extent the fullness of his ambition. But in finitely more precious and of personal consequence to him was the fact that he died rich in the possession of a well earned popularity, in the esteem which comes from honorable living, and in the affection that slowly develops only from unselfish works. In his professional and public life he was the embodiment of honor, as he was in his social and domestic life, the perfection of love and gentleness. Charles James Hovey, former banker, and postmaster of the city of Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in the old Hovey residence, now the property of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and used by them as their club house, on January 8, 1850, the son of General Alvin Peterson and Mary Ann (James) Hovey, a review of whom preceded this article. Charles J. Hovey acquired his education in the schools of the city of Evansville and at the Northwest Christian University at Indianapolis. In 1867 he visited his father, then minister of the United States to Peru, and made an extended tour of South America. He then visited Europe, remaining there three years and attended Polytechnical school at Carlsruher, Baden, Germany. He returned home in 1870 and purchased a one-fourth interest in the Mt. Vernon Banking Company, entering that institution as teller. In 1870 he en gaged in the retail shoe business and continued in this line of com mercial activity until 1876, when he journeyed to Europe, sailing via the Straits of Magellan, and remained abroad three years. He was 348 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY obliged to pass through three armies in order to reach the city of Paris, as the Franco-Prussian war was in in progress. He was grad uated in medicine and chemistry. On completion of his studies he re turned to Mt. Vernon and engaged in farming. He served as justice of the peace for five years, was a railway mail clerk for one year and has twice been postmaster of Mt. Vernon, having served during the administrations of Presidents Arthur and Harrison. Mr. Hovey re tired from active business in 1900. Charles J. Hovey married on March 6, 1871, Miss Lillie R. Jaqties, a daughter of Jonathan and Parna (Whit tlesey) Jaques, of Evansville. Mrs. Hovey died on June 5, 1912. They were the parents of five children : Dr. Alvin Jaques Hovey, a prominent dental surgeon of Mt. Vernon, who married Miss Anna Williams, the daughter of S. Jett Williams, a successful agriculturist and influential citizen of Posey county. Dr. and Mrs. Hovey are the parents of four children : Helen, Louise, Florence, Esther and Anna Jaques. Mabel, the second child, born September, 1873, died August 26, 1876. Mary, born August 17, 1875, is the wife of Otto T. Brinkman, of Mt. Vernon. Randolph Jaques Hovey, born March 23, 1879, married Miss Ruth Nep- per, a daughter of Thomas Nepper, St. Louis, Mo. Nina Hovey, the youngest child, was born June 23, 1881. She is the wife of Edwin M. Daniel, of Mt. Vernon, Ind. Frank Deig, a prosperous farmer and land proprietor of Black town ship, Posey county, Indiana, was born in the same township where he now lives June 29, 1873, son of John S. Deig and Mary (Miller) Deig, the former a native of Germany who came to this country when quite small, and the latter a native of Posey county. (See sketch of John A. Deig for history of the family.) Frank Deig was reared in Black township, attended common school, and two years of high school in Mt. Vernon. He then went to St. Mary's Institute in Dayton, Ohio, two years, from 1889 to 1891. After leaving college he secured a posi tion as clerk with E. B. Schenk, later working for Alies Bros, and for Stinson Bros. He left the latter concern to engage in farming and stock raising in Black township. This was about 1899 and he has remained on the farm ever since except for one year when he lived in Mt. Vernon with his mother. Mr. Deig has a very large farm contain ing 404^ acres, on which there are two tenants. The crops are chiefly wheat, corn and clover. On May 28, 1901, occurred the marriage of Frank Deig to Mary A. Muth, daughter of Clements and Elizabeth (Niehhause) Muth, natives of Dubois county, Indiana, where the fa ther engaged in farming and stock raising. Mrs. Deig was born in Spencer county, Indiana, in August 18, 1880. After finishing the com mon schools she came to Mt. Vernon, where she lived with E. B. Schenk and family. Mr. and Mrs. Deig became the parents of three children : John Stephen and Elizabeth J., both now attending school HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 349 in Mt. Vernon, and Frank J., who is deceased. The family are mem bers of the St. Matthew's Catholic Church of Mt. Vernon and Mr. Deig is a Democrat and belongs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, No. 277, of Mt. Vernon, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Muth, parents of Mrs. Deig, are still living in Spencer county. John F. Ehrhardt, a prominent farmer of Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born at St. Philip in the same State August 14, 1870, son of Jacob Ehrhardt (see sketch). He was reared at the place of his birth, where he was educated at the public and parochial schools. After leaving school he began farming at home for his mother, his father having died when he was quite young. At the age of twenty-two he started out in life for himself, first renting the place where he now lives, and after four years _ buying the property. He has a farm of eighty acres under cultivation and well improved. His specialty is wheat and he has been very suc cessful with it. On April 23, 1893, Mr. Ehrhardt married Miss Carolina Appel, daughter of John and Louisa (Krittenstein) Appel, her father a native of Germany who came to this country when a small boy with his parents, who took government land. A part of this land is now in possession of George Ehrhardt, brother of our subject. Mrs. Ehrhardt was born in Marrs township and attended school at the Hartman school house. They have two children, John J., born January 29, 1894, and Edward G., born August 18, 1899. John J. is a graduate of the country schools, the Mt. Vernon High School, class of 1912, and of Draughan's Business College, Evansville, Ind., where he took bookkeeping and stenography. Edward G. is a graduate of the common schools. Mr. Ehrhardt is a member of the Christian Science church, in which he is a trustee, and is independent in politics. He is a stockholder in the St. Philip Telephone Company and in the Home Insurance Company. John Oscar Dixon, a popular and influential citizen of Posey county and one of its most successful farmers, was born on the Dixon farm in Point township, July 21, 1870, the son of John and Angeline (Wel born) Dixon. The founder of the family in Indiana was John Dixon, a native of Kentucky, who came to Posey county previous to the year 1820 and entered upon land in Point township. He was the great-grand father of the subject of this article, who is descended from him as fol lows : John Dixon, Junior, the son of John, and his son, John Dixon, who married Angeline Welborn, and they were the parents of John Oscar Dixon. The family have been prominent in the affairs of Point township since its organization. In the first township election, held on May 30, 1835, John, David and James Dixon were among the reg istered voters. The members of the family were extensive land owners, which when purchased by them was virgin forest, and the township owes much to their pluck and energy in clearing the large acreage which they owned and in bringing their lands up to a high state of cultivation. 35° HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY John Dixon, the father of our subject, was one of the successful men of his time, influential in the civil and religious life of his district, and well and favorably known throughout the county. He was a Republican and active in the work of that organization, but without inclination for public office. He was born in Point township on January 28, 1840, and died on April 7, 1888. His wife, who survives him, was the daughter of John Welborn, a native of North Carolina, and one of the successful farm ers of Black township, of which he was a pioneer settler. They were the parents of one child, the subject of this sketch. John Oscar Dixon was reared on the Dixon farm in Point township and educated in its public schools. His father died when he was aged eighteen and his large farming interests were placed tinder the management of his widow. He was called upon to take the active management, under his mother's guidance, and his success in the working of the property was such as to persuade his mother to give him full charge upon reaching his ma jority. He is an untiring worker, progressive in his methods, and is recognized as one of the foremost agriculturists in the county. The Dixon farms comprise over 500 acres, are well improved and stocked. Mr. Dixon has always been found among the supporters of those meas ures which have had for their object the development and betterment of his township, while the schools have received from him liberal support. He has been an earnest advocate of better school buildings and an extended school term, and has served as school director for several vears. He is a Republican in his political affiliations, but, like his fa ther, has no inclination for public office. He is a member of the Ma sonic order, Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Posey Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles, and Modern Woodmen of America. Mr. Dixon married on August 8, 1898, Miss Mary Elizabeth Winston, the daughter of Allen Winston, of Tennessee. They are the parents of three children: Douglas Dixon, born May 31, 1901 ; James Grover Dixon, born January 6, 1906 ; and Ola Elizabeth Dixon, born May 31, 1913. Lannie Gilbert Morrow, manager of the Wadesville branch of the Home Mill and Elevator Company of Mt. Vernon, was born in Posey ville, Ind., July 15, 1888, son of Anderson and Mary Louise (Reeves) Morrow. The father was born in Ohio and came to Posey county in 1882, locating at Poseyville, where for ten years he was a building con tractor. He retired in 1910 and now lives at Wadesville. Anderson Morrow and Mary Louise Reeves were married in 1884 and had seven children: Lannie G, of this record; Minnie, born September 21, 1891, now the wife of Julius Gambrel, of Caborns Station, Ind.; Lawrence Earl, born September 27, 1893; Nettie, born August 14, 1897; Harry, born March 28, 1902; and two of whom died in infancy. Lannie Morrow was educated in the public schools of Poseyville and Wadesville, gradu- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 35 1 ating from the Wadesville High School in 1905. He was employed in clerking, farming and was a teacher in the district schools of Harmony township. In June, 1912, he became manager of the Wadesville branch of the Home Mill and Elevator Company, of Mt. Vernon. Mr. Morrow was married January 18, 1913, to Miss Myrtle Oliver, daughter of Sam uel Oliver, of Center township. She was born December 23, 1887, at Oliver. Her parents are natives of Posey county. Mr. Morrow is a Democrat. Dr. Charles Arburn, a leading physician of Wadesville, Ind., was born on a farm near Haubstadt, Johnson township, Gibson county, that State, October 13, 1858, son of John and Angeline (Henson) Arburn. John Arburn was born in England July 13, 1824, and came to America with his parents in 1831, locating in Gibson county at an early date. He was a farmer all his life and died at Fort Branch in 1883. In 1840 he married Miss Angeline Henson, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1826. She died in July, 1899. Four sons and six daughters were born to these parents : John M., born March 22, 1844, now a retired merchant of Oak land City, Ind. ; Frances, born September 29, 1843, who married Charles Loper, of Francisco, Ind. ; Rebecca, born June 3, 1846, died May 27, 1849; Nancy Jane, born March 6, 1848, died March 6, 1849; David F., born February 14, 1850, died August 4, 1909; Joel H., who became a physician, born February 20, 1852, died in September, 1883; Parthenia, born February 7, 1854, now the wife of Jonathan E. Douglass, a farmer, of Fort Branch, Ind. ; Mary Elizabeth, born February 16, 1856, now the wife of James T. Dorsey, a farmer of Fort Branch, Ind. ; Martha Belle, born October 17, i860, died December 10, 1861 ; Angeline, born September 8, 1862, now Mrs. Patterson, of Durango, Colo. ; Charles, our subject. Charles Arburn attended the public schools of Gibson county and began teaching at the age of twenty. He taught for four years in that county and then engaged in farming. At the age of twenty-eight he entered the Kentucky School of Medicine at Louisville, from which institution he graduated with the class of 1889. He located for practice at Carmi, 111., where he remained two years. In 1892 he removed to East Lynn, 111. After practicing in that town four years he located in 1896 in Wadesville, where he has an extensive practice and where he has since lived. Dr. Arburn is a student, keeps abreast of the advance ment made in medicine and surgery and in 1896 completed a thirty- days course in Chicago Post-Graduate School. He is a member of Posey County and Indiana State Medical Societies, and the American Medical Association. He is a Democrat, a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Court of Honor, Modern Woodmen of America and has occupied all the chairs in his various lodges. Dr. Arburn was married May 1, 1884, to Miss Martha Florence Smith, daughter of George W. and Mary Jane (Calvert) Smith, farmers of Smith town- 352 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY ship, Posey county. She was born November 27, 1861, in Smith town ship, where her parents were also born. Her grandfather, Daniel Smith, came from North Carolina at an early date and when Posey county was organized in 1814, Smith township was named in his honor. Mrs. Arburn has a sister and brother, both younger than herself, Lizzie, now the wife of Dr. James E. Gudgel, of Cynthiana, Ind., and J. W. Smith, a merchant, of Champaign, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Arburn have two sons and two daughters : Will Smith Arburn, born January 10, 1886, now in the bond brokerage business at Terre Haute, Ind.; James E. Arburn, born March 27, 1892, an employe of the Adams Express Company in Indianapolis ; Mary Ruth, born June 6, 1894, and Agnes Dorothy, born December 9, 1900. Dr. and Mrs. Auburn are members of the Primitive Baptist church. Dan Williams, banker and farmer of Wadesville, Ind., is a native of Posey county, a member of one of its oldest pioneer families and was born on his father's farm in Harmony township on September 3, 1868, the son of Jonathan and Mary Ellen (Cox) Williams. The family was founded in Indiana in March, 1828, when Urbane Williams, a native of Virginia, came from Nelson county, Kentucky, and located on land near Stewartsville, Posey county. About two years later he bought a tract of land in Harmony township, which he cleared and improved, and on which he resided until his death, June 25, 1848. He had married, while a resident of Kentucky, Nancy Johnson, a native of that State, who died in February, 1845. Their son, Asa C. Williams, the grandfather of our subject, was born in Nelson county, Kentucky, October 20, 1818. He was reared on his father's farm in Harmony township arid was educated in the schools of that early day. On reaching his majority he engaged in farming, purchasing a tract of forty acres in what is now Center town ship. He was not only a successful farmer, but a man of exceptional financial ability, and accumulated a large fortune for his time. In 1867 he removed to Mt. Vernon and was elected vice-president of the First National Bank, an institution which he had helped to organize. He was elected president of the bank in 1873 and remained at its head until his death, which occurred in 1896. As a banker he was known as a discriminating financier, one who brought the administrative policy of his bank up to the point of highest efficiency, and whose efforts in fostering the development of the manufacturing and commercial inter ests of Mt. Vernon were second to none. He was a generous supporter of the Baptist church and his charities were many and varied. As a cit izen he was greatly esteemed and he exerted a potent influence for good throughout the county. He was married twice — first on January 28, 1840, to Dicy Cox, a native of Posey county, who died on August 29, 1844. Three children were born of this union : Jonathan, the father of our subject; Martha, who married Charles Hays; and Asa, all of whom HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 353 are deceased. On July 17, 1845, he married Anna Gwaltney, a daughter of Benjamin Gwaltney, a pioneer citizen of the county. Through his second marriage three children were born : John T., a farmer of Har mony township; Stephen Jett, personal mention of whom appears else where in this work; and Dicy, deceased. Jonathan Williams became a successful farmer in Harmony township. He took an active part in the political life of his section and wielded an influence for good. He did not possess the commercial genius of his father, preferring to remain on the home farm, where he was at home in the fields, in the woods and with his stock. He married in 1861, Mary Ellen Cox, a daughter of John Cox, a native of South Carolina, who came to Posey county with his parents in the early days of its settlement. The death of Mr. Wil liams occurred in January, 1873, and that of his wife in April, 1887. They were the parents of seven children, who are as follows : John C, born September 4, 1862, died February 28, 1869; Laura Isabel, born August 12, 1865, who became the wife of David Hutchinson, who resides near Carmi, 111. She died January 31, 1885; William Henry, born No vember 22, 1863, died October 15, 1883; Dan, our subject; Leona, born November 26, 1870, the wife of Stephen Hancock, a farmer of Robb township ; Alden L., born June 29, 1879, died April, 1900 ; and Mary Ellen, born April 22, 1867, died August 21, 1870. Dan Williams was reared on the old home farm in Harmony township and received his education in the public schools of Posey county. On reaching his majority he bought a farm in Lynn township and operated it with such success that his profits equaled the purchase price during the seven years he farmed there. His next venture was in Center township, where he bought 145 acres where he duplicated his former success. He now owns one of the large farms of the county, 320 acres, situated about three miles from Wade sville. The land is exceptionally good, is in a high state of cultivation, and in the matter of improvements is not excelled in southwestern Indiana. He became a resident of Wadesville in 1905 and in 1907 he promoted the organization of the Farmers National Bank. He was elected cashier of the institution upon incorporation and has since served in that ca pacity. As a banker he is demonstrating the possession of the sound financial judgment, executive and initiative ability, and progressiveness which made Asa C. Williams a power in the financial circles of his sec tion of the State. In the administration of the business of the insti tution he has been the controlling executive and to him is due the highly favorable showing made during its six years of business life. The bank has an earned surplus of $4,750, undivided profits of $750, and its de posits average about $120,000, a very creditable showing, considering the population of Wadesville and the strong competition of nearby towns which have long established institutions. His political affilia tions have been with the Democratic party. He was elected trustee of 354 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Center township in 1904 and served during a term of four years. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Williams married on January 1, 1891, Miss Eurie M. Willis, a daughter of Rob ert M. and Jane (Downen) Willis, the father a farmer of Center town ship, where she was born on December 31, 1869. Mrs. Williams died on December 7, 1903. They were the parents of five children : Mildred, born October 15, 1891, died October 6, 1898; Harold, born November 8, 1893; and Asa Dan, born January 31, 1896, died September 2, 1896; Anna Jane, born August 10, 1897; and Eurie May, born May 15, 1900. On December 6, 1904, Mr. Williams married Miss Amy Anna Stallings, the daughter of John W. and Martha Stallings, both of whom were born in Posey county, but now reside in Omaha, Gallatin county, Illinois. Mrs. Williams is also a native of Posey county and was born on No vember 6, 1881. Three children have been born of this union, viz.: Amy Marie, born December 12, 1905 ; Mary Corine, born June 18, 1908 ;' and Fannie Jauna, born December 5, 1910. August Schieber. — History is the preserved record of events, as biog raphy is the personal record of those who have been actively concerned in the moulding and action of the events from which history is made. A publication of this nature exercises its most important function when it takes cognizance of the life and labors of those citizens who have been of material value in furthering the advancement and development of a community. The late August Schieber, a resident of Mt. Vernon for nearly fifty years, its most extensive owner of business and resi dence property, and one of Posey county's most successful men of af fairs, is entitled to distinctive recognition in this volume. August Schieber was born in Wittenberg, Germany, February 7, 1841, a son of Frederick and Magdalena Schieber, residents of the town of Stuggart, where the father died when August was seven years of age. His mother married a second time, her husband being Frederick Richert, and in 1848 he brought his family to the United States and located in Evans ville, Ind., where he established a brewery. August Schieber was reared in Evansville, was educated in its schools, was variously employed in the brewery of his step-father and also learned the cooper's trade. He completed a course in Buchanan's Commercial College at Evansville, attending this school at night. On the breaking out of the war in 1861 he enlisted in defense of the Union and served throughout the conflict, being a member of the Twenty-fourth Indiana volunteer infantry, of which General Alvin P. Hovey, then colonel, was in command. Fred erick Rickert erected, shortly after the war, a hotel on Water street in Mt. Vernon, named the Flower House, in which young Schieber managed the cafe. In 1871 the hotel was sold and August Schieber initiated his first commercial enterprise. He established a retail grocery and liquor store on Water street. In the conduct of this business he HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 355 demonstrated the possession of those qualities necessary to success as a merchant and built up an exceedingly profitable enterprise. About 1890 he disposed of the store and removed to a more central location at Mulberry and Water streets, where he continued as a merchant until his realty interests became so important that he retired from com mercial life, giving his entire attention to the management of his busi ness, residence and farm properties. From the time he entered com mercial life he was a consistent buyer, with the profits derived from his business, of farm and city property, until his holdings were the largest of any individual in Mt. Vernon, and required not only his entire time in their supervision, but necessitated the employment of assistants. He was the owner of a number of improved business properties, including the Masonic Hall building, forty-one residences, farm lands totaling over 2,000 acres, the Posey county fair grounds of about forty acres, and had been interested directly or indirectly with many other business enter prises of his home city. He was one of the organizers, the largest stockholder and president of the Consumers Ice and Cold Storage Com pany, of Mt. Vernon, which is reviewed at length in the chapter on "Manufacturing and Commercial Enterprises," and president of the Lee Lumber Company of Memphis, Tenn., of which his son was general manager, one of the most important concerns in the lumber industry in the South. Essentially a business man, Mr. Schieber had neither time nor inclination for political office, although he served for several terms as a member of the council of Mt. Vernon, believing that a citizen of large property interests should devote a portion of his time and business experience in the management of civic affairs. He was a Republican. Mr. Schieber married on June 18, 1870, Miss Mary Anna Schutte, a daughter of Frank and Clara (Knair) Schutte, both of whom were born in Pricen, Germany. Frank Schutte was a farmer and came to the United States in 1856, locating on land in Marrs township, Posey county, Indiana, which he operated until his death. Mrs. Schieber was born in Pricen, Germany, on June 22, 1851, and was reared in Marrs township. She acquired her education in the St. Philip parochial school and attended the church there. She is a woman who has de veloped a talent for business affairs, has a comprehensive knowledge of the responsibilities of property ownership, and since the death of Mr. Schieber, which occurred on February 8, 1910, has supervised the management of the large and varied interests left her by her husband. She has been, to some extent, a student, is well read on a variety of subjects, and is the reader of the Christian Science church of Mt. Vernon, of which she is a member. August Frank Schieber, the only child of August and Mary Anna Schieber, was born in Mt. Vernon on March 17, 1871. He received his early educational discipline in the public schools of his native city and through a course of study in St. 356 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Francis College at Teotopolis, 111., and the Catholic College at Day ton, Ohio. He was subsequently employed in his father's store and mill in various capacities and received a thorough business training under the supervision of the elder Schieber. In Gates, Tenn., he ini tiated his first independent venture when he formed, with Charles Fin- ley, the firm of Schieber & Finley and engaged in the manufacture of lumber, their plant being removed some time afterward to Benoid, Miss. This venture was a success and he demonstrated his possession of execu tive ability of a high order. He was able to secure recognition among men in the trade as an able manager and one who knew lumber values. An opportunity offering in which he was assured of further advancing his importance among men in his line, he retired from the firm of Schieber & Finley and, with his father and M. E. Montgomery, pur chased the business of the Lee Lumber Company, of Memphis, of which he became general manager and his father president. In the manage ment of this enterprise he continued his former success and the com pany became one of the most important factors in the lumber trade of the South. On the death of his father he succeeded him as president and remained in this capacity until his death on March n, 1913. His death, which occurred while he was in the prime of life, at a time when he had attained a commanding position in his chosen field of enter prise, was a severe blow to his mother, who had but three years before lost her husband. August F. Schieber possessed many likeable qualities, his friends were many and worth while, he promised to become a busi ness man of unusual worth, and his loss to the business circles of Mem phis was deplored by the press of that city. August F. Schieber was twice married. His first wife was Miss Annie Naas, of Mt. Vernon. No children were born of this union. After her death he married Mrs. Margaret Drury, nee Freeman. Of this union one child was born: Mary Augusta Schieber, February 18, 1904. Jacob Becker, retired farmer of Wadesville, Ind., was born March 6, 1839, in Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, son of John and Katherine (Hirth) Becker. He came to the United States with his parents and three brothers in 1852. They came by sailing vessel, consuming sev enty-two days in the voyage, and landed at New Orleans. They then came up the Mississippi river to Cairo, 111., thence by the Ohio river to Evansville. The wife and mother died of cholera on the boat and was buried at Greenville, Ark. After a few years in Evansville they bought a farm in Robinson, Posey county. The four brothers are as fol lows : John, now retired at Evansville ; Henry, deceased ; Jacob, of this record; and Herman, deceased. Jacob Becker learned the shoe maker's trade at Evansville and in 1862 he removed to Posey county and opened a general store in Wadesville, which he conducted for eight years and then sold to his father-in-law, Finley Allison. He then opened HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 357 a shoe shop in the same town, which he conducted for eighteen years, after which he bought his present farm of eighty acres at the edge of town. It is now one of the best improved in the vicinity. Mr. Becker has been married twice. On January 30, 1862, he married Miss Mary Allison, daughter of Finley Allison. She was born January 12, 1842, and died July 2, 1867. Two sons were born to this marriage : William H., December 15, 1862, now a railroad man at Indianapolis; John F., born May 12, 1866, a farmer of Center township. Mr. Becker took as his second wife Miss Emily Allison, who was a sister of his first wife. They became the parents of seven children: Mary, born June 19, 1868, married William H. Hidbrader, a farmer of Center township, and they have one child, Herman; Emma, born March 12, i87o( now the wife of John Wade, of Wadesville; Laura, born April 21, 1872, now the wife of Edward Goad, of Port Orchard, Wash.; Edward, born August 12, 1874, died March 22, 1877; Charles, born June 11, 1878, boilermaker at Evansville; Edward, born March 2, 1882, was married October 12, 1903, to Miss Emma Owens, daughter of Flavius and Pauline (Cox) Owens, of Center township. She was born October 28, 1883, in Center township. They have three children, Velma, born May 22, 1904, Melvin Joel, born December 25, 191 1, and a son born in October, 1913. Pearl, the seventh child of Mr. and Mrs. Becker, was born August 4, 1886, and is now the wife of Edward Lock- ridge, of Evansville. Mr. Becker is a progressive, substantial citizen of the community and an active member of the Lutheran church. For many years he was an active worker in the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Harri Jara, and Independent Order of Odd Fellows, but has dropped all. John C. Leffel, editor and proprietor of the "Western Star" and one of the best known newspaper men in southern Indiana, was born in Blairsville, Posey county, May 8, 1850, a son of Daniel and Barbara (Reichenbacher). Leffel, both of whom were born in Karlsruhe, Baden, Germany, where they also married. In 1832 they immigrated to the United States and for several years resided in New York City. They changed locations several times and in the latter part of the '40s located in Center township, Posey county, where Mr. Leffel purchased large tracts of land, the town sites of Blairsville and Wadesville being a part of his original purchase. In 1854 he removed to Mt. Vernon and en gaged in merchandising. His death occurred in 1873, at the age of sixty-six years, and that of his wife in 1894, aged seventy-nine. They were the parents of eight children, five of whom survive, viz. : Nancy, the widow of George Henrich; Elizabeth, the widow of William H. Lichtenberger; John C, of this review; Celia, the wife of Henry Bald win, all of Mt. Vernon ; and Mollie E., the wife of Valentine Kratz, of Los Angeles, Cal. Those deceased are: Caroline, who married Wil- 358 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Ham Derman, of Spokane, Wash., and died in July, 191 1; Catherine and William, the former of whom died aged nineteen and the latter aged four. John C. Leffel was educated in the schools of Mt. Vernon and at the age of fifteen became an apprentice in a harness shop at St. Louis, Mo., where he remained until 1867, when he returned to Mt. Vernon and entered the office of the "Democrat" and assisted Tom Col lins, the editor and proprietor, in getting out his paper. He remained on the "Democrat" until October, 1875, when he established the Mt. Vernon "Wochenblatt," the first and only German paper to be pub lished in Posey county. In 1877 the first issue of the "Western Star" appeared, the founding of this paper by Mr. Leffel being the result of repeated requests upon the part of leading Democrats that he establish and edit a paper that could be counted on as the organ of the party in the county. From its first issue it has been the aim of the editor to make it alive with interest and with real, practical usefulness, and this has been done, with the result that it is, and has been for thirty- five years, welcomed as a personal friend in the homes of Posey county. In 1885 the publishing of the "Wochenblatt" was discontinued, due to the demands upon Mr. Leffel's time by the "Western Star," which pre vented him giving both papers the attention they deserved. He enjoys the distinction of having been the first publisher in Posey county to install power presses and is the only one who has purchased a linotype machine. The office and press room of the "Star" are in point of equipment the best in the county. The building in which they are located was constructed from plans furnished by Mr. Leffel and is especially adapted to the needs of his business. It is the one printing plant of the county in which typesetting is done by machinery. The job printing department of the paper is up to date in all particulars and its business exceeds by far any other establishment in this line in the county. As a newspaper man Leffel has never been surpassed in Posey county. He is a vigorous writer, has a wealth of energy, his edi torials are worth while, and his paper has been conducted in an able and clean manner. He has attained the Council degree in Masonry and is a member of Beulah Lodge, No. 578. Mr. Leffel married on July 2, 1872, Miss Minnie Brinkman, the eldest daughter of Henry Brinkman, of Mt. Vernon, a review of whom appears on other pages of this vol ume. Mrs. Leffel was born in Mt. Vernon on June 8, 1853, and died on February 28, 1907. She is survived by her husband and the follow ing children: Edward, born May 4, 1872, personal mention of whom follows this article ; Lillie, born October 4, 1874, the wife of Philip Sud- doth, of Mt. Vernon; Herbert, born April 24, 1877, who is associated with his father; Daisy, born September 14, 1874, who resides in Evans ville; Otto, born August 24, 1881, agent at Oskaloosa, Kan., of the Mis- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 359 souri Pacific railway; John, born February 5, 1887, employe of the pas senger department of the Shore Line railway at San Francisco, Cal.; and Minnie, born February 16, 1892, residing with her father. Edward Leffel is the eldest son of John C. Leffel and Minnie (Brink- man) Leffel. He was born in the city of Mt. Vernon, Ind., on May 14, 1872, and is one of a family of seven children, viz.: Lillian (Leffel) Suddoth, Daisy and Minnie Leffel, and Herbert, Otto and John Leffel, Jr. Mr. Leffel attended the public schools of Mt. Vernon and learned the newspaper business in the "Star" office, which was conducted by "his father. When a young man he worked for a short time in the Kellar Printing Company in Evansville, Ind., and the Government Printing Office in Washington, D. C. He held a position in the Indi ana legislature of 1892 and later went to Washington. After working twelve or fifteen years in the newspaper and printing business he be came engaged in the mortgage loan business, which business he is en gaged in at this date, November 7, 1913. He is unmarried. William A. Oliver, extensive land owner and farmer of Center town ship, Posey county, and a member of one of the most prominent pioneer families of southwestern Indiana, was born on his father's farm in Rob inson township on December 2, 1844, a son of Job and Elizabeth (Jones) Oliver. Job Oliver was born in Kentucky on December- 18, 1820, his parents coming to Indiana shortly after his birth. They located in Posey county, then in a formative period, where the father located on land. Job attended the schools of that early day, did his due share of the day's work, endured the hardships common to the settler of the pioneer period, and became one of the large land owners of the county. He was actively concerned in the early development of Center town ship, a man of influence, and possessed the esteem of all. He was mar ried twice. By his first wife he had six children, three of whom are living, viz.: William A., the subject of this review; Wilson and Samuel. Thompson, Cynthia and Joel are deceased. Anna Shaw, his second wife, bore him six children, viz. : George, Emma, Nelia, James and Ella. Elizabeth is deceased. The town of Oliver was named in honor of Job Oliver, the townsite being a part of one of his farms. William A. Oliver was reared on his father's farm and his education was acquired in the schools of Robinson township. Farming has been his occupation since boyhood and he is recognized as not only one of the successful men in that field of endeavor within his county, but is also one of the influential citizens of his township. Political office has never appealed to him, al though he takes an active interest in the questions of the day and never neglects his civic duties. He is a Democrat. His farm of 128 acres is well improved, well stocked and has been his place of residence since 1873. Mr. Oliver has been twice married. In December, 1866, he married Miss Rachel Causey, who died August 9, 1870. She bore 360 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY him two children : John, born September 10, 1867, died October 22, 1867, and Walter, born July 13, 1870, died October 8, 1870. On Jan uary 16, 1873, he married for his second wife Miss Cornelia Fillingim, the daughter of Gracchus and Lurana (Cox) Fillingim. She was born on January 18, 1849. Of this second union three children were born, of whom the eldest died in infancy. Otis L. Oliver, born December 3, 1875, died on February 3, 1892. Elsie M., born December 28, 1879, is the wife of William W. Hoggatt, M. D., of French Lick Springs, Ind. They are the parents of five children, viz.: Verne D., born January 16, 1900; Eunice M., born August 7, 1902,; Vera Fae, born June 10, 1905 ; Doris and Dorothy, twins, who were born May 1, 1912. Warren Wade, president of the Farmers National Bank of Wades ville, prominent farmer and stockman and popular citizen, is a native of Posey county and was born on October 27, 1859, a son of William D. and Hester C. (Fillingim) Wade. The family was founded in Indiana by Zachariah Wade, a native of North Carolina, born near Chester Court House, who came to Posey county in the eariy years of its settle ment, became a prosperous farmer, attained influence as a citizen, and was the father of Wadesville, named for him. He was a Democrat, served as justice of the peace for many years, and was identified with practically every phase of the development of his township. William D. Wade was also a farmer. He was born on April 19, 1825, and died on May 14, 1904. On August 8, 1854, he married Hester C. Fillingim, a daughter of Ajax and Eliza (Moye) Fillingim, who, like his parents, were natives of North Carolina. They were the parents of the following children: Warren, the subject of this article; Albert, born December 6, 1861 ; a resident of New Albany, Ind,; and Jennie, born February 8, 1863, the wife of Sidney Johnson, a prosperous farmer of Harmony township. Three children : Roy, Carrol and Elvis, died in infancy. Warren Wade was reared on his father's farm in Center township, as sisted in its operation until he was twenty-four years of age, and ac quired his education in the district schools of his neighborhood. In 1894 he became the owner of a farm and has devoted his attention to agriculture and stock feeding and in each branch of endeavor has met with success. His farm property consists of 150 acres, its improve ments are substantial and it has paid satisfactory returns. In 1907 he, with Dan Williams, promoted the organization of the Farmers Na tional Bank of Wadesville, and on incorporation he was elected to its directorate. He became vice-president of the institution in 1908 and was elected president in 1909, and is still serving in that capacity. The following year, 1910, he retired from the active management of his farm. He is a Democrat in his political views, is influential in the affairs of his township and served for two years as trustee. In the administra- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 361 tion of the affairs of this office he served with credit. He exercised sound financial sense in handling the township funds, was able to greatly improve the roads, building a considerable mileage, and at the same time reduced the levy from seventy-two to fifty-two cents. Mr. Wade married on October 21, 1883, Miss Mary Bailey, a daughter of Larkin and Martha A. (Fitzgerald) Bailey, of Harmony township. Larkin Bailey was born in Harmony township on January 5, 1838, and died December 3, 1878. His wife was also born in the township on Septem ber 7, 1837, and died December 18, 1869. Mary Bailey Wade was born on November 2, 1863. Mr. and Mrs. Wade are the parents of one child, Herman Wade, born August 11, 1884. He is a graduate of the Wades ville High School, attended for one term the Oakland City College, and also Purdue University, in the latter institution specializing on agri culture and live stock. He is one of the successful and progressive farmers of Center township, and owns and manages 200 acres of well improved land, which is being scientifically farmed. On November 29, 1908, he married Miss Jessie Wiley, a daughter of James D. and Hannah (Penfold) Wiley, of Harmony township. She was born on August 7, 1884. George B. Wade, retired farmer, influential citizen, of Center town ship, and a resident of Wadesville, is a native of Posey county, a mem ber of one of its prominent pioneer families and is a descendant of Zach- ariah Wade, for whom Wadesville was named. He is the son of Isaac George Washington and Eliza Jane (Nash) Wade, both of whom were born in Posey county, the father on February 15, 1829, and the mother on June 27, 1836. They were married in 1856. Isaac G. W. Wade was one of the most successful farmers of Center township, served for many years as a justice of the peace, was a Democrat and took an active part in the political life of his county, and accumulated a sizeable fortune. His death occurred on August 5, 1899. His wife, Eliza Jane Nash, was the daughter of Andrew and Mariah (Montgomery) Nash, both of whom were born in Pennsylvania. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Wade, and are as follows: William, born in 1858, died in infancy; Mariah, born October 10, i860, is the wife of Henry Heckman, a farmer of Harmony township ; George B., the subject of this sketch ; Isaac Minor, born October 16, 1864, and Alvin Andrew, born August 16, 1867, both of whom reside on the home farm in Center township. George B. Wade was. reared on his father's farm, secured his education in the public schools of Center township, and remained on the home farm until 1904, when he married, on June 22, Miss Delia Moye, a daughter of George W. and Grace (Stallings) Moye, both natives of Posey county, Mr. Moye having been born in Center township on January 2, 1854, and his wife on Febru ary 22, 1859. Mrs. Wade was born on November 23, 1878. She is one of a family of ten children, the brothers and sisters being: Wyatt Gray 362 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Moye, Ora O. Moye, Minnie Pearl, the widow of Samuel Coomer, Iva Viola, the wife of Morris F. Wade, a farmer of Center township, Eliza beth Ellen, Elva Leona, the wife of Louis Garris, Malcolm Edward, in the naval service of the United States, Virginia Evelyn, a graduate of the Wadesville High School in the class of 1913, and George Lawrence Moye. Shortly after his marriage Mr. Wade bought a farm and engaged in busi ness for himself. In 1904 he retired from active farm labor, became a resident of Wadesville, and has since been occupied in looking after his property interests, which are considerable. Political office has never ap pealed to him. He is a Democrat. His fraternal affiliations are with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. and Mrs. Wade are the parents of the following children : Eunice, born May 25, 1905 ; George Van, born October 4, 1906, and Mary Eliza, born March 30, 1909. The family attend the Regular Baptist church. James H. Moye, a successful farmer, extensive land owner and promi nent citizen of Posey county, whose death occurred on July 16, 1907, was born on his father's farm in Center township, February 27, 1847. He was a son of Wyatt G. and Elizabeth (Owens) Moye, the former a native of North Carolina and the latter of Posey county. The family was founded in Indiana in 1830, when John Moye, a native of North Carolina, located in Posey county, in what is now Center township. He and his descendants, he was the father of eleven children, have had much to do with the development of this section of the county, and have been, with out exception, men and women who have had the respect and esteem of their fellow citizens. James H. Moye acquired his education in the schools of his native township, was reared a farmer and upon his father's death became the owner of a part of the home farm. As a farmer he was successful, and added to his holdings in farm lands until he was one of the large land owners of his township. His political affiliations were with the Democratic party, and he took an active part in the campaigns, was influential in party councils, but had no inclination for public office. He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and active in the work of his order. Mr. Moye married, in 1873, Miss Susan Cox, who died on September 9, 1877. Two children were born of this union : Walter G. Moye, born November 26, 1874, and LeRoy, who died in in fancy. On February 23, 1879, he married Miss Luvina Hunsinger, a daughter of Lewis and Sophronia C. (McCrary) Hunsinger, who was born April 9, 1858, and who resides on the Moye farm two miles west of Wadesville. Her family were residents of White county, Illinois, of which State her father was a native; her mother was born in Posey county. With her brother, Calvin W. Hunsinger, she is the only sur vivor of the family of six children, four of whom are deceased, and are as follows : Seymour T., Isabell, Larkin Minor, and George Allen. To James H. Moye and Luvina (Hunsinger) Moye fourteen children were HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 363 born, viz. : Sophronia Elizabeth, who died in infancy ; Lewis, born Sep tember 29, 1881 ; Fanny, born April 11, 1883; James Henry, born May 22, 1885; Joseph Wilburn, born December 31, 1886; Larkin Kenneth, born August 27, 1888 ; Edith, born September 9, 1889, the wife of Edgar W. Huck; Lilly, born April 8, 1892; Jesse Lawrence, born September 15, 1893; Helen, born June 15, 1896; Ruby, born March 12, 1898, and Susie, born January 5, 1900. The Moye farm is one of the best examples of modern farming in Posey county. Substantial improvements and modern equipment mark the progressive spirit of its owners. The family are active in the social and religious life of their community, possess the esteem of their neighbors, while the home is known for its hospitality. Clarence Cox, educator, farmer and trustee of Center township, Posey county, is a descendant on both the paternal and maternal sides from pioneer residents of Southwestern Indiana. He was born on his father's farm in Center township, on October 21, 1871, a son of Isaac N. and Har riet N. (Wade) Cox. The father was born on February 7, 1846, and died March 27, 1877. Mrs. Cox was born on December 10, 1843, and with her two children, Clarence, the subject of this sketch, and Elva, born April 18, 1873, who is the wife of William H. Ramsey, of Wadesville, Ind,, survive. Isaac N. Cox was a farmer, well and favorably known in his section of the county, who died at a time when he was on the road to success and prominence. Clarence Cox was reared on his father's farm, educated in the public schools and in 1890 engaged in teaching. This profession he followed for sixteen years in the schools of Center town ship, where he became known as one of the successful educators of his county. In 1908 he was elected to the office of trustee of Center town ship, and is still serving in that capacity. His administration of the af fairs of this office have been creditable to himself and his constituents. His financial policy has been sound, improvements have kept pace with the times, and the schools have benefited greatly through his long expe rience as a teacher. He has always taken an active interest in the ques tions of the day and is a consistent supporter of the principles and policies of the Democratic party. Mr. Cox married, on June 9, 1897, Miss Ida L. Moye, a daughter of John L. and Nancy J. (Randolph) Moye. She was born on July 11, 1873. They are the parents of two children: Mildred M. Cox, born September 21, 1900, and Myron M. Cox, born July 12, 1905. Christ Reister, successful merchant, influential citizen and former treasurer of Posey county, was born in the town of Stein, province of Baden, Germany, on December 28, 1848, the son of Christ and Katherine (Zippese) Reister. Christ Reister, Sr., a tailor by trade, served in the German army during the revolution of 1848. He came to the United States in 1852, landing in New Orleans, and enlisted in the regular army. He was joined by his family in 1852 at Oswego, N. Y., and about three months afterward brought them to Evansville, Ind., where he located. 364 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY The following year he became a resident of Haubstadt, Gibson county, and engaged in the manufacture of brick, in which he continued until he retired from active business, in 1876. His service in the United States army covered two terms in the regular and one in the volunteer army. He served throughout the Civil war and was captain of Company D, Thirty-second Indiana infantry. Christ Reister, Jr., was reared in Haub stadt and secured his education in the schools of that town. He be came an employe in his father's brickyard and remained in this occupa tion until 1879, when he located in Cynthiana and engaged in the retail liquor business. In 1881 he established a general store and remained in this line of endeavor until 1903, when he retired. He was successful as a merchant and amassed a considerable fortune, which he has invested to advantage. Among his properties is a farm of 146 acres, situated one and one-half miles north of Cynthiana. Mr. Reister is best known to the citizens of Posey county through a residence of four years in Mt. Ver non, during which time he occupied the office of treasurer of the county. He has for many years been actively identified with the political life of the county and has been a leader in the Democratic party, of whose pol icies and principles he has been a consistent advocate. He served as in spector of the election board of Smith township for ten years, has at tended, as a delegate, state and congressional conventions and has been one of the mainstays of his party in the county. He was honored with the nomination for treasurer in 1906, and was elected by practically a unanimous vote, only seven ballots being in the count against him. His conduct of the business affairs of this office was marked by the same business acumen as had characterized his commercial career. He was elected to succeed himself in 1908. His record as treasurer will stand as highly creditable to himself and his constituents. Since retirement from the office he has been occupied in the management of his farm and supervision of his various investments. Mr. Reister married on Septem ber 23, 1875, Miss Mary Triple, a daughter of George W. Triple of Haubstadt. They were the parents of one child, Ada Reister, born July 18, 1876, the wife of Jesse Wade, a successful lawyer of Mt. Vernon. Mrs. Reister died on October 19, 1879. On April 30, 1885, Mr. Reister married Miss Carry Deiteile, a daughter of Jacob and Anne M. Deiteile of Mt. Vernon. She is a native of that city and her father was for many years engaged in the retail market business and one of the four butchers who conducted stalls in the old city market building, erected from the fund donated by Dan Rice, the famous clown and circus owner. Three children have been born of this second marriage of Mr. Reister, two of whom died in infancy. Carolyn Reister, born December 27, 1904, is a student in the Cynthiana schools. Mrs. Reister is a member of the Christian Science church and popular in the social life of her home town. The family residence is one of the handsomest in the county and noted HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 365 for its hospitality. Mr. Reister and his wife are generous in their sup port of the various churches and charities in Cynthiana. Francis Marion Greathouse. — To have attained so notable a record as did Captain Greathouse in connection with his service during the Civil war would prove sufficient to give precedence and reputation to any man, were this to represent the sum total of his efforts ; but Francis Marion Greathouse is a man of distinct individuality, broad mental ken and strong initiative, who has been a leader in his township and the county as well. Captain Greathouse was born on his father's farm in Point town ship, Posey county, Indiana, April 10, 1840. He is the third child born to George Washington and Martha N. (Harshman) Greathouse. The fam ily is of German descent, was founded in America previous to the war for independence, and in Posey county by David Greathouse, a native of Pennsylvania, who settled in what is now Point township prior to 1818, in which year is recorded his original land entry. He took an active part in the affairs incident to the early settlement of the county, acquired ex tensive land holdings and was one of the most influential men of his time and section. He married Sarah Callender, also born in Pennsyl vania. They were the parents of four sons : Sampson, born December 8, 1808, who died February 2, 1887; George Washington, the father of Cap tain Greathouse, born July 4, 1810, who died February 4, 1843; John, born 1812, who died in 1842, and Lorenzo Dow, born 1818, who died in 1883. George Washington Greathouse was reared on his father's farm and followed the occupation of farmer. He was known among the men of his time for his integrity and high ideals, was a tireless worker and successful in his business undertakings. He was a builder-up of his properties, which during the pioneer period of the development of the county required hard labor and untiring energy. He married on June 14, 1832, Martha N. Harshman, the daughter of George and Dorcas Harsh man, one of Posey county's early settlers, whose homestead was in Prairie Settlement. She was born in Virginia on January 8, 181 5. Mr. Greathouse died on the fourteenth of February, 1843, anc^ his wife on February 8, 1872. They were the parents of the following children : Sarah C, born May 6, 1833, and who died March 6, 1880. She married Joel Redmond, a farmer of Posey county. Julia, the second child, born January 17, 1835, married Thomas French, a prominent farmer of Lynn township, and is at the age of seventy-eight, enjoying the sunset years of life, surrounded by her grandchildren (see sketch of Raymond French). Matilda, the youngest child, born June 14, 1842, married An drew Alexander, a man of sterling worth and intellectual ability, by which union, in 1864, her only child, Rosamond, was born. She be came the wife of Dr. G. R. Peckempaugh, a prominent physician of Mt. Vernon, now a resident of Evansville. Mrs. Alexander was a woman of broad education, possessed intellectual ability of a high order and gained 366 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY extended reputation as an author. She was the founder of the Alexan drian Library of Mt. Vernon (see chapter on Libraries), which she en dowed liberally. Her death occurred on April 22, 1892 ; her husband on November 13, 1866. Francis Marion Greathouse, the third child born to George W. and Martha Greathouse, was reared on his father's farm, attended the schools of his district and assisted in the carrying on of the farm work until the breaking out of the Civil war. In July, 1861, he en listed in Company H, First Indiana cavalry, and upon its organization was elected first sergeant. He was several times promoted for meri torious service and valor. He was commissioned second lieutenant De cember 18, 1861, and first lieutenant June 6, 1863. He was mustered out on September 12, 1864. He was with his regiment in the battles of Fred- ericktown, Mo., December 16, 1861 ; Helena, Ark., July 4, 1863 ; Pine Bluff, Ark., October 25, 1863; Mt. Elba, Ark., March 27, 1864, and Mark's Mills, Ark., April 25, 1864. It was during the time when he was de tailed on scout duty that Lieutenant Greathouse won his greatest re nown as a soldier, his work in this line of warfare being of the highest value to the Union cause, and was the result of careful planning and brilliant execution. His most conspicuous service, in point of value to the cause of the Union, was that of the Longview expedition, March 26, 1864, in which he was the ranking officer. The following extract from the ofifcial report of Col. Powell Clayton, dated Headquarters, Pine Bluff, Ark., April 1, 1864, concerns the results of this expedition: "The Longview raid reflects the highest credit to Lieutenants Greathouse and Young, and for brilliancy and success is almost without a parallel. One hundred men, fifty from the First Indiana and fifty from the Fifth Kan sas cavalry, marched forty miles into the enemy's country, captured and destroyed a train of thirty-five wagons loaded with stores of great value to the enemy, their paymaster's safe containing over sixty thousand dol lars, destroyed their pontoon bridge over the Saline river, captured and brought to Mt. Elba 260 prisoners, 300 horses and mules and a large number of contrabands ; all including the march of eighty miles to Long- view and return in the surprising short space of twenty-four hours." There was not a man lost or a gun fired in accomplishing this capture. Lieutenant Greathouse was in command of his company from July, 1863, until mustered out, his captain being on detached service. He was de tailed on scout duty in October, 1863, and served in this capacity until mustered out. His services while in this branch of duty were such as to win for him high commendation from his superior officers, and the re sults obtained by him were such as to place him among the foremost scouts of the Union army. On conclusion of his military service, Lieu tenant Greathouse returned to his family home in Point township and resumed the care of the farm property. In 1872 he purchased land in Lynn township, where he has since resided. His holdings total 400 acres, HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 307 the improvements are substantial and the farm is well stocked. He has realized a substantial success as an agriculturist, is one of the influential men of Posey county, where he is known for his high ideals, integrity and broad mindedness. He has taken an active part in support of those meas ures which have had in view the welfare and betterment of the commu nity. He is a Republican. Political office has never appealed to him, and though often urged to accept nomination he has never permitted his name to go before a convention. He is a member of Harrow Post, No. 491, Grand Army of the Republic. On October 30, 1870, Captain Great- house married Miss Maggie T. French, a daughter of James T. French, a farmer of Lynn township, and member of one of the oldest pioneer fam ilies of Posey county. She was born on August 15, 1845. Of the chil dren born to Captain and Mrs. Greathouse, four are living, viz. : Cora, born August 14, 1871, the wife of James Bundy, of Lynn township; George Howard, born February 20, 1875, a hotel proprietor of Chicago, 111.; Bertie, born October 19, 1879, the wife of Prof. C, J. Nelson, a teacher in the Mt. Vernon public schools, and Horace Elwood, born September 23, 1884, who resides with his parents and has the active management of his father's farm properties. A daughter, Grace, born May 22, 1873, a young lady of great personal charm, died on December 28, 1906. Frederick Wolfinger, successful farmer, extensive land owner and veteran of the Civil war, was born on his father's farm in Marrs town ship, Posey county, Indiana, June 4, 1841, the son of John Wolfinger, a pioneer settler of that township and a native of Germany. There were six children in the family, all of whom, including the subject of this sketch, are deceased. The others were : John, Lewis, Charles, George and Elizabeth. John Wolfinger and his sons were important factors in the agricultural development of Marrs township, possessed energy, were thrifty, and enjoyed the esteem of their neighbors. Frederick Wolfinger was reared on the farm of his father, assisted in its carrying on, and secured his education in the district schools of his native township. Lincoln's call for volunteers found him ready for his country's defense and he enlisted in the Tenth Indiana cavalry. With his regiment he participated in many important engagements but was never wounded. His service in the Union cause covered a period of three years, and his record was excellent. On conclusion of his military service he returned to Posey county and engaged in farming and remained in this field of endeavor until 1902, when he retired from active labor and became a resident of the city of Mt. Vernon, his place of residence until his death, which occurred on November 9, 1909. As a farmer, Frederick Wol finger was one of the most progressive and successful men of his section of Posey county. As a man of affairs, he was equally prominent. He possessed financial judgment, was an expert judge of land values and 368 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY productiveness, seemed to sense the knock of opportunity and avail him self of it, and withal, possessed thrift. He was throughout his lifetime a buyer of farm lands and became the owner of a number of choice farm properties. Public office never appealed to him. He was a member of Mt. Vernon Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and of the General Baptist church. Mr. Wolfinger married, on December 16, 1868, Miss Nancy Benner, who was born in Marrs township, Posey county, on December 9, 1850, the daughter of John and Mary (Mills) Benner. Her father was a native of Germany, who came to America with his parents when but three years of age. He was a prosperous farmer of Marrs township. His wife was born in Black township and her parents were pioneer settlers in Posey county. Mr. Wolfinger is survived by his widow and the following children, viz. : Mary Elizabeth, born Octo ber 2, 1869, the wife of Robert Dixon, of Mt. Vernon; Joseph Welborn, born October 24, 1871 ; Otis Alvin, born June 20, 1878 ; James Arthur, born November 24, 1880, graduates of Lockyear's Commercial College, Evansville, and all three prosperous farmers of Marrs township; Fred B., born September 20, 1889, a graduate of Mt. Vernon High School, class of 1910, ticket agent of the Louisville & Nashville Railway at Mt. Ver non, 111. ; and Eleanor, born June 2, 1894, who graduated from the Mt. Vernon High School with the class of 1913. The third child of Mr. and Mrs. Wolfinger, a son, died in infancy. Martin Golden, New Harmony. The venerable white haired gen tleman whose name introduces this personal review, represents that type of mankind whom we all stop by the wayside to observe and ad mire. Mr. Golden is an actor of the old school, who for years shed his light on the American stage, furnishing instructive amusement to hun dreds of delighted audiences. When he was in the prime of manly vigor his contemporaries were such men as Edwin Booth, Lawrence Barrett, and many others with whom he was associated, which almost causes the student to reflect on that epoch as the second Elizabethan age of the English drama. Mr. Golden knew well most of the actors of his time, and played with many of them, and he treasures many pleasant memories of the stage folk, great and near-great of his time. Our sub ject is a native of Ireland, born at Cork Hill, Parish of Screen, Novem- vember 10, 1835. His parents were William Golden and Catharine Dunn, also natives of Ireland. Martin was one of a family of ten chil dren, two of whom are now living: Thomas F., a druggist in New York, and Martin. The Golden family embarked for America in 1846, some of the older sons having preceded the other members several years. It seems that they were beset by one misfortune after another. The mother died during the voyage and was buried at sea. Shortly after the family reached Quebec the father was taken ill and died. After the death of his father Martin and a brother were sent to New HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 369 Orleans to live with an older brother, who was a druggist there. Upon arriving at New Orleans they learned that the brother in New Orleans had died two weeks previously with yellow fever. He then went to live with a cousin there, where he remained and attended school until 1849. Then, at the age of fourteen, he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he secured employment in a wholesale dry goods store. From there he went -to Hamilton, Ohio, and worked for a contractor as bookkeeper and timekeeper. In 185 1 he returned to New Orleans, and during the next two years two of his brothers died there from yellow fever. In 1854 he decided to leave New Orleans and went to New York, where he had a brother and sister. After reaching New York and seeking his brother and sister he met a New Orleans acquaintance, Charles Gleason, treasurer of the St. Charles theater, New Orleans. Young Golden returned to New Orleans with him and accepted the position of doorkeeper at the St. Charles theater. He was very much interested in stage life and his position gave him an opportunity to meet many actors. He got dramatic books and applied himself to study. He became acquainted with Mr. Benedict De Barr, manager of the St. Charles theater, who booked young Golden for the princely salary of six dollars per week. This was in the fall of 1855, and the com pany opened the season at St. Louis in "The Hunch Back" with Miss Annette Inse as leading lady. Golden was assigned to take the char acter of "Holdwell." This was the beginning of his stage career and he made good from that minute, and remained with De Barr in New Orleans and St. Louis until the war broke out in 1861. He then came north and played in all the principal cities with marked success and was associated with many of the great actors of the time. He organized a traveling company, which he managed for several years. Later he took the management of Carter's play, "The Fast Mail," which he managed several years with great financial success. He has managed opera houses, and played entire seasons in no less than a dozen differ ent large cities throughout the country. Mr. Golden was united in mar riage, August 25, 1861, to Miss Emma Isabella Llewellyn, a native of St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Golden was a talented actress and played with her husband in the principal cities of the United States for years, until on account of her health she was obliged to give up the stage. To Mr. and Mrs. Golden were born four children: Martin T., born at Cleve land, Ohio, May 30, 1862, a leading business man of New Harmony; William E., born in New Harmony, June 9, 1865, a prominent educator of New York, and now principal of the Polytechnic Institute of that city; Grace, born in the Fontleroy House, November 14, 1867, and died November 14, 1903. She was an operatic singer of National fame. Her untimely death was universally mourned and was a severe blow to her immediate family and many friends; Frances Llewellyn, born Septem- 370 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY ber 7, 1877, at New Harmony. She, too, is an accomplished actress, well known on the American stage. Mr. Golden is a member of the Catholic church. He has had an active and eventful career, filled with many fond recollections and very few regrets. He is now spending the peaceful days of a ripe old age surrounded by his loved ones and enjoying- the present to the fullness thereof, as well as the pleasant memories of a life well spent. Raymond A. French — In the development of the agricultural re sources of Posey county, which has placed her in the front rank among her sister counties of the State, it is probable no one family has been more numerously represented or has been of more material value in this development than that of which our subject is a worthy representative. The French family dates its founding in the county from the settlement of Doris French, who entered on land in what is now Lynn township in 1807. He was a native of Kentucky, born July 10, 1792. He married on March 17, 1818, Sarah Thomas, born October 9, 1801, who came to Posey county with her parents in 1814. Doris French was not only one of the first to settle in the county but was one of the most influential men among the pioneers, the leader of his section, and amassed, for his time, a comfortable fortune. His death occurred on August 28, 1855, and that of his wife on September 8, 1885. They were the parents of the following children: Zedoc, born September 19, 1819; James Thomas, born January 7, 1822; Samuel, born March 10, 1825; Maria, born October 4, 1827; Lardner Clark, born February 28, 1830; Ralph, born December 26, 1832 ; Thomas, born March 10, 1835, the grandfather of our subject, and Mary, born December 10, 1837. Thomas French attended the coun try schools of his neighborhood, assisted his father in the clearing of his forest covered land, farmed and incidentally underwent the hardships common to the lot of the early settlers. In 1855, when but twenty years of age, he married Angelina Calkins, who lived but thirteen months after her marriage. On March 15, 1857, he married Julia A. Greathouse, a daughter of George W. and Martha (Harshman) Greathouse (see sketch of F. M. Greathouse). In 1855 Mr. French purchased the farm now operated by his grandson. As a man among men, bearing his due share in connection with the practical activities and responsibilities of a work-a-day world, he was successful, but, over and above all, he gained a deep knowledge of the wellsprings from which emerge the stream of human motive and action. He was a man of high ideals, broad mind, and took an active interest in the questions of his time. He was a Re publican in his political views, and though active in the interests of his party, was not inclined toward political office. Llis charities were many. Measures having for their object the welfare of the community received his active support. He loved the fields and flowers. He was a home builder. He believed in the sacredness of the hearth. He passed to his HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 37! reward on March n, 1910. To do justice to his memory within the limits of an article of this nature would be impossible, but in even touching the more salient points there may come objective lesson and incentive and thus a tribute of appreciation. His widow, aged seventy-eight, survives him and resides on the old homestead to which she came as a bride in 1857. They were the parents of one child, a son, Gustave French, born February 11, 1858. Gustave French acquired his education in the schools of Posey county. He was taught farming by his father, assisted in the carrying on of his farm properties and resided with him until his death, which occurred on June 6, 1891. While shooting squirrels among the trees in front of the farm residence his gun exploded, causing injuries from which he died. He married on February 23, 1882, Victoria Al bright, a daughter of John T. and Mary (Jones) Albright, of Lynn town ship. They were the parents of two children : Raymond A., the subject of this sketch, and Gladys, born August 26, 1885. The widow and daughter are residents of Mt. Vernon. Raymond A. French was born on the family farm in Lynn township on April 5, 1883. After completing a course in the public schools of Posey county, he attended Columbia Col lege, Evansville. In 1901 he sought employment in the West. Some two years were spent with cattle outfits in Wyoming and Utah, one year with a railroad constructing company. In 1904 he reached Seattle and se cured the position of mail clerk on a steamer plying between that city and Victoria, B. C. In 1905 he resigned this position to accept that of freight clerk on a steamer plying between Seattle and Skagway, Alaska, and re mained in this employment until 1908, when he returned to Posey county and took the management of the family farm properties. A student and close observer, his travels in the West and Northwest gave him opportu nity for investigating at close range the scientific methods of farming in use there. He has applied the knowledge gained to the operation of his properties with satisfactory results. The French farms are well stocked, the improvements are modern and that order which only comes from system prevails in the conduct of carrying on. Mr. French married on January 15, 1907, Miss Katherine Gallick, a daughter of John Gallick, a native of Austria, who is a resident of Ossining, N. Y. She was born at Miva, province of Nitra, Austria-Hungary, on November 24, 1886. Mr. and Mrs. French are the parents of three children: Allen Raymond, born March 8, 1908 ; Doris Gustave, born September 9, 1909, and Ruth Anna, born March 9, 1913. The family attend the Episcopal church. Mr. French is one of the pushing, progressive men of the county, ener getic and unassuming. He is in all respects a high type of the virile American and a worthy descendant of his pioneer ancestors. He is a member of New Harmony Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Frederick Pierce Leonard, of Mt. Vernon, who holds an enviable place among his colleagues at law, has been a member of the Posey county bar 372 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY for the past thirty-three years and this long period of efficient service in the legal profession and of public-spirited citizenship, entitles him to distinctive recognition in this publication. Mr. Leonard was born in Mt. Vernon, Ind., November 4, 1858, the son of Charles Frederick and Mary E. (Pierce) Leonard, the former a native of Bristol, R. I., and the latter of the State of Maine. Charles F. Leonard, the first of the family to settle in Indiana, came to Posey county about 1834, and located in Mt. Vernon, where he engaged in business and became one of the most successful and influential merchants of the county. He was an active and potent factor in the development of the city and took a prominent part in the political life of the county. He was a Repub lican, contributed generously in support of the campaigns of his party, but was not inclined toward public office. He was married twice. His first wife was Lucretia Knowles, a native of Connecticut, who died in Mt. Vernon in 1850, a victim of the cholera epidemic of that year. Of this union, five children were born, but one of whom is living, viz., Anna, the wife of Edward P Elliott of Washington, D. C. Those deceased are : Mary, who married James F. Welborn of Denver, Colo. ; Charles, Isaac, and William. The second wife of Mr. Leonard was Miss Mary E. Pierce, who was born in Maine. Five children were born to this union, viz.: Lucretia, who died in infancy; Martha, the wife of James B. Tate, of Evansville, Ind.; Frederick P., the subject of this article; Mark T. of Chicago, 111., and Augustus H., deceased. Mr. Leonard died on March 31, 1884, aged eighty years, and Mrs. Leonard on July 1, 1913, aged eighty-nine years and three months. Both Mr. Leonard and his wife were exceptionally active, mentally and physically, for persons of their advanced age. Each possessed the esteem which comes from honorable living, and the affection which slowly develops from unselfish works. Frederick Pierce Leonard received his early educational disci pline in the schools of Mt. Vernon, was graduated from its high school with the class of 1875, and subsequently entered the literary department of the Indiana State University, from which he received his Bachelor of Arts degree with the class of 1878. He next entered the law department of the University of Michigan and was graduated, with the degree of Bachelor of Laws, a member of the class of 1881. On completion of his law studies he returned to Mt. Vernon and engaged in the practice of his profession. During the thirty-three years in which he has been a member of the Posey county bar he has had as associates, Judge Louden, who was with him for five years, and Judge Clements, now judge of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, who remained with him for five years. His practice has been extensive, both as to the number and the character of the suits tried. He possesses an analytical mind, power of concentration, and an unswerving industry, and his briefs are marked for their directness and lucidity of expression. He has appeared in con- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 373 nection with the most important litigations in both the State and federal courts and is recognized as one of the most able lawyers of southern Indiana. Public office has never appealed to him, although he never neglects in the least his civic duties and obligations. He is a Repub lican. In local affairs he has always taken an active part, is independent as to party, and has served for one term as mayor, of Mt. Vernon. Mr. Leonard married on October 26, 1892, Miss Easter Harrow, of Mt. Vernon. They are the parents of four children, viz. : Mark (de ceased), Juliette, Frederick and John H. Mrs. Leonard is a woman of broad culture and popular in the social circles of the city in which she is a leader. The family residence, in which Mr. Leonard was born, is known for its gracious hospitality. William C. Fuhrer, president of the Fuhrer-Ford Milling Company of Mt. Vernon, of which city he has been a resident since 1858, and one of the most prominent men of affairs in Posey county, was born in Pitts burg, Penn., November 25, 1837, a son of Gregory and Elizabeth (Johns) Fuhrer. Gregory Fuhrer was born in Alsace-Lorraine, France, his parents being of German origin, and about 1830 he came to the United States, lo cated in Pennsylvania and there met and married Elizabeth Johns, a na tive of Westmoreland county, who was also of German descent. In 1858 he brought his family to Indiana and settled in Mt. Vernon, where he engaged in farming and market gardening. William C. Fuhrer was reared in Pittsburg, Penn., and acquired his education in the public schools of that city and was graduated from Duff's College. Shortly after the arrival of the family in Mt. Vernon, he secured employment as clerk of a wharf boat and was later bookkeeper for the dry goods firm of Mann, Larkin & Welborn. His initial venture as an owner was in the river trade in which he was a part owner in the steamers Hazel Dell, West Wind, and others of their class. He entered the commer cial life of Mt. Vernon with Fred and John Decker — Decker, Fuhrer & Co. — and later with Walter L. Sullivan and Richard Sarlls he formed the firm of Sullivan, Fuhrer & Co., and engaged in the retail dry goods business.^ In 1867 he engaged in the grain business and in 1883 entered the milling business as a member of the firm of Fuhrer, Boyce & Co., his associates being George W. and William L. Boyce. He was the first to establish a cash grain business, paying on delivery of the commodity, a method of transaction which not only was of decisive advantage to him as a buyer, but enabled the growers to avoid possible loss through the failure of any of the grain dealers during the interval between the buying and marketing of cereals, which in those days consumed some little time as the principal market was New Orleans. In 1883 he firm of Fuhrer, Boyce & Co. built the first "Peerless Mill," which was burned in 1899, and on its site the present mill was erected and is now operated by the Fuhrer-Ford Milling Company, who succeeded to the business 374 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY of the original builders. A review of this enterprise is included in the chapter "Manufacturing and Commercial Enterprises." Mr. Fuhrer has also been interested directly and indirectly with many other business enterprises of his home city, and perhaps no one of its citizens has had more to do with the development and building up of Mt. Vernon than he. In truth he has been one of the foremost in every movement which had for its object the city's progress, thrift and substantial growth. His political affiliations have been with the Republican party, his first presi dential vote having been cast for Apraham Lincoln. In 1876 he sup ported Tilden and Hendricks, his one deflection from straight party lines. Political office has never appealed to him. He has attained the Knights Templar degree in Masonry, and is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Fuhrer marrried, in i860, Miss Ann Phillips, who was born and reared in Lynn township, Posey county. Three children were born of this marriage, viz. : Eugene H. Fuhrer, born March 11, 1865, secretary and treasurer of the Fuhrer-Ford Milling Company of Mt. Vernon ; Minnie Fuhrer, born in 1867, wife of Charles E. Peperday of Jacksonville, Fla., who died there in 1905, and a boy who died in infancy. James L. Keeling, successful merchant and prominent citizen of Oliver, Ind., is a native of Posey county and was born on January 7, 1870, a son of Charles L. and Angeline (Downen) Keeling. The elder Keel ing was also a native son of Posey county, having been born in Black township on March 7, 1843. His parents were natives of Virginia, who settled in Posey county during the early years of its development. Charles L. Keeling spent his early life in assisting his father to clear and improve land for farming. His after life was passed in agricul tural pursuits. He died in Mt. Vernon on December 29, 1912. Of the family, which consisted of six children, but one is living, a sister, Martha, the widow of W. C. Allen, who was a farmer in Lynn township. He married, when a young man, Angeline Downen, and of this union seven children were born, viz.: James L. Keeling, the subject of this sketch ; Timothy, born June 27, 1873, a farmer of Eldorado, 111. ; Ger trude, born August 22, 1875, the wife of Ollie Maize, a railway employee of Poplar Bluff, Mo.; Elizabeth, born December 15, 1878, the wife of Henry Overfield, also of Poplar Bluff; Mary, born December 20, 1881, the wife of Walter Compton of Mt. Vernon, Ind. ; Otis, born Decem ber 20, 1884, a railway employee of Mt. Carmel, 111. ; and Martha, who died in infancy. James L. Keeling was reared on his father's farm in Black township, acquired his education in the schools of his native county, and learned the carpenter's trade. He was next employed as a clerk and in 1904 established his present business, that of a general merchant, at Oliver. This enterprise has been successful. Its growth has been continuous, it has been profitable, and Mr. Keeling's business HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 375 methods have been such as to draw trade from a large district. He is a director in his school district and a member of the Masonic order. Mr. Keeling married, on December 29, 1892, Miss Eva Barton, a daugh ter of Samuel and Rachel (McKinnier) Barton, each a native of Posey county, where their daughter was born on April 29, 1876. Three chil dren have been born of this union, viz.: Rachel, born October 28, 1893, who married on February 10, 1912, Thomas Menikheim, and they have one son, Earl James, born April 20, 1913; Earl Keeling, born January 29, 1895, a salesman in his father's store ; and Veral, born April 14, 1906. James C. Jeffries, a farmer of Black township, Posey county, Indiana, was born in that township November 12, 1842, son of James S. and Rosanna (Curtis) Jeffries, the farmer born in Mecklenberg county, Virginia, and the latter a native of North Carolina. Mr. Curtis, grand father of James Jeffries, removed from North Carolina to Tennessee, and then to Indiana, at a very early date before much of the country was cleared. James S. Jeffries was born in 1799, and he came to Indiana with his parents in 181 1, the year of the earthquake at New Madrid, Mo. The grandfather Jeffries was an early-day teacher and farmer, operated the ferry at McFadden's Bluff, now Mt. Vernon, and was the first ferry man at that place. He removed to the South later, where he died. Grandfather and Grandmother Curtis and James S. Jeffries and his wife died in Black township. James C. Jeffries received his education in the common schools and in the city schools of Mt. Vernon, and after finish ing the course he began teaching in Posey county. Some of the school buildings were of logs with home-made furniture. In his twenty-seven years of teaching Mr. Jeffries only taught ten and one-half months out side of Posey county. A part of these twenty-seven years Mr. Jeffries had been farming in the summer time, and in 1889 he discontinued teach ing and engaged in farming and stock raising. He never had to make a second trial for his certificate, his grades always being good. Mr. Jef fries can remember when the country was timbered and log rollings were in vogue in the spring, the feast being ham and eggs. He is an active Democrat. His fraternal affiliations are with the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and he belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. James C. Jeffries married Miss Martha Templeton, daughter of Gilbert and Martha (Hol land) Templeton, who was educated in the schools of Mt. Vernon. The father of Martha Holland was Hezekiah Holland, a doctor and minister in Posey county, where he died. Mrs. Holland died in Kentucky. Mrs. Jeffries was born in Posey county, and attended school near her father's farm. She is the sister of Worth Templeton, former trustee of Black township. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffries became the parents of nine children: George W., William H., Mattie, Ruth and Albert, all deceased ; James G., at home with his parents ; Julius W., married Nellie Armstrong, daugh- 37° HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY ter of Frank J. and Fannie Armstrong, has one child, Mary, and they live at home on the Jeffries farm ; Octavia, married Christian Moritz and lives in Nebraska; and Louis E., lives in Illinois, married Maggie Trafford, daughter of Edward and Dorcas Trafford, has one child, Norma Fern. Michael Grabert, a retired farmer and merchant of Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Wurtenberg, Germany, December 9, 1841. His father died before the birth of George, and his mother afterward married Fred erick Rupp. He attended school in his native land and after finishing his education worked on a farm for a time, after which he engaged in the teaming business, following this occupation eight years, four of which were spent driving a hack. He came to America in 1866, his mother and stepfather coming the next year. He settled in Posey county and worked for a man by the name of Eberhardt Schenk on a farm in Black township, two and a half miles from Mt. Vernon. At that time the section now comprising the northern part of the town was all woods. In the spring of 1867 he began farming for himself on the old Campbell place near Mt. Vernon. He was a renter until 1869 when he bought a farm of forty acres southwest of town. Here he lived about eleven years, in which time he increased his acreage to 200. In 1881 he sold out and removed to Mt. Vernon where he engaged in a grocery and saloon business on Store street. He sold the store in 1897 and retired from active business life. Two years later he bought a home adjoining Mt. Vernon. It contains twelve and one-half acres of land which has on it one of the most beautiful houses in or about town. The lawns are large and well kept, and it has all the modern improvements, including cement walks. While living on the farm Mr. Grabert was road supervisor of Black township. He was the owner of 1,500 acres of land in Black township, Posey county, 160 in Point township and a section in Carson county, Panhandle of Texas. He is a member of the Luthern church. Mr. Grabert was married the first time in the fall of 1867, to Magdalena Friends, daughter of John Friends and wife, natives of Germany, who came to America and located in Posey county. By this marriage there was one child, Mary, who married Charlie Grabert, and died in October, 1912. Magdalena Grabert died in 1876, and our subject was married again the same year to Margaret Kaufmann, who lived less than a year after her marriage, dying in the fall of 1876. Mr. Grabert was married for the third time in October, 1877, when he took as his wife Louisa Susik, daughter of Frederick Susik and wife, natives of Germany. Her father died in his native country and she came to America with her mother when about six or seven years of age. She was educated in the schools of Posey county. Mr. and Mrs. Grabert had eight children, all boys, one of whom died at birth, and two others, Otto and George, died in childhood. The living are : Andrew G., HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 377 Charlie, Otto, Fred and William. Charlie and Otto are living in Evans ville, the former engaged in the saloon business. Andrew G. is a paper- hanger and painter in Mt. Vernon. Fred is working for the Electric Light Company, and William is attending school at Mt. Vernon. Elliott W. LaDuke, one of the older residents of Posey county, In diana, whose memory harks back to the days of diamond plows, grub bing stumps and raising wool for clothing, was born in Harrison county, Indiana, October 23, 1858, son of Harrison and Mary (Johnson) LaDuke, natives of the same county where the grandfather of the subject settled upon coming from France. Harrison LaDuke was a farmer and also engaged in brick making, in which he used the old method by hand. Mr. LaDuke, our subject, was raised in Harrison county, attending the country schools of those times. He worked at farming, first as a hired hand, saving money enough to start for himself at the time of his mar riage. Oxen were used in hauling timbers in those days, and the old- fashioned farm implements were still in vogue. His first farm had to be grubbed of stumps. Fourteen years ago he bought his present farm, which is one of the best in this section of the country. He has always been successful in his farming and stock raising. Percheron horses, Poland China hogs and cattle have been his specialties. Upon one occasion he sold in Mt. Vernon a Short Horn from his herd which weighed 1,960 pounds. His entire farm of 128 acres is under cultivation and he also farms eighty acres near his home. His political affiliations are with the Democratic party, but public office has never appealed to him. He was one of the active factors in the organization of the Farm ers' Elevator Company of Mt. Vernon. On November 13, 1883, Mr. LaDuke married Miss Mary AUdredge, daughter of Jefferson and Isa belle AUdredge, natives of Indiana, mother born in Lawrenceburg, Ind. She was born in Posey county, Indiana, February 20, 1868, on the farm where her parents still reside. Here she was raised and attended the country schools. As a girl she carded cotton to make quilts, picking the seeds out by hand. She has helped plant corn by dropping it by hand into the hill, someone following- with a hoe to cover the grains. Those were the days when wheat was cut with a cradle, and Mr. LaDuke used to do his harvesting in this manner. Clover was cut with a scythe, and raking was done by hand. Threshing was done in the same way that it was done in Biblical times, by tramping out the grain. Mrs. La Duke remembers the first threshing machine. It was horse power, and was purchased by her brother. It is well within the memory of both our subject and his wife when their parents raised sheep for wool with which they made clothing, using the old spindle and hand loom. They became the parents of seven children : Elmer, born March 12, 1885 ; Edith, born September 18, 1886, married S. W. Frease, and lives in Black township ; Mabel, born February 25, 1889, graduated from the Mt. Ver- 378 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY non High School, and is now teaching school at Stewartsville, Ind. ; Nora, born May 13, 1892, married Earl Miller, and lives in Black town ship ; Vivian, born December 17, 1897, graduated from the common schools ; Malcolm, born January 1, 1899, and Floyd, born October 7, 1902, are now attending school. The LaDuke family are members of the Methodist church, in which Mr. LaDuke is a trustee. Henry Yunker, merchant and farmer of Grafton, is a native of Ger many, having been born in the Valley of the Rhine September 3, 1835, son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Haas) Yunker, natives of the Rhine valley. He remained on the farm with his parents until seventeen years of age, and in 1852 set sail for America, the trip taking fifty-six days, the ship landing at New Orleans December 22, 1852. The ship was a sailing ves sel and while on board news was received of the election of Pierce as president of the United States. Mr. Yunker came to Indiana from New Orleans, reaching Evansville January 5, 1853. He began life in America by working as a farm hand for one month for $5.00. He then began learning the cooper's trade, working for one year for his board. After finishing apprenticeship he borrowed $7.00 to buy tools and came to Mt. Vernon to work in a shop. Later he walked back to Evansville to pay the $7.00. He has an adz that was bought at that time as a relic. After working at his trade in Mt. Vernon, Uniontown and Vanderburg county five years he went into business for himself at McKeetown, Black township, Posey county, and after remaining there one year he • went into business in partnership with Conrad Mutz at Grafton. They had a store and some rented land and during the five years, that they were together under the firm name of Mutz and Yunker, Mr. Yunker attended to the store and Mutz farmed the land. In 1864 Mr. Yunker bought out Mutz and the next year he sold the store and removed to Mt. Vernon, where he bought a building at the corner of Main and Water streets and embarked in the grocery and saloon business with his former partner. Mr. Mutz had kept the lands and Mr. Yunker bought an equal share in them. They continued doing business as partners for fifteen years. In the meantime, their building was destroyed by fire and they removed to the middle of the block where the colored barber shop is now located and later to the corner where Brinkman now is. At the end of fifteen years they sold out to Kalbfusz, who had acquired an in terest in the firm, and Mr. Yunker returned to Grafton, his share in the division being 208 acres of land at that place beside the corner lot at Mt. Vernon. He at once opened a store and became postmaster. In all he has served as postmaster twenty-one years, including the time he served before going to Mt. Vernon. When the Grafton postoffice was first opened only two people took newspapers. Mr. Yunker had to drive to Mt. Vernon twice a week after the mail. He continued as postmaster until the office was discontinued and the rural delivery installed in its HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 370 place. Mr. Yunker returned to Grafton in 1881 and since that time has added 200 more acres of land to his holdings of that time. When in Mt. Vernon he served the city three times as councilman from the Third ward, defeating a Republican in a Republican ward. He was on the board of county supervisors for one term and a member of the public highway viewers. Mr. Yunker has also been administrator of several estates and has been bondsman for a number of his friends to the amount of thousands of dollars. He belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and in politics is a Democrat. Mr. Yunker was married Sep tember 3, 1858, to Miss Caroline V. Schuck, daughter of Godlif Schuck, her parents natives of Germany. Four children were born to this union : Charles H., who operates the Yunker farm at Grafton; Anna L., married J. J. Boszkirk, and lives in Wichita, Kan.; Emily O., married Charles Walz and lives in Wichita ; Clara, also living in Wichita. The first Mrs. Yunker died August 15, 1874. Mr. Yunker remarried December 24, 1874, taking as his wife Miss Caroline Seib, daughter of Frank Seib, na tive of Germany, who came to this country from Ellsasz and engaged in the butcher business. Caroline Seib was born in Mt. Vernon, Ind., where she attended the common schools. They have four children, all living: Albert R., farmer ; Henrietta E., Margaret M., Frank P., farmer. When Mr. Yunker first came to Indiana this section was a wilderness and when he and Mr. Mutz were farming during the Civil war they had to cut wheat with a cradle, and in the summer of 1873 Mr. Yunker cradled seventy-four acres of wheat himself. He was a member of the Home Guards during the Civil war. Alonzo J. AUdredge, one of the oldest natives of Posey county, was born October 9, 1846, son of Anderson and Sarah Mariah AUdredge, also natives of Indiana. In his boyhood much of the land now under cultiva tion was forest and there were no railroads in the county. Mt. Vernon was but a small village and where the hominy mill now stands a Mr. Brinkman had a blacksmith shop and there was a saloon on the location of Rosenbaum's store. There were a great many wild turkeys and Mr. AUdredge can remember of one occasion when his dog was chasing a flock of these birds and one of them jumped up on the fence where he caught it with his hands. At that time there was an old grist mill on the creek near Grafton, where the farmers had their grain ground by water power. Alonzo attended the common schools and remained at home with his parents until the age of twenty-one. At the age of seventeen he enlisted in Brown's company of Mt. Vernon. They made a trip to Morgantown, thence to Henderson and back to Mt. Vernon. He was also in Johnson's raid across the Kentucky border. At the age of twenty- one he began farming for himself, taking charge of his father's place of 200 acres. As only fifty acres of this tract were cleared, he had to subdue the forest before he could gain any benefit of the ground. These were 380 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY the days of split rail fences, some of those made at that time remaining to this day. When he started farming he had to cradle his own wheat, mow clover and other grass with a scythe and use oxen for farm work. One year Mr. AUdredge threshed wheat by tramping it out with four horses under a big shade tree. He was able to tramp out 200 bushels in a week's time.- He continued clearing his land and now has 240 acres under cultivation, having added to the original holding. Mr. AUdredge married Victoria Bishop, the marriage occurring in 1867. She- was born in Posey county, where she was raised and educated. They had four children: Lemuel, January 20, 1872, now living on the home place; Laura, May 4, 1874; Otis, January 5, 1870, and Minnie, December 3, 1876, now deceased. His first wife died February 7, 1877, and he married Miss Martha S. Pierman, daughter of James Pierman of Indiana. She was born in Posey county, where she was raised, educated and- married. They had five children: Marsh, February 23, 1880; Fred, August 13, 1881 ; Elijah, July 4, 1884; Julius, November 13, 1887, and Eva, November 15, 1890. Eva is deceased and the other four are all living in the county. Mrs. Martha AUdredge died January 26, 1891. He married as his third wife Sarah Pierman, a sister of his second wife. John S. AUdredge, county commissioner, farmer and former merchant of Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Posey county December 9, i860, son of Samuel S. AUdredge and Louisa (Allbright) AUdredge, natives of Posey county, where the family on both sides was engaged in farming and stock raising. John AUdredge was reared in Black township and after finishing the common schools he worked on the farm with his parents until twenty years of age, when he started out for himself, his father presenting him with a farm to begin on. He still lives on this same farm, but in the meantime he has branched out into other business. For two years Mr. AUdredge had an implement and buggy store in Mt. Vernon, firm style of AUdredge & Son, and previous to this, about 1895, opened a general merchandise store in Upton, and after opening the store in Mt. Vernon he managed the two, besides overseeing his three farms in Black township. He also bought grain for Fuhrer & Co. for two years and then for the hominy mill, and at present is buyer for the American Hominy Co. He has 300 acres of well-improved land, besides a fine home in Mt. Vernon. In 1910 Mr. AUdredge was elected county com missioner on the Democratic ticket. He is active in the Methodist Epis copal church and is a member of the Lion's association. On March 13, 1880, Mr. AUdredge married Miss Sallie Wilborn, daughter of William and Elizabeth Wilborn, natives of Posey county, where subject's wife was born and attended common school. They had three children : Her man, August 3, 1881 ; William J., November, 1885, and Delia, 1883. The first wife died in 1886. On September 18, 1887, Mr. AUdredge mar-, ried Miss Mary L. Redman, daughter of George and Ann Redman, na- HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 381 tives of Posey county, where their daughter was born and reared. Three children were born to this union, Elsie, 1888, who married Raymond Bray and lives in Posey county; Ethel, 1890, married Herbert Redman and lives in Mt. Vernon, where he is a barber in the Deitz shop, and Edith, deceased in infancy. William D. Erwin, a representative of one of the earliest families of Black township, Posey county, Indiana, was born in that township Feb ruary 15, 1859, son of Jefferson and Hannah (Howard) Erwin, both na tives of Tennessee. Hannah Howard was the daughter of Baldwin and Susan (Racier) Howard, also natives of Tennessee. The mother of our subject came to Posey county from Davis county, Indiana, and the father came here from Tennessee. He was born in 1814 and she on No vember 16, 1828. Jefferson Erwin was engaged in farming and stock raising and ran a carding machine to which the settlers brought their wool for many miles. This was the "hangout" for the settlers at certain seasons of the year. He also had a store at Farmersville for seven or eight years. He died December 20, 1875, and his wife November 13, 1888. William Erwin attended school for a short time at Crab Orchard school, but received most of his education at Farmersville. After finishing his course he began farming and has continued in this occupation, making a specialty of Jersey cattle and Poland China hogs at one time. He is a Democrat in politics and is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, the Encampment, the Rebekahs and the Ben Hur lodge. On March 14, 1882, Mr. Erwin married Mattie A. Redman, daughter of David and Johanna (Johnson) Redman, the former a native of England and the latter of Ireland, both coming to this country in childhood. Mrs. Erwin was born in Mt. Vernon on April 17, 1859, and attended common school at Farmersville and at Mt. Vernon. They have two children: Carrie, born August 23, 1884, and Dalton, April 15, 1883. Carrie at tended the schools of Crab Orchard, Farmersville and graduated from high school, 1902, at Mt. Vernon and taught school for one term of eight months. Dalton received his education in the Crab Orchard and Mt. Vernon schools and is a graduate of the Evansville Commercial College. On January 24, 1906, he married Mary E. Ashworth, daughter of David and Frances Ashworth, of Mt. Vernon, and lives in Mt. Vernon, where he is employed by the Chicago & Eastern Illinois railroad. They have two children, Agnes Ellen, born January 19, 1907, and William D., born February 20, 1909. Agnes E. is attending school in Mt. Vernon. Henry Uhde, a farmer of Black township, Posey county, Indiana, was born on the place where he now lives February 6, 1873, the only child of William and Margaret (Schnack) Uhde, natives of Germany, the mother from Holtstein and the father from Brunswick. He came to this coun try about 1855 and the wife in 1864. They settled in Posey county. William Uhde was a soldier in the Civil war, serving in the Sixty-fifth 382 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Indiana. They were married September 12, 1869. Henry was reared on the farm and graduated from the Mt. Vernon high school in 1889. The family lived in Nashville, Tenn., for a year and he attended the Catholic school of that place, as well as the public school. After leaving school he began farming and stock raising on the home place. His father died April 18, 1878. On May 15, 1902, Mr. Uhde married Carrie Starken, daughter of August and Margaret (Riecken) Starken, her parents being natives of Holtstein, Germany, where they were reared. They were married in the spring of 1864 and came to this country in 1865. Mr. Starken was a carpenter besides being a farmer and stock raiser. He died April 18, 1888. His wife died November 3, 1904. Carrie Starken was born in Black township May 31, 1878, where she was reared and at tended common school at the Gill schoolhouse, also attended the Mt. Vernon schools. Mr. and Mrs. Uhde have three children: Marguerite, Henry and Erwin. All three are attending at the Gill schoolhouse. The family are members of the Lutheran church at Mt. Vernon, and in poli tics Mr. Uhde is a Republican. Herman Hellenberg, a farmer of Black township, Indiana, was born in Posey county April 9, 1878, son of Henry and Minnie (Uhde) Hellen berg. Henry Hellenberg was born in Germany August 19, 1845, and came to this country on August 1, 1866, locating in Mt. Vernon, Ind. Henry Hellenberg was a carpenter by trade and worked at his trade in addition to farming and stock raising. He and his wife had seven chil dren, of whom Frank, of Black township, who has three boys, William, Louis and Frederick, and our subject are living. Minnie, who married George Quinzer, William, Annice, August and Henry died in infancy. The subject was the third child. He was reared in the place of his birth, attended the Gill and Upton schools. After finishing the common school course he began farming on the home place with his parents, who re tired in 1900 and located in Mt. Vernon. He has been farming the home place ever since, having eighty-seven acres west of Mt. Vernon. On January 28, 1905, Mr. Hellenberg married Emma Schmack, daughter of Fritz and Lizzie Schmack, natives of Germany, who came to this coun try in childhood. Mr. and Mrs. Schmack had seven children, Emma being the fourth. She was born in Black township and attended school at Gill schoolhouse. Mr. and Mrs. Hellenberg had three children : Henry, deceased ; Herman and Louise. Louise is now attending school in Black township. They are members of the Lutheran church, and Mr. Hellenberg is a Republican. The mother of our subject died July 19, 191 1. Elijah D. Whipple, a prosperous farmer, minister and former mer chant and postmaster, was born on the same farm where he now lives near Upton, Ind., September 7, 1856. At that time there were but two or three houses in the neighborhood and Upton did not exist. The parents of our subject were Willard and Mahalah (Jones) Whipple, the HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 383 former a native of New York and the latter of Livingston county, Ken tucky. The elder Whipple settled at Lawrenceburg, Ind., about sev enty-five years ago, and from there removed to Posey county when there was as yet only a little of the ground cleared and wild game was abundant, especially turkey and deer. Elijah Whipple was the eldest of three sons, and after finishing the common schools of those times he went to work on the farm with his parents. Later he farmed for two or three years in the bottoms. Upon the death of his father in the spring of 1876 he returned to the home place, and has lived there ever since. His mother died in 1877. In 1884 Mr. Whipple built a pretty home on his farm, which is well improved and contains 106 acres, all under cultiva tion. Formerly he was a breeder of Poland China hogs, but at present is engaged in general farming and stock raising. He has been a grain buyer for a number of years and is now agent for the Home Grain and Mill Company of Mt. Vernon, for which concern he buys grain at Up ton. At one time Mr. Whipple was in the general merchandise busi ness at Upton, and served as postmaster of the town for four years. The Whipple family are members of the Baptist church, in which our subject was ordained as a minister in 1908. He is a forceful speaker and has preached at several places with great success. He is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Ben Hur Lodge and of the Court of Honor, and in politics is a Prohibitionist. On July 18, 1875, the marriage of- Mr. Whipple to Nancy J. Nestler, daughter of Gilson and Permelia Nestler, took place. The parents of Mrs. Whipple were born in Black township, Posey county, where her father farmed. She was also born in Black township of that county, and was educated in the public schools. Two children were born of this union: Bessie E., December 25, 1891, who married Harley Crawford, and a resident of Kansas City, Mo., where he is an employee of the Metropolitan Railway Company, and Burton E., June 7, 1896, who is at home. The Mrs. Whip ple died December 1, 1901. On October 12, 1902, our subject married Mrs. Osie A. Aldredge, nee Welborn, daughter of William and Fre- donia Welborn, natives of this county engaged in farming and stock raising. She was born in Black township of this county, where she attended the common schools. They have two children, Bonnie M., born July 5, 1903, and Earle E., September 3, 1906, both attending school at Upton, where they have made exceptionally good records. Elisha H. Phillips, a representative of one of the old established families of Posey county, was born in Black township (same county) July 8, 1852. His grandfather and grandmother, Irad and Eunice (Ben nett) Phillips came here from New York, where they were both born, the former in January, 1773, and the latter in 1772. They located in Posey county, Indiana, in 1820, when their son Elisha Phillips, Sr., was a young man. Irad Phillips died in August, 1822, and his wife died in 384 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY August, 1837. Elisha Phillips, Sr., was born in New York Novem ber 19, 1802, and died in Posey county, Indiana, April 16, 1875. His wife, Volley (Burleson), daughter of Aaron and Mary (Hampton) Burleson, was born November 15, 1808, and died January 1, 1871. They are both buried in Burleson cemetery at Farmersville, Ind. When the Phillips family first came to Indiana this county was a wilderness, and Elisha, Sr., built his first home of logs in the woods, and was married in 1825. He and his wife became the parents of ten children : Ninvey, born April 17, 1827 ; Andrew H., born June 8, 1829 ; Elizabeth, born Jan uary 17, 1831; Volley A., deceased, born December 14, 1834; Eunice M., born February 10, 1836; Aaron H., born July 15, 1839; Jonathan H., born February 27, 1845; Elisha H., born July 8, 1852; John T., born January 14, 1841, and Fidelia T., born February 21, 1843. Elisha H. Phillips, the youngest child of Elisha and Volley Phillips, was born on the same farm where he now lives, and attended common school at Farmersville. After graduating from the common school course he be gan farming and raising stock. He remained at home with his parents until their deaths, after which the home place became his property. He is a stockholder in the Farmers' Elevator and Grain Company of Mt. Vernon. He is a member of the Regular Baptist church, and has sev eral times been elected delegate to the General Association of that de nomination. He is a director in the organization at Farmersville. He is also a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, of the Ben Hur lodge, and of the Democratic party. On the first of June, 1876, Mr. Phillips married Annie Dunn, daughter of Robert and Mary Dunn, natives of Butler county, Ohio, who came to Posey county before their marriage. They engaged in farming and stock raising. Robert Dunn was the son of James and Mary (McCluskey) Dunn, natives of Butler county, Ohio, where they were married. They are of Irish extraction. They came to Posey county when their son Robert was nine years of age, and engaged in farming. (See tombstone in Dunn cemetery.) Robert and Mary (Jones) Dunn had six children: Malinda, deceased, Annie, now Mrs. Phillips, Elizabeth, deceased, Angeline, deceased, John T., deceased, and William -H. Malinda married Caleb Erwin and had five children, Mary, Versie, Hannah, Elsie, and one who died in infancy. Elizabeth married Walter Hinkley and had one child, Owen. William H. married Elizabeth Buchannan and had two children, Robert and Margaret. Annie, the wife of our subject, was raised in Black town ship and educated at the Gill schoolhouse, where she graduated. Her parents are both dead, the father dying in February, 1879, and the mother in August, 1883. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips had seven children, Albert, William and Eugene, deceased, and Lemnel R., Elisha D., Grace and Zillie, living. Lemnel R. is a farmer of Black township. He married Lulie Dunn, and they have two children, Clyde and Marie. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 385 Elisha D. resides in Louisville, Ky. Grace married Henry Kiltz, farmer and rural mail carrier of Black township. They had two children, Horace, deceased, and Helen. Zillie married Herbert Hogan, retail liquor dealer of Mt. Vernon. They have two children, Starlus and Hazel. Mrs. Elisha Phillips is a member of the Regular Baptist church and active in her congregation at Farmersville. The Phillips farm of 132 acres is one of the best in Black township, and has been in the Phil lips family for three generations. Lorenz C. Miller (deceased) was born in Marrs township, Posey county, Indiana, July 9, 185 1, and was reared on his father's farm near St. Phillips and later became a farmer on his own account near Caborns. For many years he was a road supervisor. In politics he was a Repub lican, but was never active, being a quiet industrious man. He was killed by a traction car at St. Philip's Station October 29, 1911. Mr. Miller was married February 8, 1877, to Miss Margaret Wimpelberg, daughter of John and Margaret Wimpelberg, born December 14, 1858, in Vanderburg county, Indiana, of parents who were natives of Ger many, and who came to the United States about 1840. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have one son and five daughters living, and two daughters dead, Katie and Amelia. Elizabeth, born September 21, 1878, was married to Henry Battieger and is the mother of three children, Henry, Carl and Odelia. John L., born March 27, 1881, married Miss Maggie Debes May 10, 1905, by whom he has three daughters and one son, Thelma, Leona, Mildred and John Eugene, is now in the general merchandise business at Caborns Station ; Magdalena, born August 22, 1883, was mar ried to Henry Layer and is the mother of four children, Jessemay, Herdis, Clorous and Dorothy. Lillie, born February 17, 1890, married to Ramond Culley. Odelia, born May 26, 1892, and Emma O., born May 6, 1895. Odelia and Emma are still at home with their mother. Pitts Johnson, a farmer of Black township, Posey county, Indiana, was born on the same farm where he now lives, December 23, 1849. He traces his ancestry back to Capt. Edward Johnson, who came from Eng land with Governor Winthrop in 1630, and the genealogy of the family from this ancestor to our subject has been published and is very highly prized by him. His parents were D. F. and Dorcus (Duckworth) John son. D. F. Johnson was a native of New York State, having been born in Cayuga county June 16, 1804, was married June 16, 1825, to Dorcus Duckworth, who was born May 8, 1810, and who died January 23, 1879. He died in 1884. The founder of the family in Posey county was Rufus Johnson, grandfather of Pitts, who brought his family here in 1822. The father of our subject, with Dr. Phillips, went to Vincennes to enter land, making the trip by "riding and tying." Later D. F. Johnson became so homesick that he and Frank Allyn walked back to New York State. When the Johnsons first came here all the land was wild and very little 386 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY of it had been taken by settlers. Farming was done in the old fashioned way, the wheat being threshed by treading it out. D. C. Johnson, Mr. Allyn and another man were the first to bring a farm machine of any kind to this section of the country. It was a reaper and a man had to stand on it and rake the grain with a pitchfork. When the first frame house was built at Mt. Vernon people came for miles to see it. The building caused as much excitement as did the battleship which later came up the river. Mr. Johnson was married in 1869 and began farming for himself on the home place, where he had been working with his par ents since finishing school. He has always been on the home place with the exception of three years, when he went to the bottoms to farm. Mr. Johnson's wife was Miss Louisa Combs, daughter of John and Eliza beth Combs, natives of Posey county, Indiana, where Louisa was born June 28, 1853. She was reared in Black township and attended the com mon schools. They had two children : Sylvanus, born January 29, 1870, and Victor, born October 3, 1871, and died October 9, 1873. Sylvanus is a teacher in the Farmersville school, and has taught all over the country. He married Miss Emma Smith, daughter of James and Alice Smith, the wedding occurring August 31, 1892. She was born in Union county, Kentucky, and was raised in Posey county, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Syl vanus Johnson have five children: William, Harold, Dorothy, Virginia and Keith. Fred Schenk, a wealthy farmer of Robinson township, Posey county, Indiana, was born on the same farm where he still lives, on July 20, 1864, son "of Theodore and Francisco (Schenk) Schenk. Theodore Schenk was born in Aslargen, Westfallen, Germany, and came to America in 1844. He was a tailor, having learned the trade in the old country, but after working at the business awhile in this country he went to farming on account of his health. He bought sixty acres of land from Frank Schenk, his father-in-law, and began with practically nothing, but made a large fortune before his death, which occurred in 1902, at the home of his son Fred. The father of Theodore Schenk fought in the French and German war, and had two bullets in his body as long as he lived. Francisco Schenk was the daughter of Frank Schenk, who came to America in 1824, locating in Robinson township, Posey county, Indiana. At that time there were but twenty houses in Evansville and they had to cut a road through the woods to reach that point. They built a log house, and the first plow had a wooden mould board. How ever, a little land was cleared and planted to corn for bread, and they continually improved their condition. Francisco used to carry eggs to Evansville, sometimes taking a basket full which was so heavy that it took two men to put it on her head. One of the members of the Schenk family, on the mother's side, was considered one of the best singers in the world. She sang before the Emperor and became famous the world HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 387 over. She is a second cousin of our subject. Fred Schenk was born in a long house on the site of which now stands a palatial residence, modern in every way, with inlaid hardwood floors, tile roofing, furnace heat, and hot and cold water. In the yard is a fountain, flower gardens and cement walks. It is one of the most beautiful homes in the county, unsurpassed by any in the city. Fred attended school in St. Philip, walking three miles to school every morning. After completing his education he began farming on the home place, his parents remaining with him until they passed away, the father in 1902 and the mother six years earlier. The brother of our subject was a Roman Catholic priest, and for several years was rector of the church at St. Joseph, Vanderburg county. He died in March, 1909. Mr. Schenk has seen the evolution of farm traffic from oxen to buggies and from buggies to automobiles, and drives one of the latter. He is agent for the Monitor Iron Com pany of Big Prairie, Ohio, which produces a self-heating flatiron. He employes fifteen men in selling this article and makes his deliveries with an auto truck. All his farm produce is hauled to Evansville. In his memory wheat reaping was done with the cradle. He has tied many sheaves of wheat, and was considered very rapid in this line of work: The Schenk farm consists of 135 acres. Mr. Schenk was elected justice of the peace on the Democratic ticket in 1910, and is now holding that office. Mr. Schenk was married in St. Philip's church to Julia Fisher, daughter of Valentine Fisher (see sketch of Henry Fisher). She was born in Posey county, attended school at St. Philip, and at the St. Joseph Academy of Evansville, from which she was graduated. They have two children, John and Lillie, both of whom attended school at St. Philip, and both are now helping their parents. The family are members of the Catholic church at St. Philip, and Mr. Schenk served the organ ization as trustee from 1908 to 1912. Enoch W. McFaddin. — To the resident of Posey county the name of McFaddin is as familiar as that of Washington to the school boy. Members of the family had examined the site of the present city of Mt. Vernon, while on hunting expeditions, previous to its cession by the Indians. Andrew McFaddin, known as "Piddle-de-dum," squatted on land now a part of the city about 1905. He was soon followed by "Slim" Andrew and William, and the locality became known as McFad din's Bluff. In the development of the county, members of this family have borne an important part, have been honored with public office, in which they have served with credit, and numbered among them have been men of substantial property and influence. Enoch W. McFaddin was born on his father's farm in Lynn township, August 1, 1867, a son of Philocles P. and Malinda (Bundy) McFaddin. The father was a son of Noah and Sarah (Albright) McFaddin, and was also born on the McFaddin farm in Lynn township, November 4, 1844. Noah 388 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY McFaddin was the first of the family to settle in Lynn township, and the original homestead is now owned by his grandson, Noah McFaddin. Philocles P. McFaddin attended the country schools of his home dis trict, three terms at Mt. Vernon, and completed a course at Owensville (Indiana) Academy. He married when nineteen years of age. He was throughout his lifetime engaged in agriculture and in this occupation he was successful ; he accumulated a comfortable fortune, became a man of influence in his section, where he was highly respected for his honesty and clean living. He was a Democrat, took an active part in the work of his party, and was always ready to assist both with time and money any movement that had for its object the improvement of the commer cial, civic or religious life of the community. He married, on May 15, 1864, Malinda Bundy, daughter of James and Louisa (Weir) Bundy. She was born January 8, 1845, in Posey county. Mr. and Mrs. McFad din became the parents of six children : James F. ; Enoch W., Noah, sketches of whom follow; Benoni, Idellia, Hannie B. and Lemuel Pu who died when quite young. Mr. McFaddin was a member of Artie Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of New Harmony, and both he and his wife were members of the General Baptist church. His death occurred in 1891, and that of his wife on January 20, 1893. Enoch W. McFaddin was reared in Lynn township, attended the public schools and assisted in the work incident to carrying on his father's farm. He engaged in farming on his own account in 1891, and is accounted one of the most successful agriculturists of his township. The improve ments on his property are second to none in Posey county. He is widely known in southern Indiana and Illinois as a breeder of light harness horses. He is the owner of Argot W. Wilkes, one of the noted pacing stallions of this section of the State. Daisy Lee, 2:2354, was reared and trained by him, as well as several other valuable animals. He is quite an extensive breeder of Poland-China hogs, and in this line of endeavor has met with success. He is also the owner of a saw mill on Big Creek, which has proven a profitable investment. Mr. McFaddin has been a lifelong Democrat, and has been an active worker in the interests of that organization. He was elected trustee of Lynn township in 1908. His administration of the business of this office was highly creditable. Extensive improvements were made to the township roads, school buildings remodeled and repaired, and several bridges replaced by new ones. Through his handling of the township's finances he was able to reduce the tax levy each year, while accomplishing more in the way of improvements than had any of his predecessors in office. He was a candidate for the office of sheriff in 1912, but failed to secure the majority necessary for election. He is a member of Artie Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, No. 396, of New Harmony, Mt. Vernon Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 389 Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and Posey Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles. Mr. McFaddin married, on March 28, 1897, Miss Flora Alexander, daughter of David and Phoebe Alexander. She was born in Posey county on July 6, 1870. The McFaddin home is known for its hospitality, its hostess for her qualities of heart and mind; as is her husband for his goodfellowship, broadmindedness and charity toward his fellow man. He is one of the county's best known sportsmen, a splendid shot, and his hours of recreation are given to the woods, field and stream. Noah McFaddin is a prominent farmer of Lynn township, and a representative of one of Posey county's honored pioneer families. He was born in Lynn township January 5, 1871, and is a son of Philocles P. and Malinda ( Bundy) McFaddin, both natives of Posey county. Malinda Bundy was born January 8, 1845, and was a daughter of James and Louisa (Weir) Bundy, both pioneers of Posey county. Philocles McFaddin spent his entire life in Lynn township, where he was a prosperous farmer. His parents were Noah and Sarah (Albright) McFaddin, both natives of Kentucky, where the former was born in 1802, the latter in 1804. Noah McFaddin, grandfather of the subject of this review, was a native of Kentucky and of Irish descent. Noah Mc Fadden, whose name introduces this sketch, was reared on his father's farm in Lynn township and educated in the public schools. He is one of the progressive farmers and grain dealers of Lynn township, to which his fine, well kept acres bear witness. Mr. McFaddin was united in mar riage January 8, 1902, to Miss Florence Gano, a native of Posey county. To this union have been born five children: Merle, Hazel, Charles, Hanie and Myron (deceased). Mr. McFaddin is a staunch Democrat and always takes an active interest in the party organization. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. He is a genial gentleman and one of the substantial citizens of Posey county. James F. McFaddin, former sheriff and influential citizen of Posey county, was born on his father's farm in Lynn township on April 13, 1865, and is the eldest son of Philocles P. and Malinda (Bundy) Mc Faddin (see sketch of Enoch W. McFaddin). He was reared on his father's farm in Lynn township and educated in the schools of that township and New Harmony. Since boyhood, he has been actively identified with the agricultural interests of Lynn township, is an ex tensive owner of farm properties, and has operated them profitably. He is best known to the citizens of his home county through his service in public office. In 1894 he. was elected trustee of Lynn township and occupied the office of sheriff of Posey county from January 1, 1902, until January 1, 1906. His administrations of the affairs of these offices were highly creditable to himself and profitable to his township and county. He is a Democrat and prominent in the councils of his party. 39° HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY On entering the sheriff's office he became a resident of Mt. Vernon, and on conclusion of his service engaged in the grain business. Mr. Mc Faddin is also well and favorably known as a breeder of pedigreed horses. A number of the best animals produced in the county having been bred, trained and raced by him. He is a member of Mt. Vernon Lodge, No. 277, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and of the Baptist church. In 1885 he married Miss Ida B. Aldrich, daughter of Thomas L. and Isabella Aldrich, of Lynn township, and a member of one of Posey county's most prominent pioneer families. George C. Taylor, New Harmony, a leading member of the Posey county bar, and a descendant of pioneer ancestry, is a native of New Harmony. He was born October 8, 1867, and is a son of Canada and Jane (Williams) Taylor. Canada Taylor was also born in New Har mony in 183 1. He was a river pilot by occupation, which he followed principally throughout his life. However, he served as city marshal of New Harmony for a time. He died March 31, 1875. He was a son of Tarpey Taylor, a native of North Carolina, who settled in New Har mony not far from 1820. He was a man of remarkable physical strength, a veritable giant, and his marvelous feats of strength would seem almost incredible. After coming to Posey county he made New Harmony his home until the time of his death. Jane Williams, our subject's mother, was also born in New Harmony, and spent her life there. She died April 7, 1878. She was the daughter of John Williams, who was a native of Tennessee, and settled in the vicinity of New Harmony at an early day. George C. Taylor was one of a family of three children: Frances, married Joseph W. Camp, Terre Haute ; Delia, married Warren Roberts, Fort Branch; and George C. George was reared in Stewarts ville to the age of fifteen. He attended the public schools, and when seventeen years old began teaching in the district schools to get money to obtain a higher education. It was not long until he was elected prin cipal of the Wadesville schools, where he remained one year. In the meantime he had attended the State normal school at Terre Haute, and in 1891 became principal of the New Harmony schools, a position he held for four years. He then entered a law office to pursue the study of law. Having devoted much time to the study of law prior to this time, he was prepared for examination a year later, or in 1896, when he was duly admitted to practice. Since that time Mr. Taylor has been engaged in the practice of his profession in New Harmony, where he has built up a large practice, and won the confidence and esteem of a host of acquaintances throughout Posey and adjoining counties. Mr. Taylor is an able lawyer and has ever been loyal to the interests of his clients, and although aggressive where the occasion demands, he is not, however, unfair to an adversary. He served as assistant prosecutor of Posey county from 1896 to 1906, and for fifteen years has been city HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 39I attorney for New Harmony, and for an equal length of time has been attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad Company. On October i, 1904, Mr. Taylor was united in marriage to Miss Mary E. Foshee, of Mt. Vernon, Ind. Mrs. Taylor is an estimable woman, whose genial manner and noble character have won many friends. She comes from a highly respected pioneer family of Posey county. Mr. Taylor is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Knights of Pythias. Politically, he is a Democrat, and has taken keen interest in the councils of his party. He is always interested in any movement which tends to the betterment of his town or county. He has been secretary of the Posey County Agriculture Society for eight years, and is secretary of the New Harmony 1914 Centennial. Thomas Jones, a successful farmer of Black township, Posey county, Indiana, was born in Lynn township, of the same county, October 25, 1843, son of Samuel and Malinda (Nelson) Jones, the former a native of Kentucky, and the latter a native of Tennessee. These parents had fourteen children, of whom Thomas was the fourth. Samuel Jones was engaged in farming and stock raising, and our subject was reared on the farm, where he attended the country schools. In August, 1863, although yet under twenty years of age, he enlisted in Company H, Ninety-first Indiana regiment. After the war he returned to Black town ship, to which the family had removed in 1853, and began farming and raising stock for himself. He has continued in that occupation ever since, and has met with a large degree of success. He is a member of the Primitive Baptist church, and in politics is a Democrat. In Jan uary, 1866, Mr. Jones married Mis*s Edith C. Hinkley, daughter of Wil liam C. and Nancy Hinkley, natives of Posey county, where they were engaged in farming and stock raising. Mrs. Jones was born in Black township and attended the common schools. They have had five chil dren: Charles, deceased; Mary, married to Jewell Jukam, and living in Denver, Colo.; Sarah, married Wallace Wilson, they live in Seattle, Wash., and have one child, Walter ; Ida, lives in Denver with her sister Mary; George, at home with his parents. The family are members of the Regular Baptist church. Dr. Samuel C. Henderson, a successful practicing physician of Howell, Ind., was born at Surgeonville, Hawkins county, Tennessee, January 16, 1848, son of S. L. and Annie (Williams) Henderson. The grandfather of our subject was killed and robbed by Indians near Chattanooga, Tenn. He had been making a campaign speech at Manchester, a short distance from the city, in the interests of a man by the name of Young, who was running for governor. The next day he started for Chattanooga and the tragedy occurred. Annie Williams was the daughter of Silas and Mary (Gibson) Williams, the former a soldier in the War of 1812, was wounded at Tohopeka (Horse Shoe Bend), March 27, 1814. Samuel 392 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Henderson was reared on a farm in Tennessee, attended the common schools of that day, and at the age of fifteen he enlisted in Company E, First Tennessee Federal cavalry, but on account of his youth was not permitted to serve, and was discharged June n, 1865. Two of his brothers were in the Federal army, and one was in the rebel army. After his discharge he again attended school and on March 20, 1866, came to Indiana, locating first at Francisco, in GibsOn county. He attended school in Owensville and later taught school in Columbia township, now Center township. He also taught one year at Cox school house, in Posey county. He paid for his education by teaching and by working in the harvest fields in the summer, receiving $3.50 per day for tying wheat. He secured a first grade certificate, and in 1873 began reading medicine, continuing the study three years while teaching school. He then attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Cincinnati. He was graduated from the Evansville Medical College in 1879. After his graduation he established himself in practice in St. Philip, where he has since remained and has met with great success, accumulating a com fortable fortune meanwhile. He has retired from the most arduous duties of a physician, but still attends to some office practice. Dr. Henderson has a farm, and is a raiser of fine cattle and hogs. He has been township physician three years, and back in 1875 he was assessor for Center township, Gibson county. He is the only Democrat in the family, even his brother who served in the rebel army being a Republican. In faith he is a Methodist, but is not a member of any church. On August 7, 1873, Dr. Henderson married Barbara Pelt, daughter of James and Nancy Pelt. She was born in Wadesville, Ind., where she was reared and received her education. They are the parents of eight children: Annie (deceased), Ina, Estella, Ethel, Myrtle, Charlie, Irma and Versia. Charlie lives in Mt. Vernon and is engaged in farming and stock raising". Irma and Versia are at home with their parents. Henry Herschelman, a prosperous farmer of Howell, Ind., was born in German township, Vanderburg county, Indiana, February 23, 1853, son of Andrew and Sophia (Leipold) Herschelman, the former a native of Bavaria, and the latter from Wittenberg, Germany. Andrew Her schelman came to this country at the age of twenty. He was a car penter, and had tools to do the very finest wood work. After several years in America he took up farming in Vanderburg county and con tinued this occupation until his death in 1897. Henry Herschelman was reared and attended the schools of his native county, and later went to work on the home place with his parents, where he remained until he was twenty-seven years of age. He then began in life for himself. His father gave him seventy-three acres of land in Posey county, and he came here in 1880, and has remained ever since. Even at that date the land was wild and he began clearing it up year by year and improving HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 393 lt with buildings. He now has 120 acres of land, 100 acres of which are under cultivation. He has always engaged in general farming and stock raising. Mr. Herschelman has been a notary public for the past sixteen years. In politics he is a Republican. On May 6, 1880, Mr. Herschelman married Louisa Baumann, daughter of George and Sophia Baumann, natives of Wittenberg, Germany, who came to Posey county in early times and settled in Robinson township, where the wife of our subject was born and reared, and where she received her education in the public schools. Mr. and Mrs. Herschelman have had four children : Amelia (deceased) ; Wesley, who married Cora Luker, and lives with her father on the farm in Robinson township ; Mary, who married George Maier, lives on the Herschelman farm, and is the mother of two children, Edgar and Gilbert; Carry, who is living with her parents. The family are members of the German Methodist church. George Seib, a farmer of Cynthiana, Ind., was born January 20, 1840, in Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, son of John and Elizabeth Seib. His parents came to America in 1846 and settled in Posey county, where he now lives. When John Seib bought the land there were only about three acres cleared, in fact there was very little cleared ground in the vicinity, and our subject helped clear a great deal of ground. When the house was built he helped clear the ground from around the home. Some of the logs of this first house are in a granary now in use on the place. After finishing the common schools Mr. Seib farmed on the home place and has lived there all his life with the exception of two years, when he was in Illinois. He has added to the original holding and now has 107 acres under cultivation. He is a Democrat in politics, and is a member of the Catholic church. On June 13, 1865, Mr. Seib married Miss Weida Knapps, daughter of Philip Knapps. She was born in Posey county and attended the common schools of St. Wendel. They have ten children : Peter J., Emil, Mary, John, Annie, George H., Catherine, Nicholas, Barbara and Elizabeth. Eight of the children are married and have families, and the other two are at home with their parents. Six live in Posey county and four in Vanderburg county. They are all members of the Catholic church, the family church home being St. Wendel. Walter G. Carson, a successful farmer of Black township, Posey county, Indiana, was born January 9, 1862, son of James M. and Jane (Barton) Carson, natives of this county, where the father was a farmer. James M. Carson was captain of the Ninety-first Indiana Volunteers, and before the war was over he was made major, holding that office until 1865. He farmed from that time till his death in 1867. Walter G. Carson was born and raised in Marrs township, and in his boyhood there was a great deal of timber land and he did his share of the clearing. The school house in which he received his education was built of logs, 394 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY seats made of planks with holes bored in them and pegs driven in for legs, and the desks consisted of pegs driven into the walls with boards laid over the pegs. After leaving school he went to work on the farm, first at home for a time, and later hiring out to farmers for several years. The first work he did in the harvest field was to follow with a hand rake the man who was cradling wheat. About August, 1881, Mr. Carson started farming for himself, first in Marrs township and later removed to Black township, where he has now bought a farm of sixty acres. He rents eighty acres adjoining his place, thus farming 140 acres in all. His principal crops are wheat, corn and clover. In his early farming experiences Mr. Carson used cattle, and at that time the outfit of a well prepared farmer would be a plow, harrow, wagon and team. The hay was cut with a scythe and hand raked, and they made their own pitch forks out of dog wood. The schools had terms of about three months out of each year, and one teacher had sixty to seventy pupils in one small room. There were no railroads, and few people had buggies. Mr. Carson was married April 7, 1889, to Parkina Shaw, daughter of Allen and Katherine (Weimiller) Shaw. Her father was a native of England, who came to this country at the age of twelve. Her mother's people were natives of this country and were farmers. Mrs. Carson was born in Posey county January 6, 1868, and was educated in the common schools. Mr. and Mrs. Carson had two children, one of whom died in infancy. Lela, the one remaining child, is a graduate of the common schools. She is an active church worker and takes great in terest in Sunday school matters. The family are all members of the General Baptist church, and take an active part in church affairs. Mr. Carson is a Republican. Fred H. Hagerman, a retired farmer and well-to-do influencial citizen of Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Schnathoist, Germany, October 3, 1839, son of Henry and Mary Hagerman, natives of the Fatherland, where they were engaged in farming and stock raising. Fred H. was educated in the schools of his own country and at the age of nineteen years he came to America, locating in Vanderburg county. He worked in a brick yard and in 1862 hired out as a farm hand. He then came to Evansville, where he was married in 1867. He had only $1.25 in his pocket when he first came to Evansville, and was an entire stranger to everyone. In 1870 Mr. Hagerman moved his family to Henderson county, Kentucky, where they lived on a farm until 1874, when they bought a farm in Walnut Grove, Ky., just across the river from Posey county, and lived there for six years. This farm was the first one bought by Mr. Hager man, and contained 200 acres. In 1880 they removed to Posey county, buying the sixty acres of land which was known as McFaddins Bluffs, and began farming. Sixteen years later Mr. Hagerman built a sub stantial and beautiful farm house of brick and stone, surrounded with HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 395 wide lawns and beautiful trees. Gradually he added to his savings and bought land until he now owns 650 acres in Henderson county, Ken tucky, and 400 in Posey county. His secret of success is hard work and economy, and by means of these two he has become not only one of the most wealthy, but one of the most influential of the old settlers of the county. Mr. Hagerman married Augusta Dusner on March 14, 1867. She is the daughter of Philip and Williamania Dusner, the former en gaged in shoemaking in Evansville, where he had a shoe store. Mrs. Hagerman was born and educated in Evansville, and it was here she met and married her husband. Nine children were born to them : Katie, deceased, Philip H., Mollie, deceased, Frederick O., Sophie V., Eliza beth R., Charles E., William L., and Bertha P. Sophia V. married F. J. Wittmer, and they live in Evansville. Elizabeth R. married August Blosfeld, who is now deceased. Bertha P. married John H. Moore, deceased, and is now at home with her parents. The family are mem bers of the German Trinity church. While living in Henderson county, Kentucky, Mr. Hagerman was school trustee for two or three terms. In his early manhood, while in Vanderburg county he belonged to the Home Guard, joining in 1864 and remaining till the close of the war. Fred O. Hagerman, a farmer, stockman and grain dealer of Mt. Ver non, Ind., was born in Henderson county, Kentucky, January 12, 1874, son of F. H. Hagerman and Augusta (Dusner) Hagerman, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Evansville (see sketch of F. H. Hagerman). When he was about five years of age his parents removed to Posey county, Indiana, locating in Black township, and now live adjoining Mt. Vernon. Fred Hagerman was educated in the public schools of Mt. Vernon and in a business college at Evansville. After finishing school he was employed in McCarthy's drug store at Mt. Vernon, later sold to Charles Dawson. After working in the drug busi ness two years he engaged in farming in Kentucky. The first year he farmed about 120 acres, and the next year increased it to more than 200 acres. He then rented some of his father's land and for five years farmed 500 acres. During this time he was making a specialty of Poland China hogs and raising corn, and in the winter bought and fattened cattle for the market. In 1900 Mr. Hagerman removed to Posey county, where he bought his present farm of 324 acres, three miles west of Mt. Vernon. He continued to farm his land in Kentucky, handling in all over 700 acres. In the last three years Mr. Hagerman has de voted his time almost entirely to stock raising. In the past years he raised registered Short Horns, but has now changed to registered Here- fords, and his herd is one of the finest in the State. He buys and ships large numbers of cattle, his farm in Posey county being especially equipped for the business. He is also a stockholder in the Farmers' Elevator Company of Mt. Vernon. In politics he is a Republican. He 396 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY belongs to the German Lutheran church, to the Modern Woodmen of America, and to the Eagles. On February 20, 1894, Mr. Hagerman married Katherine Loerch, daughter of Godford and Mary (Moll) Loerch. Her father is a native of Germany, and her mother of Posey county. Godford Loerch lived at Evansville, where his daughter Kath erine was born, but when she was a small child the family removed to Mt. Vernon, where her father engaged in the stone business, and where she attended the common schools. Mr. and Mrs. Hagerman have two children, Mary Augusta and Ralph Gilbert, both students at the Gill school house in Black township. The family are members of the Lutheran church. Alfred E. Smith, a specialist in the culture of fruit and berries, and of bees, living near Mt. Vernon, Ind., was born in Richmond, Va., June 15, 1847, son of John A. and Mary Ann (Clark) Smith, both natives of Virginia. When Alfred was eight years of age the family removed from Richmond to Kentucky, where John Smith engaged in the manufacture of tobacco. He also conducted a hotel at Columbus, Ky. Alfred went to school in a log school house. At the close of the Civil war the family removed to Mt. Vernon, where the father resumed the manufacture of plug tobacco and cigars. Our subject started out in life by helping his father in the tobacco business. When they discontinued the manufac ture of cigars, Alfred became a carpenter and helped build the first Louisville & Nashville depot in Mt. Vernon. After working as a car penter for a few years he began draying in 1878, and still continues this business. Mr. Smith also manufactures bee hives and fixtures, and has also developed a large bee industry, having at present 140 colonies of bees, making a comfortable income from this source alone. Some years ago he removed to a farm overlooking the city of Mt. Vernon for the accommodation of his bee interests, and since that time has developed a large fruit and produce business, raising peaches, pears, apples and cherries. Mr. Smith is scientific and carries on experiments for the betterment of his methods. He has succeeded in raising on one tree twelve different varieties of plums, three of cherris and one of peaches. Another line to which he pays a great deal of attention is berries, of which he has several varieties. His garden is one of the largest in this section of the State. The Smith home is one of the most beautiful spots in or about Mt. Vernon. It is located on a high hill just outside of town. Our subject is making a close study of fruit and produce culture, and is meeting with marked success. In politics he is a Demo crat. On November 20, 1870, Mr. Smith eloped with Nannie Daniels and they went to Shawneetown, where they were married. She was born in Mt. Vernon, Ind., May 6, 1854, daughter of William P. and Eliza (Wilson) Daniels, the father a native of Indiana and the mother of Kentucky. The Daniels home stood where the Methodist Episcopal HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 397 church is now located. Mr. and Mrs. Smith had eleven children: Nelia, Nellie, Alfred E. deceased, William Archibald, Nannie, Charles, Floyd, Percy, Nora, Thomas, and Cornelius, deceased. Nelia married Samp Jeffries, and they live in Black township. Nellie married William Brissell, a merchant of Mt. Vernon. William Archibald married Ethel Wilson, and is farming on Greathouse Island. Nannie married Ed Mischke, agent for the Louisville & Nashville railroad at Hartford, Ky. Charles married Myrtle Mischke, and is now agent of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois at Farmersburg. Ind. Floyd married Miss Margaret Winn, and is in the automobile business at Nashville, Tenn. Percy married Eugenia Pembroke, and is ticket agent at Guthrie, Ky. Nora married Ralph Curtis, and they live on a farm in Black township. Thomas is at home with his parents. The family are members of the Methodist church. S. Benthal, farmer, stock raiser and cattle feeder of Farmersville, Ind., was born in Black township, Posey county, same State, December 9, 1841, son of Cornelius and Rachael (Rowe) Benthal, the former a native of North Carolina, and the latter of Kentucky. They were married about 1836. Rachael Rowe was first married to David Culley and to them were born two children. Through her marriage to Cornelius Benthal she has eight children, of whom our subject was the fourth. Only one of the others is living: William, who lives in Jefferson county, Illinois. Those deceased are: Mary, Thomas, Rebecca, Jacob, Jowell, Sarah and Elijah. The father and mother died within a few weeks of each other in 1852, leaving this large family of children, the youngest only six months old. Our subject was then about eleven years of age and had to begin taking care of himself, and has continued to do so the rest of his life. What little schooling he received was at the country school house, with slab benches, and one long desk fixed to the wall. He worked on the farm with his uncle, Perry Allen, until July 9, 1861, when he enlisted in Company A, Twenty-fifth Indiana infantry. He left Evansville for St. Louis in the fall of 1861, then to Georgetown, Mo., and from there marched to Springfield, Mo., thence back to the Laurine river. They went to Cold Harbor where they cap tured some prisoners and took them to St. Louis. They next camped in Jefferson Branch for a few weeks, after which they came by boat to Cairo and joined the fleet going to Fort Henry. The regiment went to Fort Donelson and after the battle there was ordered to Shiloh, where they participated for two days in the battle of that name. Thomas Marvel, retired farmer and former school teacher, is the great-grandson of Thomas Marvel, of Sussex county, Delaware. The following historical record is quoted: "Andrew Marvel was a member of the English Parliament about the middle of the Seventeenth century and did his whole duty. There was not 398 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY gold enough in the King's exchequer to make him swerve from the right. He was an author and poet of considerable note." It is a well known fact that the Marvels constituted a part of the colony of Sussex county, Delaware. The Marvels turned their attention to the raising of peaches and fine horses. From the first they made their brandy, which became an indispensable article for family use and public gath erings. They were fond of well trained saddle horses and in their esti mation speed was an addition to his other good qualities. No young man in all that country rode a finer horse or possessed a more richly mounted saddle than did David Marvel, who was himself dressed in the finest blue broadcloth. There was living in the same country a wealthy French family by the name of Prettyman, whose daughter was the prettiest girl in all the land. To her, after obtaining the consent of her parents, young David made suit and Miss Comfort Prettyman be came his wife. Their family occupied a leading place in society, being composed of daughters, with only one son, born in 1760, whom they named Prettyman. This boy when he grew up was very small, and was an expert rider of horses, which he made profitable as a business. When he wished a wife he sought and obtained the hand of Miss Lavina Rogers, whose near relative was governor of Delaware. His cousin, Elisha Marvel, married her sister Orpha. Thomas Marvel, the great grandfather of our subject, was born about 1750. Elisha Marvel, the son of Thomas and Susannah Marvel, was born October 28, 1771, and married Orpha Rogers, who was born December 22, 1775, daughter of John and Comfort Rogers. They had twelve children, as follows : Painter, born October 20, 1793 ; Comfort, born October 8, 1795 ; Levina, born February 18, 1798 ; Elisha, born April 6, 1801 ; George, born Octo ber 28, 1803 ; Polly, born April 6, 1806 ; William, born October 22, 1808 ; Orpha, born May 13, 181 1; Thomas, born March 20, 1814; Cenie, born December 31, 1816; John Rogers, born July 8, 1819; Unice, born March 2, 1823. All grew to manhood and womanhood except William, who died when quite young. Painter Marvel, the eldest child of Elisha and Orpha Marvel, was born in Delaware and went with his parents to Georgia at the age of five years. The family came to Kentucky from Georgia about the year 1800, or a little later. In 181 1 they crossed the Ohio into Indiana, locating in Gibson county, five years before Indiana became a State. Painter Marvel, then eighteen years of age, entered the land on which the family lived. This was in the midst of the forest and he, with his father and brothers, cleared a part of the ground and began farming. He was commissioned by the first governor of the State as lieutenant of a home guard company organized for the protection of the settlers. Painted Marvel farmed all of his life and amassed a com fortable fortune. His death occurred January 18, 1864, at the age of seventy-one, and that of his wife October 16, 1857. They had seven HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 399 children : Martitia, born September 13, 1823 ; Serelda, born January 20, 1825; James, born June 15, 1826; Eliza J., born February 24, 1828; Wil liam L-> born November 2, 1829; Amanda, born February 1, 1832, and Thomas, born May 11, 1834. All are deceased except Thomas, our subject, and Amanda, who married Nicholas W. Robinson, now de ceased, and is living in Ardmore, Okla. Thomas Marvel was reared on a farm in Gibson county, Indiana, where he was born. He attended the country schools, built of logs, with puncheon floors and home-made benches of split logs. There were no blackboards. The writing was done with quill pens, and the ink made of pokeberry juice. After leaving school he entered the Indiana Asbury University at Greencastle, now the DePauw University, where he was a student from 185 1 to 1854. Prof. Larribee, one of his teachers, was the first State Superintendent of Public Instruction. As there were no railroads, he had to drive to Greencastle in a hack. He began teaching September 4, 1854, in the same schoolhouse he first went to as a boy. He introduced the use of blackboards. Mr. Marvel taught school at different times, and in seven different rural schools, and between times he farmed and was very suc cessful. In August, 1904, he retired and removed to Cynthiana, and since that time has been councilman one term: Mr. Marvel has seen. many changes in his lifetime. He remembers driving oxen, then horses, and his father bought the first buggy in their neighborhood. Now he drives an automobile. He also remembers when there were no carpets or cook stoves. Mr. Marvel was raised a Whig, but from the organiza tion of the Republican party voted that ticket until 1887, and has voted the Prohibitionist ticket ever since. He is a member of the First Christian church, in which he is deacon and moderator. On September 14, 1854, Mr. Marvel married Miss Betsie Serina Ros- borough, daughter of Alexander and Lucile (Emerson) Rosborough, natives of Gibson county, where she was born and raised. They had six children: William L., born August 11, 1855; Eliza J., born Sep tember 26, 1858; Lillie B., born January 24, i860; Alexander L., born November 7, 1864; Lemuel E., born November 8, 1870; Roberta Imo, born April 10, 1877. All are living except William L. Eliza J. married Leroy C. Wilson, and they live at Poseyville; Lillie B. married James C. Calvert, and lives at Cynthiana; Roberta Imo married Jesse J. Shelton, and they live in Posey county (see sketch of Thomas and Jesse J. Shel ton) ; William L. married Luella Calvert, both now deceased ; Alexan der married Laura Stone, and they live in Owensville (see Dr. Alexander L. Marvel) ; Lemuel E. married Katie Fitzgerald, and they live at Clin ton, Ind. The wife and mother died September 2, 1892. The second wife was Hattie Berridge, nee Cross, daughter of William and Mahala (Davis) Cross, natives of Cambridge, England, where she was born. She came to America with her parents when quite small. Both parents of Mrs. Marvel are now deceased. 400 HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY Dr. Alexander L. Marvel, a veterinary surgeon of Owensville, Ind., was born November 7, 1864, and is a son of Thomas Marvel, a sketch of whom precedes this article. Dr. Marvel graduated from the Indiana Veterinary College at Indianapolis in 1904. Previous to that he at tended the Chicago Veterinary College and practiced in Owensville in 1903. Dr. Marvel is married and has two children, Naomi and Adrian L. Adrian L. Marvel was born April 5, 1888, and married Nellie M. Wilson, daughter of Columbus and Nancy Wilson. Mrs. Marvel was born in Gibson county, Indiana, where she attended public schools. Her high school education was received at Owensville. Adrian L. Marvel and wife are the parents of two children, Adrian Wilson, born August 18, 1908, and Mirabel, born October 3, 1910. Clarence P. Wolfe, of New Harmony, is one of the live newspaper men of Posey county. Mr. Wolfe is a native of Indiana and was born in Harrison county, January 20, 1870. He received his education in the public schools and Borden Institute. In early life he began his journalistic career as a reporter on the Evansville "Courier." In 1892 he severed his connection with that paper and on June 20 of that year founded the New Harmony "Times," further mention of which is made in the chapter, "Newspapers," of this, volume. Clarence Wolfe was elected trustee of Harmony township in 1908 without opposition, and is now serving in that capacity. He is capable, conscientious, and a hard worker, and justly merits the confidence of the public in the busi ness and political world. He is a Democrat. Elisha E. Ellis, a successful and popular educator of Posey county, was born on his father's farm on January 13, 1862, a son of John D. and Harriett (Russell) Ellis, both of whom were natives of Posey county. Prof. Ellis received his preliminary educational discipline in the Farmers ville schools, later in Mt. Vernon, and completed a two-years course in Purdue University. On completion of his education, he engaged in teaching, and at the time of his death, which occurred February 24, 1910, he was principal of the Griffin schools. As a teacher he was recog nized as one of the most able in the county, and his death cut short a career which promised rapid advancement in the educational field. He was a member of the Masonic order, the Red Men, and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Ellis married, on September 2, 1891, Mrs. Vina K. Barter, nee Kittle, a daughter of William and Gilliah (Kivett) Kittle. William Edward Hastings, M. D., a leading physician of Mt. Vernon, was born in Point township, Posey county, Indiana, August 10, 1867, son of William Thomas and Jane (Booth) Hastings, the former born in Delaware and the latter in Posey county. William T. Hastings came to Posey county with his parents when he was a small boy, and they settled in Point township somewhere between the years 1830 and 1835. HISTORY OF POSEY COUNTY 401 Grandfather Hastings was of English descent, and was born in Dela ware. Grandfather Thomas Booth was born in Posey county, and made his home in Point township, where he died early in life. His father was a pioneer settler in the county. The father of Dr. William E. was a farmer in Point township and died at the age of fifty-five. His wife died at the age of seventy. They had four children who lived to maturity: Thomas, died in 1886, at the age of twenty-eight; David died in 1887, aged twenty-two; William and Ida are still living. Ida married Charles F. Engler, of Mt. Vernon. William E. Hastings was reared on his father's farm and acquired his early education in the country schools. Later he was a student in DePauw University, at Greencastle, Ind., and entered the medical department of Washington University at St. Louis in 1893, graduating with the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1897. He spent three years as interne and superintendent of a hospital and came to Mt. Vernon in 1900. Dr. Hastings is interested in farming and has 1,000 acres of land in Point township. Lie is a breeder of and dealer in cattle and mules, of which he raises a large number. In 1895 he married Anna Bell, a native of Ireland, and she died November 6, 1910, leaving two children, David and Anna. £9£fr 0S900 Z006 £ siilgp^s