IX- 1 , usi WORKS BY DR. PYE SMITH. In one Large Volume, 8vo, price 18s. hloth, FIRST LINES OF CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY, in the form of a Syllabus, prepared for the use of the Students in the Old College Homerton; with subsequent Additions and ' Elucidations, Edited from the Author's MSS., with Aditional Notes and References. and Copious Indexes, by William Fabbeb, LJj.B., Secretary and Librarian of New College, London. " To ministers of the Gospel, and to students preparing for the ministry, this volume is the completest and safest guide in theological study to be found, as far as we know, in any language." — Eclectic Review. Fourth Edition, much enlarged, in Two Vols. 8vo.,pvice 24s. cloth, THE SCRIPTURE TESTIMONY TO THE MESSIAH : An inquiry with a view to a Satisfactory Determination of the Doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures concerning the Person of Christ. T " This work stands unapproached in English theology, as an able and complete vindication of the scriptural doctrine of our Lord's divinity." — United Presbyterian Magazine. Third Edition, enlarged, foolscap 8vo, price 6s. cloth. F0UE DISCOURSES on the SACRIFICE and PRIESTHOOD of Jesus Christ, and the Atonement and Redemption thence accruing. With Supplementary Notes and Illustrations. " This volume should be in the hands of every Biblical student, as an invaluable critical and bibliographical manual in reference to the topics of primary importance which it embraces." — Patriot. In 8vo, with Portrait, price 12s. Qd. cloth, MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF JOHN PYE SMITH, D.D., LL.D., &c. By John Medway. " few indeed are the biographical memoirB which are more rich in lively interest or practical instruction." — London. Review. LONDON : JACKSON AND WALFORD, 18, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. ' $kfo unit Uniform ®ultio«. THE CONGREGATIONAL LECTURE, SIXTH SERIES. SCRIPTURE AND GEOLOGY. BY JOHN PYE SMITH, D.D.,' LL.D., &o. THE RELATION BETWEEN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES AND some parts op GEOLOGICAL SCIENCE. JOHN PYE SMITH, D.D., LL.D., F.E.S., & F.G.S. DIVINITY TUTOR IN HOMEHTON COLLEGE; HBMBER OF THE I'll ILOLOG IC AL, ETHNOLOGICAL, MICROSCOPICAL, AND PAL.3EOMTOLQGICAL SOCIETIES, AMD HONORARY MEMBER OF THE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF DEVON AND CORNWALL, AND OF TEE -WASHINGTON U.S. NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOB THE PROMOTION OF SCIENCE. JiftI) lEBllion. OvBkv av8piair(p XajSeiv tt.et£ov, ov xaptVao"0at ©et> o-efivoWepov, aKrjdeias. , Plutarch, de Is. et OHr. " Than Truth, no greater blessing can man receive, or God bestow." LONDON: JACKSON AND WALFOKD, 18, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. MDCCOLV. There is a knowledge which creates doubts that nothing but a larger knowledge oan satisfy; and he who stops in the difficulty will be perplexed and uncomfortable for life. Mr. Sharon Turner. Geology, in the magnitude and sublimity of the objects which it treats, undoubtedly ranks, in the scale of the sciences, next to Astronomy. Sin John F. W. Herschel. The conclusions of Geology have lent, in fact, a new evidence to revealed religion. They have broken the arms ofthe sceptic ; and, when we ponder over the great events which they proclaim, the mighty revolutions which they indicate, the wrecks of suc cessive creations which they display, and the immeasurable cycles of their chronology tho era of man shrinks into contracted dimensions ; his proudest and most ancient dynasties wear the aspect of upstart and ephemeral groups; the fabrics of human power, the gorgeous temple, the monumental bronze, the regal pyramid, sink into in significance beside the mighty sarcophagi of the brutes that perish. Quarterly Review, vol. lxx. p. 57. CONTENTS. LECTTJEE I. Psalm cxi. 2. The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. Object, design, utility, and importance of geological science. Requisites and method of the study. Harmony of all science with the announce ments of Revelation. Truth. Evidence. The world. The Supreme Being. Aecountableness. Authority of Scripture. Necessity of ascer taining its genuine sense. Danger of presumption. Citations from Chris tian Philosophers Page 1 LECTTJEE II. Deuteeonomy xxxin. 13, 15, 16. Blessed of the Lord le his land; for the precious things of heaven, for ' the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath, and for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of. the lasting hills, and for the precious things of the earth and the fulness thereof. Change in the material universe, constant, but according to law. A series of Propositions, describing the most general facts relating to the crust of the earth. Internal condition. Pyrogenous rocks. Stratified formations. Remains of creatures which once had life. Their distinct periods, and areas. Separate creations. Uniformity of sequence. . 32 LECTTJEE III. Romahs XI. 36. O/Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Recital of opinions which are by many assumed to be asserted or implied in the Scriptures, but which are contrary to geological doctrines. I. The recent creation of the world. .II. A previous universal chaos over the earth. III. The creation of the heavenly bodies after that of the earth. IV. The derivation of all vegetables and animals from one centre of creation. V. That the inferior animals were not subject to death till the fall ot man 68 Iv CONTENTS. LECTTJEE IV. Genesis vi. 17. -And behold I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh wherein is the breath of life from under heaven ; and every thing that is in the earth shall die. Continuation of apparent discrepancies between geological doctrines and the testimony of Scripture, as generally understood. VI. Concerning the deluge. The reason for that judicial infliction, in the righteous government of God. The testimony of history and tradition. Common ascription of geological phaenomena to the Deluge erroneous. . . . Page 90 LECTTJEE V. 2 Peter ii. 5. God spared not the old world, — bringing the flood upon the world of the ungodly. Continuation. More accurate and discriminating inquiry. Investigation of the masses of rolled stony fragments which have been attributed to the diluvial action. Those masses found to be of different character and age. Effect of the investigation up*on the convictions of the most eminent geolo gists. Evidence from phaenomena in Auvergne and Languedoc. The quantity of water requisite for a deluge geographically universal. The effect of such an addition to the bulk of the earth. The reception of animals in the ark. Estimated number of the animal creation. Other difficulties. 109 LECTTJEE VI.— PAET I. 1 Thessalonians v. 21. Prove all things: hold fast that which is good. Examinations of various methods which have been proposed for the re moval of the difficulties and alleged contradiction, between Geology and the Scriptures. I. Denial of any difficulty, by shutting the eyes to the evidence of geological facts, and representing the inquiry as impious. 149 LECTTJEE VI.— PAET II. II. Sacrificing the Mosaic records, as >uvil4slligible, or as being the language of mythic poetry. III. Regarding the Mosaic six days as de signed to represent indefinite periods. IV. Attributing stratification and other geological phenomena to the interval between the Adamic creation and the Deluge, and the action of the diluvial waters. , . 1 7c CONTENTS. T LECTTJEE VI.— PAET HI. Examination continued of the Diluvial Theory. . . . Page 197 LECTTJEE VII.— PAET I. Psalm xii. 6. The words of the Lord are pure words ; as silver tried in a furnace of ihe earth, purified seven times. The certain and infallible truth of all that is taught in the Holy Scrip tures, when taken in its own genuine sense. Our duty to elicit that sense. Induction and examination of the forms of language used in Scripture to convey to man a knowledge of the nature and perfection God. The gracious condescension and benefit of this method, for the religious instruc tion of mankind. This character of the scriptural style displayed in the descriptions of natural objects. General rule of interpretation hence de rived. Prejudices of former interpreters, both Romanist and Protestant. Galileo. Milton. Superior advantages of the Christian dispensation. 218 LECTTJEE VII.— PAET II. Application of the principle established, to the interpretation of the nar rative concerning the Creation. The independent position ofthe first sentence. Astral creation. The subsequent description refers to a limited region of the earth. The series of operations. The human creation. Death, before the fall of man. The same principle applied to the fact ofthe Deluge, which is shown to have been universal as to the extent of the human popu lation, but not geographically universal. — Concluding vindication of the principle and its applications, as irrefutable, and absolutely necessary for maintaining the honour of the word of God. . . . 243 LECTTJEE VIII. Ecclesiastes xii. 13. Let us hear Ine conclusion of the whole matter ; Fear God, and keep his commandments ; for this is the whole of man. Religion the perfection of our nature. The duty of scientific studies especially in a course of education. Exhortations to personal efforts for improvement. Peculiar claims of Botany and Geology. The proper ac companiments of scientific pursuits. Advantage to the comforts of life. Moral uses. Responsibility to the just and holy God. Interest and urgency of these considerations. The rational claims and attractions of religion. 283 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. A, referred to at pages 9 and 265. _. Page Dissertation on the Laws of Organized Natures involving the Neces sity of Death ; and on Geological Studies in general . . .317 B, referred to at page 14. On the Evidence derived from Astronomy to the Extent and Antiquity of the Universe 329 B b, referred to at page 42. On the Thickness of the Solid Crust of the Earth .... 334 C, referred to at page 54. On the Number of Species in the earlier Fossiliferous Rocks . . 337 D, (page 62,) but intended lo apply to all the Propositions of Lecture II. Synoptic Table of the Stratified Formations 339 E, referred to at page 65. Dissertation on the Varieties of the Human Species . . 347 F, referred to at pages 72 and 210. Dissertation on the Evidence of a very high Antiquity of the Earth 360 G, referred to at pages 89 and 321. On the Fossil Animacules . . , ago CONTENTS. Vll O g, referring to page 111. Page On the Pebbles . . 398 H, referred to at page 119. On Ancient Glaciers, and their Effects 400 I, referred to at page 134. Mr. Hartley's Account of Christian Piety in the Puy de Dome . 404 K, referred to at page 139. On the Volcanic District of Auvergne 407 L, referred to at pages 148 and 267. On the Longevity of Trees 408 M, referred to at page 201. On Dr. George Young's Scriptural Geology j and on the Coal Formations 415 N, referred to at page 209. On the Comparison of the Egyptian and the Mosaic Cosmogonies . 423 0, referred to at page 209. On some Passages in Mr. Lyell's Principles of Geology . . . 427 P, referred to al page 241. Sentiments ofthe elder Rosenmiiller, Bishop Bird Sumner, and Dean Conybeare, on the initial portion of the Book of Genesis . . 430 Q, referred to at page 243. Professors Wiseman and Hitchcock, on the reference of the Mosaic Records to Geological Truths 433 R, referred to at pages 249 and 259. Dissertation on the Solution of Difficulties with respect to the Mosaic Narrative, in reply to Observations by Professor Baden Powell 435 S, referred to at pages 249 and 254. On the Duty of these Investigations ; and in Vindication of Dean Buckland . <•>' Vm CONTENTS. T, referring to page 273 Page On Mount Ararat . 456 U, referred to at page 310. The Geological Societv vindicated from Misrepresentation . . .456- ADDENDA. Quotations ftom Lamarck and Herder, on the meaning and use of the term Nature. — Professor Agassiz on the Series of Animal Creatures through the Strata 460 Lord Bacon's Prayer for the right use of Science, and its practical connection with Revealed Religion 462 Index ... 463 PREFACE 10 the EIEST EDITION. The following Lectures were prepared and delivered by the appointment of the Committee of the Congregational Lecture, under some peculiarity of circumstances. The appointment was unexpected, and the notice unavoidably short. Several parts, therefore, and those referring to subjects of the greatest importance, were treated in a manner too brief, and, indeed, extemporaneously: but to the kind and attentive audience the promise was given that, if the publication should take place, the author would supply those deficiencies. This he has endeavoured to do partly by filling up the portions which, in the delivery, were but sketched, and partly by adding Notes, both on the immediate pages and in a Supplementary Appendix. The reader will perceive that numerous citations are introduced. Eor this no apology is requisite : and, in deed, so richly interesting are the most of those passages, that it would have been a wrong to the subject and to the reader to have withheld them. Another circumstance proves their importance, and even necessity. The facts which are the basis of geological reasonings can be known to the majority even of well-educated persons only by X PEEEAC-E. testimony ; as, in the greater number of instances, they are to the author himself. To bring forwards, therefore, the statements of the most competent authorities, in their own words, is due to the right position of the subject and to the satisfaction ofthe reader. Should it be objected, that some of those citations contain reasonings and opinions, besides statements of fact ; the reply is, that they are the reasonings and opinions of men who thoroughly understood the grounds upon which they are built; and that, there fore, the inferences which such men have seen to be just, are entitled to stand in the next line of authority to their testimony as eye-witnesses and labourers in the great field. It involves no disrespect to the multitude of pious and intelligent persons, to say, that they cannot form an inde pendent opinion upon many subjects in Natural Philosophy. It is no dishonour to accept the conclusions of Newton and his followers, though we confess ourselves unable to read the Principia. Homeeton College, October, 1839. PREFACE TO THB FOTJETH EDITION. As the requirement for the publication of these Lectures arose from their having been delivered to an audience, at the Congregational Library, I have not thought myself at liberty to add or omit or change any part, paragraph, or sentence, except in some two or three instances, not con siderable, and of which in tbe passages an intimation is given. But in the Appended Notes I have felt no restraint. They have been increased in each of the subsequent edi tions, with the view of placing my readers, as much as is for me possible, in the advancing positions of geological knowledge. The amount of this accumulation is now not small ; for I have felt it my duty to verify the encomium with which, on the publication of the third edition, I was honoured by the Eev. De. "WiiewelI;, the Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. He then wrote these words : " I per ceive you have given it the interest which belonged to the former editions, of making your readers acquainted with the most recent geological discussions. On this account, it cannot fail to be a general favourite." Of those Notes peculiar to this edition, I have to regret the not having, in due time, adopted a uniform mode of designation. Some of them have a date, or imply a re ference to time ; others are included in brackets ; and to others, the words Fourth Edition are prefixed. I should feel it not becoming to relate the expressions of approbation with which this book has been favoured by eminent men of science^ in our own country and in the North American States ; or, what is a more exalted gratifi- xii PBEEACE TO THE EOTJBTH EDITION. cation, the testimonies of usefulness in relation to its religious element. But it would be a failing to the great cause for which I plead, if I did not avail myself of a com munication which, to well-informed persons, will have the appropriate interest in a very high degree. It is a part of a letter with which Sie John Hebschel honoured me in the summer of 1843. " Abstractedly, one might have thought that such wild and ' vehement denunciations ' as those you cite from * * * * and others, were hardly worth very serious handling. Tet, in effect, I am disposed to regard it as doing good service, not only to science, but to religion and moral feel ing, to put down, as you have done, with a strong (though not a cruel) hand, that sort of barking and yelping. There cannot be two truths in contradiction to one another : and a man must have a mind fitted neither for scientific nor for religious truth, whose religion can be disturbed by geology, or whose geology can be distorted from its character of an inductive science, by a determination to accommodate its results to preconceived interpretations of the Mosaic cos mogony. " I should hope that, on this painful and troublesome point, your work will prove final, and put an end, once and for ever, to the sort of outcry in question ; or at least so far crush it, that this and the next generation may be allowed to pursue their geological researches in peace." It is my duty to add, that these citations from private letters are thus made public, with the kind assent of the writers. J. P. S. Homehton College, February 5, 1848. ON THE RELATION THE HOLY SCRIPTURES AND SOME PARTS OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCE. LECTTJEE I. Psalm oxi. 2. The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. Geology does so seek out the works of the Most High. It has claims upon the regard of all cultivated and pious minds. It leads us to study that which God has made our earthly abode, in its present state, filled with monuments of past conditions, and presages, I venture to think, of the future. It leads us into some acquaintance with a magni ficent part of the counsel of Jehovah's will, according to which He worketh all things ; the machine of dependent beings and subordinate causes, by which the Supreme Cause accomplishes his purposes of wisdom and righteousness. "We see those causes to be the same in their nature, and similar in their mode of operation now, as in countless ages past ; though differing through a wide range in the intensity of their action and the form of their results. Eain, rills, and rivers, aided by the electric and chemical and mechanical agency of the atmosphere, are continually wearing away the solid earth, transporting it into the estuaries of the sea, and committing it to the currents B 2 COMPEEHENSION AND DESIGN. which spread it out upon the ocean-bed. There the spoils of the land are added to the defunct shells and skeletons of marine life, the astonishing amount of the works of men, and the millions of human skeletons which, through more than fifty centuries, have been swallowed up in the watery deep. At the time which inviolable justice has fixed, " the sea shall give up her dead." Can it be thought improbable that the operations which are now in progress, in the dark abyss, and at its greatest depths, are subservient to the righteous proceedings of that day, the finishing of the mystery of God as to this one portion of his ways ; — the termination of man's existence as an animal-species upon earth, but his resurrection to an immortal life, a new sphere of being, the possession of a more exquisite organization, which, in a manner inconceivable to our present faculties, will be incomparably more effective for the highest purposes of mind than that which we now possess ? — "We trace the monuments of change to early and still earlier conditions, carrying us back to the grand simplicity of elementary creation ; and we are permitted to contemplate the all- surrounding proofs that our globe only waits the will of the Almighty Being, to develop its mechanical, electrical, and chemical forces ; and, if that will have so ordained, " the heavens," the atmospheric constitution, " shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat ; the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." 2 Pet. iii. 10. The design of geological studies is to acquire a satisfac tory knowledge of the substances (airs, water, earth, stones and metals), which, in different combinations and arrange ments, form the accessible parts of the planet assigned by the Almighty Creator for our present dwelling-place ; and of the changes through which they have passed and are passing ; with a view to the enlargement of human know- PEEEEQUISITES. 3 ledge, the promotion of our present happiness, and the celebration of His perfections "of whom, and through whom, and to whom are all things." It is obvious that this is an attractive field of investiga tion, promising not only to be productive of intellectual pleasure, but to bring many and great benefits to the arts of usefulness and comfort in life, and to furnisli interesting discoveries of the power, wisdom, and goodness of Him who exists independently and by necessity of nature, possessed of all perfections, the designing cause and active sustainer of all other beings, and to whom it is equally our duty and our happiness to render the highest veneration and love and homage. It is not less obvious, that this study cannot be under taken, with any reasonable hope of success, without the aid of some other branches of natural science. Indeed, to so high a point have the pursuits of Natural History and Natural Philosophy been raised in our day, that it is no longer possible for one department to be cultivated, with the hope of success, and so as to avoid the danger of falling into egregious mistakes, without some acquaintance with the others. This fact has been both proved and elucidated, with equal force of reasoning and elegance of manner, by a lady of extraordinary attainments, in her work entitled " The Connexion ofthe Physical Sciences." The substances which compose the external part of our earth, and which present themselves sometimes in a simple state, but generally in various forms of composition, must be ascertained by their external appearance ; and such knowledge is the science of the Mineralogist. But their inward nature, and the states of union in which we find them, must also be known ; together with the principles or laws, as they are usually called, which regulate those states of union, preventing or separating some, favouring and b 2 4 MEANS OE THE STTJDT. effectuating others: and this cannot be without chemical knowledge. In the production of geological formations aud their subsequent changes of position, the common law of gravitation and other regular modes of attraction and repulsion, [including the wonderful agencies of Universal Electro-Magnetism,] have performed and are always per forming an important part : the investigation of those modes of action cannot be attempted, with the least hope of success, but by the application of mathematical Dy namics. The larger number of the earthy and stony masses which we have to study contain, in immense multitudes, the skeletons, the coverings, whether adherent integuments or such as supply the place of habitations, and various other remains of animals ; and the substance, or mineral matter moulded upon the substance, of vegetable species, trunk, stems, leaves, and fruits : it is therefore indispensable to the right understanding of geological facts, that a competent knowledge should be obtained of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, and of Botany according to a Natural System.* It must further be remarked, that the best books and the richest cabinets are not sufficient to convey complete ideas ; but to closet-study must be added personal inspection of the face of a country, of sea-cliffs and beaches, of mountain sides, rocky precipices, land-slips, and ravines ; besides every kind of artificial excavation ; and this labour, in travelling and exploring, must be carried to an extent greater than * " It is now admitted on all hands, that no man can be qualified to enter any of the highest walks of science, who is acquainted with ouly one branch of natural knowledge; and the mutual dependence of them all is now so positively demonstrated, that the philosopher of our days can no longer be allowed to remain satisfied with those inquiries which belong exclusively to any single branch, but must extend his investigations over the whole range of sciences, and illuminate his path by the varied combinations of them all."— Prof. Buckland's Vindiciae Geologies; his Inaugural Lecture, 1819; p. 10. VEBACITY OE SCIENTIFIC MEN. 5 can be expected from most individuals, though there are eminent men who have personally achieved wonders in this respect. There are geologists, who have devoted severe and self-denying toil, exposure to great perils, and vast expense, through the best years of life, to this object ; and, with a noble disinterestedness, they communicate the results of their untiring exertions. Those results are, by themselves and other qualified persons, brought together, scrutinized, compared, connected ; and then, by publication, exposed to the renewed criticism ofthe scientific world: so that, in the issue, ample knowledge has been obtained, and that knowledge resting upon rigorously examined evidence, of the geological conditions of Europe generally ; of large districts in North and South Ameriea, India and Central and "Western Asia ; and of some portions of Africa, Aus tralia, and the Isles of the Pacific Ocean. It may not unreasonably be alleged, that few persons are qualified to this extent. To this objection we reply : 1 . Though they may be few, compared with the general population of any country, yet, if we take the aggregate of persons possessed of the qualifications required, in an eminent degree, we shall find them to rise to a very high amount, in Europe and the European settlements through out the earth. Here might be mentioned a long line of illustrious names, both British and foreign, whom it would be a delight to honour ; but I deny myself the pleasure of so doing, because though the catalogue of those whose names instantly rise in an admiring and grateful memory would be very considerable, many of high and probably equal merit would be omitted, and thus no little injustiea would be inflicted.* * I venture to adapt to this topic the words of Leclerc. " Whoever attempts this study, should well understand what a task he undertakes, and by what laws he must be governed: or else he will be a most infelicitous 6 VEEACITY 0E SCIENTIEIC MEN. 2. It is no extravagance to affirm that the distinguishes1 men to whom I allude, and who have given us the details of their travels and labours, are entitled personally to the fullest credit of their testimony upon the facts and scenery which they describe. Tet, if any person, moved, I doubt not, by honourable, and even religious principles, should allow a painful suspicion still to lurk in his mind, let him consider that the individual veracity of persons of the finest talents and the greatest advantages of education, and whose integrity is unquestionable, is not our only guarantee ; but that the number of explorers and observers is great, that- they belong to different nations and parties, and are subject to be influenced by various interests and prepossessions, so that the correction of any involuntary mistake is sure and speedy ; but, if superficial observation, or negligent state ment, or designed misrepresentation, were to occur, the detection would be prompt and the penalty severe, in a public forfeiture of character and confidence. Erom some measure of knowledge and some care in observation, I feel myself bound in duty to profess my thorough persuasion, that the firmest reliance may be placed on the reports and critic [geologist] ;,and, instead of reaping that high honour which men of real erudition [and science] have obtained from this art, he will become contemptible and ridiculous. I think I hear my reader asking me, Whether I myself look for any portion of this honour ? I will only venture to say, that I do not profess this arduous and hazardous study, though I highly honour those who do profess it, and have long read their writings with great pleasure, from which perhaps some tinge may have adhered to me." From a larger quotation out of his "Ars Critica," in Dr. Pye Smith's " Scripture Testimony to the Messiah," vol. iii. p. 25, third ed. Yet, if any should suspect me of being captivated by novelty, and ensnared by a pre cipitate disposition, I take leave to say that these are not to me the studies of yesterday, and that I have professed and taught the leading sentiments of this volume, within my own circle of connexions, for at least five and thirty years. 1839 AFEINITY OE KNOWLEDGE.; < descriptions for which we are indebted to the most dis tinguished geologists of our time. 3. All the natural sciences ramify into each other in so extensive a manner, that their points of contact show them selves perpetually. This fact not only brings to view the necessity of the combination of these parts of knowledge, but it creates an ardent desire for practically effecting it ; it opens numerous avenues into the domain of other sciences; it suggests methods of proceeding for making the desired acquirements ; and, while we feel ourselves obliged to submit to the necessity of being but imperfectly acquainted with many parts of the field, we are preserved (if we main tain a becoming moral discipline) from the vanity and pedantry of half-knowledge, we are enabled to apprehend with accuracy what we do learn ; and we gain safe positions from which, when the opportunity may occur, we can make further advances. 4. Any person of good mental faculties and liberal education, if he will take the pains of attention and some self-cultivation, may acquire an ability to draw satisfactory inferences from the facts reeited and the reasonings pro pounded in the best geological works; or at least to exercise an unpresuming judgment whether the conclusions are sound which others have drawn. But it cannot be denied, and ought not to be suppressed, that a different view of the whole matter is taken by many estimable persons. The objects of geological investigation, especially in the department of organic remains, are in the highest degree attractive : casual allusions and fragments of information float plentifully in the atmosphere of social intercourse, so that none but the incurious can fail to hear something; and the periodical papers of the day have occasionally paragraphs of wonder, upon real or alleged 8 UNJUST IMPUTATIONS. geological discoveries ; which frequently indeed turn out to be the echoes of ignorance. Hence, the assumption is easily made, that the circuit of this kind of knowledge may be filled up by any young and ardent mind, with a small degree of trouble and a little easy reading ; without laying in even a moderate share of the prerequisites. Above all, it is incumbent upon us. to be aware, that a vague idea has obtained circulation, that certain geological doctrines are at variance with the Holy Scriptures. This notion works with pernicious effect. The semblance of discrepancy is indeed undeniable ; but I profess my conviction that it is nothing but a semblance, and that, like many other difficulties on all important subjects which have tried the intellect of man, it vanishes before careful and sincere examination. The naked fact, however, the mere appear ance, is eagerly laid hold of by some irreligious men, and is made an excuse for dismissing from their minds any serious regard to the Law and Gospel of God, and any rational investigation of the Evidences of Eevelation ; for they are very willing to assume that Christianity is either a mass of obsolete prejudices, or a theory so labouring under heavy suspicion as to have but slender claims upon a philosopher's attention. In the opposite extreme, many excellent persons, devout and practical Christians, knowing that " the word of our God shall stand for ever," feel no desire to become acquainted with the real merits of the question; and sit down with a persuasion that geological theories are visionary plausibilities, each having its day of fashion, then being exploded in favour of some other vagary, which in its turn gives way, and all falling under the description of false " philosophy and vain deceit, according to the tradition of men, the rudiments of the world; — the oppositions of science falsely so called; — perverse disputings of men of CHEISTIANITT INJUEED. 9 corrupt minds, destitute of the truth, — reprobate con cerning the faith." — Col. ii. 8; 1 Tim. vi. 5 ; 2 Tim. iii.. 8* * A clergyman whose piety and integrity, as manifested in his boob, attract my sincere respect, notwithstanding egregious defects of candour and justice in his animadversions, has expressed the opinions of many other good men, in the following words. "J. P. S. deprecates the idea of any person entering upon geological questions, who does not possess considerable acquaintance with the principles of Chemistry, Electricity, Mineralogy, Zoology, Conchology, Comparative Anatomy, and even of * the sublimest mathematics.' It will be readily conceded that, to prosecute the study of Geology advantageously, some insight into most of the natural sciences is necessary. But, when this assertion is intended to deter men of good common sense from giving their opinion upon Geology in its connexion with the Scriptures, the position may be safely questioned. It would be just as reasonable to maintain, that a minute acquaintance with the principles of Surgery and Morbid Anatomy was requisite, before a man was qualified to say whether a leg of mutton was tainted, and ought to be sent from the table; or that an honest countryman was unfit to sit in a jury-box, because he was ignorant of the English Law-Reports, or Coke upon Lyttleton. In the controversy between geologists and the Sacred Scriptures, nothing more is required but an acquaintance with the common laws of evidence, and a knowledge of the distinction between Divine and human testimony." (" Reflections on Geology, suggested by the perusal of Dr. Buckland's Bridgewater Treatise; with Remarks on a Letter by J. P. S., on the Study of Geology ;" by the Rev. J. Mellor Brown, B.A. &c. p. 52.) This Letter will be reprinted in the Appendix j1 so that the reader may see whether Mr. Brown has not, undesignedly I am willing to believe, exag gerated the description of prerequisites to geological study. It is hardly needful to remind him that comparisons are not arguments; and that, when they are intended to be illustrations, they ought to be just. Upon his first comparison I make no remark, for its propriety is equal to its elegance : but, to invest his second with any semblance of analogy, he ought to have made' his " honest countryman " very ill informed upon the facts connected with the cause which he was called to try, yet imagining himself to know all about it, and determined to shut his ears against the evidence. 1 Supplementary Note A; on the Laws of Organized Natures, involving the necessity of Death; and on Geological Studies in general. 10 babbage's PAEALLEL. That such a state of opinion is injurious to the cause of Christianity, can admit of no doubt. It is a fearful thing to array science and religion against each other ; for, how ever unnatural and unjust this antagonist position certainly is, the fact of its existence is pregnant with evil on both sides. Men who have well studied the questions at issue, and who know the evidence of those geological facts to which such strong exception is taken, cannot by any possi bility be brought to renounce their convictions.* "Were they treated as Galileo was, were they, like him, unwilling to be the martyrs of conscience, were they to profess a change of sentiment which they could not feel ; they would act the part of hypocrites. The nature of the impression which is actually made upon such minds, may be judged of from the language of a mathematician and philosopher of the highest order, distinguished by the originality and independence of his mind, and whose sincerity, as a pro fessed friend of Christianity, it would be most unjust to call into question. * Fourth ed. — The labours of the most distinguished men in Geology and Natural History universally, are constantly bringing confirmations. " In no instance [of the results obtained by modern geological investigations,] have general conclusions been shaken by subsequent observations. Whatever alterations and minute adjustments may take place, the great fundamental principles of the science, and the grand subdivisions already introduced into its history, will not be upset, but will be extended and confirmed by future inquiry." Prof. Sedgwick, at the Brit. Assoc. Camb., 1845. At the same time and place, " Dr. Bucklaud wished to correct a false impres sion, not uncommon among novices, who hear only debates and conflicts on disputable points in Geology, — that there is nothing certain in the conclu sions of that science; and he wished it to be understood that, from the moment when Organic Remains were appealed to, as the true ground of comparison between the rocks of different ages and different countries, there had been no difference of opinion amongst geologists upon the broad principles of their science." See the very accurate reports of that meeting, in the " Athenaeum" for June 21 and 28, and July 5, 1845. BABBAGE S PAEALLEL. 11 " "What then have those accomplished who have restricted the Mosaic account of the creation to that diminutive period, which is as it were but a span in the duration of the earth's existence ; and who have imprudently rejected the testimony of the senses, when opposed to their philological criticisms ? The very arguments which protestants have opposed to the doctrine of transubstantiation, would, if their view of the case were correct, be equally irresistible against the book of Genesis. But let us consider what would be the conclusion of any reasonable being in a parallel case. Let us imagine a manuscript written three thousand years ago, and professing to be a revelation from the Deity, in which it was stated that the colour of the paper of the very book now in the reader's hands is black, and that the colour of the ink in the characters which he is now reading is white. "With that reasonable doubt of his own individual faculties, which would become the inquirer into the truth of a state ment said to be derived from so high an origin, he would ask of all those around him, whether to their senses the paper appeared to be black and the ink to be white. If he found the senses of other individuals agree with his own, then he would undoubtedly pronounce the alleged revelation a forgery, and those who propounded it to be either deceived or deceivers. He would rightly impute the attempted deceit to moral turpitude, to gross ignorance, or to interested motives, in the supporters of it ; but he certainly would not commit the impiety of supposing the Deity to have wrought a miraculous change upon the senses of our whole species, and then to demand their belief in a fact directly opposed to those senses ; thus throwing doubt upon every conclusion of reason in regard to external objects; and, amongst others, upon the very evidence by which the authenticity of that very questionable manuscript was itself supported, 12 DILEMMA. and even upon the fact of its existence when before their eyes."* Should any of those who honour me with their attention, be not at all, or only as the result of cursory reading, acquainted with geological science, they are entreated to consider the case before them very seriously. Here is a mind of high order, versed in philosophical knowledge, whose acquirements in the exact sciences, their highest branches, and their most astonishing applications, are ac knowledged with admiration through the world ; who has deeply studied the nature and rules of evidence ; and who is not an enemy, but an avowed friend to Eevealed Eeligion: he marches up to the front of the imagined discrepance, and we see the strength of his conviction. He is indeed satisfied, for himself, that Geology and Eevelation are not at variance ; and his method of resolving the difficulty will be mentioned in a future lecture. But we may ask in the mean time, "What is the conclusion which the uninstructed observer ought in fairness to draw ? Can he satisfy himself with the assertion, that the most eminent geologists are, in general, secret or open infidels ; that their doctrines upon the constitution and antiquity of the earth are fond fancies, changeable as the wind, or irreligious hypotheses of men " ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth ; " and that he runs no risk of being mistaken, or of becoming the instrument of moral injury to others, per haps his own children, by making it an article of religion to maintain that all dependent nature came from the creative power of the Supreme Being, only about six thousand years ago ? 'Will he say that all solicitude upon the question may be safely dismissed, and that he gains firm footing for his faith on this subject by reposing upon an interpretation of * Mr. Babbage's "Ninth Bridgewater Treatise," pp. 68-70. EELIGION EESTS ON EEVELATION. 13 the Mosaic records, which though extensively received, has been seriously doubted of by sound expositors in ancient and in modern times, and by some absolutely disallowed, — yea, independently of geological knowledge? An inquiry thus opens before us which cannot but appear, to every reflecting person, to be of the first importance. " Eeligion is the highest style of man." But religion, the internal and practical principle of all piety, virtue, and morality, rests upon Theology. And what is theology, but the knowledge of that which is in itself true and in its rela tions to us infinitely important, concerning the Supeeme Being, his perfections and works and purposes, the duty which we owe tb him, and the hopes which we are permitted to entertain of the greatest blessings by his bestowment ? That knowledge it is our duty to obtain, from all the sources and by all the means that he has put in our power. His works are the first of those means, in the order of human apprehension. In them much of (jb yvoio-rh row ©eoC) "that which can be known of God is manifested : — his invisible perfections are contemplated from the creation of the world, being understood by his works, his eternal power and god head." Can any declaration be more clear and full than this of the inspired apostle ? "We have then the most satisfactory proofs, that this all-perfect Being has not only given us mental faculties, by which we are capable of making ever progressive improvement in the study of the dependent universe of which we are a part, and in which so bright rays shine forth of his " eternal power and godhead ;" but that he has further dignified our present condition of existence, by the communication of positive information concerning our relations to himself and to each other, and the results of those relations in the eternal state to which we are hastening. 11 SCIENCE CONSISTENT WITH EEVELATION, Christianity rests upon the explicit acknowledgment of a succession of such communications, commencing with the earliest epoch ofthe human history, and growing in compre hension and clearness, till the series is completed in the doctrine of Jesus " the Saviour of the world." Of these communications we have written monuments, proved to be genuine and authentic; presenting the truths, laws, promises, warnings, and threatenings, of the Divine Government ; and containing the history of the persons and the circumstances connected with those successive revelations. The earlier of those records are far more ancient than any other monu ments in alphabetical writing known to exist ; and the most early of them affirm the fact of both the universal crea tion of the world, and the preparation and adaptation of that part of it which was designed to be the habitation of man. But there are two sciences, Astronomy and Geology, which bring us into an acquaintance with faets of amazing grandeur and interest, concerning the Extent and the Antiquity of the created Universe. The knowledge which each communi cates rests upon its own appropriate evidence ; in the one case, the evidence of sense obtained by innumerable obser vations made and compared by the most competent men, and confirmed by rigorous mathematical processes ; * and, in the other, the evidence of sense also, and the testimony of a host of accomplished observers, and though not to the same perfect extent as Astronomy, yet in a degree which objectors little imagine, receiving support from mathematical applications. Are then the discoveries and deductions of those sciences consistent, or are they not, with the declarations of primeval divine revelation P * Supplementary Note B; on the Evidence from Astronomy TBUTH THE SOLE OBJECT. 15 We cannot but expect such consistency. Our Creator has given us faculties suited to the perception and the right appreciation of it. Cases indeed are conceivable, and they do occur, in which difficulties appear, because we see only detached portions of the truth, and the inteirening parts of our field of view are covered with an obscurity which we cannot dispel. Tet such cases are not those of contradictory propositions, in which the affirming of one destroys that of the other. But unhappily this is the predicament of the subject which we have to consider, as it is too commonly understood. If from the discoveries of Astronomy and Geology we infer that the created universe, including our own globe, has existed through an unknown but unspeakably long period of time past ; and IE, from the records of reve lation, we draw the conclusion that the work of creation, or at least so far as respects our planet, took place not quite six thousand years ago ; it is evident that the two positions cannot both stand : one destroys the other. One of them must be an error ; both may be wrong ; only one can be right. Our first care must be to ascertain the true state of the facts on each side. Are the propositions respectively drawn from their premises, by sound reasoning ? Have we guarded sufficiently against all causes of error ? Are the facts in nature satisfactorily proved ? And is our interpretation of the Scriptures legitimate ? Doubts and renewed investi gation of the latter question imply no precarious issue with respect to the great designs of revelation. " The foundation of God standeth sure." The great principle of faith and obedience, hope and happiness ; the doctrines, warnings, and promises of the gospel ; shine forth in the most clear and satisfying manner ; and their certainty is not diminished hy philological inquiry into the interpretation of words, or by discussing the relations to history and antiquities, and 16 TEUTH ETEE CONSISTENT. other collateral bearings of the Scriptures. For example : the recent discoveries in the monuments of Egypt * have cast much light upon the history and the phraseology of the Old Testament, by bringing to our knowledge facts and usages which were before imperfectly or not at all known: but these accessions of knowledge, and the more correct inter pretation of particular passages which we hence obtain, take nothing from us in any other respect, but add materially to the proofs and the right understanding of the whole system of revelation. The more firmly we stand upon the rock of evidence, the more completely we possess " the assurance of faith." Teuth, therefore, is our object : Truth, in religion, in morals, and in natural science. The more completely we attain it, if we faithfully apply it to its proper purposes, the more we shall bring happiness to ourselves and our fellow creatures, and reverential honour to God. All men admit and act upon the value of Truth. Even those who practically disregard its obligations, pay to Truth an implicit homage ; for they plainly manifest that it is only wicked selfishness which leads them to violate it. Truth in' sentiment is the agreement of our conceptions or belief, with the real nature and circumstances of the things which are the objects of those conceptions : and conventional Truth is the agreement of the signs by which we express our conceptions, with the conceptions them selves. That our conceptions may be thus in accordance with the reahty of things, is to be secured by the due consideration of Evidence : and we believe that God, the Fountain of all truth and goodness, has furnished us with means for the * Now, in 1847, we add, of Nineveh, and the ancient Assyrian empire. See the admirable work of Dr. Layard. TEUTH evee consistent. 17 obtaining of evidence, sufficient for a rational satisfaction, upon all objects which it concerns us to know. All Truth must be consistent. Let the objects contem plated be never so different in . their nature, and remote from each other, in their position, or aspect, or other con nexions of their occurrence; the facts concerning them cannot but be in mutual agreement ; for to say that one fact is contradictory to another, is to utter a manifest absurdity. But our conception of a fact may fail of being in accordance with the reality : from the variety of causes which, we are aware, are the sources of frequent error among mortals, and of which the chief are, the not being possessed of adequate means for acquiring the knowledge requisite as the basis of our deductions; or the want of giving due attention to the means which we do possess for acquiring the necessary data; or a want of correct habitude of mind in drawing our conclusions. If we have done our best and fail, we have not forfeited moral truth; we are sincere, though mistaken : but, if we have not done our best, we cannot be blameless. Eor the consequences of our indifference, or negligence, or prejudice, we must be respon sible to the divine tribunal ; and that responsibility will be according to the nature of the object proposed for in vestigation, its circumstances of greater or less import ance to the well-being of mankind, our obligations to possess accurate knowledge, and our profession to commu nicate it. The criterion of truth is Evidence : and, though evidence is formed of different materials in different departments, the effect of real evidence, upon a mind sincerely desirous of knowing the truth, will be satisfactory, however different the kind or form of the materials which constitute it. In Physical Science, the evidence of truth is obtained by drawing inferences from the observation of facts made 18 EIDELITT TO EVIDENCE. known by our senses; and confirmed in many cases, and those the most important, by the application of Mathe matics, which indeed derive their certainty from reducing all propositions to the plainest evidence of sense. Truth, in matters of history, and in all that relates to the good or evil conduct of rational beings, their relation to social systems and to law, their dispositions and motives, their dependence upon the Supreme Sovereign, their obli gations to Him, and their expectations from him ; can be attained only by what is usually called Moral Evidence. This kind of evidence arises from our consciousness of the manner in which we ourselves feel and act in given circum stances ; and our observation of the manner in which other men act under similar conditions. "We hence deduce con clusions : these are confirmed by universal experience : we feel a perfect confidence, that, whenever the conditions are similar, the results will be similar also : and we call the principles or causes of such uniformity in voluntary action, Laws of mind. Thus we come at last to find, that clear cases of Moral Evidence produce an assent and satisfaction not less com plete than is our confidence in the Evidence of our Senses. "We arrive at a conviction, that the same wisdom and rectitude of the omnipotent and infinitely good Being, which established the Laws of Matter, have also established Laws of Mind ; and that to refuse our belief, where sufficient moral evidence has been laid before us, is not less unreason able than it would be to doubt the dictates of our senses, or the results of mathematical proof. It is however a fact, that even moral truth may derive important aid from a judicious application of mathematical methods of investigation. The progress made, within the last sixty years, in the most refined branches of Analytics, has contributed its measure of auxiliary support to the reso- moeal evidence. 19 lution of questions which have a relation to the evidences of religion ; by the doctrine of chances. The probabilities for and against the occurrence of a supposed fact, or the credi bility of witnesses warranting the belief of a miracle, have been reduced to equations and satisfactorily worked out. The late Bishop of Peterborough (Dr.. Herbert Marsh) in his Letters to Archdeacon Travis, nearly fifty years ago, employed this method on a question of criticism ; and Mr. Babbage, in his Ninth Bridgewater Treatise, has applied it to the refutation of Hume's endeavour to set up an argument against miracles wrought in favour of religion.* * Sec. ed. A scientific friend has written to me upon this passage: " You appear to give Mr. Babbage the credit of replying to Hume on Miracles, on the numerical plan. Are you not aware that Dr. Chalmers previously did the same ? See the third volume of his Works. I heard him deliver the matter there published, in 1830—31." Certainly I was not aware of this circumstance. The publication referred to is a collection of all the works of Dr. Chalmers, which began to be published, I believe, about four years ago, and is not yet completed. The third volume commences with " The Miraculous and Internal Evidences of the Christian Revelation;" and is entirely a different work from the "Evidence and Authority," &c. which was published in 1814. Tn this more recent and comprehensive work, the distinguished Professor applies the mathematical doctrine of Chances to the illustration of our belief in the constancy of natural phenomena, and to the dissection and refutation of the objection made by Hume and La Place against the credibility of the scripture miracles. I am greatly obliged to my correspondent for giving me the opportunity of mentioning this fact. But it does not diminish ths merit of Mr. Babbage. He indeed refers to Dr. Chalmers, but it is to another part of his Works, namely, vol. i. p. 1 29. Yet it appears almost certain that the numeral of the volame is a mistake ofthe printer, and that vol. iii. was meant; and then we have the very passage to which I presume that my friend alludes. Mr. Babbage gives his formulae in general algebraic expressions, and his illustrations are widely different; though the argument of course goes upon the same principles of recondite mathematical science. Mr. Babbage is not a man that would derive advantage from another, and conceal his obligations. C2 20 FIDELITY TO EVIDENCE. These considerations should deepen our conviction of the duty of dealing faithfully with evidence. Those who have temporary purposes to answer, and selfish interests to pro-. mote, may, if they be regardless of moral obligation, permit their predilections to infect their judgment, and to trample down their sincerity. But Christian principles will not allow us to do so. " "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever are (gsp.vciy fair, whatsoever just, whatsoever pure, whatsoever amiable, whatsoever (siip^/ia) deserve honourable mention," — it is our duty and our happiness to seek, and when acquired to profess. Let us exert our utmost diligence to obtain true premises ; let our attention be vigilant, that we may rightly understand them; let us watch carefully every step of our deductions, that they trespass not the limit of correct reasoning; but let us not be stopped in our course, nor desist from pursuing the straight line, because objections meet us which are drawn from other departments of human knowledge. Our duty is to bid those objections to stand aside for a time. In the pursuit of our present line of inquiry, it is more than barely possible that new light may arise ; or another point of view may be reached, which will have the effect of exterminating the difficulty. Should this not be the result, our work then will be to trace the derivation of the difficulty from its own source, and to follow out the separate course of investigation by its own principles* Thus we may find a deliverance from our perplexity in the most effectual manner, by ascertaining that it had no foundation in its own class of knowledge : or the pressure of the difficulty may be dimiiiished, so far as to yield a reasonable satisfaction that any remaining ob- » "To those who spread themselves over these opposite Enes, each moving in his own direction, a thousand points of meeting, and mutual and joyful recognition, will occur."— Sir John Herschel's" Presidential Address," at the Fifteenth Meeting ofthe British Association at Cambridge, June 1845. THE UNITEESE. 21 scurity may be fairly imputed to tho inherent weakness and the necessary limitations of our imperfect nature. Above all, let us not suffer ourselves to be beguiled into the foolish notion, if it be not an insidious pretence, for the purpose of undermining the foundations of religious truth, — that a position may be false in philosophy, but true in theology ; or, inversely, philosophically true and theologically false. It is scarcely conceivable that a sane mind could admit such an assertion : yet it has been made, with some disguise perhaps in the phrase, by persons who apparently expected to be credited. The sum of objects which we can pereeive, or know, or conceive of as existing, falls into two very different classes of description. The one elass is stamped with the proofs of mutability, contingenee, and dependence. It presents itself to our senses and our consciousness, in a variety of ways ; yet all those ways and their results are limited, but the object itself is to us illimitable. "We call it The TJniveese, or more correctly ihe Dependent or ihe Finite Universe. "We know not its extent : for, while the microscope, at the one extremity of the scale, and astronomical observations at the other, set before us multitude, magnitude, distance, and minuteness, which we feel to become overwhelming to our faculties, we have no reason to suppose that we have reached a term, in either direction of our observations. The vast space into which we look, and the " worlds upon worlds " with which we. see it to be filled, may be but the threshold of the finite universe ; and in the lowest part of the known scale of being, we gain no evidence of ever touching a boundary. The other description of what we can know is not pre sented to our senses ; but of its existence we gain an irre sistible conviction by reasoning. The former class, however 22 THE DEITY. vast its extent and remote its antiquity, impresses us, by many facts and circumstances, with the conviction that it had a beginning. This material portion is that alone which is cognizable by our senses. "We find it to possess a natural inertness ; yet it is in perpetual motion. That motion sup poses an impulsive power, as its cause. "We can trace the so-called causes of motion, from one to another that is prior, and so continually ; and we cannot rationally stop till we have ascended to the idea of a voluntary First Cause. To this originating principle we are compelled, by the manifest evidence of the case, to attribute the properties of being intelligent, underived, and independent ; in other words, of being self-existent, spontaneously active, and possessed in an infinite degree oi every property that is an excellence ; the One Necessaey Being. "We combine all other beings into one group, and we call it the dependent universe : but com paring this assemblage with that One Being, it becomes, in the comparison, a shadow of existence, " less than nothing and vanity;" mere emptiness. That Being is GOD; not perceived by our organs of sense, but the Object of pure mental conception. He is Mind, in the highest sense ; existing necessarily, and therefore having always existed and always to exist : a free agent, of infinite intellectual and moral perfection ; upon whom all other beings depend as their Originator, Preserver, and Benefactor, their Pro prietor and Lawgiver, their Judge and Eewarder; the supremely wise, holy, and powerful Basis of the universe. "Unbiassed reason, no less than the book of revelation, utters the voice of satisfaction and gladness ; " Give unto Jehovah the glory of his name ; O, worship Jehovah in the beauty of holiness ! — For of Him, and through Him, and to Him are all things ; to whom be glory for ever !" Of the existence and perfections, the providence and efficient activity, of this glorious Being, we have every kind ACCOUNTABLENESS. 23 and degree of evidence that can warrant the reception of any moral truth whatever. If any honest-hearted inquirer entertain a doubt, it is sufficient to refer him to the volumes of Eay and Derham, Bentley, Clarke, Paley, and the authors of the Bridgewater Treatises. Neither- is this the place for adducing evidence that rational creatures are accountable, and that the Supreme Being exer cises a moral government over them. The writings of Butler alone are sufficient for this purpose. "We are con vinced also, upon the most satisfactory grounds, that this Wise and Gracious Being has been pleased to give the elements of positive knowledge to mankind, sufficient to inform us -upon subjects which it most highly concerns us to know, but of which, without such information, it would be utterly impossible for us to have any other than con jectures, vague and painfully uncertain. The proofs that God has thus made known those facts and truths, and the realities of an eternal futurity ; and that the communication is contained in the series of ancient books called the Holy Scriptures, are also to be found in many easily accessible works. It plainly follows, that a serious attention to those books is the most important duty, and the most interesting occu pation, to which we can apply ourselves. Our great object is, to understand them in their true meaning ; that is, to take them in the sense in which they were intended by the Spirit of truth from whose inspiration, mediately or immediately, they have proceeded. This true sense and meaning must be brought out by an impartial application of the same means which men use, from a con viction of their necessity and adequacy, in order to obtain a just understanding of any writings composed in long past times and in ancient languages. The study of revealed religion, thus pursued, cannot but 24 CONNEXIONS OF GEOLOGY. be in perfect harmony with all true science. The works and the word of God are streams from the same source, and, though they flow in different directions, they neces sarily partake of the same qualities of truth, wisdom, and goodness. Geology, in an especial manner, possesses its place in this beneficent association. It holds also.the most interesting connexions with every other branch of Natural Science. It attracts and renders subsidiary to itself, the entire domain of Natural History ; it is indissolubly com bined with Chemistry, with which it participates in reci procal advantages of the most important kind ; [it possesses intimate relationships with Meteorology and Terrestrial Magnetism ;] it has connexions, which to many have been unexpected, with the sublime science of Astronomy, but which the genius and attainments of Babbage, Herschel, and Hopkins, both anticipated and have demonstrated, — connexions of peculiar interest, and which go far to vindi cate for Geology a place among the exact sciences. The facts on which it rests have, since the beginning of the present century, and especially since the estabhshment of the Geological Societies of London, Dublin, and Paris, and kindred institutions in many parts of Europe, and in America, been collected by the assiduous labour of many men of the finest talents ; and those facts have not onlv been brought together and freely exposed to examination, but they have been subjected to the most jealous scrutiny and the most rigorous tests that can be imagined. Philoso phers, whose previous opinions were very discordant, but whose qualifications for the task were of the highest order of different nations (and there was a time when national rivalry even violated the sacred ground of science and letters), and who had been trained and raised to the first stations in all the other departments of physical knowledge and the liberal arts; have concurred, and have emulated EASHNESS IN TAEXWG UP OPINIONS. 25 each other, in sifting and scrutinizing to the utmost every announced discovery, and every theoretical deduction. Can it be then supposed that a scientific edifice thus framed, and in the fundamental doctrines of which all who have a claim upon our confidence, are agreed,* possesses not the elements of stability, and has no claims upon our confidence ? But we are compelled to make the unwelcome admission, that the rules of reason, with regard to evidence, have been not a little disregarded, in relation to the proposed subject of these Lectures. It would not, I am persuaded, be possi ble to point out any department of scientific investigation, in regard to which persons have rushed to the forming and proclaiming of strong opinions, with so scanty a portion of knowledge, yet at the same time so fearlessly, as in relation to Geology. There have been and perhaps still are persons who, not judging it necessary to use hard-working pains and long perseverance, to obtain a competent acquaintance with facts, have, with much dignity, framed their systems of the world: and have not shown the most charitable dispositions towards those who decline to bow down to the idols thus set up. Let it, however, be recollected, that the disposition to make these assumptions, and the facility of admitting them, have risen, in a great measure, from a cause which is entitled to our reverence and esteem, religious feeling; though mistaken in its application. The opinion or suspicion, is roused to meet us, on almost every occasion, that Geology and a religious regard to the Scriptures are opposed to each other. This notion has been diligently * "I need not dwell upon the extreme danger of representing, as necessarily subversive of a faith in revelation, physical conclusions received, I believe, by all those who are generally considered as competent judges, as firmly established truths."— Rev. W. D. Conybeare, F.R.S. &c, in tho " Christian Observer " for 1834, p. 307. 20 MISEEPEESENTATIONS. held up to the Christian public, and in a style well adapted to excite alarm. Hence, some have been led to propose and others to receive, for the overcoming ofthe apprehended difficulties, theories which, either, on the one hand, have grievously misrepresented principal facts in the natural history of the earth, or, on the other, have exercised arbi trary power upon the sacred books, in despite of the fair methods of interpretation by which alone we are warranted to treat ancient writings. "When we are compelled, by the force of conviction, to make observations of this kind, it is proper to show that we do not stand alone. I consider it to be an advantage for aiding the mind in the pursuit of truth, and therefore to be eminently my duty, to adduce a small number of citations from Christian Philosophers, whose knowledge on these subjects is the hard-earned fruit of fair labour in toiling over hundreds of miles of rocky mountains, and of close study for the rigid scrutiny of results. I shall first take a few paragraphs from a most diligent and laborious investigator, and a devout Christian. A re gard to brevity will oblige me to select detached passages ; but they will represent, without perversion or exaggeration, the meaning and design of the continuous pages. Certain English authors are those referred to, but their nameslieed not be introduced. The hypotheses of those writers have been "defended with no small ability of a certain kind, and with the most dogmatic assurance. They were compelled to pay so much deference to the advanced state of science at the present time, as to knock off some of the HutcHnsonian protuberances ; yet they have not gone into the core of the system, to make any reformation there. Their works are distinguished by great positiveness of opinion. Where the ablest Geologists wait for further light, they cut the MISEEPEESENTATIONB. 27 knot at once. The relative importance of facts is often presented by them in such a manner, as to betray at once their want of practical acquaintance with the subject. These works are distinguished by very great severity and intolerance towards the leading Geologists of the last half century. A powerful attempt has been made to exhibit the ' Mosaical and Mineral Geologies' (to borrow the unfair phraseology which figures in one of their titles,) as at vari ance in their fundamental principles ; so that the one or the other must be abandoned : and, in doing this, they have sadly misapprehended the views of geologists. Because the latter have imputed the changes in the earth's condition to secondary causes, they are charged with Atheism." One of them " says, ' It is manifest that the Mineral Geology, con sidered as a science, can do as well without God, though in a question concerning the origin of the earth, as Lucretius did.' Now such a sweeping charge would never have been made had" the writer "not entirely misunderstood the geologists ; or had he been practically familiar with the structure of the earth's crust : for they have referred to second causes those changes, which no man thoroughly acquainted with them would regard as miraculous, any more than he would the existence of such a city as London or Paris. And they have had no idea of doing without God, because they suppose the world to have had an earlier origin than" the censurer " admits : for, at whatever period it began to exist, it would alike require infinite power and wisdom to create and arrange it. Geologists, with scarcely an excep tion, have decidedly and boldly opposed such views'' as these imputations of atheism. " The course which" those op ponents " have taken, will inevitably produce, among pious men, not familiar with science, a prejudice against it and a jealousy of its cultivation. How disastrous such a result would be, let the painful history of the past testify." — 28 VINDICATION OE GEOLOGY. Further, "these works are distinguished by the adoption of very extravagant theories, and very great distortion of geological facts, as well as of the language of Scripture. None but a geologist can know what absurdities must be received, and what distortions made of facts, before such opinions can be embraced. To the geologist they appear a thousand times more extravagant and opposed to facts, than any opinions that have been entertained by the cultivators of this science. But these hypotheses require scarcely less perversion of the Sacred Eecords." — After giving an instance of this bold dealing with the Bible, the Professor adds, " This, in the matter of interpretation, is ' straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel.' We have no doubt that" these and similar writers " are sincerely desir ous of vindicating Eevelation from the attacks of scientific sceptics, and that this desire prompted them to write as they have done. But we cannot doubt that the effect of their works on [those] real geologists who are sceptical, will be very unhappy. Such persons "will see that these authors do not understand the subject about which they write; and they will see a spirit manifested which will not greatly exalt their ideas of the influence of Chris tianity." * I next ask attention to a passage, conspicuous for the beauty of its language, and the justness of its reasoning, from one of the ornaments of the University of Cambridge, the Woodwardian Professor of Mineralogy and Geology. "A philosopher may smile at the fulminations of the. Vatican against those who, with Copernicus, maintained the motion of the earth ; but he ought to sigh, when he finds * " Historical and Geological Deluges compared ;" in the " American Biblical Repository," vol. ix., passages from p. 108 to 114; 1837. By the Rev. Edward Hitchcock, LL.D. Prof, of Chemistry, &c, Amherst College, New England. SEDGWICK. 29 that the heart of man is no better than it was of old, and that his arrogance and folly are still the same There are still found some who dare to affirm that the pursuits of natural science are hostile to religion. An assertion more false in itself, or more dishonourable to the cause of true religion, has not been conceived in the mind of man. " The Bible instructs us, that man and other living things, have been placed but a few years upon the earth ; and the physical monuments of the world bear witness to the same truth. If the astronomer tells us of myriads of worlds not spoken of in the sacred records ; the Geologist in like manner, proves (not by arguments from analogy, but by the incontrovertible evidence of physical phenomena [presented to the plain cognizance of our senses,]) that there were former conditions of our planet, separated from each other by vast intervals of time, during which mau, and the other creatures of his own date, had not been called into being. Periods such as these belong not, therefore, to the moral history of our race ; and come within neither the letter nor the spirit of revelation. Between the first creation of the earth and that day in which it pleased God to place man upon it, who shall dare to define the interval ? On this question Scripture is silent : but that silence destroys not the meaning of those physical monuments of his power which God has put before our eyes, giving us, at the same time, faculties whereby we may interpret them and compre hend their meaning. " In the present condition of our knowledge, a statement like this is surely enough to satisfy the reasonable scruples of a rehgious man. But let us, for a moment, suppose that there are some rehgious difficulties in the conclusions of geology : how, then, are we to solve them ? Not by shut ting our eyes to facts, or denying the evidence of our senses: but by patient investigation carried on in the sincere love 30 VINDICATION OE GEOLOGY. of truth, and by learning to reject every consequence not warranted by direct physical evidence. Pursued in this spirit, geology can neither lead to any false conclusions nor offend against any rehgious truth. And this is the spirit in which many men have of late years followed this delightful science ; devoting the best labours of their lives to its- culti vation ; turning over the successive leaves of nature's book, and interpreting her language, which they know to be a physical revelation of God's will ; patiently working their way through investigations requiring much toil of both mind and body ; accepting hypotheses only as a means of connecting disjointed phenomena, and rejecting them when they become unfitted for that office, so as, in the end, to build only upon facts and true natural causes. All this they have done, and are still doing : so that, however unfinished may be the fabric they have attempted to rear, its foundations are laid upon a rock. " But there is another class of men, who pursue geology by a nearer road and are guided by a different light. Well- intentioned they may be ; but they have betrayed no small self-sufficiency, along with a shameful want of knowledge of the fundamental facts they presume to write about. Hence, they have dishonoured the literature of this country by 'Mosaic Geology,' ' Scripture Geology,' and other works of cosmogony with kindred titles ; wherein they have over looked the aim and end of revelation, tortured the book of life out of its proper meaning, and wantonly contrived to bring about a collision between natural phenomena and the word of God. They have committed the folly and the SIN, of dogmatizing on matters which they have not person ally examined, and, at the utmost, know only at second hand ; of pretending to teach mankind on points where they themselves are uninstructed. Authors such as these ought to have first considered, that book-learning (in CHALMEBS. 31 whatsoever degree they may be gifted with it,) is but a pitiful excuse for writing mischievous nonsense ; and that, to a divine or a man of letters, ignorance of the laws of nature and of material phenomena is then only disgraceful, when he quits his own ground and pretends to teach philosophy. A Brahmin crushed with a stone the microscope that first showed him living things among the vegetables of his daily food. " It would indeed be a vain and idle task, to engage in controversy with this school of false philosophy ; to waste our breath in the forms of exact reasoning unfitted to the comprehension of our antagonists ; to draw our weapons in a combat where victory could give no honour. Their position is impregnable, while they remain within the fences of their ignorance."* Another eminent author, after largely discussing this class of subjects, Dr. Chalmers, says : " We conclude with adverting to the unanimity of Geologists in one point, — the far superior antiquity of this globe to the commonly received date of it as taken from the writings of Moses. What shall we make of this ? We may feel a security as to those points in which they differ; and, confronting them with one another, may remain safe and untouched between them. But when they agree, this security fails. There is no neutrahzation of authority among them as to the age of the world; and Cuvier, with his catastrophes and his epochs, leaves the popular opinion nearly as far behind him, as they who trace our present continents upward through an indefinite series of ancestors, and assign many millions of years to the existence of each generation, "f This eloquent writer cannot have intended to signify • "Prof. Sedgwick's Discourse on the Studies of the University 01 Cambridge;" passages from p. 148 to 152; 1834. f " Edinburgh Christian Instructor," April, 1814. 32 DYING BENEDICTION OE MOSES. "ancestors" and "generations" of the human kind, nor of the existing species of animals ; for this would involve a groundless imputation. He probably used those words, without adverting to their proper meaning, and designing only to express animated creatures and the succession of different families and genera.* LECTTJEE II. Deltt. xxxiii. 13, 15, 16. Blessed of the Lord be his land; for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that coucheth beneath and for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills, and for the precious things of the earth and the fulness thereof. This beautiful passage, from the dying benedictions of Moses, the faithful servant of God, is not recited from any supposition that it has an immediate reference to the subjects of this lecture. Tet, such an application may be made, upon the ground of a fair and unforced analogy. The passage is a sublime thanksgiving to the Most High, acknowledging the eminent advantages which he had pre pared for the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, in the approaching partition of Palestine. Their allotment had a moderate line of sea-coast, on which was Joppa, at that time and long after a good port ; an ample portion of rich * Sec. ed. The friend of Dr. Chalmers, mentioned in a former note, has honoured me with a remark on this passage. " Dr. C. does not mean animated creatures at all, but former continents: which may be looked upon, by a poetical eye, as the ancestors of the present ones. You are not accustomed to his imaginative modes of expression: but long attendance in his class-room, and familiarity with his works, enable me to vouch for my correctness here." CHANGES IN NATUBE. 33 land for pasture and cultivation; and numerous high grounds and hills supplying streams of water, and contain ing excellent stone and lime for building, with iron and copper in the northern mountains. Thus the description may be properly adduced as comprehending, along with other objects, the class of providential blessings which belong to the mineral kingdom, and which are of so great importance to the wealth and prosperity of a nation. That class of blessings God has conferred upon our country in a far superior degree : and it certainly becomes us to under stand our mercies and be grateful for them. Geological knowledge, if pursued in a right state of mind, will much assist us in this duty. All observation and every experiment prove, that the sensible world around us is in a state of incessant motion and change, upon all points of the scale, from the internal movements of the matter composing the simplest and minutest body that we can observe, to the motions of the astral orbs and nebulae, so overwhelming to our power of conception, or even in imagination to follow them. These changes take place not in a fortuitous and confused manner, but in a regular subjection to principles, mechanical and chemical ; which, though few and simple, lead to results, very complicated indeed and recondite, yet ever harmonizing with each other and with the whole system of the universe : and thus these changes are supplying employment to the highest powers of mathematical investigation. Throughout organized nature, the characters of species approach to each other, group themselves into genera, and those again into families and orders, associated by points of resemblance ; and thus they constitute a continuous series of structural forms, functions, and operations, which exhibit, in all their variety, a principle of mutual adaptation reigning throughout ; and indicate an entire dependence upon an all- D 34 SKETCH OF OBJECTS. comprehending, and all-arranging Intellect. The machine of the universe is thus maintained in being and action, by an intelligent Cause and Preserver. It would involve a con tradiction to say that the universe is itself that cause. The marks which it bears of dependence on a supreme reason of existence, are incontrovertible. Whether that dependence be conceived of as strictly proximate, or whether the efficiency of the divine power pass through one or ten, ten thousand or ten thousand millions, of intervening agencies, can make no difference. Let the unceasing activity of operation move subordinate causes whose number could not be put down in figures, and whose complication no created intellect could follow ; it is still the same. " The excellency of the power is of God." Indeed the latter supposition exalts the more highly our view of the divine perfections ; the knowledge) wisdom, and power, to which complication and simplicity, remoteness and nearness, an atomic point and all space, — are the same. " God is a Spieit. — Do not I fill heaven and earth ? saith Jehovah. — He is all and in all. — In Him we live, and move, and have our being." Of this dependent universe, our planet is a part so small that no arithmetician can assign a fraction low enough to express its proportion to the whole. God has appointed it for our habitation, till the great change of death : and, on every account, natural and moral, it is to us full of interest. Its constitution, the alterations of structure and arrange ment which are incessantly taking place upon it and within it, its living inhabitants, ana those races of creatures once possessing vegetable or animal life, but which have ceased to live— set before us subjects inexhaustible for examination and delight. The object of this lecture is not to lay down a digest of geological facts. Such a pretension would be absurd, unless we could work upon a larger scale. But I may well feel W0EKS ON GEOLOGY BECOMMENDED. 35 assured that my friends will not do themselveB so much injustice, as would be the neglect of studying diligently some of the best works, and which may easily be obtained.* I * If, for the sake of my younger friends, I mention the works which I can with most satisfaction recommend, omissions must not be understood as intimating any disparagement. Lyell's "Elements," and his earlier and larger work, the "Principles of Geology;" let the inquirer obtain the last edition of each; also Mr. L.'s two volumes, full of miscellaneous as well as geological interest, "Travels in North America," 1845; Phillips's " Guide to Geology," his "Treatises" in the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia and the Cabinet Cyclopaedia, both works published separately, and that in the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana ; his " Yorkshire Geology," two quarto volumes; his "Geological Map of the British Isles;" his "Paleozoic Fossils of the West of England ;" Conybeare and William Phillips's "Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales;" a work, to our great regret, not yet finished, and of which a revised edition and the completion are earnestly looked for; Buckland's "Bridgewater Treatise," with the Supplementary Notes published separately ; Sir Henry de la- Beche's " Researches," his quarto volume of " Geological Sections and Views," his " Manual," and his " Report of the Geology of Cornwall, Devon, and West Somerset;" Mantell's works on " Sussex," and the " S. E. of England," his "Wonders of Geology;"1 "Medals of Creation;" "Thoughts on a Pebble," a beautiful little book, adapted for young inquirers; "First Lessons, an Introduction to the Phenomena of Geology;" "Thoughts on Animalcules," 1846; Fitton's "Geology of Hastings;" Murchison's small treatise on the " Geology of Cheltenham," his splendid works on the " Silurian Region," and the " Geology of Russia." There are many other 1 This Work of Dr. Mantell's is peculiarly adapted to serve not merely as an attractive introduction to geological science, but as a comprehensive manual of the principal facts already known, and lines of inquiry which invite pursuit. It has rapidly passed through six editions ; besides one (and probably more) in New England, to which Dr. Silliman has prefixed a large and instructive Introduction. In it, that distinguished philosopher says: " The title is appropriate: but it would be great injustice to consider this work as a mere collection of mirabilia. It embraces in truth a regular system of Geology, exhibiting its leading facts, and clearly elucidating its philosophy, which is the great object ofthe work." D 2 36 NECESSAEY TEUTHS. have only to present, as concisely as I can make intelligible by merely verbal description, an enumeration of those truths which are necessary to be known for the purpose of our pre sent investigation. I call them Truths, because they appear so to myself, after having taken, I shall be pardoned for saying, no inconsiderable pains, and during not a few years^ in examining the evidence of these positions. To detail that evidence would be altogether impracticable, except we could devote many days to it ; but my friends will give me credit, books written with sound knowledge and accurate judgment. An inestimable accession to the stores of Geological information, and the aids for labour in the field and study in the closet, is made by the new edition (1840) of Mr. Greenough's " Geological Map of England and Wales," the fruit of twenty years' application in the improvement of the first, though that was the object of universal admiration. Mr. Charles Maclaren's " Geology of Fifeshire;" Prof. Hitchcock's " Elementary Geology," second ed. 1841, a work peculiarly adapted to theological students; Mr. Richardson's (of the British Museum) " Geology for Beginners," a volume which, without the slightest disparagement of any other, is entitled to be universally read and studied by proficients as well as " beginners." Prof. AnBted's " Geology, Introductory, Descriptive, and Practical ;" his " Ancient World, or Picturesque Sketches of Creation;" the " Mosaic Creation, viewed in the Light of Geology," by the Rev. George Wight, of Doun in Perthshire, 1846. "Index Geologicus," a large Tablet, proper to be mounted on cloth and rollers, by Mr. George Bartlett, of Plymouth. It presents a Synoptic View of the Mineralogy of the Formations, their geological characters and succession, ample lists, parallel with each formation, of the Organic Remains, Vegetable and Animal, properly arranged, with their geographical position, and agricultural notices. As a concomitant aid, and a subsequent review of geological treatises, it will be found of signal use. To those who have not, or who could not use, the Five noble Tablets with Figures (* Geologische General Karte ; oder Synoptische Uebersicht des Zustandes der Erde, in ihren verschiedenen Altern;") published at Weimar, in 1838, Mr. Bartlett's elaborated arrangement will be an excellent substitute. As a valuable companion to these interesting studies, and possessing the closest relation to Geology, I feel no little pleasure in recommending the '' Pre-Adamite Earth," by the Rev. Dr. John Harris. CEUST 0E THE EAETH. 37 (hat I would not utter what I do not believe to rest upon good ground of certainty or high probability. I. Concerning the Structure of the Earth, we are ac quainted, by sensible evidence, with about the four hun dredth part of the distance from the surface upon which we dwell, taken at the sea-level, to the centre. This portion may be called ten miles. But every one must be aware that no such distance can be reached by direct descent. To the bottom of the deepest seas, from the water-surface, may be seven miles : the average depth of the sea is pretty well ascertained to be about three miles : the highest of the European mountains, Montblanc, is not quite three miles : the highest peak of the Himalaya mountains falls short of five miles : each of the two deepest mines in Great Britain, one in Cornwall, the other at Monk Wearmouth in the county of Durham, is stated upon the authority of the Treasurer of the Geological Society,* at a little more than three-tenths of a mile : and the deepest mine of which we have any correct measurement and which may fairly be regarded as the deepest in the world, at the village of Kitspiihl in Upper Austria, is a little more than half a mile. It may then be asked, upon what grounds we regard the * John Taylor, Esq., in " Report III. of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1833," page 427. [From which I derive the following particulars: — Eng. ft. The Kitspiihl copper mine, not worked for the last seventy or eighty years 2764 The Sampson, Hartz; silver 2230 Monk Wearmouth ; coal. Auth. of Prof. Johnston, 1838 . 1620 Pearce's Cornwall; copper, &e 1464 Eeton, Staffordshire; copper . 1380 But it must be observed that these depths are measured from the mouth of the mine, which, as the countries are. mountainous, is always much above the height of plains. The Woolf's, in Cornwall, is 1350 feet deep, of 38 STEATIFI0ATION. distance, or to speak more correctly the thickness, of nearly ten miles of the external part of the earth as known to us by ocular observation. Not a fortieth part of this could have been excavated, or in any way penetrated, if the surface of the earth were what Dr. Thomas Burnet and some other theorists of the last century imagined to have been its pristine, and, according to their notions, beautiful and sacred condition, before it became deformed by the sin of man ; that is, if the earth's surface were that of a perfect mathematical sphere, without seas and islands, without valley, rock, or mountain, with " not a wrinkle, scar, or fracture," (to use the learned dreamer's own words ;) — and which, he seems never to have thought, would be to the eye of a spectator a universal plain, a dead flat. Little knew those speculatists that what they had deemed deformity was the cause of all the life and beauty of our lower world ; that without it we should have had no springs of water, no rivers, no stone or lime to build with, no metals to make tools of, no healthy condition of the atmosphere, and but a very scanty and low existence of vegetable and animal life. Happily for the human race, the Creator of the earth did not see fit to form it upon this plan. Its rind, shell, or crust (each of which term is used, but none of them is free from impropriety, though the last is the best), consisting of which 1230 descend below the sea-level: " while the bottom of the shaft of Valenciana in Mexico " (depth 1770) " is near 6000 feet in absolute height above the tops of the shafts in Cornwall. The bottom of the shaft at the Sampson mine, is but a few fathoms under the level of the ocean. — We have only penetrated to the extent of one thirty -two-thousandth part of the earth's diameter." From the "American Journal of Science," by the Professors Silliman, (March 1146, p. 264,) we learn that an Artesian well at Mondrop is above 2200 feet deep, and is still in boring, the water rising at the temperature of 95°; and that the Artesian well at Grenelle near Paris, through the chalk. is above 1794 feet; the temperature ofthe water, 82°.] 0EDEE OF 8TEATA. 39 a number of extended masses of various thickness, and spread out one over the other, has been raised up by a power acting from below ; and, from the horizontal position which originally but at different times belonged to the larger number, they have been inclined in all degrees, so that the lowest in order have been elevated to form the summits of the loftiest mountains, and their ridges consti tute the edges of the basins or troughs in which subsequent deposits have been laid. The masses, beds,- or layers, technically called strata, so upraised, present of course their broken edges ; and, by following these out-croppings, (as they are significantly called,) with careful search and scien tific discrimination, through extensive tracts of country, the series is disclosed, from the crystalline rocks upon which the first or lowest stratum rests, up to the last or newest which, in plains for the greater part, lies immediately under the soil on which we live, build our habitations, and cultivate our food. All strata follow antecedent ones in an order which is certain and invariable for every region of the earth, so far as investigation has been carried ; and it has been carried, with great care and skill, far enough to render any exception from this rule extremely improbable. If the entire series exist in superposition in any places, it must be on a line of perpendicular descent, under low plains, which would admit of but a trifling depth of penetration, as water must soon fill the shafts, and the utmost depth to which any well can be sunk is but a small fraction of the perpendicular descent necessary to be explored. But this impracticable proof is utterly unnecessary ; because the demonstration of the facts is incomparably more perfect from the out-cropping of strata, and their exposure upon large surfaces, highly inclined or even vertical, in mountainous countries and sea-cliffs. No where, however, is the entire series found. Some member 40 OBJECTION AND BEPLY. or many are wanting in every assignable locality ; but they are never put in a violated order. Also, exact mineralogical identity of composition is not necessary to constitute what I may call the right and title to a given station : analogy of composition, order of succession, and (which is the most interesting and decisive evidence) similarity of organic remains, produce a sufficient equivalence ; and when these three kinds of proof concur, we have a complete demonstra tion. It may be objected that our data are insufficient ; and that, unless we possessed a knowledge of the terrene matter, whatever it may be, and into whatsoever formations it may be subdivided, through the whole interior, and under every part of the superficial circumference to the centre, we are not in a capacity to draw safe conclusions, concerning the contained materials, their composition, their arrangement, their relations to each other, and any rationally conceived mode in which subordinate causes may have operated, initially, successively, or concurrently, in the production of the matter of our globe. The objection would be weighty, if there were reason to suppose that the body of the globe, beyond the boundary- line of our inspections, were similar to the part already explored. If, for example, the objector could say to us, " Tou have arrived at no term. Tou cannot show us the indications of a cessation of the materials which you say have been deposited, and which form the portion through which you have passed. The series may be repeated, pos sibly again and again : or there may be another series, of entirely different composition, such as precipitates from suspension in water, or products of chemical action, or results of igneous fusion ; and so on indefinitely. Unless you had penetrated through all these, you can draw no conclusion on which dependence can be placed." CEUST OE THE EAETH. 41 But the objector cannot say this. He would be guilty of a false assumption. The true state of the facts is the very contrary to what he supposes. We are acquainted certainly, I might almost say perfectly, with the character and succes sion of the deposited substances which, laid upon each other, with a remarkable degree of uniformity over the whole surface, compose the crust of our globe ; and we know the totally different constitution of the materials which he underneath.* We see demonstrated with satis factory clearness, the distinct character and the opposite mode of production of these two classes of mineral forma tions. We have all the evidence that can reasonably be desired of the previous condition of those underlying rocks, their ancient, and at a depth not great their present, liquidity by heat, their boiling up, their extrusion both in the melted state and in different degrees of advancement towards being cooled and hardened, their being driven up wards through the overlying formations of deposited layers, their sometimes insinuating themselves between- the pre viously contiguous surfaces of those deposits, their filling long furrows of outbursts, and their being laid bare in many cases to open dayhght. It is therefore no presumption to affirm that we do know, with the clearness of sensible evidence, the constituent formations of the crust of the earth, their modes of production, their relations to each other, and the fact of their enveloping a mass of materials, similar in composition to the lowest rocks, and which we * "Geological investigation may, at the present time, be considered as having fully exhausted Europe, and the greater part of America; and the general uniformity of the geological series, in all the various regions hitherto explored, extending, as they do, over a full third of both the Eastern and Western hemispheres, reduces to a very low degree of probability the antici pation that we shall hereafter discover any new and important term of the series." — " Quarterly Review," March, 1846, p. 350. 42 LNTEBNAL HEAT. have much reason to think are, at certain depths, still in a state of constant fusion. The consolidated crust, with its superincumbent masses, is constantly undergoing elevations and depressions, in different districts ; showing by those undulations, that it rests, or rather floats, upon a hquid surface. Those who bring forward this objection are, perhaps, not aware of its bearing. Were it well founded, its effects would be to augment, by immeasurable degrees, the antiquity which must be attributed to the earth. In replying to this objection, which is brought up at tho very threshold of geological inquiry, I have been led into an anticipation of several positions, which must be stated more in regular detail. II. There are good grounds for supposing that, beyond a certain thickness for the solid crust of the earth, which can hardly be estimated at so much as thirty miles,* the next contiguous matter is in a state of fusion, at a temperature probably higher than any that man can produce by artificial means ; or any natural heat that can exist on the surface. "Whether, in like manner, the whole interior of our planet be composed of melted matter ; or whether there be a solid nucleus ; and whether such nucleus be close-grained, or more probably cavernous, the solid partitions being infusible and the disseminated vesicles filled with gaseous substances at a very high temperature ; thus presenting an analogy to the appearance of ordinary boiling liquids; — are parts of the problem upon which eminent geologists are not agreed. But in this they are agreed, that they will not put conjec ture, however probable, in the rank which is due only to decisive evidence ; and that they will wait with patience till such evidence shall be attained. In the mean time the * Supplementary Note B b; on the thickness of the solid crust of tbe earth. BOCKS OP FUSION. 43 highest efforts of mathematical genius are on the stretch for the resolution of the problem. But that a large part of the interior matter of the earth, and that part in contact with the sohd crust on which we dwell, is in the state of fusion by heat, appears to be a doctrine established by most satisfactory proofs. It should be considered, that the mean density of the earth is not quite five sevenths of that of iron,* nor half that of silver, nor one fourth of that of gold : facts utterly inconsistent with the supposition that the interior is a solid mass, or occupied by vast bodies of water, in its ordinary hquid state, united or detached; or indeed any thing but a fluid or fluids maintained in that state by the action of heat as an antagonist power to gravitation. This mean density is rather more than double that of granite. III. The rocks which he the lowest in the descending order, and which of course are under all the stratified. deposits, are iu the state which has been produced by the prodigious heat that has been mentioned, acting under a pressure from above so great as incomparably to exceed any familiar weight or force that we could mention as a measure of comparison. Those rocks bear clear marks of having crystallized in structure, and contracted in mass, by cooling from a state of fusion. It has been objected, that the com ponent parts of those rocks melt at unequal degrees of heat ; as in the constituents of granite, which are quartz, mica, and felspar, the last of these ingredients is fused at about half the temperature which the first requires. But they who make this objection overlook the fact of the extreme pressure under which the power of heat was exerted ; which would prevent the most fusible substance from being volatilized at the highest point that could exist : neither can * After the admirable labours of Maskelyne and Cavendish, it has been determined, beyond the chance of any further correction, by the late Mr. Francis Baily, to be five times and sixty-hundredths that of water. 44 STBATIFIED BOCKS. they argue from the inequality of the points of fusion of the minerals when extricated, that the compound would not melt even in far less favourable circumstances ; for most persons are acquainted with the ready fusion of metallic compounds, though at a point considerably different from that which each ingredient would require singly. IV. The rocks which lie above these,, though partial crystallization, generally aqueous but sometimes igneous, is found in them, are demonstrably of a different origin. They are all composed of earthy matter, that is, different mixtures of sand, clay, and lime, with minor proportions of some other interspersed minerals. These have been washed away from the previously elevated rocks by the action, first, of the atmosphere and variations of ' temperature, disintegrating and loosening the surfaces ; and then of dropping rain and running rills and streams, washing off the materials, in fine particles or coarser grain, through all degrees of attenuation ; carrying them down into lower situations ; and finally, after perhaps a very long succession of these transporting and sedimentary processes, depositing them on levels of rest, in the quiet. bottoms or local depressions of lakes and seas. Each sediment or deposit is called a layer, orbed ; for conveniency using the Latin word stratum. These stratified formations may be called about forty in number ; in thickness, some times . only a few feet or even inches, but usually many hundreds or several thousands of feet. Stratification must be distinguished from homogeneous lamination, which is a frequent character of single strata, presenting at their edges the appearance of leaves, like those of a book or a bundle of paste-boards. Taking some general resemblances of mineral composition as a principle of classification, the whole of the existing beds may be distributed into a small number of groups, in a measure according to the convenience of the geological observer, describer, or reasoner; though most DISPOSITION AND TEXTURE OF THE BEDS. 45 acquiesce in making about twelve divisions, which, for the most part, have very distinct natural characters. Such a distribution is, at least, useful as an aid to the memory. V. These beds of deposited earthy substances are not to be conceived of as concentric spheres, spread universally over the earth, the outermost including lower ones, and thus embracing the globe ; as the paper and varnish which cover artificial globes, or the coats of liliaceous bulbs, commonly but inaccurately called bulbous roots. Such an idea would be quite erroneous, and would betray into great misappre hensions. But each layer is of some limited extent ; con siderable, it may be, in reference to the superficial divisions of country, but not exceedingly great in comparison with the whole surface of the earth. Each usually thins off towards its edges, or the edges are abruptly broken by the upheaving and dislocating force : and the highest strata generally he in hollows of various form and extent, which may be called troughs or basins, the edges of which are made by the elevated ridges of the oldest formations, so beautifully called in scripture, " the great mountains, the everlasting hills, the pillars of heaven." VI. The lower strata, manifestly the most early, are generally of the greatest extent in length and breadth, and very much the deepest in thickness.* The higher and newer are severahy of less magnitude in every dimension. * On the margin of Mr. Phillips's Geological Map of the British Isles (a model of clearness and beauty) is a proportionate scale of the thick nesses of the whole series of strata ; from which it appears that all the formations, from the superficial soil to the lowest part of the New Red Sandstone, constitute but about one sixth of the entire depth (geologically) of the stratified masses. The remaining five parts are the Carboniferous, the Devonian (Old Red Sandstone), the Silurian, the Cambrian, the Cumbrian, the Chlorite and Mica Schists, and the Gneiss. See " Edin burgh Review," July, 1839, p. 434 ; part of a valuable article on Mr Lyell's "Elements."- 46 INFLUENCE OF INTEENAL HEAT. Tet, in no case, must the idea of size or extent be taken upon a trifling scale. Even with the more recent, the area of one formation is often some hundreds of square miles. VII. Thus are formed the earthy beds called by the general name of rocks ; but this term must not be under stood as it is in common language, to denote a stony mass necessarily very hard. The consolidation of the formations is in all degrees, from the loose sand and gravel under our feet, or the friable Hastings sand-rock, and the soft coherent texture of the ink-coloured clay which lies beneath our gravel ; to the finest close-grained marble and the heaviest hornblende. The degree of hardness, the result of con solidation, is upon the whole the greater, the lower we descend; as must appear probable to the mind of any reflecting person. It is produced by the action and reaction of two opposite forces ; the one, derived from the mere weight of the materials, which must press more heavily as the depth is increased ; and the other, one whose power is principally exerted upon the lowest class of strata, and which, it scarcely needs to be said, arises from the expand ing property of the interior heat. Chemical affinities also, and electrical action, have had, and continually have, a considerable share in the producing of texture. VIII. Those lower strata, and in the proportion of their distance from the surface, which is the same as their proximity to the focus of heat, bear the more abundant proofs of having been, not only urged upwards by the expansive power below, but in other ways acted upon by the immensely high temperature. The source of that heat can be -no other than the fires which had melted and driven upwards the materials forming the rocks of fusion. We have great reason to beheve that these deep-seated fires (—scarcely however to be so called, when we reflect how near they must be to the surface,—) or, as some eminent INFLUENCE OF INTEENAL HEAT. 47 geologists are disposed to think, certain remainders of them, are perpetually in action. Consequently, the order of pro duction, in those rocks of fusion, must be the reverse of that which is seen in the rocks of deposition and stratifi cation. The uppermost masses are the oldest; and the newest, so long as they remain in their proper place, must be deep-seated beyond the reach of human inspection, and lying in contact with the amazing mass of melted mineral matter. There are also examples innumerable, and upon a grand scale, of the melted mineral matter having been driven up with a force so great as to have overcome every resistance, breaking through all the hard and thick rocky masses (which must also have been full of cracks from the shrinking while cooling) that lay over it, bending, bursting, uplifting, and overturning strata, filling the chasms made, running in those lines of crack or fissure, separating strata and entering between their previously close-lying surfaces, so as to form flat tablets, often also coming to the surface and towering above all that it had displaced. These cases are of frequent occurrence, and they form an exception to the observation just made with respect to the relative antiquity of the fused rocks, of which these projected kinds have come up from the lowest depths and the most recently. In fact, those fused rocks may be of all ages; the most recent being of course at the lowest depth, till violent ejection takes place.* * It would be mean injustice to refrain from acknowledging the obli gations under which Geology lies to Dr. James Hutton. His " Theory of the Earth," published in 1788, propounds the doctrines of the igneous action, its propulsions, and its effect on deposited masses, by felicitous anticipations and reasonings of extraordinary sagacity ; the most important of which he lived to see confirmed by visible facts. He died in 1797. Few persons, during his life-time, could appreciate the value of his discoveries and the force of his arguments ; and still fewer were willing to do so. The charge of impiety and infidelity was made against him ; and he seems to 48 STEATA UPHEAVED. IX. As we ascend in the order of the strata, we find the appearances of the action of fire become fainter. The pervading influence of a high temperature diminishes, till little or no sensible effect from it remains ; and, though the mechanical displacements are still perceptible, they are remote and often secondary results of the power that has acted so far below; and the intensity of the action is weakened, in proportion to the distance from its source. X. By that mighty action from within, the extruding tendency radiates generaUy, but with unequal force, to all points on the spheroidal surface of the earth. It follows, that the earlier strata with scarcely any exceptions, and have given himself little disquiet about it. Whether he was really a disbe liever in religion, I know not. His day of life and his connexions were extremely unfavourable to the just treatment of religious questions, and the cultivation of enlightened faith. Inferences which his adversaries drew from his writings, but which were not just inferences, they spared not to lay upon him. His manner of expression was often inconsiderate, obscure, or un guarded and sometimes exposed to just censure. But the fact ought not to be lost sight of, that his fundamental principles are now admitted, and their great importance felt, by all geologists ; few, if any, being excepted. The impartial lover of truth would do well to read the article in the Edinburgh Review (No. cxl. July, 1839), upon Mr. Lyell's « Elements of Geology ; '' both for its general value and for its discursion on the merits of James Hutton. That any physicists and philosophers are hostile and scornful with regard to Christianity, is deeply to be lamented. Such a fact, in what ever degree it may exist, is due to prejudice, ignorance, irreligious education, or other moral causes : but to treat them with injustice is not the way which Jesus Christ would have adopted, and it can only tend to render their prejudices more inveterate. There is another admirable article in the same Review, No. cxxxi. April, 1837, on Dr. Buckland's Bridgewater Treatise, pp. 4— 14.— It is highly gratifying to meet with such a sentence as the following, from one who deservedly stands so high as a mathematician and a philosopher : " I would venture to express my belief that, among the most eminently distinguished philosophers of the present day in this country, there exists even a profoundly religious spirit." — Prof. Baden Powell's "Tradition Unveiled," p. 65. 1839. SUBSIDENCE. 49 in smaller degrees the less ancient, have been raised up, shattered, and left in various positions of fracture and inclination. Of those dislocating movements, the mode has been different ; and as to the time of production, the process has been generally very slow; though, in some cases, there are evidences of the disturbing force having acted suddenly and violently. From the portions thus elevated, and left with an irregular outline, the waters in flowing off carried down the loosened materials, and, in different extent and degree, left bare the stony masses. XI. But it is upon reflection obvious, and the geological- evidences of the fact are numerous and decisive, that the ebullient action of the fire-melted hquid below is likely to produce undulations of the surface, and therefore, in some places, to cause diminutions of density, and perhaps vast caverns filled with aeriform fluids. The crust of the earth, over these less sohd spots, will be weakened, and a sinking down will take place through, it may most probably be, a large area of the surface. These subsidences may, in some rare cases, be rapid : but generally they, as the elevations, will be extremely slow. XII. Now I fear that I must put to trial the patience of my friends in an attempt to describe in words a complicated series of operations which, by arguing from effect to cause, we have sufficient reason to believe must often have taken place, in ways equivalent to what I request you to conceive. But this is not the forming of an imaginative hypothesis : it is no more than expressing in the form of simple narra tive, facts of whose separate reahty we have the fullest evidence, and the consecutive occurrence of which we con sider as in the highest degree probable. Let the mind represent to itself a large space of the bed of an ancient ocean, into which the sedimentary materials from the land have been transported, through a period of 50 STBATTFYING PEOCESSES. time to us immeasurable. Along this extended surface the deposits, in the varieties which changing circumstances in both the land and the waters have produced, are spread. By the weight of an ocean five or six miles in depth, and by the antagonist pressure, with intensity varying but always great, of heat from the under-lying fires, this formation is consolidated. A series of movements from below raises up' a portion of this deposit; till it is above the water-level, with its hills and dales and susceptibilities of further varia tion of surface. Ages roU on. Other strata are laid upon the portion of the area which had not partaken of the elevating movements ; or which may have moved in the contrary direction ; that is, may have sunk down : so that a difference of mineralogical (called also lithological) character is produced over it. The former portion long lies as a part of the dry land, is washed over by rains and rivers, and is subjected to other causes of superficial change; then it becomes subject to the process of slow subsidence, consequent upon fluctuation or some other change in the fiery region below, and it becomes once more the bed of oceanic waters. Here, in due but various process of time, it is overspread with a new stratum, differing from its own preceding surface, and from the one or several strata which had in succession been laid upon the portion not elevated during the whole period ; the difference being probably in mineral composition and texture, but more certainly in the character of vegetable or animal remains which are imbedded in. it. Now the new body of deposits may be identical over the entire extent first supposed. It is manifest, therefore, that in one part the last stratum will rest upon the fore going one, which had been long elevated and exposed to causes of change ; and thus the surfaces at the junction will be irregular : but, upon the portion which had not been raised out of the waters, or which had sunk, one stratum EVIDENCE OF OPEBATIONS. 51 or several have been deposited throughout the intervening period, and they will probably rest comformably, each upon that below it, that is, their bounding surfaces will corre spond to each other in lines nearly parallel. The whole area comes afterwards to be elevated ; or only some parts of it. One part, therefore, possesses a series of strata which are not found in the other ; and that other, if studied alone, might suggest the idea that two formations naturally came together, or that the upper always followed the lower at once, while yet between them in reality some others have intervened. These operations of deposition, elevation, subsidence, and elevation again, in application to separate districts, and in different periods through an indefinite duration, — have been repeated a number of times; each repetition producing breaks, fissures, and manifold displacings, erections, and inclinations, of the more hard and consequently frangible strata; and bendings, even to a complete overturning, or contortion backwards of the softer and more coherent ones. The evidence of elevation and that of subsidence occur frequently within moderate geographical limits ; so that two districts with their intervening ground may be familiarly compared to a long board, balanced on a fulcrum: when one end sinks the other rises.* Often under the superficial * Sec. ed. Of this operation examples nave recently occurred in the landslips, or rather subsidences, at the cliffs of Dowlands and Whitlands ; of which a very instructive elucidation is given in Mr. Lyell's sixth edition of his " Principles," vol. ii. p. 78. But the inquirer will find the fullest information upon the facts, and the most satisfactory opinions as to the causes, briefly and luminously stated in a "Descriptive and Geological Memoir of the Subsidences of the Land, and the Elevation of the Sea- bottom, between Axmouth and Lyme," Dec. 26, 1839, and Feb. 3, 1840; with Sections by Mr. Conybeare, a Ground Plan by Mr. Dawson of Exeter, and seven faithful and beautifully picturesque Views of the scenes, two of which are from the pencil of Mrs. Buckland, and five from that of 52 UNCONFOEMABLE SUEEACES. area of less than an acre, and with a descent of but a few feet, may be seen, even in beds very similar in earthy com position, such disconformity of the bounding surfaces, with respect to their deviation from the horizontal position, as carries demonstration that each member of the series had been formed, elevated, and afterwards inclined ; so that the next deposit came to be laid upon a dipping surface, while its own upper part was on the level : yet this also, with its under-lying neighbours, has received another impulse from below ; repose has succeeded, a new layer is deposited, the inchnation has taken another change ; and this succession of unconformable strata is displayed several times. Such is the case in the Oolitic formations : and how much more must this be the case when a number of strata, of differing composition, is taken into the account ? By an abund ance of various and comphcated evidence, it is proved, that there is probably no spot on the face of the earth, both the dry land and the seas as they at present exist, which has not gone repeatedly through the conditions of being alter nately the floor of the waters, and an earthy surface exposed to the atmosphere and occupied by appropriate tribes of vegetable and animal creatures. At the next engulfing, that loose surface has been swept off by the power of the waters. In some cases, the bounding surfaces of differing but nearly allied strata seem to have been produced while under the water ; by a rapid change of temperature, or an immission of carbonic acid gas, or some other physical agent. The miscellaneous result might seem to baffle all attempts at arrangement and safe induction ; but the labours of dis tinguished men, most of them our admirable contemporaries, Mr. Dawson: the whole revised by Dr. Buckland. Annexed are accounts of similar phenomena, in the same neighbourhood in 1790, and at various times in Dorsetshire, the Isle of Wight, Kent, Hampshire, Gloucestershire, Shropshire, and other places. OEDEE NOT TEANSGEESSED. 53 in the field of actual investigation, with astonishing toil and perseverance, guided by cautious judgment and habits formed in the study of the exact sciences, have triumphed over what might have appeared a hopeless confusion ; and have reduced to a certainty scarcely short of sensible and mathematical proof, the modes of deposition, the order of original succes sion, and in many cases that of subsequent change. From the description which I have endeavoured to give, it will be easily understood, that the order of succession is never transgressed ; though particular formations, one, two, or more, in a system or subdivisional group, and of course many in the whole series, may and must be wanting. Those formations either have never existed, in consequence of modifying causes affecting the operations which I have attempted to describe ; or they have been removed by the nearly horizontal action of water, washing away large masses of strata, scattering and spreading their materials upon the floor of the oeean, and thus producing new formations. XIII. To such removals, occasion has been given by the elevations and depressions so frequently before mentioned. These have exposed the softer or previously loosened ma terials, to the incursion of mighty bodies of water, which have washed them away, carried them out to shorter or longer distances, dropping the coarser and heavier portions the earliest, holding longer in muddy mixture and trans porting to the greater distances the fine and light particles, and spreading them out under the great seas. There these new strata have been disposed variously, according to cir cumstances arising from the form and constitution of the bottom, the direction of currents, volcanic action below the bed of the sea, molecular aggregation of similar substances, and chemical attractions. This kind of change, in relation to the area from which the surface has been swept off, is called Denudation. 54 OEGANIC EEMAINS, XIV. While these mineral formations were thus in pro gress, their masses yet soft were replenished with the remains of animals which had lived in the waters ; skeletons, cover ings, sheUy habitations, and even soft parts still exhibiting their vestiges. In all the formations, (or we might say groups or systems of strata,) excepting the earhest two or three, those remains occur of organized creatures, chiefly animal, but in some cases vegetable. The absence or paucity of vegetable remains in the older strata,* except in the beds connected with coal, is reasonably ascribed to the more ready destruetibility of vegetable fibre, especially as the earhest species appear to have been of soft structure, though of great size. In the Lias beds, fragments of wood approach ing to the harder structure, are abundant : and in the still later formations there are very remarkable instances. But an abundance of vegetable remains does not occur, except in ihe coaly strata till we arrive at the very recent formations ; of which fact geological science affords satisfactory expla nations. Even with respect to those earliest beds, just mentioned, we cannot be absolutely assured that organized nature, vegetable or animal, never existed in them : for their vestiges would [most probably] be destroyed by the heat communi cated from below. XV. As a general assertion, it might be said that the animal remains become more abundant, as we depart from the older strata : but such an assertion would be far from being universally and exactly correct, t In this respect, many interesting circumstances of [extreme] diversity pre- [* In the Old Red Sandstone, and even earlier formations, are found some obscure impressions or even scanty remains of sea-weeds:— Fuco- ides.] t Supplementary Note, C. CHAEACTEEISM. — WILLIAM SMITH. 55 sent themselves to the laborious explorer of fossil remains, especially in the department of Conchology. XVI. With respect to their forms of organization, there is so much general analogy as gives a sufficient ground for the observation that all belong to Classes and Families similar to those which now exist ; but in Genera and Specie, there are remarkable differences. XVII. The earliest of known organic remains are the most widely different from animals and plants of the exist ing creation, in generic, and of course still more in specific characters ; and throughout the vast succession there is a gradual approach, in all classes, to the type of recent forms. XVIII. The duration of existence, in both genera and species, presents many remarkable facts. A few genera, each genus containing perhaps but one species or a very smah number, are found to have their respective lengths of time for existence, in some single stratum. In general they extend through several strata ; but then there is a greater multiplication of species, giving proof of periods of remark able fecundity. XIX. Each system of strata has species which belong to itself, so that both the mineral formations and those certain species are reciprocally characteristic. This fact is among the greatest discoveries of modern times. For it we are indebted to one whose conduet and character should be held up as a model for the imitation of young men, in all the walks of life, that they may aim at the highest excellence and diffusive usefulness : — Dr. William Smith, to whom by general accord the designation has been given of the Father of English Geology. Fifty years ago, when a very young man, he began his course ; he quietly and without ostentation pursued it, in the most laborious examinations of the stratified formations throughout England, chiefly the southern and midland 56 1MP0ETANT DISCOVEEY. counties. He announced not his discovery till the patience and perseverance of many years had placed it beyond the reach of doubt. He might, by reserve and management not dishonourable, have built up for himself fortune as well as fame ; by the benefits which his discovery and his practical knowledge conferred upon the economy of mines, and the surveying of ground in order to building, road-making, and agriculture ; besides the firm foundation which he laid for geological science. But with the most open and ready generosity, he communicated all, to men of science and to the world at large.* He constructed the first Geological Map that was worthy of the name, opening the way to Mr. Greenough's disinterested labours ; he gave to the world several and most valuable works on the systematic relations of Organized Fossils; and he deposited in the British * In and before 1799, "By maps and sections, and arranged collections of Organic Remains, Mr. Smith endeavoured to explain to many scientific persons those views regarding the regular succession and conitnuity of strata, and the definite distribution of animal [and vegetable forms in the earth, which are now the common property of Geology. Among those who heard his explanations at this early period, may be mentioned Dr. James Anderson, of Edinburgh; Mr. Davis, of Longleat; the Rev. Joseph Townsend, [of Pewsey;] — and the Rev. B. Ricliardson, of Farley. The two last-mentioned gentlemen were remarkably able to appreciate the truth and novelty of such views, from both their general attainments in Natural History, and their exact knowledge of the country [Somersetshire and Wiltshire] to which Mr. Smith directed their attention. Both of them possessed large collections of Organic Remains; and both were astonished and incredulous when their new friend, taking up one fossil after another, stated instantly from what particular rock, and even bed of stone or cla- 3- § Deut. ii. 25. 270 LIMITED EXPLANATION OF from Italy to Persia, and from Egypt to the Black Sea : and thus a probable elucidation is given to the dec'laration of the apostle, that " the gospel was preached to every creature which is under heaven." * — " Te shah be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it, and the Lord shall scatter thee among ah peoples, from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth : " f a prophetic description of the dispersion of the Jewish people, as the punishment of their apostasy from God and rejection of the Messiah, but no one can regard the expression as denoting a proper geographical universality. — " The fame of David went forth into ah the lands [the plural of the word generahy rendered the earth~\, and Jehovah put the fear of him upon ah the nations. "J This expression cannot be taken as reaching beyond the range of Syria, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Arabia, and Egypt. — " And all the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom." § This cannot be reasonably understood of any kind of resort but chat of embassies and comphmentary visits, from sove reigns and states within such a distance, as might have appeared immense in those times, but which was small com pared with even the then inhabited parts of the earth. The queen of Sheba was, we may think undoubtedly, the prin cipal of these visitants. Our Lord himself condescended to use the style of the Jews, in saying of her, that "the queen of the south — came from the uttermost parts of the earth, to hear the wisdom of Solomon." || Tet her country was on either the Eastern or the Western side of the Arabian Gulf, about twelve or fourteen hundred miles south of Jerusalem ; a mere trifle compared with distances familiar to us in our days. * Eccl. i. 13. Acts ii. 5. Col. i. 23. t Deut. xxviii. 63, 64. % 1 Chron. xiv. 17. § 1 Kings x. 24. | Matt. .xii. 42. UNIYEESAL TEEMS. 271 Passages are numerous, in which the phrase " ah the earth" signifies only the country of Palestine.* In a few places it denotes the Chaldean empire :f in one, that of Alexander.;): Prom these instances of the scriptural idiom in the apph cation of phraseology simhar to that in the narrative con cerning the Plood, I humbly think, that those terms do not obhge us to understand a hteral universahty ; so that we are exonerated from some otherwise insuperable difficulties in Natural History and Geology.§ If so much of the earth was overflowed as was occupied by the human race, both the physical and the moral ends of that awful visitation were answered. Some writers have taken great pains in calculating the numbers of mankind at the epoch of the Deluge, and they have brought out an amount for the human population immensely larger than that which has subsisted in any suc ceeding period, down to the present time. But apart from other errors in the statistical principles upon which they have proceeded, they appear to have overlooked two ele ments of calculation. The first is the apparent paucity of births which not obscurely shows itself in the genealogical table (Gen. v. 3 — 28), almost ah the history left to us of the period from Adam to Noah. We may not irreverently conjecture that, in addition to other reasons, especiahy the preservation of a correct tradition concerning the most * Deut. xxxiv. 1 . Is. vii. 24 ; a. 14. Jer. i. 18 ; iv. 20 ; viii. 16 ; xii. 12; xl. 4. Zeph. i. 18; iii. 19. Zech. xiv. 10. f Jer. li. 7, 25, 49. J Dan. ii. 39. § Dr. George Young, though his ideas concerning the Flood appear to my humble judgment to be very extravagant, feels the necessity of main taining that " all, every one, the whole, and such like expressions are very often used to denote a great many, or u large proportion." " Script. Geol." p. 27. 272 ANTEDILUVIAN POPULATION. important rehgious truths, one motive in the plan of Pro vidence for the longevity of the antedhuvian patriarchs was, to compensate by the length of individual hves, for the slowness of multiplication. The second consideration which those calculators have neglected, is the effect of moral de pravity in diminishing the fecundity of the human species. There are facts in modern history which exemplify this principle. The rapid decrease of the population of the South Sea Islands, within little more than half a century, is a striking instance. Of such depopulation, there are two causes : the one, extreme licentiousness ; the other, tyrannous, anarchical, and murderous cruelty. That the latter state of mankind existed in the antedhuvian period, is expressly recorded (chap. vi. 11) : and the former is not without intimation (verses 2 and 4), as indeed from the too weh known tendencies of corruption in society, it may be very certainly inferred. The consequences would be, that few chhdren would be born ; many would die of diseases, or of sheer neglect, or by actual murder ; and the mutual destruction of grown persons would be very great. It is an instance in confirmation of this reasoning, that no chhdren of Noah are mentioned tih he was five hundred years old ; and that, a century later, his three sons, each having a wife, had no chhdren. Now we cannot but sup pose that the family of Noah was, at least, among the most virtuous of those which then existed; and therefore was, upon the whole, more likely to have become numerous than the generality of others. Prom the whole, I humbly think it reasonable to infer, that the human population had not spread itself far from its original seat, the country of Eden ; that its number was really smah; and that it was in a course of rapid progress towards an extreme reduction, which would have issued in a not very distant extinction. The difficulties also seem to be insuperable, with respect ANIMALS IN THE ABK. 273 to the animals saved in the ark, on the supposition that every species had its representatives. But why may we not derive our explanation of this part of the statement, from the general rule of the Hebrew and Hebraistic diction, with respect to universal terms ? A confirmation of the principle we may find in the description of Peter's em blematical vision, presenting to bim "ah the four-footed animals of the earth, and the whd beasts, and the creeping things, and the birds of the heaven."* The design of this revelation was to convince him that the Mosaic distinction into clean and unclean was by the gospel abohshed : there fore, a representation of some principal animals, under each of the two* divisions, and those such as were weh known to the apostle, would be ah that was needed. To assume a literal universahty would involve the idea of a crowding and compressing such as would destroy ah distinctness. In the case of Noah, we may understand the animals pre served with him in the ark as having been those connected more or less with man, by domestication, and by other modes of subserviency to his present and future welfare. This idea answers to the enumeration given, which only comprises the four descriptions : — " whd animals," such as we now call game, serviceable to man but not tamed ; — "cattle," the larger domesticated mammifers, such as the ox, the camel, the horse, the ass, the sheep, and several species of the deer and goat genera; — "the creeping things," the smaher quadrupeds ; — and " birds," the peaceable, useful, and pleasing kinds.f But an important observation presses upon us. If, by the Ararat mentioned in scripture, be understood the moun tain of that name in Armenia, it would inevitably fohow that a deluge capable of surmounting that, must have been, * Acts x. 12, — Tiavra ra rtrparroSa — . f Gen. viii. 14. T 274 DESCENT 0E THE ABK. by the laws of the motion of fluids, universal with regard to the earth. Against that supposition, the impossibility of descent presents itself, as has been already mentioned. But St. Jerome says, that the name Ararat was given generahy to the mountains of Armenia : and Shuckford, a judicious writer, who hved long before geological studies were awakened, adduces reasons against the common opi nion, and supports the idea of the ark's having grounded much farther to the East.* This therefore might be on a mountain, or a mountainous range, but not so high and precipitous as to preclude an easy descent into the lower and more cultivable grounds. Let us now take the seat of the antedhuvian population to have been in Western Asia, in which a large district, even in the present day, hes considerably below the level of the sea-.f It must not be forgotten that six weeks of con- * " Sacred and Proph. His. Connected ;" vol.i. pp. 28—104; ed. 173!. A learned writer (but who, I have no knowledge or conjecture) in the Congregational Magazine for May, 1840, has urged other cogent reasons, geographical and historical, against the supposition that the Ararat, usually so called, was the resting-place of the ark. Paravay, in his work on the " Origin of Arithmetical Figures and of Letters, Introd." p. 5, maintains the position that the ark rested in the western part of the country now called Thibet ; and this opinion obtains strong confirmation from Gen. xi. 2. ' They journeyed from the east, and found a plain in the land of Shinar.' Fr. de Paula de Schrank, " Comment. in Genesin ;" Sulzbach, 1835. The region thus pointed out is that of the vast Himmalayah chain, a very conceivable boundary on the east for the diluvial waters, and far beyond the probable extent of the then inhabited earth." t The site of Mesopotamia and Persia, and. part of Afghanistan and Turkestan, taken generally ; the countries laid down in Lechner's Map of Central Asia [Mittel-Asien, so called in reference to the knowledge of the ancients]; Leipzig, 1823. A more precise statement is desirable ; and this I derive from the Preliminary Discourses to "Black's Atlas," Edinburgh, 1840, p. 23 ; bur. QUESTION OF SITE. 275 tinued rain would not give an amount of water forty times that which fell on the first or a subsequent day ; for evapo ration would be continuahy carrying up the water, to be condensed and to fah again : so that the same mass of water would return many times. If, then, in addition to the tre mendous rain, we suppose an elevation of the bed of the Persian and Indian Seas, or a subsidence of the inhabited land toward the south, we shah have sufficient causes, in the hand of almighty justice, for submerging the district, cover ing its hills; and destroying ah hving beings within its hmits, except those whom divine mercy preserved in the corrected from Dr. von Schubert's own work (" Reise in das Morgenland, in d. J." 1836, 1837 ; vol. iii, p. 87, Erlangen, 1 839 ; a beautiful example of philosophical, tasteful, and Christian travel.) " In the S. W. of Asia there are two remarkable regions, depressed below the level of the sea. The one of these comprises the basin of the Caspian Sea, and a considerable tract of country to the N, and N.E., the depression of which amounts to 101-2 Russian feet. The other includes the Dead Sea and the valley of the river Jordan ; but the exact amount of its depression has not been ascer tained. Prof, von Schubert estimated (for his barometer had not sufficient height of tube) the Dead Sea to be 600 French feet (about 640 English,) and the sea of Tabaria (Tiberias, the Lake of Galilee,) by barometrical measurement, for here the instrument would serve, 535 Fr. (=570 Engl.) below the level of the Mediterranean ; but M. Russeger estimates the Dead Sea, at its northern end, to be no less than 1319 French, or nearly 1400 English feet below that level." However, it must be observed, that the result of numerous observations, estimates, and adjustments, by the fore- mentioned and other scientific travellers, is to cast doubt upon the accuracy of the preceding statements of number ; while the general fact is well established, a low position of the Lake of Galilee and the bed of the Jordan, and much lower still, of the Dead Sea. See an elaborate paper on this subject from Poggendorf and Berghaus, in Jameson's "Edinburgh Journal ;" July, 1840. It is now fl843) ascertained, by the trigonometrical Burvey of Lieutenant Symonds, that the Dead Sea is 1311 feet below the level of the Mediter. ranean. M. Berthou, from barometrical calculation, had stated it to be 1332. T 2 276 STILLINOFLEET. ark. The draining off of the waters would be effected, by a return of the bed of the sea to a lower level, or by the elevation of some tracts of land, which would leave chan nels and slopes for the larger part of the water to flow back into the Indian Ocean, whhe the lower part remained a great lake, or an inland sea, the Caspian.* I may now adduce citations from divines and sacred scholars whose eminence none wih dispute, and who wrote without the least knowledge of geological arguments. Pew men possessed a more powerful understanding or a finer judgment than Bishop Stihingfleet. He makes the fohowing remarks : — " I cannot see any urgent necessity from the Scripture, to assert that the Plood did spread itself over ah the sur face of the earth. That ah mankind, those in the ark excepted, were destroyed by it, is most certain, according to the Scriptures. The flood was universal as to mankind : but from thence fohows no necessity at ah of asserting the universahty of it as to the globe of the earth, unless it be sufficiently proved that the whole earth was peopled before the Plood : which I despair of ever seeing proved. And * Fourth ed. This is not the only mode in which an elevation of a vast body of waters may be conceived as probable, and as adequate to the pro duction of the effect. It is established by abundant evidence that, through a period geologically recent, a district lying immediately north of the primeval seat of mankind, was occupied by an inland sea, more than equal in extent to the existing Mediterranean. The shores and basin of this ancient sea are incontrovertibly determined by littoral and marine remains. It is also certain that repeated elevations and subsidences of the region still further to the north, have taken place. One such elevation, proceeding gradually for forty days, would throw southward such a body of water as would produce the effect described ; and the cessation might leave the separate basins of the Aral, the Caspian, and the Euxine Seas, in a state to be brought to their present form by the progress of evaporation and drving. poole. 277 what reason can there be to extend the Plood beyond the occasion of it, which was the corruption of mankind ? — I grant, as far as the flood extended, ah these [the animals] were destroyed ; but I see no reason to extend the destruc tion of these beyond that compass and space of the earth where men inhabited; because the punishment upon the beasts was occasioned by, and could not but be concomitant with, the destruction of mankind. But (the occasion of the Deluge being the sin of man, who was punished in the beasts that were destroyed for his sake, as weh as in him self,) where the occasion was not, as where there were ani mals and no men, there seems no necessity of extending the Plood thither." The bishop further argues that the reason for "preserving hving creatures in the ark," was that there might be a stock of the tame and domesticated animals that should be immediately "serviceable for the use of men after the flood: which was certainly the main thing looked at in the preser vation of them in the ark, that men might have all of them ready for their use after the flood ; which could not have been, had not the several kinds been preserved in the ark, although we suppose them not destroyed in all parts of the world."* The eminent nonconformist divine, Matthew Poole, wrote as follows, in his Latin Synopsis of Critical Writers upon the Bible. " It is not to be supposed that the entire globe of the earth was covered with water. Where was the need of overwhelming those regions in which there were no human beings ? It would be highly unreasonable to suppose that mankind had so increased, before the Deluge, as to have penetrated to ah the corners of the earth. It is * " Origines Sacras," Book iii. chap. iv. ed. 1709, p. 337. 278 poole. indeed not probable that they had extended themselves beyond the limits of Syria and Mesopotamia. Absurd it would be to affirm that the effects of the punishment in flicted upon men alone, apphed to places in which there were no men. If then we should entertain the behef that not so much as the hundredth part of the globe was over spread with water, still the Deluge would be universal, because the extirpation took effect upon ah the part of the world which was inhabited. If we take this ground, the difficulties which some have raised about the Deluge, fall away as inapphcable and mere cavils; and irreligious persons have no reason left them, for doubting of the truth of the Holy Scriptures."* The same pious and'learned author repeats the sentiment, in his English Annotations, pubhshed after his death. " Peradventure this Plood might not be simply universal over the whole earth, but only over the habitable world, where either men or beasts hved ; which was as much as either the meritorious cause of the Plood, the sins of men ; or the end of it, the destruction of ah men and beasts, required."! To the same effect, Le Clerc and the younger Eosen- miiller might be quoted ; but it cannot be necessary. Tet * Non putandum est totum terras globum aquis tectum fuisse. Quid opus erat illas mergere terras ubi homines non erant ? Stultum est putare ante diluvium homines ita multiplicatos fuisse ut omnes terra? angulos pervaserint, cum ne Syria? quidem et Mesopotamia? fines forsan excesserant. Absurdum autem est dicere, ubi nullse hominum sedes, illic etiam viguisse effectus pcena? solis hominibus inflictse. Licet ergo credamus ne centesimam quidem orbis partem aquis fuisse obrutam, erit nihilominus diluvium universale, quia clades totum orbem habitatum oppressit. Sic si statuerimus, jam cessabunt inepta? ista? et futiles qusestiones quas nonnulli de Diluvio move- runt, et simul improbis de Sacrarum Literarum veritate dubitandi omnis prseripietur occasio." "Synops. in Gen." vii. 19. f On the same passage. Mr. Poole died in 1679. PEICHAED. 279 I may add that my hearers and readers wih derive addi tional satisfaction from perusing the observations on this subject of Dr. Prichard, a man whose amiable and Chris tian character adds a bright ornament to his scientific and philological eminence. He states the difficulties, and methods for removing them. But though he de clines giving a decided opinion, the inclination of his judg ment appears to be in favour of the limited locality of the Deluge.* But, I almost hear the exclamation from a thousand tongues, What are you doing ? Whither are you driving ? Are you not trampling upon, not the inspiration only, but the veracity of the Holy Scriptures ? Are you not repre senting the God of truth, speaking through the medium of his inspired servants, as uttering that which is not true ? Let it be freely admitted that it is no part of the design of God, in giving a revelation of his moral will, to commu nicate lessons of physical philosophy; yet this does not involve the admission that, when the instruments of revela tion advert to physical causes and operations, they should not speak according to the reality of things. A weh informed and correct speaker, when he is talking freely about common affairs, and when nothing is farther from his mind than to be teaching history or geography, yet whl not so express himself as to imply ignorance of historical or geographical facts. Surely we cannot think less of the inspired writers. " If Moses professes by divine inspira tion to give an account of the manner in which the world was framed, he must describe the facts as they occurred."t This may seem an unanswerable objection ; but wih it * See his " Researches into the Physical History of Mankind ; vol, 1, pp. 98—102. + The excellent and amiable man, the Rev. Richard Watson, in his " Theological Institutes ;" vol. i. p. 278. 280 APPBEHENSIONS ALLAYED. stand before a fair examination ? I think not ; for two reasons. 1. It is impossible to deny that the Scripture does use language, even concerning the highest and most awful of objects, God and his perfections and operations, which we dare not say is literally true, or that it is according to the reahty of the things spoken of. I entreat renewed atten tion to the evidence which I have adduced. Wih any man deny, that the Scripture, in places innumerable, particularly in the earher books, speaks of God as having the bodily form and members of a man, and the mental passions and imperfect affections of men ? Or wih any say that such descriptions and ahusions are properly true ; that they are according to the reahty of things ? Shah we, can we, believe that the infinite, Eternal, and unchangeable Being, comes and goes, walks and flies, smehs, hears, and sees, and has heart and bowels, hands, arms, and feet ? Or that he deliberates, inquires, suspects, fears, ascertains, grieves, repents, and is prevailed upon by importunity to repent again and resume a rejected purpose ? Do not the same Scriptures furnish us amply with the proper exponents of those figurative, and, strictly speaking, degrading terms ? Do they not, for example, teh us : " God is not a man, that he should he ; neither the son of man, that he should repent. Hath he said, and shah he not do ? Or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good ? 1 am Jehovah : I change not."* What then wih ye do, ye worthy men that make this objection? Must ye not admit that the language of inspiration is couched on the plan of the boldest figures ? Such figures as, if we were not protected by this authority, we should not dare to employ ? And do ye not always explain that language by stripping off the figurative coverings, aud drawing forth the simple truth, which ye * Numb, xxiii. 19. Mai. iii. 6. FINAL BESULT. 281 then express in some kind of abstract phrase, metaphysi cally more accurate, but far less mighty to impress the human mind ? — Tou are convinced that this is necessary ; and you do not for a moment admit that, in doing this, you derogate from the truth and inspiration of the Bible. Apply then your just methods of interpretation to this case : I ask no more. Mr. Bomaine lays down the principle, in saying, "The Holy Spirit does not reveal God to us as he is in himself, but as he stands related to us :" and this know ledge is best conveyed to mankind in the style of condescen sion to our own low estate of acts and habits, feelings and language. If the view of the range of inspiration, that its proper and sole reference is to religious subjects, be rejected, it will inevitably follow that we must impute error to the Spirit of God. Abhorred be the thought ! We must suppose to be physicahy correct those declarations concerning the astral worlds, the phenomena of the atmosphere, and the human frame, which have been mentioned : we must regard the inferior creatures as " made to be taken and destroyed," * in defiance of ah our knowledge that the whole animal crea tion is formed for an immense variety of beneficent pur poses, partly no doubt unknown to us, but in a very great measure manifest by the clearest and most beautiful proofs. 2. The Mosaic narrative is, manifestly and undeniably as we have seen, so expressed in that style of condescension, and particularly in the manner suited to the men of primeval times. Tet, when read and understood, as ah language is required to be, by the conversion of what is figurative and idiomatical into plain diction, it is a faithful description of f 2 Pet. ii. 12. Not well rendered " natural brute beasts :'' for the clause aKoya ffo, fvaiKa, strictly signifies, irrational animals, governed by natural instinct. 282 FINAL BESULT. the facts that did occur, and the method and order of theh occurrence. I have now reached the point at which, from the begin ning of these lectures, I have been aiming. I speak my own conviction, and I trust I have brought forward suf- ficent evidence to support that conviction, that the aheged discrepance between the Holy Scriptures and the discoveries of scientific investigation, is not in reahty, but in semblance only: in particular, that the Scriptures, fairly interpreted, are not adverse to a behef in an immeasurably high an tiquity of the earth : in the reference of the six days' work to a part only of the earth's surface ; in the position of several centres of creation, distinct from each other, on the surface of the globe ; in the reign of death over the inferior animals, from the earhest existence of organized earthly beings ; and in a hmited extent of the Deluge which swept away the remnant of a self-destroying race, saving one family, which "found grace in the eyes ofthe Lord." I have not attempted to do this by affirming that the Scriptures teach the sciences ; or that their language can be forced, by any grammatical or critical ingenuity, into a hteral accordance with scientific truths : but by adducing abundant evidence to show, that the Authoe of revelation spoke to mankind in such language as they were accus tomed to use, such as they could most readily understand, and such as must ever remain the most affecting and im pressive to the human heart. Let it also be observed, that the principle of interpreta tion here brought forward is entirely independent of facts in Natural History, or doctrines of Geology, or any other branch of Natural Science. If those facts be denied and those doctrines disapproved, stih this mode of understand ing the figurative language of Scripture wih not be affected; EXCELLENCE OF BELIGION. 283 it stands upon its own evidence, and cannot, I conceive, be overthrown. It follows then, as a universal truth, that the Bible, faith fully interpreted, erects no bar against the most free and extensive investigation, the most comprehensive and search ing induction. Let but the investigation be sufficient, and the induction honest. Let observation take its farthest flight; let experiment penetrate into ah the recesses of nature ; let the veil of ages be lifted up from ah that has been hitherto unknown, if such a course were possible ; — rehgion need not fear, Christianity is secure, and true science wih always pay homage to the Divine Creator and Sovereign, " of whom, and through whom, and to whom are ah things ; and unto whom be glory for ever." LECTTJEE VIII. Ecclesiastes xii. 13. Let us hear the conclusion of the wfiole matter : Fear God, and keep his commandments : for this is the whole [.duty] of man* "The whole of man:" instruction for his duty, direction in his difficulties, consolation in his sorrows, triumph in death, and the boundless bhss of knowledge and holiness to eternity. But the fear of God and the observance of his commandments are no servile and narrow habits of mind. The Scriptures abundantly show that they comprehend, or by just deduction lead to, ah that is true in knowledge and noble in feeling. " The High and Lofty One, who in- * It will not be unwelcome to tne serious reader to have this passage laid before him in a close translation. " The finishing lesson, the total, let us hear ; Revere God, and keep his commandments : for this [eoncerns] every one of mankind." 284 puesuits of science. habiteth eternity," builds also his temple in "the contrite heart." He has made it our duty, and a part of the fihal "fear" which we owe to him, that we should acquire ah that we can of sound information concerning his perfections and his works. " He giveth to a man that is good in his sight, wisdom and knowledge and joy:" and it is laid down as one of the characters of the impious, that, " they regard not the works of the Lord, nor the operation of his hands." f When the Committee of the Congregational Lecture did me the honour of the invitation to dehver the course of this year, I could not but feel grateful for the opportunity thus afforded, of making an attempt to rescue from misapprehen sion a branch of research into the works of God, which at the present time attracts the attention of men, beyond all former example ; and of offering an humble contribution for advancing the influence of religion, as the rightful associate of ah other knowledge. It is incumbent on me to state that, beyond a general approbation of the subject, the Committee is not answerable for anything that has been, advanced. The sentiments and arguments which have been submitted to you, rest upon the responsibility of the lecturer alone. There are some remaining subjects respecting which I am desirous of obtaining the approbation of my indulgent- auditors ; especially of the young persons, who are the delight of our families and the hope of our churches ; — " for ye are our glory and joy." I. I congratulate you upon the increasing attention which is evidently paid to the objects of sensible science. By the studies of Natural History, my young friends, you become acquamted with " the wondrous works of Him that is excehent in knowledge ;" and, by those of Natural Philo sophy, you investigate the causes and results of the changes * Eccl. ii. 26. Psa. xxviii. 5. DILI&ENT SEABCH BECOMMENDED. 285 which you or others have observed in the objects noticed by your senses. This is a part, at least, of what the wise man describes as " applying the heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom and the reason of things."* It is a subject for much thankfulness to the Author of ah good, that so many of you have been furnished, by the affectionate hberahty of your parents, with the means of laying a foundation for these acquisitions, and of commencing to build worthily upon that foundation. Tet those who have been thus favoured in a less degree ought by no means to be discouraged. It is an humiliating fact, that the class of persons which has enjoyed such opportunities in their most perfect form, is not universally found to make a correspond ent improvement of them. On the other hand, the honours of science have been sustained, and its bounds enlarged, in the greater number "of directions, and in superior degrees, by those who, nearly or altogether unaided, have risen to eminence by their own diligence and perseverance in the cultivation of talent. The advice has been often and very properly given, that you should beware of satisfying yourselves with superficial acquirements. But this recommendation needs to be better understood than it sometimes is. A vicious superficialism is when self-fondness persuades a man, and urges him to endeavour to persuade others, that his knowledge is some thing great ; that he has studied to an extent which he has not done, and has made attainments which he has not made. Such affectation involves the guilt of falsehood; and it is sure to defeat its own end, and bring its merited punishment. But there is a sense in which it must be said that most, even of cultivated minds, possess but superficial knowledge. * Eccl. viii. 25. 286 IGNOEANCE TO BE CONFESSED. It is one of our blessings, by God's kind providence, to hve in a time when hterature, science, and the arts are cul tivated so assiduously, and their results are proclaimed so widely, that the necessity of acquiring general knowledge is strongly impressed, and the means of the acquisition are afforded with unexampled facility. To many, however, the measure of such acquisition must be imperfect. The indis pensable cares and labours of our earthly condition present insurmountable obstacles : and there are duties of personal religion and of social life which possess an infinitely higher obligation, and the neglect of which would bring guilt upon our own consciences, and injury upon our dearest con nexions. Par from happy would be the possession of even great attainments, purchased at such a cost. Let us then never be reluctant to acknowledge the ignorance, which we have not been able to remove. Let us not put on the flimsy show of a knowledge, which we do not possess. Let us be ever open to the confession, that such or such a subject is one with which we have not been favoured to obtain an accurate acquaintance. The in genuous state of mind which thus expresses itself, whl bring no shame ; and it wih very often be the means of opening a valuable door of information and improvement ; partly by its exciting influence on ourselves, and partly by its conciliating the attention of our more accomplished friends. These considerations not only impress upon us some admonitions, but they justify the exhortations which I am presuming to give, that (in subordination to the richest jewel and sweetest charm of life, the eeligion of Cheist, and in a weh regulated connexion with ah domestic and social obligations,) my young friends would invigorate their minds by hterary, mathematical, and scientific pursuits. This must, generahy and chiefly, be accomplished by what EMPLOYMENT OE 1EISUEE TIME. 287 Mhton so strenuously eulogizes, as the education which a man gives himself. Let us suppose that a foundation has been laid in a good general education, in which the rudiments of the Mathematics have been sohdly taught ; for without that preparation the exact sciences cannot be efficiently pur sued.* Toung persons then enter upon some course of life which claims their chief earthly attention. Some are privi leged to enjoy a good measure of evening hours : let them not neglect the gift which the benignity of Providence thus confers upon them. Their leisure is a talent too precious, and its responsibility is a weight too awful, to be treated lightly. The cultivation of Natural History and the Sciences wih be a dignified means of excluding those modes of abusing time which are the sin and disgrace of many young persons; vapid indolence, frivolous conversation, amusements which bring no good fruit to the mind or the heart, or such read ing as only feasts the imagination whhe it enervates the judgment, and diminishes or annihilates the faculty of com mand over the thoughts and affections, a faculty whose healthy exercise is essential to real dignity of character. But, there are many of the most estimable men who cannot enjoy this advantage. The connexions and claims, whether of business or of professional life, leave them scarcely any leisure ; and, at the close of each day, both the mind and the body are weared to exhaustion. Tet let them * The observation of Sir John Herschel concerning Astronomy is also applicable to all other departments of Natural Philosophy, and it ought to be engraven on the mind of every aspirant after scientific knowledge. " Admission to its sanctuary, and to the privileges and feelings of a votary, is only to be gained by one means, a sound and sufficient knowledge of Mathematics, the great instrument of all exact inquiry, without which no man can ever make such advances in this or any other of the higher departments of science, as can entitle him to form an independent opinion on any subject of discussion within their range." " Treatise on Astronomy;" p. 5. 288 SELECTION OF APPBOPEIATE STUDY. not be discouraged. Let them take unceasing pains to cul tivate the habit of close observation and exact attention. Let them make up by repetition what they lack in conti nuity. Smah portions of time, hnked together by constancy of return and closeness of succession, wih form, in months and years, a noble amount of improvement. May I then be permitted to advise my young friends to select that department of solid knowledge, for which each may possess the best means and opportunities ? Let this one thing be the body of the building. " This one thing, do."* Tou wih see the necessity of obtaining completely * Not till after the composition of these lectures was I made acquainted with a circumstance, full of hope and promise ; and which presents a motive for determining, among objects that may seem equally inviting, that which shall be the first choice. The University of London has made a Regulation that every student, before being admitted to Examination for his first Degree, (and, after 1840, at his matriculation,) shall be examined among other subjects, in " The characters and differences of the Natural Classes and principal Orders belonging to the Flora of Europe, according to the botanical classification of De Candolle." This thenyfoes the first step in a scientific, education ; and a more judicious determination could not well be conceived. It will now be the duty of parents and instructors everywhere to lay this foundation in early life. From their tenth or twelfth year, boys and girls should be led to acquaint themselves with every species in tbe fields, hedges, and woods within their reach. It will be the most salutary recreation from the toils of school ; it will be a strong barrier against indolence and dissipation : and it will draw on to Zoology and all other departments of natural knowledge, by obvious and even necessary bands of affinity. Though but a small number of our young men through the land may come to be examined for degrees, the spirit of the Regulation ought to operate to the widest extent ; and I trust it will. It has led Dr. Lindley (Prof. Bot. Univ. Coll. Lond.) to compose his new work, " School Botany;" for the express purpose of promoting this object. He gives the monition: "It is necessary that boys should prepare themselves for it, before they leave school; and therefore it will be a part of the duty of schoolmasters to cause their highest classes to be taught the kind [i. e. the system] of Botany required by the University." Undoubtedly it has been from mature consideration that the Council has fixed upon M. de Candolle's System, instead of the more operose and difficult one of Dr. Lindley IMPOBTANCE OF FIEST TBUTHS. 289 and securing firmly, those first truths in any science which make its foundation : and you will be convinced also of the himself : but it has the unwelcome result of counteracting in some measure the use of his own valuable works. It was hoped that the System which he has elaborated through so many years of study and exertion would have come into universal and permanent use. However, for inconveniences like this, there is no remedy but acquiescence : and let it be our consolation that De Candolle's System has already made sure of acceptance among all nations. Perhaps Dr. Lindley will give the necessary modifications to his principal works, to the great benefit of students. It will be needful and easy for them to add a competent acquaintance with the Linnajan System, for many indispensable purposes.1 To this Btudy there is a delightful Introduction expressly for young persons, by Mr. Francis, just published, " The Little English Flora ;"a but they must not dispense with the works 1 Sec. ed. At the same time the young student must come to his enterprise with a resolute heart, and should never forget the monition of Prof. Lindley : — " After all that has been effected [for giving facility to the acquirement of an incipient knowledge of Botany,] — or is likely to be accomplished hereafter, there will always be more difficulty in acquiring a knowledge of the Natural System of Botany, than of the Linnasan. The latter skims only the surface of things, and leaves the student in the fancied possession of a sort of information which it is easy enough to obtain, but which is of little value when acquired : the former requires a minute investigation of every part and every property known to exist in plants,, but, when understood, it has conveyed to the mind » store of information of the utmost use to man in every station of life. Whatever the difficulties may be of becoming acquainted with plants according to this method, they are inseparable from Botany." " Synops. of Brit. Flora ;" pref. p. xi. * That gentleman had before conferred on young Botanists a benefit of no little value, to assist their study of a peculiarly interesting and beautiful Order, and to which a minute attention has, in the present day, become an elegant fashion, " The British Ferns and their Allies," 1837: and, but a few weeks ago, he has published a still more important pocket volume, " The Grammar of Botany," 1840, a necessary introduction to the Flora, or to any other Synopsis of the Linnaean Botany. Mr. Francis's works have the merit of aiding the student with regard to his literary taste and the attractions of anecdotal facts, thus adding greatly to the pleasure of scientific acquirements : and he has benevolently considered the logic of U 290 NEED OF MINUTE ACCUBACY. need of minute accuracy in all details. This one science, — or you may have chosen a department of sohd and elegant hterature, then I would say, this one object, — make your dwelling place ; and let others be viewed as accessories of convenience and stability. Avenues wih open into other departments of valuable knowledge. Affinities wih present themselves of the most pleasing kind. Mutual illustrations wih multiply. Delight wih supersede difficulty. Every position taken up wih give a new extent of command ; and by degrees a noble ahotment wih be enclosed from the field which divine goodness has made the common property of mankind. Thus, a most desirable amount of hterary or scientific acquirement wih be laid up in the stores of the memory. The very labour of getting these intellectual possessions will be a pleasure, and its own reward; and results wih probably be obtained, of immediate value in the arts of life. Tour attainments wih not be superficial ; they wih be solid and safe, so far as they have proceeded ; you wih have always in your hand good instruments, and you will know how to use them, for making progress in any of Dr. Withering,1 or Sir James E. Smith, or Sir W. J. Hooker. — Besides the sentiment which has occasioned this too long note, we ought not to be insensible to the direct benefit of botanical knowledge, economically and in agriculture, as well as in relation to Medicine and general science. [But, now (1847) I must earnestly call attention to Prof. Lindley's vast work, to •which his former labours, great and numerous, have been cul minating ; " The Vegetable Kingdom ;" sec. ed. with above 500 wood engraved illustrations of admirable beauty ; 8vo. 979 pages closely printed.] the pocket. He has also rendered a service of great value, to both young and advanced Botanists, by his "Catalogue of British Plants," exhibiting on a large sheet all the Linnaean Genera and Species ; and the price is sixpence I 1 The condensed and otherwise improved edition, by Dr. Macgillivray, in a single volume, will be found the most useful. STUDY OF GEOLOGY EECOMMENDED. 291 direction that might invite. . But forget not the heavenly axiom, " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." II. As a branch of knowledge to which I request these remarks to be especiahy apphed, I invite you to the studies of Geology. Here I avail myself of a paragraph, expressed with his usual fehcity and force, by one of the most favoured sons of science, and to whom already I have been largely indebted. " By the discoveries of a new science (the very name of which has been but a few years engrafted on our language), we learn that the manifestations of God's power on the earth have not been limited to the few thousand years of man's existence. The geologist tells us, by the clearest interpretation of the phenomena, which his labours have brought to light, that our globe has been subject to vast physical revolutions. He counts his time, not by celestial cycles, but by an index he has found in the sohd framework of the globe itself. He sees a long succession of monu ments, each of which may have required a thousand ages for its elaboration. He arranges them in chronological order, observes in them the marks of skill and wisdom, and finds within them the tombs of the ancient inhabitants of the earth. He finds strange and unlooked for changes in the forms and fashions of organic life, during each of the long periods he thus contemplates. He traces these changes backwards, through each successive era, till he reaches a time when the monuments lose ah symmetry, and the types of organic life are no longer seen. He has then entered on the dark age of nature's history ; and he closes the old chapter of her records. This account has so much of what is exactly true, that it hardly deserves the name of figurative description."* * Sedgwick's " Studies of Cambridge ;" p. 25. My reader will thank me for introducing here a passage from another ornament of the same TJ 2 292 SCEIPTUEE DIFFICULTIES. We have seen, however, that this science brings us into a situation which we cannot but feel most unwelcome and even distressing. In these lectures it has been sufficiently shown, that some of the most evident geological facts carry the appearance of being at variance with the declarations of holy scripture ; and that many of our friends, men of ardent piety and Christian excehence, not perceiving any mode of conciliation, deny and reject, with great vehemence, our statement of those facts. In the last lecture, a principle was explained and esta bhshed, which to me appears capable of removing the diffi culty, in a way that ought to satisfy impartial minds. But it would be too presumptuous in me, to indulge the hope that this mode of solution wih be satisfactory to those University. " The spirit of geological observation is so widely diffused and so thoroughly roused, that I trust we need not anticipate any pause or retardation in the career of Descriptive Geology. I confess indeed, for my own part, I do not look to see the exertions of the present race of geologists surpassed by any who may succeed them. The great geological theorizers of the past belong to the Fabulous Period of the science ; but I consider the eminent men by whom I am surrounded as the Heroic Age of Geology. .They have slain its monsters and cleared its wildernesses; and founded here and there a great metropolis, the queen of future empires. They have exerted combinations of talents, which we cannot hope to see often again exhibited ; especially when the condition of the science which produced them is changed. I consider that it is now the destiny of Geology to pass from the heroic to the Historical Period. She can no longer look for supernatural successes : but she is entering upon a career, I trust a long and prosperous one, in which she must carry her vigilance into every province of her territory, and extend her dominion over the earth, till it becomes, far more truly than any before, a universal empire." Prof. Whewell, in his Address as President of the Geol. Soc. Feb. 15, 1839. The concluding sentiment referred only to human dominions, civil, or intellectual. I am sure that the learned and estimable speaker is not indifferent to the unearthly empire of Christianity, which God has destined to be the parent of virtue and happiness, knowledge and peace, to all nations. sceiptuee difficulties. 293 prepossessed persons ; or to others, who take up an opinion at first sight, and are not disposed to go through the course of investigation which is necessary for a proper under standing of the question. I cannot but fear that it must have the fate of the Newtonian Phhosophy ; and must wait its time, till pious and learned men shah be convinced that their objections are groundless. I cannot imagine any motive but the excehent one of veneration for the Bible, that can induce a pious mind to feel satisfied with the idea which attributes to the first exercise of creating power, a date so recent as six or seven thousand years ago. Tet we may reasonably ask, Ought the mind of a Christian to sit down with passive acqui escence in this persuasion ? A commencement of creation unquestionably must have been : and before that point, from eternity, the All-sufficient Jehovah was his own universe. But what reason, viewing the subject solely in itself, can we have for assuming that we are living in so early a stage of the flow of time ? What objection can we, a race of poor, feeble, sinful creatures, pretend to set up against the idea that the glories of the Creator had been displayed, in diffusing a holy and happy existence through worlds upon worlds, and throughout ages which man cannot number, before he cahed human kind into existence ? If it be said that the "great mystery of godliness," the display of the divine perfections in the work of Bedemption, forbids such an extent of our conceptions ; I would reply, with humility and deference, that the objector has forgotten the grand attribute of Deity, the basis of ah the Divine perfections — Infinity. He is measuring Jehoyah by a standard applicable only to creatures. — And are not the purposes of God, including the glorious plan of salvation to a lost world (Eph. i. 4, 5 ; iii. 11) from eternity ? — To my judgment and feeling, the grandeur of those heavenly coun- 294 difficulties must be encounteeed. sels is presented to us the more sublimely by the views for which I have been pleading, of the extent, antiquity, and endless duration of the products of God's creative power and provident wisdom.* But, why do you not let these matters alone ? Why do you bring them before the Christian pubhc, distressing the minds of pious persons, and incurring the danger of shaking the faith of your weaker brethren ? I am bound to acknowledge that my own breast is no stranger to the feelings involved in these queries. Scarcely can I turn out of my heart emotions approaching to envy, at the tranquh state of many of my fehow Christians. Hap pily ignorant, exempt from perplexities and conflicts, at least on such subjects as this, they spend their blameless lives in the exercises of piety, usefulness to mankind, and ah the sweet enjoyments of rehgion ; they go down to the grave in peace, and the angel of death leads their purified spirits to the perfection of heaven. Would we harass them on their pilgrimage ? — Par, far from it ! — Alas, the choice is not left with us ! These subjects are not ahowed to he in concealment. They are bruited abroad. If Christians can be quiet, infidels wih not be so.f " The arrow flieth by * Let the reader turn back to the quotation from Mr. Scrope in page 137. — What materials for reflection lie deep in this sentence of the wise and devout Richard Baxter ! " I meddle only with mankind, not with angels. Nor will I curiously inquire whether there were any other world of men created and destroyed, before this had being." Saints' Everlasting Rest ; p. 115, ed. 1688. Thus the mind of this good and great man did not absolutely reject the notion of a prior race even of beings like ourselves; though such a notion would have appeared much more in collision with the Scriptures than the admission of creatures quite different from the human. Geology confirms the scriptural doctrine concerning the origin of man, and supplies proofs that man is among the newest productions of the Creator's power, and that our kind had no existence before Adam. f " The time has come when the whole question must be understood and. DUTY T0WAEDS SCIENTIFIC UNBELIEVEBS. 295 day, and the pestilence walketh in darkness." Not only in books of phhosophy, but in the periodical journals and common hterature of the day, in this country and in others, in Europe and in America, by various phrase, covertly and openly, coarsely and pohtely, it is proclaimed that Cuvier has supplanted Moses, that Geology has exploded Genesis. There is a class of persons, who understand the scientific side of the difficulty enough to make out of it an excuse for open infidelity, or secretly cherished scepticism; and thus they are able to pacify their consciences in a con temptuous neglect of the evidence and authority of religion. Do we owe no regard to those persons ? Have we no sym pathy for them ; no consideration for the educational and other unhappy causes of their doubts ? Are not their souls as precious as our own ? Is not their state, before God and for eternity, as important as ours ? Can we prevail upon them to unlearn their knowledge, to stifle the con victions of their judgment, or suppress the avowal of those settled by the friends of Revelation, unless they wish it to be turned to evil account by its enemies." An Anti-infidel Geologist, " Christ. Obser." May, 1834; p. 313. I quote, with pleasure and entire assent, the remark of an excellent writer; yet observing that it is applicable only to questions of pure The ology. The case before us is widely different: it is a case in which phy sical facts compel us to question, not the authority of the Bible, but the justness of certain interpretations and inferences; and our questioning is sustained by the undeniable analogy of language, used much more abun dantly in the Bible, upon the most venerable of subjects, the Attributes of the Deity. — Having mentioned some theological difficulties, and the simple facts to which they refer, the author proceeds: — " These things are all plain. With these the humble Christian is content. If beyond these, perplexities and troubles arise, they are the gratuitous, self-inflicted per plexities and troubles of scholars and philosophers. The plain good man, v. ho simply believes his Bible, who can follow where it leads and pause where it stops, effectually escapes them." Dana's " Letters to Prof. Moses Stuart;" Boston, New England, 1839; p. 31. 296 NECESSITY OF DECLAEING OUE VIEWS. convictions ? — And if we could ; if they were to promise Bilence and to keep the promise ; would rehgion be served thereby ? — Examples have not been wanting of compli mentary verbiage, with affected solemnity, offered to the Christian religion ; whhe the fraternity of concealed unbe lievers can look significantly at each other, and mutually build up their self-flattery and pride ; as if they were men immeasurably superior to the vulgar, but who, to soothe prejudice, and flatter pubhc opinion, are willing to uphold a style of conventional hypocrisy. But, can we not throw ourselves into the arms of our brethren in the faith, who, as we have seen, summarily dispose of the whole matter ? — We cannot. Pirst ; our own convictions stand in the way. The facts cannot be set aside : they are too numerous, too various and independent, and too weighty in their character as grounds of reasoning. Secondly ; if we could so put off our reasonable faculties, the great cause would not be reheved. It would be far more deeply injured. The body of scientific men, in every country, would only be confirmed in their hostility, and the more completely discharged from keeping terms with us : whhe we should be the men that laid Christianity under the feet of its adversaries.* * " From ill-informed, or too often prejudiced persons, we hear frequent remarks disparaging the inquiries and conclusions of the Geologist, while they allow and applaud the inferences of the astronomer and the chemist. They condemn as visionary and presumptuous the results of the one as to the antiquity of strata, and the successive eras of animal organization, the monuments of which are before their eyes ; while they revere as unques tionable truths the most marvellous and paradoxical inferences of the other, which refer to subjects utterly beyond the scope of the senses, to periods and distances which transcend our arithmetical powers to conceive, and to processes of nature which exceed our faculties to apprehend. -Yet, when the Geologist contends that the crust of the earth, with its organized productions, has been gradually brought into its present condition, by a series of creative changes, going on through millions of ages; his conclu- DANOEE OF EEEONEOUS NOTIONS. 297 Hence arises a motive of the greatest force to quicken our endeavours to diffuse every where just principles for understanding the figurative language of Scripture. We cannot but be affected by the prevalence of ignorance and misconception on this point ; and the consequent influence of those misconceptions upon the formation of Tehgious sentiments and their practical results. The eloquent pro fusion of striking scripture language, in sermons and trea tises and poems, yet without the accompaniment of just caution and correct interpretation, has made many enthu siasts and many infidels ; and not a few have rushed from the one extreme to the other. The unexplained ascription of human forms and passions to the Deity leads some to breathe the atmosphere of a piety imaginative and pic turesque indeed, but degrading to its glorious Object, and nursing most pernicious fancies in its subjects : and it helps forward another class in their injurious conceptions of the attributes and government of God; for these are ideas which they are very ready to accept, as a bolstering up of secret scepticism. In their own minds, they put upon the adorable One a garb of unreasonable, turbulent, and changeful passions ; instead of representing him as the Being ah whose attributes are pebfections, fixed and in variable principles of rectitude and wisdom. Thus, the pure character and the reasonableness of moral obedience, and the inviolability of the law that requires it, are thrown sion is condemned as chimerical and dangerous. They allow the foil claims of the human mind, to assign spaces and periods which transcend the flights of the loftiest imagination: — yet they talk of the arrogance of the Geologist in pretending to maintain that, millions of years ago, the world was going on, governed by the same physical laws which prevail now, and replete with vegetable and animal life in all its varied forms of per fection and adaptation to a state of things, of which the existing order is only one of a series of gradual and regular changes." Prof. Powell's « Connexion;" pp. 67, 69. 298 VALUE OF TEUTH. out of sight ; the necessity of a Divine Saviour is therefore hidden from view ; the whole economy of redeeming grace iB distorted; Christianity is represented as an irrational dream ; and the best hopes of man are thrown to the winds. But, how often does a melancholy reaction take place ; and the empire of superstition succeeds to that of scorn ! Sor row and desolation, age and death, present themselves ; and the miserable victim, "ignorant of God's righteousness," and never having cast the anchor of his soul " within the veil," is overwhelmed with terrors, and flees into the arms of some foohsh and delusive scheme, for rehef from the scourge of a terrified conscience : — a false rehef, to be fohowed by the bitterest aggravations of disappointment, and the death of hope ! To prevent such ruin, let us do ah in our power to inculcate just views of the true meaning of scripture-imagery, the unalterable perfections of God, the majesty of his holiness, the riches of his grace, and the exceeding greatness of his power, through faith in Christ, to hberate our souls from sin and wretchedness, and raise them to immortal purity, activity, and joy. This is " the glorious gospel of the Blessed God; — the truth according to godliness, in hope of eternal hfe, which God who cannot deceive (o a^eudrjg &iog) has promised before the world began." * Our rehgion, — blessed be God ! — is not a religion of con trivance and expediency. We want only Tbuth : and we cannot barter it for ease, custom, or fashion. Is it not then our duty, as honest men and Christians, to make ourselves somewhat more than superficiahy acquainted with the evidence in this case ; and to take some pains in diffusing correct knowledge upon it ? This is the proceeding which I humbly recommend; * 1 Tim. i. 11. Tit. i. 1,2. TENDENCY OF SCIENCE. 299 and to promote which has been the design of these lectures.* III. I would entreat my friends to consider what are the proper accompaniments of ah human knowledge, if it be sought and employed in the manner that becomes reason able and accountable creatures. Science is the knowledge of truth. Its proper tendency is to augment our desire to obtain higher measures of that possession ; and to increase our love to that truth of which it is the image. But ah truth is connected with all other truth, by natural alliances numerous and ever multiplying. * " The subject before us is not one which can be advantageously dis cussed with the people at large." [Meaning, no doubt, in sermons.] " A wide range of facts and an extensive course of induction are necessary to the satisfactory exhibition of geological truths; and especially to establish their connexion and harmony with the Mosaic history. It is a subject exclusively for the learned, or at least for the studious and the reflecting. But it can no longer be neglected with safety by those whose province is to illustrate and defend the sacred writings. The crude, vague, unskilful, and unlearned manner in which it has been too often treated, when treated at all, by those who are to a great extent ignorant of the structure of the globe, or who have never studied it with any efficient attention, can communicate only pain to those friends of the Bible, who are perfectly satisfied, after full examination, that the relation of Geology to sacred history is now as little understood, by many theologians and biblical critics, as astronomy was in the time of Galileo. There is but one remedy. Theologians must study Geology: or, if they will not or from peculiar circumstances cannot do it, they must be satisfied to receive its demonstrated truths from those who have learned them in the most effectual way, not only in the cabinet, but abroad on the face of nature and in her deep recesses. They will then be convinced, that geology is not an enemy but an ally of revealed religion ; that the subject is not to be mastered by mere criticism ; that criticism must be applied to facts as well as to words ; and that there is, at most, only an apparent incongruity, an incongruity which vanishes before investigation." Dr. Silliman (Prof. Chem. Yale Coll. U. S.) in his App. to a republication of Mr. Bakewell's Geology, near the close ; published separately in London, by Mr. J. S. Hodson, with the title " Consistency of the Discoveries of Modern Geol. with the Sacred Hist." 1837- 300 FATAL EFFECTS OF IGNOEANCE. Physical truth, though the fact is often overlooked, has much in common with moral truth. Prom a sound ac quaintance with the kingdoms of nature, innumerable benefits accrue to the comfort and always extending use fulness of- the life that now is : and we thus obtain enlarg ing convictions of the pernicious consequences of ignorance and false opinions. Prom the want of knowledge in some branches of science, many a flattering project has been marred, much property has been thrown away, famhies have been ruined, and the public has been injured. This has been remarkably the case from the want of geological knowledge. Almost incredible might appear the ^history of disappoint ments and pecuniary losses which have been produced by this cause, in laying down lines of road, in selecting materials for road-making and stone for buhding, in making cuttings and tunnels, in sinking for coal, and in the economy of metallic mines. Hence we may derive lessons, by reason able analogy, to enforce the scriptural precept, in its moral aspects, as weh as in every other: " Buy the truth and seh it not." It is a treasure above ah price, and nothing can com pensate for the loss of it. Ignorance and error, in relation to God, our duty to him and expectations from him, are the causes of unbehef, impenitence, insensibility to the evidences and claims of revealed rehgion, and ah sinful affections and conduct ; what the inspired author calls " foolish and pernicious lusts, which drown men in destruc tion and perdition." * But a mind which ingenuously loves Truth, wih " search for it as for hidden treasure ; " and wih see a beauty in moral and rehgious truth transcending every other kind of excehence, and connecting itself with the glories of eternity. Weh-conducted studies also tend to promote a right estimation of Evidence universally, a wise discrimination * 1 Tim. vi. 9. ETEBNITY AND BETEIBUTION. 301 of its various kinds, and the habit of regarding it with integrity and fidelity. These qualities of mind are congenial with others, which advance stih higher the holy edifice in our minds ; such are a profound sense of the universal presence and the infinite perfections of God, veneration and filial love to him, cordial submission to his authority, delight in his precepts, the thankful reception of his gospel, and the repose of the soul in Him as the ground of its immortal hopes. So shah we answer the purposes of our existence,- and shah be prepared for the momentous changes which are hastening on, and in which we have a never-dying interest. Infinite happiness or infinite woe wih be the result of a due regard to these considerations, or a contempt of them. This result for eternity wih be the product of our present cha racter, as it is seen by the Omniscient ; a product necessary by the laws of our intellectual nature, and just under the government of eternal rectitude. God has written the lesson of responsibility and retribu tion upon the large scale of affinity and sequence, through the whole empire of nature. The fehcities of holiness and the punishments of sin, are not arbitrary inflictions, but grow out of the necessary constitutions which the All-wise Sovereign has fixed for the good order of his universe. Hence, it is not less an inevitable certainty, from physical truths and rational evidences, than it is a primary doctrine of the Bible, that "they who hate knowledge and choose not the fear of the Lord, who reject his counsels and despise his reproof, shah eat of the fruit of their own way." * ' Prov. i. 29 — 31. With this coincide the reasonings of Mr. Babbage, in his chapter " On the permanent Impressions of our Words and Actions on the Globe we inhabit." Laplace had observed "that the curve de scribed by [the motion of] a single molecule of air or any fluid is subjected to laws as certain as those of the planetary orbits : there is no difference 302 ADMONITOEY ASPECT The instruments of his righteousness are in preparation ; and, how soon they wih be ready for action He knows who created, who sustains, and who governs his own world. But between them, but that which arises from our ignorance." Mr. Babbage pursues the idea, and shows that " these aerial pulses, unseen by the keenest eye, unheard by the acutest ear, unperceived by human senses, are yet demonstrated to exist by human reason. If man enjoyed a larger command over mathematical analysis, his knowledge of these motions would be more extensive : but a being, possessed of unbounded knowledge of that science, could trace every the minutest consequence of that primary impulse. Such a being, howeyer far exalted above our race, would still bs immeasurably below even our conception of Infinite Intelligence. Whilst the atmosphere we breathe is the ever-living witness of the senti ments we have uttered, the waters and the more solid materials of the globe bear equally enduring testimony of the acts we have committed. If the Almighty stamped on the brow of the first murderer, the indelible and visible mark of his guilt ; he has also established laws by which every succeeding criminal is not less irrevocably chained to the testimony of his crime ; for every atom of his mortal frame, through whatever changes its several particles may migrate, will still retain, adhering to it through every combination, some movement derived from that very muscular effort by which the crime itself was perpetrated. The soul of the negro whose fettered body, surviving the living charnel-house of his infected prison, was thrown into the sea to lighten the ship, that his Christian master might escape the limited justice at length assigned by civilized man to crimes whose profits had long gilded their atrocity, will need, at the last great day of human account, no living witness of his earthly agony. When man and all his race shall have disappeared from the face of our planet, ask every particle of air still floating over the unpeopled earth, and it will record the cruel mandate of the tyrant. Interrogate every wave which breaks unimpeded on ten thousand desolate shores, and it will give evidence of the last gurgle of the waters which closed over the head of his dying victim, confront the murderer with every coporeal atom of his immolated slave, and in its still quivering movements he will read the prophet's denun ciation of the prophet king, — Thou art the man." " Ninth Bridgewater Treat." chap. ix. But the arm, the tongue, the brain, were but the organism of the mind ; and for mind with all its machinations God has made equally effective registers : " and the books win, be opened." OF GEOLOGICAL FACTS. 303 we need not expect a delay till the workings of the atmo sphere and the running waters shah have worn down the mountains, and washed away the plains to the sea-level. A different point in the course of the agency which God has ordained, may bring on the catastrophe. Let but the deposits at the bottom of the sea, over any particular area, proceed to a certain amount of thickness, and Deity knows (and he may have disclosed the event and its time to creatures superior to man) how near we are to the attainment of that point ; and upheaving must take place, escape of the fiery hquid below by a volcanic vent may not be permitted, new continents must then be raised from the bed of the sea, and now-existing land must resume its former place at the bottom of the waters. It may be said that this is a slower process than numbers can assign. Be it so : but before this point is reached, the operation of the same constant cause may produce earthquakes and volcanic explosions under the soh of Great Britain or Germany, or the intermediate sea ; and in a few moments may send into eternity every human creature, over a wide district. That these countries have not been the seat of such destructive outbursts, within the record of history, or since the creation of man, forms no objection. That they have been so agitated in former periods is among the most certain of facts : and no man can be assured that the renewal of simhar events whl not take place, at any hour. I do not advert to these considerations as if rehgion needed them. Its evidences, its authority, and its motives stand forth fuh and complete on their own grounds ; and a few years, or perhaps a few of our rapidly fleeting days, wih bear away each one of us to our personal judgment. But this is one of the lights in which we may view the interest of geological studies. The records of earthquakes and volcanoes, if we contemplated nothing else in this rich field, 304 ADMONITOEY ASPECT are the most awfully impressive that visible nature affords. The Christian cannot exclude them from the universal government of God : nor would he, if he cOuld. Physical events have moral relations. Here we see large extents of country, rising, or sinking down, at the slow rate of two or three feet in a century : there, an elevation or a depression of several feet through hundreds of miles, takes plade in a few hours. On our own coasts are many examples of ancient sea-beaches, even several in superposition, but far above the highest tide-level of the present day. In places innumerable of the British Isles, the early and secondary and tertiary beds have been upraised, fractured, and pierced through by the melted rocks from below ; parts of which, having become solid, as necessarily and speedily they would, form our most magnificent mountains, and other parts have run in lines of many miles in length, filling up the cracks and chasms which the upbursting force had rent. In many parts of the oeean which covers three-fourths of the surface of our globe, new islands have been raised up ; some of which have soon sunk down, or have been washed away, leaving dangerous shahows, and others continue to this day and have become the abodes of hfe and action. The vestiges of ancient volcanoes stand up in their unquestionable de monstration, in countries next to our own. At distances a little greater, we find volcanic vents, either in never-ceasing though temperate action, or at uncertain periods breaking forth in terrible magnificence. Pifty-six years ago, in the island geographically near to us, Iceland, the eruption of the mountain Skaptar Jokul, which was prolonged through two years, dried up rivers and filled their beds, covered vaheys of five hundred feet in depth, and overflowed their mountain-limits, and spread its lava-torrents over areas of country from seven to fifteen miles in breadth, in length forty to fifty, and in various thickness from one hundred OF GEOLOGICAL FACTS. 305 feet to six hundred. Twenty villages were destroyed, and nearly the fifth part of the population perished. In 1797, the old city Biobamba, in Peru, was destroyed in one day by an earthquake : and, in a few minutes, forty- five thousand human beings were thus awfully sent into eternity. In 1815, the island of Sumbawa, at the eastern end of Java, was the scene of volcanic devastation to a most dread ful extent. The eruptions began on April 15th, and continued for three months. Great tracts of land were buried under the lava. "Violent whirlwinds carried up men, horses, cattle, and whatever else came within their influence, into the air ; tore up the largest trees by the roots, and covered the whole sea with floating timber."* The shocks were felt to the distance of 1000 mhes ; and the terrible sound of the explosions was heard over a range of 1500. The ashes ejected reached 200 and 300 mhes in distance, covering the sea extensively with pumice and cinders to the thickness of two feet, and making the day darker than the thickest night over a wide space in length more than 500 mhes. Out of about twelve thousand persons, in two smah districts, no more than five or six persons survived; and of the whole population, the number of which is not stated, only twenty- six escaped this awful catastrophe.f Seven years afterwards, in the same island, an eruption took place of the mountain Galongoon^ which, with its * Lyell's "Princip. Geol." vol. ii. p. 200. + Sir T. S. Raffles's " Hist, of Java," vol. i. pp. 25—28. " Twenty.six of the people who were at Sumbawa at the time, are the whole of the po ¦ pulation who have escaped. From the most particular inquiries I have been able to make, there were certainly not fewer than twelve thousand inhabitants in Tomboro and Pekati at the time of the eruption, of whom only five or six survive." Page 28 ¦ X 306 CONSTANCY OF CHANGE. deluges of rain and scalding mud, destroyed 114 villages and 4000 persons. Thus the instruments of change are incessantly at work, in modifying and altering the surface of the planet which the adorable Creator has appointed for our dwelling-place, in this incipient state of being. The examination of the earth affords us an insight into its state and many of the changes through which it has passed, before it assumed its present condition ; and spreads before us volumes of evi dence that those changes have been produced by the same instrumental causes that we see working at the present moment. The intensity has varied : different states or circumstances have augmented or diminished their resulting forces ; but the casualty, mediate as weh as primary, has been of the same kind : and the variations of intensity have affected but a smah portion of the immeasurable system of Jehovah's empire, and have been ah the effect of more general laws. Everything that we can observe, and every deduction that we can form, presents the glorious unfold- ings of beauty and majesty, the progressive triumphs of wisdom and beneficence. We ought not to omit the observation, that the causes of most extensive operations are and have been the most shent and quiet. The volcano and the earthquake, necessary as their part has been in carrying on the economy of God's physical government, have had to perform a much inferior part compared with the slow and tranquh processes of depo sition, consolidation, elevation, crystallization, cleavage, and electric affinities continuahy acting. Those hidden opera tions, whose depth and breadth and length were to be the elements of the most important results through a vast futu rity, have in ah past time been effected, and now are pro ceeding, in a manner so gradual, so slow, and yet without any needless consumption of time, as to overwhelm our ABDENT ASPIEATIONS. 307 minds with the contemplation, and to impress us with con ceptions at once awful and dehghtful, of the Wisdom, Power, and Goodness, which have connected incalculable numbers of beings and events, stretching through ages to which we are incompetent to apply a measure ; so that they ah combine with unfailing accuracy, to effectuate the pur poses which only Infinite Perfection could form, or when formed could execute. Whether fiery catastrophes shah take place, local and successive, over different regions, or one universal confla gration involving the globe in simultaneous destruction, (improperly so cahed, for a glorious future wih he beyond,) is probably above the power of human knowledge to deter mine. How far the prophetic announcements of Scripture import a hteral action of fire, or whether they are altogether significant of moral changes, are questions, the resolution of which I presume not to assert.* IV. There remains another object of my heart's desire, with which if I might be gratified, my prayers would be answered, and my joy be unspeakable. Might I but hope that those sons of science, to whose labours and our obliga tions for them, so frequent reference has been made, would be persuaded to give to the noblest objects of contem plation, a portion of their attention correspondent to that which they have devoted to objects valuable indeed, but infi nitely inferior ; happy should I be, beyond expression ! The philosophers, whose names form a wreath of honour to our own and other nations, cannot but be objects of regard, with feelings of interest and sohcitude to which no words can give fuh utterance. Illustrious men ! we look up to you with more than respect : we admire and reverence you. Your early acquisitions in mathematics and the exact sciences, in all that could lay the foundation of an enduring • See pages 204—206. x 2 308 EELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY. edifice ; your separation from the frivolity and vice, to the temptations of which you have been exposed ; your devote- ment of youth and manly age, of fortune, health, labour and peril, and severe studies; your generous readiness in giving to the pubhc the fruit of your tohs ; the debt which physical science owes you; the benefits which you have conferred upon society, for economical and national purposes ; the excitement and encouragement which you have so readhy given, through wide circles of influence ; — ah entitle you to our honour and affection. But these reasons add to the justness and warmth of our wishes, that you would adorn ah other excehence with the pearl of greater price. Vour penetration into the vastness of space and time has made you familiar with the subhmest ideas in nature. Those ideas have brought you into a con tact, incomparably closer than that of ordinary men, with the etebnal and the infinite. Is it then possible, that you do not meditate on eternity and infinity, as subjects in which you have the highest interest ? The powers of intel lect which you so exercise, must have given to you a more than probable conviction, that those powers are not extin guished by the stroke of death. Knowing that not an atom of material existence is destroyed, or even fahs to come into beneficial uses ; you above ah men cannot suppose that moral powers and susceptibilities sink into annihilation. Witnesses as ye are to the demonstrations of forecast, wisdom, and design, upon the grandest scale, in the con nexions and adjustments of unintelligent matter ; and to the disclosures of the same qualities, in forms of stih higher magnificence, through ah organized nature, as weh the dead memorials of ancient life as the wonders of actual anima tion ; — you cannot but see the evidence that an all-presiding Mind exists : nor can you think it reasonable to suppose that He is not the possessor of ah perfections ; of ah that AFFINITIES OF EELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY. 309 is lovely and ah that is awful. Tou contemplate the laws and you calculate their results, by which you show us that the Infinite Being has bound together ah the parts of his material universe ; that, through their complexity, divine simphcity reigns ; and that one fundamental law exercises its sovereignty over the mighty whole. And has it never occurred to you, that the Lord of the world must also love every other kind of order ; and must rule by fixed laws, in his highest domain, the minds which he has created ? Is it not a reasonable presumption that he has made known his moral laws, to the beings from whom it is right that he should expect gratitude, love, and voluntary obedience ? Is it not possible that there may be an intercourse, between the human mind and the glorious Deity ? Are there even now, no incipient communings, of your spirits with the Infinite Being ? Wo aspirations after a greater good than nature yields ? Are there no means of securing the favour of the All-sufficient, and so of looking forwards to the immortality which awaits you, with something better than vague hopes ; with rational joy and confidence ? There are such provisions, made by the Being of supreme goodness on behalf of rational and therefore accountable creatures. Christianity presents them. She opens a portal into the palace of undying purity and happiness, and she invites you to enter. Astronomers, geologists, and. microscopic observers have peculiar facilities for acquiring the most sublime conceptions of the Deity ; from their deep, extensive, and accurate ac quaintance with his works. Can they gaze at the wondrous mechanism with which they are familiar ; can they calculate its workings, based upon the most recondite mathematical truths ; can they predict the results on the greatest scale and with infallible certainty ; and yet cherish no admir ing and affectionate thoughts of the Poemeb ? Tou disclose 310 MOTIVES AND CAUTIONS. to the astonished view the animalcules of the living world, or the Bhehs and habitations of those which peopled their proper stations in the long past conditions of creation : you witness their exquisite beauty, their especial adapta tions, and the appropriate places which they fill in the ranks of organized being ; and you show us many species, of which millions of the individuals do not weigh a grain : »nd does not this impress upon you the weakness of scepti cism with respect to the doctrines of a Divine Eedemption, as if they gave to mankind too much importance in the view of the Almighty God ? Vour science carries you back to periods of past time, the review of which is overwhelming to even your well-trained understandings : and do you not hence gather a presumption of credibility to the plan arranged from eternity, of holiness and wisdom, for the highest welfare of human beings. There are indications of a thought latent in some minds, that the Deity cannot be expected to take that notice of the human race, stih less of an individual man, which the Christian rehgion affirms. But is it possible that a phi losopher, a mathematician, a true student of nature, can entertain such a thought ? Accustomed as he is to the demonstrations of wisdom and power which he cannot but cah infinite, in the farthest regions of the microscopic world; he must grant that every unit in the aggregate of creation, let it be more minute than can be expressed, has a share as complete in the regards of the Infinite Mind, as if that unit were the universe. Can it be thought unworthy of the Supreme Majesty, or on any ground improbable, or indeed any other than a necessary truth, that He should require the affectionate attachment and the zealous obedi ence of each rational creature ; and that he should govern the intelligent world and every being in it, by a system of the purest moral law ? * • See Supplementary Note U. DE. EDWAED TTJENEB. 311 Can such men as you be enslaved to the prejudices of httle minds p — Can you be satisfied with a knowledge of Christianity, so meagre as to be a parahel to that ignorance on scientific subjects which provokes your pity ? When large expatiating and thorough research upon ah other objects, are esteemed indispensable and are nobly achieved by you ; can you be contented with fragments of knowledge about rehgion, picked up in childhood, or accidentahy and carelessly in the course of life ; and which have no coherence, no completeness, no standing upon well-studied proof; which are often indeed nothing but vulgar prejudices ? * Did the rehgion of Dr. Turner, who so long and meri toriously filled the office of Secretary to the Geological Society, impede his exertions in the field of phhosophy; or in any way depreciate their value? The testimony of his friend Mr. Dale should be inscribed upon the heart of every man of science. " He received the Bible with im plicit deference, not as the word of man, but, as it is in truth, the word of GOD. — Blameless, excehent as he was, to out ward appearance, in every relation of life, he knew that he could not abide the scrutiny of One who looked upon the • 0 that they would practically and efficiently abrogate the distressing monition of one of the distinguished philosophers of our country ! " There is no subject on which the generality, even of educated and reasoning persons, are less given to reason than on religion. Hence the prevalent disposition (even among those who think deeply, and are perhaps profoundly engaged in philosophical investigations on other subjects,) is to avoid all such examination of religious matters ; to adopt nominally the established creed without question ; to dismiss all particular distinctions from their thoughts ; or, if questioned, to recur to mystery, and repose in the incom prehensibility of the doctrine ; maintaining this, too, as in itself the most effectual and legitimate means of cherishing a due and becoming sentiment of religion. And all this grounded upon and vindicated by the favourite and fashionable idea, so grateful to human nature, that religion is altogether a matter of feeling." Powell's " Tradition Unveiled ;" p. 62. 312 DB. EDWAED TUBNEB. heart ; and he joyfully took refuge in the comfortable doc trine of an Almighty Saviour, one able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him." When Dr. Turner knew that death was near, he adverted to the perfect calmness of his pulse, and asked, " What can make it so at such an hour? What, but the power of rehgion? Who, but the Spirit of God? 1 could not have beheved (he said,) that I could be happy on my death-bed. I am content my career should close. The question was put to him by an anxious relative, Is not Christ as good as his word ? Tes, he faltered, quite. And, when he had said these words, he feh asleep." * I cannot but add, that any member of the learned and scientific societies to which Dr. Turner belonged, is doing himself a wrong if he do not read and deeply ponder the Sermon which has furnished these extracts. In a word : suffer one to entreat you, who puts forth no claim but that of the sincerest regard, and the warmest desire for your enjoying happiness of the most exalted kind and in the most perfect degree. Suffer him to entreat, that you would effectually resolve to yield to rehgion its rightful place in your minds and your hearts : that you would give the just proportion of your studies to the facts and evi dences of Christianity, its doctrines and duties, its promises, its invitations, and its faithful warnings. " Gloey to God in the highest ; on eaeth, peace ; among men, good will ! " Fourth ed. Upon one subject, which has not been made prominent as it ought to have been in the preceding Lecturesj I add a few words: the Direct Agency of God in the Achievements of the Human Mind. A con- * " The Philosopher entering as a Child into the Kingdom of God :" a Sermon preached at the Parish Church of St. Bride, Feb. 27, 1837: on the Death of Edward Turner, M.D., F.R.S. &c. By the Rev. Thomas Dale, M.A. Pp. 24,28,29, CONCLUSION. 313 sistent believer in Christianity cannot bring this into doubt; but we have far too slight an impression of it. Professed faith in God's providence is commonly a formal and vapid word-currency, standing for some kind of inspection and general government; but by no means letting itself down to the smallest particulars of creatures and events, and producing no holiness in the heart and the life. Atoms and moments are thought to be too inconsiderable for the attention of the Infinite Majesty ; and not infre quently men scornfully sneer at the doctrine of a providence really universal, that is, which omits nothing from its view and action. Let a thing existent, or an event occurring, be such that a finite intellect might judge it totally and for all purposes insignificant; such judgment would be not only pre sumptuous but erroneous, yea, sinfully false. May devout reason pursue the thought ! I use it only to awaken the sentiment that, in the physical and mental conformation, and in all the predicates of parental, educational, and every other actuation, there has been a special influence from the Deity. Conjecture, inquiry, experiment, induction, confirmation, applica tion of ascertained truths, all the causes or occasions that have produced science and art, in every degree and form of tkutb, have come from GOD, by his acting upon the susceptibilities of the individual, in a manner distinguishing and specific. Thales, Hippocrates, Plato and Aristotle, Archimedes and Hipparchus, Kepler, Bacon and Galileo, Newton, Leib nitz and Bradley, and the bright galaxy of our own times studded with names for admiration, — all have been the subjects of that communication from on high of which the Book of Inspiration remarkably speaks. For example: " In thy hand is power and might, and in thy hand it is to make great. — Jehovah spake to Moses, — See, I have called by name Bezaleel, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom and in under standing, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to devise cunning [i. e. knowing, such as indicates profound insight] works. — Unto Solomon — God said, — Behold— I have given thee a wise and understanding heart. — God gave to Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand which is on the sea-shore; — for he was wiser than all men; — and he spake of trees, from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon, even unto the hyssop that springeth out of the wall; he spake also of beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping things, and of fishes. — Doth the ploughman plough all day ? Doth he open and break the clods i — Doth he not cast abroad, — and cast in — [the different seeds] 1 — For his God doth instruct him." * • 1 Chron. xxix. 12 ; Exod. xxxi. 3 ; 1 Kings iv. 29—33; Is. xxviii. 26. 314 CONCLUSION. The imperative lessons from these facts are, — that scientific men are under the strongest obligations to cultivate their rich domain with the most reverential spirit towards Him who has given it to them: — that as, in a natural sense, they are thus privileged to " draw nigh unto God," and as it were " enter into bis secret chambers," they, above all men, ought not to satisfy themselves without the exalted, pure, happy, influence of the Almighty Spirit, which will transform them into His likeness " in know ledge, righteousness, and the holiness of the truth ;" that Christ may be " made by God unto them, wisdom and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption." O, may this supreme blessedness be granted to all those whom God's distinguished mercy has raised so high ! SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. [A.] Referred to at pages 9 and 265. DISSERTATION ON THE LAWS OF ORGANISED NATURES, INVOLVING; THE NECESSITY OP DEATH ; AND ON GEOLOGICAL STUDIES IN GENERAL. In the "Congregational Magazine" for November, 1837, the inquiry was proposed, under the signature of T. K. — " Could there be death, by violent and painful means, before the entrance of sin had deranged the order of a holy world, or had given occasion for bringing into action the instruments of violent death ? " To this, the foUowing answer was returned : and, as it has been made an object of controversial attack by Mr. Mellor Brown, and as it may contribute some further illustration to several of the topics treated in these lectures, I have thought it not unsuitable to be here introduced, omitting a few sentences. The question of your correspondent T. K., merits the most serious attention. It forms one, and probably the heaviest, of the two great difficulties which Christians feel in relation to the dis coveries and doctrines of modern Geology ; the first is the alleged necessity of admitting that God had put forth his creating energy from an era impossible to be even conjectured, but stretching back through immeasurable periods, from the adaptation of the earth, to be the abode of a new race of creatures, with man at their head. I have said, alleged necessity; because that qualifying term is proper at the outset of an inquiry : but, though I cannot now under take this part of the discussion, I am bound to profess that there is no doubt in my own mind. I must even go so far as to express my conviction, that it is perfectly impossible for any intelligent person to understand the fects of the case, and sit down with any modification of the sentiment which supposes our globe to have been created a few thousand years ago. But it is much to be lamented, that many well-meaning persons have imagined them selves qualified to decide this question, while really unacquainted with the essential parts of the argument ; having probably derived what they suppose to be a competent measure of knowledge, from a perusal of some one or two books, lofty, and even haughty in assertion, but ignorant, to a degree almost incredible, of the very grounds on which the inquiry must proceed so as to have any reasonable prospect of success. Indeed, Geology, as a. science de duced by the severest logic from phenomena which, when once fairly 318 SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. ascertained, a man can no more doubt of (I think I speak not too strongly), than he can doubt that it is day when he sees the sun, can scarcely be said to have come into existence till within the last thirty or forty years ; for it is within such a period that Dr. William Smith's discovery of characteristic fossils to each stratum and series of strata, laid a foundation on which many most cau tiously practical and reasoning geologists have built, and from which, by general accordance, the epithet has been applied to him, the father of Geology. Yet, at this hour, many excellent persons are reposing upon the belief that one theory is about as good as another, that the primary doctrines which prevail among geolo gists are nothing but ideal hypotheses, not at all advanced beyond plausible conjectures, mostly at variance with each other, and that, as fast as one theory is set up, it is found to be wrong by some succeeding inquirer ; so that, upon the whole, we may rest satis fied that the right theory has not yet been discovered, and that the phenomena are not yet justly understood, nor their real bear ings discerned. Of such persons there can be no hope, unless they will take pains in more ways than one, and to a degree which they have not yet dreamed of. It is no wonder that Geology has risen so high within but the last fifteen years, and has attracted to it the most gifted minds in this and other countries : for it is based upon the evidence of sense, in the laborious and protracted exami nation of mines, mountain-regions, and less dangerous places without number ; and it demands, in order to its successful cultivation, an acquaintance with at least the principles of chemistry, electricity, mineralogy, zoology, conchology, compara tive anatomy, and (as the papers of Mr. Hopkins and Sir J. F. Herschel have recently shown) of the sublimest mathematics. Thus Geology maintains relations with the whole sphere of natural knowledge ; and, above all, it bears a most important reference to Theology and Biblical studies, that we may know truth, and maintain it against both well-meaning believers, and ill- meaning unbelievers, and may magnify " the wondrous works of Him that is perfect in knowledge." The question is, how can we admit the existence of animal pain and death, before " sin entered into the world, and death by sin 1 " 1. The matter of fact must be ascertained. Is there evidence, such as cannot be set aside, of such facts as the following ? That the state of the surface of our globe has been changed by sub mersion under oceanic or lake water, and frequent elevation and drying, a great number of times, (say 30 to 40 ;) that each of those successive states continued during a vast period, which it would be presumptuous to conjecture, but which might very moderately be taken at many thousands of years ; that, in every one of those states, (till, in the descending order, we arrive at the very early strata,) we find the unquestionable remains of animals, or their STJPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. 319 shelly habitations ; that these are not huddled together, as if drifted on by a torrent, or thrown into a hole, but are disposed in horizontal, or what was once horizontal, order, spread over large surfaces, often of the same family or tribe, in all stages of their growth, preserving the most delicate parts of their form, and thus showing that there they had quietly lived and died; that of these humble beings, many are shown, by the structure of the shell, to have been carnivorous; that, in some far more recent* members of the secondary class of strata, are found the skeletons of gigantic lizard-formed animals, with their stomachs remaining under their ribs, and those stomachs still retaining the more solid relics of their food, among which are fish-scales, and bits of bone ; and that every stratum has its own characteristic animal and vegetable remains, the differing natures of which indicate great and pro gressive alterations in temperature and other circumstances. All these are familiar facts to the geologist. He sees those remains in the midst of hard rocks, yea, often composing the chief sub stance of those rocks ; he digs them out ; he sends them to tl e British and other Museums, or to be preserved in private collec tions ; and there the delicate inhabitants of cities may see them without pains or peril. We cannot argue against facts. Let us seek the solution of difficulties, in the best way that we can ; but let us proceed with modesty and humility, ever ready to confess our weakness and ignorance ; thankful for what we may know, submissive in what we cannot know, and confidently relying on the glorious per fections of God, when we cannot follow their unfolding, Are there not, ought there not to be, many things in nature, as well as in providence and grace, of which it is our privilege to say, " Such knowledge is too wonderful for me ; it is high ; I cannot attain unto it ! His judgments are a great deep : — unsearchable ; — past finding out ! " 2. It has pleased the Adorable Supreme to give existence to a dependent world, in part spiritual, and in part material Of the material part of the universe, one great division is insensitive, and consists, so far as we know, of only aggregated and crystal lized matter : the other is sensitive, and its structure is organized; that is, it is composed of a system, arranged by divine skill, of tubes or cells, in which fluids circulate, the more solid parts being perpetually in motion of receiving and giving, each particle passing on in a course of change, the whole endowed with the mysterious property or functional possession, called life, and dis tributed into a classification of kinds, descending from larger to smaller groups, till we arrive at an individual. The individuals * Recent, in a geological sense, but if compared with our common measures of time, we confess ourselves unable to give an equation. Untold thousands of years before the adjustment of the earth for the human race, would be no extravagant expression, - 320 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. reproduce similar ones : each individual is born, grows, becomes mature, decays, dies ; and the dead organic matter is seized upon by appropriated agents ; some of which effect a recombination of certain portions with the mineral kingdom ; others, being them selves organic and living, both vegetable and animal, take and recombine with their own structure, certain other portions. Thus all living organized beings are maintained in life by the assimila tion into themselves of portions of dead organized beings; and this is the universal circle of process in all material nature that is endowed with life, vegetable and animal. 3. The law of dissolution, that is death, is therefore necessary to organic life. Each individual has its term; then it dies, and enables others to live. Through a vast period, the species con tinues ; it at last ceases, but other species of the same genus appear, and enjoy their time of duration. Mightier cycles revolve, during which great changes take place in the temperature and the strata of the globe, and whole genera live no more. The life of man, however, does not extend to witness the commence ment and the extinction of a single species : yet the period of the human race upon earth has outlived several species, some of which obscurely appear in the traditionary history of nations, and one (the dodo) has become extinct within the last two hundred years ; and finally, we have not the slightest reason to think that any genus has ceased, " since the day that God created man upon the earth." 4. A system of nature, according to which organized creatures should not die, would be totally incompatible with the plan which the Creator has been pleased to establish in this department of his works. But let us try some hypotheses. (1.) Put the case, that there be no death. Upon this supposi tion, two or three modes are conceivable : a. Life prolonged without food. But this would be irreconcila ble with a system of successive production, nutrition, assimilation, and growth. Such beings would be perpetual possessors of the earth and the waters, in their own persons, without any progeny. Only imagine such a world ! Shall we say one, or some number, of each species 1 Quadruped, bird, reptile, fish, mollusc, zoophyte, insect of every kind, including all those invisible without micro scopic aid ; each immortal. b. life prolonged by vegetable food alone. But this would require a differently constituted vegetable world : for there is no plant on the land or in the sea, which does not nourish myriads of minute insects, which are destroyed in the eating of the plants. c. Must there be any multiplication by progeny, upon any scheme 1 Then, either the whole number must be always extremely small, by being kept down in some inconceivable way ; or would, SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. 321 after a time, multiply to that degree that there would not be room for them. The land and the waters would be over-filled ! (2.) Let the supposition be, that death take place, but only in the way of natural decay and old age ; not by violence, as in becoming the prey of other animals. This seems to be the hypo ¦ thesis of T. K. or that for which he wishes. But he certainly has not reflected upon the working out of this notion. The debility and decay of age require the nursing and soothing attentions of other individuals of the same species. But, except very imper fectly in a few instances of quadrumana and some domesticated animals, nothing appears in the brute creation analogous to the care and tenderness of man for man, in nursing and tending the sick or feeble. Even in the human species, unless where beli&ion breathes its vital influence, that class of duties is miserably at tended to. Let your worthy correspondent ask the aid of some judicious physiologist, to assist him in weighing, the opposite amounts of suffering, the one by natural and untended decay, the other by an almost instantaneous act of violence by another crea ture, in the full health and vigour of the devoured animal. He will find the very reverse of the estimation which he appears to have made. Besides, there is some reason to think that the first surprise produces a paralysis, by which the sense of pain is dimin ished, or wholly extinguished. I am not writing ludicrously ; but seriously, as the subject requires. But Geology furnishes cases of animal life extinguished upon a scale immensely large, by other processes than being devoted to furnish nutriment for other living creatures. The polishing stone called tripoli was till lately thought to be a siliceo-argillaceous rock ; but it is now ascertained to be a, congeries of microscopic many-chambered shells : and there are rocks of nummulitic lime stone, and vast heaps of the shell milliola compressed into solid masses. The able and indefatigable Curator to the Geological Society, Mr. Lonsdale, has discovered microscopic shells in chalk, unutterably numerous. In all these cases, the densely associated and countless millions of once living beings, which inhabited those shells, must have died by the upheaving, out of the sea, of the compact masses consisting of them, and being thus left dry. Was not that as painful a death as if they had supplied food to larger cephalopods % It was probably much slower, and consequently involving more protracted distress. Some approach may be made to an idea of the number of animals thus become the prey of death, by considering the fact that, in a cube of tripoli rock of but one- tenth of an inch, 500 millions of those shells are contained,* each one an exquisitely formed dwelling, comprising several cells, most beautiful in material, and in general structure resembling the existing genus nautilus. We might in like manner argue from * See Supplementary Note G. Y 322 STJPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. the mountain limestone, in Yorkshire, Derbyshire, on the banks of the Wye, and in innumerable other places, many miles in extent and hundreds of feet in thickness ; and which, without a microscope, any man may see to consist of scarcely anything beside the skeletons of the many-fingered crinoideal families, and the occasional beds of bivalve and some univalve shells, evidently not brought together by any moving body of water, which would have broken their tender carved-work, and have left them a huddled mass ; but, on the contrary, lying together, orderly, and in all ages and degrees of growth. It is a common supposition that, in the interval between their creation and the fall of man, all animals were gentle, and fed solely upon vegetable productions. Some have proposed the hypothesis that the carnivorous tribes were not created till after the fall, or even after the deluge. This hypothesis seems to lessen the diffi culty, but it overlooks the fact that the grasses, leaves, seeds, and fruits, which are the food of the herbivorous races, swarm with insect life. The supposition that the carnivorous animals could at any time have fed upon vegetables, cannot be entertained for a moment, except it were by a person quite ignorant of the anato mical structure of those animals. Their bones and muscles, their teeth, claws, stomachs, and intestines, demonstrate that they were created to be nourished solely by animal food. Let it also be con sidered, that the tribes of fish, great and small, with very incon siderable exceptions, so immensely filling rivers, lakes, and the ocean, are formed by the all-wise Creator to be carnivorous. I have formerly thought that our first parents had never witnessed death, till they had beheld with agony the first sacrifice, offered up by divine prescription. But I do not now see the necessity or the probability of such a state of things. Rather, the denunciation in Gen. ii. 17, would seem to imply that they understood what the penalty was, in consequence of their having witnessed the pangs of death, in the inferior animals. 5. What, then, is the meaning of Rom. viii. 20 — " The creation (ver. 22, all the creation) has been made subject to vanity," .0,000 3541 28,257,180 " And these are suns ! Vast, central, living fires, Lords of dependent systems, kings of worlds That wait as satellites upon their power And flourish in their smile. Awake, my soul, And meditate the wonder. Countless suns Blaze round thee, leading forth their countless worlds 1 Worlds, iu whose bosoms living things rejoice, And drink the bliss of being from the fount Of all pervading love. What mind can know, What tongue can utter, all their multitudes? Thus numberless in numberless abodes! Known but to thee, Blest Father ! Thine they are. Thy children and thy care ; and none o'erlooked Of thee. No, not the humblest soul that dwells Upon the humblest globe that wheels its course Amid the giant glories of the sky ; Like the mean mote that dances in the beam Amongst the thousand mirror'd lamps, which fling Their wasteful splendour from the palace-wall. None can escape the kindness of thy cave ; All compass'd underneath thy spacious wing; Each fed and guided by thy powerful hand." Prof. Henry Ware, jun., Cambridge Univ. Massachusetts. For the citation I am indebted to Dr. W. B. Carpenter's " Popular Cyclop." vol. iv. 1843. [Bb.] Referred to at page 42. ON THE THIOKHESS OF IHE SOLID CEUST OF THE EAETH. " As for the internal heat of the earth, I am of opinion that it ought not to be considered as an hypothesis, but as a fact well grounded on numerous phenomena." Prof. Gustav. Bischoff, of Bonn, in Jameson's Journal, Jan. 1841, p. 14. " All the calculations,— if they can be at all trusted, tend to prove that the earth's crust is not much more, and perhaps less, than twenty miles in. thickness : and if this be so, the crust may indeed be well compared with a thin sheet of ice over a frozen pool."— Mr. Darwin, in Memoir on the Connexion of certain Volcanic Phenomena in South America, "Geol. Trans." second ser. vol. v. p. 608, 1840. This able philosopher uses the language of deferential caution from respect to Mr. Parrot, (known for his observations on the Caspian Sea, tfcc.) but with little or no doubt STJPELEMEHTAEY NOTES. 335 in his own richly informed mind. In this interesting Memoir, Mr. Darwin brings much evidence to establish the position, that the crust of the earth rests upon a mass of melted mineral matter, whose undulations, with other modifying causes, produce eleva tions, earthquakes, and volcanos. He has eminently the talent of simple but graphic description, and luminous deduction. Con sidering the extent of the field of action, a space, in the instance considered, of little less than 7000 miles, — "and likewise the symmetry of the whole, we shall be deeply impressed with the grandeur of the one motive power which, causing the elevation of the continent, has produced, as secondary effects, mountain-chains and volcanos. The same reasons, which led me to the conviction that the train of connected volcanos in Chile and the recently uplifted coast, together more than 800 geographical miles in extent, rested on a sheet of fluid matter, are applicable, with nearly equal force, to the areas beneath the other trains." After enu merating several considerations, he continues : " It appears to me that there is little hazard in assuming, that this large portion of the earth's crust floats in a like manner on a sea of molten rock. Moreover, when we think of the increasing temperature of the strata, as we penetrate downwards in all parts of the world, and of the certainty that every portion of the surface rests on rocks which have once been liquefied ; — when we consider the multitude of points from which fluid rock is annually emitted, and the still greater number of points from which it has been emitted during the few last geological periods inclusive, which, as far as regards the cooling of the rock in the lowest abyss, may probably be con sidered as one, from the extreme slowness with which heat can escape from such depths ; when we reflect how many and wide areas in all parts of the world are certainly known, some to have been rising and others sinking, during the recent sera even to the present day, and do not forget the intimate connexion which has been shown to exist between these movements and the propulsion of liquefied rock to the surface in the volcano ; we are urged to include the entire globe in the foregoing hypothesis. The furthest generalization, which the consideration of the volcanic phenomena appears to lead to, is, that the configuration of the fluid surface of the earth's nucleus is subject to some change, its cause completely unknown, its action slow and intermittent, but irre sistible." Pp. 629—631. But justice to this subject requires it to be stated, that Mr. William Hopkins has applied his pre-eminent talents in mathe matical analysis to the solution of this problem. Of this laborious investigation he has given the processes and the results, in four papers, communicated to the Royal Society in the years 1838, 1839, and 1842, "On the State ofthe Interior ofthe Earth ;" and published in the Philos. Trans, of those years. That the entire 336 SITPPLEMENTABY NOTES. mass of the earth was originally in a fluid state, and that, by cooling, it has obtained a superficial coating of solidified matter, was first adopted as a result of astronomical considerations, but is now corroborated by the discoveries of geology. It occurred to Mr. H. that an indirect, but sure test of the truth of the hypothesis might be derived from the consideration of the Nutation of the Earth's Axis, a fact arising from the attractions of the sun and the moon, which produce the Precession of the Equinoxes. It is obvious that this nutation must affect the earth differently on the supposition of its being a fluid contained in a solid spheroidal shell, from what it would do if the globe were throughout a solid mass. Equally is it to be expected, that differences of result will be produced according as the quantity of the contained fluid is less or greater ; that is, as the thickness of the containing crust is greater or less. An indefinite number of conditions is thus pre sented for selection and investigation. To" the immense labour of these operations, Mr. Hopkins applied himself, with his charac teristic power and perseverance. Now the amount of the gyratory change constantly produced by the nutation of the pole, is astro nomically known. But the amount, as deduced from the hypothesis of the earth's being composed of a heterogeneous solid shell enclos ing a heterogeneous fluid, will not agree with the actually known amount, unless the ellipticity of the interior surface of the shell were less by a certain quantity than that of the outward surface. Finally, Mr. H. arrives at the conclusion, that the thickness of the crust, to answer all the conditions, must be at least equal to one-fourth or one-fifth of the distance from the outer circum ference to the centre of the earth ; in other words, that the thickness of the solid envelope of the globe cannot be less than 800 or 1000 miles. Here then is an astounding difference from the' conclusion before mentioned, that in which so many eminent and accom plished physicists agree, and of which the evidence appears unex ceptionable. But Mr. H. has furnished a mode of conciliation. He supposes that the solidity of the crust is not everywhere the same, but that there are insulated fluid masses, or what may be called, vesicles, interspersed through it, containing portions of more fusible matter, and which is actually in a state of fusion, forming subterranean reservoirs or lakes, some of which are distinct, and others communicating by passages of different degress of openness or obstruction. This he proposes for the explanation of the phenomena of volcanos. We must extend the idea, by supposing an extensive distribution of those fiery lakes, so as to cause the observed ratio of the increase of temperature in the descent of mines. This investigation has produced another very important result, in demonstrating that no change has taken place in the direction of SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 337 the earth's axis, from the epoch of the formation of the external crust. Fourth ed. — On this subject, at the sitting of the Paris Academy of Sciences, Dec. 9, 1844, "M. Elie de Beaumont made some ob servations on a question submitted for consideration, viz. What relation exists between the progressive cooling of the earth and that of its surface % M. de B. thinks that the experiments made by M. Arago, in the gardens of the Observatory at Paris, with thermometers sunk in the earth at various depths, furnish the most essential elements which are necessary for the solution of the problem. According to this solution, the antiquity of the period, when our globe was entirely incandescent, is of a remote ness which defies" calculation." — Athenaeum, Dec. 28, 1844 ; p. 1202. [C] Referred to at page 54. ON THE NOMBER OF SPECIES IN THE EARLIER FOSSILIFEROUS ROCKS. This proposition, as it stood in the first edition, expressed the doctrine, which till lately was received among geologists, that the organic remains found in the earliest rocks possessing any such remains at all, are " the fewest " in proportionate numbers. But the recent Herculean toils of Mr. Murchison have opened new fields of view upon this interesting subject. The proposition is a little altered, that it may be in accordance with the observation of that distinguished geologist; "Another remarkable fact illustrating this point of inquiry is, that although the older fossiliferous strata often contain vast quantities of organic remains, the number of species is much smaller than in more recent deposits." — " Silur. Syst." p. 583. It is interesting to observe the careful and cautious progress of Geology, as in other respects, so in this. Seven years before the publication of Mr. Murchison's work, Sir Henry De la Beche had treated this subject with his characteristic judgment and sagacity. I will cite a few paragraphs, as specimens of the penetration and anticipations of his geological mind, while the facts of the case were not as yet brought clearly to light ;.and with a wish also to excite my readers to peruse the whole passage. It must be pre mised that the German term grauwacke, now generally disused, must be understood as the same with, or including, the Silurian System. " Although, when we regard the mass of the grauwacke rocks, we are struck with the minute proportion that organic remains 338 SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. bear to the whole, we must still perceive that the atmosphere was capable of supporting vegetation ; and the seas of sustaining zoophytes, crinoidea, annulata, conchifera, mollusca, Crustacea, and fish. What other creatures existed, we are unable, from the absence of their remains, to judge ; it may however be by no means unphilosophical to conclude that vegetation did not exist alone on dry land, but that, consistently with the general harmony of nature, it afforded food to terrestrial creatures suited to the cir cumstances under which they were placed." [Yet no vestiges of such creatures have been found.] — " Whatever the kind of animal life may have been which first appeared on the surface of our planet, we may be certain that it was constant with the wisdom and design which has always prevailed throughout nature ; and that each creature was peculiarly adapted to that situation de signed to be occupied by it." — " Geological Manual ;" third ed. pp. 428, 429 ; 1833. I hope I shall not give pain to a very kind friend whose quali fications make him one of the safest authorities, by transcribing a part of a letter with which he has favoured me. The certainty and accuracy of the remarks may be fully relied upon, and their application is extensively important. " In the older fossiliferous rocks, animal life appears in as full a development with respect to size, as in the existing analogous animals. The zoophagous cephalopods were also of gigantic growth. It does not appear that animal life, at that period, was limited with respect to ihtmber. The lowest Silurian rocks are crowded, in some localities, with organic bodies ; and their absence over extensive districts is only a condition in the distribution of testacea, dropped irregularly on beds of other kinds of plastic matter, and lying (to speak with some laxity) nearly in the same plane. I can devise no other way of presenting them, in this small space. In selecting principal organic remains, there must be difficulty ; I can only follow my own opinion, and a candid geologist will not greatly SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. 341 disapprove. Those in italics are pointed out as the more inter esting. The thicknesses cannot possibly be precise. The numbers given must be taken as probable approximations to the greater thickness of the masses ; it being remembered, that, especially in the Terti ary formations, in consequence of depressions and elevations of the under-lying strata, considerable differences must exist ; and often they thin out towards the edges. The length of the spaces must not be taken as pretending to be upon a scale of proportions ; which would be impossible, except with a very much extended sheet. Class. (I'roup or MUm-aU-gical Character. Strata. Some Principal Locality. Some Principal Organic Remains. i i-l .' H 1 LiH r 1 Ptistocene, -^ Ir i Pliocene. <^ i I(i1 Miocene. J i L Eocene. ^ Surface-soil. Everywhere. Buried remains of existing species. Beds of rivers and lakes., Existing species, merely preserved. Sea-bottoms, Coral rocks. Red Sea, Pacific, Australia, &c. Corals, shells, fish-bones ; recent. Peat, Maries, Travertins. Britain, Ireland, Holland, Sicily, Scandinavia. Existing species ; some extinct ; crustations. Drift, erratic blocks, gravel, mud-deposits, bone-caves. Europe America. Existing species, more extinct, Elephants' teeth & bones. Carnivorous animals. Sands, and clays, limes. 300 feet. Italy. Shells of existing species ; few extinct. Sands; the Crag. m ^ Norfolk and Suffolk. Sea shells and corals, most extinct. Sands and Clays. 400 feet. South-west of France, Manv extinct. bands, clays; iiebb water, 60 feet. Near Paris. Shells, land & fresh water ; mostextinct. Same, but marine. 100 feet. Same neighbourhood. Sea shells, most extinct. Sands, gypsum, and marles ; fresh water. 200 feet. Same. Extinct quadrupeds, birds, reptiles. Dark clay (London), pyrites, gypsum. 500 feet. Essex, Kent, Middlesex, Hants. Extinct quadrupeds, reptiles, plants, fruMs s and marine remains. Fine sands, and clays. 400 feet. Hants, &c. Some sea and fresh water shells; ex tinct quadrupeds. W B- oo Cretaceous . Oolitic, Premian. Chalk, with flints. , without flints. 600 feet. Green Sand, upper Gault, bluish clay. Green Sand, lower. Weald clay. Hastings sand. Purbeck stone. 900 feet. Oolite, upper. Portland stone Kimmeridge clay. 0- middle. Coralline sandstone. Oxford clay. Forest marble. Kelloway's rock. Bradford clay. O. great. Stonesfield slate, Fuller's earth, &c. O. lower- 2,000 feet. Lias. New Red sandstone, upper. Rock-salt. Variegated Marie (Pcecilitic). Magnesian limestone, and conglomerate. New Red sandstone, lower. 1,000 feet. _L_ Flamborough Head to Spilsby; north of Norfolk, through Cambridge, Herts, Berks, Wilts, to g. Dorset, Hants, Sussex, Surrey, Kent. Kent, Sussex, Isle of Wight. Sussex, and spreading into Kent and Hants. A narrow waving course, from north of Lynn to Portland. In Northampton, Bedford, Bucks, Oxford, Berks, Wilts, and Dorsetshires. Waving through Yorkshire, Lincoln, Northampton, Gloucester, Wilts, Dorset, Somerset. Wavingfrom Tees-mouth,thro' Notts. Lincoln , Leicester, Northampton, &c.to Dorset. Cumberland, Westmoreland, and Durham. Yorkshire, Notts, Leicester, and Lancashire. Cheshire, Stafford, Warwick. Vast tract in Russia. Abundant in marine productions; plants, sponges, corals, families of crinoidea, asterida, echinida ,- shells, bivalve, univalve, chambered, in great variety, Crustacea, fish, some reptiles. Consult Dr. Mantell's works. Similar families to the chalk, but gene rally of different species ; ammonites, nautilites, &c. Bmall belemnites. Some land plants and fresh water shells ; endogenites ,¦ fish ; monstrous lizard-like reptiles. Trees gymnosperm, allied to zamia ; numerous shells of various orders, fish. Coralloids, echinida ; shells, bivalve, and some univ. ; cruBtacea; fish, li2ard- formed, didelphys. Similar to the other Oolites ; but more of cryptogamous land plants ; apio- crinites, trigonio?, terebratul&. Very rich in gymnosp. wood, bivalves, ammonites, fish, lizard-like reptiles, beleranites. Coniferous wood, and several species of the fern and equisetum tribes ; fish ; saurians. tjroitp or System. Mineralogical Character. Some Principal Locality, Some Principal Organic Remains. M - g O Carbo niferous. Old Red Sandstone. Coal, shale, and sandstone, in alternating layers, forming vast concave patches, like a series of irregularly shaped dishes. 3,000 feet. Millstone grit. 700 feet. Mountain limestone, with some beds of shale, sandstones, and inferior coal. 1,000 feet. Red and brown sandstones, tile-stones and marles, with equivalent limestones in Devonshire ; whence the system is now called De-( vonian. 10,000 feet, and in Scotland more. PartB of South Scotland, Nor thern Counties of England, some of the Midland, South Wales. The coal is entirely compressed land- vegetation, chiefly from trees of great size, whose stems, branches, leaves, &c. are abundant in or on the inter- posod shales and* sands. The trees have heeneuphorhiaceous, coniferous, monocotyledonous, equisetaceous, ferns, lycopodiaceous, &c. Some river bivalve shells. Fish. Northern Counties, and Derby, Nottingham, &c. Northumberland, Durham, Yorkshire, Derby, Mon mouth, Glamorgan, Pem broke; Land-plants, as of the coal. Thin beds of limestone occur, having sea-shells. Land-plants, as the coal. Sea remains in great variety and abundance, an cri7ioidere,coralloids,bivalves,(spirifer, leptsena,) univalves, ammonites, and other chambered shells, trilobites, fish. Scotland, Salop, Hereford, Monmouth, South Wales, Somerset, Devon. Fish. In the Devonian beds, the or ganic remains of the upper part re semble those of the mountain lime stone ; and the lower, those of the Silurian system. Those in Scotland and Russia are rich iu fishes, of ex traordinary forms, and often of con siderable magnitude. o 5« Upper Silurian* "^ Lower Silurian. < (Cambrian.) Ludlowj upper rocks. Sandstone and limestone. Wenlock and Dudley. Sandstone and limes. Horderley and May Hill. Flagstones, sandstones, & limes. Builth, Caradoc, and Llandeilo. Flags, sandstone, & limes. Longmynd and Gwastaden rocks. Siliceous, very hard and quartzy; slates. 10,000 feet, and probably more. Slate rocks of Plynlymmon, Snowdonia, &c, with dark limestones and sandstones, both fine and conglomerate. 7,000 feet, and more. A district varying in breadth, and undulating southerly and westerly from the vale of Llangollen, through por tions of Montgomery, Salop, Stafford (an upheaved insu lated tract from Dudley to Beacon Hill,} Worcester, Gloucester, Hereford, Mon mouth, Radnor, Brecon, Car marthen, Pembroke. Merionethshire, Caernarvon shire, and other parts of North Wales ; and in Corn wall. Fish-fin-bones, gigantic serpulce, coral- loids, crinoikea, bivalve, and univalve shells of forms increasingly interest ing, including many brackiopoda, trdobites in great number of the various species, chambered shells, straight and in variety of curvature, gra/itolites, annelids, &c. North and South America : to which is prefixed, an Essay on the Varieties of the Human Species. By Sam. Geo. Morton, M.D. Prof. Anat. Penn sylvania Coll. folio, with 78 plates and a Map ; Philad. 1839." + From this review I take the following extracts : — * Dr. Prichard's Researches ; ii. 217. f This article of the Am. Journ. is now republished in Prof. Jameson's Philos. Joarn. Julj, 1840 ; 'with high encomium upon Dr. Morton's work, and the Review of ft. STTPPLEMETTTAEY NOTES. 349 " In Jan. 1839,— [was examined] a full-blooded Chenouk, twenty years old ; his heaa as much distorted by mechanical compression as any skull of his tribe in Dr. Morton's possession. ' He appeared to me [Dr. M.] to possess more mental aeuteness than any Indian I had seen : he was communicative, cheerful, and well-mannered." — In May, 1839, Mr. George Combe, [the Scots phrenologist] met with Thomas Adams, — twenty years old, of the Cloughewalla tribe. — His head had been compressed by the board and cushions in his infancy. The parietal was actually greater than the frontal and occipital diameter. The organs in the superciliary ridge of the forehead were fully developed ; the upper part of the forehead was flat and deficient ; his organs of language and form were large. He had studied the English language for two years, and spoke it tolerably well. In conversation he was intelligent, ready, and fluent, on all subjects that fell within the scope of the faculties of observation, situated in the superciliary ridge ; but dull, un intelligent, and destitute equally of ideas and language, on topics that implied the activity of the reflecting faculties situated in the upper part of the forehead." Even among ourselves, we daily see remarkable diversities of configuration, affecting both bones and muscles ; which have been produced by modes of life, in both passive and active relations, and which give a very distinct character to classes, families, and the inhabitants of particular districts. Among the natives of our own island, and where there can be no doubt of an unmixed English descent, we meet with heads and faces, whose forms, externally at least, approach to the Mongolian, Negro, Hottentot, Patagonian, and Australian ; and in the blackest tribes of the heart of Africa, are found heads whose fine proportions might vie with the Circas sian and Grecian specimens. From all that I have been able to learn (and upon Dr. Prichard's works I rely as my great physiological authority), it appears to be established that all the diversities of configuration which belong to human beings, may be satisfactorily referred to external agents, ( — temperature, from constringing cold to almost insupportable warmth ; the peculiar action of the sun's rays independently of mere temperature ; conditions of the atmosphere, from great purity to miasmatic ; soil ; food ; occupation ; artificial treatment ; and possibly causes yet to be discovered ; — ) continuing their in fluence through many generations; for it is with those nations which have retained the same mode of Ufe unvaried from time immemorial, and in whom therefore the hereditary predisposition has been sustained, by the unceasing action of similar causes, — with those nations it is that the greatest deviations are found from the standard human form.* But what and where is that standard * This doctrine receives support and illustration from facts detailed in a recent work of great merit, Dr. W. B. Carpenter's " Principles of General and Comparative Physiology/' book ii. ch. xiv. 350 SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. human form ? Where is the true ideal of corporal perfection 1 We have been trained to view it in the Grecian models ; but have we demonstration of our being in the right 1 Men of eminence have conceived that the primitive and model form lies among the brown tribes, the intermediate between all extremes. Divergen cies from such a centre will lead by a natural gradation to all the varieties of figure and complexion. One of the highest authori ties * has published his reasons for regarding the Arabs of the eastern side of the Red Sea as the primitive race, the prototype of the Human Species. " This interesting people," he writes, "undoubtedly one of the most ancient in the world, have a physiognomy and character which are quite peculiar, and which distinguish them generally from all those which appear in other regions of the globe." In his dissections, he found — the brain and nervous substance more dense and firm than in Europeans generally, the brain large, and its circumvolutions more numerous, and furrows deeper, — the heart and arterial system most regular and perfect, — their organs of sense exquisitely acute, — and the same extraordinary characters of perfection conspicuous in the parts performing the functions of nutrition, respiration, and motion, — their size above the average of men in general, — their figure robust and elegant, — their colour brown, but deepest in the face,f — their "intelligence proportionate to that physical perfec tion, and without doubt superior, other things being equal," to that of other nations.! Thus far, then, anatomy and physiology, the characters of lan guage and the phenomena of mind, all lead us to conclude in * The Baron de Larrey, surgeon-general to the French army of Egypt in 179S, author of several surgical works held hy all in great estimation. We may think it equivocal moral honour, that Napoleon Buonaparte bequeathed him 100,000 francs, and desig nated him the most virtuous man he had ever known. But De Larrey's scientific merits none will dispute: and his opportunities for the study of Physical Anthropology were signally advantageous. He has died this month (July, 1842,) at the age of eoventy-six. t It deserves to be universally known, that they protect the faces of their children and others, when attacked by the small-pox, with a covering of leaf-gold, renewed as occasion requires ; and thus disfiguration is prevented. % De Larrey's Paper for the use of the Scientific Commission proceedingto Algiers ; Paris, 1838. Transl. in "Jameson's Philos. Journ. ;" Oct. 1838; p. '316. Third ecJ. — "It must not be forgotten that, although there are black races and white races, there are individuals of almost every tint, leading from one of these extremes of colour to the other : although there are races with a facial line nearly vertical, and others with the same line greatly inclined, there are individuals who display every possible degree between these differences. Where then shall we draw the line of separation, if they are not all from a common origin ?" Supplements of Griffith, Hamilton Smith, and Pidgeon, to " Cuvier's Anim. Kingd." vol. i. p. 179. The same author adduces the species hog (sus scrota,) in illustration of tbe fact that single species of other animals, when widely dispersed and domesticated, undergo differences of structure, colour, skeleton, and other particulars equally great with those which diversify mankind : and he adds, " We are fully warranted in concluding both from the comparison of man with inferior animals, so far as the inferiority will allow of such comparison, and, beyond that, by comparing him with himself, that the great family of mankind loudly proclaim a descent, at some period or other, from ont common origin." SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 351 favour of an identity of species, and derivation from one origin. But I must now adduce a fact alluded to at the beginning of this Note. The greater number of mankind, that is, the brown and black varieties, differ from the fair portion who form the minority, not merely in circumstances more or less considerable oi form, but also in the possession of a distinct peculiarity of structure. The cuticle, or scarf-skin {epidermis), is a transparent covering, consisting of several layers, the upper and lower of which are especially distinct. It is derived by secretion from the exqui sitely sensible {true skin, epidermis, cutis, corium.) Between these is interposed a remarkably soft a,nd slippery cellular substance, which is produced so as to line all the open cavities of the body, and performing other most important functions. This is usually called the mucous membrane, or mucous net; and it has been often said to be the cause of complexion, being white in fair people, dusky in brown, and black with increased solidity in negroes. But this is not the exact state of the facts. The colouring matter is distinct from the membranous tissue, is a substance perfectly of its own kind] and may not improperly be called a paint. It is spread over the mucous membrane, as a foreign substance having no vital or chemical connexion, but only the union of mechanical contiguity. This paint, showing itself through the cuticle, is the cause of the phenomenon of which we are treating, the diversity of colour in mankind. It is therefore affirmed, that we have here a new existing thing, a character, not of form, but of structure, found in the darker varieties of men, (for the reddish or copper- coloured have it of their own hue,) but not existing in the white nations ; and hence it is positively concluded that " the two races, the white and the black, form two essentially and specifically distinct races." * The French physiologist who has drawn this inference, readily admits the essential character of species to be the succession of fructiferous individuals ; yet he contends for a specific distinction of races ; thus seeming to involve the behef of two or more pairs of first ancestors. His concluding paragraph is : " The fact of the succession, therefore, and of the constant succession, constitutes alone the unity of the species. Thus unity, absolute unity, of the human species, and variety of its races, as a final result, is the general and certain conclusion4 of all the facts acquired concerning the natural history of man." The reader will observe the self-contradiction which M. Flourens commits, in asserting both a specific distinction, and an absolute unity of the species. But he might perhaps retreat, by imputing the contradiction to the imperfection of nomenclature. We cannot indeed affirm it to be an impossibility that the * Paper by M. Flourens, from the " Annales des Sciences Natorelles," tome x., transl. in Jameson's " Fhiloe. Journ.," Oct, 1839. I do not feel myself at liberty to apply any remedy to his solecism in using his term "races." 352 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. Almighty Creator should have seen fit to bring originally into being duplicates, triplicates, or other multiples of pairs, formed so alike that there should be no specific difference between them.* Yet it appears antecedently improbable ; and it is unnecessary, for, grant an extension of time not at all prodigious, with the requisite provisions for sustenance, and a sufficient increase of posterity will ensue from a single pair. All the probabilities of the case (and they amount to a high degree of moral evidence,) seem to warrant our adoption of De Larrey's theory. Let us then take some brunette hue for the normal complexion of the human race ; and let all the existing colours be represented by radii from a centre diverging in all directions. The differences would increase with the distance, and the extremities of the lines, in opposite parts of the periphery, would present contrasts of colour, and of every other deviation produced by the range of causes. I presume not to be a phy siologist, but it will not be deemed arrogant in me to ask, May not the alteration of colour in the pigment of the mucous tissue be dependent upon causes analogous to those which change the colour of our hair, from yellow, brown, or black, to a perfect white ; while yet the follicles are not absorbed, nor their functions extinguished in the nutrition of the hair 1 May not that pigment, in one line of alteration, that influenced by augmenting solar heat, be increased in quantity, and be made more intense in its qualities, and so pass through every shade to the deepest black : and, in the opposite direction, sustain a gradual diminution of quantity and strength, tending to ultimate obliteration, (for its existence in fair persons has been questioned, and what may be its minute rudiment can be shown only by very fine injection,) or at least the loss of colour, and so producing the fairest specimens of the human complexion 1 1 Is it not known that, in mountainous * Winer, in the sec. ed. of his " Biblisch.es RealwSrterbuch," [Diet, of the Civil and Nat. Hist, of the Bible,] refers to Prof. Link's "Urwelt," [Primitive World,] and says, "He adduces many solid reasons for the derivation of men from one original, one species ; but he leaves it undecided whether of this species there might not have been created several pairs." Vol. i. p. 25. This venerable naturalist is Henry Frederick Link, M.D. Prof. Medic, in the University of Berlin, and Director of the Botanic Garden. He is the author of several highly esteemed works, in Botany and Natural History generally ; 'and is distinguished as an erudite and elegant scholar. Among his works is (" Die Urwelt und das Alterthum," &c.) The Primitive World and An tiquity, illustrated by Natural History; 2 vols., Berlin, 1821. We had the gratification of seeing him at the meeting of the British Association at Glasgow, in September, 1840. Itis a curious circumstance, which shows that difficulty upon this head was felt at an early period, that in the Targum, a Jewish paraphrase upon the Pentateuch, ascribed, but without sufficient evidence, to Jonathan Ben Uzziel, (a rabbi who lived in the apostolic times,) the passage, Gen. ii. 7, is thus praphrased — " And Jeja Elohim formed and created man [Adam] by two creations, and he collected dust from the habita tion of the holy place, and from the four winds of the world ; and mixed from all the ¦waters of the world, and created him red, black, and white ; and breathed into his nostrils the soiil of life, and the soul was in the body of man (or a speaking- spirit, for the enlightening of the eyes, and for the hearing of the ears." t "Although I cannot demonstrate rete mucosum in the European, I think that BtTPPLEMENTABY NOTES. 353 districts of hot countries, the inhabitants of the highest regions are fair, while those of the plains below are extremely dark ¦ But the gradation supposed, and proved by examples, presents us with shades of brown only. We have no instance of a white family or community acquiring the proper negro colour, nor of a negro family losing its peculiarity, and becoming of a proper, healthy, North-European white, where there are not intermar riages with fair persons, long continued in the favourable direction. This, I believe, must be admitted ; and another fact, of great importance, must be added to it. The recent explorings of the Egyptian tombs and temples have brought to light pictures of native Egyptians and of men and women of other nations, com prising negroes, who are distinguished by their characteristic form of face and their completely black colour. Some of these highly interesting representations are proved to be of the age of Joseph and earlier, and some in which negro figures occur, are of the eighth century after the flood. * Assuming then that the com plexion of Noah's family was what I ventured to suppose, as the normal brown, there was not time for a negro race to be produced by the operation of all the causes of change with which we are acquainted. On the other hand, some of the Egyptian figures, particularly those consigned to constant labour under the sun, and (which is very remarkable) persons performing religious cere monies, are of a brown so deep, as to be almost black. Is it unreasonable to expect that a more perfect acquaintance with the physiology of the mucous membrane, and particularly in the negro subject, remains yet to be acquired 1 I look with a feeling almost of impatience, to the publication of Dr. Prichard's third volume of " Researches into the Physical History of Man kind;" in which one cannot doubt that this subject will be discussed. But, to any upright mind, I appeal, whether, in relation to a subject so complicated, this one difficulty, even should it never be scientifically disposed of, is of sufficient weight to overbalance all the evidences, psychical and moral, (so ably treated in Dr. Prichard's Book ii. ch. ii.) physical, philological,t and historical, there must be under the cuticle some colouring matter. How can we otherwise ac count for the difference between the fair and the swarthy, or for the remarkable pecularity of the Albino ?" Lawrence's " Lect. on Comp. Anat." seventh ed. p. 189. * It would be a blameable omission, were I not to recommend to my young readers the devoting of two or three successive days to studying the Egyptian antiquities in tho British Museum ; and to peruse a work, small in size, but ample in matter, Dr. Cooke Taylor's " Illustrations of the Bible from the Monuments of Egypt ;" 1838. See also Prof. Hengstenberg's " Biicher Moses und -ffigypten ;" or the Engl. Transl. with Notes by Prof. Robbins, the American Translator, and Dr. Taylor ; Edinb. 1845. f The fundamental principles for applying philological investigation to the ques tion before us, are beautifully illustrated in the same author's "Eastern Origin of the Celtic Nations.'' A A 354 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. which flow together in proof of the unity of the human race, by derivation from one ancestry.* Above all other topics of argument are the melancholy demon strations that moral depravity has acquired the dominion over all the nations and families of mankind ; that there is a mournful consciousness of this, lying deep in every human breast ; that we all need a redemption from guilt and misery ; and that all the varieties of our race, down to Esquimaux and Hottentots, are capable of receiving that holy happiness, and all its elevation of character, which spring from restoration to God through our Lord Jesus Christ. The whole constitution of revealed grace stands upon the declaration made against the autochthonic t folly of the Athenians, the declaration of one whom the Omniscient Spirit led into " all the truth " (John vi. 13) that involves man's highest welfare, — •" God, who made the world and all things that are in it, — the Lord of heaven and earth, — who giveth to all, life and breath and all things, hath made of one blood every nation of men, to dwell upon the whole face of the earth." (Acts xvii. 24 — 26.) But, if we carry our concessions to the very last point, — if the progress of investigation should indeed bring out such kinds and degrees of evidence, as shall rightfully turn the scale in favour of the hypothesis that there are several kaces of Mankind, each having originated in a different pair of ancestors, what would be the consequence to our highest interests, as rational, accountable, and immortal beings 1 Would our faith, the fountain of motives for love and obedience to God, virtuous self-government, and uni versal justice and kindness, would this faith, " the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen," sustain any detriment ; after, by due meditation and prayer, we had sur mounted the first shock ? Let us survey those consequences. If the two first inhabitants of Eden were the progenitors, not of all human beings, but only of the race whence sprung the Hebrew family, still it would remain the fact, that all were formed by the immediate power of God, and all their circumstances, stated or implied in the scriptures, would remain the same as to moral and practical purposes. Adam would be "a figure of Him that was to come" the Saviour of mankind ; just as Melchizedek, or Moses, or Aaron, or David : the spiritual lesson would be the same. The sinful character of all the tribes of men, and the individuals * A great anatomist, who cannot be suspected of prejudice with regard to this question, draws this conclusion from his very extensive induction of facts and reason ings ; — "that the human species, like that of the cow, sheep, horse, and pig, and others, is single ; and that all the differences which it exhibits, are to be regarded merely as varieties." Lawrence on "Comp. Anat." p. 376. f Imagining themselves to have been derived from no other stock of men, but that the fiTSt occupants of Attica sprung out of its soil : — " ut ipsa ex sese suos cives fenuisse dicatur, et eorum eadem terra parens, altrix, patria." Ci«. pro L. Flacc. 26. t was the popular opinion, but their wiser men disallowed it. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 355 composing them, would remain determined by the most abundant and painfully demonstrated proofs, in the history of all times and nations. The way and manner in which moral corruption has thus infected all men, under their several heads of primeval ances try, would be an inscrutable mystery ( — which it is now ; — ) but the need of divine mercy, and the duty to seek it, would be the same ; the same necessity would exist of a Saviour, a redemption, and a renovation of the internal character by efficacious grace. That the Saviour was, in his human nature, a decendant of Adam, would not militate against his being a proper Redeemer for all the races of mankind, any more than his being a descendant of Abraham, Judah, and David, at all diminishes his perfection to save us, " sinners of the gentiles.'' Some difficulties in the scripture-history would be taken away ; such as — the sons of Adam obtaining wives not their own sisters ; — Cain's acquiring instruments of husbandry, which must have been furnished by miracle immediately from God upon the usual supposition ; * — his apprehensions of summary punishment, (" — any man that findeth me will slay me;') — his fleeing into another region, of which Josephus so understands the text as to affirm, that Cain obtained confederates and became a plunderer and robber, implying the existence of a population beyond his own family ; — and his building a " city," a considerable collection of habitations, The characteristic differences of the great divisions of mankind, physical and intellectual, would create no difficulty in our reason ings : for instance, the mental distinctions laid down by Dr. Morton : — " The Caucasian race ; distinguished for the facility with which it attains the highest intellectual endowments. ' [Is there no flattery here 1 Are the effects of centuries of cultivation sufficiently considered ?— ] ' — The Mongolian ; — ingenious, imi tative, and highly susceptible of cultivation. — The Malay ; active and ingenious, and possessing all the habits of a migratory, pre- daceous, and maritime people. — The American ; averse to cultiva- * "He that speaks of tilling presupposes a great many other arts ; and he that speaks of a husbandman presupposes a great many other artificers. But if there was no artificer in thoBe days besides Cain, then certainly Cain was a very busy body. Therefore he digged iron-mines, made furnaces, made his hammers and his anvil" [which implies the previous possession of mighty hammers, &c ] "and other tools to make his ploughshare, sharpened bis hatchets — to cut down timber to make his ploughs, &c. — digged the quarry to make his mill to grind. " — From the anonymous book, " Prae- Adamitas, sive Exercitatio super Rom. v. 12 — 14 ; et Systema-Theologicum ex eadem Hypothesi ;" published in 1655, in which year there was also an English translation, without any indication of place, from which this citation is taken. The author was Isaac de la Perere, of Bordeaux. On account of this book he was prosecuted by the Inquisi tion, but found means of escaping, went to Rome, having abjured Protestantism, recanted bis book, and obtained the protection of Pope Alexander Vii. Our countryman, Mr. Edward King, a zealous Christian, in his "Morsels of Criticism," vol. ii. 1800, strenuously maintained the opinion of the plurality of human ancestry. [In 1835, Dr. Thomas Arnold, that superlatively upright and candid man, wrote to Archbishop Whately in terms indicating apprehension that " the physiological question is not yet settled." " Life and Corresp " vol. i. p. 410.) A A 2 356 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. tion, slow in acquiring knowledge, restless, revengeful, fond of war, and wholly destitute of maritime adventure. — The Ethiopian ; joyous, flexible, and indolent ; the many nations which compose this race presenting a singular diversity of intellectual character, of which the far extreme is the lowest grade of humanity." The hypothesis also will diminish our surprise, but not our sorrow, that many fine nations of men have appeared incapable of being persuaded by all the attempts of wisdom and humanity, as well as the stern demands of want ; so that they prefer to perish by inches, rather than to cultivate the soil and adopt those habits of civilized life by which they might be preserved ; and that thus they appear to have had no Bhare in the divine appointment to " increase and multiply and replenish the earth." See reflections upon this fact, at the close of a very interesting article, entitled " The Red Man," in the Quarterly Review, March, 1840. In like manner it would furnish a solution to the question, Why any tribes of men Bhould refuse to fix themselves in climes, warm, fertile, and comfortable, and in which there were no impediments to their stay, and should push on to such countries as Terra del Fuego, where they miserably exist, with scarcely shelter, clothing, and food ? Even the purifying and ennobling influence of Christi anity, of which the Americans in particular have shown them selves powerfully susceptible, has not surmounted these difficulties. But allowing to the utmost these confessedly very remarkable dis agreements, Dr. Prichard is of opinion, that they afford no proof of diversity of origin, and that differences equally great may be pointed out as, not only characterizing individuals, but marking families in the bosom of English society. With regard to Acts xvii. 26, it cannot be proved that "one blood " necessarily signifies descent from a common ancestry: for, admitting a specific identity, though having proceeded from dis tinct foci of creation, both the physical and the mental character istics would be the same in all essential qualities. Thus, if, contrarily to all reasonable probability, this great question should ever be determined in the way opposite to what we, now think the verdict of truth, the highest interests of man will not be affected. Third edition. Dr. Prichard has now (1841) published the third volume, Part First (523 pages), of his Herculean work, the " Re searches." This volume is occupied entirely with the Ethnography of Europe, ancient and modern. The physiological characters of those nations are considered, as much in detail as was requisite : but the attention of the author is principally occupied with the intellectual and moral indications of character, and those lines of inquiry involve a large extent of investigation into the history and antiquities of the European nations, their mythology, man ners, and early literature. As few men can be thought of as SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 357 comparable to Dr. Prichard in the united qualifications of glosso- graphic knowledge and natural science, it is the more a reason for gratitude to the Author of every good and perfect gift, who has so richly conferred those talents, and the disposition to make an impartial use of them. But this excellent philosopher has perhaps intermitted his severer labour of the " Researches,'' for the composition of a work expressly on the subject before us: "The Natural History of Man; comprising Inquiries into the Modifying Influence of Physical and Moral Agencies on the Different Tribes of the Human Family : " with a splendid furniture of engravings, and six large charts or maps ; 572 pages ; 1842. He has travelled through the physiology of the case, in its length and breadth ; examining the doctrines of Genus, Species, Variety, and Race, in their apphcation to plants and animals, especially the domesticated. Hence physical prin ciples are established, the application of which is pursued in relation to all the nations and tribes of mankind; for the un wearied enterprises and successful investigations 'in all the branches of Geography, which have signalized the last thirty years, render it no other than a sober supposition that all the distinctions of the human race are known. A part of the concluding paragraph will be a fit termination to this Note. " We contemplate, among all the diversified tribes who are endowed with reason and speech, the same internal feelings, appetencies, aversions; the same inward convictions, the same sentiments of. subjection to invisible powers ; and, more or less fully developed, of accountableness or responsibility to unseen avengers of wrong and agents of retributive justice, from whose tribunal men cannot even by death escape. We find everywhere the same susceptibility, though not always in the same degree of forwardness or ripeness of improvement, of admitting the culti vation of these universal endowments, of opening the eyes of the mind to the more clear and luminous views which Christianity unfolds, of becoming moulded to the institutions of religion and of civilized life. In a word, the same inward and mental nature is to be recognized in all the races of men. When we compare this fact with the observations which have been heretofore fully established, as to the specific instincts and separate psychical endowments of all the distinct tribes of sentient beings in the universe, we are entitled to draw confidently the conclusion that all human races are of one species and one family." [Jan. 17, 1846 : Capt. T. J. Newbold read a paper to the Asiatic Society describing a number of rude sepulchral monuments, in some western parts of the Indian peninsula, closely resembling the cromlechs and kist-vaens of our Druidical ancestors ; he adduces similar remains in Circassia and Tartary ; and " he con- 358 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. siders that these widely separated vestiges of the same family of the human race, form a strong link in the chain of argument which, independently of holy writ, conducts the migration of the human race from one central point throughout all the world, and carries us back to the remote period when ' the whole earth was of one family and one speech.' " "Athenaeum," Jan. 24, 1846. " We have suffered habits of theory to mislead us. We must find new and more comprehensive distinctions ; or allow that locality, more or less of exposure to climate, idleness, severe labour, quality of food, abundant or scanty or hard fare, have greater influence on those [distinctions] which really exist than we have yet been willing to allow. " Review of Horatio Hale's Ethnography and Philol. of U. S. Exploring Exped. in the " Athenasum," Feb. 27, 1847.] [May, 1847. Dr. Prichard has now completed his great work, the " Researches," by the publication of the fifth volume. It con tains the investigation of the Malayan, Polynesian, Australian, and American nations : and the result of the whole is a tinal confirmation of the conclusion just cited.] [Jan. 1848. The inquiry into the Origin, Dispersion, and Con nexion of Nations is now pursued in a manner demanding much gratitude to Him from whom " all good counsels and right works proceed," and esteem for those learned and indefatigable persons in our own and other countries, to whom we are indebted for laborious investigations in this which well claims to be a distinct science, Ethnology. The " Ethnological Society," formed in 1843, has produced auspicious results. The last Anniversary Address (June, 1847,) by Dr. Prichard, is of deep interest. It is on " The Relations of Ethnology to other Branches of Knowledge." Its concluding paragraph, upon " the bearing of facts on the great question of the unity or diversity of human families," is " that the farther we explore the various paths of inquiry which lie open to our researches, the greater reason do we find for believ ing that no insurmountable line of separation exists between the now diversified races of men; and the greater the probability, judging from such data as we possess, that all mankind are descended from one family." " Jameson's Edinb. Philos. Journ. ," Oct. 1847, p. 335. To conclude on this important subject, we may well repose on the final judgment of one who, without injustice to any philo sopher, may be regarded as personally the man of superlative qualifications for the investigation. See (" Edinb. Rev.") Jan. 1848, p. 172. ' ' " The general view of nature which I have endeavoured to pre sent would be incomplete, were I to close it without attempting to trace, by a few characteristic traits, a corresponding sketch of man, viewed in respect to physical gradations, to the geographical SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 359 distribution of contemporaneous types, to the influences winch terrestrial forces exercise on him, and to the reciprocal but less powerful action which he in turn exerts on them. Subject, though in a less degree than plants and animals, to the circumstances of the soil and the meteorological conditions of the atmosphere, and escaping from the control of natural influences by the activity of mind and the progressive advance of intelligence, as well as by a marvellous flexibility of organization which- adapts itself to every climate, Man forms every where an essential portion of the life which animates the globe. Whilst attention was exclusively directed to the extremes of colour and of form, the result of the first vivid impressions derived from the senses was a tendency to view these differences as characteristics, not of mere varieties, but of originally distinct species. The permanence of certain types in the midst of the most opposite influences, especially of climate, appeared to favour this view, notwithstanding the short ness of the time to which the historical evidence applied. But, in my opinion, more powerful reasons lend their weight to the other side of the question, and corroborate the unity of the human race. 1 refer to the many intermediate gradations of the tint of the skin and the form of the skull, which have been made known to us by the rapid progress of geographical science in modern times ; to the analogies derived from the history of varieties, both do mesticated and wild ; and to the positive observations collected, respecting the limits of fecundity in hybrids. The greater part of the supposed contrasts, to which so much weight was formerly assigned, have disappeared before the laborious investigations of Tiedemann on the brain of negroes and of Europeans, and the anatomical researches of Vrolik and Weber on the form of the pelvis. When we take a general view of the dark-coloured African nations, on which the work of Prichard has thrown so much light, and when we compare them with the natives of the Australasian Islands, and with the Papuas and Alfourous (Harafores, Enda- menes), we see that a black tint of skin, woolly hair, and negro features, are by no means invariably associated." Alex, von Humboldt ; " Cosmos," the translation of Mrs. Colonel Sabine ; vol. i. pp. 350—352. That distinguished master of physical science then quotes a passage from "one ofthe greatest anatomists of our age, Johannes Miiller, in his — " Physiologie des Menschen ;" — which brings out the conclusion, that, " the different races of mankind are forms or varieties of a single species.1' 360 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. [F.] Referred to at pages 72 and 210. DISSERTATION ON THE REASONS FOR ASSIGNING A VERT HIOH ANTIQUITY IO THE EARTH. The evidence of geological phenomena constrains us to the behef that our earth has existed, has been the seat of life, and has undergone many changes of its surface, through periods of time utterly beyond human power to assign. That evidence is of distinct and independent kinds, chiefly derived from the appear ance of stratification and the remains of animal and vegetable life : and, to *t least the most of those who have taken pains to become competently acquainted with its nature and variety, it produces the effect of an overpowering ocular and tangible de monstration. At the same time, there is extreme difficulty in communicating such a knowledge of the facts, to persons who have not the sensible perceptions upon which it rests. I have therefore felt it to be necessary, in the preceding lectures, to rest my repeated assertions in reference to this object upon authority ; pleading that the authority is of a kind sufficient to be the ground of certainty, on account of the moral and intellectual character of the witnesses, their scientific qualifications, their opportunities for investigation upon the largest scale, their original prepossession against this conclusion, and finally their number and diversity as to country, party, religious denomination, and other circumstances which are rational guarantees against prejudice. But this is not sufficient to satisfy all. Some of our friends persist in rejecting the conclusion, resting chiefly upon the fact of its denial by per sons, who, though very few in number, possess some geological knowledge and opportunities for personal observation. The diffi culty is perhaps increased, and advantage is given to the objector from the fact, that our most distinguished philosophers, avowedly and much to their honour, decline the task of laying down any common measure between geological time and our ordinary enu merations of years and centuries. The best writers abound in general expressions ; such as, " immense periods of time, — unde fined, yet countless — ages, — a duration to which we dare not assign a boundary,— a work infinitely slow, a space of time from the contemplation of which the mind shrinks — a long succession of monuments, each of which may have required a thousand ages for its elaboration ; — successions of events, where the language of nature signifies millions of years :— it is evident that no greater folly can be committed, than to think to serve the cause of truth SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 361 by contracting the long periods of Geology into the compass of a few thousand years."* Opponents have not been backward to take notice of this style of expression, and to make use of it for their own purposes. In so doing, they act a very uncandid and unreasonable part : but we can administer no remedy to them, so long as they persist in refusing to provide themselves with the requisite preliminary knowledge, and to examine the question with far more diligence and patience, and I may add Christian honour too, than they appear to have yet exercised. We readily acknowledge that the problem, to represent geological by astronomical lime, is of the greatest difficulty; perhaps it is utterly beyond human power to resolve, in the present state of our being.f Some approximation is all that we venture to hope for. It is self-evident that the application of any continuous measure of time, analogous to our common periods of multiples and pro ducts, is utterly out of the question. It would be the height of absurdity to imagine it : for each one of the phenomena whose aggregate forms the whole case, must have occupied its own par ticular portion of time destitute of any rule of conformity to others. In the formation of strata, each process (transportation, deposition, consolidation, elevation, and subsidence ; to be followed by a renewal of similar actions under new conditions ; and that several times repeated ;) might occupy a duration different from that of the corresponding process in every other stratum or system of strata. Yet this does not set aside the reality of a prevailing analogy ; nor does it destroy the evidence of a general conclusion from a multitude of particular facts, each one of which must have required, for its consummation, a very long period ; we may in most cases say, immensely long. This will appear, if we consider a few of those facts. 1. The remains of human beings and of any vestiges of the arts and operations of man, are discovered only upon or in those sur faces and earthy masses which are demonstrably posterior to all regular geological deposits ; and under circumstances indicating the human species to have been among the most recent products of the Creator's power. Disinterments of human bones have often occurred, with articles characteristic of an age, one third, and in • Mantell's "Wonders of Geology," i. p. 6, ii. 247. Maoculloch's "Geol." i. 455, 473. Sedgwick " on the Studies of Cambridge," p. 26. Lyell's " Principles," i. 117. Phillips'B " Treatise in the Encycl. Brit." p. 293. Similar passages might be quoted Indefinitely. f In 1834, the Council of the Royal Society announced the prize of one of the Royal Medals, tbe gift of the Sovereign, to the author of the best paper, to be entitled " Contributions towards a System of Geological Chronology, founded on the Examina tions of Fossil Remains and their attendant phenomena." The period for such com munication was fixed to expire in June, 1837. It did so expire, without producing the result required. "The Geologists of England," remarks Prof, Phillips, " gave a fair proof that hypotheses were out of fashion, when they declined to compete for the medal." " Treat, on Geol." (in Cabinet Cyclop.) vol. i. p. 245. 362 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. the Egyptian relics one half, of the period back to the creation of man ; but these are all in the superficial soil, or in situations accessible from it. In peat produced by the growth of mosses, and in the areas of felled or submerged forests, the bones and utensils of men are found; and the remains of recent animals. The limestones which are continually formed by the deposition of the fine particles previously dissolved in water, coral formations close to sea-shores, and sand and mud drifted into hollows, would readily involve human remains ; so that it is rather a subject of surprise that instances like that of the Guadaloupe skeleton, and fragments of pottery in travertin, are not abundant. It seems impossible to avoid the conclusion that such would have been the case, if human beings had existed in any of the geological forma tions, previous to the most recent surface. In clefts and cavities of the older rocks, which have been upheaved and subsequently shattered and laid bare, men have taken refuge, or their bodies have been buried ; but the access to those hollow places, and the various matters which have fallen or been carried into them, are always of a resent character. In some countries, vast quantities of mud brought down by mighty rivers and occasional floods, have buried the persons and habitations of men ; and the same result has been produced by terrible and sudden subsidences of land, and slips on mountain-sides. The strata of mud and sand which have necessarily been forming in the waters, ever since the present distribution of sea and land was arranged by the power and wisdom of the Most High, have been receiving, for at least three thousand years, the bodies and the property of men, in wrecks without number ; and many of the substances so sunk in the deep, when encased as they sooner or later must be, are indestructible till the internal fires shall prey upon them. Consequently, if ever those strata be upheaved, and come to be quarried by the men of a future age, what astonishing disclosures will be laid open to their view ! But nothing of this kind is brought to light in the stratification of the earth, below the habitable surface, or that which it is demonstrable has been recently detached from it : while those strata contain the most astonishing multitudes of animal popula tions ; not excluding the order (Quadrumana) which approaches nearest to the human form, for fossil bones of at least two large species of the monkey tribe were discovered in 1836, in the lower part of the Himalayan mountains. Other remains of that order have recently been found in France, in Brazil, and but this summer (1839) in an apparently London clay formation, near Woodbridge. Yet in no formation that can be called stratified, even of the newest Tertiary beds, has any thing human been discovered. Not in the mass . of fine loam which covers 3000 square miles of surface in the valley of the Rhine, and it is often more than 200 feet in thickness ; nor in the Norfolk crag, nor in SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 363 our own London clay, often far more than 300 feet in depth ; nor in the alternations of freshwater and seawater beds down to the chalk ; nor in the chalk itself, or any earlier formation. This is surely going low enough : and it demands to be considered on the one hand, that the formations above the chalk occupy a small proportion of distance which would be perpendicular, if all the strata could be restored to strict horizontality ; in comparison with the total amount of the lower stratified rocks, scarcely one thirtieth part ; and, on the other, that Mr. Babbage, referring probably to these Tertiary or supracretaceous beds, but certainly never intending to go farther, regards it as a truth supported by irresistible evidence, " that the formation even of those strata which are nearest the surface, must have occupied vast periods, probably millions of years." * I am sensible of the delicacy and danger of venturing upon this ground ; but I will do no more than touch it. It Will be going as far as in reason we can be desired to do, if we take the general surface, with the drifts of sand and gravel, and whatever masses of clay or loam may be fairly deemed of equal age with an average of those drifts ; and regard them as representing the period from the creation of man. That period, according to the usually received chronology, is a little more than 5840 years ; according to the late Dr. Hales's system, it is about 7250. Now the average thickness of this superficial accretion is perfectly inconsiderable, compared with the formations composing what is commonly called the Tertiary series. If we were to say that each of those formations, in number six or seven, should be considered as requiring for its production some such term as we have men tioned, we should be presuming upon a really contracted scale. The probability is that several of those formations, if not each one, must have singly required a length of time equal at least to our present period ; consequently the product would be from forty to fifty thousand years. But the whole bearing of the evidence, upon considering its component parts, goes to mark that conclusion as not furnishing a period sufficiently long for a pro bable computation of the processes which it involves. Each stratum and each group of strata has its limits in extent ; each was deposited and otherwise affected under its own special cir cumstances ; to each, correspondents or equivalents are generally found upon other areas ; in each case, the mechanical and che mical circumstances of production and alteration, recognizable in their results, carry plain evidences of very great periods of time for their action : but one formation cannot give law or precedent to another, and to reduce those periods, or any one of them, to the ordinary measures of time, is beyond our reach, simply be cause the duration of human experience and observation is too short to furnish a standard. • Ninth Bridgewater Treatise, p. 79. 364 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. Recently (June, 1840,) surprise has been excited by a statement, in some of the Paris and London papers, that a large part of the body of an infant, (head, trunk, and the commencement of the shoulder-bone,) and this, not the skeleton, but the full form, had been found petrified in silex, in a quarry near Brussels. That city stands upon a formation equivalent to that of the London basin, and consisting of sand and gravel, siliceous grits often passing into flint, and friable limestones. Mr. Lonsdale, with his characteristic urbanity, has Bhown me a good drawing of this alleged petrifaction. It requires some fancy to make out a re semblance to the human form. The thing itself is, however, nothing but a large flint-concretion, such as are common in our upper chalk. I have seen many of those flint-masses which bear an equally good resemblance to portions of animals ; and I re member one especially, which presented a far closer likeness to the head of a lamb. This story would not be worth noticing, but that serious consequences may have been drawn from it, by persons who, perhaps, did not think of asking, whether a con version of the soft parts of an animal into flint, or any other mineral substance, had ever been heard of in the records of na' tural history. About twenty-five years ago, at St. Louis in the state of Mis souri, on the worn limestone bed of the river Mississippi, near the brink, were discovered two human footmarks, a right and a left, having the appearance of having been impressed on the limestone, now exceedingly compact, hard, and polished, by a person standing with naked feet and expanded toes, characteristic of the tribes which never used shoes, when that limestone was in a condition of mud sufficiently soft to receive an exact impression, and yet suffi ciently hard to prevent the feet from sinking more than one-sixth of an inch, thus preserving a level surface. No other footmarks or human impressions exist : so that, if these were made in the manner just described, the person must have stepped once on the yielding surface, and then, in some way, have been completely withdrawn ; a supposition not easy to realize. The rock is {not sandstone, as some cause of error had led Dr. Mantell to suppose, " Wond. Geol." vol. i. p. 76,) but a fine crinoidal limestone, corre sponding to our Mountain Limestone of the Carboniferous series. The mass of stone was dug out in 1819, weighing above a ton, and it is now in the possession of David Dale Owen, M.D. Of this slab, which of necessity excited very great interest, so long as it was thought by any to be a genuine impression, that gentleman has given an ample history and description, with an engraving, in the American Journal of Science, July, 1842, pp. 14 — 32. The result of the investigation is a conviction, that the marks are arti ficial, sculptured within the last two or three centuries, in the style of that minute and patient labour which the natives of many SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 365 uncivilized countries are wont to bestow in the carving of stones and wood. 2. The whole series of strata, from the earliest of them to the present surface of the globe, exhibits a body of evidence in favour of our doctrine. Every stratum consists of a mass of earthy mat ters which once formed the substance of rocks on elevated land : partially excepting the limestones, for a reason to be presently mentioned. Those portions of the rocks have been separated from their parent masses, worn down, comminuted, transported often to great distances by the force of water, deposited, consolidated, elevated, and hardened. Operations of this kind have been repeated many times, homogeneously and heterogeneously as to the mineralogical constitution of the masses ; but the thickness, the lamination, the joints and cleavage, and the embedded remains of animal and vegetable beings, cannot be contemplated with due attention, without producing a conviction, stronger than words can express, of periods of time amazing and overwhelming to the mind. The most prominent instances may be mentioned, and we will begin with the earliest. The first appearance of stratification is in the rock called Gneiss. This is composed of the same materials as Granite, on the irregu lar outline of which it rests. But, whereas in Granite the com ponent ingredients are not only distinct, but preserve their crystaline figure ; in Gneiss they are indeed perfectly distinguish able, but their edges and corners are rounded off, and their disposition with regard to each other may be called an arrange ment lengthwise and leaf-like. Now, this is'precisely that state which would be produced by an action upon the granitic surface, whether unaltered or somewhat disintegrated, of wearing-off, removal, rolling about, diffusion in water, subsiding by its own weight, settlement at the bottom, and finally, disposition by the straight direction of a current : in a word, it is that state which those materials would necessarily acquire, in the way of being worn and arranged by water working upon them, through a long space of time ; also being further acted upon by the heat transmitted from below. But, how long was that portion of time, it would be too daring to conjecture. We know, from the ordi nary way of such a process, which, in many cases, can be observed and watched, that it would be extremely slow. The trituration, depositing, and permanent fixation of a very few inches, would be a liberal allowance for a hundred years. What then is the average thickness of the gneissic rocks, in Scotland, Ireland, and other countries where they have been brought up to view . On account ofthe inteverntion of other rocks, they cannot be sufficiently explored, and therefore surveys fall short of the full amount as to magnitude ; but enough is exposed to demonstrate an exceedingly great thickness. Professor Phillips, one of the most cautious of 366 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. geologists, says, " We may believe it to exceed many thousand yards." * Over the Gneiss, come the beds of Mica Schist, and Slates, to a great amount as to number, and whose thickness is unknown from the causes mentioned, but certainly very great. If we should venture to estimate the united thickness of this class, added to the gneissic, at three or even four miles, we could not be charged with exaggeration. These are the Cumbrian and Cambrian series ; and their mode of formation is proved, by the most striking characters, to have been the same as that of the Gneiss, modified by the increase and progressive composition of the materials. The number of strata, and their subdivisions, is very great. Conse quently, the periods of alternating action and comparative repose must have been numerous. Could the reader with his own eyes contemplate the finest exhibitions of them in the precipices of Scotland, Cumberland, and Wales, he would be convinced of the imperfection and poverty of verbal description ; and he could scarcely fail to receive the sensible demonstration of indescribable time, as necessary for these mighty operations of the omnipresent Deity. He would see a new beauty in the words of inspired devo tion, " Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised ; and his great ness is unsearchable. I will speak of the glorious honour of thy majesty, and of thy wondrous works ; — the might of thy terrible acts."t These Slate-rocks bear evidence of having been subjected to intense heat, after their deposition ; so that their constitution is metamorphic, that is, original sediment altered by fire, producing high incandescence, close coherence, partial fusion, and penetra tion by both injection and sublimation. This point of geological theory was illustrated by the Rev. David Williams and Professor Sedgwick, at the Plymouth Meeting of the British Association, July 30, 1841. See the Report, in the " Athenaeum," No. 720, p. 627. Upon this class of rocks, an author distinguished for the extent of his labours in aetual examination, the late Dr. Macculloch, remarks : — " The thickness of these strata we know to be en ormous. — These depths are discovered by geological observations and inferences : that they extend to many miles was also proved. We have every reason to know, from what is now taking place on our own earth, that the accumulation of materials at the bottom of the ocean, is a work infinitely slow. We are sure that such an accumulation as should produce the primary strata, as we now see them, must have occupied a space, from the con templation of which the mind shrinks."! It would be with a continued application of similar observations, if we were to pursue our upward course through the numerous beds of silieeous, slaty, and limestone aggregates to which the • "Treatise" (Cabinet Cyclop.) vol. i. p. 117. t Ps. cxlv. J " Syst. Geol." vol. i. pp. 472, 473. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 367 name Silurian Si/stem is given by the distinguished geologist who has devoted seven years of toil and study, with unsparing expense, to their investigation. He has thus supplied some connecting links, the absence of which had created difficulties and perplexing inquiries, between the primary strata and the old red sandstone, now better called the Devonian System :* and has poured a stream of light generally upon British, or justly speaking European, and still more extensive, stratification. Their united thickness is about a mile and a half ; but the numeration of all the beds, between which a boundary of separation is discernible, would probably exceed human power : who, then, can calculate the periods of their derivation from the older formations, their deposi tion, their elevations and small distortions ; their convulsions, penetrations, and alterations of the adjoining rocks, by frequent outbursts from the fiery liquid below, and other movements, till they were brought to their existing condition 1 1 It would seem perfectly impossible for any person, but moderately acquainted with the visible phenomena of volcanic regions, to escape the im pression that myriads of ages must have been occupied in the production of these formations, before the creation of man, and the adaptation of the earth's surface for his abode. In short, the Silurian System of formations contains within itself a compendious body of instruction, examples, and demonstrations of Geological truths. X Evidence to the same effect would accumulate upon us to a vast amount, in examining the Old Red Sandstone, a remarkable deposit several thousand feet in thickness, found in some parts of Great Britain, more abundantly in Ireland, and either in resemblance or * Third ed. Mr. Conybeare has remarked, that the term " Devonian" savours too much of localism, and would involve something of solecism when applied to the Old Red in Herefordshire, Scotland, and Ireland : and he proposes the word Episilurian, that is, over the Silurian. Brit. Assoc, ref. above. — But a similar objection might be made to Silurian, as too local and national, and the same kinds of formation occur largely in Russia and other countries.- Yet it is better to submit to some imper fections and incongruities in nomenclature, than to be making frequent alterations. A temperate middle course should be observed. t Let the impartial inquirer study Mr. Murchison's " Silurian System," particularly chapters xvi. xix. xl. xiii. $ Will my reader accept of a little specimen ? — " Coupling the preceding observa tions with what has been said concerning the Trap rocks, and the dislocations of Coal- brook Dale and the Clee Hills, it may be affirmed that this district in Shropshire furnishes proofB of the alternate play and repose of volcanic action during very long periods. These evidences demonstrate : " i. That volcanic Grits were formed during the deposition of the Lower Silurian strata. "2. That the Upper Silurian rocks and Old Red Sandstone were accumulated tranquilly, without a trace of contemporaneous eruptions. " 3. That, after their consolidation, the last mentioned deposits were dismembered, and set upon their edges, by vast outbursts of intrusive Trap. " 4. That the Carboniferous System was deposited after the older strata had been upheaved. " 5. That subsequent dislocations, including some of the most violent with which we are acquainted, took place after the accumulation of the Coal Measures and the Lower New Red Sandstone." Murchison, vol. i. p. 235 368 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. in equivalence in many foreign regions. Next we come to the Mountain Limestone, consisting almost entirely of the shells and coralline productions of sea animals, often a thousand and more feet in thickness. In this and other Limestone the imbedding part is not, as in other strata, a sediment from mere watery mixture, but the deposit from solution of Carbonate of Lime in water. This formation is frequently more or less interposed among the beds of coal, composed of compressed vegetable matter, underlaid and overlaid with shales and sandstones in every variety ; often effecting a thickness of three thousand feet. The New Red Sandstone, comprising many most interesting varieties of strata, each involving great changes of condition in the modes of forma tion, advances us about another thousand feet. Other changes, implying probably some alteration in the dis position and consequently the action of the fiery gulph below,* marked the next great system, or series of rocks, to which, by a convenient extension of meaning, the term Oolitic has been given. Its general thickness can be little less than half a mile. It is filled with the most convincing proofs of deposition from sea-water, both shallow and deep, the mingled waters of river-mouths, and perhaps even fresh water of rivers and lakes ; affording indications that the depositions, in many varieties, both contemporaneous and successive, were carried on through a very long period. We arrive, in ascending, at the great masses of chalk, and its accompaniments of peculiar clays and sands ; to the thickness of a thousand feet or more. Though the lines of stratification are not here so visible as in the underlying formations, the evidence of deposition from watery mixture, and of very interesting effects from molecular and ' chemical attractions, is so clear as to be irresistible. In our country, and in some others, the Chalk formation, like the Old Red Sandstone at the other end of an immense series, may have been thought to form a kind of resting- place, a term to mark the total cessation of one order of things, and the commencement of another upon a different plan ; but it would be a fallacy to suppose so. No formation of stratified material is continuous over the whole globe. Both the Old Red and the Chalk are of limited extent ; and, where they do exist, there is not always an abruptness in the succession, below or above. In the Eastern Alps, Professor Sedgwick and Mr. Murchison have demonstrated a large series of a peculiar Limestone and * "We have recently seen two of our first philosophers (Babbage and Herschel' maintaining that, a central heat being granted, the necessary result of the increment of fresh matter in one part and its abstraction in another (as is now taking place), must produce such variations in the conducting media, that the result would be the gradual elevation of some parts of the earth's surface, and the depression of others." Murchison, i. 576. The statements referred to are letters of Sir John Herschel to Mr. Lyell, in the " Proceedings of the Geological Society," May 17, 1837 and Jan. 31, 1838; and the "Ninth Bridgewater Treatise," pp. 225— 247. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 369 other formations, making, in part at least, a transition from the highest chalk-beds to the commencement of the Tertiary series ; * according to the usual and convenient nomenclature. Also beds occur near Maestricht, which hold the same intermediate position. But whether or not these fill up the interval between the Secondary and Tertiary Series of formations (for it is a mere dispute of words, to which of the two they should be assigned), does not affect the argument respecting time. If geologists have not yet arrived at a complete acquaintance with the formations that effect, the passage from the Chalk to the Sands and Clays commonly esteemed the lowest of the Tertiaries ; if, from well ascertained discoveries in countries not yet explored, it should turn out that some bed or beds of distinct character are to be intercalated; it will be so much of addition to the time necessary for these formations, — their being deposited at the bottom of great waters, obtaining their fossil inhabitants, being raised up, dried, hardened ; and these processes being probably several times repeated. The whole lapse of time, for so small a part of stratification as this, is astonishing; to our faculties, in the present state, it is immense. Our last stage of ascent comprehends that Tertiary Series; a succession of beds, Clays, Sands, and Limes, variously intermixed, occupying a thickness of some six or eight hundred feet, and reaching up to the ground which we tread in our London basin; but in neighbouring districts there are two or three later formations. Stratification, generally undisturbed, though in some places strik ingly otherwise, as in the Isle of Wight, is here marked in cha racters impossible to be mistaken. When we have mounted to the most recent of those later formations, immediately below the soil on which we tread, we find enormous masses of gravel and other transported materials; demonstrated by their position to have been rolled along by mighty currents, subsequently to all the lower formations. They are sometimes spread out upon extensive horizontal areas ; but sometimes, from local causes, heaped tumul- tuously together. If the reader will refer to what was advanced in Lect. v. upon the distribution of Drift, he will perhaps see reason to conclude that this operation cannot be assigned to an epoch later than what I venture to call the Adamic creation ; but, as it was of different ages, much of it must, in all probability, have preceded that date. Let me intreat a thoughtful person to meditate on the succes sion, which we have thus rapidly and imperfectly reviewed. Let him represent to himself a series of earthy materials, for the most part dried and consolidated into hard rock, proved by the plainest evidence of the senses to have been sediments from mixture in water ; carrying in their texture and accompaniments the equally manifest proofs of quiet, gradual and slow deposition ; altered at * " Trans. Geol. Soc." Second Series, vol. iii. pp. 301 — 420. B B 370 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. different and long distant times, by forces urging from below, often and perhaps usually of very slow and gradual action, but frequently by the intrusion of melted rock driven up with tremendous violence ; and that the united thickness of the whole cannot be less than five miles, but certainly, in extensive ranges, approach ing to the double of that estimate. Let him ask, in each case, whence were those earthy materials derived. He will find, that they have been worn away from the surfaces of antecedent and now underlying rocks and dry land. Let him then reflect upon the time requisite for this repetition of operations so prodigious, producing a series of many terms, requiring intervals of both repose and action, to which it is difficult for the imagination to soar. And let him consider, whether he can conceive the pos sibility of those results having been effected, in less periods of duration than such as bid defiance to our poor chronology. But, still it may be asked, Can you give no sensible idea what ever, to assist our conceptions % Is there nothing in nature that may serve as a standard of approximation 1 Is this vague language of magnitude and duration all that you can afford ? Why then may we not compress the whole succession of stratifications, into a space of six or seven thousand years ? At least you are bound to demonstrate, that the lower numbers are inapplicable ; that the position of the ordinary chronology is undoubtedly too short. Is there no plain fact that may measure some defined part of the series ; and set at rest this part of the question, the negation of short time ? I will derive an answer from an assiduous, sagacious, and emi nently qualified observer ; a most extensive labourer in the field of practical Geology ; and a zealous friend of revealed religion. " Let us contemplate Time as it relates to the Creator, not to ourselves, and we shall be no longer alarmed at that which the history of the earth demands. Every stratum of rock is the work*of time, often of far more than we choose to contemplate ; while, from what we see, we can approximate to that which we know not how to measure. He who can measure and number the strata from the first to the last, is prepared to solve this question as it relates to the intervals of repose ; but of those only : not to those of the revolutions. Let him ascertain the time required to produce a stratum of a given depth ; let him seek it in the increase of colonies of shell-fishes, in deposits of peat, and in the earthy deposits of seas and lakes : and he has found a multiplier, not to disclose " [i. e. entirely and precisely] "the truth, but to aid his imagination. Who indeed can sum this series ? The data are not in our power ; yet we can aid conjectures. " The great tract of peat, near Stirling, has demanded two thousand years ;* for its registry is preserved by the Roman works * He puts a round number. It is 1760 years since the Romans invaded Scotland. But the difference is inconsiderable in this argument. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. '371 below it. It is but a single bed of coal : — shall we multiply it by 100 ? We shall not exceed, — far from it,— did we allow 200,000 years for the production of the coal-series of Newcastle, with all its rocky strata.* A Scottish lake does not shoal " [i. e. deposit mud or marl to remain at the bottom,] " at the rate of half a foot in a century ; and that country presents a vertical depth of far inore than 3,000 feet, in the single series of the oldest sandstone. No sound geologist will accuse a computer of exceeding, if he allow 600,000 years for the production of this series alone. And yet, what are the coal-deposits, and what the oldest sandstone, compared to the entire mass of the strata 1 " If these views of the powers and the results of geological investigation are alarming to feeble minds, they tend to exalt that science in the estimation of those who neither fear to seek Truth, nor dread it when found." + I do not take upon me to affirm that these numbers are incon- trovertibly correct ; but let it not be forgotten, that they proceed from one of the most experienced and indefatigable of studious observers and practical labourers in this field, besides that he was an avowed and warm friend of revelation. If my advice, should have the effect of inducing any of my young friends to read his Description of the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland, in four volumes ; his Geological Classification of Rocks, (though the Classification, in the present advancement of discovery, requires considerable correction), and his posthumous three volumes on the Attributes of God, as proved and illustrated by the Physical Universe ; — I am sure that they will not blame me. Yet it must not be forgotten, that he did not live to acquire a proper know ledge of Palaeontology. 3. There is a fact which may be made intelligible to an unin- structed person, or even tp a child. In those stratified rocks which are of a sandy constitution, it is common to find pebbles, from the size of coriander-seeds to that of bird's eggs, and much larger. These bear demonstrative evidence of having been derived from more ancient rocks, by fracture and detachment, long rolling on a hard bottom under water, dispersed through the loose sand of a deposit, subsiding to the lower part if a tolerably free motion were permitted, and then consolidated. To this portion of a sandy formation, whose parts are thus agglutinated, the appropriate term conglomerate is given. Let the Old Red Sandstone be our example. — In many places the upper part of this vast formation is of a closer grain, showing that it was produced by the last and finest deposits of clayey and sandy mud, tinged, as the whole is, with * The reader will observe that the author is speaking of the Newcastle coal-strata alone ; not including the subsequent formations up to the present condition of the earth. t Macculloch's " System of Geology," vol. i. pp, 506, 507. Jl B 2 372 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. oxides and corbonates of iron, usually red, but often of other hues. But frequently the lower portions, sometimes dispersed heaps, and sometimes the entire formation, consist of vast masses of con glomerate, the pebbles being composed of quartz, granite, or some other of the earliest kinds ;. and thus showing the previous rocks, from whose destruction they have been composed. Let any person first acquire a conception of the extent of this formation, and of its depth, often many hundreds and sometimes two or three thousand feet ; (but such a conception can scarcely be formed without actual inspection ;*) then let him attempt to follow out the processes which the clearest evidence of our senses shows to have taken place ; and, let him be reluctant and sceptical to the utmost that he can, he cannot avoid the impression that ages innumerable must have rolled over the world, in the making of this single formation. 4. In the texture of the early stratified rocks, to which the abundant evidence leads us to ascribe a vast antiquity, pieces of granitic rocks are often found, of such forms as show that they had been broken off from the crystallized formations : for, if they had come from the injection of newly-formed granite, the marks of elevation and intrusion in a fused state would not have been wanting. Hence, it is plain that the parent rock, in any case, existed before the formation of the derivative. 5. The earliest slate rocks, like all other strata, must have been originally deposited in a position horizontal or nearly so. By subsequent movements, not one, but evidently many, they have been raised to all elevations, and bent to the utmost extent of contortion : as is shown by the lines of stratification. But there is another kind of division, first brought to light by Professor Sedgwick ; that of lines of cleavage and intersecting joints, or called by a general term, structural or divisional planes. These are productive of signal benefit to the arts and convenience of men : but they involve profound geological and mathematical researches, and their causes can be explored only by going into the deepest night of terrestrial antiquity. Those who are the best qualified to form an opinion, impute this structure to an agency (—call it electric, galvanic, magnetic, or chemical, — ) connected with the grand and mysterious operations of the terrestrial magnetism, operating upon a scale of magnitude and distance which we cannot graduate, and requiring a proportionate vastness of time for its taking effect ; probably the same agency that reigns in the wonderful processes of crystallization, from points of invisi ble minuteness to formations of indefinable greatness : — or some parts of these phenomena may bo imputed to the slow action of the heat from below, producing a general and regular contraction of the argillaceous formations : — or the cause may be sought in » The most convenient localities for us are in Herefordshire and Monmouthshire. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 373 the change of cohesion in masses becoming solid from a state of fluidity. The contraction mentioned is founded upon a known property of argillaceous earth : all these causes act quite indepen dently of the stratification : the jointed structure is found to affect the crystalline rocks also : the stratification contains in itself the evidence of having required periods, impossible indeed to be de termined by any assignment of figures, but to which, judging from all approximating evidence, our cycles of time afford none but a totally defective measure of comparison. This branch of investiga tion is indeed one of extreme difficulty ; and with which I acknow ledge myself to possess but a very imperfeot acquaintance. The expectation is with good reason indulged, that both the learned Professor just mentioned, and another ornament of the same University, Mr. Hopkins, who has long employed his rare mathe matical powers upon the class of problems to which this belongs, will confer upon the whole subject important elucidations, and open its further connexions with the most recondite parts of geological science.* — But the impression which the general view of the phenomena makes upon me, is that of an unspeakable addition to the reasons for Mr. Scrope's exclamation, — " Time ! Time ! — Geology compels us to make unlimited drafts upon antiquity !" It is established by such evidence as places the fact beyond con tradiction, that by far the larger part, more probably the whole, of the dry land, not excepting the highest mountains, has been raised out of the bed of the sea. There is also evidence that the process of elevation is extremely slow. The general proof accrues from the ancient beaches, now far above the highest sea-level, which abound on almost all bold coasts. But a favourable concur rence of circumstances has brought the elevation of an extensive portion ofthe Scandinavian peninsula, within the range of measure ment ; and three feet in a century have been well established. Now there are successions of such ancient sea-beaches, in several of the glens of Scotland, at heights of eight, ten, twelve hundred feet, and more, above the present sea-level. Mr. Darwin has shown, by a series of very probable arguments, that these have been all produced by the regular action of the ocean-waters upon rocky shores, and the no less regular rising of the land, in its bodily mass, over large areas, and with that extreme slowness of which we have so many proofs. Applying then the example of Sweden to the case before us, we bring out a period of thirty thousand years, from the lowest and of course the latest elevation * See Prof. Sedgwick's Remarks on the Structure of large Mineral Masses in the "Trans. Geol. Soc." Second Ser. vol. iii. p. 461. Mr. Hopkins's Mem. in the "Trans, Philos. Soc. Cambr." vol. vi. ; and the brief Sketch of his communication to the Geol. Section of the British Assoc, at Bristol, in the Report for 1836, "Trans. Sect." p. 78. Prof. Whewell's brief but interesting summary of the problems which Mr. Hopkins has proposed, and the results to which he has already arrived, in his " Presidential Address to the Geological Society," Feb. 15, 1839, p. 40. 374 . SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. to the formation of the present shore ; and from the time of the highest elevation, the period is more than eighty thousand years. But a period remains to be added to this, for the interval before that highest beach was raised and while the upper part of the mountains was slowly rising out of the waters : for this prior period, no rule or approximation of estimate is known.* I must cease ; or I had intended to push my argument farther, and to ask some reflection to be bestowed upon the crystalline rocks. — Can any man imagine that granite was created in its characteristic state, a composition of visibly and palpably distinct materials, scarcely mixed, only put loosely together . It would be almost as reasonable to affirm that the stomachs of the first animals were created with bitten and masticated fragments of the appropriate food in them. — - — Whence came the quartz, the mica, and the felspar ; each a rock of separate existence 1 — Whence the schorl, the augite, the steatite, and other interminglings ? Must we not pursue them to their chemical decomposition 1 Can we stop short of believing that the original act of creation pro duced the few primordial elements, by the combinations of which all mineral and all organized matters have been formed ? — Then we have gone back to the fathomless abyss of ages of ages. — But this unutterable period !• — Compared with the infinite existence, with the eternity of God, it sinks to a moment. " Combining in our survey, then, the whole range of deposits, from the most recent to the most ancient group, how striking a succession do they present ! — So various, yet so uniform ! so vast, yet so connected ! In thus tracing back to the most remote periods in the physical history of our continents, one system of operations as the means by which [so] many complex formations have been successively produced, the mind becomes impressed with the singleness of nature's laws ; and, in this respect at least, Geology is hardly inferior in simplicity to Astronomy. Need we recapitulate those curious changes in the lithological character of the deposits effected by igneous action ? Or endeavour to rouse the mind to a sense of the greatness of those powers, whatever they may have been, which produced the symmetrical jointed structure of mountains, and carried countless lines of parallel cleavage throughout regions of slaty rocks, in spite as it were of the original forms of the strata ?" \ Thus far I have endeavoured to reason from the mineralogical character of stratified masses, not so much from their constitution or composition individually, as from their position above and below each other. I have continually endeavoured to leave out * Mr. Maclaren's Paper on the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy ; in Prof. Jameson's, "Philos. Journ." Edinb. Oct. 1839, p. 395. Hee an additional remark at' the end of this Supplementary Note. f Murchison; "Silur. Syst."i. 574. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 375 the consideration of Organic Remains, though it was impossible to do so entirely. But it appeared probable that, for general readers, the method of surveying the two lines of evidence apart, might be the more favourable to a correct apprehension of the whole. We must, therefore, now direct our attention to the attractive department of Geology to which the name of Palaeon tology has been appropriated. - In all the terrene formations till we reach the very early ones, we are met by the remains of creatures which once had life, and were furnished by their Creator with the means of performing functions and enjoying life, to the extent of their capacities. In some of the strata, the number is comparatively small, but in the greater part it is very considerable. The first systems of stratification, gneiss, mica schist, and so on to the lower part of the Cambrian beds, supply no vestiges of vegetable or animal life. But it would be unwarrantable to affirm absolutely that living creatures had no place in the waters which once covered these rocks, and from which they were deposited ; for the heat propagated from below, through the substance of the granitic masses, and which has given a partially fused and crystalline character to the gneissic, would be effectual to dissipate all organized matter, had such existed before the high temperature was produced. In a citation before given from Professor Phillips * wo have contemplated a sketch of the forms of organic life from the earliest appearance in the slate mountains of North Wales and Cornwall, to those of the present creation. To have the mind duly impressed by a view at all approaching to completeness of the little that is known, the study of many geological works, a familiar acquaintance with collections, and an actual inspection of the rocks themselves, are, if not necessary, yet highly desirable. The first and second of these means are all that many studious persons can command ; but for them let us be thankful, and by the use of them we may acquire the qualifications which are indispensable for enjoying the survey of nature upon a grand scale, whenever it may be put into our power. The earliest appearances of life are two or three species of zoophytes, and casts (that is, impressions in mineral matter re maining after the organized substance has been dissolved and washed away,) of several species of shells which have been dis covered t in the slate-rocks just mentioned. The structure of those shells shows that their inhabitants stood higher in the scale of organization than our cockles and oysters. But we should not be warranted in supposing that these, should we call them twenty » Pages 74—77. t By the late Rev. John Josiah Conybeare, the Rev. Prof. Sedgwick, and Prof. Phillips. 376 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. or thirty species, were the whole amount of the kinds of living creatures at that remote era. It is a wonder that any have escaped total obliteration. Besides these few corallines and hard shells, there might be many species of many animal orders, the remains of which have been entirely decomposed and absorbed. The fossils referred to are arranged along the surfaces of deposit in such positions and regularity as show that the animals lived and died on the spots which have preserved their remains. An indication is thus afforded of the lapse of time, which is very impressive. An area of soft clay at the bottom of a primeval ocean was deposited, and received its living tenants with their shelly habitations ; from their first creation growing up to the preservation of individual life, increasing and multiplying their kinds, and generation succeeding generation till the species be comes extinct. Though perfect knowledge is not possessed, yet there are reasons for believing that the duration of life to tes- tacean individuals of the present races is several years. But who can state the proportion which the average length of life to the individual mollusc or conchifer, bears to the duration appointed by the Creator to the species ? Take any one of the six "or seven thousand known recent species. Let it be a Buccinum, of which 120 species are ascertained, (one of which is the commonly known whelk ;) or a Cyprsea, comprising about as many, (a well known species is on almost every mantel-piece, the tiger-cowry ;) or an Ostrea {oyster), of which 130 species are described. We have reason to think that the individuals have a natural life of at least six or seven years ; but we have no reason to suppose that any one species has died out, since the Adamic creation. May we then, for the sake of an illustrative argument, take the duration of testacean species, one with another, at 1000 times the Ufe of the individual? May we say, 6000 years? — We are dealing very liberally with our opponents. Yet, in examining the ver tical evidences of the cessations of the fossil species, marks are found of an entire change in the forms of animal life ; we find such cessations and changes to have occurred many times, in the thickness of but a few hundred feet of these slate-rocks. But the homogeneous, or nearly homogeneous deposit consists of many thousand feet ; and it is only one of several, perhaps four, great formations which constitute this early system. But when we rise to the Silurian formations, we find a long succession of strata many thousand feet in thickness, and imbed ding not fewer than 375 species belonging to the animal kingdom ; corallines, encrinites, analogues of crab and lobster, bivalve and univalve shells, and the skeletons and detached bones of fish. The Old Red Sandstone, now called by a preferable name, the Devonian system, had been thought to be- almost destitute of organic remains; but recent researches, particularly in Scotland, SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 377 have brought to light numerous and highly interesting bones and skeletons of fishes : but none of them are such as belong to the present order of creation. They are all of species, and even genera, not now existing ; and the same observation is to be made with respect to the fishes which occur more abundantly in a very thick and extensive formation which comes much later in the geological series, the New Red Sandstone, and especially that which is usually considered as one of its subordinate parts, the Magnesian Lime stone. Between these two great yet very distinct and distant Red Sand stone formations, there is, in many parts of Wales, England, and Scotland, the Mountain Limestone, usually 900 and more feet in thickness, and which consists of nothing else than the remains of coralline and testaceous animals compressed into masses of stone, hard and compact, often many miles in length and breadth. Over that, and in many of the same localities, we have the coal-strata, consisting entirely of compressed plants, with their sandstones, shales, and iron-stones, full of land vegetables, and presenting some fresh-water shells and fishes. Above these, we are in the New Red just mentioned ; 2000 feet of marl, clay, sand-rock, conglomerates, sulphate of time, rock-salt, and magnesian lime-stone ; red of all hues, white, and variegated : much less, in our country, replenished with the vestiges of living creatures, than the preceding or the succeeding formations ; yet not destitute of them. In the equivalent rocks of Germany and France, organic remains are more frequent. In one of the members of this formation, the first known appear ance of reptile life presents itself, in several species of lizard-like animals. But in the beds which come next in the ascending order, the Lias, we are met by other and very different species, of the same family, of appalling size, power, and armature,* besides other orders; and through all the Oolitic strata, we find remains, in great variety and abundance ; above fifty of plants ; of the animal classes a number of species and forms of organization, which may well fill us with astonishment, from the zoophytes upwards, but as yet (so far as is known) only, as it were, just touching upon the mammifers. Neither, amidst the crowds of other animals, till we have risen over all the sandy, clayey, and chalk formations, do we find any further appearances of that class. The thousands of species, through whose periods we have thus in idea been passing are all different from any in the now existing creation, thougl possessing generic and family analogies : and yet (with the re * The reader should not fail, if he can, to inspect the specimens which are in th» Long Gallery of the British Museum : the figures, by Mr. Hawkins, who collected th>, most of those specimens and chiseled them out of the rock -, (see the note at page 89; , and the reduced figures in Dr. Buckland's Bridgewater Treatise, with bis admirable enucleations of the structure and habits of the animals. 378 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. markable and contested* exception just hinted at, the Stonesfield fossil, and see p. 76,) no mammiferous animals. When we have risen above tho chalk, we discover in the shell-fish a small begin ning of existing species; and, in the subsequent formations, the proportion increases till all the older species have successively become extinct, and the land, the fresh waters, and the ocean, come to be occupied by the present edition of creation. But many deposits and very long periods, from the chalk" upwards, have existed, till mammiferous animals are found (the various theria of several regions ;) and they are all exceedingly different from living species or even genera, Finally, in the formations immediately preceding our own, we find animals falling into existing genera, but specifically different ; and, as they gradually cease, our present species succeed to their places. This sketch, hasty and imperfect as it is, demonstrates a series of changes in organic nature, adapted to the variations in tempe rature, atmospheric constitution, and mineral composition, which, upon independent grounds, we have reason to believe did take place. The perfections of the Creator are conspicuous in all this wondrous course of change. We see unity of purpose, harmony of means and adaptations, and infinite variety in modes of de velopment. " 0 Lord, how manifold are thy works ! In wisdom hast thou made them all. The earth is full of thy riches : so is this great and wide sea." (Ps. civ. 24.) Upon this argument one might expatiate without limit ; but I leave it to my studious and impartial readers, persuaded that, in proportion to their mental cultivation and their assiduity in pur suing these interesting objects of research, will be their conviction of the immeasurable antiquity of our earth, and the whole created system — immeasurable, indeed, but only so to our feeble faculties .¦ compared with the prior eternity of Jehovah, it sinks into a short period. — Eternity ! — How awakening is the thought, that each of us is born for a duration to which that word can be applied; and that it depends upon ourselves, in the present stage of our existence, whether it shall be an eternity of dignity and happiness unspeakable, or of the most appalling degradation, and misery, and despair ! There is one class to which, in this argument, the appeal may be made with peculiar force of evidence; the students of Con- chology. Their elegant science makes them familiar with probably « Some eminent anatomists are of opinion that the few bones in question (only two or three broken jaws, upon which the greatest men in this department have put forth their utmost powers of discrimination) belonged not to a mammal, but to a small reptile, of the lizard or iguana family, and to which those naturalists give the generic name of amphitherium. Sec. ed. Yet Mr. Owen's repeated examinations, in which his exquisite familiarity with Comparative Anatomy has been aided by microscopic observation of the interior structure of teeth, have confirmed the belief of Dr. Buck- land and other distinguished men, that the animal was a small mammal, of a kind analogous to the opossum. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. 379 seven thousand species of creatures, the inhabitants chiefly of the waters, in whose forms and organic provisions, and in their shelly habitations, the wisdom and goodness of the Creator are displayed with striking beauty. Of those species, the conchologist finds not one in the former strata of the earth's crust, except with a rapidly decreasing proportion, in the most recent formations;* — he finds not one living species in the chalk and the older systems. Yet he perceives identities of genera, but decreasing; and, where the genera are different, there is the relation of analogy ; all exhibit ing the presiding energy of the one Mind, with the admirable adaptations of every circumstance in the organization to conditions of temperature and the gaseous composition of the atmosphere. The fossil conchologist finds above four thousand kinds, which have had their respective periods of existence ; I speak not of the individuals, but of the species or races, to each of which, from the analogy of living nature, we must assign some thousands of years. He sees those species at length ceasing : even whole genera going out of existence; and others occupying the vacancies, always adapted to altered conditions of the earth and the waters. " This fact has now been verified, in almost all parts of the globe ; and has led to a conviction, that at successive periods of the past, the same area of land and water has been inhabited by species of animals and plants as distinct as those which now people the antipodes, or which now co-exist in the arctic, temperate, and tropical zones. It appears, that from the remotest periods there has been ever a coming in of new organic forms, and an extinction of those which pre-existed on the earth; some species having endured for a longer, others for a shorter time; but none having ever re-appeared, after once dying out." (Lyell's Elements, p. 275.) "General and particular results all agree in demonstrating that the physical conditions of the ancient ocean must have been very different, in some respects, from what obtain at present ; and that these conditions were subject to great variation during the very long periods which elapsed in the formation of the crust of the earth. In the course of these changes, whole groups of animals perished ; others were created, to perish in their turn ; and these operations were many times repeated, not only before the present races of animals were formed, but even before the relative numbers in the leading groups approximated to the proportions which * In the newest strata of our country, certain parts of Norfolk and Suffolk, and the basin of the Thames, Mr. Lyell has determined the existence of 90 to 95 in the hun dred of such species aa now live ; the same proportion as in the most recent beds of Sicily. (Charlesworth's " Mag. Nat. Hist." July, 1839, p. 327. Lyell's " Princ " iii. 369, 370, 373, fifth ed., not repeated in the sixth, as Mr. Lyell proposes a separate work on the Tertiary formations ; but a summary on this subject is in vol. i. 244-5. " Elements," p. 284 — 290.) In the nearest older formations, the proportion of num ber runs from 70 to 40 ; the Norfolk Crag, Red, 30 ; Coralline, 19 ; and in older beds diminishing to 26, 17, and finally about three : till, in the Chalk, crowded with con- chological as well as other remains, all existing species are found to have ceased. 330 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. appear in the actual sea." (Phillips's Geol. in Cabinet Cyclop. vol. i. p. 84.) Other distinct arguments might be adduced in support of our position, the immense antiquity of the earth ; but they will present themselves frequently and powerfully to the attentive student, in his patient explorings for geological truth. This note is too long already. Yet I thankfully avail myself of support to its design from the eloquent address of the Rev. William Vernon Harcourt, as President of the British Association, at the meeting of this year (1839,) at Birmingham. "No one, I think, can doubt that those who condemned the Copernican system were justified in conceiving that the Scrip tures speak of the earth as fixed, and the sun as the moving body. Every one will allow also that this language is ill adapted to the scientific truths of Astronomy. We see the folly of any attempt, on this point, to interpret the laws of nature by the expressions of Scripture ; and what is the ground of our judgment ? We are not all competent to judge between the theory of Copernicus and those which preceded it ; but we determine against the seeming evidence of our senses, and against the letter of Scripture ; be cause we know that competent persons have examined and decided the physical question. Now, gentlemen, in Geology we are arrived at the self-same point ; that is to say, a vast body of the best informed naturalists have examined, by all the various lights of science, and by undeniable methods of investigation, the struc ture op the earth : and, however they may differ on less certain points, they will agree in this : that the earth exhibits a succession of stratification, and a series of imbedded fossils, which cannot be supposed to have been so stratified and so imbedded in six days, in a year, or in two thousand years, without supposing also such numerous, such confused and promiscuous violations of the laws and analogies of the universe, as would confound, not the science of Geology alone, but all the principles of Natural Theology. Here then is another point of discordance ; and in this case [also] the discordance lies between the language of Scripture and the truths of science. — — " Who then would expect to find in Genesis the chronology or sequence of creation ? Who can think that he upholds the authority of Scripture by literal constructions of such a history ; by concluding from them that the earth was clothed with trees and flowers before the sun was created, or that the great work was measured by six rotations of the earth upon her axis 1 It scarcely needed the evidence of physical or geological science, to teach' us that such a mode of interpreting the sacred writings is utterly unsound. When the same author speaks of man as ' created in the image of God,' every one perceives that this is one SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES . 381 of the boldest figures which language can produce.* And in what but a figurative light can we view the ' the days' of creation? What can we find in such a description but this truth, that the six grand classes of natural phenomena were, all and each, distinct acts of divine power, and proceeded from the fiat of a single Creator ? " All the conclusions of human science coincide with Re vealed Religion ; and none more remarkably than that which has been so falsely termed irreligious Geology : for as Astronomy shows the unity of the Creator through the immensity of space, so does Geology, along the track of unnumbered ages, and through the successive births of beings ; still finding in all the uniform design of the same almighty power, and the varied fruits of the same unexhausted goodness." — " Report of the Ninth Meeting of the British Association ;" page 18 — 20, also in the "Athenaeum," Aug. 31, 1839. Upfm this noble generalization, I cannot refuse to cite one passage more from the Christian philosopher of New England, so frequently mentioned with respect in the preceding pages. " Nor ought it to be forgotten, that these very principles and deductions of Geology, that have excited so much of alarm and opposition among some friends of rehgion, and so much of pre mature and groundless exultation among its enemies, have never theless, when taken in connexion with Astronomy, developed and established a law of God's natural government of the Universe, grand beyond all others known to man, and undiscovered, or only dimly seen by the great minds of other generations. I refer to the fact, that perpetual change is made the grand conservative and controlling principle of the universe. Men have always seen and felt this instability in respect to everything on earth ; and they have regarded it as a defect, rather than as a wise law of the natural world. But they now find it to be equally true of suns and planets, as of plants and animals. ' Perpetual change, per petual progression, increase and diminution, appear to be the rules of the material world, and to prevail without exception.' (Prof. Whewell's 'Bridgewater Treat.,' p. 158.) And this very insta bility is the great secret of the permanence and constancy of nature's operations, and of the adaptation of the external world to the wants and happiness of organized beings. It is ' a principle superior to those grand rules which we have been accustomed to regard as constituting exclusively the laws of nature : from the * It perhaps did not occur to the accomplished President, that we have divine authority for understanding that expression as signifying the intellectual capacities and moral excellence with which man was endowed, Eph. iv. 24 ; Col. iii. 10. AIbo the connexion of the original passage (Gen. i. 26 — 281 conducts us to the idea, that this "image of God" was intended to signify the dominion over the lower creatures conferred upon mankind. 382 SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. security, which we see in it, beyond the longest and apparently most perfect periodical movements of our solar system." (Cordier, ' Sur la Temp, de l'lnterieure de la Terre ;' p. 84.) In fine, it is probably the most splendid display of the divine skill which the universe can furnish." Hitchcock's " Geol. of Massachusetts ;" p. 251. The importance of the subject of this Dissertation supersedes any apology for its length. But, in relation to that subject, I am under an obligation, the feeling of which is a pleasure : and thus is rendered more incumbent the duty of acknowledging it. The Rev. Professor Sedowick, whose liberality of mind and heart is the fit accompaniment of his scientific eminence, has favoured me with communications on this vital point, and with permission to use them as I might think fit. But I cannot adorn myself with another's robe ; I cannot incorporate his matter into my own, without a sense of doing wrong. Yet to deprive the reader of the satisfaction to be derived from the information and reasoning of so high an authority,* I should feel to be an inexcusable offence. It is also proper to mention that the Professor's letter was written by him in haste, under the urgency of University engagements, and when setting out on his geological tour this summer in France, Belgium, and other countries. " The fossils demonstrate the time to have been long, though we cannot say how long. Thus we have generation after genera tion of shell-fish, that have lived and died on the spots where we find them ; very often 'demonstrating the lapse of many years for a few perpendicular inches of deposit. In some beds, we have large cold-blooded reptiles, creatures of long life. In others we have traces of ancient forests, and enormous fossil trees, with concentric rings of structure marking the years of growth. Phaenomena of this kind are repeated again and again : so that we have three or four distinct systems of deposit, each formed at a distinct period of time, and each characterized by its peculiar fossils. Coeval with the Tertiary masses, we have enormous lacustrine deposits ; sometimes made up of very fine thin laminse, marking slow tranquil deposits. Among those laminae we can find sometimes the leaf-sheddings and the insects of successive seasons. Among them also we find almost mountain-masses of the Indusite tubu- * To geologists it is unnecessary ; but to many otherwise well-informed persons, it will be gratifying to know the terms in which Prof. Whewell has adverted to the merits of his friend and colleague. " The classification of the rocks of this portion of our island [the Cambrian] to which Prof. Sedgwick has been led, is the fruit of the vigorous and obstinate struggles of many years, to mould into system a portion of Geology which appeared almost too refractory for the philosopher's hand : and which Prof. Sedgwick grappled with the more resolutely, in proportion as others shrank away from the task, perplexed and wearied. A series of formations distinguished and re duced to order by [his] indefatigable exertions and wide views. It has been neces sary to employ and improve all the best methods of geological investigation." He has traced *' the geographical continuity of the strata, almost mile by mile, from Cape Wrath to the Land's End." " Presid. Addr. Geol. Soc." 1839, p. 25. SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. 383 laim* and other sheddings of insects, year after year. Again, streams of ancient lava alternate with some of these lacustrine Tertiary deposits. " In Central Prance, a great stream of lava caps the lacustrine limestone. At a subsequent period, the waters have excavated deep valleys, cutting down into the lacustrine rock marble, many hundred feet : and at a newer epoch, anterior to the authentic history of Europe, new craters have opened, and fresh streams of lava have run down the existing valleys. Even in the Tertiary period, we have thus a series of demonstrative proofs of a long succession of physical events, each of which required a long lapse of ages for its elaboration. " Again ; as we pass downwards from the bottom Tertiary beds to the Chalk, we instantly find new types of organic life. The old species, which exist in millions of individuals in the upper beds, disappear : and new species are found in the chalk immediately below. This fact indicates a long lapse of time. Had the chalk and upper beds been formed simultaneously at the same period," [as the supporters of the diluvial theory represent,] " their organic remains must have been more or less mixed : but they are not. Again ; at the base of the Tertiary deposits resting on the chalk, we often find great masses of conglomerate, or shingle, made up of chalk-flints rolled by water. These separate the* chalk from the overlying beds ; and many of the rolled flints contain certain petrified chalk-fossils. Now every such fossil proves the following points : — " 1. There was a time when the organic body was alive at the bottom of the sea. " 2. It was afterwards imbedded in the cretaceous deposit. " 3. It became petrified -. a very slow process. " 4. The Chalk was, by some change of marine currents, washed away, or degraded " [i. e. worn away under the atmosphere by the weather and casualties, a process slow almost beyond description, ' * TheBe are cylindrical cases formed for its habitation by a six-legged insect-larva, which inhabits ponds and small streams, creeping at the bottom. The cases are con structed of small portions of leaves and stalks laid and finely joined together, aggluti nated by a secretion of the insect, lined with a silky fibrous matter, and defended on Ihe outside by small substances of a harder texture made to adhere by the insect's gluten, suoh as minute bits of wood or bark, grains of sand and very small shells. When it quits the larva state, it comes out a brownish, four-winged, moth-like insect. Reaumaur calls them butterfly-flies. They are seen in clouds about ponds on summer evenings. The generio name is Phryganea, but there are many Bpecies in England and other countries. An excellent figure of the Phryganea rhombica, a common English species, (which the author has forgotten to say is the size of life,) is in Lyell, vol. iv. p. 153. ' In that place, Mr. L. has given an account of one instance of the rocky lime stone-masses here alluded to by Prof. Sedgwick, with beautiful figures. The cases are studded over with small water-snail shells, like those of Paludince, or LinnEBus's Helices vivipara. Often ten or twelve of these well-loaded cases are packed up, as it were, yet not broken, within the compass of a cubic inch. 1 Fifth ed. and " Elem." sec. cd. vol. i. p. 373. 384 SUPPLEMENTABY NOTES. " and the solid flints and fossils " [thus detached from their imbed- dings] " were rolled into shingles. " 5. Afterwards, these shingles were covered up, and buried under Tertiary deposits. " In this way of interpretation, a section of a few perpendicular feet indicates a long lapse of time : and the co-ordinate fact of the entire change of organic types between the beds above and those below, falls in with the preceding inference, and shows the lapse of time to have been very lono. [ — But who can say, how long ? Many thousands of years sink into a trifling period, for the passing through of these processes. ] " If I travel in Greece, I may find monuments of ancient art perhaps under the foundations of a Turkish house. If I compared these works of art with those of the present day, I should be con vinced at once (quite independently of history), that they belonged to a different epoch in the annals of the human race. These changes are partly due to the progress of civilization, the caprice of man's will, and other moral causes ; still, however, subordinate to certain laws. In the geological case, the total change in organic forms has been brought about by the slow operation of physical causes, not under the control of man. But he can observe them ; and, because they are laws, that is, have the impress of mud upon them, he can interpret them. Those who argue against you as some of your opponents do, not only deprive man of his intellectual privilege, but strip the God of nature of his honour." See pp. 365 and 369. " The Old Red Sandstone often appears as a new conglomerate, of great thickness, separating the old slate- rocks from the Mountain Limestone. But, even in this form and without fossils, it demonstrates that the older strata were solid and perfected before the existence of the Mountain Limestone." [Recent investigations have found it to be rich in fossils, of the most peculiar and instructive character. See the close of this Note. ] " Again ; there was a total change in the inhabitants of the sea, between the Limestone-beds and Coral-reefs of the Silurian and Cambrian period, and the time when the Mountain Limestone was deposited. Hence, we should conclude that there was a very long lapse of time, between the period of the highest Silurian beds and the period of the Mountain Limestone. This inference is confirmed by very modern discoveries. In Scotland, in the country examined by Mr. Murchison [the Silurian region], and above all in North and South Devon, the Old Red Sandstone contains innumerable regular beds, with fossils which have lived and died where we find them ; that is, in the same relative situation, as of course they [with the entire sea-bottom mass in which had been their EUPPLEMENTABY NOTES. 885 habitation], had been lifted bodily out of the sea by elevatory forces. Subordinate to it are lines upon lines of old Coral-reefs and other caleareous masses, full of organic structures, and indi cating most emphatically long periods of time. The organic types [in this Old Red] are of an intermediate character, between the types of the Silurian and Cambrian and the types of the Mountain Limestone. " Everything indicates a very long and very slow progression : — one creation flourishing and performing its part, and gradually dying off as it has so performed its part ; and another actual creation of new beings, not derived as progeny from the former, gradually taking its place ; and again this new creation succeeded by a third. — Nothing per saltum ; all according to law and order : all bearing the impress of mind, a great dominant will, at the bidding of which all parts of nature have their peculiar move ments, their periods of revolution, their rise and fall," " These alternations of Limestone beds [see above, page 365], full of fossils (shells and zoophytes), prove the slow progression of the series. Each Limestone bed must have taken a long time for its formation, yet many of them alternate with beds of Coal. There are regular shell-beds in the Coal-strata, stretching scores of miles. These shells often have both valves united, like common living muscles on the sea-shore : and [thus it is shown that they] have not been transported. They prove that a few inohes of strata required a time equal to the lives of several generations of these muscles. — Many of the fossil-plants appear not to have drifted from the spots were they grew ; and we have enormous trees, with rings of growth marking their great age : all in the Coal-fields. Yet all the plants are absolutely of extinct species, though of a structure that allows a botanist to reason on their habits. The God of nature is ' without variableness or shadow of turning.* Different species were created to suit different conditions of the earth, air, and sea : but the organs of life were the same ; and of their modes of growth, nutrition, reproduction, v vypZv — Swoyo- vovjjl'ividv\ ; receiving nutriment by night out of the mist which fell from the surrounding air, and being made firm and strong by the heat in the day-time. At last, these embryos [KvoQopovptva] having acquired their full growth and the enveloping membranes being dried up and bursten, all the various forms of animals were brought forth. Of these, those kinds which had partaken of the greatest heating went away to the higher regions, becoming birds : those which retained the earthy constitution were reckoned into the order of creeping animals, and the other kinds which live upon the earth : those which had gotten the greater abundance of a moist nature, ran together to the place of the same watery constitution, and these are called swimmers. The earth being thus continually more and more dried and hardened, by the heat of the sun and the action of the winds, in the end became inca pable of procreating the larger animals : and consequently hence forth all the kinds of animated beings were produced by sexual union with each other." Here, in some manuscripts, a pretty long paragraph follows, in tended to confirm the preceding statements, by affirming that the Egyptians down to the present time produce instances of such generation, in that, after an abundant overflow of the Nile, when it has subsided and the sun has acted upon the putrescent surface, 426 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. an innumerable multitude of mice is brought forth out of the mud. But this passage, though no doubt very ancient, the best critics reject as spurious ; its matter is however taken, almost word for word, from a subsequent part of the same book. The historian then proceeds : " And such are the declarations which we have received con cerning the first production of all things ; [ij vrpwj-jj rmv oAaiv ytvto-ic.] The human creatures produced from this beginning, are said to have existed in a way of life disorderly and brute-like ; wandering dispersed over the verdant plains, and for food seizing upon the plants which they found most agreeable to the taste, and the spontaneous fruits of the trees. Being attacked by wild beasts, they were taught by the sense of mutual advantage to aid each other ; and, being driven by fear to associate, they learned, by slow degrees, to understand one another." Diod. Sic. lib. i. cap. vii. viii The next authority appealed to by the German antibiblicists, is " Plutarch's Treatise on Isis and Osiris." But the reference must have been handed from writer to writer, in the hope that readers would seldom take the trouble of examining it. That tedious treatise consists almost entirely of ridiculous and disgusting tales concerning Osiris and Isis, TyphoD, Horus, Anubis, and their cog nates : and these the moralist declares to be utterly worthless and contemptible, unless regarded as fables, and as he interprets them in a variety of physical, historical, and moral significations. I can discover but two short passages, in which there are any ideas of a cosmogony that could, in even a Blight degree, be imagined to possess affinity to the Mosaic narrative. That the reader may judge, I will cite them. " He who is God is the originating principle," [«ipxi) 6 0t6V yet I fear, Plutarch took the term generally, and without a clear recognition of the Only God : — ] " but every originating principle, by its productive power, multiplies that which issues from itself : and the idea of multiplication we usually denote by the numeral three; as when we use " [the phrases of Homer] " Thrice happy ! and Fetters indeed thrice so many numberless wrap all around him. [Odyss. vii. 340.] Unless it were the fact that the ancients by such expressions meaned literally the number three ; since the natural quality of moisture, being the beginning and producing principle [a'pxij /cat ytviaig] of all things from the beginning, made the three primary bodies, earth, air, and fire." "One might suppose that the Egyptians were peculiarly fond of comparing the nature of the universe to the most beautiful of triangles," [a right angled one :] " one line the male, another the female, and the hypothenuse the offspring of both : and so, Osiris is to be considered as the beginning, Isis as the principle of reception, and Horus as the complete effect." — Then follow some SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. 427 allegorizings of the numbers, three, four, and five ; and of the Egyptian names of Horus and Isis ; summed up by saying " The matter of the world is full, and is composed of the good, the pure, and the well-arranged. It is probable also that Hesiod entertained the same views of producing principles, [apxaf'] mak ing the primary existences [rA wpfflro irdvrd] to be chaos and earth, and tartarus, and love ; since, of these names, we may understand that of the earth to belong to Isis, that of love to Osiris, that of Tartarus to Typhon ; for chaos seems to be put under the whole [or, the universe, to ttov,] as space and place." " Plutarchi Moralia ;" ed. Wyttenbach, vol. ii. pp. 497, 532. Diodorus the Sicilian flourished about 50 years b. o. Plutarch, more than a century later. All the value of their statement de pends therefore upon the authenticity of their sources, which are unknown, though no doubt, mediately or immediately, they were from Egypt: but they are far too late to have the stamp of authority, and we well know that, many centuries before, the ancient learning of the Egyptians had been metamorphosed into fables and allegories. Diogenes Laertius, Porphyry, and Macro- bius, who lived still later, have only repeated less completely what we have already. I have written this long and tiresome note, that my readers may determine for themselves, whether the allegation is not de void of all evidence and probability, that the Mosaic narrative was an offshoot of the Egyptian mythology : the one shining in the most beautiful and majestic simplicity ; the other, artificial, low and paltry, absurd and degrading. Much more reasonable appears the supposition, that the traditions which came from the family of Noah, in the line of the Mizraim (a plural name), were the ground-work upon which the Egyptian priests, after the pre valence of polytheism, built up their system of perversion and disguise. [0.] Referred lo at page 209. ON SOME PASSAGES IN MR. LYELL'S PRINCIPLES 07 GEOLOGY. The allusion here is to some remarks upon Mr. Lyell's chapter v. of book i., published in the " Christian Observer," April, 1843 ; p. 200. It is in no captious spirit, but with sincere respect and solicitude, that I would ask this eminently gifted man, why, in his beautiful chapter (the eighth of book iii.) on the Introduc tion, Extinction, and Vicissitudes of Species, he has made so slight mention of the Almighty Creator 2 He has not said in- 428 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. deed, or implied, that a new species has ever, in the world's his tory, come into being without God as its cause*; but it is painful to see the semblance of reserve on so soul-stirring a theme. He speaks of "admiration — strongly excited, when we contemplate the powers of insect life, in the creation of which nature has been so prodigal."— Nature ? — Creation? 0, why did not his heart grow warm within him, and bound with joy, at the op portunity of doing some homage to the God of glorious majesty 1 Sec. ed. It would have afforded me great pleasure to have can celled the whole of the preceding Note. But my best reflection induces me to let it remain, with a shght alteration, because its silent withdrawal would have left an unwelcome impression with out correction ; and I could scarcely have made intelligible the expression of satisfaction and gratitude that, in the sixth edition Mr. Lyell has in this place put " the Author of Nature :" because also that I could not have expressed my concern at having given pain to the mind of this distinguished philosopher ; since he cannot admit the justice of the censure involved, and he must feel it to be unwarrantably severe and presumptuous to insinuate against him, a Christian and a member of the Church of England, a design of covertly assailing the evidences of Revealed Rehgion. Indeed I cannot charge myself with having made such an insinua tion ; my expressions having imported only the sorrow of heart which I did and still do feel, that his reserve in one respect, and his expressions in another, were likely to be laid hold of by a too numerous class of persons who wish to live without piety and religious self-government, and to whom it is a great object of desire to shake off the authority of Christianity by abrading its evidences. To have it in their power to plead either the concession or the reserve of such a man as Mr. Lyell, is an advantage which ought not to be given them ; for their cause, standing opposed to the clearest moral evidence, to the highest interests of mankind, the purest blessings of the present state, and our noblest expecta tions in the future, is not entitled to such a benefit. Upon the substitution, unhappily so frequent with authors on natural science, of the word Nature for the God of nature, I am desirous of putting the best possible construction, (yet I beg attention to the Note at page 96 ;) especially if authors and readers would take care not to forget the exposition of the term which Lamarck himself has given : — " An order of things constituted by the Supreme Being, and subject to laws which are the expressions of his will." This definition is complete and satisfactory. See the Addenda to these Notes. On the other hand, we ought not to pass with slight disapproba tion, the practice of making references to the Deity with a frequency and hastiness which border upon familiarity, and tend to produce either presumption or hypocritical affectation. SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. 429 With respect to the paper in the "Christian Observer," (excellent in its spirit and design, though I am compelled, by what appears to me evidence, to think its writer greatly in error,) I fear that Mr. Lyell never saw it. What he had expressed in the unguarded manner which " laid him open to painful imputations " was, I am assured, intended to apply to the heathen and, popish pretences to miracles, and to the numerous forms of vulgar superstition. Upon the general subject of these observations, it would be unjust in me not to point out that, in the chapter (III. viii.) which stirred up my painful feelings, the author explicitly calls us to observe the beneficent care of " Providence " which has " put causes in operation" for checking the destruction to men and many animal and vegetable species, from the natural multiplication of Lepidopterous larvae. I will also take out of their connexion (the limits of this note not permitting fuller citations) a few clauses which 1 take blame to myself for not having observed, as fought to have done, before publishing the first edition. — " In no scientific works in our language can more eloquent passages be found, concerning the fitness, harmony, and grandeur of all the parts of creation, than in those of Playfair. They are evidently the unaffected expressions of a mind which contemplated the study of nature as best calculated to elevate our conceptions of the attributes of the First Cause." — Referring to certain cosmological hypotheses, Mr. L. observes, "they had not the smallest foundation, either in Scripture or in common sense." — " When the Author of nature created an animal or a plant, all the possible circumstances in which its descendants are destined to live, are foreseen, and an organization conferred upon it" conformable to the design. — "If the Author of nature had not been prodigal of those numerous contrivances, — r mediately, from " the Father of lights," the ultimate inquiry arises, and by far the most important, What did He design us to understand by it ? What was the intention of the Author of inspiration 1 Of one thing we are certain : His design was not to teach error. But we also know that his modes of teaching are not bound to any prescribed model : he exercised the sovereignty of his wisdom in this, as in every other part of His rectoral system. And we further know that, in all the Mosaic writings, the per fections, purposes, and acts of Deity are represented in language which, though of the lowest condescension, yet is not arbitrary : for the usage rests upon a common principle, analogy, and it is, therefore, capable of being explained upon sure grounds. Justice to my estimable remarker requires that we should hear his answer to this question. " Many eminent divines have even admitted that current opin ions and prejudices, though erroneous, might yet be adopted, and turned into a vehicle of moral and religious instruction to those to whom they were habitual, without derogation to the inspired authority of the teacher.* On such a ground we might certainly be permitted to regard the first chapter of Genesis,t as embodying what were the commonly received ideas among the Jews, borrowed, perhaps, from some poetical cosmogony, and which Moses was inspired to adapt and apply to the ends of religious instruction ; to the assertion of the majesty, power, and unity of the Creator, and the prohibition of the worship of the false gods, especially of those animals and other material objects which were peculiarly * Eelinquishing instances less clear, the following may be mentioned as indubitable examples of our Lord and his apostles acting in this manner ; that is, for the sake of arguing with men upon their own principles, conceding for the moment some assumption of the opponent, though by no means really admitting it. Matt. v. 19, the Pharisaical division of God's commandments into greater and less— a notion very likely to lead into theological and practical error upon the obligations of religion, ib. 22, referring to the process of the Jewish law-courts, xii. 27, seeming to admit the pretenceB of the Jewish exorcists, though they were fraudulent and very pernicious, ib. 43, alluding to the ignorant and superstitious tales of the Jews, about evil spirits haunting lonely and hot sandy deserts, and prowling about to find springs of water ; (see in Apochrypha, Tobit viii. 3, and Baruch iv. 35, derived from a gross misinterpre tation of Isaiah xiii. 21 ; xx. 23 ;) not correcting the error concerning the nature of the Messiah's kingdom, but giving it a turn to a just application, which, at the time, was not likely to be understood ; Luke xxii. 30, quite in the style of those common errors, but which our Lord disarmed of their danger, by converting them to a purpose of spiritual truth, to be afterwards disclosed, GaL iv. 24, " which things are alle. gorized," (unhappily in the English version rendered allegory,) according to a favourite practice of the Jews. We may add, from the Old Testament, the dominion which the Most High exercises over the invisible world represented by a picture, or parable, formed from the scenes of an Asiatic sovereign's court, Job i. and ii. and 1 Kings xxii. 19—23. J. P. S. t With the first three verses of chap. ii. See the much needed instructions of the Archbishop of Dublin, on the evils arising from the preposterous subdivision of the Bible into chapters and'Verses,— " Dangers to Faith," pp. 225—235. J. P. s. 440 SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. pointed out as being merely the creatures of the true God ; and this, doubtless, in a more particular enumeration, because they were especially the objects of that idolatrous worship into which the Israelites were so prone to relapse. The entire description being thus divested of the attributes of a real history, the concluding por tion of it (the account of the solemnization of the seventh day as the sabbath) is, of course, equally divested of an historical charac ter ; and thus cannot be understood as referring to any primaeval institution ; and can, therefore, only be regarded as having been designed for the more powerful enforcement of that institution among the Jews. And this, indeed, would be no more than ac cords with the opinion of many of the most approved commen tators, who, on quite independent critical and theological grounds, have regarded the passage (Gen. ii. 3) conveying that institution, as correctly to be understood in a proleptical or anticipatory sense." (" Connex. Nat. and Div. Truth," p. 257.) This is the hypothesis, taking the whole connected description, " as couched in the language of mythic poetry," yet " not laid down dogmatically, but simply suggested." I offer the following re marks, also begging the reader to refer to page 1 79. 1. We have before pointed out that, in this narrative, there is a measure of the anthropomorphitic style ; pp. 222, 257. 2. The style of speaking used here with regard to natural ob jects, is similar to that which has been exemplified from other parts of the Old Testament, describing natural phenomena, (pp. 227 — 240), and which might be illustrated by many other ex amples. The whole may be considered as constituting the nomen clature of the natural philosophy of the Hebrews. It is evidently the expression of what were the universally received opinions concerning the sun, moon, and stars, the earth, the seas, and the atmosphere, motion and the results of motion ; and every person moderately informed on natural subjects is perfectly aware that those opinions were widely erroneous. Yet this mode of expres sion enters largely into the descriptive parts of the Bible. Being a part of the current language of the Israelites, it was used, by Divine condescension, as the vehicle for the conveyance of spiritual Uuth ; and this principle of condescension we have found to reign throughout the whole domain of revelation. 3. Our duty, then, is to draw the line of distinction between the imperfect vehicle, and the treasure which it carries. This can be effected only by intelligence and consideration. We must urge the fire ; the foreign matter, necessary as a flux, will separate, and the gold will remain at the bottom of the crucible. The process will probably be as follows. In the clauses which attribute human forms, affections, and infirmities to the Deity, we drop all that is human, all that savours of defect or limitation ; and that which remains is the pure truth of the Divine perfections, and their SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. 441 actings. We remove the idea of the Deity's speaking, giving commands to air, land, and water, and pronouncing blessings upon the fishes and the birds ; his watching the subsequent proceeding, as if he were uncertain of its success : and then, after finding the result to be according to the intention, declaring his satisfaction. " God saw that it was good. God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." We renounce all pretension to the finding of astronomical correctness, in relation to the heavenly bodies ; plainly perceiving them to be set forth merely as luminaries, and notaries of time to men. We take up the classification of plants and animals, not as an arrangement making the smallest claim to either completeness or accuracy, but as that which followed the notions of the time. We withdraw the attri buting of repose to Him who "fainteth not, neither is weary," (Is. xl. 28), though the expressions carry the unequivocal impli cation of previous fatigue.* We have therefore made these subtractions ; but what have we subtracted ? Nothing but form and mode ; the substance of the things remains untouched. Then our great question is, What is that substance ? This is the point at issue between me and my respected opponent. • In his view, it is the assertion of the Unity and the Infinite Perfections of God the Creator, and the prohibi tion of idolatry ; in mine it annexes the further declarations, that, whatever number of creations may have been, each had its point of commencement, and some one was pre-eminent, as having been strictly " in the beginning," the first in the order of time, and generically comprehending the principle or germ of all following ; and that the part of the world to which man is immediately allied, and which alone would be understood by the writer and original readers of this composition, did, in six natural days, pass through a series of changes, effected, immediately and mediately, by the Divine power, and here described in the phraseology of the people and the time.t * Learned and pious commentators are often careful to assure us that the intention of the expression is not that of rest after weariness, but merely that of cessation from action. This is their assertion ; but it has no support of evidence. The word occurs in the Pentateuch many times, indubitably denoting the repose of men and cattle after the week's labour ; and that the same idea is ascribed to the Creator, is determined by Exod. xxxi. 17, " In Bix days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed." Besides, the resort is itself fallacious ; for it would be contrary to theological truth to suppose that the Infinite Being ever ceases from action. Perfect and unremitted activity iB included in the necessary attributes of the Divine Nature. It was a maxim of the old divines, that conservation is a con tinued creation. " My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." John v. 17. f It may be objected that I commit a fallacy in laying down these two predicates, since the terms of verse 4th are manifestly intended to comprehend all the heavenly bodies. I reply, that the mention of them is only such as arises from their relation to man, to furnish light, and to be indications for agricultural and social life. Even to the heat of the sun no reference is made — the most vital of its influences ; for it would be absurd to expect any notice of the mechanism of the solar system ; yet, upon the hypotheses of some persons, this was the most to be expected, as being of the highest possible importance, more essential to life than even light. It is also worthy 442 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. Upon the hypothesis of the learned Professor, " the entire de scription is divested of the attributes of a real history ;" " was not intended for an historical narrative ; " " cannot have been designed for literal history ;" and, " taken as a whole, it may be understood as couched in the language of mythic poetry — " A few observations arise. (1.) Mr. Powell does not deny, or question, but expressly affirms the sacred character and divine authority of this scriptural por tion. He regards it "as embodying commonly received ideas, which Moses was inspired to adapt and apply to the ends of religious instruction." (" Connex." p. 257.) I request that this fact may be particularly observed, with reference to the remarks in Lect. VI. pp. 179—182. (2.) Though he has unfortunately, as it appears to me, adopted the term "mythic poetry," he must not be understood as symboliz ing with the men who have filled Germany, and, in a considerable degree, other countries, with their parade of mythi. All nations have had their traditions of events preceding history, adorning their respective countries and remote ancestors with gods and heroes, and deeds of wonder. A word (jivBoc.) which at first signified any interesting speech, came to be applied to these national stories, in the common use of the Greeks.* Sixty to seventy years ago, Heyne led the van to a generalizing of the fact, in a manner so broad, as to imply a rejection of all the primeval revelations from the Deity — the first finks in the unbroken chain which led down to the " grace and truth by Jesus Christ." Soon he found eager followers among his countrymen, always dying of thirst for ri Kaivortpov. Schelling, Eichorn, Gabler, Bauer, and a multitudinous host at their heels, betook themselves to the trum peting abroad that, as the old Egyptians and Persians, Greeks and Romans, Celts, Goths, and Scandinavians, had their stories of heroic times — their mythi, so, beyond a doubt, the ancient Hebrews had. Learning and fancy — aye, talent and genius, too — ran mad. Parallels were found in Grecian fable to all the chief facts in the Old Testament history. Hardened in impiety, and drunken with self-flattery, these adventurers pushed on, till they dreamed that of observation that, in the places of scripture (about twelve) in which any mention occurs of this part of the sun's influence, it is generally under the idea of physical evil, from tho excess of heat. This was quite natural in such countries as Palestine and Arabia, admitting the style of writing to have been what I plead for ; but quite unnatural upon the principles of those who ascribe philosophical accuracy to the lan guage of the Bible. I am aware of only two places in which a beneficial influence is attributed to the sun's heat, Job viii. 16, Ps. xix. 6 ; and it is not clear that the first of these does not refer to the withering and burning action, and the second to the penetrating power of excessive heat, as sometimes painful. * 3Lq$lo. Se K\^iPT€A -n-apdyoura MY0OIS. " And wisdom with her mythi, gently beguiles." Find. Nem. vii. 33. SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. 443 they had stormed the citadel, had exploded either the death or the resurrection of Jesus, (it mattered not which ;) and so had only to sit down on the ruins of human hope, and proclaim the reign of anti- supernaturalism, soon to be followed by nominal pantheism and real atheism. " Mythi," said they, " are historical tales [sagen] concerning the most ancient history of the earth and of men, particularly of single tribes or nations, united with conjectures and theories in the garb of histories, upon cosmogony and geogony, the physical causes of things, and the objects of sense, all worked up into the miraculous, and by degrees dressed out in a variety of ways."* Another of the same school is pleased to say, " Every system of religion which professes to be derived from a superna tural and immediate revelation of the Deity, was enrapt in mythic representations."t I feel no little pleasure in saying, that not only am I persuaded that my excellent opponent ( shall I call him 1 — or rather, fellow-helper in the attempt to elucidate a confessedly difficult part of Scripture,) — is not to be involved in these representations. Far, very far from it. He maintains the inspiration of the narrative, and, pf course, the divine commission of Moses, its author or editor. Neither can I give up to the disguised infidel party, the long-ago deceased Alexander Geddes, the learned, nobly upright, and richly instructive man, notwithstanding eccentricities much to be lamented, — who wrote thus upon the passage before us. "I believe it to be a most beautiful mythos, or philosophical fiction, contrived with great wisdom, dressed up in the garb of real history, adapted to the shallow intellects of a rude barbarous nation, and perfectly well calculated for the great and good purposes for which it was contrived ; namely, to establish the belief of One Supreme God and Creator, in opposition to the various and wild systems of idolatry which then prevailed ; and to enforce the observance of a periodical day, to be chiefly devoted to the service of that Creator, and the solacing repose of his creatures." He then enlarges upon the propriety and convincing power of introducing in this manner the created beings, which the narrative particularizes, as they were those which the Israehtes had seen to be the especial objects of the Egyptian idolatry : — and he adds, — "This hypothesis of a mere poetical mythos, historically adapted to the senses and intellects of a rude unphilosophical people, will remove every obstacle, obviate every objection, and repel every sarcasm ; whether it come from a Celsus or Porphyry, a Julian, or a Frederic, a Boulanger or a Bolingbroke." ("Transl. of the * " Hebraische Mythologie, u. s. f.") " Hebrew Mythology of the Old and New Testa ment," by Geo. Laur. Bauer, Prof, of Logic (!) and Oriental Languages in the Univ. oi Altdorf, [afterwards at Heidelberg,] 2 vols. Leipzig, 1802, vol. i. p. 3. He died in 1805. f " QuEevis religionis doctrina, a supernaturali et immediata quadam numinis revelatione repetita, mythis involuta fuit." Wegscheider, " Instit. Theol." cap. i. § 8. Halle, 1829. 444 SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. Bible," vol i. " Critical Remarks :" inserted also in Bees's Cyclo paedia, art. " Creation ;" and in Mason Good's " Life of jieddes," p. 344.) (3.) The capital point in question i3 thus ably displayed. After touching upon other proposed elucidations of Gen. i., the Professor proceeds : — " To this list we have now to add the interpretation just stated," [that of these pages,] " differing in its details indeed, but still founded upon the like critical distinctions, put forth as what Moses intended to say. Now, as in referring to those former instances, so in the present, I enter into no question, whether the word rendered 'create' may not more properly be translated 'mould' or 'arrange;' whether 'light' signify illumination from one source or another ; whether ' darkness ' means the absence of hght, or only a partial obscuration. With all these, and the like questions, I have no concern. Let the whole narrative, taken together, be read through by any unbiassed person of common capacity and the most ordinary degree of taste and feeling ; and let him be asked, I do not say whether the ordinary acceptation of every word be rigidly correct ; but whether the entire impres sion of its tenor be not something wholly at variance with all such laboured verbal criticisms ; whether the matchless sublimity of the whole representation, when simply received, be not such as to leave on the mind little less than a sense of disgust, when we hear attempts thus made to refine away all that is most majestic in its imagery, as well as most strikingly appropriate to the particular object for which it was designed. It is only necessary once to read the comment along with the simple text, to feel the former equally at variance with common sense and correct taste." (" Suppl. to Trad. Unveiled," p. 33.) Let me be heard in reply. {a.) There are some oversights in the sketch of particulars held forth as characters of my " critical distinctions," if they must be so called. I do not stop to point them out : if the reader please, he can compare them with the passages alluded to. For further explanation, I beg recurrence to a former part of this note, and to page 183. (b.) I cannot perceive that the impression of grandeur and sub limity, upon readers of taste and feeling, is weakened, or that common sense is shocked, when in reading this document we believe that those to whom it was first given understood it accord ing to their own ideas of the forms and motions and extent of the universe ; ideas suited to the infancy of the human race. To perceive its magnificence, to enjoy its picturesque beauty, am I obliged to fly to one or other extreme ; to take it, either as in every part literally true, or as merely a visionary tablet 1 (c.) Much more should I conceive that the feelings of admira tion at what is great and sublime, are enhanced by superadding SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. 445 those of love and reverence for truth ; and that those feelings would be repressed and broken, to a most distressing degree, by the notion intruding, that this unique composition, this model of unrivalled simplicity, the product of Divine inspiration, the portal to the temple, the beginning of those writings by which Infinite Benevolence is enlightening us and guiding us to eternity ; — that this composition possesses no historical truth, and is only a mythus, a parable, a fable ! Let me entreat my excellent remarker to con sider in his own impartial manner, what would have been the effect upon an ingenuous Hebrew child, of being told that the reason given, in the name of God himself, " for the more powerful enforcement" of the sabbatic institution, represented no true fact, and therefore was only an instructive parable. {d.) I can imagine no reason why we should be warned off from this plot of sacred ground, and prohibited to apply to it the same means of understanding and interpreting which we do to all ancient writings, and in particular to the Scriptures. This is all that I have done ; and the reasons are, at every step, laid open to the reader. (e.) That a description which is immediately adapted to the confined knowledge of a rude people, should yet, without any enigmatical device, but when only analysed and impartially ex pounded, be found not contradictory to the discoveries of the most advanced age ; — surely may be regarded as not unworthy of the Author of knowledge, and as even what it would be natural to anticipate in any documents of written revelation. Some such position as this is the correlate of the great duty of " searching the Scriptures." The greatest theological mind (we tpoi SoksX) of modern times wrote, nearly a century ago, " The Scriptures, in all their parts, were made for the use of the Church here on earth ; and it seems reasonable to suppose that God will, by degrees, unveil their meaning to his Church. It [the meaning] was made mysterious, in many places having great difficulties ; that his people might have exercise for their pious wisdom and study, and that his Church might make progress in the understanding of it ; as the philosophical world makes progress in the understanding of the book of nature, and in the unfolding of its mysteries." (Pres. Jonath. Edwards.) The divinely designed relation of the more advanced parts of revelation to the early and imperfect, requires us to generalize the axiom, which one of the ornaments of Oriel has propounded with regard to the Mosaic ritual : " Its ' dumb elements' are made animated and eloquent, when the Truth comes to act upon them with its light. They are like the statue, which had its chords wrought within, but was mute till the morning sun struck upon them." (Davison on " Proph." p. 139.) (/.) If any want of judgment, taste, or ieeling attach to the considering of the first sentence in this narrative as an indepen- 44G SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. dent proposition, this defect has belonged to others before me, or they have closely approached to it ; ancients and moderns, Chris tian fathers, Roman Catholics and Protestants, Churchmen and Dissenters, divines and philosophers. (See pp. 164 — 168 ; Rees'B Cyclop. Art. Creation ; Good's " Life of Geddes," pp. 333, 345.) I must own that, to my conception, the grandeur and sublimity are increased by this insulation of the sentence. The eminent Bible-scholar and orthodox divine, Seiler, distinguishes the text in this manner; and he was a man of no common judgment and taste in literature. (" Grossere Biblische Erbauungsbuch," i. 3.) {g.) The Professor has said, — "The sure monuments which we derive from the study of organic remains, disclose to us evidences of 'a series of gradual changes and repeated creative processes, going on without any one sudden universal intervention or crea tion of the existing world out ofthe ruins of a former." ("Connex. p. 254.) Now, I cannot perceive that the language of Gen. i. is inconsistent with this view. The first verse, " the general propo sition," affirms that there was a beginning, " an epoch, a point in the flow of infinite duration, when the whole of the dependent world, or whatever portion of it first had existence, was brought into being, — by the will, wisdom, and power of the One and Only God." (P. 244 of this book.) The Professor, when he speaks of " creative processes," unquestionably understands interventions of the Deity, direct acts of power essentially different from any kind of generative evolutions. Why, then, may not the recited occur rences of the six days have been such a series, extending over that portion of the earth's surface in which man, with his appropriate attendance of organized creatures, was to receive " life and breath, and all things " from his Creator j — I can perceive in this no infringement of common sense, no invasion of taste, no sacrifice of the beautiful, or frittering away of the sublime. The proposi tion remains, that there is One Universal Creator, whatever may have been the periods of time, or parts of space, or spots on our earth, in which it has pleased him thus to "manifest forth his glory." Professor Powell has referred, with high but merited encomium, ' to the Address of the Rev. W. Vernon Harcourt, (mentioned in the notes at pp. 259 and 380,) as maintaining, " in its grand principles," the view which he had given. In this edition, I have enlarged the previous quotation from that address, so as to include the passage alluded to. (See Supplementary Note F, p. 380.) The reader may see in that extract, that Mr. Harcourt appears to have been directing his discourse chiefly to the confutation of such as imagine that they find time enough for the successive stratifica tions and the imbedded fossils, in the six days, or in a year, or in two thousand years ; probably referring to those who regard the duration of Noah's deluge, or the antediluvian period, as adequate SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. 447 for the purpose. He considers the days as a figurative expression, denoting six classes of phenomena, each class being an act of the Creator's power. This is not a total denial of historical truth in the narrative : it is interpretation, and it is giving an exposition to the words. It seems very different from regarding the six days as fiction and fable, the machinery of mythic poetry. A definite signification is assigned to the days: each day denotes a class; and each class is an act. This is what I do not understand. That a class of phenomena should be an act, seems incongruous : but, no doubt, the intention was to signify the effect of acts of power. It would not be easy to make the classifications supposed, for there are at least ten distinct objects, or groups of objects, enumerated in the text. But, be that as it might, the proposed explication refers to certain actual facts, assumed to have taken place sepa rately and successively. I think it lies open to the principle of Mr. Powell's objection, as much as mine does. Mr. W. Harcourt supposes each day to signify an act, inadvertently confounding the idea of time with the ideas of space and motion. My supposi tion is, that, in making fit and suitable the portion of the earth designed for the original seat of the human family, the Creator was pleased to distribute the operations into six successive and properly connected daily portions ; having the wisest reasons for this arrangement. This involves no perplexity about time requisite for chemical or electric action, or any development whatever of second causes : for, admitting and maintaining their action, the principal object to be considered is the creative cause, which we all, I trust, agree to be the immediate action of the Demy. The mode of such action must be inconceivable by us : but we are sure that it oan be no other than worthy of Infinite Perfection ; and that, whether the casual act be instantaneous, or through any succession of moments, it is the best adapted to the end, and infallibly efficient of that end. Upon the distribution of opera tions, and the dramatic style of narration (found in Herodotus, Homer, and all archaic compositions,) in which this " excellency of the power " is expressed, see pp. 257 and 295. Notwithstanding Mr. Harcourt's flood of splendid eloquence, and the acclamations which it instantaneously drew from the vast auditory, — (of which, how many were qualified to judge, and that in a moment, upon a question of Biblical philology 1) — I must confess my conviction that his argument failed. He adduced pas sages from the book of Job, those cited in p. 231 of this volume, with others, for a literal understanding of which no person con tends ; he observed that " here we have the first account of the Creation of the World, proceeding, as it were, from the mouth of the Creator himself;'' and then his,, reasoning was that, since this must be taken as entirely figurative, we are authorized and bound to understand figuratively the description in " that other 448 SUPPLEMENTAEY NOTES. most ancient book" — the Genesis. That I may not deprive the argument of any measure of its force, I annex the passages ad ditional to those already in my pages, and a few lines of the im passioned appeal which followed. " It speaks of Him ' who hangeth the earth upon nothing,' who ' maketh a weight for the winds, and weigheth the waters by measure.' In that book, I say, we have the first account of the creation of the world, proceeding as it were from the mouth of the Creator himself. ' The Lord answered Job out of the whirl wind, and said, Where wast thou, when I laid the foundations of the earth < Declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest 1 Or who hath stretched the line upon it ? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened 1 Or who laid the corner-stone thereof; when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy ? Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it brake forth as if it had issued from the womb 1 When I made the cloud the garment thereof, and thick darkness a swaddling band for it ; and brake up for it my decreed place, and set bars and doors, and said, Hither shalt thou come, but no further ; and here shall thy proud waves be stayed.' (Job xxxviii.) Take, then, these 'thoughts that breathe, and words that burn ;' and compress them, if you can, into some true or some fanciful system of science. Teach us where to find 'the house wherein darkness dwelleth,' to 'bind the sweet influ ence of the Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion.' Explain to us, with respect to one of God's creatures, what the natural process is, by which he ' drinketh up a river and hasteth not ;' and of another, how ' his breath kindleth coals, and a flame goeth out of his mouth.' — Then take credit to yourself for vindicating the truth of Scripture : and, when you have thus illustrated a composition by the side of which, till you touched it, the images of Homer and Pindar seem but as prose, go on ; instruct us how to interpret that other most ancient book, recorded, it has been thought, by the very same hand." — Now the fallacy, into which the deservedly honoured philosopher had fallen, lies plainly in his having overlooked the change of meaning in one of his terms. All agree that metaphors are not to be understood literally ; and, that these passages in the book of Job are metaphors, is evident. The conclusion then, with re gard to them, is good. But, in applying this to the verse of Genesis, he has assumed what cannot be granted him ; sliding in a change of his middle term. The middle jterm, in the valid syllogism, is metaphorical language ; but, in the second case, it is the phraseology repeated six times in Gen. i. — " And it was evening, and it was morning, day the first, — second,"