Yale L' n i v e rs 1 1 v L i b ra r v I 39002007044457 • • ~:"£givsifefemeks^^^M^ '¥^LIEo¥MII¥IEI^SIT¥- '¦••\oi3iiyw8rar • BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE Henry W. Scott, Jr. Fund wyjwpww.wa THE MINUTE MAN STATUE. THE HISTORY OF CONCORD MASSACHUSETTS VOLUME I COLONIAL CONCORD BY ALFRED SERENO HUDSON Author of "History of Sudbury, Mass." "The Annals of Sudbury, Wayland and Maynard." " History of the First Cojigrega'. tional Church, Ayer, Mass." " Memoirs of Luther ;... Blanchard, Fifer of the Acton Minutemeh, April 19, 1775." The Erudite Press Concord, Massachusetts 1904 Alfred Sereno Hudson 9ci«CC«V#tft0 of t1)t Original Gv.tuttttt of ConrorO, AND OF OTHERS WHO EARLY WENT TO THE TOWN, AND BY THEIR TOILS AND PRAYERS CONTRIBUTED TO ITS ESTABLISHMENT AND PERMANENT SUCCESS, THIS BOOK IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY THE aw> w§ o z ag wzH PREFACE The town of Concord is probably as attractive in histori cal features as any in this country. Its early connection with the American Revolution ; its association with the life and works of Emerson, Haw thorne, Thoreau and other distinguished authors ; and its having formerly been the County Seat of old Middlesex all contribute to make the place notable. It is thronged annually with thousands of visitors, some mere sightseers, some seeking inspiration from the shrines visited, some to say they have been to Concord. The History of Concord written by Lemuel Shattuck and published in 1835, is not now easily obtainable. Only a few copies, if any, of the work of Charles H. Walcott, Esq., remain unsold ; and the historical sketches of Rev. Grindall Reynolds, D. D., and the Hon. John S. Keyes were written for the Histories of Middlesex County, which are too bulky and expensive for common use. Besides these standard works, nothing that we are aware of has been published of the town's consecutive annals, except occasional pamphlets and addresses. Because of these things we believe an available History may be desirable, and by the preparation of these pages we have sought to supply it. The work is designed to be in two volumes ; the first entitled Colonial Concord: the second, Provincial Concord. Volume 1 includes the annals of the town from its origin in 1635, untill 1692, at which time the Massachusetts Bay Colony became a Province, together with brief biographical sketches of the original grantees. Volume II. will include the annals from 1692 through the Provincial period to the close of the Revolutionary war. Volume I is divided into two parts. The first contains the story of the settlement setting forth the leading facts in the town's history, so far as known, to the year 1655. In this portion of the work the writer has employed both fact and fiction ; but in such a manner as to enable the reader easily to distinguish the one from the other. This Prefc ace method has been adopted because many of the early records were lost, and it is designed to supply the deficiency, as relates to manners and customs, by conjecture based on analogy as these were known to exist in other towns at the same time. The second part is pure history. The facts are mainly given in chronological order and to a large extent set forth by copies of original records and ancient papers with refer ences to the places where they are found. A work on local history to be in the highest degree instructive should be more than a mere compilation of dates, statistics, and isolated facts, valuable only to anti quaries and genealogists. It should have such a back ground or setting of general history as will give the reader an intelligent understanding of the causes and results of the local events described. For this reason, in instances where an occurrence is promi nently connected with events in the country at large, the latter have been sufficiently described to show the relation ship of one to the other. No claim is made to great original research. The field of Concord history has been too carefully harvested in the past, to leave much opportunity for the gleaner to gather new sheaves, or to find much rich aftermath. We have collected our material from every available source whether of records, manuscript, publication or tradition. We have avoided dogmatic assertion and have intended to state hypo- thetically whatever is doubtful or unsettled. Prominent among the writers of local history from whom we have quoted are those of Lemuel Shattuck, Charles E. Walcott, Esq. Rev. Grindall Reynolds, D. D. Hon John S. Keyes, and Albert E. Wood. We have also received valuable suggestions from the late Alfred Hosmer, and are also indebted to the historian, Rev. G. M. Bodge, to the Littleton Historical Society, and others whose services have been kindly proffered and gratefully received. Preface in That the work is free from errors it would be presump tion to assert. ' No prudent writer of local history would make pretence to this. Neither do any who are charitably disposed and have had experience in the difficult work of the local annalist presume to judge the work of another from the standpoint of perfect accuracy. There are many sub jects which will always be matters of doubt and controversy. Evidence considered admissible by some might be rejected by others ; and cases may occur when the evidence is consid ered about equal on either side. This work has been written from the position of one who has great reverence for the religious faith of the fathers, and who recognizes in this faith a strong factor in whatever of greatness has accrued to us, as a Nation. And if bringing out the facts, many of. which are too little known, shall lead to a higher appreciation of the fathers and of the faith that made them what they were, one great object of the author will be accomplished. A. S. H. iw^K. • ¦•«&¦ Kit; Kfv ^ " ^9 1 HP^B B"5wfc ^ . .' V' \--s&* IP F mm wftiTO > .(,. P ttS* ^^NflH ?* •rfj '^-'-WSlS^*' - THE BATTLE GROUND. CONTENTS Page CHAPTER I. A Traveler's Visit to an Early Homestead at Concord, Massachu setts. Scene at a Settler's Fireside. Company Expected. Strange Sounds and Sights Talked about. Town Meeting Topics Discussed. Description of Concord in the Present. Objects of Historic Interest. The North Bridge. Houses of the Revolutionary Period. The Wright Tavern. First Parish Meeting House. Antiquarian House. Meriam's Corner. i CHAPTER II. Places of Classic Interest. The "Old Manse." Home of Ralph Waldo Emerson. The "Orchard House." The "Wayside." Walden Pond. Thoreau's House. The Home of Frank B. Sanborn. Old Burying Grounds. Sleepy Hollow. Natural Objects. o CHAPTER III. Origin of Settlement. Early Results. Erection of "Corn Mill." Meeting House. Parsonage. Resumption of Traveler's Narrative. Coming from Watertown. First Conference with the Concord Colonists. Visit to the Home of William Hartwell. Indian Mis sion Service at Nashawtuc. 20 CHAPTER IV. Tahatawan's Wigwam. Supper Served by Squaws. Rev. John Eliot Preaching by Candlewood Light. Tribal Relations of the Mus- ketequids. Stone Relics.and Sites of Indian Villages. Spread of Christianity among the Concord Aborigines. Nashoba. Exile of Christian Indians to Deer Island. Humane Efforts of John Hoar in their Behalf. 27 CHAPTER V. Duck Hunting. River Scenery. Beaver Dam. Indian Granary. Sweating Pit. Mysterious Sight upon the Meadows. Arrival at the Manse. 37 ix L intents Page CHAPTER VI. Informal Talk Preparatory to Town Meeting. The Apparition. Exodus of Concord Settlers to Connecticut. Statement of Rev. Cotton Mather. Effect of the Exodus on the Laity. The Town Meeting. 45 CHAPTER VII. Scene by the Wayside. Home of Timothy Wheeler. Evening Talk by the Fireplace. Statements of John Scotchford. Cause of the Settlement of Concord. 54 CHAPTER VIII. Continued Account of Colonial Child Life. Synopsis of Events the First Year at the Musketequid Settlement. Purchase of Territory from the Indians. Plan of the Township. Names of the Original Grantees. Description of the Journey from Watertown to Concord. 60 CHAPTER XI. Character of the First Houses. Food, Clothing, Occupation. Prepara tions for Cold Weather. The Setting in of Winter. Trials and Amusements. The Coming of Spring. Scenes along the Muskete quid. 69 CHAPTER X. Capture of Fish. Breakfast Table of Timothy Wheeler. Morning Walk Through the Woods. Visit at the Simon Willard Homestead. Historic Sketch of Major Simon Willard. Description of Colonial Farm Houses. 78 CHAPTER XI. Domestic Products. Reminiscent Effect of Madam Willard's Dutch cheese. Conversation upon Colonial Drinking Customs. Clerk of the Writs. Legal Fees. Furnishings of Early Farm Houses; Light ing Appliances. Table Ware, Fireplace Utensils, Room Decora tions. Class Distinctions. 87 CHAPTER XII. Talk at Nashawtuc. Fire of Candle Wood. Nantatucket. Municipal management at Musketequid. Division of Concord into "quarters-" Limits and Inhabitants. Committee on Rules regulating Highways and Bridges. Location of Homesteads. Early Roads. 96 CHAPTER XIII. Sites of Ancient Highways. Their Reminiscent Character. Vestiges of Old Homesteads. Earth Dents. Traces of Old "Tavern Stand" Shoemaker's Shop, Laborer's Cottage, The Dame School. 104 Contents xi PAGi CHAPTER XIV. The Haunted House. Casting of the Yarn Ball. The "Witch Call". Adventurous Search for an Apparition. Explanations Relative to Houses said to be Haunted. 115 CHAPTER XV. Bridges. Their Associations. Rules for the Care of Concord Bridges. The Historic "Old North Bridge". Its Environment. Graves of British Soldiers. The South Bridge. Its Sucessors. Other Bridges. 123 CHAPTER XVI. A Sunday with the Settlers. Walk to Church. Description of the Meeting House. The Service. Colonial Church Edifices. Quaint Accompaniments. Early Ecclesiastical Objects, Customs, Influences. Their Value. Succession of Concord Meeting Houses. 130 CHAPTER XVII. Visit to the Home of Goodman George Heywood. Talk with Miller William Buss. Ramble about the Mill Pond. Flint's Pond. His tory of the Bulkeley Grist Mill. Succession of Millers. Stroll about Concord Center. Description of the Mill Pond. 151 CHAPTER XVIII. Description of Village at Concord Center in Early Times. Streets. House Lots. Robert Meriam's Store. Street Scene. Tavern. Landlord William Buss. Rules and Regulations of Ordinaries. Old Time Taverns at Concord. 163 CHAPTER XIX. The New England Village. Its Origin and Equipment. The Village Doctor. His Medicines and Charges. Early Physicians of Con cord : Read, Prescott, Minot, Heywood. The Village Magistrate. Condition of Colonial Jurisprudence. First Lawyer at Concord. History of John Hoar. 175 CHAPTER XX. Goodman Baker's Husking Party. Colonial Corn Fields. Invitations. Culinary Preparations. Red Ears. Social- Sports. Fireside Talk of the Old Folks. Sign seen by Betsey Billings. Origin of New England Witchcraft. Recital of Strange Event by Simeon Slowgo. Story of Tilly Temple. The Surprise. Early Judicial Attitude toward Witchcraft. Efforts of the Clergy for its Abolition. 188 xii Contents Page CHAPTER XXI. Return to the East Quarter. Forest Ride. Game Birds. Goodwife Hartwell's Kitchen. Cooking by the Fireplace. Evening Talk of the Farm Folks. Laws Relative to Domestic Animals. Historic Sketch of Hartwell Family. Visit at Home of Constable Thomas Brooks. His Official Duties. Rules Relative to Colonial Dress. Homestead of Goodman William Hunt. Early Military Matters. History of the Hunt Family. 200 CHAPTER XXII. Visit at Goodman William Buttrick's. His History. Situation of his House. Reflections upon a Prospective Wedding. Historic Sketch of Thomas Brooks. Curious Laws and Customs relative to Mar riage. Bachelors, Match Making, Widowers. Wedding Gifts. Attendance on "Lecture day" Service. Its Nature and Importance. Religious Character of the Colonists. Care of the Poor. Visit at the Home of Goodman Richard Rice. 212 CHAPTER XXIII. A Wedding at the House of Goodman John Miles. Description of Bride's and Bridegroom's Dress. The Marriage Ceremony. Throwing the Garter. Situation of the Miles' Homestead. Historic Sketch of John Miles. Visit at the home of Thomas Flint Esquire ; His Official Duties. As Assistant. As Commissioner. Early Colonial Law Books. Primitive Courts and Court Practices. Talk Relative to Servants. 222 CHAPTER XXIV. Funeral at the House of a Cottager. Absence ef Floral Tributes and Artificial Adornments. Sad and Simple Services. The Burial. The Procession to the Grave. Talk with the "Saxton" in the Burying Ground. Early Colonial Funeral Customs. The Bearers, Mort Cloth, Mourning Gloves, Scarfs and Rings. Grave Stones and Epitaphs. Start for the Flint Homestead. Evening Adventure by the Way. The Strange Surprise. A Pleasant Discovery. Enter tained by Nantatucket and Tissansquaw. 233 CHAPTER XXV. Arrival at theFlint Farm. Sunday Morning in a Home of Colonial Con cord. Start for Meeting. Gathering of the Worshipers. Neigh borly Inquiries. The Church Service. The Sermon. Singing. The Noon Intermission. Catechistical Exercise. Afternoon Service! Colonial Church Customs. Sacred Music. Succession of Singing Books. "Lining off". Triple Time. "Fuging." Pitch Pipes Contents xiii Page Introduction of Musical Instruments. Talk with Goodman James Hosmer. Conversation Relating to the Installation of Rev. Peter Bulkeley. Facts of History Concerning this Subject. 245 CHAPTER XXVI. Visit at the home of Goodman James Hosmer. Reflections upon the Settler's Fireplace. Invitation to Humphrey Barrett's Log Rolling. Situation of the Hosmer Farm. Outline of Hosmer History. The Old House Site. Scenes at the Log Rolling. Early Forestry. Care of Concord's Poor. Process of Clearing New Lands. Facts Rela tive to the Barrett Family. 253 CHAPTER XXVII. invitation to visit the "Blood Farms." Homestead of a "Borderer" or "Outdweller". Pastoral Visitation with Parson Bulkeley and Dea con Griffin. Religious Exercise at the house of Goodman Thomas Dakin. Use of Ardent Spirit. Possible Mistakes about Ministerial Drinking Habits. Social Standing of the Clergy. Safeguards against abusing Clergymen. Installation Dinners. Relation of Pastor to his Parish. The Dakin Family. Legend of Hidden Treas ure. 263 CHAPTER XXVIII. Early Record Relating to the Concord Plantation. Permission to Pur chase Territory. Land Sale. Indian Deed. Depositions Confirma tory of Title to the Township. Original Boundary. Additional Land Grants. Petitions to the General Court. 273 CHAPTER XXIX. Land Allotments and Divisions. Early Records Relating to Real Estate. Public Reservations. Undivided Territory. Location of Land Tracts. Amount of Acreage. The grant of Thirty-one Acres to Rev. Peter Bulkeley. 282 CHAPTER XXX Successive Ownership of Land Grants. Historic Sketch of the Major Simon Willard Farm at Nashawtuc. Change of Occupants of Old Estates. 292 CHAPTER XXXI. Old Houses. The Elisha Jones House. The Block House. Hunt House. Abel Hosmer House. Wheeler House. Joseph Hosmer House. Woods House. Buttrick House. Barrett House. Old Manse. Wright Tavern. The Colonial. The Meriam, Tuttle, Fox, Brown, Heywood, Beal, Bull, and Alcott Houses. Ancient xiv Contents PAGB House Sites. Site of the Rev. Peter Bulkeley Parsonage. Site of the Major Simon Willard House. Deserted Districts and their Sug- gestiveness. 300 CHAPTER XXXII. Development of the Settlement. Indications of Progress. Various Hindrances. Discouraging Report. Unsatisfactory Condition of the River Meadows. Measures taken for a Betterment of the Meadows. Unproductive Uplands. Emigration to Connecticut. The Town's Recuperative Energy. Condition in 1654. 316 CHAPTER XXXIII. Death of Mr. Thomas Flint and the Rev- Peter Bulkeley. Departure from Concord of Major Simon Willard. Walcott's description of the Nature and Value of Major Willard's Public Services. Biograph ical Sketches of Thomas Flint Esquire and the Rev. Peter Bulkeley. 321 CHAPTER XXXIV. Settlement of Rev. Edward Bulkeley. Rev. Joseph Estabrook called as Colleague Pastor. Measures taken for their Maintenance. Bio graphical Sketches of Rev. Edward Bulkeley. Peter Bulkeley Esquire. Acquisition of New Territory. Stow, Littleton, Carlisle and Acton. Iron Industry. -342- XXXV. King Philip's War. Activity Preparatory to its Coming. The Part taken in the Conflict by Concord. Its Cause. The Havoc. Con dition of the Counry at the Outbreak of Hostilities. The State of Society. The Town's Means of Defense. Its Militia, Its Garrison Houses. The Foot Company. The Troop of Horse. Means Pro vided for the Relief of Refugees. Miscellaneous Military Matters. 342 CHAPTER XXXVI. Authentic Account of the Hutchinson Expedition to Brookfield by Cap tain Thomas Wheeler. The Ambuscade. The Attack. The Escape. The Siege of the Garrison House. Ephraim Curtis the Sudbury Scout. The Rescue by Major Simon Willard. 354 CHAPTER XXXVII. Devout Nature of the "Narrative" by Captain Thomas Wheeler. Religious Character of the Colonial Soldiers. Instances of Alleged Divine Interpretation. Original Title of the Wheeler Document. Pacific Object of the Hutchinson Expedition. Preparatory Work by the Sudbury Scout. Salutary Effect of the Disaster. Biograph ical Sketches of Captain Thomas Wheeler, Simon Davis, and Ephraim Curtis. Names of Soldiers Credited for Services about Brookfield. 3g. Contents xv Page CHAPTER XXXVIII. Removal of the Christian Indians from Nashoba to Concord. Indian Mission Work. The Establishment of Christian or Praying Indians in Villages or Towns. The Character and Conduct of the Chris tian Indians. Their Fidelity and Service to the English. Rules for their Restraint. Humane Act of John Hoar. Circumstances Ex planatory of Harsh Treatment of the Christian Indians by the Col onial Communities. Historic Sketch of Indian Mission Work at Nashoba by Herbert Joseph Harwood of Littleton. Disposition of the Nashoba Territory. 377 CHAPTER XXXIX. The Narragansett Campaign. Its Object and Nature. Names of Con cord Soldiers. Company in which they Served. The Officers. Return of Order of Concord Committee of Militia. Object of the Expedition. The Swamp Fort. The Wintry March from Dedham Plain. The Fight. Description by Rev. G. M. Bodge. Casualties to the Concord Soldiers. Burial of the Dead. The Return March. Comments on Criticism of Conduct of the Campaign. Account of Petitions for Land Grants. Concord Names in List of Land Claimants. The "Long" or "Hungry "March. Authentic Account of the Swamp Fight by Capt. James Oliver. 393 CHAPTER XL. The Advance of the English to the Nipmuck Country. Movement of Canonchet. Indian Depredations in the Spring of 1675-6. Their Descent upon Concord Villiage. Isaac and Jacob Shepard slain. Mary Shepard made Captive. Place of the Tragedy. Description of the Event. The Escape of Mary Shepard. The Removal of the Nashoba Indians from Concord. Sketch of Capt. Samuel Mosely. His Antecedents. Character of His Soldiers. 409 CHAPTER XLI. Movements of the Indians after the Narragansett Campaign. Expedi tion into the Nipmuck Country. Dismissal of Soldiers from Gar rison Houses. The Disastrous Results. Advance of the Indians to the Eastward. The Alarm. The Starting of Relief Companies. Soldiers from Boston, Watertown and Concord. Capt. Samuel Wadsworth's Command. His Arrival at Marlborough. The Return to Sudbury. The Ambuscade. The Wadsworth Fight at Green Hill. The Forest Fire. The Rout. Escape to the Mill at Hop Brook. Burial of the Slain. The Woodland Grave. Siege of the Haynes House. Attempted Rescue by the Concord Men. Am buscade of the Concord Soldiers. The Route Taken to Sudbury. 417 xvi Contents Page CHAPTER XL1I. The Attack Upon Lancaster. Capture of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. Efforts for Her Release. Heroic Services of Thomas Doublet or Nepanet. Humane Work of John Hoar, Esq. The Process of Ransom. Extracts from the Book of Removes. Rowlandson Rock. 438 CHAPTER XLIII. List of Names of Concord Soldiers in King Philip's War. Miscellaneous Services of the Town. Incidental Hardships. The Loss of Men. Biographical Sketches of the Killed and Wounded. 452 CHAPTER XLIV. Historical Sketches of Major Simon Willard, Lieut. Edward Oakes, Lieut. Simon Davis, Capt. Thomas Brattle. 463 CHAPTER XLV. Changed Condition of the Colony at the Close of King Philip's War Process of Recuperation. Erection of a New Meeting House. Evangelical Character of the Concord Church. Progress in Educational Affairs. Early Circulating Library. Donation of Land by Capt. Timothy Wheeler. Real Estate Transactions. Adjustment of Riparian Rights of the Bulkeley Mill Privilege. Settlement of the Controversy Concerning the Blood Farms. His torical Sketch of the Blood Family- Indian Deeds in Confirmation of Old Titles. 475 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. THE MINUTE MAN Frontispiece PAGE The Battle Monument v The Battle Ground ix The Virginia Road xix Old Map xxi Fireplace in the Meriam House Kitchen i Graves of British Soldiers 5 The Old Manse 9 South Bridge 1 3 Residence of Frank B. Sanborn 1 3 Emerson's Grave 17 Hawthorne's Grave 17 The Public Library (9 Main Street, Opposite Public Library 19 ¦ The Old Burying Ground 21 The Concord River, From Nashawtuc Hill 27 Egg Rock 37 Tablet Marking The Site of The Peter Bulkley Parsonage 45 Tablet Marking Site of Concord's First Town House 45 Meriam' s Corner 55 Ralph Waldo Emerson, portrait 61 The Home of Ralph Waldo Emerson 69 The Library of "Ralph Waldo Emerson 79 Tablet of First Parish Meeting House 87 ¦• Centennial North Bridge 97 The Old Malboro Road 105 Birthplace of Henry D. Thoreau 1 15 JThe North Bridge 123 First Parish Meeting House, 1 7 1 2 131 Doolittle Picture of Concord Fight 1 5 1 Residence of Mr. Woodward Hudson 163 Henry D. Thoreau, portrait 1 75 The Thoreau House 189 xvii Illustrations xvm PAGE Home of Henry D. Thoreau at Walden Pond 201 Thoreau's Cove at Walden Pond 2'3 Grave of Henry D. Thoreau 223 The Grave of John Jack 233 Nathaniel Hawthorne, portrait 245 The Wayside, Home of Nathaniel Hawthorne *53 Frank B. Sanborn, portrait 263 First Parish Meeting House 273 Provincial Store House 283 The Antiquarian House 293 The Elisha Jones House 301 A. Bronzon Alcott, portrait 317 Louisa May Alcott, portrait 321 Hillside Chapel 3^7 Grave of Louisa Alcott 327 The Orchard House, Home of the Alcott Family 333 The Block House 343 The Old Barrett House 355 Main Street Burying Ground 365 Doolittle Picture, A View of the Town of Concord 1775 377 The Wright Tavern 393 Old Middlesex Hotel 409 Concord High School 417 Tablet, Egg Rock 439 Tablet on Battle Lawn ^39 Concord High School, 1865 453 The Old North Primary School House 453 Site of Willard House 465 Concord Square, 1903 475 Concord Square, 1840 475 Q < O <3 KH PART I a> CO o ^ fa CT- 3' T3 n> ju P^ thi 8, 2 £t> O) Ji3 3 t m ONCTQ OO r\^ ?^ • D- *» CD CO t/> STORY OF THE SETTLEMENT OF CONCORD, MASS 1635-1654 FIREPLACE IN THE MERIAM HOUSE KITCHEN. COLONIAL CONCORD CHAPTER I. A traveler s visit to an early homestead at Concord, Massachusetts — Scene at a Settler s fireside — Com pany expected — Strange sounds and sights talked about — Town Meeting topics discussed — Descrip tion of Concord in the present — Objects of Historic Interest — The North Bridge — Houses of the Revolutionary Period — The Wright Tavern — First Parish Meeting House — The Antiquarian House — Meriam 's Corner. THE fire flickered and the sparks flew up the broad chimney, as a traveler sat on a fall evening before the half burnt backlog, in Goodman Hartwell's snug farm-house in Concord town about two centuries and a half ago. It was evident from the appearance of things that com pany was expected, for besides the usual oaken settle and chairs there were standing about sundry stools and a long, low bench. Presently a sound was heard at the door as if some one were fumbling for the latchstring, and as it opened several neighbors entered and also Goodmen But- trick and Heald from the North quarter and Miles and Dakin from the South. A little later, Parson Peter Bulke ley arrived with the Gobble boys who had come from down by the river bay in an oxcart, and having overtaken the minister had brought him along. While waiting for others to come, various subjects were talked about, among which were some strange noises which i Colonial Goody Dean said she "heerd near the buryin ground." Some said they were made by an earthquake, others sug gested a landslide, but these explanations did not satisfy Duty, who declared that "the sounds ware above the airth, not under it nor inside it. Besides," said she, "the milk has soured twice sence I heerd them so I think the cows heerd them too fur they feed there." The matter being referred to the minister he said, after a moment's reflection, "Such things being unusual contain a lesson and should lead us to be circumspect and careful in our conduct." He was about to say more, but was inter rupted by a faint rap at the back door which was at the end of a low entry under the lean-to roof. Goodman Hartwell snatched from the mantlepiece a save-all on which a short candle stub sputtered, and going out soon returned with Goody Rice who had come across lots for an evening call. The newcomer created a fresh breeze of excitement for she confirmed what Duty had said of the queer noises, and also told about a strange creature which had several times been seen near the "great mead ows," sometimes looking like a man and sometimes like a goat, but always vanishing when approached. It was at once agreed that since the strange sight and sounds were at about the same time they might have the same cause, and as the matter was a serious one it was thought wise before considering it further to wait till others came in, "For," said Ensign Hosmer who had just entered, "there's some up our way who've heerd things, and I consait seen things too, and perhaps the creature is the 'specter wolf folks have talked of." The further time of waiting was mostly occupied in talk ing over the condition of Dame Smeadley, who, Goodman Farwell who had just visited her said, was "low and languish ing and much in need of the physic and paynes of the chirugeon." When a sufficient number had come in to begin busi ness all other subjects were soon dropped and the business Concord 3 of the evening was entered upon, which consisted of an informal talk about things that were" to be considered at a coming town meeting, among which were matters connected with the cow commons, "the seating of the meeting house," and the making of some new rules relative to strangers, it having been noised about that one or two of these might become the town charge. As each new comer entered he was introduced to the traveller, and when it was understood that he had journeyed all the way from Watertown to observe the customs, man ners, and ways of doing things of the people at the Mus ketequid plantation, great interest was at once taken in him and a disposition was manifested to aid him in every way possible. Among other marks of cordiality was the promptness with which they invited him to their "hpusen," offering the freedom and hospitality of their firesides and promising if he would set a time they woul4 come for him. The traveller appeared pleased, and afterwards in accept ing their invitations, sat at many hearthstones listening to the sparks and gathering much of colonial lore and pioneer experience of the settlers of Concord. Before narrating, however, what he heard and saw, we will speak of Concord as it is, and briefly outline its earlier history. Concord, Massachusetts, is in Middlesex County about twenty miles from Boston. It has a territorial area of about fifteen miles and a population of between five and six thousand. It is intersected from north to south by the New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad and from east to west by the Fitchburg division of the Boston and Maine. The Lexington branch of the latter road enters the town from the east, terminating at Concord Junction near the Massachusetts Reformatory. The trolley cars, also have found their way here, and rumble over the old roads and past ancient homesteads ; and where once the farm boy drove his herd afield amid the quietness of nature, may 4 Colonial now be seen strange vehicles, whose whizzing and whirring show plainly that Concord is not exempt from modern progress. The Center or central village of Concord has a popula tion of from two to three thousand and contains approxi mately five hundred private residences. It has no stores or shops beyond what are locally required ; and more or less of its inhabitants are those who in retirement have sought here a restful retreat, or who, while doing busi ness elsewhere, have made this their home. About midway of the central village is a small common or public square. In this square is a monument commemo rative of the town's soldiers and sailors who died in the civil war. Near the corner of the Common to the easterly where the road turns towards the Battle Ground is the old County Court House where the District Court for central Middlesex holds its sessions. Southerly of the Court House is the Town House and on the opposite side to the westward is the old Registry of Deeds building used for county purposes when Con cord was a shire town. To the northerly of the square is "The Colonial," a building associated with the Revolutionary war and the family of Henry Thoreau. The places of interest in Concord are both historic and classic. Foremost among the former is the site of the old North Bridge about a half mile from the public square. By this spot several Provincial and British soldiers were killed April 19, 1775. The slain Americans were Capt. Isaac Davis and Abner Hosmer of the Acton Minute Men and the Statue of the Minute Man designed by Daniel C. French a Concord sculptor marks the spot on or near where they fell. The English soldiers slain were two in number. They were under the immediate command of Lieut. Edward Thornton Gould and were of a detachment of three com panies under the command of Capt. Lawrie. GRAVES OF BRITISH SOLDIERS. Concord 5 The spot where these soldiers fell and the British stood when they began firing upon the Provincials just over the river is designated by a stone monument erected by the town in 1836. Near this monument by the sidewalk pro tected in part by a stonewall and in part by a simple chain fence are the graves of the two fallen Britons. The locality of these monuments is called the "Battle Ground." The original historic bridge was long since swept away by a river flood, and the present one was erected for a memorial purpose. A short distance from the lane leading to the bridge on the road toward Concord centre is the old Jones house built in 1654, now the residence of John S. Keyes, Justice of the Central Middlesex District Court. In this house there lived at the time of the Concord fight Elisha Jones, an ardent patriot whose zeal was so demonstrative on the retreat of the British that his house was made a target of, and the accuracy of the Englishman's aim may still be seen by a bullet mark in the east end. About a mile from the North Bridge stands the old Barrett house, the home in the Revolutionary period of Col. James Barrett who commanded a regiment of Middle sex militia. To this place a detachment of Regulars were sent under Capt. Lawrence Parsons by Lieut.-Col. Smith, who with the main body of English soldiers were stationed at the central village. In the door yard of this house the Britons burned a parcel of Provincial cannon carriages and endeav ored to discover and destroy other public property. Various incidents are told of the doings of the Red Coats during their short stay about the Jiouse, and of the Provincials who sought to foil them. .<' It is said of the aged mother of the Colonel that she would not seek for herself a place of safety when told that the British were coming, but prefered to remain saying, "I can't live long any 6 Colonial way and I'd rather stay and see that they don't burn down the house and barn." As a soldier seized a trunk containing some pewter plates she pluckily exclaimed, "That is private property," upon which it was let alone. She also expostulated with a Brit ish officer who had laid hold of Stephen, her grandson, causing his release. When the hungry Britons asked for \ food she gave it saying, "We are commanded in the Bible \ to feed our enemies," and when offered money she said as she refused it, "It is the price of blood." In a field near ; the premises the provincials had concealed some muskets, / and bullets were so disposed of in the house as to remain undiscovered, so that, all in all, Captain Parsons with his two companies of Regulars found but small compensation for his venturesome march./ The Old Barrett house is about two miles north of Goncord Center and is reached by the Lowell Road and the Barrett's Mill Road. Near the Common or Public Square, and bearing a sign designating its historic importance is the "Wright Tavern" "where it is asserted some of the English officers made their headquarters during their few hours sojourn in the town on April 19. Here, tradition says, Maj. John Pitcairn who commanded the British marines stirred his sugar and I brandy saying as he did so, "In this way we will stir the blood of Yankees before night." This place was also the headquarters, or place of rendezvous, of the Concord Minute Men while awaiting on the morning of April 19, , tidings of the advance of the English, and to this tavern , Captain Smith and his company from Lincoln repaired and ; reported ; so that it was within the course of a few hours v the head centre of two hostile forces who were to clash in ^ battle on that fateful day. IThis tavern is very old. It was opened about 1747, by a militia captain named Ephraim Jones. In 1751, Jones sold the premises to Thomas Munroe formerly of Lexington, who continued the tavern ! business, and made the place, as Jones had done before him, a resort for the town officials on their days of public Concord J business, furnishing them with such refreshments as were demanded by the times and the special occasions. About 1760, it came into the possession of Deacon Thomas Barrett, by a mortgage and was sold by him to Daniel Taylor. In 1775, Amos Wright became its proprietor, and although he kept an Inn there but a short period, it was long enough to give it a lasting name, for it has been known as the Wright Tavern ever since, not withstanding it was sold in 1793, to Capt. Reuben Brown formerly of SudburyJ Near the Wright Tavern on the south is the First Parish or Unitarian Meeting House, which stands on the site of one erected in 1712, where in 1774, the first Provincial Congress met, with John Hancock as President. The immediate predecessor of the present edifice after having been repeatedly remodeled was destroyed by fire April 12, 1900. A few rods to the southerly, on the left going toward Lexington is the Antiquarian House, said to be one of the oldest buildings in Concord and formerly the home of Reuben Brown, a saddler. Here is now kept a collection of relics among which is the sword of Col. James Bar rett, a gun of one of the English soldiers who fell at the North Bridge and a tobacco box of Maj. John Buttrick. About a mile below the Antiquarian House on the Lexington road which was traveled by the English soldiers both in their advance and their retreat on April 19, is Mer- iam's Corner. Here was the first skirmish after the firing at the North Bridge, and the beginning of disaster to the retreating English, they having been attacked at this point by the Provincials who had crossed from the North Bridge over the "Great Fields" back of the Burying Ground, and also by companies from Reading, Chelmsford and Billerica. A tablet suitably inscribed marks the spot of this mem orable skirmish, and hard by, set back from the highway with its side upon the road to Bedford is the square anti quated dwelling house early occupied by the Meriams. 8 Colonial On one of its doors is the mark of a bullet received April 1 9th ; and the brick oven and high mantle cupboard and corner beaufet are all indicative of the days of tallow candles and pewter plates. ^On the east side of what is now Walden street at a place near the Congregational Trinitarian meeting house there stood on April 19, 1775, a store house in which some Provincial stores had been deposited by the Committee of Safety. These stores were saved from destruction by the English searching squad, by a ruse of the miller who had them in charge, who, placing his hands upon barrels of his own flour, said, "This is my flour. In the winter I grind my grain and in the spring I carry it to market." The soldiers believing by this remark concerning his own flour that all the flour deposited there belonged to the miller departed saying, "We do not destroy private pro perty."- CHAPTER II. Places of Classic Interest — The "Old Manse" — Home of Ralph Waldo Emerson — The "Orchard House" — The "Wayside" - Walden Pond— Tho reau s House — The Home of Frank B. Sanborn — Old Burying Grounds — Sleepy Hollow — Natural Objects. THE places of classic interest in Concord are many and rare, for associated with its history both ancient and modern are men and women of world renown. Authors, poets, philosophers and jurists have contributed to the town's literary fame. The homes they once lived in are visited as shrines ; and the paths once trodden by them are annually pressed by the foot steps of many who seek new inspiration by visiting the localities where these great men lived. Probably the place of greatest interest is the "Old Manse." It is on the way to the "Battle Ground" and from its windows Rev. William Emerson witnessed the Concord Fight. Beneath its gray gables have lived a succession of the town's ministers ; but what above every thing else makes it distinguished is that it was for a time the home of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Here the former wrote parts of his "Nature" and the latter "Mosses from an old Manse." It is about a half mile from Con cord village standing back from the road amid a profu sion of trees and shubbery and has an air of antiquity and colonial comfort: The house was built for Rev. William Emerson in 1765. The field between the "Old Manse" and the "Battle Ground" is supposed, on account of the many relics found there, to be the site of an Indian village. 9 10 Colonial Probably the object next in interest to the public is the house of Ralph Waldo Emerson. This like the birth place of the bard of Avon is a place very dear to tourists. It is situated on the highway to Lexington and is easily distinguished by a cluster of pine trees which environ it. The house is of the colonial style of architecture, and of such pleasing proportions that it would be attractive to the passerby even were it not the home of the great essayist. It is now occupied by Miss Ellen Emerson, a daughter, and remains largely in its general outlook as when left by its former illustrious occupant. The study which was on the first floor in one of the front rooms remains as when the great philosopher was alive, and the walks, the garden nooks, the home trees and such other objects as time, if let alone by man, leaves for years unchanged, are here much as in days of yore when Channing, Alcott, Hawthorne and Thoreau strolled among them. Seldom, perhaps, in our land or in any land has a home been visited by more distinguished guests. From near and from far, from countries beyond the seas men have come to this spot and gone away bearing with them as an ample compensation the thought that they had visited the home of Emerson, walked in his footsteps, sat amid his trees and vines and heard the singing of birds and the hum ming of bees as he had heard them. A quarter of a mile or more to the east on the left of the road is the "Orchard House". Here Bronson Alcott and his famous family lived ; and here Louisa Alcott found material for "Little Women" and "Little Men" and several other of her notable books. In this house, Mr. Alcott founded the Concord School of Philosophy which was afterwards carried on in the small building at the rear. Beyond the "Orchard House" is the "Wayside," another home of the Alcotts. It was sold by them in 185a to Nathaniel Hawthorne who lived in it till his death, thus giving it double renown. The "tower room" at the rear Concord 1 1 was Hawthorne's study, and there he wrote "Tanglewood Tales" and "Our Old Home". It is stated that the larches between the "Orchard House" and the "Wayside" were brought by Mr. Haw thorne from England. The place is now the residence of Mrs. Daniel Lothrop, who as Margaret Sidney wrote "Little Maid of Concord Town" and other books. To the south of Concord center, distant a mile and a half over the fields and meadows toward the town of Lin coln is Walden Pond, made famous by the author, poet, and naturalist, Henry Thoreau. The pond is about a mile long and three miles in circumference. It is almost entirely surrounded by woods and has no visible inlet or outlet. Its waters are said to rise and fall but through what cause no one knows, for it is sometimes higher in dry than in wet seasons, j Upon the northerly side of this pond Thoreau built a house which served him for a home for two years and two months. He moved into it in 1845, and it cost him, apart from the frame work, twenty-eight dollars and twelve and one half cents. The boarding was of material obtained from the house of a laborer. The frame was of timber cut and hewn by himself with a bor rowed axe. The building which was ten feet wide and fifteen feet long stood upon slightly rising ground about twenty rods from a small cove. It had a garret, a closet, a large win dow on each side, a door at the end and a brick fireplace. The land upon which it was situated was owned by Ralph Waldo Emerson who charged his tenant no rentj The site of the house is marked by a simple cairn made of stones placed there by tourists. Not far from Thoreau's house was his bean field, where he raised one year "nine bushels and twelve quarts of beans" which he says he sold at a "pecuniary profit of eight dollars seventy-one and one half cents." As is the case with many forest lakes, Walden has its legend and as usual it relates to the Indians, who, as the 1 1 Colonial story runs had displeased the Great Spirit by their profan ity at a powwow, whereupon in place of a pleasant hill came a pond which took its name Walden from an old squaw who was the only survivor, j About this pond there lived several emancipated slaves left over from that period of New England history when the rum habit and human servitude were not considered inconsistent with a high standard of morality. Of these Thoreau mentioned Cato Ingraham who lived east of his "bean field, slave of Duncan Ingraham, Esq., Gentleman of Concord village ; " and Zilpha, a colored woman who had a little house "where she spun linen for the towns-folk, making the Walden woods ring with her shrill singing." He also states, that on Brister's Hill down the road on the right lived Brister Freeman a "handy negro" slave of Squire Cummings and "Fenda his hospitable wife who told fortunes." Other habitants of the pond precinct mentioned in Tho- reau's writings are one Breed whose hut he says was about the size of his own ; and an Irishman, Hugh Quoil, whom rumor said had been a soldier at Waterloo, "Napoleon" as the writer continues, "going to St. Helena and Quoil to Walden woods." Apart from its association with Henry Thoreau, Wal den pond has attractions peculiarly its own. The waters are at times remarkably transparent partaking of the changeful sky tints, reflecting from the calm, clear depths the rich foliage upon its banks. In some places the adjacent ground slopes gradually forming a miniature beach where the bathers can walk out several feet, while in others it falls rapidly with a sharp, steep descent and the trees standing gracefully beside it give a very pleasing effect, so that all in all the variety of shore line affords the beholder very much the aspect of the famous Lake George in New York. Walden pond may be reached from the Fitchburg R. R. station by a short walk down the track ; or by carriage road SOUTH BRIDGE. RESIDENCE OF FRANK B. SANBORN. Concord 13 down Thoreau street ; or it may be reached from Monu ment Square by way of Main and Walden streets. Among other localities especially associated with Henry Thoreau is the "landing place," a spot by the river near the South bridge, where he embarked on his trip for "A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers," and to which repeated reference is made by him. The birthplace of Thoreau is on the Virginia road, a somewhat disused way, opening from the Bedford road, and the house where he died is the third on the left before reach ing the corner of Thoreau street as one goes up Main street. At the time of Thoreau s death the house was occupied by his family and afterward by Bronson Alcott and his daughter Louisa. Just east of the South bridge with stone arches, on Elm street, is the home of Frank B. Sanborn, a well known journalist and the biographer of Alcott, Thoreau, Channing, and John Brown. The house was for a time the home of William Ellery Channing, and to it men of letters have oft times repaired for literary and social converse. Its distinguished owner and occupant became conspicuous in ante bellum days, by an attempt to kidnap him on an alleged order of the President of the United States Senate for contempt in not appearing before that body to be examined in the interest of the southern slave power. The scheme so far succeeded as to result in the capture of Mr. Sanborn under pretence of a lawful arrest, but was soon foiled by the persistence and pluck of Mrs. Sanborn and the granting of a writ of habeas corpus by Judge E. Rock- wood Hoar, then of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Mr. Sanborn was a friend of John Brown of Harper's Ferry renown, and through his influence the latter made a visit to Concord and lifted up his voice in behalf of freedom for the slave. Next to the places made prominent by the Revolution 1 4 Colonial and the objects and localities made famous by its distin guished men are its burying grounds. These places are of more than usual interest and few tourists leave the town without visiting them. _ The one on the hill is supposed to be the oldest. Its exact age is not known but presumably it began as a church yard, for on a spot in the midst of it is supposed to have been built in 1635 or 1626 a little log meeting house; and it is altogether probable, as we shall subsequently state, that nearby contemporaneous with the erection of this first meet ing house was the laying out of land, according to the old English custom for a place of burial. But be this as it may, the ground dates from about the beginning of the settle ment and since then representatives of many generations have been buried there. This yard contains fourteen or fifteen of the oldest grave stones in Concord, and more than two thirds of all the monuments and other grave markers bearing names of the original inhabitants of the town, are in this enclosure. Upon these ancient tablets are the familiar names of Hosmer, Hartwell, Buttrick, Fletcher, Flint, Blood ; also of Heald, Brooks, Wheate, Stow, Heywood, Temple, Taylor, Chandler, Clark, Minott and Melvin,1 — family names which, it will be observed as we pursue our narra tive, are of men who were prominent in shaping the town's history. Besides the names, inscriptions and epitaphs in this yard have added to its interest. Conspicuous among them is one on the gravestone of the negro John Jack once a slave which is supposed to have been written by Daniel Bliss. God wills us free ; man wills us slaves. I will as God wills ; God's will be done. Here lies the body of JOHN JACK A native of Africa who died March 1773, aged about 60 years. Concord 1 5 Tho' born in a land of slavery, He was born free. Tho' he lived in a land of liberty, He lived a slave, Till by his honest, tho' stolen, labors, He acquired the source of slavery, Which gave him his freedom ; Tho' not long before Death, the grand tyrant, Gave him his final emancipation, And set him on a footing with kings. Tho' a slave to vice, He practised those virtues Without which kings are but slaves. I — Upon the summit of the hill within an altar tomb are- the remains of Rev. Daniel Bliss, at one time Pastor of the Concord church. Near by is a tablet to the memory of the Rev. William Emerson. By the Catholic church, near Main and Bedford streets is a row of tombs in one of which repose the remains of the Rev. Ezra Ripley, Space forbids a further notice of the names and exact place of sepulture of the honored dead. It is enough to say that the place is teeming with sacred associations of both the near and remote past ; and as one looks up to it from the busy highway beneath, he may well feel it is a place unusual even in a town of exceptional interest. tThe burying ground supposed to be second in age is on Main street a short distance west of the Bank. Tradition says that the land was given to the town for burial purposes by two maiden ladies. When it was opened for this pur pose is not known ; but it is designated in the records as existing as a burying ground as early as 1673. The earliest stone is that of Thomas Hawthorne, who died November 17, 1697, and the next date found there is 1713. There are but few monuments and the stones are mostly slate. Prominent names on these stones are Hay- ward, Buss, Barrett, Miles, Potter, Stratton, Dakin, Jones, Davis, Prescott, Hubbard and Conant: 1 6 Colonial Just east of this yard is the site of one of the town's old garrison houses. "Sleepy Hollow" the latest cemetery in Concord is situ ated on the outskirts of the central village to the eastward, and a few minutes walk from the public square. The land was bought of the heirs of Reuben Brown in 1855. At its dedication the oration was delivered by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and an ode was sung which was written by Frank B. Sanborn. The natural conformation is admirably suited for the purpose of a cemetery, and the locality was called Sleepy Hollow long before it was used as a place of burial. The first interment was in 1855. Here by the Ridge Path is the grave of Hawthorne marked by a simple stone bear ing only his name. Just behind it is that of Thoreau, at the head of which is a common red stone, and near this is the grave of Emerson marked by a large piece of rock. In 1869 the town obtained a strip of land which united the New Hill burying ground with Sleepy Hollow. The most notable natural object in Concord is the river. ' It takes its rise in Hopkinton and Westboro, and empties into the Merrimac at Lowell. Its original name is Mus ketequid, signifying in the Indian language grassy ground. It is about two hundred feet wide where it enters the town and three hundred where it leaves it. Its current is so slow as sometimes to be scarcely perceptible. Its meadows are broad and in places extend to woody uplands, fertile fields and pleasant secluded nooks, where grow the cranberry vine and the wild grape. There are places of interest along the banks of this river in other towns as well as Concord ; a few miles south westerly in the town of Wayland is the Old Town Bridge of Sudbury over which the Indians under King Philip were driven in 1676. Near by stands the late home of Lydia Maria Child, noted author and abolitionist. And on a tributary of this stream in the adjoining town of Sudbury stands the "Wayside Inn" made famous by Longfellow.^] EMERSON'S GRAVE. HAWTHORNE'S GRAVE. Concord 1 7 Other of the prominent natural features of Concord are three hills, Nashawtuc, Annusnuc and Punkatassett. These names are all of Indian origin. Nashawtuc is just west of the river, near the South bridge. At or near the foot of this hill was the wigwam of Tahattawan, and the squaw Sachem, two of the aboriginal owners of the Con cord territory. At the southwesterly was the homestead of Major Simon Willard, the site of which is marked by a tablet. Annusnuc is at Concord Junction near the Massachu setts Reformatory. About this hill in the early days of the settlement was the "Hog-pen walk" a tract of land set apart by the original grantees for the pasture of swine. On the plain land stretching to the southwesterly was held the famous State Muster by order of Gov. Nathaniel P. Banks, where in 1858 were encamped all the volunteer militia of Massachusetts. ' Punkatasetti is in the northeast part of Concord, about a mile from the North Bridge. It is conspicuous in Concord history as being the point of observation for the "embattled farmers" as they awaited events on the morning of April 19, 1775. Upon and about these hills there is a good out look from which a large portion of the town can be seen and more or less of the winding river courses may be traced. Fairhaven hill in the southwest part of the town over looks Fairhaven pond, a tract of water or bay in Concord river having an area of about seventy-three acres. Brister's hill is beyond Walden pond near Lincoln. These latte.' places are frequently referred to in the works of Henry ^horeau. Among the highlands which hardly attain hill propor tions is the "Ridge" which skirts Concord center toward the east and south. This locality is of much historic inter est as along the base of it was the "little strate strete" now a part of Lexington road along which the earliest house lots were laid out. Upon the uplands to the rear were some of the first corn 1 8 Colonial lands of the settlers, and from the more prominent points of this natural observatory they could look off upon their meadow lands which in those first years were the main means of sustenance for their live stock. 'The Public Library building is of recent date being erected in 1873. It is situated at the junction of Sudbury road and Main street and stands upon or near, the spot where one of the town's old time taverns early stood. This Library is of especial interest because of what it con tains of Concord authorship, having, besides the books that were written by Concord men and women, a valuable col lection of the manuscripts from which the books were pro duced. There are also deposited here relics, pictures and pieces of sculpture relating to or made by Concord people. The Library is but a short walk from the public square and on, the way to the Fitchburg Railroad statiomj On the right hand side of Main street going westward and nearly opposite the Public Library is the house formerly occupied by the late Hon. Samuel Hoar. Here were born Hon. E. Rockwood Hoar, formerly a Judge of the Mas- , sachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and Attorney General in the Cabinet of President Grant, and Hon. George F. Hoar, United States SenatorJ The portion of Main street from a point a little to the east of this place is of comparatively modern construction, . the old road passing a little to the north of the present one, leading the burying ground to the south of it. /The short strip of Main street between the Public Square and the beginning of Walden street was formerly in part the Mill Dam, and was not used as a regularly laid out highway until almost within the memory of people now living. The site of the first "Corn Mill" in Concord was here, at a spot just east of the Old Bank building. The pond which furnished the mill power extended from the dam southward./ The Trinitarian Church is upon, or near the site of THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Concord 1 9 Concord's first store which was kept by Robert Meriam, who had over a score of acres of land granted him in that locality. The three-story dwelling house on the same side of Walden street, and next but one north of it, was long the only three-story house in Concord. It was built and owned by Duncan Ingraham, a wealthy merchant and father of Captain Ingraham of the United States Navy, who cleared the decks of his warship for action in the harbor of Smyrna, Turkey, in behalf of the Hungarian refugee, Martin Koszta, remarking, "Blood is thicker than water." On the corner southwest of the Public Square, at the beginning of Main street was the Old Middlesex Hotel, where in the days when County Courts were held at Con cord, many noted jurists were entertained. Such is Concord in the present ; and the foregoing are some of the objects and places much visited by the tourists, who on gala occasions and throughout the milder seasons throng into the town sight seeing, gathering souvenirs and pensively pondering upon the past. CHAPTER III. Origin of Settlement — Early Results — Erection of "Corn Mill" — Meeting House — Parsonage — Resumption of Traveler's Narative — Coming from Water town — First Conference with the Con cord Colonists — Visit to the Home of William Hartwell — Indian Mission Service at Nashawtuc THE earliest mention of this region was probably made by William Wood, in a book entitled "New England Prospects", a work supposed to be based upon his personal observation about 1633. An early description is also given by Johnson, in his "Wonder Working Providence of Sion's Saviour in New England," published in 1654, in which the writer sets forth the Concord plantation as a place where the pioneers found hard fare, and built their huts by leaning the rough logs against the hillside, which served the double purpose of a support and a chimney back. The breaking of ground upon this plat for a permanent settlement was about 1635, wnen there arrived from Eng land by way of Watertown, then Newtowne, which town, with Cambridge, then bounded Concord on the easterly, the other sides being bounded by an unclaimed wilderness, a company of colonists, under the direction of Rev. Peter Bulkeley, Elder John Jones, and probably Simon Willard, a merchant. Among the names of these colonists are some still familiar in Concord, which designate ancient and honored households, whose continuity with the distant past has never been broken by time's rude touch, and like faith ful waymarks of history still chronicle by their suggestive- 20 OZ D O&o6 z DnQ owI h Concord i I ness what has made the old town great. Supplemental to such friendly services as borne by the living is that borne by the dead, and "In that village on the hill, Where never is sound of smithy or mill," the old-time tombstone, with its grime and its gray, and its quaint, weather-made defacement, stands representative of connecting links, as if, by a poor proxy like this, it could make the past and present, one. That success attended the settlement is well attested by early results ; and though the records of these results have been lost, so that for a half century and over not a sentence comes to us from the written page, save as we receive it from colonial sources, or in scraps and fragments of family documents, yet tradition, often true in its intent to pre serve, and trustworthy even in matters of moment, speaks unmistakably of Concord's early town life. The earth and brush cabins soon gave way to substantial structures ; the forest was felled along the plain land and the meadow margins ; and a mill was erected "to grind the town's corn." * Tf he spot selected for the mill was near what is now the Common, or public square, and the little stream upon which it was situated is known as "Mill Brook," though it is now so small as might lead one to doubt whether it ever had any mill power at all. But we should remember that not only do times and customs change, but nature changes alsoJ and while the little brooklet that once ran a-roar- ing Dy the plain can still sing in the sweet strain of Tenny son, "And men may come and men may go, but I go on forever," yet it runs with a lessened current and speaks with a voice more subdued. Why it has become thus modest is not because it stands abashed at the busy human tide that trips over it, or because in many instances the traveler is all unconscious of its former worth and never stops to reflect that it once ground the fathers' corn and furnished meal for the brown bread and pan dowdy ; but 22 Colonial its modesty is occasioned doubtless by a changed condition of .surroundings. It is considered probable by local historians that by the clearing up of the forests less water runs in some of the streams than formerly ; and, probably, this is the case here ; so that the Rev. Peter Bulkeley, for he it was who caused the erection of this mill, made no mistake, doubtless, when he gauged the capacity of this now miniature water power and concluded that it would suffice every purpose of a vil lage grist milL) But, conspicuous above everything else as marks of progress, were events of an ecclesiastical character. It was a usual condition of the colonial court in conferring a town grant that the grantees should maintain a gospel ministry, and pursuant to this important requisite the Concord inhabitants early erected a meeting house. The spot selected was on the summit of the ridgeway, near the bury ing ground, not far distant from the present public square. The first structure was probably of logs ; but this was soon , succeeded by one of framework ; for it was not in accordance with the customs of the forefathers to live in sealed houses while God's temples were neglected. Pre viously, however, to the building of the meeting house, and not far from the meadow margin a house was built for Minister Bulkeley. The site of this parsonage is on the present Lowell street a few steps from Monu ment Square, and is modestly marked by a memorial tablet bearing the following record. ' "Here, in the house of the Reverend Peter Bulkeley, first minister and one of the founders of this town, a bar gain was made with the Squaw Sachem, the Sagamore Tahattawan and other Indians, who then sold their right in the six miles square called Concord to the English planters and gave them peaceful possession of the land, A. D. 1636/7 This tablet has more than a passing interest to a reflec tive mind. It opens up by the suggestiveness of its simple Concord 23 inscription thoughts relating to over two centuries. Here, doubtless, if anywhere, centralized for a twelve month at least much that was political and religious, relating to the early land grant and its grantees. Here, doubtless, if in any place, was the cradle in which the township had its infancy, and as the little woodland municipality was nursed and grew strong, probably conference after conference was held here to consider matters relating to highways, bridges, and perhaps "cow commons" and "common planting fields;" for the minister in those days was not only the village high priest, but he had also a certain quasi magisterial jurisdic tion, and by a generally recognized common law principle was "head center" of the settlement. As the parsonage was built prior to the meeting house, it is quite probable that the latter was here planned. Here, too, it may be, the church council was considered, which, July 5th, 1636, convened at Cambridge and organized the Concord church. •' Other works of public convenience and necessity quickly followed. Roads were opened, bridges built, laws formu lated; and the sunlight of civilized life was soon shining in the hitherto dark forest. Such is an outline of some of the features of Concord, and of her early history. And now as we are about to leave the general for the particular, and consider character, processes, and events in detail, we will state that our plan is to suppose that we lived in that far away period, visited the settlers in their homes and sat by their fire-sides, and that the sparks were in part our oracles ; also that we are living in the present when we are relating what we then saw and heard, together with some facts which occurred subse quently. Assuming then that we are the traveler who two centu ries and a half ago sat by the hearthstone of Goodman Hartwell on that fall evening, we will resume our narra tive by saying, that we started from Watertown following the trail probably made by the first settlers, finding here and there what we suspected were sad traces of their toil- 24 Colonial some journey, which Johnson has so dolorously described in his "Wonder-working Providence." On the upland was good traveling, but there were swamps and hard places which because of their wetness or stony nature, the forest fires of the Indians had not kept clear of underbrush, so that we were many times forced from our direct course and obliged to make long and painful detours. We traveled for a time by the "Old Connecticut Path", the ancient trail ot the Nipnet Indians to the sea-board, and the same that was taken a few years previous by Rev. Messrs. Hooker and Stone on their way with a hundred people from Cam bridge to Hartford, and which was traveled a little earlier by John Oldham of Pequod war fame. But, on arriving at the plain lands about the Charles river, near a stony brook, we veered northerly into a broken country, and after some hours emerged from the woods upon a sandy ridgeway where we found some squaws harvesting corn. From our high point of observation we looked over a broad intervale threaded by a winding, sluggish stream, and we knew by this and by the houses on a little "strate strete" below us that we were in Concord. Being a stranger to both place and people it mat tered little whom we approached, or where we went, and as there were beyond the mill brook some people talking we joined them. Approaching, we found they were settlers and were talking English, but it was not such English as we hear to-day. In fact we found that here weie brought together the dialects of Surrey, Kent, York and Bedford shire. Goodman Buttrick, William Hartwell and James Hosmer were talking with Simon Willard the merchant, about a suitable place for a "cow common" because it had been represented to them that the cattle and goats roaming unrestrainedly through the "great meadows" much "dam nified" the marsh red-top and lute grass, and that it would be better to have a place of common pasturage and "size it out" and have the income go to help pay the minister, Concord 1$ rather than to risk any farther "indamnifying" by stray creatures. As we introduced ourselves and disclosed our errand we were most cordially received and at once invited to their homes. The first invitation was extended by William Hartwell, which we accepted ; and it being near nightfall we were soon on our way to his house in the east quarter which we reached after a half hour's walk. Not long after our arrival we sat down at the supper table which was spread in a large kitchen before a great, open fire. After the meal and the returning of thanks, for Goodman Hartwell was a man of prayer, the men went to the barn to do the chores and the stranger was conducted to the front room to await the family and the arrival of the company who were to talk over town meeting. As it was no longer early evening, the work both indoors and out was done in a hurry and soon all were seated about the fireside as described in the opening chapter. And now to resume our narrative as there commenced, suffice it to say, the neighborhood gather ing broke up to convene again at the parsonage two nights later. Meanwhile, particular care was to be taken in observing noises about the "buryin ground pastur" and as to tracks of the strange creature which Goody Rice saw. Immediately after the company had departed we retired, for we were weary and the hour was late. Our sleeping apartment was large and unfinished, yet it had an air of comfort and its very commodiousness was of itself restful. The night was a quiet one. Silence almost perfect pervaded everything, and our slumber was undisturbed save by the occasional hoot of an owl amid the pines which had been left near the house for a stormbreak and shade for the cattle. As our visit to the Hartwells on this occasion was only for the night, it having been arranged with Timothy Wheeler at our interview with the settlers at Mill brook, to meet him at the village store the following day, and as we 26 Colonial visited the Hartwell home later, we will defer any descrip tion of it for a subsequent chapter. About mid-afternoon of the next day we mounted an ox cart and behind a yoke of half broken bullocks started for the village, meeting Timothy Wheeler at the grocery according to previous arrangement. As we were about starting for the home of our new host we learned that the Apostle, John Eliot, was to hold an In dian mission meeting that evening at the wigwam of Tahat- tawan near Nashawtuc, by candle light. Upon hearing this announcement, it at once occurred to us that here was an opportunity of learning something of Indian mission work, and of forming an acquaintance with its founder, Reverend John Eliot ; so I asked Goodman Wheeler about the propriety of attending the proposed gathering. Our kind host immediately called back the swarthy messengers, who had just brought the announcement of the meeting, and upon my desire being made known, they invited me to go with them to Tahattawan's wigwam. It was not long before we were away, for although the distance was short it was approaching nightfall. Before starting, however, we called Goodman Wheeler aside to satisfy ourselves as to the safety of our proposed visit among the Indians, and to arrange about the time of making the visit to his home which had been so unexpectedly deferred. As to the first matter he informed us that we would be as safe with our Indian friends as with anyone ; and with regard to the visit he said he would meet us at the coming town meeting when we would go home together. THE CONCORD RIVER FROM NASHAWTUCK HILL. CHAPTER IV. Tahatawan's Wigwam — Supper Served by Squaws — Rev. John Eliot Preaching by Candlewood Light — Tribal Relations of the Musketequids — Stone Relics and Sites of Indian Villages — Spread of Christianity among the Concord Aborigines — Nash oba — Exile of Christian Indians to Deer Island — Humane Efforts of John Hoar in their behalf. STARTING out from the village store we were soon in the forest. Our course was single file through a winding wood- path to the meadow margin, and from there amid cluster ing cranberry vines, we proceeded to the river bank, where an Indian was waiting with a light canoe. As we passed through the woods we noticed along the way scarcely anything but tall timber trees, and these so scattered and so devoid of low branches that a man on horseback could easily ride between them. So singular was this circumstance that we afterwards inquired about it, and were told that the woods were kept mainly clear of underbrush by the Indians, who, to facilitate the capture of game, annually set forest fires, and that this was done just before the fall rains. We stepped into the canoe, which was made of birch bark tied with thongs of deer skin, and were soon afloat on the Musketequid and swiftly borne by the paddle strokes of Tahattawan to Nashawtuc. The short river ride was made silently, for our friends were as mute as the grave, except that now and then a low murmuring went out from one of them, which, as it mingled faintly with the rising night wind — for it was now evening — and the strange whistling of the wings of a be- 2? 2 8 Colonial lated water fowl, were the only sounds save the splash of the water that we heard. Soon we reached the large wigwam of Tahattawan near Nashawtuc, and were ushered into the simple arcana of Nature's children, where all was new and surpassingly strange to us. In broken English we were presented to the head of the household and his daughters, of whom there were present Noonan squaw and Tahunsquaw, the latter of whom was the wife of Waban of Natick. Although not invited to do so we sat down upon a low, rude platform upon which was a dressed skin of some wild animal, and silently observed the preparations for sup per. Besides a "nokake" made of maize meal and baked in the ashes, they poured from a kettle into a rude wooden tray a stew or soup thickened with dried chestnut meal, and which consisted, as we were afterwards told, of dried alewives, several strings of which hung in a corner, and a few bones cut into small pieces. There was also in a smaller dish some substance that they called sic-qua-tash (suc cotash), which consisted of dried green corn and beans. Supper over, we were glad enough to have our loneliness ended by the arrival of Messrs. Gookin and Eliot. It was not long before there entered several families from wigwams near, on both the upper and lower meadow and also several individuals from about the Assabet. The candlewood was soon lighted just outside the wigwam door, and the scene thereby revealed to us by these flambeaux was a weird and impressive one. After a prayer in the Indian language Mr. Eliot addressed his swarthy audience in the same tongue, exhort ing them, as our interpreter informed us, to beware of the evil influences of Hobbommoc (the devil), and to hold steadfast to the newly found Kiton (good spirit). Espec ially he advised them to beware of powwowing, and to have nothing to do with medicine men, whom he de nounced as true children of Hobbommoc. At length, after another prayer in the Indian language, there arose the Concord 29 low sound of singing or chanting, in gutteral, harsh, dis cordant tones ; the effect was striking, for as the strains floated out over the moist meadows and up the woody slopes of Nashawtuc, not so much as the call of a night bird, not even the wind's moaning was heard, as a wild inter lude to the words of the hymn. At the close of the singing Mr. Bulkeley, who had accompanied Mr. Eliot, was asked to pray, and as the group kneeled on the matted leaves, such a petition went up from "Big Pray", as the lowly children of the Musketequid had rarely listened to. Slowly, reverently and peacefully, we were lifted heavenward by every sen tence ; and when he ceased we almost forgot we were on the earth. At the conclusion of the evening services we were invited to remain all night, and as Major Gookin was pro posing to do so, Mr. Eliot having gone home with Mr. Bulkeley, we accepted of our host's hospitality and were soon seated around the wigwam amid a little group consist ing of Tahattawan's household. As the flames flickered upward through the small aper ture in the roof, we did not wonder so much at the copper colored complexion of the Indian, for every now and then the heavy night wind forced down the smoke, and an occasional rain drip on the coals made a close, thick atmos phere. But the disagreeableness of an imperfect draught was soon remedied by Tahattawan, who, stepping to the door, dropped over it a coarse mat which was there pendent for this purpose, and which so completely closed the aperture that the smoke readily ascended ; and as the sparks chased each other upward into the darkness, a strange feeling came over us and we almost wished that Goodman Wheeler had taken us home with him. Just then there entered the wigwam Major Gookin and Waban, the latter of whom could speak good English, having often acted as an inter- 30 Colonial preter and helper of Mr. Eliot in his mission work at Natick. For an hour we sat conversing by the firelight and gained much interesting information concerning the aborig inal inhabitants of the Musketequid country and of their experience with the early settlers. And now for a little time, exchanging fiction for fact, we will state some things about these Concord Indians that are matters of history. _«. r~ Their tribal relations were with the Mystics, whose headquarters were at Medford. Their neighbors were the , Pawtuckets, at Wameset (Lowell) ; the Ockoocagansetts at what is now (Marlboro), and the Natick Indians ; the last three being probably related either to the Mystics or the NipmucksJ fThe localities where the Indians lived are indicated by the presence of shells, arrow and spear heads and some times arrow chips, which are refuse material chipped from the stone when the arrow was made ; also stone implements used for purposes of agriculture and cookery, and chisels, gouges, rude pestles or corn pounders. Some of the places where stone relics have been found, are the "Great fields" east of the center, the vicinity of "Egg Rock" not far from the "Hemlocks," about Fairhaven bay, on the south side of the river east of the "Old Manse," on the right of the river below Flint's bridge, the neighborhood of Spenser brook, and a place on the left bank of the river a little above the Fitchburg Railroad bridge where the river bends abruptly. At this latter point it is said, many bushels of shells have been found, and among them the - remains of wild animals and parts of stone implements J Tit is impossible to determine the exact number of Indians in the Musketequid country at the time of its settlement by the English. Probably the population was , greatly reduced here as in other places along the Mass achusetts Bay shores, by the pestilence that prevailed before the English occupation, so that very likely their Concord 3 1 villages were comparatively few and no more than small clusters of wigwams.] \A portion or all of the Concord Indians, through the efforts of the Rev. John Eliot, who translated the bible into the language of the aborigines, early became converts to Christianity. These were gathered by Mr. Eliot and Major Daniel Gookin, into an Indian town or village named Nashoba, situated in what is now Littleton. The number of Indians thus gathered was about fifty-eight, representing ten families, only about twelve being able bodied men. Nashoba was called by Major Gookin in his Historical collection the sixth praying Indian town. He states that, "The dimensions of this village were four miles square," that, "their ruler of late years was Ahatawance (Tahatta- wan), a pious man," and "their teacher is named John Thomas." The petition for the establishment of this place is dated May 4, 1654 and was presented by Mr. Eliot. The Nashoba plantation began auspiciously and continued to prosper both in things temporal and spiritual until a war with the Mohawks, which resulted in its abandonment for a season, but as late as 1674, according to Gookin, it had t become re-peopled and was in a "hopeful way to prosper.'j There is ample opportunity for one to conjecture con cerning the pleasant condition of things at the Nashoba plantation during the years immediately following its establishment. tAs it was the custom of the Apostle Eliot to keep spir-^- itual watch and ward over the native churches and to occas ionally visit them for exhortation and conference, so we may suppose he did this one, and that more than once he journeyed from Roxbury to Nonantum (Newton) his first mission field, thence to Natick, and from there went on through the woods to Concord, visiting scattered wig wams by the way and the village at Cochituate pond 32 Colonial (Wayland) and the home of Kato at Wigwam hill in Sud bury. Upon his arrival at Concord, we may suppose that he made parochial visits among such of the Musketequid Indians as still lingered about their old haunts, faithful to the memory of their former firesides and the graves of. their fathers. These visits completed, we may conjecture that the great Apostle passed on over the old Marlboro road, at that time perhaps a mere wood path trod mainly by the Occogoogansetts to Nashoba, bringing with him a benediction from .their Bay brothers, and instructing them from the Up-Biblum (Indian bible.)/ But when Philip's war broke out the scene changed. The Colonial communities everywhere became distrustful of all Indians, the praying Indians included, notwithstand ing the evidence the latter were giving of continued loyalty, serving the colony faithfully whenever occasion required as spies, or as allies in the ranks of levied troops. To such an extent did English distrust prevail that it was decided by the Colonial authorities to remove a por tion or all of the Christian Indians to Deer island in Bos ton harbor, and the order was given and executed. I The details of this untimely closing of th~e Indian mission stations are sad to relate, and they remind one of the cruel treatment of the Acadians at Grand Pre, whose homes were broken in upon by the English and Colonial soldiers, and their families separated and cast forlorn upon a lone coast line extending from New England to Georgia. Before the carrying out of this order, however, as related to the Indians at Nashoba, an attempt was made in their behalf which resulted in an order by the Colonial Court, that an arrangement be made by the Militia Com mittee and the selectmen of Concord that they be placed under the inspection of John Hoar of Concord, to see that they be kept employed for their maintenance and pre served from harm and the country made secure from them. In pursuance of this arrangement, Mr. Hoar built a Concord 23 house for them near his own for their protection and com fort at • night, and a workshop, in both of which they were under close surveillance. The means thus provided by Mr. Hoar for the mutual protection of both the Indians and English were accom plishing their full purpose and would doubtless have contin ued to do so had it not been for an untoward interference with his plans, the account of which may be best presented by the following quotation from Gookin's "History of the Christian Indians." "But some of the inhabitants of the town, being in fluenced with a spirit of animosity and distaste against all Indians, disrelished this settlement ; and therefore privately sent to a Captain of the army, (Captain Mosely) that quartered his company not far off" at that time, of whom they had experience, that he would not be backward to put in execution anything that tended to distress the praying Indians; for this was the same man that had formerly, without order, seized upon divers of the praying Indians at Marlborough, which brought much trouble and disquiet to the country of the Indians, and was a great occasion of their defection ; as hath been above declared. "This Captain accordingly came to Concord with a party of his men upon the Sabbath day, into the Meeting-house, where the people were convened to the worship of God. And after the exercise was ended, he spake openly to the congregation to this effect : 'that he understood there were some heathen in the town, committed to one Hoare, which he was informed were a trouble and disquiet to them; therefore if they desired it he would remove them to Boston ;' to which speech, most of the people being silent, except two or three that encouraged him, he took, as it seems, the silence of the rest for consent ; and immediately after the assembly was dismissed, he went with three or four files of men, and a hundred or two of the people, men, women and children, at his heels, and marched away to Mr. Hoare's house and there demanded of him to see the 34 Colonial Indians under his care. Hoare opened the door and showed them to him, and they were all numbered and found there ; the Captain then said to Mr. Hoare, 'that he would leave a corporal and soldiers to secure them' ; but Mr. Hoare answered, 'there was no need of that, for they were already secured, and were committed to him by order of the Council, and he would keep and secure them.' But ' yet the Captain left his corporal and soldiers there, who were abusive enough to the poor Indians by ill language. The next morning the Captain came again to take the Indians and send them to Boston. But Mr. Hoare re fused to deliver them, unless he showed him an order of the Council ; but the Captain could show him no other but his commission to kill and destroy the enemy ; but Mr. Hoare said, 'these were friends and under order.' But the Captain would not be satisfied with his answer, but com manded his corporal forthwith to break open the door and take the Indians all away, which was done accordingly; and some of the soldiers plundered the poor creatures of their shirts, shoes, dishes, and such other things as they could lay their hands upon, though the Captain com manded the contrary. They were all brought to Charles- town with a guard of twenty men. And the Captain wrote a letter to the General Court, then sitting, giving them an account of his action. " This thing was very offensive to the Council, that a private Captain should (without commission or some express order) do an act so contradictory to their former orders ; and the Governor and several others spake of it at a conference with the deputies at the General Court. "The Deputies seemed generally to agree to the reason of the Magistrates in this matter ; yet notwithstanding, the Captain (who appeared in Court shortly after upon another occasion), met with no rebuke for this high irregularity and arbitrary action. To conclude this matter, those poor In dians, about fifty-eight of them of all sorts, were sent down to Deer Island, there to pass into the furnace of affliction Concord 3 5 with their brethren and countrymen. But all their corn and other provision sufficient to maintain them for six months, was lost at Concord; and all their other neces saries, except what the soldiers had plundered. And the poor Indians got very little or nothing of what they lost, but it was squandered away, lost by the removal of Mr. Hoare and other means, so that they were necessitated to live upon clams, as the others did, with some little corn provided at the charge of the 'Honorable Corporation for the Indians,' residing in London. Besides, Mr. Hoare lost all his building and other cost, which he had provided for the entertainment and employment of those Indians ; which was considerable." This was in February, 1675-6. ! Only a few Indians returned to Nashoba after the exile. Such was the melancholy ending of the mission at Nashoba, in which more or less of the Musketequid Indians were gathered together in Christian fellowship. It is the old, oft repeated story of the supremacy of the strong over the weak and the power of evil to destroy in a few days what it took many years to construct. There is also seen in this sad episode of Indian history something of the transmuting power of the gospel, in that while others of the aboriginal tribes were filled with vengeful hate toward the white men and giving way to the powerful persuasions of King Philip of Pokanoket to pillage the fields, to burn dwelling places, and to murder or capture the inhabitants in defense of their ancient hearthstones and hunting grounds, the Christian Indians stood fast in their new faith and proved firm friends of the English. ' William Tahattawan, brother of John the Chieftain, although among those who were exiled to Deer Island, served as a faithful guide of Major Savage, a Colonial officer. Thomas Doublet or Nepanet, another of the Nashoba Indians did good service in procuring the release of Mrs. Rowlandson, who was captured at Lancaster ; and when Captain Wadsworth and his command were destroyed at ^6 Colonial Green hill, Sudbury, the Christian Indians brought from Deer Island were the first to search the battle ground and help bury the slain, weeping, it is said, when they saw their ^ prostrate formsj Upon these things history has not greatly enlarged ; and while the multitudinous records of the misdeeds and evil practices of the pagan Indians have been preserved, the true, the noble, the honorable acts of the Christian Indians may have been too much overlooked, Christianity thereby losing a merited tribute. After a while the conversation flagged, the fire burned low, and two or three of those who had been sitting on the ground with their hands clasped around their ankles and their heads dropped upon their knees withdrew, flung themselves upon the couches and pulled up the bear skins. As Major Gookin suggested that we also retire, we did so, and soon all was silent save the pelting of the storm on the bark covering and a slight splashing of the river waves against the canoe. As the strange surroundings were not conducive to the soundest slumber we awoke. Once we heard the howl ing of a wolf not far distant. Now and then there was the jerky bark of a fox, and toward morning a bear poked his head under the rush mat hanging at the doorway, and we caught a glimpse of his long, slender snout, but he quickly withdrew when he sniffed the scent of fire. CHAPTER V. Duck Hunting — River Scenery — Beaver Dam — Indian Granary — Sweating Pit — Mysterous Sight upon the Meadows — Arrival at the Manse. AT length the morning came and the inmates of the wigwam arose ; thoughtless of toilet or bath, they swung the kettle over the coals as on the night pre vious, and threw into it a little maize meal, to which was added a couple of slices of dried pompion, and a small handful of ground nuts. Not desiring to stop for break fast, we thanked our kind hosts for their hospitality, and upon invitation of Mr. Gookin stepped into a canoe and were paddled across the stream by Waban. • Upon stepping ashore we at once entered a path by the meadow side, which we were told would take us to Parson Bulkeley's house, when we met Goodmen Humphrey Bar rett and George Hayward, each carrying a gun with a long slender barrel and a short stock. We recognized them at once having met them the day previous at the village store. They informed us that they were going up the river duck hunting and would be glad of our company. Being desirous of learning something about the river and its meadows and the game that frequented them, the invita tion was accepted with hearty thanks. Before going, however, we went to the parsonage to inform the minister of our change of plan and get some breakfast, also to borrow a fowling piece as Humphrey Barrett said the minister had a good one. A half hour and we were back and afloat,. gliding along by willow clumps and water brush, starting now and then a solitary bittern or musquash and pushing our way mid such 37 3 8 Colonial a profusion of lily pads and fragrant blossoms as half con cealed the river's channel. As we moved slowly up the stream past Nashawtuc and the South bridge, we were as much in the wilderness as if midway between Concord and Watertown, for the trees approached the meadow bank on each side, and but for the smoke from various chimneys near the Ridgeway, and the sight of a clearing by Major Willard's at the bridge, we might for the moment have forgotten that there was a settlement at Musketequid. The scenery was beautiful. The trees were touched with a tint such as Nature in her best mood only produces after the first fall frosts. The sky was blue, and such a blue as is seen after an autumnal storm and when the very cloudlessness causes it to be called a "weather breeder." Afar over the woodland were occa sional traces of white smoke indicating scattered Indian encampments ; while circling high over all were here and there large flocks of wild water fowl, some of which after wheeling gracefully over the meadows, at length settled on the stream. So many times they did this and so numerous were the birds that we got many good shots. Having passed Fairhaven bay we noticed a small stream that suggested trout, and as we had fishing tackle which Parson Bulkeley had also loaned us and moreover were a little reluctant to accompany our friends further, since they were intending to go as far as Gulf brook to hunt for other game, we requested to be allowed to land that we might fish and look about till their return. After stepping ashore, we strolled inland by a small stream, fishing as we went, and now and then capturing one of its speckled inhabitants, until we discovered a miniature mill dam, which much surprised us. The dam was about five feet high and well braced, and the thin waterfall that slid over it upon the green moss beneath made a soft, pleas ant murmur. Not a creature was visible, and so peaceful was the scene that we involuntarily stopped at the first glimpse of it. And it was well we did, for had we not, we Concord 39 should have lost an interesting spectacle. We had come upon a beaver dam, which the settlers, even with their laudable greed for beaver skins, had overlooked. As we crept through the alders and tangled junipers for a safe point to observe from, we found ourselves in a well-worn path, which was doubtless made by wild animals as they watched the little colony, to make it their prey. For half an hour we observed the doings about this beaver dam from a distance, and then in order to observe it more par ticularly, we advanced nearer. In an instant, there was a sound as if a hundred beaver tails had slapped concertedly upon the pond, and almost simultaneously silence reigned, broken only by the soft splash of the waterfall and the whistling wing of a wood duck which sought its haunt in a neighboring oak. The tocsin had sounded and the clan was gone. Well knowing that further study of the beaver there was impossible, we concluded to make a fire and cook some trout and see if perchance the sparks would say any thing about them. As we saw the day previous at Goodman Hartwell's that we could start a blaze with the flint lock of our fowl ing piece, we quickly whipped out some tow wadding, and placing it over the powder pan, pulled the trigger. The sparks caught, and the tow was ablaze, and nursing the feeble flame with some dry moss we soon had a good fire and were listening to what the sparks said about the beavers. We learned that at one time they were quite plen tiful in the Musketequid region and that certain localities were named after them, as Beaver hole, Beaver meadows, Beaver pond, and Beaver brook ; we learned also that they were much sought after in trade and that a company was early formed to traffic in them, and that Simon Willard was at the head of it ; we learned, furthermore, that the Indians valued the fur next to wampum ; that it was a rude standard of value ; that court fines were sometimes paid in them ; and that they were good if taken in any month with an R in it. 40 Colonial At length the sparks ceased, and as our trout were about broiled, having before listening placed two of nearly a pound weight upon a couple of spits, the largest, which weighed about three pounds, having been reserved for Par son Bulkeley, we dined sitting upon the moss among the birds. We had hoped and expected from what we had heard to obtain a few salmon and some shad, but our expectations proved groundless, and showed our ignorance of history ; for although these fishes are abundant in the spawning sea son at the falls, yet at other times they are not numerous. However, we had no cause to complain, for there was no dearth of other things that were desirable. The woods were full of brown nuts, rich river grapes hung in clusters beside the meadows, the ruffed grouse made the woods resound with their whirring flights, and several wild turkeys crossed our path. We now concluded to steer straight through the woods to Fairhaven, where the boat was to stop for us ; so, putting up our fishing tackle and carefully extinguishing the fire, for we had heard that the colonial court had passed a law forbidding the Indians setting fires in the woods in the fall season, from the great danger of their spreading, we struck off due east from the dam and soon found ourselves in a sunny upland which indented the forest like a small estuary in a sea of grass. As we emerged from the low birches on the wood's border we saw not far from us two Indians, and near them what looked like a large earth oven or a half underground tomb. One of the Indians was sitting at an aperture at the bottom and the other was at the top pouring down some thing, while from the lower aperture steam was rapidly issu ing, nearly enveloping the man who sat near it. Curiosity prompting our approach we soon found that here was an Indian "sweating pit," such as we were informed might be connected with every well-appointed wigwam of a Sagamore (subordinate chief). Within the pit was a small stone heap, which had been previously heated, and the man at Concord 41 the door was a patient, who was receiving treatment, while the zealous head of the sanitarium sat at the summit pour ing in water for the purpose of generating steam. In broken English everything was explained to us, both about the process and the cure ; and then the Indian, look ing at our game, inquired of our day's hunt, while we in turn, by our inquiries concerning their hunting, drew forth much interesting information. Among other things we learned that they seldom stocked up with game until late fall, because, having no salt, they relied mainly upon the weather as a preservative. As the subject of food was before us and the Sagamore noticed that our queries were quite particular, he asked us to visit his granary, which was another low earth mound of about the dimensions of the sweating pit. We accepted the invitation. The Indian pulled away some short poles, which he said were placed there to keep off bears, and we leaned over and peeked in. Stored snug in every cranny were eatables of various kinds, and in such quantities as might well explode every theory of Indian improvidence. There were small pompions (pumpkins), some acorns, wal nuts, a parcel of ground nuts, several strings of dried shad, some split salmon, a stack of alewives, a pile of raccoon skins (tanned), a huge heap of corn, and three honey combs. The corn he said his squaw raised, and that the whole plot upon which it was planted was broken up by her with a stone hoe. He afterwards showed us a specimen of the hoe, which was a sharp stone fastened to a handle with a sapling withe. The nuts were gathered jointly, and the fish were taken by himself, it being no part of a woman's task to take game, she doing wigwam work or being a field hand. After this last interesting information our noble friend, for such he appeared to be notwithstand ing his low estimate of a squaw's sphere, inquired after "Big Pray," as he recognized the parson's fowling piece, and requested us to take a salmon to him. Upon our as surance that we would gladly do so, he thrust down into 42 Colonial his underground storehouse a sapling pole with a spear- point, the same, he said, which he thrust into it when it was captured, and brought up a ten pound fish, which he deftly rolled and wound with a willow twig for convenient conveyance. By this time the other Indian, who evidently was much recuperated by his late treatment, brought pipes ; not being a smoker, we refused them, yet the act showed such friendliness that we ventured to inquire further about their hunting habits. We learned that the great hunt of the year came in late autumn, and at a time when a warm, hazy atmosphere made animate nature unusually astir. In other words, it was intended to be the last warm spell of fall, when the game captured would keep, and from this fact we were not slow in inferring that here was the true origin of Indian summer, and that whenever such a "spell" comes, if sufficiently late, it might be so called. We did not visit the wigwam, well knowing there was probably nothing new there ; besides, the shadows were lengthening by the birches and the long lines of wild duck, which are more active toward evening, announced that nightfall was near : so, while the steam was still issuing from the "sweat ing pit," we bade the Indians good-bye. At the bay we found Goodmen Hayward and Barrett, and in the boat were several turkeys and a small deer, the latter shot not far from "Gulf brook." But a step and we were in ; and down the Musketequid we glided, through the bay, pastthe hill ; and soon on the banks of the south meadow we saw the lights of several wigwam fires. The night was dark and it began to rain, for the storm presaged by the morning "weather breeder" had set in, and swift clouds from the southerly gave a threaten ing prospect. It was not long before there loomed a light from Tahattawan's wigwam at Nashawtuc, which was quite welcome, as it showed we were nearing home. But we were not to reach it quite as soon as we thought, for scarcely had we passed the precincts of this last point, when, of a sudden, Goodman Barrett dropped his paddle and almost Concord 43 fell, as with a shriek he uttered something about "a sight." Quickly starting up, for we had crouched low to avoid the storm, we saw "the sight," which consisted of a small lumi nous ball just over the meadow, slowly moving and only a few rods ahead of us. Gently shoving the boat towards the bank beside some water brush we lay low and quietly waited. It was not long before the strange light vanished, but so thoroughly aroused were we to the danger of en countering a spook if we proceeded, that we concluded to remain where we were until the apparition, if such it was, had settled itself. While we sat with bated breath by the water brush various conjectures were made as to the cause of the strange "visitation," as our friends called it, and Good man Hayward ventured the suggestion that "as near as he could make out it was over the 'mort stone' near the Cart bridge by the 'Carsey,' and he had heerd it was a bad sign to set a 'cops' down anywhere after it was started, and this was done with John Heald's 'cops' when they stopped the bier at the 'mort stone' to keep the 'buryin' cloth on." But Goodman Barrett did not think so, "for," he said, "Mort stones wus made on purpose to set copses on when the bearers got tired of carryin 'em : besides, John wus everybody's friend, and it wus not likely that his sperit would haunt the medder-land." As for myself, I did not know. I had heard somewhere and sometime of strange lights called "Will-o'-the-wisp," but I had never seen one and was not sure, so I kept still ; and as Goodmen Barrett and Hayward thought we had better leave the boat and go to the manse across-lots, I acceded, and we were soon ashore. It was but a short walk that took us from the landing place to a point where we got a glimpse of the friendly light gleaming out of the little manse window, and, perhaps, the distance appeared less because of our haste, for as the darkness deepened and the pelting storm increased, we hardly looked backward or sideways, except to take a fur tive glance toward the "mort stone" when we crossed the 44 Colonial mill dam. On arriving indoors, however, all was cheerful. Our wet doublets (thick, sleeveless jackets), were thrown aside, and having dried our clothes by the welcome blaze of Parson Bulkeley's bright fire, we were soon seated upon the oaken settle regaling ourselves with a posset (porringer) of hulled maize and goat's milk, in pleasant anticipation of a proposed talk on the town meeting, which was to take place on the morrow. In preparation for the neighbors who were to convene for the evening's conference, the parson had brought in an extra settle from the room adjoining and placed an arm chair at the hearth's corner <¦* saw saescs m au*M£ xhmtm m anst i «cti«s '¦ » 1838. ¦ TABLET MARKING THE SITE OF THE PETER BULKELEY PARSONAGE I TABLET MARKING THE SITE OF CONCORD'S FIRST TOWN HOUSE. CHAPTER VI. Informal Talk Preparatory to Town Meeting — The Apparition — Exodus of Concord Settlers to Connecticut — Statement of Rev. Cotton Mather — Effect of the Exodus on the Laity — The Town Maeting. IN the short space of time before the first arrival not much was said of the ordinary day's happenings, for all the talk was on the episode closing. That we had seen something strange no one doubted, but, it was said, "sich things have been obsarved before," and that this was similar to that seen by Goody Bateman at "Cedar Croft" and by Prudence Ball up at the "bend." That it prognosticated evil, however, was not thought probable by the Parson, to whom all looked in this matter, as in every other, for sound counsel and safe solutions, because on other similar occasions nothing had happened out of the ordinary, except that shortly after Goody Bateman's discovery the Pequod war broke out ; but there were other signs about that time, such as sounds over the trees, and the pale flashings of a luminous night mist, and a sickly look of the sun, which latter, however, some were venturesome enough to assert was caused by a dry spell. With these various conjectures as to the cause, the subject was dismissed after a few practical remarks by the pastor about the proper way of improving all strange and inexplicable phenomena. When the company had assembled we saw that not all were present whom history informs us were early at the plantation. Among those absent were Elder John Jones, Goodman Middlebrook, two of the Wheelers, . and some 45 46 Colonial others. Both personal interest and curiosity prompted us to inquire the cause of this ; but as Goodman Hayward when on the boat had intimated that some families had gone away and that there had been discord in the new township, we kept still, thinking that when the sparks snapped they might tell us. But. as there was just then burning on the back log only some small split spruce which came from the Parson's mill meadow swamp, the sparks could say nothing about it. Presently some one brought in an armful of cleft chestnut, which we were informed was cut at Simon Willard's at Nashawtuc, and came from a clump of trees in his clearing, beneath which the faithful pastor and his beloved parish ioner, Mr. Willard, had often held sweet but sad converse on town affairs. As the wood was thrown on the "cob irons" and began to crackle and glow, while Jude Farwell puffed at it lustily with a small pair of buff colored bellows, we knew we should soon hear something, since it is char acteristic of chestnut-wood to snap freely. Nor were we wrong in our conjecture, for as the coals brightened the sparks snapped, and we eagerly caught the following: There had been an exodus and a sad one. Some of the original grantees had died. Mary, the wife of James Hos mer, was buried December 3, 1641 ; Joseph Meriam died January, 1 640 ; and Jane, the wife of Timothy Wheeler, died in December, 164a. But other causes besides death had broken the ranks. Several had returned to old Eng land ; some had gone to settlements near the sea ; and in October, 1644, about one-eighth part of the Concord colony followed Elder John Jones to Fairfield, Conn. Of course, curiosity was aroused to know the cause of this last removal ; but as before intimated, we surmised that the subject might be a delicate one, and that some present might be sensitive to any inquiries we might make concern ing it. But soon the sparks snapped out more vigorously than ever, and the inference from them was very direct and Concord 47 clear that it was not alone the "badness and wetness of the meadows" or the "poverty and meanness of the soil" that caused all the trouble, but an inharmonious mixture of too much ruling Elder with a proper amount of teaching Elder ; so that it was difficult to tell where the authority of the latter began and that of the former ended. This posi tion of the sparks was confirmed in our minds by Cotton Mather, author of the "Magnolia," who stated that "diffi culties arose between the minister and people at Concord, which were settled by calling a council after the abdication of one of them," that is, one of the ecclesiastics ; and, also, "that upon Mr. Bulkeley's pressing a piece of charity disa greeable to the will of the ruling Elder there was occasioned an unhappy discord in the church of Concord," and the same thing is also implied in a letter of Rev. Peter Bulke ley to Rev. Thomas Shepherd of Cambridge, in which he asks his opinion as to the relative power of the ruling Elder and the pastor ; and also in a letter of Mr. Bulkeley to Cotton Mather, when he hints about "The evil of the times we live in, and what mischief one lofty spirit that has reputation for understanding can do among the weak." When the sparks from Mr. Willard's cleft chestnut burned low we hardly expected to learn anything of the effect of this ecclesiastical broil on the laity ; but just then Robert Fletcher threw on the fire a stick of well seasoned pine, which we were told was cut and hauled for the minis ter from trees growing by the highway on the "strate strete" by the "housen," where a large share of the original settlers lived, and under which many conversations had been held. Upon this, we expected to obtain just the in formation we desired ; and as the fire flashed and the sparks merrily snapped up the chimney flue, we learned that the ecclesiastical disturbance had a depressing effect on the laity financially; so that some refused to pay their proportion of the public charges ; and a council called to consider mat ters had advised the clergy to be content with what they got, since the burden on the people was heavy. From 48 Colonial these statements we inferred that, though the minister's salary was only about ^70 annually and this to be paid partly in country produce, yet, for the people to be taxed in addition for a supernumerary, was thought too grievous. We also inferred this from the fact that in 1 645 Lieutenant Simon Willard was excused from attendance as deputy to the General Court, and was supposed to go home to cheer up the people ; and from the fact that about the same time the Court passed an order forbidding any person leaving the townships of Concord, Sudbury, and Dedham except by permission of the selectmen ; and that the Concord citizens be exempt from the payment of certain rates for three years ; only directing that they still exercise in the train band. As the various topics talked of were considered in the town meeting on the day following, we will not refer to them until that meeting is described. It is sufficient to say that while this preliminary conference in some of its features might correspond to the modern caucus, yet in others it did not, for there were no objectionable politics whatever, neither was there anything representative of two parties ; but it was only an informal neighborhood gathering, de signed to expedite matters at the coming meeting. What was talked about was an admixture of social, ecclesiastical and civil interests, showing plainly a quasi-connection of church and state, and best designated, it may be, as a New' England theocracy, where the old maxim, "Vox populi est vox Dei," was reversed and made to read, "Vox Dei est vox populi." When the conference broke up the room was soon vacated. There was no lingering for a last word of senseless small talk, but soon all was still except for the clink of the tongs on the andirons as Parson Bulkeley heaped the brands on the back log and tenderly covered them with ashes. The storm beat on the diamond-shaped window panes ; a fox barked near the out-buildings, while from^afar, beyond the meadows near where the "sight" appeared, came the deep baying of Simon Willard's two Concord 49 house dogs. We picked up the brown "betty," and care fully carrying it so as not to spill any of the grease, we bade the Parson good night and went to our room. We found it an unplastered one, opening into the lean-to garret, upon whose roof the autumn rain was falling pleasantly. To describe an old-time town meeting at Concord as it occurred in the remote past is a difficult and delicate task, since the records of each session for about the first half century of the settlement were probably destroyed, as be fore stated, in the destruction of Major Simon Willard's house by fire. But if we assume that Concord had customs in common with other colonial towns, and make conjectures based on analogy, we may suggest what may have taken place in a town meeting at Concord about 1655. Let it be understood, then, that though the following narration is in part fictitious, yet, like much of the foregoing, it is designed with due reference to such matters of tradition and record as have come to us, to set forth the character of a people and the customs and usages of an age long since vanished. The next morning we arose bright and early. The sunlight streamed into the manse windows and stretched across the mill meadows, giving assurance that the storm had subsided. As it was our purpose to note everything about the set tlement, while breakfast was being prepared we walked out to look over the premises. The house was not by any means an uncomfortable one, for though it was low and plainly built, yet it was snug and fairly commodious. The chimney was of stone, with clay mortar ; the outside was covered with "clayboards" (clapboards), so called because they were fastened to the clay daubing of the walls, and the roof was thatched with meadow "blue joint." As we strolled abroad beyond the meeting house and over the Ridgeway we came to one of the "common plant ing fields," where many pumpkins still remained ungath- ered, and now and then scattered on the ground was a long, full ear of maize, showing the value of fish as a fertilizer, 50 Colonial and also that though the Indians had tilled this same field long before the English purchased it, the soil was still strong. At the farther end of the enclosure we saw a red deer timidly browsing among the weeds for stray corn, while skulking along the outskirts of the adjacent woods was a lank wolf. Upon seeing the wolf we were reminded that it might be breakfast time and made haste to return, crossing over the burying ground to the street, this being nearer than the way we came and farther from the wolf. We were shortly at the manse door and seated at the table. The morning meal consisted of toast made of goat's milk and journey (johnny) cake, so-called from the ease of mak ing and its adaptation to people journeying. The toast was served from a tureen, which had been placed in an iron chaffing dish with coals in it, this useful article having been brought into requisition to keep the breakfast warm till our return. The trenchers (plates) were of pewter, and beside each was a beaker of water. There was also some apple mose which the fruit of a few apple trees the first in the settlement had afforded, and this, with some cranberry tarts made with rye crust, completed the meal. After breakfast the Parson returned thanks, and taking the well-worn Bible from a shelf read a portion of it, then kneeling and with hands reverently clasped upon its dark leathern lids, offered upon that altar in the wilderness a worship that was far more than form. After prayer he exchanged his light outer garment for a red "doublet," and went to the barn to fodder his stock. We accompanied him, conversing on various practical matters, among which was the value of meadow grass, and our conclusions were that notwithstand ing what some have said about its worthlessness, it nevertheless was quite serviceable, and that without it per haps the settlers' cattle would have starved. The weather also was considered, and about this we concluded it was no colder in Concord than elsewhere, especially if we could credit the statements of good Cotton Mather, that in Salem Concord 5 1 it was so cold that sap forced out of the wood by the fire in the middle, froze simultaneously at both ends. After the chores were done, which were few, for the Par son had but two cows, we returned to the manse and soon went to the meeting house where the town's business was to be transacted pursuant to a warrant previously posted on the door, and also upon a "publishing post" by the wayside. As we entered the low, rectangular structure, almost severely plain in its appliances, and with no chimney, steeple, or porch, we saw at a glance that we could learn nothing from the sparks about the political management of the municipality as it related to the past, for there was no fireplace. We reverentially removed our hats and seated ourselves in one of the hard, pen-like pews before the com munion table, behind which the moderator afterward sta tioned himself; and while waiting for the session to open we talked with Ensign Meriam as to the methods by which town affairs were conducted. Our conversation on this subject was soon interrupted by the arrival of "Clark" Willard with the "town books ;" whereupon by motion of Goodman Potter, Ensign Hos mer took the chair and the session began. Parson Bulke ley was asked to pray, the "dark's" records were read and "silentiously" approved, and business commenced. We soon saw that the principles of parliamentary usage differed but little from .those of the present, though there were some quaint variations in terminology. If a measure was passed without opposition it was said to be passed by a "silentious" vote. In some instances "it was resoluted," and so recorded, but generally, acts were passed, by a "majer vote" or by a division of voters, and the record might read "by a clere vote." The resolutions and measures adopted ranged all the way from the appropriation of twenty shil lings to pay for the "diet" of the deputy to the Colonial Court, to the requisition of a receipt from Abimeleck Bate- man for the ninepence paid for publicly whipping a stranger 52 Colonial for disorderly drunkenness, and for the sixpence paid for placing a persistent Sabbath breaker in the stocks. Among the officers chosen were selectmen, commissioners of rates, highway surveyors, tythingmen, fence viewers, and a "dark." Among the appointments was that of a person to procure a "branding iron" for marking horses, a person to take care of the town's stock of ammunition ; a person to beat a drum to call people to meeting on Sundays and lecture days, and to sweep and keep clean the meeting house ; a committee to establish rules for cutting wood on the "commons" ; a person to look after and repair the watch house ; and George Fowler was appointed to "breed salt petre" in some out-house used for poultry. Mr. Simon Willard was allowed to sell wine and "strong water," and was to exercise the "train band." Among things "ordered" were that "all persons who shall cut down trees within half a mile of the meeting house shall cut them up within three months ;" (This order was perhaps to prevent forest fires.) that "any persons who neglect to attend town meeting, they having been properly warned, shall pay a fine of two shillings, and if they leave before the close they shall be fined the same ;" and that "the chief trees shall be left standing by the high- way_ as shelter for the cattle from the heat." Among the appropriations were "ten shillings to pay Sergeant Scotchford for warning suspicious persons out of town," they being liable to become a public charge ; "ten shillings to purchase a new buryin' cloth to cover up copses ;" "twenty shillings to set two mort stones between the Blood farms (Carlisle) and the buryin' ground;" "eight shillings to set stakes by the causeways, for the use of travelers at high water"; "five shillings to be paid Good man Woods for mending the pound, besides half the receipts for impounding stray cattle the ensuing year;" "three shillings to purchase a padlock for the stocks ;" and "five pounds for paying the board of poor people to such Concord 53 as would take them at the lowest bid, they to have good and sufficient diet and suitable clothing." ' After the meeting broke up but little was said, for the cool shadows at the close of that early October day sent each householder hurrying home "to cover up things," as Goodman Woods said there would be a hard frost up his way. The meeting was adjourned without date, for Lieu tenant Willard did not know of anything that should call them together until Michaelmas. CHAPTER VII. Scene by the Wayside — Home of Timothy Wheeler — Evening Talk by the Fireplace — Statements of John Scotchford — Cause of the Settlement of Concord. ACCORDING to previous arrangement, no sooner was the meeting over than we started with Timothy Wheeler for his home. This visit we considered quite a privilege, inasmuch as having seen the easier side of a settler's life at the manse, we greatly wished to see the other side in the quiet homestead of an outlying farm : moreover, we had heard of Goody Wheeler's "apple mose" and "sweet conserve," and knew that we would receive there more than an average of Concord comforts, besides a chance of listening to some good stories from her consort, since Timothy, as he was called by the town folks, was acquainted with everybody from the "nine acres" to the "lower medders," and knew many strange incidents of settlers' life by the Musketequid. As we left the meeting house there passed us a drove of cattle composed of cows, calves, and several oxen, which we were informed were the property of various owners who were pasturing them on the common feeding field. Not caring to be too inquisitive at the outset, for we knew there would be much to inquire about, we asked no questions on the subject, but by the data obtained from the sparks and elsewhere we inferred that there was a daily herding of these animals, and that it was done by each householder in turn collecting them in the morning and returning them to the barnyard at evening ; and if we are right in the above infer ence we may well wait for a moment at the next bar-way while we reflect upon a custom that has such pleasing and pastoral relations. The farm boy driving home the cows has long been a favorite subject for the painter, and justly 54 Concord 55 so, but is it hardly comparable in its picturesque suggestive ness with the bringing home of that little lone herd from the broad meadow lands and the sunny hillsides to the snug straw thatched barns of the Concord husbandmen ? We can almost conceive of the scene, as at sunsetting by the woodside pathway is heard the tinkling sound of the bell wether and the deep clank, clonk of the cow bell, and the familiar, breezy call of the tired herdsman, all of which are as welcome to the waiting milkman and maid as were the notes of the post horn in the days of stage travel to the old-time tavern-keeper. The natural concomitant of all this was the dropping of the barnyard bars while Flora, Brindle and Bess, good stock from Surrey and Kent, stepped over them, and the rest of the drove moved to their own stalls further on. And the children, for they are there in this true back woods nursery, little Cerinthy, Hannah and Hope, Jona than, Jesse and Abiather, are all on hand with their porringers, each to be served first. We were not long in reaching Timothy's house, which was a plain structure with a stout frame roughly boarded with thick planks, set upright inside, both for finish and for defence from attacks of the Northern and Eastern Indians. Within the building, things differed from those at Parson Bulkeley's, for the Parson was more than well- to-do ; he was for the times wealthy, and things at the manse were somewhat in accord with his estate. The chimney was a massive one placed near the middle of the house, and up the broad flue over the fire-place was a large "lug" of green walnut that extended from ledge to ledge and which Timothy told us might last for several months, but with a liability if left too long, of burning through. This "lug" was used in place of a crane, which came later, and upon it were suspended "hooks and tram mels"; below were a pair of andirons, before which was a broad, flaring hearth ; above the fireplace was a mantel piece, and upon it a pair of candle-snuffers, a tinder box 56 Colonial and a "saveall"; the latter article being a small candle stick with an upright pin proceeding from the centre and used for impaling partly spent candles when too short for the common candle stick. Squashes, sage, and savory were also there, while over all were a couple of firearms resting peacefully upon wooden pegs. As we entered the house Goody Wheeler met us with a cheery look and we soon felt at home. The evening meal which was awaiting our arrival was laid on a small pine table without leaves, and though every dish was unpreten tious, yet there was a display of neatness and taste which at once convinced us of the good sense of Timothy's consort. The food consisted of johnny cake, a trencher of apple slump, and pumpkin pie with a rye crust. There was also on a narrow side board or adjustable shelf hinged to the wall and upheld in horizontal position by a single stake, or leg, the remnant of a boiled dinner, but no potatoes ; the absence of the latter being accounted for by the fact that potatoes were as yet but little grown by the settlers, being regarded by some at that time as unfit for food. For drink there was home brewed beer either made from barley malted at the village malt house or from malt bought by the ball. It is needless to say that town meeting had made us hungry, and for a half hour we showed our appreciation of this simple farm fare. Supper over, the food that remained was removed to the buttery in a "varder," a utensil made for the purpose, and the dishes after being washed were placed in the "dresser," a triangular shaped closet in one corner of the room. The kitchen work being completed a trundle bed was drawn out from under the high bed for little Cerinthy and Charity: and then Goody Wheeler joined her husband and myself who were sitting by the fireside. Hardly were we fairly seated and engaged in conversation concerning Timothy's crops, and methods of husbandry, when here was a pull at the latch string, and in walked Concord cy Goodman John Scotchford, whom we met at town meeting, and who had come over with his wife Susanna for an even ings talk. Their arrival was timely, for we had ascertained in a conversation held with him at the meeting house that he was of the company that arrived at Concord the first fall, and was therefore conversant with the settlers' earliest experience the first year, and also knew something of their antecedents in England ; some of which things we could hardly have expected to ascertain from Timothy Wheeler, since he did not join the Concord colony until 1639. It was not long before we were conversing on these sub jects, and soon obtained facts which taken in conjunction with what the sparks had deposed in other places led us to infer that the Concord grantees, whether of the company first arriving or those who soon followed, were mostly Englishmen, and that they came to America not as worldly minded adventurers but rather as sturdy Puritans ; so that it is by no false nomenclature that we speak of the Puritan pilgrims of Concord, and assert that their early homes by the Musketequid were in every sense shrines of the truth, where liberty loving devotees burned incense. That these •pilgrims founded the township at a sacrifice can scarcely be doubted ; for was it not that which John Scotchford told us ? and did not the sparks snap vigorously and even the cob irons suddenly redden with an additional glow as he described his home beyond seas ? Most surely, there could be no mistaking on this point; for, although the wind blew bleakly outside and occasionally crept down the chimney with a melancholy wail, giving an unwonted brightness to the back log, yet not half so bright was it as the picture given by him of his far, English birth place. But the more pathetic part of his narration was that relating to his leaving home ; and here he became agitated and appeared to live again that part of his life which he thought the saddest. He spoke of the prayers and the parting at his parents' threshold, and the words of blessing at the garden gate. 58 Colonial At this point in the narrative the sparks stopped snap ping and the coals were fast fading into an ashen hue, giv ing the room a sombre appearance ; moreover, John acted as if he did not care to talk further, but sat silently gazing upon the changeful embers as though he saw images in them ; while Susanna sighed heavily like one thinking of things far distant. Presently, Timothy Wheeler arose and threw upon the fire a few chips, whereupon John began slowly pacing the room. As for ourselves we did not care to say anything. It was a time for thought. The facts stated had been impres sive, and John's manner was so demonstrative that it needed nothing farther from any one to convince us of the cause of the Puritans' exodus to America ; and that the inhabitants in the lone hamlet at Concord became pilgrims for things not of earth. Moreover, the spell that had over taken John was upon us also ; we saw spectres in the air and weird pictures. Sprites danced down the great chim ney flue and perched on the sooty lug bar ; the candle flared ; its spent wick sputtered and the last spark ceased to twinkle ; the back log broke and half buried itself in the ashes ; and it was twice night in Timothy Wheeler's domi cile, — the night of nature and the night of the past. Meekly bowing to the inevitable, as we always mean to, we immediately mused on the apostrophe of the poet Lowell to the great monarch whose realm we had invaded : "O realm of silence and of swart eclipse, The shapes that haunt thy gloom Make signs to us and move thy withered lips Across the gulf of doom ; Yet all their sound and motion Bring no more freight to us than wraiths of ships On the mirage's ocean." The silence had continued till it began to be quite un comfortable, when the chips last thrown upon the coals became suddenly ignited, and as the flames roared up the chimney the sprites followed them, and when the hinder- Concord 59 most leaped over the lug stick there was a sharp whine from the dog Towser as if making sympathetic response to the sad narration. The noise of Towser awoke Charity and little Cerinthy, whose deep and peaceful breathing had been one of the pleasant features of the evening. As Cerinthy climbed out of the trundle bed and ran to Goody Wheeler, saying she was lonesome, it occurred to us to inquire some thing about child life in the earlier days of the Concord colony. This we did, and learned among other things that some of the settlers who arrived early brought with them several children, and that the families were generally large, as the Hartwells, Willards and some of the Wheelers, although this was not the case with our friend Timothy, for we had ascertained in the course of our conversation that Cerinthy and Charity were not their own children, but they had taken them into their home from a household that was somewhat straightened in means. As the subject of child life was being discussed we noticed that the ears of little Charity were evidently open to all that was being said, and thought it might be in poor taste to continue our interrogatories farther concerning this mat ter. We were not compelled, however, to leave the topic here, for no sooner had our talk upon it ceased, than Tim othy took from the wood box and threw against the chim ney back a handful of pine cones, which he informed us the children had gathered in the warm fall days for winter kindling. Immediately, these inflammable objects became ablaze, and as they crackled the sparks snapped and struck out until all moved back from the hearth's edge lest they be burned by them. CHAPTER VIIL Continued Account of Colonial Child Life — Synop sis of Events the First Year at the Musketequid Settlement — Purchase of Territory from the Indians — - Plan of the Township — Names of the Original Grantees — Description of the Journey from Watertown to Concord. HERE was an opportunity, for not only were we in the way to get at the indoor experience of the children, but also to know something of their prat tle and play and their little duties outside ; so while the rest were talking together about an expected visit from Parson Bulkeley to catechise their households, we sat quietly listening as the sparks spoke, and the following is what we learned. Before the birth of a child preparation was made for a jubilee dinner or supper to be held a few weeks after the child was born, at which the nurse and others were invited, and what was called "grooming" beer and "grooming" cake were prepared for this occasion weeks beforehand. On the Sunday next after the birth the babe was taken to the meeting house for baptism, and it mattered not about the weather, for the "chrisom" child was to undergo the rite even if ice had to be broken in the "christening bowl." It was usually carried in the arms of the midwife and was attired in a "bearing cloth" or "christening blanket" made of linen and woven by hand, and when at the altar it was placed in the arms of the father. The little children in early times were usually clothed with the best the householder could afford. An important article of dress for church service, whether in summer or 60 RALPH WALDO EMERSON. BY PERMISSION OF FOSTER BROS. Concord 6 1 winter, was a low necked and short sleeved shirt, and its head was covered with a "bigger" or cap. The first time a babe was moved from the room it was carried upstairs with silver or gold in its hand to bring wealth and to cause it always to rise in the world. It also had scarlet laid upon its head to keep it from harm. Among the prescriptions for children's ailments was "snail- water"; a concoction of garden snails, earth worms, rue, agrimony, barberry bark, bear's foot, and betony. The snails were to be washed in small beer and bruised in a stone mortar and then mixed with the crushed earth worms. To facilitate teething, babes sometimes wore anodyne neck laces ; and one old writer recommends for teething, milk pottage, "flummery," and warm beer. The children were early sent to what were called "Dame schools," where they were taught among other rudiments of knowledge, to sew, knit, spin, and weave. The "boughten" luxuries of the boys and girls were not many nor great. We hear, of "lemon pil candy," and "angelica candy," and "carraway comfits"; but confections were probably only the things of an occasional holiday, and even then not to be practically thought of by the average child. Amusements of an intellectual nature were quite as few, there being little perhaps of an amusing character until the appearance of the "Mother Goose Melodies." Some of the books of the period are the following : — the titles of which we conclude could not have been very attrac tive, notwithstanding Cotton Mather said in his election sermon before the governor and council in 1685, "The youth of this country are verrie sharp and early ripe in their capacities." — "A Looking Glass for Children," "The Life of Mary Paddock, Who Died at the Age of Nine," "A Particular Account of Some Extraordinary Pious Motions and Devout Exercises Observed of Late in Many Children of Siberia." But notwithstanding the paucity of amusements and gala days caused by the severity of the times, child nature would 62 Colonial assert itself and mirth and meny making could not be sup pressed. It found expression at the corn huskings, apple bees, and quiltings, and whenever the older folks gathered of an evening in a neighborly way the children were pre sent, and seated on stools in the back part of the room, listened to stories of forest adventure and village gossip, and shared with their elders the pop-corn, apples and cider, or cracked nuts all by themselves near the oven's mouth, while they may have made many an innocent caricature of some quaint individual. Even in their work they found play. If they kept the blackbirds from the corn there was many a skip, and jump, and gleeful halloo. If they drove afield the herds and flocks there was the bird's nest that they visited and the brook in which they waded or swam. If they went on errands there were the berries by the way side, and the squirrel, woodchuck and coons. They had access to the purple wild grapes, and the brown nuts of the woods. The field flowers they could see at their best, and they had an appetite for anything eatable. With such pleasures they were satisfied. "Learn to Obey" and little "Hate-evil" could frolic and romp as much as they pleased when sent to the "close" to call the men folks, and nothing could prevent Welcome Wheat from waiting at the bar-way before dropping the rails until she heard the familiar co, co, co, from Mindwell Dean, as he coaxed his herd from an adjacent pasture in order to drive their droves home together. In these homes the families were 'usually large, and there was the companionship of near ages, and the crude play things served as did the same cradle for each new comer. It mattered not if Helpful Hunt and prattling Patience Potter, and the twins, Thomas and Haggai Hayward, could not go with a "ha-penny" to Robert Meriam's grocery for a "carraway comfit" or a stick of "angelica candy," for their happiness did not depend on these things. More over, their mothers made marmalade, and "quidonies," and "typocias," and sometimes when they had company there Concord 63 was the "sack posset" made of sack, ale, cream, and eggs, which even baby Jane sometimes sipped from the "pap spoon." There was the sweet "pumpkin bread" and the occasional sweet cake of "guinny wheat." Furthermore, at the "Dame schools" there was doubtless no little of fun, and of that merriment which school life always finds no matter how staid or strict the environment, and we may easily conjecture that at one of these early Concord kinder gartens while Dame Dakin had stepped to the kitchen to get a noggin of hot "mumm" (a fat ale made of oat meal and malt) "to stay her stomach," Fidelity Flint and Honorbright Hartwell have crept to the "noon mark" to see how near it is to dinner time. As it was getting late we concluded to retire, and upon making known our intention, Timothy Wheeler slipped from the candlestick the spent candle and placed it upon a saveall, saying, "It will more than last till you git to bed." He did not know, however, that to retire from the hearth side was not to retire to our couch, but that there was to be a review of what had been said by John Scotchford and a noting of it. And now let us pause in our story and briefly consider some events that are matters of record, together with what may have been some of the scenes, incidents and processes in connection with the beginning of the settlement of Concord. As has been stated, several families in the fall of 1635 went from Watertown to a spot by the Musketequid river to establish a township. The territory was purchased of the Indians and was surrounded on all sides by their land. A part of the price was paid in "wampum-peage, hatchets, Hows, knives, cotton cloth, and shirts." It is stated that an agreement to sell the land, or the actual sale of it, was made at the house of Rev. Peter Bulkeley. The deed was early lost and never recovered, but there is ample evidence that it was duly executed and delivered. Tradition states that the bargain was made under an oak 64 Colonial tree called Jethro's tree, and that the tree stood at a spot just in front of the site of the old Middlesex hotel at the southwesterly end of Concord square. On Sept. 2, 1635, tne tract was granted by the act of the Colonial Court, as was customary, and was to be, according to Governor Winthrop, "6 myles of land square." The name Concord may have been given it from the harmony early existing among the grantees. 'The deed of conveyance was probably signed by those who made the agreement to sell, among whom were the squaw Sachem, Tahattawan ; Muttanktuckes, Nimrod and others, accord ing to various depositions, and we believe it not improbable that the others referred to were Kato, a former In dian owner of the Sudbury plantation, Jehojakim, Majus, Musqua, some of the Speen family, Musquamog, Bohew, Bornan, Nepanum, and Wennetoj /"" No plan of the territory acquired by the first purchase is known to have ever been made, but it is supposed that the township was surveyed and laid out by Major Simon Willard. It has been stated that the tract was to be three miles north, south, east and west, that the house lot of Rev. Peter Bulkeley was its geographical center, and that it included among its natural advantages six mill privileges, seven ponds and more than nine miles of river courseJ Stone bounds were set at the corners of the township, and tradition has pointed out the place of some of them. In process of time other land acquisitions were added to the original grant, notably among which were Concord village (Acton), and the Blood farm (Carlisle).] 5 The names of all the settlers who had reached the place of settlement by 1635 anu ^^ ls uncertain but a part of \ them are Rev. Peter Bulkeley, Elder John Jones, Hay- ) ward, Heald, Fletcher; William and Thomas Bateman, Hosmer, Potter, Ball, Rice, Hartwell, Meriam, Judson, j Griffin, George, Joseph and Obadiah Wheeler and John C.ScotchfordJ {Peter Bulkeley came from Wodell, Bedford- / shire county, England; James Hosmer from Hockhurst Concord 6$ in Kent, John Heald from Berwick in Northumberland, William Buttrick from Kingston on Thames in Surrey, John Ball from Wiltshire, and the Wheelers, according to tradition, from Wales^J fThe names of settlers who arrived at Concord between 1635-6 and 1640 are Thomas Flint from Matlock, Wil liam Hunt from Yorkshire, Ephraim Thomas and Timothy Wheeler, whom tradition says came from Wales ; Thomas Brooks from London, Jonathan Mitchell from Yorkshire, Stow, Blood, Brown, Andrews, Atkinson, Barrett, Billings, Miles, Smeadley, Squire, Underwood, Burr, Draper, Far- well, Chandler, Gobble, Fox and probably Middlebrook, Odell and Fuller.' _ 'Some of the larger estates of these settlers are estimated as follows : Peter Bulkeley, ^6000 ; Thomas Flint, ^4000 ; William and Thomas Bateman, ^34^ 5 George Hayward, ^500 ; William Hunt, ^596. James Blood and Thomas Stow were large real estate owners./ There is no evidence that these families lived together before their arrival in America ; neither have we any evi dence that the settlement was planned in England. The journey to the Musketequid country was doubtless an arduous one and attended with peril, as we may infer from the following account given by the writer Edward Johnson in his "Wonder working Providence of Zion's Saviour." "Sometimes passing through the thickets, where their hands are forced to break way for their bodies' passage, and their feet clambering over the crossed trees, which when they missed they sink into an uncertain bottom in water, and wade up to their knees, tumbling sometimes higher and sometimes lower. Wearied with this toil, they at the end of this meet with scorching plains, yet not so plain but that the ragged bushes scratch their legs fouly, even to wearing their stockings to their bare skin in two or three hours. If they are not otherwise well defended with boots or buskins, their flesh will be torn, — some of them being 66 Colonial forced to pass on without further provision, have had the blood trickle down at every step. And in time of summer, the sun cast such a reflecting heat from the sweet fern, whose scent is so very strong, that some herewith have been very near fainting, altho very able bodies to endure much travel. And this not to be indured for one day, but for many ; and verily did not the Lord encourage their natural parts with hopes of a new and strange discovery, expecting every hour to see some rare sight never seen before, they were not able to hold out and break through. * * * After some days spent in search, toiling in the day time, as formerly said, like true Jacob they rest them on the rocks where the night takes them. Their short repast is some small pittance of bread, if it holds out ; but as for drink they have plenty, the country being well watered in all places that are yet found out. Their further hardship is to travel, sometimes they know not whither, bewildered indeed without sight of sun, their compass miscarrying in crowding through the bushes. They sadly search up and down for a known way, the Indian paths being not above one foot broad, so that a man may travel many days and never find one. * * * This intricate work no whit daunted these resolved servants of Christ to go on with the work in hand, but lying in the open air while the watery clouds pour down all the night season, and sometimes the driving snow desolving on their backs, they keep their wet clothes warm with continued fire till the renewed morning gives fresh opportunity of further travel." This account may perhaps relate to the journeys of var ious companies who went at different seasons to the pro posed new plantation, rather than to any one journey made by explorers or permanent settlers. The language is strong and may have been designed to convey for substance a general instead of a detailed descrip tion. Captain Edward Johnson was one of the prominent founders of Woburn and a good man. Concord 67 He wrote about the settlement of other New England towns also ; and doubtless obtained much of his informa tion from conversations with their inhabitants. The goods of the settlers were conveyed to Concord in teams which were impressed by order of the Colonial Court ; as indicated by the following record, dated Sept. 2, • "It is ordered that there shall be a Plantation at Mus ketequid, and that there shall be six miles square to belong to it, and that the inhabitants thereof shall have three years immunities from all public charges except trainings. Fur ther, that when any that shall plant there shall have occa sion of carrying of goods thither, they shall repair to two of tne next magistrates where the teams are, who shall have power for a year to press draughts at reasonable rates to be paid by the owners of the goods to transport their goods thither at seasonable times. And the name of the place is changed, and henceforth to be called Concord.." The preparation for the departure from Watertown into the wilderness was doubtless short ; for the settlers would have but few household articles to take with them ; but the scene at the departure was probably an interesting one. We may conjecture that foremost in the procession were several outriders, who were for watch and ward lest the train be attacked by hostile Indians, for as yet the settlers did not know the friendly character of the natives. Be tween the wagons and the vanguard were, naturally, the cattle, sheep, goats and swine, upon whose safety so much depended. Lastly, and accompanied probably by some of the more lusty of the company as a rear guard, we may suppose rode reverentially and anxiously, Rev. Peter Bulkeley and Elder John Jones. As there were no roads nor bridges, fording places were to be sought, for crossing the streams ; swamps were to be avoided by a circuitous path, and fodder for the animals was either to be carried or obtained from the tufts of wild wood grass or from occasional open spaces in the forest. As more than one day was consumed in making the 68 Colonial journey, at night everything was to be carefully guarded, and, let the weather be what it might, there was no shelter but an improvised one of tree branches or that of some projecting rock or friendly windfall. No welcome of any kind awaited their arrival, but in stead, "Bleak Nature's desolation wraps them round, Eternal forests, and unyielding earth, And savage men, who through the thickets peer, With vengeful arrow." The only sounds that greeted them were of the wilder ness. The eagle screamed over the pines by the ridgeway, and from the vast meadow wastes came the deep booming of the lone bittern. Down the gentle defiles, which after a lapse of two centuries have become such pleasant places, danced the dim shadows of an early twilight, and long be fore the day was done the wild beast began his nightly prowling with dismal cry and suspicious skulk. But there are other things which may have lent their influence to make the arrival a forbidding one. There was in the nature of the Massachusetts Bay settlers an element of superstition which was easily aroused, and there were conditions in the country about Concord suited to call it forth to an unusual degree ; ponds with lonely environ ments, from which the loons wild and pathetic cry as it pealed over the woodland might be mistaken for the spirit of some unavenged victim of Indian hate ; dark recesses by the meadow border, upon which the night bird de scended with whistling wing, making sounds which to unac customed ears might be mistaken for voices unearthly ; dark, evergreen groves by the hillside ; tangled and vine webbed archways beneath which were the imprints of unknown animals, or of strange moccasined feet; fresh coals on abandoned hearthstones, suggestive of some one living, and perhaps somewhere listening and watching ; all these things and others it may be of like nature awaited the settlers. CHAPTER IX. Character of the First Houses — Food, Clothing, Occupation — Preparations for Cold Weather — The Setting in of Winter — Trials and Amusements — The Coming of Spring — Scenes Along the Mus ketequid. THE first work that presented itself was that of providing themselves shelter; in doing this they seized upon every advantage. They laid out their stinted house lots at the foot of the ridgeway before spoken of, thinking, it may be that the bank to the northerly would prove a friendly wind break, and that the southerly slope would catch the slant beams of the winter's sun. But the expected advantage had its drawback, for old Boreas strode ruthlessly down the little "strate strete" and knocked loudly at their cabin doors, while the snow swept by his besom from the "great fields" above, fell unexpectedly over the bank, and only awaited the springtime to melt and flood their dwellings. ^The first houses were thinly scattered from what is now Concord square to "Meriam's corner." They were con structed by the driving or setting of upright stakes or logs at the foot of the hill, and the placing thereon of stringers or poles, which, resting on the sloping ground formed a roof admitting of a room beneath, by the removal of the earth. The roof poles were covered with sods, or brushwood thatched with grass. The fireplaces were against the bank; and for light, the door may have served a partial purpose, supplemented by one or two small apertures, closing with slides or filled with oiled paper. It is stated that these structures were only designed for a tem porary purpose, and made to the end that when kindly 69 70 Colonial spring opened they could provide things more durable. It is said, however, that even the first winter Parson Bulkeley had provided for him a frame house. / As to the food supply, we may make no mistake in sup posing that jit was scant in quantity and altogether unsuit able for either hard work or good health ; for commercial relations with other places were few, and but little corn could be obtained from the natives*- Besides, there was inconvenience in the preparation of what food material they had. Corn may have had to be ground after the Indian fashion of pounding it with a pestle in a mortar of wood or stone, or if a few families were fortunate enough to own a "querne", before the erection of the "Bulkeley grist mill", and also in seasons of drought afterward, they may have been put to the hardship of grinding their corn by handJ We may also believe that/the clothing was unsuitedto the climate, for, doubtless, they wore the garments they brought with them across the ocean, and the change from the equable temperature of England to the inconstant cli mate of Massachusetts Bay, and the encountering of the malarial exhalations and damp meadow mists of the Mus ketequid, together with the snowfalls and floods that go with great forest growths in an unreclaimed country, would naturally result in much suffering. If we may believe the writer, Johnson, some of the people were at times only partially clad in anything, for, he states, that "at the first, many of the people in the season of frost and snow went barefooted and barelegged." The same writer says that "some of their cattle, for which they paid five and twenty pounds a cow, died," and, also, that "for want of wheat, barley and rye, the Indian meal proved a sore affliction to some stomachs/'/ The late autumnal days following the arrival were busy ones. There was much to be done before the setting in of a winter which to the settlers was all untried, and whose severity at its mildest might if unprepared to meet it sub ject them to hardship. Concord 7 1 Besides the building and banking up of their houses, a supply of food and fuel was to be provided ; shelter was to be made for the cattle, and fodder laid by for them when they could no longer feed upon the brown meadows nor browse upon the brushwood. To perform these tasks was not easy ; the forest being of the "first growth," as it was termed when no woodman's axe had been used upon it, would not readily fall before the rude implements that were used for wood-cutting in those days ; and the tall bluejoint, the juiceless lute grass, the "pipes" and the "flags" had all lost some of their summer sweetness, and were tough and woody, and in some places standing half high in water .j Furthermore, the time for gathering these was short. Any week, any day, might bring the snow, and any night the ground might freeze, so that not so much as a fence post could be set. The summer birds had all flown, and the late stragglers from the north flew low down, as if laden with an apprehension that they were late. The leaves had fallen, and the wind blew through the bare branches with a melancholy wail, and rustled coldly through the coarse sedge in the runways ; while in the morning, thin ice cov ered the meadow lands, all betokening the near approach of cold weather, and admonishing the settler to make haste in preparing for ,-it ; perhaps, too, predisposing him to homesickness, and causing solicitude for things ahead. What was thus indicated soon occurred. The last honk of the gray wild goose was heard over the bay at the river bend, as if croaking back a note of disappointment at not finding open water in which to rest itself. The dusky duck, the hardiest and latest of the wild waterfowl that fre quents the rivers and ponds about Concord, had days before taken its departure because the water was frozen ; and nothing remained of the bird kind but a flock of quer ulous robins, which still lingered about the swamp near the mill brook, as if to discover what the strangers were there for, and to finish eating a few alder berries. >, Soon, "announced by all the trumpets of the sky," and 72 Colonial prognosticated by bird and beast, the snow came. It filled up the paths and dropped heavily upon the cabin roofs, and lodged gloomily upon the drooping tree branches. Easy access with the outer world was closed, and the colonists were left to themselves, with wild animals and wild men in a wild wood, with no promise of any visitors before spring, except the winds and the storm clouds. But, although thus exposed to the hardships of the wilderness we may well conjecture that they were not idle, for there was much that could be done in the winter season by way of preparation for the spring. Seed was to be obtained of the natives ; spots suitable for planting it were to be selected ; and fencing stuff was to be split out ; for the for est had plenty of marauders ready to break into the plant ing fields and claim the crops. Besides these things, there were farming tools to be made, daily chores to be done, and divers contrivances to be adopted, whereby the settlers might adjust themselves to their new circumstances. As to just how that first winter was passed, and what were the painful and pleasurable details of each family's experience, we have no certain knowledge. The records do not inform us, tradition gives no hint of it, and we have no faithful Bradford's Journal, as concerning the planters of Plymouth, to lift the curtain and let in the light. The writer Johnson informs us, in a general way, that they suffered from exposure, from fear, and from a lack of many necessary things ; while, as to things spe cific and personal, he is mostly silent. But, although left to conjecture, we may, perhaps, fairly assume that there was both tragedy and comedy on that strange stage of human action, and that of the former class death came, and that a grave was opened in the town's first burial place that winter. That such was the case is prob able, for? although there were in the first arrival the names of only about a dozen heads of households that have come down to us, yet these may represent several scores of indi viduals, as wives, children and servants, besides stragglers, Concord n who are sometimes found attendant upon adventurous undertakings, as in the case of the Plymouth plantation, where there were several persons not signers of the original compact, ! and of whom posterity has had small reason to be proud. The severity of the climate, the scant accommodation for warmth and shelter, the stinted food supply, — all these would naturally superinduce disease and perhaps death, to reckon nothing upon casualties arising from special expos ure, accident, and a variety of other causes and mishaps incident to life in a new country. 'The first monument to bear record to a death in Concord is that of Joseph Meriam. It stands in the old hill burial ground where for two hundred and twenty-six years it has faithfully borne the following inscription : "Joseph Meriam, aged 47 years. Died the 20 of April, l677-" It is a simple tombstone, unpretentious and time-worn ; but a special interest is attached to it in that it has for so many years stood as a sentinel between the known and unknown of Concord's dead. ¦ It is on the line of demark- ation, beyond which, no tombstone deposeth and none durst venture. What names of persons who may have died the first winter would be inscribed on other tombstones, had all of those whose bodies resting in "that thick peopled ground" had a stone to bear record of them, none can declare ; but, there is large opportunity to conjecture that some would be there, and for the following reasons, if for no other. It is supposed that the earliest meeting house at Concord was built on what now might be called the hill burial place, within a year or two or perhaps three of the first arrival ; for it is stated, that by its first recorded vote, Feb. 5, 1636, the town decided that the meeting house "stand neare the brook in the east side of Goodman Judson's lott;" and tradition has always located that spot in or near the old burying ground. As a church organization at Concord 74 Colonial was not effected till April 6, 1637, there may have been a little delay in erecting the meeting house ; it being deemed, perhaps, less consequential to have a church build ing before the family going into it was constituted.^ But, however this may be, phe query naturally arises, why was this spot selected for a meeting house ? It was not adjacent to the parsonage, for tradition fixes the site of that, as we have seen, on the present Lowell street ; neither was it most accessible to all the houses. It was not there, as we believe, for a defensive purpose, for, with exceptional amity existing between the white and the red men, there was no necessity of placing the meeting house on the top of a hill for the purpose of better watch and ward ; we conclude, therefore, it was built there because about that spot was their burial place, and because the settlers decided that God's house should be upon God's acre. If this be true, then death may have occured the first year.5 ' In the few years next following 1635, some Tew records of deaths have come down to us. These may be found together with a list of births in what have been termed "the Boston Records." The earliest date of a death in this list is 1639, and the record is as follows : "Richard Harvy had two daughters burried 1638, Marga ret his wife dyed 1639." The day and the month of the births and deaths in this list is given in the quaint method of the period.! The occurrence of any comedy amid circumstances of so grave a character as existed the first winter, it may be hard to conceive of, but human nature will usually assert itself, even among adverse surroundings, so we believe it did here. There were, doubtless, many accidents and incidents where mirth and even hilarity found vent. There were old songs to be sung, old stories to be told and jokes to be cracked; strange customs were to be inaugurated, queer costumes to be worn, and things to be done quite different from any thing done in old England ; for instance, bullocks or kine harnessed tandem to suit the narrow wood path ; coon skin Concord 75 caps instead of Puritan hats, loose leggins in place of boots, and first attempts at wearing snowshoes. As for events of a humorous nature, it might be hard to avoid them. For instance, a person lost in the woods at Nashoba, and led home with a sprained ancle by a couple of squaws ; another dropping his doublet when treed by a bear, which doublet was instantly devoured because made of goatskin with the hair on ; and still another starting from Beaver pond with a string of fish, and sowing them by the way as he ran homeward because he heard wolves following him. Many such like things may have occurred to excite merriment, and as they were recited about the evening fireside when the wind blew and the snow drifted, why should they not laugh ; they were men and women such as we are, and although called Puritans, they were not too pure to do what Providence designed them to do, and Providence designed them to laugh sometimes. Their practices were far from being what some have rep resented. They did not carry firearms to kill harmless savages, neither did they sell them firewater for a six pence to buy powder and shot to shoot them with. They did not go to meeting on Sunday to learn about Divine decrees, which would lead them to leave duties undone during the week, nor to act in a manner inconsistent with the fullest exercise of a free will. But they were rational agents of the Almighty to help colonize a new country ; and how well they did it history tells. As to what was done in the long evenings we can only guess. There were few books, no papers, and as yet little or no material for spinning or knitting ; neither was there much corn to be shelled ; no apples to be pared, and no pumpkins to be cut and sliced. The men might do some coarse carpentry, perhaps, also some rough shoemaking from green hides, and it may be, turn a hand to some small coopering or rude basket making ; so, for the most part there was tediousness, lightened by the thought that winter 76 Colonial would not always last, and spring would come bringing brighter things. • And spring did come. The settlers soon saw signs that winter was on the wane. The sun rose higher and shone brighter. The days grew longer and longer ; and at length spring burst upon them with a novelty known only to such as have colonized a new country. Indeed it was as if they were introduced into a veritable wonderland ; every day was a new revelation. Some bird came from the south ; some insect spread its wings and chirped at them ; some animal crawled from its winter hiding place ; and these were for the most part unlike what they had ever seen before. In the floral world also there were surprises. Along the meadows, by the brookside, in the springy places, were the marsh marigolds ; in the "pine dark glen" and along the hillside were the star flower and the ferns ; while in the runways and by the rivulets a variety of violets lifted their modest heads as if to welcome them. Amid this scene of animate beauty there also awaited the settlers a melody, which was as new to the ear as these were to the eye ; the lark whistled from a tall tree between the river and the ridgeway ; the song sparrow sang sweetly by the wayside ; a score or more of gay warblers twittered and trilled in the brushwood ; and the robins which were so complaining the autumn before, no longer stood aloof with discordant note, and shy presence, but acted as if desirous of being neigh borly. But the scene of greatest change, it may be, was along the course of the Musketequid and by the ponds ; all of which from the setting in of the cold weather till now had been as silent as the fishes that swarmed within them. The icy covering that closed over them in November had remained unbroken until March, during which time but little of animate life had been audible or visible ; while the cone- shaped nests of the musquash might, by their look of aban donment, have made the landscape look even more desolate. But now, all was changed. From Nashawtuc to Punkatas- Concord 77 sett, life appeared. The air was alive with wild water fowl : the wood duck and teal flew low down as if seeking nesting places, while, high above them, the "cloud cleaving geese" sent down their harsh, querulous honk, as if to say such places were too tame for them. Upon the soft grass of the meadow uplands the snipe stopped in his zigzag flight to find a feeding ground ; the sheldrake oiled herself con tentedly on a hassock ; while in the reedy coves by the river bend the returning bittern sent forth his booming note no longer lonely, admonishing the settlers to "mend fence." But of more interest than anything else was the wealth of meadow grass giving promise of plenty of hay. And this promise proved true, for Johnson informs us that the settlers along the river had not only hay sufficient for their own cattle, but took in cattle from other towns. There was no time, however, for idle enjoyment; oppor tunities were passing which would not return for another twelve month, and they should be promptly improved. CHAPTER X. Capture of Fish — Breakfast Table of Timothy Wheeler — Morning Walk Through the Woods — Visit at the Simon Willard Homestead — Historic Sketch of Major Simon Willard — Description of Colonial Farm Houses — Domestic Products. t | AHE first thing to be done was to capture fish, which were to be used for food and fertilization. In 1 the long winter evenings the settlers doubtless obtained from the Indians a knowledge of the best methods of maize culture ; that it should be planted in the month of green leaves at a time when the oak leaf was the size of a mouse's ear or a squirrel's paw, and that each hill should contain an alewife. They also learned how and when the alewives were to be captured. The fish were al ready ascending the Musketequid and pushing their way up the north and south branches for spawning purposes, and the season would soon be over. The Indians were gathering in their harvest, working by day with a scoop net at the wier, and at night watching with a flaming flambeau in one hand, and a long sapling with a stone point in the other, ready to capture the fish as it swam in sight. We can conjecture that the English were not far behind, and that there was soon seen starting from every house on the "little strate strete" a man with a basket, or two men carry ing a basket between them, suspended from a stout pole on their shoulders. Soon there came in sight perhaps John Meriam, from the corner, with a clumsy cart of spokeless wheels drawn by a bullock, in which were some scoop nets, and several spears, and sundry other articles. As he stop ped before the house of William Judson, near the burying 78 THE LIBRARY OF RALPH WALDO EMERSON. Concord 79 ground, perhaps Goody Judson brought out a basket in which was some boiled venison, a dish of samp and a large pone cake. Truth Temple may have come soon after, with a half cheese. We infer that the fishing season was a lively one. The fishing places were famous resorts ; and about them the Indians were accustomed to gather by fami lies and by clans for feasting and for tribal greetings. Another early work of importance was that of fencing ; as, however, this subject properly belongs to that of land allotments and the common planting fields we will leave it to be considered later. Such was the commencement of the colonization of Con cord, and such we conceive may have been some of the scenes incident to it. The cause of the colonization it is unnecessary to further consider. Every circumstance as well as record and tradi tion assert it to have been at the dictation of duty, and a desire to reach a place, remote though it might be, where they could worship God as a spirit in spirit and in truth. "What sought they thus afar Bright jewels of the mine ? The wealth of seas ? the spoils of war ? They sought a faith's pure shrine." And the shrine of truth which they sought, they kept. Through all the vicissitudes that followed them, of the wilderness, of church dissensions, and divers other difficulties and dangers, they always adhered to their noble intent and righteous endeavor. No wonder that the sons of such sires have added greatly to the world's worth, that their homes are Meccas which many "a pilgrim visits, and that about their burial places are ever the fresh imprints of pil grim footsteps. But the bright disk of the harvest moon was now fast descending over the distant Wachuset mountain, and, long ago, the candle in the saveall had sputtered and gone out, leaving us in the darkness with our thoughts, which like 80 Colonial the gray embers on the now cold hearthstone had about spent their vitality, for we were weary ; we had seen, and heard, and thought so much, it was a relief that the sparks ... had spoken no farther, so, lest the sprites reappear we retired. A moment, and the rising wind rattled rudely the loose window frame ; another, it dropped down the chim ney with a low, weird sigh, the next we were asleep. At an early hour in the morning we were astir, and, descending the narrow stairway, we perceived a savory smell of fried flitch (a strip of smoked pork) which was all the more satisfactory inasmuch as the light living at the manse, while all sufficient for parsonage purposes, had proved inadequate for our more active pursuits. Hardly was our simple toilet completed in the "back room", (for it was there that everybody washed) when a horn was blown, and, soon after, we were all seated at the breakfast table devouring with appreciative appetites the morning meal. This meal consisted in addition to the aforesaid flitch, of the remnant of a pan dowdy which, though made the day previous, had been so banked with hot ashes in the brick oven that this delicious dish of quartered apple cooked in a rich cream crust was still hot. As steam issued from every crevice in the crisp covering, and as Goody Wheeler stirred a rich sauce to spread over it, we felt that farm fare after all had its advantages. We would state in passing, that meeting the hired man led us to inquire of Goodman Wheeler what he paid him, to which he replied, "Ten and six a week and his diet." The meal ended, and the settle hitched back, for some of us had sat on it while eating, Goodman Wheeler took from the stand a small Bible, thoroughly time stained and finger worn, and having read a long chapter from the book of Judges invoked the Divine blessing with great fervor. In his reading there were oral interpolations of an expository as well as hortatory character, and in his prayer nothing was omitted that was practical, he being especially earnest in his petition for his pastor and the king of England. Concord 8 1 When they arose, for all knelt in Timothy Wheeler's domicile even to little Cerinthy and Charity, all was bustle, getting in readiness for the day's work. Timothy had planned for the hired man and chore boy to go to the south meadow for some sedge, while he went with two of his neighbors to cut corn. The two neighbors we ascertained were swapping work with him, Timothy to work a like time for them a little later ; ia custom much prevailing in that period, not only as related to work, but to other commodities ; as, for example, if one householder killed a hog, neighbors would borrow of it and the piece would be returned when a like animal was slaughtered by them. " In the present instance Timothy Wheeler was harvesting corn for his annual husking, which he said was to take place the following week. But, beside the haste occasioned by the husking, he was pressed for time in other ways ; one of which was that it was his custom on a "growing moon" to kill his hogs, in order, as he stated, to prevent a shrinkage of the pork. He informed us that this principle likewise applied to other things, as the planting of garden seeds ; they doing much better if planted on the moon's increase. Other signs he was about speaking of when the hired man came with the "hay riggin'," and inquired whether he should take the sedge from the stack by the meadow border or from that on the river brink ; and upon being instructed to take it from the latter, we inferred that even after the September storms, the broad meadows would admit of the hauling of hay over them, something not always possible at the present time. We had now, as we believed, learned all we could from a short tarry with Timothy Wheeler, and grateful for his hospitality proffered payment. This he refused ; and, as if the obligation was on the other side, remarked that he would "call it square" if we would come to his husking ; at the same time promising that if we would do so and stop over night he would tell us more about "signs and 8 2 Colonial sich," for, continued he, "I've seen a good many in my day and some's sartin to tarn true." Nothing could have suited us better, so, with a promise to accept his invitation we parted, steering for Major Simon Willard's, a lad leading the way. The walk through the woods was a wonderful one, for everything was massive, primitive, and grand. There was no underbrush to impede our progress, and the tall tree trunks towering upwards with their branches expanding in the upper air and sunlight, like things of beauty as they were, formed a safe hiding place for the pigeons and crows, which almost constantly cooed and cawed over us. So impressive was the spectacle, and so reverent our feelings, that we instantly recalled the words of Bryant in his "Forest Hymn :" "Father! Thy hand Hath reared these venerable columns. Thou Didst weave this verdant roof. Thou didst look down Upon the naked earth ; and, forthwith rose All these fair ranks of trees. They in Thy sun Budded, and shook their green leaves in Thy breeze, And shot towards heaven. The century living crow Whose birth was in their tops, grew old and died Among their branches, till, at last, they stood, As now they stand, massy, and tall, and dark, — Fit shrine for humble worshipper to hold Communion with his Maker !" To such an extent did the gigantic trees interrupt our direct passage that we felt convinced that the primitive wood paths led the traveler a much longer distance from place to place than if he walked direct as the bee flies. Beneath the oaks was a profusion of acorn mast, and in the precincts of farm houses were swine busily crunching it; the custom of the settlers being to feed them in" this way until the time for fattening. In one place several Indian women were picking hickory nuts, while at the foot of the tree were a couple of papooses cunningly clad in musquash skins. Concord 83 We crossed the South branch of the river at the cart bridge near the upper meadows, and, following a path along the upland, where the purple grape and rich alder berry mingled alike their fragrance and their beauty to make the walk a delight, we soon saw the smoke wreaths of Major Willard's farm house. The very surroundings of the place were at once suggestive of the large hearted- ness of the owner, and of an estate of a more than well-to- do farmer of the times. There was upon the premises besides the ordinary buildings a smoke house ; and the sweet odor of smouldering corn cobs and green hickory wood that came from it reminded us of the juicy flitch at Timothy Wheeler's breakfast table! There was also a small barn for the storage of corn, which was set upon posts to protect the contents from squirrels and rats, and loosely boarded to let in the air. Not far away was a shed for beaver pelts, which the sparks informed us at the beaver dam Mr. Willard traded in. Approaching the premises, Mr. Willard saw and hast ened to meet us, accompanied by two large Kentish mas tiffs ; and as we grasped the hand of this well-known merchant of the Musketequid region we felt as we had heard that he was much of a man. And„here it may be in place to relate a little of his his tory. Simon Willard came to America from Kent county, England, and was at Cambridge, Massachusetts, as early as 1634. While in this country he formed an acquaintance with Rev. Peter Bulkeley and joined with him in the pur chase of the tract of territory now Concord, going there as a colonist and becoming a prominent and potential factor in its settlement. Mr. Willard was a man of affairs as well as a person of means, being versed in matters of both a civic and military character. About 1660, he went to Lan caster, and in 1672, to Groton, and in these townships there are still traditions, and records, and ancient land marks showing the impress of his personality. In that 'art of the town of Harvard, once Lancaster, near the f 84 Colonial northern border, is still pointed out the site of a garrison house which he erected ; and in the town of Ayer, formerly a part of Groton, is a large land tract once his property. On May 21, 1658, Simon Willard had conveyed to him five hundred acres of land "on the south side of a river that runneth from Nashua to Merrimack between Lan caster and Groton, and in satisfaction of a debt of ^44 due from-John, Sagamore of Pawtucket." The land was laid out in 1659, by Thomas Noyes, and is situated in the present town of Ayer, about Nonacoicus brook. Major Willard commanded forces in King Philip's war, and was long identified with the Massachusetts Bay Colony militia in times of peace. He married for his first wife Mercy Sharp, and for his second and third, two sisters of President Dunster of Harvard college, and he had seven teen children, descendants of whom are widely scattered throughout the land. The old Willard house at Concord was standing, it is stated, until the last quarter century, when it was destroyed by fire. It was situated at the foot of Nashawtuc and the site is now marked by a tablet, not far from the first south bridge.' As we walked to the house, Mr. Willard said some very pleasant things about our late host, Goodman Wheeler, and about the Concord families generally, who, he said had come to a strange country for conscience sake : and as we reached the doorstep he said if we would remain over the coming Sunday, which' would be the next day, he would take us to meeting, where we could see them in their wor ship. Here was an opportunity of observing still another phase of the settlers' life, and of hearing a sermon from the Rev. Peter Bulkeley, so we gladly accepted the invitation; whereupon Mr. Willard, who had waited for our answer, pulled the latch string and we walked in, meeting Madam Willard in the entry way. Concord §5 It is unnecessary to give a detailed description of Major Willard's house, for it was modest, considering the com petency of its owner, and although more capacious, yet in other respects not unlike many others of the period. We will, however, describe the average farm house of the times, though in doing so we may subject ourselves to adverse critcism by running counter to pet theories of log cabins, of gambrel roofed manor houses with picturesque accompaniments, and various architectural features suggest ive of ghosts, goblins, and witch lore. (The early frame houses were rectangular in shape and of a severe simplicity. In about the middle was a large chim ney having several flues, which afforded a fireplace to each room. There was usually a commodious cellar which sel- don "froze" it being a part of the farmer's fall work to "bank it up ;" and so even was its temperature that veget ables kept in it the year round. The larger of these houses commonly contained four square rooms on the ground floor, and the smaller ones at least two : and to the latter was often attached an ell or a "lean-to" containing the kitchen. The roof was either gambrel or gable, the latter being the more common. The fireplaces were amply large enough to contain four foot sticks ; and the hearths which were made sometimes of stone and sometimes of brick extended well out into the room. Beside the fireplace in the kitchen was a brick oven. The floors were made of the widest boards obtainable, and as they shrank and became worn, large seams and knots were visible. The framework was massive, a large beam extending across the top of the rooms, with stout, upright timbers at each corner supporting the roof plates, while above all, directly under the saddle boards, was a tri angular "king piece" large enough for the sill of a modern house. Inside the outer boarding thick upright plank were sometimes placed, to make a bullet-proof protection in case 86 Colonial of Indian attack. Sometimes, for greater security bricks were used instead of plank, especially in garrison houses, and occasionally there was a projection of the upper story over the lower one, in which were small port holes.' Such were the houses of the seventeenth century! Here and there might have been a miniature manor house, where some attempt was made at architectural display, as in the case of some well-to-do squire, whose official position, to gether with an income of a hundred pounds a year invested in mortgages, gave him some personal prominence ; but such instances were rare, and we have nowhere found in the Concord colony anything indicative of a desire for undue display in architecture; nor should we expect it. The characteristics of the times were the natural outgrowth of a reaction from the vain glory of mere externals. Character was the test of personal worth. Scholarship and cul ture found easy combination in Massachusetts with that rugged manual labor which wrenched from a sterile envi ronment some of the world's best results. If the Bulke- leys, and Flints, and Bloods, and some others were, after the standard of the times, men of means, we may believe that they used their means wisely and for the common weal, rather than for the establishment of great estates ; and so it was that their garrison houses were their castles ; their sanc tuaries were their manor houses ; and that the sites of these are to the present generation more impressive by far than would be the remains of "High raised battlements or labored mounds, Thick walls or moated gate." TABLET AT FIRST PARISH MEETING HOUSE. CHAPTER XI. Domestic Products — Reminiscent Effect of Madam Willard's Dutch cheese — Conversation upon Colo nial Drinking Customs — Clerk of the Writs — Legal Fees — Furnishings of Early Farm Houses ; Lighting Appliances, Table Ware, Fireplace Uten sils, Room Decorations — Class Distinctions. ALTHOUGH we have abstained from giving a detailed description of the Willard house let us suppose that we examined the inside so far as to note the use and furnishing of some of the rooms. We first went to the cellar, and there found such pro duce as by mid October had been placed in store for the winter. There were carrots, parsnips, onions and cabbages, but no potatoes, turnips taking their place. Several small cider casks were in sight, which showed that the New Eng land beverage of later times was not wholly unknown even then. We were informed, however, on this subject, that but little cider was used at that time, partly because apple trees were not abundant, and partly because the means of its manufacture were limited. Some people, we were told, made it by pounding the fruit in a wooden mortar, and pressing the juice out through a basket ; all of which indi cate how hard the human family will work to obtain what it ought not to have. There were several well filled meat tubs, and a barrel of soft soap, the latter of which, Mrs. Willard said, was made of clear beef tallow and lye of her own leaching. There was an absence of dairy products, which, as we shall presently notice, were upstairs, except a number of unusually large firkins filled with butter, which the Major 87 8 8 Colonial said was soon to be shipped to England in exchange for a Durham cow, which he was intending to import in order to improve his stock. But what attracted our attention as much as anything were the great arches at the chimney base, which indicated the immense brickwork in the building. We could now understand how so many large fireplaces could be afforded ; for the two arches that formed the foundation of the chim ney were rooms of themselves. They were furnished with shelves like a pantry. Upon the shelves were sundry jars of conserve, jelly and sause, also several brown cream pots, the contents of some of which, Madam Willard in formed us, were pickles, "hog's head cheese," and mince meat prepared especially for "company pies." On the stone floor of one of the arches we noticed several jugs and a couple of demijohns, reminding us of modern "bottled goods," so called. We thought best to make no inquiries concerning these, so passed them silently by and went up stairs. We first visited the garret, this we found to be a place of storage, in which among other things were the fol lowing articles : A beehive, cranberry rake, and sausage filler, some candle moulds, an old footstove, a warming pan, a pair of steelyards, a large breadtrough (used for mixing sausage meat), a pair of snowshoes, a bunch of birch brooms, a flax hatchel, a lot of butternuts, a bag of dried mullein stalks, a cow bell, and an old tin lantern full of small holes to let the light out. There was also a pillow bier filled with feathers, several bunches of sage, betony, and summer savory, a pair of sheep shears, an old cheese basket, and a box of hogs' bristles for waxed ends. From the garret we descended to the room used for dairy products. By this time Madam Willard had joined us, and as we stood admiring some yellow butter which had just been taken from a "dash churn" and made into balls, she pointed with pride to her cheeses. As the cheeses varied in appearance we ventured to ask the difference whereupon she replied, "There is a name for each kind Concord 89 there is the "new milk," the "skim milk," and the "four meal" cheese ; those in the corner are the "sage" cheeses, and that half one on the table is a "Dutch" cheese. As the Dutch cheese with its snowy whiteness had slightly crumbled, we tasted it ; instantly a strange feeling came over us, and our mind became reminiscent. That slight morsel had proved to us like the evening bells to the poet Moore, which, as he expresed it, brought to mind "His home and youth and that sweet time When first he heard their tuneful chime." For an instant we stood gazing at those simple frag ments, mutely wondering how they could occasion such mischief; for mischief surely it was to be sent so summa rily into the great kingdom of the past, from which return ing we could take nothing away. But in that kingdom we evidently were, for spread before us were its rarest treas ures. There was another old farmhouse with its "lean-to" roof, and the cows and the pasture bars ; there were the lilacs and the lilies by the garden wall ; the broad, low, stone door step ; the smiling supper table, so delightful to the eye of the hungry school boy ; the thick, golden ginger-bread, and the Dutch cheese that mother made. As we stood reflecting upon the curious predicament in which we so suddenly found ourselves, it occurred to us that here was a mental mirage, when by the simple suggest iveness it may be of a sight, a sound, an odor or a taste, memory casts upon the screen of our perceptive faculties experiences and scenes long vanished. Wordsworth may have felt the same when he said : "To me the meanest flower that blows can give Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears." So inappreciable was the time occupied by all this, that Madam Willard hardly noticed anything unusual, and just then, a call came from below summoning her to the turn stile to talk with Mercy Miles of "Nine Acres" about a 90 Colonial marriage that was to take place at her house. Surely, thought we, this is an opportune circumstance, for we can again taste of the cheese ; we did so, but to no purpose ; the enchantment was gone ; and we were left to content ourselves with recalling another verse of Wordsworth where he said : "The thoughts of our past years in me doth breed Perpetual benedictions .... Which neither restlessness nor mad endeavor, Nor man nor boy, Nor all that is at enmity with joy Can utterly abolish or destroy." Finding that we could no longer revel in our own early history, we wished we could have followed our hostess to the turnstile, as by so doing we might have been invited to the wedding ; but at that moment she returned, saying smilingly, that the couple whose intentions had been pub lished the preceding Sunday were to be united in matri mony the next week by Mr. Flint, whom the Court had appointed to join persons in marriage, and that we were invited to be present. Greatly pleased at being the recipients of so great a priv ilege, for this was another scene we had much desired to witness among the settlers, we forgot the mirage and went down stairs, where we were met by Major Willard with a glass of cordial, saying as he offered it that it was an extra brand. It was with no little embarrassment that we ex cused ourselves, being a total abstainer, for we were fearful of being misunderstood ; but out apprehensions proved groundless, for Mr. Willard informed us that he appre ciated our position, and considered it the correct one to take where it was possible ; "but," said he, "The Concord climate requires sperit." He then took occasion to inform us about the drinking habits of the community. Before doing this, however, the doughty Major dashed off a beaker to our health, say ing, as he smacked his lips and set the decanter on the Concord 9 1 dresser, that what he had just drunk was pure liquor from old Kent, and that he considered it superior to any other in the colony, not excepting a cordial that he once drank at a consociation of clergymen held in Boston at the Gov ernor's house, at which the Mathers were present. A regard for our health having been thus expressed, the Major continued his dissertation on alcoholic liquors by as suring us that in addition to the climatic requirements, there were certain times and occasions when "sperit" was very essential, as at raisings, huskings, log rollings, and apple bees ; also, in haying, hoeing, harvesting, and getting up wood. It was a sine qua non at military elections, and training days, and ordination occasions ; at funerals, wed dings, and house warmings ; when sheep were to be sheared, hogs to be slaughtered, or any extra work to be done. Travelers and teamsters he thought should have it, and those who watched with the sick, and sat up with "copses," but especially was it to be used in winter to keep the cold out, and in summer to keep it in. "The only trouble," said the Major, "is that some abuse it, and that good sperit is so scurce." He informed us that fermented liquors were more commonly used than the distilled, be cause the latter were more expensive and limited in quan tity, while the former were within reach of every one. The beer was made from malted barley. The process of malting was to cover the grain with a few inches of earth for a few days, until it was well sprouted, and then remove it to the mash tub. At the close of our conversation on the subject of col onial drinking customs, we came to the conclusion that there were in those times many deplorable instances of gross drunkenness ; that alcohol was as destructive then as it is now, and that the same stock excuses were made for the use of it. Conversation now turned upon desultory subjects, when the Major was summoned to the "beaver house" to ap- 92 Colonial praise some pelts just brought from Nashoba by Nepanet, which he wanted to exchange for a kettle and some beads. Being left to ourselves we looked around, and seeing on the table a worn book upon whose cover was written "Town Book," we quickly opened it. Here indeed was a source of information most desirable ; for in addition to the minutes of public meetings, was a list of births, deaths, and marriages, down to 1654, which Simon Willard had entered as "Clark of the Writs." And here it may be observed, that in addition to the duty of recording and returning to the colonial authorities the vital statistics of the township, Mr. Willard was empowered to "end small causes" or to "hold court ;" his jurisdiction amounting to that of a mini ature municipal court or trial justice ; and thus judicially empowered he could issue writs, order "mesne process," and make petty decrees, having for fees as follows : re plevin, 2d. ; attachment, 3d. ; bonds, 4d. On Mr. Wil lard's return from the beaver house, dinner was in readiness, and we entered the large "room of all work" or the "living room" and sat down to a meal which did ample justice to the large heartedness of our host. It may be proper here to describe the dinner and its appurtenances, in order that we may note any difference between the way of living in the home of the average set tler and that of the more well-to-do trader or merchant. The table was set in what was known as the "living room." In this room was the occasional use of the flax and spinning wheel ; and the "picking over" of small farm produce, as cranberries or beans on a winter evening or wet day ; and where apples and pumpkins were sliced and strung for dry ing ; where also the family usually sat, and the loom was sometimes "set up," and the itinerant shoemaker "whipped the cat," in his usual round of repairing. Above the table which had leaves was the clumsy "candle beam," con structed by the crossing of two slim scantlings, and an attaching of them by a perpendicular one to the beam in Concord 93 the ceiling, making a fixture for lighting purposes corres ponding to the modern chandelier. We noticed that the candles in the beam sockets were of an olive color, and, on subsequent examination, we dis covered by their fragrance that the material was in part bayberry tallow. The chairs about the table had high backs, and were similar in every way to the specimens of old furniture seen sometimes in modern houses, and which are said to have been brought to this country by "two brothers" (seldom more than three) in the "Mayflower" or "Ajax" or "Kingfisher," ships of quite too small tonnage for bulky cargoes. These particular chairs were said to have come over in the ship "Confidence" from Southhamp ton, John Jobson master, of CC tons burden. As there was an utter absence of "stools" and "forms" such as we had seen at Timothy Wheeler's, we inferred that chairs were indicative of "forehandedness." On the "dresser" shelves also were many such articles as are exhibited at the present day as souvenirs of the colonial period. Among the articles on the lower shelf was a set of metal lic plates or a "charger of pewter," as it was called ; a "milk ewer," "sugar basin," "butter boat" and "pickle boat," all brightly burnished. On the middle shelf there was a "mint stand," a "pottle" for milk holding a couple of quarts or thereabouts, also a "losset," "twifflers," two dainty "wine tasters," and a coarse glass decanter. The upper shelf contained a row of "beakers" (later called tum blers, perhaps because of the tumbling sometimes caused by their contents), and a few "caudle spoons." We did not care to inquire what were the contents of the demijohns and jugs in the closet under the dresser shelves, so can give no certain information concernnig them ; but we inferred, from what we had seen in the cel lar arch, that here were the middle means for the easy distribution of such "schnapps," "cordials," and "strong water" as the Willards made use of. The fireplace furnishings were, likewise, in strong con- 94 Colonial trast with those at the Wheeler farmhouse ; those being wholly of plain iron, while these were ornamental. The dogirons, shovel and tongs were surrmounted by brass, and brightly polished, showing fidelity in the hired help. . In stead of the usual "lug bar" up the chimney there was, a. "crane," the first, it was said, that came into Concord ;; and above the fireplace was a long "clavel," over which was a string of peppers and "braids" of choice seed corn. In one corner of the room, the most remote from the smoke of the fireplace, and upon wooden pegs in the corner post, were the sword and leathern belt which Simon Willard wore when he "exercised the train band ;" and hard bv these, against the wall, in a plain, pine frame, unpainted, was the commission from the King of England making him major in the Bay Colony militia, a commission of much distinction and recently obtained. This was the only attempt at mural decoration, with the exception of a small picture of the martyrdom of John Rogers and a pro- fil of Parson Peter Bulkeley. Such was the furnishing of Major Willard's "living room." It was simple and for the most part serviceable. But although there was nothing sumptuous for style or substance, we could detect as we thought, on the part both of Mr. Willard and his wife, a faint consciousness of mild gentility, insomuch that we half, concluded that the New England colonists, notwithstanding their avowed aversion to all class distinctions of the Old World, had much respect to rank, and some small desire for modest display. But lest our conclusion be an untenable one, and based on superficial observation, we hitched up to the hearth's edge to hear from the sparks, dinner being not quite ready, and Madam Willard and a servant being engaged remov ing the food from the brick oven. It was well that we did so, for the sparks informed us that human nature is usually the same everywhere in spite of all attempts to suppress it, and that the Willards on account of their modesty only partially represented the Concord 95 colonial families of wealth in their style of living. In fact these oracles of the fireside informed us that the principles of caste were slightly recognized in every New England community, whether of the village, hamlet, or crossroads. But money was not alone the basis of distinction ; it was position as well. The selectmen had prominent seats assigned them in the places of worship, as did other con spicuous personages, while the poor people and the ser vants took seats in the rear, or occupied benches in the gallery/ thus making the colonial meeting house a "house of lords" as well as a "house of commons." Madam Willard had directed the servant to "set the chairs up," so we left the sparks and sat down to the table, the servants sitting at one at the same time in the kitchen, it not being necessary for them to serve since there was no hot drink and all the eatables were on the table. The Major in doing the honors of the table helped us most bountifully, believing, perhaps, as did all of his ilk, that brawn is born of good living. The first course, or "meat vittles," as they called it, consisted of a juicy roast from a beeve fattened on the upland pasturage of the Musketequid, and a plump piece of pickled salmon taken the April previous at the "lower meadow falls," with a mint sauce additionally seasoned with savory and thyme. For desert, we had hot rye cakes mixed with fresh but termilk, marmalade that smacked of wild river grapes, and sweet conserve which consisted of successive layers of sugar and rose leaves, but the crowning piece was the pumpkin pie; and here there was such an exhibition of old-time cooking as we had heard spoken of but had never before tasted. CHAPTER XII Talk at Nashawtuc — Fire of Candle Wood — Nantatucket — Municipal management at Muskete quid — Division of Concord into "quarters" — Limits and Inhabitants — Committee on rules regu lating Highways and Bridges — Location of Home steads — Early Roads. DINNER over, and a little post prandial conversa tion, we repaired to a sunny slope at Nashawtuc, and there, seated on a log, talked until the slant shadows of the hillside extended far beyond the river confluence at "Egg Rock," and the evening meadow mist enabled us to trace the windings of the Musketequid far down towards Punkattassett. During the latter part of the afternoon the wind blew from the east, making the atmosphere damp and chilly, and as Mr. Willard had with him a "flint, steel and tinder box," which articles he stated he seldom went without, being much in the woods engaged in surveying, we con cluded to start a fire. At once suiting the action to the thought we gathered some light kindling, and placing about it a little dry moss, a spark was struck and the material was ablaze. The fire was the more agreeable because we hoped to obtain from the sparks some information additional to what Mr. Willard might give, for we felt that perhaps the Major would hesitate to speak freely of events and matters in which he himself had been a chief actor. But we were by no means positive that the sparks would give anything supplemental to his statements, since we were sitting under his own timber trees, from whose ancient tops the very fuel we were then using had fallen, and we 96 CENTENNIAL NORTH BRIDGE Concord 97 were well aware that nothing would work against Simon Willard's wishes if he made them known. Besides, those sparks could not if they would depose about some things, for, although Nashawtuc overlooked much of the broad alluvial area between the river and the ridgeway, and about the hog pen walk at Annusnuc ; yet its highest point did not overlook every precinct, and there was many a settler beyond Flint's pond and. over against Punkattassett, and across the "great fields" to the easterly, that it could not look down upon. Every obstacle, however, was soon unexpectedly re moved, for, as we were about seating ourselves on a log which we had just rolled before our fire, Nantatucket whose wigwam was just below us, the same Indian who years later deposed about the first Concord land deal, was seen coming along the hill path, having upon his back a bundle of candle wood, which in broken English he stated he had gathered from a clearing below the ridgeway, where some of the Hartwells, Bakers, and Healds lived. For the sake of the sparks we begged some of the candle wood designing if need be to cast it occasionally on our fire, thereby, perhaps, to supplement Major Wil lard's statements. Nor, as it happened, was this all the advantage that accrued to us from the arrival of Nantatuc ket ; for, as he sat with us for fully a half hour smoking his pipe and talking, he greatly confirmed our supposition as to the early friendship existing between the Indians and English at Concord. He reiterated what Tahattawan had told when we sat in his wigwam on the evening of the Apostle Eliot's visit. With a native eloquence and true sin cerity, he said that a mat was always spread by the settler's hearthside for any belated wanderer of the woods who might wish to occupy it, and the subjects of "Big Pray" (Parson Bulkeley) always extended to those of the Squaw Sachem and her sagamores every needed hospitality, whether of their snug cabin homes during the week or of their meeting house where they worshiped their "Kiton" on a Sunday. 98 Colonial Nor was this all the good the English had done them ; the dreaded Maquas (Mohawks) had ceased to visit them, and no longer was their dreaded war cry heard as a death knell along the meadows and over the midlands of the Musket equid ; but peace prevailed, and the protection sought by the English in building their garrison honses, of which we had been informed there were several, was from predatory bands that might come from the East and North. After this statement, Nantatucket sat for a time quietly smoking his long stemmed pipe, then suddenly arose and exclaimed that he saw the canoe of Nepanum just coming around the bend below the fording place, and as they had arranged to go a spearing together on the Assabet that evening he would leave us. Upon the departure of Nantatucket, Mr. Willard and myself engaged in conversation concerning the municipal management of the Concord colony in its incipient stages ; and the information which we have obtained from all sources upon this subject is the following, which we give as the substance of history on this subject. 'in 1654, the town was divided into three parts desig nated "quarters." These were known as the "North," "South" and "East" quarters, and the following are approx imately their territorial limits. The North quarter contained the land north of the "Great river" to the Assabet, including most of that about Annusnuc (Concord Junction). The term "Great river" or "Concord river" was applied to that portion of the Musketequid below the confluence at Egg Rock. In this quarter were the following families : Heald, Barrett, Temple, Jones, Brown, Hunt, Buttrick, Flint, Blood, Smedley and Bateman. The South quarter contained the land south and south west of Mill brook, a small stream crossing the road near Concord square at the center to the southerly limit of the North quarter with the exception of three families. The fojlowing are the names of householders living in this Concord 99 quarter : Dean, Potter, Buss, Heywood, Hayward, Gobble, Woodhouse, Wheeler, Billings, Bulkeley, Stratten, Wigley, Dakin, Miles, Hosmer, Scotchford, and Wood. The East quarter comprised the area between a line extending to the eastward from Concord Center toward Lexington to the great river, with the exception of a small tract between the latter limit and the old training field. In this ward were the families of Wheeler, Fletcher, Rice, Meriam, Brooks, Fox, Hartwell, Ball, Farwell, Taylor, Baker, Wheat, and Flint.! The following is supposed to be a verbatim copy of the report of the committee appointed to execute rules and to regulate affairs relating to highways and bridges, and the subjoined are the committees, and the date of the report : "The limits of each quarter (are) as followeth : "The north quarter by their familyes are from the north part of the training place to the great river and all to the north sid thereof. "The east quarter by their familyes are from Henry Farwels all eastward with Thomas Brooke, Ensign Wheeler, Robert Meriom, Georg Meriom, John Adams, Richard Rice. The south quarter by their familyes are all on the south and south west sid of the brooke except those before acsprest with Luke Potter, George Heaward, Mikel Wood and Thomas Dane, Signers Simon Willard, Robert Merion, Thomas Brooks, Thomas Wheeler, James Blood, Georg Wheeler, Georg Heaward, Thomas Bateman and John Smedly. "The date of report 7tn of the 1st mo 1654." It would be a matter of interest indeed could all the homesteads early established in their various quarters and by their several families be identified or located. This however would be impossible, for time, seldom friendly to the perpetuity of even the most enduring mon uments, easily brushes aside many of the frail landmarks such as "A small tree by the brook," "A pine stump by a stone heap," "A red oak sappling by a fox's burrow," i oo Colonial "Two short logs one of them with the bark stripped and abutting John Smith's brush fence." But apart from the uncertain and transitory nature of some landmarks and boundary lines, to trace original homesteads would be dif ficult, because there prevailed at an early period among the grantees a desire for change, the result of which was that a land lot acquired one day might be exchanged the next, so that if an original house site could be identified, to deter mine the original ownership of the land might be impossible. But, furthermore, some early families at Concord, as before noticed, did not long remain there, for like gold hunters they sought new fields in hopes of betterment. They put their names on record and staked out lots, but selling and leaving them the lots were thereafter identified with new owners. Moreover, families died out leaving no issue, their names ceased to be heard among the living, and were read only upon the mossy surface of their tombstones ; their homesteads went to waste, their firesides were dis mantled, and their cold hearthstones might form material for pasture walls. Such are some of the processes by which change has been busy at Concord, and whereby old paths have been made -to designate new ownership. What all these changes have been we are unable to state, but many of them have been given by the historian Wal cott, and it would doubtless be a difficult task to attempt , gleaning anything valuable after him. But^notwithstanding there have been many changes, it can, nevertheless, be said with safety that some families kept their homesteads from the first and passed them on to their posterity with little if any break in the old paternal boundary lines. So was it for over two centuries with the Hartwells, and to a certain extent with the Buttricks, Barretts, Miles, Healds, Dakins, Browns, Balls, Bakers, Hunts, Flints, Meriams, Brooks, some of the Wheelers, and a few others, most of which have long been associated with the original homesteads or with certain localities. > Concord tol At the time of a division of the town of Concord into quarters, measures were adopted for the making and main tenance of highways and bridges. Commissioners for this work were appointed and the following were the names in the first list : "East quarter, Ensign Wheeler and William Hartwell. North quarter, John Smedley and Thomas Bateman. South quarter, George Wheeler, James Hos mer, George Hayward and Sergent Buss." Each quarter was to make its rules and assess "rates," and in order to limit liability against the entire town, it was enacted that all damages arising from defective highways should fall upon the quarter where it was incurred. As to where all the original highways were, and whither they went we cannot state, for like the sites of old home steads, they have in many instances become obliterated. Some, however, are still in use, and some that are not in use may to some extent be traced by record or tradition. Mr. Albert E. Wood, a civil engineer of Concord, and well acquainted with the topography of the town states that "Until the Bay road was built, which was a good while after the town was settled, there was no way to get to Concord except by the Virginia road." This road, according to the same writer, was reached by way of Middle street, Lexing ton, which latter road he believes is the one followed by the .early settlers as they journeyed from Watertown into the wilderness at Musketequid. This road, the same writer thinks, was laid out perhaps by a company of explorers who went forward and pioneered a path preparatory to the going forth of the Concord Colonists. The course pursued in order to reach this road Mr. Wood conjectures was as follows : — .'"starting from Water- town, and going northerly through what is now Waverley, almost to East Lexington ; then bearing off to the left, and passing through the entire length of Lexington, by what is now called Middle Street, to the Lincoln line ; then turn ing a little to the right, so as to avoid Hobbs's Brook, upon a road which tradition declares to be very old, and 102 Colonial crossing the present Lexington Road, coming by the Vir ginia Road to Concord." As a matter of course the "strate strete" or the road along the ridgeway from the public square to Meriam's corner is one of the oldest streets, since houses were erected upon it as before stated about 1635. Of tn*s highway an early record says, "The highway under the hill therough the Towne is to be foure Rodes broad." Other old roads are the Woburn road, whose course was through the East quarter and toward the Shawsheen district (Bedford), the Watertown road in the South quarter of date 1638, the Sudbury road through the South quarter of the same date, the Billerica road from the Lexington road at Meriam's corner, 1660, or before ; the Groton road (North quarter), 1699; and the "Old Marlboro road" and the road to Lan caster. The_origin of some of these is only a matter of conjecture. As a rule it is safe to conclude that they were started for communication with some point of importance, as a fording or fishing place, or an extensive land grant, or to find outlet into some leading thoroughfare. The ancient highway was usually a development from a blazed bridle path to a rude drift or cart way, and thence to the "county," or, as sometimes it was termed, "great road." Their widths range from the Indian trail, which Johnson states was "one foot broad," to a road from four to forty rods ; the latter being the width of a highway early laid out through the town of Sudbury. One object of so much apparently superfluous space was, doubtless, to pre-empt the timber trees along the way for public purposes. , In the formal or official laying out of the early roads it is not improbable that drift ways and paths that were private property were sometimes subsidized, so that what the record designates as "the laying out of a new way" or "a way", may have been only the formal appropri ation or public recognition of an old one ; an instance of which - may be the laying out of the Groton road over the Concord 103 North bridge in 1699, wnen> as we are informed, the roads of the North quarter were reconstructed or relocated. It is probable, also, that in the formal laying out of the early roads old Indian paths were utilized. Such might naturally be the case with the road to Sudbury. Between the latter town and Concord there doubtless was consider able communication, before the coming of the English, carried on by the aboriginal inhabitants of these as well as of other towns. The Indians at Natick and Nonantum, Kato and his family whose home was at "Wigwam hill" (Goodman's), in Sudbury, the natives dwelling in the vicin ity of Cochituate pond, near the head of which was a fort and fishing place (Saxonville), all would know the most feasible route to the Musketequid and follow it, and the English would naturally take advantage of this in laying out their own roads. So it might have been with the "Old Marlboro road ;" perhaps it was the shortest course through the domain of Tantamous (Maynard) to Occogoogansett (Marlboro). The road to Lancaster or "the road that goeth to Nashaway" might have been the nearest way to Nashoba (Littleton), and many times may have been pressed by the soft moccasin of Nepanum before it was trodden by an Englishman. The road to Woburn may have been the trail to the home of the Squaw-Sachem at Mystic (Medford) and to the Shawhine fishing ground ; the one to the northerly, at the Blood farm (Carlisle), may have been the trail to Pawtucket Falls (Lowell) ; that to Watertown may have found outlet at Weston, then Water- town, in the "Old Connecticut Path," which ran into the interior of the Nipnet country toward the Indian village of- Maguncook (Ashland), and to places beyond these ; to all of which villages the tribal relations of the Mus ketequid Indians probably extended. Of the later and lesser highways of Concord, whether in use or disuse, we will say but little. CHAPTER XIIL Sites of Ancient Highways — Their Reminiscent Character — Vestiges of Old Homesteads — Earth Dents — Traces of Old "Tavern Stand" — Shoemaker s Shop, Laborer's Cottages, The Dame School. BEFORE leaving the subject of old and disused high ways, let us consider some suggestions that come to us; for as we remember that they were once well worn thoroughfares of the fathers, and the avenues of public intercourse, they furnish food for much thought. To begin with, the very tracing of them is interesting to one possessed of an antiquary taste, or who is a lover of Nature, for there may be frequent and pleasant surprises. It may be a rare flower whose presence was detected by its fragrance, and as the eager explorer thrusts away the black berry vines to examine it more closely, or to pluck it as a trophy, he may discover the crank of an old hand mill last turned by Goody Gobble and left stranded when the tide of travel went out. As he pursues his way, which in its devious course at one time takes him through meadows green and pastures pleasant or along merry brooksides, and at another leads him a tangled and tiresome chase through woodlands wild and up and down defiles that are shadowy and deep, he may at length find himself seated by a fox's den with no living object in sight except a few ferns and blueberry bushes, while within easy reach is the rusty noz zle of a blacksmith's bellows last used at the Village forge. But perhaps the greatest attractiveness of the old and disused highways is in the suggestiveness of the house 104 THE OLD MARLBOROUGH ROAD. Concord 105 sites upon them. Indeed, it may be by the aid of the mounds and earth dents that mark them, that the entire course of an obsolete way can be traced ; for although in many cases they are matters of record, yet so remotely were they traveled that Nature has quite claimed them, and in some instances so covered them with trees and grasses that it may be said they have reverted to the origi nal owners by "prescriptive right." But the house sites may betray them, and to ferret out these sites and sit beside them ; to muse upon their possible or probable history ; or to search for some significant object that will break the spell of their mystery and give hint as to who lived there may be as interesting as to trace the roads themselves. And in some cases it is quite as difficult, for time is never friendly to relics of any kind, and Nature strives energet ically and promptly to cover the scars that are made upon her, as is clearly seen by the incoming of vegetation even upon a sandy railroad embankment. Notwithstanding, however, all efforts to the contrary, man's work long defies Nature's best attempts to obliterate it, and if no traditions or records of the Colonial age were extant, it might perhaps be. distinguished by the things now and then discovered in the mouldering debris, where stood the old farm house, the barn, and the rude work shop. Among the tell-tale objects of a durable character are cellar walls, old door stones, bits of metal broken from miscella neous culinary articles, and crumbling brick work ; while in the vegetable world and quite as lasting in their perennial upspringings are "gill run over the ground," patches of plantain, a few clumps of catnip, the red sorrel struggling among a few sickly lilies, a stunted lilac, a rose bush or two, an ancient pear tree, and perhaps as indestructible as anything, the yellow tufted cypress, and old maid's pinks. But let us consider more closely the subject of house sites, and as we do so let us at times leave the realm of actuality, and as we stand by these wayside souvenirs, while not overstepping the possible and perhaps the probable, 106 Colonial consider some old time customs and superstitions, and modes of living and of dress : and in this manner, it may be, feast our fancy upon the fictitious counterparts of what occurred in the half forgotten long ago. That depression, about which are the fragments of old bricks with the blackened mortar still upon them, marks the spot where was born and died an "old inhabitant" who was foremost in town affairs. The path to his door now covered with "mouse's ear" was trodden much, because everybody respected him and he kept open house for the country side. In the intercolonial wars he and his son fought side by side, and when the war was over both came back. At length the old man died ; the son left the farm, the road went into disuse, the house to decay, and this is the last of it. If you listen at the early twilight just as the witch hour comes in you may hear something, for that ghostly looking poplar whose leaves tremble so may be sheltering some sprites who will tell the history of that house, which history may be that intemperance had to do with its loss and decay ; the moral of which is that in every place and among every people alcohol is destructive rather than constructive. Near that leek covered ledge by the barberry bush may have been an old time tavern stand. The sign that swung before it said : "Entertainment for man and beast," and the landlord's license was "to sell strong water." In the accom plishment of these objects, the keeper of this "Ordinary" was much assisted as well by the villagers as by the occa sional traveler, in that some of the former were always ready for the latter to "stand treat," and it may not be too much to suppose that more than one stone on the wall opposite has been surreptitiously thrust upon the "steel yards" and weighed, and afterwards returned to its place, in order to insure a safe bet on its weight for the drinks, which bet was made with some unsuspecting teamster. The usual village loiterer was there also, tempted by the odor of the tap room, and with an eager expectation that Concord 107 he would be benefited by its scant leakage, if he now and then groomed a teamster's horse or made the hostler's bed in the "bunk." Soldiers sometimes stopped there on their way to or from "Old Ti" and Crown Point, and swapped stories, and talked of the war ; and the neighboring farmers of a winter evening or a wet day sat before the fireside in the bar room and smoked their cob pipes and talked crops, taking good care to leave with the landlord no more than their good will when they went away, for a nine pence with them was stronger than appetite ; as money usually came hard in those days, and to make both ends meet was a matter of econ omy and close management. By the bushy lane where that large boulder is encircled by the low savin bush as if to save it from the encroach ments of all larger vegetation, may have stood the shop of a shoemaker. There, bits of old leather, curled and wrinkled by long exposure to sun and weather, show that this son of Crispin was a careful craftsman, for those stitches that grin and glisten are well set, and the shrunken awl holes even yet show their shapeliness. There by that burdock is the remnant of a "tongue boot." The leg is stiched to the instep leather in a well rounded seam, which indicates that the ancient shoemaker had regard to both stoutness and symmetry. In a barn that stood back of this building the minute men drilled, and on winter evenings the yeomanry met there and went through the "manual of arms" with their mittens on, while the cows lowed in the stalls and longingly looked to the haymow in the wish that a loose lock might be thrown them. Beyond the roadbend on the rising ground and half concealed by that hazel clump, may have stood the cottage of a laborer who worked for "four and sixpence" a day "making it fair weather." Near that bush was his garden, where he worked at early evening and of a stormy day. Here and there a few turf bound herbs as sage and rue still loS Colonial disclose it, and if time has not been too relentless, the fra grance of a few grass pinks or the flash of a sweet williams blossom may reach you. In the adjacent bog by that cone shaped musquash's nest he cut his peat, and the straggling hop vines that vainly strive to entwine themselves about that wild cherry tree are the poor remnants of once produc tive vines which the laborer relied upon to "work his beer." Just beside the runway there by the bank, was a "Dame school," which we will suppose was kept by Goody Doro thea Dean in the northwest chamber of her sister's hus band's farm house, the parents of each pupil sent to her paying six pence a week for tuition, she having her rent free. Here, we will suppose that the good dame taught year after year, and sang the same old song of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, as the winter snows came and the spring suns melted them away, until her life became as dry and methodical as the simple rules with which she dealt, and every hue of her once fair face was faded, and there was little left to tell of the former fresh ness which once made her a favorite among the village beaux. It was not hard work that had shrivelled the fair features of Goody Dean, although she did everything that was required of her, and was a painstaking little body, doing her duty in every detail and to the last moment by the "noon mark ;" but the humdrum of her experience was what wore on her, for it was day after day the same thing without special incident or episode, except now and then the entrance of some new comer, who, although too young to enter even the simple curriculum of a Dame school, had been sent by an overworked mother in order to make one less child to be under foot in the cheeseroom. This monotony was not peculiar to the school of Dorothea Dean, for this school taught in the northwest chamber of her sister's husband's house was as good as any of the Dame schools. But education was at a low ebb in that Concord 109 period. The financial circumstances of the colonists were straightened. An intense conservation prevailed and only the practical was then popular. As they could do without grammar better than they could do without corn they raised corn. As their meeting house educated in matters relig ious, and much secular knowledge was not considered essen tial, they let the latter take care of itself, and were fairly content if they could read, write, and "cast accounts" in whole numbers, as mathematics were then styled. So it was that Goody Dean and her Dame school were up to date, and her pupils were abreast of the times ; and although both were in the doldrums of the days of a juice- less pedagogy, yet neither expected anything better nor looked beyond what that northwest chamber afforded. The mistress went her simple round of duties day by day with a punctiliousness that was commendable and in exact accord with the staid circumstances that surrounded her. Her work was to a large extent manual, and that of her pupils was formal and imitative. There were quills to be sharpened, rules to be written, and learned by rote, and re cited, courtesies to be taught and carefully practiced, in struction in sewing to be given, and the children to be kept quiet on the tripod or made to sit straight on the backless bench. Nothing very progressive could under the circumstances be expected in these schools, either on the part of the teacher or the taught, for time, a very important factor with the settler, had an allotted limit with each scholar. So if perchance some exceptionally ambitious and precocious youth got so far in arithmetic as to "enter fractions," and in grammar as to "parse" in some old copy of "Paradise Lost" borrowed of the Parson, his ambition might suffer speedy curtailment, for just then might come planting, hoe ing, haying, or harvesting, in which all the little folks could be serviceable, and so although the term went on, away hied one after another to their several homes, leaving the no Colonial Dame with a loss of their sixpence a week, to await their return after an interval of weeks or months.' But notwithstanding the drudgery of the Dame school with its absence of attractive text books, and its dry meth ods and its arbitrary rules, the children loved Dame Dean and would do almost anything for her. They respected her next to the minister and magistrate, and many were the little tokens of affectionate regard sometimes seen on her coarse desk in the corner, in the shape of sprigs of "south ern wood", or "goose's tongue," or wild roses, or early fruits, so it may be said that the pupils of the Dame school, in what we will call district number two, to make matters more natural, though the district was never num bered that we know of, were as good and contented as any could be who were similarly situated. But children were human in those days as well as these, and it is no wonder if they sometimes got tired and as they sat of a long drawn afternoon watching the wasps buzzing on the ceiling, or craning their necks over the high window stools to get a look at the fresh, green earth, and as they thought of the sweet flags by the water courses, and the tender checker-bush by the pasture lane, and the straw berries among the meadow rocks, it is no wonder that in their well wishes for themselves and their school mistress, there should come into their immature minds the innocent hope that as the dear old Dame had long sharpened their quills, so there might be somebody to sharpen quills for her. And their little wishes were at length gratified. One day — it was a bright and cloudless one — when the tana- ger's wing flashed in the forest, and the frogs peeped loudly in the marsh stubble, and the dimpling waters of mill brook lapped lovingly the cowslip roots just below the Parson's sedge meadow, and looked up to the yellow blossoms as if impatient to become a part of them, some one rapped at the door, and upon its being opened there stood the famil iar form of Farmer Fletcher, who lived just beyond that Concord in hollow in the highway yonder where those purple grackles are perched on the willow tops. He was dressed in his best, having upon his head the "castor hat" which his father Jedediah left him in his last will and testament, and for his other attire, he had on a steel blue duffel coat and a white fustian waistcoat sitting low down on a pair of short and stinted pantaloons that just reached the tops of a pair of start ups, or high boots. The sleeves of his duffel coat were made short in order to display a pair of loose fitting "muffeteers" or "wristers" that extended well down to his sheepskin gloves. Dame Dean went softly to the door and as she stood with her diminutive yet comely form facing the tall, stal wart frame of Farmer Fletcher, the contrast between them was striking : but not more striking in their forms than in their dress, for, not having expected a caller, as none except the minister and the tithingmen were supposed to visit the Dame school, she was attired in her every day dress, which so far as the fashion of it went, might befit any wo man of the middle classes who was dressed for the work or leisure of an afternoon, except that her garments were of a little finer fabric and finish perhaps, because she was a school mistress. Her hair was neatly ruffed upon each side and kept in position by a pin plucked from a thorn bush, while dangling delicately over her left ear was a thin, lone curl. The front hair was brushed straight back between the ruffs and queued behind against a high comb. She wore a sacque slightly decorated with faded "inkle," a kind of tape braid used in embroidery, both the fabric of the sacque and trimming showing that it had seen its best days before being worn in the school room. Beneath the sacque, and just disclosing itself through an unclasped hook and eye, was the edge of a "murry" colored waist, while thrown above these upper garments and resting tastefully upon them with a "set" that was without wrinkle or pucker, was a fringed "whittle" or Holland neck cloth. For lower garments there was an overskirt of "calimanco" which was 1 1 2 Colonial caught up at the bottom to avoid the dust of the floor, and thus exposing an inch or two of a green linsey woolsey pet ticoat with a sage gray binding. It was indeed a heap of clothing of faded gay colors for such a little body, but it showed how well kept were the garments of the middle classes in those days, and how things passed down by will, or inheritance, or as heirlooms to be worn by successive generations, each in its turn hold ing them in trust as it were, to be transferred to others if not worn out by themselves. Farmer Fletcher smiled at the little school teacher as she appeared at the door, and bowed low with his whole body ; the bend being from his broad shoulders down to his well rounded calves, which were swathed in close fitting cloth socks, and just apparent between his breeches and start ups. The whole motion made by him described a half circle, and the hat which by this time he was holding in his hand almost touched the well sanded floor. The salute was responded to by the little school mistress in a manner as gentle as it was given, and the courtesy which she returned was such that her fragile form dropped gracefully and with out a perceptible curve in her whole body, until it was only about half as. high as that of her gallant caller who now had recovered his wonted uprightness ; and her clinging linsey woolsey petticoat with its sage colored binding com pletely covered the dainty slippers, and coyly wrinkled on the coarse floor boards. Farmer Fletcher followed up the response by continuing to smile the sweet smile that was upon his countenance when he entered, and while all this was going on, the interested school children noted this practical observance of the "proprieties" which had often been taught them theoretically by their fond teacher, but which seldom had been illustrated by such a perfect object lesson, not even when on one occasion the minister met the tithingmen. The school closed early that afternoon, much earlier than usual, and the scholars hardly knew why, and wondered, Concord 113 as with hop, skip, and jump they went through the nearer pasture bars into the lane to catch butterflies. Dorothea and Daniel repaired to a sunny bank by the woodside in the dingle you see in the distance, and there seating them selves with all proper decorum engaged in conversation. Farmer Fletcher inquired with considerable apparent solicitude, though with an air of partial absent-mindedness, after the Widow Fox, whose condition of late had been feeble and languishing, and whose case was "made mention of" in a "note put up" the last Sunday at the meeting house. They talked of the news from the sea-board, and the fresh arrivals in the Bay. Especially animated was their conversation about the startling rumor of a stranger who had recently come into town, who had rashly proposed that the town buy a carriage "to carry copses to the grave in." The more exciting topic, however, before the final one, was the notable discussion that was going on from the Blood farm to the Nine acres as to whether the minister was not too much of a "legal preacher," that is whether he was not dwelling unduly in his discourses, on the "cove nant of works" to the disparagement of the "covenant of grace." Whether or not this last subject was too dry, or whether Daniel felt that the afternoon was passing, and was appre hensive that further delay might defeat the main object of his visit we cannot say, since the only sparks here available depose nothing ; but so it was, that as soon as he had shifted his position to get out of the sun, which in its low descent now shone full in his face, giving to it a worried look, Farmer Fletcher said, hesitatingly, "Dorothea, art thou not tired of the Dame school ?" for he used a scrip ture form of language, "and hast thou not taught long enough ? and wouldst thou not change if thou couldst ? for thou couldst if thou wouldst, and I have come to talk with thee about it, Dorothea." No matter of record has been made of Goody Dean's reply neither has tradition informed us about it, but from whatever facts are obtainable 114 Colonial we infer that she informed him in substance, that since life with her had long been reduced to its lowest terms and she was wearied with whole numbers, if it would greatly add to his pleasures and much multiply his joys she was willing to divide with him her heart if he would share with her his home ; for that she believed in so doing there would be nothing subtracted from their sum of happiness. Just then a thrush sang in the brushwood, and an owl, which for the last half hour had haunted Farmer Fletcher by its dismal hooting, flew away, and the sun shone on the clouds above, giving them a rosy red hue, while a couple of song sparrows that had for a short time previous been chirping and twittering in the brushwood, flew out into the open and airily alighted on the spray of a hazel bush and sat swaying and singing, while Daniel and Dorothea looked and listened. As the mists began together, and the grass was getting damp, Farmer Fletcher and Dame Dean arose and walked lovingly down the dewy pathway into the common highway and then and there arranged for the wedding, which, because of her position as a school mistress, they decided to have in the meeting house if it were allowed them. But we will get back to the highway and only say further about the Dame school, that it soon closed, and as the hus band of Goody Dean's sister did not care longer to keep open house for the school children, since then as now, they trod on the grass, Dorothea had no successor there. The farm was finally sold piecemeal, and as the house was old, it went into disuse, decayed, and fell but that is the site of it. 13 Lr. TiT^ >>^ - /' =..* , , i. ^7* Vi 1*1-. wo K H Pi Z w IIkOw the probable time when the building was finished. In 1 710, arrangements were made after several town meetings for the erection of a new house of worship. It was to be 60 feet long, 50 wide and 28 high; it had no pews until some time after it was completed, and when they were put in, it was only by special vote of the town as a favor to certain distinguished persons. There were two galleries and no porch or turret. It was finished in 171 2, and cost 608 pounds. In 1749, pews were placed around the lower floor and a few in the lower gallery. On Jan. 31, 1790, the town voted to repair the meeting house, mak ing it 72 feet long, 50 feet wide and 28 feet high, with an addition of three porches, a spire 90 feet high, square pews along the wall on the lower floor and in the gallery. It was dedicated Jan. 24, 1792, and Rev. Dr. Ripley preached the sermon. The first "church going bell" at Concord was placed upon a tree. About 1696, it was broken and sent to England for repairs. In 1700, it was placed in the belfry. About the meeting house at an early date were various quaint objects, prominent among which was a "horse block," a pillory, stocks, a publishing post and whipping post, and sometimes a cage. The horse block was of stone or logs, and was used by church goers who went horseback for mounting and dismounting, and was especially service able to the women who rode behind the men on a seat called a "pillion." A fine horse block was early procured and paid for by the women of Concord, each contributing one pound of butter. The pillory and stocks were for penal purposes ; the former intended to keep the arms and head of the culprit in a constrained position while he remained standing ; the latter to confine the feet and hands when sitting. The whipping post was where the law breaker received lashes 138 Colonial publicly administered. The cage was for the confinement of evil doers for a short time where all could look upon them. , The publishing post was used as a bulletin board ; and there might have been seen all kinds of legitimate notices, such as colonial orders, intentions of marriage, rules regard ing Sabbath observance, town warrants, etc. T A reason for using the meeting house and its near pre cincts for giving publicity to events and orders may have been, that everyone if able bodied was supposed to go there in conformity to law, and custom, and individual desire ; and perhaps from this fact has arisen the maxim of English jurisprudence, that ignorance of law excuses no one, in that as every one was expected to go where the law was promulgated, therefore there could be no ignorance of it. The precincts of the meeting house were also some times the place to which the heads of wolves were brought when bounties were to be paid for them ; the order being that they should be either "nayled to the meeting house" or to a tree near it, and hence, here and there might some times be seen these grim objects suggestive of both the peril and prowess of the pioneers. From the foregoing facts, together with others to be observed, iff may be safe to infer that the Puritan's place of public worship was not the most dreary spot possible, but on the contrary the most interesting in the settlement. As it was often the town's geographical center, so about it was centralized whatever was in a wholesome manner enliv ening, recreating, and agreeable. The people there obtained the latest news ; there they exchanged neighborly salutations, made familiar inquiries, and took a fresh start physically, morally, and spiritually. Neither was the meeting house and its precincts lonely and unvisited between Sundays. There were the meet ings on "lecture days," the occasional military elections, the town's civic gatherings, and miscellaneous or incidental assemblages. In short, the meeting house with its grounds Concord 139 was the people's trysting place, where a community of in terest was recognized, and where everything that the settle ment stood for was represented. ' From such facts we may easily conclude that all was not constraint about the church-going customs of the early New Englanders, and that there was much besides the ecclesiastical associated with their houses of worship. The average colonist went to meeting because he wanted to, and because there was pleasure in it ; not merely through a sense of stern duty. His meeting house was his church home, and he could say of it with a sincerity that was soft ened by the sweetest endearment — "I love thy church, O God ! Her walls before thee stand, Dear as the apple of thine eye, And graven on thy hand. Beyond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways, Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise." He looked forward to the recreation of the holy Sabbath and its sanctuary privileges with glad and expectant long ings, and his hard, secular life was sweetened by its services. In short, about those homely altars where burned the incense of a fervent faith, the worshiper of the lone, wide- spreading, and stilly woods found his flesh and spirit refreshed and refurnished ; and it was because he drank at such fountains that the greatness of the generations follow ing was made possible. Because of these things the locality of the meeting house was attractive, and its exercises were popular ; and if the "blue laws," so called, that are some times so sluringly spoken of were needed, it was largely for the laggard and thriftless, and had the same significance to that class as did the whipping post, the pillory, and the stocks. Having considered the meeting house, let us next notice 140 Colonial how people got to it. The greater part went on foot, no distance being deemed too great if withii^ the township, or about its border. A half-dozen miles was a small matter to a person who could travel a score of miles on foot with a sack of corn on his back. In Concord and towns adjoin ing, in many cases miles separated the worshiper from the meeting house ; and often the way lay through swamps and at times partially submerged causeways. But nothing daunted, they pushed their way through or over these obstacles unflinchingly. For the conveyance of the wo men and children and aged people anything, available was used, — clumsy ox sleds or carts, hay wagons, and the sad dle and pillion. In the latter mode of conveyance the "ride and tie" system prevailed. This method was for one v or two to start on horseback and another or others to fol low on foot, and when the former had ridden a piece they would dismount, tie the horse to a tree, and when the lat ter came up they in like manner, would ride a distance and then dismount, tie the horse and walk on ; and so parties would ride and walk alternately till they reached the meet ing house. In the matter of dress, care was exercised then as well as now. The fathers were far from being slouchy in their attire. Moreover, what might be the silly promptings of pride in the present, might then have been the promptings of duty, for such was the reverence for sacred things that nothing was thought too good for the meeting house, and it might have been considered sacrilege to go in a shabby garb, if something better were possible ; thus what in one age may be a virtue, in another may be a vice. The mate rial of the women's dress was all the way from a sleazy dimity to costly callimanco. The men, according to their ability might wear a coat of match, or a jacket of rough woolen frieze with dornex breeches of a coarse linen similar to canvas. So the pendulum swung then as now ; nor will it cease, it may be, until society settles upon the golden mean, that they are the best dressed who are attired in Concord 141 ¦*¦ ¦ I, . clothing that is the most comfortable and the least notice able, and have means with which to obtain it. Within the meeting house all was plain and simple. At first there were no pews whatever ; but in process of time there was now and then one put in by permission at the expense of the occupant. The "seating of the meeting house" was a very conse quential affair, and was to be done with such delicacy that the sensitive nature of no one could be injured, and each one would have a position suited to his rank and station. |The deacons had sittings near the pulpit, and if there was an elder a proper place was assigned him next to the preacher. The minister's family was to have seats at the front, and if there were magistrates, they and their families and also the selectmen and their families were to be pro vided for in a way that would magnify their office. A "seating committee" was chosen regularly, and because there might be heart burnings incident to the faithful per formance of their functions, the office was unpopular ; which shows that one elective office at least has gone a begging. The men and women sat in different seats ; also the boys and girls. | SNear the minister's seat was the "saxton's," where that faithful custodian of the meeting house sat in" readiness to respond to any call, and to turn the hour glass ; not, perhaps, that the preacher might be reminded when to close the sermon, but to know how long to con tinue it. Above the pulpit and just over the minister when he was speaking, was a "sounding board," placed there for projecting the voice. It was either round or square and several feet in area, and held in position by an iron rod extending from the ceiling above J! In some places it was" customary for the congregation to wait at the door until the clergyman arrived and to enter just after him. In others it was the custom to enter just before him, and at his coming in at the door to rise and remain standing till 142 Colonial he was seated in the pulpit,i:a form somewhat similar to the present court custom when the justice enters. After service began it was the rule that no one should go out until the close except in case of necessity ; and so closely was this rule adhered to that one or more tithing men were stationed at the door to enforce it. The service was usually quite lengthy, sometimes con tinuing from half-past nine till twelve ; this time however was not all taken up with prayer and preaching. Besides the usual preliminary exercises there were others that were occasional. Before the long prayer "notes" were "put up," such as, "Betsey Bateman desires prayers that the death of her husband may be sanctified to her ;" "Daniel Darby desires to express gratitude for a great deliverance from danger ;" "Abiathar Brown desires prayers that he may recover from sickness." Marriage intentions were also proclaimed at this time, and the "Chrisom" service had place. The scripture reading was accompanied by exposi tory comments ; and the singing of psalms was preceded by "lining off," or the reading of a couple of lines at a time for the congregation to sing. From the foregoing facts we infer that statements indi cating that the clergymen of those days prayed an hour, and preached two or three is an exaggeration. For if the meet ing began at half-past nine, and we see not how it could have begun earlier on an average the year through, consid ering the long distance which many of the worshipers came with there slow cattle or on foot, and the necessary farm chores that preceded the journey, how, we ask, with all the miscellaneous matters and scripture reading and with elaborate expositions, psalm lining, and slow singing, and a prayer to close with, could so long a time have been de voted to the sermon ? Moreover, the sermons themselves which are extant may be evidence to the contrary, as may be also the character of those who wrote them. The cler ical profession of early New England was a learned one ; it conformed well to the economics of the times and the Concord 143 desires of its constituents, and the product of it as seen in the present is indicative of its prudence, its piety and its sound common sense. There was an intermission of about an hour between the services on Sunday, during which time some of the congre gation went to the tavern, some to the neighboring houses, and some to the noon houses ; which were small structures erected by private parties for this express purpose. These noon houses had fireplaces and were supplied with a barrel or two of cider, it may be, and utensils for warming their lunch. \ '"As there was no means of heating the meeting house, various expedients were resorted to : among the most common of which were the foot stoves, small receptacles for holding coals. These were filled when taken from home and at noon were replenished at the noon house. They were placed at the feet of the older people, and about them the little children could warm their fingers. They also tended to take the chilliness from the house, which be ing low and well filled, and with few windows, afforded more comfort than would be thought possible. Wolf skin bags were attached to some of the pews or benches to put the feet in ; and dogs were also taken to church for the purpose of keeping the feet warm. Indeed, to such an extent did this latter custom prevail that a law was passed prohibiting it. f Whether this was done because the animals imparted so "much comfort as to induce drowsi ness in the listeners, or because the dogs sometimes made themselves heard in protest when too much pressure was brought to bear on them, the sparks do not depose. ^As a means of maintaining order, tithing men or tenth men were appointed, so called because one was appointed for every ten families. These tithing men were each equip ped with a long staff having at one end something with which to "rap up" unruly boys ; and at the other end a delicately adjusted fox tail with which to tickle the faces of the staid dames and thoughtless daughters when regardless 144 Colonial of the sermon. Besides these staves of office there were set up in conspicuous places about the room tithing men's sticks ready to be used if occasion required. Nor were these all the means for the conservation of good order, for there was sometimes placed midway of the audience a "cul prit's seat," where might be seen sometimes a mischievous person bearing a paper upon which was inscribed the nature of his misdemeanor.1 Outside the meeting house peace and tranquility were secured by means as systematic and grim. ' It was an early law of the colony that a fourth part of the "trayne band" was to go to church armed. A regular sentry was posted outside with an equipment regulated by law, which in some instances was a coat "basted with cotton wool" to ward off bullets, a "corslet" to cover the body, a "gorget" to guard the throat, and "tasses" to cover the thighs. Each sentinel was to carry a "bastard musket with a snap chance," "a full musket" or a barrel with a matchlock, or some other efficient firearm.? Such were the surroundings ; and such were some of the scenes witnessed within and without the meeting house of "ye olden times," and we believe they are sufficient to con vince any one that the colonial meeting house and what went with it were far from being prosy; and that the times that produced them and the people whom they served were not doltish nor given to objectionable tranquility. We do not affirm that all the foregoing practices were observed at Concord, nor in any one of the colonial towns ; customs differed with communities, and each of these had their peculiar church cults, according as these were brought from the old country, or created by circumstances, or by contact with a neighboring borough ; but if even a portion of them prevailed in a given township, it was enough to impart to it an activity and an air of sprightliness which would naturally prevent any social stagnation and make the life of the Puritan far from being staid or "slowgoing." Concord H5 We believe the foregoing facts also indicate that the olden times were more intense than we are wont to sup pose ; and that the secular strenuousness of the present has only taken the place of a spiritual strenuousness in the past. As in the natural world the same elements take dif ferent forms, so in society the energy of one age may be exerted in such a manner that the people of another age do not recognize it. Society being largely conventional, it may be only by the discovery of the motive or the inspection of the mainspring of the machinery that enables us to make right estimates of an era and its actors. So when we measure the men and women of whom we have been speaking by what their meeting houses meant, we find them intensely active, and living in a period that demanded intense activity. Each person was a storage battery of spiritual force, and the electricity of thought, purpose and action was generated at the great "power house" of the church, of which the meet ing house was the symbol. < Before we conclude our observations on the old time meeting houses, let us notice their place in history. They were the beginnings of our national greatness and unprece dented progress. This we believe to be preeminently the case with regard to matters civic and educational. IThe colonial meeting house was the town house. The minister was for the town, and the town elected and maintained him. Minister's rates were assessed by the same process and paid with the same cheerfulness as others ; and indeed they might have been a standard for the making up of all other rates. The first polling place was beside the pulpit. The con tribution box might have been the first ballot box. On the communion table the town clerk made the town re cords. On the meeting house door were posted the town warrants and town "orders." Attendance at church on Sundays might relate to eligibility to town office. It was the meeting house and what it represented that made 146 Colonial the minute man, and with it may be associated his whole history ; for to its pulpit he looked for his encouragement, to its Bible he looked for his authority in resisting oppres sion, and to its belfry or the powder house of its precincts he repaired for his ammunition.! The foregoing statements are amply sustained by a vari ety and profusion of simple facts which the records and traditions of many New England townships attest to, and Concord bears her full share of the testimony ; and there are circumstances which can only be construed as showing through a long period a oneness to her ecclesiastical and civic affairs. The records inform us that the order for building the first meeting house was passed Feb. 5, 1636, when the affairs of colonization were largely under the leadership of Rev. Peter Bulkeley. The substance of the records concerning the building of the second or third meeting house of date Jan. 27, 1668, is that Capt. Timothy Wheeler, Joseph Wheeler and John Smedley were consti tuted a committee to make a contract for a meeting house; and that in 1672, the selectmen were directed "to see if the contract was completed." The building erected about this date stood on the town's common land at a spot on or near the site of the present Unitarian church, or what is known as the "First Parish Church." In this meeting house, which it is stated had the characteristics of one erected at Hingham, Mass., in 1681, the town meetings were held until as late as 171 2, after which time the deliberations of the church were held in the new building, and those of the town were held in the old one. In 1 71 9, the town voted to build a house for its "town meetings" and court sessions, the latter having been held for ten years previous in the old meeting house. Oct. 11, 1774, an adjourned meeting of the First Pro vincial Congress was held in this meeting house. March 22, 1775, the Second Provincial Congress also met there. Concord 147 The same year the military companies met there to listen to a sermon by Rev. William Emerson. In 1776, the commencement exercises of Harvard Col lege were held there^ Such is a partial epitome of events connected with the succession of early meeting houses which have stood on or about the site of the "First Parish Meeting House," and they substantiate the foregoing statements and bear out our conclusions concerning the mission of the modest colonial meeting house. Moreover its natural environment was as picturesque as its history is romantic. On the one side was the bluff or ridgeway, safe sheltering from storms that swept from the easterly, upon whose peaceful but stinted summit sleep what is mortal of the faithful church founders, and at whose foot was the little street which ran just past the church doorway, once traveled by the second Bulkeley, Estabrook, Whiting, Bliss, the famous Whitefield, Emerson, Ripley, and Reynolds ; and also by Hancock, Adams, Otis and others world renowned, whose voices were once heard within the meeting house walls soundly denouncing the "king's orders," and imploringly appealing to the people to resist them. At the northwesterly was a small portion of the "town's common land, "where once stood the "Jethro" or "bell tree," underneath which, as tradition declares, an agreement was made for a sale of the township for "beads, wampum, hoes" and other commodities, in the presence of grave sagamores and mystical witnesses, with dark, wizard-like looks and strange movements. In that direction was the "town pound" and a snug garrison house, and perhaps the "tanyard" of one of Concord's first artisans, to whom the town early granted land to encourage his trade. To the northwesterly also was the mill and the brook, its fresh meadows opening downward in pleasant vistas towards the manse. To the westerly was the wilderness and a road 148 Colonial leading into it, with smiling homesteads alongside ; while to the southwesterly and southerly and half skirted in that direction by a driftway upon which stood one of Concord's first grocery stores was the mill pond, forest fringed and newly made, reflecting back from cool shadows the gnarled oaks and tall pines, and the lesser shrubbery of bending bilberry bushes and elder and willow clumps, and whose friendly waters withal came so close to the meeting house as almost to wash its sills ; so that in 1672, the selectmen were instructed to adopt measures "to keep out the waters of Mill brook, which encroached on the common and wore it away." Such to an extent was the scene, and thus varied were the objects of beauty and of interest that surrounded the first in succession of these meeting houses, when Parson Edward Bulkeley and Deacon Griffin entered the portal of the new edifice, perhaps on a bright morning in the year 1672, to see if everything was in readiness to hold the first service there. But even more might be said of it ; for were it our pro vince to speak of things modern we would pause and make mention of the illustrious gatherings that have con vened about this ancient church site at the occasional funeral services of the "mighty dead" ; for as statesmen, orators and distinguished preachers, philanthropists, philos ophers, poets and jurists have spoken and worshipped within the walls of the structures that stood there, so their mortal remains have been borne from there; and more than once has the world's great grief been manifest in the sad and solemn requiems and notable eulogies that have been sung and spoken there ; and so long as this an cient church site is associated with these its renown is secure, for their's were of the "few immortal names that were not born to die." That the early meeting house stood for the educational interests of the colony needs no reiteration. It was at Concord 1 49 these places and by means of the ministers, that many of the people acquired even the little knowledge that they possessed during that period of New England history that has been called "the dark age." This period, which was between the passing away of the original grantees and the coming of the second generation following, was approxi mately from 1675 to x725- That the settlers were friendly to education during this period goes without saying, not withstanding towns were sometimes fined for not providing proper school privileges. They loved and demanded a learned Gospel ministry. They welcomed the catecumen- ical exercises ; and that they improved themselves with books when they had them and when the pastor loaned them from his meager library indicates what might have been their literary status "Had fortune frowned not on their humble birth." Moreover, the people loved their long sermons, doubtless, and the long prayers, for by them their spiritual and intellectual natures were fed. But the settlers were many of them poor, schoolmasters and school mistresses were scarce ; life was a scramble for bread, a fight to make both ends meet ; and when the immigrant settler who came to this country with a fair education had passed away, then the dark age came ; many signed their names with a mark, many could not read, and there was a lament able lack of learning generally. But the meeting houses by their ministers kept brightly burning a lamp of knowledge when others had gone out. The long and elaborate discourses were educators ; good language was encouraged. In short, a high intellectual standard was kept before the people, and the desire for better things was fostered by frequent contact of the parishioner with his pastor. Let not then too much credit be ascribed to "the little red schoolhouse," for the little log meeting house was before it; and but for the latter, the former might never have been. So let us in ascribing "honor to whom honor is due" leave a large place for the New England 1 50 Colonial meeting house, which made "giants in those days,'-' and which made the minute men who came later, and was the beginning of our present greatness. And let us, like those who founded them, say with a whole-souled sincerity, "I was glad when they said unto me, let us go up to the house of the Lord." CHAPTER XVII. Visit to the Home of Goodman George Heywood — Talk with Miller William Buss — Ramble about the Mill Pond — Flint's Pond — History of the Bulkeley Grist Mill — Succession of Millers — Stroll about Concord Center — Description of the Mill Pond. THE next morning we arose about sunrise, and after breakfast and family prayers, started with one of the hired men who was going to mill, for the house of George Heywood. We went in an ox cart, and as the bullocks were but imperfectly "broken" we were bounced and jolted over many remnants of old roots and through sloughy places, insomuch that we concluded that the highway work of those days consisted mainly in shoveling snowdrifts, and keeping the wheel ruts from the constant encroachment of the shrubbery, and the casting of brushwood into the wet places to prevent miring. As we entered the village, for we will call it such, al though it was "only a collection of housen," as miller Buss told us, Goodman Heywood met us at the bar way, for there were gates and bars at the head of lanes which it was the common law should be kept closed, and with a smile and voice as bright and breezy as the day, bade us good morning, and insisted upon our taking a second breakfast. Hospitality in those days was the rule and not the excep tion, and "stay to dinner," or "stay to supper," or "stop over night" was only a natural accompaniment of one's coming, and everywhere expected as a matter of course. As Goodman Heywood had an important town matter 152 Colonial to look after he excused himself for the forenoon, and we went into the mill which was near by, where we found" the miller standing by the meal trough in the midst of a score or more of bags of unground maize. Entering into. con versation, we found that the task of grinding the town's corn was not easy; "For," said the miller, "we've "got but one run of stone and slow at that ;" "but," he continued, "we have ter try, for folks fetch their grists here from far and near ; some come clean from the Nashaway, some from farms nigh Nashoba, some from beyend Shawshine, and there's a few towards Sudbry and up agin Malbry." After inquiring as to how they brought their grist, we found thatpiose who had horses threw the sacks over their backs, that some brought them in ox carts or on sleds, some in wheelbarrows, and a few on their backs ; even though coming sometimes from miles away. At times, he stated, they "stayed over" or started home late at night and this, it might be, in cold or stormy weather, or in deep snow, so great at times was the stress for meal J He did not tell us about his "toll rates," neither did we ask him, knowing as we did that there had been several misunderstandings about this matter, both in relation to himself and his predecessors. Having learned what we could from the genial miller, and growing weary of the noise of the mill machinery, we resolved to ramble about the pond to discover anything that might be of service in describing the central village of Concord town as it was about the middle of the 17th cen tury. Leaving the Mill dam we passed the "pound," and keep ing on the side of the pond next to the "Strate strete" and going just back of the site of the "First Parish Church," we found ourselves on the swamp lands to the eastward, which but for a dry October would have been damp. After walking a considerable distance in the brushwood, occasionally through the openings, catching a glimpse of the pines on the ridgeway, we reached the "Bay road," Concord x 53 where a bridge of loosely laid logs crossed Mill brook on a level with the roadbed. Hard by was the house of Goodman Meriam, beside which was a snug barn and sheep shed and a couple of barley stacks. Near the bar ley stacks was a threshing floor consisting of logs, square hewn and closely set, where with slim walnut flails fastened with eel skin, Goodman Meriam and a neighbor, Nathan iel Ball were threshing, while the plump barley grains were bounding briskly all about them. Thinking it uncivil not to call, we halted ; as we did so the men, flails in hand, came to meet us and greeted us with a right hearty cordi ality, and the rest of the household consisting of his wife and several children appeared in the doorway. On leaving Goodman Meriam's dooryard we rambled over the fields in a southwesterly direction and soon came to a ditch. At first we thought it might be one of the ditches that the early settlers used for fencing, but upon following it a short distance we came upon a body of water, perhaps as charming as ever traveler beheld. It was com pletely surrounded by woods and tinted with a blue as beautiful as that of the sky that bent over it. We knew where we were, for Major Willard had spoken to us of Flint's pond, which on the modern maps is called "Forest lake," and said that it received its name from Esquire Thomas Flint, who owned all the territory since occupied by the village of Lincoln center. The discovery of the pond explained the presence of the ditch ; for we at once concluded that this ditch, which in the "records" is repeatedly referred to as "the gutter," was the means of conducting the water from Flint's pond to the Mill brook, in order to raise the water in the Mill pond whenever needed. We did not long remain at Flint's pond, beautiful though it was, but soon retraced our steps to the Mill brook and followed its course till we came to the head of the Mill pond where we sat down upon a log which had been lifted at high water upon a hassock of coarse grass, and listened 1 54 Colonial to the multitudinous voices which, strangely mingling with the deep bass of the distant mill, made a strange medley. The day was beautiful ; the sky cloudless ; and the soft south wind which had set in with the sunrising was just beginning to tone down the crisp atmosphere and make it enjoyable. The foliage was at its best, for but few leaves had fallen and every branch and spray was painted with those perfect colors which art cannot imitate ; and as the yellow birches and crimson maples flashed their tints among the dark evergreens, it was as if the wood nymphs had lighted the torches and were awaiting guests. And the guests were there ; for while we sat meditating in wonder, a couple of kingfishers sprang their rattle just over us, and as one dashed into the water and came up with what looked like a trout, we concluded that the small mill stream, be fore its waters were made to work, was a "trout brook" that once went rollicking riverward as free as the wind, notwithstanding the level country through which it passed. In a shallow cove among some lily pads were a doe and two fawns, while beyond, under some hemlocks in the flags a flock of dusky ducks was riding at anchor, and keeping at an aristocratic distance from three diminutive teal, which lingered later than was their wont in Concord waters be cause of the mildness of the Fall. As the air was still cool in spite of the south wind, and the frost sparkled on the bilberry bushes, we decided to make a fire to warm our fingers, and see if anything could be learned in addition to what we already knew relative to the ponds the mill, and the adjacent hamlet. Accordingly, we started in search of some drift wood from the pond shore, well knowing that the sparks from this if from anything would be prolific of information. With this fuel, a little moss, and a flint and steel which Major Willard had lent us, we made a blaze. Soon the flames crackled and the sparks snapped merrily ; nd the story stripped of all that is fictitious is as fol lows : The little brook which was early crossed by "Fort Concord 155 bridge" or "Potter's bridge," and now runs through the culvert at "Hasting's Corner," and by the Bank, has the distinction of first serving the town of Concord for mill purposes ; and except for its presence, there might have been no Concord center where it is, but its location might have been determined by some other stream. A "corn mill," as these places were once called, was considered indis pensable to a new township. Like an army, the settler should keep near his base of supplies, and a mill house with a good water power was his commissariat. The usual order was a mill, a meeting house, and an "ordinary," or a public place of entertainment for man and beast. fThe miller was an important personage, next to the tavern keeper, and both made good material for selectmen and militia officers. The mill was a place for news or a kind of village exchange. There the farmer learned pa tience as his grist slowly fell into the mill trough, or as he waited his turn, or was told to come the next day or the day after. There he compared crops and made bargains. Perhaps, also, it was there he learned as much about colo nial law and provincial politics as at any place except the meetiing house ; for people came "to mill" from far away, bringing not only their bags of corn and barley but tidings of accident, adventure and the rise and fall of market rates- at the seaboard. 5 tThe first mlH in Concord was erected by Rev. Peter" Bulkeley, or with his money ; which circumstance, were there no other, would show that Mr. Bulkeley was a "man of means" ; for mill machinery was costly and doubtless much of it, together with the mill wright who put it up came from "below." Probably the mill was never "run" by its original owner but was leased ; for we find that as early as 1639 it was in charge of William Fuller, who the records state, was fined "£2 for abuse in over-tolling." The first mill was doubtless small and stood on or near the site of the brick building by the old Bank. In consideration of building the mill, or as a gratuity, 156 Colonial Mr. Bulkeley was allowed a tract of thirty acres upon which his house and mill stood, lying between the pond and the river. He was also granted the right to raise the water of the brook "to a perpendicular height of four feet and ten inches from the bottom of the mill trough," and of digging clay on the common for making repairs on the dam ; franchises akin in principle to those accorded to early mill builders in other placesj^ and the small amount allot ted may indicate that landed possessions were not lavishly bestowed upon any one, nor as a rule, conveyed without value received. Timber trees, pasturage, planting places and hay on meadow lands, whether they were public or private prop erty, were jealously guarded, and whether the common lands were "sized" or divided, or conveyed as a gratuity, or perquisite, it was in a manner that established no unsafe precedent. 1 How many years the Bulkeley mill continued to grind the "town's corn" we were not told, but there was a long succession of millers. Among them were some of the town's stanchest citizens ; and if the records show that in one or two instances there was a deviation from what was conventional or statutory, all the circumstances not being disclosed, we may not be able to judge fairly, since there might have been mitigating facts / for example, William Fuller may have properly set up in defence by way of "jus tification and avoidance" that morally the laborer is worthy of his hire, whether legally so or not, and that at times the mill did not pay ; for when there was a scarcity of water in the pond, or too much back water in the brook, it was slow grinding, and he perhaps took it upon himself to adjust prices, and so likewise when in 1665, William Buss was warned by Constable Thomas Brooks "to answer for his want of scales and weights in his mill," he may have pleaded inability to purchase them. The year previous, the Heywood mill was established, and perhaps competi tion had commenced, and business may have been done on Concord 157 too small a margin to make "up to date" appliances profit able ; we were not there, the sparks say nothing, and we can be charitable. Moreover, so far as Buss is concerned, presumption is greatly in his favor; for when he kept tavern in 1664, at about the spot where the town library now stands, he wished to be excused from selling strong drink, and he was considered by the selectmen a most suit able person for a licensed innkeeper. 'That Mr. Bulkeley retained ownership of the mill for many years is indicated by the fact that after his death, which occured March 5, 1659, a controversy arose con cerning the mill' bstween his widow, Grace Chetwood, and the citizens of Concord, and the matter was investigated by the Colonial Court, one result of which was a conclusion that the contract between Mr. Bulkeley and the town of Ccmcord had been loosely drawn.' jAbout 1666, Captain Timothy Wheeler, who lived in the house of Mr. Bulkeley, became owner of the mill, and he left it by will to his daughter, Rebecca Minot ; and her husband, James, operated it for many yearsi The build ing which now stands on Main street by tne brook near the bank is in the succession of these ancient mills. It has been supposed by some that it may have been built by Captain Timothy Wheeler, but no record nor reliable tradition gives any certain information of its age. It is very old but that it existed earlier than the first quarter of the 1 8th century is considered improbable. I But long ago the rumbling of the old mill ceased ; and the water of the mill brook released from its useful bondage once more went dancing downwards as wild and unre strained as when the settlers first saw it. (The pond shrank back into its original channel, and the flags and clover blos soms upon its grassy border, looked laughingly down into it as if glad to be brought back to their old playground. Today, nature and art are both there; tomorrow it may be only art._J It was nearly high noon when we started on our return 158 Colonial to the village, which we reached in time for dinner. The meal was served in accordance with the hospitality of the times. In the early afternoon and after a conversation with Goodman Heywood, in which he spoke of his plan for the erection of a saw mill, we proposed a stroll. over the village, to the end that we might better describe at some future time the mill pond, the village roads, and the homes of the inhabitants. As good fortune would have it we were left to go alone ; for just as we were about starting, John, the eldest son, stepped in and said that the Gobble boys down at the "Bay" (Fairhaven) had sent for his father to come and weigh some tar, which article we infer was a commodity in early times in Concord, and that sometimes there was tres passing in order to obtain it, as the Sudbury records inform us that in 1661, the town appointed men "to agree with Robert Porctor of Concord about his trespass of burning up our pines for making tar." Having obtained all neces sary instructions we went forth, and by sunsetting had gathered many facts and formed many theories relative to the village, the mill and the ways of the inhabitants ; but lest our observation may have been too limited, and being a visitor, we had been shown only the best side of things, we will relate only what conforms with history. First, we will describe the mill pond. I From the height of the dam, and various records relating to the flow- age of water in its vicinity, together with the "lay of the land," we may fairly conjecture what was its shape and size, and trace its outline on at least three sides. The north side was bounded by the dam, which probably extended from the mill house to a point a little east of Mill brook where it crosses the present Main street. From the dam on the east side it followed the upland until it shoaled up near the crossing on Heywood street, and lost itself among the meadows, then swamp grounds, in the direction of Meriam's corner. On the west it had a similar contour. Beginning at the mill, it followed the general direction of Concord 1 59 the present Walden street, and keeping well within the up land as it variously sloped, made a curved shore nearly corresponding to the one opposite. That this outline is fairly correct, may be indicated by traces of ancient water lines detected in excavations for building purposes ; and also from the records of town action relating to early riparian rights. A pond of this description, and situated amid such scenery as Concord center may then have possessed was doubtless exception- ably beautiful. Not only would such a sheet of water pent up in the woodland solitude of itself be charming, but we infer there were objects accompanying it that would make it doubly so. Among these was the abruptly rising ridge way a few rods to the eastward, its crest crowned with ancient oaks and dark pines, and its slope variously in dented with gentle hollows ; at its foot the "little strate strete" curving gracefully, its sides fenced by snipped sap lings and along which were small wood-colored cabins with prim door yards, where in summer might have been seen; busy housewives" deftly twirling the flax reel or tethering some pet animal, or sitting, it may be at noonday in the cooling shade, or in the autumn attending the drying of their sliced "pompion" or whisking the wasps from their spread huckleberries, or snatching from the night damp their half cured herbs. Moreover, there might have been seen standing separate and far out in the water a few maples and pines left there when the pond was filled, the perching place of fish hawks and crows, conspicuous landmarks and a general outlook for all birds ; further up there might have been a fording place for cattle, used before the build ing of a bridge at Potter's lane, where of a spring morning might have been seen the farm boy following the cows or a tired teamster watering his oxen, while wading at divers points along the pond's margin and feeding among the lilies and pickerel weed and brushing flies, may have been seen animals both domestic and wild. But not the least of its attractions perhaps were its dark, 1 60 Colonial rich reflections which were to be seen on every side except that of the dam and the shallow water on the south. These reflections may have been of objects rarely seen in the vicinity at the present, for in process of time there have doubtless disappeared from the precincts of Concord center rare plants and grasses and shrubbery that once were there. There may have been on the banks among the lesser shrubbery both the yellow and black birch, the "sweet scented saxifrage" and the red osier, and the spoonwood or mountain laurel, as it is now called, purple and white aza- lias, and the pink rhodora of which one of Concord's poets has so beautifully written, alder, elder, and wild holly, with their sprinkling of bright berries to give sprightliness. Among the trees there may have been the white and the red spruce, and perhaps the bass, the horn beam, and false elm. Peeping out from beneath and looking over the pond's edge as if laughing at their own loveliness may have been rare flowers, as the trumpet weed, the buck bean and the fringed gentian ; the painted cup may have also presented itself, and rare orchids, the mountain rice, and the flowering dogwood, all of which have been found in the vicinity in later times. That the mill pond did justice to this gentle company we cannot doubt, and that the scene afforded on its surface on a calm, clear day would be a gor geous one is as little questionable. But not the sights alone but the sounds also naturally made this spot a restful one, and such as they only could expect to find who are willing to penetrate a wilderness and pioneer under old time condition, where everything is wild and primitive. There might have been the monotonous sound at stated intervals of the church drum ; the oft recur ring roaring of the "rolling dam" when the rain had filled the pond to an overflow ; the mournful call of a distrained animal from the usually empty town pound, reminding its owner to pay a shilling and rescue it ; the dull rumble of the mill stones and jolt of the clumsy water wheel; the slow, measured jog, jog, of the farm horse, and the harsh Concord 161 rattle of the farm wagon, as they moved over the rough roads ; now and then might have been heard the strokes of a distant threshing flail, or the echo of a cheery halloo, or the dropping of some pasture bars ; and now and then may have come to the ear the sweet strains of psalm singing, or the imploring accents of prayer ; these with the multitudi nous voices of Nature might enter into the sounds of that little lone hamlef In such a place and amid such a scene was born Con cord's first village. Perhaps in part from its peaceful aspect the town took its name, and if so we may conjecture that the mill pond not only located the hamlet, but also chris tened it. Such a conclusion may by no means be unwar ranted. Large things are often occasioned by small ones ; and though the latter may be lost or forgotten, and only live in their effects, so may it not be that the presence of this pond, which was a factor so important in the success of the settlement, and the beauty of its environment, together with the tranquility of the town's inhabitants all suggested the name of Concord, and hastened the approach of its "chrisom" hour. Before however leaving the subject of the mill pond, additional mention should be made of its upper limit, which we stated shoaled up and was lost in the direction of Mer iam's corner. How far it ran in that direction may never be known unless by actual survey, since the nature of the country is such as to hardly disclose it. Doubtless it spread with a shallow depth to the vicinity of Love lane or Hawthorne street. Near here at the time of the Con cord colonization was a beaver dam, which may indicate that about this place the brook had more than its usual fall ; and if so, perhaps here was the pond's upper termi nus. But there is no visible sign by which to determine it, neither is there anything to indicate that a portion of the present rich tillage and productive garden lands were for merly overflowed. The fields stretch themselves in the 1 62 Colonial distance and vanish ; the blackbird sings and safely builds its nest there ; the dew sparkles on the buttercups in the morning, and in the evening the perfume of a thousand flowers makes fragrant the atmosphere, while tired nature rests all unconscious of the great change of two and a half centuries. RESIDENCE OF MR. WOODWARD HUDSON CHAPTER XVIII. Description of Village at Concord Center in Early Times — Streets — House Lots — Robert Meriam's Store — Street Scene — Tavern — Landlord Wil liam Buss — Rules and Regulations of Ordinaries — Old Time Taverns at Concord. WITH a knowledge of the shape and site of the mill pond the way is open for a description of the first village of Concord as it may have existed a score of years after the town's settlement. And here, as of other matters prior to the period of pre served public record, much is left to be learned by sitting at old firesides and listening to the sparks. But tradition concerning the village roads, and recorded data concern ing house lots reaches so far back as to enable us correctly tolocate some of them. (The earliest street was the "Strate strete" or the "Little Strate strete" by the ridgeway which began or ended at the town's common land, now the public square, and may have extended as a lane, now Lowell street, to Parson Bulke- ley^s, and . possibly to the river meadow. i \From the "Strate strete" at the "Common," as we will call the public square, a narrow causeway crossed at the mill dam, coming out on the west side of it near the old Bank building. This causeway at the time of the Revolu tionary war and for years afterward was only a few feet wide and was used as a mill path and a short way connect ing both portions of the village^ |A principal or main street ran between the mill dam and the South abridge, the latter then near Nashawtuc. It Was very crooked and'in its- short course partially described 163 1 64 Colonial the letter S twice made. Beginning at the mill dam it passed to the northwesterly around the town's second bury ing ground, and after running a few rods bent southerly almost to the site of the present Main street. It then turned northwesterly and after running a few rods again bore to the southerly, and passing the great elms on the present Frederick Hudson place crossed at the corner of Main and Thoreau streets, as these are now, and running diagonally toward the southwest, curved at a point across the Fitchburg railroad just beyond the section house, and by the agricultural grounds, leaving a small "heater" piece, now owned by the Boston and Maine R. R. corporation, and thence proceeding northwesterly, ran in a direction approximately parallel to the first few rods from the assumed point of beginning by the mill dam. \ The third street, as we will term it^ was on or about the site of. the present Walden street, and was made it may be, for the two-fold purpose of accommodating the houselots that lay along the west side of the millpond, and also to meet Potter's lane, unless perchance the latter was made to meet thigJlThe "Strate strete" may have early extended or branched off beyond the present Public square in the direction of the North bridge. | /Along these roads were the early homes, and because they were there the roads were there. It was here a house and there a house and a path between them. The path, being much traveled by the neighbors and by the cattle, at length became a well recognized public way and in time, by an extension of it, became a county roacL] In endeavoring to locate the first houselots along these roads, we can perhaps do no better than to take for our authority the historian, Walcott, whose painstaking researches have been so valuable in the locating of Con cord's early estates. On the "Strate strete" near the common was the house- lot of Thomas Dane, which consisted of six and one-half acres, and extended from burial hill to the mill pond ; Concord 165 Luke Potter's lot of six and one-half acres was situated on both sides of Potter's lane (Heywood street). Follow ing the Bay road in an easterly direction there were houselots as follows, occupying both sides of the road and extending to the mill brook : John Farwell, twelve acres ; Thomas Wheeler, Sr., thirteen acres ; Moses Wheat, six teen acres (Staples place). East of Wheat's on the north side of the road, was the houselot of William Baker, then the lot of William Fletcher, fifteen acres. This lot ran to the brook, and was afterward purchased by Nathaniel Stow ; and near it was a lot owned by Peter Bulkeley, Esquire. Then followed the lot of Thomas Burgess, ten acres ; Francis Fletcher, eight acres ; Edward Wright, ten acres ; Eliphalet Fox, eight acres : Nathaniel Ball, thirteen acres ; William Hartwell, nine acres ; John Hartwell ten acres ; William Taylor, eight and three-quarter acres ; and beyond these to the eastward were lots of Caleb and Joshua Brooke, Christopher Wooley and Richard Rice. John Meriam had one and one-half acres at the corner of the Bay road on the south and the Billerica road on the west. Joseph Dane and Thomas Pellet occupied one homestead on the Billerica road. South of the mill pond, houselots were laid out from what is now Main street by the mill-dam to the almshouse, running to the pond or brook on the north and extending toward the southwest to about Thoreau street. By the mill-dam and nearly opposite the Bank. George Wheeler had eleven acres, near which was Joshua Wheeler's lot of fourteen acres. Robert Meriam had twenty-six acres about the Trinitarian church site. The came John Wheeler's lot of ten and one-half acres (Nathan B. Stow's) Lieut. Joseph Wheeler, twenty acres (George Everett's) ; George Meriam, thirty acres (the Bartlett place) ; Nathan iel Billings, six acres (Nathan Derby's) ; Samuel Stratton, twenty-four acres (the almshouse). On or near Main street James Smedley had a lot of eighteen and one-half acres north of and adjacent to the 1 66 Colonial burying ground. Going to the westward was John Hey- wood's lot of four acres, near the burying ground. Then came the lot of William Buss, seven acres. Farther westerly, and beyond the South branch of the river was the houselot of Michael Wood, and later of William Buss, and as has been mentioned, the homestead of Major Simon Willard. These are the names of some of the people who lived in this first village of Concord, and such the location of their house-lots. That these are all is not to be supposed, for probably about the beginning of the settlement and while under the restraint of a colonial law, which for pru dential reasons allowed no one to establish a homestead be yond a certain distance from the meeting-house, all of the colonists had homes in the "middle of the town ; and if perchance by an actual survey of the premises about the meeting house, the mill, and the pond basin, spaces of territory should be found which neither record nor tradition has assigned to early householders, we may nevertheless suppose they were owned and occupied by some one, and that there was but little public land in the vicinity. |~By colonial custom so far as we have ascertained, the town's common land, with the exception of its burial places and its pound, its house of worship, and ministerial reser vations, and it may be a small parcel here and there for some general use, — as for a gravel pit, a training field, or fence bote or bridge bote, — was largely outlying^ But the little hamlet was not only well peopled and pro vided with homes ; it also had its store, and tavern, and doubtless its smithy ; for it was in accordance with town usage to give encouragement to the useful artisan to "set up his trade among them," although we know not who it was in Concord at this time who had "set up" a forge. I The village store was situated at or about the spot where the present Trinitarian church stands, and was kept by Robert Meriam. We are not to suppose however that he kept it in a building separate from his dwelling house Concord 167 for as was not uncommon we believe in the case of store- keeping in the olden time, he may have kept it in an L, or in a room of the house where he lived.} And now for a little space laying aside matters of fact, let us suppose that on a mild October afternoon in the first half of the seventeenth century, Betsey Burgess and Goody Fox descended the ridgeway by a narrow, winding path that led from the meeting house hill, up among the early graves, and passing over the mill dam by a rickety crossing made of slabs, which were laid along the splash boards for a short cut to the mill from the "Strate strete," entered the village store to converse with Concord's first store keeper about the purchase of some "sweetening" for preserving some barberries, which they had just gathered, and to see if he would take in exchange a little spun yarn and some cheese. They found the village store-keeper away, he having gone to Boston for his stock of winter goods. But Goodwife Meriam knew the price list as well as her hus band, and informed them that she would take the yarn and the cheese, although to take the latter was a little venture some, since it would be so long before her husband went to Boston again that it might not keep. While the women were waiting, some one was seen com ing through Potter's lane, who by his look and step was evidently a stranger. Goodman Luke Potter undoubtedly thought so too, for he was looking down the lane from his dooryard, shading his eyes from the rays of the setting sun and apparently starting to follow him. Presently the trav eler came up, stopped at the store and inquired for the tavern. Goody Meriam directed him to turn to the left just past Goodman Wheeler's house, then keep on a bit, following the road bend, and he would soon see Sergeant William Buss's Ordinary. After being directed, the traveler sat down on the door step as if too weary to go even this distance before resting himself, saying as he did so that he had come from Boston that day and started at sun-rising. Soon there gathered 1 68 Colonial about him a group of villagers, for the news had spread that a stranger was there, each to inquire of events "fur ther down," of the prices, the newly-arrived ships, and what folks were doing in the lower towns. As Luke Potter came up, the traveler was just relating something about the late Anabaptist disturbance, and what the prospect was of future peacefulness among the churches. After further conversation concerning ecclesiastical matters, and a little inquiry after the progress of the new township, the traveler arose, to leave. Before he started, Goodwife Meriam gave him a posset of warm milk, dipped fresh from a pailful that the hired man was carrying past, and with an expression of thankfulness and well wishes, the stranger started for the Ordinary. The coast clear, for the villagers scattered when the man went away, Goodwife Meriam informed the two women that although in the Boston price-list, molasses, as quoted by the late visitor, to be sold in "country pay at country prices," was a little higher than at the Concord grocery store, and although the price of cheese had gone down somewhat, yet she would stand by the price just named by her, at the same time informing them that it was her hus band's practice to sell as he bought, and that as for the cheese, she would wait, and split any possible rise or fall of it and thus divide between them any risk. But to return to facts, let us next consider the village "tavern. This fims situated near the spot where the present Public Library stands, and was kept by Sergeant William Buss, who was we conclude, as before stated, a most estim able citizen, not desiring even in those times to sell "strong water ;" for he asked the selectmen to exempt him from so doing when they gave him an inn licensed The sparks do not inform us just where Landlord Buss drew the liquor line. Perhaps between the fermented and the distilled, but however that might be, we believe this much at least, that he had a regard for the public weal and that the selectmen who sustained him in his extreme posi- Concord 169 tion and who considered him, notwithstanding his radical attitude, a most suitable person for the place were also interested in the public well-being. There is also suggested by the stand taken by Landlord Buss, a query as to whether the many and perhaps too easily made representations in modern times of a gross in dulgence, and of the prevalence of a lax sentiment on the part of the fathers as to the uses of alcoholic beverages is correct ; for if so, then in case Concord was fairly repre sented by Sergeant Buss and the selectmen, it was evidently in advance of the average town. To the end that we may know more about old-time taverns, let us suppose that we followed to the Buss tavern the traveler from Boston, who we represented as stopping at the store and inquiring for an ordinary. As we approached, we met at the doorway Goodwife Anne Buss, who was watching a large flock of domestic fowls picking the barley grains which she had just scattered. She addressed us with the term Mr., which showed that while in accosting strangers there was an absence of the formality of later years, here was neverthelesss shown them marked respect, since it was only when special recognition of one's social standing was intended, that the term Mr. was used, as in the case of a minister, or a magistrate, or perhaps a schoolmaster, or one whose circumstances might entitle him to be considered wealthy, or a "gentleman" after the old-time signification of the term. Passing through the bar-room we entered the large kitchen. The supper table was set, upon which was placed only average farm fare with the addition of "plum cake," a commodity which was also sold at the bar and was, it may be, a substitute for modern confections. Supper ended, we returned to the bar-room ; and there with a company of villagers, in chairs tipped back against the chimney bricks, and the coarse boards of the "bunk," and the high bar, we sat and talked till the small hours of the night. 1 70 Colonial We will not repeat all that was said as it would take too long, but we will tell it in part. In the first place we will relate about the traveler just referred to. He said he started that morning from the "King's Arms" tavern at the head of Dock square, and stopped at the "King's Head" to obtain the latest marine news, well knowing there would be inquiries as he went inland about the most recent ship arrivals. He crossed by ferry to Charlestown, and called at the "Three Cranes." The only incident that occurred on his journey to Concord was the meeting of Robert Meriam about half-way down, and the assisting to stay up his heavy load of country pro duce with some willow withes, it having sagged sideways in jolting over the rough road. The stranger's business as he disclosed it was to obtain samples of iron ore said to be deposited in the region of the Assabet, and this with a view of locating a forge there. While the conversation was going on several more vil lagers dropped in, among whom was Goodman Heywood who was out looking for. us ; and the conversation turned on current events, especially on what was going on "down below," as Boston was then called. In the meantime we were looking around the room and noting its contents. On one side was a bar upon which were a couple of toddy sticks and several tumblers. On the opposite side was the bunk for the hired man to sleep in, that he might be in readiness for night patronage. Upon wooden pegs along the horizontal framework of the room, and the upright timbers, were several powderhorns, an old saddle, a grain sickle, a measuring stick, a pair of sheep shears, a small mash-tub and sieve, a string of spig ots, a pair of saddlebags, two muskets, and a couple ot cowbells. Behind the bar was a small closet in which were kept a few cordials, such as were considered necessary for funerals, weddings, or other notable occasions ; but we noticed there was no fastening on it, neither was there a lock on the Concord 171 outer door of the bar-room, though it opened directly on the road, indicating a prevailing honesty in the neighbor hood and in the traveling public. Above the mantle-piece were several braids of sweet corn, and onions, between which was a rude cut of Governor Winthrop, and of an English warship. For awhile, the conversation was upon occurences at Boston ; and among other events spoken of was the then recent great fire, and the burning by the public executioner in the market-place of some books written by two persons purporting to be witnesses and prophets of Jesus Christ. The calling of Rev. John Mayo to be the pastor of Bos ton's second church, then lately formed, was also discussed, and the execution of Mary Parsons, accused of witchcraft, which although a little stale as news, was a subject still much talked of. It was very noticeable during the evening that every thing was well ordered, and that there was no profanity, nor coarse, ribald remarks, nor anything else inconsistent with good breeding. We inquired if in other ordinaries the conduct and conversation of those frequenting them was thus circumspect ; and were informed that they were in general, and that the laws concerning them encouraged it. We will now pause in our story to give the following facts about old time taverns. ^Taverns were early considered a necessity, and hence were established by law. They were usually under the sanction and surveillance of the town officials, who had power to grant, limit, or revoke an innholder's license, either as a victualler or a seller of drinks. The keeper of the public house usually went by the title of landlord, which was often abbreviated to "lan'urd." The ancient hostelry often had a suggestive or pictur esque name, which was symbolized by some object upon a sign which swung before it. Some of the early names of Boston taverns were the "Three Mariners," the "Ship Tavern," the "Red Lion" and the "Castle Tavern." 172 Colonial In the vicinity of Concord were the "Red Horse Tav ern" (Wayside Inn), Sudbury, and the "Inn of the Golden Balls" (Jones's Tavern, where the spy John Howe stopped in 1775), Weston. (The keeper of the ordinary might be a deacon, a mili tary officer, a civil official, or a "Deputy to the General Court." His house was a convenient place for convoca tions, important or unimportant ; and there might be held in it a parish meeting, a military election, a council of clergymen, a ten-shilling referee case, or an assessors' talk. So important was the ordinary, that its affairs, such as the establishment of prices, the limitation of patronage, and the quality and quantity of goods to be sold were reg- .ulated by colonial lawjfln order to discourage the use of strong drink at these places, it was enacted about 1634 by the Colonial Court that not over one pence per quart should be charged for ale purchased out of meal times. It was also ordered that not more than a penny a drink should be charged for any beverage. This was done to make the business of dram-selling unprofitable. At another time it was enacted by law that every inn-keeper should sell good beer, lest a traveler for want of it might purchase wine. A law was passed at an early date, by which a person who might be appointed for the purpose could join a drink ing company at a tavern, and countermand any order made by- it for a drink, in case he believed any were drinking too much, and who could also direct how much liquor could be drunk. At an early period the law also undertook to discourage certain amusements at inns which were supposed to be deleterious, and dancing was prohibited there even upon marriage occasions. At one time no tavern keeper was allowed to permit guests to remain at his house drinking or tippling in a loose or idle way. In 1664, a penalty was enacted for rude singing at inns. The court also undertook at one time to decide now much a man might drink without being consid- Concord 1 73 ered drunk ; and the Plymouth Colony lawmakers decided that a man was drunk, when because of strong drink he lisped, or staggered, or vomited. In 1634, the taking of tobacco at inns was forbidden.' *The following are some of'the prices charged at ordina ries. In 1634, the price of a meal was six pence. In 1779, in a town adjacent to Concord it was decided that "A mug of West India flip should cost 15 pence. A mug of New England flip should cost 12 pence. A good dinner should cost 20 pence. A common dinner should cost 12 pence. Breakfast and supper, each, should cost 1 5 pence. Lodging should cost 4 pence." These rates may have been higher than usual because of war times. J 'How long Sergeant William Buss kept the village ordi nary is not known, but he was keeping it as early at least as 1660; and since there is no record of any prior inn- holder at Concord, it may be that he was there much sooner pursuing the business of a tavern-keeper in a small way furnishing meals and lodgings, while Major Simon Willard, who was licensed to sell "strong water," acted as the. village tapster.' \ln the first century of its settlement, Concord had sev eral taverns. In 1666, John Hayward kept one on the main street. Later, the "Black Horse Tavern" was well known to the traveling public, although this may have been identical with the foregoing. The "Wright Tavern" was established in 1747, and kept open as a public house until the War of the Revolution. Of another tavern in this vicinity Hon. John S. Keyes states : "Previous to the Revolution Ephraim Jones kept a tavern at the west end of the main street burying ground in a large roomy house that had grown by various additions, perhaps from that of John Hayward. The site of this, now the fine lawn of 1 74 Colonial Colonel R. F. Barrett's residence, was close to the old wooden jail, and feeding the prisoners was part of the -tavern-keeper's business.'.^ It doubtless not infrequently occurred in early times, that tavern-keeping was evolved from some other occupa tion or was carried on with it. The process might be first farming, and an occasional entertainment of travelers and then a full-fledged inn. Public patronage being scant, one could hardly afford to give much time to it. There was com paratively little communication of place with place, when public entertainment was required. Moreover, parties journeying or teaming often took their food with them, and stopping wherever overtaken by noon or night, re freshed themselves from the lunch box without regard to form. Indeed, this was in accord with the conventional method. Anything then was fashionable, that was matter of honest economy, and the landlord deducted from his bill of charges the price of bread and cheese in his patron's victual basket, as a matter of course. It was a late hour when the company about the bar-room fireplace broke up, and as we left Landlord Buss and bade him good-night, it was with regret that our acquaintance should be so brief and our stay so short at an old-time tavern, and there came forcibly to our minds the words of Shenstone : "Whoe'er has travelled life's dull round, Where'er his stages may have been, May sigh to think that he has found His warmest welcome at an inn." Along the willows that spread themselves by the wayside we walked to our host's quiet home, where, after listening for a little time to the monotonous roaring of the rolling dam, and thinking of the strangeness of the surroundings, we fell asleep, and slumbered undisturbed until the soft sunlight came streaming into the east window, and awak ened us just in season to salute the miller as he was going to open the mill house. HENRY D. THOREAU CHAPTER XIX. The New England Village — Its Origin and Equip ment — The Village Doctor — His Medicines and Charges — Early Physicians of Concord : Read, Prescott, Minot, Heywood — The Village Magis trate — Condition of Colonial Jurisprudence — First Lawyer at Concord — History of John Hoar. BEFORE leaving the subject of the primitive village of Concord, a few words relative to early New Eng land village life may be appropriate and may sug gest some practical lessons, since from it influences have gone forth that have been happily formative, and since about it cluster associations pleasant to contemplate. In these villages was centralized the life of the communities called townships, and from them radiated what little of fashion or style of living was recognized, where the tend ency was for every man to be a law unto himself. In the village, if anywhere were supposed to be "up to date" methods ; there if at all was an acknowledged leadership. It was also a sort of local exchange or market place. As it came in contact more frequently with the traveling public it was supposed to possess the latest news, and as there were held all the convocations, it was considered a privi leged place to dwell in. In short, it may be true that the early village was to the remainder of the town what the city has since become to the country generally, in so far at least as relates to the tendency of the latter to imitate the former and to rely upon it for outside news, conventionalities and artificial commodities. The earliest inland villages of the Massachusetts Bay Colony were created by necessity ; inasmuch as the court 175 176 Colonial compelled the first settlers to keep within a circumscribed area ; as soon however as restraint was removed, a portion of them bounded away, as if their nature was more centri fugal than centripetal. After bounding off they again cen tralized; the result of which was the formation of new villages which became the centers of new towns. That this tendency affected the people of Concord in common with those of other places is indicated by the establishment of the Various villages which became the nucleuses of prospective townships, as that of Concord village (Acton), the Blood farms (Carlisle), the Flint estate (Lincoln).! There was left however, in almost every instance, about "the first spot of settlement, a faithful home guard of houses that never for sook it, and which by common consent was ever his torically considered "the middle of the town," whether the geographical center or not. Exceptions there are, notable among which are Londonderry, N. H., Groton, and Sud bury of this state. It is true that a village was sometimes deflected slightly from its original site, but it seldom went far, and like a stream the waters of which change but the identity of whose channel is not disputed, so the first "middle of a town" usually keeps its prestige as the origi nal center. In the equipment of the early village there was a com pleteness which assured to every inhabitant all that was necessary for a comfortable living. There was the doctor, the squire or justice of the peace who was sometimes a lawyer, a blacksmith, shoemaker, carpenter, wheelwright, and sometimes a gunsmith, tailor, tanner, brewer and cooper these, with a store, tavern, meeting house, and school, constituted the mechanical, mercantile and professional make-up of the average village. The representatives of these several crafts and callings made or kept in stock everything essential to personal attire, and house and farm furnishing ; in short, to life and death, to birth and burial. The doctor acted as druggist, and obtained his herbs from his own garden or from the neighboring fields and Concord 177 forest. Some of these herbs were black hellebore, great bryony root, clown's all-heal, jalap, scammony and snake root. He obtained his leeches from the pond. His pills, powders and other compounds he prepared with mortar and pestle. He rode horseback with saddle bags in which he carried his medicines ; and there was usually about him a strong odor of the "study," as he called his office. In this "study" and arrayed on shelves were various jars, vials, and crude instruments for cupping, surgery, and extracting teeth ; for he was dentist as well as doctor. Some early practitioners, supposed to be skilled in surgery, were styled "chirurgions," and sometimes served as barbers as well as bone setters, in which case they were sometimes called "barber surgeons/^ Among the earlier remedies prescribed were "A Wild Catt's skin on ye place grieved ;" this for pain in the heart or limbs ; and charcoal made from burnt toads as a pre ventive of small-pox and fevers. Cotton Mather mentions the efficacy of a dead hand for scattering wens ; he also speaks of the healing virtue of sowbugs. Prescription : "Half a pound putt 'em alive into a quart or two of wine ; dose — two ounces taken twice a day." Such remedies were in accord with the practice of physicians in England at that day ; for it is stated that there was forced upon Charles the Second when upon his deathbed a volatile salt extracted from human skulls. Almost, if not quite, within the mem ory of the present generation, in a town adjacent to Con cord, pills made from ashes obtained from burning a human heart have repeatedly been administered as a cure for con sumption. The price charged for medical service may be seen from the following bill charged to the town of Sudbury by its physician in .1755 : "For medicine and attendance for the French Neutrals from Nova Scotia. "1755, Dec. 11 — To Sundry Medicines for French young woman — 27 — To Do for girl 6d. 178 Colonial 1756, Mar. 22 — To Sundry Medicines and Journey in the night west side the River — o — 5 — 8. ^To Sundry Medicines Journey west side o — 4 — o." '" > The doctor was careful about his attire ; and is described as going forth, when not on horseback, in a sulky or calash dressed in a long coat with full skirts above a low-setting waist-coat; his small clothes met at the knees silken stock ings which were secured with brightly burnished buckles. He wore a cocked hat above a powdered wig. It was con ducive to his success to be a man of wealth or influence. He obtained his knowledge of medicine by riding with an old physician ; and though he might only brush off his horse or pound his herbs, he could obtain a license and practice medicine. The indications are that the town of Concord was more favored in its physicians than most towns, in that for the most part they were educated menJ The following are some of the physicians of Concord in the first century : Dr. Philip Read, who, the historian Wolcott says, wrote himself: "Physition," ^married the daughter of Richard Rice and settled in the east part of the town. He prac ticed in Cambridge, Watertown and Sudbury. In 1670, he was fined twenty pounds because he compared Rev. Peter Bulkeley as a preacher with the Rev. Joseph Esta brook in a manner which was thought to be unwarranted. .^ IT**"*" ^ ™"^ .'Dr. Jonathan Prescott, who was born Apr. 5, 1677, and died Oct. 28, 1729. His epitaph says of him : "A gentle man of virtue and merit. An accomplished physition, but excelling in chirurgery. Of uncommon sagacity, penetration and success in practise, and so of very extensive service.^! Dr. Joseph Lee, born in Concord Oct. 16, 1680; died Oct. 5, 1736. He lived on the estate formerly occupied by Joseph Barrett, Esqjj Dr. Alexander Cummings, who came to Concord about 1726. Dr. John Prescott, who was a son of Dr. Jonathan Pres cott. He was greatly esteemed for his professional skill. Concord 179 Dr. James Minot who was at Concord about 1680, and died Sept. 2, 1735. Shattuck says: "He practised physic." His epitaph states among other things : "Excelling Gram marian. Enriched with the Gift of Prayer and Preaching. , A Commanding Officer. A Physician of Great Value." Shattuck also says he married Rebecca, daughter of Tim othy Wheeler, and lived on the estate left by his father-in- law near Capt. Stacy's. They had ten children, the eighth_ and ninth being twins and named Love and Mercy. I Dr. Able Prescott, who was a brother of John Prescott was born April 7th, 171 8, and died October 24, 1805. His practice at Concord was large and extended to adjoin ing towns. He lived, says Shattuck, in a house formerly occupied by Capt. Moore. /Dr. Abiel Heywood who was a son of Jonathan Hey-^ wood and began practice in Concord in 1790. He was prominent not only as a physician, but as a citizen, being appointed as a justice of the peace, a special judge of the court of common pleas and an associate justice of the court^ of assistants. ; As it is not our design to publish the more modern his tory we pause here in our list of distinguished names, ob serving as we do so, that in the medical as well as in the legal profession, as we shall see, Concord in later times has had associated with it names that are illustrous not only locally but in history at large. fThe early magistrate was a justice of the peace, but not usually an "attorney at law" after the modern acceptance of the term. He was authority in legal matters, a convey ancer, settled estates and was sometimes "appointed to join persons in marriage." He wrote wills and read them on the return from the grave after a funeral. He was a legal advisor, and was looked up to as a man next to the minister. The very early magistrates are to be distinguished from those who came later; for the law was but poorly represented by practitioners in Massachusetts as far down as into the Pro- 1 80 Colonial _ vincial period. Even|the judges were not all learned, and ' any person though a layman could plead in the courts with out a license ; for licenses setting forth one's competence were not then issued. Common law pleadings were ignored through ignorance and there were few or no specific statutes on the subject of practice. Court sessions were many of them farces and the jury system was not infrequently a '. mere mockery. In short there was little to correspond to the exact and orderly manner of conducting the courts at the present day. It is said that Judge Lynde, who was appointed to the Superior Court in 171 2, was the first judge trained for the bench. History also informs us that English barristers who had been fitted for that profession found little favor in this country, because here any one might plead the cause of another.' In process of time however the light of greater learning shone upon both the bench and bar ; and it may perhaps be said with truthfulness that the progress of medicine from a low art to a masterful science is no more pronounced than the strides forward in the profession of law. In passing, it may be proper to state, that the low condition of the bar rister's calling was not due wholly to the absence of any desire for litigation,, for dissention and the spirit of strife were then it may be more rife than now, and cases were commenced and continued in bitterness that today per haps would be settled by easy compromise ; all of which shows that a learned legal profession tends to discourage rather than promote law suits. The first lawyer whom we hear of as being a practitioner at Concord is John Hoar. As his character was some what unique and perhaps sometimes picturesque and as he was connected with an important event in King Philip's In dian war, we will give more than a passing mention of him. John Hoar, tradition states, was the son of a wealthy banker of London, who came to Boston where it is sup posed he died not later than about the middle of the 17th century, his wife, Joanna, dying at Braintree about 166 1. Concord 1 8 1 He was the youngest of five children and we first hear of him in Scituate, where he "bore arms" as early as 1643. While in Sdtuate he owned land on the west side of Musquashcut pond, which land in 1658, adjoined the farm of Gen. Cudworth. That John Hoar practiced law before going to Concord is indicated by the fact that while in Scit uate he not only actively engaged in town business, but drew legal documents for the people, as deeds, bonds, etc. His father's family was substantial and gifted, as is shown in the career of John, Jr., in the marriage of his daughters and in the appointment of his son Leonard to the presi dency of Harvard College. While John Hoar was at Concord he owned over three hundred acres of land situated beyond the Assabet river and near Annursnuc in the west part of the town. The greater part of this property he conveyed about 1671, to Edward Wright, and received as a consideration land in the East quarter and also "all the right, title and interest which Edward Wright of Concord aforesaid, husbandman, has or shall have in and to certain houses, lands and heredita ments, etc.," in the Lordship of a Castle in the county of Warwick in the kingdom of England. As a lawyer he was distinguished for bold and independent action and his outspoken opinions sometimes got him into trouble. His conduct in defending the Christian Indians and protesting against their unjustifiable exile to Deer island in Boston harbor in 1675-6, furnishes strong groun.d for the supposition that his purposes were philanthropic, and that he would assert them even if persecuted therefor. / The following is an abstract of Leonard Hoar's will : "To daughter Bridget ^200 at 21 or nonage with her mother's consent. To my brother Daniel, whose real and perpetual kindness I can never remunerate, my stone signet and my watch. To my dear brother John a black suit. To my dear sisters Flint and Ouinsey each a black serge gown. To Cousin Josiah Flint out of my Library, Roua- nelli Bibleotheca. To my Cousin Noah Newman, Aquina's 1 82 Colonial sermons, and to them both the use of books of mine to return them on demand, my medical writings to my wife's custody, till some of my kindred addicted to those studies shall desire them, and especially John Hoar's or any other of my brothers or sisters' sons and grandsons." It had been arranged that upon leaving the home of Goodman Heywood we should return to William Hart- well's to finish our visit ; and as he had sent us word the day previous that he would meet us at the mill we were there early. We found Miller Buss quite busy that morning tending the "bolter," a rude sifting wheel that was separating the bran from some guinea wheat ; and also looking after the corn grist that was slowly jolting from the hopper. Not caring to interrupt the miller, we strolled out by the willows and reviewed the events of the previous day and also recalled the facts which our late host had given us con cerning his family history. As the Heywood family is a conspicuous one in the his tory of Concord, we will leave our story for a little time to give some facts relating to it. Shattuck says of the Hayward family: "The name has been written Heaward, Heywood and Howard, and although several now (1835) bear the last name, they all originated from a common ancestor. Heywood is a dis tinct name. George Hayward came here in 1635; died March 29, 1671 ; his wife died in 1693; estate £ 506 ; children, Mary, married Richard Griffin ; John, Joseph, Sarah, Hannah, Simeon, George, and perhaps others." The same writer says of the Heywood family : "John was here before 1659 ; married Rebecca Atkinson in 1656, and had John and Benoni. His wife died in 1665 and he mar red again Mary Simonds. He died Jan. 11, 1707." John Heywood was the ancestor in this country of distinguished descendants. John, Jr., was an early deacon in the Con cord church, and one of his sons, Samuel, who married Elizabeth Hubbard in 1710, was a deacon and town clerk. Concord 183 John Heywood, Sr., died Jan. 2, 171 8, and Samuel, Oct. 28, 1750. The only records preserved among the vital statistics of Concord down to 1654, relating to the name as spelled either way are the following : "John the sonne of George Heyward was borne 20-10-1640. Joseph the sonne of George Heyward was born the 26-1-1643. Sara the daughter of Georg & Mary Heywood (this it is said should be Hayward) borne 22-3-1645. Hannath the daughter of George & Mary Hayward the 20-2-1647. Simon the sonne of George & Mary Hayward the 22d-n-i648." The historian Walcott states ; "The location of the first house lots of George Hayward and Michael Wood I have been unable to fix, but am inclined to believe that they were on the north and west sides of the Common." "George Hayward at an early date sold his house, barn and land near the mill pond to Mr. Bulkeley and built a house and corn mill at the southwest. John Heywood bought Thomas Dakin's house and barn." In 1676, John Heywood was a constable, and in 167- the selectmen requested that John Heywood might be allowed "to keep a house of entertainment for strangers for nights' lodgings, beer and sider," and two years later "John Haywood ordinary keeper at Concord renewed his license" and was allowed "to retaile strong water to travellers & sick persons upon giving bond." As we left the village it was with regret that we could stay no longer, for its sweet savor and its pleasant people made us reluctant to depart, notwithstanding our desire to visit other places. When however we saw the cheery countenance of Goodman William Hartwell we bounded buoyantly on the ox cart with the cleverness of an athlete, for the farm fare was beginning to make us feel boyish. He had been to mill the week before and the pond being low he had left his grist : he was now taking it home to gether with some belonging to his neighbors, and the bags piled high behind us formed a back : but as we rode on a 1 84 Colonial "dead ex" and the East quarter road was stumpy it was at a slow pace and with much jolting that we got over the ground. So uneven was the way that one of the bags fell off and the string becoming untied the contents were spilled. As the meal lay strewn over the road, the importance of this staple commodity to the people of Concord in the earlier stages of its settlement was suggested, and when Goodman Hartwell was reseated we plied him with questions concern ing the corn crop. Since corn culture was of consid erable consequence to the New England colonists we will pause in our story and state a few facts relating to it as we have found them in record or history. To an extent the early corn fields were cultivated by neighborhoods and were termed "common plant ing fields." A tract of land was set apart and the work of tilling it apportioned to a certain number of the inhabitants living near ; but the principle upon which the planters proceeded in the work we have not ascertained. It might have varied. Perhaps in some cases the fence was made in common, and each man had space assigned him in the enclosure proportionate to his original investment in the town's territory ; this space he may have cultivated and had exclusive ownership of the crop. In another case all might have shared equally in the work and in the crop : but as to the manner of distribution of the corn and the fodder in the latter case and where and when it took place, we know not. Some of the planting places were old Indian fields, which had long been used, some were virgin soil which had been newly cleared and burnt over. Tradi tion or record have located some of these fields in Con cord, Shattuck describes them as "The Great fields extend ing from the Great meadows on the North to the Boston road on the South and down the river considerably into the present limit of Bedford, and up the river beyond Deacon Hubbard's and the extensive tract between the two rivers contained large quantities of open land, which bore some Concord 185 resemblance to the prairies of the western country. These plains were annually burned or dug over for the pur pose of hunting and the rude culture of corn." It is perhaps hardly to be supposed that more than a comparatively small portion of the above described terri tory was used for planting purposes either by the Indians or whites at any one time, but that here or there small patches such as were most available were selected for culti vation. The following is a record concerning the "com mon planting fields" as late as 1672, and is given as one of seventeen articles of instruction to the selectmen of Con cord, of whom William Hartwell was one : "7 — To take order that all corne fields be sufficently fenced in season — the crane field and brick'll field espe cially." "8 — that incougement be given for the destruction of blackbirds and jays." A paper dated March 1st, 1690-91, which was signed by forty-one persons who were owners of the "Great Fields," contained an agreement that these fields should be enclosed with one fence and cultivated upon equitable con ditions. The soil of these fields was at first largely broken up by hoes and of this and the use of corn by the settlers, Johnson in his "Wonder Working Providence" wrote as follows in 1654: "Standing stoutly to their labors and tare up the roots and bushes which the first yeare bears them a very thin crop till the soard of the earth be rotten and therefore they have been forced to cut their bread very thin for a long season * * * but the Lord is pleased to provide for them a great store of fish in the spring time and especially Alewives about the bignesses of a herring. Many thousands of these they used to put under their Indian corn which they plant in hill five foot assunder, which assuredly when the Lord created this corn he had a speacell eye to supply these his peoples wants with — ordi nary five or six grains doth produce six hundred." That Indian corn was the main staple is evident from what John- 1 86 Colonial son still farther states : "The want of English graine, wheate, barley and rie proved a sore affliction to some stomaks, who could not live upon Indian bread and water, yet were they compelled to till cattell increased and the plows could but goe." The corn fields had many enemies both beasts and birds ; more prominent among the former being perhaps the bear, raccoon, wolf and squirrel. The bear may have been attracted by the sugar in the corn ; the wolf dug for the alewives ; the raccoon relished the young and tender ker nels, and in its maturer stages the squirrel sought it to lay away for winter use. The birds that partook of the crop were principally the crows, jays and blackbirds. The Colonial towns passed laws for the protection of the cornfields. An order in a town adjacent to Concord was as follows dated 1651 : "That whoso shall take pains by nets, guns, line or otherwise to destroy common offensive blackbirds * * * shall be paid for every dozen of heads that are brought to any public town meeting six pence in the next town rate." In 1654, in the same town it was enacted that a person who killed a woodpecker or jay might receive one penny, for killing a fox within the town's precincts one shilling and six pence, and for a wolf ten shillings. Laws were passed early by the towns with regard to the fencing of these cornfields. Fence viewers or surveyors were appointed who among other things, were to judge of the sufficiency in case of damage and difference ; and the time was sometimes specified at which the fence must be cared for. In one instance mention is made "of good rails well set three feet and one-half high or otherwise good hedge well staked or such fences as would be an equiva lent; the fences to be attended to by April 1st if the frost give leave if not ten days' after." It was also ordered by the same town that all the fences that were in general fields should be shut up by the tenth of May "or else to forfeit for every rod unfenced five shil- Concord 187 lings." Ditches were sometimes made use of for fencing purposes ; and there are now or were until recently in ter ritory about Concord vestiges of old ditches upon uplands where ditches for draining purposes were unnecessary. It is not improbable that upon the ditch banks stakes were set for additional protection. But notwithstanding the difficulties attendant upon corn culture, there remained for the farmer rich results and he was greatly cheered as he patiently plodded through the long, warm days of May and June, seeding, weeding and hilling as he thought of the plenteous October harvest, of its merry huskings and of well filled bins. CHAPTER XX. Goodman Baker's Husking Party — Colonial Corn Fields — Invitations — Culinary Preparations — Red Ears — Social Sports — Fireside Talk of the Old Folks — Sign Seen by Betsey Billings — Origin of New England witchcraft — Recital of Strange Event by Simeon Slowgo — Story of Tilly Temple — The Surprise — Early Judicial Attitude Toward Witchcraft — Efforts of the Clergy for its Aboli tion. AS these huskings were great occasions let us suppose that we attended one of them, and that the follow ing description fairly represents one of these Fall festivals. It is in the East quarter, and the Great fields lie warm in the dry October atmosphere. Partridges in full flocks are shyly basking on their outskirts, and occasionally a red deer ranges by the fence side as if furtively to snatch a stray stalk. The plaintive call of the quail is here and there heard, coaxing together its scared bood, which has become scat tered by the swoop of a hen hawk. Over the meadows the ducks fly. Nuts drop in the woods. Upon the nearer tree-tops the crows caw as if prematurely lamenting the loss of their feeding grounds, and the falling foliage of a thou sand forest trees announces that the time has come for the ingathering of the corn crop. For several days the farmer has been busily at work gathering in those concomitants of the corn fields, which in his estimation almost as surely go with them as the husk with the corn. There were the stooks of tall, tasseled 188 Concord 189 stalks, as fragrant when he cut them as flowers on a June morning, and which have stood for weeks at the sides and corners of the field like kind sentinels to guard things within it ; the plump pumpkins with bright, golden rinds giving promise of many pies ; and the dry bean heaps whose pods bursting with their grinning contents bespeak the Saturday supper and Sunday breakfast. Besides these things that grew in and about the planting field there were divers loads of white turnips, called also English turnips whose green, outspreading leaves and purple tops were still untinged by the frost, and which pro fusely scattered throughout the whole cornfield indicated how well the ground was utilized. Several days before the one appointed for the husking party, the corn had been cut and laid between the rows, and from thence it had been thrown upon various teams from the neighboring barns, which deposited it in Good man Baker's yard, where we will suppose the husking was to occur, and from which place the fodder and its rich fruitage could be distributed. Invitations to the party had been sent hither and yon throughout the town, and from every direction on the night appointed the people gathered. From the immediate vicin ity there came the Rices, Foxes, Fletchers, Taylors and Brookes, also the Meriams, Wheats, Farwells and Balls. From the north quarter there came the Hunts, Temples, Jonses and Browns ; the Barretts from the neighborhood of Punkatassett ; the Buttricks from near the bridge ; the Hosmers from their pleasant homestead to the west ward and the Batemans from about the pond. From the south quarter were the Hosmers, Deans, Potters and Dakins, the Woodhouse family, the Bulkeleys, Strattons, Billingses, Wigleys, and Woodses ; the Mileses . and Wheelers were there from the Nine Acres ; the Gobbles from the river bay ; and the Flint farms and Blood farms and the territory about Concord village all had their repre sentatives at this Fall festival. 1 90 Colonial As each dismounted from saddle or pillion or jumped from the ox cart or "hay riggin'," the animals were fastened to a row of stakes which had been set behind the buildings for the purpose. For weeks, Goodman Baker knowing that his place had been selected for the husking had been alive to all the requirements of the coming occasion, and his home had been a busy hive of willing and enthusiastic workers for many evenings since the early frost began crisping and curl ing the corn leaves. The woods had been scoured for game, and the clink clonk of the mortar had been a familiar sound for many evenings, while good wife Baker and the boys pounded cloves and coriander seed, caraway, savory and sage, that all might be in readiness when the merry "mixing time" came, and the rich sauces and gravies were to be prepared. Several mornings previous to the day appointed for the husking the large brick oven had been made ablaze, and by mid-forenoon was well filled with loaves and puddings and pies. The broad boards of every floor had been scoured and sanded, and everything not to be used had been set aside from the old garret whither the modest might flee to avoid the forfeit upon the finding of a red ear, to the shelves in the arch of the cellar, to which the elders. might resort to sample Goodman Baker's choice cordials. When the day came, everything was ready. The cider barrel had been "hossed up" in the dooryard, beside a bountiful pile of "eating apples." The corn heap had been pierced here and there with pitch-forks and stout poles upon which to fasten the tin lanterns, and sundry milking stools and logs had been arranged at convenient intervals as seats for the huskers. The evening began with steady work, which was mainly performed by the younger and more nimble of the party. Back in the shadows sat the grave old men comparing the Concord 191 year's crop with former ones and wondering why the pre sent is so different from the past in many things. As the pile perceptibly diminished the work began to flag, and as the boys saw the end of it they grew mischiev ous. It was not long however before the work was broken in upon by the discovery of a red ear which was found by Sam Smeadley. No sooner was it seen than a flurry set in and each person braced himself for what was to follow; some ran, but more stood their ground, and if any escaped the person was chased till caught and the forfeit paid. Many were the red ears found during the evening, but whether kind nature had favored the common planting fields of the East quarter with an unusual number, or the boys had sureptitiously brought them from other places we cannot say, but that husking party was long remembered, and the old men said, over their cider mugs, that "for red ears Farmer Baker's husking was the beater." In two or three hours the husking was finished and the supper was eaten ; the young people repaired to the cham bers to engage in games, and the elders, grouped about the sitting room fire, talked of olden times and reviewed the leading events since the settlement started, and told who had come and who had gone. In consequence of a remark made by Betsey Billings about a sign which she said she saw in the sparks, conver sation turned upon the subject of the supernatural ; and personal experiences of a curious nature were related, some of which but for the good character of the narrators and the tendency of the times might have been doubted. It is true society had not reached that state of credulity and fanatical frenzy which existed toward the last of the century, and there had been but few instances of witch trials in this country ; but the belief in witchcraft and devil deal ing had already set in and supposed alliances with evil agencies were not uncommon ; so that the conversation of the plain people of this East quarter husking party was only representative of a sentiment too generally prevailing; 192 Colonial and when, in order to catch every syllable of old Wigley, when he described what he saw and heard on a late even ing while passing the three graves at Witch end, the people leaned toward him lest they miss something, they only ex pressed the common avidity for grewsome subjects. It mav be well here to consider how this came about and the responsible cause of it. This tendency of the times was not born but brought here. The colonists have been too often and too harshly criti cised for things which, although they fostered, they did not originate. There was more than old furniture and curious bric-a-brac from far off manor houses, and heirlooms of ancient date, and traditions of heraldry confirmed by an tique coats of arms, that came to these shores in the "Harp ers," the "Halcyons" and the "Hopes," ships and brigs of good repute and wise masters ; there were superstitions, and false conceptions of demonology, and dismal beliefs in possible alliance with "familiars." These existed, though in embryo, and were ready to develop on easy occasion; and easy occasions were frequent. The soil of New Eng land was a congenial one. The dark forests, the wild morasses, the lone pond shores, the long and deserted ocean beaches, the crumbling and scrawny ledges where lurked suspicious shadows, these all with the voices of the wilderness were like deft and dutiful nursery maids or over indulgent foster parents quick to promote what had better been prevented. But these conditions and agencies would never have produced spontaneously the grewsome beliefs and practices that so deeply and darkly stained the closing decades of the 17th century. What was then developed was but an imitation of what many times over had occured in Old England, and although British writers may still turn in their study of witchcraft to this continent, and notwithstanding the town of Salem may still be the synonym for, and suggestive of, all that is classic on the subject, yet not Salem nor the combined boroughs of the entire country can show a record of court Concord 1 93 cruelty on account of witch conviction in any way compar able with the English tribunals. The colonists came to America as pupils from an ancient school, and they practiced here what they had been taught to believe elsewhere. It is not to be wondered at then if Delilah Dean thought her churn was bewitched because the eows browsed in Betsey Balcom's back yard, since Bess was considered a witch. But it might be wondered at had not Goody Dean's grandfather informed her that on one occa sion in old Yorkshire the kine had come home with dry udders because the woman who lived on the hillside by his master's manor house had cursed the herd and said it should go barren. Again, why should not Sol. Stratton say he saw something, and everybody believe what he said, when old Smithson, Sol's uncle, had frequently told him and all the people also that when he lived on the Dorset downs in the Old Country he was warned not to gather fagots from the bewitched hedgerow lest the smoke tarnish whatever it touch. After the company had listened to the recital of several strange things by old Simson Slowgo as to what he had seen in his day before coming to Concord, for he was late there, having but recently come from down country to fol low the trade of an itinerant shoemaker, they turned their conversation to things about home. Several spoke of un usual appearances recently seen near the river, which, by the description, were similar to the one seen by Goodmen Heywood and Barrett on the evening of our excursion on Parson Bulkeley's boat. One incident that especially interested the company was told by Jeduthan Jones, Squire Flint's hired man, an out- lander who had gotten into town without anyone being responsible for him ; but as Jed had proved good help he was allowed to stay, although it was said "his word should be taken with a leetle keer." The incident was about a strange creature that he saw down at Cranberry Crossing by the brick kiln. The company at once recognized in the 1 94 Colonial animal what was known as the spectral wolf which it was asserted was the "familiar" of Sarah Doubleday, an old grandam who once lived at Bogbottom. This beast had prowled all over Concord, carrying away shoates and calves, and even milking cows. So exceptional was his nature that the usual means of thwarting witches were in his case unavailing ; and when Bray Wilmot, a Welshman, nailed a couple of horseshoes over his henhouse he lost not only his hens but the shoes ; the latter having been wrenched off, as was supposed, by the spectral wolf, which, by the "disportation" of Sarah, had been made im mune from either enchantment by horseshoes or harm from silver shot; moreover the mystery was increased upon finding the horseshoes later, on Jake Flin's old mare, an animal that some said was as much bewitched as the wolf, since it had been seen in various lone localities under sus picious circumstances. It proved a surprise to hear from the spectral animal, for he had not been seen, it was said, since Lemuel Loker over at Sudbury tried to shoot it and by mistake hit Jake Flin. Lem had lost several pullets and a couple of cocks and naturally laid it to the white wolf, as he was sometimes called, for it was supposed he could take all colors. After this last loss, it was stated by those present, for Lemuel was not there, as he lived out of town, that he delivered himself of some very strong language, so strong that his wife rebuked him ; and with great emphasis he declared that he "would capter that wolf ef it cost him suthin, pervided he could do it at a safe distance, for he didn't care to deal with Sarah with bare hands." "So," continued Hilkiah Heald who was relating it, "Lem sliced up an old spoon, it was a silver one, and arter breakin' it up inter bits and rounding 'em over, he put a pooty stiff charge of powder in his snaphance and the bits over it, and then lay down behind the lalock bushes and waited. Well, about midnight Lem heered suthin and fired at it and it fell, and as he went to look at it he found he had shot Jake Concord 195 Flin. He hadn't injured him much, for Jake's coat, which was made of wolf skin, kept the shot out, but he was ter ribly scared and somewhat jarred, and when asked how it happened that he was there, Jake said he was out arter the specter wolf which had jest stole his fowls. When Lem saw the coat he didn't wonder much at his mistake, for he said it looked for the whole world like the wolf which he got a glimpse of round the corner when he lost the horse shoes." It is unnecessary to state that after the shooting of Jake Flin by Lem Loker the people of Concord were no longer pestered by the spectral wolf, for Jacob Flin left the poul try business. After the narration of incidents, the methods of detect ing witches was discussed, and the making discovery of such as practiced the black arts or were allied with "familiars." One way suggested was to ascertain if any relative had ever been suspected of being a witch. Another was to look for the "witch mark," which might be a mole or any irregular growth, or perhaps some slight deformity, not enough of itself to be a mark but only as taken with other things. To accuse one of dealing with the devil and receiving in response no denial was suspicious and to do one harm by well-known witch methods was a bad symp tom. When it came to stories of apparitions such as were sup posed to stalk about ancient burial places it was noticeable that those who were sitting in the back part of the room hitched nearer to the fireside. Someone also got up and closed the cellar door, which a few moments before had sprung open without anyone knowing the reason, for Good- wife Baker said she knew she buttoned it when she brought up the last pail of cider. As the subject of apparitions was talked about each speaker grew somewhat subdued in his manner of narra tion, and the hearers bunched together as if the last hand- 1 96 Colonial ful of chips that was thrown on the back log did not suffi ciently warm them. Just as the group were in the midst of a story told by Tilly Temple, in which she was relating how Peg Wil- loughby, a new comer, concocted a mixture of dragon leaf and swamp adder root with which she tried to charm Felix Fox's cows in order that she might stealthily milk them, and how, in order to prevent it Felix consulted an old grandam down at the slough, a large lug bar which had long been braced across the chimney ledges, but not lately used, because the Bakers had a crane, having become weakened by the unusual fires of the husking party, sud denly dropped, bearing with it a couple of jib cakes, a hook and a dislodged brick. In its fall it struck upon a dish kettle hanging on the crane half full of water, and upsetting it emptied its contents upon the glowing back-log which, being struck by the falling lug bar, rolled down upon the cider pail and upset it. A dense cloud of hissing steam and flying ashes quickly filled the apartment and shrieks issued from every quarter. The two dogs, Fleck and Towser at the same time set up a cry, the one a long howl, the other several sharp whines and for a moment it was as if Peg Willoughby's witch broth had been poured down the chimney, which some thought was the case. The tumult being heard in the chamber above, where the games were going on, brought down the young people, who only added to the confusion. When order was restored it was found that no serious damage had been done, except the spotting of several cali- manco gowns. Goodman Bateman said he "guessed he'd go as the hour was getting a little late and he had got to ride clean over the river to the North part and pooty nigh the spot where Sim Slowgo saw the wolf." Upon this suggestion Pete Potter surprised the company by saying he was certain it was late, for, said he, "I have tarned that hour glass nigh agin five times sence the moon passed the quarter mark on Concord 197 the door post." In a half hour the house was still and nothing was to be heard but the occasional rattle of the cows' walnut bows and the barking of a small Indian dog down at the Dean place, where some wolves were trying to get at the shoates. It may be here observed that the selectmen warned Peg Willoughby out of town the day following and broke up the bough house where she simmered her noxious herbs. As we have now set forth the common belief in witch craft and in the supernatural generally in colonial times, by the supposititious conversation and conduct of the old folks at the East quarter husking party, we will observe that the view on this subject as entertained by the laity was perhaps more strongly entertained by the professional class. Ministers and magistrates were alike deluded. The fact of bedevilment was assumed by the pulpit, and the judges at the bench charged jurors in the laying down of rules for the weighing of evidence in the case of witchcraft with the same confidence as in cases of theft or assault. It is thought probable that the judges of the Province Court sought to employ in the Province laws the rules and practice which had been employed at the Colonial Court in Salem, and the judges who presided over that court were reappointed, William Stoughton, Esq., being chosen chief justice. In the works of Rev. Cotton Mather on subjects relating to the marvelous, doings as strange as those related around Goodman Baker's fireside were set forth. Among other supposed manifestations of witch power he mentions per sons afflicted with "sore paynes" and "vomiting" and "fre quent swooning." He gives an instance of a child being "lame on one side and then on the other," and of some times pretending to see mice. He states that on one occa sion the child catching a mouse threw it upon the fire, whereupon it snapped like gunpowder. He said that several standing by saw the flash, but only the child saw the mouse. In speaking of witch marks he intimated they might be caused by the devil touching the person ; 198 Colonial that these marks were insensible, and upon being pricked would not bleed, and that they were sometimes bluish and sometimes red. Among the ways of testing witches which he referred to were the being heard speaking to their "familiar" or telling what they have done, or telling of their "transportations," or being seen with their spirits or feeding their imps. But it should be said to the credit of the colonial clergy that the witchcraft delusion which ran its course before the century closed was dissipated as much perhaps by their efforts and influences as by all other agencies combined. Its cessation may have had its beginning in the attitude of the Mathers, who while they stood ready to coincide with the judiciary in the correctness of witch conviction upon proper evidence, yet considered it a cruely and a great trav esty of justice to make use of some of the evidence which was admissible in the courts of England, or to abide by such principles and precedents as were sanctioned by them. While they believed as did Sir William Blackstone, who wrote his commentaries about three-quarters of a century later, that demoniacal possession was a possibility and scrip tural, yet they believed the devil and not his victims should be held responsible. Rev. Increase Mather declared it to be unlawful to use herbs to keep off the evil spirits, and he disparaged the curing of diseases by means of charms, saying that they who obtained health in that way had it from the devil. He considered white witches who pre tended to cure in that way as bad as black ones, and a good witch as bad as a bad one. He said "Balaam was a black witch and Simon Major a white one, but the latter did more hurt by his cures than the former by his curses." He took a decided issue with the English courts of the time, which held that "If a specter practicing diabolical molestations appeared to anyone it was conclusive and legal evidence that the person so represented was a witch," which theory was accepted by Sir Matthew Hale and adopted at the Salem trials. The attitude of the Boston ministers was Concord 199 that the devil himself and not the person accused caused the representations. In 1692, Rev. Increase Mather wrote a work at the request of the ministers of Boston, which was published in this country and also in England, the object of which was to show the illegality and wrong of using spectral testimony which was used at the Salem trials. The preface to this work was written by Samuel Willard and signed by four teen ministers, who made the following statement: "That there are devils and witches the scriptures assert and expe rience confirms ; they are the common enemies of mankind set upon mischief. But certainly the more execrable the crime is, the more critical care is to be used in the exposing of the names, liberties and lives of men (especially of a godly conversation) to the imputation of it." Mather said : "I declare and testify that to take away the lives of any one merely because a specter or devil in a bewitched or accused person does accuse them will bring the guilt of innocent blood on the land." He maintained that the oath and tes timony of confessed witches and of persons possessed should never be received, and that a trial for witchcraft ought to be conducted by the same law and rules of evi dence as a trial for murder, burglary or any other felony. If the Mathers and the other ministers here referred to were representatives of their profession at this period they were more than abreast of the judiciary and the laity, and far in advance of English law generally. CHAPTER XXI. Return to the East quarter — Forest Ride — Game Birds — Goodwife Hartwell' s Kitchen — Cooking by the Fireplace — Evening talk of the Farm Folks — Laws Relative to Domestic Animals — Historic Sketch of Hartwell Family — Visit at Home of Con stable Thomas Brooks — His Official Duties — Rules Relative to Colonial Dress — Homestead of Good man William Hunt — Early Military Matters — History of the Hunt Family. TO return now to our original narration, after the bag was replaced and Farmer Hartwell was re seated there was no further interruption to our journey ; it was jolt after jolt all the way ; but we rather enjoyed it, for the swaying of the ox cart was some what soothing, and our slow pace gave us an opportunity to see the birds. In one instance a wild turkey ran before us with a surprising fleetness ; upon expressing our surprise we were informed that this was a means of their safety, for on the wing they were heavy, the largest specimens weigh ing forty or fifty pounds. In a moist hollow by the road side we flushed several woodcocks. Upon inquiring if they were flight birds we were told they were ; and that there were also plenty of natives ; that they nested near every runway and spring hole, and that the corn fields in low places were full of their borings. As we approached a reach in the road several wood ducks whistled over us, and we learned that their nests were made in the woods adjacent to the meadows and that when their young were full fledged they carried them to the water in their bills. 200 HOME OF HENRY D. THOREAU AT WALDEN POND Concord 201 Emerging from the forest into a sunny opening, where Farmer Farwell had a small patch of Guinea wheat, there arose from it a flock of purple grackles ; and so large was it that we could easily understand why a bounty was placed upon them, for as they alighted on a large oak they almost covered it and the overflow settling on a willow caused it to bend like a reed. When we reached Goodman Hartwell's home his wife and children were at the door looking for us, having heard the rattle of our cart in the distance, and soon we had en tered and were seated at the dinner table. The afternoon was mostly spent in one of the front rooms chatting about matters pertaining to the East quarter, for the pre diction of the wild ducks about the weather had proven true and the rain was now beating against the east windows. At early twilight Goodwife Hartwell set about preparing the supper ; and as we .heard her clinking the tongs against the andirons while she pulled from underneath them the hard wood coals which during the afternoon she had taken care to have in readiness, the desire seized us to see a meal cooked by a fireplace. The wish was no sooner expressed than Goodman Hartwell led us into the kitchen and seated us close by the wood box, where we could see everything. The sparks ascended thickly from beneath the long, stout crane, the tea-kettle hummed, and the steam gracefully as cended among the various objects that were pendent above the mantlepiece upon a pole stretched over it ; and every now and then as there fell upon the fire a few rain drops, which had been driven by the blast down the chimney, there was a hissing and sputtering as if the coals were con versing with the storm sprites. Amid all this snugness, Goodwife Hartwell was busily "plying her evening care ;" being at the outset of her work particularly engaged with a plump ball of rye dough which she was stirring and patting in a wooden bread trough or tray in an earnest endeavor to mix the ash and butter-milk which she had poured into it to make it rise. When the 202 Colonial dough had been thoroughly stirred she scraped it into a compact little heap, being careful to leave nothing on the tray ; and after cutting it in halves, deftly slipped one part into a frying pan and the other upon an iron disc the size of a bucket top, which she set on edge and tipped slightly towards the coals. The frying pan after covering she placed on the longest hook of the crane, saying as she did so that she usually cooked shortcake in that manner, but thought we might like to see it done both ways. While the cakes were baking Goodwife Hartwell brought in a jack and a spit, informing us that this was used in cooking meat, the jack turning the spit so that it would "do evenly." As we were company there was "boughten" tea that evening, instead of the usual malted beverage, and in place of the usual wooden trenchers we had pewter plates of a pattern that showed that Jazen cam,e of a good family, for she said she brought them with her from England. Grace was asked before eating, and thanks returned after wards, forcibly reminding us of the poet Burns' beautiful picture of "The Cotter's Saturday Night." After supper we sat about the fireplace and talked while the children popped corn and cracked nuts, and the rain ran down the east window pane. The corn they popped in the ashes, occasionally stirring it ; the nuts they cracked on the stone hearth. In the course of the evening Nathaniel Ball came in and soon after Thomas Brooks, for they lived near. Nathaniel Ball wanted some garget for a sick cow, and Thomas Brooks brought back a couple of cart ladders which he had borrowed. The room was savory with the roasting of a spare-rib which Goodwife Hartwell was getting in readiness for the men folks' dinner next day, as she was to attend a quilting at Farmer Miles'. The smell of the pork suggested some queries respecting the raising of swine, which we had seen frequently running at large by the roadside and in pasture Concord 203 places. We learned that! swine were of great importance to the settlers. They were not only prolific, but at certain seasons could subsist on the abundant acorn mast with which the woods abounded. They also fed upon ground nuts and succulent roots and wild cherries and berries. At some seasons they were restrained from running at large ; and at town meeting in Concord and towns adjacent, laws were enacted to regulate them, of which the following are specimens : "In 1 641, it was ordered that every one that keeps any hogs more than his own within one fortnight after this day shall rid them out of this town, only that for every hog that shall be taken in to be kept by any one more than his own, for every week shall pay five shillings." In 1643, it was ordered "That every inhabitant should drive out his hog every morning into the wood, and when they come home at night to see them shut up safe, or else, if they be about the street, to ring and yoke them." In 1648, it was voted in town meeting "That every swine that should be found of every man out of his own property without a sufficient yoke and ring, after the first of March next the owner thereof shall forfeit for every swine so taken one shilling, and if the swine be yoked and not ringed or ringed and not yoked then six pence for any swine so taken, beside all the damage done by any such swine." It was also " Agreed that all yokes should be under the throat of the swine, and so long as the swine was high, and a rope go up on each side to be fastened above, and that swine should not be accounted sufficiently ringed if they could root."[ In 1643, it was ordered by the freemen of the town* " that all the cattle within this town shall this summer not be turned abroad without a keeper, and the keeper shall not keep any of the herd in any of the great river meadows from Bridle point downwards towards Concord." The in tent of the order was to preserve the river meadows. 204 Colonial In 1655, it was ordered that "All young new weaned _calves shall be herded all the summer time/j In the town of Concord there appeared to be a separate territory assigned to the swine, when under restraint during planting time. This territory was in the vicinity of Con cord Junction, near Annursnuc hill, and is known in the records as the " hog pen " and "hog pen walk." After the crop was gathered these animals were allowed to run at large, provided there was placed upon them an ear-mark, so called ; so that each settler might know his own swine and be held responsible for their mischief. The Indians were not allowed to mark their swine, and if they sold any pork they were to bring the hog's ear with it. In the rec ords mention is repeatedly made of the " hog pen walk" ; and in the land divisions this territory was held as a reser vation.' rThe hill Annursnuc is one of the highest three 4n the" town of Concord. Its name is supposed to mean the same as Quinnursnuck, which signifies pestle, from the fact that rocks such as the Indians made their mortars and pestles of were found there. (Mr. Davis, Plymouth, Mass.) It is said that porphyry, of which arrow heads were made, was found there alsqj After the neighbors had departed Goodman Hartwell related to us some of his family history ; and as this and that of his numerous descendants has long been identified with the annals of Concord, we will give a brief outline of it. According to Densmore, the historian of the Hartwell family, William and Jazen Hartwell came to America prob ably about 1635 or 1636. It is supposed William was about 23 years of age when he went to Concord, and in 1642 he was made a freeman ot the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He was one of the town's original grantees and a most estimable citizen, holding office and serving on im portant committees. He had a large family and his descendants are widely scattered throughout the country, many of whom are holding responsible positions. He died Concord 205 March 12, 1690, aged 77. His wife died August 5, 1695. In his will he mentioned among his children, John, Samuel, Sarah, and Mary. The following are the earliest vital statistics relating to the family in this country, and these have been preserved among the colonial archives : " John, the sonne of William Hartwell, was born the 23-12-1640. " Samuel, son of William and Jasan Hartwell, borne 26-1-45. " Martha, daughter of William and Jassin Hartwell, the 29^-2-1649." It is not known where William Hartwell was buried. As has been stated, his house* was situated on the " Old ~ Bay road " leading from Concord to Lexington, and was about a mile more or less from the public square. His original house lot consisted of nine acres, and was near the eastern boundary of property lately owned by the originator of the famous Concord grape. His subsequent land pos sessions were large. At the time when a disturbance arose because of titles, and a committee was chosen to adjust land matters at their discretion, William Hartwell was allowed 247 acres, which were in three separate lots. It is thought that all his children were born in Concord.' Bright and early on the morning following the night spent at William Hartwell's we started for the farm house of Constable Thomas Brooks. Crossing over the field we observed one of the ditches which were used for fencing. We saw by the size of the stubble within the enclosure that the corn stalks which grew upon it were very large ; we also pulled up several turnips and found the quality good, which satisfied us they were raised on comparatively new land, or that which had lately been broken up, disabusing us of the theory that only old Indian fields were planted by the settlers. We heard above us the scream of an eagle and the honk of some wild geese flying southward ; and as we suddenly saw through the cold gray of the thick mist, for the wind 206 Colonial had become easterly, a barley stack a little back of Constable Brooks' barn, which through the fog looked larger than ever before, there flew from it several brant which had alighted there the night before in the storm and were forag ing on the unthreshed grain. We soon came to the house which was the second erected on the spot, the owner, like others of the hamlet^ having years before exchanged the little log shelter for one more substantial of frame work. We met Constable Brooks with a small shepherd dog turning the sheep into the pasture lane, leaving the dog for their sole keeper during the day, and to bring them home by night-fall at his master's call. Our host was right glad to meet us, as he stated, because our conversation on several subjects the night before was interrupted for want of time, and moreover he said his good wife, after seeing us at the meeting house, had many things to say about the Sunday training of children in things religious. As Constable Brooks had several duties to attend to that day that could not be put off, he invited us to go with him; and he had in the barn an extra horse which he had brought over from Joshua Wheeler's, thinking we would be glad to accompany him about Concord town in the perform ance of his official duties. It was nearly mid-forenoon when we rode out of the door yard, Farmer Brooks with his wife seated on a pillion behind him on one horse, and we on the other. Goodwife Brooks was going with us as far as Parson Bulkeley's, where she was to join a party going to the quilting. Behind us upon our horse were thrown a couple of saddle bags in which were put, among other things, " Fox's Book of Martyrs," which he had borrowed of the parson and was now returning, and a string of plump, pink sausages as a present. By this time the day had become beautiful, the sun which had burned through the fog now shone brightly, and the glint of the moisture from the late rain upon the Concord 207 fallen leaves and mossy tree trunks looked gorgeous, and everything had the clean, still, and suggestive appearance of an October day after a storm. Our animals were far from being fast, but jogged along with the motion of veritable plow horses as they were, and it was past noon when we rode over the north bridge and entered the lane leading to Goodman Hunt's in the north quarter, after having left Goodwife Brooks and the contents of the saddle bags at the parsonage. Among the duties performed by Constable Brooks that day was the warning of Richard Rambler out of town ; he having gotten into Concord without a sponsor in case he or his family should become a public charge ; and what made the case more aggravated was that the selectmen of Watertown had warned him away on at least two occa sions, and when he at last left there and came to Concord he had taken another person with him who was as much given to idleness as himself, and who withal was profane and used lewd language and was considered a little light- fingered and given to beer. Another service had been to notify two parties who had presumed to dress with undue regard to colonial law, which forbade vain display in per sonal dress, that they should be more circumspect and leave off some of their flummery and furbelows, and take less pains about their Sunday head-dress. As we rode along we made some inquiry as to the laws regulating dress ; and for substance the following were some of them : In 1634, it was enacted in view of "some new and immodest fashions, that no person, either man or woman, shall hereafter make or buy any apparel, either woolen, silk or linen, with any lace on it, silver, gold, silk, or thread, under the penalty of forfeiture of such clothes ; also, that no person, either man or woman shall make or buy any slashed clothes other than one slash in each sleeve, and another in the back ; also all cutworks, embroidered or needlework caps, bands and rails are forbidden hereafter to 208 Colonial be made and worn under the aforesaid penalty ; also all gold or silver girdles, hat bands, belts, ruffs, beaver hat, are pro hibited to be bought and worn hereafter under the aforesaid penalty." A few years later a law was made against "short sleeves whereby the nakedness of the arm might be discov ered in the wearing thereof," "sleeves more than half a yard wide in the widest place thereof," "immodest great breeches, knot of ribbon, broad shoulder bands and rails, silk rases, double ruffs and cuffs." In 1 561, the General Court enacted that if a man was not worth two hundred pounds, he should not wear gold or silver lace or buttons or points at the knees, and women holding a less property than this were forbidden to wear silk or tiffany hood scarfs. The same year the court put upon record as the occasion of the law, "its utter detestation and dislike that men or women of mean condition should take upon themselves the garb of gentlemen." From our observation of Constable Brooks' day's work, we learned that the office of constable was an important one, and that it was with propriety that after being chosen by the town he was sworn in by officers of the colonial government. At one place he collected fifteen shillings and six pence for the use of the town of Concord from a person who had brought in a stranger presumed to be of a questionable character, this being the usual amount per week required in such cases. He also stopped at the house of one Loren Little and censured him in behalf of the town for "taking in and har boring" Dothan Doolittle, who, common report said, was of "a vicious nature and had an evil tongue." The last official acts of the day were to stop at the meeting house and fasten to one of the hitching trees a couple of wolf pates, which Samuel Smedley had sent up ; and post upon the door the notice of a marriage in place of the one which the rain had soaked off; and to "right up" a mort stone by Sorrel lane which had been leaning a little since the last heavy corpse was laid upon it. Concord 209 As we passed into the North quarter we soon arrived at Goodman Hunt's. His house was a model one for the times, being of convenient proportions and so situated as to catch every sunbeam and having no isolated best room on the north side. As we walked in we found dinner awaiting us, for the household had been apprised of our coming by Goodman Buttrick, who lived a little below and had come up to bring a letter which had been brought up from Watertown and left with him for delivery. After dinner we repaired to a shed where some men were hatchelling flax, about the first which had been raised in Concord for a com mercial purpose. As there was in one corner a triangular fireplace, we seated ourselves before it and talked and whit tled until the sun shining through the windows showed that it was about time we were starting home. During the afternoon, part of our conversation was on military matters ; and as the subject was an important one in those days, we will relate some facts concerning the mili tary history of Concord in its first century. 'Almost all j> able-bodied men except ministers and magistrates were fur- , nished with arms and ammunition, and expected to be present and drill on stated occasions. They were also required to go on expeditions and scoutings if necessary, and to stand in readiness for "watch and ward." So invariable was this rule that it waj> necessary to apply to the General Court for . exemptions/The officers of a company consisted of captain, lieutenant, ensign, and four sergeants. A regiment had a field officer called a sergeant-major, and over them all was a, major-generaLl 'The commissioned officers carried swords, or leading staves and pistols : they were elected by the mem bers of the company and approved by the General Court. The sergeants bore halberds ; the common soldiers were armed with matchlock or firelock muskets and had horns and pouches for powder and ball ; sometimes a forked stick was carried to steady their aim. Officers were required to be church members, and the military exercises were pre ceded or followed bv prayer. Sometimes a military election \ V J •: 2 1 o Colonial vwas the occasion for doing the civil business of the townj |As early as 1636, Sergeant Willard was appointed to exer cise the military company at Concord and was commissioned captain in 1646, at which time Timothy Wheeler was made ensign. Mr. Willard served as captain fifteen years. In 1 671, Ensign Wheeler was made captain, Thomas Hindi- man lieutenant, and Henry Woodis quartermaster. Two years afterwards Woodis was made cornet and Corporal William Hartwell was appointed quartermaster. After the death of the old Indian fighter, Wheeler, Thomas Hinch- man was made captain and John Flint lieutenant. In 1677, Peter Bulkeley was appointed captain. July 2, 1689, James Minot was elected captain, Simon Davis lieutenant, and Humphrey Barrett ensign. About a year after the close of Philip's War the military force of Concord con sisted of upwards of 1 50 men, besides some enlistments in a horse company. Nov. 6, 1689, it was ordered by the representatives "that the foot company of Concord having 250 men be divided into two companies.'^] The afternoon passed quickly at Goodman Hunt's, and there were so many things to talk about that it was late be fore he said anything about his family history ; a subject which, if not introduced voluntarily, we were quite apt to inquire about, especially when we called upon an original grantee of the first quarter century ; only a few facts how ever were elicited concerning the Concord Hunts, but from other sources we have received the following information : William Hunt was in Concord as early as 1640, and be came a freeman in 1641. He died in Marlboro, Oct., 1667, leaving an estate of ^496 and children named Nehe- miah, Isaac, William, Elizabeth, Hannah and Samuel. He was born in 1605, and married Elizabeth Best, who died in 1 66 1. While in Marlboro he married Mercie Heard Rice, widow of Edmund Rice, in 1664. The Hunt family has been a prominent one in Concord, and in the adjoining towns of Acton and Sudbury. Those in the former town are descendants of William ; and of these was Concord 211 Simon Hunt, Captain of a company in the 3d Regiment of Massachusetts militia in the Revolutionary war. Those in the latter town are in part descendants of William, and in part of Robert Hunt, who came from Charlestown, or of Isaac Hunt, a blacksmith, who came from Cambridge and early settled in the Lanham district, owning at one time about four hundred acres on Pelham's Island. The old house, built tradition says about 1750, is still standing about a half mile from Heard's (Pelham's) pond. Nehemiah Hunt, son of William, who has been called " Lord of Punkatassett," lived on the estate bought by his father of Rev. Peter Bulkeley ; which estate has been owned and occupied in recent years by his descendant, William H. Hunt. The following is the only mention of the Hunt family among the vital statistics of the town of Concord down to 1654: "Hannah, the daughter of Wm. Hunt, was borne 12 (12) 1640." CHAPTER XXII. Visit at Goodman William Buttrick's — His History — Situation of his House — Reflections upon a pro spective Wedding — r Historic Sketch of Thomas Brooks — Curious Laws and Customs relative to marriage — Bachelors, Match Making, Widowers — Wedding Gifts — Attend "Lecture Day" Service — Its Nature and Importance — Religious Charac ter of the Colonists — Care of the Poor — Visit at the home of Goodman Richard Rice. AS we were about starting on our return to the East quarter, Thomas Bateman drove into the yard, and leaving his horse to feed at will, stepped to the door and stated that there was to be a meeting of the land com mittee at Goodman William Buttrick's that evening for the adjustment of some matters relative to boundary lines ; and that he called to notify Constable Brooks, who was one of the committee, and also to request us to be present. Here let us pause and briefly notice some facts about this estimable family, which has long been conspicuously connected with the history of Concord. / William Buttrick came from England to America in 1635, on tne sh'P Susan and Ellen, in company with Rev. Peter Bulkeley and Thomas Brooke. He embarked from London, May 9, 1635, and was in Concord at its begin ning. His English home was at Kingston-on-the-Thames in Surrey. When he came to this country he was probably about twenty years old, since in 1684, when he deposed concern ing the purchase of the township from the Indians he 212 THOREAU'S COVE AT WALDEN POND. 3 Concord 213 declared himself sixty-eight. He served many years in the town militia as Sergeant, and when sixty-five years of age petitioned the Court to be exempt from further military duty. He married for his first wife Sarah Bateman, who died in 1664. He died June 30, 1696. His descendants are of illustrious memory. Among them was Major John Buttrick of the Middlesex yeomanry in 1775, whose grave stone in the Hill burying ground sets forth his estimable character and distinguished services. The homestead of William Buttrick was situated on the west bank of Concord river upon the upland, an eighth or a quarter of a mile from the North bridge, where he could look down upon the spring floods as they sometimes spread themselves far out over the low meadows ; and where, to the south-westward, he could see the smoke wreaths curling upwards from the snug homes of the Will ards, Busses, Woodses and Hosmers. 7 „¦¦'' At the northerly the Barretts had built, and far over the marsh, as the broadening river flowed downward towards the Blood farm and Winthrop grant was a country broken by scant settlements. It is easy to suppose that on account of their early acquaintance and because they had sailed the seas together, a peculiar neighborliness should exist between the two townsmen, Brooks and Buttrick, and that whenever either was in the other's quarter he should visit him ; and that often they should meet together with Parson Bulkeley in each other's homes and talk over what they had seen and known of things abroad. There is also every reason to believe that the Batemans were frequent callers at the But trick home for kinship's sake, and that altogether there was about this rural manor house an air of sociability and com fortableness not surpassed in the Musketequid plantation. The " committee of nine " all came except two, who, as they lived a a considerable distance, were doubtless de tained by thj storm which towards sunset had again set in with a prospect of continuing till morning. 214 Colonial It was a pleasant and cozy scene as around that even ing fireside the group sat, while the sparks snapped briskly, and with an unusual activity chased each other over the old crane. The east wind blew up from the meadows ; the big rain drops pelted against the small diamond-shaped window panes, and sometimes a tiny stream ran under the door, until Goodwife Buttrick threw against it a husk mat. But little cared we for the storm, housed warmly as we were and our "cattle," and with the assurance of clean, soft couches in case the storm continued so as to render a return that night to the East quarter unwise ; moreover, Constable Brooks had said there was no concern on his part about his wife, as she was expecting to stop over night at the Miles's in case the quilt was not finished. In the morning we did not return to Constable Brooks', but remained to go with the Buttrick family on the day fol lowing to the wedding. It was with regret that we bade Constable Brooks good bye, and as he drove down the hill he called back to us and said that a seat would be reserved for us beside him in the meeting house next Sunday, and that if we would go home with him after service, he and his wife would tell us about the Sabbath catechumenical exercise ; a matter we were ex ceedingly desirous of knowing about, for we thought by what we had heard that it savored very much of a modern Sunday school, and if so this was the first in the country. After his departure we retired to the little chamber that had been assigned us under the double gable whose end window faced to the south, and there, as preliminary to the marriage, we recalled whatever we knew of colonial customs as they related to courtship and marriage and the condi tions consequent upon remaining single. It was a fit time for the consideration of such a subject, for the morning was lovely, and we were reminded of the words of the poet: Concord 1 1 5 " Sweet day, so calm, so clear, so bright, The bridal of the earth and sky," and these words together with the preparations which were going on in the room below for the prospective wedding lent a suggestiveness which was very helpful. In fact things were in pleasant keeping one with another on that bright autumnal morning, with its crisp white frost and genial sunshine, and we thought if the beauty of a day is an auspicious omen to those who are so near their bridal hour, then the twain may be happy indeed. We had talked about marriage customs the afternoon previous, as we sat by the triangular-shaped fireplace in Goodman Hunt's shop ; and as one of the tithing men came in and conversed with the constable about an especial espionage which they were keeping upon a certain bachelor in the Shawshine district, who was acting frivolously toward a giddy and flirtish maiden who occasion ally rode over to Goodman Meriam's grocery store with a pannier filled with eggs and dried apple, and who had ordered the storekeeper to get her a " smartish gown " when he went "below," we learned, upon intently listening, about all there was of common or statute law on the sub ject. It only remained, therefore, for us to put things together on that bright morning. Before doing this, however, let us notice a few facts relative to the family record of our late host, Goodman Thomas Brooks ; for our tarry with him and his house hold had been a delightful one, and we had received in our conversations with him much information that was useful. Thomas Brooks, as we have stated, f came to America from England in 1635, in the ship " Susan and Ellen," leaving London in company with Messrs. Buttrick and Bulkeley, May 9th. He was one of the earliest settlers at Concord, and through the long interim between then and now, the name has passed along, with here and there some one to make it exceptionally illustrious. The common ancestor of the Brooks family in Concord, 216 Colonial Shattuck says, was Capt. Thomas Brooks. But as Lin coln, Acton, Bedford and Carlisle were once largely included in this township, some of the inhabitants who have borne the name in these towns may lay claim to the same honor as those living in Concord. Thomas was made a freeman in 1636. He was representative ten years. He died May 21, 1667; and his wife, Grace, died May 12, 1664. They left children as follows : Joshua, Caleb, Gershom, Mary, and probably, Thomas and John. Mary married Capt. Timothy Wheeler of Concord. Caleb sold his estate at Concord in 1670 and moved to Medford, and was the ancestor of Governor John Brooks and Hon. Peter C. Brooks. Joshua married Hannah, a daughter of Capt. Hugh Mason of Watertown, an officer of Philip's war fame, and was the ancestor of nearly all by the name of Brooks in Concord and Lincoln, among whom was the late Hon. George M. Brooks, a former Judge of Probate of Middlesex County and representative to Congress. The following are the only records among the town's vital statistics as late as 1654, relative to the Brooks family : "Joseph the sonne of Henry Brooks was borne the 12 (2) 1641." The next following record is " Grace, daughter or Joshua Brooks & Hannah his wife borne 10 March i6:6i£! To" return now to our narrative. In early times wedded life found much public favor, and was greatly encouraged, while an unmarried life was discouraged, as is indicated by the fact that almost from the beginning the colonists placed upon their town records or upon their statute books re solves and enactments designed to make the married state easy and the unmarried state hard. Bachelors were under a special surveillance, or " spying and tattling" of the constables and tything men ; and so a man might properly be said to gain his liberty instead of losing it by entering into the marriage state. As an induce ment for one to marry sometimes a house lot was offered. Concord 217 In Eastham, Mass., it was ordered that " Every unmarried man in the township shall kill six blackbirds or three crows while he remains single ; as a penalty for not doing so he shall not be married until he obeys this order." In 1670, Thomas Tally, who had lived in Concord four years, was summoned into court to answer for not living with his wife. His defence was that she was in England, and that he had sent for her, and if she did not come he would go after her. This defence, however, was to no purpose, for the Grand Jury, before which he had been brought, banished him from its jurisdiction. Contracts relating to marriage were sometimes written out and signed by the contracting parties. One, which has been preserved and given in detail by the historian Walcott, is for substance that one was to give lands, and the other pounds, shillings and pence, and Robert Blood was to " stand good" for the ful fillment of this pre-nuptial agreement. In early times people were very cautious about " match making." Fines or the whipping post awaited the reck less, and it was no safe thing to be imprudent in such a matter. The traveler Joslyn, speaking of an evening's courtship in Boston in 1663, said: " On the south there is a small but pleaaant common where the Gallants, a little before sunset, walk with their marmalet Madams till the nine o'clock bell rings, then home to their respective habitations." In 1672 Jonathan Coventry was indicted " for making a motion of marriage to Catherine Dudley without obtaining formal consent." In 1647, in Stratford, Will Colefoxe was fined 5 pounds for "laboring to inveigle the affection of Write, his daughter." The reason given for such careful ness was " to prevent young folks from intangling them selves by rash and inconsiderate contracts of marriage." If an engagement to marry was made and had been permitted by the father he could not without reason break it off. In Plymouth in 1661, Richard Taylor sued Ruth Whieldom's father ; and it is said that another man sued the father for 2 1 8 Colonial loss of time in courting. A person "jilted " was said to be " shabbed." Marriage of old widowers was in vogue in the Massa chusetts Bay Colony, as we infer from the correspondence and conduct of Judge Sewall, who married Hannah Hull of " Pine Tree Shilling " fame and received her weight in silver for dower. Having lived with his wife forty-three years and having had fourteen children, the Judge made the following entry in his diary after her death : " Wondering in my mind whether to live a married or a single life." Before his wife had been dead two months it is said he had " gazed admiringly at Widow Winthrope in her sley," and that he gave her as tokens of his admiration works entitled "Smoking Flax Inflamed" and "My Small Vial of rp if Tears. fFor two centuries the wedding bans were published three Sundays in the meeting house. Ministers were for bidden to perform the marriage ceremony, but it was done by the magistrate or by some appointed by law for the pur pose. The minister, however, sometimes preached a sermon on the occasion of an engagement on such a text as the prospective bride might select. | One minister, it is said, preached on a text in Ephesians, showing that the married state was a warfare. In this case probably the minister selected his own text. The •' coming out" or as it was sometimes called " the walking out" was considered an affair of importance, and Cotton Mather thought it ex pedient for the " bridal couple to appear as such publicly with some dignity." It was quite customary for a long period for ministers' sons to marry ministers' daughters. For many years "sack posset" was drank at weddings, but, it is said, " not with noisy revelry." " Bride cake" and " bride gloves" were sent by friends. Jewelry engraved with a skull and cross-bones has been known to be given to a bride who was in mourning for a deceased friend. The garter of the bride was sometimes scrambled for to bring good luck. Concord 219 As the family had been unusually busy we had the fore noon all to ourselves, and when the call came for dinner we were ready to leave our reflections and join the family below. While we were seated at the table Goodman But trick surprised us by the announcement that it was "lecture day," and that the family that afternoon would attend ser vice at the meeting house. We had heard of this mid-week meeting and knew that it was made much of, but were amazed at the importance which was actually attached to it, and we only needed an invitation to go with them to their little church home on the hill where we could observe for ourselves. On the way thither a Sunday stillness pervaded everything. No sound of work was heard anywhere, and even the chimneys were smokeless, showing how empty the houses were of inmates. As we fell in just before reaching the North bridge with the Brownes and Billingses they at once commenced talking about the last lecture, and the remarks made upon it showed a most commendable knowledge of the theology of the times, and evinced also a high type of intelligence. The discussion was clear, the language was concise and the logic convincing. In short, what we heard and saw on the way was ample evidence that there was with the average colonist an independence of reli gious thinking which corresponded well with his robust self-reliance in coping with the obstacles to be met with in subduing a new country or the formidable ones which he afterwards met with from abroad. We found that his mind was by no means merely imitative, neither absorbent nor vacant, waiting to be filled with whatever a stronger might give it, but it was analytic and constructive and had an original and individual strength ; that where an acquired wisdom was wanting there was a supply of good common sense ; that he had as nice a discernment between the rea sonable and the unreasonable as he did between the right and the wrong, and that these terms were with him practi cally interchangeable. We found that the colonist firmly believed that he had a good foundation for the hope that 220 Colonial was within him. That foundation he unswervingly believed, by the most concise rules of logic, the truest testimony of history, the fullest endorsement of conscience, the strength of divers providences in the shape of guidance and special deliverance, was God's word. Armed and aided by such Divine authority and by various spiritual quickenings and visitations he went forth to what he considered was his heaven directed mission. On the strength of his convic tions he enacted such a code of rules for his civic procedure as he believed only supplemented that word, and embodied its pure principles and made it practicable for all secular purposes and such as he deemed necessary for its protection and unobstructed progress. By the doing of these things he was able to succeed as a colonist where others in this country had failed, and by these things he endeavored to set up in each township a genuine theocracy with a government that would have God for its King, His word for its statute book and His Spirit for its sole Interpreter and Director. As we drew near the meeting house we saw Parson Bulkeley and Major Simon Willard coming on foot over the Miildam path, and we learned after service that the former had been to administer spiritual consolation to an afflicted family up by the Darby bridge, where a child had died. As the family were poor, Mr. Bulkeley had taken with him Major Willard with the design of making some betterment in their material circumstances by bringing them nearer the central village, where the father could be fur nished with work and the family could be looked after: The consideration of these two worthy magnates of the town for one of the poorer class was to us significant and suggested an inquiry as to the charities of the Concord colony : whereupon we discovered that there was a kindness of heart that suffered not the needy to be neglected and that contributions were taken occasionally in the meeting house for the worthy poor. As the parish included the entire town, so the poor Concord 221 everywhere within its borders were subject to its material ministrations ; but it was only the deserving poor who were looked upon with complaisance, for idleness and wastefulness were utterly frowned upon. It is true the colonist was exceedingly saving because circumstances re quired it : it was nevertheless a part of his religion to rec ognize the claims of honest poverty upon his purse as well as upon his heart. His parsimony might lead him to deny himself luxuries, but not to deny his neighbors the neces saries of life. Goodman Richard Rice with whom we had been con versing informed us that the funeral of the child was to take place on Saturday, and we resolved to attend. He also invited us to go home with him and accompany his family to the wedding next day. As it was our purpose to visit as many households as possible during our short stay in the settlement we accepted the invitation after having obtained the reluctant consent of the Buttricks. As the minister approached the meeting house door all entered as quietly as if it were Sunday, or the Sabbath, as the settlers called the day, because they deemed that the word Sunday savored of Paganism in that it suggested sun worship ; and when once within, the service was conducted with all the seriousness and sanctity of the sacred day itself. Prhe lecture was as the name implies an instructive dis-**N course. The people were literally lectured with respect to / their duty, and the subject had particular reference to their ( daily spiritual experience. At the close few lingered to talk , * for it was a work day and they hastened home to complete " the unfinished task.' As Goodman Rice had but one horse we went on the "ride and tie" system, although as a matter of fact we our selves rode the most of the way, our host insisting upon walking by our side. CHAPTER XXIII. A Wedding at the House of Goodman John Miles — Description of Bride' s and Bridegroom' s Dress — I he Marriage Ceremony — Throwing the . Garter — Situation of the Miles' Homestead — Historic Sketch of John Miles — Visit at the home of Thomas Flint Esquire, His Official Duties — As Assistant — As Commissioner — Early Colonial Law Books — Primitive Courts and Court Prac tices — Talk Relative to Servants. DURING the ride our conversation was about the river and its meadows, both of which subjects were interesting to us, inasmuch as the river meadows were found to be not only a means of reliance for food for the - stock, but to some extent a quasi means of value or basis upon which to establish the " minister's rates," the division of upland, and rights in commonage, as of planting fields, public pastur age, and the taking of timber trees from forest reservations. Long before we had exhausted the subject of our con versation we found ourselves at the Rice homestead, and as we entered the lane that led to it we saw that like others it had passed through the pioneer stage and that the log cabin of the first years had given place to a substantial frame structure, with commodious outbuildings. We received as usual a hospitable welcome, and after supper gathered about the cheerful hearth and spent the evening in pleasant conversation upon things pertaining to the settlement of the town and its future prospects and the family history of our host, which history in brief outline is as follows : 222 GRAVE OF HENRY THOREAU. Concord 223 Richard Rice went to Concord at an early date, and first erected a small house at the center, near which he planted an orchard. He lived on the present Walden street, and his house came within the south quarter, but was considered in the territorial apportionment as in the east quarter. He had John Adams for a neighbor, and the two dwelt in the vicinity of the present almshouse. In 1684, Richard Rice testified with William Buttrick and others as to the purchase of Concord territory from the Indians, giving his age at that time as 72. The name has long been familiar in Concord, and some bearing it have been conspicuous in the town's annals. The name was also a prominent one among the first settlers of Sudbury and Marlboro, and as these towns are in close proximity, it may be difficult to decide to which ancestor all of the descend ants belong. Richard Rice died June 9, 1709, being accounted, the record alleges, more than one hundred years oldj After a night of refreshing rest we arose early, and spent the forenoon in strolling about the neighborhood, seeing new objects and gathering some additional data for future reference. After dinner we prepared for the wedding, and as the time for a start to the Mileses drew near, plans were made for the conveyance of each member of the household. Goodman Rice and his wife were to go on horseback with the pillion ; another horse was provided for us, and it was left with the hired man to so seat the ox cart that it would accommodate all the rest. We drove out of the yard to gether, but those on horseback soon outstripped the others, so that soon the rattle of the cart and the "gee-up and hish- haw" of John were no longer heard. A half hour more brought us into that part of the south quarter that has long been known as the " nine acres" and identified with the homesteads of some of the Wheelers and Mileses, and is situated at that corner of Concord which borders the Sud bury town line. 224 Colonial The house was illuminated for the occasion by the light of several fire-places and many candles. Some of the latter were in brightly burnished brass candlesticks, a part of which had been borrowed of the neighbors, others in the more common kind, while a half dozen were set in a candle beam. Goodman Miles met us in the yard, his man took our animals, and soon we were within, welcomed by a score or more, among whom were several of our new acquaintances. By early nightfall the guests had all come, and only awaited the arrival of Mr. Thomas Flint, whom the court had "appointed to join persons in marriage," no clergyman being permitted to do it. And now as we wait, it is a good time to describe the dress. Both the bride and the groom were attired as richly as the law of the land with its limitations to vain display, and their moderate circumstances would allow. The bride wore; a neatly-fitting gown of pale pink " cali- manco" (good substantial woolen material), beneath which was a white petticoat bordered with orris (fine lace) the edge of which just showed above a pair of high-heeled shoes, which were fastened at the instep with a bunch of ribbons. A sacque of blue, with "inkle," (a delicate braid), was characterized by a single slash in each sleeve, being all that the law would permit, and just showed the linen gar ment beneath, which the law required should be sufficiently long to admit no undue exposure of the bare arms. Her hair was bedecked with a sprig of evergreen, in which was entwined a small cluster of bright berries of wild bitter sweet, | making a contrast with her dark hair that was beautTful. The bridegroom was correspondingly attired. 'His duffel coat stood out at the skirts in true colonial style, and upon its top rested a snow white ruff, which was starched with an excessive stiffness and tied at the front with tiny tas seled strings. Beneath the coat was a silk and woolen waistcoat/and the small clothes, which were fastened at the knees withjbright but not costly buckles to a pair ot some- Concord 225 what gay stockings made up a costume which though not extravagantly expensive was picturesque. ! Not long after the time set for the ceremony Mr. Flint drove into the yard, accompanied by a servant. As he entered the house he explained that his delay was occa sioned by an afternoon call from one of the. " Assistants" from Boston, who was on his way to Sudbury town to aid in settling an ecclesiastical dissension which had arisen there concerning a " stinting of the cow commons," which diffi culty the colonial court had been called upon to adjust. Soon the contracting parties "stood up," and the " Com missioner," with a gravity of countenance commensurate with the solemnity of his sentences, spent a few moments in an attempt to impress all present with a true sense of the greatness of the event and the importance of entering upon the matrimonial state with a due regard to its sanctity and a resolve to live up to its requirements with an unswerving fidelity. He said, drawing closer to the bride, " Love is the sugar to sweeten every condition in the married state," and exhorted each to cultivate it and not let their ardor grow cold. After this hortatory exercise he offered prayer ; and the parson, Peter Bulkeley, " improved the occasion" by saying some things corroborative of what had been said, and cautioned all to be circumspect and to cultivate those graces which would fit them for any condition. After these things the main issue was attended to, and the couple were pronounced man and wife. Imme diately after this, servants, some of them belonging to the neighbors, brought in the "sack posset," a beverage that was usually drank on marriage occasions, yet, as we were told, without " noisy revelry." For edibles there was the usual country course for colonial times, conspicuous among which was the bride's cake. After the wedding meal was partaken of, merry making was in order, which, as in modern times on similar 226 Colonial occasions, was made up of such things as pertained to a pleasurable bantering of the bridegroom and bride. Soon the "garter" by some mysterious agency was obtained and thrown out, and the scramble for- it by the eager company indicated how much the person who finally possessed it prized the good luck it was supposed to bring. During the evening while others were engaged in the fes tivities, we sought an acquaintance with several families whom we had not before met, among whom were the Bloods and Healds from the extreme north quarter, and we accepted an invitation from Goodman Blood to visit him the following week. We were also introduced to Mr. Flint, and were soon engaged in an animated conversation concerning his large estate and his duties as a colonial official. As our interview was suddenly interrupted by the great commotion caused by casting the garter and the sub sequent scramble for it, Mr. Flint kindly invited us home with him, that we might continue our talk in the quiet ride through the woods, and on the morrow look about his estate, see his family and become acquainted with that por tion of the south quarter in which he dwelt. We accepted most gladly the invitation, and explanations having been made to the Rices and to Timothy Wheeler, we bade the Miles's good-night and departed, carrying with us the pleasantest of recollections. It was with regret that we left the Miles domicile in the midst of the nuptial merry-making, for we were beginning to feel young again in the midst of so much hilarity and exuberance of spirit ; besides, we were feeling quite at home there, for everything we heard about the family had been fully corroborated by what we saw. The house was the first one built upon the spot, and had been 'erected by John Miles, a pioneer grantee, who was in Concord in 1640. His first house lot which consisted of three acres was in the center, but later he left it and went to the " nine acres," where, with some of the Wheelers Concord 227 for neighbors, he opened a clearing and set up a home which has long been identified with his name. The spot selected for his homestead was picturesque. It was in a close of nine acres, which in process of time came to be called the " nine acre corner," and the term is surely no misnomer, since the plot of land thus termed is literally cornered by two streams, the river and gulf brookj ^fohn Miles married for his first wife Sarah, who died in ,.. 1678, leaving one daughter, who married Edmund Wigley, and afterwards Joseph Lee. He married in his old age Susannah Redit. He left John, Samuel and Mary. John married Mary Prescott in 1702, and died October 23,1725, leaving an estate of ^1,768 and two sons, John and Jona than, the latter being a graduate of Harvard College. Samuel, son of the first John, was a deacon in the Con cord Church, and died March 13, 1756, leaving as children Samuel, Joseph, Sarah, Ezekiel, Esther, Martha, Nathan, Reuben and Charles, the latter of whom was a captain in the Revolutionary war. ' It was arranged beforehand that the servant who accom panied Esquire Flint should remain over night with Mr. Miles' hired man that we might have the use of his horse. The moon was low when the bars were dropped for our egress from the short lane that led out to the country road. The air was balmy and the night was still, save as when we neared the river was heard the quacking of a flock of be lated ducks, who were taking advantage of the bright moon to move a little farther south before the Indian summer was over. Now and then there was also heard the soft tread of a surprised fox as he suddenly turned for a safe retreat upon hearing us. Once a buck stalked so near that our horses stopped ; and as we turned the bend of the pond and were about descending the hill, at a point where the evergreen tips almost came together over the road, there clumsily crossed our pathway a large, lumbering form, looking so unshapely as it loomed up in the shadows that Mr. Flint's horse, which was a little ahead of ours, for we 228 Colonial were too timid to ride alongside, suddenly sheered and pranced, while ours almost unseated us. Mr. Flint exclaimed that we had encountered a bear, but that bruin being without cubs was perfectly harmless, and our only fear need be for our horses, as the uncouth appearance of bears and their shambling gait was to them a matter of suspicion. Soon after this little episode we approached the Flint homestead, and knew by its looks that a warm welcome awaited us ; for, although the hour was late, there was a light in the front windows and the bright fire gleamed cheerily from the half-open door of the kitchen, where a servant stood looking and listening. Once within, we saw steaming upon the crane a large teakettle, and standing between the andirons, whose great brazen tops reflected the crackling flames, a skillet of broth. A beaker of hot cordial was at once offered us with a bowl of the broth, but we took only the latter, saying it would answer both for food and drink. After being thus warmed and refreshed, we were shown to our lodging place, which of course was the guest cham ber, and being at the house of Mr. Flint, "Commissioner" and a "man of means," it was unusually capacious. Next morning we were astir early, but none too early, for in families that were "well to do" slothfulness was in no wise encouraged, and it was the custom soon after sunrising for the hired men to "go afield." The same punctiliousness regarding the daily religious observances was noticeable here as elsewhere, for Mr. Flint opened the leather cov ered lids of the well worn Bible and read in true patriarchal style, while the family reverently listened. Breakfast and devotions over, our host led us into his private room, which in modern times would be called an office. On an antique table were a bunch of unsharpened goose quills,a capacious ink horn, some unruled paper of coarse quality, a stick of sealing wax and a seal stamp. For books, there was a work of comments on the English law, "Coke on Littleton," and an old volume of "Notes on the Penta- Concord 229 teuch." There was also a pile of letters folded and fast ened with red sealing wax in readiness to be delivered to the first person going to Boston ; for mail matter was only transmitted by such trustworthy travelers as might chance to come along. After making a record of the marriage just consummated, Mr. Flint seated himself by the fireside, and in response to our inquiries, defined his duties as an "Assistant" and a magistrate. We found that the functions of the former were highly honorable, and that aforetime they were of a nature legislative, executive, and judiciary ; and there being but a dozen Assistants in the Bay colony, only a few towns could boast of one. 1S0 important was the office, at the" first, that the Assistants could choose a Governor and Deputy Governor out of their own body, and make laws which later only the General Court could do ; also while formerly they had to do with the making of freemen, or in other words, empowering the Colonists to vote, this now could only be done by the Court. But though the office had been stripped of some of its prerogatives, it was one of the most conspicuous in the colony, and the possessor of it was in a position of great influence. In a certain sense the Assistants were still the Councilors of the Commonwealth, assumed the name of Magistrates, and were looked up to with great reverence. They were chosen by the people, and because of traditional associations and still existing authority, they took a first rank in society. As to the work of Mr. Flint as a "Commissioner to end small causes" within the territory to which he was specifically ap pointed his sphere was more circumscribed. His jurisdic tion extended over Sudbury and Concord only, and the causes were limited to such as had an issue of not over twenty shillings. But even with these restrictions there was considerable scope for authority, since he might act as judge, juror, and barrister, and also furnish the law, the authorities for the latter being extremely few and meager, as is shown by the following enactment in 1647: "It is 230 , Colonial agreed by the Court, to the end we may have the better light for making and proceeding about laws, that there shall be these books following procured for the use of the Court from time to time : 'Two of Sir Edward Cooke upon Lit tleton ; two of the books of entryes ; two of Sir Edward Cooke upon Magna Charta ; two of the New Terms of the Law ; two Dalton's Justice of Peace ; two of Sir Edward Cooke's Reports.'" Those books furnished the first founda tion of law not only for the General Court, but for all others.Curious incidents are related as taking place in these early courts. Sometimes there was interference which at present may appear incredible and it is said that those who inter meddled most were clergymen. An instance is recorded in an action of alleged slander brought by a minister against a layman. Another minister dining with the judge stated to him that when the case was tried he would like to make a few remarks. When the plaintiff's counsel had opened the case, he began questioning the plaintiff, and the regular proceedings were suspended until the reverend gentleman was through. At the close of the argument for the de fendant, the accommodating justice gave the clergyman another chance, whereupon he begged the magistrate to dis miss the action, which he forthwith did. In another instance one juror, who was standing out against the eleven others, was especially interviewed by the state's advocate and directed as to what to do. When the obstinate man refused to obey, it is said he was starved into compliance, while his fellows received meat and drink ; it being remarked that it was better one man should be de stroyed than eleven. It is said that verdicts were sometimes rendered to the effect that there was "strong ground for suspicion though falling short of proof" ; in such case the Court might sen tence the defendant for such crime as it appeared probable he had committed, though it had neither been alleged in the complaint nor found by the jury. It is ^recorded Concord 23 1 that " a man indicted for forgery which could not be proven was reported by the jury to be a cheat and had to stand upon the court-house steps for half an hour with the forged bond and the word 'Cheat' in large letters pinned upon his breast." — Boston Bench and Bar. Our conversation was interrupted by a call to dinner, which we were glad to hear, for the odor from the kitchen suggested something delicious for us. In the afternoon we set out to attend the funeral at the house by the Darby bridge. As Mr. Flint was to be busy, he sent his servant to accompany us. We rode on horseback, single file, along the way "that goeth to Mr. Flint's," till it merged in the county road, where there was less need of watchfulness for roots and rocks, and where we could ride abreast of each other. As we walked our horses through the roadway, we had a chat about servants, a subject we had been seeking an op portunity to converse upon before. The man was intelli gent and also communicative, so we received some valuable hints which led us to conclude that in colonial times there was but little difference either in intelligence or pedigree between some who worked for hire and some who did not ; moreover, the term servant was sometimes used differently from what it is now, and might designate one who trans acted business for another as an agent. Some denominated servants in a ship's passenger list might be coming to America to act for parties in England in land matters, or to substitute for them as settlers, thereby enabling the princi pal to share in land allotments, or in any profit that might accrue from the enterprise./ It is also supposed that jsome in the passenger lists who were recorded as servants were only ostensibly such for the ' purpose of disguising themselves, the intent being to evade the unjust immigration laws. As England was at that time agitated by religious and political dissension, there was unusual surveilance over its outgoing population, and per- 232 Colonial mits were not easily obtained ; hence the occasional resort N to strategy/ — An apprentice was considered a servant, and as such was obligated to his master for from three to seven years. He might have come from one of the best families, the old < homestead not being sufficient to support several sons. A child during non-age was really a servant, unless he "bought his time" of his father, which was often done. Others - might be servants for a term of years by agreement^ fOver all servants the master was supposed to maintain a quasi control, and the law looked to him as a sponsor for their good conduct, and expected such watchfulness and wholesome tutelage as was reasonable. Among early town records we find the appointment of certain persons "for to take pains for to see into the general families in town, to see whether children and servants are employed in work and educated in the ways of God and in the ground of religion according to the order of the General Court." In later times the term servant was made to include African slaves, some of whom were in Concord. 1 .(..«(. ¦...<«¦ John |a< k. ilrw r>/ .l/ri<(f "1»< hi li ril.^rtG-rtl alKHrf-WV1 !„ ),„,( jn ., dim ;„ |„\ l„.r,,u.ff.r. -tnltn ,n,fllil,r,illi !!¦< "'"I"' l,"-"': 4 , o i*i pun efHPj* t j • f, Tho ffWiw i" !*** f * THE GRAVE-STONE OF JOHN JACK. CHAPTER XXIV. Funeral at the House of a Cottager — Absence of Floral Tributes and Artificial Adornments — Sad and Simple Services — The Burial — The Procession to the Grave — Talk with the " Saxton " in the Burying Ground — Early Colonial Funeral Customs — The Bearers, Mort Cloth, Mourning Gloves, Scarfs and Rings — Grave Stones and Epitaphs — Start for the Flint Homestead — Evening Adven ture hy the Way — The Strange Surprise — A Pleasant Discovery — Entertained by Nantatucket and Tissansquaw. BY the time we had reached the foregoing conclusions we were on the Darby bridge and the house of the poor cottager appeared in sight. It was unpreten tious with a low roof, and the thatching so drooped below the two diminutive windows as to give it an appear ance of being even smaller than it was. There was a porch covered with wild clematis, and on either side of the path leading to it were several clumps of lilies and pinks, while in the open yard were the blighted stalks of several hollyhocks. There was a garden near by in which were still green the leaves of parsnip, cabbages and carrots, but all else had a sterile and withered look quite in keeping with our errand. We knew before we reached the place that the funeral was to be held there, for we saw people standing about as if waiting for something ; and just outside the door stood the grewsome bier, covered with a pall or "buryin' cloth." As we entered we found the room full of people, for it appeared as if everybody from the South quarter was there, 234 Colonial besides some from outside. The coffin lay on a table in the narrow entry way, and was made of coarse pine boards, stained dark, giving it a still more sombre appearance. On the lid was a piece of paper giving the name and age of the deceased, which each one picked up and read as he passed by. Not a flower was in sight — no, not so much as an evergreen spray or myrtle sprig to remind the mourn ers of a coming resurrection, when fresh with an immortal youth they could again see their dead. Every aspect was of death ; and as the cold gray of that autumnal after noon with its low circling sun brooded over the cottage, it was all in accord with the coffin, the bier and the pall, and the sad company standing about them. Presently it was whispered that the clergyman was coming, and then al! set tled into that solemn hush which had deference both for the living and the dead, broken only by the deep breath ing of the sorrowful and the responsive sigh of such as were in sympathy with them. No Scripture was read at that house of sorrow ; no psalm was sung ; no prayers were said ; and after a few words of consolation, and all present had viewed the re mains, even little children being raised up to look at them, the bearers placed the coffin upon the bier, covered it with the cloth and lifting it upon their shoulders, started for the burying ground. We joined the procession. The cloth was kept in place by extra bearers, who walked along by the side of the others, spelling them when tired. After moving with slow and measured step a quarter of a mile or more, they halted and set the body on a mort- stone, while the first set of bearers gave way to the others. In a few moments the procession resumed its mournful march, and after several similar halts it reached the grave yard, just as the slant beams of the fast setting sun were trying to stretch themselves beyond the little meeting house. The burial was performed in silence ; the cold earth rat tled harshly upon the coffin ; and when all was over and Concord 12 5 the "saxton" had heaped the last turf upon the newly made mound, each turned sorrowfully away as if carrying with him fresh evidence of his own mortality. We lingered about the spot for a little time, thinking to learn from the old "saxton" something more about old burial rites ; for this faithful public servant, although it was late, appeared in no hurry to get away, but leisurely folded up the burying-cloth and wiped his clumsy spade on the clean grass, as if to have it in good order when he should want it again. The wind had gone down, and the moon was just creep ing over the great fields to the easterly, and as there was no dampness on that dry knoll there was no discomfort in remaining, while John, the servant, had a loose shoe fastened at the smithy. It would not take long to relate what the "saxton" told us, but after he had gone there came up the hill- path one of the villagers, who was accounted handy at funerals and in laying out the dead, looking for a glove which some one had lost, and from him we obtained some valuable informa tion relating to burial customs. And now before leaving this subject we will state some facts concerning these. / In ) Colonial times there were few religious services at funerals ; / and but little was said in public, either to mitigate grief or ^ lead to resignation. The coffin was carried to the grave and buried in silence. I Letchford says of "it : "All the neighborhood or a gQQdly company came togther at the tolling of the bell". /The minister was commonly present, but only as a silent wit ness. As was the custom in England, laudatory verses were sometimes fastened to the bier or "herse" as the draped platform upon which the coffin rested was called. The funeral carriage called "hearse" was not then in use. After the funeral printed verses were often procured, and the slips on which they were printed were decorated with black borders, skull and crossbones, a scythe and hour glass. Occasionally an attempt was made to solemnly pun 23 6 Colonial in verse, or play facetiously upon a name in a way that might be almost painful to people of the present time. As a rule there were two sets of "bearers," one called under bearers, usually young men who carried the bier, and the other old men or relatives, who held the corners of the pall ; if the distance was long there was a double number of under bearers. The pall or mort-cloth was usually made of velvet and owned by the town. The bier was often kept in the porch of the meeting house, but in some cases it r \ was left standing over the grave awaiting another funeral. | Sometimes there was no regularly appointed grave dig ger, but a friend or relative of the deceased might perform this service. fin some towns the news of a death was the signal for the cessation of all work. Liquors were univer sally used, and even if the deceased were a pauper, gallons of rum and a barrel of cider might be called for, but if a person of distinction the expense was correspondingly greater. The custom was to look at the corpse and then pass on to the table and take a drink. Mourning gloves and scarfs were often given. Some times there were printed invitations to "follow the corpse," and great care was taken to have all walk in the proper order with respect to relationship and rank. The mourning gloves were usually furnished by the bereaved family, if in well-to-do circumstances, and a minister after a long pastor ate usually had in store a large number.! It is said that one Boston minister received in thirty-two years, two thousand, nine hundred and forty ; being more than he wanted he exchanged them for other goods. /" "Mourning rings," engraved with skull and crossbones, were sometimes given to bereaved friends and not infre- V quently they were quite costly. Funerals were forbidden to be held on Sunday. Many of the gravestones came from England, and were of hard black slate from North Wales. The Welsh stones usually had on them a death's head or that of a winged cherub. Weeping willows and urns came in vogue later, and Concord m these were afterwards superseded by the hour-glass and clock face or dial. Capital letters were used in inscriptions till the time of the Revolution. \ The epitaplis were sometimes curious to a remarkable degree, as for example : Here lies cut down like unripe fruit The wife of Deacon Amos Shute. There was often the manifestation of great resignation, showing the strong and simple faith of the bereaved friends. They looked upon death as a liberator from care and toil, and believed it was the entrance to a blessed immor tality ; hence a bier or burying ground savored of blissful associations : and this accounts for such expressions as that of Judge Samuel Sewall who, after visiting the family tomb and seeing the coffins therein, said : "It was an awful yet pleasing treat : " and of another, that the two days wherein he buried his wife and son were "the best he ever had in the world." In the twilight we passed from the place of old graves and descended the narrow pathway that led to the "little strate strete", and as we emerged from the shade into the open ground, where it broadened out toward the milldam and town pound, we beheld over the western horizon some of those purple and pink tints which are in striking contrast to the approaching darkness. Here we thought is a fit illustration of the settler's experiences as relates to such somber scenes as we have just witnessed. He sees light in every condition, however gloomy it may appear to others. That light is his faith. Through it comes his steadfastness in sorrow, his sub- missiveness in view of death, and his apparent indifference to consolation afforded by external objects. He needs no flowers at his funerals, hence he has none. He desires no burnished trimmings to his coffin, neither does he care for any costly paraphernalia to his grave car- 23 8 Colonial riage. If he had these he would look above and beyond them all for his comfort. The primary design of the absence of ceremony on these occasions was to steer clear of everything that savored of popery. The rude and grewsome decorations on the tombstone were designed only to remind the careless passer by that he too was mortal and must share the common lot. The darkness deepened. The sluggish mist of the mill pond was settling about us. An east wind suddenly springing up brought from the place of old graves the murmur of pines and the rustle of tree branches. As it was Saturday night an unwonted stillness prevailed about there. The mill had stopped, the cattle were housed, the roads were vacant, and nothing was seen or heard in the vicinity except the monotonous roaring of the water at the milldam as it fell over the splashboards, and the occasional lone bellowing of an impatient yearling in the town pound. For an instant we stood motionless, as if to realize where we were, and then it suddenly occurred to us that John only went to get a shoe fastened, and that the time for him to return was passed. We looked in the directon of the south bridge, if per chance we could see him, but in vain. We turned towards the Meriam grocery, thinking some errand might have called him there ; but it was in vain, for no one appeared, and we were about sitting down on the turnstile that guarded the path to the meeting house, when we heard the measured tread of a horse's hoofs, and it flashed upon us that John had gone home, and was even then jogging along over the planks of Potter's bridge in the comfortable assurance that we had walked along expecting him to over take us. It needed but little reflection to understand the serious ness of the situation. We were left, and John would have to return for us on finding we were not at home on his arrival. Were it not for this our way would have been Concord 23 9 clear, for we had only to repair to Goodman Hey- wood's, or the Buss Tavern or call at the parsonage to be sure of a welcome. But to have John come all the way back was out of the question. Neither would we alarm the family by a night's absence. So springing over a brush fence and breaking off a dry sapling which, the last spring, had been placed there as a part of a "sufficient fence", which the town ordered, we started. We had not gone far, however, before we wished our selves back. The country was strange to us. The path in the dim moonlight was ill defined because of the over hanging branches, and every now and then we stumbled over a rock or a protruding root. As we got farther from the village the way grew more and more dreary. The lights faded in the distance, and the last one seen through a break in the woods was the faint glimmer of John Adams' firelight as it shone forth through his open doorway when he entered after the evening cattle fodder ing. No sooner had the last light vanished than diffi culties began to thicken. The shrubbery crowded closer into the pathway, so we had sometimes to brush back the drooping birches and hazel bushes laden with the night damp, and every now and then when wood ways parted from the main road, it was necessary to stoop in order to discover if possible the footprints of John's horse. As the stillness of the forest became more and more apparent in the deepening gloom, and its dreariness became more intense, the denizens of the woods became more demonstrative. Several times there came to us the low call of a coon, which was quickly answered by another in a minor key, as if amicable relations were not being maintained by them. The surly cry of something which by a subsequent description we concluded was a snarling lynx was once heard, and the sound was so new to us that we thought of the spectral wolf, of whose midnight marauding we had heard at the Baker husking party. 240 Colonial Another startling, though harmless episode, was the fly ing of a large hoot owl so near us as to fan our faces with his furry wings. But in spite of these impediments we kept on, intent upon putting as much space as possible between us and the hamlet before John should meet us. It was not however given us to get far in carrying out our intent, for still other obstacles were to arise, the climax of which was reached when we arrived near the pond. We had heard legends connected with the Concord ponds and especially this one. How that spirits flitted over it, and even stalked forth upon its lone shores, and that wood nymphs danced about and sometimes allured timid and incautious travelers into the deep woods. The recalling of these and other stories of a like nature was a poor preparation for passing the pond, which was now but just ahead, and remembering that nothing but a Bible in one's pocket or a silver bullet from a gun barrel would avail anything in case of an assault by the Evil One, we dropped our staff, which we had carried for a defence, and resolved to trust to our heels in case anything should occur out of the usual. We had reviewed all our legendary lore concerning the pond, and knew by the damp murky atmosphere that it was close at hand, when with startling suddenness there came a weird and melancholy sound as if the very woods uttered a wail. We stopped. Our hair bristled and we listened spellbound. A moment and it came again, and nearer than before, and we believed that the next it would be in the road. We had heard forest sounds of every nature before, as we supposed, from the low night call of the little wood bird to the deep booming of the lank bittern, but here was a noise entirely new and incomparable to anything else. Our first thought was to turn back and quickly put our selves as far as possible from the locality if not from the source of so dismal and frightful a sound. Concord 241 We had never practically believed in ghosts, and as for spirits we had never seen one nor met with one who we supposed had. Our theories were of the age in which we lived. But we were in another age now, and we had been sitting beside ancient firesides and listening to gruesome tales by those in whose houses were old garrets, and in whose cellars were dark archways, and along whose winding woodland paths the shadows chased each other gloomily, sometimes taking strange shapes, and over whose low gables the clouds low ered scowlingly. We had been sitting where the wind whistled down old chimney stacks, and where groups in stinctively drew the settle near to the hearth's edge and listened timidly to the mystical wiseacre as he interpreted strange sounds, until no one cared to go up stairs or down stairs or step outside. In fact we had been living amid a different environment, one in which every predilection to a belief in the supernatural had been thoroughly aroused, and we only needed the present evidence of our senses, together with what we supposed had been an exhaustive observation of all of nature's strange sights and noises, to lead us to abandon old conclusions and accept new ones. In fact we learned by this sudden experience that it is the objects around which superstitions cluster which differ, rather than the nature of the persons who are influenced by them, and that it is by an easy transition through the pathway of circumstances that we come to believe in the goblin of the quaint old burying ground, the elf of the woods or the latest product of modern spiritism. The nomenclature of an age may disguise its real beliefs, and the character of the homes of the living may determine the character of the spirit tenantry. In other words, the nature of a genuine New England apparition is such that it would never be seen flitting about among the flowers of a modern cemetery. Its nature is too rugged to live there. 242 Colonial Like the white polar bear it requires cold and barrenness, where folks shiver and seldom go. Given right conditions and it may come to you. It loves the cobwebs beneath low rafters, and the smell of mice among old cradles and empty meal barrels. It would browse among bunches of brown herbs and squeak forth its magical utterances, where the wind plays through angular knot-holes and blows the light out if anyone enters. These conditions withheld and those of an opposite character substituted, and you have an up-to-date tenantry, and one that is coy and cultured, and is at home in the presence of the velvet carpet and satin paper, stuffed couches and chairs. But they are all of the same kith and kin, it matters not where we find them, whether on the public platform or in the drawing room, or by "the way that goeth to Mr. Flint's." Let it not then be thought foolish that our hair started, and that we were stirred to our very extremities by that startling, inexplicable wail that came from pondward. We were in Rome doing as the Romans did, and our first thought and impulse was to flee from the swamp sprites without stopping to question what they were. Pursuant to this purpose we turned about when we saw in the direction whither we were going a flash of light, or rather the illumination of reflected light, as if cast up by an unseen fire in the brush wood. Here was a new development, only little less surprising than the first, since we thought it might be a part and par cel of it, for almost simultaneous with the strange sight came a succession of the strange sounds, this time as if they would split the very darkness which they pierced. We were brought to a standstill ; we could neither retreat nor go forward. It was peril before us and peril behind us and peril on both sides. As we stood wondering with what little there was left of us to wonder, and waiting for another outburst of the ter- Concord 243 rific wail, we saw under the low hemlock boughs a couple of upright forms, which under other circumstances we should have called human, but which looming up as they did in the shadows and amid its lurid light we thought had the appearance of something inhuman. They looked like Indians, and were dressed like them, a fact which only increased our dread of what they might be, for we were aware that supposed manifestations from the spirit world were made by Indians, hence naturally we thought it might be so now. Just as we were about settling ourselves into a clump of evergreens, whose friendly branches almost touched the dilapidated top of an ancient windfall, this being the only available hiding place, one of the forms turned toward us, and we saw at a glance, and to our great surprise and de light that it was no other than Nantatucket whom we met at Nashawtuck ; and that his companion was Tisansquaw, whom we once saw at the lower fishing falls. In an instant we were ourselves again, for in these we knew we had friends, and that whether the sounds we had heard were of man or devil they would be explained, and if the situation was serious we would share it together. As we sprang forward the Indians recognized us, and their greeting was as warm and demonstrative as their rude ways and stolid natures would admit of. It took but a moment to inquire concerning the sound, and to be informed that what we had heard was a pair of migratory loons, or great northern divers, which in the fall and spring occasionally drop into our New England waters, where they remain a few days prior to their journey south ward. They had been disturbed among the low waterbrush on the pond shore by the fire and had sent out their wild screams as if in protest. No one need wonder at our recent alarm, for the notes of this remarkable bird at any time sound strange, but 244 Colonial stranger yet in the night's stillness, with the medium of a dense, swampy atmosphere to intensify them. We were soon sitting by the camp fire of our two friends, which was just outside the bushes, by the pond's edge, beyond which was the dark, outlying water where the loons were. We learned that Nantatucket and Tisansquaw had been to Natick, to attend an Indian service held there by Apostle John Eliot, and that being late in getting home, and growing hungry, they had encamped beside the pond and were engaged in broiling a rabbit, which they had thrust through with a wooden spit. NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. BY PERMISSION OF FOSTER BROS. CHAPTER XXV. Arrival at the Flint Farm — Sunday Morning in a Home of Colonial Concord — Start for Meeting — Gathering of the Worshipers — Neighborly In quiries — The Church Service — The Sermon — Singing — The Noon Intermission — Catechistical Exercises — Afternoon Service — Colonial Church Customs — Sacred Music — Succession of Singing Books — "Lining Off" — Triple Time — "Fuging ' — Pitch Pipes — Introduction of Musical Instru ments — Talk with Goodman James Hosmer — Conversation Relating to the Installation of Rev. Peter Bulkeley — Facts of History Concerning this Subject. JUST as Nantatucket had drawn the spit from the rab bit and placed it upon a broad flake of clean bark, which Tisansquaw had pealed from a birch tree, we heard the clatter of horses' feet, and knew that John was coming. It was with regret that we closed our inter view with our swarthy friends for we could have contented ourselves to remain with them over night, but we knew that the next day was the Sabbath, and that all traveling was forbidden, and that even the short journey to the Flint farm, though undertaken with so good an excuse, might subject us to great prejudice, so we sprang into the empty saddle and were soon away. We received a warm welcome on our arrival. Supper had been delayed awaiting our return ; after which Mr. Flint gathered the household together, including the servants, for no servant was omitted in this exercise, and, 245 246 Colonial opening the Bible, read and commented upon it, being assisted by his "Notes on the Pentateuch." After reading, each of the family was catechised, and all showed such a commendable acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures as might put to blush many a youth and adult also in a Sunday school of today, with all their so-called "Lesson Helps" and "Side Lights." After the religious exercises were over, and the younger members had retired, Mr. Flint and myself conversed upon several topics of public interest, and it was not until the low burning candle reminded us that it was getting late that we retired to our room there to enjoy another night of well-nigh perfect slumber. The morning sun arose giving promise of a beauti ful day. Not even a low lying cloud was visible to show the possibility of unpleasant weather. But the quiet was without, for the noise down-stairs betokened that the Sabbath was not with them a day of indolent repose. It was but a short time after going below before breakfast was eaten, and the sun had hardly dried the night's moisture from the sparkling earth when we were all on our way churchward, passing over the same way which the night before had brought to us such discomfort. As we ascended the hill path to the meeting house, we found that the parson had not yet arrived, so, intent upon hearing the news from the whole countryside, we leaned up against an unused hitching post to look and listen. After the usual salutations by each new comer, conversa tion commenced on the events of the week in their several quarters, as these related to things of a nature sufficiently serious to admit of Sabbath inquiry. Goodwife Brown wanted to know if the "arbs" she sent Susan Ann, poor child, did her good, and if her pain was gone. Patty Underwood asked after the condition of old Aunt Lois, and whether the crutches which she had left at the Concord 247 mile post by the corner for Goodman Billings to carry to her were the right length. Dame Woods was anxious to know of the Darby boys, and if they had sufficient clothing for winter, for, said she, "Since their mother died they have fared hard." With these and similar inquiries the time was occupied till some one said, "The minister is coming," when all stepped from the beautiful sunlight into the cool stillness of the sanctuary and remained standing till he had passed into the pulpit. The service was opened by an invocation immediately followed by the reading of the Scriptures with comments. Then came the singing of a psalm from "Sternhold and Hopkins' Edition," set to the tune of "St. David." The lining of the psalm was by Deacon Griffin, and the con gregation endeavored to make the repetition of it musical and in accord with the tune assigned, but we observed that before the exercise was over there was a compromise between "St. David," "York" and "Old Winsor," and that the tune varied as much as the time. It was, however, evidently satisfactory to the worship pers, and the devout demeanor of every participant assured us that singing in those days was really worship. It was noticeable that there were only a few copies of the Psalter in the congregation, which showed that lining off was a necessity. The sermon was exegetical, expository, doctrinal, and hortatory, with an application at the close, and occupied an hour. Psalm singing followed, and the service ended with the benediction. At noon came the catechistical exercise, of which we had heard much but had not yet seen. We do not know whether or not on every Sunday it came at this hour, for we did not inquire, and the inter mission the Sabbath previous being taken up with the sacramental service and a baptism, we have nothing to judge from. 248 Colonial We conjecture, however, that the noontime was its regu lar hour, because it was the only practicable time for it, and the one which in later days has been given to the Sunday school. If from nine or half past to twelve, and from one or half past to nearly four, was taken up with the regular service, almost of necessity, the catechistical would come between. But whatever the hour, the nature and order of it was the same, and we will describe what we saw of it. There was a short interval after the morning service, in which the middle-aged men could stretch their legs and go to the Buss tavern and eat the lunch which they carried with them, and the younger women could repair to the houses near by and warm their barley coffee or steep a little "store" tea, and the old people could go to one of the "noon houses" which were nearer at hand and replenish their foot stoves with coals and warm some cider or sack posset, the latter of which they brought with them, while the former was kept in storage to be had on tap.| This brief intermission was followed by a prompt gathering together at the drum beat, and a seating of the people in a way that had special reference to age, the younger and unmarried portion, who were the catechumens, being nearest to the minister. As in the morning, the sexes sat separate, except in the back seatsjwhere the grave heads of households sat and where there was allowed a latitude of promiscuousness which would not be tolerated among the younger elementJ There was no prelude, and when Parson Bulkeley arose there evidently ran through the younger portion that feel ing of embarrassment which usually prevails on occasions of public examination ; while upon the faces of the elders there was plainly depicted that flush of anxious suspense which betokened a deep desire that the children do well. The questions were all simple and admitted of Scriptural answers. The purpose evidently was to inculcate a know ledge of the doctrines and duties taught in the Bible. Concord 249 A short intermission followed this exercise, when all assembled to listen to the second sermon, which consisted of a gathering up and application of the points brought out in the noon exercise, together with comments upon them. As the order of the second service was similar to the first, we will not stop to note any change, but proceed to state a few facts of colonial church customs as related in history. JA singing book in common use was Ainsworth's, "Book of Psalms," printed in Amsterdam in 161 2, of 348 pages. It contained annotations and the tune in which each psalm was to be sung. The annotations explained the psalms, as for example, "The Leviathan is the great whale fish or sea dragon used to represent great tyrants." The books were very few from which came the custom of lining off, called "deaconing." Judge Sewall said with regard to the harmony on a certain occasion, "I set York and the congregation went to St. David." Another writer says: "Not two persons quaver alike but each may drop off, alter, twist or change to suit him." Bye and bye the "Bay Psalm Book" came; then "Tate and Brady's Version." When note singing was introduced, there came heart burnings, with assertions that it was popish. In process of time lectures were given in singing, from which may have been evolved the singing school ; and by allowing those who had learned to sing by rule to sit in the front seats may have been evolved the choir. After a while "triple time" tunes came into use. This gave offence to those who wanted to drawl out the notes in uniform length, and the time was derisively called "a long leg and a short one." Then came the style of singing called "fuging", intro duced by Billings, which system spread like wild-fire. Pitchpipes made of apple-tree wood were used at the first; afterwards, metallic tuning forks. In 1 714, there came from England "a pair of organs," so called. It was given by Thomas Brattle to Brattle Street 2 50 Colonial Church, Boston, but it was refused, and then it was given to King's Chapel, where, after remaining unpacked for sev eral months, it was made use of. [The bass viol was about the first musical instrument used in the New England churches. Violins were opposed because they savored too much of dancing music. A com promise was made in some places by which the fiddle might be played if played the wrong end up, as in this way it could be called a small bass viol. J " fin Concord the version of "Songs and Hymns" by Sternhold and Hopkins was used prior to 1666. In 1775, it was voted to sing from Tate and Brady's ver sion three months on trial. The June following Watt's version was introduced and used till 1828J •-~ 'The singers were first "seated" about 1774, when the custom of lining ceased and the church voted that Deacon Wheeler should lead the singing one half the time and the singers in the gallery the other. In 1779, the church took into consideration the "melan choly decay of singing in public worship, and chose 20 per sons who should sit together in the body pews below and take the lead in singing, the women to sit separate from the rnen^ll As to the early catechistical service, Letchford's "Plain Dealing" mentions the church in Concord as the first one 'to adopt the custom of catechising the children. Mather says, "This was one of the constant exercises of the Sabbath at the Concord church." He states further that "All the unmarried people were required to answer questions, after which expositions and applications were made to the whole congregation."/ As the sun was fast settling behind the trees by the mill dam, we were descending the narrow hill path with Good man James Hosmer, who had entertained us at his "noon house," and had there invited us to go home with him. On the way to his house we had an oppotunity for con- Concord 251 versation on several subjects appertaining to the Concord settlement, about which we desired information, prominent among which was the installment and ordination of Rev. Peter Bulkeley. We had known something of these events, but not all. Neither had we much knowledge of the history of the church; for as its records for the period since its establish ment were wanting, one person's conjectures about this as well as about the civil history, were as good as those of another provided each followed the analogy of common procedure. It was quite opportune that a subject of this nature was suggested, since it would hardly have been in keeping with the strict Sabbath observance of the time to discuss certain other matters. We ascertained in the course of our conversation that some embarassment attended the first installation at Con cord ; and as the subject is interesting we will give some facts as we have found them stated in history. | The church was organized July 5, 1636, and preparatory to the installation of Mr. Bulkeley a day of fasting and prayer was observed April 5, 1637. As usual, Colonial dignitaries from Boston, both civil and ecclesiastic, were in vited to the council; for the state as well as the church were interested in clerical settlements, and assumed to have a quasi jurisdiction or influence over ministers although theoretically it might have denied it. Not all, however, of the invited guests of either class were present, although delegates were there from most of the churches. Winthrop says, "The Governer and Mr. Cotton and Mr. Wheelwright and the two ruling elders of Boston and the rest of the churches which were of any note did none of them come to this meeting. "The reason was conceived to be, because they counted these as legal preachers and therefore would not give their approbation to their ordination." A reason given for the 252 Colonial absence of some of the notables was that the call came at too short notice, but as a matter of fact, it was sent three days beforehand. It may not be proper at this late day to decide as to the force any informality about the letters missive may have had, for there may have been botn law and fact in the case, of which we know nothing. This much, however, is certain, that controversy then prevailed concerning both doctrine and church polity. And as at that time Mr. Bulkeley was supposed to attach much importance to good works and was therefore considered a legal preacher, it might be natural for some to remain absent. Besides the question of theological fitness for the clerical office there had arisen a question as to whether a minis ter ordained in England after the forms of the Episcopacy could by this act be rightly recognized as a properly con stituted clergyman. Both questions were probably settled in the case of Par son Bulkeley, for the council ordained and installed him. And concerning the matter of church polity, one of the delegates proposed a question which led to a passing of the following resolution : "That such ministers as have been clergymen in England and ordained by the bishop were to be respected as having there legally sustained the office of minister by the call of the people, and such ordination was considered valid here; but, for having received this ordina tion by the bishop, they should consider it a sin and in this country they should not consider themselves ministers till called by the people; but when thus elected, they were to be considered ministers even before ordination." It may be here stated that ministers who held to a cove nant of works or who believed in the doctrine of the law rather than the doctrine of grace were known as "legalists", and those believing in the latter "antinomians." \ 'THE WAYSIDE," HOME OF NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE. CHAPTER XXVI. Visit at the home of Goodman James Hosmer — — Reflections upon the Settler s Fireplace — Invita tion to Humphrey Barrett's Log Rolling — Situation of the Hosmer Farm — Outline of Hosmer History — The Old House Site — Scenes at the Log Rolling — Early Forestry — Care of Concord 's Poor — Process of Clearing New Lands — Facts Relative to the Barrett Family. WE had just finished our subject when the home of -our host appeared in an opening among the trees, and as we beheld it beyond the purple and yellow of the maples and willows, we thought that nothing we had seen in the settlement sur passed it in picturesqueness. As we entered the yard we were met by his good wife, who had hastened out to tell her husband that James who was ill in the morning was better, after which she lost no time in saying that supper was ready. After partaking of the evening meal we all seated our selves about the cheerful hearth fire and chatted about various neighborhood matters and about some things Col onial. It was indeed a social season and scene. There was domestic and homelike business about everything. The pale moonlight which streamed in from over the win dow sill was met at its entrance by such a fervid, animat ed light from the fire place that it was hardly perceivable and there was nothing whatever wanting to complete the fireside comfort. So snug were our surroundings and so cheery was every thing that we mentioned the fact to Goodman Hosmer and 2 S3 254 Colonial suggested that a settler's hearth was a place of great privi lege. "Yes", he replied "it really is for we lay our plans there." His last utterance made us thoughtful, and we pondered over it that night after the lights went out, as we looked over the still meadows and saw the stars twinkle and were impressed with the silence that pervaded everything; and were also reminded of the half-burnt black logs which were even then smouldering beneath the banked fires of the slumbering house-keepers ready to sparkle the next morn ing at break of day. What, thought we, has the fireplace been to the settler? What part has it played in his history, and have we given it its due? These queries came to us in rapid sucession and quickl) responsive came the unqualified conclusion that the open fire had been a potent element in the developement of col onial character. Fire is always a source of interest if not of inspiration when it is not really mischievous, and the poet has done well to sing about it, the philosopher to muse over it, and the pagan to eulogize it. The fire of driftwood upon the ocean beach, the vivid reminder of wrecks on the dark waters, the tidings of which never come shoreward; the watch-fire of the lonely garrison, beyond whose glimmer none durst venture; the camp-fire in the forest where slow sentinels pace through night's stillness ; and the fires in dark evergreens made by Indians — all these have their value and suitably impress one; but not any or all of them are comparable to the fire on the settler's hearthstone, where the flames are reflected up and among braids of corn and grey herbs and out upon pewter platters on the old dresser and into the corners of the great kitchen and over the broad floor boards. /" (Before the open fire was the settler's council chamber. i Beside it was his children's nursery. There they laughed ^ and played and popped corn while the fathers whistled and \sang and cracked jokes. The settler's austerity was soften- Concord 255 ed by the fireplace, and the hard lines of his exposed life were toned down. There he forgot his homely toil while the tea kettle sang and the flames crackled and the winds swept over the dry moorlands and vacant meadows. Without his fireplace he might have been lonely, for stoves and furnaces could not have supplied the want of companionship that these did. I y The gentle motion of a "fire upon the hearthstone is almost akin to the friendly presence of a human form. Thoreau said of his hut in Walden woods when he gave up his fireplace, that though there was more warmth in a stove there was less company in it. The labor necessary for maintaining the open fire was another advantage. ,'To~" obtain the requisite amount of fuel the settlers were obliged to spend a large part of the long winter in the woods, swinging the axe and ponderous beetle, for it was only by means of the beetle and wedges that he cleft in twain the gnarled oak and knotted hickory. Further time was spent in hauling it from the rugged hillsides and the frozen swamps. After it was hauled it was to be cut in the door- yard, then seasoned and housed, and by the time all this was accomplished the robins came. The amount of wood required for the open fire was enormous, for the fireplaces were very capacious and consuming, and the rude carpentry of the houses was such as to let in much cold. If we can judge of the average fuel supply of the settler by the quantity sometimes stipulated for in the settlement of a minister we should conclude that from twenty to thirty cords would be required and sometimes more. I Moreover, the chimneys with their broad flues were health^ giving. Through them in the night time, when the fires were low, pure oxygen came down, and there ascended upward every impurity, so that it was almost as if the inmates of the house lived in the open air. JThe fireplaces might be from six to eight feet in width, "" in some instances even more. In this case the black log required the strength of two men to lift it into its place. 256 Colonial Between this and the forelog was heaped brush wood and chips and cleft pine, all to be. enveloped in a grand pyra mid of flame which went a roaring up the chimney as if mad, while into every corner and cranny of the great unfinished apartment the light danced and cheerily crept, and the warmth melted the frost on the small window panes and drove back the cold from under the door. Before such a scene the settler sat with his family, and the neighbors came and sat with them, and in the flames they thought they saw horsemen and in the ashes heard men walking as in snow. When at the hour of retiring the flames faded and the spent fuel had become reduced to a bed of coals the house holder covered them carefully with hot ashes to be used the next morning to start a new fire. If for any reason during the night the coals went out, some were borrowed, if a neighbor was near, but if not, they resorted to the flint, steel and tinder box, or to the use of a gun. | The settler's fireside has often been pictured in both prose and poetry, but perhaps by none more fitly than by Whittier in his poem called "Snow Bound", where in the following words he sets forth the cheer and snugness of the open fire in a winter's storm: We piled with care our nightly stack Of wood against the chimney back, — The oaken log, green, high, and thick, And on its top the stout back-stick The knotted forestick laid apart, And tilled between with curious art The ragged brush; then, hovering near, We watched the first red blaze appear, Heard the sharp crackle, caught the gleam On whitewashed wall and sagging beam, Until the old rude furnished room Burst, flower-like into rosy bloom. As it was near the sun setting when supper was over, Goodman Hosmer did not get through with his chores till Concord 257 early evening, and since we were quite weary with our Sat urday night's escapade among the ghosts we talked but little and retired early. Before going to bed, however, we were informed that there was to be a neighborhood log-rolling over at Goodman Humphrey Barrett's the next day and as our host was going with his hired man he would like to have us accompany him. "Besides," said he, "Goodman Barrett sent a special invitation to you Saturday night and would have spoken to you about it at the meeting house had it not been Sunday." A log-rolling in a new country was attractive. We had heard of such but never expected to be present. It was therefore with bright anticipations that we retired and awaited the morrow. Before the "shell" sounded for breakfast, for Goodwife Hosmer blew a conch shell in some mysterious yet appar ently easy manner at the kitchen door, we sat down at the raised window that overlooked the river course to consider the relative position of the Hosmer homestead to the cen tral village. The outlook was a pleasing one and showed the taste and sagacity of Goodman Hosmer in his selection of the locality for a home. In a northerly direction at a distance of a half mile more or less was Annusnac, forest crowned and symmetrical, standing like a sentinel beside the plain. To the westerly and southerly was the winding Assabet with its occasional clumps of yellow willows, while upon its channel as seen through a near clearing was just passing the canoe of Nip- anum of Nashoba. A flock of wild ducks were flying from river to river, and along with a couple of cows on the meadow was a small deer, all feeding together as if belonging to one family. It was a scene worth lingering upon, and so loth were we to leave it that we were a few minutes late at the breakfast table, with no better excuse than that we had been enrap tured by what we had seen. 258 Colonial As the annals of the Hosmer family have been con spicuously connected with Concord and its members are many and widely scattered, let us leave our story and notice a few outline facts of their history as these have been pre served by record and substantial tradition. The first progenitors of the Hosmer family in America were Thomas and James, who were brothers. Thomas Hosmer was at Cambridge as early as 1632, and went to Connecticut about 1635. James Hosmer with his wife Ann and two children left England in April 1635, and went to Concord in the fol lowing September. No record of the death of his wife is known to be extant, but it is known that his second wife was buried March 11, 1641, and that his third wife, Alice, died March 3, 1664-5. He had seven children, — Marie and Ann who were born in England ; James, Mary, Stephen, Hannah and Mary. James, the eldest son, married Sarah White who was a sister of the Rev. Joseph Rowlinson, minister of the church in Lancaster, Mass., and who was captured by the Indians in King Philip's war and ransomed at a place near Wachusett mountain in what is now Princeton. James was killed at the Sudbury Fight, April 21, 1675-6. Stephen, his youngest son, married Abigail Wood in 1667. He had six children, among whom were James and Thomas. Thomas married in 1631, Prudence, a grand daughter of the first Abigail Wood Hosmer ; and a son by this marriage was Hon. Joseph Hosmer, a noted patriot who was born December 25, 1735 and died Jan. 31, 1821, aged 85. An early house lot of the first James Hosmer, tradition informs us, was at the Central village on or near the resi dence of the late Hon. Samuel Hoar on the present Main street, near the Public Library. His next house lot was situated between the Assabet and the south branch of the Musketaquid rivers. Concord 259 It is stated that faint traces of the cellar hole are still vis ible and deeds of a portion of the original farm are still in possession of one of James Hosmer's descendants. South west of the paternal estate was the home of James Hosmer, Jr., who was killed by the Indians at Sudbury. His house was near the present bridge of the Fitchburg Railroad a little to the eastward of the depot at Concord Junction. Formerly, a little stream near by afforded suffi cient water power for a small flax mill which the Hosmers owned and operated. James Hosmer, Sr., added to his original land grant till his domain extended nearly to the "Nine Acres," and included various detached and outlying parcels of land. His grave is unknown ; but probably is among many of his contemporaries in the Hill Burying Ground./ s The site of the ancient homestead is now grass grown ; only an earth dent remaining to identify it ; and the sur roundings are silent save as sounds come to it from afar or as Nature breaks into the stillness with song of bird or chirp of insect. But the associations to those who are con versant with them are eloquently suggestive, and remind one of distant years when the elder James Hosmer drove his cattle to pasture and perhaps plodded on from this early morning-task to raise the gate of his little flax mill, thereby to furnish the prepared material for the fine linen of the town's folk. It took but a short time after breakfast for the men to yoke up the oxen and start for the log-rolling. We met several other teams on the way, for everybody in the north quarter appeared to be going there, and there were some from as far south as Mr. Flint's. They were a lively com pany, and the great jargon of "Gee off, Buck ! " and "Hish-haw, Star ! " reminded us of hurried military orders and the long line of staid oxen, of an army mule train. At length we reached the place and entered the enclosure, which was a large opening in the forest, where Goodman Barrett the year before had cut his fire wood and was 260 Colonial now clearing to sow to rye. He had left on the ground the untrimmed branches as they had been cut from the logs and the cord wood, and these having become thoroughly dry during the warm season were now to be burned, thereby affording fertility to the soil and a clean surface to sow his rye upon. The men went to work lustily for there was much to be done. There were knotty trunks to be piled together ; furrows to be ploughed around the field to pre vent the fire from spreading ; "windfalls" to be pulled apart and a few logs to be removed. While this work was going on Goodman Barrett came to us with the request that we go home with him when the rolling was over. His genial countenance was a sufficient assurance that his home would be a hospitable one, and we cordially assented, whereupon we sat down upon a log and conversed about the early forests. The facts brought out were in full accord with the records, the substance of which is as follows : the settlers did not waste their timber trees, but passed laws for their protection ; they even ordered, sometimes, that the trees by the wayside should not be cut down, but spared as shade for the cattle ; people were restricted also from taking only a certain number of trees from the common land. A reason for this restriction may have been the scarcity of some kinds of trees, as the pine and oak, upon which they much relied for building pur poses. The settler used no scantling stuff in his house frames ; his work was massive and designed to stand and the great beams were hewn out of the "clear" tree trunks. Probably the annual fires of the Indians set to clear the woods of underbrush had done much mischief to the tim ber lands and the common use of wood for fuel had greatly diminished the number of timber trees. The subject of forestry naturally led us to inquire about the climate, and from what we learned we concluded there had been less change in it than many suppose. True we speak of the heavy snows when we were children, but we forget that a child has short limbs and that a comparatively Concord ¦ ib\ shallow depth would appear great to us then. There are some records that give light on this subject. In one of the towns adjacent to Concord the town ordered that the fences should be put in proper condition early in March, and var ious things were to be done at a date which might indicate no great change in the temperature of the season. While busy in conversation about the climate, Good man Barrett was called away by one of the neighbors, say ing as he left us that he might be gone an hour or more. We were not however to be left for so long a time alone, for he soon returned with the two sons of a poor widow, who, he afterwards told us, had applied to him for work, their mother being partially dependent upon what they could earn as farm hands. After setting them to work at the easy task of gathering into heaps the lighter brushwood, Goodman Barrett again seated himself on the log and we resumed our chat. Our conversation was on the subject of town charities, — this being suggested by the circumstance just alluded to. We soon concluded that the town of Concord took care of its poor and on this point let us leave our story to pre sent the following records. 'In 1645, William Halsted bequeathed "unto the poore of Concord fyve pound to be layed out in a Cow which I would have So ordered by the Deacons & my executors that it may be a continual help to such as are in need. God giving a blessing thereto." In 1654, when a second land division was made, it was enacted "that all poore men of the Towne that have not commones to the number of foure shall be allowed so many as amounts to foure with what they all ready shall have till they are able to purchase for themselves and we mean those poore men that at the present are householders." In the will of Robert Meriam who died in 1682, was the following clause, "I give to the poor of the Town of Concord four pounds in corn." Peter Wright, weaver who died Jan. 15, 171 8, devised 262 Concord property to the town which was the origin of a fund for what were called the "Silent Poor."] About noon the work ceased ariaTall gathered in a corner of the clearing to eat their lunch, which had been supple mented by a pail of new milk and a firkin of "sack posset" which Goodman Barrett had provided. It was a merry company in that clearing by the roadside, and when the noon hour was over and the work was resumed it was with many a cheery haloo and lively call. By mid-afternoon the task was completed and the field was ready to be burned over. The log-rolling had brought together the dismantled tree trunks, and the dry branches which had been thrown upon them made the piles inflammable. In rapid succession they were set on fire till all were ablaze and a great volume of smoke and cinders and sparks showed how efficient was the element of fire for clearing the fields for planting. Before sunsetting the fires burned low, and the smould ering, grey ash heaps indicated the kind of fertilizer the settlers used in raising their winter rye and "guinny" wheat. FRANK B. SANBORN. CHAPTER XXVII. Invitation to visit the "Blood Farms" — Homestead of a "Borderer" or "Out dweller — Pastoral Vis itation with Parson Bulkeley and Deacon Griffin — Religious Exercise at the house of Goodman Thomas Dakin — Use of Ardent Spirit — Possible Mistakes about Ministerial Drinking Habits — Social Stand ing of the Clergy — Safeguards against abusing Clergymen — Installation Dinners — Relation of Pastor to his Parish — The Dakin Family — Legend of Hidden Treasure. WE met James Blood from the so called "Blood Farms", who with his men had come all the way from his home by the town's northern border to assist in this land clearing. We had met him the Sunday before at the meeting house and promised to visit him sometime. As he was urgent that we accompany him home after the "log-rolling" we acceded after obtaining the kind but reluctant consent of Goodman Barrett who had, expected us to go home with him. The sun was near setting when we started, and long before we reached our destination the darkness had so deepened that it was difficult to keep the narrow pathway. But little was said during the journey for the men had enough to do to manage the cattle, one yoke of which was but half broken, and all impatient to get to their stalls sprang forward by jerks so that we progressed with much unsteadiness. At length we saw in the distance a light and conjectured, because homesteads were scarce in that locality, that we were nearing our destination ; which conjecture was 263 264 Colonial confirmed by the hurrying team and by the announcement of James Blood that we were almost there. A hired man met us as we approached the dwelling ; the rattle of the wheels had brought the "women folks" to the door, and we were soon within, partaking of a settler's sub stantial supper. Of course there were the usual excuses about the menu, for human nature was then the same as now, and the same pride was manifested by the house keepers as to their culinary skill; but we made a practical demonstration that the supper was all we could wish ; and soon, the meal time ended and the table cleared, we were seated by the ample hearth-side for an evening chat. We learned very much that evening concerning the life of "borderers", as the Blood settlers were called, because a part of their lands at least were supposed to only border on those of Concord township. Among the conclusions arrived at from our conversation was that much hardship was experienced on account of their isolated condition and especially their distance from the central village of the township. It was a difficult journey to meeting ; there were no near neighbors from whom to borrow if anything was needed ; and whatever of accident or incident occurred there might be none to share in the joy or the grief. In short, to be a "borderer" was almost like colonizing a new country alone. The main drawback to these "outdwellers," as they were sometimes called, was the anomalous attitude that they sus tained in not being considered citizens of the town of Con cord, while at the same time they were expected to pay "rates". We did not ascertain whether it was the design of James Blood when he settled in this remote district to eventually make it a distinct municipality or only to occupy a land grant, but we concluded it was the latter. After a long and interesting conversation we retired, and early next morning arose to look over the farm. It was indeed a new country and we thought of the possibilities Concord 265 of peril which might menace the family should hostilities at any time break out with the Indians or should fire burn their dwelling in the winter season. After an early breakfast we started for the village with one of the hired men who was going to mill. We went on horseback and behind the saddle was a couple of grain sacks thrown across the animal in a way to make them balance. One of the sacks contained corn and the other rye, and, we were informed, their bread was made of equal parts of each. An hour's ride brought us to Concord town and as we approached the minister's house he rode out of his yard accompanied by Deacon Griffin. After passing the morning salutation, Parson Bulkeley informed us that he was just starting off for a day of pas toral visitation taking the Deacon as one of the committee which had been appointed at the last town meeting to as certain and report concerning the moral and spiritual condi tion of the children and youth. The announcement was coupled with an invitation to go with them, the invitation perhaps being suggested by some queries we had put some time previous relative to the minister's pastoral work. As all was fish that came to our net we were not slow in accepting and we were soon on our way to Cornet Wood's just beyond the south branch of the river to procure if pos sible one of his horses, he having, as the parson informed us, a good saddle horse which would not be in use that day since the owner was picking his cranberries. It was a fortunate circumstance that we were to obtain a horse at Cornet Wood's, for the Parson and Deacon were to begin their calls at Thomas Dakin's, which was further on. It took but a short time to get the horse ready and we were soon off and away through the woods. We found that the Dakin place was in a lonely locality as much so as any we had visited. Not a house was in sight and woods were on every side ; for since he had set- 266 Colonial tied there late, there had been no time to enlarge the clear ing. It was a most cordial welcome that we received from the Dakin family ; for not only were visitors infrequent there but everything relating to ecclesiastic matters was most acceptable. It was not long after we entered before Parson Bulkeley began his prefunctory work, for Goodman Dakin, seeing us coming up the lane, had called in the boys and the hired man and a couple of wood choppers who were temporarily working for him. All were soon seated and silence reigned as if at the meeting house ; and more over all seemed to enter into the exercise with a relish. Questions were asked to test the children's knowledge of scripture and the personal experience of the elders was inquired into ; and after Deacon Griffin had ascertained what measures were being made use of for the spiritual nur ture of the young, all kneeled while Parson Bulkeley implored a blessing upon all present. As we were about to go, Goodman Dakin with an importunity which we were reluctant to ignore entreated us to remain till night, offer ing to return with us at evening to Cornet Wood's ; so ear nest was the request that we felt constrained to comply ; and especially so since Parson Bulkeley had informed us that he usually held the same exercises at each house, mak ing everything professional on these occasions. Before the Parson and Deacon took their leave, and after those who had been called in were excused, Goodwife Dakin brought in a glass decanter and a couple of beakers, requesting the visitors to help themselves, which they did, although with a dignity and decorum which showed no inordinate desire for the drink and indicated that they par took as much out of courtesy and deference to custom, as for any craving within themselves. This attitude of the minister so impressed us that we afterwards inquired concerning it and also about some other things pertaining to the ecclesiastics of the period, and from the answers given and from old records together with the Concord 267 revelation of the sparks at several fireplaces, we came to the conclusion that the colonial clergy and perhaps the clergy of a later date likewise had not always been rightly repre sented concerning the drink habit, but that isolated cases have been held up as the rule. In fact from all that we have gathered we have concluded that the profession, neither by preaching nor practice, encouraged intemperance, and that it never was true that pastoral visits as a rule were characterised by excessive dram drinking. The pulpit was perhaps as outspoken then as now against drunkenness, if not more so. It was a subject for discipline, and church discipline in those days meant something. A person who was set aside in his church membership came as near both civil and ecclesiastical ostracism as one could and not be an outcast. The average character of the colonial preacher forbids the belief in such stories as picture him staggering from house to house on his round of pastoral visits, sipping to excess wherever he stopped and going home half intoxi cated. That they drank is not denied, but they considered that they drank moderately, and strove to teach others that it was a disgrace and a sin to drink to excess. This was like wise the position of a large part of the laity. Moreover distilled liquors were expensive and to waste money upon any luxury was sinful. From necessity the early colonist was economical almost to penuriousness. He had nothing to throw away. Gen erally speaking he may have used spirit on the principle of value received. He would drink only so much as he believed would enable him to hoe more corn or cut more wood or get in more hay ; but to pay much money for the mere fun of getting fuddled, the more thrifty would not. Later, when the country became more settled, luxury through wealth began to prevail, and distilled drinks being less expensive, the drinking customs changed. But even then the clergy were, we believe, by their character, their 268 Colonial example and their teaching the same stalwart guard to beat back the encroachment of an evil appetite. And now that we are on the subject of ministerial stand ing, we would state, that as a class they were greatly respected and revered. Their social position was on a level with that of the magistrate and the wealthy. Books being few they were referred to as to a living encyclopedia and it might be said of the New England minister as of the schoolmaster in Goldsmith's Deserted Village, "And still they gazed and still the wonder grew That one small head could carry all he knew." So great was the respect for ministers and churchly ordi nances that strict laws were made to enforce it. A person who unduly criticised his minister was subject to public censure, if not to trial and the penalty of a fine. In one town, a man was publicly whipped for speaking derisively of the Bible and its ordinances as the clergyman taught them. A woman was once ordered to stand before the public with a cleft stick upon her tongue, because she showed a lack of respect for the Elder. It is related that one Philip Ratcliffe in 1 63 1 , was publicly whipped and ban ished for speaking against the churches. Absenting one's self from church was a fault punishable in public. But, notwithstanding all this, ministers were subject to great censure from their people at large, when it was thought the case justified it. One was bitterly rebuked for having saved eight hundred dollars by selling produce from his farm. Another was reproved for wearing stockings, "footed up with another color." He was also rebuked for jumping over a fence, instead of going though the gate when calling upon a parishioner. One was mildly reproved for wearing too worldly a wig. The installation of a minister was a great event, some- Concord 269 times attended by a dinner at the tavern. This consisted of all kinds of New England fare with a liberal supply of liquors. Liquors were sometimes mixed on the meeting house steps, and portable bars were sometimes located near the house of worship. The installation dinner was some times extravagant, as one given at the house of Rev. Dr. Sewall in 1761, when it is said that so great was the pre paration for it that the price of provisions in Boston raised "a part for several days." It was said of it, "There were six tables that held one with another eighteen persons each. Upon each table a good rich plum pudding, a dish of boiled pork and fowls and a corned leg of pork with sauce proper for it, a leg of bacon, a la mode beef, a leg of mutton with caper sauce, a roast loin of veal, a roast turkey, a venison pastel, besides cake, cheese, tarts and butter." Various quaint adjectives were made use of in describing the preachers. They were sometimes spoken of as "painful preachers," meaning pains-taking, "fit to teach," "soul ravishing," "soul piercing," "angel rivaling," "septemflous," "holy savored," "soul affecting." The relation of the pastor to his parish was substantially the same as now in churches of the congregational order, except that his authority was considered much greater, and although theoretically a fiction yet he was a bold parish ioner who attempted to overthrow it. They called themselves "a church without a bishop," but practically the pastor sometimes took the place of a bishop and came near being a king. When a minister was settled after the "old standing order" it was difficult to unsettle him. According to a supreme court decision he could hold the meeting house, church records, church funds, and draw his salary unless dismissed by a council. The contract entered into between the pastor and people was evolved from the congregational common law, as prin ciples are crystallized by acts of the civil courts. 270 Colonial But notwithstanding the strong position held by the minister, he was sometimes subjected to such sorties by the laity as made the throne tremble ; occasionally there were severe controversies, — it might be over creed, church polity, or some simple town affair. In Concord there was great dissension concerning the preaching of Mr. Bliss about the time of Whitefield's visit. In the Sudbury Church there was a great strife con cerning the stinting of the cow commons, and the conten tion was carried so far, that the Colonial Court sent dele gates to meet with it in council, and Rev. Edmund Brown was one of the chief actors ; all of which goes to show that peace cannot be maintained by ecclesiastical metes or bounds however firmly set. After the conversation about ministers we walked around and looked over the locality in which Goodman Dakin had cast his lot. His first settlement was near the central vil lage where he had a house and barn which he sold to John Hayward, when he took up his abode beyond the river. His neighbors were Michael Wood, Obadiah Wheeler, and Edmund Wigley ; the two latter living near Broad Meadow. As the history of this family is_an interesting one we will /"give some of the outline facts. 'Thomas was the common / ancestor in this country and was at Concord before 1650. / His first wife died in 1659, his second wife, widow Susan Stratton died in 1698. He died Oct. 21, 1708. After a generation or two, a branch of the family moved just over the line into Sudbury and established there an estate which longshore the family name. For many years there was in the family a long succession of deacons, one of whom Deacon Samuel Dakin, grandson of Thomas, fell in battle in the last French and Indian war, July 20, 1758, at Half Way Brook near Fort Edward while connected with the expedition of General Amherst. The site of the home where Deacon Dakin dwelt was a little over the Sudbury and Concord boundary line, and not far from the old farm long owned by his descendants L Concord 271 in the former town. The spot is marked only by an earth dent.f ]The locality of the Dakin homestead on either side of the town boundary line has been a lonely one and there have been traditions about it of concealed booty. The spot is quite near the well known Concord woods which consist of many acres concerning which, legends might nat urally arise. The stories represent that a part of the pirate crew of Captain Kidd repaired to a spot about there for se creting their spoils ; and it is certain that strangers were seen about there under suspicious circumstances, remaining for some hours without divulging their errand. The place where they went has been approximately pointed out and traditions have been passed down from generation to generation until doubtless some came to believe them and to search for the treasure supposed to be buried. On one occasion as one of the proprietors was plewing by the help of a neighbor, in a pasture in close proximity to the spot, he noticed that the plow struck a large, flat, stone. The team passed on and the day's work was ended. Early the next morning the Deacon repaired to the spot to examine the aforesaid stone. But what was his surprise on arriving to find his neighbor there before him intent on the same errand. They looked at each other and laughed over the humorous situation, but neither carried back any treasure except a cheery good morning. \ ""s Probably the stories related of this locality are similar and have no more truth than those related concerning the visits of the Pirates to other towns. In some instances it has been said that the Evil One stands guard over the booty and that in searching for it silence was to be main tained, for a single word might break the spell and the treasure would vanish, but in process of time better conclu sions were entertained and it is now supposed that the Pirates were profligate rather than provident and spent as they went. We have now, as we believe, sufficiently set forth by fieri- 272 Colonial tious representation, intermingled with fact, what were some of the customs, experiences and pioneer processes of the first settlers of Concord ; and now we propose no longer to give descriptions of supposed visits to their families, neither to draw inferences from analogy nor to resort to conjecture to supply any absence of record or lack of authentic tradi tion. Our purpose will be hereafter to deal purely with history ; and in a plain matter of fact manner, state in the present book some further annals of the township dur ing the first score of years ; reserving for a future volume events that occurred during its continuance as a colony and then to the close of its history as a province. PAR T II HISTORY OF THE SETTLEMENT O F CONCORD, MASS 1654- 1602 >pa 2 ww HI— 1 Z0XoG CHAPTER XXVIII Early Record Relating to the Concord Plantation — Permission to Purchase Territory — Land Sale — Indian Deed — Depositions Confirmatory of title to the Township — Original Boundary — Additional Land Grants — Petitions to the General Court. AMONG the remaining things to be considered that are related to the first two decades of the town's history are further matters appertaining to real estate. We have already noticed that a tract of land six miles square was purchased of the Indians in 1636, and that the price of it was paid in wampum and merchandise. We stated that a deed was delivered and lost, and that depo sitions concerning this transaction were taken in after years confirmatory of a bona fide sale. The land then purchased was lotted out and divided up, additions were made to it, records made of it, and such regulations provided as would secure to all their rights. It is our purpose in the present chapter to produce the evidence of these things ' by giving a transcript of some of the original documents and some statements taken from old writers. The first recorded statement about a proposed plantation at the place which was later to become Concord is the fol lowing, in vol. 1 page 57 of the state Archives, bearing date Sept. 2, 1635: "It is ordered, that there shallbe a plantacon att Mus ketequid, & that there shallbe 6 myles of land square to belong to it, & that the inhabitants thereof shall have three yeares imunities from all publ[ic] charges, except traine- 273 274 Colonial ings ; Further, that when any that plant there shall have occacon of carryeing of goods thither, they shall repaire to two of the nexte magistrates where the teames are, whoe shall have power for a yeare to presse draughts, att reason able rates, to be payde by the owners of the goods, to transport their goods thither att seasonable tymes ; & the name of the place is changed, & here after to be called Concord/j This order of the Colonial General Court was succeeded the next March by the following : f "It was further 'agreed, that the imunitie of Concord for three years shall begin the first of October nexte, & that none shall have benefitt thereof but those that lyve there, & with respect only to the stocke they have there.' " Mass. Records, i. 167.J A permissionror the Concord settlers to purchase terri tory was given by the General Court and the record of it made May 17, 1637, is as follows: ' "Concord had leave graunted them to purchase the ground wthin their limits of the Indeans, to wit, Atawans & Squa Sachim." (Mass. Records 1. i96)i_[ A record relating to a land sale at Concord whether of the original grant or of some other transaction, a matter that has perhaps never yet been settled by any published history, is the following dated August 1, 1637 : ( "Webb Cowet, Squa Sachem, Tahatawants, Natan quaticke alias Oldmans, Caato, alias Goodmans did expresse their consent to the sale of the weire at Concord over against the towne & all the planting ground wch hath bene formerly planted by the Indians, to the inhabitants of Con cord of wch there was a writing, wth their marks subscribed given into the Court expressing the price given." Mass. Records, 1. 196. \ With regard" to the Indian deed of the original land grant Shattuck states, History of Concord, page 7. "I have sought in vain for the Indian deed. It was probably lost very early, since measures were taken in Concord 275 1684, when the colony charter was declared to be void, and the claims of Robert Mason to large portions of the coun try were asserted to establish the lawful title, which the inhabitants of Concord had in their soil. The original petition was also lost." The measures referred to by Shattuck as having been taken to confirm the evidence of a legal ownership, are the following depositions which have been preserved in the records of both Middlesex County and the town of Concord : f~"The Testimony of Richard Rice aged seventy-two years" Sheweth that about the yeare one thousand six hundred Thirty six there was an Agreement made by some under takers for the Towne since called Concord with some In dians that had right unto the land then purchased for the Township. The indians names was Squaw Sachem, Tohut- tawun Sagamore, Muttunkatucka, and some other indians y' lived then at that place, The Tract of land being six miles square, The center of the place being about the place the meeting house standeth now, The bargaine was made & confirmed between ye English undertakers & the Indi ans then present, to their good sattisfaction on all hands. "7. 8. 84. Sworne in Court "Tho Danforth Record'" [Middlesex Deeds, Lib. 9, fol. 105.] "The Testimony of William Buttrick aged sixty-eight years or thereabouts Sheweth, That about the yeare one thousand six hundred thirty & six, there was an Agreement made by some undertakers for the Towne since called Concord with some Indians that had right unto the land then purchased of them for the Township ; the Indians names was Squaw Sachem Tohuttawun Sagamore & Nut- tankatucka & some- other Indians that lived and was then present at that place & at that time. The Tract of land being six miles square, The centre being about ye place the meeting house now standeth on. The bargaine was made & confirmed between the English undertakers & 276 Colonial the Indians then present & concernd, to theyr good satis faction on all hands "7, 8, 84. Sworne in Court "Tho Danforth R." [Middlesex Deeds, Lib. 9, fol. 105.] "The Deposition Jehojakin alias Mantatucket a christian Indian of Natick aged. 70 years or thereabouts, "This Deponent testifyeth & sayth, that about 50 years since he lived within the bounds of that place which is now called Concord at the foot of an hill named Nawshawtick now in the possession of Mr Henery Woodis & that he was prsent at a bargaine made at the house of Mr Peter Bulkly (now Capt Timothy Wheeler's- between Mr Simon Willard Mr John Jones, Mr Spencer & severall others in behalfe of the Englishmen who were setling upon the sd Towne of Concord & Squaw Sachem, Tahuttawun & Nimrod Indians which sd Indians (according to yr particu lar Rights & Interests) then sold a Tract of land conteyn- ing six mile square -the sd house being accounted about the center) to the sd English for a place to settle a Towne in. And he the sd Deponent saw sa Willard & Spencer pay a parcell of wompompeag, Hatchets, Hows, Knives, Cotton Cloath & Shirts to the sd Indians for the sd Tract of land : And in prticular he the sd Deponent perfectly remembreth that Wompachowet Husband to Squaw-Sachem received a Suit of cotton cloath, an Hatt, a white linnen band, shoes, stockins & a great coat upon account of sd bargaine And in the conclusion the sa Indians declard themselvs sattisfyed & told the Englishmen they were Welcome. There were also present at the sd Bargain Waban, Merch' Thomas his brother in law Nowtoquatuckquaw an Indian, Aantonuish now called Jethro "taken upon oath. 20th of October 1684 "Before Daniel Gookin Senr. Asisis' "Tho : Danforth. Dep*. Govr." I [Middlesex Deeds, Lib. 9, fol. 100.] _/ Concord 277 As regards the shape or form of the territory contained in the original grant, the historian Walcott says, "The original grant was laid out in the form of a square. Right angles and straight lines were preferred by the early settlers whenever they could be had. No other grants had been made near this place ; consequently it was not deemed nec essary to notify any adjoining owner of the running of the line, and the simplest possible form was adopted. "The original grant may be bounded as follows : Begin ning at the southwest corner at a stone post which marks the present southwest corner of the town, the line runs north 400 east (approximate needle course) on the Acton line to a stone at the present northwest corner of Concord, near the Dudley place. When Acton was made a town, the statute bounded it on the east by 'Concord old bounds ; ' from which it appears that Acton includes no part of the original Concord, and that the dividing line be tween the two towns is a portion of the old Concord line on that side. The Acton boundary extended leads to a heap of lichen-covered boulders surmounted by a stake. This ancient monument is near the top of a hill in the southwesterly part of Carlisle, and undoubtedly marks the old northwest corner of our town. It was identified and pointed out to the writer on the ground by Major B. F. Heald, of Carlisle, who says that he has often heard his father and other ancient men, long since deceased, speak of this bound as marking the old Concord corner ; and every thing goes to corroborate this testimony. The place was commonly known by the name of "Berry Corner" and was the original northeast corner of Acton; but, in 1780, a portion of that town near this point was included in what was then constituted as the District of Carlisle, and subse quently formed a part of the town of the same name. Making a right angle at this corner the line runs south easterly through the lower part of Carlisle, coinciding in two places with our present boundary, and, crossing the river, runs about a quarter of a mile to the southward of 278 Colonial the main street of Bedford and parallel with it, to a point on the upland about forty rods east of the Shawsheen River. Ancient stone walls preserve this line in part. The bound at the northeast corner must have been re moved at some time after Bedford was incorporated ; and, as it stood in cultivated land, near a house, the farmer would not be likely to value it so highly as we should, had he allowed it to remain. The corner can be located with sufficient accuracy however, by the intersection of the north line, just described, with the line on the east ; and it appears from the Billerica records of 1700 that the corner was then marked by a stake and stones. Returning to the southwest corner, we run southeasterly on the present Sudbury line to the river, and thence in the same course, on the Wayland line, to the corner at Lin coln ; then striking across the lower corner of Lincoln and keeping in the same straight line, we come to a heap of stones situated near a brook, and in a line with that part of the boundary between Lincoln and Weston which extends southwesterly from the great road at G. F. Harrington's house. Turning and making a right angle at this corner, we proceed towards the northeast, on old stone walls, just touching the eastern edge of Beaver Pond and including a portion of the boundary between Bedford and Lexington, thus meeting our north line and completing the square." Besides the territory contained in the grant of six miles square, other lands were subsequently petitioned for, an account of which is thus given in Shattuck's History : "Additional grants of land were occasionally made, ad joining Concord, after the first purchase. On the 2nd of May, 1638, Governor Winthrop had 1,200, and Thomas Dudley 1,000 acres granted them below Concord. When they came up to view it, "going down the river about four miles, they made choice of a place for one thousand acres for each of them. They offered each other the first choice, but because the deputy's was first granted, and himself had store of land already, the governor yielded him the choice. Concord 279 So, at the place where the deputy's land was to begin, there were two great stones, which they called the Two Brothers, in remembrance that they were brothers by their childrens' marriage, and did so brotherly agree, and for that a little creek near those stones was to part their lands. At the court, in the 4th month after, two hundred acres were added to the governor's part." The governor's lot lay southerly, and the deputy governor's northerly of those rocks, and they were divided by a little brook, which may now be seen a short distance below Carlisle bridge. Gov ernor Winthrop selected (judiciously, I think) a lot in Concord, which "he intended to build upon," near where Captain Humphrey Hunt now lives. The changes, which took place in his property and family, probably prevented him from putting his plan into execution. In Nov. 1636, 500 acres of land were granted to Increase Nowell, Esq." on the north side of the bounds of Concord beyond the river against the governor's 1200 ;" and 500 acres to the Rev. Thomas Allen of Charlestown, on the north side of Mr. Nowell's ; and, Oct. 7, 1640, to the Rev. Thomas Weld of Roxbury 533 acres, next to Mr. Allen's. Another tract of 400 acres, was also granted to Mr. Atherton Hough. All these lands were sold about 1650 to John and Robert Blood, and comprised what was afterwards known as the Bloods' Farms, which became a part of Concord and which will be hereafter noticed." But notwithstanding tract after tract was bestowed upon the people of Concord they still wanted more territory. This is indicated by the following petition dated Sept. 7, 'fWhereas your humble petitioners came into this country about four years agoe, and have since then lived at Concord, where we were forced to buy what now we have, or the most of it, the convenience of the town being before given out : your petitioners having been brought up in husbandry, of children, finding the lands about the town very barren, and the meadows very wet and unuseful, 280 Colonial especially those we now have interest in ; and knowing it is your desire the lands might be subdued, have taken pains to search out a place on the north west of our town, where we do desire some reasonable quantitie of land may be granted unto us which we hope may in time be joined to the farms already laid out there to make a village. And so desiring God to guide you in this and all other your weighty occasions, we rest your humble petitioners." Thomas Wheeler Timothy Wheeler Ephraim Wheeler Thomas Wheeler, Jr. Roger Draper Richard Lettin. Indorsed : "We think some quantitie of land may be granted them provided that within two years they make .some good improvement of it." In addition to the foregoing statement of Shattuck relating to land transactions of Concord he further states as follows on page 3 8 of his History : "It has already been intimated that additional grants of land were made to Concord about 1652. The following details relate to these and other grants. ' " 'To the Honored Generall Court assembled at Boston. The returne of the nommber of acres of land granted as an addition to the Towne of Concord according to the order of the General Court in 1654. " 'Whereas the Court was pleased to grannt to our Towne a village some fouer years since upon condition they should improve it before others, but neglecting their opportunity, the plantation of Chelmsford have taken a good parte of the same, also Nattatawants [Tahattawan] having a plan tation granted him which takes up a good some also, we whoes names are subscribed have taken a survey of the rest remayning, and wee finde about seven thousand acres left out, of which Major Willard hath two thousand acres, except a little part of one end of his farme which lyes in Concord 281 the place or parcell of vacant land being by the last court granted to our Towne on this condition that at this Court we should acquaint the Court of the quantitye of what wee have. "This is a true copie compared with original on file, as it was exhibited to the Generall Court may 1655 as attest. EdwARD Rawson, Secretary. Tho. Brooks Timothy Wheeler Joseph Wheeler George Wheeler George Heaward John Jones." ) Other territorial acquisitions followed, but as these belong to a subsequent period mention of them here is omitted. CHAPTER XXIX Land Allotments and Divisions — Early Records Relating to Real Estate — Public Reservations — Undivided Territory — Location of Land Tracts — Amount of Acreage — The grant of Thirty-one Acres to Rev. Peter Bulkeley. THE settlers did not long allow their landed posses sions to remain undisposed of or unused, but soon divided them. The first apportionment was of houselots and a limited quantity of lands outlying. The second was by what were called land divisions. Of the first method, Walcott, in his History, page 18 states as follows : "As soon as the most pressing needs of the situation were met, allotments of land were made to the members of the company, and house-lots were laid out with some regular ity on both sides of the Mill Brook, eastward as far as the Kettle place lately owned by Mr. Staples, and on Walden Street to the Almshouse ; in a westerly direction as far as the Damon place ; and to the Old Manse and the Edmund Hosmer place on the north. Besides his house-lot, each one received his due proportion of the planting-ground and meadow lying in the near vicinity. This was the first division of lands, the price paid into the common stock being a shilling per acre, or, in some special cases, a six pence per acre. The land thus divided constituted a small part only of the whole grant, and the remainder was held in common and undivided, subject to such regulations as the inhabitants thought fit to establish, until the second 282 PROVINCIAL STORE HOUSE Concord 283 division in 1653, by which, substantially, the whole remain ing portion of the original grant was disposed of." About the second division the same author writes: "By the first division of lands, which has already been alluded to, a small portion only of the township passed into the hands of individual owners and became private prop- erty. A rule relating to the second division of land is the fol lowing, which was voted upon at a town meeting held on January 2nd, 1653: "A meting of the Towne of Concord the 2th of the 11 mo. 1652 about second devitiones as foloweth, lmpr it is agreed that 20. acres of land shall be for one Cow Comon (of all the land men hold) and two yearling shall goe for one grown beast, and one horse for one beast, and 4. sheep for one beast. I' The bounds of the Towne is devided into three parts ; as foloweth : only the hogpen walke is not to be devided ; Impr All on the north sid of the great Rivre shall be for them, on that sid of the same ; and all on the east sid to Mr Bulkelyes, P the second part of the devition is on the East sid of the aforesid rivre, beyond Cranefild to Shawshine corner, and to Mr fflints pond to the gutter that comes out thereof, and to the goose pond and along the path that comes to the Towne medow & to the Towne ; and the ^sones to Inioye this part are all the Inhabitants from Mr farweles to the East end of the Towne, also Thomas Brookes is to come in amongst them for two, third $ts of his land, and Robert Meriam ; Sargent Wheler and Georg Meriam to Joyne with them ; I' the third f,t of [the] devition is from the gutter that comes from Mr fflints pond as aforesaid ; to the south rivre & betwen the rivres ; and those appoynted for that devition, are the Rest of the towne not beforementioned. It is agreed that if the mair f>t of any of the Companyes shall agree for the laying out of the devitiones as before 284 Colonial exprest then the minor ^>t shall be Compeled to agree there to, but in Case the maior ticular $son shall not be hendered of ther wright, but they shall have power to call on indeferant man and the Company to whome he belongs shall choose one other, or if they refeuse so to doe, then the Townsmen shall choose on man, who with the suerveyer shall indeferantly lay out his or there lands so requiring it, this votted. It is forther agreed that every $son shall have som, quantity of upland adioyning to his medow, where it is in Comon except som more then ordenary ocation may hen- der it, and in Case any defarence be therein ; it is to be ended by indeferent men ; and this is to be ^>t of there second devition ; It is agreed that second devitiones shall not hender, heighwayes to menes propriaties that they have in ^,ticolers, but they shall be inioyed without charge of purchies to be layed out by indeferent men ; It is agreed that all those that have grants of lands given them, shall have three acres for one as others have." Of the second division, Shattuck says, "The town met several times to consider in what new manner this division should be made. On the 2nd of Jan. 1654, it was voted to divide the town into three parts or quarters, and to have the lands first divided into the quar ters ; but this was not entirely satisfactory to the inhabi tants. "Much uneasiness," say the Records, "took place before the system was matured." On the 8th of March, 1654, "at a publique training", nine men were chosen, "three out of each quarter, empowered by the town to hear and end former debate, according to their best light, and discretion, and conscience: only eight of the nine must agree to what is determined, or else nothing be of force ; and none voted to the contrarie, but Georg Wheeler, Henry Woodis, Joshua Edmands, William Buttrick, and Thomas Stow." The labors of this committee resulted in the following agreement : Concord 285 "We whoes names are under written conclude that 20 acres of meadow shall be reserved for a minister in the Hogepen-walke about Annursnake, and 20 acres of plow- land out of the south quarter, and 20 acres of woodland in the east quarter. We agree also that 20 acres of woodland shall be reserved for the public good of the towne lying neer the old hogepen, at each side of the townes bounds line. — That some particular persons shall have some inlargement, who are short in lands, paying 12 d. per acre, as others have don, and 6d. per acre, if the towne consent thereto : — the persons are as follow: Georg Wheeler 20 acres ; Obadiah Wheeler 20 acres ; Michel Wood 12 acres; Thomas Daken 10 acres; Thomas Bat man 15 acres; Bapties Smedly 14 acres. These to have second divition as others have had. That all pooremen in the towne that have not commons to the number of four, shall be allowed so many as amounts to foure with what they have already, till they be able to purchase for them selves, or untill the townsmen shall see cause to take it from them, and bestow it on others that want : and we mean those poore men, that at the present are household ers. And upon these conditions and those that follow, the Hogepen-walke is resigned up to the north quarter." 'By the several divisions and allotments a large part of the towns territory was early disposed of. Some however remained for years undivided, and of this latter were several large strips which belonged to each of the Quarters, the Great Fields ; and a tract in the vicinity of the Bate man Pond containing about four hundred acres and formerly known as the "Twenty Score", a name derived from the area of the reservation. / Years after land matters had largely been adjusted, here and there was found remaining a lone parcel that might be considered the property of the public, several of these being determined by actual survey reported upon as late as 1 845, to contain about two hundred and twenty-six acres. One of these parcels was a small island in the crotch of 286 Colonial the River below Mr. Woodis's Rock where the Rivers meet ; another, a plot of a little less than an acre, reaching up stream from where the Minute Man statue is situated. Besides the grants and allowances in which the inhabi tants in general shared, there were allotments to individuals concerning which Walcott states : "James Blood, father and son, received as part of their second division five hundred acres in one parcel, extending southward from the town line. Henry Woodis and Thom as Stow jointly owned a tract of six hundred and sixty-six acres, situated south of Fairhaven and east of the river, which was sold in 1660 to Thomas Gobble and Daniel Dane for £71, and was afterwards occupied by them. Large tracts were held for a long time afterwards by the Quarters, or by joint proprietors, in common and undi vided ; as for instance, the "Great Fields" adjoining the Great Meadow ; and the "Twenty Score," which extended to the southward from Bateman's Pond and contained, as the name would imply, four hundred acres, and many other parcels besides, in various parts of the town." There was also, as stated in an earlier chapter, a tract of thirty-one acres of land situated at the center of the town, granted to Rev. Peter Bulkeley in consideration of his erecting a mill "to grind the town's corn." It would be interesting to know where all the lands thus allotted and divided were situated. To determine this, however, in every instance would be a difficult matter, for time, in many cases has left little or no trace of their boun dary lines : but there has been preserved in the public rec ords sufficient to determine their general location. At a town meeting supposed to have been held at the suggestion of the selectmen and Rev. Edward Bulkeley, Thomas Brooks and Joseph Wheeler, Jan. 26, 1663, measures were taken taken for the purchase of a new town book. The book was purchased and it was decided that "what is in 'the old book that is useful shall be transcribed into Concord ' 287 the new with all lands which men now hold" "that every man that hath not his proportion of lands laid out to him, that is due him shall gitt it laid out by artis." This was to be done by 1655 anc^ eacn one was to g've tne town clerk a description of his land approved at a meeting of the inhabitants of the quarter in which he lived, and certified by the quarter clerk. Referring to data afforded by the foregoing measure, Shattuck, in his History which was written in 1835, states : "From these records I have compiled the following table which gives the greater part though not all the names of the proprietors of the town at that time. The places of their residence, when known, are indicated by the names under which they now pass." The following is the list with a change of arrangement. The estates with the names of their owners in each quarter, we have grouped together and the names of the owners at the time of Shattuck's writing are in parentheses. North Quarter. Widow Heald, 6 lots, 161 acres (Joshua Buttrick,) John Heald, 4 lots, 86 acres (North of Joshua But trick). William Buttrick, 12 lots, 215 acres (Jonas Buttrick). John Flint, 9 lots, 534 Acres (John Flint). James Blood Sr. and James Blood Jr., 12 lots, 660 acres (Rev. Dr. Ripley). John Smedly, 17 lot, 668 acres (South of J. Jones). Thomas Bateman, 7 lots, 246 acres (Near R. French.) Baptise Smedly, 10 lots, 186 acres (Ephraim Brown). Humphry Barrett, 11 lots, 316 acres (Abel B. Heywood.) Richard Temple, 5 lots, 291 acres (Barretts Mills). John Blood, 1 lot, 61 acres (Near Thomas Blood). John Jones, 9 lots, 351 acres (James Jones'). Samuel Hunt, 13 lots, 277 acres. Boaz Brown, 6 lots, 86 acres (The Dakin House). Thomas Brown 14 lots, 186 acres (Reuben French.) 288 Colonial south quarter Joseph Dean, 1 lot, 22 acres (Wm. Heyden). Luke Pot ter, 22 lots, 249 acres. John Heywood, 13 lots, 385 acres. George Haywood, 10 lots, 505 acres. Daniel Dean and Thomas Gobble, 1 lot, 600 acres (Jones Tavern). Henry Woodhouse, 1 lot, 360 acres. Joseph Barrett and Joshua Wheeler, 11 lots, 77 acres (John Vose). Nathaniel Billings Jr. 7 lots, 54 acres (Amos Baker.) John Billings, 6 lots John Wheeler, 1 lot, 67 acres. George Wheeler, 24 lots, 434 acres (near James Adams). Edward Bulkeley, 11 lots, 183 acres (near Meeting House.) Samuel Stratten, 6 lots, 254 acres. (Aims-House). Edmund Wigley 4 lots, 31 acres. John Miles, 23 lots, 459 acres (Josiah Davis). William Buss, 19 lots, 319 acres (Elijah Woods). Thomas Dakin, 4 lots, 87 acres. James Hosmer, 4 lots, 164 acres. Samuel Wheeler, 2 lots, 21 acres. James Smedley, 9 lots, 287 acres. John Scotchford, 10 lots, 120 acres (near Cyrus Stow) Michael Wood, 13 lots, 230 acres. (Samuel Dennis. East Quarter. Thomas Wheeler, Sr. 16 lot, 373 acres. (Jonathan Wheeler). Francis Fletcher, 17 lots, 437 acres. Richard Rice, 3 lots, 189 acres. George Meriam, 16 lots, 239 acres (near Alms-house). Moses Wheat, 22 lots, 339 acres, (Bedford Road). Robert Meriam, 16 lots, 595 acres, (Eb. Hubbard). "'Ephraim Flint, 750 acres (Lincoln). Grace Bulkeley, 1 lot, 750 acres. Thomas Pellet and Joseph Dean, 7 lots, 244 acres. Joseph Wheeler, 29 lots, 357 acres. Joshua Brooks, 11 lots, 195 acres (Isaac Brooks). Caleb Brooks, 12 lots, 150 acres. Eliphalet Fox, 14 lots, 106 acres (Bedford Road). John Meriam, 8 lots, 262 acres, (Virginia Road). William Hartwell, 20 lots, 241 acres, (Bedford Road). John Hartwell, 3 lots, 17 acres, (Bedford Road). Nathaniel Ball, 11 lots, 137 acres, (Bedford Road). William Taylor, 14 lots, 117 acres, (Bed ford Road). James Farwell, 18 lots, 280 acres. Joseph 1 1 Concord 289 Wheeler, 29 lots, 357 acres. William Baker, 5 lots, 43 acres. Besides the foregoing list Mr. Walcott has also located some of the allotments, a part of which we gave in the chap ter on early streets, and the remainder are the following together with the names of the occupants at the time of Mr. Walcott's writing, given in parentheses. On the west side of the highway of Monument street in the direction of the North Bridge was the early home of Humphrey Barrett, his lot containing twelve acres. (D. G. Langs.J On the same street John Jones had eight acres. (Sarah J. Prescott.) John Smedley owned ten acres to the easterly. (John S. Keyes). And James Blood and son had twelve acres at what was afterward the Old Manse estate. (Dr. Ripley). The tract of land early granted to Rev. Peter Bulkeley which contained thirty-one acres, was situated at Concord Center and on its southerly side extended in a straight line from a point where now stands the publishing house of Albert Lane, which is the site of the Bulkeley Mill, beyond which Mill the west end of the Milldam began, and going to the corner of the Lexington highway and Bedford street, to nearly the spot where the Catholic Church stands. On the south side of this line was a public reservation or a portion of the town's common land. In connection with the grant of this land it was agreed that Mr. Bulkeley for the purpose of repairing his milldam should be permitted to take sand or clay from the parcel reserved for the town's use. To the northerly the thirty-one acre grant extended in the direction of what are now Lowell and Monument streets, the latter, or a portion of it at least being then perhaps but a mere path to the home of Mr. Bulkeley and the river meadow beyond. The strip extended westerly to the Millbrook, and east erly^ to the hill. / Soon after the death of Rev. Peter Bulkeley which 290 Colonial occurred March 9, 1659, his widow conveyed the entire tract to Capt. Timothy and George Wheeler; and in 1687, the former by bequest left to the town a large portion of the land" for schools and a training field. By this gift the town's common land at the center was made to comprise, with the exception of the mill privilege, and perhaps here and there a small strip, all the territory intermediate between the brook and the top of the hill east and west ; north to the present Colonial House ; and to the south as far as the premises now owned by the First Parish. Thus by the accession of the newly acquired territory by the Wheeler bequest, the town obtained an unin terrupted space for public purposes, and the place already occupied by the meeting house, the burying ground, the pound, the whipping post and the stocks was made a part of a large tract which was afterwards to contain the schoolhouse and training field and still later the pres ent public square upon or about which have been erected the Middlesex Hotel, the Catholic Parsonage^ the Masonic ¦JHall, and the Soldier's MonumentJ The collateral events connected with this combination of public property are of much interest. The town, after the acquisition of its new territory had ample encouragement to improve it. Soon the "Little Strate Strete" of which mention has been made so often -/was no longer to have the land between it and the milldam disfigured by the gaping gravel or clay pit, but by some adjustment or exchange of rights, the work of removing earth from the place near the meeting house for mill repairs ceased, and gravel was taken from the hillside at a point between the town house and the Catholic church until the hill was dug through, and by the continuation of the way so opened the present Bedford street was made. Nor was this all the alteration of the central village in the vicinity of its prospective public square. Gradually the old foot-path over the milldam by the south west corner became a nee- Concord 291 cessary way to the tavern, the store, and the road westerly beyond the mill brook. From a foot-path it became a cart way, and from this it developed into a county road; so that perhaps soon after the middle of the 1 8th century the town folks from the East Quarter were no longer obliged to drive their vehicles around by way of Potter's bridge at the head of the millpond an eighth or a quarter of a mile south, but could pass over a convenient causeway at the dam, while those from the opposite Quarter could drive direct to the meeting house without any detention at the milldam, at which place it is said, the west side people for merly dismounted from their wagons on Sunday that they might walk to the house of worship while the team drove around over Potter's bridge./ CHAPTER XXX Successive Ownership of Land Grants — Historic Sketch of the Major Simon Willard Farm at Nashawtuc — Change of Occupants of Old Estates. NEXT in point of interest to a knowledge of the location of the allotments is a knowledge of their successive ownership ; but to obtain this in every case would not be easy if indeed it were possible. Some of them probably changed ownership in a very few years and some were doubtless soon divided up ^between several owners. (During the town's second decade many new settlers arrived, and as fresh ships entered the ports of Massachu setts Bay and the passengers found the older townships largely occupied, they pushed back into the interior. As Concord had meadows and was the first settlement beyond tide water, so it would naturally receive its due share of the new comers, and would sell them portions of their estates.' It is true there are instances where farms descended from sire to son with all the apparent precision of the English law of primogeniture, and if the children bounded off it was not to go far, but to settle about the paternal estate by the occupation of a part of it or of lands contiguous to it ; for this reason some of the first estates were for generations identified with their first owners but these were doubtless exceptions, and in many instances a Jones place may soon have become a Smith place and the Smith place become identified by some other name. Illustrative of this pro cess, we have in a manuscript work entitled "Homes and 292 THE ANTIQUARIAN HOUSE Concord 293 People of Concord," written by Mr. Edward Jarvis, and now in Concord Public Library, the following compilation of facts namely: There were in Concord by 1654, eight families, who in the first quarter of the last century were "the most numerous families of farmers in the town," who yet by the last quarter had largely parted with their estates. The names of these families were Buttrick, Barrett, Brown, Hunt, Hosmer, Dakin, Flint and Wood. Of five farms owned by the Buttricks ; four went out of the family while there were five voters by the name in town. Of eight farms owned by the Barretts only two were left in their name, with ten voters in town. Two generations ago four farms belonged to the Browns; in 1881, they held the same number in their possession while the voters had increased to eleven. Of three farms owned by the Hunts only one was known by this name in 1881, notwithstanding there were seven voters of the name. The Hosmers owned six farms early in the first quarter f the nineteenth century while only three remained in the family name in the last quarter, with eleven voters of the name in town. The Flints occupied and owned three farms in the first quarter of the nineteenth century while in 1 881, all were sold and four voters remained. As against these instances of change, Mr. Jarvis gives several where estates have been conspicously retained in the family ; among these is the Derby estate. This family have held their farm from the first, the property descending in a single line until as late as least as 1881, at which time eight of the name are on the voting list. The Wheelers who have been among the most numerous families in Con cord have also kept their estates. Thus farms have changed owners and persons their occupation in the last quarter century and so presumably in the century preceeding. A farm which has had many 294 Colonial owners but whose title may be traced through them all is the Major Simon Willard or Lee farm at Nashawtuc. As the successive owners have been celebrated and the History of Concord would not be complete without a description of this farm we will give it ; taking our data from Dr. Grindall Reynolds. The first English owner was Major Simon Willard before spoken of as one of the progenitors and principal promoters of the plantation of Concord. /His house was situated at about the spot where now stands the Abbott House, and the lands connected with it probably included those upon the hill and immediately about it. The successor of Major Willard was Thomas Marshall, formerly a soldier in the army of Oliver Cromwell, and living, before he went to Concord, in Lynn from which place he was sent to the General Court. Mr. Marshall was something of a military man having attained to the rank of Captain in the service of Crom well and having had command of some soldiers in America during one of the Indian wars. He bought the Willard farm Nov. 19, 1659, for two hundred and ten pounds. Shortly after the purchase he received a licence to sell "strong water" to travelers and others. After a sojourn of sixteen months on the farm at Nashawtuc, Capt. Marshall sold the place to Henry Woodis or Woodhouse for the sum of two hundred and forty pounds. At this time the farm was said to contain three hundred and fifty acres. Five years later the house was destroyed by fire and the only son of the owner, an infant, perished in the flames. The building which was burned at this time, it has been supposed, was not the one erected by Major Willard, but the one erected by Mr. Woodis. Before his ownership of the Nashawtuc farm or prior to 1 66 1, Mr. Woodis was a land owner and a man of considerable prominence. He was an officer in King Concord 295 Philip's war and for several years represented the town at the general court. In 1699, the farm, excepting one fifth, was sold to Joseph Lee, son in law of Henry Woodis. The property was kept in the Lee family for the space of one hundred and thirteen years. During this period the town of Concord passed through many and eventful changes, some of which were conspicuously connected with the Lee farm. Joseph, the first Lee who lived on the farm was from Ipswich and married Mary Woodis in 1678, going to Concord from that town, the records state, in 1696. In 1 719, the first Joseph Lee, gave his son Joseph one hundred and fifty acres, and his other children the remainder, except the one fifth before referred to which was given to the fourth daughter who married Elmer Dakin. The second Joseph Lee was a physician. He bought of each of his brothers and sisters their portion; and in 1730 increased the acreage of the old farm by the purchase of two additional plots. The next owner was Joseph Lee, the third of the name and he also was a physician, but practised his profession, as is supposed, quite inconstantly. He was considered wealthy ; and it is conjectured that he dealt somewhat in real estate. He took part in several important church quarrels and was one of a number who left the First Par ish church and formed what has been termed the Black Horse Church, because its meetings were held in the hall of the tavern that once stood near the present Public Library. He was a tory, and that probably of the rankest kind, for he was not only in sympathy with England, but, it is stated, conveyed the secrets of the Patriots to the officials at Cambridge, even after the Revolution had set in. For this misdemeanor he was confined to his Nashawtuc farm fourteen months. He died at the age of eighty. 296 Colonial While Joseph Lee was confined at his farm in the Rev olutionary war, Harvard College found an abiding place at Concord for a short time and about a dozen of the stu dents made their home at his house. The last owner of the entire farm of the name of Lee is supposed to be Silas who obtained it from his brother John who had previously owned it jointly with his brother Joseph. In 1 814, the widow of Silas sold her right of dower to William Gray for $1,000, and the place passed out of the possession of the family of Lee. William Gray, well known in his day as "Billy Gray," was a noted Boston merchant, born in Lynn in 1750. About the time of the conveyance of the Willard or Lee farm to William Gray, the war broke out between the United States and Great Britain, and it is stated that it was the gold of Mr. Gray that fitted out the Constitution which captured the Guerriere in that noted fight which showed the supremacy of American Seamen over the Brit ish. It has been stated also that it was with timber from Nashawtuc that the Constitution was built. A large growth of wood covered the hill at that time, and one who itis asserted worked for Mr. Gray lumbering, said that one winter fourteen or fifteen teams were employed hauling to the river logs of pine and oak, some of which were from three to four feet in diameter. These logs were floated down and taken to Boston to be used partly at least in ship building. In 1 82 1, the farm was sold by Mr. Gray for $3,000 less than it cost him and passed into the possession of Samuel Phillips Prescott Fay, a native of Concord and son of Jonathan Fay. Samuel Fay was Judge of the Probate Court from 1821 to 1856. But his possession of the property was said to be only nominal, he only holding it for Joseph Barrett the husband of his sister. Joseph Barrett the twelfth owner of the Nashawtuc farm Concord 297 was a man perhaps no less noted for his personal character istics than his predecessors. He was familiarly known in Concord as Squire Joe Barrett, and conspicuous both for his social and physical qualities. He had a powerful phy sique, being, it is said, over six feet tall and weighing over two hundred and fifty pounds. He carried on the farm himself for some years and then placed it in charge of his son Richard only working on it when he wished. Like other owners of this remarkable farm, Mr. Barrett was extensively connected with public life, being for some years and until his death in 1848, Treasurer and Receiver- General of the Commonwealth. From 1844 to 1852 the property belonged to Captain Richard Barrett, son of General Richard, and was sold by him in the latter year to Samuel G. Wheeler, Mr. Barrett serving as Treasurer of the Middlesex Fire Insurance Company. Mr. Wheeler was an energetic business man of New York. He made many improvements in the farm house, built a barn and planted a row of elms on the road to Acton. After an ownership of four years he sold the place to. David Elwell, a sea captain. The new owner like his im mediate predecessor was a person of thrift and one who had been prominent in his calling, being the first American ship master to sail through the straits of Magellan. He was about sixty-eight years old when he took the farm and he gathered at his Concord home a collection of curious arti cles which he had collected in his voyages to various parts of the world. The building with its contents was burned in the winter of 1856-7, and upon the chimney, which for a time was left standing, it is said, was inscribed a half effaced date which indicated that the house was erected in 1646 or '56. From Elwell the farm passed successively into the pos session of Joseph L., and Charles H. Hurd, gandsons of Dr. Isaac Hurd. In 1891, the property was sold by the heirs to Mr. William Wheeler. 298 Colonial The lands once composing this famous farm are now more or less made use of for residential purposes and vari ous elegant buildings with finely kept -lawns are now situ ated upon it, and afford a fine lookout over the river. The Concord Reservoir is situated upon the highest point and nothing but the eminence itself with its aborigi nal name now remains to remind one of Tahattawan and his wigwam as it once nestled near the rivers by Egg Rock, or of the farm building, formerly erected by the sturdy Simon Willard, or of the tall timber trees that long ago stood there until "cut down by the orders of 'Billy Gray' the merchant, and carted to the seaboard, there perhaps, as before intimated, to become a part of Old Ironsides "whose thunders shook the mighty deep/] In closing this sketch of the farms at Nashawtuc perhaps nothing could be more appropriate than the following from a paper of Dr. Reynolds read before the Antiquarian Soci ety and since published in a book containing his works. The paper is entitled "The Story of a Concord Farm." "Rightly viewed this farm has been in itself a little world. All trades, all professions, all human interests, seem sooner or later to have come to it. The Indian, the fur trader, the planter of new towns, the Cromwellian soldier and inn keeper, merchants, doctors, lawyers, mechanics, farmers, a judge, a minister, a sailor, a railroad manager, — all these have possessed the land, and for the most part have depart ed and left little trace of themselves behind. I count that nine different stocks or families have in two hundred and fifty years owned the farm, and that only two of them are represented in the town today, unless it be by remote side branches. But on the soil there are nothing but surface changes. The beautifully rounded little hill, the green meadow, the winding rivers, — these are just what they were two hundred years ago. Instinctively, as I close, I recall Emerson's words, which seem simply concentrated history: Concord 299 "Each of these landlords walked amidst his farm, Saying, ''Tis mine, my children's and my name's ; How sweet the west wind sounds in my own trees 1 How grateful climb those shadows on my hill ! I fancy these pure waters and the flags Know me, as does my dog ; we sympathize ; And, I affirm, my actions smack of the soil." "Where are these men ? Asleep beneath their grounds ; And strangers, found as they, their furrows plough "The lawyer's deed Ran sure Intail, To them and to their heirs Who shall succeed, Without fail, Forevermore. "Here is the land, Shaggy with wood, With the old valley, Mound and flood. But the heritors ? Fled like the flood's foam, — The lawyer and the laws, And the kingdom, Clean swept herefrom. "They called me theirs, Who so controlled me ; Yet everyone wished to stay, and is gone. How am I theirs, If they cannot hold me, But I hold them ? CHAPTER XXXI. Old Houses — The Elisha Jones House — The Block House — Hunt House — Abel Hosmer House — Wheeler House — Joseph Hosmer House — Woods House — Buttrick House — Barrett House — Old Manse — Wright Tavern — The Colonial — The Meriam, Tuttle, Fox, Brown, Heywood, Beal, Bull and Alcott Houses — Ancient House Sites — Site of the Rev. Peter Bulkeley Parsonage — Site of the Major Simon Willard House — Deserted Districts and their suggestiveness. IT would be a matter of much interest to know of the houses or even their sites where the original owners of alloted lands first lived. It is exceedingly improb able how ever/that any of the first houses of the persons whose names are on the list of earliest granters is now stand ing, and only one is known to exist which belonged to one of the settlers who next succeeded them.( The following is a list of some of the older houses of which we have any knowledge and a sketch of the history of a portion of them : The Block house, Elisha Jones house, Hunt house, Bar rett house, the Wright Tavern, the Old Manse, the Col onial, Wheeler house, Abel Hosmer house, Joseph Hos mer house, Woods house, Buttrick house, Meriam house, Tuttle house, Fox house, Reuben Brown house, George Heywood house, the Beal house, Alcott house and the house once inhabited by Ephraim Bull the originator of the Concord grape. 300 THE ELISHA JONES HOUSE. Concord 301 The Elisha Jones House. 1 The Elisha Jones house now occupied by the Hon. John S. Keyes is situated on Monument street a short dis tance from the lane leading to the Battle-ground and just beyond the Old Manse on the opposite side of the way. Its first owner was John Smedley an original grantee, of Huguenot descent who arrived at the Concord plantation probably before 1640. It is not certain that the house stood where it now stands since there are early records which indicate that it may have been on either the east or west side of the high way as it then existed. The road however may have been changed in subsequent years, so that to follow it might mislead as to the original house spot. As first constructed the house contained but two rooms, one above the other and faced the four points of the com pass. The frame was of ash, the boarding of pitch pine, the latter having edges that overlapped to protect from the weather. The lower portion of the chimney was made of stone and day mortar and its dimensions were twelve feet by eight. John, the son of John, the first proprietor who married May 5, 1669, was the second owner of the house, and he added two rooms on the south side and between them an entry and stairway, and perhaps the east lean to. From John the second, the house passed to Ebenezer Hartwell who married Sarah Smedley, daughter of John, Junior. In 1724, the third owner sold the place to Samuel Jones, his next neighbor, for 210 pounds. It was afterwards occupied by his son Thomas Jones, who in 1727 married Mary Mills. The last named couple were blest by a numerous family, all born in this house the youngest of whom, Elisha, received the old home by the last will and testament of his father. Elisha Jones was a blacksmith, and in 1770, married 302 Concord Elizabeth Farrar. Through his ownership of the house j:omes its Revolutionary history and farnjej Hon. John S. Keyes, the present occupant and owner, in his sketch of the old homestead in a paper prepared and published by the Concord Antiquarian Society, writing of Elisha Jones states as follows : "He became the prominent man of the family, was Lieu tenant according to some authority, and Captain according to others. In the troubles preceding the Revolution Elisha was active on the right side ; he received of the military stores sent to Concord in 1775, fifty-five bbls. of beef and 1700 lbs. of salt-fish, to be stored in his cellar and shed. His family of two small children were greatly disturbed by the events of the morning of the 19th of April. The early alarm roused them, and the Militia and minute men who fell back at the approach of the British troops halted on the hill behind their house and waited there some time before crossing the bridge. The confusion and excitement increased as the five companies of the red coats marched up the road, and left two companies near his house, while two more went on to Col. Barrett's and one remained to guard the bridge. The soldiers of the two companies then halted near this door yard, soon surr6unded the well in front, drinking the cool water that was so delicious after their long march that hot day. It seems to have satisfied them as there are no report of any depredations. Mr. Jones had prudently taken his wife and babies down cellar, where they cowered in fear and trembling in the dark corners, while he stood guard over the barrels of beef. Soon the chatter and noise of the Britishers ceased, and all was still. Then the silence was broken by the volleys of musketry at the bridge. He could stand it no longer, but rushing up from the cellar fol lowed by his wife and crying children, they saw the regu lars retreating in confusion back to the village, bearing their wounded, some with ghastly faces, supported by their comrades, others with bloody limbs hastily bandaged to Concord 303 stanch the flow. It was a shocking sight to the oldest child, a girl of four years, which she remembered to her old age, and often described. To her father it lent new excite ment and patriotic rage ; he pointed his gun out of the bedroom window on the north-west corner of the house, determined to have one raking fire at the foe. His wife clung to his arm begging him not to risk their burning the house if he fired from it, and succeeded in preventing his purpose and getting his gun away. Then he went to the door of the shed, and stood there looking at the retreating soldiers in scorn and triumph. One of the rear guard who may have seen his attempt to shoot, or "mis- liked his look," drew up as they passed the house, and fired a "British musket ball" at Elisha. It was a well pointed shot considering that the red coats fired from the hip, and not from the shoulder with a sight along the gun barrel, as the Yankees did. The ball struck at the height of Jones' head about three feet to the right, and passing through the boarding, glanced from an oak joist, and out through the back side into the ground behind. The hole in the front board still remains, to be seen of "pilgrims and strangers," some of whom content themselves with putting their fingers in it, while others have been known to try to cut out and carry off the hole. Whether, after this narrow escape, Mr. Jones joined in the pursuit to Charlestown, or remained at home to care for his frightened family, tradi tion does not tell." The old house is in the midst of an interesting locality. Not far away towards the west is the Old Manse with its gray, gambrel roof and antique pose, extending back riverward from the historic highway as if modestly shrinking from the multitudes that visit it. Towards the east and on a large unoccupied lawn in full and open view from the Jones doorway is ground supposed to have been inhabited by the Indians as indicated by the stone arrow heads found there. To the northerly through the pines is the "Battle Ground" including the monument, the bridge, and the 304 Colonial "Minute Man" Statue. To the east and south are still the rough pastures over which the Provincials passed to intercept the British in their retreat back to Boston ; and before the doorway is the same old road along which the Regulars ran after the firing in the first conflict. Truly if time has dealt favorably with any spot about Concord where a century ago men wrought mightily it is here. The river moves onward with an unchanged course ; the willows as of old grow beside it ; the floods rise and occasionally sweep over the meadow lands as of yore ; and when by the winds of gray November the trees are strip ped of their foliage, their is disclosed over the brown reaches of marsh land an interesting expanse of historic country. (From Elisha Jones the property passed to Nathan Bar rett, from whom it was purchased by a daughter of the last owner of the Prescott place which was near by, Mrs. John S. Keyes. The improvements made by the present owner Judge Keyes we will give in his own words : "With much labor and expense it was carefully repaired and renovated ; a new outside and inside finish put on the building ; the old chimneys taken down and replaced by new ; the rooms finished in native woods ; the small win dows enlarged ; and Lutheran, long and bay windows, porch and piazza added, and the interior so changed that its former owners would hardly recognize it. The outside retains the lean-to roof on the North, and the general shape of the old house. The barn was moved across the road from where it had long been an eyesore to the Manse, and placed nearly on the site of the blacksmith shop, and the view over the meadows and battleground improved.") The Block House. > The Block house, or what remains of it is situated on Main Street, the first building west of the Bank. It is Concord 305 owned now by Miss Louisa Kennedy and occupied by F. Holland. As it stands on land adjacent to the second burying ground its location may indicate that it was on land of the town since it may be inferred that the burying grovind was on such land if not given by two sisters as tradition has it. The Block house was supposed to have been built as a garrison in King Philip's war and to have been made largely of solid pine logs. Judge John S. Keyes says, in 1839, when there was an enlargement made on the west side for a window, he witnessed the workmen sawing through solid pine logs. It might be difficult to trace the entire succession of owners of this ancient structure. It is presumable that after being used as long as needful for a public purpose, it was sold to private parties for a dwelling place. The first private owner of whom we have any knowledge was Rev. Daniel Bliss, a royalist who lived there before the Revolutionary war and is supposed to have made the first alterations in it. From Bliss it passed into the possession of Dr. Isaac Hurd, who at one time owned nearly or quite all the land between this building and the river at the south bridge. From about 1850 to 1880, it was occupied by Dr. Henry A. BarrettJ Associated with this old house is much that is suggestive of a stormy period in olden times. It is true that Con cord, unlike some of the interior towns of Middlesex County, in King Philip's war was spared an attack by the Indians ; nevertheless it was subject to the liability of sud den assault, and hence on more than one occasion the inhabitants of the lone outlying hamlets may have been summoned to this little central stronghold by the firing of significant signal guns, warning them that suspicious forms had been seen lurking .by the wood side, or that the tracks of strange feet had been discovered along the meadow paths, or that mysterious smoke rising from lonesome localities where no settler was known to live, might betoken 306 Colonial the presence of savages who very soon would be at their doors ; and as down through the years we come in thought we can perhaps faintly conceive of events that transpired about this building, when about a century later in 1775 the British Regulars marched past and may be, visited it in their search for public stores. In former years, an ancient jail stood near and was reached perhaps by a path along its very garden fence if it had one, and the poor debtor whose board in the little grim prison house may have been paid by some obsti nate creditor might have been reminded of home comforts and sighed for restoration to them, by sight of this house. In its present appearance it shows but little sign of antiquity and as it stands smiling by the roadside near the place of old graves, there is nothing to remind the trav eler that in that city of the dead may be the dust of many who have passed in and out of this old building. The Hunt House. fThe Hunt house is situated at Punkatassett. It bears the mark of great age and is supposed to have been built about 1725. The original clapboards were of an old fash ioned length. The place is now the property of Mr. Wil liam Hunt, a great-grandson of the original owner.? The Abel Hosmer House. \ The Abel Hosmer House is situated on Elm street near Concord Junction, and is owned or occupied by George M. Baker. It is on a part of the original James Hosmer estate whose lone homestead by the interval of the Assabet river to the westerly was at its beginning one of the town's out post houses. It is supposed to have been built about 1750, by one of the Hosmer family, j The Wheeler House, ' This house with its leanto roof to the rearward, and its little well kept front porch pleasantly facing towards the Concord 307 . } wayside is very old, having been built probably from 160 ( to 200 years ago. It well deserves the name it is known by since it has always been identified with the Wheeler family which is one of the most numerous in Concord. It stands on the Sudbury road on the most direct way from the Public Library to the R. R. Station, and is now the property of Miss Helen Blanchard, a lineal descendant of the first owner. ! The Joseph Hosmer House. This !is situated a little beyond the South bridge and was probably erected in 1751. It was the home of Joseph Hosmer at the time of the Concord Fight. The house was searched at that time by the English soldiers for mili tary stores while its proprietor was acting as Adjutant of the assembling provincials by request of Col. James Barrett. It is now owwied by Prescott Keyes, Esq. : The Woods House. This is now used as a school for boys and is known as the Concord School. The present master of the school and manager of the estate is Thomas H. Eckfeldt, A.M. The house was built soon atter 1760 and was also searched April 19, 1775 for military stores supposed to be secreted there. I r._ The Buttrick House. This old and historic homestead is near the North bridge and now owned by Joseph Derby. It was built, it is asserted, by Jonathan Buttrick in 1712, and April 19, 1775 was owned and occupied by Major John Buttrick, who took a conspicuous part in the Concord fight. Before this old building to the eastward is the "Battle Lawn" lately so called, where the militia and minute men were formed, pre paratory to their march to the bridge ; and near it the detachment of Regulars under Capt. Parsons passed on their way to and from the home of Col. James Barrett. | 308 Colonial The "Battle Lawn" is marked by a suitably inscribed tablet. The Barrett House. The Barrett House is perhaps better known to the public than any other in Concord, because of its former owner and occupant Col. James Barrett of Concord Fight fame. An extended account of this house was given in a former chap- r ter. It. is in the vicinity of Annusnuck hill and was prob ably built about 1725-50. The L is supposed to have been added years after the erection of the main building. In the dooryard of this house the British made a bonfire of the Provincial gun-carriages, while Capt. Parsons's com mand were searching the house for other Provincial prop erty. \ The Old Manse. The Old Manse stands a little back from the road on Monument street, a short distance from the public square. JThe plot of ground upon which it stands was originally the property of James Blood father and son who had four teen acres allowed them in this vicinity. Various have been the owners and various and distinguished have been the occupants of this old mansion. Few if any homes in our land have associated with them more features of historic and classic interest. It was for a long time the home of Rev. Ezra Ripley, a prominent pastor of the Concord First Parish. As for many years it was occupied by successive ministers many of the New England Clergy have been entertained there, and the walk from the memorable high way that passes it, to the little vine clad front has many times been trod by the feet of distinguished visitors,? and the "prophet's chamber" has doubtless witnessed the~pres- ence of guests, whose names if we knew them all would make a long and honored list. To the rear is the river flowing onward as tranquil and bright as is the memory of the lives that were lived within those peaceful precincts. Concord 309 The Wright Tavern. The Wright Tavern which apart from its age is among the historic objects in Concord jwas built about 1747. It" stands near the spot where there was an earth pit from which the owners of the Bulkeley Grist Mill obtained material with which to repair the mill-dam, a right which was stipulated for when the mill privilege was granted. The plot of ground which was a part of the small por tion at the central village owned by the town was sold by a committee appointed for the purpose at a town meeting in May 1744, to Ephraim Jones in consideration of his pay ing the sum of thirty pounds and also an agreement that the "broken ground" in said town between the training field and the meeting house "be improved in such way and manner as to prevent the Training field from wasting away the town's land." The record of a conveyance of this property was dated June 22, 1785, and describes a small piece of land with bounds "Beginning at a stake at the Northeasterly corner and leaving the highway full fore rods wide." Not long after the purchase of the aforesaid property Mr. Jones began to build, and a tavern was established there as early at least as the middle of the 18th century. Nov. 25, 1751, Landlord Jones sold the premises to Thomas Munroe who came to Concord from Lexington. Munroe kept the place open to the public as an Inn until he died in 1766. After his death the place was sold at a mortgagee's sale to Daniel Taylor, the deed passing from Deacon Thomas Barrett who held the mortgage. In 1775 Amos Wright was carrying on the business of inn keeper at this house, either as agent or proprietor. While thus engaged the Concord Fight occurred, and from that time forth the old tavern stand has been ascociated with his name. In the colonial period when this old hostelry was open 3 to Colonial to the public it was prominently identified with town busi ness. Its first proprietor Jones having been a leading town officer as well as militia captain, more or less of the offi cials met there for the transaction of town business. Sometime during the year 1775, the property passed into the hands of Samuel Swan of Charlestown, who kept tavern there till 1785. From that time till a comparatively recent date the house ceased to be used as a place of public entertainment. The next owner was Reuben Brown a saddler who once lived in the Antiquarian House. Since the house was closed as a tavern a variety of call ings have been represented there, among which is that of the livery man, the baker, the book binder, the store keeper, the tinsmith, and the shoe dealer. At present the property belongs to the "First Parish Society," it having been donated to it by the late Reuben Rice and Judge E. Rockwell Hoar who were joint owners. The house some years since again became an Inn, and at present is kept by Mr. John J. BuschJ As it stands on the corner of Main and Lexington streets, west of the Burying ground hill and just northerly of the First Parish Meeting house, it is one of the con spicuous objects near the Public Square. The historic features of this old hostelry are such as to render it much sought for by sightseers ; and it is said that as many as fifteen thousand guests registered there the last year. For a long time the old fireplaces, of which there is one in nearly every room, were closed up, but of late they have been re-opened, and the present proprietor has attempted to give the old house somewhat of its former antique appearance. Visitors are welcomed for an inspection of the premises, and whatever of cheer modern appliances can afford may be expected. As reference has been made in another part of this volume to the relation of the Wright Concord 311 Tavern to the Concord Fight, it is unnecessary to repeat it here. The old picture by Doolittle and Earle, painted in 1775 represents the British soldiers as halting before the door while their commander, Lieutenant-colonel Smith and his Major, Pitcairn, are in the burying ground on the hill, look ing over the village where the soldiers are in search of mil itary stores. Before the Wright Tavern and along the way toward the public Square, the Royal troops are drawn up with martial precision, in close ranks, apparently await ing the return of their officers for orders. Of all the works of man set forth in this picture, which though crude in perspective, may nevertheless be compara tively accurate in detail, there is probably not one that has undergone less of change than the Wright Tavern. It stood there then as now it stands, defiant of storms and un touched by the embellishment of modern art, while its main companions of that old and memorable day are the moss-stained tomb stones nearly opposite, the ancient road way, the meadows and the brook. The Colonial. 1 The Colonial House, or what we call the Colonial, is composed of three houses which were formerly distinct and separate from each other, viz : the White house, a public store house, and the Thoreau House. Each of these por tions is supposed to antedate the War of the Revolution. The White house takes its name from a former occu pant by the name of White. The middle portion was used as a deposit for Provincial military supplies, and the Tho reau house was once owned by aunts of Henry Tho reau. An interesting fact connected with the Colonial House is that the portion of it which was once a public store house was probably visited by John How, a British spy^as he styled himself, whose diary was printed at Con cord, N. H. in 1827. How left Boston by order of Gen. Gage given April 5, 312 Colonial 1775, to examine the roads, bridges and fording places, and ascertain which was the best route for an army to take to Worcester to destroy military stores deposited there. He returned by way of Concord where, he states, he was introduced to Major Buttrick and several other gentlemen and was invited to dine at the tavern. He states: "I was now invited to take dinner at the tavern with a number of gentlemen. The conversation at dinner was respecting the Regulars at Boston which they expected out." After relating further conversation he continued as follows : "By this time we had got through dinner. After dinner we walked up to the storehouse to examine some guns. I told them I could make any they wished. Here I found a quantity of flour, arms, and ammunition. After examining the gates and doors attached to yard and store house, I returned to the tavern, where, after taking some brandy and water I took leave of them." The Colonial House is situated at Concord center front ing the Public Square, and the proprietor is William E. Rand. It is resorted to by tourists at all seasons ; and in sum mer especially, because of its abundant foliage and pleasant southerly outlook upon the town's common land, the soldier's monument and the old burying ground. Of the other houses in this list we have too limited a knowledge to make more than a passing mention. [The Heyward, Alcott, Brown, Bull, Beal and Meriam houses are all situated on Lexington street and probably antedate 1750J On the Bull estate the Concord Grape was originated. Besides the history of old houses in Concord there are several sites that merit especial notice. One of these is on Lowell street and marked by a tablet designating it as the place where the house of the town's first minis ter stood. Great care was taken by the committee on erecting tablets in Concord, that there should be no mis take as to the identity of the spot marked. Concord 3 1 3 Tradition has always asserted it, and according to a statement of one of the oldest inhabitants there was visible at this place an ancient earth dent ; but the evidence does not rest wholly with these things. Several years ago when workmen were engaged in this immediate locality making excavations for a public purpose they came upon the remnant of an old cellar wall just where one might be expected to be found provided the conclusions of the committee were correct. There has also been collected about the premises, building material of an antique pattern in the shape of brick or tile. The brick or tile, for it is stated that neither term will hardly describe them, were made of lime obtained from clam shells, and were evidently manufactured many years ago. ffhe Major Simon Willard house site is near the Con-~~~ cord School for Boys just beyond the South Bridge and is also marked by a tablet. The identity of this spot is unmistakable ; and there is no question but that there the daring and energetic major made his early home which was probably the farthest westward of any in the Bay colony ; and when the wigwam of his Indian neighbor that stood near Egg rock, and the homes of his fellow townsmen on the "Little Strate Strete" were about equidistant from him. Probably the house when erected ended the road towards \ the wilderness and was literally "out west" and when the floods swelled the Musketequid or thin ice covered it, he and his household were completely isolated from the settle ment. It may be the location of this pioneer homestead on the west bank of the Musketequid that occasioned the erection of the first "town bridge" near there, of which Walcott writes : "The first bridge over the South River is said to have been placed a short distance below the bend in the stream against Mr. Hurd's land, a location afterwards abandoned 314 Colonial for the present one, in order to obtain a more direct course for the road to Lancaster." The first neighbor to live at the westward beyond Mr. Willard was perhaps James Hosmer. Of the road that may have been extended westward for his accommodation, the writer just referred to says : "The earliest way from the South Bridge to the Derby place ran in a curved line, between Nashawtuck Hill and the house of Charles H. Hurd, to the old Colburn house- lot, and then turning more to the westward, reached the Hosmer's, and crossed the river by a ford-way near the railroad bridge. When, however, a bridge was thrown over the river, where it is now crossed, at this point, the commmonly travelled way to and from the town was by the John Hosmer place." Thus step by step the various ways as they radiated into the deep woods from the little hamlet that gathered and grew at Concord's geographical center might be traced by the sites of old homesteads, were it not that time with its "ever effacing finger" has almost obliterated them. As it is difficult to ascertain where many of the early house sites are, for the same reason it is hard to determine what of a town's outlying portion may at different periods have been the most populous. There are in more or less of the New England town ships districts now abandoned to a wild vegetable growth, which may once have resounded with the activities of busy life. Illustrative of this is what Thoreau says of Walden pond. He informs us that in that vicinity were dwellings which in his day were nearly obliterated. Among those who lived there as he gives them were Cato Ingraham, Zilpha, Brister, Freeman, Stratton, Breed, Gondibert, Nut ting, Le Grosse and Hugh Quoil. Of the homes in which they lived he says : "Now only a dent in the earth marks the site of these dwellings, with buried cellar stones, and strawberries, rasp- Concord 315 berries, thimble-berries, hazel-bushes, and sumachs growing in the sunny sward there ; some pitch-pine or gnarled oak occupies what was the chimney nook, and a sweet-scented black-birch, perhaps, waves where the door-stone was. "Still grows the vivacious lilac a generation after the door and lintel and the sill are gone, unfolding its sweet-scented flowers each spring, to be plucked by the musing traveller ; planted and tended once by children's hands, in front-yard plots, — now standing by wall-sides in retired pastures, and giving place to new-rising forests ; — the last of that stirp, sole survivor of that family. Little did the dusky chil dren think that the puny slip with its two eyes only, which they stuck in the ground in the shadow of the house and daily watered, would root itself so, and outlive them, and house itself in the rear that shaded it, and grown man's garden and orchard, and tell their story faintly to the lone wanderer a half century after they had grown up and died, — blossoming as fair, and smelling as sweet, as in that first spring." CHAPTER XXXII. Development of the Settlement — Indications of Progress — Various Hindrances — Discouraging Report — Unsatisfactory Condition of the River Meadows — Measures taken for a Betterment of the Meadows — Unproductive Uplands — Emigration to Connecticut — The Towns Recupera tive Energy — Condition in 1654. ABOUT the time of an adjustment of matters relat ing to the town's territory, rules and regulations were made and adopted regarding its municipal management. As the town was divided into several districts termed quarters, the work of constructing and maintaining highways and bridges was also provided for and apportioned. These things together with the usual town meeting enactments in matters pertaining to public convenience' are indications that the town steadily kept pace with its sis ter settlements. But any prosperity whether of township or individuals in those strenuous times was only obtained by dint of great and persevering effort. We judge from a paper presented to the General Court within ten years after the settlement began that there were grave doubts as to the ability to survive the hindrances that beset them on every hand. In a petition, presented May 14, 1645 the signers stated : "Many homes in the Towne stand voyde of Inhab itants and more are likely to be : and we are confidente that if conscience had not restrained, fearing the disolution of the Towne by their removal, very many had departed to one place or otherwhere Providence should have hopefully promised a livelihood." 316 -zzn^c^ ^23^-*^— (In his eighty-second year, travelling in Iowa, 1882.. y BY PERMISSION OF LITTLE, BROWN tc CO. Concord 317 After this plain statement of fact which set forth the state of temporal affairs in Concord and at the same time almost in a single sentence showed the devout and worthy character of the signers there is a pathetic explanation of their atti tude in words as follows : "This our condition we thought it oure duty to informe you of, fearing least if more go from us we shall neither remayne as a congregation nor a towne, and then such as are most unwilling to depart, whiles there remayne any hopes of ordinance amongst us, will be enforced to leave the place, which if it should come to pass, wee desire this may testify on the behalf of such, it was not a mynd unsatisfyed with what was convenient, which occasioned them to depart, but meerly to attaine a subsistence for themselves and such as depend on them, and to enjoy ordinances." One great cause of discouragement was the condition of the river meadows in times of high water. Sept. 8, 1636 an order was passed by the Court which is supposed to be a response to a petition for river betterments. "Whereas the inhabitants of Concord are purposed to abate the falls in the ryver upon wch their towne standeth. whearby they conceive such townes as shalbeee hereafter planted above them vpon the said ryver shall receive bene fit by reason of their charge & labor, it is therefore ordered, that such townes and ffarms as shalbee planted above them shall contribute to the inhabitants of Concord portionable both to their charge & adventure, and according to the bene fit that the said townes or ffarms shall receive by the drean- ing of their medows." Mass. Records Vol. 1 page 178. As evidence that the agitation of this subject was con tinued at times during subsequent years we have the follow ing record bearing date Nov. 13, 1644, which relates to commissioners appointed at that time "to the better sur veying, improving and draining of the meadows and sav ing and preserving of the hay there gathered either by draining the same or otherwise and to proportion the charges laid about it as equally and justly (only upon them 3 1 8 Colonial that own lands) as they in their wisdom shall see meete." Johnson says that in 1654, "The falles causeth their meadows to be much covered with water, the while these people together with their neighbor towne (Sudbury) here several times essayed to cut through but cannot ; yet it may be turned another way with an hundred pound charge." The way proposed was a channel across the country to Watertown or Cambridge. It may be difficult at this distant day to conceive of the inconvenience and deprivation occasioned by the river floods, for conditions are different. Then, the farmers depended largely upon the hay produced on these marsh lands not only for their dairy products but also for fertilizer for their upland. This latter was a very important matter. The settlers could raise their corn at the first by placing in the hill a single alewife yet later when the ground had become partially exhausted by successive crops, something more substantial was needed as a plant stimulant so that considering the circumstances there is little wonder that the people complained and called for meadow betterments. Neither may we doubt as to the results of these disad vantages. Johnson says the people "were forced to cut their bread very thin for a season" and Walcott, writing of the first year, states : "It cannot be wondered at that some sickened and died by reason of the unaccustomed hardships and severity of the winter weather, while others lost all faith in the success of the enterprise, sold their estates for a little, and departed. The cattle died, wolves preyed upon the herds ; homesickness and fear of an Indian attack increased the burden of their lives, so that it became well-nigh greater than they could bear." Besides the loss occasioned by the wetness of the mead ows, some of the uplands were considered poor, for we find the following records concerning them : "Finding the lands about the town very barren." "Neither have we Concord 319 found any special hand of God gone out against us only the povertie and meannesse of the place." Again we find in a petition presented about 1655, "and our land much of it being pine land which affords very little feeding for cattle." It is hardly to be supposed that the soil was very unlike much of the uncleared land of Concord at the present. The Indians had not exhausted much of the land, for it was not in accord with Indian nature to work much, and we believe their corn fields were comparatively few and small ; and perhaps the lands earliest cleared were the pine lands because it would be an easier task to effect the clear ing and the planting of them and these lands might have had lighter soil than the hardwood lands. But in addition to these adverse circumstances in the natural world, the people of Concord early encountered obstacles in the little social and religious world in which they lived. As has been already stated, some friction existed early between the minister and the elder. Whether it was of an ecclesiastical or of a financial nature, we do not judge. It may have been both, as is indicated by the fol lowing statement of Winthrop in his history : ["Some of the elders went to Concord, being sent for by the church there to advise with them about the maintenance of the elders &c. They found them wavering about removal not finding their plantations answerable to their expecta tion, and the maintainence of two elders too heavy a bur den for them. The Elders advice was that they should continue and wait upon God, and be helpful to their elders in labor and what they could, and all to be ordered by the deacons, (whose office had not formerly been improved this way amongst them,) and that the elders should be content with what means the church was able at present to afford them, and if either of them should be called to some other place, then to advise with other churches about removal." By the combination of these untoward circumstances dur ing the first decade, was the going forth of a large company 320 Colonial of the inhabitants to Connecticut. The movement was doubtless led by Elder Jones; and those who went with him were some of the staunch men of the settlement. Among them are supposed to have been Dagget, Evarts, Mitchell, Odell, Barron, Tomkins, Jenney, Middlebrook, Bennet, Coslinor Costin, Ephraim and Thomas Wheeler. John Evarts of the foregoing list is said to be the ances tor of Secretary of State William Evarts of President Grant's cabinetj As to the scene when the company set forth tradition is silent, but it doubtless was a sad one. Mutual services associated with days of danger and deprivation in which there was a sharing together of a common lot would natu rally create friendship and endearment. The route taken by the emigrants it is not unlikely was the "Old Connecticut Path" which they could enter at a point about four miles southerly in the part of Sudbury now Wayland. Once on this trail of the Nipnet Indians, the party would probably have a fairly beaten track for a long distance towards the place they sought which was_ the_ territory of the present town of Fairfield, -fcoTTg-TOTmtf? ' As about one eighth of the entire population of the Concord township were included in this company, it doubt less was a great blow to the settlement. Yet so great was the recuperative energy of the plantation that within ten years after the exodus, the inhabitants had extended their homesteads to the territorial limits of the town, and asked for additional land grants. The lands already possessed were being developed and the resources of the town increasing generally. In 1653 a subscription of five pounds a year for seven years was ordered for the benefit of Harvard College, and Johnson informs us as follows relative to the condition of the town a year later : "The number of families at present are about 50, their head of great cattell are 300, the church of Christ here consists of about 50 souls." LOUISA MAY ALCOTT. CHAPTER XXXIII. Death of Mr. Thomas Flint and the Rev. Peter Bulkeley — Departure from Concord of Major Simon Willard — Walcott' s description of the Nat ure and Value of Major Willard's Public Ser vices — Biographical Sketches of Thomas Flint Esquire and the Rev. Peter Bulkeley. HARDLY had the little colony at Concord fairly recovered itself and entered upon a period of renewed prosperity after the dissention and discontent of the first two decades, when it lost three of its most prominent citizens each of whom had more than a local reputation, Thomas Flint, Rev. Peter Bulkeley and Major Simon Willard. Of these three Con cord worthies the historian Walcott writes : "On October 8, 1655, the town lost one of its foremost men by the death of Thomas Flint. Two years later, Major Willard received, as a reward for his distinguished services to the cpuntry, a grant of five hundred acres of land, which he selected and laid out in the southerly part of Groton; Rev. Peter Bulkeley died March. 9, 1659; and in November following, Major Willard sold his estate in Concord to Captain Thomas Marshall, of Lynn, and removed to Lancaster, whither he had previously been urged to go, and where he filled a high position. Subse quently he removed to Groton, where his son Samuel was settled as minister ; and after the destruction of the town by the Indians, he took up his abode at Charlestown, where he died April 24, 1676, at the age of seventy-one years." The departure of these men was doubtless severely felt and greatly deplored not only on account of the loss of 321 322 Colonial material and moral support but because of the severance of kindred ties and associated experiences. Mr. Bul keley had been under God, their chief spiritual guide. Mr. Willard had surveyed their lands and represented them in places of legislation and served them as civic counselor at a time when the town needed strong men to lean upon ; and Mr. Flint had doubtless long enough "ended small causes" and joined young men and maidens in marriage to endear himself to the whole community, and make his name a household word. Mr. Bulkeley and Mr. Flint were taken away by death. Major Willard moved to other places to be as bold a pioneer there as he had been in Con cord town. As a biographical sketch of Mr. Willard has been given in a former chapter we will here only quote the following relative to him from the history of Walcott : "Knowledge of men, skill in surveying lands, experience gained by trading with the natives, were qualities that fitted him in a peculiar manner to take the lead in locating the land granted by the colonial government, and fortifying the title by peaceful negotiations with the Indian occupants. As deputy and assistant he was well known in the colony, and by the aid of his influence with those in power, the controversy with Watertown about the eastern boundary was brought to a favorable termination. "As captain of the train-band, Willard directed the military spirit of his neighbors when military distinction was second only to that of the church. He surveyed the lands allotted to the settlers, made their deeds, was arbitra tor in their controversies, kept their records, and, last office of all, settled their estates after they were dead. A person like this, — useful in any community, at any stage of its history, — was indispensable to the plantation at Musketa- quid." The lack of space prevents a very extended statement as to the place that was occupied by Mr. Thomas Flint in both the township of Concord and the Colony of Massa- Concord 3 23 chusetts Bay, but it may be said of him as of Mr. Willard and the Rev. Peter Bulkeley that a complete history of either could not be written without giving him prominent notice. (Thomas Flint, Esq., came from Matlock in Derbyshire, England, to the township of Concord in 1638. We are informed that his native place was beautifully situated and had a rare attractiveness ; but, presumably, like many another English worthy of the non-conformist class, he pre ferred the great outer world in which to act as his conscience dictated, to an ecclesiastical restraint in his native land.! Walcott informs us that both Mr. Flint and Rev.Teter Bulkeley had sufficient property to bring them within the degree of subsidy men, and therefore it is supposed that embarkation from England was achieved by obtaining a special license or through the connivance of the authori ties. Mr. Flint brought to America, as a genealogy of the family states, ^4000, and hence would be considered wealthy, since all the other settlers, with the exception of Messrs. Willard and Bulkeley, were, as has been said, "mere plain people with small means." f In 1639, he was made "Commissioner to hear and end small causes," having with his colleagues Simon Willard and Richard Griffin, judicial authority corresponding in modern times to a trial justice, or judge of a district court. He was representative of the town four years, and was an "Assistant" eleven years. When Assistant in 1649, ne joined Governor Endicott in protesting against the wearing of long hair, taking the stand doubtless as did Mr. Bul keley, by his example "that it was a thing unmanly." Mr. Flint assisted in drawing up a code of simple rules and regulations for the Indians, restraining and constrain ing them in a wholesome manner. He possessed one of the largest land tracts of any indi vidual in Concord, and the fact that a way was early laid 3 24 Colonial out to his farm indicates that his estate was an important one. His real estate was mostly in what is now the town of Lincoln, and extended from "Flint's Pond to Beaver Pond and the town bounds." The area contained about seven hundred and fifty acres and included the land now com prising Lincoln Center. For many years the "Flint Farm" was occupied by .descendants of the family or by their lessees./ His character, we infer was a very worthy, one. John son calls him "a most sincere servant of Christ, who had a fair revenue in England, but having improved it for Christ by casting it into the common treasury, he waits on the Lord for doubling his talent if it shall seem good unto him so to do, and in the meantime spending his person for the good of his people in the office of magistate." In verse, he says of him as follows : "At Christ's command thou leavest thy land and native habitation, His folks to aid in desert-straid for Gospel exultation. Flint, hardy thou, wilt not allow the undermining fox With Subtile skill, Christ's vines to spoil : thy sword shall give them knocks ; Yet thou, base dust and all thou hast is Christ's, and by him thou Art made to be, such as we see : hold fast forever- more." The will of Mr. Thomas Flint is the first one recorded in Middlesex Probate Records. His brother Rev. Henry Flint of Braintree, and his uncle William Woods were his executors. His sons were John and Ephraim, who lived in Concord and perhaps Edward and Thomas, and William of Salem. John married Mary, daughter of Urian Oakes, President of Harvard College in 1667. In 1680-1, he was one of a committee to seat the meeting house. He is men- Concord 325 tioned in the Indian deed of 1684 as one of those who paid for the township, and who were spoken of in the deed as "agents of the town of Concord." In 1660, he was town clerk. His children were Abigail, John, Mary, Hannah, and Jane. John Jr. married Mary Prescott and died Oct. 23, 1725, leaving an estate of ^£1708, and for children, John, Jonathan, a graduate of Harvard College, Mary, Elizabeth, James and Benjamin. As in the case of Mr. Thomas Flint space for bids a complete account of the character and services of Rev. Peter Bulkeley, but enough has been stated on the foregoing pages to convince the reader that the beginning of Concord history is identified with him, and that perhaps it might be said that its success and his per sonal impress are inseparable. Although his later life was spent in a wilderness, by his gentle birth he was fitted for the most cultured environment and by his scholarly attainments he might have adorned any position. IRev. Peter Bulkeley descended in the tenth generation from Robert Bulkeley, Esq., an English Baron, who, in the reign of King John, was Lord of Bulkeley in the County palatine of Chester./ As we get our starting point in that stormy period of English history, 1 200-1300, when liberty was wrenched from a wicked monarch and crystalized in Magna Charta under circumstances that called forth much valor, we need not be surprised that such illustrious stock showed itself long afterwards in one whose life has elicited unusual praise and reverence. (He was born at Odell, Bedfordshire, Jan. 31, 1582, O.S and when about eighteen years old became a member of St. John's College, Cambridge, from which he received the degree of Bachelor of Divinity, which title his brother Edward also possessed. His first pastorate was in his native town, where he suc ceeded his father and where he preached about a score of years as a non-conformist minister. 326 Colonial His career in this field was terminated by Archbishop Laud, who because of his nonconformity to the established church deposed him, which act led Dr. Bulkeley soon afterwards to embark for America. In 1635, a^ter ms arrival in this country, he went to Cambridge and was made a freeman May 6, of the same year. He was possessed of considerable property for colonial days, the amount being estimated at several thousand pounds, but his intense enthusiasm and broad liberality in the colonization of Concord, together with other outgoings of his noble nature greatly reduced his possessions, so that at his death, which occurred March 9, 1659, his estate, as mentioned, amounted to only 1302 pounds, of which 123 pounds was in books. So benevolent was Mr. Bulkeley that his gifts extended not only to the public but to his servants, of whom it is said he had many, and to whom he gave farms. The scholarly traits of Mr. Bulkeley have long been known both by tradition and by the traces of them in his published works, prominent among which was one entitled "The Gospel Covenant," which was issued in 1646. He was considered a powerful preacher, and the repre sentations of those living near to his time are that he was evangelical and that the chief aim of his ministery was to impress upon men their religious needs and to lead them to the Gospel as the only source of supply. As a pastor, we conclude he was full of zeal for the spiritual well being of his flock, as it is said that seldom did a person leave his presence without having heard some word that impressed him with the importance of religion. As a man he was large-hearted, public spirited, and attracted people through his personal affability. He was considered the father of his parish, explemplary in conduct, wise in counsel, tender and appreciative to the law-abiding and severe in his judgment of evildoers. His dress was plain and he wore his hair short. We infer that his consti- HILLSIDE CHAPEL. ( School of Philosophy. ) GRAVE OF XOUISA ALCOTT, SLEEPY HOLLOW. Concord 327 tution was robust since he endured much and lived to the age of seventy-seven. The names of his children by his first marriage are as follows: Edward, Mary, Thomas, Nathaniel, John, Mary, George, Daniel, Jabez, Joseph, William and Richard. The following are the names of children by his second marriage : Gershom, Eleazer, Dorothy and Peter. Edward became a minister and succeeded his father in the pastorate at Concord. Peter, born Aug. 12, 1643, went to Fairfield Conn. to which place his two brothers, Thomas who married a daughter of Elder John Jones, and Daniel went in 1 644. In a will of Gershom made May 12, 1 7 1 2, is the following < item ; "To my brother's children, Gershom, Peter, Grace, Margaret and Dorothee, I give each of them ten shillings." In a will of Peter Bulkeley of Fairfield Conn, dated March 25, 1691, the testator speaks of himself as being in the 49th year of his age; and mentions a son Peter and daughters Grace and Margaret. The name Bulkeley has been variously spelled. The first Peter wrote it "Bulkeley ; " his son Edward wrote it "Bul- kely" or "Bulkeley ;" and the Hon. Peter son of Edward followed the form used by his grandfather. The common pronunciation of the name is as if spelled Buckley. ' Rev. Peter Bulkeley in the second division of land received a tract of seven hundred and fifty acres in what is now Lincoln, a part of which is the present Codman place. It is not known where the distinguished pioneer pastor of Concord was buried. The Rev. Dr. Ripley in his "Half Century" sermon says "There is reason to believe that the three first ministers viz, Peter Bulkeley, Edward Bulkeley and Joseph Esta brook were laid in the same tomb." His will is among the Probate records of Middlesex County, and in this will are the following clauses, which serve to reveal much of his character "In case any of my children before named in this, my 328 Colonial will, to whom I have bequeathed the legacies named shall prove disobedient to their mother or otherwise vicious or wicked (which God in his mercy prevent) then, I will that the legacy shall be virtually in the power of my said widow, their mother, to deal with them therein as she herself in Christian wisdom shall think meet, either to give their leg acy or to keep it herself." _^ He alludes to his "wasted estate," which he says "is now very little in comparison of what it was when I came first to these places, having made great sacrifices in the begin ning of these plantations and having little to leave to the children God hath given me and to my precious wife, whose unfeigned piety and singular grace of God shining in her doth deserve more than I can do for her,/lj He gave a portion of his library to Harvard College. In connection with the foregoing account of the town's first minister it may be appropriate to publish copies of the following papers. The first of these Shattuck informs us is endorsed as the "Concord Church Covenant" and although without signature or date it has internal evi dence of authenticity and of being the first covenant. We present it as it is given by Shattuck, the orthography only being changed : "Considering the instability and inconstancy of our hearts in cleaving to the Lord in that which is good, we do bind ourselves one with another this day before the Lord, that we will endeavour by the grace of God assisting us, hencefor ward to walk as becometh the people of God, according to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. And more particularly do we promise and covenant before the Lord, that, whereas he hath of his great goodness brought us from under the yoke and burdening of men's traditions to the precious liberty of his ordinances which we now do enjoy, we will, according to our places and callings, stand for the maintenance of this lib erty to our utmost endeavour, and not return to any human ordinances from which we are escaped. And we further cove nant to subject ourselves to every ordinance of Christ, which Concord 329 he shall please to make known to us to be his will. Also we do take him to be our only Priest to instruct us, our only High Priest to make peace with the Father for us : so we will set him up as our King and Sovereign to command us, to rule in us and reign over us by the help of his word and Spirit. And that we may the better be kept in an holy subjection to him and his will, we will both watch over each other in the Lord, admonishing one another, both to pre vent the evils into which we might fall, and to recover our selves out of those that we have been overtaken with, not suffering any raging pollution or spiritual uncleanness amongst us, but labor to cast it forth by the power which Christ hath given to his church. And further, considering that we are members one of another, and have civil respect and are liable to be oppressed and devoured one of another ; and considering also the increase of this evil, daily getting strength through the abounding of self-love so mightily prevailing in us ; we do therefore here solemnly promise before the Lord, that we will carefully avoid of oppression, griping, and hard dealing, and walk in peace, love, mercy, and equity towards each other, doing to others as we would they should do to us. And in testimony of our willing assent : to this covenant we have hereunto subscribed our names." The second paper is a letter written by the Rev. PeteF Bulkeley to Mr. Cotton of Boston. 7~"To the Reverend his honored friend Mr. Cotton, Teacher of the Church at Boston, give these. "Reverend in the Lord, "Some other things I am full of, but will not write with paper and ink ; only in a word I bless God for what I hear, how the Lord doth fill your ministry with abundance of grace, life, and power, to the exceeding joy of those that are true-hearted towards the Lord. But withall I stand amazed and wonder att God's forbearance, considering what I hear in another kind ; which I doe also believe to be true in some parts ; true I mean, as done and spoken by some, though untrue, in respect of any cause given on your 33° Colonial part. Truly, Sir, it is to me a wonder, that the earth swal lows not up such wretches, or that fire comes not downe from heaven to consume them. The L. hath a number of holy and humble ones here amongst us (in the country generally), for whose sakes he doth spare, and will spare long ; but were it not for such a remnant, we should see the L. would make quick work amongst us. Shall I tell you what I think to be the ground of all this insolency which discovers itself in the speach of men ? Truly I can not ascribe it so much to any outward thing, as to the put ting of too much liberty and power into the hands of the multitude, which they are too weak to manage, many grow ing conceited, proud, arrogant, self-sufficient, as want ing nothing. And I am persuaded, that except there be means used to change the course of things in this point, our churches will grow more and more corrupt day by day ; and tumult will arise hardly to be stilled. Remember the former days which you had in old Boston, where though (through the Lord's blessing upon your labours) there was an increase daily added to your church, yet the number of professors is far more here, than it was there. But answer me, which place was better governed ? Where matters were swayed there by your wisdom and counsel, matters went on with stength and power for good. But here, where the heady or headless multitude have gotten the power into their hands, there is insolency and confusion. And I know not how it can be avoided in this way, unless we should make the doors of the church narrower. This we have warrant for from the word ; which course, if it should be taken, would bring its conveniency also in another kind. But of these things no more. Only I pray the L. to heal the evils of the places and times we live in, and remove that woful contempt of his gospel which doth abound. O what mis chief doth one proud, lofty spirit that is in reputation for understanding, amongst a number of others that are weak ; and some of both such there are in every place. But our comfort is, God's end and work shall go forward. Some Concord 331 shall be converted, some hardened. The God of mercy carry on his work in our hearts and hands to the gloryfying of his rich grace in Christ Jesus. I pray remember my harty love to good Mrs. Cotton, thanking her for her kind remembrance of my little ones. I pray God give us both to see his grace increasing in those that he hath continued towards us. Farewell, dearly beloved and honoured in the Lord, comfort yourself in him, who is most ready to be found in time of need. In him I rest. Yours ever, Pet: Bulkeley. "April 4, 1650. / ¦>/ To close this brief sketch without the expression of a thought concerning so conspicious a character, or without a personal tribute, might be to pass it unworthily. We would say, therefore, that perhaps, all in all, no life has been more consequential in the history ot any colonial town. It is a tradition that Concord was saved in the war with King Philip by his [exemplary conduct and benign influence over the Indians, in that when they were assem bled on a neighboring hilltop on April, 1675-6, and undecided whether to attack Sudbury or Concord, they con cluded to avoid the latter for "Big Pray" had lived therej Upon the altar of the muncipality he placed his prayers, his personality and his property. Going to it rich, he passed from it comparatively poor, and if through the dark and discouraging places in the early annals of this ancient township there has never ceased to be seen a bright spot, we may account for its presence by his influence, who while living always blest and when dead lived in the lives of others. CHAPTER XXXIV. Settlement of Rev. Edward Bulkeley — Rev. Joseph Estabrook called as Colleague Pastor — Measures taken for their Maintenance — Biograph ical Sketches of Rev. Edward Bulkeley — Peter Bul keley Esquire — Acquisition of New Territory — Stow, Littleton, Carlisle and Acton — Iron Industry. A FTER the death of Rev. Peter Bulkeley thexhurch l-\ extended a call to his son Edward at a salary of jL JL. eighty pounds a year. In 1667, the Rev. Joseph Estabrook was employed as his colleague at the same salary. It thust occurred that the town within the space of a score and a half of years after its settlement was the second time called upon to support two religious teachers at the same time. But the people did not flinch from fulfilling their obligation to their ministers. Feb. 3, 1680 it was voted "that every house holder that hath a teame greate or lesser shall accordingly carry yearly one loade of wood to the ministe and every other house holder or rateable person to cut wood one day and for the : ministers : and that the wood is to be equaly devided to too ministers as the selectmen for the time being shall appoynt." Even in old age when his usefulness as a pastor had for the most part ceased the Rev. Edward Bulkeley was pro vided for by his people as indicated by the following vote passed March 5, 1694, "Whereas their Rever4 Pastor Mr. Edward Bulkeley is under such Infermatyes of Body by Reason of great age that he is not capeable of Attending the worke of the ministry as in times past, being Also sen sible of the obligation that they are under to Afford to 33* THE ORCHARD HOUSE, HOME OF THE ALCOTT FAMILY. Concord 333 him a comfortable maintenance dureing the Terme of his natural life, that' thereby they may Testefy their Gratitude for his former service in the Gospell that they the sayd People of sayd Concord do hereby oblige ye sayd Towne to pay to y6 s'd Mr. Bulkeley or to his certain order yearly each year dureing his natural life the sum of thirty pounds of mony the one halfe at or before the first of May sixteen hundred ninety five, which sum as above shall bee yearly and each year upon the sayd Termes, and which sum of Thirty pounds truly payd as above, shall be in lieu of the former sallary of eighty pounds which the sayd people were obliged to have payd yearly to him the sayd Mr. Bulkeley for his ministerial service."; 'The Rev. Edward Bulkeley was born at Odell, England^ June 17, 1 6 14. He was admitted as a member of the First Church in Boston in 1634. He acquired his professional education undef the direction of his father; and was ordained at Marshfield in 1642 or 3. He died at Chelms ford Jan. 2, 1696, and was buried at Concord. It is stated by William Prescott Greenlaw, Librarian of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, that the name of Rev. Edward Bulkeley's wife was Lucyan; that she was living in 1668, and that her name is repeated in the Emerson branch of her descendants. They had four children : Peter, > Elizabeth, John, Jane and Mary. Peter was born Jan. 3, 1641, at Concord. He gradu ated at Harvard College in 1660, and died in 1688. Elizabeth married for her first husband, Rev. Joseph Emerson Dec. 7, 1665; her second husband was John Moody of Reading. John, the third child died young at Marshfield and was buried Feb. 26, 1658. Jane married Ephraim Flint. Mary was born about 1655, and married/ about the year 1678 Rev. Thomas Clark of Chelmsford.' Peter became the Hon. Peter Bulkeley who early began a political career in which he became quite distinguished. He was admitted as a freeman May 11, i$6p, and on May 7, 1673 ne was elected deputy to the Colonial Court 334 Colonial where he served three succeeding terms, and the last year he was chosen Speaker. For eight years he was Assistant; and Sdpt. 6, 1676, he with William Stoughton was sent to England to negotiate with the King relative to certain matters of dispute in the Bay Colony. In military and also in judicial affairs he held high positions, being made a Major and by the appoint ment of Governor Andros an Associate Justice with Chief Justice Dudley. He married Rebecca, daughter of Lieut. Joseph and Sarah Wheeler on April 16, 1667. Their children were Edward, Joseph, John and Rebecca. The " latter married Jonathan Prescott Jr. Peter Bulkeley died May 24, 1688, at Concord after a long illness at less than fifty years of age. His life had been full of activity but was somewhat unfortunate towards its close. Before his death his estate was in an insolvent condition. His honors had faded; he was separated from his early associates in public life, and he repaired to his native town worn and broken in health. At the time of his decease he lived "next ye Millpond," Walcott states, perhaps where Dr. Barrett no'w lives. Elizabeth the third child who married for her first hus band Rev. Joseph Emerson in 1680, and for her second, John Moody of Reading, had children as follows : Peter, Edward and Joseph. Peter married a Miss Brown, Edward married Mary Moody and Joseph married Rebecca Waldo. A descendant of Joseph and Rebecca was Ralph Waldo Emerson. The following is the lineal order of successors to the great essayist. 4 Rev. Joseph Emerson — Eliz. Bulkeley. j ia Edward Emerson — Rebecca WaldoT^ » 1 / .28 Joseph Emerson — Mary Moody .^Jr ^ ( 123- William Emerson — Phebe Bliss. 307 Rev. William Emerson Ruth Haskins. 601. Ralph Waldo Emerson > Concord 33$ A portrait of Peter Bulkeley Esq. supposed to have been painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller at the time when Mr. Bul keley was in England as agent for the Massachusetts Col ony in 1676-79 is now, or was in the possession of Mrs. George D. Sargent of Boston. This picture has been reproduced and furnished by William Prescott Greenlaw a descendant of Hon. Peter Bulkeley for the Genealogical Advertiser Vol. 1 1898. In the early part of the third decade of the town's his tory it again petitioned for more land and a tract was granted which afterwards became the town of Acton and a part of Littleton and Carlisle. A movement was also made by several citizens of Con cord in conjunction with some others to colonize a tract to the west and southwest a result of which was the granting of territory which became the town of Stow. ¦ As a concise and consecutive account of these transac tions has been given by Shattuck in his time honored his tory we quote it as perhaps the most suitable description that can be given by us. "On the 23d, May 1655 "Five thousand acres of Land were granted to the Inhabitants of Concord for feeding, according to their petition, provided it hinder not any for mer grants." This was all the tract of land described in the above return, excepting the farms belonging to Major Wil lard. When his farms were granted I have not been able to find out. One of them lay in the southeast part of the tract, and the other at the northeast. This distinguished individual had several subsequent grants. On the 6th of May, 1657, he had "for services to the colony, 500 acres of land in any place where he could find it according to law; " and 21st of May, 1658, he had 500 acres more "on the south side of a river that runneth from Nashua to Merimack, between Lancaster and Groton, and is in satis faction of a debt of ^44" due from John, sagamore of Patucket. His execution was to be given up. This farm was laid out in May, 1659, by Thomas Noyes. 336 Colonial The Praying Indians claimed some right to the land granted to Concord "for an enlargement to the towne ; " in consideration of which, "the town of Concord doth give to them the planters of Nashoba, fifteen pounds at six a penny, which giveth them full satisfaction. In witness whereof they doe set to their hands this 20 of the 10 mo. 1660." This agreement was signed by "Nassquaw, marchant Thomas (Thomas Waban), Wabatut, great James Natoto- tos — a blind man, Ponpant, and Gomgos," by their marks; and John Thomas and John Tahattawan, by their names; and witnessed by Joseph Wheeler, John Shepard, and John Jones "At a generall court held at Boston the nth of October, 1665. In answer to the peticion of Concord for an enlarge ment of their bounds, this court doe grant them a tract of land conteyned in a plott returned to this court under the hand of Ensign Noyes, by estimation the whole being about five thousand acres, whereof the town reserveth two thousand acres to be layd out to either Indians or English, as this court shall see meete hereafter to dispose and grant, and the remaynder, being about three thousand acres, this court grant to Concord so as the same doe not abridge any former grant made by this court; and doe order Leift. Beers and Leift. Thomas Noyes to lay out the same and to make returne thereof to the next Court of Election. A true copie. Attest, Edw. Rawson. Seer." The following is a copy of the return made 25 May, ' 1667, and approved by the proper authorities. p'We, Rich ard Beers of Watertown and Thomas Noyes of Sudbury, being appointed to lay out and measure to the inhabitants of Concord a tract or tracts of land next adjoining to their first grant ; in order to which, we the above said, did lay out and measure unto the inhabitants of Concord their second grant, being five thousand acres of land granted in the year 1655, as also their grant of three thousand acres granted in the year 1665, next adjoining to their first grant, beginning at the southwest angle of their old bounds (near \ Concord 337 Maj. Hayward's), extending their said southerly line upon a norwest point, four degrees northerly (according to the Meridian compas) two miles and 280 rods : there making a right angle on a bare hill, and from thence a line upon a northeast point 4 degrees easterly two miles one half and fifty rods, there meeting Nashoba plantation line, running the line of the said plantation to their angle one mile one quarter and 60 rods, nearest hand upon an easterly point, there making a right angle, running a line, being the line of the Indian plantation, two miles one quarter and 60 rods, there being bounded by Chelmsford line and Bilrica line as is more plainly described by a plott; in which plott is contained nine thousand and eight hundred acres of land, one thousand eight hundred acres being formerly granted to Major Willard, the other eight thousand being granted to the inhabitants of Concord, and laid out the 5th May, 1666. Given under our hands. Richard Beers, ) „ , 1 t^ xt r surveyors. Thomas NoyES, j J "The town agreed 20th Jan. i668,«that these additional grants of land 'shall lay for a free comon to the present householders of Concord, and such as shall hereafter be approved and allowed to be inhabitants; except such parts of it as shall be thought mete to make farms for the use and benefit of the towne.' A full title was then acquired from the Indians, though it was thought proper in 1684, for reasons already mentioned, to obtain the following con firmatory deeds. " 'To all people to whom these presents may come, greet ing; Know ye that we, Mary Neepanaum, John Speen and Sarah Speen, Dorothy Winnetow, Peter Muckquamuck, of Natick, and James Speen, and Elizabeth Speen, his wife of Waymeset, Indians, for and in consideration of a valu able sum of money payd to us in hand by Capt. Timothy Wheeler, Henry Woodis, James Blood, and John Flint, the receipt whereof we do by these presents acknowledge, and therewith to be fully satisfied and contented, have sold , 338 Colonial and by these presents do sell, alien, enfeofe, and confirm unto the said Capt. Timothy Wheeler, &c. of Concord in the county of Middlesex in ye Massachusetts Colony, in New England, for the use and behoof of themselves and the rest of the proprietors of the s'd town of Concord a cer tain tract or parcell of land conteyning by estimation a thousand acres, be the same more or less, and is situate, lying, and being within the last grant of land by the Gen- erall Court to ye s'd town of Concord, and is bounded south-east by Sudbury and the land of Stow alias Pompa- sititcutt, and norwest by the s'd Stow, running by them upon that line about a mile and a quarter, near to the hill called by the Indians Naauuhpavil; and from thence by a streight line to the North River at the old bounds of ye s'd town of Concord, unto them the said Timothy Wheeler, &c. &c. to them their heirs and successors for ever. And we the said Mary Neepanaum, &c. do hereby covenant and promise to and with the foresaid Timothy Wheeler, &c. &c. that we are the true proprietors of, and have good right and full power to grant, bargain, and sell, the above granted and bargained premises unto the said Timothy, &c. &c. and and that the said Timothy, &c. &c. shall and may at all times and from time to time for ever hereafter have, hold, occupy, possess, and enjoy the above granted premises in full, be the same more or less, without any let, denial, or contradiction of us the said Mary Neepanaum, &c. or any of us or any of our heirs, or any other person or persons whatever, lawfully claiming or having any right, title or interest therein, or to or in any parcel thereof. In ack nowledgement of this our act and deed, we hereto put our hands and seals this fifth day of May in the year of our Lord one thouand six hundred eighty and four.' "All the above named Indians signed this deed — James Speen by writing his name, and the others by their marks, in presence of Moses Parker, Noah Brooks, Samuel Wheeler jr., Benjamin Bohow and Sarah Bohow (the two Concord 339 last of whom were Indians), and acknowledged 'before Pet: Bulkeley, Assistant.' The foregoing deed applied to the south part of the tract. The same individuals, in behalf of Concord, bought of 'John Thomas, and Naaunoushqua, his wife ; Tasunsquaw, the relict of Waban, deceased, and eldest daughter to Tahattawan, Sagamore, deceased ; Thomas Waban her son ; Solomon Thomas ; John Nasqua ; James Casumpal, sen., and Sarah, his wife ; and Sarah, the relict widow of Peter Conaway, Indians,' for .£21; by estimation, 8000 acres, lying in "the last grants of land by the General Court to the town of Concord, and is bounded southeast by the old bounds of the said town of Concord, easterly partly by Bil- rerca, partly by a farm formerly layed out by Major Wil lard for himself, and partly by Chelmsford, till it meet with Nashoba line, and then westerly by the said Nashoba to the southeast corner of the said Nashoba, then northerly by the said Nashoba till it meets with Stow, and so bounded norwest by the said Stow, till it comes near to a hill by the Indians called Naaccuhpavil, and then running upon a straight line to the North River, at the old bounds of the said town of Concord.' This deed was executed and acknowledged in the same form as the preceeding, on the 13th of Aug. 1684; and witnessed by Ebenezer Engolds- bey, Joseph Wooley, Joseph Shambery, and Andrew Pitte- mey. These several grants were afterwards known as the 'Town's New Grant' — the 'Enlargement of the Town by the General Court,' — and generally 'Concord Village' ; till after about seventy-five years they were in great part separated from Concord and incorporated as the town of Acton. "jtTieutenant Joseph Wheeler, by trading with the Nash-" oba Indians, became their creditor, and petitipned the Gen eral Court, in 1662, for a grant of 200 acres, of land at the southerly part of their plantations as payment for his debt ; but it was refused. In 1669, he, with several inhabitants *., of Concord, petitioned for a tract of land at Pompasiticutt : 1 f 340 Colonial and the Court appointed him, with John Haynes of Sud bury, William Kerley of Marlborough, James Parker of Groton, and John Moore of Lancaster, a committee to view it and report at their next session. This report was made May n, 1670; and it was found 'to contain 10,000 acres of country land, whereof 500 is meadow. The greater part of it is very mean land, but we judge there will be planting ground enough to accomodate 20 families. Also there is about 4000 acres more of land that is taken up in farmes, whereof about 500 acres is meadow. There is also the Indian plantation of Nashobah, that doth border on one side of this tract of land, that is exceedingly well meadowed, and they do make but little or no use of it.' George Hay ward, Joseph Wheeler, Thomas Wheeler, John Hayward, William Buttrick, Sydrach Hapgood, Stephen Hall, Edmund Wigley of Concord, and Joseph Newton and Richard Holdridge, petitioned for this tract of land; and it was granted to them 'to make a village, provided the place be setteled with not less than ten famyles within three years, and that a pious, an able, and orthodox minister be maintained there.' Daniel Gookin, Thomas Danforth, and Joseph Cook, were appointed 'to order the settlement of the village in all respects ; ' and the various proceedings in relation to it resulted in the incorporation of the town of Stow, May 16, 1683^ which has since been found able to accomodate more than twenty families !" Not only did the people of Concord during its first cen tury set themselves to subduing the soil, and seek assidu ously to extend their domains even to the extent of obtaining territory from which might be made new town ships but they sought to bring forth treasures from the earth -other than those of a vegetable nature, j Soon after the arrival of settlers it was ascertained that iron ore existed in the south-west part of the town in such quantities as might pay to establish iron works. Promoters of the enterprise pre sented themselves, prominent among whom was Oliver Purchis who had been in the iron business at Lynn. Concord 341 March 5, 1658, a company was organized "To erect one or more Iron Works in Concord." May 30, 1660, the Colonial Court gave the Com pany permission "To dig iron ore without molestation in any land now in the Court's possession." It also granted one thousand acres for the Company's purposes. The industry continued with more or less success until the close of the century, when it closed as it is supposed, through lack of ore. As the result of these operations a dam was built over the Assabet river at what is now Westvale, and near its upper portion iron works were established. Among the names of Concord people who were stock holders are Rev. Edward Bulkeley, Robert Meriam, Tim othy Wheeler, Jr. William Buss, John Niles or Miles, Joseph Hayward and Mary GriffinJ {After various transfers the property passed to an owner who by 171 5 had erected upon it a Grist Mill and a Fulling Mill, and in process of time a mill was built for the manufacturing of, woolens. The lands in this vicinity have long been known as the Ironworks farm. The scene of some of the operations is still known as Mine hill/ It is stated that when one Leihtenegger "did attend the work of a mine at a place called fair haven" he "did build a bridge to facilitate his passage to and from said work." At the farm formerly owned by George H. Wright at "Nine Acre Corner" indications of this industry have long been visible. CHAPTER XXXV. King Philip's War — Activity Preparatory to its Coming — The Part taken in the Conflict by Con cord — Its Cause — The Havoc — Condition of the Country at the Outbreak of Hostilities — The State of Society — The Town's Means of Defense — Its Militia — Its Garrison Houses — The Foot Com pany — The Troop of Horse — Means Provided for the Relief of Refugees — Miscellaneous Military Matters. WE have thus far considered some of the chief civic events, incidents and episodes that_ occurred at Concord during its first half century. We will now notice some military events of the period. Hitherto the progress of the town was marked by a reign of peace. No shout of hostile Indian had been heard' in the home of any inhabitant. No public proclamations had been issued for the levying of war-accoutred soldiers; and there had been no mortal combat. The struggle had been with the rough conditions of a new country ; with rocks and brambles of unsubdued hillsides and the gnarled and mossy tree trunks of the timberlands. But at the begin ning of the last quarter of the seventeenth century the scene changed. A season of strife was at hand. Along the hori zon a cloud was gathering which as it arose and burst over the feeble settlement was to cause a consternation of which we in the present can but faintly conceive. The Colony was on the eve of King Philip's war ; a war which for atrocity, destructiveness, and for various dismal features was exceptional. For months before the tempest broke out, its coming was announced by a variety of unmistakable forerunners. Messengers from the forest 342 HImD3 r Oo7sXo c Concord 343 brought intelligence that the Indians in distant places were sharpening their hatchets, and tightening their bow strings ; that a conspiracy was being brewed, and that soon they might expect savage invaders to prowl about the farm houses and haunt every highway and bypath and bridge. Because of these forerunners the settler was put on his guard and in preparation for the issue he became corres- spondingly active. He set himself to meet prowess with prowess, and to pit strength against strength. He took down from over the mantlepiece his old musket, scraped its flint, inspected its lock, and scoured the rust from its priming pan. Bullets were cast by him on the old kitchen hearth, the contents of his powder horn were replenished from the public stock, — and everything possible was done to protect his home. While these things were going on there was much con sternation, and doubtless households were disturbed to an unusual degree. The children probably wondered why their mother looked worried and furtively glanced toward the woods. They did not understand why the cows were kept in the barnyard during the day and why outbuildings were closed early at night. To them it was all a mystery that the neighbors talked together in small companies and that after the trundle bed had been pulled out at evening there were whispered voices at the fireside. But the sig- significance of all this at length showed itself and soon all were made aware that experiences were threatened such as were without parallel in their pioneer history and that the peaceful relations that had hitherto existed between the Indians and whites were to give place to a period of strife the result of which none but Heaven could foresee. The town of Concord was so situated and circumstanced and a kind Providence so favored that it suffered no gen eral attack as did some other places. It was however sub ject to dire contingencies and was called upon to bearlm" common with the whole colony grievous taxation and to contribute its quota of soldiers to be in readiness to take 344 Colonial the field at short notice. Moreover, it was ordered to fur nish garrison houses and to provide relief measures to such as fleeing from distant frontier farm houses or neighboring r v. towns sought refuge thereJ tf The town also near its western frontier in the part then , , known as Nashoba was the scene of a dismal tragedy which was doubtless long a subject of fireside conversation for the inhabitants of that region. But ^although no portion of the town became a battle ground during the period of King Philip's war some of its citizens became conspicuous by their services on the battle fields of other towns and in several instances these were of a character quite distin guished. \ Before entering in detail upon the narration of these™ or other matters pertaining to Concord in Phil ip's war, let us notice the cause and nature of the conflict and some things concerning the condition of the country and the state of society at its commencement. The cause of the war was a feeling of jealousy or unrest on the part of some of the aborigines engendered by a belief that the English were trying to crowd them from the soil. This feeling culminated in an Indian alliance of several tribes for the purpose of exterminating the English and appropriating or destroying their property. The principal progenitor of this alliance and director of its operations was Philip, a chieftain of the Wampanoags who dwelt at a place called Pokanoket or Mount Hope or Montaup near Bristol R. I. Philip was called King by Governor Prince but his abo riginal name was Metacomet. His father was Massasoit a friend of the Plymouth pil grims. The means King Philip employed were very sagacious, and savage though he was his energy and exploits have eli cited the admiration and wonder of many writers, and been the subject of ballad and song. He is supposed to have personally visited the tribes with Concord 345 which he sought to form an alliance and to have fanned into a flame whatever sparks of hatred already existed, and by his example and enthusiasm to have stirred his followers to deeds which with a less daring leader, would never have been committed. By his savage torch home steads were reduced to ashes in an hour ; whole households were destroyed by his tomahawk and scalping knife ; and farms once smiling in plentitude and peace were left aban doned and desolate. Of the results of the war Trumbull in his history of Connecticut says, "About six hundred of the inhabitants of New England, the greatest part of whom were the flower and strength of the country, either fell in battle or were murdered by the enemy. Twelve or thirteen towns in Massachusetts, Plymouth Colony and Rhode Island were utterly destroyed and others greatly damaged." Another writer has stated that were all the events of the Revolution comprised in a single twelve month, they would not exceed the horrors of King Philip's war. The condition of the country at the breaking out of the war was such as to augment the terrors even of civilized warfare. Much of the territory was still uncleared. There were vast areas of impassable swamps and thick timberlandr. The roads were many of them through deep forests; the bridges were frail and infrequent and those over the smal ler streams may have been mere log. crossings that might be swept away by a sudden flood or easily destroyed by the foe. More or less of the outlying farms were situated in exposed places without means of repelling assaults, and where the drear shadows that crept out from the woods were suited to increase the disquietude of the defenseless family. Moreover the settler was subjected to seasons of suspense ; it was difficult to obtain news ; the foe might be near or remote, he could not determine which. It might be venturesome to go beyond his own dooryard, and all the information he could get from the outer world may have been brought by some scout or circumstance or sign. 346 Colonial Another factor in the case was the nature of the enemy. The Indian when on the warpath was implacable, cunning and capable of any cruelty by which he could cripple his foe. His knowledge of the country enabled him to move about with remarkable celerity. He was acquainted with the location of every village and hamlet and no lone farm house had escaped his notice. All these things King Philip took advantage of, andja characteristic of the conflict was the suddenness with which he struck, the rapidity with which settlements widely sep arated from each other felt the blows. So swift were his movements and so unexpectedly did he attack towns that the inhabitants almost considered him possessed of super natural powers. | iThe state of society when the war broke out, may be best indicated by saying that it was just prior to the witch craft delusion and about the time which has been desig nated as New England's dark age. The early fathers of the colony were dying off and with them the learning which they had brought from the old country, for there were few schools through which to transmit it to their chil dren. It was in this period perhaps more than in any other when people signed their names with a mark. As ignorance usually begets superstition, so there was a ten dency at this time to accept the marvellous, and to believe that Philip's war was preceded by omens. Mather informs us that strange sights were seen. The perfect form of an Indian bow was supposed to appear in the air at New Plymouth. This was regarded as a "prodigious apparition." The inhabitants of Hadley, Northampton, and other towns in that vicinity thought they "heard the report of a great piece of ordinance with a great shaking of the earth and a considerable echo." Some believed that on a still morning there was a noise of discharged musketry ; that bul lets flew past them; that a noise of drums was heard; and that there was a sound as of the galloping of horses. Thus the condition of the country and the state of soci- Concord 347 ety were such that the cemmunity and individuals were kept constantly on the alert, and became suspicious of all inexplicable phenomena. To them there was a significance either natural or supernatural in every unusual sound or sight. The report of a gun fired far off in the forest, the bellowing of cattle in the pastures, flocks of birds flying affrighted from the shrubbery, a wounded deer, a missing shoat, the loud barking of a dog in a distant clearing, the mysterious imprint on the soft earth of strange footsteps, and fresh camp coals in the woods, either of these migh betoken the approach of Indians and send families to the friendly garrisons J For the reasons now considered Philip's war has been asso ciated with exceptional hardships, and its annals, long after its occurrence were related to curious and half reluctant listen ers about the home hearthside, the rude campfire, and wher ever companies were gathered together under circumstances that tended to recall them. The farm boy became fami liar with its leading actors and event sthrough frequent rehear sals ; and the few objects that came down through the years as grim reminders of the dismal experiences were looked upon by him as something which, if it could speak might utter strange things. Around the rusty firearms that stood in the old shed corner were gathered memories which were fraught with thrilling adventure. The snow-shoes stowed in the cold garret, the bullet moulds in the little closet over the wood box, the cocked hat and faded waist coat which clothed the dummy that relieved the weary night watch, were each suggestive in their turn. The grim walls of the old garrison, worn and weather-stained by time and storm were long associated with things that had been said of them ; whether of the midnight assault and repulse, or of the timely rescue of beleaguered inmates, or of the ruse of the savage who sought to approach it behind the slow moving bush. The stone hatchet that was unearthed in the plow land, though silent and unshapely, was eloquent never theless by its suggestiveness. The low grave by the 348 Colonial meadow side, the stone heap under the trees, the faint out line of a cellar hole about which were coals yet uncrum- bled, — all of these were pointed out to succeeding gen erations as memorials of King Philip's war. The military history of Concord in this war comprises a description of the means employed for its own defense, the measures for a maintenance of such soldiers as the Col onial authorities might send into the town as a convenient place from which to operate by marchings and scout- ings, the payment of its share of such extra taxation -as was superinduced by the war, and the special service that the town by its own soldiers rendered to other places.f We will now consider each of these in the order here given. First its means of defense. — This consisted in the town militia and garrison houses. At the outbreak of the war the organized militia of Concord consisted of one foot company and a troop of horse. " The foot companyfwas organized in 1636, with Simon Willard, then a sergeant, as acting Captain or drill master. About a quarter of a century later the appointment by the Court was as follows : Timothy Wheeler, Captain; Jos. Wheeler, Lieut.; Wil liam Buss, Ensign ; Richard Rice, Thomas Bateman and Thomas Wheeler, Sen. Sergeants ; William Buttrick, Sam uel Stratten and John Scotchford, Corporals.! The horse company had its organizatidn|)ct. 13, 1669 and included beside members belonging to the town also some from places adjacent. It first captain was Thomas Wheeler; its first Lieutenant Thomas Henchman; and its Quartermaster was Henry Woodhouse (or Woodis.}j Shattuck says that the Horse Company was "the second and western horse company in the county and from it the present Concord Light Infantry descended." It is probable that a portion of the members of the afore said companies saw service in the Old Narraganset War in 1654,^ its former captain, Simon Willard was at that time \ Concord 349 the commander of an expedition which set forth by order of the United Colonies against Chief Ninigret. In this expedition which was composed of 250 infantry men and 40 cavalrymen there were several soldiers from Concord.' Concerning the garrison houses of Concrod Shattuck states as follows: "We have no other means than tradition to ascertain the number or situation of the garrison-houses in Concord. The house now occupied by Dr. Hurd was originally one ; another stood near John Flint's ; another near Meriam's corner ; two others within the- present limits of Bedford ; another near John Hosmer's; and another near Silas Holden's. An Indian fort was built near Nashobah Hill in Littleton, then in Concord. These were not all. The num ber and situation varied, at different times, for the .subse quent twenty years." That these were all the defensed places of the town we are not to infer, since ordinary farm houses were sometimes fortified and used as places of rendezvous. In relation to the militia and other means of aggressive warfare Shattuck says, "In October, 1675, the government ordered that the mil itia of Suffolk and Middlesex be put in a posture of war ; and be ready to march at a minute's warning to prevent danger ; ' and at the same time authority was given to Capt. Timothy Wheeler 'to impress an able gunsmith to repair to Concord to be resident there for the fixing up of arms from time to time during the war for this and the towns adjacent.' 'Committes of militia,' somewhat resembling the committees of safety in the revolution of 1775, were appointed in the several towns. The Hon. Peter Bulkeley was chairman of that committee in Concord. He and Joseph Dudley were appointed in November to 'attend the forces that are now to go forth against the enemy, and to be ministers unto them.' " j The work of the militia and garrison houses of Concord we conclude proved a benefit to the people outside the 3 50 Colonial r~ town as well as to those living within it. Connecticut, with their veteran soldiers fresh from severe experiences in the western campaign, Concord 401 inured to danger and experienced in Indian wiles and deceits : against all these we have recorded only the remonstrance of Mr. Church, who up to that time, at least, had experience in Indian warfare only as a scout, and the only record we have of any protest by him was made many years after the affair. And again, from the standpoint of their conditions as nearly as we can now judge, it seems that their hasty retreat was wise. They were some sixteen miles from their base of supplies ( it is doubtful if they had noted the Indian supplies until the burning began). There was no way of reaching their provisions and ammunition at Wickford except by detaching a portion of their force now reduced greatly by death, wounds and exposure. The number of Indians who had escaped and were still in the woods close at hand were unknown, but supposed to be several thousand, with report of a thousand in reserve about a mile distant. These were row scattered and de moralized, but in a few hours might rally and fall upon the fort, put our troops, in their weakened condition, upon the defensive, and make their retreat from the swamp extremely difficult if not utterly impossible, encumbered as they would be by the wounded, whose swollen and stiffened wounds in a few hours would render removal doubly pain ful and dangerous. Added to this was the chance of an attack upon the garrison at Wickford, and the dread of a midnight ambuscade, which every hour's delay made more likely and would render more dangerous." fWhen the men of the Massachusetts force were ready to march for the reduction of the Narragansett Fort, a proclamation was made in the name of the Governor to the soldiers that, " If they played the man, took the Fort, and drove the enemy out of the Narragansett country, which is their great seat, they should have a gratuity of land besides their wages." Years after, a petition was presented to the General Court by the people living in several towns of Essex 402 Colonial County dated June 4, 1685, asking for a tract of land pursuant to the foregoing promise. The Court responded to the petition favorably, and allowed the grant of a tract of land eight miles square in the Nipmuck country " provided it be laid out so as not to interfere with any former grants, and that an Orthodox minister on their settlement of thirty families be settlec* within four years next coming." Mass. Col. Records Vol. 5 page 487. For forty years nothing more was done in the matter. The place specified for the grant was remote, and the conditions imposed hard to be complied with. In process of time, however, when the Massachusetts and Plymouth colonies had become one, and went by the name of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, a petition was again presented by Samuel Chandler and Jacob Wright of Concord in behalf of themselves and a number of other persons, recalling the act of the General Court in 1685, and asking that a grant of land might be made to the petitioners. The result was that a committee was appointed consist ing of Mr. Samuel Chandler of Concord and two others who were fully empowered to lay out an area ot land eight miles square, in some unappropriated land of the Colony for the purpose set forth in the petition. A list also was to be prepared by the committee, of those who by reason of service in the Narragansett war or their legal representatives were entitled to a share in the lands thus laid out. As it turned out that the number of claimants as reported by the committee was so great that the land grant would be insufficient for them all, the committee was instructed to lay out " two tracts of land for Townships of the contents of six miles square," the same conditions being imposed as in the first order. After some delay and some controversy as to the sufficiency of the lands granted there being disagreement Concord 403 between the Council and House of Representatives with regard to it, the latter body January 19, 1 731, sent up to the Council a pleading message in advocacy of the claims of the Narragansett soldiers and their representatives. The following is a copy of a part of this paper : "And one great Reason is that there was a Proclamation made to the Army in the name of the Government ( as living Evidences very fully testify ) when they were mustered on Dedham Plain where they began their March, that if they played the man, took the Fort & Drove the Enemy out of the Narraganset Country, which was their great Seat, that they should have a gratuity in Land besides their Wages ; and it is well known, & our Sitting to hear this petition is an Evidence that this was done ; and as the Conditions have been performed, certainly the promise in all Equity & Justice ought to be fulfilled ; and if we Con sider the Difficulties these brave men went through in Storming the Fort in the Depth of Winter, & the pinching wants they afterwards underwent in pursuing the Indians that escaped through a hideous Wilderness famously known throughout New England to this day by the Name of the hungry March ; and if we further Consider that until this brave though small army thus played the Man, the whole Country was filled with Distress & fear & We trembled in this Capital Boston itself & that to the Goodness of God to this army We owe our Fathers & our own Safety & Estates, We cannot but think that those Instruments of Our Deliverance & Safety ought to be not only justly but also gratefully & generously rewarded & even with much more than they prayed for, If we measure what they receive from us, by what we enjoy and have received from them. We need not mention to the Honorable Board the Wisdom Justice and Generosity of Our Mother Country & of the ancient Romans, on such Occasions, Triumph, Orations, Hereditary Honors & privileges all the Riches, Lands & Spoils of War and conquered Countrys have not 464 Colonial been thought too great for those to whom they have not owed more if so much as We do those our Deliverers : & We ought further to observe what greatly adds to their merit that they were not Vagabonds & Beggars & Out casts, of which Armies are sometimes considerably made up, who run the Hasards of War to Avoid the Danger of Starving : so far from this that these were some of the best of Our men, the Fathers & Sons of some of the greatest & best of Our families and could have no other View but to Serve the Country & whom God was pleased accordingly in every remarkable manner to Honour & Succeed." T~K result of this message and a renewal of the soldiers' petition was the appointment of a committee for an adjust ment of claims ; and pursuant to the work of the committee townships were confirmed, among which was Narragansett township No. 6, now Templeton, Mass. This township was confirmed to one hundred and twenty claimants or their representatives then living in the towns of Concord, Groton, Marlborough, Chelmsford, Billerica, Lancaster, Lexington, Stow, Framingham, Littleton, Sherborn, Stoneham, Southborough and Woburn. Samuel Chandler of Concord was one of the Committee to have the matter in charge. The following are the familiar Concord names found in a list given in the old "Proprietors' Record" Book in Templeton, headed "June 24, 1735. Those that drawed their lots in the Narragansett Township No. 6." No. of lot Claimant Grantees and references. 49 Samuel Chandler for Joseph Buss 52 Samuel Chandler for . . . Assignee to John Taley 1 9 Benjamin Temple . in the right of his father Abraham 9 96 Simon Davis 3 9 Johnathan Buttrick . . for heirs of Samuel Buttrick 8 Ephraim Brown ... for his father Thomas Brown 14 Samuel Miles 26 John Wood Concord 405 80 Joseph Buckley . . .for his father Peter Buckley 18 George Farrar 1 heir to Samuel How 1 1 8 Daniel Adams . . for his father-in-law Daniel Dean 111 Daniel Billings for his father . . Nathaniel Billings 643 Joseph Wheat for Moses Wheat 117 " Abraham Taylor 7 Samuel Hartwell for his father Samuel 120 David Wheeler . . . assignee to Samuel Greeland 79 Thomas Ball 69 Ebenezer Wheeler for his father John 23 Nathan Brooks for "Snow" 42 Eleazer Bateman 25 John Wheeler for his brother Joseph 32 Joseph Wood 43 John Adams 21 Ephraim Temple 102 John Barrett The following is an additional list which purports to be the names of Concord Claimants. Claimants Grantees Samuel Chandler assignee to John Griggs Samuel Chandler Jr assignee to John Kent Jonathan Whiting alive Jane Cane for her father John Cane William Clark heir to John Taylor Tames Russel for his father Benjamin f fThe Concord soldiers were probably absent from home — about two months, during which time they were subjected to great hardship occasioned by long marches, hunger and cold. After the withdrawal of the expedition to Wickford it rested till after the last of January. The snow storm that was raging at the time of the battle lasted several days and was followed by a sudden thaw which swelled the streams and softened the ways making marching difficult. After the first of February however, the forces broke camp and then and there began the forward movement Concord 406 which for generations was designated as the "Long March" or "Hungry March." The objective point was the Nip muck Country. The course to it was long and circuitous. The provisions gave out and the little army was forced to kill some of its horses to sustain life. The foe harrassed their flank and rear, and after a long and fruitless attempt to bring him to an open engagement they arrived worn and weary at the region of the Connecticut river, and General Appleton seeing that the Expedition could accomplish no further purpose, came from Marlborough to Boston, reaching there about the first of February.1 As Concord was creditably represented both as to the town's soldiers who took part in the Swamp fight and the position which they occupied, it may be appropriate to pub lish the following account of the engagement as it is given in a letter from Capt. James Oliver who commanded the , third company. fThe letter is taken from Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts, Vol. 1 page 272 third edition. In this work the authorship of the letter which is without a signature is attributed to Major Bradford, but it has been asserted by Mr. Drake author of "Book of the Indians" who had seen the original, to have been signed by Capt. Oliver. " Narraganset 26th 11th month 1675. After a tedious march in a bitter cold night that followed Dec. 1 2th We hoped our pilot would have led us to Pom- ham by break of day, but so it came to pass we were mis led and so missed a good oportunity. Dec. 13th, we came to Mr. Smith's, and that day took 3^ prisoners. Dec. 14th, our General went out with horse and foot, I with my com pany was left to keep garrison. I sent out 30 of my men to scout abroad, who killed two Indians and brought in 4 prisoners, one of which was beheaded. Our Army came home at night, killed 7 and brought in 9 more, young and old. Dec. 15th, came in John, a rogue, with pretence of peace, and was dismissed with this errand, that we might speak with Sachems. That evening, he not being gone a 407 Colonial quarter of an hour, his company that lay behind a hill killed two Salem men within a mile of our quarters, and wounded a third that he is dead. And at a house tnree miles off where I had 10 men, they killed 2 of them. Instantly, Capt. Mosely, myself and Capt. Gardner were sent to fetch in Major Appleton's company that was kept 3 miles and an half off, and coming they lay behind a stone wall and fired upon us in sight of the garrison. We killed the captain that killed one of the Salem men, and had his cap on. That night they burned Jerry Bull's house, and killed 1 7. Dec. 16th came that news. Dec. 17th came news that the Con necticut forces were at Petasquamscot, and had killed 4 Indians and took 6 prisoners. That day we sold Capt. Dav enport 47 Indians, young and old for 80/. in money. Dec. 1 7 th we marched to Petasquamscot with all our forces, only a garrison left ; that night was very stormy ; we lay, one thousand strong, in the open field that long night. In the morning, Dec. 19th, Lord's day, at five o'clock we marched. Between 12 and 1 we came up with the enemy, and had a sore fight three hours. We lost, that are now dead, about 68, and had 150 wounded, many of which are recovered. That long snowy cold night we had about 1 8 miles to our quarters, with about 210 dead and wounded. We left 8 dead in the fort. We had but 12 dead when we came from the swamp, besides the three we left. Many died by the way, and soon as they were brought in, so that Dec. 20th we buried in a grave 34, next day 4, next day 2, and none since here. Eight died at Rhode Island, one at Petasquam scot, 2 lost in the woods and killed Dec. 20, as we heard since; some say two more died. By the best intelligence we killed 300 fighting men; prisoners we took, say 350, and above 300 women and children. We burnt above 500 houses, left but 9, burnt all their corn, that was in baskets, great store. One signal mercy that night, not to be forgot ten, viz : that when we drew off, with so many dead and wounded, they did not pursue us, which the young men would have done, but the sachems would not consent ; they 408 Concprd had but 10 pounds of powder left. Our General, with about 40, lost our way and wandered till 7 o'clock in the morn ing before we came to our quarters. We thought we were within 2 miles of the enemy again, but God kept us ; to him be the glory. We have killed now and then 1 since, and burnt 200 wigwams more ; we killed 9 last Tuesday. We fetch in their corn daily and that undoes them. This is, as nearly as I can, a true relation. I read the narrative to my officers in my tent, who all assent to the truth of it. Monhegins and Pequods proved very false, fired into the air, and sent word before they came they would so, but got much plunder, guns and kettles. A great part of what is already written was attested by Joshua Teffe, who married an Indian woman a Wampanoag. He shot 20 times at us in the swamp, was taken at Providence Jan'y 14, brought to us the 16th, and executed the 18 th. A sad wretch, he, never heard a sermon but once these 14 years. His father going to recall him lost his head and lies' unburied."? OLD MIDDLESEX HOTEL. CHAPTER XL. The Advance of the English to the Nipmuck Country — Movements of Canonchet — Indian Depredations in the Spring of 1675—6 — Their Descent upon Con cord Village — Isaac and Jacob Shepard Slain — Mary Shepard made Captive — Place of the Trag edy — Description of the Event — The Escape of Mary Shepard — The Removal of the Nashoba Indians from Concord — Sketch of Capt. Samuel Mosely — His Antecedents — Character of His Sol diers. ON Feb. 12, 1675, occurred the "Nashoba incident" or the massacre at "Concord Village" as the Con cord "new grant" was sometimes called. After the desertion of their fort and perhaps while the wigwams with their charred corn heaps were still smouldering, Canonchet and the remnant of his warriors who with some of the families had escaped while the burn ing was yet going on returned to their ruined homes to gather it may be what little remained of their rude imple ments for cooking, or any unburnt provision which for the time being they might subsist upon. They buried their dead, cared for the wounded, and after sending their women and children who survived the fight and flames to a place of safety, sullenly and with a savage determination started on the track of their destroyers as they marched forth from Wickford. FAt every step they harried them till they reached the Connecticut valley where Canonchet formed an alliance with the Nipmucks at their old headquarters at Meminisset near Brookfield. At this time it is supposed that Canonchet rather than 409 4*o Colonial King Philip was the real leader of the great horde of con federated but unorganized Indians, which it is believed at this stage of the war had planned to drive the English from the Nipmuck country. But Canonchet soon went on an errand to the southward where things went adversely to him and he was captured and shot. A little later, Philip went west ward, perhaps seeking new alliances in New York, even visiting, it may be, the Maquas or Mohawks. / In the meantime, during the closing months of the year 1675, f°r t^e year at that time by the reckoning called "Old Style" ended in March, the Indians were more or less broken up into small marauding parties or squads, which scattered over the country disturbed the inhabitants and every now and then pounced upon the defenseless homesteads. JOn Febru ary 1st, one of these squads made a descent upon the home of Thomas Eames situated upon the southerly side of Mt. Waite near the present South Framingham, and burned the buildings after killing or taking captive his fam ily of ten persons while Mr. Eames was absent at Boston to obtain a stock of ammuunition with which to defend them. Feb. 10, Lancaster was burned, the Rowlinson garrison captured, and the wife of Rev. Joseph Rowlinson the min ister was carried away captive. On the 12th, the Indians made a raid on Concord village, now a part of Littleton, and killed two men and captured a girl. The place of the tragedy was on the south side of Qua- gana Hill, and the persons slain and captured were children of Ralfe and Thanklord Shepard who went from Maiden near a place since called Bell Rock to Conord village, where he bought of Lieuf Joseph Wheeler of Concord 610 acres lying in the form of a triangle between the Indian plantation of Nashoba and that part of Chelmsford which is now Westford; Nagog pond forming the base of the tri angle, the apex being two miles one-quarter and sixty rods north from the southwest end of Nagog pond, Concord 411 The names of the persons slain and captured were Isaac, Jacob, and Mary. Isaac was born June 20, 1639, and married Mary Smed ley, 1667. Jacob was born in 1653, and Mary the young est of the family was born in 1660 or 1662. When the Indians swooped down upon the Shepard homestead the ground was covered with snow to such a depth that snow shoes were used. The event happened on Saturday, and Isaac and Jacob were threshing in the barn. Being aware of the perilous times, they had set their sister on the summit of a hill to watch for Indians ; but the sav ages eluded her vigilance and before she was aware of their presence she was captured and her brothers were slain. Tradition does not 'inform us just where the girl was taken to ; some think it was in the neighborhood of Lan caster, others that it was as far off as Brookfield, but wher ever it was she soon escaped and returned home. Hubbard in his narrative of the Indian wars says of Mary Shepard that "she strangely escaped away upon a horse that the Indians had taken from Lancaster a little while before." Tradition asserts that she escaped during the night follow ing the day of her capture and arrived home the next morning. Rev. Edmund Foster a former minister of Littleton in a "Century Sermon" preached in the year 1815, stated concerning the event that tradition says the girl was carried by the savages to Nashawa, now called Lancaster, or to some place in the neighborhood of it. Samuel Gardner Drake in his notes on the "Old Indian Chronicle" says that the leader of the band who slew the Shepard brothers is supposed to have been Netus, the same who attacked the Eames family, and who was sometimes called the Nipmuck Captain. Netus was slain the 22nd of March following, by a company of men from Sudbury, who with some soldiers from Marlboro found him asleep with a company of Indians around their campfire. Foster says that in the dead of night as related by tradition, Mary 412 Colonial Shepard took a saddle from under the head of her Indian keeper when sunk in sleep increased by the fumes of ardent spirit, put the saddle on a horse, mounted him, swam him across Nashawa river, and so escaped the hands of her captors and arrived safe to her relatives and friends. Mrs. Rowlinson says that the only time she ever saw any Indian intoxicated during her captivity was just before her release when John Hoar had given her master some liquor as part of her ransom and he got drunk on itJ The Removal of the Nashoba Indians from Concord *-_ to Deer Island. ' Soon after the massacre at Quagana hill a movement was made to remove the Nashobas from the care of their friend John Hoar to Deer Island, Boston Harbor. As we have in an early chapter of this" work referred briefly to this event giving some account of it, we will here only supplement it with such additional statements as were not there brought out, and properly belong to the period upon which we are writing. j- JDuring the stay of these Indians at Concord under the 'charge of John Hoar they were given employment, and are i represented as being contented ; but there were intermed- dlers in their affairs; and a part of the Concord people / allowed their dislike of all Indians to take such acute form as to send for the savage adventurer, Capt. Samuel Mosely , to take them away. ' And here it is important to pause in our narration suffi ciently long to set forth some facts connected with the life and character of Samuel Mosely, whose name and fame in King Philip's war were both savory and unsavory. Samuel Mosely was the son of Henry Maudsley who came from England to Massachusetts in 1685 in the ship Hopewell. The family was of Lancashire, England, and the name was there spelled Maudesley. Henry lived at Braintree where Samuel was born June 14, 1641. Samuel spelled his name Mosley ; he married Ann Addington. In 1688 he was one of a commission sent to treat with the Concord 413 Narragansett Indians, and in connection with this service is called "Captain." In a work entitled "The Present State of New England," it is said of him "This Captain Mosley has been a Priva teer at Jamaica, an excellent soldier and an undaunted spirit ; one whose memory will be honored in New England, for his many eminent services he hath done the Public." That Samuel Mosely had been somewhat of an adven turer upon the high seas is probably true. One writer says of him that "he had visited Jamaica in the way of trade, and the adventurous spirit had been excited and schooled per haps by Sir Henry Morgan and his associate buccaneers ; the result of which was the bringing home to Boston the prizes from some unmentioned enemy." A part of the experience of Capt. Mosely as a quasi mariner was obtained by acting on a permit from the Court to take reprisals from the Dutch, who in several instances had captured vessels belonging to the English. In 1674 and 5, he was given the command of an expedi tion for this purpose which was fitted out by some mer chants in Boston whose commerce had been molested, and succeeded in taking three vessels — the "Edward and Thomas" whose captain was Peter Roderigo, the "Penob scot Shallopp" Cornelius Anderson, Captain, and the "Shal- lopp called Philipp." The crews who manned these vessels were brought into Boston April 2' 1675 and imprisoned to wait their trial for piracy the following May. Much excitement existed during the trial of these men and some sympathy was expressed for the Dutch prisoners who set up a defense by pretending to produce a commis sion given by William, Prince of Orange, and the allega tion of an infringement of the law of nations on the part of the American ships by trading with the French while the Dutch were at war with them. The result of the trial was that five out of nine who were indicted for piracy were con victed and sentenced to be put to death. It occurred, how 414 Colonial ever, that on account of the existence of the Indian war an execution of the sentence was deferred, and Roderigo upon his own petition was pardoned ; and Anderson, having been acquitted, both entered the Colonial service as soldiers. When the war broke out by the slaying of Sassamon or Sausamon and the attack upon Swansea which quickly followed, three companies were raised to meet the emergency, one of infantry from Essex county ; one from Suffolk ; and a company of horse from the various towns of Middlesex. The Suffolk company was commanded by Samuel Mosely, and is supposed to have been made up in part of some of these adventurers. That Mosely and some of this element gravitated together as comrades in arms, "doing duty" near Brookfield shortly after the Wheeler disaster is indicated by the following statement preserved among the state archives Vol. 68 page 7. "Boston, October ye 13, 1675. To the honored Governor & Councell of the Massathusets Colony in New England. These are to signyfie that Cornellius [sic] Con sort the Dutchman was uppon the Contryes Servis Att qua- bage and by the Councle of Warre there was sent out Capt. of the for lorne And Afterward marched to Grot- ton & Chemsfort According to my best Advice continued in the Countryes Servis six weekes Cornellius being Reddy to depart the Country & myself being here att boston the Major Willard being Absent I granted this ticket. Thomas Wheeler, Capt. Cornelius Anderson was sometimes called Cornelius Consort. So popular was Capt. Mosely that although he was out side the line of official succession by the stiff rule of colon ial promotion, so that he could not hold a commission in the regular way, he raised an independent company of no volunteers in three hours. As late as May 5, 1676, Samuel Mosely received a com mission while connected with the command of Major Sav- Concord 415 age and the wages of his Soldiers were raised by popular subscription. Mosely and his men in addition to their wages were to have all the profits accruing from the plunder or sale of Indian captives; and in case these did not prove sufficient the Court was to make up the balance. "On August 34, 1676 at a great sale of Indian captives he is charged with 1 boy and girle 6 y ; & 13 squawes & pappooses io£." Savage says that Mosely died Jan. 1680. He died intestate. His administratrix was his widow Ann Mosely and among his assets as inventoried mention is made of an old musket and sword in the "Garret." That all the men that served under Capt. Mosely were adventurers or were recklessly inconsiderate of the claims of humanity is not to be presumed. For even if at the out set his men were' unlike the average of those who served in other companies, yet regiments and companies were subject to change. As the ranks were thinned by the enemy and the hardships of marches and exposure to extreme weather, they were doubtless replenished with whatever material came to hand. Hence we may perhaps account for the presence of occasional names associated with some of the old towns of Middlesex county. The discovery of the name of Rich ard Adams of Sudbury who was wounded in the Swamp Fight while serving in Capt. Mosely's company may have led the writer to make the statement in his History of Sud bury that the quota sent from that town for the Narra gansett Expedition served in Mosely's company ; whereas the fact is that the men from Sudbury were in the company of Capt. Davenport and served with the soldiers from Con cord. The name of Richard Adams is found in a list of Mosely's men who mustered at Dedham Dec. 9, 1675 f°r the Narragansett campaign. Mass. Archives Vol. 167 page 293. In that list are names that are unfamiliar, some of them perhaps being French or Dutch anglicised in spelling. In estimating the character of Capt. Mosely we are not to 41 ^ Colonial infer simply from the fact that he is accredited with certain Indian captives which were sold to him that he was excep tionally severe in his dealing with the savages, it being asserted in Capt. Oliver's letter that on a certain day "we sold Capt. Davenport 47 Indians, young and old for Zo£ in money." It was the common practice to dispose of Indian prisoners in this way. Even the wife and child of King Philip were sold into West Indian slavery. Mosely's character is to be judged by his own isolated conduct, not by practises that he engaged in in common with others. Neither are we to suppose that he was altogether uncouth in manner, nor wholly lacking in that culture which charac terized some of the earlv colonists. He was, we infer from his influence upon and association with the leaders of the times, their peer in matters of petty diplomacy, and even, it may be, partook of the customary reverence for and recognition of things sacred. CONCORD HIGH SCHOOL. CHAPTER XLI. Movements of the Indians after the Narragansett Campaign — Expedition into the Nipmuck Country — Dismissal of Soldiers from the Garrison Houses — The Disastrous Results — Advance of the Indians to the Eastward — The Alarm — The Starting of Relief Companies — Soldiers from Boston Watertown and Concord — Capt. Samuel Wads- worth's Command — His Arrival at Marlborough — The Return to Sudbury — The Ambuscade — The Wadsworth Fight at Green Hill — The Forest Fire — The Rout — Escape to the Mill at Hop Brook — Burial of the Slain — The Woodland Grave — Siege of the Haynes House — Attempted Rescue by the Concord Men — Ambuscade of the Concord Soldiers — The Route Taken to Sudbury. AS before observed, after the Narragansett Swamp Fight and the ending of the "Hungry March," repeated depredations were committed npon the frontier towns from the Connecticut river easterly as far as Concord Village. But these predatory bands were easily concentrated at the call of King Philip who by the departure of Canonchet to Connecticut about this time had become the sole director of the Nipmuck Indians and what few fugitive Narragansett confederates remained with them. Shortly after the middle of February it was reported that there were two large fortified Indian encampments in the central part of Massachusetts, one near the Wachuset hill, the other at Meminesset. To meet the existing con ditions, the Colonies of Massachusetts and Connecticut pro- 417 41 8 Colonial posed organizing another army consisting of six hundred men. The Massachusetts contingent was placed under com mand of Major Thomas Savage, and marched to Meminis- set about March ist. They found that the foe had disap peared. For some cause the Indians who were gathered about Wachuset, were not attacked and the Council prob ably considering it inexpedient for the force to remain longer in search of the enemy ordered Major Savage to withdraw his troops and return to Boston. For a time the principal opposing forces were the troops stationed at the central garrison houses and those engaged in the ranging service between them. At some of these central posts the forces were quite efficient and commanded by able captains, as for example, the one at Marlboro, which from about February 5th till into the following April was in charge of Capt. Samuel Brocklebank, who was stationed there after his return from the Narragansett expedition, whither he went with a reen- forcing column after the troops left Wickford. _ But the forces at these posts were soon afterf weakened by an order of the authorities dismissing some of the men ; the council thinking perhaps that the foe was subdued. But the opinion was sadly erroneous, and to some of the soldiers and settlers it was a fatal one. Shortly after the order had been complied with the Indians again became active, and along the frontier there were signs of a renewal of hostilities. The forest rang with their shouts of triumph. The old garrison doors closed ; and everywhere the towns were put in a posture of defense. Nor was the preparation premature. Soon reports came of burnings and plunder- ings ; and messengers went speeding through the forest to the Council for relief. On Feb. 21st a part of Medfield was burned. On March 13th Groton was destroyed. On the 26th the Indians fell upon Marlboro burning a part of its dwellings, and on the 28th, Rehoboth was assailed. That Philip was present with this large body that was moving eastward, while it may not be absolutely proven, is alto gether probable, f According to Mrs. Rowlandson, who was Concord 419 a captive among them, he was in the vicinity of Wachuset about that time with a large force of Indians. It is hardly probable that the wily chieftain, so near a large body of his warriors, would not be present directing their movements on their way easterly. fWhen the tidings reached the Council at Boston great con-" sternation was created. Never before had King Philip with so large a force been as near the metropolis of the Bay Col ony. Messengers were sent out with the news in every direction, the militia was put in motion and everything pos- ible was done to check the enemy's advance. But there was little need of any extra messengers, the towns of Middlesex were already astir. The signal given from hamlet to hamlet had aroused the watchful inhabitants and whatever forces could be spared were sent at once to the line of dan ger. A force was despatched from Boston consisting of from fifty to one hundred soldiers. Another was started from Watertown led by Capt. Hugh Mason. Others who hurried to the front were a "ply of horse" from the troop of Capt. Prentice under Corp. Phipps, and Capt. Hunting with forty friendly Indians, also a body of twelve men from Concord.- The company from Concord was made up in part at least and perhaps wholly of the town's citizens, some of whom may have been eligible to impress but not in the service, kept at home it may be for garrison work. History does not inform us of this matter, neither does trad ition. The record says, "Twelve resolute young men ; " and there is every reason to infer that upon the first indica tion of the near approach of the foe to their sister town of Sudbury they presented themselves voluntarily, and without being bidden hastened to the rescue. It would be interesting to follow in detail so far as there is data for it, the fate or fortune of each of these detach ments as they hurried to the scene of action and became a part of it. But as only a portion of them are nearly related 420 Colonial to the history of Concord we are called upon to confine our narrative chiefly to those. The detachment sent from Boston was commanded by Capt. Samuel Wadsworth, an experienced officer who had served in the Nipmuck country under Major Savage, going to the relief of beleagured Lancaster, a short time previous. Hastening with all speed up through Sudbury to Marl boro, where it was reported at his starting that the enemy had concentrated, he arrived about midnight of April 20, and reported to Capt. Brocklebank, who had been left in charge of the garrison house there, all other houses having been burned. It took but a short time for Wadsworth to learn that after sacking and destroying the town the Indians had gone in the direction of Sudbury. Without stopping for needed rest, having exchanged some of his tired soldiers and younger men for a part of the garrison guard and accompanied by Capt. Samuel Brocklebank who desired to go to Boston to speak to the Council, Wadsworth at once retraced his steps back to Sudbury, where he arrived probably by early after noon the day following. Upon his entering the town there appeared about one hundred Indians, which Wadsworth may have supposed was Philip's main force, or at least a detachment from it, and one which he could pursue with safety and easily capture ; but it was a mistake, and the mistake was fatal. The Indians had resorted to their old ruse of using decoys; and the same tragic experience that befell Capt. Wheeler at Brookfield and Capt. Lathrop at Bloody Brook, and Capt. Beers near Northfield and notably in one of the later wars Gen. Braddock, was in store for Capts. Wadsworth and Brocklebank, old Indian fighters notwithstanding both officers were. Upon seeing the savages the English pursued, but sud denly and without warning were surprised by a number esti mated at from one thousand to fifteen hundred who fired upon them from a place of concealment at or near the foot Concord 42 1 of Green hill about a quarter of a mile from the present South Sudbury village. The trap had been cunningly set and as cunningly sprung. The Indians had allowed the English to pass up through the town during the night, and during their march to and from Marlboro had placed in wait ing so many of their men as were needed for the ambuscade When Wadsworth returned, as they believed he would upon receiving intelligence of their absence from Marlboro, they were in readiness to meet him with their murderous volleys. After the first firing by the Indians, which was not so deadly as might be supposed from their vantage ground, Wads worth closed up his little company for a valiant defence, and from that time, which was probably not far from mid after noon, the fight continued till after nightfall. On the one hand it was a combat for life, on the other for a mastery over the main force of the English which stood between themselves and the spoliation of the town of Sudbury. No sooner had Wadsworth recovered from the surprise than he attempted to gain the hill top, and so successfully that by night he had reached it, and with a chance that the foe would be held in abeyance till reenforcements reached him. From tree to tree, from rock to rock, from over fallen logs the fire of Wadsworth' s men was doubtless well directed; while the enemy although strong and active were kept well in the distance not daring to fight at close quar ters. The indications as set forth in Philip's war are that the savage was too cowardly for open combat. He depended upon surprises and trickery or upon overwhelming numbers. A mistake of the Council and Colonial committees may have been in believing that they could capture the Indians by large expeditions by which they were chased from point to point in a vain attempt to draw them into open battle. The Indian's mode of living and familiarity with the country enabled him to elude all such efforts, and except for the destruction of an Indian fort and village large bodies of 422 Colonial troops in carefully planned campaigns were a partial failure, and only furnished opportunity for Indian ambushment. Wadsworth had gained the hilltop and was within night's friendly shelter both of which he had probably longed for, but the wily enemy impatient of the stubborn de fense and aware that just over the hill to the easterly was the Watertown company endeavoring to break through to his relief and that with the morning other reenforcements would arrive, as a last resort set fire to the forest. The cri sis had come. The flames fanned by the April breeze set out upon their disastrous errand without mercy. Soon they reached the top of the hill where the brave little company stood fearless to face anything human but powerless to do battle with this new agent. The last moment of their remaining together had arrived. They broke, they ran, down through the brushwood and the thickening smoke and through the gauntlet of savages. The Indian's opportunity had come. Before the conflagration was started they had doubtless so stationed themselves as to form a complete circle around the fire enclosed space ; so that when there was a struggle to escape from the flames not an Englishman would have a fair chance of escape. Only too successfully was the programme carried out ; for of the forty or fifty men more or less, who had fought through the long hours of that April afternoon from the foot to the summit of Green hill less than a score escaped and found shelter in the neighboring mill by the brook. All the others had fallen or been taken captive, and when the morning sun arose and the terrible night shadows had lifted, the charred and mangled corpses of that band of brave men lay scattered over that piece of burnt woodland to be gathered in kind embrace by a com pany of whites and friendly Indians and laid in one large lone grave in the wilderness. The burial scene as described in Gookin's History of the Praying Indians is as follows : "Upon the 22nd of April early in the morning over forty Indians having stripped themselves and painted their faces Concord 423 like to the enemy, they passed over the bridge to the west side of the river without any Englishmen in the company, to make discovery of the enemy (which was generally con ceded quarter thereabout), but this did not at all discourage our Christian Indians from marching and discovering, and if they had met with them to beat up their quarters. But God had so ordered that the enemy were all withdrawn and were retreated in the night. Our Indian soldiers having made a thorough discovery and to their great relief (for some of them wept when they saw so many English lie dead on the place among the slain), some they knew, viz, those two worthy and pious Captains, Capt. Brocklebank of Row ley and Capt. Wadsworth of Milton, who with about thirty two private soldiers were slain the day before. ... As soon as they had made a full discovery, [they] returned to their Captains and the rest of the English, and gave them an account of their motions. Then it was concluded to march over to the place and bury the dead, and they did so. Shortly after, our Indians marching in two files upon the wings to secure those that went to bury the dead, God so ordered it that they met with no interruption in that work." A rude stone heap was placed over the grave, it may be for the double purpose of protecting and of marking it. In 1730, President Wadsworth of Harvard, College, son of the Captain, caused a slate stone to be erected beside the spot. From this time there was another long season of neglect. The spring time came with its decoration of violets and wood grass, the autumn with its falling leaves, and the winter with its kindly mantling snows, each in its turn tenderly placing its appropriate token upon the lonely grave. At length after the lapse of nearly two centuries the appearance of the place was changed by the establishment of a more imposing memorial. Having narrated the leading events of the battle of Green hill we are in a position to consider the movements of the men from Concord. On the night that Capt. Wadsworth left Marlboro and 424 Colonial while yet on the march back to Sudbury 'the Indians were busy in preparation for assaulting the garrison houses of the town. These houses contained at that time in all prob ability all the inhabitants on the west side of the river; the people on the east side, or what is now Wayland hav ing fled for protection to the fortified meeting house, and fortified parsonage of Rev. Edmund Brown, the former situated at a spot still pointed out in the town's first bury ing ground, and the latter at the junction of Mill brook and Sudbury river. The principle garrison attacked was that known as the Walter Haynes house. This house stood upon the west side of the Sudbury river, the same stream which in Con cord is called the Concord river, near the meadows about midway between the present Sudbury centre and Wayland centre. The attack upon this house began, according to the "Old Petition" about six o'clock in the morning and was kept up till after mid day, at times the fight occuring in the very door yard. To this garrison house the Concord men directed their course. They probably arrived in the vicin ity in the early forenoon. The fight at Green hill had not then begun, and part of the Indians had passed over the main causeway and "town bridge," which are a part of the "old road" from Wayland to Sudbury center and were doing mischievous work on the east side. A sufficient force was probably left at the Haynes house to keep up a hard fight with the inmates and to prevent it from being reenforced. As the Concord men drew near the garrison house, they saw a small company of Indians near it, and doubtless suppos ing that these were all and that they could easily overcome them and gain entrance to the building, they rushed forward forgetful in their impetuosity of the risk of an ambuscade. No sooner were they within the power of the designing sav ages than the latter arose in great force and placing them selves between the English and the garrison house fell upon them with great ferocity and so disastrous was the onslaught Concord 425 that but one escaped. The "Old Indian Chronicle" says : "They were waylaid and eleven of them cut off." Hub bard says: "These men at the first hearing of the alarm, who unawares were surprised near a garrison house, in hope of getting some advantage upon a small party of the enemy that presented themselves in a meadow. A great number of the Indians, who laid unseen in the bushes, suddenly arose up and intercepting the passage to the garrison house killed and took them all." That resistance was made we may infer both from tradi tion and from a fragment of record relating to the estate of James Hosmer who was among the slain. The former says "There was a bold resistance ;" the latter, which is a Probate matter, speaks of Hosmer as "being slayne in an engagement with the Indians at Sudbury on the 21st of the 2nd month in the year 1676." The names of the fallen that have been preserved are James Hosmer, David Corny, William Hey wood, Samuel Potter, Joseph Buttrick, John Barnes, Josiah Wheeler and Jacob Farrar. Tradition is for the most part silent as to the circumstances or any incident connected with the start, the march, or the exact details of the disaster^. We may presume that the start was an exciting one. Perhaps the quick ear of James Hosmer was the first to catch the faint sound of distant firing as at nightfall on the day previous he went out to fodder the stock on his father's farm near the Assabet : or it may be that the tidings were brought by a scout from over the Sudbury boundary line, who scouring the forest had seen the impress of many moc casins, the sure sign of the presence of a war party. Certain it is that there were warnings of an Indian invasion in the neighborhood of Concord, for only a few days before, the people of Sudbury had informed the Council at Boston by a letter of Rev. Edmund Brown their minister that the woods were "pestered with Indians" and that several of the town's citizens had been shot at ; and asking that men who had been impressed to serve abroad might be sent home. It was only the day before the little company from Con- 426 Colonial cord started that Thomas Plympton was slain at Boone's plain in the town of Stow, as he was trying to aid Mr. Boone and son to reach a place of safety. Neither is there any tradition as to the direction that these Concord men took. The main road to the Sudbury east precinct is through what is now the town of Lincoln. If the soldiers took this road, it would lead them to cross the river at the "old town bridge" and to approach the gar rison house from the southerly passing along the causeway from the bridge until they reached the west side of the mead ows at a point near the beginning of the old Lancaster road opened about 1663. From this point we have only con jecture to go by in determining the further movements and the exact whereabouts of these men ; but assuming that we are correct in the the supposition that they went on the east side of the river which would take them over the "town bridge" and the causeway, a route which we believe was the only practicable one in time of high water, we think it fairly safe from the known facts and thelay of the land to make 'the following supposition; that -the majority of the Indians who were assailing the Haynes house on becoming aware of the approach of men to reenforce it concealed themselves in the neighboring shrubbery near the meadow, leaving only a sufficient number in sight to lead the reenforcing party to believe they could easily overcome them or gain entrance to the house in spite of them. The'eager English in their usual forgetfulness of Indian trickery and in their impatience to render relief might naturally rush across the arm of meadow which extended from the causeway just mentioned to the upland adjacent to the Haynes house. When fairly upon the arm of meadow which was covered with water at that time doubtless, the concealed Indians had only to rise up and intercept them. By closing in upon their rear all retreat would be cut off, and the main recourse to be had was to fight where they were, as the broad expanse of flooded meadow to the easterly would make escape in that direction quite difficult, while at the west- Concord 427 erly end of the arm of meadow as it terminates in the upland all escape could easily be prevented by a small force. The foregoing theory not only accords with Hubbard's description of the event but it explains why the men fell on the meadow land. That this conjecture is correct may be indicated by the following facts relating to the locality. From the point where the causeway proper ended near the Lancaster road as before described, there has been a rude path and a strip of low causeway that extended over the arm of the meadow which in front of the Haynes house reached to the upland at the westerly. This path has served the double purpose of hauling hay and of a way to the house ; and it probably extended beyond the house northerly, and was perhaps a part of the way which the town voted should extend the whole length of the river meadow to the town bounds. The strip of causeway over the meadow arm is today known as the Water Row road and in time of high water has frequently been flooded in modern times. jThe bodies of five of the slain soldiers remained where they fell till the next morning and then were recovered by a searching party who went for them in boats and brought them over the flood to the town bridge, as stated in the petition of Warren and Pierce who helped bury them. The occasion of delay in securing the bodies was the perilous condition of things on the west side of the river. It pre sumably was not till early afternoon, or the time that Wads worth reached Green hill, that the savages withdrew from about the garrison houses to concentrate for an attack upon his command. By way of the old "Lancaster road" which passed very near or directly over a part of the Green hill battle ground, it was only about a mile distant. The sound of firing while the action was going on at Green hill could doubtless have been heard during the hours of the late after noon and into the night quite distinctly; so that the inhabi tants to the eastward had cause for believing that the entire territory of the west precinct was dangerous to venture upon. 428 Colonial Moreover every soldier was on duty for defense of the gar risons or was endeavoring to reenforce Wadsworth. On the east side the inhabitants doubtless durst not venture forth on the sad mission of gathering up the slain ; for although they had in the morning driven about two hundred Indians over the town bridge and causeway by a running fight, yet they knew not how soon a defeat of Capt. Wadsworth might come and the disengaged savages flushed with vic tory rush back with overwhelming numbers to over come them. Those were hours in which to care for the liv ing not for "the dead. It was a day of distress and calamity ; dark with -its disasters, and dreadful in its uncertainties, and it may be a wonder how human hearts could endure the strain. What became of all the dead we know not : we may con jecture, however, that after the strife had subsided they were sought after and found ; and if so were tenderly borne back to Concord, or carried to the same lone spot upon the river bank and laid beside the bodies of their late comrades. The exact locality of the spot where these men were buried may be easily conjectured ; as it was high water there would be but one practicable place near the bridge and that would be on the eastern bank of the river just north of the bridge and the road. The place is still a quiet one. No intrusion of farm building or summer cottage has as yet broken the quietude in the immediate vicinity. The place has remained to this day unmarked by any memorial of man's erection but there are land marks which have been there through the centuries. The bridge, which it is said was the first framed one in Middlesex county, has had several successors. The river, although a new channel was long years ago cut by man as a shorter course for its waters, still bends its friendly arm to the banks near which they were laid, as if reluctant to leave it. As to the story of the sole survivor history and tradi tion are alike silent. We know not his name nor how he escaped. We may, however suppose that at the first firing the five whose bodies were earliest recovered fell at about Concord 429 the same place being perhaps foremost and where the water was shallow. The seven whose bodies were not at first found may have retreated further back where the water was deeper, and scattered about ; while the one who survived may have straggled forward to the upland unobserved by the savages and escaped into the woods or crossed over the flood. Perhaps in no other instance in King Philip's war did a town suffer the loss of so many men on any one occasion in their endeavor to succor others. There were slain in the town of Sudbury on that fateful day not far from fifty armed Englishmen that there is a record of; and of these about one fourth part were from Concord. As to the substantial value of the sacrifice of the Con cord soldiers we may not be able at this distant day to determine. Doubtless anything that drew off the force of savages in their onslaught on the Haynes house was an advantage, as it gave the inmates a respite. It is also pre sumable that by a detention of a portion of Philip's warriors, he incurred greater loss at the hands of Wadsworth. But whatever the service rendered by the sacrifice it was a most worthy one. The loss was severe in Concord homes and there was mourning in families from which some member, perhaps, the head of the household, had gone out never to return. Although no general Indian invasion occurred there during the war yet her loss on that sad spring day was greater than that of some towns that were attacked. As some of the leading facts and features both of the Wadsworth fight and the burial of the bodies of the slain Concord soldiers are set forth in a petition of Daniel War ren and Joseph Pierce to the Colonial Court, we quote it, Mass. Arch. vol. 68 p. 224 : "To Inform the Honoured Counsel of the Service don at Sudbury by severall of the Inhabatance of Watertown as our honoured Captain Mason hath Allready informed a part of thereof in the petion : but we who wear thear can moer largely inform this honoured Councel : that as it is said in the petion that we drove two hundred Indians over 430 Colonial the River: wee followed the enimie over the river and joyned with som others and.went to see if wee could relieve Captain Wadsworth upon the hill and thear we had a fight with the Indians but they beinge soe many of them and we stayed soe long thar we wear allmost incompassed by them which cased us to retreat to Captain Goodanous Garrison ; and their we stayed it being ner night till it was dark and then we went to Mr. Noices Mill to see if we could find any that were escaped to that place all though they wear noe persons dwelling there ; but thear we found : 13 : or: 14: of Captain Wadsworths men who wear escaped some of them wounded and brought them to Sudbury towne ; On the next day in the morning soe soon as it was light we went to looke for — Concord, men who wear slain in the River middow and thear we went in the colld water up to the knees where we found five and we brought them in Conus to the Bridge fut and buried them thear; and then we joined ourselves to Captain Hunton with as many others as we could procuer and went over the River to look for Captain Wadsworth and Captain Brattlebank and the soldiers that wear slain ; and we gathered them up and Buried them ; and then it was agreed that we should goe up to Nobscot to bring the Carts from thence into Sudbury-Towne and soe returned Horn againe ; to what is above written we . An acount taken of the nonfrreemen which are free hold ers, whos housing and Lands do amount to the uallew of six rante by the year. Mr. James Minerd Nathanell Stow Danell Dane Nathaell Harwood Thomas gobile S(enior) Eliphelet fox Robord Blood, S John Ball John wheler, g Samuel fletcher Nemiah hunt, S Timithy Ries Samuell Davis, S Samuel Stratten John Shaperd, S Johnethen habord Concord 48 1 Abraham Tempel Joshua Wheler Recherd Tempel James Smadly Isaac Tempel Nathanell Buse Simon Davis John wood Roberd Blood Abraham wood Simon Blood Obadiah wheler Josiah Blood John Haward Judath poter Thomas Wheler John Jones Steuen Hosmer John Hartwill Thomas : Wheeler : Homphary Baret Nathaniel Billing Select men Steuen Hosmor Eliphelet ffox 21 March 1689. Voted by the Court to be firemen Ebenezer Prout, Clerk Consent* Js* Addington Secry" Besides the foregoing who are supposed to have given the Court satisfactory credentials of Church membership upon their application to be made freemen, we have the following names of citizens who also applied to be made freemen about the same time together with the requisite certificate for church membership. "Concord March i2!h £ All whom ye knowledge of what is here exposed doth concerne may please hereby to understand, that ye psons here named are members in the full comunion of the church ; Leiften* Simon Davis, Leiften* Jonathan Prescot, Joseph ffrench, Thomas Pellot, Samuel Hunt ; Eliezer fflag, Samuel Hartwell, Samuel Myriam, John Wheeler, Samuel How, Abraham Taylor, John Hayward, Nathaniel Ball, Samuel Wheate, Timothy Wheeler, John Myriam, Daniel Pellet ; Wittnesses my hand ; Edward Bulkely." "22" March, 1689. 482 Colonial All above written (Except Daniel Pellet) voted to be ffreemen. his age being questioned. Jsa Addington Secry. Ebenezer Prout Clerk. certificate of church membership. These documents are interesting not only as illustrative of the working of the political system of the times, but they are also valuable as indicating how large a proportion of the town's population belonged to the church. Among the more important events which occurred at Concord during the latter part of the Colonial period was the building of a new meeting house. As stated in an early chapter of Part 1 the first meeting house was built soon after the settlement began, and stood upon the little hill by the "strate strete" at the beginning of Lexington street. This which was undoubtedly built of logs had no successor upon its perched position on the hill top but was followed by a more imposing structure erected upon the plain by the brook. (Agitation upon the subject of a new house of public worship began soon after the death of the first minister, and in 1667 a vote was taken in town meeting to erect one. The building was to stand "between the old edifice and Deacon Jarvis'," Jan. 27, 1668, a committee consisting of Capt. Timothy Wheeler, Joseph Wheeler, and John Smedly was chosen to plan and take charge of the business of construction, and in 1672, the selectmen were to see if the contract for completing the work had been fulfilled. The new house of worship in style closely resembled the old meeting house at Hingham, Mass., which was built in 1681. It had a peeked roof with four sides or slopes in which were dormer windows, and was surmounted by a belfry. The main structure was nearly square and had a gallery. Along the walls were ranged a few pews, but the center was mostly filled with plain seats. A vane was on the spire inscribed with the date, 1673. | As no'Turther reference will be made to ecclesiastical Concord 483 matters of the Colonial period we will observe in passing that the indications relative to the early church at Concord are that its creed and its ministers were evangelical, and that the religious traditions of the town are in substantial accord with those of the typical Pilgrim and Puritan. The light that shone in the wilderness was a gospel light and among the twinkling stars that glittered through their night of solicitude and sorrow none were as bright to the settler as that which arose and stood over the place where lay the Babe of Bethlehem. The Christ of that first Christmas was the Christ of the Concord colonist. It was to His word that he looked for guidance, by His sac rifice he believed he would be saved, and upon this rock he built his church. One sign of progress after the close of Philip's war was an increased interest in education. |Th the early years of the township learning took a low place. The times were hard. To obtain a livelihood required the greatest effort, but straightened as its circumstances were, the town was early supplied in its several districts with those who were competent to teach the children and youth to read and write. In 1665 complaint was made against the town for its lack of a "Lattin Schoole Mr." It was also about this time repeatedly reminded of its laxity in provid ing educational privileges in general. / In the Mass. Archives Vol. 129, page 130 is a paper of indenture executed by the overseers of the poor of the town of Boston and Ebenezer Prout of Concord by which a child nine years of age was to be brought up. She was to "Be taught perfectly to read English, Sew, Spin, and Knit as she shall be capable ; " she was to be supplied with "wholesome sufficient meat, drink, Apparel, washing, & Lodging ; " and at the end of the term, she was to be dis missed with "two new Suits of Apparel throughout, one for Lord's days, the other for working days." The date is 1688 and the term of indenture was until the subject became 21 years old or was married. This V 484 Colonial transaction between Ebenezer Prout and the Boston guardians of the poor corresponds in its substance to a report of the town constables to the Council of the state of education in Concord about 1680. In the report it is stated that they found "no children or youth not taught to read and know the Capital laws." In addition to school privileges and the educational agency and influence of the pulpit, the town was early favored as has been stated in another part of this volume with a catechistical exercise on the Lord's day, a practice probably the first of its kind in this country, and if it may be considered a Sunday school then the pioneer Sunday school in America. The town early had a circulat ing library and this too perhaps was the first one in the country. In 1672, the town instructed the selectmen "That ceare be taken of the bookes of marters & other bookes, that belong to the Towne, that they be kept from abeuce uesage, & not to be lent to any person more then one month at one time." At this distant day it is not easy to conceive of the exact methods of pronunciation in the every day conversa tion. From the manner of spelling it is possible to sup pose what may have been the style of pronouncing certain syllables. An occasional use of the letter a instead of e in such words as certain and clerk easily leads to the conjec ture that they were pronounced as to the first syllable like a in far. In the use of the letter e for i in such words as dis trict and little, the inference is that they were pronounced as they were spelled. The writing of various words with a terminal e, which are written in modern times without it as in the words "poore" and "yeare" may suggest the possible prolongation or trill ing of the letter r. So also where double consonants begin a word as "ffirst" for first, a natural conclusion may be that the sound of the syllable containing it was somewhat lengthened. Concord 485 The absence of any elision of the letter h in words that begin with an aspirate lead to the inference that none of the English settlers at Concord'elided the aspirate in their talk. The cause of common schools received an impetus in 1 687 by a gift of land as set forth in the following clause in the will of Capt. Timothy Wheeler who died in July of that year. "I Give to the Towne of Concord my house that stands near Eliaz. Fleggs house with the Land that itt stands upon and is joyned to itt ; wch is about Three acres ; be itt more or Lesse bounded by the Highway on the North East by my Land (viz') the Gutter and Eliazer Fleggs Land on the North West & South This I say I Give to the said Towne to be improved as followeth [viz'] ; That about halfe an acre of the said Lott be laid out to the training place the fence to Run from the Corner of the House to the brow of the Hill upon a straight Lyne ; the Dwelling house with the rest of the Land w*h all that is upon itt I give to be Improved for the furtherance of Learning and the Support of a Schoole in the said Towne" / The more notable real estate transactions during the later years of the Colonial period consisted mainly in the adjustment of relations already existing or in minor transfers of original grants. In 1667, an agreement was reached relative to a matter ot controversy which had long been going on concerning the Bulkeley mill privilege. As has been stated in the story of the town's settlement a corn or grist mill was caused to be erected by Parson Peter Bulkeley on the mill brook the dam of which was near the present public square. When he died the property was conveyed to his widow Grace Chet- wood Bulkeley and shortly after there arose the vexed question as to what were the exact rights of flowage, which were accorded to the mill proprietor when the town granted the mill privilege. The land about the mill pond was valuable on account of its near proximity to the public 486 Colonial places and it might take but a slight elevation of the "splash boards" of the dam to cause the water of the pond to encroach upon it and occasion "wetness" about the new meeting house grounds, and the town pound and perhaps damage the tan pits. In several instances the town offi cials had been instructed to guard the immediate vicinity of the backyard of the meeting house against inundation from the water of the mill brook. But the temptation to augment the mill power by increas ing the fall at the flume was perhaps only a natural one, and hence in spite of expostulation on the part of the public the maximum height was adhered to until matters Were settled by arbitrament of the court whose verdict was as follows : "1. That the ounors of the sajd mill shall have liberty from tjme to time, & at all tjmes, to rajse the water fowre ffootetenn inches perpendiccular ffrom thebottome of the mill troffe, as now it lieth at the head of the milne pond, but the wast or low shott not to be made narrower then now it is, or to be raysed higher then to rajse the water (at the head of the pond) to fower ffoote seuen inches ffrom the bottom of the milne troffe before the water runns ouer the wast. 2. What land lyeth vnder water, by reason of the milne pond, at such a head of water as aforesajd, shall be the pro priety & propper right of the ounors of the sajd mill for euer, excepting alwayes that land which the toune of Con cord haue formerly granted to any of their inhabitants, all wch land each proprietor shall enjoy according to his toune grant after the mill is wholly disannulled. 3. The ounors of the sajd mill for euer shall not be 'iable to sattisfy any damage donn tp any person or persons whatsoeuer, by such a head of water kept and majntejned as before sajd. 4. The ounors of the sajd mill foreuer shall enjoy the benefit of all that water wch may be obteyned by any menes formerly attempted i. e. to the higth of such a head of water as aforesajd, wch water shall not be diverted by any Concord 487 person or persons whatsoeuer. 5. Lastly. The ounors of the sajd mill foreuer shall enjoy priuiledge on the comons for clay & sand convenient for the repaire of the mill damage from tjme to tjme as formerly they haue enjoyed. Symon Willard Jno Founell, & johnathan danforth. The Court approoves of this return." In 1686 there was an adjustment of the controversy relating to the Blood farms. JThese farms consisted of cer tain territory in and about the present town of Carlisle. A part of them was owned by Robert Blood as early as 1642. Because situated outside the boundary line of any town the dwellers on them were styled borderers. These farms being in no incorporated town were without civil or ecclesi astical status. The occupants paid their rates in Billerica but when the Indian war came they paid their rates in Con cord, and had the protection of Concord's garrison houses. Subsequently these rates by order of the Court were refunded to Billerica. The question of jurisdiction in this and sim ilar instances was settled by the General Court Oct. 11, 1682. After citing facts in cases of a like nature that had occurred in different places it ordered that Borderers should pay the county treasurer two shillings for every two hun dred acres of land ; and towns were to "assess all country grants of lands & all belonging to peculiar persons that lye neerest to each toune or tounes." Upon this authority the Concord constables went to the Blood farms with a tax warrant. They were roughly received by Robert and his son. The consequence was that Robert Blood Sr. was fined ten pounds for ill treat ment of the officers and "vilifying his Majesty's authority." The exact merits of the case at this distant day may not be known. The occupants of the Farms were obliged to pay rates whether they received benefits or not. Their roads were poor, they were remote from church priv- 488 Colonial leges and were doubtless having a hard time enough in the distant wilderness. The matter was however settled March 17, 1686, Robert Blood with the assent in writing of his sons Robert and Simeon negotiated a treaty with Peter Bulkeley Esq, Henry Woodis and John Smedly Senior, acting for Concord, by which Robert Blood should thereafter pay to Concord all civil and ecclesiastical dues incumbent upon him, and a due proportion ot whatever expense there might be in building and repairing the meet ing house. On the other hand Robert and his heirs were to be exempted from all town offices and their waste land was not to be reckoned in their minister's rates. It was also agreed that convenient roads should be laid out for them at the town's expense, and no town rates were to be assessed to them except as above specified. The adjustment of the civil relations of the "Blood farms" to the town of Concord ended a long controversy and one in which all the parties to it doubtless believed that they were in the right. By the terms of adjustment however the territory did not necessarily become a part of the township neither was it always considered a part of it. For years after the discussion was ended the Concord selectmen before their triennial perambulation of the town boundary lines were accustomed to notify the proprietors of the Blood farms in accordance with the rule usually observed in such cases where the officials of one town not ify those of another of their proposed examination of bound aries. * — These farms became a part of Carlisle.! The following is an outline sketch of the Blood family: (The American ancestor was James, who went to Concord in 1639. James Blood is said to have been a brother of Col. James Blood known in English history in connection with the reign of Charles 11. He died Nov. 17, 1683 leaving a large estate. His wife Ellen died in 1674. James and Ellen Blood had Concora 489 five children Mary, Richard, John, James and Robert. Mary married Lieut. Simon Davis. Richard was one of the first settlers of the town of Groton and was one of its prominent land proprietors. He left a large family of chil- < dren whose descendants have been quite numerous. John l died in 1692. He and his brother Robert owned over two thousand acres of land in Concord including the Blood farms which were inherited by the children of Robert. James married Hannah, a daughter of Oliver Purchis of Lynn, and lived at what has since been known as the "Old Manse" owning a tract of territory thereabouts. He was a deacon in the church and died Nov. 26, 1692. His wife died in 1677. They left only one child. Robert married Elizabeth, a daughter of Major Simon Willard in 1653. They had twelve children. Robert Blood died Oct. 27, 1701. His wife Elizabeth died Aug. 29, 1690. ' / In 1684", many years after the purchase and transfer a confirmatory deed was obtained from the heirs or their representatives of the land in the new grant. The reason for obtaining these deeds was the preservation of evidence, and the importance of it was perhaps occasioned by the threats of Sir Edmund Andros to vitiate landed titles. The following are copies. ~"To all People to whom these presents may come, Greet ing Know ye that We, Mary Neepanaum John Speen and Sarah Speen Dorothy Winnetow Peter Muckquamack of Natick and James Speen & Elizabeth Speen his wife of Waymasset Indians For and in Consideration of a valuable sum of money to us in hand paid by Capt. Timothy Wheeler Henry Woodis James Blood and John Flint The Receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge and therewith to be fully satisfied and contented have sold and by these presents do sell aliene enfeoffe and confirm unto the said Capt. Timothy Wheeler Henry Woodis James Blood & John Flint of Concord in the County of Middlesex in the Massachusetts Colony in New England for the use and 49° Colonial behoof of themselves and the rest of the Proprietors of the said Town of Concord a certain tract or parcel of Land containing by Estimation a Thousand acres be the same more or less and is situate lying and being within the last Grant of Land by the General Court to the said Town of Concord and is bounded Southeast by Sudbury & the Land of Stow alias [Pompasitticut] and Northwest by the said Stow running by them upon that Line about a Mile and a Quarter, near to a Hill by the Iudians called Naaruhpanit and from thence by a strait Line to the North River at the old bounds of the said Town of Concord unto them the said Timothy Wheeler Henry Woodis James Blood & John Flint for themselves and for the use & behoof of the Rest of the Proprietors of the said Town of Concord to them their heirs assigns and successors forever and we the said Mary Neepanaum John Speen and Sarah Speen his wife Dorothy Winnetow Peter Muckquamuck and James Speen and Elizabeth his wife, do hereby covenant and Promise to and with the foresaid Timothy Wheeler 'Henry Woodis James Blood & John Flint and the rest of the Proprietors of the said Town of Concord that we are the true proprietors of and have good Right & full power to grant bargain & sell the above granted & bargained premises unto the said Timo thy Wheeler Henry Woodis James Blood and John Flint and the Rest of the Proprietors of the said Town of Con cord to them their heirs successors and assigns forever and that the said Timothy Wheeler Henry Woodis James Blood John Flint and the Rest of the Proprietors of the said Town of Concord them their heirs assigns and successors forever shall and may at all Times and from time to time forever hereafter peaceable have hold occupy possess and enjoy the above granted Premises in fee simple, be the same more or less without the Let denial or contradiction of us the said Mary Neepanaum John Speen, & Sarah Speen his wife Dorothy Winnetow Peter Muckquamuck and James Speen and Elizabeth his wife, or any of us or any of our heirs or any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming & Concord 49 1 naveing any Right Title or Interest therein or to in any part or parcel thereof — In acknowledgment of this our act & Deed we have here to put our hands and seals this fifth Day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty & four Signed Sealed & Deld in John Speen his mark and seal the presence of Sarah Speen her mark and seal Moses Parker James Speen and seal Noah Brooks Elizabeth Speen her mark and Samuel Wheeler Junr seal Benjamin Bohow his mark Dorothy Winnetow her mark Sarah Bohow her mark and seal John Speen & Sarah his wife James Speen and Eliza beth his wife and Dorothy alias Winnetow acknowledged the within written instruement to be their Act & Deed. May 5. 1684. before Peter Bulkeley assist. The following deed purports to convey eight thousand acres : .... "To People to whom These presents may come Greeting Know ye that We John Thomas and Naanons- quaw his wife Tasunsquaw The Relict of Wawbon decd and eldest Daughter to Tasattawan Sagamore deca Thomas Wawbon her son Solomon Thomas John Nasquaw James Casumpal Senr and Sarah his wife & Sarah the Relict widow of Peter Conoway Indians for and in Consideration of the sum of one and twenty pounds, fifteen of it long since paid to us [blank in record] and the Remainder which is six pounds is now paid to us by Capt. Timothy Wheeler Henry Woodis James Blood and John Flint of Concord the Receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge and there with to be fully satisfied and contented have sold and by these presents do sell aliene enfeoffe and confirm unto the said Timothy Wheeler Henry Woodis James Blood and John Flint of Concord in the County of Middlesex in the Massachusetts Colony in New England for the use & behoof of themselves and the Rest of the Proprietors of 49 2 Colonial the said Town of Concord a certain Tract or parcel of Land containing by Estimation Eight Thousand acres be he same more or less and is situate lying and being within the last Grants of Land by the General Court to the Towntof Concord and is bounded Southeast by. the old bounds of the said town of Concord and is bounded Easterly partly by Billerica partly by a Farm formerly laid out by Major Wil lard for himself and partly by Chelmsford till it meets with Nashoby Line and then Westerly by the said Nashoby to the Southeast Corner of the said Nashoby and [then northerly] by the said N [ashoby] till it meets with St [ow] and so bounded northwest by the said Stow till it comes Near to a Hill by the Indians called Naaruhpanit and then running upon a strait Line to the North River at the old bounds of the said Town of Concord unto them the said Timothy Wheeler Henry Woodis James Blood John Flint agents for the Town of Concord and to the rest of the Pro prietors of the Town of Concord to them their Heirs and Successors and assigns forever and we the said John Thomas and Nasquaw James Casumpat and Sarah his wife and Sarah the Relict widow of Peter Conoway do hereby covenant and promise to and with the foresaid Timothy Wheeler Henry Woodis James Blood John Flint and the rest of the Proprietors of the Town of Concord that we are the true Proprietors of and have good Right & full power to grant bargain and sell the above granted and barganed premisesunto the said Timothy Wheeler Henry Woodis James Blood & John Flint and the rest of the Proprietors of the Town of Concord to them their heirs Successors and assigns forever and that the said Timothy Wheeler Henry Woodis James Blood and John Flint &the rest of the pro prietors of the said Town of Concord to them their Heirs Successors & assigns shall and may at all times &from time to time forever hereafter peaceably have hold occupy possess and enjoy the above granted premises in fee simple be the same more or less without the Let denial or contradiction of us the said John Thomas and Naaonsquaw his wife Tas- Concord 493 unsquaw widow and eldest Daughter of Tasattawan Late Sagamore decd Thomas Wawbon Solomon Thomas John Nasquaw James Casumpat Senr & Sarah his wife and Sarah the Relict widoPeter Conoway or any of us or any of our heirs or any other person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming & having any Right Title or Interest therein or two or in any part or parcel thereof. In acknowledgement of this our act & Deed we have hereto put our hands and seals this fourteenth Day of Augustin the year of our Lord one Thousand Six hundred Eighty and four. Signed Sealed & Del'd, John Thomas his mark and seal in tne presence of Naanunsquaw her mark and seal Ebenezer Ingolds Tasunsquaw her mark and seal Joseph Shambery his mark Thomas Wabon and seal Andrew Pittamey his mark Solomon Thomas his mark and seal James Casumpat Senr his mark and seal John Nasquaw his mark and seal Sarah the widow of Peter Conoway her mark and seal Sarah the wife of James Casumpat her mark and seal Midd. ss. Concord August the 29 1730 before his Majesty's Court of General Sessions of the Peace appeared Mr. Joseph Woolley and made oath that he was present and saw John Thomas Naanonsquaw Tasunsquaw Thomas Wabun Solomon Thomas James Casumpat John Nasqua Sarah the widow of Peter Conaway and Sarah the wife of James Casumpat execute the within Instrument as their act & Deed and that he together with Ebenezer Ingolds Joseph Shamberry & Andrew Pittamey at the same time set to their hands as Witnesses to the Execution thereof Att Saml Phipps Cler. Pads" In 1 67 1 Peter Bulkeley of London a son of Rev. Peter 494 Colonial Bulkeley sold to Timothy Prout for the sum of £4$, a tract of land of which it is said "the said Farm Lyeth upon and in the southerly part of the town of Concord. In 1683 and 84 it is asserted in a deposition that three separate families lived upon this land viz : Thomas Skinner, Thomas Pratt, Ephraim Ropes. The following town record with date March 7, 1692, relates to the transfer of a small piece of land about the present public square. "Eliazer Flagge of sd town did Request of the towne a peese of Grownd near to the meting house ye bredth of y* pownd all between the pownd & ye mill Brook ajoining to ye land y* was formerly Thomas Danes, and the Inhabi tants did then freely Give the sayd litle plott of Ground unto the sayd Eliazer Flagge to set his tan pits upon it as his own land." On May 14, 1692 the Massachusetts Bay Colony passed into a Province, and the old charter signed March 14, 1629, gave place to a new one signed by King William, which remained in force till the Revolution in 1775. Before the going out of the old Charter and the coming in of the new, there was an interval of six years or more which has been styled the inter charter period. During this interval the affairs of state were administered by a com mission which came to this country in the frigate Rose, and consisted of a council of which Joseph Dudley was the Pres ident. The remainder of the period governmental matters were managed by Sir Edmund Andros who arrived in this country Dec. 9, 1686, on the Kingfisher bearing with him authority to act as Governor of all New England. The administration of Andros was an obnoxious one. There was oppressive taxation, increased expenditures by the rulers, and a threatened invalidating of all real estate titles. It is not improbable that because of this, Indian deeds were obtained about this time of lands bought many years before, the people doubtless thinking that a deed thus obtained of the aboriginal proprietors would stand the test of anything ; Concord 495 but Andros arrogantly informed the people that such papers were worth no more than the "scratch of a bear's paw." After a short period of misrule during which the endur ance of the people was terribly strained, and toleration of his tyranny was almost exhausted, a revolt came. The people arose in defense of their jeopardized rights, and with great unanimity began to take measures to defend their traditional liberties. The administration of Andros was overthrown, and there was a reinstatement of the government which existed in 1686. During the transition from a colony to a province, soci ety was greatly disturbed and the people of the various townships met, and discussed the existing condition of things. As a rule they were quite unanimous in their decisions and actions concerning their charter privileges. During this process of political change Concord was with the majority in an adherence to vested rights. On April 19, 1689, Lieut. John Heald mustered the town's military company and started for Boston to assist in the expected revolt. When the town met in convention on May 22, to con sider the situation, their vote was cast for a reinstatement of the government which was in accordance with the charter of 1685, and to await orders from the new sovereign of Great Britain. Before, however, the meeting of the Concord people in convention by their delegates, the inhabitants had defined their attitude as is expressed by the following copy of the selectmen's certificate. "Att a meeting of the ffree- Holders of the Towne of Concord, wee do mutually desire that according as wee have declared ourselves by a writeing sent by the Hands of our representatives, that our authority chosen & sworn in the year 1686 w'h thedeputyes then chosen & sent to the court may reasume their places and if that cannot be attained, our 496 Colonial desires is that that a councell of war may be chosen & set tled by our representitives when met together att boston w"1 the rest of the representitives of the country." It is a notable fact that three times upon the 19th of April with about a century between each, the town's militia have marched forth in the interest of American democracy. The first in 1689, to assert it, the second in 1775 to create it, and the third in 1861 to protect it. At this period the "Clerk of Representatives" was Ebenezer Prout, a citizen ot Concord, and when the order was issued for the removal of Andros for safe keeping till he could be returned to England, there to be tried for mal- easance of office, the order was signed by Mr. Prout. Index Aantonuish, 276 Acadians, 32 Acton, Mass., 64 176 210 216 277 335 38S Acton Minute Company, 4 127 Adams, Daniel, 453 Addington, Ann, 412 Joshua, 482 Ahatawance, 31 Ahattawance, 383 Alcott, Bronson, 10 13 Louisa M., 10 13 Allen, Rev. Thomas, 279 Amherst, General, 270, Anderson, Cornelius, 413 Andover, Mass., 350 Andros, Gov., 334394 480 494 Annusnuc, 17 97 181 204 257 308 Antiquarian House, 7 310 Apequinask, 371 Appleton, Major, 407 Samuel, 393 398 Ashland, Mass., 103 Assabet, 28 98 125 129 170 181 250 289 459 Atawans, 274 Atkinson, Rebecca, 182 Attawan, 383 Attawance, 383 Attleboro, Mass., 396 Ayer, Mass., 84 388 465 B Baker, Amos, 288 George M., 306 William, 165 289 Ball, Eleazer, 453 John, 65 480 Nathaniel, 165 288 Thomas, 405 Banks, Gov. Nathaniel P., 17 Barnes, John, 425 Barrett, Capt. Richard, 297 Col. James, 5 7 302 307 308 Col. Richard, 174 Deacon Thomas, 7 309 Edwin S., 462 Henry A., 305 Humphrey 210 287 289 453 481 John, 453 405 Joseph, 178 288 296 297 Nathan, 304 William, 452 f Bateman, Eleazer, 405 John, 452 453 Joseph, 452 Pond 285 Sarah, 213 Thomas, 64 65 99 101 285 348 William, 64 65 Battle Ground, 5 9 Battle Lawn, 308 Bay Road, 205 Beaver Pond, 39 278 285 286 Bedford, Mass., 7 102 126 184 216 278 Bedfordshire, Eng., 24 64 Beers, Lieut. Richard, 336 337 Bell Rock, 410 Berwick, Eng., 65 Berry Corner, 277 Best, Elizabeth, 210 Billerica, Mass., 102 165 278 350355 356 404 492 Billerica Road 165 Billings Daniel, 405 John, 288 479 Nathaniel, 288 405 Black Horse Church, 295 Black Horse Tavern, 173 Blackstone, Sir William, 198 11 Index Bliss, Rev. Daniel, IB 305 Phebe, 334 Block House, 300 304 305 Blood, Col. James, 488 Ellen, 488 James, 65 99 286 287 489 289 308 470 337 488 492 James Jr., 2 287 374 John, 279 287 489 Josiah, 481 Mary, 374 489 Richard, 454489 Robert, 217 279 480 481 487 488 489 Simon, 481 Thomas, 287 Bloody Brook, 420 Bodge, Rev. G. M., 371 378 379 440 Bohow, Benjamin, 338 491 Sarah, 338 491 Bound Rock, 465 Boxboro, Mass., 388 Braintree, Mass., 180 324 350 371 Brattlebank, Capt., 430 Brattle, Thomas, 249 470 Bridge, Darby, 124 129 219 231 233 Derby, 129 North, 4 5 7 17 124 125 127 128 164 Old Town, 16 124 Potter's, 129 155 291 South, 13 17 38 125 129 Fort, 129 Brister's Hill, 12 Bristol R. I., 344 Brocklebank, Capt. Samuel, 418 420 423 Brooks, Caleb 216 288 Capt. Thomas, 216 Freeman, 12 Gershom, 216 476 Goodwife, 206 216 Gov. John, 216 Grace, 216 Brooks, Hannah, 215 Henry, 216 Hon. George, M 216 Hon. Peter C, 216 Isaac, 288 Joseph 216 Joshua, 216 288 Mary, 216 Nathan, 405 Thomas, 65 156 216 281 283 286 Brown, Boaz, 287 462 Eleazer, 452 Ephraim, 287 404 John, 13 Rev. Edmund, 270 424 425 Reuben, 7 16 310 Thomas, 287 394 395 399 404 462 Broad Meadow, 270 Brooke, Thomas, 212 Brusse, Joseph, 395 Bryant, 82 Bull, Ephraim, 300 Garrison House, 396 Bulkeley, Col. Peter, 386 Daniel 327 Dorothy 327 Edward 327 Eleazer 327 Elizabeth, 333 334 George 327 Gershom 327 Grace, 288 485 Grist Mill, 289 309 Hon. Peter, 333 349 Jabez 327 Jane, 333 Jerry, 407 John, 327 333 Joseph, 327 405 Mary, 327 333 Nathaniel 327 Peter 327 Index m Bulkeley, Peter Esq. 165 Charlestown, Mass., 170 211 279 303 Rev.Peter, 22 63 64 155 178 27 321 450 464 468 286 321 289 332 333 494 405 Rev. Edward, 286 288 332 333 341 453 Richard 327 Robert, 325 Thomas 327 William 327 Burgess, Thomas, 165 Busch, J. J., 310 Buss, Anne, 169 Joseph, 394 404 Buss, Sergeant William, 101 167 William, 166 341 348 Buttrick, Maj. John, 7 213 307 Jonas, 287 Jonathan, 307 404 Joshua, 287 Joseph, 425 460 Mary, 460 Samuel, 404 Sarah, 460 William, 65 212 223 275 284 287 340348 460 c Cambridge, Mass. 20 23 24 83 817 295 831 375 394 453 469 473 Cane Jane, 405 John, 405 Canonchet, 409 410 417 464 Canton, Mass., 377 Carlisle, Mass., 52 64 176 216 277 287 Curry, David, 461 Chelmsford, Mass., 7 337355-357 384 389 391 404410455 464 465 492 Child, Lydia Maria, 16 Church, Trinitarian, 8 165 166 Clark, Rev. Thomas, 333 350 William, 405 Cochituate, Mass., 31 103 Colefoxe, William, 217 Colonial, The, 4 290 300 311 312 Corny, David 425 459 460 461 Elizabeth, 461 Ester, 461 John, 461 Conaway, Peter, 339 491 493 Concord Junction, 98 129 459 Conway, Peter, 441 491-493 Conkcascogan, 368 Conkganasca, 368 Cook, Joseph, 340 Costin, Coslinor, 320 Coventry, Jonathan, 217 Cowell, Capt., 435 436 Coy, Corporal, 355 Crown Point, 107 365 Cromwell, Oliver, 294 Cudworth, Gen., 181 Cummings, Dr. Alexander, 178 Squire, 12 Curtis, Ephraim, 357-359 368 369 374 Henry, 374 488 Bridge, 279 Casumpal, James, 339 491 Sarah, 339 491 492 Casumpat, Peter, 492 493 Sarah' 492 493 Chamberlain, Benj. Joseph, 454 Chandler, Samuel, 402 404 405 Charles River, 24 Cutshamekin, 385 D Dakin, Deacon Samuel, 270 365 Eli, 462 Franklin, 457 Samuel, 374 480 Thomas, 183 265 285 288 Dane, Daniel, 286 480 Joseph, 165 IV Index Dane, Thomas, 164 Danes, Thomas, 494 Danforth, Johnathan 487, Thomas, 275 276 340 Davis, Hopewell, 452 Captain Isaac, 4 126 127 366 Dolor, 374 469 John, 470 Joseph, 288 Ruth, 374 Simon, 210 357 358 364 374 404 469 470 481 489 Dean, Daniel, 288 405 Joseph, 288 Dedham, Mass., 48 Densmore, 204 Dennison, Daniel, 351 Dock Square, 170 Dorchester, Mill, 385 Doublet, Thomas, 35 473 387 391 440 473 Sarah, 441 Davenport, Captain, 394 397 399 407 415 416 Drake, Samuel G-, 384-386 411 385 Draper, Roger, 280 Dudley, Catherine, 217 Joseph, 349 494 Thomas, 278 Dunstable, Mass., 467 470 Dunster, President, 84 E Eames, Thomas, 410 Eastham, Mass., 217 East Lexington, Mass., 101 Eckfeldt, Thomas, 307 Edmonds, Mary, 460 Edmands, Joshua, 284 Egg Rock, 30 96 98 125 298 Elwell, David, 297 Emerson, Edward, 334 Ellen, 10 Peter 334 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 9 10 11 16 298 334 Rev. Joseph, 333 334 Rev. William, 9 15 147 33 William, 334 Endicott, Gov., 323 Engoldsbey, Ebenezer, 339 Essex, Mass., 401 464 Estabrook, 147 453 Rev. Joseph, 178 327 332 Evarts, John, 320 William, 320 Everettville, Mass., 441 Everetts, George, 165 Exeter, N. H. 450 Eyres, Sergeant, 355 Fairfield, Conn., 46 320 327 Fairhaven Bay, 158 286 Pond, 17 Farrar, Elizabeth, 302 George, 461 Jacob, 425 461 John, 461 Farre, Stephen, 394 395 462 Farwell, James, 288 John, 165 Fay, Jonathan, 296 First Parish Meeting House, 71 47 Flagg, Eliazer, 494 Fletcher, Francis, 165 288 Paul, 453 Samuel, 452 453 480 Samuel Jr., 452 William, 165 Flint, Abigail, 325 Benjamin, 325 Edward, 324 Ephraim, 288 324 333 Farm, 324 Hannah, 325 James, 325 Index Flint, Jane, 325 John, 210 287 324 337 349 489-492Josiah. 181 Mary, 325 Rev. Henry, 324 Thomas, 65 90 153 224 321-325William, 324 Flint's Bridge, 30 Pond, 97 135 Forest Lake, 153 Forge Pond, 388 Fort Edward, 270 Foster, Rev. Edmund, 411 Fowler, George, 52 Fox, Eliphalet, 165 288 480 Framingham, Mass., 404 French Neutrals, 177 French, Daniel W. 4 Corporal, 356 Reuben, 287 Freeman, Brister, 12 Fenda, 12 Fuller, William, 155 156 Gardiner, Joseph, 394 407 Gobble, Stephen, 452-454 ' Thomas, 286 288 480 Gobely, David, 454 Golden Balls Tavern, 172 Goldsmith, 268 Gomps, 387 Gomgos, 336 Gondisbert. 314 Goodnow, Jane, 460 Goodmans, Capt., 430 Gookin,, Capt, 369 General, 38 Major, 29 31 36 37 276 340 350 367 377 380 385 439 440473 Grafton, Mass., 387 479 Grand Pre, N. S. 32 Grant, U. S. 18 Graves, Benjamin, 453 454 Gray, William, 296 298 Green Hill, 36 436 424 427 Greenlaw, W. P. 333 335 Griffin, Richard, 323 Griggs John 405 Groton, Mass., 83 84 176 321 335 350 362 374389 390 404 438 463-468 470 Gulf Brook 38 42 H Habord Johnethen 480 Hadlocke Deborah 462 Half-way Brook 270 Hale Sir Matthew 198 Hall Stephen 340 374 Halsted William 261 Hancock John 7 Hancock Capt. John 7 Hapgood Sydrach 340 355 Harper's Ferry 13 Hartwell Ebenezer 301 John 165 288 Jason 202 205 Jazen 204 Samuel 405 William 24 25 101 182 185 204 205 210 453 28S Harvard, Mass., 83 Harvard College 84 147 320 325 328 423 Hartford, Conn., 24 Harwood Herbert J. 383 390 Nathaniel 480 Harvy Richard 74 Margaret 74 Hasnemesuchoth 387 Haslock John 454 Haskins Ruth 334 VI Index Hassamnanesit, 377 Hastings, Corner 155 Haverhill, Mass., 350 Hawthorne. Nathaniel 9-11 Thomas, 15 Haynes, James House 366 424 429 John, 340 Walter, 424 432 Hayward, George, 65183340395399 462 Hannah, 182 John, 173 182183 270 340 Joseph, 182 341 479 Major, 337 Mary, 183 Mary, 182 183 Sarah, 182 Simon, 183 Heald John, 43 65 287 453 495 Major, B F 277 Heaward, George, 99 281 Heywood Thomas 348 386 389 390 Abel, 13 179 287 George, 151183 182 John, 158 166 182 183 288 Jonathan, 179 Samuel, 182 183 William, 425 Sarah, 183 Joseph, 183 Benorii, 182 Heyden William, 288 Hingham, Mass. 146 350 Hlnchman, Thomas 210 Hoar, Bridget 181 Daniel, 181 Hon. George, F. 18 441 Hon. Samuel, 18 258 Joanna, 180 John 32 33 180-182 377380412 441 446-449 John, Jr. 181 Judge E Rockwood, 13 18 301 Hoar, Leonard 181 Hoare, 33 34 35 Hobbs, Brook 101 Hobbommoc, 28 Hockhurst, England, 64 Hogpenwalk, 17 285 Holland, F 305 Holdridge Richard, 340 Hooker, Rev. 24 Hopkinton, 16 377 Hopkins, 250 Hosmer, 14 64 Abigail, 258 Abner, 4 Alice, 258 Anne 258, Edmund, 282 Ensign, 2 51 64 George, 45$ Hannah, 258 James, 24 46 64 101 250 258 259 306 314 425 430 459 John, 46 314 Joseph, 258 Mary, 258 Stephen, 258 Thomas, 258 Hough Atherton, 279 How Samuel, 394 405 Howe John, 172 Hubbard, 15 Deacon, 184 Hunt Capt. 129 Elizabeth, 152 210 Isaac, 210 211 Hannah, 210 211 Nehemiah, 210 211 Robert, 211 Samuel, 210 Simon, 211 William, 65 210 211 William, H 211 Index vn Hunton Capt. 430 Hurd's Pond 211 Ingraham Cato, 12 314 Captain, 19 Duncan, 12 19 Ipswich, Mass., 450 Lane Irish Charity Fund, 477 Lang Island, Deer, 32 35 36 181 380 412 440Lanham District, 211 T Lathrop Capt., 463 Lakin, John, 464 Law John, 478 Lancaster, Mass., 35 83 84 103 258 314 321 335 340 350 379 390 391 404 410 411 420 438 439 441 460 461 464-467 470 473 Albert, 289 D. G., 289 Jacobs, Capt., 437 Jarvis, Edward, 293 Jehojakim, 64 Jobson, 93 John One Eyed, 438 Johnson Edward, 65 66 70 72 Jones Captain, 397 Elisha, 5 300-301 Ephraim, 6 173 309 James, 287 John, 20 46 64 67 135 287 320 Samuel, 301 Tavern, 172 288 Thomas, 301 William, 453 Josiah Capt., 384 K Kato, 32 64 103 Kattenanit,473Kehonosquaw, 384 Kelley William, 340 Kennebec River, 470 Kennedy Louisa, 305 Kent John, 405 Keyes John S-, 5 173 289 301 302 305 Makunkokoag, 377 Mrs. John S„ 304 Maiden, Mass., 410 Prescott, 307 Marlboro, Mass., 210 340 359 362 Kingston, R. I., 65 395 363 367 369 372 377 379 Kneller Sir. Godfrey, 335 384 404 415 418 420 421 Kutquen, 441 437 439 470 Lawrence Peleg, 387 Lee John, 296 Dr. Joseph, 178 227 295 296 Silas, 296 Lee's Farm, 294 Hill, 128 Legrosse, 314 Leihtenegger, 314 Lettin Richard, 280 Leverett Gov., 473 Lexington Mass., 6 10 17 99 101 205 309 404 Library Public, 17 168 258 293 295 307 Lincoln Mass., 6 11 17 101 153 176 216 278 288 324 jgg Littleton Mass., 30 103 335 349 377 388 390-392 404 Londonderry. N. H. 176 Long John D., 470 Longfellow Henry W-, 16 Lothrop Daniel (Mrs.), 11 Lowell Mass., 103 377 384 Lynde Judge 180 Lynn Mass., 294 321340 M Macloud Mordacai, 438 Vlll Index Marshall, Thomas, 294 321 Marshfield, Mass., 333 Mason, Captain, 429 Hugh, 216 419 Robert, 275 Massachusetts Bay 70 292 Bay Colony 30 98 84 175 204 218 335 Massasoit, 344 Mather, Cotton, 47 50 61 177 197 218Increase, 198 199 477 Nathaniel, 477 Matlock, Eng., 65 457 Maudsley, Henry, 412 Maynard, Mass., 103 Mayo, Rev. John,171 Medfield, Mass., 350 418 Medford, Mass., 103 216 Melvin, John, 452 Memininisset, 371 409 417 473 Meriam's Corner, 7 69 102 349 Meriam George, 99 165 28 388 House, 300 312 John, 165 288 Joseph, 7 3 478 Robert, 19 99 165 166 261 283 noo Merrimack, Mass., 16 84 335 370 373 465 470 Metacomet, 344 Middlesex Hotel, 19 290 Miles, Charles,'227 Ester, 227 Ezekiel, 227 John, 226 227 288 479 Jonathan 227 Joseph, 227 Lemuel, 404 Martha, 227 Nathan, 227 Reuben, 227 Samuel, 227 Miles, Sarah, 227 Mills, Mary, 301 Medfield, Mass., 350 Milton, Mass., 350 Minerd, James, 480 Minot, James, 157 179 210 Rebecca, 157 Montaup, 304 Moody, John, 333 334 Mary, 334 Moore, Capt., 179 John, 340 Morgan, Sir Henry, 413 Mosley, Capt., 33 Samuel, 394397 398 463 Mount Hope, 304 344 434 Muckquamuck, Peter, 337 Munroe, Thomas, 6 Musketequid Indians, 32 35 103 133 River, 16 27 124 125 128 258 313 Village, 3 38 67 95 96 98 101 103 213 273 322 Musqua, 64 Musquanog, 64 Musquashcut, 181 Muttanktuckes, 64 275 N Naacuhpavil, 339 Naahkenomenit, 387 Naamonushqua, 339 384 Naanischoow, 384 Nagog Pond, 388 391 Nantatucket, 97 98 133 243 244 245 275 Nantanquatick, 274 Napoleon, 12 Narragansett Indians, 396 Fort, 401 War, 348 402 Nashawtuc Hill, 17 27 28 42 76 84 97 130 163 267 294 296 314 River, 38 128 137 243 380 IX Index Nashoba, 31 32 35 75 92 152 257 336 337 339 341 344 348 373 377 381 382 385 386 388 389 390 391 392 410 459 Nashoba Indians, 384 385 387 388 389 391 412 Hill, 391 Nashop, 387 Nasquan, 387 Nashua, 84 335 Nassquaw, 336 339 Natahoonet, 387 Natick, 28 31 103 244 267 337 368 369 377 384 385 386 288 390 473 Natocotus, 387 Nattototos, 336 Nattahattawants, 383 Neepanaum, Mary, 338 Nenimimsset, 369 Nepanum, 64 103 257 337 387 Nepanet, 35 92 98 103 320 440 441 Newbury, Mass. 450 Newman, Noah, 181 Newtowne, 29 Nimrod, 46 276 Nine Acres, 89 113 189 341 Ninigret, 399 463 Niantick Indians, 399 Nipmuck Country, 367 368 369 370 393 402 406 420 464 Indians, 371 374 377 378 417 438 Nonacoicus, 84 465 467 Nonanturn, 31 Northumberland, 65 Northfield, 420 Nipnet Indians, 24 o Oakes, Lieut. Edward 469 Jane 469 Ockoocagansetts 30 32 Okkokomimesit 377 Okkektommesit 387 Odell, Eng. 325 333 372 Oliver, James 394 406 416 Oonamog, 384 Oldham, John 24 Old Manse, 9 282 289 300 301 303 308 Orchard House, 10 11 P Paige Dr. J. R. 371 Parker Capt. 362 463 James, 340 Moses, 338 Parsons Capt. Lawrence, 5 6 307 308 Mary, 171 Pasmore Richard, 452 Patuxet, 396 Pawtucket Falls, 30 103 126 335 Pellet Thomas, 165 288 Pelham's Island, 211 Pennahanuit, 384 Pettisquamscott, 396 407 Philip King, 16 35 124 451 368 371 433 434 Philips Zachariah, 355 Philosophy School, of 10 Phipps Corp. 419 435 Pierce Joseph, 430 Pickard Cyrus, 459 Pitcairn Major John, 6 311 Pitney Andrew, 339 Plympton Samuel, 425 Plymouth (Mass.) 72 73 173 204 237 344 345 368 393 471 477 Pocasset, 368 371 Pokanoket, 341 368 Punkapog, 377 Potter John, 453 Luke, 99 165 167 168 288 460 Mary, 460 Patience, 62 Peter, 195 Samuel, 425 459 461 Powers Walter, 390 391 Indez Prentice Capt. 380 394 419 435 469 Prescott Dr. Abel, 179 Dr. John, 178 Mary, 227 Prescott Sarah J 289 Pritchard Serg. 357 Proctor Robert, 158 Punkatasset, 17 76 96 97 189 Purchis Oliver, 340 Putnam Gen. Rufus, 371 Robbins Robert, 388 Robinson George, 470 Roderigo Peter, 413 Rowlandson Mrs. 35 412 418 432 439 440 441 442.472 473 Rev. Joseph, 258 410 439 441 460 Roxbury, 31 Russell James, 405 Rutland, Mass. 371 * Q Quanohit, 339 441 Quannasit. 371 Quaboag 353 359 367 371 451 Indians, 371 Quanapoag, 473 Quagana Hill, 410 458 Quinsigamond, 369 469 Quoil Hugh, 12 314 - R Rand William, E 312 Ratcliffe Philip, 268 Rawson Edward, 281 336 Read, Dr. Philip 178 453 Reading, 7 333 Red Lion, 171 Red Horse Tavern, 172 Redemption Rock, 441 Redit Susannah, 227 •Reynolds Dr. Grindall, 294 298 Rice Timothy, 480 Mercie Heard, 210 Reuben, 310 Richard, 96 165 168 221 225 275 288 348 453 Timothy, 394 395 Richardson James, 357 Right Sarah, 460 Ripley Dr. 15 129 137 147 286 289 308 327 Robbins John, 94 Sachem, 64 Sam, 441 Sagamore John 84 335 Salem 50 198 324, Salisbury, Mass. 458 Sanborn, Frank B 13 16 Mrs. Frank, B 13 Sargent Mrs. George," 335 Savage Major, 35 418 420 Sawyer James, 459 Seekonk, 396 Shawshine, 103 133 252 278 Saxonville, 35 Scituate, 181 Scotchford John, 438 459 Sergeant, 52 57 64 288 Sewall Judge Samuel, 237 249 Rev. Dr. 269 Shabbokin, 467 Sudbury, 7 16 48 102 103 124 125 552 172 176-178 210 223 258 270 278 320 336 251 357 368 374 376 415 420 424 428 433-440 452 459 461 Sharp Mercy, 84 Shattuck, 179 184 274 275 278 284 287 335 460 461 Shepard Abraham 458, Isaac, 457 458 Jacob, 458 John, 336 480 Mary, 411 459 Ralfe, 410 458 Index XI Shepard Thanklord, 410 458 Thomas, 47 450 Sheperd Mary, 411 459 Sherborn, Mass. 404 Shirley Village, 465 Sill Capt. Joseph, 351 452 Simonds Mary, 182 Smedley Baptist, 285 287 457 458 James, 288 453 John, 99 101 146 287 289 301 Katherine, 457 Mary, 458 Samuel, 122 165 191 208 457 Sarah, 301 Sofy, 117 Smith John, 99 Lieut. Col. 5 Speen James, 338 John, 337 Sarah, 337 Springfield, Mass. 368 393 St. Johns College, 325 Stoughton William, 197 334 Stow, Mass. 65 338 390 391 404 Cyrus, 288 Nathan B 165 Nathaniel, 165 480 Thomas, 284 286 Stratten Samuel, 288 348 350 480 Soloman, 193 Susan, 270 Streight Thomas, 459 Swain Jeremiah, 394 Swamp Fight, 462 Swan Samuel, 310 John, 394 395 405 Richard, 217 452 William, 165 288 T Taylor Abraham, 405 Daniel, 7 309 Hugh, 452 Temple Abraham, 395 399 404 453 462 Benjamin, 404 Ephraim, 405 Rev. J. H. 371 Richard, 287 462 Thomas John 336 239 384 386 387 390 Solomon. 339 390 Thoreau Henry, 10-13 17 311 Tisansquaw, 243 244 339 Tyng Lieut. 394 Tyng Capt. Wm. 430 u Underwood Patty, 65 Uskatuhgun Samuel, 441 V Vose John, 288 w Waban, 37 28 29 276 336 339 368 378 389 384 385 390 Thomas, 384 386 Wabatut, 336 Wabbaquasets 371 Wachusett, 79 258 417 419 439 441 452 Wadsworth, Capt 365 379 420 423 428 430 432 Walcott, 100 164 178 183 216 277 282 286 289 318 321 334 357 Walden Pond, 11 Woods, 12 Waldo Rebecca 435 439 Walker Francis, F. 436 John, 356 Waltham, Mass. 450 Wamesit 30 377 384 Warren Daniel, 429 430 Tahattawan, 383 Washacum, 466 William, 17 22 25-29 35 42 64 Watertown, 38 63 67 101 102 103 178 97 274 280 298 336 339 382.386 207 216 318 320 323 336 385 Tassansquaw, 384 385 432 436 453 464 XI 1 Index Waverley, Mass. 101 Wayland, Mass. 16 209 320 424 Waymeset, 337 Wayside, 10-11 Wayside Inn, 172 Webb Cowet, 274 Weegramomenit, 386 Weld Rev Thomas, 279 Wenimisett, 371 Wennetto, 64 337 Weston, Mass. 103 172 278 Westford, Mass. 388 410 Westvale, Mass. 341 Weymouth, Mass. 350 Wheat Joseph, 405 Sergeant, 210 Wheate Moses, 165 288 405 452 45 Wheeler Capt. Thomas, 372 373 455 457 458 478 Capt. Timothy, 337 338 364 365 367 368 370 468 479 David, 405 Ebenezer, 405 Ensign, M- 99 101 210 Ephraim, 65 280 320 373 George, 64 99 101 165 284 281 240 285 288 Hannah, 55 457 James, 452 Jesse, 55 John, 165 288 394 395 405 453 480 Jonathan, 55 288 Joseph, 46 146 165 281 286 288 289 336 339 340 348 373 393 395 405 410 453 Joshua, 165 206 288 Josiah, 425 452 453 461 Liut. Joseph, 334 389 Nathaniel, 373 Obadiah, 55 270 285 461 Rebecca, 179 Ruth, 373 Wheeler Samuel, 288 297 Sarah, 334 Susannah, 461 Thomas, 65 99 165 280 288 320 338 340 348 354 373 Thomas E. Jr. 355 356-363 369 454 Timothy, 65 93 146 157 210 216 276 280 281 290 341 348 349 351 352 371 373 395 William, 297 Whieldon Ruth, 217 Whitefield, 147 270 White Elizabeth, 461 John, 459 31 Samuel, 460 Sarah, 258 Whiting Jonathan, 405 Willard Abovehope, 132 Wicabuy Pond, 371 Willard House, 84 87 94 130 294 296 Willard Major, 17 20 24 38 39 46-49 52 53 82-85 87 90-99 131 153 159 166 173 220 276 280 294 298 313 321-323 335 337 339 348 350 359 362 366 374 376 380 383 395 438 452 453 463 468 Wickford, R. I. 396 399 411-409-418 WightGeorge, 341 Wigley Edmund, 227 270 288 340 Wight Peter, 261 Willard Margery, 469 Mary, 132 Samuel, 199 469 Winnishen, 391 Winslow Josiah, 313 399 Winthrop, Gov- 64 171 278 279 383 Woburn, Mass. 101 372 404 Wowtoquatuckquaw 276, Wood Abigail, 258 John, 394 395 404 452 Index xiii Wood Joseph, 405 Wright Amos, 7 309 Michael, 166 183 270 285 Edward, 165 181 288 Wright's Tavern, 6 7 173 300 309 311 Richard, 45 William,. 20 324 372 * Woodcock's Garrison, 396 Yorkshire, 65 Woodis Henry, 210 275 284 286 459 Young Henry, 357 438 Wooley Christopher, 165 Joseph, 339 ^ Worcester, Mass. 369 66 302 103 375 Zjipha, 12 314 Wordsworth, 89 90 Page. Line. II 7 21 *5 26 10 31 33 +7 16 J6 37 65 8 «3 37 125 18 127 3° 130 24 137 3 i43 12 i57 12 178 19 m 7 208 10 214 24 227 n 250 30 271 17 293 21 297 35 304 *3 307 30 326 24 349 5 347 22 371 18 400 IO 460 23 £ R R A T A Read Little Maid for iFWr Maid. Omit of?*«. Read candlewood light for £«»*#* /zg-A/. 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