1' .^t^ ¦i ' I V \^ Q5c^.X€s.^ X HISTORY AND GENEALOGYOF THE HINDS FAMILY 302 ^ificrt fl^tnts Ji^tntrs PORTLAND, MAINE the THURSTON PRINT 1899 Contentg page The Surname, i First Generation, S Sketch of James Hinds, 5 Second Generation, 7 Sketch of John Hinds, 7 William Hind of Salem, 10 Third Generation, 15 Sketch of John Hinds, 15 Fourth Generation, 19 Sketch of Ebenezer Hinds, 19 Rise of the Baptists in Middleborough, . . . . 24 Rhode Island College and the Warren Association, . 27 Sketch of CoRLis Hinds, 31 Sketch of Joseph Hinds, ....... 32 Fifth Generation, . ........ 37 Sketch of Bartlett Hinds, 40 Sketch of William Strobridge, ...... 41 Sixth Generation, 56 Poem upon the Death of Salome Hinds, .... 60 Sketch of Heman Hinds, 65 Sketch of Ruth P. (Hinds) Davis, 68 Sketch of Nimrod Hinds, 94 Seventh Generation, 112 Sketch OF Ebenezer Hinds, 112 Sketch of Henry Harrison Hinds, 129 Sketch of Eli Hinds, 134 Sketch OF Earl Bent Hinds, 154 Sketch of Nancy (Hinds) Allen, 163 Sketch OF Ervin Perley Hinds, 166 Sketch of Charles Carroll Hinds, 175 IV THE hinds family PAGE Eighth Generation, 197 Sketch of Aurelius Stone Hinds, ..... 200 Sketch of Warren David Hinds, 212 Sketch OF Andrew Hinds, 214 Sketch of Franklin Allen Hinds, 239 Ninth Generation, 266 Unattached Families, . 284 Sketch of William Henry Weed Hinds, .... 292 Index to Christian Names, 321 Index to Surnames Other than Hinds, .... 340 IFIlustratione Albert Henry Hinds, Facing title page. Ebenezer Hinds, Facing page 19 Ebenezer Hinds, • " " 57 Anna (Hathaway) Hinds " "56 Joseph Buckminster Hinds, .... " "81 Rebecca Allen Hinds, " "80 AsHER Hinds, " " 98 Amy Weaver (Hinds) Additon, . . . " "115 Maria (Hinds) Sawtelle, . . . . " "114 Albert Galatin Hinds, " "117 Mary Estella (Benjamin) Hinds, . . " "116 Elbridge Gerry Hinds, " "118 Earl Bent Hinds, « « j^^ Almira Maria (Allen) Hinds, ... « « j^^ Dorothy Quincy (Hinds) French, . . " "161 Ervin Perley Hinds, " "166 William Henry Harrison Hinds, . . " "171 Calvin Luther Hinds, " "183 Henry Hinds, » « jg^ Mary Fassett (Woodworth) Hinds, . . " « ^g^ Lydia (Somes) Hinds, " " 187 Aurelius Stone Hinds, n « 201 Ellen Elizabeth (Noyes) Hinds, . . n » 200 " Hindsmere," " " 206 Andrew Hinds, " "215 James Alpheus Hinds, " « 233 Franklin Allen Hinds, ct n 239 Mary Rebecca (Thomson) Hinds, ... « « 238 Oscar Earl Hinds, " " 241 Julia E. (Reed) Hinds, " "240 Herbert Calvin Hinds and Wife, . . « « 257 vi the hinds family Frederick Jonas Hinds, . . . . Orlando Sydney Hinds, Residence of Orlando S. Hinds, The Hinds Monument, .... Priscilla Grace (Libby) Hinds, Margaret Katherine Hinds, Clayton Aurelius Hinds, . . . . Walter Dewitt Hinds, .... Charles Benjamin Hinds, . . . . Ethel May Hinds John Iredella Dillard Hinds, Joseph Edwin Hinds, .... Facing page 256 (C ii 259 ii (( 258 u a 260 (( (( 267 (( " 266 il C( 266 C( a 269 ll ti 268 ii (( 268 (C a 303 309 Errata. Page 81, No. 571. Carlos, instead of Carrolus. " 106, " 817. Jessie, " " Jesse. " 154. " 571- Carlos, " " Carrolus. " 155, next to the last line. Silas Bent, instead of Silas Bent Hinds. preface When I commenced my research, which has led to this volume, I little realized the magnitude of the work which was before me. It was started with nothing more or less than the desire to preserve records of my own branch of the family, but as I went on and my interest in creased, I wished to know of others who bore the family name, and, if possible, to connect them with myself. Investigation gradually took a wider range, and has been carried on unceasingly for these years. For tunately, I did not realize the extent of a work of this kind, or I am afraid I should never have been its compiler. However, I have taken great interest in it and am now pleased to present it to the members of the family. Having received a foundation, I determined to gather facts, concern ing all branches of the family, from every living descendant whose name and address I could obtain. My method of compilation was exhaust ive. During the time which elapsed between the fall of 1895 and the publication of this work, letters have been written by the score, and blanks and circulars sent out by the thousand. Every descendant, so far as possible, received a letter, blank or circular in a sealed envelope, thus making him fully acquainted with the work, and giving all a chance to contribute their part in making ita success. Self-addressed stamped envelopes were enclosed for an early reply. This enabled each mem ber to have his or her records complete and accurate. When members of the family handed in their reports, the data was entered in the proper places and more information asked for, if needed. When a person failed to report at the expiration of a given time, a duplicate request was sent. If after two or three months, there was still no reply, the compiler again called upon them, stating that the work was soon to go to the printer for publication, and unless their reply was prompt their records would be incomplete in the forthcoming volume. By this means many replies were received. There were but very few families who did not care to have their records appear, but in all cases where my requests have been complied with, much care has been taken to have the record published correctly. A part of the material has been taken from the genealogies of other families. Town, state and county histories have been consulted ; pro bate records and registries of deeds have been carefully looked over, as x the hinds family well as the books in the keeping of town and city clerks. Some of the families have been called upon in person and in every case they have been found pleasant to meet, and by calling upon them data has been received that many letters could not have contained. To compile this volume there has been exercised the utmost painstak ing care, but I am fully conscious that it contains unavoidable omissions and imperfections, which are bound to creep into a work of this kind, as entire freedom from error is a success not to be expected. I have, therefore, endeavored to make it as accurate as possible for those who have occasion to refer to its pages, and I trust all will bear with me and overlook what may appear wrong to them. I have to thank most sincerely all those who have assisted in the work, for their devoted efforts in gathering the material. It has been done by all with a will and with a desire to leave behind a perpetual tribute to their posterity. As I look back and think what a great amount of good all have done in bringing this work into print, I feel that I have but half repaid you all, but I have truly enjoyed my work, and I sincerely trust this book will meet with your approba tion. The names of all those who have been so helpful are far too nu merous to be mentioned here, but I thank you all and assure you that your names will ever be held in the fondest remembrance by me, and I trust you will all take this as an acknowledgment of your extreme kindness, which I can heartily say has been appreciated. I have endeavored to arrange the work in such a way that any name may be easily found in less than a minute's time. The different genera tions have been designated at the top of the right hand pages, and by this means members of the family can easily tell to what generation they belong. An index will be found at the close of the volume which gives the Christian names of all those bearing the name of Hinds and sur names of all others, with number attached to each. The names of Hindses are numbered consecutively from the beginning to the end of the book, so that there will be no difficulty in finding the person looked for by referring to the index. The generation of each Hinds is given in the first lines of every name introduced, and is indicated at the right of the name by a small exponent. An asterisk (*) placed at the left of the number indicates that further on in the book the same number will be found in larger figures, so as to strike the eye at a glance. Under these figures the history and children of the person named are given. I would respectfully ask that each person, will upon receiving this book, look over his or her records, and immediately report all errors or omissions in dates, places, names, etc, that may be found. Any further preface XI data which may be added concerning any of the persons referred to, will be gratefully received. This information is wanted that when a second edition of the work is published all material may be correct and accurate. I now place this volume in your hands, trusting that the friendship which has been begun by its compiling may last from now on to the end of life. ALBERT HENRY HINDS. Portland, Maine, Sept. 10, 1899. THE HINDS FAMILY IN AMERICA ^be Surname The origin of the surname "Hind," "Hinde" and "Hinds" is doubtless to be referred to the word-root " hyne " or " hine " of the old English and Scotch languages. This root, which in one form or an other is found in most of the ancient tongues included in both the Ger manic and Celtic families of languages, occurs in the Anglo-Saxon in the term " hina-man, " an expression meaning a tiller of the ground or farmer. With a " d " suffixed, the same root appears in early English in the word " hind, " meaning in general, a peasant, farmer or dweller in the country, and in this form and with essentially the same meaning, it has continued in the language of England to the present day, as shown in the lines. The hind, that homeward driving the slow steer Tells how man's daily work goes forward there. This surname then, sturdy English in origin as shown by its form, and closely related to similar names found among all the nations of northwestern Europe to-day, has a history that reaches far back through the dim vistas of the past, and may well be believed to be one of the earliest names to have been commonly used as a surname. * As surname originally designated occupation, estate, place of resi dence, or some personal trait or peculiarity, we infer that this name had its origin in the large body of English " freeholders," or small land-owners, usually designated collectively by the term " yeomanry," that " bold peasantry, their country's pride," their sinewy arms, equally skilled to guide the plough or bend the tough bow in defense of Saxon liberty under the standard of the king. And is it to be esteemed a greater honor that one's ancestors should have come to old England with William the Norman, than to have been found stubbornly fighting around the standard of the "Golden Dragon of Wessex," when the stout-hearted Saxon yeomanry, with fierce cries of "Out! Out!" repelled their onslaughts against Harold, the " Last of the Saxons ? " B I 2 THE hinds family Another explanation of the origin of this surname, transfers it from the class including those of Smith, Baker, and Carpenter to that con taining Bird, Fish, Lamb, etc., in other words, refers its origin to the Anglo-Saxon word, "hind," the name applied to the female of the red deer. This noble animal, "goodliest of all the forest, hart and hind," was in early days very common' in England and a much sought object of the chase. Another early spelling of the name is shown in these lines from an old English song : As I came frae hynd-h anting Sweet music reached my ears. That this surname, as well as that of Hart and Roe, did in some in stances at least, originate in this manner, seems to be indicated by an old English coat-of-arms belonging to the family of " Hynde. A hind's head couped, ppr., collared, or, in the mouth a rose, gules, leaved vert." Whether or not this early bearer of the surname of Hynde rejoiced as did one of old when he exclaimed, " Thou makest my feet like hind's feet and settest me up upon my high places ! " he certainly showed taste in the selection of this emblem, for not only is this animal swift and sure-footed, but is often possessed of instincts so nearly hu man that it was no exaggeration when King Solomon spoke of " the loving hind and pleasant roe," or when the poet Campbell sang the praises of " Wiesbaden's gentle hind " that watched the sleeping child As if it were her own. This explains the fact that the term " hynd " early came to have the meaning, courteous or gentle attached to it, as in the case of the old English ballad of " Hynd Horn," from which two stanzas are quoted : Near the King's court was a young child born, * With a hey lillelu and a how lo Ian ; And his name it was called Young Hynd Horn, And the birk and the broom blooms bonnie. Seven lang years he served the King, With a hey lillelu and a how lo Ian ; And it's a' for the sake o' his daughter Jean, And the birk and the broom blooms bonnie. In connection with the statement made above, the coat-of-arms of the family of Hinde of Northumberland is both interesting and signifi cant, giving expression as it does to the irresistible power of courtesy and kindness. the surname 3 " On a rock a dove, azure, wings, or in the beak an olive branch. Meseris succurrere tiisco."" (I study to relieve the distressed.) But the following are more warlike : " Hynd of London. A hand, gules, holding an eagle's claw, ppr." " Hind. An ensign in full dress, with cocked hat, holding aloft the standard of Britain." Although it is customary at the present time to think of the surname of " Hind " and " Hinds " as being radically different from that of " Haines," " Haynes" and even "Hine," and although it appears prob able that these different forms were originally derived from different sources, it is still doubtless true that all of these as well as several others, are frequently applied to descendants of a common ancestor. People were very careless about spelling two hundred years ago, and it is by no means unlikely that a similar license existed in matters of pronunciation. Indeed, it is evident that many of the common sur names of families in colonial times, were persistently mispronounced, till in some instances they were radically changed. Haskins and Hos kins, Stetson and Stutson, Kempton and Kimpton, Barnes and Burnes, and scores of others might be named as illustrations, for it is common to find both spellings very early, and referring to persons known to be of common descent. So it would not be strange if the surname " Hinds " should have had similar liberties taken with it, and have been pronounced with its pre dominant vowel sound, either long " i " or long "a," according to the habit or fancy of the speaker. But we may feel positive that when the name was spelled " Hind " or " Hinds " in town or church records, that the writer, at least, was ac customed to pronounce it with the vowel sound of long " i " for all words of that form in the language, as bind, find, kind, etc., and there are many of them, were then as now, thus pronounced. The only present exception is the word " wind " used as a noun, and this was no exception in early times and still retains its ancient pronunciation in music and poetry. But when the name " Hinds " appears in public records as " Hains " or " Haines," as it frequently does, we cannot feel the same degree of certainty as to the pronunciation that the writer intended to express, and we suspect that the " ai " in the name as thus spelled was, some times at least, pronounced as in " aisle " although to-day the vowel sound given in the word " gain " would be intended. This seems to be the simplest explanation of the fact that the sur name of James Hinds of Salem, 1637, ^o frequently appears as " Hains," " Haines," and " Haynes," in the early records of that town 4 THE hinds family and parish, though Savage and other genealogists agree in giving the correct spelling as " Hinds " or " Hindes." Otherwise, we are forced to the more probable conclusion first suggested, that the name was differently pronounced by different individuals. If any further explanation is needed to show how these forms may have started from a single name, it seems to be supplied by the numer ous variations of the surname of James Hinds, of Salem, already re ferred to, as it appears in the town and church records of that place. Truly the names of his posterity are epitomized in his own, for no less than nine distinct spellings occur in records still in existence. They areas follows: Hinds, Hindes, Hynds, Hynes, Hines, Heines, Hains, Haines, Haynes. It is possible that this list is not complete. Here is elasticity surely ! And Long Island remains to be heard from, for he ultimately made that his home. It may be hoped that the good people of Southold, where his closing years were spent, finally learned how to pronounce and spell this troublesome name. What was true of James Hinds, of Salem, was also true, though not in the same degree, of others bearing the surname of Hinds and Haynes in colonial times. John Haynes, illustrious governor of Mas sachusetts and afterward of Connecticut, was no exception, for his name was frequently misspelled in the public records of the time and even in the " Magnalia Christi " of Cotton Mather. jfiret feneration 1. James' Hinds (Heynes, Haynes, Hindes) the emigrant, came to this country, probably from England and landed in Salem, Mass., as early as 1637, when he was admitted as a freeman. He married in 1638, and at an early day removed to Southold, L. I., where he died in March, 1652-3, his estate being valued at ;^i23 5s. 4d. His widow was married in June, 1656, to Ralph Dayton, of Southold. Benjamin Haines, who was at Southampton in 1639, and a resident of North Sea (Northampton) in 1657, was probably a brother to James. He was the grandfather of Stephen, who moved to Elizabeth, N. J., as early as 1725, and was probably the ancestor of Gov. Daniel Haines. The following is communicated by A. M. Haines, Esq., of Galena, 111., to the " New England Historical and Genealogical Register " in 1883. James Haines removed from Salem, Mass., to Southold, L. I., about 1651-2, and was a cooper by profession. He is described in a deed made Aug. 7, 1660, as " James Haynes, late of Salem, in the county of Essex," etc., which is on record at Southold. His name is written on the Salem church records Haines, Haynes and Hindes. Hatfield in his history of Elizabeth, N. J., states that John Haynes appears at Elizabeth among the first sixty-five settlers, Feb. 19, 1665. This John Hinds or Haines, and his brother James, were sons of James Hinds of Salem, Mass., and Southold, L. I., and were bred coopers, etc. A John Hinds died at Elizabeth, N. J., in 1749, and John Dayton was one of his executors. We have failed to trace the first James Hindes or Haines beyond Salem, but he undoubtedly came from Salem. The following is the will of James Hinds, which was made March i, 1652 : " I, James Haynes being weake in bodie, but by divine Providence in p'fect memorie do make this my last will and testament : " Impris. I doe give and bequeath that small estate the Lord hath been pleased to lend me to my loving wife Mary Haynes my children being Smale for to bring them upp withall only my tooles that belong to my calling I give them all to my oldest sonn John Haynes. " 2d. My will is that my children continue with my wife till they be twenty one years of age, th' older laboring to be a help to bring upp 5 6 the hinds family the younger, unless Providence order it otherwise that she shall dispose of herselfe in marriage and then shall see or have cause to put any of them to some honest trade or callinge. " I leave it to her & my loving friends Mr. John Youngs, Sen : & John Herbert my overseers to dispose of, or in case she should not dispose of herself in marriage, that she finds not herselfe able to govern them, or that it bee not advantagious to the family to keep them all at home, then I leave it to her, and my aforesaid overseers to dispose of them. In testimony hereof I have sett my hand the i March 1652. Southold. " Signed and delivered (Signed) James Hindes. in the p'sence of us. Jo. Youngs. John Herbert." An inventorie of the goods and chattels where of James Haynes lately dyed posessed taken upon oath according to orderin that behalfe the i8th of 9th m 1655. £, s. d. Inpris. houses and lands appertaining, 3 cows and 2 steers 50.00.00 It. I Calfe, 2 hafers & i Steere 08.00.00 It. 14 goats & Kidds, & 7 Swyne younge and old 10. 12.00 It. I debt;^7. — II yds. of Searge, 2 yds>^ n'gSearge 12.02.00 It. his wear'g cloaths, hatt, 5 pr. Sheets 12 Pillow cases 11. 19.00 It. 2 Shirts, — 7 table napkins, 9 table Cloths & lynin cloths 03.08.10 It. Fustian — pewter warming pan & frying pan 03.02.00 It. a bed stead — feather bed & curtains 08.00.00 It. achest&bed stead & all other house hold goods 09.17.00 It. 10 bushells of Indian corn & 7 bushells of Wheate 03.01.06 It. 6 bushells of Pease — 3 loads of hay 03.04.00 123.05.04 Appraisrs Barnabas Horton Thomas Moore This will and inventory seem to have been recorded on the fifth day of December, in the " Southold Town Records," Liber B, page 91, from which volume this copy was made, October 15, 1881. His widow, Mary, married in June, 1656, Ralph Dayton, in Southold. The records of the First Congregational church of Salem, Mass., show that this James Haines was a member as early as Dec. 25, 1637, and the baptism of his eight children are recorded as follows : JOHN^, b. Aug. 28, 1639. James^, bap. Aug. 2, 1641. BENJAMIN^ bap. Aug. 26, 1643. Mary^, bap. Feb. 19, 1646. James'', bap. Dec. 27, 1647-8. Jonathan'^, bap. April ii, 1648. Sarah^, bap. April 11, 1648. Thomas^ bap. March 4, 1651. *2. i. 3- ii. 4- iii. 5- iv. 6. v. 7- vi. 8. .vii. 9- viii. Seconb (generation S« John' Hinds, son of James' Hinds, born Aug. 28, 1639 and died in Lancaster, Mass., in March, 1720. He married (first) a woman, of whom no record can be found. By her, he had one son and probably others. He married (second) in Lancaster, Feb. 9, 1 68 1-2, Mary Butler, widow of James Butler, an early proprietor and planter of Lancaster. Her name is found mentioned in the Billerica records. He went from Woburn in 1676 to Lancaster, thence to Brookfield and from there back to Lancaster again. Temples' "History of North Brookfield" says : " John Hinds from Woburn, settles Lancaster, that part which be came Bolton, May 25, 1710. He had a grant of 62 acres in Brookfield and in all 199 acres; sold house lot, April 13, 17 19, to son John and returned to Lancaster, where he died, March 1720." A few years after his death, his wife, executrix, " sells lands to her loving son, John of Brookfield." This piece of land was sold, Oct. 14, 1724. The " Annals of Lancaster" says : " John hinds hath this thirtie acre lott Granted by the town Lying one the east side of the Nashaway River in several places one piece Lying to the Southeast of Rattlesnake hill .... more he hath a peice Laid out at the head of the Little Brook that Runs threw James Butler's Land near his houseplace " . . . . The " History of Lancaster" says : "John Hinds was one of those directed to garrison 'ye east side of ye river, under John Moore, commander, April 20, 1704.'" The following is a true copy of the last will and testament of John Hinds, dated March 8, 1719-20, as recorded in East Cambridge, Mass. " In the name of God Amen " This eight Day of March in the sixth yeare of the Reigne of our sov- eraign Lord George of Great Brittain &c : King : Annoqe Domini one thousand Seven Hundred & nineteen /twenty I John Hinds of Lancas ter in ye County of Middlesex in the province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England Husbandman : being under sickness & weakness of Body : though otherwise of competent Memory & understanding & being also sencible of my own frailty & of ye certainty that in a Little time I must be Removed by Death & not Knowin how soone : & being 7 8 ¦ the hinds family Willing to settle that estate which God of his Goodness hath Pleassed to bestow upon Me : I do Now make this my Last Will & Testament In manner & form following (that is to say) " First & Principally I Bequeath my Soull to God that gave it Hoping to Receive free & full Pardon of all my sins through the mirritt & mediation of Jesus Christ my Blessed Lord & Glorious Redeemer : Relying alone upon him for Righteousness & Salvation & my Body to the Dust to be Decently Buried with Christian Buriall : & for my out ward estat which of Right belongeth to my Will is that it be ordered settled & Dispossed of : as hereafter is expressed in this my Will. " Imp. After all my Just Debts : funerall & other necessary Charges & expences are fully paid & Discharged : my Will is & Accordingly I do hereby Give unto Mary Hinds my Beloved Wife all my estate both Reall & Personall Viz Lands Goods Chattells &c : of what nature Kind or quallity soever : & all moneys or other Debts Justly Due & owing from all & every Person or Persons whatsoever unto me the sd John Hinds : Saving that she allow & pay out unto my Six Children Namely John : Jacob Hannah : Hopestill Deborah & experience — five shillings apiece to each of them to be paid within two yeares next after my De cease : the which five shillings together with what I have formerly given them shall be in full of theire portions out of my estate ; & unto my son Enoch Hinds I Give one paire of Steeres or young oxen which I Bought of John Priest : & also my Horss I Give unto my sd son Enoch which together with what he hath formerly had of my estate : my Will is shall be in full of his Portion : all the Residue & Remainder of my wholl estate as abovesaid I hereby Give & Dispose of unto Mary my said Wife for here to Improve & enjoy for her use benifitt and behoofe & freely to Dispose of all & every part both of ye Reall & Personall estate hereby Given to her : as she shall please at her Discression : & do also make & constitute my said Wife Mary Hinds to be sole execu trix to this my Will : & that this is my Last Will & Testament I Declare by my hand & seall hereto Annexed the Day & yeare above Dated. " John Hinds e his /Tt mark ( Seal " Signed sealled & Declared in Presence of "John Smith " Israel Houghton " Ebenezer Polly " Child, by first wife : 10. i. JAMES^ resided in Lancaster on lands of his father. second generation Children, by second wife : JOHN^ b. in Lancaster, Jan. 19, 1683. Jacob', b. probably in Brookfield, in 1685. Hannah'. Hopestill', b. Oct. 22, 17 13. Deborah'. Experience', m. Nov. 18, 1718, Joseph Marks, Jr. Enoch', b. Oct. 30, 17 17. *I1. ii. *I2. iii. 13- iv. •14. V. 15- vi. 16. vii. *I7. viii. Milliam Kin& of Salem A vast amount of research has been made, regarding the earliest an cestor of this branch of the family in America, not only by the compiler of this volume, but by other and earlier members of the family. The records have been found very incomplete to enable one to establish the points as facts, but every effort has been made to get at the bottom and try if possible to make a connection with this early Hinds family who settled in or near Salem, Mass. Considerable trouble and annoyance has been occasioned, not only in this branch of the family, but in nearly all of the other branches spoken of in this book, in the various ways of spelling the family name. The early wills, deeds and other old family documents have been care fully looked over and, in many instances, the name of a person has been found spelled in several different ways, in that one document alone. So all will bear with the compiler as he endeavors to show his reasons for assuming that the following facts, which he has collected, are those relating to John Hinds of Bridgewater. The compiler has believed for a long time that John Hinds of Bridge- water was descended from some family who settled in Salem or in one of its adjacent towns. Records have been found showing that persons bearing the name of Hinds, (or Hinde and Hind, as the name was then spelled) landed on or near the shores of this historic city, but whether or not John Hinds, mentioned above, is descended from this stock, may perhaps remain an uncertainty for a time, as far as proving it for a fact is concerned. The records which are here given go to show practically beyond a doubt, that John Hinds of Bridgewater, whose name has also been found spelled '' Hains " on the public records, was descended from William Hind, aged thirty-five, who was made a freeman in 1635. It is firmly believed that this William Hind is the progenitor of this branch of the Hinds family in America, as everything stated below, points to that fact. From J. C. Hotten's "List of Emigrants to America, 1600-1700," it will be observed that the list of names includes " Will" Hind, age 35 " and " Margaret Hinde, age 30." We find that this authority further records that they were passengers in the Paule of London. It Is second generation I I not supposed that William and Margaret were man and wife, but that they were brother and sister, for the reason that a William Haines, of Salem, married Sarah Ingersoll, daughter of Richard Ingersoll, who emigrated from Bedfordshire, England, in 1639. Although this name is spelled H-a-i-n-e-s, there can be no doubt that it refers to William Hind, for nowhere in genealogical reference to the Haynes or Haines families in this country, has the compiler found any claim to a William at so early a period as this. He is in no way connected with the family of Gov. John Haynes, nor with John or Josiah Haynes of Ludbery, who it is stated in the " History of Shrewsbury," received a grant of thirty-two thousand acres of land. These Haynes brothers with their sisters. Sufferance and Mary, were children of Walter Haynes, a Wilt shire linen-weaver, who with his wife, Elizabeth, and children all under sixteen years of age, were passengers in the Confidence from Eng land in 1638 and settled in Ludbery. Neither was he related to Deacon Samuel Haynes, born probably in 1611, who embarked in the ship Angel Gabriel from London, June 4, 1635, reached Pemaquid, where the ship was wrecked Aug. 15, 1635. From there, he went to Ipswich, then returned to England, but was in this country again in Dover, April i, 1640, where he is mentioned again in 1642 and in 1648. From there, he moved to Greenland, N. H., and was deacon in the First church in Portsmouth in 167 1. The first mention of a man hav ing a similar name to the above William, was one William Haynes, who was transported to the Barbadoes in October, 1685, for participating in Monmouth's rebellion. 18. William Haines of Salem (doubtless William Hind of the Paule), joined the church in 1649, and it is recorded that Sarah (Ingersoll) Haynes joined the same year. One child at least was born to them, whom they named (19) William, and who married Abigail Ward, daughter of Samuel and his second wife, Sarah (Hubbard) Ward, of Marblehead, and granddaughter of Samuel Ward and wife Frances of Hingham. Some of these Wards are referred to in the records of the First church in Charlestown, Mass. This William, son of William and Sarah (Ingersoll) Haynes, it is believed, was the same as William Hains (or Hinds) who resided in Marblehead in 1728, he being then an old man, and who it is stated, enlisted from Salem, in Capt. Joseph Gardner's company during King Philip's war, and who was present at the taking of Narragansett Fort. He is mentioned in the list of names of those who received grants of land in 1728 in Narra gansett Township No. 3, which later became Amherst, N. H. It is further believed that he was the same as William Hains of Salem, "yoeman deceased, " who is mentioned in a deed, 1728-9, as conveying 12 THE HINDS FAMILY a piece of land in Salem village, which was afterwards sold to Samuel Ingersoll. This was, as will be seen, at about the same time in which he received a grant of land in Narragansett Township. Abigail Ward, his wife, is undoubtedly the same as Abigail Hinds, who with ten others joined the First church in Salem, May 19, 1684, and who a short time after, was one of the fifty or fifty-four (?) original members of the First church in Marblehead. This William appeared in Marblehead, an ad joining town to Salem, and had a son, John, who was probably the same John, as the John of Bridgewater, as he was apparently born at the same time. It is probable that Margaret Hinde, who emigrated with her brother, married a man by the name of " Peach," undoubtedly the John Peach of Salem, who joined the church in 1630, as his son, whose will dated Oct. 2, 1682, and probated Sept. 30, 1684 ( "Essex Probate Records " Book IV, page 95, also copied in the " Massachusetts Historical and Genealogical Register "), mentions " Cousin William Hine and his wife Abigail," also " Margaret Dalliwar, daughter of Peter Dalliwar," and " cousin Joseph Dalliwar," also son " John Hine, the only child at present of my cousin William Hine." Wyman's " Charlestown Geneal ogies and Estates," refers to a transfer of land in 1684, of estate of William Hinds and wife Abigail, with heirs, to E. Phillips, and records an abatement in taxes allowed the same year. This item is mentioned under the head of " Dolivar." Now the reader may ask the relationship between William Hine and John Peach. If, as we suppose, William Hind and Margaret Hinde were brother and sister, and William had a son and Margaret had a child, these two children would have been cousins. Margaret married a Peach and had a son, John Peach. Therefore, John Peach, who made his will in 1682, would have been a cousin to William Hine, who had a son John Hine, William's " only child at present." From the "Massachusetts Archives," "A list of ye names of Capt. Gardner's Souldiers for the p'sent expedition," mentions William Hind of Salem. This William Hind is not likely the emigrant of 1635, ^^^ it is probable that he was the emigrant William's son, the father of John Hine, " the only child at present of my cousin William Hine." The wording of this reference indicates that William was a young man, as the second William would have been during King Philip's war. 20. John Hinds of Bridgewater, who married Hannah Shaw, and who is believed to be the " only child at present of my cousin Williara Hine," had several daughters, the third being named " Abigail," and if the parents of John Hinds of Bridgewater, were SECOND generation 1 3 William and Abigail (Ward) Hinds, the reason for naming this daugh ter would be evident. This John of Bridgewater, named his first daughter " Hannah," presumably after his wife Hannah Shaw. His second, he named " Elizabeth," but after whom ? There was an Eliza beth Hinds in Bridgewater at the time, or at least some years later, who married Nathaniel Conant, son of Nathaniel and Hannah Conant, who came to Bridgewater from Beverly. It would not be strange if she was related to John Hinds of Bridgewater. It is possible that she went from Salem or Marblehead to Bridgewater, as the Conants did. The first wife of Rev. Ebenezer Hinds (son of John Hinds of Bridgewater), Susannah Keith, is buried on the same lot with some Conants in South Bridgewater, though fifty or seventy-five years before these Conants : but there might have been, and very likely were, other Conants or Hinds buried there previously, for it is a very an cient cemetery, and many " floating stones " were built into the stone wall, when the yard was rewalled. If all this means nothing, it is a very strange coincidence. The naming of children may mean little in this case, but I notice the fact that John Hinds named his second daughter "Elizabeth," and that Elizabeth Hinds, of Bridgewater, named her second son "John Conant." Nathaniel Conant had been twice married before he married Elizabeth Hinds. It is therefore safe to say that John and Elizabeth Hinds appeared in Bridgewater, at or about the time their names appear on the public records. This Elizabeth, who married Nathaniel Conant, can surely not be the daughter of John Hinds of Bridgewater, as John was not married until 1709, and Nathaniel and Elizabeth(Hinds) Conant married in 1716, and had children as follows: (a) Jeremiah, b. in 1720; (b) Margaret, b. in 1722 ; (c) John, b. in 1725 ; (d) Elizabeth, b. in 1727. There was a Francis Hains, who had a wife Elizabeth. They may have come to Bridgewater, and Elizabeth perhaps married Nathaniel Conant, after the death of Francis, who died in 17 17. A deed of John Conant, dated Nov. 5, 1718, refers to land bought of Francis Hains, deceased, and wife Elizabeth, now living. Mitchell in his " History of Bridgewater," says that Elizabeth Hains and Nathaniel Conant were married in 1716; but Francis Hains of Marblehead did not die until the year following, according to Savage. If either date should happen to be wrong by a year, it would strongly point in favor of Elizabeth Hains of Marblehead and Elizabeth Hinds of Bridgewater, as being one and the same. We therefore infer from the foregoing explanation which has been carefully considered, and which has been gone over many times, that 14 THE HINDS FAMILY the first generation in this country was William and Sarah (Ingersoll) Haines ; the second generation was William and Abigail (Ward) Haines; and the third generation, John and Hannah (Shaw) Hinds. The names have been spelled in so many {different ways, probably the fault of the writing and the lack of knowledge of spelling in those early days, as will be especially noticed by referring to the old wills and doc uments, that it has been found very difficult to get at the above points. The compiler does not wish to lay them down as facts in the Hinds family, although everything strongly points in its favor, but wishes simply to lay them before the members of the family, in the hope that it will result in bringing the facts out at no distant date. JohnJ Hinds, son of William^ and Abigail (Ward) Haines ( Wil liam^), married Aug. ii, 1709, Hannah Shaw. It is supposed that she was the daughter of John and Hannah Shaw and that she was born April 26, 1687. John Shaw is believed to have been a grandson of Abraham Shaw of Dedham. The name of John Hinds has been found spelled on the public records, " Hains." Children, born in Bridgewater, Mass.: Hannah*, b. in 1710. Elizabeth*, b. in 1712. Abigail*, b. in 1714 ; m. in 1735, Stephen Cobb of Walpole. John*, b, in 1717; m. in 1738, Hannah Lyon. Ebenezer*, b, July 29, 1719. Susannah*, b. in 1722 ; m. in 1740, Henry Chamberlain of Bridge- water. 21. 1. 22. ii. 23- iii. 24. iv. *-'S- V. 26. vi. ^birb feneration 11. Jolin^ Hinds, son of John' and Mrs. Mary (Butler) Hinds {James'), born in Lancaster, Mass., Jan. 19, 1683 and died in Brook field, Mass., Oct. 10, 1747 ; married Mrs. Hannah (Whittaker) Corlis, of Haverhill, Mass., who was born in September, 1691. At his death, she married for her third husband, June 18, 1749, Oliver Heyward, who died in Brookfield, Sept. 24, 1764, aged seventy-three years. An obituary of her was published in the " New England Historical and Gene alogical Register," Vol. XII, in which she is claimed to have saved the lives of Mr. Rolfe's children, but whether or not this is so, it is evident that she is the Anna Whittaker,' of Haverhill, who lived in the family. At her death, she left by her husband, John Hinds, thirteen children, eighty-two grandchildren and seventeen great grandchildren. He was appointed on a committee of five, Jan. 23, 1728, to divide the town of Brookfield into four parts. He built a mill on Horse Pond Brook as early as 1738 and sold it to his son Seth, who sold it to Joseph Bartlett, who sold it March 3, 1761. After the winter of 1704-5, a large part of the inhabitants had been kept in the employ of the Province as " standing guards," or " garrison soldiers ;" and other young men who had been stationed as soldiers, had resolved to become inhabitants. To insure this result, and to hold out inducements to the sons of the first planters to remain, the com mittee, at a meeting held March 8, 17 10, granted to Sergeant John White, forty-two acres of upland and twenty of meadow, " provided he live in the place four years, after he is wholly disbanded, and pay ates." Forty acres of the upland and twenty of meadow on the terms above mentioned were granted to John Hinds. He lived on this land up to the time of his death. John, with his brothers was a member of Captain Thomas Buck- minster's Brookfield company which, in August, 1748, went to Fort Dunner and garrisoned it. His will (" Worcester Wills " Vol. II, page 694), dated May 10, 1749, mentions nine children, viz.: John, Seth and Corlis, Anna, Frances and Mary, all probably married, and Dinah, Tryphena, and Susannah, then unmarried. He made his home in Lancaster until 17 19, when he became a resident of Brookfield. IS *27. i. *28. ii. 29. iii. 30. iv. *3i. V. 32- vi. 33- vii. *34. viii. 35- ix. 36. X. 37- xi. 38. xii. *39- xiii. 12. J Faco 16 THE HINDS FAMILY Children, born in Brookfield : Anna*, b. June 6, 1710. John*, b. Aug. 31, 1711. Frances*, b. Dec. 14, 1713 ; baptized Dec. 27,following ; m. Nov. 20, 1734, Seth Banister. Mary*, b. Feb. 12, 1716; m. Nov. 20, 1734, Joseph Banister. Seth*, b. April 3, 17 18. Jonathan*, b. Oct. 23, 1720, d. July 6, 1738. Dinah*, b. Oct. 14, 1722. Corlis*, b. April 28, 1724. Rachel*, b. Aug. 25, 1726, d. July 31, 1738. Tryphena*, b. April 23, 1728 ; m. Edward Wright. Cornelius*, b. March 17, 1730, d. July 7, 1738. Submit*, b. July 27, 1732, d. Aug. i, following. Susannah*, b. Dec. 17, 1733. Jacob' Hinds, son of John' and Mrs. Mary (Butler) Hinds (James^), born probably in Brookfield, Mass., in 1685, and died in West Boylston, Mass.; married in Marlboro, Mass., Dec. 6, 1716, Grace Morse, daughter of Joseph and Hester (Peirce) Morse. She was born in Watertown, Mass., June 7, 1694. Her maternal grandparents were John and Elizabeth Peirce. Her father at the age of twenty-four em barked at Ipswich, England, in April, 1634, in the ship Elizabeth, William Andrews, master. He settled in Watertown, where he was one of the proprietors and was admitted as a freeman, May 6, 1635. He was the oldest son of Joseph and Deborah Morse, who came to America probably a year or two later than their son. Jacob Hinds was a farmer of Marlborough, where his name is found spelled on the public records " Hins." In 17 17, he was one of the Marlborough people to settle Shrewsbury. From Shrewsbury, he moved with his family in 1720, to West Boylston and was probably the first white settler in that section. He lived on house lot No. 33 in 1729. He was on the muster roll of Captain Asa Whitcomb, in whose company he was a corporal. The " History of Shrewsbury " says : " The settlers who located Shrewsbury had divided among them, by the General Court, land for which grantee was to pay, within six years, £2 I2S. 6d. Land was granted to forty-five persons. Jacob Hinds re ceived Lot 33 of sixty acres. The grants were finally completed, Dec. 18, 17 18. Some years afterwards, the proprietors required a count to be made to show how much meadow was allotted to each. This record shows in part this : ' Lot No. 33, Granted to Jacob Hinds Dec. 30, 17 18. Thiss 33d House Lot in Shrewsbury contains in it 60 acres, and hath a 50 acre right belonging to it, &c., and lyeth near the S. E. angle of the Ministerial lot, and is bounded every way by undivided THIRD GENERATION 17 40. 1. 4'. ii. 42. iii. 43- iv. •44- V. *4S. vi. 46. vii. 47. viii. 48. ix. 49. X. *50. xi. land. He hath for his division of meadow the sixth lot on Muddy Meadow. This Lot No. 33, is now Feb. 12, 1729, in possession of Jacob Hinds.' " Jacob's will (" Worcester Wills " Vol. Ill, page 538), dated Sept. 24, 1764, and accompanying papers name the following children: Joseph, Benjamin, Jason and Jacob ; Abigail, wife of Josiah Broad ; Tabitha, wife of Bezabel Field ; Mary, wife of Joshua Child ; Sarah, wife of Micah Witherbee ; and Elizabeth, wife of Ephraim Temple. Children, first three born in Marlborough, others in Shrewsbury : Tabitha*, b. in 1718, d. an infant. Sarah*, b. in 17 19, d. before 1771 ; m. Micah Witherbee. Abigail*, b. in 1720, d. before 1771 j m. Dec. 9,1743, Josiah Broad, of Holden. Daniel*, b. June 21, 1722, d. June 2, 1740, in Shrewsbury. Joseph*, b. Jan. 20, 1724. Benjamin*, b. July 7, 1725. Mary*, b. Aug. 18, 1726, d. before 1771 ; m. June 2, 1748, Joshua Child. Tabitha*, b. Nov. 14, 1727, d. before 1771 ; m. Bezabel Fisk. Jason*, b. Dec. 8, 1728, d. unmarried before 1751- Elizabeth*, b. Jan. 22, 1730; m. May 25, 1752, Ephraim Temple. Jacob*, b. Jan. 22 1731. 14. Hopestill^ Hinds, son of John' and Mrs. Mary (Butler) Hinds {James'), born probably in Brookfield, Mass., Oct. 22, 1713 ; married Mary Walker. He had a grant of eighty acres of land in Brookfield, also one of one hundred thirty acres. He was appointed as one of a committee to help lay out the lands, granted by the town. He was also appointed a member of a committee to prevent the killing of deer as the law provided. From July 26, to Nov. 18, 1725, he was in service against the Indians. April 27, 1717, a rate was made for the paying of the minister of Brookfield, which contained the following : Enoch Hinds ^o 2s. 6d. Hopestill Hinds 14 6 John Hinds 12 o As there were one hundred twenty-three names on the list, and the amount was ;^i2i 3s. 8d., it appears that these were average tax payers. The largest individual amount was £^ i8s. 4d. Children : Nehemiah*, b. May 3, 1715. Bathsheba*, b. Feb. 4, 1717. Elizabeth*, b. March 21, 17 19. Mary*, b. in March, 1721. Abigail*, b. March 4, 1723. *5i. i. 52. ii. S3- iii. 54. iv. *5S. V. l8 THE HINDS FAMILY 17. Enoch^ Hinds, son of John' and Mrs. Mary (Butler) Hinds {James'), born probably in Brookfield, Oct. 30, — . Baptized, March 27, 1743 ; married Feb. 20, 1722, Elizabeth Gilbert, daughter of Deacon Henry Gilbert. The record of this birth, as found, shows it as 17x7, while that of his marriage is 1722. Doubtless he was born soon after his brother John. He had a grant of eighty acres and also of one hundred sixty acres. Children : 56. i. Elizabeth*, b. Sept. 26, 1722. 57. ii. Ezekial*, b. Feb. 26, 1724/5. 58. iii. Abner*, bap. in Oct., 1742. S9. iv. Solomon*, bap. in Oct., 1742. /^^'^ ^/D/ Ifourtb feneration 35. Ebenezer* Hinds, son of Johns and Hannah (Shaw) Hinds ( William', William'), born in Bridgewater, Mass., July 29, 17 19, and died in Fairhaven, Mass., April 19, 1812. He is buried in Old Middleborough, by the pond near Sampson's Hotel. He married (first) Susannah Keith of Bridgewater, who was born in 1727. She was the daughter of John and Hannah (Washburn) Keith, and grand daughter of Rev. James Keith, the first minister of Bridgewater. Susannah died April 5, 1750, and he married (second) in 1751, Lydia Bartlett, daughter of Richard Bartlett. His second wife died May 12, 1801. When about thirty years of age, Mr. Hinds received the ordi nance of baptisrn by immersion at the hands of Rev. Ebenezer Moulton, pastor of the Baptist church in Brimfield, Mass., and this was probably administered the same year that he commenced exercising his gifts publicly in prayer and exhortation, for in speaking of Mr. Moulton, Backus says, " Elder Moulton was often called to other places to preach and baptize in and after 1749. Yes, he was called above eighty miles that year, and baptized ten in Bridgewater and three in Raynham." Of tne Second Baptist church in Boston, gathered in 1743, Ebenezer became a member, March 3, 1751, which was then under the care of Rev. Ephraim Bound. This Baptist church at first consisted of James Bound, John Proctor, Ephraim Bosworth, John Dabney, Thomas Boucher, Ephraim Bound and Thomas Lewis, who formed themselves into a church, July 27, 1743 and made choice of Ephraim Bound to be their pastor, who was ordained to the work of a gospel minister, Sept. 7, 1743. Their original number was speedily and largely increased by new members from the towns of Newton, Needham, Medfield and other adjacent places. " And the Lord added to the church daily, such as should be saved," until March 3, 1751, when among those thus gathered in was received, him who was then the eloquent exhorter, but who after wards became the distinguished Calvinistic Baptist clergyman, the Rev. Ebenezer Hinds. Rev. Ephraim Bound, as pastor of that church, was in 1751, in the midst of the years of his greatest usefulness, which con tinued until the morning of Dec. 17, 1762, when he was visited by a paralytic shock, from the effect of which he only partially recovered so as to be able to preach a few sermons. Rev. Ephraim Bound died, greatly lamented, June 18, 1765, and during his ministrations, the J9 20 THE HINDS FAMILY church that in 1743 consisted of only seven members, had in 1765, in creased to about one hundred and twenty members. Rev. Ephraim Bound was the son of James Bound, and he had received the ordinance of baptism at the hands of the Rev. Ebenezer Moulton of Brimfield. In 1753, Rev. Ebenezer Hinds of Bridgewater, was invited to preach at the house of Thomas Nelson on Assawomsett Neck, where he con tinued to preach regularly. In discoursing of this Thomas Nelson, Backus' " History of the Baptists " says : " In 1753, he and his sons, with a few more set up a meeting at his house and obtained Mr. Eben ezer Hinds to preach to them. The church of which Rev. Ebenezer Hinds was ordained, Jan. 26, 1758, as first and original pastor was gen erally known as the Second Baptist church in Middleborough, it having been organized, Nov. 16, '1757. A house and farm was purchased for a parsonage at a part of Middleborough, now Lakeville, called ' Beech Woods,' and a church edifice purchased, that stood until fire destroyed it. May 19, 1798, together with the parsonage house. " Under date of Feb. 12, 1758, Rev. Isaac Backus wrote to his mother as follows : " Loving Mother — A church was gathered in the south part of this town on the sixteenth of November and brother Hinds was ordained pastor, Jan. 26th, past. " I was over there again at the ordination of their deacons last Thursday, and I can but hope that God has many blessings in store for that people." Elder Hinds continued pastor of that church for upward of forty years. Here the best part of his life was spent ; here most of his large family of fifteen children were born, and here eight of them died. The church enjoyed a' marked revival during the years preceding the Revo lutionary war. The Baptist faith spread very rapidly in those days in New England, and Elder Hinds did much toward helping on the move ment. The Middleborough churches during that period were included in the " Warren Conference," so called from the fact that they met in Warren, R. I., for their yearly meetings. Copies of the " Minutes " of these conferences are now very rare. They show that Old Middle borough was a stronghold of the Baptist faith in those days and explain why it was the center of the educational movement in this denomination later, when Peirce Academy flourished, previous to the founding of Boston University. Elder Hinds continued his labors with the Second Baptist church until having passed the period of threescore years and ten, when he closed his pastorate, though he still preached occasional sermons both there and elsewhere. Frequent rhention is made of him on the pages FOURTH GENERATION 21 of Backus, and Benedict states that after reaching the age of eighty, he would spring upon his horse, unaided, and ride off long distances to hold religious services or assist in any ordination or other special service. Early in the year 1758, Capt. Benjamin Pratt raised a company of men in Middleborough for services on Lake George, during the French and Indian war. This company started from Middleborough, May 29, 1758, and from entries in the journal kept by Sergeant Seth Tinkham, a member of the company, it appears that Elder Hinds accompanied the force toward Saratoga in the capacity of chaplain. Two entries from the journal follow : "may the 30 we marched by sunrife to Lieut, man's in Wrentham 11 miles, there went to Dinner, and then we marched to Dr. Corbitt's in Billingham 10 miles, went to Supper. After supper mr. hinds preached a Sermon to us. there our Cart overtook us. there we stay*." " June ye i^* we stayed at Hollands all Day Because of ye Rain and m'. Hinds Preached to us in Holland's Barn." In the " Peirce Family in the Old Colony," Gen. Peirce mentions an interesting incident relating to Elder Hinds. His grandfather Capt. Job Peirce served in the Provincial forces dur ing 1759 before Halifax, N. S. When his time of enlistment expired, he, with others, was sent by government transport for Boston, but the vessel being disabled by a storm was carried far out of her course and finally made shore in the West Indies. Meanwhile news of the de parture of the ill-fated transport is received in the Old Colony and the friends of the passengers gave them up for dead. But after the long winter months had passed. Job Peirce at last secured passage on board a vessel bound for New England and in due time landed in Bedford village. " Allowing no delay, he out-travels the news of his arrival, and soon stands upon his native hills again. Scenes familiar, orchards and beechen forests meet his eye ; but save the lowing of cattle and the singing of birds, a deathlike stillness prevails, for it is Sunday — a New England Sabbath kept after the manner of the Puritan fathers. No alarm was therefore occasioned in his mind to find his home unten anted, the whole family having repaired to the country church to attend public worship ; an example he lost no time in following. Arriving at the sanctuary during the ' long prayer ' he, at its close, walked rever ently up the aisle to the family pew, and then took his seat, creating no small stir among the worshipers, for the superstitution of that day in vested the sight with far less novelty than terror. It is uncertain how the grave assembly would have gained its equilibrium, but for the good sense and remarkable presence of mind exhibited by the preacher, who was about to open the sacred volume to improve upon the contemplated 22 THE HINDS FAMILY text, when this unexpected sight quite upset his former plans, and without finding it or even opening the book, he gave out for his text, the passage of Scripture, which saith : ' For this my son was dead and is alive again ; was lost and is found.' " The following is a copy of the deed of Elder Hinds to the Second Baptist church and society in Middleborough : " Know all men by thefe prefents that I Eben^^ Hinds of Middle borough in the County of plymouth in the Common Welth of the maf- achufetts Plant for an in Confideration of four hundred Dollars to me in hand paid by the Commety of the Second Baptift Church and Society in Middleborough and in the County Common Welth afor faid namely James peirce Hermon peirce & Jofhua Howland the Recept I acknowledge and do by thefe prefents Bargin Sell & Convay unto the faid Commety church and Society my Dwelling Houfe in Middle borough and now ftanding on the minifterial farme and now occupied by Elifha Briggs to hold the fame and I for myfelf & heirs do Cove nant with the f'' Commety Church & Society I Have full power and LawfuU athorety to fell the Houfe as above f"^ & therefore will Deffend the fame againft the LawfuU clames of all perfons whatfoever I do allfo by prefents releafe and forever quit Clame unto the minifterial farme whereon the Houfe ftands in witnefs hereof I have hereunto fet my hand 'feal this Second day of November one thoufand eight hundred & five. Sign'i Seal* and Deliver'^ in prefents of Eben'^ Hinds [S] Ebenezer Hinds 2'' Abner Smith Briftol, fs. November 4*^ 1805 Then personally Appeared Elder Eb'' Hinds and Acknowleg** the within Deed By Him signed To Be His Free Act & Deed Before me Ephr™ Winflow, Juftis peace. Susannah Keith, first wife of Elder Hinds, was buried in the old cemetery in South Bridgewater village near the First Congregational church, the stone having the following inscription : — " Here lies buried, Mrs. Susanna, wife of Mr. Ebenezer Hinds, and daughter of Mr. John Keith, who died April 5, 1750, in y^ 23^1 year of her age, having been the mother of four children, and died in the faith of a glorious resur rection. " Her grave is in the northwestern section of the cemetery. It stands in a line with several others. On one side are the graves of Deacon Cornelius Holmes and wife, and on the other side, Phineas FOURTH GENERATION 23 Conant and wife. The nearness of these graves to hers and the fact that they were not made until from fifty to one hundred years later, suggest the possibility of John and Hannah Hinds being buried there beside her, the grave being afterward lost. When the last wall was built around this cemeter)', many " floating stones " were built into it, and many graves in those days were marked by field stones of suitable shape, with or without inscriptions. Lydia Bartlett, the second wife of Elder Hinds, was the daughter of Richard Bartlett, an Englishman, living in Boston. She had a brother Richard, who served as a soldier at Annapolis Royal in 1775 under Col. Winslow, in seizing and disposing the neutral French. He married Mary Robinson, of Bridgewater, a daughter of Gain Robinson, of East Bridgewater. Gain Robinson came to Plymouth from Ireland, and after living a while in Pembroke and Braintree, settled in East Bridgewater. He brought letters with him from churches in Ireland, Pembroke and Braintree. Richard Bartlett had a large family, born mostly in Nova Scotia, where he resided. The following are epitaphs from the gravestones of Elder Hinds and wife, which are in the old cemetery on the " Neck " in Lakeville, Mass.: In memory of Rev. Ebenezer Hinds WHO DIED April 19, 1812 IN HIS 94 year. I have fought a GOOD FIGHT, I HAVE FINISHED my course, i have kept the faith, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness. Sacred to the memory op Mrs. Lydia, wipe of the Rev. Ebenb Hinds, she died May 12TH A. D. 1801. In the Sixty Seventh Year of her Age. Give her of the fruit of her hands And let her own works praise her. Children by first wife, born probably in Bridgewater : *6o. i. KEziAH'.b. 1745. *6i. ii. Salome', b. 1747. 62. iii. Child', who d. young. 63. iv. Child', who d. young. Children by second wife, born probably in Bridgewater : •64. V. Ebenezer', b. Jan. 25, 1753. ?65. vi. Bartlett', b. in 1755. *66. vii. Susannah', b. May 18, 1757. •67. viii. John', b. Sept. 19, 1759. *68. ix. Leonard', b. Aug. 19, 1761. *69. X. •70. xi. *7i. xii. 72. xiii. *73- xiv. *74. XV. 24 THE HINDS FAMILY Lydia', b. Aug. i, 1763. Preserved', b. Feb. 27, 1766. Abanoam', b. June 19, 176S. Keziah', b. March 19, 1772, d. Aug. 12, 1774. Hannah', b.'May 12, 1775. Richard', b. Sept, 11, 1777. TRise ot tbe ffiaptiats in ^ioaieborougb ' The preaching of Whitefield and Tennant in Middleborough and neighboring towns during their tour of New England in the middle years of the preceding century, carried a remarkable revival of religion, which was soon followed by the rise of Independent or, as they were called by their enemies, " New Light " churches. The chief points of difference between the Independent churches and the established so cieties of the Congregational order, seem at first to have been in the ground taken by the former against the custom then in vogue of raising money for the support of the ministry by taxation. They also laid em phasis upon the need of a " change of heart " and " religious experi ence " as a condition of admission to church and held that any body of believers might establish a church in a precinct already formed, and contribute to its support instead of to that of the original church. They found cause for complaint also in the fact that academic training, rather than a spiritual life, was so frequently looked upon as the chief qualification needed by a preacher. These views excited bitter oppo sition and the refusal of those who held them to pay their " church rates " led to frequent imprisonments and the seizure and sale of personal property belonging to offenders. Living as we do in a time of religious freedom, it is hard to under stand the intolerant spirit of those days. The Independents were plainly in the right, as we view the matter to-day, although they were often legally wrong. And it is largely to the determined stand taken by these people that we owe the right to liberty of conscience, enjoyed to-day. There were at least two of these Independent churches in the limits of old Middleborough in 1751, one being at Titicut village, under the pastoral care of Rev. Isaac Backus, and thp other in the west precinct of the town, under the care of Rev. James Mead. Records, still in ex istence, show that these and sister churches in adjoining towns were accustomed to meet in " council " from time to time, to discuss and take action on matters of common concern. There were at least five of these "councils" held during the years 1751, '52 and '53, with the church in North Middleborough, and at one of these, the West Parish 1 Contributed by S. W. Hinds. FOURTH GENERATION 2$ church was represented by James Mead and Deacon William Smith, who was afterwards deacon of the Second Baptist church. But a fertile source of discord presented itself in the Independent churches at this time in the shape of infant baptism. This led soon to a general examination of the whole subject of baptism, with the result that many of the Independent societies embraced Baptist principles. Even before this time, the subject had become prominent in Elder Backus' congregation, for at achurch meeting held Aug. 7, 1749, two of the members, Ebenezer Hinds and Deacon Jonathan Woods, de clared that they had embraced the views of the Baptists. This led to much discourse and soon resulted in the conversion of several of the members to the new views. Mr. Backus, at first very reluctant to ac cept the new doctrines, at length comes to that view and preaches a sermon in favor of immersion and against infant baptism. But he soon repents of the sermon as premature and retracts the statements made. But it unfortunately happened, that before doing so, he was obliged to be absent for several weeks in his native state of Connecti cut, so that he found upon his return, that several members of his church who did not wish to longer postpone what they had come to view as a most solemn duty, had been, in the meantime, immersed by Rev. Mr. Moulton of Brimfield, Mass. Of the ten persons baptized at that time, nine were members of this church. When these nine members found that their pastor had returned to his former views on the subject of baptism, they were naturally disap pointed and perhaps offended, and with Independent consistency, they met by themselves for worship on the next Lord's Day. On the even ing of Feb. 3, 1750, seven of them united together as a church and soon after Mr. Hinds began to preach among them. But it seemed best to dissolve the church in a few months, and Mr. Hinds and Mr. Woods united with the Second Baptist church in Boston. In 1753, Mr. Hinds commenced to preach regularly at the home of Thomas Nelson in Middleborough, thus being, so far as can be learned, the pioneer preacher of the Baptists in that township. Some time was to elapse before Mr. Backus became settled in his re ligious views upon the subject of baptism. " No man who has not ex perienced the like," says he in his diary, " can form a proper idea of the distress I endured for two years." But it was not long before he took his place with Mr. Hinds, in the ranks of the new sect and from that time forward, the young denomination multiplied very rapidly in the old township of Middleborough. Before the close of the century, there were four flourishing churches of this denomination in town, the first at North Middleborough, organized in 1756 ; the second, in the 26 THE HINDS FAMILY West Precinct, organized in 1758; the third in South Middleborough, organized in 1761 ; and the fourth, or "Pond Church," near Assawom sett Neck, organized in 1800. Old Middleborough is especially mentioned by Backus in his history, as being one of the chief strongholds of the Baptists in the latter half of the preceding century. Children born of Baptist parents, carried the faith into other states, especially Maine and New Hampshire, and there were many clergymen of this faith who were natives of the town. Among them may be named William, Samuel and Ebenezer Nelson, all sons of Thomas Nelson, and early graduates of Rhode Island College, and Rev. Noah Alden. A full list would perhaps exceed that of any other town in the state. With the growth of the central part of the town, another church was needed early in the present century and was accordingly organized in 1828. The church edifice was the gift of Major Levi Peirce of Mid dleborough. This church came to be known as the Central Baptist church. During the first half of the present century, Middleborough also be came prominent as an educational center, on account of the location there of the Baptist Institution of learning — Pierce Academy. This institution long enjoyed a high reputation not only in Massachusetts, but all over New England, and was known in distant parts of the coun try and in Canada. Some whose names are now familiar throughout the nation were educated at this seminary. The minutes of the " Old Colony Baptist Association of Churches " which was organized in 1823, give evidence of the strength of the de nomination during this period. The minutes for 1839, fo'" example, show reports from nineteen churches of southeastern Massachusetts, situated for the most part in Plymouth County. Of these, the three oldest and the three largest were in Middleborough, and in a total membership of 1,592, five hundred and forty-three or over one-third, being members of the five churches then situated in Middleborough. The largest and by far the most influential of these was the Central Baptist church of Middleborough, then under the pastoral care of Rev. Ebenezer Nelson, and with a membership of 165 ; a branch at Halifax and a Sunday-school of 256 pupils and 32 teachers, more than double the size of any other Sunday-school reported, with but one exception. The next largest society was the Fourth Middleborough, with a mem bership of 151, and with a flourishing branch church and Sunday- school at Raynham. The Third Middleborough, Was next in size. The reports from the Baptist Sunday-schools in Middleborough, that year, show 71 teachers and nearly 500 scholars enrolled. FOURTH GENERATION 2"] The academy is referred to in the same report as in a flourishing condition and as having " strong claims upon the patronage and prayers of the churches." It was some years later under the principalship of Professor Jenks, that the school enjoyed its period of greatest usefulness. IRboOc JslanO Colleflc an& tbe TKlarren assoctatton ' One of the most important facts in the early history of the Baptists in New England, was the formation of the Warren Association of Churches on Wednesday, Sept. 9, 1767, an event which has resulted in much good, not alone to the Baptist denomination, but to every citizen of Massachusetts, for it is in large measure owing to the influence of this and other similar organizations, that the people of this state and nation enjoy the right of liberty of conscience at the present day. The journal of Chaplain Hezekiah Smith, refers to this event as follows : " Mon. Sept. 7 — Went to Warren. Tues. 8. Met with a number to form a regular association. Mr. Gano from New York preached a sermon upon the occasion at the opening of the meeting. Wed. 9. Mr. Manning's church at Warren, Mr. Hinds, at Middleborough, Mr. Alden's at Bellingham, and ours at Haverhill, formed an association. The same evening I preached from Prov. 3: 17." James Manning, Hezekiah Smith, Noah Alden and Ebenezer Hinds, "tour illustrious names, deserving for this act alone, to be held by the denomination in grateful and lasting remembrance !" says tbe author of the " Early History of Brown University," and in view of the influ. ence for good exerted by the organization, we are sure the statement might be made more general. It is to the Rev. James Manning that the credit belongs of having first conceived the idea of forming the Baptist churches of New Eng land into an association. Mr. Manning was also the leader in the movement for a Baptist college for training young men to the work of the gospel ministry. He was destined to encounter considerable op position, however, before his labors were crowned with success. Al though Rhode Island, where it was decided to locate the college, was a stronghold of the Baptists in that day, considerable difficulty was en countered in getting a charter for the new institution of learning, from the General Assembly, and it was not until after three sessions had passed, that it was finally granted at an adjourned meeting held in East Greenwich, R. I., on the last Monday in February, 1764. 'Contributed by S. W. Hinds. 28 THE HINDS FAMILY Rev. James Manning, as president of the Rhode Island College, as it was then called, and as pastor of the First church in Warren, began his labors in the fall of the same year. It was at about this time, that Manning seems to have conceived the idea of forming the Baptist churches of New England into an association, " in order to promote their harmony and growth, to resist more successfully the acts of op pression of the ' standing order ' in Massachusetts and Connecticut, and especially to disarm his brethren of all existing prejudice against human learning, and thus advance the best interests of the college over which he presided." The aim was to form a union which should be " simply advisory in character, having respect to the advancement of the Redeemer's kingdom, by spreading through the churches, an account of the welfare and prosperity of each. The undertaking was one of no ordinary magnitude. The government of the Baptist churches had been from time immemorial, as now, of the independent form, each church having exclusive right of jurisdiction over its own members, electing and dismissing its own officers, and transacting all its business by final issue within itself, without appeal to any power on earth, either civil or ecclesiastical. It had always been the belief of the Baptists, that civil government, however desirable and neces sary for civil purposes, had nothing to do with Christ's kingdom, which is spiritual, and not of this world, and nothing to do with the visi ble church, which is subject to Jesus Christ alone as the head thereof. Hence they regarded all conventions, synods, associations and coun cils, as antagonistic to the independence of the churches, as having more or less respect to the civil state, and so partaking too much of the carnal wisdom of this world. They had suffered so much from measures adopted by similar conventions of Congregational minsters, to be easily persuaded to do anything that might seem to be like following their example." The first definite step toward the formation of an association was taken on Aug. 28, 1766, when the church at Warren passed the following resolution : " That an association be entered into with sundry churches of the same faith and order, as it was judged a likely method to promote the peace of the Churches." As has been already noticed, the first meeting was held about a year later. In the following year, 1768, eleven churches were represented at Warren, and Rev. Isaac Backus of Middleborough, was chosen clerk. But although the delegates in attendance " generally manifested a good will toward this attempt for promoting the union and welfare of the FOURTH GENERATION 2g churches, most of them thought that they were not prepared to join an association." In the year following, however, a plan of association was presented to them that met with general favor and was adopted as a basis of organization. Let us glance at a few of their meetings. The meeting of Sept. 7, 1767, directly following as it did, the first commencement exercise of Rhode Island College, was an interesting gathering. Several delegates from the Philadelphia Association were present. A significant measure passed by the meeting was " a pro posal and plan for collection grievances," a measure intended to give assistance to Baptists, when their legal rights were denied them by the courts. From the action taken by the association in 1773, it is evident that they were determined that those rights should not be disregarded. One of the most important meetings ever held by the Warren Asso ciation was that which convened at Medfield on Sept. 7, 1773, and continued in session for three days. There were eighteen churches rep resented at this meeting. Rev. Ebenezer Hinds was chosen moderator and William WiUiams, of Wrentham, clerk. Interest attaches to this meeting, because of the discussion of the question of "carrying in certificates." " The debates on the great question of the day," says Guild, " must have been full and spirited, although the meager printed minutes of four pages contain no allusion thereto." It was decided by a large majority, not to carry in any more certificates for the following reasons, as stated by Backus : " I. Because it implies an acknowledgement that civil rulers have a right to set up one religious sect above another, which they have not. " 2. Because they are not representatives in religious matters, and therefore have no right to impose religious taxes. "3. Because such a practise emboldens the actors therein to as sume God's prerogative, and to judge the hearts of others. " 4. Because the Church is presented as a chaste virgin to Christ : and to place her trust and love upon any other for temporal support is playing the harlot, and so the way to destroy all religion. "5. Because the practise abovesaid, tends to envy, hypocrisy and confusion, and so to the ruin of civil society." This action led in the following year, to the association's deciding to send Rev. Isaac Backus to the Continental Congress, then in session in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, as the agent of the Baptist churches, to humbly petition that something might be done to secure religious liberty from the government at home, which saw so plainly its right to insist on civil liberty from the government abroad. At the same meet ing, they appointed four days for solemn fasting and grayer for the ensuing year. 30 THE HINDS FAMILY Although the mission of Mr. Backus to Philadelphia produced no immediate result, the principles of religious liberty triumphed in Mas sachusetts in 1780. Rev. Noah Alden, already mentioned as one of the founders of this association, was largely instrumental in securing the provision in the Constitution of Massachusetts, that guaranteed re ligious freedom. The language of the original draft of the third article in this document, was intended to give the State power in religious matters. Mr. Alden moved a reconsideration of the article and was a member of the committee that proposed it in its present form. Mr. Alden was also a prominent member of the Convention of 1788, that adopted the constitution of the United States. Another important meeting of the old Warren Association was that held on Sept. 10, 1782. This is notable in that it was held with the Providence church, which had hitherto held aloof from the Association. It marked the beginning of closer relations between the churches of Rhode Island, which was originally what was called " Six Principle Baptists," and those of Massachusetts. These " Six Principle Bap tists, " were opposed to a paid ministry, to singing in public ministry, and held to the doctrine of laying on of hands. The meeting was held in the new and elegant house of worship just completed by the society, " for the worship of Almighty God and to hold commencements in,'' to use the quaint language of the record. This college was moved from Warren to Providence in 177 1, and is now known as Brown University- As an instance of the earnestness with which the "wrestling Jacobs " attended to the duties of the day, we note that at the close of the first day's session, they adjourned until five A. M., of the following morning in order that they might spend some time in prayer, " previous to attending on business, on account of the affected drought." Among the more familiar names recorded as present at this meeting, is that of Elder Hinds. In fact, the minutes of these yearly meetings usually show him present, even though his attendance necessitated a long journey of forty or fifty miles on horseback. 21. Anna* Hinds, daughter of John^ and Mrs. Hannah (Whit taker) (Corlis) Hinds {John^ James'), born in Brookfield, Mass., June 6, 1710 ; married (first) in 1728, Samuel Walker ; married (second) May 18, 1732, Solomon Goodale ; married (third) Samuel Ware. Children, by first husband : 75. i. Simeon', b. Aug. 26, 1729. 76. ii. Levi', b. Nov. 23, 1730. 38. John* Hinds, son of Johns and Mrs. Hannah (Whittaker) (Corlis) Hinds {John'', James'), \ioxvi'v!\. Brookfield, Mass., Aug. 31, *77. 1. 78. ii. *79- iii. *8o. iv. 81. V. 82. vi. FOURTH GENERATION 3 I 1711 ; married Alice . At his death, she married (second) Sept. 26, 1757, Timothy Hall. Children, born in Brookfield : Martha*, b. July 18, 1743. Rachel', b. Jan. 6, 1745, d. five days later. John', b. Oct. 23, 1747. Oliver', b. April 14, 1750. Delight', b. Oct. 25, 1752, d. in Brookfield, July 19, 1753. Mary', b. Nov. i, 1754. 31. Seth* Hinds, son of Johns and Mrs. Hannah (Whittaker) (Corlis) Hinds {John', James'), \)orxi in Brookfield, Mass., April 3, 1718; married Feb. 9, 1744, Elizabeth Orms of Brookfield, who died Nov. 26, 1750. Children, born in Brookfield : 83. i. Jotham', b. July 12, 1745 ; d. in Brookfield, Dec 5, 1750. 84. ii. Elizabeth Amy', b. Aug. i, 1748; m. Sept. 6, 1768, Malachi Maynard. 85. iii. Seth', b. Feb. 27, 1750. 86. iv. Ruth', b. Dec. 19, 1750. 34. Corlis* Hinds, son of John' and Mrs. Hannah (Whittaker) (Corlis) Hinds {John', James'), born in Brookfield, Mass., April 28, 1724 and died there in 182 1 ; married (first) Sept. 6, 1742, Janet Mc- Master of Brookfield; married (second) in 1809, Mrs. McCutter. He was constable in 1768, and on committee for supply from 1780 to 1789. From March to December, 1756, he was a member of Captain Solomon Key's company. He is also reported as being on the muster roll of Captain Nathaniel Woolcott's company, which marched August g, and was out sixteen days. According to the " History of Chesterfield, N. H.," Corlis Hinds emi grated from England and settled in Massachusetts. Tradition has it that he had six children, viz.: five sons and one' daughter whose name was Amy. Of the sons, only three names are given, viz.: Cornelius, Forbes and Jesse ; Jesse being the youngest. A vast amount of search has been made to show that this Corlis really did come from England, but what has been handed down from mouth to mouth, is the only proof which we have of it, except the " History of Chesterfield," and the author probably got his information from these traditional reports. We know that his father was born in this country and that his mother's name by her first marriage became Corlis. That would naturally enough show the reason for naming this son, Corlis. Members of the family also claim that this Corlis lived to be about 106 years of age. 32 THE HINDS FAMILY He surely did reach a great age, but the compiler believes that this is also tradition. One member of the family claims he died in 1700, twenty-four years before the date recorded as his birth. The same party also claims that this Corlis, who died in 1700, married and had children the same as the Corlis, whom we find recorded as being born in 1724. One can readily see by referring to successive generations that 1700 could not have been the date of death of Corlis. Another point which has been very confusing regarding this man, has been the variety of names which have been ascribed to his wife. One member of the family gives his first wife's name as Jennie McCullar, and the first name of his second wife was Jennie ; another says his first wife was named McMaster and his second McCullock or possibly Mc- Culler ; a third says his first wife was named McMaster and his second McCutter ; while the history from which these records were taken, gives the first wife's name as McAllister. Thus it has been found very perplexing and trying at times to get at what is supposed to be the correct names. These names which are given as correct, are such as seem most probable and which the greater number of the members of the family have agreed to. Children, by first wife, the first nine born in Brookfield, the tenth in Barre, Mass. : Cornelius', b. March 17, 1743. Anna' (?), b. Oct. 7, 1744, of whom nothing further is known. Rachel', b. May 26, 1746. Nothing further known of her. Corlis', b. April lo, 1748. Susannah', b. March 15, 1750. Submit', b. April 18, 1752. Nothing further known of her. Howard', b. March 6, 1755. Forbes', b. May 25, 1759. Catherine', b. April 15, 1760. Nothing further known of her. Jesse', b. Sept. 7, 1764. 39. Siisaniiali* Hinds, daughter of John' and Mrs. Hannah (Whittaker) (Corlis) Hinds ( John', James'), born in Brookfield, Mass., Dec. 17, 1733; married (first) John Bell, who died Aug. i, 18 19, aged eighty-six years ; married (second) Matthew Bartlett, who was born July 8, 1728. Child, by second marriage : 97. i. Matthew', b. March 30, 1769; m. July i, 1792, Elizabeth Hinds, daughter of John and Lydia (Seager) Hinds. She was b. in Brookfield, Feb. 25, 1773. 44. Joseph* Hinds, son of Jacob' and Grace (Morse) Hinds {John^, James'), born in Shrewsbury, Mass., Jan. 20, 1724 and died in *87. i. 88. ii. 89. iii. *9o. iv. *9I. V. 92. vi. *93- vii. •94. viii. 95- ix. *96. A.. FOURTH GENERATION 33 December, 1771 ; married Feb. 7, 1753, Persilla Orsborn. He lived at one time in Quobbin. The following is a true copy of the last will and testament of Joseph Hinds, which was made Dec. 10, 1771, and probated in Keene, N. H., Dec. 17, of the same year : " In the Name of God Amen the Last Will and testament of Joseph Hinds of Richmond in the County of Cheshire, Husbandman. " I the said Joseph Hinds being sick and weak, but of sound memory and disposition of mind, and Not knowing how God may Dispose of me under my present Illness Do make and ordain these presents to be my will and testament ; and first of all I Commend my precious and Immortal Soul into the hands of Almity God who gave it : hoping through the merits of Jesus Christ to Receive the free and full pardon of all my Sins and to Inherit eternal life — " my Body I Commit to the earth by a Decent Christian Funeral at the Discretion of my executor hereafter Named Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I shall Receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as to Such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me in this life I give Devise and Dispose of the Same in the following manner and form. " My will is that my Just Debts and Funeral Charges be paid by my executor Soon as may be after my Decease. " Item — My will is and I Do hereby give to my loving Brother Ben jamin Hinds all my estate Real and personal of what Name or Nature soever to him his heirs and assigns forever he paying the legacies here after named viz — "Item — My will is that my Brother Benjamin hinds pay to the children of my Brother Jacob Hinds Deceased the sum of fifteen pound with in five year after my Decease. " Item. My will is that my Brother Benjamin Hinds pay to the heirs of my Sister Abigail Broad Deceased the sum of five shillings — " Item. My will is that my Brother Benjamin Hinds pay to the heirs of my Sister Mary Childs deceased the sum of five shillings. " Item — My will is that my Brother Benjamin Hinds pay to the heirs of my Sister Tabatha Fisk Deceased the sum of five shillings. " Item. My will is that my Brother Benjamin Hinds Deliver to Oliver Capron my Bed and furniture therefor. " Item — My will is that my Brother Benjamin Hinds pay to the heirs of my Sister Sarah Wetherbe the sum of five shillings. " Finally — I make and ordain my loving Brother Benjamin Hinds my Sole executor of this my Last will and testament Revoking all , others D 34 THE HINDS FAMILY. and Ratifing this and No other to be my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this tenth Day of December 1771. " Signed sealed published pronounced and Delivered by the said Joseph Hinds to be his last will and testament In presence of us — his "Joseph /\ Hinds "^''^ I Seal [ " Nathaniel Whipple " John Danby "James Ball" " Cheshire ss. "December 17th Anno Domini 1771. " By Simeon Olcott Esq. Judge of Probate of Wills for ye County aforesaid. " The within Mentioned Will being presented for Probate by Benjamin Hinds ye Executor therein mentioned, Nathaniel Whipple & John Danby Two of ye Witnesses therein named personally appeared and made oath that they saw Joseph Hinds the Testator sign and seal and heard him publish pronounce & Declare ye within Mentioned to be and contain his last Will and testament and that when he so did he was, to ye best of their Descerning of Sound & Disposing Mind and Memory and that they with James Ball (who was not present) set to their Names as Witnesses at ye same Time. " Sworn before me, " Simeon Olcott. " 45. Benjamin* Hinds, son of Jacob' and Grace (Morse) Hinds {John', James'), born in Shrewsbury, Mass., July 7, 1725, and died Oct. 29, 1794; married (first) in Shrewsbury, Oct. 18, 1747, Elizabeth Temple, daughter of Isaac Temple of Boylston. She died in middle life and he married (second) July i, 1766, Tabitha Holland daughter of Ephraim Holland. She was born May 4, 1742, and died in West Boylston, June 4, 1826. Benjamin's two wives were cousins He was a farmer of Shrewsbury, but in 1746 settled in West Boylston. He loaned the Continental Congress $60,000, a part of which was returned in colonial money. 98. 1. 99. ii *IOO. iii. lOI. iv. 102. V. *io3. vi. *I04. vii. *io5. viii. io6. ix. 107. X. hildre *io8. n, by xi. *i09. xii. *IIO. xiii. *iii. xiv. *II2. XV. *ii3. xvi. *ii4. xvii. FOURTH GENERATION 35 Children, by first wife, born in West Boylston : Elizabeth', b. March 9, 1748. Nothing further is known. Daniel^, b. April 27, 1749. He was a Revolutionary soldier. Abner', b. Oct. 25, 1750. Abigail', b. July 14, 1752 ; m. in 1774, Peter Goodale. Benjamin', b. Aug. 29, 1754, d. unmarried in Madison, Me. Jason', b. Feb. 14, 1756. Nimrod', b. Jan. 12, 1758. Asher', b. Sept. n, 1759. Martha*, b. Sept. 29, 1760 ; m. in 1785, Oliver Sawyer. Tabitha^, b. March 2, 1762. Children, by second wife, born in West Bolyston : Jacob', b. July 21, 1767. Justin', b. March 28, 1770. Joseph', b. July 4, 1773. Tabitha', b. April 14, 1776. Abraham', b. Aug. 23, 1778. Ephraim', b. Nov. 7, 1780. Elisha', b. Feb. 7, 1784. 50. Jacob* Hinds, son of Jacob' and Grace (Morse) Hinds {John^, James'), born in Shrewsbury, Mass., Jan. 22, 1731, and died some time between 1764 and 1770; married in Greenwich, Mass., Feb. 26, 1750, Thankful Davis, daughter of Lieutenant Simon Davis. Children, born in Quobbin (Greenwich), Mass.: 115. L Sarah', b. April 20, 1751. Nothing further known of her. *n6. ii. John Bradford', b. Feb. 22, 1753. 51. Nehemiah* Hinds, son of Hopestill' and Mary (Walker) Hinds {John^, James'), born May 3, 1715 ; married Oct. 5, 1739, prob ably in Brookfield, Sarah and lived in Adams, Mass. Children : Elizabeth', b. Jan. 23, 1740. Timothy', b. Dec. 3, 1741. Joseph', b. Jan. 17, 1743. Sarah', bap. July 25, 1747. Abigail', bap. Aug. i, 1756. Moses', bap. March 27, 1757. Nehemiah'.Solomon'. I He may also have had children, Annie, Molly, and Susan, but Nehe miah, Solomon, Sarah, Abigail and Moses are doubtful. Nothing, however, is known of any of them, except as here stated. 117. 1. «ii8. ii. *iJ9- iii. 120. iv. 121. v. 122. vi. 123- vii. 124. viii. 36 THE HINDS FAMILY 55. Abigail* Hinds, daughter of Hopestill' and Mary (Walker) Hinds {John', James'), born March 4, 1723 ; probably married James Read, son of Joseph and Sarah Read of Sudbury, Mass. He was born in 1724. They settled first in Brookfield and later in Lunenburg. Children : Abigail', b. in Brookfield, Jan. 2, 1744. James', b. in 1746. Frederick', b. Aug. 16, 1752. Sylvanus^ b, Jan. 7, 1755. Barzela', b. Jan. 23, 1756. Hinds', b. Nov. 29, 1757. Joseph', b. Feb. 17, 1763. Shefomith', b. May 23, 1766, at Monadnoc No. 4. 125. i. 126. ii. 127. iii. 128. iv. 129. V. 130- vi. 131- vii. 132. viii. 3ftftb (generation 60. Keziah^ Hinds, daughter of Ebenezer* and Susannah (Keith) Hinds {John^, William^, William'), horn probably in Bridge- water, Mass., in 1745. The epitaph on her tombstone reads as follows: In Memory of Keziah Daughtb to YE Revn» Mb Ebeneze Hinds & Mks Lydia his wife Died Augst YE 12TH i-jy^ Aged 3 Years, 4 Months & 24 Days. PS. 39TH MINE Age is as nothing before thee. 61. Salome^ Hinds, daughter of Ebenezer* and Susannah (Keith) Hinds {John^, William^, William'), born probably in Bridge- water, Mass., in 1747, and died June 17, 1784 ; married in March, 1768, Capt. Henry Peirce of Middleborough, Mass., who was born in 1743 and died Jan. 22, 1791. He served as private in Capt. Job Peirce's company in 1776 and later as lieutenant in a company raised by Capt. Levi Rounseville ; also as captain in the fourth company of local militia in the regiment commanded by Lieut.-Col. White in the expedition to Rhode Island in 1780. In memory of Capt Henry Peirce, who DIED Jan'y 22D 1791 IN ye 48TH Year of his Age. Depart my friends, Wipe off your tears. Here I must lie, Till Christ appears. In memory of MBS Solo MA, Daughter of Elder Hinds & wife of Capt Henry Peirce who died June yb 17TH In yB 37TH YEAR of her age. 37 38 THE HINDS FAMILY Children : 133. i. Susannah', b. Jan. 26, 1769 ; m. Nov. 18, 1788, Abiel Booth of Middleborough, Mass., son of John Booth, who was b. July 21, 1729. He was b. March 7, 1765. He served under Capt. Henry Peirce, when in service in Rhode Island in 1777. 134. ii. Mary', b. in 1770 and d. July 25, 1847 ; m. Feb. 13, 1791, Abner Clark of Middleborough, who d. May i, 1830. 135. iii. Salome', m. Feb. 19, 1799, Thomas White of Freetown, Mass. 136. iv. Ebenezer', b. Nov. 21, 1777, d. Dec. 3, 1852 ; m. in Middleborough, March 12, 1801, Charity Canedy' Hinds, daughter of Ebenezer' and Charity (Canedy) Hinds, (Ebenezer*, John^, William', Wil liam'), She was born in Middleborough, Feb. 25, 1780, and died June I, 1842. He was by trade a carpenter, and was noted for his uncommon ingenuity in mechanism. He was master builder of the Congregational meeting-house in Assonet village, in Free town, Mass., which was erected about 1809. He served as en sign in the seventh company of local militia of Middleborough, from Aug. 15, 1796. But no carpenter's tool which he used in his trade was keener than his tongue, nor cutting of wood done smoother, nor better or closer fit made or could be made in mechanism, than his power of expression enabled him to execute in a caustic reply or sarcastic description. Nor would he " baulk a joke for relation's sake " as the following will show. He is said to have had a horse of so vicious a temper that whenever in decent fiesh, always became unmanageable ; and hence to keep it poor, became a necessity to enable the rider to retain the proper ascendency over the beast. Some member of the Hinds family attempted to ridicule the sorry plight of the horse and asked Peirce why his horse was so poor. " Because 'tis like the Hinds family, they can't endure prosperity," was the quick, tart answer. Children : (a) Elbridge Gerry', b. Dec. 19, 1801 : m, March 27, 1824, Sarah Gorham of Hallowell, Me. They resided in Ports mouth, N. H. (b) Louisa V.', b. Dec. 28, 1803 ; m. Ebenezer Hinds of Livermore, son of Ebenezer and Anna (Hathaway) Hinds. Children: (i) Ebenezer Peirce", b. in Livermore, Me., June 30, 1821 and d. unmarried on board the steamship State of Maine, Aug. 17 (?) 1862. (2) Louisa V.", b. in Vassalboro, Me., May 7, 1823 ; m. Oliver Davis in Pittston, Me. They had no children. (3) John Floyd", b. in Livermore, May 9, 1825, d. in Port Townsend, Wash., in 1885 ; m. (first) in Livermore Falls, Me., Aroline Morse ; m. (second) in same place, Miss Davis. He was a master mariner and whaleman and had seven birthdays on the first voyage. They had no children. (4) Lucy Villiers", b. in Livermore, May 19, 1827 ; m. (first) in Pittson, Sept. 5, 1848, George Robinson ; m. (second) in the same town, Robert Morton, by whom she had no children. She lives in Hallowell. Child, by first husband : (i) George', killed about 1896. (c) Julia M.', b. April 2, 1806, d. Jan. 20, 1899; ™- (first) April 22, 1827, Arthur Cox of Hallowell, Me., who was b. Nov. 5, 1803, d. Aug. 18, FIFTH^GENERATION 39 1868 ; m. (second) Ebenezer Hinds, son of Ebenezer and Anna (Hathaway) Hinds. Children, by first husband: (i) Elizabeth Peirce"^ b. March 17, 1829, d. Dec. 26, 1894; m. David McDaniel, who d. in April, 1892. Child: (i) Olive Julia', b. July 31, 1858, d in March, 1881. (2) Sarah Frances", b. in April, 1831, d. in 1834. (3) Arthur Peirce", b. Feb. i, 1833. (4) WUliam Wirt", b. Dec. 26, 1835, d. Jan. 14, 1874. (5) Sarah Frances", b. Dec. 13, 1840 ; m. Nov. 9, 1880, Edmund Anthony, Jr., of New Bedford, who was b. Oct. 19, 1833. They reside in Fairhaven, Mass. (1899), and are without children. Children, by second husband (Ebenezer Hinds), b. in Pittston, Me.: (6) Maria Julia", b. Oct. 25, 1833 ; m. Dec. 30, 1866, Edwin Albro of New Bedford, who d. May 22, 1875. He was a blockmaker. No children. (7) Hiram Wells', b. Nov. 3, 1836, d. in the Insane Asylum in Augusta, Me., April 19, 1871. (8) Charles Crogin", b. July 19, 1838 ; m. in Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. 16, 1862, Frances Emily Noyes, who was b. in Gardiner, Me., Oct. 8, 1839. He is a ship carpenter in Port Blakely, Wash. Children's record will be found under the head of his name. (9) Abbie Frances", b. July 19, 1840; m. in Gardiner, Jan. 6, 1864, Henry Martin McCurdy. He is a tin smith of Randolph, Me. Child : (i) Alice C, b. Aug. 8, 1865, d. Sept. 16, 1898. (d) Charity', b. Jan. 9, 1808, d. Nov. i, 1813. (e) Mary', b. Jan. 9, 1808, d. Oct 25, 1848; m. Stephen Brown of Hallowell, Me. (f) Job', b. April 18, 1810, lost at sea in Oct., 1852 ; m. Elizabeth Davis, (g) Susan', b. May 22, 1812 ; m. Joseph Irish of Fairhaven. (h) Tyler', b. Feb. 13, 1814, d. five days later, (i) Charity', b. Feb. 18,1815; m. Allen Drew, (j) Ebenezer', b. June 21, 1817. (k) Charles W.', b. June 21, 1817, d. May 28, 1842. (1) Hannah', b. Jan. 10, 1820, d. July 13, fol lowing, (m) Tyler', b. Dec. 1, 1824, d. same day. 137. V. Henry', b. 1778, d. Sept. i, 1826; m. (first) Hannah Sherman; m. (second) Phebe Lombard. 138. vi. Lydia', b. Oct. 17, 1781, d. Dec. 26, 1863; m. (first) Jan. 6, 1805, William Jenney; m. (second) Jan. 29, 1816, Capt. Nathaniel Staples of Lakeville, Mass., who was b. in. Taunton, Mass. 64. Ebenezer^ Hinds, son of Ebenezer* and Lydia (Bartlett) Hinds {John^, William', William'), born in Bridgewater, Mass., Jan. 25, 1753, and died April 26, 1831, aged 78 years and 3 months; mar ried in Middleborough, Mass., March 3, 1774, Charity Canedy, who was born in Middleborough, June 5, 1754) and died June 8, 1844, aged 90 years and 3 days. He served as private in the second company of minute men under Capt. Isaac Wood, which company responded to the Lexington alarm, April 19, 1775. He was also a sergeant in Capt. Job Peirce's company and served in Rhode Island, in December, 1776. The town of Middleborough sent four companies of militia to the Second Rhode Island alarm in August, 1780, Ebenezer being a sergeant in the 40 THE HINDS FAMILY fourth company. His wife was a direct descendant of Dr. Samuel Fuller of the Mayflower, who died in Plymouth in 1633. Children, born in Middleborough, excepting the last : *i39. i. Hannah Canedy', b. Dec. 3, 1772. *i40. ii. Ebenezer', b. Oct. 14, 1775. *i4r. iii. Keziah', b. Oct. 5, 1777. *i42. iv. Charity Canedy', b. Feb 25, 1780. *i43. V. Lydia Bartlett', b. May 18, 1782. *i44. vi. Salome', b. Aug. 31, 1784. *I45. vii. Principal C, b. Sept. 6, 1786. *I46. viii. Owen Hillman^, b. June 21, 1788. *I47. ix. Clarissa W.', b. July 8, 1790. *I48. X. Tisdale Leonard', b. Jan. 10, 1793. *i49 xi. Susannah Keith', b. Jan. 5, 1795. *i5o. xii. Salome Ellen', b. Oct. 2, 1802. 65. Bartlett' Hinds, son of Ebenezer* and Lydia (Bartlett) Hinds {Johni, William', William'), born probably in Bridgewater, Mass., in 1755 ; married Dec. i, 1780, Ruth Pickens, of Middleborough. The Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts says : " The reference showing his service in Capt. Wood's company in the eight months' service, gives his residence as Middleborough, but he is also reported as being from Dartmouth. He went to Pennsylvania in the early days and became the first settler in Montrose, Susquehanna County. Soon after he had settled there the animosity which had so long existed between the Connecticut and Pennsylvania claimants, cul minated into open warfare. In 1803, occurred the famous assault on Bartlett Hinds, who from conviction, had become an advocate of the Pennsylvania claim, and was charged with bringing against Connecticut settlers, indictments for intrusion. This he denied. He had himself been indicted for the same, in 1801, along with Ezekiel Hyde, John Robinson, Charles Geer, Josiah Grant, Elisha Lewis, Amolo Balch, Ichabod Halsey, John Reynolds, Jeremiah Meachem, Otis Robinson, Elias West and others. His enemies believed him leagued with the Pennsylvania landholders and said, though without reason, that he re ceived five acres from them, for every settler he induced to come under their title, and he had succeeded in bringing in about a hundred. But the fact that he had acknowledged the Pennsylvania right, by repaying FIFTH GENERATION 4 1 for his own land, was exerting an influence that embittered against him all who denied that claim. " They purchased a note of Mr. Hinds, commenced a suit upon it, took him fourteen miles from home for trial before D. Ross, Esq., at a late hour in the day, making it necessary for him to remain over night. In the evening, the house in which he lodged was surrounded by a mob, who forcibly entered and took him from the house : and tying him to a horse's tail, dragged him through Wyalusing Creek, near its forks. When nearly exhausted, Mr. Hinds made the Masonic sign, which induced one of the fraternity to give him assistance, but when he had reached the shore, his assailants formed a ring, and seizing his hands, drew him around his burning effigy, and occasionally pushed him into the flames. For this deed, eighteen persons were indicted for riot and assault, and taken to Wilkesbarre, as the parties belonged in what was then Luzerne County. On the trial, the defendents with drew the plea of ' not guilty.' Five were imprisoned for the space of three months without bail, one of whom had to pay $io, and four of them, $20, each ; and also to pay the cost of prosecution and stand committed until the whole was paid. Nine were to pay a fine of $30 each, and the courts further ordered ' that they enter into recogni zances each in the sum of $500, with one good freeholder in like sum, conditional for their good behavior for the space of one year ; and that they severally pay the costs of prosecution and stand committed until the whole sentence be compiled with.' " Bartlett was one of the three county commissioners elected when the county was organized out of Luzerne in 1812, he being elected for one year. Children : 151. i. Conrad". 152. ii. Ruth', m. Isaac Post of Montrose, Penn. Children , (a) Isaac', (b) William', (c) Albert'. Probably two more. Nothing further is known of this family. 66. Susannah' Hinds, daughter of Ebenezer* and Lydia (Bar- lett) Hinds {John^, William', William'), born probably in Bridgewater, Mass., May 18, 1757, and died suddenly not long after marriage; mar ried in Middleborough, Mass., by Rev. Ebenezer Hinds, Sept. 25, 1779, William Strobridge. At the time of his wife's death, Mr. Strobridge was studying for the ministry with his father-in-law. This event threw him into a state of great darkness and despondency, causing him not only to turn his back on the ministry, but to lose for a time his faith and trust in God ; and for many years after his second marriage, his 42 THE HINDS FAMILY wife, Hannah Tuttle, to whom he was married Oct. lo, 1784, often found him weeping for his lost, but still beloved Susannah. He re sided in Claremont, N. H., for a number of years and removed to Barnet, Vt., about 1803. Mr. Strobridge was a member of the Ver mont General Assembly in October, 1806. At that date, he was also a member of the Land Tax Committee. He served in the army during the whole of the Revolutionary war, and wore crape on his arm for thirty days after the death of General Washington. The following amusing anecdote of William Strobridge is related by his grandson, William H. Strobridge of Brooklyn, N. V. " In the young days of his large family, while living in Claremont, N. H., he spent an evening at a hotel with some friends. Returning late, he slept soundly. During the morning, his wife went repeatedly to his bedside, saying, ' William, don't you want some breakfast ? ' but William only stretched himself and relapsed into slumber again. Making a final visit to the bedroom, his wife commenced putting things to rights. Lifting his trousers from a chair, out of a pocket fell a piece of paper containing the following : " William Strobridge, To , Dr., " for six suppers, iiS3.oo " Received payment, " (signed) " She disturbed him no more, but after a while heard him call, ' Hannah, isn't it late ? ' She answered, ' Yes, \Villiam, but I wouldn't hurry ; if you had six suppers last night, they ought to last you through the day.' " It may be of interest to some of the descendants of William Stro bridge, to know that his old Queen Anne clock and desk are carefully preserved and treasured by his granddaughter, Mrs. Marilla Wheeler of Portville, N. Y. William Strobridge was the son of James Strobridge and wife, Mary Gordon of Voluntown. He was born in Middleborough, West Parish, Oct. 19, 1759, and baptized Nov. 2, 1756, by the Rev. John Morehead, pastor of the Scotch Presbyterian church of Boston. He died in Barnet, Vt., March or February (both months are given) 9, 1843. His farm in Barnet is still owned by descendants. The Strobridges of Middleborough were descendants of William Strobridge and wife, Margaret Henry. William Strobridge, according to family tradition, was born about 1690 in some place near Londonderry, in the north of Ireland, and married his wife in 17 16. He came to this country with his wife and daughter, Mary, who was born in Ireland, between 17 18 and 1722, probably about 17 19. He settled in the West FIFTH GENERATION 43 Parish of Middleborough where he was a blacksmith, and died Nov. 14, 1777. He was one of the original members of the West Parish church, which was organized in 1725. The records of the First church in Middleborough, state that William and Margaret Strobridge from Donaugh, Ireland, united with the church in 1722 and were dismissed soon after. William Strobridge, husband of Susannah Hinds, was a grandson of the emigrants, William and Margaret Strobridge. 67. John' Hiads, son of Ebenezer* and Lydia (Bartlett) Hinds (John'', William', William'), born probably in Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 19, 1759, and died Oct. 4, 1830; married Olive Valentine of Freetown, Mass., daughter of John, b. Nov. 29, 1743, and Hannah (Winslow) Valentine, b. Nov. 21, 1765. She was born Aug. 14, 1766, and died Dec. 27, 1845. He served as a private in Rhode Island in December, 1776, also in the fourth company of infantry, commanded by Capt. Job Pierce. The following inscriptions are found on the gravestones of each : John Hinds died Oct. 4, 1830 & 70. Edmund & Catherine Hinds WERE LOST in THEIR PASSAGE FROM N. C, TO Mass. March, 1828. In Memory of Olive Hinds, widow of John Hinds LATE OF Middleborough WHO died Dec. 27, 1845 aged 77 years Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. Children, born in Middleborough : 153. i. Leonard', b. Feb. 11, 1784, d. Dec. 12, 1859, unmarried, and is buried in Middleborough. 154. ii. Nancy', b. Nov. 12, 1786, d. unmarried, Oct. 27, 1868, and is buried in Middleborough. 155. iii. Edmund', b. Oct. 18, 1787, lost at sea in March, 1828. •156. iv. Hannah', b. July 23, 1789. •157. V. Stephen', b. May 16, 1791. •158. vi. Lucy', b. Feb. 14, 1793. •159. vii. Jane', b. in March, 1795. *i6o. viii. John', b. May 18, 1797. *i6i. ix. »l62. X. 163. xi. 164. xii. »i6s. xiu. »i66. xiv. 44 THE HINDS FAMILY Preserved', b. May 26, 1799. Heman', b. Jan 22, 1801. Catherine', b. March 16, 1803, lost at sea in March, 1828. Lucinda", b. March 9, 1805, d. in Lakeville, where she is buried. Sumner', b. June i, 1807. Bartlett', b. in 181 1. 68. Leonard' Hinds, son of Ebenezer* and Lydia (Bartlett) Hinds {Johni, William', William^), born probably in Bridgewater, Mass., Aug. 19, 1761, and was drowned near Sandwich, Mass.; married in 1784, Mary Rounseville, who died Sept. 3, 1833, aged 72 years. She was a niece of Capt. Levi Rounseville of Freetown, and was a de scendant of Philip Rounseville, who came to this country about 1700. He was a drummer in the patriot army in the Revolutionary war, in the company commanded by Capt. Levi Rounseville of Freetown. June 12, 1789, he was commissioned lieutenant in the local militia of Middleborough, which company was commanded by Capt. Henry Peirce. Lieut. Leonard Hinds is traditionally reported to have once been in company with Abiel Washburn of Middleborough, in carrying on the business of a country store in that town. Abiel Washburn afterward became a brigadier-general in the local militia and was familiarly known as Gen. Washburn. Their store building was in what is now known as Lakeville, and occupied the precise spot where the new road branches off from the old one. A former resident of Freetown, who died there when about ninety- two years old, and who spent his youth in that part of Middleborough now Lakeville, used in the evening of his days, to delight in telling stories of " ye olden tyme," illustrative of the great change that had been wrought in our country since he could remember, and one of his stories was that a woman in Middleborough, spun and wove seventy yards of tow-cloth and carried it to Hinds & Washburn's store and gave it all for seven yards of calico. The old man continued, " Six yards was a dress pattern in those days, but there were seven yards in that piece of calico and the merchant refused to cut it, and thus the parties compromised at the rate of seventy to seven." Children, born in Middleborough : Sally', b. Oct. 5, 1784. John', b. Feb. 13, 1786. Joseph R.', b. March 18, 1788, d. in November, 1811. Leonard', b. Sept. 22, 1789 ; lost at sea. Ruth P.', b. Aug. 31, 1791. Polly', b. Sept. 6, 1793. Hannah^, b. May 19, 1798. *i67. i. *i68. ii. 169 iii. 170 iv. •171. V. *I72, vi. *i73- vii. FIFTH GENERATION 45 69, Lydia' Hinds, daughter of Ebenezer* and Lydia (Bartlett) Hinds {Johri^, William', William'), born probably in Bridgewater, Mass., Aug. I, 1763 and died Aug. 22, 1780. The following epitaph appears on her tombstone : Memento Mori In memory of Mrs. Lydia, Dau. of the Rev. Mr. Ebenezer Hinds & Mrs. Lydia his wife, who Died Augt yb z'io 1780 Aged 17 years & 21 days. So man lieth down and riseth not TILL THE Heavens be no more. Youth consider your latter end, In time be wise make God your friend Before that awful day comes on, When earthly pleasures must be gone. 70. Preserved' Hinds, son of Ebenezer* and Lydia (Bartlett) Hinds {Johni, William', William'), born probably in Bridgewater, Mass., Feb. 27, 1766, and died, unmarried, Aug. 27, 1799. His re mains were interred in the ancient cemetery opposite the Christian chapel in Assonet village, Freetown, Mass., and his grave is marked by a dark colored stone bearing the following inscription : In Memory of CAPT. PRESERVED, son of Elder Ebenb Hinds, WHO died Aug. 27, A. D. 1799, in yb 33D year of his age. By whom beloved avails it not. To whom related or by whom begot. A HEAP OF dust alone REMAINS OF THEE, 'TiS ALL THOU ART AND ALL THE PROUD SHALL BE. The title of " Captain " was acquired from the circumstance that he had been master of a vessel. An old account book gives evidence of the fact that in March, 1798, Preserved Hinds was master of a sloop bearing the name of "Fair Rosamond" which, March 14, 1798, was discharged at a wharf in Assonet of a load of corn. Tradition adds that he came home from sea, sick of a fever and soon after died. It will be observed that the town record and inscription do not agree, as one made him in his thirty-third year and the other in his thirty-fourth year at his death. 71. Abanoam' Hinds, son of Ebenezer* and Lydia (Bartlett) Hinds {John^, William', William'), born probably in Bridgewater, Mass., June 19, 1768 ; married (first) Susan Snow ; married (second) 46 THE HINDS FAMILY Rachel Vail. Of a company in the local militia of Middleborough, he was commissioned "captain" to rank from Aug. 15, 1796. Children, by first wife : Susannah', b. Jan. 24, 1798. Mark S.', b. Sept. 14, 1799, d. young. Lydia', b. March 19, 1801. Preserved', b. July 12, 1807. Richard', d. young. Abanoam'. Agnes'. *I74. i. 175- ii. *i76. iii. »i77- iv. 178. V. •179. vi. »i8o. ¦^1_ 't J vii. 1 .^hildr *i8i. en, t viii. *l82. ix. ?183. X. »i84. xi. *i85. xii. 186. xiii. John B.«, b. Feb. 16, 1816. Ebenezer'. Barack'. David', b. Jan. 28, 1822. Hannah Eliza', b. June 25, 1830. Conrad', accidently killed in youth. Of the children above, either Mark or Richard lost his life while young, the other settled in Louisana or Mississippi, grew up with the country, and died seized of a fair share of slaves, cattle, mules and other chattels. 73- Hannah' Hinds, daughter of Ebenezer* and Lydia (Bart lett) Hinds {John^, William', William'), born probably in Bridgewater, Mass., May 12, 1775, and died Jan. 31, 1826; married Heman Swift, who was born June 4, 1781. Children : Vaodicea^ b. Aug. 14, 1799, d. Dec. 4, 1821. Bartlett H.', b. Aug. 29, 1801. Sophia N.', b. Jan. i, 1804. Ward', b. Sept. 29, 1806. James D.', b. Feb. 16, 1811. Hannah B.', b. June 23, 1814. 74. Richard' Hinds, son of Ebenezer* and Lydia (Bartlett) Hinds {Johni, William', William') born probably in Bridgewater, Mass., Sept. 11, 1777, and died Dec. 15, 1794. The epitaph on his tombstone is as follows : In Memory of Richard Son of Elder Ebenb & Mbs Lydia Hinds, he died decb 15TH 17^4 Aged 17 years 4M. & 4 days. Adieu to this vein world I cry, Jesus receive my spirit. i to the world of glory fly Salvation to inherit. 187. i. 188. ii. 189. iii. 190. iv. 191. V. 192. vi. FIFTH GENERATION 47 77. Martha' Hinds, daughter of John* and Alice Hinds (John^, John', James'), born in Brookfield, Mass, July i8, 1743; married Nov. 4, 1766, Robert Richmond of Brookfield. Further records of this family have not been received. 79. John' Hinds, son of John* and Alice Hinds {Johni, John*, James'), born in Brookfield, Mass., Oct. 23, 1747, and died in North Brookfield, Nov. 8, 1813 ; married May 24, 1772, Lydia Seager of Spencer, Mass. Children, born in Brookfield : *i93. i. Elizabeth^, b. Feb. 25, 1773. •194. ii. Lydia', b. Aug. 17, 1774. 195. iii. John', b. May 6, 1776. 196. iv. RuTH«, h. March 2, 1778. 197. V. Sally', b. Jan. 12, 1780 ; m. Asa Eastbrook of Hardwick. They were published Aug. 2, 1801. 198. vi. Caleb', b. Dec. 2, 1782. 199. vii. Rhoda', b. June 25, 1784. 200. viii. Lucinda', b. May 21, 1787. 201. ix. RuFUs', b. March 22, 1789. 202. X. Lucy', b. Oct. 18, 1791, d. unmarried in the North Brookfield alms house, Nov. 19, 1878. 80. Oliver' Hinds, son of John* and Alice Hinds ( Johni, John', James'), born in Brookfield, Mass., April 14, 1750, and died in North Brookfield, Dec. 3, 1828; married April 20, 1776, Mary Capen, who died in North Brookfield, Sept. 26, 1827. He was a farmer, and was a member of Colonel B. R. Woodbridge's regiment and com missioned in June, 1775. Children : David', b. in North Brookfield, April 2, 1777. Jonathan^, b. July 30, 1781. Joseph', b. May 29, 1784. Benjamin', b. Jan. 20, 1787, d. July 22, following. Polly', b. Feb. 10, 1793. Eli', b. Aug. 6, 1795. Nothing further is known of these children, except the first. 87. Cornelius' Hinds, son of Corlis* and Janet (McMaster) Hinds {John^, John', James'), born in Brookfield, Mass., March 17, 1743, and died in Hubbardston, Mass., Aug. 23, 1812 ; married Martha Howe, who died May 15, 1802. They were published in April, 1763. They moved to Barre, Mass., about 1765, and from there to Hubbards ton. He was a member of Captain Daniel McFarland's company and '203. i. 204. ii. 205. iii. 206. iv. 207. V. 208. vi. *209. i. 210. ii. 211. iii. *2I2. iv. *2.3. v. *2t4. vi. *2I5. vii. *2l6. viii. 48 THE HINDS FAMILY was out from February to December, 1760. He was one of the select men in 1784. Children : Pbrsis^, b. in Brookfield, July 27, 1763. Katie', b. in Brookfield, Dec. 29, 1764. Danford', b. in Barre, and d. in the West. He was a fur trader. He enlisted in the U. S. A. and was not heard of after. Eli', b. in Barre, May 15, 1767. Abner', b. in Barre. Cornelius', b. Dec. 3, 1775. Josiah Dana', b. Sept. 19, 1780. Abijah', b. Sept. 27, 1787. 90. Corlis' Hinds, son of Corlis* and Janet (McMaster) Hinds {Johni, John' James'), born in Brookfield, Mass., April 10, 1748, and died at the home of his son, Samuel, in Petersham, Mass., in 1832 ; married (first) Mrs. Adah (Hill) Brownell ; married (second) in 1772, Susannah Henry. She lived to be sixty-three years of age. Her father was an Englishman and was taken prisoner at Oswego, N. Y., during the French war and sent to France, where he died on a prison ship. Corlis was a constable in 1778 ; a member of the committee on Concord resolves, July 14, 1779; member of the committee of safety, March 20, 1780; and was a member of a committee to prevent monopolies May 5, 1789. Child, by first wife, born in Barre : *2i7. i. Samuel', b. Oct. 31, 1767. Children, by second wife, born in Barre : Henry', b. May 2, 1772. Corlis', b. June 22, 1774. Adah', b. Oct. 23, 1776. Thomas', b. May 21, 1780. Watson', b. May 21, 1780. Nothing further known of him. Jonas', b. Feb. 25, 1785. Joseph Buckminster', b. March i6, 1787. Susannah', b. April 20, 1790. 91. Susannah' Hiads, daughter of Corlis* and Janet (Mc Master) Hinds {Johni, John', James'), born in Brookfield, Mass., March 15, 1750; married May 23, 1769, William Bowman of Brook field. Further records of this family have not been obtained. , 93. Howard' Hinds, son of Coriis* and Janet (McMaster) Hinds {Johni, John', James'), born in Brookfield, Mass., March 6, 1755, and died in Worcester, Mass., in 1850; married April 8, 1778, *2l8. ii. *2I9. iii. *220. iv. *22I. V. 222. vi. *223. vii. *224. viii. *22 5. ix. 226. i. *227. ii. *228. iii. *229. iv. *230. v. *23I. vi. *232. vii. •233- viii. 234- ix. *23S. X. FIFTH GENERATION 49 Anna Paine, who was born in 1759, and died Nov. 19, 182 1. He was blind the latter part of his life. Children, born in Hubbardston : Molly', b. July i, 1778, d. Aug. 22, 1782. Anna', b. Sept. 12, 1780. Calvin', b. June 30, 1783. John Haven', b. Jan. 23, 1786. Polly*, b. July 17, 17S8. Warner', b. Aug. 10, 1790. Lydia', b. May 22, 1793. Chenery', b. June 29, 1796. Zenas', b. Feb. 11, 1799, d. in Hubbardston, Feb. 20, 1800. Achsah', b. May 15, 1801. 94. Forbes' Hinds, son of Corlis* and Janet (McMaster) Hinds {Johni, John', James'), born in Brookfield, Mass., May 25, 1759. He married a woman of Belchertown, but it has been impossible to find her name. Children : 236. i. William'. 237. ii. Forbes'. 238. iii. Martha', married Mr. Stebbins of Springfield, Mass. 239. iv. Annie', m. by Nathaniel Houghton, justice ofthe peace. May 15, 1827, Patrick Woods of Barre. *240. V. Mary*, b. probably in Hubbardston, July 15, 1783. Nothing further is known concerning this family, except of the last. 96. Jesse' Hinds, son of Corlis* and Janet (McMaster) Hinds {Johni, John^, James'), born in Barre, Mass., Sept. 7, 1764, and died in Chesterfield, N. H., Jan. 2, 1823 ; married Sarah Stanford, who was born Sept. i, 1773, and died in Chesterfield, Aug. 24, 1864. He moved from Barre, to Chesterfield, N. H., in 1805, locating on a farm, where he continued to reside the remainder of his life. Children, first three born in Barre, the others in Chesterfield : Sophia', b. Feb. 9, 1797. Arthur', b. June 16, 1801. Perley', b. Oct. 3, 1803. Sarah', b. May 20, 1807. Louisa', b. July 31, 1809. Jesse', b. March 22, i8n. Corlis', b. Nov. 12, 1814. Clarissa A.', b. March 30, 1818. 100. Abner' Hinds, son of Benjamin* and Elizabeth (Temple) Hinds {Jacobs, John', James'), born in West Boylston, Mass., Oct 25, E *24I. i. *242. ii. *243- iii. *244- iv. •245. V. *246. vi. *247. vii. •248. viii. 50 THE HINDS FAMILY 1750, and died in Dublin, N. H,, Oct. 27, 1834; married April i, 1782, Lydia Ball of Concord, Mass., who was born Dec. 31, 1751. After marriage they settled in Dublin, on Lot 8 Range 3. Children, born in Dublin : 249. i. Peesis', b. March 28, 1783. She was unmarried. *25o. ii. Abner', b. Oct. 30, 1784. *25i. iii. Lydia', b. Aug. 26, 1788. 252. iv. Benjamin', b. Nov. 9, 1790, d. in Dublin, Aug. 13, 1804. 103. Jason' Hinds, son of Benjamin* and Elizabeth (Temple) Hinds {Jacob'i, John', James'), born in West Boylston, Mass., Feb. 14, 1756. He lived in Hanover, N. H., at one time and was probably un married. He enlisted in September, 1775, under Colonel John Murray and was in the Crown Point expedition. 104. Nimrod' Hinds, son of Benjamin* and Elizabeth (Tem ple) Hinds (Jacobs, John', James'), born in West Boylston, Mass., Jan. 12, 1758, and died in Dover, Me., Feb. 12, 1835, aged seventy- seven years and one month ; married in Fairfield, Me., in March, 1794, Betsey Pishon, who was born in Fairfield, March 21, 1775, and died in Dover, Oct. 26, 1866, aged ninety-one years and seven months. He lived in Norridgewock, Me., and served in the Revolution and also in the war of 1812. Later in life he was a farmer of Skowhegan, Me. Children : Nimrod', b. in Fairfax, Me., April 29, 1795. Betsey Temple', b. Jan. 16, 1797, in Fairfax. Jason', b. Dec. 2, 1798, in Fairfax. Peter', b. Sept. 15, 1800, in Norridgewock. Mary', b. in Norridgewock, Nov. 18, 1802, d. unmarried in Corinna, Me., May 30, 1833. Lydia', b. in Norridgewock, Feb. 17, 1805. Amos Barton', b. in Norridgewock, Sept. 28, 1807, d. unmarried, in Troy, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1830. He was a school teacher. 260. viii. Ulmer', b. in Norridgewock, Dec. 15, 1809, d. in Dover, June 9, 1853, unmarried. He was a school teacher of New York and Pennsylvania and held county offices in Piscataquis County, Me. 261. . ix. Rebecca Crosby', b. in Bloomfield, Me., Sept. 19, 1812, d. in Dover, Jan. 28, 1874. She was unmarried. *262. X. Asher', b. in Bloomfield, Feb. 8, 1S15. 263. xi. Charles Pishon', b. July 14, 1819, in Bloomfield, and d. in Chicago, unmarried, Jan 18, 1873. He was a millwright and lumberman. 105. Asher' Hinds, son of Benjamin* and Elizabeth (Temple) Hinds {Jacob'^, John', James'), born in West Boylston, Mass., Sept. 11, 1759, and died in Clinton, Me., April 19, 1814; married in Winslow, *253. i. *254. ii. *255. iii. »256. iv. 257- V. *258. vi. 259. vii. 264. i. *26s. ii. *266. iii. *267. iv. *268. V. *269. vi. *270. vii. 271. viiiT *272. ix. *273- X. *274. xi. FIFTH GENERATION 5 I now Benton, Me., Sept. 6, 1788, Rebecca Crosby, daughter of Joel, born in New Ipswich, N. H., July 26, 1739, ^^'^ Hannah (Stevens) Crosby, born in Chelmsford, Mass., June 22, 1737. She was born in Winslow, May 18, 1772, and died in Benton, Nov. 10, 1843. He was a farmer of Clinton, having removed there about 1780. He repre sented the town of Winslow in the General Court of Massachusetts, about 1812. His son Asher represented same constituency in the Maine Legislature and Asher second's son also represented the same constituency in the Maine Legislature. Children, first four born in Albion, others in Clinton : Betsey', b. Oct. 27, 1789, d. in Albion, Oct. 7, 1792. Asher', b. May 2, 1792. Benjamin', b. Jan. 19, 1794. Martha', b. Jan. 12, 1796. Ruby', b. July 5, 1798. Thirza', b. July 24, 1800. Thomas Jefferson', b. Aug. 8, 1805. Ulmer', b. March 15, 1807, d. in Clinton, Dec. 3, 1S09. Temple', b. May 6, 1809. Crosby*, b. Dec. 19, 181 1. Elvira', b. Sept. 19, 1S13. 108. Jacob' Hinds, son of Benjamin* and Tabitha (Holland) Hinds {Jacobs, John', James'), born in West Boylston, Mass., July 21, 1767, and died there, Oct. 28, 1852 ; married Feb. 25, 1795, Elizabeth Fassett, daughter of Jonathan Fassett of Boylston. She died in 1856, aged eighty-two years. He went from Marlborough, Mass., and settled on the homestead of his father, about eighty rods south of the old common in West Boylston and afterwards lived on a farm in the south part of the town. He was a farmer and a man of an inventive turn of mind and spent much time and money in originating new schemes and projects and in putting them into operation for the purpose of trial and experiment. He had at least four children one of whom was : 275. i. Cicero', d. unmarried in 1856. Was selectman of West Boylston and overseer of the poor. Nothing further has been obtained regarding this family. 109. Justin' Hinds, son of Benjamin* and Tabitha (Holland) Hinds {Jacobs, John", James'), born in West Boylston, Mass., March 28, 1770, and died in Hanover, N. H., Nov. 28, 1840; married Polly Goodnow of Bolyston, who died in Hanover. They were published Feb. 2, 1796. He had a book bindery in Haverhill, N. H., and trans- 276. i. 277. ii. 278. iii. *279. IV. *28o. V. 28l. vi. 282. vii. 283. viii. *284. ix. 285. X. 52 THE HINDS FAMILY acted business with the students of Dartmouth College. He was jus tice of the peace in Hanover for several years. Children : Mary', b. Sept. 20, 179S, d. June 4, 181 5. Justin', b. March 23, 1800, d. July 20, 1817. Lucius', m. and had (a) Mary Ellen'', (b) Emily'', m. Mr. Hall. Benjamin Holland', b. March 28, 1804. Frederick Augustus', b. Dec. 31, 1808. Charles', b. in 1809, d. Sept. 10, 1831. George W.', b. 1815, d. April 5, 1833. Eliza'. Dorothy'. Mary', b. Feb. 4, 1820, d. May 14, 1821. 110. Joseph' Hinds, son of Benjamin* and Tabitha (Holland) Hinds {Jacobs, John', James'), born in West Boylston, Mass., July 4, 1773, and died Feb. 21, 1835, aged sixty-two years; married Aug. ig, 1798, Rebecca Sawyer of Sterling, who was born Dec. 22, 1775, and died Jan. 3, 1859. He was a book binder and lived on a farm near his father's homestead about seventy rods from the old common. He was prominent in town affairs, being representative to the general court for five years; delegate to the County Convention in 1812 ; town clerk in West Boylston from 1813 to 1823 and magistrate for many years. He was chairman of the selectmen for four years and was frequently chosen to fill offices of trust and responsibility. Children, born probably in West Boylston : Homer', b. Dec. 2, 1798, d. unmarried in Alabama, Aug. 28, 1879. Amanda', b. Sept. 10, 1801. Solon', b. Sept. ir, 1803. Rebecca', b. Jan. 26, 1806, d. in infancy. Pollafox', b. July 23, 1808, d. unmarried in Texas, Sept. 12, 1840. Hansom', b. July 4, 1811, d. unmarried in Texas, Oct. 31, 1840. Bertrand', b. June 22, 1817. 111. Tabitha' Hinds, daughter of Benjamin* and Tabitha (Hol land) Hinds {Jacobs, John', y^/vz^j '), ^orn in West Boylston, Mass., April 14, 1776, and died in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 10, 1852; married Sept. 25, 1802, Ephraim Wilder, of Lancaster. He was an officer in the U. S. A., and was killed during the war of 1812, at the capture of Fort George. Children : 293. i. Christopher Columbus', d. at the age of fifteen. 294. ii. Horace'. He was justice of the peace for many years in Smith- ville, N. Y. He married and had one child, as foUows : (a) Mar tha Holland Hinds'^, b. ra. Boston, Mass., in May, 1807, d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., in April, 1870; m. in Washington, Conn., in 1840 286. i. *z87. ii. *288. iii. 289. iv. 290. V. 291. vi. *292. vii. FIFTH GENERATION 53 Romeyn Smith, who d. in Connecticut in February, 1889. Chil dren: (i) Benjamin Ward Forced b. in New York City, Jan. 10, 1841. He served in the war of the Rebellion, and was wounded several times. Was orderly to several generals and served ten days in Libby Prison. Unmarried. (2) Rebecca Hinds^, b. in New York, Jan. 29, 1842. She has been a school teacher in Hempstead, N. Y., where she now resides (1899), unmarried. (3) Anthony Ogden', b. in New York, June 9, 1844, d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1887; m. Nov. 17, 1868, Sophia C. Van Ness, of Brooklyn. Children, born in Brooklyn : (i) Lewis Romeyn', b. Oct. 6, 1869; m. in March, 1890, Eva Wescott. ChUd: (A) Edna Warren'", b. in Brooklyn, in September, 1893. (ii) Martha Porter', b. July 13, 1871; m. in 1892, Malcolm Thomson, of Brooklyn. Children, born in Brooklyn: (A) Malcolm", b. in July, 1893. (^) Stanley'", b. in 1895. (C) Son'° (name unknown) b. in 1897. (iii) Cornelius Ogden', b. in November, 1874; m. April 12, 1898, Clara Louise Weaver. Child: (A) Son'°( name unknown) b. Feb. 24, 1899. (iv) Ellen Osborn', b. in September, 1876. (4) Hannah Delia Adora^ b. in Albany, N. Y., in October, 1846, d. there in August, 1847. (5) Delia Josephine Amanda', born in Brooklyn, in June, 1849, d. there the following September. 113. Abraham' Hinds, son of Benjamin* and Tabitha (Hol land) Hinds {Jacobs, John', James'), born in West Boylston, Mass., Aug. 23, 1778, and died in Hinsdale, Jan. 20, 1832 ; married Miss Fisher. He was a lawyer, but was unable to practise much on account of ill-health. Children : 295. i. Mary'. 296. ii. Amanda'. 297. iii. Delia'. Nothing further has been obtained regarding this family. 113. Ephraim' Hinds, son of Benjamin* and Tabitha {RoX- \a.-Q.di) Hinds {Jacobs, John'-, James'), born in West Boylston, Mass., Nov. 7, 1780, and died there June 18, 1858 ; married April 28, 1823, Maria H. Hapgood, daughter of Hon. Hutchings and Elizabeth (Grout) Hapgood. She was born July 15, 1798, and died Jan. 28, 1842. He graduated at Harvard College in 1805. He was a lawyer and a great pleader. He lived away from town, following his profession until he was sixty years of age, in Athol, Barre and Harvard, Mass., when he returned to West Boylston, and bought a small farm on which he lived the remainder of his life. Children, born in Harvard, Mass. : 298. i. Alfred Hutchings', b. Sept. 20, 1824. He is single and lives in Mattapan, Mass., (i8gg) and has given assistance regarding his family. *299. ii. *3oo. iii. 301. iv. 302. V. *3°3- vi. 304- vii. 54 THE HINDS FAMILY Ephraim Holland', b. June 19, 1827. Albert', b. Jan. 2, 1830. Maria Elizabeth', b. Sept. 26, 1832, d. May 3, 1845. Caroline Augusta', b. Nov. 23, 1834, d. Feb. 21, 1836. . Flora Isabella', b. Feb. 8, 1837. Ellen', b. April i, 1839, d. Aug. 26, 1855. 114. Elisha' Hinds, son of Benjamin* and Tabitha (Holland) Hinds {Jacobi, John', James'), born in West Boylston, Mass., Feb. 7, 1784, and died at the residence of his son, William L. Hinds, in Brook lyn, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1854; married in Littleton, N. H., Feb. 10, 1814, Susannah Learned, daughter of Samuel Learned. She was born in Littleton, Feb. 28, 1796, and died at the residence of her son in Brook lyn. He graduated at Williams College, in 1805. He was a lawyer and judge, first librarian at Littleton, and was postmaster in Glynville, N. H., in 1826. Children, born in Littleton : ?305. i. William Learned', b. Dec. 17, 1S16. *3o6. ii. Ephraim', b. May 3, 1819. *307. iii. Thankful Howe Tabitha Holland Augusta', b. in 1822. *3o8. iv. Grace Morse Marlboro Susannah', b. in 1826. 309. V. Hannah Delia Dora', b. Oct. 28, 1828. Unmarried. 310. vi. Elisha', b. in June, 1831, d. on a gunboat in 1862. He was un married. 311. vii. Ellen Percy', b. in 1832, d. in Topeka, Kan., in 1897 ; m. Henry Ruth. 116. John Bradford' Hinds, son of Jacob* and Thankful (Davis) Hinds {Jacobs, John', James'), born in Quobbin, Greenwich, Mass., Feb. 22, 1753; married probably in 1784, in Townshend, Vt, Mrs. Susannah Ober, widow of Asa Ober. He was an extensive dealer in lands, and was one of the land owners who located Townshend, Vt., in 1785, and one of the earliest grantees from the original proprietors of that town. Tradition says, that he had two sons by a former wife, and that they went north into Vermont or New Hampshire. The "History of Charlestown, N. H.," mentions Henry Hinds as a citizen of North Parish, of Charlestown, in 1812. It also mentions Jonas Hinds as a citizen, the same year. By deed dated in 1794, they joined in convey ing her dower right of one-third of Ober's land, described in the deed. The deed was recorded in 1804. Children, probably all born in Townshend : 312. i. Elizabeth B.', b. Aug. 24, 1785. *3i3. |ii. Charles', b. May 18, 1787. 314. iii. Hannah', b. June 24, 1789. *3I5. iv. Luretta', b. Aug. 11, 1791. 3i6. i. 317- ii. *3i8. iii. 319- iv. 320. V. 321. vi. 322. vii. 323- viii. 324- ix. 325. x. 326. xi. FIFTH GENERATION 55 118. Timothy' Hinds, son of Nehemiah* and Sarah Hinds {Hopestill^, John', James'), horn Dec. 3, i74i,and died June 4, 1844; married Mary . They lived in Greenwich, Mass., where he practised medicine. Children, born in Greenwich : John'. Mary', b. Nov. 27, 1766. Elizabth', b. May 10, 1768. Rhoda', b. Nov. 14, 1769; m. in Greenwich, July 17, 1787, David Furnace. Sarah', b. Dec. 13, 1773 ; m. in Greenwich, Sept. 27, 1787, James Calhoon. Francis', b. May il, 1776. Beulah', b. Sept. 10, 1779. Tmothy*, b. Jan. 27, 1781. Moses', b. May 5, 1783. x. Jemima', b. March 5, 1785. William', b. AprU 27, 1788. 119. Joseph' Hinds, son of Nehemiah* and Sarah Hinds {Hopestill^, John', James'), born Jan. 17, 1743, and died in Warren, N. Y., (possibly, Rutland, Vt.,) in 1799; married (first) in Green wich, Mass, Susannah Powers, daughter of Jeremiah and Hannah (Fiske) Powers, of Greenwich. They were published in Greenwich, Dec. 27, 1766. She died in Little Lakes, N. Y., and is buried there He married (second) Elizabeth Scott. He lived in Greenwich, Mass., and from there went to Springfield, N. Y., thence to Little Lakes, N. Y., which is in the town of Warren, Herkimer Co. After the death of his first wife, he returned to Greenwich, and from there went to Rutland, Vt. His grandson, who resides in Berlin, N. Y., says that after the death of his wife, Captain Joseph Hinds returned to Greenwich, and from there went to Rutland, where he died. Other members of the family say he died and was buried in Warren, N. Y. Children, by first wife, born in Greenwich : ?327. i. Susan'. *328. ii. Reuben', b. July 2, 1768. *329. iii. John', b. 1773/4. *330. iv. Bessie', b. Dec. 17, 1777. Children, by second wife, born in Greenwich : *33i. V. Mary Anna', b. May 7, 1782. *332. vi. Nehemiah', b. Oct. 31, 1784. *333. vii. Joseph', b. Jan. 17, 1789. Siytb (feneration 139. Hannah Canedy^ Hinds, daughter of Ebenezer' and Charity (Canedy) Hinds {Ebenezer^, John^, William', William'), born in Middleborough, Mass., Dec. 3, 1772, and died in North Livermore, Me., at the home of her sister, Salome Hinkley, with whom she had lived for forty years, Oct. 13, 1865, aged 92 years, 10 months, 10 days. She never married, her affianced, Abner Clark, having been lost at sea. 140. Ebenezer^ Hinds, son of Ebenezer' and Charity (Can edy) Hinds {Ebenezer'', John^, William', William'), born in Middle borough, Mass., Oct. 14, 1775, and died Jan. 6, 1857 ; married in Freetown, Mass., March 20, 1798, Anna Hathaway, who was born in Middleborough, Dec. 17, 1780, and died in Livermore, Aug. 10, 1859. He was a carpenter by trade, and did a great deal of work in the town of Livermore, in the early part of this century. He came to Livermore from Freetown, in July, 1801, and was the first to cast the Republican vote in that town. He is prominently mentioned in connection with the organization of the Unitarian church at the " Norlands " in Liver more. The church edifice was dedicated in 1829, was commodious, " of fine proportions, and was surmounted by a graceful spire. From its elevated situation it is a conspicuous object in the landscape for many miles around." Very elaborate preparations were made for its dedication and it was estimated that there were over a thousand per sons present within and around the church on this occasion. Children, first two born in Middleborough, others in Livermore : Ebenezer', b. Dec. 17, 1798. Salome P.', b. Dec. 15, 1800. Gilbert', b. Jan. 12, 1803. Amy Weaver', b. Dec. 6, 1804. Maria', b. March 24, 1S07. Hannah C, b. April 8, 1809. Elkanah Leonard', b. June 30, i8ii. Clarissa', b. July 17, 1813. Albert Galatin', b. Oct. 15, 1815. Anne E.', b. Feb. 8, 1818. Elbridge P.', Nov. 24, 1821, d. in Livermore, in August, 1823. Elbridge Gerry', b. June g, 1823. 56 *334. 1. *33S- ii. *336. iii. *337- iv. *338. V. *339- vi. *340. vii. *34i. viii. *342. ix. *343- X. 344- xi. *34S- xii. EBENEZER HINDS. ANNA {HAJHAVJAY) HINDS. SIXTH GENERATION 57 141. Keziah* Hinds, daughter of Ebenezer' and Charity (Canedy) Hinds {Ebenezer^, Johni, William", William'), born in Mid dleborough, Mass., Oct. 5, 1777, died in Freetown, Mass., Aug. 23, 1853, where she is buried; married in Freetown, Dec. 14, 1801, John Winslow, a farmer of Livermore, who was born in Freetown, Nov. 24, 1778, died in Lakeville, Mass., Nov. 13, 1854, and is buried in Free town. The following is a copy of a letter written by Keziah to her sister : I'm friendless, alone, and nigh broken-hearted. This world full of pleasures, contains none for me ; I oft heave a sigh, for the dear ones departed, And oft in fond memory their lineaments see. When the last closing scene in life's journey is ended. And my spirit has flown to the bright realms of love, May my ashes with theirs be peacefully blended, While our souls are too happy in Heaven above. From your sister Keziah Winslow. Children, first four born in Freetown, others in Livermore : 346. i. Charity Leonard', b. April 8, 1802 ; .ra. Jan. i, 1836, Earl Sears of Middleborough, son of Earl and Judith (Howland) Sears. He was b. in Middleborough, Dec. 2, 1796, d. in Lakeville, Mass., Aug. 8, 1862, and is buried in Freetown. He was one of the selectmen and assessors for a number of years. He was also a farmer, and in 1874 resided in Freetown. Children, first born in Freetown, others in Middleborough, now Lakeville : (a) EarP, b. June 30, 1838, d. in Lakeville, May 29, 1855. (b) John Winslow", b. Dec. 26, 1S39, d. in Middleborough, Aug. 15, 1841. (c) John Winslow', b. Jan. 21, 1842; m. in New Bedford, Mass., July 25, 1864, Mary Louisa Washburn, daughter of Salmon Milton and Abbie Jane (Keith) Washburn of Lakeville. She was b. there, July 12, 1847. They lived for a time in Lakeville, and later in Taunton, Mass. Child: (i) Cora Louise', b. in Taunton, Aug. 21, 1871. (d) Abner Jones', b. Jan. 20, 1845. 347. ii. Abner', b. March 8, 1804, and died April 10, 1867 ; m. Rebecca Brown of St. Stephens, N. B. She d.- in Warren, R. I., Oct. 24, 1875. They resided in Assonet, Mass. Children : (a) Hannah', m. James Barrus of Warren. Children: (i) Ida'. (2) Arthur'. (b) Ann', m. Samuel Swan of Providence, R. I. Children : (i) Annie'. (2) Hattie'. (c) Bradford', (d) George H.', m. in New York City. They had one child who died at the age of thirteen months, (e) Benedict A.', m. Eliza 'Vicory of Fall River, Mass. They had one child, born about 1870. (f ) William H.', m. Caro line Hathaway of Fall River. They had one child. The FaU River records say that a William H. Winslow and wife Caroline had a child b. Aug. 7, 1878, and another Feb. 8, 1881. 58 THE HINDS FAMILY 348. iii. Keziah', b. May 8, 1806, d. in Freetown, Dec. 24, 1849, and is buried there. She was unmarried. 349. iv. John', b. March 24, 1808 ; m. (first) in Assonet village, Freetown, Jan. 15, 1843, Charlotte B. Strobridge, daughter of William and Charlotte Copeland (Bennett) Strobridge. She was b. in As sonet, Feb. 23, 181S, and d. there, June 14, 1863 ; m. (second) in Lakeville, Nov. 22, 1864, Mary Turner Sampson, daughter of John and Phebe Dean (Doggett) Sampson of Lakeville. She was b. in Lakeville, Jan. i, 1826. He was assessor of taxes 1839-40- 41 ; selectman 1844 ; and representative to the General Court in 1845. He resided in Livermore, Freetown and Assonet, his oc cupation being that of a farmer. Children, by first wife : (a) Bartlett Allen', b. in Lakeville, April 8, 1844. (b) William', b. in Lakeville, Feb. 27, 1846, d. in prison in Danville, 'Va., where he was taken prisoner during the Civil war, in January, 1865. (c) Elbert', b. in Freetown, May 6, 1852. (d) Henry', b. in Free town, April 8, 1858. 350. V. Ebenezer Hinds^, b. Aug. 25, iSio, d. in Freetown, March 7, 1841, unmarried. 351. vi. Bradford Williams', b. Oct. 16, 1812, drowned in the Pacific Ocean, June 17, 1843. He was captain and commander of the whale ship Elizabeth, which was the first whale ship to go from Freetown, and while sailing on the Pacific, was, with his whole boat's crew, carried down by a whale and drowned. He was un married. 352. vii. William Harrison', b. June i, 1815, d. in Livermore, April 20, 1816. 353. viii. Owen Hinds', b. May 11, 1817, d. in Livermore, April 28, 1848, unmarried, of consumption and is buried in Freetown. He was mate on the first whale ship from Freetown. 354. ix. Henry Harrison', b. March 19,1819; m. in Stonington, Conn., Oct. 18, 1848, Mary Ann Porter of Freetown, who was b. there Nov. 12, 1822. She was the daughter of Henry, a captain in the war of 1812, and Betsey (Tisdale) Porter of Freetown; grand daughter of Capt. Benjamin, a soldier in the French and Indian war, and Rebecca (Tisdale) Porter; great-granddaughter of Sam uel, a captain in the militia and selectman of Freetown, and Miss (Church) Tisdale; great-great-granddaughter of Joshua Tisdale, son of John Tisdale of Duxbury, afterwards Taunton, and one of twenty-six original proprietors of Freetown at its purchase, April -z, 1659. The house of John Tisdale was burned and he was there killed, June 27, 1675. ^^^ S*^" ^", William', William'), born in Middleborough, Mass., Jan. 5, 1795, and died Dec. 8, 1864, aged 69 years, II months, 3 days ; married (first) by Rev. Thomas Wyman in Livermore, in December, 1807, John Dearborn ; married (second) in Bangor, Me., Mr. Smith. Children, by first husband : 404. i. Calvin', d. in Lewiston, Me., in 1898, aged 72 years; m. Lois At kins of Rumford Falls, Me. Children : (a) Charles', (b) Luella'. (c) Davis'. 405. ii. Mary". 406. iii. Darillas'. 150. Salome Ellen* Hinds, daughter of Ebenezer' and Charity (Canedy) Hinds {Ebenezer'', Joh?ii, William', William'), born in Freetown, Mass., Oct. 2, 1802, and died in Livermore, Me., June 16, 1872, aged 68 years, 8 months, 14 days ; married by Rev. George Web ber, in Livermore, Me., March 26, 1832, Alanson Hinkley, who was born March 20, 1795, and died Sept. 7, 1887. Children, born in North Livermore : 407. i. Ebenezer Hinds', b. Jan. 26, 1833, d. in North Livermore, Feb. 26, 1836. 408. ii. Ebenezer Hinds', b. Jan. 3, 1837 ; m. by Rev. Carlton Parker, Oct. 5, 1871, Costella M. Bryant, who d. March 10, 1895, aged 50 years, 4 days. He lives in North Livermore (1899). Children : (a) Ernest Eben^, b. Aug. ig, 1872. (b) John Bryant', b. June 2, 1874. (c) Charles Everett^, b. Oct. 23, 1876, d. Aug. 27, 18S0. (d) May StellaS. b. Oct. i8, 1878. (e) Edward Lee', b. Nov. 5, 1881. (f) Lizzie EUa^, b. Dec. 9, 1883. Of this family, it has been said : " All born at the Hinkley homestead. None married (1899). All five are at home Sunday with their father — a genial, happy family together." 409. iii. Sarah Philbrook', b. Aug. 5, 1838, d. in Livermore Falls, Me., Nov. 16, 1875; ™- William G. Doyan. Children, all born in Liv ermore: (a) Myra Louise^ b. July 23, 1858; m. Otis G. Sullivan of Wilton, Me. Children, first three born in Wilton : (i) Ethel G.', b. Nov. 17, 1882. (2) Howard Eaton', b. Dec. 20, 1885. (3) Harold Willie', b. April 3, 1889. (4) Neal David', b. in Read- field, Me., Oct. 25, 1897. (b) Keziah Winslow', b. Sept. 8, i860 ; 64 THE HINDS FAMILY m. David F. Latin of Clinton, Mass. They are without children (1898). (c) Albert Augustine', b. May 18, 1862. (d) Lillian Ber tha', b. July 25, 1864; m. Eugene Beck of Livermore Falls, where he is editor of the Express and Advertiser. He was b. in Port land, Me. (e) Ada Elizabeth^, b. Oct. 27, 1868, d. June 14, 1886; m. at the home of her father in Farmington, Me., Clarence Jaquith of White River Junction, Vt. (f) Alice EUen', b. Oct. 27, 1868. (g) Sadie Belle', b. June 13, 1874. 410. iv. Lydia Bartlett Allen', b. Aug. 28, 1840; m. by Rev. Melville B. Cummings, in Livermore, March 27, 1869, William Leroy Sey mour. They reside in Fayette Mills, Me., and she has furnished the record of her family for this work. Children, born in Liver more : (a) Florence Adelaide', b. Dec. 31, 1869 ; m. by Rev. S. A. Blaisdell, Harry Otis Davis. Child: (i) Oscar N.', b. May 18, 1897. (b) Eva Winnifred', b. Sept. 30, 1874; m. in East Liver more, Me., Sept. 30, 1896, George W. Billings of Fayette, Me. Child: (i) Dora Anathalie', b. July 29, 1897. (c) Sarah Lute', b. Dec. 8, 1875 ; m. by Rev. F. S. Todd, Aug. 7, 1893, Edgar C. T hompson of Ledge Dufferin, St. Stephen, N. B. Children: (l) Chester Roy', b. May 14, 1894. (2) Harry Laughlin', b. in May, 1895. (d) Willard Arthur', b. Aug. 9, 1879. (e) Herbert LeRoy', b. March 20, 1882. 156. Hannah'' Hinds, daughter of John' and Olive (Valentine) Hinds {Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born in Middleborough, Mass., July 23, 1789; married Samuel Dean of Berkley. Both are buried in Berkley. Children : 411. i. Rhoda', b. Jan. 12, 1815 ; m. Willard Tripp, and resided in Taun ton, Mass. 412. ii. Gardiner', b. June 18, 1816, d. in New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 25, 1882; m. (first) Clarissa White; m. (second) unknown; m. (third) Mary Legore. Nancy', b. July 12, 181 8; m. Hon. Walter D. Nichols, of Berkley. Franklin', b. April 9, 1820, and was accidently killed by the dis charge of a gun. Walter', b. May 10, 1822. Samuel', b. Dec. 13, 1823 ; m. Mr. Morrell and resided in the West. Anna Bathsheba'', b. Oct. 14, 1826. G. M. DeLafaybtte', b. Nov. 2, 1828; m. Ann Dean. John A.', b. Dec. 13, 1830. 157. Stephen* Hinds, son of John' and Olive (Valentine) Hinds {Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born in Middleborough, Mass., May 16, 1791 ; married Susannah"^ Hinds, of Middleborough, who was born Jan. 24, 1798. She was the daughter of Abanoam' and Susan (Snow) Hinds {Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'.) 413. m. 414. iv. 415- V. 416. vi. 417. vii. 418. viii. 419. ix. SIXTH GENERATION 65 Children : 420. i. Loammi', b. Jan. 12, 1816. 421. ii. Leonard'. 422. iii. Sylvester'. 423. iv. Edward'. 424. V. Jane''. It has been impossible to get further information concerning this branch of the family. 158. Lucy* Hinds, daughter of John' and Olive (Valentine) Hinds (Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born in Middleborough, Mass., Feb. 14, 1793, and died unmarried Aug. 22, 1824. The inscrip tion on her gravestone is as follows : Lucy Daughter of John & Olive Hinds DIED Aug. 22, 1824 R 29. 159. Jane* Hinds, daughter of John' and Olive (Valentine) Hinds (Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born in Middleborough, Mass., in March, 1795, and died in 1847; married Jan. 27, 182 1, Jona than Parker, of Sandwich. Children : 425. i. Lucy H'., b. March 8, 1827. 426. ii. Calvin', b. Oct. 8, 1828. 427. iii. John H.,' b. May 24, 1830. 428. iv. Charles W.,' b. Sept. 30, 1838. 160. John* Hinds, son of John' and Olive (Valentine) Hinds (Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born in Middleborough, Mass., May 18, 1797 ; married Sarah Oldham. Nothing further has been ob tainable regarding this family. 161. Preserved* Hinds, son of John' and Olive (Valentine) Hinds {Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born in Middleborough Mass., May 26, 1799; married Sarah Parker, of Sandwich. Child : 429. i. Noble'. He was a master mariner and was lost at sea. It has been impossible to get further records of this family. 162. Heman* Hinds, son of John' and Olive (Valentine) Hinds {Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born in Middleborough, F 6S THE HINDS FAMILY Mass., Jan. 22, 1801, and is deceased ; married (first) in October, 1827, Nancy Parker of Sandwich, who was born Aug. 23, 1807, and died Aug. 9, 1846 ; married (second) Aug. 11, 1849, Abbie F. Perry, who died without children in 1862; married (third) Elizabeth Baldwin. He remained on his father's farm until he reached the age of eighteen, during which time, he attended the village school and obtained what was considered, in those days, a good education. In 18 19, he went away from home to seek his fortune, the first place he visited being Clark's Point, near New Bedford, Mass. Here he obtained employment with a farmer, who was also the lighthouse-keeper. Heman became quite interested in boats while there, and built the first sailboat which was ever put into the water at Sampson's Pond. He disliked the work on a farm, and soon got the chance of going South to work in the swamps of Florida. This was shortly after the war of 18 12, when the government had com menced to build their navy, and Heman's employers were Bixby & Thurston, who were to furnish live oak timbers to put into the warships. He was engaged at twenty-seven dollars a month, and in company with with his brother and sixty other men, he embarked on the sloop " Spar tan," from New Bedford for Savannah. The second night out from port, their vessel was struck by lightening and several of the passengers badly burned. Free from further mishap, they reached the St. Johns River, and at once went into the forests with the rest of the party. The company which he was at work for, soon after failed and he was left without provisions and a very small amount of money. By trading with Indians and working at odd jobs, which he could get hold of in the South, he at last got together money enough to return home. He did not remain at home long, however, but went South again, and en gaged in building marine railways, wharves and bulkheads, and gave employment to a great many hands. Here he cut a great amount of wood, which he was to ship North, when the Civil war broke out, and he was compelled to go North once more. After the war, he visited his lands, and found that his wood was either burned or carted away, and his property was a total loss. On Jan. 22, 1895, he celebrated his ninety-fourth birthday at his home and received his many friends, who came to meet him and his wife. Children : 430. i. Edmund 'V.', b. Jan. 27, 1829, d. Oct. 4, 1854. 431. ii. Catharine', b. March 28, 1834. 432. iii. Leonard P.,' b. April 9, 1844 ; m. Ella Chase. 165. Sumner* Hinds, son of John' and Olive (Valentine) Hinds {Ebenezer*, John!; William', Willian^), born in Middleborough, *433. i. *434- ii. *435- iii. 436- iv. *437- V. *438. vi. SIXTH GENERATION 67 Mass., June i, 1807, died in Lakeville and is buried there; married March 31, 1834, Chloe Ashley of Middleborough, daughter of Luther and Abigail (Peirce) Ashley. She was born March 21, 1806, died and is buried in Lakeville. He was one of the sixteen original members of the Christian Society of Middleborough, which held its first legal meet ing, Feb. 19, 1842. Children, born in Middleborough : William Sumner', b. Jan. 2, 1835. Stephen Valentine', b. Oct. 4, 1836. Lucy', b. Sept. 20, 1838. Nancy Jane', b. July 12, 1841, d. in Lakeville, Mass., Oct. 30, 1868. John Calvin', b. May 24, 1843. Olive', b. July 31, 1845. 166. Bartlett* Hinds, son of John' and Olive (Valentine) Hinds {Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), horn in Middleborough, Mass., in 1811, and died April 6, 1826. The following inscription appears upon his gravestone : Bartlett Son of John & Olive Hinds died Apr. 6, 1826 .iE 15 YRS. 167. Sally* Hinds, daughter of Leonard' and Mary (Rounse ville) Hinds (Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born in Middle borough, Mass., Oct. 5, 1784, and died in October, 1810 ; married Bradford Williams of Easton, Penn. They had no children. 168. John* Hinds, son of Leonard' and Mary (Rounseville) Hinds (Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born in Middleborough, Mass., Feb. 13, 1786; married Mrs. Anna (Strobridge) Peirce of Freetown, daughter of Lieut. Robert and Elizabeth (Nelson) Stro bridge, and widow of Capt. Job Peirce. He served as a clerk for Capt. Job Peirce of Freetown, and at his death, became a partner in the firm of Hinds & Sampson. His title of lieutenant, was derived from the fact of his having served as paymaster of the 2d regiment, 2d brigade of the 5th division of the local militia of Massachusetts, to which position he was appointed, March 17, 181 1, and on the staff of Col. Benjamin Lincoln of New Bedford. His old military chapeau, now in the possession of Gen. E. W. Peirce, is described by him as being "in the height of the Bonaparte style and about twice the size ever worn since, and must have been a serious incumbrance to the 68 THE HINDS FAMILY wearer at any time, but particularly if the wind were blowing briskly." Lieutenant John Hinds, died Dec. i, 1811, and was buried in the Peirce family cemetery in Lakeville, where a stone with the following stanza marks his resting-place : ' How lov'd, how valu'd once avails thee not, To whom related, or by whom begot ; A heap of dust alone remains of thee, 'Tis all thou art and all the proud shall be. Children, born in Middleborough : *439. i. Maria A.', b. in June, 1810. *440. ii. Jane S.', b. Dec. 15, i8ii. 171. Ruth P.* Hinds, daughter of Leonard' and Mary (Rounseville) Hinds (Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born in Middleborough, Mass., Aug. 31, 1791, and died Nov. 14,1891, aged TOO years, 2 months, 14 days ; married Nov. 20, 1814, Walter Davis, son of Nathan and Rose (Allen) Davis. He was born in Fairhaven, Mass., July 12, 1785, and was a farmer of Acushnet, Mass. Among the sacred things of life such as childhood, youth, love and religion, we must place old age. By the young it is morbidly dreaded, though it is respected. To them, old age is the saddest thing in existence. The waning of years means the decay of everything mental and physi cal, perhaps a hopeless dependency. But old age may be idealized. To grow old is often to grow great. To achieve a richness of experi ence , to pass the bounds of illusions and live among the verities of life ; to be happy, and to brighten the world, and above all things to be useful. These thoughts inspire a deeper respect for age and make its approach less dreaded. August 31, 1891, was a memorable day for Mrs. Ruth (Hinds) Davis, of Long Plain, Mass. She was then one hundred years old. What a distinction, what a rare favor, and how very few can attain it I Her hale old age was the gift of ancestors, who were proud of their hardi hood and integrity. Mrs. Davis was the great-great-granddaughter of Philip Rounseville, who was born in England and who came to this country during the last of the sixteenth or the first of the seventeenth century. This Philip had a son William, who had a son Joseph, whose daughter was Mary, the mother of the subject of this sketch. Mrs. Davis was educated in the Baptist religion and was at her death, a member of that society. This woman who lived such a long and use ful life, was blessed with an active mind and good health. Her hear ing was somewhat impaired, but her mind was everything that could have been desired. Her memory was clear, and covering as it did SIXTH GENERATION 69 nearly a century, she was an unusually interesting conversationalist. She watched the growth of New Bedford, from the time it was a mere hamlet. The events of the war of 1812 were personal reminiscences with her. At her hundredth anniversary, she had not laid aside all domestic cares. She was very useful about her home, and was loved by all who were honored by her acquaintance. She took a lively in terest in the proceedings incidental to the celebration and received many and valuable presents. There were present representatives of five living generations. A large crowd was in attendance and many callers visited her during the week preceding. About eighty people sat down to dinner, at which they made merry and enjoyed a good time. Children, born in Fairhaven, now Acushnet, Mass.: 441. i. Mary R.', b. Dec. 14, 1816, d. at Long Plain, March 28, 1849; m. in Fairhaven, Alonzo Corey, son of Billings Corey. He was a house carpenter of New Bedford and d. in July, 1873. Child : (a) Susan'. 442. ii. Eliza Wing', b. March 24, 1818, d. in New Bedford, Sept. 26, 1859 ; m. in Fairhaven, Nov. 16, 1838, Marshall Dexter Keith, son of Marshall, b. in Bridgewater, Sept. 24, 1765, d. in Fair haven, Oct. 14, 1837, and Hepzebeth (Leach) Keith, b. in Bridge- water, Oct. 15, 1777, d. in Mattapoisett, Aug. 3, 1845. Mr. Keith was b. in Middleborough, Mass., Jan. 20, 1818, d. in Acushnet, Oct. 13, 1888. Children, first four born in Fairhaven, other in Mattapoisett, Mass.: (a) Walter Davis', b. Sept. 12, 1839, d. in New London, Wis., June i, 1892; m. June 14, 1865, Phebe Snow of New Bedford. He served in the Civil war as captain in the 23d Massachusetts Regt. They had no chil dren, (b) Frederick Tabor', b. Dec. 7, 1840 ; m. by Rev. Alonzo Quint, May 17, 1866, Lucy K. Parker of New Bedford, daughter of W. C. Parker. He is a hotel manager at present (1899), being connected with the Astor House in New York. He has fur nished records of his family for this work. Children : ( i ) Fred erick Tabor', b. in Hartford, Ct., Aug. 16, 1867 ; m. Lena Aufderhyde of New Jersey. Children : (i) Ruth Davis"", b. and d. in New York, (ii) Harold'". (2) Lulu May', b. in New York City, July 22, 1870; m. April 21, i8go, Herbert Clark Wilbor and resides in New Bedford (1899). Children: (i) Irma Keith'", b. March 5, 1891, d. in 1897. (ii) Alfred Parker'", b. July 11, 1892. (iii) Walter Clark'", b. Aug. 5, 1894. (iv) Marjorie'", b. Sept. 4, 1896. (c) Otis Dexter', b. Jan. 13, 1843, d. in Mattapoisett, Nov. I, 1848. (d) Sarah Davis', b. March 30, 1845 ! ">• Oct. 26, 1865 Timothy Delano of New Bedford, who died in New London, Wis., where she now lives (1899). Children, (i) Frederick', b in New Bedford, d. in New London. (2) Walter K.', b. in New London. He is a dentist. (3) Herbert', b. in New London and is a dentist. He is married and has one child, (e) Otis Marshall', b. 70 THE HINDS FAMILY Oct. 5, 1848; m. by Rev. O. A. Roberts, June 11, 1878, Ella Ger trude Wheaton, daughter of Hiram Wheaton of New Bedford. He is a hotel clerk and resides in New Bedford (1899). Child : (i) Henry Hiram Wheaton', b. in New Bedford, April 14, 1879. (f) Eliza Jane', b. June 17, 1851 ; m. Albert M. Cole of New London. They reside in Latona, Wash. (1899), and have had two children, both of whom are deceased, (g) Thomas Warren', b. Sept. 24, 1853, d. in New Bedford, Aug. 30, 1858. (h) Marshall Dexter', b. April 7,1856; m. Nellie E. Page of New London. He had four children, three of whom d. in infancy. He resides in New London, where he is a merchant. Child, living: (i) Henry Page', b. in New London, where he now resides ( 1899). 443. iii. Anna H.', b. Dec. 16, 1819; m. (first) Dec. 12, 1848, John H. Snow, son of Thomas and Nancy (Hammett) Snow ; m. (second) Mr. Perry. ChUd, by first husband : (a) George F.^, b. Oct. 25, 1849. 444. iv. Waltee a.', b. May 27, 1822, and is deceased; m. April 13, 1849, Mary C. Rider, daughter of Zachariah W., and Catherine Rider. She was b. April 27, 1826. Children : (a) Rose A.', b. Feb, 20, 1850 ; m. James Arthur Clark, of Middleboro. (b) Ada F.', b. June 7, 1852 ; m. Thomas J. Robinson, of Acushnet. 445. V. Susan', b. June 24, 1824; m. April 7, 1846, Solomon L. Harlow, son of Bradford and Eliza (Leonard) Harlow. He was b. Jan. 31, 1809. They reside in Middleboro (1899). Children: (a) Mary C, b. Feb. 17, 1847, d. Sept. 25, 1848. (b) Susan H.s, b. Dec. 8, 1848. She resides in Lexington, Mass. (1899). (c) Leonard D.', b. Oct. 22, 1850 ; m. Aug. 21, 1872, Frances Bumpus daughter of Henry J., and Nancy M. (Harlow) Bumpus. She was b. Jan. 19, 1854. Theyreside in Middleborough (1899). (d) Bradford', b. March 16, 1854; m. EmUy Hinkley, and resides in Middleboro. (e) Anna F.', b. May 7, 1858. (f) Mary E.', b. Sept. 15, 1861 : m. Mr. Wallen, and resides in South Middleboro. 446. vi. Nathan S.', b. Aug. 22, 1826, d. Oct. 17, 1852; m. Oct. 17, 1850, Adaline Wood, daughter of Abiel and Matilda Wood. She was b. Oct. 30, 1831, and is deceased. Child : (a) Nathan'. 447. vii. William H.', b. Aug. 30, 1828 ; m. July 9, 1851, Harriet F. An drews, daughter of Manassah and Harriet (Leonard) Andrews, She was b. May 11, 1831. They reside in Abbington, Mass. (1899). Children: (a) Harriet L.*, b. March I2, 1855; m. Henry Colson. (b) William Henry', b. May 16, 1858. (c) George^ b. Jan. 23, 1861, d. Aug. 2, following, (d) Walter Channing*, b. Jan. 10, 1866. 448. viii. Joseph R.', b. March 16, 1831, d. April 10, 1896; m. Nov. 16, 1851, Mary Shennan of Rochester, Mass., daughter of Martin and Cyn thia Shennan. She was b. Nov. 19, 1832. Child : (a) Sarah C.^, b. July 28, 1857, d. Nov. 30, 1862. 449. ix. Sarah', b. and d. in Long Plain, Mass. 173. Polly* Hinds, daughter of Leonard' and Mary (Rounse ville) Hinds, {Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born Middlebo- 450. i. 451. ii. 452. iii. 453- iv. 454- V. 455- vi. 456. vii. 457. viii. 458- ix. 459- X. SIXTH GENERATION 71 rough, Mass., Sept. 6, 1793, and died in December, i860; married Deacon Abner Braley, of Freetown, Mass. Children : Joseph R.', m. Catherine King. Alden', deceased; m. Ann Luscomb. Leonard.' Samuel T.', m. Mary A. King, of Rochester, Mass. Child : (a) Henry K.® He is a j udge and lives in Fall River. Abner', d. young. John'. Francis', deceased ; m. Betsey Fish, of Rochester, who is dead. Charles', deceased ; m. Margaret Fish, of Rochester. Henry', d. young. Mary H.', deceased ; m. (first) Henry Kingman, of Mansfield ; m. (second) Ebenezer Braley, of Freetown. 173. Hannah* Hinds, daughter of Leonard' and Mary (Rounseville) Hinds {Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born in Middleborough, Mass., May 19, 1798, and died April 29, 1885 ; married Oct. 3, 1830, John Brady, who was born in county of Cavan, Ireland, in 1798, and died in New Bedford, Mass., May 13, 1859. He was by occupation a farmer. Children : 460. i. Mary Elizabeth', b. April 15, 1832; m. Jan. 15, 1855, Daniel Thornton, who was b. in New Bedford, April 28, 1819, d. there, June 3, 1883. He was a druggist in New Bedford. Children : (a) Rebecca^, b. Jan. 14, 1856. (b) Alfred', b. Nov. 21, 1859; m. Sept. 2, 1884, Maria Agnes Montague. Children : (i) Natalie', b. May 29, 1885. (2) Agnes', b. April 26, 1890. (3) Emily Mon tague', b. Sept. 26, 1891. (4) Montague', b. Sept. 10, 1892, d. Sept. II, 1893. (5) Charles Lyman Montague', b. June 24, 1897. (b) Mabel', b. May 23, 1869. 461. ii. Ruth Hinds', b. March 9, 1835. 462. iii. Catharine Hannah', b. Jan. 23, 1839; m. April 17, 1859, Francis Cook Elbridge. She was adopted and educated for a time by Daniel Ricketson, of New Bedford, Mass. Was of half Irish descent, and inherited all the sprightliness and intelligence which that mixture gives to the race springing from it. She helped care for the escaped slaves, who were concealed in Ricketson's under ground rooms, during the times when Edward Turner had rescued three hundred from slavery and put them onto the "underground railway," as it was then called, and being harbored in secret homes, were safely got through to Canada. Children, born in Fairhaven, Mass.: (a) Fanny R.', b. April i, i860; m. Oct. 29, 1885, Henry W. Cushman, who is a manufacturer in Acushnet, Mass. Children, born in Acushnet : (i) Henry', b. Sept. 7, 1886. (2) Emory', b. in October, 1887. (3) Ruth', b. in October, 1889. 72 THE HINDS FAMILY (4) Francis', b. in October, 1895. (b) Josephine', b. March 10, 1861. 463. iv. Sarah Ricketson', b. Aug. 3, 1842. 174. Susannah* Hinds, daughter of Abanoam' and Susan (Snow) Hinds {Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born Jan. 24, 1798, and died in Pennsylvania ; m. Stephen* Hinds of Middleborough, Mass., son of John' and Olive (Valentine) Hinds {Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'). He was born May 16, 1791, in Middleborough, Mass. Children : 464. i. Loammi', b. Jan. 12, i8i6. 465. ii. Leonard'. 466. iii. Sylvester'. 467. iv. Edward'. 468. V. Jane'. _j_i_ i_ _ _ i_ _ i_ . _ r _ 1 1 Nothing further has been obtainable regarding this branch. 176. Lydia* Hinds, daugliter of Abanoam' and Susan (Snow) Y^xnds (Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), horn March 19, 1801 and died in Florida; married Ackley Bronson. Children : 469. i. Ophelia'. 470. ii. Susannah'. 177. Preserved* Hinds, son of Abanoam' and Susan (Snow) Hinds (Ebenezer*, Johni, William', William'), born July 12, 1807, and died in" Montrose, Penn., Jan. 22, 1871 ; married in Montrose, Oct. 23, 1827, Ann E. Walling, who was born July 22, 1807. He always lived in Susquehanna County, Penn., and was for one term one of the county commissioners. As the legend goes, more than a century ago, he, with other vigorous emigrants, went from New England with ox teams and settled in northwestern Pennsylvania and there founded Montrose, the county seat of Susquehanna County. The emigrants brought out Connecticut titles to the land, but were antagonized by parties holding under Pennsylvania titles. The titles were settled out of court, on the basis that the best man should win. The New England- ers held under that settlement. Children, born in Susquehanna Co., Penn.: 471. i. Albert Demetrius', b. April 9, 1830, d. in Susquehanna Co., unmarried, Nov. 6, 1850. *472. ii. William Wadsworth', b. Aug. 25, 1832, d. unmarried in Sus- quehannah Co., Dec. 20, 1862. SIXTH GENERATION 73 *473. iii. Frederick Mortimer', b. Sept. 17, 1834. *474. iv. Ansel Conrad', b. March 23, 1836. *47S. v. Henry Harrison', b. in Forest Lake, Penn., Oct. 9, 1840. *476. vi. DoTHA A DELIA', b. Sept. 6, 1842. 477. vii. Emeline Bronson', b. July 13, 1844, d. in Susquehanna Co., May 31, 1845. 478. viii. Eunice Susannah', b. July 25, 1849, d. in Susquehanna Co., Dec. 19, 1851. 179. Abanoam* Hinds, daughter of Abanoam' and Susan (Snow) Hinds (Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), died in Dixon, 111.; married Jane Fowler, who died in Dixon, Feb. i, 1899. He was a shoemaker. They had three daughters, but nothing further has been obtainable regarding the family. 180. Agnes* Hinds, daughter of Abanoam' and Susan (Snow) Hinds (Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), died in Oswego, 111.; married John Stout and had five or six children, but further record of the family has not been obtainable. 181. John B.* Hinds, son of Abanoam' and Rachel (Vail) Hinds (Ebenezer*, John^, William', William'), born Feb. 16, 1816, and died in Wysox, Bradford Co., Penn., Dec. 30, 1895 ; married March 2, 1834, Sarah E. Wood, who was born March i, 1816, and died April 14, 1883. Children : Margaret', b. Dec. 28, 1834. Agnes L.', b. May 22, 1838, d. Jan. 19, 1854. Adalaide', b. March 6, 1840, d. May 6, following. Elisha J.', b. July 9, 1842, d. Sept. 23, 1849. Adolph H.', b. Sept. 7, 1844. Eliza A.', b. March 6, 1847. Charles H.', b. May 30, 1849, d. Jan. 23, 1851. Charlotte E.', b. July 7, 1851, d. June i, 1854. Charles David', b. May 2, 1853, d. Sept. 9, 1854. Ella May', b. July 13, 1859. John F.', b. July 15, 1859. 183. Ebenezer* Hinds, son of Abanoam' and Rachel (Vail) Hinds {Ebenezer*, John', William", William'), died in Iowa in 1885 ; married Maria Furgerson and had two daughters born in the West. Nothing further has been obtainable regarding this family. 183. Barack* Hinds, son of Abanoam' and Rachel (Vail) Hinds {Ebenezer*, John^ William', William'), married Jane Rhinevolt. *479- 1. 480. ii. 481. iii. 482. iv. *483. V. *484. vi. 48';. vii. 486. viii. 487. ix. *488. X. *489. xi. 74 THE HINDS FAMILY Child : 490. i. Benjamin D.', resides in Montrose, Pa. (1899). Nothing further has been obtainable regarding this family. 184. David* Hinds, son of Abanoam' and Rachel (Vail) Hinds (Ebenezer*, John^, William", William'), born in Bridgewater township, near Montrose, Penn., Jan. 28, 1822, and died in Montrose, May I, 1888; married in Montrose, Aug. 14,. 1845, Mrs. Malvina (Jenks) Stebbins, daughter of Perry and Eliza (Morse) Jenks. She was born in Lawrence, Otsego Co., N. Y., April 28, 182 1, and lives in Montrose (1899). Children : *49i. i. George L.', b. in Bridgewater township, June 29. 1846. *492. ii. Jennie H.', b. in Wysox, Bradford Co., Penn., July 26, 1850. 185. Hannah Eliza* Hinds, daughter of Abanoam' and Rachel (Vail) Hinds {Ebenezer*, John'!', William", William'), born June 25, 1830; married (first) Sept. 24, 1846, Sabin Robinson, son of Sabin and Abbie (Cronk) Robinson. He died in March, 1858, and she married (second) Sept. 28, 1861, James Walter Van Tuyl, son of Alex and Elizabeth Van Tuyl. He died Oct. 3, 1897. He was by trade a tinsmith. Children, by first husband : 493. i. Emily Jane', b. Nov. 15, 1847; m. Mr. Bennett and resides in Montrose (1899). 495. ii. Amy Conrad', b. April 29, 1849; m. Mr. Robinson and resides in Montrose (1899). 496. iii. Effie May', b. Feb. 22, 1853; m. Mr. Whitney and resides in Monroeton, Penn. (1899). Children, by second husband : 497. iv. Child', who d. in infancy. 498. v. Child', who d. in infancy. 499. vi. Child', who d. in infancy. 500. vii. Child', who d. in infancy. 501. viii. Child', who d. in infancy. 502. ix. Child', b. Sept. 26, 1870; m. July 26, 1890, Winton Grant Camp bell. He has been station agent and is at present a merchant in Monroeton, Penn. (1899). Children: (a) James Percy', b. May 12, 1893. (b) Louise Hannah*, b. Oct. 23, 1895. (c) Winton Grant', b. Nov. 17, 1897. SIXTH GENERATION 75 193. Elizabeth* Hinds, daughter of John' and Lydia (Seager) Hinds {John*, John''', John', James^), born in Brookfield, Mass., Feb. 2Si 1773 ; married July 1, 1792, Matthew Bartlett, son of Matthew and Susannah (Hinds) Bartlett. They were published June 17, 1792. He was born March 30, 1769. 194. Liydia* Hinds, daughter of John' and Lydia (Seager) Hinds (John*, John', John", James'), born in Brookfield, Mass., Aug. 17, 1774, and died March 3, 1820 ; married Samuel Hall, Jr., of Spen cer, Mass., who died in Spencer, June 4, 1835. They were published May 25, 1797. 203. David* Hinds, son of Oliver' and Mary (Capen) Hinds {John*, Johni, John", James'),horn in North Brookfield, Mass., April 2, 1777, and died in Stark, N. H., March 2, 1834; married Feb. 23, 1802, Hannah Tucker, eldest daughter of Ezra and Abigail (Moulton) Tucker, of North Brookfield. She was born in Brookfield, Sept. 12, 1774, and died Feb. 6, 1839. He was a farmer of Stark. Children, first four born in North Brookfield, others in Stark : Joel', b. Aug. 21, 1804. Lucinda', b. April 14, i8o5, d. unmarried, in Stark, Sept. 19, 1840. Amasa', b. Dec. ig, 1807. Amanda', b. Sept. 15, 1809. Joseph', b. June 15, 1811. Cynthia', b. July 12, 1813, d. two days later. Oliver', b. Nov. 6, 1814. Ezra', b. April 25, 1817. 309. Persis* Hinds, daughter of Cornelius' and Martha (Howe) Hinds (Corlis*, John^, John", James'), born in Brookfield, Mass., July 27, 1763 ; married Nov. 9, 1786, Samuel Clark, son of Captain John and Elizabeth (Norcross) Clark. He was born in 1763. Further records of this family have not been obtained. 313. Eli* Hinds, son of Cornelius' and Martha (Howe) Hinds (Corlis*, John'!', John", James'), born in Barre, Mass., May 15, 1767, and died in Eden, Vt., June 17, 1853 ; married in Hubbardston, Mass., March 12, 1789, Polly Stone, who was born in 1768, and died in Eden, Nov. 4, 1852. He removed from Barre, to Eden, where he became a farmer. He was an elder in the Congregational church, and a very devout Christian. *503. 1. 504. ii. *505. iii. *So6. iv. *S07. V. 508. vi. »509. vii. *5io. viii. •J^ THE HINDS FAMILY Children : *Sii. i. Eli', b. in Hubbardston, Aug. 28, 1791. 512. ii. Polly', m. Amos Wilkins and went West about 1854. 513. iii. Frelove', m. Joel Hutchins, and were without children. They both died in Eden. *5I4. iv. Josiah Dana', b. Sept. 17. 1801, in Cambridge, Vt. •515. V. Abel Smith', b. Jan. 28, 1809. *5i6. vi. Nathan'. 517. vii. Patty', b. and d., unmarried, in Eden. 313. Abner* Hinds, son of Cornelius' and Martha (Howe) Hinds {Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Barre, Mass., and died in Templeton, Mass., April 19, 1835 ! married (first) June 16, 1800, Sally Woodward of Hubbardston, who died there, June 2, 1810; married (second) in January, 1812, Mrs. Betsey (Blood) Marean. They lived in Templeton, and also in Gardiner, Mass. Children, by second wife, born in Templeton. *Si8. i. Charles Woodward', b. Jan. 10, 1813. 519. ii. Sally', b. Aug. i, 1814, d. March 25, 1876, in South Royalston, Mass. ; m. Artemas Hancock, of Templeton. 520. iii. Jarvis D.', b. Oct. 14, 1816; d. June 10, 1884; m. Lucinda Bennett of Walpole. 521. iv. Harriet', b. in 1817 ; m. Charles Laselle, of Worcester, Mass. 314. Cornelius* Hinds, son of Cornelius' and Martha ( Howe) Hinds {Corlis*, Johni, John", James') born in Barre, Mass., Dec. 3, 1775, and died in Hubbardston, Mass., April 3, 1848 ; married April 9, 1801, Hannah Waite, of Hubbardston, who was born there July 26, 1778, and died in Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. 27, 1839. She is buried in Hubbardston. He was a farmer of that town. Children, born in Hubbardston : Hannah Waite', b. Aug. 13, 1805. Hiram Dana', b. Feb. 13, 1807. Elizabeth', b. Feb. 6, 1809. Cornelius', b. Sept. 12, 181 1. William', b. Oct. 9, 1813. Mary Ann', b. March 13, 1816. Charles E.', b. Nov. 2, 1819, d. unmarried, Dec. 24, 1886. Anna Waite', b. May 7, 1822. 315. Josiah Dana* Hinds, son of Cornelius' and Martha (Howe) Hinds (Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Barre, Mass., Sept, 19, 1780, and died in Belfast, Me., Oct. 27, 1831 ; married (first) Aug. I, 1862, Hepzabeth Green, who was born in Hubbardston, Mass., *522. i. •523. ii. *S24. iii. *525. iv. *S26. V. *S27. vi. 528. vii. *529. viii. SIXTH GENERATION n June 25, 1780, and died in Belfast, July 25, 1828; married (second) Mrs. Waterman. He moved from Barre to Vermont, where he bought a farm, and had it nearly paid for, when he was told that he would be obliged to pay for it again or leave it. He left it and in 1806, went to Belfast, sending for his family the following year. He was a school teacher and was drowned in Pierce's Mill Pond in Belfast. Children, by first wife, first three born in Andover, Mass., others in Northport, Me.: *S30,*S3i*S32 *S33' *534*S35 *S36. *537 538539. *54o. S4I Lucy', b. Nov. 7, 1799. Sarah', b. Feb. i, 1804. Josiah Danforth', b. in 1806. Jennette Lovina', b. May 24, 1807. V. Joseph Dana', b. March 14, 1809. vi. Daniel Green', b. March 22, 1812. Watson', b. Feb. 24, 1813. Roxanna', b. Nov. I, 1815, Martha Howe', b. Sept. 19, 1817, d. unmarried, Dec. 29, 1893. X. Alpheus H.', d. young in Northport. xi. Cornelius', b. Aug. 14, 1821. xii. Hannah', b. Dec. 19, 1823, d. young in Northport. 1. ii. iii.iv. vu. viii. ix. Child, by second wife, born in Belfast : 542. xiii. Alpheus L.', b. 1831. Went West on reaching manhood and never heard of after. 316. Abijah* Hinds, son of Cornelius' and Martha (Howe) Hinds {Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Hubbardston, Mass., Sept. 27, 1787, and died in Gardner, Mass., March 5, 1868; married (first) Dec. 20, 1810, Susannah Coleman of Templeton, Mass., who was born May 8, 1780, and died in Gardner, Sept. 27, 1839 ; married (second) June 8, 1841, Mrs. Persis (Pollard) Slocum, who died Jan. 15, 1862. He moved to Gardner in 1820, where he engaged in brick- making. No children by second marriage. Children, first six born in Hubbardston, others in Gardner : Allison', b. June 17, 1811, d. unmarried, Jan. 2, 1844. Susannah', b. July 13, 1812. Abijah', b. Jan. 15, 1814. JOANNAH George', b. May 27, 181 5. Martha Howe', b. June 7, 1817. Charlotte Augusta', b. Aug. 11, 1818. Nancy', b. April 3, 1820. Sophronia', b. Oct. 22, 1822. Harriet', b. July 23, 1824, drowned June 30, 1831. Eliza Jane', b. March 6, 1827, d. Oct. 28, 1841. 543- 1. *544. ii. •S45- iii. *546. iv. *S47- v. *548. vi. *549- vii. *5So. viii. S5I- ix. 552. X. 78 THE HINDS FAMILY 317. Samuel* Hinds,* son of Corlis' and Mrs. Adah (Hill) (Brownell) Hinds {Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Barre, Mass., Oct. 31, 1767. 318. Henry* Hinds, son of Corlis' and Susannah (Henry) Hinds (Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Barre, Mass., May 2, 1772, and died in New Hampshire, in 1S13. He was unmarried. 319. Corlis* Hinds, son of Corlis' and Susannah (Henry) Hinds {Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Barre, Mass., June 22, 1774, and died in Watertown, N. Y., March 9, 1813; married in 1795, Polly Bent of Mount Holly, Vt., daughter of David Bent. She died in Newark, Ohio, Aug. 31, 1859. After marriage, they re moved from Mount Holly, to Watertown, arriving there March 9, 1801. Watertown was then a wilderness, known as the Black River country. He was chosen the first supervisor of the new township of Watertown, after the organization of Jefferson County and filled that office from 1805 to 1808. At his death he was a member of the New York Legis lature. Children : *553- '• Alpheus Hardin', b. in Mt. Holly, Vt., March 9, 1796. *554. ii. Betsey', b. in Mt. Holly, March 3, 1798. *555. iii. Patty', b. in Mt. Holly, Jan. i, 1800. 556. iv. Susan', d. aged over 80, in Vineland, N. J.; m. David Howard and had : (a) David*. *557. V. Corlis', b. in Watertown, Dec. i, 1803. 558. vi. Sophrona', d. aged over 70, in Washington, D. C; m. Israel Dilla. No children. 330. Adah* Hinds, daughter of Corlis' and Susannah (Henry) Hinds {Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Barre, Mass., Oct. 23, 1776, and died in July, 1855 ; married in 1799, James Richardson, son *It has been very hard finding out anything concerning this man, many let ters having been written, and the older members of the family having been consulted. He is supposed to have had four children, viz.: three daughters and one son. The son's name was Mirick'. A Mr. Chamberlain married one of Samuel's daughters, and information thus far obtained, points to the fact that it was Elizabeth'. How ever, it is a fact that he married one of Samuel's daughters. Samuel had another daughter, named Caroline M.' Hinds, who doubtless, was his youngest. The third daughter was married but no record of her name or the one whom she married has been found. Caroline doesn't appear to have been married up to the latest letters written by her, for in a letter dated in 1837, she signs her name "Caroline M. Hinds." This information was taken from letters written by Samuel and his daugh ter Caroline. In a letter dated in 1831, he writes that his father was then in fair health, but feared he would lose his sight and hearing before long. He also stated that his father was obliged to use crutches, because of lameness which had troubled him for twelve or fourteen years. — The Compiler. SIXTH GENERATION 79 of John and Rebecca (Moore) Richardson. He was born in Temple ton,' Mass., Oct. 26, 1776, and died Dec. 24, 1855. A little previous to the year 1800, he came to the wilds of Central Vermont. In that new country, he spent nearly a year in felling the forest and in making a rude home for himself and future wife. At his first house-raising, he was assisted by all his fellow townsmen, who numbered only seven. He then returned to his native Templeton, was married and brought his bride to the home he had prepared for her in that remote region. In the town where he first made his home, Warren, Washington Co., Vt, he continued to reside during the remainder of his life, where he be came a prominent citizen. He kept a public house for several years and was widely known in the surrounding country. He was one of the original members of the Congregational church, and for years led the choir, which was often composed of his own family, and it was no feeble singing they had in those days. He was decided in his opinions, and willing to express them on all fit occasions, by which he sometimes made enemies, but he did not swerve on that account. He filled many important public offices with ability and credit. Children, born in Warren, Vt: 559. i. James', b. 1800, d. in 1802, while his parents were making their first visit to Templeton after marriage. 560. ii. Adah Hinds', b. April 14, 1802; m. in August, 1824, Hon. Dens- low Upham. Children : (a) Edward Fiske', b. in Warren, Jan. 29, 1825 ; m. (first) in Lincoln, Vt., March 10, 1847, Mamie Orlana Dodge, of Barre, Vt., who d. in Randolph, Vt., in December, 1884 ; ra. (second) Dec. 11, 1890, Emeline Antoinette Tewksbury, of New Boston, N. H. He studied medicine and practised in Ran dolph. Children: (i) Adah Orlana', b. Oct. 14, 1849, d. Dec. 24, 1868. (2) Edward Denslow', b. June i, 1853 ; m. Abigail Kinney, of Randolph, Aug. 21, 1878. Graduated at Norwich University, and became professor of mathematics and Latin at St. Augustine College, Benicia, Cal., later returning to Randolph, where he be came the publisher of The Herald and News, a local paper. He is now (1899) engaged with a firm in Cincinnati, in the manufac ture of window shades and shade cloth. Children : (i) Lida K.'°, b. April, 1883. (ii) Adah K.'", b. April, 1885. (iii) Echo K.'°, b. December, 1888. (iv) Paul K.'°, b. December, 1893. (v) and(vi) two others deceased. (b) Susan Henry', b. in Lincoln, Vt., May 8, 1833 ; m. John C. Gleason, a farmer of Warren. Both live on the old homestead. Children: (i) Edward Mordis', prac tising medicine in Winchendon, Vt. (1899). (2) John L.', operat ing a creamery in Warren (1899). (3) Mary C. (4) Susan', m. Edward Heath, and resides in Warren (1899). 561. iii. Emily Henry', b. Feb. 4, 1804 ; m. June 26, 1827, Huzzial Glea son, son of Windsor and Martha (Follet) Gleason. He was b. 80 THE HINDS FAMILY in Langdon, N. H., Feb. 19, 1802, and d. in Waitsfield, Vt., July 3, 1889. Children: (a) James Richardson^, b. Dec. 28, 1828; m. March 31, 1856, Mary L. Matthews, of Waitsfield, Vt. He is a merchant in Waitsfield. Has been town clerk for nearly forty-four years, and is at present postmaster of Waitsfield, hav ing held the position twenty-eight years. Children : (i) Herbert Carlisle', b. April 20, 1857; m. Feb. 23, 1886, Mary P. Timothy, of Ransomville, N. Y. He is in the dry goods business in Mont pelier, Vt. (2) Mary Emilie', b. July 4, 1864. (3) Jennie Mat thews', b. July 2, 1870. (4) Louise Richardson', b. Nov. 7, 1872. (b) Carlisle Joslin', b. Oct. 23, 1831, d. May 9, 1896; m. Dec. 12, i860, Ellen J. Smith, of Montpelier, who survives him. He was a lawyer, (c) Emily Martha', b. Feb. 5, 1835, d. Sept. 14, 1897. She was au accomplished lady and a successful school-teacher. (d) Louis Pomeroy', b. Sept, 15, 1840; m. Feb. 22, 1870, A. Lou ise Timothy, of Ransomville, N. Y. He is a dry goods merchant of Montpelier (1899). Children : (i) Carlisle Joslin, b. Oct 27, 1874. (2) Fred Elijah, b. March 17, 1883. 562. iv. Abigail Sporhawk', b. Oct. 20, 1807 ; m. in January, 1827, Dr. Luther M. Kent, who d. in Bristol, Vt., in October, 1870. Chil dren : (a) Adah Richardson', m. C. P. Bush, (b.) Lucy A.', m. J. S. Green, and had children, (c) Erasmus Marble', (d) and (e) two others'. 563. V. AcHSAH Watts', b. March 6, 1809, d. in Warren, Oct. 19, 1875; m. Oct. 9, 1831, Horace Gleason, who died in Warren, in April, 1858. Children: (a) James Richardson', had children: (i) Salome'. (2) Minnie', (b) and (c) Ann Campbell' and Emma Campbell', (twins). 564. vi. Lydia Moore', b. Feb. 24, 1811, d. in Warren, Dec. 28, 1876; m. in Warren, Sept. 24, 1840, Horatio Gates Van Deusen, who was b. in Middlebury, Vt., Sept. 26, 1816, d. in Warren, March 28, 1880. Children: (a) Horatio Gates', b. Nov. 3, 1841, d. in War ren, April 21, 1847. (b) Augustus Pingry', b. Sept. 6, 1843. (c) Lucy L.', b. May 10, 1846, d. in Roxbury, Vt., April 26, 1896; m. in Warren, in November, 1870, Dayton L. Nichols. He is postmaster of Roxbury. Children: (i) Adah F.', b. in Warren, Aug. 23, 1871. (2) Stanley D.', b. in Roxbury, April 19, 1882. (d) Susan A.', b. March 3, 1849, d. in Warren, Sept. 1, 1855. (e) Homer Gates', b. July 14, 1854; m. in Warren, Jan. i, 1879, Alice S. Way, who was b. in Warren, Aug. 3, 1857. ChUd : (i) Leah S.', b. in Warren, Nov. 3, 1882, d. in Roxbury, Feb. 26, 1897. 565. vii. James McDonough', b. Oct. 24, 1814, d. in Montpelier, Feb. 16, 1863 ; m. in March, 1845, Salome Fletcher Redfield, who d. in October, 1872. Children, born in Waitsfield: (a) Elizabeth Salome', (b) James', (c) Minnie'. 566. viii. Joseph Buckminster', b. Aug. 28, 1817 ; m. in January, 1852, Louisa Danforth, of Weathersfield, Vt. Children : (a) Louisa'. (b) Katie'. \ ¦ /^^^ V JOSEPH BUCKIAINSTER HINDS. REBECCA (.ALLEN) HINDS. SIXTH GENERATION 8i 331. Thomas* Hinds, son of Corlis' and Susannah (Henry) Hinds (Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Barre, Mass., May 21, 1780, and died in Jefferson Co., N. Y., Feb. 17, 1846 ; married iti Rut land, Vt., in 1800, Phebe Bent, daughter of David Bent, of Mount Holly, Vt. She died in 1841, in Newark, aged 83 years. In 1810, he moved to Denmark, N. Y., and later to Champion. He fought in the battle of Sackett's Harbor, May 29, 1813. While living in Mount Holly, he carried on a general store and was a farmer. Children : William Watson', b. in Mount Holly, April 13, 1801. Thomas', b. in Mount Holly, May 23, 1803. Emily', b. in Mount Holly, Aug. 14, 1805. Tamer', b. in Mount Holly, Nov. 26, 1807. Carrolus', b. in Mount Holly, Oct, 17, 1809. Earl Bent', b. in Denmark, N. Y., Oct. 25, 181 1. Phoebe', b. in Champion, Feb. 28, 1S13, d. unmarried in Watertown. Silas', b. in Champion, Dec. 23, 1815. Albert', b. in Champion, March 29, 1818. Betsey', b. in Champion, June 21, 1819. Patty', b. in Champion, April 15, 1821. Mary Ann', b. in Watertown, Aug. 8, 1825. Emily A.', b. in Watertown, June 5, 1826, d. in Adams Center, N. Y., in 1842. *567. i. *568. ii. *569. iii. *570. iv. *57i. V. *572. vi. 573- vii. *S74. viii. *575- ix. «576. X. *S77- xi. *578. xii. 579- xiii. 333. Jonas* Hinds, son of Corlis' and Susannah (Henry) Hinds {Corlis*, John', John', James^), born in Barre, Mass., Feb. 25, 1785 ; married Tryphena Holden. In later years they lived in Aurora, Illinois. Children : *58o.*S8i. *582. i. Hannah', b. in Charleston, N. H., June 26, 181 2. ii. Lewis Holden', b. in Charleston, July 15, 1814. iii. Cynthia White', b. in Stanstead, L. C, June 5, 1824. 583. iv. Timothy Holden', b. in Stanstead, June 18, 1826. He is unmarried and lives in Waterman, IU. 584. V. Henry Buckminster', b. in Derby, Vt., July 8, 1832, d. unmarried in Adams, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1862. 585. vi. Susan', b. in Derby, May 29, 1835, ^- i" Adams, March 4, 1849. 334. Joseph Buckminster* Hinds, son of Corlis' and Susannah (Henry) Hinds {Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Barre, Mass., March 16, 1787, and died in Portage, Livingston Co., N. Y., June 28, 1868, aged 81 years; married in Watertown, N. Y., April 21, 1813, Rebecca Allen, daughter of Major Benjamin Allen. She was born in Springfield, N. Y., May 9, 1797, and died in Nunda, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1880. He settled in Denmark, Lewis Co., N. Y., in G 82 THE HINDS FAMILY 1810 and from there went to Watertown in 1812. Here he received a land warrant, and became justice of the peace, which occupation he followed for several years. He entered the service during the war of 1812 as a private, but was later promoted to regimental paymaster. Sometime after 1823, he moved to Hume, N. Y., where he engaged in lumbering, running saw-mills, etc. About 1853, he moved to Portage, where he died. At his death, his wife received a pension for the remainder of her life. Children : Allen', b. in Watertown, March 26, 1814. Mary', b. in Watertown, Nov. 26, 1815, d. there, March 9, 1817. Mary Ellen', b. in Watertown, Feb. 16, 1818. George Benedict', b. in Portageville, Dec. i, 1820. James Richardson', b. in Watertown, Sept. 12, 1823. 335. Susannah* Hinds, daughter of Corlis' and Susannah (Henry) Hinds (Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Barre, Mass., April 20, 1790, and died March 26, 1822. She is buried in Brookside cemetery, near Watertown. She taught school in Watertown. 337. Anna* Hinds, daughter of Howard' and Anna (Paine) Hinds (Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Hubbardston, Mass., Sept. 12, 1780 ; married Sanford BuUard, of Barre, Mass., Oct. 2, 1803. Children : *586. i. 587. ii. »588. iii. *589, iv. *59o. V. 591. i. Achsah', d. unmarried, 592- ii. Milo', d. unmarried. 593- iii. Austin'. 594- iv. Alfred'. 338. Calvin* Hinds, son of Howard' and Anna (Paine) Hinds (Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Hubbardston, Mass., June 30, 1783, and died in Holden, Mass., Oct. 21, 1857 ; married (first) in Barre, Mass., Dec. i, 1805, Susannah Clark, daughter of Joseph and Phebe (Rice) Clark. She was born May 31, 1785, and died in Hub bardston, Sept. I, 1820. He married (second) Dec. 8, 1826, Mrs. Betsey (Lyon) Woodward, who died Oct. 19, 1871, without children. His death was caused by a tree accidentally falling upon him, while he was in the woods cutting fire wood. Children, by first wife : *595. i. Lucretia', b. in Hubbardston, April 29, 1806. *596. ii. Dorothy Quincey', b. in Chester, Vt., Feb. 23, 1808. *597. iii. Lowell Leland', b. in Hubbardston, Jan. 5, 1810. *598. iv. Alanson Gibson', b. in Hubbardston, Feb. 26, 1812. SIXTH GENERATION 83 *S99- Y. Eliza', b. in Hubbardston, Jan. 15, 1814. 600. vi. Martin', b. in Hubbardston, Sept. 24, 1815, d. there, Sept. 23, 1820. *6oi. vii. Calvin Parkman', b. in Barre, Mass., Sept. 1, 1817. *6o2, viii. William Augustus', b. in Barre, April 2, 1819. 339. John Haven* Hinds, son of Howard' and Anna (Paine) Hinds {Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Hubbardston, Mass., Jan. 23, 1786, and died Aug. 20, i8ri ; married by Rev. James Thomp son, April 16, 1808, Susannah Metcalf, of Barre, Mass. At his death, she was married by Simeon Metcalf, justice of the peace, to Ezra Clark Jr., of Hubbardston, April i8, 1816. They had no children. 330. Polly* Hinds, daughter of Howard' and Anna (Paine) Hinds (Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Hubbardston, Mass., July 17, 1788, and died in Auburn, Mass., Feb. 14, 1877 i married in Hubbardston, March 31, 1808, Lewis B. Pond, eldest son of Levi Pond. He was born in Hubbardston, Aug. i8, 1785, and died April 9, 1877. Children, born in Hubbardston : 603. i. Lewis Sumner', b. May 8, 1809, d. Feb. 9, 1890; m. in 1S33, and had eight children. He settled in Lecron and was known and respected by the entire community. He was a kind husband and loving father. When a young man, he went from Hubbards ton to Franklin, Ohio. He then moved with his family to Branch Co., Mich., where he lived until 1869, when he moved to Illinois. Julia' was his youngest daughter, died in 1862, and is buried in Quincey, Mich. Lewis', the third son, died in 1877, and is buried in Newton Cemetery, where Mr. Pond requested to be laid by his side. Two children live in Colorado, two in Illinois, one in Salt Lake City and one in Kansas. 604. ii. Lucetta', b. April 20, 1812, d. March 20, 1892; m. Joab Clark Wright, of Hubbardston, who was b. Jan. 29, 1810, and d. Jan. 10, 1899. T|hey had nine children, probably all b. in Hubbards ton : (a) Worthington V. B.', b. Dec. 10, 1832; m. Phebe Eliza beth Andrews, of New Orleans, La. , who was b. June l6, 1832, in Philadelphia, and d. on Hickory Farm, in Denton, Texas, June 30, 1872. He lives in Westboro. They had two children: (i) Charles Turpin', b. 1862, d. in New Orleans, 1864. (2) Harriet Lucia', b. April 6, 1864, and liVes in New Orleans, (b) Joab Wesson', b. Aug. 11, 1834, d. Nov. 24, 1834. (c) Theodore Francis', b. Oct. 9, 1835, d. Sept. 25, 1837. (d) Stella L.', b. July 20, 1837, d. Dec. 16, 1873; m. William Andrews, of New Or leans, and had : (i) John Parker', b. in Hubbardston, Oct. 10, i860, d. there, Sept. 28, 1864. (e) Julia Ann', b. Sept. 14, 1839; m. George Prentiss Richardson, Jan. i, 1863, who was b. June 15 1831. She lives in Hubbardston. They had nine children, the first b. in Hubbardston, the rest in Brookline, except the last 84 THE HINDS FAMILY who were b. in Aubumdale, Mass. : (i) Lizzie', b. Oct. 7, 1863, and d. eight days later. (2) Alice Abert', b. Sept. 5, 1864; m. June 14, 1888, George Guy Brown, of Auburndale, who wasb. there, July 19, 1863. They live in Auburndale with no children. (3) George', b. Oct. 8, 1866 ;m. Sept. i, 1888, Rose Fischer, who was born in Mayland, Mass., Jan. 13, 1867. They have six chil dren, as follows : (i) Julia Wright'", b. July 28, 1889. (ii) Leon Brown'°, b. Oct. 21, 1890. (iii) Spencer Fischer"", b. Feb. 28, 1893. (iv) Gertrude Louise'", b. May 30, 1894. (v) Edna'°, b. Nov. 9, 1895. (vi) Ernest Albert'", b. April 3, 1897. (4) Julia Wright', b. July 25, 1868, d. in Brookline, Dec. 20, 1869. (5) Efiie Hinds', b. Aug. 18, 1870; m. Jan. 1, 1891, Charles Marshall Scudder, who was b. in Newton Center, Mass., March 16, 1868. Three children as follows: (i) Margaret Frances'", b. Dec. 23, 1891. (ii) Winthrop Richardson'", b. March 3, 1893. (i") Dorothy Blatchford'", b. Sept. 23, 1895. (6) Mary Wright', b. July 27, 1872. (7) Josephine Grant', b. Aug. 9, 1876. (8) Arthur Long', b. Feb. 20, 1878. (9) Charles Henry', b. May 8, 1881. (f) Charles J.', b. Nov. 20, 1841, and lives in Houston, Texas (1899). (g) Lucia M.', b. March 26, 1845, d. July 29, 1864. (h) Mary Eliza beth', b. Feb. 9, 1S47, d. Dec. 3, 1891. (i) Frank', b. Nov. 17, 1854, d. Oct. 6, 1864. 605. iii. Emily', b. May 26, 1815; m. July 10, 1834, Constant R. Davis, of Grafton, Mass., who was b. July 4, i8ii. She lives at Quinsiga- mond, Worcester, Mass., and has three children as follows: (a) Celinda Melissa', b. July 22, 1837 ; m. (first) in 1855, J. F. Mer- riam; m. (second) Jan. 23, 1869, Henry Mitchell, b. July 28, 1831. (b) Henry Edwin', b, Dec. 18, 1838; m. Oct. 13, 1863, Ellen L. Gordon,of Boston, and had: (i) Harry Stetson', b. Nov. 15, 1872; m. in Worcester, Oct. 25, 1897, Efiie C. Walch. (c) Alvin Robert', b. Jan. 17, 1840; m. Sarah Tailor, of Worcester. 606. iv. Otis Nelson', b. Jan. 3, 1818 ; m. in Dummerston, Vt, Sept. 24, 1840, Amanda Shepardson. He lives in Worcester, and has the following children : (a) Orlando Belknap', b. in Grafton, Mass., Jan. 4, 1843 ; ™- in Dudley, Mass., and has three children. He lives in Cleveland, O. (b) Otis Sumner', b. in Fitchburg, Nov. 3, 1846; m. Nov. 22, 1871, Clara Sibley, and resides in Worcester, where the following children were born: (i) Arthur Nelson', b. March i, 1873. (2) H. Carroll', b. May 26, 1877. (c) Laura Jane', b. in Fitchburg, July 16, 1848, d. Aug. 26, 187 1 ; m. in Auburn, Mass., Aug. 19, 1866, Alpha M. Ward. They had (i) Edith', who m. in Auburn, Charles Prouty. (d) Emily Anna', b. in Oxford, Mass., June 26, 1850, and lives in Southern Pines, N. C. (e) Mary Ella', b. in Oxford, July 13, 1852, d. Sept. .26, 1885; m. in Worcester, Oct. 27, 1875, F. E. Munger. (f) Oscar Phi lander', b. in Oxford, April 21, 1855; m. (first) Hattie Butler; m. (second) Anna Nichols, by whom he had: (i) Rachel'. (2) Emily'. He lives in Auburn, Mass. (g) Abbie Lilla', b. in Oxford, April 30, 1859; m. in Cleveland, O., Oct. 15, i886, Toin Hird. They reside in Worcester and have one child : (i) Nelson'. SIXTH GENERATION 85 607. V. Polly B.', b. May 6, 1821, and is deceased; m. William H. Mareau, who d. Sept. 24, 1851. 608. vi. Julia Ann', b. June 11, 1824, d. April 14, 1861, unmarried. 609. vii. Philander', b. July 6, 1826; m. (first) March 23, 1850, Abigail Stone, daughter of David and Betsey Stone ; m. (second) in Auburn, Mass., Aug. 18, 1863, Caroline D. Rice, daughter of Leonard and Charlotte Rice. She d. in Auburn, May 13, 1867 ; m. (third) Dec. 8, 1868, Ellen A. Eddy, daughter of Samuel and Rhoda (Stone) Eddy. They live in Southern Pines, N. C, and have one child; (a) Clarie M.', b. in Oxford, Nov. i, 1854. 610 viii. Jane Aurilla', b. Sept. 25, 1829, d. in Grafton, Nov. 22, 1836. 331. Warner* Hinds, son of Howard' and Anna (Paine) Uinds,(Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Hubbardston, Mass.,Aug. 10, 1790, and died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1873 ; married June 30, 181 1, Achsah Woodward, of Barre, Mass., who was born in 1791, and died in Cherry Valley, 111., Feb. 11, 1859. He removed to Worcester, Mass., with his family, where he carried on a successful farm. He later moved to Illinois. He was a colonel in the war of 1812, and kept the first temperance hotel in Worcester. Children, born in Hubbardston : *6ii. i. Nancy', b. Sept. 29, 1811. *6i2. ii. Warner', b. June 19, 1818. *6i3. iii. Elisha Woodward', b. Nov. 22, 1819. *6i4. iv. Chauncy', b. AprU 24, 1822. 333. Lydia* Hinds, daughter of Howard' amd Anna (Paine) Hinds (Corliss*, Johri', John", James'), born in Hubbardston, Mass., May 22, 1793, and died in Barre, Mass., June 14, 1869 ; married in Hubbardston, William Rice, who died in Barre, March 19, 1854. Children, born in Barre : 615. i. William Larned', b. July 13, 1813, d. in Barre, Jan. 12, 1883 ; m. (first) Jan. 31, 1839, Martha Allen, of Hubbardston, daughter of Asa and Lydia Allen. She was born July 3, 1819, and d. Aug. 24, 1853 ; m. (second) Feb. 6, 1854, Mrs. Nancy (Dyke) Allen, daughter of Benjamin and Lucy Dyke, of West Boylston. He, with his son, Oscar', carried on a sash and blind business for many years, in Barre, where they always lived. They had two children, as follows, born in Barre: (a) Ellen M.', b. Sept. 29, 1839; m. Nov. 14, 1888, Henry A. Smith, of Southboro, Mass., son of Jason and Tryphena Smith. He was b. in March, 1823, d. Sept. 23, 1895. ^^^ 'i^^s ™ Fayville, Mass., without children. (b) Oscar C, b. Dec. 16, 1841, d. Oct. 8, 1894; m. July 26, 1871, Elvira Austin, daughter of Charles and Melinda Austin, of Hub bardston. She was b. March 4, 1844, and lives in Barre, without children. 86 THE HINDS FAMILY 6i6. ii. Lucinda L.', b. Feb. 6, 1820, d. in Barre, April 30. 1895. 617. iii. Juliaette A.', b. Dec. 29, 1834, and lives in Fayville, Mass. 333. Chenery* Hinds, son of Howard' and Anna (Paine) Hinds {Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Hubbardston, Mass., June 29, 1796, and died in Ohio, in March, 1847 ! married by Simeon Metcalf, Esq., justice of the peace, June 5, 1820, Melinda Underwood, who died June 4, 1833. They moved from the East to Ohio. Children : 618. i. Erastus'. 619. ii. Laura'. 620. iii. Emeline'. 621. iv. Charles'. They had other children after moving West, but all trace has been lost of the whole family. 335. Achsah* Hinds, daughter of Howard' and Anna (Paine) Hinds (Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Hubbardston, Mass., May 15, 1 80 1, and died in Ohio; married by Simeon Metcalf, Esq., justice of the peace, Nov. 7, 1819, Aaron Clark, of Hubbardston, who was born Jan 23, 1800. After marriage they removed to Columbus, Ohio. 340. Mary* Hinds, daughter of Forbes' Hinds {Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Hubbardston, Mass., July 15, 1783, and died Dec. 19, 1857 ; married (first) June 12, 1803, Leavitt Phillips, who was born Oct. 22, 1781, and died Sept. 19, 1827 ; married (second) in Keene, N. H., William Wilson. She is buried by the side of her first husband, in Roxbury, Mass. Her first husband was a farmer. After the death of her second husband, with whom she had lived thirty years, she removed to the old farm and died in the same house as her first husband. She was a large, stout woman, weighing nearly one hundred and eighty pounds, and her son has heard it said, that when young, she was known to lift a barrel of water, with ease, to the top of a tub and turn the water from the bung. Children, by first husband : 622. i. Almiba', b. March 16, 1804, d. in Northfield, Mass., Sept. 10, 1863; m. Sept. 2, 1823, Artemus Nye, who was b. April i, 1793, d. Nov. 18,1875. When a young man, before railroads were built, he was a boatman on the St. Lawrence River and afterwards be came a successful farmer in Northfield, where he died. Children : (a) Amanda', b. March 15, 1825. (b) Solon', b. Feb. 11, 1827, d. Jan. 17, 1846. (c) Landman', b. Jan. 22, 1829, d. Jan. 3, 1892. (d) Marshall', b. Feb. 4, 1831, d. Dec. 5, 1867 ; m. and had: (i) SIXTH GENERATION 87 John E.', who m. and had : (i) Child'" who d. in infancy, (ii) Nellie R.'°. (2) Frederick A.'. (3) Thomas M.'. (4) George E.'. (5) Henry L.'. (6) Lorana J.', (e) Henry Metcalf.', b. Jan. 30 '833) d. July 2, 1863. (f) Augusta', b. March 14, 1834, d. Sept. 19, 1834. (g) Mercy', b. Aug. 9, 1836. (h) Almira Augusta', b. Feb. 9, 1838, d. about 1879. (0 Mary Ellen', b. Aug. 30, 1842, d. Sept. II, 1842. (j) Oscar Rowe', b. May 29, 1851, d. Jan. 15. 1852. 623. ii. Anna', b. Feb. 19, 1806, d. in Hinsdale, Nov. 14, 1898; m. Feb. 26, 1825, Henry Nims, who was b. July 17, 1799, d. Sept. 13, 1865. He was a farmer of Hinsdale. Children : (a) Samuel Henry', b. Aug. 24, 1830 ; m. Jan. 30, 1856, Lavina Holt. They have two children and live in Winchendon. (b) Lucius', b. Oct. 26. 1832, d. Aug. 9, 1871 ; m. May i, 1867, Hattie Willard. (c) David A.', b. Dec. 24, 1834 ; m. Aug. 25, 1867, Augusta Farwell. (d) Ruel P.', b. Jan. 9, 1837; m. May 29, 1867, Mary Mann, (e) Eliza Ann', b. Feb. 11, 1S39, d, Oct. 26, 1832. (f) Lura H.', b. April :o, 1843 ; m. Nov. 28, 1861, Dwight Mather, (g) Amanda W.', b. April 10, 1843; "!• J^n- 24, 1877, Harvey Cooper, (h) Mary A.', b. Jan. 13, 1845, '^- Sept. 18, 1885; m. AprU i, 1875, Charles Cole, (i) Prescott', b. March 25, 1847, d. Sept. 25, 1857. (i) Lafayette', b. Feb. 15, 1849, d. April 8, 1896; m. Sept. 27, 1877. (k) Osgood C, b. Feb. 27, 1851 ; m. Oct. 7, 1888. 624. iii. James', b. July 27, 1807, d. in Iowa, Sept. 5,1896; m. Nov. 23, 1830, Louisa Hinds of Chesterfield, N. H. After the death of his wife, he went to Iowa to live. Children : (a) Louisa Sophia', b. Jan. I, 1832; m. E. S. Edwards, (b) Henry James', b. March II, 1833, d. April 23, 1891 ; m. Jan. i, 1862, Caroline D. Clark. (c) Jesse King', b. Oct. 22, 1834 ; m. Feb. 13, 1866, Harriet L. Clark. Child: (i) Anna J.', b. Jan. 12, 1867. (d) Sarah Ann', b. June 26, 1836, d. Feb. 23, 1865 ; m. April 7, 1855, John Mc Donald, who d. Jan. 2, 1896. Children : (i) Charles', b. 1856, d. June 20, 1876. (2) John'. (3) George'. (4) Jesse', (e) Thomas Pier' (adopted), b. Jan. 17, 1838; m. Mary Arnold. Deborah', b. AprU 27, 1809, d. next day. Harvey', b. April 26, 1810, d. Aug. 19, 1813. Leavitt', b. Oct. 27, i8n, d. Aug. 21, 1813. Leavitt', b. Dec. 4, 1813, d. in California, Sept 19, 1827. Sally', b. July 9, 1816, d. in Boston, Mass., Dec. 11, 1896; m. in October, 1844, Francis Freeman, who d. Dec. 11, 1846. ChUd' (unnamed), b. March 9, 1818, d. March 21, following. Harvey', b. March 21, 1819; m. May 23, 1843, Elvira Priest who d. April 15, 1888. He is a teamster and resides in Keene, N. H. {1899). He has furnished much of the data of his branch of the family. 632. xi. Kinghiram', b. Oct 9, 1821, d. Aug. 22, 1840. 633. xu. Mary', b. Sept. 29, 1823, in Roxbury, N. H., and d. in Worcester, Mass., Oct. 7, 1894; m. Dec. 12, 1843, Francis Woodward, who was b. in Westmoreland, N. H., Aug. i, 1815, d. Jan. 12, 1890. They lived in Worcester, where he was a machinist. ChUdren : 625. iv. 626. v. 627. vi. 628. vii. 629. viii. 630. ix. 631. X. 88 THE HINDS FAMILY born in Keene, N. H.: (a) Frank', b. Sept. 15, 1844, d. July 14, 1849. (b) Child' (unnamed), b. May 21, 1848, d. next day. (c) Frederick', b. Oct. 30, 1849, d. Nov. 6, 1850. (d) George', b. Nov. 13, 1851, d. Sept. 26, 1875. (e) William', b. Oct. 23, 1856; m. Sept. 6, 1883, Caroline S. Stone of Auburn, who was b. June 30, i860. They reside in Worcester, where he is connected with the Central National Bank. She has furnished much of the ma terial regarding her family for this work. ChUdren, born in Wor cester: (i) George WUliam', b. May 25, 1885. (2) Walter Francis', b. Sept. 8, 1887. (3) Ruth PhUlips', b. Sept 17, 1889. (4) Gladys Mary', b. Dec. 20, 1892. 634. xiii. Samuel', b. Aug. II, 1826, d. Sept. 12, 1828. 341. Sophia* Hinds, daughter of Jesse' and Sarah (Stanford) Hinds (Corlis*, John', John', James') born in Barre, Mass., Feb. 9, 1797, and died in Pennsylvania, May 10, 1893 ; married in New Hamp shire, (probably Chesterfield) in 1820, Caleb Bennett, who was born Aug. 30, 179S, and died in Pennsylvania, Aug. 16, 1875. Children: 635. i. Elmir', b. in Richmond, N. H., Feb. 28, 1821 ; married (first) AprU 4, 1850, Elvira Ide, who was born in Lehman Township, Luzerne County, Pa., June 27, 1830, d. June 8, 1864; m- (second) AprU 18, 1865, Hannah Elizabeth Wilmot, who was b. June 3, 1832, in Greenwood, N. Y. By first wife, he had two chUdren born in Lehman Township, as follows : (a) Cecil Eugene', b. May 17 1853; m. Dec. 12, 1874, Almira Wilcox, and had children born in Oneida, Ontario Township, 111., as follows: (i) Frances May', b. Nov. 30, 1875. (2) Clarence', b. June 8, 1883. (3) Ella', b. June 8, 1883. (b) James Lafayette', b. Nov. 14, 1856; m. and had: (i) Fay Royce',b. Feb. 15, 1892. By second wif e, he had two chUdren, as follows: (c) Elmir Watson*, b. July 11, 1869. (d) Angle Annette', b. Aug. 27, 1875. 636. ii. William', b. in Richmond, Dec. 29, 1822; m. Nov. 23, 1852, Clar issa Ide. Three chUdren, as follows : (a) Ida Estelle', b. Oct 23, 1853; m. Aug. 16, 1876, Yocum Tyson Cozins, and had the fol lowing children: (i) Walter B.', b. Nov. 23, 1877. (2) Mary Rachel', b. Feb. 9, 1880. (3) Thomas', b. AprU 3, 1882. (4) Frank', b. Aug. 23, 1884. (5) Estie', b. March 4, 1886. (6) Wil liam Frederick', b. May 5, 1887. (b) Eugenie', b. May 10, 1S56. (c) George Lafayette', b. April 23, 1865. 637. iii. Emma', b. in Swanzey, N. H., May 31, 1825 ; m. (first) in Lockport, Erie Co., Pa., Oct. 13, 1853, James Laughlin Hay, who was b. in Girard Township, Pa., Aug. 7, 1825. They were divorced May 6, 1864, and she m. (second) June 20, 1864, John Gulliford, who was b. March 28, 1814. Children by first husband, b. in Lockport, Pa : (a) James Frank', b. AprU 29, 1855, d. Sept 15, 1858, in Lock- port, (b) Fred Leslie', b. Dec. 22, 1856; m. in Defiance, Ohio, Oct. 18, 1888, Marguerite Doanst, and had children born in Defiance, as follows : (i) girl', b. in February, 1890, and lived but a few hours SIXTH GENERATION 89 (2) Fred Leslie', b. March 3, 1891. (3) Roger D.', b. Dec. 3, 1893. (4) Mamie D.', b. March 20, 1896. (c) Inez Emma', b. July 2, 1858 ; m. (first) Oct 7, 1880, C. C. Williams, of Gustavus, O. He d. in Colorado, Sept. 9, 1882, and she m. (second) in 1884, S. M. White, of Syracuse, N. Y. No chUdren by either marriage. By Emma's second marriage, she had one chUd, b. in Girard, Erie Co., Pa., as follows : (d) Birdie Ella', b. Sept. 9, 1866 ; m. in Girard, May 25, 1887, E. S. McEntire, of Geneva, Crawford County, Pa. Two chUdren, as follows: (i) GUbert Garwood', b. in Girard, March 20, 1888. (2) Averyl John', b. in Maple Grove, Cravrford County, Pa., June 25, 1891. 638. iv. Lourysa', b. in Swanzey, Dec. 16, 1827; m. March 22, 184S, E. C. Baker. Two children, as follows : (a) Ella', b. July 12, 1853; m. July 6, 1872, James P. Race, and had chUdren, as fol lows : (i) Nellie L.', b. March 6, 1875, ^- Aug. 19, 1875. (2) Katherine L.', b. Jan. 4, 1881. (b) Lois', b. March 21, 1856, d. Aug. 7, 1872. 639. V. Charles David', b. in Oneonta, Otsego County, N. Y., June 8, 1836; m. in Girard, Sept. 18, i860, by Rev. John Prosser, Esther Elizabeth Daggett, of Fairplain, Pa., who was b. in Girard, July 10, 1838 ; they had five children, the first born in Fairview, Pa., and the others in Girard, as follows : (a) Louise Sophia', b. March 21, 1863; m. in McLane, Pa., July i, 1885, Allen Alonzo Alden, son of Alonzo Alden. They had one child: (i) Charles Allen Wesley', b. in Girard, Nov. 9, 1886. (b) WUlie Wesley', b. Sept. 17, 1864, d. in Girard, Sept. 10, 1887. (c) Jessie Emma', b. Sept. 19, 1869; m. in Girard, Sept. I, 1892, by Rev. A. A. Horton, Ed ward Marzell Hathaway, son of Edward Butler and Lovina (Brown) Hathaway. He was b. in Lansing, Mich., March 30, 1869. They had two chUdren born in Girard: (l) KittieM.', b. June 25, 1893. (2) Frank M.', b. Aug. 6, 1895. (d) Arthur Lee', b. July 22, 1871; m. in Chicago, 111., June 28, 1892, by Rev. C. H. Kees, Estelle Vivian Ward, daughter of Cyrus Joseph and Anna (Tiffin) Ward. She was b. in Cedar Rapids, la., Jan. 6, 1872. Three children born in Girard, as follows: (i) Gladys I.', b. June 14, 1893. (2) Esther I.', b. Dec. 6, 1895. (3) Marjorie E.', b. Dec. 29, 1896. (e) Elmer Leslie', b. Aug 10, 1875; m. Aug. 15, 1896, Verner Casler, of Nottingham, Ohio. 640. vi. Lafayette Lunan', b. in Oneonta, March 21, 1840, d. Aug. 6, 1865 ; m. in Pennsylvania, Nov. 28, 1863, Caroline S. Cooper, and had one child, as follows : (a) Metta C, b. in Erie County, Penn., Feb. 28, 1865; m. in Oberlrn, Ohio, Oct. 24, 1889, Carle ton M. SherrUl, of Kendall County, 111., and had : (i) Frankie B.', b. in Omaha, Neb., Oct. 4, 1890. 343. Arthur* Hinds, son of Jesse' and Sarah (Stanford) Hinds (Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Barre, Mass., June i6, 1801, and died in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., March 2, 1864 ; married in New Hampshire, (probably in Chesterfield), Lydia Bennett. He settled in Cherry Creek, N. Y., and at the death of the husband of his sister. go THE HINDS FAMILY Louisa, he adopted one of her children, named Thomas Pier' Phillips, and who is now known by the name of Thomas Pier Hinds. 343. Perley* Hinds, son of Jesse' and Sarah (Stanford) Hinds {Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Barre, Mass., Oct. 3, 1803, and died in Girard, Erie Co., Penn., Jan. 5, 1868 ; married (first) in Chester field, N. H., Feb. 4, 1828, Sarah Lawrence, who was born in February, 1803, and died Nov. 11, 1840. She was the daughter of Edmund Lawrence, who was the son of Nathaniel Lawrence, of Winchester, N. H. He married (second) in Ellington, N. Y., in 1840, Mrs. Polly (Kent) Smith, a widow with four children as follows: (i) John Edwin. (2) Elisha Kent. (3) Polly Jane. (4) Lydia Alfreda. The eldest was under twelve years of age at time of marriage. He removed from Barre to Chesterfield, N. H., in 1805, and in 1831, to Girard, where he re mained the rest of his life. Children, by first marriage : •641. i. Sarah Malvena', b. in Chesterfield Township, Cheshire Co., N. H., Nov. 21, 1828. Ervin Perley', b. in Chesterfield Township, March 10, 1831. Calvin Jennison', b. in Girard Township, Dec. 27, 1832. Clarissa Lucinda', b. in Girard Township, in November, 1835, died there Sept. 9, 1840, aged 4 years, 9 months, 22 days. •645. V. Isaac Lawrence', b. in Girard Township, Oct. 4, 1840. Children, by second marriage, born in Girard Township, Pa. : 646. vi. Jesse Coblis', b. Feb. 15, 1842, d. in Girard, Sept. 4, 1849. •647. vii. William Wallace', b. Dec. 21, 1S43. *648. viii. Clarissa Lucinda', b. June 11, 1845. *649. ix. Helen Marion', b. AprU 10, 1847. *65o. X. Emma Sophia', b. Nov. 29, 1848. 344. Sarah* Hinds, daughter of Jesse' and Sarah (Stanford) Hinds (Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Chesterfield, N. H., May 20, 1807, and died in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Oct. 29, 1890; married March 23, 1831, Adams Phillips, of Nelson, N. H., who was born March 23, 1810, and died in New York state, Nov. 29, 1885. He set tled in Cherry Creek, N. Y., where his children were probably all born. Children : 651. i. Lydia Ann', b. Nov. 30, 1831 ; m. July 16, 1853, Oliver H. Abbey, who died Jan. 19, 1890. Children : (a) Maude E.', b. April 17, 1854; m. March 19, 1874, John Luce and had : (i) Maude E.', b. Feb. 5, 1875, d. March 3, 1875. (2) DeHart', b. Oct. i, 1877. (3) Cleve', b. Oct. 3, 1885. (b) Frank H.8, b. Oct. 26, 1855 ; m. Feb. 26, 1878, Mary Ann Flynn. Children: (i) Herman', b. Dec. 18, 1878. (2) Harvey', b. July 23, 1881. (3) Grover', b. Jan. 18, *642. ii. *643- iii. 644. iv. SIXTH GENERATION 9 1 1885. (4) PhUip', b. Nov. 25, 1888. (5) Leon', b. Jan. 21, 1893. (c) Sally A.', b. AprU 19, 1857; m. AprU 19, 1893, Mott Smith. (d) Laura F.', b. Sept. 27, 1859, d. May 19, 1888. (e) Carrie L.*, b. Aug. 14, 1862 ; m. Feb. 26, 1880, Frank Collins. ChUdren : (i) Grace', b. May 3, 1881, d. July 25, 1881. (2) Grace', b. July 25, 1882. (3) Cretie', b. Oct. 30, 1885. 652. ii. Lura A.', b. Nov. 25, 1832; m. March 5, 1857, Dwight Noble, and had two chUdren as follows : (a) Leroy D.', b. Dec. 18, 1857 ; m. May 18, 1890, Gerty Cox. Children : (i) Myron', b. Oct. 10, 1892. (2) Luran', b. May 24, 1896. (b) Iva May', b. Oct. 7, 1868 ; m. Dec. 8, 1886, R. M. Waite. ChUdren: (i) Irwin', b. Nov. 5, 1890. (2) Clarence', b. Dec. 7, 1892. 653. iii. Adams', b. Sept. 22, 1834, d. Dec. 8, 1834. 654. iv. Myron A.', b. Sept. 29, 1835 ; m. May 12, 1858, Cynthia Peirce, and had : (a) Elmer E.', b. March 19, 1862, d. Sept. 19, 1873. 655. V. Winfield C, b. AprU 5, 1837 ; m. March i, 1864, M. Annette Waite. They had three children of their own as follows : (a) Mina C.8, b. Feb. 24, 1865, d. March 8, 1868. (b) Clinton W.», b. Sept 26, 1866; m. Dec. 3, 1890, Sarah Werkley. ChUd: (i) Zadia', b. Oct. 24, 1891. (c) Morris A.', b. May 15, 1869; m. Aug. 12, 1896, Kate A. Hall, (d) Daisy E.', (adopted). 656. vi. Ransom', b. Dec. 28, 1838. 657. vii. Louisa', b. Aug. 27, 1840; m. Sept. 22, 1863, Frank M. Waite. Two chUdren as follows : (a) May', b. Dec. i, 1868 ; m. Sept. 6, 1892, Fred W. Pope, who d. Nov. 17, 1893. They had one child as follows : (i) Lambert F.', b. July 29, 1893. (b) Glen P.', b. Sept. 4, 1870; m. June 28, 1893, Emma R. Warner. Leroy', b. Dec. 20, 1841, d. March 14, 1843. Leroy', b. Aug. 2, 1843, d. Nov. 5, 1854. William J.', b. Aug. 29, 1845 > "'• ^^^- 22, 1872, Lourind R. Kel logg. Five children as follows : (a) Adams', b. March 17, 1875. (b) Burdette'. b. Aug. 24, 1876. (c) Clayton', b. Oct. 24, 1878. (d) Degourney', b. July 16, 1881. (e) Anna', b. July 15, 1883. 661. xi. Martha Jane', b. Nov. 14, 1848 ; m. Feb. 18, 1873, James M. Har mon, and had five children as follows : (a) Mabel', b. July 14, 1874. • (b) Lena', b. Oct. 13, 1877. (c) Claire', b. Sept. 30, 1882. (d) James M.s, b. Oct. 13, 1886, d. Oct. 15, 1886. (e) Robert P.', b. Feb. 20, 1888. 345. Ijouisa* Hinds, daughter of Jesse' and Sarah (Stanford) Hinds (Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Chesterfield, N. H., July 31, 1809, and died Nov. 6, 1839 ; married Nov. 23, 1830, James Phillips, of Roxbury, N. H. He died in Iowa, Sept. 5, 1896. They settled in Cherry Creek, N. Y., where their children were probably all born. Children : 662. i. Louisa Sophia', b. Jan. i, 1832 ; m. E. S. Edwards. 663. ii. Henry James', b. March 11, 1833, d. AprU 23, 1891; m. Jan. i, 1862, Caroline D. Clark. 658. viii. 659. ix. 660. X. 92 THE HINDS FAMILY 664. iu. Jesse King', b. Oct. 22, 1834 ; m. Feb. 13, 1866, Harriet L. Clark, and have one chUd as follows : (a) Anna J.', b. Jan. 12, 1867. 665. iv. Sarah Ann', b. June 26, 1836, d. Feb. 23, 1865; m. AprU 7, 1855, John McDonald, who d. Jan. 2, 1896. They had four chUdren, as follows: (a) Charles^ b. 1856, d. June 20, 1876. (b) John'. (c) George', (d) Jesse'. 666. V. Thomas Pier', b. Jan. 17, 1838; m. Mary Arnold. He was adopt ed by his uncle, Arthur Hinds, and is now known by the name of Thomas Pier Hinds. 346. Jesse* Hinds, son of Jesse' and Sarah (Stanford) Hinds {Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Chesterfield, N. H., March 22, 1811, and died in New York City, Aug. 11, 1866. All that is known regarding his marriage is that his wife's first name was " Sarah " and that he married in New York. No children were born to them. 347. Corlis* Hinds, son of Jesse' and Sarah (Stanford) Hinds {Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Chesterfield, N. H., Nov. 12, 1814, and died in the same place, July 22, 1883 ; married in Chester field, Nov. 26, 1846, Harriet Maria Hill, who was born in Chesterfield, April 27, 1828, and died Feb. 14, 1895. She was the daughter of Elisha Hill. Both are buried in Swanzey, N. H. Children, born in Chesterfield : Arthur Corlis', b. Sept. 19, 1847. Fernando Perley', b. Nov. 16, 1848. Harriet Elizabeth', b. July 20, 1850. Sarah Maria', b. Nov. 27, 1853. Caroline Love', b. Aug. 10, 1856. Jesse Buchanan', b. June 23, 1858. Manley Hartwell', b. June 4, i860, and died in Chesterfield, June 30, i860. Louisa Lillia', b. June 25, 1861. Royal Taylor', b. Dec. 2, 1862. He is a single man and resides in Apponaug, R. I. (1899). Flora May', b. AprU 27, 1866. Noble Andrew', b. Oct. 24, 1868. Winfield Ernest', b. May 26, 1870. William Walter', b, March 20, 1872. He is single and resides in Gardner, Mass. (1899). 680. xiv. Melvin Archie', b. Dec. 4, 1877. He is single and resides in Gardner, Mass. 348. Clarissa A.* Hinds, daughter of Jesse' and Sarah (Stan ford) Hinds (Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Chesterfield, N. H., March 30, 1818, and died in Phillipsburg, Penn., May 21, 1878 ; married in Chesterfield, N. H,, March 7, 1838, William Allen Faulkner, who was born April 5, 18 11, and died in Phillipsburg. *667. i. »668. ii. *669. iii. *670. iv. *67i. V. *672. vi. 673- vii. *674. viii. 675- ix. *676. x. *677. xi. *678. xii. 679. xiii. SIXTH GENERATION 93 Children : 681. i. Clarissa Jane', b. Sept 23, 1837 ; m. May 13, 1869, B. F. Mor gan, who was b. in Waynesburg, Pa., Aug. 13, 1836. They had one child: (a) Louis Raymond', b. in PhUlipsburg, Pa., AprU 11, 1870 ; m. Dec. 23, 1897, Emma Nora Kuhn of Center HaU, Cen ter Co., Pa. 682. ii. Corlis Allen', b. March 25, 1840 ; m. in February, 1877, Florence Shoop, who was b. Sept. 6, 1857. They live in PhUlipsburg, Pa. (1899), where the following chUdren were born : (a) Corlis Alien', b. Dec. 6, 1877. (b) Grace Louise', b. Oct. 29, 1879. (c) Stan ley Ervin', b. June 11, 1882. (d) Harvey Pierre', b. July 20, 1884. (e) Frances Mar', b. AprU 19, 1887. (f) Alfred Jones', b. Aug. 28, 1889, d. in PhUlipsburg, Dec. 2, 1894. (g) Florence', b. March 14, 1893. (h) Pauline', b. Aug. 11, 1895. 683. iii. Louisa M.', b. May 13, 1846. Deceased. 684. iv. Henry Arthur', b. March 13, 1852, d. Aug. 4, 1865. 350. Abner' Hinds, son of Abner' and Lydia (Ball) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Dublin, N. H., Oct. 30, 1784, and was murdered, with his son, in the winter of 1828, while on a hunting trip in the northwestern part of Maine ; married in Dublin, N. H., June 2, 1812, Betsey Peirce, adopted daughter of Silas and Hannah (Woods) Peirce. She died in New Ipswich, N. H., Dec. 14, 1848, and is buried there. Children, first b. in Dublin, others in Milan, N. H.: 685. i. Benjamin Franklin', b. March 17, 1813, murdered with his father in 1828. Silas Peirce', b. Oct. 23, 181 5. Elvira Warner', b. Jan 23, 1819, d. in MUan, Nov. 26, 1833, and is buried in New Ipswich. William Henry Harrison', b. Jan. 20, 1821. Lorenzo', b. March 16, 1824, d. in MUan, Sept. 3, 1824. 690. vi. and vii. Twins', d. in infancy. 691. viii. Aldridge C, b. May i, 1827. Moved to Ohio in 1853, and has not been heard from since. 351. Lydia" Hinds, daughter of Abner' and Lydia (Ball) Hinds {Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Dublin, N. H., Aug. 26, 1788, and died there Jan. 14, 1847 I married June 16, 1814, Moses Corey, of Dublin, who was born in Leominster, Mass., Jan. n, 1787, and died in November, 1866. At the death of his wife, he married (second) Jan. 13, 1850, Hannah Leavneth, who was born July ii, 1806. Children, born in Dublin : 692. i. Rebecca Y.', b. May 18, 1815, d. Oct 9, 1834. 693. ii. Benjamin', b. Nov. 3, 1816, d. Feb. 19, 1838. 694. iii. Moses', b. Feb. 8, 1818, d. Jan. II, 1839. *686. ii. 687. iii *688. iv. 689. \r. 94 THE HINDS FAMILY 695. iv. John W.', b. Sept. i, 1821 ; m. Oct. 19, 1848, L. Maria Gleason, daughter of Phineas Gleason. He lives in Melitola, Md., and has given much information regarding his branch of the family. Children: (a) Albert C, b. Sept. 8, 1849, d. Sept. 8, 1854. (b) Frank G.', b. Sept 28, 1855, d. Sept 12, 1864. 696. V. Maro V.', b. March 14, 1823, d. AprU 3, 1850; m. Dec. 25, 1850, EUzabeth Vandegrift, who d. Feb. 14, 1854. They lived in Delaware. 697. vi. Thomas S.', b. Dec. 4, 1825, d. June i, i860; m. May 20, 1852, Ellen Piper, daughter of Cyrus Piper. ChUd: (a) Maro V.', b. June 29, 1853, d. Oct. 14, 1864. 698. vii. Lydia E.', b. Nov. 13, 1827, d. in February, 1864 ; m. in April, 1858, WUliam Diehl. ChUdren: (a) Albert', b. in AprU, 1859. (b) Lillie', b. 1861; m. John Vandegrift. (c) John C, b. in Janu ary, 1863, d. the following month. 699. viu. Albert L.', b. Nov. 8, 1829, d. AprU i, 1897 ; m. in February, 1865, Sarah Smith. They resided in Delaware. Child : (a) Lizzie M.', m. in July, 1895, WUliam G. Smyth. 700. ix. Elizabeth Y.', b. May 17, 1831, d. March 20, 1852. 353. Nimrod* Hinds, son of Nimrod' and Betsy (Pishon) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Fairfax, Me., April 29, 1795, and died in Dover, Me., June 19, 1875 ; married in Fairfield, Me., Nov. 6, 1828, Lydia Whiting, who was born in Norridgewock, Me., Sept. 10, 1798, and died in Dover, Sept. 15, 1859. He enlisted while in his minority in the regular army, and served for a short period in the war of 18 12, for which service he re ceived a pension since Feb. 14, 1871. He was a member of Capt. Robert Douglass' Co. B, 34th Regt. U. S. Infantry, and was discharged from service, April 27, 1814, being then nineteen years of age. In 1835, while a resident of Bloomington, Me., he served the town as one of its selectmen. He also served the town of Dover in the same capacity. In 1832, he was commissioned by Gov. Samuel E. Smith, as captain in the state militia, which position he resigned March 8, 1837, being then captain, Co. B., ist Regt. Infantry. In 1847, ^^ was county treasurer, and again in 1870, '71, and '72. He was one of the first men in his county to espouse the cause of the slave, and helped to form the first abolition party in that county ; was an ardent Republican from the first formation of that party to the end of life, and as such represented his district (Dover, etc.), in the Legislature in 1856-57. He early joined the temperance reform, and was a true friend and a hard worker for the advancement of its princi ples. He was a firm believer in the Christian religion, although he never made a public profession ; and was willing when death drew near to trust in Jesus as his Redeemer. 701. i. 702. ii. 703. iii. 704. iv. 705. V. SIXTH GENERATION 95 Few people are called upon to pass through greater afflictions in their lifetime than he. All his brothers, and all his sisters except one, of a large family, had died before him. His five children all died be fore reaching the age of manhood and womanhood. His wife died at the age of sixty-one years ; his father at seventy-seven and his mother at the age of ninety-one. All these had gone before him, and he was left alone. A home was offered him by his only remaining sister, but he preferred to remain where so many years of his life had been spent as it seemed most like home to him. In the cemetery in Dover village, stand nine stone monuments in line, which seem like stern sentinels, to be keeping guard, and waiting for this last member of that large company, gathered in the silent camping-ground of the dead. Children, born in Bloomfield : Abner', b. Sept. 13, 1829, d. in Dover, Feb. 26, 1847. Barton', b. Sept 13, 1831. d. in Bloomfield, Nov. i, 1833. Barton', b. Jan. 18, 1834, d. in Dover, May 16, 1852. Jane', b. Jan. 6, 1836, d. in Dover, July 15, 1855. Mary', b. Oct. 10, 1838, d. in Dover, Dec. 6, 1853. 354. Betsey Temple' Hinds, daughter of Nimrod' and Betsey (Pishon) Hinds {Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James') born in Fairfax, Me., now Albion, Jan. 16, 1797, and died in Austin, Cook County, 111., July 22, 1872, aged 75 years ; married in Norridgewock, Me, Sept. 10, 1823, Nathaniel Morrell Stevens, eldest son of Joshua and Dorcas (Whittier) Stevens. He was born in Mount Vernon, Me., Jan 13, 1802. He learned the trade of a blacksmith in his father's shop, and later established himself as village blacksmith in Norridge wock, Me. In the spring of 1833, he, with his brother, visited some of the more sparsely settled parts of the state of Maine, to select new homes, upon cheaper and better lands. Their selection was in Dover, then in the county of Penobscot, but now in Piscataquis, about one mile to the southwest of Dover village, and on the direct road to Dexter village. After making the necessary preparations for the reception of their families, they brought them in the fall to their new homes. Houses and barns were built and a blacksmith shop fitted up. He cultivated a small farm and carried on a general blacksmithing busi ness. In 1849, he visited the gold fields of California, going by way of Cape Horn. When on his way home, he died in Sydney, in his native state, Aug. 11, 1852, and was buried in Dover. At his death, his widow made her home with her son, in Cuba, N. Y., but later went to live with her daughter in Austin, 111. 96 THE HINDS FAMILY Children, first four born born in Norridgewock, and rest in Dover : 706. i. Augusta Ann', b. July 19, 1825, and d. in Norridgewock, in 1851 ; m. in Dover, about 1845, James P. Whittier, and had : (a) Abner Hinds^, b. 1849, and who lives in Elgin, 111. (1899). 707. ii. George Barton', b. May 17, 1827, and d. in Massachusetts, in 1890 ; m. in Dover in 1855, Mrs. Mary Brown. He was origin ally a blacksmith, but later became a commercial traveler. They had : (a) Charles^, who was b. in 1858 and died in 1866. 708. iii. Amos Barton Hinds', b. Sept. 28, 1830, and d. in Santa Cruz, Cal., Sept. 2, 1864; m. in 1852. He went from Dover to Cali fornia in 1851, setting up a blacksmith shop in Sacramento. He later settled in Santa Cruz. He had two chUdren : (a) Charles M.' (b) Fredericks. 709. iv. Mary Hinds', b. Sept. 4, 1832 ; m. in Dover, in 1855, George A. PhUbrick. She lives in Austin, 111. They had one chUd : (a) Mary^ b. in HamUton, 111., in 1858, who m. Oliver Marble, of Chicago. 710. V. Llewellyn Nathaniel', b. AprU 7, 1837 ; m. in Cuba, Allegany County, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1863, S. Rosa Morgan. He left home in 1856, and settled in Illinois, where he engaged in teaching and clerical work, untU the breaking out of the Rebellion, when he entered the service as private in the 12th New York Volunteer Cavalry, serving until 1863, when he was mustered out as a first lieutenant. In 1888, he was a merchant in Cuba, N. Y., later moving West, where he engaged in the hotel business. He lives at present (1899) in Montello, Wis., and has contributed this data regarding his branch of the family. He has also quite an exten sive record of his descent back to William Stevens, who, he claims, is his paternal ancestor. He had two children, as follows : (a) Lucy Morgan^, b. March 25, 1865, d. in Montello, Sept. 16, 1896, and is buried in Cuba, N. Y. (b) Charles Llewellyn^, b. Aug. 9, 1873; ™- in MonteUo, July 12, 1895, Minnie Eube, and had: (i) Barton Eube', b. June 1, 1896. (2) Dorothy', b. Aug. 12, 1898. 711. vi. Charles Smith', b. Oct. 24, 1839, d. in Dover, in 1856. 712. vU. Elizabeth Maria', b. AprU 20, 1842, and d. in Chicago, in 1873 : m. in Chicago in 1869, John Baker. They had : (a) Ella', b. in 1870. (b) Hattie', b. in 1872. 355. Jason* Hinds, son of Nimrod' and Betsey (Pishon) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Fairfax, Me., now Albion, Dec. 2, 1798, and died in Norridgewock, Me., July 24, 1834, aged 35 years, 7 months, 22 days ; married in Fairfield, Me., May 30, 1827, Celia Nye Tobey, who was born in Fairfield, July 31, 1806, and died there, Jan. 29, 1873. He was at one time deputy sheriff and jailer of Somerset County, Maine, and later became a shoemaker and inn keeper. SIXTH GENERATION 97 Children, born in Norridgewock : *7i3. i. Emily Frances', b. Feb. 15, 1828. *7i4. u. Ellis Tobey', b. Oct. 23, 1829. ?715. in. Elizabeth Ellen', b. July 12, 1831. 356. Peter* Hinds, son of Nimrod' and Betsey (Pishon) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Norridgewock, Me., Sept. 15, 1800, and died in Wayne, Pa., April i, 1867; married in Feb ruary, 1825, Betsey Brown. He invented the folding-bed, also the spring clothes-pin. Children : *7i6. i. Sumner'. *7I7. ii. Benjamint, b. in Pittsfield, Me. *7i8. iii. Zalmon', b. in Corinna, Me. *7i9. iv. Cynthia J.' *72o. V. Elizabeth A.', b. in Corinna. 358. Lydia* Hinds, daughter of Nimrod' and Betsey (Pishon) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Norridgewock, Me., Feb. 17, 1805, and died in Bangor, Me., Dec. 6, 1883 ; married in Fox- croft, Me., March t, 1835, Enoch Bunker, who was born in Barnstead, N. H., Dec. 29, 1809, and died in Bangor, Oct. 10, 1889. Children, born in Corinna, Me. : Rebecca Hinds', b. March 11, 1838, d. in Corinna, Oct. 5, 1855. Lydia Augusta', b. AprU 27, 1839, d. in Corinna, Oct 4, 1855. May Elizabeth', b. March 15, 1843. Unmarried (1899). Enoch Henry', b. June 4, 1845 ; m. Helen M. Farnham. They live in Milford, Mass., and have (a) Ralph Farnham', b. in Boston, in May, 1873. (l*) Florence Helen', b. in Bangor, Me., in Feb ruary, 1878. 725. V. Fred Ulmer', b. Dec. 15, 1846. He is single and lives in Flag staff, Ariz. (1899). 363. Asher* Hinds, son of Nimrod' and Betsey (Pishon) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Bloomfield, Me., Feb. 8, 1815, and died in Eldred, Pa., July 31, 1859, aged 44 years, 5 months 23 days; married (first) in Dover, Me., Rebecca Lane Judkins, who was born Jan. 21, 1824, and died in New Hudson, N. Y., in 1851. He married (second) in Eldred, about 1852, Mary Amanda Barden, a school teacher, who was born June 5, 1834. He held the office of jus tice of the peace in Eldred Township, and was the first merchant in what is now the flourishing village of Eldred, McKean Co., Pa. The last ten years of his life were spent in the lumber and mercantile business in Eldred. H 721. 1. 722. ii. 723- iii. 724. iv. 98 THE HINDS FAMILY Child, by first wife, born in Dover : *726. i. Charles Carroll', b. AprU 6, 1850. Child, by second wife, born in Eldred : ?727. ii. Ernest Elmer', b. Dec. 9, 1857. 365. Asher* Hinds, son of Asher' and Rebecca (Crosby) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Albion, Me., May 2, 1792, and died in Benton, Me., April 2, i860; married (first) in Wrentham, Mass., Susan Slocum Nelson, who died without children, Nov. 2, 1825, aged 27 years. He married (second) in Bath, Me., Jan. 25, 1833, Mrs. Lucy Harding (Turner) Lunt, who was born in Bath, Me., Feb. 12, 1801, and died in Benton, Me., July 22, 1883. He served his country in the war of 18 12, and later became a prosperous merchant and farmer of Benton. He was twice elected to the State Senate from the Kennebec district and served in that body in 1829-30. During the administration of Governor Kent, in 1838, he was a mem ber of the Executive Council, and at the time of his death was a mem ber of the Board of Directors of the Androscoggin & Kennebec Railroad Company, having been elected nearly every year from its or ganization. Children : Amos Lunt', b. in Benton, Me., Nov. 12, 1833. Albert Dwelley', b. in Clinton, Me., Nov. 3, 1835. Susan Ann', b. in Clinton, Nov. 15, 1837. Asher Crosby', b. in Clinton, Jan. 7, 1840. RoswELL Sisson', b. in Sebasticook, Me., AprU 27, 1844, and died unmarried in Benton, Aug. 18, 1864. 366. Benjamin' Hinds, son of Asher' and Rebecca (Crosby) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Albion, Me., Jan. 19, 1794, and died in Benton, Me., Oct. 18, 1853 ; married in Hampden, Me., Jan. i, 1818, Johanna Crosby Wheeler, who was born there March 17, 1800, and died in Vassalboro, Oct. i, 1872. He was lum berman and miller of Clinton, Children, born in Clinton : *728. i. *729. ii. *730. iii. *73i. iv. 732. V. *733. i- William W.', b. Dec. 13, i8i8. ii. Elizabeth B.', b. Dec. 5, 1822. iu. Benjamin Crosby', b. Aug. 6, 1824. iv. Ulmer Fiske', b. Oct. 3, 1826. V. Susan Nelson', b. Sept. i, 1828. vi. Burnham W.', b. July 9, 1832. VU. Minerva D.', b. Nov. 2, 1833. *734.*73S'*736, *737 *738. *739' ASHER HINDS. SIXTH GENERATION 99 740. viii. Rebecca A.', b. July 19, 1837, and d. in Clinton, Oct. 14, 1846. 741. ix. Seward M.',b. Aug. 2, 1839, and d. in Clinton, Oct i!, 1840. 367. Martha* Hinds, daughter of Asher' and Rebecca (Crosby) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Albion, Me., Jan. 12, 1796, and died in Benton, Me., Feb. 16, 1881 ; married in Clinton, Me., Jan. 12, 1817, Amos Barton, son of Flynt and Lydia (Crosby) Barton. He was born in Sidney, Me., in 1780. He came to Sabasticook, Mel, in 1801. Tradition says he was of Welsh origin. The earliest known member in New England was Samuel Barton, yoeman, who lived in Framingham, Mass. In 1690, he married Hannah Bellows, of that place, and in 17 16 moved to Oxford, Mass., where he lived until his death. His son Edmund, born in Framingham, in 17 14, and died in Milbury, Mass., in 1799, married Ann Flynt, whose son, Flynt, was the father of the subject of this sketch. Children, born in Clinton, now Benton : 742. i. Samuel Cony', b. Feb. 9, 1818, and d. unmarried, Nov. 8, 1887, in Bangor, Me. 743. ii. Asher Hinds', b. March 29, 1819, d. AprU 15, 1896; m. Jan. 12, 1854, Eliza Shaw Greeley, of Hampden, daughter of James and Lura Minerva Greeley. She was b. in Garland, Me., Jan. 12, 1833. They had six chUdren, as follows : (a) Marion', b. Nov. 24, 1854, and d. in Benton, March 18, 1861. (b) Minerva', b. Aug. 16, 1856, d. in Benton, Sept. 9, 1884. (c) Asher Hinds', b. June 21, 1859, d. in Yankton, S. D,, March 18, 1888. (d) James Greeley', b. July 11, 1861. He is unmarried and lives in Benton (1899). (e) Amos', b. July 11, 1865; m. July 10, 1898, Daisy Whitehouse. (f) Martha', b. Nov. 30, 1867. All born in Benton. 744. iii. Marcia Polina', b. Oct. 2, 1820, d. in Bangor, June 25, 1889; m. Thomas H. Coombs, and had six chUdren, as follows : (a) Mary E.', b. Dec. 19, 1848. (b) Martha S.', b. Dec. 29, 1850, d. in Bradford, Me., Aug. 14, 1853. (c) Sarah J.«, b. Feb. 24, 1853. (d) Bertha', b. Jan. 17, 1855; m. in Bangor, Sept. 8, 1880, W. L. McDonald, and had two chUdren, as follows, b. in Bangor: (i) Howard J.», b. Aug. 28, 1882. (2) Joseph C, b. Jan. 7, i893- (e) Helen E ', b. Feb. 22, 1857; m. Sept 2, 1885, E. Y. Nealey, and had two chUdren, as follows : (i) James B.', b. March 25, 1889. (2) Leonce C, b. Sept. 16, 1891. (f) Laura B.', b. May 3, 1862. All born in Bradford, Me. 745. iv. Ulmer Boyden', b. July 15, 1822, and d. unmarried, in New Orleans, La., Aug. 2, 1849. 746. V. Martha Permelia', b. March 4, 1824; m. in Benton, Oct. 8, 1844, WUliam K. Lunt. She lives in Benton FaUs, and had six chUdren, all born in Benton, as follows: (a) Amos B.', b. Aug. 21, 1845 ! ™" i" Bangor, May 5, 1883, Emma Puffer, and had: (i) Lucy B.9, b. in Brewer, Me., AprU 28, 1889. (b) Edward H.', b. July 27, 1847 ; m. in Benton, Oct. 30, 1873, Kate G. Flugg, and ICO THE HINDS FAMILY had : (i) WUliam E.', b. in Lisbon, Me., Jan. 13, 1882. (c) Mary G.', b. Aug. 30, 1850, d. in Benton, June 12, 1864. (d) Marcia E.', b. Sept 13, 1852. (e) Joseph C, b. Sept. 26, 1856, d. un married in El Paso, Texas, Nov. 9, 1882. (f) Boyden B.', b. Oct. 13, 1859; m. in Benton, Oct. 20, 1891, Mary S. SmUey. 747. vi. Amos', b. Dec. 6, 1825, d. Oct. 17, 1827. 368. Ruhy' Hinds, daughter of Asher' and Rebecca (Crosby) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Clinton, Me., July 5, 1798, and died in Benton, Feb. 17, 1878 ; married in Sabasticook, Me., now Benton, Jan. 26, 1843, Crosby Barton. They were without children. 369. Thirza" Hinds, daughter of Asher' and Rebecca (Crosby) Hinds {Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Clinton, Me., July 24, 1800, and died in Madison, Pa., March 30, 1851 ; married probably in Clinton, Ordiorne Heald. Children, born in Benton : 748. i. William Pitt', b, Jan. 18, 1824; m. (first) in Bangor, June 2, 1847, Lydia S. Giles ; m. (second) in Bangor, May 20, 1858, Harriet C. Clark. He lives in South Framingham, Mass. By his first wife he had two children as follows : (a) Eliza', b. in Stod- dardvUle, Pa., May 17, 1849, d. in Bangor, unmarried, in March, 1870. (b) Lydia Thirza', b. in DalevUIe, Pa., April 13, 1851, d. in Benton, July 31, 1884; m. AprU 10, 1875, Dean Richardson, and had : (i) Frank H.9,b. July 7, 1881, d. Oct 12, 1881. By his second wife, he had the following : (c) Mary Gregg*, b. in Benton, July 7, 1859. (d) Ruby Hinds', b. in Bangor, AprU 17, 1862. (e) Jessie Louise', b. in Bangor, Dec. 18, 1870, d. in Ashland, Mass., Feb. 14, 1879. (f) Charles Ordiorne', b. in Bangor, June 13, 1873. (g) Albert Stanley', b. in Ashland, Mass., Oct. 10, 1885. 749. ii. Charles Ordiorne', b. Aug. 2, 1825, d. in Clarinda, la., Feb. 16 1859. He was unmarried. 370. Thomas Jefferson' Hinds, son of Asher' and Rebecca (Crosby) Hinds {Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Clinton, Me., Aug. 8, 1805, and died in Benton, Jan. 16, 1894 ; married probably in Clinton, Elizabeth Weeks. They had no children. 373. Temple' Hinds, son of Asher' and Rebecca (Crosby) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Clinton, Me., May 6, 1809, and died in Hindsville, Pa., Feb. 5, 186 1 ; married (first) in Wiscasset, Me., Sept. 29, 183 1, Sarah Boynton, who was born April 30, 1813, and died Jan. 23, 1840; married (second) in Clifton, Pa., July 4, 1843, Lydia Nogle, who was born in Bucks County, Pa., Feb. 8, 1820. She lives in Hubbard, Minn. »7Si. u. *752. iii. *7S3- iv. 754. V. 75S- vi. *756. vii. 757- viii. SIXTH GENERATION XOI Child, by first wife, born in Wiscassett : 750. i. Mary Charlotte', b. Aug. 4, 1832, and d. in Wiscasset, Nov. 25, 1 841. Children, by second wife, born in Gouldsborough, Bucks Co., Pa.: Asher Temple', b. March 10, 1844. Sarah Charlotte', b. March 15, 1846. Rebecca Crosby', b. May 27, 1848, Frances Elvira', b. June 27, 1850, d. unmarried, in North Point, Pa., Oct 16, 1879. John Ulmer', b. Sept. 19, 1853, d. in Wellsboro, Pa., July 22, 1872. Edward Roswell', b. May 21, 1856. Benjamin Winter', b. Aug. 19, 1858. He removed to Benton in 1864, remaining there until 1876, when he went West and set up a lumber business in Stillwater, Minn. In 1882, he went to Montana, and followed the occupation of mining and prospecting with varied success. He resides at present in Placer, Mont. (1899). 758. ix. Lydia Minerva', b. March 11, 1861, d. unmarried, in Dubois, Minn., March 19, 1886. 27.3. Crosby" Hinds, son of Asher' and Rebecca (Crosby) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Clinton, Me., Dec. 19, 1811, and died in Benton, Sept. 4, 1883 ; married (first) in Water ville, Me., May 25, 1841, Isabella W. Shepherd, daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Bell) Shepherd. Her father was the son of Dr. Samuel and Elizabeth (flill) Shepherd, and her mother was the daughter of Capt. Frederick M. Bell, who was killed in the Revolutionary war. She was born in Canaan, Me., Aug. 8, 1812, and died Sept. 10, 1854. He married (second) in Benton, Dec. i, 1861, Henrietta Stacy. She survives her husband, and is living, without children, with her sister in Dorchester, Mass. He fitted at Waterville Academy under Henry Paine, and entered Colby University in 1834, in the class of which Benjamin F. Butler was a member. After graduating, he taught school in Bath, Me., from 1838 to 1840, and at the same time read law with Henry Tallman. In 1841, he was admitted to the bar, and settled in his native place, where he united through life, the occupation of lawyer, merchant and farmer. He held the office of postmaster during most of the year subsequent to 1842. In 1864 and 1865, he represented his district in the Maine senate. " Honorable, upright, and thoroughly respectable," an intimate ac quaintance says of him. In the exercise of his profession, he was a peacemaker, using his influence to reconcile enemies and promote I02 THE HINDS FAMILY amicable settlements. At home, he was a patient gentleman. His life was spent in the quiet, uneventful obscurity of a small New England village. In comparison with more eminent classmates, he made no name, but in those sterling, essential elements of character, which alone pass cur rent in all worlds, be was the peer of any one of them. Children, born in Sebasticook, Me. : 759. i. George M.', b. Jan. 29, 1844, d. in Sebasticook, Oct. 29, 1846. *76o. ii. Fred M.', b. March 4, 1846. 374. Elvira* Hinds, daughter of Asher' and Rebecca (Crosby) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Clinton, Me., Sept. 19, 1813, and died in Benton, Nov. 26, 1896; married in Clinton, Oct. 3, 1831, Stewart Hunt. Children : 76.. i. Helen L.' 762. ii. Frances E.' 763. iii. Jeremiah W.' 764. iv. Charles S.', resides in Benton, Me. (1899), 765. V. Martha P.' 766. vi. Sarah T.' 767. vii. Charlotte H.' 768. viii. Rebecca C 769. ix. George W.', resides in Bath, Me. (1899). 770. x. Emma J.' 771. xi. Mary A.' 772. xu. Edwin R.' 773- xiii. Florence E.' 774- xiv. Virginia'. It has been impossible to get the records of the above family more complete. 379. Benjamin Holland' Hinds, son of Justin' and Polly (Goodnow) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Wal pole, N. H., March 28, 1804, and died in Hanover, N. H., July i, 1864; married in Boston, Mass., Feb. 10, 1828, Harriet Jane Stearns, who was born in Portland, Me., Sept. 12, 1812, and was living in 1898. He moved from Walpole to Hanover in 1809, and then to Boston, where he was engaged in the bookbindery business. Children, born in Boston : *775. i. Harriet E.',b. Dec. 24, 1828. *776. ii. Justin', b. Oct. 19, 1830, 777. iii. Benjamin Holland', b. Jan. i, 1832, d. next day. 778. iv. Mary', b. Aug. 31, 1833, d. Oct 4, 1833. *779- v. *78o. vi. 781. vii. *782. viii. 783. ix. 784. x. 78.5. xi. SIXTH GENERATION IO3 Frederick', b. Nov. 2, 1834. Charles Henry', b. March 17, 1839. Holland', b. AprU 3, 1841, d. March 31, 1842, in Boston. George J.', b. March 7, 1844. William J.', b. AprU 11, 1846, d. July 25, 1846, in Boston. Caroline E.', b. June 15, 1848, d. Feb. 21, 1849, in Boston. Edwin', b. Sept. 24, 1850, d. Dec. 27, 1855, in Boston. 380. Frederick Augustus" Hinds, son of Justin' and Polly (Goodnow) Hinds (Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Walpole, N. H., Dec. 31, 1808, and died in Hanover, N. H., April 20, 1854. His first wife died the year after marriage. He married (second) in Vershire, Vt., in 1843, Hannah Aiken, who was born in Cabot, Vt., Dec. i, 1822, and died in Norwich, Vt., Jan. 31, 1891. He went to sea for three years on a whaling voyage and brought home many relics, among which was an ivory cane, three feet long, engraved and finished, three inches thick at the top and one and one-half inches at the end ; one whale's tooth, measuring eight and one-half inches long, four inches wide and about three inches thick, and which was taken from a whale from the Arctic Ocean. Children, born in Hanover: George Washington Justin', b. Nov. 9, 1843. Holland Benjamin', b. Dec. 8, 1845. Charles Frederick Augustus', b. Feb. 27, 1847. Mary Eliza Lydia', b. May 27, 1849, Brown, of Fairfield. She was born in Sebasticook, Dec. 31, 1845. He is the oldest living descendant of this branch, and lives in Benton Station, Me. (1899). Children, born in Benton : 1445. i. Crosby', b. May 20, 1873. *i446. U. Carrie Belle', b. Sept. 7, 1875. SEVENTH GENERATION l8l 775. Harriet E.' Hinds, daughter of Benjamin Holland* and Harriet Jane (Stearns) Hinds (Justin', Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., Dec. 24, 1828 ; married July 29, 1849, Henry W. Crombie. Children : 1447. i. Helen', resides in Roxbury, Mass. 1448. ii. Frank H.' 1449. in. Fred W.', m. Mary W. Dove, and had : (a) Charles H.'. Further information regarding this family could not be obtained. 776. Justin' Hinds, son of Benjamin Holland' and Harriet Jane (Stearns) Hinds (Justin', Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., Oct. 19, 1830, and died in May, 1887 ; married Oct 9, 1856, Mary S. Thayer. Children : 1450. i. Edward Thayer', b. in Boston, in June, 1857, d. there, the following October. 1451. n. Alice', b. in Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 12, 1859; m. Dec. 1, 1887, WiUiam Stone. She is connected wUh the Grundman studios in Boston. 1452. iii. Helen Maria', b. in Boston, Oct 21, 1S61 ; m. Nov. 19, 1896. Charles Ilenry Davis. 1453. iv. Justin Thayer', b. in Providence, R. I., Nov. 19, 1863. 779. Frederick' Hinds, son of Benjamin Holland* and Harriet Jane (Stearns) Hinds (Justin', Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., Nov. 2, 1834, died in Maiden, Mass., April 29, 1886 ; married March 6, 1859, Harriet Eaton Herrick, who was born Feb. 28, 1840. He was a manufacturer of jewelry. Children, born in Boston : Hattie Mabel', b. Dec. 29, 1859. Fred Charles', b. Dec. 29, 1861. William Justin', b. Nov. 2, 1864. Mary', b. May 23, 1876, d. in Boston, Aug. 25, 1878. Louis Allen', b. Aug. 27, 1879. 780. Charles Henry Hinds, son of Benjamin Holland* and Harriet Jane (Stearns) Hinds {Justin', Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., March 17, 1839; married in Boston, Dec. 31, 1862, Mary Edna Fletcher, daughter of Oilman and Hannah (Hill) Fletcher. She was born in Billerica, Mass., July 28, 1830. He resides in New York City, without children, and has been of great assistance in gathering data of his branch of the family for this work. •1454. i. *I4S5. ii. *i456. iii. 1457- iv. 1458. V. l82 THE HINDS FAMILY 783. George J.' Hinds, son of Benjamin Holland' and Harriet Jane (Stearns) Hinds {Justin^, Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Boston, Mass., March 7, 1844; married June 7, 1871, Ella Drew, who died Dec. 9, 1885. They had no children. 785)^. George Washington Justin' Hinds, son of Frederick Augustus', and Hannah (Aiken) Hinds (Justin^, Ben jamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Hanover, N. H., Nov. 9, 1843, and died in Libby prison, Nov. 16, 1864. He enlisted in the First Vermont cavalry and was taken prisoner at Fair Oaks. He was carried to Libby prison, where he died six weeks after. 786. Holland Benjamin' Hinds, son of Frederick Augustus* and Hannah (Aiken) Hinds (Justin', Betijamin*, Jacob', John'', James'), born in Hanover, N. H., Dec. 8, 1845, and died in Norwich, Vt, Jan. 24, 1871. He enlisted in the Sixth New Hampshire Infantry, Company D, serving three years, when he was discharged. He was wounded in the abdomen in the first battle of Petersburg, July 31, 1863, and died from consumption, from the effects of the wound. 787. Charles Frederick Augustus' Hinds, son Fred erick Augustus* and Hannah (Aiken) Hinds (Justin', Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Hanover, N. H., Feb. 27, 1847 ; married in Bradford, Vt., Oct. i, 1872, Mary Celesta Bond, daughter of Thomas and Celesta (Messer) Bond of Fairlee, Vt. She was born in Thetford, Vt, Dec. 21, 1850. He enlisted in the i92d New York Regiment, Company A, during the Civil war, for three years. His first occupation was that of clerking in a country store. Later he learned the printer's trade and set up the first "Darmouth Monthly" that was printed in Hanover. He then went to market-gardening, and later entered into the ice business, which occupation he is now following in Hanover (1899). He has furnished the material regarding his family for this work. Children, born in Norwich, Vt. : Mary Elisa', b. June 9, 1874. Kate Robins', b. June 13, 1876. Charles Frederick', b. Oct. 28, 1880. George Justin', b. Feb. 23, 1883. Thomas Bond', b. Oct 17. 1885. Mabel Celesta', b. Feb. 4, 18S8. Leslie Spencer Peterson', b. Oct. 20, 1890. Franklin Sweet", b. Feb. 22, 1894, d. in Norwich, Dec. 18, 1895. He is buried in Hanover. I4S9- i. 1460. ii. 1461. iii. 1462. iv. 1463. V. 1464. vi. 1465. vii. 1466. viii. CALVIN LUTHER HINDS. SEVENTH GENERATION I 83 808. Ida Kathleen' Hinds, daughter of William Learned* and Sarah Pratt (Rixford) Hinds (Elisha^, Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in New York City, Oct. 6, 1848. She was educated in Brooklyn, N. Y., graduating at the Parcher Collegiate Institution, in 1864. Spent the year 1866 at a French convent in St. Hyacinthe, Canada, after which she commenced teaching in Brooklyn, being at one time vice-principal. In 1880, she became a professional reader, which occupation she has since followed, receiving many testimonials from all parts of the country, showing in what high esteem she is held. Among the important places in which she has been heard, was at the Woman's Building, during the World's Fair at Chicago. She has given much aid in gathering data regarding her branch of the family, for this work. 811. Oscar Luther' Hinds, son of William Learned* and Sarah Pratt (Rixford) Hinds (Elisha^, Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James') born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1856; married in West Berkshire, Vt., July 18, 1877, Florence Amelia Darling, who was born in West Berkshire, March 19, 1855. He has represented the state of Vermont in both the House and the Senate. His home is in St. Albans, Vt. (1899), where he has an extensive plant for the manufacture of the famous O. L. Hinds' axes. Children, born in East Highgate, Vt, except the second : William D.', b. Sept. 29, 1878. Harry Hiram', b. at Staten Island, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1882. Florence Darling', b. Dec. 23, 1885. Keneth Darling', b. Feb. 4, 1895. Donald Darling', b. Feb. 4, 1895. 816. Arthur' Hinds, son of Ephraim* and Catherine Maria Sedgwick (Shepard) Hinds (Elisha', Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Coldsprings-on-Hudson, N. Y., April 19, 1856 ; married in Williamsburg, Mass., June 13, 1883, Helen Merilla Nash, who was born in Williamsburg, June 18, 1854. She was the daughter of Thomas and Lucinda (King) Nash. His early boyhood was spent in Hempstead, L. I. At the age of fourteen he became a member of the High School in Westfield, Mass., where he remained one year, going from there to the Westfield Normal School. From this institution he graduated in 1876, and the two years following were spent in teaching. In March, 1884, he commenced business by himself, but later entered into part nership. For a short time after marriage, they lived in Flushing, L. I., later removing to New York City. In 1885, they became residents of 1467. i. 1468. ii. 1469. iu. 1470. iv. 147 1. V. 1472. 1. 1473- ii. 1474- iii. I47S. iv. 1476. V. 1477- vi. 184 THE HINDS FAMILY Richmond Hill, L. I., and live there at the present time (1899.) He is a schoolbook publisher in New York City. Children, born in Richmond Hill : Palmer', b. March 24, 1884, and d. in Richmond Hill, May 3, 1889. Roger', b. Oct. 9, 1886. Dorothy', b. Feb. 6, 188S. Thomas Nash', b. Feb. 28, 1890. Helen', b. Aug. 31, 1891. Arthur", b. July 30, 1893, and d. in Richmond HUl, Dec. 22, 1893. 817. Jessie Evelyn' Hinds, daughter of Ephraim* and Cath erine Maria Sedgwick (Shepard) Hinds (Elisha', Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born Aug. 23, 1864; married in Roslyn, N. Y., June 8, 1887, Henry J. Hayden. They live in Reading, Penn. (1899). Children, born in Reading : 1478. i. Joel Babcock', b. Feb. 12, 188S. 1479. u. Harry Johnson', b. May 20, 1894. 1480. iii. Katherine Sedgwick Shepard', b. June 25, 1896. 818. Lilly Morris' Hinds, daughter of Ephraim' and Cathe rine Maria Sedgwick (Shepard) Hinds {Elisha', Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born March 8, 1867 ; married in Roslyn, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1888, George Bruce Cortelyou. They live in Washington, D. C. (1899). Children : 1481. i. Bruce', b. in Roslyn, N. Y., June 25, i889._ 1482. ii. Winthrop', b. in Hempstead, N. Y., July 12, 1891. 1483. in. Grace Hinds', b. in Washington, Oct. 22, 1897. 833. Charles Carpenter' Hinds, son of Charles* Hinds, by his first wife (John B.s, Jacob*, Jacob', John", Ja7nes'), born in New Hampshire, April 10, 1808, and died in Hardin, Iowa, March 21, 1877 ; married in Westminster, Vt., Oct. 9, 1837, Lorana Burke, daughter of Jesse and Sally (Hatch) Burke. She was born in West minster, March 15, 1816, and died in Hardin, Aug. 14, 1877. He carried on the trade of blacksmith for many years, in Grafton, Vt, and in 1855, sold his property and moved to McGregor, Iowa, and thence to Hardin in the fall of 1856, where he worked at his trade for a short time, then contracted to carry the United States mail. He engaged in the service of the United States for some years, having at his death many contracts. He accumulated some property. HENRY HINDS. MARY FASSETT (WOODWORTH) HINDS. SEVENTH GENERATION l8S Children, born in Grafton : 1484. i. Charles Barritt', b. Jan. 3, 1839, d. unmarried, in Grand Gulf, Miss., May 14, 1863. •1485. n. Edwin Burke', b. Nov. 21, 1842. 834. Ashley C Hinds, son of Charles' Hinds, by his first wife {John B.', Jacob*, Jacob', John", James'), born April 23, 1809, and was shot in the streets of Havre de Grace, Md., about 1844. He went to Pennsylvania about 1830, and became captain of a canal boat. He was married, but the compiler has been unable to learn more of him, except that his wife was of Dutch descent. 839. Calvin Luther' Hinds, son of Charles" and Jane (Qua) Hinds {John B.', Jacob*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Hebron, N. Y., June i, 1824, and died in Cambridge, N. Y., April 7, 1898 ; married (first) March 29, 1849, Rebecca Z. Aiken, of Eastern, Vt, who died in Cambridge, Jan. 12, 1897; married (second) Aug. 13, 1897, Esther C. Parrish, of Hebron. He was a blacksmith by trade, and later a contractor. They were without children. 830. Henry' Hinds, son of Charles* and Jane (Qua) Hinds {John B^, Jacob*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Hebron, N. Y., March 12, 1826 ; married in Salem, N. Y., Sept. i, 1853, Mary Fassett Woodworth, daughter of Ira and Wealthy Ann (Gilbert) Woodworth, of White Creek, Washington Co., N. Y. She was born at White Creek, Dec. 28, 1825. He graduated at the Salem (N. Y.) Academy, the Albany Normal School in 1850, and Cincinnati (Ohio) Law School, in 1853. He removed to Shakopee, Minn., in 1854, where he became a prominent lawyer. In politics, he is a Democrat, and has several times been a member of the House and Senate of Minnesota. He has been county attorney of Scott Co., Minn., also judge of the probate court. He was the attorney for the state legislature in the impeach ment trial of Judge Sherman Page. He has also held the office of alderman in Shakopee for several years. He lives in Shakopee, Minn. (1899), and has aided greatly in gathering data regarding his branch of the family for this work. Children, first born in Salem, N. Y., others in Shakopee : He was a *I486. i. Alice', b. June 21, 1854. *I487. ii. Mary', b. Sept. 22, 1856. *I488. in. HenryS, b. Aug. 14, 1858. 1489. *i490. iv. George', b. May 5, i860, d. unmarried, July 21, lawyer. V. William', b. AprU 28, 1862. 18S8. 1 86 THE HINDS FAMILY 1491. vi. Dolly', b. Nov. 13, 1863, d. same day. *I492. vn. Charles Gilbert', b. Aug. 31, 1866. 831. Jane Agnes' Hinds, daughter of Charles* and Jane (Qua) Hinds (John B.s, Jacob*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Hebron, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1828; married in Salem, N. Y., July 2, 1846, Jedediah Darrow, son of Dennison Darrow of Hebron. They live in Hebron (1899). Children, first three born in Salem, others in Hebron : 1493. i. Henry Dennison', b. Jan. 18, 1848 ; m. AprU 26, 1876, Ella Shoomaker. He is a teacher and resides in Kingston, N. Y. (1899). Children: (a) Marius Shoomaker', b. Aug. 11, 1877 (b) Frederick Edward Westbrook', b. July 30, 1879. (c) Daughter' (unnamed), b. Jan. 13, 1882, d. five days later, (d) Henry Dennison', b. March 24, 1884. (e) Herbert Van Wyck', b. June 18, 1886. (f) Agnes Elizabeth', b. June 15, 1888. 1494. U. Charles Franklin', b. Aug. 15, 1849; m. Feb. 28, 1872, Anna Eliza Durham of North Hebron. He is a farmer of Hebron (1899). ChUdren : (a) Ella Mae', b. Aug. 6, 1876. (b) Albert Carroll', b. Sept. 11, 1877, d. May 10, 1898. (c) J. Durham', b. May 30, 1882. (d) Florence Hinds', b. Nov. 23, 1888. 1495. i"- Amelia Feancelia', b. Sept 8, 1851, and d. March 17, 1887; m. March 19, 1873, Don Alexander Sheldon of Hebron. ChUdren: (a) Inez', b. March 23 1874, d. May 2, following. |b) Charles Ashael', b. March 30, 1875. (c) Fred', b. Dec. 17, 1876, d. Jan. 20, 1879. (d) Albert Hadsell', b. June 20, 1878. (e) Norman WUliam', b. Nov. 13, 1880. (f) Lena', b. Dec. 16, 1881. (g) Clarence VVoodard', b. Sept. 8, 1883. (h) Harvey', b. July 29, 1886, d. Jan. 20, 1887. 1496. iv. Martha Jane', b. Dec. 16, 1853 ; m. Aug. 20, 1884, John Down ing, of Hebron. No children. 1497. V. Mary Elizabeth', b. April i, 1856; m. in Shakopee, Minn., Aug. 6, 1894, Rev. Herbert Calvin' Hinds, who was b. in Cos- sayuna, N. Y., June 22, 1857. They live in Albany, N. Y. (1899), and are without chUdren. 1498. vi. Norman William', b. Feb. 28, 1858, d. unmarried, Jan. 22, 1883. He was a physician in Kansas. 1499. vii. Guy Calvin', b. May 6, 1863; m. Oct 13, 1885, Maria B. Mc- MUlian of Salem. He is a farmer of Chester, Vt. (1899). ChUdren : (a) Pierre', b. in Hebron, Aug. i, 1886. (b) Isabella Caroline', b. in Hebron, Jan. 29, 1888. (c) George McMiUian', b. in Chester, Feb. 2, 1889. (d) WUliam', b. m Chester, May 7, 1890. (e) Edith', b. in Chester, Sept. 14, 1892. (f) Herbert John', b. in Chester, April 19, 1898. 833. William' Hinds, son of Charles* and Jane (Qua) Hinds (John B.s, Jacob*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Hebron, N. Y., March 5, 1829, and died in Troy, April 10, 189 1 ; married in Argyle, LYDIA (SOMES) HINDS. SEVENTH GENERATION I 8/ N. Y., Nov. 10, 1853, Lydia Somes, who was born in Argyle, Dec. 27, 1830, and died July 7, 1896. He was a farmer, and since 1^87 has re sided with his son, Herbert. Children : 1500. i. Frederick Jonas', b. Sept. 30, 1854, in Argyle, d. unmarried, in Salem, N. Y., AprU 26, 1887. He was a physician. *iSOi. U. Herbert Calvin', b. in Cossayuna, N. Y., June 22, 1857. *I502. in. Anna Isabella', b. in Cossayuna, Dec. 9, 1861. 833. John Rohert' Hinds, son of Charles" and Jane (Qua) Hinds (John B.', Jacob*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Hebron, N. Y., May 5, 1831, and died in Schaghticoke, N. Y., in 1880; married (first) in 1854, Anna French, of Sag Harbor, N. Y.; married (second) in Shakopee, in 1858, Fanny Maxwell. Children, by first wife : 1503. i. Ella', b. in New York state, in Sept., 1854. 1504. u. William', b. in 1858, in Shakopee; m. in Schaghticoke, N. Y. Children, by second wife : 1505. iii. Jennie', m. E. W. Lagersoth, and resides in New York City. 1 506. iv. Howard'. 834. James' Hinds, son of Charles* and Jane (Qua) Hinds (John B.', Jacob*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Hebron, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1833, and died in Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 22, 1868 ; married in St Paul, Minn., Feb. 16, 1859, Anna Pratt, daughter of Henry Paul and Nancy Z. (Dimmock) Pratt. She was born in Skowhegan, Me., June II, 1842. He is buried in Salem, N. Y. She married (second) William L. Ames, and (third) G. N. Higginson. Mr. Hinds was a lawyer, having received his education in St. Louis and Cincinnati, at which latter place, he graduated in 1856. He practised the legal profession in St. Peter, Minn., where he was appointed district attorney, thirteen counties be ing embraced in his district. While the war of the Rebellion was in progress, he enlisted in an expedition which was sent by the govern ment against the hostile Indians on our western frontiers. Emigration greatly declined, and he moved to Little Rock, Ark., in June, 1865, where he was chosen a member of the convention which framed the constitution under which Arkansas was readmitted to the Union, and at the election of state officers, he was chosen one of the three repre sentatives of the state in the National Congress, March, 1868, and took his seat June 24, 1868. During the few weeks he occupied his seat he introduced a bill for the sale of the Hot Springs of Arkansas, which 1 88 THE HINDS FAMILY passed the House, his object being to promote the interest of the school fund of the state. He also introduced a resolution proposing to open the Court of Claims to loyal claimants from Arkansas, which passed the House ; a resolution extending to the state of Arkansas the benefits of an act of Congress, aiding in the establishment of agricultural col leges ; and a bill to place colored soldiers enlisted as " slaves " on an equal footing with white soldiers in regard to bounty. He was assassi nated near Virginia City, Ark., by the Democratic Kuklux, Oct. 22, 1868. Children : *I507. i. Annie B.', b. in St. Peter, Minn., Dec. 12, 1859. *i5o8. ii. Jennie'. 1509. iii. William', b. in Little Rock, June 17, 1866, d. aged fifteen months. 855. William' Hinds, son of .Reuben* and Lydia (Under wood) Hinds (Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Richfield, N. Y., April 18, 1795, and died in Springfield, N. Y., Sept 24, 1876 ; married in Otsego, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1818, Lydia Smith, who was born in Berkshire Co., Mass., June 30, 1796, and died in Spring field, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1884. They are both buried in Martin Coats' burying-ground, 12,000. He was a merchant and farmer of Otsego, and was an extensive dealer in hops. He was also a builder and wagon - maker. Children, born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y. : *i5io. i. Sophronia', b. Dec. 29, 1820. *i5ii. ii. Joseph Nelson', b. March 15, 1822. 1512. iii. Jerome', b. June 22, 1828. He was never married and at present resides in Springfield, N. Y. (1899). He was a photographer, and was for many years associated with his uncle, James Hinds, in Schenectady, N. Y. 856. John' Hinds, son of Reuben* and Lydia (Underwood) Hinds (Josephs, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Rich field, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1796, died of typhus fever in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Feb. 18, 1839, and was buried in Martin Coats' burying- ground, 12,000; married in Otsego, N. Y., in 1824, Almira Shaw, who was born in Otsego, Dec. 8, 1804, died in Milwaukee, Wis., June 15, 1854, and is buried at Rose Hill cemetery, Chicago, 111. He was a farmer and always lived in the vicinity of Otsego. At his death, she married (second) in Otsego, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1841, Orlando S. Ells worth. They moved to Wisconsin in 1846, settling about five miles from Milwaukee. They then moved to Iowa Falls, la , where he died. He served his country in the war of the Rebellion as captain of his *ISI3- i. *I5I4 ii. *i5iS- iii. *iSi6. iv 1517. • SEVENTH GENERATION I 89 company. Later in life he was a member of the legislature of his state. They had one son, Eugene S. Ellsworth, born Nov. 2, 1848. Children, born in Otsego : Orlando Sydney", b. Aug, 4, 1825. Lavanda Marietta', b. Dec. 7, 1826. Nelsox Ellsworth', b. Feb. 6, 1830. Russell Philander', b. July 14, 1833. Eugene Clayton', b. Aug. 13, 1838, and was drowned in Fly Creek, near Otsego, Oct. 4, 1840. He is buried in Martin Coats' burying-ground, 12,000. 867. Nehemiah E', Hinds, son of Reuben' and Lydia (Underwood) Hinds {Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., July 3, 1798, and died there Sept. 14, 1880; married (first) Polly Sutherland, who was born Sept. i, 1802, and died in Otsego, Oct. 17, 1840 ; married (second) Esther Graham. He and his first wife are buried in Martin Coats' burying-ground, 12,000. Children, by first wife, born in Otsego : •1518. i. Eliza Ann', b. July 30, 1827. *I5I9. ii. Livonia E.', b. May 11, 1834. 1520. iu. Selina', b. Jan. 16, 1837, and d. in Otsego, June 26, 1839. Children, by second wife, born in Otsego : *i52i. iv. Henry C, b. Nov. 24, 1845. *i522. v. Oscar M.', b. Jan. 17, 1847. 858. James' Hinds, son of Reuben* and Lydia (Underwood^ Hinds (Joseph^, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John', James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., May 23, 1801, and died in Plymouth, N. Y., March 3, 1896; married (first) Maria Adams, who was born Aug. 10, 1808, died May 28, 1848, and is buried in Martin Coats' burying-ground, 12,000. He married (second) Saraantha Kingsley. He is buried in Plymouth, N. Y. He was associated for many years with his nephew, Jerome Hinds, as a photographer in Schenectady, N. Y. Child, by first wife : 1523. i. Ellen', unmarried (1898). Child, by second wife, born in Schenectady : *i524. ii. Alice', b. June 12, 1866. 859. Emily Hinds, daughter of Reuben* and Lydia (Under wood) Hinds {Joseph^, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John', James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Oct. 20, 1805, and is at present (1899) igO THE HINDS FAMILY living with her son, Horace, in Springfield, N. Y. ; married in Otsego, Dec. 4, 1824, Martin J. Pickens, who was born May 17, 1804, and died in Otsego, Oct. 9, i860. He is buried in Martin Coats' burying-ground, 12,000. Children, born in Otsego : 1525. i. Margaret Maria', b. Dec. 28, 1828; m. Cornelius Van Horn. Children : (a) Hervey'. (b) Homer', (c) Martin', (d) Howard'. (e) Ulysses', (f) EmUy'. 1526. u. Lydia Matilda', b. May 20, 1830, d. in Otsego, AprU 30, 1856, and is buried in Martin Coats' burying-ground, 12,000; m. Tol- man C. Smith. ChUd: (a) George'. 1527. iii. Jerome B.', b. May 17, 1836, d. in Otsego, July 31, 1861. 1528. iv. Reuben Orlando', b. Jan. 9, 1839. He lives at Fort Custer, Mont 1529. V. Washington Irving', b. Aug. 12, 1841 ; m. (first) Margaret Bronner; m. (second) May King; m. (third) Minnie Beck. He lives in Springfield, N. Y. ChUd by second wife : (a) Cora', m. Willis Wickham, of Springfield. 1530. vi. Horace T.', b. AprU 22, 1845; m. (first) Alzoa Van Horn, who was b. March 27, 1850, d. Aug. 27, 1878; m. (second) in Otsego, March 16, 1881, Sarah M. Herrick. He lives in Springfield. Children, by first wife: (a) AUie'. (b) May', b. in May, 1878. 1531. vii. Harvey M.', b. Dec. 11, 1846; m. (first) Frances L. Eckler, who was b. Aug. 26, 1847, and was drowned in Otsego Lake, Jan. 18, 1874; m. (second) Iva Golden; m. (third) Laura Wellman. He lives in Lincoln, Neb. By his third wife, he had one child : (a) Fred M.' 1532. vin. Emogene L.', b. Jujy 2, 1849; m. Chester McRorie. ChUdren: (a) Rosalie', m. Mr. McEwen. (b) Edna'. 860. John' Hinds, son of John' and Olive (Gibbs) Hinds (Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John', James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., and died there ; married Emeline Mott, who was born and who died in Otsego. Both are buried in Martin Coats' burying-ground 12,000. Children, born in Otsego : *iS33' i- James', b. Jan. 28, 1830. *i534. ii. Willis', b. in 1832. *I535. ui. Josiah', b. in Oct., 1833. 1536. iv. Ann', b. in March, 1849, d. in Otsego, Jan. 15, 1850. 874. Joseph' Hinds, son of Nehemiah* and Sarah H. (Willis) Hinds (Josephs, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John', James'), born in Rutland, Vt, Sept. 29, 1812, died in Little Falls, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1854, and is buried in Richfield Springs cemetery, Richfield Springs, N. Y.; married in Springfield, N. Y., Sept i, 1836, Harriet Losee, who was born in IS37- i. •tS38. il. *i539- iii. 1540. iv. *IS4I. V. SEVENTH GENERATION I9I Pittstown, N. Y., April 22, 1815, died in Richfield Springs, Feb. 16, 1884, and is buried in Richfield Springs cemetery. Children, first three born in Otsego, last two in Little Falls : Mary Jane', b. Nov. 9, 1837, d. in Otsego, Sept. 9, 1839. Eugene A.', b. Nov. 22, 1840. Hiram Counrad', b. June 17, 1843. George', b. March 1, 1851, d. in Little Falls, May 22, 1852. Charles Joseph', b. Oct 2, 1853. 875. Moses M.' Hinds, son of Nehemiah* and Sarah H. (Willis) Hinds (Joseph^, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John', James'), born in Rutland, Vt., July 26, 1814, and died in Springfield, N. Y.; married in Springfield, Marcia Sheldon, who survives him. She was born in Springfield and lives in Springfield Center (1899). Children : 1542. i. MoSEs', kUled at battle of Antietam. 1 543. ii. Sheldon', deceased. 876. Reuben' Hinds, son of Nehemiah* and Sarah H. (Willis) Hinds (Josephs, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Rutland, Vt, Dec. 23, 1815 ; married (first) in Springfield, N. Y., Feb. i, 1838, Mary Losee, daughter of Baltus and Lovina Losee. She was born in Springtown, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1816, died in Cooperstown, N. Y., June 19, 1839, and is buried in the cemetery there ; married (second) in Fly Creek, N. Y., March 15, 1842, Polly M. Davison, daughter of Ashael B., born Dec. 24, 1783, died April 12, 1865, and Amelia Davison, born in 1791, died April 24, 1851. She was born March 30, i82i,died Feb. 22, 1845, ^^^ is buried in the old graveyard opposite the church in Fly Creek ; married (third) in Pittsfield, N. Y., Mary Davison, daughter of Richard and Melissa Davison. She was born in Fly Creek, and died there ; married (fourth) in Edmeston, March 18, 1858, Lucretia Davi son, a sister to his third wife. She was born in Fly Creek and died in Pittsfield. He lives in New Berlin, N. Y. (1899). Child, by first wife : 1544. i. Mary E.', b. in Fly Creek, June 15, 1839, d. there, Sept. 6, 1839. Children, by second wife, born in Fly Creek : 1545. ii. Mary E.', b. March 25. 1843, ^- i" ^^y Creek, Oct. 29, 1849. 1546. ui. Polly Maria', b. Feb. 9, 1845, d. in Otsego, Nov. 18, 1859, and is buried in Fly Creek. Children, by third wife, born in Pittsfield : •1547. iv. Marcia', b. Sept. 28, 1849. *iS48. v. Theodore Curtis', b. Sept. 3, 1851. *i549. vL Frank', b. July 26, 1854. 192 THE HINDS FAMILY 877. Sophia Maria' Hinds, daughter of Nehemiah* and Sarah H. (Willis) Hinds (Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Feb. 13, 1818, and died in Otsego, Feb. 26, i860 ; married in Fly Creek, N. Y., Almouth Elderkin, son of Wil liam and Beulah Elderkin. He was born in Fly Creek. Children, first two born in Otsego, the other in Eden, Erie Co., N. Y.. 1550. i. William M.', b. Oct 29, 1840; m. in North CoUins, Erie Co., N. Y., Dec. 23, 1874, Hortense Joslin. They reside in the West. Children, born in North Collins : (a) Eugene M.', b. June 9, 1876. (b) Julia A.', b. July 16, 1879. (c) Sheldon A.', b. Oct. 20, 1882. (d) Clara M.', b. March 18, 1885. 1551. ii. Sheldon H.', b. Oct. 2, 1848; m. in Richfield Springs, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1871, Ella S. Coleman. Children, born in Otsego : (a) Jennie M.', b. AprU 13, 1877 ; m. in Cooperstown, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1895, Peter McDonough. (b) Mary S.', b. Feb. 21, 1878. 1552. in. Eva H.', b. AprU i, 1858; m. in Springfield, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1877, Franklin B. Stowell. Children: (a) Rachel Harriet', b. in Hal- lock, 111., Jan. 22, 1878. (b) Susan Abbie', b. in Conway, Iowa, Sept. 7, 1S79. (c) Edith Beach', b. in Conway, Feb. lo, 1882. (d) Ella Bassinger', b. in Binghampton, S. D., June 13, 1884. (e) Eva Helen', b. in' Binghampton, March 6, 1887. (f J Ruth Sophia', b. in Binghampton, AprU 6, 1890. 878. George L.' Hinds, son of Nehemiah* and Sarah H. (Willis) Hinds (Joseph^, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego County, N. Y., April 17, 1820, and died in Coopers town, N. Y., March 2, 1896 ; married (first) in Fly Creek, Juliet St. John, daughter of Piatt St. John. She was born in Cooperstown ; married (second) in Fly Creek, April 21, 1846, Jane A. Baird, daughter of William and Olive Baird, She was born Dec. 29, 1826, and died in Cooperstown, Oct. 10, 1891. He and both of his wives are buried in Cooperstown cemetery. No children by his first marriage. Children : 15S3- '• Juliette^, m. Jasper Schrom, and lives in Cooperstown, N. Y. 1 554. ii. Mary'. 1555. iii. Georgian a'. 879. John' Hinds, son of Nehemiah* and Sarah H. (Willis) Hinds (Joseph^, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", y^w^j'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., May i, 1822 ; married in Walcott N. Y., April 14, 1846, Clarissa A. Barney, who was born in Clyde, Wayne Co., N. Y., Jan. 14, 1823. They live in Cooperstown, N. Y. (1899). Children, born in Galen, Wayne Co., N. Y. : *I556. i. Sarah M.', b. AprU 20, 1848. *i557. ii. Frederick DeLancey', b. AprU 6, 1851. SEVENTH GENERATION 1 93 880. Fayette' Hinds, son of Nehemiah* and Sarah H. (Willis) Hinds (Josephs, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Sept. 5, 1824, and died there Oct. 8, 1878 ; married Susan Card, daughter of Daniel L., born Aug. 24, 1794, died Dec. i, 1847, and Abby Card, born May 22, 1800, died Dec. 29, 1877. She was born in Rhode Island, June 13, 1826, and is living in Cooperstown (1899). He is buried in Cooperstown cemetery. Child, born in Otsego : "1558. i. Abbie E.', b. July 12, 1849. 881. Harriet' Hinds, daughter of Nehemiah* and Sarah H. (Willis) Hinds {Joseph^, Nehemiah*, Hopestilf, John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Sept 7, 1826 ; married in Fly Creek, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1846, George W. Branch, of Springfield, son of George and Sophia (Babcock) Branch. He was born in Windham, Conn., April 24, 1818, and died in East Springfield, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1898. She is living in Springfield (1899). Children : 1559. i. Sarah M.', b. Oct. 15, 1847, d. Sep. 23. 1895 ; m- Oct 26, 1870, James H. Cooke, who was b. June 11, 1841. He is a farmer and lives in East Springfield (1899). Children: (a) Anna B', b. July 26, 1871 ; m. Jan. 15, 1889, Joseph Peaslee, a farmer residing in East Springfield. Children: (i) Mabel'", b. Aug. 27, 1892. (2) Frank J.'°, b. Nov. 30, 1893. (3) James C.'°, b. Dec. 19, 1895, d. March 20, 1897. (b) Catherine C, b. Feb. 17,' 1874; m. Oct. 19, i8g8, Conroy Haynes, who is a real estate agent (c) Harriette', b. March 21, 1878; m. J. T. P. Culkins. (d) Paul A.', b. June 15, 1879. (e) George R.', b. Oct. 11, 1880, (f) Thomas W. P.', b. Nov. 14, 1882. (g) Frank H.', b. May 21, 1885. (h) C. Eugene ', March 25, 1888. 1560. ii. Charles N.', b. Aug. 5, 1850 ; m. Nov. 6, 1872, Lois A. Walroth, who was b. Sept. 5. 1851, He is a farmer of East Springfield (1899). ChUdren: (a) Frederick D.', b. Nov. 14, 1873. (')) George L.', b. Aug. 27, 1875. (c) Robert O.', b. Sept. i, 1878. (d) C. Harry', b. Oct 12, 1879. (e) Arthur', b. March 9, 1881, d. Sept 7, 1881. (f) Leon W.', b. May 17, 1882. (g) Elizabeth L.', b. Oct 17, 1884. (h) Fayette H.', b. June 21, 1889. (i) A. Irene', b. July i, 1891. (j) ChUd ',b. July 26, 1893, d. Aug. 24, 1898. (k) Kenneth D. V.', b. Dec. 29, 1895. 1561. iii. LiLAH K.', b. July 7, 1867 ; m. Nov. 24, 1888, James O. Beach, who was b. in June, 1863. He is a dealer in hops in Oneonta, N. Y. (1899). ChUd : (a) Marion E.', b. Jan. 13, 1892. 883. Lucien' Hinds, son of Nehemiah' and Sarah H. (Willis) Hinds {Josephs, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John," James'), born in Otsego, N 194 THE HINDS FAMILY Otsego Co., N. Y., Sept. 24, 1828 ; married in Mohawk, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Jan 29, 185 1, Barbara Amanda Stevens, who was born in Fly Creek, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1828, and died in Milford, March 17, 1891. He resides in Milford, N. Y. (1899). Children, born in Fly Creek : 1562. i. Harriet E.', b. Feb. 25, 1855, d. Feb. 3, 1878. *I563. u. Joseph L.', b. July 14, 1856. 883. Charles C Hinds, son of Nehemiah* and Sarah H. (Willis) Hinds (Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., July 12, 1830, died in Cooperstown, Feb. 28, 1896, and is buried in Cooperstown ; married Jeanette Pear son, who was born in Burlington, Jan. 29, 1831. She is living in Cooperstown (i8g8). Child, born in Otsego : 1564. i. Will Clarence', b. June 16, 1859. He resides with his mother in Cooperstown. 884. Lewis' Hinds, son of Nehemiah* and Sarah H. (Willis) Hinds (Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Nov. 16, 1832 ; married (first) Harriet Bailey, who was born in Fly Creek ; married (second) Emma Sjyague, who was born in Fly Creek. They are living, without children, in Cooperstown. Children, by first wife, born in Otsego : 1565. i. Dorr', b. AprU i6, i860. *I566. n. Frances', b. Oct. 23, 1863. 886, Mary A.' Hinds, daughter of Joseph* and Susan (Hem menway) Hinds (Josephs, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John', James'), born in Petersham, Mass., Aug. 17, 1823 ; married in Petersham, Dec. 5, 1853, Paul Peckham, son of William and Betsey (Shaw) Peckham. He was born in Petersham, Dec. 26, 1818, and died there in January, 1876. She lives in Fall River, Mass., and with her daughter, has furnished much of the information regarding her branch of the family. Children, born in Petersham : 1567. i. Mary E.', b. May 29, 1855; m. in Petersham, Nov. 12, 1882, William H. Smith, of Fall River, son of Thomas B. and Ann (PUling) Smith. He was b. in Fall River, Dec. 31, 1842, and is a carriage manufacturer. Their home is in F"all River. No chUdren. 1568. ii. Lyman H.', b. July 27, 1857; m. in Worcester, Mass., in April, 1884, Jennie R. Gather, daughter of David and Mary Maria (IJrandon) Cather. She was b. in Oakdale, Mass. They are without children. SEVENTH GENERATION I9S 1569. iu. Albert S.', b. Dec. 31, 1859. He is a machinist by trade, and is unmarried. 1570. iv. Charles S.', b. Jan. 12, 1863; m. in September, 1S92, Mrs. Mar garet (Martin) Quimby, daughter of Peter and Margaret (Aiken) Martin, and widow of Moody Quimby. She was b. 4n London derry, N. H. He is a compositor in the employ of the " Boston Globe." 887. Lucy Hinds, daughter of Joseph* and Susan (Hemmen way) Hinds (Josephs, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John', James'), born in Petersham, Mass., Nov. 22, 1825 ; married in Brattleboro, Vt, March 7, 1843, Joseph Gleason, who died in Clifton, III., April 25, 1891. His occupation was that of a farmer. They moved to Chicago in 1855, and from there to Clifton, III. She lives in Kankakee, 111. (1899). Children : 1 57 1. i. Arabella Frances', b. in Richmond, N. H., Jan. 27, 1844; m. in Clifton, 111., Oct. 23, 1865, James Tyler, who was b. Oct 23, 1835. He was educated at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. ChUdren : (a) Agnes E.', b. in Chebanse, 111., July 5, 1866, and d. in CartervUle, Mo., June 10, 1898 ; m. Jan. 8, 1888, Joseph C. Miller, who was b. in Decatur, 111., Dec. 12, 1863. He is a mine owner in CartervUle, Mo. ChUdren, bom in CartervUle : (1) Herbert Francis'", b. May 25, 1890. (2) Price Martm", b. Sept 14, 1892. (3) Edwin Tyler'", b. Nov. 21, 1894. (b) Helen L.', b. in Chebanse, March 31, 1869; m. in CartervUle, March 25, 1888, Peter Gunther, who was b. in Holten, Mich., Aug. 1, 1864. He is an engineer. ChUdren, bom in CartervUle : (i) Pansy'", b. May 15, 1889. (2) Otis Martin'", b. July 14, 1892. (c) James', b. in Chetopa, Kan., May 29, 187 1, d. there, Sept. 26, 1872. (d) G. E. May', b. in Joplin, Mo., May 17, 1877. Graduated at CartervUle High School, and is now principal of the public schools of that place. 1572. u. Joseph C, b. in Petersham, AprU 17, 1845; m. in Clifton, IU., Sept. 17, 1877, Clara S. Pinneo, who was b. in EUwood, 111., AprU 15, i860. He enlisted in Co. D., 150th Illinois Vol. Inf., in 1863. His life has been spent as a. farmer in Clifton and Ashkum, 111. ChUdren, born in Clifton : (a) Lucy B.', b. April 21, 1878; m. in Ashkum, Feb. 23, 1898, Edward J. Gerard, who was b. in Danforth, 111., Jan. 4, 1871. ChUd, b. in Ashkum : (i) Florence'", b. Jan. 21, 1899. (b) Bertha Gertrude', b. July 5, 1880. (c) Nellie M.', b. Sept. 11, 1882. (d) Lizzie F.', b. Sept. 24, 1886. (e) Josie M.', b. Feb. 19, 1892. 1573. ui. Lucy Clara', b. in Clinton, Mass., Aug. 10, 1847, d. in Lancaster, Mass., AprU i, 1851. 1574. iv. Lizzie M.', b. in Lancaster, Feb. 16, 1855; m. in Clifton, 111, Oct. 29, 1874, Leonard G. Rorer, who was b. in McHenry, April 20, 1850. He has been engaged in the hardware and furniture business in Clifton since 1870. Children, born in Clifton: (a) Oar- 196 THE HINDS FAMILY ibel', b. Aug. 12, 1875. (b) Clinton D.', b. Aug. 31, 1877. (c) EUa L.', b. Feb. 29, i88o. (d) Leonard G.', b. March 20, 1882. (e) Frank E.9, b. March 6, 1884. (f) Ethel W.', b. Aug. 16, 1889. (g) Clarence G.', b. Feb. 20, 1893. 1575. V. Ella E.', b. in Chicago, 111., May 13, 1857 ; m. in Clifton, Jan. 25, 1S77, Alburn C. McCarl, who was b. in West Warren, W. Va. He has been a merchant, and a foreman in an ice company, and is at present (1899) superintendent of the county farm in Kanka kee, 111. ChUdren : (a) J. J. Clifford', b. in Clifton, Sept. 24, 1879, d. there, Nov. 20, 1885. (b) J. Clinton', b. in FrancisvUle, Ind., July 5, 1882. (c) Preston', b. in Clifton, Aug. 2, 1885, d. there Feb. 26, 1892. 1576. vi. Grace G.', b. in Clifton, Aug. 9, 1866; m. in Clifton, Aug. 2, 1888, John N. Jones, who was b. in Columbus, O. Children: (a) Lawrence N.', b. in Kankakee, May 15, 1889. (b) Morris G.', b. in Clifton, Feb. 27, 1891. (c) Walter O.', b. in Kankakee, June 3, 1893. ' married (first) Oct 9, 1869, Mary Persis Colby, who was born in Whitefield, N. H., March 24, 1850, and died in Townsend, Mass., April 5, 1887 ; married (second) March 4, 1890, Mrs. Mary A. (Templeman) Sawyer. Mr. Hinds says: — "When nineteen years of age I left home with ten dollars in my inside pocket, fully resolved in my mind that I had done farming. I paid about nine dollars out of the ten for car fare to Massachusetts, and struck out to make my fortune. After three years spent in shoe shops, and one in the army, I had saved up twenty-two hundred dollars. Then I went in company with a party in a manufacturing business, remaining in that line three years, when I found myself, through fire and others' dis honesty, without a dollar of my capital and a wife and little girl to care for. Failing to find work at my trade, I took up canvassing, which I followed two years, keeping wife and baby with me and hiring furnished rooms and boarding ourselves, that we might save all that was possible. After two years I had saved seventeen hundred dollars. I now sighed for a farm, and with my oldest brother, bought one, which had one hundred peach and three hundred apple trees together with grape vines and a few cherry trees. The first and second seasons, we sold five hundred dollars' worth of peaches from one hundred trees each year. We commenced setting out more trees, also strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. When our trees reached the age of five years, we commenced thining them out feeling sure that we were to harvest three thousand dollars' worth of peaches. At picking time it rained and more than one half of the peaches ripened prematurely and rotted, until all we realized was seven hundred dollars from one thousand trees, and in two years the trees were so nearly all dead that we pulled them up. "Meantime, we had increased the red raspberries until we had six acres of them, but by the time we were ready to pick them the inch worms attacked two acres of the best we ever had, so that we were obliged to pull them up and burn them. Several times we lost our grapes, just before ripening, by the frost. "About this time I bought my brother's share in the farm, he going South for his wife's health. Three years later my wife's health failed EIGHTH GENERATION 213 and after three years of sickness, she left me with five children, between two and fifteen years. Then came the hardest period of my life. We struggled along one way and another for three years, when I married again. I continued the fruit growing business, and am now glad to say that it is paying." He enlisted Sept. 3, 1864, in the ist N. H. Heavy Artillery, Company Q, living during a part of the war in the fortifications at Arlington and Maryland Heights. He was discharged in June, 1865, returning to his farm in New Hampshire. He resides in Townsend, Mass. (1899). Children, by first wife, born in Townsend, except the first : 1700. i. Mabelle Ella', b. in Biddeford, Me., April 12, 1871. 1701. u. Alice Evelyn', b. Sept 10, 1874. 1702. iii. Warren Elmer', b. Sept. 20, 1876. 1703. iv. Mary Ardelle', b. May 10, 1880. 1704. V. Ella Annette', b. Jan. 26, 1883. 1079. Aaron Jackson' Hinds, son of Ezra' and Sarah (Jackson) Hinds (David^, Oliver*, John*, John', John', James'), born in Stark, N. H., July 7, 1846 ; married (first) in Whitefield, N. H., in October, 1871, Ella B. Colby, who died without children, in June, 1882 ; married (second) in Pepperrell, Mass., in August, 1884, Fannie M. Buzzell, who died in May, 1895 ; married (third) in West Medway, Mass., in March, 1896, Nellie M. Kelsey. He resides with his third wife, in Townsend, Mass. (1899). Children, by second wife : 1705. i. FONESTINE L.', b. in Fernandina, Fla., Dec. 18, 1884. 1706. ii. Ethel May', b. in Townsend, Mass., Sept 13, 1887. 1707. ui. Albert E.', b. in Townsend, Mass., in July, 1893, and d. in same place, in February, 1894. 1080. Melvin Baker' Hinds, son of Ezra' and Sarah (Jack son) Hinds {David'', Oliver^, John*, John', John", James'), horn in Stark, N. H., Dec. 11, 1852; married in Groveton, N. H., June 30, 1872, Helen E. Leavitt, who was born in Stark, Aug. 21, 1853. She was the daughter of Joseph and Emeline (Waid) Leavitt, of Stark. He is a dealer in brushes and brush-handles in Boston, Mass. Children : 1708. i. Ida MayS, b. in Nashua, N. H., Oct. 7, 1876. 1709. ii. Lillian Edith', b. in Townsend, Mass., Aug. 6, 1878, d. in the same place, Aug. 29, following. 17 10. in. Willis Melvin', b. in Dorchester, Mass., June 7, i88o. 1711. iv. Helen Inez', b. in Everett, Mass., Oct. 28, 1883, died in the same place, Feb. 10, 1884. 17 1 2. v. Edgar Leavitt', b. in Everett, Jan. 5, 1886. 214 '^^^ HINDS FAMILY 1083. Emma May" Hinds, daughter of Ezra' and Sarah (Jackson) Hinds (David"-, Olivet*, John*, John', John", James'), born in Stark, N. H., Jan 21, i860; married in Townsend, Mass., Oct. 24, 1888, Thomas Adelbert Greenleaf, who was born in George town, Me., Dec. 4, 1854. He was the son of Thomas Seldon and Julia A. (Collins) Greenleaf, and resides in Brookline, N. H. (1899). Child, born in Townsend, Mass : 1713. i. Elsie Mae', b. Sept. 22, 1889. 1084. Alonzo' Hinds, son of Eli' and Sally (Wiley) Hinds (Eli'', Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Eden, Vt, Sept. I, 1819, and died in Oneco, Stephenson Co., 111., from an injury received by being kicked by a horse, Oct. 24, 1868 ; married (first) in Eden, in the fall of 1845, Adaline Atwell, daughter of Dr. Atwell, of Eden. By this wife he had two children, who died in infancy. He married (second) in Essex, Vt., Jan. 29, 1848, Laura Ann Greely, daughter of Joel and Miss (Comit) Greely, of Essex Junction, Vt. She was born in Essex, April 27, 1824. He enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, in the nth Regiment, Company D, Vermont Volunteers, and was mustered into service, Sept. 1, 1862. He was mustered out June 24, 1865. His widow resides with her daughter in Jewell Junction, la. (1899). He was a farmer in Oneco, 111. Children, born in Essex : Alice Adeline', b. Nov. 17, 1848. Charles Erwin', b. April 16, 1850. Resides in Red Lodge, Mont. (1899), and is unmarried. Ida Marinda', b. Aug. 19, 1852. Edward Alonzo', b. June 19, 1855. Resides in Thomson, 111. (1899) ^^^ is unmarried. Laura Lewella', b. Sept. 19, 1857, d. in Fairhaven, Vt., Nov. 8, following. Laura Elizabeth', b. Feb. iS, 1859 ; m. C. A. Smith, and resides in Webster City, la. (1899). Joel Herbert', b. Feb. 8, 1867. Resides in Red Lodge, and is unmarried (1899). 1085. Almira* Hinds, daughter of Eli' and Sally (Wiley) Hinds {Eli'', Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Eden, Vt., Dec. 10, 1820, and died April 6, 1874 ; married John Stearns. Child : 1721. i. Willie H'. He resides in Johnson, Vt.(i899). 1086. AndreVF* Hinds, son of Eli', and Sally (Wiley) Hinds (Eli'-, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Eden, Vt., July ?1714 i. 1715. ii. *i7i6. iii. 1717. iv. 1718. v. 1719- vi. 1720. vii. ANDREW HINDS. EIGHTH GENERATION 215 25, 1822, and died in Lena, 111., Jan. 13, 1899 ; married in Oneco, 111., April 8, 1849, Sarah Gibler, who was born on a farm in Clinton Co., Ohio, Dec. 10, 1825, and died in Lena, April 12, 1892. Judge Hinds was one of Stephenson County's foremost citizens, and probably did more for that county than any other man. He was a constant example of integrity, industry and faithfulness. His first public work in the county was teaching, and during his spare moments he studied law. He married soon after and purchased a farm, which he operated. Success followed his efforts and he soon purchased other farms. His popularity now brought him before the public as a candidate for office. He was repeatedly elected to township and county office and served one term in the legislature. In every position in life he proved himself a man of integrity and sound judgment. Judge Hinds was a New Englander, and came from good Vermont stock. His ancestors were pioneers of the eastern country as he was of the West, and they fought for the right in the American army during the war of 1812. Andrew attended a log school, where the teachings were simple, but he studied hard and was soon able to attend the academy in Johnson, where he began teaching when at the age of eigh teen. He continued teaching for five years, studying law at the same time. He recognized law as his calling and made rapid progress. He was admitted to the bar and began practising in June, 1847, continuing until Sept., 1848. His health failed him and his parents feared he would soon become a victim of consumption. Andrew had read much of the West, its climate, possibilites, etc., and he decided to go there and endeavor to win health and fortune in the new country. About this time, he received a letter from an old friend and schoolmate, advising him to come West and settle at Mineral Point, Wis., which was a good field for the practise of his profession. He made the trip mostly by water, setting out by way of Lake Champlain and its canals to Erie, Pa., then to Buffalo, N. Y., by canal, and to Chicago through the Great Lakes. Travel was slow and expensive, and by the time Chicago was reached, the young man's finances were running low and he still had one hundred and fifty miles to go. While in Chicago he overheard a man talking about Monroe and Mineral Point, Wis., and he immediately inquired if he lived there. The gentleman, who was Mr. Ludlow (now deceased) and who became one of the wealthiest and best known citizens of Southern Wisconsin, and ever remained a firm friend to Judge Hinds, replied that he lived in Monroe and asked the young man if he wanted to go there, and would like to go with him. The judge eagerly accepted the offer. Together they went to Rock ford, where Mr. Ludlow had left his teanl, and from there they drove 2l6 THE HINDS FAMILY across to Monroe. From here Mr. Hinds went to Mineral Point and met his friend. He remained until January, when he met a Stephenson County farmer, who had brought a load of dressed pork to market. The farmer was from Oneco Township, where a new schoolhouse had been com pleted, and was looking for a teacher. The farmer learned of Mr. Hinds' years of school work and immediately hunted him up, oifering him the job at $20 per month and board around. Mr. Hinds considered this his opportunity and took the job. His school duties began immediately, and he taught with signal success. The judge never doubted but that destiny sent him to his duties in this county, for it was while boarding around that he met the girl who be came his helpmeet through life. While boarding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gibler, he met their daughter, Sarah, and ever after life seemed brighter and nature more beautiful. The couple were united in marriage, and they went to farming on a tract of land which the groom had purchased. The judge was a hard worker, and spent his evenings in studying and keeping up his law practise. He enjoyed work of all kinds, and his farm was a pleasure. In following the plow, he studied nature, and it seemed to him as if he had been taken to fairyland when he left rocky Vermont and arrived in beautiful Stephen son County. He was successful at his labors, both as farmer and attorney, and as his wealth increased he purchased more land, until he had several farms, cultivated and occupied by tenants. He was recog nized as a man of more than ordinary ability, and held various town ship offices, and was supervisor for many years. He was elected county treasurer in 1855, and soon after moved to Freeport He was elected county judge in 1869. He represented Oneco on the county board for twenty years. He was elected to the state legislature and introduced the Hinds' Prohibitory Bill, the first temperance measure that was ever brought before the legislature. Although the bill did not pass, it caused favorable comment, and finally led to the passage of a similar bill. The judge served several terms as chairman of the county board, and chairman of Stephenson County Court House and Jail Building Committee. It was at this time that the court house and jail were built, and Mr. Hinds was largely instrumental in bringing the matter to a successful conclusion. All the legal papers and writings regarding the construction of these buildings are in the judge's handwriting. He was an eloquent and forcible speaker, and was in general demand at all public gatherings until a few years ago, when he retired from the platform. He was one of the first advocates of the free school system, EIGHTH GENERATION 21/ and his voice was ever raised in defense of the system. It was but a few years until the people understood the matter and the system was adopted. The judge was a man of convictions and he never feared to express them. The family life of Judge Hinds was a happy and contented one. He had been successful in choosing his occupations in life, and was very fortunate in selecting a wife. They were married young and began married life on a farm. Love and harmony made their work light, and each year added to their fortune and family. Twelve children came to bless their home, eleven of whom survived their parents, and lived to call them blessed. The family is a remarkable one, and all are enter prising, progressive citizens, and a credit to that part of the country in which they live. The wife and mother gave up the cares of life in 1892 and went to her reward. Her death was a terrible blow to the judge and the children, and the husband could hardly be reconciled to continuing life alone, after twoscore years of happy wedded life. After the death of his wife, he made his home with his children. His funeral services were held in the Baptist church in Lena, and were attended by a throng, who came to do honor to the memory of their departed friend. The Stephenson County Bar Association held services in the home, before going to the church. The life of the late Judge Hinds was an ideal one, a splendid ex ample for a young man of to-day to follow. When he left his eastern home, it took nerve to go to the wilderness of the far West, but he pos sessed the courage to go. Upon his arrival, he had nothing to help him but his Christian teachings and honorable young manhood. But he was not afraid of work — he gloried in it, and went at it with a deter mination to overcome every obstacle. His labors bore fruit, and he soon became possessed of a farm. A true woman then took her place by his side, and prosperity and a large family followed. He went into politics, and bettered his party by his presence. He would enter no combination that would not stand public approval, and all through his life, his course has been one of honor. He was a true man, honorable in his public and private life, and loyal to every trust. Children, born in Oneco Township, except the fifth : William V.', b. Dec. 22, 1849. Eli', b. AprU 13, 1851. Laura Ann', b. Nov. 14, 1852. Lewis H.', b. AprU 16, 1854. Franklin Pierce', b. in Freeport, 111., March 11, 1S56. Margaret Jane', b. Jan. 6, 1858. James D.', b. Jan. 31, 1859. Mary D.', b. Oct 11, i860. *I722. 1. *I723. ii. *I724. iii. *I725. iv. *I726. V. *I727. vi. *I728. VU. •1729. viu. 2l8 THE HINDS FAMILY *I730. ix. Idella May', b. AprU 24, 1862. *I73I. X. Thomas J.', b. Oct. 28, 1864. *I732. xi. Joseph B.', b. Nov. 8, 1867. 1087. Barnabas' Hinds, son of Eli' and Sally (Wiley) Hinds {Eli'-, Cornelius^, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Eden, Vt., Oct 4, 1823 ; married in Manchester, N. H., July 2, 1849, Matilda Buck, daughter of Moses, born in Sutton, Mass., June 21, 1781, died in Winslow, 111., April 11, 1877, and Polly (Johnson) Buck, born March 26, 1785, died Dec. 15, 1866. She was born in Dalton, N. H., March 18, 1825. He enlisted in the Eleventh Regiment, Company D, Ver mont Volunteers, Aug. 9, 1862, and was mustered in Sept. i, 1862. He was wounded at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864. He is a farmer and lived in Eden' until 1845, when he moved to Manchester, N. H., remaining there until 1855. He returned to Eden, where he remained until 1883, going to Ellendale, N. D., and in 1898 to Thomson, 111., where he now resides (1899). He has furnished much of the data regarding his branch of the family for this work. Children, the first three born in Manchester, others in Eden : 1733. i. Luellah Matilda', b. May 3, 1851, d. iu Manchester, Aug. 14, 1853- Lellah Matilda', b. June 26, 1853. Ada Marion', b. May 18, 1855. Eva Matilda', b. Sept. 6, 1857. Clara Ellen', b. Dec. 3, 1859. Andrew Oilman', b. Nov. 19, 1861. Aldace Sheridan', b. Oct. 27, 1865. Archie Orlando', b. June 10, 1867, d. in Winslow, IU., Sept. 15, 1868. 1088. Abigail Melissa' Hinds, daughter of Eli' and Sally (Wiley) Hinds (Eli'^, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, May 26, 1826, and died in Johnson, May 19, 1897 ; mar ried in Hyde Park, Vt, March 27, 1854, Orlando Fitch. Children, first four born in Hyde Park, fifth in Waterbury, Vt.: Ida M.', b. Sept. 7, 1855, d. in Hyde Park, May 22, 1872. Verona', b. Dec. 3, 1856; in. Oct. 18, 1893, Alfred Baker, of WUlow Glen, N. Y. They reside in Willow Glen and are with out children (1899I. Myra', b. AprU 10, 185S, d. in Hyde Park, in July, 1858. Winnie J.', b. AprU 12, i860; m. in Johnson, Vt, March 30, 1886, J. T. Baxendale. They have one boy and live in Peacham, Vt. (1899). She has furnished the data of her branch of the famUy for this work. 1745. V. Guy M.' (Leighton), (adopted) b. Dec. 12, 1871 ; m. in Johnson, in Feb., 1892, Lilla Magocn. *i734. u. *I73S- ni. *I736. iv. *'737. V. *i738. vi. *'739- vii. 1740. vui. 1741. 1. 1742. ii. 1743. iii. 1744. iv. EIGHTH GENERATION 2ig 1089. Sarah C* Hinds, daughter of Eli' and Sally (Wiley) Hinds (Eli'-, Corneliu^, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Eden, Vt, March 15, 1828, and died there Sept 6, 1861 ; married in Man chester, N. H., Nov. 9, 1848, Isaac B. Hutchinson, son of Sylvester Hutchinson. He was born in Wilton, N. H., and died in Nashua, Sept. 28, 1897. Children : 1746. i. Francis Granville', b. in MUford, N. H., March 7, 1850, d. there, July 29, following. 1747. ii. Isetta Melissa', b. in Manchester, N. H., Aug. i, 1852, d. in WUton, May 27, 1863. 1748. iii. Cora Estella', b. in WUton, June 6, 1857, and d. in East WUton, July 30, 1858. 1749. iv. Samuel B.', b. in WUton, Jan. 6, (859. He resides in Nashua (1899). 1090. Phineas D*. Hinds, son of Eli' and and Sally (Wiley) Hinds (Eli'', Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt., Oct. 24, 1829 ; married (first) in Manchester, N. ¥., in 1852, Marietta George, who died without children, in Manchester, N. H., in 1853 ; married (second) in Hyde Park, Vt, Oct. 7, 1856, Samantha P- Rand, who was born in Johnson, Vt, Oct. 6, 1838. After his second marriage, he lived in Johnson for thirty-six years, where he worked at the trade of carpenter. He enlisted Nov. 23, 1861, in Company E., 7th Vermont Volunteers, mustered in, Feb. 12, 1862, and served as musi cian, with the rank of sergeant for three years and nine months, re ceiving an honorable discharge Aug. 24, 1865. After returning from the war, his health being broken down, and unable to work at his trade, he purchased a farm and continued farming until September, 1892, when he removed to Haverhill, Mass., where he now resides (1899). He was one of the charter members of the Old Brigade Post, No. 47, of Johnson, Vt, of which he was commander two years and chaplain for several years. Since removing to Haverhill, he has trans ferred his membership to the Major How Post, No. 47. He has given much assistance in this work. Children, by second wife, born in Johnson : 1750. i. Marietta S.', b. July 10, 1857, d. in Johnson, Sept. 27, 1866. 1751. u. Carroll', b. June 15, 1867, d. in Johnson, June 6, 1868. •1752. iu. Cora', b. June 15, 1867. *i7S3. iv. Don Sylvester', b. Feb. 14, 1873. 1091. Sylvanus W.* Hinds, son of Eli? and Sally (Wiley) Hinds (Eli^, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, Sept 21, 1831, and died in North Hyde Park, Vt., Sept, 29, 1893 ; 220 THE HINDS FAMILY married in Eden, July 13, 1856, Eliza D. Proctor, daughter of Joseph and Eunice Proctor. She was born in Malone, N. Y., March 11, 1839, and at present (1899) resides in North Hyde Park. She has furnished the information concerning her family. He enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, in the Eleventh Regiment Company D, Vermont Volunteers, and was mustered in Sept. i, 1862. He lost both hands in an engagement March 14, 1865, and was discharged March 28, following. Served as a private. Children, born in Eden : *I754. i. Florence A.', b. June 14, 1857. *I755. ii. Hattie A.', b. AprU 28, i860. *I756. iii. Erastus H.', b. March 23, 1862. *I757. iv. Jennie L.', b. July 23, 1866. 1758. V. Bertha B.', b. Dec. 18, 1871, d. in Eden, Oct. 6, 1877. *[759. vi. Gertrude B.', b. Jan. 19, 1879. 1093. Joel H.' Hinds, son of Eli' and Sally (Wiley) Hinds (Eli'', Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt., Dec. 19, 1832, and was run over by an express train in Broughton, Kansas, which resulted in his death, July 11, 1891 ; married in Eden, Dec. 19, 1857, Phebe Avery, eldest daughter of George and Delilah (Cummings) Avery. She resides in Clay Center, Kans. (1899). Children, born in Eden : George E.',b. Feb. 5, 1859. Mabel S.', b. Aug. 26, i860, d. in Eden, Jan. 22, 1875. Martin H.', b, AprU 26, 1862. Frank W.', b. Jan. 12, 1863. Unmarried (1899). Silas E.', b. Nov. 12, 1865. Delilah L.', b. June 30, 1867. Effie L.', b. Nov. 14, 1870. Berton F.', b. March 23, 1874, d. in Eden, July 31, 1875. 1093. Martha' Hinds, daughter of Eli' and Sally (Wiley) Hinds (EH'-, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt., Jan. 6, 1834, and died Aug. 8, 1875 ! married Nov. i, 1855, Julius F. Knowles, who was born May 19, 1830. He was a wheelwright and blacksmith by trade, and lived on a farm for a number of years. He was also a hotel-keeper for a time. Children, born in Eden : 176S. i. Nellie A.', b. Aug. 5, 1856, d. Aug. 8, 1895 > "i- Mr. Stearns. 1769. ii. Fred J.', d. in February, 1875. 1770. in. Grace', deceased. 1771. iv. Myrtie F.',b. March 18, 1865 ; m. in Worcester, Mass., March 18, 1891, Arthur A. Hier, who was b. Dec. 15, 1863. He went from *i76o. i. 1761. ii. *I762. Ui. 1763. iv. *I764. V. *I765. vi. *I766. vii. 1767. viii. EIGHTH GENERATION 221 Middlebury, Vt, to Worcester, and became a street car con ductor. In November, 1894, they moved to a farm in Ejist Johnson, Vt. ChUdren, first two bom in Worcester : (a) Harry Knowles'", b. Dec. 30, 1891. (b) Hazel Nellie'", b. July 6, 1894. (c) CecU Arthur'", b. in East Johnson, Jan. 17, 1898. 1772. v. Vernon Rood', b. Feb. 18, 1868; m. in Johnson, in 1893, Ltda May Burnham, of WatervUle, Vt, who was b. in Johnson, in 1875. He moved to East Johnson in 1886, where he is employed in the Steams rake factory (1899). ChUdren, born in East Johnson : (a) Blanche Beatrice'", b. Sept. 29, 1895. (^) Frank Dewey'" b. Sept, 30, 1898. 1773. vL Frank C, b. May 10, 1870, d. Jan. 29, 1895. 1094. Silas* Hinds, son of Eli' and Sally (Wiley) Hinds {Eli'-, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, March 29, 1837, and died in Andersonville Prison, during the Civil war, probably in March, 1864 ; married Annette Burnham, who at his death married Mr. Hurlburt, of Waterville, Vt. He enlisted in Eden, Nov. 7, 1861, was mustered in Nov. 19, 1861, and taken prisoner July 6, 1863. Child : 1774 i. Edith', m. Mr. Taylor, and resided in Coming, la. 1095. Erastus Fitch* Hinds, son of Eli' and Sally (Wiley) Hinds {Eli'-, Cornelius^, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Eden, Vt, Dec. 9, 1838 ; married in Shewryville, Wis., March 11, 1863, Mrs. Mary (Patten) Hinkley, daughter of Elickendel and Sarah (Leangom) Patten. She was born in Milesburg, Center Co., Penn. He enlisted for three years in Company B, 46th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, serving one year and three months. He enlisted again, June 20, 1865, in the same company, serving one year. He resided in Eden until i860, going to Oneco, 111., in 1861. He at present (1899) lives in Clay Center, Kan., and furnished data for this work. Children : W. P.', b. March 7, 1864, d. Nov. 8, 1866. Silas E.', b. Nov. 29, 1866. Frank E.', b. AprU 18, 1869. Byron A.', b. July 19, 1874. Sylvanus W.', b. Jan. 6, 1876. 1096. Mary Ann' Hinds, daughter of Eli' and Sally (Wiley) Hinds {Eli'-, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, Nov. 25, 1839, and died in Johnson, Vt, July 3, 1876 ; married in Johnson, Dec. 11, 1856, Lucius N. Leighton, son of Isaac and Nancy (Brigham) Leighton. He was bom April 8, 1836, and died in Water- bury, Vt, Nov. 27, 1872. 1775- 1. 1776. ii. 1777. iii. 1778. iv. 1779. v. 222 THE HINDS FAMILY Children 1780.1781. 1782. ¦783- 1784. 1785. 1786. 1857; m. Dec. 24, 1890, and lives in En Hinds', b. in MUton, N. H., June 22, 1884, and lives in Mechanicsville, N. Y. Leslie H.', b. in Eden, June 26, i86i ; m. in Scranton, Penn. Leo L.', b. in Stowe, Vt, June 20, 1864 ; m. (first) in BarnesvUle, Minn., June 10, 1886, Ora E. Baker, who d. Oct. 14, 1888; m. (second) Jan. I, 1890, Eloine H. Watkins, of Jeffersonville, Vt. ChUd, by first wife: (a) WiUiam L.'°, b. Oct. 11, 1888. He had two children by his second wife, both of whom died at the age of one year. He lives at Fort Dodge, Iowa, and has furnished the data of his family. MaeyF.', b. in Stowe, Dec. 23, 1865; m. in Jeffersonville, Dec. 19, i888, Fred A. Powell. They are without children, and live in Hoquain, Wash. (1899). Eugene Isaac', b. in Eden, Nov. 4, 1867 ; m. March 2, 1892, Cora E. Delano, of Fort Dodge, la. They had two chUdren, one of whom is living. They live in Fort Dodge (1899). Carrie Myra', b. in Eden, Jan. 12, 1870. She was adopted by a Mr. and Mrs. Wells, in 1872, shortly after the death of her father, and now goes by that name. Guy M.', b. in Waterbury, Vt., Dec. 12, 1871; m. in Johnson, in Feb., 1892, Lilla Magoon. He was adopted by his aunt, Abigail Fitch, when an infant. He resides in Johnson. 1097. Julina E.* Hinds, daughter of Eli' and Mrs. Lydia (Phelps) (Ritterbush) Hinds (.£/«', Cornelius^, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, April 12, 1845, and died in North Hyde Park, Vt; married (first) (Jharles Hyde and (second) Alonzo Cobleigh. Children, bj first husband : 1787. Harold'. Grace'. Child, by second husband : 1789. iii. Ernest'. 1098. Adaline L.* Hinds, daughter of Eli' and Mrs. Lydia (Phelps) (Ritterbush) Hinds {Eli'-, Corneliuss, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Eden, Vt., June i, 1847 ; married Carseny Whitti- more. She lives in Morrisville, Vt (1899). Children : 1790. i. Florence'. 1791. ii. Carroll'. 1792. iii. Minnie Maud'. I793- iv. Archie'. 1794. V. Rena'. EIGHTH GENERATION 223 1100. Horace O.* Hinds, son of Josiah Dana' and Amy (Orderway) Hinds {Eli'', Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt., Aug. 14, 1826 ; married by Eli Hinds, in Eden, Vt, Aug. 3, 1845, Catherine Knapp, of Lowell, Vt, who was born in Newport, N. H., Sept. 27, 1828. He is a farmer and lives in Lowell (1899). He has furnished the data regarding his family for this work. Children, born in Lowell : *I795. i. Ione', b. Dec. 3, 1847. *I796. u. Milo', b. Feb. 27, 1852. *I797. iii. Mays, b. June 4, 1855. *I798. iv. Eli', b. Oct i, 1858. *I799. V. Kate', b. Aug. 26, 1865. 1103. Nehemiah H.* Hinds, son of Josiah Dana' and Amy (Orderway) Hinds {Eli'', Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John^, James'), born in Eden, Vt, Nov. 19, 1829, and died there, Aug. 14, 1870 ; mar ried Lestina Saunders, who was born in Westfield, Vt, and died April 22, 1865. He was a mechanic. 1103. Josiah D.* Hinds, son of Josiah Dana' and Amy (Orderway) Hinds (.£/«*, Cornelius'-, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt., July 4, 1832 ; married Betsey Wedge, of Lowell, Vt. He is a farmer. 1104. Eli* Hinds, son of Josiah Dana' and Amy (Orderway) Hinds {Eli^, Cornelius^, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, April 5, 1833 ; married in Lowell, Vt., in April, i860, by Rev. Davis Whittimore, Sarah J. Powers, of Lowell, who was born there, Jan. 31, 1830. He served during the war of the Rebellion as train master at the headquarters of the Sixth Army Corps. He is a farmer and lives in Eden (1899). Children, born in Lowell : Wilbur W.', b. Dec. 27, i860. Herbert W.', b. April 27, 1868, m. Anna Laduke m Eden. Herman A.', b. May 17, 1871. Harry A.', b. June 27, 1S73. Maud L.', b. May 15, 1878. 1106. Sally* Hinds, daughter of Abel Smith' and Maria (Harrington) Hinds (Eli'', Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, March 17, 1831 ; married in Wolcott, Vt, Feb. 5, 1854, Ira Whittimore. 1800. i. 180 1. u. 1802. iii. 1803. iv. 1804. V. 224 THE HINDS FAMILY 1107. Ahel Smith* Hinds, son of Abel Smith' and Maria (Harrington) Hinds (Eli'-, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt., Nov. 5, 1832, and was killed during the Civil war near Petersburg, Va., June 21, 1864; married in Eden, Dec. 12, 1859, Emily Diana Stone, who was born April 28, 1838, in Eden. He en listed Sept 14, 1863, in Battery M., nth Regiment Vermont Volunteers and was mustered into service Oct. 7, 1863. Children, born in Eden : 1805. i. Addie May', b. July 16, i860, d. in Eden, June 30, 1865. *i8o6. ii. Jennie Diana', b. Sept. 6, 1862. 1109. Abigail Hutchins* Hinds, daughter of Abel Smith' and Maria (Harrington) Hinds (Eli'-, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, Oct. 8, 1835, and died there Feb. 21, 1872 ; married in Eden, July 5, 1855, Albanus Earl. 1110. Napoleon Bonaparte* Hinds, son of Abel Smith' and Maria (Harrington) Hinds {Eli'-, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt., Jan. 26, 1838; married in Eden, Dec. 23, 1866, Emily Diana (Stone) Hinds, widow of Abel Smith Hinds. She was born 'in Eden, April 28, 1838. He enlisted during the Civil war in Company E, 3d Vermont Volunteers, and lost his right arm in the battle of the Wilderness, May 6, 1864. He is a farmer in Eden Mills, and has supplied much of the information regarding his family. Children, born in Eden : Edward Appleton', b. Oct. 11, 1867. Unmarried 1899. Lottie May', h. Aug. 29, 1870. Agnes Lunette', b. June 9, 1873. Leon Walter', b. Nov. 19, 1876. Abel Elbert', b. March 5, 1879. 1113. George Kenfield* Hinds, son of Abel Smith' and Maria (Harrington) Hinds (Eli'-, Cornelius^, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, Sept 7, 1841 ; married by Abel S. Hinds, justice of the peace, in Eden, Oct 15, 1867, Mindwell Melissa Carpen ter, who was born in Eden, Jan. 9, 1844. He lives in Eden (1899). Children, born in Eden : Freddie Truman', b. Aug. 21, 1868. Charlie Bertrand', b. Jan. 29, 1870, d. in Eden, AprU 17, 1871. George Henry,' b. June 26, 1872. Ellen Lodema', b. AprU 4, 1S77. Ernest Ethan', b. Sept 7, 1879. Elmer', b. AprU 25, 1881, d. in Eden, Dec. 13, 1887. 1807. i. 1808. ii. 1809. iii. I8I0. iv. I8II. V. 1812. i. 1813. ii. »i8i4. in. 1815. iv. 1816. V. 1817. vi. EIGHTH GENERATION 225 1116. Jarvis H.* Hinds, son of Charles Woodward' and Elizabeth (Handy) Hinds (Abner'', Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Ashburnham, Mass., July 13, 1844 ; married in Al- stead, N. H., April 28, 1872, Emma G. Townsend. He moved to Wal pole, N. H., at an early date, where he has since resided. He is a farmer and foreman of a sheep farm and has been of great assistance in collecting the data of his branch of the family for this work. Children, born in Walpole : 1818. i. George Rust', b. Jan. 13, 1874. He is a fireman on the Fitch burg raUroad. 18 19. ii. Stella E.', b. Jan. 10, 1876, d. at the age of eight months. 1820. iii. Clifford Jarvis', b. Sept. 7, 1878. He is a florist. 1821. iv. Edwin Parker Chester', b. May 18, 1881. 1133. Sabrina* Hinds, daughter of Hiram Dana' and Ele manda (Woodward) Hinds (Cornelius'; Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Hubbardston, Mass., April 11, 1832 ; married (first) Mr. Bowen, in .Athol, Mass. ; married (second) in Orange, Mass., Nov. 16, 1856, Nahum Nixon. Her first husband was lost at sea, between California and Australia, about 1844. She resides in Leominster, Mass. ( 1899), and has furnished much of the data regarding her branch of the fam 'y for this work. Child, by first husband : 1822. i. Ella S.', b. in Athol, Sept. 9, 1850, d. there Oct. 20, 1873. Children, by second husband : 1823. ii. Charles F.', b. in Sterling, Mass., Aug. 16, 1857 ; ra. (first) in Leominster, Aug. 23, 1881, Clara J. Welcome, who d. July 20, 188S ; m. (second) May 8, 1890, Anna Wheelock. 1824. ui. William H.', b. in Sterling, Oct 23, 1858; m. in Providence, R. I., Oct. 10, 1883, LUlian F. Brown. 1825. iv. Susie B.', b. in Fitchburg, Mass., June 11, 1861, d. there, Oct 28, following. 1826. V. Hattie M.', b. in Templeton, Mass., AprU 16, 1865, d. Jan. 15, 1897. 1827. vi. Lewis O.', b. in Templeton, Aug. 12, 1866 ; m. m Lynn, Mass., AprU 18, 1889, Florence M. Hains. 1828. vii. James B.', b. in Templeton, July 25, 1868, d. July 26, 1875. 1829. viii. Mabel A.', b. in Leominster, AprU 14, 1870, d. there, Aug. i6, following. 1830. ix. Arthur B.', b. in Leominster, March 12, 1874, d. there, June 3, following. 1133. Edwin W.* Hinds, son of Hiram Dana' and Elemanda (Woodward) Hinds (Cornelius'', Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", P 226 THE HINDS FAMILY James'), born in March, 1834, and died in Worcester, Mass., in 1865 ; married Eliza , who died in Worcester, about 1877. Children : 1831. i. John J.' 1832. U. Mary T.' 1833. iii. Annie E.' 1834. iv. William.' 1835. V. Ellenita.' 1836. vi. Agnes.' Further information regarding this family has been impossible to obtain. At the time of his marriage, the family was much opposed to it, and he and his family and their whereabouts are unknown. They at one time lived in Worcester. 1134. Frederick B.* Hinds, son of Hiram Dana' and Elemanda (Woodward) Hinds, {Cornelius'', Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Orange, Mass., May 11, 1835 ; married May 18, 1858, Eliza Mundy Hammond, who was born May 7, 1838. He is a silversmith in Providence, R. I. (1899), and has been of much assist ance in this work. Children, born in Providence : *i837. i. Frederick Sumner', b. Feb. 13, i860. 1838. ii. Albert R.', b. Feb. 19, 1863. He is a clerk and lives in Prov idence (1899). 1136. William H.* Hinds, son of Hiram Dana' and Ele manda (Woodward) Hinds ( Cornelius'', Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Athol, Mass., Feb. 25, 1839 > married in Providence, R. I., June 14, 1861, Mary Elizabeth McCrillis, daughter of Amos Howe and Tabitha Wood (Hopkins) McCrillis, of Providence. She was born there, March 9, 1839. They have furnished information of their family for this work. He removed from Athol to Providence in 1856, and served in the Second Regiment of Infantry from Rhode Island during the Civil war, being postmaster of the Sixth Army Corps under General Terry, for nearly the whole term of service. They live in Providence (1899). C hild, born in Providence : 1839. i. Ellen Maria', b. March i, 1866. She graduated at Smith Col lege, and is now general secretary of the Young Women's Chris tian Association in Providence (1899). 1133. Sarah Augusta* Hinds, daughter of Cornelius' and Augusta (Witt) Hinds {Cornelius'', Cornelius^, Corlis*, John', John", EIGHTH GENERATION 22/ James'), born in Hubbardston, Mass., Jan. 27, 1836 ; married Jan. 4, 1864, Albert W. Dow, of Springfield, Mass., son of Isaac W. and Lucy (Stevens) Dow. He enUsted in the 57th Massachusetts Regiment, Company K, leaving camp in Worcester, April 18, 1864. He was called into action in the Wilderness, where he fell wounded. He was reported killed. Child, born in Templeton, Mass.: 1840. i. Albertine Musa', b. Nov. 13, 1864; m. Nov. 13, 1894, Edward E. RusseU, of Durham, N. H. ChUd : (a) Deborah Monroe'", b. in Athol, Mass., March 16, 1896. 1155. Havillah M.* Hinds, daughter of Josiah Danforth' and Mahaleth (Houstin) Hinds (Josiah Dana'', Co-melius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Belfast, Me., Sept. 3, 1834 ; married in Bangor, Me., in November, 1850, Henry B. Kempton, son of Stephen and Mehetable (Rooks) Kempton, of Winterport, Me. He was born in Winterport, Oct. 12, 1829, and died in South Orrington, Me., Feb. II, 1895. She resides in Belfast, Me. (1899), and has given much aid in this work. Children, born in South Orrington : 1841. i. Henry Melville', b. Oct 13, 1857. 1842. u. Charles Fred', b. in Nov., 1861 ; m. Rose Smart, of Manchester, Me. 1843. ui- George E.', b. Sept. 3, 1868 ; m. Josie Sanborn. 1844. iv. Willis M.', b. Nov. i, 1872; m. Lucy Ran, of New Hampshire. 1159. Josiah Dana* Hinds, son of Josiah Danforth' and Mahaleth (Houstin) Hinds (Josiah Dana'-, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Belfast, Me., April i, 1842 ; married bv Rev. C. A. Main, in Orrington Center, Me., May 27, 1884, Elizabeth E. (Web ber) Wheelden, daughter of Elias and Mary Scammel (Chapin) Webber. She was adopted by Jabez Nye and Judith Curtis (Little) Wheelden when only fourteen months old and always went by their name. They live in South Orrington (1899), and furnished the records of their family for this work. Children, born in South Orrington : 1845. i. Blanche Webber', b. AprU 12, 1885. 1846. ii. Daughter' (stUl born), b. Sept. i, 1886. 1847. iii. Joe Danforth', b. Oct 21, 1888. 1167. Fidelia Phebe* Hinds, daughter of Joseph Dana' and Phebe Hart (Gardner) Hinds (Josiah Z>.*, Cornelius'', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Northport, Me., June 16, 1837, and died in Portland, Me., March 19, 1881 ; married in Portland, July 8, 228 THE HINDS FAMILY i860, Ferdinand Dodge, who was born in Belfast, Me., Oct. 26, 1835. After the death of his wife, he married again and removed to Massachusetts. Children, first four born in Northport : 1848. i. Neti-ie E.', b. Nov. 22, 1861 j m. Aug. i, 1882, Fred J. Illsley, who was b. March 6, 1855. He is a civU engineer in the government employ and resides in Portland (1899). Children : (a) Maurice F.'°, b. July i, 1883, d. the sixteenth of the same month, (b) Charlotte Fidelia'", b. Feb. 22, 1885. (c) Isaac'", b. June 26, 1887. 1849. ii- Eugene Benjamin', b. Oct 22, 1862. Unmarried (1899). 1850. iii. Mary Eti-a', b. Jan. 5, 1864 ; m. AprU 28, 1886, John S. Ten nant, who d. Jan. 24, 1891. ChUd: (a) Caroline Florinda'", b. July II, 1887. 1851. iv. Addie Lucy', b. Dec. 3, 1866, d. in Northport, Aug. 16, 1877. 1852. V. Grace Phebe', b. in Portland, May 7, 1869. 1169. Luella Jane* Hinds, daughter of Daniel Green' and Mary Grant (Prescott) Hinds (Josiah Z?.*, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Belfast, Me., Oct. i, 1838; married March 19, 1856, Hiram Porter Carter, son of Capt. John and Hannah Carter. They reside in Belfast (1899). Children, first three born in Belfast, others in Searsport, Me. : 1853. i. George Porter', b. Nov. 26, 1856; m. in Searsport Aug. 31, 1889, Lenora J. Carver. He worked in a fruit store in Boston for over twelve years, and is at present employed in a shoe fac tory in Belfast. They live in Searsport (1899), where their two youngest children were born. ChUdren: (a) Edna L.'", b. in Brockton, Mass., Jan. 26, 1891. (b) Shirty L."°, b. Aug. 13, 1893. (c) Raymond T.'°, b. Jan. 14, 1899. 1854. n. Walter Herbert', b. Oct. 1, 1861 ; m. in Belfast, Jan. 25, 1880, Mary T. Matthews, of Searsport. He is employed as driver of a public carriage and resides in Chelsea, Mass. (1899). ChU dren, first two b. in Searsport, the other in Chelsea : (a) Harold W.'°, b. March 31, 1881. (b) Celia M.'", b. Sept. 8, 1883. (c) Helen M.'°, b. May 16, 1885. 1855. in. Prescott Daniel Hinds', b. Dec. 20, 1864; m. in Belfast, Oct. 16, 1885, Carrie M, Bennett, of Searsport. He is in the employ of Swift &: Co., New York City (1899). ChUdren, born in Jersey City, N. J.: (a) Russell C.'°, b. AprU i, 1887. (b) Gladys M.'°, b. Oct. 13, 1889. 1856. iv. Edna M.', b. Dec. 27, 1869, d. in Searsport, Sept. 12, 1870. 1857. V. Lulu Hinds', b. May 21, 1873. 1858. vi. Blanche Celia', b. AprU 29, 1877. 1170. Lucelia Anna* Hinds, daughter of Daniel Green' and Mary Grant (Prescott) Hinds (Josiah Z>.*, Cornelius, Corlis*, EIGHTH GENERATION 229 John', John", James'), born in Belfast, Me., April 29, 1840, and died of consumption in Belfast, May 15, 1879 ; married in Belfast, Nov. 30, 187 1, Charles Hubbard, son of Calvin and Nancy Hubbard. They had no children. 1171. Angelia Ahhy* Hinds, daughter of Daniel Green' and Mary Grant (Prescott) Hinds {Josiah D.'-, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Belfast, Me., Oct. 29, 1843, ^iied in Chelsea, Mass., Jan. 14, 1880, and is buried in Belfast ; married in Belfast, Feb. 14, 1862, by Rev. H. Hames, Edwin G. Crabtree, who was born in Bluehill, Me., Oct. 19, 1839. He was the son of Dr. John D., born in Hancock, Me., Nov. 6, 1805, died in Bangor, Me., in Decem ber, 1 88 1, and Celinda (Hodgkins) Crabtree. He is a printer and newspaper man, having been editor of the Yarmouth (Me.) Gazette, Brewer (Me.) Echo, and Everett (Mass.) Independent, and is at pres ent connected with the Chelsea (Mass.) Gazette. He married (second) Mrs. Dora J. (Chapman) McFarland, July 2, 1882. His grandparents. Deacon George and Rebecca (Hopkins) Crabtree, were prominent people of the town. He was the first postmaster, and was collector of customs for his district receiving his commission when twenty years of age, signed by George Washington. This commission is now in the hands of the family in Hancock, the old home of these people. Dea con George was the son of Agreen Crabtree, who, it is said, came from Yarmouth, Eng. Children, born in Belfast : 1859. i. Willis Edwin', b. June 26, 1868 ; m. in Belfast, Sept. 19, 1893, Laura Jane Grout, who was b. in Frankfort Me., Jan. 15, 1868. He is a wood-molder and cabinet-maker in Boston, and resides in AUston (1899). i860. ii. Maude Louise', b. Aug. i, 1874 ; m. in Belfast, Fred Smith. He is a seaman and they live in Rockland, Me. (1899). ChUd : (a) Ruth RusseU'", b. Aug. 12, 1895. 1173. John Watson* Hinds, son of Watson' and Sarah (Farrow) Hinds (Josiah ZJ.*, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Belfast, Me., July 20, 1846 ; married in Augusta, Me., Wealthy Clapp Moses, daughter of Oliver and Lydia (Clapp) Moses. She was born in Bath, Me., Aug. 9, 1850. He is a Universalist clergyman and resides in San Francisco, Cal. Children, born in Cedar Falls, la.: 1861. i. George Clarence', b. June 21, 1878. 1862. u. Robert Watson', b. March 7, i88i. 230 THE HINDS FAMILY 1174. Sarah Ellen* Hinds, daughter of Watson' and Sarah (Farrow) Hinds (Josiah D.'', Cornelius'-, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Belfast, Me., Sept 3, 1851; married in Belfast, Sept. 9, 1878, Marcellus C. Niles, son of Milton Cleveland and Mary Caroline (Bailey) Niles. He was born in Croton Falls, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1850. They reside in Oak Point, Cook Co., 111. (1899). Child : 1863. i. Mary Caroline', b. Jan. 24, 1880. She is in attendance at the Chicago Musical College (1899). 1184. Eliza Jane* Hinds, daughter of Abijah' and Harriet Zula (Ward) Hinds {Abijah'', Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Gardner, Mass., Dec. 19, 1849 ; married in Nashua, N. H., Jan. 18, 1866, by E. E. Smith, George Hartwell Ross, who was born in Lowell, Mass., Feb. 9, 1839. Children, born in Gardner : 1864. i. Elmer George', b. Sept 6, 1867 ; m. in New Haven, Conn., Feb. 27, 1890, Florence TUton Coifin, who was b. in Woburn, Mass., Jan. 10, 1867. ChUdren, born in New Haven: (a) Les lie Coffin'", b. March 23, 1893, ^- in New Haven, Sept. 8, 1893. (b) Albert Carlton'", b. July 14, 1894. (c) Grace Elizabeth'", b. March 4, 1896. 1865. ii. Waldo Herbert', b. July 30, 1869; m. Feb. 13, 1896, Jessie Byrnes of Chicago, 111. 1866. iii. Elsie Isabel', b. March 26, 1871; m. in Brattleboro, Vt, July 18, 1892, Merwin C. Sinclair, who was b. Sept. 9, 1848. ChU dren, born in Winchendon, Mass.: (a) Walter Merwin'", b March 18, 1894, d. in Winchendon, March 20, 1894. (b) Beulah Bent'", b. June 9, 1896. Leone Hartwell', b. Jan. 10, 1879. Ida Eliza', b. Oct. i, 1882. Jennie Maria', b. June 14, 1886. 1185. Nancy Maria* Hinds, daughter of Abijah' and Har riet Zula (Ward) Hinds (Abijah", Cornelius^, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Gardner, Mass., April 22, 185 1 ; married in Orange, Mass., by A. B. Foster, May 30, 1872, John W. Buss. Child, born in Ashburnham, Mass.: 1870. i. Bernice Mary', b. AprU 3, 1873. 1186. Charles Alison* Hinds, son of Abijah' and Harriet Zula (Ward) Hinds (Abijah^, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Gardner, Mass., July 30, 1852 ; married by W. M. Barber, in Gardner, Oct. 21, 1880, Mrs. Helen M. (Hassom) Tenney, who was 1867. iv. 1868. V. 1869. vi. EIGHTH GENERATION 23 I born in Chelsea, Vt, March 12, 1852. She was the daughter of Lewis and Elizabeth (Buzzell) Hassom. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. in Gardner, where he resides. He has been of great assistance in the gathering of data of his branch of the family. They are without chil dren (1898). 1187. Chester Abijah* Hinds, son of Abijah' and Harriet Zula (Ward) Hinds (Abijah^, Cortulius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Gardner, Mass., Oct. i, 1853 ; married by E. P. Gibbs in Athol, Mass., Oct. I, 1877, Susan L. Campbell. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias and was, in 1898, chief of the fire department in Gardner, where he resides. He has contributed much information re garding this branch of the family. Child, born in Gardner : 1871. i. Alison Chester', b. Nov. 4, 1879. 1189. Harriet Susan* Hinds, daughter of Abijah' and Harriet Zula (Ward) Hinds {Abijah'-, Conuliuss, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Gardner, Mass., April 5, 1856, and died in Baldwins- ville, Mass., April 20, 1883 ; married by W. M. Barber, in Gardner, Nov. 23, 1 88 1, Burritt A. Hale. Child, born in Baldwinsville : 1872. i. William Austin', b. AprU 8, 1883. 1191. Emma Isabella* Hinds, daughter of Abijah' and Harriet Zula (Ward) Hinds (Abijah'', Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Gardner, Mass., March 26, 1859 ; married by G. Bush- nell, in Templeton, Mass., Nov. 5, 1878, George E. Tourtellot Children, born in Baldwinsville : 1873. i. Teresa Ethel', b. Sept. 19, 1879. 1874. ii. Charles Arthur', b. Jan. 8, 1882. 1875. iii- Leroy Abijah', b. June 6, 1883. 1876. iv. Bessie Ellen', b. March 8, 1885. 1877. V. Hattie Isabel', b. March 22, 1888. 1193. Walter Herbert* Hinds, son of Abijah' and Harriet Zula (Ward) Hinds {Abijah^, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Gardner, Mass., Oct. 20, 1861 ; married by F. L. Sweet, in Gardner, in June, 1896, Jennie Goddard. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., having been at one time Past Grand Master. They are without children (1899). 232 THE HINDS FAMILY 1194. Frank Levi* Hinds, son of Abijah' and Harriet Zula (Ward) Hinds (Abijah^, CorneliusS, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Gardner, Mass., Sept 13, 1867 ; married by E. E. Perkins, in Athol, Mass., Jan. 17, 1891, Ida M. Brook. Children, born in Gardner : 1878. i. Hattie Olive', b. AprU 30, 1891. 1879. n. Frank', b. AprU 4, 1892. 1880. in. Gailon Albert', b. in 1897. 1195. Albert LeRoy* Hinds, son of Abijah' and Harriet Zula (Ward) Hinds {Abijah'-, Cornelius'-, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Gardner, Mass., Sept. 25, 1868 ; married in Worcester, Mass., July 4, 1894, Flora J. Butler. He is a member of the Knights of P3'thias. They were without children in 1898. 1307. Orvis Corlis* Hinds, son of Alpheus Hardin' and Mercy (Wilkie) Hinds (Corlis^, Corliss, Corlis*, John', John", Ja?nes') born in Watertown, N. Y., Dec. 7, 18 19, and died in Colwich, Kansas, Aug. 27, 1887; married in Sugar Grove, Kane Co., 111., July 10, 185 1, Jennette Hart, who died in Aurora, 111., April i, 1876. He was a vet erinary surgeon. Children, born in Aurora : *i88i. i. Nevada', b. in August, 1854, »i882. ii. Eva J.', b. in AprU, 1858. 1308. Laura* Hinds, daughter of Alpheus Hardin' and Mercy (Wilkie) Hinds {Corlis", Corlis^, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Watertown, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1822 ; m. (first) in Sugar Grove, Kane Co., III., Jan. 13, 1848, William J. Rose, who died in Sugar Grove, May 16, 1873 ; m. (second) in Aurora, 111., Dec. 24, 1885, Thomas McFall Divison, who died in Sugar Grove, Aug. 19, 1887. No chil dren by either marriage. 1309. Ellen* Hinds, daughter of Alpheus Hardin' and Mercy (Wilkie) Hinds (Corns'-, Corliss, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Redwood, Jefferson Co., N. Y., May 26, 1824, and died in Aurora, 111., April 6, 1885 ; married in Sugar Grove, Kane Co., 111., Aug. 8, 1846, John W. Marshall, who died in Aurora, May 3, 1873. Children, first two born in Mellville, others in Aurora, 111. : 1883. i. Frank John', b. AprU 20, 1849, d. in MeUville, Aug. 28, 1850. 1884. ii. Kate Estelle', b. Dec. 16, 1851. James alpheus hinds. EIGHTH GENERATION 233 1885. in. Fred Charles', b. July 4, 1854, d. in Chicago, IU., April 29, 1892 ; m. in MUwaukee, Wis., June 3, 1884, Ivy B. Curtis. She resides in Downer's Grove, 111. (1899). ChUdren, born in Chicago : (a) Fred Curtis'", b. May 25, 1886. (b) John WUkes'", b. June 29, 1889. 1886. iv. Don Edwin', b. March 4, 1857, d. in Aurora, Jan. ii, 1861. 1887. V. Clare W.', b. Aug. 27, 1866; m. in Hammond, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1889, Nellie McClear. They live in Meherrin, Va. (1899). 1310. James Alpheus* Hiuds, son of Alpheus Hardin' and Mercy (Wilkie) Hinds (Corns'-, Corliss, Corlis*, John', John', James') born in Redwood, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1826; married in Rockford, 111., June I, 1853, Eliza Jane Norton, daughter of Hoel Buell and Margaret (Cross) Norton. She was born in Bridgewater, Mich., March 27, 1832. He was descended from Thomas Norton, who settled Guilford, in 1639, ^^^ ^^^ is ^ direct descendant of Malcolm Wallace, of Scotland. He was formerly a contractor, and proprietor of the Washington Flour ing Mills, Rochester, N. Y. He is now unable to work, owing to a stroke of paralysis which he received in 1893. They live in Roches ter, N. Y. Children, born in Rochester : *ia 18 1890,1891 *i892 Kate Lenore', b. Aug. 20, 1853. Frank Ellis', b. Jan. 8, 1858. Luella May', b, June 3, 1862. Wilbur James', b. Aug. 19, 1865. Anna May', b. May 4, 1869. 1313. Eveline* Hinds, daughter of Alpheus Hardin' and Mercy (Wilkie) Hinds (Corli^, Corliss, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Redwood, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1834, and died in Rockford, 111., Nov. 2, 1879 ; married in Aurora, III., April 28, 1858, Dr. John C. Nor ton, who died in Rockford, March 27, 1877. He went into the army during the Civil war as a post surgeon at Paducah, Ky., and was pro moted at various times, reaching the rank of division surgeon of one of the divisions of General Sherman's army. Children : 1893. i. Ella', b. in Aurora, in March, 1862; m. in Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1884, William Henry Duff ett, and resides in Rochester (1899). 1894. U. Charles A.', b. in Rockford, 111., in 1867 ; m. in HamUton, Wash., Oct. 10, 1891, Eleanor Fornia. 1313. George Wilkie* Hinds, son of Alpheus Hardin' and Mercy (Wilkie) Hinds (Corlis^, Corliss, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Redwood, N. Y., June 14, 1836, and died Nov. 17, 1868 ; mar- 234 THE HINDS FAMILY ried in Shabbona, DeKalb Co., III., July 4, 1863, Helen Ellen* Hinds, daughter of Silas' and Catherine (Burroughs) (Wright) Hinds (Thomas", Corlis*, Corlis*, John', John", James'). She was born in Shabbona Grove, Jan. 16, 1847, and died in Los Angeles, Cal., April 27, 1895. Children, born in DeKalb, DeKalb Co., III.: 1895. i. Freddie', d. aged three months. *i896. ii. Charles Edward', b. Feb. 17, 1866. *i897. in. George W.', b. Feb. 16, 1868. 1314. Alexander LeRoy* Hinds, son of Alpheus Hardin' and Mercy (Wilkie) Hinds (Corlis", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Redwood, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Aug. 14, 1839; mar ried in Aurora, Kane Co., 111., F'eb. 28, 1868, Nettie Colley, daughter of William Colley, of Belleville, Ohio. She was born in Belleville, July 24, 1846, died in Shabbona, 111., April 24, 1877, and is buried in Aurora. He graduated at the Chicago branch of Bryant & Stratton's commercial college in 1867. Resided in Shabbona for eight years, and later lived in Sugar Grove, III, where he served in the capacity of highway commissioner. He is a farmer and is living in Aurora (1899). He has aided greatly in gathering data regarding his branch of the family. Child, born in Shabbona : 189S. i. Alice Laura', b. July 20, 1875; m. in Aurora, IU., June 20, 1899, WUliam Brown Lathrop. 1330. Cornelia* Hinds, daughter of Corlis' and Mrs. Maria (Mack) (Walker) Hinds (Corlis", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Watertown, N. Y., July 13, 1831; and died in 1888; married in Marysville, Cal., in 1863, John Boyle. They have no children. 1331. Maria* Hinds, daughter of Corlis' and Mrs. Maria (Mack) (Walker) Hinds {Corlis", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Watertown, N. Y., May 16, 1834, and died in 1867 ; married Sylvester Snell, of Watertown. Children : 1899. i. Frank', d. at the age of 19. 1900. u. Mary', m. Herbert Gurnee, of Watertown. ChUdren : (a) Lottie'", (b) Frank'". 1333. Frances* Hinds, daughter of Corlis' and Mrs. Maria (Mack) ( Walker) Hinds (Corlis", Corns'-, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Watertown, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1836 ; married Jan. 27, 1859, Adin EIGHTH GENERATION 235 S. McDole, of Aurora, III., son of Jesse McDole. They live in Vallejo, Cal. (1899). Child, born in Nevada Co., Cal.: 1901. i. Jessie Hinds', b. Nov. 3, 1866. 1333. Corlis* Hinds, son of Corlis' and Mrs. Maria (Mack) (Walker) Hinds {Corlis", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Watertown, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1849 ; married in 1879, Kittle Roney, of Vallejo, Cal. Children, born in Vallejo : 1902. i. Corlis', b. Sept 9, 1879. In 1899 he was a member of the ist Regt. Wash. Vols, at ManUa. 1903. U. Frank', b. Sept. 9, 1882. 1334. Emily Elizabeth* Hinds, daughter of William Wat son' and Minerva (Burroughs) Hinds {Thomas^, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Brownville, N. Y., March 24, 1827 ; married Feb. 22, 1849, Elijah E. Littlefield of Woodville, N. Y. Child : 1904, i. Minnie May', b. May 29, 1864 ; m. Sept. 13, 1883, D. H. Laird of WoodvUle. 1335. Ellen Antoinette* Hinds, daughter of William Wat son' and Minerva (Burroughs) Hinds (Thomas'-, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Brownville, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1830, and died in April, 1852 ; married in 185 1, John Marshall of Pamelia, N. Y. No children were born to them. 1336. Martha Aurelia* Hinds, daughter of William Wat son' and Minerva (Burroughs) Hinds {Thomas'-, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Brownville, N. Y., June 16, 1832, and died in 1859; married in 1852, Josiah Fults of Pamelia. Child : 1905. i. William Watson', b. in 1853. 1337. Mary Emma* Hinds, daughter of William Watson' and Minerva (Burroughs) Hinds (Thomas'-, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born Oct 6, 1834, in Brownville, N. Y.; married in 1892, Allen Schley of Chicago. They reside in Vineland, N. J., and are without children (1899). 1338. Sarah Lavinia* Hinds, daughter of William Watson' and Minerva (Burroughs) Hinds {Thomas", Corlis', Corlis*, John', 236 THE HINDS FAMILY John', James'), born in Brownville, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1837, and died in 1881 ; married in 1858, George L. Roof of Pamelia. They had no children. 1339. Josephine Pauline* Hinds, daughter of William Watson' and Minerva (Burroughs) Hinds (Thomas", Corliss, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Brownville, N. Y., April 7, 1842, and died in 1891 ; married in 1866, Dr. John Percy .Rogers of San Fran cisco. They are without children. 1343. Harriet* Hinds, daughter of Thomas' and Chloe (Fuller) Hinds (Thomas", Corns'-, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Rodman, N. Y., April 8, 1828, and died in the West, April 18, 1897 ; married in Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., June 12, 1853, Morillo P. Copley, who was born in Champion, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Jan. 4, 1824, and died Nov. 19, 1895. They lived in Bloomington, III. Child, born in Sacketts Harbor : 1906. i. Oliver', b. Feb. 8, 1855. He lives in Preemption, IU. 1343. Pitt Morse* Hinds, son of Thomas' and Chloe (Fuller) Hinds (Thomas'-, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Adams Center, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Dec. 9, 1830, and died in Allen City, Neb., Aug. 22, 1893 ; married Dec. 31, i860, Sarah A. Haskins, of Sandwich, 111., who died in New York state, July 3, 1872, aged 37 years. He moved to Illinois in October, 1852. Children : 1907. i. Ida', b. in Leland, 111., April 8, 1865. Unmarried (1899). *I909. ii. Maggie', b. in Plainfield, 111., June 3, 1867. 1344. Austin Fuller* Hinds, son of Thomas' and Chloe (Fuller) iHinds (Thomas", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), horn in Watertown, N. Y., April 3, 1836 ; married in Shabbona Grove, 111., March 10, 1858, Mary Jane Richardson, daughter of Matthew and Rachel (Pennose) Richardson, of Wayne, Neb. She was born in Canada, Oct. 15, 1842. Just before marriage, he moved to Illinois and settled in Shabbona Grove. Soon after the breaking out of the Civil war, they moved to Afton, 111., where his family remained several years. He enlisted Sept. 2, 1862, in Company E., 105th Illinois Regi ment, ist Brigade, 3d Division, 20th Army Corps, under General Joe Hooker. He fought in seventeen battles, among which were. Buzzard's Roost Rocky Face, Altoona Pass, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Mon- etta. Peach Tree Creek, and was with General Sherman, when on his *i9io. i. *i9ii. ii. *I9I2. iii. *i9i3. iv. *i9»4- V. 191 5. vi. 1 91 6. VU. 1917. viu. 1918. ix. 1919. X. EIGHTH GENERATION 237 march to the sea. He was wounded five times at the battle of Resaca, but kept with his company from start to finish. He was mustered out of service in Washington, D. C, June 6, 1865. With his family, he moved to Wakefield, Neb., in 1870, and then to Malesus, Tenu., where he now lives ( 1899). Children : Henry Washburn', b. in Shabbona, July 26, 1859. Clarissa M.\y', b. in Shabbona, AprU 7, 1861. Jessie Rachel', b. in Afton, April 6, 1863. Herbert Leslie', b. in Afton, June 11, 1868. Grace', b. in Preparation, la., Sept. 13, 1869. Walter Scott', b. in Wakefield, Aug. 9, 1871. Thomas Matthew', b. in Wakefield, July 24, 1873. Fannie Catherine', b. in Wakefield, Nov. 13, 1876. Willie", b. in Wakefield, June i, 1878, and d. there, Sept. 3, 1878. Edith Mabel', b. in Wakefield, July 22, 1880, and d. there Sept. 5, 1883. 1920. xi. Harry Vernon', b. in Wakefield, Feb. 17, 1883. 1345. Earl* Hinds, son of Thomas' and Chloe (Fuller) Hinds {Thomas'-, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John', James') born in Adams Cen ter, Jefferson Co., N. Y., March 26, 1837 '¦, married in Fulton, N. Y., Dec. 20, i860, Anna , who was born in Kilkenny, Ireland. They live in Fulton, N. Y., where their only child was born. Child : 1921. i. Dora A'. 1346. William Watson* Hinds, son of Thomas' and Chloe (Fuller) Hinds {Thomast, Corli/-, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Adams Center, Jefferson Co., N. Y., March 14, 1839. He was a member of Company C, 58th Illinois infantry, and was supposed to have been killed at the battle of Shiloh. 1347. Albert* Hinds, son of Thomas' and Mary (Crawford) Hinds (Thomas'-, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Brown ville, N. Y., July 14, 1843 ; niarried Lodisa Soules, of Brownville. They reside in Pillarpoint Jefferson Co., N. Y. 1348. Huldah Ann* Hinds, daughter of Thomas' and Mary (Crawford) Hinds {Thomas'-, Corlis', Corlis*, John', Johti", James') born in Brownville, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Jan. 22, 1845 ; married in Lockport, 111., Feb. 12, 1871, James Bird, son of William Bird. He was born in Canada, Jan. 4, 1843. She was a school teacher. He is a farmer, and resides in Magnet, 111. 1924. 111. 1925- iv. 1926. V. 1927. vi. 1928. vii. 1929. viU. 238 THE HINDS FAMILY Children : 1922. i. Thomas William', b. Feb. 24, 1872, d. Aug. 25, 1873. 1923. u. Orienta', b. Sept. 24, 1874; m. Amos W. Gordon, who was b. Oct. 18, 1870. She was a school teacher. He is a. telegraph operator. They have one child : (a) Gladys Marion'", b. Feb. 8, 1899. Edna Minerva', b. Sept. 25, 1876. Mamie Pearl', b. July 24, 1879. Annie May', b. March 8, 1882. Arthur Albert', b. June 18, 1885. Huldah Alice', b. May 5, 1888. James Edward Francis', b. March 30, 1891. 1349. Frank M.* Hinds, son of Thomas' and Mary (Craw ford) Hinds (Thomas", Corliss, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Brownville, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Jan. 14, i8'47 ! married Emma Paxton, of Brownville. They are without children. 1350. Phoebe O.* Hinds, daughter of Thomas' and Mary (Crawford) Hinds (Thomas", Corli^, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Brownville, Jefferson Co., N. Y., May 3, 1849, ^.nd died in Pil larpoint, town of Brownville, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1894; married March 30, 1875, Elbridge Patrick, of Hounsfield, N. Y. Children, born in Hounsfield : 1930. i. Adelbert', b. Sept. 22, 1876. 1931. ii. Walter', b. May 15, 1879. 1351. Mary H.* Hinds, daughter of Thomas' and Mary (Crawford) Hinds (Thomas", Corliss, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Brownville, Jefferson Co., N. Y., July 21, 1851 ; married William Jackson, of Pillarpoint, N. Y. Children, born in Pillarpoint : 1932. i. Lillian', b. Nov. 20, 1870. 1933. ii. Mabel', b. Oct. 14, 1874. 1934. iii. Bert', b. Oct 15, 1876. 1353. Myra* Hinds, daughter of Thomas' and Mary (Craw ford) Hinds (Thomas", Corlis^, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Brownville, Jefferson Co., N. Y., July 21, 1851, and died in Ogdens- burg, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1894 ; married Jan. 22, 1875, James Bunker. Child : 1935. i. Gertrude V.', b. March 6, 1877. ^z^2u;^^ EIGHTH GENERATION 239 1353. Minerva* Hinds, daughter of Thomas' and Mary (Crawford) Hinds {Thomas", Corliss, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Pillarpoint, N. Y., July 25, 1856; married Aug. 29, 1875, Elliot Roat. They live in Pillarpoint, Jefferson Co., N. Y. Child : 1936. i. Nina', b. Sept. 21, 1879. 1364. Franklin Allen* Hinds, son of Earl Bent' and Al mira Maria (Allen) Hinds {Thomas", Corlis', Corlis*, Jolm', John", James'), was born Nov. 17, 1843, in the town of Watertown, N. Y. He commenced the study of civil engineering in Watertown, pursuing the preliminary studies at the Jefferson County Institute, a well organ ized academic school of those days. When twenty-one he went to Portland, Ore., where he continued his studies, and had a practical ex perience for two years under the tutorship of Mr. Charles W. Burrage, C. E., then county and city surveyor of that place. Returning to his home he entered the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College and took a special selected course in engineering and allied subjects. In 1867, he obtained employment with Chickering & Co., landscape engi neers, etc., at 18 Wall St., New York, and on Christmas day of that year was married to Miss Mary Rebecca Thomson of Watertown, who was born in West Turn, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1846, and who with her parents moved to Watertown from Houseville, Lewis County, N. Y. Her pa rents were William and Mary Taylor (Peabody) Thomson, the mother descending in a parallel line, with the philanthropist, George Peabody, from a common ancestor, William Peabody, of Plymouth. This William Peabody's wife was Elizabeth, daughter of John and Priscilla (Mul- lins) Alden of the Mayflower, whose story Longfellow has told in poetry. Longfellow's mother was a descendant of Priscilla, whom he quotes as saying "Why don't you speak for yourself, John?" when John Alden was sent to ask her hand for his captain. Miles Standish. She declined the captain's offer, and John and Priscilla were afterward married. Mary Peabody Thomson, the mother of Mrs. Hinds, is of the sixth generation from William Peabody of Plymouth. During the year 1858, Mr. Hinds was engaged in the early surveys of the Black River and St. Lawrence Railroad (now the Carthage & Adirondack in Northern New York), under Mr. Octave Blanc, as chief engineer. After completing the preliminary surveys of this road, Mr. Hinds was made chief engineer of the Carthage, Watertown & Sacketts Harbor Railroad, which position he held to the completion of that road. Later he laid out and mapped the Thousand Island Park, West minster Park, Round Island Park, Central Park, and numerous others 240 THE HINDS FAMILY of the great summer resorts of the St. Lawrence River. He had charge, as engineer of construction, of the Kingston and Pembroke Railroad in Canada, and after that, was placed in charge of the surveys of the New York & Boston Inland Railway, serving this latter corporation for two years. He has been city engineer of Watertown for a number of terms, and made the survey for the city boundary when it was first in corporated and promoted from a village, in 1868. About 1885, he was engaged in building and operating water-works for supplying cities and towns, and in company with J. F. Moffett, of Watertown, and others, under the firm name of Hinds, Moffett & Co., built and established water works in a large number of cities and villages in various parts of the United States. In 1886, Mr. Hinds sold his entire interest in this business to his partners, and his connection with this firm then ceased. In 1887 and 1888, he was engaged in the organization and construction of the Ontario paper mills, near Brownville, and was a director in the company until it was merged in the great International Paper Com pany. He is a member of the board of water commissioners of the city of Watertown, having served on this board continually since 1880, occupying the position of vice-president of the board. He has also been one of the vestrymen of Trinity church, Watertown, N. Y., since 1887. In 1889, he formed a co-partnership with Mr. E. A. Bond, afterwards state engineer of New York State, for the construction of water-works and general engineering, and under their direction as engineers, water works were built in numerous villages and small towns of Northern New York state. The Gouverneur & Edwards Railroad was organized and surveyed, also several water-works were built under franchise in Canada. This co-partnership was dissolved in 1896, and Mr. Hinds has since been engaged in general hydraulic and mechanical engineer ing in and about Watertown, principally among the various mills and water powers of the Black River Valley. They had one son. Earl William Hinds, who died June 3, 1872. The family burying-ground is in Brookside cemetery, about two miles south of the city of Watertown, where many old families are repre sented, and the names of early settlers of the county are found upon its tablets. In business, Mr. Hinds has always taken a deep interest in the young men of his profession, and he has been generally successful in encouraging habits of usefulness among his employees, always urging excellence in their work as a first principle, and himself furnishing an example of temperate personal habits. There are a large number of successful business men, engineers, contractors, etc., now about the OSCAR EARL HINDS. SONIH (a33H) 3 vnnp EIGHTH GENERATION 24I country, who commenced their career in his office, and who look back with pleasure to their early experience, and are now his warmest personal friends. He is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, an association organized in 1852, among the practical, professional civil engineers, and which has on its roll of membership some of the most distinguished men of the age. He has resided for more than twenty-five years on a suburban farm located at No. 161 State street in the city of Watertown, about one and a half miles from his office in the center of the city, where with a com petent man to attend to the work, he enjoys the quiet of country life and the opportunities for study and investigation thereby afforded. He has been of great help in supplying the material of his branch of the family for this work. Child, born in Watertown : 1937. i. Earl William', b. Oct. 22, 1870, and d. in Watertown, June 3, 1872. 1365. Oscar Earl* Hinds, son of Earl Bent' and Almira Maria (Allen) Hinds {Thomas", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Pamelia, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1849 ; married Feb. 22, 1899, Julia E. Reed of LaFargeville, Jefferson County, N. Y., a daughter of Lewis E. Reed of that place. He is now the efficient manager of the landed es tates left him by his father. Under his management his tenants thrive ; and in this way, and through his advice and counsel the business suc ceeds and prospers. While a sound judgment, a liberal education, a taste and liking for his calling, with personal habits of affability un- marred by egotism, all conspire to make him one of the prominent counselors on subjects relating to the agricultural and other kindred in terests of the country. 1366. Francis Marion* Hinds, son of Silas' and Mrs. Cath erine (Burroughs) (Wright) Hinds {Thomas", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Shabbona Grove, 111., May 22, 1845 i married in Lanark, 111., Jan. 22, 1877, Anna E. Mellinger, who was born in Fayetteville, Franklin Co., Penn., July 17, 1848. She was the daughter of Henry and Sarah (Wolf) Mellinger. He lived on the farm in Shab bona Grove for a time and then attended the Illinois Normal school in Bloomington, from which institution he graduated in 1868. He then became a telegraph operator and settled in Nebraska in 1877. From 1886 to 1891, he lived in Western Nebraska, and in 1891 went to St. Paul, Oregon, where he now resides (1899). He has given much aid in this work on his branch of the family. Q 242 THE HINDS FAMILY Children, born in Decatur, Neb. 1938. i. Mabel Clair', b. May 20, 1878. 1939. ii. Zella Rose', b. AprU 13, 1880. 1940. ni. Verne', b. Oct. 30, 1882. 1367. Helen Ellen* Hinds, daughter of Silas' and Mrs. Catherine (Burroughs) (Wright) Hinds (Thomas", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Shabbona Grove, 111., Jan. 16, 1847, and died in Los Angeles, Cal., April 27, 1895 ; married (first) in Shabbona, 111., July 4, 1863, George Wilkie* Hinds, son of Alpheus Hardin' and Mercy (Wilkie) Hinds (Corlis", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Redwood, N. Y., June 14, 1836, and died Nov. 17, 1868 ; married (second) in 1872, William Gilbert. She separated herself from her second husband, going to Nebraska, then to California, then to Seattle, Wash., and from there to Los Angeles, Cal. Children, born in DeKalb, DeKalb Co., 111., by first husband : 1941. i. Freddie', d. at the age of three months. 1942. ii. Charles Edward', b. Feb. 17, 1866. 1943. iii. George W.', b. Feb. 16, 1868. Children, by second husband : 1944. iv. Frankie', d. young. 1945. V. Cora V.', b. AprU 27, 1875; ™- Herbert Jones, in Seattle, Wash., and had one chUd who died in infancy. 1368. Phebe Jane* Hinds, daughter of Silas' and Mrs. Catherine (Burroughs) (Wright) Hinds ( Thotnas", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Shabbona Grove, 111., July i, 1849 ; married in Sycamore, III, July 4, 1867, Richard Henry Averil, son of John F. and Rachel Amanda (Rowley) Averil. He was born in Nas sau, N. Y., April 30, 1845. They moved to Batavia, III., in 1870, thence to Waterman. From there they went to Decatur, Neb., in 1883, and to Tekamah, Neb., in 1896, where they at present reside (1899). Children : Luella', b. in Clinton, IU., Aug. 20, 1868; m. J. F. Brown. Stella', b. in Batavia, 111., Oct. 21, 1873; ™- W. B. Cornelius. Florence', b. in Clinton, March 20, 1875, ^- six days later. Fred Claire', b. in Clinton, Aug. 15, 1877. Ethel', b. in Waterman, IU., July 12, 1882. Emma May', b. in Decatur, May 15, 1884. 1369. Horace Penn* Hinds, son of Silas' and Mrs. Cather- erine (Burroughs) (Wright) Hinds (Thoma^, Corlis', Corlis*, John', 1946. i. 1947- ii. 1948. iii. 1949. iv. 1950. V. 1951- vi. EIGHTH GENERATION 243 John', James'), born in Shabbona Grove, 111., Sept 29, 1852 ; married in Decatur, Neb., April 18, 1879, Susan Phillips, daughter of Nelson and Susan (Beck) Phillips. She was born in Alton, 111., Oct 2, 1858. He went to Nebraska in 1877, and in 1897, was elected to the office of county and probate judge of Banner County. He is a ranchman and stock raiser, and lives in Harrisburg, Neb. (1899). Children : 1952. i. Silas Claude', b. m Decatur, May 9, 1879. 1953. u. Jesse Carle', b. in Decatur, July 22, 1882. 1954. iii. Grace Maude', b. in Harrisburg, Feb. 11, 1887. 1955. i'- Viola Lonella', b. in Harrisburg, Jan. 18, 1890. 1370. Thomas Byron* Hinds, son of Silas' and Mrs. Catherine (Burroughs) (Wright) Hinds (Thomas^, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Shabbona Grove, 111., Aug. 15, 1853 ; married (first) in Shabbona Grove, March 8, 1876, Emma Florence Bailey, daughter of Cyrenius and Jane Ann (Morey) Bailey. She was born in Shabbona Grove, Aug. 3, 1856, and died in Decatur, Neb., Jan. 12, 1882 ; married (second) in Decatur, April 9, 1884, Fannie Ethel Grow, daughter of Artemas Bartlett and Jane Maria (Rich) Grow. She was born in Zanesville, Iowa, Sept. 18, 1864. He resides with his second wife in Hitchcock, Texas (1899), and has been of much help in getting data of his branch of the family for this work. Children, by first wife, born in Decatur : 1956. i. Maude Claire', b. Dec. 16, 1877. 1957. ii. Jennie Ethel', b. Sept. 4, 1879. Children, by second wife, first three born in Decatur : 1958. iu. ZoRA Ida', b. March 3, 1885. 1959. iv. Hugh Kenneth', b. May 30, 1890. i960. V. Eda Ruth', b. AprU 8, 1892. 1961. vi. Earl Thomas', b. in Hichcock, May 19, 1897. 1371. Frank* Hinds, son of Silas' and Mrs. Catherine (Burroughs) (Wright) Hinds (Thomas", Corliss, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Shabbona Grove, 111., Dec. 31, 1855 ; married in Waterman, 111., Jan. 13, 1878, Phila Barnes, daughter of George and Mary (Armstrong) Barnes, of Waterman. She was born in Illinois, June 27, 1857. Children, born probably in Waterman : 1962. i. Fred', b. Oct. 11, 1879. 1963. ii. Burton', b. Aug. 16, 1881. 1964. iu. Eva Rose', b. July 31, 1887. 244 THE HINDS FAMILY 1374. Albert* Hinds, son of Albert' and Fanny (Richard son) Hinds (Thomas^, Corliss, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Lindsay, Ont., Dec. 31, 1848 ; married in Orion, 111., Aug. 13, 1885, Ida Carlson, who was born in Hjerklanda, Sweden, Dec. 29, 1837. She was daughter of Carl John and Lisa Stina (Carlson) Johnson of Shabbona, 111. He moved with his parents to Shabbona Grove, De Kalb Co., 111., in October, 1849, where he lived on a farm, working a portion of his time with his father at wagon and carriage making. From 1866, he spent three years and a half at The Teachers' Insti tute and Classical Seminary, East Paw Paw, 111., then four months at the Northwestern College, Naperville, III. In 1874, he commenced traveling in the interest of the Marsh Harvester, remaining with this interest until 1887, when he located with the Tuerk Hydraulic Power Co., Chicago, managing the Western territory. He resides in Chicago, and has been of great aid in completing his branch of the family for this work, as well as making it known among other members of different branches. Child, born in Chicago, 111.: 1965. i. RosYLN Albert', b. Oct. 7, 18S8. 1375. William Richardson* Hinds, son of Albert' and Fanny (Richardson) Hinds (Thomas", Corliss, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Waterman, DeKalb Co., 111. (Shabbona Grove) March 16, 1852 ; married in Waterman, Nov. 25, 1880, Mary Eliza Ward, daughter of Alfred and Maria Whiting (Taft) Ward of Sterling, 111, She was born in Kaneville, Kane Co., III., July 3, 1856. He was edu cated in the common schools and spent one year in a seminary. He resided near Shabbona Grove until 1873, when he went to Los Angeles, but returned in three years. He traveled a part of the time for several years, and in 1892, moved from Waterman to SterUng, 111., where he now lives (1899), '^^^ is engaged in the business of contractor and builder. Children, born in Waterman : 1966. i. Albert Ward', b. Sept. 19, 1881. 1967. U. Fannie Alice', b. March 23, 1888. 1376. Carlos Wallace* Hinds, son of Albert' and Fanny (Richardson) Hinds (Thomas", Corns'-, Corlis*, John', John", James') born in Shabbona Grove, DeKalb Co., 111., Nov. 12, 1853, died in Belvidere, 111., Dec. 10, 1893, and is buried in Johnson's Grove ceme tery; married in Shabbona Grove, Oct 25, 1882, Sarah Ann Booth, daughter of Allen and Ann (Shaw) Booth of Shabbona Grove. She EIGHTH GENERATION 245 was born in Cottage Hill, 111., Jan. 6, i860. He Hved on the farm un til 1884, when he engaged in the grain and stock business in Shabbona Grove. In 1890, he moved to DeKalb, where he became an insurance agent. Was justice of the peace at this place and at the time of his death was coroner of DeKalb County. One year of his school life was spent at Northwestern College. He inherited the remarkable mem ory of his grandfather, which he in turn transmitted to his son Allen, in whom it developed to a remarkable degree at the early age of two years. Children, born in Shabbona Grove : 1968. i. Allen Corlis', b. Aug. 1, 1883. 1969. ii. Ethelyn', b. Oct. 5, 1888, d. in Belvidere, 111., March 17, 1896. 1377. Orvis'' Hinds, son of Albert' and Fanny (Richardson) Hinds {Thomas'-, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Shab bona Grove, 111 , May 12, 1864; married in Plattville, 111., Aug. 22, 1889, Alice Jeanette Tucker, who was born in Mound City, Kans., Jan. 21, 1867, died in Shabbona Grove, Oct. 8, 1890, and is buried in John son's Grove cemetery. She was the daughter of Christopher H. and Jeanette Ellen (Alford) Tucker, of Plattville. He lived on the farm in Shabbona Grove for several years and in 1882 attended Northwestern College. He moved to Crookston, Minn., in i8gi, where he now re sides (1899). He was engaged in government survey up to 1897, but is at present working at railroad construction. They had no children. 1395. William Richardson* Hinds, son of Allen' and Eliz abeth Parker (Richardson) Hinds (Joseph B,", Corlis', Corlis*, Johtfi, John", James'), born in Hume, Allegany Co., N. Y., March 23, 185 1 ; married in Denver, Col., Oct 15, 1885, Isabella E. Andrus, daughter of William H. and Cornelia N. (Jewell ) Andrus, of Cincinnati, Ohio. She was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1859. They reside in Denver, Col. (1899). Child : 1970. i. Norman Howard', b. in Denver, July 5, 1892. 1399. Catherine H.* Hinds, daughter of George Benedict' and Eliza T. (Stout) Hinds (Joseph B,", Corliss, Corlis*, John', John*, James'), horn in Portageville, Wyoming Co., N. Y., July 15, 1844; married in Three Rivers, Mich., March 9, 1869, Thomas J. Hopkins, son of Thomas and Orpha (Peirce) Hopkins. He was born in Benton, Yates Co., N. Y., May 31, 1842. He deals in musical instruments, and lives in Marshall, Mich. (1899). '973- 111. 1974. iv. «975- V. 1976. vi. 1977. vii. 246 THE HINDS FAMILY Children : 1971. i. E. Louise', b. in Three Rivers, May 19, 1871 ; m. Nov. 7, 1894, Orson L. Avery, son of Galen and Lydia (Pringle) Avery. ChUd : (a) Grace M.'", b. Aug. 28, 1896. 1972. ii. Jennie H.', b. in Toledo, O., Nov. 15, 1872; m. Dec. 25, 1893, Joseph Faulkner, who was b. in Marshall, Mich., May 31, 1871. He is a locomotive engineer. ChUd ; (a) George Lowe'", b. Feb. 18, 1897. George T.', b. in Toledo, Sept. 3, 1874. He is a mechanic. Nellie E.', b. in Toledo, Oct 15, 1876 Grace', b. in Marshall, Jan. 19, 1880, and d. there June 21, 1883. Ernest P.', b. in Marshall, Oct. 15, 1882. Roy j.', b. in MarshaU, AprU 19, 1885. 1303. Emma liouise* Hinds, daughter of George Benedict' and Eliza T. (Stout) Hinds (Joseph B.", Corliss, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Portageville, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Feb. 15, 1850 ; married May 1, 1877, Dr. Wilbur S. Watson, son of Edmund and Ann Watson. He was born in New Hartford, Conn., Oct 10, 1852. She has supplied the data of her branch of the family for this work. Children, born in Danbury, Conn. (1899) : 1978. i. Cassius Hinds', b. Sept. 13, 1878. 1979. u. Edmund Bertrand', b. June 29, 1881. 1304. Harriet Emma* Hinds, daughter of James Richard son' and Olive W. (Rawson) Hinds (Joseph B,", Corliss, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Hume, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1850; married in Port ageville, Dec. 17, 1876, Leander H. Clark, who was born in Wales, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1847. They live in Portageville (1899). Children, born in Portageville : Bruce Hinds', b. May 21, 1879. Irving Howard', b. Oct. 23, 188 1. Ora Lucille', b. Dec. 12, 1885. Lynn Selden', b. March 5, 1888. Pearl Madeline', b. AprU 10, 1891. Ella Louise', b. June 25, 1893. 1308. Samuel Woodward* Hinds, son of Lowell Leland' and Mary (Wright) Hinds {Calvin", Howards, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., July 21, 1833; married June 14, 1855, Catherine N. Kimball, of Charlestown, Mass., daughter of Isaiah Wheeler and Catherine (Johnson) Kimball. She was born in 1835. He lives on Long Island, Boston Harbor (1899). 1980. 1. I98I. ii. 1982. iii. 1983. iv. 1984. V. 1985. vi. 1986. i. *i987. ii. 1988. ui. 1989. iv. 1990. V. EIGHTH GENERATION 247 Children, born in Boston : Ella Louise', b. May 11, 1856, d. in Boston, Sept. 1, 1856. Lizzie Agnes', b. Sept. 20, 1858. Frank Woodward', b. March 22, 1865. Fred Templeton', b. Nov. 18, 1866, drowned May 26, 1889. Annie Jewett'*, b. March 31, 1873. 1309. Lioring Francis" Hinds, son of Lowell Leland' and Mary (Wright) Hinds (Calvin", Howards, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., May 13, 1837. He served through the Civil war in the 3d Battery, Mass. State Artillery for three years ; then re- enlisted, but the war came to an end in less than a year and he was mustered out May 6, 1865. He is unmarried, and lives at the Soldiers' Home in Chelsea, Mass. (1899). 1310. Delia Jane* Hinds, daughter of Lowell Leland' and Mary (Wright) Hinds (Calvin", Howard', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Charlestown, Mass., April 4, 1843 ; married in Chelsea, Mass., May 23, 1866, Edwin Francis Templeton, of Worcester, son of John and Ann (Saunders) Templeton. He was born in Milford, Mass., Jan. 3, 1844. She is a prominent member of the Rebekah Lodge, having held the highest official position which can be held by a lady. She was deputy, 1894-95, over the lodges in Webster, Westboro and Clinton, Mass. She is a member of the Trinity M. E. church, of Worcester, having been secretary of one of the church societies for over ten years. They live in Worcester (1899). Child : 1991. i. Arthur Edwin', b. July 8, 1874. He is a lawyer. 1311. Mary Elizabeth* Hinds, daughter of Lowell Leland' and Mary (Wright) Hinds {Calvin", Howard', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., April 6, 1849 ; married July 9, 1873, George E. Anthony, of Providence. They reside in Providence (1889). Children : 1992. i. Frederick Wilfred', b. Nov. 10, 1874, d. Aug. 8, 1875. 1993. U. Emma Louise', b. Feb. 9, 1879. 1318. Jennie Maria* Hinds, daughter of Calvin Parkman' and Mary (Covell) Hinds (Calvin", Howards, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., July 20, i860; married Jan. i, 1881, Harry A. Hopkins, of Belchertown Mass. 248 THE HINDS FAMILY Children : 1994. i. Marie Wright', b. Feb. 16, 1884. 1995. ii. Ruth Jennie', b. AprU 8, 1S88. 1996. iii. Phyllis Edwards', b. Dec. 29, 1891. 1319. William Covell* Hinds, son of Calvin Parkman' and Mary (Covell) Hinds (Calvin", Howard'-, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Maiden, Mass., Feb. 21, 1863 ; married in Gloucester, Mass., June 28, 1887, Elizabeth Kelley, who was born in Glasgow, Scotland, June 14, 1867. She was the daughter of Charles G. and Mary Jane (Flemming) Kelley. He is in business in Boston, where he now resides (1899). Children, born in Boston, Mass. : 1997. i. Elizabeth Gertrude', b. AprU 28, 1888. 1998. ii. Dorothy Quincy', b. Jan. 11, 1890. 1999. iii. Mildred Frances', b. Oct. 18, 1897. 1331. Annie Jeannette* Hinds, daughter of William Au gustus' and Rebecca (Louge) Hinds {Calvin", Howards, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., May 25, 1842 ; married June 19, 1873, George H. Gregg of Watertown. They live in Watertown, Mass. (1899), where their child was born. Children : 2000. i. Walter Hinds', b. in Watertown, Dec. 17, 1881. 2001. u. Gertrude' (adopted). 1333. Emma Augusta* Hinds, daughter of William Augus tus' and Rebecca (Louge) Hinds {Calvin", Howard', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Boston, Mass., July 25, 1844 ; married (first) in May, 1863, Charles St Croix Huston ; married (second) June 2, 1872, William George Bradshaw, who died Nov. 6, 1890; married (third) Feb. 29, 1896, Walter Gustavus -Crocker, with whom she is liv ing in Oakland, Cal. (1899). Children, by first husband : 2002. i. Willie Augustus', b. Feb. 16, 1864. 2003. u. Frank Herbert', b. Aug. 15, 1866. Children, by second husband : 2004. in. Albert George', b. May 21, 1873. 2005. iv. Lura Nettie', b. Dec. 12, 1875. 1334. Calvin Parkman' Hinds, son of William Augustus' and Rebecca (Louge) Hinds {Calvin", Howard', Corlis*, John', John", EIGHTH GENERATION 249 James'), born in Boston, Mass., April lo, 1848; married (first) in Wor cester, Mass., April 6, 1865, Georgia Hamilton, who was born in Wor cester, July 4, 1845. He married (second) Mrs. Lizzie (Roch) Adams of Worcester. He enlisted, June 18, 1863, as private in the 52d New York Volunteers, and participated in the battle of Gettysburg and sev eral smaller engagements. Discharged Sept. 18, 1865. He is at pres ent (1899), a butcher and provision dealer in Oakland, Cal. Children : *2oo6. i. Henry Parkman', b. in Worcester, Jan. 15, 1866. 2007. u. Edward W.', b. in Boston, in February, 1868. 2008. iu. Arthur C, b. in Worcester, in December, 1872. 2009. iv. William A.', b. in Worcester, July 16, 1877. 1336. Frank Clark* Hinds, son of William Augustus' and Rebecca (Louge) Hinds (Calvin", Howard', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., April 23, 1852 ; married in Boston, Aug. 12, 1875, Adaline Georgianna Thompson, daughter of Asa S. and Caroline Augusta Thompson. She was born in Watertown, Mass., Feb. 27, 1854. Their home is in Fitchburg, Mass. (1899). Children : 2010. 1. 20II. ii. 2012. iii. 2013. iv. 2014. V. 2015. vi. 2016. vii. 2017. viii. 2018. ix. Frank Cushman', b. in Waltham, June 16, 1876. Harry Benjamin Sawyer', b. in Charlestown, March 13, 1879. Mabel Gertrude', b. in Fitchburg, Aug. 24, 1881. Lillian Augusta', b. in Ayer Junction, AprU 13, 1884. Clifford Weston', b. in Weston, Sept. 7, 1887. Genieve Faustena', b. in Weston, Nov. 28, 1889. Mildred Leona', b. in Fitchburg, April 2, 1892. Edgar Moulton', b. in Fitchburg, May 15, [895. Marion Ella', b. in Fitchburg, AprU 25, 1899. 13.33. Elizabeth M.' Hinds, daughter of Warner' and Sarah A. (Ryder) Hinds (Warner", Howards, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Worcester, Mass., in 1842, and died in Meriden, Conn., in Jan uary, 1882 ; married in Washington, D. C, in 1863, Edwin E. Parme- lee. He lives in Minneapolis, Minn. (1899). Children : 2019. i. Joseph Linus', b. in 1864. 2020. h. Edwin E.', b. Sept. 30, 1876. He graduated at the Shattuck Military School, Faribault, Minn., in 1895, and resides in Minne apolis (1899). 2021. iii. Hortense Eugenia', b. Feb. 14, 1878; m. Feb. 14, 1898, WU liam Gregory King, of Milwaukee, Wis., where they now reside (1899). 250 THE HINDS FAMILY 1334. Emma E.* Hinds, daughter of Elisha Woodward' and Martha Eveline (Goddard) Hinds ( Warner", Howards, Corlis*, John', John", James')^orn in Grafton, Mass., Nov. 19, 1845 ! niarried in Rock ford, III., March 21, 1867, William Eastman, son of William and Louisa (Merrill) Eastman. He was born in Newton, Mich., Jan. 11, 1844. They live in Holyoke, Mass. (1899). She has given much assistance in gathering data of her branch of the family for this work. Children, first three born in Amherst, Mass. : 2021^. i. William', b. AprU 19, 1868; m. June 23, 1894, Anna M. VaU, of Chicago. They live in Ravenswood, 111. (1899). ChUdren: (a) William'", b. May 23, 1S95. He is the ninth generation of WilUam Eastman's, with no middle name, and each has been the eldest son. . (b) Donald VaU'", b. Sept. 2, 1896. 2022. ii. Alice Alvera', b. March 25, 1870; m. May 31, 1894, Irving Keeler, of Binghamton, N. Y. They live in Ashville, N. C. (1899). ChUdren: (a) Alice Hazel'", b. March I, 1895. (b) Gordon Eastman'", b. Nov. 10, 1896. 2023. in. Walter Merrill', b. Jan. i, 1874; m. June 9, 1897, Alice Blance Chase, of Holyoke, Mass., where they now reside (1899). 2024. iv. Louise Hinds', b. in Holyoke, Mass., Nov. 9, 1881. 1338. Carrie A.' Hinds, daughter of Chauncy and Ruth (Shurtliff) Hinds (Warner", Howard^, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Worcester, Mass., Jan. 12, 1846 ; married in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1871, Robert H. Morris, son of Samuel and Catherine (Sexton) Morris. He was born in Hamilton, N. J., Feb. 23, 1844. They live in Roselle, N. J., and she has aided very much in making her line com plete for this work. Children, born in Brooklyn, N. Y. : 2025. i. George W.', b. Sept. 17, 1872 ; m. in Elizabeth, N. J., AprU 4, 1893, Mary Whippier. 2026. ii. Maud A.', b. Nov. 8, 1874. 1339. Alfred Warner* Hinds, son of Chauncy' and Ruth (Shurtliff) Hinds ( Warner^, Howard^, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Worcester, Mass., Nov. 15, 1848 ; married in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 13, 1879, Mary Ann Arkell, daughter of John and Charlotte (Robr inson) Arkell. She was born in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, May 13, 1855. He lives in Brooklyn, N. Y. (1899), and has aided in this work regarding his family. Children, born in Brooklyn : 2027. i. Mary Ethel', b. March 5, 1880. 2028. ii. Julia Carrie', b. June 5, 1885, d. June 24, 1886. 2029. iu. Alfred Warner', b. July 9, 1888. 2030. iv. Annie Louisa', b. AprU 10, 1890, d. in Brooklyn, Aug. 27, 1891. EIGHTH GENERATION 2$ I 1347. Charles Ednjund* Hinds, son of Ervin Perley' and Mary Ellen (Cutler) Hinds (Perlef, Jesses, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Shakopee, Scott Co., Minn., Aug. 23, 186 1 ; married in Hinsdale, III., Nov. lo, 1884, Marietta Georgia Pond, who was born in Chicago, 111., Aug. 5, 1865. She was the daughter of Frank and Anna Pond. He lived in Hinsdale at time of marriage. Children : 2031. i. Marinette Pearl', born in Chicago, Oct 11, i886. 2032. u. Marguerite', bom in Hinsdale, Oct. 12, 1893. 1348. Minnie Louise' Hinds, daughter of Ervin Perley' and Mary Ellen (Cutler) Hinds (Perlef, Jesses, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Chicago, 111., Nov. 29, 1865 ; married in Hinsdale, Dupage Co., 111., June 25, 1883, George Baker Robbins, who was born in St. Louis, Mo., March 4, 1861. He was the son of William Rob- bins, who was one of the founders of Hinsdale. Children, born in Hinsdale : 2033. i- William', b. March 22, 1886. 2034. u. Cutler', b. March 12, 1889. 2035. iii. George Baker', b. May 22, 1891. 1351. Liawrence Calvin' Hinds, son of Calvin Jennison' and Elvira M. (Cutler) Hinds (Perlef, Jesse'-, Corlis*, John', John\ James'), born in Phillipsburg, Center Co., Penn., Nov. 29, 1858 ; mar ried in Girard, Erie Co., Penn., July 20. 1886, Clara Hay, daughter of John and Alice (Jones) Hay. She was born in Girard, Oct. 3, 1864. They are without children (1899). 1353. Bertha Elvira* Hinds, daughter of Calvin Jennison' and Elvira M. (Cutler) Hinds (Perlef, JesseS, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Girard, Erie Co., Penn., Dec. 15, 1861 ; married in Girard, July 20, 1883, Francis J. French, who was born in Fairview, Erie Co., Penn., Sept. 28, 1858. He was the son of Charles Edward and Elizabeth Ann (Smith) French. Children, born in Milesgrove, Erie Co., Penn. . 2036. i. Mabel', b. Aug. 6, 1884. 2037. ii. Vira', b. March 5, 1891. 2038. iii. Clara Lillian', b. March 4, 1894. 1353>^. Vira Cutler* Hinds, daughter of Calvin Jennison' and Elvira M. (Cutler) Hinds {Perlef, Jesses, Corlis*. John', John", James'), born in Girard, Erie Co., Penn., Sept. 2, 1863 ; married in 252 THE HINDS FAMILY Girard, Aug. 4, 1887, William H. Wallace, son of William Henry and Elizabeth Wallace. He was born in Columbus, Ohio, March 29, 1856. Their home is in Cleveland (1899). Children, born in Cleveland : 2039. i. George Cutler', b. July 20, 1888. 2040. ii. Bruce Hinds', b. Nov. 13, 1890. 1360. Gertrude Louise* Hinds, daughter of Isaac Law rence' and Louise (Cutler) Hinds (Perley", Jesse', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Hinsdale, 111., Oct. 2, 1870; married in Cleve land, Ohio, Oct. 5, 1893, William Lincoln Ely. Children, born in Cleveland : 2041. i. Dorothy Louise', b. Aug. 31, 1894. 2042. ii. Mary Gertrude', b. July 5, 1897. 1391. Alpheus Rogers^ Hinds, son of Silas Peirce' and Rebecca Eliza (Clinton) Hinds (Abner'', Abner', Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Monroe, Middlesex Co., N. J., Feb. 16, 1842 ; married in Newark, N. J., April 25, 1865, Harriet Cora Limmerman. They are without children. He is_ a professor of music and resides in Newark. 1394. Marietta* Hinds, daughter of Silas Peirce' and Re becca Eliza (Clinton) Hinds (Abner'', Abner', Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Newark, Essex Co., N. J., June 28, 1847 ; married in Newark, Nov. 19, 1868, Samuel Fiehenor Scribner. Child, born in Newark : 2043 i. Edward Emmons', b. Feb. 20, 1879. 1396. Sarah Elizabeth* Hinds, daughter of William Henry Harrison' and Ellen Elizabeth (Mooney) Hinds {Abner'', Abner', Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in South Groton, Mass., Dec. 10, i860; married, Nov. 22, 1882, Frank L. Wilder, of Rindge, N. H. They live in Worcester, Mass. (1899). Child : 2044. i- Philip Lincoln', b. Nov. 3, 1883. 1397. William Henry Harrison* Hinds, son of Wil liam Henry Harrison' and Ellen Elizabeth (Mooney) Hinds (Abner'-, Abner', Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Groton Junction, Mass., now Ayer Junction, April 26, 1867, married in Gardner, Mass., EIGHTH GENERATION 253 Feb. 21, 1889, Josie M. Haney, who was born in Worcester, Mass., Jan. 23, 1874. Children, born in Gardner : 2045. i- Ruth Elizabeth', b. Aug. 31, 1891. 2046. ii. Elizabeth Victoria', b. July 22, 1893. 2047. iu. Helen May', b. Nov. 13, 1896. 1401. Benjamin Jason* Hinds, son of Ellis Tobey' and Clara Jones (Tibbitts) Hinds (Jason", Nimrod', Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Fairfield, Me., Feb. 19, 1861 ; married in Oak land, Me., Jan. 6, 1886, Lillian May Belanger, daughter of Louis and Harriet Ann (Erskine) Belanger. She was born in Fayette, Me., Nov. 15, 1862. He graduated at Colby University in the class of 1883, after which he taught school in Paris Hill, Belfast Machias, Me., and Weston, Mass. Since 1891, he has been sub-master at the Eliot School in Boston. His home is in Stoneham, Mass. (1899). Child, born in Somerville, Mass.: 2048. i. Helen', b. Dec. 3, 1893. 1414. Asher Crosby* Hinds, son of Albert Dwelley' and Charlotte (Flagg) Hinds (Asher", Asher*, Benjamin*, Jacob', John', James'X born in Benton, Me., Feb. 6, 1863 ; married in Roslindale, Mass., Sept. 3, i8gi, Harriet Louise Estey, daughter of Aaron Hart and Louisa Jane (Watson) Estey. She was born in Waldoboro, Me., Nov. 21, i860. He graduated at Colby University in 1883, and in 1885, associated himself with the "Portland Daily Advertiser" as journal ist. The next year, he followed the same occupation with the "Portland Daily Press," with which paper he is now connected. He was the speaker's clerk in the United States House of Representatives in the 51st Congress, and was clerk at the speaker's table in the 54th and 55th Congress. In 1898, he commenced, at the suggestion of promi nent members of the House, both Republicans and Democrats, to pre pare the " Parliamentary Precedents of the House of Representatives of the United States," which was published in 1899. He resides in Portland, Deering District, Me. (1899). Children, born in Deering, Me., now Portland : 2049. i. Albert Estey', b. June 12, 1892, d. in Deering, AprU 13, 1893. 2050. ii. Asher Estey', b. May 16, 1894. 1418. Emma J.* Hinds, daughter of William W.' and Asenath (Linton) Hinds {Benjamin", Asher', Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), horn in 'M.oscovi, Penn., March 3, 1854; married in Mount 254 THE HINDS FAMILY Carbon, Col., Sept. 28, 1886, Harry Jones, son of Jerome B. and Mar tha J. Jones. He was born in Delphi, Ind., Jan. 28, 1852. She was a teacher before marriage. He is a banker, and lives in Albert Lea, Minn. Children : 2051. i. Homer L.', b. in Sioux FaUs, S. D., Sept 25, 1887. 2052. ii. Ruth H.', b. in Sedalia, Mo., AprU 4, 1889, d. there June 28, 1889. 2053. in. Naomi', b. in Sedalia, Nov. 7, 1890. 1419. William Linton* Hinds, son of William W.' and Asenath (Linton ) Hinds (Benjamin", Asher'-, Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in West Pittston, Penn., Feb. 23, 1858; married in Ken- sico, N. Y., March 21, 1883, Anna B. Smith. They reside in Des Moines, la. (1899), where he is engaged in the transfer and storage business. They are without children. 1430. John Symonds* Hinds, son of Asher Temple' and Elizabeth (Symonds) Hinds (Temple", Asher', Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Stonyfork, Penn., Sept 7, 1874; married in Hub bard, Minn., April 8, 1896, Nellie Wright They reside in Hubbard, where their child was born. Child : 2054. i. Neil J.', b. Oct 19, 1897. 1431. Lydia Arnette* Hinds, daughter of Asher Temple' and Elizabeth (Symonds) Hinds (Temple", AsherS, Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Stonyfork, Penn., Nov. 18, 1875 i niarried in Hubbard, Minn., Nov. 3, 1895, James Wilkins. They have one child. 1446. Carrie Belle* Hinds, daughter of Fred Mordaunt' and Fannie A. (Brown) Hinds (Crosby", AsherS, Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Benton, Me., Sept 7, 1875 ; married in Oakland, Me., May II, 1895, Robert B. Cole, of Fairfield, son of Albert and Minnie Cole, of Baythurst, N. B., where Robert was born. She graduated at the Fairfield High School in 1893. Children, born in Benton : 2055. i. Helen Marion', b. Dec. 8, 1895. 2056. u. Bertha Dimple', b. Jan. 20, 1898. 1454. Hattie Mabel* Hinds, daughter of Frederick' and Harriet Eaton (Herrick) Hinds (Benjamin H,", Justin', Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., Dec. 29, 1859 ; married EIGHTH GENERATION 255 in Maiden, Mass., June i, 1893, Lewis Franklin Small of Boston, who was bom in Thorndlke, Me. They live in Braintree, Mass. (1899). Children, born in Braintree : 2057. i. Richard Loring', b. Dec. 29, 1894. 2058. ii. Nelson Herrick', b. Dec. 9, 1898. 1455. Fred Charles* Hinds, son of Frederick' and Harriet Eaton (Herrick) Hinds (Benjamin H,", Justin', Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., Dec. 29, i86i ; married in Maiden, Mass., Oct. 22, 1896, Mrs. Minnie N. (Dickinson) Chester ton, daughter of Samuel Henry and Sarah Ann (Buffum) Dickinson. She was born in East Somerville, Mass., May 31, 1862. He deals in mill supplies and belting in Boston, and lives in Maplewood, Maiden Mass. (1899). They have no children. 1456. William Justin* Hinds, son of Frederick' and Har riet Eaton (Herrick) Hinds {Benjamin H.", Justin', Benjamin*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., Nov. 2, 1864; married June 20, 1888, Annie Palmer of Maiden, who died in November, 1894. He lives in Maiden (1899), where their children were both born. Children : 2059. i. Edith Palmer', b. June 30, 1889. 2060. U. Bernice', b. Feb. 23, 1892. 1485. Edwin Burke* Hinds, son of Charles Carpenter' and Lorana (Burke) Hinds ( Charles", John B,', Jacob*, Jacob', John", Janus'), born in Grafton, Vt, Nov. 21, 1842 ; married in Hardin, la., Dec. I, 1870, Sarah Jane Shaw, daughter of John and Jane (Kerr) Shaw. She was born in Garnavillo, la., Dec. 14, 1850. He moved to Washington, Kan., and thence to Odell, Neb., in July, 188 1. He also lived in Hardin, where he dealt in real estate and loans and carried on an insurance agency. He served his country in the war of the Re bellion as private in Company M, ist Iowa Cavalry. Was representa tive from Gage County, in Nebraska Legislature from 1893 to 1895. He has been of much assistance in furnishing material for this work regarding his branch of the family. Child : *2o6i. i. Charles Norton', b. in Hardin, la., Nov. 2, 187 1. 1486. Alice* Hinds, daughter of Henry' and Mary Fassett (Woodworth) Hinds (Charted, John B,', Jacob*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Salem, N. Y., June 21, 1854; married in Shakopee, 256 THE HINDS FAMILY Minn., April 2, 1874, John Sencerbox. They live in Shakopee (1899). Five children were born to them, all of whom died before reaching the age of eight years. 1487. Mary* Hinds, daughter of Henry' and Mary Fassett (Woodworth) Hinds (Charted, John B,', Jacob*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Shakopee, Scott Co., Minn., Sept. 22, 1856 ; married in Shako pee, Sept. 4, 1879, Frank Jotham Lord. He is a druggist of Denver, Col. (1899). They are without children. 1488. Henry* Hinds, son of Henry' and Mary Fassett (Wood- worth ) Hinds ( Charles", John B.', Jacob*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Shakopee, Scott Co., Minn., Aug. 14, 1858, and died there Dec. 9, 1883 ; married in Chicago, 111., June 26, 1882, Augusta A. Robertson, of St. Paul, Minn. He was a lawyer. Child, born in Helena, Mont. : 2062. i. Henry', b. Oct. 12, 1883. 1490. William* Hinds, son of Henry and Mary Fassett (Woodworth) Hinds (Charted, John B.', Jacob*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Shakopee, Scott Co., Minn., April 28, 1862; married in Cambridge, N. Y., June 23, 1886, Julia Catherine Bowen, daughter of Columbus and Sarah Catherine (Slade) Bowen. She was born in White Creek, N. Y., Oct 12, 1866. He attended the University of Minnesota from 1878 to 1881. From January, 1886, to the present time, he has been publisher of the Scott County Argus. In April, 1893, he was appointed Chief of Customs Division, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, and later was promoted to Chief of Division of Accounts, Internal Revenue Bureau. From the start to the present time, he has been of great assistance in this work, not only regarding the records of his own branch of the family, but in all other branches. He has searched the histories in the Congressional Library in Wash ington, and from these books, has supplied many of the valuable points, which are contained in this volume. Much credit is due to him for the continued interest he has taken. He resides in Washington (1899). Children : 2063. i. George Bowen', b. in Shakopee, AprU 8, 1888. 2064. ii. Alice Mary', b. in Washington, Dec. 31, 1894. 2065. iii. Mabel Irene', b. in Cambridge, May 22, 1897. 1493. Charles Gilbert* Hinds, son of Henry' and Mary Fassett (Woodworth) Hinds (Charted, John B.s, Jacob*, Jacob', John", Herbert Calvin hinds. Mary Elizabeth (Darrow) hinds. Frederick Jonas hinds. EIGHTH GENERATION 257 James'), born in Shakopee, Scott Co., Minn., Aug. 31, 1866 ; married in Shakopee, Sept. 25, 1888, Maud Plumstead, daughter of Charles and Amanda Jane (Gray) Plumstead, of Shakopee. She was born in Sag inaw, Mich., Oct. 31, 1868. He took a special course in the academic department in the University of Minnesota, 1883-85. Graduated from the law department of this institution with degree of LL. B., with class of 1887. He was county attorney of Scott County four years, 1895-98. In 1898, he was Democratic candidate for Congress, third district of Minnesota, failing election, only after a hard struggle and then by only a narrow margin. He is Grand Master Workman, A. O. U. W. of Minnesota, having held that position since 1897. He has also been a member of the city council of Shakopee since 1893. Children, born in Shakopee : 2066. i. Fraxk Herbert', b. Oct. 26, 1SS9. 2067. ii. Frederick Calvix', b. Sept. 12, 1893. 1501. Herbert Calvin* Hinds, son of William' and Lydia (Somes) Hinds (Charles", John B.', Jacob*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Cossayuna, N. Y., June 22, 1857 ; married in Shakopee, Minn., Aug. 6, 1894, Mary Elizabeth Darrow, daughter of Jedediah and Jane Agnes (Hinds) Darrow. She was born in Hebron, N. Y., April i, 1856. He graduated at the State Normal College, in Albany, Jan. 30, 1877. Took preparatory course at Boys' Academy, Albany, and en tered Union College, Schenectady, Jan. 6, 1879, graduating June 28, 1882. Entered Princeton Theological Seminary in 1882, and graduated May 5, 1885. He has graduated with honors in every course where standing was given. He is a member of the $ b K Fraternity. He is a clergyman by profession, his charges having been Park Place chapel, Schenectady, 1885-86 ; Emmanuel Presbyterian church, Amsterdam, N. Y., 1886-87 ; Second Reformed church, Schenectady, 1887-91 ; Ninth Presbyterian church, Troy, 1891-98. He is the author of "Loose Screws," "No Yes," and others. He has traveled in the United States and Europe, and at present (1899) lives in Albany. He has supplied a greater part of the material regarding his branch of the family for this work. 1503. Anna Isabella* Hinds, daughter of William' and Lydia (Somes) Hinds {Charles^, John B,', Jacob*, Jacob', John", James'), born in Cossayuna, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1861 ; married in Green wich, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1882, Charles D. Hawley. They reside in Ber lin, Wis. ( 1899), and have assisted in this work, regarding their branch of the family. R 258 THE HINDS FAMILY Children, born in Berlin : 2068. i. Hazel', d. Jan. 21, 1890. 2069. ii. Lawrence', b. AprU 5, 1892. 1507. Annie B.* Hinds, daughter of James' and Anna (Pratt) Hinds (Charles", John B,', Jacob*, Jacob', John", James'), born in St Peter, Minn., Dec. 12, 1859; married Dec. 12, 1877, George M. Furbur of St. Paul, Minn., who was born in Cottage Grove, Minn., Nov. 17, 1855. He is secretary of the Minneapolis Furniture Co., and travels for them. They reside in Minneapolis (1899), and she has fur nished the data regarding her family for this work. Children, first two born in Cottage Grove, others in Minneapolis : 2070. i. J. Florence', b. AprU 15, 1879. 2071. ii. Angus Garfield', b. Aug. 30, 1880. 2072. iii. Mabel Hinds', b. Nov. 28, 1882, d. in Minneapolis, Aug. 5, 1884. 2073. iv. James Hinds', b. Aug. 13, 1885. 2074. V. Ethel', b. AprU 6, 1889. 1508. Jennie* Hinds, daughter of James' and Anna (Pratt) Hinds [Charles", John B.', Jacob*, Jacob', John', James') ; married in St. Paul, Minn., May 20, i88i, George Burgess Boyd, son of Dr. Ed ward A. and Sarah (Bragg) Boyd. He was born in St. Paul, May 20, 1859, and lives in St. Paul (1899) where he is engaged in the coal, wood and feed business. Children . 2075. i- Isabella F.', b. May 13, 1S82. 2076. U. Leon H.', b. Oct. 12, 1884. 2077. iii. James H.', b. July 23, 1S87. 1510. Sophronia* Hinds, daughter of William' and Lydia (Smith) Hinds (Reuben", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James',) born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Dec. 29, 1820, and died in Spring field, N. Y., April 14, 1894; married in Otsego, Jan. 25, 1843, Jacob Allen, son of James and Betsey (Walrod) Allen. He was born in Springfield, Jan. 27, 1822, and died there, June 24, 1894. Both are buried in the graveyard near Allen's Lake, in Springfield. • Children, born in Springfield : 2078. i. Infant' (unnamed) d. March 14, 1844, buried in Springfield. 2079. U. Juliette A.', b. March 14, 1845, d. AprU 17, 1894; m. in Springfield, Cornelius A. Hancock, son of John and Lana (Os- terhout) Hancock. He was b. in Springfield, Dec. 19, 1844, and d. there March 19, 1880. She is buried in Springfield. ChUd: (a) George'" Orlando Sydney hinds. RESIDENCE OF ORLANDO S HINDS, CHICAGO, ILL. EIGHTH GENERATION 259 2080. in. George E.', b. Feb. 4, 1847 ; m. in Otsego, Nov. 25, 1868, Emma Van Volkenburg, daughter of Peter and Catherine (Storing) Van Volkenburg. She was b, in Otsego, Jan. 6, 1849, ^"^ resides in Frankfort, N. Y., without chUdren (1899). 2081. iv. Jerome H.', d. an infant, Feb. 14, 1854. 2082. V. Mary', b. Dec. 26, i860, d. in Springfield, March 19, 1863. 1511. Joseph Nelson* Hinds, son of William' and Lydia (Smith) Hinds, (Reuben", Joseph'-, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., March 15, 1822, and died in Rich field Springs, N. Y., June 3, 1895 ' married in Springfield, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1841, Charlotte Losee, daughter of Boltis and Lorany Losee. She was born in Springfield, Nov. 17, 1822, and died in Richfield Springs, Dec. 16, 1894. He engaged in the hop business in early life and be came a prominent dealer. From i860 to 1865, he was one of the largest dealers in the United States, having five-year contracts with the largest brewers of Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago, Detroit, and promi nent brewers in the West, to supply them with all their hops. He and his wife are both buried in the Richfield Springs cemetery. Children, born in Pharsalia, N. Y. : •2083. i. Marie Louise', b. Sept. 20, 1845. *2o84. ii. Theodore Frelinghuysen', b. Nov. 24, 1847. 2085. iii. Oscar', b. Nov. 14, 1851, d. in Pharsalia, Jan. 23, 1852. *2o86. iv. Flora Celeste', b. June i, 1S53. 1513. Orlando Sydney* Hinds, son of John' and Almira (Shaw) Hinds (Reuben", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Aug. 4, 1825 ; married in Roches ter, N. Y., in 1856, Esther M. Hinds, who was born in Albany, N. Y., in 1826. He moved to Milwaukee, Wis., in 1840, his mother and brothers going the following year. He kept a tavern on the Mus kegon Indian Trail near Milwaukee, trading with the Indians in furs. In 1849, he moved to Chicago, where he bought homestead rights and engaged in the real estate, banking and brokerage business. He was one of the original members of the first stock brokers in Chicago. He made the Hinds Sub-Division to Chicago. He is without children. 1514. Lavanda Marietta* Hinds, daughter of John' and Almira (Shaw) Hinds {Reuben", Josephs, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James' ), horn in OXs&go, Otsego Co., N. Y., Dec. 7, 1826; married (first) Dec. 18, 1853, Chester Barrett, of Cayuga, N. Y., who died in Seneca Falls, N. Y., of typhoid fever, Nov. 2, 1856, and was buried in Cayuga. She married (second) Sept. 16, 1872, Winchester R. Powell, 260 THE HINDS FAMILY of Senaca Falls, N. Y., who died of paralysis, Sept. ii, 1887, and is buried in Utica. She graduated at the state normal school in Albany, and for nineteen years after, taught school. She lives in Seneca Falls (1899). Child, born in Seneca Falls, by first husband : 2087. i. Lewis Eugene', b. AprU 8, 1856 ; m. in ClarksvUle, Tenn., Julia Abbott, who d. of cancer, in Seneca Falls, AprU 2, 1897, and is buried in ClarksvUle. He lives in Seneca Falls. They had four children, born in Seneca Falls, as follows : (a) Lavanda J.'°, b. Dec. IS, 1886. (b) Chester N.'", b. Dec. 11, 1889. (c) Rosa C.'",b. Feb. 5, iSgi, d. Sept 6, 1893. (d) Clara B.'°, b. Dec. 10, 1893. 1515. Nelson Ellsworth' Hinds, son of John' and Almira (Shaw) Hinds (Reuben", Josephs, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Feb. 6, 1830, and died in Milwaukee, Wis., March 26, 189 1. He is buried in Rose Hill cemetery, Chicago. He was engaged in the real estate business while in Chicago and was unmarried. 1516. Russell Philander* Hinds, son of John' and Almira (Shaw) Hinds (Reuben", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., July 14, 1833, and died in Chicago, Oct. 4, 1874, of malarial fever. He was engaged in the mercantile and real estate business in Chicago, and was unmarried. 1518. Eliza Ann* Hinds, daughter of Nehemiah E.' and Polly (Sutherland) Hinds (Reuben", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., July 30, 1827, and died there Jan. 11, 1859; married Robert Quaif, who was born Nov. 10, 1820. She is buried in Martin Coats' burying-ground, 12,000. He married (second) Mary Hurd, who was born May 5, 1836, and died May 18, 1883. They had at least one child as follows: (a) Lizzie A., b. Sept 6, 1865. Child : 2088. i. Delmer H.', b. Sept. 2, 1848, d. July 26, 1851. 1519. Livonia E.* Hinds, daughter of Nehemiah E.' and Polly (Sutherland) Hinds (Reuben", Josephs, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., May 11, 1834, and died there March 4, 1888 ; married July 14, 1852, Albert C. Johnson. She is buried in Rose Hill cemetery, Chicago, 111. The HINDS Monument, IN ROSE HILL CEMETERY, CHICAGO, ILL. ERECTED BY ORLANDO S. HINDS, EIGHTH GENERATION 26l Children : 2089. i. Clarence H.', b. Nov. 20, 1854, d. June 2, 1857. 2090. ii. Eliza A.', b. March 6, 1857 ; m. Nov. 3, 1892, Charles G. Smith. Child (a) Harmon C.'°, b. Feb. 14, 1896. 2091. iii, Robert C, b. Dec. 10, 1859. 1531. Henry C* Hinds, son of Nehemiah E.' and Esther (Gra ham) Hinds (Reuben", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Nov. 24, 1845, and was accidentally shot Aug. 3, 1894, by a boy hunting birds on the bank of Otsego Lake, about six miles from Cooperstown. He is buried in the cemetery in Cooperstown ; married Ida L. Eggleston, who survives him (1899). Child, born in Cooperstown, N. Y. : 2092. i. Henry C, b. in 1884, and is deceased. 1533. Oscar M.* Hinds, son of Nehemiah E.' and Esther (Gra ham) Hinds (Reuben", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John', James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Jan. 17, 1847; married in 1875, Sarah Wicks. They lived in Cooperstown, N. Y., but are now resi dents of Chicago (1899). Child, born in Cooperstown : 2093. i. Regena E.', b. Jan. 16, 1883. 1534. Alice* Hinds, daughter of James' and Samantha (Kings- ley) Hinds (Reuben", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Schenectady, N. Y., June 12, 1866 ; married Alvin B. MacMas- ters who was born in Corinth, N. Y., March 30, 1864. Children, born in Plymouth, N. Y.: 2094. i. Florence', b. May 2, 1891. 2095. ii. Charles B.', b. Oct. 18, 1892. 2096. iii. Garnet E.', b. Nov. 4, 1894. 1533. James* Hinds, son of John' and Emeline (Mott) Hinds (John", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James',) born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Jan. 28, 1830; married Flora Taylor, and lived in Otsego. Children 2097. i. John'. 2098. ii. Charles'. 2099. iii. George". 2100. iv. Child' (name unknown). 2I0I. 1. 2102. ii. 2103. iii. 2104. iv. 2105. V. 262 THE HINDS FAMILY This is all the information that could be obtained regarding this family, although letters have been written and everything has been done to make it complete. 1534. Willis* Hinds, son of John' and Emehne (Mott) Hinds (John", Joseph'-, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., in 1832 ; married Salome Shawl. Children : Emma'. Nettie'. Libbie'.Belle'.Perry', b. in 1859, d. Aug. 15, 1864. Nothing further was obtainable regarding this family. 1535. Josiah* Hinds, son of John' and Emeline (Mott) Hinds (John", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John', James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., in October, 1833, and died there Aug. 7, 1864. He was unmarried. As a member of the Ellsworth Five Zouaves, he was in all the services of that gallant regiment. He then helped raise and organize the iS2d Regiment New York Volunteers, and was appointed lieutenant in Company G, in same. He participated in all the services of that regiment until his death. 1538. Eugene A.* Hinds, son of Joseph' and Harriet ( Losee) Hinds (Nehemiah", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), horn in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Nov. 22, 1840 ; married in Richfield Springs, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1862, Mary Buchanan, daughter of Robert and Jane A. (Owens) Buchanan. She was born in Mohawk, N. Y., May 7, 1843. He was deputy postmaster in Richfield Springs from June i, 1862, to Jan. I, 1865, and was then appointed postmaster by President Lincoln, which position he held continuously until March 17, 1887. They reside in Richfield Springs. Children, born in Richfield Springs : 2106. i. Emma Louise', b. July 26, 1867. 2107. n. Fred Robert', b. Oct. 28, 1869, d. in Richfield Springs, Feb. 21, 1877. 2108. in. Mary Eugenia', b. Sept. 6, 1873. 2109. iv. Marjorie Losee', b. May 23, 1S78. 21 10. V. Anita Buchanan', b. AprU 6, 1880. 1539. Hiram Counrad* Hinds, son of Joseph' and Harriet (Losee) Hinds (Nehemiah", Joseph'-, Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", EIGHTH GENERATION 263 James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., June 17, 1843, died Dec. 7, 1881, in San Francisco, and is buried there ; married in Richfield Springs, April 4, 1866, Emma Augusta Buchanan, daughter of Robert and Jane A. (Owens) Buchanan. She was born in Mohawk, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1846. At the beginning of the war of the Rebellion, he enlist ed in Richfield Springs, Nov. 30, 1861, and was mustered into service Dec. 4, of the same year. He was orderly sergeant in Company A, 78th Regiment (Eagle Brigade), New York Volunteers. The 78th and i02d were afterwards consolidated into one regiment as the i02d, and with this regiment he served throughout the war. He was in the fight at Harper's Ferry and in Hooker's Brigade at the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Was taken prisoner at the battle of Chancellorsville, and sent to Libby prison. After being confined .there about three months, he was exchanged and joined his regiment in time to partici pate in the battle above the clouds at Lookout Mountain, Nov. 24, 1863. In this battle he engaged a rebel soldier, disarmed him, cap tured his musket, and sent it North to his brother Eugene. He was taken prisoner at Atlanta and sent to Columbia, S. C. With two other soldiers, he made his escape, and after wandering about the country for three weeks, traveling nights and sleeping in negro camps by day, they came upon what they supposed to be the Union lines, and hastened in only to find it a rebel camp. They were again made prisoners and sent back to Columbia. While a prisoner here, he bought a meal bag from a rebel soldier to make himself a pair of pants, paying for the same $2,700 in Confederate money. He was then exchanged and served without further mishap, and was mustered out at the close of the war. His widow is now a bookkeeper and lives in San Francisco (1899). Children, born in San Francisco : 2111. i. Bessie B.', b. Sept 8, 1872, d. in San Francisco, Jan. 3, 1885. 2112. U. Jennie Belshaw', b. Dec. 8, 1875. 21 13. in. Walter Robert', b. Jan. 5, 1878. 1541. Charles Joseph* Hinds, son of Joseph' and Harriet (Losee) Hinds (Nehemiah", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John', James'), born in Little Falls, N. Y., Oct 2, 1853, and died in Richfield Springs, N. Y., July 26, 1888. He is buried in Richfield Springs cem etery ; married (first) in Richfield Springs, Dec. 20, 1877, Anna Conklin, who was born Dec. 5, 1857, and died in Richfield Springs, June 10, 1878; married (second) in New York City, April 8, 1880, Maria Kissam, who survives him. He had no children by either marriage. 264 THE HINDS FAMILY 1547. Marcia* Hinds, daughter of Reuben' and Mary (Dav ison) Hinds (Nehemiah", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Pittsfield, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1849, and died in Westford, N. Y., May 2, 1872 ; married in Edmeston, N. Y., in July, 1868, Aimer Thurbee. Children : 21 14. i. Mary A.', b. July 24, 1869; m. in October, 1892, William Beatley. 2115. u. Maud L.', b. Jan. 12, 1871; m. about 1890, Frank Noyes, of Westford. 1548. Theodore Curtis* Hinds, son of Reuben' and Mary (Davison) Hinds (Nehemiah", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Pittsfield, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1851 ; married in Utica, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1874, Elizabeth Davis. Children, born in Edmeston, N. Y. : 2116. i. Leona M.', b. March 23, 1876. She has been of great assistance in working out her branch of the famUy for this work. She resides in New Berlin, N. Y. (1899). 2117. ii. Geneva B.', b. March 18, 1879. 2118. iii. Helen Jeanette', b. July 19, 1882. 2119. iv. Harriet Davis', b. Oct 4, 1884. 1549. Frank* Hinds, son of Reuben' and Mary (Davison) Hinds (Nehemiah", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Pittsfield, N. Y., July 26, 1854, and died there Dec. 31, 1894 ; married in Pittsfield, Oct. 10, 1874, Mary Hall. Children, born in Pittsfield : 2120. i. Charles', b. Oct. 15, 1877. 2121. ii. Lewis', b. Aug. 20, 1884. 1556. Sarah M.* Hinds, daughter of John' and Clarissa A. (Barney) Hinds (Nehemiah", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Galen, Wayne Co., N. Y., April 20, 1848, and died in Cooperstown, N. Y., Feb. i8, 1887 ; married in Cooperstown, Feb. 16, 1870, Moses H. Lippitt. Children, born in Cooperstown : 2122. i. Charles Metcalf', b. AprU 22, 1871, d. in Cooperstown, Feb. 4. 1873. 2123. n. Katherine Kenyon', b. June 15, 1872; m. in Cooperstown, Aug. 20, 1895. WiUiam Lincoln McEuan. ChUdren : (a) Mildred Lippitt'", b. in Eddy, N. M., Sept. 10, 1896. (b) Esther Hinds'", b. in Eddy, Dec. 30, 1897. EIGHTH GENERATION 265 2124. iu. Adalaide Bowe', b. Nov. 16, 1873. She has assisted greatly in this work, regarding her branch of the famUy. 2125. iv. MosES Ernest', b. Jan. 24, 1876. 2126. V. Frederick Hinds', b. AprU 10, 1878, d. May 8, following. 2127. vi. Clara Abbie', b. Sept. 26, 1879. 2128. vii. Ceylon Kendrick', b. Dec. 26, 1881. 2129. viii. Sarah Esther', b. Jan. 18, 1887. 1557. Frederick DeLancey* Hinds, son of John' and Clarissa A. (Barney) Hinds (Nehemiah", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Galen, Wayne Co., N. Y., April 6, 185 1 ; mar ried in Albany, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1875, Eldora J. White. Children, born in Hartwick, N. Y.: 2130. i. Ethel Clara' b. Feb. 9, 1876. 2131. ii. Charles Frederick', b. June 5, 1879. 2132. in. Fayette John', b. Nov. 12, 1885. 1558. Abbie E.* Hinds, daughter of Fayette' and Susan (Card) Hinds (Nehemiah", Joseph'-, Nehemiah*, Hopestilf, John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., July 12, 1849, and died in Coopers town, N. Y., March 18, 1878; married in Otsego, Erwin H. Bailey, of Cooperstown. He was born May 29, 1848, and is a druggist in Coop erstown. She is buried in the cemetery in Cooperstown. They were without children. 1563. Joseph L.* Hinds, son of Lucien' and Barbara Amanda (Stevens) Hinds (Nehemiah", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Fly Creek, N. Y., July 14, 1856, and died Oct. 23, 1889 ; married in Milford, Otsego Co., N. Y., Dec. 4, 1878, Ida B. Em pa. Children, born in Milford : 2133. i. Hattie M.', b. Nov. 17, 1884. 2134. U. Leah J.', b. July 10, 1886. 1566. Frances* Hinds, daughter of Lewis' and Harriet (Bailey) Hinds (Nehemiah", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Oct 23, 1863 ; married Ulysses Van Horn. Children, born in Otsego : 2135. i. Dorr H.', b. Oct 14, 1889. 2136. u. Florence M.', b. Jan. 1, 1897. IRintb feneration 1579. Harry Edwin? Hinds, son of Charles Crogin* and Frances Emily (Noyes) Hinds (Ebenezert, Ebenezer'-, Ebenezer', Ebenezer*, John', William", William'), born in Pittston, Me., July i, 1864; mar ried in Gardiner, Me., June 17, 1889, Jane Frances Brown, daughter of Philip and Jane (Anderson) Brown. She was born in Whitefield, Me., Sept I, 1858. He moved with his family from Gardiner, Jan. 16, 1893. He formerly worked at the trade of shoemaking in the factories at Pittston, Richmond, Gardiner and Auburn, but is at present employed as shipping clerk for the The Hollingsworth & Whitney Company, manufacturers of manila wrapping paper in Waterville, Me. He re sides in Waterville ( 1899), and has furnished much of the data regard ing his branch of the family for this work. Children, first two born in Gardiner, others in Waterville : 2137. i. Leo Philip'", b. AprU 7, iSgi. 2138. ii. Harold Francis'", b. July 12, 1892. 2139. iii. LiNwooD James'", b. Dec. 30, 1893, d. in Waterville, Aug. 24, 1894. 2140. iv. Edwin Stanley'", b. June 8, 1S95, ^- ™ Waterville, Aug. 7, 1896. 2141. V. Walter Frederick'", b. July 30, 1896, d. in WatervUle, Aug. 12, foUowing. 2142. vi. Beatrice Catherine'", b. Jan. 24, 1898. 1580. Julia M.9 Hinds, daughter of Charles Crogin* and Frances Emily (Noyes) Hinds (Ebenezeri, Ebenezer", Ebenezer', Eben ezer*, John', William', WilUam'), born in Gardiner, Me., July 24, 1866 ; married in Gardiner, March 28, 1885, Elmer Ellsworth Lord, son of Emerson and Jane Lord. He was born in Litchfield, Me., Aug. 12, 1862. They reside in Lisbon Falls, Me. (1899). Children, first three born in Gardiner, other in Lisbon Falls : 2143. i. Charles Emerson'", b. May 23, 1887. 2144. ii. Harry Elmer'", b. May 23, 1887, d. same day. 2145. in. Marion Emma'", b. Oct. 10, 1892. 2146. iv. Madelyn Frances'", b. July i, 1896. 1581. John Floyd? Hinds, son of Charles Crogin* and Frances Emily (Noyes) Hinds (Ebenezer'', Ebenezer'-, Ebenezer', Eben- 266 PRISCILLA GRACE (LIBBY) HINDS. >yy: J^^ MARGARET KATHERINE HINDS CLAYlOrl AURLIIUS HINDS. NINTH GENERATION 26/ ezer*, John', William", William'), born in Pittston, Me., Sept 17, 1873 ; married in Gardiner, Me., Aug. 2, 1892, Nellie F. Reid, daugh ter of John and Lydia A. Reid. She was born in Georgetown, Me., July 28, 1873. They reside in Topsham, Me. (1899). Child : 2147. i. Bernice Frances'", b. in Gardiner, April 11, 1894. 1585. Anne Hathaway? Hinds, daughter of Revillo Leon ard* and Jean (Taylor) Hinds (Elkanah L.t, Ebenezer'', Ebenezer^, Eben ezer*, John', William", William'), born in Fall River, Mass., Jan. 11, 1875 ; married Sept. i, 1896, Edward A. Millard. Child : 2148. i. Dorothy Jean'", b. July 24, 1897. 1596. Albert Henry? Hinds, son of Aurelius Stone* and Ellen Elizabeth (Noyes) Hinds (Albert G.'', Ebenezer", Ebenezer ', Ebeti- ezer*, John', William", William'), born in Portland, Me., Dec. 12, 1874; married in Portland, June 3, 1896, Priscilla Grace Libby, daughter of George and Rosina (McNelly) Libby, of Portland. She was born in Portland, July 13, 1876. He received his early schooling in the public schools of Portland, later going to Worcester Academ}^, Worcester, Mass., where he remained some over a year, returning to Portland in 1892. Here he took up a complete course of shorthand and typewrit ing, and in September, 1894, entered the senior class at the Peekskill Military Academy, graduating in June, 1895, receiving gold and silver medals for prize oratory. On returning to Portland, he entered the laboratory of his father, as bookkeeper, remaining there ever since. While attending the academy in Peekskill, his attention was drawn toward genealogical work, and the foundation of this book was started there. These foundation sheets were laid aside until during the year 1897, when they were again picked up and extensive plans were made for gathering data for "The Hinds Family." This work went on until the present time, and the compiler has endeavored to make a book which will not only be interesting to the present generation, but which will be handed down to the many generations to come. May all find as much interest contained therein, as the author has found in compiling the same. He lives in Portland (1899). Children, born in Portland : 2149. i. Margaret Katherine'", b. March 27, 1897. At birth she had probably more living ancestors, representing a greater number of generations than any baby in the vicinity. She had one great- great-grandmother, two great grandfathers, two great-grand- 268 THE HINDS FAMILY mothers, two grandmothers, and two grandfathers. On her father's side, she completed four living generations, and on her mother's side, five generations were represented by living per sons. The five-generation group, which was taken when the little girl was but a few months old, is in possession of the family and is very interesting. 2150. U. Clayton Aurelius'", b. March 27, 1899. 1605. William Elbridge? Hinds, son of William Canada* and Isabel (Finnard) Hinds (Elbridge C', Ebenezer'-, EbenezerS, Eben ezer*, John', William", William'), born in Biddeford, Me., March 23, 1874 ; married in New York City, N. Y., June 9, 1898, Clara Elizabeth Hurlbut, daughter of Charles Rodney and Phoebe Ann (Calvert) Hurlbut. She was born in New York, Nov. 8, 1882. 1714. Alice Adeline? Hinds, daughter of Alonzo* and Laura Ann (Greely) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Essex, Vt, Nov. 17, 1848 ; married in Thomson, 111., Oct 24, 1868, Fred N.Taylor. Theyreside in Jewell Junction, Iowa, where he is a farmer (1899). She has furnished the data of her branch of the family. Children : 2151. i. Laura D.'°, b. AprU 24, 1870; m. in 1891, George W. Davis, of Jewell, who d. Feb. 16, 1899. Hattie A.'°, b. Aug. 12, 1872, d. Oct 5, 1874. Frank F.'°, b. Aug. 5, 1874. He is a farmer of Jewell (1899). Myrtle M.'", b. May 7, 1876 ; m. J. S. RUey, a farmer of Web ster City, la. IVA A.'", b. in JeweU, Oct 25, 1877. Freddie G.'", b. July 31, 1884, d. March 15, 1887. Ralph C", b. Oct. 19, 1888. Vernon M.'", b. March 27, 1891. 1716. Ida Marinda? Hinds, daughter of Alonzo*, and Laura Ann (Greely) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius'-, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Essex, Vt, Aug. 19, 1852 ; married in Cadiz, Wis., April 25, 1869, Camel Alexander Howe, who was born in Oneco, 111., April 6, 1850. She moved to Illinois with her parents in 1866. He is a traveling salesman and resides in Lena, III. (1899). She has fur nished the data regarding her family. Children : 2159. i. William Alonzo'", b. in Mt. Pleasant IU., AprU 4, 1870, d. there, Oct. 24, 1872. 2160. n. Frederick Camel'", b. in Mt. Pleasant, March 2, 1873, d. in Elgin, IU., Jan. 22, 1896. 2152. u. 2153- iii. 2154. iv. 2155. V. 2156. vi. 2157. vii. 2158. viii. '¦% VJ ALTER DEWITT HINDS. "^^^ ¦ ^ -, ^ NINTH GENERATION 269 2161. iii. Clinton Wilson'", b. in Fairhaven, 111., March 16, 1875. 2162. iv. Edward Harold'", b. in Thomson, IU., Aug. 11, 1878. 2163. V. Grace Marie'", b. in Lena, June 27, 1884. 2164. vi. Alice Lenore'", b. in Lena, June 29, 1890. 1722. William V.? Hinds, son of Andrew* and Mrs. Sarah (Gibler) Hinds (Eli'', Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Oneco Township, Stephenson Co., III., Dec. 22, 1849 ! married in Oneco, Sept i8, 1869, Clara Jane Howe, daughter of James and Melissa (Vanmatre) Howe. He is a farmer and lives without children in David City, Neb. (1899). 1723. Eli? Hinds, son of Andrew* and Mrs. Sarah (Gibler) Hinds, (Elit, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*', John', John", James'), born in Oneco Township, Stephenson Co., III., April 13, 185 1 ; married in Oneco, Feb. 29, 1872, Maggie Scanlgn, daughter of Patrick and Martha (Taylor) Scanlon. She was born in Akron, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1848. He is a farmer and lives in Winslow, III. (1899). Children : 2165. i. Eli L.'", b. Dec. i, 1872, d. Feb. 13, 1873. 2166. ii. Andrew'", b. AprU 6, 1874. 2167. iii. Thomas'", b. May 20, 1876. 1724. Laura Ann? Hinds, daughter of Andrew* and Mrs. Sarah (Gibler) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Oneco Township, Stephenson Co., 111., Nov. 14, 1852 ; married in Oneco, Sept. 18, 1869, Henry C. Taft, who was born in Oneco, Jan. 24, 1846. He was the son of Benjamin F. and Lydia Catherine (Welsch) Taft. They reside in Oneco (1899). He was a volunteer in the Civil war in the 46th Illinois Infantry. She has fur nished the records of her family for this work. Children : 2168. i. Annie'", b. June 28, 1870; m. in Freeport, IU., March 7, 1893, WUliam Northey. ChUd : (a) Vera Clare", b. in Shannon, 111., Feb. 15, 1895. 2169. ii. Jennie'", b. May 9, 1872 ; m. in Cadiz, Green Co., Wis., Feb. 22, 1892, WUliam Fryer. ChUd : (a) Harry Clay", b. in Shannon, Sept. 5, I893. 2170. in. Maud'", b. March 29, 1874 ; m. in Freeport IU., Feb. i, 1896, Edward Lincold Stewart. They are without chUdren. 2171. iv. Sarah'", b. Jan. 29, 1877; m. in Cadiz, Dec. 25, 1895, Lewis Mil ler. ChUd : (a) Russell Laurell", b. in Oneco, Nov. 15, 1896. 2172. V. Myrtie'", b. July 18, 1872; m. in Cadiz, May 18, 1898, John A. Duncan. They are without chUdren. 270 THE HINDS FAMILY 1725. Lewis H.? Hinds, son of Andrew* and Mrs. Sarah (Gibler) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Oneco Township, Stephenson Co., III., April 16, 1854 ; married in Winslow Township, 111., Dec. 23, 1874, Eugena Vaughan. He is a farmer and resides in David City, Neb. (1899). Children : 2I73. i. Kate'". 2174. ii. Orrin'"- 2175. iii. Josephine' 2176. iv. Charles'". 2177. V. Boyd'" 2178. vi. Romeo"". 2179. vii. Brian'". 1726. Franklin Pierce? Hinds, son of Andrew* and Mrs. Sarah (Gibler) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Freeport, 111., March 11, 1856 ; married in Oneco, 111 , July 29, 1880, Margaret Ann Lloyd, daughter of Henry, born in Eng-' land, Aug. 26, 1814, died Jan. 13, 1887, and Susannah (White) Lloyd, born in Portsmouth, Ohio, Feb. 14, 1820, d. Feb. 27, 1888. She was born in Portsmouth, Siota Co., Ohio, May i6, 1855. They reside in Winslow, 111., where he is a farmer (1899). He has been of much as sistance in getting the records of his family. Children, born in Oneco : 2180. i. William Van'", b. Jan. 30, 1S82. 2181. ii. Kittie May'", b. May 13, 18S4, d. in Oneco, Oct. 12, 1884. 2182. iii. Claten Boyd'", b. May 13, 1884, d. in Oneco, Oct. 6, 1884. 2183. iv. Kittie Lola'", b. Nov. 26, i886. 1727. Margaret Jane? Hinds, daughter of Andrew* and Mrs. Sarah (Gibler) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cortielius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Oneco Township, Stephenson Co., 111., Jan. 6, 1858 ; married in Oneco, Feb. 10, 1876, Lewis W. Taft son of Benjamin F. and Lydia Catherine (Welsch) Taft. He was born in Oneco, Sept. 7, 1855. They reside in Oneco (1899) and she has furnished the record of her family for this work. Children, born in Oneco Township : 2184. i. Joseph B.'°, b. Nov. 10, 1877. 2185. ii. Della'", b. Dec. 20, 1878, d. in Oneco, in June, 1879. 2186. in. Jessie Pearl'", b. July 23, 1879; m. in Martintown, Wis., Nov. 21, 1897, Rudolph J. Schwitz, son of Jacob and Magdalena Schwitz. He was b. in Illinois, Oct 10, 1876. 2187. iv. Wren'", b. May 22, 1882. 2188. V. Emma'", b. AprU 11, 1884. NINTH GENERATION 2/1 21 2 1 go, 2191 21922193 vi. Guy'°, b. Nov. 5, 1886. vn. Mamie'", b. June 3, 1888. vui. Claton'", b. June 3, 1892. ix. Hazel'", b. June 10, 1894. X. Parker Lewis'", b. March 20, 18 1728. James D.? Hinds, son of Andrew* and Mrs. Sarah (Gibler) Hinds (Eli', Eli", Cornelius^, Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Oneco Township, Stephenson Co., 111., Jan. 31, 1859 ; married in Lena, 111., Nov. 12, 1884, Jennie M. Rife, daughter of Henry Abram and Susan (Kemper) Rife. She was born in Freeport, Stephenson Co., 111., Sept. 9, 1863. For about twelve years, he has been on the road for a carriage manufacturer, in the sale of buggies. At present (1899), he has a carriage repository in Lena, where he resides. He and his wife have been of great service in tracing out the families of their brothers and sisters. Children, born in Lena : 2194. i. Mildred Adell'", b. Aug. 28, 1886. 2195. ii. James Harold'", b. May 7, 1890. 1729. Mary D.? Hinds, daughter of Andrew* and Mrs. Sarah (Gibler) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Oneco Township, Stephenson Co., 111., Oct. 11, i860; married in Oneco, Aug. 8, 1881, Joseph Howe, son of Cyrus and Priscilla Howe. He was born Nov. 22, 1857. They live in Winslow, 111. (1899). Children : James'", b. Aug. 16, 1882. Melvin'", b. Oct 29, 1884. Bertha'", b. March 25, 1886. Marcelia'", b. AprU 14, 1888. Joseph F.'", b. Sept 22, 1892. Nellie May'", b. Nov. 14, 1895. Charles Erwin'", b. AprU 29, 1897. Letha Fray'", b. Jan. 13, 1899. 1730. Idella May? Hinds, daughter of Andrew* and Mrs. Sarah (Gibler) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Oneco Township, Stephenson Co., 111., April 24, 1862 ; married in Oneco, May 11, 1879, James Morgan Rybolt son of Henry and Elizabeth Rybolt. He was at one time a school-teacher, but is at present (1899) deputy county treasurer, and resides in Free- port, 111. 2196. 1. 2197. ii. 2198. iii. 2199. iv. 2200. V. 2201. vi. 2202. vii. 2203. viii. Children 2204. i. 2205. ii. 2206. iii. 2207. iv. 2208. V. 2209. vi. 2210. vii. 272 THE HINDS FAMILY Minnie N.'°, b. in Winslow, 111., AprU 9, 1880. Homer H.'", b. in Oneco, May 9, 1882. Vida'°, b. in Winslow, Jan. 30, 1885, d. Feb. 7, following. Bertha'", b. in Oneco, May 23, 1886, d. same day. Maggie May'", b. in Lena, Aug. 23, 1892, d. five days later. Esther'", b. in Stockton, Feb. 5, 1895, d. two days later. Ruth Aurolyn'", b in Lena, March 11, 1896. 1731. Thomas J.? Hinds, son of Andrew* and Mrs. Sarah (Gibler) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Oneco Township, Stephenson Co., 111., Oct. 28, 1864; married in Fairfield, 111., Feb. 14, 1886, Nellie Hurt daughter of Harris and Sarah (Driskell) Hurt. She was born near Springfield, 111., Oct. 14, 1865. He is a farmer and resides in David City, Neb. (1899). Children, born in Olive Township, Neb.: 2211. i. Harry J. '", b. Dec. 13, 1886. 2212. u. Oscar C", b. Nov. 14, 1888. 2213. in. Helen"", b. Aug. 7, 1891. 2214. iv. Andrew Thurman'", b. Aug. 23, 1S95. 1732. Joseph B.? Hinds, son of Andrew* and Mrs. Sarah (Gibler) Hinds {EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Oneco Township, Stephenson Co., 111., Nov. 8, 1867 ; married (first) in Lena, 111., Dec. 31, 1886, Jennie Breed, who was born in Stockton, 111., Nov. 25, 1866, and who died there Nov. 24, 1895. She was the daughter of Bradley and Martha Breed. Married (second) Feb. 27, 1899, Anna Bolender, of Freeport 111., who was born in Orangeville, 111., Aug. 11, 1872. She was the daughter of Harrison W. and Mary Ellen Bolender. She graduated at Knox college, in 1892, and also took a course of music at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, Mass. He commenced learning the printer's trade when but fourteen years of age, and with the exception of four or five years, has, since followed that occupation. He is at present manager of the mechanical department of the " Daily Democrat," in Freeport, 111. While out of the printing business, he became very familiar with the grocery business. He has owned and conducted several newspaper plants, and now lives in Freeport (1899). Children, by first wife : 2215. i. Grace L.'", b. in Lena, 111., Nov. 21, 1888. 2216. ii. Cora Myrtle'", b. in Stockton, IU., March 4, 1890. 2217. iii. Allie Adelma'", b. in Stockton, April 21, 1892. NINTH GENERATION 273 1734. Lellah Matilda? Hinds, daughter of Barnabas* and Matilda (Buck) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Manchester, N. H., June 26, 1853 ; married in Wins low, Stephenson Co., 111., Dec. 25, 1873, Almon Marshall Taylor, son of Alonzo, born in Gilsum, N. H., Oct. 19, 1808, died March 10, 1896, and Dianna (Barber ) Taylor, died in 1867. He is a farmer and resides in Thomson, 111. (1899). Children, born in Thomson : 2218. i. Minnie Mabel'", b. June 6, 1875; m. in Thomson, Dec. 30, 1897, Amos A. Burr, son of Aaron and Eliza Ann (Lewis) Burr. He enlisted in the war with Spain, in the Sixth Illinois Volunteers, and was a corporal in Porto Rico. 2219. ii. Clifton Hinds'", b. Aug. 14, 1878. 2220. iii. Alfred Joseph'", b. Jan. 10, 1882. 2221. iv. Ida Verona'", b. March 5, 1884. 2222. V. Archie Raymond'", b. Nov. 29, 1885. 1735. Ada Marion? Hinds, daughter of Barnabas* and Ma tilda (Buck) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius'-, Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Manchegter, N. H., May 18, 1855 ; married in Wins low, 111., Jan. I, 1880, Alexander Fye, son of John Fye. They reside in Marquette, Neb., where he carries on a farm (1899). Children, the first six born in Aurora, 111.: Clara M.'", b. Dec. 4, 1880. Otterbeine'", b. Sept. 14, 1882. John B.'°, b. May 9, 1884. Laura A.'", b. Feb. 25, 1886. Child'", d. aged one year. Child'", d. aged three months. Mary Matilda'", b. in Central City. Neb., in Oct, 1890. Lillian Lellah'", b. in EUendale, N. D., Oct. 30, 1894. EvA Pansy'", b. in Marquette, Neb, in 1896. Ernest'", b. in Marquette, in March, 1898. 1736. Eva Matilda? Hinds, daughter of Barnabas* and Matilda (Buck) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, Sept. 6, 1857 ; married in Winslow, 111., Sept. 2, 1880, Mahlen D. Mulnix, son of Eli and Desdemona (Dun ham) Mulnix. They reside in Thomson, 111. (1899). Children, by adoption : 2233. i. Eddie'", b. Jan. 19, 1881. 2234. ii. Celia'", b. in July, 1887. 1737. Clara EUen? Hinds, daughter of Barnabas* and Ma tilda (Buck) Hinds (^/z', .£//*, Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), S 2223. 1. 2224. ii. 2225. iii. 2226. iv. 2227. V. 2228. vi. 2229. vii. 2230. viii. 2231. ix. 2232. X. 274 THE HINDS FAMILY born in Eden, Vt, Dec 3, 1859 ; married in Cadiz, Wis., Nov. 13, 1881, Daniel M. Webster, son of Ebenezer and Mehittabel (Merrill) Webster. They reside in Thomson, 111., where he is a farmer (1899). Children, the second by adoption : 2235. i. Luellah May^", b. March 25, 1883. 2236. ii. BeatriceI", b. July 4, 1892. 1738. Andrew G-ilman? Hinds, son of Barnabas* and Ma tilda (Buck) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, Nov. 19, 1861 ; married in Freeport, 111., Dec. 18, 1888, Sarah Mulnix, daughter of Eli and Desdemona (Dunham) Mul nix. He is a farmer of Thomson, 111. (1899). Children : 2237. i. Irving Andrew'", b. in Ellendale, S. D., Jan. 30, 1890. 2238. ii. Floyd Glenn'", b. in Ellendale, S. D., Feb. 6, 1894. 2239. iii. Edith May'", b. Feb. 14, 1898, in Thomson, 111. 1739. Aldace Sheridan? Hinds, son of Barnabas* and Matilda (Buck) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, Oct 27, 1865 ; married in Ellendale, S. D., Nov. 7, i8g8, Jennie A. Hutchinson. They reside in Ellendale (1899). 1752. Cora? Hind.S, daughter of Phineas D.* and Samantha P. (Rand) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Johnson, Vt., June 15, 1867; married in Johnson, June 14, 1892, Charles Edwin Blake, of Haverhill, Mass., who was born in Lowell, Vt, Dec. 20, 1865. He is bookkeeper and salesman for H. Belanger, of Haverhill, a wholesale flour and produce merchant. They live in Haverhill (1899). Child, born in Haverhill : 2240. i. Persis Frances'", b. Oct. 5, 1S96. 1753. Don Sylvester? Hinds, son of Phineas D.* and Samantha P. (Rand) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'),horn in Johnson, Vt, Feb. 14, 1873 ; married in Haver hill, Mass., June 8, 1898, M. Louise Steele, who was born in Haverhill, Nov. 4, 1878. He is a motorman on the Lowell, Lawrence, and Haver hill Electric Railway and lives in Haverhill (1899). 1754, Florence A.? Hinds, daughter of Sylvanus W.* and Eliza D. (Proctor) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Eden, Vt, June 14, 1857, and died Feb. 8, 1885 ; married in Lowell, Vt, Sept. 9, 1876, Willie H. Stearns. NINTH GENERATION 275 1755. Hattie A.? Hinds, daughter of Sylvanus W.* and Eliza D. (Proctor) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt., April 28, i86o ; married in Eden, June 29, 1879, M. A. Hadley, son of Abel and Harriet (Marshall) Hadley. He was born in Eden, June 30, 1850. Children, first two born in Eden, others in Hyde Park, Vt. : 2241. i. Bertha M.'", b. Feb. 11, 1S80. 2242. ii. loNA F.'°, b. Aug. 30, 1882, d. in Eden, May 25, 1884. 2243. iii. Louie L.'°, b. AprU 6, 1890. 2244. iv. Charles M.'", b. AprU 27, 1892. 1756. Erastus H.? Hinds, son of Sylvanus W.* and Eliza D. (Proctor) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Eden, Vt, March 23, 1862 ; married in Johnson, Vt., May 14, 1887, Minnie B. Crocker, daughter of Chauncy and Artie (Robertson) Crocker. She was born in Johnson, Vt, July 29, 1865. He lived in Lyndon Center, Vt., from 1887 to 1897, where he carried on a general store, and where he was postmaster for four years. He then moved to Cambridge, Vt., and entered into the creamery business with W. H. Stearns. Children, born in Lyndon : 2245. i. JUNA E.'", b. March 9, 1891. 2246. ii. Jennie L.'", b. AprU 11, 1893. 1757. Jennie L.? Hinds, daughter of Sylvanus W.* and Eliza D. (Proctor) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, July 23, 1866 ; married in Worcester, Mass., Jan. 21, 1889, Berton E. Newton, son of Sewell and Frances (Hayford) Newton. He died March 2, 1893. She lives in Worcester (1899). 1759. Gertrude B.? Hinds, daughter of Sylvanus W.* and Eliza D. ( Proctor) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, Jan. 19, 1879 ; married in Johnson, Vt, May 12, 1897, Edwin W. Parker of North Hyde Park, Vt, son of Cyrus and Rebecca (Brown) Parker. He was born in Johnson, Vt, March 16, 1871. Child : 2247. i. Vivian E.'", b, in North Hyde Park, Nov. 17, 189S. 1760. George E.? Hinds, son of Joel H.* and Phebe (Avery) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in 2/6 THE HINDS FAMILY Eden, Vt., Feb. 5, 1859 ; married in Clay Center, Kansas, April 10, 1888, Loucin Reed. They live in Clay Center (1899). Child, born in Clay Center : 2248. i. Etta'", b. Feb. 23, 1891. 1762. Martin H.? Hinds, son of Joel H.* and Phebe (Avery) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Eden, Vt-, April 26, 1862 ; married in Clay Center, Kansas, Feb. 22, 1887, Clara Hapgood. Children, born in Clay Center : 2249. i. Gladys Irene'", b. May 8, 1888. 2250. ii. Mabel Irene'", b. March 17, 1890. 2251. in. Joel Henry'", b. Aug. 7, 1S91. 1 764. Silas E.? Hinds, son of Joel H.-* and Phebe (Avery) U.inds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James',) born in Eden, Vt, Nov. 12, 1865 ; married in Clay Center, Kansas, Oct. 28, 1891, Annie Fisher. 1765. Delilah L.? Hinds, daughter of Joel H.* and Phebe (Avery) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Eden, Vt., June 30, 1867 ; married in Clay Center, Kansas, April 6, 1886, J. W. Read. Children, born in Clay Center : 2252. i. Clinton J.'°, b. June 5, 1887. 2253. ii. Minnie M.'°, b. Aug. 20, iS88. 1766. Effie L.? Hinds, son of Joel H.* and Phebe (Avery) Hinds (EW, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, Nov. 14, 1870; married in Clay Center, Kansas, March i, 1892, Miletus P. Fisher. 1795. lone? Hinds, daughter of Horace O.* and Catherine (Knapp) Hinds (Josiah D.t, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Lowell, Vt, Dec. 3, 1847 ; married March 18, 1866, John F. Smith, who was born in Albany, Vt, July 17, 1842. They live in Lowell (1899). Children : 2254. i. Minnie'", b. in LoweU, May 13, 1868. 2255. ii. Jennie'", b. in Chicopee, Mass., July 17, 1872. 1796. Milo? Hinds, son of Horace O.* and Catherine (Knapp) Hinds (Josiah DJ, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'),hom NINTH GENERATION 2/7 in Lowell, Vt., Feb. 27, 1852 ; married Sarah Doolan, who was born in Troy, Vt, June 10, 1856. They live in Lowell and are without children (1899). 1797. May? Hinds, daughter of Horace O.* and Catherine (Knapp) Hinds (Josiah D.t, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Lowell, Vt., June 4, 1855 ; married Feb. 26, 1878, Freeman D. Lothrop, who was born in Bakersfield, Vt, April 13, 1857. They live in Lowell (1899) and are without children. 1798. Eli? Hinds, son of Horace O.* and Catherine (Knapp) YiXnds (Josiah D,'', Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Lowell, Vt, Oct i, 1858; married Oct 9, 1880, Jennie Diana? Hinds, daughter of Abel Smith* and Emily Diana (Stone) Hinds (Abel 5.', Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, Sept. 6, 1863. They live in Lowell (1899). Children, born in Lowell : 2256. i. Emma C.^", b. July 29, 1881, 2257. ii. Agnes Lottie^, b. June 26, 1889, 1799. Kate? Hinds, daughter of Horace O.* and Catherine (Knapp) Hinds (Josiah D?, Eli", Cornelius'', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Lowell, Vt., Aug. 26, 1865 ; married in Troy, N. Y., Charles Kelley, who was born in Lowell, Nov. 9, 1859. They live in Lowell (1899). Child : 2258. i. ChloeI", b. July 6, 1890. 1804. Maud L.? Hinds, daughter of Eli* and Sarah J. (Pow ers) Hinds (Josiah Z>.', Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Lowell, Vt, May 15, 1878 ; married in October, 1897, Henry Hinds, who was born in Eden. Child : 2259. i. Cola Madge'", b. in Eden, in July, 1898. 1806. Jennie Diana? Hinds, daughter of Abel Smith* and Emily Diana (Stone) Hinds (Abel S.t, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Sept. 6, 1862 ; married Oct. 9, 1880, Eli? Hinds, son of Horace O.* and Catherine (Knapp) Hinds ('Josiah D.t, Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Lowell, Vt, Oct. I, 1858. They live in Lowell, Vt (1899). Children, born in Lowell : 2260. i. Emma C", b. July 29, 1881. 2261. ii. Agnes Lottie'", b. June 26, 18S9. 278 THE HINDS FAMILY 1808. Lottie May? Hinds, daughter of Napoleon Bonaparte* and Mrs. Emily Diana (Stone) (Hinds) Hinds {Abel S,'', Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt., Aug. 29, 1870 ; married in Eden, Nov. 4, 189 1, Everett E. Ruggles, of Lyndonville, Vt, son of Nathan and Lydia (Garfield) Ruggles. He was born in Lyndon. No children in January, 1899. 1809. Agnes Lunette? Hinds, daughter of Napoleon Bona parte* and Mrs. Emily Diana (Stone) (Hinds) Hinds (Abel S,', Eli", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt, June 9, 1873 ; married in Eden, April 22, 1895, Albert E. Ruggles, of Lyn donville, Vt., son of Nathan and Lydia (Garfield) Ruggles. He was born in Lyndon. Child, born in Hardwick, Vt. : 2262. i. Homer Leon'", h. Feb. 7, 1896. 1814. George Henry? Hinds, son of George Kenfield' and Mindwell Melissa (Carpenter) Hinds (Abel S,'', Eli", Cornelius', Corlis* John', John", James'), born in Eden, Vt., June 26, 1872 ; married by F. H. Raymore, justice of the peace, Sept 30, 1896, Maude E. Hinds, Child : 2263. i. Daughter'" (name unknown), b. July 25, 1898. 1837. Frederick Sumner? Hinds, son of Frederick B.^, and Eliza Mundy (Hammond) Hinds (Hiram Z>.', Cornelius", Cornelius', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Providence, R. I., Feb. 13, i860 ; married in Providence, Feb. 8, 1883, Mrs. Mary Annie (Adcock) Right of Newark, Eng., daughter of Charles and Sarah Adcock of Providence. He is chief draughtsman for Lockwood, Green & Co., of Boston, with whom he has been associated for sixteen years. 1881. Nevada? Hinds, daughter of Orvis Corlis* and Jennette (Hart) Hinds (Alpheus H,i, Corlis^, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Aurora, 111., in August, 1854 ; married in Chicago, 111., in August, 1876, Dennis S. Jones. 1882. Eva J?. Hinds, daughter of Orvis Corlis* and Jennette (Hart) Hinds (Alpheus H7, Corlis'', Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Aurora, 111., in April, 1858, and died in Chicago, July 16, 189 1 ; married in Wheaton, Dupage Co., III., in June, 1884, John J. Fanning. Child : 2264. i. Oakley Ray'", b. in Chicago, IU., July 11, 1891. NINTH GENERATION 279 1888. Kate Lenore? Hinds, daughter of James Alpheus' and Eliza Jane (.Norton) Hinds (Alpheus H.i, Corns'-, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1853 ; mar ried in Rochester, Nov. 26, 1878, William Child Walker. Children : 2265. i. James Hinds'", b. Oct. 20, 1879. Deceased. 2266. ii. Francis Child'", b. May 15, 1S82. 2267. Ui. William Warren'", b. June 2, 1884. 2268. iv. Helen Ray'", b. Nov. 15, 1889. 1892. Anna May? Hinds, daughter of James Alpheus* and Eliza Jane (Norton) Hinds {Alpheus H.'', Corns'-, Corlis^, Corlis*, John', John^, James'), born in Rochester, N. Y., May 4, 1869; married in Rochester, Sept 16, 1891, Frank H. Schoeffel, son of Colonel Francis A. and Sarah (Cauthro) Schoeffel. He graduated at West Point Mili tary Academy, in June, 1891, and is now first lieutenant Ninth Infantry, U. S. A. He fought at the battle of San Juan, in the Cuban campaign, and was breveted captain for gallantry on that occasion. Children : 2269. i. Marion Winifred'", b. Jan. 4, 1893. 2270. ii. Malcolm Francis'", b. April 3, 1898. 1896. Charles Edward? Hinds, son of George Wilkie* {Alpheus ZT.', Corns'-, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James') and Helen Ellen* (Hinds) Hinds (Silast, Thomas'', Corlis', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in DeKalb, DeKalb Co., 111., Feb. 17, 1866 ; married in Tekamah, Burt Co., Neb., Feb. 17, 1888, Mary M. Parsons, daughter of William M. and Ida H. (Kenniff) Parsons. She was born in Decatur, Burt Co., Neb., Nov. 8, 1870. He is a teamster, and resides in South Los Angeles, Cal., and has furnished the data regarding his branch of the family for this work. Children : 2271. i. Inez H.'", b. in Burt Co., Neb., Dec. 15, 1888. 2272. ii. William G'"., b. in Seattle, Wash., March 30, 1891. 2273. iii. Byron T.'", b. in Los Angeles, Oct. 12, 1893. 2274. iv. Edna M.'", b. in Los Angeles, July 16, i8g6. 1897. George W.? Hinds, son of George Wilkie' (Alpheus H.t, Corlis^, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John', James') and Helen Ellen* (Hinds) Hinds (Silast, Thomas", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John', James'), born in DeKalb, DeKalb Co., 111., Feb. 16, 1868 ; married in 1890, Phebe Buck, who was born Oct. 21, 1868. He is by occupation a farmer. 280 THE HINDS FAMILY Children : 2275. i. Addie'", b. Dec. 19, 1891. 2276. ii. Daniel Jaspar'", b. July 18, 1896. 1909. Maggie? Hinds, daughter of Pitt Morse* and Sarah A. (Haskins) Hinds (Thomas'!, Thomas", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Plainfield, 111., June 3, 1867 ; married in Allen City, Neb., March 9, 1895, Isaac Boyle. They live in Allen City (1899) and she has furnished much of the data of her branch of the family. Children, born in Allen City : 3277. i. Leonard'", b. Nov. 28, 1895. 2278. ii. John'", b. AprU 20, 1897. 1910. Henry Washburn? Hinds, son of Austin Fuller* and Mary Jane (Richardson) Hinds (Thomas'!, Thomas", Corlis', Corlis*, Jolm', John", James'), born in Shabbona, III., July 26, 1859 ; married in Concord, Neb., Oct. 11, 18S4, Evangeline Ida Gurney, daughter of Charles Walter and Eliza Ann (Butler) Gurney. She was born in Monticello, la., Aug. 12, 1866. He travels about the country during the suminer months, with a supply of nursery stock and during the winter teaches school. He removed to Iowa with his parents in 1869, and the following year to Wakefield, Neb., where he remained until 1890, when he removed to Yankton, So. Dak., his present residence (1899). Children, first two born in Wakefield and last two in Yankton : 2279. i- Eugene Read'", b. July 24. 1885. 2280. ii. Coral Vivien'", b. Aug. 23, 1887. 2281. in. George Henry'", b. Dec. 25, 1891. 2282. iv. Grace Evangeline'", b. Jan. 28, 1894. 1911. Clarissa May? Hinds, daughter of Austin Fuller* and Mary Jane (Richardson) Hinds (Thomas', Thomas", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Shabbona, 111., April 7, 1861, and died Dec. 14, 1892 ; married James W. Halpin. They had no children. 1912. Jessie Rachel? Hinds, daughter of Austin Fuller' and Mary Jane (Richardson) Hinds (Thomas', Thomas'-, Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Afton, 111., April 6, 1863 ; married in Wakefield, Neb., April 22, 1886, William Browne Hall, who was born in New Berlin, N. Y., Sept 25, i860. Their home is in Dixon, Neb. (1899). 2288. U. 2289. iii. 2290. iv. NINTH GENERATION 28 1 Children, born in Dixon : 2283. i. Oremel Dewane'", b. Oct. 5, 1887. 2284. u. Jennie May'", b. April 22, 1890. 2285. in. Grace Ellinor'", b. May 8, 1893. 2286. iv. Caleb Gardiner'", b. June 25, i8g6. 1913. Herbert Leslie? Hinds, son of Austin Fuller* and Mary Jane (Richardson) Hinds (Thomas', Thomas", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Afton, III., June 11, 1868; married in Wayne, Neb., April 29, 1888, Rose Adell Likes, daughter of Henry M., and Mary Jane (Zook) Likes. She was born July 17, 1869. They moved to Iowa in 1869 and from there, in 1870, to Wakefield, Neb. Children, born in Wakefield : 2287. i. Sidney Raymond'", b. Feb. 26, 1890, d. in Wakefield, July 17, 1892. Oliver Earl'", b. July 17, 1S92. Oscar'", b. Dec. 6, 1894. Silas Franklin'", b. July 18, 1866. 1914. Grace? Hinds, daughter of Austin Fuller* and Mary Jane (Richardson) Hinds (Thomas', Thomas", Corlis', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Preparation, la., Sept. 13, 1869 ; married in Lake View, la., April 11, 1894, Herkimer Teepell, son of Charles and Mary Ann (Deacon) Teepell. She was born in Kingston, Ont, Jan. 23, 1866. They live in Lake View, and are without children (1899). 1987. Lizzie Agnes? Hinds, daughter of Samuel Woodward' and Catherine N. ( Kimball) Hinds (Lowell L.', Calvin", Howard', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Boston, Mass., Sept. 20, 1858 ; married in May, 1883, Edgar Hunt, of Chelsea, Mass. Children : 2291. i. Irving Francis'", b. in October, 1884. 2292. U. Harold'", b. Jan. 9, 1885. 20O6. Henry Parkman? Hinds, son of Calvin Parkman* and Georgia (Hamilton) Hinds (William A.', Calvin", Howard', Corlis*, John', John", James'), born in Worcester, Mass., Jan. 15, 1866 ; mar ried Aug. 3, 1890, Fannie Martha Hapgood, daughter of Henry Roland born in Worcester, Aug. 23, 1836, and Martha Maria (Collester) Hinds. 2061. Charles Norton? Hinds, son of Edwin Burke* and Sarah J. (Shaw) Hinds (Charles C, Charted, John B.', Jacob*, Jacob', John', James'), born in Hardin, Iowa, Nov. 2, 1871 ; married Josie 282 THE HINDS FAMILY Walker, daughter of William and Josephine Walker. She was born in Kenosha, Wis. He graduated at the Nebraska State University, re ceiving degrees of B. A. and M. A. He also held commission of first lieutenant. Company B, University Cadets. He was professor of American history in York College, York, Neb., for one year, resigning in 1897, because of ill health. In January, 1898, he was appointed deputy register of deeds, for Gage County, Neb. He lives in Beatrice, Neb. (1899). Children : 2293. i. Clarence Edwin'", b. in Lincoln, Neb., Feb iS, 1896. 2294. ii. Lulu'", b. in York, Neb. Feb. 24, 1897. 2083. Marie Louise? Hinds, daughter of Joseph Nelson* and Charlotte (Losee) Hinds (William', Reuben", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Pharsalia, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1845 ; married in Richfield Springs, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1868, Lewis Clark, son of Charles Lathrop and Susan E. (Perkins) Clark. He was born in Con necticut, April 4, 1844, died in Key West F'a-i June 7, 1885, while on board the U. S. S. Alliance, of which he was commander, and is buried in Richfield Springs. She graduated at Mrs. Emma Willard's Seminary, Troy, N. Y., in 1863, later traveling in England, France and Italy. Her husband graduated at the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, in 1863, completing the four years' course in two years. He was with Farragut at Mobile, and was executive officer of the U. S. S. Rich mond, when it pursued General Grant from Boston to China, there overtaking him and conveying him along the sea-coast to the great wall of China. She resides in Richfield Springs (1899). Child, born in Richfield Springs : 2295. i. Theodore Lewis'", b. Oct. 15, 1869, and d. in Richfield Springs, March 18, 1889. 2084. Theodore Frelinghuysen? Hinds, son of Joseph Nelson* and Charlotte (Losee) Hinds ( WiUiam', Reuben", Joseph', Nehe miah*, Hopestill', John', James'), born in Pharsalia, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1847 ; married in Utica, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1872, Marian McAdam, who was born in Deansville, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1848. She was the daughter of William and Louisa Luana (Titus) McAdam, of Deansville. At the age of fifteen, he commenced a course of schooling at the Highland Military Academy, Worcester, Mass., and from there went to the Poughkeepsie Military Institute, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. In 1870, he en tered Yale University, where he spent his freshman and sophomore years, then to Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y., graduating in July, NINTH GENERATION 283 1870. He took up the study of law and was admitted to the bar in Albany, N. Y., in 1872, later practising in St. Louis, Mo., Beloit Wis., Chicago and Utica. From 1888 to 1893, he carried on a successful boot and shoe business in Utica. His wife attended the Utica Free Academy, from which institution she graduated in 1869. He has been of great aid in gathering data of his branch of the family for this work, having searched records, traveled around to see personally many mem bers of the different families, and in every way endeavored to make his branch complete. They reside in Richfield Springs, N. Y. (1899), where their only child was born. Child, born in Richfield Springs : 2296. i. Theodore Frelinghuysen'", b. June 17, 1883. 2.086. Flora Celeste? Hinds, daughter of Joseph Nelson* and Charlotte (Losee) Hinds (William', Reuben", Joseph', Nehemiah*, Hopestill', John", James'), born in Pharsalia, N. Y., June i, 1853 ; married in Richfield Springs, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1875, Willard A. Smith, who was born in Akron, Ohio, Sept. 6, 1849. He was the son of Alfred James and Zabiah Cunningham (Stone) Smith. She was edu cated at the Utica Female Seminary, Utica, N. Y. Children, born in Richfield Springs : 2297. i. Marian'", b. June 16, 1876. 2298. u. Fred Willard'", b. Sept. 23, 1877. ¦mnattacbeb familiee The following legend, regarding this branch of the Hinds family, has been told to the compiler of this book, and which has doubtless considerable truth in it, as it has been impossible to trace further back. One other point which seems to make it all the more true, is the fact that nearly every member of this family, with whom correspondence has been carried on, relates nearly the same story. As the legend goes : " There was an EHglishman, named Rogers, who was said to have been a great hunter. At one time, in company with one of the kings of England, he caught an animal called a ' hind ', and beat it to death with a club, by which act he saved the life of the king. For this exploit, the English government knighted him, and changed his name from ' Rogers ' to ' Hinds,' and entailed to him and his heirs for ever, an island called ' Placentia Island.' A certain man, whose name is unknown, but which is supposed to have been Mudgett, then of Holder ness, N. H., made a trip to England and found that the story was true, had the papers completed, but was shipwrecked on his way home." This story has been vouched for by many prominent members of this branch of the family. 2299. This Rogers had a son, whom it is believed he named Ambrose Hinds, and who married Sarah Mudgett, July 15, 1773. Ambrose Hinds had thirteen children, of whom eight are as follows : *2300. i. Edward, b. in Tamworth, N. H., in 1777. 2301. ii. Nathaniel, resided in Nashua, N. H., and had several chUdren of whom nothing is known. Bagley. Barzillai, m. in Sandwich, N. H., Jan. 3. 1802, Patience Beede. Thomas. Orlando, b. in Sandwich, N. H., AprU 4, 1782. MosES, of whom nothing is known. Elisha, b. in Tamworth, Aug. 8, 1799. 2300. Edward Hinds, son of Ambrose and Sarah (Mudgett) Hinds, was born in Tamworth, N. H., in 1777, and died in Portland, Me., April 10, 1869; married Eunice Merrill, of Falmouth, Me., who resided in Portland. He was a man well known to the citizens of I 284 2302. iil. 2303- iv. 2304. V. *2305. vi. 2306. vii. 2307. viii. UNATTACHED FAMILIES. 285 Portland, in the first half of the nineteenth century. Going to Port land from New Hampshire at an early age, he soon impressed those with whom he came in contact as a man of remarkable energy and integrity of character, with business qualities of a high order. He or ganized, developed and owned what was probably the first water work system for public use in that city, conducting water from the hill down to the water front, by means of the aqueduct system. He was also one of the original and largest owners in the first steamboat sailing from Portland, the old steamer Portland, this interest merging into his subsequent large ownership in the Portland Steam Packet Co., and furthermore, was a well-known and successful merchant of the city. He was a life-long Democrat, voting at every election to the year of his death, and notwithstanding his extreme age, steadily refusing to ride to the polling-place. He died at the advanced age of ninety-two years. Children, born in Portland : Emeline, b. June 7, 1805, and died young. Thomas Franklin, b. Oct. 20, 1807, d. three weeks after his marriage, which occurred in New Orleans. Edward Smith, b. June 8, 18 12, d. unmarried. Clarissa Biglow, b. July i, 1815. Sarah Jane, b. Sept. 14, 1818. Angelus Streeter, b. Sept 15, 1824. Ambrose, b. Jan. 19, 1827. 2305 . Orlando Hinds, son of Ambrose and Sarah (Mudgett) Hinds, was born in Sandwich, N. H., April 4, 1782, and died in Chi chester, N. H., March i, 1869; married April 5, 1806, in or near Portland, Me., Mary Brackett, who was born near Portland, Sept. 10, 1780, and died in Short Falls, N. H., April 26, 1872. He was one of the old circuit-riding Methodist ministers, and was licensed to preach in 1809. He joined the Methodist Episcopal con ference in 18 10, and was first appointed on the Portsmouth circuit with John Williamson. He commenced his labors in Amherst in 1829, and is said to have been the first Methodist preacher there. In 1832, he located with his family in Chichester. For several years, he was in feeble health, but to the extent of his ability, labored for the cause, continuing in the service for fifty-nine years. He was a man of great personal dignity and urbanity, with a heart full of Christian sympathy. Children : *23i5. i. Barzillai, b. in Portland, Me., March 11, 1807. *23i6. ii. Mary Ann, b. in Portland, AprU 5, 1809. ?2317. iii. Alfred M., b. in Stratham, N. H., May i6, t8ii. 2308. i. 2309. ii. 2310. iii. *23II. iv. *23T2. V. ?2313. vi. *23i4. VU. 286 THE HINDS FAMILY •2318. iv. George Pickens, b. in New Salem, N. H., July 27, 1813. *23I9. V. Orlando, b. in Mansfield, Mass., Feb. 17, 1816. *2320. vi. Ambrose, b. in Lynn, Mass., June 17, 1818. 2321. vii. Harriet, b. in Poplin, N. H. (now Freemont), Aug. 5, 1820, d. three days later. *2322. viii. Johanna Gibbs, b. in Poplin, July 5, 1822. 2307. Elisha Hinds, son of Ambrose and Sarah (Mudgett) Hinds was born in Tamworth, N. H., Aug. 8, 1799 ; married (first) Lydia A. Jordan ; married (second) Ann P. Dow ; married (third) Mrs. Margaret Ann (Jordan) Thurston, widow of William H. Thurston and daughter of James and Lydia (Barnes) Jordan. She was born Dec. 8, 1808, and died in 1892 : Children, by first wife, born in Portland, Me.: *2323. i. Daniel Ambrose, b. July 14, 1822. 2324, U. Eliza Ann, b. March 30, 1825, d. in Portland in 1897 ; m. m Port land, Charles D. Thomes. 2325. iii. Fanny Dow, b. Feb. 4, 1827. Children, by second wife, born in Portland : *2326. iv. Benjamin Franklin, b. July 9, 1830. 2327. V. George, d. in infancy. Children, by third wife, born in Portland : *2328. vi. Melville Beveridge Cox, b. April 24, 1834. *2329. vii. Mary Elizabeth, b. May 23, 1836. *2330. viii. Sarah Ellen, b. AprU 13, 1838. 2331. ix. Edward I., b. Feb. 21, 1841, d. in Portland at the age of seventeen months. *2332. A. George Edward, b. May 29, 1843. 2311. Clarissa Biglow Hinds, daughter of Edward and Eunice (Merrill) Hinds (Ambrose), born in Portland, Me., July i, 1815 ; married (first) in Portland, George W. Pennell ; married (second) in Portland, Lemuel Albert Collins of Connecticut She resides at the Home for Aged Women in Portland (1899). 2312. Sarah Jane Hinds, daughter of Edward and Eunice (Merrill) Hinds {Ambrose),horn in Portland, Me., Sept. 14, 1818, and is deceased ; married Simon Whidden of Kennebunk, Me. Child : 2333. i. Clara, deceased; m. Orrin S. Ross who is also deceased. Chil dren : (a) Frank, (b) Sidney. 2313. Angelus Streeter Hinds, daughter of Edward and Eunice (Merrill) Hinds (Ambrose), born in Portland, Me., Sept. 15, UNATTACHED FAMILIES. -.287 1824, and died in Chelsea, Mass., Nov. 6, 1892; married in Portland, Sept. 20, 1848, Charles Cobb Harmon. Children : 2334. i. Agnes Winnifred, b. May 22, 1850. 2335. ii. Edward Hinds, b. Feb. 5, 1852, d. AprU 7, 1869. 2336. ni. Ralph Gilbert, b. Aug. 11, 1856; m. April 14, 1886, LUlian Gerrish, daughter of Israel H. Gerrish. He lives in Medford, Mass. (1899). 2314. Ambrose Hinds, son of Edward and Eunice (Merrill) Hinds (Ambrose), born in Portland, Me., Jan. ig, 1827 ; married Rhoda Weston, of Boston. He has furnished the data of his branch of the family for this work. He resides in Dorchester, Mass. (1899). Children : 2337. i. Clara Gilbert. 2338. ii. Samuel Weston, b. Oct. 10, 1862. 2339. iii. Frederick Gilbert, b. Nov. 25, 1864. 2315. Barzillai Hinds, son of Orlando and Mary (Brackett) Hinds {Ambrose), born in Portland, Me., March 11, 1807, and died in Milford, N. H., March 25, 1878; married in Hooksett, N. H., April 12, 1831, Selura Aldrich, of Bow, N. H., who was born Jan. 26, 1808, and died in East Boston, Mass., July 25, 1890. He was confined to his room several weeks before his death, at times being a great sufferer from indigestion. He was a business man in Portland, for several years, and in 187 1, moved to Milford, where he resided until the time of his death, making many friends by his genial and courteous manner towards all with whom he came in contact. He was a firm and consis tent Christian man, having been an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church for over forty years-; his personal attachments were strong, and when once formed, enduring. Mr. Hinds was an affectionate husband, a kind and loving father and a respected citizen. He was a mason by trade. Children, born in Chichester, N. H., excepting the last : 2340. i. Alfred Edwin, b. Jan. 31, 1832, and d. in Lowell, Mass., from injuries received on the Boston & Lowell Railroad, Nov. 15, 1855. William Henry Weed, b. Aug. i, 1833. Harriet Atwood Newell, b. Aug. 26, 1837. Selura Adeline Wilson, b. Feb. 19, 1842. *2344. V. Llewellyn Barzii-lai, b. in Boston, Mass., Oct. 15, 1851. 2316. Mary Ann Hinds, daughter of Orlando and Mary (Brackett) Hinds (Ambrose), born in Portland, Me., April 5, 1809, and *234i. ii. *2342. iii. *2343- iv. 288 THE HINDS FAMILY died in Concord, N. H., Jan. 31, 1887 ; married in Chichester, N. H., Aug. 13, 1834, Nathaniel Seavey, who was born in Chichester, Aug. 6, 1803, died there Dec. 4, 185 1, and is buried in Chichester. He was the son of George and Betsey (Lane) Seavey. They lived in Chester and Concord, N. H. Children, born in Chichester : 2345. i. Anna Merrill, b. June 2, 1835 ; m. in Concord, N. H., March 2, 1865, Rev. Daniel James Smith, of Penacook, N. H., who was born Aug. 8, 1831. He was the son of James and Sally (Colby) Smith. They reside in Marlboro, N. H. (1899). ChU dren : (a) Harley PiUsbury, b. in Lancaster, N. H., Oct. 9, 1868, d. in Groveton, N. H., July 29, 1869. (b) George Orlando, b. in Rochester, N. H., Nov. 18, 1871. He graduated at the Boston University in 1894, and is at present a teacher in the high school in Walpole, N. H. (1899). 2346. ii. Mary Jane, b. Apr.U 29, 1837 ; m. in Chichester, Nov. 8, i860, Sylvester Dana, who was born Oct. 19, 1816. He was the son of Rev. Sylvester, born in Ashford (now Chaplin) Conn., July 4, 1769, d. in Concord, N. H, June 9, 1849, and Hannah (Kim ball) Dana, who was b. June 24, 1777, and d. in Concord, Nov. 16, 1846. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1839, and is at present (1899) a lawyer in Concord, N. H. Children, born in Concord: (a) Charles Sylvester, b. Aug. 30, 1861; m. in New York City, Dec. 24, 1895, Mary Genevieve Devine. He gradu ated at Dartmouth College in 1883, and is now connected with the New York Sun. (b) Mary Huntington, b. AprU 9, 1864, d. in Concord, Jan. 18, 1865. (c) Anna Barrows, b. June 24, 1867, d. in Concord, Nov. 19, 1868. (d) George Radcliffe, b. May 21, 1 870, d. in Rochester, N. H., Aug. 31, 1872. (e) Marion, b. July 10, 1871, d. in Concord, Jan. 12, 1872. (f) Isabel Seavey, b. April 7, 1873, d. in Concord, .\prU 25, 1897. (g) Florence, b. April 21, 1873, d. in Concord, Oct. 16, 1889. (h) Alice Louise, b. Dec. 30, 1879. 2347. iii. Betsey Drake, b. July 23, 1840, d. in Chichester, Nov. 15, 1841. 2348. iv. George Orlando, b. Aug. 31, 1842, d. in Boston, Mass., Feb. 5, 1889; m. in Boston, March 10, 1886, Marion C. Dunn. 2349. V. Emily Lane, b. Feb. 22, 1845, d. in Chichester, April 11, 1848. 2317. Alfred M. Hinds, son of Orlando and Mary (Brackett) Hinds (Ambrose), born in Stratham, N. H., May 16, 1811, d. May 17, 1867, and is buried in Chichester, N. H.; married (first) in Boston, Mass., Aug. 8, 1832, Susannah Sanborn, who was born in Chichester, July 3, 1811, and died in Chelsea, Mass., July 4, 1854; married (second) July 10, 1855, Julia Robinson. He had no children by either wife. 2318. George Pickens Hinds, son of Orlando and Mary (Brackett) Hinds (Ambrose), born in New Salem, N. H., July 27, 1813, UNATTACHED FAMILIES 289 and died in Boston, Mass., Nov. 21, 1845 ! married April 9, 1835, 2^''" bara Burkis. At his death, she married George Pickens, by whom she had one child, Frances Deborah Pickens, who was married in Still water, Minn., Nov. 23, 1858, to William Greene Heustis, who was born in Putney, Jan. 7, 1827. 2319. Orlando Hinds, son of Orlando and Mary (Brackett) Hinds (Ambrose), born in Mansfield, Mass., Feb. 17, 1816, and died in Loudon, N. H., Jan. i, 1890 ; married (first) in Boston, Mass., April 20, 1843, Jane G. Lawrence, who died May 27, 1845. He married (second) in Boston, June 23, 1845, Eliza Ann Lawrence, who was born in Bos ton, March 26, 1823, and died in Loudon, June 28, 1879. She was the daughter of William and Eliza (Hale) Lawrence. Children, by second marriage : Eliza Jane, b. July 23, 1846, d. July 23, 1848. John Wesley, b. July 22, 1848. Ida Francelle, b. May 30, 1850 ; m. Mr. Sargent and resides in Wolfboro, N. H. (1899). George Ambrose, b. June 29, 1852. Lizzie Deland, b. July 8, 1855, d. July 16, 1872. Nellie Sweet, b. Sept 25, 1857. Sarah Jane, b. March 22, 1861. Eliza Hale, b. Aug. 19, 1864. William Lawrence, b. March 19, 1868. 2320. Ambrose Hinds, son of Orlando and Mary (Brackett) Hinds (Ambrose), born in Lynn, Mass., June 17, 1818; married (first) in Barnstable, Mass., March 14, 1841, Deborah F. Prentice, who died April 8, 1841 ; married (second) July 5, 1849, Anna M. Russell ; mar ried (third) in San Francisco, Cal., July 11. i860, Lydia A. Cass. He moved with his second wife to San Francisco, going on the ship Tele graph around Cape Horn, arriving in March, 1853. He lives in San Francisco (1899), and has furnished many ofthe records of his branch of the family for this book. Child, by second wife : 2359. i. Fred A., b. in Brighton, Mass., Aug. 19, 1851. 2322. Johanna Gibbs Hinds, daughter of Orlando and Mary (Brackett) Hinds (Ambrose), born in Poplin (now Fremont), N. H., July 5, 1822, died in Epsom, N. H., April 18, 1892, and is buried in Chichester, N. H. ; married in Chichester, April 12, 1864, Isaac Wood Chandler, who was born in Hebron, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1815, and died in Concord, N. H., Sept 22, 1892. He was the son of T 2350. i. 2351- ii. 2352- iu. 23S3- iv. 2354. V. 2355- vi. 2356. vii. 2357- viii. 2358- ix. 290 THE HINDS FAMILY Isaac and Molly (Kimball) Chandler. He first married Fanny Crowell, of Newark, N. J., June 14, 1855. They lived in Short Falls, Concord and Epsom. Child: 2360. i. William Lee, b. in Chichester, Jan. 25, 1867 ; m. March 17, 1888, Edith L. MUls. They reside in Concord, N. H. 2323. Daniel Ambrose Hinds, son of Elisha and Lydia A. (Jordan) Hinds (Ambrose), born in Portland, Me., July 14, 1822, and died in Chicago, 111., July 10, 1877; married (first) Sophiette Mason, of Stroudwater, Me., who died in Portland ; married (second) Mary Parker. Child, by first wife : 2361. i. Etta, b. May 16, 1853. Children, by second wife : 2362. U. OzRO H., b. Jan. 6, i860. Resides in La Mars, Iowa (1899). ChUdren: (a) Alfred WUfred, b. in 1890. (b) Marion, b. in 1S8S. 2363. iii. Marion, b. in 1862, d. July 9, 18S7. Married and had: (a) Clara Jackson, b. Aug. 17, 1883. 2326. Benjamin Franklin Hinds, son of Elisha and Ann P. (Dow) Hinds (Ambrose), born in Portland, Me., and is deceased; married Adrianna Veisie Chase, in Portland. He was employed as cashier in the custom house in Portland, which position he had held for thirty years. Children, born in Portland : *2364. i. Anna Dow. 2365. ii. Frank Fremont, b. April 27, 1854. *2366. in. Abel Chase, b. July 3, 1856. 2328. Melville Beveridge Cox Hinds, son of Elisha and Mrs. Margaret Ann (Jordan) (Thurston) l^xnds (Ambrose), horn in Portland, Me., April 24, 1834, and died from an operation, caused by freezing his feet while fording a river in Cumberland, Md., in 1862. He enlisted during the Civil war in the 4th Regiment Iowa Artillery. He was unmarried. 2329. Mary Elizabeth Hinds, daughter of Elisha and Mrs. Margaret Ann (Jordan) (Thurston) Hinds (Ambrose), born in Portland, Me., May 23, 1836 ; married in Portland, Dec. 15, 1852, Jonathan Turner, who was born in Trowbridge, Eng., May 23, 1828, and died in Fremont, Neb. He was the son of Richard and Harriet Turner. UNATTACHED FAMILIES 29I Children : 2367. i. Elisha Hinds, b. in Portland, Dec. 18, 1854; m. (first) Lena McLeod, of Burlington, la. ; married (second) Kate Hare. Child, by first marriage : (a) Fred. ChUdren, by second mar riage: (b) Bessie, (c) Ralph, (d) Frank. 2368. ii. Mary Elizabeth, b. in Peoria, IU., March 25, 1856 ; m. in Boston, Mass., May 29, 1880, Sumner Salter, who was born in Burling ton, la., June 26, 1856. He was the son of Rev. Dr. Salter, of Burlington. He is a graduate of Amherst College, and is a professor of music. Children : (a) Winthrop, b. June 10, 1883. (b) Harold, b. AprU 10, 1886. (c) Edith Marie, b. Feb. 1, 1892. (d) WUliam Frost b. Sept. 18, 1897. 2369. iii. Sarah Prince, b. in Oquawka, 111., Nov. 3, 1859-; m. (first) in Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 15, 1883, Ernest Whitney, who was b. Feb. 27, 1857, and d. in Colorado Springs, Col., Feb. 27, 1892. He was a graduate of Vale University. She m. (second) April 6, 1894, Charles Morton. Child, by first husband : (a) Margaret, b. in New Haven, Conn., April 13, 1886. Children, by second husband, born in Omaha, Neb. . (b) Dorothy, b. Nov. 10, 1896. (c) Charles, b. Feb. 5, 1899. 2370. iv. Annie North, b. in Oquawka, IU., Jan. 22, 1865; m. in New Haven, Conn., Dec. 24, 1887, Howard J. Rogers, who was b. Nov. 16, 1862. He graduated at Williams CoUege, and became professor in the Boys' Academy, in Albany, N. Y. He is now deputy superintendent of public instruction in the state of New York. He was recently appointed educational director to the Paris Exposition in 1900. They live in Albany (1899). ChU dren. (a) Kathryn Howard, b. Sept. 2, 1888. (b) Joseph Edwin, b. June 22, 1890. (c) Carrie Walton Turner, b. Oct. 30, 1893, iri Burlington, la., and d. in New Haven, Conn., Feb. 20, 1897. 2330. Sarah Ellen Hinds, daughter of Elisha and Mrs. Margaret Ann (Jordan) (Thurston) Hinds (Ambrose), born in Port land, Me., April 13, 1838 ; married in Portland, Aug. 31, 1854, John Prince, of Burlington, Iowa. 2332. George Edward Hinds, son of Ehsha and Mrs. Mar garet Ann (Jordan) (Thurston) Hinds (Ambrose), hornin Portland, Me. May 29, 1843 j married in Burlington, Iowa, Sept. 5, 1864, Mary Liv ingston Woodman. He served a short time as private in the Civil war, in Company H, i8th Iowa Infantry, receiving an honorable discharge. He has lived in Oquawka, 111., Burlington, la., and Windsor, Canada. He was locomotive engineer for ten years on the Burlington & South western railroad, and is at present a machinist and engineer in Chicago, where he lives (1899). He has been of great assistance in gathering data of his branch of the family for this book. 292 THE HINDS FAMILY Children : 2371. i. Margaret A., b. in Burlington, la., June 18, 1865; m. George W. Lewis. 2372. ii. Minerva P., b. in Burlington, July 14, 1867; m. Walter L. Stevens. 2373. iii. Arthur W.,b. June 5, 1882, d. in Chicago, 111., June 3, 1892. 2341. William Henry Weed Hinds, son of Barzillai and Selura (Aldrich) Hinds (Orlando, Ambrose), born in Chichester, N. H., Aug. I, 1833, and died in Milford, N. H., July 29, 1897 ; married (first) in Boston, Mass., Aug. 23, 186 1, Harriet M. Twiss, who died in Mil ford, Feb. 7, 1871 ; married (second) in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 17, 1880, A. Margaret Twiss, who died in Milford, Jan. 12, 1890. He was a native of Chichester, N. H., his family moving to Boston when he was quite young. In that city he attended the public schools, and was a graduate of the English High School, afterwards studying medicine and attending medical lectures in Boston, receiving his certificate signed by the highest medical authority of the state, making the profession of medicine and surgery his life work. Before the war, he accepted a position at Tewksbury almshouse, Mass., which he held until 186 1. He was commissioned assistant sur geon in the 17th Mass. Regiment, which left that state for the seat of war on the 23d day of Aug., 1861. At a later period, he was commis sioned as full surgeon in the 12 th Regt, where he served with distinction until the expiration of its term of service. The United States Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, part 3, vol. 2, page 450, has the following reference among special cases of surgical skill, the operation being performed by Dr. Hinds on Private Lewis, Co. G., 12th Mass. Regt, May 30th, 1864 : " Three inches of middle fibula (the small bone of the leg) removed, and so skilful was the operation that the regeneration of the bone took place." In January, 1865, he went to Milford, where he was eminently suc cessful as a skilled surgeon and physician, his practise having extended very considerably to the adjoining towns. By his cheering word, his patient manner, his calm and considerate demeanor, he endeared him self as a physician in scores of families, and his name was a household word. How many of the young people of to-day remember him from their earliest youth, and he never failed to recognize them with a kindly word. He was, to many of the elderly people of the community, too, their only medical adviser. Outside of his professional duties, he at all times took the deepest interest in social, town, state and national UNATTACHED FAMILIES 293 affairs. In all of these he was clear-minded, advised himself of facts, a keen observer of the character of men, and when once his opinion was formed, there it remained until circumstances of a most positive nature should interpose to change his mind. Never made an assertion without a reason, and was a man of positive opinions, and one whose judgment upon matters political and otherwise was sought after by his fellow men. In politics, he was an unfaltering Republican, one whose mind was well stored with the principles of the party, and one who could refer with great accuracy to the life and career of public men, and readily quote speech or public sayings of distinguished men of his time. He was the happy possessor of the faculty of recalling to mind matters of interest and import. These things of intellectual excellence were his ; he had earned them ; he was generous in the bestowal of them when occasion required. He took an active interest in the cause of education, and was a good friend to the school system. On the board of health he was an efficient member, and seconded every effort to carryforward any interest in that direction for the welfare of the town. In society circles he was always a prominent and interested member, the Masonic fraternity probably eliciting his greatest pride and atten tion, having a membership in Benevolent Lodge, King Solomon R. A. Chapter, Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter, Knights Templar, and was a 32d degree mason. He was a member of O. W. Lull Post G. A. R., and the Loyal Legion; Custos Morum Lodge I. O. O. F., and Rebekah Degree Lodge ; Souhegan Commandery of the Golden Cross, and the Knights of Honor. He had held positions on the board of education, board of health, member of the trustees of the free library, and was frequently on committees on town affairs ; was elected trustee of the Milford Savings Bank, Aug. 18, 1884; was 'elected president Aug. 26, 1893. He had represented the town in legislature, and was honored by the citizens of the town as a member of the state senate, and for a time a member of the State Republican committee. Children, born in Milford : ?2374. i. Edwin Hinard, b. July 4, 1865. 2375. U. William Henry Weed, b. July 22, 1867 ; m. in MUford, Jan. 5, 1897, Kittie Maud Kenney, He is a physician. 2342. Harriet Atwood Newell Hinds, daughter of Bar zillai and Selura (Aldrich) Hinds (Orlando, Ambrose), born in Chiches ter, N. H., Aug. 26, 1837 ; married (first) in Lowell, Mass., Feb. 26, 1856, William E. Somes; married (second) in Nashua, N. H., Nov. 19, 1881, Edwin H. Peirce. 294 THE HINDS FAMILY Child, by first husband : 2376, i. Anna Byrne, b. in LoweU, Mass., Dec. 13, 1856, d. there AprU 25, 1859. 2343. Selura Adeline Wilson Hinds, daughter of Bar zillai and Selura (Aldrich) Hinds {Orlando, Ambrose), born in Chiches ter, N. H., Feb. 19, 1842 ; married (first) June 17, 1862, Norman J. Ray of Boston, Mass., who died in Washington, D. C, June 16, 1863. He was a member of the 33d Massachusetts Regiment. She married (second) Sept. 7, 1866, Charles T. Jenkins of Boston. Child, by first husband : 2377. i. Edwin Norman, b. in Lowell, Mass., Jan. 5, 1863 ; m. June 20, 1883, Carrie Thompson Faulkner of East Boston, Mass. ChU dren, born in BUlerica, Mass.: (a) Fanny Adeline, b. Jan. 24, 1884, d. in Billerica, May 21, following, (b) Ethel Alina, b. Dec. 10, 1884. (c) Harriet Faulkner, b. May 31, 1888. (d) Norman Alfred, b. March 23, 1895. Children, by second husband, born in East Boston : 2378. ii. Alfred Hinds, b. Jan. 5, 1869; m. in St. Paul, Minn., Oct. l8, 1892, Ida CecUia Evans. 2379. iii. Hattie Ellis, b. Nov. 5, 1872; m. in St. Paul, June 20, 1894, Conrad Theodore Saunders and resides in St. Paul. Child : (a) Adeline Jenkins, b. in St. Paul, May 27, 1895. 2344. Llewellyn Barzillai Hinds, son of Barzillai and Selura (Aldrich) Hinds (Orlando, Ambrose), born in Boston, Mass., Oct. 15, 185 1 ; married in Milford, N. H., Feb. 4, 1880, Hattie Pauline Mixer, who was born in Brookline, N. H., April 19, 1859. She was the daughter of Stephen S. and Sarah Catherine (Bennett) Mixer. He lives in East Boston, Mass. (1899) and is superintendent of the Bos ton Fire and Police Notification Co. He has been of great assistance in this work, regarding his and other branches of the Hinds family. Child : 2380. i. Marion Louise, b. in East Boston, Aug. 27, 1882. 2364. Anna Dow Hinds, daughter of Benjamin Franklin and Adrianna Veisie (Chase) Hinds (Elisha, Ambrose), born in Port land, Me.; married Sept. 15, 1875, Charles Jarvis Chapman, who Was born Jan. 22, 1848, and died in Portland, June 1, 1898. He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1868. He was a member of the Congrega tional church in Portland, and was a commission merchant in grain, etc. From 1886 to 1888, he was mayor of Portland. Children, born in Portland : 2381. i. Marion Carter, b. June 29, 1876. 2382. ii. Robert Franklin, b. AprU 26, 1878. UNATTACHED FAMILIES 29S 2383. iii. Charles Jarvis, b. Jan. 6, 1883. 2384. iv. Philip Freeland, b. Nov. 3, 1884. 2385. V. Harrison Carter, b. Sept. 19, 1888. 2366. Abel Chase Hinds, son of Benjamin Franklin and Adrianna Veisie (Chase) Hinds (Elisha, Ambrose), born in Portland, Me., July 3, 1856 ; married in Rochester, N. H., Sept. 24, 1881, Gussie Lydia Cutler, who was born in Limington, Me., May 17, 1857. She was the daughter of William Jordan and Almira Boston (Withams) Cutler of Denmark, Me. Child : 2386. i. Leah Lucretia, b. in Harrison, Me., AprU 8, 1890. 2374. Edwin Hinard Hinds, son of William Henry Weed and Harriet M. (Twiss) Hinds (Barzillai, Orlando, Ambrose), born in Milford, N. H., July 4, 1865 ; married in Milford, N. H., Nov. 23, 1889, Almedia C. Gauthier. Children, born in Milford : 2387. i. Orlando William, b. Nov. 13, 1890. 2388. ii. Nona Melvina, b. Aug. 17, 1892. 2389. Benjamin Hinds, (parentage unknown) was born in December, 1733, and died while on his way home from a sea voyage, April 12, 1799; married in Marblehead, Mass., in December, 1789, Mary Tucker, daughter of Samuel and (Mary Gatchell) Tucker. She died in 1855, and is buried in the Western cemetery in Bremen, Me. Captain Benjamin Hinds was an able shipmaster, and when toward the last of the eighteenth century, a war was expected with France, he commanded the ship Hercules, of eighteen guns, with letters of marque papers. The ship was lost in 1799. Capt. Hinds and crew took to an open boat, where their sufferings were so intense, that upon their arrival at Cork, Ireland, all died except the captain and one man. After the death of Mr. Hinds, his widow removed to Bristol, Me., where her father. Commodore Samuel Tucker, then lived, and where her children made their home. Children, born in Marblehead : *239o. i. Benjamin, b. in 1793. *239i. u. Samuel Tucker, b. in 1798. 2390. Benjamin Hinds, son of Benjamin and Mary (Tucker) Hinds, born in 1793, and died unmarried. He was a lieutenant in the United States army, and was stationed at Fort Preble. Sometime 296 THE HINDS FAMILY after, he was ordered West on account of the Indian troubles, and nothing was heard of him after, except a letter from New Orleans, stat ing that he was sick in a hospital. He probably died or was killed in the campaign. 2391. Samuel Tucker Hinds, son of Benjamin and Mary (Tucker) Hinds, born in Marblehead, Mass., in 1798, died in Bristol, Me., June 10, 187 1, and is buried at Bristol, Round Pond, Me. ; mar ried in Bristol, Oct. 5, 1837, Nancy Doe Nichols, daughter of Thomas Miller and Deborah (Rogers) Nichols, of Marblehead. She was born in Bristol, Nov. 10, 1815, and is living in Round Pond, Me. (1899). He was a prominent business man of Bristol ; was ship-builder, mer chant and justice of the peace. He represented the town in the legis lature for three terms, and held other town and county offices. Children : Thomas, d. unmarried. Benjamin Hammond, b. in Bremen, Me., Oct 12, 1839. Samuel Tucker, b. AprU 14, 1840. Thomas Wilbur, b. May 12, 1842, d. unmarried in Sierra Leone, Africa, in 1863. George Washington, b. Sept. 27, 1846. Mary Evelyn, b. Aug. 24, 1848 ; m. Capt W. C. Thompson. Henry Eugene, b. AprU 4, 1850. Carrie Nichols, b. AprU 4, 1852. Hattie White, b. AprU 7, 1854. 2393. Benjamin Hammond Hinds, son of Samuel Tucker and Nancy Doe (Nichols) Hinds (Benjamin), born in Bremen, Me., Oct. 12, 1839 ; married in Augusta, Me., Sept. 15, 1863, Mary Frances Moore, daughter of Louis D. and Elizabeth J. Moore, of Augusta. She was born there, July 21, 1840. He graduated from Tufts College, in the class of i860. Was a member of the Maine House of Represen tatives from Bristol, in i860 ; clerk in the treasury department at Washington, D. C., 1861-63 ; military agent for Maine in 1864; secre tary of committee in the United States Senate, 1865-69 ; special agent of the treasury department, 1869-88; agent of Woolen Manufacturers' Association, of New York, 1888-96. He resides in Elizabeth, N. J. (1899) and has furnished much of the information of his branch of the family for this work. Children : 2401. i. Mary Elizabeth, b. in 1869. 2402. U. Lewis Moore, b. in 1870. 2403. iii. Edith Marion, b. in 1874. 2392. I. *2393- ii. *2394. iii. 2395- iv. *2396. V. 2397- vi. *2398. vii. *2399- viii. *2400. ix. 2404. 1. 2405. u. 2406. iii. 2407. iv. 2408. V. UNATTACHED FAMILIES 29/ 2394. Samuel Tucker Hinds, son of Samuel Tucker and Nancy Doe (Nichols) Hinds (Benjamin), born April 14, 1840, and died at sea in 1870; married Lizzie Erskins. He was captain of the Mary E. Hinds, which was bound for Sicily. They had one child. 2396. George Washington Hinds, son of Samuel Tucker and Nancy Doe (Nichols) Hinds (Benjamin), horn Sept. 27, 1846; married Eudora Smith. Children, born in Bristol, Me.: Samuel Tucker, b. in 1869. Annie, b. in 187 1. Augusta, b. in 1873. Raymond, b. in 1876. Elizabeth, b. in 1879. 2398. Henry Eugene Hinds, son of Samuel Tucker and Nancy Doe (Nichols) Hinds (B enjamin), horn K-^r A i„ 1850; married Aug. 15, 1877, Viola Hodgkins. He was at one time a clerk in the Hotel Plaza in Boston. Children : 2409. i. William Henry, b. in Bristol, Me., Nov. 22, 1877. 2410. ii. Carrie Nichols, b. in Brunswick, Me., Aug. 17, 1S90. 2399. Carrie Nichols Hinds, daughter of Samuel Tucker and Nancy Doe (Nichols) Hinds (Benjamin), born April 4, 1852 ; mar ried William C. Thompson. Child : 2411. i. Frank A., b. in 1872 and graduated at Bowdoin College in 1898. 2400. Hattie White Hinds, daughter of Samuel Tucker and Nancy Doe (Nichols) Hinds (Benjamin), born April 7, 1854, died in 1896 ; married William C. Loud. Children, born in Bristol, Me.: 2412. i. Herbert S., b. in 1879. 2413. ii. William T., b. in 1885. 2414. Daniel Shotwell Hinds, (parentage unknown) was born in New York City, July 16, 1790, and died in Michigan, July 19, 1868 ; married in Canada, Sarah Chard, who was born in Connecticut, Dec. 31, 1796, and died in Saginaw E. S., Mich., April 9, 1874. He was a farmer and moved to Michigan in i868. He had a brother John who had a son Albert. 298 THE HINDS FAMILY Children : 2415. i. Cinderella, deceased; m. Nehemiah Hubble, who resides in Rawdon Township, Hastings Co., Ont. 2416. ii. LuoDEMA, deceased ; m. John Tripp, and had one child, who served in the Civil war. 2417. iii. Lysander, deceased. He married and has a family in Herkimer Co., N. Y. He served in the Civil war. 2418. iv. Henry R., d. about 1868; m. twice, and resided in Tweed, Ont. By first marriage he had: (a) Jane, (b) William Henry, (c) Harrison. (d) Nehemiah. (e) Sarah Ida. (f) Emma, (g) Richard, (hj James Albert. By his second marriage, he had : (i) Jones, (j) William. 2419. V. Sylvester, m. and lives in Modoc, Ont. ChUdren : (a) Daniel. (b) Thomas Henry. (c) GUbert. (d) Oaklen. (e) Timothy. (f) Hannah Louise, (g) Elizabeth, (h) Ida. (i) James Albert. (j) George, (k) Samuel. 2420. vi. Ambrose C, deceased; m. and had: (a) George Washington. (b) Jennie, (c) MatUda. (d) WUliam. (e) WUnet (f) Maria. (g) Burton, (h) Luellen. (i) Frank, (j) Minnie. *242i. vii. Daniel Shotwell, d. about 1868. 2422. viii. John C, d. unmarried about 1863. 2423. ix. William, d. Sept. 19, 1881 ; m. and resided in Midland, Mich. Children: (a) Carlton, (b) Mabel, (c) James, (d) Daun. (e) Vernon. 2424. X. Thomas. 2425. xi. Elijah, m. twice. *2426. xii. Elisha James, b. in Sept, 1842. 2421. Daniel Shotwell Hinds, son of Daniel Shotwell and Sarah (Chard) Hinds, died about 1868 ; married Louisa- Monroe, who lives in Midland, Mich. (1899). He lived in Rawdon Township, Hast- Ont., May 21, 1853. ings Co., 0 nt Children 2427. i. Isaac *2428. u. James Albert, b. in Hastings Co, 2429. iii. Thomas Elgin. 2430. iv. John Carney. 2431- V. George Wellington. 2432. vi. Cinderella. 2433- vii. Catherine Louisa. 2426. Elisha James Hinds, son of Daniel Shotwell and Sarah (Chard) Hinds, born in Canada, September, in 1842 ; married in Midland, Mich., June 3, 1883, Ellen Dane Thoms, who was born in Bangor, Me., Jan. 12, 1855. She was the daughter of Benjamin and Nancy (Dunning) Thoms. He resides in Midland, Mich. (1899), and has furnished the records of his family. UNATTACHED FAMILIES 299 Children : 2437- 1. 2438. ii. 2439- in. 2440. iv. 2441. V. 2442. vi. 2443- vii. 2444. viii. 2434. i. Flora Estelle, b. June 12, 1885. 2435. ii. Roy Wesley, b. Sept. i, 1887. 2436. iii. Sidney James, b. AprU 5, 1889. 2428. James Albert Hinds, son of Daniel Shotwell and Louisa (Monroe) Hinds, born in Hastings Co., Ontario, May 21, 1853 ; married in Bay City, Mich., Sept. 19, 188 1, Ellen L. Cotter, who was born in Chicago, 111., Nov. 13, 1857. She was the daughter of Red mond and Ann (O'Neal) Cotter. He is a locomotive engineer and re sides in Saginaw, Mich. (1899). He has furnished much of the information concerning his branch of the family for this work. Children : Redmond Daniel, b. Aug. 25, 1882. Mary, b. Jan. 6, 1884, d. Jan. 29, foUowing. James Poland, b. Oct i, 1885. Patrick Pope, b. Nov. 15, 1887. MoLLlE Louisa, b. Dec. i, i88g. Helen Madeline, b. Feb. 19, 1892. William Raymond, b. Dec. 13, 1894. Hazel Catherine, b. April i, 1897. 2445. Elisha Hinds, son of Ezra Hinds, born Aug. 28, 1801, and died April 27, 1876; married (first) Feb. 6, 1822, Nancy Berry, who was bom in 1800, and died Feb. 6, 1854 ; married (second) Aug. 17, 1854, Margaret Huff, who was born March i, 1815, and died Sept. I, 183 1. He was a teamster and a farmer and his father served under Gen. Washington for three years. Children, by first wife : *2446. i. Elias, b. in Jefferson Co., Ohio, Dec. i; 1823. 2447. ii. Westley, b. Sept. 20, 1825 ; m. Oct. 16, 1849, Mary Ann Huff. ChUdren , (a) Isabel, (b) Ira C. (c) Samuel, (d) Elisha. (e) Ezra, (f ) Maggie, (g) Flora D. (h) Child (name unknown). 2448. iii. David, b. AprU 20, 1827, d. Sept. 24, 1857 ; m. in 1848, Elizabeth Tiptoum. ChUd : (a) WUliam D., m. twice and lives in Indiana. 2449. iv. Mary Jane, b. AprU 23, 1830. She is unmarried and lives in New Comerstown, Ohio (1899). 2450. V. Elisha, b. Jan. 16, 1832, d. April i, 1866; m. Mary Gorseline in 1854. He served three years in the 51st Ohio Regiment, during the CivU war. ChUdren : (a) Elias. (b). Mary Jane, (c) Nancy M., m. Mr. Archie. *245i. vi. John, b. in Carroll Co., Ohio, Jan. 12, 1834. 2452. vii. Lewis, b. Nov. 4, 1839. He served in the I22d Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Civil war, and now (1899) resides at the Soldiers' Home in Dayton, Ohio. 300 THE HINDS FAMILY 2455. 11. 2456. iii. 2457. iv. 2458. V. 2459. vi. 2460. vii. 2461. viii. 2462. ix. 2463. X. Child, by second wife : *2453. viu. James B., b. near Evansburg, Ohio, Dec. 4, 1855. 2446. Elias Hinds, son of Elisha and Nancy (Berry) Hinds {Ezra), horn in Jefferson Co., Dec. i, 1823, died in Coshocton Co., Ohio, Feb. 24, 1884, and is buried in Taylor cemetery in the Coshocton Valley ; married in Adams Township, Ohio, Dec. i, 1855, Susan Phil lips, who was born in 1825 and died in Coshocton Co., March 7, 1887. She was the daughter of Best Phillips. Children : 2454. i. Adeline, b. July 30, 1856, d. May 27, 1893 ; m. Sept 24, l88i, James W. Herstine. Emeline, b. July 30, 1856 ; m. in 1888, F. W. Carr. Elisha Hart. Rebecca Jane, m. G. W. Wiseman. Jessie, m. in 1896, Dent Lecy. William S., m. Cora Swigert and resides in New Comerstown, Ohio (1899). John, m. Cora Johns, and resides in New Comerstown (1899). Mary. Rhoda, m. H. J. Stomebroot Eva, m. Oct. 3, 1892, Clarence Hert 2451. John Hinds, son of Elisha and Nancy (Berry) Hinds {Ezrd),horn in Carroll Co., Ohio, Jan. 12, 1834; married in Bakers- ville, Ohio, in December, 1855, Marie Need, who was born March 15, 1836. She was the daughter of John Need. He was a teacher in the public schools until he moved to Iowa in 1867. There he followed teaching, farming and was deputy sheriff. He now lives in Brooklyn, Iowa (1899), where he is in the employ of a railroad company. Children : 2464. i. Melise, b. in Coshocton Co., Ohio, Nov. 14, 1855 ; m. in Brook lyn, Dec. 2, 1875, M. J. Southcott, who d. in 1885. She resides in Brooklyn (1899). ChUd: (a) N. H., who resides in London, Ont. (1899). 2465. ii. Sarah Alice, b. in Bartholomew Co., Ind., Oct. i, 1857; ra. in Brooklyn, Jan 25, 1883, Joseph Wood. He is superintendent of railroads in Brooklyn, and has two sons. 2466. in, ROLLIN W., b. in BakersvUle, Ohio, Jan i, 1861 ; m. in Victor, Iowa, in Sept. 1884, Eva Shopbell. He is a conductor on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad. They have one son and a daughter, and live in Rock Island. 2467. iv. Frances Matilda, b. in BakersvUle, Sept. 23, 1864; m. in Chi cago, Nov. 3, 1897, C. N. Eastman. 2468. v. Charles F., b. in Brooklyn, March 20, 1870. 2469. vi. Curtis B., b. in Brooklyn, July 25, 1872. 2470. vii. Grace, b. in Brooklyn, Dec. 2, 1877. UNATTACHED FAMILIES 3OI 2453. James B. Hinds, son of Elisha and Margaret (Huff) Hinds (Ezra), born near Evansburg, Ohio, Dec. 4, 1855 ; married in Coshocton, Ohio, Jan. 5, 1881, Amanda Corbit, who was born near Evansburg, April 21, 1859. She was the daughter of George and Margaret Ann (Norris) Corbit, of Evansburg. He is farmer and is connected with the church, the board of education and the order of Patrons of Husbandry. Children : Francis Alvin, b. Aug. 22, 1881. George C, b. Nov. 24, 1883, d. Nov. 14, 1884. Ezra Leroy, b. Nov. 10, 1886. Maggie Serene, b. Dec. 30, 1888. Mary Viola, b. Oct. 17, 1892. Infant (unnamed), b. Aug. 21, 1895, died next day. William, b. March 10, 1898. 2471. 1. 2472. ii. 2473- ui. 2474. iv. 247S- V. 2476. vi. 2477. vii. 24 78. Joseph Hinds, (parentage unknown) is supposed to have come from England. He had at least one child and perhaps others. Child : ?2479. i. Simeon. 24 79. Simeon Hinds, son of Joseph Hinds, was born in North Carolina; married Elizabeth Stone and moved to Tennessee. Children : John. b. in Overton Co., Tenn., Oct. i, 1809. Sarah, b. Aug. 31, 181 1. Josiah. Clairborn, m. Miss Goodpaster. James Clinton. John. Simeon, d. in CookvUle, Tenn. Susan, m. David Masters. Mary, m. Sterling Harris. Nancy, m. Mr. Weaver. Elizabeth, m. Mr. Laughlin. Caroline. 2480. John Hinds, son of Simeon and Elizabeth (Stone) Hinds {Joseph), born in Overton Co., Tenn., Oct. i, 1809, and died in Viney Grove, Ark., July 26, 1862 ; married in Guilford Co., Tenn., May 22, 1841, Rhoda Webb, who was born in Rockingham Co., N. C, April I, 1817. She was the daughter of Meredith and Rachel Webb. *248o. i. *248i. u. 2482. iu. 2483. iv. 2484. V. 2485. vi. *2486. vii. 2487. viu. 2488. ix. 2489. X. 2490. xi. 2491. xii. 302 THE HINDS FAMILY At the age of twenty-one, he left home and went to Alabama, and there studied for the ministry. Traveled and preached for seven or eight years. Was preacher in the Cumberland Presbyterian church, also a physician in Cincinnati, Ark. He traveled through Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina, and later moved to Missouri, where he remained two years, going from there to Cane Hill, Ark. His widow resides in Silvan Springs, Ark. (1899). Children : 2492. i. Rachel Amanda Elizabeth, b. in Cincinnati, Ark., Feb. 28, 1842 ; m. Robert Young Medearis, and lives in Cincinnati (1899). 2493. ii. William Green Dudley, b. in South McAlester, I. T., Feb. 5, 1S45 ; ™- Dallas Pittman. *2494. iii. John Iredella Dillard, b. in GuUford Co., Tenn., Dec. 13, 1847. 2495. iv. Jane Malvina Catherine, b. in Muskogee, I. T., Feb. 8, 1850 ; m. John Brasel, who was an artist. She lives in Muskogee (1899). 2496. V. CoRDER Stone Samplet Webb, b. in SUvan Springs, June 16, 1852 ; m. EUa West 2497. vi. Margaret Julia Artemisia, b. in Waxahachie, Texas, Nov. 28, 1855; m. J. C. Ryan. He is the principal of a school in Mc- Kinney, Texas. 2481. Sarah Hinds, daughter of Simeon and Elizabeth (Stone) Hinds (Joseph), born Aug. 31, 1811, and died July 12, 1881 ; married May 10, 1832, T. Sherral Anderson, who was born Nov. 23, 181 1, and died May 18, 1854. Children, born in Overton Co., Tenn.: 2498. i. Angeline, b. Feb. 25, 1833, d. May 21, 1877; m. Sept 5, 1850, J. W. Penagrass. 2499. ii. Burton M., b. Aug. 22, 1835, d. June i, 1836. 2500. in. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 8, 1836. 2501. iv. Claborn, b. Aug. 18, 1837, d. Sept. i, foUowing. 2502. V. W. I., b. July 31, 1844; m. Jan. 14, 1864, Miss L. F. Dodson who was b. Jan. 5, 1S47, d. May 27, 1880. ChUdren : (a) T. F. b. July 21, 1864, d. May 28, 1865. (b) M. A., b. Feb. 11, 1867 m. May 3, 1891, J. E. York, (c) S. C. A., b. March 13, 1869 m. Nov. 21, 1886, John Green, (d) W. M., b. July 30, 1871 m. Aug. IS, 1895, Fanny Peck, (e) M. E., b. Nov. 3, 1873. (f) J. R., b. Dec. 10, 1875. (g) Simeon, b. June 10, 1878, d. three days later, (h) J. L., b. May 25, 1879. 2503. vi. F. M., b. Aug. i8, 1848, d. Dec. ig, 1866. 2486. Simeon Hinds, son of Simeon and Elizabeth (Stone) Hinds {Joseph), died in Cookville, Tenn., where he had always lived ; married (first) Margaret Gardner ; married (second) Mary Masters, of John Iradella dillard hinds. Tennessee. He was a Tenn. Children 2504. i. Zina T. 2505- ii. James. 2506. iii. John. 2507. iv. Mary. 2508. V. Emma. UNATTACHED FAMILIES 3O3 He was a physician, and his widow resides in Cookville, 2494. John Iredella Dillard Hinds, son of John and Rhoda (Webb) Hinds (Simeon, Joseph), born in Guilford Co., Tenn., Dec. 13, 1847 ; married in Lebanon, Tenn., Nov. 21, 1880, Mrs. Mary Bashie (Atkins) Lindsley, who was born in Knox Point, La., Oct. 31, 1850. She was the daughter of Elisha Connell and Mary Blackman (Sutton) Atkins. He was educated at Cumberland University, Har vard, and at the University of Berlin, in Germany. He is at present professor of chemistry in Cumberland University, Lebanon, Tenn., where he resides (1899). He is dean of the college faculty, and has received the degrees of A. B., A. M., and C. E., from the same institu tion. Since 1884, he has been a member of the International Sunday School Lesson committee, has contributed to chemical journals, also to religious weeklies and monthlies. He is superintendent of platform of Monteagle Assembly, and has furnished nearly all of the records con cerning his branch of the family for this book. Child : 2509. i. Kate Adelle, b. in Lebanon, Aug. 10, 1885. 2510. John Hinds, (parentage unknown) died and was buried in Fayette Co., 111.; married Elizabeth Pugh. He was a farmer in one of the Carolinas and then in Kentucky. Children : 25II. i. Elenor. 2512. ii. Anne. 2513- iii. John. 2514. iv. Sarah. *2Si.5- V. Mary. *25i6. vi. Joseph. 2517. vii. Charity. *25i8. viii. Simeon, b. in HopkinsvUle, Ky., Dec. 12, 1811 2519. ix. Elizabeth. 2515. Mary Hinds, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Pugh) Hinds, married June i, 1826, Col. Charles Prentiss, son of John O. 2522. 111. 2523- iv. 2524. V. 304 THE HINDS FAMILY and Rachel Prentiss. He died in Vandalia, 111., Nov. 22, 1837, where he resided as a merchant In 1828 and 1830, he was a member of the Illinois Legislature. In 1832, was register of land office in Vandalia, which position he held until his death. Children : 2520. i. Maria Elizabeth, b. June 21, 1827; m. Dec. 14, 1843, W. H. Slade. 2521. U. Julia Ann, b. July 17, 1829, d. May 2, 1872 ; m. Sept 23, 1853, Tevis Greathouse. ChUd: (a) Adela D., b. Aug. 19, 1856. Mary Isabella, b. in August, 1831, and d. young. Emily Amanda, b. in November, 1833, d. Dec. 23, 1859. Mary Caroline, b. Aug. 26, 1835, ^""i ^- March 18, 1865 ; m. June 14, 1859, Jacob Fauke. 2526. vi. Charles Kenney, b. in August, 1837, d. in March, 1839. 2516. Joseph Hinds, son of John and Elizabeth (Pugh) Hinds, died in July, 1852 : married Nancy Knight, who died May 6, 1892. He was a farmer of Vandalia, 111. He had several children of which only two are known. Children : A SON. A SON. A SON. Charles Eugene, b. in Vandalia, IU., Feb. 2, 1851. Francis Marion, deceased ; had a son b. about 1871. 2518. Simeon Hinds, son of John and Elizabeth (Pugh) Hinds, born in Hopkinsville, Ky., Dec. 12, 181 1, and died in Fayette Co., III., June 15, 1857; married Oct. 6, 1836, Jane Alvira Pond, who was born in Blount Co., Tenn., May 16, 1819, and died Jan. i, 1880. She is buried in Fayette Co., III. Children, born in Fayette Co., 111. : 2532. i. Jerome Jasper, b. May 12, 1838; m. Clara Belle Bliss and lives in Washington, D. C. (1898). 2533. U. John Baxter, b. Dec. 13, 1839; m. Josephine Wright and lives in Decatur, Ala. (1899). 2534. ui. Joseph Monroe, b. Jan. 6, 1842 : m. Lucy Ann FriUia. He was, during Grant's adminstration. United States Consul to Rio de Janeiro, BrazU. 2535. iv. Adolphus Leonidas, b. Feb. 28, 1846, d. in Vicksburg, Miss., June 19, 1864. He served in the war of the RebeUion. *2536. V. Emily Elizabeth, b. AprU 16, 1848. 2537. vi. Albert Morris, b. Sept. 16, 1850, d. in Memphis, Tenn., Dec. I, 1869. 2538. vii. Ada Adora, b. Feb. 6, 1853, d. in Birmingham, Eng., Feb. i, 1884 ; m. WUliam Fawcett RamskiU. 2539. viii. Ferris Simeon, b. Oct 31, 1855; m. Eliza Spain. 2527. 1. 2528. u. 2529. iu. *253o. iv. 2531- V. UNATTACHED FAMILIES 3O5 2530. Charles Eugene Hinds, son of Joseph and Nancy (Knight) Hinds ( John), born in Vandalia, III., Feb. 2, 1851 ; married in Black River Falls, Wis., April 8, 1874, Belle Barber, who was born there, March 17, 1854. She was the daughter of James and Eliza (Dugan) Barber. He was educated at McKender College, Lebanon, Tenn., and at twenty-one went to Black River Falls, and in 1874, to Red Wing, Minn., where he was deputy county auditor. In 1879, he was made secretary of the Red Wing Mill Co. In 1884, he moved to Woonsocket, S. D., where he engaged in banking until 1895. He was twice made mayor of that place. In 1896, he moved to .Racine, Wis., where he at present resides (1899), '^'^^ i^ employed as manager of the collection department for the J. S. Cass Co. Children : 2540. i. James Barber, b. in Red Wing, Aug. 18, 1875. 2541. u. Charles Morton, b. in Red Wing, July 12, 1877, d. there, AprU 8, 1878. 2542. iii. Francis Somerfield, b. in Woonsocket, Nov. 28, 1SS5. 2536. Emily Elizabeth Hinds, daughter of Simeon and Jane Alvira (Pond) Hinds (John), born in Fayette Co., III., April 16, 1848; married in Fayette Co., April 11, 1872, Dr. Louis Philippe Grif fin, who was born in Charlestown, R. I., Oct. 7, 1843, 'iiel in Provi dence, R. I., March 10, 1893, and is buried in Westerly, R. I. He was the son of Dr. Joseph Hazard and Abbie Chloe (Hoxsie) Griffin, of Westerly. She is a government clerk at Washington, and has had no children of her own, but has reared a son and daughter of her sister Ada (deceased), from infancy. Her husband graduated from the Bellone Medical College. Four of her brothers served their country in the war of the Rebellion, one falling at Vicksburg, the rest being mus tered out at the close of the war as commissioned officers ; one as captain and two as first lieutenants. Two have since held the office of United States marshal. 2543. Levi Hinds, (parentage unknown) born about 1767 in North Carolina, and died in that state in September, 1842 ; married in 1787, Huldah Byram, who was born about 1770. He moved from New Jersey to North Carolina, thence to Tennessee. From there he went to Madison Co., Ala., in 1808. Some member of this family thinks that the father of Levi was named John, and that he came from New Jersey and settled in North Carolina, where he died. There were other members of the family who came at the same time, and who radiated from North Carolina in several directions. Some went to U 306 THE HINDS FAMILY Kentucky, some to Illinois and some to middle Tennessee. It is thought that Levi had two brothers, who moved to Kentucky. Children : 2544 i. Benjamin. *2545. ii. Byram, b. in Knox Co., Tenn., March 5, 1792, 2546. iii. Calvin. 2547. iv. Joseph. 254S. V. Levi, b. 1805, d. in 1884. He married and had one daughter: Eliza, m. Mr. Brazelton. (a) 2549. vi. Hannah. 2550. vii. Lydia. 2551- viii. Chloe. 2552. ix. Mahalah. 2553- X. Thersa. 2554. xi. Millie. 2545. Byram Hinds, son of Levi and Huldah (Byram) Hinds, born in Knox Co., Tenn., March 5, 1792, and died April 23, 1875 ; married Oct. 2, 18 13, Elizabeth Childress, who was born June 5, 1798, and died Jan. 14, 1870. She was the daughter of John Chil dress, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. He was a farmer by occupation, and served in the war of 1812, under Gen. Jackson, being an ensign in the army. He was mustered out of service after the battle of the " Horseshoe," and drew a pension to the time of his death. Children : *2555. i. Byram W., b. AprU 14, 1837. 2556. ii. Alfred Leonidas, d. in. 1864. He was a lieutenant in General Roday's command of Confederates, and died in the Confederate army. 2557. iii. Montgomery Benton, b. Dec. 25, 1840, kUled at the battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1S63. He was a member of Gen. Joe Wheeler's 19th Alabama Regiment, and was kUled in the famous charge against Gen. Thomas' Corps. 255S. iv. Clarborn W., d. May 5, 1898. He was a member of Gen. Johnson's escort, and was mustered out of service at. Greensboro, N. C, in 1865. 2555. Byram W. Hinds, son of Byram and Elizabeth (Chil dress) Hinds (Levi), born April 14, 1837; married Dec. 27, i860, Maryant Rebecca Rickett who was born Oct. 6, 1843. He was a lieu tenant in Company B, 48th Alabama Regiment, during the Civil war, and was discharged at Richmond, Va., in 1862, for physical disability. He rejoined the army in October of the same year, with the 3d Ala bama Regiment, and was on detached service throughout the whole UNATTACHED FAMILIES 307 war, serving with Gen. Joseph E. Johnson's escort, and surrendering with him at Greensboro, N. C, May 5, 1865. Children : 2559. i. Ernest, graduated at West Point MUitary Academy, and is attached to Company F., U. S. ArtUlery. He served in the Cuban campaign under General Shaffer. Commanded battery on the second and third of July, his captain, Capt. Parkhurst, having been wounded. 2560. ii. Alfred Walton, b. in Marshall Co., Ala., July 25, 1874. He graduated at the United States Naval Academy, June 8, 1894, and is now serving as assistant engineer on the U. S. S. Texas. He held the same position on the Texas and fought at the battle of Santiago de Cuba, holding his post under Capt. Philip at the destruction of Admiral Cevera's fleet, July 3, 1898. His home is in New Hope, Ala. 2562. i. ^2563. u. 2564. iu. 2561. William Hinds, (parentage unknown) born Feb. 26, 1788, and died in Oak Ridge, N. J., Dec. 14, 1829 ; married (first) Miss Woodruff ; married (second) Eliza Devenport who died in Oak Ridge, N. J., May 14, 1856. Both are buried in Oak Ridge. He went from New York City to New Jersey, where he lived and died. He had a brother Benjamin, who died in Sparta, N. J., leaving sons. He also had a sister Sarah, who married Mr. Howard and had no children. Children, by first wife : Mary Ann, b. Oct. 25, 1812, d. Dec. 11, 1858. David, b. in New York City, June 12, 1814. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 28, 1816, d. March 3, 1874; m. in Bridgeport, Conn., Peter Norman. 2565. iv. Phoebe, b. Oct 16, 181S ; m. in Sparta, N. J., Andrew Reed. 2566. V. Theresa, b. Feb. 22, 1820; m. in Newark, N. J., Firman Denton. Children, by second wife : 2567. vi. Fanny, b. in Oak Ridge, N. J., Jan. 2, 1826. ?2568. viL Sarah, b. July 27, 1827. •2569. vui. Alfred W.,b. Oct 21, 1829. 2563. David Hinds, son of William Hinds, by his first wife, born in New York City, June 12, 1814, and died in Santa Cruz, Cal., Dec. 4, 1889 ; married Hannah Norman, who was born Sept. 17, 1813, in New Jersey and died in Santa Cruz, Dec. 30, 1884. He was the first mayor of Santa Cruz. Children : 2570. i. Mary Elizabeth, b. July 4, 1837, d. June 11, 1872, unmarried. 2571. n. William M., b. Feb. 14, 1839, d. Jan. 9, 1892, unmarried. 2572. iii. Samuel N., b. June 5, 1840, d. AprU 11, 1891, unmarried. 308 THE HINDS FAMILY 2573. iv. Andrew R., b. July 30, 1841, d. Oct. 7, 1888, unmarried. 2574. V. Arvilla, b. Jan. 8, 1843, d. March 30, following. *2575. vi. Peter Richmond, b. Sept. 5, 1844. *2576. vii. Firman Denton, b. in New Foundland, N. J., May 26, 1846. 2577. viii. Lucretia Caroline, b. March 18, 1848, d. June 6, 1851. 2568. Sarah Hinds, daughter of William and Eliza (Deven port) Hinds, born July 27, 1827, and died Sept 27, 1871 ; married Andrew P. Brink. Child : 2578. i. Elizabeth, d. Nov. 18, 1889; m. (first) Mr. Wolf, from whom she became divorced; m. (second) Mr. Brown. ChUdren, by first husband: (a) Nettie May, m. Charles Stocking, and lives in San Francisco (1899). (b) Valida May. 2569. Alfred W. Hinds, son of William and EHza (Deven port) Hinds, born Oct 21, 1829, and died in Arlington, Neb., May 9, 1896 ; married (first) Susan Devenport, of Oak Ridge, N. J. ; married (second) Emma Chamberlain, of the same place. 2575. Peter Richmond Hinds, son of David and Hannah (Norman) Hinds ( William), born Sept. 5, 1844, and died Feb. 23, 1899 J married in Santa Cruz, Cat, Dec. 25, 1879, Nellie Cutler. They had no children. 2576. Firman Denton Hinds, son of David and Hannah (Norman) Hinds ( William), born in New Foundland, N. J., May 26, 1846; married in Oakland, Cal., Dec. 4, 1872, Emma Louise Lawler, who was born in New Orleans, La., March 6, 1851. He was county recorder of Alameda Co., Cal., for three terms, 1883-89. He is at present a real estate agent and resides in Oakland (1889). Children, born in Oakland : 2579. i. ViDA, b. Oct. 24, 1877. She has furnished the greater part of the records of her family for this work. 2580. ii. Edgar Wilfred, b. Sept. 25, 1882. 2581. David Hinds, son of Turner and Ann Hinds, born in Londonderry, England, in 1808, and died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. i, 1877 ; married in London, Eng., April 12, 1830, Martha Sarah Southey, who was born in London in 1812, and died in Brooklyn, July 8, 1866. They are both buried in Greenwood cemetery, Brooklyn. He was a true-blue Republican and a consistent advocate of the abolition of JOSEPH ED-WIN HINDS. 2582. i. 2583. ii. 2584. iii. 258s- iv. 2586. V. 2587. vi. 2588. VU. *2589. vui. 2590. ix. UNATTACHED FAMILIES 3O9 slavery from the time he reached this country. He voted for John C. Fremont in 1856, and for that man of all men, Abraham Lincoln, in i860. He was a firm friend and admirer of Louis Kossuth, and all other advocates of liberty. Children : Joseph William, b. in London, Feb. 14, 1831, and d. at the age of sixteen years. Elizabeth, b. in London, Dec. 14, 1832, d. in Montcalm, N. J., in Feb., 1879; m. June 9, 1852, Benard O'NeiU. George James, b. Dec. 25, 1834. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 31, 1837 ; m. Edward McCrea. David, b. AprU 29, 1842. Sophie, b. Oct. 23, 1844; m. James Johnson. Charles, b. June 23, 1847, d. in infancy. Joseph Edwin, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1848. William Southey, b. Aug. 18, 1853, d. in Dec, 1874. 2589. Joseph Edwin Hinds, son of David and Martha Sarah (Southey) Hinds (Turner), born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1848 ; married in Brooklyn, March 29, 1870, Mary Anne Beetham, who was born in Brooklyn, June 5, 1849. She was the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth C. (Appleyard) Beetham, of Brooklyn. He has always lived in Brooklyn, starting as a printer's apprentice in 1863. He is now president of the United States Printing Co., the United States Playing Card Co., and several other corporations. He has been of great assistance in this work, not only regarding his own family, but has taken an interest in the members of the Hinds family in England. Children, born in Brooklyn : ?59i. i. Grace, b. Sept. 20, 1871, d. Feb. 14, 1875. 2592. ii. Joseph Edwin, b. June 29, 1873. 2593. iii. Samuel Southey, b. AprU 4, 1875. He is a lawyer. Spent three years at Phillips Andover Academy, graduating in 1894, then attended Harvard University for one year, and two years at the University Law School in New York City, graduating in June, 1897, receiving degree of LL.B. Anna Edith, b. July 27, 1877. Elizabeth Cavil, b. Sept. 19, 1879. Walter Beetham, b. Dec. 10, 1883. Ethel Louise, b. Sept 14, 1885. Dorothy, b. Oct 15, 1890. 2594. IV. 2595. V. 2596. vi. 2597- vii. 2598. viii. 2599. William Hinds, lived in Sussex Co., Del , and had at least one son, Thomas Hinds, who was born in 1790, and died in Sea- ford, Del., in 1868, and who married Lavina Swiggett, who died in 310 THE HINDS FAMILY Seaford, in 1858. He hailed from Seaford in the occupation of sea faring. Served in the war of 18 12 for a short time in Delaware Bay, at Lewes, which place was destroyed by the British. Children : *26oo. i. Thomas, b. in Seaford, Sept. 20, 1833. *26oi. ii. William Swiggett. 2600. Thomas Hinds, son of Thomas and Lavina (Swiggett) Hinds ( William), born in Seaford, Del., Sept. 20, 1833 ; m. in Balti more, Md., April 2, 1857, Olivia I. Goodwin, daughter of Caleb and Julia Ann (Bell) Goodwin. He resides in Jersey City, N. J. (1899), and has furnished a part of the material of his family for this book. Children ; 2602. i. Lela, b. in Baltimore, Oct. 5, 1859. 2603. ii. Thomas G., b. in WUmington, Del., Nov. 11, i86i. 2601. William Swiggett Hinds, son of Thomas and Lavina (Swiggett) Hinds (William), niarried Katherine Huffington. Child : *26o4. i. Charles Huffington, b. in Cincinnati, O., Oct. i, 1850. 2604. Charles Huffington Hinds, son of William Swig gett and Katherine (Huffington) Hinds (Thomas, William), born in Cincinnati, O., Oct. i, 1850 ; married in 1869, Rachel Sumwalt, who was born in Baltimore, Md., Jan. 4, 185 1. He is a merchant tailor. Children, born in Baltimore : 2605. i. Daisy, b. June g, 1871; m. in Baltimore, Dec. 17, 1895, William L. Girdwood. *26o6. ii. William Swiggett, b. Aug. 10, 1872. 2607. in. Katherine Huffington, b. June 26, 1874; m. in Baltimore, Oct. 6, 1897, Emmett P. Reade. 2608. iv. Thomas Edwin, b. Nov. 16, 1876. 2609. V. Lela, b. Dec. 30, 1877. 2610. vi. Charles Edwin, b. AprU 13, 1880, d. in Baltimore, in March, 1884. 2611. vii. Matilda Jane, b. Sept. 13, 1881, d. in Baltimore, in February, 1884. 2612. viii. Elizabeth M., b. in February, 1883, d. in Baltimore, in July, foUowing. 2613. ix. John Neff, b. Sept. 30, 1884. 2606. William Swiggett Hinds, son of Charles Huffing ton and Rachel (Sumwalt) Hinds {William S., Thomas, William), born in Baltimore, Md., Aug. 10, 1872 ; married in Baltimore, Nov. 19, 1896, UNATTACHED FAMILIES 3II Mary Louise Lewis, who was born in Wheeling, W. Va., June 20, 1874. She was the daughter of James Alexander and Lizzie Green (Parker) Lewis, of Washington, D. C. They live in Baltimore. Child : 2614. i. William Swiggett, b. in Baltimore, Nov. 27, 1897. 2615. Solomon Hinds, (parentage unknown) born in Green wich, Mass., April 19, 1750, and died in Brandon, Vt, in 1794 ; married in 1791, Hannah Stetson. It is thought that they came from Vermont to Stanford, Conn., about the middle of the eighteenth century. It may be possible, however, that they came from Truro, Mass. Children, first three born in Greenwich, Mass., other in Brandon : 2616. i. Lydia, b. July 11, 1792, d. in 1796. 2617. ii. Nehemiah, b. Jan. i, 1794, d. in Greenwich, Aug. 24, 1796. 2618. iii. Lemuel Harrington, b. Jan. 16, 1796, d. Sept. 28, foUowing. *26i9. iv. Jesse, b. Dec. 2, 1798. 2619. Jesse Hinds, son of Solomon and Hannah (Stetson) Hinds, born in Brandon, Vt, Dec 2, 1798, and died there in 1876; married Happy Nelson, who died in Brandon in 188 1. Children, born in Brandon : *262o. i. Edward Dyer, b. in July, 1835. 2621. ii. Mary, m. Zack Clark. 2620. Edward Dyer Hinds, son of Jesse and Happy (Nel son) Hinds (Solomon) born in Brandon, Vt., in July, 1835 ; married (first) in Brandon, Delia Briggs, who died there in 1873 ; married (sec ond) Hattie Barrows. He is a farmer and has been vice-president of the Rutland County Agricultural Society. He is general superintend ent of the Vermont Road and Trotting Horse Breeders Association and one of the most noted breeders of Morgan horses in Vermont. Children, by first wife, born in Brandon : 2622. i. John P., b. in 1861 ; m. in Ticonderoga, N. Y., Anna Norton. *2623. n. Edward D., b. in 1863. *2624. iii, Zack Clark, b. AprU 20, 1866. Children, by second wife, born in Pittsford : 2625. iv. Frank J., b. in 1876. 2626. V. Hattie D., b. in 1879. 2627. vi. Harry Hale, b. in 1881. 312 THE HINDS FAMILY 2623. Edward D. Hinds, son of Edward Dyer and Delia (Briggs) Hinds (Jesse, Solomon), born in Brandon, Vt, in 1863 ; mar ried in Pittsford, Vt., Lillian Douglas. Children : 2628. i. Eloise M., b. in 1893. 2629. ii. Mary V., b. in 1896. 2624. Zack Clark Hinds, son of Edward Dyer and Delia (Briggs) Hinds (Jesse, Solomon), born in Brandon, Vt., April 20, 1866 ; married in West Rutland, Vt., April 3, 1896, Lucy Grinnell, who was born in Rutland, June i, 1873. She was the daughter of Ansel and Mary Lemon (Fexon) Grinnell. He graduated at the Castleton (Vt) Normal School, and at the Albany (N. Y.) College. He is a school teacher by profession and has been principal of the West Rutland High School for the past ten years. He lives in West Rutland (1899), and has furnished the records of his family for this work. Children : 2630. i. Edward Elroy, b. Jan. 11, 1897. 2631. U. Zack Clark, b. July 2, 189S. 2632. Samuel Acklin Hinds, son of William and Elizabeth (Acklin) Hinds, born in Abingdon, Va., in 1803, and died in Marble Plains Church, Tenn., in 1882 ; married in Winchester, Tenn., Tabitha Davis, who was born in 181 1. He was a carpenter and farmer, and had a brother, William Nuten Hinds, who served in the Southern army, under Gen. Joe Wheeler, during the Civil war. Children : 2633. '• Elizabeth Ander, b, in 1832 ; m. in Farmington, St. Francis Co., Mo., in 1855, Sidney E. Rudy. 2634. u. William Nuten, b. in 1834. 2635. ui. James Vance, b. in 1836, and was killed during the CivU war. He served under Capt. James A. Rice, of Harrisburg, 111. 2636. iv. Leonidas Speaker, b. in Franklin Co., Tenn., Oct. 2, 1837 ; m. Miss Barker, of Illinois. He was a. member of the United States Cavalry during the CivU war. He is a machinist and electrician by trade and lives in Harrisburg, Saline Co., 111. (1899). Thomas, b. in 1840 and d. young. Juliet Indiana, b. in 1842 ; m. Emanuel Witt. Robert Christopher, b. in 1844; m. in Franklin Co., Tenn., in 1866, Martha Ann MarshaU. He was a corporal in the Southern army during the CivU war, under General Joseph E. Johnson. He now resides in Await, Franklin Co., Tenn. (1899). 2637. v. 2638. vi. 2639. vn. UNATTACHED FAMILIES 313 2640. vin. Margaret Cynthia, b. in 1846; m. (first) John E. MarshaU; m. (second) John B. Ward. *264i. ix. Samuel Acklin, b. Oct. 12, 1848. 2641. Samuel Acklin Hinds, son of Samuel Acklin and Tabitha (Davis) Hinds (William), born Oct. 12, 1848; married in Marble Hill, Tenn., Aug. 17, 1874, Elizabeth Hannah Angell, who was born April 25, 1850, and died in Marble Hill, June 17, 1881. After the death of his wife, he moved with his children to Birmingham, Ala., where he now lives and is a mechanic by trade. Children, born at Water Cure, near Winchester, Franklin Co., Tenn.: 2642. i. Minnie Myrtle, b. Aug. 12, 1875; m. in Birmingham, April 19, 1898, Ira W. Stamps. She was educated in the Birmingham public schools and in the business college of the same city. She also attended Dr. A. B. Jones' college, in Huntsville, Ala., 1890-91. She resides in Birmingham, and has furnished most of the records of her branch of the family for this book. 2643. ii- William Commandore, b. Feb. 11, 1878. 2644. ui. Florence Glenn, b. Oct 23, 1880. 2645. John Hinds, son of Alman and Margaret (McGregor) Hinds ( James Walker), born in Robinson Township, Allegheny, Penn., May 22, 1828 ; married in Alleghany, Nov. 7, 1853, Rebecca Gano McCague, who was born July 7, 1834. They reside in Allegheny (1899), where he is a carpenter. His father had two brothers, John and James, the latter dying from injuries received from a horse. Children, fi»st five born in Pittsburg, next three in Beaver, others in Allegheny : *2646. i. William McCague, b. Nov. 20, 1854. 2647. "• Alman Walker, b. May 21, 1856, d. in Beaver, Penn., Aug. 26, 1869. 2648. in. Emma Ann, b. Feb. 14, 1858, d. in Allegheny, Aug. i6, 1889; m. Jacob Schaefer, and had no children. 2649. iv. Margaret Ella, b. June 30, i86i; m. Fletcher Grubbs, and resides in Allegheny. ChUdren : (a) Dale, (b) Luther, (c) Boy (name unknown). 2650. V. John Grant, b. April 4, 1863. He is a traveling salesman for Danebaum & Co., of Philadelphia. He married and had : (a) Newton, (b) John. 2651. vi. Ida Rebecca, b. Sept. 17, 1865, d. in AUegheny, Nov. 27, 1891 ; ra. Mr. Beattyand had: (a) Ida. 2652. vii. Harry Milton, b. Nov. 8, 1868. He is a machinist by trade. 2653. viii. Frank French, b. Oct. 21, 1870; married and had one daughter. He resides in Atlantic City, where he is a member of the life- saving crew. 3 14 THE HINDS FAMILY 2654. ix. James Elmer, b. May 21, 1874. He is an electrician by trade. 2655. X. Beetha Georgetta, b. Nov. i, 1876. 2656. xi. Walter Byron, b. AprU 21, 1880. 2657. xii. Charles Elrod, b. July 12, 1884. 2646. William McCague Hinds, son of John and Rebecca Gano (McCague) Hinds (Alman, James Walker), born in Pittsburg, Penn., Nov. 20, 1854 ; married in Allegheny, Penn., Nov. 28, 1883, Minnie Thompson, who was born in Washington Co., Penn., May 13, 1861. She was the daughter of William and Nancy J. (Howe) Thomp son. He is a traveling salesman for Renwick Bros., milliners, Pitts burg, and resides in Allegheny. He has furnished the record of his branch of the family for this work. Children : 2658. i. Howard McCague, b. Sept. i, 1886. 2659, U. Beulah Estella, b. Feb. 14, 1891, d. April 25, 1893. 2660. iu. Loyal Hartly, b. Oct. 31, 1893. 2661. Davenport Shavp Hinds (parentage unknown), born near Boston, Mass., Aug. 21, 1799, and died in Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 15, 1875 ; married (first) Sarah Bates, who was born in 1813, and died in Trenton, Mich., June 10, 1854. She was a school teacher for nine years. He married (second) Mrs. Mary A. (Barnheart) Conrad, widow of John Conrad. She was born in Pennsylvania at the foot of the Allegheny Mountains in 1802, and died in April, 1876. He was a farmer and practiced law. Children, by first wife : 2662. i. Maria, drowned whUe bathing in the Huron River. 2663. u. Hannah, d. at the age of fifteen. 2664. iii. Sylvester, died from cancer in the stomach at the age of fifty-five. ?2665. iv. Isaac Richard, b. in Trenton, Mich., Dec. 15, 1846. Child, by second wife : *2665. V. Samuel David, b. in Trenton, March 24, 1855. 2665. Isaac Richard Hinds, son of Davenport Shaw and Sarah (Bates) Hinds, born in Trenton, Wayne Co., Mich., Dec. 15, 1846 ; married in Ypsilanti, Mich., Jan. 21, 187 1, Mary A. Smith, who was born in Rochester, N. Y., April 22, 1850. She was the daughter of Joseph and Sarah A. (Cook) Smith. He enlisted Nov. 11, 1862, as private in Company D, Ninth Michigan Volunteer Cavalry and was wounded five times. Discharged as private, July 25, 1865. They moved to Muskegon, Mich., after marriage where he took aposi- UNATTACHED FAMILIES 3IS tion as foreman in the lumber mills. In 1884 he was elected jus tice of the peace. He has furnished many of the records of his family for this work.. Children : 2667. i. Albert S., b. Oct. 30, 1871. He graduated from the Muskegon High School. Entered the law school of the State University at Ann Arbor, Mich., from which he graduated in 1894. He is now (1899) practicing in Shelby, Mich. 2668. ii. LoviCA Maud, b. AprU 2, 1880. 2666. Samuel David Hinds, son of Davenport Shaw and Mary A. (Barnheart) Hinds, born in Trenton, Wayne Co., Mich., March 24, 1855 ; married in Toledo, Ohio, Sept. i, 1897, Alice Virginia Smyth, who was born in Bangor, Me., Oct 23, 1869. She was the daughter of Frederick R. and Mary Katherine (Coney) Smyth. He carries on a carriage and blacksmith shop in Toledo, Ohio. 2669. Nelson Hinds, (parentage unknown) was born in Loudoun Co., Va., Jan. 19,1799, and died March 22, 1852; married (first) Catherine Howard ; married (second) in 1837, Matilda Hen- thorn, daughter of John L. Henthorn, of Pittsburg, Penn., who had been a bOat builder in early days. He settled in Vermilion Co., near Perrysville in 1835. Nelson's second wife was of an old Maryland and Delaware family. He had two brothers, James and Moses. The father of these three boys was thrown from a horse, when the boys were small, which resulted in his death. His widow married a second time. Dr. Coats by whom she had : (a) Joseph, (b) Sirena. Child, by first wife : *267o. i. John H., b. in 1820. Children, by second wife : 2671. ii. William H., b. in Fountain Co., Ind., in 1838. 2672. iii. James Richard. 2673. i'^- Ellen. 2670. John H. Hinds, son of Nelson and Catherine (How ard) Hinds, born in 1820, and died April 26, 1883 ; married Hester Black. He was a farmer of Westville, 111. Child, born in Westville : 2674. i. Frank R., b. Nov. 4, 1874. At the death of his mother, he was sent to St. Joseph, Mo., to be brought up by his uncle, William H. Hinds. He was clerk for the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RaUroad for four years then went into the insurance 3l6 THE HINDS FAMILY business. He was a member of the State Guards of Missouri and was an active member of Co. K, 4th Missouri, for four years previous to volunteering. He helped raise Co. C, 4th Missouri Volunteers in the Spanish-American war. 2675. Mason Hinds, son of Joseph Hinds, a farmer, who was born in 1802, was born in 1833, and died in October, 1875 ; married in Roane Co., Tenn., in 1852, Calvery Clementine Wright, who was born in 1838, and died in November, 1875. He served throughout the Civil war, as recruiting officer and as captain in Company F, ist Ten nessee Volunteers. He was at one time sheriff of Roane Co., Tenn., and at the time of his death was a merchant. Children, born in Roane Co. : Joseph A., b. in 1854; m. in Kingston, Tenn., in 1884, Annie Fritts. Samuel, b. in 1857, d. in 1859. Rowland F., b. in Kingston, Tenn., in September, 1859. .Sallie E., b. in 1S65 ; m. in Birmingham, Ala., J. E. Crenshaw. Wylie Wright, b. in Charleston, Tenn., in 1873; m. in JeUico, Tenn., Edna Crouch. 2678.. Rowland F. Hinds, son of Mason and Calvery Clem entine (Wright) Hinds (Joseph), born in Kingston, Tenn., in Septem ber, 1859 ; married in Birmingham, Ala., April 28, 1892, Nellie Brooks, who was born in Springville, Ala., in February, 1874. She was the daughter of David and Nancy Jane (Pearson) Brooks, of Springville, He is a machinist of Birmingham. Children : 2681. i. Beulah Dreunen, b. in September, 1895. 2682. ii. Thomas William, b. in October, 1897. 2676. i. 2677. ii. *2678. iii. 2679. iv. 2680. V. 2683. Adain Jacob Hinds, son of Calvin and Hannah Hinds, born in Bingham, Vt , April 20, 1820, and died in Patchogue, N. Y., Feb. I, 1894 ; married Sept. 4, 1848, Elizabeth Miler Tomlinson, who was born in Montoursville, Penn., Jan. 13, 1830. He was a specu lator. He had brothers, Darius, who died in Denver, Col., and was in the Civil war, and Burr, who was a shoemaker ; and sisters, Cynthia, who married Mr. Harrison, and Harriet Jackson, who died in Coopers- ville. Child, born in Grand Rapids, Mich.: *2684. i. Isaac Franklin, b. June 9, 1849. UNATTACHED FAMILIES 31/ 2684. Isaac Franklin Hinds, son of Adain Jacob and Elizabeth Miler (Tomlinson) Hinds (Calvin), born in Grand Rapids, Mich., June 9, 1849 5 married in Grand Rapids, Nov. 4, 1872, Hannah Maria Perry, who was born in Dresden, Canada, June 4, 1849. Child : 2685. i. Elizabeth Mary, b. July 27, 1874. 2686. Nancy F. Hinds, daughter of John and Elizabeth Hinds, of Boston, born June 5, 1798. Married July 5, 182 1, Barzillai Walker, who was born October 18, 1797. He was the son of John Walker. They both belonged to the Congregational church, and resided in Taunton, Mass. Children : 2687. i. Elizabeth T., b. July 29, 1822, d. Oct. 29, 1824. 2688. ii. Sarah H., b. Jan. 10, 1824; m. in 1856, Franklin Warner, who was born in New Hampshire. 2689. iii. Elizabeth Tyler, b. May 30, 1826, d. in October, 1855; m. Sept. 30, 1849, Jacob Burt, of Taunton, Mass., son of Jacob and Priscilla Burt. 2690. iv. Barzillai Henry, b. Oct. 20, 1827 ; m. Sept 8, 1848, Lydia M. Sanford, who was b. in April, 1832. 2691. V. Mary H., b. July 7, 1829, d. AprU i, 1833. 2692. vi. Deborah Holmes, b. Aug. 23, 1831; m. July 20, 1859, Zeba F. Bliss. 2693. vn. James Richmond, b. Dec. 29, 1833. 2694. viii. John Hinds, b. AprU 10, 1835. 2695. ix. George Edgar, b. AprU 19, 1838. IIN'DEX Cbrietian IRames OF ALL WHOSE SURNAME IS HINDS FIGURES AT LEFT OF NAME DENOTE YEAR OF BIRTH SO FAR AS KNOWN 1846 Aaron Jackson, 1079. 1844 Adolph H., 483. 1768 Abanoam, 71. 1846 Adolphus Leonidas, 2535. 179. Agnes , iSo. IS49 Abbie E., 1558. il 1836. 1856 " Foster, 1076. 1874 •' 1693- 1840 " Frances, 357,897. 1886 " Elizabeth, 1432. 187s Abby E., 1019. 1894 t( Gracie, 1680, 1856 Abel Chase, 2366. 1838 li L., 480. 1879 " Elbert 1811. 1889 i( Lottie, 2257, 2261. 1809 " Smith, 515. 1873 " Lunette, 1809. 1832 " " 1107,1110. 1812 Alanson Gibson, 598. Abigail, 121. Alber ,822. I7I4 " 19, 23. 1818 t( 575- 1720 " 42- 1830 (( 300. 1723 SS- 1843 " 1247. 1752 " lOI. 1848 " 1274 1842 " Hathaway, 914. 1830 " Demetrius, 471. 1835 " Hutchins, 1109. 183s (C Dwelley, 729. 1826 " Melissa, 1088. 1893 U E., 1707. 1787 Abijah, 216. 1892 (( Estey, 2049. I8I4 " 545- 1815 (( Galatin, 342. Abner, 58. 1874 (( Henry, 1596. " 213. 1868 '* LeRoy, 1195. 1750 " 100. 1850 (C Morris, 2537. 1784 " 250. 1863 li R., 1838. 1829 " 701. 1871 (( S., 2667. 1778 Abraham, 112. 1864 cc Walker, 798. I80I Achsah, 235. i88i t( Ward, 1966. i8S3 Ada Adora, 2538. 186s Aldace Sheridan, 1739. 185s " Marion, 1735. ' 1827 Aldridge C, 691, 1854 " T., 815. 1877 Alexander Leonard, 1586 1776 Adah, 220. 1839 cc LeRoy, 1214. 1820 Adain Jacob, 2683. 1832 Alfred Edwin, 2340. 1840 Adalaide, 481. Adaline, 1054. 1824 li (( Hutchings, 298. Leonidas, 2556. 1847 L., 1098. 1811 it M., 2317. 1891 Addie, 2275. 1829 a W., 2569. i860 " May, 1805. 1874 ti Walton, 2560. 1856 Adeline, 2454. 1848 " Warner, 1339. 322 THE HINDS FAMILY 1888 Alfred Warner, 2029. 1849 Ann, 1536. 1890 Wilfred, 2363. 1710 Anna, 11, 27. 1854 Alice, i486. 1744 " 88. 1859 " i4St- 1780 " 227. 1866 " 1524- " Dow, 2364. 1894 " 1676. 1877 " Edith, 2594. 1848 " Adaline, 17 14. " Hathaway, 356. 1874 " Evelyn, 1701. 1861 " IsabeUa, 1502. 1875 Laura, 1898. 1869 " May, 1892. 1894 " Mary, 2064. 1822 " Waite, 529. 1854 " Warren, 1336. Anne, 2512. 1896 " Winslow, 1689. 1818 " E., 343. I8II Alison, 543. 1875 " Hathaway, 1585 1879 " Chester, 1871. Annie, 51. I8I4 Allen, 586. " 239. 1883 " Corlis, 1968. 1867 " 970- 1859 " Drew, 941. 187 1 " 2405. 1892 Allie Adelma, 2217. 1869 " B., 1507. 1877 Alma, 1039. " E., 1823. Alman, 2645. 1842 " Jeanette, 1321. Walker, 2647. 1873 " Jewett, 1990. 1820 Almira, 1085. 1890 " Louisa, 2030. I8I9 Alonzo, 1084. 1872 " Mason, 1584. Alpheus H., 539. 1836 Ansel Conrad, 474. 1796 " Hardin, 553. 1867 Archie Orlando, 1740. I83I '¦ L., 542. 1801 Arthur, 242. 1842 " Rogers, 1391. 1856 816. Amanda, 296. 1893 " 1477- I80I " 287. 1872 " C, 2008. 1809 506. 1847 " Corlis, 667. 1807 Amasa, 505. 1882 " 1376. 1842 M., 1068. 1882 " W., 2373. Ambrose, 2299. 1885 W., 1619. I8I8 2320. 1843 ArvUla, 2574. 1827 2314. I7S9 Asher, T05. C, 2420. 1792 '¦ 265. 1835 Americus Vespucius, 403. 1815 262. 1807 Amos Barton, 259. 1840 " Crosby, 731. 1833 " Lunt, 728. 1863 '¦ 1414 Amy, 34. 1894 " Estey, 2050. 1804 " Weaver, 337. 1844 Temple, 751. 1822 Andrew, 1086. 1809 Ashley C, 824. 1874 " 2166. 1873 Augusta, 2406. I86I " GUman, 1783. 1844 Aurelius Stone, 930. 1841 Andrew R., 2573. Austin, 1052. 1843 Angelia Abby, 1171. 1836 " Fuller, 1244. 1857 " Delphene, 11 56. 1824 Angelus Streeter, 2313. Bagley, 2302. 1890 Angie A., 1668. Barack, 183. 1880 Anita Buchanan, 21 10. 1823 Barnabas, 1087. Ann, 2581. 1755 Bartlett, 65. INDEX 323 t8ii Bartlett, 166. 1885 Blanche Webber, 1845. 1831 Barton, 702. Boyd, 2177. 1834 •' 703- Brian, 2179. 1802 BarzUlai, 2303. 1832 Burnham W., 738. 1807 2315- 1897 W., 1428. 1717 Bathsheba, 52. Burr, 2683. Beatrice, 1655. 188 1 Burton, 1963. 1898 " Catherine, 2142. " 2420. BeUe, 2104. 1792 Byram, 2545. 1877 " Stewart, 1355. 1837 " W., 2555. Benjamin, 717. 1874 Byron A., 1778. " 2544. 1893 " T., 2273. 2561. 1643 I. 1782 Caleb, 198. 1725 12, 44, 45. Calvin, 2546. 1733 " 2389. 2683. 1754 102. 1783 228. 1787 206. 1832 " Jennison, 643. 1790 252. 1880 " 1356. 1793 " 2390. 1824 " Luther, 829. 1794 266. 1817 " Parkman, 601. 1824 " Crosby, 735. 1848 1324. " D., 490. 1896 " WUliam, 1390. 1839 Dana, 1168. 1885 Carl Bertrand, 1611. 1813 Franklin, 685. 1853 Carlos Wallace, 1276. 1830 2326. Carlton, 2423. 1839 " Hammond, 2393. Caroline, 825. 1804 Holland, 279. 2491. 1832 " 777. 1836 " 835. 1 861 " Jason, 1401. 1839 iiii. 1854 " Rodman, 1422. 1834 " -Augusta, 302. 1858 Winter, 757. 1848 E., 784. 1819 BerUla, 386. 1856 Love, 671. 187 1 Bertha B., 1758. M., 217. 1861 Elvira, 1352. 1846 Carrie A., 1338. 1876 " Georgetta, 2655. 1S75 " Belle, 1446. 1892 Bernice, 2060. 1852 " Nichols, 2399. 1894 " Frances, 2147. 1890 " " 2410. 1874 Berton F., 1767, 1867 CarroU, 1751. 1817 Bertrand, 292. 1809 Carrolus, 571. 1777 Bessie, 330. 1760 Catherine, 95. 1872 " B., 2111. 1803 163. 1882 " M., 1684. 1834 431- 1789 Betsey, 264. 1844 H., 1299. 1798 " SS4. " Louisa, 2433. 1819 " 576. 1820 Cephas, 885. 1797 " Temple, 254. Charity, 2517. 1779 Beulah, 322. 1780 Canedy, 136, 142 1895 " Drennen, 2681. 1814 " 377- 1 891 " Estella, 2659. Charles, 621. 1839 Blanche Livonia, 11 57. 2098. 324 THE HINDS FAMILY Charles ,2176. Cinderella, 2415. 1787 " 313- 2432. 1809 (( 281. Clairborn, 2483. 1846 (( 1114. 1864 Clara, 796. 1847 ll 2588. 1854 " EUen, 949- 1877 " 2120. 1859 " 1737- 1852 ll Alison, 1 186. " Gilbert, 2337. 1839 ^. Eaton, Samuel W., 1305. Eckler, Frances L., 1531. Eddy, A. F., 484. Charles Augustus, 1 131. Ellen A., 609. Rhoda (Stone), 609. Samuel, 609. Edwards, E. S., 624, 662. Eels, Harriet, 540. Eggleston, Ida L., 1521. Elderkin, Almouth, 877. Beulah, 877. Clara M., 1550. Eugene M., 1550. Eva H., 1552. Jennie M., 1551. Julia A., 1550. Mary S., 1551. Sheldon A., 1550. " H., 1551. WiUiam, 877. " M., 1550. Eldridge, Fannie R., 462. Francis Cook, 462. Henry, 373. Josephine, 462. Minnie, 373. Eli, Dorothy Louise, 2041. Mary Gertrude, 2042. WUliam Lincoln, 1360. Ellis, Louise Anna, 1012. Ellsworth, Eugene S., 856. Joseph, 1 22 1. Oriando S., 856. Elmer, Alice Celestia, 1256. Alta May, 1256. Asahel, 1256. Benjamin, 570. Bert Lee, 1256. Bertie Edna, 1262. Celestia, 1258. INDEX 353 Elmer, Harriet, 1257. Herbert Kenton, 1262. Irving Asahel, 1256. " Wesley, 1256. Lavina, 1260. Lawrence Earl, 1262. Levi, 1255. Lorinda, 1263. Lucy (Corkings), 570. Minerva, 1261. " Marguerite, 1262. Nathan, 570, 1262. Oriand Asahel, 1 262. Phebe, 1259. Sevellon Roswell, 1256. Elmore, Morey, 836. Emerson, R. W., 836. Emery, Lucinda, 1256. Emmons, Frederick Augustus, 950. Helen Elizabeth, 951. WUliam Augustus, 375. Empa, Ida B., 1563. Erskine, Harriet Ann, 1401. Simon S., 921. Erskins, Lizzie, 2394, Estey, Aaron Hart, 1414. Harriet Louise, 14 14. Louisa Jane (Watson), 1414. Eube, Minnie, 710. Evans, Ida Cedlia, 2378. Sarah, 379. Everett, Mary Isabell, 1142. Fairbanks, Artemas, 292. Clarissa (Holt), 292. Julia Ann, 292. Fanning, John J., 1882. Oakley Ray, 2664. Farnham, Helen M., 724. Farrow, Sarah, 536. Farwell, Augusta, 623. Fassett, Elizabeth, 108. Jonathan, 108. Fauke, Jacob, 2524. Faulkner, Alfred Jones, 682. Carrie Thompson, 2377. Clarissa Jane, 681. Corlis Allen, 682. Florence, 682. Frances Mar, 682. George Lowe, 1972. Y Faulkner, Grace Louise, 682. Harvey Pierre, 682. Henry Arthur, 684. Joseph, ig72. Louise M., 683. Pauline, 682. StaiUey Ervin, 682. WUliam Allen, 248. Faxon, Andrew, 900. Fay, Amanda, 864. Annette, 869. Arthur C, 869. " T., 869. Bianca, 866. Charles, 864. Chauncy, 872. Clarence J., 869. Colister, 868. Ezra, 871. George, 864. Hiram L., 864. Inez C, 86g. James, 864. Katherine S., 86g. Leonard, 331, 862. Lewis G., 86g. Lorenzo, 865. Louisa M., 870. Margaret, 726. Mary Ann, 867. Minerva (Shaw), 726. OUve (Leonard), 331. Parker D., 864. Ralph, 863. Ruel Keith, 726. Russell, 86g. " P., 86g. S. P. 1424 Timothy, 331. WUliam, 873. H., 869. Fendel, EspermiUar, 940. Fexon, Mary Lemon, 2624. Fife, Gertrude, 1130. Finnard, Abbie Ann (Foss), 938. Isabel, 938. John, 938. Fish, Betsey, 456. Margaret, 457. Fisher, , 112. Annie, 1764. 354 THE HINDS FAMILY Fisher, John C, 1405. MUetus P., 1766. Rose, 604. Fisk, Bezebel, 47. Hannah, ng. Tabatha, 44. Fitch, Guy M., 1745. Ida M., 1741. Myra, 1743. Oriando, 1088. Verona, 1742. Winnie J., 1744. Flagg, Charles, 73g. Charlotte, 729. Eliphalet, 729. Elizabeth (Piper), 729. Flansburg, J. W., 1029. Flemming, Mary Jane, 1319. Fletcher, GUman, 780. Hannah (HUl), 780. Mary Edna, 780. Flugg, Kate G., 746. Flynn, Mary Ann, 651. Flynt, Ann, 267. Follet, Martha, 561. Foran, Mary, 667. Fornia, Eleanor, 1894. Foss, Abbie Ann, 938. Foster, A. B., 1185. Abel Alonzo, 554, 1220. Agnes, 1217. Ambrose GUman, 1222. Anna Belle, 1217. Asenath Sophronia, 1215. Charles Corlis, 1217. Clarence, 1221. Clinton, 1217. " Hinds, 1 2 17. Corlis, 1217. " Hinds, 1217. DUle, 1216. Edith, 1217. Edward F., 1130. Effie, 1217, 1221. " Janet, 1217. Eliphalet Darias, 1221. Emma Eliza, 12 17. Frank James, 1221. Fred, 1221. " Whitcomb, 676. Grace, 1217. Foster, Henrietta, 1221. Jessie, 1221. Larned Buckminster, 1216. " Sampson, 554. Leone, 1216. Marium (Stratton), 676. Martha Adeline, 1219. Mary (Wood), 554. MellviUe Civilian, 12 17. PhUomen W., 676. Rebecca Susannah, 1218. Viola, 1 22 1. W. H., 715. Fowler, Jane, 179. Fox, Caroline H., 760. Frazer, Mary, 489. Freeman, Cornelius, 1152. Emily A., 927. Erastus, 531. Erastus D., 11 52. Flora, 1 1 52. Francis, 629. Frank, 1152. Fred, 1152. Hattie, 1152. Hiram E., 11 52. Josiah D., 1153. Martha, 1152. Mary, 1225. Ralph, 1 152. Sarah E., 11 54. Sherman, 1152. Walter L., 11 52. French, Anna, 833. Charles Edward, 1352. Clara LUlian, 2038. Elizabeth Ann (Smith), 1352. Francis J., 1352. Lewran F., 1306. Loresta Eliza, 1307. Lj'ceria L., 1305. Mabel, 2036. Minot F., 596. Vira, 2037. Frillia, Lucy Ann, 2534. Frink, John S., 479. Fritts, Annie, 2676. Fryer, Harry Clay, 2169. William, 2169. Fuller, Abner, 568. Chloe, 568. INDEX 355 Fuller, Eliza, 912. Florette, go8. Fred, 910. Helen, gn. Hinds, gog. John H., 33g. Samuel, 64. FuLTS, Josiah, 1236. WUliam Watson, 1905. Furbur, Angus Garfield, 2071. Ethel, 2074. George M., 1507. J. Florence, 2070. James Hinds, 2073. Mabel Hinds, 2072. Furbush, Lucy, io66. Furgerson, Maria, 182. Furguson, May, 1221. Furman, James R., 488. Furnace, David, 319. Fye, Alexander, 1735. Clara M., 2223. Ernest, 2232. Eva Pansy, 2231. John, 1735. " B., 2225. Laura A., 2226. LiUian Lellah, 2230. Mary MatUda, 2229. Otterbeine, 2224. Gage, Florence E., 1441. Frank, 753. Gratia M., 1440. Gammon, Helen, 1004. Gardner, Annie, 941. Benjamin, 534. Elizabeth (Long), 941. Joseph, 19. Margaret, 2486. Phebe Hart, 534. Ruth, 534. Thomas, 941. WUliam, 537. Henry, 1175. Garfield, Lydia, 1808, 1809. Garland, Bessie Plummer, 1058. Gatchell, Mary, 2389. Gates, Ebenezer, 522. Hannah H., 1120. Jonathan D., 1117. Gates, Persis A., 11 19. Sarah E., 1118. WUliam, 1121. Gauthier, Almedia C, 2374. Geer, Charies, 65. George, Marietta, logo. Gerard, Edward J., 1572. Florence, 1572. Gerrish, Israel H. , 2336. LUlian, 2336. Getchell, Ethelinda, 730. Gibbs, E. P., 1187. Olive, 32g. Gibler, Lewis, 1086. Sarah, 1086. Gibson, Arthur, g62.W., 962. Helen, 962. Tobias, 379. WUliam Stevenson, 962. Gilbert, Cora V., 1945. Elizabeth, 17. Frankie, 1944. Henry, 17. Wealthy Ann, 830. WUliam, 1267. Giles, Lydia S., 748. Gillespie, Charles Raymond, 801. WiUiam, 801. Edward, 8ot. GiLLls, Charles Brockden, 1226. Emma MerUla, 1226. Oilman, Martha, 1070. Girdwood, WUliam L., 2605. Gleason, Anabella Frances, 1571. Ann Campbell, 563. Bertha Gertrude, 1572. Carlisle Joslin, 561. Edward Mordis, 560. Ella E., 1575. Emily Martha, 561. Emma Campbell, 563. Fred Elijah, 561. Grace G., 1576. Herbert Gleason, 561. Horace, 563. Huzzial, 561. James Richardson, 561, 563. Jennie Matthews, 561. John C, 560. " L., 560. 356 THE HINDS FAMILY Gleason , Joseph, 887. " C., 1572. Josie M., 1572. L. Maria, 695. Lizzie F., 1572. " M., 1574. Louis Pomeroy, 561. Louise Richardson, 561. Lucy B., 1572. " Clara, 1573. Martha (FoUet), 561. Mary C, 560. " EmUie, 561. Minnie, 563. Nellie M., 1572. Phineas, 695. Salome, 563. Susan, 560. Windsor, 561. Goddard, Jennie, 1192. Martha Eveline, 613. Coding, Mercy Merritt, 930. Golden, Iva. 1531. Goodale, Peter, loi. Solomon, 27. Goodnow, PoUy, 109. Goodpaster, , 2483. Goodwin, Caleb, 2600. Julia Ann (Bell), 2600. Olive I., 2600. Goold, Francis, 1218. Frank, 1 218. Gladys, 12 18. Ray, 1218. Gordon, Amos W., 1923. EUen L., 605. Gladys Marion, 1923. Mary, 66. Gorham, Sarah, 136, 355. Gorseline, Mary, 2450. Gould, Lizzie, 1436. Goulding, Nancy, 526. Graham, Esther, 857. Grant, Josiah, 65. Mary, 535. Gray, Amanda Jane, I4g2. Greathouse, Adela D., 2521. Tevis, 2521. Greeley, Miss (Comit), 1084. Eliza Shaw, 743. James, 743. Greeley, Joel, 1084. Laura Ann, 1084. " Minerva, 743. Green, Hepzabeth, 215. J. S., 562. John, 2502. Greenleaf, Elsie Mae, 17 13. Julia A. (Collins), 1082. Thomas Adelbert,, 1082. " Seldon, 1082. Greer, George, 1221. Helen, 1221. Gregg, George H., 1321. Gertrude, 2001. Walter Hinds, 2000. Griffin, Leander, 1148. Griffith, 1218. Abbie Chloe (Hoxsie), 2536. Joseph Hazard, 2536. Louis Philippe, 2536. Grinnell, Ansel, 2624. Lucy, 2624. Mary Lemon (Fexon), 2624. Grosvenor, Carrie, 1577. Dwight, 88g. Grout, Elizabeth, 113. Laura Jane, i85g. Grow, Artemas Bartlett, 1270. Fannie Ethel, 1270. Jane Maria (Rich), 1270. Grubes, Dale, 2649. Fletcher, 2649. Luther, 2649. Guernsey, Alonzo, 588. Lorenzo Hinds, I2g8. Mary Ellen, 1297. Oliver, 588. Sophia (Bent), 588. Guilliford, Birdie Ella, 637. John, 637. Gunther, Otis Martin, 1571. Pansy, 1571. Peter, 1571. Gurnee, Frank, igoo. Herbert, igoo. Lottie, 1900. Gurney, Charles Walter, igio. Eliza Ann (Butler), igio. Evangeline Ida, 1910. Hadley, Abel, 1755. INDEX 357 Hadley, Bertha M., 2241. Charles M., 2244. Harriet (Marshall), 1755. lone F., 2242. Louie L., 2243. M. A., 1755. Haines, A. M., i. Benjamin, i. Daniel, i. James, i. Stephen, i, WUliam, 18, ig, 20. Hains, Elizabeth, ig. Florence M., 1827. Francis, ig. John, ig. WUliam, ig. Hale, Burritt A., Ii8g. Eliza, 23ig. EUa, 836. WUliam Austin, 1872. Hall, , 278. Alpha, 1285. Caleb Gardiner, 2286. Cynthia, 1284. Elbert, 580. Grace EUinor, 2285. Jennie May, 2284. Kate A., 655. Mary, I54g. Oremel Dewane, 2283. Samuel, ig4. Timothy, 28. WUliam Browne, igi2. Halpin, James W., 1911. Halsey, Ichabod, 65, Hammett, Nancy, 443. Hammond, Bartlett Elon, ion. Charles Henry, 1007. Clarissa (Thompson), 400. Eliza Mundy, 1124. Etta H., 1008. Faunce, 400. " Jabez, 400. Inez Adalaide, 1006. Lamont Faunce, 1009. Nellie Cutler, loio. Hames, H., 1171. Hamilton, Georgia, 1324. Hancock, Artemas, 519. ComeUus A., 2079. Hancock, John, 2079. Lana (Osterhout), 2079. Handy, Elizabeth, 518. Haney, Josie M., 1397. Hannah, John, 388. MatUda, 388. Sarah (HUl), 388. Hapgood, Clara, 1762. Elizabeth (Grout), 113. Fannie Martha, 2006. Henry Roland, 2006. Hutchens, 113. Maria H., 113. Martha Maria (Collester), 2006. Mary Esther, 1130. Hare, Kate, 2367. Harlow, Albert Ernest, 1291. Ann H., 1029. Anna F., 445. Arthur Lewis, 1289. Bradford, 445. Charles Herbert, 1288. Charlotte N., 1035. Eleanor C, 1034. Eliza (Leonard) 445. Elizabeth N., 1032, 1033. Emma Louise, 1286. Ernest Franklin, I2gi. Evelyn White, I2gi. Frank O., 1030. Fred Herbert, 1289. George Clinton, 582. " Walter, 1290. Henry Buckminster, 1287. " MUls, 1290. Laura Frances, 1291. Leonard D., 445. Lucretia Wooderson, 1291. Mary C, 445. " E., 445. " E. K., 1036. Nancy M., 445. Otis, 43g. Ralph Edwin, 1290. Ruth Abbie, 1290. Sarah J., 1031. Solomon L., 445. Susan H., 445. Habmox, Agnes Winnifred, 2334. Charles Cobb, 2313. Claire, 661. 358 THE HINDS FAMILY Harmon, Edward Hinds, 2335. James M„ 661 . Lena, 661. Mabel, 661. Paul C, 1218. Ralph GUbert, 2336. Roberf, 661. Harrington, Louis K., g53. Marie, 515. Thelma, 953. Harris, E. E., gg7. Ernest, 1577. Katie, 1577. Steriing, 2488. Harrison, , 2683. Hart, Edgar M., 1166. George O., 11 66. Jennette, 1207. Jessie Ethel, 1166. Lewis, 1 166. Harwood, EUen, 1065. Haskins, Sarah A., 1243. Hassom, Elizabeth (BuzzeU), 1186. Helen M., 1186. Lewis, 1186. Hastings, Charlotte L., 1065. Hatch, Sally, 823. Hathaway, Ann Mason, 336. Anna, 140, 356. Caroline, 347. Columbus, 3g4. Edward Butler, 639. " Marzell, 639. Edwin, 393. EUen S., 397. Frank M., 639. George, 395. " Whitefield, 1399. GUbert, 390, Hannah, 396. Isaac N., 336. Kittie M., 639. Lovina (Brown), 639. Luther, 147. Mary, 340. Tryphena, 392. Voadicea, 391. Haun, , 1279. Hawcroft, Miles Lee, 1142. Hawkes, Arthur Everett, 951. Ferdinand WUson, 951. Hawkes, WiUiam Thomas, 951. Hawkins, Sarah, 305. Hawley, Charles D., 1502. Hazel, 2068. Lawrence, 2069. Hay, Alice (Jones), 1351. Clara, 135 1. Fred Leslie, 637 . Inez Emma, 637. James Frank, 637. " Laughlin, 637. John, 1351. Mamie D., 637. Roger D., 637. Hayden, Harry Johnson, 1479. Henry J., 817. Joel Babcock, 1478 . Katherine Sedgewick Shepard, 1480 . Hayford, Frances, 1757. Haynes, Conroy, I55g. George H., 1064. Gladys Dorothea, 1064. James, i. John, I. Mary, i. WUliam, ig. Heald, Albert Stanley, 748. Charles Ordiorne, 748, 74g. Eliza, 748. Jessie Louise, 748. Lydia Thirza, 748. Mary Gregg, 748. Ordiorne, 26g. Ruby Hinds, 748. WiUiam Pitt, 748. Heath, Edward, 560. Hemmenway, Susan, 333. Henry, Margaret, 66. Susannah, go. Henthorn, John L., 2669. Matilda, 2669. Herbert, John, i. Herrick, Elizabeth, 341. Harriet Eaton, 77g. Sarah M., 1530. Herstine, James W., 2454. Hert, Clarence, 2463. Heustis, WiUiam Greene, 2318. Heyward, Amelia, 601. Oliver, n. Hicks, Charles Joseph, g5i. INDEX 359 Hicks, Harold Emmons, g5i. Irving Ezekial, g5i. HiER, Arthur A., 1771. Cecil Arthur, 177 1. Harry Knowles, 1771. Hazel Nellie, 177 1. Higgins, A. L., 1406. Higginson, G. N., 834. Hill, Adah, go. Charles R., g7g. Elisha, 247. Elizabeth, 273. Eva Wooderson, I2gi. F. Reed, 1643. Hannah, 780. Harriet Maria, 247. LUlia E., 677. Mary, 383. " Louise, 1644. PhUip, 1645. Samuel Clifton, 1642. Sarah, 388, gg5. WUliam, 383. Hillman, Alice, 1035. Mary, 1035. Thomas R., 1035. Hind, WUliam, 18, ig. Hinde, Margaret, ig. Hindes, James, i. Hine, AbigaU, ig. John, ig. WUliam, ig. Hinkley, Alanson, 150. Charles Everett, 408. Ebenezer Hinds, 407, 408. Edward Lee, 408. Emily, 445. Ernest Eben, 408. John Bryant, 408. Lizzie Ella, 408. Lydia Bartlett AUen, 410. Mary (Patten), 1095. May Stella, 408. Sarah Philbrook, 409. HiRD, Nelson, 606. Tom, 606. Hoar, Arma, 336. HoBBS, Amos, 937. Charles Mandel, 1600. Curtis M., 937. Lynn Rutillus, 1602. HoEBS, Martha Folansbee (Dow), 937. Mary Estella, 1601. Mattie Dow, 1604. Roy Elbridge, 1603. Hodgdon, Horatio Gates, 107 1. Jennie L., i6g8. Hodgkins, Celinda, 1171. Viola, 23g8. Holcomb, Eugene, 1219. Holden, Tryphena, 223 Holland, Ephraim, 45. Joshua, 25. Tabitha, 45. Holmes, Cornelius, 25. Holt, Clarissa, 292. Hannah, 1153. Lavina, 623. Holway, Ansel, i3g8. Herbert Lincoln, 1398. Mary Elizabeth, 1400. " EUen, 1398. Hopkins, E. Louise, 1971. Ernest P., 1976. George T., 1973. Grace, 1975. Harry A., 1318. Jennie H., 1972. Marie Wright, I9g4. Nellie E., ig74. Orpha (Peirce), I2gg. Phyllis Edwards, igg6. Rebecca, 1171. Roy J., ig77. Ruth Jennie, ig95. Tabitha Wood, 1126. Thomas, 1299. " J., 1299. Hopps, Jacob, 384. John, 384. Susannah (Young), 384. Horton, A. A., 63g. Barnabas, i. Houghton, Israel, 2. Nathaniel, 23g. Houston, Mahaleth, 532. Howard, , 2561. Carrie, 1 178. Catherine, 266g. Daniel Webster, 1228. David, 555, 556. " Corlis, 1225, 1228. 36o THE HINDS FAMILY Howard, Edith Clay, 1228. Edward Stewart, 1225. Eliphalet Morgan, 555. Elsie Sophron, 11 78. Emma, 1225. " Jane, 1226. Francis Lewis, I22g. Frank Edward, 1228. Fred Lyton, 1228. Harry Dickinson, 1228. Herman Roe, 1178. John, 1 178. Louisa Jeanette, 1227. Mary Adaline, 1223. Octavia Caroline, 1224. Robert Stewart, 1228. SteUa Nancy, 1178. William Dexter, 1178. Howe, Alice Lenore, 2164. Bertha, 2ig8. Buckley, 287. Camel Alexander, 1716. Charles Erwin, 2202. Clara Jane, 1722. Clinton WUson, 2161. Cyrus, I72g. Edwin Harold, 2162. Frederick Camel, 2160. George C, 7g3. Gertrude, 793. Grace Marie, 2163. James, 1722, 2196. Jeanette, 792, 793. Joseph, 1729. " F., 2200. Letha Fray, 2203. Marcelia, 2igg. Marjory, 7g3. Martha, 87. Melissa (Vanmatre), 1722. Melvin, 2ig7. MoUie, 7g3. Nancy J., 2646. Nellie May, 2201. Priscilla, I72g. William Alonzo, 2i5g. Howland, Judith, 346. Hoxsie, Abbie Chloe, 2536. Hubbard, AUen Skinner, 11 36. Calvin, 1170. Charles, 1170. Hubbard, Charles Francis, 1137. Edward Waite, 1136, 1138. John O., 671. Leland Orson, 1386. Leslie John, 1385. Nancy, 1170. Sarah, ig. WUliam Henry, 52g, 1136. Hubble, Nehemiah, 2415. Hudson, Mary Ann, g57. Huff, Margaret, 2445. Mary Ann, 2447. " Ellen, I25g. WUson, I25g. Huffington, Katherine, 2601. Hunt, Calvin, I2ig. Charles, I2ig. " S., 764. Charlotte H., 767. Edgar, ig87. Edward, I2ig. Edwin R., 772. Effie, 12 1 9. Emma J., 770. Florence E., 773. Frances E., 762. George, 12 19. W., 769. Grier Elwell, 1589. Harold, 22g2. Helen L., 761. Irving P'rancis, 22gi. Jeremiah W., 763. John, i58g. Julia (Oliver), 5g7. Lester N., I58g. Martha P., 765. (Wright), I58g. Mary A., 771. Milo, I2ig. Nelson, I2ig. Nora, I2ig. Rebecca C, 76S. Robert, I2ig. Sarah T., 766. Stewart, 274. Thomas W., I2ig. Virginia, 774. Hurd, John Roscoe, 1162. Lydia Ann, 1162. Mary, 1518. INDEX 361 Hurlburt, , iog4. Charles Rodney, 1605. Clara Elizabeth, 1605. Phoebe Ann (Calvert), 1605. Hurt, Harris, 1731. Nellie, 1731. Sarah (Driskell), 1731. Huston, Charles St. Croix, 1323. Frank Herbert, 2003. WUlie Augustus, 2002. Hutchens, Anne Elvira, g53. Carrie, g57. Charles Allen, g52. " Weaver, 377. EUen Sarah, g59. Frances DrusUla Derrim, 956. George Washington, 955. John, 377. Kate E., 957. Marshall, 957. Sarah Ellen, 958. Sylvan Hinds, 957. VirgU Porter, 954. WUliam Charity, 957. Hutchins, Joel, 513. Hutchinson, Amenda, 934. Charles M., 1366. Cora EsteUa, 1748. Francis Granville, 1746. Isaac B., 1089. Isetta Melissa, 1747. Jennie A., 1739. Palmer Hall, 1366. Samuel B., 1749. Sylvester, io8g. Hyde, Charles, iog7. Ezekial, 65. Grace, 1097. Harold, 1097. IDE, Elvira, 635. Illsley, Charlotte Fidelia, 1848. Fred J., 1848. Isaac, 1848. Maurice F., 1848. Ingersoll, Samuel, 19. Sarah, 18. Irish, Joseph, 361. Jackson, Alice, 491. Andrew, 1066. Jackson, Bert, 1934. Clarence A., 1691. Florence E., i6go. Lillian, ig32. Lucy (Furbush), 1066. Mabel, 1933. Moses, 1066. Sarah, 510. WUliam, 1251. Jaquith, Clarence, 409. Jeffers, Kate, 1426. Jenkins, Alfred Hinds, 2378. Charles T., 2343. Hattie EUis, 2379. Jenks, Eliza (Morse), 184. Malvina, 184 Patty, 509. Perry, 184. Jenney, WUUam, 138. Jewell, Cornelia N., 1295. Jewett, Bloom (Perkins), g38. Harriet A., g38. Matthew, g38. Johns, Cora, 2460. Johnson, Albert C, 1519. Carl John, 1274. Catherine, 130S. Clarence H., 2089. Eliza A., 2090. George H., 836. James, 2587. Lisa Stina (Carlson), 1274. Polly, 1087. Robert C, 2091. Ruby L., 869. Jones, Alice, 1351. CecU H., 1576. Dennis S., 1881. Floyd R., 1576. Harry, 1418. Herbert, 1945 Homer L., 2051. Jerome B., 1418. John N., 1576. Lawrence N., 1576. Margaret, 1588. Martha J., 1418. Morris G., 1576. Naomi, 2053. Ruth H., 2052. Walter O., 1576. 362 THE HINDS FAMILY Jordan, Frances S., 1424. James, 2307. Lydia A., 2307. " (Barnes), 2307. Margaret Ann, 2307. Joslin, Hortense, 1550. Judkins, Rebecca Lane, 262. Kauffman, Mary Ann, 1259. Keefer, Emma Harriet, 1227. Joshua, 1227. Keeler, Alice Hazel, 2022. Gordon Eastman, 2022. Irving, 2022. Kees, C. H., 639. Keith, Abbie Jane, 346. Eliza Jane, 442. Frederick Tabor, 442. Harold, 442. Henry Hiram Wheaton, 442. " Page, 442. Hepzebeth (Leach), 442. James, 25. John, 25. Lulu May, 442. Marshall, 442. " Dexter, 442. Otis Dexter, 442. " MarshaU, 442. Ruth Davis, 442. Sarah Davis, 442. Susannah, 25. Thomas Warren, 442. Walter Davis, 442. Kelley, Charles, 1799. " G., i3ig. Chloe, 2258. Elizabeth, 13 ig. Mary Jane (Fleming), I3ig. SteUa, 1182. Kellogg, Lourind R., 660. Kelsey, Nellie M., 1079. Kemper, Susan, 1728. Kempton, Charles Fred, 1842. George E., 1843. Henry B., 1115. " MelvUle, 1841. Lydia H., 1016. Mahetable (Rooks), 1155. Stephen, in 5. Willis M., 1844 Kendall, Bartlett Stoddard, 547. Blanche, 1203. Burt A., 1203. Charles B., 1205. Claud L., 1205. Cora L., 1204. Delbert J., 1202. Edna I., 1204. Edward I., 1204. Ernest B., 1203. George B., 1203. " E., 1203. Hennie M., 1204. Herbert B., 1205. James M., 1202. John K., 1202. Lucius B., 1203. Martha A., 1203. Ola M., 1204. Torry, 1203. Kenney, Kittie Maud, 2375. Kenniff, Ida H., i8g6. Kent, Adah Richardson, 562. Erasmus Marble, 562. Lucy A., 562. Luther M., 562. Polly, 243. Kenton, Catherine, 1262. Kerr, Jane, 1485. Key, Solomon, 34. Keyes, David Rutledge, 1143. George Henry, 1143 Julia (Madden), 1143. Kimball, Catherine (Johnson), 1308. N., 1308. Hannah, 2346. Isaiah Wheeler, 1308. Molly, 2322. King, Catherine, 450. Lucinda, 816. Mary A., 453. May, I52g. William Gregory, 2021. Kingman, Henry, 459. Kingsbury, Oris, 1217. Kingsley, Samantha, 858, Kinney, AbigaU, 560. Kissam, Maria, 1541. Knapp, Catherine, iioo. Knight, Nancy, 2516. Knights, Nancy, 918. INDEX 363 Knowles, Blanche Beatrice, 1772. Frank C, 1773. " Dewey, 1772. Fred J., 1769. Grace, 1770. Jonathan, 920. Julius F., 1093. Myrtie F., 177 1. Nellie A., 1768. Vernon Rood, 1772. WUliam, 925. Kuhn, Emma Nora, 681. Laduke, Anna, 1801. Lagersoth, E. W., 1505. Laird, D. H., 1904. Lander, Jane C, 403. Lydia, 403. Stephen. 403. Langille, Albert Hartley, 940. Espermillar (Fendel), 940. Joshua Charles, 940. Justin Edward, 1608. Larcombe, Freddie, 1142. G. W., 1142. Hazel Pearl, 1142. Mabel LUlian, 1142. Lathrop, WUliam Brown, i8g8. Latin, David F., 4og. Laughlin, , 24go. Lawler, Emma Louise, 2576. Lawrence, Edmund, 243. Eliza Ann, 23ig. " (Hale), 23ig. Jane G., 23ig. Nathaniel, 243. Sarah, 243. WiUiam, 23 ig. Leach, Hepzebeth, 442. Leangom, Sarah, iog5. Learned, Samuel, 114. Susannah, 114. Leavitt, Emeline (Waid), 1080. Helen E., 1080. Joseph, 1080. Mehitable, 503. Sarah, 507. Leavneth, Hannah, 251. Legore, Mary, 412. Legus, Lecia, i t8o. Leighton, Barker B., i6go. Leighton, Carrie Myra, 1785. Eli Hinds, 1780. Eugene Isaac, 1784. Guy M., 1745, 1786. Harriet Rowell, 1690. Hattie B., 1690. Isaac, 1096. Joseph, 1690. Leo L., 1782. Leslie H., 1781. Lucius N., 1096. Mary F., 1783. Nancy (Brigham), iog6. Nellie F., 1421. Raymond M., i6go. Venie E.. i6go. WiUiam L., 1782. Leonard, Eliza, 445. Harriet, 447. Olive, 331. Lewis, Elisha, 65. Eliza Ann, 2218. George W., 2371. James Alexander, 2606. Lizzie Green (Parker), 2606. Mary Louise, 2606. Susan, I5gi. Thomas, 25. Libby, , 572. George, 1596. Priscilla Grace, 1596. Rosina (McNelly), 1596. Likes, Henry M., 1913. Mary Jane (Zookl, 1913. Rose AdeU, igi3. Limmerman, Harriet Cora, 1391. Lincoln, Benjamin, 168. Lindsley, Mary Bashie (Atkins), 2494. Linton, Asenath, 733. Lippitt, Adalaide Bowe, 2124. Ceylon Kendrick, 2128. Charles Metcalf, 2122. Clara Abbie, 2127. Frederick Hinds, 2126. Katherine Kenyon, 2123. Moses Ernest, 2125. " H., 1556. Sarah Esther, 2129. Little, Judith Curtis, 1159. Littlefield, Elijah E., 1234. Minnie May, 1904. 364 THE HINDS FAMILY Lloyd, Henry, 1913. Margaret Ann, 1726. Susannah (White), 1726. Locke, Anna, 836. Lombard, Phebe, 137. Long, Elizabeth, 941. Lord, Charles Emerson, 2I43. Elmer Ellsworth, 1580. Emerson, 1580. Frank Jotham, 1487. Fred, 1283. Harry Elmer, 2144. Jane, 1580. Madelyn Frances, 2146. Marion Emma, 2145. Loring, Thomas G., 930. Losee, Baltus, 876. Boltis, 1511. Charlotte, 1511. Harriet, 874. Lorany, 1511. Lovina, 876. Mary, 876. Lothrop, Freeman D., 1797. Loud, Herbert S., 2412. William C, 2400. " T., 2413. Louge, Rebecca, 602. Lowell, Fred H., 9g5. George A., 995. Gertrude, gg5. Sarah (HiU), g95. " MatUda, 1657. Lucas, , 474. Charles A., 1016. Lydia H. (Kempton), 1016. Susan Malvina, ioi6. Luce, Bert, 1015. Cleve, 651. DeHart, 651. John, 651. Maude E., 651. Ludlow, , 1086. Lunt, Amos B., 746. Boyden B., 746. Edward H., 746. Joseph C, 746. Lucy B., 746. " Harding (Turner), 265. Marcia E., 746. Mary G., 746. Lunt, WUliam E., 746. " K., 746. Luscomb, Ann, 451. Luther, Charles Wesley, 1143. Foster Killman, 1143. Grace Isabel, 1143. Minerva, 1143. Richard, 1143. Lutz, Frank K., i2Sg. Lyon, Betsey, 228. Hannah, 24. L. G., 307. Mack, Maria, 557. Madden, Julia, 1143. Magoon, LUla, 1745, 1786. Main, C. A., n5g. Manley, Rebecca, 83g. Mann, , 25. Mary, 623. Sarah Jane, 3g9. Marble, Oliver, 709. Marfan, Betsey (Blood), 213. Mareau, WiUiam H., 607. Marks, Joseph, 16. Marsh, A. C, 1221. Charles, 1 130. EUis, 1221. Helen, 1221. Minne B., 1130. Viola, 1221. Marshall, Clare W., 1887. Don Edwin, 1886. Frank John, 1883. Fred Charies, 1885. Fred Curtis, 1885. Harriet, 1755. John, 1235. " E., 2640. " W., 1209. " Wilkes, 1885. Kate Estelle, 1884. Martha Ann, 263g. Marston, W. M., 1426. Martin, Margaret, 1570. " (Aiken), 1570. Peter, 1570. Mason, Maria, 1258. Mary Lindie, 1400. Sophiette, 2323. Masters, David, 2487. INDEX 365 Mather, Dwight, 623. Matthews, Mary L., 561. " T., 1854. Maxwell, Allen, 984. David F., 984. Fanny, 823. Harriet (Perkins), 984. James, 984. " Kenneth, 984. Maud Commick, 984. Regnald James, g84. May, Clarence, i2ig. George W., 1219. Maynard, Malachi, 84. McAdam, Louisa Luana (Titus), 2084. Marian, 2084. WUliam, 2084. McAllister, , 34. McCague, Rebecca Gano, 2645. McCarl, Album C, 1575. J. Clinton, 1575. J. J. Clifford, 1575. Preston, 1575. MgClear, Nellie, 1887. McCrea, Edward, 2585. McCrillis, Amos Howe, 1126. Mary Elizabeth, 1 1 26. Tabitha Wood (Hopkins), 1126. McCuLLAR, Jennie, 34. McCULLY, Emma, 437. McCuRDY, Alice C, 136, 357, 1583. Henry Martin, 136, 357, 8g7. McCutter, Mrs., 34. McDaniel, David, 357. Olive Julia, 357. McDoLE, Adin S., 1232. Jesse, 1232. Jessie Hinds, 1901. McDonald, Charles, 624, 665. George, 624, 665. Howard J., 744. Jesse, 624, 665. John, 624, 665. Joseph C, 744. W. L., 744. McDonough, Peter, 1551. McEntire, Averyl John, 637. E. S., 637. GUbert Garwood, 637. McEuan, Esther Hinds, 2123. Mildred Lippitt, 2123. McEuan, WUliam Lmcoln, 2123. McEwan, , 1532. WUliam, 1218. McFarland, Daniel, 87. Dora J. (Chapman), 1171. McGregor, Margaret, 2645. McHatton, Charies Hinds, 956. James, 956. " Hutchens, g56. Noble, g56. WUliam Charity, g56. McIntire, Albion K., 715. Celia EUen, 1403. Clarina (Stinchfield), 715. Ezra, 715. George AUen, 1402. Lela, 1402. Pearl, 1402. PhUip Blaine, 1402. Rose Elizabeth, 1404. McKenzie, Archibald, 386. Charles Herbert, g86. Frances Adalaide, gSz. Janet Adalaide, g86. Jeanette Elizabeth, g83. Jemima (PoUey), 386. John Dunbar, 386. " Kenneth, g85. Marguerite Katherine, gS5. Mary Hinds, g84. WUliam, 981. McKinley, Abner M., 912. Helen, 912. McKnight, Dianthia R., 598. McLeod, Lena, 2367. McMasters, Alvin B., 1524. Charles B., 2095. Florence, 2094. Garnet E., 2096. McMillian, Maria B., I49g. McMurray, Ellen, 1221. McNelly, Rosina, I5g6. McRoRlE, Edna, 1532. Chester, 1532. Rosalie, 1532. Meacham, Jeremiah, 65. Mead, Rachel, 433. Medearis, Robert Young, 2492. Melancon, , 1223. Mellinger, Anna E., 1266. Henry, 1266. 366 THE HINDS FAMILY Mellinger, Sarah (Wolf), 1266. Melvin, Eveline A., 1217. Merriam, j. F., 605. Merrill, Eunice, 2300. Louisa, 1334. Mehittabel, 1737. Messer, Celesta, 787. Metcalf, Simeon, 229, 233. Susannah, 229. Miller, Celestia Stella, 1258. Edwin Tyler, 157 1. Herbert Francis, 1571. James Liston, 1258. Joseph C, 1571. Lewis, 2 171. Mattie C, 1262. Perley Hinds, 1375. Price Martin, 1571. Russell Laurell, 2171. Walter Pritchard, 1258. Valentine C, 650. Millard, Dorothy Jean, 2148. Edward A., 1585. Mills, Edith L., 2360. Minthorn, Mary, 571. Mitchell, , ig. Henry, 605. Mixer, Hattie Pauline, 2344. Sarah Catherine (Bennett), 2344. Stephen S., 2344. Monroe, Abbie, goo. Abel, 335. Ann, 898. George, 88g. Louisa, 2421. Moore, Elizabeth J., 23g3. John, i. Louis D., 2393. Mary Frances, 2393. Rebecca, 220. Thomas, i. Montague, Maria Agnes, 460. Mooney, EUen Elizabeth, 688. More, Jane Ann, 1270. Morehead, John, 66. Morgan, B. F., 681. Hattie A., 1135. Lewis Raymond, 681. S. Rosa, 710. Morrell, , 416. Margaret (Jones), 1588. Morrell, Moses, 1588. Myrtle L., 1588. Morris, Catherine (Sexton), 1338. George W., 2025. Maud A., 2026. Robert H., 1338. Samuel, 1338. Morrison, Abbie, 1590. Floyd Vinton, 1588. Frank M., 1592. James, 914. Mary L., 1587. Myrtle Flora, 1593. Nancy D., I58g. " (Davis), gi4. Nathan M., gi4. Walter M., i5gi. WUliam, 1588. Morse, Aroline, 136, 356, 892. David, 942, g43. Deborah, 12. Eliza, 184. Grace, I2. Hannah Elizabeth (True), g42, g43. Ina, g43. Isabel, g42. Joseph, 12. Lucy Hay, 939. Mary, 121 5. Morton, Charles, 2369. Dorothy, 2369. Robert, 136, 356, 893. Moses, Lydia (Clapp), 1173. Oliver, 1173. Wealthy Clapp, 1173. Mott, Emeline, 860. Moulton, AbigaU, 203. Ebenezer, 25. Mudgett, Sarah, 229g. Muffly, Mary Sophia, 1258. MULLINS, PriscUla, 1264. Mulnix, Celia, 2234. Desdemona (Dunham), 1736, 1738. Eddie, 2233. Eli, 1736, 1738. Mahlen, D., 1736. Sarah, 1738. MUNGER, F. E., 606. Munroe, EUa F., gi6. Isaac, gi6. Mary W., gi6. INDEX 367 Murray, John, 103. Myers, Jennie M., 142S. Nash, Beth Hazel, go7. Carrie Ruth, 907. Charles Elwood, 907. Faith Tenny, 907. Helen MerUla, 816. Hope, 907. Joy Pendleton, 907. Lucinda (King), 8i6. Thomas, 816. Nealey, James B., 744. Leonce C, 744. N. Y., 744. Need, John, 2451. Maria, 2451. Nelson, Elizabeth, 168. Happy, 2619. Susan Slocum, 265. Thomas, 23. Newell, Harriet, 1141. Newton, Berton E., 1757. Florence (Hayford), 1757. Sewell, 1757. Nichols, Adah F., 564. Anna, 606. Bert Allen, 1398. Dayton L., 564. Deborah (Rogers), 23gi. Ella Isadore, 1206. Joel, S50. Nancy Doe, 2391. Stanley D., 564. Thomas Miller, 2391. Walter D., 413. WUliam Henry, 550. Niles, Lafayette Washington, 1069. Marcellus C, 11 74. Mary Caroline, 1863. " " (BaUey), 1174 MUton Cleveland, 1174. NiMS, Amanda W., 623. David A., 623. Eliza Ann, 623. Henry, 623. Lafayette, 623. Lucius, 623. Lura H., 623. Mary A., 623. Osgood C, 623. Nims, Prescott, 623. Ruel P., 623. Samuel Henry, 623. Nixon, Arthur B., 1830. Charles F., 1823. Hattie M., 1826. James B., 1S28. Lewis O., 1827. Mabel A., 1829. Nahum, 1122. Susie B., 1825. WUliam H., 1824 Noble, Dwight, 652. Iva May, 652. Leroy D., 652. Luran, 652. Myron, 652. Nogle, Lydia, 272. •- Norcross, Elizabeth, 209. Norman, Hannah, 2563. Peter, 2564. Norris, Margaret Ann, 2453. Sarah, 382. Northy, Vera Clare, 2168. WUliam, 2168. Norton, Charles A., 1894. Eliza Jane, 1210. Ella, 1893. Hoel BueU, 1210. John C, 1212. Margaret (Cross), 1210. Noyes, Arthur Corlis, 511. Charles WUliam, 951. Corlis Sanford, 511. Ellen Elizabeth, g30. Florence, g5i. A., sn. Frances Emily, 136, 357, 896. Frank, 2115. Gertrude Helen, 511. Helen Emmons, 951. Henry Crafts, 930. Josephine, 951. Lillian L., 511. Mercy Merritt (Goding), 930. Nye, Almira Augusta, 622. Amanda, 622. Artemas, 622. Augusta, 622. Frederick A., 622. George E., 622. 368 THE HINDS FAMILY Nye, Henry L., 622. " Metcalf, 622. John E., 622. Landman, 622. Lorana J., 622. MarshaU, 622. Mary Ellen, 622. Mercy, 622. Nellie R., 622. Oscar Rowe, 622. Solon, 622. Thomas M., 622. Ober, Asa, 116. Mary, 2gg. Susannah, 116. Olcott, Simeon, 44. Oldham, Sarah, 160. Oliver, Julia, 5g7. O'Neal, Ann, 2428. O Neill, Bernard, 2583. Orderway, Amy, 514. Ordway, CecU J., 1154. Henephon, 1154. Inez M., 1154. Ira P., II 54. Jannet Y., 11 54. Josiah D., 1154. Lewis E., 1154. Orms, Elizabeth, 31. Orsborn, PersUla, 44. Osborn, Olive. 318. Osterhout, Lena, 207g. Owen, Myra A., g28. Owens, Jane A., 1538, 1539. Packard, Ann, I3gg. Celia M., i3gg. Judson Wyman, isgg. Lena M., I39g. Lester H., I3gg. Mabel E., I3g9. Nathan T., I3gg. Page, George, 341. Nellie E., 442. Sherman, 830. Paine, Anna, g3. Henry, 273. Palmer, Annie, 1456. James, 648. Katherine LucUe, 1367. Palmer, Marion H., 1366. Nancy, 648. WUliam H., 648. Parker, Calvin, 426. Carlton, 408. Charles W., 428. Cyrus, I75g. Edwin W., I75g. John H., 427. Jonathan, I5g. Lizzie Green, 2606. Lois, 586. Lucy K., 442. Mary, 2323. Nancy, 162. Rebecca (Brown), I75g. Sarah, 161. Vivian E., 2247. W. C, 442. Parmelee, Edwin E., 1333, 2020. Hortense Eugenia, 2021. Joseph Linus, 20ig. Parrish, Esther C, 82g. Parsons, Ida H. (Kenniff), i8g6. Lydia, 737. Mary M., 1896. WUliam H., 1896. Patrick, Adelbert, 1930. Elbridge, 1250. Walter, ig3i. Patten, Elickendel, 1095. Mary, 1095. Sarah (Leangom), 1095. Paiterson, Aurelius H., 1140. Paxton, Emma, 1249. Peabody, Mary Taylor, 1264. Peach, , 19. John, 19. Pearson, Elna E., 1633. Jeanette, 883. Muriel L., 1633. Nancy Jane, 2678. P. A., 1633. Philip W., 1633. Peaslee, Frank J., I55g. James C, issg. Joseph, 1559. Mabel, 1559. Peck, Fanny, 2502. Peckham, Albert S., 1569. Betsey (Shaw), 886. INDEX 369 Peckham, Charles S., 1570. Lyman H., 1568. Mary E., 1567. Paul, 886. WUliam, 886. Peet, Josiah, 713. Peirce, Abigail, 165. " (Pickens), 434. Anna (Strobridge), 168. Betsey, 250. Caroline, 843. Charity, 136, 358, 363. Charles W., 136, 365. Cynthia, 654. E. W., 168. Ebenezer, 136, 142, 364. Edwin H., 2342. Elbridge Gerry, 136, 355. Elizabeth, 12. Ellen, 434. Hannah, 136, 366. " (Woods), 250. Henry, 61, 133, 137. Herman, 25. Hester, 12. James, 25. Job, 25,61, 136,360. John, 12. Julia M., 136, 334, 357. Louisa v., 136, 334, 356. Lydia, 138.^ Mary, 134, 35g. Orpha, I2gg. PhUip H., 434. SUas, 250. Salome, 135. Susan, 136, 361. Susannah, 133. Tyler, 136, 362, 367. Penagrass, J. W., 24g8. Pennell, George W., 2311. Pennose, Rachel, 1244. Pepper, EmUy J., 474. Mary E., 473. Perkins, Bloom, g38. E. E., iig4. Harriet, g84. Lula, 917. Susan E., 2083. Perry, , 443. Abbie F., 162. Z Perry, Hannah Mariah, 2684. Phelps, Lydia, 511. Philbrick, George A., 709. Mary, 709, Phillips, Adams, 244 653, 660. Almira, 622. Anna, 623, 660. " J., 624, 664. Burdette, 660. Clayton, 660. Clinton W., 655. Daisy E., 655. Deborah, 625. Degourney, 660. E., 19. Elmer E., 654. Harvey, 626, 631. Henry James, 624, 663. James, 245, 624. Jesse King, 624. 664. Kinghiram, 632. Leavitt, 240, 627, 628. Leroy, 658, 659. Louisa, 657. " Sophia, 624, 663. Lura A., 652. Lydia Ann, 651. Martha J., 661. Mary, 633. Mina C, 655. Morris A., 655. Myron A.. 654. Nelson, I26g. Ransom, 656. Sally, 62g. Samuel, 634. Sarah Ann, 624, 665. Susan, 1269, 2446. " (Beck), 1269. Thomas Pier, 624, 666. WiUiam J., 660. Wmfield C, 655. Zadia, 655. Pickens, AbigaU, 434. Allie, 1530. Ann, 433, 435. Cora, 1529. Emogene L., 1532. Frances Deborah, 2318. Fred M., 1531. George, 2318. 370 THE HINDS FAMILY Pickens, Harvey M., 1531. Horace T., 1530. Jerome B. , 1527. Lydia MatUda, 1526. Margaret Maria, 1525. (Steele), 433. Martin J., S59. May, 1530. Rachel (Mead), 433. Reuben Orlando, 1528. Ruth, 65. Thomas, 433. Washington Irving, 1529. Zattu, 433. Pickles, Michael, 386. Pinneo, Clara S., 1572. Piper, Cyrus, 697. Elizabeth, 729. Ellen, 697. Pishon, Betsey, 104. Pittman, Dallas, 24g3. Plumstead, Amanda Jane (Gray), I4g2. Charles, 1492. Maud, 1492. Pollard, Persis, 216. Polleys, Jemima, 386. Polly, Ebenezer, 2. Pond, Abbie LUla, 606. Anna, 1347. Arthur Nelson, 606. Claire M., 6og. EmUy, 605, 606. " Anna, 606. Frank, 1347. H. Carroll, 606. Jane .\lvira, 2518. " Aurelia, 610. Julia, 603. " Ann, 608. Laura Jane, 606. Levi, 230. Lewis, 603. Lewis B., 230. " Sumner, 603. Lucetta, 604. Marietta Georgia, 1347. Mary EUa, 606. Orlando Belknap, 606. Oscar PhUander, 606. Otis Nelson, 606. " Sumner, 606. Pond, PhUander, 6og. PoUy B., 607. Rachel, 606. Poole, Albert, 569. F. C, i6gg. John E., 1072. Pope, Fred W., 657. Lambert F., 657. Porter, Benjamin, 354. Betsey (Tisdale), 354. Henry, 354. Mary Ann, 354. Rebecca (Tisdale), 354. Post, Albert, 152. Isaac, 152. William, 152. Powell, Fred A., 1783. Winchester R., 1514. Powers, Aaron, 318. Betsey, 838, 845. Bianca, 847. Edwin, 853. Francis, 840. Hannah (Fisk), 119. Hinds, 852. Isaac, 327. Jason, 842. Jeremiah, 119. Joseph, 850. Laura, 849. Lavina, 848. Mattie, 846. Olive (Osborn), 318. Phene (RusseU), 327. Putnam, 851. Rhoda Hinds, 841. Rufus, 843. Sarah J., 1104. Stephen, 318, 839. Susan, 844. Susannah, 119. WUliam. 327, 854. Pratt, Anna, 834. Benjamin, 25. Henry Paul, 834. Nancy Z. (Dimmock), 834. Prentice, Deborah F., 2320. Prentiss, Charles, 2515. " Kennedy, 2525. EmUy Amanda, 2523. John O., 2515. INDEX 371 Prentiss, Julia Ann, 2521. Maria Elizabeth, 2520. Mary Caroline, 2524. " Isabella, 2522. Rachel, 2515. Prescott, Mary (Grant), 535. Preston, Hiram, 392, 396. Priest, Elvira, 631. Franklin Flood, 548. John, 2. Prince, John, 2330. Pritchard, Abbie Celestie, 1258. Charles Nathan, 1258. Ellen Minerva, 1258. Freddie, 1258. Ida Mariah, 1258. Lois LUlian, 1258. Maria (Mason), 1258. Reuben, 1258. " Albert, 1258. " Watson, 1258. Stella Celestia, 1258. Proctor, Eliza D., logi. Eunice, 1091. John, 25. Joseph, logi. Prosser, John, 63g. Prouty, Charles, 606. Puffer, Emma, 746. Pugh, Elizabeth, 2510. Putnam, Clara A., 1068. Edward Augustus, ii2g. Putney, Lizzie M., iig8. Mary L., 1198. Susie M., 1200. Qua, Jane, 313. Quaif, Delmer H., 1518. Lizzie A., 1518. Robert, 1518. Quimby, Margaret (Martin), 1570. Moody, 1570. Sarah, gS6. Quint, Alonzo, 442. Race, James P., 638. Katherine L., 638. Nellie L.. 638. Ramskill, WUliam Fawcett, 2538. Ran, Lucy,i844. Rand, Samantha P., logo. Rawson, Harriet (Waterman), 590. Olive W., 590. Zenas A., 590. Ray, Edwin Norman, 2377. Ethel Alina, 2377. Fannie Adaline, 2377. Harriet Faulkner, 2377. Norman Alfred, 2377. J-. 2343. Raymore, F. H., [814. Read, AbigaU, 125. Barzella, 129. Claude Hinds, 1439. Clinton J., 2252. Edwin Roswell, 1436. Frederick, 127. Hinds, 130. J. W., 1765. James, 55, 126. John M., 752. Joseph, 55,131. Mabel, 1434. Marion Frances, 1438. Mary Charlotte, 1436. " LUlian, 1435. Minnie M., 2253. Sarah, 55. Shefomith, 132. Sylvanus, 128. WUliam, 1437. Reade, Emmett P., 2607. Redfield, Salome Fletcher, 565. Reed, , i27g. ¦ Alice (Alexander), 728. John, 728. Julia E., 1265. Lettice Orr, 728. Lewis E., 1265. Loucin, 1760. Reid, John, 1581. Lydia A., 1581. Nellie F., 1581. Reynolds, John, 65. Rhinevolt, Jane, 183. Rice, Caroline D., 609. EUen M.,615. James A., 2635. Juliette A., 617. Lucinda L., 616. Oscar C, 615. Phebe, 228. 372 THE HINDS FAMILY Rice, WUliam, 232. " Larned, 232. Rich, Jane Maria, 1270. Richardson, AbigaU Sporhawk, 562. Achsah Watts, 563. Adah Hinds, 560. Alice Abert, 604. Anna (Locke), 836. Arthur Long, 604. Charles Henry, 604. " Sanford, 1316. Dean, 748. Edna, 604. Effie Hinds, 604. Elizabeth Parker, 586. " Salome, 565. EmUy Henry, 561. Ernest Albert, 604. Fanny, 575. Frank H., 748. George, 604 " Prentiss, 604. Gertrude Louise, 604. Harriet A., 836. James, 220, 55g, 565. " (McDonough), 565. Jane (Schermerhom), 575. John, 220. Jonathan, 586. Joseph Buckminster, 566. Josephine Grant, 604. Julia, 604. " Wright, 604. Katie, 566. Leon Brown, 604. Lizzie, 604. Lois (Parker), 586. Louisa, 566. Lydia Moore, 564. Marcus, 836. Mary Jane, 1244. " (Tuck), sgg. " (Wright), 604 Matthew, 1244. Minnie, 565. Nathaniel, 5gg. Rachel (Pennose), 1244. Rebecca (Moore), 220. Sanford H., 1315. Spencer Fisher, 604. William, 575. Richmond, Belle G., 966. Palmer, g66. Robert, 77. Roxanna, g66. Ricketson, Daniel, 462. Rickett, Maryant Rebecca, 2555. Rider, Catherine, 444. Mary C, 444. Zachariah W., 444. Rife, Henry Abram, 1728. Jennie M., 1728. Susan (Kemper), 1728. Right, Annie (Adcock), 1837. Riley, J. S., 2154. Ritterbush, Louisa, 511. Lucy, 511. Lydia (Phelps), 511. Rixford, Luther, 305. Sarah (Hawkins), 305. " Pratt, 305. Roat, Elliott, 1253. Nina, ig36. Robbins, Charles H., 7gi. " Hinds, 7gi. Cutler, 2034. Estelle, 7gi. Frederick A., 7gi. George Baker, 1348, 2035. Henry, 7go. " T.,791. John, 284. WUliam, 1348, 2033. Roberts, Addie May, 1290. O. A., 442. Robertson, Artie, 1756, Augustus A., 1488. Robinson, , 495. Abbie (Cronk), 185. " Hepsabeth, 1143. Albert, 1142. Alma, 1150. Almond, 1150. Amy Conrad, 494. Arthur W., 1150. Charlotte, 1339. Effie May, 4g5. EmUy Jane, 493. Everett, 1142. Gain, 25. George, 136, 356, 893, 1578. " W., 1145. INDEX 373 Robinson, Hannah Elizabeth, 1141. Havillah M., 1144. Isabel Everett, 1142. John, 65, 530, 1147. Julia, 2317. Lillian Albertie, 1 142. Lorena A., 1140. Lorenia Blanchard, 1142. Loretta Cora, 1142. Lucy Elizabeth, 1142. " L., 1151. Martha H., 1 146. Mary, 25. " Jane, 1148. Nora, 1203. Otis, 65. Pliny, 1 149. Sabin, 185. Thomas J., 444. WUliam H., 1139. Roch, Lizzie, 1324 Rogers, Ambrose, 229g. Carrie Walton Turner, 2370. Charles WUliam, 1143. Deborkh, 23gi. Frances Augusta, 1143. Howard J., 2370. John Percy, I23g. Joseph Edwin, 2370. Kathryn Howard, 2370. Raymond Francis, 1143. Renworth Robinson, 1 143. WUliam Thomas, 1143. Rolfe, , II. Roney, Kittie, 1233. Roof, George L., 1238. Rooks, Mehetable, 1155. Rorer, Clarence G., 1574. Claribel, 1574. Clinton D., 1574. EllaL., 1574. Ethel W., 1574. Frank E., 1574. Leonard G., 1574. Rose, WUliam J., 1208. Ross, Albert Cariton, 1864. D., 65. Elsie Isabel, 1866. Elmer George, 1864. Frank, 2333. George Hartwell, 1184. Ross, Grace Elizabeth, 1864. Ida Eliza, 1868. Jennie Maria, i86g. Leone Hartwell, 1867. Leslie Coffin, 1864 Orrin S., 2333. Sidney, 2333. Waldo Herbert, 1865. Rounseville, Levi, 61. Mary, 68. PhUip, 68. Rowell, EUa Louise, 1057. George, 1057. Harriet, i6go. Judith, 506. Lydia M., 507. Rowley, Rachel Amanda, 1268. Rudy, Sidney E., 2633. Ruggles, Albert E., i8og. Everett E., i8g8. Homer Leon, 2262. Lydia (Garfield), 1808, i8og. Nathan, 1808, i8og. Runnels, Roxaima, 738. Ruppel, Dr., 372. Russell, Anna M., 2320. Deborah Monroe, 1840. Edward S., 1840. Henry G., 1120. LUlian M., i ig8. Phene, 327. Ruth, Henry, 3T1. Rutledge, EUa, i2ig. Ryan, J. C, 24g7. Ryeolt, Bertha, 2207. Elizabeth, 1730. Esther, 22og. Henry, 1730. Homer H., 2205. James Morgan, 1730. Maggie May, 2208. Minnie N., 2204. Ruth Aurolyn, 2210. Vida, 2206. Ryder, Sarah A., 612. St. John, Juliet, 878. Piatt, 878. Safford, Berdyce May, 1383. Fordyce Eddie, 1381. Harold Cheney, 1687. 374 THE HINDS FAMILY Safford, Leavitt W., 669. Myrtie Edna, 1380. Perley Fernando, 1382. WaUace S., 1014. Watson, 669. Salter, Edith Marie, 2368. Dr., 2368. Harold, 2368. Sumner, 2368. WUliam Frost, 2368. Winthrop, 2368. Sampson, , 168. John, 349. Mary Turner, 349. Phebe Dean (Doggett), 349. Sanborn, Josie, 1843. Susannah, 2317. Sanford, Lydia M., 2690. Sargent, , 2352. Cleora F. (Smith), 1331. Edith Clara, 1331. Emma R., 989. Fred Augustus, 1331. George AUen, 1331. Jedediah Warren, 1331. Lucius Manlius, 1331. " Walter, 1331. Nelson Warren, 1331. Saunders, Adaline Jenkins, 2379. Ann, 1310. Conrad Theodore, 2379. Lestina, 1102. Savage, , ig. Angie, 1000. Sawtelle, Clara Maria, go?. Flora Sweet, go6. Mary Augusta, go5. Nathan Hale, 338. WiUiam Forbes Hale, go5. " Henry. 905. Zephaniah Eddy, 904. Sawyer, Adelia Mary, 1259. Alta, 1259. Edith, I25g. Eva, 1259. Florence, 1259. Frank George, 1259. George M., 1259. Mary A. (Templeman), 1078. Olive, 106. Rebecca, no. Scanlon, Maggie, 1723. Martha (Taylor), 1723. Patrick, 1723. Schaefer, Jacob, 2648. Schermerhom, Jane, 575. Schley, Allen, 1237. Schoeffel, Francis A., 1892. Frank H., 1892. Malcolm Francis, 2270. Marion Winnifred, 226g. Sarah (Cauthro), i8g2. ScHROM, Jasper, 1553. Schwenk, Mary A., i28g. Schwitz, Jacob, 2186. Magdalena, 2186. Rudolph J., 2186. Scott, Elizabeth, ng. Scribner, Edward Emmons, 2043. Samuel Fiehenor, I3g4. Scudder, Charles Marshall, 604. Dorothy Blatchford, 604. Margaret Frances, 604. Winthrop Richardson, 604. Seager, Lydia, 7g. Sears, Abner Jones, 346. Cora Louise, 346. Eari, 346. John Winslow, 346. Judith (Howland), 346. Seaver, John MUton, 548. Seavey, Ann MerrUl, 2345. Betsey Drake, 2347. Emily Lane, 234g. George Orlando, 2348. Mary Jane, 2346. Nathaniel, 2316. Sederguest, Annie, 1627. Sencerbox, John, i486. Sexton, Catherine, 1338. Seymour, Eva Winnifred. 410. Florence Adalaide, 410. Herbert LeRoy, 410. Sarah Lute, 410. Willard Arthur, 410. William LeRoy, 410. Sharpe, Maggie J., 1205. Shaw, Abraham, 20. Almira, 856. Ann, 1276. Betsey, 886. Hannah, ig, 20. INDEX 375 Shaw, Jane (Kerr), 1485. John, 20, 1485. Minerva, 726. Sarah Jane, 1485. Shawl, Salome, 1534. Sheffer, George Webb, g56. James, g56. Leonard McCullet, g56. Sheldon, .Albert HadseU, I4g5. Charles Asahel, 1495. Clarence Woodard, 1495. Don Alexander, I4g5. Fred, I4g5. Harvey, I4g5. Inez, 1495. Ira, 1495. Lena, 1495. Marcia, 875. Marie Antoinette, 1280. Norman WUliam, 1495. Shennan, Cynthia, 448. Martin, 448. Mary, 448. , Shepardson, Amanda, 606. Shepherd, Benjamin, 273. -Catherine Maria Sedgewick, 306. Elizabeth (HUl), 273. Isabella W., 273. Mary (BeU), 273. Samuel, 273. Sheply, David, 737. Sherman, Hannah, 137. Sherrill, Carleton M., 640. Frankie B , 640. Sherwood, Martha Jane (TurreU), 475. Mary Elizabeth, 475. Philo, 476. William H., 475. Shields, Lily B., 1219. Shoomaker, Ella, 1493. Shoop, Florence, 682. Shopwell, Eva, 2466. Shurtleff, Dr., 1034, 1036. Ruth, 614. Sibley, Clara, 606. Simmons, E. W., gg7. Lizzie, 1013. Simpson, Annie, 736. Sinclair, Beulah Bent, 1866. Merwin C, 1866. Walter Merwin, 1866. Skinner, Elizabeth, 1 136. Lizzie Jane, 1058. Slade, Sarah Catherine, i4go. W. H., 2520. Sliter, Holden, 330. Horace, 861. Lendol H., 861. Menzo, 861. Sloan, TUly, 840. Slocum, Persis (PoUard), 216. Small, Lewis Franklin, 1454. Nelson Herrick, 2058. Richard Loring, 2057. Smart, Rose, 1842. Smiley, Mary S., 746. Smith, , 149, 1632. Abner, 25. Alfred James, 2086. Angelica, 1063. Anna B., 1419. Anthony Ogden, 2g4. Benjamin Ward Force, 2g4. C. A., i7ig. Charles G., 2090. Cleora F., 1331. Corlis Foster, 1217. Cornelius Ogden, 294. Daniel James, 2345. Delia Josephine Amanda, 294. E. E., 1184. Edna Warren, 294. Elisha Kent, 243. Elizabeth Ann, 1352. EUen J., 561. " Osborn, 294. Ethel Irene, 1064. Eudora, 2396. Frank W., 9g6. Fred, i860. " WUliam, 22g8. George, 1526. " N., 674. " Orlando, 2345. Hannah Delia Adora, 294. Harley PUlsbury, 2345. Harmon C, 2090. Harold Heber, 1064. Henry A., 615. James, 2345. Jason, 615. Jennie, 2255. 376 THE HINDS FAMILY Smith, John, 2. " Edwin, 243. " E.,i7g5. Joseph, 2665. Lewis A., 1217. " Romeyn, 294. Lydia, 855. " Alfreda, 243. Marion, 2297. Martha Porter, 294. Mary A., 2665. Minnie, 2254. Mott, 651. Polly Jane, 243. PoUy (Kent) 243. Rebecca Hinds, 2g4. Romeyn, 2g4. Ruth Russell, i860. Sally (Colby), 2345. Samuel E., £53. Sarah, 6gg. " A. (Cook), 2665. Tolman C, 1526. Tryphena, 615. Watson W., 1063, 1064. WUlard A., 2086. Wiliam H., 1567. Zabiah Cunningham (Stone), 2086. Smyth, Alice E. Virginia, 2666. Frederick R., 2666. Mary Catherine (Coney), 2666. WUliam G., 699. Snell, Frank, i89g. Mary, igoo. Sylvester, 1231. Snow, George F., 443. " W., 440. John H., 442. Nancy (Hammett), 443. Phebe, 442. Susan, 71. Thomas, 443. Snyder, Euphenia S., 1217. Malvina, 1220. Somes, Anna Byrne, 2376. Lydia, 832. WUliam E., 2342. Soper, Alice Myrtle, g36. Anne Hinds, 935. Annie May, 936. Cyrus, 343. Soper, Cyrus Hannibal, g34. Ella Blanche, g30. Flora Maria, 933. Fred Neuton, 936. Lutie Maria, g34. Minnie B., g34. Soules, Lodisa, 1247. Southcott, M. J., 2464. N. H., 2464. Southey, Martha Sarah, 2581. Spain, Eliza, 253g. Sprague, David, 3gg. Emma, 884. Sarah Jane, 3gg. " (Mann), 399. Springer, Kate, 864. Samuel, gn. Spurling, Jackson, 1142. Stacy, Henrietta, 273. Stamps, Ira W., 2642. Stanard, Hiram A., 1260. Susan, 1260. " Adell, 1260. Stanford, Sarah, g6. Stanley, , 726. Staples, Nathaniel, 138. Starbird, Rose, 996. Stearns, Harriet Jane, 279. John, 10S5. WUlie H., 1721, 1754. Stebbins, Malvina (Jenks), 184. Steele, M. Louise, 1753. Margaret, 433. Stetson, Hannah, 2615. Stevens, Amos Barton Hinds, 708. Augusta Ann, 706. Barbara Amanda, 8S2. Barton Eube, 710. Charles, 707. " Llewellyn, 710, M., 708. " Smith, 711. Dorcas (Whittier), 254. Dorothy, 710. Elizabeth Maria, 712. Francis M., 1640. Frederick, 708. George Barton, 707. E., 977. Georgie B., 1641. Hannah, 105. INDEX 377 Stevens, Jennie, 1183. Joshua, 254. Llewellyn Nathaniel, 710. Lucy, 1132. " Morgan, 710. Mary Hinds, 709. Nathaniel Morrell, 254. Walter, L., 2372. WUliam, 710. Stewart, Edward Lincoln, 2170. Frankie, 643. Henry, 643. Marcia, 643. Stickney, Ebenezer, 1141. Harriet (Newell), 1141. John Brooks, 1141. Lizzie May, 1141. Ralph Bramhall, 1 141. Richard Pike, 1141. Stinchfield, Clarina, 715. Strobridge, Anna, 168. Charlotte B., 349. " Copeland (Bennett), 349. Elizabeth (Nelson), 168, James, 66. Margaret, 66. Mary, 66. Robert, 168. WUliam, 66, 34g. Stocking, Charles, 2578. Stone, AbigaU, 6og. Betsey, 6og. Caroline, 647. " S., 633. David, 609. Deidania, 300. Elizabeth, 2479. EmUy Diana, 1107, llio. Polly, 212. Rhoda, 6og. WUliam, 1451. Zabiah Cunningham, 2086. Stout, Caleb, 58g. Eliza T., 58g. John, 180. Margaret (Teneyck), 589. Stowell, Edith Beach, 1552. Ella Bassinger, 1552. Eva Helen, 1552. Franklin B., 1552. Rachel Harriet, 1552. Stowell, Ruth Sophia, 1552. Susan Abbie, 1552. Stratton, Marium, 676. Strayer, John, 719. Zoe Elizabeth, 1409. Sullivan, Ethel G., 409. Harold WiUie, 409. Howard Eaton, 4og. Neal David, 4og. Otis G., 409. Sumwalt, Rachel, 2604. Sutherland, Polly, 857. Sutton, Mary Blackman, 2494. Swan, Annie. 347. Bradford, 347. George H., 347. Hattie, 347. Samuel, 347. Sweet, F. L., 1192. Swift, Bartlett H., 188. Hannah B., 192. Heman, 73. James D., 191. Sophia N., 189. Ward, 190. Vaodicea, 187. Swigert, Cora, 2459. Swiggett, Lavina, 2599. Switzer, Albert Henry, 1182. Karl Whitman, 1 182. Pearl Dayton, 1182. Symonds, Elizabeth, 751. Taft, Annie, 2168. Benjamin F., 1724, 1727. Claton, 2191. Della, 2185. Emma, 2188. Guy, 2189. Hazel, 2192. Henry C, 1724. Jennie, 2i6g. Jessie Pearl, 2186. Joseph B., 2184. Lewis W., 1727. Lydia Catherme (Welsch), 1724, 1727 Mamie, 2igo. Maria (Whiting), 1275. Maude, 2170. Myrtie, 2172. Parker Lewis, 2ig3. 378 THE HINDS FAMILY Taft, Sarah, 2171. Wren, 2187. Tailor, Sarah, 605. Taylor, , 1774. Alexander, gi3. Alfred Joseph, 2220. Almon Marskall, 1734. Alonzo, 1734. Archie Raymond, 2222. Clifton Hinds, 22ig. Dianna (Barber), 1734. Ellen (Black), gi3. EUie S., 1007. Flora, 1533. Frank F., 2153. Fred N., 1714. Freddie G., 2156. Hattie A., 2152. Ida Verona, 2221. Iva A., 2155. Jean, 913. Laura D., 2151. Martha, 1723. Minnie Mabel, 2218. Myrtle M., 2154. Ralph C, 2157. Vernon M., 2158. Tallman, Henry, 273. Tefft, Inez C., 869. Teepell, Charles, 1914. Herkimer, 1914. Mary Ann (Deacon), 1914. Temple, , ^.. Elizabeth, 45. Ephraim, 49. Isaac, 45. Templemam, Mary A., 1078. ' Templeton, Ann (Saunders), 1310. Arthur Edwin, iggi. Edwin Francis, 13 10. John, 1310. Teneyck, Margaret, 589. Tennant, Cora Florinda, 1850. John S., 1850. Tenney, Helen M. (Hassom), 1186. Tewksbury, Emeline Antoinette, 560. Thayer, Charles, 970. Eliza)jeth A., 938. Ethel H., 1626. Francis A., 970. Harriet A. (Jewett), 938. Thayer, Howard B., 938. Mary S., 776. Thilkston, Teresa L., 1341. Thomas, , 354. Charles Nathan, 1263. Clara Richmond, 1263. Julius Orlin, 1263. Rebecca, 957. Thomes, Charles D., 2324. Thompson, Adaline Georgianna, 1326. Asa S., 1326. Caroline Augusta, 1326. Chester Roy, 410. Clarissa, 400. Edgar C, 410. Frank A., 2411. Harry Laughlin, 410. James, 229. Mary Rebecca, 1264. " Taylor (Peabody), 1264. Minnie, 2646. Nancy J. (Howe), 2646. WiUiam, 1264, 2646. C, 2397, 2399. Thoms, Benjamin, 2426. Ellen Dane, 2426. Nancy (Dunning), 2426. Thomson, Malcolm, 294. Stanley, 2g4. Thornton, Agnes, 460. Alfred, 460. Charles Lyman Montague, 460. Daniel, 460. Emily Montague, 460. Montague, 460. Natalie, 460. Rebecca, 460. Thurbee, Aimer, 1547. Mary A., 2114. Maud L., 2115. Thurston, , 162. Margaret Ann (Jordan), 2307. William H., 2307. TiBBlTS, Clara Jones, 714. Tiffin, Anna, 63g. Tilton, EUen, g6o. Salathiel, 378. Timothy, A. Louise, 561. Mary P., 561. Tinkham, Seth, 25. Tiptoum, Elizabeth, 2448. INDEX 379 Tisdale, Betsey, 354 (Church), 354 John, 354. Joshua, 354. Rebecca, 354. Samuel, 354. Titus, Hattie A., 483. Louisa Luana, 2084. Tobey, Celia Nye, 255. Todd, F. S., 410. Tomlinson, Elizabeth MUer, 2683. Toothaker, Charles, 1012. Etta P., 1012. Louisa Anna (Ellis), 1012. Torrey, Jennie A., 1203. Totten, Jeanette, 1223. WUliam, 1223. Toun, Ella, g24. ToUNSEND, Arexene Hinds, 1165. Eliza Jane, 1162. Ella L., 1332. Emma G., 1116. Fred Curtis, 1161. Harry, 1161. Jesse, 533. Joseph Curtis, 1161. Josephine Hinds, 1163. Parthenia Howe, 1166. Sarah Hepsabeth, 1160. Victorene Hinds, 1164. Walter Cathell, 1161. Toubtelloit, Bessie Ellen, 1876. Charles Arthur, 1874. George E., iigi. Hattie Isabel, 1877. Leroy Abijah, 1875. Teresa Ethel, 1873. TowLES, William, g5g. Tripp, John, 2416. WUlard, 411. True, Hannah Elizabeth, g42. Tuck, Mary, 5g9. Tucker, AbigaU (Moulton), 203. Alice Jeanette, 1277. Christopher H., 1277. Ezra, 203. Hannah, 203. Jeanette Ellen (Alford), 1277. Mary, 2389. " (GatcheU), 238g. Samuel, 238g. Turner, Annie North, 2370. Bessie, 2367. Elisha Hinds, 2367. Frank, 2367. Fred, 2367. Harriet, 2329. Jonathan, 2329. Lucy Harding, 265. Mary EUzabeth, 2368. Ralph, 2367. Sarah Prince, 236g. Turrell, Martha Jane, 475. Tuttle, Hannah, 66. Twiss, A. Margaret, 2341. Harriet M., 2341. Tyler, Agnes E. , 1571. G. E. May, 1571. Helen L., 1571. James, 1571. Underwood, Adelbert, 1260. Elias. 1260. Elmer, 1260. " Roy, 1260. Esther L., 1260. Lydia, 328. Melinda, 233. Upham, Adah K., 560. " Orlana, 560. Denslow, 560. Echo K., 560. Edward Denslow, 560. " Fiske, 560. Lida K., 560. Paul K., 560. Susan Henry, 560. Vail, Anna M., 2021)^. Rachel, 71. Valentine, John, 67. Olive, 67. Van Benschotten, Elias, 868. Mary, 868. Vandergrift, Elizabeth, 6g6. John, 698. Van Deusen, Augustus Pingry, 564. Homer Gates, 564. Horatio Gates, 564. Leah S., 564. Lucy L., 564. Susan A., 564. 380 THE HINDS FAMILY Van Horn, Alzoa, 1530. Cornelia, 1525. Dorr H., 2135. Emily, 1525. Florence M., 2136. Hervey, 1525. Howard, 1525. Homer, 1525. Martin, 1529. Ulysses, 1525, 1560. Vanmatre, Melissa, 1722. Van Ness, Sophia C, 2g4. Van Tuyl, Alex, 185. Elizabeth, 185. James Walter, 185. Van Volkenburg, Emma, 2080. Vaughan, Eugenia, 1725. Vicory, Eliza, 347. Viles, John R., ioo8. Nora M., loog. Wagy, Robert, 803. Waid, Emeline, loSo. Waite, ,841. Annette, 655. Clarence, 652. Ethelbert, 1203. Frank M., 657. Glen P., 657. Hannah, 214. Irwin, 652. May, 657. R. W., 652. Walch, Effie C, 605. Waldo, Anna L., 836. Charies W.. 836. Elijah, 315. EUa M., 836. EUen C, 836. Frank C, 836. Fred G., 836. George A., 836. Gertrude M., 836. Harriet E , 836. Lucy, 837. Mabel, 836. Walker, Alona Allen, 300. Avie Emma, 802. BarziUai, 2686. " Henry, 26go. Charles, 303. Walker, Deborah Holmes, 26g2. Deidania (Stone), 300, 303. Edith Nora, 803. Elizabeth T., 2687. " Tyler, 268g. Francis Child, 2266. Flora Hortense, 801. George Edgar, 2695. Helen Ray, 2268. James Hinds, 2265. " Richmond, 2693. Joel, 300, 303. John, 2686. " Hinds, 2694. Josephine, 2061. Josie, 2061. Levi, 76. Maria (Mack), 557. Mary, 14. " H., 2691. Ola Maria, 800. Samuel, 27. Sarah H., 2688. Simeon, 75. William, 2061. " ChUd, 1888. Wallace, Anna Marion, 688. Bruce Hinds, 2040. Elizabeth, 1352^. George Cutler, 2039. Malcom, 1210. WUliam, 688. H., I352>^. Henry, 1352^^. Wallen, , 445. Walling, Ann E., 177. Walroth, Lois A., 15^0. Ward, Abigail, 20. Alfred, 1275. Alpha M., 606. Anna (Tiffin), 639. Cyrus Joseph, 639. Edith, 606. Estelle Vivian, 63g. Frances, ig. Harriet Zula, 545. John B., 2640. Maria Whiting (Taft), 1275. Mary Eliza, 1275. Samuel, ig. TurtuUus C, 1063; INDEX 381 Ware, George A., 1074. Samuel, 27. Warner, Emma R., 657. Franklin, 2688. Washburn, Abbie Jane (Keith), 346. Abiel, 68. Hannah, 25. Mary Louisa, 346. Olive, 148. Salmon MUton, 346. Waterman, ,215. Harriet, 590. Watkins, Eloine H., 1782. Watson, Ann, 1302. Cassius Hinds, 1978. Edmund, 1302. " Bertrand I97g. Louisa Jane, 1414. WUbur S., 1302. Way, Alice S., 564 Weaver, , 2489. Clara Louise, 294. , Webb, Charles WUliam, 953. Elizabeth Emmons, 953. George Samuel, 953. Georgia, 953. Meredith, 2480. Rachel, 2480. Rhoda, 2480. Webber, Elias, 1159. Elizabeth E., 1159. George, 150. Mary Scammel (Chapin), 1159. Parker, 595. Webster, Beatrice, 2236. Daniel M., 1737. Ebenezer, 1737. Luellah May, 2235. Mehittable (MerrUl), 1737. Wedge, Betsey, 1103. Weeks, Elizabeth, 270. Welch, Julia Edna, 678. Nellie Agnes, 672. Welcome, Clara J., 1823. Wellman, Laura, 1531. Wells, Carrie Maria, 1785. Welsch, Lydia Catherine, 1724, 1727. Werkley, Sarah, 655. Wescott, Eva, 294. West, Elias, 65. Ella, 2496. Weston, Grace Mason, 1329. John G., 1329. Rhoda, 2314. Wetherbee, Sarah, 44. Wheaton, Ella Gertrude, 442. Hiram, 442. Wheeldon, Elizabeth E. (Webber), II 59. Jabez Nye, 1159. Judith Curtis (Little), 1159. Wheeler, Johanna Crosby, 266. MerUla, 66. Rhoda Ann, 1256. Wheelock, Anna, 1823. Laura, 9g2. Whidden, Clara, 2333. Simon, 2312. Whipple, Adeline, I2ig. Esther, 1219. George, 1219. Herbert, 12 19. John 1219. Nathaniel, 44. Whippler, Mary, 2025. Whistler, ,726. Whitbeck, Frances E., i2g7. Harry, I2g7. John F., I2g7. Mary Grace, 1297. Whitcomb, Asa, 12. White, Caroline, 581. Clarissa, 412. Eldora J., 1557. Horatio Winfield, 1131. John, II. Julia Day, 1131. Minnie, 1134. S. M., 637. Samuel H., 119. Susannah, 1726. Thomas, 135. Whitehouse, Daisy, 743. Whitford, Almira Permelia, 1259. Erma Heloise, 1259. Fred WUson, 1259. George Nathan, 1259. Harriet Elmira, 1259. Irene Minerva, I25g. Lawrence Elmer, 1259. Luman Charles, 1259. Manley Clarence, I25g. 382 THE HINDS FAMILY Whitford, Mildred Irene, i25g. Minnie Irene, 1259. Myron Cyrus, 1259. Ova Orissa, 1259. Violette Eva, I25g. WUliam Cyrus, I25g. Whiting, Lydia, 253. Whitman, BeUe Emeline, 1182. CharUe Edbert, 1182. Hariie Orrin, 1182. Hattie Carrine, 1182. Hugh Herbert, 1182. Orrin Herbert, 1182. Ralph Erwin, 1182. Robert Charlie, 1182. Whitney, Anna Marion (Wallace), 688. Asaph B., 688. Charles, g87. Ella, g87. Ernest, 236g. Louise (HUtz), g87. Margaret, 236g. Martha, g76. Whittelsey, WUliam Chauncy, 308. Whittier, Abner Hinds, 706. Dorcas, 254. James P., 706. Whittimore, Archie, I7g3. CarroU, I7gi. Carseny, iog8. Davis, II 04. Florence, i7go. Ira, 1106. Minnie Maud, 1792. Rena, 1794. Wickham, WiUis, i52g. Wicks, Sarah, 1522. Wilbor, Alfred Parker, 442. Herbert Clark, 442. Irma Keith, 442. Marjorie, 442. Walter Clark, 442. Wilbur, Emma, g39. Horatio, 93g. Lucy Hay ( Morse ) , 93g. Wilcox, Almira, 638. Christopher Columbus, 2g3. Ephraim, in. Frank L., 1396. Horace, 294. Martha Holland Hinds, 294. Wilcox, PhUip Lincoln, 2044. Wiley, Sally, 511. Wilkie, Mercy, 553. Wilkins, James, 1431. Mary A., 756. Willard, Emma, 2083. Hattie, 623. Williams, Bradford, 167. C. C, 637. Emma, 1282. Harold C, 1183. Mary E., 1281. Nettie, 1283. Timothy, 578. Willis, Sarah H., 332. Wilmot, Hannah Elizabeth, 635. Wilsdon, J. J., 934. Wilson, Agnes, g83. WUliam, 240. Winchell, Mary Ann, g8o. Winkley, H., g85. Winn, Annie (S^impson) , 736. Joseph M., 736. Maria A., 736. Winslow, Abner, 347. Ann, 347. " (Pickens), 433, 435. Asa, 433, 435. " Irving, 1021. " Tyler, 433, 435. Bartlett Allen, 34g. Benedict A., 347. Bradford WUliams, 351. Caroline, 347. Charity Leonard, 346. Ebenezer Hinds, 350. Edward, 433. " Bernard, 1020. Elbert, 34g. Ephraim, 25. Ezra, 433. Hannah, 67, 347. Henry, 34g. " Harrison, 354. John, 141,349- Josiah, 433. Kenelm, 433. Keziah, 348. Lizzie Exie, I3gg. Mary Coombs, 505. " Ellen, I3g8. INDEX 383 Winslow, Owen Hinds, 353. Rachel Pickens, 433. WUliam, 34g. " H.. 347. " Harrison, 352. " Penn, 713, 1400. Wiseman, G. W., 2457. Withams, Almira Boston, 2366. Witherbee, Micah, 41. Witt, Augusta, 525. Emanuel, 2638. Wolf, , 2578. Nettie May, 2578. Sarah, 1266. Valida May, 2578. Wolrod, Betsey, 1510. Wood, Abiel, 446. Adaline, 446. Isaac, 64. James, 2465. Mary, 554. MatUda, 446. May, 864. Sarah E., 181. Woodbridge, B. R., 80. Woodman, Mary Livingston, 2332. Woodruff, , 2561. Woods, Hannah, 250. Patrick, 23g. Woodward, Achsah, 231. Betsey (Lyon), 228. Elemanda, 523. Francis, 633. Frank, 633. Frederick, 633. George, 633. " WUliam, 633. Gladys Mary, 633. Ruth PhUlips, 633. Sally, 213. Walter Francis, 633. WUliam, 633. Woodworth, Ira, 830. Mary Fassett, 830. Wealthy Ann (GUbert), 830. Woolcott, Nathaniel, 34. Wooster, Fannie E., 1637. " M., 1633. Hiram E., g8o. Ida M., g8o. " May, 1636. James E., g72, g75. Leonora, 1634. Mary Ann (Winchell), g8o. Zelana, 1635. Wright, Calvery Clementine, 1675. Calvui, 574. Catherine (Burroughs), 574. Charles J., 604. " Turpin, 604. Edward, 36. Frank, 604. Harriet Lucia, 604. Joab Clark, 604. " Wesson, 604. Josephine, 2533. Julia Ann, 604. Lucia M., 604. Martha, I58g. Mary, 5g7. " Elizabeth, 604. Nellie, 1430. Stella L., 604. Theodore Francis, 604. Worthington, V. B., 604. Wyman, , ig. Susan A., 947. Thomas, 149. Young, Susannah, 384. Youngs, John, i. Zook, Mary Jane, 1913- 3 9002 00712 3517