jffk'f^ „i^iSf' YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of Lindley Eberstadt RECORDS Township of Paterson, NEW JERSEY, 1831-1851 : with the Laws Relating to the Township; Extra*.: is PROM Contemporary Newspapers, and Notes. ' COMPJLED AND EDITED BY WILLlAivI NELSON. PATERSON, N. J. EVENING NEWS JOB PRINT. 189S. HUNDRED COPIES I'RlNTtl' The present City of Paterson is made up of territory formerly in .\cquackaaonk and Manchester townships. That portion lying south of the Passaic river was originally in Acquackanonk, which then embraced also the present City of Passaic and the Township of T.,ittle Falls. From the tirae that Paterson was founded, as a manufacturing town, there was fric tion between the old settlers and the new comers, which culminated in the incorporation of the township of Paterson. The Records herewith given illustrate the evolution of the simple town ship government into the more complex cily organization, and, nf Lourse, are invaluable for the light they throw on the local history in general. To make them better understood, they have been supplemented by the laws passed from time to time relating to the township, and by extracts from contemporary local newspapers, to which have been also added, notes giv ing additional information regarding the matters touched upon in the text. Paterson, N. J., February lo, 1S95. Act Incorporating the Township of Paterson. AX .\CT dividing the township of Aquackenonk, in the county of Essex, into two townships. Sec. I. BE IT ENACTED, by the Council and General Assembly of this state, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That all that part of the township of Aquackenonk, in the county of Essex, lying south and southwesterly of a line beginning on the middle of the road on the west side of Passaick river, at the foot of the Hackensack and Pater son Turnpike bridge,' near the house of John Marsales, and running from thence, ist. north eighty-two degrees west forty chains to the south east corner of John P. JIarsales' line; 2d. thence along said line north seveuty-eight degrees fortv-five minutes west sixty-eight chains and twenty-five links; 3d. thence south eighty seven degrees fifteen minutes west fifty-nine chains fifty links, to the top of the mountain at the south east comer of the Garason tract, now owned by John P. Marsales; 4th. thence along the Garason line north sixty-four degrees thirty minutes west ninety-four chains fifty links, to the Passaick river, about sixty-nine chains above the flood gates,'- shall be and the same is hereby set off from the said township, and established a separate township, to be called and known by the name of the township of Aquackenonk, and that all that part of the said township of .Acquackanonk, lying to the north and the north-east of the aforesaid line, shall be, and the same is hereby estab lished a separate township to be called by the name of the township of Paterson. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, T\\at the inhabitants of that part of the township of Aquackenonk, lying north and north-east of the aforemen tioned line, be aud they and their successors are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name of " The Inhabitants of the town ship of Paterson, in the county of Essex" and all the inhabitants of that Part of the said township of Aquackenonk, lying south and south-westerly of the aforementioned line, be, and they and their successors are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by the name of "The Inhabitants » Now known as the Wesel briil;^e. across tljM I'assaic river at the eastern terminus of Market street. •' .Just above the Falls bridge. of the Township of Aquackenonk in the county of Essex,'' which said two townships, in their corporate capacities respectively, shall be entitled to all the rights, powers, privileges and advantages, and subject to the same regulations, duties, and liabilities, as by law are given to, and prescribed for the several other townships in the said county of Essex. Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That the inhabitants of the township of Aquackenonk, shall hold the first town meeting at the Inn now kept by Simeon Brown,' in said township, on the day appointed by law for the holding the annual town meetings iu the other townships in the county of Essex. Sec. 4. And he it enacted. That the inhabitants of the township of Pat erson, shall hold their first town meeting at Paterson, in said township, on the day appointed by law for holding the annual town meetings in the other townships in the said county of Essex. Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That the towuship committees of the town ships of Aquackenonk aud Paterson, shall meet on the finst Monday after the next annual town meetings in the Said townships, at the house of Philip 'Van Bussum, iu the town of Paterson, at ten o'clock in the fore noon, and shall theu and there proceed by writing, signed by a majnnty of those present, to allot and divide bet-*een the said townships all prop erty or moneys on hand or due in proportion to the taxable property and ratables, as taxed by the assessor within their respective limits at the last assessment; and the said townships shall be liable to pay their just propoi- tion of the debts of the said township of Aquackenonk, before the division thereof, if any such debts there should be; and if any of the members of the said township committees shall neglect or refuse to meet as aforesaid, those assembled may proceed to make the said division of property, aud apj)ortionmeut of debts, and the decision Of a majority of those present shall be final and conclusive. Sec. 6. And be it enacted. That all paupers now chargeable to the township of Aquackanonk shall after this act goes into operation, be chargeable to, and supported by that one of the said townships within the bounds of which they have acquired their respective settlements. Sec. 7. And be it enacted. That this act shall take effect on and after the second Monday of April next, aud not before. Passed January 27, 1S31. YLaivs of New Jersey, jSjo-jj, pp. 4'j-4g. \ ' At the Great Notch. At the annual Town Meeting held at the Center Markett' in Paterson on the 2nd Monday in April 1831 the Town officers where elected for the ensuing year Moderator Nicholass Smith Town Clerk Jonathan Hopper Assessor Adrian Van Houten Collector James Lynch Judge of Election Horatio Moses Chosen Freeholders Philip Van Bussum Patrick Qunn Town Commitee Bunnel M. Haggerty Elias B D Ogden John Strong Cornelius G Garrison Edo Van Winkle Surveyors of the highway Daniel McCrossen Edo P Marselis Judges of Appeal John Park James Close Brant Van Blarcom Pound Master Daniel Van Horn Constables William F. Dewey Jeremiah Mitchell John Givens John Haven Frances Finegan Andrew Galicher Patrick Mulhollan Henry Williamson Edo Van Winkle Peter Brower Poor Masters James King Esqr John Kear Esqr School Commitee James Richards John Brown Henry Whiteley Overseers of the Highway 1st dst. Peter Archdeacon 2nd dst Edo Van Winkle 3d dst John P Marselis 4th dst Daniel Quinn Poor Tax $600" Road Tax $600 " School Tax $300" To be appropriated for a free school of all denomi nationsDog Tax 50 Bounty on Fox head 50 1 The Centre Market was a one-story shed on the north side of Broadway, between Main and Washington streets. It was erected by Braht Van Blai'com, iu ISiH. The fall Election to be held first day at th,e house of Mr Philip Van Bussum ^ Second day to be held at the house of Mr William I. Craigs - The Town Meeting to be held the next year at the Center Markett in Paterson The Commitee Appointed by a meeting of the township of Paterson have taken into consideration the object for which they were appointed and respectfulley report to the Town Meeting that they come to the conclusion that the road dis tricts should be composed bounded and numbered as Follows 1st destrict to commence at the Passaic river at the outlet of the wast race and follow the east line of the beaver Mill lott untill it comes a point opposit the south end of Mr. Craigs tavern running parrelell with Van Houten street from thence in a straight line parrelell with broadway to the turn on the east side of the cross road opposit Mr. Dickensons and from thence in a straigh line with said turn Northerley to the passaic river and from thence up the river to the place of beginning. 2nd dst to commence at the passaic river where the east line of the first district Intersects the river runing Southerley along said line to where the south line of said dis trict terminates and from thence in a straigh line to a point on the passaic river parrell with broad way and from thence up the river to the place of begining. The residue of the township to be divided into 2 districts by a line runing parrelell with the turn on the east side of the cross road opposit Mr. Dickensons to the township line dividing Paterson & Aquchonach the district on the east side to be No 3 and that on the west side to be No 4 The above where taken by the Voice of the town Meeting The Town Commitee have proportioned the road districts as follows on the 21th day of April 1831 1st district Peter Archdeacon $I75 " 2 do. Edo Van Winkle 87 "50 3 " John P. Marselis 87 "50 4 " Daniel Quinn 250 " ' About where the Franklin House now stands, 238 Main street. " Craig's "Temperance Hotel" was about at 14.3 Main street, near Van Houten street. ' Straight street, near Judge Philemon Dickerson's house. [Copies of Bonds, etc., recorded iu the Town Book. | I James King, do solemnly and sincerely promise and affirm that I will in all things to the best knowled and understanding will and faithfully execute the trust reposed on me as over seer of the poor of the township of Paterson in the county of essex Paterson April i6th 1S31 James King Taken and affirmed as above dated Simeon Hart Justice of the Peace I John Kear do solemnly and sencerely promise and swear that I will in all thiugs to the Best of my knowidge and understanding will and faith fully execute the trust reposed ou me as overseer of the Poor of the town ship of Paterson in the county of essex Sworn before me this i6th day of April 1S31 John Kear Simeon Hart Justice of the Peace James Lynch (Collector) copy of Bond Know all meu by these present that we James Lynch, Patrick McGee and John Strong, all of the township of Paterson in the county of essex and state of New Jersey are held and firmley bound unto the Inhab itants of the Township of Paterson in the county of essex in the sum of three thousand dollars money of the United States to be paid to the said Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the county of Essix their suc cessors or assigns to which payment well and truley to be made we bind ourselves and each of us for himself iu the whole our and everey of our heirs executors and Adminstrators firmley by these presents sealed with our seals aud dated the Twenty-first day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty-one The condition of this obligation is that whereas the above bounden James Lynch was at the last annual Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson elected collector of said Township Now theerfor if the said James Lynch shall faithfully perform all the duties of said office of collector of said township according to Law then the above obliga'tion to be void otherwise to be and remain in full force and 'Virtue James Lynch Andrew Lynch Patrick McGee John Strong Signed sealed and delivered in presence of Elias B D Ogden Bunnell M Haggerty Frances Finegan (Constable) sworn 21th April 1831 Know all men by these presents that we Frances Finegan, Stephen S. Murrey and David Morrow, all of the township of Paterson iu in the Countv of essex and state of New Jersey are held and firmley bound unto the Inhabitants of the township of Paterson in the County of essex in the sum of two thousand dollars mouey of the United States to be paid to the said Inhabitants of the township of Paterson in the county of essex their successors or assigns to which payment well and truley to be made we bind ourselves and each of us for himself in the whole our aud every of our heirs executors and Administrators firmley by these presents Sealed with our Seals and dated the twenty first day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty one The condition of this obligation is that whereas the above bounden Frances Finegan was at the last annual town meeting of the township of Paterson elected a constable of said township now theerfore if the said Frances Finegan shall truley and faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on him as constable of said township then the above obligation to be void otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. Signed sealed and Frances Finegan Stephen S. Murrey David Morrow delivered in presence ot Cornelius G. Garrison Edo 'Van Winkle. Peter Brower (Constable) Sworn 23nd April 1831 Know all men by these presents that we Peter Brower 'William Brower. Abrah a Godwin Jr. and Daniel Ridgway all of the township of Paterson in the county of essex and state of New Jersey are held and firmley bound unto the Inhabitants of the township of Paterson in the county of essex in the sum of two thousand Dollars money of the United States to be paid to the said Inhabitants of the township of Paterson in the county of essex their successors or assigns to which payment well aud truley to be made we bind ourselves and each of us for himself in the whole our and everey of our heirs executors and Administrators firmley by these presents sealed with our seals and dated the twenty first day of April in the year of our Lord oue thousand eight hundred and thirty one The condition of this obligation is that whereas the above Bounden Peter Brower was at the Last annual Town Meeting of the township of Paterson elected a constable of said township now therefore if the said Peter Brower shall truley and faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on him as constable of said township then the above obligation to be void otherwise to be and remain in full force and vertue Signed sealed and : delivered in the : presence of : Peter Brower Jonathan Hopper : 'Winiam Brower Bunnel M. Haggerty : Abraham Godwin Jun Daniel Ridgway ¦William F Dewey (Constable) Sworn 19th of April 1S31 Know all men by these presents that we 'William F. Dewey William Sanford Kinier Speer Jasou Pain and Henrey Decker, all of the township of Paterson in the county of essex in the State of New Jersey are held and firmley bound unto the Inhabitants of the township of Paterson iu the County of essex in tie sum of two thousand Dollars Money of the United States to be paid to the said Inhabitants of the township of Paterson in the county of essex their successors or assigns to which pavment well and truley to be mad we bind our selves and each of us for himself to the whole our and everey of our heirs executors and Administrators firmley by these presents sealed with our seals and dated the eighteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand ei.ght hundred and thirty one. The condition of this obligation is that whereas the above bounden William F. Dewey was at the last annual town meeting of the township of Paterson elected a constable of said township of Paterson Now therrefore if the said William F. Dewey shall truley and faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on him as constable of said township theu the above obli gation to be void otherwise to be and remain in full force and 'Virtue Signed Sealed and Deliverd in : William F Dewey William Sanford Rinier Speer Jason Pain Henrey Decker presence of James King Jonathan Hopper Patrick Mulhollan Constable Sworn i6th day of April 1831 Know all men by these presents that we Patrick Mulhollan, Chailes Mulhollan John McCrady and Alexander Paul all of the township of Pat erson in the county of essex in the State of New Jer.sey are held and firmley bound uuto the the Inhabitants of the township of Paterson in the county of essex in the Sum of two thousand Dollars Money of the United States to be paid to the said Inhabitants of the township of Paterson in the county of essex their successors or assi.5ns to which payment well and truley to hs made we bind ourselves and each of us for himself to the whole our and everey of our heirs executors and adminstrators firmely by these presents Sealed with our seals and dated the twenty fifth day ot April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred an thirty one The condition of this obligation is that whereas the above Bounden Patrick Mulhollan was at the last annual town raeeting of the township of Paterson, elected a constable of said township of Paterso« now, therefore, if the said Patrick Mulhollan shall truley and faithfulley perform all the duties enjoined on him as constable of said township then the above obli gation to be void otherwise to be and remain in full force and "Virtue Signed, sealed and : delivered in : Patrick Mulhollan presence of : Charles Mulhollan : John McCrady Bunnel M Haggerty : Alexander Paul Elias B D Ogden : Jeremiah Mitchell, Constable Sworn 26th April 1831 Know all men by these presents that we Jeremiah Mitchell, Adam S Newhouse Danel F. Lockwood Robert Redman and Robert Huston, all of the township of Paterson in the County of essex in the state of New- Jersey are held and firmley bound unto the Inhabitants of the township of Paterson iu the county of essex in the Sum of two thousand Dollars Money of the United States to be paid to the said Inhabitants of the township of Paterson in the County of essex their successors or assigns to which payment well and truley to be made we bind ourselves aud each of us for himself iu the whole our and everey of our heirs execu tors and Administrators firmley by these presents Sealed with our seals and dated the thirtyeth day of April iu the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and thirty one The condition of this obligation is that whereas the above bounden Jeremiah Mitchell ^vas at the last annual town raeeting of the township of Paterson elected a constable of said township now theerfore if the ^aid Jeremiah Mitchell shall truley aud faithfulley perform all the duties en joined on him as constable of said township than the above obligation to be void otherwise to be aud remain in full force and Virtue. Signed Sealed and : Dehvered in ' Jeremiah Mitchell presence of : Adam S Newhouse ; Danel F Lockwood £lias B D Ogden : Robert Redman Robert Huston Andrew Gallagher Constable Sworn 30th April 1831. Know all men by these presents that we Andrew Gallagher Patrick Rilley Robert McName and Hugh Dougherty, all of the township of Pat erson in the County of Essex in the State of New Jersey are held and firmley bound unto the Inhabitants of the township of Paterson in the couuty of Essex in the Sum of two thousand Dollars money of the United States to be paid to the said Inhabitants of the township of Paterson in the County of essex their successors or assigns to which payment well and truley to be raade we bind ourselves and each of us for himself in the whole our and everey of our heirs executors and adminstrators firmley by these presents Sealed with our seals and dated the twenty fifth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight Hundred and thirty one The condition of this obligation is that whereas the above bounden Andrew Gallagher was at the Last annual Town Meeting of the township of Paterson elected a constable of said township now therefore if the said Andrew Gallagher shall truley and faithfully perforra all the duties enjoined on him as constable of said township then the above obligation to be void ot'nerwise to be and remain m full force and Virtue Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Cornelius G Garrison Ehas B D Ogden rt-udrew Gallagher Patrick RiUey Robert McName Hugh Dougherty Barney Peer has the keeping of the poor house and farm for the ensuing year for which the Township is to pay him one Hundred & fifteen Dollars March 24th 1832 J Hopper 1832 April 6th James Lynch To amt of Taxes on duplicate amt of Road " amt of Taxes taken at Election Dog Tax School fund fec'd from the state Cr. By "Vouchers & Return of duplicate By cash pd Dr. James King Esqr. To orders drawn ou collector as overs of Poor Cr. By Vouchers Dr. To 2 orders on the Treasurer in favor of Chas. H. May To I in favor of H & King [?] Cr By Recpt Bills rendered Dr To ordei* B M Hagety m favor Dewe}* Cr By Wilham F Dewes Recpt Bill Dr John Kear Esq To Taxes collected Dr. Cr Van Horn 2800 96 785 56 26 48 73 00 203 50 $3,889 50 3.7S8 77 100 73 3.889 50 $411-96 411 96 411-96 411 96 21-1S54' iS-89 40 06 40 06 3 50 3 50 By Cash pd J Lynch Collector By orders pd Dr To Cash ^ 1832 April 6 Paid by^ Treastirer By Bill for shoes "Paid by Treasurer. Stephen S. Marray By Bill paid by D Kitchum Treasurer By Bill , Paid by Barney Peer Treasr. By Bill for sundry articles got for the farm By balls '^ due for Sallar^- $98-54 94-11 16.90 $5-75 Cr $12-80 Cr $87.24 Cr $52-04 ¦82-50 175 7 192 65 16 90 - Cr 5 75 12 80 87 24 134 54 ll Balanw. Pdby Treas'r P'dby TreasrPdbyTreasr Heury Boman By Bill D Burnett By Bill ren Brant Van Blarcom By Bill B M Haggerty P'dByTreasurer Michiel Conley By Bill for digging Grave Edo Van Winkle By Balls ^ due on road Tax Peter Archdeacon By Balls ' on road Tax Danel Quinn Bv Balls ' on road Tax Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr Cr II 65 2 50 3 90 31 4S 130 75 133 54 at the annual Town Meeting held at the center Market on the second Monda)' in April 1832 the following Town officers where Elected for the ensueing year Moderator Caleb M Godwin Town Clerk Josiah M Crismond Assessor Adrian Van Houten Collector Edo Van Winkle Judge of Election Horatio Moses. Chosen Freeholders Patrick Quinn Brant Van Blarcom Town Committee B M. Haggerty Corn's. G. Garrison. E. B. D. Ogden John Strong Nicholas Smith Surveyors of the Highway Edo P. Merseles Daniel McCrossen Judges of Appeal John Parke Moses E Dewitt 1 David Morrow 1 Balance It Constables. William F Dewey Jeremiah Mitchell Peter Brower Patrick Kelley •Overseers of the Poof James King Henry Decker. School Committee John Brown James Richards C Hequemborg Overseers of the Highway. tst District, Peter Archdeacon 2nd do " Henry, I. Van Blarcom ,3rd do " John. P. Merselis 4th do " Paul Post. Pound Master, Daniel Van Horn. Committee to record the Public roads. Andrew Lynch Adam. S. Newhouse James W. King. Poor Tax $1500. , Road Tax $1000 .... School Tax $300. . .... Tax on IJogs Each .... 50 c'ts Bounty on Foxes Heads Each 50 cts, Elections to be h-eld first days at Platt Rogeis' ' . . Second do " Heni-y H Posts.^ Next Town Meeting to be held at Centre Market Van Houten Sti-eetto be *Grked this year. J M Crismond Town Clerk Caleb M Godwin, (Moderator ^ Congress Hall, northeast corner of M^ln ahd Matket streets. '2 Passaic Hotel At a special Town meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town ship of Paterson held pursuant to Public Notice at the house of Platt Rogers on Thursday 31st May 1832. Simeon Hart Esq was Chosen Moderator. The object of the meeting being stated by the Town Clerk to be for the purpose of raising money to defray the balance of expenses of the past year &c it was then Resolved. That the Town Committee be authorized to borrow on the Credit of the Township One thousand Dollars for five or more years Peter Brower was elected aConstable for the remainder of the year On Motion, Resolved. That that part of the Turnpike called Main Street & Bridge Street^ be worked this year, and that Peter Archdeacon, be autlicrized to make Arrangements with the Paterson & Hamburgh Turnpike Co., by and with the consent of the Town Committee, for the purpose of working Bridge street. J. M. Crismond Town Clerk At a special meeting of the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson convened at the house of Platt Rogers on Thursday 28th June, James W King was Chosen Moderator The object of the Town meeting was stated by the Town Clerk to be for the purpose of raising & appropriating a fund for the Cleansing of Streets.^ Nicholas Smith Esq addressed the meeting but was interrupted, by the noise & Clamour & it being impossible to restore silence the Town Clerk retired amid the Confusion, whereupon the Town Committee, Re solved to hold a meeting for the purpose aforesaid on Satur day July 7th at the same time and place, J M Crismond Town Clerk. At a special meeting of the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson convened at the house of Platt Rogers, on Saturday July 7th— 1832— John Colt Esq was Chosen Moderator. On motion it was, Resolved, That the proceedings of the meeting be conducted by ballot ' Now West street. ¦' On account of the threatened outbreak of cholera, then epidemic in New York. 1175 — 87 50 87 5o 375 — 13 A motion was then made & Seconded, That the sum of Three Hundred Dollars be raised & appropriated to Cleansing the streets and on Balloting, there was a large majority in favor of raising the above specified sum of $300 — by assess ment to be laid out as the Town Committee should direct (in the Town) and rendering the Condition of the Town as salu. brious & safe as possible against the dreaded approach of the Cholera. J M Crismond Town Clerk At a meeting of the Town Committee the Road tax was appropriated as follows. Vis 1st District. One hundred & Seventy five 2nd do Eighty-seven .50 j 100 Dollars 3rd do Eighty seven 50 | lOO 4th do Three hundred & Seventy five $725 — Proceedings had by Town Committee. At a meeting of the Town Committee held at Pl.att Rogers .Congress House on Monday the i6th July 1832, the following resolutions was unanimously adopted vis Resolved, That the Town Committee deem it expedient to resolve themselves into a Board of Health for the Town of Paterson. Resolved, That the Board request Jno. Colt Danl Holsman, Horatio Moses, David Reid, & Brant Van Blarcom Esqs. to cooperate with them & to compose a part of the Board of Health Resolved, That John Colt Esq be appointed President and J M. Crismond Sec'y of said Board of Health Resolved, That the Physicians of the Town be requested to make report daily to the Board of the state of health of the inhabitants of Paterson Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed to wait on the Physicians & request their aid & Cooperation in carry ing the foregoing resolution into effect, & that N. Smith, B M Haggerty & Danl Holsman be that Committee Resolved, That 2. of the Board of Health be a quorum to re ceive reports from the Physicians and lay thtm before the President. 14 Resolved, That the Board of Health meet (without Compensa tion) daily at I2 O'CIock, M, at Platt Rogers to receive re ports from the Physicians Resolved, That the Committee appointed to wait on the Physicians ascertain from them if there has been a case 01" cases of malignant Cholera within the Town, and to publish the result of their Enquiries immediately Resolved, That the Board of Health report to the Publicthree times each week. Resolved, That the Proceedings of this meeting be published in the Paterson Intelligencer & Paterson Courier, J M Crismond Town Clerk. At a Town meeting of the Inhabitants of the To'lvnship of Paterson held in front of the house of Platt Rogers on Friday 31st Augt. 1832 John Colt Esq was Chosen Moderator. The Town Committee submitted the following — Report. — The Town Committee in advance of the fatal epidemic which has fof some tirae past prevail'd in the Town, and which still continues its rav^ ages to an alarmin.g extent called a meeting of the Township for the pur pose of raising funds for cleansing the streets &c from impurities as would tend fo aiigraeut its violence & spread its destructi't'e power. The sum iiuthorized to be raised was Three Hundred dollars which has been expended, together with an additional sum for purposes connected with the Calamity which has befallen us afid which are detailed in the sub- ]oind Statement,; — The Town Committee aware of the sefious fespofisibility resting on them in the present emergency, formed theraselves into a Board of Health, and invited several of oilr respectable citizens to cooperate with them in their dilties, and are happy to announce not oftly their acceptance of the unpleasant ofifice, but a most faithful discharge of the duties inci^ dent thereto without a fee or reward — It immediately becatne apparent to them that the funds rais'd by the Town were altogether inadequate to meet the expenses which are Consequent Upon the disease. A H( spital for the sick has been built, good nurses provided, persons em|)loy'd to bur,y the dead &c &c The destitute & distress'd are becoming so nuraerous that the Pbor House is insufecient to contain thefti, so that supplies have to be furnish'd them at their own dwellings. An iucreas'd sutn, to be rais'd hy the Town, has therefore, become absolutely necessary. The amount which will be requisite tliey are unable to state, as the duration of the de^ vastating influence of the Cholera is uncertain; but would respectfully recommend to their Fellow Citizens to give power to the Town Committee to raise such an amount as they with the Concurrence of the Board of Health may deera proper. The Board would further most earfiestly ree^ 15 oiimead, that a liberal per diem allowauce be made to Nicholas Smith Esq for his services, which are by the Board deem'd invaluable, and which they think must be obvious to all — He has relinquish'd the business of his Office, as his services are in constant requisition for the puipose of attending to duties which are paramount to all others — visiting the sick, relieving the distress'd & burying the dead. Building the hospital, attendance of Nurses & other necessary expenditures $763.17 Received from Treasurer of Town Committee $290 — of N. R. Terheune for attendance at Hospital & burial of Slave 10 — from Cors. Van 'Winkle for do 20 — 320 — Deficit $443 1 7 On motion it was resolved, unanimously, that the report be accepted Resolved, That the Town Tommittee be authorized, to raise such an amount of money as the exigencies of the town may require. Resolved, 7'hat Four Dollars a day be allow'd to Nicholas Smith Esq for his services while in the employ of the Board of Health. Resolved, That the present Board of Health be continued. Resolved, That in consequence of the. absence of James King Esq. and Henry Decker, overseers of the Poor, John Kear & John Brown be Overseers of the Poor in their place Resolved, Unanimously, that the thanks of this meeting be tendered to the Board of Health for their services. J M Crismond Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Town Committee held at Platt Rcgers on Monday nth March 1833 N.Smith Esq was appointed Chairman. Resolved That Brant Van Blarcom be & he is hereby Author ized to take and appropriate to his own use the manure that may from time to time accumulate in the several road districts of the Township, so far as the Town Committee have control over the same, for the term of five years, Said Brant Van Blarcom giving the Town Committee a written pledge that he will remove said manure at proper periods from said districts at his own expense Jlesolved, That the above resolution be recorded on the Township Book, and a Copy thereof furnish'd Mr. Brant Van Blarcom. 16 Note The pledge was given by Mr. B V Blarcom and put on file with the Township Papers. Resolved That a Committee of two persons be appointed to advertise for Proposals to take Charge of Poor house, Farm & Paupers, for the ensuing Year, and also for purchas ing the necessary Fencing Stuff for the Poor House Farm Resolved, That Cornelius G. Garrison & Bonnel M. Haggerty be that Committee & that they report to a Meeting to be held at Platt Rogers On Monday 2Sth March at 7 O'CIock P. M. Adjourn'd J M Crismond Town Clk. Monday March 25th 1833. The Town Committee iret ac cording to previous Arrangement, When the Committee ap pointed at a meeting held on the nth March instant made the following Report Viz That they had agreed with Barney Pier to take Charge of the Poor House, Farm and Paupers for the sum of One Hun dred and Thirty dollars,— and that they had purchased the Fencing Stuff of Ryneer S. Spear for the sum of Forty Eigh Dollars Report Accepted, Adjourn'd J M Crismond, Town Clk. List of Bills presented & allow'd by the Township Com mittee Apl. 5th & 6th 1833 1S33 April 6 John Brown overseer of the Poor 244 83 Johns Noble j ^^ Henry Bowman jj ^^ Platt Rogers „g ^^ Jeremiah Mitchell ^ , . David Burnett „„ "„ „ 30 22 Peter SythofT ^ Day & 'Warren E & H Clark _ Hugh Riley ^ John Parke Esq ^ ° Daniel Quinn ^ g° Benj'n Penny J ^ Horatio Moses ^_^ John Kear ^^\~ ' On the side of Garret Mountain, near tlie qterries. S7 David Reed Wm L Thompson Abm Reynolds Esq James King Esq Ryneer S Speer Corns. G. Garrison B. M. Haggerty & Riley John Kip, Nies Smith E-sq V. "W. Freeman Henry Decker E. B. D. Ogden Barney Pier Henry Whiteley Jacob Catlin J M Crismond J. B Varnum Jacob Van Houten B. M. Haggerty Carried over April 6 Amount Brought Forward John Strong T. 'W. Whitley Sheep bills' John McCarty Araos Munson John P. Merselis Ira Ryprson Corns Van Winkle 88 ¦2 75 lo 2-5 3 04 48 00 98 07 IIO 02 131 09 44 — I 70 115 74 19 — 15 75 2 13 '8 7^ 15 — 10 34 ¦49 43 20 — ^1349 38 1349 38 12 00 3 19 19 25 7 — 4 75 II — .3 — 135 7^ 184 79 116 71 .33 44 50 14 92 2 50 Road Paul Post Peter Archdeacon Henry I. Van Blarcom John P. Merselis C. Hequembourg Jr J. B. & D. Roe Henry Jacobus (N. S) $1898.15 Paterson April Sth 1833 The following town officers for the Township of Paterson were elected at the annual town Meeting, held, at Centre Market on the 2d Monday in April being the Sth day of said month 1833 ' For sheep killed by dogs. Moderator Abraham Reynolds Town Clerk William A. Hughson Assessor Adrian Van Houten Collector Edo. Van Winkle Judge of Election Horatio Moses Chosen Freeholders David Reid Brant Van Blarcom Town Committee John K. Flood B. M. Haggerty C. G. Garrison John Strong Elisha B. Clark Surveyors of the Highway Edo P Merselis Uzal W. Freeman Judges of Appeal John Parke Moses E Dewitt Thos. Rogers Constables Patrick Kelley Jonathan Hopper Zophar W. Ward Poor Masters John Brown John Kear School Committee John Thompson James Richards James Moore Overseers of the Road 1st District Peter Archdeacon 19 2d District Henry L Van Blarcom 3d do John P. Merselis 4. do Paul Post Road Tax Seven Hundred and fifty Dollars Uog Tax Fifty Cents each Bounty on Foxes Heads Fifty Cents each Money for Free Schools, Three Hundred Dollars Money to Support the Poor One Thousand Dollars Next Town meeting to be held at Centre Market EUection. ist day at S. Van. Antwerps 2d " at St Johns HalF A Resolution Passed that there should be but three Constables chosen at this town Meeting A Resolution also Passed that the Money raised for the support of Free Schools be applied proportionally in districts as the town may hereafter be districted A. Reynolds Moderator Wm. A. Hughson Town Clerk At a meeting of the Town Committee at Mr. Platt Roegrs, on the 13th of April 1833 Mr. John Strong was appointed President of said Committee whereupon it was resolved 1st. That Mr. Jonathan Hoppers Bond for Constable be accepted. 2d. That Mr. Patrick Kellys bond for Constable be accepted 3d. That Mr. Zophar W. Wards bond for Constable be ac cepted 4. That E. B. D. Ogden be attorney for the Township of Paterson for the ensuing year. 5. That Mr. John K. Flood be Treasurer of the Township of Paterson for the ensuing )-ear 6. That Mr. Barney Pear have the Poor House Farm for one year from the 1st of April 1833 tothe 1st of April 1834— for $130— At a meeting of the Town Committee of the Township of St. .John's Hall stood on the south side of Broadway, where Washington street now is. Paterson April i8th 1833 at Platt Rogers Tavern Present Cornelius G. Garrison John K. Flood Elisha B Clark The propositions from the Physicians of the Town for medical service for the ensuing year for the Poor of tbe Town ship were submitted Resolved that Doct. Lemuel Burr be the Physicians for the Poor of the Township for thr ensuing year for the consider ation of Twenty five Dollars. Resolved that the Bill presented by the School Committee for nine dollars be allowed Resolved that we adjourn to Monday Evening April 22d at 6 o'clock Sign'd C. G. Garrison Pt. Protem. W. A. Hughson Town Clerk. At a Meeting of the Town Committee of the Township of Paterson held at the House of Platt Rogers Monday Apl 22d 1833 Present B. M. Haggerty C. G. Garrison J. K. Flood E. B. Clark On motion, B. M. Haggerty and John K. Flood was ap pointed a Committee to draw off a list of names of delinquents for the taxes of the last year in the hands of Wm. F. Dewey and put the collection in the hands of the present Constables. Resolved, that Doct. Platt Burr's Bill of Twenty Dollars be accepted Resolved that we adjourn until tomorrow Evening Signed C. G. Garrison Pt. protem W. A. Hughson Town Clerk The Town Committee met on Tuesday Evening 23d of April at Mr. Platt Rogers Tavern according to adjo'Iarnment Present C. G, Garrison John K. Flood Elisha B. Clark Resolved, that Six Hundred Dollars be appropriated among the overseers of the Roads as follows — To Peter Archdeacon overseer of the 1st dist. 145 — " Henry I. Van Blarcom do 2 do 70 — " John P. Merselis do 3 do 70 — " Paul Post do 4 do 315 — $eoo — Resolved that we adjourn Sig'd C. G. Garrison Pt. protem. W. A, Hughson Town Clerk. At a meeting of the Town Committee of the Township of Paterson held at the house of Platt Rogers on Monday June 17th 1833 Present John Strong Bonnel M. Haggerty C. G. Garrison E. B. Clark Resolved that B M. Haggerty and C. G. Garrison be appointed a Committee to notify the Constables to appear at this place next monday Evening, with their several tax lists, and also to notify the securities of Wm. F. Dewey to meet at the same time and place. Resolved that a special Town meeting be called on Wednes day 26th Inst at 3 oclock P. M. at the house of Platt Rogers Resolved that we adjourn to meet next Monday Evening 24th Inst at this House Sig'd John Strong Chairman W. A. Hughson Town Clerk Notice A Special Town meeting will be held at Mr. Platt Rogers Tavern on Wednesday 26th Instant at 3 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of raising an additional sum of money for the support of the Poor and to pay demands against the Township incurred last year which are of considerable amount, a large proportion of which however might have been liquidated had the whole ot the tax list proved available It has been thought advisable by the Town Committee to take this pro ceeding in preference to sustaining cost— and sacrificing the Credit of tbe Township The particulars of the affairs of the Township will be exhibited at the time of Meeting By order of the Town Committee VV. A. Hughson Town Clerk At a meeting of the Town Committee held at the house of Platt Rogers on Mondey 24th June 1833. Present John Strong Cornelius G. Garrison John K. Flood Elisha B. Clark On motion resolved that in consequence of the removal of Brant Van Blarcom one of the chosen Freeholders from this County that the Special Town meeting which was called for the 26th Inst be adjourned to Wednesday the third day of July 1833 at 3 Oclock P. M at Platt Rogers for the purpose of electing a Chosen Freeholder in the place of Mr. Brant Van Blarcom and for the purpose of raising a certain sum of money by tax or otherwise to pay off such claims that the Town ship are indebted and for the support of the Poor Resolved that we adjourn to next Friday evening at this place Signed John Strong W. A. Hughson Town Clerk. Notice The Special Town Meeting which was to have been held on Wednesday the 26th Instant at 3 oclock P. M. will not take place in consequence of the Town Comraittee being acquainted with the circumstance of Mr. Brant Van Blarcom one of tbe chosen Freeholders having removed out of the Township au County which makes it necessary tbat another Freeholder should be chosen to fill the vacancy occasioned thereby — — - Notice is therefore hereby given that a Special Town Meeting will be held at Mr Platt Rogers Tavern on Wednesday the third day of July next at Three O'CIock P. M. for the purpose of raising an additional sum of money for the support of the Poor and to pay demands against the Town ship incurred last year which are of considerable amount a large propor tion of which however raight have been liquidated had the whole of the tax list proved available The Town Comraittee have thought advisable to take this proceeding in preference to sustaining cost — and sacrificing the credit of the Township A Chosen Freeholder will have to be chosen to fill the vacancy occa sioned by the reraoval of Mr. Brant Van Blarcom out of the County An exhibition of the affairs of the Township will be made at the time of meeting By order of the Town Committee W. A. Hughson Town Clerk Paterson June 25th 1833 At a meeting of the Town Committee held at the house or Platt Rogers on Mondaj^ June 24th 1833, present John Strong, Cornelius G. Garrison John K. Flood, Elisha B.Clark On motion resolved that in consequence of the removal of Brant Van Blarcom one of the chosen Freeholders from this county that the Town meeting which was called for the 26th Inst be adjourned to Wednesday the third of July and that a Town Meeting be called on the 3d day of July 1833 at 3 Oclock p. M. at Platt R( gers for the purpose of electing a chosen Freeholder in the place of Mr. Brant Van Blarcom and for the purpose of raising a certain sum by tax or otherwise to pay off such claims that the Township are indebted and for the support ofthe Poor Resolved that we adjourn to meet again on Friday evening at this place William A Hughson Town Clerk At a Special Town Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town ship of Paterson, held according to previous notice^ at Mr Platt Rogers Tavern on Wednesday the third day of July 1833 Mr David Reid was chosen Moderator After a Printed statement submitted by the Town Commit tee' had been read the following resolutions were adopted 1 This statement was published in a full page extri of the Paterson Courier of Tuesday, July 2, 1833, and the following summary in the Paterson InlelligencHr ot July 10, 18.3.3: Amount of taxes assessed, per duplicate, $6,218 88 Paid for State and County Tax. $1,753 08 Paid by taxes returned to "W. F. Dewey, Cjnstable. ,1,861 87 Paid sundry persons as pr. vouchers for money drawn directly from the Collecior, 2,152 -19 Cash paid B. M. Haggerty, and accounted by him in his account Current, 45a 38 $li.-JlH MS 24 Resolved that J. M. Crismond Esq be a Chosen Freeholder to fill the vacancy occasioned by the removal of Mr. Brant Van Blarcom one of the Chosen Freeholders out of the County Resolved, that this meeting approve of the conduct of the Town Committee. Resolved that the Town Clerk have access to the Vouchers to enable him to place the affairs of the Township on the Books Resolved that the Town Committee be empowered to borrow Fifteen Hundred Dollars as an additional sum to support the Poor and pay demands against the Township. Resolved unanimously that the thanks of this meeting be returned to W. A. Hughson for the part which he has taken to make Pubhc the affairs of the Township ' Cash Meceivea By B. M. Haggerty. Of J. Mitchel, Constable. P. Brower, do. A. Gallagher, do. W. F. Dewey, do. Township of Aquackanonk, J. Lynch, Collector Brant Van Blarcom, Brant Van Blarcom, Brant Van Blarcom Per Error in N. Smith's account, From Edo Van Vl'lnkle as Collector. From Edo Van Winkle on account Wm. P. T>ev.-ey, From Wm. F. Dewey, Cash paid by B. M. Haggerty to sundry persons, Te J. K. Flood, new Treasurer, % 33 04 65 58 34 09 46 33 5 42 100 73 1, 00 00 800 00 400 00 10 00 452 38 862 88 223 00 8,428 40 $2,910 22 513 01 $3,423 40 $ 698 22 $ 9.3 12 Cash received by J, K. Flood, including above, Paid by do. Leaving a balance on hand of There is due from the township to sundry persons $1,849 29. - '^'^^'¦•« ^'•a taxes uncollected against 500 individuals amounting to $1,139 82. o/ ,o.« f°"owinS communication, published in the Paterson Courier of Tuesday, June resolution '° ^'''"''^°" IntelUgemer of the next day, explains the occasion of this "To the People of the Township of Paterson, I h.«e been very much surprised, and you will no doubt be as much so, when I inform on that some of your Town Coramittee have signifled a disposition to enjoin secrecy upon me in public busmess, the business of the Township, which is the business of us all Such however, is the fact. I have been told in plain terms, that 1 had not ought to have publicly msisted upon an e hibition of the disposition of the moneys of the Township being made atitr B. M. Hatrgeity had refused me to take a copy from his vouchers, for the disposal as T.easu er ot the Town Committee, of a large sum of money, between two and three 25 The above Meeting was held in compliance with the notice entered on page 17, this Book there was Eight days notice given and four Notices piit up in four of the most public places in the Township David Reid Moderator At a meeting of the Town Committee of the Township of Paterson held at the House of Mr Platt Rogers on the i6th September 1833. Present Cornelius G. Garrison Bonnel M. Haggerty Elisha B. Clark and John Strong On Motion Resolved that Elias B. D. Ogden be instructed to prosecute the bond of Wm. F. Dewey late constable of this Township in the first Court of Common please William A. Hughson Town Clerk At a meeting of the Town Committee of the Township of Paterson held at the House of Platt Rogers March 14th, 1834. present John .Strong B. M. Haggerty Elisha B. Clark John K Flood and Cornelius G Garrison thousand dollars. Mr. Haggerty his gone so f ir as to declare positively that he would not give up the vouchers, neither would he suffer a statement to be made out from them. Now if this secrecy business has been the order of the day, probably it is the best reason that could be assigned why a statement of the disposal of the monies is not forthcoming. I am under oath as an officer and as a citizen, I should and do in,sist upon a stat^mt-nt being made from the vouchers, of the disposal of the monies, and I cbntend that according to law the Town Committee are under obligation to make such a statement I was willing to take all the trouble upon myself of making it out, because I know ic would not only be of advantage and satisfaction to me as a citizen, but would enable me in my official capacity to get the items of the affairs of the Township together so as to make an entry of them upon the Books, which has never been done yet or at least, since the divisi n of the Township. ' I also know it was looted for and expected by the people. Mr. Haggerty eannot flnd any authority in the law to withhold the vouchers, neither can the Town Committee to appoint a Treasurer or to handle any of the monies of the Township. It appears to me tbat the Collector would be the proper person to hold the monies of the Township, until such time as drawn out of his hands by order of the Town Committee to be applied to the objects for which it was raised. In the collector's hands it would be considered perfectly safe as he enters into good securities as the law directs for that purpose. I have exercised all the influence I had by persuasion and recommendation for more than one object — as before stated, to procure a statement and I do really hope for the credit of the Town Committee and for the interest of the township it will be made. Imight say much more on the subject, but suffice it at present to say that as long as I hold the offlce of Town Clerk, I shall not be influenced one way or the other from what I conceive to be my line of duty. I can say for Mr. Strong and Mr. Garrison that they are not censurable for wanting to keep any thing from the public so far as I know. On the contrary Mr. Strong has been using his utmost endeavors to have a statement exhibited. W. A. HUGHSON. P. S. It has since been said t.^at Mr Haggerti- would suffer C. A. Van Houten to take a copy of his procfi dngs. I should like to see them by some mt-ans a6 The Committee having received proposals from sundry Individuals to take charge of the Poor House and Farm and supporting the Paupers thereof f«5r the ensuing year — upon careful examination of each proposal passed the following resolution i Resolved that John Strong and John K Flood be a Committee to wait upon Moses E Gould and David Fairclough to confer with them on their propo'sition to take the Poor Houee and Farm and support the Poor thereof for the ensuing year and that they report tomorrow evening at .7 oclock Resolved tbat the Town Committee meet on Thursday and Friday the 3rd and 4th of April next ensuing for the purpose of settling with the Collector Constables Poormaster Overseers of the Highway and all other persons having claims against the Township March 14th 1834 W. A. Hughson Town Clerk At a meeting of the To'wn Committee held at the House of Platt Rogers on Saturday Mch 15th 1834. Present John Strong C. G. Garrison John K. Flood and Elisha B. Clark, It was resolved. That Moses E Goulds proposition to take the Poor Hous^ and farm be. accepted Resolved that the Note drawn in favor of the Township of Paterson by Henry Decker JasonPane and William Sandford for Seventy 81 ] 100 Dollars be prosecuted without delay. W. A. Hughson Town Clerk The Town Committee met at Mr. Platt Rogers on April 3 & 4th according to previous notice present. John Strong John K. Flood C. G. Garrison, Elisha B. Clark and B. M. Haggerty. Resolved that E. B. D. Ogden, Attorney for the Township, be instructed to commence suit in the name of the Township of Paterson against the 'Township of Caldwell for amount of bill for Keeping the child of Betsey White and expenses of removing of herself and child and the Brown Family Resolved that the Town Committee's bills for Services, as Town officers and the Town Clerks bill for do. be paid this day- Resolved That at the request of Aaron S Pennincrton 27 authority be granted him to prosecute the bond of Patrick Kelley, in favor of Robert Campbell Resolved that Abm G. Van Houten's tax paid Edo. Van Winkle, One dollar 62}^ | lOO Cts. be remitted to him, in consequence of his having been legally bound and paid his tax in Saddle Kiver Township Bergen County Resolved that John K. Floods account as Treasurer of the Town Committee be accepted as perfectly correct and satisfactory Resolved that the amount of Patrick Mulholland bond sued for shall be Eighty dollars with costs W. A. Hughson Town Clerk ' Paterson April 14 — 1834 At the Annual Town Meeting, of the township of Paterson, held on the second Monday in April 1834, at the Centre Market; the following persons were duly elected the Town officers for the Ensuing year — Modei-ator William Day Town Clerk Elisha B Clark Assessor Adrian Van Houten Collector Edo Van Winkle Judge of Election Samuel A Van Saun Chosen Freeholders Cornelius G. Garrison John Clark Junr Township Committee Cornelius' Speer John Brown John Steel James Close Horatio Moses Surveyors of the Highway Edo P. Merselis Peter Archdeacon 2S Judges of Appeal John Parke Thomas Rogers Joseph Smith Constables John Wylie Cornelius E Merselis Patrick Kelley William Sandford John S. Noble Poormaster David Burnett William McCoppin School Committee John Thompson William Ridgeway Charles P. Jacobs Overseers of the Highway Ist district — Halmagh R Van Houten 2 d Do Cornelius I Van Winkle 3 d Do John P. Merselis 4th Do Paul Post Pound Master Daniel Van Horn Resolved, that Fifteen Hundred dollars tax be raised for the support of the Poor — Eight hundred dollars for the Roads Three hundred dollars for the support of Free Schools Fifty Cents each, for tax on Dogs — — Fifty Cents, bounty on fox heads That the next Town Meeting be held at Centre Market. Election first day at Platt Roger's Second day at Henry H. Post's William Day Moderator Elisha B Clark, Town Clerk At a meeting of the Township Committee held at the house of Platt Rogers April i6 1834 present John Brown Horatio Moses '2.) Corns Speer & John Steel On Motion Resolved that John Brown be the Chairman — John Steel be the Treasurer and C6rnelius Speer be the Secretary of this Committee Resolved, that the Constables elected at the last town Meeting each give a bond with satisfactory Security for Two thousand Dollars to the Inhabitants of the Township of Pat erson in the County of Essex and that the Collector give a bond for Five thousand Dollars Resolved that the Committee adjourn till tomorrow evening the 17th Inst at this place Sign'd John Brown Chairman E B Clark Town Clerk At a meeting of the Town Committee held at the house of Plact Rogers April 17 1834 present John Brown Horatio Moses James Close John Steel & Corns Speer On motion. Resolved that the following bonds be accept ed viz — John Wylie's Constable's Bond William Sandford's Constable's Bond Cornelius E. Merselius's Constable's Bond Resolved that we adjourn to Monday April 21—1834 Sign'd John Brown Chairman E B Clark Town Clerk \ At a meeting of the Town Committee held at the house of Platt Rogers April 21 — 1834 present all the Committee On motion Resolved that the following Bonds be accept ed — viz — John S Noble's Constable's Bond Patrick Kelley 's Constable's Bond Edo Van WinMe's Collector's Bond 30 Resolved, that Four hundred Dollars be appropriated among the overseers ofthe highway as follows viz — for 1st district Halmagh R Van. Houten lOO. — 2 d Do Cornelius I Van Winkle 50-— : 3d Do John P Merselis 50 — 4th Do Paul Post 200.— 30.- Adjourn'd Sign'd John Brown E B Clark Chairman Town Clerk At a meeting of the Town Committee held at the house of Platt Rogers April 28 — 1834 all present Resolved that Dr Wm McCoppin be the Physician to at tend the poor house the ensuing year for the sum of 50 Cents per visit including medicine Resolved that James Speer bethe council forthe township' for the ensuing year for the sum often dollars per annum — Adjourn'd Sign'd John Brown E B Clark , Chairman Town Clerk Paterson April 13 1835 At the annual Town Meeting of the Township of Pater son held agreeably to Law on the Second Monday in April A D 1835 at the Centre Market, the following pei-sons were duly elected the Town ofificers for the ensuing year Moderator Josiah M Crismond Town Clerk ' Elisha B Clark Assessors David Reid Peter E. Merselis Collectors Edo Van Winkle Rinier S Speer Judge of Election Abrunam Reynolds Chosen Freeholders Cornelius G Garrison ' WiUiam Dickey Surveyors of the Highway Peter Achdeacon Edo P Merselis Town Committee Moses E De'witt Henry Whiteley John Brown Cornelius Speer Horatio Moses Judges of Appeal John Parke Cornelius C. Blauvelt John K Flood Overseers of the Poor Josiah M Crismond Henry Decker School Committee Elias J Marsh John Tiiby William Ridgeway Road Masters Halmagh R Van Houten Henry I Van Blarcom Cornelius M Vreeland Paul Post Constables John Wylie John S Noble James Sigler Patrick Kelly Pound Master Daniel Van Horn On motion made and seconded it was resolved that this town Meeting be conducted by Ballott- Resolved, that there be two Assessors and two Collector:; for the ensuing year K; 3t district. 2 d Do 3 4' d th DoDo Resolved, that there be Four Constables for the ensuing vear. Resolved, that the Township officers are to be strictly con fined to the Law in their charges. Resolved, that the Poor house and farm belonging to this township be sold, previous to the next annual Town Meeting, and that the Town Committee are hereby authorized to dis pose of said poor house and farm to the best advantage for the interests ofthe Township. Resolved, that the Chosen Freeholders be and are hereby instructed to make all necessary enquiries from our neighbor ing Counties and States, as to the actual result of the County poor house system, compared with the other systems of sup porting paupers, the difference of cost and the effect the vari ous systems have on the pauper, and to report the same to the next Annual Town Meeting. Resolved, that the Town Clerk make out an annual Report of the Township affairs, and publish the same at least two Weeks before the Annual Town Meeting. Resolved that the Assessors district the Township in mak ing the assessment and designate the district in which each person resides, whose name is entered on the duplicate. Resolved, that it shall be the duty of the Collectors to leave a written or printed notice with every person taxed, or at their dwelling, setting forth the amount of their tax, State, County, Poor & dog tax, and also the time when the Commis sioners of Appeals meet, and also the time the tax list of the defaulter to pay, will be put into the constables hands for Collection with a blank receipt at the bottom — the follow ing copy is recommended for the notice — Mr. Please to take notice that the amount (if your State County & Poor taxis $ dog " and if not paid on or before the day of next, it will be put into the hands of a constable The Judges of Appeal will meet on the day of November next at OClk A. M. at the house of Collector. Rec'd this day of 1835 the amount of the above tax in full 33 Resolved, That the township Committee of the township of Paterson be hereby authorized to give Brant Van Blarcom and John S Van Winkle as trustees of the estate of Abraham Van Houten, a minor, a bond or obligation duly executed by said Township Committee binding the Inhabitants of said Township for the payment of such bond or obligation with interest annually and which bond or obligation shall include all the interest due to said Van Blarcom and Van Winkle trustees as aforesaid up to this day, onthe seveial bonds or obligations they now hold against the inhabitants of said Township. Resolved, that the Township Committee of the township of Paterson are hereby authorized to borrow a sum of money sufificient to pay the Bond held by Isaac Sarven against said township, and to give a bond or obligation to the person loan ing said money binding the Inhabitants of said township for the payment thereof. Resolved, that the sum of Fifteen hundred dollars be raised by taxes for the support of the poor Resolved, that the sum of Two hundred dollars be raised for the roads — Resolved, that the sum of Three hundred and ten dollars be raised by taxes for the payment of interest. Resolved, that we have no dog tax nor Bounty on Fo.v heads- — Resolved, that nothing be raised this year for support of Free Schools, inasmucli as the Law will not allow the school money to be appropriated for the exclusive benefit of poor children — and the Town Meeting recommend the School Com mittee, in behalf ofthe inhabitants of Paterson to petition the legislature of the state of New Jersey so to alter or amend the Law, that each township can have it in their power to ap propriate their school money for one or more schools, instead of the present system of distribution.^ Resolved, that the names of all the delinquents be pub lished with the amount of their respective taxes annexed, at the time the annual report is published previous to the annual town meeting. ^ This action led to the enactment of a special law, "An Act to provide f c r the establish ment of Public Schools in the township of Paterson, inthe county of Essex. ' passed Jann- arj 33,1836. It is given in full in the Appendix — A. andB. 34 Resolved, that when the taxes voted for at this meeting are ex pended, and it is necessary to raise an additional sum, that the Town Committee call another Town Meeting for that purpose. J M Crismond Moderator Elisha B Clark. Town Clerk The next Town Meeting at Centre Market The Fall Election at Henry H Post's Sign'd E B Clark Town Clerk At a meeting of the Township Committee being their first Meeting since their Election held at the house of Platt Rogers on 20th April 1835 • Present— John Brown Cornelius S. eer Henry Whitely and Moses E Dewitt John Brown was chosen president and Corns Speer was ap pointed Secretary and treasurer to the Committee On Motion resolved that we require each Constable to give Bond to the Township of Paterson in the sum of Two Thous and dollars— The following Constables having offered their Bonds with sufficient security — therefore — Resolved they be accepted — viz — Patrick Kelly's Bond John Wylie's Bond James Sigler's Bond John S Noble's Bond Resolved that each Collector give a bond to the Township in the sum of Two thousand dollars with two good Bondsmen to each Bond Resolved, that Collector Edo Van Winkle's Bond be accepted. Resolved that Collector Rinier S Speer's Bond be accepted Resolved that the sums to be appropriated for the working of the Roads be as follows — viz— for the 1st district, the sum of $SO.— for "2d " " " " 25 " " 4th " •' " " 100 Making the total sum of $200 Resolved that John Brown notify the overseers of tht Road districts of their several apportionments Resolved, that Moses E Dewitt & Henry Whitely be a committee to wait on the Physicians and get proposals to attend the paupers in the town and at the poorhouse for the ensuing year and also to wait on the Lawyers and get propos ais to act as Council for the Township for the ensuing year- adjourn 'd E B Clark. Clerk Township Committee met at P Rogers April 27th 1835 present Jno. Brown Henry Whitely M E Dewitt & Corns. Speer — when on motion it was Resolved that B W Vandervort be the attorney & Council for the township for the Current year for which service he is to receive Ten Dollars Resolved that Doctor John Tilby be the Physician for the Township for the Current year for which he is to receive Fifty Dollars — Including Medicine and attending the paupers both in and out of the Poor house^ adjourn'd Sign'd C Speer Secy. Township Committee met 25th May at P Rogers present Jno Brown H Moses M E Dewitt & C Speer On motion made and seconded it was Resolved, that advertisements and hand bills be printed and circulated offering the Poor house & Farm & 2 horses for sale on the 9th day of June next Adjourn'd Sign'd C Speer Secy Paterson April uth 1836 At the Annual Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson held agreable to Law at the Centre Market on the Second Monday in April A D. 1836 the Meet ing haveing been opened when on Motion made and Seconded Johnothan Hopper was Chosen Moderator To the Meeting— On Motion resolved that this town meeting be conducted by Ballot- Resolved, that their be Tvvo assessors and Two Collectors for the Ensuinc Year 36 Resolved that there be Three Constables for the Ensuing Year RjSDlvei that their bs a committee of five persons to re port on the subject of supporting the paupers the Ensuing Year — and that Silas D Canfield J. M. Crismond Henry Deck er compose said Committee Resolved that the assessors be instructed to assess a Reason able sum on all Vacant Lots in the township Resolved that the road masters scrape up the manure in the Streets and sell it for the Benefit of the town. report Resolved That the town committee and overseers of poor to be appointed at this Meeting be authorised and re quired to rent some Suitable tenement in or in the vicinity of the Town for the accomodation of the poor of the Town ship, and to appoint some suitable person to superintend the same, and to make such rules and regulations respecting the same as in their Judgment they may deem propper, provided, that no more money shall be expended for the above* object than shall be appropriated forthe purpose at the present Town meeting; withoat the consent of aspecial Town Meeting to be convened for the purpose Resolved That the report of the committee on the subject of sup porting the poor be accepted — That the Town Meeting adjourn from this place to meet again at 2 O'CIock P. M. at P Archdeacon's^ and the Polls to close at 7 o'clock P. M. At the Annual Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson on the second Monday in April A D 1836 at the Centre Mar ket, the following persons were duly elected the town ofificers for the Ensuing Year Moderator Johnothan Hopper Town Clerk Andrew Mead Assessors Peter Merselis • At the northeast corner of Main and Smith streets. The building is still standing 37 Rinier S Speer Collectors Edo Van Winkle Judge of Election Samuel A. Vansaun Chosen Freeholders David Burdan Corns. G Garrison Surveyers ofthe Highways James King Peter Archdeacon Town Committee Moses E Dewitt Corns Speer John Edwards James Van Blarcora Joseph Jackson Judges of Appeal Corns C. Blauvelt John Park John K Flood Overseers of the poor Henry Decker Walter King School Trus tees Elias J Marsh John Tilby James Bentley Silas D Canfield Holmoth Van Winkle John Avison, Henry Van houton William Ridgeway « -n/r : not under five nor Amos Munson ry. Stephen Allen ; • i_ • ^i ^ . over nine being the Number by Law^ Overseers of the Highways Ist District Holmoth R Van houton 2 d Do Henry J. Van Blarcom ' See Appendix— A. 3S- 3 District Corns M Vreeland 4 Do George Swift Constables James Sigler John Wylie Mathew Dougherty Pound Master Holmoth R. Vanhouton Voted for Poor Tax fifteen hundred Dolls " Road Tax five hundred Dolls " School Tax Two hundred Dolls. " Dog Tax fifty cents Bounty on fox heads One Dollar Next Town meeting to be held at Peter Archdeacon's Fall Election first Day at Peter Archdeacon's Second day at Henry H Posts Jonathan Hopper Moderator Andrew Mead Town Clerk At a meeting of the Town Committee Convened at the house of Mr Platt Rogers on friday Evening 15th April 1836 present Corns Speer James Van Blarcom Moses E Dewitt Joseph Jackson John Edwards ort Motion It was Resolved that James Van Blarcom be ap pointed President of the Board and Corns Speer Secretary & Tresarer James Sigler handed in the names of his Bondsmen which were Excepted who were Robt Compton Jacob More Isaac Van Blarcom Jacob J Christie Resolved That Invitations be printed and circulated requesting per sons in or in the vicinity of the Township To Come forward and hand in estimates to the Town Committeeor overseers of 39 the Poor, for Boarding the poor for the Ensuing Year on or before the 23rd inst at the house of Mr Peter Archdeacons, Between the hours of 10 & 1 1 o'clock A. M. Resolved That the overseers of the poor be appointed a Sub Com mittee to rent a suitable Tenement and provide a Super intendent to take charge of the Trancient poor who are not Disposed ofif By the above Resolution and report the 23rd Inst Resolved That Mathew Dougherty be Exhonerated from paying his fine for not serveing as Constable That we adjourn To meet on Tuesday next at P Arch deacons at 10 oclock A. M. A. Mead Town Clerk April 19th 1836 Town Committee met according To adjournment all present On Motion It was Resolved ist That James Sigler's Bond be accepted with the additional monies of Wm. Wilson & Henry Mascar as his securities Resolved 2 That Edo Van Winkles (Collector) Bond be accepted with Horatio Moses & Peter E Merselis as Securities Resolved That Adrian Vanhoutons (Collector) Bond be accepted with John R flood and Chas H May as Securities Resolved That the Road Tax be divided as follows for the first District $150. " " 2nd Do IOO. " " 3rd Do 50. " " 4th Do 200. Sum Total $500 Resolved That their be a Committee of Two appointed To wait on a Phisition & Attorney for the Benfit of the Town and that Moses E Dewitt & John Edwards be that Committee and re port Progress on the 23rd inst 4a Resolved That we adjourn to meet again at 3 oclock P. M. at N Brow- ers on Van houton St Aiidw. Mead Town Clerk 3. o,clock Committee meet all present Resolved That John Wileys Bond with George S Knapp Geo Swift Hugh Riely Wm D Quinn as securities be accepted Resolved That Mr James Van Blarcom notify Henry I Van Blarcom H. R. Vanhouton and Corns M Vreeland of Distribution of the Road Tax and also that Corns Speer notify Geo Swift of the same Resolved That we adjourn to the 23rd inst to meet at P Archdeacons Apl 19th 1836 Andw Mead Town Clerk April 23rd 1836 Committee mett at the house of P Archdeacons for the pur. pose of Receiving Estimates for Boarding the poor — present. Corns Speer Joseph Jackson James Van Blarcom John Edwards Mr Moses E Gould proposed to Board Amy Law & child Ann Burns & Betsey Ann McGunna for the Sum one Dol lar per week Each for one Year from Date which was accepted. Mr Wm Hughson proposed to Board & Clotn Jesse Wil liams & Mary Dickerson for one Dollar per week Each for one Year from Date also to Board Ann Freeland for Twelve 41 Shilling per week for the term of one month and Nicholas Wright for fourteen shillings per week which was (Excepted). Mr Henry Decker handed in an Estimate proposing to Board & Cloth and pay all Expences of the Town poor for one Year More or Less and take all Expences from the Township in Relation to the supporting of the poor of the same Rejected. Mr John Steel handed in an Estimate proposeing To Board John Arther for fifteen shillings per week for the Term of One Year from Date Resolved That if Mr Steel will Board the above John Arther for Twelve Shillings per week for the term of one Month it be accepted Resolved That Mr Gould's offer to keep the Cann Boy for one month at 12 I — per week be accepted Resolved That the Town Clerk be authorized to call a Special Town Meeting on the 9th May 1836 at one oclock for the purpose of Electing one Constable Two Judges of Appeal and also to take into consideration the propriety of Raising an additional sum for thfe support of Public Schools Adjourn'd Andrew Mead Town Clerk. At a Special Town Meeting held on the 9th May inst per suant to public notice at the house of P Archdeacons It was Resolved That the Meeting be Conducted By Ballott Resolved That the Resolution Pass'd at the Annual Town Meeting Respecting Constables be recinded so as to preclude the ne cessity of chooseing another Resolved That there be 2 Judges of Appeal Elected at this Meeting (in place of Two who were not competent To serve.) On Motion made & seconded one thousand Dollars was nominated as an addition School Tax and also no additional School Tax The following ofificers were Duly Elected Constable Judges of Appeal James Gordon James Close Paul Post No addition school Tax Andw Mead Town Clerk Committee met on the i8th May 1836 at Peter Archdeacons present Corns Speer John Edwards and Joseph Jackson the president being absent John Edwards was appointed President protem. James Gordon* presented his bond and affidavit as Constable with James Close and Andw Lynch as his securi ties which was accepted, as satisfactory ./?^w/z/^i/ that Joseph Jackson inform Geo Swift that he can not serve as Road Master in consequence of his not having his naturalization papers at the time of his Election and also inform Paul Post that he is entitled to serve as road master in place of Geo Swift Resolved That Horatio Moses serve as Judge of Appeals in place of Paul Post he having been elected next in turn to him {p p.) Andw Mead Town Clerk Dec. 5th 1836— Committee met at the house of N. Brower Present Moses E. Dewitt John Edwards Corns Speer Joseph Jackson Resolved^chat the report of the overseers of the poor be accepted for the renting of St John's Hall till the first of May next for 50 Dollars, for the use ofthe poor Resolved— That Mr Henry Decker & Walter King Both Poor Masters, be a committee to furnish said house and make the necessary arrangements for the comfort of the poor upon as an econimical a plan as possible Resolved — That we adjourn untill the 19th Inst the same time and place A Mead Town Clerk * James Gordon having the highest number ot votes was Duly Elected Constable The Special Town Meeting uot having the Power to recind a resolution passed at an annual Town Meeting. The Judges of Appeal James Close & Paul Post were Elected to flll the vacancies of Coms C Blauvelt, & John Park they not being freeholders according to law Dec igth 1836 Committee met present Joseph Jackson Corns Speer Could not form a quorum to do business consequently they agreed to Call a meeting on the 21st inst A Mead Town Clerk Dec 2ist 1836 Committee met Prese.nt Corns Speer Joseph Jackson John Edwards Mr James Sigler & John Wiley (Constable), presented their Tax books of 1835 — and prayed to be releived from them as there was no means of Collecting any more from them were- upon it was Resolved That James Siglers and John Wileys (Constables) Tax Books of 1835 with their report be accepted Resolved — That in Consequence of not having a full meeting the board we adjourn to meet again on Friday Evening the 23rd inst at the house of N Browers at 7 O'clock A Mead Town Clerk Dec 23rd 1836 Committee met present Corns Speer James Van Blarcom Joseph Jackson * Moses E Dewitt John fedwards President in the Chair. Mess. Decker & King poor Masters made a statement of the Expenditure of the poor by which it appeared that the Sum raised at the Annual Town Meeting for their Support is now Expended and it becomes Necessary to raise an additional Sum for their support therefore Resolved, That a Special town Meeting be called on Wednesday the '4th January 1837 at One O'clock in the afternoon at the house of Peter Archdeacons for the purpose of raising an ad dition d a;nount of money for the Support of the poor, the 44 Amount voted at the last Annual 7'own Meeting being already expended. Resolved — Therefore that the Town Clerk be autherised and he is hereby autherised to Call Said Town Meetings Resolved that we adjourn A Mead Town Clerk At a Special Town Meeting Convened pursuant to public notice at the house of Peter Archdeacon on the 4th day of January 1837, forthe purpose of raising an additional sum of money for support of thepoor, the meeting being Duly organ ized by the Moderator Mr. Jonothan Hopper. It was upon Motion Resolved That the Township Committee be autherized by this meet ing to raise by loan, an additional sum of one thousand Dollars for the support of the poor for the remainder of the present Year said Sum to be Assessed and Collected at the next annual assessment of the Township Resolved that the meeting adjourn Jonathan Hopper Moderator A. Mead Town Clerk Mirch 30 31 & Apl 1st The Committee met for the purpose of settleing the affairs of the town for the past Year. Present full Board Monday the 3rd April inst the Committee met present Corns Speer James Van Blarcom Moses E Dewitt, John Edwards Joseph Jackson and Gave Bonds to J. S. Van Winkle and Brant Van Blarcom for $252.24 and one to Cornelius Van Winkle for ¦ $500.00 the Committee axamined the Treasurers report and found it CorrectResolved to adjourn Andw Mead Town Clerk At the annual Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson Held agreeable to Law at the House of Peter Archdeacons on the loth day of April 1837. The meet- 45 ing having been opened, when on Motion made and seconded Mr. Peter Archdeacon was appointed Moderator On Motion Resolved that this Meeting be Conducted by Ballot Resolved That there be Two Assessors and Tvvo Collectors for the Ensuing Year Resolved, That there be Three Constables for the Ensuing Year, Resolved, That the school Committee Consist of Five persons for the Ensuing Year Ke.-olved That the assessors be Instructed to assess a reasonable sum on all vacant lots in the township for the Benefit of the town Resolved That the Overseers of the roads be authorized to sell the manure as it lies on the streets for the Benefit of the Township. Resolved That the Management of the poor be left with the Town Committee and overseers of the poor Resolved that this meeting adjourn to meet again at th s place at One O'clock and the polls to close at seven O'clock At the Annual Town meeting of the Township of Paterson on the 2nd Monday in April held at the house of Peter Arch deacon the following persons were duly elected Town officers for the Ensuing Year Moderator School Committe Peter Archdeacon Henry Whitely— Declines ~ T^ 1^, ; ""Andrew Hopper rown Clerk John P. Brown-Declines Andrew Mead iTfn- r>-j Judge of Election Ehas J. Marsh Abraham Reynolds Halmah Van Winkle Assessors -William Ridgeway 'Sn Tohn Avison Adrian Van Houten Overseers of Highways Peter Lydecker ^^^ Dist-Halmah RVan Houten Collectors 2nd do -Henry I Van Blarcom James Van Blarcom 3rd do -Corns M Vreeland Rober Cunningham 4th do -George Swift 46 Chosen Freeholders Pound Master David Reid Halmah Van Houten Joseph Jackson Voted for Poor Tax Two Town Committee thousand and five hundred Samuel A Biles Dollars William Brown do for SchooITax five hundred John Wild Dollars Hugh Brady do for Road Tax Six hundred John Tilby Dollars Dog Tax fifty cents Surveyors of Highways Fall Election William B Sloan first day at Peter Archdeacon's William Dickey Second day at Franklin House Next Town meeting at Peter Judges of Appeal Archdeacons. Phillip Van Bussom Constables — David Russell Patrick McGee John Park j^mes Gordon Saml Pope Overseers of the poor Peter Archdeacon Moderator Walter King Attest Andrew Mead James King Esqr. Town Clerk April 14th 1837 Town Committee met present Samuel A Biles Wm Brown Hugh Brady John Tilby John Wild On Motion made & seconded, Mr Wm Brown was appoint ed President of the Board and Saml A. Biles choosen Secretary, and John Tilby Treasurer David Russell offered his bond as constable with John Flood Joseph Warren and Henry Oneill as his securities Resolved that David Russells bond be accepted with the above named Bondsmen James Gordon offered his Bond as Constable with Andrew Lynch and James Close as his securities Resolved that James Gordons Bond be accepted with the above named Bondsmen Resolved That the Road Tax be divided as follows viz. To the First district H. R. Van Houten $175 — " " Second " H. I. Van Blarcom 100 — 47 To the Third " Corns M Vreeland IOO " " Fourth " George Swift 225 $6oO Resolved That Samuel A Biles be autherized to inform the different Road masters of the above Division of the Road Tax and also to Instruct them to sell the manure as it lies on the streets. Resolved That William Brown be autherized to employ an attorney for the use of the township Resolved that the poor masters be autherized to rent some, suitable tenement for the use and Benefit of the poor and also Employ a suitable person to superintend the same Adjourned A. Mead Town Clerk April 24th 1837 Committee met present Wm Brown Saml A Biles John Wild Hugh Brady Mr. James Van Blarcom presented his bond as Collector with John Van Blarcom as his Bondsman Resolved That James Van Blarcoms Bond be accepted Mr Robt Cunningham presented his Bond as Collector with James W King as his Bondsman Resolved that Robt Cunningham's bond be accepted Samuel Pope appeared and stated that he was willing to serve as Constable. But could not find securities. ^ It was thereupon Resolved that Samuel Pope be e.N:onerated from his fine. Adjourned April 28th 1837 Committee met present William Brown Saml A Biles Hugh Brady John Wild When Mr. Pope died, in 1880, he lett an estate valued at, .$ KU 001 48 It appearing necessary in the opinion of the town Commit tee to elect a constable to fill the vacancy occasioned by Samuel Popes not serving in said office Now therefore Resolved That the Town Clerk be autherized and he is hereby author ized to call a special town meeting for the Purpose of Electing a Constable to fill the vacancy of Samuel Pope Mr Steel offered to Board and wash for John Arthur and James McCurdy for 15 — shillings per week Each for one Year from date That Mr Steels propisition as above be accepted At a Special Town Meeting of the township of Paterson held pursuant to public notice at the House of Peter Arch deacon on the Sth day of May 1837 — James Sigler was duly elected Constable Moderator Attest A. Mead Town Clk. May loth 1837 Committee met present William Brown John Tilby Samuel A. Biles John Wild Hugh Brady Mr James Sigler offered his Bond as Constable with Wm Wilson, Jacob J Cristie Hugh Riely Walter King Peter Arch deacon and Henry Decker as his scurities Resolved « That James Sigler Bond be accepted Adjourned Andw Mead Clk. September 4th 1837 Committee met at the House of Peter Archdeacon Present Wm Brown John Tilby Hugh Brady John Wilds the secretary being absent Wm Brown was appointed secretary protem (Copied from the minutes of the Committee) Walter King one of the poor Masters being absent on a Tour t 1 Scotland 49 Resolved that John K Flood be appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned By the above Walter King for the remainder of the Year and that he be empowered by the Board to act as poor master in the township of Paterson Resolved that this Board use their Judgment & Skill in the best manner possible to ascertain the cheapest & Best method of having the bridge repaired in the first district Resolved that this Board meet at this place on Friday first Sth inst at the hour between 6 & 7 o'clock in the afternoon Resolved that we adjourn Andw Mead Clk September Sth 1837 Committee, meet Present William Brown Saml A Biles John Wild Hugh Brady Resolved that Messrs Brown & Tilby be a Committee to build a wall and fill in the same at the Bridge in Broadwaj' near H R Vanhoutons^ Resolved that we adjourn Andw Mead Clk. Octr. 30th 1837 the Committee Met at the House of John K Flood present Wm Brown Hugh Brady & John Wilds. Wm Brown was Elected Treasurer in the place of John Tilby Deceased Walter King having Returned John K Flood offered his Resignation as overseer of the poor appointed During Mr Kings absence which was Excepted and Walter King resumed his former appointment Adjourned Andw Mead Clk ' Just east of Bridge street, crossing the Dark Broolv. 50 Deer nth i^ Committee Met present William Brown Hugh Brady & John Wild their being 2 Vacancies in the Committee occasioned by the death of Dr John Tilby & Saml A Biles and the time having Expired for the Voters to elect Members to fill said vacancies It was Resolved on Motion that David I Brands and Peter Arch deacon be appointed by the Committee to fill said Vacancies and that they are hereby declared Members of this Board for the remainder of the Present Year Resolved that Messrs Brady & Wild be a Committee to wait on Messrs Brands & Archdeacon and inform them of their appointment and report tbeir answer as to their acceptance The Committee having waited upon them they reported that they do accept of the appointment Resolved that David I Brands be secretary of the Board Resolved that the Board adjourn And Mead Clerk. Proceedings of the Annual Town Meeting^ held at the house of Peter Archdeacon on the Second Monday in April A D 1838 Mr Nicholas Smith was Chosen Moderator It was Resolved that there be but one Assessor It was Resolved That there be but one Collector It was Resolved That there be but two overseers of the Roads It was Resolved That there be but five Persons Chosen for the School Trustees It was Resolved That there be but three Constables It was Resolved That the Town be divided into Two Road Districts and that the Town Committee have power to make the said division The Meeting then adjourned to meet again at One OClock The Polls to close at 7 Oclock P M The following Persons were Chosen Township officers for the ensuing Year ' A new law went into effect at this time, providing that elections and appropriations could be made by a plurality of votes. See Appendix — B and C. 51 Town Clerk Assessor Collector Judge of Election Chosen Freeholders Surveyors of the Highwaj' Township Committee Judges of Appeal Overseers of the Poor School Trustees John Keenan Josiah M' Crismond David H Day John Parke Samuel A Van Saun Horatio Moses John Nightingale David Berdan William L Clark Joseph Gledhill David Burnett John S Personett Cornelius Van Winkle James Close Anthony Van Blarcom William Dickey Walter King Donation Binnse Elias J Marsh John Avison Lemuel Burr Henry Van Giesen Andrew Hopper William S. Kelly Albert Van Houten James Sigler John Wylie David Russell Pound Master John Vail Poor Tax to be raised $2000 School Tax " $ 500 Koad Tax , " $ 200 No additional Tax on a Single Dog Every additional Dog or Slut one Dollar Next Town Meeting at Congress Hall Fall Election. First Day at Congress Hall Second Day at Passaic Hotel Nicholas Smith Moderator John Keenan Town Clcik Overseers of the Roads Constables 52 The Township Committee met at the House of Mr Arm- .strongon Friday the 13th day of April A D 1838. Present William L. Clark Joseph Gledhill David Burnett John S Per sonett Cornelius Van Winkle The Board was organized by appointing William L Clark President The Town Clerk was appointed Secretary of the Board and William L Clark was chosen Treasurer It was Resolved That the Town be divided into two Road Districts as follows First District — Includes \'an Houten and Boudinot Street and all Roads lying north of a line running parallel with Van Houten Street Second District. Includes all Roads lying South of the above line Albert Van Houten was appointed Road Master of the first District and William S Kelly for the Second District It was Resolved That One Hundred Twenty Dollars be ap propriated for the Second district and Eighty Dollars for the first District and that the Secretary notify the Road Masters of the above Division and appropriation and also that should they expect more than the Amount appropriated the Town ship Committee will not allow it David Burnett and John S Personett were appointed a Com mittee to engage an Attorney and Physician for the Township for the Ensuing Year It was Resolved That the Collector give Bonds to the Amount of Four Thousand Dollars Mr David Russell offered the following bond as Constable which was accepted Know All Men, by these Presents that we David Russell John Flood Joseph "Warren John P Brown and Henry Oneil all of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey are held and firmly bound to "The Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson" in the County of Passaic in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, Money of the United States to be paid to the said "The Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic their Successors or Assigns, to which payment well and truly to be made we Bind Ourselves and each of us for himself in the whole, our and eVery of our heirs e.xecutors and administra tors firmly by these presents — Sealed with our Seal and dated the 13th day of April A D 1S38 53 The Condtion of this obligation is that Whereas the above bonden David Russell was at the last annual Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson elected a Constable of said Township, now, therefore if the said David Russell shall truly and faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on him as Constable of said Township then the above obligation to be void otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue Signed Sealed and Signed delivered in presence of William Sandford David Russell John Flood John P Brown Henry ONeil Walter King (Copy) The following affidavits were handed in (Copy) I, Walter King do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will in all things, to the best of my knowledge and understanding well and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me as an Ov,erseer of the Poor of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic in the State of New Jersey Sworn before me this : 13 dav of April A D : Signed Walter King 1838 ' : J M Crismond ; Justice of the Peace Copy I, Donation Binnse do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will in all things to the best of my knowledge and understanding well and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me, as an overseer of the Poor, of the Township of Paterson, in the County of Passaic, in the State of New Jersey Sworn before me this ; 13 day of April A D : Signed Donation Binnse 1838 : John Parke Justice of the Peace Copy I, John Parke do solemnly promise and swear that 1 will faithfully impartially, and justly, perform all the duties of the office of Judge 6i Election, according to the best of my ability and understanding, so help me God Sworn before me this : 13th day of April A D 1838 : Signed John Parke David Burnett Justice of : the Peace Copy I David Russell do solemnly and sincerely premise and swear that I will well and truly serve the State of New Jersey i n the office of Constable for the Township of Paterson— County of Passaic. That I will honestly and impartially summon empannel and return good and lawful men for juries able and sufficient and not suspected or procured as is or shall be directed by Law That I will to the utmost of my power faithfully and without delay execute all writs, precepts, process warrants and executions to me direct ed and which shall come to my hands, and truly return the same. That in the exercise of my office I will do no wrong to any but will do right to all and take none but lawful fees That I will truly diligently and honest ly without fraud deceit oppression favor or partiality do execute and per form all services acts and duties of my said office to the best of my knowl edge judgement and ability Signed David Russell Sworn before me the 13th day of April A D 1838 David Burnett Justice of the Peace Adjourned to meet on tuesday next the 17th of April A. D 1838 at the House of Mr Armstrong John Keenan Clk. The Township Committee of the Township of Paterson met agreably to adjourment at the House of Mr. Armstrong 17th day of April A D 1838 present Messrs William L Clark Joseph Gledhill David Burnett John S Personnet Cornelius Van Winkle Received from the secretary of the former Committee the Township Book and the balance of cash in his possession Settled with James Gordon Constable for Tax List in his possession and received from him Six 53 j 100 Dollars being the balance of cash collected by him. It was Resolved that the House of Mr Hugginson be leased for one Year from the ist April 1838 to the 1st April 1839 fo'' the sum of ninety Dollars the said Mr Hugginson to carry to & from Paterson all articles necessary for the Poor at that House Mr Increase Van Houten was appointed to superintend the poor at the Poor House for the same amount as was paid him last Year Dr Wm Thompson was appointed Physician to the Poor for the ensuing Year at fifty Dollars per annum 55 Mr James Spear was appointed Counsellor to the Board for the ensuing Year John Wylie, Constable offered the following bond vvhich was accepted (Copy) Know all Men, by these presents that we John Wyhe Ira Munn Henry H Post John A "Van Ryper and George S Knapp all of the Township o Paterson in the County of Passaic in the State of New Jersey are held and firmly bound unto the Inhabitants of the Township of Pateison in the County of Passaic in the sum of Two Thousand dollais raoney of the United States to be paid to the said the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic their successors or assigns, to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us for himself in the whole, our and every of our heirs executors and administra tors firmly by these presents. Sealed wilh our Seals and dated the four teenth day of April in the Veav of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight The Condition of this obligation is that Whereas the above bounden John Wylie was at the last annual Town Jleeting of the Township of Pat erson elected a Constable of said Township, Now, therefore if the said John Wylie shall truly and faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on him as Constable of said Township then the above obligation to be void otherwise to "oe and remain in full force and virtue Signed Sealed and : Signed John Wylie delivered iu presence : Ira Munn of : Henry H Post J M Crismond John A 'Van Riper George S Knapp John Wylie Constables Oath copy I John Wylie do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will well and truly serve the State of New Jersey in the office of Constable for the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic that I will honestly and impartially summon empannel and reti rn good and lawful men for juries able and sufficient and not suspected or procured as is or shall be directed by Law, that I will to the utmost of my power faithfully and without delay execute all writs precepts process warrants and executions to me directed and which shall come to my hands and truly return the same, that in the exercise of my office I will do no wrong to any but will do right to all and take none but lawfu fees, that I will truly diligently and hon estly without fraud deceit oppression favor or partiality do execute and perform all services acts and duties of my said office to the best of my knowledge judgement and ability Sworn and subscribed before me this 17th day of April A D : John Wylie 1838 David Burnett Justice of the ' Peace. 56 Mr James Sigler Constable offered the following Bond which was accepted Copy Know all Men by these presents that we James Sigler William Wilson George Swift Jacob Christie Hugh Reilly and Jacob D Schoonmaker all of the Township of Paterson, in the County of Passaic, in the State of New' Jersey are held and firmly bound unto the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic in the sum of Two thousand Dollars Money o: the United States to be paid to the said The Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic their successors if assigns to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us for himself in the whole our and every of our heirs, executors and ad ministrators firmly by these presents. Sealed with our Seals and dated the 17th day of April A D 1838 The condition of this obligation is that whereas the above bounden James Sigler was at the last annual Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson elected a Constable of the said Township of Paterson now there fore if the said James Sigler shall truly and faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on him as Constable of said Township then the above obli gation to be void otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue Signed Sealed and delivered . Signed James Sigler in the presence of Simeon Hart Wm Wilson George Swift Jacob J Christie Hugh Reilly Jacob D Schoonmaker James Sigler Constables Oath Copy I James Sigler do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will well and truly serve the State of New Jersey in the office of Constable for the Township of Paterson, in the County of Passaic that I will honestly and impartially summon empannel and return good and Lawful Men for Juries able and sufficient and not suspected or procured as is or shall be directed by Law. That I wili to the utmost of my Power faithfuUv and without delay execute all Writs precepts process warrants and executions to me directed which shall come to my hands and truly return the same, that in the exercise of my office I will do no wrong to anvone but will do wright to all and take none but lawful fees. That I will truly and diligently and honestly and without fraud deceit oppression favor or partiahtv do execute and perform all services acts and duties of my said office to the best of my Knowledge Judgement and ability Sworn and subscribed before me ; this 14th day of April 1838 > James Sigler Simeon Haft Justice of the : Peace ; David H Day's Collectors Bond Copy Know all Men by these Presents, That we David H Day Horatio Moses Halmagh Van Winkle and Cornelius G Garrison all of the Township of 57 Paterson in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey ai'e held and firmly bound to the Inhabitants of the Toivnship of Paterson in the sum of Four Thousand Dollars, lawful Money of the United States to be paid to the said Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson to which payment well and truly to be made We bind ourselves our heirs Executors and . Administrators Jointly and severally firmly by these presents Sealed with our Seals and dated the sixteenth day of April, One thousand eight hundred and thirty eight. The Coidition of thi-< obligation is that Whereas, the above bounden David H Day has been elected by the Inhabitants of the Township of Patersjn Tiwnship Collector, Now, therefore if the said David H Day shall faithfully perform the duties of his said office, as Collector of the Township of Paterson, according to Law, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in fuU force Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of John Parke Signed David H Day Horatio Moses Halmagh Van Winkle Cornelius G Garrison J M Crismond Assessor's Oath Copy I, Josiah M Crismond, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will truly, faithfully, honestly, and impartially value and assess the ratable estates in the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, and that in making such valuations and assessments I will to the best of my Knowledge and Judgement, observe the directions of the Law respecting the same Sworn before me the fourteenth : dayof April Anno Domini 1838." Signed Nicholas Smith Justice of the; J M Crismond Peace ; A 'Van Blarcora, Co.Timissioner of Appeal's Oath Copy I. Anthony "Van Blarcom, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, T'lat I will well truly and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me and perform my duty as a Coramissioner of Appeals incases of Taxa tion for the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, according to the best of my knowledge and understanding without favor or partiality Sworn before me this iSth day: of April A D 1838 J M Crismond Justice of the Peace. Signed Anthony Van Blarcom William Dickey Commissioner of Appeal's Oath Copy I, William Dickev do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will Will truly and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me and perform my duty as Con-imissioner of Appeals in cases of Taxation for Signed James Close 5S the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic according to the best of my knowledge and understanding, without favor or partiality Sworn before me this 38th day : of April A D 1838 ' I Signed J M Crismond, Justice of the ; William Dickey Peace. : James Close Commissioner of Appeal's Oath Copy I, James Close, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that, I will well, and truly, and faithfully, execute the trust reposed in me, and perform my duty as a. Commissioner of Appeals in cases of Taxation, for the Township of Paterson, in the County of Passaic, according to the best of my knowledge and understanding, without favor or partiality Sworn before me this i8th day of April A D 1838 Nicholas Smith Justice of the Peace. Adjourned. John Keenan Town Clk. May 28 1838 The Township Committee met at the House of N Brower full board present Mr J Sigler Constable paid Fifty Dollars for Taxes of delinquents collected by him. Mr Kelly Road Master was authorized to' procure a scraper for the Tovi'nship Adjourned John Keenan Town Clk September 7 1 838 The Township Committee met at Brower's House, present Messrs Clark Burnett Gledhill & Personett — Mr Walter King Poor Master exhibited a statement of expenses incurred for support of the Poor by which it appeared that the Bills amounted to about $1009.15 | 100 The Bill for scraper amounting to 4 87^/^ | lOO Dollars was passed and ordered to be paid Adjourned J Keenan Town Clk December 7th 1838 The Committee met at Brower's House, present Messrs Clark Burnett Gledhill and Personett Dr Thompson's Bill for % Year's Services was passed and an order given for it on the Collector 5g ¦Mr Lockwood's Bill of $2 50 | 100 was passed N Smith Bill for services as Moderator was passed and order given on the Collector for it Adjourned J Keenan Town Clk January 9, 1839 The Committee met at the House of Mr Brower, present Messrs Clark Gledhill Personett & Burnett David Roes Bill of $548 44 | loo was passed H Hamiltons do 52 do J M Crismonds order in favor of J Gledhill and his order in favor of John Stagg or bearer were passed Amt J Gledhill $ii 50 " John Stagg 4 — Adjourned J Keenan Town Clk Paterson 11 March 1839 The Township Committee met at the House of N. Brower — full board present The following Bills were passed D Dimick constables Bill for 2.00 David Reids Bill — 15.00 Mr. Brooks " 183.37 Nancy McArdle's The Bill of the Collector David H Day was ordered to be submitted to the counsellor for the Township for his opinion relative to the charge of 4 cents per name for State Tax Andrew Meads bill for services as Town Clerk for the last town meeting &c was passed on condition of his altering the charge of four days to three, which will then make the bill amount to $6.50 Mr Brower's Bill was passed provided he alter it from five to four Dollars The following orders of the Poor Masters were stopped Mrs Tenike Mrs Delhagan Mrs Keefe Mrs Acker Mrs Donovan Mrs Mackie The secretary was ordered to advertis'e for all accounts to 60 be rendered on or before the 22nd Inst, to Mr W L Clark at Mr J Colts store ^ and that no bills will be recieved after that date Mr Sigler, Constable, laid a statement before thc Commit tee of the Tax Collected by him on the old book of last year, showing that he had collected $99.75 and paid $81 — leaving a balance in his hands of 18.75 — -he was released from any further action upon it The Poor Masters and Keeper of the Poor House were re quested to report a statement of the number of out door paupers that have been relieved, and the number admitted in the poor House during the present year — Adjourned to meet on next friday J Keenan Town Clerk Paterson 15 March 1839. The Township Committee met — full board present — The following Bills were examined, found correct and passed Dr Binnse order to J Lynch 30.00 Dr. Binnse 13-70 Ira Munns Bill 5.00 T M Armstrong Bill 1.50 John S Personetts 2 — - J M Crismonds order in favor of J Gurnee 46.30 James Lynch Bill 277-Z7 John F. Ryerson Bill 12 — Samuel A Van Saun 389.06 David West 4 — Andrew Lynch 5.87 John Brown including Int on acct. 1837 196.66 Rynier S Speer 2.50 William Wilson 50 Samuel Pope 25^ The following orders were stopped Hannah Freeland Andrew Dean Adjourned to Monday at I Oclock John Keenan Town Clerk 1 On the southwest comer of Main and Market streets, in the frame buildine still standing (1894). * 61 Paterson i8 March 1839 the Township Committee met at the House of N Brower full board present The following Bills were examined and found correct & passed C G Garrisons Bill 18.50 Increase Van Houten " J49. Mr Hugginson " 97^ Ira Ryerson " 24. 1 1 Horatio Moses 1.12 John Colt's Store 1. 45 Brower grave digger $4 & $2 6. Wm S Kelly road master 1 16.60 Smith Hill 8.15 David Roe S 39.44 Cornehus Van Winkle iO — James Sigler i.l 5 John Wylie 6.05 Adjourned to meet on friday next at 9 Oclock A M Paterson 22 March 1839 The Committee met pursuant to adjournment — full board present The following Bills were examined & passed S BroadwelPs Bill for 69.67 Blauvelt & Mandeville S3-o3 John Parke 6. Francis Kennedy 3 ^- Dr Thompson balance 25 Albert Van Houten 72.06 Adjourned to meet on Monday next at 9 Oclock Paterson 25 March 1839 The Township Committee met at Brower's House full board present Walter King's Bill was passed as follows Taking examinations & services for last Year 71.38 Cash paid out by him at sundry times 65.25 $136.63 62 Dr Binnse bill was passed as follow.^' For services as overseer of the Poor 17 84- Cash paid out by him '3 5^ $31-34 The folloiving bills were passed Anthony Van Blarcom for services as judge of appeal Benjamin Crane's Bill John S Personett " N Smith " for examinations at 35 c 10 J K Flood Bill for examinations Simeon Harts " Burnett & Pollards Bill James Spears Henry Hamilton *' for Wood Moses E Gould " " Straw J M Crismonds order on D H Day N Browers Bill for use of Room Albert Van Houtens Bill Day & Warrens Bill for Printing Miss King Bill making shirts for Poor Adjourned J Keenan Town Clk Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson held at Armstrongs Congress Hall on Monday the eighth day of April A D 1839 Mr Caleb M Godwin was chosen Moderator It was Resolved That the School Committee consist of five persons It was Resolved that there be two Overseers of the Roads It was Resolved That there be three Constables It was Resolved That the Road Masters be directed to sell by the street or road, by the year, at public vendue, all the Manure that may be collected in the several districts, and that the proceeds thereof be paid over to the Township Committee to be applied by them towards repairing and improving the .sime I — 2 50 50 3 50 I 84 1 75 50 20 40 4 41 3 25 5 7 50 13 25 3 85 fes It was Resolved, That the Township Committee be author ized to purchase a plot of ground in the vicinity of the Town for the purpose of erecting thereon a Poor House not to exceed five acres, and not to exceed the cost of two Hundred Dollars per acre .ere chosen Township Officers for The following Persons the ensuing Year Town Clerk Judge of Election Assessor Collector Chosen Freeholders Town Committee Surveyors of the Highways Judges of Appeal Overseers of the Poor School Committee Overseers of the Roads Constables Pound Master Poor Tax Road Ta.x John Keenan Elias B D Ogden Joseph Jackson James Gordon Abraham Reynolds Moses E Dewitt Brant Van Blarcom Sherman Broadwell William Crosset Jacob Goetchius Philip Van Bussum John G Bates Peter Archdeacon John K Flood William Masters John Kershaw _ Thomas Roe Walter King Isaac H Van Riper William S Thompson Peter OBlenis James Fanning Wright Flavell William Sandford Samuel Pope John Wylie David Russell James Sigler John Vail };3ooo o 200. — 64 Dog Tax additional O.50 Every additional Dog or Slut i.OO No School Tax^ Next Fall Election both days at the Court House^ Next Annual Town Meeting at the Court House C M Godwin Moderator Attest John Keenan Town Clerk The Township Committee met at the House of Mr Peter Arch deacon on Monday the 15th April AD 1839 present Brant Van Blarcom Sherman Broadwell William Crosset Philip Van Bussum and Jacob Goetchus Mr Brant Van Blarcom was appointed President of the Board Mr John Keenan was chosen secretary Daniel Barkalow Esqr was appointed counsellor for the Township for the ensuing Year for the salary of Ten Dollars per annum Mr Jacob Goetchies was chosen Treasurer The Committee divided the Township into two road districts as follows first district— Shall include Boudinot and Van Houten Streets and all roads in the Township lying north of a Straight line running along the Centre of Van Houten street and thence continuing eastward to the passaic River Second district —Includes all roads lying south of the above line Mr Williain Sandford was appointed overseer of the first district and Mr Samuel Pope for the second One Hundred Dollars was appropriated for each district It was Resolved, That the House now occupied for the Poor be rented from Mr Hugginson for the ensuing Year for the same rent and to have the same privileges as last year Mr Van Houten was engaged to superintend the Poor at the Poor House for the ensuing year for the sum of 2 50 | 100 Dollars per week 1 A new law was passed Febraary ~'0, 18311. authorizing a large increase in the school tax. S.-e Appendix— B. i Th ' C urt House was at this time but recently built. 65 It was Resolved, That Mr Increase Van Houten be author ized to send Mr. John Arthur a blind Pauper to New York to receive the medical attendance of Mr Williams the Oculist, the Township to pay his board while in the city-- The following Notice, signtd by the Committee and attested by the Town Clerk was sent to each of the overseers of the Roads You are hereby ISfotified That the Town Committee have divided the Township into two Road Districts as follows : first district Includes Boudinot and 'Van Houten Streets and all Road^ in the Township north of a straight line running along the centre of ¦Van Houten street and thence continuing eastward to the passaic River Second district. Includes all Roads South of the above line — William Sandford is appointed Overseer of the first district and Samuel Pope of the Second district One Hundred Dollars is appropriated for each district Andrew Mead and Simeon Hart Justices of the Peace hav ing been waited upon by a committee of the board to ascer tain what they would charge for taking examinations of and giving orders to paupers, stated that they would do it for the sum of twenty five cents at their ofifices or at the House ofthe Pauper Whereupon it was Resolved That the Poor Masters be and are hereby directed to apply to Andrew Mead and Simeon Hart Esquires for examinations or orders and any other Magistrates that will do them for the same price Resolved — That Andrew Mead and Simeon Hart be directed to issue three Tax warrants, one for each Constable — each Magistrate to have one half the fees — Ml' Sherman Broadwell was appointed to procure a Physi cian for the ensuing Year — and to make the first application to Dr Rogers — Mr James Gordon the Collector offered the following Bond which was accepted Copy Know All Men, by these presents. That we, James Gordon Joseph Jack son and James Lynch all of the County of Passaic in the State of New Jersey are held and firmly bound to the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic in the said State in the Sum of Four thousand Dollars lawful money of the United States to be paid to the said Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson or their successors, to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves out Heirs E.xecutors and administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents— 66 Sealed with our Seals, dated the fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine The Condition of the above obligation is. Whereas the above bounden James Gordon has been elected by the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, Collector of the said Township of Pat erson in said County of Passaic — Now therefore if the said James Gordon shall faithfully perform the duties of his said office as Collector of the .said Township of Paterson in said County of Passaic according to law then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Signed Sealed & delivered in the . Sign'd James Gordon presence of Siraeon Hart. : Jos. Jackson : Jas. Lynch Mr John Wylie Constable offered the followed Bond which was accepted Copy Know All Men, by these presents that we John Wylie Ira Munn Samuel Pope Avery Richards & Jacob Douglass all of the Township of Paterson, in the County of Passaic in the state of New Jersey are held and firmly bound unto the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, in the Sum of Two thousand Dollars, money of the United States, to be paid to the said Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, their successors or assigns, to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us for himself in the whole, our and every of our heirs executors and administrators, firmly by these presents Sealed with our Seals and da ed the fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty nine The cohdition of this obligation is, that Whereas the above bounden John Wylie was at the last Annual Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson elected a Constable of said Township, now therefore if the said John Wylie shall truly and faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on him as Constable of said Township, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and 'Virtue. Signed Sealed and delivered . Signed John Wylie in the presence of ; Ira Munn John Parke ; Samuel Pope Avery Richards Jacob Douglass John Wylie Constable's oath of ofifice I John Wylie do solemnly promise and swear that I will well and truly serve the state of New Jersey in the office of Constable for the Township of Paterson in the County ot Passaic That I will honestly and impartially summon empannel and return good and lawful men for Juries able and sufficient and not suspected or procured as is or shall be directed by law — That I will to the utmost of my power faithfully without delay execute all writs precepts process Warrants ahd Executions to me directed and which shall come to my hands and truly return the same— that in the exercise 67 of my office I will do no wrong to any but will do right to all and lake none but lawful fees, that I will truly ddigently and Honestly Without fraud deceit oppression favor or partiallity do execute and perform all services acts and duties of my said office to the best. of my Knowledge Judgement and ability Sworn and subscribed before me this 15th day of April 1S39 Simeon Hart Justice of the peace. Signed John Wylie Mr James Sigler Constable offered the following Bond which was accepted Know all Men, by these presents. That we James Sigler Samuel Pope, George Swift and Patrick Reilly, all of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic in the State of New Jersey are held and firmly bound unto the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic in the Sum of Two Thousand Dollars, money of the United Sta es, tobe paid to the said the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson, in the County of Passaic, their successors or assigns to which payment, well, and truly, to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us for him self in the whole, our and every of our heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents Sealed with our Seals and dated the fifteenth day of April in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and Thirty nine The Condition of this obligation is that whereas the above bounden James Sigler, was at the last Annual Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson elected a Constable of said Township, now therefore, if the said Jaraes Sigler shall truly and faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on him as Constable of said Township then the above obligation tobe void, other wise to be and remain in full force and virtue Signed sealed and delivered : Signed James Sigler in the presence of ; Samuel Pope John Parke : ' George Swift Patrick Reilly James Sigler Constables oath of ofifice I James Sigler do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will well and truly serve the State of New Jersey in the office of Constable for the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, that I will honestly and impartially, summon empannel and return good and lawful men for Junes, able and sufficient and not suspected or procured as is or shall be directed by law, that I will to the utmost of my power faithfully and without delay execute ail writs precepts process warrants and executions to me directed and which shall come to my hands and truly return the same, that in the exercise of my office I will do no wrong to any but will do right to all and take none but lawful fees, that I will truly diligently and honestly wiihout fraud deceit oppression favour or partiality, do execute and perform 68 all- services acts duties of my said office to the best of my knowledge judgement and ability Sworn and subscribed before : Signed rae this 15th day of April 1839 : Jaraes Sigler Simeon Hart Justice of the : Peace '¦ Mr David Russell offered the following Bond which was accepted Copy Know All Men, by these presents. That we David Russell John P. Brown & John Flood all of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic in the State of New Jersey are held and firmly bound unto the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Pasisaic in the sum of Two thousand Dollars, raoney oif the United States to be paid to the said Inhabitants in the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, their successors or assigns, to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us for himself in the whole, our and every of our heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents Sealed with our seals and dated the fifteenth day of April in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight Hundred and thirty nine The Condition of this Obligation is that whereas the above bounden David Russell was at the last Annual Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson elected a Constable of said Township now therefore if the said David Russell shall truly and faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on hira as Constable of said Township, then the above obligation to be void otherwise to be and reraain in full force and virtue Signed sealed and delivered in presence of John K Flood Signed David Russell John P Brown John Flood David RusseU's Constable Oath of ofifice I David Russell, do solemnlj' and sincerely promise and swear that I will well and truly serve the State of New Jersey in the office of Constable for the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, that I will honestly and impartially sumraon erapannell and return good and lawful raen for Junes, able and sufficient and not suspected or procured as is or shall be directed by law, that I will to the utraost of my power faithfully and with out delay execute all writs precepts processes warrants and executions to me directed and which shall come to my hands and truly return the same^ that in the exercise of my office 1 will do no wrong to any but will do right to all — and take none but lawful fees, that I will truly diligently and Honestly, without fraud deceit oppression favor or partiality do, excute, and perform all services acts and duties of my said office to the best of my Knowledge judgement and ability Sworn and subscrioed before me . Signed , this 15 th day of April 1839 Simeon Hart Justice of the Peace David Russell 69 Joseph Jackson Assessors Oath of ofifice I Joseph Jackson do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will truly faithfully honestly and impartially value and assess the Rateable Estates in the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic and that in rnaking such valuations and assessments I will to the best of my knowledge and judgement observe the directions of the law respecting the same Affirmed and subscribed before me this 15 day of April 1839 Simeon Hart Justice of the Peace Signed Joseph Jackson Overseers of the Poor's oath of oflfice I Walter King do solemnly and sincerely promise Evnd swjear th^t I will in all things to the best of my knowledge and understanding well and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me as an overseer of the Poor of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic Sworn and subscribed before : me this 15th day of April 1839 : Signed Simeon Hart Iustice of the : Walter King Peace ; I Thoinas Roe do soleranly and sincerely promise and swear that I will in all things 10 the best of my kt^owledge and understanding well and faith fully execute the trust reposed in me as an overseer of the Poor of the Town ship of Paterson in the County of Passaic Sworn and subscribed be'^ore Signed Thomas Roe me this 15th dav of April 1839 Simeon Hart Justice of the Peace Commissioners of Appeals oaths of office I Jdhn Kershaw do solemnly promise and swear that I will well truly and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me and perform my duty as C)mmissioner of Appeals in cases of Taxation for the Township of Pater son in the County of Passaic, according to the best of my knowledge and understanding without favor or partiality ' Sworn before me and subscribed : this 15th day of April 1S39 : Signed Simeon Hart Justiceof the . John Kershaw peace ! , I John K Flood do soleranly and sincerely promise and swear that I will, well, truly and impartially execute the trust reposed in me and perforra my ' duty as a Commissioner of Appeals in Cases of Taxation for the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic according to the best of my kiiowledge and understanding without favor or partiality Sign'd John K Flood Sworn and subscribed before me this 15 dayof April A. D. 1839 Simeon Hart Justice of the Peace I William Masters do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will well truly and fa- thf ully execute the trust reposed in me and perform my duty as a Commissioner of Appeals in Cases of Taxation for the Township 70 of Paterson in the County of Passaic, according to the best of my know ledge and understanding without favor or partiality Sworn and su'pscribed before me ; Signed this 15 day of April 1839 : William Masters Simeon Hart Justice of the Peace. . : Adjourned to meet at this place on Monday next at Two OClock unless specially notified before John Keenan Town Clk The Township Committee met at the House of Mr Peter Archdeacon, present. Brant Van Blarcom Sherman Broad well Jacob Goetchies William Crosset A Communication was received from Nicholas Smith Esqr stating that he would take examinations either at his ofifice or at the House of the Pauper for 185^ Cents ea — It was laid on the Table John S Van Winkle and Brant Van Blarcom applied to the Committee for the payment of the Interest due them on the Bond they hold against the Township Mr S Broadwell was appointed to wait on them and ascer tain if they would take a bond for the interest due them and report at the next meeting, It was Resolved, That two Cows and one Hog be purchased for the use of the Poor House, and Messrs Broadwell and Goetchies were appointed a Committee to purchase them Mr Broadwell reported that he had engaged Dr Rogers for Physician to the poor for the ensuing year for Fifty Dollars The Treasurer was authorised to furnish the Poor Masters with Twenty Dollars in such sums as they may require from time to time, until further orders Mr Crosset was appointed to wait on the Attorney and ascer tain from him if Mrs Starkey a pauper now living in the Town. ship of Manchester is Chargeable to this Township — The Treasurer was directed to pay Increase Van Houten Thir teen Dollars for the purpose of paying his own and James Ar thurs expenses to New York and for Arthur's Board while there Mr John I Stagg applied to be released from payinghis Tax in this Township he having paid Taxes in the Township of Ac • quackanonck, which was agreed to Adjourned to meet on Saturday at 2 O Clock P M John Keenan Town Clerk 71 The Township Committee met at the House of Mr Peter Archdeacon April 27. 1839. present Brant Van Blarcom Sherman Broadwell Philip Van Bussum and William Crosset Messrs Crosset and Broadwell were appointed a Committee to ascertain if the Overseers of the Poor have a Book for enter ing their transactions, in accordance with the 12th Section of the " Act for the Settlement and relief of the Poor " passed 1 1 March 1774 Mr Broadwell from the Committee appointed for that pur pose reported that they had purchased a Cow from Mr A Van Blarcom for 35 Dollars and were in negotiation for another Cow and Hog — The Overseers of the Poor were directed to purchase for Nancy Harris a Pauper necessary articles of Clothing Adjourned John Keenan Town Clk The Township Committee met at Peter Archdeacons 29 April 1839 present Brant Van Blarcom, Philip Van Bussum, Sherman Broadwell and William Crosset Mr. Ackermans Bill for the support of Mrs Starkey a pauper of this Township was passed — The Committee appointed for that purpose reported that they had made diligent enquiry and found that no Book had been Kept by the overseers of the Poor as directed by Law It was Resolved that the Poor Masters be instructed to pur chase a Book for the entry of their transactions agreable to the 1 2th Section of the Act relating to that Subject It was Resolved that in the opinion of this Committee it is necessary to hold a Special Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson for the purpose of raising money to pay the debts of the Township a[nd] authorizing the Committee to borrow the same and to execute Bonds therefor — and also to adopt such measures as may be expedient to protect the Town from damage by Fire, and that the Clerk of the Township be re quired to give notice of a Special Meeting for the purposes aforesaid, to be holden at the House of Peter Archdeacon, Inn keeper in the Town of Paterson on Wednesday the eighth day of May next, at one OClock P M Adjourned John Keenan Town Clerk 72 Pursuant to Public Notice a special Town Meeting was held at the House of Mr Peter Archdeacon on Wednesday the Sth of May 1839 The Meeting was organised bythe appointment of Nicholas Smith Esqr Moderator — The object of the Meeting having been stated by the Town Clerk, the following Resolution was adopted Resolved, That the Township Committee of the Township of Paterson be authorised to execute Bond to John S Van Winkle and Brant Van Blarcom, Trustees of the estate of Abm. Van Houten a Minor for the Amount of Interest due them to the 1st of April 1839 o"^ Bonds heretofore given them Adjourned Attest John Keenan Town Clerk The ToVvn Committee met at the House of Peter Arch deacon on thursday 23rd May 1839 Members present Brant Van Blarcom Jacob Goetchies Philip Van Bussum William Crosset Jacob Goetchies was chosen secretary pro tem. Samuel Pope overseer of the Road for the second district of Paterson Township informed the Town Committee that several complaints hkd been made of encroachments made on the Highways in his district and said he felt himself in duty bound to ask the Committee if he should proceed to remove the same — Whereupon the Committee Resolved, That in all cases where due notice is served on him of encroachments on the public highway, and that if it be beyond doubt to him that the encroachment is made, that he advises in all cases ivith Mr Daniel Barkalow the attorney for the township and must act according as he directs Attest John Keenan T. C Adjourned Paterson 26 May 1839 the Town Committee met at the House of Peter Archdeacon, present Brant Van Blarcom Phillip Van Bussum Jacob Goetchies, & Sherman Broadwell A Bond being presented by the Clerk to John S Van Winkle & Brant Van Blarcom for the payment of 534 78-100 Dollars in conformity of a Resolution passed at a special 73 Town Meeting held on the Sth Inst, and Brant Van Blarcom appearing to be one of the obligees named in said Bond— It was Resolved, That said Bond be executed by Jacob Goetch ies, Philip Van Bussum and Sherman Broadwell, the other members of the Committee present A Bond was executed as above by the Committee to John S Van Winkle and Brant Van Blarcom, trustees of the Estate of Abraham Van Houten, a Minor for the payment of Five Hundred thirty four 74-100 Dollars being the amount of Interest due them on Bonds which they hold against the Township up to ist April 1839 Which Bond was witnessed by William Cundell and David Force and the receipt of it acknowledged on the Bonds which they hold against the Township by John S Van Winkle one of the trustees &c It was Resolved, That the Treasurer be instructed to pay to Mr Samuel Pope overseer of the 2nd Road District Thirty Dollars It was Resolved, That Mr. Arthur's board in New York be paid for two months longer Resolved That the Town Clerk be instructed to write to Mr Williams the Oculist with regard to the case of John Berry Adjourned Attest John Keenan Town Clerk Paterson 27 July 1839 The Township Committee met at the House of Peter Archdeacons, present Brant Van Blarcom Jacob Goetchies Sherman Broadwell Sz; William Crosset Mr Daniel Barkalows Bill for services to the loth April 1839 was passed Bill 5748 Creditor Township 25 Balance due him 32.48 Mr Crosset was appointed to wait on Mr C Speer and request him to pay or procure the payment of the Amount due the Township from the Executors of Mr Van Ness Resolved That Physician be paid Sixteen Dollars provided he cures John Berry Adjourned Attest John Keenan T. C 74 Paterson 19 Augt 1839 The Township Committee met at the House of Peter Archdeacon, present Brant Van Blarcom Philip Van Bussum Jacob Goetchies and William Crosset It was Resolved, That the Overseers of the Poor the Super intendant of the Poor House and the Constables be notified to meet with the Town Committee on next Saturday at One OClock, and that the Overseers of the Poor & Superintendant of the Poor House bring in a statement of all the Bills accrued in support of the Poor since last April to the present time — the number of Paupers that have recieved relief and the num-- ber that are now recieving relief, the number admitted to the Poor House and the number at present there — And that the Constables hand in a statement of the amount recieved and the amount unpaid on their Tax Books — And that all their respective statements be handed to the Town Clerk by next friday noon Adjourned Attest John Keenan Town Clerk Paterson 24 Augt 1839 The Township Committee met at the House of Peter Archdeacon, present Brant Van Blarcom Philip Van Bussum William Crosset and Sherman Broadwell Messrs Sherman & Van Bussum were appointed a Commit tee to wait on Mr Thomas Rogers and see how much he would be willing to subscribe to purchase an artificial leg for Andrew Hamilton and to procure the money either from him or Constable Wiley for the amount 20 Dollars Messrs Broadwell & Goetchies each advanced Five Dollars to pay for the board of John Arthur in New York The Committee then visited the Poor house and on their re turn adjourned to meet next friday at 2 O Clock P M Attest John Keenan Town Clerk Augt 30 1839 The Committee met pursuant to adjourn ment present Brant Van Blarcom Philip Van Bussum William Crosset — Jacob Goetchies Sherman Broadwell Messrs Brant Van Blarcom & William Crosset were ap pointed a Committee to obtain a suitable person to keep the Poor at a stated price per week and to call on Mr Increase Van Houten the first and ascertain if he was willing so to do and his terms 75 The Committee then adjourned till 4 0 Clock P M to hear the report of the Committee The Committee met at 4 O Clock P M present as above The Committee appointed for the above purpose reported as follows They have went out to the Poor House saw Mr Van Hou ten suggested to him to have the Poor Kept at a stated price per week which he declined to do at any price but said he would leave the place if the Committee would pay him Fifty Dollars — Your Committee saw Mr Hugisson who declined taking them it being inconvenient for him to do so at present but recommended Mr Gould — Your Committee saw Mr Gould who declined taking the Poor at present he having made no arrangements for that purpose. Your Committee also saw Mr Pier who also gave a negative answer All of which is re spectfully submitted The report was accepted and the Committee Adjourned John Keenan T. C Paterson 7 Sept 1839 The Committee met full board pre sent ' The following Preamble and Resolution was adopted Whereas We the Township Committee believing that Mr Increase Van Houten, the person appointed to take care of the Paupers has not acted according to the Contract made with him — therefore Resolved, That the present system of supporting the Poor at the Poor House be changed and that Uriah Eversen be and is hereby engaged to support and clothe the paupers at One Dollar a week for each person for the remainder of the present year It was Resolved, That the Poor Masters Messrs King & Roe be appointed to attend the removing of the Paupers from the Poor House to the House of Uriah Everson, and to take an Inventory of and remove all the Property there belonging to the Township Mr Walter King was authorised to sell the cow and pig The following order was given to Mr Walter King to serve on Mr Increase Van Houten 76 " The following Resolution has been passed by the Com mittee — Resolved That the Poor Masters Messrs King & Roe be appointed to attend to the removing of the Paupers from the Poor House to the House of Uriah Everson and to take an inventory of and remove all the Property there belonging to the Township Mr Incease Van Houten Sir You are hereby directed in accordance with the above Resolution to deliver on demand to Mr Walter King one of the overseers of the Poor of the Township of Paterson, all the Property in your possession belonging to the Township' of Paterson Signed B Van Blarcom ) Attest John-Keenan ) Sherman Broadwell V Town Clerk j Jacob Goetchies ) Com — John Harts Bill for Horse Hire, amounting to fifty Cents was passed It was Resolved, That Walter King be appointed to get Daniel Barkalow to draw up an order discharging Increase Van Houten from the employment of the Township and to serve the same Brant Van Blarcom and Philip Van Bussum were appointed a committee to attend the sale of the Public Lands Adjourned John Keenan Town Clerk September 12 1839 The Committee met. The Clerk being absent Jacob Goetchies was appointed Secretary pro tem. Members present Brant Van Blarcom Jacob Goetchies Philip Van Bussum & Sherman Broadwell It was Resolved That Walter King be authorised to take the remaining Cow at the Poor House to the Market in the Township of Paterson and sell her at public sale on Saturday the 14th Inst at Nine O Clock A M Whereas, John Robinson Jr is represented to this Commit tee as being insane and cannot remain where he now is he be ing at present uncontrollable therefore be it Resolved, That some other proper place be procured for him and that Sher man Broadwell & Philip Van Bussum be a committee to pro- 77 cure money sufificient to supply our present necessities and particularly attend to the case of the said John Robinson Jr Adjourned Paterson 14th Oct 1839 The Township Committee met at the House of P Archdeacons full board present. The Presi dent (one of the Committee) reported that he had attended the late sale of the state lands and purchased for the Township of Paterson two Blocks and a half of ground Viz Nos 2. 4 and the south side of No 6 situated on the North side of Broad way, Containing in all (including the streets within the said blocks) 4 80-100 Acres' — According to the conditions of sale 98 Dollars was due 26th September. 147 Dollars is payable nth Nov 183 75-100 is payable 5th Sept 1840 with paying interest on 735 Dollars for one Year, 551 25-100 Dollars may remain for five Years from the 5th Sept 1839, the interest to be paid annually — the con ditions of sale were not complied with well knowing that the price per acre exceeded the amount authorised by the people at the last annual Township Meeting, which was $200 per acre, it was therefore purchased for me or for the Township of Paterson subject to their refusal and I recommend the Committee to call a special Town Meeting for the purpose qf accepting or rejecting the purchase of the above lot of ground or to authorise the Committee to purchase any other ground that may be offered for sale at that time, and in case of pur chase to give full power to the Committee to make the re quired payments or other obligations necessary to fulfil the conditions of sale, and also to take the opinion of the Meet ing with regard to improving or erecting a building or build ings on any ground that they may at that time authorise the Township Committee to purchase — report accepted It was Resolved. That the Township Clerk be instructed to call a special Town Meeting on Saturday the 26th Inst at 12 O Clock M at the House of Peter Archdeacon — Mr David Reid presented his bill for monies paid out for taking John Robinson Jr to the New York Lunatic Asylum ' This tract was on the northeast corner of Broadway and Graham avenue, extending three or four hundred feet front on Broadway, and running northerly to a line between Division and Godwin streets. 7S and paying" 39 Dollars in advance for his board total amt of Bill 44 68 3-4-100 Dollars which was passed by the Committee An order was given by the Committee on the Township Collector in favor of Simeon Hart Esqr for 5 60-100 Dollars for payment of his Taxes Adjourned to meet at 10 O Clock on the 26th Inst Attest • John Keenan Town Clerk Pursuant to Public Notice a special Town Meeting was held at the House of Peter Archdeacon on the 26th October 1839 Mr David Reid was chosen Moderator — • It was Resolved. That the purchase of the Lot of Ground made by the Township Committee at the late Sale of the ' State Lands be accepted It was resolved — That full power be and is hereby given to the Township Committee at the Township of Paterson to make the required payments and to sign seal and deliver all necessary Papers and obligations to Complete and ratify the purchase of the Plat of ground made by the Township Com mittee Adjourned Attest John Keenan Town Clerk Paterson 26 Oct 1839 The Township Committee met present Brant Van Blarcom Sherman Broadwell William Crosset Philip Van Bussum It was Resolved That the Treasurer be Instructed to take up the note given by Sherman Broadwell and Brant Van Blarcom, when it becomes due, said note was given for Town ship purposes and falls due 13-16 Nov 1839 Amount fifty Dollars Resolved That the Poor Master Walter King be authorised to procure for John Arthur suitable warm Clothing and that one Dollar per week be paid for 3 months towards his board while in New York under the care of Dr Williams Adjourned John Keenan Town Clerk Paterson 11 Nov 1S39. The Township Committee met, present Brant Van Blarcom Sherman Broadwell William Crosset Jacob Goetchies 79 Resolved that the Resolution passed at the last Meeting relative to John Arthur be rescinded Messrs Crosset & Broadwell were appointed to attend to the application of Mr. Bates with regard to furnishing groceries to Uriah Everson Messrs Broadwell & Crosset were appointed a Committee to attend to the law suit of Mr Van Houten— Resolved that the Treasurer be instructed to pay to Wil liam Sandford, overseer of the road Fifty Dollars as soon as he may have that amount in his possession Resolved. That the Treasurer pay to the Committee What funds they may want to carry on the suit of Mr. Van Houten against Roberts R Taylor Brant Van Blarcoms Bill for services as one of the Township Committee to this date amounting to 25 50-100 Dollars was accepted & passed Adjourned John Keenan Town Clerk Paterson 11 December 1839 The Township Committee met at the house of Peter Archdeacon, present Brant Van Blarcom Philip Van Bussum William Crosset Jacob Goetchies and Sherman Broadwell It was Resolved That an order be given to James Lynch for 197 37-100 Dollars (being the amount due to him by the Township last year) on the collector to be paid to him out of what funds he may have on hand after the 20th December not otherwise appropriated David Reid's Bill for coflfins for Paupers amounting to Nine Dollars was passed Brant Van Blarcom advanced Three Dollars to bring John Robinson from the Lunatic Asylum An order was given to Brant Van Blarcom on the Township Collector for 28 50-100 Dollars Mr William Sandford was engaged to fetch John Robinson from the Lunatic Asylum at Bloomingdale for the sum of Seven Dollars It was Resolved, That a Comittee be appointed to ascer tain the practicability of supplying the Poor with Soup and if So practicable, to make the necessary arrangements for carrying the same into effect Phillip Van Bussum Sherman Broadwell and William Crosset wer© appointed that Committee Orders given on the Collector To William Sandford 50 Dollars " Sherman Broadwell IS-40 " Philip Van Bussum 13 — William Crosset 14.40 To Jacob Goetchies 13.50 John S Bates 25 — Walter King 30 Adjourned John Keenan Town Clerk Paterson 17th December 1839. The Township Committee met at the house of Peter Archdeacon on tuesday the 17th day of deeember 1839 present Brant Van Blarcom Sherman Broadwell William Crosset Jacob Geotchies Philip Van Bussum Jacob Goetchies was appointed secretary pro tem It was stated to the Committee that a difificulty had arisen in relation to a certain draft made by the Township Committee in favor of William Sandford an overseer of the roads of this Township which draft having been presented to James Gordon Township Collector and the payment refused by the Collector on the ground that the State and County Taxes must first be paid out of all funds in his hands collected — And whereas the Committee were not satisfied that this rule would be altogether right and as Mr Barkalow the.Town- ship Counsel could not be found at the time, they called for special advice from Elias B D Ogden on this question. Whose advice was that all monies collected by tax for the State and County should be paid to the County Collector and all monies collected by tax for the uses of the Township should be paid to the proper and lawful Township Authorities. Whereupon It was Resolved, by the Township Committee they hereby instruct the Township Collector of this Township to pay over to the County Collector of the County at such times as the law may direct all monies collected by him on the Taxes for 8i the State and County and to pay all monies collected by taxes Cor the use of the Township to such persons as are properly authorized to recieve it Adjourned , Paterson 8 Jan 1840 The Township Committee met at the House of Mr Peter Archdeacon Present Brant Van Blar com Sherman Broadwell Jacob Goetchies William Crosset Philip Van Bussum Jacob Goetchius was appointed secretary pro tem Henry Hamiltons Bill for Wood, 12 1-2 Dollars was passed and ordered to be paid out of money collected for support of the poor John G Bates Bill as follows was passed To Groceries to Uriah Everson from 1 1 Sep. to 8 Jan 1840 89 94^ " do for McGrogan 15 weeks at 8 j 15 ordered to be paid out of the monies for the poor 104 94^ Samuel Pope's Bill as follows was passed 101.88 ordered to be paid from monies for the Roads 98,13 do do " Poor 375 Uriah Everson's order in favor of Henry M Speer for eight Dollars was order'd to be paid out of monies for the poor The Treasurer was instructed to furnish Uriah Everson with Twenty Dollars out of funds collected for the Poor •Brant Van Blarcom's Bill for work on the road for six 18-100 Dollars w^s passed and ordered to be paid from monies collected for working the road It was Resolved That the Treasurei' be and is hereby in structed to pay such debts as are recorded on the Township Records, that have been created for the support of the Poor, whenever there are moneys on hand collected for tbat purpose — the payment on each account to be as near as practicable proportioned to the amount of the debt. William Hugginson offered to take two drafts as follows in full payment for rent of the House hired from him forthe Poor One on James Gordon for Sixty two Dollars One on Jacob Goetchies for eighteen Dollars Which Drafts were given to him and his receipt in full taken Israel Munson's Bill for damage done to sheep for Twenty two Dollars was passed and ordered to be paid from Moneys collected by Dog Tax William Sandfords bill for work and expenses on the Roads for Fifty nine Dollars was passed and ordered to be paid from moneys collected for working the roads Uriah Everson's order in favor of Sherman Broadwell for nine 74-100 Dollars was passed and ordered to be paid from monies collected for support of the Poor John S Harts Bill for three 75-100 Dollars was passed and ordered to be paid from monies for support of the Poor Adjourned Paterson 13 Jan 1840 The Comittee met at the House of Peter Archdeacon, present Brant Van Blarcom Sherman Broadwell Jacob Goetchies and Philip Van Bussum Mr Jacob Goetchies was appointed secretary protem John Keenan the Town Clerk being absent and could not attend It was Resolved that the Committee adjourn to meet tomorrow at 10 O Clock at the same place Paterson 14 Jan 1840 The Township Committee met at the House of Peter Archdeacon — present Brant Van Blarcom Philip Van Bussum Jacob Goetchies William Crosset Sher man Broadwell The Township Collector paid over to the treasurer of the Committee vouchers as follows Orders drawn on him by the Committee 1265 36 Taxes deducted by Commissioners of Appeal 10 40 Receipts for monies paid the County Collector 1682 53 Order by the Committee 6 80 2965.09 Bills passed and ordered to be paid Peter Archdeacon (from Monies for the Poor) 3 00 C G Garrison " .,g ,g C A Vreeland for wood " 75 00 William Sandford from monies for the Roads 6 56 Joseph Jackson's assessor Bill in part 148 70 S3 Proportion of per centage on Taxes assessed State Tax 382.99 per centage 4.80 i-2 County Tax 3S74.I7 " 44-84 1-2 Poor Tax 3619.46 " 45-41 1-2 Road Tax 242.16 " 3.04 Dog Tax 151— " 1.89 1-2 7969.78 I op — The Committee appointed to attend to the law suit between Adrian R Van Houten and Roberts R Taylor relative to obstructing the highway reported that they could not succeed in forwarding the suit — It was Resolved That Brant Van Blarcom and William Cros' set be a committee to cooperate with William Sandford one of the overseers of the. Road for the Township in prosecuting and continuing the suit between Adrian R Van Houten and Roberts R Taylor relative to obstructing the Roads and that they have full power to obtain all necessary Counsel and assist ance to enable them to prosecute the suit successfully Adjourned Paterson 19 March 1840 The Township Committee met full board present It was Resolved. That the Treasurer pay the interest due on the following Bonds against the Tow^nship which falls due on the 1st April 1840 Anthony Van Blarcoms Bond Cornelius Van Winkle's Bond Brant Van Blarcom & J S Van Winkles trustees bonds The following Bill were examined and passed Bates & Bradwell for 1837 2.92 Sherman Broadwell 1837 & 1839 balance 45.91 Dr Rogers for attendance & Medicine for Poor 50 o James Lynch for. Groceries for Poor to 19th March 3" 29 Paul Post , 3 William Crosset for paid for recording deed 75 Andrew Mead for examinations &c 2 75 Simeon Hart " do 14 50 Nicholas Smith " do 1225 Mr Huggison " boarding Pauper 13 50 14 25 I 38 50 15 1575 16 50 II 50 1 951 8 68 515 01 41 88 155 25 32 50 g4. Uriah Everson " do WilHam Van Blarcom do E & H Clark Dr Marsh witness fees Wm McDougal Rent for Mr Gothorp Joseph Jackson Bill for Groceries for Poor C G Garrison for coffins Christopher Brower for attending funerals John Kershaw boarding Pauper Wm I Ackerman for supporting Pauper in Manchester Township, total Bill Andrew Lynch for boarding Pauper David Roe & Co Groceries for Paupers Patrick Agnew do Samuel A Van Saun do Blauvelt & MandeviUe Dry Goods for Poor Thomas Roe (40 73 credit 16 87) Horatio Moses Tin Ware for Poor House 3 50 D K Allen 2 J & P Brown Groceries for Poor 172 Burnett & Pollard Book for Poor Masters 5 Brant Van Blarcom services as Committee Man 8 18 18 18 19 50 29 50 Mr Aaron Kings Note dated Dec 30 1839 9^ days for 23 71-100 Dollars was accepted in payment of David J Brands Tax The Treasurer was instructed to pay the small bills of the Township Received from the Township Collector Cash 848.00 Vouchers 113-69 961.69 Paterson 30 March 1840 The Committee met* present Brant Van Blarcom Phillip Van Bussum Sherman Broadwell Jacob Goetchies Bills examined and passed Joseph Jackson assessor fees 222 30 Phillip Van Bussum do do Sherman Broadwell do do William Crosset do do Jacob Goetchies do do John Keenan do as Town Clerk S5 Cornelius A Vreeland for Wood 75 Andrew Parsons for Coal & Groceries for Paupers 5 Increase Van Houten for boarding Paupers 50 John Morris do 2 50 Sherman Broadwell services 2 Daniel Barkalow Attorneys fees 51 50 James Gordon Collectors fees 220 80 Walter King Poor Master 252 87 i-2 David Russell for Paid S Hart for Taji Warrant 6 46 James Sigler " " " " " " 6 38 John Wylie " " " " « « 5 ^ Peter Archdeacon for use of Room for Committee 5 Mr Aaron Kings note was given to D Barkalow for collec tion due 30-2 April 1S40 Received from the Township Collector Cash 206,00 Vouchers 470.94 676 94 Sherman Broadwell & Philip Van Bussum were appointed a committee to call on William Sandford for his account against the Township for Working the Roads and for Manure sold and monies recieved the Total amount of duplicate is 8109.54 Proceedings at the Annual Meeting of the Inhabitants of Paterson held at the Court House on the 13th April A D 1S40 Mr Samuel A Van Saun was Chosen Moderator It was Resolved That there should be four Constables for the ensuing year It was Resolved That there be seven persons chosen for School Trustees It was Resolved That the Resolution passed last year in rc' lation to the manure on the streets be in full force this year The following ofificers were chosen for the ensuing year Town Clerk John Keenan Assessor John S Personett Collector Edo Van Winkle Judge of Election William A Cobb Chosen Freeholders James Close Abraham Reynolds Township Committee Surveyors of the Highways Judges of Appeal Overseers of the Poor Overseers of the Roads School Committee Constables Pound Master Poor Tax Road Tax School Tax To pay Interest No additional Dog Tax Next Town Meeting at the Court House Next Fall Elections at the Court House Halmagh Van Winkle Robert Morrell Donation Binnse John Brown James Van Blarcom George S Knapp Patrick McGee Anthony Van Blarcom John Edwards Charles H May John Avison Walter King William Sandford Cornelius M Vreeland John Van Horn Henry J Van Blarcom Thomas Forbes Charles English Jr" William Ridgway Andrew Snyder Josiah M Shippey Henry Van Giesen John Wild John Wylie James Sigler Jarvis Gurnee Nathaniel Townsend Daniel F Lockwood $3000 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 Attest John Keenan Town Clerk Samuel A Van Saun Moderator ' Charles Inglis, Jr. S7 Paterson 22 April 1840 The Township Committee met at the House of Mr John A Macpherson.' present. John Brown Donation Binnse Halmagh Van Winkle Robert Morrell and James Van Blarcom The Board was organized by the appointment of Mr Robert Morrell President and James Van Blarcom Treasurer Mr. John Keenan was chosen Clerk for the Board Messrs Jarvis Gurnee Nathaniel Townsend James Sigler and John Wylie Constables elect presented their Bonds which were accepted Edo Van Wrinkle Coll'ector for the Township submitted his Bond which was accepted Mr Jacob Goetchies late treasurer paid over to the present Treasurer One Hundred & ninety 78-100 Dollars in current bills and Four Dollars in uncurrent Bills Mr Daniel Barkalow returned Aaron King's note which was left with him for Collection and stated that Mr King had promised to pay it in a short time Messrs Donation Binnse John Brown & Halmagh Van Winkle were appointed a Committee to engage a Physician and an Attorney for the I'ownship for the. ensuing year. Permission was given to Archibald Graham to remove the fence in front of the Poor House Lot to the line between his ground and the Town Lot, the removal to be at his own ex- pense° The Township was divided into four road districts the same as it was divided in 1831 and the following appropriations made vis 1st district 100 Dollars 2nd district 112 50- 100 Dollars 3rd district 112 50-100 Dollars 4th district 175 Dollars William Sandford was appointed overseer for the first-district Henry I Van Blarcom was appointed overseer for the 2nd district Cornelius M Vreeland was appointed overseer for the 3rd district John Van Horn was appointed overseer for the 4th district Messrs John Wyhe and James Sigler were instructed to col- ' On the southeast corner of Mam and Fair streets. ' Graham's land lay immediately north of the Poor house lot. ss Ieet the delinquent Taxes on their old books and the Tax Book of William Russell was given to Jarvis Gurnee to collect. Adjourned to meet next thursday at 2 P M Attest John Keenan Town Clerk Paterson 30 April 1840. The Township Committee met at the house of John' A McPherson Members present Robert Morrell John Brown Donation Binnse The Committee appointed to select a Physician and Attor ney for the ensuing Year reported in favor of Dr A W Rogers for the Physician and James Speer for the Attorney which re port was adopted Mr Marinus Van Riper was engaged to support the Paupers of the Township from the 1st of May 1840 to the 1st of May 1841 at the rate of One Dollar per week for each pauper and for children under 10 years of age half price he to be furnished a House Adjourned to meet on next thursday at 2 O Clock P M at the same place Attest John Keenan Town Clerk. Paterson 7 May 1840 The "Township Committee met at the House of Mr John A Macpherson. Members present Robt Morrell, James Van Blarcom John Brown & H Van Winkle Mr Gordon late Township Collector paid for Mr Sigler One Hundred fifty two S3-100 Mr Gordons Collector's Bond was ordered to be given up to him Mr A Eveson's' Bill for Keeping paupers 19th March to ist of May arnounting to Six Dollars was passed and ordered to be paid — The Treasurer was instructed to pay the bill due to Messrs John Brown Saml A Van Saun, Henry Hamilton and W Hug gison being debts of old standing. The Treasurer paid John Brown 75 21-100 Dollars in full all demands and paid Samuel A Van Saun 69 66-100 Dollars on his old account ' Uriah Everson, late Poormaster. 89 The Constables were directed to pay what funds they may collect on their Tax Warrant to the Township Treasurer as soon as collected Adjourned John Keenan Town Clerk Paterson 31st Augt 1S40 The Township Committee met at the House of Mr John A Macpherson, all the board present except H Van Winkle Mr Chris'r Brower's Bill for attending Funerals was passed Mr Van Ripers Bill for supporting the Poor was passed, the amt 127 loioo Dollars Mr Garret Persan was engaged to keep the Paupers at the Poor House for One Dollar per week for each pauper, children for fifty cents per week — from this day to the first of next May Adjourned John Keenan Town Clerk Paterson 13 Jany 1841. The Township Committee met at the House of Mr John A Macpherson, present Robt Morrell John Brown & H Van Winkle Mr Persen appeared before the board and stated that he could not keep the paupers for less than One 25-100 Dollars per week Wm Sandford presented his bill which was laid on the Table Wm Sandford was directed to fill in the road at the foot of the County Bridge on the Paterson side' The Township Committee met at N Brower Franklin House on the 24. 25 & 31st March to audit the accounts for the past year and Settle the affairs of the Township — full board present The following bills were audited and passed Andrew Lynch for boarding paupers 4 56 John Kershaw '¦ do do 431 Nicholas Smith for taking examinations 17 50 Lane & Freeman " Stove & pipe for Poor House 10 51 Paul Post " conveying paupers to Poor House 6 01 C G Garrison " making coffins 37 50 John Chadwick "do 15 50 Isaac Van Blarcom " boarding Pauper 3 38 ' The Main street biidge. go David West Patrick Agnew " A &W McAllister" J & P Brown Joseph Jackson Samuel A Van Saun James Lynch " D Roe & Co J G Bates John A Macpherson David Burnett Mathew Jackson " Miss E King Jacob Goetchies " Robt Morrell Gerard Persen " Sextons fees Groceries for poor do do do do do dodo do taking examinations Sextons fees making clothes for Paupers Rent for Poor House Wood &c boarding Paupers at Poor House Marinus Van Riper do do do George Swift do for Waggon Hire Wm. Suttle do James Sigler for services &c Chris'r Brower " sexton fees Dr D Binnse medical attendance Dr A W Rogers do Walter King services as Poor Master do cash advanced &c John Avison services as Poor Master do cash advanced do shoes for Paupers Daniel Barkalow attorney's fees James Van Blarcom clothing &c for Paupers George A Ryerson Clerks fees Henry J Van Blarcom working the roads Wm Sandford John Van Horn C M Vreeland John S Personett assessors fees Edo Van Winkle Collectors fees Robt Morrell services as Town Committeeman John Brown do do 30 88 33 75 20 32 50 47951 743 79 6795 385020 6 50 3 1546 50 2649 232 81 127 19 3 75 4 50 5 25 6 50 30 20 72 50 15 32 4725 15 32 14 18 15 60 29 3 II 112 50 19496 235 33 91 50 23894237,44 n*II 91 II II H Van Winkle do do Donation Binnse do do James Van Blarcom do 13 John Keenan do Town Clerk 15 John Edwards do Commissioner of Appeals 2 Chas H May do do do 2 Day, & Warren Printing Bill 9 75 Saml A Van Saun services as Moderator 4 50 Wm A Cobb providing candles at Election i 75 John S Personett paid for cleaning Court House i Bill for Tavern expenses 10 Amount of Duplicate this Year S246.73 remitted by Court of Appeal 21 $8225.73 of the above amount the collector paid over the sum of $5144.16 and the amount returned to Nathaniel Townsend Constable 3121 51-100 Dollars of which amount the Constable has paid over 1401 87-100 Dollars — leaving a balance uncol lected of 1719 64-100 Dollars a statement of the present debt of the Township David Roe & Co's Bills 382.38 J & P Brown " 97 27 Samuel A Van Saun " 169 56 James Lynch 196.39 John G Bates 23 50 In Bonds to J S Van Winkle 4990.97 In Bonds to Cornelius Van Winkle 500 In Bond to Anthony Van Blarcom 250.50 In Bond to the State for Poor House Lot 980 Amt due School Fund 100 $7690.57 Proceedings ofthe Annual Meeting of the Township of Pat erson held at the Inn of Peter Archdeacon on Monday the 1 2th day of April AD 1841 Mr John R Van Houten was chosen Moderator It was Resolved, That there be two assessors and two Col lectors for the Township for the ensuing year. gz It was Resolved that there be three Constables for thi ensu ing year It was Resolved That the next Town Meeting be held at the House of Peter Archdeacon, that the first day of the Fall Election be held at Congress Hall, the second day at the Pas saic Hotel The Following were the ofificers elected for the ensuing year Town Clerk Judge of Election Assessors CollectorsChosen Freeholders Town Committee Surveyors of the Highways Judges of Appeal Overseers of the Poor School Committee Overseers of the Roads John Keenan William A Cobb John S Personett Jonathan Hopper Cornelius A Van Houten Samuel A Van Saun Abraham Reynolds James Close Donation Binnse Peter Archdeacon John Brown David Roe James Van Blarcom George S Knapp Joseph Jackson David Burnett Amos S Pack Sherman Broadwell John Avison Walter King William Ridgway Charles Inglis Jr James Gordon John J Brown William Masters Hiram Hatheway John P Brown Andrew Grififith Thomas D Hoxey Halmagh R Van Houten John Van Horn Cornelius M Vreeland 93 Archibald Graham Constables Nathaniel Townsend James Sigler Jarvis Gurnee Pound Master Daniel F Lockwood School Tax $ 500 Poor Tax $3000 Road Tax $ 400 To pay interest $ 500 No additional Dog Tax Tax on Sluts Five Dollars Attest John Keenan Town ClerkJohn H Van Houten Moderator The Township Committee met at the House of Mr Peter Archdeacon the 19th of April 1841 — Members present. John Brown, Donation Binnse, James Van Blarcom Daniel Roe Peter Archdeacon — The Board was organized by the appointment of Mr John Brown President, John Keenan Secretary and James Van Blarcom Treasurer Mr Samuel A Van Saun, Collector presented his Bond which was accepted Mr Cornelius A Van Houten. Collector presented his Bond which was accepted Mr Jarvis Gurnee Constable offered his Bond which was accepted Mr Nathaniel Townsend, Constable presented his Bond which was accepted Mr James Sigler Constable presented his bond which was accepted. The Township was divided into the same districts as last year and the following persons appointed to the different districts First District Halmagh R Van Houten 100 Dollars appro priated Second District Archibald Graham 100 Dollars appropriated Third District Cornelius M Vreeland 75 Dollars appro priated 94 Fourth District John Van Horn 125 Dollars appropriated The overseers of the Poor were instructed to agree to pay no more than twenty five cents for each examination of Pau pers to the Magistrates The Treasurer was ordered to pay the interest due on bond of Anthony Van Blarcom Donation Binnse M D was chosen Physician to the Poor for the ensuing year, at a salary of Fifty Dollars per annum Daniel Barkalow Esqr was chosen counsellor for the ensu ing Year at the Yearly Salary of Ten Dollars Messrs Archdeacon and Van Blarcom were appointed a Committee to assist Nathaniel Townsend Constable in the collection of delinquent Taxes An Agreement was made with Mr Gerard Persen to board the paupers for the ensuing Year for the sum of one Dollar each for adults and fifty cents each for children under the age of twelve years — and he to be paid Ten Dollars extra for fuel Mr James Sigler's Bill for Cleaning the Court House' was passed, amt 50 cents Mr C M Vreelands Bill for work done on the roads was passed amt. $4.12 John R Van Houten, Bill for services as Moderator was passed, amt $4.50 Andrew Parsons Bill for Board of Pauper was passed amt S20.19 Adjourned John Keenan T. C Paterson 10 Sept 1841 — The Township met at the House of Mr Peter Archdeacon full board present — The Treasurer was instructed to pay twenty per cent on the old debts of the Township — the amount of debt is 969 lo-ioo Dollars — required to be paid 193 80-100 Dollars A Bill from Acquacknonck Township for 90 14-100 Dollars was passed The Treasurer was authorised to pay Mr Gerard Persen Twenty five Dollars on account ' The PatersoT Township elections were held in the Court House, on which account the Township was required to clean the building after the election. 95 Resolved That the Treasurer consult with the overseers of the Poor and provide what they may consider necessary for the Poor House Adjourned John Keenan T. C. Paterson ii Sept 1841. The Township Committee this day visited the Poor House and on their return and the case of Richard Gresswill was taken into consideration — the opinion of D Barkalow Esqr was given and in conformity therewith the Committee decided that the Township was not liable for the support and maintenance of said Richard Gresswill at the Lunatic Asylum in New York and therefore dismiss the appli cation Adjourned J Keenan T. C. Paterson Jany 6 1842. The Township Committee met at the House of Mr. Peter Archdeacon, a full board present Mr Smith Hill's Bill for Sheep destroyed by Dogs amount ing to 27 Dollars was passed Mr John Van Horn's order in favor of Andrew Grififith for 53 33100 Dollars and also his order in favor of Mr Joseph Jackson amounting to 20 Dollars were severally accepted Mr Archibald Grahams Bill for working the Roads amount ing to 106 37 j^-ioo was passed for 100 Dollars, being the amount appropriated to his district Mr Gerard Persen's Bill for Coal amounting to Ten Dollars was passed The Treasurer paid Mr Persen Thirty Dollars The Treasurer was instucted to pay 50 per cent of the old debts of the Township Mr Isaac Servin made application to the board to have a mortgage cancelled that had been paid by him in the year 1835 vvhich had not been receipted and was lost Mr Vander- voort attorney for the Township in that year having certified that the said mortgage had been paid — a release signed by a full board was given him, with Mr Vandervoorts certificate annexed— the release was dated 6th May 1841 and was signed by the Committee this day It was Resolved, That a Public Meeting be called on Satur day evening next at 7 ,0 Clock at the House of Peter Arcli- 96 deacon for the purpose of taking a public expression of the Inhabitants of this Township in relation to having the Law regulating the assessment and collection of Taxes so altered as to change the time of assessing and collecting them to a more suitable period of the Year and also to give the Town ship Committee the power to appoint a person to collect the delinquent Taxes The Treasurer was empowered to receive from the Con stables the funds they may collect from delinquent Taxpayers Adjourned John Keenan T. C Paterson 7 March 1842 The Township Committee met at the House of Mr Peter Archdeacon, present John Brown Donation Binnse David Roe James Van Blarcom and Peter Archdeacon Wm Getty and Wm Baxter applied to be exempted from paying Taxes and the Committee being satisfied that they were minors they were released from paying The Treasurer was instructed to pay to Mr Hamilton the balance due to him by the Township The Treasurer was instructed to pay the old debts due by the Township as soon as practicable The following Bills were audited and passed Wm Suttles Bill for Waggon hire for Mr King Poor Master 325 George Swifts do do J Avison Poor Master i cq Day & Warren do for Printing 12 75 James Speer do for services as attorney last year 10 David West do " " as Sexton 9 John Avison do " for articles for Poor i 71 Messrs Van Blarcom & Keenan were appointed a Commit tee to examine the Constables Tax books and collect what monies they have received Adjourned John Keenan Town Clerk Paterson 1 1 March 1842 The Township Committee met at the House of Mr Peter Archdeacon, present John Brown Donation Binnse James Van Blarcoin and Peter Archdeacon 97 Mr Halmagh Van Houten overseer of the Road Stated that he had a sum of money received from the sale of manure un appropriated, and desired to expend it in building a stone bridge in his district — permission was granted Adjourned J Keenan T. C Paterson 21 & 22nd March 1842 The Township Committee met at the House of Mr Peter Archdeacon full board present The following Bills were audited and passed David Roe & Co Bill for Poor Henry Close do Gerard Persen do John G Bates do Joseph Jackson do Benjamin Crane do James Lynch " less paid Gerard Persen 987.95 376.01 Samuel A Van Saun Jacob Goetchies Patrick Agnew John Kershaw John A Macpherson A Ure James Sigler Andrew Parsons David Burnetts Nicholas Smith C G Garrison John Chadwick John Avison dodo Dr Binnse Rent examinations do Coffins do shoescash to Paupers services Medical services 3-44 20 57758 85 25 50 65-37 611 94 326.87 50 31-36 72 50 392 840 24 450 297s 21 12 1958 21 20 5850 50 Sherman Broadwell Poor last year do • Commissioner of Appeal Andrew Mead's Bill for Printing H?lmagh R Van Houten Road T 5 50 143 98 Cornelius M Vreeland do 74 31 John Van Horn Road 128 8i Jonathan Hopper Assessors Fees 112 23 John S Personett do 112 23 S A Van Saun Collectors Fees 1 1 1 48 C A Van Houten do in 48 Cornelius Van Winkle Interest 30 Mr John Van Horns order in favor of C A Van Houten for 41 90-100 Dollars was accepted Adjourned Paterson 25 March 1842 The Town Committee met at the House of Mr Peter Archdeacon full board present The following bills were audited and passed Clerk of Passaic County for costs 2 90 Wm M'Dougall for Gathrops Rent 20 Andrew Lynch for boarding Pauper 3 16 Horatio Moses for Articles for Poor House (1838) i 13 M King making Clothes for Paupers 13 60 Lane & Freeman, Articles for Poor House 5 62 Walter King services as overseer of the Poor 104 do cash advanced 14 a 2 John Brown Committee Man u David Roe do u Dr Binnse do i j P Archdeacon do i j J Van Blarcom do i c J Keenan Town Clerk 20 50 Daniel Barkalow Attorneys Fees 10 Incidental expenses j. Proceeds of sale of Manure H R Van Houten 52 50 John Van Horn 381 56.31 Amount of Duplicate this Year Duplicate in S A Van Sauns hands 5203.49 do " C A Van Houtens do 2986.90 8190.39 remitted by Court of Appeals 15.20 99 returned to Constables for Collection 2514.52 2529.72 Collected by Constables as follows Jarvis Gurnee 303.48 Nathaniel Townsend 440.06 James Sigler 454.40 5660.67 1197.94 Amount uncollected 1331.78 Debts unpaid Benjamin Crane 32.68 Patrick Agnew 1 5.68 John G Bates 32.20 James Lynch 493-97 Samuel A Van Saun 163.44 John A Macpherson 36.25 774.22 S 190.39 In Bonds to John S Van Winkle 4990.97 In Bonds to Anthony Van Blarcom 250.50 In Bonds to Cornelius Van Winkle 500 In Bonds to the State for Poor House Lot 980 Due to School Fund 122 7617.69 Debt last year 7690.57 Debt this year 7617.69 Decrease 72 88 Proceedings of the Annual Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson on Monday the uth day of April A D 1842 Genl A Godwin was chosen Moderator It was Resolved That there be two assessors and two Col lectors It was Resolved That there be Three Constables It was Resolved That there be Two Overseers of the Poor It was Resolved That there be Four overseers of the High ways The following ofificers were elected for the ensuing Year Town Clerk Judge of Election Assessors Collectors Chosen Freeholders Township Committee John Keenan Elias B D Ogden John S Personett Jonathan Hopper & Inspector Cornelius A Van Houten & In spector John Brown Abraham Reynolds William Dickey James Van Blarcom David Roe Donation Binnse Robert Morrell Horatio Moses Sign of the Dog & Kettle' Joseph Jackson Cornelius Van Winkle David Burnett Amos S Pack William Masters Walter King John Avison Nathaniel Townsend Jarvis Gurnee James Gordon Charles English' John J Brown Hiram Hatheway Daniel Barkalow Andrew Griffith Moses E Dewitt James Shorrock Henry Van Giesen Thomas D Hoxey ' Horatic^ Moses for many years carried on business as a worker in tin, brass and sheet iron, in 'Van Houten street, near Prospect, and set up as a sign the gilt figure ot a dog holding a kettle. The dog has slightly changed his position, but still holds the kettle. ^ Inglis. Surveyors of the Highways Commissioners of appeal Overseers of the Poor Constables School Committee Overseers of the Highways Halmagh R Van Houten Paul Post Cornelius M Vreeland Archibald Graham Pound Master Daniel F Lockwood School Tax $ 300 Poor Tax $3000 Road Tax $ 500 Tax for Interest $ 500 Tax for Debt $ 300 No additional Dog Tax Next Town Meeting at Congress Hall Fall Elections first day at N Browers do second day at P. Archdeacons Attest John Keenan | Town Clerk \ Paterson 21 April 1842 The Township Committee met at the House of Mr. Peter Archdeacon — Members present James Van Blarcom Robert Morrell Donation Binnse Horatio Moses — David Roe The board was organized by the appointment of the follow ing Ofificers - Horatio Moses President James Van Blarcom Treasurer John Keenan Secretary Mr James Gordon Constable presented his Bond with James Close and Joseph Jackson as sureties which was accepted Mr Jarvis Gurnee Constable submitted his Bond with David Quackenbush and John Shoonmaker as Sureties which was accepted Mr Nathaniel Townsend's Bond with Samuel Pope John Beardsley John S Hart arid John D Hogan as Sureties was accepted Mr Cornelius A Van Houten Collector offered his Bond with Edward Van Houten James McCartey John A Macpher son and Archibald Graham as Sureties and it was accepted Mr John Brown Collector's Bond with Henry Whitely and Sherman Broadwell as Securities was accepted Donation Binnse M. D. was chosen Physician for the Town ship for the ensuing Year at the Yearly Salary of Fifty Dollars Daniel Barkalow was chosen Counsellor for the Township for the ensuing Year at a salary of Ten Dollars per annum The Road Districts were divided same as last year except that the line dividing the fourth district isto run parallel with the north side of Van Houten street Mr Halmagh R Van Houten was appointed overseer of the 1st District Mr Archibald Graham was appointed overseer of the 2nd District Mr Cornelius A Vreeland was appointed overseer of the 3rd district Mr Paul Post was appointed overseer of the 4th district Amount appropriated for the 1st District 125 Dollars do do " 2nd do 125 " do do " 3rd do 75 do do " 4th do 175 The Committee subdivided themselves to superintend the working of the Roads as follows Messrs Roe and Van Blarcom, first and second districts Mr Moses third district Messrs Binnse and Morrell fourth district Silas Munn overseer of the Poor for the Township of Belle ville presented a bill for supporting James Thompson and Family according to agreement with Walter King — amount ing to twenty Dollars, which was accepted and paid Adjourned to Saturday next at 3 O Clock P M John Keenan Secy Paterson 23rd April 1842 The Committee met at the House of Peter Archdeacon full board present Mr Van Blarcom moved that Mr Gerard Persen be engaged to keep the poor for the next year and that the house of Mr Goetchies be rented for the same Motion put and negatived Messrs Morrell Moses and Binnse were appointed a com mittee to rent a house and to engage a suitable person to keep 103 the poor for the next Year said person to give sufificient security to support the Paupers for the whole year Messrs Van Blarcom Roe and Binnse were appointed a Committee to ascertain and procure a list of the names of the persons who are at present receiving aid from the Township and report the same at the next meeting of the board Mr Van Blarcom Treasurer submitted his annual account of monies received and expended for the last year showing a balance of cash on hand of Twelve 22-100 Dollars the ac count was audited found correct and passed Adjourned John Keenan Secy Paterson i Sep 1842 The Township Committee met at the House of Peter Archdeacon Present Horatio Moses James Van Blarcom Donation Binnse & Robert Morrell The following Bills were passed, to wit Horatio Moses Bill for articles for Poor 12.18 Gerard Persen " for boarding Paupers in full to May 1842 44.16 Jacob Goetchies " in full for Rent to May 1st 4 50 Mrs E King " making Clothing for Poor 4 79 Robert Morrell " moving Paupers 5 The Committee appointed at the last meeting of the Board, to rent a house and engage a person to keep the Poor reported that they had hired a part of the House occupied by Mr Huggison at the Yearly rent of 60 Dollars from ist May 1842 to 1st of May 1843 ^"d also that they had engaged Mr Wil liam Conner to keep the Poor, for one Dollar per week each for adults and fifty cents per week for children under twelve years of age and he is to pay Ten Dollars towards the rent of the house Mr Persens order in favor of James Lynch for 36 i i-ioo Dollars was accepted The Treasurer was authorised to advance to Mr Conner Twenty Dollars Donation Binnse M. D. was appointed a Committee to arrange for the support of Catherine Kelly with her sister 104 Messieurs Van Blarcom Roe and Binnse were appointed a Committee to visit the paupers receiving out door relief to ascertain their condition and to stop all orders to them whom they think do not require aid from the Town Adjourned J Keenan Secy Paterson i6 March 1843 The Committee met, present Horatio Moses D Binnse James Van Blarcom David Roe James Gordon Constable was directed to have his Tax war rant renewed — Andrew Meads Bill for printing was passed for 11 50 Messrs Moses and Van Blarcom were appointed a Commit tee to ascertain from Mr Close what he would be willing to rent the poor house and farm for and to report at a future meeting — Adjourned J Keenan Secy Paterson 23 March 1843 The Township Committee met at the House of Peter Archdeacon full board present The following bills were presented to the board audited found correct and passed Henry Close Poor Masters Orders 13 Close & Mclntyre do 35 50 John G Bates do 125 Saml A 'Van Saun do 402 75 James Kershaw do 11 50 Patk McCosker do 3 Samuel S Townsend do 21 50 William S Townsend do 2 James Lynch do loog 47 Patk Agnew do 32 07 John A Macpherson do 57 75 Horatio Moses examinations &c 3 62 Sherman Broadwell wood for Poor 2 25 Cors G Garrison Coffin j.^ Saml C Ensign do . 50 John Chadwick do ig 50 Hiram Gould Sexton fees 10 50 Mrs King making Clothes for Poor 14 20 Wm Conner boarding Paupers 521 05 E & H Clark articles for Poor 25 N Smith examinations jg 26 D Burnett do 2=; 75 105 Francis McGough boarding Pauper j8 50 D Binnse M. D. Medical attendance 50 Wm Huggison Rent 60 H R 'Van Houten Roads igg. 80 Manure 67.50 13230 A Graham " 125 Paul Post 152 86 C M Vreeland 75 Daniel Barkalow Attorneys fees 20 A Petition was presented to the Board requesting the Town ship Committee of Paterson to request from the Chosen Free holders of the County of Passaic, to grant to the Township of Paterson the privilege of holding the Elections in the County Court House, said petition was received, and Horatio Moses was appointed a Committee on behalfof the Town Committee to wait upon the Board of Freeholders and ascertain from ihem if they would grant the use of the Court House for the purposes aforesaid, by guaranteeing to them that no injury be done to the Court house-thereby, and to report at a future meeting Adjourned till to morrow Morning at 10 OClock J Keenan Clk Paterson 24th March 1843. The Committee met at the same place pursuant to adjournment, full board present The following bills were presented, audited and passed, vis. J Jackson Sexton fees 12 John Bentley Poor Masters Orders 19 So Day & Warren Printer's Bill 8 75 John S Hart Wagon Hire i 5° Mrs Bell balance for boarding pauper 3 Andrew Lynch Poor 2 25 Waiter King services as poor master 84 71 do cash advanced 24 17 John Avison services as Poor Master 95 50 do for shoes 20 S3 do Cash advanced 32 i'4 John Keenan Town Clerk 20 Jaraes Van Blarcom Committee Man '4 David Roe do D Bins.se Committee Man Horatio Mos.-s do Robt Morrell do Incidentals '° ^' James "Van Blarcom, articles for poor ^5 66 10II10 10 io6 The Treasurer's account was examined and found correct Amount of Duplicate this year John Brown in his hands 4,618, •79 C A "Van Houten do 3,462 .60 — 8081.39 Remitted by court of appeal 4- ,60 Road Tax worked out 21. 98 Returned to Constables 3300. 13 33-^0.71 4754.68 Collected by Constable Gordon 855-35 do " N Townsend 563.20 1418.55 $6173.23 Debts unpaid this Year James Lynch 1.533.38 Samuel A "Van Saun 402.75 In Bonds to J S Van Winkle 4.990.97 Anthony "Van Blarcom 250.50 Cornelius 'Van Winkle 500 the State g8o Due School fund 75 8732.60 Debt last year 7617.69 Increase $1114.91 Adjourned John Keenan Town Clerk Proceedings of the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson at their Annual Town Meeting on Monday the tenth day of April AD 1843 Abraham Reynolds Esqr was Chosen Moderator It was Resolved That there be two assessors and two Col lectors It was Resolved That the school Committee consist of seven persons It was Resolved That there be four overseers of the High ways It was Resolved That there be three Constables It was Resolved That the Township be and are hereby authorised and empower'd to execute to Mr James Lynch a Bond for 1533 38 I 100 Dollars being the amount of his claim against the Township 107 The following Officers were elected for the ensuing Year vis — Town Clerk John K Flood Silas D Canfield Jonathan Hopper Henry Whitely Thomas Roe James Lynch Joseph Jackson Brant Van Blarcom Judge of Election Assessors Collectors Chosen Freeholders Town Committee Surveyors of the Highway Commissioners of Appeal Overseers of the Poor School Committee Overseers of the Roads Constables Pound Master James Van Blarcom David Roe John R. Van Houten Samuel A Van Saun Peter Archdeacon John Vail Cornelius I Westervelt Amos S Pack Wilham Masters John Leazier Walter King Wright Flavell John P Brown Robert L Giddons Philip Rafferty Robert Cunningham Francis Barber Thomas Beggs John S Fayerweather Halmagh R Van Houten Samuel Pope Cornelius M Vreeland Archibald Graham Nathaniel Townsend James Gordon David Russell Daniel F Lockwood lo8 School Tax $ 300 Poor Tax $3000_ Tax for Debt $ 300 Tax for Interest $ S^o Road Tax __ 1_492_ No additional Dog Ta.x Next Town Meeting at James Kershaws Fall Election first day at Congress Hall second day at P Archdeacons Jonathan Hopper and James Lynch to act as Judge of Elec tion Attest John Keenan Town Clerk A. Reynolds Moderator Paterson April 20 1843 Township Committee met at the house of Peter Archdeacon — present David Roe James Van Blarcom John R. Van Houten Samuel A Van Saun Peter Archdeacon The board was organized by appointing Peter Archdeacon President James Van Blarcom Treasurer Jno. K. Flood — Secretary Thomas Roe one of the Collectors presented his bond which was accepted, Nathaniel Townsend, James Gordon and David Russell presented their bonds which were accepted they also duly filed their oaths of ofifice — John Hopper Esqr was appointed Counsel for the Township for the year at a counsel fee of Ten Dollars. Doct Weller was appointed physician to the Township to receive the sum of Fifty Dollars. Connor's proposal to board the paupers of the Township was received and accepted, ordered that the said Connor file a bond with the clerk for the performance of said duty. John Keenan late Town Clerk and Abraham Reynolds Moderator presented bills of Four 50 | 100 Dollars each for services at Town Meeting which were ordered to be paid. Mathias Osbern presented a bill of $20 for rent which was ordered to be paid. log It was ordered that the 2d Road district be divided and that all that part of the 2d district north of Broadway and east of High street, shall be called the 5th district. John Avison late overseer of the poor presented his bill for $9.65 which was ordered to be paid The following was the appropriations for the several road districts viz forthe 1st district $100.00 2Q 80.00 J" 60.00 4th " 100.00 " " 5th " 25.00 Ordered — That Jno. K Flood, Samuel A. Van Saun, and David Roe, be a Committee to confer with the Constables and urge them to a speedy collection of the unpaid taxes. Adjourned ^ Jno. K. Flood Town Clerk The following are true copies of the bonds and afifidavits filed by the various Town officers for 1843 "^'z I Cornelius I. Westervelt do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will in all things to the best of my knowledge and understanding well justly and faithfully execute the office of a surveyor of the highway without favor or partiality Cornelius I. Westervelt Sworn and Subscribed before me this 20th day of Aprill 1843 Simeon Hart Justice of the Peace filed with the County clerk April 25th, 1843. I, John K. Flood, clerk of the Township of Paterson do solemnly and sincerely swear that I will faithfully and honestly Keep all the papers writings, books and records by virtue of my office committed to me, and that I will in all things to the best of my knowledge and understanding perform the duties of said office of clerk without favor or partiality Jno K. Flood Sworn & subscribed before me this 20th day of Aprill 1843 Samuel A. Van Saun Justice of the peace I, Henry Whiteley do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will truly, faithfully honestly and impartially value and assess the rateable estate in the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic and that in making such valuation and assesment, I will to the best of my Knowledge and Judgement observe the directions of the law directing the same Henry Whiteley Sworn and subscribed before mfe this 13th day of Aprill 1843, Simeon Hart Justice of the peace Passaic County ss I, Wright Flavell, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will, in all things, to the best of my Knowledge and understanding, well and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me, as an overseer of the poor of the Township of Paterson, in the County of Passaic. ^ Wright Flavell. Sworn and subscribed before me this 12th day of Aprill A. D. 1843 David Burnett Justice of the peace Know all men by these presents that we Thomas Roe David Roe and Robert Morrell all of the Township of Paterson, in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey, are held and firmly bound unto the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars lawfull money to be paid to the said "The inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic or their successors to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs executors and administrators, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated the fifteenth day of Aprill in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Forty three The Condition of the above obligation is that whereas the above bounden Thomas Roe was at the last annual Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson elected a collectorof the said Township, now therefore if the said Thomas Roe shall faithfully perform all the duties of his said office as col lector of said Township of Paterson according to law, then the a'Dove obli gation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Thomas Roe [l s] Signed, Sealed and delivered D Roe [l s] in the presence of Corns M. Mead. Robt Morrell [l s] Know all men by these presents that we Nathaniel Townsend, John Vail, Samuel Pope, and Archibald Graham all of the Township of Pater son in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey are held and firmly bound unto the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic in the sum of Two thousand dollars money of the United States, to be paid to the said inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, their successors and assigns to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us for himself m the whole our and every of our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents, Sealed with our seals and da ed the igth day of Aprill in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty three The condition of this obligation is that whereas the above bounden Nathaniel Townsend was at the last annual Town Meeting of the Town- ship of Paterson, Elected a constable of said Township now therefore if the said Nathaniel Townsend shall truly and faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on him as Constable of said Township then the above obli gation to be void, otherwise lo be and remain in full force and viriue Signed Sealed and dehvered in the pre sence of S. D. Canfield Nathaniel Townsend John Vail Sarauel Pope Aichibald Graham L.SJ L.sJ L s] I, Nathaniel Town -end do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will well and truly serve the State of New Jersey in the office of Constable for the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, that I will honestly and impartially, summon empannel and return, good and lawfull men for juries, able andsufficient andnot suspected or procured, asis ormaybedirectedbylaw— That I will to the utmost of my power, faithfully and without delay, execute all writs, process. Warrants, and executions to me directed and which shall come to my hands and truly return the same, that in the exercise of my office I will do no wrong to any but will do right to all, and take none but lawful fees that I will truly diligently and honestly without fraud deceit or oppression, favor or partiality do execute and perform all services acts and duties of my said office to the best of my Judgement Knowledge and ability Nathaniel Townsend Sworn & Subscribed before : me Aprill ig AD 1843 David Burnett Justice of the Peace Know all men by these presents that we James Gordon and Joseph Gor don of the Township of Paterson and James Close of the Township of Aquackanonk in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey are held and firmly bound unto the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars money of the United States to be paid to the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic their successors or assigns to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us for himself in tbe whole our and every of our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this fourteenth day of Aprill in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hun dred and forty three. The Condition of this obligation is, that whereas the above bounden James Gordon was at the last annual Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson elected a. Constable of said Township, Now therefore if the said James Gordon shall truly' and faithfully perform all the duties en joined on him as Constable of said Township, then the above obligation tu be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue. Jaraes Gordon Joseph Jackson [ames Close Signed Sealed aud delivered in the presence of C. .\. Van Houten L.S| L.i]I.S] I, James Gordon, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will well and truly serve the State of New Jersey in the office of Corstable for the Township of Paterson in the County ot Passaic, that I will honestly and impartially summon empannel and return good and lawful men for juries, able and sufficient and not suspected or procured, as is or shall be directed by law ; that I will to the utmost of my power, faithfully and with out delay execute all writs, precepts, process, warrants and executions to me directed, and which shall come to my hands, and truly return the same, that in the e.xercise of my office, I will do no wrong to any, but will do right to all, and take none but lawful fees ; that I will truly diligently and honestly without fraud, deceit, oppression, favor or partiallity, do, execute and perform all services acts and duties of my said office, to the best of my Knowledge judgement and ability Sworn & Subscribed before; James Gordon rae this 15^1 day of April 1843 Simeon Hart Justice of the peace Know all men by these presents that we James Lynch, Andrew Lynch and James Gordon all of the Township of Paterson, in the County of Passaic in the State of New Jersey are held and firmly bound unto the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey in the sum of Five thousand Dollars money of the United States to be paid to the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic their successors or assigns to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us for himself our and each of our heirs executors and administrators firmly by these pres ents sealed with our seals and dated this Fourteenth day of Aprill in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and forty three The Condition of this obligation is that whereas the above bounden James Lynch was at the last annual Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson elected a collector of said Township — Now therefore if the said James Lynch shall truly and faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on him as Collector of said Township, then the above obligation to be void otherwise to reraain in full force and virtue Signed sealed and delivered 1 Andrew Lynch inpre-enceof [- James Lynch Jno. K. Flood ) James Gordon LS L sl L s| Know all men by the presents that we David Russell, John P. Brown and Joseph Warren all of the Township of Paterson in the County of Pas saic and State of New Jersey are held and firmly bound unto the inhabit ante of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic in the State of New Jersey in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars money of the United States to be paid to the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic their successors or assigns to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us by ourself in the whole our and every of our heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this Eighteenth day of Aprill in the year of our Lord One thousand I'ight hundred and forty three 113 The Condition of this obligation is that whereas the above bounden David Russell was at the last annual Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson elected a constable of said Township now therefore if the said David Russell shall truly and faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on him as Constable of said Township then the above obligation to be void otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue Signed Sealed and delivered) David RusseU [i, s] in presence of ' ^ John P. Brown (i, sl William Dunn. ) Joseph Warren [l sJ [, David Russell do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will well and truly serve the State of New Jersey in the office of Constable for the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, that I will honestly and impartially summon and impanel aud return good aud lawfull men for Juries able and sufficient and not suspected as is or shall be directed by Law that I will to the utmost of my power faithfully and without delay execute all writs precepts, process, warrants and executions to me directed and which shall come to my hands and truly return the same, that in the exercise of my office I will do no wrong to any but will do right to all and take none but lawful fees that I will truly diligently and honestly without fraud deceit oppression or partiality do execute and perform all services acts and duties of my said office to the best of my Knowledge Judgement and ability Sworn and subscribed David Russell before me this 20th day of Aprill 1843 Samuel A. Van Saun Justice of the peace Pursuant to a resolution of the last annual Town Meeting held on the loth day of Aprill 1843 The Committee this day executed a bond for the sum of $1533 38-100 unto James Lynch payable in one year from this date. Aprill 20, 1843 I, Jonathan Hopper do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will truly faithfully and impartially value and assess, the rateable estate in the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic and that in making such valuation and assessment I will to the best of my Knowledge and Judgement observe the directions of the law respecting the same Sworn and subscribed before Jonathan Hopper me this 13th day of Aprill 1843 Simeon Hart Justice of the peace Passaic County ss I Walter King, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will in all things, to the best of my Knowledge and understanding well and faith fully execute the trust reposed in me as an overseer of the poor of the To vvn- ship of Paterson in the County of Passaic Sworn & Subscribed before Walter King me Aprill 15 A D 1843 David Burnett Justice of the peace 114 Know all men by these presents, that I. William Connor of the County of Pa-saic and State of New Jersey am held and firmly bound unto the Township of Paternon in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars to be paid to the said Township to which payment well and truly to be made I bind myself my heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents sealed wilh my seal and dated the Twenty first day of Aprill One thousand Eight hundred and forty three The Condition of the above obligation is such that if the above bounden Wilham Connor, shall board the paupers of the Township of Paterson from the first day of May next, for the sum of One Dollar per week for each adult and fifty cents per week for each person under the age of Twelve years and lurnish the paupers, with good and sufficient wholesome food and a sufficiency of it for the space of one year and in all other respects. Keep them Comfortable and pay all the rent of the premises oc cupied by them over and above the sum of Seventy Dollars then these presents to cease be void or else to be and remain in full force and virtue William J Connor [l s] Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of Jno K. Flood I, John Vail do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will in all things to the best of my Knowledge and understanding well justly and faithfully execute the office of a surveyor of the highways, without fear of partiality Sworn and subscribed John Vail before me one of the Judges of the Court of Common pleas in and for the County of Passaic this 23d Aprill 1843 Nicholas Smith Judge filed with County Clerk Apr 25, 1843. At a meeting of the Township Committee held at the ofifice of. David Roe April 27, 1843 present James Van Blarcom David Roe Samuel A. Van Saun John R. Van Houten it was Resolved, That Archibald Graham, overseer of the road for the 2d district take charge of that part of the former 3rd district now the 5th untill the next annual Town Meeting and that John R. Van Houten, David Roe and Samuel A Van Saun b; a committee &c 115 Resolved That James Van Blarcom, David Roe and S. A. Van Saun, procure a suitable place for a public pound Adjd Jno K. Flood Clerk At a meeting of the Town Committee held at the house of Peter Archdeacon on Thursday June i, 1S43 present Samuel A. Van Saun, James Van Blarcom, David Roe, and Peter Archdeacon — it appearing that Benjamin Cranes bill amount ing to $122.54 was presented to the last Town Committee and by them passed it was ordered that the same be paid — William Connors bill for Keeping the paupers up to the first day of May amounting to $119.57 was examined and passed and the same ordered to be paid, — Messrs Van Blar com & Van Saun were appointed to examine the delinquent tax list, Resolved That for the purpose of carrying into effect a resolution passed at a special Town Meeting held on the 28th day of June 1832 relative to working that part of the Paterson and Hamburgh Turnpike called Bridge Street, Jno K. Flood be and he is hereby appointed to make all necessary arrange. ments with the President and directors of the said Company in relation to the same — subject to the approval of the Town Committee Adjourned Jno K. Flood Town Clerk Tuesday evening Sep 12th 1S43 Committee met present David Roe, Samuel A. Van Saun and John R. Van Houten, David Roe was appointed president pro Tem. Doct Weller having resigned his situation as physician to the Township and on motion Doct Rogers was appointed to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the year at the rate of Fifty Dollars per year. — on motion adjourned Statement of the situation of the Affairs of Township Amountof indebtedness of Township on the 14th March A D 1843 8,732 60 1844 March 14 Bills presented and allowed James Kershaw for Keeping paupers 4 S7 '^ John Avison last years bill iS gs ii6 Horatio Moses do do i 25 David Roe poor Masters orders 146 5^ John Morris sheep killed by dogs 6 50 CorneUus G. Garrison for Coffins furnished by poor masters orders 21 5g John Chadwick— for do. 24 38 Samuel Ensign — for do 3 00 P. Rafferty poor masters orders 24 00 John G. Bates do— do— 61 01 William I. Connor for Boarding poor 793 87 John Hopper — Counsel fee & cost. — 57 16 Doct. A. W. Rodgers physicians bill 30 22 David Burnett examinations 21 37 John K. Flood poor masters orders & cost 8 25 Wright Flavell overseer of poor 30 00 do do Cash advanced 59 1 5 Robert Aikins poor masters orders 173 31 Andrew Mead printing bill 6 25 L. L. Van Buskirk 50 James Van Blarcom services as poor master 18 00 Samuel A. Van Saun poor masters orders 161 84 >^ A & M MacAllister do — do — 19 81 Cornelius M. Vreeland Road master 61 go Archibald Graham do do 109 56 Hiram Gould sextons fees 5.00 Joseph Jackson poor masters orders 1 16 00 Mrs M. E. King making clothes 3g 70 H. L. Garbrecht poor masters orders 16 50 David Russell i 80 William S. Townsend poor masters orders 7 50 Patrick Agnew do do 57 20 Simeon Hart Taking examinations &c 3 25 Samuel Pope overseer of the road no 00 Walter King " " " poor 82 50 " " for Cash — 63 gg Andrew Lynch Keeping poor ig 63 John S. Van Winkle for interest 2gg 45 Executors of Anthony Van Blarcom for do 15 03 James Lynch poor masters orders 1121 8g Samuel Roberts examinations — • i.oo Samuel A. Van Saun examinations 2 00 H. A. Van Houten overseer of the road 188.04 do — do — for cost — 72 43 David Roe services as committee man 12 00 P. Archdeacon do — do — 12 00 S. A. Van Saun do — do — 13 00 Jaraes Van Blarcora do — do — 13 00 John R. Van Houten do— do — X2 00 John K. Flood Clerk 20 00 117 David Russell Samuel Pope for Road Whole indebtedness Cash on hand Cash paid on foregoing bills by James Van Blarcom Cash paid on old accounts by James Van Blarcom 114 25 15.00 . $13,030.00 $1233.30 1 500.00 856.64 — 358g.g4 $g44o.o6 8732.60 old indebtedness Increase $707.46 TOWN MEETING Proceedings at the Annual Town Meeting of the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson held on the Sth day of Aprill A. D. 1844 Resolved That there be two Collectors and Two Assessors Resolved that there be three Constables Resolved that the Township Committee be authorised fO sell the lot owned by the Township provided they can obtain Cost for the same Resolved that there be five overseers of the road I'he following ofificers were elected Town Clerk — Judge of Election Assessors Collectors Chosen freeholders Town Committee Donation Binnse Peter Archdeacon John K. Flood Silas D. Canfield Charles H. May Henry Whiteley Halmagh Van Winkle Nathaniel Lane Brant Van Blarcom Joseph Jackson James Van Blarcom David Roe John R. Van Houten ii8 Surveyors of the highway Peter J. Brown William Crosset Judges of Appeal Amos S. Pack Jacob Goetches John Leazer Overseers of the poor ' Wright Flavell Walter King School Committee Henry Van Geisen James Shorrock John P. Brown John S. Fayerweather Samuel S. Townsend Thomas Adams Thomas Beggs Overseers of the Road William Sandford Paul Post Cornelius M. Vreeland Archibald Graham George Zabriskie Constables Richard Brower William Masters James Gordon Pound Master Daniel F". Lockwood Poor Tax $3000 00 School Tax , 500 00 Tax for debt 300 00 Tax for Interest 500 00 Road Tax 400 00 No additional dog Tax Next Town meeting at the Court house ng Next Fall election first day at the Passaic Hotel — second day at Peter Archdeacons Attest Jno. K. Flood Clerk. At a meeting of the Town Committee held at Peter Arch deacons on the 1 2th day of Aprill A. D. 1844 Present all the members — Peter Archdeacon was appointed President James Van Blarcom Treasurer John K. Flood Clerk John Hopper Counsel ' June 28 1849 Alexander W. Rogers M D Physician William I. Connor Keeper of the Poor house The bonds and Affidavits of the various ofificers were pre sented approved and filed and the Committee adjourned Jno K. Flood Clerk At a meeting of the Township Committee held at the house of Peter Archdeacon on the iSth day of Aprill present all the Committee the following districts of roads were apportioned the sums annexed to the same, and the overseers appointed as follows For the first district $100 00 For the 2d do So 00 For the 3d do 60 00 For the /ith do 75 00 For the 5th do 25 00 Adjourned $340 00 Jno K. Flood Clerk ' Apparently, the clerk entered only the name " Rogers " at the tirae of the election, and on June 28, i84g, some other person (perhaps Dr. Rogers himself, judging from the handwriting), wrote in the rest, including the date. 4 C G. Garrison — do 5 John Avison do 6 Jno K. Flood do 7 D. Burnett do 8 M. King do June iSth 1844 Committee met present all the members — no business being ready adjourned Jno K. Flood Clerk Statement of the affairs of the Township of Paterson March 20. 1845 Amount of indebtness March 14. 1S44 g440 06 Bills presented and passed March 20th 1845 No I Andrew Mead for printing $13 50 2 David Roe poor masters orders 5g 12 3 James Van Blarcom — for poor 1 1 06 do 2g 50 do 30 06 do 25 19 do 22 25 do y 04 g William I Connor Keep of the poor house 855 27 10 Robert Aikins expenses for poor 16 18 II Thoraas Adams 3325 12 Doct A. W. Rodgers physicians bill 53 75 13 J. C. Banagan repairs at poor house i 00 14 James Lynch poor masters orders 621 65 15 Hannah Cairns Keeping Child 3 50 16 Rachel Campbell do do 16 50 17 Patrick Agnew poor masters orders 25 56 18 Simeon Hart Cost of warrant & order i 00 ig William Masters Election expenses 3 75 20 Richard Brower do do 3 75 21 Richard Brower reraoving pauper 1 50 22 Philip Rafferty poor Masters orders 214 75 23 A & W. McAUister do do 164 80 24 John A. Macpherson do 53 25 25 Samuel A Van Saun do g8 00 26 James Agnew do do 1650 27 W. Flavell Cash advanced for poor 2g 58 28 W. Flavell services overseer of poor 30 00 2g Abraham Lane expenses of poor 12 63 30 Walter King Cash advanced for poor 23 06 31 Walter King overseer, services 70 00 32 Jno S. Hart expenses of poor 50 33 Charles O'Neil do do 6 12 34 William Sandford overseer of Roads 100 00 35 Archibald Graham do do 75 00 36 Cornelius M. Vreeland do do 5g 98 37 George Zabriskie do do 25 00 38 Paul Post do do 73 16 3g James Gordon election expenses 12 50 39 5o 42 00 9 00 71 00 40 Israel Munson damages to sheep 40 per cent to be paid 41 James McCartey do do 42 James Blake do do 43 John Morris do do 44 Joseph Jackson ex of poor jg yc 45 Wm S. Townsend do do 2 25 46 T. S. Townsend do do 10 25 47 Day & Warren printing Bill 12 00 48 Intelligence office 0.75 4g John Chadwick for Coffins 7.25 50 Andrew Lynch Keeping poor 18 25 51 Hiram Gould Sextons fees 15 50 52 John Hopper Attorneys fees 10 00 Clerk & Committee fee 53 D Roe 12.00 54 J R. Van Houten 12.00 55 Donation Binnse 16.00 56 James Van Blarcom Treasurer 18.00 58 Peter Archdeacon 12.00 5g Jno K. Flood Clerk 20.00 3,226 31 go. 00 59 due for interest about 465 28 $13,221 65 Whole Amt of indebtedness $13,221.65 Cr. Cash paid by treasurer on account of above bills $25g9-73 Cash on hand 210.02 2,809.80 Whole Amt of indebtedness $10,411.85 Amount of indebtedness March 20, 1844 9.440.06 increase of indebtedness $971.79 RecapitulationPoor $2674.82 Roads 333-74 Elections 30.00 Printing 26.25 Sheep 161.50 Town officers 90.00 Interest 465.28 Expenditures $3,781 59 Taxes in hands of Const Masters 638 54 do do " Brower 761.25 adjourned Jno K. Flood Clerk Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson held on Monday April 14. 1845 at the Court house in Paterson Silas D. Candfield Esq Judge of the last fall election opened the meeting according to Law and Thomas Forbes was duly elected Clerk of the said meeting per certificate filed in the office of the Town Clerk. Resolved That there be three Constables Two assessors Two Collectors and one overseer of the poor. Resolved That the overseers of the Highways shall reside in the district to which they are elected — The meeting then proceeded to ballot for Township ofificers for six Justices of the peace — appropriations &c — mem The certificates of the election of Justices has been filed in the ofifice of the County Clerk. Ofificers elected appropriations &c Judge of Election Cornelius Speer Town Clerk Assessors Collectors John K Flood Cornelius A. Van Houten Cornelius I. Westervelt John J. Brown Nathaniel Townsend Joseph Jackson Horatio Moses Surveyors of the highway George W. Sneden Chosen Freeholders Township Committee Peter J. Brown David Roe Henry C. Stimson Robert Morrell James Van Blarcom John R. Van Houten 123 Judges of Appeal Overseer of the Poor School Committee Constables Justices of the peace Pound Keeper John Leizure Andrew Snider Amos S. Pack John R. Berdan Jacob Goetches John S. Fayerweather William C. Smith Albert Westlake Samuel S. Townsend Charles Inglis Jun. Walter E. Stephens William Masters Richard Brower James Gordon David Burnett Horatio Moses Simeon Hart George Stephens James Norris David Russell Overseers of the Highway Poor Tax School Tax Tax for debt Tax for interest Daniel F. Lockwood Cornelius Ackerson John Pope Cornelius M. Vreeland Archibald Graham George Zabriskie 3000 00 300 00 IOOO 00 600 00 124 Road Tax 5oo oo $5600 00 No additional dog Tax Next Town meeting and next fall election at the Court house Cornelius I Westervelt & Nathaniel Townsend to act as inspectors of election Judge of Election Attest Thomas Forbes Clerk Aprill 21. 1845 Township Committee met present James Van Blarcom David Roe H C. Stimson Robert Morrell John R. Van Houten Robert Morrell was appointed President, James Van Blar com Treasurer, John Hopper Attorney & Counsel — -A. W. Rodgers M. D. Physician and Jno K. Flood to take the ex aminations of the poor — The different officers of the Township presented their Bonds and afifidavits which were examined, Approved and ordered to be fi ed Road appropriations for the year 1st district Cornelius Ackerson $80.00 2d district John Pope 80.00 3d district Cornelius M. Vreeland 70.00 4th district Archibald Graham 70.00 5th district George Zabriskie 50.00 $350.00 Resolved That the Treasurer be authorized tb pay and advance the money for the payment of the mo.st pressing de mands against the Township and to keep the same out of the first monies that may come to his hands Resolved That William J. Conner be appointed Keeper of 125 the poor of the Township for the year and that he receive for keeping adults the sum of $i.oo per week and for children under the age of Twelve years the sum of 1 1 | . per week and that the Township pay the rent of the poor house provided the said rent does not exceed the sum of $70 per year Adjourned Jno K. Flood Clerk May 20 Committee met full board present Resolved That no out door relief be given to the poor of the Township excepting in Case of _sickness — for the present year, but that all paupers be sent to the poor house, and in case of sickness, such case shall be submitted to a committee to be appointed by the board for that purpose whose duty it will be to give orders for such relief Resolved That in case any expense is incurred or any bills are presented for out door relief the Town Committee will not allow or pass such bills excepting by orders of the said Committee or one of them Resolved That said Committee consist of Messrs Stimson, Roe and Van Blarcom Resolved That the Clerk Transmit a copy of the above Resolutions to the overseer of the poor adjourned Jno K. Flood Clerk Statement of the Affairs of The Township of Paterson March 19. 1846 Bills presented and allowed previous to this day No I C. S. Vandervoort expense of poor $1.13 2 William J. Connor Keeper of poor house first quarter 255-05 3 Paterson Manufacturing Co expense of poor 5.06 4 Andrew Miller do do 9.10 5 N. S. Rogers do do 13-39 6 Brown & Van Emburg do do 12.05 7 W. J. Conner Keeper &c 2d quarter 180.46 8 Jno K. Flood expense of poor 35-50 9 Rachel Carapbell do do 26.25 126 10 John Garvin do II Andrew Miller do 12 W. I. Connor Keeper &c 3d quarter 13 James Lynch expense of poor 14 Joseph Jackson /4 Cash on hand 59 46>^ 4-223 83 ' debt ' $14,532 16 Whole amt of debt ApU. i. 1847 $14,532.16 do do March ig. 1846 12.523.72 Increase on a | c of street improvements $2,008.44 Jno. K. Flood Town Clerk Sep. 7. 1846 Town Committee met at the ofifice of E. B. D. Ogden the Clerk not being present E. B. D. Ogden acting in his place. E. B. D. Ogden presented a bill of cost on Certiorari of Vreelands executors for $26.23 which was allowed and ordered to be paid The bill of Mr Connor for keeping the poor up to August I. 1846 for $257.39 was presented allowed and ordered to be paid • Coppied from minutes Jno K. Flood Clerk proceedings of a meeting of the Township Committee held May 20. 1846— Omitted — present Messrs. Ogden Van Blarcom Stimson Van Houten & Morrell Resolved That in consequence of the great advance in pro visions the sum of $80 be paid to William J. Connor Keeper of the poor house in addition to the sum — per his agreement with committee adjourned Jno K. Flood Clerk 133 1847 ANNUAL TOWNSHIP MEETING Proceedings &c At the annual Town meeting of the Township of Paterson held at the Court house in said Township on the I2th day of Aprill 1847 James Nightingale was chosen moderator & Andrew Mead clerk The meeting being opened it was re- Solved That we elect two Assessors and two Collectors Resolved That five persons be elected for school committee Resolved that we elect three Constables NOTICE At the Annual Town meeting of the Township of Paterson held at the Court House in said Township on the 12th day of Aprill A D 1S47 the following persons were duly elected to fill the offices designated for them and the following appro priations were authorised to be made Town Clerk Judge of Election Assessors Collectors Chosen Freeholders John K. Flood Samuel A. Van Saun Cornelius A. Van Houten Cornelius I. Westervelt Nathaniel Lane Charles H. May Surveyors of the Highway John A. Macpherson Joseph Jackson Cornelius Van Winkle George W. Sneden Town Committee Amos S. Pack William Crosset Christopher Van Pelt 134 Judges of Appeal Overseer of the Poor School Committee Constables Pound Master James Van Blarcom John R. Van Houten Peter Archdeacon An dred Mead Patrick McGee Richard H. Van Houten Jacob Goetchius John S. Fayerweather Charles Ingliss David Burnett John Brown William Ingliss James Gordon William A. Hopson Daniel F. Lockwood Poor Tax $3000. School Tax $500. Tax for debt $1,000 Tax for interest $500. Road Tax $1000. no additional dog Tax, next Fall election & Annual Town Meeting at the Court House, Cornelius A. Van Houten & Nathaniel Lane to act as Judges of Election. Silas D. Candfield Superintendant of Public Schools Signed Andrew Mead Clerk, Signed Jas. Nightengale Moderator I do hereby Certify the foregoing to be copy of the original certificate of the proceedings of the Annual Town ship Meeting held Aprill 12. 1847 Dated Aprill 15. 1S47 Jno K. Flood Town Clerk Coppy. I, John K. Flood, Clerk of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will faith- 135 fully and honestly, Keep all the papers, writings, books and records, by virtue of my office committed, and which from time to time, shall be com mitted to me ; and that I will, in all things to the best of mv knowledge and understanding, perform the duties of said office of clerk, without favor or partiality Signed Jno K. Flood Sworn and subscribed before me this 15 th day of Aprill AD. 1847 Signed Cornelius A. Van Houten Justice of the peace Coppy I, Cornehus Van Winkle do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will in all things to the best of my knowledge and understanding well Justly and faithfully execute the office of a surveyour of the highway with out favor or partiality Sworn and subscribed Signed before me the 15th day of Aprill A D. 1847 Cornelius Van Winkle Jno K. Flood Justice of the peace Coppy I. George W. Sneden do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will in all things to the best of my Knowledge and understanding, well Justly and faithfully, execute the ofiice of a surveyor of the highway with out favor or partiality Signed George W. Sneden Sworn and subscribed before me this 16th day of Aprill AD. 1847 Signed Jno K. Flood Justice of the peace The original affidavits of Cornelius Van Winkle and George W. Sneden surveyours of the highway and a certified coppy of list of Township officers were this day filed by me in the office of the County Clerk^ Aprill 16. 1S47 Jno K. Flood Town Clerk Coppy I, Cornelius I. Westervelt do solemnly and sincerely, promise and swear, that I will truly faithfully, honestly, and impartialy, value and assess the rateable estates in the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, and that in making such valuations and assessments I will to the best of ray Knowledge and judgeraent observe the directions of the law respecting the same Signed Sworn & subscribed Cornelius I Westervelt before rae this 16th Aprill 1847 Jno K. Flood Justice of the peace 136 Aprill 19 Committee met Present James Van Blarcom John R. Van Houten Amos S. Pack Christopher Van Pelt & William Crossett and organized by appointing the following ofificers for the year President John R. Van Houten Treasurer James Van Blarcom Clerk of the Board, and for the streets Jno K. Flood Attorney & Counsel at the usual fee Silas D. Candfield Physician " " " " Robt J Whitely M. D. Examining Justice " " " " Jno K. Flood Cornelius A Bogerts bill of $3 for sextons fee Hiram Goulds do of $15 for do do James Nightengales do of $8 .as moderator of Town Meeting and Andrew Meads bill of $8 as Clerk of Town Meeting were examined and passed. Resolved that the Clerk advertise for proposals to Keep the poor of the Township for one year from the first day of May next, the terms of the present Keeper being considered to high he demanding an advance of fifty per cent The three Constables elect presented their bonds which were approved and the same ordered to be filed and recorded. The collectors presented their bonds which were approved and ordered to be filed Adjourned to meet at the same place on Monday the 26th inst at 2 oClock in the afternoon Jno K. Flood Clerk Coppy I, Cornelius A. Van Houten do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will truly faithfully, honestly and impartially value and assess the rateable estates in the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, and that in making such valuations and assessments I will to the best of my Knowledge and Judgement observe the direction of the law respecting the same Signed Signed C A Van Houten Simeon Hart Justice of the peace 137 Coppy I, Richard H. Van Houten do solemnly and sincerely swear, that I will, in all things, to the best of my Knowledge and understanding, well and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me as an overseer of the poor of the Township of Paterson in the county of Passaic. Signed Richard H. Van Houten Sworn & Subscribed before rae this igth day of Apll A. D 1847 signed Jno K. Flood Justice of the peace 1847 Coppy ot Jas. Gordons Constable Bond Copy Know all men by these presents that we James Gordon, James Lynch and James Close a:U of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey, are held and firmly bound unto the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic in the sum of Two Thousand dollars, money of the United States, to be paid to the said inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic their successors or assigns ; to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us for himself, in the whole, our and every of our heirs, executors and administrators, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated the day of Aprill in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and forty seven. The Condition of this obligation is, That whereas the above bounden James Gordon was at the last Annual Town meeting of the Township of Paterson elected a constable of said Township: Now therefore if the said Jaraes Gordon shall truly and faithfully perform all the duties enjoined on him as constable of said Township, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue Signed Signed Sealed and James Gordon (l s) delivered in presence of Signed James Lynch (l s) John Vail James Close (l s) A true Coppy John K. Flood Clerk Coppy of William A. Hopsons Bond Know all men by these presents that we William A. Hopson, John A. Macpherson, Robert Malcom of the Township of Manchester and Ralph ¦Shorrock, of the Township of Manchester in the County of Passaic in the State of New Jersey, are held and firmly bound unto the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars money of the United States, to be paid to the said inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic their successors or assigns ; to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, an'd each of us for himself, in the whole, our and every of oui heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated the nineteenth day of April in the year of our lord one thousand Eight hun dred and forty seven 138 The Condition of this obligation is That whereas the above bounden William A. Hopson, was at the last Annual Town meeting of the Township of Paterson elected a Constable of said Township; Now therefore if the said William A. Hopson shaU truly and faithfully perform all the duties en joined on him as Constable of said township, then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Signed Signed Sealed and Wm A. Hopson (l s) delivered m presence of jr \ / *; The word, and, on the second John A. Mcpherson (l s) line and the word all, on the t- \ i third line at the Top erased Robert Malcom (l s) betore Signed Signed C. A Van Houten Ralph Shorrock (l s) 1847 Copy of William Inglis's Constables Bond Know an men by these presents, that we William Ingliss, Charles Inglis Jun and Richard H. Van Houten aU of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey, are held and firmly bound unto the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Pas saic m the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, money of the United States, to be paid to the- said inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic their successors or assigns; to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us, for himself, m the whole, our and every of our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals, and dated the Ninteenth day of Apnhin the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty seven The condition of this obligation is. That whereas the above bounden Wilham lughs was, at the last annual raeeting of the Township of Pat erson elected a Constable of said Township: Now therefore, if the said Wilhara Inglis shall truly and faithfuUy perform all the duties enjoined on him as constable of said township, then the above obUgation to be void otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of William Tncrli= /, .\ ' ¦ The erasure " (in original) William Inglis (1. s) in tbe 3d line from Top p Tr,o-i;= t„„ , ¦, made before execution " ' ^°^^'^ J""" (^ ^) Signed WilHam Masters Richard H. Van Houten (l s) CopyI William Inglis do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will well and truly serve the Stateof New Jersey in the office of Con- stable for the township of Paterson in the County of Passaic; that I will honestly and impartially summon, empanel and return good and lawfull men for jurors, able andsufficient, and not suspected or procured, as s or shall be directed by law; that I will, to the utmost of my power, fa th- fully and without delay, execute all writs, precepts, process, warrants and executions to me directed and which shall corae to my hands, and truly return he sarae; that, in the exercise of my office, I will do no wrong to any, dill' Tn 1 "^H V° '"; "°^ '"^^ °°"^ ^"' ^^"^"^ ''''¦' '^-' I will truly diUigently, and honestly, without fraud, deceit, oppression, favor or nar- 139 tiality, do, execute and perform all services acts and duties of my said office to the best of my Knowledge Judgment and ability Signed William Inglis Sworn and Subscribed before me the igth day of Aprill 1847 Charles Inglis Justice of the Peace I, William A. Hopson do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will well and truly serve the State of New Jersey in the oflBce of Constable for the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic; that I will honestly and impartially summon empanel and return good and lawfull men for jurors, able and sufficient and not suspected or procured, as is or shall be directed by law that I will to the utmost of my power, faithfully and without delay, execute all writs, precepts, process warrants and executions to me directed, and which shall come to my hands, and truly return the same; that in the exercise of my ofi&ce, I will do no wrong to any, but will do right to all, and take none but lawfull fees; that I will truly, diligently and honestly, without fraud, deceit, oppression, favor or partiality, do execute and perfoiin aU services, acts and duties of my oflBce to the best of my Knowledge, judgement and ability Sworn & Subscribed Signed before me this 19th day Wm A. Hopson of Aprill A D. 1847 Signed C. A. Van Houten , Justice of the Peace I, James Gorden dosolemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will weU and iruly serve the State of New Jersey in the office of Constable for the Township of Paterson in the County ot Passaic; that I wiU honestly and impartially summon, empanell and return good and lawfull men for jurors, able and sufficient, and not suspected or procured, as is or shall be directed by law; That I will, to the utmost of my power, faithfully and with out delay execute all writs, precepts, process, warrants and executions to rae directed, andwhich shall come to my hands, and truly return the same; that m the execution of my said oflBce I will do no wrong to any, but will do right to all, and take none but lawful! fees ; that I will truly diligently and honestly, without fraud, deceit, oppression, favor or partiaUty, do, execute and perforra all services, acts and duties of my said oflfice, to the best of my Knowledge, judgement and ability. Sworn and Subscribed at Paterson in said County this seventh day of April A D 1847 before me Signed Signed John Vail Justice of the James Gordon peace Know all men by the presents that we Nathaniel Lane and Samuel A Van Saun of the Township of Paterson and Stephen Allen of the Town ship of Manchester all of the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey are held and firmly bound unto the inhabitants of the Township of Pater son in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, Money of the United States to be paid to the inhabitants of the Township, of Paterson in the 140 County of Passaic their successors or assigns, to which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us for himself in the whole our and every of our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated the nineteenth day of Aprill One thousand eight hundred and forty seven. The Condition of this obligation is that whereas the above bounden Nathaniel Lane was at the last annual Town meeting of the Township of Paterson elected one of the collectors of said Township. Now therefore if the said Nathaniel Lane shaU faithfully and truly perform all the duties enjoined on him as one of the collectors of said Township then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and virtue Signed sealed & delivered in presence of (signed) S. McCuUy Nathaniel Lane (l s) Sarauel A. Van Saun (l s) Stephen Allen (l s) Know all men by these presents that we Charles H. May and John A. Macpherson, all of the County of Passaic township of Paterson and state of Ne w Jersey are held and firmly bound to the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic and State of New Jersey in the sum of Five thousand Dollars lawfull money to be paid to the said inhabitants of the Township of Paterson State and County afforesaid to which payment well and truly to be paid we bind ourselves our heirs executors and admin istrators, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals dated Apll 19, 1847. The Condition of the above obligation is that the above named Charles H. May was at the last annual town meeting elected by the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic State afforesaid one of the collectors in and for said Township. Now therefore if the said Charles H. May shall faithfully perform the duties of said oflfice as collector of said Township according to Law, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force. Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of Charles H. May ss Signed Edw C. May John A. Macpherson ss April 26, 1847 Town Committee met present John R. Van Houten, Amos S. Pack, Christopher Van Pelt and William Crossett. Ihe House and premises situated in the Township of Man chester on the east side of the old TotoWa Road leading from Paterson to Meads basin lately owned by Richard Ryerson was leased by the Township for one year from the 1st day of May next from John Jacob Craun for the sum of Fifty Dollars rent to be paid quarterly Robert Coulter was appointed Keeper of the poor at the above place — to receive for adults 10 | . per week and for 141 children under 14 years of age 5 | . per week for Board and Care — James Powers bill for $7.00 for Keeping pauper was pre sented and passed Adjourned Jno K. Flood Clerk April 30 Committee met present Van Houten, Van Blarcom Pack, Crossett & Van Van Pelt, Clerk presented the lease of poor house, which was signed by the Committee on the one part John Jacob Crawn on the other part and ordered to be filed Resolved That Mr Crossett do the necessary repairs to the poor house Clerk presented the Bond of Robert Coulter Keeper of the poor house, which was approved and the same ordered to be filed Adjourned Jno K. Flood Clerk June 17. 1847 Town Committee met present Van Houten, Van Blarcom, Crossett, Pack and Van Pelt Resolved That the Township Borrow from Stephen Berdan the sum of one thousand Dollars and that the Township com mittee execute a bond in the name of the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic to the said Stephen Berdan conditioned for the payment of the said sum of money on the first day of May next with interest Adjourned Jno K. Flood Clerk Statement of the affairs of the Township of Paterson Aprill I. 1S48 No 1 James Nightengale Moderator S.oo 2 Andrew Mead Clk 8 00 3 W. J. Connor Keeper of the poor house (old) 218 60 d R. Coulter Keeper 50 00 5 A. Miller— poor 12 71 6 Robt Coulter Keeper of poor house balance of 1st qr 173 42 7 Jacob Krawn 1 yrs Rent of poor house 12 50 8 W. J. Connor poor ig 71 142 9 Andrew Miller do 10 W. Crosset repairs to Poor house II Robert Coulter Keeper of Poor house 2d quarter No 1 1 J. Krawn rent " 12 W. J. Connor poor " 13 Angus & Collier coal 14 A. Miller poor 15 R. H. Van Houten do 16 J. Powers do 17 Amos Bunn do 18 P. Archdeacon ig William McGee M. D Medical Attendance 20 R. H Van Houten Overseer of the poor 21 Amount No 22 Andrew Miller Keeping poor 23 Robert Coulter Keeper 3d quarter 24 W. J. Connor Keeping poor 25 W. Masters sheriff clothing furnished paupers 26 Jno K. Flood Clerk services at the election on license question &c stationary &c 27 S. A. Van Saun Judge at do 28 N. Lane do do do 29 paid for posting ordinances notices &c 30 Incidental expenses to March 17 Amt examined & passed during year Bills presented, examined and passed March 17 & i8th 1848— No I James Lynch poor masters orders 2 Mathew Jackson Sextons bill 3 C. G. Garrison bill for coffins 4 W. H. Fredericks poor masters orders 5 Township of Franklin funeral expense 6 Cornelius Bogart poor masters orders 7 Taggart & Rafferty do do 8 Cornelius I. Westervelt coal for paupers 9 Thomas Adams poor masters orders 10 S. A. Van Saun do do do II James Kershaw do do do 12 A. P. Ferguson do do do 13 David Roe do do. do 14 Jno. K. Flood cash paid and advanced by him for poor masters orders 15 Hiram Hatheway goods for poor house 16 Vreeland & Spear poor masters orders 17 Jno A. Macpherson do do 13 14 33 74 277.55 12 50 19 71 6.50 13 14 20 00 21 87 20 *o 4-47 5.00 5000 $1000 56 $1000 56 13 14 237 16 17 71 4.00 6 59 4.00 4.00 3-75 1976 $1310.67 124.76 6.00 13 50 44 00 5.00 52 55 199-75 13 37 8.00 179-25 5.87 70.68 37.00 240.53 6.58 104 00 22.00 68 68 55 50 2.00 40 25 13 oo 40 15 26 00 3929 19.19 45 25 33 50 7500 6 18 143 18 Hopper & Warner dry goods for poor house & poor masters orders 19 Joseph Jackson poor masters orders 20 David Russell poors expenses 21 John Chadwick Coffin bill 22 Cornelius J. Vreeland poor masters orders 23 Cornelius T. Vandevoort do do 24 Patrick Agnew do do 25 Peter J. Brown do do 26 Martha Van Houten making clothes for paupers 27 Thomas Warrens printing bill 28 Lewis R. Stelle do do 29 Robert J. Whitely M. D. fees $50 attending paupers sick of ship fever $25 30 Edward Kelly poor masters orders 31 Richard H. Van Houten, overseer of poor for cash paid and advanced over amount placed in his hands 122 84 32 Richard H. Van Houten overseer of the poor for services 33 John Garvin Sextons bill 34 Job Glover do do 35 Smith Hill sheep killed by dogs 36 C. S. Van Wagoner 37 James Powers poor masters orders 38 do do do 39 William Crossett repairing bridge 40 N. Lane, goods for poor house 41 Andrew Lynch Keeping paupers 42 W. A. Hopson election expenses 43 Jno K. Flood, Town Clerk, Clerk of Streets and examining Justice 44 Johnston & Brothers goods for poor house 45 Estate of Robert McGill orders 46 William Hulme 47 David Burnett fees for orders of removal 48 Jno R. Van Houten fees as one of Town Cora 49 Amos S. Pack " " " " " " 50 William Crossett " " " " •¦ " 51 James Van Blarcom " " " " " " 52 Christopher Van Pelt " " " " " " 53 Israel Munson damages to sheep by dogs 54 C. Van Pelt Road biU 55 D. L. Candfield Keeping and attending sick paupers 56 Daniel Barkalow old bill of costs 57 Amos S. Pack road bill 58 Silas D. Candfield fee & costs 5g Peter Van Winkle damage to sheep by dogs 60 J. Gordon Constable election expenses 130 00 9 00 7.50 9. 00 8 .50 44 82 28 23 3 79 14 97 5-87 10.00 56 00 87 7 00 2. ¦ 50 6 75 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 12 00 8, ,00 12 50 12 00 22 56 12 43 28 00 13 00 13 50 144 6i WiUiam Ingliss Constable cost 9 19 62 John R. Van Houten, receiver &c for rent of pound 10.00 63 Robert Coulter Keeper of poor house 25 00 64 James Van Blarcom Treasurer, & one of street com — services 50 00 65 Christopher Van Pelt do 20 00 66 John R. Van Houten do 40 00 67 Amos S. Pack do 40 00 68 'William Crossett do 4000 69 Interest a j c 464 48 Amt carried for'd 4256.29 Amt brot for'd - $4256.2g Amt expended on a j c of streets per exhibit 2303. g6 expended during year $6560.25 RECAPITULATIO N Town Meeting, election fees of Town oflficers and costs $40g.o8 Printing Bills 78.75 Old Bills 241.16 Interest account 464.48 Sheep Killed by dogs 30.00 Bills on a I c ship fever 4go.43 Amt expended on streets 2303.96 Amt expended on poor a | c 2542.39 — 6560.25 Amt of expenditures for year $6560.25 Borrowed from Stephen Berdan 1000 00 Indebtedness of Township, expendi tures for the year and money bor rowed on Road a | c 22,092.41 Cr Paid by James Van Blarcom Treasurer per vouchers examined & allowed $6560.25 Paid Jas Lynch on Bond 535.33 in hands of Constables & Township oflficers subject to call — 100 00 Ballance in hands of Treasurer 43.16 7,238.84 whole amt of indebtedness Apll 1. 1848 14,853.67 Indebtedness Aprill 1st 1848 $14,853.67 Indebtedness Apll i. 1847 14,531.16 Increase of indebtedness 321.51 Signed Jno. R. Van Houten William Crossett Christopher Van Pelt 145 Amos S. Pack James Van Blarcom Attest JnoK. Flood Clerk EXHIBIT of Street Account Amt expended by Superintendant Amt expended by Amos S. Pack do paid Crane & Garrison do do Mr Garside do do Superintendant do do C. S. Van Wagoner do do paving stone do culvert in Rail Road 51624.37;^ 445.46 267.79467.23 325.32250.00 238.20 29o.gg Due to Labourers 204.04 W 4113.41 Rec from individuals $1052.56 Due by do (good) 518.54 Rec'd for manure 76.00 Rec'd for penalties 57.35 do for do (good) 1500 , do from Town Clk — for licenses go. 00 i8gg.45 Expended by Town $2303.96 Signed Jno R. Van Houten, William Crossett, Amos S. Pack, Christopher Van Pelt, James Van Blarcom Attest Jno K. Flood Clerk. Proceedings of Annual Town Meeting held At the Court House Aprill 10. 184S Joseph Smith Jun was appointed moderator and Peter J. Hopper Clerk Resolved that there be Two assessors and Two Collectors, Resolved that there be three Constables and one overseer of the poor Resolved that there be seven of a school commit. tee — Whereas some years ago a resolution was passed at a Township meeting, requiring the names of all delinquent tax payers to be published, with the respective sums, two weeks previous to the Annual Town meeting, which has not been comiplied with for some years — therefore Resolved That the Town Clerk be instructed, to furnish a 146 list of said names and sums for the two papers of this town, and of all delinquent Tax payers of last year, in two weeks from this date, or as soon thereafter as possible. Resolved that the Paterson Township Committee shall ap point no superintendant over the grading, paving and regulat ing of streets in said Township, only from their own body Resolved that the said Township committee shall not con tinue their work in the streets of said Township later than the loth day of November, nor commence earlier than the I oth day of Aprill in each successive year Resolved that the grading of the public streets should be permanent and final, and that the whimsical changing of grades is an unjust tax upon property holders, and that when grades are once established and recorded, that they shall not be changed except by the assent of the Town Committee, and at least three fourths of the property holders in the street. Resolved, That the town ordinance, regulating the sale of meat, fish, and other things, and confining such sale to the actual produce of the surrounding farmers, is unjust, inex pedient, and anti-democratic Resolved that hereafter no orders upon stores, payable in merchandize, be drawn by any of the officers of this Town. A List of ofificers elected at the Annual Town meeting of the Township of Paterson held at the Court house Aprill 10. 1848 Judges of Appeal Henry Van Emburg Andrew Vreeland Alfred .Stoughtenborough Town Clerk John K. Flood Judge of Election Samuel A. Van Saun Assessors Abrahan Garrison Wright Flavell CollectorsJohn E. Van Winkle John Bensen Town Committee Joseph C. Banigan Overseer of the poor John Avison ConstablesJames Gordon William A. Hopson William Ingliss School Committee John J. Brown 147 Andrew G. Snider Henry Van Giesen Henry Close George Vanderhoof Chosen Freeholders Joseph Jackson Nathaniel Lane Surveyors of highway George W. Sneden John Beyea Tax to pay interest Tax to pay debt Dog Tax John S. Fayerweather William H. Quackenbush Benjamin Buckley Jacob Goetchius Edwin P. Park David Burnett Pound master Daniel F. Lockwood School Tax 500 00 Road Tax 1000 00 Poor Tax 3000 00 Mooo 500 $0.50 No additional Dog Tax To act as Judges of Election Abraham Garrison John E. Van Winkle Next Fall Election and annual Town meeting to be held at the Court House Signed Joseph Smith Jun Signed Attest Moderator Peter J. Hopper Clerk I. certify the above to be a true copy of the proceedings of the Town meeting held at the Court house Aprill 10. 1848 as appears to me from the original filed in my ofifice Paterson Apll 16. 1848 Jno K. Flood Town Clerk Tuesday Aprill 18. li Town Committee met at the office of the Town (31ei-k Henry Van Giesen and George Vanderhoof declined serving, by request of Town Clerk William Gledhill an attorney and counsellor presented a written oppinion on several law points which was read by clerk Town Committee organized by appointing Joseph C. Banigan President John K. Flood Clerk and proceeded to buisiness John K. Flood Town Clerk Abraham Garrison & Wright Flavell Assessors George W. Sneden & John Beyea Surveyors of highways John Avison overseer of poor James Gordon William A. Hopson & William Ingliss Constable severally filed their respective oaths of ofifice James Gordon, William A. Hopson and William Ingliss Con stables and John E. Van Winkle and John Benson collectors, offered their bonds which were approved and ordered to be filed Henry Close was appointed Superintendant of Streets. William Gledhill was appointed Counsel ($io.) and Garret Van den By Lart was appointed physician ($iOo) — William J. Connor was appointed Keeper of the poor house according to his proposition filed. A. & W. McAllisters old bill was passed for $4.50 P. J. Hoppers bill as Clerk of Election do 10 00 J . Smith Jun Moderator of do do 10 00 W. A. Hopson Const attending do 8 00 James Gordon do do do 8 00 Roberts for Keeping poor old bill 4 00 Adjourned Jno K. Flood Clk Aprill 19. Committee met on Street Buisiness and after proceeding therein adjourned May 15, 1848 Committee met Present Messrs Bannigan Close and Snyder Robert Coulters bill for Keeping the poor up to May i. 1848 was presented and allowed and it was resolved that the Township note be given him for the sum of Two hundred Dollars at Six months from the first day of May inst and an 149 order on the collector for the Ballance viz $17.69 Andrew Millers bill for Keeping poor was allowed $13.00 Mrs Taylors bill for Keeping children was allowed Adjourned Jno K. Flood Clerk May 16. 1848 Committee met on Street Buisiness present Banigan Close & Snyder and after proceeding therein ad journed Jno K Flood Clerk A communication was received from John Walmsley no action taken thereon 1848 June I Committee met present Banigan Close and Snyder on Street buisiness June II Committee met on Street Buisiness all the members present Nov. 3. The note given to Robert Coulter for $200 at 6 mo dated May 1st with interest amount ing to $206 was paid by order on collector $206 00 Orders were given on the Collectors of the Township to various persons to whom the Township is indebted for the amount of tax due by them — for which refference is to be made to the Collectors Statement in Spring settle ment — and said amounts deducted from the Bills when ballance is paid them by Treasurer Nov. 10 Committee met on Street buisiness and adjourned Statement of the affairs of the Township of Paterson March 14. 1849 Bills presented and passed this day by Town Committee No I Taggart & Rafferty on poor account 265.77 2 John Chadwick .1 .. ¦> 80.75 3 Andrew Griflfith " " " 1825 4Beam&Ta)lor " " " 2.06 150 5 Peter J. Brown " 6 Farmer Hobson " " 7 Hiram Gould Sexton fees 8 James Powers on poor acct 9 David Burnett do do lo William McAllister do do II Patrick Agnew do do 12 Samuel A. Van Saun do do 13 Rev J. Quin Recording (published) Error 14 Thomas Adams on poor acct 15 Edo Van Winkle on road a [ c 16 James Lynch on poor a | c 17 John Saunderson " iS Robert Aikins " 19 C. T. Vandervoort . " 20 E. Avison " 21 Brown & Van Emburg 22 Job Glover Sexton— return of deaths " " Sextons fees 23 John Avison poor master— Cash & expenses for poor and for lunatics 24 John Avison on poor a | c (shoe bill) 25 Lewis R. Stelle printing bill 26 Thomas Roe on poor account 27 William H. Quackenbush ' 28 James Srayly on Street account 29 Crane & Garrison'on Street a | c 30 Charles O. Neil do do .31 Thomas Price do Poor do 32 John K. Flood for Cash paid out & expended by him — per vouchers rendered and examined by the Committee 33 Abrahara Collier on poor account 34 Joseph Jackson on poor account $g7.oo on Road account 52. g2 35 David Roe on poor account 36 Hopper & Warren on poor account 37 Hiram Gould certificates of deaths 38 George Beatty on poor account 39 James Kershaw on poor account 40 David Russell do do do 41 Garet Van Den By Lardt do ^2 John Avison, overseer of poor for services 43 Jno K. Flood fees. Town Clerk $20.00 " " " " Clerk of Streets 20.00 " " " " Recording 528 Births Mar riages & deaths 26.40 Ca-h incidental bill 10.00 Fees as examining Justice 20.00 32.50 6.74 22.50 10.00 5.00 29.31 27.55 142.38 000.00 53.00 5.83 51 69 112.12 4.00 83-71 8-75 14.91 1-75 ro.50 113-29 36-11 60. go 3-00 92.00 3.00 180-36 40.98 8.00 93-70 14.90 149-92 8.00 6.882.80 24.50 18.38 75 100.00126.00 96.40 151 44 Thomas Warren printing bill 52 65 45 C. A. Bogart on poor account 2.00 46 Andrew G. Snyder fees one of Town Comittee 12.00 47 Joseph C. Banigan do do do 12.00 48 Henry Close do do do 12.00 49 Andrew G. Snyder fees Street Committee 30.00 50 Henry Close Superintendant of Streets 313.00 51 Joseph C. Banigan fees Street Committee 36.00 52 William Gledhill Counsell & Attorney 65.50 53 Elias J. Marsh Consultation fee 5.00 54 John Garvin Sexton on poor a | c S27.00 fees for return of 5 1 deaths 2.55 . 29.55 55 Henry Close for cash on poor account 11.25 Interest account 524.00 Expenditures for year exclusive of poor house 3413-93 Poor House account 1194.60 $4608.63 Expenses with Streets exclusive of amount on Street acct included in foregoing statement 1238.13 whole expenses 5846.76 Indebtedness ApriU 1. 1848 14,853.67 $20,700 43 Contra Cr— (paid on a | c) By J. Benson Collector $2303.54 " J. E. Van Winkle do— 2111.30 '• A. G. Snyder Treasurer 603.00 Cash in hands of and due to Treasurer 140.00 5157-84 $15542-59 Indebtedness ApriU ist 1848 14.853 67 increase of indebtedness $688.92 Signed Jos. C. Banigan Henry Close Andrew G. Snyder Attest Jno K. Flood Town Clerk Proceedings of the Annual Town meeting of the Township of Paterson held Aprill 9. 1849. A Justice of the Peace having to be elected to fill the vacancy occasioned by the removal of George Stephens Esq the meeting was opened at the Court House in Paterson at 8 152 oClock in the forenoon by Samuel A. Van Saun Esq Judge of election — who refusing to act it was on motion Resolved That Alexander Taylor be appointed Judge of the election and that David Beam be appointed clerk Resolved That there be two Assessors Resolved That there be two Collectors Resolved That there be three Constables Resolved That there be Seven of a school Committee Resolved That there be one overseer of the poor List of ofificers (and the appropriations) elected at the An nual Meeting of the Township of Paterson held at the Court House Aprill 9th 1849 "^i^ Town Clerk John K. Flood Cornelius Fredericks Wright Flavell Samuel A. Van Saun James Lynch John E. Van Winkle John A. Macpherson Joseph Jackson Charles H. May Henry Close John Ramsdin Cornelius I. Westervelt Horatio Mo.ses Surveyours of the Highway George W. Sneden Cornelius Spear Judges of Appeal Christopher Van Pelt Assessors Judge of Election Collectors Chosen Freeholders Town Committee 153 Overseer of the poor School Committee Justice of the Peace Constables Peter Archdeacon John Beea John Avison Alfred Stoutenborough Edwin P. Park Abraham C. Van Blarcom Henry Van Gieson Charles O. Neil Cornelius Hopper Charles Ingliss Jun Andrew Mead James Gordon William A. Hopson William H. Quackinbush Town Superintendant of Public Schools John K. Flood Daniel F Lockwood $500 1500 3000 Pound Master School Tax Road Tax Poor Tax Tax for Lunatics' Tax for debt Tax for interest Dog Tax Next Fall election and next Annual Town meeting to be held at the Court House 500 500 IOOO I0.50 ' The State Lunatic Asylum at Trenton had been got into operation about this time, and this appropriation was for the support of patients therein. 154 To act as Judges of Election Cornelius Fredericks John E. Van*Winkle Attest David B. Beam- Judge of Election Clerk Alexander Taylor I John K. Flood Clerk of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I wiU faith fully and honestly. Keep aU the papers, writings, books and records, by virtue of my office committed to me; and that I wiU in aU things to the best of my Knowledge and understanding, perform the duties of said clerk without favor or partiality. Signed John K. Flood. Sworn and Subscribed before me this 12 day of ApriU A. D. 1849 Signed J Jacob Van Houten Justice of the peace. I, George W. Sneden do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I wiU in all things to the best of my Knowledge and understanding, will justly and faithfully execute the office of a surveyor of the highways, with out favor or partiality Signed George W. Sneden Sworn & Subscribed ] before me this 13th | day of ApriU A. D. 1849 V Signed | Jacob Van Houten J Justice of the peace Passaic County ss I, John Avison do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will in all things, to the best of my Knowledge and understanding, well and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me as an overseer of the poor of the Township of Paterson in the Couuty of Passaic Signed John Avison Sworn and subscribed before me Aprill 13. 1849 Signed David Burnett Justice of the peace. I, Cornelius Fredericks do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will truly faithfully, honestly, and impartially value and assess the rateable estates in the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic aud that in raaking such valuations and assessments, I wUl, to the best of my Knowledge and judgement, observe the distinction of the law respecting ;he sarae ; and that I wUl make a true return of all such assessments to 155 the board of assessors, at their meeting required to be held on the first Monday in September, by the third section of "An act concerning taxes " Sworn and Subscribed Signed before me this 13th day of AprUl 1849 Cornelius Fredericks Signed David Burnett Justice of the peace I, Cornelius Spear do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will, in all things to the best of my Knowledge and understanding, well, Justly and faithfully execute the office of a surveyour of the highways with out favor or partiality Signed Corns Spear Sworn and Subscri'Ded^ before me this igth day of ApriU A D. i84g Signed David Burnett Justice of the peace i, Wright Flavell, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will truly, faithfully, honestly and irapartially value and assess the rateable estates in the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, and that in making such valuations and assessments, I will to the best of my Knowledge and judgement observe the directions of the law respecting the same and that I will raake a true return of all such assessments to the board of assessors at their raeeting required to be held on the first Monday n September by the third section of "An act concerning Taxes " Signed Wright Flavell Sworn and subscribed at Paterson this 14th day of AprUl A D. i84g before me John Vail one of the Justices of the peace in and for the County of Passaic in the State of New Jersey Aprill 16. 1849 Committee met Present Charles H. May Horatio Moses John Ramsdin Henry Close & Cornelius I. Westervelt and organized by appointing Charles H. May President, John K. Flood Clerk of Street department, Horatio Moses Treas urer, and proceeded to buisiness Resolved, That a special meeting of the inhabitants, &c be held on Friday the 27th day of Aprill inst, at 10 O.Clk in the forenoon, to make arrangements for paying the Judgement and 156 cost obtained against the Township by the executors of Robert Morrell deceased, and also to make such arrangements respecting the sale of the Town lot as may be deemed proper by said meeting. — William H. Quackinbush constable elect offered his bond; approved & ordered to be filed. Robert Coulter, was appointed Keeper of the poor house, and entered into bond accordingly John E. Van Winkle and James Lynch, Collectors, offered their bonds, which were accepted and ordered to be filed Frederick S. Weller, M. D, was appointed Physician for the Township. Socrates Tuttle was appointed Attorney for the Township. S. A. Van Sauns bill for $12.33 was examined and passed. David Russel Esq was appointed examining Justice for the Township Adjourned to meet at the same place on I'hursday next at 2. oClock P. M. Thursday Aprill 19. 1849 Committee met — Absent, the President Cornelius I. Westervelt Esq, was appointed President Pro. Tem, William A. Hopsons constables bond, was approved and ordered to be filed — Adjourned Monday Aprill 26. 1849 Committee met Absent Henry Close A preamble and certain ordinances, were examined, read separately, and after some alterations, were passed unanimously. Resolved Tbat either of the Township Committee are authorized to Contract for paving stone, to be delivered as the Superintendant, may direct at 12^ Cents per yard. Adjourned untill Aprill 30. at 2. P. M. Aprill 30. Committee met present a full board Resolved, that Charles H. May and Cornelius I. Westervelt be authorized to make sale of the Town lot, under the resolu tion passed at a Special Town meeting held the 27th inst and 157 that they report proceedings to next meeting of the Com mittee, Cornelius I. Westervelt was appointed to attend to the re moval of the paupers and furniture to the new poor house, on the first day of May next. Bills against individuals for work done on the streets to the amount of $349.76 were placed in the hands of the treasurer for collection by Henry Close superintendant of streets. Resolved That the treasurer, place all the said bills, which remain uncollected, after notice, in the hands of the Township Attorney for suit The accounts of the superintendant were rendered, partly examined, and the further examination of the same postponed. Clerk was authorised to employ a person to put up ordi nances, and also to purchase half a dozen additional frames for ordinances. Henry Close was appointed superintendant of streets. Adjourned untill Wednesday May 2. at 2 oClock P. M. Proceedings relative to Special Town Meeting Public notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Pas saic will be held at the Court House on Friday the 27th day of Aprill inst for the following purposes viz. First — To make provisions for paying the amount of the Judgement and cost obtained by the executors of Robert Morrell deceased against said Township Second To take such measures respecting the sale of the lot of land owned by the said Township of Paterson as may be by the said meeting deemed proper A statement of the situation of said matters will be made to the meeting The poll will open at 10 oClock in the forenoon. By order of the Town Committee John K. Flood Paterson Aprill iS. 1849 Town Clerk I hereby certify that five notices of which the above is a copy were posted in the most public places in the Township 158 on the 19th day of Aprill 1849 ^nd that the same were published for one week in the Paterson Intelligencer Jno K. Flood Town Clerk All matters relatihg to Street Buisiness for the present year are to be entered in this book with the other proceedings 1S49. Special Town Meeting. Aprill 27. Agreeably to the foregoing notice a special meeting of the inhabitants of the Township of Paterson was held at the Court House on the 27th day of Aprill 1849. Samuel A. Van Saun was appointed Moderator A statement was made of the situation of the matters men tioned in the call — and the Two following Resolutions offered by Socretes Tuttle Atty for the Township viz One to raise the sum of Two thousand One hundred and Eighty one Dollars and Ninety Two cents ($2,181.92) to pay Judgement interest and cost, to the executors of Robert Morrell deceased — and that the assessors assess for the same, with the present annual amount to be raised The second as follows Resolved that the Township Committee of the Township of Paterson be, and they are hereby authorised to sell and convey the lot of land belonging to said Township on the north side of Broadway in said Town ship, for such consideration as they shall be enabled to obtain, and shall deem reasonable, and make to the purchaser or pur chasers thereof as good and sufficient a deed or conveyance for the same as the Township now has adjourned untill Two oClock in the afternoon. April 27. 1849 Polls opened at 2 oClock agreeably to adjournment — and closed according to law at 7 oClock — when the ballots were examined and counted A majority of votes being in favor of both said resolu tions — the said Resolutions were passed Saml A Van Saun Moderator Attest Jno K. Flood Town Clerk 159 May 2. 1849 Committee met Present full board • John Kahows bill for road work amounting to Two Dollars 97 j IOO was examined and passed Andrew Millers bill for Keeping paupers for Thirteen Dol lars was examined and passed The Superintendant of Streets — -gave James Andrew's Note for $15.48 to the Treasurer Andrew G. Snyder late treasurer rendered his account with his vouchers— which were examined and found correct Joseph C. Banigan late President rendered his account with the vouchers, which were examined and found correct William J. Connors late Keeper ofthe poor house, presented his bill — for last quarter ending May i. amounting to $321.87 which was examined found correct and passed Henry Close — Superintendant of Streets account, the ex amination of which was commenced at a former meeting, was taken up, the vouchers examined — found correct showing a ballance in his hands of Twenty Two Dollars 14 | 100 Dolls. — which was paid to treasurer. An application was received "to have Mill street in said Township graded, gutters paved and the side walks curbed from where it intersects Congress street to Slater street — ordered that said application be filed — notice given and that the committee meet on the 21st day of May inst at 2 oClock P. M. to hear objections &c Adjourned May 4. 1S49 Committee met absent Messrs Westervelt and Ramsdin Avery Richards was duly appointed " Collector of Taxes " now due and in arrears. Avery Richards "collector of Taxes" offered his bond which was approved and ordered to be filed Adjourned TOWN ORDINANCES. THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE of the Township of Paterson, in virtue of the authoritv vested in them by An Act of the Legislature entitled " An Act respecting highways in the Tow.nhip o£ Paterson,' approve 1 the 29th i6o day of January, 1846, and by a supplement thereto approved the Sth day of February 1847. DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS CHAPTER 1 Sec 1. All ordinances heretofore passed by the Township Committee of the Township of Paterson, are hereby repealed Attest Chas H May Prest John K. Flood Clerk Passed Aprill 25. i84g CHAPTER 2. An ordinance providing for the appointment and prescrib ing the duties of a superintendant of streets, and for other purposes Sec 1. Their shall be appointed by the Town Committee a proper per son, to be called the superintendant of streets," who shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Town Committee, and who shall receive as com pensation such sum as the Town Committee shall allow, and perform the duties prescribed in this ordinance, and such other duties as shall from time to time be prescribed and ordained by the Town Committee. Sec 2. The person so appointed superintendant of streets, as aforesaid, shall have a generall superintendance and care of all streets in the Town; and it shall be his duty to see that the same are not improperly o .structed or encumbered ; and he is hereby authorised to order any article or thing to be removed which shall encumber or o'Dstruct any street or side-walk in the Town ; and in case it be not done within one hour, or such longer time as he may narae, after notice given, then he raay cause the same to be removed at the expense of the offending party, to some suitable place ; and if not redeeraed within two days by payment of the penalty or penalties herein provided, and expenses, the article or articles thus re raoved, shall be adveftised and sold, and so much of the proceeds as shall be sufBcient for the payment of the penalty or penalties, and expenses, shall be retained by the said superintendant for the use of the Township, aud the ballance paid to the owner of the article or articles so removed and sold. Sec 3. Any person neglecting or refusing to obey the said direction or order of the superintendant of streets as mention in the last preceeding section, or who shall obstruct, molest, disturb or hinder the said superin tendant in the discharge of any duty mentioned in this, or in any other ordinance hereafter to be established, shall forfeit and pay the sum of Twenty five Dollars for each offence Sec 4 Persons shall place the wagons or vehicles containing wood, pro visions or other products for sale, along the sides of the streets, in such manner as at all times to leave sufficient room upon the centre of the streets for the convenient passage and re-passage of wagons and car riages under a penalty of Three Dollars for the first offence, and Six Dollars for every subsequent violation of this ordinance Sec 5 No Person shall obstruct the walks laid across any street by plac ing his or her horse or vehicle upon or across the same, or by puting any other obstruction thereon, under a penalty of Three Dollars for the first offence, and eight Dollars for every subsequent violation of this section. i6i Sec 6. No Person shall encumber or obstruct any street or side walk in this Town, under the penalty of Five Dollars for every offence Sec 7 No person shaU cast or put up on any street, or into any brook or pond within the limits of a street in this Town, the dead carcase of any aniraal, under the penalty of Three DoUars for each offence Sec 8 No person shall carelessly or willfully injure or destroy any tree standing and growing upon any of the streets or side-walks in this Town, under a penalty of Five Dollars for each offence. Sec g. No person shall place, fix or continue in whole or in par' , across any side walk a swinging or a cross sign, under the penalty of Three Dollars for each violation ; and such erection shall be deeraed to be obstructions, and may be removed by or under the direction of the super intendant of streets. Sec 10. No person, without the consent of the s^iperintendant of streets, shall cast or lay upon any street in this Town, and leave the same their for the space of Six hours, any manure, straw, shavings, garbage coal ashes, cinders, oyster shells, clam shells, or rubbish of any Kind underthe penalty of Five Dollars for every offence, to be recovered frora the occupant of thg premises, from which the same shall be cast. Sec 11. Each continuance of a. violation of any ordinance, after notice and reqjest frora the superintendant of streets, shall be construed to be a new violation and subject to a further penalty. Seo 12. No person shall ride or drive any horse or horses in any street in this Town, with greater speed than at the rate of Six miles an hour, nor faster than a walk in turning any corner, under the penalty of Five Dollars for each offence, to be recovered, either frora the driver, or owner of such horse or horses. Sec 13. If three or raore persons asserable in any street, or on the corner of any streets, in this town, at night, and by noises or other disorderly conduct, disturb orunnoy the persons residing m ihe neighbourhood, every person so offending shall forfeit and pay the sura of Three DoUars. Sec 14. No person shall sell, or expose for sale, any meat, vegetables, or country produce, in any street, or on any sidewalk, inthis Town, underthe penalty of Ten Dollars for each offence. Provided that nothing in this section shall be so construed as to prevent wagons and other vehicles of farmers and gardeners, with the products of their farms and gardens from stopping the sale thereof, along the sides of the streets, as provided for in Section 4. Sec 15. Every wagon, vehicle, stand or other erection, placed upon any sidewalk, or upon any walk laid across any street or upon the usual path for crossing any street, for the purpose of selling, or exposing for .sale, any article or articles mentioned in this ordinance, shall be deemed an obstruc tion, and may be removed by the superintendant of streets, or any person or persons, by his order. Sec 16. No person shall sell, or expose for sale, in any street in this Town, or on any side-walk therein, any nsh, clams or oysters, except on the westerly side of West street, coramencing at the corner of Andrew Der- roms shop, and extending to Water street, under a penalty of Five DoUar<; l62 for each offence; and each continuance shaU be deemed an obstruction, and may be removed by the superintendant of Streets, or any person or persons, by his order. ' Sec 17 The word " TOWN " whenever used in this or any other ordin- ance, shall be deeraed and taken to mean and coraprehend all that part of the Township of Paterson erabraced within the following boundary lines :— Beginning at the point where Bridge Street (as laid down upon a map of the Town of Paterson, N. Jersey, made by C. S. Van Wagoner Esq, Civil Engineer, dated May 1. 1840,) intersects the Passaic River, thence up the nver the several courses thereof to First street ; thence up First street to the Morris Canal ; thence along the Morris Canal to Cedar street ; thence along Cedar street to Main street ; thence along Main street Northerly to Haywood street ; thence along Haywood street to Straight street : thence along Straight street to Morton Street ; thence along Morton street to the Presbyterian Burying ground ; thence in a, straight line with the westerly line of said Burying ground to Mechanic Street ; thence a'.ong Mechanic street to Straight street ; thence along the westerly side of Straight street to Tyler street ; thence along Tyler street to Bridge street, and thence along the same to the place of Beginning. Attest Chas H. May Prest. Jno K. Flood Clerk Passed Aprill 25. i84g Chapter 3 An ordinance to provide for grading, graveling, or paving streets and side-walks in the Town of Paterson Sec I. Whenever application shall be raade to the Township Committee, for the grading, gravelling or paving of any street or side-walk, or part thereof , in said Town, and the Comraittee shall deem the said application reasonable, ten days public notice shall be given in a newspaper published in said Town, of such application, which notice shall state the name of the street, the nature and extent of the proposed improveraent, and the time when the Coraraittee will meet to receive and consider any objections thereto, which shall be presented to them in writing. Sec 2. Whenever the Committee shall resolve to grade, gravel or pave any street, side-walk, or part thereof, the same shall be done under the direction of the superintendant of streets ; and when any such street or sidewalk, or part thereof, as the case may be, sball be completed, the coramittee shall appoint three respectable freeholders, residing in the Town, assessors, who shall examine as to the cost and expense of such iraproveraent, and assess the sarae, together with the incidental expenses of the assessors, equitably, upon the owner or owners of the lot or lots fronting upon the street or side-walk, or part thereof, as the case may be, so graded, giaveUed or paved ; which assessment shall be returned to the Coramittee within such reasonable time as shall be by them prescribed. Sec 3. Such assessraent shall be deposited with the Clerk of the Town ship, and ten days public notice shall be given thereof, with Uke notice that .^11 persons interested may examine the same, which notice shall state the i63 time when the Committee will meet to. consider any objections which shall be presented to them in writing, and decide on the same. Sec 4. Should the Coramittee deem such assessment unjust and im proper, a new assessment shall be ordered, and be made as hereinbefore provided, the sarae as if no assessraent had been made ; and when the committee shall be satisfied that the assessment is just and proper, the same shall be confirmed and becorae absolute ; and the owner or owners so assessed, shall from henceforth be liable to the payment thereof. Attest Chas. H. May Prest Jno K. Flood Clerk Passed Aprill 25. i84g CHAPTER. 4. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SWINE Sec 1. All swine found running at large in this Town, may be taken by any person to the Public Pound, to be there received and confined bv the Pound Keeper, untill they shall be lawfully sold or redeeraed. Sec 2. If the owner of any aniraal so impounded, shall apply to the Keeper for the redemp'ion thereof, and shall tender to the Keeper Fifty cents for each animal, in addition to Ten cents per day, for Keeping and feeding each animal, then the same shall be delivered to the owner thereof. Sec 3. All irapounded animals not redeeraed by the owners thereof, shall be sold by the pound Keeper at Public Auction, at the Pound, to the highest bidder, on not less than three days notice of such sale ; which notice, containing a brief description of the animator animals, shall be put up at three public places in the town Sec 4. The Keeper shall, on application of the owner, pay over the avails of the sale of any animal sold, deducting therefrom the fees named in Section 2 of this ordinance, and Fifty cents for advertising and seUing the same. Sec 5. If any person shall break, or open or attempt to open the public pound, or take or let out any aniraal therein impounded, such person shall forfeit and pay Ten Dollars for each offence Sec 6. If any person shall rescue, or atterapt to rescue, any aniraal from the custody of any person who shall be driving or taking it to the pound, such person shall, for each animal so rescued, or attempted to be rescued forfeit and pay the sura of Ten DoUars Attest Chas. H. May Prest. Jno K. Flood Clerk Passed AprUl 25. i84g. CHAPTER 5 AN ACT CONCERNING DOGS. Sec 1. It shaU be lawfuU for the President of the Township Coramittee, at any tirae, when in his opinion the public good requires the same should be done, to issue his proclamation, authorising, the destruction of all dugs running at large in said Township and not properly muzzled ; and such proclamation being pubUshed in both the newspapers printed in said Township, shall be a justification to all persons who may destroy any dog 164 or dogs found running at large in said Township and not properly muzzled, as afforesaid, during the time said proclamation shall remain in force. And such proclamation shall remain in force untill the same be, by order of the Town Committee, Annulled. Sec 2. Any person who shall hinder or prevent, or atterapt to hinder or prevent, any of the provisions of this ofdinance being carried into effect, shall forfeit and pay the sum of Ten Dollars. Chas H. May Prest. Attest Jno K. Flood Clerk Passed Aprill 25. i84g. CHAPTER 6. When Ordinances shall take effect Sec 1. These ordinances shall take effect imraediately Chas H. May Prest Attest Jno K. Flood Clerk Passed April 25, i84g. May 10, 1849 Committee met Absent Ramsdin & Westervelt Resolved that Charles H. May and Horatio Moses be author ised to advance and pay to the executors of Robert Morrell deceased the sum of Twenty one hundred and Eighty one Dollars and Ninety Two cents being the amount due the said executors including interest for Judgement and Cost obtained by said executors against the Township, and that the said sum be refunded to the said Charles H. May and Horatio Moses out of the first monies received for Tax on said account. Resolved that the Township Attorney on payment being made as afforesaid be instructed to obtain satisfaction of record to be entered for said Judgement and Cost. Adjourned Jno. K. Flood Clerk May 21. 1849 Committee met Present, full board The application respecting Mill street was taken up accord ing to notice, and the same rejected An application was made to have an appropriation made towards repairing the road along the Passaic river, so as to prevent the said river, overflowing said road. 165 Resolved, that the superintendant of streets examine the road along the Passaic River, in relation to the application made above; and that he cause the same to be worked and re paired in a suitable and sufficient manner, under the direction of the Town Committee. An application was received " to cause a part of Congress street (say from the corner of Mill street to the corner of Spruce street) to be graded and otherwise equalised " — ordered, that said application be filed and notice given, the committee to meet on Monday, June 4, at the Clerks office. An application was received, " that that portion of Mill street, lying between Oliver street and Slater street be graded, gutters paved and side walks 'curbed," ordered, that the said application be filed and notice given — -the Committee to meet on Monday, June 4th at 2 oClock P. M. An application was received " To cause Jersey Street to be graded, the Curb set, the gutters paved and to be otherwise equalised," ordered that said application be filed, and notice given — The Committee to meet on Monday June 4, at Two oClock P. M. An application was received " to have Market street worked to grade " ordered to be filed An application was received respecting Willis street, Laid over. Resolved, That Henry Close and Horatio Moses be a com mittee to make arrangements respecting paving stone Resolved That Doct Frederick S. Weller Town Physician, John Avison overseer of the poor, John K. Flood, Town Clerk, Henry Close, superintendant of streets, and Charles H. May, President of the Town Committee, be requested to act as a Committee in refference to the general heaUh of the Town, and to draw up a report and address to the inhabitants of the Township on the subject, and relative to the apprehended appearance of the Cholera among us.' Resolved, That the Superintendant of streets be authorised to enter into an arrangement or contract with Archibald Graham, or others, relative to cleaning the streets of the Town, weekly, up to the first day of November next, and in the mean ' See Appendix— D. i66 time the said superintendant be instructed to have the streets put in a clean and healthy situation, using lime thereon where- ever necessary The Committee on Town lot reported proceedings, and were continued. Adjourned John K. Flood Clerk May 23. 1849 Committee met Present full Board The Committee on Town lot, reported that they had sold said lot to Archibald Graham Jun for the sum of Eight hun dred Dollars, which report was accepted and the said Com mittee discharged In virtue of the resolution passed at the Special Town meeting held at the Court house on the 27th day of Aprill last — The Township Committee conveyed said lot to said Archibald Graham Jun for the consideration of Eight hundred Dollars^ Adjourned Jno K. Flood Town Clerk June 4. 1849 Committee met Present full Board An appli(;ation was received from Cornelius G. Garrison, R. L. Colt & others asking for an alteration of the grade of Smith Street, so as to conform to the grade mentioned and laid down in a diagram submitted with said application. Resolved that the request in said application be granted The application respecting Willis street was taken up and Horatio Moses, Cornelius I, Westervelt and John Ramsden > The dped is dated May 22, 1849, and is recorded In Book Nof Deeds for Passaic County, page 627. The tract conveyed is described as follows : Beginning ^in the north east comer forraed by the intersection of York Street with Broadway running thence (1) northerly along York Street six hundred feet (2) parallel with Broadway easterly three hundr d and forty three feet to the line of lands formerly owned by Edo Van Winkle (3) soittherly along said line six hundred feet to Broadway (4) westerly along Broadway three hundred and forty one feet to the beginnmg at York Street containing four acres and seventy one hundredths of an acre and being the premises conveyed to ''The inhabitants of the town ship of Paterson in the County of Passaic by Richard S. Field Esq. Attorney General of the State of New Jersey by deed bearing date the eleventh day of November in ihe year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty nine and recorded in the Clerkes oflice of the County of Passaic on the fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty in Book D of Deeds for said county, pages 38 and 39. i67 were appointed to examine said street & to order and see that the alleged obstructions be removed therefrom. A remonstrance was received from R. L. Colt governor Society Usefull Manufactures against the improvements asked for in Jersey and Mill streets, which remonstrance was ordered to be filed. The application respecting Jersey street was taken up and the same rejected. The application respecting Mill street was taken up and the further Consideration of the same postponed untill the next meeting. The application respecting Congress street was taken up and the same rejected. A bill and appraisment for datpage done to sheep by dogs was presented by William Sandford amounting to Five Dollars and fifty cents — said bill was examined and passed A draft of a supplement to Chapter 2d of Ordinances was presented and referred to the Township Attorney. An estimate of expenses on streets up to June 1st was presented by superintendant of Streets — and examined Resolved, That the superintendant of streets cause the pro visions of the following section of Chap'r 2 of ordinances to be strictly observed viz " No person, without the consent of the superintendant of streets, shall cast or lay upon any street in this Town, and leave the same their for the space of six hours, any manure, straw, shavings, garbage, coal ashes, cinders, oyster shells, clam shells, or rubbish of any kind, under the penalty of Five Dollars for every offence, to be recovered from the occupant of the premises, from which the same shall be cast. Resolved further, that the superintendant of streets be instructed to cause the streets and gutters to be thoroughly cleaned and limed without delay. The Committee appointed 2ist May " in refference to the general health of the Town " and for other purposes, reported in part and were continued Adjourned Jno K. Flood Town Clerk i68 June 25, 1849 Committee met Absent Charles H. May President Cornehus I. Westervelt Esq. was appointed president Pro. Tem. Application was received to finish curbing and paving West street Resolved that the superintendant be instructed to be finished in accordance with the said application The application respecting Mill street was taken up and the same passed. Application was made to repair Stony Road. Resolved that the superintendant be directed to repair the same. Resolved that the treasurer be authorised to take a joint note from Abraham G. Post Constable and the securities of the said Constable for the amount of money in his hands collected by him for taxes due the Township Adjourned Jno K; Flood Clerk July 9. 1849 Committee met Absent H. Moses Treasurer Socrates Tuttle Esq Township Attorney having left the Township^ on motion resolved that Silas D Candfield Esq be Attorney forthe Township for the re-mainder of the year. Resolved That licenses to peddle clams, oysters and vege tables in the Township be issued to all those making applica tion said licenses to be signed by the President and to expire on the loth day of Aprill — the amount to be paid by the applicant to be Five Dollars Adjourned Jno K. Flood Clerk July 27. 1849 Committee met Absent 1 Mr. Tuttle's wife died June 14, 1849, and he returned to his former home in Littleton, New Hampshire, being absent from Paterson five or six weeks. i6g John Ramsden Samuel A Van Saun, Edward Clark and Andrew Mead Esq were appointed assessors &c to assess as to the cost &c for improvements in Van Houten street according to ordinance in such case made and provided Alexander Taylors bill as moderator of last Town meeting and David B. Beams bill as clerk of same, each of $12 was pre sented and passed The following bill were presented and passed for the amounts opposite their names viz Jas. Gordon Const Attending Town M. 2.00 William Const do do 2.00 William A. Hopson do do 2.00 C. I. Westervelt removing paupers g.oo Adjourned Jno K. Flood Clerk August II. 1849 Committee met present full board, A communication was received from C S. Van Waggoner Esq respecting a nuisance in Ward street between Main & Cross street Resolved that the superintendant cause the nuisance therein complained of to be removed Mr Joseph Smith Sir I Complaint having been made to the Township Com mittee of the Township of Paterson that you are obstructing one of the public highways of the said Township comonly called and known by the name of Broadway by erecting a building on said highway. These are therefore to notify you to desist from the erection of the said building or of any part thereof on the said highway and to forbid you to narrow, encroach or in any manner obstruct the said highway on your peril Given under our hands this 21st day of September A. D. i84g Signed Chas H. May Township Horatio Moses Committee Henry Close C. I. Westervelt John Ramsden Sep 22. i84g I served a notice of which the above is a true copy on the said Joseph lyo Smith by sho wing him the original and at the same time giving him a copyi Jno K. Flood Town Clerk original notice filed Sept 22. i84g Jno K. Flood Town Clerk Aug II. 1849 proceedings Continued Full board The assessment of the cost of improvements in Van Houten street having been deposited in the Clerk ofifice and notice of the same given according to Section 3 of Chapter III of ordinances passed Aprill. 25, 1849 ^'^'^ the committee being satisfied therewith Resolved that the said assessment be confirmed and become absolute Resolved that all roads and streets in the Township of Pat erson be and they are hereby assigned to and placed under the charge of Henry Close superintendant of streets. 1 By deed dated May 5, 1849, acknowledged June 1, 1849 before Frederick B. Ogden, Master in Chancery, and recorded June 1, 1849, in Book O of Deeds tor Passaic County, page 7, Aaron S. Pennington, executor of Eachel B. Wallace, late of Burlington, in the County of Burlington, New Jersey, with the consent of Elias J. Marsh, Trustee for Susan Laura Collet, under the Will ot Eachel B. Wallace, conveyed to Joseph Smith, of the Township of Manchester, consideration $4,450, a tract of land in Paterson, described aa fol lows : " Beginning on the easterly side of the Paterson & Hamburgh Tumpike road or Main Street at the south east corner of its intersection with Broadway, or the Old York Road, in the Town of Paterson. thence running southerly along the line ot Main Street about twenty feet eight inches to the north-west corner of a lot heretofore sold to Smith Hill ; thence easterly, at right angles to Main Street, flfty feet to a lot of John Brown ; thence northerly along the line of his lot about twenty feet eight inches to Broadway ; and thence westerly along Broadway flfty feet to the place ot beginning." About the first of July following, Smit i began the erection of a brick building on this lot, extending the building northerly about three teet over the line ot Broadway as previ ously built upc n. At the following term of the Passaic Oyer and Terminer, the Grand Jury brought into Court, on September 7, 1849, an indictment against Smith for a nuisance in building upon and obstructing the public highway. The case was tried June 14, 15, 17 and 18, 1850, before Chief Justice Green, Smith baing defended by Hopper and Frelinghuysen. Twelve witnefaas were examined for the State, and eleven for the defence, the point at issue being what was thetrue line of Broadway. Smith was convicted. His counsel took a writ of error to the Supreme Court, where the judgment was affirmed at the July Terra, 1851 (8 Zabriskie, 13U). The judgment of the Supreme Court waa taken up on writ of error to the Court of Errors and Appeals, where it was afBrmed at the June Term, 1862 CSZabriskie, 712). The judgment of the Oyer and Terminer was that the nuisance should be abated, which was done by compelling Smith to out off about three feet from the north side of his building, where he substituted trame for b ick. Smith was one of the leading- butchers of th9 town at that time, but owing to this law suit and other troubles, he subse quently lost all his property, and died in the poor house. The ease excited a great deal of attent on, and is frequently cited to this day, as it established a nuraber of imporCint legal principlea relating to highways. 171 The statement of the expenses of roads and streets was presented by the superintendant of streets examined and found correct. Resolved that Cornelius I. Westervelt and Horatio Moses be appointed a committee to confer with the superintendant of streets in respect to roads outside the Town. Resolved That H. Moses and Henry Close be a Committee to estimate the cost of furnishing and putting up painted boards on the corners of the streets of the Town containing the names of the streets adjourned Jno K. Flood Town Clerk September ii. 1849 Committee met absent Messrs Close & Ramsdin An application was received to grade and regulate Ellison street and to brick the side walks of the same. An applica tion was also received to have the sidewalks of Main street regulated and paved with hard brick or flagging Accepted and the 13th October next appointed to hear objections Resolved that the sum of One Dollar be deducted from each of the assessments of improvements ih Van Houten street Robert Coulter Keeper of the poor house presented his bill for Keeping the poor up to the 1st day of August last viz one quarter amounting to Two hundred and Fifty four Dollars 82 I IOO Dolls I 254.82 I which was examined, found correct and ordered to be paid Adjourned Jno K. Flood Town Clerk Oct 13. 1849 Committee'met present full board The application respecting improvements in Ellison street was rejected The application respecting Main street side walks was granted 172 Resolved That the curbing and paving .stone laying on the lower end of West street be removed by the superintendant of streets. An anonymous communication respecting Smith street was read and filed The following orders were given on the Collectors to Credit ors of the Township — for their taxes — viz on Jas Lynch Collector favor H. Close superintendant of streets for road hands 53.97 on Jno E. Van Winkle Collector favor H. Close superintendant &c as above 2.50 Jno E. 'Van Winkle favor of Jno K. Flood 17.16 James Lynch — do Geo Sanderson 1.25 James Lynch do John Sanderson g.3g Jno E. Van Winkle do Chas H. May 34.83 Jno E. Van Winkle do John Ramsdin 4.g5 Jno, E. Van Winkle do John Avison 4.58 Jno E. Van Winkle do C. T. Vandervoort 38.75 James Lynch do Peter Taggert 60.70 John E. Van Winkle do John Chadwick 21. g8 James Lynch do James Lynch 32.27 James Lynch do WiUiam McAllister 16.05 John E. Van Winkle do Henry G. Garrison 15.67 James Lynch do James Hamer 7.gi John E. Van Winkle do W. J. Connor 4g.4g John E. Van Winkle do S. A. Van Saun 4g.g7 James Lynch do Robert Eakins 15.68 John E. Van Winkle do John Kelly ig.og Jaraes Lynch do Thomas Adams 12.44 James Lynch do C. Garrison g.53 James Lynch do C. I. Westervelt 26.52 John E. Van Winkle do Crane & Garrison 6.68 Carried forward $511.36 Amount 511.36 Jas Lynch to C. Ackerman for C & Q 1.25 J. E. Van Winkle, S. Langstaff for C & G. 1.25 J. E Van Vinkle— F. S. Weller 1.25 James Lynch — John Avison 3.10 J. E. Van Winkle to John Hogencamp 18.88 J. E. Van Winkle to John B. Van Blarcom 16.84 J. E. Van Winkle to Horatio Moses 31.80 James Lynch to Henry Close 14.16 John E Van Winkle to Henry Close 2.50 James Lynch to Michael Morris 8.00 Jaraes Lynch to Townsend & Hart 24.05 Jaraes Lynch to Crane & Garrison 2.60 173 James Lynch to Hiram Gould 5,^2 John E. Van Winkle to Hiram Gould 8.55 John E. Van Winkle to Jas Whitehead 3.84 John E. Van Winkle to Halmagh Garrison 6.08 James Lynch to Corns G. Garrison 46. g8 John E. Van Winkle to Farmer Hobson 6.74^ Whole amount of orders $715.15 Oct. 24. John E. Van Winkle to Joseph Jackson 41.72 25 John E. Van Winkle to Peter J. Brown g.2g An application was made to appropriate the sum of Fifty Dollars to the Newark Orphan Asylum, which application was refused Adjourned Jno K. Flood Town Clerk October 21. 1849 Committee met— Absent Messrs Ramsdin & Westervelt. Crane & Garrison presented a bill of one Dollar 31 | 100 which was examined and passed Avery Richards was appointed " Collectorof Taxes " for the year and ordered to enter into bond to the Township accord ing to law in the sum of four thousand dollars Notice was received from David Burnett Esq Justice of the peace — that John E. Van Winkle one of the Collectors of the Township of Paterson had returned to him the said Justice a list of delinquents who had not paid their taxes in said Town ship. — And also a like notice from John Vail Esq Justice as afforesaid that James Lynch one of the said Collectors had made the like return to him the said justice. Whereupon Horatio Moses was appointed to notify the said Justices to issue his warrant according to law — directed to Avery Richards " Collector of taxes " The following letter of resignation was received and read vis Paterson October 22. i84g To the Township Com- Mittee of the Township of Paterson, Intending to remove from the Township of Paterson, I hereby tender my resignation as Clerk of said Township — the same to take effect on Monday the 12th day of November next I am Gentlemen with much ' respect truly yours Jno K. Flood 174 whereupon it was resolved that the same be accepted to take effect as therein stated Adjourned Jno K. Flood Town Clerk At a special Town meeting holden at the Court House on the thirteenth day of November A. D. 1849— for the purpose of electing a Town Clerk for the township of Paterson to fill the vacancy occasioned by the removal of John K. Flood from the said Township— Robert O Smith was chosen Moderator and Cornelius Fredericks Clerk It was resolved .that the polls close at five o'clock in the afternoon We hereby certify Emanuel D. Leazer was duly elected Town Clerk to fill such vacancy Robert O Smith Moderator Attest, Cornelius Fredericks Clerk I certify the above to be a true copy of the proceedings of a special town meeting held at the Court House, November 13. 1849 — ^s appears to me from the original filed in my ofifice Paterson Nov. 17, 1849 E D. Leazer Town Clerk Paterson Dec. 7. 1849 Committee met — absent Messrs. Ramsden and Close — On motion, resolved, that Mr. D. Laverack be employed to keep the town clock in order & be paid therefor at the rate of Five dollars a year, besides all necessary extra expenses — C. J. Westervelt's bill of $196.66^ was examined & passed adjourned E D Leazier Town Clerk Paterson Dec. 14. 1849 — Town Committee met at the Franklin House John K. Flood's (late Town Clerk) bill was examined and passed, and upon motion reconsidered — A motion was then made to pass the bill with a deduction of $27.50 and lost — another making a deduction of $15.00 was also lost 175 Socrates Tuttle's (late township attorney) bill of $27 — was examined and passed deducting Twelve dollars from the amount The bills of the following persons were examined and passed for the sums opposite their respective names Cornelius Fredericks— $4.00 deducting $2— 2 00 Robert O Smith .400 " $2 — 2.00 Charles Heywood 3.50 Peter Zelifl 12.72 Andrew MiUer 2 bills $13 each 26 00 John Callaghan gi 04 Cops C. Blauvelt 3 03 John S. Leary 100 00 N. Lane 37 35 L. R. Stelle 28 65 J. Johnson & Brothers i 50 James Speer 5 00 The vote upon S. Tuttle's Bill was on motion reconsidered and the bill passed deducting $7.67 from the amount 19 33 On motion adjourned E D Leazer Town Clerk Paterson March 15. 1850 Committee met — -present May, Moses, Westervelt, Ramsden and Close — The bills of the following persons were examined and allowed Robert Coulter Jacob Schoonmaker I 37 Charles O'Neil $140 33 deducting $ig.8g tio 54 Wm McAlister 55 22 Estate of Thomas Adams deceased 5 50 John Garside 145 75 Crane & Garrison 430 21 Beam & Taylor 2 50 Amos S Pack 43 13 Thos W arren 46 00 C. G. Garrison 34 33 E & H Clark 6 16 P. Taggart 151 77 Thomas McGee 70 08 John K. Flood ' I49 32 Job Glover 4 5o John Vail 17 20 The vote upon Cornelius Fredericks & Robert O Smiths bills, taken at a former meeting, was reconsidered and the bills allowed for the full amount— 176 Cornelius Fredericks' 4 oo R. O. Smith 4 00 Resolved, that the note of the Township bearing date Feb. 1st 1850, for one hundred dollars be given to Robt. Coulterin part payment of his bill for keeping the poor John Ramsden's bill, passed for 28 62 Resolved, that the collector of delinquent taxes be ordered to pay to the Treasurer from the funds in his hands Two hundred and fifty dollars and that the Treasurer pay over the same to Chas. O'Neil, Pres. of the School Committee of the Township — Resolved, that the Collector of taxes be authorized to re ceive from the Paterson and Hackensack Turnpike Co. Five dollars in satisfaction of the full amount of this tax An application to regulate and pave West street, was re ceived, ordered filed, and the 30th March inst. at 10 o'clock A. M. fixed to hear objections if any there be to the same Adjourned E D. Leazer Town Clk Paterson March 18. 1850 Committee met May absent Mr Westervelt was elected Pres. pro tem. The bills of the following persons were examined & allowed Matthew Jackson, sexton g 00 Do " returning deaths 5 75 C. S. Van Wagoner 10 '00 adjourned E D Leazer Clk March 22. 1850 Township Committee met at the Franklin House — all pres ent The bills of the following persons were presented, ex amined & passed — viz— Corns T. Vandevoort bill for 61 08 Saml A Van Saun " " 42 62 Corns I Westervelt " " 2625 John Chadwick .... 30 63 Jane Van Houten jn 52 Andrew Miller 13 00 James Lynch ^ .^2 The bill of P & H R. R R. Co was examined and passed on condition that the road tax of said Co ($30.36) be credited thereon & deducted from amt 60 00 177 The a I c of James Lynch Collector was examined & found correct showing a balance in his favor & due him of $63. go. for which the note of the Township was given pay able on demand — g, pp Resolved, that the advertising of delinquent tax payers of the last year be dispensed with Adjourned to March 25. — E D Leazer Clerk Monday March 25. 1850 Com. met at the Franklin House — The following bills were examined & passed Dr. F. S. WeUer's biU for 100 00 Peter J. Brown ¦• ¦. 24 46 P. Taggart " " 1021 01 John Sanderson igj 84 Robert Eakins 156 jq James Kershaw 24 37 C. I. Westervelt 18 24 Farmar Hobson 8 75 Horatio Moses 47 88 John Garvin 4g 15 Crane Garrison & Co — street ac j from '46 to '48 157 32 John Avison 3gi yg Nehemiah Brower 13 50 Charles Inglis i 24 Wm Inglis i 55 Charles H. May Town Com. 12. St Com 30. 42 00 C. I. Westervelt " " " 42 00 John Ramsden " " " 42 00 Horatio Moses " 12 Treasurer $75 87 00 Henry Close " 12 Cash pd for sundries $166.66 work done by horse & cart $204.00 igi days as Sup of streets $igi.oo 573 66 E. D. Leazer Town Clerk 60 00 D. Russell 36 50 C. A. Bogert 3 00 J. M. Myers g 50 Jos. Jackson 3og 84 The ac | of J. E. Van Winkle, Collector was examined & found correct — The note of the Township for $611.57 was given to Crane & Garrison for their ac | agst. the Township — The note of Township was given to Crane & Garrison for Crane, Garrison & Co's bill of $157.32 — adjourned — E D Leazer Clerk 178 March 26. 1850 — Committee met — all present Resolved, that the vote passed at a former meeting dispens ing with publication of delinquent tax payers be reconsidered and the Collector directed to furnish list for publication in the papers of next week — The accounts of H. Moses Treasurer were examined and found correct adjourned E D Leazer Clerk Saturday, March 30, 1850 Committee met — all present — The application to pave and regulate West St. was on motion granted Adjourned E D Leazer Clerk Monday April ist 1850 Committee met at the Franklin House — Hiram Gould presented a bill against the Township which was examined & passed — for On motion the following preamble & resolution were adopted by the Committee, and directed to be entered at length on the minutes & a copy of the same signed by the Committee given to Henry Close Superintendent of Streets — Whereas actions of trespass have been brought by Peter Masaker and Herman T. Tallman against Henry Close one of the Town Committee of this Township for trespasses alleged to have been committed by him while in the lawful discharge of his ofificial duty — and whereas said actions are now pending in the Circuit Court of this County upon, certiorari, therefore Resolved, that said Henry Close be, and he is hereby directed to defend said actions, and that, inasmuch as the matters in controversy in said actions involve the rights of the public, " The Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic " be, and they are hereby pledged to indemnify and save harmless the said Henry Close from all damages, costs and charges which he may incur or be put to in defending said actions or in consequence of any judgments that may be rendered against him therein — Un motion Joseph Gledhill Thomas D. Hoxsey & Halmagh Van Winkle were appointed assessors to assess the cost of paving sidewalks in front of property of Jacob Merselis and Jane his wife, and Walling Kip and Ann his wife on Main street — and also to 7g7oS 27 00 4441 81 1300 00 3 51 243 56 7g2 78 179 assess the cost of paving sidewalk in front of property of John S. Hart on the same street — Statement of the affairs of the Township of Paterson, March 25, 1850 Monies received by Township Committee for i84g-;o viz Received from Committee for i848-4g the amount of cash on hand 22 14 Proceeds of sale of Town lot $Soo. less $2.g2 discount on note received in part payment Cash received for fines & licenses Taxes received of J. E. Van Winkle " " and James Lynch Collectors — " '• Avery Richards special Collector John Benson collector of 1848 Amount received from individuals on ac | of paving prior i84g Do " " during i84g Total receipts 7627 88 Monies expended by Township Committee for i84g-50 — viz — Paid on miscellaneous account " " poor ac I of prior years " " Do " current year " for interest in arrear $123.73 Do current year 468.04 " on street ac | during current year " Executors of R. Morrell deed amt of judgt. int. & costs Balance in hands of H. Moses Treas. Poor expenses for the current year Araount paid on do — " Balance unpaid Street Account — Amount paid for paving & grading streets &c " due and unpaid for do " Total expenses incurred on street ac | Amount received from individuals included in above due from individuals " " Ballance chargeable to Township on street ac j Amount of indebtedness March 14. i84g 15542 5'J 333 32 79924 111977 591 77 2058 15 2237 80 7140 05 $487 83 38g2 05 mg 77 2772 28 2058 15 1 104 07 3162 22 792 78 828 22 1621 00 1541 22 I So Whole amount of expenses incurred as per " minutes of bills passed " in Town Clerk's ofBce 8549 84 Contra Cr. Cash paid on expenses incurred "Do ' in arrear & debt ' ' in hands of treasurer 24og2 43 $3979-28 3160.77 487.83 7627 88 Amount of indebtedness at this date $16364 55 Do " March 14. 1849 15542 5g Increase of indebtedness $821 g6 It will be observed that had the contested taxes (amount ing in all to $2322.67) been paid into the treasury the indebt edness of the Township instead of being increased $821.96 would have been decreased $1500.71 (signed) Chas. H. May Corns I. Westervelt Horatio Moses Henry Close John Ramsden Attest E D Leazer Town Clerk Proceeding of the Annual Town Meeting of the Township of Paterson, held on the Sth day of April 1850 The Meeting was held at the Court House, & opened by Samuel A. Van Saun, Esquire, Judge of Election, S. Tuttle, being chosen Clerk, It was on motion, Resolved, That two assessors, two Collectors, one Overseer of the Poor, and three Constables be elected for the ensuing Year, Signed, Saml. A. Van Saun Signed Attest Judge of Election S. Tuttle, Clerk. List of Officers elected at the Annual Meeting of the Town ship of Paterson held at the Court House, April 8th, 1850, Town Clerk Wilham Moyle Assessors Alfred Stoutenborough Wright Flavell Collectors Richard B. Chiswell James Lynch i8i Judges of Appeal Chosen Freeholders Surveyors of the Highways Overseer of the Poor Constables Pound Keeper Judge of Election Township Committee School Committee Josiah P. Huntoon Peter Archdeacon Amos S. Pack Joseph Jackson John A. Macpherson David Roe Cornelius S. Van Wagoner John R. Berdan James Gordon William A. Hopson William H. Quackenbush Daniel F. Lockwood Patrick Maginnis Cornelius I. Westervelt Henry Close Horatio Moses Halmagh Van Winkle Charles H. May Edwin P. Parke Charles O. Neill Albert A. Hopper Robert T. Creamer Andrew Derrom Benjamin Buckley NO TAX Wright Flavell & Ja!mes Lynch to act as Judges of Election. Next Town Meeting and Fall Election to be held at the Court House Samuel A. Van Saun Judge of Election Attest S. Tuttle Clk Copy I William Moyle, Clerk of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will faith fully and honestly Keep all the papers, writings, books and records, by virtue of my office committed, and which from tirae to time shall be com mitted to me; and that I will in all things to the best of my Knowledge lS2 and understanding, perform the duties of said office of Clerk, without favor or partiality Signed William Moyle Sworn & Subscribed before : rae April i6th 1850 : Signed David Burnett Justice of the Peace Copy I Cornelius S. Van Wagoner do solemnly promise and swear, that I wiU m aU things to the best of my knowledge and understanding weU, justly, and faithfully, execute the office of surveyor of the highways without favor or partiality Signed C. S. Van Wagoner. Sworn and subscribed before me this sixteenth day of April 1850 Signed Andrew Mead, Justice of the Peace. Copy I, Andrew Mead one of the Justices of the Peace in the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic do certify that the above affidavit was taken and subscribed before rae this sixteenth day of April A. D. 1850 Signed Andw Mead Justice of the Peace Copy I John R. Berdan, Jr do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will, in all things, to the best of my knowledge and under standing, well and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me as overseer of the Poor of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic Signed John R. Berdan Jr Sworn and Subscribed before me this 17th day of April 1850 Signed Andrew Mead Justice of the Peace Copy Passaic County s. s. I Wright Flavell do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will truly, faithfully, honestly, and impartially value and assess the rateable estates in the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, and that in making such valuations and assessments, I will, to the best of my Know ledge and Judgment observe the directions of the law respecting the same, and that I will make a true return of all such assessments to the Board of Assessors, at their meeting, required to be held on the first Monday in September, by the third section of "An Act concern ng Taxes Signed, Wright Flavell Sworn and subscribed at Paterson, this 18th April 1850 before me Signed John Vail, Justice of the Peace Copy I . Amos S. Pack do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will welt truly and faithfuUy execute the trusf reposed in me, and perform my duty as a Commissioner of Appeals in cases of taxation for the 183 Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic according to the best of my Knowledge and understanding without favor or partiality Signed Amos S. Pack Paterson, N. J. A rii 17. 1850 Sworn & subscribed before me this 17th day of April 1850 Signed Andw Mead, Justice of the peace. Copy I, Josiah P. Huntoon do solemnly and sincerely proraise and swear, that I will well, truly and faithfuUy execute the trust reposed in me and perform my duty as a Comraissioner of Appeals in cases of Taxation for the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic, according to the best of my Knowledge and understanding without favor or partiality Signed Josiah P. Huntoon Sworn and subscribed before me this 17th day of April 1850 Signed Andw Mead, Justice of the Peace Copy I, Peter Archdeacon do solemnly and sincerely promise and s.vear, that I will, in all things, to the best of my Knowledge and under standing, well and faithfully execute the trust reposed in me, and per forra my duty as a Comraissioner of appeals in cases of Taxation for the Township of Paterson, in the County of Passaic, without favor or partiality. Signed, Peter Archdeacon Sworn and subscribed before me; this 18th Day of April 1850 ; Andw Mead, Justice of the Peace Franklin House, Paterson April 17 1850 Committee met. Present, Charles H. May Horatio Moses Cornelius I. Westervelt Henry Close Halmagh Van Winkle and organized by appointing Charles H. May President, & Horatio Moses Treasurer. William H. Quackenbush, Constable elect, offered his bond, which was accepted and ordered to be filed. James Gordon, Constable elect, offered his Bond, which was approved and ordered to be filed, William A. Hopson, Constable elect, offered his bond, which was accepted and ordered on file James Lynch, Collector elect, offered his bond which was accepted and ordered to be filed. i84 Samuel A Van Sauns Bill for Twelve Dollars was examined & passed. Socrates Tuttle's Bill for Fourteen dollars was examined and passed David Roe appeared before the committee, and declined to act as Surveyor of the Highways, Silas D. Canfield was appointed Attorney for the Township. John Vail, Esq. was appointed examining Justice for the Township, at a salary of Twenty Dollars. Richard B. Chiswell, Collector elect, offered his Bond which was accepted and ordered to be filed. Robert Coulter was appointed Keeper of the Poor house, upon the terms stated in his proposition, which v/as ordered on file. Doctor Wm. H. Morton was appointed Physician for the Township Adjourned to meet again at same place on thursday April 25th 1850 at 3 oClock P. M. William Moyle Town Clerk April 25. 1850 Committee met, present Chas. H. May President Corns I. Westervelt Henry Close Halmagh Van Winkle An application was received " to have Congress Street, from Main to Mill, paved, & the side walks regulated and paved with Brick or flagging." Ordered that said application be filed, notice given, and that the Committee meet on Monday the 13th day of May next at 3 O Clock P. M., to hear objections, &c &c. Wm. Moyle Town Clerk Franklin House May 13th 1850 Committee met ; present C. I. Westervelt Halmagh Van Winkle Henry Close, 185 The President & Treasurer being absent. It was Resolved, That the Committee do adjourn to Monday the 20th Instant, at the same hour & place William Moyle Town Clerk Franklin House, May 20th 1850, Absent Messrs. May and Close The President of the board being absent. Corns I. Wester velt was appointed President pro : tem : Robert Coulter, Keeper of the Poor-house presented his Bill for Keeping the poor up to the second day of May Inst. viz. One Quarter, amounting to One hundred and eighty nine 25 I IOO Dollars ($189 25 | 100) which was examined, found correct, and ordered to be paid. John Avison's (late Poor Master) Bill, amounting to Seven 99 I IOO Dollars, was examined, found correct, and ordered to be paid. The application for paving and regulating Congress Street, which was presented to the Committee on the 25th of April last, was now taken into consideration ; a Remon strance against the same was presented; Whereupon, it was. Resolved, that both petition and remonstrance be laid on the Table for the action of a full board. Resolved That a Special Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of Paterson, in the County of Passaic, be held on Thursday the 30th day of May inst for the purpose of electing one Assessor, and one surveyor of the Highways, and also to make appropriations for County and Township Taxes Resolved That a Committee be appointed to confer with those persons that have carried tax suits to the Supreme Court, and that Horatio Moses and Silas D. Canfield be that Committee authorized to bring those matters to an end upon fair and equitable terms. Accounts remaining in the hands of H. Moses, Treasurer, for collection, the said accounts being for paving &c &c Henry Van Blarcom $16.63 John Van Blarcora 3.33 William Dickey 2g.o8 H. C. Stimson 23.62 Andrew Mead 13-75 i86 Samuel A. Van Saun 75 oo Trustees of the First Dutch Church 6i.g4 James Speer _ 122.88 Do Do old BiU ' ig.12 Trustees of Cross Street M. E. Church 33-68 Charles H. May 2.78 Peter Penne 1.28 Trustees of Prospect Street M. E. Church 15-93 Francis Gallagher 1.98 Edo MerseUs & Son 37-98 John S. Hart 34-27 John Merselis & WaUing Kip 20.83 Doctor John Magee 14.10 James Kershaw i.33 John Walmsley 4.72 John Flynn 10.30 John Stagg 14.16 Mrs. Bradley 4.58 George Hoof man 10.30 Patrick McGurl 3.7g Patrick McCann 3.58 Watts Cook g.22 William Haney 10.30 Estate of John Moore, deed ' 10.30 George McKown 41.66 Adjourned, William Moyle Town Clerk Proceedings relative to a special Town Meeting. Public Notice is hereby given, that a special Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson, in the County of Passaic, will be held at the Court House, on Thursday, the 30th day of May, instant, for the following purposes, viz ; P'irst, To elect one assessor and one surveyor of the High ways. Second, To make appropriations for County and Township Taxes The Poll will open at 10 o'CIock in the Forenoon By order of the Town Committee William Moyle, Town Clerk Paterson, May 21st 1850 I hereby Certify that five notices, of which the above is a 187 copy were posted in the most public places in the I'ownship on the 22nd day of May 1850 William Moyle, Town Clerk, Agreeably to the foregoing Notice, a Special Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Township was held at the Court House on the 30th day of May 1850 Samuel A. Van Saun was appointed Moderator. The ofificers elected were Assesor John Allen Surveyor of the Highways Henry Doremus The polling at this meeting was as follows. For Assessor, John Allen 120 John Avison 1 17 John Kershaw 90 Christopher Van Riper 84 ' Wm. H. Quackenbush 61 Corns A Van Houten 3. For Surveyor of the Highways Henry Doremus 251 George W. Sneden 213 The voting on the appropriations, was For School Tax For School Tax For School Tax For Road Tax For Poor Tax For Tax for Debt For Tax for Interest For Poor Tax For Poor Tax For Lunatic Fax tions, was $1000. I $750 181 $500 28 $500 194 $3000 219 $500 199 $IOOD 199 $2000 I .30 cents I $500 5 Vote For No Tax 244 Votes Attest Samuel A. Van Saun Moderator William Moyle Town Clerk Copy. I, John Allen, do soleranly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will truly, faithfully, honestly, and irapartially value and assess the rateable estates in the Township of Paterson, in the County of Passaic, and that in making such valuation and assessments, I will, to the best of my Knowledge and Judgraent, observe the directions of the law respecting the same, and that I will make a. true return of all such assessments to the Board of assessors, at their Meeting, "required to be held on the first Monday in September, by the third section of "An Act concerning Taxes. Signed, John Allen, Sworn and subscribed before me this 3rd day of June 1850 Signed Andw Mead Justice'of tbe Peace. Copy I, Henrj' Doremus, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will, to the best of my Knowledge and understanding, well, justly and faithfully execute the office of a surveyor of the Highways, without favor or partiality " So help me God " Signed, Henry Doremus Sworn and subscribed before rae this nth day of June 1850 Signed Andw Mead Justice of the Peace Franklin House, May 31st 1850 Committee met. Full Board present. Resolved That Assessors be appointed to assess Paving done in front of the First Dutch Church of Totawa, in Main Street, in the Town of Paterson ; and also to assess the work done in front of the work done in front of the Property of James Speer in Cross and Ward Streets ; likewise the work done in front of the Property of George McKown in Ward Street ; also the work done in front of the Property of Messrs Mersehs & Kip, occupied by Charles & Darwin Warner in Main Street ; likewise the work done in front of the property of John S. Hart in Main Street ; with the incidental expences of the assessors, equitable upon the owners thereof ; and that John Blundell, Thomas D. Hoxsey be the said Assessors. Adjourned William Moyle, Town Clerk. Committee met, June 3rd 1850 Full Board present Resolved That a Special Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson be held at the Court House in said Township on thursday the 13th dayof June Instant for the purpose of voting, granting, and raising such sum or sums of Money as may be deemed necessary for the maintenance and support of the Poor; the repairing of Roads; for the Support of public -Schools; and for the reduction of the Township Debt, and to pay the Interest thereon for the Current Year. Adjourned William Moyle Town Clerk Proceedings relative to a Special Town Meeting. Notice is hereby given, that a Special Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson, will be held at the Court House in said Township on Thursday June 13th for the purpose of Voting, granting and raising such sum or sums < f money as may be deemed necessary for the mairTtenance of the Poor; the repairing of Roads ; for the support of public Schools ; for the reduction of the Township debt, and to pay the Interest for the current Year The Polls will open at Eleven o'CIock A. M. By order of the Township Comraittee William Moyle Dated, Paterson, Town Clerk June 3rd 1850 I hereby certify that five Notices, of which the above is a copy, were posted in the Most public places in the Township on the 4th day of June 1850, and that the same was pubhshed for one Week in the Paterson Guardian and also in the Paterson Intelligencer WiUiara Moyle, Town Clerk Agreeably to notice given, a Special Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson was held at the Court House on the 13th day of June 1850 John Avison was appointed Moderator The following was the appropriation made at said Meeting For Poor Tax $50. No other Tax The total number of Votes Polled was 536 Recapitulation of the Votes polled igo For Poor Tax $50. 312 Votes No other Tax 318 " For School Tax $750. 199 "¦ " Road Tax $500. 121 " Poor Tax $3000 205 " " Tax for Debt $5CX3 192 " " Tax for Interest $iOOO 192 " Scattering 26 " John Avison, Moderator Attest William Moyle Town Clerk July i6th 1851 Town Committee met. present Charles H. May " Horatio Moses " Cornelius I. Westervelt & " Henry Close, Resolved "That the following persons, now receiving relief in the Poor house, be discharged by Robert Coulter, the Keeper thereof, namely, Henry McGrogan Abraham Stalter E. B. Bibby I. D. Thomson Enoch Weller Bridget Conklin Mary Ann Cane & David Lamb. adjourned William Moyle Town Clerk, October 19th 1850, Town Committee met present Charles H. May, Horatio Moses Cornelius I. Wester velt & Halmagh Van Winkle, Resolved That Avery Richards be appointed Collector of Taxes that are unpaid and in arrear at this time, and that 1 An error for 1850. igi the amount of his Bond for the faithful performance of his duties as collector be one thousond dollars — adjourned William Moyle Town Clerk Copy of the Bond of Avery Richards Know all Men by these presents, that we, Avery Richards and John A. Macpherson of the Township of Paterson, in the County of Passaic, and State of New Jersey, Are held and firmly bound to "The Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic" in the Sum of One Thousand doUars, Money of the United States to be paid to the said " The Inhabitants of the Township of Paterson in the County of Passaic," their successors and assigns, to which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us for hiraself, our and every of our heirs, execu tors and administrators firmly by thege presents, sealed with our seals and dated this nineteenth day of October, One thousand eight hundred and fifty The condition of tbis Obligation is such, that whereas the above bounden Avery Richards, has this day been appointed ' ' The Collector of Taxes " of said Township by the Township Committee of said Township, — Now, therefore if the said Avery Richards shall well and faithfuUy dis charge and perform all the duties iraposed upon hira as said Collector, then the above obligation to be void, otherwise to reraain in full force and virtue Signed Signed, Sealed and Avery Richards (l s) delivered in presence of John A. Macpherson (l s) Signed C. A. Van Houten PUBLIC NOTICE. Notice is hereby -given, that a poll will be opened in Paterson, on the 27th day of March, Inst, at the hour of seven oClock i.T the forenoon, and kept open untU the hour of seven o'CIock in the afternoon of that day, at the Court House in Paterson , for the purpose of receiving the votes of all persons entitled to vote for Town officers, expressing their assent to, or refusal of an act of the Legislature passed at the present session, entitled "An Act to incorporate the City of Paterson " WiUiam Moyle, Clerk of the Township of Paterson, March i8th 1851 I hereby certify that notices, of wnich the above is a copy, were pub lished twice in both of the Weekly Newspapers pubhshed in Paterson, in accordance with the requirements of An act of the Legislature passed at the Session just closed, entitled "An Act to Incorporate the City of Paterson " Williara Moyle Clerk of the Township of Paterson March 27th 1851 Agreeable with iMotice published, a poll was opened this day at the Court House in Paterson, to receive the Votes of ig2 all persons entitled to vote for Town Officers, expressing their assent to, or refusal of an act of the Legislature passed at the Session just closed, entitled "An Act to incorporate the City of Paterson" the tickets having on them the words "Charter" & " No Charter"' The whole number of Votes polled was Eleven hundred and three ("03) One vote was rejected for being double ticket I II02 votes Seven hundred and seventy two votes were for " Charter " TT^ Three hundred and thirty Votes were for " No Charter " 330 442 1 "An Act to incorporate the City of Paterson," approved March 19, 1851 (Pamph. Laws, 1851), p. 444, concluded with this section : "26. And be it enacted. That the preceding sections of this act shall not go into effect, unless the assent of a majority ot the electors of the township of Paterson, who shall vote thereon, shall be flrst obtamed ; and for that purpose a poll shall be opened In Paterson. on the twenty-seventh day of March, eighteen hundred and flfty-one, at the hour of seven o'clock in the forenoon, and kept open until the hour of seven o'clock in the aftemoon, ot that day, under the direction of the judges of the last election in the said township, and at the place in said township where the last election was held, of which time and place the township clerk of Paterson shall give at least one week's prev ous notice in both the newspapers printed and published hi Paterson ; and the electors entitled to vote for town oflicers at the time of said election, who may vote, shall express their assent io or refusal of this act, by depositing their ballots in a box provided for the purpose in said township; and the electors who are in favor of this act, shall each deposit a ballot contain ing the word " Charter," written or printed thereon, and the electors -who are opposed, shall.eaeh deposit a ballot with the words " No Charter," written or printed thereon; and a canvass and return of the votes shall be made by the said judges to the township com mittee of Paterson, withiu three days after such election, and published in the newspapers abovementloned; and if a majority of the electors who shall vote at such election are found to be in favor of this act, it shall then, but not otherwise, go into eflfect; but if a majority of the voters at such election shall not be found in favor of this act, then it shall be lawful for the township committee of the township of Paterson to submit this act to the voters of said township, at a special town meeting, to be called for that purpose, for their assent or refusal, whenever they may deem proper; provided, that not more than one town meeting for such purpose shall be called in any one year; and whenever, at any such township meeting, a majority of the persons voting thereat, shall be found in favor of this act, the same shall go into operation, and take effect on the second Monday in April next ensuing such election; and that this section shall take effect immediately." The constitutionality ot this provision was affirmed by the New Jersey Supreme Court, in the case of the City of Paterson vs. The Society for EstabUshing Useful Manufactures, February Term, 1854, the Court holding: "A provision that a municipal charter shall not take eflfect until approved of by a majority of the iuhabitf nts of the district incorporated, is not the delegation of legislative power; it is the mere question of the acceptance ot a charter." 193 Majority in favor of " Charter " four hundred and forty two. Patrick Magennis : Judges of ; Election appoint- Jas Lynch : ed by the Act of : the Legislature Wright Flavell : above named Attest William Moyle Town Clerk Paterson March 27th 185 1 April Sth 185 1 Township Committee met at the office of P. Sandford Esquire Present Chas. H May, president C. I. Westervelt H. Van Winkle H. Moses & H. Close, The following bills were presented, Examined and passed viz. John Hopper's bill bearing Interest from May 7th 1850 20.00 Doctor W. H. Morton's Bill 75.00 Robert Coulter's Bill from Aug't ist to October 31st gi.43 Robert Coulter's Bill from Oct. 31st to Dec. 12th 60.28 John R. Berdan's Bill 39.76 Robert Eakins' Bill 45.25 John Sanderson's Bill 53.^3 David H. Doremus' do 4.83 David H. Doremus' do 15.25 Ralph Speer's Bill 15. 75 John Avison's Bill 3.00 Ackerman & Gurnee's Bill 8.00 Patrick Gallaher 11.44 Estate of N. Brower, deed S-oo Thomas Warren's Bill 1.00 Jacob Merselis' BiU 16.25 C. & D. Warner's Bill 2.gi Smith HiU's Bill lo-oo Horatio Moses & Co's Bill 10.81 Wm. H. Quackenbush's BiU 2.71 Charles Danforth & Co, bearing Int: from April 7, 1850 20.00 Samuel A. Van Saun's BiU 11.28 James Lynch's BiU 3.00 Lewis R. SteUe's Bill 41-75 John R. Berdan's BiU 50.00 ig4 Charles Danforth & Co's BiU 2.00 Avery Richard's BiU 3.00 Robert O. WUsons BiU 6i.i2>^ Robert Mosson's Bill 2.80 John VaU's Bill 2g.oo Thomas Warren's BiU 12.25 Joseph Jackson's Bill 36.76 C. I. Westervelt's BiU 10.00 Horatio Moses' Bill 20.00 Halmagh Van Winkle's Bill 10.00 Charles H. Mays Bill 10.00 Henry Close's Bill 10.00 William Moyle's Bill 48.84 A Statement of the Affairs of the Township of Paterson April 7th 1851. Moneys received by the Township Committee for 1850, 51, viz ; Received from Comraittee for i84g, 50, as pr Treasurers Book $486. gg Taxes received from Avery Richards CoUector for i84g 4og.5i Taxes for i84g received by Treasurer 723. gi Received by Treasurer, the amount of sundry Bills for paving in i84g 518.06 Taxes rfeceived frora Jas. Lynch, Collector ,52. 4g Taxes do do R. B. ChisweU Collector 37-34 Taxes do do Avery Richards, do 43.82 Total araount of Moneys received, $2273.12 Moneys Paid 1850 April 1 To state Bank of Morris, bills from A. Richards 2.00 " " C. C. BlauveU's BiU ' 3,03 " " A. Parson's Order on Crane & G. for tax 11.48 " " Josh. Jackson's receipt for D. K. Allen's Tax 77.^24 " " C. Inglis' account. Costs 1.24 " " Wm Inglis' Bill 1.55 " " A. Richard's BiU for Copying Names 3.47 '- " Wm Sandford's bill for Sheep 5.50 ' " Corns. Van Winkle, work on road 18.88 " " do do do Allowance on taxes by Court of appeal 5.00 " " To paid Corns Van Winkle, Interest on Township Note 15.13 " " To Paid H. Close on account , 20 00 " " " " Job Glover, burying paupers 4.50 " " " " R. Coulter on a | c 30.00 " " " " J. B. Van Riper, Interest on Note 11.25 Over $210.27 1851. April 4 Amount of moneys paid brot forward $210.27 " 5 To paid C. I. Westervelt's Bill 42,00 " " " " do do for moving paupers 9.00 195 " " " " Andw Millar for Keeping paupers 13-00 " " " " C. I. Westervelt, Coal for paupers 26.25 " " " " C. I. Westervelt, Coal for hands working on Streets 1S.24 " " " " James Lynch note 63.go " " " " C. S. Van Wagoners Bill 1.00 " •' " " do do do 4.00 " " " " John Ramsdens Bill 3705 " " " " do do do 28.62 " " " " John Garside on ace. 24.77 " " " " Henry Close's Bill go.75 " " " " do do W. I. Connor's order 37.38 " " " " Charles H. May's Bill 42.00 " ' F. S. WeUer's BiU 74.70 " " " " C. G. Garrison's BiU 34.33 " 6 " " John Avison on ace. 35.00 " 8 " " Avery Richard's Bill 10.00 " " " " order for J. Kehoe, for taxes 4.g6 " " " " order for J. F. Calvin 4.00 " " " " N. Brower's bill 4.00 " " " " John K. Flood on ace 15.00 " 13 " " S. Leary's Bill for Sewering John Street 100.00 " " " " James Kershaw's Bill 24.37 "15 " " George Hall for moving paupers 8.00 " 26 " " George Van Emburgh for paving stones , 2.82 " " " " Robert Coulter for Keeping paupers 77.77 May 10 " " John R. Berdan, overseer's Order 8. 60 "25 " " R. Coulter's Bill to ist Inst. 172.35 " 2g " " Paterson & H. R. Rail Road Co, for Cartage of Paving Stones, 60.00 Over $1284.13 1851. Amount of money paid brought over $1284.13 July II To paid R. Coulter on ace. 25.00 " " " •' John R. Berdan, taking paupers to the Asylum 12.00 Augt. 13 " " Interest on Bond to A. Van Blarcora 15.03 " " " " John Garside, balance of Paving Bill 123.70 " ig " " R. Coulter on ace. 60.00 " " " •• Interest on R. Coulter's Note 6.00 " " " J. H. Burhans for Paving Stones 6.54 " '< " " Towns'p order in favor of R. Sweeney 10.00 <• " " " Townsend & Hart 4.00 Sept. 7 " " S. D. Canfield for witnesses 12.00 • • •• " " S. Berdan, Int. on Township Bond 60.00 " 19 •• " R. Coulter on acct. 5000 Deer. 3 " " S. D. Canfield for witnesses 1.50 " '¦ " " R. Coulter 50 00 196 1851 Jany Feby 24 I '• 22 March 28 April 3 7 I85I April 7 " J. R. Berdan " R. Coulter, Interest on Note " " R. Coulter on account " " John Kehoe's BiU " " A. B. Woodruff, Attorney for Tallman & Masker, 2 suits, " R. Doremus, Balance of acct. " " Cornelius Van Winkle, on Judgt against Township " " John R. Berdan Jr. " " Avery Richard's Bill " " William Moyle's BiU " " WiUiam Moyle's Bill " " Halmagh Van Winkle " Charles H. May " Horatio Moses " " H. Close Over Amount of Moneys paid brot over To paid C. I. Westervelt " " H. Moses & Co " " Estate of N. Brower 6.00 6.00 28.00 16.89 221.42 g.62 65.60 .29 3.00 6.00 48.84 10.0010.00 20.00 10.00 $2181.53 $2181.53 10.0010.81 3-00 $2205.34 Total Amount of Money reed. $2273.12 Total amount of Money paid $2205.34 Balance in hands of H. Moses Treasurer $67.78 There are bills uncollected for paving amount ing to $246 99 Sgned Chas. H. May C. I. Westervelt H. Van Winkle \ Township Committee Horatio Moses H. Close Attest William Moyle Township Clerk Paterson April 7. 1851 Poor expenses the Current Year $686.95 Amount paid on poor Account 442.00 Increased indebtedness on poor Account $244.94 amount of Indebtedness at this date $17,308.25 do do March 25: 1850 $16,364.55 Increase of Indebtedness $g43.70 Exclusive of Interest & costs, also bills and claims not presented. 197 Richard B. Chiswell, Collector, In account with the Township of Paterson. Dr. To amount of Duplicate $2320 56 To Taxes collected by A. Mead, Esqr. 33.78 To Taxes collected by Avery Richards 200.00 $2554.34 Cr. By amount allowed by Judges of Appeal 6.g3 By paid John Allen, Assessor's fees iog.21 By paid County Collector 1911.53 " " A. Mead Esqr. for Tax warrants 4.72 " " L. R. Stelle for tax tickets 3.75 " •< Wright FlaveU for Services as Judge of Election 3.00 " paid Collector's fees , 103.96 " Taxes returned to A. Mead Esqr. for Col lection 373.90 " Cash paid H. Moses. Treas. 37-34 $2554-34 Signed Chas. H. May C. I. Westervelt H. Van Winkle ^ Township Committee Horatio Moses H. Close Attest William Moyle Township Clerk Paterson April 7. 1851 James Lynch, Collector, In account with the Township of Paterson, Dr. To araount of Duplicate $1542.62 To amount collected in addition thereto ig-5o To amount rec'd from Avery Richards, Collector ig5.oo To amount rec'd from John Vail Esqr, collected by him 43.68 $1800.80 Cr. By paid Wright Flavell, assessor's fees iog.21 By paid James Lynch's Bill as Judge of Election 3.00 By paid John Vail's BiU 7.28 By amount allowed by Judges of Appeal .50 By paid County Collector 1164.87 By Collector's Fees 103. g6 By printer's Bill for Tax Tickets 3.75 By Taxes returned to John Vail Esq for Collection 354.24 By Errors in Duplicate . 50 igS By Cash paid H. Moses, Treasurer 53-49 $1800 80 Signed Chas H. May C. I. Westervelt H. Van Winkle ^ Township Committee Horatio Moses H. Close Attest WiUiam Moyle ^ Township Clerk Paterson April 7. 1851 [ESTRAYS.'] A red Steer about one year old a little white under the Belley a Httle white on the Inside of the wright hind leg a little white on the end of the tail a kind of a fork slit in the left ear and a piece cut off the wright ear a Bull Believed to be one and a half years old Last Spring the coular is a redish yellow with white Spots no particular mark on the ears Paterson Deer 3rd 1831 Signed Hartman C Vreeland Strayed Horse. Taken up by the subscriber on Wednes day the 26th Instant a Sorrel Horse stout built with a Star in his forehead a small white spot on his left hind foot." Said Horse was taken up on the Society Ground back of Mr Colts Rolling MilP where he had been running at large for eight or ten days The owner is requested to pay charges prove property and take him away John Callaghan Paterson June 26th 1833 at the Rolhng Mill Copy of Handbill W. A. Hughson Town Clerk Paterson Township Deer 10-1834 A Stray Mare, sorrel colour, a bald face, one eye, left hind foot white, a black spot on her right thigh. From twelve to thirteen hands high, sixteen or eighteen years of age. Taken up on my premises by me Signed Cornelius J. Post ' The Town Clerk was required by law to keep a r?cord of stray c ittle and their " ear marks," when reported to him. The following entries are recorded in tbe back of the Book of Minutes. ^ Mr. Colt's Rolling Mill occupied the site of Adams's cotton mill on Mill street, opposite Van Houten s'reet. A Copy of hand bill filed this Deer 13 — 1834 ,. EK Clark' ' Town Clerk Paterson Township Deer 16 1834 A Strayed horse Taken up on my pren^ises A black horse, three white feet below the footlock — about thirteen hands high — A Switch tail Sign'd Cornelius J Post a true copy of notice E B Clark Town Clerk Stray Cattle — One red steer some white on the forehead 2 Years Coming 3 years — No Mark One red heifer 2 Years Coming 3 years some white on her forehead and under her belly the left ear croppd and the right ear, and a square cut out of the upper side of the ear and a slit in the under side of the ear — taken up by me sign'd John P MerseHs a true copy of notice Weazel Novr 19 — 1835. E B Clark, town clk Estray — Came into my premises a red Bull about two year old — no mark. Stout horns Bought' near Paterson : Signed Henry I. Van Blarcom Novr 25th 1835 a true Copy of notice E B Clark Town Clerk Estray. Came into my enclosure the first day of Novr 1835 a red heifer with white spot on her forehead supposed to be three years old last Spring — altogether red except a little white under her belly about half her tail white No Mark Paterson Novr 26 — 1835 Signed Hartman C. Vreland a true Copy of notice E B Clark Town Clerk 1 The Bocht, or Bend , neighborhood, at and near Riverside. Van Blarcom lived on or near East Eighteenth street and Seventh avenue. Estray A Brown Mare — about 15 hands high a long switch tail' Goes a little drooping behind about 15 Years old. Came into the Enclosure of Corns M. Vreeland the 1st November 1836 Signed Corns M. Vreeland Paterson Novbr 12th 1836 a True Copy of notice A Mead, Town Clk. Estray — Came into my Enclosure on or about the first day of november a pole Red Heifer about 3 Years old next Spring. Marked, the left ear cropped and a Half moon cut out of said Left Ear also the Right Horn Broken off Paterson Novbr 21st 1836 Signed Corns M Vreeland a True Copy of notice A. Mead Town Clerk Came into the enclosure of Albert Vanhouton on the 26th day of November 1837 One Black Heifer 3 Years old marked with a piece off of the left Ear One Red Steer Same mark about 3 Years old One Brindle Steer with a white head same mark & same age, and One Red Heifer with a white head and a forked piece cut out of the Right ear with the left Ear partly cut off. about 3 Years old Signed Albert Van Houton Paterson Novbr 29th 1837 A True Copy of Notice Andw Mead T. Clk Estrays Came into the enclosure of Albert Vanhouten on the 26th day of November 1837 One Black Heifer about 3 Years old Marked with a piece off of the left ear. One Red Steer Same Mark, one Brindle Steer with a white head and a forked piece cut out of the right ear with the left ear partly cut off All supposed to be 3 Years old Paterson Novbr 29th 1837 Signed Albert Van Houten Came into the Enclosure of the subscriber on or about the 28 day of November 1837, A Red Bull Marked with the left Ear cropped and a Slit in the under part of the right Ear Two Years old past Paterson Township Deer 4th 1838 * Signed John C Vreeland Came into the enclosure of the subscriber on or about the 23d day of December last a black or dark coloured heifer about one year old no artificial marks. his George X McCloury Paterson Jan 15. 1844 mark Came into the possesion of the subscriber on Sunday last Oct 6 about noon a light sorrell mare — with long tail and mane about 11 years old — white streak in the face, had on when found a part of a halter. Paterson Oct 11. 1844 Stephen E. Osborn near Edo Mersailius owner found Mr Chadwick Came into the possession of the subscriber on or about the 28th — day of November two steers, one year old — one black, white belly — marked with two slits in the end of the left ear — the other red, white head, & white stripe over the back, marked in the same manner — Signed John P. Merselis — APPENDICES. APPENDIX— A. (Pages 33, 37.) AN ACT to provide for the establishment of Public Schools in the town ship of Paterson, in the countv of Essex. Sec. I. Be IT enacted by the Council and General Assembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be lawful for the inhabitants of the township of Paterson, at their annual town meetings, to elect not more than nine, nor less than five, persons to serve as trustees of the public school or schools of the said township. Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty of the said trustees to establish one or more public schools within the township of Pat erson, and to provide as far as their means may extend for the education of all children in the said township not otherwise provided for, whether such children be or be not the proper objects of gratuitous education. Sec. 3. And be it emacted, That the portion of the raoney appro priated by the State for the support of common schools, which may become due to the township of Paterson, and also such other sum or sums of raoney as the inhabitants of the said townshi > may raise by tax for the use of the public schools, shall be paid over by the township collector to the said trustees; and that it shall also be lawful for the said trustees tore- quire from the pupils received into the schools under their charge, a moderate compensation adapted to the ability of the parents of such children ; all of which monies shall be applied to the erection, purchase or rent of school houses, the payment of teachers' salaries, and to the defraying of such other expenses as may be incident to the education of children ; Provided, that such compensation may be remitted by the trustees, in all cases in which they shall deem it proper to do so ; And Provided, Further, that no child shall be denied the benefit of the said public school on the ground of inability to pay for the same, but shall at all times be freely received and educated by the said trustees. Sec. 4. And be it enacted. That it shall be lawful for the said trustees, or a majority of thera, to make all such by-laws, rules and regula tions, for the governraent and administration of said schools, as they may deera requisite, and also to norainate and appoint one or more teachers or instructors to take charge of the said school or schools, under the care and direction of the said trustees, and also to appoint such other officers (r servants as they may think necessary ; and to allow and fix their respective 204 compensations ; and such teachers, instructors, officers and servants, or any of thera, at their pleasure, to dismiss and discharge, and to appoint another or others in their stead. Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said trustees to report annually to the town meeting, a particular account of the said school or schools under their care, and of, the moneys received and expended by thera during the year, so as to exhibit a full and perfect stateraent of the condition of the said schools ; and a copy of which report shall be transmitted to the board of chosen freeholders of the county of Essex, and also to the trustees of the school fund. Sec. 6. And be it enacted That whenever, in the opinion of the said trustees, it may be expedient to accept, purchase, erect, or sell any lot or buUding, or both, for the use of the said public schools, they shall ca 1 a raeeting of the town coramittee ; and if the said coramittee agree to the same, the requisite contract or conveyance shall be raade by or to the town comraittee, in the narae and on the behalf of the township of Pater son, for the use of the trustees of the public schools. Sec. 7. And be it Enacted, That so much of the act entitled "An act relating to common schools," passed the sixteenth of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, as interferes with, or is repugnant to the provisions of this act, be, and the same is hereby repealed, as far as the township of Paterson is concerned, and no further. Sec. 8. And i;e it enacted. That this act shall be, and hereby is declared a public act. Passed, January 26, 1836. [Pamphlet Laws, 1835-6, pp. 50-51.] APPENDIX— B. (Pages 33, 37, 50, 64.) A SUPPLEMENT to an act entitled "An act to provide for the estab lishment of public schools in the township of Paterson, in the county of Essex," passed January twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and thirty-six. Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the Council and General Asserably of this State, and it is herebv enacted by the authority of the sarae, That the inhabitants of the township of Paterson, formerly in the county of Essex, now in the county of Passaic, be, and they are hereby exerapted from the operation of so much of the fourth section of the act entitled "An act to establish public schools," passed March first, eighteen hundred and thirty- eight, as prohibits the inhabitants of the several townships in this State at their annual town meeting, from raising more than double the amount of their respective apportionments of the school fund, and that the inhabif- ants of the said township of Paterson, be, and they are hereby authorized and empowered, at their annual town meetings, to raise for the support of public schools within said township, such sum or suras of money as by them may be deeraed necessary or expedient for that purpose, anything in the act last above recited to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shaU take effect frora the passage thereof. Passed, February 20, 1839. [Paraphlet Laws, 1838-q, pp. 62-63. j .205 APPENDIX— C. (Page j_3_o. ) AN ACT respecting highways in the township of Paterson, in the county of Passaic. It being represented to the legislature, by the petition of inhabitants of Paterson, that public convenience requires an alteration in the laws respecting roads, as applicable to that township, and it appearing just and proper that their request in that matter should be granted — therefore, 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State OF New Jersey, That the township coraraittee of the township of Paterson, in the county of Passaic, shall be vested with and exercise, in their cor porate name, all the power, rights, privileges, and duties that the over seers of the highways in said township are now capable of exercising and performing; and shall have authority to regulate the streets and sidewalks, and to raake and to enforce, by penalties, all ordinances necessary for the purposes aforesaid ; and the raerabers thereof shall be subject to the penalties existing against overseers for neglect of duties. 2. And be it enacted. That hereafter the inhabitants of said town ship shall not elect overseers of the highways in said township. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall go into operation on the day olthe next annual town raeeting in said township. Approved, January 29, 1846. APPENDIX— D. (Page 165.) THE CHOLERA EPIDEMIC OF 1849. It does not appear that the Committee appointed for the purpose drew up " a report and address to the inhabitants of the township on the sub ject" of the cholera. The following extracts from contemporary news papers give the fuUest avaUable detaUs of the progress and ravages of the plague; Paterson Ititelhgencer, June 6, 1S49 : Cholera. We learn from the physicians of the Town, that a few cases of malignant cholera have occurred— but nothing to justify fear or create alarm._ Only two fatal cases have occurred ; one, Mr. Adams, was a person of temperate and good habits, but of feeble constitution and precarious health, and whose death would not be unexpected at any time. The other was a person of extremely interaperate habits, who would probably have fallen a victira to any disease with which he was attacked. Theother cases have readUy been managed and relieved by proper medical treatment. Bv this time, every man, woman and child, who can read, hear, or under stand, raust know that the first stage of the disease is characterized by a looseness of the bowels, generaUy unattended by pain. In this stage the disease is most readily curable; but if allowed to run on unchecked, it soon becomes unmanageable, and death follows. In all the sudden cases we heard of, on inquiry we find that the first stage of the disease. 206 characterized by looseness of the bowels, had been present for sorae days, but been neglected, as there was no pain. Let every one know that life or death may depend upon stopping this looseness as soon as it appears. At any of the regular drug stores may be found the proper remedfes, the basis of all of which is some form of opium. Let no faraily be without sorae laudanum or morphine ready at hand in case of need. 'We again repeat that there is at present no cause for alarm — that the disease appears to be mild, and if not neglected in its early stages, is as easily relieved as most other epidemics. That the disease is in our community, and that the mysterious choleraic poison is diffusing itself in this locality, cannot be denied — the cases may probably increase, but this disease is ;Hore amenable to treatment than formerly— its nature and stages are better understood by the medical profession — and all authority proves that in its early stages it is curable — but let the first symptoms be checked. Life or death depends on this. Paterson Intelligencer, June 13, 1849 ; Cholera. — We learn that two or three deaths have occurred in this town- during the past week, from cholera. There have been a number of cases of cholera, during this time, but the disease, we learn, readily yielded to medicine, where aid was promptly called in. Paterson Intelligencer, June 20, 1849 : The Cholera appears to have disappeared from among us — at least we have heard of no new cases during the past week. A few cases of diarrhoea occurred occasionally, which, however, yielded to medicine. Paterson Intelligencer, July 11, 1849: Our town reraains remarkably healthy, very little sickness of any kind prevailing at the present time. We have not heard of a single case of cholera in this town or neighborhood, during the last five or six weeks. Paterson Intelligencer, July 18, 1849 : The Cholera. — For several weeks past our town has been wholly free from the " prevailing epidemic," and the health of the people has beeti as good as in ordinary seasons. But last week it suddenly made its appear ance among us again, and on Friday there were in the town and vicinity, five cases, of which three proved fatal. Some six or seven cases have since occurred, two or three of which have also proved fatal. Of course, in regard to the causes of this mysterious complaint, its appearance, its teraporary absence, and its sudden re-appearance among us, we can form or offer no explanation. The heat of the last three days of the last week was oppressive in the extrerae, the therraoraeter ranging at noon 96 degrees in the shade, and this may have been the exciting cause in constitutions which were weak, or predisposed to the operation of atmos pheric virus. Yet we have no doubt that people, through the absence of any cases of late, have laid aside the circumspection and careful habits which they practiced when the cholera first appeared among us, and feel ing secure, have indulged too much the appetite for fruit and green vege tables. 207 T le fav )rable state of the health of the town, and the absence of the dreaded malignant cholera for some weeks past, have induced in our citizens some neglect of diet and regimen. The few fatal cases that have occurred the pa-it week in this town and neighborhood wiU, we trust, teach our citizens that the danger is not yet past ; that indigestible and stale vegetables cannotbe eaten without peril, and that great caution and vigUance are still required. Let the rules of diet, and attention to personal hal)its, which have been so often enjoined, be still strictly observed ; care fuUy avoid all crude and unripe fruits, new potatoes- and above aU, do not al ovv any unusual relaxation of the bowels to reraain neglected for a moment. Lite or death may depend on these precautions. All the recent fatal cases that we have heard of in this vicinity, were brought on or aggravated by exposure, interaperance, or gross imprudence in diet. — In all of them the disease had existed for several days in the stage of diarrhoea before medical advice was sought ; and in one the patient while laboring under diarrhoea was daily eating green apples, and when reraonstrated with, said she wished to die. The town is healthy, and with care as to diet and regimen, and attention to the first appearance of a relaxed state ot the bowels, we thiiik no apprehen sion need to be felt, and m the opinion of the physicians the disease under the circurastances is readily controlled. Paterson-Intelligencer, July 25, 1849: Cholera. — Several cases of cholera have occurred in this town, during the past week, nearly all of which readily yielded to prompt medical treat raent. Two or three deaths have occurred during the sarae time, which, we learn, were caused by imprudent indulgence ofthe appetite. We have heard of no new cases for the last two or three days and believe our town is now as healthy as usual. By attending to the rules of diet, and the first appearance of a relaxed state of the bowels, which may easily be checked, no apprehension need be felt. Paterson Intelligencer, August 1, 1849 : PROCLAMATION. By the Governor of New-Jersey. WHEREAS the President of the United States, in consideration of the prevaiUng pestUence, has set apart FRIDAY, the thiid day of August next, and recommended that it be observed throughout the United States, as a day of Fasting, HumiUation and Prayer ; and whereas I believe that the people of this State recognize the obUgations of a Christian nation publicly to acknowledge their dependance upon Alraighty God, and humbly to bow beneath the strokes of his afflictive providence, and fervently to supplicate his mercy ; I do therefore hereby cordiaUy respond to the sentiments expressed by the Chief Magistrate of the Union, and unite with him, in recommending to aU the citizens of the State, the due and proper observance of the day naraed; and that abstaining from thtir worldly pursuits, they asserable theraselves in their respective places of public worship, there with humble confession of sin and thankful acknowl edgment of past mercies, unitedly and fervently to implore the Almighty 20S Ruler of the Universe, to remove from us the scourge with which we are afflicted and speedily to restore to us the inestimable blessing of health. Given under ray hand at the city of Trenton, the twenty-sixth day of July, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and forty nine. DAN'L HAINES. Friday next, the 3d inst., is the day designated in the President's Proclamation, to be observed throughout the United States as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, in consideration of the prevafling epidemic. From what we have seen in the papers the day will be pretty generally observed throughout the country. There appears to be a general disposition araong the people to suspend business of every kind, and raany of the clergy of every religious denomination, in every part of the country, have given notice of religious services during the day, in their respec tive churches. We believe religious services will be performed in raost or all of the churches of our town, and we presurae our citizens gen erally will suspend their ordinary business during the day, and participate in these exercises. Cholera. — A number of cases of cholera have occurred in this town dur ing the past week, but the exact nuraber we have not been able to ascer tain. Several deaths have also occurred, but we believe in every instance in which the disease terrainated fatally, the victim had been guilty of a violation of the rules of diet, or of intemperate use of intoxicating drinks. — We fear that most of the raore violent cases which have occurred here lately, have been caused by iraprudence in diet. Cucumbers, green corn, cabbage, &c., are used without stint by many of our citizens, who stub bornly persist in their use at the present time, because they had always used them heretofore without injury. People will use their own pleasure about such things, but it seems strange to us, that they cannot abstain from a little indulgence in eating and drinking when a fearful epidemic is in our midst, and when they must be aware that raost of its victims bave been those who have given way to their appetite in eating and drinking. There are some very filthy places in our alleys and by-streets, and we are continuaUy pestered with the qu-estion. Why don't the Town Corarait tee cleanse them ? Can the Coraraittee tell us why these places are allowed to breed conta gion in our midst? We presume the ofificers have araple power to cleanse thera ; but if the law does not provide for the eraergency, the demands of public health and public safety should remove all doubts as to the propriety of acting at once and with energy in the matter. A few dollars are nothing if their expenditure wiU keep away or allay the ravages of Cholera. It is true, we have been rauch favored in the matter of health, but we should not forget that cleanliness is one of the best and surest safe guards against disease. We would caU the attention of the Coramittee to the condition of the alley leading from Boudinot-street to John-street— a locality where death his been no stranger- as a fit subject for their opera tions. 209 HYMN. Written for the InteUigencer. For Fast Day, August 3, 1849. The voice of dread judgments Is sounding around us. We hear it, alas, and The news doth astound us ; The scourge of old Asia Our cities are feeling It marches all potent. Their doom it is sealing ; How long shall its triumphs Bring sorrow and wailing — The high and the low, all Before it are quailing. This scourge of Jehovah, It goes where he sendeth It moves, and it strikes in The place he intendeth ; An arrow which he has Prepared in his quiver ; His servant, it flies his Command to deliver. How long shall its triumphs Bring sorrow and wailing — The old and the young, all Before it are quailing. Lord, humble our nation. And give us repentance. May Zion lie low, and Confess thy just sentence ; May. rulers and people Invoke thy protection. To save and deliver From this dread affliction. Then shall from our churches The songs of hosanna. Arise in full chorus ; The Lord is our banner. SENEX. Paterson Intelligencer, August 8, 1849. Deaths from Cholera continue to occur in this town, but we have no means of ascertaining the exact number. As far as we have heard, how ever, every case which has terminated fataUy, was caused by great imprudence in diet, or of an excessive use of spirituous liquors, and we fear that so long as people wiU persist in using cucumbers, green corn, and other unwholesome truck with which our market is overstocked, so long cases wiU continue to occur among us. A man by the name of Voorhis, a watchman in the Phoenix MiU, was taken with vomiting, whUe at his post, about three o'clock on Monday morning, and died about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. He had been eating cucumbers on the day previous, which he threw up when taken with vomiting. Several similar cases have occurred during the last week, and we beUeve all terminated fatally. We have been requested to call the attention of the Town Committee to the wretched condition of the side-walk and cross-path at the corner of Congress and Prospect-streets. It has become dangerous to pass at that place, particularly at night, and we have been told that several persons have been injured by falling over the large stone laid across the gutter. We would also call attention to the filthy condition of the vacant lots on the south side of Congress-street, between Cross and Mill-streets. They lie considerably lower than the street, are fiUed with water which has turned perfectly green, and which emits an effuvia highly detrimental to the health of the neighborhood, particularly at this time when a fatal epidemic is lingering among us. The owners should be compelled to fill them up. Paterson Intelligencer, August 15, 1849 : The Cholera still continues among us, and several fatal cases have oc curred during the past week. The dysentery and diarrhoea are also very prevalent, and quite a number of persons are down with either one or the other of these diseases. The former is of a very malignant type, and several deaths have occurred from it during the last week or two. We learn also that the dysentery is very prevalent at Little Falls, m this county, and that a number of persons have fallen victims to it within the last week. Paterson Intelligencer, August 22, 1849 : Deaths from Cholera continue to occur in this town, but there being no Board of Health to look to for a report of the cases and deaths, it is impos sible to state the precise number. As far as we can learn, however, there is some abatement in the number of cases, and we may reasonably hope that the disease will speedily disappear from among us. The dysentery stiU continues to prevail to some extent, but it appears to be less virulent, and yields more readily to medicine than when it first appeared. We learn that several deaths from cholera occurred at Bloomingdale and neighborhood, in the upper part of this county, during the past week. Paterson Intelligencer, August 29, 1849 : The Cholera. — The cholera is gradually disappearing from among us, very few cases having occurred for several days past. We believe all the deaths which have occurred during the past week, from this disease, may be traced to imprudence in diet or neglect of diarrhoea, and we fear cases will continue to occur occasionally, so long as people will indulge im moderately in the unwholesome truck with which our market is daUy over- stocked, and which the more imprudent an;l inconsiderate are induced to buy on account of their cheapness. Unripe peaches, apples, &c., are also used in great quantities, which wiU account for the many cases of diarrhoea and dysentery which occur daily in our town. We heard of a distressing instance of the ravages of the cholera in a family, in this town, some time last week. A poor woman, residing in White Alley, went to New York for the purpose of selling a lot of shoes, where she was taken wich the cholera and died. The husband, hearing of the death of his wife, started for the city also, leaving two small children alone in the house. During the night, both chUdren were taken with cholera, and died before daylight, alone, and where they were found on the next mjraing by soma of the neighbors. Paterson Intelligencer, September 5, 1849 ; The Cholera is graduaUy disappearing from among us, very few cases having occurred during the last four or five days, and most of which, we believe, readily yielded to medicine. The dysentery, however, continues to prevail to a considerable extent in this town and neighborhood, but is less fatal than it was a week or two since. A gentleraan from Paterson states that on Monday there were no less than 17 deaths from cholera in that place. ^N. Y. Sun. There has been much sickness among us during the last two months. On one day no less than thirteen funerals, with solemn, measured step, passed through Market-street, to the cities of the dead. Of these the cholera had its share of victims, and though the pestilence has been bad, far worse, we fear, than most of our people have suspected, yet not more than a quarter of the large number above stated, were cholera deaths. More than three quarters of the Sun paragraph is exaggeration, and we have no doubt that if this gentleman informant of the New- York luminary would walk to the corner of Nassau and Spruce-sts. with this short story in his hands as his certificate, Horace Greeley would have given up to him " that hat " instanter. Paterson Intelligencer , September 19, 1849 : MORTALITY IN PATERSON. We are indebted to John K. Flood, Esq., Clerk of the Township of Pat erson, for the following report of the deaths in this town, from the 30th May last, the day on which the first death from cholera occurred, up to the loth September instant. The whole number of deaths during the period was 286, viz : — Cholera, Accidental, Convulsions, Croup,Scarlet-Fever,Palsy, Sun-Struck,Fever, inflammation. no Measles, 1 5 Dropsy, 3 10 Delirium Tremens, 2 7 Teething, 2 1 Apoplexy, I I Small Pox, I 2 Consumption, 22 7 Summer Complaint, 10 3 Unknown, 15 Weakness, 8 StiU Born, Cholera Infantum, i8 Rheumatism, Congestion of Brain, 3 Old Age, Whooping Cough, 2 Dysentery, 46 286 Of the whole number, 39 deaths occurred in June. 83 " " ¦ injuiy. 144 " " in Aug. 18 " " in September. The following is a list of the names of aU the persons who died of cholera in this town, from the 30th of May last up to the loth inst. Names. Age. I Thomas Adams, 41 2 Ann Shorrock, 29 3 John Redmond, 34 4 Bridget KeUy, 25 5 Thomas Merrian, — 6 Thomas Brown, 24 7 WiUiam Clark, 13 8 WiUiam Turner, 48 9 Mary Skinner, 30 10 Catharine Close, 18 11 Barbara Cronow, 33 12 Cath. Jane Ricker, 19 13 Eliza Ann Sindle, 25 14 William Campbell, 45 15 Margaret Campbell, 3 16 Rebecca Campbell, 30 17 Jacob Campbell, 1 18 Edward Allen, 52 19 John Garabrant, 19 20 Thomas Marrian, 24 21 Susan McCardle, 24 22 William Ripple, infant 23 WiUiara McManis, 2 24 John McManis, 28 25 Patrick McGinnis, 81 26 Jane Keane, 6 27 EUza Bradley, 25 28 Hugh Rafferty, 66 29 John GiUespie, 30 Michael Carnton, 50 39 3 1 Peter Mellory, 31 32 Bridget Maloy, 13 33 Jacob S. Sera'idt, 49 34 Philip Riseley, 27 35 John McFey, 34 36 Thoraas Delangle, 27 37 Joseph Hickett, 38 Wm. Richardson, infant 50 39 Agnes Marsh, 46 40 John Jones, 31 41 Ellen Millhaw, 49 42 Rachel MiUer, 14 43 Betsy Jackson, 50 44 Frank Jackson, 51 45 Female, narae not furnished, 30 46 John Laird, 41 47 Sophia Wilden, 47 48 John Wilhelm, 29 Names. Age. 49 Jacobus Feltman, 50 Martin Vosger, 16 39 51 James McKivar, 13 52 Albert T. Drake, 37 53 James McCoy, 6 54 Nancy McGrotty, 33 55 Thomas Porter, 39 56 Henry Plates, 37 57 Margaret M'Grechan, 59 58 Hester Stubert, 13 59 James Orr, 60 H'y. Van Emburg, 28 31 61 Henry T. Cadmus, 43 62 Lucy Stott, 4 63 Sarah Robertson, 2 64 Alice Barrow, 30 65 Martha Metcalf, 66 Sara A. Kentworthy, — 67 Thomas Lee, 41 68 Sarah Kentworth, 37 69 Mary Gedney, 49 70 John Harrison, 58 71 Felix Smith, 70 72 Edward KeUy, 54 73 Catharine Gillen, 52 74 Catharine Mulholland, infant 75 Michael Carnton, 28 76 William Lodge, 45 77 Francis Haden, 3 78 Bernard Heney, 25 79 John Candell. 80 Patrick Canans, 32 6 81 Thomas Skelly, 23 82 Mary Franklin, I 83 Bridget McCann, 30 84 WiUiam Kerns, 2 85 Catharine Mackling, 32 86 Jaraes Norman, 6 87 Patrick Ryan, 39 88 John Vreeland, 50 89 Wm. H. Johnson, 42 90 Thomas Patterson, 39 91 Mrs. Lamb, 50 92 Mary Ann Scofield, 46 93 James Moss, 48 94 Samuel Harrison, 4 95 Benj. Schuyler, ^Vz 96 Betty Harrison, 12 213 97 Thomas Thompson, 3 104 Garret Garrabrant, — 98 Archibald Douglass, 2 105 William Kenneday, 45 99 Mary Palmer, 12 106 Mary Kenneday, 36 IOO WilUam Palmer, 6 107 WiUiam Mager, 19 101 Martha Doherty, 50 108 Ralph G Doremus, 40 102 John Post, 23 109 Edward Brandt, 24 103 Jane Cutley, 71 no Ephraira I. Stirason, 45 I do hereby certify the aboVe to be a true copy of the return of deaths for the Township of Paterson, together with the cause of deaths, from 30th day of May, 1849, to the loth day of September, 1849, (three months and eleven days,) and further, that no case of cholera has been re ported to me since the said loth day of September, 1849. JOHN K. FLOOD, Clerk Township of Paterson. Dated Paterson, Sept. 18, 1849. Extra papers in envelopes, contg-ining the above table, may be had at this office, and at the office of the Town Clerk. DEATHS IN MANCHESTER. We are indebted to 'Benj. Geroe, Esq., Clerk of Manchester, for the annexed report of the deaths in that Township, from the 30th day of May last up to the loth instant. The whole nuraber of deaths, during that time, was 38, of which 16 were from cholera. The names of those who died from the latter disease will be found below. The diseases were — Consumption, 3 Dysentery, 9 Infiammation of Lungs, I Disease of the Womb, I Diarrhoea, 3 Croup, I Cholera Infantum, 3 Cholera, 16 Rheumatism, 1 38 The foUowing is a list of persons who died of cholera, in Manchester, from the 30th May to the loth September instant :— Names. Age. Names. Age. Samuel Bannar, 63 Cornelia Stagg. 35 ohn Berry, vodiwick Bamper, 45 Sarah Jane McCall. 32 67 Richard Dykman, 32 John Messenger, 45 Samuel Conover, 29 Garret H. Deraarest, 46 Catherine Weymer, 42 Kesiah Deraarest, 78 Harman Baker, 45 Abrahara Van Voorhis, 55 George Weymer, 47 Kesiah Van Voorhis, 39 Sarah Eskie, 32 Paterson Intelligencer, September 26, 1849 : MORTALITY IN PATERSON. We are indebted to Dr. E. J. Marsh for the following interesting table of the deaths in this town, during the year ending on the 7th June last. The table IS made up from the register kept by the Town Clerk for the purpose, and presents a pretty correct statement of the mortality in Paterson dur ing the year : — REPORT. Of Deaths in the Town of Paterson, from' June 7, 1848, to June 7, 1849, taken from the Register of Deaths, kept by the Town Clerk. 214 Abortion, I Inflammation, 2 Accidental, 6 " of Bowels, 8 Apoplexy, 5 " of Brain, 3 Asthma, I of chest. 1 Burns, 6 of Heart, 1 Child Birth, 1 " of Lungs, 15 Cancer, 2 " of Pleura, I Cholera, 4 " of Pericardium, I Cholera Infantum, 25 • " of Stomach, I Congestion of Brain, 3 Influenza, 1 " of Lungs, 2 Intemperance, 4 Consumption, 55 Liver Complaint 2 Convulsions, 15 Marasmus, 6 Croup, 16 Meazles, 17 DebiUty, 6 Malignant Sore Throat, 1 Diarrhoea, chronic. 2 Neglect, 1 Disease of Uterus, 1 Old Age, 7 Dropsy, 5 Palsey, I of Brain, 7 Rheumatism, I of Chest, 2 Scarlet Fever, 2 Drowned, 3 SmaU Pox, 3 Dysentery, 35 Scrofula, I Dyspepsia, I Spinal Disease, I Erysipelas, 7 Stm Born, 5 Pever, 7 Teething, 2 " Intermittent, 4 Whooping Cough, 1 " Congestive, " Typhus, (ship) 2 Unknown, 29 2 " Puerperal, I 350 Heart, diseases of. Males 6 186 Females, 158 Unknown, 6 Under i year of age. 66 From I to 2 inclusive. 83 2 to 5 27 5 to 10 17 " IO to 20 14 20 to 30 41 " 30 to 40 24 40 to 50 29 " 50 to 60 14 " 60 to 70 10 70 to 80 7 80 to 90 4 Unknown, 12 In June, 35 deaths. 350 " July, 40 " August, 49 " September, 46 ¦ " October, 36 " November, 28 " December, 17 '• January, 28 •' Febrnary, 17 " March, 18 " April, 19 " May, 17 350- 215 Natives of the United States, 226 ; Ireland, 64 ; England, 25 ; Scotland, II ; Germany, 7 ; Canada, 2 ; France, 2 ; unknown, 13. Total, 350 A CASE OF CHOLERA. As the proper treatment of cholera will never be ascertained, until men of science carefully compare the treatment of particular cases with the results of the treatment ; and as every lover of humanity ought to con tribute what in him lies, to ascertain the proper mode of treating this dangerous disease, we have thought it our duty to give to the public the treatment of a case, which occurred in this town on the twentieth of August last. The treatment is given as presented in the attending physi cian's bill for services rendered, which is — so far as we are enabled to translate — as follows : — August the 20, for in the night one visite with enquiring 4s. .50 for the reception in my Hous with Physician tenting in his sicknis of the cholera $3 00 3.00 for one pound thee medical to drink $1 00 i 00 for the Decoctions this thee trought the night all 46 minats one thee kops with 10 trops aether Sulphurius and 5 trops lauda num Liquidum Sydenhami 68 for eight oz : Medicine (Zufur : fb Minth : pip : and meliss : with the additions from aether Sulphuricus 3 * Camph : gr : * * g. arabium * *Mosch : opt. * * and Syrup emulsions * * $1 50 i 50 for the forst warm bath medical * * Minth : * * Meliss : flor : chamon : german * in all 6 lb. from the hbs in the mittlen night $1 50 I 50 for the defilements throught to******* the beds, bed linnen, bed covers, two wollen covers, sopha, and for the use * * * * and the expenses for the purifications — m all $8 00 8 00 for second warm medical bath in the night two o'clock of the morn ing $1 50 with the expenses 21. for my wery hebi selv assistance in the holl night $3 00 for six canthles for the night is. for his friends in the uight a two & three glasses pitter liquores a 3 cts. in all 14 glasses Composition $21 22 We have placed stars where untranslateable words, or figures occurred. The other parts of the bill are verbatim et literatim, as nearly as possible. The public have an interest in knowing the method of scientific practi tioners ; and we presume the physician who presented the above bill may be ranked as such, inasmuch as he has been licensed by the New-Jersey State Medical Society. We commend the intelligence displayed both in the treatment and in the bill, to the attentive consideration of those who licensed him. P. S. It is proper to add, that the patient was taken about six o'clock at night, and died before seven the next morning. 1 50 3 00 12 42 APPENDIX E. AN ACT regulating the election of township officers and appropriations of raoney in the townships of Manchester, Paterson, and Aquackanonk, in the county of Passaic. 2l6 Be it enacted by the Council and General Assembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That from and after the passage of this act, the several township officers enumerated in the twelfth section of the act entitled, "An act incorporating the inhabitants of town ships, designating their powers, and regulating their meetings," passed the twenty-first of February, seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, shall be elected, and all appropriations of money which may be authorized by law shall be made, by a plurality of votes, by ballot, in any town meeting held in the townships of Manchester, Paterson, and Aquackanonk, in the county of Passaic, and not otherwise, anything in the before recited act, or in a further supplement to said act, passed the twenty-fifth day of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, to the contrary notwithstanding. Passed February 24, 1838. (Pamphlet Laws, 1837-S, p. 150.) APPENDIX F. AN ACT to provide for the assessment and collection of taxes in the town ship of Paterson, in the county of Passaic. Sec. I. Be it enacted by the Council and General Assembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That it shall be the duty of the assessors of the several townships in the county of Pas saic, to take an account of the ratable property in the said several town ships, between the twentieth day of April and the twentieth day of June, in each year hereafter. Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That the said assessors shall meet annually on the second Monday in July, at the court house in the said county, and perform the duties required to be done in and by the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth sections of the act entitled An Act concerning taxes, passed the tenth of June, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine. Sec 3. And be it enacted. That the commissioners of appeal in cases of taxation, in and for the township of Paterson, in the county of Passaic, shall convene annually, on the second Tuesday in September, for the pur pose of discharging the duties of their office, instead of the second Tues day of November as heretofore. Sec. 4. And be it enacted. That the collector or collectors of the town ship of Paterson shall annually give the notice and perform the duties re quired by the tenth section of the "Act concerning taxes," on the first day of August instead of the first day of October, as heretofore. Sec. 5. Acd be it enacted, That the coUector or collectors of the township of Paterson, in the county of Passaic, within thirty days after the receipt of the transcript or duphcate of the assessment of taxes for the tov^nship of Paterson, shall demand payment of the tax or sum assessed on each indi vidual in said township, in person, or by notice left at his or her place of residence, and also, give notice of the time and place of the meeting of the commissioners of appeal, and the said collector or collectors, shaU pay the taxes by him or them collected, and the fines and forfeitures by him oi them received by virtue of any law of this state, to the county coUector of the county, by the twenty-second day of October, in every year. 217 Sec. 6. And be it enacted. That in case of the non-payment of taxes at the time appointed, the township collector or collectors of the township of Paterson shaU make out a Ust of the delinquents with the sums due from them respectively thereto annexed, and deliver the same to some justice of the peace of the county, on the twentieth day of October, in every year, except when the said day shall happen on a Sunday, and then on the next day following ; whereupon it shall be the duty of said justice to perform the duties required of him by the thirteenth section of the "Act concerning taxes." Sec. 7. And be it enacted. That all the provisions of the act entitled, "An Act ascertaining the duties of commissioners of appeal m cases of taxation," passed the fourth day of November, seventeen hundred and ninety-seven ; and of the act entitled "An Act concerning taxes," passed the tenth day of June, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, and the several supplements thereto, shall remain in full force and effect in the county of Passaic and in the township of Paterson, except so far as they are incon sistent with the provisions of this act. Sec. 8. And be it enacted. That this act shall go into operation upon the passage thereof. Passed March 10, 1842. (Pamphlet Laws, 1841-2, pp.|i4o-i4i.) APPENDIX G. AN ACT to provide for the appointment of street commissioners in the township of Paterson. Sec.' 1. Be IT enacted by the Council and General Assembly of this State, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That it shall and may be lawful for the persons qualified to vote at town meetings in the township of Paterson, in the county of Passaic, in this State, at the next and every subsequent town meeting in said township, to elect for said township, by a plurality of votes, five street commissioners, who shall be freeholders and residents in said township, whose duty it shall be to make, establish, and enforce all such rules, ordinances, and regulat ons as they, or a majority of them, shall think proper and necessary for prevent ing the encumbering or obstructing the streets and sidewalks within the limits of " the Paterson Fire Association," in the said township ; for pre venting or regulating the running at large of dogs and swine therein ; for abating or removing any nuisance in any of the said streets, or upon any lot or enclosure within the limits aforesaid ; for regulating the vending of meats and vegetables, and for such other purposes as the comfort and con venience ofthe citizens and travellers upon said streets may require ; and to enforce the observance of such rules, ordinances, and regidations, by uniform penalties for the violation thereof, by fines, not exceeding twenty- five dollars, or by imprisonment, not exceeding twenty days, for every repetition of the offence ; which fines mav be recovered, with costs of suit, in an action of debt, in the corporate name of said township, for the use of the township, before any justice of the peace within said county ; in which action the first process shall be by summons, and in which it shaU be law- 2l8 ful to declare generally in debt for such penalty, and to give the special raatter in evidence: and further, that it shaU be lawful for such justice before whora judgment of imprisonment shall be given to carry such judg ment into efEect by warrant of commitment, under his hand and seal. directed to the keeper of the common jaU of the county, which is in said township, who shaU receive and keep the prisoner at the expense of said township ; Provided always, that each and ' every rule, ordinance, and regulation, so made and established as aforesaid, shaU be published for the space of one week in printed handbiUs, set up in public places in and about said township, and in the newspapers published therein, before the sarae shall go into efEect ; and provided also, that no rule, ordinance, or regulation shall be made which wiU prevent farmers' wagons or other vehicles from the country, with wood or the produce of their farms, from stopping with the same along the sides of said streets, except upon the established crossings thereof. Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That upon the trial of any issue, or upon the judicial investigation of any fact, under this act, no person shaU be deemed an incorapetent witness or juror by reason of his or her being an inhabitant within the said township ; and it shaU be lawful for the defendant or defendants, in any suit instituted under this act, to plead the general issue, and to give any special matter in evidence at the trial. Sec. 3. And be it enacted. That this act shall go into operation on the second Monday in AprU next, provided a majority of the legal voters, at the town meeting to be held on that day in the said township of Paterson, shall signify their approval thereof by placing upontheir baUots containing the names of the street commissioners for whom they shall vote, the words, ' ' In favor of street commissioners " and if it shall appear that less than a majority of said voters shaU have expressed their approval of this act in manner aforesaid, then the same shaU be null and void. Passed March 8, 1844. (Pamphlet Laws, 1843-4, pp. 205-206.) APPENDIX H. AN ACT respecting highways in the township of Paterson, in the county of Passaic. It being represented to the legislature, by the petition of inhabitants of Paterson, that public convenience requires an alteration of the laws respecting roads, as applicable to that township, and it appearing just and proper that their request in that matter should be granted — therefore, 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the township committee of the township of Paterson, in the county of Passaic, shall be vested with and exercise, in their corporate narae, all the powers, rights, privileges, and duties that the overseers of the highways in said township are now capable of exercising and performing; and shall have authority to regulate the streets and sidewalks, and to make and to enforce, by penalties, all ordinances, necessary for the purposes aforesaid ; and the members thereof shall be subject to the penalties,. existing against overseers for neglect of duties. 219 2. And be it enacted. That hereafter the inhabitants of said township shall not elect overseers of the highways in said township. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shaU go into operation on the day of the next annual town meeting in the said township. Approved January 29, 1846. (Pamphlet Laws, 1846, p. 3.) A supplement to "An act respecting highways in the township of Pater son, in the county of Passaic," approved January twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and forty six. It being represented that the powers conferred upon the township coramit tee of the township of Paterson, by the act to which this is a supplement, are not sufficient to enable them properly to establish such regulations as public convenience and the safety of travellers require — therefore, I. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the township comraittee of the township of Paterson raay make and establish such rules, ordinances, and regulations as they, or a majority of them, shall deterraine to be necessary for preventing the encurabering or obstructing the streets and side-walks ; for preventing or regulating the running at large of dogs and swine; for preventing or regu lating immoderate riding and driving through or in any of the streets ; for preventing or restraining disturbances or disorderly assem.blages, at night, m any street or streets; for abating or removing any public nuisance in or upon any of the streets ; for regulating the vending of meats, fish, and vegetables; for grading, gravelling, or paving any streets or side-walks, at the expense of the individual owners of the lots fronting on the same, and for such other purposes as the comfort, health, security, and con venience of the citizens and public may require, and to enforce the observance thereof, by penalties, not exceeding twenty-five dollars each, and by imprisonment, not exceeding twenty days, for a wanton repetition of the offence, after the imposition and enforcement of a fine ; the expenses of paving and the fines may be recovered, with costs of suit, m an action of debt, in the corporate name of the town ship, before any justice of the peace within the county ; the state of de mand may be generally for a penalty, and the special matters raay be given in evidence, and the inhabitants of the township shall be corapetent jurors and witnesses ; and a justice of the peace, before whom judgment of imprisonment shall be given, may carry the same into effect by warrant of comraitment, under his hand and seal, directed to the keeper of the jail of the county, who shall receive and keep the defendant at the expense of the township ; provided however, that no ordinance shall be raade and enforced which will prevent the wagons of farmers, and other vehicles from the country, with wood or the products of their farms, from stopping for the sale thereof, along the sides of the streets, under necessary and uniform regulations 2. And be it enacted. That this act. shaU go into operation immediately after the passage thereof. Approved February 8, 1847. (Pamphlet Laws, 1849, PP- 35-36 ) APPENDIX I. AN ACT to authorize the township committee of the township of Paterson to appoint a collector of taxes for said township. WHEREAS it is represented to the legislature that great difficulty exists in relation to the coUection of taxes in the township of Paterson, in the county of Passaic, and that no adequate power exists in law to remedy the evil — therefore, I. Be IT enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That it shall be lawful for the township committee of the town- s¥ipof Paterson, at any time before the twentieth day of October, in each and every year, to appoint some capable and proper person, residing in the county of Passaic, to be and to be called the collector of taxes of said township, to whora all warrants that may and shall be issued by any justice of the peace in said county, by virtue of the seventh section of "An act to pro vide for the assessraent and coUection of taxes in the township of Paterson, in the county of Passaic," passed the tenth of March, eighteen hundred and forty-two, and the seventeenth section of "An act concerning taxes," passed the tenth of June, seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, for the pur pose of enforcing the payment of any taxes, or arrearages thereof, in said township, shall be delivered by every justice, to the said collector of taxes, and no other person or persons, shall serve or execute every such warrant, except as is hereinafter provided. 2. And be it enacted. That the said collector of taxes shall be entitled tb and allowed the same fees for services, under and by virtue of any such warrant, as are allowed to the constable for such services by the act entitled, "An act concerning taxes," aforesaid, and the supplements thereto, and shall also be subject to all the penalties and liabilities for neglect or non-performance of duties ; shall have all the powers and privileges, and shall perform all the duties, that, by the said act concern ing taxes, and the supplements thereto, are named, imposed upon, and granted to any constable to whom a warrant as aforesaid shall be directed and delivered bv any such justice of the peace. 3. And be it enacted. That every such collector of taxes, appointed as aforesaid, shall, before he enters upon the performance of the duties of his said office, and within seven days after he shall receive notice of his ap point nent by the said township coramittee, enter into bond to the inhabit ants of the township of Paterson, in the county of Passaic, with two or more sureties, good and sufficient freeholders in said county,' in such sum as the said township comraittee shall narae, not less than the whole araount of taxes returned by the township collectors to the justice or justices, conditioned that the said collectorof taxes shall and will well and faithfully discharge and perform all the duties imposed upon him by this act ; which bond, when forfeited for neglect of any duty so as aforesaid inposed upon such collector of taxes, may be prosecuted for the use and benefit of said township ; and all such actions and suits to be biought and prosecuted on any such bond shall and may be brought in the supreme court of this state, or in the circuit court or inferior court of common pleas of said county of Passaic ; and in every action upon any such bond the plaintiffs may assign as many breaches as theylshaU think fit, and the jury, upon trial of such action, shall assess damages for such of the said breaches as the plaintiffs shall prove to have been broken ; and, on verdict therefor, the like judgment shall be entered as hath heretofore been usually entered in like actions ; provided, that in any action or suit that may be commenced and prosecuted on any such bond, no challenge to the court shall be made or allowed by reason of the liability of any member or members thereof to assessment or taxation in said township, or county, or state ; and provided further, that the inhabitants of the said county shall and may'be competent jurors and witnesses therein. 4. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty of every justice of the peace in said county, to whom any list of delinquents shall be delivered by any township collector of said township, according to the requirements of the sixth section of "An act to provide for the assessment and collection of taxes in the township of Paterson, in the county of Passaic,'' to give notice thereof to the township committee of said township, within two days after such list shall have been delivered to him ; and if the said committee shall faU or neglect, for two days after such notice, to inform every such justice of the appointment of a collector of taxes as aforesaid by them, specifying the name and residence of such collector of taxes, then it shall and may be lawful for every such justice to make out and deliver to some constable or constables of the said county, a warrant or warrants, according to the directions and provisions of "An act concerning taxes " aforesaid ; but if the said committee shaU, within two days, as aforesaid, notify every such justice of such appointment of a collector of taxes, in manner as herein before provided, then every such justice shall deliver the said warrant or warrants to such collector of taxes. 5. And be it enacted. That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved March i, 1849. (Pamphlet Laws, 1849, pp. 270-272.) APPENDIX J. AN ACT respecting Dublin Spring brook, in the township of Paterson, in the county of Passaic. WHEREAS it being represented thqt the DubUn Spring brook, in the town of Paterson, requires to be widened and deepened ; that it over flows its banks and fills the ceUars adjacent to said brook with water, and renders a part of said town unhealthy, and that there is no law to regulate the same — therefore, 1. Be IT enacted, by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That the township committee of the township ot Paterson ' may make and estabUsh such rules, ordinances, and regulations, as they, or a majority of them, shall determine to be necessary to deepen, widen, and cleanse the said brook, and to remove and prevent nuisances therein, - and to wall the sides thereof, if necessary, from the north side of Oliver street to the place of its discharge in the Passaic river, at the expense of the owners of lands to be benefited by such improveraent ; and that the expense of improving, as aforesaid, that portion of said brook runnin:,- through John-street, in said town, shall be equally borne by the inhabitants of said township and the owners of lots fronting on said street, who are to be benefited by said improvement ; provided, that the walls hereby authorized to be built, shall not be raised higher than the established grade of the street through which the said brook runs ; and said commit tee may enforce the observance of said rules, ordinances, and regulations by penalties, not exceeding twenty-five dollars each, for the use of said town ship, and imprisonment, not exceeding twenty days, for a wanton repetition of the offence, after the imposition and enforcement of a fine ; the expenses of making such alterations and the fines may be recovered, with costs of suit, in an action of debt, in the corporate name of the township, before any justiceof the peace within the county; the state of demand may be generally for a penalty, and the special matters may be given in evidence ; and the inhabitants of the township shall be competent jurors and wit nesses, and a justice of the peace, before whom judgment of imprison ment shall be given, may carry the same into effect, by warrant of com- raitraent under his hand and seal, directed to the keeper of the jail of the county, who shall receive and keep the defendant at the expense of the township. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect immediately. Approved February 21, 1850. (Pamphlet Laws, 1850, pp 116-117.) APPENDIX K. AN ACT to provide for the appointment of a public weigher in the town ship of Paterson. I. Be IT enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That it shall be lawful for the township committee of the township of Paterson, to appoint some fit person, to be called the public weigher, who is hereby authorized and required to weigh aU coal that shall be sold by weight in the said town. 2. And be it enacted. That the said township committee may erect, at some suitable and convenient place in Paterson, a public scales, to be used by the public weigher in discharging his duties under this act, and also in weighing any other articles or things for any person who may de'sire to have the same weighed, at proper and seasonable hours, the owner thereof paying to the said public weigher such fees as may be prescribed by the said township committee. 3. And be it enacted. That the said pubUc weigher, before he shall enter upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, that he wiU faithfuUy, honestly, and impartially perform the duties imposed upon him by this act ; and after filing the said oath or affirmation with the town clerk, he shall keep, in books to be provided by the town committee for that purpose, a record of the weight of each load of coal brought to the scales, the name of the person bringing it to the scales, the names of the buyer and seller thereof, the name of the person to whom the same is to be delivered, and the year, month, and day when the same was weighed by him, and subscribe his name to every such entry, and shaU deliver a 223 copy thereof to the person bringing coal or other articles to said scales to be weighed. 4. And be it enacted. That the said public weigher shall be entitled to demand and receive, for weighing coal and other articles, such fees as the said town comraittee shall fix and prescribe, which fees shall be paid one half by the buyer, and the other half by the seller ; but the eraployer shall be liable for the payment thereof in the first instance. 5. And be it enacted. That whenever the purchaser of coal in said town shall, in writing, waive the weighing of any such coal by him pur chased, it shall not be necessary for such purchaser, or the seller thereof, to have the same weighed, as is herein provided. 5. And be it enacted. That if any weigher, appointed under this act, shall neglect to attend to the duties of his office, or shall ask, demand, or receive any greater compensation for his services than shall be pre' scribed by the town committee of the township of Paterson, he shall forfeit and pay, for every offence, the sum of twenty-five dollars, to be recovered, with costs of suit, by any person who will sue for the same. 7. And be it enacted. That this act shall take effect iramediately. Approved March 18, 1851. (Pamphlet Laws, 1851, pp. 385-386.) INDEX. Acker, Mrs., 59. Ackerman, , bill of. 71. C, 172. 'William I., *4. Ackerman & Gurnee, 193. Ackerson, Comelius, 123, 126. Acquackanonk, Acquackenonk, Aquch onach boundary line, 4. Township of, 1, 2, 34. 70, 94, 111. Act concernmg dogs, 103, 164. Act incorporating township of Paterson. 1,3. Act incorporating the City of Paterson 191, 193. Acts respecting highways in the township of Paterson, 130, 159, 160, 161, 162, i06. Aet respecting public schools. 203, 204. Adams, Thomas, 118, 120, 143, 150. 173, 175, 205, 312. Adams' cotton mill, 199. Agnew, Jaraes, 130. Patrick, 84, 90, 97, 99, 104, 116, 120, 143, 160. Aikins, Eobert, 116, 120, 127, 150. Allen. D. K., »4, 194. Edward, 212. John, 187, 188, 197. S epheii, 87, 139, 140. Andrew, James, 159. Angus & Collier, 142. Annual Town Meetings, 8, 10, 17, 37, 30, 85, 36, 44, 50, 62, 85, 91, 99, 106, 117, 123, 127, 133, 145, 151, 180. Archdeacon, Peter, 8, 4, 10, 11, 12, 17. 18, 21, 37, 31. 36, 37, 38, 89, 40, 41, 42, 48, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 63, 64, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 01, 92, 98, 94, 95, 96, 97. 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107, 108, 115, 116, 119, 121, 120, 138, 129, 1.34, 142, 153, 181, 183. Armstrong. T. A., 52, .54, 60. Armstrong's Congress Hall, 62. Arthur, Arther, John 41, 48, 65, 70 73, 74, 78, 79. Attorney-General of New Jersey, 166. Attorney, Township, .52, 55, 64, 70, 87, 88, 94, 102, 108, 134, 130, 180 14K, 166, 108. Avison, E., 160. John, 37. 4.5, 51, 86, 90. 92, 96, 97, iro, 105, 109, 115, 1211, 146. 148, 150, 168, 154, 166, 173, 177, 185, 187, 189. 190, 198, 195. Baker, Harman, 213. Bamper, Lodiwick, 213. Banigan, Joseph C, 13J, 146. 148, 149,151, 1.59. Bannar, Samuel. 313. Barber, Francis, 107. Barkalow, Daniel, 64, 73, 78, 76, 80, 85, 87, 90, 94, 95, 98, 100, 102, 105, 143. Barrow, Alice, 212. Bates, John G., 63, 79, 80, 81, 90, 91, 97, 99, 104, 116. Bates & Bradwell, 83. Baxter, "William, 90. Beam, David B., 152, 154, 169. Beam & Taylor, 149, 175. Beardsley, John, 101. Beatty, George, 150. Beaver MiU. 4. Beggs, Thomas, 107, 118. Bell, Mrs., 105. Belleville, 103. Ben-on, John, 146, 148, 151, 179. Bentley, James, 87. John, 105. Berdan, David, 37, 51. John R., 133, 120, 127, 131, 181, 193, 195 JohnE.. Jr., 182. 190. Mrs.. 126. 180. Stephen. 141. 144, 195. Bergen Couniy, 27. Berry, John, 73. 318. Beyea, John, 147, 148, 153. Bibby. E. B., 100. Biles, Samuel A., 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. Binnse Donation, 51, 58, CO, 02, 80, 87, 88 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 90, 97, 98, 100, 101, 103, 108, 104, 105, 121. Blake, James, 121. Blauvelt, Cornelius C. 31, 37, 43. 175, 194. Blauvelt & Mandeville, 01, 84. Bloom. ngdale, 79, 310. Blundel, John, 188 Board o( Health, 18, 14, 15, 210. Bocht, Bend, 200 Bogert, C.)rnelius A., 130, 142, 161, 177. Bonds recorded in Town book, 6, 52, 58, 55, 50, 57. 05, 00, 67, 68, 109, 110, 111, 112, 118, 181, 182, 183 Boudinot sireet, 62. 04, 05, 208. Bowman, Henry, 10, 16. Bradley, Eliza. 212. Mrs.. 180. Brady, Hugh, 40. 47, 48, 49, 50. Brands, David I., 50, 84. Brandt, Edward, 213 Bridgestreet. 12, 49, 115, lfl'>. B.oadway, 3, 4, 19, 49 77, 109, lr,8, 106, 169, 170. Bro-idwell, Sherman, 61, 63, 04, 65, 70,71, 72, 73, 74. 70, 78, 79, BO, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 92, 97. 101, 104. 226 Brooks, , 59. Brower, Christopher, 84. 89. 90. N . 40, 42, 43, 57, 59, 61, 02, 89, 101, 193, 195, 196. Nehemiah, 177. Peter, 3, 6. 11, 12, 34. Eichard, 118, 120, 121, 123, 136, 139, 180. William, 6. Brown family, 26. Brown. John. 8, 11. 15, 16, 18, 37, 38, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35 60, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 98. 96, 98, 100, 101, 100, 129, 134, 170. John J. ,92, 100, 122, 146. John P.. 45 52, 53, 68, 92, 107, 112, 113, 118, 139. J. & P., 84, 90, 91. Peter J., 118. 132, IA ISft, 17S, 177. Simeon, 3. Thomas, 212. William, 46, 47, 48, 49, 60. Brown & Van Emburg, 185, 150. Buckley, Benjamin, 147, 181. Bunn, Amos, 143. Burhans, J. H., 195. Burlington, 170. Burlington County, 170. Burnett, David, 10, 16, 28, 51, 52, 53, 54. 55, 58, 59, 90, 92, 97, 100, 104, 110, 111, 118, 1 6, 120, 133, 139, 131, 134, 143, 147, 160, 154, 155, 178, 183. Burnett & Pollard, 62, 84. Burnett & Russell, 126. Burns, Ann, 40. Betsey, 40. Burr, Dr. Lemuel. 20, 51. Dr. Platt, 20. Cadmus, Henry T., 212. Caims, HannaJi, 120. CaldweU T.jwnship, 26. Callaghan, John, 175, 199. Calvin. J. F., 195. CampbeU, Jacob, 312. Margaret, 212. Rachel, 120. 125, 130. Rebecca, 312. Robert, 37. ¦VVUlia'n, 313. Canans, Patrick. 213. CandeU, John. 31',i. Cane, Mary Ann, 190. Canfleld, b. L., 148. Silas D., 36, .37. 107, 117, 123, 126, 134, 136, 143, 1«8, 184, 185, 196. Carnton, Michael, 312. Catlin, Jacob, '7. Cedar stre. t, 162. Center Mai ket, 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 19, 37, 28,80, 84, 85, .86. Chadwick, John, 89, 97, 104, 116, 121, 136, 130, 14.8, 149. 172, 176, 202. Chis veil, Richard B, 180, 184, 194, 197. Ch sw U,Rolii-rt, 138. Chi.lera epidemic, 13, 13, 14, 165, 305, 211. Christie. Jacob J.. 38, 4S, 66. Clark, Edward, 169. Elish.i B., 18, 20. 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28. 29. 30, .34. 35, 200. E. & a, 10, 84, 104, 175.. John, Jun.. 27. WiUiam, 212. Wi lam L , 51, 62, 64, 58, 59, 60. Close, Catharine, 212. Henry. 97, 104, 147, 148. 149,, 161, 152, 166, 156, 1.57, 1.59, 165, 189,, 1.70. i7l, 172, 174, 176,. 177 178, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 190, 193, 194. 196, 196, 197, 198. James, 3, 27, 29, 42, 46 51, 58, 85, 92, 101, 111, 1.87. Close & Mclntyre, 104. Cobb, William A , 85, 91, 92. I'oUector's report, 9. Collet. Susan Laura. 170. CoUer, Abraham, 150. Colt, John, 13, 13, 14, 00; 61. R. L , 16J.V 167. Colt's roUing miU, 199. Cbmptett, Htobert, 88'. Conley, Michiel, 10. congress Hall, 11, 13; 51, 63, 92, 101, 108. street, 159, 165, 167, 184, 186, 210. CbflMin, Bridget, VSQ'. CbnnoF, , 108. 'WUliam, 103, 10*, W5. ¦Wffliaiml., 116, 119., laSi 126, 195-. •WiUiam J., 114, l'v'4, 125, 136, 130, 131, 132, 141, 142, 148) ISBi, 172. Conover, Samuel, 313. Cook, Watts, 188. Coulter, Robert. 140, 141, 143, 144, 148, 149. 166, 171, 175, 176, 184s 185, 190, 19S-. 19«, 195, 196. County Bridge, 89. Countv Clerk, 98, 109, 114, 135. County Clerk's offlce, 165, 166, 170. County Collector, 197. Court House, 64, 85 86, 91, 94, 105, 118, 122, 134, 127, 129, 133, 134.. 145, 148,. 147, 151, 1.52, 163, 167, 158, 174, 180,, ISl, 186, 1«7. 189-, 191. Court of E'rrors and" Appeals, 170. Craig, William I., 4. Craig's " Temperance Hotel," 4. Cranei Beniamin 62, 9!:, 99; 115. crane & Garrison, Iffi, 150; 173, ITSi 175, 177, 194. Craun, Crawn, Krawn, John Jacob, 140; 141, 143. Creamer, Robert T., 181. Crismond. Josiah M., m, 11, 12,13, 14, 1.5, 16, 17, 24, 30, 31, .34, 36, 51, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 00, 03. Conrow, Barb ' ra, 212. Cross street, 109 188. 210- Cross St. M. B. Church, Trastees of, 180. Crossett, "WiUiam, 03, 64, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 83, 84, 118, 133, 136, 140, 141,142, 143,144. 146. CundeU, "WilUam, 7.3. Cunningham, Robert, 45, 47, 107. Cutley, Jane, 213. D Danforth & Co., Chas., 193, 194. DarkBrooli,49Day. Davi I H., 61. 56, 67, 69, 62. William, 27, 28. Day & "Warren, 16, 62. 91, 96, 106, 121. Dean, Andrew, 60, Decker, Henry, 6, 7, 11, 15. 17, 26, 31, 3^ 41, 42, 43, 48. 227 Delange, Thomas, 21^. Delhagen, Mi's., 59, Demm-est, Garret H., 213. Kesiah, 218. Derrom, Andrew, 161, 181. Kewey, William, f., 3, 6, 7, 9i 11, 20; »1, 38, 24,25. Dewitt, Moses E., 10, 18, 31, 84, 36, 87, 88, 39, 42, 43, 44, 63, 100. Dickerson, Mary. 40. Judge Philemon, 4 Dickey, WilUam, 31, 46, 51,. 57, 58, 100,185. DimicV, D, 59 Division street, 77. Dogs, an aot concerning, 168, 104. Doherty, Martha. 213. Don'ttvaOr Mrs., 59 Doreaius, David H., 193. Henry, 187, 188. R , 196. Ralph G.. 213. Dougherty, Hugh, 8. Mathew, 88, 39. Douglass, Archibild, 213. Jacob, 66. Drake, Albert T., 312. Dunn William, 11.3. Dykman, Richard, 213. E Eakins, Robert, 172, 177, 198. Kar marks of cattle, 199. East Eighteenth s reef, 200: Edwards, John, 87, 88, .39, 40; 4S; 48; «, 91. Ellison street, 171. English, Charles, 100. Charles, .1^,86. Ensign, Samuel, 116. Samuel C, 104. Eskie, Sarah, 213. Essex County, 1, 2, 6, 6, 7, H, 29, 33, 303. 204. , , , , , Estrays, 199, 303r. Everson, Uriah, 75, 76, 79, 81, 83, 84, 88. Eveson, A., 88. Fair street, 87. Faircloagk, Da-vidv 26. Falls bridge, 1. Fanning, James, 63. Fasting, Day ot, 207", 308 Fayerw^athe.'^, John S., 107, 11.8, 123. 138, 134, 147. Feltman, Jacobus, 312: Ferguson, A. P., 143; Field, Richard S., 166. Finegan, Frances, 3, .5, 6. First Dutch Church of Totowa, 188, Trustees of, 186 First street. 161. FlaveU, "Wright, 68, 107, 110, 116, 118, 130, 146, 148, 152, 155, 180, 181, 183 193, 197. Flood. John K. , 18, 19, 20, 21, 33, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 81. 37, 89, 46, 49-, 52. 53, 62, 03, 68; 89, 107, 108, 109. 113- 114-, 11.5, 117, 119, 138; 131, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129-, 130, 141, 1.51, 168, 178; 181, 1.82,. 1.38, 134, 136, 1.86; 1.37, 143, 14S, M8,, 147, 148, 149, ISO, 133, 154, 155, 167, 168, 160, 182, 165. 166, 187, 188, 189, FTO, 171, 174, 175, 195, 212, 213. Flynn. John, 186. Force, David, 73. Forbes, Thomas, 86, 132, 124, 1S6: Franklin, Mary, 213. Franklin House, 4, 46, 89, 174, 170, 177, 183, 184, 188. Franklin Towrship, 143. Fredericks, CorneUus, 162, 154, 156, 175, 176. Fredericks, "W. H., 142. Freeland, Ann. 40. Hannah, 60 Freeman, Uzal W., 17, 18. Frelinghuysen, , 170, 142 162 104 173, Q Gallagher, Galicher, Andrew, 3, 8, 24i Francis, 186. Patrick, 193. Garbrecht, H. L., llSi Garrabcamt, Garreti, 213. Jo n, 212. Garret Mountain, 16. Garrison, Abraham, 146, 147, 148. C, 172. Cornelius G., 3, 8, 8; 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 35,, 26, 27, 31, 87, 56, 57, 61, 82, 84, 89, 97, 104, 116, 120, 142, 106, 173, 176, 196. Halmagh, 173. Henry G., 172. John, 130. Garason tract, 1. Garside, John, 145, 175, 195. Garvin, John, 128, 143, 151, 177. Gathrop. . 98. Gedney. Mary, 212. Geroe, Benj ,mm 213. Getty, William, 96. Giddons, Eobert L , 107. Gillen, Catharine. 213. Qil1e->pie, John. 212. Givens. John, 3. GledhiU, Joseph, 61, 52, 54, 68, 59, 17W. William, 147, 148, 151. Glover, Job, 143, 160, 176, 194. Godwin, Gen. A., 99. Abraham, Jun., 6. Caleb M., 10, 11, 03, 04. Godwin street, 77. Goetchius, Goetchies, Jacob, OS, 64, 70, 73, 74, 76, 78; 79, 80; 81, 82, 84, 87, 90. 102, 103,, 118, 123, 188, 134, 147. Gordon, James, 42, 46; 64, 63, 65, 66, 80. 85, 88. 92, lOOj 101, 104, 106, 107, 108, 112, 118;. 130,, 123, 128, 129, 131, 184, 1.39, 143. 146, 148, 153, 169, 181, 188. Gothrop, Mr. , 84. Gould, , 41, 75. Gould, Hiram, 104, 118, 121, 137, 136 173 178 Moses E., 26, 40, 02. 81. 11, 1.-.7, 228 Thomas, 130. Governor of N. J., proclamation by, 307. Graham, Archibald, 87, 93. 95, 101, 102, 105, 107, 110, 111, 114, 116, 118, 120, 123, 120, 105. Archibald, Jun., 100. Graham avenue, 77. Great Notch, '3. Gree)ey. Horace, 211. Green, Chief Justice. 170. Gresswill, Richiird. 9.) Griffith, Andrew, 92, 95 100, 149. Guardian, Paterson, i89. Gurnee, Jarvis, 00, 86, 87, 88, 93, 99, 100, 101. H Hackensack and Paterson Turnpike bridge, 1. Haden, Francis, 212. Haggerty, Bunnel M., 3, 6, 0, 7, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17. 18, 30, 31, 33, 24, 25, 26. Haggerty & Riley, B. M., 17. Haines, Daniel, Governor of N. J., procla mation ot, 207, 208. Hall, George, 195 Hamburgh Turnpike, 115. Hamer, James, 172. Hamilton, Andrew, 74. Henry. 59, 02, 81, 88, 90. Haney, William, 186. Harris, Nancy, 71. Harrison, Betty, 312. John, 213. Hart, John, 70. John S., 182, 101, 105, 120, 179, 180, 188. S.muel, 312. Simeon, 5, 12, 56, 62, 05, 06, 67, 68 69, 70, :8, 88, 109, 110,113, 113, 116, 130, la8, 136. Hatheway, Hiram, 92, IUO, 142. Haven. John, 3. Haywood street, 162. Heney, Bernard, 212. Hequemborg, C ,11. C, Jun., 17. Heywood, C, arles, 1~6. Hickett, Joseph, 212. High street, 109. Highways, acts respecting, 130, 159 100, 16'2, 305. HUl, Smith, 61, 95, 131, 143, 170, 193. Hobson, Farraer, 150, 173, 177. Hogan, John D.. 101. Hogencamp, John, 172. Holsman, Daniel, 18. Hoofman, George, 186, Hopper, — , 1 70. Hopper, Alberi A., 181. Andrew, 45, 51 . Cornelius, 153. John, 108, 116, 110, 121, 124, 126, 130, 193. Jonathan, 3, 6, 7, 8, 18, 19, 35, 36, 38, 44, 92, 98, 100, 107, 108. 113. Hopper, Peter J., 145, 147, 148. Hopper & Warner (Warren), 1.48, 160. Hopson, WUliam A., 129. 181, 134. 137, 138, 139. 143, 140, 148, 153. 156, 169, 181, 183. Hospital for cholera patients, 14, 15. Hoxey, Hoxsey, Thomas D., 92, 100, 178 188. Hugginson, Huggison, William, 54, 61, 04, 75, 81,83, 88, 103, 106. Hughson, WiUiam A., 18, 19. 20, 21, 33, 33, 34,25,20,27.40,199. Hulme, William, 143. Huntoon, John P., 183. Josiah P., 181. Huston, Robert. 7, 8. Hymn, written for Fast Day, 209. Inglis, Ingliss, Charles, 100, 134, 139, 177, 194. Charles, Jr., 86, 93, 123, 129, 138, 153. William, 134, 138, 1.39, 144, 146, 148, 177, ',94 Inn, at Great Notch, 2, Intelligence office, 121 . Irwin, J., 1,80. Jackson, Betsy, 212. Frank, 212. J isepb, .87, 38, 40, 42, 48, 44. 40, 68, 65, 66, 69, 82, 84, 90, 93. 95, 97, 100, 101, 105, 107, 111, no, 117, 121, 183, 126, 128, 138, 143. 147, 150, 162, 173, 177, 181, 194. Mathew, 90, 130, 142, 176. Jacobs, Charles P., 28. Henry, 17. Jersey street. 165, 167. John street, 208. Johnson, Wra. H., 212. Johnson. Johnston & Brothers, 143, 176. Jones, John, 212. Keane. Jane, 212. Kear, John. 3, 5, 9, 15, 16, 18. Keefe, Mrs., 59. Keenan, John, 51, 54. 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 04. 71), 71, 73 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85. 80, 87, 88, 89, 91, 93, 93, 94, 95, 96, '.)7, 118. 100, 101, 108. 108, 104, 105, 100, 108. K-hoe, Kahow, John, 159, IIW, 196. Kelley, Kelly, Bridget, 213. Catharine, 108 Kdward, 143, 318. John, 172. Patrick, 11, 18, 19, 27, 2S. 29, 31, 34. William S., 51, 63, 58, 01. Kennedy, Francis, 01. Kenneday, Mary, 818. WilUam, 818, Kentworth, Sarah, 813, Kentworthy, Sara A., 212. Kerus, William, 213. Kershaw, James, 104, 108, 115, 130, 137, 142, 150, 177, 186, 195. John, 63. 69. 84, 89, 97, 187. King, Aaron, 84, 85, 87. E., Miss, 68, 90. E., Mrs., 103. 229 H. & , 9. James, 5. 7, 9, 11 15, 17, 37, 46. James W., 11, 1 '3, 47. John, 3. M., 98, 120. M. E., Mrs., 104, 116. Walter, 87, 42, 43, 46, 48, 49, 51, 5.3, 58, 61, 63, 69, 75, 78. 78, 80, 85, 80, 90, 92, 96, 98, 100, 1112, 105, 107, 113, 110, 118. 130. Kip, Ann, 178. John, 17. Walling, 178, 180, 188. Kitchum, D., 9. Knapp, George S., 40, 55, 80, 92. Laird, John, 212. Lamb, David, 190. Mrs., 212. Lane, Abraham, 120. Nathaniel, 117, 136, 130, 138, 134, 139, 140, 142, 143, 147, 175. Lane & Freeman, 89, 98. Langstaff, S., 173. Laverack, D., 174. Law, Amy, 40, Leary, John S., 175. S , 195. Lee, Thomas, 313. Leazer, Emanuel D., 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180. Leazer, Leazier, Leizure, John, 107, 118, 123 Little FaUs, 210. Littleton, N. H.. 108. Lockwood, Daniel F., 7, 8, 59, 86, 98 101 107. 118, 123, 129, 130, 1.84, 147, 153, 181. Lodge, WiUiam, 318. Lunatic Asylum: at Bloomingdale, 79. at New York, 95, Lydecker, Peter, 45. L3mch, Andrew, 5, 11, 42, 46, 60, 84, 89, 98. 106, 112, 116, 121, 126, 143. James, 3, 6, 9, 24, 60, 06, 00, 79, a3. 90, 91, 97, 99, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108. 118, 113, 116, 120, 126, 127, 137, 142. 144, 160, 162, 166, 173, 173, 177, 179, 180, 181, 188, 193, 194, 195, 197. M Mackie, Mrs., 59. Mackling, Catharine, 213. Magee, Dr. John, 186. Mager, WUliam, 213. Maginnis, Patrick, 181, 193. Main street, 3, 4, 11, 12, 36, 80, 87, 162, 169, 170, 171, 178, 184, 188. Main street bridge, 89. Malcolm, Robert, 137, 138. Maloy, Bridget, 212. Manchester Township, 70, 84, 137, 139, 140, 170. Manchester, deaths in, 213. Market street, 1, 11, 60, 165, 211. Marsh, Agnes, 313. Elias J., M. D., 31, 37, 45, 51, 84, 128, 151, 170, 213. Masaker, Peter, 178. Mascar, Henry. 39. Masters, William, 63, 69, 70, 93, 100, 107, 118, 120, 121, 123, 138, 143. May, Charles H., 9, 39, 80, 91, 117, l:a, 140, 163, 155, 150. 100, 102, 103, 164, 165. 108, 109, 172, 176. 177, 180, 181, ISi, 184, 185, 186, 190, 193, 194, 195, 190, 197, 198. Edward C, 140. Macpherson, John A., 87, 88, 89, 90, 97, 99. 101, 104, 120, 130, 133, 137, 138, 140, 143, 152, 181, 191. McAlUsrer, A. & W., 90, 110, 130. 148. WiUiam, 150, 173, 175. McArrile, Nancy, 59. McCall, Sarah Jane, 213. McC nn, Bridget 312. Patrick, 180. ITcCardle, Susan, 313. McCai-tey, James, 101, 131, 137'. McCan y, John, 17. McCloury, George, 302 "WcCoppin, Dr. WiUiara 28. .80. Mc osker. Patrick, 104, Mc'"". y. James, 212. McCrady John, 7. McCrossen, Daniel. 8. 10. McCuUy, S., 140. McCurdy, James, 48. McDougal, William, 84. McFey, John, 212. McGee, Patrick, 5, 46, 80, 1.84. Thomas, 176. Dr. William, 142. McGill, Robert, estate of, 143. McGinnis, Patrick, 212. McGough, Frances, 105. McGrogan — , 81. Henry, 190. McGrotty, Nancy, 212. McGunna, Ann, 40. McGurl, Patrick, 180. McKivar, Jamea, 212. McKown, George, 186, 188. McLane, Thomas, 126. McManis, John, 212. William, 212. McName, Robert, 8. M'DougaU, WiUiam, 98. Mead, Andrew, 30, 38, 89, 40, 41, 42, 48, 44, 45, 46. 47, 48, 49, 60, 69, 65 88, 97, 104. 110, 120, 120, 128, 130, 183, 134, 136, 141, 163, 169, 182, 183, 185, 188, 197. 201. Comelius M., 110. Mead's Basin, 140. Mechanic street, 168. Mellory, Peter, 318. Merriam, Thomas, 212. Merselis, Marselis, Cornelius E., 28, 39. Mersellus, Mersailus, Edo, 203. Merseles, Edo P., 3, 10, 18, 27, 31 . Merselis, Jacob, 178, 188, 193. Jane, 178. Marsales, John, 1, 186. Marsales, John P., 1, 8, 4, 11, 17, 19, 31, 38, 30, 300, 308. Peter, 36. Peter E., ;W, ?9, Merselis & Snn, Edo, 180. Messenger, John, 21:^. Mei calf, Martha, 212. 230 M'Greshan. Margaret, '¦212. Milhaw, Ellen, 313. Mill street, 159, 164, 165, 167, 168, 184, 199, 310. Miller, Andrew, 135, 186, 131, 141, 142. 149, 159, 176, 195. R :chel, 813. Mitchell, Jeremiah, 3, 7, 8, 11, 16, 34. Moore, James, 18. John, 180. More, Jacob. 38. Morrell, Robert, 80, 87, 88, 89, 90, 100, 101, 102,103, 106, 110, 122, 184, 126, 1.8, 129, 131, 132, 150, 167, 168, 164, 179. Morris, John, R5, 116, 121. Michael, 172. Morris Canal, 108. Morrow, David, 5, 0, 10. Mortality in Paterson. 211, 212, 313. Morton, Dr. William H., 184, 198. Morton street, 163. Moses, Horatio, 3, 10, 13. 16, 18, 27', 38, 2!l, 31, 39, 43, 51, 56, 57, 01, 84, 98, 100, 101, 103. 103, 104 105, 116. 122, 123, 137, 1,5'>. 156, 164, 166, 166, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173. 175, 177, 179. 180, 181. 183, 185, 190, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198. Moses, Horatio & Co., 193. Moss, James, 212. Mosson, Robert, 193. Moyle, William, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185. 180. 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 196, 197. 198. Mulholland, Catharine, 212. Mulhollan, Charles, 7. Mulholland, Mulhollan, Patrick, 3, 7, 27. Munn, Ira, 55, 60, 60. Silas, 102, Munson, Amos, 17, 37. Israel, 82, 131, 143. Murrey, Murray, Stephen S., 5, 6, 9. Myers, Jacob M., 131, 177. N Newark O.T>han Asylum, 173. Newhouse, Adam S., 7, 8, 11. New Jersey Supreme Court, 170, 192. New York, 13, 65, 70, 74, 78, 95, 311, 813. New York Lunatic Asylum, 77. New York Sun, 811. Nightengale, James, 183, 134, 136, 141. John, 61. Noble, John S., 16, 38, 29, 31, 84. Norman, James, 313. Norris, James, 133. o O'Blenis, Peter, 63, O'Brien, John, 131. Ogd n. Ellas B. D., 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 17, 19, 2.5, 20, 63, 80, 100, 138, 139, 131, 1.82. FredtrickB., 170. Old York Eoad, 170. Oliver street, 165 O'NeU, Charles, 120, 150, 153, 175, 170, IRI. Henry, 46, 53, 53. Ordinance concerning Swine, 163. Orr, James, 213. Osbern, Mathias, 108. Osborn, Stephen E., 203. Pack, Amos S., 92, 100, 107, 118, 133, 136, 133, im, 140, 141, 148, 144, 146, 175, 181, 1S2, 188 Palmer, Mary, 818. William, 313. Pane. Pain, Jason. 6, 7, 80. Parke. Park. Edwin P., 147, 158, 181. John, 3, 10, 16, 18, 28, 31, 37, 42, 40, 51, 63. 67, 61, 66, 67. Parsons, Andrew, 85, 94, 97, 194. Passaic County, .52, 68, 64, 66, 56, 57, 58, 65, 60,07, 68, 09, 70, 106, 109, 110, 111. 112, 113, 114, 180, 134, im, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 154, 1.55, 157, 170. 178, 181, 182, 183, 185 186, 188. 191, 204, 205. Passjic Count.y Clerk, 98. Passaic Cii'cuit Cour,, 178. Passaic Hotel, 11, 61. 93, 119 Passaic Ot er and Terminer, 170. Passaic river, 1, 4, 81, 65, 162, 104, 165, Paterson Courier, 14, 23, 84. extracts from, 83, 84. Paterson Guardian, 189 Paterson & Hackensack Turnpike Com pany, 176. Paterso i & Ha nburgh Turnpike Com pany, 12. 170. Paterson & Hu Ison Riper R. R. Co., 195. Paterson Intellige.icer, 14, 28, 24, 158, 189. extracts trom, 28, 34, 30.5, 206, 307, 208, 209, 210, 211, 318, 313, 214. Paterson Manufacturing Company, 1 --'5. Paterson Township, 1 , 2, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 58, 63, 54, 56, 56, 57, 68, 65, 68, 67, 68, 69, 70, 109, 110, 111, 113, 113, 114, 130, 134, 185, 136, 137, 138, 189, 140, 141, 154 156, 181, 183, 183, 185, 188, 191, 199, 300, 301, 202, 203, 204, 206. Patterson, Thomas, 212. Paul, Alexander, 7. Paxton, A., State Treasurer, 136. Pennington, Aaron S., 36, 170. Penny, Benjamin. 16. Perine, Peter, 188. Persen, Persan, Garret, 89. Gerard, 90, 94, 96, 97, 102, 103. Personett, John S., 61, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 62, 85, 90, 91, 92, 98, 100, 101. Phcenix MiU, 310. Physician, Township, 30, 30, 36, 39. 53, 54, 65, 70, 73, 87, 88, 94, 103, 108, 115, 119, 134, 130. 136, 148, 166, 184. Physicians, report of. 18, 14. Pier, Pe-r, Barney, 8, 9, 16, 17, 19, 75. Plates. Henry, 212. Poor Huuse. 8, 14, 36, 54, 60, 68, 64, 70. 74, 96, 76, 87, 89, 95, 98, 120, 125. 148, 151, 150, 157, 169, 170, 171, 184, 185, 190. Poor House Farm, 10, 19, 26, 32, 35. Poor House Lot, 91, 99. Pope, John, 133, 137. Samuel, 40, 47, 48, 00, 68, 64, 05, 66, 231 07, 72, 7S, 81, 1.1. 107, 110, 111. 110, 117. Porter, Thoraas, 212, Pos , Abraham G., 107. C..rnelius J., 199, 300. Henry H., 11, 38, 84, 38, 55. John, 813. Paul, 11, 17, 19, 81, 88, 30, 31, 4'3, >&, 89. 101, 108, 105, 118, 130. Pound, Publio, 163. Powers, Jaraes, 141, 143, 143, 150. Presbyterian Burying Ground, iii-3. Price, Thomas, 15ii. Prospect street, 100, 210 Pro^^pect St. M. E. Church, Truste 186. Proclamation by the Governor, 207 President of the U. S., 208. Public Schools. Act respecting, .'ii:- resolution about, 38. Q Quackenbush, David, 101. William H., 147, 150,15:3, 156, 181, 18:3, 187, 198. Quinn, Daniel, 8, 4, 10, 16. J., Kev., 150. Patrick, 8, 10. Wm. D , 40. R Rafferty, Hugh, 212. Philip. 107, 116, 120, 126, 181. Ramsdin, John 152, 156, 159, 164. 166, 169, 171, 173, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 180, 195. Redmond, Robert, 7, 8. John, 318. Eeid, Reed, David, 13. 17, 18, 38. '35, 30, 46, 59, 77, 78, 79. Reynolds, Abraham, 17, 18, 19, 30, 45, 63, 86, 93, 100, 106, 108. R.chards, Avery, 66, 159, 173, 179, 190, 191, 194, 195, 196. 197. James, 3, 11, 18. Eicahrdson, William, 313. Ricker. Cath. Jane, 212. Ridgeway, Ridgway, Daniel, 6. WilUaiu, '38. 31, 37, 46, 86, 92. Eilev. Riely. Reilly, Hugh, 16, 40, 48, 56. Patrick, 8, 67. Ripple, William, 212. Riseley, Philip, 213. Riverside, 300. Eoad Districts, 4, 52, 64, 66, 87, 93, 102, lo;i. 119, 124. Road Tax. 13. 21, 39, 40, 40, 47. Roberts, , 148. Samuel, 118. Robertson, Sarah, 212. Robinson, John, 79. John, Jun., 78, 77. Roe, David, 59, 61, 93, 93, 90, 98, 100, 103, 103, 104, 105, 107, 108, li,9 114, 115, 116, 117, 120, 131, 123, 125, 130, 131, 142, 150, 181, 184. J. B. and D., 17. Thomas, 03, 69, 76, 70, 84, 107, lii8. 160 Roe & Co., David, 84, 90, 91, 97. Rogers, Rodgers. Alexander W., JI. 65, 70, 83, 88, 90, 115, 110 119, 130. 137, 130. N. S., 135, 138, 181. Platt, 11, 13, 13, 14, 1,5, 16, 19, 20, 21 23, 36, 26, 28, 29. 30, 34, 36, 88. Thomas, 18, 28, 74. Russell, David, 40, 51, 53. 5.3, .54 08. 118. 107, 108, 113, 113, 110. 117, 12:3, 150, 156, 177. William, 88. Ryan, Patrick, 313. Eyerson, George A., 90. Ira, 17, 61. John F., 60. Eichard, 140. Kl],nil, 1','4, D , 184, 85, 143, Saddle Eiver Township, 27. Sanderson, George, 172. John, 127, 130, 160, 172, 177, 198. Sandford, P., I98. Sanfo d, "WUliam, 6, 7, 26, 28, 39, 68, 63. 64, 66, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, HO, 87, 89, 90, 118,120, 167, 194. Sarven, Servin, Isaa<:, 33, 95. School lax, 41, 43, 64. Schoonmaker, .lacob, 175. Jacob D., 60. John, 101. Schuyler, Benjamin, 218. Fcofield, Mary Ann, 312. Scutland. 48. Semidt, Jacob S., 21-3. Senex, Hymn written by for Fast Day. 309. Seven h avenue, 200. Sheep bills, 17. Shippey. Jos ah M., 86. Shoi-rock, Ann, 212. Jaraes, 100. 118. Ealph, 137, 188, Sigler. James, 31, 34, 38, 39, 43, 48, 51 56 58, 60. 61, 68, 07, 68, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90 98' 94 97 99. ' Sign of' the Dog & Kettle, 100. Sindle, Eliza Ann, 213. Skelly, Thomas, 212. Skinner, Mary, 212. Slater street, 159.165. Sloan, WiUiam B., 46. Smith, FeUx, 212. Joseph, 28, 109, 170. Joseph. Jun., 146, 147, 148. Nicholas, 3, 10, 12, 13, 15. 17. 24, 60, 51 .57, 68, 59, 62, 70, 72, 83, 89, 97 1U4 114. Eobert O., 174,175, 176. William C.,133, 128. Sraith street, 30, 100, 172. Smyly, Jaraes, 150, Sneden. George W., 133, 128, 1:33, 135,147 148, 158. 1.54. 187 Snyder. Snider, Andrew, 86,. 138, 1-38 Andrew G., 147, 148, 149, 151. 151 159. 232 Society for Establishing Useful Manufac tures. 167, 193, 199. Spear Sp»er, Cornelius. 27 29, 81, 34, 35. 37 38, 40, 43, 43, 44, 73, 188, 188, 15'3. 155 Henry M., 81. James. 30, 55, 62, 88, 96, 175, 186, 188. Ealph, 193. Einier, 0 7. Ryneer, Rinier, P.uneer S., 16, 17, :30. 84, 87, 60. Special To-wn Meetings, 12, 21, 22, 23, 41, 4.3. 44. 48, 71, 73, 77, 78, 155, 1.57, 168, 166, 174, 185, 188. 187, 188, 189. Spruce street, 165. Stager, WUliam C. 181. Stagg. Cornelia, 818. John, 59, 186. John I., 70. Stalter, Abrahara, 190. Starkey, Mrs., 70, 71. State Bank ot Morris, 194. State Lands, sale of, 77, 78. State Lunat c Asylum, 153. Statement ot the Affairs of the Township of Paterson. 83, 115, 130. 185, 1:30, 141, 149, 179. 194. Steel, John, 37, 89, 41, 48. Stelle, Lewis R., 143, 160, 175, 198, 197. Stephens, George, 183, 151. Walter B., 123, US. 129. Stimson, Ephraim I., 313 Henry C, 138, 1'34, 125. 136, 138, 129, 131, 185. St. John's Hall, 19, 42. Stony Road, 168. Stott, Lucy, 212 Stoughtenborough, Alfred, 146, 158, 180. Straight street, 4, 1 63. Street Account, exhibit of, 145. Strong, John, 3, 6, 10, 17, 18, 19, 21. 3 '. 38, 35, 36. Sl ubert, Hester, 312. Suttle, WUliam, 90, 96. Swift, George, 38, 40, 42, 45, 47, 56, 67, on. 96 Swine. Ordinance concerning, 163. Sweeney, R.. 195. Sythoff, Peter, 16. Tiiggert, Peter, 172, 175, 177. Taggert & Rafferty, 142, 149. Tallman, Herman T., 178. Tallraan & Masker, 196. Taxes, 3, 11, 19, 28, :33, 88, 46, .51, 6.8, (14, 8:3. 86, 9:3, 101, 108, 118, 123, 134, 129, 1:34, 147, 153, 181, 185, 187, 189, 190. books for, 43. collectorof, 159. 17:3, 170, 190, 191. law concerning, 96. Tax Notice, 83. Taylor, Alexander, 152, 164, ]l». Jonathan J., 130. Mrs., 149. Eoberts E., 79, 83. Temperance Hotel. 4. Tenike, Mrs., 59. Terheune, N. R., 15. Thorason, I. D., IOO. Thompson. James, 103. ,John. IS. 28 Tliomas, '31:3. William, Dr., .54, .58, 01. WiUiam L., 17. William S., 03. Tilby, John, Dr., .31, 35, 37, 40, 48, 49, .50. Totowa Road, 140. Town Clock, 174. Commiitee, report of about Cholera in Paterson, 14. lot, 106, 179. meetings:— Annual, 3, 10, 17, 27, 30, 85. 36, 44. 60, 83, 85, 91, 99, 106, 117, 183, 137, 133, 146, 151, 180. Special, IS, 31, 22,23,41,43,41,48.71, 72, 77, 78, 156, 157, 168, 166, 174, 185, 186, 187, 188. 189. Ordinances, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164. Townsend & Hart, 172, 195. Townsend, Nathaniel, 86, 87, 91, 93, 94, 99, 100, 101, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 133. 134, 128. Samuel S., 104, 118, 123, 138 T. S., 131. WiUiam S., 104, 116, 131. Trenton, 153, 308. Turner, WUliam, 212. Tuttle, Socrates, 166, 168, 168, 175. 180, 181. 184. Tyler street, 163. u Uie A , 97. V Vail. Johu. 51. 6.8, 1(17. 110. 111. 114. 1 1:37 139, 155, 17:3, r.n. 183. 184. 194, 197. Van Antwerp, S.. 19. Viin Blarcom. AlM-aham C. 158. .'\i't onv 51. 67, 62. 71. 8.8, 8(1, 9], 94, II (i. 116 19.5. Bi-aiii. 8. 10. H. 1.5. Ki. 18. 22. 2:3, 24 44. 0:3. (14. 70, 71. 72. 73. 74 70 78, 811. 81 8'3. 8.8. 84. 94, 107, 117. Hen IV. 1,8.5. Henry I,. 1 1, 17, 19, 81, 31, 40, 45, 4(1. 300. Henry J , 37. 8(1 90 99, Isaac, 38, 89 J., 98 Jsmes, .37, 38, 40. 43, 44, 45, 47, 80, K7. 88, 90, 9",, 93, 93, 96, 100, 101, 103, 103. 104, 10.5, IW, 108. 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 180 131, 122. 124 135, 126, 127. 128, 129, 181, 1.82. 184, 186, 141. 14.3. 1(4, 14.5. John, 47, 185. JohnB.. 172. J. M.. 137. William. 84. Van Buskirk. L. L . 116. 233 V Van Bussum, PhUip, 2. .3, 4. 46, 0:3, (.4, 71, 72, 7:3, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81. 83, 84. Van Den By Lart, Garret, 148, 150. Vanderhoof, George, 147. Vandervort, "Vandervoort, B. W., 35, 05, C S 125 C. T.! 1'36', ISO, 143, 150, 173, 176. Van Emburgh, Geoige, 195. Henry. 146. 213: Van Gieson, Henry, 61, 86, 100, 118, 147, 153. Van Hom, , 9. Daniel, 3, 11,28, 31, John, 86. 87, 90. 92, 94, 95, 98. Van Houten, Abraham, 33, 72, 73. Abm. G., 27. Adrian, 3, 10, 18, 27, 39, 46. Adrian R., 79, 83. Albert, 51, 52, 61, 62, 201. Cornelius A., 35, 92, 93, 98, 100, IOl, 106, 111, 13-3, 128, 129, 133, 184, 1.35, 1.86, 138, 139, 187, 191. Edward, 101. Encrease, Increase, 54, 61, 64, (1.5, 70, 74, 75, 76, 85. H. A., 116. Halmagh, Halmah, 30, 46, 97. Halmah, Holmoth R.. 28, 31, :37, .88, 40, 46. 46, 49, 92, 93, 97, 98, 101, 102. 105, 107. Henry, 37. Jacob. 17, 164. Jane, 176. JohnH., 93. JohnR., 91, 94,107, 108, 114, 115, 110. 117, 121, 122, 124, 126, 128, 129, 131, 132, 134, la6, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145. Martha, 143. Richard H., 134, 137, 138, 142, 143. R. I., 130. Van Houten street, 4, 11, 40, 52, 64, 65, 100, lO'J, 169, 170, 171, 199. Van Ness, John, 73, 130. Van Pelt, Christopher, ia3, 136, 140, 141, 143, 144, 145, 152. Van Riijer, . 89 Christopher, 187, Cornelius, 131. Isaac H., 03. , John A., 55. J. B., 194. Marinus, 88, 90. Van Saun, Sarauel A.. 27, 87, 51, 00. 84. 8,'.. 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 97, 98, 99, 104, 100, 107, 108, 109, 113, 114, 116, 110. 120, 128. 131, 133, 130, 140, 142, 148, 150. 1.52, 1.50. 158, 169, 173, 178, 180, 181, 184. IHO. 187, Uly, Van Voorhis, Abraham, 213. Kesiah, 213. Van Wagoner, Cornelius S., 14:3, 145. 103, 169. 176, 181, 182, 195. Van Winkle, Comelius, 15. 17, 44, ,51, 62. .54, 61, 83, 91, 98, 99, IOO, 106 126, 128, 133, 185, 194, 198. Comelius I., 28, 30. Edo, 3, 4, 6. 10, 18, 24. 27, 29. 130, :3t, 87, 39, 85, 87, 90, 150, 166. H., 88, 89, 91, 198. Halmagh, Halmah, Holmoth. 87, 4'. 56. 57, 86, 87, 117, 178, 181, 18:3, 18;. 190, 193, 194, 196, 197. John E., 146, 147, 148, 151, 152, 154, l.ir., 172, 173, 177, 179. John S., 33, 44, 70, 72, 7.8. ft8, 91. 99, IDil, 116, 127. Peter, 127, 143. Varnum, J. B., 17. Voorhis, , 210. Vosger, Martin, 212. Vreeland, Andrew, 148. Cornelius A., 82, 85. Comelius J., 143. Comelius M., 31, .88. 40. 4.5, 47, 86. 8;. 90, 92, 93, 94, 98, 101, 103. 10.5, 107. llil. 118, 120,123,127,201. Hartman C, 199, 300. John, 312. John C, 303. Vreeland & Spear, 143. w Wallace, Rachel B., 170. Walmsley, John, 149, 186. Ward, Zophar W., 18, 19. Ward street, 169, 188. i Warner, Charles, 188. C. & D., 193. Darwin, 188. Warren, Juseph, 46, 62, 112, 118. Thomas, 126, 143, 151, 175, 198, 194. Washington street, 3, 19. Waste race, 4. Water street, 161. Weller, Enoch, 190. Frederick S., M. D., 108, 115, 128, 150, 165. 172, 177, 195. Wesel bridge, 1. West, David, 60, 90, 96. West street, 13, 161, 168, 172, 176, 178. Westervelt, , 164. Cornelius I., 107, 109, 122, 124, 1:30, 183. 135. 143, 152, 155, 158, 157, 159, 166, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 180, 181. 183, 184, 18,5, 190, 193, 194, 196, 197. " 198. C. J., 174. Westlake, Albert. 123. Weymer, Catherine, 213. , George, 218. White, Betsey, 36. White Alley. 211. Whitehead. James, 178. Whiteley, Henry, 3, 17, 31, 34, ;35, 45, lm, 107, 109, 110, 117. Robert J , M. D., 130, 131, 1.80, 148. Wild, John, 46, 47, 48, 49, 60, 86. Wilden, Sophia, 212. WUhelm, John, 212. WilUams Dr., oculist, 65, 73. 78. Jesse. 40. WUliamson. Henry, 3. WUUs street, 165, 166. WUson, Willson, John, 181. Robert O., 194. V, iUiam, 39. 48, 56, 60. Woodruff. A B.. 130, 196. Wright, Nicholas, 41. Wylie, John, 28, 29, 31, 34, :3K, 40, 43, 51, :-,r, 01, 08, 00, 07, 74, 86, 8(1, 87. Y York street, 166. Zabriskie, George, 118. f3(i. 128, 120. Zeliff, Peter, 176. 3 9002 ¦¦apa^^" ^r% „..SS!5#F* "/^.^''."'\- '.r^-.f.'w^. 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