IKpippifSiP^ \^ir'hr'' i ! DICTIONARY OF PLACE-NAMES GEOGRAPHICAL ETYMOLOGY A DICTIONARY OF PLACE-NAMES GIVING THEIR DERIVATIONS By C. black IE WITH AN INTRODUCTION By JOHN STUART BLACKIE PROFESSOR OF GREEK IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH THIRD EDITION, REVISED LONDON JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET 1887 PREFACE The Introduction, by which the present work is ushered into public notice, renders any lengthened Preface on my part quite unnecessary. Yet I wish to say a few words with regard to the design and plan of this little volume. The subject, though no doubt possessing a peculiar interest to the general reader, and especially to tourists in these travelling days, falls naturally under the head of historical and geographical instruction in schools ; and for such use the book is, in the first place, specially intended. When I was myself one of a class in this city where Geography and History were taught, no information connected with etymology was imparted to us. We learned, with more or less trouble and .edification, the names of countries, towns, etc., by rote ; but our teacher did not ask us who gave the names to these places, nor were we expected to inquire or to know if there was any connection between their names and their PREFACE histories. Things are changed now ; and I believe the first stimulus to an awakening interest in Geo graphical Etymology was given by the publication of the Rev. Isaac Taylor's popular work, Words and Places. About ten years ago, I found that the best teachers in the English schools of Edinburgh did ask questions on this subject, and I discovered, at the same time, that a book specially bearing upon it was a desideratum in school literature. As no one better qualified came forward, I was induced to make the attempt ; and I hope the following pages, the result of much research and in the face of no small discourage ment, may prove useful to teachers, as well as to their pupils. The Index at the end of the volume, although it contains many names not included in the body of the work, does by no means include all that I have given there. This did not seem necessary, because, the root words being alphabetically arranged, an intelligent teacher or pupil will easily find the key to the explana tion of any special name by referring to the head under which it is naturally classed. I must, however, premise that, with regard to names derived from the Celtic languages, the root word is generally placed at the beginning of the name — that is, if it contain more than one syllable. This is the case with such vocables as pen, ben, dun, lis, rath, strath, etc.; e.g. Lismore, Ben- more, Dungarvan, Strath-Allan. On the other hand, PREFACE Vll in names derived from the Teutonic or Scandinavian languages, the root word comes last, as will be found with regard to ton, dale, burg, berg, stadt, dorf, ford, etc. The index, therefore, may be expected to include principally such names as, either through corruption or abbreviation, have materially changed their form, such as are formed from the simple root, like Fiirth, Ennis, Delft, or such as contain more than one, as in Portrush, it being uncertain under which head I may have placed such names. Along with the root words, called by the Germans Grundwi)rter, I have given a number of defining words {Bestimmimgswdrter) — such adjectives as express variety in colour, form, size, etc. It is to be regretted that many names have neces sarily been omitted from ignorance or uncertainty with regard to their derivation. This is the case, unfortu nately, with several well-known and important towns — Glasgow, Berlin, Berne, Madrid, Paisley, etc. With regard to these and many others, I shall be glad to receive reliable information. And now it only remains for me to express my obligations to the gentlemen who have kindly assisted me in this work, premising that, in the departments which they have revised, the credit of success is due mainly to them ; while I reserve to myself any blame which may be deservedly attached to failures or omis sions. The Celtic portion of my proof-sheets has been VIU PREFACE revised by Dr. Skene, the well-known Celtic scholar of this city, and by Dr. Joyce, author of Irish Names of Places. I have also to thank the Rev. Isaac Taylor, author of Words and Places, for the help and encour agement which he has given me from time to time ; and Mr. Paterson, author of the Magyars, for valuable information which I received from him regarding the topography of Hungary. I appreciate the assistance given me by these gentlemen the more, that it did not proceed from personal friendship, as I was an entire stranger to all of them. It was the kindness and courtesy of the stronger and more learned to one weaker and less gifted than themselves ; and I beg they may receive my grateful thanks, along with the little volume which has been so much their debtor. C. B. Edinburgh, /a/y 1887. INTRODUCTION Among the branches of human speculation that, in recent times, have walked out of the misty realm of conjecture into the firm land of science, and from the silent chamber of the student into the breezy fields of public life, there are few more interesting than Etymology. For as words are the common counters, or coins rather, with which we mark our points in all the business and all the sport of life, any man whose curiosity has not been blunted by familiarity, will naturally find a pleasure in understanding what the image and superscription on these markers mean ; and amongst words there are none that so powerfully stimulate this curiosity as the names of persons and places. About these the intelligent interest of young persons is often prominently manifested ; and it is ;. a sad thing when parents or teachers, who should be in a position to gratify this interest, are obliged to w^ive an eager intelligence aside, and by repeated negations to repel the curiosity which they ought to have en couraged. Geography indeed, a subject full of interest INTRODUCTION to the young mind, has too often been taught in such a way as neither to delight the imagination with vivid pictures, nor to stimulate inquiry by a frequent reference to the history of names ; and this is an evil which, if found to a certain extent in all countries, is particularly rank in Great Britain, where the language of the country is composed of fragments of half a dozen languages, which only the learned understand, and which, to the ear of the many, have no more significance than if they were Hebrew or Coptic. The composite structure of our English speech, in fact, tends to conceal from us the natural organism of language ; so that in our case, it requires a special training to make us fully aware of the great truth announced by Home Tooke, that "in language there is nothing arbitrary." Nevertheless, the curiosity about the meaning of words, though seldom cherished, is not easily extinguished ; and, in this age of locomotion, there are few scraps of information more grateful to the intelligent tourist than those ^\•hich relate to the significance of topographical names. When, for instance, the London holiday-maker, in his trip to the West Highlands, setting foot in one of I\Ir. Hutchinson's steamboats at Oban, on his way to the historic horrors of Glencoe, finds on his larboard side a long, low island, green and treeless, called Lismore, he will be pleased, no doubt, at first by simply hearing so euphonious a word in a language that he had been taught to believe was harsh and barbarous, but will be transported into an altogether different region of intel- INTRODUCTION Xl ligent delight when he is made to understand that this island is wholly composed of a vein of limestone, found only here in the midst of a wide granitic region skirted with trap ; that, by virtue of this limestone, the island, though treeless, is more fertile than the surrounding districts ; and that for this reason it has received the Celtic designation of Liosmor, or the great garden. Connected with this etymology, not only is the topo graphical name made to speak reasonably to a reason able being, but it contains in its bosom a geological fact, and an oeconomical issue, bound together by a bond of association the most natural and the most permanent. The pleasant nature of the intelligence thus awakened leads us naturally to lament that, except to those who are born in Celtic districts and speak the Celtic language, the significance of so many of our most common topographical names in the most interesting districts is practically lost ; and it deserves consideration whether, in our English and classical schools, so much at least of the original speech of the country should not be taught as would enable the intelligent student to know the meaning of the local names, to whose parrot-like repetition he must otherwise be condemned. Some of the Celtic words habitually used in the designation of places — such as Ben, Glen, Strath, and Loch — have been incorporated into the common English tongue ; and the addition to this stock is not very large, which would enable an intelligent traveller to hang the points of his picturesque tour on a philological peg that INTRODUCTION would most materially insure both their distinctness and their permanence. Nay, more ; the germ of apprecia tion thus begotten might lead a sympathetic nature easily into some more serious occupation with the old language of our country ; and this might lead to a discovery full of pleasant surprise, that in the domain of words, as of physical growth, the brown moors, when examined, often produce fiowers of the most choice beauty with which the flush of the most cultivated gardens cannot compete, and that a venerable branch of the old Indo-European family of languages, generally ignored as rude and unlettered, is rich in a popular poetry, as fervid in passion, and as healthy in hue, as anything that Homer or Hesiod ever sang. In the realm of etymology, as everybody now knows, before Bopp and Grimm, and other great scholars, laid the sure foundation of comparative philology on the prin ciples of a philosophy, as all true philosophy is, at once inductive and deductive, the license of conjecture played a mad part — a part, it is only too evident, not yet fully played out — and specially raised such a glamour of illusion about topographical etymology, that the theme became disgusting to all sober-minded thinkers, or ludicrous, as the humour might be. We must there fore, approach this subject with a more than common degree of caution, anxious rather to be instructed in what is solid, than to be amazed with what is ino-enious. It shall be our endeavour to proceed step by step in this matter — patiently, as with the knowledge that our INTRODUCTION xiu foot is on the brink of boggy ground, starting from obvious principles given by the constitution of the human mind, and confirmed by a large induction of unquestioned facts. The most natural and obvious reason for naming a place so-and-so would be to express the nature of the situation by its most striking features, with the double view of impressing its character on the memory, and conveying to persons who had not seen it an idea of its peculiarity ; i.e. the most obvious and natural topographical names are such as contain condensed descriptions or rude verbal pictures of the object. Thus the notion of the highest mountain in a district may be broadly conveyed by simply calling it the big mount, or, according to the order of words current in the Celtic languages, inount big ; which is exactly what we find in Benmore, from mar, big, the name of several of the highest mountains in the Highlands of Scotland, specially of one in the south of Perthshire, near Killin, of another in Mull, the highest trap moun tain in Scotland, and a third in Assynt. Again, to mark the very prominent feature of mountains elevated considerably above the normal height, that they are covered with snow all the year round, we find LEBANON, in the north of Palestine, named from the Hebrew leban, white ; MONT BLANC, in Switzerland, in the same way from an old Teutonic word signifying the same thing, which found its way into Italian and the other Romanesque languages, fairly ousting the Latin INTRODUCTION albus ; OLYMPUS, from the Greek Xdfi-jrofjbat., to shine ; the Schneekoppe, in Silesia, from schnee, snow, and koppe, what we call kip in the Lowland topography of Scotland, i.e. a pointed hill, the same radically as the Latin caput, the head. In the same fashion one of the modern names of the ancient Mount Hermon is Jebel-eth-Thelj, the snowy mountain, just as the Hima layas receive their names from the Sanscrit haima = Greek %et/ia, winter. The most obvious characteristic of any place, whether mountain or plain or valley, would be its shape and size, its relative situation high or low, behind or in the front, its colour, the kind of rock or soil of which it is composed, the climate which it enjoys, the vegetation in which it abounds, and the animals by which it is frequented. Let us take a few familiar examples of each of these cases ; and, if we deal more largely in illustrations from the Scottish Highlands than from other parts of the world, it is for three sufficient reasons — because these regions are annually visited by the greatest number of tourists ; because, from the general neglect of the Celtic languages, they stand most in need of interpretation ; and because they are most familiar — not from book -knowledge only, but by actual in spection — to the present writer. In the matter of size, the tourist will find at Glenelg (from sealg, to hunt), in Inverness-shire, opposite Skye, where there are two well-preserved circular forts, the twin designations of Glenmore and Glenbeg ; that is, Glenbig and Glen- INTRODUCTION little — a contrast constantly occurring in the Highlands ; the word beag, pronounced vulgarly in Argyleshire peek, signifying little, evidently the same as )uk in the Greek IMKpo'i. As to relative situation, the root ard, in Latin arduiis, frequently occurs ; not, however, to express any very high mountain, but either a bluff fronting the sea, as in Ardnamorchuan (the rise of the great ocean, cuan, perhaps from otKeavo^), or more frequently a slight elevation on the shore of a lake, what they call in England a rise, as in Ardlui, near the head of Loch Lomond, Ardvoirlich, and many others. The word lui, Gaelic laogh — the gh being silent, as in the English sigh — signifies a calf or a fawn, and gives name to the lofty mountain which the tourist sees on his right hand as he winds up where the railway is now being constructed from Dalmally to Tyndrum. Another frequent root to mark relative situation is CUL, behind, Latin cuius, French cul, a word which gives name to a whole parish in Aberdeenshire, to the famous historical site of Culross, the reputed birthplace of St. Kentigern, and many others. This word means simply behind tJie headland, as does also C.ULCHENZIE (from ceann, the head), at the entrance to Loch Leven and Glencoe, which the tourist looks on with interest, as for two years the summer residence of the noble- minded Celtic evangelist Dr. Norman Macleod. But the most common root, marking relative situation, which the wanderer through Celtic countries encounters is inver, meaning below, or the bottom of a stream, of INTRODUCTION which aber is only a syncopated form, a variation which, small as it appears, has given rise to large con troversy and no small shedding of ink among bellicose antiquarians. For it required only a superficial glance to observe that while Abers are scattered freely over Wales, they appear scantly in Scotland, and there with special prevalence only in the east and south-east of the Grampians — as in Aberdeen, Aberdour, Aber- LEMNO in Fife, and others. On this the eager genius of archaeological discovery, ever ready to poise a pyramid on its apex, forthwith raised the theory, that the district of Scotland where the Abers prevailed had been originally peopled by Celts of the Cymric or Welsh type, while the region of Invers marked out the ancient seats of the pure Caledonian Celts. But this theory, which gave great offence to some fervid High landers, so far as it stood on this argument, fell to the ground the moment that some more cool observer put his finger on half a dozen or a whole dozen of Invers, in perfect agreement hobnobbing with the Abers, not far south of Aberdeen ; while, on the other hand, a zealous Highland colonel, now departed to a more peaceful sphere, pointed out several Abers straggling far \\-est and north-west into the region of the Caledonian Canal and beyond it. But these slippery points are wisely avoided ; and there can be no doubt, on the o-eneral principle, that relative situation has everywhere played a prominent part in the terminology of districts. North- umberiand and Sutheriand, and Cape Deas or Cape INTRODUCTION xvll South, in Cantire, are familiar illustrations of this principle of nomenclature. In such cases the name, of course, always indicates by what parties it was imposed ; Sutherland, or Southern-land, having received this appellation from the Orkney men, who lived to the north of the Pentland Firth. The next element that claims mention is Colour. In this domain the most striking contrasts are black and white. In ancient Greece, a common name for rivers was Melas, or Black-water ; one of which, that which flows into the Malaic Gulf, has translated itself into modern Greek as Mauro-nero, fiavpo in the popular dialect having supplanted the classical /xeXa? ; and vipo, as old, no doubt, as Nereus and the Nereids, having come into its pre-Homeric rights and driven out the usurping iiScop. In the Scottish Highlands, dubh, black or dark, plays, as might be expected, a great figure in topographical nomenclature ; of this let Ben- MUIC Dubh, or the mount of the black sow, familiar to many a Braemar deer-stalker, serve as an example ; while Cairngorm, the cradle of many a golden-gleaming gem, stands with its dark blue (gorm) cap immediately opposite, and recalls to the classical fancy its etymo logical congeners in the Cyanean rodks, so famous in early Greek fable. Of the contrasted epithet white, Leucadia (KevKoi), where the poetess Sappho is famed to have made her erotic leap, is a famiHar example. In the Highlands, ban (fair), or geal (white), is much less familiar in topographical nomenclature than dubh ; INTR OD UCTION Buidhe, on the other hand (yellow), corresponding to the ^avd6<; of the Greeks, is extremely common, as in LOCHBUIE at the south-east corner of Mull, one of the few remaining scattered links of the possessions of the Macleans, once so mighty and latterly so foolish, in those parts. Among other colours, glas (gray) is very common ; so is dearg (red), from the colour of the rock, as in one of those splendid peaks that shoot up behind the slate quarries at the west end of Glencoe. Breac, also (spotted or brindled), is by no means un common, as in Ben Vrackie, prominent behind Pit- lochrie, in Perthshire, in which word the initial b has been softened into a w by the law of aspiration peculiar to the Celtic languages. There remain the two points of climate and vegeta tion, of which a few examples will suffice. In Sicily, the town of Selinus, whose magnificence remains pre served in indelible traces upon the soil, took its name from the wild parsley, a-iXivov, which grew plentifully on the ground, and which appears on the coins of the city. In the Scottish Highlands, no local name is more common than that which is familiarly known as the designation of one of the most genuine of the old Celtic chiefs, the head of the clan Macpherson — we mean the word CLUNY (Gaelic cliiaiii ; possibly only a ^•ariety of griin, green), which signifies simply a green meadow, a vision often very delightful to a pedestrian after a long day's tramp across brown brae and gray fell in those parts. The abundance of oak in ancient Celtic regions. INTRODUCTION where it is not so common now, is indicated by the frequency of the termination darach (from which Derry, in Ireland, is corrupted ; Greek ^pw and Bopv), as in the designation of one of the Campbells in Argyle, Auchin-DARROCH, i.e. oak-field. The pine, giubhas, appears in KiNGUSSlE, pine-end, in the midst of that breezy open space which spreads out to the north-west of the Braemar Grampians. In Beith and AULTBEA (birch-brook) we have beath, Latin betula, a birch-tree ; elm and ash are rare ; heather, fraoch, especially in the designation of islands, as ElLEANFRAOCH, in Loch Awe, and another in the Sound of Kerrera, close by Oban. Of climate we find traces in AUCHNASHEEN {siari), on the open blasty road between Dingwall and Janetown, signifying the field of wind and rain ; in Mealfour- VONIE, the broad hill of the frosty moor, composed of the three roots m-aol (broad and bald), fuar (cold), and mhonaid (upland) ; in BALFOUR (cold town), and in the remarkable mountain in Assynt called Canisp, which appears to be a corruption of Ceann-uisge, or Rainy- head. Lastly, of animals : madadh, a fox, appears in Lochmaddy and Ardmaddy ; coin, of a dog, in ACHNA- CHOIN, or Dog's-field, one of the three bloody spots that mark the butchery of the false Campbell in Glen coe ; and, throwing our glance back two thousand years, in CYNOSCEPHALiE, or the Dog's-head, in Thes- saly, where the sturdy Macedonian power at last bowed in submission before the proud swoop of the Roman INTRODUCTION eagles ; the familiar cow {baa, Lat. bos) gives its name to that fair loch, which sleeps so quietly in the bosom of beautiful Mull ; while the goat, famous also in the sad history of Athenian decline at AlGOSPOTAMi, or the Goat's-river, gives its name to the steepy heights of Ardgour (from gobhar, Lat. caper), a fragment of the old inheritance of the Macleans, which rise up before the traveller so majestically as he steams northward from Ballachulish to Fort William and Banavie. In a country composed almost entirely of mountain ridges, with intervening hollows of various kinds, it is only natural that the variety in the scenery, produced by the various slopes and aspects of the elevated ground, should give rise to a descriptive nomenclature of corresponding variety. This is especially remarkable in Gaelic ; and the tourist in the Scottish Highlands will not travel far without meeting, in addition to the Ben and Ard already mentioned, the following specific designations : — Drmn — a ridge. Scour — a jagged ridge or peak. Cruach — a conical mountain. Mam — a slowly rising hill. Maol — a broad, flat, bald mountain. Monagh — an upland moor. Tidloch or Tilly — a little hill, a knoll. Tom — a hillock, a mound. Tor — a hillock, a mound. Bruach—3. steep slope (Scotch brae). Craig — crag, cliff. Cairn — a heap of stones. INTROD UCTION Lairg — a broad, low slope. Letter — the side of a hill near the water. Croit — a hump. Clach — a stone. Lech — a flagstone. In the Lowlands, pen, law, fell, brcz, hope, rise, edge, indicate similar varieties. Among these pen, as dis tinguished from the northern ben, evidently points to a Welsh original. Hope is a curious word, which a south-country gentleman once defined to me as "the point of the low land mounting the hill whence the top can be seen." Of course, if this be true, it means an elevation not very far removed from the level ground, because, as every hill-climber knows, the top of a huge eminence ceases to be visible the moment you get beyond what the Greeks call the " fore -feet " of the mountain. In the designation of the intervening hollows, or low land, the variety of expression is naturally less striking. Glen serves for almost all varieties of a narrow Highland valley. A very narrow rent or fissured gorge is called a glachd. The English word dale, in Gaelic dail, means in that language simply a field, or flat stretch of land at the bottom of the hills. It is to be noted, however, that this word is both Celtic and Teutonic ; but, in topographical etymology, with a difference distinctly indicative of a twofold origin. In an inland locality where the Scandinavians never penetrated, Dal is always prefixed to the other element ofthe designation, as in Dalwhinnie, Dalnacardoch, INTRODUCTION and Dalnaspidal, the field of meeting, the field of the smithy, and the field of the hospital, all in succession within a short distance on the road between the Spey uplands and Blair Athol. On the other hand, a post- fixed dale, as in BoRROWDALE, Easdale, and not a few others, indicates a Saxon or Norse origin. The word den or dean, as in the Dean Bridge, Edinburgh, and the Den Burn, Aberdeen, is Anglo-Saxon denn, and appears in the English Tenterden, and some others. Another Celtic name for field is ach, the Latin ag-er, which appears in a number of Highland places, as in ACH-NA-CLOICHE (stone field), in Argyle shire. A hollow surrounded by mountains is called by the well-known name of LAGGAN, which is properly a diminutive from lag, in Greek \tiKico<;, in Latin locus, a hollow filled with water, and in German a mere loch, or hole, into which a mouse might creep. A special kind of hollow, lying between the outstretched arms of a big Ben, and opening at one end into the vale below, is called in Gaelic coire, literally a cauldron — a word which the genius of Walter Scott has made a permanent possession of the English language. In England such mountain hollows are often denominated combs, as in Addiscombe, Ashcomb, a venerable old British word of uncorrupted Cornish descent, and which, so far as I know, does not appear in Scottish topography, unless it be in Cummertrees (on the shore, traigh), near Annan, and Cumbernauld ; but this I am not able to verify by local knowledge. The word aanar appears INTRODUCTION in O'Reilly's Irish dictionary as " the bed of a large river or a narrow sea, a hollow generally," but seems quite obsolete in the spoken Gaelic of to-day. The termination holm is well known both in English and Scotch names, and proclaims itself as characteristically Scandinavian, in the beautiful metropolis of the Swedes. In Gaelic districts a holm, that is, a low watery meadow, is generally called a lon, a word which has retained its place in Scotch as loan — Loaning, Loanhead, Loanend, and is fundamentally identical with the English lane and lawn. The varieties of sea-coast are expressed by the words traigh, cladach, camus, corran, wick, loch, rutha, ross, caolas, stron, salen, among which, in passing, we may specially note camus, from the root cam, Greek KafiTTTO), to bend : hence Morecambe Bay, near Lancaster, signifies the great bend ; corran, a scythe, evidently allied to the Latin curvus, and used in the Highlands to denote any crescent-shaped shore, as at Corranferry, Ardgour, in Lochfinne ; wick, a familiar Scandinavian word signifying a bay, and which, with the Gaelic article prefixed, seems to have blundered itself into NIGG at Aberdeen, and near Fearn in Ross- shire ; caolas, a strait, combining etymologically the very distant and very different localities of Calais and Ballachulish ; stron or sron, a nose, which lends its name to a parish near the end of Loch Sunart, in Morvern, and thence to a famous mineral found in its vicinity ; lastly, salen is nothing but salt, and appears in the south of Ireland and the north-west of Scotland, xxiv INTRODUCTION under the slightly varied forms of KiNSALE and Kin tail, both of which words signify the head of the salt water ; for Irish and Gaelic are only one language with a slightly different spelling here and there, and a sprinkling of peculiar words now and then. The only other features of natural scenery that play a noticeable part in topographical etymology are the rivers, lakes, wells, and waterfalls ; and they need not detain us long. The Gaelic uisge, water, of which the Latin aqua is an abraded form, appears in the names of Scottish rivers as Esk, and of Welsh rivers as Use. The familiar English Avon is the Gaelic amhainn, evidently softened down by aspiration from the Latin amnis. This avon often appears at the end of river names curtailed, as in Garonne, the rough river, from the Gaelic root garbh, rough. The Don, so common as a river name from the Black Sea to Aberdeen, means either the deep river or the brown river. A small river, brook in English, gives name to not a few places and persons. In the Scottish Highlands, and in those parts of the Lowlands originally inhabited by the Celtic race, the word alt performs the same functions. Loch, in Gaelic, answering to the English mere (Latin mare), appears most commonly in the Highlands, as KiNLOCH, i.e. the town or house at the head of the lake ; and tobar, a well, frequently, as in HOLYWELL, connected with a certain religious sanctity, appears in Tobermory, i.e. the well of the Virgin Mary, one of the most beautiful quiet bits of bay scenery in Great INTRODUCTION xxv Britain. Of places named from waterfalls {eas, from esk), a significant element in Highland scenery, INVER NESS, and MONESS near Aberfeldy, are the most notable, the one signifying " the town at the bottom of the river, which flows from the lake where there is the great waterfall," i.e. Foyers ; and the other, " the waterfall of the moorish uplands," which every one understands who walks up to it. So much for the features of unappropriated nature, stereotyped, as it were, at once and for ever, in the old names of local scenery. But as into a landscape an artist will inoculate his sentiment and symbolise his fancy, so on the face of the earth men are fond to stamp the trace of their habitation and their history. Under this influence the nomenclature of topography becomes at once changed from a picture of natural scenery to a record of human fortunes. And in this department it is plain that the less varied and striking the features of nature, the greater the necessity of marking places by the artificial differentiation produced by the presence of human dwellings. Hence, in the flat, monotonous plains of North Germany, the abun dance of places ending in hausen and heim, which are only the Saxon forms of our English house and home. Of the termination hausen, Sachsenhausen, the home of the Saxons, and Frankenhausen, the home of the Franks, are amongst the most notable examples. Heim is pleasantly associated with refreshing draughts in HOCHHEIM, i.e. high home, on the north bank of the INTROD UCTION Rhine a little below Mainz, whence a sharp, clear wine being imported, with the loss of the second syllable, and the transformation of ch into k, produced the familiar hock. This heim in a thousand places of England becomes ham, but in Scotland, where the Celtic element prevails, appears only rarely in the south-east and near the English border, as in COLDINGHAM and Ednam — the birthplace of the poet Thomson — con tracted from Edenham. Another root very widely expressive of human habitation, under the varying forms of beth, bo, and by, is scattered freely from the banks of Jordan to the islands of the Hebrides in the north-west of Scotland. First under this head we have the great army of Hebrew beths, not a few of which are familiar to our ear from the cherished teachings of early childhood, as — Bethabara, the house of the ferry; Bethany, the house of dates : Bethaven, the house of naughtiness ; Bethcar, the house of lambs ; Beth- dagon, the house of the fish-god Dagon ; Bethel, the house of God ; Bethshemesh, the house of the sun (like the Greek HeliopoHs) ; and a score of others. Bo is the strictly Danish form of the root, at least in the dictionary, where the verb boe, to dwell, also appears. Examples of this are found in Skibo, in Ross-shire, and Buness, at the extreme end of Unst, the seat of the Edmonstones, a family well known in the annals of Shetland literature ; but more generally, in practice, it takes the softened form of by, as in hundreds of local designations in England, specially in Lincolnshire, INTRODUCTION where the Danes were for a long time at home. Near the English border, as in LOCKERBY, this same termina tion appears ; otherwise in Scotland it is rare. In the Sclavonic towns of Mecklenburg and Prussia, it takes the form of bus, as in Pybus, while in Cornish it is bos, which is a later form of bod (German bude, English booth, Scotch bothy), which stands out prominently in Bodmin and other towns, not only in Cornwall, but in Wales. The termination bus appears likewise in not a few local designations in the island of Islay, where the Danes had many settlements. In Skye it appears as bost, as in Skeabost, one of the oldest seats of the Macdonalds. The other Saxon or Scandinavian terms frequently met with throughout England and in the north-east of Scotland are — ton, setter or ster, stead, stow, stoke, hay, park, worth, bury, thorp, toft, thwaite. In Germany, besides heim and hausen, as already mentioned, we have the English hay, under the form hagen, a fence ; and thorp under the form dorf, a village ; and worth under the forms worth and werth, which are merely variations of the Greek ')(opTo (oak dwelling); Auckland (Oakland) ; Acrise EICHE (Ter"* {oik. ascent); Wokingham or Oakingham '" i,(tl>e dwelling among oaks); Sevenoaks, ane. Seovanacca, named from some oak-trees which once occupied the eminence on which it stands, but Okehampton, in Devon, is on the R. Oke. In Germany and in Holland are Eichstadt, Eichdorf, Eikheim (oak dwelling) ; Ekholta (oak wood) ; Eichhalden (oak height) ; Eichstegen (oak path) ; Echehout, in Hainault (oak wood) ; Eykebusch (oak thicket). AK (Ture), white; e.g. Ak-tag, Ak-dagh (the white mountains); Ak-su (white river) ; Ak-hissar (white castle) ; Ak-serai (white palace) ; Ak-shehr (white dwelling) ; Ak-meschid (white mosque) ; Ak-kalat (white fortress). AL (the Arabic definite article) ; e.g. Alkalat (the fortress) ; Al- maden (the mine) ; Alcantara (the bridge) ; Alkasar (the palace) ; Almeida (the table) ; Almeria (the conspicuous) ; Almazen (the storehouse) ; Alcarria (the farm) ; Alcana (the exchange); Algezira (the island), ane Mesopotamia {i.e. between the rivers) ; Algeciras (the islands), in Spain ; ALD—ALP Algarve (the west) ; Almansa (the plain) ; Almazara (the mill) ; Alhambra (the red) ; Alhucen (the beautiful) ; Al- puxarras (the grassy mountains). ALD EALD CA S ") ( ""'^ ' ^'^' '^''°°' ^^l'^^^"''' Althorpe, Al- '. ' , ^ ¦ ¦'' J caster, Aldwark (old dweUing, farm, camp, ^ ¦'^' ,T^ , X ) fortress) ; Audlem (old lyme or border) ; OUDE, OLDEN (Dutch), / , ,, / , j c i j\ • -c i j t r- ' ^ '' l^Audley (old field), in England. In Ger many : Altenburg, Altendorf, Oldenburg (old dwelling) ; Altenmarkt (old market) ; Altmark (old boundary) ; Alt- stadt (old place) ; Altsattel (old seat) ; Altofen (old oven), so called from its warm baths ; Oudenarde (old earth or land) ; Oudenbosch (old thicket) ; Oude-capel (old chapel). ALDEA (Span, and Port., from the Arabic), a village ; e.g. Aldea- del-Cano (the dog's village) ; Aldea-vieya (old village) ; Aldea-el-Muro (the walled village) ; Aldea-del-Rio (of the river) ; Aldea GaUiga (of the Gauls). ,_ „ , , ( a height or cliff; e.g. AUtmaur (the great ALIT (Lym -Cel.), 1 height) ; Builth, in Wales, i.e. Bu-allt (the ALT (Irish), y gj.ggp pj^^g ^^ ^j^g ^jj^ jj^gj^^_ .pjjg ^jg (heights or glen-sides), Monaghan ; Altachullion (the cliff ofthe holly) ; Altavilla, i.e. Alt-a-bhile (the glen-side ofthe old tree) ; Altinure (the cliff of the yew-tree) ; Altanagh (abounding in cliffs) ; Altan (the little cliff). .... [¦ a rock or cliff; e.g. the Alps ; Albainn (the ALP, AILPE (Celtic), 1 j^.jjy ^^ j^jgj^ \axtA), the ane name of Scot- ' ( land ; Albania, with the same meaning ; Alpenach (the mountain stream), at the foot of Mount Pilate ; Alva and Alvah (the rocky), parishes in Scotland ; Cantal (the head of the rock), in France. In Ireland the word ail takes the form of oil, aspirated foyle or faillj e.g. Foilycleara (O'Clery's cliff) ; Foilnaman (the cliff of the women) : but while the aspirated form of ail is confined to the south, aill is found all over Ireland ; Ayleacotty, i.e. Aill-a-choite (the cliff of the little boat) ; Allla-gower (the goat's cliff) ; Alleen (the diminutive) is found in Alleen- Hogan and Alleen-Ryan (Hogan's and Ryan's little cliff). When, however, foyle comes in as a termination, it is com monly derived from poll (a hole), as in Ballyfoyle and Ballyfoile (the town of the hole). The ane name of Britain, Albion, has sometimes been traced to this root, but more ALR — AMBR generally to the white cliffs (Lat. albus) on the coast of Kent, as seen first by the Romans. , . „ . / the alder-tree ; ^.^. Air-holt, Aldershot (alder-tree ALR (A.S.) ^^^^. Alresford (Alderford) ; Alrewas (alder- ALNUS (Lat.), <^ '' , AU 1 / ij i A \- ,^, . ^' j tree pasture) ; Alderley (alder-tree meadow), in AUNE(I'r.), (England; Aulney, Aulnoy, Aulnois, Aunay, Auneau (alder grove), in France. ALT (Gadhelic), a stream ; e.g. the Alt, Aldan, Alta (river names) ; Alt-dowran (otter stream) ; Aultsigh (gliding stream) ; Alt- na-guish (the stream of the fir-trees) ; Aldivalloch, i.e. Allt- a-bhealaich (the stream of the pass) ; Alness, i.e. Allt-an- casa (of the cascade) ; AUtmore (great stream) ; Auldearn, i.e. Allt-fearn (alder-tree stream) ; Cumbernauld, corrupt. from Cuinar-nan-alta (the confluence of the streams) ; Gara- vault in Aberdeenshire, Garvault in ^East Lothian, and Garvald in Dumfriesshire (rough stream) ; Altderg (red stream). ALTUN, or ALTAN (Tartar), golden ; e.g. the "Altai, or golden mountains ; Altanor (golden lake) ; Altan-su (golden river) ; Alta-Yeen (the golden mountains); Altun-tash (golden rock); Altun-kupri (golden bridge). iM, or AN, contrac. from Ger. an den (on the, or at the) ; e.g. Amberg (at the hill) ; Amdorf or Ambach, Amsteg, Amwalde (at the village, brook, path, wood). AMAR (Old Ger.), a kind of grain ; e.g. Amarbach, Amarthal, Amarwang, Amarveld (the brook, valley, strip of land, field where this grain grew). AMBACHT, or AMT (Ger.), a district under the government of an Amtman or bailiff; e.g. Amt-sluis (the sluice of the Am bacht) ; Amthof (the court of the Amtman) ; Graven-Am- bacht (the duke's district) ; Ambachtsbrug (the bridge of the Ambacht). ambr, an Indo-Germanic word, signifying a river, allied to the Sansc. ambu (water). According to Forsteman (i'. Deutsche Ortsnajnen) the suffix r was added by most European nations before their separation from the Asiatic tribes, as appears in the Greek ombros and the Lat. imber (a shower). The word appears in the names of tribes and persons, as well as of places, on the European continent ; e.g. the Ambrones (or dwellers by the water), and perhaps in Umbria ; Am- ANGER — AQUA berloo and Amersfoort (the meadow and ford by the water), in Holland ; and in such river names as the Ammer, Em- mer, Emmerich,' Ambra, etc. ANGER (Ger.), a meadow or field ; e.g. Rabenanger (the raven's field) ; Kreutzanger (the field of the cross) ; Moosanger (mossy field) ; Wolfsanger (the wolfs field, or of Wolf, a man's name) ; Vogelsanger (the birds' field) ; Angerhusen (the field houses) ; Angerbach (the field brook) ; Anger (the field), a town in Austria ; Angerburg (the fortress in the field). ANGRA (Port.), a creek or bay ; e.g. Angra (a sea-port in the Azores) ; Angra-de-los-reyes (the king's bay). AQUA (Lat.), AGUA (Span, and Port.), water ; e.g. Aix, ane Aqu(2-Sextice (the warm springs, said to have been "^rr ^T^T """ ¦^""••.'i J discovered and named by Sextus Cal- ACQUA (It.), ' X ¦ TI A ¦ Fr ¦ Old Fr AX) ^enus, B.C. 123), m Provence; Aix, ¦ ' ¦ '' in Dauphiny, ane Aquce-Vocontiorum (the waters ofthe Vocontii); Aix-les-bains (the bath waters), in Savoy ; Aachen or Aix-la-Chapelle, celebrated for its mineral springs, and for the chapel erected over the tomb of Charlemagne ; Plombieres, ane Aqttce-plombarice (waters impregnated with lead); Veraqua, in New Granada, corrupt. from Verdes-aguas (green waters) ; Aigue-perse (the bubbling water), in Auvergne ; Aigue-vive (the spring of living water) ; Aigue-belle (beautiful water); Aigue-noire (black water, etc.), in France ; Dax, celebrated for its saline springs, corrupt. from Civitas aquensis (the city of waters) ; Aigues-mortes (stagnant waters) ; Aguas-bellas (beautiful waters), Portugal ; Aguas - calientes (warm waters), Mexico ; Eyaux, Evreux (on the waters), France ; Evian, ane Aquarum. (the waters), Savoy ; Entreves and Entraigues (between the waters), ane Interaquce ; Yvoire, ane Aquaria (the watery district), on Lake Geneva ; Aas or Les Eaux (the waters), Basses Pyrenees ; Nerac, ane Aquce Neriedum (the waters of the Nerii) ; Amboise and Amboyna (surrounded by waters) ; Bordeaux (the dwelling on the water), borda. Low Lat. (a dwelling) ; Vichy, ane Aqua calida (warm waters), on the Allier ; Bex (upon the two waters), at the juncture of the Rhone and Avengon ; Outre L'Eau (beyond the water) ; Acalpulca, in Mexico, corrupt, from Portus aquce ARA— ARD pulchrce (the port of beautiful waters) ; Agoa-fria (cold water), Brazil ; Aqui, in North Italy, celebrated for its baths ; Acireale, ane aguas calientes (the warm waters) ; Agoa-quente (hot spring), Brazil. ARA, a frequent element in river names, with various and even opposite meanings. Some of the river names may have come from the Sansc. ara (swift, or the flowing), and in Tamil aar means simply a river. There is another San scrit word arb (to ravage or destroy), with which the Gadhelic words garw, garbh (rough) may be connected ; and, on the other hand, there is the Welsh ara/ (gentle). According to the locality and the characteristics of the stream, one must judge to which of these roots its name may belong. There are, in England, the Aire, Arre, Arro, Arrow ; in France, the Arve, Erve, Arveiron, etc. ; in Switzerland and Germany, the Aar, Are ; in Spain and Italy, the Arva, Arno ; and in Scotland, the Ayr, Aray, Ir vine, ete Many of these names may signify simply flowing water (the river), while others beginning with the syllable ar may be referred to the adjectival forms, araf, arb, ara, or garbh, followed by another root-word for water, as in Arrow (the swift stream) ; Yarrow (the rough stream) ; ow (water) ; Arveiron (the furious stream) ; avon (water) ; Arar (the gentle stream), now the Saone. ARD, AIRD (Gadhelic), a height, or, as an adjective, high ; e.g. the Aird (the height) on the south coast of the island of Lewis, also in Inverness-shire ; Aird Point in the island of Skye ; Aird-dhu (the black height), a hill in Inverness-shire ; the Airds (high lands in Argyleshire) ; Airdrie, Gael. Aird-ri^ (the king's height), or, perhaps, Aird-reidh (the smooth height) ; Aird's Moss (a muirland tract in Ayrshire) ; Ardbane (white height) ; Ardoch (high field) ; Arddach (high stony ground) ; Ardach and Ardagh)- (high field) ; Ardmore (great height) ; Ardeen and Arden (the little height) ; Ardglass (green height) ; Ardfert (the height of the grave or ditch, Irish pert) ; Ardrishaig (the height full of briers, driseach) ; Ardnamurchan (the height of the great headland, ceann, or of the great ocean, cuan) ; Ardgower (goat's height) ; Ardtomish (the height of the cascade, cas and torr) ; Ardross (high point) ; .-Xrdrossan (little high ARD — ARN point) ; Ardchattan (St. Cathan's height) ; Ardersier, Gael. Ard-ros-siar (the high western height) ; Ardlui (the height of the fawn, laoidh) ; Ardentinny (ofthe fire, teine) ; Ardboe (of the cow) ; Ardbraccan (of St. Brachan) ; Ardfinan (St. Finan's height) ; Armagh, in Ireland, ane Ard-macha (the height of Macha, the wife of one of the early Irish colonists) ; Arroquhar, in Dumbarton, i.e. Ardthir (the high land) ; Ardmeanach (the mossy height or the black isle) ; Ardgask (the hero's height, Gael, gaisgeach, a hero) ; Ardnacrushy (of the cross) ; Ardtrea (St. Trea's height) ; Ardnarea, i.e. Ard-na-riaghadh (the height of the execu tions, with reference to a dark tale of treachery and murder) ; Ardgay (windy height) ; Ardblair (high field) ; Ardwick (high town, a suburb of Manchester). The Lat. root arduus (high) is found in Ardea, in Italy ; the Ardes (or heights), in Auvergne ; Auvergne itself has been traced to Ar-fearann (high lands), but Cocheris, Au Noms de Lieu, gives its ancient name as Alverniacus {i.e. the domain of the Aztvergni). Ardennes, Forest of (high-wooded valleys) ; Ardwick-le-street (the high town on the great Roman road), stratum. Ard, art, and artha are also Persian pre fixes attached to the names of places and persons ; e.g. Ardboodha (the high place of Buddha) ; Aravalli (the hill of strength) ; and such personal names as Artaxerxes, Artabanes, Artamenes. In some cases it may refer to the agricultural habits of the Indo-Germanic races (Lat. aro, Grk. a/D0(u, Goth, arjan. Old High Ger. aran, Cel. ar (to plough), hence the Aryan tribes are those belonging to the dominant race — the aristocracy of landowners, as distin guished from the subject races — v. Taylor's Names of Places. a place, farm, dwelling ; e.g. Heddern (hid ing-place) ; Beddern (sleeping-place) ; , Suthern (south place) ; Ame, a town ^^t.f^r,^T^^' <( in Yorkshire; Chiltern (chalk place) ; Whithorn, in Wigton, A.S. Whitern, Lat. Candida-casa (white house) ; As- perne (the place of poplar-trees) ; Fe- mern (of cattle) ; Domern (of judgment) ; Thalern (valley dwelling) ; Mauthern (toll place) ; Bevern and Bevergern (the dwelling on the R. Bever) ; Aire, Lat. Area-Atrebatum ARN, ERN (Teut.). ARNE, AREA, bas (Lat), AIRE (Fr.), AROS (Cel), ARN— ATH (the dwelling of the Atrebates), on the Adour, in France ; also Aire, on the Lys ; Les Aires (the farms) ; Airon, etc., in France, Bavaria, Ger. Baiern (the dwelling of the Boii) ; Aros, Gael, (the dwelling), in Mull ; Arosaig (comer dwell ing)) Argyle. APM (CWA r \ r^" eagle. This word is used in topography m 'I J ^i''^^'' '^i*^i^ reference to the bird itself, or to i\\j 1 i,\ J ^ personal name derived from it; e.g. Arnfels ^ ' V (eagle's rock) ; Amberg, Amstein, Arlberg (eagle mountain or rock) ; Arisdale (eagle valley, or the valley of a person called Arix) ; Arnau (eagle meadow) ; Arnecke (eagle corner) ; Arendal (eagle valley) ; Arenoe (eagle island) ; Eryri (the eagle mountain), the Welsh name for Snowdon. ARX (Lat.), a fortress ; e.g. Arce, ane Arx, a town in Italy with a hill fortress called Rocca d'Arce (the rock of the fortress) ; Arcis sur Aube (the fortress on the R. Aube), in France ; Arcole and Areola, in Lombardy and Sardinia ; Saar- Louis, ane Arx-Ludovici-Sarum (the fortress of Louis on the Saar), founded by Louis XIV., 1680; Arx-fontana or Fuentes (the fortress of the fountain), in Spain ; Monaco, ane Arx-Monceci (the fortress of the Monseci), on the Gulf of Genoa ; Thours, ane Ttceda-Arx (the fortress on the R. Thouet), in France. AS, or AAS (Scand.), a hill ridge; e.g. Astadr (ridge dwelling); As and Aas, the names of several towns in Sweden and Norway ; Aswick, Aastrap, Aasthorp (the village or farm on the ridge), in Shetland. ASTA (Basque), a rock ; e.g. Astorga, in Spain, Lat. Asturica- Augusta (the great city on the rocky water, ura) ; Astiapa and Estepa (the dwelling at the foot of the rock), in Spain ; Astulez and Astobeza, also in Spain ; Asti, a dis trict in Sardinia which was peopled by Iberians or Basques ; Astura (the rocky river) ; Asturias (the country of the dwellers by that river) ; Ecija, in Spain, ane Astigi (on the rock) ; Estepa and Estepona (rocky ground). ATH, AGH (Gadhelic), f ^ ^°''^- "^^'^ root-word is more common ^UQjj { in Ireland than in Scotland, and is cog- ( nate with the Lat. vadiim, and the A.S. wath or wade; e.g. Athy, i.e. Ath-Ae (the ford of A THEL—A UCHTER 13 Ae, a JNIunster chief who was slain at the spot) ; Athmore (great ford) ; Athdare (the ford of oaks) ; Athenry (the king's ford) ; Athlone, i.e. Ath Luaen (the ford of St. Luan) ; Athleague (stony ford) ; Athane (little ford) ; Aghanloo (Lewy's little ford) ; the town of Trim is in Irish Athtrttim (the ford of the elder trees) ; Agolagh, i.e. Ath- goblach (the forked ford) ; Aboyne (the ford of the river), on the Dee in Aberdeenshire ; Athgoe, i.e. Atli-goibhne (the ford of the smiths), in Dublin. ATHEL (AS) ( noble, or the nobles ; e.g. Adelsdorf, Adels- A ¦ ^''' ) heim, Adelshofen, Attelbury (the nobles' dwell- ADELIG (Gothic), Vc^^' Athelney (the island of the nobles), in ^ " l^ Somersetshire, formerly insulated by the rivers Tone and Parret ; Addelsfors (the nobles' waterfall) ; Adels- berg (the nobles' hill) ; Adelsclag (the nobles' wood-clear ing) ; Adelsoe (the nobles' island) ; Adelmanns-felden (the nobleman's field). in \ (a- meadow, formed from aha (water), and ' /T t ^ \ fr^l^^^ntly annexed to the name of a river; ' ^ ¦'' ( e.g. Aarau, Ilmenau, Rheinau, Wetterau, Op- penau, Muhrau (the meadow of the Aar, Ilmen, Rhine, Wetter, Oppa, Muhr) ; Frankenau (the Franks' meadow) ; Lichtenau (the meadow of light) ; Reichenau (rich meadow) ; Schoenau (beautiful meadow) ; Greenau (green) ; Langenau (long) ; Weidenau (pasture-meadow) ; Rosenau (the meadow of roses) ; Lindau (of lime-trees) ; Herisau, Lat. Augia- dominus (the Lord's meadow) ; Eu, ane Augia (the meadow), in Normandy ; Hanau (the enclosed meadow) ; Nassau (the moist meadow) ; Iglau (the meadow of the R. Igla, in Moravia) ; Troppau, in Silesia (the meadow of the R. Oppa). //^ JT- V s ( the summit, or, as an adjective, AUCHTER or OCHTER (Gadhelic), A 1- UCHDER CWelsh) ) "PP^"" ' ^¦'^- Auchtertyre, ane. ^ '' ( Auchterar dower (the summit on the water) ; Auchterarder (the upper high land) ; Auchter- blair (upper field) ; Auchtercairn (upper rock) ; Auchter muchty (the upper dwelling, tigh, of the wild boar, muc) ; Auchterau (the upper water) ; Auchtertool (the upper land on the R. Tiel), in Fife ; Auchterless (the upper side, slios). In Ireland this word takes the form of Oughter; e.g. 14 A VON— BAAL Oughterard (upper height) ; Oughter-lough (upper lake, in reference to Loch Erne) ; Balloughter (upper town) ; Lis- soughter (upper fort) ; Killoughter (upper church). The Irish adjective uachdar is not unfrequently Anglicised water, as in Clowater in Carlow, i.e. Cloch-uachdar (upper stone or castle) ; Watree, in Kilkenny, i.e. Uachdaraighe (upper lands) — V. Joyce's Irish Names of Places. , _ _ , . / water, a river ; e.g. the Avon, Aven, AVON, AFON (Cym.-Cel.), I . '. ' * _ ' ' ' ^ ' ,^ '\ K ) Aune, Auney, Inney, Ewenny, Aney, ABHAINABHUINNE(Gael.), ^^^^^^ J^^ ^J^^ ;^ /^ J AMNIS (Lat. Sanse a/.), {^^^i^ and Ireland; Avengorm (red river) ; Aven-banna (white river) ; Avenbui (yellow river) ; AvO^more (great river), in Ireland ; the Seine, ane. Seimh-au (smooth river) ; the Mayenne or Meduana (probably the middle river, from Cel. meadhou). In France there are from this root — the Ain, Avenne, Vilaine, Vienne ; the Abona, in Spain. In Scotland : the Almond or Awjnon; Devon (deep river) ; Doon (dark river) ; Kelvin (woody river) ; Annan (quiet river) ; the Leith, Leithen, Lethen (the broad or the gray river) ; the Don, in Scotland and England (dark or brown river) ; Irvine and Earn (the west-flowing river) ; Anwoth, in Kirkcudbright, i.e. Avonwath (the course of the river) ; the Spey, speach-abhmn (swift river) ; the Allan (beauteous river, aluinri) ; the Boyne, ane Bouoninda (perhaps yellow river, buidhe). Many towns derive their names from their rivers, or from their vicinity to water : thus, Avignon and Verona (on the water) ; Amiens, the cap. of the Ambiani (dwellers on the water, i.e. of the Samara or Somme). Teramo, ane. Interamnia (between the rivers), and Temi, with the same meaning ; Avenay, ane Avenacum (on the river) ; Avesnes, celebrated for its mineral springs. But such names as Avenay, Avenues, etc., may have been derived in many cases from Lat. avena, Fr. avoine (oats) — v. Cocheris's Notns de Liett. B BAAL, a prefix in Phoenician names, derived from the worship of the sun-god among that people ; e.g. Baalath and Kirjath- Baal (the city of Baal) ; Baal-hazor (Baal's village) ; Baal- BAB — BAD 15 Hermon (near Mount Hermon) ; Baal-Judah, etc., in Pales tine. Sometimes, however, the word is used as synonymous with beth (a dwelling), as Baal-tamar and Baal-Meon (for Bethtamar and Beth Meon). But Baal-Perazim, we are told, means the place of breaches, and has no reference to the sun-god, Baalbec (the city of the sun), in Syria. BAB (Ar.), a gate or court ; Babel and Babylon, according to the Arabic (the gate of God), or from a word signifying con fusion. Gen. xi. 9 ; Baab (the gate), a town in Syria ; El-Baab (the gate), in the Sahara ; Bab-el-Mandeb, Strait of (the gate of tears), so called by the Arabs from its dangerous navigation ; Bab-el-estrecho (the gate of the narrow passage), the Arabic name for the Strait of Gibraltar. a brook ; e.g. Snail- batch and Caldbeck ¦j (cold brook or swift brook) ; snell in A.S. and Old English means active, sharp, quick ; and in Scotland, as applied to the weather, it means sharp or severely cold ; Crumbeck (crooked brook) ; Lauterbach (clear brook) ; Skurbeck (dividing brook) ; Griesbach and Sandbach (sandy brook) ; Gronenbach (green brook) ; Over-beck (upper) ; Reichen- bach (rich) ; Marbeck (boundary) ; Schoenbach (beautiful brook) ; Beckford (the brook ford) ; Bacheim and Beckum (the dwelling at the brook) ; Beckermet (the meeting of brooks) ; Bickerstith (the station at the brook) ; Laubach and Laybach (the warm brook) ; but Laubach may also mean rich in leaves — v. ACH. Bee in Normandy is named from a brook that flows into the Risle : Birkbeck in West moreland (the birch-tree brook) ; Ansbach or Anspach (at the stream in Bavaria) ; Schwalbach (the swallow's brook), in Nassau ; Houlbec, in Normandy, Holbeck, in Lincoln and in Denmark (the brook in the hollow) ; Fulbeck (Lincoln) and Foulbec, in Normandy (muddy brook). BACH, BATCH (Teut.), EEC, BOEK (Scand.), but bach, by mutation /«£¦,% or vach, in Welsh names means small, little, . . C a bath or mineral spring ; e.g. Baden, ane BAD (Teut.), 1 xhermx-Austricce (the Austrian warm BADD (Cym.-Cel.), y springs) ; Baden - Baden, ane Civitas Aquenses Aurelia (the watering-place of Aurelius) ; Baden- bei-Wien (the baths near Vienna) ; Baden-ober (the upper BAGH— BAHIA baths) ; Franzens-bad (the bath of the Franks) ; Carlsbad or Kaiser-bad (the bath-town of the Emperor Charles IV. of Bohemia) ; Marien-bad, Lat. Balneum Marice (the bath- town of the Virgin Mary) ; Wiesbaden, ane Fontes-Mattiaci (the baths or springs of the Mattiaci, dwellers on the meadow) — v. wiESE ; Badborn (bath well) ; Wildbad (wild bath, i.e. not prepared by art), in the Black Forest ; Slangen- bad (the bath of snakes), so called from the number of snakes found in the mineral springs; Badsdorf (bath viUage), Bohemia. The Celtic name of the English city Bath was Caer-badon, or Bathan-ceaster (bath city or fortress) ; the Anglo-Saxons made it Akentan-ceaster (the sick man's camp), or Aquce Lulls (dedicated to a British divinity, Lulls, identified with Minerva). BAGH (Ar. and Ture), a garden ; e.g. Bag, or Bang, in Hindostan. Bagdad superseded Seleucia, which, it is related, was reduced to such a state of ruin as to have nothing remaining on the spot where it stood formerly but the cell ofthe monk Dad; hence the name of the new city founded by the Caliph Almazar, A.D. 762. Baghdad, i.e. the garden of Dad, a monk who had his cell near the site of the city ; Bala-Bagh (high garden), in Affghanistan ; Karabagh (black garden), a district in Armenia, so called from its thick forests ; Alum-bagh (the garden of the Lady Alum), in Hindostan ; Baktschisarai (the palace of the garden), in Crimea. .J. V ["from the Lat. balneum (a bath); e.g. Bagna- BANO (Span ) cavallo (the horses' bath) ; Bagna-di-aqua BANHO (Port) ^ ^™^*®'' ^^*^ ' ^^^^°' Bagnara, Bagnari, BAIN (Fr ) i towns in Italy, celebrated for their baths. ¦''' L In France there are Bagnferes-de-Bigorre (the baths of Bigorones, i.e. the dwellers between two heights) ; Bagnferes-de-Luchon (the baths on the R. Luchon) ; Bains- les-du-mont-dord (the baths ofthe golden mount); with numerous names with similar meanings, such as Bagneux, Bagneaux, Bagnol, Bagnoles, Bagnolet, Bagnot, etc. In Italy : Bagnolina (the little bath) ; Bagni-di-Lucca, Bagni- di-Pisa (the baths of Lucca and Pisa). BAHIA (Port.), a bay ; e.g. Bahia or St. Salvador (the toTO of the Holy Saviour), on the bay, in BrazU ; Bahia-blanca (white bay) ; Bahia-hermosa (beautiful) ; Bahia-honda BAHN— BAILE I7 (deep) ; Bahia-negra (black) ; Bahia-neuva (new bay) ; Bahia-de-Neustra-Senora (the bay of Our Lady); Bahia- Escosesa (Scottish bay), in Hayti ; Bayonna, in Spain, and Bayonne, in France (the good bay), from a Basque word, signifying good; Baia (the town on the bay), in Naples ; Bahia-de-todos los Santos (AU Saints' Bay), in Brazil. BAHN (Ger.), a way or path ; e.g. ^^'inter-bahn (winter path) ; Langen-bahn (long path) ; Wild-bahn (wild or uncultivated path). BAHR, or BAHAR (Ar.), a sea, a lake, and sometimes a river ; e.g. Bahar-el-Abiad (the white) ; Bahar-el-azrak (the blue river), forming together the Nile ; Bahar-belame (waterless river), in Egypt ; Baraach (the sea of wealth), in Hindostan ; Bahari (the maritime district), Lower Egypt ; Bahr-assal (salt lake), Africa ; Bahrein (the two seas), a district in Arabia, between the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea ; also a group of islands on the same coast. BAILE, BALLY (Gadhelic), originally merely a place, a home, then a fort, a town, aUied to the Grk. polis. The word joined with the article an is found as ballin for baile-an ; e.g. Ballinrobe (the town of the R. Robe) ; Balbriggan (Brecon's town) ; BaUintra and Ballintrae, in Ireland, and BaUantrae, in Scotland (the dweUing on the strand) ; Ballinure (the town of the yew) ; BaUintubbert (the town of the well) ; Ballinakill (of the church or wood) ; Ballinahinch (of the island) ; Ballinamona (of the bog), in Ireland ; Ballycastle (castle town) ; Ballymena (middle town) ; Ballymony (of the shrubbery) ; Balmagowan and Ballingown (of the smiths) ; Ballymore and Ballmore (great town) ; Nohoval, corrupt, from Nuachongbhail (new dwelling), localities in Ireland. In Scotland: Balvanie, ane Bal-Beni-mor (the dwelling of Beyne, the great first Bishop of Mortlach), in Aberdeenshire ; Balmoral (the majestic dwelling, 7norail) ; Ballater (the dwelling on the hill-slope, leitir) ; Balmerino (on the sea-shore, muir) ; Balachulish, Gael. Baile-na-caolish (the dwelling on the narrow strait) ; Baldernock, Gael. Baile-dair-cnoc (the dweUing at the oak hill) ; Balnacraig (dwelling of the rock) ; Balfour (cold dwelling) ; Balgay (windy dwelling, gaoth, wind) ; Balfron (of mourning, bhroin), so caUed, according to tradition, because a number 1 8 BALA— BANYA of children had been devoured by wolves at the place; Balgreen (the sunny place, grianach) ; Balgarvie (of the rough stream) ; Ballagan and Ballogie (the dwelling in the hollow) ; Balgownie and Balgonie (of the smiths) ; Bal- bardie (ofthe bard) ; Balmac LeUan (the dwelling ofthe Bal- MacLellan), in Kirkcudbright; Balmaghie (of the Maghies); Balquhldder (the town at the back of the country) ; Bal- blair (of the field or plain). BALA (Ture), high; e.g. Bala-hissar (high castle); Bala-dagh (high mountain) ; Bala-Ghauts (the high Ghauts) ; Balasore (high dwelling) ; Balkan (high ridge), also called Mount Haemus (the snowy mount), hima (Sansc), snow ; Balkh (high town), ane Bactra. BALKEN (Ger.), a ridge ; e.g. Griesen-balken (sandy ridge) ; Moes- balken (mossy ridge); Schieren-balken (clear ridge) — the word is applied to chains of mountains in general. (a strait or belt ; e.g. Baha (the island of the BALTA (Scand.), j ^^^^.^^ . g^^j^-^ ^^j^^ country of belts or straits), BALTEUS (Lat.), I jj^g ancient name of Scandinavia. The Great and Little Belts, or straits. BAN (Gadhelic), white, fair ; e.g. Rivers Bann, Bane, Bain, Bana, Banon, Bandon, Banney, etc. ; Banchory (the fair vaUey). BAN (Cym.-Cel.), a hill or height ; e.g. Cefh-y-fan (the hill-ridge) ; Tal-y-fan (the face of the hill), in Wales. B by mutation becomes / (a district or enclosure, from Old Ger. BANT, BANZ (Ger.) 1 ^^^^^ .^ confine), cognate with Cym.- POINT and PAINT, ^M, yi^,^ ^J^^. ^^ g^^^^^j^ .^, Brach-bant (the ploughed district) ; Altenbanz (the old) ; Ostrevant (the eastern) ; Grunnenbant (the green district) ; Hasel- point (hazel field) ; Pound- stock (the enclosed place), in Germany ; Drenthe, corrupt, from Thri-banta (the three districts), in Holland ; Bantz, in Bavaria, From pant we have in Monmouth, Panteg (beautiful valley, ttg) ; Pant-y- goitre (the valley of the town in the wood). BANYA (Hung.), a mine ; e.g. Uj-banya (new mine) ; Nagy-banya (great mine), a town of Hungary with gold and silver mines, named by the Germans Ncustadt; Abrud-banya (the mine on the R. Abrud, a district abounding in metals). BARR — BAUM 19 BARR (Gadhelic-) ( ^ summit ; e.g. Barmona (the summit or top BAR (Cym -Cel ) •' °^ "^^ ^°^^ '' ^arra-vore (great height, mor) ; /c J % \ Barmeen (smooth summit), in Ireland. In ^ ¦¦'' (^several counties in Scotland we have Barr (the uplands), but Barr in Ayrshire took its name from St. Barr ; Barbreac (spotted point) ; Barrie and Barra (the head of the water, abh) ; Barcaldine (hazel point, calltunn) ; Barbeth (birch point) ; Barrglass (gray point) ; Bar-darroch (the summit of the oak grove) ; Bardearg (red point) ; Bar- caple (the horses' point) ; the Bard of Mousa and of Bressay, in the Shetlands, is the projection on these islands ; the ancient name of the town of Perth was Barr-Tatha (the height of the R. Tay) ; Barwyn for Bar-gwn (a white-topped mountain, or tipped with snow), in Wales. In France the prefix bar is applied to strongholds, as in Bar-le-Duc (the duke's citadel) ; Bar-sur Saone, Bar-sur Aube (the strong hold on the rivers Saone and Aube). ,„ , , (a mound of earth, especially over a grave ; BARRO'W^(bcand.), ) ^^_ Barrow-by (the dwelling at the mound) ; ^ • '>'• y Ingle-barrow (the mound at the grave of Ingold). But, in some cases, barrow may be a form of A.S. boerw (a grove), as in Barrow-den (the grove hollow), in Rutland. . /a building ; e.g. Brun-bau (the weU-house) ; BAU (Ger.), I j^gjj.i^au and Alten-bau (the old and new ' , ., , \ building) ; Buittle (the building), a parish on BAUEN, to bmld, y^,^^ Solway Firth; Tichel-boo (brick build ing) ; Forst-gebaude (the building in the forest). It takes the form of bottle and buttel in Germany, and battle in Britain — v. p. 27 ; Newbattle (new building in Mid Lothian) ; Wulfen-buttel (the dwelling of Ulpha) ; Bolton, in Lancashire, ane Botl. . „ , /a tree, a post ; e.g. Baumburg (tree town) ; Baum- BAUM (Ger.) I garten (the orchard) ; Baumgartenthal (orchard BEAM (AS.), ^ .j^aiiey) ; Baum-krug (the tree inn) ; Schoen- BOOM (Dut.), (^ijaum (beautiful tree) ; Heesbaum (the hazel- tree), in Germany ; Bampton and Bempton (tree town), in Oxford and Yorkshire ; but Bampton in Devon takes its name from the R. Bathom — its ancient name was Bathom-ton. BEDD— BEG BEDD (Welsh), a grave ; e.g. Bedd-gelert (the grave of a favourite hound of Llewelyn, or, as others affirm, the grave of a saint named Kelert). ,_ „ , , /'the birch-tree, cognate with the Lat. betula: B^fcfadhelS I'-S- Beddoe (the birches), Salop; Bed- l\N 1 b\' ) welty, i.e. Bedw-gwal-ty (the wild beast's ^ ' V dwelling among the birches), in Monmouth ; Penbedw (birch hiU), Monmouth. In Ireland : Beagh, Beaghy, Behagh, Behy, i.e. (birch land) ; Kilbehey, i.e. coin -beithne (birch wood); Behanagh (birch - producing river) ; Ballybay, i.e. Bel-atha-beithe (the ford mouth of the birch) ; Aghaveagh (birch field). In Scotland : Beith and Beath, in Fife and Ayrshire ; Dalbeath, Dalbeth, Dalbeathie (the birch field or valley) ; Barbeth (the summit of birches). BEEMD (Dutch), a meadow ; e.g. Beemd and Beemte (on the meadow) ; Haagschbeemden (enclosed meadow) ; Beem- ster-polder (the meadow embankment). BEER, BIR (Heb. and Ar.), a well ; e.g. Beer-sheba (the weU ofthe oath) ; Beer-Elim (the well of heroes) ; Beer-lahai-roi (the well of the living sight) ; Beirout (the city of wells), in Palestine ; Bir, a town of Asiatic Turkey. BEER or BEAR (Teut) {^ ^^™' eottage. Or dwelling; ^.^. Beer- BUR /as) ' Regis (the king's farm) ; Beer-Alston BYR (oid Ger) ) (*^ dweUing of Alston); Beardon and (^Berewood (the dwelling on a hill and in a wood) ; Aylesbear (the dweUing of Aegle) ; Biihren, in Hanover and Switzerland ; Beuren, in Swabia ; Grasbeuren (grassy dwelling) ; Sandbuur (sandy dwelling) ; Erlesbura (dwelling among elms) ; Beerendrecht (the dwelling on the pasture) ; Nassenbeuren (damp dwelling) ; Blaubeuren (the blue dweUing) ; Benediktbeuren (the dwelling of the Bene dictines). BEG, BEAG (Gadhelic), | 1'"^^ ' ^S- ^lorbihan (the BACH, or BYCHAN, by mutation /«^/^ ' little sea), m Brittany; ox fychan {Zym.-ZeiX ) Taafe-fechan (the httle ¦^ ^ " (, River Taafe), in Wales. In Ireland : Castlebeg (little castle) ; Downkillybegs (the fortress of the little church) ; Bunbeg (small river mouth) ; Rathbeg (little fort). BEIM^BEL BEIM, a contraction of the Ger. bei-dem (by the) ; e.g. Beimbach, Beimberg, Beimhofen (by the brook, the hill, the court). ,_,,,., (a mountain, cognate with the Cym.-Cel. BEINN (Gadhehc), \^^^_ ^^_ g^^^^^j^ ^^ j^jjjy p,^^^^. g^^_ ' ( more (great mountain) ; Ben-a-buird (table mountain) ; Ben-a-bhaird (the bard's mountain) ; Benan, i.e. Binnean (the peaked hill or pinnacle) ; Bencleuch (stony mountain) ; Ben-cruachan (the stack-shaped mountain, cruach) ; Bendearg (red mountain) ; Bendronach (the mountain with the hunch, dronnag) ; Bengloe (the moun tain with the covering or veil, gloth) ; Benamore and Bann- more (the great peaks, beanna, peaks) ; Bennachie (the hill of the pap, at its summit, ache) ; Benavoir (the mountain of gold, or), in Jura ; Benclibrig (the hill of the playing trout) ; Benloyal, i.e. Ben-laoghal (the hill of the calves) ; Ben-na- caiUeach (nun's hill) ; Ben Lomond, named from Loch Lomond, quod vide ; Benmacdhui, i.e. Beinn-na-muc-dubh (the mountain of the black sow) ; Ben Nevis (the cloud- capped or snowy mountain) ; Benvenue (the little moun tain), as compared with Benledi ; Benwyvis (stupendous mountain, uabhasach) ; Benvrachie (spotted mountain) ; Benvoirlich (the mountain of the great loch). In Ireland : Benbo, z>. Beannabo (the peaks of the cows) ; Dunmanway, in Cork, corrupt, from Dun-na-mbeann (the fortress of the pinnacles). In Ireland ben is more generally applied to small steep hills than to mountains ; e.g. Bengore (the peak of the goats, gabhar) ; Benburb, Lat. pinna superba (proud peak), in Tyrone ; the Twelve Pins, i.e. bens or peaks, in Connemara ; Banagh and Benagh (a place full of peaks) ; Bannaghbane and Bannaghroe (white and red hilly ground) ; Banaghar, King's Co., and Bangor, Co. Down, ane Beann- char (the pointed hiUs or rocks) ; but Bangor, in Wales, signifies the high choir ; Drumbanagh (the ridge of the peaks). ^_ ^ ( beautiful, fine, from the Lat. BEL, BELLE, BEAU (Fr.), ^^^^^^^ . geichamp, Belcastro BELLO, BELLA (Port., Span., It.), I (beautiful fieldand camp); BeUe- isle and Belile (beautiful island) ; Beaufort, Beaulieu, Beau mont, Beaumanoir (fine fort, place, mount, manor) ; Beau maris (the fair marsh), so named in the reign of Edward I. 22 BEL Some think it may have been formerly Bimaris (between two seas), a name applied by Horace to Corinth ; Belvoir (beautiful to see), in Rutland ; Bewley and Bewdley, corrupt, from Beaulieu ; Beauley, a river and viUage in Inverness-shire, named from Prioratus -de-bello-loco (the priory of the beautiful place), founded in 1230; Beachy Head, according to Camden, is the head of the beach, but Holland, who published Camden's Britannia, says it was called Beaucliff, or, more probably, Beauchef (beautiful headland) ; Beaudesert (beautiful retreat) ; Belper, i.e. Beau-repaire (with the same meaning), in Warwick and Derbyshire ; Leighton-Buzzard, corrupt, of its ancient name Legionbuhr (the fortress of the legion) ; Balaclava, corrupt. from its ancient name Bella^chiava (the beautifiil frontier town, chiave), founded by the Genoese. BEL, BIALA (Sclav.), white ; e.g. Biela (white stream) ; Bela, Belaia (white place) ; Belowes and Belowiz (white viUage) ; was or wies (a town or village) ; Belgrade, Ger. Weissenburg (white fortress) ; Bialgorod, Ture Akkermanji (white castle) ; Belki or Bielki (a name applied in Russia to snow-capped mountains) ; Berat, in Albania, corrupt, from Belgrade (white fort). BEL, BEAL (Gadhelic), a mouth, in its literal sense, but in a second ary sense, signifying an entrance into any place. In Ireland it is often united with ath (a ford), forming belatlia (ford entrance). The word bel itself is often used to denote a ford ; e.g. Belclair, i.e. Bel-aji-chlair (the ford or entrance to the plain) ; Belatha (Anglicised Bella) is found in many names, as in BeUanagare, i.e. Bel-atha-na-gcarr (the ford i-nouth of the cars) ; Lisbellaw (the fort at the ford mouth) ; Bel-atha is often changed in modern names to balli or bally, as if the original root were baile (a town), as in Ballinamore (the mouth of the great ford) ; Ballinafad (the mouth of the long ford) ; Ballyshannon is corrupt. from Bel-atha-Seanach (Shannagh's ford); Belfast, ane Bel-feirsde (the ford of t\i^farset or sandbank) ; Ballinahoy, i.e. Bel-an-atha-buide (the mouth of the yellow ford) ; Ballinasloe, Bel-atha-na-sluaigheadh (the ford mouth of the armies) ; Bel (a ford) is not found in Scotland, but a word with a kindred meaning as applied to land, bealach (a BELED — BERG 23 pass or opening between hills), is frequent there, as well as in Ireland, and takes the form of ballagh or balloch ; e.g. Ballaghboy in Ireland, and Ballochbuie in Scotland (the yellow pass) ; Ballaghmore (great pass) ; Ballaghkeen (the beautiful pass, ccein) ; Ballaghadereen (the pass of the little oak grove) ; Balloch alone occurs in several counties of Scotland, the best known being Balloch, at the entrance to Loch Lomond ; Ballochray (smooth pass, reidh) ; Balloch- myle (the bald or bare pass) ; Ballochgair (short pass) ; Ballochcraggan (of the little rock); Balloch-nam-bo (the pass ofthe cattle), etc. BELED, or BELAD (Ar.), a district ; e.g. Beled-es-Shurifa (the dis trict of the nobles) ; Belad-es-Siidan (the district of the Blacks) ; Belad-es-Sukkar (sugar district) ; Belad-t-moghrib (the district of the West), the Arabian name for Morocco, also called Beled-el-Djered (the land of dates) ; Beled-el- Sham (the district of the north or on the left), the Arabic name for Syria, to distinguish it from Yemen (to the south or right). Syria was also called by the Turks Soristan, and by the Greeks Suria, i.e. the country of Tyre {Tzur, the rock). The word in its secondary sense means pros perous or happy — hence the Greeks called it 'Apa^La rj ev- Sa[fji,o)v, to distinguish it from Arabia deserta (Ar.), El- Badiah (the desert), hence the Bedawees or Bedouins. BENDER (Ar.), a market or harbour. Bender is the name of several towns on the Persian Gulf, and also of a town on the Dniester; Bender-Erekli (the harbour of the ancient Heraclea), on the Black Sea. BENI (Ar.), sons of; e.g. Beni-Hassan (a town named from the descendants of Hassan) ; Beni-Araba (belonging to the sons of the desert) ; Beni-Calaf (to the sons of the Caliph) ; Beni-Sham (the sons of Shem), i.e. Syria ; Beni-Misr (the land of Mizraim or Egypt). /a hill, a summit ; e.g. Ailberg (eagle BERG (Ger.), J j^jjj^ . Bigyberg (lead hill) ; Schneeberg BifirBRMGH (Celtic) 1(^"°^y ^"^)= Walkenberg (the hiU of BRIG, BRAIGH (Leltic), ^ (.foy^g) . Donnersberg (of thunder) ; Habsberg, Falkenberg, Valkenberg (of hawks) ; Finsterberg (dark hill) ; Groenberg (green hiU) ; Teufelsberg (the devil's hill) ; Greiffenberg (the griffin's hill) ; Geyersberg (of the 24 BETH vulture) ; Jarlsberg (of the earl) ; Dreisellberg (the hill of three seats) ; Kupperberg (copper hill) ; Heilberg (holy hill) ; Silberberg (silver hill, near a silver mine) ; Schoen- berg (beautiful hill). The word berg, however, is often applied to the names of towns and fortresses instead of btirg ; and, when this is the case, it indicates that the town was built on or near a hill, or in connection with a fortress ; e.g. Kaiserberg (the hill fort of the Emperor Frederick II.) ; Wiirtemberg, ane Wirtenberg (named from the seignorial chateau, situated upon a hill). The name has been trans lated (the lord of the hill) from an Old Ger. word wirt (a lord). Heidelberg is a corrupt, of Heydenberg (the heU of the pagans), or from heydel myrtle, which grows in great abundance in the neighbourhood ; Lemberg, Lowenburg, or Leopolis (the fortress of Leo Danielowes), in Galicia ; Nurnberg, ane Nori7nberga or Castrum NoHcutn (the fortress of the Noricii) ; Lahnberg (on the R. Lahn) ; Spermberg (on the Spree) ; Wittenberg (white fortress) ; Koningsberg (the king's fortress), in E. Prussia and in Norway ; Bamberg (named after Babe, daughter of the Emperor Otho II.), in Bavaria; Havelberg (on the R. Havel). There are several towns in Germany and Scan dinavia called simply Berg or Bergen ; e.g. Bergen-op-Zoom (the hill fort on the R. Zoom), in HoUand ; Bergamo (on a hill), in Italy. Berg (a hill) sometimes takes the form of berry, as in Queensberry, in Dumfries ; also of borough, as in Flamborough Head and Ingleborough (the hill of the beacon light). Gebirge signifies a mountain range ; e.g Schneegebirge (the snow-clad range) ; Siebengebirge (the range of seven hills) ; Fichtelgebirge (of the pines) ; Erze- gebirge (the ore mountain range) ; Glasischgebirge (of the glaciers) ; Eulergebirge (of the owls). BETH (Heb) (a house; ^.^. Bethany (the house of dates); Beth- BEIT (Ar ) phage (of figs) ; Bethsaida (of fish) ; Bethoron '" ( (of caves) ; Bethabara (of the ford) ; Bethlehem (the house of bread), but its present name,, Beit-lahm, means the house of flesh ; Bethesda (of mercy) ; Betharaba (desert dwelling) ; Bethjesimoth (of wastes) ; Bethshemish Grk. HeliopoHs (the house or city of the sun) ; its Egyptian name was Aun-i-Aun (light of light), contracted to On; BETTWS— BIRCE 25 Beit-Allah (the house of God), at Mecca ; Beit-el-Fakih (the house of the saint), on the Red Sea. BETTWS (Cym.-Cel.), a portion of land lying between a river and a hill, hence a dwelling so situated ; e.g. Bettws-yn-y-coed (the dwelling in the wood) ; Bettws-disserth (the retreat dwelling) ; Bettws-Garmon (of St. Germanus, where he led the Britons to the famous Alleluia victory over the Saxons) ; Bettws-Newydd (new dwelling). BETULA (Lat.), I f^ bi^eh-tree ; eg Le Boulay, La Boulay, BOULEAU(Fr) ) ^^ Boulages, Les Boulus, BeUoy (places ^ ¦'' ( planted with birch-trees). BIBER BEVER (Teut ) ( *^® beaver ; e.g. the Biber, Beber, BOER r'S 1 ^ { Biberich, Beber-bach (rivers in Ger- ''' ( many) ; Bober, Boberau, Bobronia (beaver river), in Silesia and Russia ; Bobersburg (on the R. Bober) ; Biberschlag(beaver's wood clearing); Biberstein (beaver rock); Beverley, in Yorkshire, ane. Biberlac (beaver lake), formerly surrounded by marshy ground, the resort of beavers ; Beverstone, in Gloucester ; Beverloo (beaver marsh), in Belgium. BILL, an old German word, signifying plain or level ; e.g. Bilderlah (the field of the plain) ; Billig-ham (level dwelling) ; Wald- billig (woody plain) ; Wasser-billig (the watery plain) ; Bilstein (level rock) ; Bielefeld (level field) ; Bieler-see (the lake on the plain). BIOR (Gadhelic), water, an element in many ri-^er names ; e.g. the Bere, in Dorset ; Ver, Hereford ; Bervie, in Mearns. The town of Lifford, in Donegal, was originally Leith-bhearr (the gray water) ; Berra, a lake in France ; the Ebura or Eure, in Normandy ; and in Yorkshire, the Ebro, ane Iberus ; Ivry, in Normandy, ane Ebarovicus (the town on the Ebura). BlRCE BIRKE (Teut ) { *^ birch-tree ; e.g. Birkenhead (the head ' ,T , . ^ ¦'^' ) of the birches) ; Birchholt (birch wood) ; BERK, (Lat.) BETULA, -< tj , , ,^-\. ciJ\ tj- i," ^ BEORC(AS) i Berkeley (birch field); Birchmgton, ^ ¦ ¦'¦' t^Birkhoff (the birch-tree dwelling and court) ; Birkhampstead (the home place among the birches) ; Oberbirchen (the upper birches) ; but Berkshire is not from this root.; it was called by the Anglo-Saxons Berroc-shyre, supposed to be named from the abundance of berroc (box- 26 BLAEN— BOCA wood), or the bare-oak-shire, from a certain polled oak in Windsor Forest, where the Britons were wont to hold their provincial meetings. BLAEN (Cym.-Cel.), the source of a stream ; e.g. Blaene-Avon, Blaen-Ayron, Blaen-Hounddu (river sources in Wales) ; Blaen-porth (the head of the harbour) ; Blaen-nant (of the brook); Blaen-Bylan, abbreviated from Blaen-pwU-glan (the top of pool bank) ; Blaen-Sillt, at the top of a small stream, the Sillt, in Wales ; Blaen-afon (of the river). BLAIR, BLAR (Gadhelic), a plain, originally a battle-field ; e.g. Blair-Athole, Blair-Logie, Blair-Gowrie (the battle-field in these districts) ; Blairmore (the great) ; Blaircreen (the little plain) ; Blairdaff (the plain of the oxen, daimh) ; Blair-burn (of the stream) ; Blair-craig (of the rock) ; Blair- linne (of the pool) ; Blair-beth (of birches) ; Blair-ingone (the field of spears), in Perthshire ; Blair-glass (gray plain); Blarney (little field), in Ireland ; Blair-Drummond, Blair- Adam, modern places named after persons. BLANC (Fr.), BLANCO (Span.), BIANCO (It), BRANCO (Port.), BLANC (A.S.), BLANK (Ger.), white'; e.g. Mont-Blanc, Cape-bianco, Sierra- blanca (white mountain-ridge) ; Castella-bianca (white castle); Villa -bianca (white town); Blankenburg (white town) ; Blankenham (white dwelling) ; Blankenhavn, Blankenloch, Blankenrath, Blankenese (white haven, place, wood-clearing, cape), in Germany ; Bianchi- mandri (white sheep-folds), in Sicily ; Branco (the white stream), in Brazil; Los-Brancos (the white mountains); Cata-branca (the white zo\€) ; Casa-branca (the white house), in Brazil. BLISKO (Sclav.), near ; e.g. Bliesdorf, Bliesendorf, Blieskendorf (near village) ; Bliskau (near meadow). BLOTO, BLATT (Sclav.), a marsh; e.g. Blotto, Blottnitz (marshy land); Wirchen-blatt (high marsh); Sa-blatt, Sablater, Zablatt (behind the marsh) ; Na-blatt (near the marsh). In some cases the b in this word is changed into /, as in Plotsk and Plattkow (the marshy place) ; Plattensee or Balaton (the lake in the marshy land). BOCA (Span., Port., and It.), a mouth — in topography, the narrow entrance of a river or bay ; e.g. Boca-grande, Boca-chica (great and little channel), in South America ; La Bochetta BOD— BOLD 27 (the little opening), a mountain pass in the Apennines ; Desemboque (the river mouth), in Brazil. BOD (Cym.-Cel.), a dwelling ; e.g. Bodmin, in Cornwall, corrupt. from Bodminian (the dwelling of monks) ; Bodffaris (the site of Varis), the old Roman station on the road to Chester ; Hafod, the name of several places in Wales, corrupt, from Hafbod (a summer residence) ; Bosher or Bosherston, corrupt, from Bod and hir, long (the long ridge abode), in Wales. ,„ -1 ( a bay, the ocean swell ; e.g. Bodden (an arm BODDEN (leut.), I ^j^j^g gg^ ^j^j^j^ divides the island of Rugen BOD (bcand.), y j.^^^ Pomerania) ; Bodden-ness (the headland of the bay), on the east coast of Scotland. BODEN (Ger.), the ground, soil — in topography, a meadow ; e.g. Gras-boden (grassy meadow) ; Dunkel-boden (dark meadow). It may sometimes, however, be used instead of bant or paint — V. p. 1 8 ; and in Bodenburg, in Brunswick, it is a corrupt, of Ponteburg (bridge town) ; and Bodenheim is from a personal name, like Bodensee — v. SEE. BOGEN (Ger.), a bend or bow — in topography, applied to the bend of a river ; e.g. Bogen, ane Bogana (the bending river) ; Bogen, a town of Bavaria, on a bend of the Danube ; EUbogen or EUenbogen, Lat. Cubitus (the town on the elbow or river bend), in Bohemia ; Bogenhausen (the houses on the river bend) ; Langen-bogen (the long bend) ; Entli-buch (the bend on the R. Entle), in Switzerland. / a dwelling ; e.ir. Newbattle, Newbottle, BOLD, BATTLE, or BOTTLE, I ,, , ,, / , „¦ / j- ^• „ ' ' 'J Newbold (new dweUing), as distin- BUTTEL, BLOD (^eut.), ¦> g^j^bed from Elbottle (old dwelling) ; BOL, or BO (Scand.), y Morebattle (the dwelling on the marshy plain) ; Bolton, in Lancashire, A.S. Botl ; Buittle, in Kirk cudbright ; Newbald, Yorkshire ; Harbottle (the dwelling of the army, here), a place in Northumberland where, in former times, soldiers were quartered ; Erribold (the dwell ing on the tongue of land, eir) ; Maybole, in Ayrshire, ane Minnibole (the dwelling on the mossy place, Cym.-Cel., ¦ myswn) ; Exnabul, in Shetland (a place for keeping cattle) ; yxn, Scand. (a bull or cow) ; Walfenbuttel (the dwelling of Ulpha) ; Brunsbottle (of Bruno) ; Ritzbuttel (of Richard) ; 28 BONUS— BRASA Griesenbottel (sandy dweUing) ; Rescbiittel (the dwelling among rushes). BUEritan'') ]sood; e.g Bonavista, Boavista (good view); \ V v' y Buenos-Ayres (good breezes), in South America ; ' ,„ , ( Buenaventura (good luck), in Califomia. BOM (Port.), ; ^^ " BOOM (Sansc), Bhuma (land, country) ; e.g. Birboom (the land of heroes) ; Arya-Bhuma (the noble land), the Sanscrit name for Hindostan. BOR (Sclav.), wood ; e.g. Bohra, Bohrau, Borowa, Borow (woody place) ; Borovsk (the town in the wood) ; Sabor and Zaborowa (behind the wood) ; Borzna (the woody district) ; the Borysthenes, now the R. Dnieper (the woody wall), from stena (a wall or rampart), the banks of the river having been covered with wood ; Ratibor (the wood of the Sclavonic god Razi). BRACHE (Teut ) ( '^"'^ broken up for tiUage, Old Ger. pracha ,^ ,/'' I {io plough) ; e.g. Brabant, ane. Bracbant (the ^ '" [ ploughed district) ; Brachstadt, Brachfeld, Brachrade (the ploughed place, field, clearing) ; Brakel (the ploughed land), in Holland ; Hohenbrack (high ploughed land). BRAND (Ger.), a place cleared of wood by burning ; e.g. Eber-brand and Ober-brand (the upper clearing); Newen-brand and Alten-brand (the old and new clearing) ; Brandenburg (the burned city), so called, according to Buttman, by the Ger mans ; by the Wends corrupted into Brennabor, and in their own language named Schorelitz (the destroyed city), because, in their mutual wars, it had been destroyed by fire. Bran and Brant, in English names, are probably memorials of the original proprietors of the places, as in Brandon, Cumbran, Brandeston ; Brantingham (the home of the children of Brand) — v. ing, ingen. BRASA (Sclav ) \ *^ birch-tree ; e.g. Briesnitz, Beresoff, Beresek, BERESA ) Beresenskoi, Beresovoi (places where birches ' ( abound) ; Gross-Briesen (great birch-tree town) ; Bresinchen (little Briesen), a colony from it ; Birsa and Beresina (the birch-tree river) ; Birsk, a town on the R. Birsa ; Brzesce-Litewski (the house of mercy at the birches); the letter b in this word is often changed into p by the Ger- BRA Y— BRIG A 29 mans, as in Presinitz for Brezenice (birch-tree viUage), in Bohemia ; also Priebus, with the same meaning, in Silesia ; Priegnitz, i.e. the town of the Brizanen (dwellers among birches) ; Briezen (the place of birches), in Moravia, is Germanised into Friedeck (woody corner) ; Bryezany (abounding in birches), in Galicia. BRAY (Cel.), damp ground, a marshy place ; e.g. Bray, in Nor mandy ; Bray sur Somme und Bray sur Seine, situated on these rivers ; Bray-Maresch, near Cambray ; Br^ C6tes-de- Nord ; Bray-la-Campagne (calvados, etc.) ,„ , /"broad; brede, Dutch (a plain); e.g. Breitenbach BREIT (Ger), j ^^^ Bredenbeke (broad brook); Breda (the flat *¦ ¦ ¦¦'' \ meadowland), in Holland ; Breitenbrunn (broad ^ ¦'' (^ well) ; Breitenstein, Breitenburg (broad fortress) ; Bradford, in Yorkshire, and Bredevoort, in Holland (broad ford) ; Bredy (the broad water), in Dorset ; Brading, in Isle of Wight, and Bradley (broad meadow) ; Bradshaw (broad thicket) ; Broadstairs, corrupt, from its ancient name Br ads tow (broad place). BRIA (Thracian), a town ; e.g. Selymbria, Mesymbria. .„ , , (a general name among the Celts for a town — so ^ '" ^ called, apparently, from the Celtic words braigk, ' ( brugh, brig (a heap, pile, or elevation), because the nucleus of towns, among uncivilised tribes in early times, were merely fortified places erected on heights ; cognate with the Teut. and Scand. burg, byrig, the Sclav. brieg (an embankment or ridge), and the Scottish brae (a rising ground). Hence the name of the Brigantes (dwellers on hills) ; the word Brigand (literally, a mountaineer) ; Briangon, ane Brigantium (the town on the height) ; Brieg, a town in Silesia ; Braga and Braganga, fortified cities in Portugal ; Talavera, in Spain, ane Tala-briga, the town on the tala. Span, (a wood clearing) ; Bregenz, ane Bri gantium, in the Tyrol ; Breisach Alt and Neuf (the old and new town on the declivity), in the duchy of Baden — the old fortress was situated on an isolated basalt hill ; Brixen (the town among the hills), in the Tyrol. In Scotland there are Braemar (the hilly district of Mar) ; Braidalbane (the hill country of Albainn, i.e. Scotland) ; Braeriach (the gray mountain, riabhach) ; the Brerachin, a river and dis- 30 BRINK— BROEK trict in Perthshire ; Brugh and Bruighean, in Ireland, signifying originally a hill, was subsequently applied to a palace or a distinguished residence. The term, as applied to the old residences, presupposed the existence of a fortified brugh or rath, several of which still remain. The word has suffered many corruptions : thus Bruree, in Limerick, is from Brugh-righ (the king's fort) ; and Bruighean (little fort) has been transformed into Bruff, Bruis, Bruce, or Bryan. The word briva, on the other hand, was generally applied to towns situated on rivers — as in Amiens, ane. Saynarabrina, on the R. Somme — and was gradually used as synonymous with pons (bridge), as in Pontoise, ane Briva-Isara (the bridge on the Ouse) ; Briare, ane. Brivodurum (the bridge over the water) ; Brionde, ane Brives. BRINK (Ger.), a grassy ridge ; e.g. Osterbrink (east ridge) ; Mittel- brink (middle ridge) ; Zandbrink (sand ridge) ; Brinkhorst (the ridge of the thicket). BRO (Cym.-Cel.), a district ; e.g. Broburg (the fort of the district), in Warwickshire ; Pembroke (the head, pen, of the district, it being the land's end of Wales). BROC (A.S.), a rushing stream ; e.g. Cranbrook (the stream ofthe cranes) ; Wallbrook (probably the stream at the wall) ; Wambrook (Woden's stream). BROC (AS) ( *® badger ; e.g. Brox-boume and Broxburn, Brog- BROX ' j den, Brokenhurst,Brockley,Broxholme (the stream, ' ( hollow, thicket, meadow, and hill of the badger). BROD (Sclav.), a ford; e.g. Brod and Brody (at the ford), the name of several towns in Moravia, Bohemia, Hungary, and Turkey ; Brod-sack (ford dwelling) ; Brod-Ungarisch (the Hungarian ford), on the Olsawa ; Brod-Deutsch (the Ger man ford), on the Sasawa ; Brod-Bohmisch (the Bohemian ford), on the Zembera ; Krasnabrod (beautiful ford) ; Eisen- brod (the ford ofthe I ser) ; Brodkowitz (ford station). BROEK, BRUOCH (Teut.), a marsh ; e.g. Broek, a town in Holland ; Bogen-brok (the bending marsh) ; Breiden-bruch (the broad marsh) ; Aalten-broek (the old marsh) ; Eichen-bruch (the oak marsh) ; Broekem and Broickhausen (marsh dwelling) ; Bruchmuhle (the mill on the marsh) ; Brussels or Bruxelles, BROG—BRUEL 31 ane Bruoch-sella (the seat or site on the marsh) ; Ober- bruch and Niederbruch (upper and lower marsh). .„ , , fa dam ; e.g. Biesenbrow and Priebrow, from *¦ ¦'' I Pschibrog (elder-tree dam), by the Germans ' ( called Ftirstenberg, on the Oder ; Colberg, Sclav. Kola-brog (around the dam). BRON (Welsh), the slope or side of a hill ; e.g. Brongest (the slope of the cest or deep glen) ; Bronwydd (the slope covered with trees) ; Wydd, in Wales. RRiicKF CGer ^ \^ bridge; e.g Brugg-Furstenfeld (the BRUCKi^i^er ;, 1 ^^j^^^ ^^ ^j^^ prince's field) ; Brugg-an-der- brigge (AS.), . \^,ti\!a.-s. (the bridge across the Leitha) ; BRO, BRU (Scand.), (^ gj-ugg-kloster (the bridge at the monas tery) ; Langenbriick, Langenbriicken (long bridge) ; Bruges, in Belgium (a city with many bridges) ; Saarbrook (on the R. Saar) ; Osnaburg, in Hanover, ane Osnabriicke or Asen- briicke (the bridge on the R. Ase) ; Voklabriick (on the R. Vokle) ; Bruchsal, in Baden (the bridge on the Salzbach) ; Zweibriicken or Deux-ponts (the two bridges) ; Zerbruggen (at the bridge). In England : Bridgenorth, ane Brugge- Morfe (the bridge at the wood called Morfe, on the opposite bank of the Severn) ; Brixham, Brixworth, and Brigham (bridge town) ; Brixton, A.S. Brixges-stan (the bridge stone) ; Cambridge, Cel. Caer-Grant (the fort and bridge on the R. Granta, now the Cam) ; Tunbridge (over the R. Tun or Ton), a branch of the Medway ; Colebrook, in Bucks (the bridge over the R. Cole) ; Oxbridge (the bridge over the water, uisge) ; Staley-bridge (at a bridge over the R. Tame), named after the Staveleigh, a family who resided there ; Bridgewater, corrupt, from Burgh-Walter (the town of Walter Douay, its founder) ; Bridgend and Brigham, vill ages in different parts of Scotland ; Brora (bridge river), in Sutherlandshire, named when bridges were rarities ; Trowbridge, however, did not get its name from this root, but is a corrupt, of its ancient name, Trutha-burh (the loyal town). \ ( a marshy place, overgrown with brushwood, cog- BRUEL (Teut.), 1 ^^^g ^jjj^ jj^g French breuil and brttyere (a brUhl, I thicket), the Welsh pryskle, and the Breton briigek; e.g. Bruel, Bruhl, and Priel, in Germany ; Bruyferes, 32 BRUNN—BRYN Broglie, and Brouilly (the thicket), in France ; also Breuil, Bruel, Breuillet, Le Brulet, etc., with the same meaning, or sometimes a park. St. Denis du Behellan, in Eure, was formerly Bruel lant, i.e. the breuil or park of Herland. ._ , (a well, especially a mineral well ; e.s. BRUNN, BRUNNEN (Ger.), I „ .,, ' ^,, , ' ,,, _ , •* ' ,„ j\ \ Heilbroun (holyweU); Frau-brunnen, *¦ ¦'' ( Lat. Fons-beata-Virginis (the weU of Our Lady) ; Brunn-am-Gebirge (the weU at the hill-ridge) ; Haupt-brun (well-head); Lauter -brunnen (clear weU) ; Salz-brunn, Warm-brunn, Schoen-brunn, Kaltenbrunn (the salt, hot, beautiful, cold, mineral wells) ; Baldersbrunnen, Baldersbrond (the well of the Teutonic god Balder) ; Cobern, corrupt, from Cob9~ujtnen (the cow's well) ; Paderbom (the well or source of the R. Pader), in Germany. In the north of France, and in the departments bordering on Germany, we find traces of this German word ; e.g. Mittel-broun (middle well) ; Walsch-broun (foreign well) ; BeUe-brune (beautiful well) ; Stein -brunn (stony well), etc. BRYN (Cym.-Cel.), a hUl - ridge ; bron (a round hiU) ; e.g. Brin- croes, Brin-eglw^s, Bron-Uys (the cross, church, palace, on the hill) ; Bryn-gwynn (fair hill) ; Brynn-uchil (high hiU) ; Bron-Fraidd (St. Bridget's hill) ; Brown -^^'illy, in Corn wall, corrupt, from Bryji-huel (the tin mine ridge) ; Brindon- hill, in Somerset (merely the hill), with synonymous word dun added to Bryn ; and Brandon, in Suffolk, with the same meaning; Bryn-mawr (the great hill), in Wales; Bron-gwyn (white hill) ; Bryn-y-cloddian (the hill of fences, clawd), so called from its strong fortifications ; Bryn- Barlwm (the bare-topped mountain) ; Bryn-Gw^ddon (the hiU of Gwyddon, a mythological philosopher) ; Brjm-kinallt (a mountain without trees) ; Bi-)'n-berian (the kite's hiU, beri, a kite) ; Bryn-bo, with the same meaning, boda in ^^'ales ; Bryn-chwarew (the hill of sports) ; here the ancient inhabit ants of Wales used to meet to play different games in competition ; Brienne-la-ch4teau (the castle on the hill), in France ; Brientz, in Switzeriand, on the Brienz See (a lake surrounded by hills) ; Brendenkopf (hiU-head), and the Brennen Alps, the culminating points in the mountains of Tyrol. BUCHE—BUHIL 33 BUCHE (Ger.), BOC (A.S.), BOG (Scand.), BUK (Sclav.), BUDA, BUS (Sclav.), BWTH, BOTH (Gadhelic), BOD (Cym.-Cel.), BUDE (Ger.), BOTHY (Scotch), BOT (Brez.), the beech-tree ; e.g. Buch-au, Buch-berg, Buch- egg (the meadow, hill, corner of the beeches) ; ¦\ Buchholtz and Bochholt (beech-wood) ; Bockum, Bucheim (beech-dwelling) ; Butchowitz (the place of beeches), in Moravia ; Bochnia and Bucho- wina (with the same meaning), in Poland ; Bickleigh (beech-meadow). But Booking in Essex, and the county of Buckingham, as well as Bouquinheim in Artois, and Boch- ingen in Wurtemberg, were named from the Bocingas (a tribe), probably the dwellers among beeches. a hut or dwelling ; e.g. Budin, Budzin, Bautzen, or Budissen (the huts) ; Budweis (the district of hut villages), ¦ in Bohemia ; Budzow, Botzen (the place of huts) ; Briebus (birch-tree dwelling) ; Trebus and Triebus (the three dwellings) ; Putbus (under the hut) ; Dobberbus (good dwelling, dobry, good) ; but Buda, in Hungary, took its name from Buda, the brother of Attila, as well as Bud-var and Bud-falva (Buda's fort and viUage). The island of Bute, in the Firth of Clyde, is said to have derived its name from the bwth or cell of St. Brandon, but its earlier name was Rothsay, from a descendant of Simon Brek {i.e. Rother's Isle), while its Gaelic name is Baile- Mhoide (the dwelling of the court of justice) ; Bothwell, ane Both-uill (the dwelling on the angle of the R. Clyde). In Ireland we meet with Shanboe, Shanbogh (the old hut, sean) ; Raphae, in Donegal, is Ratli-both (the fort of the huts) ; Bodoney, in Tyrone, is Both-domhnaigh (the tent of the church) ; Knockboha (the hill of the hut) ; Bodmin, in Cornwall, ane Bod7nanna, p. 27 (the abode of monks, the site of an ancient priory) ; Merfod, corrupt, from Meudwy-bod (the dwelling of a hermit) ; Bodysg^Uen (the abode ofthe t^vitXt, ysgallen) ; and Bod-Ederyryn (Edryn's dwelling). In Lancashire the word takes the form of booth, as in Barrowford booth and Oakenhead booth, etc. BiJHlL, BUCKEL (Ger.), a hiU; e.g. DombiihU (the dwelling 'on the hill) ; Griinbiihill (green hiU) ; Eichenbiihil (oak hiU) ; Birchenbiihil (birch hill) ; Holzbiihil (wood hill) ; Dinkels- biihil (wheat hill) ; Kleinbuhil (little hill). 34 BUHNE— BURG BURG, BURGH (Teut.), BOROUGH, BURY, BORG (Scand.), BOURG (Fr.), BORGO (It. and Span.); BUHNE, BOHEN (Ger.), a scaffold, sometimes in topography a hill ; e.g. Hartbohen (wood hill) ; Biindorf (hill village) ; Osterbeuna (east hill). BUN (Gadhelic), the foot, in topography applied to the mouth of a river ; e.g. Bunduff (at the mouth of the dark river, dubh) ; Bunderan and Bunratty, the mouth of the R, Dowran and Ratty ; Bunowen (at the mouth of the water). The town of Banff is a corrupt, of Bunaimh (the mouth of the river) ; Bunawe (at the opening of Loch Awe) ; Buness (of the cascade, cas). a town or city, literally an enclosed and fortified dwelling, from bergen, Teut to cover or protect. As these fortified places were often erected on heights for security, as well as to enable their in mates to observe the approaches of an enemy, the word berg (a hill) was frequently used synony mously with burg, as in the name of Konigsberg and other towns — V. BERG. Burgh and borough are the Anglican forms of the word in England and Scotland, while bury is distinctively the Saxon form ; e.g. Sudbury (south town), as also Sidbury ih Salop, but Sidbury in Devon takes its name from the R. Sid. Tewkesbury, from Theoc (a certain hermit) ; Glastonbury, ane Glastonia (a district alsounding in woad, glastum) ; Shaftsbury (the town on the shaft-like hill) ; Shrewsbury, ane. Shrobbesbyrig (the fortress among shrubs), being the Saxon rendering of the native name Pengwerne (the hill of the alder grove), which the Normans corrupted into Sloppesbury, hence Salop j Tenbury, on the R. Teme ; Canterbury, i.e. Caitt-wara-byrig (the town of the dwellers on the headland), Cantiuin or Kent ; Wans- borough, in Herts ; Wanborough, in Surrey and Wilts ; Woodensborough, in Kent ; Wednesbury, Stafford ; A\'em- bury, Devon (the town of the Saxon god ^^'oden) ; Aide- borough, on the R. Aide ; Marlborough, ane Merlberga, situated at the foot of a hill of white stones, which our forefathers called marl, now chalks Richborough, ane. Ru-tupium (rock town) ; Aylesbury, perhaps church town, ecclesia, or from a person's name ; Badbury (the city of pledges, bad), in Dorset ; the Saxon kings, it is said, kept BURG 35 their hostages at this place ; Malmesbury, the town of Maidulf, a hermit ; Maryborough, named for Queen Mary. Burg or burgh, in the names of towns, is often affixed to the name of the river on which it stands in Britain, as well as on the Continent ; e.g. Lauterburg, Lutterburg, Schwartzburg, Salzburg, Saalburg, Gottenburg, Rotenburg, and Jedburgh (on the rivers Lauter, Lutter, Schwarza, Salza, Saale, Gotha, Rothbach, and Jed). Still more frequently, the prefix is the name of the founder of the town, or of a saint to whom its church was dedi cated ; e.g. Edinburgh (Edwin's town) ; Lauenburg, after Henry the Lion ; Fraserburgh, in Aberdeenshire, founded by Sir Alexander Fraser of Philorth in 1 570 ; Peterborough, from an abbey dedicated to St. Peter ; Petersburgh, named by its founder, Peter the Great ; Tasborough, Norfolk, on the R. Thais ; Banbury, ane. Berinburig (Bera's town) ; Queenborough, in the Isle of Sheppey, named by Edward III. in honour of his queen; Helensburgh, in Dumbartonshire, after the lady of Sir James Colquhoun ; Pittsburg, U.S., after Mr. Pitt ; Harrisburg, U.S., after the first settler in 1733 ; Sumburgh, in Shetland, and Svendborg, Sweden (Sweyn's fortress) ; Oranienburg, in Brandenburg (the fortress of the Orange family) ; Bury St. Edmund's (in memory of Edmund the Martyr) ; Rabens- burg (the fort of Hrafn, a Dane) ; Marienburg (the town ofthe Virgin), founded by the Grand Master of the Teu tonic order in 1274 ; Rothenburg, in Prussia, ^Q\.^.v.Rostar- zewo (the town of the Sclav, god Razi) ; Duisburg, corrupt. from Tuiscoburgum (the town of the Teut. god Tuesco) ; Flesburg, in Sleswick, founded by the knight of Flenes ; Cherbourg, supposed to be Caesar's town ; Augsburg (the town of the Emperor Augustus) ; Salisbury, ane Seares- byrgg (the town of Sarum, a chief) ; Bamborough (the town of Bebba, the Queen of Ida, of Northurrtberland) ; Carrisbrook, corrupt, from Gwihtgarabyrig (the fortress of the men of Wight) ; Amherstburg, in Canada, named in 1780 after Lord Amherst; Loughborough, ane Leirburg (the town on the R. Leir, now the Soar) ; Hapsburg or Habichtsburg (hawk's fortress) ; Schassburg, Hung. Segevar (treasure fort) ; Luneburg, in Hanover (the fort of the 36 BURNE — BWLCH Linones, a tribe) ; Aalburg (Eel-town) on the Lyme-fiord. There are several towns in Germany named simply Burg (the fortress), also Burgos in Spain, and Burgo in Italy. As a derivative from this Teut. root, there is the Irish form of the word, introduced by the Anglo-Normans — buirghes, Anglicised borris and burris, as in Borris in Ossor}', Burris- carra, Burrishoole {i.e. the forts erected in the territories of Ossory, Carra, and Umhal) ; Borrisokane (O'Keane's fortress). BURNE (AS) ( ^ ^™^^' stream ; e.g. Milbum (miU stream) ; _.._ ,r^ ,'/' ,. ^ I Lamboume (muddy stream, lam.) ; Rad- \ bourne and Redboume (reedy strearh) ; Sherbourne (clear stream, or the dividing stream) ; Cran- bourne, Otterbourne (the stream firequented by cranes and otters) ; Libourne, in France (the lip or edge of the stream) ; Bourne, in Lancashire (on a stream) ; Bumham (the dwell ing on a stream), in Essex ; Melburne, in Yorkshire, in Doomsday Middelburn (middle stream) ; Auburn, for merly a viUage in Yorkshire, called Elebum or Eelbum ; Bannockburn (the stream of the white knoU) ; Sitting- bourne, in Kent (the settlement on the stream) ; East bourne, contracted from its former name Easboume (prob ably the stream of the water or the cascade, cas) ; Tiche- burne (the kid's stream, ticcen, A.S. a kid). a bushy place or grove ; BUSCH, BOSCH (Ger.), BOSC (A.S.), Low Lat. Boscus, BUISSON (Fr.), BOIS, .j BOSCO, BOSQUE (Span, and Port), BOD or BAD (Celtic), e.g. Boscabel (the beautiful grove) ; Bushey (a par. Co. H ertford) ; Buscot (the hut in the grove); Badenoch (a place o^•ergrown with bushes), in Inverness ; Breitenbusch (the broad gro^e) ; Hesel-bosclien (hazel grove) ; Eichbusch (oak grove) ; Ooden-bosch (old grove), in Holland ; Auberbosc (Albert's grove), in France ; SteUenbosch, in S. Africa, founded in 1670 by Van der Stelle, the governor of the Dutch colony ; Biesbosch (the reedy thicket), in Holland ; Aubusson (at the grove), France. Boissac, Boissay, Boissiere, Boissey, etc, in France, from the same root ; Bois-le-Duc (the duke's wood) ; Briquebosq (birch-wood), in Normandy. BWLCH (Welsh), a pass or defile ; e.g. Dwygyflch {i.e. the joint B YSTRI-CAEL C 37 passes), in Wales ; Bwlch-newydd (the new pass) ; Bwlch- y-groes (of the cross). BYSTRI (Sclav.), swift ; e.g. Bistritza, Bistrica, Weistritz (the swift stream) ; Bistritz (the town on this river), called by the Germans Neusohl (new station). /(Scand.), a dwelling, a town — from biga (Norse), ' ' j to build. This word occurs frequently in town BIGGEN-BO ^ ^^^g^ j^ ^jjg j^ g_ ^j. England and in some RO^TJF 1 Fr I J ^ ¦•'' V^ parts of Scotland formerly possessed by the Danes or Normans ; e.g. Derby, i.e. Dearaby (deer town), formerly caUed North Worthige (the northern enclosure) ; its Celtic name was Dtirgwent (the white water), from its river; Whitby (white town), A.S. Streones-heal (treasure- hall, streone) ; Selby (holy town) ; Danby (Dane's dwelling) ; Rugby, ane Rochberie (the dwelling on the rock, in reference to its castle) ; Appleby (the town of apple-trees) ; Sonderby (southern town) ; Ormsby, Lockerby, Thursby, Grimsby, Lewersby (the dweUings of Ormv, Loki, Ulf, Grimm, Leward) ; Risby (beech-tree dweUing) ; Canisby, in Caith ness, and Canoby or Cannonbie, Dumfries (the dweUing of the canon), or perhaps Canisby is Canute's dwelling ; Haconby (of Haco) ; Harrdwby, in Doomsday, is Herigerby (the town of the legion), A.S. herige; Kirby, Moorby, Ashby (church town, moor town, ash-tree town) ; Ashby-de-la- Zouch was simply Ascebi or Esseby, perhaps the town of the Asci, a tribe. It received the addition to its name from the family of the Zouches, its proprietors. In France : Dauboeuf, for Dalby (vale dwelling) ; Elboeuf (old dwelling) ; Quitteboeuf( white dweUing); Quilleboeuf(weUtown) ; Linde- boeuf (lime-tree town) ; Karlby-gamba and Karlby-ny (old and new Charles' town), in Finland ; Criquebceuf (crooked town). CAE, KAE (Cym.-Cel.), an enclosure; e.g. Ca-wood (wood-enclosure) ; Cayton (wood town or hill). This root is frequently used in Welsh names. CAELC, or CEALC (A.S.), chalk or Ume— cognate with the Lat. calx, Cel. cailc, sialcj e.g. Challock, Chaldon, Chalfield (chalk 38 CAER place, hill, and field) ; Chalgrove (the chalk entrenchment, grab) ; the Chiltern Hills (the hills in the chalky district, ern) ; Cheekier, corrupt, from CalchaT^ce (the lime kilns), in Belgium ; Kelso, ane. Calchou (the chalk heugh or height), so called from a calcareous cliff at the confluence of the Tweed and Teviot, now broken down. CAER, CADAER (Welsh), ( ^\ ^"'=1°^^ fortification, a castle, CATHAIR, CAHER (Gadhelic), \ ^ '°"'"; ^""^ '" ^''^'^'^ ,^ ^''^'^"'^ KAER, KER (Breton), | f "«/°>:t ' 'S- Caer-leon ane ^ '' \Isca-legionem (the fort of the legion), on the R. Usk;i Caerwent, in Monmouth, ane. Venta-silurum (the fortress in the province of Gwent) ; Caerwys (of the assizes, gwys, a summons) ; Caermarthen, ane Maridunum (the fort on the sea-shore) ; Caernarvon, Welsh Caer-yn-ar-Fon (the fortress opposite to Mona); Cardigan (the fortress of Caredig, a chieftain) — Cardigan is called by the Welsh Aberteifi (the mouth of the R Teify) ; Cardiff, on the R. Taff ; Carriden, ane Caer-aiden or eden (the fort on the wing), in Linlithgow ; Caerphilly (the fort of the trench, vallum), cormpt into philly; Cader-Idris (the seat of Idris, an astronomer); Caer- gyfifin (the border fortress) ; Grongar, corrupt from Caer- gron (the circular fortress) ; Ca.ex-he?i or hun, corrupt from Caer-Rhun, named from a Welsh prince ; Carlisle, ane Caergwawl (the fort at the trench) ; its Latin name was Luguvallum (the trench of the legion). It was destroyed by the Danes in 675, and rebuilt by William II. In Mid -Lothian, Cramond, i.e. Caer-Almofid, on the R. Almond ; Cathcart, on the R. Cart, Renfi-ew ; Crail, ane Carraile (the fort on the comer, aile), in the S.E. angle of Fife ; Caeriaverock (the fort of Lewarch Ogg), founded in the sixth century ; Sanquhar, i.e. Scan-catludr (old fort) ; Carmunnock or Cannannoc (the fort of the monks) ; Kirkintilloch, corrupt from Caer-pen-tulach (the fort at the head of the hill) ; Cardross (the promontory fort); Kier, in Scotland, for Caer or Cathair s Carew (the fortresses), a castle in \\'ales ; Carhaix, in Brittany, i.e. Ker-Aes (the fortress on the R. Aes — now the Hiferes). In Ireland : Caher (the fortress) ; Cahereen ^ Caer-afon (the fortress on the water) w.is its ancient name. CALA — CAM 39 (little fortress) ; Cahergal (white fort) ; Cahersiveen, 2.1?. Cathair -saidbhin (Sabina's fort) ; Carlingford, Irish Caer-linn, fiord being added by the Danes ; its full name is, therefore, the ford of Caer-linn. It was also called Suamh-ech (the swimming ford of the horses) ; Derry-na-Caheragh (the oak grove of the fort); Caer- gwrle (the fortress of the great legion), i.e. Caer-gawr- lleon, with reference to the twentieth Roman legion sta tioned at Chester, or Caer-gwr-le (the boundary-place in Flintshire). CALA (Span.), a creek or bay — probably derived from Scala (It.), a seaport, Cel. cala (a harbour), and cognate with the Teut. killej e.g. Callao, in S. America ; Cale, the ancient name of Oporto, and probably Calais; Scala (a seaport), in Italy ; Scala-nova (new port), in Turkey ; Kiel, in Sleswick, so called from its fine bay. , . i bald or bare — synonymous with the 1^ \ , (T) t ^ \ ^^*' ^"¦^'^'^^^ and the Fr. chauve; e.g. ^ ¦" ^ ( Caumont and Chaumont (bald hill), in France ; Kahlenberg, ane. Mons Calvus (bald hill), belonging to a branch of the Alps called Kahlen Ge birge. ,_ ,, .. , /crooked; e.g. Rivers Cam, Camon, Camil, (r r \\ J Cambad, Camlin, Cambeck (crooked stream) ; v 1 Kembach, a parish in Fife, so called from the ' • ' V R. Kem or Kame ; Cambusmore (the great creek in Sutherland) ; Cambuscarrig, in Ross, near which a Danish prince (Careg) was buried ; Cambuskenneth (the creek of Kenneth, one of the kings of Scotland) ; Camelon (on the bend of the water), near Falkirk ; Cambuslang (the church or enclosure, lann, on the bending water), in Lanark ; Cambus, in Clackmannan ; Cambusnethan (on the bend of the R. Nethan) ; Campsie, ane Kamsi (the curved water) ; but Camus, a town in Forfarshire, is not from this root, but in memory of a Danish general who was slain in battle near the place ; Camlyn (the crooked pool), in Anglesea ; Cambray or Cambrai, in France, ane Camaracum (on a bend of the Scheldt) ; Chambery, in Savoy, ane Camber- iacum, with the same meaning ; Morecambe Bay (the bend of the sea). 40 CAMPUS— CAPER CAMPUS (Lat.), CAMPO (It., Span., and Port.) CHAMP (Fr.), KAMPF (Ger.), a field or plain ; e.g. Campania, Campagna, Champagne (the { plain or level land) ; Fdchamp, Lat. Campus-fiscii (the field of tribute) ; Chamouni, Lat. Campus-munitus (the fortified field) ; Kempen (at the field) ; Kempten, Lat. Campodunum (the field of the fortress) ; Campvere (the ferry leading to Campen), in Holland ; Campo-beUo, Campo-chiaro, Campo-hermoso (beautiful or fair field) ; Campo-felici (happy or fortunate field) ; Campo- frio (cold field) ; Campo-freddo (cold field) ; Campo-largo (broad field) ; Campillo (little field) ; the Campos (vast plains), in Brazil ; Capua, supposed to be synonymous with Campus. CANNA (Lat. and Grk.), a reed; e.g. Cannae, in Italy; Cannes, in the south of France ; Canneto and Canosa (the reedy place), in Italy. ,„,,.., j^ a sound or strait ; e.g. Caol-Isla, Caol- CAOL (Gadbelic), ) Muileach (the Straits of Isla and MuU) ; the ( Kyles or Straits of Bute ; Eddarachylis (between the straits), in Sutherlandshire. As an adjective, this word means narrow ; e.g. Glenkeel (narrow glen) ; Darykeel (narrow oak grove). a chapel, derived from the Low Lat. capella; e.g. How-capel (the chapel in the hoUow), in Hereford ; Capel-Ddewi (St David's chapel) ; Capel St. Mary and Maria-Kappel (St Mary's chapel) ; Capel-Garmon (St. Germano's chapel) ; Chapelle- au-bois (the chapel in the wood) ; CapeUe-op-den-Yssel (the chapel on the R. Vessel), in Holland ; Kreuzcappel (the chapel with the cross). CAPER (Lat), CHfeVRE (Fr.), fa goat; e.g. Capri, Cap- CAPRA, CABRA (Span., Port, and It), GABHAR, and GOBHAR (Gadhelic), GAFR, or GAVAR (Cym.-Cel.), CAEL, CAPEL (Cel.), KAPELLE (Get), rera, Cabrera (goat island); • Chevreuse, ane Capriosa (the place of goats) ; Chevrj', Chevrifere, Chevre- ville, with the same meaning, in France ; Gateshead, in Co. Durham, Lat. Caprs-caput, perhaps the Latin rendering of the Saxon word (the head of the gat or passage) — the CAR— CARN 41 Pons ALlius of the Romans ; or, according to another mean ing, from the custom of erecting the head of some animal on a post as a tribal emblem. In Ireland, Glengower (the glen ofthe goats), and Glengower, in Scotland ; Ballynagore (goat's town), in Ireland ; Gowrie and Gower, in several counties of Scotland ; Ardgower (goat's height) ; Carnan-. gour (the goat's crag). CAR (Cel.), crooked or bending ; e.g. the Rivers Carron, in several parts of Scotland ; Charente and Charenton, in France ; also the Cher, ane Cams (the winding river). ,_ ,, ,. , f aheap of stones thrown CARN, CAIRN (Gadhelic), ^ CARN (Welsh), CARNEDD, a heap of stones, such as was erected by the ancient Britons over the graves of their great men; e.g. Carn- , jn Brittany Carnmore Ingli (the caim of the EngUsh) ; Carn- ' , ^ • 's r- „.-i rx,,, • r, -v Ti (great cairn) ; Carnock Twrne (the cairn of the turnings). It ^° ' was named from a stupendous monu ment which stood on three - pillars, within a circuit of upright stones. together in a conical form, also a rocky mount ; e.g. Carnac (abounding in cairns), (the hill of the cairn) ; Carntoul, Gael. Carn- t-sabhal (the cairn of the barn) ; Camtaggart (of the priest) ; Camrigh (of the king) ; Cairndow, Cairn- glass, Cairngorm (the black, the gray, the blue moun tains) ; Caiman and Cairnie (little cairn) ; Carnwath (the caim at the ford) ; Carnoustie (the cairn of heroes) ; Cambee (the birch caim), in Scotland. In Ireland : Carn- tochar (the hill of the causeway) ; Carn-Tierno (Tiger- nach's cairn) ; Carnbane (white cairn) ; Carnsore Point, in Irish being simply the carn or monumental heap, ore (a promontory) having been added by the Danes ; Camteel, Irish Carn-t-Siadhal (Shiel's monument). In Wales : Cam-Dafydd (David's cairn) ; Carn-Llewelyn (Llewelyn's cairn) ; Carnfach (little cairn), in Monmouth ; Fettercairn, perhaps the deer's cairn, Gael, feidh (deers) ; Chirnside (the side or site of the cairn), on one of the Lammermuir Hills ; Carnoch (abounding in cairns), a parish in Fife ; Boharm, in Banffshire, ane Bocharin (the bow about the caim). The countries of Carniola and Carinthia probably derived their names from this Celtic root. 42 CARRAIG — CASTEL CARRAIG, CARRICK (Gadhelic), ( ^ '^°*;, ^he words are usually CRAG, or CARREG (Welsh), \ ^PPl'^'^ *° large natural rocks, „.„„.„ ,n • i_s ) more or less elevated. Car- CARRAG (Cornish), I . , -, r- - , ^ ' \ric&. and Camg are the names of numerous districts in Ireland, as well as Carrick in Ayrshire ; Carrigafoyle (the rock of the hole, phoill), in the Shannon ; Carrickaness (of the waterfall) ; Ballynacarrick (the town of the rocks) ; Carrigallen, Irish Carraig-aluinn (the beautiful rock) ; Carrickanoran (the rock of the spring, uaran) ; Carrickfergus (Fergus's rock), where one Fergus was drowned ; Carrick-on-Suir (on the R. Suir) ; Carriga- howly, Irish Carraig-an-chobhlaigh (the rock of the fleet) ; Carrickduff (black rock) ; Carrigeen and Cargan (Httle rock) ; Carragh (rocky ground) ; but Carrick-on-Shannon is not derived from this root — its ancient name was Caradh- droma-ruise (the weir of the marsh ridge) ; Cerrig-y-Druidion (the rock of the Druids), in Wales. CARSE, a term applied in Scotland to low grounds on the banks of rivers ; e.g. the Carse of Gowrie, Falkirk, Stirling, ete CASA (It. and bas Lat.), a house; e.g. Casa-Nova and Casa- Vecchia (new and old house), in Corsica ; Casal, Les Casals, Chaise, Les Chaises (the house and the houses), in France ; Chassepiare (corrupt from Casa-petrea (stone house), in Belgium. CASTEL, CHATEAU, ( words in the Romance languages de- CASTELLO, CASTILLO, } "''^'^ ^""^ *^ ^^^ costellum (a castle). CASTELL (Cym.-Cel.), \Caiseal, m the Irish language, either V cognate with the Lat. word or derived from it, has the same meaning, and is commonly met with in that country under the form of Cashelj e.g. Cashel, in Tipperary ; Cashelfean and Cashelnavean (the fort of the Fenians) ; Caislean-n'h-Oghmaighe, now Omagh (the castle of the beautiful field). It is often changed into the English castle, as in Ballycastle, in Mayo (the town of the fort) ; but Ballycastle, in Antrim, was named from a modem castle, not from a caiseal or fort ; Castle-Dargan (of Lough Dargan) ; Castlebar, Irish Caislea>i-an-B/uxrraigh (the fort of the Barrys) ; Castle-Dillon, Castle-Dermot, and Castle- Kieran were renamed from castles erected near the her mitages of the monks whose names they bear. Castel, CASTEL — CASTER 43 Lat. Castellum (the capital of the Electorate of Hesse- Cassel) ; Castel Rodrigo (Roderick's castle), in Portugal ; Castel- Lamare (by the sea-shore) ; Castel-bianco (white castle) ; Castel del piano (of the plain) ; Castiglione (little castle), in Italy. In France : Castelnau (new castle) ; Castelnaudary, ane Castrum-novum-Arianiorum (the new castle of the Arians, i.e. the Goths) ; Chateaubriant, i.e. Chateau-du-Bryn (the king's castle) ; Chateau-Chinon (the castle decorated with dogs' heads); Chateau- Gontier (Gontier's castle) ; Chateaulin (the castle on the pool) ; Chateau-vilain (ugly castle) ; Chateau-roux, ane Castrum- Rodolphi (Rodolph's castle) ; Chatelandrew (the castle of Andrew of Brittany) ; Chateaumeillant, ane Castrum-Medio- lanum (the castle in the middle of the plain or land, lann) ; Neufchatel (new castle) ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, named from a castle built by Robert, Duke of Normandy, on the site of Monkchester ; Newcastle-under-Line, i.e. under the lyme or boundary of the palatinate of Chester, having its origin in a fortress erected by Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, instead of the old fort of Chesterton ; Castleton, in Man, is the translation of Ballycashel (castle dwelling), founded by one of the kings of the island ; Bewcastle (the castle of Buith, lord of Gilsland) ; Old and New Castile, in Spain, so named from the numerous fortresses erected by Alphonso I. as defences against the Moors. Cassel, in Prussia, and various places with this prefix in England and Scotland, owe the names to ancient castles around which the towns or villages arose, as Castletown of Braemar, Castle- Douglas, Castle -Rising, etc.; Castlecary, in Stirlingshire, supposed to be the Coria Datnnorum of Ptolemy, and the Caer-cere of Nennius ; Barnard Castle, built by Barnard, the grandfather of Baliol ; Castell-Llechryd (the castle at the stone ford), on the banks of the R. Wye,»in Wales; Cestyll-Cynfar (castles in the air). i a fortress, city, town, from the Lat. castrum CASTER, CHESTER, I , r _^. r- j , \ j , , \ rFAQTF^ /• A S \ ^ (a fortified place), and castra (a camp) ; e.g. CEAbiEK ^A.s.), y Caistor, Castor, Chester (the site of a Roman fort or camp). The Welsh still called the city of Chester Caerleon, which means the city called Legio, often used as a proper name for a city where a Roman legion 44 CASTER — CA VAN was stationed ; Doncaster, Lancaster, Brancaster, lUchester, Leicester, Colchester {i.e. the camps on the Rivers Don, Lune, Bran, Ivel, Legre or Leir, Colne) ; Alcester, on the Alne ; Chichester (the fortress of Cissa, the Saxon prince of the province) ; Cirencester, ane Corinium-ceaster (the camp on the R. Churn) ; Exeter, Cel. Caer-Isc (the fortress on the river or water, wysk) ; Towcester, on the R. Towey ; Gloucester, Cel. Caer-glow (the bright fortress) ; Godman- chester (the fort of the priest), where Gothrun, the Dane, in the reign of Alfred, embraced Christianity ; Chesterfield ¦ and Chester-Ie-Street (the camp in the field and the camp on the Roman road, stratum) ; Winchester, Cel. Caer- gwent (the camp on the fair plain), p. 38 ; Dorchester (the camp of the Durotriges (dweUers by the water) ; Wor cester, Hwicwara-ceaster (the camp of the Huiccii) ; Sil- chester, Cel. Caer-Segont (the fort of the Segontii) ; Man chester, probably the camp at Mancenion (the place of tents), its ancient name ; Rochester, Cel. Durobrivae (the ford of the water), A.S. Hrofceaster, probably fi-om a proper name ; Bicester (the fort of Biren, a bishop) ; Alphen, in HoUand, ane Albanium-castra (the camp of Albanius) ; Aubagne, in Provence, ane Casirum-de-Alpibus (the fortress of the Alps) ; Champtoceaux, Lat. Castrum-celsum (lofty fortress) ; St. Chamond, Lat. Castrum-Anemundi (the fortress of Ennemond) ; Chains, Lat. Castrum-Lucius (the fortress by Lucius Capriolus, in the reign of Augustus) ; Passau, in Bavaria, Lat. i?a/aw2'a-Caj-/nj(theBatavians' camp), corrupted first to Paiavium and then to Passau ; La Chartre, Chartre, and Chartres (the place of the camps), in France ; Chartre- sur-Loire, Lat. Carcer-Castellum (the castle prison or strong hold) ; Castril, Castrillo (little fortress) ; Castro-Jeriz (Csesar's camp) ; Ojacastro (the camp on the R. Oja), in Spain. a hollow place, cognate with the Lat. cavea or caz'iisj e.g. Cavan (the hollow), the cap. of Co. Cavan, and many other places from this root in ^ Ireland. Cavan, however, in some parts of Ireland, signifies a round hill, as in Cavanacaw (the round hill of the chaff, catha) ; Ca\-anagh (the hilly place) ; CAVAN, CABHAN (Irish), CAVA, LA (It.), CUEVA (Span.), a cave, COFA (A.S.), a cove. CEALD — CEANN 45 Cavanalick (the hill of the flagstone) ; Covehithe, in Suffolk (the harbour of the recess) ; Runcorn, in Cheshire, i.e. Rum-cofan (the wide cove or inlet) ; Cowes (the coves), in the Isle of Wight ; La Cava, in Naples ; Cuevas-de-Vera (the caves of Vera) ; Cuevas-del-Valle (of the valley), in Spain. . „ . /cold ; e.g. Caldicott, Calthorpe, Calthwaite (cold tc ' \ J dwelling) ; Koudhuizon, Koudaim, with the ^ "-'' \ same meaning ; Caldbeck, Kalbach, Kallenbach KOUD (Dut.), I^^^^j^ stream); Kaltenherberg (cold shelter); Calvorde (cold ford) ; Kaltenkirchen (cold church) ; Colwell (cold well). CEANN (Gadhelic), a head, a point or promontory — in topography kin or ken; e.g. Kinnaird's Head (the point of the high headland) ; Kintyre or Cantire (the head of the land, tir) ; Kenmore (the great point), at the head of Loch Tay ; Kinloch (the head of the lake) ; Kincraigie (of the little rock) ; Kinkell (the head church, cill) ; Kendrochet (bridge end) ; Kinaldie and Kinalty (the head of the dark stream, allt-dubh) ; Kingussie (the head of the fir- wood, guith-saith) ; Kinnaird (the high headland), the name of a parish in Fife and a viUage in Stirling. Kinross may mean the point {ros) at the head of Loch Leven, with reference to the town or with reference to the county, which in early times formed part of the large district caUed the Kingdom of Fife, anciently called Ross; and in this sense it may mean either the head of the promontory or of the wood, both of which are in Celtic ros. The ancient name of Fife, Ross, was changed into Fife in honour of Duff, Earl of Fife, to whom it was granted by Kenneth II., and in 1426 Kinross was separated from it, or, according to Nennius, from Feb, the son of Cruidne, ancestor of the Picts. Kintore (the head of the hill, tor) ; Kinneil, i.e. Ceannfhail (the hfad of the wall), i.e. of Agricola ; Kinell, Kinellar (the head of the knoll) ; King-Edward, corrupt, from Kinedur (the head of the water, dur) ; Kinghorn, from Ceann-cearn (comer head land) — Wester Kinghorn is now Burntisland ; Kingarth, in Bute, i.e. Ceann-garbh (the rough or stormy headland) ; Kinnoul (the head of the rock, ail) ; Kintail (the head of the flood, titil), i.e. of the two salt-water lakes in Ross- 46 CEFN — CERRIG shire ; Boleskine (the summit of the furious cascade, boil cas), i.e. of Foyers, in Inverness-shire ; Kinmundy, in Aber deenshire, corrupt, from Kinmunny (the head of the moss, moine) ; Kinglassie, in Fife, was named after St Glass or Glasianus) ; Kenoway, Gael, ceann-nan-uamh (the head of the den) ; Kent, Lat. Cantium (the country of the Cantii, or dwellers at the headland). In Ireland : Kenmare in Kerry, Kinvarra in Galway, and Kinsale in Cork, mean the head of the sea, i.e. ceann-tnara and ceann-saile (salt water), the highest point reached by the tide ; Kincon (the dog's headland) ; Kinturk (of the boar) ; Slyne Head, in Ireland, is in Irish Ceann-leime (the head of the leap), and Loop Head is Leim-Chonchuillinn (CuchuUin's leap); Cintra, in Portugal, may mean the head of the strand, traigh. CEFN (Cym.-Cel.), a ridge, cognate with the Grk. Kea.Xr], ahead; e.g. the Cevennes, the Cheviots ; Cefn-Llys (palace ridge) ; Cefn-bryn (hill ridge) ; Cefn-coed (wood ridge) ; Cefh-coch (red ridge) ; Cefn-y-Fan (the hill ridge) ; Cefii-Rhestyn (the row of ridges) ; Cefn-cyn-warchan (the watch-tower ridge) ; Cemmaes (the ridge of the plain), in Wales ; Cefalu (on the headland), in Sicily ; Chevin Hill, near Derby ; Chevin (a high cliff), in Yorkshire ; Cephalonia (the island of head- , lands), also called Samos (lofty) ; Cynocephale (the dog's headland), in Thessaly. . . „ . I a ship ; e.g. Keal and Keelby, in Lincoln /-r- i s < (ship station) ; Ceolescumb, Ceoleswyrth, KIELLE (Teut.), ) >, f • / , T- 1 ¦ TI 1 ^ V Ceolseig, and perhaps Kiel, in Denmark ; Chelsea, i.e. Ceolesig, on the Thames. CEORL (A.S.), a husbandman ; e.g. Charlton (the husbandman's dwelling) ; Charlinch (the husbandman's island), formerly insulated. CEOSEL (A.S.), sand, gravel ; e.g. Chesil (the sand-hill), in Dorset; Chiselhurst (the thicket at the sand-bank) ; Chiseldon (sand- hiU) ; Chiselborough (the fort at the sand- bank); Win chelsea, corrupt, from Gwent-ceoselev (the sand-bank on the fair plain, gwent), or, according to another etymology, named after Wincheling, the son of Cissa, the first king of the South Saxons ; Chiswick (sandy bay), on the Thames. CERRIG (Welsh), a heap of stones; e.g. Cerrig-y-Druidion (the CHEF— CILL 47 Druids' stones) ; Cerrig-y-Pryfaed (the crag of the teachers), probably the Druids, in Wales. ,„ , ( a place of merchandise, from CHEP, CHEAP, CHIPPING (Teut.), . ^ , „ i f u ' ' \ A.S. ceapan, Ger. kaufen (to KIOPING, KIOBING, ) u n A -. <-l- ' ' ( buy) ; e.g. Chepstow, Chippen ham, Cheapside (the market-place or town) ; Chipping- N ort on and Chipping-Sodbury (the north and south market- town) ; Chippinghurst (the market at the wood or thicket) ; Copenhagen, Dan. Kioben-havn (the haven for merchan dise) ; Lidkioping (the market-place on the R. Lid) ; Linkioping, ane Longakoptmgar (long market -town), in Sweden ; Arroeskioebing (the market-place in the island of Arroe) ; Nykoping, in Funen, and Nykjobing, in Falster, Denmark (new market-place). The Copeland Islands on the Irish coast (the islands of merchandise), probably used as a storehouse by the Danish invaders ; Copmansthorpe (the village of traders), in Yorkshire ; Nordkoping (north market), in Sweden ; Kaufbeuren (market-place), in Ba varia ; Sydenham, in Kent, formerly Cypenham (market place). CHLUM (Sclav.), a hiU, cognate with the Lat. ctdmen, transposed by the Germans into kulm and sometimes into golm; e.g. Kulm, in W. Prussia (a town on a hiU) ; Kulm, on the R. Saale ; Chlumek, Chlumetz, Golmitz, Golmiiz (the little hiU). ' a cell, a burying-ground, a church ; in Celtic topography, kit or kel; e.g. Kilbride (the cell or church of St. Bridget), frequent in Ireland and Scotland ; Kildonan (of St. Donan) ; Kilkerran (of St Kieran) ; Kilpeter (of St Peter) ; Kilcattan (of St. Chattan) ; Kilmichael, Kil marnock, Kilmarten, Kelpatrick, Kilbrandon (the, churches dedicated to St. Michael, St. Marnock, St. Martin, St. Patrick, St. Brandon) ; Kilmaurs, Kilmorick, Kilmurry (St. Mary's church) ; I Columkil or Iona (the island of Columba's church) ; Kilwinning (St. Vimen's church) ; Kilkenny (of St. Canice) ; Kilbeggan, in Ireland, and Kilbucho, in Peeblesshire (the church of St. Bega) ; Kil-Fillan (of St. FiUan) ; Killaloe, ane Cill-Dalua (the church of St. Dalua) ; CILL (Gadhelic), CELL (Cym.-Cel.), from CELLA (Lat.), and-in the Provence languages, CELLA, CELLULE, CILL — CITTA Killarney, Irish Cill-airneadh (the church of the sloes) — the ancient name of the lake was Lough Leane, from a famous 'artificer who lived oh its shores ; Killin, i.e. Cill- Fhinn (the burying-ground of Finn, which is stiU pointed out) ; Kilmany (the church on the mossy ground, moine) ; Kilmelfort, Cel. Cill-na-maol-phort (the church on the bald haven) ; Kilmore generally means the great church, but Kilmore, Co. Cork, is from Coillmhor (great wood), and in many places in Ireland and Scotland it is difficult to deter mine whether the root of the names is cill or coill; Kildare, from Cill-dara (the cell of the oak blessed by St. Bridget) ; Kilmun, in Argyleshire, is named from St. Munna, one of St. Columba's companions ; Kilrush, Co. Clare (the church of the promontory or of the wood) ; Kells (the ceUs) is the name of several places in Ireland, and of a parish in Dumfries ; but Kells, in Meath and Kilkenny, is a contrac tion of the ancient name Ceann-lios (the head, lis, c^ fort) ; Closeburn, in Dumfries, is a corrupt, of Cella- Osburni (the cell of St. Osbum) ; Bischofzell and AppenzeU (the church of the bishop and of the abbot) ; JNIaria-ZeU (of St. Mary) ; Kupferzell, Jaxt-zell, Zella-am-Hallbach, Zell-am- Harmarsbach (the churches on the rivers Kupfer, Jaxt, Hallbach, and Harmarsbach) ; Zell-am-Moss (the church on the moor) ; Zell-am-See (on the lake) ; Zella St Blasii (of St. Blaise) ; Sabloncieux, in France, ane. Sabloncellis (the cells on the sandy place) ; but in France La Selle and Les Selles are often used instead of cella or cellules, as in Selle-St.-Cloud for Cella-Sanct.-Clotoaldi (the church dedicated to this saint) ; Selle-sur-Nahon, ane Cellula (little church) ; Kilconquhar, in Fife (the church of St Conchobar or Connor) ; Kilbernie, in Ayrshire (the church of Berinus, a bishop) ; Kilspindie (of St. Pensadius) ; Kil- blane and Kilcolmkill, in Kintyre (of St. Blane and St Columba); Kilrenny(of St. Irenaeus); Kilchrenan, in Argyle shire (the burying-place of St. Chrenan, the tutelary saint of the parish). cittX civita (It ) ( ^ ^''y "'^ borough, derived CIUDAD, cidade (Sp. and Port.), ''™''\*f ^''"^''^'JS CIOTAT (Fr ) Littadellaand Civitella (little ^ ''' ( city) ; Citt^ di Castello (cas- CLACH 49 teUated city) ; Cittk-Vecchia (old city), in Malta ; Civita Vecchia (old city), in Central Italy, formerly named Cen- tutn-cellcB (the hundred apartments), from a palace of the Emperor Trajan ; Civita-de-Penn^ (the city of the summit), in Naples ; Cividad-della-Trinidad (the city of the Holy Trinity) ; Ciudad-Rodrigo (Roderick's city) ; Ciudad-Real (royal city) ; Ciudad-de-Gracias (the city of grace), in Spain ; Ciudadella (little city), in Minorca. CLACH, CLOCH, CLOUGH (Gadhelic), a stone ; e.g. Clach-breac (the speckled stone); Clach-an-Oban (the stone of the little bay) ; Clach-na-darrach (the stone of the oak grove) ; Clachach (a stony place). The word clachan, in Scotland, was originally applied to a circle of stones where the Pagan rites of worship were wont to be celebrated ; and, after the introduction of Christianity, houses and churches were erected near these spots, and thus clachan came to mean a hamlet ; and, at the present day, the expression used in asking a person if he is going to church is — " Am bheil- thu'dol do' 71 clachan ?" {i.e. "Are you going to the stones ?") There is the Clachan of Aberfoyle in Perthshire ; and in Blair-Athole there is a large stone called Clach n'iobairt (the stone of sacrifice). In Skye there is Clach-na-h-Annat (the stone of Annat, the goddess of victory) ; and those remarkable Druidical remains, called rocking-stones, are termed in Gaelic Clach-bhraeth (the stone of knowledge), having been apparently used for divination. There are others called Clach-na-greine (the stone of the sun), and Clach-an-t-sagairt (of the priest). The village of Clack mannan was originally Clachan-M annan, i.e. the stone circle or hamlet of the district anciently called Mannan. In Ireland this root-word commonly takes the form of clogh or dough, as in Cloghbally, Cloghvally (stony dwelling) ; Clogher (the stony land) ; Clomony (the stony shrubbery) ; Clorusk (the stony marsh) ; Cloichin, Cloghan, Clogheen (land full of little stones) ; but the word clochan is also applied to stepping-stones across a river, as in Clochan-na- bh Fomharaigh (the stepping-stones of the Fomarians, i.e. the Giant's Causeway) ; Cloghereen (the little stony place) ; Ballycloch and Ballenaclogh (the town of the stones) ; Auchnacloy (the field of the stone) ; Clochfin (the white 50 CLAR—CLUAN stone) ; Clonakilty, corrupt, from Clough-na-Kiltey (the stone house of the O'Keelys). CLAR, CLARAGH (Irish), a board, a plain, a flat piece of land ; Clare is the name of several places in different counties of Ireland, sometimes softened to Clara. County Clare is said to have derived its name from a plank placed across the R. Fergus, at the village of Clare. Ballyclare, Ballin- clare (the town of the plain) ; Clarbane (white plain) ; Clarderry (level oak grove) ; Clarchoill (level wood) ; Clareen (little plain). CLAWDD (Cym.-Cel.), a dyke or embankment ; e.g. Clawdd-Offa (Offa's Dyke). ' , A c N rleofT^rvA clvf ( ^ ^'^^P '^^'^'^ °'' '¦°^^' ^^Ognate with KLIpLtcetfufsSnif V*'^ L"*- ^''^^^ (^ =^°P^)' ^"^^• KLIPPE (Ger. and bcand.), ^ Cleave, Clee (the cliffy ; Clifton (the town on the cliff) ; Clifdon (cliff hill) ; Clifford (the ford near the cUff) ; Hatcliffe and Hockcliffe (high cliff); Cleveland (rocky land), in Yorkshire ; Cleves (the town on the slope), Rhenish Prussia ; Radcliffe (red cliff) ; Silber- klippen (at the silver cliff) ; Homcliff (comer cliff) ; Under- cliff (between the cliff and the sea), in Isle of Wight; Clitheroe (the cliff near the water), in Lancashire ; Lillies- leaf, in Roxburghshire, a corrupt, of Lille's-cliva (the cliff of Lilly or Lille). CLERE (Anglo-Norman), a royal or episcopal residence, some times a manor ; e.g. King's-clere, Co. Hants, so called because the Saxon kings had a palace there ; Burg-dere (where the bishops of Winchester resided), High-clere. CLUAN, CLOON (Gadhelic), a fertile piece of land, surrounded by a bog on one side and water on the other, hence a meadow ; e.g. Clunie, Cluny, Clunes, Clones (the meadow pastures). These fertile pastures, as weU as small islands, were the favourite spots chosen by the monks in Ireland and Scotland as places of retirement, and became event ually the sites of monasteries and abbeys, although at first the names of these meadows, in many instances, had no connection with a religious institution — thus Clones, Co. Monaghan, was Cluain-Eois (the meadow of Eos, probably a Pagan chief), before it became a Christian settlement; Clonard, in Meath, where the celebrated St. Finian had his CNOC—COED 51 school, in the sixth century, was Cluain-Eraird (Erard's meadow). In some instances Clonard may mean the high meadow ; Clonmel (the meadow of honey) ; Clonfert (of the grave) ; Clontarf and Clontarbh (the bull's pasture) ; Clonbeg and Cloneen (little meadow) ; Clonkeen (beautiful meadow) ; Cluainte and Cloonty (the meadows) ; Cloonta- killen (the meadows of the wood) — v. Joyce's Irish Names of Places. CNOC (Gadhelic) ( f ''"°"' ^'"' °^ n^ound ; e.g. Knock, a hill „„,„„ /r- n \ \ \ in Banff; Knockbrack (the spotted knoll) ; KNWC (Cym.-Cel.), ) „ , , ' „ , j t^ , , , ,' ^ ' \ Knockbane, Knockdoo, Knockglass (the white, black, and gray hill) ; Carnock (cairn hill) ; Knockea, Irish Cnoc-Aedha (Hugh's hill) ; Knocklayd, Co. Antrim, i.e. Cnoc-leithid (broad hill) ; Knockan, Knockeen (little hill) ; Knockmoyle (bald hill) ; Knocknagaul (the hill of the strangers) ; Knockrath (of the fort) ; Knockshanbally (of the old town) ; Knocktaggart (of the priest) ; Knocka- tober (of the well) ; Knockalough (of the lake) ; Knockanure (of the yew) ; Knockaderry (of the oak-wood) ; Knockane (little hill), Co. Kerry ; Knockandow (little black hill), Elgin ; Knockreagh, Knockroe, Knockgorm (the gray, red, blue hill) ; KnockacuUion (the hill of the holly) ; Knock- ranny (ferny hill) ; Knockagh (the hilly place) ; Knock- firinne (the hill of truth), a noted fairy hill, Co. Limerick, which serves as a weather-glass to the people of the neigh bouring plains ; Ballynock (the town of the hill) ; Balder nock (the dwelling at the Druid's hill), Co. Stirling ; Knwc-y Dinas (the hill ofthe fortress), in Cardigan. COCH (Cym.-Cel.), red. COED (Cym.-Cel.), COID. This word was variously written Coit, Coat, or Cuit- goed. In Cornwall it is found in Penquite. (the head of the wood) ; Pencoed, with the same meaning, in Wales ; Argoed (upon the wood), in Wales ; Goedmore (great < wood), in Wales ; Coed-Uai a wood ; e.g. Coed - Arthur (Arthur's wood) ; Coedcymmer (the wood of the confluence) ; Catmoss and Chatfnoss (the wood moss) ; Coitmore (great wood) ; Selwood, ane Coitmaur (great wood) ; Catlow (wood hill) ; Cotswold (wood hill), the Saxon wold having been added to the Cel. coed. The 52 COGN— COIRE (short wood) ; Glascoed (green wood), in Wales ; Cal- decot, corrupt, from Cil-y-coed (the woody retreat), in Wales ; Coedglasen, corrupt, from Coed-gleision (green trees). forms of this word in Brittany are Koat or Koad — hence Coetbo, Coetmen, Coetmieux, etc. ; Llw^fd-goed (gray wood), in Wales. COGN (Cel.), the point of a hill between two valleys, or a tongue of land enclosed between two watercourses ; e.g. Cogriat, Cougny, Cognac, Le Coignd, Coigneur, Coigny, etc., in various parts of France — v. Cocheris's Noms de Lieu, Paris. COILL (Gadhelic), a wood — in topography it takes the forms of kel, kil, kelly, killy, and kyle ; e.g. Kellymore, and sometimes Kilmore (the great wood) ; Kelburn, Kelvin, Kellybum, and Keltie (the woody stream) ; Callander, Coille-an-dar (the oak-wood) ; Cuilty, Quilty, Kilty (the woods) ; Kilton (the town in the wood), in Scotland. In Ireland : Kilbowie (yellow wood) ; Kildarroch (the oak-wood) ; Kilcraig (the wood of the rock) ; Kildinny (of the flre) — v. TEINE ; Killiegowan (of the smith) ; Kilgour (of the goats) ; Eden- keille (the face of the wood) ; Kylebrach (the spotted wood) ; Kylenasagart (the priest's wood) ; Kailzie (the woody), a parish in Peebles ; but Kyle, in Ayrshire, is not from this root, but was named after a mythic Cymric king ; Loughill, in Co. Limerick, corrupt, from Leamhchoill (the elm-wood) ; BarnacuUia (the top of the wood), near Dublin ; Culleen and Coiltean (little vvfood) ; Kilclare, ane. Coill-an- chlair (the wood of the plain). COIRE, or CUIRE (Gadhelic), a ravine, a hoUow, a whirlpool ; e.g. Corrie-dow (the dark ravine) ; Corrie-garth (the field at the ravine) ; Corrimony (the hill, monadh, at the ravine) ; Corrielea (the gray ravine) ; Corrie (the hollow), in Dum friesshire ; Corriebeg (the little hollow) ; Corryvrechan whirlpool (Brecan's cauldron) ; Corgarf (the rough hoUow, garbh) ; Corralin (the whirlpool of the cataract) — v. LIN ; Corriebuie (yellow ravine) ; Corryuriskin (of the wild spirit) ; but Cor, in Ireland, generally signifies a round hill, as in Corbeagh (birch hill) ; Corglass (green hill) ; Corkeeran (rowan-tree hill) ; Corog and Correen (little hill) ; while Cora, or Coradh, signifies a weir across a river, as in COL — COMBE 53 Kincora (the head of the weir) ; Kirriemuir, in Forfar, corrupt, from Corriemor (the great hollow) ; Loch Vena- choir, in Perthshire, is the fair hoUow or valley — v. fin, p. 80. COL, COLN (Lat. colonia), a. colony ; e.g. Lincoln, ane Lindum- colonia (the colony at Lindum, the hill fort on the pool, linne) ; Colne (the colony), in Lancashire ; Cologne, Lat. Colonia-Agrippina (the colony), Ger. Koln. The city was founded by the Ubii 37 B.C., and was at first called UbioruTn-oppidum, but a colony being planted there in 50 A.D. by Agrippina, the wife of the Emperor Claudius, it received her name. „„,,.„ „,„, „ //- ji. V N (a confluence, often found as COMAR, CUMAR (Gadhelic), J CYMMER, KEMBER (Cym.-Cel.), ) Cumber or Comber ; e.g. Com ber, Co. Down ; Cefn-coed-y- cymmer (the wood ridge of the confluence), where two branches of the R. Taff meet ; Cumbernauld, in Dumbar ton, Gael. Comar-n-uilt (the meeting of streams, alt). Cumnock, in Ayrshire, may have the same meaning, from Cumar and oich (water), as the streams Lugar and Glas- nock meet near the village ; Comrie, in Perthshire, at the confluence of the streams Earn, Ruchill, and Lednock ; Kemper and Quimper (the confluence), and Quimper-l^ or Kember-leach (the place at the confluence), in Brittany. The words Condate and Conde, in French topography, seem to be cognate with this Celtic root, as in Cond^ in Normandy (at the meeting of two streams) ; Cond^, in Belgium (at the confluence of the Scheldt and Hawe) ; Condate-Rhedorum (the confluence of the Rhedones, a Celtic tribe), now Rennes, in Brittany ; Coucy, ane Condiceactim (at the confluence of the Lette and Oise) ; Congleton, Co. Chester, was formerly Condate. , , _ . /a hollow valley between hillS, a dingle ; \X /- 1 ^ 1 e.g. Colcombe (the valley of the R. CWM, KOMB (Cym.-Cel), < ^*, . ^ ^,, / r i 1V.T tT,s CUM V Gadhelic) ) Coly) ; Cwmneath (of the Neath); *¦ '' ( Compton (the town in the hoUow) ; Gatcombe (the passage through the valley, gat) ; Combs, the hollows in the Mendip hills ; Wycombe (the valley of the Wye) ; Winchcombe (the corner valley) ; Wivelscombe and Addiscombe, probably connected with a personal name ; 54 CONFLUENTES— CORNU Ilfracombe (Elfric's dingle) ; Cwmrydol and Cwmdyli, in Wales (the hollow of the Rivers Rydol and Dyli) ; Cwm- eigian (the productive ridge) ; Cwmgilla (the hazel-wood valley) ; Cwm-Toyddwr (the valley of two waters), near the conf. of the Rivers Wye and Elain in Wales ; Cwm-gloyn (the valley of the brook Gloyn) ; Cwmdu (dark valley) ; Cwm-Barre (the valley of the R. Barre), in Wales ; Combe St. Nicholas, in Somerset and in Cumberland, named for the saint ; Comb-Basset and Comb-Raleigh, named from the proprietors ; Cwm-du (black dingle) ; Cwm-bychan (little dingle), in Wales ; Corscombe (the dingle in the bog). In Ireland : Coomnahoma (the valley of the barley) ; Lackenacoombe (the hillside of the hollow) ; Lake Como, in Italy (in the hollow). CONFLUENTES (Lat.), a flowing together, hence the meeting of waters ; e.g. Coblentz, for Confluejites (at the conf of the Moselle and Rhine) ; Conflans (at the conf. of the Seine and Oise) ; Confluent, a hamlet situated at the conf of the Creuse and Gartempe. COP (Welsh), a summit ; e.g. Cop-yr-Leni (the illviminated hill), so called from the bonfires formerly kindled on the top. a marsh ; e.g. Corse (the marsh); CORCAGH, or CURRAGH (Irish), CORS (Welsh), CAR (Gael.), KER (Scand.), Corston, Corsby, Corsenside (the dwelling or settlement on the marsh) ; Corscombe (marsh dingle), in England. In Ire land : Cork, ane Corcach-?nor-Mumham (the great marsh of Munster) ; Curkeen, Corcaghan (little marsh) ; Curtagh- more (great marsh) ; Currabaha (the marsh of birches). Perhaps Careby and Carton, in Lincoln, part of the Danish district, may be marsh dwelling. CORNU (Lat) (^ ^°^' ^ comer— in topography, KERNE, CERVN(Cym.-Cel.), JfPPiied to headlands; e.g Cometo CEARN (Gael.), ) ('''^ P'^« °" tbe comer), in Italy; V Cornd, Cornay, Corneuil, etc., in France, from this root, or perhaps from Cornus (the cornel cherry-tree) ; Cornwall, Cel. Cernyu, Lat. Cornubice, A.S. Cornwallia (the promontory or corner peopled by the Weales, Welsh, or foreigners) ; Cornuailles, in Brittany, with the COTE— COURT 55 COTE (A.S.), COITE (Gael.), CWT (Welsh), KOTHE (Ger.), same meaning — its Celtic name was Pen-Kernaw (the head of the corner). a hut ; e.g. Cottenham, Cottingham, Coatham (the village of huts) ; Chatham, A.S. Coteham, with the same meaning ; Bramcote (the hut among broom) ; Fencotes (the huts ' in the fen or marsh ; Prescot (priest's hut) ; Sculcoates, in Yorkshire, probably from the personal Scandinavian name Skule; Saltcoats, in Ayrshire (the huts occupied by the makers of salt, a trade formerly carried on to a great extent at that place) ; Kothendorf (the village of huts) ; Hinter- kothen (behind the huts), in Germany. COTE, COTTA (Sansc), a fortress ; e.g. Chicacotta (little fortress) ; Gazacotta (the elephant's fortress) ; Jagarcote (bamboo fort) ; Islamcot (the fort of the true faith, i.e. of Mahomet) ; Noa- cote (new fort) ; Devicotta (God's fortress) ; Palamcotta (the camp fort). A , ,_ , fa side or coast ; e.g. C6te d'Or (the \„'" . _ . < golden coast), a department of France, COSTA (Span, and Port.), ) ^ n j r v r .-i-. n'-^ j ^ '^ '' ( so called from its fertility ; Cotes-du- Nord (the Northern coasts), a department of France ; Costa- Rica (rich coast), a state of Central America. ,, . „ . /a place enclosed, the place occu- COURT (Nor. Fr.), J • j u ' . ^ , ,, CWRT (Cvm -Cel ) ) pied by a sovereign, a lordly ^,/ _ '' J _ . I mansion ; from the Lat. cohors, CORTE (It., Span., and Port.), / , • .. / , j jn ^ ^ r ¦) \ also cors-cortis (an enclosed yard), cognate with the Grk. hortos. The Romans called the castles built by Roman settlers in the provinces cortes or cortem, thence court became a common affix to the names of mansions in England and France — thus Hampton Court and Hunton Court, in England ; Leoncourt, Aubigne-court, Honnecourt (the mansion of Leo, Albinius, and Honulf) ; Aubercourt (of Albert) ; Mirecourt, Lat. Mercurii-curtis, where altars were wont to be dedicated to Mercury. From the diminutives of this word arose Cortiles, Cortina, Corti- cella, Courcelles, etc. The words court, cour, and corte were also used as equivalent to the Lat. curia (the place of assembly for the provincial councils) — thus Corte, in Corsica, where the courts of justice were held ; but Corsica itself derived its name from the Phoenician chorsi (a woody 56 CRAIG— CROES place). The Cortes, in Spain, evidently equivalent to the Lat. curia, gives its name to several towns in that country ; Coire, the capital of the Grisons, in Switzerland, comes from the ane Curia Rhcetiorum (the place where the provincial councils of the Rhastians were held) ; Corbridge, in North umberland, is supposed to take its name from a Roman curia, and perhaps Currie, in East Lothian. CRAIG, CARRAIG, CARRICK (Gadhelic), 1^ ^-^^ ' r-^'^l- ^''^'Sie, CRAir CC C n \ '-''e'ch, Crathie, Gael. ^ ''' ( Cr^o^ac^ (rocky), parishes in Scotland ; Carrick and Carrig, in Ireland (either the rocks or rocky ground) ; Carrick-on-Suir (the rock of the R. Suir) — w. p. 42; Craigengower (the goat's rock) ; Craigendarroch (the rock of the oak-wood) ; Craigdou (black rock) ; Craig- dearg (red rock) ; Craigmore (great rock) ; Craig-Phadric (St. Patrick's rock), in Inverness -shire ; Craignish (the rock of the island), the extremity of which is Ardcraignish ; Craignethan (the rock encircled by the R. Nethan), sup posed to be the archetype of TuUietudlem ; Craigentinny (the little rock of the fire) — v. TElNE ; Criggan (the litde rock). In Wales, Crick-Howel and Crickadam (the rock of Howel and Cadam) ; Criccaeth (the narrow hiU) ; Crick, in Derbyshire ; Creach, in Somerset ; Critch-hiU, Dorset. CREEK (A. S. ), CRECCA, ( ^ ^'"^ , ^.^^ ', 't Cncklade, ane KREEK (Teut), \ Creccagelade {the bay of the stream ; CRIQUE (Fr.) j Crayford (the ford of the creek); ' ^Crique-boeuf, Crique-by, Crique-tot, Crique-villa (the dwelling on the creek) ; Criquiers (the creeks), in France. In America this word signifies a small stream, as Saltcreek, etc. cross, cognate with the Lat CROES, CROG (Cym.-Cel.), CROIS, CROCH (Gadhelic), e.g. Crosby (the dwelling CROD (A.S.), KRYS (Scand.), ^ near the cross); Crossmichael (the KREUTZ (Ger.), CROIX (Fr.), cross of St. Michael's Church) ; Groes-wen for Croes-wen (the blessed cross), in Glamorgan ; Crossthwaite (the forest -clearing at the cross) ; Croxton (cross town) ; Crewe and Crewkerne (the place at the cross) ; Croes-bychan (little cross) ; Kruzstrait (the road at the cross), in Belgium ; Crosscanonby, Crosslee, Crosshill, CROES — CROM 57 places in different parts of Scotland, probably named from the vicinity of some cross ; but Crossgates, Co. Fife, so called from its situation at a spot where roads cross each other. It was usual with the Celts in Ireland, as well as with the Spaniards and Portuguese in America, to mark the place where any providential event had occurred, or where they founded a church or city, by erecting a cross — as in St Croix, Santa-Cruz, and Vera Cruz (the true cross), in South America. In Ireland : Crosserlough (the cross on the lake) ; Crossmolina (O'MuUeeny's cross) ; Aghacross (the fort at the cross) ; Crossard (high cross) ; Crossreagh (gray cross) ; Crossmaglen, Irish Cros-mag-Fhloinn (the cross of Flann's son) ; Crossau, Crossoge, and Crusheen (little cross) ; Oswestry, in Shropshire, ane Croes- Oswalt (the cross on which Oswald, King of Northumberland, was executed by Penda of Mercia). Its Welsh name was Maeshir (long field), by the Saxons rendered Meserfield; Marcross (the cross on the sea-shore), in Glamorgan ; Pen-y-groes, Maen- y-groes, Rhyd-y-croessau (the hill, the stone of the cross, the ford of the crosses), in Wales ; Glencorse, near Edin burgh, for Glencross, so named from a remarkable cross which once stood there ; Corstorphine, in Mid-Lothian, cor rupt from Crostorphin, which might mean the cross of the beautiful hill, torr fioum, or the cross of a person called Torphin. In the reign of James I. the church of Corstor phine became a collegiate foundation, with a provost, four prebendaries, and two singing boys. Croich in Gaelic means a gallows — thus Knockacrochy (gallows hill) ; Raheena- crochy (the little fort of the gallows), in Ireland. CROAGH (Gael.), a hill of a round form — from cruach (a haystack) ; e.g. Croghan, Crohane (the little round hill) ; Ballycroghan (the town of the little hill), in Ireland ; Bencruachan (the stack-shaped hill), in Argyleshire. CROFT (A.S.), an enclosed field; e.g. Crofton (the town on the croft) ; Thomycroft (thorny field). ,„ ,, ... f crooked ; e.g. Cromdale (the winding CROM, CRUM (Gadhehc), ;^ Invemess-shire ; Croome, in CRWM (Cym.-Cel.), I ^^^^^^^^^ . Cromlin, Crimlin (the wind- KRUMM (Ger ), j jjjg gjgj^^ ghlinn), in Ireland ; Krum- CRUMB (A.S.), [bach (the winding brook); Krumau and 58 CRUG— DAIL Krumenau (the winding water or valley) ; Ancrum, a viUage in Roxburghshire, situated at the bend of the R. Alne at its confluence with the Teviot. CRUG (Welsh), a hillock ; e.g. Crughwel (the conspicuous hillock, hywel) ; Crug-y-swUt (the hillock of the treasure), in Wales ; Crickadarn, corrupt, from Crug-eadarn (the strong crag), in Wales. ,,„,,,.. f e.g. CouU, Cults, parishes in Scotland ; \ i..-^ e ic; 1 (-jjijg ^.^ Cul-tir (at the back of the land), CUIL j (the corner), \ . -, , -,¦ A i • i c ..-u • \ ' ^ ¦" ( m Lanarkshire ; Culcaim (of the caira) ; Culmony (at the back of the hill or moss, monadh) ; Culloden foi- Cul-oiter (at the back of the ridge); Culnakyle (at the back of the wood) ; Cultulach (of the hill) ; Culblair (the backlying field) ; Culross (behind the headland), in Scot land. In Ireland : Coolboy (yellow comer) ; Coolderry (at the back or corner of the oak-wood) ; Cooleen, Cooleeny (little corner) ; Coleraine, in Londonderry, as well as Cool- raine, Coolrainy, Coolrahne, Irish Cuil-rathai?i (the comer of ferns) ; Coolgreany (sunny corner) ; Coolnasmear (the corner of the blackberries). CUND (Hindostanee), a country ; e.g. Bundelcund, Rohilcund (the countries of the Bundelas and Rohillas). D DAGH, TAGH (Turc), a mountain ; e.g. Daghestan (the mountainous district) ; Baba-dagh (father or chief mountain) ; Kara-dagh (black mountain) ; Kezel-dagh (red mountain) ; Belur-tagh (the snow-capped mountain) ; Aktagh (white mountain) ; Mustagh (ice mountain) ; Beshtau (the five mountains) ; Tak-Rustan (the mountain of Rustan) ; Tchazr-dagh (tent mountain) ; Ala-dagh (beautiful mountain) ; Bingol-tagh (the mountain of looo wells); Agri-dagh (steep mountain); Takht-i-Suliman (Solomon's mountain). DAIL (Gadhelic), DOL (Cym.-Cel.), DAHL (Scand.), THAL (Ger.), DOL (Sclav.), a valley, sometimes a field, English dale or dell, and often joined to the name of the river which flows through the district ; e.g. Clydes dale, Teviotdale, Nithsdale, Liddesdale, Dove- dale, Arundel, Dryfesdale, corrupt, to Drys- dale (the valley of the Clyde, Te\'iot, Nith, DAIL 59 Liddel, Dove, Amn, Dryfe) ; Rochdale, on the Roch, an affluent of the Trivell ; Dalmellington (the town in the valley of the mill). It is to be noted that in places named by the Teut. and Scand. races, this root- word, as well as others, is placed after the adjective or defining word ; while by the Celtic races it is placed first. Thus, in Scandinavia, and in localities of Great Britain where the Danes and Norsemen had settle ments, we have — Romsdalen and Vaerdal, the valleys of the Raumer and Vaer, in Norway ; Langenthal, on the R. Langent, in Switzerland ; Rydal (rye valley), West moreland ; Laugdalr (the valley of warm springs), Iceland. In districts again peopled by the Saxons, Avondale, Annan- dale (the valleys of the Avon and Annan). This is the general rule, although there are exceptions — Rosenthal (the valley of roses) ; Inn-thai (of the R. Inn) ; Freuden- thal (of joy) ; Fromenthal (wheat valley) ; Grunthal (green valley). In Gaelic, Irish, and Welsh names, on the contrary, dai precedes the defining word ; e.g. Dairy and Dalrigh (king's level field) ; Dalbeth and Dalbeathie (the field of birches) ; Dalginross (the field at the head of the promontory or wood) ; Dalness and Dallas (the field of the cascade, cas) ; Dalserf (of St. Serf) ; Dailly, in Ayr shire, ane Dalmaolkeran (the field of the servant, maol, of St. Kiaran) ; Dalrymple (the valley of the rumbling pool, ruaemleagh) ; Dalgarnock (of the rough hillock) ; Dalhousie (the field at the comer of the water, i.e. oi the Esk) ; Dalwhinnie (the field of the meeting, coinneach) ; Dalziel (beautiful field, geal) ; Dalguise (of the fir-trees, giuthas) ; Dalnaspittal (the field of the spideal, i.e. the house of enter tainment) ; Dalnacheaich (of the stone) ; Dalnacraoibhe (of the tree) ; Dalbowie (yellow field). DoUar, in Clack mannan, may be from this root, although there is a tradition that it took its name from a castle in the parish called Castle-Gloom, Gael, doillair (dark) ; Deal or Dole (the valley in Kent) ; Dol and Dole, in Brittany, with the same meaning ; Doldrewin (the valley of the Druidical circles in Wales) ; Dolquan (the owl's meadow) ; Dolau-Cothi (the meadows of the River Cothi) ; Dolgelly (the grove of hazels) ; Dalkeith (the narrow valley, caeth) ; Codale 6o DAL — DAN (cow field) ; Grisdale (swine field) ; Gasdale (goosefield) ; Balderdale, Silverdale, Uldale, Ennerdale, Ransdale (from the personal names, Balder, Solvar, Ulf, Einer, Hrani) ; Brachendale (the valley of ferns) ; Berrydale, in Caithness, corrupt from Old Norse, Berudalr (the valley of the pro ductive wood) ; Dalecarlia, called by the Swedes Dahlena (the valleys) ; Dieppedal (deep valley) ; Stendal (stony valley) ; Oundle, in Northampton, corrupt firom Avondle; Kendal or Kirkby-Kendal (the church town in the vaUey of the R. Ken) ; Dolgelly (the valley of the grove), in Wales ; Dolsk or Dolzig (the town in the valley), in Posen ; Dolzen, in Bohemia ; Bartondale (the dale of the enclosure for the gathered crops), in Yorkshire ; Dalarossie, in Inverness, corrupt, from Dalfergussie, Fergus'dale ; Dalriada, in Ulster, named from a king of the Milesian race, named Cairbe-Raida, who settled there. His descendants gradu ally emigrated to Albin, which from them was afterwards called Scotland ; and that part of Argyleshire where they landed they also named Dalriada. The three brothers, Fergus, Sorn, and Anghus, came to Argyleshire in 503 A.D. Toul and Toulouse, situated in valleys, probably were named from the same root-word ; Toulouse was anciently called Civitas-Tolosatium (the city of the valley dwellers, dol-saetas). a part, a district ; e.g. Kalthusertheil (the district of the cold houses) ; Kerckdorfer- theil (the district of the village church) ; Baradeel (the barren district), in Germany and Holland. This word, rather than dail, may be the root of Dalriada ; see above. DALEJ (Sclav.), far ; e.g. Daliz, Dalchow, Dalichow (the distant place). DAMM (Teut.), an embankment, a dyke ; e.g. Rotterdam, Amster dam, Saardam, properly Zaandam (the embankment on the Rivers Rotte, Amstel, and Zaan) ; Schiedam, on the R. Schie ; Leerdam (the embankment on the field, lar) ; Veendam (on the marsh, vccn) ; Damm (the embankment), a town in Prussia ; Neudamm (the new dyke) ; Damm- ducht (the embankment of the trench). DAN, in topography, signifies belonging to the Danes ; e.g. Dane- DAL, or GED EL (A.S.), DEEL (Dutch), THEIL (Ger.), DAL (Irish), DAR 6i lagh (that portion of England which the Danes held after their treaty with Alfred) ; Danby, Danesbury (the Danes' dwellings) ; Danesbanks, Danesgraves, Danesford, in Salop, where the Danes are believed to have wintered in 896 ; Danshalt, in Fife, where they are said to have halted after their defeat at Falkland ; Danthorpe, Denton (Danes' town) ; Denshanger (Danes' hill or declivity) ; Dantzic (the Danish fort, built by a Danish colony in the reign of Waldemar II.) ; Tennstedt, in Saxony, corrupt, from Dan- nenstedi (the Danes' station) ; Cruden, in Aberdeenshire, ane Cruor-Danorum (the slaughter of the Danes on the site of the last battle between the Celts and the Danes, which took place in the parish 1012). The Danish king fell in this battle, and was buried in the churchyard of Cruden. For centuries the ErroU family received an annual pension from the Danish Government for taking care of the grave at Cruden, but after the grave had been dese crated this pension was discontinued. ... (a dwelling, camp, or district ; e.g. DAR, DERA, DEIR (Ar.), 1 „ i i, ¦ /^u i a- . ¦ \\ ¦ ' ' \ Dar-el-hajar (the rocky district), in DEH (Pers.), y ggyp^. . j-jarfui- (the district of the Foor or Foorians, or the deer country), in Central Africa ; Dera-Fati-Khan, Dera-Ghazi-Khan, Dera-Ismail-Khan {i.e. the camps of these three chiefs, in the Derajat, or camp district) ; Deir (the monk's dwelling), in Syria ; Diarbekr (the dweUings or tents of Bekr) ; Dehi-Dervishan (the villages of the dervishes) ; Deh-haji (the pilgrims' village) ; Dekkergan (the village of wolves) ; Deir-Antonius (St. Anthony's monastery), in Egypt ; Buyukdereh (Turc. the great district on the Bosphorus). ,_ „ , , C an oak, cognate with the DAR, DERO DERYN (Cym.-Cel.), j ^^^ ^^^^_ ^^^ g^^^^_ ^^^^ DAIR (Gadhehc), I ^^.^^^ ^^ j^.^^^ Gadhelic, an oak-wood. Anglicised derry, darach, or dara, the gen. of dair; e.g. Daragh (a place abounding in oaks) ; Adare, i.e. Athdara (the ford of the oak) ; Derry, now Londonderry, was originally Daire-Calgaigh (the oak-wood of Galgacus, Latinised form of Calgaigh). In 546, when St Columba erected his monastery there, it became Derry-Columkille (the oak-wood of Columba's Church) ; in the reign of James 62 DEICH— DEN I., by a charter granted to the London merchants, it obtained its present name ; Derry-fad (the long oak-wood) ; Derry-na- hinch (of the island, innis) ; Dairbhre or Darrery (the oak forest), the Irish name for the Island of Valentia ; Derry- allen (beautiful wood) ; Derrybane and Derrybawn (white oak-wood) ; Derrylane (broad oak-wood) ; Durrow, Irish Dairmagh, and Latinised Robereticampus (the plain of the oaks) ; New and Old Deer (the oak-wood), in Aberdeenshire, was a monastery erected in early times by St. Columba, and given by him to St. Drostan. The old monastery was situated near a wooded hill, still caUed Aikie-Brae (oak hill), and a fair was held annually in the neighbourhood, caWe&Mercatus querceti (the oak market) — v. Book of Deer, p. 48 ; Craigendarroch (the crag of the oak-wood); Dar- nock, or Darnick (the oak hillock), in Roxburghshire ; Dry burgh, corrupt, from Darach-bruach (the bank of oaks) ; Dori, the name of a round hill covered with oak-trees, in Wales ; Darowen (Owen's oak-wood), in Wales. DEICH, DYK (Teut.), a dyke or entrenchment. These dykes were vast earthen ramparts constructed by the Anglo-Saxons to serve as boundaries between hostile tribes ; e.g. Hoomdyk (the dyke at the corner) ; Grondick (green dyke) ; Wansdyke (Woden's dyke) ; Grimsdyke and Offa's dyke (named after the chiefs Grim and Offa) ; Houndsditch (the dog's dyke) ; Ditton, Dixton (towns enclosed by a dyke) ; Zaadik, in Hol land, (the dyke) on the R. Zaad. Cartsdike, a viUage in Ren frewshire separated from Greenock bythe bum Cart. Besides Grimesdyke (the name for the wall of Antoninus, from the R. Forth to the Clyde), there is a Grimsditch in Cheshire DELF (Teut.), a canal, from delfan (to dig) ; e.g. Delft, a town in Holland, intersected by canals ; Delfshaven (the canal harbour) ; Delfbriike (canal bridge). DEN, DEAN (Saxon), a deep, wooded valley. This word is traced by Leo and others to the Celtic dion (protection, shelter) ; e.g. Dibden (deep hollow) ; Hazeldean (the valley of hazels) ; Bowden or Bothanden (St Bothan's \-alley), in Roxburghshire ; Tenterden, ane Theintoardcn (the guarded valley of the thane or nobleman), in Kent ; Howden (the haugr or mound (in the wiUey), in Yorkshire ; Howdon, with the same meaning, in Northumberland ; Otterden (the DEOR— DEUTSCH 63 otter's valley) ; Stagsden (of the stag) ; Micheldean (great valley) ; Rottingdean (the valley of Hrotan, a chief) ; Croxden (the valley of the cross). DEOR CA S ) ( ^ ^^^ animal — English, a deer ; e.g. Deerhurst DYR (Scand ) J (deer's thicket) ; Durham, in Gloucester (the T^TTTT^-T. ir^ \ 1 dwelling of wild animals). For Durham on the ; brook ,p ¦/' j dwelling of wild animals). For Durham on \ •/' (^Wear, v. holm. Tierbach, Tierhage (the brc and the enclosure of wild animals). DESERT, or DISERT, a term borrowed from the Lat. desertum, and applied by the Celts to the names of sequestered places chosen by the monks for devotion and retirement ; Dyserth, in North Wales, and Dyzard, in Cornwall ; e.g. Dysart, in Fife, formerly connected with the monastery of Culross, or Kirkcaldy— near Dysart is the cave of St. Serf ; Dysertmore (the great desert), in Co. Kilkenny ; Desertmartin in Londonderry, Desertserges in Cork (the retreats of St. Martin and St. Sergius). In Ireland the word is often corrupted to Ester or Isert — as in Isertkelly (Kelly's re treat) ; Isertkeeran (St. Ciaran's retreat). DEUTSCH (Ger.), from thiod, the people, a prefix used in Germany to distinguish any district or place from a foreign settlement of the same name. In Sclavonic districts it is opposed to the word Katholic, in connection with the form of religion practised by their inhabitants — as in Deutsch-hanmer (the Protestant village, opposed to Katholic-hanmer, belonging to the Catholic or Greek Church). In other cases it is opposed to Walsch (foreign — v. walsch), as in Deutsch- steinach and Walsh-steinach (the German and foreign towns on the Steinach, or stony water). The Romans employed the word Germania for Deutsch, which Professor Leo traces to a Celtic root gair-mean (one who cries out or shouts) ; e.g. Deutschen, in the Tyrol ; Deutz, in Rhenish Prussia ; Deutschendorf, in Hungary ; Deutschenhausen, in Moravia, i.e. the dwellings of the Germans. The earliest name by which the Germans designated themselves seems to have been Tungri (the speakers). It was not till the seventeenth century that the word Dutch was restricted to the Low Germans. The French name for Germany is modernised from the Alemanni (a mixed race, and probably means other men, ox foreigners). 64 D IE P— DIOT ^„„ „„„ .T^.,,. V ( deep ; e.g Deeping, Dibden, Dibdale (deep DiEP, TiEF { I eut.;, J valley) ; Deptford (deep ford) ; Market- DWFN (Cym.-Cel.), ), ¦ ui. ^ .. f ¦ ..\. i ^ ' \ deeping (the market-town in the low meadow) ; Devonshire, Cel. Dwfnient (the deep valleys) ; Diepholz (deep wood) ; Dieppe, Scand. Duipa (the deep water), the name of the river upon which it was built ; Abraham's diep (Abraham's hollow), in Holland ; Diepen- beck (deep brook) ; Tiefenthal and Tiefengrund (deep valley) ; Teupitz (the deep water), a town in Prussia on a lake of this name ; Defynock (a deep valley), in Wales. DINAS, or DIN (Cym.-Cel.), a fortified height, a city, cognate with the Gadhelic dun; e.g. Dinmore (the great fort), in Hereford ; Dynevor, ane Dinasfawr (great fortress), in Carmarthen ; Denbigh, Welsh i?z«-i5acA (littlefort) ; Ruthin, in Co. Denbigh, corrupt, from Rhudd-din (red castle) ; Dinas Bran, a moun tain and castle in Wales named after an ancient king named Bran-Dinas-Powys, corrupt from Denes Powys, a mansion built by the Prince of Powys in honour of the lady whom he had married, whose name was Denis ; Hawarden, i.e. fixed on a hill, den, in Flint ; its ancient name was Penarth- Halawig (the headland above the salt marsh) ; Dinefwr (the fenced hill), an ancient castle in the vale of the R. Tywy ; Tenby (Dane's dweUing) — v. DAN ; Welsh Denbych-y-Pysod, i.e. of the fishes — to distinguish from its namesake in North Wales ; Tintern, corrupt, from Din-Tcym (the king's mount), in Wales ; Dinan in France ; Dinant in Belgium (the fortress on the water) ; Digne, ane Dinia-Bodionticarium (the fort of the Bodiontici), in France ; London, ane Londinum (the fort on the marsh — ton, or perhaps on the grove — llwyn). Din sometimes takes the form of tin, as in Tintagel (St. Degla's fort), in Cornwall ; Tintern (the fort, di?i, of the prince, Welsh teyrn), in Monmouth. DINKEL (Ger.), a kind of grain ; e.g. Dinkelburg, Dinkelstadt, Dinkellage, Dinklar, Dinkelsbuhl (the town, place, field, site, hill, where this grain abounded). DIOT, or THEOD (Teut.), the people ; e.g. Thetford, corrupt, from Theotford {the. people's ford) ; Detmold, corrupt, from Theot- malli (the people's place of meeting) ; Diotweg (the people's highway) ; Dettweiller (the town of the Diet, or people's DIVA — DONK 65 meeting) ; Ditmarsh, ane Thiedmarsi (the people's marsh) ; Dettingen (belonging to the people) — v. ing. DIVA, or DWIPA (Sansc), an island ; e.g. the Maldives {i.e. the 1000 islands); the Laccadives (the 10,000 islands); Java or Yava-dwipa (the island of rice, jawa, or of nutmegs, jayaK) ; Socotra or Dwipa-Sukadara (the island of bliss) ; Ceylon or Sanhala-Dwipa (the island of lions), but called by the natives Lanka (the resplendent), and by the Arabs Seren-dib (silk island) ; Dondrahead, corrupt, from Dewan- dere (the end ofthe island), in Ceylon. DLAUHY, DLUGY (Sclav.), long, Germanised dolge; e.g. Dlugen- most (long bridge) ; Dolgenbrodt (long ford) ; Dolgensee (long lake) ; Dolgen, Dolgow, Dolgenow (long place). DOBRO, DOBRA (Sclav.), good ; e.g. Great and Little Dobern, Dobra, Dobrau, Dobrawitz, Dobretzee, Dobrezin (good place) ; Dobberstroh (good pasture) ; Dobberbus (good village) ; Dobrutscha (good land), part of Bulgaria ; Dober- gast (good inn). DODD (Scand.), a hiU with a round top ; e.g. Dodd-FeU (the round rock), in Cumberland ; Dodmaen (the round stone), in Cornwall, popularly called Dead Man's Point. dom (Get), a cathedral, and, in French topography, a house, from the Lat. domus; e.g. Dom, in Westphalia ; Domfront (the dweUing of Front, a hermit) ; Dompierre (Peter's house or church) ; Domblain (of St. Blaine) ; Domleger (of St. Leger) ; Dongermain (of St Germanus), in France ; but the word domhnach, in Ireland {i.e. a church), has another derivation. This word, AngUcised donagh, signifies Sunday as well as church, from the Lat. Dominica (the Lord's day) ; and all the churches with this prefix to their names were originally founded by St. Patrick, and the foundations were laid on Sunday ; e.g. Donaghmore (great church) ; Don- aghedy, in Tyrone (St. Caidoc's church) ; Don%ghanie, i.e. Dotnnach-an-eich (the church of the steed) ; Donaghmoyne (of the plain) ; Donaghcloney (of the meadow) ; Donagh- cumper (ofthe confluence); Donnybrook (St. Broc's church). I a mound surrounded by a marsh ; e.g. Dong- ""^"^Vni^f r' \ ^eir (the mound of the weir) ; Dunkhof (the DONG (Old Ger.), I gnclosure at the mound); Dongen (the dwelUng at the mound) ; Hasedonk (the mound of the brushwood). 66 DORF—DROICHEAD DORF, DORP, DRUP (Teut), a village or small town, originally applied to any small assembly of people ; e.g. Altendorf, Qldendorf (old town) ; Sommerstorf (summer town); Baiars- dorf (the town of the Boii, or Bavarians) ; Gastdorf (the town of the inn, or for guests) ; Dusseldorf, Meldorf, Ohr- druff, Vilsendorf (towns of the Rivers Dussel, Miele, Ohr, and Vils) ; Jagersdorf (huntsman's village) ; Nussdorf (nut village) ; Mattersdorf and Matschdorf, Ritzendorf, Otters- dorf (the towns of Matthew, Richard, and Otho) ; Lindorf (the village at the linden-tree) ; Sandrup (sandy village) ; Dorfheim, Dorpam (viUage home). the thorn ; e.g. Domburg, Dom- DORN (Get), DOORN (Dutch) THYRN (A.S.), DRAENEN (Cym.-Cel.), DRAEIGHEN (Gadhelic), heim or Domum, Domburen, Thornton (thorn dwelling); Doom, the name of several places in the Dutch colony. South Africa; Dom^ berg and Doomhoek (thorn hill) ; Domach (fuU of thorns) ; but Dornoch, in Sutherlandshire, is not from this root ; it is said to be derived from the Gael, dorneich, in aUusion to a certain Danish leader having been slain at the place by a blow from a horse's hoof Thomhill, Thornbury, viUage names in England and Scotland ; Thomey (thorn island) ; Thome, a town in Yorkshire ; Yr Ddreinog, Welsh (the thorny place), a hamlet in Anglesey ; but Thorn, a town in Prussia — Polish Torun — is probably derived from a cognate word for torres, a tower. In Ireland : Dreen, Drinan, Dreenagh, Drinney (places producing the black thom). DRECHT (Old Get), for ttift, meadow pasture ; e.g. Moordrecht, Zwyndrecht, Papendrecht, Ossendrecht (the moor, swine, oxen pasture, and the priest's meadow) ; Dort or Dordrecht (the pasture on the water), situated in an island formed by the Maas ; Maestricht, Latinised into Trajectus-ad-Moesum (the pasture or ford on the Maas or Meuse) ; Utrecht, Latinised Trajectus-ad-Rhenum (the ford or pasture on the Rhine), or Ultra-trajectum (beyond the ford). DRIESCH (Ger.), fallow ground ; e.g. Driesch and Dresche, in Oldenburg ; Driesfelt (faUow field) ; Bockendriesch (the fallow ground at the beech-trees). DROICHEAD (Gadhelic), a bridge ; e.g. Drogheda, ane Droichead- atha (the bridge at the ford) ; Ballydrehid (bridge town) ; DROOG — DU 67 Knockadreet (the hill of the bridge) ; Drumadrehid (the ridge at the bridge) ; Kildrought (the church at the bridge), in Ireland ; Ceann-Drochaid (bridge end), the Gaelic name for the Castleton of Braemar. DROOG, or DURGA (Sansc), a hiU fort; e.g. Savendroog (golden fort) ; Viziadroog (the fort of victory) ; Chitteldroog (spotted fort) ; CaUiendroog (flourishing fort) ; Sindeedroog (the fort of the sun). DROWO, or DRZEWO (Sclav.), f ;^°°'^' "^^ ^ ^"""^^^ ' ^f"' ^'^}'- DRU(Sanse),TRiu(Goth.),atree, Uf\ ^''Tf '^' °T"x' ^ ' \ /; T \^ Drohobicz (the woodyplace); Drewiz; Drehnow, Drehna, with the same meaning ; Mis- droi (in the midst of woods). DRUlM, DROM (Gadhelic), a ridge, from droma, the back-bone of an animal, cognate with the Lat. dorsum; e.g. Drumard (high ridge) ; Dromeen, Drumeen, Drymen (little ridge) ; Dromore (great ridge) ; Dromagh and Drumagh (full of ridges) ; Dromineer, Co. Tipperary, and Drumminer in Aberdeenshire (the ridge of the confluence, inbhir) ; Augh- rim, Irish Each-dhruim (the horses' ridge) ; Leitrim, i.e. Liath-dhruim (gray ridge) ; Dromanure (the ridge of the yew-tree) ; Drumderg (red ridge) ; Drumlane (broad ridge) ; Drumcliff, i.e. Druim.-chluibh (the ridge of the baskets) ; Drummond, common in Ireland and Scotland, corrupt. from drumen (little ridge). In Scotland there are Drumoak (the ridge of St Mozola, a virgin) — in Aberdeenshire it was originally Dalmaile (the valley of Mozola) ; Meldrum- Old (bald ridge), in Aberdeenshire ; Drem (the ridge in East Lothian) ; Drumalbin, Lat. Dorsum-Britanniae (the back-bone or ridge of Scotland) ; Drummelzier, formerly Dunm,eller (the fort of Meldredus, who, according to tra dition, slew Merlin, whose grave is shown in the parish) ; Dmmblate (the warm ridge, or the flowery ridge) ; Drum- cliff, Co. Sligo, i.e. Druimcliabh (the ridge of the baskets). DRWS (Welsh), a door or pass ; e.g. Drws-y-coed (the pass of the wood) ; Drws-y-nant (of the valley) ; Drws-Ardudwy (of the black water). ,p p . , f black ; e.g. Ddulas, a river in Wales ; Douglas, °;, ^^^'"V^ ,<' . I in Scotland (the black stream) ; Dubyn (the DUBH (Gadhehc), I ^j^^j^j^^^^/ 68 DUB— DUN DUB (Sclav.), the oak ; e.g. Dubicza, Dubrau, Diiben, Dubrow (the place of oak-trees) ; Teupliz, corrupt, from Dublize, with the same meaning ; Dobojze, Germanised into Dauben^ dorf (oak village) ; Dubrawice (oak village) ; Dubrawka (oak wood), Germanised Eichenwaldchen, a colony from Dubrow. In Poland this word takes the form of Dom- browo, Dombroka. DUN (Gadhelic), a stronghold, a hill fort, cognate with the Welsh din. As an adjective, dun or don means strong, as in Dunluce, i.e. dun-lios (strong fort) ; Duncladh (strong dyke). As a verb, it signifies what is closed or shut in, dunadh, with the same meaning as the Teut. tun, as in Corra-dhunta (the closed weir). Its fuU signification, therefore, is a strong enclosed place, and the name was accordingly applied in old times to forts surrounded by several circumvallations, the remains of which are stiU found in Ireland and Scotland. Many such places are caUed simply doon or down; e.g. Doune Castle, in Perthshire ; Down- Patrick, named from an entrenched dun near the cathedral ; Down and the Downs, King's Co. and West Meath ; Dooneen and Downing (little fort) ; Dundalk, i.e. Dtm- Dealgan (Delga's fort) ; Dundonald (the fort of Domhnall) ; Dungannon (Geanan's fort) ; Dungarvan (Garvan's fort) ; Dunleary (Laeghaire's fort), now Kingston ; Dunhill and Dunally, for Dun-aille (the fort on the chff) ; Downamona (of the bog) ; Shandon (old fort) ; Doonard (high fort) ; and many others in Ireland. In Scotland : Dumbarton (the hill fort of the Britons or Cumbrians) ; Dumfries (the fort among shrubs, preas, or of the Feresians, Ccter Pheris) — v. Dr. Skene's Book of Wales; Dunbar (fhe fort on the summit, or of Barr, a chief) ; Dunblane (of St Blane) ; Dundee, Lat. Tao-dunum, probably for Dun- Tatha (the fort on the Tay) ; Dunedin, or Edinburgh (Edwin's fort), so named by a prince of Northumberland in 628 — its earlier names were Duntnonudh (the fort ofthe hill), or in Welsh Dinas-Agned (the city of the painted people), and the Castrum- A latum of Ptolemy. The Pict ish maidens of the royal race were kept in Edinburgh Castle, hence it was also called Castrum-Puellarum; Dun ottar (the fort on the reef, oitcr) ; Dunfermline (the fort of DUNE 69 the alder-tree pool, or of the winding pool) ; Dundrennan (the fort of the thorn bushes) ; Dunlop (the fortified hill at the angle of the stream, tub) ; Dunkeld, ane Duncalden (the fort of hazels) ; Dunbeath (of the birches) ; Dunrobin (Robert's fortress), founded by Robert, Earl of Sutherland ; Dunure (of the yew-trees) ; Dunnichen, i.e. Dunn-Nechtan (of Nechtan, a Pictish king) ; Dunsyre (the prophet's hill or fort) ; Donegall, Irish Dungall {i.e. the fort of the strangers, the Danes) ; Lexdon, in Essex, Lat. Legionis- dunum (the fort of the legion) ; Leyden, in Holland, Lat. Lugdunum-Batavorum (the fortress of the Batavians, in the hollow, lug) ; Lyons, ane Lugdunum (the fort in the hollow) ; Maldon, in Essex, ane Camelodunum (the fort of the Celtic war-god Camal) ; Melun, ane Melodunum (bald fort, fnaol), in France ; Nevers, Lat. Noviodunum (new fort), in France ; Thuin, in Belgium, and Thun, in Switzer land {dun, the hill fort) ; Yverdun, ane Ebrodunum (the fort on the water, bior) ; Kempten, in Germany, ane Campodunum (the fort in the field) ; Issoudun (the fort on the water, uisge) ; Emden (the fort on the R. Ems) ; Dijon, ane Dibisdunum (the fort on two waters), at the conf of the Ouche and Suzon ; Mehun, Meudon, and Meuny, in France (the fort on the plain), Lat. Magdunum ; Verdun, ane Verodunum (the fort on the water, bior), on the R. Meuse, in France ; Verden, in Hanover, on the R. AUer, with the same meaning; Autun, corrupt, from Augustodunum (the fortress of Augustus) ; Wimbledon, in Surrey, ane Wibbandun (from an ancient proprietor, Wibba); Sion, in Switzerland, Ger. Sitten, corrupt, from its ancient Celtic name Suidh-dunum (the seat of the hiU fort). From Daingeann (a fortress) are derived such names as Dangen and Dingen, in Ireland ; also Dingle, in its earlier form Daingean-ui-Chuis (the fort of O'Cush or Hussey) ; it re ceived its present name in the- reign of Elizabeth ; Ballen- dine and Ballendaggan (the town of the fort) ; Dangan was also the ancient name of Philipstown. , , „ , (a grassy hiU or mound; e.g. the Downs, DUNE, or DOWN (A.S.), I ;^ ^j^^ ^^^^j^ ^^ England ; the Dunes, DUN (Cel.), y jj^ Flanders ; Halidon Hill (the holy hill) ; Dunham, Dunwick, and Dutton, originally Dunton 70 D UR—D YFFR YN (hill town) ; Croydon (chalk hiU) ; Dunkirk, in Flanders (the church on the dunes) ; Snowdon (snowy hill), in Wales ; its Welsh name is Creigiawr (the eagle's rock), eryr (an eagle) ; Dunse, a town in Berwickshire, now Duns, near a hill of the same name ; the Eildon Hills, in Roxburgh shire, corrupt, from Moeldun (the bald hiU) ; Eddertoun, in Ross-shire (between the hills or dunes). ,r-. ji 1- V /water; e.g. Dour, Douro, Dore, DUR, or DOBHR (Gadhelic), t „ • '„fL t-, a j t-. ,\ n ,i ) Duir, THUR, Doro, Adour, Durance, DWFR, or DWR (Cym.-Cel.), < „ /¦ \ ,-1 j / ' ^ •' \ Duron (river names); Glasdur(green ^ •'' (^ water) ; Calder, ane Caldover {woodty water) ; Derwent (bright or clear water) ; Lauder (the gray water) ; Ledder and Leader (the broad water) ; Dorking, Co. Surrey, ane Durchinges, or more correctly, Durvicingas (dwellers by the water — wician, to dweU) ; Briare, on the Loire, ane Briva-durum (the town on the brink of the water, probably Dover, from this root) ; Dorchester (the fortress of the Durotriges — dwellers by the water), ttigo, Cym.-Cel. (to dwell), called by Leland Hydropolis ; Rother (the red river) ; Cawdor, ane Kaledor (woody water). DtJRRE (Ger ) ( '^*'^' ^'®"^® ' ^¦•^" Diirrenstein (the barren /T^ IL^ I rock); Diirrental (the barren vaUey) ; Diirr- DROOG (Dutch), I ,y ,,, J ^, -, A\ A u ^ { wald (the dry or sterile wood) ; Droogberg (the barren hill) ; Drupach (dry brook). DWOR (Sclav ) ^ ^ ^°°"' °^ opening, an open court ; e.g. Dvoretz .. /p s ' (the town at the opening), in Russia; Dwarka _ . - /p jv -i (the court or gate), Hindostan; Hurdwar (the A ', court of Hurry or Siva), called also Gawfa^'z^'ara ¦'' L(the opening of the Ganges), in Hindostan; Issoire, ane Issiodorum (the town at door or meeting of the waters, uisge), a town in France at the conf of the AUier and Couze ; Durrisdeer, Gael. Dorus-darach (at the opening of the oak-wood), in Dumfriesshire ; Lindores, in Fife, ane Lindoruis (at the outlet of the waters), on a lake of the same name which communicates by a small stream with the Tay. DYFFRYN (Welsh), a river valley ; e.g. Dyffryn-Clydach, Dyffryn- Gwy, in the valleys of the R. Clwyd and Gwy, in Wales ; Dyffryn-golych (the vale of worship), in Glamorgan. EA (A.S.), EY, AY, EGE or EG OE, O, or A (Scand.), OOG (Dutch), £A 7, an island ; from ea, a, aa, running water ; ea or ey enter into the composition of many A.S. names of places which are now joined to the mainland or to rich pastures by the river-side, as in Eton, Eaton, Eyam, Ey- worth, Eywick (dwellings by the water) ; Eyemouth, Moulsy, on the R. Mole ; Bermondsey, now included in the Metropolis ; Eamont, ane Eamot (the meeting of waters) ; Fladda and Fladday (flat island) ; Winchelsea (either the comer, A.S. wincel, ofthe water, or the island of Wincheling, son of the Saxon king Cissa, who founded it) ; Swansea (Sweyn's tovra, on the water), at the mouth of the Tawey ; Anglesea (the island of the Angles or English), so named by the Danes — its Welsh name was Ynys-Fonn or Mona ; Portsea (the island of the haven) ; Battersea (St. Peter's isle), because belonging to St. Peter's Abbey, Westminster ; Chelsea (ship island, or the island of the sandbank) — v. p. 46, CEOL, CEOSEL ; Ely (eel island) ; Jersey (Caesar's isle) ; Olney (holly meadow) ; Odensee (Woden's island or town on the water) ; Whalsey (whale island, hval) ; Rona (St. Ronan's isle) ; Mageroe (scraggy island) ; Nordereys and Sudereys — from this word Sudereys, the Bishop of Sodor and Man takes his title — (the north and south isles), names given by the Norsemen to the Hebrides and the Orkneys under their rule ; Oesel (seal island) ; Oransay (the island of St Oran) ; Pabba and Papa (priest's isle). The Papae or Christian anchorites came from Ireland and the west of Scot land to Orkney and Shetland, and traces of them were found in Iceland on its discovery by the Norsemen, hence probably such names as Pappa and Crimea (the island of the Cymri or Cimmerians) ; Morea (the mulberry-shsqied island) ; Shapinsay (the isle of Hjalpand, a Norse Viking) ; Faroe (the sheep islands — -faar, Scand.); Faroe, also in Sweden; but Farr, a parish in the north of Scotland, is from faire, Gael. a watch or sentinel, from a chain of watch-towers which existed there in former times ; Staffa (the island of the staves or columns, Scand. stav) ; Athelney (the island of 72 EADAR—EAGLAIS the nobles) ; Bressay, Norse Bardies ay (giant's island) ; Bardsey (the bard's island), the last retreat of the Welsh bards ; Femoe (cattle island) ; Fetlar, ane Fedor's-oe (Theodore's island) ; Romney (marsh island), Gael. Rumach; Sheppey, A.S. Sceapige (sheep island) ; Langeoog (long island) ; Oeland (water land) ; Torsay (the island with conical hills, torr) ; Chertsey, A.S. Ceortes-ige (Ceorot's island) ; Lingley (heathery island), ling, Norse (heather) ; Muchelney (large island); Putney, A.S. Puttanige (Putta's isle) ; Thorney (thorny island), but its more ancient name was Ankerige, from an anchorite who dwelt in a cell in the island. ,^ , . , (e.g. Eddertoun, Co. Ross (be- EADAREDAR (Cel.), between, l ^gn hiUs)--^. DUNE; Eddra- ENTRE Ft, Span., and Port), ^^j^jjj;^^ 2../ £«^r da Chaolas INTER (Lat.), ( (between two firths), Co. Suther land ; Killederdaowen, in Galway, i.e. Coill-eder-da-abhainn (the wood between two rivers) ; and Killadrown, King's County, with the same meaning ; Cloonederowen, Gal way (the meadow between two rivers) ; BaUydarown (the townland between two rivers). In France : Entre-deux-mers (between two seas) ; Entrevaux (between valleys) ; Entre-rios (between streams), in Spain ; Entre-Douro-e-Minho (between these rivers), in Portugal ; Interlacken (between lakes), in Switzerland. a church. These and synonymous words in the Romance languages are derived J, from Lat. ecclesia, and that from the Grk. iKKXrja-M (an assembly) ; e.g. Eccles, a parish and suburb of Manchester, also the name of two parishes in Berwickshire ; Ecdeshall, in Staffordshire, so called because the bishops of Lichfield formerly had a palace there ; EccleshiU (church hill), in Yorkshire ; Eccleston (church tovm), in Lancashire ; Ecclesmachan (the church of St Machan), in Linlithgow ; Eaglesham (the hamlet at the church), Co. Renfrew ; Eccles- craig or Ecclesgrieg (the church of St Gregory or Grig), in Kincardine ; Eglishcormick (St. Cormac's church), Dumfries ; Ecclescyrus (of St. Cyrus), in Fife ; Lesmahago, Co. Lanark, corrupt, from Ecclesia-Machuti (the church of St Machute, who is said to have settled there in the sixth century) ; EAGLAIS (Gadhelic), EGLWYS (Cym.-Cel.), ILIZ (Armoric), EGYHAZ (Hung.), EAS—ECKE 73 Carluke, in Lanarkshire, corrupt, from Eccles -maol- Luke (the church of the servant of St. Luke) ; Terregles, ane Traver-eglys (church lands), Gael, treabhair (houses), in Kirkcudbright. In Wales : Eglwys Fair (St. Mary's church) ; Hen-eglwys (old church) ; Aglish and Eglish (the church), the names of parishes in Ireland ; Aglishcloghone (the church of the stepping-stones) ; Iglesuela (little church), in Spain ; F^h^r eghaz (white church), in Hungary. In France : Eglise-aux-bois (the church in the woods) ; Eglise neuve (new church) ; EglisoUes, Eligaberry, and Eligaberria (the church in the plain). Such names as Aylesford, Ayls- worth, Aylesby, etc., may be derived from eglwys or ecclesia, corrupted. EAS, ESS, ESSIE (Gadhelic), a waterfall ; e.g. the R. Ness and Loch Ness {i.e. the river and lake of the Fall of Foyers) ; Ess- nambroc (the waterfall of the badger) ; Essmore (the great waterfall) ; Doonass {i.e. Irish Dun easa (the fort of the cataract), on the Shannon ; Caherass, in Limerick, with the same meaning ; PoUanass (the pool of the waterfall) ; Fetteresso, in Kincardine (the uncultivated land, fiadhair, near the waterfall) ; Edessa, in Turkey, seems to derive its name from the same root, as its Sclavonic name is Vodena, with the same meaning ; Edessa, in Mesopotamia, is on the R. Daisan ; Portessie (the port of the waterfall), Banff. EBEN (Ger.), a plain ; e.g. Ebenried and Ebenrinth (the cleared plain) ; Ebnit (on the plain) ; Breite-Ebnit (broad plain) ; Holzeben (woody plain). ,^ , „ J ^ (^ a nook or corner ; e.g. ECKE, or EGG (Teut. and Scand.), I g^honegg (beautiful nook) ; VIG (Gadhelic), y Eckdorf (corner village) ; Eggberg (corner hill) ; Reinecke (the Rhine corner) ; Ran- decke (the corner of the point, rand) ; Vilseek (at the corner of the R. Vils) ; Wendecken (the corner of the Wends or Sclaves) ; Edgcott (the corner hut) ; Wantage, Co. Berks (Wanta's comer), on the edge of a stream ; Stevenage, Co. Herts (Stephen's corner) ; Gourock (the goal's comer) ; Landeck, in the Tyrol (at the meeting or corner of three roads) ; Nigg, Gael. N-uig (at the corner), 74 EGER— ENAGH EILEAN (Gadhelic), EALAND (AS.), eylandt (Dutch), INSEL (Get), a parish in Co. Kincardine, and also in Ross and Cromarty; Haideck (heath comer), in Bavaria. EGER (Hung.), the alder-tree ; e.g. the R. Eger with the town of the same name. an island, cognate with the Lat. insula. The Gaelic word is generaUy applied to smaller islands than innis; e.g. Eilean- sgiathach or Skye (the winged island) ; Eilean-dunan (the isle of the small fort) ; Eilean-na-goibhre (of the goats) ; Eilean-na-monach (of the monks) ; Eilean-na-Clearach (of the clergy) ; Eilean-na- naoimbh (of the saints), often applied to Ireland ; Eilean- nam-Muchad or Muck (the island of pigs), in the Hebrides ; Flannan, in the Hebrides, i.e. Eilean-an- Flannan (of St. Flannan) ; Groote Eylandt (great island), off the coast of Australia ; Rhode Island, in the United States, Dutch {red island), or, according to another interpretation, so named from its fancied resemblance in form to the island of Rhodes. ElSEN (Ger.), iron ; e.g. Eisenstadt (iron town) ; Eisenach, in Germany (on a river impregnated with iron) ; Eisehberg (iron hill fort), in Germany ; Eisenburg (iron town), Hung. Vasvar, in Hungary ; Eisenirz (iron ore), on the Erzberg Mountains ; Eisenschmidt (iron forge), in Prussia. ELF CC oth^ f^ river; e.g. Alf, Alb, Elbe, Elben, river names; j,j^y '" \ Laagenelv (the river in the hoUbw) ; Dol-elf (valley ' [ river) ; Elbing, a town on a river of the same name. ENAGH, or jENAGH (Irish), an assembly of people, such as were held in old times by the Irish at the burial mounds, and in modern times applied to a cattle fair ; e.g. Nenagh, in Tip perary, ane 'n-.iEnach-Urmhu}nhan (the assembly meeting- place of Ormund), the definite article n having been added to the name — this place is still celebrated for its great fairs ; Ballinenagh, Ballineanig, BaUynenagh (the town ofthe fair) ; Ardanlanig (the height of the fair) ; Monaster-an-enagh (the monastery at the place of meeting). But this word is not to be confounded with eanach (a watery place or marsh), found under such forms as eriagh and annagh, especially in Ulstet Thus Annabella, near MaUow, is in Irish Eanach- ENDE — ETAN 75 bile (the marsh of the old tree) ; Annaghaskin (the marsh ofthe eels). ENDE (Teut), the end or corner; Ostend, in Belgium (at the west end of the canal opening into the ocean) ; Ostend, in Essex (at the east end of the land) ; Oberende (upper end) ; Siiderende (the south corner) ; Endfelden (the corner of the field), probably Enfield, near London. Purmerend (at the end of the Purmer), a lake in Holland, now drained. ENGE (Teut.), narrow ; e.g. Engberg (narrow hill) ; Engbriick (narrow bridge) ; Engkuizen (the narrow houses). ERBE (Ger.), an inheritance or property ; e.g. Erbstellen (the place of the inheritance, or the inherited property) ; Erbhof (the inherited mansion-house) ; Sechserben (the property or inheritance of the Saxons). ERDE (Teut.), culrivated land ; e.g. Rotherde (red land) ; Schwarz- enerde (black land). ERLE (Ger.), the alder-tree ; e.g. Erla and Erlabeka (alder-tree stream) ; Erlangen (the dweUing near alder-trees) ; Erlau, a town in Hungary, on the Erlau (alder-tree river). ERMAK (Ture), a river; e.g. Kizel-Ermack (red river); Jekil- Ermak (green river). ESCHE (Old Ger.), a common or sowed field ; e.g. Summeresche, Winteresche (the field sown in summer and winter) ; Brach- esche (the field broken up for tiUage) ; Kaiseresche (the emperor's common). For this word as an affix, 2/. p. 5 : as a prefix it signifies the ash-tree, as in the Aschaff or ash-tree river ; Aschaffenberg (the fortress on the Aschaff) ; Eschach (ash-tree stream) ; Escheweiller (ash-tree town) ; Eschau (ash-tree meadow). ESGAIR (Welsh), a long ridge ; e.g. Esgair-hir (the long ridge) ; Esgair-yn-eira (the snow ridge). ESKi (Ture), old ; e.g. Eski-djuma (old ditch). ESPE, or ASPE (Get), the poplar-tree ; e.g. Aspacii (a place abounding- in poplars, or the poplar-tree stream) ; Espen- field (the field of poplars) ; Aspenstadt (the station of poplars) — V. AESP, p. 5. ESTERO (Span.), a marsh or salt creek ; e.g. Estero-Santiago (St. James's marsh) ; Los-Esteros (the salt creeks), in South America. ETAN, TANA (Basque), a district, with the same meaning as the 76 EUDAN— FALU Cel. tan. Latinised tania; e.g. Aquitania (the district of the waters) ; Mauritania (of the Moors) -, Lusitania (the ancient name of Portugal). This root-word enters into the name of Britain, according to Taylor — v. Words and Places. EUDAN, or AODANN (Gadhelic), the forehead — in topography, the front or brow of a hill ; e.g. Edenderry (the hill-brow of the oak-wood); Edenkelly(the front ofthe wood); Ednashanlaght (the hill-brow of the old sepulchre) ; Edenmore (the great hill-brow) ; Edina (one of the ancient names of Edinburgh). EVES (A.S.), a margin; e.g. Evedon (on the brink of the hill); Evesbatch (the brink of the brook) ; Evesham (the dweU ing on the bank of the River Avon, in Worcester, or the dwelling of Eoves, a shepherd, afterwards made Bishop of Worcester). FAGUS (Lat), a beech-tree ; Fagetum, a place planted with beeches ; e.g. Ijsl Fage, Le Faget, Fayet, Les Fans, Fau- mont, in France. rAHR, FUHR (Teut. and Scand.), a way or passage — fxom. fahren, to go ; e.g. Fahrenhorst (the passage at the wood) ; Fahren- bach, Fahrwasser (the passage over the water) ; Fahrwangen (the field at the ferry) ; Rheinfahr (the passage over the Rhine) ; Langefahr (long ferry) ; Niederfahr (lower ferry) ; Vere or Campvere, in Holland (the ferry leading to Kampen) ; Ferryby (the town of the Ferry), in Yorkshire ; Broughty- Ferry, in Fife (the ferry near a brough or castle, the ruins of which still remain) ; Ferry-Port-on-Craig (the landing- place on the rock), opposite Broughty-Ferry) ; Queensferry, West Lothian, named from Queen Margaret ; Connal-Ferry (the ferry of the raging flood), cotifhath-tuil, in Argyleshire ; Fareham, Co. Hants (the dwelling at the ferry). FALU, or FALVA (Hung.), a village; e.g. Uj-falu (new village); Olah-falu (the village ofthe Wallachians or Wallochs, a name which the Germans applied to the Sclaves) ; Hanus-falva (John's village); Ebes-falva (Elizabeth's village), Ger. Elizabeth-stadt ; Szombat-falva (the viUage at which the Saturday market was held) ; Balars-falva (the village of Blaise) ; Bud-falva (the viUage of Buda). FANUM— FEED 77 FANUM (Lat.), a temple ; e.g. Fano, in Italy, ane. Fanum-Fortunce (the temple of fortune), built here by the Romans to com memorate the defeat of Asdrubal on the Metaurus ; Famars, ane Fanum-Martis (the temple of Mars) ; Fanjeaux, ane Fanum-fovis (of Jove) ; St. Die, ane Fanum-Deodati (the temple of Deodatus, Bishop of Nevers) ; St. Dezier, ane Fanum-Desiderii (the temple of St. Desiderius) ; Florent- le-Vieul, ane Fanum- Florentii (of St. Florentius) ; St. Flour, Fanum-Flori (of St. Florus). FARR (Norse), a sheep. This word seems to have given names to several places in the north of Scotland, as affording good pasture for sheep ; e.g. Farr, a parish in Sutherland shire) ; Farra, Faray, islands in the Hebrides and Orkneys ; Fare, a hill in Aberdeenshire. C the alder-tree ; e.g. Fernagh, FEARN (Gadhehc), JFarnagh,andFemey(aplace FAUR,orVAUR(great)-^.MAUR, ^^^^^^«.^g ;^ alder-trees), in Ireland ; Glenfame (alder-tree valley) ; Ferns, Co. Wexford, ane Fearna (the place of alders) ; Gortnavem (the field of alders) ; Farney, Co. Monaghan, corrupt, from Fearn- mhagh (alder-tree plain) ; Altanfeam (the little stream of alders); Sronfearn (the point of alders) — z/. p. 178; Fearns (the alder-trees), in Ross-shire ; Fearn, also in Forfar ; Femey, on the Lake of Geneva, probably with same mean ing as Femey in Ireland. FEHER (Hung.), white ; Szekes-Fehervar, Ger. Stulweissenburg (the throne of the white fortress). FEKETE (Hung.), black ; e.g. Fekete-halam (black hill). FEL (Hung.), upper, in opposition to al, lower ; e.g. Felsovaros (upper town) ; Alvaros (lower town). FELD, or VELD (Teut.), a plain or field ; lit. a place where trees had been feUed ; e.g. Feldham (field dwelling) ; Feldberg (field fortress) ; Bassevelde, in Belgium (low plain) ; Gurk- feld (cucumber field) ; Leckfeld, Rhinfeld (the -plain of the Rivers Leek and Rhine) ; Great Driffield, in Yorkshire (dry field) ; Huddersfield, in Doomsday Oderesfeld, from a personal name; Macclesfield (the field of St Michael's church) ; Sheffield, on the R. Sheaf; Mansfield, on the R. Mann ; Lichfield, Co. Stafford (the field of corpses), A.S. Licenfelt, where, according to tradition, a great slaughter 78 FELL—FENN of the Christians took place in the reign of Diocletian; Wakefield (the field by the wayside, waeg) ; Spitalfields, {i.e. the fields near the hospital or place of entertainment), Lat. hospitalium. There is a watering-place near Berwick caUed Spital, also a suburb of Aberdeen called the Spital ; Smithfield, in London, is a corruption of Smethfield {smooth field) ; Beaconsfield, Berks, so called from having been built on a height on which beacon fires were formerly lighted) ; Coilsfield, in Ayrshire (the field of Coilus or King Coil). There is a large mound near it said to mark the site of his grave. ,„ J . (a high mountain or mountain FELL, FIALL, or FJELD (Scand.), I " -n f ij /¦.!. ' ,r. \ \ range ; e.g. Dovrefeld (the FEL, FELSEN (Get), ) i „ ' ^ • s T^ ' ^ " ( gloomy mountains) ; Donners- feld (the mountain range of thunder or of Thor) ; Snafel, Iceland, and Sneefell, in the Isle of Man (snow moun tain) ; Blaefell (blue mountain) ; Drachenfells (the dragon's rock) ; Weissenfels (the white rock) ; Rothenfels (red rock) ; Scawfell (the mountain of the scaw or promontory) ; Hartfell (of harts) ; Hestfell (of the steed) ; Lindenfels (of the linden-tree) ; Lichtenfels (the mountain of light), a Moravian settlement in Greenland ; Fitful Head, corrupt. ixoxafitfioll (the hill with the promontory running into the sea). Old Norse fit — in Shetland ; Falaise, in France, a promontory, derived from the Ger. fell; Fellentin (the fort, dun, on the rock), in France ; Souter-fell, Cumber land ; Saudfjeld, Norway ; SaudafeU, in Iceland (sheep hill), from Old Norse sauder, a sheep ; perhaps Soutra HiU, in Mid- Lothian, may come from the same word; Criffel (the craggy rock), Dumfries ; Felza, Felsbach (rocky stream), in France ; Felsberg (rock fortress), in Germany ; Goat-feU, in Arran, Gael. Gaoth-ceann (the \rindy point), to which the Norsemen added t!a&\xfell. FENN(Get), (f 'T'^l' 'f the Fe .narshy VEN, or VEEN (Dutch), \ ^T^^ •' Fen-ditton (the enclosed town on FEN CA S ) J niarsh) ; Fenny-Stratford (the ford ^ ' ''' l^on the Roman road, strat, in the marshy land) ; Fenwick, Fenton, Finsbury (the town or enclosed place on the marsh) ; Venloo, in Belgium (the place in the marsh) ; Veenhof, Veenhusen (dweUings in the FERN—FEUCHT 79 marsh) ; Houtveen (woody marsh) ; Diepenveen (deep marsh) ; Zutphen, in Holland (the south marsh) ; Ravenna, in Italy, called Pludosa (the marshy). It was originally built in a lagoon, on stakes, like Venice ; Venice, named from the Veneti, probably marsh dwellers ; Vannes, in France, and La Vendue, may be from the same word, although others derive the names from venna (a fisherman), others from gwent, Cel. (the fair plain) ; Finland (the land of marshes). The natives call themselves Suomilius, from suoma (a marsh). Fang in German and Dutch names, and faing in French names, are sometimes used instead of fenn — as in Zeefang (lake marsh) ; Aalfang (eel marsh) ; Habechtsfang (hawk's marsh) ; Faing-du-buisson, Dom- faing, etc., in the valleys of the Vosges. FERN, or FARN (Teut.), the fern ; e.g. Femdorf, Famdon, Farn- ham, Famborough (dwellings among ferns) ; Famhurst (fern thicket) ; Femdale (fern valley) ; Farringdon (fern hill) ; Femmit (a place cleared of ferns). {a grave or trench ; e.g. Farta, Ferta, and Fartha {i.e. the graves) ; Fertagh and Far- tagh (the place of graves) ; Moyarta, in Clare, Irish Magh-fherta (the field of the graves) ; Fortin- gaU, in Perthshire, is supposed to have derived its name from this word, Feart-na-gall (the grave of the strangers), having been the scene of many bloody battles. LA FERTE, contracted from the French La fermete, from the Lat. firmitas (strength), applied in topography to a stronghold ; e.g. La Fertd Bernardi (Bernard's stronghold) ; Fertd-freshal, from Firmitas Fraxinelli (the stronghold of little ash-trees) ; La Ferte, in Nifevre and in Jura, etc. , . /a fortress ; e.g. Altefeste (high fortress) ; FESTE (Get), I Franzenfeste (the fortress of the Franks) ; VESTING (JJutch) <^ Festenburg (the town of the fortress) ; FAESTUNG (bcand.), y ivanich-festung (John's fortress), in Croatia. ^„,„„„ ,p^, ^ ( moist, marshy; e.g Feuchtwang (the marshy FEUCHT (t^et), 1 ggj^^^ j^ Bavaria, formeriy called Hudro- VOICHTIG (Dutch), y^gi-^^ In Q^ggl^^ .j^Hb the same meaning ; Feucht (the damp place), also in Bavaria ; Viecht-gross and Viecht-klein (the great and little damp place), in Bavaria. go LES FEVES— FLECKE LES fJ;ves (Fr.), beans, Lat faba, from which come such places in France as La Favi&re, Favi^res, Faverage, Favray, Faverelles, etc. FICHTE (Get), the pine-tree ; e.g. Schoenfichten (the beautiful pine-trees) ; Finsterfechten (the dark pine-trees) ; Ficht- horst (pine-wood) ; Feichheim (a dweUing among pines). In topography, however, it is difficult to distinguish this word ixoxn feucht (damp). FIN, FIONN (Gadhelic), fair, white, Welsh gwynn; e.g. Findrum (white ridge) ; Fionn-uisge (the clear water). The Phoenix Park, in Dublin, was so called from a beautiful spring well on the grounds ; Findlater (the fair slope, letter) ; Fingart (fair field) ; Finnow, Finnan, and Finglass (fair stream) ; Finglen (fair glen) ; Knockfin (fair hiU) ; Loch Fyne (clear or beautiful lake) ; Fintray, in Aberdeenshire; Fintry, in Stirling (fair strand, traigh) ; Ventry, Co. Kerry, i.e. Fionn- traigh (fair strand) ; Finnow (the fair stream). FIORD, or FJORD (Scand.), a creek or inlet formed by an arm of the sea. Anglicised ford, or in Scotland firth; e.g. Selfiord (herring creek) ; Laxfiord (salmon creek) ; Hvalfiord (whale creek) ; Lymefiord (muddy creek) ; Skagafiord (the inlet of the promontory, skagi) ; Halsfiord (the bay of the neck or hals, i.e. the narrow passage); Waterford, named bythe Danes Vadre-fiord (the fordable part of the bay) — the Irish name of the town was Port-lairge (the port of the thigh), from its form ; Wexford (the western creek or inlet), also named by the Danes Flekkefiord (the flat inlet) — its Irish name was Inverslanie (at the mouth of the Slaney) ; Strangford Lough {i.e. the loch of the strong fiord) ; Carlingford, in Irish Caerlinn, the fiord ha.Vixig been added by the Danes ; Vaer- ingefiord, in Norway (the inlet of the Varangians or Warings) ; Breidafiord (broad inlet), in Ireland ; Haver- ford, probably from Scand. havre (oats). FLECKE (Teut. and Scand.), a spot or level place, hence a hamlet ; e.g. Flegg, East and West, in Norfolk ; Fleckney (the flat island) ; Fletton (flat town) ; Pfaffenfleck (the priest's hamlet) ; Amtsfleck (the amptman's hanilet) ; Schoenfleck (beautiful hamlet) ; Marktflecten (the market village) ; Fladda, Flatholme, Fleckeroe (flat island) ; Fladstrand (flat strand). FLEOT—FONS 8r „„.., ^, ,„„ i-T- .. \ (^ a flush of water, a channel or arm of the FLEOT, FLIEZ (Teut), x.- x. ^ n .. VLIET (Dutch) i ^^^ °" ^ '^'^ vessels may float ; e.g. ^ '' y Fleet (a river name), in Kirkcudbright ; Fleet Loch ; Swinefleet (Sweyn's channel) ; Saltfleetby (the dwelling on the salt water channel) ; Shalfleet (shallow channel) ; Depenfleth (deep channel) ; Adlingfleet (the channel of the Atheling or noble) ; Ebbfleet, a place which was a port in the twelfth century, but is now half a mile from the shore ; Purfleet, Co. Essex, ane Pourteflete (the channel of the port) ; Fleetwood (the wood on the channel of the R. Wyre) ; Miihlfloss (mill channel) ; Flushing, in Holland, corrupt, from Vliessengen (the town on the channel of the R. Scheldt). In Normandy this kind of channel takes the form oi fieur, e.g. Barfleur (the summit or pro jection on the channel) ; Harfleur or Havrefleur (the harbour on the channel) ; Biervliet (the fruitful plain on the channel). Flad as a prefix sometimes signifies a place liable to be flooded, as Fladbury, Fledborough. The Lat. fiumen (a flowing stream) is akin to these words, along with its derivations in the Romance languages : thus Fiume (on the river), a seaport in Croatia, at the mouth of the R. Fiumara ; Fiumicina, a small seaport at the north mouth of the Tiber ; Fiume-freddo (the cold stream), in Italy and Sicily ; Flims, in Switzerland, Lat. Ad-flumina (at the streams) ; Fiume-della Fine, near Leghorn, is a corrupt of its ancient name, Ad-Fines (the river at the boundary). FOLD (Hung.), land ; e.g. Foldvar (land fortress) ; Alfold (low land) ; Felfbld (high land) ; Szekel-fold (the land of the Szeklers) ; Havasel-fdld (the land beyond the mountains), which is the Hungarian name for Wallachia. a fountain, a well ; e.g. Fon- FONS (Lat.), FONTE (It. and Port.), FONT, FONTAINE (Fr), FUENTE, and HONTANA (Span.), FUARAN and UARAN (Gadhelic), tainebleau, corrupt from Fon- taine-de-belle-eau (the spring of beautiful water) ; Fontenoy (the place of the fountain) ; Fon- tenay (the place of the foun- FFYNNON (Cym.-Cel.), ^ ^^^^^. ^g^ p-^ntaines, Fontanas (the fountains) ; Fontenelles (the little fountains) ; Fonte vrault, Lat. Fons-Ebraldi (the well of St. Evrault) ; Fuente (the fountain), the name of several towns in Spain ; Fuen- G 82 FORD caliente (the warm fountain) ; Fuensagrada (holy weU) ; Fuente-el-fresna (of the ash-tree) ; Fuente-alamo (of the poplar) ; Fontarabia, Span. Fuentarrabia, corrupt, from the Lat. Fons-rapidans (the swift-flowing spring) ; Fuenfrido (cold fountain) ; Fossano, in Italy, Lat Fons-sanus (the healing fountain) ; Hontanas, Hontanares, Hontananza, Hon- tangas (the place of springs), in Spain ; Hontomin (the fountain of the R. Omino), in Spain ; Pinos-fuente (pine- tree fountain), in Granada ; Saint -fontaine, in Belgium, corrupt, from Terra -de -centum fontanis (the land of the hundred springs) ; Spa, in Belgium, corrupt from Espa (the fountain) — its Latin name was Fons-Tungrorum (the weU of the Tungri) ; Fonthill (the hill of the spring). The town of Spalding, Co. Lincoln, is said to have derived its name from a spa of mineral water in the market-place. The Celtic uaran or fuaran takes the form of oran in Ireland : thus Oranmore (the great fountain near a holy weU) ; Knock- an-oran (the hill of the well) ; Ballynoran (the town of the well) ; Tinoran, corrupt from Tigh-an-uarain (the dwelling at the well) ; Foveran, in Aberdeenshire, took its name from a spring, fuaran, at Foveran Castle ; Ffynon-Bed (St. Peter's well), in Wales. FORD (A S ) i^ shallow passage over a river ; e.g. „,, ^ '','„„ ,r^ s I Bradford (the broad ford), in Yorkshire, FURT, or FURTH (Get), < ¦ „ a ¦ t, j/- j r. j- j- j „ ' /T^ .. , s i on the R. Aire; Bealoxa, Bedtcan ford VOORD (Dutch), I , , J J- jx t ^ ^ ¦" y (the protected ford), on the Ouse ; Brentford, on the R. Brenta ; Chelmsford, on the Chelmer ; Camelford, on the Camel ; Charford (the ford of Ceredic) ; Aylesford (of ^gle) ; Hacford and Hackfurth (of Haco) ; Guildford (of the guilds or trading associations) ; Hunger- ford, corrupt from Ingle ford (comer ford) ; Oxford, Welsh Rhyd-ychen (ford for oxen) ; Ochsenfurt, in Bavaria, and probably the Bosphorus, with the same meaning ; Hertford (the hart's ford) ; Hereford (the ford of the army), or more probably a mistranslation of its Celtic name, Caer-ffawydd (the town of the beech-trees) ; Horsford, lUford, and Knuts- ford (the fords of Horsa, Ella, and Canute). Canute had crossed this ford before gaining a great battle ; Watford (the ford on Watling Street) ; Milford, the translation of Rhyd- y-milwr (the ford of the Milwr), a small brook that flows FORS— FORUM 83 into the haven ; Haverford West — v. havn — the Welsh name is Hwljfbrd (the sailing way, fifbrd), so called because the tide comes up to the town ; Tiverton, ane Twyford (the town on the two fords) ; Stamford, A.S. Stanford (stony ford), on the Welland ; Stoney Stratford (the stony ford on the Roman road) ; Stafford, ane Statford (the ford at the station, or a ford crossed by staffs or stilts) ; Crayford, on the R. Cray ; but Crawford, in Lanarkshire, is corrupt from Caerford (castle ford) ; Wallingford, ane Gual-hen, Latin ised Gallena (the old fort at the ford) ; Thetford, ane Theod- ford (the people's ford), on the R. Thet ; Dartford, on the R. Darent ; Bideford, in Devonshire (by the ford) ; Furth and Pforten (the fords), in Prussia ; Erfurt, in Saxony, ane Erpisford (the ford of Erpe) ; Hohenfurth (the high ford), Bohemia ; Frankfort, on the Maine and on the Oder (the ford of the Franks) ; Quernfurt and Velvorde (the fords of the Rivers Quern and Wolowe) ; Steenvoord (stony ford) ; Verden, in Hanover (at the ford of the R. AUer). FORS, FOSS (Scand.), a waterfall ; e.g. High-force, Low-force, on the R. Tees ; Skogar-foss (the waterfall on the promontory), in Ireland ; Wilberforce, in Yorkshire (the cascade of Wilbera) ; Sodorfors (the south cascade), in Sweden ; Foston (the town of the waterfall). FORST, VORST (Teut), a wood ; e.g. Forst-lohn (the path through the wood) ; Forst-bach (forest brook) ; Eichenforst (oak forest) ; Forstheim (forest dwelling). FORT, a stronghold ; from the 'La.t. fortis, strong — akin to the Irish Longphorth (a fortress), and the French La Fertd, abridged ixoxa fermete — v. p. 79 ; e.g. Rochefort (the rock fortress) ; Fort Augustus, named after the Duke of Cumberland ; Fort- George (after George II.) ; Fort- William, ane Inverlochy (at the mouth of the lake), and surnamed after WiUiam III. ; Fortrose (the fortress on the promonjory) ; Fort- Louis, in Upper Rhine, founded and named by Louis XIV. ; Charles-Fort, in Canada, named after Charles I. In Ireland the town of Longford is called in the annals I^ongphorth O'Farrell (the fortress of the O'Farrells). This Irish word is sometimes corrupted, as in Lonart for Longphorth, and in Athlunkard for Athlongford (the ford of the fortress). FORUM (Lat.), a market-place or place of assembly ; e.g. Forli, FOSSE — FRENE ane Forum-Livii (the forum of Livius), in Italy ; Feurs, in France, ane Forum- Segusianorum (the forum of the Segusiani) ; Forlimpopoli (the forum ofthe people) ; Ferrara, ane Forum- Alieni (the market-place of the foreigner) ; Fornova (new forum) ; Fossombrone, ane Forum-Sem- pronii (of Sempronius) ; Frdjus and Friuli, ane Forum-fulii (of Julius) ; Frontignan, ane Forum-Domitii (of Domitius), also called Frontiniacum (on the edge of the water) ; Voor- burg, in Holland, ane Forutn-Hadriani (the market-place of Hadrian) ; Klagenftirt, ane Claudii- Forutn (the forum of Claudius) ; Fordongianus, in Sardinia, ane Forum- Trajani (the forum of Trajan) ; Forcassi, ane Forum-Cassii (of Cassius) ; Flora, ane Forum- Aurelii (of Aurelius) ; Appii-Forum (of Appius) ; Marazion, in ComwaU, or Mar- ketjeu. Latinised by the Romans into Forum-Jovis (the forum of Jove or of God), resorted to in former times from its vicinity to the sacred shrine of St. Michael. FOSSE, a ditch or trench dug around a fortified place, from the Lat. fodio, to dig ; e.g. Fosseway (the road near the trench) ; Foston (the town with the trench or moat) ; Fosse, in Belgium ; Fos, at the mouths of the Rhone, ane Fossce Mariance Portus (the port of the trench or canal of Marius). FRANK (Get), free, but in topography meaning belonging to the Franks ; e.g. Franconia (the district of the Franks) ; France, abridged from Frankreich (the kingdom of the Franks or freemen) ; Frankenthal (the vaUey of the Franks) ; Franken- berg and Frankenfels (the hill and rock of the Franks) ; Frankenburg and Frankenhausen (the dwellings of the Franks) ; Frankenstein (the rock of the Franks) ; Franken- markt (the market of the Franks) ; Ville-franche and Ville- franche sur Saone (free town), in France ; Villa-franca (free town), several in Italy ; Villa-franca (free town), in Spain. FREI, or FREY (Ger.), a pri\ileged place, as a\so freiheit (freedom) ; e.g. Freyburg and Fribourg (the privileged city) ; Schloss- freiheit and Berg-freiheit (the privileged castle) ; Oude- Vrijheid (the old privileged place), in Holland ; Freystadt, in Hungary, Grk. Elcutheropolis (free city). FRENE (Fr), FRASSINO (It.), *^ ^^^'^'^^ ' '¦^- ^^^ ^'^^"'=' FRESNO (Span.), FREIXO (Port.), \ ^« ^^'^'"^^ (*e ash - trees) ; { Frenois, Frenoit, Frenai, Fre- FREUDE — FURST 85 nay, Fresney (the place abounding in ash-trees), in France ; Frassinetto-di-Po (the ash-tree grove on the R. Po). FREUDE (Get), joy ; e.g. Freudenthal (the valley of joy) ; Freuden- stadt (the town of joy). FRIDE, a hedge, from the Old Ger. word vride — akin to the Gael. fridh, and the Welsh fridd (a wood) ; e.g. Burgfried (the hedge of the fortress) ; Friedberg, ane Viiduperg (a fortress surrounded by a hedge) ; but Friedland, in East Prussia, Grk. Irenopyrgos (the tower of peace), is ixoxafriede, Ger. peace. The prefix yrzVrf is also sometimes a contraction for Frederick — thus Friedburg may mean Frederick's town. FRITH, or FIRTH, the navigable estuary of a river, akin to Jiord and the Lat frettem, a channel ; e.g. the Firths of Forth, Tay, and Clyde ; the Solway Firth. This word Solway has had various derivations assigned to it : one derivation is from the Selgovce, a tribe ; Ferguson suggests the Old Norse word sulla, Eng. sully, from its turbid waters, particularly as it was called in Leland's Itinera Sulway. I would suggest the A. S. sol (mire), as this channel is a miry slough at low tide, and can be crossed on foot ; Pentland Firth, corrupt, from Petland Fiord (the bay between the land of the Picts and the Orkneys). FROU, FRAU (Ger), lord and lady; e.g. Froustalla (the lord or nobleman's staU) ; Frousthorp (the nobleman's farm) ; Frau- brunnen (our lady's well) ; Frauenberg, Frauenburg, Frau- stadt (our lady's tovra) ; Frauenkirchen (our lady's church) ; Frauenfeld (our lady's field). FUL (A.S.), dirty ; e.g. Fulbeck, Fulbrook (dirty stream) ; Fulneck or Fullanig (dirty water) ; Fulham or FuUenham (either the dwelling on the miry place or, according to another derivation, ixoxafiigel, a bird). FURED (Hung.), a bath or watering-place ; e.g. Tisza-Fiired (the watering-place on the R. Theis or Tisza) ; Balaton-Fiired, on Lake Balaton. FURST (Get), a prince or the first in rank; e.g. Furstenau, Furstenberg, Furstenfeld, Furstenwald, Furstenwerder, FurstenzeU (the meadow, hill, field, wood, island, church, of the prince) ; but Furstberg means the chief or highest hill. 86 GABEL— GARENNE GABEL (Teut ) ( ^ ^°'^'^' ^PP^'^d to river forks ; e.g .,.„,.. r Jl.-,,^ //- ji, r \ \ Gabelbach (the forked stream); GABHAL, or GOUL (Gadhelic), 1 ^ , ,, r /^i ... a n- ' ^ ' ( Gabelhof (the court or dweUmg at the forked stream), in Germany. In Ireland : Goul, Gowel, and Gowl (the fork) ; Gola (forks) ; Addergoul, Addergoule, and Edargoule, Irish Eadar-dha-ghabhal (the place between two river-prongs) ; Goule, in Yorkshire (on the fork of two streams. GADEN (Get), a cottage ; e.g. Holzgaden (wood cottage) ; Stein- gaden (rock cottage). ,p, ^ /an enclosure, a city, or fortified place, from „ _ J kir, a wall ; e.g. Gades or Cadiz, ane Gadr, KiRTATH CH b "1 ) ™ Spain ; Carthage, ane Kartha-hadtha (the ^ '" \ new city, in opposition to Utica, the old) ; Carthagena (New Carthage) ; Kirjath-Arba (the city of Arba, afterwards Hebron) ; Kirjath-sepher (of the book) Kirjath-jearim (of forests) ;. Kirjath-Baal (Baal's tovra) Kirjath-Sannah (of palms) ; Keriathaim (the double town) Kir-Moab (the citadel of Moab) ; Cordova, in Spain, Phoen. Kartha-Baal (which may mean the city of Baal). GAMA (Tamul), a viUage ; e.g. Alut-gama (new viUage), in Ceylon. GANG (Ger), a narrow passage, either on land or by water; e.g. Birkengang (the birch-tree pass) ; Strassgang (a narrow street) ; Gangbach (the passage across the j brook) ; Gan'g- hofen (the dweUing at the ferry), on the R. Roth, in Bavaria. GANGA, or GUNGA (Sansc), a river; e.g. Borra Ganga or the Ganges (the great river) ; Kishenganga (the black river) ; Neelganga (the blue river) ; Naraingunga (the river of Naranyana or Vishnu) ; Ramgunga (Ram's river). GARBH (Gadhelic), f ™"Sh ; e.g Rivers Gara, Garry, Garwe, GARW (Cym.-Cel.) ) ^^'^'^^¦' Owengarve, Garonne, Garvault, ¦'' ( Yair, Yarrow (rough stream) ; Garradoon (rough meadow) ; Garroch head or Ard-Kingarth (the point of the rough headland), in Bute ; Gaiioch (the rough dis trict), in Aberdeenshire. GARENNE, a word of Germanic or Celtic origin, from the Low GARIEF— GARTH 87 Lat. warenna, and that from the High Ger. waran (to take precautions), had at first the sense of a protected or guarded place, and more lately of a wood to which was attached the exclusive right of the chase ; e.g. Lil Garenne, Garenne, Varenne, Varennes, Warennes, in various departments of France. GARIEF (South Africa), a river ; e.g. Ky-garief (yellow river) ; Nu- garief (black river). CARRDH CGadhelic) ( ^ ^^'^^^'' ' ^"^^ ^arryowen (Owen's gar- GARRDH (Gadhehc), 1 ^^^^ . Gairyard (high garden) ; BaUin- GARDD (Cym.-Lel.), y g^^^ ^jj^g ^^^^ ^j ^j^g garden) ; Garrane and Garrawn (the shrubbery) ; Garranbane (white shrubbery). GARTH (Welsh), a hill ; e.g. Tal-garth (the brow of the hill), in Brecknockshire ; Brecknock, named after Brychan, its king, who came from Ireland in the sixth century. Its ancient name was Garth-Madryn (the fox's hill). ,_ , „ , . / an enclosed place, either for GARTH, GART (Teut. and Scand.), ^^ J ^l^g^ ^ ^^^ OK^^T, (Gadhehc), ^ j^ .^ sometimes found in the GARRD, GARZ (Cym.-Cel.), y ^^^^ ^f ^^^^ ;^ I^gj^^^ ^^^ Scotland ; e.g. Garton (the enclosure or enclosed town) ; Applegarth (the apple enclosure or farm) ; Hogarth (an enclosure for hay) ; Weingarten (an enclosure for vines, or a vineyard) ; Stuttgart and Hestingaard (an enclosure for horses) ; Nomigard (the sibyl's dweUing, nom, a pro phetess) ; Fishgarth or Fishguard (the fisher's farm), in Wales ; Noostigard (the farm at the naust or ship station) ; in Shetland ; Smiorgard (butter farm) ; Prestgard (the priest's farm) ; Yardley (the enclosed meadow) ; Yard- borough (the enclosed town) ; Gartan (little field) ; Gordon, a parish in Berwickshire, corrupt, from Goirtean (little farm) ; Gartbane and Gortban (fair field) ; Gartfarran (the farm at the fountain, fuaran) ; Gartbreck (spotted field) ; Gortnagclock (the field of the stones) ; GoBtreagh (gray field) ; Gortenure (the field of the yew-tree) ; Oulart, in Ireland, cormpt. from Abhalghort (apple-field or orchard) ; Bugard (an enclosure for cattle), in Shetland ; OUigard (the farm or dwelling of Olaf), in Shetland ; Girthon, corrupt. from Girthavon (the enclosure on the river), in ¦ Kirkcud bright). On the other hand, Garda or Warda in French GAT— GEBEL names signified originally a fortified or protected place, from an old Teutonic word warta; hence Gardere, Gardifere, La Garderie, La Garde, La Warde, etc. GAT (Scand ) ( ^" opening or passage ; e.g. the Cattegat (the /•A S •( / '^^''^ throat or passage) ; Margate (the sea-gate /o \ \ or passage), ane. Meregate, there having been GHAT (Sansc), I J- , lit t.- 1. 1. J -x ¦ .a ^ ' ( formerly a mere or lake here which had its influx into the sea ; Ramsgate (the passage of Ruim, the ancient name of Thanet) ; Reigate, contraction from Ridgegate (the passage through the ridge) ; Yetholm (the valley at the passage or border between England and Scotland, yet, Scot, a gate) ; Harrowgate, probably the passage of the army, A.S. here, as it is situated near one of the great Roman roads ; Crossgates, a village in Fife (at the road crossings) ; Ludgate did not derive its name from a certain King Lud, according to popular tradition, but is an instance of tautology, there having been an ancient A.S. woxithlid (a door), hence Geathlid (a postern gate) — v. BOSWorth. In India the word ghat is applied to a pass between hiUs or mountains, as in the Ghauts (the two converging mountain ranges) ; Sheergotta (the lion's pass), between Calcutta and Benares ; and Geragaut (the horse's pass), or to a passage across a river, as well as to the flights of steps leading from a river to the buildings on its banks. Thus Calcutta is Kalikuti (the ghauts or passes leading to the temple of the goddess Kali), on the R. Hoogly ; also Calicut, on the Malabar coast. GAU, GOVIA (Ger.), a district ; e.g. Sundgau, Westgau, Nordgau (south, west, and north district) ; Aargau, Rheingau, Thur- gau (the districts watered by the Rivers Aar, Rhine, and Thur) ; Schoengau (beautiful district) ; Wonnegau (the district of delight) ; Hainault, Get Hennegau (the district of the R. Haine. and ault, the stream) ; Pinzgau (the district of rushes, binse), in Tyrol ; Oehringen or Oringowe (the district of the R. Ohr). GEBEL, or DJEBEL (At), a mountain; e.g. Gebel-Kattarin, in Sinai (St. Catharine's mountain), where, according to tradi tion, the body of St. Catharine was transported from Alex andria ; Djebel-Mousa (the mountain of Moses), in Horeb ; Djebel-Nimrod (of Nimrod), in Armenia ; Jebel-Khal (black GEESTE — GEN mount), in Africa ; Gibraltar, Ar. Gebel-al-Tarik (the moun tain of Tarik, a Moor, who erected a fort on the rock of Calpe, A.D. 711); Jebel-Libnan or Lebanon (the white mountain), supposed to be so called because covered with snow during a great part of the year ; Gebel-Oomar (the mountain of Omar) ; Gibel-el-Faro (the mountain with the lighthouse), near Malaga ; Djebel-es-Sheikh (the mount of the sheik or shah, i.e. of the king), the Arabian name for Mount Hermon — v. index. GEESTE (Ger), barren land ; e.g. Gaste, Geist, Geeste (the barren land) ; Geestefeld (barren field) ; Holzengeist (the barren land in the wood) ; Nordergast, Middelgast (the northern and middle barren land). GEISE (Get), a goat ; e.g. Geisa and Geisbach (the goat's stream) ; Geismar (rich in goats) ; Geiselhoring, Geisenhausen, Geisen- heim (the goat's dwelling) ; Geisberg (goat's hiU). GEMENDE (Ger.), a common ; e.g. Gmeind (the common) ; Peters- gemeinde (Peter's common) ; Gemeindmiihle (the mill on the common). GEMUND (Ger), a river-mouth or a confluence ; e.g. Neckarge- mund (at the mouth of the R. Neckar) ; Saaregemund (at the conf of the R. Saare and the Belise) ; Gmiind, in Wur temberg (at the conf of the two streams) ; Gemund and Gemunden, in various parts of Germany. In Holland this word takes the form oimonde, as in Roermonde and Dender- monde (at the mouths of the Roer and Dender) ; Emden, in Hanover, is a corrupt, of Emsmilnder (at the conf of the Ems and a small stream). GEN, an abbreviated form of magen or megen, the Teutonic form for the Cel. magh (a field) — qu. v.; e.g. Remagen or Rhem- maghen (the field on the Rhine) ; Nimeguen, for Novio- magus (the new field) ; Schleusingen (the field or plain of the R. Schleuse) ; Munchingen (the field of t|ie monks) ; Beverungen, on the R. Bever ; Meiningen (the great field or plain), in the valley of the R. Wara. GEN, GENAU (Cel.), a mouth or opening; e.g. Llanfihangel- genaur'-glyn (the church of the angel at the mouth of the glen), in Wales ; Genappe and Gennep (the mouth of the water, abh) ; Geneva (either the opening or mouth of the water, or the head, ceann, of the water, where the Rhone 90 GENT— GLAISE proceeds from the lake) ; Genoa, probably with the same meaning ; Ghent or Gend, at the conf of the Scheldt and Lys, may also mean at the mouth of the rivers, although, according to tradition, it acquired its name from a tribe of Vandals, the Gandani, and was called in the ninth century Gandavum-vicum, from the name of its inhabitants. GENT, in French topography, beautiful ; e.g. Gentilly, ane Gen- tiliacum (the place of beautiful waters), on the Bifevre — V. OEUIL ; Nogent (beautiful meadow). GERICHT (Ger.), a court of justice ; e.g. Gerichtsbergen (the hill of the court of justice) ; Gerichtstetten (the station of the court of justice). GHAR (Ar.), a cave ; e.g. Garbo (the cave), in Malta ; Trafalgar, i.e. Taraf-al-gar (the promontory of the cave). .„ . C a fort ; e.g. Ahmednaghar (the GHAR, GHUR, or GORE (Sansc), I f^^^ ^f Ahmed); Ramghur (of NAGAR, a City, y j^^j^^. Kishenagur (of Krishna); Furracknagur (of Furrack) ; Moradnagur (of Morad) ; Jehanagur (of Jehan) ; AUighur (of AUah or of God) ; Bis- naghur (triumphant fort) ; Futtegur (fort of victory) ; Deo- ghur (God's fort) ; Neelgur (blue fort) ; Seringagur (the fort of abundance) ; Chandemagore (the fort of the moon) ; Haidernagur (of Hyder Ali) ; Bissengur (the fort of Vishnu) ; Chunarghur (the fort of the district of Chunar). GHARI, or GHERRY (Sansc), a mountain ; e.g. Ghaur, a mountainous district in Affghanistan ; Boughir (the woody mountain) ; Kistnagherry (Krishna's mountain) ; Rutnagiri (the mountain of rubies) ; Chandgherry (of the moon) ; Shevagherry (of Siva) ; Neilgherries (the blue mountains) ; Dhawalageri (the white mountain), being the highest peak of the Himalayas. GILL, GJA (Scand.), a ravine ; e.g. Buttergill, HorisgiU, OrmsgiU, Thorsgill, etc. (ravines in the Lake District named after Norse leaders) ; Hrafngia (the ravens' ravine, or of Hrafan, a Norse leader) ; Almanna-gja (AUman's ravine), in Ice land. The Hebrew gde (a ravine) answers in meaning to this word, as in Ge-Hinnom (the ra-vine of the -children of Hinnom), corrupt, to Gehenna. This word, in the form of goe, is applied to a small bay, i.e. a raxine which admits the sea, as in Redgoe, Ravengoe, in the north of Scotland. GLAISE (Gadhelic), a small stream ; e.g. Glasaboy (the yellow GLAN— GLEANN 91 stream) ; TuUyglush (hill stream) ; Glasheena (abounding in small streams) ; Douglas, i.e. Dubhglaise (the black stream), frequent in Ireland and Scotland ; Douglas, in the Isle of Man, is on the R. Douglas ; also the name of a parish and village in Lanarkshire, from which the Douglas family derive their name. Glasheenaulin (the beautiful little stream), in Co. Cork ; Ardglashin (the height of the rivulet), in Cavan. GLAN (Cym.-Cel.), a shore, a brink, a side ; e.g. Glan-yr-afon, Welsh (the river side). GLAS (Cel.), gray, blue, or green ; e.g. Glasalt (gray stream) ; Glascloon (green meadow) ; Glasdrummond (green ridge) ; Glaslough (green lake) ; GlasmuUagh (green summit), in Ireland ; Glass, a parish, in Scotland. In Wales : Glascoed (greenwood) ; Glascombe (green hollow). Glasgow is said by James, the author of Welsh Names of Places, to be a corrupt, of Glas-coed. tr Ah V \ ( ^ small valley, often named from ; ;' ^ , , 1 the river which flows through it ; GLYNandGLANN(Cym.-Cel.),<^^^_ Glen-fender, Glen-flnnan, GLEN (A. b.), (Glen -tilt, Glen-shee, Glen -esk, Glen-bervie, Glen-bucket, Glen-livet, Glen-lyon, Glen-almond, Glen-dochart, Glen-luce, Glen-isla, Glen-ary, Glen-coe, Glen- devon (valleys in Scotland watered by the Rivers Fender, Finnan, Tilt, Shee, Esk, Bervie, Bucket, Li vet, Lyon, Almond, Dochart, Luce, Isla, Aray, Cona, Devon). In Ireland : Glennagross (the valley of the crosses) ; Glen- muUion (of the mill) ; Glendine and Glandine and Glen- dowan, Irish Gleann-doimhin (the deep valley) — sometimes it takes the form of glan or glyii, as in Glin on the Shannon, and Glynn in Antrim ; Glennan, Glenann, Glen- tane, Glenlaun, etc. (little valley). When this word occurs at the end of names in Ireland the g is som^imes sup pressed ; e.g. Leiglin, in Carlow, ane Leith-ghlionn (half glen) ; Crumlin, Cromlin, and Crimlin (the winding glen) ; Glencross or Glencorse, in the Pentlands, named from a remarkable cross which once stood there ; Glenelg (the valley of hunt ing or of the roe) ; Glengarnock (of the rough hillock) ; Glencroe (of the sheepfold) ; Glenmore or Glenmore-nan- Albin (the great glen of Scotland which divides the High- 92 GLEIZ—GOLB lands into two nearly equal parts) ; Glenmoreston (the valley of the great cascade, i.e. of Foyers) ; Glenbeg (little valley) ; Glenburnie (of the little stream) ; Glenmuick (the boars' valley) ; Glenure (of the yew) ; Glenfinlas (of the clear stream) ; Glengariff (rough glen) ; Glendalough, Co. Wicklow, is in Irish Gleann-da-locha (the glen of the two lakes) ; Glennamaddy (of the dogs, madadh) ; Glinties (the glens), Co. Donegal ; Forglen, a parish in Banffshire (the cold or the grassy glen). In Wales, Glyn-Nedd (ofthe R. Nedd). GLEIZ (Old Get), shining; e.g. Glisbach (shining brook); Gleis- berg (shining hill) ; Gleesdorf, Gleesweiler (shining dweUing). GLINA (Sclav.), clay ; e.g. Glinzig, Glindow, Glintock, Glianicke, Glinow (names of places near clay pits) ; Glina (the clayey stream). GLOG (Sclav.), the white thom ; e.g. Glogau, Gross, and Upper Glogau, in Silesia (places abounding in white thom) ; Glognitz, with the same meaning. GNADE (Ger.), grace ; e.g. Gnadenhiitten (the tabernacles of grace), a Moravian settlement on the Ohio ; Gnadenthal (the vaUey of grace), in Africa ; Gnadenburg and Gnadenfeld (the city and field of grace). GOBHA (Gadhelic), a blacksmith — in topography Gow or Gowan; e.g. Ardgowan (the blacksmith's height) ; Balgowan, Balna- gowan, Balgovraie, Balgonie, in Scotland, and BaUygow, Ballygowan, Ballingown, Ballynagovra, in Ireland (the dwelling of the blacksmith) ; Athgoe (the blacksmith's ford). In early times the blacksmith was regarded as an important personage, being the manufacturer of weapons of war, and the ancient Irish, like other nations, had their smith god, Goban, hence the frequent use of the word in their topo graphy. GOLA, or GALA (Sclav.), a wood ; e.g. Golschow, Goltzen, Golkojye or Kolkwitz, and Gahlen (the woody place) ; Galinchen (the little Gahlen, i.e. a colony from that town) ; Kallinichen, i.e. the colony from Gallun ^the woody place) ; GoUnow, in Pomerania, from this root ; but GoUnitz, near Finsterwalde, is corrupt, from felcnze (stag town), from jelen. GOLB, GULB (Sclav.), the dove ; e.g. Gulbin, Golbitten, Golembin, GORA — GRANGE 93 Golembecks, Golembki (dove town) ; GoUombken, in Prussia, Ger. Taubendorf {Aove town). GORA (Sclav.), (^ mountain or hiU ; eg. Goritz, Get Gois (the '0(3os CGrk ) 1 " °" '' "^ Hungary, m a province of ^ ^ '" (the same name ; GorUtz (behind the hiU), caUed also Sgoretz; Gorigk, Ger. Bergheide (hilly heath) ; Gor- gast (hill inn), gosta corrupt, into gast; Podgorze, Pod- gorach, Podgoriza, Poschgorize (near the hill). This word sometimes takes the form of hora, as in Zahora, in Turkey (behind the hill) ; Czemahora (the black hill). GORT (Gadhelic), a field, cognate with the Lat. hortus and Span. huerta, and the Teut. garth — v. p. 87 ; e.g. Huerta-del- rey (the king's orchard), in Spain. GRAB (Sclav.), the red beech ; e.g. Grabkow, Grabitz, Grabig, Grabow (the place of red beeches) ; Grabin, Get Fijtster- walde (the place of red beeches or the dark wood). GRABEN (Ger), I f ^^^.\ °' ''^"""^'.^ir Sr<^^'^,grafan GRAB, GRAEF k.S.), '° ^'^^ '' 'f J^"^]^"^"^'" ,f " "^'I' \ trench or dam) ; Vloedgraben (the trench for the flood) ; Schutzgraben (the moat of the defence) ; Grafton and Graffham (the moated town) ; Gravesend (the town at the end of the moat) ; Bischofsgraef (the bishop's trench). In Ireland the prefix graf is applied to lands that have been grubbed up with a kind of axe called a grafan — hence such names as Graffan, Graffin, Graffee, Graffy. GRAF, GRAAF (Teut. and Scand.), a count or earl ; e.g. Graffenau, Graffenberg, Grafenschlag, Grafenstein (the meadow, hill, wood-clearing, and rock of the count) ; Grafenworth and Grafenhain (the count's enclosure or farm) ; Grafenthal (the count's valley) ; Grafenbriick (the count's bridge) ; Grafen- miihle (the count's mill) ; Gravelines, in Flanders, ane Graveninghem (the count's domain). In Sclavonic names, Grabik, Grabink, Grobitz, Hrabowa, HrabaSchin (the count's town) ; Grobinow (count's town), Germanised into Kroppstadt. GRANGE (Fr. and Scot.), a farm or storehouse for grain, from the Lat. granaria, cognate with the Gadhelic grainnseach. Low Lat. grangia; e.g. Grange, a parish and village in Banff shire ; Les Granges (the granaries) ; La Neuve Grange 94 GRENZE — GRODEN (the new farm), in France ; La Granja, in Spain ; Grange- geeth (the windy farm), in Ireland. From the same root such names in Ireland as Granagh, Granaghan (places producing grain). .p , C the boundary or comer ; e.g. Grenzhausen (the ,_^. ¦•'' -' dweUings on the boundary) ; Banai-Militar ^ ( Granze (the border territory under the govern ment of a military officer called The Ban) ; Gransee (the corner lake) ; Graniz, Granowo (boundary towns), in Hungary ; Gran, a town in Hungary, in a province of the same name through which the R. Gran flows. GRIAN (Gadhelic), the sun ; e.g. Greenock, either from grianach (sunny) or the knoll, cnoc (of the sun) ; Greenan, Greenane, Greenawn, and Grennan (literally, a sunny spot), trans lated by the Irish Latin-writers solarium; but as it occurs in topographical names in Ireland, it is used as another name for a royal palace ; Grenanstown, in Co. Tipperary, is a sort of translation of its ancient name Baile-an-ghrianain (the town of the palace) ; Greenan-Ely (the palace of the circular stone fortress, aileach) ; Tullagreen (the hill of the sun) ; Monagreany (sunny bog). GRIES (Ger.), sand or gravel ; e.g. Griesbach (sandy brook) ; Griesau, Griesthal (sandy valley) ; Grieshaim (sandy dwell ing) ; Grieswang (sandy field) ; Griesberg (sand hiU) ; Grieskirchen (the church on the sandy land). Gressius and Gresum in bas Lat. have the same meaning, and have given names to such places in France as Les Grfes, Groses, Les Gresillons, La Gress^e, La Grezille, etc. GROD, GOROD, GRAD (Sclav.), ( ^ ^f'^f '°7V J'^- .^^'^rade HRAD (Ture), ^f Belgorod (white fortress) ; ( Ekateringrad and Ehzabethgrad (the fortified town of the Empress Catharine and EUzabeth) ; Zaregorod (the fortress ofthe Czar or Emperor) ; Novgorod (new fortress) ; Paulograd and Ivanograd (the fortress of Paul or Ivan, i.e. John) ; Gratz, Gradiska, Gradizsk, Gradentz, Grodek, Grodno, Grodzizk (the fortified toxvns), in Poland and Russia; Hradeck and Hradisch, with the same meaning, in Bohemia. GRODEN (Frisian), land reclaimed from the sea ; e.g. Moor- groden, Ostergroden, Salzgroden, places in Holland. GRON^GUT 95 GRON, GROEN, GRUN (Teut and Scand.), green ; e.g. Groenloo, Gronau (the green meadow) ; Grunavoe (green bay) ; Grunataing (green promontory) ; Grunaster (green dwell ing), in Shetland ; Greenland, translated from Terra-verde, the name given to the country by Cortoreal in 1500, but it had been discovered by an Icelander (Lief, son of Eric the red), in the ninth century, and named by him Hvitsaerk (white shirt), probably because covered with snow ; Green wich, A. S. Grenavie, Lat viridus-vincs (green town). GRUND (Get), a vaUey ; e.g. Amsel-grund, Itygrund (the valleys of the Rivers Amsel and Ity) ; Riesengrund (the giant's valley) ; Laucha-grund (the valley of the R. Laucha), in Thuringia. GUADA, the name given to the rivers in Spain by the Moors, from the Arabic wddy (the dried-up bed of a river) ; e.g. Guada- laviar, i.e. Ar. Wadi-l-abyadh (the white river) ; Guadalete (the small river) ; Guadalimar (red river) ; Guadarama (sandy river) ; Guadalertin (the muddy river) ; Guadaloupe (the river of the bay, upl) ; Guadiana (the river of joy), called by the Greeks Chrysus (the golden) ; Guadalquivir, i.e. Wad-al-kebir (the great river) ; Guaalcazar (of the palace) ; Guadalhorra (of the cave, ghar) ; Guadalbanar (of the battlefield) ; Guadaira (of the mills). GU£ (Fr.), a ford, perhaps from the Celtic gwy, water ; e.g. Q\x€- du-Loire (the ford of the Loire) ; Gud-de-l'Isle (of the island) ; Le Gu^-aux-biches (of the hinds) ; Bond, formerly Bonum-vadum, Lat. (the good ford), in France ; Bungay, in Suffolk, on the R. Waveney, corrupt from Bon-gud (good ford). GUISA (Old Get), to gush, found in river names ; e.g. Buachgieso (the bending stream) ; Goldgieso (golden stream) ; Wisgoz (the white stream). GUNGE (Sansc), a market-town ; e.g. Saibgunge (the market-town of the Englishmen) ; Futtegunge (the town of victory) ; Sultangunge (of the Sultan) ; Shevagunge (of Siva) ; Jaffiergunge (of Jaffier). GUT, GOED (Ger.), a property ; e.g. Schlossgut (the property of the castle) ; Wtistegut (the property in the waste land) ; but this word, used as a prefix, denotes good, as in Gutten- 96 GIVEN— HAAR berg, Guttenbrun, Guttenstein (the good hill, weU, and fortress). GWEN (Cym.-Cel.), fair, white, cognate with the Ga.dhe\ic fionn; e.g. Gwenap (the fair slope) ; Gwendur and Derwent (the fair water) ; Berwyn (the fair boundary) ; Corwen (the fair choir) ; Ventnor (the fair shore) ; Guinty or Guindy (the fair or white dwelling), common in Wales. Gwent, Latin-* ised Venta, meant a fair open plain, and was applied to the counties of Monmouth, Gloucester, and Hereford, and Hampshire, as well as to the coast of Brittany : thus Win chester was formerly Caer-gwent (the fortress of the fair plain). Latinised Venta-Belgorum (the plain of the Belgians). There was a gwent also in Norfolk, Latinised Venta^Iceti^ orum (the plain of the Iceni). This root-word may be the derivation of Vannes and La Vendee, in Normandy, if not from the Veneti — v. fen. GWENT (Welsh), a fair or open region, a campaign. It is a name now confined to nearly all Monmouthshire, but which anciently comprehended also parts of the counties of Gloucester and Hereford, being a district where Caer-wenl or the Venta-Silurum of the Romans was the capital ; Corwen (the blessed choir or church) ; Yr Eglwys- Wen (the blessed choir or church) ; Wenvoe, in Glamorgan, corrupt, from Gwenvai (the happy land). GWERN (Cym.-Cel.), the alder- tree, also a swamp; e.g. Coed- gwern (alder-tree wood). GWY, or WY (Cym.-Cel.), water; e.g. the Rivers Wye, the Elwy (gUding water) ; Llugvsy (clear water) ; Mynewy (smaU water) ; Leveny (smooth water) ; Garway (rough water) ; Conway (the chief or head water, cyn) ; Gwydir, i.e. Gwy-tir (water land), the ancient name of Glastonbury ; Gwynedd (water glen), an ancient region in North Wales. GWYRDD (Welsh), green, verdant ; e.g. Gwyrdd-y-coed (the winter green). H HAAR (Teut.), an eminence ; e.g. Haarlem (the eminence on the clayey soil, Icem). HAFEN—HAI 97 HAFEN, HAVN (Teut and Scand.), (^ ^^';'^°"'^' ^'°^ .^f ^^l HOFEN,HAMM, C^T^I} ' ^-^^ F"\cbe - haff HAVRE (Fr) ) (freshwater haven); Kur- " (ische-haff (the harbour of the Cures, a tribe) ; Ludwig's-hafen (the harbour of Louis) ; Charles's -haven, Frederick's -haven (named after their founders) ; Delfshaven (the canal harbour) ; Vilshaven (the harbour at the mouth of the R. Vils) ; Thorshaven (the harbour of Thor) ; Heiligenhaven (holy harbour) ; Hamburg (the town of the harbour), formerly Hochburi (high town) ; Soderhamm (the south harbour) ; Osterhafen (east har bour) ; Ryehaven, in Sussex (the harbour on the bank, rive) ; Milford-haven (the harbour of Milford), the modern name of the Cel. Aber-du-gledian (the confluence of the two swords), a word applied to streams by the ancient Britons ; Whitehaven, in Cumberland, according to Camden named from its white cliffs ; Stonehaven (the harbour of the rock), in allusion to the projecting rock which shelters the har bour ; Newhaven, Co. Sussex, in allusion to the new harbour made in 17 13 — its former name was Meeching; Newhaven, Co. Edinburgh, named in contradistinction from the old harbour at Leith. ,„ , „ , . C an enclosure, literally a place HAG, HAGEN (Teut. and Scand.), I j j u 1, j . ^ " < surrounded by a hedge, cognate HAIGH, HAY, HAIN, ) .,, ,, ' ^ ,J ^ ' „^ ' ' ' (^ With the Celtic ca^y «.^. Hagen, in Germany, and La Haye, Les Hayes, and Hawes (the en closures), in France, Belgium, and England ; Hagenbach (the hedged-in brook) ; Hagenbrunn (the enclosed well) ; Hagueneau (the enclosed meadow), a town in Germany ; Fotheringay (probably originally an enclosure for fodder or fother) ; The Hague, Ger. Gravenhage (the duke's en closure, originally a hunting-seat of the Princes of Orange) ; Hain-Grossen (the great enclosure) ; Jacob's-hagen (James's enclosure), in Pomerania ; Urishay (the enclosure of Uris), in Hereford ; Haigh and Haywood (the enclosed wood), in Lancashire. HAGO, HEGY (Hung.), a hill ; e.g. Kiraly-hago (the king's hill) ; Szarhegy (the emperor's hill). HAI (Chinese), the sea ; e.g. Hoanghai (the yellow sea) ; Nankai (the southern sea). H HAIDE— HAM HAIDE, or HEIDE (Teut.), a heath or wild wood ; e.g. Falkenheid (the falcon's wood) ; Birchenheide (the birch - wood) ; Hohenheid and Hochheyd (high heath) ; Hatfield, Hadleigh, Hatherley, and Hatherleigh (the heathy fleld or meadow) ; Hadlow (heath hill) ; Haidecke (heath corner) ; Heyde- capelle (the chapel on the heath), in HoUand. HAIN (Ger.), a grove or thicket ; e.g. Wildenhain (the wild beasts' thicket) ; Wilhelmshain (William's grove or thicket) ; Lan- genhain (long thicket) ; Grossenhain (the thick grove). HALDE (Ger.), a declivity, cognate with hald, Scand. (a rock) ; e.g. Leimhalde (clayey declivity) ; Frederick's-hald, in Norway, so named by Frederick III. in 1665. Its old name was simply Halden (on the declivity). ,„ ^ . C a stone house, a palace ; e.s;. EccleshaU HALL, or ALH (Teut.), I , , , , \ ¦ c. i i X.- u ' . . _ . ^ \ (church house), m Staffordshire, where ^ ¦ ¦'' ( the Bishops of Lichfield had a palace ; Coggeshall, in Essex (Gwgan's mansion) ; Kenninghall (the king's palace), in Norfolk, at one time the residence of the princes of East Anglia. HALL and HALLE, in German topography, is a general name for a place where salt is manufactured. The word has its root in the Cym.-Cel. halen (salt), cognate with the Gadhehc salen and the Teut. salz, probably from the Grk. hats (the sea). Hall and Halle, as town names, are found in con nection with Salz; as in Hall in Upper Austria, near the Salzberg (a hill with salt mines), and Hall, near the salt mines in the Tyrol ; Halle, in Prussian Saxony, on the R. Saale ; Reichenhall (rich salt-work), in Bavaria ; HaUein, celebrated for its salt-works and baths, on the Salza ; Hallstadt, also noted for its salt-works ; Hall, in Wurtem berg, near salt springs ; Halton, in Cheshire, probably takes its name from the salt mines and works in the neigh bourhood ; Penardhalawig (the headland of the salt marsh) was the ancient name of Hawarden, in Flint and Cheshire ; Halys and Halycus (salt streams), in Galatia and Sicily. HAM, HEIM (Teut and Scand.), \% ^°;^^ ""^ familyjesidence, HJEM, HEIM \ Y'^^^y ^ P'^utcn;, y Homburg-von-der-hohe (the high fort in front of the height) ; Hochfeld (high field) ; Hochain (high enclosure) ; Hochstadt, Hochstetten, Hochstatten (high dweUing) ; Hocheim (high home or dwelling), from which place Hock wines are named ; Hochwiesen, Sclav. Velko- polya (high meadow or plain) ; Hochst for Hochstadt, and Hoym for Hochham (high town) ; Hohenelbi, Grk. Albipolis (the high town on the Elbe) ; Hohenlohe (the high meadow or thicket) ; Hohenstein and Hohenstauffen (high rock) ; Hohenwarth, Lat. Altaspecula (the high watch-tower) ; HohenzoUern (the high place belonging to the Zwolf family) ; io6 HOF— HOLM Hohenscheid (the high watershed) ; Hockliffe (high cliff), in Bedford ; Higham, Highworth (high manor or dweUing) ; Highgate (high road) ; Wilhelmshohe (William's high place) ; Hoy, in Shetland (the high island). C an enclosure, manor, and court In Scan- tT\ ¦w\ \ dinavia .^o^ means a temple ; e.g. Eyndhoven HOEVE (Dutch), y ^^^ ^^^^^ ^j ^j^g corner) ; Neuhof and Neun- hoffen, in France (new manor) ; Hof and Hoff (the enclosure), in Belgium ; Hof, in Bavaria, on the R. Saale ; Stadt-am- hof, in Bavaria, ane Curia Bavarica (the place at the court) ; Hof-an-der-March (the court or manor on the R. March) ; Schoonhoven (beautiful manor), in Holland ; Nonnenhof (the nun's enclosure) ; Meerhof (the dweUing on the marshy land) ; Peterhof (the court dwelling founded by Peter the Great) ; Hoff (the temple), in Iceland ; Hoff, a village near Appleby, has the same meaning, as it is situated in a wood called Hoff-land (the temple grove). In Iceland, when a chieftain had taken possession of a district, he erected a temple {hoff) and became, as he had been in Norway, the chief, the pontiff, and the judge of the district ; and when the Norwegians took possession of Cumberland and Westmoreland they would naturally act in the same manner. HOHN (Old Get), a low place, as in Die-HQhne (the hollows), in the Brocken. HOLLE (Teut.), a cave, from hohl (hoUow); e.g. Hohenhnden, ane Hollinden (the hollow place of lime-trees) ; Holland or the Netherlands (the low countries) ; also Holland, a low-lying district in Lincolnshire ; Holdeornesse (the low promontor)' of the province of Deira) ; Holmer, in Hereford (the low lake, mere). HOLM (Scand.), a smaU island ; e.g. Flatholm (flat island) ; Steep- holm (steep island) ; Priestholm (of the priest) ; Alderholm (of alders) ; Holm, in Sweden, and Hulm, in Norway (the island) ; Stockholm, ane Holmia (the island city, built upon stakes). But holm also signifies occasionally a hill, as in Smailholm, in Roxburghshire (little hill) ; and Hume, or holm, Castle, in Berwickshire (on a hill). Sometimes also it signifies a low meadow on the banks of a stream, as in Durham, corrupt, from Dun-holm or Dunelme (the fortress on the meadow), almost surrounded by the R. Wear; Lang- HOLT— HORN 107 holm (the long meadow) ; Denholm (the meadow in the deep valley) ; Twynholm, ane Twynham (the dwelling on the hillock), Welsh twyn, a parish in Kirkcudbright ; Brachenholm (ferny meadow) ; Lingholme (heather island), in Windermere ; also Silverholme (the island of Solvar, a Norse leader) ; Bomholm, in the Baltic, ane Burgimdaland (the island of the Burgundlans) ; Axholme, an insulated dis trict in Co. Lincoln, formed by the Rivers Trent, Idle, and Don, from uisge, Cel. (water) ; Drotningholm, in the Malar Lake near Stockholm (queen's island), from Swed. drottmig (a queen) ; Battleholme, found in some places in the north of England, according to Ferguson, means fertile island, from an Old English word battel or bette (fertile). HOLT, HOLZ (A.S. and Ger.), a wood; e.g. Aldershot (alder-tree wood) ; Bergholt (the hill or hill fort in the wood) ; Evershot (the boar's wood, eofer) ; Badshot (badger's wood) ; Boch holt (beech-wood) ; Jagerholz (huntsman's wood) ; Ooster- hout (east wood) ; Holzkirchen (the church at the wood) ; Thourhout, in East Flanders (the wood consecrated to the god Thor) ; Tourotte, in the department of Oise, in France (also Thor's wood) ; Hootenesse (woody promontory), in Belgium ; Diepholz (deep wood) ; Meerholt and Meerhout (marshy wood) ; Holt, a woody district in Norfolk. HOO, or HOE (Scand.), a spit of land running into the sea ; e.g. Sandhoe (the sandy cape) ; The Hoe, in Kent ; Kew, in Surrey, ane Kay-hoo (the quay on the spit of land). .p . /a horn-like projection or cape jutting into the CA c;\ J ®®^' '^^ ^ valley between hills, curved like a HOORN (Dutch) 1 '^°™ ' "¦^- ^°°™ (*® promontory), a seaport ^ " (^in Holland, from which place the Dutch navigator Schoutens named Cape Horn, Hoorn being his native place ; Hornburg (the town on the projection) ; Hornby (corner dwelling) ; Horncastle (the castle on the promontory) ; Homberg and Horndon (the projecting hill) ; Hornsea (the projection on the coast) ; Matterhorn (the peak in the meadows), so called from the patches of green meadow-land which surround its base ; Schreckhorn (the peak of terror) ; Finsteraarhom (the peak out of which the Finster-Aar, or dark Aar, has its source). This river is so named to distinguish it from the Lauter or clear river. io8 HOUC— I A Skagenshorn (the peak of the Skaw), in Denmark) ; Faul- horn (the foul peak), so called from the black shale which disintegrates in water ; Wetterhorn (stormy peak) ; Katzen- hom (the cat's peak) ; Silberhorn (the silvery peak) ; Jung- frauhom (the peak of the maiden). HOUC, or HOOG (Teut.), a corner or little elevation, akin to the Scottish heugh and the Scand. haugr; e.g. Hoogzand and Hoogeveen (the sand and marsh at the comer) ; Hoogheyd (corner heath) ; Hoogbraek (the broken-up land at the corner) ; Stanhoug (stone comer). HUBEL, or HUGEL (Ger.), a little hill ; e.g. Haidhugel (heath hiU) ; Steinhugel (stony hill) ; Huchel and Hivel (the Uttle hiU) ; Lindhovel (the hill of lime-trees) ; Gieshiibel (the hill of gushing brooks). ,_ , fa district supposed to have originally com- HUNDRED (Eng.), • J ^ , , 1, J J r -1 J 11 \, \ " \ prised at least one hundred family dwell- HUNTARI (Get), If ,., ,TT 1 I, ^ < .f /J- . \ mgs, like Welsh Cantref (from cant, a hundred), the name of a similar division in Wales ; e.g. Hundrethwaite (the cleared land on this Hundred), a district in Yorkshire. HUTTE (Teut. and Scand.), a shed or cottage ; e.g. Dunkelhiitte (dark cottage) ; Mooshutten (the cottage in the mossy land) ; Buxtehude (the hut on the ox pasture) ; Huttenwerke (the huts at the works or mines) ; Hudemiihlen (miU hut) ; Hutton (the town of huts). But Landshut, in Bavaria, does not seem to be derived from hiitte, but from schutz, Ger (a defence), as it is in the neighbourhood of an old fortress, on the site of a Roman camp. HVER (Norse), a warm, bubbling spring ; e.g. Uxaver (the oxen's spring), in Iceland. 1 (Gadhelic), an island ; e.g. I-Colum-chille or Iona (the island of St. Columba's cell) ; lerne or Ireland (the westem island or ,,the island of Eire,- an ancient queen). IA (Cel.), a* country or land; e.g. Galada and Galicia, and ane Gallia (the country of the Gauls) ; Andalusia, for Van- dalusia (the countiy of the ^'¦andals) ; Bata\ia (the good IACUM— ILLIA 109 land), bette, good ; Britania or Pictavia (probably the land of painted tribes) ; Catalonia, corrupt from Gothalonia (the land of the Goths) ; Circassia (the land of the Tcherkes, a tribe) ; Croatia (the land of the Choriots or mountaineers) ; Suabia (of the Suevii) ; Moravia (the district of the R. Moravia) ; Moldavia (of the R. Moldau). It is called by the natives and Turks Bogdania, from Bogdan, a chieftain who colonised it in the thirteenth century. Ethiopia (the land ofthe blacks, or the people with the sunburnt faces), from Grk. ops (the face), and aitho (to burn) ; Phoenicia (the land of palms or the brown land), Grk. Phmnix; Silesia (the land of the Suisli) ; Bosnia (the district of the R. Bosna) ; Russia, named after Rourik, a Scandinavian chief ; Siberia, from Siber, the ancient capital of the Tartars ; Kaffraria (the country of the Kaffirs or unbelievers), a name given by the Arabs ; Dalmatia (the country of the Dalmates, who inhabited the city Dalminium) ; Iberia, the ancient name of Spain, either from the R. Ebro or from a tribe called the Iberi or Basques ; Caledonia, perhaps from Coille (the wood). IACUM, an affix used by the Romans, sometimes for ia (a district), and sometimes the Latinised form of the adjectival termina tion ach — qu. ¦Z'. p. 5 ; e.g. Juliers, Lat. fuliacum (belonging to Julius Caesar) ; Beauvais, Lat. Bellovacum (belonging to the Bellovaci) ; Annonay, Lat. Annonicutn (a place for grain, with large magazines of corn) ; Bouvignes, in Bel gium, Lat. Boviniacum (the place of oxen) ; Clameny, Lat. Clameniacum (belonging to. Clement, its founder) ; Joigny, ane Joiniacum, on the R. Yonne ; Annecy, Lat. Anneacum. (belonging to Anecius) ; Cognac, Lat. Cogniacum (the corner of the water), Fr. coin. Old Fr. coiny, Cel. cuan. lERE, an affix in French topography denoting a possession, and generally affixed to the name of the proprietor ; e.g. Guil- letifere (the property of Guillet) ; Guzonifere (of Gluzon). ILI (Ture), a district ; e.g. Hi-Bosnia (the district of the R. Bosna) ; Rumeli or Roumelia (the district of the Romans). ILLIA (Basque), a town ; e.g. EUoirio, lUora, and lUura (the town on the water, ura) ; Lorca, ane Illurcis (the town with fine water) ; Elibyrge (the town with the tower), Grk. pyrgos ; Elchd, ane Illici (the town on the hill, ci) ; lUiberus (new IM—ING town, surnamed Elne after the Empress Helena), in Spain ; the isle of Oleron, ane. Illura (the town on the water). IM and IN, a contraction for the Ger. in der (in or on the) ; e.g. Imgrund (in the valley) ; Imhorst (in the wood) ; Eimbeck (on the brook) ; Imruke (on the ridge). C an affix used by the Teutonic races, as a patronymic, ' ' < in the same sense as Mac is used in Scotland, at INGA 1 ' Jr ' ( in Wales, and O in Ireland. Ing is generaUy affixed to the settlement of a chief, and ingen to that of his descend ants. Ing, preceding ham, ton, dean, ley, thorp, worth, etc., is generally an abbreviation of ingen, and denotes that the place belonged to the family of the tribe, as in Bennington, CoUington, CoUingham, Islington (the home ofthe Bonnings, the CoUings, and the Islings). In French topography ingen takes the forms of igny, igne, or inges; and it appears, by comparing the names of many towns and viUages in Eng land and the north-west of France with those of Germany, that Teutonic tribes forming settlements in these countries transferred the names in their native land to their new homes. For the full elucidation of this subject reference may be made to Taylor's Words and Places, chap. vii. and the Appendix, and to Edmund's Names of Places, p. 58. Only a few examples of the use of this patronymic can be given here ; thus, from the Offijigs — Oving and Ovingham, corresponding to the Ger. Offingen and the Fr. Offignes. From the Eppings — Epping, Ger. Eppinghofen, and Fr Epagne. The Bings — Bing, Bingham, Bingley ; Ger Bingen ; Fr. Buigny. The Basings — Eng. Basing, Basing- ham, Bessingby ; Fr. Bazigny. From the Raedings — Reading, Co. Berks. The Har lings — Harlington. The Billings — Bellington. From the Moerings or Merovingians many French towns and villages are named ; e.g. Morigny, Marigne, Merignac, Merrigny ; in England — Merring, Merrington. We can sometimes trace these tribe names to the nature of the localities which they inhabited. Thus the Bucings, from which we have Boking and Buckingham, to a locality abounding in beech-trees, boc; the Durotriges, from which we have Dorset and Dorchester, are the dwellers by the water, dur ; as well as the Eburovices, who gave their name to Evreux, in France. Ing, also, in INNER— INNIS INNIS (Gadhelic), YNYS, ENEZ (Cym.-Cel), INSEL (Get), INSULA (Lat.), NESOS (Grk.), A.S. names, sometimes means a meadow, as in Clavering, in Essex (clover meadow), A.S. Claefer; Mountnessing, Co. Essex (the meadow of the Mountneys, who were formerly lords of the manor) ; Godalming (the meadow of Godhelm). INNER (Ger.), opposed to ausser (the inner and outer), as in Innerzell, Ausserzell (the inner and outer church). an island, also in some cases pasture land near water, or a peninsula. It often takes the form of inch, as in Inchkeith (the island of the Keith family) ; Inchcolm (St. Columba's Island) ; Inchfad (long isle) ; Inch- garvie (the rough island) ; Inchard (high isle) ; Inch- Cailleach (the island of the old women or nuns), in Loch Lomond, being the site of an ancient nunnery; Inchmarnoch (of St. Mamoch), in the Firth of Clyde ; Inchbrackie (the spotted isle) ; Inchgower (the goat's isle) ; Inchtuthill (the island of the flooded stream) ; Craignish, ane Craiginche (the rocky peninsula) ; Durness, in Sutherlandshire, is a corrupt, from Doirbh-innis (the stormy peninsula) ; Ynys- Bronwen (the island of Bronwen, a Welsh lady who was buried there), in Anglesey ; Ynis-wyllt (wild island), off the coast of Wales ; Inysawdre (the isle and home of refuge), in Glamorgan. In Ireland : Ennis (the river meadow) ; Enniskillen, Irish Inis-Cethlenn (the island of Cethlenn, an ancient queen of Ireland) ; Ennisheen (beautiful island) ; Devenish, in Lough Erne, is Daimhinis (the island of oxen). But Enniskerry is not from this root ; it is corrupt, from Ath-na-scairbhe (the rough ford) ; Orkney Isles, Gael. Orc- innis (the islands of whales) ; they are sometimes called Earr-Cath (the tail of Caithness) ; Innisfallen, in Lake KaUarney (the island of Fathlenn) ; the Hebrides or Sudereys, called Innisgall (the islands of the Gaels) ; the Aleutian Islands, from Russ. aleut (a bald rock) ; in Hol land, Duiveland (pigeon island), and Eyerlandt (the island of the sand-bank) ; Eilenburg, in Saxony (the town on an island in the R. Mulda) ; Isola, a town in lUyria (on an island) ; Issola or Imo-Isola (low island), in Italy ; Lille, in Flanders, ane Elsie, named from an insulated castle in iNVER—fABLON the midst of a marsh ; Peloponnesus (the island of Pelops); Polynesia (many islands). ,„ ,, ... C a river confluence or a creek at INVER, or INBHIR (Gadhehc), I .,, ..x. c ¦ t-x.- j ' ^ " < the mouth of a river. This word INNER, ) . , ' ( IS an element m numerous names throughout Scotland ; and although it is not so common in Ireland, it exists in old names, as in Dromineer, for Druim- inbhir (the ridge of the river mouth). In Scotland it is used in connection with aber, the word inver being found sometimes at the mouth and aber farther up [the same stream : thus — Abergeldie and Invergeldie, on the Geldie ; Abemyte and Invemyte, etc. ; Inversnaid (the needle or narrow confluence, snathad, a needle) ; Innerkip (at the conf of the Kip and Daff) ; Inveresk and Inverkeilor (at the mouths of the Esk and Keilor), in Mid Lothian and Forfar ; Innerleithen (at the conf of the Leithen and Tweed), in Peebles ; Inveraven (at the conf of the Aven and Spey) ; Inverness (at the conf of the Ness with the Beauly) ; Inveraray (at the mouth of the Aray) ; Inverury the Urie) ; Inverkeithing (of the Keith) ; Inverbervie or Bervie (at the mouth of the Bervie) ; Peterhead, ane Inverugie Petri or Petri promontorium (the promontory of the rock of St. Peter), on the R. Ugie, with its church dedicated to St. Peter ; Inverleith, now Leith (at the mouth of the Leith) ; Inverarity (at the mouth of the Arity), in Forfar ; Cullen, ane. Invercullen (at the mouth of the back river) — v. cuL. ITZ, IZ, IZCH, a Sclavonic affix, signifying a possession or quality, equivalent to the Teut. ing; e.g. Carlovitz (Charles's town) ; Mitrowitz (the town of Demetrius) ; Studnitz (of the foun tain) ; Targowitz (the market town) ; Trebnitz and Trebitsch (poor town) ; Schwanitz (swine town) ; Madlitz (the house of prayer) ; Publitz (the place of beans) ; Janowitz (John's town) ; Schwantewitz (the town of the Sclavonic god Swantewit). J JABLON (Sclav.), the apple-tree ; e.g. Jablonez, Jablonka, Jablona, Jablonken, Jablonoko, Gablenz, Gablona (places abounding in apples) ; Jablonnoi or Zablonnoi (the mountain of apples). fAMA — KAISER H3 JAMA (Sclav.), a ditch ; e.g. Jamlitz, Jamnitz, and Jamno (places with a ditch or trench) ; Jamburg (the town in the hollow or ditch) ; but Jamlitz may sometimes mean the place of medlar-trees, ixoxa jemelina (the medlar). JASOR (Sclav.), a marsh ; e.g. Jehser-hohen and Jeser-nieder (the high and lower marsh), near Frankfort ; Jeserig and Jeserize (the marshy place). JASSEN (Sclav.), the ash-tree ; e.g. Jessen, Jessern, Jesseu, Jessnitz (the place of ash-trees). JAWOR (Sclav.), the maple-tree ; e.g. Great and Little Jawer, in Silesia ; Jauer, in Russia ; Jauernitz and Jauerburg (the place of maple-trees), in Russia. JAZA (Sclav.), a house ; e.g. Jaschen, Jaschwitz, Jaschiitz (the houses). JEZIRAH (At), an island or peninsula; e.g. Algiers or Al-Jezirah, named from an island near the town ; Al-Geziras (the islands), near Gibraltar ; Alghero (the peninsula), in Sar dinia ; Jezirah-diraz (long island), in the Persian Gulf ; Al- Jezirah or Mesopotamia (between the river). JOKUL (Scand.), a snow-covered hill ; e.g. Vatna-Jokul (the hill with the lake) ; Orefa-Jokul (the desert hill) ; Forfa-Jokul (the hill of Forfa) ; Long-Jokul (long hill). JONC (Fr), from juncus, Lat. (a rush) ; e.g. Jonch^re, Joncheres, jonchery, Le Jonquer, La Jonciferes, etc., place-names in France. K KAAl, KAI, KADE (Teut.), a quay or a bank by the water-side ; e.g. Oudekaai (old quay) ; Kadzand (the quay or bank on the sand) ; Moerkade (marshy bank) ; Kewstoke (the place on the quay) ; Kew, in Surrey, on the Thames ; Torquay (the quay of the hill called Tor). KAHL (Ger.), J bald, cognate with the Lat. calvus^; e.g. Kalen- CALO (AS.), \ berg and Kahlengebirge (the bald mountains). , /the emperor or Caesar; e.g. Kaisersheim, K-WSER (Get) I Kaiserstadt (the emperor's town) ; Kaiser- rvJ^'^'^CQ 1 T 1 stuhl (the emperor's seat) ; Kaiserberg (the CYZAR (bclav.), (^gmperor's fortress), in Alsace, named from a castle erected by Frederick II. ; Kaiserslautern (the em- 1 14 KALA T—KESSEL peror's place), on the R. Lauter ; Kaiserswerth (the emperor's island), on the Rhine ; Keysersdyk (the emperor's dam) ; Keysersloot (the emperor's sluice), in Holland ; Cysarowes (the emperor's village), in Bohemia ; Kaisariyeh, ane CcEsarea. KALAT, or KALAH (Ar.), a castle ; e.g. Khelat, in Belochistan ; Yenikale (the new castle), in the Crimea ; Calatablanca (white castle), in Sicily ; Calahorra, Ar. Kalat-harral (stone castle), in Spain ; Calata-bellota (the oak-tree castle), in Sicily; Calata-girone (the surrounded castle), Sicily ; Calata- mesetta (the castle of the women) ; Calatayud (the castle of Ayud, a Moorish king) ; Alcala-real (the royal castle) ; Alcala-de-Henares (the castle on the R. Henares), in Spain ; Sanjiac-Kaleh (the castle of the standard), corrupt by the French into St. Jaques, in Asia Minor ; Calatrava (the castle of Rabah). KAMEN (Sclav.), a stone ; e.g. Camentz, Kemmen, Kammena, Kamienetz (the stony place) ; Kamminchen (the little stony place), a colony from Steenkirchen ; Chemnitz (the stony town, or the town on the stony river) ; Kersna- kaimai (the Christian's stone house) ; Schemnitz, Hung. Selmecz (stony town), in Silesia. KARA (Ture), black ; e.g. Karamania (the district of the blacks) ; Karacoum (the black sand), in Tartary ; Kara-su (the black river) ; Kara-su-Bazar (the market-town on the Kara-su) ; Kara-Tappeh (the black mound), in Persia ; Kartagh and Kartaon (the black mountain chains), in Turkey and Tar tary ; Kara-Dengis, the Turkish name for the Black Sea, called by the Russians Tchernm-more, Ger. Schawarz-meer ; Kara-mulin (black mill) ; Cape Kara-boumow (the black nose), in Asia Minor. KEHLE (Ger.), a gorge or defile ; e.g. Bergkehle (hiU gorge) ; Hundkehle (the dog's gorge) ; Langkehl (long gorge) ; Kehl (the gorge), in Baden ; Schuylkill (the hidden gorge), a river in America. KESSEL, KEZIL (Get), ( literally a kettle but in topography ap- KYTEL CA S ) 1 plied to a bowl-shaped vaUey surrounded ^ ' '>' \ by hills ; e.g. Ketel, in Holstein ; Kessel, in Belgium ; Kessel-loo (the low-lying grove or swamp), in Belgium ; Kesselt (the low-lying wood, holt), in Belgium ; KIR—KIRCHE 115 Kettle or King's-kettle (the hollow), in the valley of the R. Eden, in Fife, formerly belonging to the crown ; but such names as Kesselstadt, Kesselsham, Kettlesthorpe, and Kettleshulme are probably connected with the personal name Chetil or Kettle, being common names among the Teutons and Scandinavians. -XT , > (a wall or stronghold, a city or town ; e.g. Kir- KIRIATH ) ^°^^ ^^^ stronghold of Moab) ; Kiriathaim (the ' ( two cities) ; Kirjath-Arba (the city of Arba), now Hebron ; Kirjath-Baal (of Baal) ; Kirjath-Huzoth (the city of villas) ; Kirjath-jearim (of forests) ; Kirjath-sannah (of palms), also called Kirjath-sepher (the city of the book). The Breton Ker (a dwelling) seems akin to this word, as in Kergneii (the house at the nut-trees), in Brittany. KIRCHE (Get and Scand.), (\'^"''*- The "sual derivation of CA S ^ J word IS from kunake, Grk. KERK (Dutch) ) oikos-kuriou (the Lord's house) ; ^ '' \^-g- Kirkham, Kerkom, Kirchdorf (church town) ; Kirchhof (church court) ; Kirchwerder (church island), on an island in the R. Elbe ; Kirchditmold (the church at the people's place of meeting) — v. DIOT. Fiinfkirchen (the five churches), in Hungary ; Kirchberg (church hill), in Saxony. Many parishes in Scotland have this affix to their names, as in Kirkbean (the church of St Bean) ; Kirkcaldy (the church of the Culdees, who formerly had a cell there) ; Kirkcolm (of St Columba) ; Kirkconnel (of St Connal) ; Kirkcowan, ane Kirkuen (of St. Keuin) ; Kirkcudbright (of St. Cuthbert) ; Kirkden (the church in the hollow) ; Kirkhill (on the hill) ; Kirkhope (in the valley) ; Kirkinner (the church of St Kinneir). In England : Kirkby- Lonsdale (the church town), in the valley of the Lune ; Kirkby-Stephen (of St Stephen, to whom the church was dedicated) ; Kirkdale, in Lancashire ; Kirkham, also in Lancashire ; Kirkliston (the church of the strong fort, founded by the Knights Templars), in Linlithgow ; Kirk- oswald, named after Oswald, King of Northumberland ; Kirkurd, in Peeblesshire, Lat Ecclesia de Orde (the church of Orde or Horda, a personal name) ; Kirkwall, Norse Kirk-ju-vagr (the church on the bay) ; Hobkirk (the church in the hope or valley) ; Ladykirk, in Berwickshire, dedicated ii6 KIS— KNOLL to the Virgin Mary by James IV. on his army crossing the Tweed near the place ; Falkirk, supposed to be the church on the Vallum or wall of Agricola, but more likely to be the A.S. rendering of its Gaelic name Eglais-bhrac (the spotted church), fah in A.S. being of divers colours ; Stonykirk, in Wigtonshire, corrupt from Steenie-kirk (St. Stephen's church) ; Kirkmaden (of St. Medan) ; Carmichael for Kirk- Michael (of St Michael); Bridekirk (of St. Bridget); Carluke for Kirkluke (of St. Luke) ; Selkirk, ane Sella^chyrche-Regis (the seat of the king's church, originally attached to a royal hunting-seat) ; Laurencekirk (the church of St. Laurence, Archbishop of Canterbury, called the Apostle of the Picts) ; Kirby-Kendal (the church in the valley of the Ken or Kent) ; Channelkirk, in Berwickshire, ane Childer-kirk (the child ren's church, having been dedicated to the Innocents). KIS (Hung.), little; e.g. Kis-sceg (little comer), in Transylvania; Kishissar (little fort). KLAUSE, KLOSTER, a place shut in, from the Lat claudo, also a cloister ; e.g. Klausen (the enclosed place), in Tyrol ; Klausenburg (the enclosed fortress) ; Klausenthal (the en closed valley); Kloster-Neuburg (the new town of the cloister) ; Chiusa, in Tuscany, ane Clusium, and Clusa, in Saxony (the enclosed place), also La Chiusa, in Piedmont ; but claus, as a prefix, may be Klaus, the German for Nicholas, and is sometimes attached to the names of churches dedicated to that saint. KLEIN (Get), little ; e.g. Klein-eigher (the little giant), a mountain in Switzerland. KNAB, KNOP (Scand. and Teut.), ( ^ ^.^""^'^ ' 'S'. Noopnoss (the CNAP CCel ^ \ projecting point) ; Knabtoft ^ >' ( (the farm of the hillock) ; The Knab, in Cumberland ; Knapen-Fell (the hiU with the pro tuberance), in Norway ; Knapdale (the \-alley of hillocks), Argyleshire ; Knapton, Knapwell (the town and well near the hillock) ; Snape (the hillock), in Suffolk and Yorkshire ; Nappan (little hillock), and Knapagh (hilly land), in Ireland. KNOLL CTeut ) ( ^ hillock ; e.g. Knowle and Knoyle (the hillock) ; KNOW \ Knowl-end (liiU end) ; Knowsley (hiU, valley, or ' ( field). In the form of know or now it is common as an affix in Scotland. KOH—KOPF 117 KOH (Pers.), a mountain ; e.g. Koh-baba (the chief or father mountain) ; Caucasus (mountain on mountain, or the moun tain of the gods. Asses) ; Kuh-i-Nuh (Noah's mountain), the Persian name for Ararat ; Kashgar (the mountain fortress). KOI (Ture), a village ; e.g. Kopri-koi (bridge village) ; Haji-Veli- koi (the village of the pilgrim Veli) ; Papaskoi (the priest's village) ; Kadikoi (the judge's village) ; Hajikoi (the pil grim's village) ; Akhmedkoi (Achmed's village) ; Boghaz-koi (God's house), near the ruins of an ancient temple in Asia Minor. irr,^T,r tr^. \ ( ^ '^^S ; e.g. Konigshofen (the king's court) ; CA^T \ Konigheim (the king's dweUing); Konigsbrunn CING(A.S.), y^^^^ king's well); Konigshain (the king's en closure) ; Konigshaven (the king's harbour) ; Konigsberg, in Prussia, and Kongsberg, in Norway (the king's moun tain) ; Konigstein. (the king's rock fortress) ; Coningsby, Connington, Coniston, Kingsbury, places in England where the Anglo-Saxons held their court ; Kingston, in Surrey, where their kings were generally crowned ; Kingston or Hull, upon the R. HuU, in Yorkshire, named after Edward I. ; Kingston, Co. Dublin, so named in commemoration of George IV. 's visit to Ireland ; Kingston, in Jamaica, named after William III. ; Cunningham, Kingthorpe, Kingsby (the king's dweUing or farm) ; but Cuningsburg, in Shetland, may be derived from Kuningr (a rabbit) ; Kingsbarns, in Fife, so caUed from certain storehouses erected there by King John during his occupation of the castle now demolished. , _ , fa headland or mountain peak ; e.g. KOPF, KOPPE (Get), I catzenkopf (the cat's head) ; Schneekopf COPA (Welsh) ^ ^^^ Schneekoppe (snowy peak) ; Och- KUPA (Sclav.), senkopf (the oxen's peak) ; Riesenkoppe CABO (Span.), [(giants' peak); Perecop, in Russia (the gate of the headland) ; Vogelskuppe (the birds' peak) ; Cape Colonna (the headland of the pillars), so named from the ruins of a temple to Minerva ; Cape Leuca (the white) ; Cape Negro (the black) ; Cape Roxo (the red cape) ; Kuopio (on a headland), in Russia; Cabeza-del-buey (ox headland), in Spain ; Cabeciera (black headland), in Spain ; Capo-d'Istria (the summit of Istria) ; Copeland, a district in Cumberland full of peaks or headlands. ii8 KOPRI— LAAG KOPRI, KUPRI (Turc), a bridge ; e.g. Vezir-kopri (the vizier's bridge) ; Keupri-bazaar (the market-town at the bridge) ; Keupris (bridge town), in Turkey. KOS (Sclav.), a goat ; e.g. Koselo (goat's river) ; KosUn (goat town), in Pomerania. KOSCIOL (Sclav.), a Romish church ; e.g. Kostel, Kosteletz (towns with a Romish church), a Protestant church being called Zbor, and a Greek church Zerkwa. KRAL, KROL (Sclav.), a king ; e.g. Kralik, Kralitz, Krolow, Kraliewa, Kralovritz (the king's town or fortress). KRASNA (Sclav.), beautiful ; e.g. Krasnabrod (the beautiful ford) ; Krasnapol (the beautiful city) ; Krasno-Ufimsk (the beau tiful town of the R. Ufa) ; Krasna and Krasne (the beautifiil place). KRE (Sclav.), a coppice ; e.g. Sakrau, Sakrow (behind the coppice). KREIS (Get), a circle ; e.g. Saalkreis (the circle watered by the R. Saal) ; Schwardswaldkreis (the circle of the Black Forest). KREMjf KRIM (Sclav.), a stone building; e.g. The Kremlin (the stone fort of Moscow) ; Kremmen, Kremenetz, Kremnitz, Kremmenaia, Kremenskaia, towns in Russia, Poland, and Lusatia. KRONE, KRON (Teut. and Scand.), a crown ; e.g. Kronstadt, Hung. Brasso (crown city), in Hungary ; Cronstadt, in Russia, founded by Peter the Great ; Konigscrone (the king's crown) ; Carlscrone (Charles's crown) ; Landscrone (the crown or summit of the land), a mountain and town in Silesia — also with the same meaning, Landscrona, in Sweden. Kron, however, as a prefix, comes occasionally from krahn (a crane), as in Kronwinkel (the crane's comer). KRUG (Get), a small inn ; e.g. Dornkmg (the thom inn) ; Krug- miille (the mill at the inn). LAAG, LAGE (Get), jf, '''^' ^ l^^t^^ . field ;..^.Brawenlage LOOG CDutch) \ (brown field) ; Wittlage (white field or wood *¦ ''' ( field) ; Blumlage (flowery field) ; Miihlen- loog (the mill field or site) ; Dinkellage (wheat field). This word is also used as an adjective, signifying low; e.g. LAC^LADE 119 LAC (Ft), LACHE (Get), LAGO (It, Span., and Port), LAGUNA, Loogkirk (low church) ; Loogheyde (low heath) ; Loogemeer (low lake) ; Laaland (low island). a lake, cognate with the Lat. lacus and the Cel. loch or Iwch. These words in the various dialects origin ally signified a hollow, from the roots lag, lug, and Grk. lakos; e.g. Lachen, Lat. Adlacum (at the lake), a town on Lake Zurich ; Interlachen (between the lakes), in Switzerland ; Biber- lachen (beaver lake) ; Lago Maggiore (the greater lake), with reference to Lake Lugano, which itself means simply the lake or hollow ; Lago Nuovo (new lake), in Tyrol, — it was formed a few years ago by a landslip ; Lagoa (on a lake or marsh), in Brazil ; Lagow (on a lake), in Prussia ; Lagos, in Portugal (on a large bay or lake) ; Laguna- de- Negrillos (the lake of the elms) and Laguna-Encinillos (of the evergreen oaks), in Spain ; Laach, in the Rhine Pro vinces (situated on a lake), the crater of an extinct volcano ; Anderlecht or Anderlac (at the lake or marsh), in Belgium ; Chablais, Lat Caput-lacensis (at the head ofthe lake, i.e. of Geneva) ; Missolonghi, i.e. Mezzo-laguno (in the midst of a marshy lagoon) ; Beverley, in Yorkshire, ane Biberlac (the beaver lake or marsh) ; Lago-dos-Patos (the lake of geese), in Brazil ; Niederhaslach and Oberhaslach (lower and upper lake), in Bas Rhin ; Lake Champlain takes its name from a Norman adventurer, Governor-general of Canada, in the seventeenth century ; Alagoas (abounding in lakes), a province in Brazil, with its capital of the same name ; Filey, in Yorkshire, in Doomsday Fuielac {i.e. bird lake, fugts). LAD (Scand.), a pile or heap ; e.g. Ladhouse, LadhiU, Ladcragg, Ladrigg (the house, hill, crag, ridge of the mound or caim), probably so named from a heap ox cairn erected over the grave of some Norse leader. LADE, or LODE (A.S.), a way, passage, or canal; e.g. Ladbrook (the passage of the brook) ; Lechlade, in Gloucester (the passage of the R. Lech into the Thames); Evenlode (at brink of the passage or stream) ; Cricklade, ane Crecca- gelade or Crecca-ford (the creek at the opening or entrance of the Churn and Key into the Thames). LA EN— LANN ,„ . C land leased out, a fief ; e.g. Kingsland or ^ S Kingslaen, in Middlesex, Hereford, and Orkney ; ' ( Haylene (the enclosed fief), in Hereford ; Len ham (the dwelling on the laen) ; Lenton, ditto. LAESE (A.S.), pasture, literally moist, wet land; e.g. Lewes, in Sussex ; Lesowes, in Worcester (the wet pasture) ; Lewis- ham (the dwelling on the pasture), in Kent ; Leswalt (wood pasture), in Dumfriesshire. ,p ,, .. , C a hollow, cognate with the Lat la^us and .. ' ,„^ , ' , the Grk. lakkos; e.g. Logie (the hollow), LUCKE (Get), . „.• V T • 1 J /.u 1. 11 \ ^ '' ^ m Stirling ; Logiealmond (the hoUow of the R. Almond in Perth) ; Logie-Buchan, in Aberdeenshire ; Logie -Coldstone, Gael. Lag-cul-duine (the hollow behind the fort), Aberdeen ; Logie-Easter and Logie-Wester, in Cromarty ; Logie Loch and Laggan Loch (the lake in the hollow) ; Logan (the little hollow) ; Logierait, Gael. Lag-an- rath (the hollow of the rath or castle, so called from the Earls of AthoU having formerly had their castle there in Perthshire) ; Mortlach, Co. Banff, probably meaning the great hollow. In Ireland : Legachory, Lagacurry, Lega- curry (the hollow of the pit or caldron, coire) ; Lugduff (dark hollow) ; Lugnaquillia (the highest of the Wicklow mountains), is from the Irish Lug-na-gcoilleach (the hoUow of the cocks, i.e. grouse) ; Lough Logan (the lake of the little hollow) ; Lagnieu, in France, ane Lagnicuum (the place in the hollow of the waters) ; Laconia and Lace- demonia (in the hollow), in Greece. ,p ,, y s /an enclosure, a church, a house; but Mr ,,.„,>, r- 1 \ I Skene considers that the Cel. llan comes LLAN (Cym.-Cel.), <. ,. ,, ,,,,^. T AND CTp t ^ J from the Lat. planum (a level place), just as ''' (the Gael, lan (full) comes from the Lat. plenus. This word is more common in Welsh names than in the topography of Ireland and Scotland, and in its signification of a church forms the groundwork of a vast number of Welsh names. In Ireland it means a house as well as a church, as in Landbrock (the badger's house) ; Landmore (the great church), in Londonderry ; Landa- hussy (O'Hussy's church), in T)-rone ; Lanaglug (the church of the bells). It is not so frequent in Scotland, but the modern name of Lamlash, in the Island of Arran, for- LANN 121 merly Ard-na-Molas, the height of St. Molios, who lived in a cave there, seems to be the church or enclosure of this saint ; Lambride, in Forfar, is Lannbride (St. Bridget's church) ; Lumphanan is from Lann-Finan (St. Finan's church). The derivation of Lanark, ane Laiierk, is prob ably from the Welsh Llanerch (a distinct spot or fertile piece of ground). There are many examples of this root in Brittany ; e.g. Lanleff (the enclosure on the R. Leff) ; Lanmeur (great church) ; Lannion (the little enclosure) ; Landemeau and Lannoy (tbe enclosure on the water) ; but in French topography the Teut. land generally signifies uncultivated ground ; e.g. La Lande, Landes, Landelles, La Landelle, Les Landais, Landau, etc. — v. Cocheris's Noms de Lieu. Launceston, in Cornwall, is probably corrupt. from Llan-Stephen. The greatest number of our examples must be taken from Wales. There are Lantony or Llan- Ddevinant (the church of St. David in the valley, nant, of the R. Hodeny) ; Llan-Dewi-Aberarth (St. David's church at the mouth of the Arth) ; Lampeter (of St. Peter) ; Llan- Asaph (of St. Asaph) ; Llanbadern-fawr (the great church founded by Paternus), also Llan-Badarn-Odyn ; Llandelo- vawr (of Feilo the Great) ; Llandewi-Brefi (St David's church)'. Brevi here means the bellowing, from the dismal moans of a sacred animal killed here ; Llandovery, corrupt. from Llan-ym-dyffrwd (the church among the rivers, at the confluence of three streams) ; Llanudno (of St. Tudno) ; Llanelly (of St. Elian) ; Llanfair (of St. Mary) ; Llanover (the church of the Gover wells) ; Llanon (the church dedi cated to Nonn, the mother of St. David) ; Llanfair-yn- nghomwy (on the horn or headland ofthe water). There are several of this name, — as Llan/fair-ar-y-bryn (St. Mary's church on the hill) ; Llanfair-helygen (St. Mary's church among willows) ; Llanfair-o'r-Uwyn (on the lake) ; Llanfi hangel (of the angel) ; Llanfihangel-genau'r-glyn (the church of the angels at the opening of the vaUey) ; Llanfihangel-y- creuddin, a church erected probably on the site of a bloody battle ; Llanfihangel-lledrod (the church at the foot of a declivity) ; Llangadogvawr (of St. Cadoc the Great) ; Llan- geler (of St. Celert) ; Llangollen (of St. CoUen) ; Llanidloes (of St. Idloes) ; Llaniestyn (of St. Constantine) ; Llannethlin, 122 LAR ane Mediolanum (the church among the pools or marshes) Llantrissant (of three saints) ; Llanddeusaint (of two saints) Llanberis (of St. Peres) ; Llandegla (of St. Theckla) Llanrhaiadr (the church of the cataract) ; Llanfaes (the church of the battle-field) ; Landaff, on the R. Taff; Llan- goedmore (the church of the great wood) ; Llanaml-lech (the church on the stony ground, etc.) ; Llangwyllog (the gloomy church, perhaps in the shade of the Druidic grove) ; Llanfleiddian (dedicated to a bishop named Flaidd) ; Llan- Uawer (the church of the multitude, llawer, close to which was a sainted well famous for its medicinal properties, and which was resorted to by crowds of impotent folk) ; Llancilcen (the church in the nook, cil, at the top, cen, of a hiU), a parish in Flint ; Llan-mabon (of St. Mabon) ; Llan-Beblig, corrupt, from Bublicius, named for the son of Helen, a Welsh princess ; Llan-sant-Fagan, named in honour of St. Faganus, a missionary from Rome. Llan is sometimes corrupted to long in Scotland, as in Longniddrie ; Lagny, a town in France, ane Laniacutn (the church or enclosure on the stream). From the Teut. land, i.e. a countrj' or district, some names may come in appropriately under this head — thus Scotland (the land of the Scots), from Ireland ; Monk- land, in Lanarkshire (belonging to the monks) ; Natland, in Norway (the land of horned cattle) ; Sutherland (the southern land, as compared with Caithness), both Suther land and Caithness having formed part of the Orkney Jarldom ; Cumberland (the land of the Cymbri), being part of the British kingdom of Cumbria ; Holland (the marshy land, ollant) ; Gippsland, named in honour of Sir George Gipps, a governor of Port Philip ; Friesland (the land of the Frisii) ; Beveland (of oxen or beeves) ; Baardland (of the Lombards) ; Westmoreland (the land of the West- motingas or people of the Western moors) ; Gothland, in Sweden (the land of the Goths) ; Jutland (the land of the Getse or Jutes, the Cimbric Chersonesus of the ancients). LAR, LAAR, LEER (Old Ger.), ( ^ ^"^'/ ^^^ ' ^^^ '" ^^^/^J' LAER CA S ) ^ according to Buttmann, a field ; LATHAIR, or LAUER (Gadhelic), ) '". topography synonymous ^ ' \ with lage; e.g. Goslar (the site LAUF^LAYA 123 or field on the R. Gose), in Hanover ; Somplar (marshy field) ; Wittlar (woody field) ; Dinklar (wheat field) ; Wetzlar, in Prussia, ane. Wittlara (woody field) ; Wassarlar (watery field) ; Noordlaren (the northern site) ; Lahr (the site), a town in Baden. In Ireland this word takes the forms of laragh and lara; e.g. Laraghleas (the site of the fort) ; Laraghshankill (of the old church). Lara, however, is sometimes a corrupt, of Leath-rath (half rath), as in Laragh, in West Meath ; and laar and tare often mean middle, as in Rosslare (the middle peninsula) ; Ennislare (the middle island) ; Latheron, in Caithness, is the site of the seal. T ATTFFNn (C \ ( ^ Current, a rapid, from laufen, Ger. ; LOOP '(Dutch) ^^ \ ^^'^'"P^^^ Scand. ; hleapen, A.S. (to ^ " ( run, to leap) ; e.g. Laufen (the rapids), on the R. Salzach ; Lauffenberg (the town near the rapids of the Rhine) ; Laufnitz (the leaping river) ; Lauffen (on the rapids of the R. Inn) ; Leixlip, in Ireland, Old Norse Lax- hlaup (salmon-leap), on a cataract of the R. Liffey ; Beck- loop (brook cataract), in Holland ; Loop-Head, Co. Clare, Irish Leitn-Chon-Chuillerin (CuchuUin's leap)— i/. Joyce's Names of Places. LAW CAS ) hleaw f ^ '^'"' cognate with the Irish lagh; e.g T nw ^ \ Houndslow (the dog's hill) ; Ludlow (the ' ( people's hill, leod) ; Greenlaw, in Berwick shire (the green hill) — the modern town is situated on a plain, but old Greenlaw was on a hill ; Winslow (the hill of victory), in Berks ; Marlow (the chalk or marshy hill) ; Wardlaw (guard hill) ; Hadlow, ane Haslow (hazel hill) ; Castlelaw, in the Lammermuir range, named from Roman camps on these hiUs ; Sidlaw Hills (the south hiUs, in re ference to their forming the southern boundary of Strath more) ; Warmlow, Co. Worcester, ane Waermundes-hleau (the hill of Waermund, a personal name) ; Fala, a parish in Mid Lothian, abbreviated from Fallaw (the speckled hiU) ; Mintlaw, in Aberdeenshire, corrupt, from Moan-alt-law (the hill, at the moss burn). LAYA (Sansc), an abode ; e.g. Naglaya (the abode of snakes) ; the Himalaya Mountains (the abode of snow) ; Hurrial, for Arayalaya (the abode of Hari or Vishnu). 124 LEAC— LEGIO LEAC (Gadhelic) ( ^ ^^* stone— in topography, found in the J J' /p J\ ,. < forms of lick and leek, cognate with the \ y • '" \ Lat lapis and Grk. lithos; e.g. Lackeen, Licken (the little stone) ; Slieve-league (the mountain of the flagstone) ; LickmoUasy (St. Molasse's flagstone) ; Bel- leek, Irish Bel-leice (the ford of the flagstone), near Bally shannon ; Lackagh (full of flagstones) ; Lickfinn (white flagstone) ; Duleek, ane Doimhliag (the stone house or church) ; Auchinleck (the field of the stone), in Ayrshire ; Harlech, in Merioneth ; Ar-Uech (on the rock, the place being situated on a craggy eminence) ; Llananl-lech — v. LLAN ; Llech-trufin, probably originally Llech-treffen (the rock of the look-out, or twrfine) ; Llanml-lech (the church among many stones) ; Tre-Uech (stone dweUing) ; Llech- rhyd (the ford of the flat stone) ; Leek, Lech, Leckbeck (the stony rivers) ; Leckfield (the field on the R Leek) ; Leckwith, in Wales, for Lechwedd (a slope). LEAMHAN (Gadhelic), the elm-tree ; e.g. the Laune, a river at Killarney, and the Leven, in Scotland (the elm-tree stream) ; Lennox or Levenach (the district of the R. Leven), the ancient name of Dumbartonshire ; Lislevane (the fort of the elm-tree), in Ireland. According to Mr. Skene, the Rivers Leven in Dumbartonshire and in Fife have given their names to Loch Lomond and Loch Leven, while in each county there is a corresponding mountain caUed Lomond. LEARG (Gadhelic), the slope of a hill ; e.g. Largy, in Ireland ; Lairg, a parish in Sutherlandshire ; Largs, in Ayrshire, and Largo, in Fife, from this word ; Largan (the httle hill-slope) ; Largynagreana (the sunny hill-slope) ; Larganreagh (gray hill-slope), in Ireland. LEBEN (Ger.), a possession, an inheritance. Forsteman thinks this word is derived from the Old Ger laiban (to leave or bequeath), cognate with the Grk. leipa, and not from leben (to live) ; e.g. Leibnitz, ane Dud-leipen (the inheritance of Dudo) ; Ottersleben (of Otho) ; Ritzleben (of Richard) ; Germersleben (of Germer) ; Osharsleben (of Ausgar) ; San- dersleben (of Sander) ; Hadersleben (of Hada). LEGIO (Lat), a Roman legion ; e.g. Caerleon, on the Usk, ane Isca-Legionis ; Leicester, Lcgionis-castra (the camp of the legion) ; Leon, in Spain, ane Legio, being the station of LEHM—LEY 125 the seventh Roman legion ; Lexdon, ane Legionis-dunum (the fort ofthe legion); Megiddo, in Palestine, now Ledjun, ane Castra-legionis (the camp ofthe legion). LEHM (Ger ) ( '^'^^' ."^'^ ' ^¦^- *^ ^^^" (*^ muddy river) ; /A c \' J Leamington (the town on the R. Leam) ; Lehm- _ >„¦ '"?, J hurst (the clayey wood) ; Lambourn (muddy ^ '' (^ brook) ; Leemkothen (the mud huts). LEITER (Gadhehc), the slope of a hill ; e.g. Ballater, in Aberdeen shire (the town on the sloping hill) ; Letterfeam (the alder- tree slope); Letterfourie (the grassy hill-side, /ez/racA); Find- later (the cold hill-slope, yfo;2;2), in Scotland. In Ireland: Letterkenny (the hill-slope of the O'Cannons) ; Letterkeen (beautiful hill-slope) ; LettermuUen (Meallan's hill-slope) ; Letterbrick (the badger's hill-slope) ; Letterlickey (the hill- slope of the flagstone) ; Letherhead, in Surrey (at the head of the slope, Welsh llethr), on the declivitous bank of the R. Mole ; MachynUeth for Mach-yn-Llethr (the ridge on the slope), a town in Montgomery. , . „ , i the people ; e.g. Leutkirch (the people's church) ; /p \ < Lifege, Ger. Liittich, ane Leodicus-vicus (the ^ ¦'' ( people's town) — the hill on which the citadel stands was called Publes-mont (the people's hill) ; Leeds, in Yorkshire, ane Lcndis (the people's town, according to Bayley) ; Whittaker, however, makes it the town of Loidi, a personal name) ; but Leeds, in Kent, is said to have been name;! after Ledian, the Chancellor of Ethelred II. LESSO, LESSE (Sclav.), a wood or thicket ; e.g. Lessau, Leske, Leskau, Lessen, Lissa (the woody place), towns in Prussia ; Leschnitz, in Silesia, and Leizig, in Saxony, with the same meaning ; Leschkirch (the church in the wood), in Tran sylvania ; Liezegorike (woody hill). LEUCUS (Grk.), white ; e.g. Leuctra, Leuctron, Leucadia, so named from the white rocks at its extremity ; Leucasia (the white river) ; Leucate (the white promontory in Greece). LEY LEACA.S) (^ district — in English topography generally ' ^ ¦'' I applied to an open field or meadow; e.g. ' { Leigh (the meadow), in Lancashire ; Berkeley, Thornley, Oakley, Auchley, Alderley, Brachley (the meadow of birch, thorn, oak, alder, ferns) ; Hasley (of hazels) ; Hagley (the enclosed meadow) ; Horsley (the meadow of 126 LIN— LINNE Horsa, or of horses) ; Brockley (of the badger) ; Hindley (of the stag) ; Everley (of the wild boar, aper) ; Bradley (broad meadow) ; Stanley (stony meadow) ; Loxley (of Loki, a Scandinavian deity) ; Ashley (ash-tree meadow) ; but Ashley, S. Carolina, was named after Lord Ashley in the reign of Charles II. ; Morley (moor-field) ; Bisley (bean- field) ; Cowley (cow's field) ; Linley (flax-field) ; Monkley (the monk's field); Audley, Co. Stafford (old field); but Audley, in Essex, took its name from a palace erected by Thomas Audley, Lord ChanceUor of England ; Ofley (the field of King Offa) ; Tarporley, in Cheshire, corrupt from Thorpeley (the farm-field or meadow) ; Chorley (the meadow of the R. Chor) ; Bosley (Bodolph's field) ; West Leigh, North Leigh, Leighton, from the same root ; Satter- leigh (the field of Seator, an A. S. deity) ; Eamley, Sussex (eagle meadow) ; Ripley, in Yorkshire, from Hryp, a peronal name ; Bentley, bent, pasture (a coarse kind of grass) ; Tewesley and Tisley, from Tiw, a Saxon deity — as also Tewing, Tuoesmere, and Teowes (thom) ; Henley (the old meadow or field), supposed to be the oldest town in Oxfordshire. LIN (Esthonian), a fort or town ; e.g. Rialin, now Riga (the fortress of the Rugii), in Russia ; Pemau, ane Perna^lin (the lime- tree fort) ; TepeUn (hill town ; tepe, Turc. hiU). C the linden-tree ; e.g. Lindhurst LINDE (Get) , , -( and Lyndhurst (the. linden -tree LIND, LYND (A.S. and Scand.), ) jst-ji.- t-j-tt- ' '^ •" ( wood) ; Lindheim, Lmdorf, Lim- burg, in Germany (the town of linden-trees) ; as also Lim- burg, in Holland, formerly Lindenburg; Lindau (the linden- tree meadow) ; Lindesnaes (the promontory of hnden-trees), in Norway ; La Linde, Le Lindois (abounding in linden-trees) ; Limboeuf, Lindeboeuf (linden-tree dwelling), in France. ,p J, ,. ,^ /a pool, a lake, sometimes applied to a tr r l\ J waterfall, not as associated with the cas- LLYNN^L^n^-uel.), . ^^^^^ ^^j ^.jj^ jj^^ p^^j .^^^ ^j^.^j^ j^ jg ^ ¦ ¦¦'' (received, as in the Linn of Dee, in Aber deenshire, and Corra-linn, on the Clyde. Dublin (the black pool) takes its name from that part of the R. Liffey on which it is built ; and there are several other places in Ireland whose names have the same meaning, although LIOS 127 variously spelt, as Devlin, in Mayo ; Dowling and Doohn, in Kilkenny and Clare ; Ballinadoolin (the town of the black pool), in Kildare. In several such cases the proper name was Ath-cliath (hurdle ford), literally Baile-atha-cliath (the town of the hurdle ford), the original name of Dublin. The ancient name of Lincoln, Lindum, is the hill fort on the pool ; Linlithgow comes from the same root, and is probably the gray lake — how it came by the termination gow, gu, or cu, as it is variously spelt, cannot be deter mined ; Linton, in Roxburghshire, is the town on the pool ; Linton, in Peebles, on the R. Lyne— in Cambridge (on the brook, hlynna) ; Dupplin, on the R. Earn, in Perthshire (the black pool) ; Crailing, in Berwickshire, ane Travertin (the dweUings, treabhar, on the pool) ; Edarline (between the pools) ; Aber-glas-lyn (the estuary of the blue pool), in Wales ; Lynn-Regis (the king's pool), in Norfolk ; Roslin (the projecting point on the pool), in Mid Lothian ; Lynn- yr-Afrange (the beaver's pool), in Wales ; Mauchline, in Ayrshire (the pool in the plain, magh) ; Lincluden, in Kirkcudbright (the pool of the R. Cluden) ; Lindores, in Fife, probably not from this root, but a corrupt, of Lann- Tours, being the seat of the abbey of Tours, founded by ' David, Earl of Huntingdon. Lyme-Regis (the king's pool), in Dorset ; Lymington, ane Linton (the tovra on the pool), in Hants ; Llyn-hir (long pool) ; Llyn-y-cun (the dog's pool), in Carnarvon ; Llynn-y-Nadroedd (the adder's pool) ; Llynn- ye-cae (the enclosed pool), all in Wales ; Llyn-tegid (the fair or beautiful lake) ; Lly-gwyn, with the same meaning ; Llyn-Teivy, of the R. Teivy, in Wales ; Llyn-Safaddon, corrupt, from Llyn-saf-baddon (the standing pool or fixed bathing place) — v. bad. ,_„,., C an enclosure, a garden, or a fort. In LIOS, or LIS (Gadhehc), I t 1 j •.. n ^ ¦ ¦ ^¦, ' ^ , ^ . ,\ < Ireland it generally meant ongmally a LES (Breton and Comish), ) , 1 j vi/ • 1 .. u ^ " ( place enclosed with a circular entrench ment, for the purpose of shelter and safety, and is often translated by the Lat atrium (the entrance-room to a dwelling or temple). There are eleven places in Ireland called Lismore (the great enclosure) ; Lismore also in Argyleshire ; Listowel (Tuathal's fort) ; Liscarrol (Carrol's fort) ; Liscahane (Cathan's fort) ; Lissan, Lissane, Lessany 128 LIPA — LOCH (the little fort) ; Ballylesson (the town of the little fort) ; Lisclogher (stone fort) ; Lislevane (the fort of the elm) ; LismuUin (of the mill) ; Lisnadarragh (of the oaks) ; Lisnaskea, i.e. Lios-na-sceithe (of the bush) ; Lissard (high fort) ; Gortnalissa (the field of the fort) ; Lisbellaw, i.e. Lios-bel-atha (the fort at the ford mouth) ; Dunluce (strong fort) ; Thurles, Co. Tipperary, from Durlas (strong fort) ; Rathurles (the rath of the strong fort) — aU in Ireland; Liskard or Liskeard (the enclosure on the height), in Corn wall and Cheshire ; Lostwithel, in ComwaU, i.e. I^s-vthiel (the lofty palace), one of the ancient seats of the Duke of Cornwall ; Lesmahago, in Lanarkshire, Lat. Ecclesia- Machute (the enclosure or church of St Machute) ; Les- neven, in Brittany, i.e. Les-an-Evan (the enclosure or palace of Evan, Count of Leon) ; Leslie, in Fife (the enclosure on the R. Leven) ; Lessudden or St. Boswell's, in Roxburgh shire, bears the first name from Aidan, the Bishop of Lindesfarne, who is said to have lived there ; and its second name from Boisel, a disciple of St Cuthbert The Spanish llosa is akin to the Celtic lios, as in Lliosa-del-Obispo (the bishop's enclosure). LIPA (Sclav.), the linden-tree ; e.g. Leipzig, Lipten, Laubsdorf or Libanoise, Lauban or Luban, Luben, Laubst, Laboli, ete (the places abounding in linden-trees) ; Lubeck and Lublin may come from the same root, or from a Sclavonic word signifying beloved. LLWYD (Welsh), gray-brown ; e.g. Rhipyn Llwyd (the gray upland); Llwyd-goed (gray wood). LOCH, LOUGH (Gadhelic), f ^^f ^ ' 'S- L°^b Broom (the lake LLWCH (Cym.-Cel.), \ °/ ^>^°^^J^ *'''«"') ' L°oh Carron (of ^ ( the winding water) ; Loch Dome (deep loch) ; Loch Duich, in Ross-shire (the lake of St. Duthic, the same person from whom the town of Tain took its Gaelic name, Baile- Didch, St. Dulhaick's town) ; Loch Fyne (the fair lake) ; Loch Lomond (the lake of the elm- tree river) ; Loch Nell (of the swan, cala) ; Loch Ness (of the waterfall, i.e. of Foyers) — v. eas ; Loch Long (ship lake, Scand. Skipafiord) ; Gareloch (short lake, gearr), in Ross-shire, and also a branch of the Firth of Clyde ; Loch Etive (dreary loch, eitidh) ; Lochlubnaig (the lake of the LOCH 129 little bend, lubnaig) ; Lochbuie and Lochbuy (the yellow loch) ; Lochmuic (of the wild boar) ; Lochgorm (blue loch) ; Lochlaggan (of the hollow) ; Loch Tay (of the R. Tay or Tamha, quiet river) ; Lochgelly (of the fair water) ; Loch Maree (the lake of St. Malrube) ; Lochard (high loch) ; Loch Awe and Loch Linnhe (here duplicate names, aw signifying water and linne a pool) ; Loch-na-keal (the loch of the cemetery, cill) ; Loch Earn (the west loch, i.e. west of Loch Tay) ; Lochgelly (white lake, gealich) ; Loch Katrine, probably the lake of the Caterans or freebooters ; Benderloch, in Argyleshire, i.e. Bendaraloch (the hill between the lakes) ; Lochnagar, i.e. Lochan-na-gabhar (the little lake of the goats, at the base of the mountain to which it gives its name) ; Lochmaben, probably the loch of the bald headland, as in an old charter the castle at the head of the loch is called Lochmalban; Lochfad (long loch), in the Island of Bute, five miles long and scarce half a mile broad ; Loch Achray, in Perthshire (the loch of the level plain, reidh) ; Leuchars, in Fife, formerly Lough-yards, the low grounds of the village used to lie under water for the greater part of the year. In Ireland there are Lough Derg (red lake), originally Loch Dergderc (the lake of the red eye, connected with a legend) ; Lough Conn (from a per sonal name Conn) ; Loch Rea (gray or smooth lake, reidh, smooth) ; as also Loch Ryan, in Kirkcudbright (of the smooth water, reidhan) ; Loch Foyle (the lake of Febhal, the son of Lodan) ; Loughan, Loughane (little lake) ; Lochanaskin (the little lake of the eels) ; Lough Corrib, corrupt, from Lough Orbsen (the lake of Orbsen or Mannanan, over whose grave it is said to have burst forth) ; Lough Erne, in Ireland, named from the Ernai, a tribe ; Lough Finn, named after a lady called Finn, who was drowned in its waters ; Lough, i.e. Loch-n'-Eckach (the lake of Eochy, a Munster chief, who, with his family, was over whelmed in the eruption which gave their origin to its waters) ; Loch S willy, probably a Scand. name, meaning the lake of the surges or whirlpool, swelchie. The town of Carlow was originaUy Cetherloch (the quadruple lake, cether, four), from a tradition that formerly the R. Barrow fonned four lakes at this spot. K 130 LOCUS— LUG LOCUS (Lat.), LOCA (A.S.), LOK, LLE (Cym.-Cel.), LIEU (Fr), a place ; e.g. Netley, Lat. Laeto-loco (at the pleasant, cheerful place), so called from a monastery founded there by Mereward, King of Mercia, in 658 ; Madley (the good place) ; Matlock (the meat enclosure or storehouse) ; Leominster, Lat Locus- fanum (temple place) ; Porlock or Portlock, in Somerset (the place of the port) ; Lok-Maria-Ker (the town of Maria Ker), in Brittany. In France : Richelieu (rich place) ; Chaalis, ane Carolis-locus (the place of Charles the Good, Count of Flanders) ; Beaulieu (beautiful place) ; Loctudey, at Finisterre, corrupt, from Loc-Sancti-Tudene (the place of St. Tudy) ; Locdieu and Dilo, i.e. Dei-locus (God's place) ; Lieusaint (holy place) ; Baslieu (low place). ,„ ,_ ,. C a meadow or thicket, and sometimes LOH, LOO (Get and Dutch), , ,.,\ , , ^ ' ^ ¦" <; a marsh ; e.g. Waterloo (watery ' ( meadow) ; Venloo (the marshy meadow), and perhaps Louvain may have the same mean ing; Groenloo (green thicket); Hohenlohe (the high marshy meadow) ; Tongerloo (the marshy meadow of the Tungri) ; Schwarzenloh (the black thicket) ; Anderlues (on the marsh). ,p . C a path ; e.g. Iser-lohn (the path by the R. Iser) ; innw CD t M \ Forstlohn (the path in the wood) ; Neerloon and ^ '' ( Oberloon (the lower and upper path) ; Loon-op- Zand (the path on the sand). LUCUS (Lat.), f ^ ^^"^<^ ^™^.^= ^¦.;- Lugo, in Italy, LLWYN (Welsh), a grove, \ ^f-^_Lucus-Dzana (the sacred grove ^ /' t> '( of Diana); Lugo, in Spain, ane Za«cj- Au^usti (the sacred grove of Augustus); Les luches, in France, near the remains of an ancient temple ; Luc, ane Lucus, in Dauphiny. - ,,„ ., ,,.„ . .,„„ ,c , \ /a marsh, cognate with the Lat LUG, LUKA, or LUZ (Sclav.), I , ^ ' ., ^ . . . ,,, ^ LEOIG (Gadhelic), )/«^«;«;..,^. Lusatia or Lausatz (the LAUK (Esthonian), j "f ^""'^y ^f/^) = Lassahn Ger. Ijih- ^ ' \ burgum (the town on the marsh) ; Lugos or Lugosch, Luko and Leignitz, with the same mean ing, in Poland and Silesia ; Podlachia (near the marshes), a district in Poland. The towns of Lyons, Laon, and Leyden were formerly named Lugdunum (the fortress in the marshy land) ; Paris was formerly Lutctia-Parisiorum (the marshy LUND — MAES 131 land of the Parisii). In France : Loches, formerly Luccce and Lochia (the marshy land) ; and Lochd, formerly Loch- eium (the marshy dwelling), in the departments of Indre et Loire. LUND (Scand.), a sacred grove ; e.g. Lund, towns in Sweden and in the Shetlands ; Lundgarth (the enclosed grove), in York shire ; Lundsthing (the place of meeting at the grove), in Shetland ; Charlottenlund, Christianslund, and Fredericks- lund (the grove of Charlotte, Christian, and Frederick), vill ages in Denmark ; and perhaps the island Lundy, in the Bristol Channel. LUST, LYST (Teut.), pleasure — appUed, in topography, to a palace or lordly mansion ; e.g. Ludwigslust, Charlottenlust, Raven- lust (the palaces of Ludovick, of Charlotte, and of Hrafen) ; Lostwithel, in Cornwall (the manor of Withel), in the old Brit, language. Pen Uchel coet (the lofty hill in the wood, and the Uzella of Ptolemy) ; Lustleigh (the vaUey of plea sure), in Devon. LUTTER, LAUTER (Teut.), bright, clear; e.g. Lutri, on Lake Geneva; Luttar, in Brunswick (the bright place) ; Latterbach and Lauterbum (clear stream) ; Lauterburg, in Alsace, on the R. Lauter ; Lutterworth (the bright farm) ; Lauterecken, in Bavaria, at the comer, eck, of the R. Lauter. ™ . i smaU ; e.g. Lutgenrode (the little clear- LUTZEL LYTEL (Teut.), I j^^^ . 'Luxemburg, corrupt, from Lutzel- LILLE (bcand.), y ^^^^ ^g^^jj foj-tj-gss)^ Latinised Lucis- Burgum (the city of light), and hence passing into Lux emburg ; Lucelle or Lutzel, in Alsace ; Lutzelsten (the small rock), in Alsace. M MAEN (Welsh), a stone ; e.g. Maentwrog (the tower-like pillar), a parish in Merioneth; Maen or Dewi (St David's possession). ,„ ^ ,, /a meadow or field, cognate with the MAES,orFAES(Cym.-Cel.), ^^^^j^ j^. ^^g^^^^ ^^^g p„^i MOED, or MEAD (A. S.), ^ -^ ^j,g ggi^) . Maisemore (great field), MATTE (Get), (jjj Brecknock and Gloucestershire; Marden, in Hereford, ane. Maes-y-durdin (the field of the 132 MAGEN— MAGH water camp) ; Basaleg, a parish in Wales. The name has been corrupted Maes-aleg, signifying elect land, from an event famous in Welsh history, which took place there. Maes-teg (the fair field) ; Maes-yr-onnen (the field of ash- trees) ; Cemmaes (the plain of the ridge, cefn) ; Maes-y- Mynach (monk field) ; Cemmaes, z>. Cefn-maes (the ridge of the plain), in Wales ; Runnymede, Co. Surrey (the meadow of the council), Latinised Pratum-concilii; Ander- matt (on the meadow) ; Zermatt (at the meadow), in Switzerland ; Matterhorn (the peak of the meadow) ; Aeschenmatt (ash-tree meadow) ; Maes-Garmon (the field of St Germanus), in Wales ; Soultzmatt (the meadow of mineral waters, salz), in Alsace. MAGEN, MEKEN, or MAIN (Teut.), great ; e.g. the R. Main, ane Magen-aha (great water) ; Mainland, ane Meginland {gxeaX island), in the Orkneys ; Mainhardt (great wood) ; Mein ingen (the great field) — v. GEN — in Germany. MAGH (Gadhelic), f ^ ^f 'I °' Pl^'"' '=°'™Pt- ^"*° ?^?' MACH (Cym.-Cel.), a Hdge, i "'^^^'Lf!.™'?'^'"^^' ^f-^^^ ^ ' " \ breagh (the beautiful plain), in Ireland, extending from the R. Liffey to the borders of Co. Louth ; Moy and May (the plain), both in Ireland and in Scotland; Moidart(thehighplain), in Invemess-shire; Mayo (the plain of yew-trees) ; Moynalty, Irish Magh-nealta (the plain of the flocks) ; Macosquin, in Londonderry, corrupt from Magh-Cosgrain (the field of Cosgrain) ; MaUow, in Cork, Magh-Ealla (the plain of the R. Alio or EaUa, now the Blackwater) ; Moville and Movilla (the plain of the old tree, bile) ; Moycoba, for Magh-Coba (the plain of Coba) ; Machaire, a derivative from Mag/t, is found under the forms of Maghera and Maghery, thus — Magheracloone (the plain of the meadow) ; Magheraculmony (the plain at the back of the shrubbery) ; Maynooth (the plain of Nuadhat) ; Moira, corrupt from Magh-rath (the plain of the forts), Co. Down ; Moyarta (the plain of the grave, ferta). In Scotland we find Rothiemay, in Banff, corrupt, from Rath-na-magh (the castle of the plain) ; Monievaird, i.e. Magh-na-bhaird (the plain of the bards), in Perthshire ; Machynlleth (the ridge on the slope), a town in Montgomeryshire, Wales. In its Latin ised form this word is found in Marcomagus, now Margagen MAHA— MAN 133 (the plain of the Marcomanni) ; Juliomagus and Csesaro- magus (of Julius and Csesar) ; Noviomagus (the new plain) ; and again the same word became magen or megen among the Teutonic races, thus Noviomagus became Nimeguen ; Nozon was ane Noviomagus or Noviodunum; Riom, in France, ane Ricomagus (rich plain) ; Maing or Meung, on the Loire, formerly Magus; Argenton, Argentomagus (silver field) ; Rouen, ane Rothomagus (the fort on the plain). The ancient name of Worms was Bartotnagus, which Butt- man says means high field ; its present name was corrupted from Vormatia; Mouzon, in France, was Mosomagus (the plain of the R. Meuse). MAHA (Sansc), great ; e.g. Mahabalipoor (the city of the great god Bali) ; Mahanuddy (the great river) ; Mahadea Mountains (the mountains of the great goddess) ; Maha-vila-ganga (the great sandy river) ; Mantote, in Ceylon, corrupt, from Maha- Totta (the great ferry). MAHAL, MAL, or MOLD (Teut.), the place of meeting ; e.g. Mahl- burg or Mailburg, in Lower Austria (the town of the place of meeting) ; Detmold, ane Theotmalli (the people's meet ing-place ; Wittmold (the meeting-place in the wood) ; Moldfelde (in the field) ; Malton (the town of the meeting), in Yorkshire ; Maulden (the valley of the meeting), in Bed fordshire ; Kirch-ditmold (the church at the meeting-place). MALY, or MALKI (Sclav.), Uttle ; e.g. Malinek, Malinkowo, Malenz, Malchow, Malkow, Malkowitz (little town) ; Maliverck (the little height). MAN, or MAEN (Cym.-Cel.), a place or district ; Maenolox Mainor, Welsh (a possession), akin to the Lat. mansio and the Fr. maison. From this word may be derived Maine, a province of France ; Mans and Mantes, although more directly they may probably come from the Cenomanni, a people who for merly inhabited that district in France ; Mantua, in Italy, and La Mancha, in Spain, may be placed under this head ; also Manchester, ane Mancunium, and Mancester, ane Manduessedum ; Menteith, in Perthshire, the district of the R. Teith. In the Welsh language the letter m is changed into yj and pronounced v, a.nd fan a.hxidged to fa, thus — Brawdfa (the place of judgment) ; Eisteddfa (the sitting place) ; Gorphwzsfa (resting place) ; Morfa (the shore 134 MANSUS— MARK or sea place) ; Manaera (the place of slaughter), probably the site of a battle ; Manclochog (the ringing-stone). i MANSUS (Lat.), a farm or mral dweUing, to which was attached a certain portion of land. It was often contracted into mas, miex, or mex; e.g. La Manse, Mansac, Manselle, Le Mas, Beaumets, Beaumais, in France. The Manse, i.e. the dwell ing and glebe attached to a parish in Scotland ; Mains, a parish in Forfar. MANTIL (Old Get), the fir-tree ; e.g. Mantilholz (the fir-wood) ; Mantilberg (fir-tree hill) ; Zimmermantil (the room or dwelling at the fir-trees). MAR, a Ger. word, used both as an affix and a prefix, with various meanings. As a prefix, it occasionally stands for mark (a boundary), as in Marbrook (the boundary brook), and Marchwiail (the boundary of poles), in Wales ; some times for a marsh, as in Marbach, on the Danube, and Marburg, on the Neckar ; sometimes also for mark, an Old Ger. word for a horse, as in Marburg, on the R. Lahn, and Marburg and Mardorf (horse tovra), in Hesse. As an aflix, it is an adjective, and signifies, in the names of places and persons, clear, bright, distinguished, or abounding in ; e.g. Eschmar (abounding in ash-trees) ; Geismar (in goats) ; Horstmar (in wood) ; Weimar (in the vine). ,p . /the boundary; e.g. Styria or Stiermark, the MFAprCAS\ J boundary of the R, Steyer ; Markstein (the .,.„„„„ /T-\ ^ boundary stone) ; Markhaus (the dweUing on the MARCHE (Ft), I u J N TVT V .. • r- u -J t ^ " ^^ border) ; March, a town in Cambridge ; La Marche (the frontier), a domain in France, having been the boundary between the Franks and Euskarians ; Mercia, one of the kingdoms of the Heptarchy, bordering on Wales ; and Murcia, in Spain, the boundary district between the Moorish kingdom of Granada and the other parts of Spain ; Newmark, Altmark, Mittelmark (the newj old, and middle boundary), in Germany ; Mark, in the Scandinavian lan guage, meant a plain or district, thus Denmark means the plain of the Danes ; Finnmark (of the Finns) ; Markbury, in Cheshire ; Markley, in Hereford (the boundary town and field). The Marcomanni were the March or boundary men ^ It obtained the name from two large stones that lay on the roadside near the church, and possessed that property. MARKT— MEDINA 135 of the Sclavonic frontier of Germany ; the R. March or Morava, the boundary between Lower Austria and Hungary ; Marbecq and Marbeque, rivers in France ; Mardick (the boundary dike). . , C a market, sometimes found as »zar/y e._g-. M arkt- MARKT(Ieut.), I ^jjjg (the market mill); Marktham, Markt- MERKT 1 ' ( fiecken (market-town), in Germany ; Martham, also in Norfolk ; Neumarkt in Germany, and Newmarket in England (new market-town) ; Martock, in Somerset (the oak-tree under which the market of the district used to be held) ; Market-Raisin, in Lincoln, on the R. Raisin ; Bibert- Markt, in Bavaria, on the R. Bibert ; Kasmarkt, in Hun gary, corrupt, from Kaiser-Markt (the emperor's market- town) ; Donnersmarkt, the German translation or corrup tion of Csotartokhely (the Thursday market-place), in Hun gary. The cattle-market at Stratford-on-Avon is still called the Rother-market, from an old word rother, for homed cattle. MARSA (At), a port ; e.g. Marsala, in Sicily, i.e. Marsa-Allah (the port of God) ; Marsalquivir, i.e. Marsal-el-kebir (the great port). In Malta : Marsa-scala, Marsa-scirocco, Marsa- muscetto, Marsa Torno. MAS (Irish), the thigh — applied in topography to a long low hiU ; e.g. Massreagh (gray hill) ; Mausrower (thick hill) ; Massareene, i.e. Mas-a-rioghna (the queen's hiU) ; but Massbrook, Co. Mayo, is not from this root ; it is a trans lation of Sruthan-an-aiffrinn (the brook where the mass used to be celebrated). MAUM, MOYM, Or MAM, Irish madhm (a mountain pass or chasm) ; e.g. Maum-Turk (the boar's pass) ; Maumakeogh (the pass ofthe mist); Maumnaman(of the women) ; Maumnahaltora (of the altar). MAVRO (Modern Grk.), black; e.g. Mavrovouno (the black mountain) ; Mavro Potamo (the black rivfr), in Greece ; Mavrovo and Mavroya (the black town), in Turkey. MAWR, by mutation /az£/r, Welsh (great) — v. MOR, p. I43- MEDINA (At), a city or the metropolis ; e.g. Medina, in Arabia, called by the Arabs Medinat-al-Nabi (the city of the prophet). In Spain : Medina-de-las-torres (the city of the towers); Medina-del-campo (of the plain) ; Medina-del- 136 MEER — MENIL pomar (of the apple-orchard) ; Medina-del-rio-seco (of the dry river-bed) ; Medina-Sidonia (of the Sidonians). This city was so named by the Moors, because they believed it to have been built on the site of the Phoenician city Asidur. MEER, MERE (Teut.), a lake, sea, or marsh ; e.g. Blakemere (the black lake, blaec), in Hereford ; Great Marlow or Merelow (the hill by the marsh) ; Cranmere (the crane's lake or marsh) ; Winandermere, so called, according to Camden, from the winding of its shores ; Wittleseamere, Buttermere, and EUsmere, probably from personal names ; Meerfeld, Meerhof, Meerholz, and Meerhout (the field, court, and wood near the lake or marsh), in Holland, But tnere, in place-names, is said sometimes to mean a boundary — thus Merse, the other name for Berwickshire, may mean either the marshy land or the boundary county between England and Scotland. Closely connected with meer (a lake) are the words in the Celtic as well as in the Teutonic languages, denoting marshy lands, z>. lands that have lain under water, and are still partially submerged — such as tnerse, AS. ; morast, Ger. ; morfa, Welsh ; marish, Gadhelic ; marsk, Scand. ; and marais, Fr. Many places in Great Britain and the Continent derive their names from these words, thus — the Maros or Marosh ; and the Morava (marshy rivers); Moravia (the district of the marshy river) ; Morast, in Sweden (the town on the marsh) ; Merton, in Berwickshire (the town on the marsh) ; Morebattle, in Roxburghshire, ane Mereboda (the dwelling on the marsh) ; Ostermarsh (east marsh), in Holland ; Marengo (the marshy field), in Italy ; Les Moeres (the marshes), in Flanders; Marchienne, Marchienes, Maresch^, Maresches, Marest, etc., in France ; Marcienisi, in Italy (marshy localities). The River Mersey may come from this word, or it may mean the border river between England and Wales. MENIL, MESNIL (Fr), from Mansionile, the dim. of mansus; e.g. Grandmenil (the great dwelling or hamlet) ; Le Menil-la- comtesse (the manor of the countess) ; Mesnil-eglise (the church hamlet) ; Mesnil-Guillaume, Mesnil-Gilbert, Mesnil- Jourdan, named from the proprietors ; Mesnil-sur-l'Estree (the hamlet on the Roman road called Strata Estrie) ; Les Menils, Menillot, etc., in France. MENZIL — MINSTER 137 MENZIL (At), avillage; e.g. Miselmeri, corrupt from Menzil-el- Emir (the emir's viUage) ; Mezojuso, from Menzil- Yusuf (the village of Joseph). MEON (Cel ) ( ''"^^' "^"Snate with the Lat. minor; e.g. the Rivers MIO CScand ) 1 Minnow and Mynwy, in Wales ; the Mincio, in ^ '" ( Italy ; the Minho, in Portugal ; Minorca (the less), in opposition to Majorca (the greater island) ; Miosen (the little sea or lake), in Norway. MICKLA, MYCEL (Teut. and Scand.), great, Scotch muckle; e.g. Mickledorf, Michelstadt, Michelham, Mickleton (great dwelling) ; Micklebeck (great brook) ; Michelau (great meadow) ; Mitchelmerse (the great marsh) ; Mecklenburg, ane Mikilinberg (the great town or hill fort) ; Muchelney (the great island), in Somersetshire, formed by the conf of the Rivers Ivel and Parret ; Meikle Ferry (the great ferry), on Dornoch Firth ; Micklegarth (the great enclosure), the Scandinavian name for Constantinople, Grk. Megalo polis; but mikil or miklos, especially in Russia and Hun gary, is often an abbreviation of St. Nicholas, and denotes that the churches in these places were dedicated to that . saint; — thus Mikailov, Mikhailovskaia, Mikhalpol (St. Nicholas's towns), in Russia; Miklos- Szent and Miklos- Nagy-Szent, in Hungary ; Mikolajow, in Poland ; Mitcham, in Surrey, in Doomsday is Michelham. MIN, MEN, or MAEN (Cym.-Cel.), a high rock or the brow of a hill ; e.g. Maen-du (black rock), in ' Monmouth ; Minto, a parish in Roxburghshire, on the brow of a steep hill ; Meon- stoke (hill station) ; East and West Meon, in Gloucester shire ; Mendabia (at the foot of the hill), in Spain ; Alt- maen, corrupt, to " Old Man of Coniston," in the Lake country, and to the " Old Man of Hoy," in the Orkneys ; the " Dodmaen," in Cornwall — v. dodd — has been cor rupted to Deadman. ,.„,„ / A ^ ^ (a monk's dweUing or monastery, MINSTER, MYNSTER (A.S.), , .t, j 1 t . ' .p ^ " i hence a cathedral — Lat monas- ^ ¦'' \terium ; e.g. lUminster, Axminster, Stourminster, Kremmunster, Charminster (the monasteries on the Rivers 111, Ax, Stour, Krem, and Char) ; Beam- minster, Co. Dorset, named after St. Bega ; Kidderminster 138 MIR — MITTEL (the monastery of Earl Cynebert) ; Westminster (the min ster west of St. Paul's) ; Warminster (near the weir or dam of the R. Willey) ; Monasteranenagh (the monastery of the fair) ; Monasterboice (of St. Bcethus) ; Monasterevin (of St. Evin), in Ireland ; Monasteria de la Vega (of the plain), in Spain. In France : Moutier, Moustier, Moustoir, Mun ster, Monestier (the monastery) ; Montereau, Montreuil, Marmoutier (the monastery of St. Martin) ; Masmoutier (of Maso) ; Noirmoutier and Rougemoutier (the black and red monastery) ; Toli-Monaster or Bitolia (the monastery of the beech-trees), in Turkey ; Munster (the monastery), in Alsace ; but Munster, a province in Ireland, is com pounded from the Scand. ster — qu. v. — and the Irish Mumha, a king's name ; Munster-eifel (the monastery at the foot of the Eifel-berg). MIR (Sclav.), peace ; e.g. Mirgorod (the fortress of peace) ; Miropol, Mirowitz, Mirow (the town of peace). ,^ , „ J , ( the middle, cognate with MITTEL, MIDDEL (Teut and Scand.), I j^^ Lat W22.., Grk. MIEDZY (Sclav.), ) A r^ AX. r \ '^ y mesos, and Gadhehc meadhon; e.g. Middleby, Middleton, Middleham, Mitton, Middleburg (the middle town) ; Middlesex (the territory of the middle Saxons) ; Middlewich (the middle salt manufac tory), in Cheshire — v. WICH ; Midhurst (the middle wood), in Sussex ; Midmar (the middle district of Mar), in Aber deenshire ; Ardmeanadh, Gael. Ardmeadhonadh (the middle height), being the Gaelic name for Cromarty ; Mitford (the middle ford) ; Melton-Mowbray, sometimes written Medel- tune (the middle town), formerly belonging to the Mowbray family ; Mittelgebirge (the middle mountain range) ; Mittel- walde, Sclav. Medzibor (the middle of the wood), in Silesia ; Methwold, in Norfolk, with the same meaning ; Mittweyda (in the midst of pasture ground), in Saxony ; Methley and Metfield (middle field) ; Meseritz and Meseritsch, i.e. mied- zyvreka (in the midst of streams), in Moravia and'Pomer- ania ; Mediasch (in the midst of waters), in Hungary ; Misdroi (in the midst of woodsl), in Pomerania ; Mediter ranean Sea (in the middle of the land) ; Media (the middle country, as then known) ; Mesopotamia, Grk. (the country between the rivers) ; Mediolanum (in the midst of the plain MLADY^MOIN 139 or land) — v. lann — the ancient name of Milan, Saintes, and some other towns. MLADY, MLODY (Sclav.), new ; e.g. Mladiza, Mladowitz, Mladzo- witz (new town), in Bohemia ; Bladen and Bladow, corrupt. from Mladen, with the same meaning, in Silesia. ,„ „ , > /a round hiU or a bald promontory, MOEL (Cym.-Cel.), I j- ,• • -r ¦ i, ,j J ^ ' , ,r. ,x. i- \ ) as an adjective signifying bald, and MAOL, MEALL (Gadhehc), < ,^ v j . t-n A ',„ J .^ 1 often applied to hiUs and promon- MOOL (Scand.), J . . '^X ..x. -m^ ^^ ^ ' V tones, thus — the Mull or promon tory of Cantyre and GaUoway ; Meldmm, in Aberdeenshire, and Meeldrum, in Ireland (the bald ridge) ; Melrose, z'..?. Maol-ros (the bald headland), Old Melrose having been situated on a peninsula formed by the Tweed ; the Eildon Hills, near Melrose, corrupt, from Moeldu?i (bald hill) ; the Island of Mull, one of the Hebrides ; Mealfourvounie (the hill of the cold moor), in Invemess-shire ; Glassmeal (gray hill), in Perth; Malvern (the bald hill of the- alders, gwer- nen) ; Moel-y-don (the hill of the waves), in Anglesea ; Moel-Aelir (the frosty hill) ; Muldonach (the hill of Donald), one of the Hebrides ; Moel-Try-garn (the ridge of the three cairns) ; Moel-Eilio (the mount of construction) ; Moel-y-crio (the hiU of shouting) ; Moel-ben-twrch (boar's head hill), in Wales ; Moel-cwm-Cerwyn (the bald dingle ofthe cauldron); Moelfre, corrupt, from Moelbre (bald hill), in Wales. In Ireland this word often takes the form of moyle, as in Kil- moyle (bald church) ; Rathmoyle, Lismoyle, Dunmoyle (the bald or dilapidated fort) ; Mweelbane (the white hill) ; Meelgarrow (rough hill) ; Meelshane (John's bald hiU) ; Mweel-na-horna (the bald hill of the barley) ; Maulagh (abounding in hillocks) ; Mullaghmeen (smooth hillock) ; Mulboy (yellow hillock), etc. ; MuUanagore and MuUana- gower (the little summit of the goats). In Wales : Moel- hebog (hawk hill) ; Moel-eryn (eagle hill), in .Wales. The Mool of Aswich and the Mool of Land, in Shetland. ._ ., ... (a moss or bog. In Ireland : Mona- MOIN, moine (Gadhehc), I ^^^^^^^ ^.^_ Moin-nam-brathar (the ' ( bog of the friars) ; Monalour (of the lepers) ; Moneen (the little bog) ; Ballynamona (the town of the bog) ; Monard (high bog) ; Montiagh, for Mointeach 140 M'6NCH— MONDE (the boggy place) ; Monabrock (the badger's moss) ; Mon roe (the red moss) ; Mon is, however, sometimes used instead of monadh (a rising ground in a moor), as in Co. Monaghan, Muineachan (abounding in little hills) ; which country, however, according to the Annals of the Four Masters, -fi2L.s named from its chief town (the town of monks). In Scotland : Moin, a moorland district in Sutherlandshire ; Mohzie and Moonzie (the mossy land), in Fife and Perth shire ; Montrose (the boggy promontory) ; Mon, again for monadh, in Monimail (bald hill), in Fife ; Moncrieffe (the woody hill, craobach) ; Moness (the hill of the cascade, eas). a monk, from the Greek monos (alone) ; e.g. Monkton, Monkstown, Monkswood, Monkland, named from lands belonging to the monks ; Le Monch (the monk), one of the highest of the Bemese Alps ; Mon- achty (the monks' dwelling), in Wales ; Llan-y-mynach (the monks' church or enclosure), Co. Salop ; Monksilver, in Somerset, corrupt, from Monk-sylva (the monks' wood) ; Monkleagh (the monks' meadow) ; Munsley, with the same meaning, in Hereford ; Monach-log-ddu (the place of the black monks), in Wales ; Munchberg (monk's hiU), in Bavaria ; Munchengratz (the monks' fortress), in Bohemia ; Munich and Munchingen (belonging to the monks), in Germany. MONCH (Get), MONEC (A.S.), MONACH (Gadhelic), MYNACH (Cym.-Cel.), ,,^,TT^T, ,,i^,TT^ //- \ (^ a river mouth; e.g. Dortmund, Fisch- MONDE, MUND (Get), , -r^ , ^ , -^ , ,,,„„,, ,„„„^ /c A \ \ mund, Dendermund, Roermonde, MUNNI, MINDE (Scand.), ) „ ... „ ' . „ ' ' ( Travemunde, Saarmund, Tanger- miinde, Ysselmonde, Rupelmonde, Orlamunda, Stolpe- miinde, Swinmund or Sweinemund, Ukermiinde, Wame- munde, at the mouth of the rivers forming the first part of these names ; Miinden, in Hanover (at the mouths of the Rivers Werra and Fulda) ; Monmouth (at the conf of the Mynwy and Wye) ; Plymouth, Falmouth, Sidmouth, Yar mouth, Grangemouth, Teignmouth, A\'earmouth, Cocker- mouth, at the mouths of these rivers ; Bishop's Wearmouth, founded by Biscop in the middle of the seventh century ; Deulemont, in France, at the mouth of the Deule ; Glad- mouth, in Wales, formeriy Clcdcmuth, at the mouth of the MONEY^MONT 141 Clede or Cleddy ; Minde, in Iceland, at the mouth of Lake Miosen. MONEY, a frequent prefix in Irish names from muine (a brake or shrubbery) ; e.g. Moneymore, Moneybeg (the great and little shrubbery) ; Moneygorm (the blue shrubbery) ; Moneyduff (the black or dark shrubbery) ; Moneygall-(the shrubbery of the strangers). ,T, J T^ > (a mountain, from the MONT, MONTE (Ft and It.), ; T t A MONTANA and MONTE (Span, and Port.), ) ^^l' '"f"!l ''^S j/^T ^ ^ '' ( nate with the Gadhehc monadh, and the Cym.-Cel. mynydd; e.g. Montalto ..(high mount) ; Montauban (the mount of Albanus) ; Montechiaro (clear mount) ; Monte-fosoli (brown mount) ; Montehermosa (beautiful mount), in Spain ; Montenegro, Turc. Karadagh, Sclav. Zerna-gora (black mount), in Turkey ; Beaumont, Chaumont, Haumont (the beautiful, bald, and high mount) ; Montereale and Montreal (the royal hill) ; Montreal, in Canada, so named by Cartier in 1555; Monte-Rosa, ane Mons-sylva (woody hill) ; Monte-Video (the prospect mount) ; Montmartre, ane Mons-Mariyrum (the hill ofthe martyrdom of St. Denis), but its earlier name was Mons-Martis (the hill of Mars) ; Montmirail, Lat Mons-mirabilis (the wonder ful mountain) ; Remiremont, Lat. Romaries-mons, founded by St. Romarie in 620; Monte-Cavallo, corrupt, from Monte- Calvaria (the Mount of Calvary), so called from a number of chapels, in which v^exe represented the successive scenes of our Lord's passion. From monticellus, the diminutive of mont, have arisen such place-names as Moncel, Le Monchel, Monchelet, etc. ; Mont d'Or (golden mount), in Auvergne; Montefrio (cold mount), in Spain; Montpellier, Lat Mons-puellarum (the hiU of the young girls), so called from two villages belonging to the sisters of St. Fulcrum ; Mont- serrat (the serrated hill) ; Clermont (bright hill) ; Mondragon and Montdragone (the dragon's hill) ; Monfalcone (hawk hiU) ; Mons, Ger. Berghen (hill town), in Belgium ; Piedmont (at the foot of the Alps) ; Floremont or Blumenberg (flowery hill), in Alsace ; Montaign and Monthen, ane Mons-acutus (sharp or peaked hill) ; Montigny, Montignac (mountainous) ; Jeumont, ane Jovismons (the hill of Jove), in France ; Mount Pilatus (the mount with the cap of clouds, ixoxxipileus. 142 MONT^MOOS Lat a felt cap) ; Richmond, in Yorkshire, named from a castle in Brittany, from which the Earl of Richmond took his title, meaning the rich or fertile hill ; Richmond, in Surrey, named by the Earl after his Yorkshire estate, for merly caUed Skene from the splendour of the royal residence there, sane, A.S. (splendid); Righimont, in Switzerland, cor rupt, from Mons-regius (royal hill) ; Montacute (sharp hill), in Somerset ; Tras-os-Montes (beyond the hiUs), in Portugal; Apremont, in France, for Asproinonte (rough hill) ; Pyrmont, corrupt, from Mons-Petrus (St. Peter's mount) ; Montferrato (the fortified hill). Mont also signified a hill fort, like berg and dun, as in Montalcino (the fort of Alcinous), in Italy ; Montgomery, in Wales, (the fortress of Roger de Mont- gomerie, who erected a castle there in 1093) — its earher name was Tre-Faldwyn (the dwelling of Baldwin, a Nor man knight) ; Charlemont, in France, named after Charles v.; Henrichemont, after Henri- Quatre. In Wales: the town of Mold, abbreviated from Mons-altus (high fort) — the Normans built a castle there ; Mynydd-du (black hiU) ; Mynydd-mawr (great hill) ; Mynydd-moel (bald hiU). In Scotland : Monadh-ruadh (the red mount or the mountK), the Gaelic name for the Grampians ; Mount Battock, Gael. Monadh -beatach (the raven's hill) ; Mountbenjerlaw, in Selkirkshire, originally Ben-Yair (the hiU of the R. Yair), to which the A.S. law and the Norman mount were added. But monadh in Gael, signifies a mountain range, and some times a moor, as Monadh-leath (the gray mountain range). Probably Mendip, in Somerset, is the deep hill, Welsh dwfn and mynydd; Monimail (bald hill) ; Monifieth (the hill or moor of the deer, feidh). The Moume Mountains, in Ireland, means the mountains of the tribe ; Mughlioma. Mon, in the Basque language, also signifies a hill, and is found in Monzon, an ancient town of Spain, with a hiU fort ; Monda and Mondonedo, in Spain ; and Mondego, in Portugal ; and in Carmona (hill summit), in Spain. MOOS (Ger.), MOS (Scand.), j "^"^'^ %^^^r.d- e.g Donaunioss MECH, MOCK (Sclav.), i ^]'^ mossy4neadow ofthe Danube) ; \ Mosston (the town on the mossy ground) ; Moseley (moss-field or valley) ; Moscow, on the R. Moskwa (mossy water) ; Mossow, Mehzo, Mochow, MOR — MOR 143 Mochlitz (the mossy ground) ; Mohacs, Ger. Margetta (the marshy or mossy island), in the Danube ; Miesbach (the district of the mossy brook), in Bavaria. The Irish word mcethail (soft mossy land) is almost synonymous with these roots. It is found in Mohill, Co. Leitrim ; Mothel in Waterford, and Mothell in Kilkenny ; Cahermoyle (the stone fort of the mossy land) in Ireland, and in Muthil in Perthshire. MOR, MOER (Teut. and Scand.), waste land, heath ; Scot, muir; e.g. Moorby, Morton, and Moreton (the dwelling on the moor) ; Morpeth (the moor path) ; Oudemoor (the old moor), and Oostmoer (east moor), in Holland ; Moorlinch (the moor ridge, Mine) ; Lichtenmoer (the cleared moor) ; Muirkirk (the church in the moor), in Argyleshire ; Murroes, corrupt, from Muirhouse, a parish in Co. Forfar ; Tweeds- muir (the moor at the source of the R. Tweed), a parish in Peeblesshire ; Muiravonside (the mossy land on the banks of the R. Avon), in Stirlingshire. ,^ J, ,. s r great ; e.g. Morven (the great MOR (Gadhehc), ", , .?., , .,, . V -.t ,r^ r, \ \ i_ 1 i- ben or hill), a hill in Caithness MAWR (Cym.-Cel.), or by mutation , , '. ., , ,. . ^ ' -.''./ , _ and also in Aberdeenshire ; fawr; e.g. Morlais for Mawr- clais (the great trench), the name of a ruined castle near Cardiff, built above a deep gully, through which a brook passes. Morven or Morvem, z'..?. Mor- Earrain (the great district), in Argyleshire, called by the Gaels Kenalban, corrupt, from Cenealbaltyn, i.e. the tribe of Baldan, a personal name ; Ken- more (the great headland), on Loch Tay ; Penmaen-mawr (the great stone-hill), in Wales. ._ _ , , „ , . / the sea, cognate with the Lat »2«m MOR (Cym.-Cel. and Sclav.), I j ... j • . • ¦ ..x. -n tr iW, V \ J ^ derivatives in the Romance /T,T , , s 1 1 languages, and the Teut meer; e.g. MORFA (Welsh), sea-marsh, y^J^J,^^ ^, grittany, and Pomer- ania (the districts on the sea-shore) ; Morbihan (the little sea), in Brittany ; Morlachia or Moro- Vlassi (the Wallachs' or strangers' land by the sea) — v. walsch ; Morlaix (a place on the sea-shore), in Brittany ; Glamorgan, Welsh gwlad-morgant (the district of Morgan Mawr, an ancient king of Wales) ; Morgan, in Cornwall, i.e. by the sea-shore ; Maracaybo (the headland by the sea-shore), in South America ; 144 MOST—mUhLE Parimaribo (the dweUing near the sea), in South America ; Connemara, in Ireland, Irish Conmac-ne-Mara, the de scendants of Conmac (by the sea-side). MOST (Sclav.), a bridge ; e.g. Dolgemost (long bridge) ; Maust, Most, Mostje (the place at the bridge), in Bohemia ; Babimost (the old woman's bridge, i.e. the fragile bridge), abbreviated to Bomst ; Priedemost (the first bridge), in Silesia ; Mostar (old bridge), a town in Turkey. MOT, or MOOT (A.S.), the place of assembly, wfhere the Anglo- Saxons held their courts of justice ; e.g. Mote-hill, at Scone ; the Moat Hill, near Hawick ; the Mote of Galloway ; the Moat of Dull, in Perthshire, and of Hamilton, on Strath clyde ; Moot-hill, at Naseby ; and in the Lake District, Montay and Caermote ; Moothill also appears in Aberdeen shire ; Almoot, near Peterhead, meaning the meeting-place on the height, has been cormpted into Old Maud, and the railway company have called their station New Maud. It is found in the Gaelic name for the Island of Bute, Baile- mhoide (the dwelling of the courts of justice), but in this case, as in Ireland, the word was probably borrowed from the Saxons. The word is found in Ireland, signifying a large mound, as well as in connection with the courts of justice — as in To?n-an-mhoid {the hill of the court of justice); La Motte, Fr. (a hillock), common in France. a mill, cognate with the Lat. MtJHLE (Ger.), MYLEN (A.S.) MUILENN (Gadhehc), MELIN (Cym.-Cel.), MLYN (Sclav.), MOLEN (Dutch), 7nola, and its derivatives in the Romance languages ; e.g. Miilen- bach and Molinbech (mill brook) ; Muhlan, Miihldorf, Miihlhausen, Muhlheim (miU dwelling) ; Mo- leneynde (mill corner), in Germany and Holland. In Eng land and Scotland : Melbourne, Milton, Millwick, Milford, Milden, Milnathorpe (the stream, town, ford, hollow, farm, of the mill) ; but Milton, in Kent and in Dorsetshire, are corrupt, from middle town ; Moulin, a parish in Perthshire In France : Moulins (the mills), so called from the great number of water mills formerly on the R. Allier; Miilhausen or Mulhouse, in Alsace, celebrated for its manufactures ; Molina, a manufacturing town in Murcia ; also in Spain, Molinos-del-Rey (the king's mills). In Ireland : MuUina- MULLAGH— NAES 145 hone (the mill of the cave) ; MuUinavat (of the stick) ; MuUintra (of the strand) ; MuUinakil (of the church). In Sclavonic districts : Mlineh, Mlinki, Mlinsk, Mlinow, etc. MULLAGH (Gadhelic), the top or summit, and sometimes applied to hills of a considerable height ; e.g. Mullaghmeen (the smooth summit) ; Mulkeergh (the summit of the sheep, caoirich) ; Mullan (the little summit), in Ireland ; probably the Island of Mull, in the Hebrides. .- . /a wall ; e.g. Maurs (the walled town), in France ; \p ¦'.' ) also Villa-de-Muro-cincto (the dweUing sur- CQ 1 \ I rounded by walls) ; Morsain, in 879 Muro- ^ ''' ( cinctus (surrounded by walls) ; Murviel (old waUs), in Herault, — a place where the ruins of an ancient Gaulish city are found ; Mauerhof (the enclosed court), in Germany ; Trasmauer (the walled town on the R. Trasen), in Austria ; Murany-var (the walled fortress), in Hungary ; Muriel-de-la-fuente (the walled town of the fountain) ; Muriel-viejo (the old walled town) ; Murillo (the little walled town), in Spain ; Murviedro (the old fortifications), called by the Romans Muriveteres, because they believed it to be on the site of the ancient Saguntum ; Semur, in France, corrupt, from Sinemurum (without walls). N , . _ /a nose, cognate with the Lat. nasus, and in wnF5 c^rd'^ \ ) topography applied to a promontory ; e.g. the NE CF ) ' ) ^^^^' ™ Norway, and Nash, in Monmouth ; ^ '^¦•'' (^Nash-scaur (the promontory of the cliff), in Wales ; Katznase (the cat's headland) ; Blankenese (white cape), in Holstein ; Foreness, Sheerness, Fifeness, Buchan- ness. Blackness, in England and Scotland ; Roeness (red cape), Shetland ; Vatternish (water cape), in Skye ; Bor- rowstounness or Bo'ness, in West Lothian (the cape near Burward's dwelling) ; Holderness (the woody promontory) ; Langness and Littleness, in Man ; Dungeness (danger cape) ; Furness (the cape of the beacon-fire), the site of an ancient lighthouse in Lancashire ; Saturnness (the southern cape), in Kirkcudbright ; Shoeburyness, corrupt, from Sceobirig (the cape of the sea-fortress) ; Skegness (the cape 146 NAGORE— NAVA near the wood, skogr) ; Skipness (ship headland) ; Sviata- nos, Sclav, (holy cape), in Russia ; Caithness (the promon tory of the Catti, a tribe). NAGORE (Hindu nagar, Sansc. nagura), a city ; e.g. Bamagore for Varaha-nagur (the city of the boar) ; Chandemagore (of the moon) ; Serenagur (of the sun). NAGY (Hung.), great ; e.g. Nagy-Karoly (Charles's great town) ; Nagy-Malton (St. Matthew's great town) ; Nagy-Szent- Miklos (of St. Nicholas) ; Nagy-varad (great fortress) ; Nagy-Koros (the -great town on the R. Koros). NAHR (Semitic), a river ; e.g. Nahr-el-keber (the great river) ; Nahr-el-kelb or Lycus (the river of the dog. or wolf), so named from a fancied resemblance of a rock near its mouth to the head of these animals ; Nahr-Mukatta (the river of slaughter); Aram-Naharaim (the high lands ofthe two rivers, i.e. Mesopotamia); Nahar-Misraim (the river of Egypt, i.e. the Nile). NANT (Cym.-Cel.), a brook or a valley through which a stream flows ; e.g. Nantmel (the honey brook) ; Sych-nant (dried- up brook) ; Nancemillin (the vaUey of the mill), in Wales ; Dewffneynt (the deep valley) was the ancient British name of Devonshire ; Levenant (smooth stream) ; Nant-frangon, i.e. Nant-yr-a-franc (the beavers' valley) ; Nantglyn (the glen of the brook) ; Nant-y-Gwrtheyren (Vortigem's valley), in Wales ; Nans, in Cornwall ; also in ComwaU — Penant (the head of the valley), and Cornant (a brook) ; Nantwich, in Cheshire (the salt-works, wich, on the brook or stream, i.e. the Weaver) ; Nantua (in a valley of the Alps) ; Nantes named from the Namnetes (dwellers in the valley) ; Moch- nant (the swift brook) ; Nannau (the brooks), in Wales ; Nangle, a bay on the coast of Wales, perhaps Nant-gel or cel (a secret comer) — the Rev. J. James. Nevem, a parish in Wales, for Nant-ynfer (the brook of the conflu ence) ; Nancy (the valley dwellings) ; Nans, Nant, with the same meaning, in France ; Nanteuil (the valley of the fountain) — v. OEUIL ; Nantberis (St. Peris's brook). NASS (Ger.), moist ; e.g. Nassau (the moist meadow) ; Nassenfeld (moist field) ; Nassenhuben (the huts in moist land) ; Nassenbeuren (the dwelling in moist land). NAVA (Basque), a plain ; e.g. Na\a-de-los-Oteros (the plain of the NEDER— NEU 147 NEU (Get), NEWYDD (Cym.-Ceh), NUADH (Gadhelic), NOWY and NAU (Sclav.), heights); Nava-hermosa (beautiful plain); Navarre and Nav- arreux (the plain among hills) ; Navarette (the plain at the foot of the hill) ; Paredes-de-nava (the houses of the plain). NEDER, NIEDER, NEER (Teut and Scand.), lower ; e.g. Nether lands (the lower lands) ; Netherby (lower town) ; Nieder- lahnstein (the fortress on the lower R. Lahn) ; Nederheim, Nederwyk (lower dwellings). NEMET (Celtic), a sacred grove, cognate with the Lat. nemus and the Grk. nemos; e.g. Nemours, ane Nemoracum (the place of the sacred wood or grove) ; Nanterre, also in France, ane Nemetodurum (the sacred grove on the waters) ; Nismes, ane Nemausus (the place in the grove) ; Augusto- nemetum (the splendid place of the grove), being the ancient name of Clermont ; Nemetacum, the ancient name of Arras ; Nemea (the place of the grove), in Greece. new, cognate with the Lat. novus and the Grk. neos and their derivatives ; e.g. Neuburg, Neudorf, Neustadt, Neu- ville, Newbury, Newburgh (new town) ; Neumarkt (new market) ; Newbold, Newbottle, Newbattle (new building), in Germany, Eng land, and Scotland ; Newburgh, in Fife, is a town of con siderable antiquity. It owes its origin to the Abbey of Lindores, in its neighbourhood. It was erected into a biirgh or barony by Alexander III., in 1266, and in the charter it was called ' ' Novus burgus, juxta monasterium de Lindores." It seems, therefore, that there was a more ancient burgh belonging to the abbey in the neighbourhood — Newburn (new stream), in Fife. Newhaven (the new harbour), in relation to the older harbour of Leith. In the sixteenth century Newhaven had a chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and was then called our Lady's port of grace ; but in the year 1 5 1 1 the city of Edinburgh bought up the village and harbour. In France : Nevers and Noyon, ane Noviodimum (the new fortress) ; Neuvy, with the same meaning ; Neuv^glise (new church) ; Villeneuve (new villa) ; Ni^vre and Nivemais, a department and ancient province of France ; Nienburg, corrupt, from Neuenburg (new town), in Hanover; Newport (new harbour), in Belgium ; Newport, in the Isle of Wight, so named because 148 NEU—NIfNY it superseded the older harbour at Carisbrook ; Newport, in Wales, which superseded Caerleon ; Neusatz or Neoplanta (new station), founded in 1 700, on the Danube ; Neusohl (new seat), in Hungary — its native name is Bestereze-banya (the mine on the R. Bistritz) ; Neustadl (new stall) ; Neuwied (new pasture) ; Nimeguen, ane Noviomagus (new field), in Holland ; Novgorod and Novigrad (new fortress) ; Novidwar (new court), in Russia ; No we-mjasto (new bridge), in Poland ; Novobeilaiaskaia (the new town on the white stream), in Russia ; Nova-Zembla, i.e. Novaia^Zemlia (the new land) ; Nowazamka (new castle) ; Novi -Bazaar (new market), in Turkey ; Nowosedl (new seat) ; Nienburg, Nyborg, Nyby, Nystead (new town), in Denmark and Holland ; Neocastro (new camp), in Greece ; Nola or Novla (new place), in the Sardinian states ; Naumburg and Nienburg, corrupt, from Neuenburg (new town) ; Nykioping (new market-town), in Sweden, and Nykjobing, in Denmark, with the same meaning ; Newington, in Surrey, corrupt, from Neweton; Newfoundland, so called when rediscovered by John Cabot in 1427, but known previously by Icelandic colonists as Litla-Helluland ; Nova Scotia (New Scotland), called by the Norseman Marklajtd; New River, a large aqueduct from Hertfordshire to Islington, by which a great part of London is supplied with water ; New Ross, Co. Wexford, corrupt, from its Irish name Ros-mic-Treoin (the wood of Treun's son) ; Newtown-Hamilton, in Ireland, founded by the Hamilton family in 1770; Newtown- Limavady, Co. Londonderry, named from a castle in the neighbourhood called Limavady (the dog's leap) ; Newtown- Stewart, Co. Tyrone, so called from Sir William Stewart, to whom it was granted by Charles I. ; New York, named in honour of the Duke of York, afterwards James 1 1. ; New Zealand, called by Tasman, its Dutch disco^•erer, in honour, it is supposed, of his native province. NIJNY (Sclav.), lower ; e.g. Nijny-No\-gorod (the lower new for tress) ; Nijny-Neviansk (the lower town on the Neva), as distinguished from Verkii-Neviansk, the upper; Nijnaia- ozernaia-krepost (the lower fort of the lakes) ; Nijny-Devitzk (the lower town on the Devitza) ; Nijni-Tagelsk (the lower town on the R. Tagel), in Russia. NIMZ— NOYER 149 Nl.MZ (Sclav.), foreign, from nemy or nemec, dumb — a word applied by the Sclavonic races to the Germans, because their language was unintelligible to them : e.g. Niemitsch, Niemez, Niemtschitz, German towns in Bohemia ; Nemet- uj-var (the new German fortress), in Hungary ; but there is a Sclavonic deity called Njam, to whom the names of some of these places may be traced. NO, NOE, NOUE (Old Ft), a low meadow habitually overflowed with water. It has evidently arisen out of noyer, to sub merge ; e.g. Noaillac, Noallau, La Noalle, Noalles, Noyelle, NoyeUette, in which the word is probably joined to ceuil, a water-source; Nogent (pleasant meadow); No-aux-Bois (in the woods) ; Les Noues, Neuillay, Neuilly, Noisy, Lat. Noesiacuin. NORDEN, NOORD (Teut.), | '^" T^ = %' Normandy (the land NOR (Scand), NORD (Ft \ ^'^f" \ *^ ^.'^'"''^ '° *^ N°r^"i' ^ " \ /J 1^ under RoUo m 912); Noordbroek (the north marshy land) ; Noordwolde (north wood), in Holland ; Norbury, Nordenburg, Norton, Nordhausen (north dweUing or town); Norham, on the R. Tweed; Northampton (the town on the north side of the Aufona, now the R. Nen) ; Northumberland (the land north of the Humber) ; Nordkyn (north cape) ; Normanton and Normandby (dwell ings of the Norsemen or Danes), in England ; Norrkoping (northern market-town), in Sweden ; Norrland (a large division of Sweden) ; Northallerton, in Yorkshire, so called to distinguish it from Allerton-Mauleverer ; North Cape (the most northerly point of Norwegian Lapland) ; North Berwick, Co. Haddington, so called to distinguish it from Berwick-upon-Tweed ; Norway (the northern kingdom) — v. REICH; REIKE ; Norfolk (the abode of the north people, as distinguished from Suffolk to the south) ; Northleach, north of the R. Leach ; Northwich, in Cheshire (the north salt manufactory) — v. wiCH ; Norwich, the town* which super seded Venta-Icenorum, whose inhabitants fled at the approach of the Danes, and erected a castle of defence farther north. NOYER (Fr.), the walnut-tree, Lat. nucarius, from which are derived nucetum, nucelletum, and nugaretum (a' place planted with walnut-trees) ; e.g. Noyers, Nozay, Noroy, La Nozaye, Les Nozdes, Nozieres, Nozeroy, etc., in France. 150 NUDDY— OFER NUDDY (Pali), a river ; e.g. Maha-nuddy (great river) ; Nuddea (the district of the rivers). NUWERA (Tamil), a city ; e.g. Alut-nuwera (new city) ; Kalawa (the city on the Kala-Oya, i.e. the rocky river); Nuwera-Panduas (the city of Panduas), in Ceylon. O .p . ( upper ; e.g. Oberhofen (upper court) ; Ober- OB, OBER (^er.), 1 laiinstein (the upper fortress on the R. Lahn) ; OVER (Dutch), y obei-ndorf, Overbie, Overham, Overton, Over- burg (upper town) ; Oberdrauburg (the upper town on the R. Drave) ; Overyssel (beyond the R. Yssel) ; Orton (upper town), in Westmoreland ; St. Mary's-Overy, South- wark {i.e. over the water from London). OE — V. EA, p. 7 1. CEUIL (Fr), the eye — in topography applied to the source of a stream or a fountain ; e.g. Arcueil (the arched fountain or aqueduct) ; Bemeuil (the source of the water, bior) ; Ver- neuil and Vernel (alder-tree fountain, Lat. vermis) ; Argen- teuil (silver fountain) ; Bonneuil (good fountain) ; Nanteuil (the source of the stream) ; Auneuil (alder-tree fountain, Fr. aune) ; Auteuil (high fountain) ; Boisseuil (the woody fountain) ; Chantilly, ane Cantilliacum (the head of the water-source). a border, boundary, or shore- OFER, or ORE (A.S.), OVER (Dutch), UFER (Ger.), OIR (Gadhelic), EYRE, or ORE (Scand.), a point, cognate with the Lat ora and the Grk. horos; e.g. Oare and Ore (the shore), in Kent, Sussex, and Somerset ; Windsor, i.e. IVindle- sora (the winding shore, A.S. windle) ; Southover and Westover (the south and west shore) ; Ventnor (the shore of Gwent, the ancient name of the Isle of Wight) ; Pershore (the willow shore, pursK), or, according to Camden, corrupt. from Periscorum — in allusion to the abundance oi pear-trees in its vicinity ; Andover, ane Andeafaran (the shore or ferry of the R. Anton) ; Ravensore (the point or promontory of Hrafen, a Scand. personal name) ; Hanover, KxicHohenufer (high shore) ; Elsinore (the point near the town of Helsing), in Denmark ; Argyle, Gael. Oirirgacdheal (the coast lands OICHE— OSTROW 151 ofthe Gaels) ; Dover, in Kent, and Douvres, in Normandy, perhaps from ofer. OICHE (obs. Gael.), water ; e.g. Oich River and Oichel (the Rivers Ock, Ocker, Ocke, Eck) ; Loch Oich, Duich (the black water). ORE (Hindostanee), a city ; e.g. Ellore, Vellore, Nellore ; Tanjore, ane Tanja-nagaram (the city of refuge) ; Bednore (bamboo city) ; Mangalore (the city of Mangala-Devi). ORMR (Scand.), a serpent, also a personal name ; e.g. Ormeshead, in Cumberland, named either from the serpent-like shape of the rock, or from the common Nor.se name Ormr; Orma- thwaite, Ormsby, Ormiston, Ormskirk (the clearing, the dwelling, and the church of Ormr). The same prefix in French topography signifies the elm-tree, as in Les Ormes (the elms) ; Ormoy, Lat. Ulmetium (the elm-grove), synonymous with Olmedo and Olmeto, in Spain. The Orne or Olna (elm-tree river), in Normandy ; Ulm or Ulma (the place of elm-trees), in Wurtemburg ; Olmeta, in Corsica. ,p . /a point, a corner, and sometimes a place ; e.g. ORT C^et), J ^ngerort (the corner ofthe R. Anger); Ruhrort OORT (Dutch), ^ ^^^ ^j^g j^^j^^ ^^ j^^^jjj.^ . Qj.iinort (green point) ; ORD (bcand.), (^schonort (beautiful point) ; Akkerort (the corner of the field) ; Tiegenort (of the R. Tiege) ; Storort (of the R. Stor) ; the Ord or headland of Caithness. ,p / the east ; e.g. Ostend (at the east end or OST, OEST (Get), j Qpgning of the canal into the ocean) ; Oster- OOST (Dutch), l^ J Rhine) ; Sluys, in Holland ; and Slooten, also „_ _; ^T7 \ ] a town in Holland, on a lake of the same ^ ''' ( name (from sloot, a ditch) ; Sluispolder (the reclaimed land at the sluice) ; Schlusseburg, in Russia (the fortress at the sluice), built on an island at the spot where the R. Neva issues from Lake Ladoga ; Helvoetsluis (the sluice on the Haring-vliet, an arm of the R. Maas) ; Fort de I'Ecluse (the fortress of the sluice), in France. , SCHLOSS (Get), a castle ; e.g. Marienschloss (the qp.stle of the Virgin Mary) ; Heidenschloss (the castle on the heath) ; Schlossmiihle (castle mill) ; Schlosshof (the castle court). ir- \ { little ; e.g. Schmalkalden, ane Schmalenaha (the SMAA CS A\ \ *°^" °^ '¦be small stream) ; Smalley, with the ^ ''' \ same meaning ; Smaalehlen (the small fief), in Norway ; Smallburgh (little town) ; Schmallenberg (little hill) ; Smailholm (little hill), a parish in Roxburghshire. 172 SCHMEIDE—SEE SCHMEIDE (Ger.), a smithy; e.g. Nagelschmeide (the naU smithy); Schmeidefeld and Schmeidsiedel (the field and site of -the smithy) ; Schmeideberg (the hill of the smithy). irwAn C a cattle-shed ; ^.^.Herrnschweige (the count's SCHWAlG(01dGet),J cattle-shed); Brunswick, ane Braunswei^ SCHWEIG, ) ,„ , / J ,1.1, t f T3 \ ' ( (Bruno s shed, or the town of Bruno). SCHWAND (Ger.), a wood clearing ; e.g. Schwand or Schwandt, in Bavaria ; Schwanden, in Switzerland ; Schwandorf (the village at the wood clearing). SCHWARZ (Ger.), black ; e.g. Schwarza, Schwarzach, Schwarzbach, Schwarzwasser (black stream) ; Schwarzburg (black for tress) ; Schwarzberg (black mountain) ; Schwarzwald (black wood) ; Schwarzkreutz (the black cross). SCHWERE (Sclav.), a wild beast ; e.g. Schwerin and Schwerin- lake, in Mecklenburg ; and Schwersentz, in Posen (places infested by wild beasts). , , „ . C clear, bright ; e.g. Sherboume (the clear stream) ; ^ ' 'I'' ) but this word is sometimes used instead of scyre, ' [ a division or shire, as in Shenvood (the wood where the shire meetings were held) ; Sherston (shire boundary stone) ; Shardlow and Shardhill (the boundary hill) ; Sharnford (the boundary ford) ; Sharrington (the town of the children of the shire or division). SEANN (Gadhelic), old ; e.g. ShanmuUagh (the old summit) ; Shandrum (the old ridge) ; Shangarry (the old garden) ; Shanbally and Shanvally (the old dwelling) ; Shanbo, Shanboe, and Shanbogh (the old hut), in Ireland ; also Shankill (old church), and Shandon, Irish Seandun (old fort). There are several places in Ireland caUed Shannon from this word, but it is uncertain what is the origin of the R. Shannon, whose ancient name was Scnos; Sanquhar, Gael. Seann-Cathair (the old fortress), in Dumfriesshire, named from an old castle near the town. (C \ ( ^ '^'^^ °' ^^^ ' '^'S- Ostsee and Oostzee (east lake) ; cn t h^ 1 Zuyderzee (the Southern Sea) ; Zealand and Zee- ' *¦ " \ land (land surrounded by the sea) ; Gransee (boundary or corner lake) ; Bodensee or Lake Constance, named from Bodami-Castrum, the castle of the legate of the Carlovingian kings on its shore, and latterly from a fortress erected by Constantine the Great ; Dolgensee, SEIFEN— SET 173 Sclav, (the long lake) ; the Plattensee (the lake on the marsh, blatto) ; Unterseen (below the lakes) ; the Red Sea, the translation of the sea of Edom (the red). SEIFEN (Get), a place where metals are washed ; e.g. Seifen and Seifendorf (towns where metals were washed) ; Seifengold (where gold is washed) ; Seifenzinn (where tin is washed) ; Seifenwerk (the hill of the metal washing). SEILLE, an affix in French and Belgian topography, signifying a wood or forest, derived from the Lat. saltus and sylva; e.g. Baseille (low wood) ; Haseille (high wood) ; Forseille (out of the wood) ; Senlis, Lat. Civitas Sylvanectensium (the town of the Sylvanectes, i.e. dwellers in the woods) ; Savigny and Souvigny, Lat. Sylvaniacum (in the woods) ; Selvigny, Souvign^, with the same meaning; La-silve- bdnite (the blessed wood) ; Silve-real (royal wood), etc., in France ; Transylvania (the district beyond the woods) — its Hungarian name, Erdely-Orsag, means the woody country ; Selwood, ane Brit. Coit-mawr, Lat. Sylva-magna (the great wood), perhaps Selby, in Yorkshire. SELENY, or ziELENY (Sclav.), green ; e.g. Selinga (the green river) ; Zelendorf (green village) ; Zielonagora (green moun tain) ; Zieleng-brod (green ford) ; Zielenzig and Szelenek (green place). SELIG (Teut.), holy; e.g. Seligenstadt, Seligenfeld, Seligenthal (the holy place, field, valley) ; Sellyoak (holy oak), perhaps Selby, in Yorkshire, if it is not from sylva, wood. ' a seat, settlement, or possession, cognate with the Lat. sedes; e.g. Dorset (the settle- .p J ment of the Durotriges, i.e. dwellers by the CQ 1 ^ I '^ater) ; Wiltshire, ane Wilsaetan (the .J., ,, ¦'.' , I settlement on the R. Willy) ; Shropshire, ^ "^'1 ane Scrobsaetan (the settlement among shrubs) ; Somerset, named from Somerton (the summer seat of the West Anglo-Saxon kings) ; Settle, in Yorkshire (the settlement) ; Sittingbourne, in Kent (the settlement on the brook). In the Lake District, colonised by Norsemen, this word often takes the form of side; e.g. Ormside, Ambleside, Kettleside, Silverside (the settlement of Ormr, Hamel, Ketyl, Soelvar), etc. ; Pecsaeten (the settlement at the peak), in Derbyshire ; Alsace, ane Alsatia, i.e. the other settlement, SET, SE.iTA (A.S.), ZETEL (Dutch), 174 SHAN— SIDH with reference to the German settlements on the west bank of the Rhine, as distinguished from the Franks or Ripuari, on the east ; Holstein, ane. Holtsatia (the settle ment in the woods) ; Waldsassen (wood settlement) ; Winkelsass and Endzettel (the corner settlement) ; Neusass, Neusiedel, and Neusohl (the new settlement) ; Einsiedeln (the settlement of Eina), in Switzerland ; Wolfsedal (of Wolfa) ; Soest or Sost, in Prussia, for Suth-satium (the southern seat). In Sclavonian names we have SedUtz (the possession); Stary-Sedlo (the old possession); Sedlitz- gross (the great settlement) ; Sursee, in Switzerland (the seat or dwelling, Old Fr. Zi), on the R. Sur ; Sion or Sitten, in Switzerland, Cel. Suidh-dunum (the seat on the hill-fort). In Ireland : Seagoe, Irish Suidhe-Gobha (St. Gobha's seat) ; Seeoran (Oran's seat) ; Seaghanbane (the white seat) ; Seaghandoo (the black seat) ; Shinrone, ane Suidhe-an-roin (literally the seat of the seal, but figuratively of a certain hairy man) ; Hermosillo, in Mexico, Span, (beautifiil seat). SHAN (Chinese), a mountain ; e.g. Shan-tung (east of the moun tain) ; Shan-se (west of the mountain) ; Thian-Shan (the celestial mountain). , SHAMAR (Pers.), a river ; e.g. Samer, Samara, Sambre, river names. The Samur, which flows into the Sea of Asoph. SHAW(A.S.),.«a^a,j^ T"^, °^ ^°T\ 'S- *e Shaws in SKEG CScand ) i Cumberland and Lanarkshire ; Birchen- ^ '-'' ( shaw (the birch grove) ; PoUokshaws (the woods near the village of Pollok) ; Bradshaw (broad wood) ; Shaugh-Prior (the prior's wood) ; Shawbury (the town in the wood) ; Evershaw (the wood of the wUd boar, eofer) ; Skegness (the headland of the wood). SHEHR (Pers ) f ^ dwelling ; e.g. Begshehr (the dweUing of the CHERI CTamii) \ ^^° °''^ ^^'^^ ' ^bou-shehr (the dwelling of ^ ''' ( Abou) ; AUah-shehr (God's house) ; Eskshehr (old dwelling) ; Yenishehr (new dwelling) ; Anoopshehr (incomparable dwelling) ; Pondicherry, originally Pudicheri (new dwelling or town) ; Paraicherie (the \-illage of Pariahs) — probably Shiraz and Shir\-an belong to this root. SIDH, SITH (Gadhelic), a fairy or a fairy hill. The beUef in these supernatural beings is still general among the Celtic races. It was believed that they resided in the interior of pleasant SIERRA — SKAER 175 hiUs called sidhe or siodha. The word frequently takes the form of shec, as in the Shee Hills, in Co. Meath ; Glenshee, in Perthshire ; Mullaghshee (the fairy hillock) ; Sheetrim, i.e. Sidh-dhruim (the fairy ridge), the old name of the rock of Cashel ; Killashee (the church near the fairy hill) ; Rashee (the fort of the fairies) ; also Shean, Sheann, Sheane, Shane, in Ireland. . C a mountain chain, having a serrated appear- '' P '" I ance, from the Lat. serra, a saw; or perhaps CERRO (Port.), y j.^^^ jjjg ^j._ j^,^^^^^ j^n uncultivated tract of land, being the root of the desert of Sahara, in Africa ; e.g. Sierra- de-fuentes (the mountain chain of the fountains); Sierra-de-los-vertientes (of the cascades) ; Sierra Leone (of the lion) ; Sierra-Calderona (the mountain chain with the cauldrons or craters) ; Sierra-de-las-Monas (ofthe apes); Sierra Morena (the dark mountain range) ; Sierra Nevada (the snowy) ; Sierra Estrella (the starry mountain range) ; Sierra-de-Culebra (of the snake) ; Sierra-de-gata (of agates) ; Esmeraldas-Serradas (the emerald mountains), in Brazil ; Cerro-da-vigia (the mountain of observation) ; Cerro-de-la- Giganta (of the giantess) ; Cerro-largo (broad mountain) ; Cerro-gordo (fruitful mountain); Cerro-del-cobre (ofthe snake) ; but serra, in Italian, means a narrow place — as in Serra-capriola (the narrow place of the goats) ; and Serra- Monascesca (of the monks). C a sharp rock — allied to the Welsh SKAER (Scand.), I skerid, cleft asunder, ysgariad ; SGOR and SGEIR (Gadhehc), | ^^_ Skerid-fawn and Skerid-fach (the great and little skerid or division). Esgair is another word from the same root, applied to a long ridge ; e.g Esgair-hir (the long ridge) ; Esgair-graig (the rock ridge) — e.g. Scarcliff (the cliff of the sharp rock) ; Nashscaur (the promontory of the steep rock) ; Scarborough (the town on the rock or cliff) ; Scorton, with the same . meaning, in Yorkshire ; Scarnose and Scarness (the sharp cape) ; Skerry- ford, Skeerpoint, on the coast of Wales ; Sheerness (the sharp headland), on the Thames ; Scaranos, with the same meaning, on the coast of Sicily ; Scarabines (the sharp points), in Caithness ; Scuir (a sharp rock), on the island of Egg ; Scordale, in Westmoreland, and Scordal, in Ice- 176 SKA W^SLIABH land (the valley of the steep rock) ; Scarsach (abounding in steep rocks), in Perth ; Scarba (the island of the sharp rock), and Scarp, in the Hebrides ; the Skerry and the Skerries, in the Shetlands, and on the coast of Ireland and Wales ; Skerry- vore (the great rock), in the Hebrides. SKAW, SKAGI (Scand.), an isthmus or promontory ; e.g. the Skaw or Skagen Cape, on the coast of Denmark ; Skagerack or Skagen-rack (the strait near the promontory). SKI, SK, SKIA, an affix in Sclav, topography, signifying a tovrai, often annexed to the name of the river near the town, or to the name of its founder ; e.g. Tobolsk, Tomsk, Pinsk, Vitepsk, Volsk, Omsk, on the Rivers Tobol, Tom, Pina, Viteba, Volga, Om ; Irkutsk, Berdiansk, Bielorietzk, Bob- roninsk, Illginsk, Miask, Olekminsk, Okhotsk, Olensk, on the Rivers Irkut, Berda, Biela, Bobronia, Ilga, Miass, Olekma, Okhota, and Olenek ; Bielozersk (the to^^•n on the white island) ; Jarensk (the town on the Jarenga or strong river) ; Kesilskaia (on the red river) ; Krasno-Ufimsk (the beautifiil town of the R. Ufa) ; Petsk (silk town), in Turkey, where the mulberry- tree is extensively cultivated; Yakutsk (the town of the Yakuts, a Tartar tribe) ; Salskaia, on the R. Sal ; Sviajsk (the town on the Sviga, holy river) ; Sviatskaia (the town of Sviatovid, a Sclav, deity) ; Dmitrovisk (the town of Demetrius, a Russian saint) ; Kupiansk and Kupiszki (the town on the promontory, kupa). SKIP '(Scand ) f ^ ^^^^P ' ^"•^' Skipton, Skipwich, Schaefheim SCHAEF (A S ) I ^^'^^^P '°'^") ' Shapfells (sheep hills) ; Sheppey ^ ¦ ¦'^' ( (sheep island); Skipsia (sheep's stream) ; Schaef- matt (sheep meadow) ; Shefford (sheep's ford) ; Scaefstadt (sheep town). SLIABH, SLIEVE, or SLIEU (GadheUc), a mountain or heath, akin to the Ger sliet, a declivity ; e.g. Slieve-Anieran (the iron mountain), so called from its mines ; Slievesnaght (snowy mountains) ; Slieve-Bernagh (gapped mountain) ; Bricklive (speckled mountain) ; Beglieve (small mountain). In all these places in Ireland the original names haye been cor rupted : Sleaty (the mountains) ; Sleeven (the little hill) ; Slievenamon, i.e. Sliabh-na-mban-Jibti (the mountain of the fair women or fairies) ; Slievebloom (Bladh's mountain) ; SLOG— SPITAL 177 Slieve-beagh (birch-tree hill) ; Slieve-corragh (rugged hill) ; Slieveroe (the red hill) ; Sliabh-cuailgne, now the Cooley Mountains, in Ireland ; Sleibhe-Cuillinn (the Coolin or CuchuUin Hills), in Skye ; Slamannan (the sliabh or moor of the district formerly called Manan, parts of Stirling and Clackmannanshire). SLOG (A.S.), a slough or marshy place ; e.g. Slough, Co. Bucks ; Sloby, Slawston, Slaugham (the dwelling on the marshy ground). SLUAGH (Gadhelic), a multitude, a host ; e.g. BaUinasloe (the ford- mouth of the hosts), in Co. Galway ; Srahatloe, i.e. Srath- a'-tsluagh (the river holm of the hosts) ; Knockatloe and TuUintloy (the hill ofthe hosts), in Ireland. SNAID, SNOED (Teut.), a separated piece of land, from the Old Get sniden and Modern Ger. schneiden (to cut) ; e.g. Eckschnaid (the oak snaid) ; Hinterschnaid (behind the snaid) ; Snaith, in Yorkshire ; Snead, Montgomery ; Sneyd, Co. Stafford ; Sneaton (the town on the snaid) ; Snodland and Snodlands (the separated lands) ; Snodhill (the hill on the snaid). . . „ , C a place privileged to hold local courts ; e.g. SOC (A.b.), ) Thorpe-le-Soke and Kirby-le-Soken (the village ^ ¦•'' ( and church-town where the courts were wont to be held) ; Walsoken and Walton-le-Soken (the place near the wall, or perhaps the well, where the court was held) ; Sockbridge and Sockburn (the bridge and stream near the court station). SOTO (Span.), a grove; e.g. Soto, the name of several places in Spain ; SotiUa (the little grove) ; Sotilla-de-las-Palomas (the little grove of the doves) ; SotiUa-de-la-ribera (the little grove of the river-bank). ( a place or town ; ^estade, a station for STADT and STATT (Ger), J J ^ ^ ^^^jj ^^^^ ^^^^J^ ^ STEDE, or STEAD (A.S.), | ^^^ ^^ ^j^^^^ . ^^^_ Caristadt, Therie- sanstadt, Christianstadt (towns named after one of the German emperors, Charles, after the Empress Theresa, and after Christian IV. of Sweden) ; Darmstadt, lUstadt, Stadt-Steinach, Lippstadt (towns on the Rivers Darm, III, Steinach, and Lippe) ; Bleistadt (lead town), near lead mines ; Brahestadt, in Russia (founded by Count Brahe) ; Elizabethstadt, Hung. Ebes-falva, named after the Empress Elizabeth ; Frederickstadt (Frederick's town), in Denmark and in Norway ; Gerbstadt, in Saxony (the town of Gerbert) ; Gluckstadt, Lat. Fanum-fortunce (the fortunate town or the temple of fortune) ; Halbertstadt (the town of Albert) ; Heiligenstadt (holy town) ; Hermanstadt (the town of i8o STAEF—STAN Herman, one of the Germans who colonised certain German cities in Transylvania in the twelfth century) ; Ingoldstadt, in Bavaria (the town of Ingold) — the name of this town was mistranslated by Latin and Greek authors into Auripolis and Chrysopolis (the golden city) ; Rudolstadt (the town of Rudolph) ; Grimstadt, in Norway, and Grimstead, in Co. Wilts (the town of Grim, a common Scandinavian name) ; Stade (the station), in Hanover ; Scoppenstadt, in Brunswick, ane. Scipi7igestete (the ship station) ; Stadt-am-hop (the town at the court), in Bavaria ; Tennstadt, ane Dannenstedi (the station of the Danes), in Saxony ; Kroppenstadt, the Germanised form of the Sclav. Grobenstadt (the count's town) ; Reichstadt (rich town) ; Altstadt (old town) ; Elstead, in Sussex and in Surrey (the place of Ella, the Saxon) ; Stadhampton (the town at the home place), in Oxford ; Thaxsted (the thatched place), in Essex ; Boxstead (the place of beech-trees, or of the Bokings, a patronymic) ; Hampstead (the home place) ; Wanstead (Woden's place) ; Armenianstadt, in Transylvania, colonised by Armenians in 1726; Staithes (the banks), in Cumberland; Stathera (the dwelling on the bank), Leicester ; Halstead, AS. Haelsted (a healthy place). STAFF STAUF (Teut ) ( ^ ^'^^^ °'' P°^^' ^^°' '" Germany, applied " c's H ^ < to a perpendicular rock ; e.g. Stauffen- ^ ''' ( berg (the mountain with pillar-like rocks), in Lower Hesse ; Donaustauff (the steep rock on the Danube) ; Hohenstauffen (the high rocks), in Wurtemberg ; Regenstauf (the rock on the R. Regen) ; Staufen (a fort situated on a rock), in Baden ; Staffa (the island with the pillar-like rocks), off the coast of Argjleshire ; Staffenloch (the lake of the pillars), in the Island of Skye. STAL, STUHL (Teut.), j f^f ^"'. P]^"' °\ ^^^' ' 'S' Hohenstellen STEELE 1 ^ ^^ place) ; Herstal (the place of ' ( the army) ; Tunstall (the place on the hill, dun), in Co. Stafford. STAN CA S ) i^ stone or rock, and in topography sometimes STEIN CGe^^ ^ applied to a rock-fortress ; e.g. Staunton, Steynton STEEN Dutch), V^!'^ *°"'" ^" *^'^ ''"."J' ground); Stanton, in ^ " \ Gloucestershire, named from a remarkable stone in the neighbourhood) ; Fewstone (fire stone), in Yorkshire, STAN i8i said to have been named from a fire-circle near the place ; Staines (the stones), in Middlesex, marking the jurisdiction of the mayor of London ; Stantz (the stony place), in Switzerland ; Steenbeke, Steenbegue, Steinbach (the stony brook) ; Stanley (stony field), in Yorkshire ; Steenbirge, Steenbrugge, Steenhout, Steenkirche (the stony hill, bridge, wood, church), in Belgium ; Steenvorde (stony ford) ; Stein-am-anger (the rock on the field) ; Steinitz (the German rendering of Sczenz, dog town), in Moravia ; Offenstein (the fortress of Offa) ; Lahnstein (the fortress on the R. Lahn) ; Lauenstein (the lion's fortress, with reference to some person who bore that sobriquet) ; Ehrenbreitstein (the broad stone of honour) ; Stennis (the headland of the stones), in Orkney ; Hauenstein, in Baden (the hewn rock), so called because the precipices of the Jura in that locality resemble masonry ; Ysselstein (the rock on the R. Yssel) ; Bleistein (lead rock), near lead mines, in Bavaria ; Dach- stein, in Alsace, ane Dagoberti Saxum (the rock of Dago- bert) ; Frankenstein (the rock of the Franks) ; Falkenstein (of the falcon or of the personal name Falk) ; Greiffenstein (ofthe vulture) ; Schaunstein (the beautiful rock or fortress) ; Neckar-Steinach (the stony place on the Neckar) ; Iselstein, on the Isel ; Wetterstein, on the Wetter ; Buxton, in Derbyshire, was named from the piles of stones called buck-stones, found in the Yorkshire and Derbyshire moors ; Standish, in Gloucestershire, corrupt, from Stonehouse. In some cases the affix stone is used instead of town or ton, as in Maidstone, A.S. Medwegston, Cel. Caer-Medwig {the town on the R. Medway) ; Goodmanstone (the priest's town), Dorsetshire ; and in Cumberland and Westmoreland, where the Norsemen had settlements, this word often marks the site of the grave of one of their heroes, as in Harold- stone, Hubberstone, Thurston, Gamfrestone, Silverstone, Stanton, Drew (the Druid's stone), in Somersetshire, near an ancient stone-circle ; Kingston, in Surrey, where in the centre of the town is still shown the stone on which the A.S. kings were crowned. STAN CPers ) ( ^ 'iistrict or region ; e.g. Hindostan (the ,c'" ,. \ district watered by the R. Indus, Pers. hindu STHANA (banse), y _,^^^^^^^ . Affghanistan (the district of the i82 STAPLE — STEORT Affghans, who are said to have taken their designation from a certain chief called Malik Afghana) ; Rajpootana (the district of the Rajpoots or king's sons) ; Kurdistan (of the Kurds) ; Beloochistan (of the Beluchis) ; Gurgistan or Georgia (the district watered by the R. Kur or Kyros) ; Kaffaristan or Kaffraria (of the unbelievers) ; Arabistan (of the Arabs) ; Bootan (the district of the Highlanders) ; Dushistan (the south region), also called Gurmsir (warm country) ; Gulistan (the district of roses) ; Baghistan (of gardens) ; Khorasan (the country of the sun) ; Zangistan or Zanguebar, Pers. and Ar. (the country or coast-lands of the Zangis) — v. bahr. STAPLE (Teut.), literally a prop, support, or heap ; but in the commerce of the Middle Ages it was applied, in the first place, to the buildings or towns in which the chief products of a district were treasured up or sold ; and, in the second place, to the commodities themselves ; e.g. Stapleton (the town of the market) ; Staplehurst and Stapleford (the wood and ford near the market-place) ; Dunstable (the market place on the hill), formerly Dunstaple; Whitstable (white market-place) ; Barnstaple, ane Berstable (the market-place for the produce of the district — beor, what it bears). In France : Etaples, L'^tape, Staple, etc. STARY (Sclav.), old ; e.g. Stargard, Starogard (the old fortress); Stary- sedlo, Storosele, Starosol (the old settlement) ; Starodub (the old oak-tree) ; Starwitz, Staria, Starinka, Stariza (old place) ; Starobielsk (the old town on the R. Biela) ; Staro-Constan- tinov (the old town of Constantine). In places where the population is chiefly German this word takes the form oi stark, as in Starkenburg, Starkenhorst ; Istarda or Starova (old town), in Turkey; Staroi-Oskol (the old town on the R. Oskol, in opposition to Novoi-Oskol, the new to-i\Ti on that river). STEIG, STIG, STY (Teut. and Scand.), a steep path ; e.g. Stickney (the island or watery meadow b)' the steep path) ; Kirchsteg (the steep path to the church) ; Durnsteeg (thorny path) ; Stiegmiihle (the mill on the steep path) ; Amsteg (at the steep path). STEORT (AS) \ *^ tail— in topography a point ; e.g. Start- STERZ (Old Get), P°'"'' in Devonshire ; Starston (the town on ^ ^' [ the point) ; Sterzhausen, Sterzmuhle, Staart- STEPPES— STOC 183 polder — V. haus, MtJHLE, polder ; Staartven (the marsh on the point). STEPPES (Sclav.), an uncultivated waste — a word applied to the extensive desert plains in Russia. STER, or ESTER, in Brittany, a stream; e.g. Ster-boueux (the muddy stream) ; Stercaer (the stream at the fort) ; Ster- poulder (of the black pool), etc. According to Forsteman, there is a Teutonic river-root, sir, which he finds in the names of 100 German streams ; e.g. Elster, Alster, Wilster, Gelster, Laster, and Ister — an ancient name ofthe Danube — Stour, Stura, etc. STER (Scand.), Old Norse setr (a station or place), contracted from stadr (a place) ; bu-stadr (a dwelling-place), contracted to bister or buster; e.g. Grunaster (green place) ; Kelda- bister (the place at the well or fountain) ; Kirkbuster (the dweUing at the church) ; Hesting-ster (the settlement of Hesting). The same word appears in the names given by the Danes to three of the provinces of Ireland — Ulster, for the Irish Uladh, i.e. Ulla-ster; Leinster, Irish Laighen or Layn; Munster, Irish Mumha (named after a king). STOC, STOW (Teut.), literally a stake or the trunk of a tree, applied at first to a place protected by a stockade, or surrounded by stocks or piles ; and in German topography sometimes applied to hills, as in Hochstock (high hill) ; Stockheim (the home on the hill) ; sometimes to places built upon stakes, as in Stockholm. In Great Britain, standing alone, it means simply the place, as Stock, in Essex ; Stow, a parish in Mid Lothian ; Stoke-upon-Trent ; Stow-in-the-Wold or waste land ; Stoke-Bardolph, Stoke- Fleming, Stoke-Gabriel, Stoke-Poges, Stoke-Edith (named from the proprietors) ; Stow-market (the market-place) ; Stow-Upland (the place in the high lands) ; Kewstoke (at the quay) ; Elstow, in Wilts (old place) ; Elstow, in Bed ford (St. Helen's place), the site of a nunnery dedicated to that saint ; Basingstoke (the place belonging to the Basings, a patronymic) ; Bridstow (St. Bridget's place) ; Bristol, ane Briegstow (the place at the breach or chasm, brice, through which the R. Avon passes) — its Celtic name was Nant-Avon (on the valley of the Avon) ; Padstow, in Cornwall, ane Petrocstowe, Welsh Llan-petroc (the place or church of St. STOLL — STRELITZ Petroc) ; Tavistock and Tawstock (places on the Rivers Tavy and Taw). As a prefix, stock often denotes the chief place in a district, as in Stockton (the chief town on the Tees), and in Stockport (the chief port on the Mersey). STOLL (Ger.), a mine-shaft ; e.g. StoUenberg (the hill of the mine- shaft) ; StoUenschmeide (the smithy at the mine-shaft) ; but StoUenkirchen, i.e. Stallinchirchun, is from Stalla (a per son's name). STOLPE (Sclav.), a rising ground in a marshy place ; e.g. Stolpe, the name of a circle and of several tovras in Hungary and Pomerania ; Stolpen, in Saxony. STOR (Scand.), great ; e.g. Stbrfiord (the great bay) ; Storhammer (great hill) ; Storoe (great island) ; Storaa (great river) ; Storsjon and Storsoen (great lake) ; Stora-kopparberg (the great copper mountain), in Sweden and Norway. a row, a street, a road, borrowed from the Lat. strata; e.g. Stratford (the ford near one of the great Roman roads, called streets) ; Stratford-le-Bow (the ford with the bow or bridge near the Roman road) ; Stratsett (the road station) ; Streatham and Stretton (the town on the road) ; Stratton, in Cornwall, and Stradbally, in Ireland (the village of one street) ; Straid, Strade (the street) ; Stradeen (little street), in Ireland ; Strond, on the R. Strond ; Strasbourg, in West Prussia (the town on the highway) ; but Strasbourg, in Alsace, ane. Stratiburg, is the German translation of its Latin name Argentoriatwn (the town of silver — strati, Teut., silver) ; Stony Stratford (the stony ford on the great Roman road, called Erming Street) ; Watling Street is said to have been named from waedla (the mendicant or pil grim) ; Icknield Street from the Iceni; Erming Street from earm (a pauper). STRAZNA (Sclav.), a watch-tower, akin to the A.S. streone; e.g. Sjraznitz, in Moravia (the town with the watch-tower). STRELITZ (Sclav.), a huntsman ; e.g. Strelitz-klein and Strelitz- gross (the great and little town of the huntsman, or of the Strelitzi, the name given to the lifeguards), in Russia ; Strelitzkaia and Strielinskaia, with the same meaning. STRAD (A.S.), STRASSE (Get), STRCEDE (Scand.), SRAID (Gadhelic), YSTRAD (Cym.-Cel.), STROM— SUNTARA 185 STROM, STROOM (Teut.), a Stream' or current; e.g. the Maelstrom (mill stream, so called from its rushing sound) ; Rheinstrom (the Rhine current) ; Stroomsloot (the sluice ofthe current) ; Stroma, Stromoe, Stromsoe, Stromay (the island of the current) ; Stromen and Stromstadt (the place near the current) ; Stromen-Fiorden (the bay of the current) ; Strom- berg (the town or hill on the stream) ; Stromness (the headland of the current). SU (Turc), water ; e.g. Ak-su (the white stream) ; Kara-su (the black stream) ; Adji-su (bitter water). SUD SUTH ( '^^ south ; Buttman traces this word to the SODER SOUDEN ) ^'^"' ^"^^ oldest form of the word being sundar ; ' ' { e.g. Sonnenburg, Sonderhausen, Sundheim, Soudham, Southofen (the south dwelling or enclosure) ; Southdean (south hollow) ; Southwark, Dan. Sydvirche (the south fortress) ; Southover (south shore) ; Suffolk (the district of the south people, as distinguished from Norfolk) ; Sutton and Sodbury (south town) ; Sudborne (south stream) ; Suderoe (south island) ; Sudetic Mountains (the southern mountain chain) ; Sudereys (the southern islands), a name applied by the Norsemen to all the British islands under their rule south of the Orkneys and north of the Island of Man — hence the bishoprick of Sodor and Man ; Sutherland (the land to the south of Caithness) ; Soderkoping (the south market-town), in Sweden ; Soest, in Prussia (on the Sosterbach) ; Sidlaw Hills (the south hills, in reference to their forming the south boundary of Strathmore). SUMAR, SOMAR (Teut.), summer ; e.g. Somercotes, Somersall, Somerton (summer dwellings) ; Somerghem in Belgium, and Sommerberg in Bohemia, with the same meaning ; but Somarsheim, in Hungary, is the German corrupt, of Szomorfalva (the viUage of sorrow) ; Szmarja or Szent-marfa (St. Mary's town), Germanised into Sommarein. SUND (Scand.), a strait ; e.g. the Sound, between Sweden and Zealand ; Christiansund, at the mouth of a narrow inlet, founded by Christian IV. ; Frederichsund, on a narrow inlet in Zealand ; Ostersund (the eastern strait), in Sweden ; Stralsund (the arrow-like strait — straele, an arrow). SUNTARA (Teut.), privileged land ; e.g. Frankensundem (the privileged place of the Franks) ; Beversundem (the privi- SZASZ— TAL leged place on the R. Bever) ; Sontra, in Hesse-Homburg (the privileged place) ; Sunderland (the privileged land), in Durham. SZASZ (Hung.), Saxon ; e.g. Szasvaros, Ger. Sachsenstadt (the town or fortress of the Saxons), in Transylvania ; Szasz- Sebes (the Saxon-Sebes or swift stream). SZENT CHune ) ^ ^ ^^'"' ' ^¦•^" ^zenta, Szentes (the saints' town SANT (Welsh) \ °^ "^"^y '""^"^ '' ^¦^- S^endro (St. Andrew's town) ; ^ " ( Mindszent (the town of All Saints); Szent-kercsyt (the town of the holy cross) ; Santarem, in Portugal, from St Irene, Santiago (for St. James) ; St. Denis, named after St. Dionysius, where the remains of this saint were interred ; St. Heliers, in Jersey (for St. HUarius) ; Szent- Gyorgy (St George's town) ; St. Ives, in ComwaU, named after an Irish saint called y/a, who came to that spot; St. Ives, in Huntingdon, named after Ivon, a bishop. TA (Chinese), great ; e.g. Ta-kiang (the great river) ; Ta-Hai (the great lake) ; Ta-Shan (great mountain) ; Ta-Gobi (the great desert). TABERNA (Lat and Span ) ( ^" '"" ' ^'S' Tabema, in Spain ; TAFARN (Welsh) ¦-"< Zabem-Rhem (the mn on the Rhine); '' ( Zabern-berg (the hill inn) ; Zabem- Elsass (the Alsatian inn), called in French Savemce, corrupt. from the Lat. Tabernce ; Tavemes and Tavemy, in France. .T,<,»T^ .... . »T„ . /T .. JO J N (a tongue, a point of land; TAING, TANGA (Teut. and Scand.), ) .S . , • TUNGA, \ ^-S- Tongue, a pansh in ( Sutherlandshire ; Tong, in Ross ; Tongland, in Kirkcudbright, upon a peninsula fomied bythe Rivers Dee and Tarf; Tonge, in Lancashire; but Tongres, Tongrinnes, and Tongerloo, in Belgium, derive their names from the Tungri, a tribe ; Tong-fell, in Cumber land, and Tangfjeld, Norway, and Tunga-feU, Iceland (the mountain with the tongue or point) ; Thong-castle, in Kent, and Thong-castor, near Grimsby. TAL (Cym.-Cel.), the forehead, or, as an adjective, high; e.g. Talgarth (the brow of the hiU ; Talibont (bridge-end, pont) ; TAMH— TEACH 187 Talbenny (the head of the hill-pen), in Wales. Tal-y-cavn (the head of the trough) ; Tal-y-Llychan (the head of the pools), in Caermarthen ; Talachddu (the head of the black water, a small brook called Achddu), a parish in Brecknock. TAMH, TAW (Cym.-Cel.), quiet, cognate with A.S. tam, found in many river names ; e.g. the Tame, Tamar, Tamer, Teane, Teign, Thame, Taw, Tawey, Tavoy, Tay, Temesch, Tees, Thames (the quiet water), joined to uisge, a, y, o, or, ri (fiowing water). TAMNACH (Gadhelic), a green field, common in Irish topography under various forms, such as Tawny, Tawnagh, Tonagh, and Taminy ; e.g. Tonaghneeve, for Tamhnaich-naemh (the field of the saints), now Saintfield ; Tawnaghlahan (broad field) ; Tawnkeel (narrow field) ; Tamnaghbane (white field) ; Tavnaghdrissagh (the field of the briers). TANNA (Old Ger.), wood ; tanne (modern), the fir-tree ; e.g. Nieder- than (the lower wood) ; Hohenthan (high wood) ; Than- heim, Thanhausen, Tandorf (the dwellings at the wood) ; Tanberg (wood hill). TARBERT, or TAIRBERT (Gadhelic), an isthmus ; e.g. Tarbet, in Cromarty and Ross ; Tarbert, in Harris ; Tarbet, on Loch Lomond ; East and West Tarbert, in Argyleshire ; Tarbet- ness (the point of the isthmus), in Ross-shire. .^ „ ,. s (a bull, cognate with the Lat. taurus and TAREH (Gadhehc), j ^j^^ ^^^_ ^^^^^^. ^^_ Knockatarriv and TARW (Cym.-Cel.), y gnockatarry (the hill of the bull) ; Clontarf, ane Cluain-tarbk (the buU's meadow) ; Cloontarriff and Cloontarriv, with the same meaning. Some river names, such as Tarf, Tarras, Tarth, Tarn, may have this word as a prefix, or perhaps tara, Irish, rapid. TARNIK (Sclav.), the thom ; e.g. Tarnowce and Tarnowitz (thorn viUage) ; Tamau, Tarnow, Tornow, Torniz (a thorny place) ; Tamograd (thorn fortress) ; Tamopol (thorn city). ,^ „ ,. , C a house or dwelling, cognate with TEACH and TIGH (Gadhelic), I ^j^g ^at. tectum, Ger. dach, and TY (Cym.-Cel.), | g^^nd. tag, a roof; Anglicised tagh, in the genitive, tigh. This word, under various forms, is common in Irish topography ; e.g. Tagheen (beautiful house); Taghboy and Taghbane (the yellow and white house); Taghadoe (St. Tua's house); Tiaquin, in Co. TEA MHAIR — TEINE Galway, i.e. Tigh-Dachonna (St. Dachonna's house); Timahoe, for Tech-Mochua (St. Mochua's house or church). Joined to the genitive of the article, it takes the form of tin or tinna, thus — Tinnahinch (the house of the island or river holm, innis) ; Tincurragh (of the marsh) ; TinakiUy (of the church or wood) ; Timolin (of St. Moling) ; Tigh-na-bruaich, in Argyleshire (the dwelling on the edge of the bank) ; Tynron, in Dumfries, i.e. Tigh-an-roinne (the house on the point) ; Tyndrum, in Perthshire (the dwelling on the ridge) ; Tisaran, ane Teach-Sarain (the house of St. Saran), in King's Co. Stillorgan, also in Ireland, corrupt, from Tigh- Lorcain (the house of St. Lorcain or Lawrence) ; Saggard, from Teach-Sacra (of St. Mosacra) ; Cromarty, ane. Crum- bachtyn (the dwelling on the winding bay) ; Tinnick, in Ireland, i.e. Tigh-cnuie (the house on the hill). In Wales : Ty-gwyn (white house); Ty-Ddewi (St. David's house); Great Tey and Little Tey (great and little dwelling) ; Tey- at-the-elms, in Essex. TEAMHAIR (Irish), a palace situated on an elevated spot ; e.g. Tara, ane. Teamhair, the ancient capital of Meath, and several other places called Tara, in Ireland. This word sometimes takes the form of tavver, tawer, or tower, as in Towerbeg and Towermore (the little and great palace). TEAMPULL (Gadhelic), a temple or church, derived from the Lat templum; e.g. Templemichael, Templebredon (the churches of St Michael and St. Bredon) ; Templemore (the great church or cathedral) ; Templecarriga(of the rock) ; Temple- tochar (of the causeway), in Ireland ; Templemars and Talemars, in France, ane Templum-Martis (the temple of Mars). TEINE (GadheUc), \^l^\ ^" topography this word is found in .,-«,, /r- I- -i \ \ the forms of /z;z and tinny, and must indicate TAN (Cym.-Cel.), ) ^ , . . ... ' ( spots where fires of special importance were wont to be kindled. Whether these fires were beacon-fires, or whether they referred to the Beltane fires kindled by the ancient Celts on May Day, cannot, in special cases, be determined ; but that the Beltane fires were connected with the religious rites of the Druids is allowed, even by those who do not derive the word Beltane from the name of a Celtic deity, or trace the observance of these rites to the sun TEPE TL — TERRA and fire worship once alleged to have existed among the Celtic tribes, but now held to be an untenable theory by Celtic scholars.! In Ireland, near Coleraine, we find Kil- tinny (the wood of the fire) ; Tamnaghvelton (the field of the Beltane sports) ; Clontinty, Co. Cork (the meadow of the fires) ; MoUynadinta, ane Mullaigh-na-dtaeinte (the summit of the fires) ; Duntinny (the fort of the fire), Co. Donegal. In Scotland tinny is also found in topography, thus — Ardentinny and Craigentinny (the height and rock of the fire) ; Auchteany, and perhaps Auchindinny (the field of the fires) ; Tinto (the hill of the fire), in Lanarkshire. TEPETL (Astec), a mountain ; e.g. Popocatepetl (the smoky mountain), in Mexico ; Citlaltepetl (the star-like mountain — citaline, a star) ; Naucampatepetl (the square-shaped moun tain), in Mexico. TEPLY (Sclav.), warm ; e.g. Tepla (the warm stream) ; Tepel, on the R. Tepla (in the neighbourhood of warm mineral waters) ; Teplitz, the name of towns in Hungary, Bavaria, and Illyria, sometimes written Toplitz ; Teplik and Teplovka, in Russia ; Tefiis, in Georgia, celebrated for its warm baths. land ; e.g. Terciera (the rough TERRA (Lat., It., and Port), TIERRA (Span.), TERRE (French), TIR (Gadhehc and Cym.-Cel.), land), in the Azores ; Terranova (the new land), in Sicily, sup posed to be on the site of the ancient Gela ; Tierra-del-fuego (the land of fire), so named on account of the numerous fires seen on the land by the first discoverers ; Terregles (church land) ; Tiree Island, Gael. Tir-ith (the land of com) ; Terryglas, i.e. Tir-da-ghlas (the land of the two rivers), Co. Tipperary ; Terryland, i.e. Tir-oilein (the land of the island) ; Tyrone, ane. Tir-Eoghain (Owen's land) ; Tir-Rosser, i.e. Tir-Rhos-hir (the long peat land), in Caermarthen ; Pentir (the headland) ; Gwydir, from the roots gwy, water, and tir, a general term for moist land in different places in Wales. It was the ancient name of Glastonbury ; Tiranascragh (the land ofthe sand hill, esker), Co. Galway ; Tyrconell (the land of Conell), the ancient name of Co. Donegal ; Carstairs, in Lanarkshire, ane ^ For the word Beltein, v. Joyce's Irish Names of Places, vol. i. p. 187 ; Chambers's Encyclopadia : and Petrie's Round Towers of Ireland. 190 THAL — THOR Casteltarras, probably corrupt, from Castelterres (the castle lands), the castle in the village having been the site of a Roman station ; Culter, in Lanarkshire, ane. Cultir (the back of the land) ; Finisterroe (land's end), now Cape Finist^re, the north-west extremity of France ; Blantyre (warm land — blane, warm), in Lanarkshire ; Terrebonne (good land), in Canada; Terre -haute (high land), in Indiana. THAL (Ger.), a vaUey — v. DAL. THING, or TING, a term applied by the Scandinavians to the legis lative assemblies of their nation, and also to the places where these assemblies met, from an old word tinga, to speak. Traces of these institutions appear in the topo graphy of certain districts in Great Britain formerly occu pied by Danes or Norwegians. The Norwegian Parliament is still called the Storthing or great assembly ; smaller courts are called Lawthings, and the Althing was the general assembly of the whole nation. These meetings were generaUy held on some remote island, hill, or promon tory, where their deUberations might be undisturbed. The _ Swedish Parliament used to assemble on a mound near Upsala, which still bears the name of Tijigs/wgen, Scand. haugr; Thingveller (the council-plains), in Iceland ; Sands- thing (the place of meeting on the sand), in Iceland ; Aithsthing (the meeting-place on the headland), in Ice land ; Dingvi^all, in Ross-shire, has the same derivation — its Gaelic name is Inverpeffer (at the mouth of that stream) ; TingwaU, in Shetland, Tynwald Hill, Isle of Man, Thingwall in Cheshire, and Dinsdale in Durham, from the same root ; Tinwald, in Dumfries (the wood of the meeting) ; Tain, in Ross-shire, Norse 77zz';z^ — its Gaelic name is Baile-Duich (St Duthic's town). THOR and THUR, prefixes derived from the Saxon and Scandi navian deity Thor; e.g. Thorley, Thurley, Thursley, Thorsby, Thuriow, the valley, dwelling, and hill, named after Thor, or perhaps from a people or family name derived from the god, i.e. the Thurittgs, from whence also probably come Thorington in England, and Thorignd and Thorigny in France ; Thuringerwald, in German)' ; Thurston, Thursford, Thurscross, Thurlstone, etc. ; Thorsoe (Thor's island) ; THORPE— TOBAR 191 Thurso (Thor's stream, on which the town of Thurso is situated) ; Thorshaven (Thor's harbour), in Norway and in the Faroe Islands. On the continent the god Thor was worshipped under the name of Thunor, hence the English word thunder and the German Donner (supposed, in the Middle Ages, to be Thor's voice). From this word are derived Thunersberg and Donnersberg (the mountain of Thor) ; Donnersbach (Thor's stream), in Styria ; Torslunde (Thor's sacred grove), in Denmark. THORPE (A.S.), an assembly of people, cognate with the Welsh torf (a crowd or troop), Gael, treubh (a tribe), and troupe, French ; and then gradually coming to denote a farm or village ; e.g. Thorp, in Northamptonshire ; Calthorpe (cold village) ; Langthorpe (long village) ; Ingelthorpe, Kettles thorpe, Swansthorpe, Bischopsthorpe (the farm or viUage of Ingold, Kettle, Sweyn, and the bishop) ; Nunthorpe (the nun's village) ; Raventhorpe (Hrafen's village) ; Thorparch, in Yorkshire (the village bridge), on the R. Wharfe ; Milne- thorpe (the village of the mill) ; Althorpe (old villages) ; Basingthorpe (the village of the Basings, a patronymic) ; Copmanthorpe (ofthe merchant). THWAITE (Scand. thveit), a cleared spot or an isolated piece of land, akin to the Danish tvede, a peninsula ; e.g. Harrow- thwaite, Finsthwaite, Ormathwaite, Sattersthwaite, places cleared and cultivated by the Scandinavians, whose names they bear; Applethwaite (of apples) ; Calthwaite (cold clear ing) ; Birkthwaite (of birches) ; Micklethwaite (great clear ing) ; Crossthwaite, in Cumberland, where St. Kentigern is said to have erected a cross ; Lockthwaite (Loki's clearing). TOBAR (Gadhelic), a fountain or well, from the old word doboir, water. WeUs and fountains were held in great veneration by the Celts in heathen times, and are the subjects of many traditions in Ireland and Scotland. Many of the early preachers of Christianity established their foundations near these venerated wells, which were the common resorts of the people whom they had come to convert. In this way the new religion became associated in the minds of the converts with their favourite wells, and obtained the names of the saints, by which they are known to this day ; e.g. 192 TOFT— TON Tobermory (St. Mary's well), in the Island of Mull ; Tobar- na-bhan-thighem (the chieftainess's well), in Badenoch ; Ballintobar (the town of the well), Co. Mayo, now called Tobermore (the great well), which had a weU blessed by St Patrick ; Tibbermore or Tippermuir (the great well), in Perthshire ; Tobar-nam-buadh, in Skye (the well of virtues) ; Tipperary, ane Tiobrad-Arann (the well of the district of Ara) ; Tipperkevin (St. Kevin's weU) ; Tipperstown, ane Baile-an-tobair (the town of the well) ; Tobercurry (the well of the cauldron) ; Toberbilly (the well of the old tree) ; Tobernaclug (the well of the bells, clog). BeUs were held sacred by the Irish on account of a certain bell favoured by St. Patrick. Perhaps the rivers Tiber and Tiverone, as well as Tivoli, ane Tibur, may come from this root. TOFT, TOT (Scand.), an enclosure or farm ; e.g. Lowestoft, Dan. Luetoft (the enclosure or place of the beacon-fire, which in early times was placed on the promontory where the town stands) ; Langtoft (long farm) ; Monk's Tofts (the monk's farm), and West Tofts, in Norfolk ; Ecclestofts (the church farm buildings), in Berwickshire ; Ivetot, ane Ivonis-tot (the farm of Ivo and Hautot (high farm), in Normandy ; Sassetot (the Saxon's farm) ; Littletot (little farm) ; Bergue- tot (birch farm), in Normandy. TOM (Gadhelic and Welsh), a knoll or mound ; e.g. Tomintoul (the knoll of the barn), Gael. Tom-an-t-sabhail, Co. Banff; Tomachuraich (the boat-shaped knoU), Invemess-shire; Tom-ma-Chessaig (St. Kessag's mound), at Callander ; Tom-na-faire (the knoll of the watch-tower), on Loch Etive ; Tomatin (the knoll of the fire, teine) ; Tomnacroiche (of the gaUows) ; Tom-da-choill (of the two woods) ; Tombreck (speckled knoU) ; Tomgarrow (rough knoll) ; Tomnaguie (windy knoll), in Ireland ; Tom-bar-lwm (the mound of the bare hill) ; Tommen-y-Bala (the mound of Lake Bala, having been raised as representative of Mount Ararat) ; Tommen-y-mur (of the rampart). TON CA S ) f ^" enclosure, a town. The primary meaning of TUN CScand ) I ''^'^ ^^°"^ comes from the Gothic tains, Scand. ¦'' yteinn, Ger. zaiiii, a fence or hedge formed of twigs. OriginaUy it meant a place rudel>- fortified with TON 193 stakes, and was applied to single farm-steadings and manors, in which sense tun is still used in Iceland, and toon in Scotland. The word toon retained this restricted meaning even in England in the time of Wickliffe. These single enclosures became the nucleus of a village which, gradually increasing, became a town or city, in the same manner as villages and towns arose around the Celtic duns, ratlis, and Uses. This root, in the names of towns and villages, is more common than any other in Anglo-Saxon topography, being an element in an eighth part of the names of dwelling- places in the south of Great Britain. The greatest number of these names is connected with those of the original pro prietors of the places, of which but a few examples can be given here. In such cases, the root ton is generally pre ceded by J or ing — qu. v. ; e.g. Grimston, Ormiston, Ribston, Haroldston, Flixton, Kennington (the property of Grim, Orm, Hreopa, Harold, and Felix) ; Canewdon (of Canute) ; Addlington and Edlington (of the nobles) ; Dolphinton, Covington, and Thankerton, parishes in Lanarkshire, took their names from Dolphine, Colban, and Tancred, to whom the lands were given in very early times ; Symington and Wiston, in Lanarkshire, are found ¦ mentioned in old charters, the one as Symington, in Ayrshire, named from the same Simon Lockhart, the progenitor of the Lockharts of Lee ; Cadoxton, i.e. Cadog's town, in Wales ; Ecclesia de uilla Simonis Lockard (the church of Simon Lockhart's villa), and the other, Ecclesia uilla Withce (the church of Withce's villa) ; Haddington (the town of Haddo) ; Alfreton, Wimbledon, Herbrandston, Houston (of Alfred, Wibba, Herbrand, Hugh) ; Riccarton, in Ayrshire, formerly Richard- ston, took its name from Richard Waleys, i.e. Richard the Foreigner, the ancestor of the great Wallace) ; Stewarton, in Ayrshire, had its name from the family which became the royal race of Scotland; Boston, in Lincoln. (named after St. Botolph, the patron saint of sailors) ; Maxton, a parish in Roxburghshire (the settlement of Maccus, a person of some note in the reign of David I.) ; Flemingston and Flemington (named from Flemish emigrants) ; Woolston (from St. Woolstan) ; Ulverston (from Ulphia, a Saxon chief) ; Wolverhampton and Royston (from ladies who o 194 TON— TOPOL endowed religious houses at these places) ; Minchhampton (the home of the nuns, minchens) ; Hampton (the enclosed home) ; Preston and Presteign (priest's town) ; Thrapston (the dwelling at the cross-roads) ; Broughton (the town at the fort or mound), a parish in Peeblesshire, with a viUage of the same name ; Albrighton (the town of Aylburh) ; Har rington (of the descendants of Haro) ; Barton and Bamton (the enclosure for the crop ; literally, what the land bears) ; Shettleston, in Lanarkshire, Lat. Villa-filii-Sadin (the villa of Sadin's son) ; Bridlington (the town of the Brihtlingas, a tribe), sometimes called Burlington; Adlington (town of Eadwulf) ; Prestonpans, in Mid Lothian, named from the salt pans erected there by the monks of Newbattle ; Layton, in Essex, on the R. Lea ; Luton, in Bedford, also on the Lea ; Makerston, in Roxburghshire, perhaps from St. Machar ; Johnstone, in Renfrew (founded by the Laird of Johnston in 1782); Liberton, near Edinburgh, where there was an hospital for lepers ; Honiton, Co. Devon, Ouneu-y-din (the town of ash-trees) ; Kensington (of the Kensings) ; Edmonton, in Middlesex (Edmond's town) ; North and South Petherton, in Somerset (named from the R. Parret), ane Pedreda; Campbeltown, in Argyleshire, received its name from the Argyle family in 1701 — its Gaelic name was Ceann-Loch (the loch head) ; Launceston — V. LANN ; Torrington, in Devon (the town on the hUl, tor, or on the R. Torridge) ; Watlington (the viUage protected by wattles). Of towns named from the rivers near which they are situated, CoUumpton, Crediton, Frampton, Taun ton, Lenton (on the Culm, Credy, Frome or Frame, Tone, and Lee) ; Northampton (on the north shore of the R. Aufona, now the Nen) ; Okehampton, on the R. Oke ; Otterton, Leamington, Bruton, Moulton, Wilton, on the Otter, Leam, Brue, Mole, and Willy ; Darlington or Darnton, on the Dar ; Lymington, in Hants, ane Lenton (on the pool) ; Southampton (the south town on the Anton or Test, which with the Itchen forms Southampton Water) ; Ayton, in Berwickshire, on the R. Eye. TOPOL (Sclav.), the poplar - tree ; e.g. Toplitz, Neu and Alt (the place of poplars), in the basin of the R. Elbe, to be distin- TORGAU— TORR 195 guished from Teplitz, in Bohemia — v. TEPLY, which is sometimes misnamed Toplitz. TORGAU (Sclav.), a market-place ; e.g. Torgau, Torgovitza, Torgo- witz (market-towns). TORR (Gadhelic) ( ^ mound, a heap, a conical hill, cognate with TWR (Cvm -Cel )' 1 ^^ ^^'' ^^'''''"' tbe Ger. thurm, and the Grk. ( pyrgos (a tower) ; Tor, in Ireland, means a tower also ; e.g. Toralt (the tower of the cliff) ; Tormore (great tower or tower-like rock) ; Tornaroy (the king's tower) ; Tory Island, off the Irish coast, had two distinct names — Torach {i.e. abounding in tower-like rocks), and Toirinis (the island of the tower), so named from a fortress called Tor-Conaing (the tower of Conaing, a Fomorian chief) ; Torran, Tortan (little tower), applied to little knolls, as in Toortane and Turtane ; Mistor and Mamtor, in Devon shire ; Croken Torr, in Cornwall (a hill where meetings were held — gragan, Welsh, to speak) ; Torphichen (the raven's hill), a parish in West Lothian ; Torbolton, in Ayrshire, tradition says is the town of Baal's mound. There is a beautiful hill in the parish where superstitious rites are still held ; a bonfire is raised, and a sort of altar erected, similar to those described in the sacrifices to Baal on Mount Carmel ; Torbay, in Devonshire, named from the hill which overlooks the bay, which gives its name to Torquay ; Torr- dubh and Torrduff (black hill) ; Torbane and Torgorm (the white and the blue hill) ; Torbreck (speckled hill) ; Torinturk (the wild boar's hill) ; Kintore (at the head of the hill), in Aberdeenshire ; Turriff, in Banffshire, is the plural form of toir. From the Lat turris and its derivatives, come Tordesillas (the tower of the bishop's see), in Spain ; Torquemada, Lat Turris cremata (the burned tower) ; Torr-alba and Torre-blanca (the white tower) ; Torrecilla, Lat TurricellcB (the church-towers), in Spain ; Torres-novas and Torres-vedras (the new and old towers), in Portugal ; Torella (the little tower), Naples ; Truxillo, in Spain, i.e. Turris-Julii {the tower of JuUus); Tourcoing (corner tower), in France ; La-tour-Sans-Venin, near Grenoble, is a corrupt, of Tour-Saint- Verena — to this saint the chapel was dedicated ; Tournay, in Belgium, Lat. Turris Nerviorum (the tower ofthe Nervii); Torres-Torres (the fortifications ofthe mountains), 196 TRAETH—TRE Tours, in France, is not named from this root, but from the Turones, a tribe ; but Torres Strait was named after the navi gator Torres, who discovered it in 1606. In the Semitic lan guages also Tzur means a rock ; it is the root of the names of the city of Tyre, and of Syria, of which in early times it was the chief city. Taurus or Tor is a general name for a mountain chain ; Tabris (the mountain town), a city of Persia. „„,„„„ .p^^ p^, . (a strand ; e.g Traeth-mawr (great strand) ; TRAI H Ccldhelic) ) Traeth-bach (little strand) ; Trefdraeth (the ^ '' ( dwelling on the strand), in Wales ; Traeth- coch (red strand), in Anglesea. In Ireland : Tralee, Co. Derry, is from Traigh-liath (the gray strand) ; Tranamadree (the strand of the dogs), Co. Cork ; BaUintra, when it occurs on the coast, means the town on the strand, but inland it comes from Baile-an-tsratha (the town on the river-holm) ; Ventry, Co. Kerry, is from Fiojin-traigh (white strand) ; as also Trabane, Trawane, and Trawbawn, which derive their names from the whitish colour of the sand ; Fintray, a parish in Aberdeenshire on the R. Don, is also white strand ; but Fintray, in Dumbartonshire, was formerly Fyntref ox Fyntre, probably the dwelling, tre, on the Fenach, which is the boundary-stream of the parish on one side ; Traeth-Saith, in Wales, named after a mythological patriarch. TRANK (Get ), a tank for watering animals ; e.g. Kleintrank (little tank) ; Rosstrank (horse tank) ; Trankmiihle (mill tank). TRAWA (Sclav.), grass ; e.g. the Traun and the Trave {i.e. the grassy rivers) ; Traunkirchen (the church on the Traun) ; Traunik, Trawitz (the grassy place) ; Traunviertel (the dis trict of the R. Traun), in Silesia and Austria. TRE or TREE (Cym Cel) ( ^ dweUing, a town; e.g. Treago, ane TREABHAIR (Gael ) \ Tref-y-goll (hazel-tree dwelling), in '" ( Monmouth ; Tre-n-eglos (church town), in Cornwall ; Tremaine (stone dwelling), ComwaU ; Tref-y- clawdd (the town of the dyke, i.e. Offa's dyke), the Welsh name for Knighton, in Pembrokeshire ; Oswestry might come naturally from this word, but the ^^^elsh call it Croes- Oswald (the place of St. Oswald's martyrdom) ; Coventry, too, might be from the same root, but Camden says it is a corruption of Conveiitria (the district of the convent) ; Daventry, abridged from Dwy-avon-tre (the dweUing on the TROM— TULACH 197 two rivers) ; Truro, i.e. Tre-rhiw (the dwelling on the sloping bank, or on the stream) ; Redruth, in Cornwall, ane Tref- Derwydd (the Druid's town) ; Trefrhiw (the town on the stream), in Caernarvon ; Tremadoc (Madoc's dwelling) ; Trecoid (the dwelling in the wood) ; Braintree, Co. Essex (hill dwelling) ; Dreghorn, in Ayrshire, ane. Trequern (the dwelling near alder-trees) ; Thrisk, in Yorks]/ire, ane Tref- Ysk (the dwelling by the water) ; Tranent, in Mid Lothian, corrupt from Treabhairnant (the dwellings in the valley) ; Crailing, in Berwickshire, ane Travertin (the dwellings on the pool) ; Tring, Co. Herts, ane Treungla or Treangle (the viUage at the corner), Welsh ongl, Lat. angulus; Trelech (the dweUing at the stone, caUed Harold's grave) ; Tre- Taliesin (the dwelling of Taliesin, the celebrated Welsh bard) ; Trenewydd (new dwelling), in Wales ; Rhuddry, a parish in Glamorgan, probably corrupt, from Yr-yw-tre (the yew-trees' home) ; Tre'r Beirdd (bard's town) ; Trefawr, Trefach (great and little town) ; Tredegar, i.e. Tre-deg-fair- ar (land), (the choice abode) ; Tre-Wyddel (the forester's abode) ; Trefhedyn, i.e. Tref-y-din (hill town). TROM, TRIUM (Gadhelic), the eldertree ; e.g. Trim, in Co. Meath, cormpt. from Ath-trium (the ford of the elder-trees) ; Trummery and Trimmer (places abounding in elder-trees) ; Tromann, Trumman (the little elder-tree). TUAIM, TOOM (Gadhelic), a mound raised over a grave, cognate with the Lat. tumulus; e.g. Tuam, Co. Galway, ane Tuaim-da-ghualann (the tumulus of the two shoulders, from the shape of the ancient sepulchral mound) ; Toome, on the R. Bann ; Tomfinlough (the tumulus of the clear lake) ; Tomgraney (the tomb of Grian) ; the Tomies (hills on Lake Killarney) ; Toomona (the tomb of the bog) ; Toomyvara, i.e. Tuaim-ui-Mheadra (O'Mara's tomb). TUAR (Gadhelic), a bleach-green, Anglicised toor; e.g. Tooreen (little bleach-green) ; Tooreenagrena (the snnny little bleach- green) ; Monatore (the bog ofthe bleach-green) ; Tintore, for Tigh-an-tuair (the house at the bleach-green), in Ireland. TULACH (GadheUc), a little hill or mound, and also a measure of land — Anglicised tulla, tullow, tully, or tiilli; e.g. Tullow (the hill) ; TuUamore (great hill) ; TuUanavert (the hiU of the graves, ferta) ; TuUaghcullion and TullycuUion TUNDRA — UISCE (of the holly) ; KiltuUagh (church hill) ; TuUaghan (little hill) ; Tallow, Co. Waterford, more correctly Tealach-a?t- iarainn (the hUl of the iron, from the neighbouring iron mines) ; TuUyallen, on the Boyne, and TuUiallan, in Perthshire, i.e. Tulaigh-dlainn (the beautiful hill) ; TuUyard (high hill) ; Tillicoultry (the hiU at the back of the land), in Clackmannan ; TuUibardine (the bard's hiU) ; TuUoch- gorum (the blue hiU) ; TuUybody (the hill ofthe black cow, bo dubh) ; Tillyfour (the grassy hill, feoiridh). Tully or tilly, however, is sometimes a corruption of teaglach (a family), as in TuUynessle and TiUymorgan — v. W. Skene, LL.D. TUNDRA (Tartar), a mossy flat, the name given to the vast plains on the Arctic Ocean. TURA (Tartar), a town or settlement ; e.g. Tura, a rivei- in Russia, so called by the Tartars because they made a settlement at the place ; Tura, also in Hungary ; O'Tura (old town) ; Turinsk (the tovifn on the R. Tura), in Russia. TWISTLE (Scand.), a boundary ; e.g. Twistleton (the to^vn on the boundary) ; Oswaldtwistle (Oswald's boundary) ; Hal- twistle (high boundary) ; Birchtwistle (birch-tree boundary) ; Ectwistle (oak-tree boundary). U . UAMH (Gadhelic), a cave ; e.g. Cluain-uamha (the pasture of the cave), the ancient name of Cloyne, Co. Cork ; Drumnahoe, i.e. Druim-na-huamha (the ridge of the cave) ; MuUinahone (the mill of the cave) ; Lisnahoon (the fort of fhe cave), in Ireland. Wem, in Salop, and Wembdon, in Somerset, as well as other place-names with the prefix wem, may be derived from the A.S. wem (a hollow), analogous to the Cel. uaimh. Wamphray, in Dumfriesshire, Gael. UamJi-fridh (the forest-cave). UCHEL, UCH (Cym.-Cel.), high, cognate with the Gael, uclida (a height) ; e.g. Ucheltref and Ochiltree (the high dwelling) ; the Ochills, a hill range in Perthshire, Lat. Occlli-montes. UISCE, or UISGE (Gadhelic), ( -;^^' -g-/^^; Usk, f^^^^^^^ ^-^ (^>'-^^^-)' t Sx Ex? U'se O^'sel A^'ist'Etka: Esla, Aisne, Isar, Is^re, Isen, Etsch (river names) ; Duffus URA—VALLIS 199 and Doubs (black water) ; Marosh (marshy water) ; the Theis, ane Tibiscus'; Adige, ane Athesis; the Po, ane Padusa; Loch Ewe, and Ewes, a parish in Dumfries watered by a stream of this name ; Wisbeach (on the beach of the Wysg or Wash), now some miles from the beach by the gradual advance of the land ; Knockaniska (the hillock on the water) ; Killiskey and Killiskea (the church on the water), in Limerick ; but Balihiskey, in Tipperary, is from Bealach-uisce (the road of the water) ; the Rivers Minho and Mincio, ane Minius and Mincius (little stream) ; Duffus (dark water) ; Istria (half land, half water) ; Argense or Argenteus (silver stream), in France ; Caldas (warm waters), in Spain and Portugal ; Ischia (the island of waters), abound ing in mineral springs ; Issny, on the R. Leine, ane Issia- cum (on the water) ; Metz, ane Mettis (between the waters), also named Divodurum (on the two rivers) ; Osimo, in Italy, ane Auximum, and Osna, in Spain, ane Uxama (on the water). URA (Basque), water ; e.g. Astura (rocky water), a river which gives its name to the Asturias ; lUuria (the town on the water) ; lUuro, with the same meaning, now Maturo, in Spain ; Osuno, ane Ursonum, and Tarazona, ane Turiaso (the place of good waters), in Spain — osoa, Basque (good) ; Oloron, ane Illura (the town on the water) — illia, Basque (a town). URBS (Lat.), a city; e.g. Orvieto, Lat. Urbs-vetits (the old city). V / a valley ; e.g. Vallais (the land VALLIS (Lat.), \^ valleys), in Switzerland — its VAL and VALLfE (Fr.), \ inhabitants were formeriy called VALLE (Span., Port, and It), ^^^^t^^^tes, i.e. valley dwellers ; Val-de-Avallano (the valley of hazels) ; Val-de-fuentes (of fountains) ; Val-del-laguna (of the lagoon) ; Val-del-losa (of the flagstone) ; Val-del-Moro (of the Moor) ; Val-de- Olivas (of olive-trees) ; Val-de-penas (of the rocks) ; Val-de- robles (of the oak-trees), in Spain ; Val-de-lys (the valley of streams), in the Pyrenees, from an old Provengal word lys (water) ; VaUde -de -Carol (of Charles), through which VAR — VELIKA Charlemagne passed from his conquest of the Moors ; VaUombrosa (the shady valley) ; Valparaiso (the vaUey of Paradise) ; Valtelline, in Lombardy, consisting of a long valley, traversed by the R. Adda and Teglio ; Vaucluse, Lat. Vallis-clusa (the enclosed valley) ; Orvaux, Lat. Aure- vallis (the golden valley) ; Rieval, Lat. Regia-vallis (the royal valley) ; Vals (in the valley of the Volane) ; ¦Vaucouleurs, Lat. Vallis-coloris (the valley of colour), in a valley of the R. Meuse, whose green and smiling meadows have given it this name ; Gerveaux or Yorvaux, in Durham, Lat. Uri-vallis (the valley of the R. Ure) ; Pays-de-Vaud (the country of valleys or of the Waldenses) ; Clairvaux, Lat. Clara-vallis (the bright valley) ; Roncesvalles (the valleys abounding in briers) ; Vaudemont, Lat. Vallis-de- monte (the valley of the mountain) ; Val-di-chiana (the valley of the standing pool), in Italy. VAR, VARAD (Hung.), a fortress ; e.g. Kolos-var, Ger. Klausen burg, ane Claudipolis (the enclosed fortress, or the city of Claudius) ; Nagy-varad (great fortress) ; Vasvar, Ger. Eisenburg (iron fortress) ; Szamos-Ujvar (the new for tress), on the R. Zamos ; Sarivar (palace fortress) ; Foldvar (the land fortress) ; Szekes-Fehervar, Ger. Stuhl-Weissen- bitrg (the white fortress of the throne) ; Karoly-Fehervar or Karlsburg (Charles's white fortress) ; Varosvar, Ger. Eisen- thurm (the red fortress or iron tower), in Hungary ; Ersek- Ujvar, Ger. Neuhausel (the bishop's new fortress or seat). VAROS (Hung.), a town ; e.g. Ujvaros (the new town) ; Also-varos (lower town) ; Szasz-varos, Ger. Sachse7istadt (the Saxon's town). VATN and VAND (Scand.), a lake ; e.g. "^'atnsdalr (the vaUey of lakes) ; Arnarvatn (eagle lake) ; Fiskvatn (fish lake) ; Langavat (long lake) ; Steepavat (steep lake) ; Sanvatn (sandy lake) ; Miosen- Vand (little lake) ; Helgavatn (holy lake) ; Vatster (the lake dwelling) ; IMyvatn (the lake ofthe midges) ; Vatnagaard (the farm on the lake). VEGA (Span.), a plain ; e.g. \'ega-de-la-neustra-Senora (the plain of our Lady) ; Vega-Espinarada (the plain surrounded by thorns). VELIKA, or weliki (Sclav.), great ; e.g. 'V'elikaia (the great river) ; Velikja-luki (the great marsh), in Russia ; Welkawes (the VERNUS— VINEA great village or dwelling), in Sclavonia ; Welka, Welkow, Welchau, Welchow, etc., with the same meaning. VERNUS (Lat.), the 3.ldex-txee,' Ce\. gwern; e.^. Verney, Vernez, Vernois, Vernoy, Verneuil, Vernieres, etc., the names of various places in France. VIE, VE, WY (Scand.), holy; e.g. Wydale (the holy valley); Wyborg, Weighton, Wisby, Wigthorpe (holy dwelling) ; Wigan, ane Wibiggan (the holy building), in Lancashire ; Wigton, in Cumberiand (holy town) ; but Wigton, in Scot land (the town on the bay, vig) ; Sviga (holy river), in Russia ; Sviajsk (the town on the holy river) ; Sveaborg and Viborg (holy town) ; Sviatos-nos (holy cape) ; Sviatskaia (holy town, or of the deity worshipped by the Sclavonians, called Sviatovid), in Russia. VILLA (Lat.), a farm, manor, or town, with its derivatives in the Romance languages ; e.g. ViUa-hermosa (the beautiful town) ; Villa- franca -de-panades (the free town of the bakers), in Spain. In France : Charleville (named after Charles, Due de Nevers) ; Flamanville (founded by a colony of Flemings), in Normandy; JoinviUe, 'La.t. fovis-Villa (the city of Jove, named from a Roman tower near the town) ; LuneviUe (the city of the moon), supposed to have been named from a temple to Diana ; Offranville, in Normandy, Lat. Vulfrani Villa (the manor of Wulfran) ; Auberville and Aubervilliers (the manors of Albert) ; Thionville (the manor of Theodone), Lat. Theodonis Villa; La Ville-tertre (hill town) ; Deville, formerly Dei Villa (the city of God) ; Marteville, Lat Martis Villa (of Mars) ; Villa-Vigosa (abundant town), in Spain and Portugal ; Villa-rica (rich town) ; Yeovil, in Somerset (the town on the R. Yeo) ; Maxwell, in Kirkcudbright and in Roxburghshire, corrupt. from Maccusville (the manor or settlement of Maccus, to whom the lands were given by David I.); Phihpville or Philipstadt, in Belgium (named by Charles '^. after his son) ; LouisviUe, in the United States (named after Louis XVI., whose troops assisted the Americans in the War of Inde pendence). VINEA, VINETUM (Lat.), a vineyard ; e.g. Le Vignse, La Vignelle, Les Vigneaux, Vigneaux, Vigny, Vinax, and places abound ing in the vine ; La Vigne, in France. VOE — WALD VOE CScand ) ( ^ bay ; e.g. Leirvogr (mud bay) ; Laxvoe (sal- vnpR 1 "'"'^ bay) ; Siliavoe (herring bay) ; Gmnavoe ' ( (green bay) ; Westvoe (west bay) ; Aithsvoe (the bay on the aith or headland) ; Sandvoe (sandy bay) ; Kaltenwaag (cold bay) ; Vaage (on the bay), a town in Norway. VORM (Get), in front of; e.g. Vormbach, Vormbusch, Vorm- horst, Vormhagen (in front of the brook, thicket, wood, and hedge). W wAFi W4TH CA S ^ ( ^ ^"f'^' cognate with the Lat. vadu7n and VAD '(Scand) 1*^ Gadhelic ath; e.g. Wadebridge (the ^ ''' ( bridge at the ford), in Cornwall ; Wath- upon-Deame (the ford of the R. Dearne), in Yorkshire ; Carnwath (the ford at the cairn), in Lanarkshire ; Lasswade (the ford on the pasture-land, toes), in Mid Lothian ; Wath (the ford), on the Yorkshire Ouse ; Langpwaden (long ford), in Germany ; Wageningen, Lat. Vadu (on the ford), in Holland, on the R. Leek. wAdi, or WADY (Ar), a river-course or ravine; e.g. W4di-el-Ain (the ravine of the fountain) ; W4di-Sasafeh (of the pigeons) ; Wadi-Sidri (of the thorn) ; Wady-Solab (pf the cross) ; Wady-SheUal (of the cataract) ; Wady-Magherah (of the caves); Wady-Sagal (of the acacia); Wady- Mousa (of Moses) ; Widy-Abou-hamad (of the father fig-tree, named from a very old tree) ; Wady-Mokatteb (of the writing, from the number of inscriptions made by pilgrims) ; Wady- hamman (of the wild pigeons). WALD CCer ) ( ^ wood or waste land ; e.g. Walden- WEALD, WOLD (A.S.), ] ^f^^"' I" ^^^^^ /^^ ^^'^^'^ 1^^ °" \ which saffron was afterwards cultivated) ; the Weald, Wold, and Wealdon (the waste lands), in Essex, Kent, Lincoln, and Yorkshire ; Waltham and Wal- thamstow (the dwelling-place near the wood) ; Waldstadt, Waldheim, Walddorf (dwellings near the wood), in Ger many ; Waldeck (woody corner, or corner of the wood) ; Waldshut (the forest hut), in Switzerland ; Boemerwald (the Bohemian forest) ; Waldau (woody meadow) ; Wald sassen (the settlement in the wood) ; Unterwalden (under WALL — WALSCH 203 or below the wood) ; Zinnwald-Sachsisch (the wood near the Saxon's tin mine) ; Finsterwalde (the dark wood) ; Greifswald (the griffin's wood) ; Habechtswald (hawk's wood) ; Lichtenwald (the cleared wood) ; Rugenwalde (the wood of the Rugii, a tribe), in Pomerania ; Regenwalde and Saalwalde (the woody districts ofthe rivers Rega and Saale); Methwald (in the midst of woods), in Norfolk ; Leswalt (the pasture, laes, in the wood), in Wigtonshire ; Mouswald (the wood near Lochar Moss), in Dumfriesshire ; Wooton-Basset, in Wilts (the woody town of the Basset family, so called from the quantity of wood in the neighbourhood). _ . , p , C an embankment, a rampart, a wall, cognate , WALL (Old Get), 1 ^.^j^ ^j^g ^^^ vallum, the Gadhelic balla, and WEALL (A.b.), y ^j^g wgish g^al; e.g. Walton, on the Naze, where there was a walled enclosure to defend the northern intruders from the assaults of their hostile Saxon neighbours ; Walton, also, in the east corner of Suffolk (the town near the wall) ; also Walton, on the Thames ; Walton -le- dale and Walton (on the hill), in Lancashire ; Wallsend (at the end of the wall), in Northumberland ; Walford, in Hereford (the ford near a Roman fortification) ; Wallsoken (the place near the wall, where the judicial courts were held) — v. SOC ; Walmer (the sea-wall), in Kent ; WaUburg, Walldorf (walled towns), in Germany ; Wallingford, in Berks, ane Gallena, Welsh Gwal-hen (the old waU or fortification), A.S. Weal- ingaford; WallmiU, Wallshiels, WaUfoot, Wallhead, places in Northumberland near the wall of Adrian ; Walpole (the dwelling, bol, near the waU), in Norfolk, a sea-bank raised by the Romans as a defence from the sea ; but Walsham and Walsingham, in Norfolk, take their name from the Wael- sings, a tribe. This place was caUed by Erasmus Parath- alasia, Grk. (by the sea-beach). /foreign. These words were applied by the WALSCH (Get), J -pgmQnic andSclavonicnations to alfforeigners, ¦WEALH (A S.), -> ^^^ ^^ jjjg ^.Q^ntries inhabited or colonised VLACH (Sclav.), I^^y ^j^^gg ^j^^ ^;^ j^^^ ^pjj^g jCj.Qna a Teutonic stock or speak their language. In the charters of the Scoto-Saxon kings the Celtic Picts of Cambria and Strath clyde were called Wallenses; e.g. Wales, Gwalia — root gwal or gall, foreign. The Welsh call their own countiy 204 WALSCH— WANG Cy7nru (the abode of the Kymry or aborigines) — (the home of the Cymric Celts), so named by the Saxons ; Wallachia (the strangers' land, vlach), so called by the Germans and Sclaves because colonised by the Romans ; Walcherin, ane Walacria or Gualacra (the island of the strangers or Celts) ; Cornwall (the horn or promontory of the Celts) ; also Cornuailles (a district in Brittany peopled by British emi grants from Wales) ; Wallendorf (the town of the strangers), the German name for Olaszi or Olak, in Hungary, peopled by Wallachians ; Wallenstadt and Wallensee (the town and lake on the borders of the Romansch district of the Grisons, conquered by the Romans under Constantius) ; Walschland, the German name for Italy. The Celts of Flanders were also called Walloons by their German neighbours ; and Wlachowitz, in Moravia, means the to\vn of the Wallachs or strangers. The Gadhelic gall (foreign), although used with the same meaning as wealh, is not connected with it It is a word that has been applied to strangers by the Irish from the remotest antiquity ; and as it was applied by them to the natives of Gaul {Galli), gall, in the first instance, might mean simply a native of Gaul. It was aftenvards used in reference to the Norwegians, Fio7in-ghaill (the fair-hahed strangers) ; and to the Danes, Dubh-gludll (the dark^dSxed strangers) ; and in connection with them and with the English the word enters largely into Irish topography ; e.g. Donegal, i.e. Dun-nau-Gall (the fortress of the foreigners or Danes) ; Clonegall and Clongall (the meadow of thi strangers) ; Ballynagall and Ballnagall (the to\™ of the strangers, or English). For the further elucidation of these words V. Irish Na77ies of Places, by Dr. Joyce, and Words and Places, by the Rev. Isaac Taylor. The words Gaill and Gallda are applied by the Highlanders of Scotland to their countrymen in the Lowlands, but they have no con nection with the name which they apply to themselves — The Gaidheil, derived from an ancestor Gaodal. WANG (Get and A.S.), a field or strip of land, allied to the Scot tish whang, a slice ; e.g. Feuchtwang (moist field) ; Duir- wangen (barren field) ; Ellwangen, ane Ellhcnwang (the field of the temple, clch or allts) ; Affolterwangen (apple-tree field) ; \\'angford (the ford of the i^'ang). WARA— WARID 205 WARA (Sansc), a dweUing ; e.g. Kattiwar (the dwelling of the Katties, a tribe) ; Judwar (of the Juts or Jats) ; Kishtewar (the dwelling in the wood). In Anglo-Saxon wara means inhabitants — thus Lindiswaras (the inhabitants of Lincoln ; Ca7itwara, of Kent). WARD, WART, WARTH (Teut.), a watch-tower or beacon, or a place guarded, A.S. waerdian, Ger. warte/i, to guard — waering, a fortification ; e.g. Hohenwarth, Lat. Altaspecula (the high watch-tower) ; Warburg (the town of the watch-tower), in Westphalia. In England : Warden, Wardle, Wardley (guarded places, or places where the warden of the district resided) ; Wardlaw (the beacon hill) ; Wardoe (beacon island), in Norway ; Warwick, i.e. Waering-vic (the fortified dwelling, or the fort of the Waerings) ; Woerden or War den (the fortified place), in HoUand ; Vordhill, in Shetland, and "Varberg, in Sweden (the hill of the beacon) ; Warthill, or beacon hill, in Westmoreland ; Warburton, found as Wardeburgh (the town near the watch-fort) — here Athel- freda, Queen of Mercia, built a citadel ; Warrington (the town with the fortress, waering) ; Gross-wardein, the Ger man rendering of Nagy varad, Sclav, (great fortress). From guardar. Span, (to defend), we have Guardamar (the sea guard, with a hill-fort at the mouth of the R. Segura) ; La Guardia (built as a defence against the incursions of the Moors) ; Guardia-regia (royal fortress) ; Leeuwarden, ane Lienwarden (the guarded place near lime-trees), in the Netherlands. ,„, , ^ ^ (a river island, or sometimes a plot WARID, WERID (Old Get), I „f nd insulated by marshes and WERDER (Mod. Ger), | ^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^_ H ^^^^^ ^^,^^^ the forms of werth or wirth, cognate with the A. S. worth or worthing, qu. v.; e.g. Bischopswerder (the bishop's island); Elsterwerder, Saarwerder (the islands in the Rjvers Elster and Saar) ; Donauworth (the island in the R. Danube) ; Kirchwerder (church island) ; Marienwerder (the island or enclosure dedicated to the Virgin Mary) ; Falconswaart (the falcon's enclosure), in Holland ; Poppenwarth (the priest's enclosure) ; Werden, Werder, Wertheim (dwellings near river islands) ; Worth (the enclosed place), in Bavaria ; Worth-sur-Sauer (the enclosure on the R. Sauer) ; Nonnen- 2o6 WARK—WEIDE werth (the nun's enclosure) ; Furstenwerder (the prince's island) ; Verden (near a large island formed by the R. AUer), in Hanover ; Verderbruch (the island bridge) ; Bolswaard (Bolswine's river island), in Holland ; Wertingen (a town on an island in the R. Schmutter) ; Schonwerder (beautiful island, on the R. Unstmth) ; Werth-sur-Sauer, in Alsace (on an island formed by the Rivers Sauer and Soultzbach) ; Borumeler-Waard (an island near the town of Bemmel), in Holland, formed by the junction of the Rivers Waal and Maas ; but Hoyerswerda, in Silesia, is a corruption of the Wendish name Worejze (the town on the ploughed land). WARK, VIRKI (Scand.), a fortress ; e.g. Wark, in Dumfriesshire, Warke Castle, on the Scottish border ; Warkthwaite (the enclosure belonging to the fortress), in Cumberland ; Ald wark (old fortress) ; Newark, in Nottingham and in Selkirk (the new fortress) ; Southwark (the south fortress) ; Warks- burn, Warkton, Warkworth (places named from their vicinity to Warke Castle), in Northumberland. WASSER, WAZAR (Teut.), Ir'^i '¦^- ^""fl^^^^^ (^ '°^, 0" WODA (Sclav.), *^^ "^f "l-f.";).: Schwartzwasser (black ^ ' \ water) ; ^^ hiteadder (white water), river names ; Ullswater (named from UUa or Ulf, a Norse chief) ; Wasserburg, in Bavaria, on the R. Inn, and Wasser- burg on Lake Constance (the town on the water) ; Waterloo (the watery marsh) ; Wasserbillig (the plain by the river) ; Zwishenwassern (between the waters, at the confluence of two streams), in Illyria ; Altwasser, Sclav. Starawoda (the old stream), in Moravia. The ancient name of the R Odra was Wodra (water). WEG (Ger ) ( ^ ^^^^'' ^ ''°^'^' <=ognate with the Lat. via; e.g. WAAG (Dutch) JWegefurt and Wayford (the way to the ford) ; WAEG (A S ) j Bradenwaag, (broad way) ; Lichtenweg (the ^ - •'' ( cleared road) ; Wegmiihle (miU road) ; Wainfleet (the way by the harbour) ; ^^¦akefield (the field by the way side) ; Norway, A.S. No7-waegas (the northern districts or paths) ; Courbevoie, Lat. Curba-via (the curbed way), in France. WEIDE (Ger ) ( P^^ture ; e.g Langenweid (the long pasture) ; WEOD (A S ) 1 Rathsweide (the counciUoris pasture) ; Neuweid ^ ¦ ¦''' ( (new pasture) ; Mittweyda (the middle pasture). WEILER — WEND 207 WEILER (Ger.), a hamlet. Old Get wila; e.g. Kleinweil (the little hamlet) ; Kurzweil (short hamlet) ; Langwell (long hamlet), Pfaffwyl (the priest's hamlet) ; Weiller, in Alsace, Echzell, in Hesse-Darmstadt, corrupt, from Achizwila (the hamlet on the water) ; Eschweiler (the hamlet near ash- trees) ; Dettweiler (the hamlet of the diet, or people's meeting) ; Rappersweil (the hamlet of Rappert, a per sonal name); RothweU, in Baden, ane Rotwili {xed hamlet). In England this word takes the form of well or will, as in Kittlewell and BradweU. In Normandy, Hardvilliers, Rohrwiller, Neuviller, etc. WEIR (A.S.), a dam, that which wards off the water, wearan, A.S., to guard ; e.g. Ware, in Co. Hertford, named from a dam on the R. Lea, made by the Danes ; Wareham (the town on the Weir), in Dorsetshire ; Warminster (the monastery near the weir.) ,p , / white ; e.g. Weisshorn (white cape) ; Weissmaes HwiT C A S \ J ('"'bite field) ; Weissenberg and Weissenfels Hvin CS H ^ 1 (white rock) ; Weissenburg and Weissenstadt (^ (white town); Weissenthurm (white tower). Sometimes the word takes the form of witte7t, as in Witten berg and Wittenburg (white fortress), although this prefix is frequently derived from vitu, wood ; Whitacre (white field) ; Whitbume, Whitbourne, Whitbeck (white stream) ; Witley (white meadow) ; Whiston, in Worcester, so named because it was originally a convent of white nuns. WEND, WIND, words applied in German topography to mark the settlements of the Wends or Sclavonians, from the verb wa7t- deln, to wander. The Sclavonians call themselves Slowja7ie, which means intelligible men, or Srb, which means kins7nen; while, by all the Sclavonic tribes, the Germans are called niemiec, the dumb men, because their language is unintel ligible to their Sclavonic neighbours. The Wends in the sixth century occupied the north-eastern parts'of Germany, but are now chiefly confined to Lusatia ; e.g. Wendischbach (the Wends' brook) ; Wendischhausen and Windsheim (the dweUings of the Wends) ; Wendischgratz (the Wends' for tress) ; Wendischkappel (the Wends' chapel or church) ; Windecken and Wendischhayn (the Wends' comer and enclosure). 2o8 WERBA — WICH WERBA (Sclav.), pasture ; e.g. Werben, on the Elbe: WERCH (Sclav.), a summit ; e.g. Werchau (the town on the height), in Prussia ; Werch-see (the lake on the height) ; Werchne- Udinsk (the height on the R. Uda) ; Verkne-Dnieprevosk (the high town on the R. Dnieper) ; Werchne-Uralish, on the R. Ural; Verkne-Kolynski, on the R. Kolyma; Verkne-Sousensk, on the R. Sosna ; Werchblatt (high marsh). WERE, WARE (Teut.), a dam or wharf; literally, what is thrown up — werfen; e.g. Werfen (the town on the embankment), in Upper Austria ; Antwerp, ane Andoverpu77i (at the wharf) ; Hohenwerpum (high wharf) ; Neuwarp (new wharf). WERK, WEORC (Teut.), a work, applied in topography to places where manufactures are carried on ; e.g. Bergwerk (a hill work or mine) ; Konigswerk (the king's manufactory) ; Hofwerk and Werkhausen (places connected with mines) ; Hiittenwerk (the huts of the workmen in the Hartz ;Moun- tains) ; Seifenwerk (the place for washing the metals at the mines) ; Frederickswerk (a cannon foundry in Denmark established by King Frederick) ; Wirksworth, in Derbyshire (the enclosure near the mines). WESTEN (Ger.), the west. This word Buttman traces to an old Ger. root wesen, Goth, visan (rest), i.e. the quarter of the heavens where the sun sinks to rest ; e.g. Westphalia (the western plain) ; Westerwald (west wood) ; Westerufer (the western shore, i.e. of the R. Inn) ; Westhausen and West- hoffen (the west dwellings and court), in Alsace ; Wesen, on the west shore of Lake \\'allensee ; Westeraas, in Sweden, ane Vestra-aros (western dweUing), so called to distinguish it from Ostra-aros (the eastern dweUing) ; West- man's Isles, Scand. Vestmanna-cyar, on the coast of Iceland, so caUed because peopled by men from the west — Irish pirates ; Westbury, Westbourn, Weston, ^^'estbrook, from the same root. WICH, wic, WYK (Teut.), i^ d^veUing, a village, a town— a word WICK, VIG (Scand.), - '" g^"!f=^l "^^ '" *e topography of WAS, WIES (Sclav.), ^'¦^=^' 2,"'^'"' ^^ ^^'s" ^s on the con- l^ tment, but with various meanings. According to Leo, the Teut wich or vichs arose from the root waes, A.S., and wicsc, Ger. (a moist meadow) and WICH 209 hence was applied to places situated on low lands, often on the bank of a stream ; e.g. Meeswyk (the town on the Maas) ; Beverwyk, on the Bever. The primary meaning seems to have been a station — with the Anglo-Saxons a station or abode on the land, with the Norsemen a station for ships. The root of the word runs through all the Aryan languages — Sansc. vega, Grk. oikos, Pol. wies, Ir. fieh, Cym.-Cel. qwic, all meaning an abode ; e.g. Alnwick (the town on the R. Alne); Ipswich, ane Gippenswich, on the Gipping ; York, A.S. Eorvic, Lat. Eboracum, Welsh Caer- Ebreuc (the town on the water, or R. Eure) ; Hawick (the town on the haugh or low meadow) ; Noordwyk (north town) ; Nederwyk (lower town) ; Zuidwyk andZuick (south town), in Holland and Belgium ; Harwich (army town), so called from having been a Saxon station or military depot ; Keswick (the town of Cissa) ; Wickware, in Gloucestershire (the town of the family of De la Ware). On the other hand, the Scandinavian wich or vig signifies a bay, or a place situated on the coast, or at the mouth of a river — thus Schleswick (on a bay formed by the R. Schlie), in Prussia ; Wick (the town on the bay), in Caithness ; Sandwich (the town on the sandy bay) ; Lerwick (on the muddy bay) ; Greenwich, Scand. Granvigen (the town on the pine bay) ; Reikjavik, in Iceland (the reeky or smoky bay) ; Vigo in Spain, and Vaage in Norway (on spacious bays) ; Swanage, in Dorset, ane Swanwick (Sweyen's bay town) ; Brodick, in Arran (the broad bay town) ; Wicklow, in Ireland, probably Danish Vigloe (bay shelter), used by the Danes as a ship station ; Smerwick (butter bay) ; Berwick, contracted from Aberwick (at the mouth of the R. Tweed) — v. aber. Wiche also denotes a place where there are salt mines or springs, and in this sense is probably connected with the Scand. vig, as salt was often obtained by the evaporation of sea-water in shaUow bays; thus Nantwich — v. NANT; Middlewich (the middle salt works) ; Droitwich, Lat. Salince (the salt springs, where the droit or tax was paid). In some cases wich or wick is derived from the Lat. vicus, cognate with the Grk. oikos and Sansc. vei^a (a dwelling)— thus Katwyk- sur-mer and Katviyk-sur-Rhin are supposed to occupy the site of the Roman Vicus-Cattorum (the dwelling-place of p WIDR— WIN the Chatti) ; Vick or Vique, in Spain, from Vicus-Ausoni- ensis (the dweUing of the Ausones) ; Vidauban, in France, from Vicus- Albanus (the dwelling of Albanus) ; Longwy, from Longus-vicus (long town) ; Limoges, ane Lemovicum (the town of the Lemovici) ; also in France : Vic-"flespr6s (the town on the meadows) ; Vic-sur-Losse and Vic-sur- Aisne, the towns on these rivers. The Sclav, wice is found in Jazlowice (the town on the marsh) ; and Malsch- wice (Matthew's town), etc. WIDR, or VITU (Teut and Scand.), wood; e.g. Norwood (north wood) ; Selwood, Lat. Sylva-7nagna (great wood), Celtic Coit7naur; Coteswold (from its sheep-cotes, in the wood) ; the Wolds, near Woldemess, in Yorkshire ; Ringwood, in Hants, Lat. Regni-sylva (the wood or forest of the Regni, a tribe) ; Wittstock and Woodstock (woody place) ; but Wittingau, Wittingen, Wittgenstein, Wittgensdorf, and other names with this prefix in Germany, come from the patronymic Wittick or Wittikind {i.e. the chUdren ofthe woods). In England the same prefix may mean white, as in Witney, or from places where the Saxon Witangemote held their meetings; Holywood, in Dumfriesshire, Lat Abbia sacra nemoris (the abbey of the sacred wood), caUed by the Irish Der-Congal (the sacred oak grove of Congal). WIECK, or wiKl (Sclav.), a market especially for com ; e.g. Wieck (the market town), the name of numerous places in the Sclavonic districts ; Wikow (the Sclavonic name for Elster werder) — V. WARID, etc. wiESE (Ger ) (pasture -ground or meadow; e.g. Pfaffenwiese WAES (A S ) 1 ^^ priest's meadow) ; Schaafwiese (sheep ¦ ¦ ' ( pasture) ; Wiesbaden (the meadow baths) ; the Wash (near moist pasture-ground) ; Wismar (beautiful or rich meadow), in Mecklenburg ; Wiesflech (the hamlet in the meadow pasture) ; Ziegelwasen (the goat's meadow) ; Wisheim (the dwelling in the meadow or pasture-ground). WILIG (A.S.), the willow; e.g. Wilcrick (willow crag); Wilden (willow hollow) ; but Willoughby and Willoughton, probably from a personal name. WIN (A.S.), victory; e.g. Winford, Winslow, Wingrave, Wim- borne (the ford, hill, entrenchment, and brook of the victory). WIXKEL— WORTH wiNKEL(Get) (a. corner; e.g. Winceby (corner dwelling); ^„_- /A c\\ Winchcomb (the comer hollow) ; Winchelsea (the ' \ island or moist land at the comer) ; Winchendon (corner hill) ; Winkleigh (corner meadow) ; Winkelhorst (corner thicket) ; Winkeldorf (comer village) ; Winklam (the waste field at the corner). WISCH, or OSSICK, contracted from the Sclav, hussoki (high) ; e.g. Wissek, Weissagh, Wisowice or Wisowitz, Ossiegt, and Ossagh (high village) ; Wischhrad (high fortress) ; Wisoki- mazo-wieck (the high middle market-town), in Poland ; but in Germany wisch is sometimes a form of wiese (meadow), as in Wischmiihle (the meadow mill) ; Wisch- hausen (the dweUing in the meadow) ; Essek, for Ossick (high place), in Sclavonia. WITHIG (A.S.), the vrillow ; e.g. Witham, Withern (wiUow dweUing) ; Withybrook (wiUow stream) ; Withridge (willow ridge). WOH (A.S.), a turning; e.g. Woburn, Wooburn (the bend of the stream) ; Woking (the turning at the chink or chine). WOL (Sclav.), the ox ; e.g. Wolgast (the oxen's shed) ; Wohlau (an enclosure for oxen), a town in Prussia which carries on a great trade in cattle ; WoUin (the place of oxen), at the mouth of the R Oder. WOLSCHA, or OELZA (Sclav.), the alder-tree ; e.g. Wolschau, Wol- schen, Wolsching, Wolschinka (the place abounding in alders) ; the Sclavonic name for the R. Elster is Wolshinka (the river of alders) ; Oels, in Silesia, on the Oelse (alder- tree stream) ; Oelsen and Olsenice (the village of alder- trees) ; Olsnitz (the town on Elster, or alder stream). WOLV, or WOL, a prefix sometimes employed with reference to the wolf, as in Wolvesley (the wolves' island), where a tribute of wolves' heads was paid annually by the Britons to the Saxons, by order of King Edgar Sometimes as a contrac tion for wold (the waste land), as in Wolford^ Wolborough, Woldingham, Wooler, and in Woolverton ; but it comes often also from a personal name, as in Wolfhamcote, Wulferiow, Wolferton (from Ulp or Wulfhern). WORTH, or WEORTHING (A.S.), a farm, manor, or estate, a place warded or protected, A.S. warian (to defend); cognate with the Ger. warid or werder; e.g. Worthing in Sussex, Worthen in Salop, Worthy and Worting in Hants, WURZE— ZERKWA Worthington in Lancashire (the farm or manor) ; High- worth (high manor) ; Kenilworth (the estate of Kenelm) ; Bosworth (of Bosa) ; Edgeworth (the estate on the border) ; Edgeware, ane Edgeworth, same meaning ; Polwarth (the estate on the marshy land), a parish in Berwickshire ; Ravenworth (the manor of Hrafen) ; Rickmansworth (of Rickman) ; Tamworth (the manor), on R. Tam ; Wands worth, on the R. Wandle ; Worksworth (the place near the miner's works) ; Chatsworth (the manor in the wood), Celtic coed; Hammersmith, corrupt, from Hermoderworth (the manor of Hermode). WURZE (Ger ) ( ^" ^^^^' ^ P^^"* ' '^y'^*""' ^ garden ; e.g. Wurtz- WYRT CA S ) 1 ^"''^' ^"'^^ ^^^^^P°^^^ (tbe city of plants) ; ^ ' 'h ( Wortley (the place or field of herbs); Warton (the garden). Y YEN (Chinese), salt ; e.g. Yen-shan (salt hiU) ; Yen-yuen (salt spring). YENI (Turc), new ; e.g. Yenidja-Vardar (the new fortress), ane Bella; Yenidya-Carasu (the new place on the black water) ; Yenikale (the new castle) ; Yenikhan (new inn) ; Yeniseisk (the new town on the R. Yenisei) ; Yenishehr (the new dwelling) ; Yeni-Bazar (new market) ; Yenikoi (new viUage) ; Yeni-Hissar (new castle). ZAB (Ar.), a fountain ; e.g. Great and Little Zab, in Turkey. ZARNY, or CZERNY (Sclav.), black ; e.g. Zschorne (black to\vn) ; Somosche-Elster, i.e. the black R. Elster ; Zschomegosda (black inn) ; Zarnowice, Zarnowitz, Same, Samow, Samowo, Sarnaki (black village). ZERENY, or CZERENY (Sclav.), red ; e.g. Tschema (the red river) ; Tscherniz or Zerniz (red town) ; Tzemagora (red mountain). ZERKWA (Sclav.), a Greek church, from the Grk. kuriake; a Romish church in their language is called kosciol; a Protestant church, zbor; e.g. Zerkowo, Zerkowitz, Zerkwitz (the town of the Greek church). ZETTEL — ZI 213 ZETTEL (Sclav.), from sedal (Ger.), a seat or settlement; e.g. Brockzettel (the settlement or seat on the broken-up land) ; Endzettel (the settlement at the corner) ; Weinzettel (the wine settlement). ZI (Old Fr.), a habitation ; e.g. Sussi (the habitation on high ground) ; Issy (the dwelling, here, or on low ground) ; Passy (the dwelling near the boat — bac or bad). INDEX A few Names which do not occur in the body ofthe Work are explained in the Ijidex. Abbeville, 4 Abbeyfeale, 4 Abbeyleix and Abbeyshrule, 4 Abyssinia, named from the Rivers Abai and Wabash, or, according to Bruce, firom haiish (mixed), i.e. the country of the mixed races Acapulca, 9 Acre, ane. Accho, Ar. the sultry or sandy shore Adelsberg, the nobles' fortress Aden, Ar. a paradise Afium-kara-hissar, Turc. the black castle of opium Agades, the enclosure Agde, in France, Grk. Agathos, the good place, founded by Greeks from Marseilles Aghrim, or Aughrim, 67 Agosta, Lat. Augusta Agra, 2 Airdrie, 10 Aix, 9 Aix-la-Chapelle, 9 Akemian, "Turc. (white castle) Akhalzk, new fortress Alabama, the land of rest Alagous Bay (abounding in lakes) Aland, water land Albania, 7 Albert, in Cape Colony, named after the Prince Consort Albuera, Ar. the lake Albuquerque, Lat. the white oak- tree Alcala, Ar. the castle, 114 Alcantara, 6 Alcarez, Ar. the farm Aldershott, 107 Alemtayo (beyond the R. Tagus) Aleutian Islands, the bold rocks Alexandria and Alexandretta, named after Alexander the Great Alexandria, in Cape Colony, in honour of Queen "Victoria Alexandria, in Italy, after Pope Alex ander III. Alhama, 100 Alleghany Mountains, from a tribe Alloa, the way to the sea Almaden, Ar. the mine Almanza, Ar. the plain Almanzor, Ar. victorious Almeida, Ar. the tafcle Altona, called by the Hamburgians All-zu-nah, i.e. (all too near), in alltision to its vicinity to Hamburg Alyth, the ascent or slope America, named after the Florentine adventurer Amerigo- Vespucci Angora, ane. Ancyra 2l6 INDEX Annam (the place of the South) Anstruther, 179 Antrim (at the elder trees) Antwerp, 208 Aoasta, Lat. Augusta Apennine Mountains, 154 Appenzel, 4 Appleby, 37 Applecross, 3 Aranjues, Lat. Ara lovis, the altar of Jove Aravali Mountain, the hill of strength Arbois, ane. Arborosa, the woodyplace Arbroath, 3 Archangel, named in honour of the Archangel Michael Archipelago, the chief sea Arcos, ane. Argotriga, the town on the bend Ardeche, now Ardoix, in France, from ardoise, slate Ardee, in Ireland, on the R. Dee, now the Nith Ardeen and Ardennes, 10, 11 Ardfert, 10 Ardrossan, 10 Argos, the plain Argyle, 150 Aries, Cel. Ar-laeth, the marshy land Armagh, i.e. Ardmacha, Macha's height Armorica, 143 Arras, named from the Atrebates Arthur Seat, in Edinburgh, Gael. Ard- na-said, i.e. theheight of the arrows, meaning a convenient ground to shoot from Ascension Island, so named because discovered on Ascension Day Asperne, n Aspropotamo, Modern Grk. (the white river) Assouan, Ar. the opening at the mouth of the Nile Astrakan, named after a Tartar king Astura R. , 199 Asturias, 12 Attica, Grk. the promontory Aubusson, 36 Auch, named after the Ausci, a tribe Auchinleck, 5 Auckland, 5 Audlem, 7 Augsburg, 35 Aurillac, supposed to have been named after the Emperor Aurelian Auriol, ane. AurioluTn, the golden or magnificent Austerlitz, 151 Australia, the southern land Austria, 164 Autun, 69 Auvergne, the high country, 11 Ava, or Awa, named from angwa, a fish-pond Avignon, 14 Avranches, named from the Atrin- catui Awe, Loch, 2 Azores Isles, Port, the islands of hawks B Baalbec, 15 Babelmandeb Strait, 15 Bactria, Pers. the east country Badajos, corrupt from Lat. Pax Au gusta Baden, 15 Baffin's Bay, named in honour of the discoverer Bagdad, 16 Bahar, corrupt, from Vihar, a Buddhist monastery Bahia, Port, the bay, 16 Bahr-el-Abiad, 17 Bahrein, 17 Baikal, the rich sea Baireuth, 162 BakeweU, 162 BaJchtchisarai, the palace of the gar dens Bala (river head), in ^^'ales Balachulish, 17 Balaclava, 21 Bala-Ghauts, 18 Bala-hissar, 18 Balasore, 18 INDEX 217 Balbriggan, Brecan's bridge Balearic Isles, because their inhabitants were skilful in the use of the sling [Balla, Grk. to throw) Balfour, 17 Balkan, 18 Balkh, 18 BaUantrae, the dweUing on the sea shore, 196 Ballater, 125 BalUna, corrupt, from Bel-atha, ford mouth, 21 BalUngry, the town of the king — v. BAILE BaUintra, 196 BaUoch, 22 BaUycasfle, castle-town — v. 17 BaUymena, 17 BaUymoney, 17 BaUy shannon, 22 Balmaghie, 18 Balmaklellan, the town of the Mac- lellans, 18 Balmerino, 17 Balmoral, 17 Balquhidder, the town at the back of the country Balta and Baltia, the country of the belts or straits, the ancient name of Scandinavia, 18 Banbury, 35 Banchory, the fair valley Banchory -Devenick and Banchory - Ternan, named in honour of two saints who lived there Banda- Oriental, the eastern bank of the Rio-de-la-Plata Banff, 34 Bangor, 23 Banjarmassin, from bender, a harbour, and musing, usual, or from banjer, water, and massin, salt Banks Islands and Banks Land, named in honour of Sir Joseph Banks Bantry, Ir. Beantraighe, i.e. belong- ^ote. — For Scotch or Irish names beginning with bal or bally, v. baile or beai-, pp. 17 and 21 ing to the descendants of Beann, of the royal race of Ulster Barbadoes, Port, the island of pines Barbary, the country of the Berbers Barbuda, the island of the bearded men, so named by the Portuguese Barcelona, named from Hamilcar Barca, who founded it Bardhwan, Pers. the thriving place Bardsey, 72 Barfleur, 81 Bar-le-Duc, 194 Barnstaple, 1/2 Jf Barrow, 19 Barrow Strait, named in honour of Sir John Barrow Barton, 194 Basque Provinces, from bassoco, a mountaineer, or, according to Hum boldt, from basoa, a forest Bass Strait, named after Bass, a navi gator Basse Terre, low land Bassora, or Bozra, the fortress Batavia, 108 Bath, 16 Battersea, 71 Battle and Buittle, 27 Bautzen, 33 Bavaria, the country of the Boii Bayeux, named from the Bajoccas, a tribe Bayonne, 17 Beachy Head, 19 Beauley and Beaulieu, 21 Beaumaris, 21 Beauvais, named from the Bellovacii Bedford, 82 Bednore, 151 Beersheba, 20 Behring Strait, so named by Captain Cook in honour of Behring, a Rus sian navigator Beinn, Ben, etc. , a mountain, 22 Beira, Port, the river-bank Beja, corrupt, from the Lat. Pax-Julia Belfast, 22 Belgium, named from the Belgae Belgrade, 21 2l8 INDEX Belize, named after a person called Wallace BeU Rock or Inch Cape, a reef of rocks south-east from Arbroath, so caUed fromthe Ugh thouse which was erected on it in 1811, previous to which the monks of Arbroath caused a bell to be suspended upon it so as to be rung by the waves, and thus give warning to mariners Belleisle, 21 Bellie, the mouth of the ford Belper, 21 Beluchistan, 182 Benares, named from the names of the two rivers on which it is situated Bender, etc., 23 Beni, etc., 23 Benin, corrupt, from Lat. benignus, blessed Berbice, at the mouth of the R. Berbice Berdiansk, 176 Berg and its derivatives, 23 Bergamo, on a hiU Berhampore, 160 Berkeley, 25 Berkshire, 25 Berlin, perhaps from Sclav, berle, un cultivated ground, but uncertain Bermudas Isles, named after the dis coverer Juan Bermudez Berriew, corrupt, from Aber-Rhiw, at the mouth of the R. Rhiw, in Wales, 3 Bervie, 112 Berwick, 209 Berwyn, 19 Beveland, 122 Beverley, 25 Bewdley, 21 Beyrout, 20 Bhagulpore, 160 Bhurtpore, 160 Bicester, corrupt, from Birineester, i.e. the fortress of Birin, Bishop of Glou cester Bideford, by the ford Biela-Tsorkov, white church Bielgorod, white fortress Bielorietzk, 176 Biggar, the soft land Bilbao, under the hiU Bingley, the field of Bing, the original proprietor Bir, 20 Birkdale, the birch vaUey Birkenhead and Birkhampstead, 25 Birmingham, 99 Biscaya and Bay of Biscay, named from the Basques, which, accord ing to Humboldt, means forest dweUers Bishop-Auckland, so called firom the number of oaks that grew here, and from the manor having belonged to the bishops of Durham Black Sea, perhaps so caUed from its frequent storms and fogs. The Greeks called it Euxine, from euxinos, hospitable, disliking its original name, Axinos, inhospitable Blaen and its derivatives, 26 Blair and its derivatives, 26 Blantyre, the warm retreat Bodmin, 27 Bohemia, 100 Bois-le-Duc, the duke's wood Bokhara, the treasury of sciences, the chief town in a state of the same name BoUvia, named after its liberator Bolivar Bologna and Boulogne, named from the Boii Bombay, named after an Indian god dess Borab^, but translated by the Portuguese into Bom-bahia, good bay Bordeaux, 9 Bornholm, 127 Borovsk, 28 Borrowstounness, 145 Bosphorus, Grk. the passage of the buU Bourges, named from the Biiuriges Brabant, 18 INDEX 219 Bramapootra R. , the offspring of Brahma Brazil, named from the colour of its dye-woods, braza. Port, a live coal Breadalbane, 29 Brecknock, the hiU of Brecon or Bry chan, a Welsh prince Breda, 29 Breslaw, named after King Vratis- law Breton, Cape, discovered by mariners from Brittany Bridgenorth, 31 Bridgewater, 31 Brieg, 29 Brighton, corrupt from Brighthelm- ston, from a personal name Bristol, 183 Britain : the Cym. -Cel. root brith, to paint, is supposed by some to be the root of the word ; the British poets caUed it Inis gwyn, white island, which answers to the Roman name Albion Brixton, 31 Brodick, 209 Brody, 30 Brooklyn, in New York, Dutch, the broken-up land Bruges, 31 Brunswick, 172 Brussels, 30 Brzesce-Litewski, 28 Bucharest, the city of enjoyment Buckingham, a tribe name, or the dwelUng among beeches, 33 Buda, 33 Budweis, 33 Buenos-Ayres, 28 Builth, 8 Bungay, 95 Burgos, 26 Burslem, Burward's dwelUng, in the clayey soil, leim Bury, 34 Bushire, 174 Bute, 33 Buttermere, 136 Buxton, 33 Cabeza-del-Buey, 117 Cabrach, the timber-moss, a parish in Co. Banff Cader-Idris, the chair of Idris, in Wales Cadiz, 86 Cahors, named from the Cadurci Cairo, Ar. Al-kahirah, the victorious Calahorra, 114 Calais, 39 Calatayud, 114 Calcutta, 88 California is supposed to have taken its name from an old romance, in which this name was given to an imaginary island fiUed with gold, and Cortes applied the name to the whole dis trict CaUander, the corner of the water — v. DUR The Calf of Man. The word calf was frequently used by the Norse men for a smaller object in relation to a larger — i.e. the smaU island off Man Calvados, named from one of the vessels of the Spanish Armada, wrecked on the coast of France Cambay, ane. Khumbavati, the city of the pillar Cambuskenneth, 39 Canada, Ind. Kannahta, a collection of huts Candahar, named after Alexander the Great Candia, Ar. Khandce, the trench island Cannes, 40 Cannoch, i.e. cann, bright, and oich, water, the ancient name of the spot on which Conway Castle stands Canopus was called % the, Egyptians the city of Kneph, a god Cantal, the head of the rock, 41 Canton, i.e. Kwang Chou, the metro- poUs Cantyre or Kintyre, 45 Capri and Caprera, the islands of wild goats INDEX Cardigan, named after its ancient king General of Canada in the seventeenth Ceredig, and is therefore corrupted century from Ceredigion Charles Cape, named after Baby Carew, 38 Charles in the reign of James I. Carlingford, 39 Charlestown, named after Charles II. Cariisle, 38 Chatham, 55 Carlow, 129 Chaumont, 39 Carlscroone, 118 Chelsea, 46 Carlshamm, Charles's haven, 97 Chemnitz, 114 Carluke, 39 Chepstow, 47 Carmel, Heb. the fruitful field Chester, 43 Carmichael, 39 Cheviot Hills, 46 Carnac, 41 Chilham, 99 Carnatic, named from the Carnaies, a Chiltern HiUs, 11 tribe China, probably named from the Carniola, 41 dynasty of Thsin in the third century Carolina, U.S., named after Charles B.C. II. Chippenham, 47 Caroline Isles, named after Carlos II. Chiusa, 116 of Spain Christchurch, in Hants, ane. Twinam- Carpathian Mountains, from Chrabat, burne, between two streams, and a mountain range afterwards named from a church and CarrantuohiU, Ir. the reversed reap priory founded by the W. Saxons ing-hook, the highest mountain in in the reign of Edward the Confessor Ireland Christiana, named after Christian IV. Carthage, 86 of Sweden Carthagena, 86 Ciudad, 49 Casale, 42 Civita-Vecchia, 49 Cashel, 42 Clackmannan, 49 Caspian Sea, named from the Caspii, Clameny, 109 a tribe Clare Co., 50 Cassel, 42 Cleveland, 50 Castile, 42 CleVes, 50 Catania, Phcen. the Uttle city Clifton, 50 Cattegat, 88 Clitheroe, 50 Caucasus, 147 Clogheen, 49 Cavan, 44 Clonakilty, 50 Caxamarca in Peru, the place of Clones, 50 frost Clontarf, 50 Cefalu, 46 Closeburn, 48 Cephalonia, 46 Cloyne, 50 Cerigo, ane. Cythera, the harp-shaped Coblentz, 54 Cerro — v. sierra Cochin, kochi, a morass Cevennes, 46 Cockburnspath, in Berwickshire, cor Ceylon, 65 rupt from Colbrand's Path Chambery, the bend of the water, on Cognac, the corner of the water the R. Leysse, in France Coire or Chur, 56 Chamouni, 40 Colberg, 31 Champlain, named from the Governor- Coleraine, 58 INDEX Colmar, Lat. Collis-Martis, the hill of Mars Colombo, corrupt, from Kalan-Totta, the ferry on the Kalawa Ganga Colonna, Cape, 117 Como, Lake, 54 Comorin, Cape, named from a temple to the goddess Durga ComposteUa, Santiago de, corrupt, from Sancfus Jacobus Apostolus, so called firom a legend that the Apostle James was buried there Comrie, at the confluence of three rivers, in Perthshire, 53 Cond6, 33 Congleton, 33 Connaught, ane. Conaicht, the territory of the descendants of Conn of the hundred battles ' Connecticut, Ind. Qunniiukut, the country on the long river Connemara, 144 Constance, Lake, 172 Copeland Isle, 47 Copenhagen, 47 Corbridge, 56 Cork, 54 ComwaU, 54 Coromandel, corrupt, from Choloman- dala, the district of the Cholas, a tribe Corrientes, Span, the currents Corryvreckan, 52 Corsica, the woody Corunna, corrupt, from Columna, the piUars, in aUusion to a tower of HerctUes Cosenza, Lat Cosentia, the confluence Cotswold HiUs, 52 Cottian Alps, named after a Celtic chief Coutance and Cotantin, named after the Emperor Constantius Coventry, 196 Cowal, in Ayrshire, named after King CoiU Cowes, 45 Cracow, the town of Krak, Duke of Poland Cramond, 38 Crathie, 56 Cremona, ane. Cremonensis-ager, the field named from a tribe Crewe, 56 Crewkerne, 56 Crieff, Gael. Craobh, a tree Croagh-Patrick, 56 Croatia, 109 Cromar, the heart of Mar, a district in Aberdeenshire Cronstadt, 118 Croydon, 70 CRUG, as prefix, 58 Cuenpa, Lat. concha, a shell Cueva-de-Vera, 45 Culebra R. , the snake river Cumberland, 122 Cumbernauld, 53 Cumbraes Isles and Cumbrian Moun tains, named after the Cymbri Cundinamarca, named after an Indian goddess Cura9oa, named from a kind of bird Currie, 56 Cuzeo, the centre, in Peru CWM, as prefix — v. 53, at COMBE Cyclades Isles, Grk. kuklos, a circle Cyprus, perhaps named from the herb kupros, with which it abounded, called by the Greeks Cerastes, the horned Czernowitz, Sclav, black town Dacca, Sansc. Da-akka, the hidden goddess, from a statue of Durga found there Dantzic, Danish fort, 61 Daventry, 196 Daviot, 6 Dax, 9 Deal, 59 Deccan, Sansc. Dakshina, the south land Delft, 62 Delhi, Sansc. dahal, a quagmire INDEX Denbigh, 64 Denmark, 134 Deptford, 54 Derbend, the shut-up gates or the difficult pass Derry or Londonderry, 61 Derwent R., 70 Desaguadero R. , Span, the drain Detmold, 64 Dtooit, the strait between Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie Devizes, ane. de vies, denoting a place where two ways met Devonshire, 64 Dhawalagiri Mountain, 90 Dieppe, 54 Digne, 64 Dijon, 69 Dinan and Dinant, 54 Dingle, 58 Dingwall, 190 Dinkelsbuhl, 33 Dmitrov, the town of St. Demetrius Dnieper R., i.e. Don-ieper, upper river^ Dniester, Don-iester, lower river Don Doab, 2 Dole, 59 Dolgelly, 60 Dominica Isle, so named because dis covered on Sunday, i.e. Dies Domi nica Donagh, as prefix, 65 Dondra Head, 65 Donegall, 69 Donnybrook, 65 Doon R., 14 Dorchester, 44 Dorking, 70 Dornoch, 66 Dorset, 173 Dort or Dordrecht, 66 Douglas, 91 Douro R., 70 Dover, ane. Dubris, or ane. Brit. Dufy- rraha Dovrefield Mountains, 78 Downpatrick, 68 Downs, The, 69 Drachenfels, 78 Drenthe, 18 Dresden, Sclav. Drezany, the haven Dreux, named from the Durocasses Drogheda, 65 Drohobicz, Sclav, the woody place Droitwich, 209 Dromore, 67 Drontheim, 99 Dryburgh, 62 Dubicza, 68 DubUn, 126 Dubro, 57 Dumbarton, 68 Dumfries, 68 Dungeness, 145 Dunkirk, 70 Dunluce, 128 Dunse, now Duns, 70 Dunstable, 182 Durham, 106 Durrow, 62 Dynevor, 64 Dyrrachium, Grk. the place with the dangerous breakers, Dus and rachia Dysart, 63 Eaglesh-\m, church hamlet Ecclefechan, the church of St. Fechan EccleshaU, 72 Ecija, 12 Ecuador, i.e. on the equator Edessa, 73 Edfou, corrupt, from Atbo, the Coptic synonym for Hut, the throne of Horus Edinburgh, 68 Edom, the red land Egripo or Negropont, 159 Ehrenbreitstein, 181 Eichstadt, Ger. oak town Eiger, the giant, in Switzerland Eisenach, 74 Eisenberg, 74 Elbing, named from the river on which it stands Elboeuf, 37 Elch6, 109 INDEX 223 Elgin, named after Helgyn, a Nor Etna, corrupt, from attuna, the furnace wegian chief, about a.d. 927 Eton, 71 Elimo or Elath, the trees Euboea, the weU-tilled land EUzabeth, county in New York, named Euho or Yuho R. , 105 from the daughter of James I. Euphrates R. , the fruitful, Ar. Furat, Elizabethgrad, 94 sweet water Elmina, Ar. the mine Europe, Grk. euros and ops, the broad Elphin, Ir. Aill-finn, the rock of the face clear spring Euxine, Grk. the hospitable, formerly Elsinore, 150 axinos the inhospitable sea Elster R. , the alder-tree stream Evesham, 76 Elstow, 183 Evora, the ford, in Spain Elvas, ane. Alba, Basque, the place on Evreux, 9 the steep hiU, alboa Exeter, 44 Ely, 71 Emden, 69 F Empoli, corrupt, from the Lat empo rium, the market-place Faenza, Lat. Faventia, the favoured Enkhuizen, 75 Fair Head and Fair Island, ixoxsxfarr. Ennis, in Scand. a sheep EnniskiUen, in Falaise, 78 Eperies, Hung, theplace of strawberries Falkirk, 116 Epemey, ane. aqua-perennes , the ever- Famars, 77 flowing water Fano, 76 Epinal, 177 Fareham, 76 Epping, no Farnham, 79 Epsom, 99 Faroe Islands, 71 ErekU, ane. Heraclea Faulhorn, 108 Erfurt, 83 Fazal, the beech-tree island, in the Erith, los Azores Erivan, Pers. Sewan, named after its Femern, 11 founder Fermanagh, Ir. the men of Monagh Erlangen, 75 Fermoy, the men of the plain Eriaw, 75 Fernando Po, named after the dis Errigal, Ir. Airegal, a smaU church coverer Erzeroom, cormpt. {rom Ars-er-Room, Ferney, 77 the fortress of the Romans Ferns, 77 Eschwege, ash-tree road Ferrara, 84 EschweiUer, 6 Ferriby, 76 esgair — V. skafr, 175 Ferrol, Span. /are/, the beacon Esk R., 198 Fetlar Isle, 72 Essek or Ossick, 211 Fez, Ar. fertile Essex, 151 Fife, said to be named from Feb, a Estepa, 12 Pictish chief Estepona, 12 Figueras, Span, the fig-trees Esthonia, the district of the people of Finisterre, Cape, and district 190 the East Finster-Aar-horn, 107 Estremadura, Lat. Estrema-Durii, the Fintray and Fintry, 196 extreme Umits of the R. Douro Fishguard, 87 324 INDEX Fiume, 8i Flamborough Head, ane. Fleamburgh, the flame hill or beacon hiU Fleche, La, named from the lofty spire of the church of St. Thomas Fleetwood, 8i Flintshire, supposed to have derived its name from the abundance of quartz in the country FUsk, the moist place, Gael, fleasg Florence, Lat. Florentia, the flourish ing Florida, caUed bythe Spaniards Pascua- Florida because discovered on Easter Sunday Flushing, 8i Fochabers, Gael. Faichaber, the plain of the confluence, but more anciently Beulath, the mouth of the ford Foldvar, 8i Folkstone, the people's fortress, Lat. Lapis-populi Fondi, 8i Fontenay, 8i Fontenoy, 8i Fordyce, the south pasture Forfar, supposed to have been named from a tribe, the Forestii ForU, 83 ¦ Formentara, abounding in grain Formosa, Span, the beautiful Forth R., Scot. Froch, and Welsh Werid Fossano, 81 Frankenstein, 181 Frankfort, 83 Frankfurt, 83 Fraubrunnen, 32 Frederickshald, 98 Freiburg, 84 Friesland, 122 Frische Haff, 97 FriuU, 84 Fuentarrabia, 82 Fiihnen Isle or Odensey, 71 Fulham, 100 Funchal, a place abounding ixifuncho. Port, fennel Ftirth, 83 Gainsborough, the town of the Ganii, a tribe Galapago Isles, Span, the islands of the water tortoises Galashiels, 170 Galatia, 108 Galicia, 108 GaUlee, Heb. a district GaUe, Point de, Cingalese, the rock promontory, galle Galway, named from Gaillimh, rocky river, 86 Ganges R., 86 Garioch, 86 Garonne R. , 86 Gateshead, 40 Gaza, At. a treasury Gebirge — -o. BERG, 24 Genappe, 8g Geneva, 89 Genoa, 90 Georgia, named after George III. Ghauts Mountains, 88 Ghent, 89 Giant's Causeway, 49 Gibraltar, 89 Giessbach, the rushing brook Girgeh, St. George's town, on the Nile Girvan R. , the short stream Gim-gevo, St. George's to\vn Glamorgan, 'Welsh Morgatiwg, i.e. Gwlad - Morgan, the territory of Morgan-Mawr, its king in the tenth century, 143 Glarus, corrupt from St. Hilarius, to whom the church was dedicated Glogau, 92 Gloucester, 44 Gmiind, 89 Goat Fell, 78 Godalming, Godhelm's meadow, in Surrey Goes or Ter- Goes, at the R. Gosa GoUnitz ,ind Gollnow, 92 Goole, 86 Goritz, 93 GorUtz, 93 INDEX 225 Goslar, 122 Gottingen, a patronymic Gouda, on the R. Gouwe Gower, Welsh Gwyr, a peninsula in Wales, sloping west from Swansea — it may signify the land of the sunset Grabow, 93 Gradentz, 94 Gran, on the R. Gran Grasmere, the lake of swine Gratz, 94 Gravelines, 93 Gravesend, 93 Greenland, 95 Greenlaw, 123 Greenock, 94 Greenwich, 209 Grenoble, 158 Gretna Green, 102 Grisnez, Cape, gray cape, 145 Grisons, Ger. Graubiinden, the gray league, so called from the dress worn by the Unionists in 1424 Grodno, 94 Grongar — v. caer, 38 Groningen, a patronymic Grossenhain, 97 Guadalquivir, 95 Guadiana, 95 Giiben, Sclav, dove town Gueret, Fr. laud for tiUage Guienne, corrupt, from Aquitania Gustrow, Sclav, guest town Gwasanau, corrupt, from Hosannah, a place in North Wales. The name was given in allusion to the Vic toria -Alleluiatica, fought on the spot in 420, between the Britons, headed by the Germans, and the Picts and Scots H Haarlem, 96 Hadersleben, 124 Haemus Mountain, 18 Hague, The, 97 Haguenau, 97 Hainan, Chinese, south of the sea, corrupt, from Hai Lam Hainault, 88 Halicarnassus, Grk. Halikarnassos, sea horn place Halifax, 103 Halifax, Nova Scotia, named for the Earl of Halifax HaU and Halle, 98 Hamburg, 97 Hameln, 99 Hammerfest, 100 Hampstead, 98 Hankau or Hankow, the mouth of commerce, a city in China Hanover, 150 Harbottle, 27 Harrogate, 88 Hartlepool, 158 Hartz Mountains, loi Harwich, 100 Haselt, loi Hastings, A.S. Haesiinga - ceaster, the camp of Hastings, a Danish pirate Havana, the harbour Havre, Le, 97 Hawarden, "Welsh, upon the hill Hawes, 97 Heboken, Ind. the smoked pipe, the spot in New Jersey at which the EngUsh settlers smoked the pipe of peace with the Indian chiefs Hechingen, a patronymic Hedjas, the land of pilgrimage Heidelberg, 24 Heilbron, 32 Heiligenstadt, 103 Heligoland, 103 Helvellyn, if Celtic, jierhaps El-velin, the hiU of Baal Hems, probably named from Hms, the Egyptian name of Isis Henly, Cym.-Cel. old place Herat, ane. Aria-Civitas, the town on the Arius, now the R. Heri Hereford, 82 Hermon, the lofty peak 226 INDEX Herstal, i8o Hurryhur, named from the goddess Hesse, named from the Catti or Chatti Hari or Vishnu Himalaya Mountains, 123 Hurst loi Hinckley, the horse's meadow Hythe, 105 Hindostan, 181 Hindu Koosh Mountains, i.e. the I Indian Caucasus Hinojosa, Span, the place of fennel Ilfracombe, 54 Hirschberg, 105 lUinois, named after the tjibe Illini, Hitchen, 100 i.e. the men ; and ois, a tribe Hoang Ho, 105 Imaus, the snowy mountain Hobart Town, named after one of the Inch — V. INNIS, ni first settlers Ingleborough Mountain, 24 Hohenhnden, 106 Inkermann, Turc. the place of caverns HoUand, 106 Innerleithen, 112 Holstein, 174 Innsbriick, at the bridge, on the R. Holt, 107 Inn Holyhead, 103 Interlachen, 119 Holy Island, 103 Inverness, 112 Holywell, 103 Iona or I, 108 Holywood, 103 Iowa, the drowsy ones, a tribe name, Homburg U.S. Honduras, Span, deep water Ipswich, 209 Hong Kong, the place of fragrant Ireland or leme, 108 streams Irkutsk, 176 Hoorn, 107 Irrawadi, the great river Hor, the mountain Iscanderoon, named after Alexander Horeb, the desert the Great Horn, Cape, 107 Iserlohn, 130 Horncastle, 107 Isla, in the Hebrides, named after Horsham, 99 Yula, a Danish princess who was Howden, 102 buried there Howth Head, 102 Ispahan, Pers. the place of horses Hudson R., named after Henry Hud Issoire, 70 son, who ascended the river a.d. Issoudun, 69 1607 Ithaca, the strait or steep Huelva, Basque Onoba, at the foot of the hill ; and Ar. Wuebban, corrupt. to Huelva J Huesca, ane. Osca, the town of the Basques or Euscs Jabalon R., 112 Hull, 117 Jaffa or Joppa, Semitic, beauty Hungary, Ger. Ungarn, the country of Jamaica, corrupt from Xaymaca, the the Huns ; Hung. Magyar- Orzag, land of wood and water the country of the Magyars JaraboU, Sclav, the city in the hoUow Huntingdon, hunter's hill, or a pat Janina, Sclav. John's town ronymic Jaroslav, named after its founder Hurdwar, 70 Jassy, Sclav, the marshy place Huron, Lake, from a tribe Jauer, 113 INDEX 227 Java, 65 Jersey, 71 Jersey, in U.S., so named by Sir George Carteret, who had come from the Island of Jersey Jerusalem, Semitic, the abode of peace JoinviUe, 201 Joppa — V. Jaffa, the beautiful Jouare, ane. Ara-Javis, the altar of Jove Juggernaut, or more correctly Jaggana- tha, the Lord of the world — jacat, Sansc. the world, and natha. Lord JuUers, 109 Jumna R., named after Yamuna, a goddess Jungfrau Mountain, Ger. the maiden or the fair one, so caUed from its spotless white Jura Isle, Scand. Deor-oe, deer island Jiiterbogk, named for the Sclav, god of spring Jutland, named from the Jutes K KAFFRARiA,.Ar. the land of theKaflrs or unbelievers Kaisarizeh, the mod. name of ane. CtBsarea Kaiserlautern, 113 Kalgan, Tartar, the gate, a town in China Kampen, 35 Kandy, splendour Kansas, a tribe name Karlsbad, 16 Keith, Gael, the cloudy, from ceath, a cloud or mist Kel and Kil — v. coill or CiLL Kells, 48 Kelso, 38 Kempen, 40 Ken — V. CEANN Kendal, 60 Kenmare, 46 Kensington, the town of the Kensings Kent, 45 Kentucky, the dark and bloodyground Kerry Co. , Ir. Ciarraidhe, the district of the race of Ciar Kettering, a patronymic Kew, 107 Khartoum, the promontory Khelat, 114 Kin — V. CEANN Kinghorn, 45 Kingsclere, 5 King's Co., named after Philip II. of Spain Kingston, 147 Kingussie, 45 KirkiUisia, the forty churches in Turkey Kirkintilloch, 38 Kirkwall, 115 Kishon R. , i. e. the tortuous stream Kissengen, a patronymic Klagenfurt, 84 Knock — V. CNOC Koniggratz, the king's fortress Kordofan, the white land Koros R. , Hung, the red river KosUn, 118 Kothendorf, 47 Kralowitz, 118 Kraszna R. , beautiful river Kremenetz, 118 Kremnitz, 118 Krishna or Kistna R., the black stream, in India Kronstadt, 118 Kulm, 47 Kyle — V. GAOL La Hogue, Cape, 102 Laaland Isle, 119^ Labuan Isle, Malay, the anchorage Laccadives, 65 Laconia, 120 Ladrone Isles, Span, the islands of thieves Lagnieu, 120 Lagos, 120 Laguna, 120 228 INDEX Lahr, 123 Leominster, 130 Lambeth, 105 Leon, ane. Legio, the station of the 7th Lambride, 121 Roman Legion Lamlash, 120 Lepanto, Gulf of, corrupt, from Nau- Lampeter, 121 pactus, Grk. the ship station Lamsaki, ane. Lampsacus, the passage Lerida, ane. Llerda, Basque, the town Lanark, 121 Lesmahago, 128 T.nnd's End — v. PEN Letterkenny, 125 Landemeau, 121 Leuchars, the marshy land Langres, ane. Langone, namedfrom the Levant, Lat. the place of the sun-rising, Lingones, a tribe as seen from Italy Languedoc, named from the use of the Leven R., 124 wordoir, iax yes, in their language, i.e. Lewes, Les ewes, the waters Langue-d'oc Lewis Island, Scand. Lyodhuus, the Lannion, 121 wharf Laon, 130 Leyden, 69 Larbert, named from a man of this Liberia, the country of the free, colon name ised by emancipated slaves Largo, 124 Lichfield, 77 Largs, 124 Lidkioping, 47 Larissa, named after a daughter of Li^ge, 125 Pelasgus Liegnitz, 130 Lassa, the land of the Divine inteUi- Lifford, 25 gence, the capital of Thibet Ligny, a patronymic Latakia, corrupt, from ane. Laodicea LiUe, III Latheron, 103 Lilybaeum, Phosn. opposite Libya Lauder, named from the R. Leader Lima, corrupt, from RiTns, the name Lauffen, 123 of the river on which it stands and Launceston, 121 of a famous idol Laval, ane. Vallis-Guidonis, thevaUey' Limbourg, 126 of Guido Limerick, corrupt, from Lomnech, a Lawrence R. , so named because dis barren spot ; lorn, bare covered on St. Laurence's Day, 1535 Limoges, ane. Lemavicutn, the dweUing Laybach or Laubach, 15 of the Lemovici Leam R., 125 Linares, Span, flax fields Leamington, 125 Lincoln, 53 Lebanon Mountain, 89 Lindesnaes, 126 Leeds, 125 Lindores, in Fife, probably a corruption Leibnitz, 124 oi Lann -Tours, being the seat of an Leighlin, 91 ane. Abbey of Touis, founded by Leighton-Buzzard, 21 David, Earl of Huntingdon Leinster, 183 Linkioping, 47 Leipzig, 128 Linlithgow, 127 Leith, named from the river at whose Lisbellaw, 128 mouth it stands Lisbon, 104 Leitrim, 67 Lisieux, in France. Lat. Nimomagus, Lemberg, 24 the new field, subsequently named Leobschiltz, the place of the Leubusi, from the Lexorii a Sclavonic tribe Liskeard, 128 INDEX 229 Lissa, 125 Liverpool, 158 , . ' I named from the Liefs, a L!™y; \ Ugrian tribe Livonia, ) " Llanerch-y-medd, the place of honey, in Wales Llanos, Span, the level plains Lochaber, 3 Lockerby, 37 Lodi, ane. Laus-Pompeii Logie, 120 Lombardy, the country of the Longo- bardi, so called from a kind of weapon which they used London, 64 Londonderry, 61 Longford, 83 Longniddrie — v. LLAN, 122 Loop Head, 123 Lorca, 109 Loretto, named from Lauretta, a lady who gave the site for a chapel at that place L'Orient, so named from an establish ment of the East India Company at the place in 1666 Lorn, Gael. Labhrin, named after one of the Irish colonists from Dalriada Lossie R., i LoughiU, Ir. Leamchoil, the elm- wood Louisiana, named after Louis XIV. of France Louisville, 201 Louth, in Lincoln, named from the R. Ludd Louth Co., Ir. Lugh Magh, the field of Lugh Louvain, Ger. LSwen, the lion, named after a person caUed Leo Lowestoft, 192 Lubeck, 128 Luben, 128 Lublin, 128 Lucca, ane. Luca — v. LUCUS Lucena, Basque Lucea, the long town Lucerne, named from a Ughthouse or beacon, lucerna, formerly placed on a tower in the middle ofthe R. Rheus Lucknow, corrupt, from the native name Laksneanauii, the fortunate Ludlow, 123 Ludwigslust, 131 Lugano, 119 Lugo, 130 Lugos, 130 Lund, 131 Lurgan, Ir. the low ridge Luxembourg, 131 Luxor, corrupt, from El-Kasur, the palaces Lycus R. , Grk. leukos Lyme, in Kent, ane. Kainos-livien, Grk. the new haven Lyme-Regis, on the R. Lyme Lyons, 69 M MACAO, in China, where there was a temple sacred to an idol named Ama. The Portuguese made it Ainagoa, the bay of Ama, corrupted first to Amacao and then to Macao Madeira, Port, the woody island Madras, 153 Madrid, ane. Majetit, origin unknown, but perhaps from Madarat, Ar. a city Maelawr, from mael, Welsh, mart, and lawr, ground, a general name for places in Wales where trade could be carried on without any hindrance from diversity of races. — James's Welsh Names of Places Maestricht, 66 Magdala, Semitic, " watch-tower in Abyssinia "¦ Magdala, in Saxe-Weimar, on the R. Midgel Magor, cormpt. from Magwyr, Welsh, a rain, the name of a railway station near Chepstow Maidenhead, 105 Maidstone, 181 Main R., 132 230 INDEX Maine, in France, named from the Cenomani Mainland, 132 Malabar Coast, or Malaywar, the hilly country Malacca, named from the tree caUed Malacca Malaga, Phcen. malac, salt, named from its trade in salt Malakoff, named after a sailor of that name who established a pubUc-house there Maldives Islands, 65 Maldon, 69 MaUow, 132 Malpas, Fr. the difficult pass Malta, Phcen. Melita, a place of refuge Malvern, 139 Mancha, La, Span, a spot of ground covered with weeds Manchester, 44 Manfredonia, named after Manfred, King of Naples, by whom it was built Mangalore, named after an Indian deity Mangerton Mountain, in Ireland, corrupt, from Mangartach, i.e. the mountain covered with 7nang, a long hairlike grass Mans, Le, named after the Cenomani Mansorah, in Egypt, the victorious Mantinea, Grk. the place of the pro phet or oracle, mantis Mantua, 133 Manzanares, Span, the apple-tree orchard Maracaybo, 143 Maranao, Span, a, place overgrown with weeds Marathon, a place abounding in fennel, m.arathos Marazion, 84 Marburg, 134 March, 134 Marchena, the marshy land Marengo, 136 Margarita, the island of pearls Margate, 88 Marienwerder, 205 Marlow, Great, 136 Marmora, Sea of, named from an adjacent island, celebrated for its marble, marTnor Mamoch, Co. Banff, named from St. Marnoch Maros R., 136 Maros-Vasarhely, 103 Marquesas Isles, named after Marquis Mendoza, Viceroy of Pem, who originated the voyage through which tbey were discovered Marsala, 135 Maryland, named after the queen of Charles I. Mathem, corrupt, fi-om Merthyr, the martyr, the name of a church near Chepstow, buUt in memory of Fewdrig, King of Gwent, who died on its site as he was returning wounded from a battle against the Saxons Mathravel, the land of apples, one of the ancient provinces into which Wales was divided Matlock, 130 Mauritius, discovered bythe Portuguese in 1505, visited by the Dutch in 1596, who named it after Prince Maurice of the Netherlands. From 1713 tiU 1810 it belonged to the French, who called it Isle of France May Island, 132 Maynooth, 132 Mayo, the plain of yew-trees Mazzara, Phcen. the castle Mazzarino, the htde castle Mearns, cormpt. from Alaghgkerkkin, the plain of Kerkin Meau,x, named from the llfcldi Mecklenburg, 137 MedeUin, named after its founder, Metellus, the Roman consul Medina, 135 Mediterranean Sea, 138 Meiningen, 132 Meissen, on the R. Meissa Melbourne, named after Lord Mel bourne in 1837 INDEX 231 Meldrum, 67 Mehose, 139 Melun, 69 Memmingen, a patronymic Memphis or Memphe, i.e. Ma-m- Phthah, the place of the Egyptian god Phthah Menai Strait, ane. Sruth-tnonena Menam, the mother of waters, a river of Siam Mendip HiUs, i.e. mune-dupfe, rich in mines Mentone, It. the chin, on a point of lead Merida, Lat. Augusta Emerita, the town of the emeriti or veterans, founded by Emperor Augustus Merioneth, named after Merion, a British saint Merth)T - Tydvil, named after the daughter of an ancient British king Meseritz, 138 Meshed, Ar. the mosque Mesolonghi or Missolonghi, 119 Mesopotamia, 138 Metz, named from the Meomatrici, a tribe Michigan Lake, Ind. great lake, or the weir, or fish-trap, from its shape Middelburg, 138 Midhvurst, 138 Miklos, 137 Milan, 115 MUton, 144 Minnesota R. , the sky-coloured water Miramichi, Ind. happy retreat Mirgorod, 138 Mississippi R., Ind. the father of waters Missouri, Ind. the muddy stream Mitrovicz or Mitrovitz, 152 Mittau, named from Afi/a, a Sclav, deity Modena, Lat. Mutina, the fortified place Moffat, the foot of the moss Mogadore, named after a saint whoge tomb is on an island off the coast Moguer, Ar. the caves Mohawk R. , named from a tribe Moidart or Moydart, 132 Mola, It. the mound, ane. Turres- Juliani, the town of JuUan Mold, 142 Monaghan, Ir. Muneachain, a place abounding in httle hiUs Monaster, 138 Monasterevin, 138 Monda, 142 Mondego, 142 Monena, the river or sea of Mona Monmouth, at the mouth of the Mynwy, i.e. the border river, from which it took its ancient name Montgomery, 142 Montrose, 168 Moravia, 136 Morayshire, 1*9 [ -: ¦ Morbihan, 119 ifi Morecambe Bay, 39 Morocco, the country of the Moors, 22 Morpeth, 143 Morven, 143 Morvern, 143 Moscow, 142 MotUins, 141 Moume Mountains, 142 Moy, Moyne, 132 Muhlhausen, 141 MuU Island, 145 Miinden, 140 Munich, 140 Munster, in Germany, 138 Munster, in Ireland, 138 Murcia, 134 Murviedro, 145 Muscat or Meschid, Ar. the tomb of a saint MuthU, 143 Mysore, corrupt from Mahesh-Asura, the name of a buffalo-headed monster, said to have been destroyed by the goddess Kali N Naas, Ir. a fair or place of meeting Nablous, 158 232 INDEX Nagore, na-gara, Sansc. a city Nagpore, i6o Nagy-Banja, i8 Nagy-Koros, 146 Nairn, on the R. Nairn, ane. Ainear- nan, east-flowing river Nancy, 146 Nankin, Chinese, the southern capital Nantes, 146 Nantwich, 146 Naples, 158 Narbonne, named from the A'arfoKSKjej Naseby, the town on the cape Nashville, named from Colonel Nash Nassau, 146 Natal, Colony, so named because dis covered on Christmas Day, Dies- natalis, by Vasco de Gama in 1498 Natchez, a tribe name Naumburg, 148 Naupactus, the place of ships Nauplia, a sea-port, from the Grk. naus, a ship, zx^A. pleas, full Navan, Ir. n Eamhain, literaUy the neck brooch, so named from a legend connected with the foundation of an ancient palace there Navarre, 147 Naxos, the floating island Naze, Cape, 145 Nebraska, Ind. the shaUow river Nedjed, Ar. the elevated country Negropont, 159 Neilgherry Hills, 90 Nemours, the place of the sacred grove, nem.us Nenagh, 74 Ness, Loch and R. , 73 Neston, 73 Netherlands, 147 Neusatz, 148 Neusohl, 148 Neuwied, 148 Nevada Mountains — v. sierra, 175 Nevers, ane. Nivernum and Novio dunum, the new fort or the R. Nifevre Neviansk, on the R. Neva Newark, 206 Newcastle, 43 Newport, 156 New Ross, 167 Newry, Ir. lubhar-cinn-tragha, the yew-tree at the head of the strand New York, named after the Duke of York, brother of Charles II. Niagara, corrupt, from Oni-aw-ga-rah, the thunder of waters Nicastro, new camp NicopoU, 158 Nijni Novgorod, 148 Nile R. , native name Sihor, the blue, called by the Jews Nile, the stream Nimeguen, 133 Nimes or Nismes, 147 Ningpo, the repose of the waves Niphon Mount, the source of Ught Nippissing, a tribe name Nogent, 149 Noirmoutier, 138 Nola, 148 Nombre-de-dios, the name of God, a city of Mexico Norrkoping, 47 Northumberland, 149 Norway, 149 Nova Scotia, so named in concession to Sir William Alexander, a Scotsman, who settled there in the reign of James II. It was named Markland by its Norse discoverer, Erie the Red Nova Zembla, 148 Noyon, ane. Norjiodunum, the new fort Nubia, Coptic, the land of gold Nuneaton, the nun's town, on the R. Ea, in Warwickshire, the seat of an ancient priory Nurnberg, 24 Nyassa and Nyanza, the water Nyborg, 148 Nykoping or Nykobing, 47 Nystadt, 148 Oakham, 5 Oban, Gael, the little bay INDEX 233 OchiU Hills, 198 Ochiltree, 198 Odensee, 71 Oeta Mount, sheep mountain Ofen or Buda, 33 Ohio, beautiful river, called by the French La Belle riviire Oldenbm-g, 7 Olekminsk, 176 01)'mpus Mountain, the shining Omagh, Omeha, named from a tribe Omsk, 176 Oosterhout, 107 Oporto, 156 Oppeln, the town on the R. Oppo Oppido, Lat. Oppidum Orange, ane. Arausione, the town on the R. Araise Orange R. and Republic, named after Maurice, Prince of Orange Oregon R., from the Span, organa, wild marjoram OreUana R. , named from its discoverer Orissa, named from a tribe Orkney Islands, in Orleans, corrupt from Aurelianum, named after the Emperor Aurelian Orme's Head, Norse ormr, a serpent, from its shape Ormskirk, 125 Orvieto, 199 Osborne, named after the Fitz-Osborne family Oschatz, Sclav. Osada, the colony Osimo, 199 Osnabriick, 31 Ossa Mountain, Grk. the_watch-tower Ostend, 74 Ostia, Lat the place at the river's mouth, Os Oswestry, 57 Othrys, the mountain with the over hanging brow, Grk. oihrus Otranto, ane. Hydruntum, a place almost surrounded by water, iidor, Grk. Ottawa, a tribe name Ottawa R. , a tribe name Oudenarde, 7 Oudh or Awadh, cormpt. from Ayodha, the invincible Oulart, corrupt, from Abhalgort, Ir. apple field Oundle, 60 Ouro-preto, 160 Ouse R., 198 Overyssel R., 150 Oviedo is said to have derived this name from the Rivers Ove and Divo. Its Latin name was Lucus-Asturum, the grove of the Asturians Owyhee, the hot place Paderborn, 32 Padstow, 183 Paestum, ane. Poseidonia, the city of Poseidon or Neptune Palamcotta, 55 Palermo, corrupt, from Panormus, Grk. the spacious harbour Palestine, the land of the PhUistines, strangers ; from Crete, who occupied merely a strip of the country on the coast, and yet gave their own name to the whole land Palma, the palm-tree Palmas, Lat. the palm-trees Palmyra or Tadmor, the city of palms Pampeluna or Pamplona, 158 Panama Bay, the bay of mud fish Panjab or Punjaub, 2 Paraguay, 153 Parahyba, 153 Paramaribo, 144 Parapamisan Mountains, the flat- topped hiUs Parchim, 153 Paris, 130 , Parsonstown, named form Sir WiUiam Parsons, who received a grant of the land on which the town stands, with the adjoining estate, from James I. in 1670 Passau, 44 Patagonia, so called from the clumsy shoes of its native inhabitants 234 INDEX Patna, 153 Paunton, 159 Pays de Vaud, 200 Peebles, ane. Peblis, Cym.-Cel. the tents or sheds Peel, 153 Peiho R., 105 Pe-king, Chinese, the northern capital Pe-Ung Mountains, the northern moun tains Pelion, the clayey mountains, pelos, Grk. clay Pella, the stony Pembroke, 30 Penicuik, 154 Pennsylvania, named after WiUiam Penn, whose son had obtained a grant of forest land in compensa tion for ;^i6,ooo which the king owed to his father Pentland HiUs, cormpt. from the Pictsland Hills Penzance, 154 Perekop, the rampart Perigord, named from the Petrocorii Perm, ane. Biarmuland, the country of the Biarmi Pernambuco, the mouth of hell, so called from the violent surf at the mouth of its harbour Pemau, 126 Pershore, 150 Perth, 19 Perthddu, Welsh, the black brake or brushwood, in Wales Perugia, 152 Peshawur, the advanced fortress Pesth, 150 Peterhead, 112 Peterwarden, the fortress of Peter the Hermit Petra, the stony Petropaulovski, the port of Peter and Paul Pforzheim, 135 Philadelphia, the town of brotherly love, in America PhUippi, named after PhiUp of Mace- don PhiUppine Isles, named after PhiUp II. of Spain Philipstown, in Ireland, named after PhiUp, the husband of Queen Mary Phocis, the place of seals Phcenice, either the place of palms or the Phoenician settlement Phoenix Park, in DubUn, 80 Piedmont, the foot of the mountain Pietermaritzburg, named after two Boer leaders Pillau, 153 Pisgah Mountain, the height Pittenweem, 157 Pittsburg, named after WiUiam Pitt Placentia, Lat the pleasant place Plassy, named from a grove of a cer tain kind of tree Plattensee or Balaton, 173 Plenlimmon Mountain, Welsh, the mountain with five peaks Plock, or Plotsk, 26 Ploermel, 157 Podgoricza, 157 Poictiers, named from the Pictones Poland, Sclav, the level land Polynesia, 112 Pomerania, 143 Pondicherri, "Tamil, the new viUage Pontoise, 159 Poole, 158 Popocatepetl Mountain, the smoking mountain Portrush, 168 Portugal, 156 Potenza, Lat. Potentia, the powerfiU Potsdam, 157 Powys, the name of an ancient district in North Wales, signifying a place of rest Pozoblanco, 161 Prague, Sclav. Prako, the threshold Prato-Vecchio, 160 Prenzlow, the town of Pribislav, a personal name Presburg or Brezisburg, the town of Brazilaus Prescot, 55 Presteign and Preston, 194 INDEX 23s Privas, ane. Privatium Castra, the fortress not belonging to the state, but private property Prossnitz, on the R. Prosna Providence, in U.S., so named by Roger WiUiams, who was perse cuted by the Puritan settlers in Massachusetts because he preached toleration in reUgion, and was obUged to take refuge at that place, to which, in gratitude to God, he gave this name Prussia, the country of the Pruezi Puebla, Span, a town or village Puebla-de-los-Angelos, the town of the angels, so caUed from its fine cUmate Puenta-de-la-Reyna, 159 Puerto, the harbour Pulo-Penang, 161 PuozzuoU, 161 Puy-de-dome, 156 PwlheUi, 159 Pyrenees Mountains, named either from the Basque pyrge, high, or from the Celtic pyr, a fir-tree Pyrmont, 142 Quang-se, the westem province, in China Quang-tung, the eastern province Quatre-Bras, Fr. the four arms, i.e. at the meeting of four roads Quebec, in Canada, named after Quebec in Brittany, the village on the point Queensberry, 24 Queen's County, named after Queen Mary Queensferry, 76 Queensland and Queenstown, named after Queen Victoria Quimper, 53 Quimper-16, 53 Quita, the deep ravine R Radnorshire, 165 Radom and Radomka, named after the Sclav, deity Ratzi Rajputana, 163 Ramgunga, 86 Ramnaggur, ram's fort Ramsgate, 88 Randers, 162 Raphoe, 163 Rapidan R. , named after Queen Anne Rappahannock R. , Ind. the river of quick-rising waters Rastadt, 163 Ratibor, 28 Ratisbon, Sclav, the fortress on the R. Regen, Ger. Regena Castra or Regensburg Ravenna, 79 Rayne, Gael, raon, a plain, a parish in Aberdeenshire Reading, a patronymic Redruth, in ComwaU, in old deeds, Tre-Druith, the dweUing of the Dmids Reeth, on the stream, rith Rega R. , 164 Reichenbach, 15 Reichenhall, 98 Reigate, 88 Reims or Rheims, named for the Rem.i, a tribe Remscheid, 171 Renaix, corrupt, from Hrodnace, the town of Hrodno Renfrew, 162 Rennes, named from the Rhedoni, a. tribe Resht, At. headship Resolven, Welsh Riiw, Scotch maen, the brow of the stonehead, in Glamorganshire Reculver, in Kent, corrupt, from Regoluion, the point against the waves Retford, 166 Reutlingen, a patronymic Revel, named from two small islands 236 INDEX near the town, called reffe, the Rothesay, the isle of Rother, the sand-banks ancient name of Bute Reykiavik or Reikiavik, 209 Rotterdam, 60 Rhine R. and Rhone R., 164 Rouen, 133 Rhode Island, 74 Rousillon, named from the ancient Rhodes and Rosas, in Spain, named town of RusciTio, a Roman colony from the Rhodians, a Grecian tribe Roveredo, Lat Roboretum, a place Rhyddlan or Rhuddlan, Cym. -Cel. planted with oaks, in Tyrol the red church Row, in Dumbartonshire, from rub ha, Rhyl, the cleft, a watering-place in Gael, a promontory ranning into North Wales the sea Rhymni, the marshy land, in Mon Roxburgh, 167 mouthshire, on a river caUed the Ruabon, cormpt from Rhiw-Mabon- Rhymni, from the nature of the Sant, the ascent of St Mabon, in land through which it flows — v. North Wales Romney, at ea, 71 Rudgeley or Rugely, 166 Riga, 126 Rugen, named from the Rugu Ringwood, in Hants, the wood of the Runcorn, 45 Regni Runnymede, 132 Rio-de-Janeiro, 164 Rushbrook and Rushford, 167 Ripon, 167 Russia, named from the Rossi, a tribe Ritzbuttel, 27 of Norsemen in the ninth century Rive-de-Gier, 166 Ruthin and Rhuddlan, 165 Rivoli, 166 Rutland, 165 Rochdale, the valley of the R. Roche Rybinsk, 168 Rochefort, 167 Ryde, 167 Rochelle, 167 Ryswick, 168 Rochester, 167 Roermonde, 140 Romania or RoumiUi, 109 S Romans, ane. Romanuin-Monasterium, Saale R., 169 the monastery of the Romans, Saarbriick, 31 founded by St Bernard Saar-Louis, 12 Rome, perhaps named from 'Cn&groma, Sabor, 28 or four cross roads that at the Sabor R., 28 foram formed the nucleus of the Saffi-on Walden, 202 city Sagan, Sclav, behind the road Romorantin, 166 Sahara, 176 RoncesvaUes, 200 Saida or Sidon, Semitic, fish to\vn Roque, La, Cape, the rock Saintes, named from the Santones Roscommon, 167 Salamanca, 169 Roscrea, 167 Salem, in U.S., intended by the Rosetta, ane. Ar. Rasched, headship Puritans to be a type of the New Ross, in Hereford, 165 Jerasalem Rossbach, the horse's brook Salford, 169 Ross-shire, 168 Salins, 169 Rothenburg, 165 Salisbury^ 35 Rotherham, 165 Salonica, corrupt, from Thessalonica Rotherthurm, 165 S.ilop, contracted from Sloppesbury, INDEX 237 the Norman corruption of Scrobbes- bury, the town among shrubs, now Shrewsbury — v. 34 Saltcoats, 55 Salzburg, 169 Samarcand, said to have been named after Alexander the Great Samaria, the town of Shemir Samos, Phoen. the lofty Sandwich, 209 Sangerhausen — v. SANG Sanquhar, 172 San Salvador, the Holy Saviour, the first land descried by Columbus, and therefore named by him from the Saviour, who had guarded him in so many perils San Sebastian, the first Spanish colony founded in South America Santa Craz, 57 Santa F^, the city of the holy faith, founded by Queen IsabeUa after the siege of Granada Santander, named after St. Andrew Saragossa, corrupt from C