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H., April 15, 1810; died at Eldora, la., Jan. 9, 1885 ; married 1st, in Philadelphia, Pa., Sarah Caroline Greenough, daughter of Richard Greenough, of Canterbury, N. H. She was born Oct. 19, 1816, died June 17, 1861. She was a graduate of Holyoke Seminary, Mass., was a highly accomplished lady, and proved a most excellent wife and mother. She died of typhoid fever. Mr. Eastman married 2d, in 1864, Amanda Hall, of Windsor, N. Y. Mr. Eastman was a lawyer ; was admitted to the bar at the June term of the supreme court in Concord, N. H., in 1840 ; removed in 1844 to Burlington, la., and from that time until his death was actively con nected with the advancement of the best interests of that state. He was a man of great force of character ; popular as a public speaker, and known and loved throughout the state as "Old Enoch," a title bestowed because, like of old, he was noted for his wisdom and sound judgment. He was the author of the motto engraved upon the memorial stone in the Washington monument, contributed by the state of Iowa : " The affections of her people, like the rivers of her border, flow to an inseparable union." He was elected lieutenant-governor in 1863, and presided over the senate with distinction in the troublous times of 1864. He was a member of the Iowa senate at the time of his death. 1. 1544. ii. 1545. iii. iv. V. 1546. vi. vii. 502 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. Enoch Worthen*, b. Oct. 3, 1845 ; d. in infancy. Leona Caroline*, b. April 5, 1847. Marcelene Loretta*, b. Aug. 29, 1849. Celia Frances*, b. May 12, 1853. Charles Greenough*, b. Sept. 3, 1857 ; d. in infancy. Landi Carlton*, b. Aug. 22, 1855. Flora Doubleday*, b. April 20, 1861 ; d. in infancy. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. viii. Fred*, b. Nov. 18, 1867. 810, Harvey Eastman' (Isaac Benson^ Ephraim^, Jere- miah-*, Zachariah^, John% Roger'), born in Deerfield, N. H., May 24, 1807; died in Stoneham, Mass., Sept. 24, 1867; married Oct. 9, 1836, Mary Trowbridge, of Stoneham, Mass., died Oct. 13, 1882, aged 75 years. He resided in Stoneham. CHILDREN. i. William H.*, h. in Stoneham, Mass., Sept. 5, 1837 ; m. 1st, Mary A. Anderson, Nov. 27, 1862, d. March 1, 1866 ; 2d, Jennie B. Briggs, July 4, 1874. He resides in Stone ham, Mass. Child : (a) Mary Ermincie^, b. Feb. 20, 1866. ii. James B.*, b. in Stoneham, Nov. 4, 1841 ; m. April 13, 1878, Addie F. Sawyer, of Sharon, Mass. Child : (a) Willie^, b. in 1878 ; d. in Dec, 1884. iii. Matilda M.*, b. in Stoneham, May 3, 1841 ; m. Charles Dole. They have no children ; resided in Stoneham, Mass. 811. Jewett Burbank Eastman' (Isaac Benson^ Ephraim', Jeremiah-*, Zachariah^, John^ Roger'), born in Deerfield, N. H., July 6, 1811 ; died in Manchester, N. H., Dec. 24, 1876; married, Nov. 2, 1850, Mary S. Miller. His widow married 2d, April 2, 1887, Alfred Brown, of Billerica, Mass., where they reside. CHILD. i. Clara*, b. in Manchester, N. H., May 26, 1856 ; died in same place, Dec. 24, 1872. TIMOTHY SHAW EASTMAN', OF DEERFIELD, N. H. 503 812. Timothy Shaw Eastman' (Isaac Benson^ Ephraim', Jeremiah", Zachariah^, John^ Roger'), born in Deerfield, N. H., June 24, 18 13; died in Marshall, Mich., Jan. 15, 1877; married Nov. 4, 1846, Sarah A. Fifield. He lived first in Andover, N. H., but in 1865 removed to Minnesota. CHILDREN. i. Isaac Willard*, b. in Andover, N. H., Jan. 19, 1848 ; m. July 22, 1880, Sarah A. Booth, of N. Y. Child : (a) Zoa L.\ b. April 22, 1884. He resides in Marshall, Minn. ii. Warren S.*, b. in Andover, N. H., Feb. 22, 1852 ; m. July 9, 1866, Emma Baldwin. Child: (a) Nettie^ b. Sept. 22, 1868. iii. Mary*, b. . 813. Jemima Dodge Eastman' (Isaac Benson^ Ephraim', Jeremiah-t, Zachariah^, John^, Roger'), born in Deerfield,N. H., June 12, 1817; married May 30, 1838, William Ward, of Stoneham, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Louisa S. Ward*, b. Aug. 22, 1840 ; m. Jan., 1873, D. A. Tompkins ; resides in Stoneham, Mass. ; no children. ii. William Ward*, b. in Stoneham, Mass., Jan. 28, 1843 ; m. in 1876, Mary Rollins. Children : (a) Clara Louisa Ward^, b. 1877 ; (b) Florence Ward^, b. 1879. 814. Isaac Benson Eastman' (Isaac Benson*, Ephraim', Jeremiah-t, Zachariah^, John^, Roger'), born in Epsom, N. H., Feb. 20, 1821 ; died in Boscawen, N. H,, Oct. 19, 1890; married Dec. 25, 1846, Ellen S. Saunders, born in Groton, N. H,, Dec. 25, 1826, died in Danbury, N. H., Nov. 27, 1848. Mr. Eastman was a soldier of the Rebellion of 1861-5. H? was in the Eleventh Regiment Massachusetts Infantry, and served from May, 1861, to the close of the war. He was in both battles of Bull Run ; in the seven days' battles of McClellan's campaign in 1863 ; was in the battles of Fred ericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and others, and skirmishes without number. They were both buried m Dan- bury, N. H. 504 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILD. 1547. i. Viola*, b. in Danbury, N. H., March 20, 1848. 8 1 5. Elizabeth Colby Eastman' (Isaac Benson*, Ephraim', Jeremiah-*, Zachariah^, John^, Roger'), born in Epsom, N. H., Feb. I, 1825 ; married Sept. 7, 1854, Daniel B. Eaton and resides in Lowell, Mass. CHILD. i. Ella Roxanna Eatoii*, b. in Lowell, Mass., Aug. 25, 1855 ; m. June 21, 1882, Frank Sherman, of Warwick, Mass. They reside in Lowell, Mass. Children : (a) Charlotte Eaton Sherman', b. in Lynn, Mass., Feb. 15, 1885 ; (b) Clara Anna Sherman^, b. in Lowell, Oct. 13, 1858. Mrs. Sherman was a teacher for a season in Lowell, but lived with her parents in Lynn, Mass. 816. Benjamin Franklin Eastman' (Isaac Benson*, Eph raim', Jeremiah-*, Zachariah^, John^ Roger'), born in Epsom, N. H., Oct. 21, 1828; died ; married a Miss Morey ; married 2d, widow V. Lewis ; she resides at No. 3 Harrod's court, Concord, N. H. CHILDREN ALL BY FIRST WIFE. 1548. i. Lizzie Frances*, b. Feb. 8, 1858; m. William Gordon, resides in Franklin, N. H. 1549. ii. George E.*, b. June 16, 1860 ; m. 1st, Bessie Sawyer ; m. 2d, " Daisy," his first wife's sister. He resides in E. Ando ver, N. H. iii. Carrie M.*, b. Aug. 25, 1862 ; m. Elsworth F. Pike, post master of Franklin Falls, N. H. iv. Mary L.*, b. Oct. 7, 1866; m. Elmer Gordon; lives in Nashua, N. H. All these children were b. in Andover, N. H. ; no children by second wife. 817. John Brackett Eastman' (Isaac Benson*, Ephraim', Jeremiah-*, Zachariah^, John% Roger'), born in Epsom, N. H., Nov. 9, 1830; married June 15, 1869, Mary A. Love, of Boston, Mass. ; resided at Crescent Beach, Mass. ABNER HOYT', OF WEARE, N. H. 505 CHILDREN. i. Charles B.*, b. in Saratoga, N. Y., April 21, 1876. ii. Albert*, b. in Salisbury, N. H., Oct. 28, 1880 ; d. in Boston, Oct. 31, 1884. 818. Abner Hoyt' (Abner Hoyt*, Hannah Eastman', Jacob-*, Zachariah', John', Roger'), born in 1790 ; died in April, 185 s ; married in 18 12, Abigail Bailey, died Jan. 19, 1859. He resided in Weare, N. H. CHILDREN. i. SaUy Hoyt*, b. Dec. 28, 1813 ; d. July 24, 1876 ; m. Ivers Smith, of New Boston, N. H. Joseph B. Hoyt*, b. Feb. 24, 1815. Amos Hoyt*, b. March 5, 1817. John Hoyt*, b. March 7, 1819. Daniel B. Hoyt*, b. May 5, 1821 ; d. March 10, 1858 ; m. Sarah P. Bailey. vi. Abner Hoyt*, b. June 29, 1823. Ziba A. Hoyt*, b. June 7, 1825. viii. Mary Ann Hoyt*, b. Oct. 3, 1827. 1555. ix. Hiram S. Hoyt*, b. Nov. 28, 1830. X. Hannah P. Hoyt*, b. Dec. 6, 1832 ; d. July 1, 1862 ; m. Nathaniel H. Weston, of Mt. Clemens, Mich. 819. Francis Hoyt' (Abner Hoyt*, Hannah Eastman', Jacob*, Zachariah', John', Roger'), born in Weare, N. H., June 16, 1794; died Sept. 11, 1853; married Sarah Flan ders, died March 19, 1874. He lived on the hill about one mile west of the " oil mill " in Weare, N. H. 1550. ii. 1551. iii. 1552. iv. V. 1553. vi. 1554. vii. CHILDREN. i. Fanny Hoyt*, b. ; m. — — . ii. George E. Hoyt*, b. - — ; m. a Pope ; resides in Hillsbor- ough, N. H. iii. Joannah Hoyt*, b. — -; m. Richard H . Martin. 820. John Hoyt' (Abner Hoyt*, Hannah Eastman', Jacob-*, Zachariah', John', Roger'), born in Weare, N. H., March 7, 18 19; died Feb. 11, 1853; married Mrs. Sarah Ann Bartlett, of Deering, N. H. He resided in Weare, N. H. 506 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Elisha A. Hoyt*, b. in Weare, N. H., Aug. 10, 1843 ; m. William S. Eaton ; resides in GofEstown, N. H. ii. John Clinton Hoyt*, b. in Weare, N. H., June 1, 1845 ; m. Susan M. Frost. iii. Lewis B. Hoyt*, b. in GofEstown, N. H., Sept. 10, 1847 ; m. Mary Boynton. iv. Abbie B. Hoyt*, b. in Weare, N. H., Oct. 20, 1849 ; m. Frank B. Mills. He resides in Dunbarton, N. H. 821. Roger Eastman' (Daniel*, Thomas', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Newbury, Vt., Aug. i6, i8oo ; died in Newbury, May 25, 1883 ; married Feb. i, 1826, Mary Tucker, born July i, 1797, died March 8, 1862 ; married 2d, Betsey Jewell ; married 3d, Lucy Ruggles. CHILDREN. 1556. i. Daniel*, b. in Newbury, Vt., Jan. 30, 1827 ; d. in Brad ford, Vt., March 8, 1887. ii. Samuel Alden*, b. April 30, 1828 ; m. Emily Ladd ; no children. iii. Mary Brock*, b. Jan. 15, 1830 ; d. Dec. 12, 1832. iv. Judith Tucker*, b. Sept. 4, 1831 ; d. Nov. 22, 1833. 1557. V. Duncan Heath*, b. May 22, 1836. 821a. David Eastman' (David*, Thomas', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Topsham, Vt,, Jan. 16, 181 1 ; died in Detroit, Mich., in 1892; married Judith Knight Dustin, born in Topsham, Vt., and died in Detroit, Mich. They lived first in Topsham, removed to Bradford, Vt., and later to Detroit. Mrs. Eastman was descended from the heroine, Hannah Dustin, in the sixth generation. CHILDREN. 1557a. i. Electa Dustan*, b. in Topsham, Vt., March 27, 1837 ; m. Granville Wood. 1557b. ii. Emma A.*, b. in Newbury, Vt., 1838 ; m. A. G. Abbott. iiL Charles E.*, b. in Newbury, Vt., 1852 ; unm. and resides in Seattle, Wash. 1557c. iv. Lillian B.*, b. in Bradford, Vt., in 1859; m. Dr. S. P. Tracy. DAVID HAMMOND', OF BOW, N. H. 507 822. David Hammond' (Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bow, N. H., Feb. 13, 1794 ; married Esther Quimby and bought a farm in Dun barton, near Bow line, N. H. CHILDREN. 1558. i. David Hammond*, b. May 23, 1818. 1559. ii. Hannah Hammond*, b. March 22, 1822. 1560. iii. James M. Hammond*, b. April 27, 1824. 1561. iv. John McC. Hammond*, b. Oct. 6, 1826. 1562. V. Horace Hammond*, b. June 5, 1830. 1563. vi. Ann Hammond*, b. July 28, 1832. 1564. vii. Stephen Hammond*, b. Dec. 1, 1835, 1565. viii. Mary E. Hammond*,-b. March 21, 1842. The father died in June, 1864. 823. Hannah Hammond' (Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Bow, N. H., 1800; married in 1818, John Clement, born in 1789. CHILDREN. 1566. i. Elizabeth E. Clement*, b. Dec. 16, 1824. ii. Sarah G. Clement*, b. Aug. 26, 1826 ; m. Guilford Upton. 824. Naomi P. Hammond' (Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Dunbarton, N. H., Sept. 8, 1 802 ; married Wells Sargent, born in Dunbarton, N. H., July 13, 1793. He removed soon after his marriage to Springfield, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Huldah H. Sargent*, b. Dec. 25, 1825 ; m. Israel S. John son, and had (a) David A. Johnson^, b. Nov. 5, 1856. ii. Enoch Sargent*, b. Sept. 17, 1826. iii. Mary J. Sargent*, b. Jan. 25, 1828 ; m. Dexter Freets ; lived at Croydon Flats, N. H., and at Quechee, Vt. Children : (a) Mary Freets', b. ; d. aged 20 ; (b) Lovisa (twin) ; (0) Lodisa (twin), d. at the age of 12. 508 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iv. Hannah E. Sargent*, b. June 14, 1830 ; m. Jan. 5, 1853, Mathew H. Johnson, b. Sept. 22, 1830. Children : (a) Wells H. Sargent^ b. Dec. 16, 1853 ; (b) Jessie F. Sar- gentS b. May 21, 1856 ; (c) Rossie E. Sargent', b. 1858 ; m. Dec. 24, 1876, Fales P. Virgin ; children : (1) Bessie Virgin", b. Feb. 21, 1881 ; (2) BeU Virgin", b. Dec. 24- 1888; (d) Alpheus M. Johnson', b. Jan. 5, 1864; (e) Elsie L. Johnson', b. July 8, 1867 ; (f) Henry H. John. son', b. Nov. 27, 1871. V. Wells Sargent*, b. April 11, 1832; m. Haries S. Peters. Children : (a) Edward E. Sargent', b. Nov. 5, 1858 ; (b) Hattie Sargent', b. . vi. David H. Sargent*, b. Nov. 21, 1833 ; m. Cornelia Hibbard. Children : (a) Alice M. Sargent', b. ; (b) Julia Sar gent', b. ; (c) Etta Sargent', b. ; (d) Mabel Sargent', b. '¦ ; (e) Earl Sargent', b. ; (f) Olin Sargent', b. . vii. Eli H. Sargent*, b. Jan. 13, 1840 ; m. Frances Blake. Chil dren : (a) Ida A. Sargent', b. ; (b) Willis S. Sar gent', b. ; (c) Bertha Sargent', b. Jan. 20, 1876. viii. Naomi P. Sargent*, b. May 8, 1843 ; m. Byron S. Pillsbury. Children : (a) Jelesta PUlsbury', b. ; (b) Lovina Pillsbury', b. : (c) Zena Pillsbury', b. ; (d) Ben Pillsbury', b. . ix. Almira A. Sargent*, b. April 27, 1846 ; m. James Hardy. Children : (a) Ansel Hardy', b. ; (b) Linnia Hardy', b. . 825. Eli E. Hammond' (Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Bow, N. H., April 21, 1805 ; married March 25, 1830, Anna SuUoway, born Aug. 12, 1806 ; died July 30, 1880, in Wheelock, Vt,, where they lived. CHILDREN. i. Hannah E. Hammond*, b. Dec. 14, 1830 ; m. Oct. 30, 1853, Roswell Colby, and live in Charlestown, Vt. Children : (a) Etta M. Colby', b. March 10, 1857; m. Aug. 29, 1875, John Scribner ; (b) Etta A. Colby', b. Oct. 22, 1860. ii. David E. Hammond*, b. Dec. 11, 1835 ; m. Sept. 9, 1862, Maria B. Ferguson. iii. Lucy A. Hammond*, b. Dec. 18, 1842. 1567. i. 1568. ii. 1569. iii. 1570. iv. V. THOMAS W. HAMMOND', OF BOW, N. H. 509 826. Thomas W. Hammond' (Hannah Eastman*, Ste phen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bow, N. H., Aug, 14, 1809 ; married in 1832, Lucy Quimby, born April 6, 1809. They occupied the old Hammond homestead at the foot of the Wood hill, owned in 1894 by Charles F. Ham mond. CHILDREN. Susan H. Hammond*, b. Dec. 28, 1832. Charles F. Hammond*, b. Sept. 30, 1834. Thomas A. Hammond*, b. Jan. 16, 1837. David M. Hammond*, b. April 15, 1838. John C. Hammond*, b. Nov. 28, 1844. 827. Jonathan C. Hammond' (Hannah Eastman*, Ste phen', Roger-*, Roger', John^ Roger'), born in Bow, N. H., Feb. 19, 181 1 ; married in 1836, Clarissa Elliott, born April, 1 8 14, daughter of John Elliott and Polly, his wife. CHILDREN. i. Twins*, b. April, 1839 ; d. young. ii. Eliza Ann Hammond*, b. Aug. 9, 1840. iii. Cyrus Hammond*, b. Sept. 19, 1842 ; m. Mary A. Haselton. Have one daughter ; res. in Goflstown, N. H. iv. Mary Jane Hammond*, b. Oct., 1844. 1571. V. Asa G. Hammond*, b. Nov., 1846. vi. Martha Hammond*, b. Dec. 22, 1849 ; m. James C. Wheeler. 828. David Eastman' (Stephen*, Stephen', Rogers Roger', John', Roger'), born in Sutton, Vt,, June 16, 1806, the same day his parents moved into their new house. He died in Sutton, where he always lived; married ist, Feb. 3, 1830, Deborah Angier, born in Troy, Vt., May 13, 1809, died Sept. 11, 1843 ; married 2d, Maria Hastings. Hewas a farmer. CHILDREN. 1572. i. Stephen Clement*, b. Sept. 2, 1831. ii. Mary Ann*, b. Dec. 9, 1834 ; d. July 16, 1841 ; only children. 5IO EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 829. Sarah Eastman' (Stephen*, Stephen', Roger^ Roger', John', Roger"), born Sept. 15, 1808 ; died June 8, 1870; married Dec. 8, 183 1, Andrew P. Taft. CHILDREN. i. Stephen E. Taft*, b. Aug. 25, 1832. ii. Moulton A. Taft*, b. Feb. 16, 1834 ; m. April 24, 1853, Lydia C. Putnam. 830. Mary Eastman' (Stephen*, Stephen', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Sutton, N. H., July 27, 1810 ; mar ried Nov. 30, 1837, Richard Willard, born in Barn.stead, N. H., Nov. 26, 1812. CHILDREN. 1573. i. John E. WiUard*, b. iu Sutton, Vt., Jane 12, 1838. ii. Reuben N. Willard*, b. June 9, 1840 ; unm. iii. Charles W. Willard*, b. Aug. 4, 1842 ; m. Nov. 13, 1872, Ella F. Eastman, widow of E. N. Eastman, deceased. 1574. iv. George R. Willard*, b. Sept. 15, 1844 ; m. Jan. 21, 1874, Adaline Fisher. 831. Stephen Eastman' (Stephen*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Sutton, Vt., July 8, 1817 ; died Sept. 23, i860 ; married Oct. 29, 1840, Rhoda Nelson, born April 2, 18 17. CHILDREN. 1575. i. Edwin N.*, b. Feb. 14, 1842. 1576. ii. Orissa A.*, b. Jan. 23, 1845. iii. George O.*, b. Dec. SO, 1849 ; in. Mary Fitch. iv. Ward B.*, b. April 15, 1854. V. Stephen*, b. ; d. 1860. 832. Jonathan Eastman' (Stephen*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Sutton, Vt., Oct. 2, 1S19 ; mar ried Jan. 4, 1843, Mary A. Dow, daughter of Abraham and Juliett (Bradish) Dow; she died in Portsmouth, N. H., April 19, 1900. Mr. Eastman resides with his grandson, Carl Burell, West Derry, N. H. LYDIA SULLOWAY'. 5 I I CHILDREN. i. Rachel*, b. Oct. 4, 1843 ; d. ; she m. and separated and her husband d. ; she m. 2d, Aug. 14, 1867, George C. Coburn, and had (a) Carl Burell Coburn', b. in 1868. He dropped the name of Coburn. He is known as Carl Burell and lives at West Derry, N. H. ; farmer. 1577. ii. Charles Fernando*, b. in Sutton, Vt., Jan. 19, 1851. 833. Lydia SuUoway' (Rachel Eastman*, Stephen', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born Jan. 12, 1799; mar ried Benjamin Gray. CHILDREN. i. Truman Gray*, b. . ii. Rachel Gray*, b. ; m. Percival Gray ; they lived in Sheffield, Vt., and had seven daughteis. iii. Jacob Gray*, b. . iv. John Gray*, b. . V. Benjamin Gray*, b. . 834. John SuUoway' (Rachel Eastman*, Stephen', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born Nov. 18, 1804 ; married Sept. 6, 1840, Martha Otis. CHILDREN. i. Mary A. Sulloway*, b. Nov. 18, 1841. ii. Jacob J. SuUoway*, b. Sept. 6, 1844. 835. Lorenzo Sulloway' (Rachel Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger'), born April 6, 1809; married Sabra Campbell. CHILDREN. i. Jane SuUoway*, b. . ii. Lorenzo SuUoway*, b. ; m. Lizzie Raney. iii. Sabra Sulloway*, b. ; m. John Smith, and had (a) Jennie', (b) Willey'. iv. Charles SuUoway*, b. . 512 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 836. Sylvania Sulloway' (Rachel Eastman*, Stephen', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born June 29, 181 1 ; mar ried Franklin Gray. CHILDREN. i. Martha Gray*, b. ; m. Charles King. ii. Betsey Gray*, b. ; m. George Gorman ; had (a) EfEa' and (b) Elsie'. iii. Lucy A. Gray*, b. . iv. Azro Gray*, m. in 1874, Josie Bradley. 837. Calvin Eastman' (David*, Stephen', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bow, N. H., April 11, 181 1 ; mar ried Oct., 1836, Mary S. Willard; she died March 14, 1843. He married 2d, July 16, 1845, Harriet Bradley; he lived in Lyndon, Vt. CHILD BY FIRST WIFE. i. WiUiam M.*, b. June 28, 1841 ; m. in 1871, Emma L. Allen ; she died in 1872. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. ii. Addie M.*, b. Aug. 17, 1847 ; m. Jan. 1, 1873, O. Warren Chesley, of Sheffield, Vt. Child : (a) Emma Viola', b. Sept. 24, 1878. 838. Silas Eastman' (David*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born March 2, 1816 ; married Hannah Mathews ; resided in Lyndon, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Sariah*, b. ; m. Alanson Fletcher. ii. Frank*, b. . iii. Rosa*, b. . 839. Squires G. Eastman' (William*, Ichabod', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., Sept. 13, 1827 ; married Francis A. Woodbury. EZRA C. EASTMAN', OF WEARE, N. H. 513 CHILDREN. i. Sarah*, b. 1851 ; m. Lorenzo Philbrick. ii. Mary*, b. 1855 ; d. 1856. iii. Herbert*, b. 1857 ; he went from Weare to Brooklyn, N. Y., and entered the employ of an oil-refining com pany. His executive ability soon brought him into prominence, and he was appointed superintendent of the works. In the spring of 1887, he removed to Titusville, Pa., where he now has charge of an extensive oil- refinery. iv. Clara*, b. 1860 ; d. in infancy. V. Carrie*, b. 1861 ; m. Clarence Johnston, of GofEstown, N. H. vi. WilUam L.*, b. Dec. 25, 1864. vii. Elsie*, b. in April, 1867. 840. Ezra C. Eastman' (William*, Ichabod', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., Nov. 26, 1834; married ist, Armina Dearborn; married 2d, Laura E. Wilson. CHILDREN ALL BY FIRST WIFE. i. Marcia A.*, b. June 3, 1857 ; m. Luther Farmer. ii. Charles H.*, b. June 30, 1859. iii. J. Harvey*, b. Jan. 31, 1862. iv. Lucy A.*, b. Dec. 27, 1864. 841. William W. Eastman' (Ichabod*, Ichabod', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., May 29, 1816 ; died May 30, 1893 ; married Hepsey Kelsey, born March 29, 1 8 16, died May 20, 1893. They are both buried in New port, N. H., where they resided. He was at one time warden of the New Hampshire state prison. CHILDREN. i. James Cleveland*, b. May 27, 1844. ii. Mary L.*, b. June 22, 1846 ; m. James Bickford ; has one son who resides in Nashua, N. H. 514 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iii. Helen*, b. in Newport, N. H., Aug. 9, 1848 ; m. Aug. 22, 1872, in Nashua, N. H., W. H. MandeviUe. They reside in Olean, N. Y. Child : (a) WiUiam Harry MandeviUe', b. Oct. 25, 1875. iv. Clara A.*, b. July 20, 1851 ; d. unm., April 22, 1898. 842. Caroline Eastman' (Ichabod*, Ichabod', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Weare, N. H., April 30, 1827 ; died Aug. i, 1868 ; married Lyman Lattimer, born in Marlow, N. H., Oct. 7, 1822, died in Olean, N, Y. CHILDREN. 1578. i. WiUiam Cleveland Lattimer*, b. in Newport, N. H., May 4, 1849. ii. Fanny Jane Lattimer*, b. in Sunapee, N. H., Dec. 23, 1851 ; d. April 5, 1864. 1579. iii. Fred Herbert Lattimer*, b, in Sunapee, N. H., April 9, 1855. iv. Amos Eastman Lattimer*, b. in Sunapee, N. H., Sept. 21, 1857 ; res. in Syracuse, N. Y., or Olean. V. Mary Lattimer*, b. in Sunapee, N. H., Jan. 27, 1860 ; m. Charles A. Still ; res. in Syracuse, N. Y. vi. Eddie AUen Lattimer*, b. in Olean, N. Y., Dec. 26, 1864 ; res. Lima, O. 843. Daniel Eastman' (Samuel*, Samuel', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Weare, N. H., July 4, 1812 ; married Mary Ann Morrill, of East Kingston, N, H. He was engaged in teaching for some years, but later engaged in the real es tate business in West Manchester, N. H. CHILDREN. i. George S.*, b. ; m. .Jennie Gofi. He was a member of the New Hampshire legislature in 1883-5, and mem ber of the senate in 1887 ; is engaged in building in Manchester, N. H. ii. Allen*, b. 1864. 844. Josiah B. Eastman' (Samuel*, Samuel', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Weare, N. H., July 19, 18 14 ; died Jan. 23, 1885 ; married in Weare, N. H., April 9, 1861, ELIZA B. EASTMAN', OF WEARE, N. H. 515 Margaret Ann Colby, born in Bradford, N. H., Aug. 25, 1837. In May after his death his widow removed to Hills borough Bridge, N. H. He resided in Weare, N. H., where he was an extensive farmer and cattle dealer. CHILDREN BORN IN WEARE. i. Flora*, b. July 25, 1868. She resides in Hillsborough Bridge, N. H. She remains unmarried. 1580. ii. Jessie*, b. Dec. 2, 1872. iii. Minnie Eliza*, b. June 21, 1878; unm. 845. Eliza B. Eastman' (Samuel*, Samuel', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., Dec. 3, 1816 ; married David Buxton, born in 181 4, died 1864. He married 2d, Miriam S. Eastman, born in Weare, N. H., Sept. 9, 1819, his first wife's sister. He lived in Weare, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Mary E. Buxton*, b. 1842. ii. Charles W. Buxton*, b. 1846 ; m. Josie K. Carter, of HiUs- borough, N. H. Child : (a) ElUott E. Buxton', b. Sept. 7, 1874. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. iii. Eliza Buxton*, b. 1849 ; d. ; unm. iv. Alice Buxton*, b. 1851. V. WiUis D. Buxton*, b. 1857. 846. Francis Hoyt Eastman' (Thomas*, Samuel', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H,, May 12, 1820 ; married Abigail Green Tewksbury, born in Goffstown, N. H., July 25, 1828. Mr. Eastman resides in South Weare, N. H., where he has been deacon in the Union Congregational Church for years. CHILDREN. i. WUUe Tewksbury*, b. Jan. 19, 1852 ; d. Dec. 30, 1852. 1581. iL Mary EUzabeth*, b. May 27, 1854. 1582. iii. Frank Leslie*, b. Dec. 16, 1857. 1583. iv. John Perry*, b. Sept. 28, 1860. 1584. V. George Henry*, b. July 23, 1865. 5l6 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 847. Samuel C. Eastman' (Thomas*, Samuel', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., Nov. 10, 1821 ; died May 24, 1856; married July 3, 1845, Fidelia Nichols, died March 10, 1857. Mr. Eastman was educated in the common schools, and was an excellent farmer and had much intellectual ability. He was selectman two years, rep resented the town in the legislature two years, 1849-50, and was state librarian in 185 1. He soon after lost his health, and spent the winter of 1855—6 in Florida trying to regain it. Mr. Eastman was a warm friend, possessed of good qual ities, and was universally respected by his fellow townsmen. CHILDREN. 1585. i. George Franklin*, b. Sept. 17, 1846 ; m. Emeline Currier. ii. Morrison W.*, b. Nov. 10, 1850 ; m. Jennie N. Foss, of Maine ; res. in Taunton, Mass. 848. Thomas Eastman' (Timothy*, Isaac*, Roger-*, Roger', John^ Roger'), born in Walden, Vt., July 9, 1805 ; died Feb., 1876 ; married Sylvia Burbank, of Walden. She was born in 1810; died Aug. 16, 1865. CHILDREN. i. John*, b. ; d. in Cabot, Vt., 1874. ii. Martha*, b. 1834 ; d. 1865. iii. Curtis O.*, b. 1836 ; served in the Union army ; was se verely wounded. iv. Horace D.*, b. July, 1839 ; d. July 24, 1876 ; m . Sophronia Eastman, daughter of Isaac. He served in the Union army ; was wounded in the Wilderne.«s. V. Morrill*, b. 1841 ; served in the Union army ; sent home ill and in nine days died, in the winter of 1863. vi. Denison H.*, b. Sept. 12, 1843; m. 1st, in 1868, Anna Whitcher. She died in Boston, Mass., 1890, and he m. 2d, 1891, Lelia Currier of Topsham, Vt. Children : (a) Hattie B.', b. ; (b) Nelson T.', b. ; (c) Albert E.', b. ; all by first wife ; by second wife, (d) Har old', b. . BERNARD EASTMAN', OF NEWTON, N. H. 517 vii. Gibson*, b. Sept. 12, 1843; served in the Union army; d. in Washington, D. C, Nov., 1863. viii. Sylvia Ann*, b. Aug., 1847 ; d. April 12, 1893 ; m. Wheeler ; had three sons, one daughter. ix. Lettie O.*, b. May 23, 1849 ; m. 1st, C. Smith ; 2d, James Bondley. X. CarUn E.*, b. Aug. 23, 1851 ; d. July, 1890 ; m. Henry Col- burn ; one son. xi. Eliza F.*, b. Oct. 16, 1859 ; d. Aug. 21, 1883 ; m. Charles Martin ; one daughter. 849. Bernard Eastman' (Samuel*, Isaac', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newton, N. H., March 19, 1809; died Nov. 18, 1889; married Nov. 25, 1831, Hannah J., daughter of Charles Weed, born in Topsham, Vt., Aug. 10, 1 8 10, died Sept. 4, 1897. He settled in Topsham, Vt., on the place where Henry B. White now lives, CHILDREN. i. Abigail*, b. Oct., 1832 ; d. June 16, 1838. ii. Jane*, b. Sept. 6, 1834 ; d. Oct. 14, 1856. 1586. iii. Alien*, b. Aug. 2, 1836 ; d. in Blue Earth, Minn., Jan. 17, 1894; m. Dec. 26, 1861, Lois D. White, daughter of Ezekiel. She died Aug. 13, 1899 ; four children. iv. Charles W.*, b. March 31, 1838 ; m. Emma Gray ; two chil dren ; res. Bethlehem, N. H. V. Abbie A.*, b. Dec. 2, 1839 ; m. Nov. 29, 1863, Horace White ; four children ; res. in West Topsham, Vt. vi. Infant*, b. Nov. 4, 1841 ; d. Nov. 25, 1841. 1587. vii. Seth*, b. Aug. 4, 1843 ; m. June 25, 1875, Emeline DarUng. viii. Harriet G.*, b. March 26, 1847 ; d. March 4, 1897 ; m. July 4, 1865, Henry B. White ; four children. ix. Ruth*, b. Aug. 12, 1849 ; d. Aug. 19, 1853. 850. Isaac Eastman' (Samuel*, Isaac', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newton, N. H., Jan. 11, 1812 ; died in South Ryegate, Vt., Jan. 5, 1898; married Sophronia Smith, born Jan. 10, 18 17. He went to Newbury with his parents in 1826. He settled at the Lime Kiln, where his son James now lives. His farm was one of the best in that 37 1588. 1. ii. 1589. iii. 1590. iv. 1591. V. 1592. vL vii. 1593. viii. 1594. ix. 518 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. part of the town. Here he continued the burning of lime, which had been carried on by former owners. He left New bury and went to South Ryegate in 1887. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN NEWBURY. Emily R.*, b. Oct. 25, 1835. Newell B.*, b. Oct. 24, 1837 ; d. in California, May 21, 1883. . Alexander W.*, b. Feb. 17, 1842. Saphronia J.*, b. June 10, 1844. Elvira*, b. Jan. 19, 1849. BeU*, b. Nov. 11, 1851. Infant*, b. July 19, 1855. Evelyn*, b. Jan. 27, 1857. James W.*, b. March 16, 1860. 851. Harriett Eastman' (Samuel*, Isaac', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newton, N. H., March 5, 1816 ; mar ried Whitcher. She resides in Groton, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Emily AmeUa*, b. ; m. Albert P. Whitehill ; two sons. ii. Abbie Sophia*, b. ; m. David Lumsden ; one dau. iii. Eliza Ann*, b. ; m. Dennison H. Eastman, son of Thomas (848). 852. Samuel S. Eastman' (Samuel*, Isaac', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newbury, Vt., Feb. 11, 1830 ; died in Kansas City, Mo., March 11, 1899 ; married 1st, Emily, daughter of Ellis Colburn, of Newbury, who died Aug. S, 1862 ; he married 2d, April 10, 1867, Emelie Batchelder, of Montpelier, Vt., born June 27, 1839. Mr. Eastman fitted for college at Newbury Seminary, graduated from the National Western College in 1857 ; teacher while in charge of academy at Wabash, Ind. He joined the Ver mont Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church in 1866. In 1 87 1, Mr. and Mrs. Eastman took charge of the Newbury Seminary and opened a school which they con- SARAH HEALD SPALDING', OF MERRIMACK, N. H. 519 ducted with success till 1887. In 1889, he went west, joined the Iowa Conference and continued in the ministry till his death. His second wife died in Buffalo Center, Iowa, March 22, 1895. Both were buried in Westley, Iowa. CHILD BY FIRST WIFE. i. Ellen C.*, b. in Toledo, Ohio, Jan. 21, 1861 ; d. March 31, 186^ CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. ii. Ada*, b. in South Londonderry, Vt., April 3, 1868 ; m. in Avoca, Iowa, Oct. 3, 1889, Will A. Settle, b. in Cala- vara, N. M., Feb. 11, 1867, son of A. W. ahd Louise J. (Ashley) Settle. They are in Des Moines, Iowa, but reside in Kansas city. Mo. Child : (a) Emelie G. Settle', b. in Kansas City, Mo,, Aug. 31, 1895. 853. Sarah Heald Spalding' (Hannah Eastman*, Nich olas', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born Ln Merrimack, N. H., Sept. 2, 1818 ; married Nov. 26, 1835, William Stanley, of Francestown, N. H. CHILDREN. i. A nameless son*, b. Dec. 26, 1836 ; d. . iL Sarah Elizabeth Stanley*, b. July 18, 1838 ; m. March 17, 1857, George A. Duncklee, of Francestown, N. H. iii. William Henry Stanley*, b. April 9, 1843. iv. John Edward Stanley*, b. Sept. 14, 1846. 854. Samuel Jones Spalding' (Hannah Eastman*, Nicholas', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Lynde- borough, N. H., Dec. 11, 1820; married ist, June 27, 1848, Sarah Lydia Metcalf, born Aug. 3, 1829, died Sept. i, 1849, at Salmon Falls, N. H., daughter of Hon. Luther and Sarah Brown (Phipps) Metcalf, of Medway, Mass. ; married 2d, Sept. 16, 185 1, Sarah Jane Parker Toppan, born in Hampton, N. H., Sept. 7, 1822, daughter of Hon. Edmund and Mary (Chase) Toppan, of Hampton, N. H. Mr. Spald ing graduated from Dartmouth College in the class of 1842 ; entered Andover Theological Seminary in 1842, and grad- 520 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. uated in 1845. ^^ "^^s ordained pastor over a new parish in Salmon Falls, N. H., Oct. 28, 1846. Having accepted a call from the Whitefield Congregational church in Newbury- port, Mass., he was dismissed from his first charge June 9, 185 1, and installed at Newburyport, June 30, 1851. On leave of absence from his people, he was commissioned chap lain of the Forty-eighth Volunteer Infantry and mustered into service Dec. 29, 1862 ; served with his regiment in the first brigade and the first division of the Army of the Gulf, under the command of Major-General Auger. This regi ment was at the battle of Plains Store, May 21, 1863, at the seige of Port Hudson, being actively engaged in the first and second assaults on that stronghold. May 27 and June 14, 1863, also in the fight at Donaldsonville, July 13, 1863. He was mustered out Aug. 30, 1863. CHILDREN. i. Mary Toppan Spalding*, b. Dec. 22, 1856. ii. Annie Toppan Spalding*, b. March 23, 1860. iii. Edmund Samuel Spalding*, b. Jan. 5, 1865. 855. Elizabeth Goodrich Spalding' (Hannah Eastman*, Nicholas', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Lynde- borough, N. H., March 27, 1824; married June 15, 1850, Rev. Roger Moses Sargent, born in Barton, Vt., Sept. 7, 1824, son of Stephen and Fanny (Noyes) Sargent He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1846, Andover Theo logical Seminary in 1849; preached at Farmington, N. H., from 1850 to 1852; ordained at Gilmanton, N. H., April 27, 1852; discharged Jan. 31, i860; installed at Farmington, N. H., March 27, i860; discharged May 2, 1869; installed at Princeton, Mass., June 10, 1869'; discharged Sept. 13, 1 87 1, and removed west. CHILDREN. i. Mary Ann Sargent*, b. April 1, 1851 ; d. Sept. 25, 1851. ii. Roger Moses Sargent*, b. May 7, 1852 ; d. May 16, 1852. MARY BOWERS SPALDING', OF NASHUA, N. H. 521 iii. Howard Merton Sargent*, b. July 24, 1853. iv. Clarence Spalding Sargent*, b. July 29, 1855. V. Edwin Charlton Sargent*, b. June 10, 1857. vi. Fanny Elizabeth Sargent*, b. May 17, 1859 ; d. Jan. 22, 1864. vii. Moses Roger Sargent*, b. Oct. 30, 1862 ; d. Jan. 1, 1863. 856. Mary Bowers Spalding' (Hannah Eastman*, Nich olas', Roger\ Roger', John', Roger'), born in Nashua, N. H., June 16, 1827; married Aug. 26, 185 1, William Wheeler, of Merrimack, N. H. They removed to Minneapolis, Minn. CHILDREN. i. William Edward Wheeler*, b. Jan. 7, 1854; d. Oct. 19, 1854. ii. Mary Alice Wheeler*, b. Sept. 9, 1855. ui. Frederick Spalding Wheeler*, b. Sept. 29, 1856 ; d. Oct. 30, 1860. iv. Charles Frank Wheeler*, b. Nov. 6, 1858. 857. Roger Sargent' (Roger Sargent*, Janne Eastman', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., about 1780 ; died at Waterville, Ohio, Aug. 27, 1850; mar ried 1st, , died and was buried at Dekalb, N. Y. ; married 2d, Pearley Seeley, of Ogdensburg, N. Y., died 1842, and buried at Heuvelton, N. Y. ; married 3d, Lucy Cate, died about 1850. He was a millwright, and was major in state militia. He had twenty children ; many died young. His first wife had two, second wife had three, and third wife four. CHILDREN. 1595. i. Edward D. Sargent*, b. in Heuvelton, N. Y., March 15, 1808. 1596. ii. Moses Sargent*, b. 1827. 1597. iii. James T. Sargent*, b. 1830. iv. Joab S. Sargent*, b. July 28, 1833 ; d. in Heuvelton, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1855. He m. 1854, Sarah J. Perkins ; one child, died young. V. Eveline Sargent*, b. Aug. 10, 1843 ; d. . vi. Elizabeth Sargent*, b. Aug. 24, 1845 ; d. . vii. Laura S. Sargent*, b. March 13, 1848 ; d. . viii. Benjamin Sargent*, b. about 1850 ; d. 1867. 522 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 858. Moses Sargent' (Roger. Sargent*, Janne Eastman', Roger-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newton, N. H., in 1782; died at Grand River, Can., June 11, 1820; married 1st, Susan Noyes, of Bow, N. H. ; died; married 2d, at Han over, a Miss Dewey. He lived in Heuvelton, N. Y. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Angeline Sargent*, b. Nov. 2, 1805 ; m. Nov. 24, 1845, Eli jah Hatherway. ii. Susan M. Sargent*, b. April 12, 1811 ; m. Feb. 16, 1831, Calvin S. Grow; d. 1878. Children: (a) Lucius A. Grow', b. 1832 ; (b) Pauline Grow', b. ; (c) Anne E. Grow', b. ; (d) Helen A. Grow', b. ; (e) Florence A. Grow', b. 1844. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIPE. iii. Pauline Sargent*, b. ; m. twice, two brothers, Hous ton. iv. Cynthia Sargent*, b. about 1819 ; m. Miller ; d. in Colorado, 1890. 859, Stephen Sargent' (Roger Sargent*, Janne Eastman', Roger^ Roger', John', Roger'), born in Bath, N. H., Feb. 4, 1785 ; died at Ottawa River, Can,, while away from home, Dec. 25, 1825 ; married Fanny Noyes of Bow, N. H., born there Sept. 11, 1788; died May 7, 1832, at Illini, 111., and buried there. He was a millwright ; resided in Bath, N. H., and Barton, Vt. Three children born at each place. CHILDREN. i. Stephen Emery Sargent*, b. Sept. 2, 1809 ; d. at Scotts- dale, Pa., Jan. 24, 1893 ; m. 1st, Dec. 19, 1846, Anna A. AUbee, d. in Cincinnati, Ohio ; m. 2d, Lizzie Cook. He resided in Scottsdale, where, he was buried. Child : (a) Ada Sargent', b. . ii. Fanny M. Sargent*, b. Aug. 6,1811; m. March 4, 1843, Benjamin Moore, a farmer in Mantua, Ohio. Child: (a) Perlea M. Moore', b. 1845. iii. Susan Sargent*, b. Sept. 18, 1813 ; d. about 1840, at Lowell, Mass. DORSON EASTMAN', OF EAST RUPERT, VT. 523 iv. Anna K. Sargent*, b. Nov. 30, 1815 ; m. 1st, Rev. Peter Warren, by whom she had (a) Roger S. Warren', b. . She m. 2d, Deacon Hinkley, and died in Wisconsin, 1892. 1598. V. Betsey Sargent*, b. Deo. 27, 1817. 1599. vi. Roger M. Sargent*, b. Sept. 7, 1824. 860. Dorson Eastman' (Elisha*, Enoch', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in East Rupert, Vt., July 20, 1806 ; died Dec. 28, 1890 ; married in East Dorset, Vt., Mary Cochran, daughter of John and Mary (Butler) Cochran, born in Londonderry, Vt,, March 9, 18 15, died in Pawlet, Vt., March 29, 1897. CHILDREN. 1600. i. John Elijah*, b. in East Rupert, Vt., Aug. 17, 1839. 1601. ii. Charlotte Baldwin*, b. Dec. 25, 1840. 1602. iii. OUve Sears*, b. Dec. 23, 1846. 861. Austin Eastman' (Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in East Rupert, Vt., Oct. 11, 1809; died March 11, 1890, in Belleville, N. Y. He went to Ellis- burg, N. Y., with his parents when a small boy. He mar ried Jan. 8, 1836, Sally Williams, born in Ellisburg, N. Y., Oct. 26, 18 1 2, died Feb. 14, 1896. She was the daughter of William Williams, an early settler of Ellisburg. Mr. Eastman was a farmer, and owned a farm of 140 acres near Belleville, N. Y., and he, with his two sons, all worked to gether as one. CHILDREN. i. Charles Alfred*, b. in the town of EUisburg, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1836 ; d. June 11, 1895. Hewas unm. ii. John Harrison*, b. in the town of Ellisburg, N. Y., March 5, 1838. Both of these sons received their education in the common schools, Union Academy, Belleville, and Bas- setts & Co. Mercantile College, Syracuse, N. Y., graduat ing from the latter in 18 — . They engaged in farming, and at one time owned 1800 acres of land, which they had made for themselves. John Harrison is unmarried and resides in Belleville, N. Y. 524 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 862. Cyrus Eastman' (Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in East Rupert, Vt,, July 6, 1811 ; died in Munnsville, N. Y., Jan, 11, 1898 ; married Feb. 25, 1844, Almira Allen of Lorraine, N. Y. He was a farmer, and after the death of his only child, a son, he sold his farm and re moved into the village of Munnsville, N. Y., where he died. i. Name unknown*, b. ; d. in Sept., 1864, aged 19. 863. Lamira Eastman' (Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in East Rupert, Vt., June 28, 181 3; died March 17, 1890; married Oct. 8, 1835, Ebenezer Wood, of Ellisburg, N. Y. They were farmers. CHILDREN. i. Jacob Harley Wood,* b. Jan., 1837. ii. Vashti EUzabeth Wood*, b. in 1839. iii. Phebe Loretta Wood*, b. in 1841. iv. Charles Wood*, b. ; d. in infancy. 864. Lafayette Eastman' (Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Ellisburg, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1819; died April 25, 1898; married May 8, 1848, Lydia Marsh, of Ellisburg, N. Y. Mr. Eastman with his young wife removed to Wisconsin in May, 1845, and settled in Ply mouth, Sheboygan county, where he held various town offices, and one term in the state assembly. CHILDREN. i. Herman Eugene*, b. April 19, 1849 ; an engineer on the Wis. R. R. ii. Frederic Alonzo*, b. April 29, 1852 ; a railroad man in the yards. ui. Charity EUzabeth*, b. April 19, 1857 ; m. . iv. Lafayette Willie*, b. Aug. 25, 1 859. AU born in Plymouth. 865. Enos Eastman' (Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in ElHsburg, N. Y., Oct. 27, 182 1 ; mar- MRS. ENOS EASTMAN (865). ENi"i> E.\STMAX ENOS EASTMAN', OF ELLISBURG, N. Y. 525 ried in Sandy Creek, N. Y,, Jan. 1 1, 1844, Miriam Carpenter, born in Sandy Creek, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1822, daughter of Asa and Louisa (Wood) Carpenter. Mr. Eastman spent his boy hood days on the farm, and also the first five years of their married life near Ellisburg. In June, 1849, Mr. Eastman went to Wisconsin and purchased 160 acres of land on the banks of the Mullet River, for which he paid ;^700, A few weeks later he returned to New York for his wife and their two children, and they started on their return to Wisconsin in August, driving as far as Buffalo in a one-horse wagon, and thence by steamboat, arriving in Sheboygan after a pas sage of four days. The family immediately located upon the land which he had purchased, and at the time contained but a small log cabin on the site of their present home. The land which Mr. Eastman had purchased was heavily tim bered, and only about an acre had been cleared up. Later he purchased 180 acres more, and the entire farm of 340 acres is still owned by him, with the exception of the right of way which he granted to the Milwaukee and Northwestern Railroads and a few small portions which have been sold. The farm is one of the most productive and valuable in the county. Mr. Eastman has always been prominently identi fied with the growth and progress of Sheboygan county. He has held many offices of trust, including town clerk, town superintendent, justice of the peace, and chairman of the county board. In 1870 he was elected to the assembly and in 1874 to the state senate. In all the pubhc positions to which Mr. Eastman has from time to time been called to fill, he has, without exception, performed the duties in a faithful and competent manner. He was one of the organizers of the Plymouth Farmers' Fire Insurance Association, of which he was for some time president and later a director. Politi cally Mr. Eastman has always been a Democrat. In his religious views he is independent and liberal. Mrs. Eastman 526 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. is a devout member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. On Jan. II, 1900, Mr. and Mrs. Eastman celebrated the fifty- sixth anniversary of their marriage. The celebration was an unpretentious affair, and consisted, with few exceptions, of the reunion of the family. Although this couple are well along in years, they are both in good health, and show very little effect of the early hardships they underwent during the pioneer days. They are among the best known and most highly respected residents of Sheboygan county. Mr. East man has taken a great interest in the gdnealogy of the East man family, and to him the compiler is indebted for the most of the records of his great-grandfather, Jonathan Eastman, and descendants, CHILDREN. i. Vashti Louisa*, b. in Ellisburg, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1844 ; m. Dec. 14, 1865, Reuben Gardner, of Plymouth, Wis. No children. ii. Sarah Maria*, b. in EUisburg, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1848 ; a very promising young lady, but died in the prime of life, March 30, 1869. Miriam Elizabeth*, b. in Plymouth, Wis., Feb. 13, 1855. Lillie May*, b. May 19, 1859. Charles Douglass*, b. May 24, 1861. Enos Eugene*, b. Sept. 8, 1865. 866. Enoch Rising Eastman' (Enos*, Enoch', Jonathans Roger', John', Roger"), born in Ellisburg, N. Y., July 26, 1826; died April 10, 1889; married June i, 1855, Maria Bennett. He was a farmer, and resided in Ellisburg, N. Y. CHILDREN. i. Frank Arthur*, b. in EUisburg, N. Y., in 1850 ; m. Mary Lindsley, and Uves in Sheboygan Falls, Wis. ; is a grower of small fruits. ii. Elizabeth*, b. ; d. a young lady. iii. George B, McClellan*, b. . iv. Nora*, b. . V. Charles*, b. . vi. Grace*, b. . 1603. iii, 1604. iv. 160.5. V, 1606. vi. CHARLES BENJAMIN EASTMAN', OF WOODVILLE, N. Y. 527 867. Charles Benjamin Eastman' (Enos*, Enoch', Jona than-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Woodville, Jefferson county, N. Y., June 14, 1828 ; died in Woodville, Sept. 2, 1897 ; married in Pulaski, N. Y., July 8, 1858, Antoinette Julia Meacham, born in Pulaski, N. Y,, Feb. 21, 1834. He was a farmer in ^\'oodville, X. Y., where his widow now lives. He was born and lived on the old homestead. CHILDREN BORN IN WOOD^^LLE, N. Y. 1607. i. Enos Everett*, b. May 25, 1860. ii. John M.*, b. June 10, 1864. iii. Angle B.*, b. Dec. 19, 1866 ; graduated at Adams Collegiate Institute, Adams, N. Y., in the class of 1886. At home, unmarried. John M. graduated at Adams Collegiate Institute, Adams, X. Y., in the class of 1885, and at Am- hest CoUege in the class of 1889 ; nnm. 868. WOliam Henry Eastman' (Enos*, Enoch', Jona than-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Woodville, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1830; married in Henderson, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1855, Sophia Leffingwell, born in Henderson, N. Y., June 25, 1833, daughter of Reuben and Sarah (Carpenter) Leffing well, of Henderson, N. Y. Mr. Eastman is a farmer resid ing in Belleville, N. Y. CHILDREN. 1608. L Reuben Lyman*, b. in Woodville, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1863. ii. Clara May*, b. Nov. 6, 1865 ; d. Jan. 20, 1895. iii. Lois L.*, b. April 4, 1868 ; m. Oct. 4, 1893, Warren E. Gan nett, d. April 4, 1900. 869. Lois Eastman' (Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Ellisburg, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1834; married Joseph Franklin Todd, born in Toddsville, N. Y., Oct 29, 1826, died in Glen Arbor, Mich., March 2, 1874. CHILDREN. i. Frank Todd*, b. in Glen Arbor, Mich., Aug. 18, 1869 ; m. July 2, 1899, Jennie Frampton. He was customs in spector at the World's Fair, as weU as school inspector. He is now inspector of the health department of Chi cago, 111. P. O. City HaU, Room 411, Chicago. 528 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ii. Charles Todd*, b. in Glen Arbor, Mich., Nov. 6, 1869 ; graduated from the Northwestern Medical College, of Chicago, 111., in the class of 1896. He is a practicing physician in Chicago, 111. 870, Chole Ulissa Eastman' (Elias*, Enoch', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Dorset, Vt., Oct. 16, 1822 ; died in Holdridge, Neb., Nov, 11, 1895 ; married in Barford, Stanstead county, P, O., Samuel Child, Jr., born in Barnston, P. Q., June 9, 1820, son of Samuel and Nancy (Drew) Child. He resided in Barford, where he was a farmer and stockman. He is now (1900) living in Holdridge, Neb., with his daugh ter, Mrs. Roberts. CHILDREN BORN IN BARFORD, P. Q. 1609. i. Mary Elizabeth Child*, b. . ii. Looua Ann Child*, b. . iii. Josephine Augusta Child*, b. ; d. young. iv. Fred Dorr Child*, b. . 871. James Robert Eastman' (Justin*, Enoch', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Hannibal, N. Y., in 18 19; died in the army during the war of 186 1-5 ; married in Addi son, Washington county. Wis,, Feb, 14, 1848, Louisa Maria Daniels, born in Minerville, town of Florida, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1830, daughter of Palmer and Margaret Ann (Daniels) Dan iels. He was a farmer, and resided in Scott and Warren, Wis,, from which latter town he enlisted. His widow resides in Berlin, Wis. CHILDREN. i. Ann Eliza*, b. in Scott, Wis., July 27, 1850 ; m. Harry Palmer. ii. Emmaretta OrriUa*, b. Dec. 20, 1851 ; m. Henry Lee Shel don ; accidentally killed April 18, 1901. iii. Mary Louisa*, b. Sept. 16, 1853 ; m. Samuel A. Laing. iv. Charlotte Ann*, b. July 21, 1855; ni. Charles RoweU. V. Georgiana Adelaide*, b. March 7, 1857, in Warren ; m. Frank Love. NANCY ANN EASTMAN', OF OSWEGO, N. Y. 529 vi. Sarah Almira*, b. Jan. 9, 1860 ; ni. Charles Mathews. viL Laura Ardelia*, b. Feb. 21, 1861; m. WiUie NewhaU. These children were all educated for teachers, as was also their mother, and followed that occupation until their marriage. 872. Nancy Ann Eastman' (Justin*, Enoch', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Oswego, N, Y,, April 9, 1820; married in Granville, Wis,, in 1844, Montgomery WiL son Talmidge, born Nov, 19, 18 16, died Aug, 10, 1887, son of Henry and Maria Ann (Adams) Talmidge, of New York. He was a hardware merchant. His widow resides in Fond du Lac, Wis. CHILDREN. i. Mary Emily*, b. Sept. 2, 1845 ; m. in 1865, Alfred K. Ham ilton, now a lawyer in Milwaukee. He graduated from D. C. She died July 28, 1873. Child : (a) Talmidge Hamilton', who graduated from D. C. in 1897 ; in law in Milwaukee, Wis. ii. Henry Floyd*, b. March 7, 1846 ; m. Mary Conover. He is a farmer, and resides in Geneva, Neb. Ui. Chester Livingston*, b. May 15, 1848 ; died Sept. 2, 1886 ; m. Fannie A. Hamilton. Children : (a) Mary C. Tal midge' ; (b) William Chester Talmidge' ; resides in Grand Rapids, Mich. iv. Benjamin Augustus*, b. Feb. 26, 1850 ; d. iu Michigan in 1872. V. WiUiam Eastman*, b. Dec. 14, 1852 ; m. Frances Jones ; res. in Sheboygan, Wis. ; no children. He is a manu facturer there. vi. Maria Cornelia*, b. March 21, 1855; m. Thomas Wilson Spence, of Fond du Lac, Wis. ; now resides in Milwau kee, where he is one of the firm of Quarles, Spence & Quarles. He graduated from Cornell College. Child: (a) Thomas Henry Spence', b. ; graduated at Yale in the class of 1899. He is travelling in Europe. vii. Clarence Delafield*, b. Nov. 1, 1857; m. Nellie Potter; re sides at No. 1823 California St., Denver, Col. He is in the Klondike. vni. Elmira TomUnson*, b. Sept. 9, 1859 ; m. Jessie Moore ; res. Centralia, Wash. ; two children. 530 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ix. Virginia*, b. June 9, 1862 ; m. in 1887, Edward Foulkes. He is a merchant, and resides iu Fond du Lao, Wis. Children : (a) Howard Talmidge Foulkes', b. Oct. 8, 1888 ; (b) CorneUa Floyd Foulkes', b. July 23, 1890. 873. Calvin Eastman' (Calvin*, Enoch', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Underbill, Vt., Dec. 27, 1828 ; married Nov. 27, 1855, Charlotte V. Baldwin. Mr. Eastman removed in his early life to Fort Winnebago, Wis. i, Hiram Crain*, b. in Fort Winnebago, Columbia county. Wis., Feb. 22, 1858 ; m. in Portage, Wis., Sept. 2, 1890, Anne G. Galloway, born in Buffalo, Marquette county. Wis., Deo. 27, 1857. He is a farmer residing at Fort Winnebago, Wis. Children : (a) David Kenneth', b. in Fort Winnebago, Wis., July 8, 1893 ; (b) Marjorie Anne', b. March 23, 1895. 874. Sara Luthera Eastman' (Calvin*, Enoch', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Poultney, Vt., Aug. 11, 1835; married ist, Aaron Sanford; married 2d, after the death of Mr. Sanford, Emmett Underwood. He is deceased. CHILDREN BY FIRST HUSBAND. i. Calvin Irving Sanford*, b. ; m. and divorced. ii. Charles Gilbert Sanford*, b. ; m. 1889, Minnie Clifford, of Tomah, Wis. Children : (a) Sarah Urdelia Sanford', b. ; (b) Charles Sanford', b. ; (c) Virginia San ford', b. ; (d) Luthera Sanford', b. . 875, Cyprian Dunshee Eastman' (Luther*, Cyprian', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bristol, Vt. ; died in Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1852 ; married in Wyoming county, N. Y,, Merrilla Rose, born in Wyoming county, N. Y. ; died Sept. 11, 1852, the next day after her husband died. LORAINE EASTMAN', OF BRISTOL, VT. 53I CHILDREN. 1610. i. George W.*, b. in Buffalo, N. Y., May 27, 1833. ii. Shirland Luther*, b. in Buffalo ; d. in Taunton, Mass., in 1897. iii. Abigail*, b. ; m. Harrison , a minister, and lived near Cleveland, Ohio. iv. Merrilla*, b. ; m. John Edson, and lived in Cleveland, Ohio. 876. Loraine Eastman' (Luther*, Cyprian', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bristol, Vt., Feb. lo, 1812; died in Wolcott, N. Y,, Nov. 12, 1887; married in New Haven, Vt., Oct. 29, 1828, Jonathan Vickery, born in West- ford, Vt., Sept. 17, 1804, died May 3, 1874, son of Jona than and Sybil (Bradley) Vickery, and grandson of John and Jane (Hogeboon) Vickery. CHILDREN. i. Edmund Vickery*, b. Nov., 1828 ; d. in Chelsea, Iowa, Jan. 5, 1900. Oscar Vickery*, b. 1831 ; d. Feb. 28, 1877. Martha Louise Vickery*, b. in Leroy, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1838. Jane Vickery*, b. Sept. 8, 1841 ; unm. Jonathan Vickery*, b. Feb. 26, 1843. EUen Vickery*, b. May 3, 1846. Amelia Vickery*, b. July 12, 1848. She is a teacher ; unm. Jane and Amelia reside in Swarthmore, Pa. 8']']. William Eastman' (Jonathan*, Jonathan', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Ellsworth, Ohio, Nov. 15, 1825; married in Salem, Ohio, May 8, 1858, Frances Mc Connell, born in Harford county, Md., May 16, 1837, daugh ter of James and Anna (Cooper) McConnell. Mr. Eastman and his wife are both living in Salem, Ohio, where he has been for twenty-six years on the school board. He has also been city clerk, but now has retired from all business. CHILDREN. i. Edward Percy*, b. in Salem, Ohio, Jan. 1, 1860 ; m. Sept. 29, 1897, MiUie Smith, born in BurUngton, Iowa, March 23, 1865, daughter of F. A. and Lucy (Parker) Smith, of Burlington, where they reside. They have no children. 11. 1611. iii. iv. 1612. V. 1613. vi. vii. 532 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ii. Mabel*, b. ; m. McMillan ; res. in Salem, Ohio. iii. Irene*, b. ; unmarried and lives at home. 878. Almon Eastman' (Jonathan*, Jonathan', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Ellsworth, Ohio, April 4, 1831 ; married Mary M. Flick. He enlisted Aug. 8, 1862, in Co. H, 105th Ohio Vol. Infantry ; was promoted corpo ral ; received injuries in the campaign against Bragg, trans ferred to Veteran Reserves, sent to Chicago to guard rebel prisoners, and was discharged July 3, 1865. He is still an invalid from injury and disease contracted in the army. He resides in Canfield, Ohio. CHILDREN. i. Marthetta*, b. in Ellsworth, Ohio, Dec. 16, 1867 ; m. E. D. Warner. U. Frances Viola*, b. April 11, 1859 ; m. A. M. Shaffer. iii. Serena May*, b. Jan. 10, 1862 ; m. Moses Weldy. iv. Myra MineUa*, b. in Canfield, Ohio, July 20, 1866; m. J. W. Frazier. 1614. V. Vinnie Kean*, b. May 14, 1868 ; m. H. M. Kemble. vi. Charles Ernest*, b. March 20, 1870 ; m. Carrie Reed ; no children. 1615. vii. Mary Louisa*, b. Feb. 2, 1872 ; m. Elmer Brobst. viii. Symon Almon*, b. Feb. 28, 1874 ; m. Nora Shaffer. 879. Joseph Alexander Eastman' (Jonathan*, Jonathan', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Canfield, Maho ning county, Ohio, March 23, 1833 ; married in Ellsworth, Mahoning county, Ohio, Charlotte Scott, born in Ellsworth, Ohio, July 15, 1839, died in Salem, Ohio, Aug. 4, 1891, daughter of Jonathan E. and Mary (Smith) Scott. Mr. East man resides in Whiting, Ind. He has been an engineer, but is now a watchman. CHILDREN. i. John W.*, b. in EUsworth, Ohio, Jan. 14, 1860 ; res. 154 Superior St., Cleveland, Ohio. ii. Florence A.*, b. in Ellsworth, Ohio, Oct. 29, 1862 ; m. Helman ; res. Whiting, Ind. JOHN EASTMAN', OF ELLSWORTH, OHIO. 533 880. John Eastman' (Jonathan*, Jonathan', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Ellsworth, Ohio, Aug. 22, 1833 ; married Nov. 9, 1863, Susan Ann Crafts, born in Auburn, Ohio, Sept. i, 1844, daughter of Alanson Crafts. Mr. Eastman was a soldier of the Rebellion of 186 1-5. He resides in Rapids, Ohio. CHILD. i. Minnie Idelle*, b. July 9, 1865; m. Aug. 9, 1883, Fred E. Green, born in Hiram, Ohio, March 29, 1864. They were divorced, and she married 2d, July 4, 1889, Byron Williams, of Rapids, Ohio, where they reside. Child by first husband : (a) WUUam J. Green', b. July 15, 1884. 881. Marilla Eastman' (Jonathan*, Jonathan', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Ellsworth, Ohio, Oct, 20, 1837 ; died in Canfield, Ohio ; married in 1864, Jacob Harroff ; resides in Canfield, Ohio, CHILDREN. i. Sheridan Hanoff*, b. in Milton, Ohio, May 29, . ii. Francier Harroff*, b. Sept. 5, 18 — . iu. EUa Harroff*, b. ; d. . iv. Cora Harroff*, b. ; d. . V. Sacka Harroff*, b. Sept. 4, 1879. 882. Rollin Carlos Eastman' (William D.*, Jonathan', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Rutland, Vt., Oct. I, 1825 ; died in Norwalk, Ohio, Nov. 5, 1873 ; married in Hinckley, Ohio, Nov. 27, 1850, Caroline Searles, born in New Baltimore, Greene county, N. Y., May 31, 1826, daugh ter of Adam and Mary (Price) Searles. He was a farmer, and resided in North Royalton, Ohio. CHILDREN. 1615a. i. WiUiam S.*, b. in Hinckley, Medina county, Ohio, Nov. 26, 1853. 1616. ii. Frederick Carlos*, b. July 20, 1860. 534 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 8 8 3. Deborah Ann Eastman' (William Dean*, Jonathan', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Royalton, Ohio, Oct. 25, 1 83 1 ; married in Royalton, Sept. 2, 1849, Solomon Searles, born in Greene county, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1828, son of Daniel and Phebe (Fisher) Searles, of Hinckley, Medina county, Ohio. Mr. Searles died in Kipton, Ohio, Nov. 21, 1896. He was a farmer, town trustee, and deacon and mem ber in the Disciples Church in Kipton, his place of residence. CHILDREN. i. Electa J. Searles*, b. Feb. 22, 1851 ; m. Sept. 21, 1870, John H. Brumby. Children: (a) Jessie Lois Brumby', b. ; m Fred Honk ; children : (1) Harry Houki", b. ; (2)Harvey Houki", b. ; (3) Howard Houk", b. ; (4) Homer Houk", b. ; (b) Kate Brumby', b. ; (c) Sara Brumby', b, . U. Matilda D. Searles*, b. Oct. 19, 1852 ; d. July 25, 1884 ; m. Oct. 19, 1874, Lafayette Gifford. Children : (a) Sarah Ann Gifford', b. ; m. Mahlon Brown ; children : (1) Esther Browni', b. ; (2) Letta Browni", b. ; (b) Esther BeU Gifford', b. ; m. Clarence Warren ; child : (1) Helen Warreni", b, . iiL Frank W. Searles*, b. Feb. 15, 1855; m. June 11, 1879, Almeda C. Bronson. Children : (a) Raymond Bronson', b. ; (b) William Bronson', b. ; (c) Carrie Bronson', b. ; (d) Claud Bronson', b. . iv. Florence Searles*, b. July 21, 1860 ; d. Aug. 21, 1885 ; m. July 10, 1883, Robert P. Stewart ; no children. V. Lizzie Searles*, b. March 28, 1867 ; m, Dec. 28, 1893, Wil liam H. Matcham. Children : (a) Florence A. Matcham', b. ; (b) Forest S. Matcham', b. . 884. William Harvey Eastman' (William Dean*, Jona than', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Royalton, Ohio, Feb. 22, 1836 ; married ist, in Painesville, Ohio, Feb. II, 1864, Sarah A. Redrup, She died in Washington, D. C, in August, 1874 ; married 2d, in Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 29, 1876, Sarah Palmer, born in England. Mr. Eastman was a soldier of the Rebellion; enlisted in 1861 in the First Ohio SARAH MARIA EASTMAN', OF NORTH ROYALTON, OHIO. 535 Artillery as musician in band, and served in that capacity until the regiment was disbanded, and received honorable discharge. He resides in Glenville, Ohio, where he is sales man of produce, etc. He is an elder in the Church of the Disciples. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Albert H.*, b, in Camden, Ohio, May 31, 1865 ; m. in Cleve land, Ohio, Feb. 27, 1890, Lottie Hohlfilder. He resides in Cleveland, where he is a junior member of the firm of Rogers & Eastman, publishers of music. Children : (a) OrUn Roy', b. June 1, 1893 ; (b) WUliam', b. AprU 6, 1894. u. Linda A.* (Belinda), b. in Oberlin, Ohio, July 28, 1867. She resides in Cleveland, Ohio, where she is first assistant in the public library. iii. Lois E.*, b. in Oberlin, Ohio, July 17, 1870 ; m. June 16, 1897, William H. Pouting. Children : (a and b) Lucy and Linda Dorothy', b. July 17, 1899. Lucy died the following day. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. iv. Frank R.*, b. in Cleveland, July 25, 1877. He is an en graver of music, and resides in Cleveland, Ohio. He enlisted in Co. I, 10th Regt. Ohio Vol. Infantry, June 25, 1898 ; mustered out March 23, 1899. V. Edith L.*, b. in Cleveland, June 6, 1881. vi. Mabel M.*, b. Dec. .2, 1883. vu. WiUiam J.*, b. Nov. 14, 1887. 885. Sarah Maria Eastman' (Almon*, Jonathan', Jona- than^ Roger', John', Roger'), born in North Royalton, Ohio, Dec. 9, 183 1 ; married in Lyndon, Sheboygan county. Wis., Jan. 7, 1858, Ezra Spencer Herrington, born in Hartland, Niagara county, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1827, son of James and Abigail (Snell) Herrington. Mr. Herrington resides in Yaquina, Oregon. He is a farmer. 536 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Elmer James Herrington*, b. in Jackson, Mich., Dec. 11, 1858 ; m. Aug. 27, 1897, Delia Rebecca Hayes. He is a farmer, and resides in Latrobe, Cal. Child : (a) Lois Mae Herrington', b. at Latrobe, May 3, 1898. ii. Harriet Eliza Herrington*, b, in Jackson, Mich., Nov. 22, 1860; m. in Bronson, Mich., Nov. 22, 1879, John C. UnderhiU. She died in Orland, Steuben county, Ind., of consumption. May 6, 1883, leaving one child, (a) Herring ton Underbill', b. in Orland, Aug. 1, 1881. iii. Frederick Eugene Herrington*, b. in Noble, Mich., July 25, 1862 ; d. in Yaquina City, Oregon, Aug. 20, 1892 ; unm. iv. Owen Lovejoy Herrington*, b. in Noble, Mich., June i, 1865 ; d. in Rantoul, IU., June 7, 1868. V. Mary Evelyn Herrington*, b. in Rantoul, 111., April 10, 1868; m. at Corvalis, Benton county, Oregon, July 14, 1892, Edward Joseph Morton. He is a farmer, residing at Yaquina, Oregon. Mary commenced teaching at the age of eighteen, whieh occupation she still follows. She was nominated in 1892 on the " People's " ticket for county superintendent of schools, but failed of an elec tion. Child : (a) Hattie Eulalia Norton', b. in Yaquina City, Oregon, June 21, 1893. vi. Julia Luella Herrington*, b. in Orland, Ind,, April 8, 1870 ; m. Sept. 13, 1897, Henry Alfred Rust. He is a farmer, residing in Yaquina City. His wife is engaged in teach ing school. She was nominated in 1894 for superintend ent of county schools for Benton county, Oregon, and again in 1896 for the same office in Lincoln county, but failed of an election in both cases. Child : (a) Muriel Evelyn Rust', b. in Philomath, Oregon, Jan. 20, 1899. vu. Sarah WiUmina Herrington*, b. in Orland, Ind., Oct. 14, 1872 ; m. in Corvalis, Oregon, July 1, 1899, Chester Abra ham Rust. Sarah commenced teaching at the age of eighteen, and foUowed it up to the date of her marriage. 886. Julia Ann Eastman' (Almon*, Jonathan', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in North Royalton, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, March 13, 1840; married in Byron, Fond du Lac county. Wis., May, 1864, Thomas Jefferson Allen, born in Black Rock, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1833, died in St, Joseph, Mich., Jan. 12, 1873, son of Silas and Maria (Hibbard) NATHAN B. EASTMAN', OF MANCHESTER, VT. 537 Allen. He was a farmer, and resided in Eden, Fond du Lac county. Wis. His widow resides in Waucousta, Fond du Lac county. Wis. • CHILDREN BORN IN EDEN, WIS. i. Ada Maria AUen*, b. April 14, 1866. ii. Harriet Eugenie Alien*, b. Sept. 8, 1867 ; m. AprU 20, 1892, Louis Henry Buslaff ; reside in Waucousta, Wis. ; no children. ui. Almond Eastman AUen*, b. Feb. 6, 1870. iv. Julia Evelyn Alien*, b. June 6, 1873. 887. Nathan B. Eastman' (Amos*, Stephen', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Manchester, Vt., Aug. 4, 1819 ; married ist, Jan. 19, 1843, Sarah Jane Denslow, died at Chilton, Wis. ; married 2d, Jan. i, 1852, Louisa Wing, daughter of James and Mary (Sweet) Wing, of Chilton. Mr. Eastman settled in Marshall, N. Y., andabout 1848 removed to Chilton, Wis., where he lived until about 1870-72, when he removed to Avalon, Mo., where he and his second wife died. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. WUliam L.*, b. in Marshall, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1844. U. Charles W.*, b. July 4, 1847. iii. Louis J.*, b. in Chilton, Wis., March 7, 1850. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. iv. Hattie P.*, b. in Chilton, Wis., Oct. 10, 1852 ; d. Jan. 28, 1854. V. Cyrus E.*, b. July 28, 1854. WUson D.*, b. July 1, 1856. Harriet S.*, b. April 6, 1858. LiUie F.*, b. July 26, 1860. James E.*, b. Nov. 20, 1864. Lettie S.*, b. in Avalon, Mo., AprU 15, 1872. Henry E.*, b. Nov. 18, 1874. 888. Augustus Mortimore Eastman' (Levi*, Stephen', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Rupert, Vt., April 1617. V. 1618. vi. 1619. vii. 1620. viii. 1621. ix. 1622. X. ' xi. 538 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 6, 1822 ; died in Brooklyn, N. Y,, Feb. 6, 1858 ; married Mary Jane Hatfield. He resided in Brooklyn, N. Y., and Paris, France. CHILDREN, 1623. i. Caroline AmeUa*, b. in New York City, April 24, 1846. ii. Ora.Maria*, b. Sept. 27, 1848. Ui. Mathew Bird*, b. Dec. 6, 1850. iv. Frances Marion*, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1852. V. Paris Augustus*, b. in Brooklyn, Dec. 2, 1855. 889. Lauren A. Scott' (John L. Scott*, Miriam East man', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bristol, Vt., April 6, 1840 ; died in California, April 6, 1896; married in Oskaloosa, Iowa, June 21, 1873, Fannie E. Childs. They resided in Oskaloosa, Iowa, where their children were born. CHILDREN. i.. Martha M. Scott*, b. June 4, 1874. ii. Henrietta M. Scott*, b. June 10, 1876 ; m. in National City, Cal., March 23, 1898, Earnest McCurdy. iiL Emma F. Scott*, b. July 29, 1883. iv. Helen Hasseltine Scott*, b. June 30, 1885. 890. Emily Juliett Eastman' (Calvin*, Calvin', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bristol, Vt., Sept. 15, 1818 ; died in Panton, Vt., May 20, 1896; married ist, John Stewart, died March 4, 1852, aged 28 years. She married 2d, Herman Hallock, died at Panton, Vt., May 16, 1893. CHILD BY FIRST HUSBAND. i. Sylvia Jane Stewart*, b. Dec. 25, 1851 ; m. Aug., 1877, Ervin Carpenter; had one daughter, Charlotte Clara Carpenter', b. Sept. 2, 1886. CHILDREN BY SECOND HUSBAND. iL Adelia Euretta Hallock*, b. ; m. William Conant; had Arthur and Mary. iii. Eugene Harvey HaUock*, b. ; iri. Eugenie Norton; had two children. iv. Ettie J. Hallock*, b. ; m. Stanton Cross ; had Harry and Stella Emily. JAMES HARVEY EASTMAN', OF BRISTOL, VT. 539 891. James Harvey Eastman' (Calvin*, Calvin', Jona than-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bristol, Vt,, Dec. 3, 1821 ; died in Bristol, Vt,, Dec, 19, 1852; married Ellen L. Kellogg. CHILDREN. i. Emma Harriet*, b. July, 1850; m. Dec. 25, 1875, Anson Wright. ChUdren : (a) Frances Beal Wright', b. ; m. Oct., 1897, Charles Hunt ; (b) Spencer Wright', b. ; (c) PhUip Wright', b. . U. Edwin Harvey*, b. Feb. 10, 1852. iiL Eva H.*, b. May 1, 1853 ; d. Jan., 1883. 892. Betsey Eliza Eastman' (Calvin*, Calvin', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bristol, Vt,, Dec. 20, 1823 ; married March, 1862, Bennet B. Dean, who died Nov., 1874, aged 73 years. She married 2d, in 1875, Daniel Durpee, who died Feb, 7, 1898. CHILD BY FIRST HUSBAND. i. Bertha Louisa Dean*, b. May 16, 1867 ; m. March 12, 1890, Ward B. Newton. Children : (a) Earl Newton', b. Dec. 23, 1891; (b) Stella Newton', b. Dec. 9, 1891; (c) Howard Newton', b. Aug. 31, 1892 ; d. Dec. 19, 1896 ; (d) Dewey Newton«, b. May 26, 1896. 893. Harriet Calista Eastman' (Calvin*, Calvin', Jona than-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bristol, Vt., May 28, 1826; married Sept. 9, 1845, Harley Bates, who died Oct. 22, 1886, aged 60 years. They resided in Warren, Vt. CHILDREN. 1624. i. Ellen Lurancy Bates*, b. in Warren, May 11, 1847. 1625. ii. Viola Delissa Bates*, b. May 29, 1849. 1626. iu. Cortez Valorus Bates*, b. Oct. 5, 1851 ; d. May 5, 1898. 894. Lois Marie Eastman' (Calvin*, Calvin', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bristol, Vt,, Oct. 18, 1830; died in Vergennes, Vt., May 5, 1881 ; married May 2, 1855, James C. Dean, who died April 11, 1880. 540 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 1627. i. Lindly Willis Dean*, b. May 26, 1857. 1628. iL Frank Eastman Dean*, b. Jan. 10, 1867. iu. Fred Clarence Dean*, b. Aug. 24, 1874. 895. Ezra Bigelow Eastman' (Dr. Henry*, Oliver', Jona than-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Ogdensburg, or Platts burg, N. Y,, Dec. 22, 1820 ; died in Zanesville, Ohio, July 21, 1858 ; married Dec, 3, 1847, Sarah Munroe (Converse) God dard, born in Zanesville, Ohio, Oct. 28, 1827, died July 14, 1874, daughter of Charles Backus and Harriet Munroe (Con verse) Goddard, of Zanesville, Ohio. Mr. Eastman was a lawyer, and resided in Zanesville, where his children were born. Buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, Zanesville, Ohio. CHILDREN. i. Harriet Converse Goddard*, b. Sept. 18, 1847 ; m. Jan. 27, 1874, David Porter; no children. She d. Jan. 16, 1891 ; he d. 1897. ii. Mary Duncan*, b. April 10, 1850 ; unm, iii. Edith Violet*, b. March 18, 1852 ; unm. 1629. iv. Harry Neville*, b. May 7, 1855 ; d. in Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 7, 1888. 896. George Eastman' (Dr. Henry*, Oliver', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born -; died about 1865; mar ried Mary Sperry. CHILDREN. i. Charles*, b. ; m. . iL Mary*, b. ; m. Homer D. Cope. iii. Elvire*, b. ; m. . 897. Sarah Eastman' (Dr. Henry*, Oliver', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born May 6, 1833 ; married Prof. John R. Downer; died July 29, i860. Buried in Green wood Cemetery, Zanesville, Ohio, where they resided. HARRY EASTMAN', OF CANTON, N. Y. 54I CHILDREN. i. Henry Eastman Downer*, b. . ii. Judith Palmer Downer*, b. . iii. Sarah Eastman Downer*, b. . iv. Clara Downer*, b, . 897a. Harry Eastman' (Guy Carlton*, Oliver', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Canton, N. Y., May 29, 1830 ; married in Maineville, Ohio, Feb. 21, 1856, Calista Butterworth, born in Maineville, Ohio, Nov. 29, 1829, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Linton) Butterworth, of Maine ville. Mr, Eastman resides in Maineville, Ohio, where his children were born. He is a retired lawyer, merchant, and farmer. He has held many of the town offices. CHILDREN. L Arthur W.*, b. Feb. 4, 1857. u. Elbur Wade*, b. . ui. Lida Mary*, b. Dec. 8, 1862 ; m. Nov. 12, 1884, L. K. Tor- bet, and resides at No. 20 Adams street, Chicago, 111. ; they have no children. iv. Rachel Butterworth*, b. . V. Sarah Elizabeth*, b. . vi. (Dr.) Harry*, b. Nov. 14, 1876. vii. Lillie*, b. Jan. 28, 1873 ; d. Feb. 2, 1873. 897b. Edmund Madison Eastman' (Guy Carlton*, Oliver', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Canton, N. Y., June 27, 1834 ; died in Rome, Ga,, Jan, 2, 1889; married iri Rome, Ga., June 6, 1867, Florence Wyly Underwood, born in Clarksville, Ga., May 15, 1846, daughter of John William Henderson and Mary Ann (Wyly) Underwood, of . Rome, Ga. Mr. Eastman resided in Rome, Ga., where he was in the United States mail service. His widow resides there at No. 204 Fifth Avenue, CHILDREN BORN IN ROME, GA. i. Zoi Madison*, b. April 12, 1868 ; m. June 12, 1900, Charles Robin Pitner ; resides in Anniston, Ala. ; no children. 542 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ii. John Underwood*, b. Sept. 20, 1870; m. Jan. 17, 1900, Laura Witzell Hume. Child : (a) Edmund Madison Hume', b. . Mr. Eastman is a postal clerk in the railway mail service. iii. Helen Underw^ood*, b. April 19, 1872 ; unm. iv. Guy Oliver*, b. May 22, 1876; m. Sept. 14, 1898, Emma Coley Hume. He is a messenger with the Southern Express Company. Children : (a) Guy Oliver', b. Sept. 12, 1899 ; (b) Wilson Hume', b. March 3, 1901. 898. John Quincy Atwood' (Cynthia Hewett Eastman*, Amos', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Cornwall, Vt., Aug. 3, 1825 ; married in Cornwall, Vt., Sept. 20, 1849, Sarah T. Stearns, born in Middlebury, Vt., Aug. 27, 1823. Mr. Atwood married 2d, Jan. 7, 1873, Rachel Amelia Peck, born in Cornwall, Vt., Dec. 17, 1843. ^^r, Atwood has been church steward in the M. E. Church in Cornwall, in which town he resides. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. John Walter Atwood*, b. in Cornwall, Vt., Sept. 3, 1850. ii. Mary Eliza Atwood*, b. March 23, 1854 ; d. AprU 5, 1859. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. iii. John Howard Atwood*, b. April 25, 1875. iv. Mary Irene Atwood*, b. Aug. 22, 1878. 899. William Benjamin Atwood' (Cynthia Hewett East man*, Amos', Jonathan-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Cornwall, Vt., Oct. 9, 1832 ; died April 9, 1875 ; married July 9, 1 86 1, Jennie Foot. CHILDREN. i. William Benjamin Atwood*, b. Oct. 8, 1862 ; m. in Corn-. wall, Vt., March 23, 1886, Minnie O. Pearsons ; no chil dren. ii. Amos Lincoln Atwood*, b. April 9, 1855 ; m. Jan. 4, 1887, Laura A. Arnold. Children : (a) Arthur Amos Atwood', b. Jan. 11, 1892; d. AprU 30, 1892; (b) Arnold Amos Atwood', b. May 24, 1893; (c) Zaida Edith Atwood', b. Aug. 10, 1896 ; d. Feb. 2, 1897. HETTY ELIZABETH H. EASTMAN', OF LITCHFIELD, CONN. 543 iii. Carrie Jennie Atwood*, b. May 24, 1867 ; m. March 23, 1886, Charles Pearsons. Child : (a) Clifford Pearsons', b. Sept. 24, 1891. iv. Orlando Elias Atwood*, b. July 10, 1869 ; m. Nov. 14, 1887. in Whiting, Vt., Sarah Hitchcock. Children : (a) H. Orlando', b. Nov. 14, 1890; (b) Ethel May', b. Dec. 3, 1895 ; (c) Lizzie Sarah', b. May 1, 1897. V. Edith May*, b. Oct. 9, 1876 : m. in Cornwall, Vt., Nov. 14, 1887, John Hulett ; no children. vi. Charles Arthur*, b. March 31, 1874; in. AprU 15, 1895, in Castleton, Vt., Margaret Sloan ; no children. 900. Hetty Elizabeth Hart Eastman' (George Van Vetch- ten*, Amos', Jonathan-*, Roger', John^ Roger"), born in Litch field, Conn., May 9, 1845 ! married at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1866, Charles Walker, born in Vergennes, N. Y., April 24, 1842. Mr. Walker is a bookkeeper in Bur lington, Vt., where he resides. Mrs. Walker was educated at Patapsco, Md., Institute, the Mrs. Willard's Troy Female Seminary, at Troy, N. Y., and at the Cary Collegiate Semi nary. After graduating, she taught French and music sev eral years in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., and Vergennes, Vt. She was organist of the Episcopal Church in Vergennes sev eral years. In 1877 they settled in Burlington, Vt. Resides at No. 21 Union St. CHILDREN. i. Charles Eastman Walker*, b. in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1867. He is clerk in a clothing store in BurUng ton. A fine scholar iu French. ii. Minerva Lucretia Walker*, b. in Northampton, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1869 ; m. Oct. 18, 1893, Howard Crane, son of D. G- Crane, of Burlington. She is a graduate of Burlington High School, class of 1888. Child : (a) Harold Eastman Crane', b. July 13, 1896 ; ren. Burlington. iiL James Obadiah Walker*, b. in CUntonville, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1875 ; graduated from Burlington High School, class of 1896 ; president of the class, first and fourth years. He entered the University of Vermont in the fall of 1896, in the class of 1900, chemical course ; is a corporal in Bat talion A company, as also in the Burlington Cadets. He is a great scholar, and studies almost constantly ; is an athlete and swimmer. 544 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iv. AVilUam Parker Walker*, b. in BurUngton.Vt., Nov. 7, 1879. He is in the class of 1901, High School, BurUngton ; is manager (1898) of the Banjo and MandoUn Club ; plays the violin, and is a composer of music. 901. Elvira Amirilla Wood' (Amos Eastman Wood*, Ephraim Wood', Miriam Eastman-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Woodville, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1819 ; died July 19, 1883, on the old homestead in Woodville, N. Y. ; married Oct, 19, 1843, Edward Riddell Finn. He went to Cali fornia during the gold fever in 1849, and died there in 1857. CHILDREN. i. George Amos Finn*, b. Sept. 27, 1844 ; m. Jan. 23, 1867, Mary Agnes White. He resides in Elburn, IU. Chil dren : (a) Jessie Orinda Finn', b. Oct. 4, 1868 ; m. July 28, 1891, James Edwin Potter, b. Oct. 3, 1866 ; children : (1) Harold Arthur Potteri', b. June 1, 1892 ; (2) WiUiam Merwin Potteri', b. Feb. 22, 1898 ; (b) WUliam De Es- tine Finn', b. Oct. 25, 1870; m. June 24, 1897, Nellie E. Potter, sister of James Edwin Potter. He is postmaster of La Fox, 111., where he has a store. U. Hannah Jane Finn*, b. June 19, 1849 ; d. May 31, 1849. iu. Edwin Riddell Finn*, b. May 31, 1849 ; m. July 4, 1874, Hannah Potter, who died childless April 10, 1877. 902. Simeon Titus Wood' (Amos Eastman Wood*, Ephraim Wood', Miriam Eastman-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Woodville, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1821 ; married Sept 17, 1846, Parthenia Maria Bowe, of Lyme, Jefferson county, N. Y, ; married 2d, March 29, 1855, Lasira Salisbury. CHILDREN. i. Amos Eastman Wood*, b. March 15, 1856 ; m. March 13, 1879, Katie Barrette. Children : (a) Leroy Salisbury Wood', b. March 11, 1883 ; (b) Simeon Titus Wood', b. Aug. 7, 1887. ii. Enos Salisbury Wood*, b. Sept. 15, 1857 ; d. Jan. 6, 1858. iii. Rose May Wood*, b. Nov. 26, 1858 ; m. Jan. 3, 1884, Wil liam D. Laird, born in Scotland, March 23, 1840 ; no chil dren. AMOS FREEMAN WOOD', OF WOODVILLE, N. Y. 545 iv. Ida Hannah Wood*, b. Nov. 6, 1860; m. Aug. 24, 1886, George Edward BuUis. Children : (a) Harold Edward BuUis', b. July 24, 1888, in Manlius, N. Y. ; (b) Marion Louisa BuUis', b. AprU 13, 1893, in East Syracuse, N. Y. George E. BuUis was a teacher in both Manlius and East Syracuse, N. Y., and is now (1899) general superintend ent of the city schools of Oswego, N. Y., where he resides. V. AUce Eliza Wood*, b. May 28, 1873 ; m. Dec. 26, 1895, Her bert Arthur Messer, b. Feb. 15, 1863. He is a Presby terian clergyman in Dillon, Mont. 903. Amos Freeman Wood' (Amos Eastman Wood*, Ephraim Wood', Miriam Eastman-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Woodville, N. Y., May ii, 1824; married June 6, 1849, Eunice Eliza Brewster. He removed to Mason, Mich., in 1866. Resides in Mason, Mich. CHILDREN. i. Flora EUza Wood*, b. AprU 17, 1850 ; d. Feb, 25, 1898 ; m. Oct. 3, 1876, George M. Sprout, born June 9, 1847. He lived in Benzonia, Mich. Children : (a) George Amos Sprout', b. Jan. 5, 1881 ; (b) Pearl Brewster Sprout', b. July 3, 1886. iL Alta Elvira Wood*, b. March 16,1854; m. July 10, 1879, William Carroll Latta, born March 9, 1850. He is a professor of agriculture in Perdue University, Lafayette, Ind., where he resides. Children : (a) Bertha Latta', b. July 6, 1884 ; (b) Robert Wood Latta', b. May 3, 1886 ; (c) Pauline Latta', b. Aug. 4, 1890 ; (d) Mary Latta', b. Nov. 19, 1894. iii. Antoinette Brewster Wood*, b. July 4, 1858; m. and lives on the homestead in Mason, Mich. 904. Ebenezer Batchelder' (Polly Wood*, Ebenezer Wood', Miriam Eastman-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Woodville, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1824; died there Jan. 22, 1856; married Arvilla Miles, born in 1826. He resided in Woodville, N. Y. He was a farmer and blacksmith, as was his father. 546 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. i. Helen Melvina Batchelder*, b. in Woodville, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1851 ; m. in Iowa, AprU 18, 1871, Harvey Verner Gates, b. in LoweU, Mass., July 30, 1847, son of John M. aud Lydia S. (Bowker) Gates. Mr. Gates enUsted Nov. 23, 1862, in the Sixth Iowa Volunteer Infantry ; discharged Nov. 24, 1865. During his army life he fitted himself for the profession of civil engineer, and in July, 1870, he took the position of resident engineer on a rail road in Peru, South America, returning in 1871 ; was an invalid for two years, and upon his recovery he took up farming in Scott county, la. In 1879 he removed to California, and there he took a position on the Central Pacific Railroad, In 1891 he ceased all railroad work, entered the light and water line, since which time he has built and owned four plants in the Northwest. During his railroad life he built over one thousand miles of road, and directed many large surveys, the most notable that of the Union Pacific in the Sierra Nevadas. He resides in Hillsboro, Oregon. Children : (a) John McPherson Gates', b. May 16, 1873 ; (b) OUver Batchelder Gates', b. Dec. 12, 1874, m. Dec. 30, 1896, Miss Lena Waggener ; (c) Samuel E. Gates', b. May 2, 1880; (d) Carrol Ver ner Gates', d. aged 3 months ; (e) Helen Vernera Gates', b. Aug. 29, 1887. AU reside in Hillsboro, Oregon. 905. Silas Marshall Morse' (Mary Eastman*, Stephen', Samuel-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Hampstead, N. H., March 25, 1790; died April 12, 1868; married a Miss Saunders, of Ossipee, N. H. They settled in Effingham, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Drusilla Morse*, b. ; m. Dr. Orrin S. Saunders, of Boston ; no children. ii. Caroline Lucinda Morse*, b. ; m. a Drake. iiL Almira Morse*, b. ; m. Rev. Mr. Colburn. iv. Huldah Chastina Morse*, b. ; m. Dr. CuUis, founder of the Free Home for Consumptives, in Boston, Mass. 906. Lucinda Burdick Morse' (Mary Eastman*, Stephen', Samuel-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Hampstead, N. H., May 7, 1792 ; died Jan. 24, 1882 ; married in 18 12, Timothy Emerson, who died in March, 1836. RACHEL MORSE', OF HAMPSTEAD, N. H. 547 CHILDREN. i. Hannah Emerson*, b. ; m. a Dow. iL Sophronia Emerson*, b. ; in. J. K. Clough. iii. Silas Morse Emerson*, b. . iv. Daniel B. Emerson*, b. . V. James Eastman Emerson*, b. . vi. John M. G. Emerson*, b. . 907. Rachel Morse' (Mary Eastman*, Stephen', Samuel-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Hampstead, N, H,, Jan. 13, 1795; died Jan., 1871 ; married in 1812, Nathaniel Merrill, who died in 1862. Resided in Hanover, N, H. CHILDREN. i. Ursula Merrill*, b. ; m. Lewis Stevens. ii. Louisa Merrill*, b. ; m. John Stevens. ^ iU. Sophronia MerriU*, b. ; m. a Goss. iv. Rachel Merrill*, b. ; m. a Babbit. V. Alvin Merrill*, b. . vi. Nathaniel Merrill*, b. . vii. Charles P. Merrill*, b. . viiL Nelson H. Merrill*, b. . ix. Albert H. MerriU*, b. . 908. Mary Eastman Morse' (Mary Eastman*, Stephen', Samuel-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Hampstead, N. H., March 25, 1800; died 1845; married in 1822, G. Hayes, who died in 1880, aged 82 years. CHILDREN. i. Arthur Warren Hayes*, b. ; d. at 20 years of age. ii. Mary Eastman Hayes*, b. ; m. Samuel Smith. iii. Almira Morse Hayes*, b. ; d. aged 18 months. iv. George Newhall Hayes*, b. 909. Louisa Morse' (Mary Eastman*, Stephen', Samuel-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Hawke, now Danville, N. H., Feb. 24, 1802; died in Windham, N. H,, Sept. 6, 1876; married Nov., 1823, Samuel Plummer, born in Washington, Vt., March 5, 1798, (^ied in Windham, N. H., Jan. 30, 1880, 548 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. son of Nathan and Rhoda (Heath) Plummer. He was a mason, and lived in Haverhill, Mass., where their children were born, but late in life removed to Salem, N. H. They celebrated their golden wedding in 1873. CHILDREN. i. Daniel Morse Plummer*, b. Nov. 14, 1824. He was a sol dier in the Rebellion of 1861, taken prisoner, exchanged, and died in hospital in Washington, D. C, in 1864 or 1865 ; was married, but had no chUdren. ii. Marion Rebecca Plummer*, b. Oct. 6, 1828 ; m. June 26, 1856, Moses Colby Page, b, April 16, 1832, d. May 5, 1888, son of Jonathan and Ruthena Bailey Page, of Salem, N. H. They resided for many years in Lowell, Mass., and in 1877 removed to Windham, N. H., post- office Canobie Lake, N. H. Child : (a) Annie Marion \ Page', b. in LoweU, Mass., Dec. 7, 1860; m. Jan. 16, 1884, Edwin C. Seeley ; d. June 14, 1884. 1630. iii. Rhoda Ann Plummer*, b. March 9, 1833. iv. Chastina Sophronia Plummer*, b. April 3, 1834; d. 1835. V. Samuel S. Plummer*, b. Dec. 22, 1836 ; d. 1896 ; m. April 8, 1869, EUzabeth Neaverth, b. Oct. 20, 1848, daughter of Herman and Elizabeth Neaverth. They reside in Elgin, 111. Child : (a) Ida Marion Plummer', b. Nov. 9, 1879. vi. Charles H. Plummer*, b. Aug. 19, 1841 ; d. June 11, 1887; m. Nov. 28, 1865, Etta M. Richardson, b. Sept. 14, 1848. daughter of George and Sophronia Farrar Richardson. Children : (a) Martha Louisa Richardson', b. .Tuly 15, 1867 ; m. William S. Pette, and they have Elsie Etta, Moses Clifton, Charles E., Gertrude May, and Albert George Pette ; (b) Charles Franklin Richardson', b. . May 3, 1872 ; m. Martha E. Winning ; had one child, Robert Franklin Richardson^' ; (c) Hattie May Plummer', b. March 27, 1874 ; m. Ernest Silver ; child : Lucy Colby Silver" ; (d) AUce Gertrude Plummer', b. Feb. 12, 1877; (e) John William Plummer', b. . 910. Daniel Morse' (Mary Eastman*, Stephen', Samuel-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Hampstead, N. H., March 12, 1804 ; died Oct., 1878 ; married S. A. Morse, who died in 1865, They resided in Haverhill, Mass. IRENA SMITH MORSE'. 549 CHILDREN. i. Loretta Morse*, b. ; m. Davis. ii. Chastina Morse*, b. ; m. Stevens. iii. Ruble Morse*, b. ; m. Fifield. iv. James Walter Morse*, b. ; d. in 1871. 911. Irena Smith Morse' (Mary Eastman*, Stephen', Samuel-*, Roger', John% Roger"), born July 20, 1807 ; died in 1866 ; married in 1828, E. K. Downs, of Effingham, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Huldah J. Downs*, b. ; m. Wighill ; a son, Ar thur ; res. 135 Pembroke St., Boston, Mass. ii. Louisa Downs*, b. ; res. as above ; unm. iu. Annie Morse Downs*, b. ; d. young. iv. Silas M. Downs*, b. . V. Samuel M. Downs*, b. . 912. Chastina Sophronia Morse' (Mary Eastman*, Ste phen', Samuel-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born April 6, 1 8 1 o ; married in 1832, in Effingham, N. H., H. M. Towle, who died in 1878. CHILDREN. i. Melvin Cox Towle*, b. ; d. 1875. ii. Levi Towle*, b. . iii. Helen Towle*, b. twin with Levi. She died of fever in the summer of 1856. 913. Ira Owen Eastman' (James*, Stephen', Samuel-*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Enfield, N. H., Jan. 27, 1807; died Sept. 30, 1879; married Marian Corser, born March 14, 1814, died June 17, 1880. He lived and died in Sutton, N. H. CHILDREN. i. EmeUne*, b. in Canaan, N. H., Jan. 6, 1839 ; m. May, 1855, Joseph BiUings. She died Nov. 25, 1858. ChUd: (a) Joseph Billings', b. Nov. 24, 1856 ; d. Aug. 16, 1858. 550 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ii. Ira King*, b. in Canaan, N. H., Dec. 9, 1841 ; m. in Sutton, N. H., Feb. 14, 1862, Eliza OpheUa Palmer, born in Sut ton, N. H., April 4, 1846, d. in Sutton, Nov. 20, 1864, daughter of John Montgomery and Lucretia (Bennet) Palmer, of Sutton, N. H. Mr. Eastman resides in Sut ton, N. H., where he is a farmer. Child : (a) Emeline', b. in Sutton, N. H., May 23, 1863 ; m. Aug. 7, 1887, Edward Hiram Palmer; child: (1) Sadie Maria Palmer^', b. Aug. 16, 1888. 914. Sophronia Eastman' (James*, Stephen', Samuel-*, Roger', John', Roger"); born July 31, 1808 ; died in Enfield, N. H,, May 10, 1871 ; married ist, a Mr. Richardson. He died, and she married 2d, June 2, 1843, Daniel Low Smith. She was his second wife, his first being Mary Flanders, whom he married March 30, 1830. He had by first wife : i. Ziba Smith, b. ; d. an infant. u. Ann Currier Smith, b. Nov. 18, 1837. iu. Mary Flanders Smith, b. June 25, 1841. CHILDREN BY SOPHRONIA. iv. Wilber Fisk Smith*, b. Sept. 27, 1844. V. Moses Flanders Smith*, b. Nov., 1849 ; d. June, 1857. 915. Larnard Lamb Eastman' (James*, Stephen', Sam uel-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Hanover, N. H., March 13, 181 3 ; died in Howard, R. I., where he was living with his son James ; buried in Methuen, Mass. He was a minis ter. Married Lucy Ann Currier, of Enfield, N. H. CHILDREN. 1631. i. James Henry*, b. in Hanover, N. H., May 31, 1842. ii. Mary Ann*, b. Jan. 22, 1844 ; m. Fadden ; res. in Howard, R. I. ; has no children. 916. James Eastman' (James*, Stephen', Samuel-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Canaan, N. H., Jan. i, 1820; died in Hanover, N. H., Aug. 28, 1899. He married Nov. 14, 1849, Susan I. Williams, born in Canaan, N. H., June 25, 1824, daughter of Stephen and Elizabeth (Longfellow) Wil- MARY FRENCH EASTMAN', OF CANAAN, N. H. 55 1 liams. Mr. Eastman resided in Enfield, N. H., where he was a member of the M. E. Church, a steward and class leader. Mr. Eastman searched for years to learn his line of ancestors, and died without knowing who they were. CHILDREN. 1632. i. Stephen*, b. in Canaan, N. H., Oct. 13, 1851. 1633. ii. Martha J.*, b. in Hanover, N. H., Oct. 20, 1855. 1634. in. James F.*, b. in Hanover, N. H., Nov. 18, 1856. 917. Mary French Eastman' (James*, Stephen', Samuel-*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Canaan, N. H., March 25, 1826 ; died in Lebanon, N. H., April 18, 1896 ; married at En field Center, N. H., by Rev. Horatio Taplin, June 2, 185 1, George Washington Smith, born in Enfield, N. H., Jan. 28, 1812, died in Lebanon, N. H., Nov. 20, 1887, son of John and Betsey (Burnham) Smith. He resided in Grantham and Plainfield, N. H. He was selectman in Grantham, repre sented the town in the state legislature in 1854 and 1856, and of Plainfield in 1879. CHILDREN. i. Laura Georgianna Smith*, b. in Grantham, N. H., Oct. 6, 1853. She is unmarried, and lives in Lebanon, N. H. ii. George Washington Smith, Jr.*, b. in Plainfield, N. H. Feb. 7, 1858 ; m. Nov. 23, 1882, Carrie Bell MerrUl. He is a machinist, and lives in Lebanon, N. H. 918. Albert Eastman' (Sumner*, John', Thomas'*, Thomas', John', Roger"), born in Glen Sutton, P. Q., Dec. 27, 1827 ; married in North Troy, Vt., July 9, 1848, Tirzah Holbrook, born in Potton, P. Q., Oct. 16, 1828. He is a farmer residing in Glen Sutton, P. Q. They are both mem bers of the English Church. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN GLEN SUTTON. i. WiUiam Eugene*, b. Feb. 8, 1849 ; m. Polly Brown. ii. Calvin Henry*, b. Oct. 8, 1850 ; m. Mary Halpins. iii. Lucy Jane*, b. July 16, 1852 ; m. Clark Jones. iv. Mary Ann*, b. May 30, 1857 ; m. Silas Courser. 552 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. V. John Sumner*, b. Dec. 27, 1860 ; m. Mary Reed. vi. Hannah Julia*, b. Feb. 11, 1863 ; m. Gary Edmans. vii. Elvira Judith*, b. June 23, 1867 ; m. Ernest Ring. viii. Alida Lenora*, b. March 2, 1869 ; m. Charles Harris. ix. Bessie AUce*, b. Feb. 5, 1876. 919. Sumner Eastman' (Sumner*, John',. Thomas-*, Thomas', John', Roger"), born in Glen Sutton, P. Q., Feb. 23, 1838 ; died in Montreal, P. Q., March 26, 1895 ; married in Potton, P. Q., Oct. 14, 1864, Mary E. Garland, born in Potton, Aug. 3, 1841, daughter of George Washing ton and Patience (Gowing) Garland. Mr. Eastman lived all his married life in Glen Sutton, P. Q. CHILDREN. i. Ellen*, b. in Glen Sutton Aug. 11, 1865 ; d. there Nov. 19, 1898. She never married. ii. WiUiam Rotus*, b. in Glen Sutton Nov. 21, 1870. He re sides with his mother at Glen Sutton, P. Q. ; unm. 920. James Ayer Eastman' (Sumner*, John', Thomas-*, Thomas', John', Roger"), born in Glen Sutton, P. Q., Jan. 4, 1845 ; died in Potton, P. Q., May 2, 1871 ; married in Potton, in Feb., 1866, Emily J. Garland, sister of his brother's wife. She resides in Glen Sutton, P. Q. CHILDREN. i. Bert Edgar*, b. in Lawrence, Mass., Jan. 28, 1868 ; m. and lives in Carrington, N. D. u. Lemuel James*, b. in Glen Sutton, P. Q., June 29, 1870 ; d. in Carrington, N. D., Dec. 18, 1898 ; unm. 92 1 . Selden Eastman' (Valentine Orson*, John', Thomas-*, Thomas', John', Roger"), born in Troy, Vt., May 16, 1846; married in Waterloo, P. Q., Oct. 22, 1864, Louisa Christina Howard, born in Cambridge, Vt., Oct. 26, 1840, daughter of George and Mary Louis (Purenton) Howard, of Waterloo, P. Q. Mr. Eastman is a machinist, and resides in Concord, N. H. STEPHEN C. MEADER', OF ROCHESTER, N. H. 553 CHILDREN. L Mary Adaline*, b. in Waterloo, P. Q., Oct. 19, 1865; d. Nov. 16, 1897 ; m. March 20, 1893, David John Boyce. Child : (a) Roland Vernon Boyce', b. in Troy, Vt., Nov. 16, 1893. u. Melvin Vernon*, b. in Waterloo, Sept. 27, 1868 ; d. March 23, 1869. iu. EmUy Ada*, b. June 19, 1870 ; d. Aug. 20, 1870. ' iv. Eva LilUan*, b. in North Troy, Vt., May 3, 1874 ; m. Oct- 26, 1895, Charles L. Cole. Children : (a) George East man Cole', b. in Coventry, Vt., Oct. 12, 1896 ; (b) Har vey Howard Cole', b. Dec. 11, 1897 ; d. aged 2 months and 2 days. V. Glenora Howard*, b. in North Troy, Vt., March 5, 1878. She is unmarried, and lives at home. 922. Stephen C. Meader' (Amanda Eastman*, John', Thomas-*, Thomas', John', Roger"), born in Rochester, N. H., Dec. 14, 1840; married in Sept., 1870, Effie Seavey, born in July, 1849. Mr. Meader is agent of the Textile Mills, in Gonic, N. H. CHILD. i. Gertrude Amanda Meader*, b. Rochester, N. H., June 16, 1875. 923. Valentine Eastman Meader' (Amanda Eastman*, John', Thomas'*, Thomas', John', Roger'), born in Roches ter, N. H., July 8, 1842; married Martha Ellen Carker. They reside at No. 84 Clay street. Central Falls, R. I. CHILDREN. i. Emily Isabel Meader*, b. . u. Edith Ellen Meader*, b. . iii. Grace EsteUa Meader*, b. ; d. in 1896. iv. Frederick Meader*, b. ; d. in infancy. 924. Charles Henry Meader' (Amanda Eastman*, John', Thomas-*, Thomas', John', Roger'), born in Rochester, N. H., March 10, 1844; died in Sept., 1870; married Dec. 25, 1867, Mary J. McDuffee. He lived in Rochester, N. H. 554 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Charles Abbott Meader*, b. in Rochester, N. H., Dec, 1868 ; resides in Phenix, R. I. u. John Flagg Meader*, b. in Rochester, N. H., in AprU, 1870 ; resides in New York city. 925. George Edward Meader' (Amanda Eastman*, John', Thomas", Thomas', John', Roger'), born in Rochester, N. H., Feb. 2, 1846; married Nov. 27, 1873, Lena A. Stanley, born in Columbia county, Ohio, in 1852. They reside in Oskaloosa, la., at No. 512 First North street. CHILDREN. i. Frank J. Meader*, b. Dec. 5, 1874. U. Annie Mary Meader*, b. May 12, 1876 ; m. Dec. 21, 1897, William L. Nail. Reside at Pekay, la. Ui. George Edward Meader*, b. Dec. 24, 1877. iv. Charles William Meader*, b, Dec. 31, 1894. 926. John Eastman Meader' (Amanda Eastman*, John', Thomas-*, Thomas', John', Roger"), born in Rochester, N. H., Aug. 29, 1850 ; married June 13, 1876, Clara Ellen Varney. Mr. Meader is the superintendent in the mills where his father is agent, Gonic, N. H. CHILDREN. i. John Levi Meader*, b. in Rochester, N. H., Sept. 11, 1879. U. Harry Hanson Meader*, b. May 1, 1883. Ui. Walter Meader*, b. Jan. 9, 1888. iv. JuUa Evangeline Meader*, b. July 7, 1890 ; d. AprU 1, 1892. 927. Walter Sidney Meader' (Amanda Eastman*, John', Thomas'*, Thomas', John', Roger"), born in Rochester, N. H., March 11, 1857; married Lucy J. Hawkes. Resides in Providence, R. I. CHILDREN. i. Stephen Warren Meader*, b. in Providence, R. I., May 2, 1892. ii. Margaret Sidney Meader*, b. in Manchester, Me., June 16, 1896. iii. Helen Hawkes Meader*, b. in Providence, R. L, Nov., 1898. OSCAR F. KIMBALL', OF DOVER, N. H. 555 928. Oscar F. Kimball' (Hannah Eastman*, John', Thomas'*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Dover, N. H., Dec, 1853 ; married Abbie A. Moulton, of Lowell, Mass. He lived in Dover, N. H., and was a member of the city council. CHILD. i. AUce fe. KimbaU*, b. . 929. Charles Walter Eastman' (Calvin L.*, Stephen', Thomas-*, Thomas', John', Roger'), born in Toulon, 111., June 19, 1847; married in Bellville, Ohio, Abbie Bell Lafferty, born in Bellville, Ohio, daughter of John and Mary (Ander son) Lafferty, of Bellville, Ohio. Mr. Eastman is a merchant in Winterset, la. CHILDREN. i. Edith*, b. in Winterset, la., Nov. 12, 1885. ii. Fred L.*, b. Feb. 4, 1889. iU. Mary*, b. Oct. 11, 1890. 930. John Hale Fowler' (Jonathan Fowler*, Thomas Fowler', Hannah Eastman-*, Thomas', John', Roger'), born in Newark, IIL, March 23, 1845 J married Oct. 9, 1872, Clara Wright. CHILDREN. i. Edward Wright Fowler*, b. in Newark, 111., June 27, 1884. ii. Rex Hale Fowler*, b. in Ottawa, 111., Aug. 27, 1893. 931. Charles N. F'owler' (Jonathan Fowler*, Thomas Fowler', Hannah Eastman-*, Thomas', John', Roger'), born in Newark, 111., Aug. 15, 1846 ; married ist, Nov. 21, 1879, Mrs. Mary E. Waterman, died March 22, 1892 ; married 2d, Sept. 24, 1895, Angle Fread. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Eva Fowler*, b. in Ottawa, 111., Sept. 21, 1880. ii. Chase Fowler*, b. Feb. 15, 1883. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. ui. Lyle N. Fowler*, b. June 24, 1896. 556 EASTMAN- FAMILY OF AMERICA. 932. Albert J. Fowler' (Jonathan Fowler*, Thomas Fowler', Hannah Eastman'*, Thomas', John', Roger'), born in Newark, 111., Aug. 16, 1848 ; married ist, March 11, 1873, Frances Lewis, died Aug. 27, 1881 ; married 2d, Dec. 14, 1882, Parmelia Mason. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Charles Melton Fowler*, b. in Newark, 111., March 7, 1874 ; d. Nov. 12, 1874. ii. Edith Fowler*, b. June 26, 1876. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. ui. Emery Fowler*, b. March 11, 1884. iv. Melton Fowler*, b. Nov. 8, 1885. V. Anna Fowler*, b. July 3, 1888. vi. Alpha Fowler*, b. Jan. 25, 1895. 933. Jonathan Fowler' (Jonathan Fowler*, Thomas Fow ler', Hannah Eastman'*, Thomas', John', Roger'), born in Newark, 111,, July 2, 1850; married March 24, 1891, Mary E. Barnard, born in Hopkinton, N. H., Jan. 11, 1859, daugh ter of Joseph Barnard, of Hopkinton, N. H. They reside in Aurora, 111. CHILD. i. Marion Edna Fowler*, b. in Aurora, IU., Jan. 9, 1899. 934. Calvin Fowler' (Thomas Milton Fowler*, Thomas Fowler', Hannah Eastman'*, Thomas', John', Roger'), born in Newark, IIL, April 9, 1851 ; married Jan. 11, 1882, Sophronia E. Parker. CHILDREN. i. Grace Maud Fowler*, b. in Wisconsin, Jan. 13, 1883. ii. Flossie Pearl Fowler*, b. in White Lake, S. D., June 2, 1884 ; d. Sept. 13, 1884. UL L. D. Fowler*, b. in Ottawa, IU., Feb. 6, 1890. 935. Olive Fowler' (Thomas Milton Fowler*, Thomas Fowler', Hannah Eastman'*, Thomas', John', Roger"), born in Newark, 111., Feb, 1 1, 1854 ;. married Jan. 5, 1881, Charles S. Johnson. EMMA FOWLER', OF NEWARK, ILL. 557 CHILDREN. i. Irving E. Johnson*, b. in Fox, 111., Sept. 18, 1885. U. Jay F. Johnson*, b. in Piano, 111,, June 11, 1888. 936. Emma Fowler' (Thomas Milton Fowler*, Thomas Fowler', Hannah Eastman-*, Thoma.?', John', Roger"), born in Newark, IIL, Dec. 28, 1857; married Jan. 5, 1881, Edgar E. Edgerton. CHILDREN. i. Glen V. Edgerton*, b. in Newark, 111., Aug. 7, 1883. n. Dean Edgerton*, b. in Newark, 111., May 26, 1889. 93 7 . Sam uel Kimball' (James Kimball*, Abigail Eastman', Samuel-*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Charlestown, Mass., Sept. 18, 1813 ; married Elizabeth Smith. He resided in Wakefield, Mass. CHILD. 1635. i. James H. Kimball*, b. Aug. 27, 1844. 938. Loira Flanders' (Sally Eastman*, Jeremiah', Jona than-*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Salisbury, Mass., May 21, 1814; died Dec. 23, 1897; married Oct. 15, 1836, Cyrus Cammett. CHILDREN. i. Gustavus Cammett*, b. Dec. 3, 1839 ; m. a relative of the poet Whittier. He is a dealer in crockery and glassware iu Amesbury, Mass. iL Sarah Abbie Cammett*, b. AprU, 1840 ; d. Nov. 17, 1870. 1636. ui. Harriet NeweU Cammett*, b. Sept. 5, 1842. 939. Emeline Flanders' (Sally Eastman*, Jeremiah', Jon athan-*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born Nov. 24, 1815 ; died March 9, 1879 ; married Elbridge Little, of Haverhill, Mass. 940. William Flanders' (Sally Eastman*, Jeremiah', Jon athan-*, Joseph', John*, Roger"), born Sept. 8, 18 18; died March 27, 1881 ; married ist, Lena ; 2d, Nancy Big- 1. 1637. ii. 1638. iii. 1639. iv. 1640. V. 1641. vi. vii. 558 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. low. He was a deacon in the High Street Church, Brook lyn, N. Y., until his death. He was a successful manufac turer of oil in Brooklyn ; was a man of wealth, and a highly respected citizen. They had a daughter, who married James Meridith, a stock broker in New York city, Charles Newell Flanders, his brother, succeeded him in the business. CHILDREN. William H. Flanders*, b. ; d. . Sarah Augusta Flanders*, b. . Catherine Eliza Flanders*, b. . Georgianna Flanders*, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1855. Lena Brown Flanders*, b. . William Newell Flanders*, b. . Frances Elizabeth Flanders*, b. ; d. . 941. Pauline Caswell' (Betsey Eastman*, Jeremiah', Jonathan-*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Strafford, N. H., Nov. 25, 1809; died Sept. 3, 1875. She married Oct, 28, 1 84 1, Edward V\/'alker, and lived in Strafford, N. H. CHILDREN BORN IN STRAFFORD, N. H. 1642. i. Nancy O. Walker*, b. Dec. 13, 1842. 1643. U. Henry F. Walker*, b. June 25, 1845. 1644. Ui. Albert D. Walker*, b. Sept. 7, 1847. 942. Betsey Caswell' (Betsey Eastman*, Jeremiah', Jona than-*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Strafford, N. H., April 15, 1821 ; died in Strafford, June 24, 1896 ; married April 7, 1850, James Walker, a farmer residing in Strafford, N. H. CHILD. i. Mary Jessie Walker*, b. in Strafford, Dec. 11, 1850 ; m. Nov. 3, 1875, James Henry Stiles, born in Strafford, Feb. 13, 1850, son of Joseph and Hannah Waldron (Foss) Stiles. Mr. Stiles is a farmer ; resides in Center Straf ford, N. H. Children: (1) Robert Walker StUes', b. June 6, 1876 ; (2) WiUie Gray Stiles', b. Nov. 29, 1877 ; (3) Vina Lillian Stiles', b. July 24, 1879; (4) Clara Betsey Stiles', b. Nov. 24, 1885 ; (5) Elva Mary Stiles', b. Nov. 26, 1890 ; (6) Hannah Pauline Stiles', b. March 16, 1894. ADALINE EASTMAN', OF SALISBURY, MASS. 559 943. Adaline Eastman' (Jonathan*, Jeremiah', Jonathan-*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Sahsbury, Mass., March 12, 1813; died July 12, 1893; married Sept 10, 1833, Charles O. Stearns, of Salisbury, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Sarah lilizabeth Stearns*, b. Oct. 16, 1834 ; d. March 31, 1866. ii. Susan Adeline Stearns*, b. July 3, 1836. ui. Joseph Oliver Stearns*, b. June 14, 1838; m. Helen Dennett. iv. Harriet Ann Stearns*, b. Feb. 12, 1841. V. Mary Augusta Stearns*, b. Aug. 18, 1843. vi. Ellen Dorcas Stearns*, b., Oct. 30, 1845. viL Fanny Ora Stearns*, b. March 8, 1854 ; m. John Swett, of Amesbury, Mass. 944. Joseph Leonard Eastman' (Jonathan*, Jeremiah', Jonathan-*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Salisbury, Mass., Oct. 4, 1818 ; died in Boston, Mass,, Aug, 10, 1864 ; married Sept. 18, 1845, Clara Augusta Clark, born in South Ber wick, N. H., Dec. 16, 1825, daughter of George and Abigail (Hanson) Clark. Mr. Clark was drafted in the war of 18 12, and stationed at Portsmouth, N. H. Mrs. Eastman married 2nd, Edmund Tucker Eastman, M. D., of Boston, which see. Resides at No. 1768 Beacon street, Brookline, Mass. Mr. Eastman was a machinist, inventor, and manufacturer of "Eastman " steam pressure gauge, from 1850 till his death. He received a gold medal at the Mechanics' Fair, in 1850, a silver and bronze one, and also a diploma from each succeed ing fair. He was a member of the First Baptist church in Chelsea, Mass., also one of the church committee. He was never, heard to speak an unkind word to his family, or to those associated with him in business. He was much attached to his pastor, and when Dr. Mason, his pastor, preached a memorial sermon the next Sabbath, he said, " I have lost a dear friend and companion." Mr. Eastman was a faithful, devoted husband and father. 560 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. George Leonard*, b. in East Boston, Mass., July 13, 1846 ; d. in Chelsea, July 31, 1848. ii. George Leonard*, b. in East Boston, Mass., June 15, 1848 ; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., AprU 10, 1898 ; m. in Williams- port, Pa., Ida Rebekah Houtz, b. June 25, 1859. Chil dren : (a) Clara Augusta', b. in Williamsport, Pa., Oct. 28, 1893 ; (b) George Leonard', b. in WilUamsport, Pa., April 12, 1895 ; (c) Alma Ruth', b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1896. iii. Sarah Elizabeth*, b. in East Boston, Mass., April 6, 1851 ; m. in Boston, May 31, 1871, Charles Henry Rogers, b. in 1851, died Nov. 24, 1889, son of Col. Charles O. Rogers, of the Boston Journal. Children : (a) Charles Francis Rogers', b. in Boston, June 18, 1872; d. Feb. 20, 1876 ; (b) Florence Louise Rogers', b. Oct. 11, 1873 ; d. Nov. 21, 1873 ; (c) Henry Ernest Rogers', b. in Bos ton, Nov. 8, 1875. iv. Clara Augusta*, b. in East Boston, May 30, 1853. V. Emma Florence*, b. in Chelsea, Mass., Sept. 20, 1856. vi. AUce Ida*, b. in Chelsea, Aug. 29, 1859 ; m. Nov. 10, 1879, Edward Jonathan Hammond, b. in Winter Harbor, Me., May 3, 1850. He is a wholesale lumber dealer in Boston, Mass. Children : (a) Edward Carlton Ham mond', b. in Boston, Mass., Sept. 20, 1880 ; he is a student in Harvard University ; (b) Harold Wilson Hammond', b. in Boston, Oct. 19, 1882; (c) Philip Nathan Hammond', b. in Beverly, Mass., June 28, 1884. vii. Howard Clark*, b. in Chelsea, Mass., Oct. 25, 1863 ; d. in Boston, July 13, 1888. 945. Samuel Bickford' (Sally Eastman*, William', Joseph-*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Allen stown, N. H., in 1832 ; married Elvira . He enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, in Com pany F, Eleventh New Hampshire Volunteers ; mustered in Aug. 29, 1862, as private; mustered out June 4, 1865. Resides at Short Falls, N. H. PHEBE EASTMAN', OF CONCORD, N. H. 56 1 CHILDREN. i. Eugene Bickford*, b. ; d. young. ii. Lavina Emogene Bickford*, b ; m. Freeman Marden, and resides in Gossville, N. H. Children : (a) Etta M. Marden', b. April 17, 1872 ; (b) Loella M. Marden', b. Aug. 17, 1874 ; she graduated from Pembroke Academy and Concord training school; is a teacher; (c) Nellie R. Marden', b. March 22, 1876 ; m. Alfred W. Burnum, of Epsom, N. H. ; no children. 946. Phebe Eastman' (Joseph*, William', Joseph-*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., Feb. i8, 1813 ; died in Concord, Feb. 17, 1865 ; married about 1834, Philo Brow- son, died in Clayton, Ga. He was a Universalist minister. Editor of the " Macon Times," Macon, Ga. He was born in Hartford, Conn. He went South in 1836. CHILD. 1645. i. Martha Ann Browson*, b. in Bristol, N. H., April 13, 1834. 947. Ellen Eastman' (Joseph*, William', Joseph-*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., April 10, 1836 ; married July 2, 1853, George W. Gault. CHILDREN. i. Charles W. Gault*, b. . ii. Hattie S. Gault*, b. ; m. Dexter. iii. Edwin H. Gault*, b. ; res. Jersey City, 104 West Side. iv. George L. Gault*, b. ; d. . V. Alfred Gault*, b. ; res. in Belmont, N. H. The order of births may not be correct. 948. Edson Alonzo Eastman' (William*, William', Joseph-*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born Feb. 16, 1835 ; married Oct. 24, i860, Areadane Augusta Corser, daughter of Freeman and Harriet (Crowell) Corser, born in Boscawen, N. H., Oct. 24, 1834. He is in business in Florida, but his wife lives in Concord, N. H. 562 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. William Harrison*, b. Feb. 19, 1861 ; m. LiUian Adams ; had one child, died young. He resides in Concord, N. H. ii. Harriet Mabel*, b. Oct. 21, 1864 ; m. Oliver Graves. He died of consumption, July 24, 1894. She is a trained nurse, and resides with her mother in Concord. Child : (a) born May 10, 1887. Ui. Lowell Francis*, b. in Concord, N. H., Oct. 25, 1866. He is an electrician, and resides in Concord. iv. Ellen Mavariete*, b. in Concord, Sept. 4, 1868. She is a nurse, and lives at home. 949. John Calvin Eastman' (Jacob Weed*, James', Joseph-*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born March 17, 1813 ; died July 23, 1855 ; married April 10, 1834, Nancy McMiller, born in 181 1, died Aug. 19, 1850; married 2d, Aug. i, 185 1, Martha Finley, born Aug. i, 1821. Mr. Eastman lived in Indiana. CHILDREN. i. James Webster*, b. Jan. 26, 1835 ; d. April 6, 1841. 1646. ii. Dyer Burgess*, b. Oct. 24, 1836 ; d. AprU 11, 1863. ui. Ann EUza*, b. Jan. 10, 1839 ; d. April 20, 1841. iv. Nancy Ann*, b. Oct. 6, 1840; d. .Jan. 18, 1873; m. Nov. 20, 1862, Rev. R. G. Ross. Children : (a) Charles Ross', b. Oct. 24, 1863 ; d. Sept. 11, 1883 ; (b) Joseph Ross', b. Nov. 4, 1865. 1647. V. WilUam Weed*, b. Aug. 27, 1843. 1648. vi. John Calvin*, b. July 8, 1845. viL Elizabeth Mary*, b. March 26, 1847; married AprU 16, 1868, George Scoggen. Children : (a) Walter A. Scog- gen', b. Feb. 16, 1869 ; (b) Sarah Finley Scoggen', b. Jan. 14, 1873; (c) Mary Plum Scoggen', b. March 12, 1884. viii. Letcher*, b. Dec. 13, 1852 ; d. same day. ix. Finley*, b. (twin) ; d. March 24, 1854. 1649. X. Joseph Steel*, b. July 7, 1854. 950. Susan Priscilla Eastman' (Jacob Weed*, James', Joseph'*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Methuen, Mass., Oct. 17, 1816; died in Highland county, Ohio, Aug. 25, 1847 ; married Charles Evans, born in Highland county, WILLIAM WEBSTER EASTMAN', OF WICKLIFFE, IND. 163 Ohio, Sept. 4, 1810, died there Jan. 19, 1871, son of Dan, grandson of Hugh Evans. Mr, Evans majried 2d, in 1855, Mary Elizabeth Selph. He was a farmer, and lived in High land county, Ohio, where his children were born. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. L Elizabeth Jane Evans*, b. ; drowned in a spring, aged two years. ii. Effa Ann Evans*, b. ; m. April 15, 1856, Pleasant Arthur ; resides at Champaign, IU. Had four daughters, two deceased. iii. WiUiam Henry Harrison Evans*, b. Oct. 8, 1838 ; m. Feb. 20, 1861, Sarah O. Cowgile, a Quaker girl. Had one daughter, who died aged 28. He is a stock buyer, and lives in Greenfield, Ohio. 1650. ¦ iv. Daniel Webster B. Evans*, b. AprU 13, 1841. V. James Eastman Evans*, b. April 7, 1843 ; d. April 6, 1884 ; m. Emma McCabe, who lives with her son in Greenfield, Ohio. vi. Mary Maria Evans*, b. Dec. 4, 1845 ; m. Joseph H. Arthur. Children : One died about ten years of age, another lives in New York city. vu. Leander Evans*, b. ; d. young. viii. Hugh Alonzo Evans*, b. ; m, Jennie Carlyle ; have a family. ix. John Franklin Evans*, b. ; m. Jennie Ricer ; one son. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. X. Mary Alice Evans*, b. AprU 20, 1856 ; m. Robert Nevin, deceased, and she lives with her children in Denver, Col. xi. Horace Evans*, b. AprU 29, 1858. xu. David Milton Evans*, b. in 1859 ; m. Jennie HiUer, de ceased, 1899. He resides in HUlsboro, Ohio; three daughters. xiu. Lena Evans*, b. ;-m. Walter RudisU; res. in HiUs- boro, Ohio. xiv. Bertha Belle Evans*, b. ; Uves in Denver, CoL 95 1 . William Webster Eastman' (Jacob Weed*, James', Joseph*, Joseph', John', Roger'), born Sept. 20, 1836; mar ried June 24, 1855, Janett Prentis. He lived in Wickliffe, Ind. He was a Methodist minister. 564 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. WiUiam Finley*, b. Jan. 29, 1864. u. Ora Madge*, b. March 12, 1866. Ui. Edna Earl*, b. July 3, 1868. iv. John William*, b. May 18, 1870, V. Fannie Winnie*, b. Feb. 24, 1872. vi. Calla*, b. ; d. 1877. vii. Cora*, b. 1878. vUi. Lotta*, b. 1879. 952. Joseph Moore Eastman' (David Clough*, James', Joseph*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born Sept. 26, 1837; died Jan. 20, 1867 ; married Sept. 27, 1858, Mary Joseph. CHILDREN. i. Kate*, b. . ii. David*, b. — ^. iii. Joseph*, b. . iv. Anna*, b. . 953. Balsina Delma Eastman' (Enoch*, Simeon', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Holly, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1846 ; married in Holly, Jan. 22, 1868, Charles Seth Beebe, born in Cleveland, Ohio, April 12, 1843. Mr. Beebe is a manu facturer, and resides in Racine, Wis. CHILDREN. i. Roy Henry Beebe*, b. in Holly, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1871 ; m. in Stephens Point, Wis., April 27, 1898, Mary Ada Walker, b. in Stephens Point, Wis., Sept. 17, 1872. He is manager of the correspondence and advertising department of the Racine Knitting Company, and also secretary of that company. They have no children. ii. Margaret Beebe*, b. in Racine, Dec. 15, 1874 ; d. March 31,1875. iii. Murray Charles Beebe*, b. in Racine, Feb. 25, 1876. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin, in 1897. He accepted the position in the University as electrical engineering instructor, the same year, which position he stUi holds. GEORGE SIBLEY EASTMAN', OF WARNER, N. H. 565 iv. Eastman Beebe*, b. in Racine, Dec. 2, 1879 ; graduated from Racine High School. V. Lucy M. Beebe*, b. in Racine, May 23, 1881 ; d. March 29, 1889. 954. George Sibley Eastman' (Timothy*, Simeon', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Warner, N. H,, April i6, 1823 ; married in Stoneham, Mass., June 5, 1850, Mary E. Butman, born Aug. 5, 1826, died in Stoneham, Mass., May II, 1851 ; married 2d, Sept. 6, 1853, Rachel R. Clement, born in Warner, N. H., March 25, 1824, daughter of John and Lydia (Watson) Clement. Mr. Eastman is a farmer, residing in Warner, N. H. , CHILD BY FIRST WIFE. 1651. i. Jennie Sibley*, b. in Stoneham, Mass., May 2, 1851 ; m. 1st, Nov. 4, 1873, Frank P. Kemp ; m. 2d, Charles Dun bar. P. O., Contoocook, N. H. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. ii. Clara Sibley*, b. in Warner, N. H., June 24, 1856 ; m. Sept. 3, 1878, Frank J. MorriU, and resides in Warner, N. H. P. O. address, Roby's Corner, N. H. They have no children. 955. Timothy B. Eastman' (Timothy*, Simeon', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Warner, N. H., Jan. 17, 1832 ; married in Manchester, N. H., March i, i860, Chris tina S. Morrill, born in New London, N. H., Oct. 13, 1837. Mr. Eastman enlisted into the United States service Aug. 21, 1862 ; mustered Aug. 29, 1862, as a private in Company D, Eleventh New Hampshire Infantry ; mustered out June 4, 1865. He resided at the time of his enlistment, and was credited to 'Weare, N. H. Mr. Eastman was a hub manu facturer, but is now out of the business. Resides in Con toocook, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Clarence M.*, b. in Warner, N. H., May 22, 1867. U. Elizabeth A.*, b. in Warner, N. H., Aug. 25, 1870. 40 566 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 956. Alonzo Eastman' (Joseph*, Samuel', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Oct. 11, 1816; died in Colebrook, N. H., Sept. 25, 1864; married in Cole- brook, May 31, 1842, Elizabeth Whittemore, born in Dbc- ville, N. H., June 14, 1814, died in Milan, N. H., Feb. 5, 1899, daughter of John and Betsey (Pillsbury) Whittemore, of Dixville. Mr. Eastman was a shoemaker, and lived in Cole- brook, N. H. He was the first postmaster in Colebrook. CHILDREN. L Martin Alonzo*, b. in Columbia, N. H., April 1, 1843 ; d. in Colebrook, Nov. 10, 1864 ; unm. ii. Joseph Brooks*, b. Feb. 12, 1845. Ui. Mary Elizabeth*, b. March 12, 1847 ; d. July 24, 1876. 1652. iv. John A. Gilbert*, b. Dec. 17, 1850. V. George Henry*, b. Feb. 2, 1854; d. Jan. 23, 1873 ; unm. vi. Sarah Ladora*, b. in Colebrook, N. H., Jan. 19, 1857 ; m. June 30, 1890, David Cairns ; no children. 957. Sarah Eastman' (Joseph*, Samuel', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), b. in Columbia, N. H., April 25, 1832 ; mar ried in Columbia, June 19, 1853, William Howe Whipple, born in Franconia, N. H., May 15, 18 32, 'son of Aaron Com stock and Betsey (Whipple) Whipple. Mr. Whipple is a farmer residing in Colebrook, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Frank Brooks Whipple*, b. in Eau Clair, Wis., July 29, 1858 ; d. Nov. 29, 1865. ii. Fred Dana Whipple*, b. in Columbia, N. H., Oct. 26, 1865 ; d. Jan. 10, 1890. iu. Angle Sarah Whipple*, b. Jan. 14, 1876 ; m. Feb. 23, 1898, Walter Andrew George ; resides in Colebrook, N. H. ; no children. 958. Henry Eastman' (Samuel*, Samuel', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Boscawen, N. H., Aug. 18, 1829; married Mary Jane Spencer, born Oct. 3, 1836. Mr. East- WILLIAM M. EASTMAN', OF BOSCAWEN, N. H. 567 man settled in Columbia, N. H., where he was a farmer and carpenter, and in 1874 he removed to the village of Cole brook, N. H., where he now resides. His wife died Dec. 19, 1900. CHILDREN. i. Mary Angle*, b. in Columbia, N. H., April 28, 1856 ; mar ried in Plymouth, N. H., AprU 28, 1875, Oren Peter Walker. He is a carriage dealer, and in real estate. He was born in Southboro, Mass., July 31, 1846. He is trustee in the savings bank, and director in the People's National Bank, of Marlboro, where he resides. They have no children. ii. Alma -Tane*, b. in Colebrook, N. H., June 22, 1860 ; m. in Colebrook, N. H., July 10, 1895, Fred W. Martin, a farmer living in Colebrook, N. H. Children : (a) Frederick Eastman Martin', b. Aug. 18, 1896 ; (b) Mary Martin', b. AprU 24, 1898. 1653. iU. Albert Henry*, b. iu CoAumbia, N. H., June 6, 1866. 958a. William M. Eastman' (John*, William', Joseph*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Boscawen, N. H., Aug. 19, 1817 ; died in Wayne, Erie county. Pa. ; married in 1843, Sarah M. Jenkins, of Boston, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Charles*, b. in New Hampshire, March 2, 1844 ; m. Levonia Peaterson. Children : (a) Wesley' ; (b) Frank' ; (c) Eadie' ; (d) CUnton' ; (e) John' ; reside in Vanango township, Erie county. Pa. u. Henry P.*, b. in Concord, N. H., Dec. 18, 1846 ; m. 1st, Feb. 3, 1883, Eva Emery, b. in Vanango, Pa., June 25, 1865 ; she d. Jan. 23, 1895 ; m. 2d, June 4, 1896, EUa Emery, b. in Clymer, Chautauqua county, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1857. ChU dren by 1st wife: (a) Lonnie', b. Jan. 18, 1884; (b) Ethel', b. Sept. 1, 1889 ; (c) Fay H.', b. March 29, 1894. ChUd by 2d wife : (d) Clinton E.', b. July 15, 1897 ; d. Dec. 19, 1897 ; aU b. in Vanango. iu. Cyrus A.*, b. in Concord, N. H., Dec. 18, 1848. 568 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iv. Emily W.*, b. in Concord, N. H,, Nov. 26, 1850 ; m. in Cora, Pa., James Wright, and lives in Muncie, Ind. Children : (a) Clarence', d. with consumption at the age of 21 years ; (b) James' ; (c) Cora' ; (d) Rose', d. at the age of 19 years, from burns from a'grass fire; a beauti ful girl, so kind to her parents, brothers and sisters ; (e) Mary' ; and two babies, who d. young. V. Eugene*, b. in Spring Creek, Pa., Aug. 5, 1852. vi. Elmer*, b. 1854. vii. Leopel G.*, b. Sept. 17, 1856 ; m. Minnie Cook, of Wayne, Pa. Children : (a) Unis' ; (b) Willie'. viii. Mary*, b. in Wayne, Erie county. Pa., Aug. 6, 1860 ; m. John . Child : (a) Leopel', b. 1893. 958b, Joseph Barnard Eastman' (John*, William', Joseph*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Boscawen, N. H., Aug. 8, 1829; married in Sparta, Washington county. Pa., April 28, 1857, Minervia Burdick, born in Grove, Hamilton county, N. Y., May 22, 1835. CHILDREN. i. Lucy Rebecca*, b. AprU 11, 1858, in Spartansburg, Pa. ; m. in Saegerstown, Crawford county. Pa., Feb. 22, 1878, Sidney A. Winans. They have a family. ii. John Stevens*, b. April 18, 1860 ; m. Nov. 25, 1896, Irena Elston. iii. Mary RoseUa*, b. April 7, 1862 ; m. Dec. 12, 1883, Lafay ette Wait. iv. Retner W.*, b. Nov. 28, 1863; living in Madison, Wis. ; an electrician. V. Smith M.*, b. Oct. 15, 1865. vi. Eva J.*, b. May 22, 1872 ; m. Oct. 9, 1893, Mr. M. Sheriff, of Somerset, Niagara county, N. Y. He died Dec. 25, 1895, and she m. 2d, Jan. 25, 1897, Webster Elderkin. vii. Claude B.*, b. July 18, 1874 ; d. July 22, 1874. vUi. Gertrude Lyle*, b. Aug. 16, 1875 ; m. Sept. 12, 1899, at Jamestown, N. Y., Charles A. Ruckman, of Falconer, N.Y. ix. Albert Frank*, b. July 10, 1878. He is chief electrician on the battleship " Iowa." LUCINDA REBECCA EASTMAN', OF BOSCAWEN, N. H. 569 958c. Lucinda Rebecca Eastman' (John*, William', Joseph*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Boscawen, N. H., April 13, 1832; married Dec. 9, 1849, Cyrus Alvah East man, born in Concord, N. H., April 18, 1827, son of Wil liam and Ruth (Hoyt) Eastman, No. 412. They removed to San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. Eastman is living with her daughter, Mrs. Burt, in Auburn, Cal. CHILDREN. L Augusta Ruth*, b. in Concord, N. H., Feb. 13, 1852 ; m. Sept. 15, 1874, Daniel Blaine Burt, born in Corning, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1828, d. in Auburn, Cal., July 27, 1901. Mrs. Burt is a very fine musician ; taught music eight years in San Francisco. She resides in Auburn, Cal. Child : (a) Sarah WiUis Burt', b. in San Francisco, CaL, Dec. 6, 1888. ii. Willis Whitney*, b. in San Francisco, CaL, June 16, 1866 ; d. in Bath, Cal., Feb. 1, 1881, from injury received in the mines. 958d. Charles Eastman' (John*, William', Joseph*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Boscawen, N. H,, Dec. 9, 1835 ; ™3-'^- ried Sept. 28, 1855, Christian Burdick, born in Rockdale, county, Pa., April 25, 1843. He resides in Spring Creek, Warren county. Pa. CHILDREN. i. Percy*, b. in Spring Creek, Aug. 12, 1859 ; m. May 1, 1877, Henry Haven, b. in Mina, Chautauqua county, N. Y., July 10, 1856. Children : (a) Ida Haven', b. June 17, 1878 ; d. Oct. 20, 1881 ; (b) Earl Haven', b. Sept. 22, 1889 ; (c) Elsie Haven', b. June 3, 1889 ; (d) Mabel and Myrtle', twins, b. Oct. 29, 1896. u. Silas A.*, b. in Spring Creek, Pa., July 13, 1861 ; m. in Jamestown, N. Y., March 1, 1890, Florence Jewell, b. in Spring Creek, Dec. 19, 1871. iu. Asa L.*, b. in Spring Creek, Sept. 15, 1863 ; m. Aug. 14, 1887, Etta Lombard, b. in Fenner, Madison county, N. Y., March 24, 1861. Children aU born in Spring Creek, Pa. : (a) Isla V.', b. Aug. 16, 1888 ; (b) Fay V.', b. AprU 30, 1894 ; (0) Perl D.', b. June 27, 1899. iv. John*, b. in Spring Creek, Pa., Dec. 19, 1864. 570 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. v. Matilda*, b. in Eastbranch, Pa., Nov. 3, 1865 ; m. in Clymer, Chautauqua county, N. Y., April 13, 1886, John M. Abbott, of BlockvUle, Chautauqua county, N. Y. ChU dren : (a) Jessie Abbott', b. in Russell, Warren county. Pa., Nov. 30, 1889 ; (b) Ralph E. Abbott', b. in Sugar Grove, Warren county. Pa., Nov. 9, 1898. vi. Etta E.*, b. in Spring Grove, Pa., Oct. 3, 1867 ; m. in Cly mer, N. Y., in 1886, Frank T. Burroughs, b. in Corry, Erie county. Pa., Dec. 19, 1864. Child : (a) Bessie Bur roughs', b. April 16, 1888. vii. Eva J.*, b. in Eastbranch, Warren county. Pa., June 1, 1872 ; m. in Jamestown, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1891, Noah R. Niver, born in Russell, Pa., May 15, 1865. Children: (a) NeUie Niver', b. in Eastbranch, Pa., Aug. 16, 1892 ; (b) Willie Niver', b. in Hazel Hurst, Pa., Aug. 4, 1894. viU. Melvin*, b. Aug. 27, 1873 ; d. Oct. 28, 1880. ix. Charles*, b. in Spring Creek, Pa., June 18, 1874. X. NeUie May*, b. Sept. 27, 1876 ; m. Dec. 8, 1893, Alton B. Damon, b. in Spring Creek, Pa., Feb. 22, 1872. Children : (a) Lottie E. Damon', b. in Spring Creek, Pa., Dec. 30, 1898 ; (b) Ray Damon', b. Aug. 20, 1896. xi. WiUie Ivan*, b. ; m. Oct. 17, 1900, Abba Rugur ; one child, a babe. xU. Lena L.*, b. March 9, 1885. xiii. A nameless child, born and died March 14, 1889. 95 8e. Lucy Jane Eastman' (John*, William', Joseph*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Boscawen, N. H., Dec. 9, 1835 ; married ist, Oct. 20, 1854, John Warren Stevens, born in Andover, Mass., Feb. 24, 1819; died in JanesvUle, Wis., Aug. 20, 1866; married 2d, March 13, 1869, George Washington Miller, who died in Strongs Prairie, Wis., May I, 1 88 1. She resides in Janesville, Wis. CHILDREN BY FIRST HUSBAND. i. Alice Stevens*, b. in Janesville, Wis., Feb. 23, 1856 ; d. March 6, 1856. ii. Ada Elizabeth Stevens*, b. in Janesville, Wis., Feb. 7, 1859 ; m. in Centralia, Wis., Aug. 12, 1879, Mathew M. Curran, a passenger conductor. She was, before mar riage, a school teacher. They have no children. Mrs. Curran has furnished the compiler with all of the records of her grandfather's descendants. She resides in Man- kato, Minn. BETSEY EASTMAN'. 57I CHILDREN BY SECOND HUSBAND. ui. Effie L. Miller*, b. Jan. 21, 1870 ; m. Nov. 4, 1885, Howard Mosher, d. in 1893. ChUd : (a) Ada Maud Mosher', b. in JanesvUle, Wis., Dec. 19, 1886. Effie L. MiUer mar ried 2d time, Walter Mitchell. iv. Charles Ransom Miller*, b. March 5, 1878 ; an electrician, living in Madison, Wis. V. George Edgar MUler*, b. July 23, 1880 ; m. Nov. 28, 1900, Helen Sheckert ; lives in Beloit, Wis. ; a machinist. 959. Betsey Eastman' (Joseph*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born Jan. 22, 1825 ; married in Sept., 1848, Enoch Eastman, of Boscawen, N. H., son of No. 425. They died in Denver, Col. CHILDREN. i. Areannah*, b. 1849 ; lives in Colorado. ii. Josie*, b. . iii. Darah*, b. ; m. WiUiam Ship, and lives in Colorado ; had two sons and two daughters ; the eldest married a Mr. McKinley, a cousin of President McKinley, and lives in Ohio. iv. Grade*, b. ; m. Willie Davis ; lives in Pittsburg, Pa. 960. Ruth B. Eastman' (Joseph*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Orange, N. H., July 14, 1826 ; mar ried Nov., 1847, Elijah Whittiers, who died June 24, 1890. He was an honest, upright man. He was converted in early life to the Advent faith, and lived a good, consistent. Chris tian life. CHILD. i. A daughter*, b. Oct. 29, 1849 ; m. Oct. 28, 1865, Reuben S. Plummer. Children : (a) Josie E. Plummer', b. March 16, 1877 ; (b) Jessie L. Plummer', b. Aug. 14, 1878 ; m. Jan. 1, 1898, Warren E. Terrill ; lives in Orange, N. H. ; (c) Forrest Plummer', b. Feb. 17, 1887; (d) Roger W. Plummer', b. June 24, 1889; (e) Ruby Plummer', b. AprU 30, 1890. 572 EASTMAN FAMILY OF' AMERICA. m. 961. Enoch C. Eastman' (Joseph*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Orange, N. H., April 7, 1830; died Jan. i, 1898; married July 18, 1855, Mary N. Howe, of Columbia, N, H. Mr. Eastman was converted in early life, and was baptized by Rev. Mr. George ; was an Advent ; was gifted in prayer and exhortation, and was a great help in all their meetings. His death was a great loss to the church to which he belonged. CHILDREN. A. D.*, b. June 16, 1856 ; d. Jan. 22, 1864. Ottewell*, b. Sept. 14, 1857 ; d. Jan. 22, 1864. Ida M.*, b. Jan. 7, 1860 ; d. March 19, 1862. Fred E.*, b. Jan. 10, 1862 ; d. .Jan. 21, 1864. Lucy*, b. April 19, 1863. WiUiam R.*, b. July 29, 1864. Angle G.*, b. Nov. 6, 1866 ; d. May 31, 1882. Mantiauelle*, b. Dec. 2, 1868. John A.*, b. Feb. 24, 1870. Phebe A.*, b. Nov. 21, 1872. 962. Daniel Eastman' (Joseph*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Orange, N. H., April 26, 1834 ; mar ried 1st, Feb., 1857, Hannah A, Eastman, of Hooksett, N. H'., died March 22, 1864; married 2d, Martha J. Ford, died at the birth of her youngest child; married 3d, in May, 1868, Mrs, Martha Buxton, and was divorced Feb, 7, 1888 ; mar ried 4th, May, 1888, Persis Clary, and they were divorced in Sept., 1888; married 5th, in May, 1889, Mrs. Lucy A. McKeene, of Nashua, N. H., and she died Jan. 5, 1892 ; married 6th, Oct, 13, 1892, Mrs, Alsena H. Martin, daughter of Aaron and Sarah A. (Kimball) Borney, of Grafton, N. H. Mr. Eastman was a carpenter and millwright, owned and hyalt several mills, many farms, and other property. His early married life was spent in Orange, Grafton, and Canaan, and in 18 — went to Nashua, N. H,, and built a large set of buildings on East Hollis street, near the depot, and in 1885 1. ii. iii. iv. 1654. V. 1655. vi. vii. 1656. viii. 1657. ix. 1658. X. RANDALL EASTMAN', OF ORANGE, N. H. 573 he returned to Canaan, N. H. Here he is in trade in the kitchen furniture business ; has a good trade, and owes no man a dollar. He owns one half interest in a 200 acre farm one mile from Canaan village. Mr. Eastman was converted in 1 861, and in 1868 was ordained a minister of the gospel and joined the New Hampshire Advent Christian Confer ence. He was a strong Advent, sincere in the doctrine, an earnest preacher ; he now resides in Canaan, and is living happily with his sixth wife. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Edgar S.*, b. Oct. 25, 1859 ; d. Jan. 22, 1865. U. Gertrude A.*, b. Oct. 22, 1861 ; d. Dec. 22, 1886 ; buried at Canaan, N. H. She m. Jan. 11, 1 882, Clarence F. Kinne ; no children. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE, iii. Cora Bell*, b. '-. iv. Albert A.*, b. . His mother died at his birth. These children were adopted by their grandparents. 963. Randall Eastman' (Joseph*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Orange, N. H., April 5, 1836 ; went to Spring Creek, Pa., where he married a Miss Carhit, daugh ter of Thomas Carhit, of that place. He was drafted in the War of the Rebellion, but returned to his native state, pre ferring to serve as an enlisted man in a New Hampshire regiment rather than a drafted one in a Pennsylvania regiment. He enlisted Oct. 20, 1864, for one year, in Company F, Eight eenth New Hampshire Volunteer Infantry ; mustered into the United States service Sept. 24, 1864, as private; trans ferred to Company G, June 10, 1865 ; discharged July 29, 1865. He died soon after his discharge, among his friends in New Hampshire. CHILDREN. L A son*, b. . ii. A son*, b. . 574 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 964. Sarah Emeline Eastman' (Joseph*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born March 25, 1843; married Sept II, 1858, Richard R. Smith. Resides in Bristol, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Clarence A. Smith*, b. Feb. 18, 1861 ; m. Jan. 20, 1884, Linnie Griffith. Child : (a) Roy R. Smith', b. Sept. 24, 1884 ; resides in Bristol. U. Sidney R. Smith*, b. May 28, 1870; m. Nov. 20, 1892. Children : (a) Herman Sidney Smith', b. July 20, 1896 ; (b) Roy Osmond Smith', b. July 20, 1896 ; resides in Bristol, N. H. 965. Polly Eastman' (Joseph*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Orange, N. H,, June 8, 1845 ; married March 20, 1870, M. M. Barney, of Grafton, N. H. Polly died April 10, 1882. CHILDREN. i. Edwin M. Barney*, b. in Grafton, N. H., June 25, 1872 ; m. in Maiden, Mass., June 17, 1896, Bertha Harding, b. in Lockport, N. S., June 3, 1875. His mother died when he was ten years of age, and he had to hustle for his living. He has made a success of it, and is now in business as a produce and fruit dealer in West Everett, Mass., where he lives. His wife is a helpmeet indeed, a kind, affec tionate wife and mother, and they have a beautiful family. Children : (a) Harry Barney', b. March 23, 1897 ; (b) LUlian Barney', b. Dec. 10, 1898 ; (c) Agnes Barney', b. Aug. 12, 1900. ii. Sarah P. Barney*, b. Jan. 2, 1874 ; m. Nov. 29, 1896, Everett C. Emerson, b. Jan. 2, 1874. He is a raUroad man and lives in Canaan, N. H. Children : (a and b) twins, b. and lived only three days ; (c) Florence H. Emerson', b. in Canaan, N. H., June 11, 1899. 966. Henry N. Eastman' (Joseph*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in (Grange, N. H., July 25, 1847 ; married June 21, 1872, Hattie H, Brock. Mr. East man commenced life with nothing but his bare hands, and EDNA AUGUSTA EASTMAN', OF ORANGE, N. H. 575 to-day he is one of the most prominent farmers in Orange. He is considered one of the best judges of stock in town. He was elected once or more to the office of selectman, but refused to serve further on account of his private business. CHILDREN. i. Everett E.', b. in Orange, N. H., AprU 18, 1878. He is unm., and lives at home. ii. Melvin B.*, b. Aug. 29, 1881. He is a good carpenter for his age. 967. Edna Augusta Eastman' (Joseph*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Orange, N. H., Oct. 2, 1849. She went to Pennsylvania with her father, and mar ried soon after ^Ir. W^illiam Jewell, and they reside in East- branch, Warren county. Pa. 968. Sarah Jane Eastman' (Stephen Clough*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Henniker, N. H., Sept. 3, 1828 ; married Xov. 2, 1854, Henry Sylvester Way. They reside at No. 806 Union street, Manchester, N. H. CHILDREN. L Eugene Henry Way*, b. Aug. 26, 1865; m. 1st, 1886, Ada Annis ; m. 2d, Lizzie Aikin. ChUdren by 1st wife : (a) Lewis Eugene Way', b. Feb. 10, 1888 ; (b) Frank Henry Way', b. Nov. 17, 1890. ii. Jannie Rnhamah Way*, b. Jan. 16, 1858 ; m. Edward M. James ; resides at No. 806 Union street, Manchester, N. H. ui. Grace Foss Way*, b. Nov. 17, 1866 ; m. WiUiam H. Mar- lin ; resides in Manchester. 969. Rosetta Maria Eastman' (Stephen Clough*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Orange, N. H., Oct. 16, 1829; married ist, Sept. 29, 1863, George W. Davis. He died Sept. 5, 1880, and she married 2d, May 13, 1 88 1, David Ordway, died March 9, 1896. 576 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN BY FIR'ST HUSBAND. i. Cora Bell Davis*, b. Aug. 25, 1864 ; m. Edgar Sloan ; reside at No. 330 Dayton street, Chicago, 111.; no children. ii. George C. Davis*, b. Jan. 1, 1858 ; d. young. iii. G«orge St. Clair Davis*, b. 1866 ; d. at 7 years of age. 970. William Roger Eastman' (Stephen Clough*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Orange, N. H., Nov. 9, 1833; married ist, March 19, 1862, Ellen Whitelaw. She died Feb. 16, 1884. He married 2d, Nov. 10, 1887, Eliza Mathews. He is a farmer residing in Hooksett, N. H. ; P. O., Amoskeag, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Lizzie Lincoln*, b. Feb. 1, 1863 ; m. Frank Towle ; resides at No. 4 Pleasant street, Manchester, N. H. ; have one child. ii. Mabel Ellen*, b. in Hooksett, N. H., AprU 29, 1866 ; m. June 18, 1885, John A. King, and resides in Barre, Vt. Child : (a) WilUam Clyde King', b. May 23, 1886. iU. Angle Robbie', b. Aug. 23, 1873; m. Feb. 23, 1893, Alex Annis ; resides in Albany, Vt. Child : (a) Gerald East man Annis', b. Dec. 18, 1897. 971. Stephen Scott Eastman' (Stephen Clough*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Manchester, N. H., Nov. 23, 1844; married Nov. 28, 1872, Dora Abbie Dolloff, born in Sanbornton, N. H,, Jan. 14, 1853. Mr. Eastman resides in Hooksett, N. H. ; a farmer ; P. O., Amoskeag, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Bertha Ladora*, b. in Hooksett, N. H., Jan. 25, 1874. ii. Frederick Scott*, b. May 30, 1876. ui. Charles Wesley*, b. Sept. 3, 1878. 972. George Alfred Eastman' (Ezra*, Ezra', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Oct. 26, 1831 ; married in Derry, N. H., April 10, 1862, Orpha Lund GEORGE ALFRED EASTMAN (972). ADALINE SAPHRONIA EASTMAN', OF HOPKINTON, N. H. 577 Clark, born in Derry, N. H., Jan. 25, 1841, daughter of William Danforth and Maria Elizabeth (Dodge) Clark, of Derry, N. H. Mr. Eastman was a teacher, but is now a farmer, residing in Henniker, N. H. CHILDREN. 1659. L WalterClark',b. in Henniker, N. H., Feb. 20, 1863. n. Carrie Eva*, b. Oct. 3, 1864. iu. Jennie AdaUne*, b. Nov. 20, 1866. 1660. iv. Mary Helen*, b. Feb. 18, 1869. V. Susan Myra*, b. Dec. 3, 1870 ; d. Aug. 25, 1871. vi. Clinton Henry*, b. AprU 7, 1872 ; d. young. vu. L. Elizabeth*, b. May 6, 1874. viu. AUce Mabel*, b. Dec. 18, 1878. ix. Flora Mattie*, b. Dec. 8, 1880 ; d. Feb. 14, 1893. 973. Adaline Saphronia Eastman' (Ezra*, Ezra', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Sept. 27, 1833; married in Henniker, N. H., Aug. 28, i860, Walter AbielCook, born in Norwich, N. Y., July 28, 1826, died there Feb. 15, 1892. Adaline followed teaching until her mar riage. She resides in Norwich, Chenango county, N. Y. She was, at the age of 20, made principal of the Academy at Norwich ; taught also in Utica and Clinton, N. Y., also in Lexington, Ky. Mr. Cook was at one time journal clerk of the Assembly, at Albany, N. Y. He also practiced law at times. CHILDREN. ' i. Walter Abiel, Jr.*, b. in Norwich, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1861. ii. George Ezra*, b. June, 1866. He is an artist, and resides in Norwich, N. Y. ; unm. iii. Mary Adaline*, b. Aug., 1869 ; she is a student of music, and a fine singer ; resides at home ; unm. iv. David*, b. ; resides at home ; is a traveling agent for the Climax Manufacturing Company, at Maranthon, N. Y. ; unm. 578 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 974. Helen Josephine Eastman' (Ezra*, Ezra', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Henniker, N. H., March 26, 1849 ; married in Henniker, Oct. 9, 1873, Seth Alvah Bun nell, born June 14, 1852. He is a builder and contractor in Henniker, N. H., in company with his son, Harry Edwin. CHILDREN. i. Harry Edwin*, b. in East Concord, N. H., Jan. 24, 1875. ii. Clara Eastman*, b. in Henniker, June 17, 1876 ; graduated from Henniker High School in the class of 1891 ; teacher. iii. Josephine Helen*, b. in East Concord, March 19, 1878 ; graduated in same school and class as did her sister ; teacher also. iv. Susan*, b. in Henniker, July 7, 1881 ; d. Dec. 4, 1881. V. Alvah Seth*, b. Feb. 6, 1883. vi. Henry A.*, b. Sept., 1887. None of these children are married (1899). 975. Desire Swan' (Joshua Swan*,, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', Philip', Roger"), born Feb. 1 1, 1793 ; married March 6, 18 10, Henry Miller. CHILDREN. 1661. i. Horace Gates MiUer*, b. . ii. Desire Miller*, b. ; d. ; unm. 976. Lucy Swan' (Joshua Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', Philip', Roger"), born Dec. 4, 1798 ; died in Ashland, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1878 ; married Feb. 22, 1 82 1, Robert Morrison Hawkins. CHILDREN. i. Joshua Swan Hawkins*, b. in Milton, Saratoga county, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1823 ; d. Sept. 10, 1857 ; m. AprU 1, 1849, Lucetta Lathrop, of Lockport, N. Y., d. Aug., 1858. ChUd : (a) Frank Morrison Hawkins', b. May, 1850 ; m. May 15, 1894 ; resides in New York city. n. Hannah Mary Hawkins*, b. 1826; d. in Athens, Mich., 1839. iii. William .James Hawkins*, b. in Bristol, Ontario county, N. Y., in 1826 ; d. when 10 months of age. PHEBE SWAN'. 579 iv. Nancy Hawkins*, b. ; bapt. as Annette, at Bristol, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1834 ; m. at Lockport, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1855, Nathaniel P. Perkins, son of Rev. Thomas Per kins, of Holderness, N. H. N. P. Perkins d. Oct. 28, 1862, and his widow m. 2d, June 17, 1872, Dr. J. A. Dana, of Ashland, N. H. Child by first husband : (a) WiUiam Thomas Perkins', b. Nov. 2, 1858 ; m. Dec. 16, 1884, Jewell Kate Lamb, at Denison, Iowa. V. WiUiam James Hawkins*, b. in BristoL Ontario county, N. Y., June 28, 1836. He enlisted as a private in Com pany F, One Hundred and Twenty-ninth New York Infantry, in July, 1862 ; elected captain, and mustered in as such, at Lockport, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1862. He com manded his company at the battles of Spottsylvania, May 19, 1864, at the North Anna River, and in minor engagements on the march to Cold Harbor, Va., where he was mortally wounded June 3, 1864, and died from wounds, at Seminary Hospital, Georgetown, Md,, June 23, 1864. Captain Hawkins was a gaUant officer, and was beloved by all with whom he came in contact. The compiler knew Captain Hawkins well, being in the same regiment. The One Hundred and Twenty-ninth New York Infantry was transferred to the Eighth New York Heavy Artillery, by which it was best known. Captain Hawkins was buried at Lockport, Ni Y. 977. ^hebe Swan' (Joshua Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', Philip', Roger"), born March 2, 1801 ; died ; married March 18, 1824, Robert Tourte- lotte. CHILDREN. i. Mary*, b. ; d. ; unm. ii. Emily A.*, b. ; m. O. D. Vaughn ; resides at Ballston, N. Y. ; no children. iii. Phebe*, b. ; m. Charles Seely ; she d. 1858. iv. Susan*, b. ; d. ; unm. V. Henry*, b. ; d. 1853. 978. Mary Swan' (Joshua Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', Phihp', Roger"), born in Feb., 1803; died in 1862 or 1863; married ist, Nov. 13, 1826, 580 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. William Richmond Pitts. He died in 1829, and his widow married 2d, in 1831, George W. Pitts, born Feb. 22, 1802, died March 30, 1872. CHILD BY FIRST HUSBAND. 1662. i. WilUam Richmond Pitts*, b. March 5, 1828 ; d. April 21, 1893 ; m. Oct. 30, 1850, Emily Brooks Pomeroy, born April 1, 1828. CHILDREN BY SECOND HUSBAND. ii. Caroline Marion Pitts*, b. .July, 1832 ; married in 1857, Peter Richard Reed. Children : (a) Abbie Pitts Reed', b. 1861 ; m. Oct. 6, 1884, Edgar Barber ; children : (1) Ruth Barberi", b. ; (2) Roy Reed Barber", b. ; (b) George Pitts Reed', b. Aug. 19, 1867 ; m. Jan., 1890, Ella Brown ; child : (1) Lloyd Jackson Reed^', b. May, 1891; (c) Caroline Azubah Reed', b. Feb., 1873; m. 1898, J. Wells Reed ; resides in Livonia, N. Y. iu. George W. Pitts*, b. 1835 ; d. June 8, 1877. iv. Mary Pitts*, b. . ; lives with her sister, Mrs. Holden, in Buffalo, N. Y. V. Abbie Richmond Pitts*, b. ; m. Andrew J. Holden, and lives in Buffalo, N. Y. 979. Joshua Swan' (Joshua Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', Philip', Roger"), boyn March 26, 1805 ; married Mary Keeler. CHILDREN. i. Jane Swan*, b. ; married George Davis. Children : (a) Flora Davis', b. ; m. James Donan; (b) Frank Davis', b. ; d. ; (-c) Mary Davis', b. ; unm. ii. Ann Swan*, b. ; m. Austin Hawley. Children : (a) Elbert Hawley', b. ; m. Miss WendeU; (b) Ger trude Hawley', b . ; m. Mr. Guernsey ; (c) EUen Hawley', b. ; d. . 980. Mary Antoinette Swan' (Joshua Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', Philip', Roger"), born April 4, 1809 ; died in Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1873 ; married Pascal P. Wells. MARIA SWAN'. 58 1 CHILDREN. i. Henry Swan Wells*, b. ; d. unm. ii. Susan W. Wells*, b. ; married WiUiam Kerinear. Children : (a) Carrie Kerinear', b. ; m. WUUam Mougham ; no children ; resided at No. 511 Clapp street, San Francisco, Cal. ; she d. in Sept., 1897 ; (b) Annette K.', b. ; d. unm. ; (c) Blanche K.' ; b. ; m., but no chUdren. 981. Maria Swan' (Adam Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', Philip', Roger"), born April 25, 1793 ; died May 27, 1833 ; married Chester Stebbins, born Feb. 10, 181 1. Resided in Saratoga county, N. Y. CHILDREN. i. Mercy Maria Stebbins*, b. July 5, 1812 ; m. Lyman P. Vib- bard. Children : (a) Maria Vibbard', b. ; m. Arnold ; (b) Margaret Vibbard', b. ; m. Tenny ; d. ; left three children, Vibbard, Herbert, and Margaret. They reside at East Galloway, N. Y. ii. Hepsibah Jane Stebbins*, b. April 15, 1815. iU. James Gad Stebbins*, b. Oct. 19, 1818. iv. Adam Swan Stebbins*, b. April 2, 1823. V. Ira Stebbins*, b. Aug. 3, 1826. vi. WiUiam Chester Stebbins*, b. March 28, 1829. 982. Henry Swan' (Adam Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', Philip', Roger"), born Sept. 12, 1802 ; died Aug. 3, 1867 ; married May, 1832, Sarah Maria Mills, born 1815, died April 21, 1892. Resided in Mt. Morris, N. Y. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN MT. MORRIS. 1663. L William Henry Swan*, b. July 26, 1835. 1664. iL Theodore Talbot Swan*, b. Feb. 19, 1842. iu. Charles Fit 1855, Hannah Eaton, born in Chatham, N. H., March 2, 1 84 1, daughter of James Farnum and SaUy (Chase) Eaton, of Chatham, N. H. Mr, Eastman resided in Lawrence, Mass. CHILDREN. L Weston Thomas*, b. in Stowe, Me., Nov. 22, 1856; m. Edith Evelyn Beverly, of Rockland, Mass., May 10, 1887. ii. Sarah Ann*, b. in Stowe, Me., Feb. 13, 1859 ; d. in Law rence, July 27, 1871. iii. Cora*, b. iu Lawrence, Mass., Dec. 3, 1862 ; d. in Lawrence, Jan. 21, 1864. 1230. Otis Mason Eastman' (Solomon*, Daniel', Richard*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), bom in Lovell, Me,, May 29, 1829; died in Stowe, Me,, Aug. 14, 1895 ; married Susan Evens Abbott. Mr, Eastman was a farmer, and resided in Stowe, Me, CHILDREN. 1882. i. WUUam Ambrose*, b. in Stowe, Me., June 12, 1857. ii. Fred Walter*, b. Dec. 1, 1858. ui. NeUie Fessenden*, b. Feb. 27, 1861 ; res. in Portland, Me. iv. Hattie Louisa*, b. June 15, 1864; m. Oct. 14, 1889, Perley Stephens, of Fryeburg, Me. Child : (a) Marguerite East man Stephens', b. in Conway, N. H., Oct. 16, 1892 ; res. in Portland, Me. V. CUfford Webster*, b. in Stowe, Me., Aug. 14, 1867 ; res. in Stowe, Me. vi. Imogene Whitten*, b. Oct. 12, 1870 ; res. Stowe, Me. vu. John O. Dean*, b. Jan. 26, 1874 ; res. Stowe, Me. viii. Martha Abbott*, b. Nov. 30, 1877. Martha is a school teacher in Stowe, Me. I2'3i. Mary Colby Eastman' (Solomon*, Daniel', Rich ard*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Lovell, Me., Jan. 16, 1837; married in i860, John M. Smart, born in Ber wick, Me., Feb. 25, 1835, He is a tinsmith, and resides in Lawrence, Mass, 722 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Nellie Eastman Smart*, b. in Lawrence, Mass. iL Martha Edna Smart*, b. . 1232. Albert F. Eastman' (Cyrus*, Daniel', Richard*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Stowe, Me,, Aug. 15, 1848; married in Lovell, Me,, Nov. 12, 1873, Susan J. John son, born in Stowe, May 17, 1855, daughter of Solomon and Lydia B, (McKeen) Johnson, of Stowe, Me, Mr. Eastman is a farmer, and resides on Green hUl. Post-office, Chat ham, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Fannie*, b. Sept. 27, 1874 ; unmarried. ii. Arthur C.*, b. May 30, 1876. iii. Hattie E.*, b. Feb. 2, 1880. iv. Abby B.*, b. March 20, 1882. V. Seth B.*, b. Feb. 24, 1891 ; d. AprU 1, 1891. vi. Sarah E.*, b. Feb. 18, 1892. 1233, Horace D. Eastman' (Daniel*, Daniel', Richard*, Jon athan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Lovell, Me,, Jan. 29, 1831 ; died in West Newfield, Me,, March 14, 1887 ; married ist, Martha Sawyer, of Lovell, Me, ; 2d, in West Newfield, Jan. 22, 1873, Eva Linscott, born in York, Me., Feb, 15, 1843, daughter of Jeremiah and Lenora (Munroe) Linscott, of York, Me, Mr, Eastman resided in West Newfield, Me. He enlisted in the War of the Rebellion of 186 1—5 as pri vate, Oct, 7, 1861 ; mustered as first lieutenant Nov. 15, 1 86 1, at Portland, Me,, in Co, I, 12th Me. Vol. Inf. ; pro moted to captain of Co. B, same regiment, Oct, 8, 1862 ; resigned and honorably discharged Dec, 12, 1863. For a time he was purser on the U, S, S. "Guide " (transport). CHILD BY FIRST WIFE. i. Walter*, b. ; d. at about three years of age. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. ii. Eva Lord*, b. Oct. 16, 1876, in West Newfield, Me. She resides at 48 Waverly street, Brookline, Mass. ANDREW JACKSON EASTMAN', OF FRYEBURG, ME. 723 1234. Andrew Jackson Eastman' (Daniel*, Daniel', Rich ard*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Fryeburg, Me., Feb. 6, 1836; died in LoveU, Me., May 24, 1894; married in Lovell, Me., published Dec. 10, 1858, Martena Charles, daughter of Nathaniel and Maria (Hoit) Charles, born in LoveU, Me,, March 9, 1838 ; died in Fryeburg, Me,, Sept. 18, 1870, He married 2d, in Conway, N. H., Sept. 17, 1873, Louisa T, Elliott, born in Lovell, June 17, 1854, She married 2d, D. Frank Briggs, and resides in LoveU village. Me. Mr. Eastman's early married life was passed in Frye burg, Me., in the locality known as " Smart's Hill," where three of his children were born, and where his wife died, leaving an infant of but two years of age. The decease of Mrs. Eastman was a sad blow to the family. She was a most kind and affectionate wife and mother, and her demise was mourned by a large circle of relatives and friends. Mr. Eastman soon removed to Lovell, Me,, where he mar ried his second wife, and where he spent the remainder of his life. He was a shoemaker and farmer ; in the latter business he was not very extensive, but in shoemaking he was unex celled, being noted for his workmanship. He was sometimes engaged in lumbering, rafting- logs, etc. He was a member of both the Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges in Lovell, Me. He served in the War of the Rebellion in Co. H, 23d Regt. Me. Vols,, enlisting on the loth of September, 1862, for nine months; discharged July 15, 1863, at Portland, Me, His descriptive list says he was twenty-six years of age, five feet in height, dark complexion, black eyes and black hair, and by occupation when enlisted a farmer. He served as selectman in Lovell, and also as postmaster at Lovell vUlage under Grover Cleveland's first administration. CHILDREN. i. Alice Marie*, b. in Fryeburg, Me., 1859 ; m. a Pease ; res. in Baltimore, Md. 1883. ii. Clifford N.*, b. Nov. 18, 1861. 724 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1884. iu. Hattie Gertrude*, b. in LoveU, Me., May 14, 1867. 1885. iv. George Furlong*, b. in Fryeburg, Me., Sept. 5, 1870; m. Fannie Hobbs ; no children. He had no children by second wife. 1235. Lucy W. Eastman' (Daniel*, Daniel', Richard*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born Dec, 22, 1842 ; married J. H. Lord, of Steep Falls, Me. CHILDREN. i. Mary Frances Lord*, b. July 2, 1871. ii. Janette Rebecca WiUiams Lord*, b. Feb. 20, 1873. iii. Harold Eastman Lord*, b. April 15, 1874. iv. WilUam Cobb Lord*, b. Dec. 19, 1883. 1236, Tobias Lord Eastman' (Daniel*, Daniel', Richard*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Stowe, Me,, Dec, 3, 1844; married ist, in Standish, Me,, Nov. i, 1876, Mary M., daughter of Peltiah M. and Hannah (Mann) Hobson, born in Gorham, Me., died Feb. 28, 1880; married 2d, May 20, 1884, in Fryeburg, Me., Adelia Walker. Mr. Eastman was a soldier of the Rebellion; was in Co. E, 12th Me. Inf. He is a manufacturer of canned goods. He was a member of the Maine legislature in 1891. He resides in Fryeburg, Me. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. L James Walker*, b. AprU 11, 1878. ii. Rebe Mary*, b. Feb., 1880. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. iu. Edna*, b. June 25, 1888. 1237. Isaac Andrew Eastman' (Isaac*, Daniel', Richard*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Sweden, Me,, Feb. 20, 1841 ; married Dec. 24, 1878, Lizzie Edith Ray, born Feb. 14, 1859. He is a piano key maker; resides in Boston, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Charles Henry*, b. in Hyde Park, Mass., Dec. 3, 1879. ii. Walter Frederick*, b. in Roxbury, Mass., Dec. 27, 1881. WHLI.INGTOX H.IRRIS E-^STM.^X (1239). ESTHER ELIZABETH EASTMAN', OF SWEDEN, ME. 725 1238. Esther EUzabeth Eastman' (Isaac*, Daniel', Rich ard*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Sweden, Me., Oct. 14, 1846; married MUton Levi Merrill, a farmer resid ing at St. Albans, Me. Mr. MerriU has served as chairman on the board of selectmen for several years ; one term in the house of the Maine legislature, and two terms in the senate ; and at present (1901) is a member of the board of County Commissioners. i. Erlon Merrill*, b. AprU 30, 1875 ; d. June 4, 1875. 1239. Wellington Harris Eastman' (Isaac*, Daniel', Rich ard*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), bom in Sweden, Me., Jan. 6, 1853 ; married Jan, 26, 1881, Rachel WUley Stetson, born in Sumner, Me., April 13, 1857, daughter of Deacon Josiah T. Stetson. Mr. Eastman resides in East Sumner, Me., where he has been justice of the peace since 1883, and postmaster from 1886 to the present time (1901), He was town treas urer twelve years and superintendent of schools three years. He is manager of the Eastman Seed Company. He is a member of the First Congregational Church at East Sumner, Me. Mr. Eastman is a thorough going business man, and is much respected by all with whom he comes in contact, CHILDREN. L Ella Leona*, b. in Monmouth, Me., Sept. 9, 1887. She is au adopted child and a daughter of Mr. Wing. ii. Esther Hersey*, b. in East Sumner, Me., Dec. 10, 1892. iii. Augusta Tillson*, b. in East Sumner, Me., Jan. 14, 1895. iv. Roger*, b. in East Sumnei-, Me., Jan. 22, 1897. 1240. Harriet Kilgore Eastman' (Joseph*, Jeremy', Rich ard*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Lovell, Me., Oct. 5, 1819 ; died Feb. 6, 1899, ^^ Andover, Me, ; married in Nor way, Me., Nov. 26, 1840, Frederick Caldwell, born in Oxford, Me., May 15, 18 19, son of John and Sarah (MerriU) CaldweU. 1887. ii. 1888. iii. 1889. iv. V. 726 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Mr. Caldwell spent the most of his life on what is known as Farmer's HUl, in Andover, M^. In 1859 ^^> with his family, moved to LoveU, Me., where he resided four years, moving to Andover, Me., in 1864-5. H^ has been a nursery stock salesman for twelve years or more, traveling for several differ ent firms in Maine and New Brunswick. CHILDREN. 1886. i. Harriet Melissa Caldwell*, b. April 26, 1842, in Ando ver, Me. John Frederick Caldwell*, b. April 3, 1844, in Andover, Me- Charles Henry Caldwell*, b. March 21, 1850, in Oxford, Me. Edwin Eugene Caldwell*, b. Dec. 20, 1853, in Andover, Me. Albert Webster Caldwell*, b, Nov. 3, 1854, in Andover, Me. ; d. March 16, 1866. vi. Sidney Irving Caldwell*, b. March 27, 1859, in Andover, Me. He married and had two children, a son and daughter. He resided in one of the Western states, was taken sick, and returned to Andover, Me., where he died. 1 24 1. Sarah M, Eastman' (Caleb*, Jeremy', Richard*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Waterford, Me., Jan. I, 1833 ; married in Hiram, Me,, Jan, i, 1852, John Lang don KimbaU, born in Hiram, Me., Dec, 21, 1821, Mr. Kim ball was a representative in the Maine legislature in 1863. He resides in Poland, Me. ; a farmer. CHILDREN. i. Helen May KimbaU*, b. July 13, 1853, in Hiram, Me. u. EmeUne Hubbard KimbaU*, b. Aug. 25, 1856; d. Feb. 17, 1898. 1890. in. John KimbaU*, b. March 4, 1859. , iv. Frank Weston KimbaU*, b. June 30, 1861. V. Frances Augusta KimbaU*, b. Dec. 26, 1865. vi. Eddie KimbaU*, b. Sept. 7, 1866 ; d. Oct. 24, 1867. vii. Mary Langdon KimbaU*, b. Sept, 5, 1869. viu. George Willard True KimbaU*, b. Aug. 23, 1873. ix. Robert Lawrence KimbaU*, b. Aug. 29, 1877. ALICE EASTMAN'. 727 1242, Alice Eastman' (Jeremy*, Jeremy', Richard*, Jon athan', Thomas', Roger"), born Nov. 2, 1833 ; married George Chandler. Resides in East Landaff, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Edward Everett Chandler*, b. Jan, 18, 1853 ; d. Jan. 4, 1854. ii. Charles Wesley*, b. Nov. 27, 1854 ; d. Oct. 13, 1856. iu. Ida Cynthia*, b. Dec. 8, 1856 ; m. Dec 9, 1877, Warren Lincoln Emerson, iv. Mehitable*^ b, July 5, 1859 ; m. Oct. 8, 1878, W. Shaw, son of Israel. ¦ V. Elizabeth*, b. Dec. 12, 1861. vL Peter*, b. Aug. 31, 1863 ; was crushed by logs July 14, 1879. vii. Mary Luella*, b, AprU 18, 1867 ; d. Aug. 3, 1871. viu. Albert Ames*, b. May 14, 1869 ; d. Aug. 5, 1871. ix. Preston*, b. Aug. 9, 1871. X. Alice Amy*, b. Aug. 27, 1873. xi. George Perley*, b, Sept. 11, 1875. xii. Payson Elmer*, b. July 23, 1878. 1243. Alfred Abbott Eastman' (Moses KUgore*, Jeremy', Richard*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Stowe, Me., Feb. 26, 1835 ; died in Kearsarge, N, H., July 24, 1890; married in Chatham, N. H,, Feb, 24, 1856, Olive Perry Chandler, daughter of Oliver and Eunice Cole (Sanborn) Chandler, born in Chatham, N. H,, Feb, 22, 1838. She lives in Kearsarge, N, H. Mr, Eastman held the office of selectman in Stowe, Me. CHILDREN. Helen Augusta*, b. in Stowe, Me,, Nov. 28, 1856. Abbie Frances*, b, Jan. 19, 1859. Carrie Lock*, b. Dec 12, 1861. AUce Leavitt*, b, Jan. 11, 1863. Nellie Olive*, b. in Chatham, N. IL, March 12, 1866. Martha Cleaves*, b. July 5, 1867. Mary Hutchins*, b. Feb. 22, 1870. Alfred Perry*, b. July 3, 1874. Edward L.*, b. Oct. 18, 1876. Raymond Harrold*, b. June 18, 1879. Edith Inez*, b. Nov. 14, 1883. 1891. i. 1892. ii. 1893. iii. 1894. iv. 1895. V. 1896. vi. 1897. vii. 1898. viii. 1899. ix. X. xi. 728 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1244. Betsey Eastman' (Moses K.*, Jeremy', Richard*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born AprU 6, 1840, in Stowe, Me. ; died Aug. 11, 1891, in Stowe, Me. ; married Dec. 13, - 1859, Elias W. Andrews, born Oct. 4, 1835, died Feb. 13, 1890, in Stowe; son of Nathan and Betsey (Bryant) An drews. They resided in Stowe, Me. Mr. Andrews was a farmer. He was well known as an honest, upright man, and held the esteem of all with whom he became acquainted. CHILDREN. 1900. i. LiUa H.*, b. in Stowe, Me., Oct. 18, 1864. 1901. ii. Albert Clayton*, b. April 22, 1867. 1245. WiUiam Barber' (Miriam Eastman*, WUliam', WU liam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Lyman or Haver hill, N. H., in 1785 ; married Annie Moulton, He resided in Lyman and Lisbon, N. H, CHILDREN. 1902. i. John Barber*, b. ; m. Betsey Taintor, of Orford, N. H. ii. Miriam Barber*, b. ; never married. 1903. iii. Nathan Barber*, b. ; m. Emeline Moore, of Bridge- ton, 111. iv. Ruby Barber*, b. ; never married. V. Isaac Barber*, b. ; m. Augusta Eastman, born in Bath, N. H., Aug. 5, 1827. She is a widow, and lives in Lis bon, N. H. She is the daughter of Searl Eastman. 1904. vi. Lydia Ann Barber*, b. ; m. WilUam Stephens, of Lyman, N. IL 1246. Eber Eastman' (Stephen*, WiUiam', WUliam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Lyman, N. H., Aug. 16, 1800 ; died in St. Johnsbury, Vt., Sept. 16, 1871 ; buried in the grounds near the town house in Lyman, N. H. He married Jan, 29, 1824, Sarah Moore Gibson, born in Lyman, N, H,, AprU 14, 1802 ; died June 26, 1862, aged 60 years, 2 months, and 12 days. He resided in Lyman, N. H. STEPHEN AMBROSE EASTMAN', OF LYMAN, N. H. 729 CHILDREN. i. Jeannette S.*, b. March 23, 1824 ; d. Sept. 7, 1827. 1905. iL Richard S.*, b. Jan. 16, 1826 ; m. June 6, 1850, Helen Jane Bailey. Ui. Ruth KimbaU*, b. March 28, 1828 ; m. June 10, 1846, Peter MiUs Convers. She died in Lyme, April 18, 1857. iv. Lauretta Gibson*, b. June 15, 1830 ; m. March 4, 1849, David Morrison. 1906. V. Dan Derby*, b. June 4, 1834 ; m. March 26, 1860, Hattie A. Carter, who died in Richmond, IU., Sept. 22, 1860. 1907. vi. Salathiel*, b. March 14, 1837 ; m. Sept. 9, 1860, Chestina A. Carter. He died in Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 4, 1863. 1908. vU. Adam Gibson*, b. Sept. 22, 1842; m. Jan. 31, 1871, Susie Amelia MUler. 1247. Stephen Ambrose Eastman' (Stephen*, WUliam', WUliam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Lyman, N. H., in 1804; d, in Lyman, N, H,, at the age of twenty-eight ; married in 1826, Lavinia H. Gile, He intended to make the ministry his life work, and did preach for a short season in his native town, but after a long sickness passed over the river. Though a young man, he had many dear friends, and his death was sorely felt in the community where he lived. He resided in Lyman and Littleton, N, H. CHILDREN. i. Almira*, b. in Lyman, N. H., Oct. 30, 1827 ; m. AprU 3, 1848, Damon Young Clark, who was in his early days a popular stage driver, and was known all over northern New Hampshire, He retired on to a farm about two miles out of Littleton, N, IL, a few years ago, where he died May 20, 1900, aged 73 years. Thus another of the old-time stage drivers, of whom only a few now survive, passed away. His widow resides on the farm in Little ton. They had no children. She adopted a girl, a school teacher now in Fort Wayne, Ind. ; unm. She is known as M. Belle Clark. iL Lydia Gile*, b. in Lyman, Feb. 19, 1829 ; unm. ; d. . 1909. iii. Francis Ambrose*, b. in Littleton, N. IL, April 3, 1831. 73° EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1247a. Dan Eastman' (Stephen*, William', William*, Jon athan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Bath, N. H., Oct. 11, 181 1 ; died Dec, 5, 1874 ; married in Lyman, N. H., Jan. 9, 1840, MatUda Stickney, born in Lyman, Nov. 23, 1822, daughter of Daniel and Polly (Moulton) Stickney, Daniel Stickney was a soldier in the war of 18 12. Mr, Eastman was a carpenter, and resided in Lancaster, N, H, CHILDREN. L Philatus*, b. July 17, 1841 ; d. 1890 ; m. Dec 17, 1866, Celia RoweU. ii. Laura H.*, b. May 11, 1846. iii. Inez C,*, b. in Littleton, N. H., July 18, 1850 ; m. in Bath, N. H., 1875, George L. Lyons, born in Bath, N. IL, Nov. 20, 1849, son of John and Mary (Reed) Lyons, Mr. Lyons is an engineer, and lives in Woodsville, N. H. Children : (a) George Clifton Lyons', b. in Lancaster, N, H,, Dec 9, 1876 ; (b) Mae M. Lyons', b. in Elkhart, Ind,, Dec 15, 1879. iv. Helen A. H,*, b. July 25, 1854. 1248. Orris Petty' (Betsey Eastman*, Obadiah', WUliam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Bath, N, H., Dec. 20, 1803 ; died July 6, 1867 ; married in 1826, Sally Rollins, of Bath, N. H, He resided in " SwUtwater," HaverhiU, N. H. CHILDREN. L Harriet M. Petty*, b. Jan. 13, 1834. U. Henry M. Petty*, b. Feb. 1, 1838 ; d. in the war of 1861-5. 1249. ZUpha Petty' (Betsey Eastman*, Obadiah', Wil liam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in " Swiftwater," Haverhill, N. H,, Jan, 22, 1806 ; died Jan. 16, 1886, in PeL ham, N. H. ; married in Pelham, June 23, 1833, George Carlton. He died in California, Dec. 14, 1855. CHILD. 1910. i. Oscar F. Carlton*, b. June 8, 1839. Four others, who died young. JASON PETTY', OF HAVERHILL, N. H. 73 I 1250. Jason Petty (Betsey Eastman*, Obadiah', WUliam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in " Swiftwater," Haver hill, N. H., Aug. 2, 1807; died July 25, 1878; married Lucinda Mead. She died Oct. 3, 1891. He lived in Haver hill, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Delevan Petty*, b. Sept. 25, 1840. u. Addie Petty*, b. Nov. 14, 1842. - iu. Clara Petty*, b. Aug. 15, 1844. iv. Irvin Petty*, b. Oct. 5, 1845. Had others, but died young. 125 1. Polly Petty (Betsey Eastman*, Obadiah', WiUiam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in HaverhUl, N. H., May II, 1809 ; married Dec, 16, 1838, Timothy N, Wood, CHILDREN. L Henry S. Wood*, b, March 7, 18.50 ; d. Aug. 8, 1880. iL Orester L. Wood*, b. Sept. 3, 1852 ; d. May 19, 1892. 1252, Livonia Petty' (Betsey Eastman*, Obadiah', Wil liam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Haverhill, N. H. ; married ist, Charles Kent ; married 2d, Nathaniel Currier, of Pelham, N, H. She is a widow, and is the only one of the family living. She resides in Pelham, N, H. CHILDREN. i. Charles N. Kent*, b, Feb, 28, 1840 ; m. and lives in Pelham. iL Angeline Kent*, b. March 18, 1842. She is unmarried and lives in Pelham, taking care of her mother, who is an invalid. 1253. Alvah Eastman' (Hannah*, Obadiah', WiUiam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Bath, N. H., Jan. 18, 1799 ; died in Barre, Vt., Sept. 28, 1868 ; married in New bury, Vt., March 10, 18 19, Sally Boyce, born in Newbury, Vt,, .March 10, 1801, died in Barre, Vt,, Sept, 16, 1878. He was a clothier; lived first in Bath, N. H., and later re moved to Barre, Vt. 732 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 1911. i. Sarah Ann*, b. in Bath, N. H,, April 24, 1821. 1912. ii. Chester Hutchins*, b. Jan. 8, 1824. 1913. iU. Harriet Addie*, b. March 24, 1829. 1914. iv. Ellen Adelaide*, b. in Montpelier, Vt., Dec 25, 1840. 1254, Archimedes Young' (Hannah Eastman*, Obadiah', WUliam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Landaff, N. H,, Nov. 7, 1812 ; died in Landaff, N. H,, Aug, 10, 1881 ; married in Landaff, N. H., Feb. 7, 1837, Betsey Noyes Eaton, bom in Landaff, N, H,, Nov. 30, 18 14, died in Lan daff, N. H., May 10, 1872, She was the daughter of Tim othy and Martha (Northy) Eaton. Mr, Young was a farmer, and resided all his life in the town in which he was born. He held all the town offices, and represented his town twice in the New Hampshire legislature. CHILDREN. i. JuUa Young*, b. in Landaff, N. H., Oct. 18, 1838 ; d. July 12, 1858. 1915. ii. Lovinia Young*, b. in Landaff, Dec. 9, 1842. UL James R. P. Young*, b. in Landaff, N. H., March 10, 1845. Resided on the homestead in Landaff. He represented his town in the New Hampshire legislature in 1897. He had the misfortune to lose one of his hands in blasting rocks. He never married. He died suddenly July 16, 1901. 1254a, Sally Young' (Hannah Eastman*, Obadiah', WU liam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Landaff, N. H., May 31, 1814 ; died in Manchester, N. H., Aug. 12, 1876; married in Landaff, N. H,, March 3, 1836, Artemas Jack son, born in Augusta, Me., AprU 27, 1806, died in Man chester, N, H,, July 4, 1881 ; son of Samuel Jackson, of Augusta, Me. Mr. Jackson was a wheelwright ; resided in Manchester, N. H,, where he was a member of the Meth odist Episcopal Church, and steward. He was a major in the New Hampshire militia. GUY CARI^TON RIX (1256). ,yV- MRS. GUY- C. RIX (1256), ISRAEL YOUNG', OF LANDAFF, N. H. 733 CHILDREN. 1916. i. Ann Augusta Jackson*, b. in Landaff, N. H., Jan. 20, 1837. ii. James J. Jackson*, b. in Piermont, N. H., Sept. 23, 1839 ; d. April 8, 1846. iii. Alice Jackson*, b. in Manchester, N. H., Aug. 22, 1850 ; d. Jan. 26, 1860. 1255. Israel Young' (Hannah Eastman*, Obadiah', Wil liam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Landaff, N, H., March 29, 1816; married ist, Sept. i, 1843, Mary Ann Young; 2d, June 17, 1847, Betsey Abbott Eastman, daugh ter of Nicholas and granddaughter of Isaac Eastman, of Newton, Mass, Mr. Young was a farmer, and owned the farm on which he was born and always lived. Deceased. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Orrin Young*, b. July 12, 1844. ii. Mary Ann Young*, b. Feb. 2, 1846. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. Ui. Oscar E. Young*, b. May 11, 1848. iv. George Henry Young*, b. May 16, 1850. V. Louisa H. Young*, b. Oct. 12, 1854. 1256. Guy Carlton Rix' (Rebecca Eastman*, Obadiah', William*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Stanstead, Canada, Dec. 14, 1802 ; died in Dowagiac, Mich,, Jan. 14, 1879; married in St. Johnsbury, Vt,, Jan, 4, 1826, Martha Gates, daughter of Jacob and Patty (Plumley) Gates, of St. Johnsbury, Vt. She died in Dowagiac, Mich., AprU 28, 1892. Mr. Rix taught school for twenty years, mostly winters. Learned the trade of edge tool making, and followed it all his life. He was a well read man, and but for an unfortunate habit would have made his mark in the world. He was a man that read a good deal and kept posted on the political questions of the day ; was a great admirer of Henry Clay, whom he listened to quite often when he was 52 734 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. a member of congress. Mr. Rix was a rover, made so by his trade, as he took contracts to make edge tools, and when completed, would move to other places. He was very skUful in tempering, and his success was such that mUl picks fol lowed him wherever he would go. The birth-place of his children shows where he lived. He was a staunch Democrat all his life. During the war of 1 861-5 he was an earnest supporter of the government, and sent seven sons to the war, all he had, and his two sons-in-law as well, and would have gone himself if the government had accepted him. He was lame from a boy by his hip being put out of joint, CHILDREN. Cga-oUne*, b. in Littleton, N. H., Dec. 17, 1826. Guy Scoby*, b. in Littleton, N. H., Nov. 12, 1828. Joel Eastman*, b. in Kirby, Vt., July 28, 1830. Joseph*, b. in Waterford, Vt., June 28, 1832 ; d. young. Thomas*, b. in Danville, Vt., July 28, 1834. John*, b. in Compton, Canada, Jan. 4, 1837. Nathaniel*, b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt., Jan. 22, 1839. Martha*, b. in Barnston, Canada, Jan. 16, 1841. Benjamin Franklin*, b, in Rumney, N. H., July 28, 1843. Charles*, b. in Middleport, N. Y., April 28, 1846. Wilder Peiroe*, b. in Jeddo, Orleans Co., N. Y,, June 8, 1848 ; d. in Manchester, Mich., about nine years of age. 1257, Narcissa Rix' (Rebecca Eastman*, Obadiah', Wil liam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Stanstead, Can ada, Jan. 3, 1807 ; died in Boston, Mass. ; married Jan. 14, 1827, Nathan Underwood, born in Concord, Vt., in 1805, son of Samuel Underwood, who lived at one time in Little ton, N. H. Nathan Underwood was left an orphan and was brought up by others. They early removed to Boston, Mass., where he was first employed by the city on the old Cochit- uate water-works ; in fact, he was always employed by the city as long as he lived. He died in Boston. 1917. 1918. ii. 1919. iii. iv. 1920. V. 1921. vi. 1922. vii. 1923. viii. 1924. ix. 1925. X. xi. PERSIS RIX', OF STANSTEAD, CAN. 735 CHILDREN. i. Hiram Underwood*, b. . He went early to California as supercargo of a vessel, and started home via the Isth mus, in 1851, and was never heard from. 1926. ii. Guy Carlton Underwood*, b. in Littleton, N, H,, Sept. 16, 1831. iii. Charles Underwood*, b. ; d. . iv. Nathaniel Underwood*, b. ; d. . V. Rebecca Jane Underwood*, b. ; m. a Mr. Walker ; had one son. vi. Carrie M. Underwood*, b. ; ui. April 6, 1866, James A. Craig. Child : (a) Arthur H. Craig', b. in Chicago, 111. ; d. May 15, 1877. They were divorced, and she and her sister, Rebecca Jane, are both clerks in the Register of Deeds' office, Cambridge, Mass. vii. Adelaide Underwood*, b. ; d. , viii. Walter Underwood*, b. ; d. . 1258. Persis Rix' (Rebecca Eastman*, Obadiah', WU liam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Stanstead, Can ada, Aug. 19, 1809; died in Haddonfield, N. J., March 8, 1889 ; married in 1826, Aaron GUe, born in Bethlehem, N. H., Feb, 19, 1803, died in Topeka, Kan. They were divorced about 1845, ^^<^ she married 2d, Jedediah Wood bury, the agent at the time at the depot in Newbury, Vt. They afterwards removed to Lowell, Mass., where Mr. Wood bury died. After her husband's death she went to live with her son George in Haddonfield, N. J. (See foot-note.) Samuel Gile and John his brother were emigrants. Samuel Gile, born in England ; m. Sept. 1, 1647, Judith Davis. He resided iu Haver hUl, Mass., and died Feb. 21, 1683. CHILDREN. i. Samuel, b. Aug. 30, 1648 ; d. 167.5. ii. Judith, b. April 2, 1650 ; m. Joseph Page. ui. John, b. Dec. 8, 1652, iv. Hannah, b. Feb., 1654 ; died young. V. Sarah, b. March 1, 1657-8 ; m. Peter Pattee ; eight chil dren. vi. James, b. Aug. 27, 1660 ; m, Ruth Parker. vii. Ephraim, b. March 21, 1661 ; m. Martha Bradley. (X) 736 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Ephraim, b. March 21, 1661-2, Uved in HaverhiU untU 1711, when he removed .to Chester, N. H. He married Jan. 5, 1686, Martha Bradley. CHILDREN. i. Mary, b. Feb. 11, 1687 ; ra. Thomas Clough. ii. Hannah, b. Aug. 11, 1690 ; m. Jonathan Clough. iii. Mehitable, b. Dec 1, 1692 ; m. Nathaniel Johnson. iv. Sarah, b. Jan. 20, 1794-5 ; m. Samuel Davis. V. Daniel, b. Dec. 10, 1697 ; m. Joanna Heath. vL Judith, b. May 3, 1700 ; m. Henry Green. vii. Samuel, b. Feb. 13, 1702-3 ; m. Sarah Emerson. viii. Ephraim, b. Aug. 15, 1705; m. . ix. Ebenezer, b. Sept. 11, 1708 ; m. Lydia Johnson. (X) Ebenezer, born in Haverhill, Mass,, Sept, 11, 1708 ; married June 6, 1731, Lydia Johnson. Her father and mother were killed by the French and Indians at the attack on Haverhill, Aug. 29, 1708. When the mother was slain she held in her arms her only child, Lydia, a year and six days old, born in the second year of her marriage. The child strangely es caped the tomahawk, concealed, perhaps, in the folds of her dress, grew to womanhood, and in her twenty-fifth year married Mr. Gile. Mr. GUe removed to Hampstead, N. H., in 1740; thence to Henniker in 1765; thence to Hopkinton, N. H., where he died about 1775. His widow died in Enfield, N. H., in 1781. CHILDREN. i. Timothy, b. Feb. 16, 1732-3 ; d. March 2, 1732-3. u. Ruth, b. Jan. 12, 1733-4 ; d. Jan. 18, 1733-4. iu. Thomas, b. Nov. 19, 1734; d. Jan. 17, 1735. iv. Anna, b. Jan. 16, 1735-6. V. Abigail, b, March 13, 1737-8, vi. Joshua, b. April 9, 1740 ; m. Hannah Dustin (?). vu. Noah, b. 1743; ra. EUzabeth Howe. (X) viii. Lydia, b. 1750. ix. Johnson, b. 1752; m. Hannah Jewell. Noah, born in Hampstead, N. H., in 1743 ; married Elizabeth Howe. He was a soldier of the Revolution, a member of Captain Adams' com pany, from Henniker, N. H., in 1776. He moved from Henniker to Enfield, and several other places in New Hampshire. The place of his death is unknown. PERSIS RIX', OF STANSTEAD, CAN. 737 CHILDREN. i. John, b. May 7, 1772 ; m. Lydia Clements. (X) U. Nathaniel, b. July 8, 1777 ; m. Lydia Hall. iii. Susan, b. in Bradford, N. H., June 18, 1780 ; m. Solomon Abbey. iv. Timothy, b. Dec 30, 1785 ; m. DoUy Stevens. V. Peter, b. Oct. 28, 1787 ; m. Eleanor Howe. vi. Jesse, b. ; m. . vii. Aaron, b. ; d. young. viii. Elizabeth, b. ; d. unm, at a great age. ix. Polly, b. ; m. Elnathan Dean ; had son George, who lived in Canaan, N. H. X. Lydia, b. ; d. young, John, born in Henniker, N. H., May 7, 1772 ; died in 1851, in Little ton; N. H. He married Feb, 23, 1796, Lydia Clements. He settled in Littleton, N. H., where he owned a large tract of land which he brought to a good state of cultivation, but he was not content in so restricted a sphere as the management of a farm, and he became one of the earliest proprietors of mill property on the Ammonoosuc, where now flourishes the pretty village of Littleton, in the upbuilding of which he was ever after a zealous and active co-worker. He built and run the old "Granite Hotel" in Littleton for many years. CHILDREN. i. Louisa, b. in Bethlehem, N. H,, Dec 9, 1800 ; d. Sept. 6, 1877 ; m. John Bowman ; lived iu Littleton ; had four teen children. U. Aaron, b. in Bethlehem, Feb. 19, 1803 ; m. Persis Rix (1258). iii. William Brackett, b. Jan. 2, 1817 ; m. Maria Chute. He was a minister. iv. Fry Williams, b. May 30, 1819 ; m. Caroline A. Fellows, b. Aug. 2, 1817. V. Lavina H., b. ; m. Stephen Ambrose Eastman (1247). vi. Missouri, b. , vii. Abigail, b. ; d, young. viii. Nancy Jane, b. ; ni. Carlton C. Abbey. 738 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN BY FIRST HUSfeAND. i. Melvina GUe*, b. in Bethlehem, N. H., Dec. 9, 1827; d. in Joliet, 111, ; m, in 1851, Stephen H. Sanford, and removed to Joliet. She had three daughters. After the death of his wife he married again and removed to Omaha, Neb. 1927. U. George W. GUe*, b. in Littleton, N. H., Jan. 8, 1830. 1259. WUder Pierce Rix' (Rebecca Eastman*, Obadiah', WiUiam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Stanstead, Canada, Jan. 13, 1812 ; died in HaverhUl, N. H., Feb. 21, 1843 j married May 19, 1837, Mary Jane Rose, daughter of George and Polly (Rix) Rose, who was his first cousin. He was a farmer ; lived first in Littleton, and then in Haver hill, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Eliza Maria Rix*, b. in Littleton, N. H., Dec 12, 1838 ; d. ; unm. ii. Sarah Jane Rix*, b. in Littleton, N. H., April 4, 1839 ; d. ; unm. Ui. Helen Rix*, b. in HaverhiU, N. H., Feb. 17, 1841 ; m. Feb. 21, 1863, Clarence Lavada Riddle, of Cleveland, Ohio. He was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion of 1861-5, enlisting in the First Ohio Battei-y. His wife died Sept. 24, 1881. He resides in Maumee, Lucas county, Ohio. Children : (a) Fred Wilder Riddle', b. June 20, 1867 ; d. in Hamilton, Ohio, Nov. 1, 1897 ; m. in Toledo, Ohio, March 6, 1888. Minnie Cosston ; children : (1) Clarence Lavada Riddle, Jr.^', b. in Toledo, Ohio, Jan. 25, 1889 ; (2) Helen May Riddle^', b. in Hamilton, Ohio, June 4, 1891 ; (3) Clara Bell Riddle", b. in Overpeck, Ohio, Aug. 6, 1894 ; (b) Genio Riddle', b. in Clyde, Ohio, May 7, 1872 ; unm., and lives at No. 421 South ave., Hamilton, Ohio. iv. Mary E. Rix*, b. iu Haverhill, N. H,, Feb. 14, 1843. 1260. Benjamin Frankhn Rix' (Rebecca Eastman*, Oba diah', William*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Little ton, N. H., July 28, 181 5 ; died in Dalton, N. H., June 9, 1884, and was buried in HaverhUl, N. H., in Ladd street REBECCA JANE RIX', OF LITTLETON, N. H. 739 burying-ground. He married March 23, 1848, Mary E. Bryant, of Stoneham, Mass, Mr, Rix and wife were both singers of superior education. Both traveled with " Father Kemp's Old Folks," concerting, but she disliking to travel, especially after her son became old enough to go to schooL quit it. She sang for years in St, Ann's church, in LoweU. Mr. Rix taught singing school all his life, except when trav eling with " Father " Kemp, They were divorced, and she then married Benjamin Walker, a long-time organist at St. Ann's church, in LoweU. Mr. Walker died, and she now re sides in Lowell, Mass, CHILD. 1928. i. Frank Reader Rix*, b. in Lowell, Mass., Aug. 30, 1853. 1 26 1. Rebecca Jane Rix' (Rebecca Eastman*, Obadiah', WUliam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Littleton, N. H., March 23, 1821 ; died in Dalton, N, H,, AprU 13, 1885 ; married Feb, 5, 1845, Clark Rix, her first cousin, and son of Ebenezer and Mary (Clark) Rix, who were first cousins, also. Mr. Rix died in Dalton, N. H,, March 24, 1881, Was a farmer, and lived in Dalton, N. H. CHILDREN BORN IN DALTON, N. H. 1929. i. Charles Hiram Rix*, b. May 6, 1848. U. Narcissa Louisa Rix*, b. Oct. 26, 1850 ; d. April 9, 1894 ; unm. iU. Edgar M. Rix*, b. Aug. 2, 1857; m. Nov. 14, 1877, Fran- cene McKeene, of Lisbon, N. H. He resides in Little ton, N. H. ; no children. iv. Isabel E. Rix*, b. Jan. 10, 1855 ; d. June 28, 1872 ; unm. V. Walter Underwood Rix*, b. April 10, 1858 ; res. in Lowell ; unm. vi. Carrie Maria Rix*, b. June 10, 1863 ; res. in Lowell ; unm. 1262. Stephen Royce Eastman' (Jonathan*, Obadiah', WUliam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Orford, N. H., March i, 1819; died in New York city, Oct. 25, 1890; 740 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. married in February, 1850, Julia Ann Murray, born in Sag Harbor, Long Island, Aug. 20, 1829, died in New York city, July 4, 1884. He was employed by the New York Omnibus Company for many years, CHILDREN. 1930. i. Mary Rebecca*, b. March 19, 1851 ; m. March 1, 1871, Vic tor Harriman ; res. in St. Johnsbury, Vt. ii. Stephen Sampson*, b. March 16, 1852 ; d, . in. WUliam Orlando*, b, Oct. 3, 1853. iv. Sophia*, b. March 3, 1853 ; d. . V. George Washington*, b, July 4, 1859 ; d. . vi. Walter*, b, June 20, 1861. vii. Frederick Whendover*, b. July 30, 1884. viU. Minnie*, b. May 25, 1868 ; d. . ix. Julia Baunetta*, b. Jan, 21, 1872. 1263. WiUiam Eastman' (Jonathan*, Obadiah', William*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Orford, N. H., March 4, 1821 ; died in Haverhill, N. H,, Oct. 20, 1865 ; married May I, 1844, Elsie Ramsey Davis. He resided in Haver hill, N. H. CHILDREN. 1931. L Sarah Jane*, b. in HaverhUl, N. H., Aug. 31, 1845 ; d, Dec. .5, 1883. u. Stephen Orlando*, b. Feb. 8, 1850 ; d. March 9, 1854. iii. Mary Netta*, b. Aug. 24, 1854 ; res. iu Haverhill, Mass. ; is a teacher in the public schools there ; is unmarried. 1932. iv. Eva Sophia*, b. AprU 15, 1857. V. Susan Alina*, b. Oct. 23, 1860 ; teacher in public schools in Haverhill, Mass, ; unm. 1264, George Rix Eastman' (Seaborn*, Obadiah', Wil liam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Bath, N, H., Nov, 19, 1812 ; died in Newbury, Vt, Nov, 14, 1875 ; mar ried in 1839, Hannah Young, daughter of David Young by his first wife. ESTHER EASTMAN', OF BATH, N, H. 74 1 CHILDREN. 1933. L Ruth*, b. July 14, 1840. iL Jane*, b. in 1842 ; d. in Feb., 1850. ^ Ui. George*, b. in 1848 ; d. in 1850. 1265. Esther Eastman' (Seaborn*, Obadiah', WUUam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Bath, N, H., Jan. 20, 1815; died in Boston, Mass,, Jan. 24, 1876; married Davis Green, They lived in Newburyport, Lowell, Mass., and Concord, N. H, They were divorced, and Mr, Green mar ried again. CHILDREN. 1934. i. William C. Green*," b. in Newburyport, Mass., Feb, 13, 1853. ii. Mary Green*, b. in Lowell, Mass., Feb, 8, 1855 ; m. James F. Hoyt, of Concord, N. H. She has no chUdren ; res. in Hopkinton, N. H. iii. Emma F. Green*, b. in Lowell, Mass., May 23, 1857 ; m. Fred BuzzeU, of Concord, N. H. She died leaving no children. 1266, Lucretia H, Eastman' (Seaborn*, Obadiah', Wil liam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Bath, N, H., Sept, 4, 1817 ; married Ezekiel Jones, and lived and died in Boston, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Irving*, b. in Boston, Mass. ii. Chester*, b. , iii. Frances*, b, — ,, 1267. Charles W, Eastman' (Seaborn*, Obadiah', WU liam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Newbury, Vt., Nov. 22, 1830; married Elizabeth Charlotte Abbott, He is a farmer, and resides in Wells River, Vt. CHILDREN, i. Clara*, b. in Newbury, Vt., June 7, 1856 ; m. June 20, 1888, Sheridan Irving Snnth. Child : (a) Wendell Phil lips Smith', b. in Lyndonville, Vt., Sept. 17, 1892. ii. Wilber*, b, in Newbury, Vt , Sept. 10, 1858 ; lives at home ; unm, iii. Helen*, b. in Newbury, Vt., March 22, 1862 ; lives at home ; unm. 742 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, 1268. Mary Eastman' (Peter*, Obadiah', WUliam*, Jona than', Thomas', Roger"), born in Bath, N, H,, Jan. 3, 181 3 ; died in Hartland, Niagara county, N, Y,, Jan, 9, 1890; mar ried July 20, 1837, John McCandish, born Sept, 27, 1803, died of cancer in Hartland, N. Y,, Jan. 20, 1878. His parents came from Scotland. Mr. McCandish lost his hand in an accident by a premature discharge of a cannon, July 4, 1845. Resided in Hartland, N. Y. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN HARTLAND. i. AdeUne McCandish*, b. July 20, 1834 ; d. Aug. 29, 1860 ; m. 1856, Curtis Spofford, b. in Dunkirk, N. Y., June 30, 1822, d. in Hartland, N. Y,, July 26, 1897. ChUdren : (a) Saphronia L, Spofiord', b, Dec 8, 1857 ; m. Oct. 1, 1878, Homer Brayley, b. in Rochester, N. Y., June 26, 1856 ; children : (1) Charles C. Brayleyi", b. at MUton Junc tion, Wis., Aug. 29, 1879 ; m. Oct. 8, 1901, at Hartland, N. Y., Birdella Whitcomb, b. in Somerset, N. Y., Sept., 1880 ; (2) Willie Brayley", b. at Milton Junction, Wis., June 10, 1881 ; (3; Edwin Brayley", b. at Milton Junc tion, Wis,, March 16, 1885; (4) Minnie Brayley", b. at Milton Junction, Wis., Oct. 21, 1885 ; (5; Roy Brayley", b. at Alden, Minn., March 5, 1891 ; d. Feb. 1, 1892, in Hartland, N. Y. ; (6) Mertie Brayley", b. in Hartland, N. Y,, Feb. 9, 1893 ; (7) Percy Brayley", b. in Hartland, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1895. ii. Margaret Anderson McCandish*, b, Aug, 15, 1838 ; m. 1st, Sept. 24, 1852, WilUam Brown, d, AprU 2, 1859; m. 2d, July 4, 1869, WiUiam Cleghorn, d. Nov. 30, 1888. The widow resides in Sanborn, X, Y. Children by first hus band: (a) Mary L. Brown', b. Aug. 21, 1853 ; m. Dec. 5, 1878, Charles Wiseman, b. Aug. 9, 1853 ; children, all born in Newfane, N. Y. . (1) William Wiseman", b. Feb. 20, 1877 ; m. Dec. 2, 1897, Marion Greeman ; (2) John Wiseman", b. Aug. 14, 1879 ; m. Jau. 2, 1901, Jes sie Krupp ; (3) May Wiseman", b. Oct. 14, 1883 ; m. Oct. 16, 1901, Jaraes Robinson; lives in Newfane, N. Y. ; (4) Lee Wiseman", b. Sept. 15, 1885 ; (5) Marion Wiseman", b. June 28, 1891 ; (6) Eugene Wiseman", b. Sept. 28, 1893 ; (b) Emma S. Brown', b. AprU 6, 1856 ; MARY EASTMAN', OF BATH, N, H, 743 m. Sept. 26, 1874, Thomas Mills; chUd : (1) Charles T. MUls", b. Nov. 5, 1877 ; m, Oct, 12, 1898, Mary E. East man, of Cambria, N, Y. They reside in Sanborn, Niagara county, N, Y. ; (0) WiUiam Brown', b, Nov. 14, 1859 ; d. Feb. 4, 1860. in. Susan A, McCandish*, b, Deo. 29, 1839 ; ra. April 12, 1865, Robert Bordwell ; res, at Barker, Niagara county, N. Y., R.F. D.Route, No, 31. ChUdren: (,a) LUiaM. Bordwell', b. March 18, 1866 ; m, Deo. 25, 1890, George BaUey ; (b) Frank C. Bordwell', b. Oct. 14, 1868. He lost his right foot July 8, 1889 ; (c) " Baby " Bordwell', b. Aug, 22, 1871; d. feept, 16, 1871; (d) Hiram E. Bodwell', b. March 14, 1874 ; in. Nov. 28, 1894, Mertie GUI ; chiL dren: (1) Child d. young; (2) Milford GUI Bordwell", b. May 13, 1898 ; (3) Malah Ida Bordwell", b, June 6, 1900; (e) Maggie M. Bordwell', b. May 2, 1876; m, Lo renzo J, Webster ; child : (1) Susan Louisa Webster", b. July 1, 1901, iv. Mary Grace McCandish*, b, March 27, 1842 ; d. Nov. 16, 1879 ; lived in Hartland, N, Y, ; m. Sept, 28, 1862, Henry Shorten, b. in England, Oct, 8, 1844, He enlisted in the 25th N. Y. Battery ; went to New Orleans ; staid until the close of the war. Children, all born in Hartland, N., Y. : (a) Carrie Bell Shorten', b. May 2,' 1863 ; m. Nov. 2, 1881, C. Hosmer, and he died Feb. 13, 1897 ; children : (1) Ella May Hosmer", b. May 3, 1884 ; (2) Edith Grace Hosmer", b. Aug, 2, 1886; (3) Arthur Clement Hosmer", b. March 11, 1891; (b) Cora May Shorten', b. April 17, 1866; m. in Middleport, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1884, Albert Currie, a farmer in Hartland, N. Y, ; children : (1) Maude Ethel Currie", b. July 20, 1885 ; (2) Walter Henry Curiie", b. Aug. 27, 1888 ; (3) John Albert Currie", b. Nov. 14, 1871 ; (c) Burt E. Shorten', b. June 11, 1871; m. Aug. 31, 1893, Minnie Harrington, and Uves in Hartland, N, Y. ; no children ; (d) Arthur Clement Shorten', b. Nov. 10, 1875 ; m. Jan. 30, 1895, Lillian Bowman; children: (1) Julius Henry Shorten", b. May 26, 1897 ; (2) Leo Edwin Shorten", b- Oct. 17, 1900. V. John WaUace McCandish*, b. Aug. 16, 1844 ; d. July 11, 1882. He enlisted in the 25th N.Y. Battery in 1862; went to New Orleans, and was there at the close of the war. He never married. 744 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. vi. Nancy Jane McCandish*, b. Feb. 27, 1846 ; d. Sept. 18, 1848. vu. Sarah Elizabeth McCandish*, b. July 5, 1848 ; m. Dec. 19, 1867, William Shorten, born in Norfolk, England, Sept. 22, 1846 ; res. in Hartland, Niagara county, N. Y. Chil dren : (a) Ada M, Shorten', b, Oct. 11, 1868 ; m. Oct. 20, 1889, Ambrose Hudson ; children : (1) Louis W. Hudson", b. July 9, 1890 ; (2) Florence Elizabeth Hud- sen", b. March 23, 1893 ; (3) Vera Marguerite Hudson", b. March 17, 1897 ; d. June 6, 1900 ; (4) WiUiam McKin ley Hudson^', b. June 15, 1900 ; res. at Barker, Niagara county, N. Y. ; (b) Lena Gladys Shorten', b. Sept. 13, 1874; m. July 6, 1893, Harvey A. Allen; children born in Hartland, N. Y, . (1) Edward W. Allen", b. July 17, 1894; (2) Irma Elizabeth Allen", b. June 8,1897; (c) Arthur Shorten', b. Jan, 21, 1873 ; died young. viii. Nancy Eugenia McCandish*, b, Jan. 29, 1854 ; d. April 2, 1895 ; m, Sept. 9, 1871, George Whitehead. Children : • (a) WiUiam Whitehead', b. July 20, 1872 ; ra. Dec. 27, 1893, Adelia Perkins, ef Hartland, N. Y. ; children : (1) Jennie B. Whitehead", b. May 8, 1895 ; (2) Ethel B. Whitehead", b. Nov. 13, 1896 ; (3) Harry B. White head", b. March, 1898 ; (b) George Whitehead', b. Sept. 27, 1879 ; ra. Oct. 1, 1891, Emma Vanwert, of Toronto, Canada. 1269. Susan T. Eastman' (Stephen Royce*, Obadiah', William*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Corinth, Vt., Nov. 23, 1822 ; died in Toledo, Ohio, July 18, 1901 ; mar ried 1st, at North HaverhUl, N. H,, by Rev, Mr, Hichborn, Charles Rix, born in Littleton, N, H,, March 23, 1821, died in Portsmouth, N. H., Sept, 28, 1846, son of Nathaniel and Rebecca (Eastman) Rix (596), Charles' remains were buried in the " Ladd " burying-grounds in Haverhill. Susan married 2d, in Lowell, Mass., Vernon Ganson, born in New Salem, Mass., Jan. 6, 18 13. Mr. Ganson taught dancing for fifty-five years, and during the later years of his life was conductor of the Spiritual Lyceum in Clyde, Ohio. He was a soldier in 1861-5 ; was in the Eighty-seventh Ohio Volun teer Infantry ; was taken prisoner at Harper's Ferry. He died in Toledo, Ohio, Dec, 24, 1901. SUSAN T. EASTMAN', OF CORINTH, VT. 745 CHILDREN. Oceanna lone Ganson*, b. in Lowell, Mass., May 27, 1854 ; m. in Clyde, Ohio, Feb. 22, 1871, Sylvester M. Cook. Child : (a) Harry D. Cook', b. . Mr. Cook is train despatcher on the U. P. R. R., and his son is in the rail road business. Emma Theresa Ganson*, b. in Lowell, Mass., Feb. 8, 1857 ; m. in Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 19, 1876, MiUard FUmere Nogal, a commercial traveller. Children : (a) Millard Filmore NegaL Jr.', b. iu Toledo, Ohio, Dec 5, 1879; (b) Hazel Nogal', b. in Toledo, Ohio, May 15, 1883. Mr. Nogal deserted his family in 1887, and after a long and hard fought battle, and her health giving way, she went te Oakland, Cal., in Sept., 1805, where she died Oct. 6, 1896. Her son lives in Chicago, and her daugh ter, who went with her to California, will remain there and make it her home. Katie Werthley Ganson*, b. in Brattleboro, Vt., Jan. 2, 1859 ; m. in Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 19, 1876, Robert James Law. Mr. Law is in the real estate business in Toledo, Ohio. Children : (a) Adeline Maria Law', b. in Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 20, 1878 ; m. at home in Toledo, June 19, 1901, Edward Latimer Clapp, Jr., b. in Troy, N. Y., Nov. 7, 1870, sen of Edward Latimer and Emily Frances (Gregory) Clapp, Mr. Clapp resides in Toledo, Ohio, where he is a bookkeeper, (b) Robert Vernon Law', b. Feb. 25, 1879. He was in the war with Spain ; was a member of the Ohio Naval Reserve, which went out as infantry ; mustered at Columbus as the Tenth Ohio Infantry ; was made fifth sergeant, and was honor ably discharged as first sergeant. He is now in the mines in Wyoming, (c) Mary Margaret Law', b. in Lexington, Ky., Oct. 31, 1887 ; d. there July 27, 1890 ; (d) Susan Elvira Law', b. in Toledo, Ohio, June 22, 1896. Susie Maria Ganson*, b. in Lowell, Mass., March 31, 1861 ; m. in Bradford, Pa., March 17, 1885, Nicholas Richard Cragaw. He was an acter. Child : (a) b. ; d. March 5, 1886. 746 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1270. Melissa Eastman' (Moses*, James', William*, Jona than', Thomas', Roger"), born in Bath, N. H., July 25, 1817 ; married Solon Sumner .Southard, He was born May 28, 1813, died in Bristol, N. H., Oct, 21, 1870, His widow resides there. CHILDREN. i. Solon Sumner Southard*, b, in HaverhiU, N. H., Sept. 17, 1855; m. 1877, Clara Nelson; died in Canterbury, N. IL, April 1, 1894. No chUdren. 1935. ii. Moses Eastman Southard*, b. in Haverhill, June 26, 1857. 1936. iii. Commodore Aaron Southard*, b. in Haverhill, Feb. 14, 1861. 1 27 1. Hubert Eastman' (Moses*, James', William*, Jona than', Thomas', Roger"), born in Bath, N. H,, Nov, 16, 1818 ; married Jan, 4, 1847, Esther L. Rice, born in Dover, Vt., Dec. 28, 1818. Mr, Eastman owns and lives on the old home farm in HaverhUl, N, H, His farm is one of the best in HaverhUl. CHILDREN. i. Martha L.*, b. July 11, 1848 ; m. June 20, 1877, John G. Chamberlain ; lives in Bath, N. H. No children. 1937. U. Wilbur Fisk*, b. Oct. 20, 1851. UL John Elbridge*, b. May 19, 1860 ; d. Oct. 21, 1863. 1272. Henry O, Eastman' (Moses*, James', WUliam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Bath, N. H., Aug. 26, 1829; married in Union City (Ohio side), Ind,, March 25, i860, Harriett J. Livangood, born in HUlgrove, Ohio, March, 1 84 1, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth, his wife. Mr. East man was employed in the raUroad business for years, but is now retired from it. He resides in Union City, Ind. (Ohio side). HUBERT E.^.STMAN (1271). MR.S. HUBERT EASTMAN (1271). HENRY O. EASTMAN', OF BATH, N, , H. 747 CHILDREN ALL BORN IN UNION CITY, IND, (OHIO SIDE). 1938. L Major Nelson*, b. Dec. 21, 1860. ii. Hubert Sherman*, b. July 28, 1864 ; killed by electric car in Anderson, Ind,, Dec. 28, 1895. He obtained his education iu the common schools ef his native town and working during vacation. On the completion ef his studies in school he took a course in the Dayton Commercial College, Dayton, Ohio. He then returned to Union City and entered the railroad office, where he was made chief clerk to his father, who was i-eadmaster. He rose rapidly in railroad circles, and became assist ant chief clerk in the general office of the company at Indianapolis, Ind. Fr.om here he went to Cincinnati as private secretary to the chief engineer of the " Big Four " systetn. By changes in oflBce duties he was transferred to the superintendent's office at Sandusky, Ohio, but remained but a short tirae, when he returned te Union City and temporarily resumed his place in the roadmaster's office. During his stay at Union City he was elected to the city council ef the Ohio side. While in this body, with strong opposition, he assisted in pass ing a temperance ordinance which meant much to the citizens of that city. In June, 1892, he removed to Anderson, Ind., to become chief bookkeeper in the office of the Indiana Bex and Lumber Company. Here he united with the Methodist Episcopal church, and became an earnest and devout worker for the Master. He married, in Ansonia, Ohio, May 10, 1891, Alice Myrtle Bailey, born in Ansonia, Ohio, Feb. 18, 1867, daughter of Jacob and Mary Jane Bailey. They had one child, nameless, born Aug. 5, 1895 ; died . He had a lovely wife, and spent but little time away from home. On the eve of his death he left his home to attend to some necessary duties in the city, taking a car that his stay might be as short as possible, and on reach ing his destination stepped off the car, which was mov ing slowly, but on account of a heavy sleet, his footing gave way, allowing hira to faU under the wheels of the trailer, killing him instantly. He was taken home, where he was buried Dec. 31, 1895. iii. Laura Adelia*, b. Aug. 22, 1862 ; d. in infancy. iv. George Albertus*, b. Feb. 19, 1867; m. Laura ; res. Manchester, Ind. 748 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. V. Charles Augustus*, b. July 7, 1870 ; res. in Anderson, Ind. ; unm. 1939. vi. Ruby Gale*, b. Feb. 28, 1873. 1940. vii. Chester Leroy*, b. Oct. 16, 1875, viii. Daisy Melissa*, b. Aug. 20, 1879 ; d. in infancy. ix. Dora Leone*, b. June 22, 1882 ; unm., at home. 1273, Ruth Eliza Smith Eastman' (Moses*, James', William*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Bath, N. H., Sept. 4, 1832 ; died Nov. 30, 1875 ; married Charles Cham berlain, CHILDREN. 1941. i. Henry Eastman Chamberlain*, h. in Newbury, Vt., May 28, 1854. 1942. U. WUliam Abiel Chamberlain*, b. in Bath, N. H., May 26, 1856. iii. Child, nameless, d. young. 1274. Orrin Eastman' (Searle*, James', WUliam*, Jona than', Thomas', Roger"), born in Bath, N. H., July 4, 1819; died Dec. 14, 1901 ; married March 25, 1848, Hannah Nute, born in Bartlett, N, H,, March 13, 1827, died in Bath, May 27, 1893. Mr. Eastman lived in Swiftwater (Bath), N. H. He was a mason and farmer. CHILDREN. i. Frank E,*, b. in Landaff, N. H., Oct. 15, 1850 ; m. at Tampa, Fla,, May 10, 1892, Esmerilda Rebecca EUzabeth Hendricks, nee Wells, born in Hinesville, Liberty county, Ga,, Aug. 16, 1852. Child : (a) Mabel', b. in Tampa, Fla., Sept. 16, 1893. Mr. Eastman resides in Swiftwater, N. H. U. Mary F.*, b. in Landaff, N. IL, May 12, 1852 ; d. March 9, 1888. She married H. H. Elliott ; had ene daughter, Minnie EUiott', b. . iii. Emma L,*, born in Lyman, N. H,, Nov. 29, 1855 ; d. Feb. 7, 1864. iv. Kate*, b. in Lyman, N. H., Sept. 23, 1857 ; d. in Littleton, N. H,, Dec. 29, 1863. V. James O.', b. in Lisbon, N. H., Dec. 22, 1860 ; m. June 15, 1894, Sarah Mann, of Bath, N. IL He resides in HaverhUl, N. H. FRANCIS FRYE KIMBALL', OF METHUEN, MASS. 749 1275. Francis Frye KimbaU' (Azubah Eastman*, Moses', William*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Methuen, Mass., Nov. 17, 1812; died in Salem, N, H,, Jan. 12, 1873 ; married May 30, 1840, Nancy E. Dodge. Epitaph in Pine Grove cemetery, Salem, N. H. : "It doth not yet appear what we shall be." CHILDREN. i. Ellen Louisa KimbaU*, b. in Methuen, Ma,ss., Jan. 11, 1843 ; resides in Nashua, N. H. She is unmarried. U. Harriet M. KimbaU*, b. 1845; m. Nov. 9, 1870, Edwin C. Sargent. iii. Charles F. KimbaU*, b. ; resides in Salem, N. H. iv. Emily O, KimbaU*, b. June 6, 1859 ; m. Henry Tilton. She died. 1276. Frederick KimbaU' (Azubah Eastman*, Moses', WUliam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Methuen, Mass., April 4, 1824 ; died June 10, 1868 ; married Feb, 20, 1845, Olive C, Howard; married 2d, AprU 12, 1849, Adaline E. Messer. He resided in Methuen, Mass. He was a lum berman and farmer. While driving home from Lawrence, Mass., as he approached the bridge which crosses the Spocket river in Methuen, his horse became frightened and bolted over the side of the bridge into the river, and Mr. Kimball was drowned, CHILD. i. Melvina A. KimbaU*, b. Oct. — , 1852 ; d. Sept. 18, 1858. 1277. Moses Eastman KimbaU' (Azubah Eastman*, Moses', William*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Methuen, Mass,, May 29, 1829; married AprU 28, 1853, Maria E. Gross, daughter of Benjamin and Louisa (Stickney) Gross. He has always been engaged in the lumber business. He resided in Methuen, Mass., for many years, and then removed to a farm in Windham, N. H., where he now lives. 750 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 1943. i. Eugene C. KimbaU*, b. Jan. 30, 1854. u. Seymour M. KimbaU*, b. March 28, 1858 ; d. Aug. 18, 1858. 1944. iU. Frank W. KimbaU*, b. Oct. 3, 1861. iv. Jennette M. KimbaU*, b. Feb. 4, 1864 ; m. SepL 19, 1887, Charles A. Wilman. V. Emma L. KimbaU*, b. Feb. 11, 1868 ; d. March 1, 1885. vi. Mabel L. KimbaU*, b. Aug. 23, 1873. 1278. Susan Eastman Messer' (Susan Eastman*, Moses', WUliam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born Oct, 21, 1832; married June 5, 1856, Robison H. Bodwell. They reside in Methuen, Mass., at No. 32 Gage street. CHILDREN. 1945. i. Frank Westly Bodwell*, b. Sept. 23, 1857. 1946. U. WiUard Arthur Bodwell*, b. April 5, 1859. 1947. Ui. Sarah Messer Bodwell*, b. March 20, 1861. 1948. iv. Emma Augusta Bodwell*, b. Aug. 18, 1862. V. Carabel Amanda Bodwell*, b. Nov. 16, 1866. 1279. Amanda Jane Messer' (Susan Eastman*, Moses', WUliam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born Aug. 19, 1835 ; married June 21, 1855, George L, Page, Mr. Page was a farmer, and resided in Salem, N, H., just north of the Massachusetts state line, where he died. His widow resides on the home farm. CHILDREN. i. Mary Pamelia Page*, b. Feb. 17, 1857 ; unm. and lives at home. 1949. U. Fred Milton Page*, b. Nov. 22, 1860. iii. Susan Amanda Page*, b. Jau. 10, 1869 ; unm. and Uves at home. 1280. Mina Thorp Ward' (Emily W. Eastman*, Moses', William*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in North Haver hill, N. H., May 30, 1845 > married ist, AprU 12, 1864, John C. Shelly, born in North Haverhill, N. H., Sept. 27, MARTHA CHASE', OF CONCORD, VT. 75 I 1843 ; died in North Haverhill, June 29, 1879 ! married 2d, June 19, 1885, Richard C, Drown, born in North Haverhill, N. H., Nov, 17, 1830; was pastor of the Advent church. He died at North HaverhUl, Nov, 5, 1900, He was a mason by trade. John C. Shelly enlisted Sept. i, 1862, in Company B, Fifteenth New Hampshire Volunteers ; mustered as private Oct. 8, 1862; mustered out Aug. 13, 1863. Richard C. Drown enlisted the day after John C. Shelly, in the same company and regiment ; were bunk mates and close friends ; discharged same date.CHILDREN BT FIRST HUSBAND. 1950. i. Mattie B, Shelly*, b. North Haverhill, N, H,, Jan, 31, 1866 ; m. Charles Carlton, son of Michael Carlton, of Haver hiU, N, H. ii. Florence E. Shelly*, b. in Landafi, X. IL, June 31, 1869 ; m. George E, Cochran. Child : (a) Roy Cochran', b. ; d. about nine months of age. Her husband died, and she was left childless and a widow all within a year. She married 2d, Aug., 1898, Edwin Bailey, and resides in Choteau, Mont. iu. Cora B. Shelly*, b. in North Haverhill, Oct. 18, 1871 ; d. April, 1872.' iv. Sidney C. Shelly*, b. Nov. 27, 1873 ; m. in AprU, 1895, Flora L. Archer. He lives in East Haverhill, N. H. Child : (a) Aulay Oscar Shelly', b. Jan. 24, 1897. V. Ethel M. Shelly*, b. in North HaverhiU, March 7, 1880 ; m. June 1, 1898, Kirk W. Dutton, born Aug. 9, 1876. He is a barber ; lives in Newbury, Vt. Children : (a) Shelly Earl Dutton', b. in Newbury, June 1, 1899 ; (b) Murial Pearl Dutton', b. ; (twin). 1 28 1. Martha Chase' (Elizabeth Eastman*, Jonathan', WUliam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Concord, Vt., Feb. II, 1825; died Jan. 2, 1873; married Dec. 4, 1845, Levi Goss, born June 10, 1822, died June 17, 1884. They resided in St. Johnsbury, Vt. 752 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Edward Goss*, b. April 23, 1847 ; m. Annis Morey, of Irasburg, Vt, Children : (a) Jennie C. Goss' ; (b) Ed ward B. Goss' ; (c) Dorothy IL Goss'. ii. Freeman Goss*, b. July 1,1848; m. Emma Stanford, of Lyndonville, Vt. She died Jan. 6, 1880. iU. HeUis H. Goss*, b. Nov. 24, 1849 ; ra. Emma L. Smith, of Greensboro, Vt. Children : (a) Clyde R. Goss' ; (b) Alta L. Goss' ; (c) Meila Goss'. iv. Angeline H. Goss*, b. Jan, 8, 1852 ; unm. V. Adelbert Goss*, b. April 9, 1854 ; m. Ella Putnam, of Charlestown, N. H. ChUdren : (a) Willard Goss'; (b) Clara Goss'; (c) Ellen Goss'; (d) Ona Goss'; (e) Emile Goss'. vi. Jesse Goss*, b. March 19, 1857 ; d, Sept. 27, 1885, leav ing a widow and a daughter : (a) Maud Angle Goss'. vii. Minerva Amelia Goss*, b. June 3, 1859; m.S. P. Stickney, of Lisbon, N. IL Minerva died Sept. 5, 1897. (See 2227.) viii. Winfield Scott Goss*, b. April 12, 1861 ; m. Laura . Children : (a) Richard M. Goss' ; (b) Curtis Goss'. ix. Francis Marion Goss*, b. March 20, 1863 ; m. Clara Mor riU, ef Danville, P. Q. X. Ulysses Grant Goss*, b. March 13, 1865 ; m. Minnie Bliss, of St. Johnsbury, Vt. Post-office address : i. Wilder, Vt, ii. Lyndon Centre, Vt. iii. Orange, Mass. iv. St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt, V. Lyndon Centre, Vt. vi. (a) Hartland Four Corners, Vt. viii. Talmadge, Ala. ix. Waltham, Mass. X. St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt. 1282. Laureston Chase' (Elizabeth Eastman*, Jonathan', William*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Concord, Vt., June 8, 1828 ; married Diana Hunter. CHARLES B, EASTMAN', OF LITTLETON, N. H. 753 CHILDREN. L Sarah Chase*, b. ; m. Frank A. Eaton, P. O. Formosa, Fla. ii. Harvey Chase*, b. . iii. Mark Chase*, b. . iv. Martha Chase*, b. , 1283. Charles B. Eastman' (Arza*, Jonathan', William*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Littleton, N. H., Nov. 4, 1840; married ist, August, 1870, Lillian RoweU, born in Concord, Vt., Jan. 12, 185 1 ; married 2d, i\Irs. Laura George ; married 3d, Mary Sturgis. Resides in Ipswich, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Roseline*, b. in Littleton, N. H., May 2, 1874 ; m. at Jeffer son, N. H., Nathan Applebee, born in CarroU, N. H., son of George Applebee. ChUd : (a) Frederick RoweU Applebee', b. in CarroU, N. H., Oct. 6, 1893. She lives with her child in Andover, Mass. U. Arza Sturges*. b. Oct. 25, 1888. iU. Minot Charles*, b. Nov. 17, 1891. 1284. Lewis Eastman' (Arza*, Jonathan', WUliam*, Jon athan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Littleton, N. H., Nov. 3, 1847; married May 27, 1878, Mary Ann Moore, daughter of Robert Moore, born in Ireland, Feb. 25, 1853. He lived in his native town from birth to 1895, except two years. CHILDREN. L WiUiam Albert*, b. May 4, 1879, in Lyman, N, H. ii. Frederick Eugene*, b. July 28, 1880. Ui. Emma May*, b. in Littleten,°May 1, 1888. 1285, Ira Arza Eastman' (Arza*, Jonathan', WUliam*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Littleton, N. H., June 16, 1851 ; married April 9, 1873, Orissa Clough. They reside in Andover, Mass., where they keep a boarding-house for students. 754 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. George E.*, b. June 20, 1874. ii. Lewis Arza*, b. April 29, 1876. They both Uve at home ; unm. 1286, Mary Eastman' (Caleb*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Westford, Vt., Oct, 12, 1806 ; died in Milton, Vt., Sept. 14, 1841 ; married in Westford, Alfred Carpenter, born in Milton in 1801, son of Aaron and Hannah (Holt) Carpenter, of MUton, Vt, He died in Mil ton in 1864, He resided in Milton, Vt,, where he was a farmer and where his children were born, CHILDREN. i. George Holt Carpenter*, b. July 2, 1836 ; d. June, 1841. 1951. iL Dorcas Eastman Carpenter*, b. July 2, 1838. 1287. Amos Eastman' (Caleb*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), bora Jan. 28, 1809; married ist, Julia Abigail Cressey, Jan, 9, 1837 ; 2d, in 1853, Sophronia R. Cressey, sister of his first wife. He lived in Westford, Vt., but later removed to Hutchinson, Kan. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. 1952. i. Elizabeth JuUa*, b, Nov., 1837. ii. George Ames*, b. July 27, 1840 ; d. Aug. 9, 1883 ; widow in Hutchinson, Kan. Ui. Albert Faxton*, b. AprU 4, 1843 ; d. Feb. 14, 1884 ; an M. D. in Abington, Mass. iv. Mary Jane*, b. 1845 ; d. June, 1868 ; a teacher. 1953. V. Wilbur Brainerd*, b. Oct. 18, 1851. 'CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. vi. Charles RolUn*, b. Dec. 27, 1855. vii. Ella Eugenia*, b. June 16, 1859 ; a widoW in Hutchinson. viii. Hamlin Edward*, b. Dec, 23, 1861 ; lawyer in Salt Lake City, Utah. LUKE EASTMAN', OF WESTFORD, VT. 755 ix. Sarah Louisa*, b. Jan. 22, 1865 ; res. in Hutchinson ; teacher. X. Minnie Ardelia*, b. Jan. 28, 1867 ; res. in Hutchinson ; piano teacher. xi. Carl*, b. ; twin ; d. June, 1868. 1288. Luke Eastman' (Caleb*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Westford, Vt., July 23, 1818 ; died in Westboro, Mass,, Aug, 31, 1880; married in Jericho, Vt., March 23, 1845, Fanny Adeline Eaton, born March 26, 1824, daughter of Jonathan Johnson and Fanny (Naramore) Eaton, of Underbill, Vt. She died in Westboro, Mass., Sept. 30, 1890. He was superintendent of Sunday-school, school committee, and member of the Congregational church. Re sided in Westford, Cambridge, and Jericho, Vt,, and West boro, Mass, CHILDREN. i, Arthur Hoyt*, b. in Westford, Vt., Feb. 23, 1846 ; m. in Erie, Penn., May 20, 1878, Velma E. Leland ; res. Chi cago, 111. ChUd : (a) Harry Raymond', b. iu Chicago, Feb. 13, 1882. ii. Martha Jane*, b. in Cambridge, Vt., Dec. 10, 1849. She is unmarried, and resides in Westboro, Mass., where she has been librarian of the free public library since 1889. iii. Fanny Adeline*, b. in Cambridge, Vt., Dec. 30, 1852 ; d. Oct. 7, 1891; ra. Jan. 20, 1881, George S. Aldrich. Child : (a) Mildred Eastman Aldrich', b. June 24, 1883 ; d. Dec. 23, 1888. 1289. Rebecca Spaulding Eastman' (Charles*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Hollis, N, H., June 27, 1804; died Feb. 22, 1879; married ist, Feb. 8, 1824, Benjamin Fletcher Pool. He died, and she married 2d, Oct. 24, 1841, Josiah Blood, who died Aug. 18, 1852. They resided in Hollis, N. H. 756 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Benjamin Bonaparte Peel*, b. July 23, 1824; m. Nov. 7, 1854, Hester Ann Benner, born Oct. 22, 1827. He died July 20, 1895 ; no children. 1954. u. Susan Rebecca Pool*, b. in HoUis, N. H., March 30, 1827. 1955. UL James Van Buren Pool*, b. Feb. 28, 1829. 1956. iv. WilUam Pool*, b. May 11, 1830. V. Sarah Frances Pool*, b. May 7, 1833 ; m. Jan. 16, 1894, Richard Beeching. 1290. Charles Franklin Eastman' (Charles*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Washington, N, H., Sept. 3, 1806 ; died at Colbert, Indian Territory, in the faU of 1875 ! married in 1836, Elizabeth Colbert, born in Mississippi in 1820, died in Colbert, Indian Territory, in 1872, She was the daughter of Mr, Colbert, chief of the Choctaw Nation, an Englishman, Mr, Eastman went early to the Indian Territory, became a plantation farmer, and was the " Wise Man " or judge of the Choctaw Nation, CHILDREN. i. Frank*, b. in Mississippi, July, 1839 ; d, at Colbert, Indian Territory, March 25, 1869. ii. Charles*, b. ; ra. , and died in the Indian Terri tory. iii. Amos*, b. in Colbert ; d. at school in Memphis, Tenn. iv. Rebecca*, b. in Colbert; d. at home, Sept., 1871, aged 15 years. V. Ruth Matilda*, b. 1857 ; m. Joe Perry ; res. Indian Terri tory. 1 291, Hannah Vienna Eastman' (Charles*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Hollis, N. H,, Oct, II, 1808; died in Brookhne, Mass,, March 3, 1859; married in Milford, N, H,, Nov, 22, 183 1, Amos Blodgett, son of Oliver. RUTH MARIA EASTMAN', OF HOLLIS, N. H. 757 CHILDREN. i. Charles Blodgett*, b. ; res. in Brookline, Mass. ii. Loretta Blodgett*, b. ; m. , and left children. iU. Perry Blodgett*, b. ; d. in infancy. iv. Amanda Blodgett*, b. . V. Clara Blodgett*, b. . 1292. Ruth Maria Eastman' (Charles*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Hollis, N. H,, Nov. II, 1810 ; died in Waltham, Mass., March 23, 1886 ; mar ried Aug. 20, 1830, Jonathan Blanchard French, born in Hollis, N. H,, died in Hollis, Jan, 28, 1870, son of Thomas French, Esq. They resided in Nashua, N. H, CHILDREN. i. Caj-oUne French*,b. in Saratoga, N. Y,, Oct. 9, 1831. ii. Charles Owen French*, b. at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1833 ; d. Aug. 25, 1835. iii. Grosvenor French*, b. in Nashua, N. IL, April 12, 1840 ; d. Aug. 5, 1840. 1293. Persis Lucretia Eastman' (Charles*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Hollis, N, H., May 23, 1813; died in Dedham, Mass,, Dec. 2, 1857; married in Milford, N, H., Nov. 22, 1830, Samuel Robinson Bickner, died in Dedham, He was a master mechanic, and resided in Dedham, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Frances Alexander*, b, Oct,, 1833, in Nashua, N. H. U. Helen Lucretia*, b. Dec. 7, 1835, in Canton, Mass. iii. Clara Elizabeth*, b. Dec. 7, 1842, in Sharon, Mass. iv. Florence*, b. Dec, 1848 ; d. Sept., 1849, in Sha'ron, Mass. 1294. Mary Christina Eastman' (Charles*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Hollis, N. H., Oct. 19, 1815 ; died in Waltham, Mass., June 18, 1891 ; married in LoweU, Mass., Nov. 22, 1838, Andrew Cornelius Walker, born in Bedford, N. H., Nov. 22, 1808, died in Waltham, Mass., Jan. i, 1892. He was a mechanic, and -resided in Waltham, Mass. 7S8 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN, i. Helen Frances Walker*, b. in Lowell, Mass., Aug. 11, 1840 ; d. in Nashua, N. H., Sept. 7, 1849. ii. Charles Walker*, b. in Nashua, N. H., Oct. 8, 1843 ; d. in Nashua, March 8, 1849. 1295, Alpheus Perry Eastman' (Charles*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Hollis, N, H., May 17, 1820; died in Colbert, Ind. Ter,, AprU 25, 1870; married Harriet Colbert, sister of his brother Charles' wife. His wife is deceased. He was a doctor, CHILDREN. i, Henrietta Elizabeth*, b. in Colbert, Ind. Ter. ; m. ; no children. ii. Helen*, b. ; m. John Maupin. iii. Lillie*, b. ; d. at about one year ef age. 1296. Elizabeth Augusta Eastman' (Charles*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Hollis, N, H,, May 2, 1822 ; married in Enfield, Conn,, Aug, i, 1843, Henry Augustus Brown, born in Lincoln, Mass., June 10, 18 19, died in Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 7, 1879, son of Nathan and Betsey (Binney) Brown, of Concord, Mass. He resided in Waltham, Mass, He was a Republican, and held the office of selectman in that town. He was for a long time in the real estate and insurance business. They had no chUdren. His widow resides in Boston, Mass., at No. 9 Blackwood street, suite No. 4. 1297. Nancie Eastman' (Charles*, Amos', Amos*, Jona than', Thomas', Roger"), born in Hollis, N. H., July 4, 1824 ; died in Waltham, Mass., March, 1889; married in Hollis, N. H., Aug. 12, 1849, Benjamin Frankhn Brown, born in Lincoln, Mass., Dec. i, 1820, died in Waltham, Mass., Jan. 2, 1892, son of Nathan and Betsey (Binney) Brown. He was a real estate dealer and auctioneer. ELVIRA ANNETTE EASTMAN', OF AMHERST, N. H, 759 CHILD. i. Annette Eastman Brown*, b. in Waltham, Mass., Oct. 22, 1852 ; m. George Everett Pratt, of Boston, Mass. 1298. Elvira Annette Eastman' (Charles*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Amherst, N, H., March 9, 1830; died in Waltham, Mass., May 4, 1895 ; married in Waltham, Mass., Nov. 24, 1863, Moses Binney Brown, born in Weston, Mass,, in 1824, died in Waltham, Mass,, 1870, son of Nathan and Betsey (Binney) Brown, He resided in Waltham, Mass,, where he was a machinist. CHILD. i. Frederick R. Brown*, b. in Waltham, Mass., March 1, 1866 ; d. April, 1888. He was unm. ; a printer and publisher. 1299. WUliam Plummer Eastman' (Alpheus*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Hollis, N, H., Sept. 20, 1813 ; died in Chillicothe, Ohio, Oct. 2, 1887; married Oct. i, 1845, Adeline M. Pearson, of Nashua, N, H., daughter of Deacon Thomas and Esther (Wright) Pearson, died June 18, 1867. On the day of his marriage, he left his native state for New Comerstown, Tuscarawas county, Ohio, where he spent one year under the patronage of the " Home Missionary Society." The next six months he preached at Coshocton. In June, the same year, he removed to Union, Ross county, Ohio, where he was installed over a Presby terian church, where he labored faithfully for twenty years. In 1864, whUe preparing to attend the "Soldiers' Aid Society," of which his wife was president, she accidentally dropped a pair of scissors on her foot, resulting in blood poisoning that caused intense suffering at times. Her devo tion to her Savior was rewarded by his constant companion ship, making her seemingly joyous many times when pain was most excrutiating. She was afflicted with abscesses on her lungs, the last one causing her death. After a pro tracted affliction of about three years, and the loss of a limb. 760 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. he resigned his charge and removed to Piketon, Ohio, where he was principal of the public schools from 1867 to 1870. Here he filled vacant pulpits occasionally. In 1871 he removed to Kingston, and taught in the Academy there, and filled vacant pulpits occasionally. In 1874 he returned to Union, where he owned and enjoyed a home. Here he taught in the district schools, preached in Greenland until 1882. During the heated term of 1855, he was stricken with ephasia, causing partial loss of speech. He was tenderly cared for by his two unmarried daughters and only son, and loved to visit with his friends. During a private "communion" season at his home, surrounded by four brother ministers and several neighbors and friends, while singing " Nearer my God to Thee," " He was not, for God took him." Dropsy of the heart was the autopsy. Rev. Mr. Eastman graduated from Dartmouth College in the class of 1842; from Andover in 1845. CHILDREN. i. Harriet Adeline*, b. Jan. 5, 1849. 1957. U. Mary Elizabeth*, b. Sept. 2, 1850. 1958. iu. Susan Helen*, b. July 25, 1852. iv, WUliam Ames*, b. May 4, 1855. 1300. Hannah Eastman' (Alpheus*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Hollis, N. H,, March 2, 1S17 ; died Jan, 31, 1890; married Oct. i, 1845, Samuel CroweU, Jr., born in Marblehead, Mass,, Nov. 4, 181 3. They settled in Londonderry, N, H, CHILDREN, 1959, i. William Henry CroweU*, b. in Londonderry, Dec. 11, 1844. ii. Hannah Elizabeth CroweU*, b. May 1, 1853 ; m. Aug. 11, 1886, Stephen A. Estey. Child: (a) Arthur Henry Estey', b. in Londonderry, Sept. 2, 1889. in. Sarah Eastman CroweU*, b. Nov. 1, 1858 ; m. Oct. 6, 1880, John C. Quimby, of Boscawen, N. H. ChUd : (a) Clif ton CroweU Quimby', b. in Derry, N. IL, May 30, 1889. Resides in Boscawen, N. H. HARRIETT EASTMAN', OF HOLLIS, N. H. 76 1 1 30 1. Harriett Eastman' (Alpheus*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in HoUis, N. H., July 7, 1 8 19; died Sept. 14, 1848 ; married Eli Spaulding, born in Townsend, Mass., July i, 18 14, died Dec. 2, 1850. CHILDREN. 1960. L William Franklin Spaulding*, b. iu Pepperell, Mass., July 3, 1842. 1961. ii. Georgianna Mai-ia Spaulding*, b. in Nashua, N. H., Dec. 18, 1844. 1302. Oliver Perry Eastman' (Alpheus*, Amos', Amos*, Jonathan', Thomas', Roger"), born in Hollis, N. H,, April 2, 1831 ; died in HoUis, Nov, 3, 1900 ; married Dec. 9, 1858, Lucy Ann Hardy, daughter of Joel Hardy. Mr, Eastman resided all his hfe in Hollis, CHILDREN. i. Lucy Etta*, b. Aug. 12, 1860; m. Oct. 7, 1891, Walter L. Frost, and resides in Arlington, Mass., where he is a market gardener. Children : (a) Walter Eastman Frost', b. Nov. 30, 1893 ; (b) Katherine Lord Frost', b. July 28, 1896 ; d. Feb. 21, 1900. U. NeUie Maria*, b. Aug. 24, 1862, UL Mary Adelaide*, b. Dec. 10, 1867, 1303. John Warner Marsh' (Jonathan Marsh*, Timothy Marsh', Sarah Eastman*, Timothy', Timothy', Roger"), born in Hadley, Mass., Feb. i, 1824; married Oct. 29, 1845, Harriet Elizabeth Cook. He resides in Hadley, Mass, CHILDREN. i. WiUiam Dwight Marsh*, b. Sept. 12, 1852; m. May 23, 1878, Bertha Belle Bryant, born June 2, 1852. U. Mary Lester Marsh*, b. April 13, 1855 ; m. May 19, 1885, George Perkins IMetcalf, of Orange, Mass., sen of Eli Perkins, of Worthington. Child : (a) George Warner Metcalf, b. AprU 5, 1893. iii. Lucy Russell Marsh*, b. April 3, 1857. 762 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iv. John Warner Marsh*, b. July 21, 1859 ; m, Feb. 14, 1889, Mrs. LUla Frances AVilsen, daughter ef Francis Smith, ef New Haven. They removed to California in 1889, but returned te Hadley. Child : (a) Harold B. Marsh', b. Jan. 7, 1890 ; d. May 21, 1891. V, George Cook Marsh*, b. Nov. 21, 1861. vi. Henry Ringe Marsh*, b. Deo. 12, 1864 ; d. Jan. 18, 1865. vU. Fred Smith Marsh*, b, Oct. 16, 1869. 1304, Timothy Smith Marsh' (Jonathan Marsh*, Timothy Marsh', Sarah Eastman*, Timothy', Timothy', Roger"), born in Hadley, Mass., Sept. 18, 1826; married ist, AprU 25, 1855, Maria Pomroy Bartlett, daughter of Capt. Lewis Bart lett ; married 2d, June 8, 1870, Eliza Ann Cook, daughter of Samuel P. Cook. He is a farmer, and resides in Hadley, Mass. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Nellie Smith Marsh*, b. March 8, 1856 ; m. April 9, 1885, Thomas A. Palmer, of Menticello, Fla,, born Feb. 26, 1859. iL Hattie Maria Marsh*, b. Feb. 28, 1863 ; d. Sept. 17, 1863. iU. Jennie Maria Marsh*, b. Feb. 9, 1865 ; d. May 14, 1865. iv. Edward Smith Marsh*, b. March 31, 1874. 1305- Josiah Dwight Marsh' (Jonathan Marsh*, Timothy Marsh', Sarah Eastman*, Timothy', Timothy', Roger"), born in Hadley, Mass., March 6, 1829 ; married ist, Nov. 30, 1854, Sarah Lucretia Ingram, of Fond du Lac, Wis. She died Dec. 14, 1888, and he married 2d, Nov. 6, 1889, Lucy Ann Haywood, daughter of E. E. Haywood. He is a carpenter by trade ; has given his chUdren a fine education, his son being a graduate of Amherst, and a professor at Ripton ; his daughter Emily a graduate of Mt, Holyoke, and a teacher in Canada and the West. He himself has been a teacher of elegant penmanship, with remarkable samples of skiU. He resides in Hadley, Mass. MARQUIS FAYETTE DICKINSON', OF HADLEY, MASS, 763 CHILDREN. 1962. i. Charles Dwight Marsh*, b. Deo. 20, 1855, u. Carrie Barnard Marsh*, b. May 11, 1859 ; d. AprU 10, 1863. iii. Emily Roberts Marsh*, b, Dec. 24, 1864. She is a teacher 1306. Marquis Fayette Dickinson' (Walter Dickinson*, Sarah Marsh', Sarah Eastman*, Timothy', Timothy', Roger"), born in Hadley, Mass,, Jan. 4, 1814; married about 1839, Hannah WUliams, daughter of Asa WUliams, Mr, Dickin son was a prominent citizen of Amherst, Mass,, where he lived. He, with the aid of a noble wife, brought up a re markable family. Their homestead was just north of the Agricultural College grounds. CHILDREN. i. Marquis Fayette Dickinson*, b. Jau. 16, 1840 ; m. Nov. 23, 1864, Celia R., adopted daughter of Samuel Williston, of East Hampton, Mass. He graduated from Amherst College in the class ef 1862, M. A. 1865. He is overseer of the charitable fund, trustee of Williston Seminary, a prominent lawyer in Boston, Mass, They have three children. ii. Walter Nehemiah Dickinson*, b. Oct. 30, 1843 ; d. April 17, 1845. iii. Lydia Jane Dickinson*, b. July 17, 1846 ; m. Rev. Henry N. Conden. She died Feb. 13, 1884 ; had four children. 1963. iv. Sarah AmeUa Dickinson*, b. Oct. 8, 1848. V. Roxie Elizabeth Dickinson*, b. April 3, 1851 ; m. E. A. Holbrook. ' vL Asa WUliam Dickinson*, b. Oct. 24, 1853; m. Dec. 21, 1882, Anna W. Hay. He is a lawyer in Jersey City, N. J. viL Walter Mason Dickinson*, b. April 3, 1856 ; m. Feb. 3, 1885, Martha E. Otis. He graduated from West Point, U. S. A.; professor at Massachusetts Agricultural Col lege. viii. Julia Cowles Dickinson*, b. June 7, 1859 ; m. June 23, 1886, Rev. C. S. Nickerson, Beverly, Mass. Children : (a) George Payne Nickerson', b. March 31, 1890; (b) Francis Lindsey Nickerson', b. Sept. 20, 1892. ¦764 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ix. Hannah Frances Dickinson*, b. Sept. 28, 1861 ; m. June 20, 1888, Prof. J. B. Lindsey, Massachusetts State Agri cultural Experiment Station. Child: (a) Amy Blaney Lindsey', b, April 13, 1893. X, Mary Underbill Diokinson*, b, July 3, 1864; d. June 28, 1870. 1 307, Leander Melancton Dickinson' (Walter Dickinson*, Sarah Marsh', Sarah Eastman*, Timothy', Timothy', Roger"), born in Amherst, Mass,, Aug. 20, 1821 ; married Laura Adams. CHILDREN. i. Lydia Thankful Dickinson*, b. Sept, 21, 18.52 ; ra. C. E. Wilson. U. JuUa Dickinson*, b, Oct. 14, 1857; d, Feb. 13, 1858. iii. Edward Leander Dickinson*, b. April 2, 1860. iv. Mason Adams Dickinson*, b, Jau. 23, 1863; ra. Jan. 18, 1888, Susie M. Strickland, born Dec. 18, 1862, ChUdren : (a) Edith A. Dickinson', b. March 16, 1890; (b) Free man N. Dickinson', b, Dec, 22, 1891. V. Frank Ninis Dickinson*, b. Jan. 15, 1866. 1308, Sarah Marsh Dickinson' (Walter Dickinson*, Sarah Marsh', Sarah Eastman*, Timothy', Timothy', Roger"), born in Amherst, Mass,, March 3, 1828 ; married Jonathan Cowles, son of Jonathan and Esther (Graves) Cowles, They resided at Amherst, Mass, CHILDREN. i. Walter Dickinson Cowles*, b. .June 30, 1852. ii. Newton Erastus Cowles*, b. -\pril 4, 1854. iii. Abbie Grace Cowles*, b. Deo. 17, 1856 ; m. Francis L. Frary, raerchant in Minneapolis, Minn. Children: (a) Francis Cowles Frary', b. July 9, 1884 ; (b) Hobart Dickinson Frary', b, April 28, 1887 ; (c) Ralph Thomas Frary', b. March 18, 1889 ; d, Nov, 16, 1890; (d) Louise Grace Frary', b. May 11, 1891. iv. NeUie Graves Cowles*, b. Dec, 31, 1866 ; ra, Edwin Harris Dickinson, born March 22, 1868, sen of Charles Reed and Ardelia (Harris) Dickinson, and grandson of Daniel and Fanny (Eastman) Dickinson, of Amherst, Mass. FRANCIS SMITH EASTMAN', OF RANDOLPH, VT. 765 1 309. Francis Smith Eastman' (Tilton*, Ebenezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Randolph, Vt,, Dec, i6, 1803 ; died ; married in Roxbury, Mass,, May i, 1833, Sally Patten, born in Roxbury, Mass,, Feb, 22, 1808, died Jan. 14, 1873, Mr. Eastman graduated from Burlington, Vermont, College, in the class of 18 — . In 1831 he wrote a history of New York, of 455 pages, published by A. K, White, of New York city. Mr. Eastman was a fine scholar, espe cially in Latin, which he taught in Boston for many years. CHILD, 1964. i. Polly Robbins*, b. in Roxbury, Mass., Oct. 21, 1836 ; m. June 1, 1859, George HolUngworth ; d. . 1 3 10. George Burder Eastman' (Tilton*, Ebenezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Randolph, Vt,, Dec. 24, 181 1 ; died in Fond du Lac, Wis,, Oct. 20, 1892 ; married in Geneva, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1838, Margaret Brother, born in Geneva, N, Y., March i, 1819, died in Fond du Lac, Wis., July 4, 1882, daughter of Valentine and Margaret (Schelly) Brother. He was a minister, Mr. Eastman grad uated from Dartmouth College in the class of 1836. He was a soldier of the Rebellion ; also his brother, Francis Smith. CHILDREN. Francis*, b. in Waterford, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1842. Henry Brother*, b. in Waterford, N. Y., June 10, 1843. Mary*, b, in Waterford, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1845 ; m. AprU 24, 1867, Wilber A. Griffith, of Fend du Lac, Wis. ChiL dren : (a) Jessie Griffith', b. Oct. 1, 1869 ; m. Oct. 14, 1897, George H. Katz; chUd : (1) EUzabeth Katzi', b. July 25, 1900 ; (b) George Eastman Griffith', b. Nov.-30, 1873; m. Aug. 15, 1895, Jennie Sweet, ef Fond du Lac, Wis. He died Dec. 17, 1896. 1967. iv. Margaret ScheU*, b. in Avon, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1848. 1968. V. George Edward*, b. in Brownsville, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1851. 1965. i. 1966. ii. iii. 766 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. vi. Katherine Mann*, b. in Oswego, N. Y., Nov., 1854 ; m. WUliam A. Francis. They reside in Bozeman, Montana. Child: (a) Margaret Francis', b. July 26, 1893; d. May 29, 1894. vu. William Tilton*, b. in Fond du Lac, Wis., Sept. 23, 1857 ; lives in Seattle, Wash. He is unmarried. viU. EUzabeth Thomas*, b. in Fend du Lac, Wis., Nov. 6, 1860. She is a teacher in Milwaukee, Wis., and resides at No. 1900 Wells street ; unm. ix. Eleanor Hudson*, b. in Fond du Lac, Wis., Oct. 9, 1864 ; re sides in Chicago, 111. ; unm. 131 1. Austin Eastman' (Elijah*, Ebenezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in North Amherst, Mass., Oct. 5, 1812 ; died in the house in which he was born, Aug. 7, 1892 ; married Oct. 6, 1833, Mary H, Spear, born April 19, 18 14, daughter of Elisha Spear, of Shutesbury, Mass. On Oct. 6, 1883, they celebrated their golden wedding, many of their descendants and relatives being present. Mr. East man had a large intellect, and admirable self poise and master ful wUl ; an active, pushing business man. He worked with the church for over sixty years blameless. He held from time to time every office in town except the office of town clerk. CHILDREN. i. WiUiam Elijah*, b. April 17, 1839 ; d. Feb. 1, 1849. 1969. U. Charles Austin*, b. Jan. 13, 1843 ; m. March 6, 1865, Clara Isette Hyart, or Wyart, born Nov. 1, 1845. She was from Gill, Mass. 1970. Ui. George Henry*, b. April 1, 1846. iv. Edgar Elisha*, b, July 7, 1848 ; d. the next day. V. Lyman Andrew*, b. Oct. 10, 1849 ; d. Aug. 16, 1851. vi. Mary Caroline*, b. Feb. 11, 1853 ; m. in Amherst, Mass., June 20, 1889, Benjamin Felton Leach, born in Wendell, Mass., April 16, 1842, son of Chester and Mary Hum phrey (Orcutt) Leach. He is a dentist, and resides in Shelton, Conn. He is deacon, trustee, and superintend ent of the Baptist church. They have no children. AUSTIN EASTMAN ,AND WIFE (1311). ZEBINA EASTMAN', OF AMHERST, MASS, 767 vii. Martha EUen*, b. June 28, 1855 ; m, in Amherst, Mass., July 11, 1878, AVUliam Arthur Smith, born in North Amherst, Mass., July 11, 1852, sen o£ Spencer and Martha (Potwiu) Smith. He is a Baptist, meraber of the church in North Amherst, Mass., where he resides. Child : (a) Mabel Caroline Smith', b. North Amherst, April 8, 1883, 1971. vUi. WiUiara Nelson*, b. Deo. 6, 1858. 1 3 12. Zebina Eastman' (Elijah*, Ebenezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Amherst, Mass., Sept, 8, 1815 ; died in Chicago, 111,, June 14, 1883 ; married in Bur lington, Vt., in 1840, Mary Jane Corning, born in Vermont in 1819. Mr, Eastman was the publisher of the "Western Citizen," Chicago. He was consul to Bristol, England, in 1 86 1, returning in 1869. He resided in Chicago, 111. CHILDREN. i. WilUam Sidney*, b. Nov. 29, 1841 ; d. Nov. 3, 1846. U. Charles Baxter*, b, July 17, 1844 ; d. Nov. 15, 1847. 1972. iU. Mary Jane*, b. Nov. 17, 1847 ; m. J. S. Bartlett, of Ames bury, Mass. iv. Sidney Corning*, b. Jan. 26, 1850, in Chicago, 111. ; m. in Ann Arbor, Mich., June 6, 1886, Charlotte Hall, born in Toledo, Ohio, in 1559. They have no children. He is a lawyer, and resides in Chicago, 111. V. George Austin*, b. Jan. 23, 1853 ; d. March 26, 1851. 1 31 3. Baxter Eastman' (Elijah*, Ebenezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in North Amherst, Mass., Jan. 29, 1818 ; died Dec. 9, i860 ; married M. Eliza Bentley. CHILDREN. 1973. i. Edward Baxter*, b. in North Amherst, Mass., June 9, 1847. ii. Lucy Rebecca*, b. Oct. 31, 1848. She is a teacher, and un married. 768 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, 1 3 14. Mary Adams' (Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Shutesbury, Mass,, July 26, 1803 ; died Oct, 22, 1846 ; married Joseph Davis, born in Hubbardston, Mass., Nov, 20, 1800, died Sept, 26, 1856, They removed in 1827 to Cazenovia, N, Y. CHILDREN. L Charles F. Davis*, b. May 3, 1826 ; m. Aug. 28, 1850, Elvira Adams, daughter of Erastus, Jr., born Dec. 28, 1830 ; res. Marshall, Mich. iL Francis W. Davis*, b. Feb. 5, 1828; ra. June 22, 1853, Era ma Prentice ; res. Marshall, Mich. ui. Clarissa E. Davis*, b. Jan. 29, 1830 ; m. Nov. 16, 1858, James Adams. Child : (a) John D. Adams', b. March 9, 1860 ; resides in PlainvUle, N, Y. iv. Lncia M. Davis*, b. Dec. 18, 1831 ; m. 1st, AprU 1, 1858, Myron Tower, of Hadley, Mass., who died Dec 19, 1860; m. 2d, Dec. 15, 1864, Sherman White, of Hadley, Mass. V. Infant*, b. March 12, 1833 ; d. April 14, following. vi. Ward Adams Davis*, b. Sept. 14, 1835 ; m. 1st, Sept. 16, 1868, Lucy S. Johnson; she died June 18, 1872; m. 2d, Jan. 31, 1877, Marie S. Jones. vu. Dwight H. Davis*, b. May 16, 1837 ; m. March 11, 1858, Fannie Marvin. viu. WUUara H. Davis*, b. Sept. 5, 1839; ra. March 5,1867, Esther E. Smith. Resided in Tekonsha, Mich. ix. Seymour W. Davis*, b. Nov. 8, 1841 ; d. Oct. 30, 1862. He was a soldier. X. J. Harlan Davis*, b. April 24, 1844; m. Oct. 22, 1873, Emma Dean. xi. John E. Davis*, b. Oct, 6, 1846 ; m. Sept. 5, 1876, Lucy A. Boies, ef Hadley, Mich. Resides in Van Buren, N. Y. 131 5. Joannah Davis Adams' (Clarissa Eastman*, Eben ezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Shutesbury, Mass., March 30, 1805 ; died in Springfield, Mass., Feb. 8, 1887; married Oct, 6, 1825, Park Warner, born in Granby, Conn., Sept. 29, 1803, died in South Hadley, Mass., Nov. 15, 1871. CLARISSA ADAMS', OF SHUTESBURY, MASS, 769 CHILDREN. i. Austin Warner*, b. Aug. 13, 1826 ; d. Oct. 19, 1844. ii. Sarah Warner*, b. March 2, 1828 ; d. next day. iii. Charles Adams Warner*, b. Sept. 5, 1829 ; d. at Chaska, Minn., Oct. 24, 1867 ; m. Sept, 2, 1851, Kate Knight, of South Hadley, Mass. iv. George Warner*, b. Jau. 22, 1835 ; d. Feb. 19, 1895 ; unm. V. Lucien Warner*, b. Feb. 22, 1837 ; resides in St. Paul, Minn. vL Mary Jane Warner*, b. Dec. 8, 1841 ; m, Oct, 2, 1866, Clin ton Stebbins, of Granby, Conn, She died March 13, 1868. viL Ella Maria Austiu Warnei*, b. Jan. 10, 1846; d. March 12, 1846. viii. Milan Park Warner*, b. Aug. 5, 1848; landscape photo grapher ; res. Springfield, Mass. 1 316, Clarissa Adams' (Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Shutesbury, Mass,, Nov. 15, 1806; baptized Jan, ii, 1807; died Feb. 27, 1888; married May 8, 1834, Danforth K, Bangs, born Sept, 26, 1806, died Oct, 19, 1895, son of Enoch and Submit (Eastman) Bangs. Submit was the daughter of John', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger", L Louisa Submit Bangs*, b. Feb. 14, 1839 ; m. May 14, 1863, John A. Baker, who died Feb. 5, 1875. 1 3 17. Achsah Adams' (Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Shutesbury, Mass., Sept. 24, 1809; baptized Oct 30, 1809; married Feb. 18, 1 83 1, Cyrus King, son of Peter King. He died Oct. 28, 1880. She was living in 1896, in Amherst, Mass,, their home. CHILDREN, i. Woodbridge Adams King*, b. April 17, 1832 ; m. July 17, 1852, Sophia A, Slate, daughter of Procter and Lora Slate, of Bernardston, Mass. ii. Clarissa Lucretia King*, b. June 5, 1834 ; d. March 26, 1841. "JJO EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iii. Ebenezer Wood King*, b. March 3, 1839 ; m. AprU 11, 1860, Clara Hawley. iv. Isaac S. King*, b. Sept. 12, 1841 ; m. Dec 20, 1864, May Dickinson. V. Rev. Edward Payson King*, b. Dec. 28, 1843 ; m. Aug. 3, 1869, Emilyetta Dickinson. He died Oct. 3, 1893. vi. EUa Chloe King*, b. July 29, 1846. vu. Clara Emma King*, b, Oct. 23, 1850. 1 318. Silas Ward Adams' (Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Shutesbury, Mass., Sept. 26, 181 1 ; baptized Nov. 4, 181 1 ; married ist, Dec. 29, 1835, Lucinda Blodgett; she died Dec. 10, 1848; mar ried 2d, Oct, 31,1849, MatUda Church, born in Tolland, Conn. They resided in Shutesbury, Mass,, where all their children were born, CHILDREN, i. WUlard S. Adams*, b. Oct. 1, 1838 ; d. May 19, 1848. ii. Jane Maria Adams*, b. July 26, 1840 ; m. Jan. 14, 1864, Levi Woods, of Leverett, Mass. Ui. Mary Ann Adams*, b. May 26, 1844; m. 1st', AprU 17, 1864, Joseph Howard, ef Shutesbury ; m. 2d, Sept. 5, 1871, Orus Fitts, ef Leverett, Mass, iv. EUa Adams*, b. Sept. 18, 1846 ; m. Jan. 1, 1863, John Church, ef Blanford, Mass. She died Dec. 22, 1876. V, Rev. Dwight Ward Adams*, b. Nov. 19, 1851 ; m. July 21, 1876, Emma Taylor. He is a M. E, clergyman. vi, Laura M. Adams*, b. Aug. 4, 1853 ; m. July 31, 1873, Rufus II. Fitts, of Leverett, Mass. He resides in North Amherst, Mass. vii, Carrie F, Adaras*, b. Oct. 25, 1855; m. Aug. 3, 1873, WiUiam E. Roberts, of North Amherst, Mass. viu. Emma Adams*, b. Oct. 18, 1859 ; d, Oct. 23, 1864. 1974. ix. John M. Adams*, b. Nov. 10, 1861 ; ra. Mary S. Hobart. 1 3 19, Nathaniel D. Adams' (Clarissa Eastman*, Eben ezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Shutesbury, Mass., July 5, 1813 ; died Sept. 7, 1856; married Dec. i, 1836, Harriet Hastings, born May 15, 1816, died Oct, 15, 1892. He resided in Shutesbury and Amherst, Mass. He JOSEPH BAXTER ADAMS', OF SHUTESBURY, MASS. 77 1 was a lumber dealer and manufacturer in company with his brother, SUas Ward, for many years ; is described as a man of genial and quiet ways, of great energy and untiring indus try, strict and pious, with much of the Puritan in his character. CHILDREN. 1975. i. Charles Dickinson*, b, Oct. 11, 1839 ; m. Mary Clark Wood, 1976. ii. Maj. Henry Martin Dickinson*, b. May 8, 1844; m. Fannie Louise ilaguire. iii. Prof. Herbert Baxter Dickinson*, b. April 16, 1850. He fitted for coUege at Phillips Exeter Academy, and graduated frora Araherst in 1872 ; studied history and political science at Lausanne, Heildelberg, and Berlin, 1873-1876, and received the degree of Ph. D. in 1876; became a fellow and professor iu Jehus Hopkins Univer sity, Baltimore, Md. He is editor of the " University Studies in Historical and Political Science," and ef " Contributions to American Educational History,'' and Secretary of the American Historical Association. He has written numerous historical works, as " The Ger manic Origin ef the New England Towns," " Norman Ceustables in America," " Village Communities," " Methods ef Historical Study," etc 1320, Joseph Baxter Adams' (Clarissa Eastman*, Eben ezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Shutes bury, Mass., March 24, 1815 ; died Nov. 23, 1879; married AprU 30, 1845, Silence HaU, born in Conway, Mass., March 30, 1824. He resided in Deerfield and Shutesbury, Mass. CHILDREN BORN IN DEERFIELD. 1977. i. Harriet Adams*, b. June 8, 1847; m. Charles L. Loorais. 1978. ii. Myron N. Adams*, b. May 10, 1849 ; m. Clara Allen. 1979. iii. EUzabeth Adams*, b. Jan. 3, 1852 ; m. George T. Adams. 1980. iv. Marie Adams*, b. June 10, 1860 ; ra, Charles H. Church. 1 32 1, Lucina Adams' (Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Shutesbury, Mass., Dec, 18, 1 8 16; died May 11, 1837; married March 5, 1836, Alden C. Field, of Leverett, Mass, They resided in Am herst, Mass, TJ2. EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILD. i, Ralph Adams Spear Field*, b. March, 1837; m. Mary Hobert, of Boston, Mass. 1322. Caroline Adams' (Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Shutesbury, Mass,, July 24, 1818 ; married Jan, i, 1840, Ebenezer P. Spear. He died Dec, 21, 18 — ; residence North Amherst, Mass. CHILDREN, i. Asa Adaras Spear*, b. Nov, 23, 1841 ; m, Nov. 3, 1879, Caroline Crocker. Address, Bible House, N. Y, City. iL George Porter Spear*, b. May 21, 1844; m. Oct. 22, 1865, Pamelia A. JNIayo ; resides in North Araherst, Mass. iU. Harriet Amelia Spear*, b. Jan. 10, 1846; d. Feb. 9, 1849. iv. Mary Joanna Spear*, b, Sept. 30, 1851 ; unm. ; resides No. Araherst, Mass, V. Sarah Louisa Spear*, b. June 8, 1853 ; ra, June 27, 1877, Charles M. Conant ; resides at Gardner, Mass. 1323, Deacon WUliam Adams' (Clarissa Eastman*, Eben ezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Shutesbury, Mass,, Feb, 18, 1820; married Nov. 6, 1844, Mary Eastman Dickinson, born Oct. 30, 1823 ; resided in North Hadley, Mass. CHILDREN, L Corrilla Sophia Adams*, b. Nov. 22, 1848 ; unm. ii. George Herbert Adams*, b. Nov. 6, 1852 ; d. Oct. 6, 1853. iii. William Herbert Adams*, b. Mar. 12, 1855 ; resides at home; unm. 1324. Harriet A. Newell Adams' (Clarissa Eastman*, Ebenezer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Shutes bury, Mass., Nov, 28, 1821 ; married Oct, 28, 1853, Edmund Hobert, of North Amherst, Mass, ; resides there, CHILDREN. L Henry Ward Hobert*, b. July 31, 1855 ; d. Dec 23, 1858. ii. Frank Adams Hobert*, b, Nov. 22, 1866 ; m. Dec. 28, 1887, Annie Odin Roberts. DEACON ASA ADAMS', OF SHUTESBURY, MASS, 773 1325, Deacon Asa Adams' (Clarissa Eastman*, Ebene zer', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Shutesbury, Mass,, June 25, 1824; married ist, Jan. 7, 1855, Carrie Bingham ; she died Feb, 27, 1887 ; married 2d, widow Clara (Dane) Hutchins, He was a teacher, settled in North Amherst, Mass, He was living in 1897. CHILDREN, i. Charles Biiigham Adams*, b. May 28, 1857; d. April 4, 1874. U. Clara Emily Adams*, b. Nov. 1, 1860 ; d. Sept. 8, 1865, iU. Carrie BeU Adams*, b, Oct. 1, 1866 ; m. Oct. 13, 1887, William L. Nutting. He died Nov. 30, 1894. Children : (a) Rena^; (b) Bertha'; (c) Clara' ; (d) Grace". All with their mother in North Amherst, Mass. 1326. Azubah Dickinson Bangs' (Submit Eastman*, John', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Amherst, Mass., Feb. 2^, 1804; died Jan. 21, 1878 ; married in Am herst, Mass,, David R, Angle, died in Amherst, January, 1848, Mr. Angle was a farmer ; resided in Amherst, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Mary E. Angle*, b. March 25, 1840 ; m, in BaUston, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1888, George Merchant, born in Schedack, Rensselaer county, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1834, sen ef Stephen and Electa (Stanton) Merchant, of Ballston, N. Y, He is a bookkeeper residing iu BaUston Spa, N. Y. They have no children. ii. Irena C. Angle*, b. ; d. Aug. 3, 1885 ; unm. 1327. Charles Hawkes' (Emily Eastman*, John', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Deerfield, Mass., Feb. 14, 1815; married in Milton, N, Y,, AprU 3, 1848, Lucinda Holden, born in Whitestown, N, Y,, Feb. 13, 1821, died in Ballston Spa, N. Y,, AprU 15, 1886, daughter of Moses and Patience (Gould) Holden, of MUton. Mr, Hawkes is a mer chant, residing in Ballston Spa, N. Y. 774 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Kate WeUs Hawkes*, b. in Deerfield, Mass., Jan. 12, 1849. ii. Elizabeth Nims Hawkes*, b, March 6, 1850. iii, Mary Elmina Hawkes*, b. Feb. 5, 18.55. iv. Edward Gould Hawkes*, b. May 8, 1857. V. Martha Hawkes*, b. AprU 26, 1863 ; d. Feb. 22, 1865. 1328, RUus Eastman' (Joseph*, John', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph-^, Roger"), born in Amherst, Mass,, Nov, 23, 1807 ; died May 2, 1870 ; married in Bleecker, Fulton county, N. Y,, May 5, 1 83 1, Katherine Jipson, daughter of Reuben Jipson, a soldier in the war of 18 12. Mr, Jipson died when his daughter, Mrs. Eastman, was about six months of age. CHILDREN, ALL BORN IN BLEECKER, FULTON COUNTY, N.Y. Lois Root*, b, Feb. 27, 1832 ; d, Sept., 1898. Oman*, b. Sept. 20, 1833 ; d, aged 24 years. Katherine Lucinda*, May 17, 1835 ; ni, J. M. Young. Elizabeth*, b. May 25, 1837. Rilus*, b. Oct. 24,"l839, Joseph*, b. Jau. 29, 1842, David*, b. May 24, 1844. Sarah Ann*, b. Sept. 27, 1846 ; m. Dr. J. T. Barker, Aloney Cheney*, b. May 23, 1849 ; ra. A. J, Drew. Lucius Root*, b. Dec. 8, 1851, Lena Harriet*, b, Feb. 28, 1857 ; m. VV, L, HiU. 1329. Lucius Root Eastman' (Joseph*, John', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Hadley, Mass., Sept, 15, 1809; died in Framingham, Mass,, March 29, 1892 ; mar ried Dec. 20, 1S37, Sarah Ann, daughter of Aaron Belden, born in Whateley, Mass., July 20, 1817 ; died in Suffield, Conn,, AprU 1 1, 1898, Mr, Eastman graduated from Amherst College in 1833, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1836. He was ordained in Sharon in 1837, and continued in active service as a preacher of the gospel in Berkeley, Bos ton, and other places in Massachusetts for fifty-six years, a number of churches now quite prosperous having their begin ning in his missionary labors. 1. ii. 1981. iii. 1982. iv. 1983. V. 198L vi. 1985. vii. 1986. viii. 1987. ix. 1988. X. 1989. xi. LUCIUS ROOT EASTMAN (1329) CECIL STARRIT WHITTEMORE', OF AUBURN, N. Y. 775 Rev. Mr. Eastman was a member of the New England Historic-Genealogical Society. In 1867 he published in a small pamphlet of ten pages a genealogy of the first four gen erations of the Eastman family, the first ever in print. This work can be found in the " New England Historical and Gen ealogical Register " for July, 1867. It has been a great help to the compiler. CHILDREN. 1990. i. Lucius Root, Jr.*, b, in Sharon, Mass., Jan. 25, 1839, ii. Mary Louisa*, b. in Araherst, Alass., March 27, 1841. She graduated at Oakland Institute, Needham ; taught in High School, AnUierst, several years ; m. Oct. 23, 1877, Dr. Jarvis King Mason, Suffield, Conn. Children : (a) Mary Belden Mason^, b. July 20, 1878, studied two years at Mt, Holyoke College, and is engaged in teaching; (b) Edward Jarvis Masou^, b. Oct. 23, 1879, graduated Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., 1901, pursuing post graduate work in electrical studies ; (c) Fannie East man Mason^ b. Dec 24, 1881 ; in Sophomore class, Mt. Holyoke College, 1902. They reside in Suffield. iii. Sarah Hibbard*, b. in Berkeley, Ma,ss., Nov. 5, 1850 ; m. Oct. 15, 1878, Frank Stuart Mason, who died in Newark, N. J., Jan. 13, 1896, aged 41 years, sen ef John Leonard and Lydia IL (Drew) Mason, who moved from Ames bury to Framingham, Mass., in 1876, Children : (a) John Leonard^ b. in Framingham, Nov. 24, 1880, teacher of athletics in Lawrenoeville Academy, Law- renceville, N. J. ; (b) daughter^, b. July, 1883, d. young ; (c) Stuart Eastman^ b, AprU, 1886 ; d. Dec. 21, 1886. Mrs. Mason resides at Ne. 638 Carbide street, Newark, N.J. 1 330. CecU Starrit Whittemore' (Lois E, Eastman*, John', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Auburn, N, Y., Aug, 23, 1829; married in Leverett, Mass,, May 27, 1856, Julia Electa WiUis, born in Leverett, Mass,, July 11, 1831, died in Verona, Grundy county, IU,, Nov,, 1886. Mr, Whit temore is a carpenter, and resides in Verona, 111, TJ6 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN, L Lewis 0. Whittemore*, b. in Farmersburg, la., Feb. 5, 1858. ii. Edward Walter Whittemore*, b. in Vienna, 111,, Dec. 7, 1859 ; ra. in Antelope county. Neb., Sept. 2, 1884, Alice Nutt. Children : (a) Cecil Silas Whitteraere^ b. Feb. 6, 1884, in IlUneis ; (b) Ella May WhUteraoreS b. AprU 20, 1886, in Nebraska ; (c) Elsie Whitteraere«, b. March 9, 1893, in Illinois ; (d) Mabel Whittemore', b. Nov. 29, 1895, in Kansas. iii. Eugene Clifford Whittemore*, b. in Verona, 111., Oct. 9, 1861 ; d. Oct. 14, 1875, iv. Lucy A, Whittemore*, b, in Verona, UL, Oct, 19, 1863. V, Julia M. Whittemore*, b. in Verona, 111., Jan, 15, 1868 ; ra. in Verona, 111., Feb, 16, 1898, Lucius Edward Moore, born April 21, 1872, farmer, res, in Carbon, Hill, 111. Child : (a) Lloyd Edwin Moore', b. July 2, 1899. vi. Leonard Archie Whitteraore*, b, in Verona, UL, Jan. 1. 1871. 1 33 1, Oliver Cowles Whittemore' (Lois E, Eastman*, John', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Syracuse, N. Y., April 1 8, 1834 ; married in Leverett, Mass., Sept, 19, 1855, Lucy Sophia Keet, born in Leverett, Mass., March 18, 1838. Mr, Whittemore is a member of the Methodist Epis copal church, and resides in Easthampton, Mass, CHILDREN. i. Cora Minerva Whittemore*, b. in Leverett, Mass., AprU 6, 1857 ; num. ii. Alfred Lewis Whittemore*, b. in Ravena, Ohio, Nov. 19, 1857; m. in Chelsea, Mass., July 3, 1880, Stella Mary Burton, born in Chicopee, Mass., Jan, 18, 1850. Chil dren : (a) Lewis Burton Whittemore', b. in Chelsea, Mass., April 24, 1881 ; (b) Afton Freeman Whittemore*, b. in Ashburnham, Mass., May 5, 1891. iii. David Eastraan Whittemore*, b, in Easthampton, Mass., Feb. 2, 1871 ; d. July 7, 1872. iv. Albert Oliver Whittemore*, b. in Easthampton, Mass., June 27, 1874; m. in Chelsea, Mass., Sept. 19, 1895, Minnie Gertrude , born in Chelsea, July 19, 1877. WILLIAM REED EASTMAN', OF NEW YORK CITY. "JJ"] 1332. WUliam Reed Eastman' (Oman*, John', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in New York city, N. Y., Oct, 19, 1835 ; married Nov. 20, 1867, Laura E, Barnes, born Nov, 28, 1846, daughter of Allen and Grace (Kirby) Barnes, Mr, Eastman graduated from Yale College in the class of 1854. For five years he was a civil engineer, first on the Erie Canal enlargement, then on the construction of a part of the Goshen Air Line of the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana Railroad (now the Lake Shore), and after wards on the preliminary survey for three hundred mUes of railroad between Vera Cruz and the city of Mexico, In 1859 he began theological study in Union Seminary, New York, where he was ordained in 1862. For three months in the summer of 1 862, he served as first sergeant in Company H, Twenty-second New York State National Guard, stationed at Baltimore and Harper's Ferry, Md, January i, 1863, he became chaplain of the Seventy-second New York Volun teers, and served with them in the Army of the Potomac till June 25, 1864, when the regiment was mustered out. He was pastor of Congregational churches in Plantsville, Conn,, 1 866-1 876, in Suffield, Conn,, 1 877-1 879, and in South Framingham, Mass,, 1 880-1888, Since 1890 he has been connected with the New York State Library, at Albany, having been since 1892 inspector of public libraries for the state, and an instructor in the New York Library School. He is now (1900) chaplain general of the Order of Founders and Patriots of America, claiming eligibility to membership in the order through Roger Eastman, the founder in 1638, and the patriots, Joseph Eastman and his son John, both of whom were Revolutionary soldiers. Rev. Mr. Eastman resides in Albany, N. Y, CHILDREN. L Grace*, b. Jan. 4, 1869 ; d. May 27, 1899 ; m. April 3, 1899, Adrian D. Stevenson, of New York. u. Mary Reed*, b. May 19, 1870. -vm tLt>jt.uj. ijitMJiUuj^ iii. Margaret*, b. March 1, 1874. th '^'•t*^'^*^ -^ T-jmM^ 'J7% EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1333- Jobn Cotton Eastman' (Oman*, John', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in New York city, Dec. 20, 1845 ; married in Westfield, Mass., Sept. 10, 1879, Lucy Ashman Hooker, born in Westfield, Mass., Sept, 19, 1845, Mr. Eastman lived in Gainesville, Fla,, and was whUe there an elder of the Presbyterian church. He is a dealer in type writers, and resides at No. 297 George street. New Haven, Conn, ; is a member of the Congregational church there. For six years, from 1 874-1 880, while in Florida, he was a Sunday School missionary. He organized boys' clubs in Connecti cut and Massachusetts ; was one of the pioneers in the work. He is at present identified with New Haven city missions, and the Elm City Kindergarten Association, as financial agent, CHILDREN. i. Elizabeth Reed*, b. in Greenfield, Mass., Nov. 21, 1886. ii. Paul*, b. in Westfield, Mass., Sept. 14, 1880 ; d. in West- field, Mass., Sept, 17, 1880. iii. Henry Hooker*, b. in GainesviUe, Fla., Nov. 22, 1881 ; d. March 24, 1882. 1334, Anna Ferry Eastman' (David*, John', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Leverett, Mass,, Nov. 20, 1839; married in New Salem, Mass., Oct, 10, 1871, Henry Cook, born in New Salem, Mass,, Nov. 15, 1 836, died in Athol, Mass., Dec. 13, 1898, The next year after they were mar ried they removed to Athol, Mass,, where his widow now resides. CHILDREN. i. Emily Melissa*, b. in Athol, Mass., Jan. 10, 1873. U. Robert Henry*, b. Aug. 26, 1876. iii. John Putnam*, b. Aug. 4, 1880. 1335- WUliam Eastman Dickinson' (Daniel Dickinson*, Mary Eastman', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Amherst, Mass., June 11, 1832; married Sept. 6, i860, SARAH TAMISON DICKINSON', 779 Eliza Hobart, born Oct, 6, 1832, Mr, Dickinson graduated A, C, in 1885, A. M., 1885 ; pastor at Chicopee, Mass., many years ; now resides in Amherst, Mass, i. Edward Baxter Dickinson*, b. March 3, 1863 ; m. Sept. 6, 1892, CaroUne Bemis, of Chicopee. He is a dentist. 1336, Sarah Tamison Dickinson' (Daniel Dickinson*, Mary Eastman', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born May 19, 1834; married AprU 19, 1865, Rev, Frederick B. Phelps. CHILDREN. i. Frederick William*, b. Api-il 13, 1866 ; graduated at Amherst College in 1885 ; professor at Washburn Col lege, Topeka, Kan. ; professor Pal. Thes. Sem., Oakland, Cal. ; d, much lamented at Tuscon, Ari., Feb. 27, 1897 ; .unra. ii. Charles Dickinson*, b. Nov. 29, 1868 ; graduated at Amherst College in 1889. iU. Edith Sophia*, b. June 14, 1871 ; d. Sept. 17, 1884. iv. Myron Austin*, b. Aug. 2, 1872 ; d. Nov. 3, 1894. V. Julia Eastman*, b. May 15, 1875. vi. Florence Dell*, b. May 14, 1876. vu. Isabel Maud*, b. July 15, 1877. 1337. Charles Reed Dickinson' (Daniel Dickinson*, Mary Eastman', Joseph*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born in Amherst, Mass., Oct. 16, 1837; married May 16, 1863, Adelia Harris. He resides in Amherst, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Edwin Harris Dickinson*, b. March 22, 1868 ; m. NeUie Cowles, b. Dec 31, 1866. ii. Louisa Dickinson*, b. Sept. 24, 1869 ; graduated at Mt. Holyoke College. iii. Laura Austin Dickinson*, b. Nov. 15, 1869 ; graduated at Mt. Holyoke College. 780 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1338, Mary Huntington Wing' (Joseph Knowles Wing*, Lucy Clary', Rachel Eastman*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born Aug. 18, 1843; died March 14, 1893; married June 30, 1869, John S. McAdoo; resides in North Bloomfield, Ohio. i. Joseph John McAdoo*, b, at North Bloomfield, Ohio, Aug. 20, 1875. 1339, Francis Joseph Wing' (Joseph Knowles Wing*, Lucy Clary', Rachel Eastman*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born Sept. 14, 1850 ; married Minnie Remington, daughter of Stephen. CHILDREN. i. Virginia Remington Wing*, b. Oct. 2, 1881. U. Marie Wing*, b. Nov. 8, 1885. ui. Stephanie Wing*, b. Dec. 12, 1888. 1340. Ann M, Wing' (Joseph Knowles Wing*, Lucy Clary', Rachel Eastman*, Joseph', Joseph', Roger"), born March 7, 1857; married June 30, 1869, William Storrs French, of New Hartford, N. J, CHILDREN, i. Marguerite Mary French*, b. in New Hartford, Jan. 31, 1890. iL Emily Palmer French*, b! July 12, 1891. 1 34 1. Cinderilla Eastman' (Jonathan*, Tilton', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born Jan. 9, 1793 ; died in Gibbon, Ohio, in 1865 or 1866 ; married James Mealls. They removed to Ohio in 1842, where they both died. She married 2d, a Mr. Sailor, who soon died, and she married 3d, Henry Wil son, who outlived her. LOIS EASTMAN'. 78 I CHILDREN BY FIRST HUSBAND. i. Cyrus Mealls*, b. ; m. in 1837, Sarah Woodruff. ChiL dren: (a) Orlando Mealls', b. ; m, and had chil dren ; (b) Jaraes Mealls', b. ; m. and had children (c) Jerusha Mealls', b. ; ra. ; lives in Ohio ; (d) Lauranda Mealls', b. ; m. ; lives in Ohio. ii. Lauranda Mealls*, b. ; ra. Sept. 1, 1839, Thomas Dacon ; had several children who died young. 1342. Lois Eastman' (Jonathan*, Tilton', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born July 29, 1794; died in Richmond county, Ohio, in 1S55 ; married James McQuaid; lived in Ohio. CHILDREN. i. Ichabod Clark McQuaid*, b. ; m. in 1845, Amanda Roberts. He studied law, was admitted to the bar, went to California and became a judge ; m. and had several chUdren who survived him. ii. Eastman McQuaid*, b. July, 1827 ; m. in June, 1859, Sarah T. Jenner. They had no children. in. AbigaU McQuaid*, b. 1829; m. May 4, 1850, D. W. Roberts ; had two children. They went to Texas in 1856, whei-e they both died. iv. James McQuaid*, b. 1831 ; went to California in 1853 ; m. there; was superintendent of mines. V. John McQuaid*, b. 1833 ; went south, graduated at Mur freesboro, Tenn. ; studied law ; went to California in 1853, and practiced law in San Francisco. vi. Lois Minerva McQuaid*, b. 1836 ; m. James Cunningham ; went to Texas in 1856, and to Crawford county, Kan. ; had two daughters. 1343. Mahlon Eastman' (Jonathan*, TUton', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born March 27, 1798; died in 1835; married in 1831, widow Ann Saudus, and went to Richmond county, Ohio. 55 782 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. L Abigail Jane*, b. . ii. Joseph*, b. . iii. Daniel*, b. ; m. Amy Fairchild ; went to Texas in 1856, where he died in Oct., 1879. His wife died July 3, 1886, leaving (a) Mahlon', b. Feb. 18, 1826, d. in CaU- fornia in 1859 ; (b) Calvin', b. 1832, d. in Liberty, Ohio, 1849. 1344. Mary Eastman' (Jonathan*, Tilton', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Richland county, Ohio, Jan. 10, 1 803 ; died Nov. 27, 1882 ; married Aug. 25, 1825, Samuel Beach Harris, born in Green county. Pa., Feb. 9, 1800, died Nov. 8, 1 87 1, son of Stephen and Phebe (Harrison) Harris, who lived in Green county. Pa., and later removed to Knox county, Ohio, Mr, Beach was an extensive farmer in Ohio, He went to Knox county in 181 5, passing through the experi ences of pioneer life. Being hardy, he was calculated to endure the hardships and privations of pioneers. He was a very thrifty farmer, and became possessed of considerable property, CHILDREN, i. Phebe Jane Harris*, b. Sept. 15, 1826 ; d. 1845. 1991. U. Perry Andre Harris*, b. Nov. 17, 1827 ; d. Aug. 31, 1892. Ui. Abigail Ellen Harris*, b. Sept. 22, 1829 ; d. 1891. iv. Emeline Johnson Harris*, b. Oct. 24, 1831 ; d. 1867. V. Owen Douglass Harris*, b. Jan. 11, 1836 ; d. AprU 2, 1885. vi. Lois Laurinda Harris*, b. May 18, 1839 ; living. vii. Samuel Eastman Harris*, b. April 20, 1843 ; d. Dec. 17, 1866. viii. Stephen Dewit Harris*, b. Nov. 3, 1845 ; living. ix. Mary Minerva Harris*, b, March 28, 1848 ; d. in 1867. 1345. Jonathan Owen Eastman' (Jonathan*, Tilton', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born Oct. 17, 1814; diedin Allen county, Ohio, Sept. 15, 1875 ; married in 1837, Rachel Ann Huston, died Feb. i, 1875. His son, R. C, 1992. i. 1993. ii. iii. iv. MINERVA RUTH EASTMAN', OF OHIO. 783 says his father was born in New Jersey, near Camden, Oct. 7, 1 8 13. He lived in Richland county, Ohio, untU they had three chUdren, when he removed to Allen county, where the others were born, CHILDREN. Viola*, b, . Basheba*, b. in Knox county, Ohio, Nov. 7, 1839. Emeline*, b. . Daniel*, b. ; enlisted July 18, 1862, in Company B, Forty-fifth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was captured at the battle of Philadelphia, Tenn., Oct. 20, 1863, and died in the rebel prison at Belle Isle, Va., Nov. 13, 1863. Amy J.*, b. in West Newton, Ohio. Mary J.*, b, in Lima, Ohio, March 7, 1847. James Ward*, b. ; ra. Lucinda Baker ; res. in West Newton, Ohio ; three children. Robert Calvin*, b, , William Henry*, b. Nov. 7, 1855. 1 346. Minerva Ruth Eastman' (Jonathan*, Tilton', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Ohio, May 17, 18 18 ; died Feb. 27, 1885 ; married Dec. 7, 1843, Isaac Bove, who died July II, 1886. CHILDREN. i. Silicia Duphina Bove*, b. Jan. 27, 1845 ; m. Carl Brown. ii. Joanna Coriaua Bove*, b. July 24, 1848. 1998. ui. Mary EUen Bove*, b. Oct. 13, 1849 ; m. Charles Phillips ; resides in Bangor, Mich. iv. James Ashley Bove*, b. July 18, 1852. V. William Irwin Bove*, b. March 28, 1854. 1347. John Wisner Eastman' (Peter*, TUton', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Middletown, N, Y,, Nov. 26, 1797; died in Scipio, Ohio, May 30, 1872; married in Milo, Yates county, N. Y., Sept, 28, 1824, Cynthia Spooner, born in Freehold, N. Y., March 6, 1807, died in Scipio, Dec. 6, 185s, daughter of William Spooner, of Middleboro, Mass. 1994. V. 1995. vi. vii. 1996. viii. 1997. ix. 784 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 1999. i. Daniel Wisner*, b. in MUo, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1825. 2000. U. Mary E,*, b. in Mile, N. Y., July 14, 1829. 2001. iii. WiUiam S. S.*, b. in Scipio, Seneca county, Ohio, Nov. 11, 1835. 1348. James Thompson' (Peter*, Tilton', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Hamburg, N. Y,, July 17, 1805 ; died Sept. 8, 1848; married Nov. 26, 1826, Mary Wood, born Dec, 11, 1806, died AprU 19, 1875. The birth places of his chUdren tell where he lived. CHILDREN. i. Huldah Ann*, b. in Milo, N. Y,, Dec. 26, 1827 ; m. Jan. 1, 1847, John Hamlin. ii. Sarah Jane*, b. in Starkey, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1829 ; m. Jan. 7, 1847, Richard Lee. iii. Sophia Minerva*, b. in Dresden, N. Y,, Dec. 10, 1831 ; d. Oct. 5, 1852. 2002, iv. Martha*, b. in Hamburg, N. Y., May 12, 1834 ; m. March 15, 1834, Nelson Holt. ' 2003. V. Mary Ledusky*, b. in Aurora, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1836 ; m. in 1853, Uzal Cory. vL James Wisner*, b. in Aurora, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1838 ; m. March 2, 1864, Kit Vance. 2004. vii. Cynthia*, b. in Reed, Ohio, Jan. 19, 1841 ; m. Feb. 26, 1 863, Frank Feltis. 2005. viu. Catherine Ann*, b. in Reed, Ohio, AprU 9, 1843 ; m. Feb. 17, 1864, Edwin B. Lee. ix. David Marks*, b. in Lykins, Ohio, Jan. 19, 1847 ; m. Dec, 1870, Annie Oder, 1349. Moses Wisner Eastman' (Peter*, TUton', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Scipio, N. Y,, June 10, 1810 ; died in Penn Yan, N, Y., Dec, 14, 1886 ; married in Milo, N. Y., May 24, 1836, Matilda Ann Chase, born in Sangersfield, N. Y., Dec. 30, 181 7, died in Penn Yan, Feb. 19, 1893. Mr. Eastman resided in Penn Yan, where aU his children were born. He was a commission merchant. 2006. i. 2007. ii 2008. iii. 2009. iv. WILLIAM WALLACE EASTMAN', OF STANFORD, CAN, 785 CHILDREN. Charles Seeley*, b. Jan. 1, 1838. George Youngs*, b. Jan. 25, 1840. WUliam Wisner*, b. AprU 23, 1842. Lauren Chase*, b. June 19, 1844. 1350. WiUiam WaUace Eastman' (Peter*, Tilton', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Stanford, Upper Canada, Feb. 13, 181 3; died in Ohio, Oct. 2', 1841 ; married Sabra Wallace, born April, 1818, died in Grand Rapids, Mich,, Nov. 17, 1888, CHILD, 2010. i. David WaUace*, b, near RepubUc, Ohio, Sept. 18, 1839. 1 35 1. WiUiam Osgood Eastman' (Daniel Ward*, Tilton', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born near Beaver Dam, Canada, Dec. 9, 1807 ; married Catherine Keefer, daughter of George Keefer, of Thorald, Canada. He died Sept, 17,1848. CHILDREN. 2011. L Daniel Ward*, b. Nov. 12, 1838. ii. George Keefer*, b. ; d. young. 2012. iiL Frederick Converse*, b. Dec. 28, 1842, iv. Martha Elizabeth*, b, April 2, 1844 ; res. Hamilton, Ont. unm. V. Catherine Olivia*, b, Oct., 1845 ; m. J. T. Middleton res. Hamilton, Ont. vi. WiUiam Osgood*, b. March 4, 1847; m. Hattie res. Hamilton, Ont. 2013. vii. Samuel Henry*, b, Sept. 2, 1848. All of these children were born in Gainesboro, Ont. 1352. Amos Eastman' (Amos*, William', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Canada East, on " Dunn's Patent," May 22, 1804; died in South Wayne, Wis,, Dec. 20, 1886; married Ruby Brock way. She was born May i, 18 10, died May 10, 1863, After the death of his father he took his mother to his own home and cared for her as long as she lived. 786 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 2014. i. Darius*, b. in Wayne, Ohio, March 8, 1831. ii. William*, b. . 2015. iiL Amos Arial*, b. in Wayne, Ohio, April 21, 1836. 2016. iv. Lucinda*, b. ; m. Usher. V. Mary*, b. ; m. Nelson ; res. Elwood, Neb. vL Cassius*, b. . 1353. Asenath Hill' (TUton Eastman Hill*, Polly East man', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Middletown, Orange county, N. Y., AprU 19, 1799; died July 7, 1849; married Jan. 3, 1822, Rev, Aaron Jackson, born in Middle- town, N, Y,, July 18, 1798, died at Oyster Bay, Long Island, N, Y. CHILDREN. 2017. L Mary AmeUa Jackson*, b. . ii. Horace Jackson*, b. ; d. an infant. iii. Harriet Newell Jackson*, b. ; m. in 1853, in New York city, James Harvey Ralston, a lawyer of California. 1354. Peter Sylvester Eastman' (Irad*, Peter', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Paris, N. Y,, AprU 8, 1807 ; died Oct. 16, 1878 ; married Deborah Berlin Hallenback, born in Vermont, died in Washington MUls, N. Y., Feb, 22, 1865. He was a wagon maker, and resided in Washington MUls, N. Y. CHILDREN. i. James Henry*, b. ; lawyer in Tecumseh, Neb. The lack of further records of this family we feel constrained to attribute to either culpable indifference or neglect somewhere ; we will not call it churlishness, though inattention te our reasonable requests is hardly consistent with good breeding. ii. Charlotte Maria*, b. . iii. Ellen Ruth*, b. . iv. Harriet Elizabeth*, b. ; res. in New York city ; unm. V. George Elliott*, b. . vL Emma Mary*, b. . vu. Fred WiUard*, b. . PHEBE LAVINA EASTMAN', OF PARIS, X. V. 787 1355. Phebe Lavina Eastman' (Irad*, Peter', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Paris, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1809; died in Deerfield, N. Y,, Feb. 23, 1867 ; married in Deer field, N. Y., Feb., 1825, Jonathan Johnson, born May 16, 1801, son of Asa*, Dea. Edward', Major Edward*, Edward', WUliam', Capt. Edward". (See page 152 for further matter about this Johnson famUy.) CHILDREN. 2018, L Lucy A. Johnson*, b. in Deerfield, March 2, 1826 ; m. Sept. 9, 1847, C. H. Brown, and resides in Clemens, la. ii. Thaddeus W. Johnson*, b. Nov. 3, 1829 ; d. in Deerfield, Feb. 6, 1861. iii. Sarah A, Johnson*, b. Jan. 31, 1832 ; d. in New Hartford, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1858 ; m. Joseph Glatt. 2019. iv. Eliza A. Johnson*, b. Nov. 6, 1836 ; m. in Deerfield, Feb. 21, 1855, F. S. Antis, and resides in Clemens, la. 2020. V. Byron Johnson*, b. Oct. 4, 1842 ; m. Statira S. Green, and resides in Deerfield, N. Y. vi. EUiott D. Johnson*, b. May 13, 1847 ; m. Florence Wins ton ; resides at No, 114 Albany street, Utica, N, Y. 1356. ]\Iary E. Eastman' (Irad*, Peter', Peter*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Deerfield, Oneida county, N, Y,, Nov. 22, 1826 ; married at Washington MUls, X. Y., March 31, 1847, Price Griffith, born in Walesin, 1822, died at Seneca Falls, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1871, son of Price and Margaret Griffith. Mr. Griffith was a carriage manufacturer. His widow resides at Xo. 331 Hudson avenue, Albany, N. Y. CHILDREN. L Margaret Emma Griffith*, b. at Richfield Springs, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1849 ; d. . ii. Ella Azubah Griffith*, b. in Richfield Springs, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1851 ; d. . ui. Imogene Griffith*, b. in Deerfield, N. Y., July 5, 1853 ; m. Aug. 26, 1878, Josiah Dunn GiUespie, who d. Feb. 12, 1899 ; no children. 788 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iv. Ida Azubah Griffith*, b. in Seneca Falls, Dec 3, 1855 d. . V. Charlotte May Griffith*, b. in Seneca Falls, Jan. 17, 1863 m. Feb. 22, 1887, Jacob Venter, of Albany, N. Y. ChU dren : (a) Josiah GUlespie Venter', b. Dec. 26, 1887 (b) Mary Imogene Venter', b. June 24, 1897. 1357. Benjamin Eastman' (Solomon*, Benjamin', Benja min*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Cornwall, Province of Ontario, Dec. 6, 1836 ; married in Minden, Province of Ontario, Jan. i, 1866, Sarah Alpha Whittle, born in South ampton, Eng., March 3, 1845. She was left an orphan when but an infant ; was adopted by Mr. Reid F Burt, who brought her when but eleven years of age to Montreal. Mr. Eastman lived in Minden, where his children were born, untU within a few years, when he removed to Eastman, P. O, For seven years while living in Minden, he was church warden of the Episcopal church of which he was a member. CHILDREN, i. Permelia Alvira*, b, Oct, 30, 1866 ; d. July 9, 1876. U. Maud Alfreda*, b. Sept, 28, 1869 ; m. Jan. 1, 1891, Edwin Lawrence Williaras, of Lindsay, Ont. ; resides at Fort WilUan), Ont. UL Eliza Louisa Etta*, b. May 29, 1870 ; ra. Dec 18, 1890, Charles Christopher Leary. iv. Frederick Solomon*, b, Nov. 30, 1871 ; graduated at the Theological College, Montreal, iu May, 1896 ; is now (1899) preaching in the Episcopal church in Eastman, Ont. V. WUUam George*, b, June 19, 1874 ; d. July 8, 1874. vi. George Alfred*, b. Aug. 13, 1875 ; d. Aug. 14, 1875. 1358. Simeon Eastman' (Simeon Sharmon*, Benjamin', Benjamin*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in West Hawkes- bury, Ottawa district, Canada, May 22, 1828 ; married March I, i860, Elizabeth M, Rose, born in Arkansas, Feb. 17, 1844, daughter of Humphrey Posey and Annie Jane (Teague) Rose, Mr. Eastman is a wheelwright ; resides in Stockton, Cal. ANN CYNTHIA BENNETT', OF DANBY, N. Y. 789 CHILDREN. L Annie*, b. in Millville, CaL, Jan. 13, 1861 ; ra. Pembroke Murry. ii. Sarah C,*, b. in MUlviUe, CaL, Oct. 9, 1862 ; d. Sept. 12, 1880. iii. William Ira*, b. in MUlviUe, CaL, April 5, 1866. iv. Benjamin Franklin*, b. at Texas Springs, CaL, April 10, 1868. V. John Thomas*, b. at Red Bluff, CaL, Nov. 19, 1870. vi. Lillie May*, b. at Red Bluff, CaL, July 20, 1873. vii. Mary Olive*, b. at Red Bluff, CaL, March 13, 1877 ; m. Frank Turner. viiL Edna Viola*, b. at Red Bluff, CaL, AprU 1, 1879, 1359. Ann Cynthia Bennett' (Mary Ann Eastman*, Daniel Hitchcock', Benjamin*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Danby, N. Y., Oct, 3, 1839 ; married in Owego, N, Y,, July 23, 1867, Charles Talcott Ogden, born in Owego, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1839, son of Isaac and PriscUla (Goodman) Ogden. Mr. Ogden is a clergyman, residing in Portland, Me. CHILDREN. i. Henry Neely Og^den*, b. in Dexter, Me., AprU 30, 1868 ; ra. Dec. 26, 1895, Georgianna Mary Smith. Child: (a) Catherine Ogden', b. Oct. 20, 1896. P. O. address, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. u. PhUip Ogden*, b. in Bath, Me., Sept. 6, 1869. P. O, ad dress, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. ui. Hugh Walker Ogden*, b. in Bath, Me,, Dec. 7, 1871. P. O. address. No. 73 Treraont street, Boston, Mass. He raarried June 2, 1900, Hisbeth (?) Martha Davis, daugh ter ef John C. S. and Isabel E. Davis, of Riverton, N. J. Child : (a) Jean Ogden', born in Brookline, Mass., Aug. 2, 1901. iv. Marguerite Ogden*, b, in Bellows FaUs, Vt, Jan. 15, 1877 ; res. in Weedferds, Me. 1360, Rush Spencer Eastman' (Hiram Newton*, Daniel Hitchcock', Benjamin*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Owego, N. Y,, Jan, 31, 1845 ; married Oct, 23, 1877, 790 eastmAn family of America. Charlotte EUen Metcalfe, daughter of Dr. Samuel L, and EUen (BlundeU) Metcalfe, Mr, or Dr. Metcalfe was in his day a scientific writer, and his wife was an English lady. Dr. Metcalfe died at or near Cape May, N. J., in 1856. He was born near Winchester, Va,, Sept, 21, 1798. His wife died in 1862 in Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Eastman's wife was born Dec. 19, 1847, in New York city. He received his preparatory training at the Owego Academy, Owego, N. Y. ; went with his parents to Geneva, N. Y., when he soon entered Hobart CoUege, as freshman, in the fall of 1862. At the close of his sophomore year he left college to engage in teaching, being, thus employed one year in the Academy at East Bloomfield, N. Y., and two years at Walnut Hill board ing school for boys, in Geneva, N. Y. He then entered Hobart College in the junior year, graduating in 1 869, subsequently taking the degree of M. A, In the faU of 1869 he entered the divinity school of the Protestant Episcopal church in Phila delphia, Pa,, graduating in 1872. He was ordained to the deaconate directly after by the Rt. Rev, William Bacon Stevens, D, D., Bishop of Pennsylvania, and after two months' temporary service at St, Andrew's Church, PhUadelphia, he went west to become assistant minister in St. Paul's Church, Virginia City, Nev., and also minister in charge at St, John's Church, Gold HiU, Nevada, On September 7, the following year, he was ordained to the priesthood by the Rt, Rev. O. W. Whittaker, D. D,, Bishop of the Missionary jurisdiction of Nevada and Arizona, and later he became Rector of St. John's Church, Gold HiU. In 1880 he accepted a caU to St. George's Church, Austin, Nev,, continuing there three years, untU the spring of 1883, when he became Rector of St. Paul's Church, La Porte, Ind, In 1886 he removed to Tor- -resdale (Philadelphia), Pa,, having been called to the rector ship of All Saint's Church, where he stUl continues. GEORGE NEWTON EASTMAN', OF OWEGO, N. Y. 79 1 CHILDREN. i. Eleanor BlundeU*, b. in Gold HiU, Nev., March 4, 1879 ; d. Dec. 1, 1880. U. Charlotte Metcalfe*, b. in Austin, Nev., Oct. 1, 1880 ; d. Dec. 25, 1883. iiL Helen Guyon*, b. in La Porte, Ind., Jan. 29, 1884. iv. Marjorie McClintoek*, b. in La Porte, Ind., AprU 30, 1886. V. Ruth Curtiss*, b. in Terresdale, Pa,, Nov. 23, 1888 ; d. Jan. 19, 1892, 1 361, George Newton Eastman' (Hiram Newton*, Daniel Hitchcock', Benjamin*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Owego, Tioga county, N. Y,, Feb. 6, 185 1 ; married in Cin cinnati, Ohio, June 27, 1894, Isabel Crawford Pogue, born in Cincinnati, Ohio, AprU 27, 1868, daughter of Joseph and Sophia (Whitlaw) Pogue. Mr. Eastman graduated from Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y,, in the class of 1873, M. A. He has held pastorates in Pennsylvania and Ohio. He is now (1899) pastor of the P. E. church in Cincinnati, Ohio. Resides at Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio. He has no children. 1362. Robert Watts Eastman' (Hiram Newton*, Daniel Hitchcock', Benjamin*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Owego, Tioga county, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1853 ; married in Owego, N. Y., June 23, 1886, Anna Frederika Lovejoy, born in Richford, Tioga county, N. Y,, July 29, 1861, daugh ter of James P. and Lydia Elvira (Powell) Lovejoy, of Rich- ford, N. Y. He is a physician and surgeon ; resides at No. 140 West 76th street. New York city. He was commis sioner of pubhc schools in Owego, N. Y., for six years ; is a member of the Protestant Episcopal church. CHILDREN. i. Robert Lovejoy*, b. in New York city, June 26, 1891. ii. Mary Frederika*, b. in New York city, Jan. 18, 1895. iii. Elizabeth Neely*, b. in New York city, Jan. 31, 1897. 792 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1363. Mary Elizabeth Eastman' (Morgan Lewis*, Abihue', Benjamin*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Oswegatchie, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1843 ; married in Lisbon, N. Y., March 14, 1865, James Harvey Leonard, born in Pierrepont, St. Lawrence county, N, Y., March 14, 1834; resides in Royalton, Wis,, where he is a merchant. He is a deacon in the Congregational church, also school district treasurer. CHILDREN. i. Arthur Eastraan Leonard*, b. in Canton, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1867 ; graduated from Ripon, Wis., College, in 1891, and from the Seminary, in Chicago, 111,, in 1895. He is now (1899) a preacher in Forrest, 111. ii. Everett Christopher Leonard*, b. iu Parishville, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1868. iii. Pearl Leonard*, b, in Royalton, Wis., May 26, 1870. iv. Hope Leonard*, b. in Royalton, Wis., Oct. 20, 1872 ; grad uated from Ripon, Wis., College, in 1894 ; m. Dec. 29, 1897, Charles Francis Crane ; resides in Weyauwega, Wis. V. Morgan Eastman Leonard*, b. July 9, 1882, 1364, Samuel Elijah Eastman' (Morgan Lewis*, Abihue', Benjamin*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), bom in Oswegatchie, N, Y., May 17, 1846 ; married in Peoria, 111,, Aug. 25, 1875, Annis Ford, born in Peoria, IU., AprU 29, 1852. She is in the ministry along with her husband, and was one of the first women ministers in the denomination, being ordained in 1889, The principal settlements of Mr, Eastman were in Swampscott, Mass,, Canandaigua, and Elmira, N. Y., where he is now (1899) associated with his wife in the Rev, Mr, Beecher's church, CHILDREN. i, Morgan Stechley*, b. in Swampscott, Mass., March 15, 1877 ; d. in Canandaigua, N. Y,, July 25, 1884. ii. Austin Ford*, b. in Newport, Ky., Dec. 14, 1878. Ui. Crystal Catherine*, b. in Marlboro, Mass., June 25, 1881. iv. Max Forrester*, b. in Canandaigua, N. Y., July 4, 1883, All unm. LEWIS DANIEL EASTMAN (1366). LUNA BRIGGS EASTMAN', OF LISBON, N, Y. 793 1365. Luna Briggs Eastman' (Morgan Lewis*, Abihue', Benjamin*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Lisbon, N. Y,, Dec. 25, 1849; married in Daytona, Fla., Dec, 3, 1882, William Henry Edmondson, born in Fayetteville, Ga,, Feb. 25, 1850, son of John and Sarah Elizabeth (Goddard) Edmondson, of Fairburn, Ga, Mr. Edmondson resides in Daytona, Fla., where he is an orange grower. i. Charles Hewitt Edmondson*, b. in Daytona, Fla,, Oct. 7, 1888. 1 366. Lewis Daniel Eastman' (Morgan Lewis*, Abihue', Benjamin*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Lisbon, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., Oct. 18, 185 1 ; married in Bloom field, Ohio, Dec. i, 1897, Clara Baker, born in Bloomfield, Ohio, Dec. 13, 1865, daughter of Hiram Baker, of Bloom field, Ohio. Mrs. Eastman was, previous to her marriage, a teacher in the High School in Menominee, Mich. His mother was EvUina Hester Thorpe, instead of Emeline, as is given on page 417. Mr. Eastman's early education was obtained in the schools of his native town, but in the winter of 1868-1869, his parents removed to Wisconsin, settling in Royalton, where he worked at farming untU 1880, and all the while pursuing his studies as the opportunity offered. In 1880 he gave up farming for the law, and after two years of hard study was admitted to the bar, hanging out his shingle in Kaukauna, Wis., where he remained one year. Although meeting with good success in his chosen profession, he closed his office and accepted a flattering offer to teach in the State Reform School at Pontiac, 111., where he remained for five years, during the last year holding the position of assistant superintendent of the school. Resigning the position he entered the law department of the JSTorthwestern University, of Chicago, graduating with high honors in June, 1888. 794 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Shortly afterwards he located at Owosso, Shiawassee county, Mich,, remaining there about a year, when he removed to Menominee, Mich,, and has resided there since. From the beginning of his practice in Menominee, it has steadily in creased. In 1890 Governor Rich appointed him circuit court commissioner, to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of Howard Thompson, At the expiration of the term he was re-elected by the people, and fulfilling the duties of the office satisfactorily, was retained for a period of six years. The councU, in 1897, appointed Mr. Eastman city attorney, and in recognition of his excellent administration of the affairs of the office, he was reappointed in 1898 and 1900. They • reside in a pleasant home at No. 219 Stephenson avenue, where a gracious hospitality is dispensed. He is a member and trustee of the First Presbyterian church. CHILD. i. Evelyn EUzabeth*, b. in Menominee, Mich., June 29, 1899. 1367. Charlotte Eastman' (Henry Milton*, Abihue', Ben jamin*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in New York state, April 27, 1855 ; married Sept. 9, 1873, A. T, Waterbury, of Clinton, la. They reside in Elkhorn, Wis. CHILDREN. i. Oscar Milton Waterbury*, b. Nov. 10, 1874. U. Henry Waterbury*, b. April 28, 1876. iii. Carrie Lavina Waterbury*, b. Sept. 11, 1884. iv. Edith Waterbury*, b. July 29, 1888. V. Fannie Loraine Waterbury*, b. July 4, 1891. VL Burdette Eastman Waterbury*, b. Oct. 19, 1893. 1368. Carrie Estelle Eastman' (Henry Milton*, Abihue', Benjamin*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Elkhorn, Wis,, July 31, 1857; married in Elkhorn, Wis., Aug. 14, 1875, Leander L. Medbury. They reside in Elkhorn, Wis. LEVI EASTMAN', OF RODMAN, N. Y. 795 CHILDREN ALL BORN IN ELKHORN, WIS. i. Eliza Estelle Medbury*, b. Deo. 8, 1876. ii. Hattie Loraine Medbury*, b. Feb. 9, 1880. iu. Leander Ralph Medbury*, b. July 26, 1883. iv. David Waring Medbury*, b. Jan. 4, 1887. V. George Clark Medbury*, b. Jan. 23, 1890. vi. Harold Eastman Medbury*, b. May 4, 1893. vii. Joseph Llewellyn Medbury*, b. Jan. 13, 1896. 1368a. Levi Eastman' (Azariah*, Deliverance', Azariah*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Rodman, N. Y,, March 24, 1824; died Oct, 8, 1864; married in Sacket Harbor, N. Y., July 4, 1845, Martha Lyman, born February 22, 1829, daughter of Luther and Betsey (Stedman) Lyman. He lived in Rodman until April, 1863, when he removed to Plymouth, Wis. His widow died Sept. 2, 1892, from injuries received from a bull. Mr, Eastman was drafted into the army after his death. Both lie in the cemetery at Lyndon, CHILDREN. i. An infant*, b, about 1849 ; d. at the age of seven days. ii. Seymour P.*, b. in Rodman, N. Y., June 18, 1851 ; d. of general debility and softening ef the brain, Jan. 2, 1898 ; m. Feb. 22, 1882, Edith St. John. Children : (a) Ruby A,', b, Nov. 1, 1885; (b) Leroy A.', b. Nov. 20, 1887; (c) Lester L.«, b. Feb. 24, 1891. iii. Edward L.*, b. in Rodman, N. Y., July 21, 1858 ; ra. in Grafton, Wis,, Dec. 15, 1891, Katie Buck ; resides in Saukville, Wis. ChUdren : (a) Cora M.', b. Sept. 24, 1892 ; (b) Alexander G.', b, March 4, 1894, Uved nine days ; (c) Orlando M,', b. Nov. 19, 1896 ; (d) LueUa I.', b. Nev. 18, 1897. iv. Nora A.*, b. in Redraan, N. Y,, May 29, 1861 ; m. March 30, 1881, John W. Piper ; had two children, the young est, Levi Piper', b. Oct. 12, 1882. His mother died soon after his birth, and he lives with his father at Chilton, Wis. V. Willie*, b. in Plymouth, Wis., Aug. 14, 1864 ; d. Sept. 30, , 1865. 796 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1368b. Dennis Deliverance Eastman' (Azariah*, Deliver ance', Azariah*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Rodman, N, Y., Oct, 8, 1827; married in Rodman, N. Y,, July 3, 1853, Samantha Lyman, born in Lorraine, Jefferson county, N. Y,, May 31, 1836, died in Racine, Minn,, Jan. 16, 1896, daughter of Luther and Betsey (Steadman) Lyman, of Lor raine, N. Y, Mr. Eastman lived in Rodman until about 1858-60, when he removed to Lyndon, Wis,, and only the town line was between him and his brother Levi, He now resides in Racine, Minn. He is a farmer ; member of the Methodist church, in which he is a class leader. CHILDREN. i. Ruby Antinett*, b. in Rodman, N. Y., March 7, 1855 ; d. March 9, 1862. William Henry*, b. in Rodman, Oct. 6, 1857. Charles Azariah*, b. in Lyndon, Wis,, Aug. 9, 1860. Herman Gilbert*, b. in Lyndon, Wis., Jan. 26, 1865. Levi Harrison*, b, in Racine, Minn,, April 23, 1870. Herbert Adolphus*, b. in Racine, Slinn,, Oct. 3, 1875. 1369. Herman Leffert Eastman' (Herman*, Alvin', Azariah*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Rodman, N. Y., Dec, 6, 1828 ; married ist, Martha Jane Cook ; married 2d, Sarah Jane Dewey. Pie resides in Rodman, N, Y. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Martha Medora*, b. . ii. Herbert Herman*, b. . CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. iii. Roscoe Leffert*, b. . iv. Mary Jane*, b. . 1370. Laura Lodorsa Eastman' (Herman*, Alvin', Aza riah*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Rodman, Jefferson county, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1831 ; married in Rodman, Jan. i, 1850, Thomas Hall Remington, born in Lorraine, N. Y., 2020a. ii. 2020b. iii. 2020c, iv. 2020d. V, 2020e. vi. MARY ANN EASTM.\N', OF RODMAN, X. Y. 797 March 8, 1828, son of Jonathan and Dinah (Hall) Reming ton, of Lorraine, N.Y. Mr. Remington resides in Ellisburg, N. Y., where he is a farmer ; member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and trustee of the church and district school. CHILD. i. Mary Adelaide Remington*, b. Feb. 1, 1852 ; d. April 20, 1900 ; m. Lucas Azro Beeman, son of J. jNL Beeman, a Baptist minister. ChUdren : (a) Helen Grace Beeman', b. ; ra. Warreu Murry ; (b) Hubert Beeman', b. ; m. Lillian Carrie Waterman ; (c) Charles Eastman Beeman', b. . This whole faniUy are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Munnsville, N. Y. 1 37 1. Mary Ann Eastman' (Herman*, Alvin', Azariah*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Rodman, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1834 ; married in Rodman, Oct. 6, 1859, Plorella Clark, born in MannsvUle, X. Y., where he is a farmer, and where he resides. CHILDREN. i. Herman Sylvester*, b. in MannsvUle, N. Y., May 28, 1860 ; m. at Sandy Creek, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1887, Viola KeUey. Children : Ca) Helen Clark', b. ; (b) Celia Clark', b. . He lives in MannsvUle, N. Y. ; postmaster there. iL Edith Ann Clark*, b. Aug. 16, 1866 ; m. Nov. 28, 1883, Fred Fox, who died Nev. 9, 1888 ; ra. 2d. Sept. 12, 1894, George D. Lewis ; resides in MannsviUe. 1372. Louis Parsons Eastman' (Herman*, Alvin', Aza riah*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Rodman, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1846; married Feb. 8, 1869, Jennie Lighthall ; resides at No. 277 Chicago avenue, Chicago, 111. CHILDREN. i. Laura*, b. March 12, 1870 ; m. Ashley Wheeler. ii. Charles Weller*, b. June 9, 1871 ; m. MiUie . Child : (a) Louis Kent'. iu. Herman Angus*, b. Oct. 17, 1872 ; d. Dec, 1873. iv. Herman Leffert*, b. July 11, 1874 ; unm. All of this family reside in Chicago, 111. 56 798 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, 1373. Charles WiUiam Eastman' (Eli*, Benjamin', Aza riah*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Adams, N. Y., April 21, 181 1 ; died in Watertown, N. Y,, Jan. 9, 1879 ; married 1st, in Medina, Ohio, June i, 1837, Eliza Holmes, born in Medina, died there. He married 2d, in Ellisburg, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1843, Cynthia Fisk, died in Sterling, 111,, April, 1885, daughter of William Thurston and Alice (Hudson) Fisk. Dr. Eastman received his education in the common schools of his native town, and at Belleville Academy. He studied with his father, and graduated at P' airfield in 1835. He then located in Medina, Ohio, After the death of his first wife, he removed to Belleville, and was a partner of Dr. Houghton. He returned to Ellis Village, N. Y., and prac tised a few years, when he went west again and ultimately joined the army. After the war he returned to New York and located in Watertown, where he died. CHILDREN. 2021. i. Antoinette EUzabeth*, b. in Medina, Ohio, Jan. 2, 1838 (1st wife). 2022. ii. WilUam Fisk*, b. in EUisburg, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1844 (2d wife). 1374. Lucy Ann Eastman' (Eli*, Benjamin', Azariah*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Adams, N. Y., June 12, 181 3; died in Sacket Harbor, N. Y. ; married Boynton Chapman, of BelleviUe, N. Y. He died there Aug, 25, 1867. He was a blacksmith. CHILDREN. i. Frances Annette Chapman*, b. in Adams, N. Y., June 20, 1842 ; m. in BurUngton, la., April 25, 1867, Charles G. Pike, and settled in Creston, Union county, la. They had four children, three of them died in infancy ; one, Florence Pike', b. in Creston, la., March 3, 1873, m. Dec. 7, 1898, Arthur M, Floherty, of WorthvUle, N. Y. Charles G. Pike d. iu Council Bluffs, la., Dec. 4, 1884, and his widow m. 2d, Jan. 10, 1889, Sidney A. Wise, and resides at Lorraine, N. Y. ELIZABETH ROWE EASTMAN', OF ADAMS, N. Y, 799 ii. Eli Chapman*, b. ; d. iu Adams, N. Y., at the age of three years. iii. Julia E. Chapman*, b. in Adams, N. Y., Dec 31, 1846 ; m. a Lewis, and resides in Watertown, N. Y, 1375. Elizabeth Rowe Eastman' (Eli*, Benjamin', Aza riah*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Adams, X, Y,, March 14, 1821 ; married in Adams, X. Y., Feb. 17, 1851, WUliam Calkins, born in Worth, N. Y., May 26, 1829, died Sept. 25, 1894. He was a farmer ; resided in East Rodman and Lorraine, X. Y. He was trustee and steward of the Metho dist Episcopal church. Son of Daniel and Luna (Bumfus) Calkins, of Lorraine, X. Y. CHILDREN. 2023. i. WUliam Eli Calkins*, b. in Worth, N. Y., May 12, 1852. 2024. ii. JuUa Elizabeth Calkins*, b. in Lorraine, N. Y„ Dec. 11, 1860. iii. Daniel Francis Calkins*, b. . 1376. Julia Chittenden Eastman' (Eli*, Benjamin', Aza riah*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Adams, N, Y,, Dec. 8, 1824 ; married in Adams, N. Y,, Sept. 27, 1855, Alanson Porter Sigourney, born in Watertown, Jefferson county, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1809, died in same place Sept. 8, 1896, son of Anthony and Betsey (Gloyd) Sigourney, of Bennington, Vt., and Watertown, N. Y. Mr, Sigourney was a teacher and farmer, and resided in Watertown, N. Y., where his widow lives. CHILDREN. i. Alanson Porter*, b. in Watertown, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1857 ; m. Sept. 2, 1891, AmeUa C. Joy, of Rodman, N. Y. ii. Lucy Elizabeth*, b. in Watertown, Jan. 29, 1858 ; d. there Jan. 27, 1870. 2025. ni. JuUa C. Eastman*, b. Jan. 28, 1860 ; m. March 22, 1883, Dr. Frederick Myron Shepard, of Watertown, N. Y. iv. Mary Wiley*, b. AprU 3, 1861 ; d. May 27, 1862. 2026. V. Harrison*, b. April 5, 1865 ; m. Jan. 31, 1889, Mary Rosina Plauk, of Rodman, N. Y. 800 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1377- Joseph Porter Eastman' (Harvey*, Hezekiah', Joseph*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in MarshaU, N. Y,, May 28, 1805, on a farm still recognized as the old Eastman farm ; died Oct, 8, 1888 ; married March 18, 1829, Phoebe Caroline Addington, born in Paris, N. Y,, Nov. 9, 1809, died Oct. 12, 1888, His education was obtained at the dis trict school, with the exception of one winter at Fairfield Academy, Fairfield, N. Y, Before reaching his majority he became proficient as a stonecutter, and opened a stone quarry on his father's farm. The products of his labor were largely sold in Utica, some twenty miles distant, and usually delivered during the winter season, as the roads permitted the hauling of larger loads; and as oxen as well as horses were used, two days were consumed in making the trip. Like many of his kin in those days he became imbued with the spirit of " West ward, Ho," and push on, so that in June, 1833, accompanied by his wife, he drove to KingsvUle, Ashtabula county, Ohio. Their arrival in a " top " carriage in that little hamlet created more excitement than would a flying machine at the present time. This trip opened up to him the possibilities not obtain able in New York, and in June, 1834, with his wife and three children, he moved to that place. He purchased a corner lot, erected a store, and was soon successfully engaged in busi ness. This field was not large enough for one who was so active, and a mill was erected and put in operation for grind ing the grain of settlers, who were making their homes as fast as the forests could be cleared away. Seeing the possi bilities of the lumber business he erected a saw mill, the lumber being marketed either at the harbor of Ashtabula or Conneaut, situated on the shore of Lake Erie some eleven mUes distant. The only merchantable lumber in those days was choice black cherry, black walnut, and whitewood, the latter bringing only from $4.00 to $6.00 per thousand feet. All kinds of grain were in excess of demand, the prices being JOSEPH PORTER EASTMAN (1377). JOSEPH PORTER EASTMAN', OF MARSHALL, N. Y, 80I SO low he erected a distUlery, and fed at one time one hundred and fifty head of cattle. The high wines were shipped by the lake to market. Although the distUlery was profitable in a monetary sense, his strong temperance views caused him to abandon that business. Owing to the large production of live stock in that new country prices became very low, and there opened to his mind the possibilities of profitably market ing the excess of cattle to New York city, by driving them in droves of two hundred or more. This venture warranted a continuance of the business untU 1855, when the comple tion of the now L. S. &. M. S, R, R. rendered the driving unprofitable, though he continued as a dealer several years, shipping by the railway. Previous to the organization of the Free Soil party, he was a Democrat. He believed in free dom in its broadest sense, and he followed that movement thence into the Republican party, and was an active worker, and during the dark days from the opening to the close of the Civil War, he was always earnest in sustaining the government by acts and deeds. He was contemporaneous with Joshua R. Giddings and Benjamin F, Wade, citizens of an adjoining town, and with them was active in trying to break the shackles from the bondmen of the south. His home was on the hne of one of the branches of the " Under ground raUroad," He took an active part in the estabhshing of KingsvUle Academy, in 1836 and 1837, which was the leading educational institution in northeastern Ohio, until the opening of the CivU War. He was always active in educational matters, and urged young people to take advan tage of the opportunities he did not have in his day. In 1837 he bought three hundred and forty acres of land in the adjoin ing town of Sheffield, and moved there in 1838. In 1839 he erected a brick house on the farm. The water table, window caps and sills, together with the steps, were cut by 57 2027. i. 2028. ii. 2029. iii. 2030. iv. V. 8 02 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. him from stone purchased in the adjoining state of Pennsyl vania. The property passed into other hands in i88o, but the house was so well constructed that though sixty-two years have passed, the foundations and walls remain perfect. His was an active, moral, and temperate life. He was a great lover of children and young people, and was never happier than when they crowded his hospitable home, and where they knew that "Uncle Porter" and "Aunt Phoebe" had a warm welcome for them, CHILDREN. Charles Carol*, b. AprU 24, 1830. Henry Addington*, b. Feb. 14, 1832. Emeline C.*,b. March 18, 1834; m. Deo. 29, 1851, Albert W. Webster. Almon R.*, b. in North Sheffield, Ohio, July 27, 1841. Porter G.*, b. in North Sheffield, Ohio, April 14, 1844 ; d. March 8, 1896; ra. Sept. 10, 1866, Lena Anderson; soldier of 1861 in an Ohio regiment. vi. Caroline A.*, b, in KingsvUle, Ohio, April 21, 1848 ; m. A. B. Benedict. vii. Mary E.*, b. in KingsvUle, Ohio, Sept. 5, 1850 ; m. Feb. 14, 1872, in KingsvUle, Amos A. Southworth, born AprU 19, 1840. They have no children. He is in the rubber busi ness in Ashtabula, Ohio, where they reside. 1378. Horace H. Eastman' (Harvey*, Hezekiah', Joseph*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Marshall, N. Y., June 27, 1807 ; died in WatervUle, N, Y,, June 29, 1898 ; married in Marshall, N. Y., 2059. ii. Mary Malvina Turner*, b. in Ridgefield, Conn., Sept. 13, 1839. 14 1 3. Marvin Eastman WeUman' (Hezekiah WeUman*, Phebe Eastman', Joseph*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in New Fairfield, Conn,, Dec. 8, 1820; died in New Fairfield, Conn,, AprU 14, 1877 ; married ist, Clara Barnum, 2d, March 2, 1845, Harriet Sturges, daughter of David Sturges, of New Foundland, He was a farmer, and resided in New Fairfield all his life. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Napoleon B. WeUman*, b. June 18, 1846 ; m. Sarah Havi- land, daughter of William Haviland. Child : (a) Fred Wellman", b. ; lives in Danbury. 826 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AJJERICA. ii. Wesley B. WeUman*, b. May 13, 1848 ; ra. 1st, Mary Bur roughs ; 2d, widow Hattie Sanford Bowdy. Children by first wife : (a) Alvah S. Wellman", d. young ; (b) Nellie WeUman", b. ; (c) Jennie M. Wellman", b. ; m. in Walton, N. Y., March 15, 1893, Charles D.Citlow, and resides in Bethlehem, Pa. ; (d) Fannie Wellman", b. ; d. young; (e) Henry Wellman", b. . His second wife had a daughter", b. . iii. Adele WeUman*, b. ; d. at about ten or eleven years of age. 14 1 4. Hendrick Hudson WeUman' (Hezekiah WeUman*, Phebe Eastman', Joseph*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in New Fairfield, Conn., March 25, 1830 ; married Oct; 17, 1852, Evelyn Pearce, born in New Fairfield, Conn., June 3, 1834 ; died there Jan. 21, 1885. She was the daughter of Mathew L. Pearce and Eliza, his wife. Mr. Wellman received his education in the district schools of his native town, and at the age of thirteen years took a course of three years at New Fairfield Academy, a portion of the time working for his board by doing " chores " for the principal. At the age of twenty he commenced teaching school during the winter sea son, following that occupation about twenty years, working and attending to his farm in the summer time. He always lived on the farm which his father owned, and which has been in the family so many generations. He has been acting school visitor for over forty years, constable one year, assessor of taxes five terms, three times o{ the board of relief, register of voters for twenty-five years, town auditor for twelve years, commissioner of the supreme court and justice of the peace on the aggregate of forty years. He was also contractor for keeping the poor of the town from 1870 tUl 1876. Mr. Well- man represented his town in the Connecticut legislature in 1863, 1878, and 1885. He served on the committee of edu cation, and took an active part in the debates of the house, and was noted for his clear, concise manner of expression in such debates. He is a member of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows of the State of Connecticut, and has filled nearly all of the elective offices in the subordinate lodge. GEORGE RILEY BURTON', OF RODMAN, N. Y. 827 CHILDREN. i. Phebe WeUman*, b. Sept. 27, 1856 ; m. Murry Hodge. He died Feb. 7, 1900. She resides in Danbury, Conn. She had no children. ii. Hendrick Hudson WeUman*, b. in New Fairfield, Conn., Oct. 6, 1858; m. May 28, 1890, Mary Sniffin, of Dan bury, Conn. He was made constable ou his twenty-first birthday, and served in that office fourteen years. He is a farmer, and resides with his father on the old home stead. Children : (a) Evelyn Gertrude WeUman", b. in New Fairfield, Dec. 28, 1892 ; d. Feb. 24, 1894 ; (b) Anna May WeUman", b. in Danbury, Conn., Oct. 20,1894; (c) Phebe Louise Wellman", b. in New Fairfield, July 27, 1899. iii. Lucius Pearce WeUman*, b. March 16, 1864 ; m. in 1887, Martha Ganung. Child : (a) Lucius WeUman", b. about 1896; d. Feb. 20, 1900. iv. Myron WeUman*, b. 1866 ; d. 1870. V. LiUian Gertrude WeUman*, b. June 16, 1874 ; unm. (1900). 14 1 5. George Riley Burton' (John Daniel Burton*, John Burton', Mehitable Eastman*, Peter', Joseph', Roger"), born in Rodman, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1838 ; married in Rodman, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1863, Sarah Fuller Rice, born in Whatley, Mass., March 20, 1838, daughter of Rev. Lorenzo and Abigail Chauncy (Smith) Rice. She died in New Haven, Conn., March 3, 1894. Mr. Burton received his education at the Albany Normal College ; had charge of public schools in Marshall, Mich,, Troy, N. Y., and New Haven, Conn. He is senior member of the firm of George R. Burton & Sons, insurance. New Haven, Conn. CHILDREN. i. (jeorge Lorenzo Burton*, b. in Adams, N. Y., July 15, 1863; m. July 6, 1897, Emraa AbigaU Woodworth, daughter of Levi and Emily (Brockett) Woodworth. He graduated from Yale University in the class of 1883 ; A. B. and LL. D., Columbia, in 1886. He resides in New Haven, Conn., where he was president of the board of council in the city government in 1897-8. He is one of the firm of Geo. R. Burton & Sons, New Haven. 828 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ii. Charles Edward Burton*, b. in New Haven, Conn., Nov. 19, 1873 ; m. Oct. 17, 1894, Harriet Waterbury, daughter of WiUiara A. and Martha (Kelsey) Waterbury. He is one of the firm of Gee. R. Burton & Sons, of New Haven, Conn., where he resides, and where he was councilman in Ward 2, in 1897-8. iii. Homer Frederick Julian Burton*, b. in New Haven, Oct. 17, 1875 ; d. July 8, 1876. iv. Louis Rice Burton*, b. in New Haven, Conn., Feb. 18, 1880. 1415a. John Osgood Stevens' (Parker Stevens*, Jemima Eastman', Edmund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), born Aug. 31, 1798 ; died May 2, 1843 ! married Hannah GUman. CHILDREN. L Abial B. Stevens*, b. Sept. 20, 1826 ; d. Oct. 8, 1864. 2060. ii. Zelotus Stevens*, b. Feb. 19, 1828. iii. Sally D. Stevens*, b. ; d. Dec. 12, 1844. iv. Mary A. Stevens*, b. Nov. 9, 1836. V. Susan M. Stevens*, b. March 12, 1843. 14 1 6. Cynthia Dewey Stevens' (Caleb Stevens*, Jemima Eastman', Edmund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Piermont, N, PL, March 21, 1814 ; died there Aug. 14, 1840 ; married in 1836, Isaac H, Healey, son of Elliott and Judith Healey, born in . CHILD. 2061. i. Sarah Antoinette Healey*, b. in Piermont, N. H., Sept. 20, 1837. 14 1 7. Lyman Dewey Stevens' (Caleb Stevens*, Jemima Eastman', Edmund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Piermont, N. H,, Sept. 20, 1821 ; married in Concord, N. H., Aug. 21, 1850, Achsah Pollard French, daughter of Theo dore and Lydia (Pollard) French, born in Concord, N. H., Sept. 25, 1832, died there July 2, 1863, He married 2d, Jan, 20, 1875, Frances ChUds Brownell, born in New Bed ford, Mass., Aug. 21, 1839. Mr. Stevens fitted for coUege LYMAN DEWEY STEVENS', OF PIERMONT, N. Y. 829 at HaverhiU Academy, HaverhiU, N. H. ; entered Dartmouth College- iri 1839, ^.nd graduated in the class of 1843 ; studied law with Hon. Ira Perley, in Concord, N. H., and was admitted to Merrimack county bar in October, 1847 ; has practised in Concord ever since. He has held the following educational, financial, and political offices : Principal of Stanstead Seminary, P. Q,, from 1843 to 1845 ; trustee of Kimball Union Academy for twelve years ; trustee of Bos cawen Academy ; member of the Board of Education of the city of Concord, N, H. ; president and trustee of the New Hampshire College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts ; director of the National State Capital Bank, of Concord, for thirty-two years ; president of the Merrimack County Savings Bank, of Concord, since its organization, twenty-five years ago ; president of the Concord Gas Light Company, and of the Board of Trade BuUding Company ; treasurer of the New Hampshire Home Missionary Society, for the past twenty- seven years ; president of the New Hampshire Historical Society ; representative of ward 6, Concord, in the New Hampshire legislature in 1860-61, 1866-67 ; member of the New Hampshire senate in 1881-82 ; presidential elector in 1872 ; member of Executive Council during the administra tion of Gov. C, H. Bell ; mayor of the city of Concord in 1868-69; city solicitor of Concord in 1855-56. In politics a Republican ; in religion a Congregationalist, member of the South Church, in Concord. Mr. Stevens has retired from his law practice, and stUl resides in Concord, N. H. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Margaret French Stevens*, b. in Concord, N. H., May 6, 1851 ; unm,, and resides at home. ii. Henry Webster Stevens*, b, March 5, 1853. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. iii. Fanny Brownell Stevens*, b. in Concord, N. H., Jan. 10, 1876. iv. William Lyman Stevens*, b. AprU 5, 1880. He has just entered Dartmouth College at Hanover, N. H. 830 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1418. Calvin D, Eastman' (Edmund*, Edmund', Edmund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Corinth, Vt., ¦= ; married March 28, 1837, Hannah Prescott, born in Chester, N. H., Jan. 21, 181 1. Mr. Eastman was a shoemaker, and lived in Orange, Vt. CHILDREN. L GUman S.*, b. May 11, 1838. u. Joseph F.*, b. Jan. 28, 1840. iiL Oscar H. B.*, b. Jan. 29, 1845. iv. Mary J.*, b. Nov. 2, 1850. 1419. Emerson Eastman' (Edmund*, Edmund', Edmund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Corinth, Vt., Dec. 12, 181 3; died AprU 8, 1843; married Charlotte Scribner, of Corinth, Vt. CHILD. L Scott W.*, b. Jan. 27, 1848; m. Aug. 23,1875, Jennie Batchelder, b. July 13, 1858, daughter of Albert and Sarah Bond Batchelder. He is a farmer, and resides in East Corinth, Vt. Children : (a) Henry E.", b. July 10, 1881; (b) Fred L.", b. Nov. 17, 1882 ; (c) Henry E.", b. ; (d) Willie C", b. July 26, 1886 ; (e) Eugene D.", b. April 21, 1896. 1420. Laban Clark Eastman' (Joshua*, Edmund', Ed mund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Corinth, Vt., Aug. 24, 1805 ; died in Hyde Park, Vt. ; married in 1836, Eliza Whitcomb, born in Washington, Vt., in 1817, died in Hyde Park, Vt,, Jan, 30, 1888, daughter of Reuben and Mary (Magoon) Whitcomb, of Johnson, Vt. He spent the first three years of his married life in Corinth, when he removed to Hyde Park and lived the remainder of his life. CHILDREN. 2063. i. Leander Laban*, b. in Johnson, Vt., April 19, 1843. ii. Carlos Frederick*, b. in Johnson, Vt., July 19, 1847 ; res. Hyde Park, Vt. iu. Julia Eliza*, b. iu Hyde Park, Vt., Sept. 2, 1855 ; m. Hadley ; res. Hardwick, Vt. ROBERT FORSYTHE EASTMAN,' OF CORINTH, VT. 83 1 142 1. Robert Forsythe Eastman' (Orramus W. B.*, Edmund', Edmund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Corinth, Vt., Oct. 22, 181 1 ; married Mary Hatch. In 1836 he removed to Mt. Clemens, Mich., and a few months later his wife and infant daughter died, when on Oct. 8, 1840, he married 2d, Miss Harriet M. Rutter, of Philadelphia, Pa. He died at Mt. Clemens, Aug. 12, 1849, His widow, who resides there, says she is quite sure he was born in 18 14, and that he was married before reaching his twentieth year. His brother Ezra, who is living in Corinth, Vt., sends the com piler a copy from his father's Bible which- gives the date of his birth first given. Soon after settling in Mt. Clemens he opened a store of general merchandise, doing a prosperous business, and continuing in it up to the date of his death. Besides his mercantile business he owned a sawmill, owned and had carried on for him a foundry and ashery. He was an active member and generous supporter of the Presbyterian church in Mt. Clemens, In politics a whig. He was much respected in his business and social life. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. i. Frederick Roberts*, b. in Mt. Clemens, Mich., in 1842 ; enlisted in 1861, iu the Second Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry as private; promoted te first lieutenant Com pany B ; mustered out iu 1865 ; was wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of St. Mary's Church, Va., June 24, 1864 ; was some weeks in Libby prison. He was transferred to the Charleston prison, and was under fire during the blockade. After the close of the war he was a clerk in the Treasury Department in Washington, D. C, four years, when he resigned to enter mercantile business at Denver, Col. He is now secretary of the Beard of Trade in Mt. Clemens, Mich. He is a trader in stocks, etc. ; he is unm. iL Arthur Roberts*, b. in Mt. Clemens, Mich., in 1844 ; enlisted iu 1861 in the Ninth Michigan Infantry; discharged for disability in 1862. Upon his recovery he joined the 832 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Eighth Michigan Cavalry, and was appointed first lieu tenant of Company D, Nov. 1, 1862 ; was wounded in the battle of Sweet Water, Tenn., Oct. 26, 1863; in hospital at Nashville, and in Detroit; honorably discharged for disability just before the close of the war in 1865. He resides in Mt. Clemens, Mich. ; unm. 1422. Ezra M. Eastman' (Orramus*, Edmund', Edmund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Corinth, Vt., July 8, 1823 ; married E m eh ne Willis, born in 1823, died . He resides in Corinth, where he has been a carpenter and farmer. CHILDREN. i. A ohUd*, b, in Chelsea, Vt,, July 2, 1850 ; d. AprU 7, 1852. ii. Martha*, b. in 1855 ; she was adopted ; m. in 1884, John C. Hastings. Child : (a) Emeline Eastraan Hastings", b. in 1884. 1423. Bezar Lathan Eastman' (Harvey*, Edmund', Edmund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Orange, Vt,, Aug. 27, 1836; married ist, Oct. 29, 1859, Suzana Welch, born in Groton, Vt., AprU 19, 1841, died May 8, 1882 ; married 2d, Dec, 8, 1884, Sarah Jane Moulton, born in Groton, Vt, May 7, 1857. Mr. Eastman resides in Corinth, Vt. CHILDREN. L Cynthia A,*, b. in Washington, Vt., March 26, 1862; d. Aug. 7, 1874. U. Hattie E.*, b. in Topsham, Vt., Sept. 16, 1863 ; ra. 1st, March 30, 1882, Charles Sumner. ChUdren : (a) (b) daughters"; (c) son". M. 2d, Sept. 13, 1889, Albun Bishop, and had (a) (b) girls", and (c) son". They reside in Corinth, Vt. iii. Alice J.*, b. in Topsham, Vt., April 29, 1865 ; d. Aug. 15, 1874. iv. Lizzie R.*, b. in Topsham, Vt,, Nov. 2, 1866 ; d. Aug. 13, 1874. V. Libbeus W.*, b. in Topsham, Vt., Dec. 29, 1868 ; d. Aug. 25, 1874. JOSEPH HEATH EASTMAN', OF CORINTH, VT, 833 vi. Harvey*, b. in Topsham, Vt., May 16, 1870 ; d. Aug. 10, 1874. vU. Emeline W.*, b. in Corinth, Vt,, March 18, 1874; m. April 29, 1893, George F. Townsend. Children : (a) Araah Luella Townsend", b. in Bradford, Vt., May 10, 1894; (b) Alvy George Townsend", b. in Bradford, Vt., March 10, 1897, and died April 29, 1897, just four years from the day she was raarried. viiL Rosa Belle*, b. in Corinth, Vt., Sept. 3, 1875 ; ra. in Corinth, Nov. 30, 1893, David Nathaniel Sargent, b. in Ryegate, Vt., March 8, 1870, sen ef Phineas L, and Abbie G. (Jones) Sargent. They reside in East Tops- hara, Vt. Children : (a) Olive S. Sargent", b. Feb. 7, 1895 ; d. AprU 10, 1895 ; (b) Roy E. Sargent", b. March 17, 1896 ; (c) Irena W. Sargent", b. June 15, 1900. ix. Ezra M.*, b. in Corinth, Vt., Sept. 3, 1877. X. Bezar L,*, b, in Corinth, Vt,, Sept, 22, 1879. xi. Aaron W.*, b. in Corinth, Vt., Aug. 30, 1881. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. xii. Leon E.*, b, iu Corinth, Vt., July 8, 1884. xiU. Infant*, b. in Corinth, Vt,, July 29, 1886 ; d. Sept. 4, 1886. xiv. Mark B.*, b. in Corinth, Vt., Oct. 29, 1888. XV. David F.*, b. in Corinth, Vt,, Sept, 10, 1890. xvL Suzana*, b. in Corinth, Vt., Oct. 10, 1893, The deaths of the five children all occurred from diphtheria, and within seventeen days of each ether. 1424. Joseph Heath Eastman' (Jess*, Edmund', Edmund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Corinth, Vt., Nov. 26, 1830; married in Unity, N. H., May 3, 1853, Martha Ann Thurber, daughter of Harris and Leah (Heath) Thurber, born in Vershire, Vt., June 12, 1827, died in Hanover Center, N. H,, Sept, 21, 1899. Mr. Eastman and his wife were first cousins. Mr. Eastman resides in Hanover Center, N. H., where he is a farmer, stone-cutter and baker. He is a Free Baptist, superintendent of Sunday school, highway surveyor, and school committee. 834 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. L Emma J.*, b. ; d. . ii. Joseph H.*, b. ; d. an infant. iii. Abbie Etta*, b. June 2, 1857; m. Mr. Morrill, lives in Hanover Centre, N. H. He is a school teacher. She has been interested in church work, and is a member of the First Baptist church, as is also Mr. MorriU, deacon, superintendent of Sunday school. He is now on the board of education. 1425. Edmund Tucker Eastman' (Joshua*, Joshua', Edmund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Hamp stead, N. H., Nov. 7, 1820; died in Boston, Mass., Nov. 7, 1892; married Nov. 21, 1865, Mrs. Clara Augusta Eastman, widow of Joseph Leonard Eastman', son of Jonathan*, Jere miah', Jonathan*, Joseph', John', Roger", Mr. Eastman's early life was spent upon his father's farm in Hampstead, and he attended the district schools of Hampstead until seven teen years old, when he entered Atkinson Academy, and after a term of study there went to PhUlips Academy, at Andover, where he fitted for college. He entered Harvard at the age 6f twenty-two, and graduated in 1846, in the class with Charles Norton, George F Hoar, Fitz-Edward Hall, and many others, since famous men. He soon after entered the Harvard Medical SchooL from which he graduated in 1850, and soon entered upon his practice as a physician, and con tinued in practice till his death. He represented his ward (17) in the Massachusetts legislature in 1S82-3, He was an active member of the Old South Church from 1857 to his death, and was superintendent of the Sunday school for six years. CHILD. 2064. i. Edmund Chase*, b. in Boston, Mass., March 19, 1867. 1426. Hamilton Chase Eastman' (Joshua*, Joshua', Edmund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Hampstead, N. H., March 4, 1830; married in Fitchburg, Mass., Dec. EDMUND TUCKER E.4ST.^^.JL^' (1425). GEORGE W. EASTMAN', OF HAMPSTEAD, N. H. 835 13, 1865, Nancy Rogers Marston, born in Sandown, N. H. She died in Hampstead, Mr. Eastman is a stationary engi neer, and resides in Hampstead, N. H. CHILDREN. 2065. i. John Marston*, b. in Worcester, Mass., Oct. 27, 1868. 2066. iL Henry Lincoln*, b. in Hampstead, N. H., Nov. 3, 1871, 1427. George W. Eastman' (Amassa*, Joshua', Edmund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Hampstead, N, H,, June 18, 1822 ; married July 4, 1848, Maria Colby, of Hamp stead, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Harriet Etta*, b. July 24, 18.53 ; d. March 18, 1855. iL Jacob Hubert*, b. Sept. 5, 1856 ; d. Oct. 6, 1856. iiL Mary Etta*, b. Oct. 9, 1857 ; d. Jan. 16, 1858. 2067. iv. Laurietta Ada*, b. Dec. 31, 1858. 1428. Charles Carroll Eastman' (Amassa*, Joshua', Edmund*, Edmund', Benjamin', Roger"), bom in Hampstead, N. H., Aug. 21, 1832; married Dec. 15, 1859, Elizabeth Higgins, of Newbury, Mass, CHILDREN. i. Charles V.*, b. Feb. 14, 1860. iL Albert S.*, b. May 28, 1861. 1429, William Henry Eastman' (Benjamin Clement*, Benja min', Benjamin*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Barnard, Vt,, Dec. 27, 1815 ; died in Lisbon, N. H,, Oct, 24, 1899; married ist, in Grantham, N. H., Jan. 15, 1844, Pauline Sibley Winter, born in Grantham, N. H,, Jan. 14, 1821, died in Grantham, AprU 19, 1878, daughter of Reuben and Mahala (Putnam) Winter. Mr. Eastman married 2d. He entered the Methodist Episcopal Church as a minister, and after a few years espoused the Advent doctrine, and preached that doctrine as long as he lived. 836 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILD. i. Edward Gamage*, b. in Grantham, N. H., Nov. 22, 1847 ; m, 1st, in Newport, N. H., March 14, 1877, Elma E. Dodge, b. in Granthara, N. H., Oct. 22, 1849, d. Oct. 19, 1880; m, 2d, March 16, 1885, a Miss Folansby, b. in Boscawen, N. H., June 16, 1858, daughter of WiUiara W. and Ann (Noyes) Folansby, ef Boscawen, N. H, Mr. Eastraan is the attorney-general of New Hampshire. He resides in Exeter, and is in the practice of law. He was educated in the coraraon schools of the town, at Kiutiball Union Academy, and at Dartmouth College, from which he graduated in the class of 1874. He studied law in the office of Judge A. P, Carpenter, of Bath, and was admitted to the bar in 1876. In September ef that year he began the practice of his profession in Exeter, becoming the partner of the late Gen. Gilraan Marston. In 1876 he was representative fron) the town of Grantham in the lower branch of the state legislature, and in 1889 was a meraber of the state senate. He was county solicitor of Rockinghara county frora 1883 te 1888. Upon the death of Hon. Daniel Barnard, in 1892, Mr, Eastman was appointed attorney- general of the state, and' this position he still holds. He has earned for hiraself a leading position at the bar ef the state, having served in many important and faraous cases, again and again proving his abUity to deal with weighty and legal questions. In his legislative service he occupied a prerainent position, and has always given strong support to the best interests ef the community in which he lives. Child by first wife : (a) Helen May", b. Aug. 24, 1878; unm. Children by second wife: (b) EUa Folansby", b. Feb. 5, 1888; (0) Edwin Winter", b. June 18, 1894. 1429a. Charlotte Helen Eastman' (Benjamin Clement*, Benjamin', Benjamin*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Barnard, Vt, Oct. 22, 1821 ; died in Deerfield, N. H., Feb. 7, 1897; buried in Concord, N, H, She married ist, Ezra Wilmarth Hazen, born Sept. 10, 18 12, died in South Weare, N. H., Sept. 2, 1845, son of Jesse Adams and Hannah EDMUND GREELEY EASTMAN', OF EATON, N, H. 837 (Brown) Hazen ; married 2d, John Dearborn, of Deerfield, N. H. He died before she did. She lived in Weare, N. H.. with her first husband, and in Deerfield with her second. CHILDREN. i. (Dr.) Elijah Brown Hazen*, b. in South Weare, N. H., March 13, 1841 ; m. 1st, Jan. 3, 1877, in Epping, N. H., Eugenie Abrundette Rande, b. in Manchester, N. H., Aug. 16, 1860, d. in Providence, R. L, July 24, 1886, daughter of Jean Francois and Louise Juliana (Grey- lock) Durande. (This name was shortened to John Francis Rande.) He ra. 2d, Nov. 24, 1888, in New York city. May Shirley Sheare, b. in Charleston, S. C, May 12, 1864, d. in Mexico city, Aug. 19, 1889, daughter of Alexander Hamilton and Mary Antonina (Blaxtou) Sheare, He ra. 3d, July 11, 1895, in Law rence, Kau,, Mrs. Cornelia Jezaena (Zonne) Jennings, b. iu Gonda, Holland, Feb. 13, 1852, daughter of Henry and Peternella Johauna Hendrka (Van Katz SmoUenburghe) Zonne, widow of William Clyde Jen nings. Child by 1st wife : (a) Edith Charlotte Frances Hazen", b. in Manchester, N. H., Oct. 23, 1877 ; d. in Manchester, N, H,, Aug, 11, 1878. ii. Henry Wilmarth Hazen*, b. April 14, 1842 ; d. in Battle Creek, Mich., Nov. 26, 1899 ; buried in Lynn, Mass. ; m. in Boston, Mass., Nov. 5, 1877, Isabel Frances Dearborn, b, in Deerfield, N. H., Sept. 1, 1845, daughter of Samuel and Lucy Maria (Currier) Dearborn. 1430. Edmund Greeley Eastman' (Edmund Greeley*, Ed mund', Benjamin*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Eaton, N. H,, Feb, 16, 1846 ; married in Nova Scotia, Sept. 29, 1865, Agnes Jennie McKeene, born in New Hampshire, July 19, 1842, died in GeorgiavUle, R. L, Nov. 25, 1890, daughter of Adam and Susan (Higgins) McKeene, He married 2d, in GeorgiaviUe, R, I,, July 8, 1896, Cora BeU McCarmick. Mr. Eastman is the pastor of the Free Baptist Church jn Mere dith, N, H. He has held the offices of selectman, assessor, and overseer of poor, in Parkman, Me. 838 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. William McKeene*, b. in Arlington, Mass., Dec. 18, 1864. P. O. address. Providence, R. L, Journal office. ii. Susan Angelyn*, b. in Parkman, Me., May 5, 1872 ; d. in GeorgiavUle, R. I., March 10, 1897 ; m. Oct. 18, 1894, Frederick L. Austin ; no children. in. Edmund Eugene*, b. in Abbott, Me., Sept 16, 1877. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. iv. Mabel Angelyn*, b. Dec. 19, 1897. 143 1. Abel Farrington' (Susan Eastman*, Jeremiah', Benjamin*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Fryeburg, Me., Dec. 4, 1827 ; married Oct. 21, 1854, Ellen F. Watham. He resides in Mexico, Me,, where he is a farmer. i. Henry E. Farrington*, b. in Lovell, Me., ; m. Sept. 5, 1880, BeU H. Keniston, daughter of William and Caro line (Harriman) Keniston ; resides in LoveU, Me. 1432. Benjamin Eastman' (David*, Jeremiah', Benjamin*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Fryeburg, Me., Sept. 4, 1828 ; died there Aug. 10, 1895 ; married in Fryeburg, Me,, Jan. 23, 1862, Susan Farrington, born in Stowe, Me., June 12, 1836, daughter of Henry S. and Susan (Chandler) Farrington. Mr. Eastman was a school teacher, farmer, and merchant ; resided in Fryeburg, Me., where his widow now resides. CHILDREN. i. Frank Clinton*, b. Oct. 14, 1864; m. March 18, 1891, Caro line Berry Carter. He resides at Conway, N. H. ; a blacksmith. iL Carlos Hermon*, b. Aug. 6, 1876 ; d. Sept. 18, 1879. 1433. Henry Nelson Eastman' (David*, Jeremiah', Ben jamin*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Fryeburg, Me., Aug. 23, 1838; married in Fryeburg, Me., in 1864, Alice HIRAM P. EASTMAN', OF LEBANON, N. H. 839 H. Walker, born in 1844, daughter of Nathaniel and Olive (Charles) Walker. He lived in Fryeburg, Me. She married 2d, July 5, 1900, Edwin S. Walker, of Fryeburg, Me. CHILDREN. i. Owen Clinton*, b. in Fryeburg, Me., Jan. 25, 1868 ; m. in LoveU, Me., Aug. 16, 1886, Charlotte Estelle Andrews, b. in LoveU, Me., March 8, 1858, daughter of Cyrus aud Betsey (Chandler) Andrews. He is a farmer in LoveU, Me. ; they have ne children. ii. Henry Bertram*, b. in Fryeburg, Me., Aug. 22, 1872 ; m. Lucinda Abbott. iU. Wirt Belden*, b. in Fryeburg, Me., Sept. 16, 1877. 1434. Hiram P. Eastman' (Isaac*, Pearson', Timothy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Lebanon, N. H., Sept. 10, 1841 ; married in Lebanon, Feb, 3, 1864, Julia Ann Davis, born in Sunapee, N. H,, March 28, 1841, daughter of Eli and Eunice (Bickford) Davis, of Sunapee, N, H. Mr. Eastman is a hame maker, and resides in Sunapee, N. H. CHILDREN. 2068. i. Hiram Burton*, b. in Sunapee, N. H., Nov. 24, 1867. 2069. U. Ada Jeanette*, b. in Sunapee, N. H., July 16, 1870. 1435, Gideon Eastman' (Isaac*, Pearson', Timothy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), bom in Lebanon, N. H., July 7, 1827 ; married in Plainfield, N. H,, May 27, 1866, Urilla Davis, born in Plainfield, N. H., Nov. 5, 1833, daughter of Sanford and Betsey (Smith) Davis, of Grantham, N, H. Mr. Eastman is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, in Lebanon, N. H., where he is a farmer. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN LEBANON, N. H. L Erwin Davis*, b. AprU 21, 1867 ; d. . u. Grace R.*, b. Oct. 21, 1870 ; d. . iii. Etta Choate*, b. June 6, 1876 ; ra. Sept. 6, 1898, Fred Allen Reed, son of Frank A. Reed, of Newport, N. H., where Fred lives. 840 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1436. Alphonso Eastman' (Edmund*, Pearson', Timothy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Lowell, Mass., Feb. 23, 1846; married in Canaan, N, H., Dec. 6, 1871, Carrie M. George, born in Canaan, N. H., Dec, 9, 1848, daughter of Col, Elijah and Caroline (Eastman) George, of Canaan, N, H. Mr. Eastman is a machinist, and resides at No, 265 Lowell street, Manchester, N, H. He was major drummer in the War of the Rebellion. CHILD. i. Sadie E.*, b. in Enfield, N. H., Dec. 12, 1874, 1437. Augusta Eastman' (Nelson*, Timothy', Timothy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Manlius, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1840; married March 28, 1859, William Vandoser, born in Lenox, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1837 ; resides in Manlius, N. Y. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN POMPEY, N. Y. i. Charles WiUiara Vandoser*, b. April 30, 1860 ; m. and lives in Manlius, N. Y. ii. Lucinda Vandoser*, b. Feb. 3, 1862 ; ra, Edward Templar; resides in Lockport, N, Y. iii. Nelson Vandoser*, b. Jan. 9, 1864 ; ra. Oscar White ; re sides in Manlius, N, Y. iv. Florence Vandoser*, b, Jan, 24, 1866 ; m. Joseph W. Penney ; resides in Brooklyn, N, Y. 1438. Lucinda A, Eastman' (Nelson*, Timothy', Timothy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Manhus, N. Y., Oct. 5, 185 1 ; married June 27, 1869, Leander L, Bradt, born in Cicero, N, Y., Nov, 6, 1839; resides in Manlius, N. Y. CHILDREN. i, Curtis W, Bradt*, b. in Cicero, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1870 ; m. Dec. 19, 1888, Cora , who died in 1896. ChUd : (a) Marie", b. Aug. 12, 1890. u. Mabel E, Bradt*, b. in Porapey, N. Y^, May 19, 1873 ; m. June 18, 1893, WUUam Milton. Child : (a) Cora Milton", b. March 10, 1894. NANCY C. EASTMAN', OF MANLIUS, N. Y. 84 1 UL Minnie Bradt*, b. Oct. 15, 1879. iv. NeUie Eva Bradt*, b. Nov. 10, 1882. V. Leonard G. Bradt*, b. Nov. 8, 1886. vi. Verzy Ray Bradt*, b. Sept. 2, 1890. 1439. Nancy C. Eastman' (Ezra F.*, Timothy', Timothy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Manlius, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1841 ; married in Delphi, N, Y,, Jan. 23, 1862, H, H. Tracy, born in Delphi, N. Y,, May 10, 1837 ; resides in Delphi, N. Y. CHILDREN. i. Burnell H. Tracy*, b. in Delphi, N. Y., May 3, 1863 ; m. in Oran, N. Y,, June 5, 1889, LiUian A. Taylor, b. in Deruyter, N. Y., Nev. 11, 1868. Children, (a) Bula F. Tracy", b. in Syracuse, N. Y., Oct, 23, 1890; d. Nov. 7, 1890 ; (b) Harold B. Tracy", b. iu Syracuse, N. Y., June 18, 1893; (0) Benjamin George Tracy", b.- in Oran, N, Y., Feb. 29, 1896. u. Lottie C. Tracy*, b. in Delphi. N. Y,, July 10, 1865 ; m. March 9, 1872, Zora L. Scott, b. iu North Adaras, Mass., May 9, 1855. Child : (a) Walter Edward Tracy", b. in Syracuse, N, Y,, Jan, 13, 1894, ui. MiUard E. Tracy*, b. in Delphi, N. Y,, Jan. 20, 1870 ; is unm, and lives at home. 1440. Albert H. Eastman' (David W,*, .Timothy', Tim othy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Manhus, N. Y., March 29, 1 842 ; married in Fayetteville, N. Y,, May 6, 1 869, Joseph EUinge, They reside in FayettevUle, N. Y, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN FAYETTEVILLE, N, Y. i. Minnie Olive*, b. April 9, 1870 ; m. Nov. 16, 1892. ' ii. Dyer David*, b. May 13, 1875. iiL Edwin EUinge*, b. Nev. 11, 1876. iv. Jehu Carl*, b. March 11, 1879. 144 1. Hiram David Eastman' (David W,*, Timothy', Timothy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Manlius, N. Y., Aug, 24, 1844 ; married in FayettevUle, N. Y,, Oct. 13, 1869, Anna Graham, born in Fayetteville, N. Y., Jan. 19, 842 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1850, daughter of MUes and Phebe (Palmer) Graham. Mr. Eastman is a mail carrier in Chicago, 111, He resides at No. 7222 South Chicago avenue, Chicago, 111. CHILDREN. i. Francis Miles*, b. in Fayetteville, N. Y,, July 1, 1870 ; res. at home. ii. Guy Armin*, b. at Grasslake, Mich., Nov. 26, 1872 ; d. Dec. 28, 1872. iii. Clayton L.*, b. in Laport, Ind., April 6, 1875 ; d. Jan. 1, 1877. 1442. Della AbigaU Eastman' (Ebenezer R.*, Timothy', Timothy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Manlius, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1845 J married ist, in Perryville, N. Y., July 9, 1866, Frank O. Phillips, born in Cazenovia, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1842, and from him was divorced March 15, 1880; mar ried 2d, in Logansport, Ind., Dec. 9, 1881, James Lumsden, born in Scotland, Feb. 7, 1836, and died in Springfield, 111., Aug., 30, 1887. She died in Chicago, III, Nov. 30, 1901. CHILD BY FIRST HUSBAND. L Lula May Phillips*, b. in Red Wing, Minn., Sept. 22, 1869 ; d. in St. Paul, Minn., June 1, 1893 ; m. in Chicago, IU., Oct. 21, 1891, Emil F. Sternberg, b. iu Portage, Wis., Jan. 19, 1862; their only child (a) Vera May Sternberg", b. in St. Paul, Minn., May 11, 1893. 1443. Oscar L. Eastman' (Orresta*, Timothy', Timothy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), was born AprU i, 185 1, at Ira, Cayuga county, N, Y. His father was a Baptist clergyman, and after leaving Ira resided successively at Turin, Lewis county, Litchfield, Herkimer county, Plymouth, Chenango county, Springfield, Otsego county, Ontario and Walworth, Wayne county, all in New York state. Oscar was educated in the common schools of the places where his parents resided, and later took a course at the " Eastman National Business Col lege," at Poughkeepsie, N, Y, During his residence at Springfield he learned telegraphy, and was an operator when O.SC.iR LUCE E.ISTMAN (1443)- OSCAR L. EASTMAN', OF IRA, N. Y. 843 the news of President Lincoln's being shot rang over the wires in 1865. On Feb. 21, 1871, he came to Rondout, Ulster Co., N. Y,, since incorporated into the city of Kings ton, where he has since resided. The next day he accepted a position as clerk in a bookstore and telegraph operator, his employer being superintendent of telegraph of the line. His employer, was also postmaster of the then Rondout postoffice, and he was at once sworn in as clerk in the postoffice, every day dividing his time between the two places. He continued doing so untU May 9, 1877, when he resigned from the book store and became deputy postmaster under a new postmaster. This position he retained until Dec. i, 1880, when he resigned and became bookkeeper in the general office of the Wallkill Valley Railroad Company. He served as such until Feb. 14, 1882, when he entered the employ of Samuel D. Coykendall, the raUroad and steamboat magnate, where he has been ever since that time. He at once became auditor and general bookkeeper of the Stony Clove & Cats- kill Mountain RaUroad Company, and served as such until July I, 1893, when the company was sold to another corpora tion. At the same time, Feb. 14, 1882, he became bookkeeper of the Kingston City Railroad Company, and on Oct. I, 1884, became auditor, which position he held untU Jan. 16, 1901, when Mr, Coykendall, who owned all of the stock, sold it to another corporation, and the management was changed. On AprU 10, 1895, he became secretary and treasurer of the Rhinebeck & Kingston Ferry Company, and is stUl serving as such. On Jan. 19, 1901, he became head bookkeeper of the Cornell Steamboat Company (the largest towing corporation in the world), and of the New York & Rosendale Cement Company. He is a member of the " National Association of Accountants and Bookkeepers." On Sept. 23, 1874, he married Miss Kate Preston, who was born at Rondout, Ulster county, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1854, and their married life has been 844 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, unusually happy. On Sept. i, 1884, he was appointed treasurer of the Board of Education of Ulster Academy, and has been reappointed every year since, Oscar united with the Baptist Church at Ontario, N, Y,, in 1866, and trans ferred to Rondout, when he moved there. He has since served the church as clerk for twenty-one years, trustee and treasurer for fifteen years, member of the prudential com mittee for nineteen years, and early in 190 1 was elected deacon. On Dec. 15, 1894, he became a life member of the Eastman Family Association of the United States, He is a member of the various Masonic bodies in the American Rite ; is a past master, past district deputy grand master, grand repre sentative, and assistant grand lecturer in Symbolic Masonry ; past high priest, past grand master of First VeU, and assis tant grand lecturer in Capitular Masonry, and a past com mander in the Commandery of Knights Templar. He is a thirty-second degree Mason in the Ancient Accepted Scot tish Rite, northern jurisdiction, a noble of the Mystic Shrine, and a member of the Masonic Veterans' Association, the Masonic Historical Society of the State of New York, the Fraternal Union of Anointed High Priests of the State of New York, the New York Society of the Order of Founders and Patriots of America. He is also a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, is patron of his local chapter, and assistant grand lecturer under the grand chapter. On Aug. 30, 1867, he became a member of the Independent Order of Good Tem plars, and has kept his membership intact to the present time, having received and used every quarterly password from the first. Has served in various offices, and is a past chief Templar, past lodge deputy, past county chief Templar, past county deputy, past grand assistant secretary of the Grand Lodge, and is an honorary member of the International Supreme Lodge. When the supreme lodge established the three years' course of reading, he enrolled as a member and graduated with the first or pioneer class, thereby receiving the degree of Master of Royal Templars, HARRIET EMMA EASTMAN', OF TURIN, N. Y. 845 CHILDREN ALL BORN IN RONDOUT, N. Y. i. Fred Halsey*, b. Oct. 6, 1875. U. Lizzie May*, b. May 13, 1878. iii. Frank Lumsden*, b. Deo, 1, 1886. All live at home. No. 22, Ferry street, Kingston, N. Y. 1444. Harriet Emma Eastman' (Orresta*, Timothy', Timothy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Turin, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1853 ; married in Walworth, N. Y,, Jan, 31, 1872, John Richard Newton, born in Warwick, Eng,, Jan. 28, 1853 ; resides in Ontario Center, N. Y. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN WALWORTH, N. Y. L Oscar Newton*, b. .Ian, 30, 1873 ; d. Oct. 18, 1878. ii. Frank John Newton*, b. March 6, 1874 ; d. Oct. 16, 1882. UL Fred Hayes Newton*, b, Aug. 12, 1876. iv. Edna Browning Newton*, b. Feb. 21, 1882 ; m. at Ontario, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1901, Samuel Alphonzo Sweet, b. in Ontario, N. Y., Nev. 12, 1879. V. Orresta Jay Newton*, b. June 5, 1884. vi. Ida Anna Newton*, b. May 31, 1886. 1445. Ida May Eastman' (Orresta*, Timothy', Timothy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in Litchfield, N. Y,, Jan. 26, 1857; married in Walworth, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1875, Wat son Eugene Kelley, born in Coventry, N. Y., March 27, 1854, died in Walworth, N. Y,, Oct. 15, 1898. She resides in Rochester, N. Y,, at No. 78 Monroe avenue. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN WALWORTH, N. Y. i. Inez Lorinda Kelley*, b. June 15, 1882. ii. Blanche May Kelley*, b, Feb. 1, 1887. Both with their mother. 1446. Dwight Monroe Eastman' (Thomas J.*, Timothy', Timothy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in New Wood stock, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1855 ; married ist, Sept. 20, 1876, ; married 2d, in FayettevUle, N. Y., Oct. 2, Sarah Cotter, born in FayettevUle, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1859. They reside in Rome, N, Y. 846 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. L Lu Relle Frank*, b, in New Woodstock, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1878. U, Blanche*, b. in Auburn, N. Y., Dec 17, 1880. 1447. Elisha Eugene Eastman' (Thomas J.*, Timothy', Timothy*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born in New Wood stock, N.Y,, AprU 4, 1852; married in New Woodstock, Oct, 23, 1873, Eva May Hubbard, born in New Woodstock, N, Y,, July 13, 1852; resides in Binghamton, N. Y. He is a carriage maker. CHILDREN. i. Albert Brunell*, b. in New Woodstock, N. Y., June 22, 1874 ; m. Nov. 16, 1892, Ella May Loorais, b. in Binghamton, N. Y., May 21, 1875. Child : (a) Ralph Brunell", b. Oct. 29, 1897 ; d. Sept. 8, 1898. ii. A nameless son*, b. in Cincinnatus, N. Y., April 15, 1877 ; d. AprU 22, 1877. iii. Louis Hubbard*, b. in Cincinnatus, N. Y., March 11, 1879 ; d. June 16, 1879, 1448. Elbridge G. Carter' (Daniel Carter*, Daniel Car ter', Susannah Eastman*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born Dec. 4, 1808 ; married Mary S. Hook, of Concord, N. H. Mr. Carter was for many years agent for the United States and Canada express. He resided at Concord, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Mary O. Carter*, b. Deo. 10, 1836 ; m. L. E. Warren, of Littleton, Mass. Mr. Warren was at one tirae professor of mathematics at Colby University, WatervUle, Me. ii. George W. Carter*, b. July 18, 1842. 1449. Luther Carter' (John Carter*, Nathan Carter', Susannah Eastman*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born Aug. 24, 1829; married Mary A. Coffin, of Newburyport, Mass., where he settled. JOHN CARTER'. 847 CHILDREN. i. Mary C. Carter*, b. Dec. 1, lS55. u. LiUian F. Carter*, b. May 12, 1858. iu. Luther E. Carter*, b. May 1, 1865 ; d. Aug. 1, 1865. 1450. John Carter' (John Carter*, Nathan Carter', Susannah Eastman*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born March 5, 1834 ; married Julia F. Bryant, of Madrid, Me. CHILDREN. i. Frank L. Carter*, b. Feb. 14, 1860. U. J. Wesley Carter*, b. April 20, 1864. iiL Jennie E. Carter*, b. Oct 20, 1874. 145 1. WUliam H, Carter' (Jeremiah Carter*, Nathan Carter', Susannah Eastman*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born Oct. 4, 1828; married Ann W. Norvell, of Newbury port, Mass. CHILDREN. i. George W. Carter*, b. Aug. 17, 1855. ii. John Carter*, b. Oct. 27, 1865. iii. Georgianna Carter*, b. July 5, 1874. 1452. Sherman J. Carter' (Jeremiah Carter*, Nathan Carter', Susannah Eastman*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born Oct. 25, 183 1 ; married Emma A. Dow, and settled in Gloucester, Mass. CHILDREN. ' i. Sherman Carter*, b. AprU 26, 1854. ii. John D. Carter*, b. July 3, 1856. in. Fred O. Carter*, b. Sept. 28, 1860. iv. Emma F. A. Carter*, b. Sept. 16, 1863. 1453. Nathan P. Carter' (Nathan Carter*, Nathan Car ter', Susannah Eastman*, Joseph', Benjamin', Roger"), born AprU 27, 1836 ; married Caroline Rice, of Boston, Mass., and settled in Brooklyn, N. Y. 848 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Bertie Carter*, b. in St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 12, 1866 ; d. young. ii. Hattie S. Carter*, b. in St. Louis, Mo., July 12, 1868. iii. Eugene J. Carter*, b. in Astoria, N, Y., Oct. 25, 1871. iv. WiUie N. Carter*, b. in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 25, 1876. 1454. Benjamin Brown French' (Daniel French*, Gould French', Daniel French*, Joseph French', Sarah Eastman', Roger"), born in Chester, N. H., Sept. 4, 1800 ; died in Washington, D. C, Aug. 12, 1870; married ist, Jan. 11, 1825, Elizabeth Smith Richardson, born in Groton, Mass., July 13, 1805, died in May, 1861, daughter of Hon. WiUiam M. Richardson, chief justice of New Hampshire from 1816 to 1837. He married 2d, Sept. 9, 1862, Mary Ellen Brady, born in Washington, D. C, Dec, 183 1. Mr. French studied at North Yarmouth Academy, Maine ; studied law with his father, and was admitted to the bar in Feb., 1825. Dartmouth conferred the honorary degree of A. M. on him in 1852, He practiced law at Hooksett and Sutton, N, H., was appointed clerk of the courts, and went to Newport in 1827 ; was assistant clerk of the New Hamp shire senate in 1830, and was representative in the New Hampshire legislature in 1831-32-33, He was proprietor and editor of the Neiv Hampshire Spectator. He was an assistant clerk of the United States house of representatives in 1833, clerk of the house in 1845 ; was president of the Magnetic Telegraph Company, and commissioner of public buUdings in Washington, D, C. He M'as a thirty-third degree Mason, and was Grand Master of the District of Columbia. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. 1 2069a. L Francis Ormend Freuch*, b, in Chester, N. H., Sept. 12, 1837. 2069b. ii. Benjamin Brown French, Jr.*, b. in Washington, D. C, Feb. 4, 1845. HENRY FLAGG FRENCH', OF CHESTER, N. H. 849 1455. Henry Flagg French' (Daniel French*, Gould French', Daniel French*, Joseph French', Sarah Eastman', Roger"), born in Chester, N. H,, Aug. 14, 1813 ; died in Concord, Mass., Nov. 29, 1885 ; married ist, Oct. 9, 1838, Anne Richardson, born in Groton, Mass,, Sept, 26, 181 1, died Aug. 29, 1856, daughter of Hon. William M. Richard son, chief justice of New Hampshire, He married 2d, Sept, 29, 1859, Pamelia MeUen Prentice born in Keene, N, H,, Oct, 27, 1821, daughter of Hon. John Prentice, for many years editor of the Keene Sentinel. Mr. French was educated at Pinkerton Academy, at Derry, Pembroke, N, H., and Hingham, Mass,, where he went to study French. He studied law in his father's office, and at the Law School in Cambridge, Mass., and was admitted to the bar, Aug. 14, 1835. He practiced law with his father as long as he lived, when he went to Portsmouth for one year, then removed to Exeter, and held the office of solicitor ten years from 1838, and that of bank commissioner four years from 1848. He practiced law there untU appointed a justice of the court of common pleas, Aug. 15, 1854, which office he held tUl Aug. I, 1859. He opened an office in Boston in Sept., 1859, ^'^^ removed his family to Cambridge in i860; was appointed assistant district attorney for Suffolk county, Nov, 19, 1862, and held the ofiRce (at the same time practicing law) until June, 1865, when he was elected the first president of .-the Massachusetts Agricultural College, He removed to Amherst, where the coUege was established Sept., 1865, having resigned his office in Boston. Being unable to organize the college according to his ideas of what such an institution should be, he resigned his position there Oct. 17, 1866, and removed to Boston, where he renewed his profes sion in the spring of 1867. He purchased a farm in Concord, Mass., on which he resided. In 1852 Dartmouth conferred upon him the honorary degree of M. A. He was elected 60 850 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, honorary member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Cam bridge, July, 1 86 1. He published a very full treatise upon farm draining soon after his agricultural tour in Europe in 1857. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. 2070. i. Henriette Van Mater French*, b. in Chester,- N. H., Sept. 29, 1839. 2071. ii. William M. B. French*, b. in Exeter, N. H., Oct. 1, 1843. 2072. iii. Sarah Flagg French*, b. in Exeter, N. H,, Aug. 14, 1846. 2073. iv. Daniel Chester French*, b. in Exeter, N. H., April 20, 1850. 1456. Walter Blake' (Charlotte A. B. Eastman*, Samuel Conner', Ebenezer*, Samuel', Samuel', Roger"), born in Worcester, Mass., Sept. 18, 1856; married ist, Jennie Louise Lock, born in SomerviUe, Mass., Sept. 20, 1850, died in Concord, Sept., 1898; married 2d, Dec. 9, 1898, Izetta B. Badger, widow of Carl Ericson. Mr. Blake received his education in the Boston schools, and Tilton Seminary, Tilton, N. H. ; entered the employ of the old B,, C, & M, R. R., at the age of seventeen years, and has held every position from the lowest up to conductor, which position he now holds. He now resides in the AcquUla Block, Concord, N, H, CHILD BY FIRST WIFE. ' L Eastman Blake*, b, in Concord, April 11, 1898. 1457. Anna Mary Eastman' (Henry Patrick*, Nehemiah', Ebenezer*, Samuel', Samuel', Roger"), born in Merrittstown,'* Pa., Oct. 10, i860; married June 7, 1887, Jacob S, Hack ney, of Uniontown, Pa,, where they reside. He is an M, D, CHILDREN. L Martha Francis Hackney*, b. in Uniontown, Pa., April 4, 1888 ; d. Feb. 11, 1893. ii. Virginia Woodbury Hackney*, b. May 30, 1890. iii. Henry Eastman Hackney*, b. April 2, 1892. iv. Mary Francis Hackney*, b. Jan. 12, 1894. V. Jacob Sidwell Hackney*, b, Oct. 9, 1895. WILLIAM E, CROCKETT', OF SANBORNTON, N, H, 85 I 1458, William Elkins Crockett' (Mary Butler Taylor*, Sally Eastman', Ebenezer*, Samuel', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sanbornton, N. H,, Sept. i, 1824; married AprU, 1845, Harriet Curtis, born in Thetford, Vt,, Feb, 16, 1825. He was a manufacturer of leather belting, doing business in Newburyport, Mass,, where he resided. CHILDREN. i. Erni T. Crockett*, b. in Thetford, Vt,, Sept. 14, 1847. U. Benaiah C. Crockett*, b. in Thetford, Vt., Aug. 17, 1849. iii. Lizzie H. Crockett*, b. in New Hampton, N. H., Sept. 11, 1851. iv. William H. Crockett*, b. in Newburyport, Mass., July 19, 1854; d, Jan. 21, 1855. 1459, Ira Taylor Crockett' (Mary Butler Taylor*, SaUy Eastman', Ebenezer*, Samuel', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sanbornton, N, H., May 12, 1826; married in Manchester, N. H,, by Rev. C. W. Wallace, June 10, 1848, Drusilla Fitts, born in Dorchester, N, H,, Dec, 29, 1823, He lived in Thetford, Vt, and Sanbornton, N. H., and after the death of his wife removed to HaverhUl, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Laura Ann Crockett*, b. in Dorchester, N, H., May 21, 1850. ii. George F. Crockett*, b. in Thetford, Vt., AprU 3, 1852. iii. Mary Ella Crockett*, b. in Sanbornton, N. H., Dec, 19, 1854; d. Jan, 19, 1855, iv. Ada Bell Crockett*, b. in Sanbornton, N, H,, July 7, 18.59. 1460. Laura Elizabeth Crockett' (Mary Butler Taylor*, Sally Eastman', Ebenezer*, Samuel', Samuel', Roger"), born in Holderness, N, H,, July 6, 1828 ; diedin Plymouth, N, H., Oct, 9, 1880; married Jan. 12, 1854, William Gould Hull, born in Plymouth, N. H,, Dec, 26, 1826, She was a lady of 852 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. high culture, gifted in conversation and as a writer, but especially faithful and endeared as a wife, mother, and friend. They resided in Plymouth, N, H,, where he was a merchant, and later engaged in the lumber trade, CHILDREN. i. Arthur Crockett Hull*, b, April 30, 1857. U. Heber WiUiam HuU*, b. Oct. 29, 1861. 1461. Frances J. Taylor' (Ira Allen Taylor*, SaUy East man', Ebenezer*, Samuel', Samuel', Roger"), born in New Hampton, N. H,, AprU 7, 1834 ; married in Manchester, N. H,, by Rev, D. P. Cilley, Feb. 5, 1849, Tristram Bragg, born in Thetford, Vt., Aug, 31, 1828. He was a farmer, and in 1876 was living in Salisbury, Mass, CHILDREN. i. Mary E. Bragg*, b. AprU 7, 1852 ; d. Oct. 15, 1856. iL Mary (?) Bragg*, b. July 7, 1858 ; d, Oct. 20, 1865. iii. John Leland Bragg*, b. Jan. 9, 1861. iv. Abraham Lincoln Bragg*, b. Dec. 28, 1865. V. Frank Taylor Bragg*, b. Dec. 28, 1871. 1462. George Boardman MacLellan' (Rachel Moore Tay lor*, Salley Eastman', Ebenezer*, Samuel', Samuel', Roger"), born in King and Queen county, Va,, July 27, 1833 ; mar ried June 20, 1858, Emily MarshaU Moore, daughter of WiUiam and AbigaU D, (Robinson) Moore. Mr. MacLellan fitted for college at the old institution in New Hampton, graduated at Yale CoUege in the class of 1858, as salutato- rian. He went south where he taught several years. He served three years in the Confederate army, 1862-65. He resided in New Hampton, N, H,, for three years, 1868-71, and removed to St. Louis, Mo,, where he was a classical teacher, 1879-81, HOWARD TAYLOR SMITH', OF BRISTOL, N. H. 853 CHILDREN. L Arthur Livermore MacLellan*. b. in Oktibbeha county. Miss., Dec. 18, 1859 ; d. Oct. 11, 1866. U. Ade MacLellan*, b. Nev. 28, 1861 ; d. Oct. 28, 1862. in. Maud MuUer MaoLeUan*, b. Aug. 23, 1865. iv. Robert Morris MacLeUan*, b. in Columbus, Miss., May 3, 1868. V. Louisa Adelaide MacLellan*, b. in New Hampton, N. H., July 17, 1871. vi. George Taylor MacLellan*, b. Nov. 27, 1873 ; d. Feb., 1876. 1463, Howard Taylor Smith' (Laura Elizabeth Taylor*, Sally Eastman', Ebenezer*, Samuel', Samuel', Roger"), born in BristoL N, H,, July i6, 1855 ; married at Hotel Hunting ton, Boston, Mass,, Sept, 16, 1879, Nellie H. Fellows, of Frankhn, N. H. He immediately went to St, Paul, Minn,, where he has been employed by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul RaUroad as cashier at the freight house, St, Paul, CHILDREN, i. Herbert Mason Smith*, b. in St. Paul, Dec. 6, 1880 ; d. July 29, 1881. ii. Harold Taylor Smith*, b, Sept. 28, 1883 ; d- Sept. 29, 1883. iii. Howard Dean Snuth*, b. April 7, 1888. iv. Putnam MorriU Smith*, b. May 11, 1895. 1464, Josiah Calef Eastman' (Joseph*, Timothy', Joseph*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born in Loudon, N. H,, AprU 22, 181 1 ; died in Hampstead, N, H,, Nov, 27, 1867; married 1st, Ann A. Wilson, a daughter of Capt. Leonard WUson, a pensioner of the war of 1812 ; she died Feb, 17, 1850, He married 2d, Feb, 5, i860, Mary Helen Harris, daughter of Dr, Jerome and Mary (Tewksbury) Harris, of Amesbury, Mass, ; she died May 23, 1891, aged 55 years. Dr. East man was educated at Kingston, Atkinson and Saco, Me., academies ; taught district schools for eight years, and graduated from Dartmouth in the class of 1837. He studied 854 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. medicine and entered into practice at Newmarket, N. H., and about 1839 he located at Hampstead, N. H., where, except during his military life, he was in active practice. He had been a member of the New Hampshire Medical Society over fifty years, and was its president in i860. He was a member of the Rockingham Medical Society, and was twice its president. He was also an honored member of the American Medical Association, whose meetings he frequently attended as a delegate from New Hampshire, and was one of the three delegates from New Hampshire to the great International Medical Congress, held at PhUadelphia in 1876, His favorite branches of practice were surgery and obstetrics, and he had attended at the births of four thousand five hundred children who lived, and of whom he kept a record. He jvas appointed by Governor Berry surgeon of the Fourth New Hampshire Volunteers, with rank of major, and accompanied* the regi ment to Washington, Annapolis, Port Royal, Hilton Head, St, Augustine, and JacksonvUle, Fla,, doing laborious service for two years, when, on account of illness in his family, he resigned and returned to Hampstead. Shortly afterwards he declined the colonelcy of a new regiment which was offered him, although it would have been in accord with his tastes. When a mere lad he had been appointed a cadet at West Point, but he declined the appointment at the urgent request of his widowed mother. Subsequently, he held every rank in the New Hampshire militia from private to colonel. In politics Dr, Eastraan was a stanch Democrat. In 1845 hs was county treasurer, and was renominated in 1847, but declined the honor. The strength of his political principles is illustrated by the fact that when he was in the senate the " Knownothings " urged him to accept the nomi nation for governor, but he indignantly refused the proffered bribe, although he might have been easily elected. For years he was. one of the standard bearers of the party, and JOSEPH C. EASTMAN.' 855 was its candidate for councillor at two elections. He was a delegate to the national convention which nominated McClel lan, as was also Horatio Seymour. Dr. Eastman was in practice within about a year of his death, and was very active for a man of his years. He was confined to his bed but five days. CHILDREN. i, Mary Bartlett*, b, Feb. 15, 1844 ; m. Lavosier HiU, of New York city. Children : (a) Eugene Woodbury Hill", b. April 11, 1864, graduate of medical college ; (b) Walter Eastman HUl", b. AprU 8, 1865. ii. EUa Augusta*, b. April 11, 1846 ; resides at Derry, N. H. iii, Hanlon*, b. ; d. at the age of six months. iv. Etta Anne*, b. Dec 18, 1849 ; d. March 14, 1863. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. V. Josiah Bartlett*, b. April 11, 1865 ; res. in Hampstead, N. H. vi. Susie A.*, b, Jan. 19, 1867 ; m. George S. Palmer, principal of high school in Elliot, Me. 1465, Joseph C, Eastman' (Joseph*, Timothy', Joseph*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born Jan. 28, 1814; died in Hampstead, N. H., Feb. 26, 1863 ; married Feb. 3, 1841, Adeline Harriman ; died Nov, 22, 1865. He was an M. D., settled first in Candia, N. H,, and later removed to Hamp stead, CHILDREN. i. Frank S,*, b. Dec 28, 1841 ; ra. July 27, 1877, Susan Brown. He enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, in company E, Eleventh New Hampshire Infantry; mustered Aug. 29, 1862, as private ; discharged at Concord, N. H., on account of disability Jan. 27, 1863. Resides in Lynn, Mass. u. Helen A.*, b. Jan. 23, 1844; m. Dec 23, 1871, Elmer S. Harris. Child : (a) Elmer Eastman Harris", b. Feb. 26, 1874 ; lives in Haverhill, Mass. iu. Ann B.*, b. Aug. 13, 1846 ; d. Oct. 2, 1848. 856 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1466. Mason Eastman' (Timothy*, Timothy', Joseph*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born in Canaan, Me., Aug, 2, 1826 ; married AprU 30, 1852, Emily Amelia Kent, born in Dorset, Vt,, March 19, 1831. He lived in Eastmanville, Mich. He died March 7, i860. CHILDREN. i. Timothy*, b. Oct. 14, 1854. ii. Laurens*, b. Oct. 14, 1854 (twin) ; both d. same day. 2074. Ui. Walter*, b, July 14, 1855. 2075. iv. Frederick*, b. AprU 24, 18.57. V. Mason*, b. Dec, 1859 ; d. July, 1860, His widow married again Jan. i, 1865, Thomas Hefferan, born July 28, 183 1, in New York state. He is the president of the People's Savings Bank of Grand Rapids, Mich,, where he resides. Their children were : i, George Hefferan, b. in Eastmanville, Mich,, April 19, 1866 ; graduated from the University at Ann Arbor, Mich., in 1891, and is now practicing law. ii. Mary Hefferan, b. June 24, 1873 ; she is a student at Wellesley, Mass. iii. Thomas William Hefferan, b. July 22, 1876. 1467. George Eastman' (Timothy*, Timothy', Joseph*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born in Canaan, Me., May 29, 1828 ; married AprU 23, 1850, Aphia Perry, born Feb, 7, 1825, Mr, Eastman lived for a while in Eastmanville, Mich., but afterwards removed to Grand Rapids, where he was extensively engaged in the lumber business. His wife died Dec, 22, 1895 ; he died June 6, 1896. CHILDREN. L Jennie*, b. June 22, 1852 ; d. Jan. 22, 1854, h. Abba*, b. Oct. 22, 1853 ; d. Jan. 22, 1854. UL Nellie*, b. in Niagara county, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1855 ; m. Sept. 1, 1875, WiUiam C. Harper, b. Nov. 3, 1851, resides in Grand Rapids, Mich. Children : (a) AUie Eastman Harper", b. Sept. 4, 1876 ; (b) William C. Harper", b. GALEN EASTMAN', OF CANAAN, ME. 857 Nov. 3, 1877; (c) G. Ralph Harper", b. Jan. 25, 1882; (d) Florence S. Harper", b. Nov. 2, 1883; (e) JuUa Aphia Harper", b. Oct. 18, 1885 ; (f) Robert Mason Har per", b. Nov, 4, 1887 ; (g) George Harper", b. May 26, 1892. 2076. iv: George*, b. Aug. 30, 1857; d. July 3, 1888. V. Jennie Lull*, b. Dec. 12, 1865 ; ra. Oct. 19, 1885, Ralph P. Tietsort, Children : (a) Helen Tietsert", b. in Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 19, 1887 ; (b) John Donald Tietsort", b. Feb. 17, 1895. 1468. Galen Eastman' (Timothy*, Timothy', Joseph*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born in Canaan, Me,, July 8, 1829; married Dec, 14, 1858, Mary L. Ferry, daughter of Rev. W. M. Ferry, Mr. Eastman was interested in the lumbering business in Michigan, and introduced the system of transporting lumber on barges, which were towed across Lake Michigan. He also owned considerable vessel property. About 1877 he accepted the position of Indian agent at the Navajo Reservation, in New Mexico, where he remained until 1883, when he resigned and removed to San Fran cisco, Cal., where he died Jan. 18, 1889. CHILDREN. i. Mary Araanda*, b. March 9, 1860, in Grand Haven, Mich. ; ra. April 12, 1883, P. B. Johnson. He d. Sept. 25, 1884. She m, 2d, Jan. 17, 1889, WUUam C. Fairchild. Child by first husband : (a) Kate White Johnson", b. Feb. 26, 1884. Children by second husband: (b) Amanda East man FairchUd", b. Oct, 18, 1889, in Vaoaville, CaL ; (c) Clara E. Fairchild", b. in Taooma, Wash. ii. Bessie*, b. June 24, 1861, graduated frora Sraith's College, June 18, 1886, teacher at Rockford CoUege, 111. 2077.' UL Edward Ferry*, b. Jan. 15, 1863. iv. Thomas White*, b. Sept. 6, 1864; ra, Sept. 21, 1899, Ger trude Delano. Child : (a) Robert Delano", b. July 14, 1900. V. Timothy*, b. Oct. 20, 1865 ; d. Aug, 9, 1866. vi. Sarah Jane*, b. Oct. 29, 1866 ; d. Aug. 13, 1867. 858 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. vii. Hannah Elizabeth*, b. Feb. 26, 1868; m. Aug. 4, 1898, D. H. Weelzen, Jr. Child: (a) Margaret Elizabeth Weelzen", b. May 24, 1901. viu. Hettie*, b. July 6, 1869. ' ix. Mary White*, b. Oct. 2, 1870 ; teacher at Berkley, CaL, Deaf and Dumb Institute. ' X. George Mason*, b. Sept. 6, 1872. xi. Galen*, b. Dec. 21, 1873 ; d. April 12, 1874. xU. " Baby Phi"*, b. April 23, 1875 ; d. same day. xiii. WiUiara Montague*, b. April 13, 1877 ; d. March 2, 1878. 1469, Sarah Jane Eastman' (Timothy*, Timothy', Joseph*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born in Harmony, Me., Feb. 22, 1831 ; died March 26, 1900; married Sept. 15, 1848, Wal ter Lull, born in Hanover (.-'), Cattaragus county, N. Y., July 5, 1817. He was an early settler in Michigan, and for years a prominent lumber dealer in Chicago. His principal interests were destroyed by fire in Sept., 1859, when he turned his attention to mining in Colorado, In this business he was quite successful, but in 1884 he removed to California. CHILDREN. i. Mary Jane Lull*, b. Sept. 12, 1851 ; ra. May 22. 1872, Charles Phelps Gilbert. Children : (a) Jennie Lull GUbert", b. March 15, 1873 ; (b) Mary Louise Gilbert" b. Oct. 20, 1883, iL Abbie Frances Lull*, b, Oct, 2, 1853; ra. Oct 19, 1875, WiUiam II. Reddington, Child : (a) Ruth Hayes Red- dington", b. March 10, 1884. iii. Carrie Bishop Lull*, b. Aug. 27, 1857 ; d. Nev. 5, 1862. iv. Walter Eastraan Lull*, b. March 27, 1859 ; m. May 5, 1885, Mary Josephine Cronin, b. Aug. 15, 1859. Children all born in Denver, Col, : (a) Walter William Lull", b. May 14, 1886 ; (b) Mary Frances Lull", b. Jan. 26, 1888 ; (c) Louis Gilbert Lull", b. Aug. 21, 1890; (d) Fred Eastman Lull", b. March 11, 1892 ; (e) Helen Margaret Lull", b. June 29, 1894 ; (f) Harold LuU", b. Feb. 1, 1896. V. Timothy Eastraan Lull*, b. Deo. 24, 1864 ; d. July 6, 1865. vi. Sarah Louise Lull*, b. Sept. 15, 1867. MRS. ABBIE ANN THOMAS (1-470). Gramldaugliter ABIGAIL E. '("HOMAS (207911) ABBIE ANN EASTMAN', OF MAINE. 8S9 1470. Abbie Ann Eastman' (Timothy*, Timothy', Joseph*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born in Maine, Sept, 29, 1832; married May 31, 1855, Jesse B, Thomas, of Chicago, 111,, born in CrawfordsvUle, 111., July 29, 1832. Mr, Thomas graduated from Kenyon CoUege, Ohio, in 1850; was admitted to the bar in 1855, After foUowing the profession for some years he entered the ministry. His first pastorate was at Waukegan, 111. In 1864 he became pastor of the Pierpont- street Baptist church in Brooklyn, N. Y., and in 1868 he accepted a call to the First Baptist church at San Francisco, CaL, but the climate not agreeing with him he returned east in 1869, and became pastor of the Michigan-avenue Baptist church in Chicago, In 1873 he was called by the First Baptist church in Pierpont street, Brooklyn, where he re mained until 1888, when he removed to Newton Center,' Mass. CHILDREN. i. Jesse Burgess Thomas*, b, March 7, 1856 ; d. Oct. 21, 1862. ii. Willis Eastman Thomas*, b, 1857 ; d. aged 6 months, ui. Adi V. Thomas*, b. June 4, 1860 ; d. Oct. 16, 1862, 2078. iv. Jessie Elma Thomas*, b. Oct. 19, 1862 ; m. June 8, 1887, Merwin E. Leslie. Children : (a) Edwin Leslie", b. June 1, 1888 ; (b) Harold David Leslie", b. Aug. 26, 1889 ; (0) Jesse Burgess Leslie", b. Sept. 9, 1891 ; (d) John Humpstone LesUe", b, June 28, 1893 ; d. Sept. 9, 1893. V. Charles Huntington Thoraas*, b. Aug. 27, 1864; d.in 1875. 2079. vi. Leo Boone Thoraas*, b^ in Chicago, 111., Aug. 25, 1869. vii. Madera Carletta Thomas*, b, 1871.' viii. Raphael Clark Thomas*, b. 1874. 147 1. Mary S. Eastman' (Timothy*, Timothy', Joseph*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born in Eastmanville, Mich,, April 28, 1844 ; married Oct, 6, 1868, Francis Bridges, born near Worcester, Mass,, April 7, 1838, He enlisted in Sept., 1861, in the Twenty-fifth Massachusetts Volunteers, under Colonel Upton, the regiment forming a part of the Burnside expedition in 1863 ; he was commissioned first lieutenant, 860 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. and assigned to the Twentieth United States Colored Volun teers, stationed at New Orleans, La. He served in all four years and four months. After the war he settled in Chicago, In 1879 he removed to California, where he now resides at San Francisco, No. 3 1 Park avenue. CHILDREN. i. Robert Sumner Bridges*, b. July 22, 1870 ; d. Aug. 5, 1871. iL Francis Eastman Bridges*, b. Jan. 15, 1872; m. June 16, 1897, Harriet Elizabeth Wilson, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Slade) Wilson. Child : (a) Francis WUson Bridges", b, Oct. 6, 1899. Ui. Lyman Albert Bridges*, b. May 27, 1881. 1472. Octavia Elizabeth EastmanJ (Timothy*, Timothy', Joseph*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born in EastmanvUle, Mich,, Feb. 2, 1846; married June 7, 1870, Thomas S, Blackaller, born in Liverpool, Eng,, and came to this country in 1867, They now reside in Des Moines, la. CHILDREN. i. May Blackaller*, b. May 3, 1871 ; d. same day. ii. Jeffery Eastman Blackaller*, b. April 14, 1872 ; m. June 25, 1895, Clara Fidlar, of Des Moines, la., and settled in Shenandoah, la. iii. Charles Eastman Blackaller*, b. Feb. 19, 1874. iv. George AUred BlackaUer*, b. Nev. 22, 1875. V. Jesse Thomas Blackaller*, b, July 19, 1880. vi. Henrietta Abigail Blackaller*, b. Sept. 8, 1882. vii. Adelaide Octavia Blackaller*, b. 1884, 1473, Hannah Louisa George' (Caroline M. Eastman*, Moses', Benjamin*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sunapee, N, H,, June 22, 1837 ; married in Lebanon, N, H,, Dec. 5, 1858, John Eastman Gile, born in Enfield, N. H,, July 10, 1835, son of Nelson and Sally (Eastman) Gile. Sally was the daughter of Col, John Eastman, of Concord, N, H. The latter died Dec. 4, 1896, They reside in Leba non, N. H. MOSES EASTMAN GEORGE', OF SUNAPEE, N. H. 86 1 CHILDREN. i. George Everett Gile*, b. in Lebanon, N. H., March 28, 1861; farmer; m. Dec. 6, 1887, Vesta Cole, of Enfield, N. H. u. Katie Evlyne Gile*, b. in Enfield, N, H., Oct, 4, 1862. She is a trained nurse, and graduated from the Massachu setts General Hospital ; resides in Boston, Mass. in. Fred Burton Gile*, b. in Enfield, N. H,, AprU 23, 1864 ; d. in Lebanon, N. H,, April 16, 1897 ; m, in Concord, N. H., April 22, 1891, Jennie Eva Locke, b, in Concord, N, H,, Dec. 12, 1864 ; resides there. She was the daughter of Frank H. and Sarah Jane (FoUansbee) Locke. Child : (a) John Ashley Gile", b. in Lebanon, N. H., Oct. 4, 1895. 1474. Moses Eastman George' (Caroline Eastman*, Moses', Benjamin*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sun apee, N. H., Aug, 30, 1838 ; married in Canaan, N, H., Oct. 30, 1859, Mary Frances Bucklin, born in Groton, N. H,, Dec, 27, 1838, died in Lebanon, N, H,, daughter of Alanson and Sarah (Cole) Bucklin, who died on the way to California in 1850, Mr. George married 2d, Alberta H. Harron, born in Hopkinton, N, Y., May 29, 1853, daughter of John and Emma Harron, of Hopkinton, N, Y. Mr. George followed farming tUl seventeen years of age, when he left farming and learned the business of manufacturing woolen goods. He was forty years in the business, starting at the bottom and working his way up untU he became superintend ent of a large mUl in Lebanon, where he was fifteen years, when, on account of ill health, he resigned ; he lives in Lebanon, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Cora Dell George*, b. in Canaan, N. IL, March 30, 1862 ; m. J. G. Harvey, ii. AUen E. George*, b. iu Canaan, N, H., Oct. 11, 1865. iii. Arthur L. George*, b. ; res. in Johnstown, Pa. 862 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1475. Mercie MorrUl George' (Caroline M, Eastman*, Moses', Benjamin*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sun apee, N, H., Dec, 19, 1 84 1 ; married Jan, 21, i860, Herbert J. MorrUl ; died with consumption. He was a machinist, and a man of promise. L Fred Eugene Merrill*, b. in Canaan, N. H., March 30, 1862. 1476, Almina L, George' (Caroline M, Eastman*, Moses', Benjamin*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sunapee, N. H,, Sept, 7, 1843 > married Edwin E, Huse. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN ENFIELD, N. H. i, Leona Ellen Huse*, b. Jan. 23, 186L U. Bertha Mabel Huse*, b. Oct. 24, 1867. 1477. Charles Edwin George'. (Caroline M. Eastman*, Moses', Benjamin*, Joseph', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sun apee, N. H., March 12, 1845 ; married in Manchester, N, H,, Aug, 27, 1870, Addie Luella Gordon, born in Canaan, N. H,, daughter of WUliam and Louisa (Richardson) Gordon, of Canaan, N, H. She died in Franklin Falls, N, H., Nov. 13,1891. He married 2d, Sept. 29, 1896, Hera Emma Harran, born in Hopkinton, N, Y., -May 24, 1872, daughter of John and Emma (Cutler) Harran, of Hopkinton, St. Lawrence county, N. Y, Mr, George is a foreman in spinning room in a woolen mill in Lebanon, N. H., where he resides. He has no chUdren, 1478, Julia A, Eastman' (Samuel*, Benjamin', Samuel*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Strong, Me., April 2, 1815 ; died in Strong, Me,, Nov. 8, 1887; married Philip M. Stubbs, He was a lawyer and judge of probate for many years. He lived in Strong, Me. EZEKIEL PORTER EASTMAN', OF STRONG, ME, 863 CHILDREN. i. Emma J. Stubbs*, b. Dec. 7, 1836 ; d. in Strong, Me., March 17, 1861. 2080, ii. PhiUp Henry Stubbs*, b, April 7, 1838. 2081. iu. George Stubbs*, b. Dec 30, 1839. iv. J. Francis Stubbs*, b. May 20, 1845 ; d. Aug. 20, 1848, 1479. Ezekiel Porter Eastman' (Samuel*, Benjamin', Samuel*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Strong, Me., June 18, 1817 ; diedin Lynn, Mass., in i860 ; married Mary Macomber Haines, died in Green Bay, Wis., June 26, 1 867. He was an M, D,, and lived at one time in Wisconsin, CHILDREN, 2082. i. Charles FoUen*, b. in Monroe, Me., Aug. 30, 1844. ii. Frank MarshaU*, b. in Lynn, Mass., June 20, 1869. He is a lawyer and resides in Harrisburg, Pa, 1480, Harry Eugene Eastman' (Samuel*, Benjamin', Samuel*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Strong, Me., May 3, 1819; died in Benton Harbor, Mich,, March 22, 1898; married March 2, 1843, Elizabeth W. Arndt. Mr. Eastman received his education in the common schools of his native town and at the Farmington Academy, Farming- ton, Me., and at Bowdoin College, He studied law with a Hallowell, Me,, firm ; removed to Green Bay, Wis., in 1840 ; was mayor of the city in 1854-5 ; practiced law until the war broke out, when he entered the mUitary service as second major of the Second Wisconsin Volunteer Cavalry. He was promoted from time to time untU he returned as colonel of the regiment. Colonel Eastman was a scholarly man of fine literary taste and abilities. CHILDREN. i. May*, b. Sept, 26, 1844 ; m,. Sept, 26, 1866, Dr. George A. Lamb. Children: (a) Grace Lamb", b. AprU 23, 1869; (b) Eugenia Lamb", b, March 27, 1873. 864 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ii. Grace*, b. Jan. 9, 1847 ; m, AprU 15, 1868, John M. Norris. Children : (a) May Elizabeth Norris", b. Sept. 28, 1869 ; (b) John M, Norris", b. May 6, 1873. iii. Belle*, b. Jan. 17, 1850 ; m. Sept. 8, 1880, W. H. Woodruff. Children : (a) Sara M. Woodruff", b. Sept. 11, 1881 ; (b) Robert Woodruff", b. Sept. 13, 1884 ; (o) Margaret Woodruff", b. AprU 27, 1891. iv. Eugene*, b. July, 1852 ; d. Nov. 30, 1872.- V. Ben Ralph*, b, Dec 11, 1856 ;,.ra. Sept. 26, 1883, Lettie Sherwood, Children : (a) 'Ruth", b. July, 1884 ; (b) Jane Elizabeth", b. Aug., 1885. vi. Maude*, b. April 6, 1860 ; m. June 21, 1891, Seely McCord. Children : (a) Harriet EUzabeth JloCord", b. Dec 21, 1895; (b) Mary Gertrude McCord", b. Jan. 4, 1897; (c) Eugene McCord", b. May 10, 1900, 148 1, John Albert Eastman' (Samuel*, Benjamin', Samuel*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Strong, Me,, March 4, 1821 ; died at Benton Harbor, Mich., April 11, 1895. He married Jan. 6, 1848, Helen M. Darhng, of Fond du Lac, Wis. UntU the age of eighteen he was wholly engaged on his father's farm during the season, going to school winters. In Dec, 1829, he entered the Charleston, Me,, Academy, and in Sept,, 1841, began the study of law in the office of Hon, Philip M. Stubbs, and continued untU the fall of 1843, except when he was teaching winters at Strong and King- field, Me, On Sept, 14, 1843, he left Strong and went to PlattsvUle, Wis,, arriving there Oct, 5, where he taught school during the following winter. In May, 1844, he went to Green Bay, Wis,, selecting that place as his future home. Here he taught school for a while and practiced law during the balance of his residence there. In the spring of 1864 he removed to Chicago, 111., where he was engaged in the practice of law and in some commercial pursuits untU May, 1873, when he removed to Benton Harbor, Mich,, where he practiced law untU his death. He was editor of the Fond du Lac Journal in 1849, postmaster of Fond du Lac, and state senator one term. MARY JANE EASTMAN', OF STRONG, ME. 865 CHILD. 2083. i. Frank L.*, b. in Fend du Lao, Wis., Feb, 28, 1850. 1482. Mary Jane Eastman' (Samuel*, Benjamin', Samuel*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Strong, Me,, Nov. 24, 1822; died at sea, June 14, 1848; married Capt, Augustus Hitchcock, of Damariscotta, Me, CHILDREN. i. Samuel Augustus Hitchcock*, b. March 16, 1845 ; ra. Harriet VV, Elliot. ChUdren: (a) Harry Hitchcock" ; (b) Frank E. Hitchcock" ; (c) Florence Hitchcock". ii. Francis Hitchcock*, b, March 3, 1847 ; m. 1878, EmUy White Case. Child: (a) Mary Eastraan Hitchcock", b. ; d. in Rockland, Me,, Oct. 25, 1896. She was a physician. 1483. George W. Eastman' (Samuel*, Benjamin', Samuel*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Strong, Me., March 29, 1824 ; married Annie Monroe. Resides in PlattsvUle, Wis. CHILDREN. i. Jessie*, b. . ii. Julia*, b, . iii. An infant son*, b, ; d. , iv. Mary*, b, ; m. Northrop. Children.: (a) Annie Northrop" ; (b) George Northrop" ; (c) Jessie Northrop" ; (d) Louis Northrop" ; one who died ; making five children. She is deceased. 1484. Eliza Veldora Eastman' -(Benjamin Franklin*, Benjamin', Samuel*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Strong, Me,, May 4, 1829; died in Brentwood, N, Y., Feb. 26, 1898; married in Phillips, Me., Aug, 15, 1855, Justin White Spaulding, born in Meriden, N. H,, June 18, 1823, died in Atkinson, N. H,, Sept, 28, 1865. Mr. Spaulding was a teacher and principal in Atkinson Academy ; graduated at Dartmouth College in 1847, 61 866 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN ATKINSON, N. H. L Mary Cushman Spaulding*, b. Feb. 26, 1858. ii. Frank Eastman Spaulding*, b. June 19, 1861. iii. Grace Eastman Spaulding*, b. Sept. 10, 1863. 1485. Briceno Mendez Eastman' (Benjamin Franklin*, Benjamin', Samuel*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Strong, Me., Feb, 17, 183 1 ; married in Strong, Me,, Aug. 4, 1864, Martha Russ Clark, born in Strong, Me., Nov. 6, 1840, daughter of Adam and Mary Johnson Clark, of Strong, Me. Mr. Eastman resides in Deering, Me,, where he is a merchant. He is superintendent of the Sunday school, trustee and steward of the Methodist Episcopal church. CHILDREN. 2084. i. Fred Ermon*, b. in Strong, Me., July 17, 1865. ii. Caroline Iraogene*. b. in Portland, Me., May 7, 1868. iu. Alice Clark*, b. in Portland, Me., Oct. 30, 1871. iv. Lucina Theresa*, b. in Portland, Me., Jan. 8, 1873 ; d. Feb. 17, 1893. V. Harold Benjamin*, b. in Portland, Me., June 24, 1878. i486. James Fred Eastman' (Benjamin Franklin*, Benja min', Samuel*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Strong, Me., June 15, 1833; married ist, June 15, 1859, Laura Moore Hartwell, born in Mt. Vernon, Me,, Oct. 30, 1837, died in MaysviUe, Cal., Nov. 3, 1871 ; married 2d, June 21, 1873, Ida Mary Robbins. Mr. Eastman is an engraver, residing in MarysviUe, Cal. He has been Sunday school superintendent, trustee, and steward in the Methodist Epis copal church to which he belongs. He was department county clerk nine years, department treasurer six years, department postmaster four years, and postmaster seven years. CHILDREN. i. Emma Caroline*, b. in MaysviUe, CaL, Aug. 4, 1864 ; m. May 1, 1884, George H. Proctor, at Sioux FaUs, Dak. Child : (a) George H. Proctor, Jr.", b. May 18, 1885. (b) Emma Procter", d. in MaysviUe, CaL, May 13, 1894. EMOGENE EASTMAN', OF STRONG, ME. 867 U. Frank W.*, b. in MaysviUe, CaL, Dec. 4, 1868 ; m. Aug. 1891, Martha Buttreff, of Spokane, Wash. Child: (a) Mattie Lee", b. Aug. 3, 1892. ui. Charles Hartwell*, b. in MaysviUe, CaL, Feb. 22, 1871. iv. Briceno Mendez*, b, Jan. 31, 1875; ra. 2d wife, Mattie M. Johnson. V. Ida*, b. Nov. 20, 1876 ; d. Nov. 23, 1876. vL WUUara Hazen*, b. May 19, 1879. viL Fred C.*, b. May 19, 1879, (twin) ; d. Aug. 3, 1879. viu. Ida M.*, b. July 16, 1881. ix. Emma Dwight*, d. Nov. 30, 1891. 1487. Emogene Eastman' (Benjamin P".*, Benjamin', Samuel*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Strong, Me,, July 9, 1835 ; married in Phillips, Me., Sept. 12, 1853, Andrew Croswell Phillips, born in Farmington, Me,, March 24, 1830, died in Dubuque, la.. May 21, 1891, Mr, Phillips was a lawyer ; resided in Farmington, Me. He was United States consul at Fort Erie, Can., twelve years, CHILDREN. i. Frank Eastman Phillips*, b. in Prairie du Chien, Wis. ; d. Sept. 7, 1855. ii. Annie Croswell Phillips*, b. in Prairie du Chien, Wis. ; d. June 15, 1864. iii. Eliza Imogene Phillips*, b. in Phillips, Me. ; d. April 13, 186L - iv. Arthur Clinton Phillips*, b. in Phillips, Me. ; m. Sept. 16, 1880, Margaret Frances Supple, at Buffalo, N. Y. ; re sides in Kansas City, Me. V. Laura Angle Phillips*, b. ; d. April 15, 1864. vi. Edgar Andrew Phillips*, b. ; d. Feb. 14, 1866. vii. Lillian Eastman Phillips*, b. in Phillips, Me. ; m. June 6, 1888, Walter Wood Goddard, at Sioux FaUs, So. Dak,, where they live. Children : (a) Walter Wood Goddard, Jr." ; (b) Imogene Goddard" ; (0) Phillips Goddard". viii. Florence Louisa Phillips*, b. at Fort Erie, Can. ix. Walter Allen Phillips*, b. . X. Fred Eastman Phillips*, b. . 868 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1488. Sarah Eastman' (Samuel*, Samuel', Samuel*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Gardiner, Me,, Aug. 17, 1824; died March i, 1888 ; married Robert Lint. CHILDREN. i. George D. Lint*, b. June 9, 1854. iL Lucy E, Lint*, b. Nov. 29, 1855. iU. Frank E. Lint*, b. July 31, 1862. iv. Mary L. Lint*, b. June 6, 1867. 1489. Gilbert Eastman' (Samuel*, Samuel', Samuel*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Gardiner, Me., May 8, 1 830 ; married Nellie Rines ; resides in Farmingdale, Me. CHILDREN. L Lulie G.*, b. May 28, 1869 ; d. Nov. 10, 1870. iL Charles L.*, b. Sept. 23, 1871 ; ra. Feb. 20, 1896, Gertrude Ziegler. Child: (a) Venue Eurarae", b. Aug. 13, 1898. 1490. John Warner Eastman' (Samuel*, Samuel', Eben ezer*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in South Gardiner, Me,, July 9, 1835; married in South Gardiner, Dec. 21, 1870, EUa F. Woodward, born in Bridgewater, Me,, May 31, 1850, died in South Gardiner, Me., Jan. 4, 1899, daughter of GUbert and Eunice (Perkins) Woodward, Mr. Eastman is in the lag business, and resides in South Gardiner, Me. He has been assessor, overseer of the poor, and alderman, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN SOUTH GARDINER, ME. i. Charlotte EUa*, b. Oct. 9, 1871. She is a miUinery designer ; resides in South Gardiner, Me, ii. Harry Warner*, b. Jan. 26, 1874 ; resides in South GardL ner, Me. iii. Merle Woodward*, b. April 1, 1880. iv. Madelyn Gertrude*, b. June 24, 1884. ALVIN EASTMAN', OF GARDINER, ME. 869 1491. Alvin Eastman' (Samuel*, Samuel', Samuel*, Eben ezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Gardiner, Me., May 8, 1842; married in Waterville, Me., March 9, 1870, Virginia Batchelder, born in Gardiner, Me., Feb. 20, 1848, daughter of Augustine and Nancy (Look) Batchelder, of Gardiner, Me. Mr. Eastman is an engineer, and resides in Richmond, Me. He was in the United States navy in the civil war on board the United States frigate " Lancaster," for about two years, in the South Pacific squadron. CHILDREN. i. Herbert Forrest*, b. in South Gardiner, Me., July 6, 1871. ii. Wallace Samuel*, b. in Richmond, Me., July 4, 1875. iii. Charles Russell*, b. in Richmond, Me., Sept. 29, 1879 ; d, in Richmond, Me., July 2, 1881. iv. Arthur Blaine*, b. iu Richmond, Me,, May 29, 1883. 1492. Edward Jackson Eastman' (Edward*, Benjamin', Edward*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Salisbury, N. H., Jan. 7, 1829; married in Northfield, Vt., March i, 1856, Marcia Ann Flanders, born in Sharon, Vt., March i, 1834, daughter of Elijah and Betsey Winslow Flanders, of Sharon, Vt. Mr. Eastman is an engineer, and resides in Concord, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Alice B.*, b. in Northfield, Vt., Jan. 24, 1857 ; m. June- 15, 1880, Charles S. Cemins. Children : (a) Helen East man Comins", b. May 24, 1881 ; (b) Robert Eastman Comins", b. Oct. 19, 1887. U. Edward Francis*, b. in St. Albans, Vt., July 14, 1863; d. July 20, 1864. iii. Eva Maria*, b. in St. Albans, Vt., Aug. 7, 1865 ; m. May 11, 1893, Henry B. Colby ; resides in Concord, N. H. Mr. Colby is the manager of the Rumford Printing Company, Concord, N. H. 870 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1493. Dorothy Eastman' (John T. G.*, Benjamin', Edward*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Danbury, N. H., Feb. 22, 1831 ; married in Danbury, N. H., Oct. 11, 1848, Darius Messer, born in New London, N. H., AprU 16, 1825, son of Hezekiah and Sophronia (Sargent) Messer, of New London, N. H, Mr, Messer is a farmer, and resides in Danbury, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Plooma Ann Messer*, b. Feb. 22, 1850; m. Feb. 20, 1878, Dexter J. Perkins. ii. George Lewis Messer*, b. June 5, 1860. 1494. Nancy Eastman' (John T. G,*, Benjamin', Edward*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Danbury, N. H., Aug. 22, 1832 ; married AprU 28, 1853, Sylvester Sanders, born in Wentworth, N. H,, March 31, 1828; resides in Orford, N. H. CHILDREN. 2085. i. Harry Gilraan Sanders*, b. in Orford, N. H., AprU 7, 1866. 2086. U. Emma Anna Sanders*, b. in Hanover, N. H., May 18, 1869. 2087. iii. Frank Edgar Sanders*, b. in Orford, N. H., Jan. 4, 1873. They had nine other children, none of whom lived to be two years old. 1495. Benjamin Franklin Eastman' (John T. G,*, Benja min', Edward*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Dan bury, N, H., July 8, 1834; died May 20, 1895; married March 11, 1856, Eleanor Amanda Jane Church, He was a rover, CHILDREN. i. Charles Warren*, b, in 1858. iL Edwin*, b. in 1859. iii. George*, b. in 1863. iv. Lennie Leota*, b, in 1865, in Pinkney, Livingston county, Mich. JOHN SULLIVAN EASTMAN', OF DANBURY, N. H. 87 1 1496. John Sullivan Eastman' (John T. G.*, Benjamin', Edward*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Danbury, N. H,, March 30, 1842 ; died in Enfield, N. H,, Dec. 30, 1899; married in Clearfield, la,, Dec, 25, 1869, Laura Sar gent, born in Enfield, N. H., May 17, 1851, daughter of Benjamin B, and Sarah Susan Sargent, Mr, Eastman in his young days was employed on the Northern Railroad as a section-hand, and later was a farmer. The first part of his married life was spent in Iowa, when, in about 1878, he returned to New Hampshire and settled in Enfield. CHILDREN. i. Jennie Etta*, b. in Clearfield, la., Dec. 20, 1871 ; d. May, 1872. ii. Benjamin Randall*, b. in Bluegrass, la., Aug. 27, 1873 ; m. April 28, 1898, Bessie KimbaU, of Windsor, Vt. Child ; (a) WiUiara Ela", b. March 2, 1899 ; d. Nov. 12, 1899. iii. Stella Florence*, b. in Clearfield, la,, Sept. 9, 1875 ; d. Sept., 1884, iv. Lina Clare*, b. in Clearfield, la,, Oct, 22, 1877 ; m. May 23, 1897, Merton Thomas Woodward, of Plainfield, N. H. ChUd : (a) Alfred Errel Woodward", b. AprU 27, 1898. V. Nellie Alma*, b. in Clearfield, la,, Nev. 9, 1879 ; ra. Oct. 9, 1897, Willis EUsworth Brown, of Enfield, N. IL, where he resides. Child : (a) Harold Eastman Brown", b. Nev. 16, 1898. vi. Ira Andrew*, b. in Clearfield, la., Oct. 21, 1881. vU. Daisie A. E.*, b. in Enfield, N, H,, July 27, 1885, viu, David Albert*, b, in Enfield, N. H., July 27, 1885 (twin). ix. Lucy Etta*, b. in Enfield, N. H., July 14, 1887. X. Mary Elowise*, b. in Enfield, N. H., May 5, 1893. 1497, Thomas Jefferson Eastman' (John T, G.*, Benja min', Edward*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born in Dan bury, N. H,, Feb. 18, 1847; m. in Danbury, Dec, 3, 1873, Sarah Jane Knowlton, born in Danbury, N. H., Jan, 22, 1850, daughter of James Sherburn and Clarissa Ann Knowl ton, of Danbury, N. H. Mr. Eastman resides in Franklin, 872 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. N. H, He is a board sawyer, and had the misfortune to lose his left hand and have two fingers mangled on the other, by a planer, in 1889, CHILDREN. i. A son*, b. ; d. Feb. 25, 1876. ii. Earle*, b. in Danbury, N. H., June 23, 1878 ; graduated from Dartmouth CoUege in the class ef 3899. He is now (1900) teaching, 1498, Joel Eastman MorrUl' (Betsey Eastman*, Joel', Edward*, Ebenezer', Samuel', Roger"), born March 12, 1836; married Dec. 25, 1863, Caroline Warren, of Fryeburg, Me., born AprU 11, 1839, daughter of Isaiah Warren, of Fryeburg. Mr. MorriU has been moderator of his town several times, and representative to the New Hampshire legislature in 1897-99, though he never sought any office. He is a farmer, and resides in Center Conway, N. H. CHILDREN, i. Ruth Eastman Merrill*, b. in Conway, March 1, 1868 ; m. Dec, 28, 1893, Milton G. Starritt ; resides in New York city ; no children. He is chief engineer of the Metro politan Railroad, New York city. She graduated from WeUesley in 1890. ii. L. Maria Morrill?, b. Dec. 13, 1869 ; resides at home ; A. B., at Wellesley, 1890 ; Columbia College, A. M., in 1898; is a teacher in Natick, Mass. iiL Mary Odell MorrUl*, b. Oct. 19, 1872; m. Oct. 19, 1897, John Leadbeater, b. Jan. 8, 1872, in Alexandria, Va., where he resides. Child : (a) John Morrill Leadbeater", b. in Center Conway, N. H., Aug. 22, 1898. iv. Milton Dana MerrUl*, b. Oct. 11, 1875; unm. and lives in New York city ; graduated in Brooklyn, N. Y., at the Pratt Institute ; is an architect. V. Joel Warren MorrUl*, b, Jan. 22, 1880 ; d. Jan. 7, 1881. CHARLES FRANCIS EASTMAN', OF SALISBURY, N. H. 873 1499. Charles Francis Greenough' (Elizabeth Eastman*, Moses', Edward*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Salis bury, N. H., July 29, 1849, ^s resides in Wauseon, Ohio ; lawyer ; secretary of Library Association, and clerk of Church Society. He never married. 1500. Madison Jefferson MorriU' (Henry MorriU*, Eliza beth Eastman', Edward*, Thomas', Samuel', -Roger"), born in Andover, N. H., Feb, 7, 1809; married AprU 15, 1834, Mersilvia Hoit, born Sept. 24, 18 13. He was a farmer, and lived in Hill, N, H, CHILDREN. i. George W. MorrUl*, b. Sept. 1, 1836 ; d. young. ii. Carrol Monroe Merrill*, b. Sept. 1, 1838 ; d. young. ui. Nancy Ann Merrill*, b. Nov. 2-3, 1840 ; m. Dec. 7, 1865, Augustus B. Johnson ; lived in Suncook. Child : (a) Lulu D. Johnson", b. Nov. 28, 1868. 2088. iv. Francis Lavina Merrill*, b. March 6, 1843. 2089. V. Eraraa Jane Merrill*, b. March 9, 1848. vi. Warren Henry Morrill*, b. Aug. 16, 1850 ; d. young. vii. Asa Fremont MorrUl*, b. Nov. 11, 1854 ; lived in Hill ; a farmer. 1501. Julia Ann Morrill' (Henry MorriU*, Elizabeth Eastman', Edward*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Hill, N. H., Aug. 8, 1818 ; married Dec, i, 1850, Moses Eaton Southworth, born in West Fairlee, Vt,, Sept. 17, 1824. He lived in Thetford, Vt,, tUl i860, when he removed to Hill, N. H. He enlisted Sept. 2, 1861, for three years, in the Fourth New Hampshire Volunteers, receiving permanent injury to his health. CHILDREN. 2090. L Cynthia Nancy Southworth*, b. Nov. 18, 1851. ii. EUen May Southworth*, b. June 16, 1854 ; lived with FoL sera Morrill. iii. Henry Phineas Merrill Southworth*, b. Aug. 10, 1858, iv. Lizzie Jane Morrill Southworth*, b. Aug. 21, 1861. 874 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1502, Wilber MorrUl' (Henry MorriU*, Elizabeth East man', Edward*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Hill, N, H,, July 8, 1836 ; married Aug, 21, 1859, by Rev. Mr. Savage, Ann Matilda Woodford, born in Westbrook, Me,, July 2, 1840, He lived in Hill, sharing the old home farm with his brother, Madison J. CHILDREN. L Charles Woodford MorriU*, b, March 5, 1861, in Hill, N. H. U. Henry WUber Merrill*, b. Deo. 31, 1864, in HUl, N. H. 1503. Nathaniel MorriU Shaw' (Sally MorriU*, Elizabeth Eastman', Edward*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sanbornton, N. H,, March 8, 1808 (1807) ; married ist, in March, 1827, Jemima P. Hersey, daughter of WUliam Her sey. She died March 24, 1846. He married 2d, July 5, 1846, Polly B,, his first wife's sister. She died on a visit at Tihon, Nov. 8, 1877 ; he died Oct. 19, 1876. CHILDREN, i. Winthrop Dearborn Shaw*, b. Aug. 8, 1828 ; ra, Ann Eliza Beede, b. Aug. 1, 1837 ; removed to Cambridgeport, Mass, Children : (a) Fred Edson Shaw", b, March 8, 1856 ; was a printer ; d, June 1.5, 1876 ; (b) Mary Ada Shaw", b. July 18, 1862. iL Nathaniel Hersey Shaw*, b. Oct. 30, 1829 ; m. Susan S. Ballard, of Taraworth, N. H, He was a raannfaoturer of sewing machines, and lived in Upper Bedford, Que. ; ne children, iii. David WUUara Shaw*, b. June 24, 1833 ; m, Sarah Elizar beth Beede, of Taraworth, N, H,, b. Deo, 23, 1837, d. May 5, 1878, He first lived in Ashland, and later removed te Bartlett, N. H. Children : (a) Ralph Her man Shaw", b. June 9, 1857 ; is a printer ; (b) Marion Alberta Shaw", b. Nov. 14, 1869. iv. Herbert Augustine Shaw*, b. Feb. 23, 1836 ; m. Orpha Jane Prescott, of Bridgewater, N. H., b. May 4, 1839, d. Feb, 9, 1875. He d. May 14, 1874, leaving children: (a) Jessie Amanda Shaw", b. June 14, 1864 ; (b) Etta Jerairaah Shaw", b. Aug. 15, 1866 ; (c) Susie DeU Shaw", b. Sept. 11,1870; (d) Ruth BeU Shaw", b. Sept. 11, 1870, twin. HENRY MORRILL SHAW', OF SANBORNTON, N, H, 875 V, Martha Ann Shaw*, b. Dec. 29, 1839 ; ra. 1st, Henry French Keyes, ef Holderness, N, H. ; m, 2d, Gilraan Colby, M, D. ; reraoved to Massachusetts. Children : (a) Henry Sheridan Keyes", b. April 6, 1865 ; (b) Martha Flora Mary Colby", b. Jan. 5, 1870. vi. Ai B. Shaw*, b, Dec, 26, 1842 ; m. Caroline A. MerriU, of Warren, N. H. He was a manufacturer of umbrellas, curtain rolls, etc., and in 1879 did business at No. 34 Brattle street, Besten, Children : (a) Edwin MerriU Shaw", b. ; (b) Clara Ellen Shaw", b. ; (c) Grace Caroline Shaw", b. ; (d) Herbert Ai Shaw", b. . vii. Henrietta Laura Shaw*, b, Dec, 22, 1844, viu. Aaron Shaw*, b. Aug, 26, 1845; d. Oct, 2, 1846. 1504. Henry MorrUl Shaw' (Sally MorriU*, Elizabeth Eastman', Edward*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sanbornton, N. H,, July 13, 181 1 ; died May 8, 1858 ; mar ried 1st, March 7, 1833, Silence McM, Burleigh, daughter of Daniel Burleigh. She died Sept, 7, 1856. He married 2d, Jan. 15, 1856, Mrs, Deborah R, Burleigh, widow of Nathaniel Burleigh. He was a farmer on lot No. 3, second division, in Sanbornton, N. H. CHILDREN, i. MeUssa A. Shaw*, b, Jan. 14, 1834 ; m, Feb, 28, 1858, James Shaw, ef Gardiner, Me., 'who was a machinist iu Lowell, Mass., where he d. Sept, 8, 1863. Child : (a) Mabel Vaughn Shaw", b. Nov. 11, 1862, ii. Harriet Augusta Shaw*, b. August 30, 1837 ; ra. James E. Knox, son of Hilard Knox, b, in Sanbornton, N. H., Nov, 6, 1832, He lived in that town all his life ; was a farmer. Children : (a) Alice Louisa Knox", b. April 10, 1863 ; she -was a teacher ; (b) Maud May Knex", b. AprU 12, 1865 ; (0) Blanch Harriet Knex", b. Sept. 29, 1866 ; (d) Edward Henry Knox", b, Oct, 28, 1868. iii. Henry MorrUl Shaw*, b, Aug, 12, 1839 ; m, Jan. 1, 1872, Celia N. Batchelder, of Bath, N. H. ; he is a steam piper and machinist, and lives in Somerville, Mass. Child : (a). Harry Chase Shaw", b. April 9, 1873. 876 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iv. Chase Sanborn Shaw*, b. Aug. 22, 1841 ; m. Bose Fowler, ef Dracut, Mass. ; enlisted in spring ef 1862, in Company A, Twenty-sixth Massachusetts Infantry, and d. Aug. 22, 1862, of diphtheria, in camp near New Orleans, La. V. SUence McMary Shaw*, b. Feb. 22, 1844 ; d. in Springfield, Vt., March, 1866; married in ApriL 1861, Lyman Whit comb, a carpenter and farmer living there. Children : (a) Silence Azuba Whitcomb", b. in Sept., 1862 ; (b) Stella AdeUa Whitcomb", b. in June, 1865 ; both in Springfield. vi. Jerusha Ann Shaw*, b. Oct. 1, 1846 ; d. Sept. 20, 1849. viL Ambrosia Shaw*, b. Oct. 16, 1848 ; d. Sept. 22, 1849. viii. Annie Ambrosia Shaw*, b. May 16, 1851. She was a teacher in Andover. ix. Robert G. Shaw*, b. July 29, 1856 ; d. Jan. 14, 1859. 1505, John Shaw' (Sally MorriU*, Elizabeth Eastman', Edward*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sanbornton, N. H., AprU 13, 1818; married ist, Feb. 17, 1841, Emily W. Eaton, who died Nov. 26, 1845 ; married 2d, July 27, 1846, Cyrena Dustin Clay, born Oct. 23, 1825. He was a blacksmith, first in Sanbornton, then in Manchester, New Hampton, and HUl, N. H. Later removed to Franklin, N. H., where he was a carpenter and shoemaker. CHILDREN. i. John Gorham Shaw*, b. Deo. 3, 1841 ; d. AprU 9, 1843. U. Sarah Emily Shaw*, b. July 4, 1843 ; d. Sept. 7, 1848. iii. Gorhara Wheeler Shaw*, b, Jan. 8, 1848 (2d wife) ; d. Aug. 29. iv. John Westley Shaw*, b. Aug. 2, 1849 ; d. Feb. 27, 1850. V. George Walter Shaw*, b. May 1, 1851. He was a barber. vi. EsteUa Ann Shaw*, b. Aug. 3, 1853. vu. Mary Etta Shaw*, b. July 13, 1857. viU. Carrie Belle Shaw*, b. March 19, 1863. ix. Eolah Lucretia C. Shaw*, b. May 2, 1871. 1506. David Shaw' (Sally MorriU*, Elizabeth Eastman', Edward*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sanbornton, N. H., May 8, 1820; married AprU 26, 1842, Charlotte, BRADBURY M. MORRILL', OF SANBORNTON, N. H. %TJ daughter of Joseph Thomas. He lived in Sanbornton, N. H., retaining his father's homestead, and later followed the nursery and greenhouse business. CHILDREN. i. Napoleon Bonaparte Shaw*, b. June 5, 1844 ; m. Oct., 1863 (1864), Louisa Maria Robinson, of Northumberland, N. Y,, b, there May 11, 1844. He resided in Glovers- ville, N. Y. ; was an accomplished musician and teacher of music, vocal and instrumental, buUding up in a few years a flourishing " Conservatory of Music," with a large number ef pupils. Children : (a) Camilla Urso Shaw", b. Nev. 5, 1865, in Sanbornton, N. H. ; (b) Elwood Haydn Shaw", b. in Sanbornton, N. H., March 28, 1867 ; (c) Perley Mozart Shaw", b. in Sanbornton, N. H,, Sept. 30, 1868 ; (d) Jean Mendelssohn Shaw", b. Oct. 17, 1872, in Fort Edward, N. Y. ; (e) Fred Czerny Shaw", b. in Northville, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1875 ; (f) Lolu Parepa Rosa Shaw", b. in Gloversville, N. Y., June 15, 1876 ; d. there Sept. 22, 1877. iL Francis C. Shaw*, b. May 5, 1846; ra.' May 3, 1870, Flora Goekin, of Salisbury, N. H. He was a farmer. iu. Josephine Shaw*, b. July 12, 1848 ; d. Sept. 19, 1849. iv. Christia Shaw*, b. June 17, 1850 ; d. Oct. 7. V. David Wesley Shaw*, b, Aug, 27, 1851 f d, Oct. 27, 1853. vi, LUUan Shaw*, b. Nov. 22, 1854 ; m. Jan. 1, 1878, John Waldo Russell, a jeweler, in Tilton, N. H. vu. Luella Hattie Shaw*, b. Feb. 23, 1856 ; m, Nov. 5, 1875, PVank Herbert Morrison, b. Nev. 1, 1856. She died AprU 19, 1877. Child : (a) Lee Howard Morrison", b. AprU 7, 1877, vui. Fred Wesley Shaw*, b. Sept. 24, 1858. 1507. Bradbury Morrison MorriU' (Folsom MorriU*, Elizabeth Eastman', Edward*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sanbornton, N; H,, AprU 26, 1829; married ist, June 25, 185 1, Ellen S, Sumner, daughter of George W. Sumner, Esq., of Hill, N. H,, who died July 7, 1853 ; mar ried 2d, Sept. 4, 1856, Anna E. Proctor, of Lowell, Mass., 878 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. born May 14, 1834, died June 5, 1873. He enlisted in the Twelfth New Hampshire Regiment for three years ; was wounded in the wrist at the battle of Gettysburg ; had been, previous to his enlistment, a daguerrean artist ; was after wards an insurance agent at Sanbornton Bridge. Later he removed to Claremont, N, H. CHILDREN BT FIRST WIFE. i. EUen S. MorriU*, b. Aug. 11, 1857 ; d. by scalding, after thirty days ef suffering, Nev. 29, 1859. U. Harvey Folsom MerrUl*, b. AprU 27, 1861. iii. Alice Bradbury MerriU*, b. Jan. 25, 1863. 1508. Hannah E, Leavitt' (Nancy Eastman*, Thomas', Ebenezer*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sanbornton, N, H., Aug. 10, 1824 ; married Leverett S. Howe, of Box ford, Mass. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN BOXFORD, MASS. L Leavitt Howe*, b. June 20, 1849 ; d. Sept. 28, 1849. ii. Nathaniel Leavitt Howe*, b. May 26, 1851. Ui. Nellie L, Howe*, b. March 6, 1853. iv. Leverett Salstenstall Howe*, b. July 15, 1858 ; d. Aug. 6, 1859. 1509. Mary Jane Leavitt' (Nancy Eastman*, Thomas', Ebenezer*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sanbornton, N. H., March 5, 1828; married Nov ..^ 27, 1853, Abel S. Howe, of Ipswich, Mass. CHILDREN. i. John Leavitt Howe*, b. Dec, 29, 1855. ii. Lewis Spofford Howe*, b. July 19, 1858. iii. Clarence Eastman Howe*, b. June 14, 1862. 1 5 10. Joseph Leavitt' (Nancy Eastman*, Thomas', Eben ezer*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Sanbornton, N. H., March 8, 1830; married Sept. 4, 1853, Sarah Hayes. He J. FRANCIS CALEF', OF MIDDLETOWN, CONN. 879 went to Boston, Mass., in 1851, where he was on the old watch department in 1853-4; then returned to his native town where he followed farming for ten years, till 1864, when he again went to Boston, since which time he has been employed on the police force there. CHILDREN. i. Sarah Jane Leavitt*, b. in Besten, June 6, 1854. ii. Mary J. Leavitt*, b, in Sanbornton, N. H,, Aug, 22, 1855. iU. Elmah A. Leavitt*, b, Sept. 3, 1856. iv. Ruthenia J. Leavitt*, b. Oct. 25, 1858. V. Fred H. Leavitt*, b. June 23, 1861. 15 1 1. J. Francis Calef' (Arthur Benjamin Calef*, Sally Eastman', Ebenezer*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Middletown, Conn., Oct. 14, 1855 ; married AprU 10, 1883, Laura Dart Hutchinson, daughter of Dr. Ira Hutchinson, of Cromwell, Conn, Through his mother, Mr. Calef is a lineal descendant of Col, Asa Foster, of the Continental army. Dr. Calef graduated with honors from the Middletown High School, Middletown, Conn,, and from Wesleyan University in the class of 1877, taking prizes in natural science and winning especial honors in chemistry. He graduated from Yale Medical College in the class of 1880, and during the last year at Yale was assistant to Prof. Benjamin Silliman in the chemical laboratory. Declining hospital appointment, which he had won in competitive examination, he at once established himself in Middletown, where he practiced over a year. He then removed to CromweU, Conn,, where he spent ten years in active practice, at the end of which time he returned to his native city and bought and fitted up the handsome residence and office on Broad street, which he has since occupied. Dr. Calef was appointed surgeon-general on the staff of Governor Lounsbury, of Connecticut, in 1899. Dr. Calef enjoys a very large and lucrative practice, and is 880 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. one of the leading physicians of the state. He is a member of the American Medical Association, the New York Academy of Medicine, the Sons of the American Revolution, associate member of the Grand Army of the Republic, a Patron of Husbandry, and a number of other benevolent societies, CHILDREN. i. Lucy Fester Calef*, b. April 9, 1884 ; d. in infancy. ii. Edith Dart Calef*, b. Deo. 1, 1885. iii. Irena Hutchinson Calef*, b. April 9, 1891. iv. Arthur Benjarain Calef*, b. July 28, 1892. 15 12. Arthur Benjamin Calef' (Arthur Benjamin Calef*, Sally Eastman', Ebenezer*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Middletown, Conn,, Feb. 20, 1858 ; married Dec. 29, 1880, at Baltimore, Md,, Minerva C, Harkum, born in Balti more, Md,, Oct, 22, 1861, He was a student at Wesleyan University in 1877—8, taking the Hibbard prize in oratory. He studied law with his father, and was admitted to the bar in Middlesex county in 1885 ; was prosecuting agent for Middlesex county for some years ; also assistant clerk of the superior court. He has been attorney for the town of Mid dletown, and is at present clerk of the city court. He is one of the leading lawyers of the Middlesex bar, CHILDREN. i. Jeremiah Francis Calef*, b. March 30, 1885. U. Robert Calef*, b. May 1, 1893. 1 5 1 3. Edward Baker Calef' (Arthur Benjamin Calef*, Sally Eastman', Ebenezer*, Thomas', Samuel', Roger"), born in Middlebury, Conn,, Jan. 25, 1862 ; married Oct. 20, 1883, Helen Walton. He holds an important position with the Columbia AutomobUe Company, at Hartford, Conn. CHILDREN. i. Charles Harold Calef*, b. Nov. 28, 1885. u. Ethel Minerva Calef*, b. Nov. 15, 1887. iiL Helen Walton Calef*, b. Jan. 22, 1894 ; d. Sept. 27, 1896. LULA AUGUSTA EASTMAN', OF UNION, ME. 88 1 1 5 14. Lula Augusta Eastman' (Benjamin*, Jonathan', John*, Benjamin', Samuel', Roger"), born in Union, Me., Feb. 12, 1859; married in Union, Me,, Dec. i8, 1877, Noah Alonzo Bartlett, born in Union, Me,, June 28, 1853, son of Oscar Alonzo and Eliza Jane (Harris) Bartlett. Mr. Bartlett is a carriage trimmer; resides at No, 318 Pearl street, Man chester, N. H, He is a justice of the peace and quorum for New Hampshire. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN MANCHESTER, N. H. Florence May Bartlett*, b. Nov. 17, 1884. Walter Alonzo Bartlett*, b. Sept. 20, 1889. Arnold Eastraan Bartlett*, b. Aug. 2, 1892. 1515, Elizabeth Coffin Davis' (Emma Calef Eastman*, Jacob Peaslee', Benjamin*, Benjamin', Samuel', Roger"), born in Boston, Mass,, Nov. 21, 1873; married in Chicago, 111,, July 4, 1893, Albert C. Morris, of Chicago, where they reside. He is a jeweler by occupation, CHILD, i. Irene Morris*, b. in New York city, Deo. 9, 1894. 1 5 16. Timothy Butters Eastman* (Samuel', Richard*, Richard', John*, John', John', Roger"), born in Concord, N. H,, May 9, 1813; died in Andover, Vt,, Jan. 16, 1886; married in 1836, Caroline Pearson, daughter of Ebenezer and Hannah Pearson, of Bifield, Mass. She died at the home of her son, Ebenezer F,, in Weston, Vt,, on Christmas day, 1886. Mr. Eastman's early life was of good repute, but it gave no indication of the nature of his life work. He had no special educational advantages, attending only the common schools of his native city. His religious life began when he was twenty- three years of age, at which time he was converted and united with the Baptist church in Georgetown, Mass, He received 882 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, his license from the church in Georgetown, Mass,, Aug. 2, 1850. Three years later he was ordained pastor of the Bap tist church in Danbury, N. H., Sept. 28, 1853. Two thirds of his ministry was spent in New Hampshire, where he held six pastorates, two in Danbury, one in Newton, Dunbarton, Woodstock, and Sutton, respectively. Between 1869 and 1873, whUe city missionary in Concord, N. H,, he held the first open air service in that city, preached the first sermon ever delivered before the prisoners in the Merrimack county jail, and was afterwards made chaplain of the New Hampshire state prison. One season he held services at the Twin Mountain House, White Mountains, N. H. He removed to Andover, Vt,, where he held pastorate till his death. Previous to this last, he held pastorate over the church in Weston, Vt., for five years. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN GEORGETOWN, MASS. 2091. i. Ebenezer Freeraan", b. July 17, 1842. 2092. ii. Joseph H.", b. Sept. 10, 1844. 1 5 17. Richard OdeU Conant* (Almira Odell', Molly East man*, Richard', John*, John', John', Roger"), born in Alfred, Me., AprU i, 1828 ; married in Cumberland, Me., Jan. 8, 1857, Mrs. Emma (Loring) Manley, born in May, 1829; resided in Portland, Me. CHILD. 2093. i. Frederick Odell Conant", b. in Portland, Me., Oct. 1, 1857. 15 18. Emma Dow Conant* (Almira Odell', Molly East man*, Richard', John*, John', John', Roger"), born in Alfred, Me., AprU 4, 1830; married Oct. 12, 1854, Henry Martin Payson, son of Rev. Edward Payson, died Dec. 21, 1898. He was in the banking business in Portland, Me. He was senior member of the firm of H, M, Payson & Co. 2094. 2095. ii. iii. iv. V. vi. LEVI DINGLEY EASTMAN.* 883 CHILDREN. Frank Conant Payson", b. Sept. 4, 1856. George Shipman Payson", b. Feb. 4, 1858. Henry S. Payson", b. March 4, 1860 ; m. Margaret Milli ken. He graduated from Bowdoin College in the class of 1881. He is a lawyer in Portland, Me. Horace GUman Payson", b. May 22, 1866 ; d. Oct. 10, 1866. Marion Payson", b. Aug. 28, 1869 ; d, March 7, 1870. Richard Conant Payson", b. Nov. 5, 1870 ; graduated from Bowdoin College. 1 5 19. Levi Dingley Eastman* (John', Nathaniel*, Kings bury', David*, John', John', Roger"), born July 26, 1834; married June 4, 1855, Elizabeth C. Watson. CHILDREN. i. Ella Rich", b, Aug, 17, 1855 ; ra, James Edwin Skolfield. ii. John", b. March 8, 1860 ; d. young. iiL Mary E,", b. Dec. 16, 1862 ; m. John Wallace. iv. John Dana", b. Dec 16, 1862, twin ; m. Dec. 3, 1886, RosiUa Marks, Children : (a) Edward D,i°, b. , d. March 8, 1892, aged 10 months, 6 days ; (b) Bessiei", b. April 21, 1898. V. Nathaniel K.", b. Feb. 8, 1865 ; m, 1st, July 26, 1886, Hattie M. Brown ; she died March 28, 1892 ; m. 2d, EUa M. Freeraan ; nad one child, b. Feb. , d. Feb. following. vi. Harriet B,", b, ; m, June 20, 1884, Woodbury Johnson. vii. Wilber Augustus", b. May 8, 1871 ; ra. Julia Thompson. viu. Hannah W.", b. Feb. 10, 1877 ; m. William LaPier. 1520. John Rich Eastman* (John', Nathaniel*, Kings bury', David*, John', John', Roger"), born Sept. 10, 1839; married in 1869, Delia L, Bowker, CHILDREN. i. Lizzie May", b. May 1, 1872 ; m. in 1891, William Rich. Children : (a) Lewis E. Richi" ; (b) Mulford Richi". iL Ephraim", b. June —, 1875; m, AprU 21, 1898, Lulu M. CatUn. Child : (a) Alfred E.i", b. Nev. 27, 1898. ni. Arthur H.", b. July 15, 1877. iv. JamesP.", b. Oct. 13, 1881. V. Blanche M.", b. Oct. 17, 1885. 884 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1 52 1, Janie Eastman* (Hiram', Ephraim*, Jeremiah', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Andover, N. H., Aug. 18, 1845 ; married Sept. 17, 1867, Moses M. Dennett, of Salisbury, N, H, They reside at Pow Wow HUl, Amesbury, Mass, CHILDREN, i. Herbert Caridon Dennett", b. in Amesbury, Mass., AprU 14, 1877. ii. Jenniebel Calef Dennett", b. June 26, 1881. ui. Salrima Morrill Dennett", b. March 27, 1886. 1522. Kirk B. Eastman* (John Langdon', Ephraim*, Jeremiah', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Andover, N. H,, Jan, 26, 1847; married Lucena Smith, of Tamworth, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Harry B.", b. Dec 8, 1875. iL Alice M.", b. AprU 17, 1879. iii. Helen J.", b. ; d. young. iv. Ethel M.", b. Aug. 3, 1883. 1523. George W. Eastman* (Ephraim', Ephraim*, Jere miah', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born Aug. 6, 1840; married Martha Feltch. He lived in Rockland, Me. CHILDREN. i. Andrew", b. AprU 5, 1872. ii. Mary Ella", b. March 12, 1874. iii. Perley B,", b. Aug. 20, 1877. iv. George A.", b. April 7, 1881. 1524. Rosalthe Fifield* (Lydia Eastman', Ephraim*, Jere miah', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Wil- mot, N. H,, Sept. 21, 1842 ; married in Springfield, N. H., Nov. 10, 1885, John Nelson Hardy, bom in Springfield, N. H., AprU 13, 1849, son of Nicholas GUman and Emeline (Bean) Hardy, of Springfield, N. H. Mr. Hardy is a farmer residing in Springfield, N. H. JOHN SAWYER*, OF GILMANTON, N. H. 885 CHILDREN. i. Bertha EmeUne Hardy", b. March 7, 1887. ii. Maggie Hardy", b. Nov. 13, 1888. 1525. John Sawyer* (David Sawyer', Jeremiah Sawyer*, Miriam Eastman', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Gilmanton, N. H., March 6, 1801 ; married April 19, 1826, Clarissa Chesley, daughter of Thomas Chesley, of Durham, N. H., and settled in Deerfield, N. H. CHILDREN. L Hannah S. Sawyer", b. AprU 4, 1827 ; m. June 25, 1846, Francis G. Bean ; resides in Manchester, N. H. Child : (a) Emma F. Beani", b. Oct. 23, 1848. u. Ezra A. J. Sawyer", b. Nov. 3, 1828 ; m. May 24, 1853, Sarah Collins, aud lives at Deerfield Parade, N. H. Member of the New Hampshire legislature in 1865, and deputy sheriff many years. Children : (a) Frederick Sawyer^", b. April 16, 1854, lives in Dubuque, la. ; (b) John F. Sawyer^, b. March 2, 1856, resides in Dubuque, la. ; (c) Mabel Sawyer^", b. April 11, 1861. 1526. Adaline Jane Eastman* (Joseph', Joseph*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born Feb. 17, 1831 ; married Jan. 23, 185 1, Josiah M. Fletcher, born in Halifax, Mass., Jan. 14, 1828. He is a merchant, and resides in Nashua, N. H. CHILDREN. L Leon Fletcher", b. ; d. in 1854. ii. Ada Fletcher", b. ; d. in 1854. iii. Jennie Fletcher", b. ; d. young. iv. Laura A, Fletcher", b. Sept. 22, 1853. V. Albert Fletcher", b. ; d. young. vi. Josiah Earnest Fletcher", b. July 5, 1868. 1527. Josephine Estelle Eastman* (Joseph', Joseph*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Rumney, N, H., July 7, 1841 ; died in 1877 ; married Oct. 886 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 13, 1859, John Augustine Spalding, born May 29, 1837. He resides in Nashua, N, H. He was for a long time cashier of the First National Bank, Nashua, N, H., and director of the Concord RaUroad. CHILDREN. L William Edward Spalding", b. in Nashua, N. H., Dec. 13, 1860 ; m. Florence Dexter, of Windsor Locks, Conn. Children : (a) Dexter Edwin Spalding^", b. Oct. 19, 1891 ; (b) Sylvia Spaldingi", b. June 9, 1893. WiUiam Edward is cashier of the First National Bank, Nashua, also city treasurer, and treasurer of the WUton Railroad. He was upon Governor Rollins' staff, with rank of general ; resides in Nashua, N. H. ii. Harry Eastman Spalding", b. June 11, 1862 ; d. young. 1527a. Henry Edward Eastman* (Benjamin', Joseph*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Medford, Mass., Jan. 26, 1826; died in Framingham, Mass., July 4, 1895 ; married Emeline A, Hall, of Boston, Mass., She diedin Framingham, Mass., in 1891. CHILDREN. i. Harry Dean", b. in Boston, Mass., Dec. 30, 1856 ; m. in Derry, N. H., June 27, 1883, Mary AUce Nichols, d. in Framingham, Mass., Nov. 7, 1895, daughter ef John and Emily Tucker (Moore) Nichols ; m. 2d, Catherine M. Esty, b. in Framingham, Mass., Dec. 8, 1857, daughter of Constantine C. and Emily Susannah (Marsh) Esty. Mr. Eastman resides in Framingham, Mass. Children by 1st wife : (a) Mayna Deani", b. in Derry, N. H., Feb. 17, 1886 ; (b) Catherine Wallace^", b. in Framingham, July 7, 1889; (c) Emma HalU", b. in Framingham, Mass., Oct. 31, 1891. Child by 2d wife: (d) Henry Estyi", b. in Framingham, Mass., May 2, 1898. u. Frank Walton", b. in Derry, N. H., March 23, 1862 ; m. in Framingham, Mass., Sept. 12, 1888, Miss Gertrude Louisa Chapman, b. in Arlington, Mass., Oct. 5, 1862, daughter of Edward and Mary Ann (Field) Chapman. Mr. Eastman is a merchant doing business in Boston, Mass. ; resides in Framingham, Mass. Child : (a) Agnes Walton", b. Oct. 28, 1891. SARAH MARIA EASTMAN*, OF MEDFORD, MASS. 887 iS27b. Sarah Maria Eastman* (Benjamin', Joseph*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Medford, Mass., Dec. 6, 1827; married Frank M. Harris; lived in New York city, where he died. He was president of a bank there. CHILDREN. i. S. LiUie Harris", b. ; m. Henry Clifford Miller ; beth living. ii. Edward Montague Harris", b. ; d. aged 23 years. 1527c. Benjamin Franklin Eastman* (Benjamin', Joseph*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Medford, Mass., Feb. 13, 1830; died in Derry, N. H., Nov. 19, 1889; married in Derry, N. H,, Oct, 26, 1854, Sabra Wyman Jones, born in Dracut, Mass,, June 18, 1831, daugh ter of Hugh and Mehitable (Wyman) Jones, of Dracut, Pelham and Derry, N, H. He lived in Derry, N. H., where he was engaged in the lumber business. He was selectman and representative. CHILDREN. i. Kate Walton", b. Jan. 16, 1856 ; d. Aug. 31, 1856. ii, WiUiam Henry", b. June 29, 1857 ; m. June 15, 1881, Mary A. Dalton. Child : (a) Benjamin F.", b. Sept. 1, 1885 ; res. Lawrence, Mass. iiL Katherine Wyman", b. June 23, 1862 ; m. June 21, 1886, Charles Harvey Heed. Children : (a) Marion Alien Hoodw, b. Aug. 20, 1888 ; (b) CaroUne Wyman Hoodi", b. March 21, 1892; d. Deo. 13, 1897; (c) Harvey Perley Heedi", b. April 12, 1897. I527d. Josephine Prescott Eastman* (Benjamin', Joseph*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born m Derry, N. H., May 17, 1836; died in Beverly, Mass., Dec. 7, 1874 ; married Charles E. Bradford, died Jan. 22, 1879. He was a teacher in Beverly, where he lived for sixteen years. CHILD. i. NelUe Adeline Bradford", b. ; resides in Lynn, Mass. 888 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. i527e. EUen Frances Eastman* (Benjamin', Joseph*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Derry, N, H,, Feb. 4, 1839; married Leonard Paul Brickett, teacher many years in Lynn, Mass., where they live, CHILDREN, i. Martha Ellen Brickett", b. . ii. WilUam Eastman Brickett", b. ; m. Miss Lunie Bruce Bancroft. Child : (a) Helen Brickett^", b. . iii. Paul Walton Brickett", b. ; m. Maria MacGeorge Montgomery, of Derry, N. H. Children : (a) Edward Montgomery Brickett", b. ; (b) Allan Eastman Bricketfi", b. . 1528. Emma Louisa Eastman* (Timothy Goodhue', Joseph*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Derry, N. H,, Feb, 27, 1837 ; married in Chelsea, Mass., Nov, 17, 1861, Luke Warren Towle, born in Woburn, Mass., Jan. 25, 1838, son of Luke and Rhoda (Clark) Towle. Mr. Towle is a produce merchant, and resides in Woburn, Mass. CHILDREN, i. Angie Warren Towle", b. in Woburn, Mass., Feb. 9, 1866 ; resides at horae. ii. Frank Winsor Towle", b. in Woburn, Mass., Oct. 3, 1870. 1529. Albert Prescott Eastman* (Timothy Goodhue', Joseph*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Derry, N, H,, Sept, 6, 1841 ; married in Washing ton, D, C, Dec. 24, 1869, Sarah Norton Russell, born in East Hampton, Conn,, July 6, 1847, daughter of Rev. William and Sarah Elizabeth (Brown) RusseU. In May, 1 86 1, he went to Island FaUs, Me., where, in 1862, he enlisted in the Eighteenth Maine Infaiitry as private ; was promoted to corporal, sergeant, and first sergeant. The regi ment reached Washington the last of August, 1862, and was put in the defences of that city. In the fall the regiment ALBERT PRESCOTT EASTMAN*, OF DERRY, N. H. 889 was changed to the First Maine Heavy ArtiUery, and when the organization was completed he was commissioned second lieutenant. Company M, Feb., 1864. The regiment remained in the defences of Washington untU May 15,1 864, when it left to join the Army of the Potomac at Spottsylvania, Va., where it -arrived on the eighteenth, and the next day was in its first battle, at Spottsylvania, Va. The next battle was in front of Cold Harbor, Va., though the regiment was under fire at North Anna. On the eighteenth of June, in front of Petersburg, Va., the regiment lost over six hundred in kUled and wounded, two hundred and ten of them killed and died of wounds. This regiment sustained the heaviest loss in killed of any organization during the whole war. Lieutenant Eastman was with his regiment in every battle in which it was engaged tiU he was wounded, June 18, 1864, On the twenty-seventh of Oct,, 1864, he was discharged on account of wounds received in battle. In May, 1865, he was appointed clerk in the war department, in Washington, D, C, where he resided till 1875, when he removed to Falls Church, Va., where he now resides. For nine years he was a member and deacon of the First Congregational church in Washington, D, C, and is holding the same position in Falls Church, He is still in the war department. CHILDREN. L WiUiam RusseU", b. in Washington, D. C, March 5, 1873. He graduated at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., in the class ef 1895 ; taught in the High School in Washington, D. C, studied medicine at Columbia University, Wash ington, and graduated in June, 1901, and Nev. 2, 1901, accepted a commission as first lieutenant and assistant surgeon in the United States Army. ii. Frank HaU", b. in Falls Church, Va., AprU 23, 1877 ; grad uated at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., in the class of 1899. He is employed in the navy yard, Brooklyn, N. Y. 890 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1530. James Archibald Eastman* (George Washington', Jeremiah*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Berkshire, N. Y,, Aug. 17, 1737 ; died in Auburn, N. Y. CHILDREN. 2096. i. Louis Jerome", b. . ii. Addie", b. . iii. Delia", b. . 1 53 1. Charles Robert Eastman* (George Washington', Jeremiah*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Cortland, N. Y., March 19, 1843 j married in Caro line, N. Y., March 19, 1874, Elizabeth Roe, born in Danby, N, Y., March 3, 1855, daughter of Moses Roe, of Danby. Mr. Eastman was the first volunteer from the town of Berk shire, N. Y,, in the War of the Rebellion, He enlisted in the Third New York Volunteer Infantry, at the age of six teen years, served his term of enlistment, and re-enlisted in the FUth United States Cavalry, and was mustered out at the close of the war. He is a farmer ; resides in West New ark, Tioga county, N. Y. CHILDREN. i. Charles Boynton", b. in Caroline, N. Y,, Dec. 3, 1874. ii. George DuFay", b. in Berkshire, N. Y., Aug, 4, 1877. Ui. Edward Roe", b. in Berkshire, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1885. iv. Albert Walter", b. in Berkshire, N. Y., March 11, 1889. 1532. Leonard Odell Eastman* (George Washington', Jeremiah*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Berkshire, N, Y,, July 7, 1857 ; died in Union, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1897; married Dec. 17, 1884, Mary A. Atkinson, of Barton, N. Y. Mr. Eastman graduated from the medical department of the Uuniversity of Buffalo, in March, 1889, and practiced medicine in Union, N, Y, He was school comriiissioner for Tioga county, N, Y,, from 1880 to 1887. AUSTIN VITRUVIUS EASTMAN*, OF NEW YORK. 89 1 CHILDREN. i Florence", b. in Buffalo, N. Y., March 9, 1889. iL Katherine", b. in Union, N. Y,, Nov. 11, 1895. 1533. Austin Vitruvius Eastman* (Nathaniel Webster', Jeremiah*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Broome county, N. Y,, Aug, 27, 1839; married Oct. 2, 1866, Mary Elizabeth Scoville, born in Watertown, N. Y., Oct. II, 1840, daughter of Harlow and Alzina (JUlson) ScoviUe. Mr. Eastman enlisted May 7, 1861, in Company H, First New York Volunteers, as private. Col. WUliam H. Allen. He was then of Aurora, N. Y, The regiment was recruited and organized in New York city, to serve two years. It left the state May 29, 1861, under the command of Gen. B, F. Butler; arrived at Fortress Monroe, Va,, May 31, 1 861 ; served at that place to July 3 ; at Newport News, Va,, to March, 1862 ; in first brigade, first division. Depart ment of Virginia, to June 6, 1862 ; in third brigade, third division, third corps. Army of the Potomac, to July, 1862 ; in the second brigade, first division, third corps. Army of the Potomac, to Oct., 1862, and to May 25, 1863, at which date he was mustered out in the third brigade, same division and corps. He was in the battles of Big Bethel, Va,, the first battle of the war, June 10, 1861 ; Hampton Roads, Va., March 8 and 9, 1862; in the campaign before Richmond, Va., from Seven Pines to Malvern HiU, Va., ending July i, 1862; battle of Chantilly, Va., Sept. i, 1862, when he was severely wounded by a bullet in the neck and shoulder ; recovered and rejoined his regiment, and was in the battle of Fredericksburg, Va,, Dec. 11 to 15, 1862 ; in the battle of Chancellorsville, Va,, May i to 5, his term of enlistment expiring during the battle. He was also in the second battle of Bull Run, Va., Aug. 29 and 30, 1862. Hewas color bearer some months; promoted to second lieutenant in July, 1862, and 892 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. first lieutenant in Oct., 1862. After the war he studied law at Albany, N. Y,, settled in Cedar Rapids, la., where he practiced his profession twenty years, when in 1885 he removed to St. Paul, Minn,, and in 1896 removed to Lake Charles, La., where he is manager of the North American Land and Timber Company, a position for which his wide business experience in the Northwest had peculiarly fitted him. Besides being influential in affairs, Mr. Eastman is not less widely known and respected for his abUity than for his personal qualities, in which charm of manner and high- mindedness are united with broad general culture. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, a Freemason, and in politics a stanch Republican, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN CEDAR RAPIDS, IA. 2097. L Charles Rochester", b. June 5, 1868. ii. Mary SceviUe", b. Aug. 24, 1872. iiL Emma", b. Aug. 12, 1876. iv. David Parmelee", b. Nev. 5, 1877 ; m. at Altadena, CaL, April 10, 1901, Alice Barney West, born in St. Paul, Minn., July 28, 1878, daughter of Horatio D. and Lizzie (Barney) West. V. Lucy Hayes", b. March 1, 1882. 1534. Caroline Webster Eastman* (Nathaniel Webster', Jeremiah*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born July 12, 1843 ; married Jan. 4, 1866, Thomas S. Hop kins, born in Mount Vernon, Me., AprU 22, 1844. He is a lawyer, and lives in Washington, D. C, During the long illness of her husband, resulting from exposure during the war, she was the mainstay of the family, and was for many years clerk in the United States patent office, CHILDREN. i. Sherburne G. Hopkins", b. Oct. 5, 1867 ; ra. Hester J. Davis, of Washington, D. C. ; ne children ; lawyer in Washington, D. C. ii. Jessie Eastraan Hopkins', b. Sept. 17, 1875. j.^SL^.^^^^^'mt .MRS. BURROWS (l537). MRS, SMITH (1538, a). ELVIRA EASTMAN*, OF MAINE, N. Y. 893 1535. Elvira Eastman* (Nathaniel Webster', Jeremiah*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Maine, Broome county, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1844 ; married in Binghamton, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1868, Almon Lucius South- worth, born in LawsvUle Center, Pa., Feb. 16, 1841, son of Arthur and Maria (Turner) Southworth. They reside at LawsvUle Center, Pa. CHILDREN. i. Susie Elvira Southworth", b. Nov. 6, 1868. u. Arthur Nathaniel Southworth", b. 1871 ; d. Dec. 29, 1872. iii. Nathan Wheat Southworth", b. March 2, 1873. iv. Lucy EmeUne Southworth", b. May 12, 1874 ; d. Oct. 12, 1874. V. Sylvia Turner Southworth", b. and d. in 1879. 1536. Elmira Eastman* (Nathaniel W.', Jeremiah*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Maine, Broome county, N. Y,, Sept. 20, 1844 ; married Jan. 10, 1870, Walter L, Beebe, They reside at Franklin Forks, Pa. CHILDREN. L Lyman Eastman Beebe", b. Feb. 7, 1871. ii. Harry Webster Beebe", b. June 9, 1874. iii. Phineas Beebe", b. Nov. 15, 1883. 1537. Fanny Lucretia Eastman* (Nathaniel Webster', Jeremiah*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger'), born in Maine, Broome county, N. Y., July 14, 1846; died May, 1901 ; married in Cortland, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1864, Albin Stewart Burrows, born in Somersetshire, Eng., June 30, 1838, son of William and Elizabeth (Long) Burrows, of Bristol, Eng. Mr. Burrows was superintendent of schools in Pennsylvania for fifteen years previous to his removing to Dakota. He is a steward in the Methodist Episcopal church, to which he belongs, as also trustee. He resides in Grand Forks, North Dakota, where he is engaged in the real estate 894 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. and loan business, Mr. Burrows was a soldier of the Rebel lion ; enlisted at the first call of President Lincoln for troops in 1861, in the Twenty-seventh New York Infantry. He was in the Army of the Potomac, where he saw active service. At the end of two years, his term of enlistment having expired, he was mustered out, but he re-enlisted in the Second New York Cavalry for three years, where he again saw active service, this time with General Custer in the Shenandoah valley. In the winter of 1864—65, he was taken prisoner at Ashland, Va,, sent to Libby prison, and was held to the close of the war. CHILDREN. i. William Stewart Burrows", b. in MUHinburg, Pa., May 13, 1867 ; d. AprU 17, 1885. ii. Anna Mary Burrows", b. in Fargo, North Dakota, Nev. 5, 1874 ; d. Feb. 5, 1887. iii. Albin Eastman Burrows", b. in Mifflinburg, Pa., Aug. 10, 1880. He ra. at Ithaca, N. Y., July 24, 1901, Adrienne Shiek Culver, b. at Ithaca, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1880, daughter of Thomas and Francis Ann (Pegan) Culver. Mr. Bur rows is a student at CorneU University, N. Y. ; will graduate in electrical engineering in June, 1902. He resides at No. 9 Lyceum Block, Ithaca, N. Y. iv. Anna Frances Burrows", b. Oct. 6, 1883 ; d. Feb. 6, 1887. 1538. John Jesse Jeremiah Eastman* (Nathaniel Webster', Jeremiah*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Maine, Broome county, N. Y,, Aug. 10, 1848 ; mar ried in McDonough, N. Y., July 24, 1874, Mary Elizabeth Bailey, born in LawsvUle, Pa,, Feb, 8, 1850, died in Bing hamton, N. Y., AprU 26, 1897, daughter of Joseph and Mercy (Dawley) Bailey. Mr. Eastman is a machinist and engineer; resides at No. 33 Milford street, Binghamton, N. Y. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN BINGHAMTON, N. Y. i. Edna Marion", b. AprU 8, 1882. ii. Joseph Nathaniel", b. Sept. 30, 1885. JULIA MARION EASTMAN*, OF MAINE, N. Y, 895 1538a. Julia Marion Eastman* (Nathaniel Webster', Jere miah*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Maine, Broome county, N. Y,, March 9, 1850; married in Franklin, Pa., May i, 1869, Edwin R. Smith, born in Dimock, Pa,, Nov. 2, 1830, Mr, Smith is a cabinet maker; resides in Montrose, Susquehanna county. Pa, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN MONTROSE, PA. L Mary S. Smith", b. April 14, 1870. 2098. u. Margaret Wilson Smith", b. Aug. 2, 1873. 1539. Albert Stark Eastman* (Lowell', John*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Deerfield, N. H., Aug. 15, 184s; married Sept. 5, 1878, Mary P, Smith, daughter of John P. and Eliza Smith, of New Hamp ton, N, H. He is a carriage manufacturer, and resides in Franklin FaUs, N. H, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN FRANKLIN FALLS, N. H. i. Walter S.", b. Sept. 30, 1883. ii. Arthur Cleveland", b. . 1540. Mary Frances Eastman* (Lowell', John*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Deerfield, N. H., March 9, 1854; married Frank T. Coleman; they reside in Auburn, N. H, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN AUBURN, N. H. i. Waldo Berry Coleman", b. March 25, 1877. ii. Harold Everett Coleman", b. Oct. 5, 1879. iii. Florence NeweU Coleman", b. July 20, 1885. iv. Joseph Worthen Coleraan", b. Oct. 19, 1884. V. Suraner Chase Coleman", b. Nov. 17, 1897. 1 54 1. Charles Arthur Eastman* (Lowell', John*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born July 28, 1856; married March 6, 1890, Hattie M. Rowe, daughter of David and Lydia Rowe, of Derry, N. H. Mr. Eastman is a suc cessful cattle dealer and farmer; resides in Concord, N. H. 896 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN CONCORD, N. H. i. Leona", b. March 28, 1891. ii. Harold Lowell", b. Dee. 9, 1894. in. Eva Emma", b. AprU 11, 1896. 1 542, James Edward Eastman* (Lowell', John*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born Sept, 5, 1863 ; married May 30, 1885, Francena M, Parker, daughter of Hiram and Lydia Parker, of Epsom, N. H., where he resides. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN EPSOM, N. H. i. Arthur Parker", b, June 2, 1888. ii. Laura Marion", b. Sept. 3, 1897. 1543, Ella Mehnda Eastman* (Lowell', John*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born Aug. 23, 1865 ; married Aug, 23, 1886, Edwin R, Yeaton, son of James and Martha Yeaton, They reside in Epsom, N, H. He is a farmer and cattle dealer. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN EPSOM, N. H. i. Albert James Yeaton", b. May 26, 1897. U. WiUiam Eastman Yeaton", b. March 27, 1899. 1544. Leona Carohne Eastman* (Enoch Worthen', John*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born AprU 5, 1847; married Oct. 26, 1868, Ezra NuckoUs, born Jan. 5, 1843. They reside in Eldora, la. CHILDREN. i. Howard Eastraan Nuckolls", b, Oct. 19, 1870 ; d. Aug. 31, 1872. iL Edward Worthen Nuckolls", b. Aug. 13, 1873. iii. James NuckoUs", b. Oct. 1, 1875. iv. Susannah Nuckolls", b. Dec. 26, 1877. V. Richard Francis NuckoUs", b. Jan. 13, 1882. MARCELENE LORETTA EASTMAN*, OF OSKALOOSA, IA. 897 1545. Marcelene Loretta Eastman* (Enoch Worthen', John*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Oskaloosa, la., Aug. 29, 1849; married in Eldora, la., Dec. 19, 1872, Charles Chadbum GUman, bom in Boston, Mass., July S, 1848. They reside in Marshalltown, la. CHILDREN. i. Emma Carolyn GUman", b. Nev. 16, 1873. ii. Walter Eastman GUman", b. March 25, 1877. 1546. Landi Carlton Eastman* (Enoch Worthen', John*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Oskaloosa, la., Aug, 22, 1855. He removed with his parents to Eldora, la,, in 1857, Owing to an unsuccessful operation upon his eyes, he was obliged to abandon the study of law, which was his own, as also his father's ambition for him. He removed to Kiowa, CoL, in 1 881, thence to Logan, Utah, thence to Soda Springs, Idaho, where he now resides. He was postmaster for six years, and is now in the drug business. He married at Logan, Utah, Oct. 5, 1885, Caroline M. Dorien, born Feb. 6, 1866. CHILDREN. i. Elbert Worthen", b. Dec. 29, 1886. ii. Lourette", b. Dec. 7, 1888. iii. Marguerite", b. Dec. 23, 1890. 1547. Viola Eastman* (Isaac Benson', Isaac Benson*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Danbury, N. H,, March 20, 1848; married Oct. 25, 1871, Charles M. Grant, born in Landaff, N. H., Feb. 20, 1848. They reside in Reading Mass., P. O. box 837. CHILDREN. i. Daisy L. Grant", b. Nov. 8, 1873 ; m. Nov. 5, 1898, John C. Reid, b. in Truro, N. S., May 25, 1873 ; resides in Wakefield, Mass. ii. Amy E. Grant", b. June 6, 1875 ; m. Nov. 10, 1898, Alfred N. Theobald, b. in Woburn, Mass., May 11, 1869; resides in Stoneham, Mass. iii. Grace M. Grant", b. Jan. 9, 1878. 898 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1548. Lizzie Frances Eastman* (Benjamin Franklin', Isaac Benson*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Andover, N. H,, Feb, 8, 1858 ; married May 14, 1876, WUliam Gordon. Resides in Franklin Falls, N. H, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN FRANKLIN FALLS, N. H. i. Alien Leslie Gordon", b. Feb. 15, 1877. ii. Ernest Sleeper Gordon", b. Nov. 11, 1878. iu. Mary Ella Gordon", b. Feb. 24, 1884. 1549. George E, Eastman* (Benjamin Franklin', Isaac Benson*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Andover, N. H,, Jan. 16, i860 ; married ist, Bessie Ellen Sawyer, born in Andover, N. H., Feb. 25, i8S9, ^i^^ in F"ranklin Falls, N, H,, Aug, 2, 1892 ; married 2d, June 26, 1894, Daisy Uda Sawyer, born in Andover, N, H,, June 13, 1863, both daughters of Luther and Susan (Littlefield) Sawyer. Mr. Eastman is a farmer, and resides in Andover, N. H. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. L Lavina Eula", b. in Franklin FaUs, N. H., June 16, 1886. ii. Wesley Edward", b. in Franklin Falls, N. H., June 28, 1889. iii. Ellsworth Sawyer", b. in Franklin Falls, N. H., July 16, 1892. 1549a. Mary L. Eastman* (Benamin F.', Isaac Benson*, Ephraim', Jeremiah*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Andover, N. H., Oct. 7, 1866; married in Nashua, N. H., Jan. 10, 1887, Elmer H. Gardner, born in Milford, N. H., Sept., 1864, He is a conductor on the Boston & Maine Railroad ; lives in Nashua, N. H. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN NASHUA, N. H. L Raymond E. Gardner", b. Feb. 19, 1888. u. Arthur E. Gardner", b. Nov. 24, 1889. iU. Elmer E. Gardner", b. Sept. 25, 1893. iv. Everett E. Gardner", b. Oct. 12, 1897. JOSEPH B. HOYT*, OF WEARE, N. H. 899 1550. Joseph B, Hoyt* (Abner Hoyt', Abner Hoyt*, Hannah Eastman', Jacob*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., Feb, 24, 181 5 ; married Fanny Wilson, of New Boston, N, H, He resides in Goffstown, N. H, CHILDREN. i. EmUy B. Hoyt", b. Sept. 12, 1839 ; d. March, 1881 ; m. Joseph O. Foss, of Strafford, N. H. ; lived in Goffstown. ii. Daniel W. Hoyt", b. April 5, 1841 ; m. Celia Hadley. iii. George H. Hoyt", b. June 16, 1845 ; m. Olivia Bagley, of Maine. Resides in Goffstown, N. H. 1 5 5 1 . Amos Hoyt* (Abner Hoyt', Abner Hoyt*, Hannah Eastman', Jacob*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H,, March 5, 1817 ; married ist, Lucy D. Priest; mar ried 2d, Mrs, Harriet C. Lock, of New Boston; married 3d, Mrs. Maria N. Haynes, of Manchester, N. H. He lived in Weare, N. H. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. L Lucy M. Hoyt", b. Dec. 28, 1851 ; m. Curtis E. Dalton, of Suncook, N. H. ii. LueUa B. Hoyt", b. Aug. 16, 1855 ; m. Dr. R. B. Weeks, of Suncook, N. H. in. Etta M. Hoyt", b. Aug. 25, 1861. iv. Hattie M. Hoyt", b. Aug. 25, 1861, (twin) ; m. Eugene S. Head, of Hooksett. 1552. John Hoyt* (Abner Hoyt', Abner Hoyt*, Hannah Eastman', Jacob*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., March 7, 1819; died Feb. 11, 1853; married Mrs. Sarah Ann Bartlett, of Deering, N. H. He resided in Weare, N. H. CHILDREN. i. EUza A. Hoyt", b. Aug. 10, 1843 ; m. WiUiam S. Eaton ; lived in Goffstown. ii. John Clinton Hoyt", b. June 1, 1845 ; m. Serena M. Frost. 2099. iu. Lewis B. Hoyt", b. in GofEstown, Sept. 10, 1847 ; m. Mary Boynton. iv. Abbie B. Hoyt", b. in Weare, N. H., Oct 20, 1849 ; m. Frank B. Mills. 900 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1553. Abner Hoyt* (Abner Hoyt', Abner Hoyt*, Han nah Eastman', Jacob*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., June 29, 1823 ; died Nov. 6, 1881 ; married Clarissa WUson. He lived in Goffstown, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Johu W. Hoyt", b. Nev. 15, 1852 ; m. EsteUa W. Moore, of Bedford, N. H. ; resides in GofEstown, N. H. ii. Mary H. Hoyt", b. Jan. 5, 1860 ; d. Sept. 29, 1865. 1554. Ziba A. Hoyt* (Abner Hoyt', Abner Hoyt*, Han nah Eastman', Jacob*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., June 7, 1825 ; married Mary S. Moore, of Bedford, N. H. CHILDREN. L Martha A. Hoyt", b. Aug. 13, 1853 ; m. Charles E. Gove ; resides at Oil Mills, in Weare, N. H. u. Ella J. Hoyt", b. Aug. 24, 1857; m. Charles S. Parker, of GofEstown. She d. Feb., 1878. iii. Frank A. Hoyt", b. Jan. 9, 1862 ; is a physician ; unm. iv. M. Belle Hoyt", b. Sept. 4, 1867. V. Addie L. Hoyt", b. AprU 16, 1872. 1555. Hiram S. Hoyt* (Abner Hoyt', Abner Hoyt*, Hannah Eastman', Jacob*, Zachariah', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., Nov. 28, 1830; married Helen J. Brown, of Milford, Me. ; resides in Manchester, N. H. CHILDREN. L Charles A. Hoyt", b. Dec. 8, 1857 ; m. M. Louisa Proctor ; resides iu Manchester, N. H. ii. Maurice L. Hoyt", b. Sept. 25, 1861 ; m. Julia Hughes, of Michigan ; resides in Beulah, Dak. iii. H. Jennie Hoyt", b. May 19, 1872 ; d. Nov. 12, 1878. 1556. Daniel Eastman* (Roger', Daniel*, Thomas', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newbury, Vt., Jan. 30, 1827 ;, married in 1854, Sophronia Ann Chase, born in Bradford, Vt., Nov. 9, 1833. Immediately after their marriage they DUNCAN MCKEITH EASTMAN*, OF TOPSHAM, VT. 9OI settled in West Newbury, Vt., where they resided twelve y€ars, and in 1866 removed to Barnet, where they lived six years, and in AprU, 1872, removed to Bradford, Vt., where he died March 8, 1887, His widow resides in Bradford, Vt. CHILDREN. 2100. i. CeUa Celest", b. Nov. 2, 1854. ii. Roger Carroll", b. AprU 9, 1857 ; m. Sept. 14, 1898, Sarah Ann Blood, born in Bradford, Vt., Nov. 21, 1876, daugh ter of David H. and Harriet Newell (Barnett) Blood, of Bradford, Vt. Roger Carroll is a farmer and black smith, residing in Bradford, Vt. He has no children. iii. Emma Vien", b. March 26, 1859 ; teacher and resides in Bradford, Vt. iv. Daniel Jaiman", b. April 30, 1861. V. Horace Tucker", b. Sept. 20, 1863. vi. Sophronia", b. April 13, 1866 ; d. Sept. 21, 1884. All the above born in Newbury, Vt. 2101. vU. Mima Werthley", b. in Barnet, Vt., Nev. 23, 1868. viii. Fannie", b. in Barnet, Vt,, Feb. 26, 1872 ; teacher. ix. Mary Abigail", b. in Bradford, Vt., June 17, 1874 ; teacher. The teachers reside in Bradford, Vt. 1557, Duncan McKeith Eastman* (Roger', Daniel*, Thomas', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Topsham, Vt,, May 22, 1836 ; married in Newbury, Vt., Feb. 16, 1863, Lizzie L. Tebbets, born in Chelsea, Vt., Jan. 21, 1844, daughter of Benjamin Franklin and Serepta (Keyes) Tebbets. Mr. Eastman is a blacksmith, and resides in Claremont, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Infant son", b. in Portsmouth, N. H., March 3, 1864 ; d. May 7, 1864. U. Mary", b. in Portsmouth, N. H., Oct. 10, 1865. iii. Lizzie", b. in Lyme, N. H., Dec. 28, 1878. 1557a. Electa Dustin Eastman* (David', David*, Thomas', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Topsham, Vt., March 27, 1837; married in Bradford, Vt., May 26, 1856, Gran- 64 902 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. viUe Wood, born in Sandown, N. H., AprU 29, 1832, son of Joseph Gardner and Polly (Pressey) Wood, Mr. Wood is an organ buUder, and resides at No. 232 North Grand Boulevard East, Detroit, Mich. CHILDREN. L Fred Eugene Wood", b. in Sandown, N. H., Jan. 26, 1857 ; m. Margaret Hobbin. ii. Charles Victor Wood", b. in Fremont, N. H., Aug. 6, 1859. iii. WiUiam Dana Wood", b. iu Bradford, Vt., Aug. 1, 1861 ; m. Hattie French. iv. George Abbott Wood", b. in Detroit, Mich., July 4, 1867. V. Florence Mabel Wood", b. in Detroit, Mich., Feb. 17, 1876 ; m. William Brasch. 1557b. Emma A. Eastman* (David', David*, Thomas', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newbury, Vt., 1838; married in Milwaukee, Wis., in 1868, A. G. Abbott, bom in Seabrook, N. H., son of Rev. Sereno T. and Sarah (French) Abbott. Mr. Abbott died in St. Louis, Mo., in 1870. Mrs.' Abbott taught school in St. Louis twenty-seven years. She resides at No. 4146 Cleveland avenue, St. Louis, Mo, CHILD. i. Asa Greorge Abbott", b. in Andover, Mass. ; m. in 1898, Bertha E. Benson. Child : (a) Ruth Alden Abbotti", b. 1898. Mr. Abbott is a coal dealer ; resides with his mother. 1558. David Hammond* (David Hammond', Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bow, N. H., May 23, 1818; married Judith Hemphill, born July 29, 1813. He bought a smaU farm near Bow Mills, in Concord, N. H., and by diligence in raising and marketing vegetables they enlarged their domain, and a fine set of buUdings demonstrated the mechanical skUl of their owner. Their postoffice is Bow MUls, N. H, HANNAH HAMMOND*, OF BOW, N, H, 903 CHILDREN. i. David B. Hammond", b. Nov. 1, 1851 ; d. Dec. 3, 1860, iL John B. Hammond", b. Aug. 20, 1854 ; m. 1883, Florence A. Ayre, b. in Newbury, N. H., Nov. 23, 1856, daughter of William and Emily A. (Bailey) Ayre. He lives with his father. Children : (a) Ernest Hammond^", b. June 17, 1888 ; d. July 2, 1888 ; (b) Edith Florence Ham- mendi", b. Nev. 15, 1891; (0) David Laurence Ham- mondi", b. July 1, 1899. 1559, Hannah Hammond* (David Hammond', Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bow, N. H,, March 22, 1822 ; married Benjamin E, Good win. CHILDREN. 2102. i. Esther Ann Goodwin", b. Nov. 23, 1842. 2103. ii. Sarah L. Goodwin", b. Nov. 22, 1844. iii. Elvira Goodwin", b. 1847 ; d. . iv. George Goodwin", b. 1850 ; d. . V. Mary Ella Goodwin", b. AprU 5, 1851. 1560, James M. Hammond* (David Hammond', Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), bom in Dunbarton, N. H,, near Bow line, AprU 27, 1824; married Jane Hazen. CHILDREN, i. Seth A. Hammond", b. . ii. George H. Hammond", b. March 28, 1856 ; m. Dora Flan ders, of Webster, X, H. The father and mother both died. 1 561. John McC. Hammond* (David Hammond', Han nah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Dunbarton, N. H., near Bow line, Oct. 6, 1826 ; married Dec. 10, 1862, Annie E. Whitney, born Dec, 10, 1 83 1. He was a mechanic, and worked for the St, Paul's School company, in Concord, N, H. 904 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Horatio B. Hammond", b. Sept. 2, 1863. ii. Harriet J. Hamraond", b. Dec. 25, 1866 ; m. AprU, 1888, John Elliot, of Richmond, Staten Island, N. Y. Chil dren : (a) Robert J. EUioti", b. March 9, 1889 ; (b) Hattie E. EUiofi", b. Nov. 2, 1890 ; (c) James EUioti", b. , 1562, Horace Hammond* (David Hammond', Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Dunbarton, N. H., June 5, 1830; married March 18, 1858, Celestia A. Morgan ; lives in Concord, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Willie H. Hammond", b. July 8, 1861. U. Nettie M. Hamraond", b. May 1, 1863. in. Lizzie C. Hammond", b. July 28, 1866. iv. Fred N. Hammond", b. April 15, 1868. V. Horace Irvin Hamraond", b. Sept. 18, 1871 ; m. Mary Batchelder. Child : (a) Iva May Hammond", b. March 10, 1894. vi. Mabel A. Hammond", b. Aug. 5, 1878. 1563. Ann Hammond* (David Hammond', Hannah East man*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Dunbarton, N, H., July 28, 1832 ; married in 1856, Elbridge G. Austin, born in Dracut, Mass,, Dec, 9, 1831 ; resides in North Bow, N. H, CHILDREN. i. Mary Jane Austin", b. Jan. 20, 1857 ; m. Daniel Jameson, of Dunbarton, N. H., born May 12, 1852. Children: (a) Edwin S, Jamesoni", b, Oct. 10, 1876 ; (b) and (c) Elmina M, Jameson" and Ellen Maud Jameson^" (twins), b. July 27, 1879 ; (d) Anna J. Jamesoni", b. Nev. 26, 1884 ; (e) Mary A. Jameson", b. Oct. 19, 1889. U. Ellen F. Austin", b. Feb, 5, 1860 ; m. in 1880, George C. Wallace, b. May 28, 1862. Children : (a) Elbridge C. Wallace", b. June 20, 1882 ; (b) Frank W. WaUace", b. Feb, 7, 1884 ; (0) Etta M, Wallace", b. Aug. 16, 1889. iii. Arthur W. Austin", b. May 26, 1871. STEPHEN HAMMOND*, OF DUNBARTON, N. H, 905 1564. Stephen Hammond* (David Hammond', Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Dunbarton, N. H., Dec. i, 1835; married Sept. 11, 1863, Lucretia C. Clough, born Dec. 15, 1844. L Elvira J. Hammond", b. Feb. 15, 1867 ; m. Dec. 25, 1889, G. Leslie Chamberlain. 1565. Mary E. Hammond* (David Hammond', Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Dunbarton, N. H., March 21, 1842 ; married Alfred D. Burroughs. CHILDREN. i. Charles A. Burroughs", b. Nev. 6, 1865 ; m. Fanny G. Chandler, o'f Concord, N. H., born March, 1869. ChiL dren ; (a) Maud Alice Burroughs", b. Feb. 16, 1891 ; (b) Marrietta Burroughs", b. July 3, 1892 ; (0) James Bur roughs", b. AprU 9, 1894. ii. Anna M. Burroughs", b. March 19, 1869. 1566. Elizabeth E. Clement* (Hannah Hammond', Han nah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born Dec. 16, 1824 ; married Sept. 11, 1842, Moses Colby, born Dec. 17, 1820, son of WUlaby and Betsey (Morgan) Colby, a soldier in the war of 1 812-14. CHILDREN. i. Charles Colby", b. Feb. 13, 1843 ; m. Helen Badger, b, in 1848. He was a manufacturer of furniture iu Keene, N. H. ChUdren : (a) Bertha Colby", b. Nov. 20, 1873 ; (b) Elmer Colby", b. , d. Oct., 1882. ii. Sophronia Colby", b. Feb. 24, 1845 ; m. in 1866, Aaron Bar ton, Jr., b. Oct., 1843. They were living iu Piermont iu 1890. Children : (a) Martha B. Barton", b. Feb. 14, 1867, m. George Raneau ; child : (1) Charles Raneau", b. 1893; (b) Edmund C. Barton", b. May 26, 1868; is teacher of music. 906 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iU. Sarah E. Colby", b. Oct. 7, 1846 ; d. AprU 21, 1862. iv. Lucinda M. Colby", b. Aug. '30, 1848 ; m. in 1878, Alvah KimbaU, d. 1895. V. Milton Colby", b. Sept. 19, 1851 ; m. Cynthia Ella Bick ford, b. Aug. 28, 1855, in Orford, N. H. He is a marble worker, and lives in Concord, N. H. Mr. Colby is high up in the I. O. O. F. Children : (a) Eva L. Colby", b. May 9, 1877 ; (b) Carl M. Colby", b. Oct. 27, 1879. vi. Maretta Colby", b. Sept. 19, 1851 ; twin to the above. vii. John A. Colby", b. 1856 ; d. young. viii. Martha L. Colby", b. Sept. 12, 1858. ix. Sarah E. Colby", b. March 22, 1863. 1567. Susan H. Hammond* (Thomas W. Hammond', Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bow, N, H,, Dec. 28, 1832 ; married AprU 5, 1853, John Johnson Buntin, born April 24, 1828, son of John Buntin. CHILD. i. Rosetta F. Buntin", b. June 8, 1856 ; ra. May 14, 1873, George G. Clough, son of Luther Clough. CLildren : (a) Mabel A. Clough", b. June 27, 1876 ; (b) Chester Clough", b. ; (c) Howard Clough", b. . 1568. Charles F. Hammond* (Thomas W. Hammond', Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bow, N. H,, Sept. 30, 1834 ; married AprU 29, i860, Fanny J. Lord, born in Dunbarton, N. H., May 15, 1835. CHILDREN. i. Sarah Hammond", b. April 11, 1861 ; d. June, 1862. ii. Lucy J. Hamipond", b. Feb. 8, 1862 ; m. AprU 21, 1889, George H. Johnson, of Alton. iii. Laura A. Hammond", b. April 3, 1864 ; m. WiUie Page, of Dunbarton, N. H. iv, JuUa M. Hammond", b. Feb. 27, 1875. THOMAS A. HAMMOND*, OF BOW, N. H. 9O7 1569. Thomas A. Hammond* (Thomas W. Hammond', Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bow, N. H., Jan. i6, 1837 ; m, Dec. 29, 1859, Mary Augusta Haselton. He died Nov, 2, 1865, and his widow married in 1867, John C. Hammond, who had been a suc cessful school teacher for years. He was school superin tendent, on the board of selectmen, and had taught school one hundred and three terms. He died Dec. 28, 1900. CHILDREN. L Emma E. Hammond", b. Deo. 16, 1860 ; d. May 16, 1864. u. WiUiam M, Hammond", b. Feb. 6, 1863 ; m. in 1877, Sarah E. Colby, daughter of Moses Colby. 1570. David M. Hammond* (Thomas W. Hammond', Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bow, N, H., April 15, 1838; married Lutheria A. TUton, born April 19, 1839, CHILDREN, L Addie L. Hamraond", b. March 25, 1859 ; m. James E., son of Caleb A. Colby. Child : (a) Ola Colby", b. April 18, 1882. ii. Frank H. Hammond", b. Nov. 26, 1862 ; accidentally kiUed. iii. Lizzie Ann Hammond", b. July 1, 1871 ; a successful teacher. She m. Fred Sargent, sen of Samuel A. Sar gent, ef Bow, N. H. They reside in Concord, N. H. 1 57 1. Asa Goodhue Hammond* (Jonathan C. Hammond', Hannah Eastman*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Bow, N. H., Nov. 23, 1846 ; married in Concord, N. H,, July 4, 1870, Mary A, Arl|n, born in Concord, N. H., Aug. 6, 185s, daughter of Charles C. and Angeline G. (Fretts) Arlin. Mr. Hammond resides in Amherst, N. H. He is employed by the Holt Bros, Manufacturing Com pany, in Concord, N, H. 908 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Augustus E. Hammond", b. in Penacook, N. H., May 23, 1871 ; ra. Dec. 25, 1893, Sarah A. Colby, of North Con cord, N. H. ii. George H. Hammond", b. in Bow, N. H., April 4, 1872 ; m. July 19, 1897, Lulu Wallace, of Manchester, N. H. in. WiUiam F. Hammond", b. in Bow, N. H., Aug. 20, 1875; unm. iv. Clara M. Hammond", b. in Bow, N. H., May 7, 1877 ; m. Oct. 10, 1896, Percy M. OdeU, of Amherst, N. H. V. Harry Hamraond", b. ; d. . vi. Lewis A. Hammond", b. ; d. . vii. Ethel M. Hammond", b. in East Concord, N. H., July 19, 1884 ; lives at home ; unm. viii. Bertha A. Hammond", b. in East Concord, N. H., March 30, 1886 ; lives at home ; unm. 1572. Stephen Clement Eastman* (David', Stephen*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Sutton, Vt., Sept. 2, 183 1 ; married Sept, 2, 1852, Clara Hastings. He lived in Sutton, Vt. CHILDREN, i. WUber N. Clement", b. in Sutton, Vt., April 14, 1866 ; d. same month. 2104, ' U. Mary Deborah", b. in Sutton, Vt., June 18, 1868. 1 573- John E. WUlard* (Mary Eastman', Stephen*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), b. in Sutton, Vt., June 12, 1838 ; married ist, March 18, 1862, in Wheelock, Vt., Laurestin E. Ruggles, born in Sutton, Vt., July 22, 1839, died Aug. 31, 1872; married 2d, June 21, 1873, Mrs. Sarah G. (Weare) Smith, born in Lisbon, N. H., Aug. 18, 1842. Mr. Willard resides in Sutton, Vt,, where he has been town clerk for twenty-eight years, selectman ten years,. lister six or eight years, and town treasurer ten years. He is a member of the Free Baptist church. His occupation is farming. GEORGE R. WILLARD." 9O9 CHILDREN, i. Harley R. WiUard", b. March 13, 1875. He graduated from Dartmouth College in the class of 1899 ; was principal ef High School, Barton Landing, Vt., super intendent of schools two years, and is now assistant to one of the professors at Dartmouth College. He is unmarried. ii. WUber J. WUlard", b. April 16, 1876 ; m. at Lyndon, Vt., June 7, 1900, Maude H. Hall, a descendant of Jonathan and Hannah (Green) Eastman, Ne. 24. He graduated from Lyndon, Vt., Institute. He is now railway mail clerk from Brattleboro, Vt., to Springfield, Mass., where he resides at No. 10 Tenth street. Child : (a) Read W. WiUard", b. July 24, 1901. iii. Ira O. Willard", b. June 14, 1881 ; graduated from Lyndon, Vt., Institute in the class of 1900. 1574. George R, WiUard* (Mary Eastman', Stephen*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), b, Sept. 15, 1844 ; married Jan. 15, 1874, Adelaide Fisher; lives in Sutton, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Jack H. WUlard", b. Dec. 27, 1874. ii. OUve A. WiUard", b. Jan. 5, 1877. in. Mary J. Willard", b. Aug, 1, 1880. 1575. Edwin N. Eastman* (Stephen', Stephen*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Sutton, Vt., Feb. 14, 1842; died there Jan. 21, 1871 ; married Nov. 10, 1863, Ella F. Bemis, born Oct. 20, 1836, She married 2d, Nov, 13, 1872, Charles W. Willard, son of (830). Mr. Eastman lived in Sutton, Vt, CHILD, 2105. L Welcome Bemis", b. in Sutton, Vt., Nev. 3, 1867. 1576. Orissa A, Eastman* (Stephen', Stephen*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger'; John', Roger"), born in Sutton, Vt,, Jan, 23, 1845 ; married AprU 29, 1867, Charles H. Chase. 910 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. L Mary Chase", b. AprU 22, 1868. ii. WiUie E. Chase", b. Nov. 5, 1869. iii. Ward B. Chase", b. Nov. 26, 1872. iv. Nettie M. Chase", b. March 16, 1874. 1577, Charles Fernando Eastman* (Jonathan', Stephen*, Stephen', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Sutton, Vt., Jan. 19, 185 1 ; married in Peterborough, N. H., Nov. 4, 1885, Fennie Victoria Dean, born in Chatham, Pa., AprU 15, 1 86 1, daughter of James H. and AbigaU J. (Buttler) Dean. Mr, Eastman is a joiner, working in the navy yard, Ports mouth, N. H. He is a fine musician, and formerly manager and flute and piccolo soloist of Eastman's Orchestra, Concord and Manchester, N. H. For the season of 1900, he was with the celebrated Pentucket Orchestra, HaverhUl, Mass. He resides at No. i Congress block, Portsmouth, N. H, CHILDREN. i. Marion Dean", b. in Newcastle, N. H., Aug. 2, 1886. ii. Hazel Kirk", b. in Manchester, N. H,, Sept. 23, 1888. iii. Harold Roy", b. in Manchester, N. H., Aug. 7, 1890. iv. Ralph Waldo", b. in Manchester, N. H., AprU 19, 1895. 1577a, Sarah Cram Eastman* (Squires G,', James*, Ichabod', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N, H., Dec. 21, 1851 ; died in Bedford, N. H., July 11, 1894; married in Manchester, N. H,, Jan, 11, 1876, Lorenzo Phil brick, son of John S. and Louisa (Cox) Philbrick, Mr, Phil brick is a farmer ; lives in Goffstown, N. H, CHILDREN, , L Nellie Anna Philbrick", b. in South Weare, N. H., June 5, 1881. ii, Herman Loren Philbrick", b. in Bedford, N. H., Nov. 16, 1890. OF SOUTH WEARE, N. H. 9I I 1577b, Herbert Eastman* (Squires G.', James*, Ichabod', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in South Weare, N. H., Dec. 29, 1857 ; married in Northfield, N. H., May 19, 1885, Laura Emma Adams, born in HaverhiU, Mass., Jan. 4, i860, daughter of Samuel S. and Sarah Ann (Dunaven) Adams. Mr. Eastman resides in Hartford, Conn., where he is super intendent of the Franklin Electric Manufacturing Company. CHILDREN. i. Herbert Samuel", b. in Brooklyn, N, Y., April 21, 1886. ii. Harold Gibbs", b, in Hartford, Conn., Deo. 30, 1896. 1577c. Carrie Clement Eastman* (Squires G.', James*, Ichabod', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N, H., June 30, 1861 ; married in Goffstown, N. H,, Oct. 9, 1883, Ernest Johnson, born in Prescott, Wis,, Sept, 7, 1855, son of Rodney and Harriett F. (Adams) Johnson. Mr. John son resides in Goffstown, N. H., where he is engaged in the lumber business. He is town clerk of Goffstown, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Howard E. Johnson", b. June 16, 1886. U. Rodney A. Johnson", b. July 21, 1889, iii. Frances Harriet Johnson", b. Nov. 6, 1901. I577d. WUliam Woodbury Eastman* (Squires G.', James*, Ichabod', Roger*,. Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., Dec. 24, 1863 ; married in Manchester, N. H., Oct. 9, 1889, Mabel Dearborn, born in Weare, N, H., June 8, 1864, daughter of George W. and Abbie H, (Smith) Dearborn, of South Weare, N. H. Mr. Eastman resides in South Weare, N, H., where he is a farmer and large mUk raiser, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN SOUTH WEARE. i. Arthur Dearborn", b. May 14, 1892. ii. Elsie Gertrude", b. Nov. 13, 1893 ; d. June 16, 1894. iii. Dorothy", b. Sept. 8, 1895. 912 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 15776. Marcia Abbie Eastman* (Ezra C.', James*, Icha bod', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., June 3, 1857; married Feb, 26, 1876, Luther Farmer, born in Nashua, N, H., Feb, 29, 1848, son of Zadock Farmer. Mr. Farmer resides in South Weare, N. H., where he is a blacksmith, CHILD. L Albert Sherburne Farmer", b. March 23, 1876, in South Weare, N. H. I577f. Charles H. Eastman* (Ezra', James*, Ichabod', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., June 30, 1859 ; married in Mont Vernon, N. H., Sept 13, 1893, Addie L. Currier, born in Weare, March 23, 1863, daughter of Harrison E. and Olive S, (WUlard) Currier, of South Weare. Mr. Eastman is a farmer residing in South Weare, N. H. They have no chUdren, i577g, James Harvey Eastman* (Ezra', James*, Icha bod', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N, H,, Jan. 31, 1862 ; married in Manchester, N. H., Sept. 27, 1887, Isora Marion Chandler, born in Bradford, N. H., Nov, 6, 1869, daughter of Robert and Mary Jane (Chandler) Colby. Mr. Eastman is a carpenter, and resides in South Weare, N. H, CHILDREN. i. Armena Jane", b. in Nashua, N. H., May 23, 1890. ii. Ruby Blanche", b. in Weare, N. H., March 17, 1896. I577h. Lucy A, Eastman* (Ezra', James*, Ichabod', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., Dec. 24, 1864; married in Mt. Vernon, N. H., Sept. 10, 1890, Leon Erastus Annis, born at Mclndoe FaUs, Vt., Oct. 16, 1857, son of Clovis A. and Elizabeth (Currier) Annis. Mr, Annis has served three times as selectman of HiUsborough, N. H,, where he resides, and where he is a buUder and con tractor. WILLIAM CLEVELAND LATTIMER*, OF NEWPORT, N. H. 9I3 CHILDREN. L Leolin Elizabeth Annis", b. July 16, 1894. ii. Bernard Ezra Annis", b. Oct. 10, 1896. 1578. William Cleveland Lattimer* (Caroline Eastman', Ichabod*, Ichabod', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newport, N, H,, May 4, 1849 ; married ist, in Olean, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1867, Eliza Higgins, born in Friendship, N. Y., AprU 26, 1849, died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1879; married 2d, in New York city, July 13, 1881, Ada Leonora Pontin, born in New York city, Nov. 16, 1848, died in Con- .gers, N, Y., March 11, 1891 ; married 3d, in Mount Vernon, N. Y., April 27, 1892, Columbia Elizabeth Brock, born in Connecticut, April 27, 1861, He is a physician, and resides at No. 531 Clinton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Albert Forester Lattimer", b. in Olean, N. Y., May 29, 1868 ; d. 1868. ii. Fanny Caroline Lattimer", b. in Meadville, Pa., July 13, 1870 ; m. July 13, 1893, Mr. Thomas. No children. iii. George Fred Lattimer", b. in Meadville, Pa., Nov. 21, 1872 ; ra. in Feb., 1891, Henrietta Doneyhue, and died in Brook lyn, N. Y., leaving children, (a) Ralph Houghton Latti mer", b. in Brooklyn, March 6, 1892 ; (b) Amos LattL mer", b, Jan. 12, 1895. CHILDREN BY THIRD WIFE. iv. William Roswell Lattimer", b. Brooklyn, N. Y., AprU 30, 1893. V. Cyril Valentine Lattimer", b. Dec. 19, 1897. 1579. Fred Herbert Lattimer* (Caroline Eastman', Icha bod*, Ichabod', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Sun apee, N. H., April 9, 1855 ; married at Niagara FaUs, N. Y., June 30, 1875, Nellie Maria Titus, daughter of William Chandler and Clara Maria (Hartwell) Titus, born in Hubbard ston, Mass., June 18, 1854, Mr, Lattimer resides in Syra cuse, N. Y. 914 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, CHILDREN. i. Fred Harvey Lattimer", b. Olean, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1877 ; d. Oct. 9, 1878. U. Zoe Louisa Lattimer", b. Olean, N, Y., Oct. 26, 1878 ; d. Feb. 19, 1887. iU. Frank Clifford Lattimer", b. Olean, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1881. iv. Clara Maria Lattimer", b. in Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1890. V. Lyman Hartwell Lattimer", b. in Syracuse, N. Y. (twin). 1580, Jessie Annie Eastman* (Josiah', Samuel*, Samuel', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H,, Dec, 2, 1872 ; married in Hillsborough Bridge, N. H., Oct. i, 1 89 1, Fred Archie McClintock, born in Hillsborough, March 14, 1869, son of Mark and Ruth Maria (Butman) McClin tock. They are farmers and live at HUlsborough Bridge, N, H. CHILDREN. i. Hazel Marion McClintock", b. in Hillsborough, Sept. 18, 1893. ii. Mark Eastman McClintock", b. in HiUsborough, N. H., Dec. 10, 1896. 1 58 1. Mary Elizabeth Eastman* (Francis Hoyt', Thomas*, Samuel', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., May 27, 1854 ; married in HiUsborough Bridge, N, H,, Nov. 3, 1878, Samuel W. Holman, born in York, Me., June 5, 185s, son of M. and Mary Weare (Lunt) Holman, of An trim, N. H. Mr. Holman resides in HiUsborough Bridge, N. H., where he is a lawyer and judge of police court since 1892. He was a member of the New Hampshire legislature in 1891-92. CHILDREN. i. Mary AbigaU Holman", b. in HUlsborough, N. H., Jan. 26, 1881. ii. Francis WiUiam Holman", b. in Hillsborough, AprU 14, 1887 ; d. Aug. 26, 1887. FRANK LESLIE EASTMAN*, OF SOUTH WEARE, N. H. 9IS 1582. Frank Leslie Eastman* (Francis Hoyt', Thomas*, Samuel', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in South Weare, N. H., Dec. i6, 1857 ; married in Antrim, N. H., Feb. 27, 1878, Lucy Fanny Dodge, born in Wilton, N, H,, Oct. 19, 1858, daughter of Charles Buxton and Grace French (Hall) Dodge. Mr. Eastman is engaged in farming and lum bering, and resides in South Weare, N. H. CHILD BORN IN SOUTH WEARE. i. Charles Francis", b. May 22, 1882. 1583. John Perry Eastman* (Francis Hoyt', Thomas*, Samuel', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in South Weare, N. H,, Sept, 28, i860 ; died June 20, 1898 ; married May 14, 1892, Belle Rogers. She died Nov, 17, 1893. CHILD. L Thomas Jefferson", b. Aug. 12, 1893 ; adopted by 1584. 1584. George Henry Eastman* (Francis Hoyt', Thomas*, Samuel', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., July 23, 1865 ; married ist, Sept 23, 1891, Elsie Lovering Smith, died March 13, 1892 ; married 2d, Aug. 30, 1893, Myrtle Atwood. Resides in South Weare, N. H. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. L Arthur Middleton", b. in Weare, May 30, 1894 ; d. July 30, 1894. 1585. George Franklin Eastman* (Samuel C.', Thomas*, Samuel', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., Sept. 19, 1846 ; married Emily Currier. He resided in South Weare, N. H., and was a selectman in 1886 and 1887. Now lives in Boston, Mass, 91 6 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Eugene S.", b. Sept. 13, 1871 ; doctor in Boston ; unm. ii. Ervin A.", b. April 30, 1874 ; a dentist in Boston. iu. Luther G.", b. Feb. 13, 1879 ; teacher in Weare. iv. Byron L.", b. AprU 3, 1882. V. Nettie V.», b. Jan. 1, 1886. vi. OUver Branch", b. July 30, 1891. 1586, AUen Eastman* (Bernard', Samuel*, Isaac', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born Aug, 2, 1836 ; died in Blue Earth, Minn,, Jan. 17, 1894; married Dec. 26, 1861, Lois D. White, born Aug. 12, 1839, died in Topsham, Vt, Aug. 13, 1899, daughter of Ezekiel and Laura (Dustin) White. He removed to Blue Earth, Minn,, where he was engaged in the mercantUe business, CHILDREN. L Katie B.", b. in Topsham, Vt., Oct. 3,1862; d. in Blue Earth, March 2, 1879. U. Hattie Belle", b. Topsham, Vt,, Sept. 7, 1864 ; d. in Blue Earth, Minn., Sept. 1, 1877. iii. Ferdinand Ezekiel", b. in Blue Earth, Minn., Jan. 3, 1872 ; ra. in Maynesville, 111,, Sept. 21, 1898, Lola Dunham, born in Maynesville, Jan. 3, 1873, daughter of Wil liam W. Dunham and Roxana Cushraan. Mr. East man is a bookkeeper and cashier, and resides in St. Paul, Minn., at No. 65 Inglehart street. 1587. Seth N, Eastman* (Bernard', Samuel*, Isaac', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born Aug. 4, 1843 ; married June 25, 1875, Emeline Darhng, born Nov. 12, 1853, daughter of Jonathan R, Darling, of Groton, Vt, Mr. Eastman was a soldier of the RebeUion, served in Co, B, Sixth Vt. Vols., as a private ; was in aU the great battles of the CivU War. He was captured in one of the battles before Richmond, remained a prisoner ninety-two days, was then exchanged. He was confined in Libby prison and on Bell Island, Va, He entered Dartmouth CoUege in the medical department, from EMILY R. EASTMAN", OF NEWBURY, VT. 917 which he graduated in the class of 1884. Previous to this he graduated from the Pennsylvania Medical School, Jan. 9, 1869, and practised medicine according to that school for fourteen years, and being dissatisfied with that system, he took the degree from Dartmouth, as first mentioned. Dr. Eastman represented Groton in the Vermont legislature in 1890. He is in the practice of medicine at Groton, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Cyrus D.", b. in Groton, Vt., Oct. 2, 1877. U. Bernard S.", b. in Groton, Vt., June 20, 1880. 1588. Emily R. Eastman* (Isaac', Samuel*, Isaac', Roger* Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newbury, Vt., Oct. 25, 1835 ; married Feb. 2, 1857, O. S. Davis, of California. i. Oliver D. Davis", b. in California, July 8, 1858. He as sumed the name ef Eastman, and is a physician in prac tice in Woodsville, N. H. He married Dec. 14, 1882, Addie Davis. Children : (a) D. K.", b. Jan. 8, 1884 ; (b) OUie N.", b. Aug. 13, 1885 ; (c) B. R.", b. Aug. 2, 1887 ; (d) Abel E.", b. May 15, 1890 ; died ; (e) Milo D.", b. Feb. 22, 1895. 1589. Alexander W. Eastman* (Isaac', Samuel*, Isaac', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newbury, Vt., Feb. 17, 1842 ; married F"eb. 14, 1864, Lucy A. Caldwell. Mr. Eastman is a farmer, and resides in Topsham, Vt. CHILDREN BORN IN TOPSHAM. i. David", b. Aug. 6, 1865; m. Jan. 1, 1891, Grace A Grimes, of Indianapolis, Ind. Child : (a) Harold W.", b. Sept. 13, 1895. ii. Isaac W.", b. July 25, 1866 ; m. Nov. 28, 1895, Fannie W. White. She died April 19, 1899. He is a physician in practice in Woodsville, N. H. Educated at College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md., and graduated at the Kentucky Medical College in 1893. 91 8 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Ui. May N.", b. Nov. 30, 1867 ; m. June 10, 1896, B. Frank Ricker, of Groton, Vt. Child : (a) Nelson C. Ricker", b. May 16, 1899. iv. Jennie", b. April 11, 1871 ; m. July 4, 1894, Johu N. Crown. He died Sept. 23, 1899. V. Child", b. March 12, 1879 ; d. July 6, 1879. vL Alexander W.", b. May 31, 1883. vu. Anna B.", b. Oct. 17, 1884. viu. AUce M.", b. May 20, 1886. 1590. Sophronia J. Eastman* (Isaac', Samuel*, Isaac', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newbury, Vt,, June 10, 1844; married in Topsham, Vt., Jap. 30, 1867, Horace D. Eastman, of Cabot, Vt. He served in the Union army, was a farmer, and lived in Newbury and Groton, Vt,, where he died July 24, 1876. CHILD. L Addie J.", b. in Newbury, April 26, 1868 ; d. May 30, 1893. 1 59 1. Elvira Eastman* (Isaac', Samuel*, Isaac', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newbury, Vt, Jan, 19, 1849 '> died in Bradford, Vt, Dec. 25, 1895 ; married ist. May 15, 1878, Daniel S. Corlis, M. D. He died in Springfield, Vt, Feb. 13, 1879 ; married 2d, May 4, 1882, Elliott E. Johnson, of Bradford, Vt. He died May 6, 1895, CHILD. i. Louise M. Johnson", b. Dec. 6, 1885, 1592. Bell Eastman* (Isaac', Samuel*, Isaac', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newbury, Vt, March 11, 185 1 ; married in Boston, Mass., Sept, 10, 1881, Eugene M. Carter, of Wilmington, Mass. CHILD. i. Ethelyn Eastman Carter", b. Oct. 3, 1882. EVELYN EASTMAN*, OF NEWBURY, VT. 919 1593. Evelyn Eastman* (Isaac', Samuel*, Isaac', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newbury, Vt, Jan, 27, 1857 ; married Sept, 10, 1881, Sumner E, Darling, M, D,, of Hard wick, Vt. CHILD. i. Sumner E. Darling", b. in Hardwick, Nev. 12, 1886. 1594. James W. Eastman* (Isaac', Samuel*, Isaac', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Newbury, Vt, March 16, i860 ; married in Ryegate, Vt,, June 4, 1884, Margaret S. Clark. He is a farmer on the old homestead in New bury, Vt CHILDREN. i. Isaac W.", b. AprU 12, 1885. U. Margaret E.", b. Nov. 10, 1887. iU. James W.", b. Aug. 22, 1893. iv. Infant son", b. March 6, 1896 ; d, March 18, 1896. 1595. Edward Dean Sargent* (Roger Sargent', Roger Sargent*, Janne Eastman', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Heuvelton, N. Y,, March 15, 1808; died in Water ville, Ohio, June 3, 1852 ; married Dec. 4, 1828, Rowena E. A. Edwards, born Nov, 26, 18 10, died Feb. 6, 1889, He first resided at De Kalb, N. Y,, and after the birth of two chUdren he removed to Waterville, where his other chUdren were born, CHILDREN. L Henry R. Sargent", b. Feb. 14, 1831 ; d. Nov. 13, 1888, ii. Frederick E. Sargent", b. March 10, 1838. iu. Eliza J. Sargent", b. Sept. 4, 1836 ; d. . iv. Rowena P. Sargent", b. Aug. 24, 1839 ; d. 1883 ; m. Duane Bingham. V. Edward I. Sargent", b. Dec. 29, 1846 ; d. Oct. 3, 1848. 920 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1596. Moses Sargent* (Roger Sargent', Roger Sargent*, Janne Eastman', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Heuvelton, N, Y,, about 1827 ; died at Monroe, Mich,, 1882 ; married in 1852 Elizabeth Robbins, of Waterville, Ohio, where she was born Sept, 26, 1837. He resided in Monroe, Mich,, where he was a machinist, CHILDREN (may NOT BE IN ORDER), i, Gertrude L. Sargent", b. ; m. David L. Willson, of Chicago, IU. Children : (a) Clara E. Sargent", b. ; (b) Gertrude Sargent^", b. ; (c) Russell Sargent", b. . ii. Eveline Sargent", b. ; m. Frank MiUer, of Toledo, Ohio. iii. Rufus Sargent", b. July 4, 1874. 1597- James Taylor Sargent* (Roger Sargent', Roger Sargent*, Janne Eastman', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Heuvelton, N. Y,, 1830; died in Heuvelton, Feb. 27, 1853 ; married Sept. 19, 1850, Sarah E. Day, born in Ogdensburg, N. Y,, Jan. i, 1835. He was a minister in Heuvelton, and had lived in Ohio, CHILDREN. 2106. i. Samuel R. Sargent", b. July 9, 1851. 2107. ii. James T. Sargent", b. Aug. 19, 1854. 1598. Betsey Sargent* (Stephen Sargent', Roger Sar gent*, Janne Eastman', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Barton, Vt,, Dec. 27, 1817 ; married May 14, 1841, George W. Sawyer, of Lowell, Mass., where they resided. CHILDREN BORN IN LOWELL. i. George W. Sawyer", b. Feb. 12, 1842. Took the name of Sargent. He is a printer ; resides in Springfield, Mass. He was in the medical department of hospital corps in the War of 1862-'65 for about three years. He is the author of the drama of the " Battle of Gettysburg." 2108. ii. Stephen A. Sargent", b. Nov. 13, 1843. Adopted the name of Sargent. ROGER MOSES SARGENT*, OF BARTON, VT. 92 1 1599. Roger Moses Sargent* (Stephen Sargent', Roger Sargent*, Janne Eastman', Roger*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Barton, Vt., Sept. 7, 1824; married in Nashua^ N. H., June 5, 1850, Elizabeth G, Spalding, born in same place March 27, 1824, died in St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 29, 1896. She was buried at MonticeUo, 111, He graduated from Dartmouth College in the class of 1846, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1849, ^^'^ Dartmouth con ferred the degree of D. D., June, 1896. He is a Congrega tional clergyman. His first work was at Farmington, N. H., and in 1852 he was ordained over the Gilmanton Center church, where he remained eight years, when he was called again to Farmington, where he remained nine years, then to Princeton, Mass., where he remained two and one-half years. He was called to the following places in Illinois : MonticeUo Seminary church, of Godfrey, three and a half years ; Illini, over seven years ; Sandoval, four years ; Dover, three years, besides supplying Rockton, He then returned to West Hawley, Mass., and preached over two years. His vocation as a teacher in his youth gave him an insight into human nature that well qualified him for his work, and made his adminis tration as school commissioner of Strafford county and secre tary of the New Hampshire Board of Education and town school committee very successful. Besides this work he has been special correspondent for the press, and has done much literary work. He now (1900) resides with his son in St. Louis, Mo., where he occasionally supplies churches in that city and vicinity. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN GILMANTON, N. H. i. Mary A. Sargent", b. April 1, 1851 ; d. . ii. Roger Sargent", b. May 7, 1852 ; d. . 2109. iii. Howard M. Sargent", k July 24, 1853. 2110. iv. Clarence S. Sargent", b. July 29, 1855. V. Edwin Charlton Sargent", b. June 10, 1857 ; d. Jan. 9, 1873- vi. Fanny E. Sargent", b. May 17, 1859 ; d. . vu. Roger M. Sargent", b. Oct. 30, 1862 ; d. . 922 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1600. John Elijah Eastman* (Dorson', Elijah*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in East Rupert, Vt,, Aug. 17, 1839 ; married in East Rupert, Vt, Nov. 24, 1863, Ellen Jane Phelps, born in East Rupert, Vt., Sept. 15, 1841. He resides at No. 82 Church street, Rutland, Vt. CHILDREN. L Emma Mary", b. May 4, 1865 ; d. in infancy. ii. Mary Emraa", b. Dec. 30, 1874 ; d. in infancy. iii. George Phelps", b. Feb. 17, 1876. He is in Amherst CoL lege, Amherst, Mass. 1601. Charlotte Baldwin Eastman* (Dorson', Elijah*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in East Rupert, Vt., Dec. 25, 1840; married Nov. 4, i860, William B, Dennis, of Pawlet, Vt. Resides in Pawlet, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Carrie Dennis", b. ; m. James Leach, of Pawlet, Vt. ; resides in Weeping Water, Neb. ; they have five children. ii. Mary Dennis", b. ; m. Caspar Leach, of Pawlet, Vt., and reside there ; they have three children. iii. Carl Dennis", b. ; m. Nettie Smith, and lives at North Rupert ; no children. iv. Ralph Dennis", b. ; unm., and lives at home. He was superiuteudent of the Bristol, Vt., R. R., until 1898, when on account of his health he left the road. 1602. Olive Sears Eastman* (Dorson', Elijah*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in East Rupert, Vt., Dec, 23, 1846 ; married in 1869, Denevan Herrick, of Pawlet, where he lives. She died in April, 1881. CHILDREN. i. Dorson Herrick", b. ; m. a Leach ; res. in Pawlet, Vt. ii. Le Grand Herrick", b. ; num., and res. in Pawlet, Vt. iii. A daughter" ; d. in infancy ; unnamed. LAFAYETTE EASTIMAN (.Sh4) and Grandchildren, and Children of LAK.AVET'rE \V. E.ASTM.iN (1602 b). HARRIET BARKER EASTMAN*, OF LORRAINE, N. Y. 923 1602a. Harriet Barker Eastman* (Cyrus', Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Lorraine, N. Y., June 16, 1848 ; adopted by Cyrus Eastman in 1849, and became heir to his estate. She was Mrs. Eastman's niece. Harriet married Feb. 24, 1874, Rev. H. Eugene Waugh, born in Scriba, N. Y,, July 11, 1844. He has been pfesid- iijg elder in the Utica district. New York, six years. Mrs. Waugh received her education in the common and select schools and seminaries. She taught for a season previous to her marriage. CHILDREN. i. Theodore Leland Waugh", b. in Martinsburg, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1875. He graduated at Syracuse College in 1899 ; is now preparing himself for a lawyer. ii. Myra Edna Waugh", b. in New Haven, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1878. She graduated as a kindergarten teacher, and is teaching in Rutland, Vt. 1602b. Lafayette WiUie Eastman* (Lafayette', Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Plymouth, Wis,, Aug. 25, 1859; married July 30, 1884, Mary EsteUa Vanderhoof, born Sept. 27, 1861. Mr. Eastman resides on the farm of his father, consisting of 240 acres, which he cleared up from the wUderness. On the settlement of his father's estate he bought out the heirs, and is now farming it in a good substantial manner. He resides in Plymouth, Wis., where all his chUdren were born. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN PLYMOUTH, WIS. L Vernie", b. March 5, 1886 ; in high school. U. Eugene", b. Oct. 12, 1887 ; in high school. iii. Lydia Marsh", b. AprU 3, 1892 ; " smart child." iv. Mary Lorette", b. July 7, 1900 ; d. May 10, 1901. 924 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, 1603. Miriam Elizabeth Eastman* (Enos', Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Plymouth, Wis., Feb, 13, 1855 ; died in Plymouth, Wis,, June 9, 1884; mar ried May 17, 1877, Frank A, Warden, born in Beloit, Wis., March 20, 1852. He graduated at the State University, Madison, Wis., in 1873 ; taught school; county superintend ent of schools four years, member of Wisconsin legislature in 1 89 1, now editor of Waukesha Dispatch, Waukesha, Wis. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN PLYMOUTH, WIS. i. Rex AUen Warden", b. Sept. 25, 1878. ii. Lillian Eastman Warden", b. May 19, 1884 ; m. Aug. 17, 1901, WiUiam . 1604. LUlie May Eastman* (Enos', Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Plymouth, Wis., May 19, 1859 ; married Sept. 8, 1880, Gustave W. Zerler, born . He is a merchant residing in Plymouth, Wis. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN PLYMOUTH, WIS, i. Mary Louisa Zerler", b. Jan. 7, 1893. u. Edward Eastman Zerler", b. Feb. 14, 1896, 1605. Charles Douglas Eastman* (Enos', Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Plymouth, Wis,, May 24, 1861 ; married in Plymouth, Wis., Sept. 24, 1885, Amy Mead, born in Lyndon, Wis., Jan. 9, 1866, daughter of Pamelia (Reck) Mead, of Plymouth, Wis. He graduated from the "high school" and took a course in a business college ; postmaster in Plymouth, Wis., four years, now a stockholder and superintendent in a cold storage plant in Plymouth, Wis, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN PLYMOUTH, WIS. L Miriam EUzabeth", b. May 15, 1888. ii. Marjorie Mead", b. April 17, 1891. TMRS. -MIRIAM E. WARDEN (1603.) REX ALLEN WARDE-X (1603 i). LILLIE -MAY \VARDE-\' (1603 ii). MRS. LILLIE :MAY zerler (i604) MARY' L. aud EDW.ARD K. ZERLER U604 i and ii). e;nOS EUGENE E-ASTMAN (1606). HARLEY H. EASTMAN (1606 i). S.AR.AH C. EAST.M-AN (1606 ii). KATHRY-N' H. EAST-MAN (1606 iii). 'liMf ' \ ROGER G.ANNETT EASTMAN (iiuX iiii. ENOS EUGENE EASTMAN*, OF PLYMOUTH, WIS, 925 1606. Enos Eugene Eastman* (Enos', Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Plymouth, Wis,, Sept. 8, 1865 ; married in Rockford, IU., Oct. 19, 1888, Anna Handford Hutchinson, born in Lyndon, Wis., Aug. 26, 1867, daughter of Handford and Adaline (Carlton) Hutchin son, of Lyndon, Wis. Mr. Eastman resides in Plymouth, Wis., where he is a farmer. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN PLYMOUTH, WIS. i. Harley Handford", b. June 23, 1891. ii. Sarah CarUon", b. March 30, 1896. in. Kathryn Hutchinson", b. Nov. 21, 1898. 1607. Enos Everett Eastman* (Charles Benjamin', Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Wood ville, N. Y., May 25, i860 ; married in Auburn, N. Y,, June 16, 1886, Alice Van Patteu, born in Gansevoort, Saratoga county, N. Y., June 22, i860, daughter of George M. and Sarah Ann (La Grange) Van Patteu. The compiler thinks this name is Patten. Mr, Eastman is a farmer, and lives on the old homestead in WoodviUe, N. Y. Graduated at Adams College, 1879. CHILDREN. i. Everett", b. AprU 5, 1887. ii. Ralph", b. Dec. 23, 1888. iu. Charles Alfred", b, Jan. 11, 1891. iv. Editha", b. Aug. 9, 1898. 1608. Reuben Seymour Eastman* (WUliam Henry', Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Woodville, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1863; married Aug. 16, 1893, Edith Smith. He is a farmer, residing in BellevUle, N, Y, CHILDREN. L WilUam Bentley", b. June 5, 1894. ii. Majorie", b. Dec. 13, 1895. iii. Roger Gannett", b. Oct. 30, 1897. See his piotnre. iv. Helen", b. Sept. 18, 1899. V. Dorothy", b. April 30, 1901. 926 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1608a. Frank Todd* (Lois Eastman', Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Glen Arbor, Mich., Aug. 18, 1869 ; married July 2, 1899, Jennie Framp ton, He was customs inspector at the World's Fair, as well as school inspector. He is now an inspector of the health department of Chicago, 111. Post-office address, City Hall, Room 411, Chicago. CHILD. i. Lois Eastman Todd", b. in Chicago, Sept. 11, 1900. 1608b. Charles Todd* (Lois Eastman', Enos*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Glen Arbor, Mich., Nov. 6, 1869; married Oct. 10, 1900, Dr. Jane KeL sey, born in Lemont, 111., May 28, 1867. Mr, Todd gradu ated from the Northwestern Medical College, of Chicago, 111., in the class of 1896. His wife graduated from the Northern Indiana Normal School in the scientific course of 1892, and from the Northwestern University Medical School in 1898, They are both practising medicine in Chi cago, 111. They have no children. 1609. Mary Elizabeth ChUd* (Chole Ulissa^ Eastman', Elias*, Enoch', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Barford, P. Q. ; married Edward Wallace Roberts, born in Union, Rock county. Wis. He resides in Holdredge, Phelps county. Neb. He is a carpenter. CHILDREN. i. Loova May Roberts", b. Union, Rock county. Wis. Teacher in public schools. ii. Eddie Carlton Roberts", b. ; d. young. iii. Emery Rai,nville Roberts", b. ; graduated Holdredge High School ; taught for a while, and enlisted in First Regt. Neb. Vol. Inf., and went to ManUa. In twenty-one engagements ; returned all right. iv. Arthur Samuel Roberts", b. ; he is postal clerk at Holdredge, Neb. V. Ray Ellsworth Roberts", b. GEORGE W. EASTMAN*, 6f BUFFALO, N, Y. 927 1 6 10. George W. Eastman' (Cyprian Dunshee', Luther*, Cyprian', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger'), born in Buffalo, N. Y., May 27, 1833; married in Buffalo, AprU 9, 1858, Jane L. Fellows, born in London, Eng., June 18, 1843, daugh ter of James Henry and Jane (Jones) Fellows, of London, Eng. He resides at No, 17 17 Cedar street, MUwaukee, Wis. CHILDREN. L Emma Jane", b. in Buffalo, N. Y., April 30, 1859. 2111. U. George Shirland", b. in Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1860. iii. Clara Rose", b. in Buffalo, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1865. iv. Arthur Edwin", b. in Buffalo, N. Y., June 18, 1867. V. Ralph William", b. in New York City, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1869. 2112. vi. Mabel AUce", b. in MUwaukee, Wis., June 23, 1873. vU. Frank Everett", b. in MUwaukee, Wis., Oct. 3, 1880. 161 1. Martha Louisa Vickery* (Loraine Eastman', Luther*, Cyprian', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Leroy, N, Y., Sept. 18, 1838 ; married in Youngstown, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1857, Colonel Anson Sprague Wood, son of Oliver and Fanny (Woodworth) Wood. He enlisted in August, 1862, in the One Hundred and Thirty-Eighth N. Y. Vol. Inf. He was immediately appointed first lieutenant, and was suc cessively promoted to captain, major, and brevet lieutenant- colonel for gallant conduct in battle in front of Petersburg, Va. ; was honorably mentioned in general orders by General Kiefer for gaUant conduct in battles at Winchester and Cedar Creek. Dec. 9, 1862, the regiment was converted into an artiUery rfegiment, and designated the Ninth Regiment of Artillery. The regiment, or portions of it, took part in the following engagements, viz. : Cold Harbor, Va., June i and 3, 1864 ; 17 men killed. Assault on Petersburg, June 18 and 19 ; none kiUed, 29 wounded, Monocacy, Md,, July 9, 1864 ; 26 killed. Chariestown, W. Va,, Aug, 21, 1864. 928 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Summit Point, Va,, Aug, 29, 1864, Opequon, Va., Sept. r8, 1864; 11 killed. Near Cedar Creek, Va., October 9, 1864. Near Strasburg, Va,, Oct. 14, 1864, Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864. Petersburg works, Va., March 25, 1865 ; one kUled. FaU of Petersburg, Va., AprU 2, 1865. SaUors Creek, Va,, AprU 6, 1865, Appomattox Court House, Va., AprU 9, 1865. The regiment had 1 14 men killed in battle during the war. He was member of assembly from Wayne county, N. Y., state assembly in 1870-71 ; deputy secretary of state in 1872-73; also in 1880 to 1885; Republican candidate for secretary of state in 1885 ; department commander G. A. R., New York, in 1898, Is a lawyer residing in Wolcott, Wayne county, N. Y. CHILDREN. 2113. L William Clark Wood", b. in Lyons, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1858. ii. Robert Alvin Wood", b. in Lyons, N. Y. ; married 1886, Ida Louisa Breyer. He is a printer and editor. iii. Fannie Loraine Wood", b. in Butler, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1866 ; d. 1874. iv. Fred Gould Wood", b. in Albany, N. Y., June 27, 1873 ; d. May 28, 1877. 1612, Jonathan Vickery* (Loraine Eastman', Luther*, Cyprian', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born Feb, 26, 1843 ! married Lizzie Maginnis. CHILD. i, Arthur Vickery", b. ; m. and had a son Arthur. 16 1 3, EUen Vickery* (Loraine Eastman', Luther*, Cyp rian', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born May 3, 1846 ; died in Canlius, N, Y,, March i, 1878; married William Kan son. VINNIE KEAN EASTMAN*, OF CANFIELD, OHIO. 929 CHILDREN. i. MiUie Kanson", b. Feb. 15, 1871 ; m. Feb. 24, 1892, Fred L. Swart, of Auburn, N, Y. Child : (a) Leland K. Swart", b. Nov. 29, 1894 ; (b) Robert Waldo Swart^", b. March 19, 1900. iL Belle Kanson", b. Nev. 21, 1876 ; ra. Nev. 10, 1894, John Osborn, of South Hannibal, Oswego county, N. Y. No children. iu. WiUiam Kanson", b. Dec. 19, 1879 ; lives in Wolcott, N. Y. 1614. Vinnie Kean Eastman* (Almon', Jonathan*, Jona than', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Rogei"), born in Canfield, Ohio, May 14, 1868 ; married in same place, Sept. 4, 1889, Hiram Madison Kemble, born in Canfield, Oct. 3, 1867, son of Chauncy Kemble, of Greenford, Ohio. He is an engineer on the Erie Railroad, and resides in Youngstown, Ohio. CHILDREN. i. Ruth Viola Kemble", b. in Cleveland, Ohio, July 10, 1892. ii. Myrtle Jay Kemble", b. Youngstown, Ohio, Jan. 7, 1897. 161 5. Mary Louisa Eastman* (Almon', Jonathan*, Jona than', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Canfield, Ohio, Feb. 2, 1872 ; married in Youngstown, Ohio, May 15, 1898, Henry Elmer Brobst, born in BraceviUe, Ohio, Feb. 25, 1869, son of Adam and Catherine (Khne) Brobst, of Canfield, Ohio. Mr. Brobst resides in Canfield, Ohio, where he is a farmer and a student in natural sciences. CHILD. L May Brobst", b. in Canfield, May 13, 1899. 1615a. WiUiam S. Eastman* (Rollin Carlos', William D.*, Jonathan', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Hinck ley, Medina county, Ohio, Nov. 26, 1853; married July 3, 1877, Mary A. Gifford, and settled in Camden, Preble county, Ohio. In March, 1881, he removed to West Clarks- vUle, Ohio, and in December, 1894, to Elyria, Ohio, where 930 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, he StUl resides. He obtained his education in the common schools, learned the carpenter and joiners' trade, and is now a contractor and buUder. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN CAMDEN, OHIO. i, RelUn S.", b. Nov. 19, 1878 ; m. March 28, 1899, Mola E. Hawks ; resides in Elyria, Ohio, ii. Mattie B.", b. Jan. 16, 1882. in. Alice M.", b. June 8, 1884. i6i6. Frederick Carlos Eastman* (Rollin Carlos', William*, Jonathan', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Hinck ley, Medina county, Ohio, July 20, i860; married in San dusky, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1884, Charlotte E. Whitney, born in Sandusky, Ohio, Oct. 31, 1862, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Warren) Whitney, of Sandusky, Ohio. Mrs. East man graduated from Baldwin University in the class of 1893, She has gained recognition as a contributor to the best magazines of the country, and as the author of " The Evolu tion of Dodd's Sister," and other books. Mr. Eastman received his early education in the common schools of his native state, and at Baldwin University and German Wallace College, graduating from the former institution in 1884. He received the Master's degree in 1887, and the Doctor's degree in 1892. In 1884-85, he \yas professor of Greek and Latin in Claflin University, in Orangeburg, S. C. ; from 1887 to 1888, professor of Greek and Latin in Dakota Uni versity, MitcheU, S. D. ; from 1888 to 1889 professor of Greek and Latin in Upper Iowa University, Fayette, la. In 1898 he was tendered and accepted the professorship of Latin in the Iowa State Normal School, the largest educational institution in Iowa, and one of the largest in the country, which position he now (1900) holds. Professor Eastman has gained many posi tions of educational prominence and influence in the state of Iowa, among them the presidency of the State CoUege Asso ciation, 1896, and member of the State Educational Council, FREDERICK C. EASTMAN' (1616). CYRUS E. EASTMAN", OF CHILTON, WIS. 93 1 1896-99. Professor Eastman has gained a wide reputation as a lecturer in the middle west, having appeared before hundreds of educational institutes, educational associations, and popular assemblies. He resides at Cedar Falls, la. CHILDREN. L Marguerite Ethel", b. in Mitchel, South Dakota, June 23, 1888. ii. Edith Helen", b. in Fayette, la., June 21, 1890, iii. Olive Evelyn", b. in Fayette, la., June 14, 1893. 1617. Cyrus E. Eastman* (Nathan B.', Amos*, Stephen', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Chilton, Wis., July 28, 1854 ; married AprU 20, 1876, Louisa C. Haynes, born Dec. 9, 1856. They reside in Avalon, Mo, CHILDREN. i. Freddie W.", b. Jan. 26, 1877 ; d. 1879, u. Blanche L.", b. Aug. 1, 1879 ; d. 1880. iU. OUie M.", b. Feb. 3, 1881 ; d. 1882. iv. Eddie W.", b. June 8, 1883. V. Cora v.", b. June 8, 1886. vL IdaT.", b.Feb. 6, 1889. vii. Goldie F.", b. April 2, 1892 ; d. same year. viiL Ovie A.", b. July 2, 1893. ix. George E.", b. Aug. 3, 1896 ; d. Jan., 1897. 1618. Wilson D. Eastman* (Nathan B.', Amos*, Stephen', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Chilton, Wis,, July I, 1856; married AprU 11, 1888, Elizabeth 'McGiU. He resides in Greensburg, Kan. CHILDREN. L Hazel", b. ii. Ford", b. - iii. RoUis", b. ¦ 932 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, 1 619. Harriet S, Eastman* (Nathan B.', Amos*, Stephen', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Chilton, Wis., AprU 6, 1858 ; -married Dec. 25, 1882, Kirk A. Mott, born June 26, i860. They reside in Avalon, Mo. CHILDREN. L Ada E. Mott", b. Nov. 7, 1883. ii. WUUe Mott", b. Aug. 12, 1885. in. Freddie M. Mott", b. AprU 9, 1893. 1620. LiUie Flora Eastman* (Nathan B,', Amos*, Stephen', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Chilton, Wis., July 26, i860; married in Avalon, Mo,, Nov, 8, 1883, C. W. Kern, born in Illinois, Aug. 30, 1852. They reside in Grace, Mo. CHILDREN. i. Nora E. Kern", b. Oct. 7, 1884. ii. Lloyd E. Kern", b. July 17, 1886. iii. Earl E. Kern", b. Jan. 3, 1888. iv. Je.s.sie L. Kern", b. Oct. 8, 1892. 1 62 1. James E. Eastman* (Nathan B.', Amos*, Stephen', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Chilton, Wis., Nov. 20, 1864; married March 30, 1898, Dessie Linton. CHILD. L Ethel B.", b. 1899. 1622, . Lettie S. Eastman* (Nathan B.', Amos*, Stephen', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Avalon, Mo,, April 15, 1872 ; married Sept, 29, 1892, Samuel W. FuUerton, born Aug. 15, 1867. They reside in Avalon, Mo. CHILDREN. L OfBe C. FuUerton", b. Feb. 27, 1894. ii. Fay L. FuUerton", b. March 4, 1896. in. Ada V, FuUerton", b. June 18, 1898. o 'X '^ -' 2 ¦ a - o CAROLINE AMELIA EASTMAN*, OF NEW YORK CITY. 933 1623. Caroline Amelia Eastman** (Augustus Mortimore', Levi*, Stephen', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in New York city, AprU 24, 1846; married in Rutland, Vt., Dec. 20, 1866, Capt. John Alexander Sheldon, born in Troy, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1839, son of Charles and Janet S. (Reed) Sheldon. He is postmaster of Rutland, Vt, where he resides at No. 12 North Main street. Captain Sheldon enlisted May 2, 1861, in Company K, First Vermont Volun teers, for three months, as first sergeant. The regiment was ordered to Fortress Monroe, Va., and was engaged in the battle of Big Bethel. He was discharged by reason of his term of enlistment expiring, and returned home. He soon recruited Company C, Tenth Vermont Infantry, and was its captain. He began his duties as A. C. S,, in the Army of the Potomac, where he remained three months, when he was appointed a member of General Grant's staff. Captain Sheldon filled the office of selectman of Rutland for three years, trustee of the village two years, and president of the board one year. In 1876 he represented the town in the state legislature, and was aide-de-camp on the staff of Governor Fairbanks during the term of his office. When the Rutland Street RaUroad was built he was chosen one of the directors of the company, and served several years. He is also vice-president and director of the Merchants' National Bank. Upon the incorporation of the city of Rutland he was chosen a member of its first board of aldermen. In March, 1895, he was elected mayor of Rutland. Captain Sheldon was a charter member of Post 14, G. A. R,, of which he is a member ; he is also a member of the Loyal Legion, and a Knight Templar, He has been a deacon in the church many years. Captain Sheldon was appointed postmaster of Rutland by President Harrison, which position he now holds. His wife is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The picture of his family is a very interesting one. 934 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Charles Alexander Sheldon", b. Oct. 17, 1867. He graduated at Yale, receiving great honors. He was employed by the Lake Shore Railroad four years, 'when he resigned to take the position of treasurer and business manager of the Albany Steam Heating Company. When the war with Spain broke out he enlisted and went to Cuba. ii. Augustus Eastman Sheldon", b. June 25, 1869 ; received his education at Great Barrington, but preferring business to college, went into the Sheldon Marble Works ; m. Oct. 9, 1901, Marie Louise Craik. 2114. iU. Mary Hatfield Sheldon", b. March 30, 1871. 2115. iv. Frances Marion Sheldon", b. Feb. 1, 1873. V. John S. Sheldon", b. Feb. 4, 1875 ; he is a railroad man. vi. Carolyn P. Sheldon", b. March 19, 1876. She is one of the loveliest of girls, a great reader and a scholar in history. She is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and Colonial Dames. vii. Archie McDaniels Sheldon", b. April 23, 1885. He is in the high school in Rutland. 1623a. Ora Maria Eastman* (Augustus Mortimore', Levi*, Stephen', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born Sept. 27, 1848; married ist, Jan. 22, 1868, Edward M. Jewell, who died Nov. 10, 1887 ; married 2d, May 20, 1897, T. Watson Hallett, and resides in Brooklyn, N, Y, CHILDREN, i. Edith Jewell", b. March 5, 1869. u. Marion JeweU", b. Feb. 28, 1871. Ui. Ora Jewell", b. May 24, 1873. iv. Edward Hazelhurst Jewell", b. May 26, 1875 ; m. June 1, 1901, Florence Trumbull. V. Margery Jewell", b. April 13, 1887. 1623b. Frances Marion Eastman* (Augustus Mortimore', Levi*, Stephen', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1852; married June 12, 1879, Charles E. Cordell, and lives in Rutland, Vt, She is a mem ber of the Daughters of the American Revolution. PARIS AUGUSTUS EASTMAN*, OF BROOKLYN, N. Y, 935 CHILDREN. i. Marion Cordell", b. April 16, 1880. ii. Mildred Cordell", b. July 15, 1885. 1623c. Paris Augustus Eastman* (Augustus Mortimore', Levi*, Stephen', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1855 ; married Sept. 25, 1880, Ida Evangeline Manson ; resides on a farm in Mendon, Vt. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN BROOKLYN, N. Y. i. Paris Ripley", b. April 17, 1881. u. Ora Marion", b. March 21, 1883. iU. Lynna Manson", b. April. 22, 1884. iv. Caasie Hatfield", b. July 6, 1886. V. Clarice", b. June 20, 1887. vi. Katherine", b. May 14, 1891. 1624. EUen Lurancey Bates* (Harriet Calista Eastman', Calvin*, Calvin', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Warren, Vt, May 11, 1847; married Sept. 19, 1865, Clark Huntington. CHILDREN. i. Albert Cortez Huntington", b. June 30, 1870 ; d. in Bristol, Vt., May 15, 1888. ii. Edith Harriet Huntington", b. April 15, 1872 ; d. Dec. 4, 1889. 1625. Viola Delissa Bates* (Harriet Calista Eastman', Calvin*, Calvin', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Warren, Vt.. May 29, 1849; married Jan, 15, 1867, George Gove. CHILD. i. Fi-ank Gove", b. Jan. 14, 1870. 1626. Cortez Valorus Bates* (Harriet Calista Eastman', Calvin*, Calvin', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Warren, Vt., Oct. 5, 185 1 ; died May 5, 1896 ; married Dec. 3, 1873, Nellie Gleason. 936 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILD. i. Ida May Bates", b. Sept. 30, 1874 ; m. at Waterbury, Vt., May 22, 1894, Charles Hatch. Child : (a) Florence Ella Hatchi", b. April 22, 1895. 1627, Lindly WUhs Dean* (Lois Marie Eastman', Calvin*, Calvin', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born May 26, 1857 ; married May 10, 1887, Harriet Danforth. CHILD. i. Henry Danforth^", b. May 15, 1895. 1628. Frank Eastman Dean* (Lois Marie Eastman', Calvin*, Calvin', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born Jan, 10, 1867 ; married Harriet Hinds, who died, leaving CHILDREN. i. Edith Dean", b. . ii. Dorothy Dean", b. . 1629. Harry NevUle Eastman* (Ezra Bigelow', Dr. Henry*, Oliver', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in ZanesvUle, Ohio, May 7, 1855 ; died Aug. 7, 1889 ; married Miss Lily Jones, of Columbus, Ohio, where he resided. CHILDREN. i. Katherine", b. . ii. Vinton Goddard", b. . iii. Harriet"; b. . 1629a. Arthur William' Eastman® (Harry', Guy Carlton*, Oliver', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), bom in Mainville, Ohio, Feb. 4, 1857 ; married in WUmington, Ohio, April 28, 1 88 1, Gertrude Harlan, born in WUmington, Ohio, daughter of Robert Barclay Harlan. Mr. Eastman resides in Main ville, Ohio. He was United States storekeeper, 1881 to 1884, United States ganger, 1890 to 1895, He is at this date (1901) a farmer. SARAH ELIZABETH EASTMAN*, OF MAINVILLE, OHIO. 937 CHILDREN. i. Barclay Harlan", b. in Wilmington, Ohio, Feb. 10, 1887. ii. Rose Elizabeth", b. in Evanston, Ohio, July 27, 1890. 1629b. Sarah Elizabeth Eastman* (Harry', Guy Carlton*, Oliver', Jonathan*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in MainviUe, Ohio, March 23, 1868; married Dec. 19, 1889, John Piat Grandin. CHILDREN. i. Harry Eastman Grandin", b. Nov. 22, 1890. u. Lucille Grandin", b. Dec. 10, 1892. UL Benjamin Butterworth Grandin", b. Sept. 4, 1895, iv. Clarence Woodward Grandin", b. July 25, 1897. V. Lewis Terbet Grandin", b. Aug. 26, 1899. 1630. Rhoda Ann Plummer* (Louisa Morse', Mary East man*, Stephen', Samuel*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Haverhill, Mass., March 9, 1833; married in Salem, N. H,, Sept, 27, 1849, Abel Dow, born in Windham, N. H., Dec. 12, 1824, son of Abel and Elizabeth (Morrison) Dow, of Windham, N. H, Mr. Dow resides in Windham, N. H., where he is a lumberman and farmer. He was representa tive to the New Hampshire legislature in 1877, '79, '80. CHILDREN. L Martha Morrison Dow", b. in Windham, Dec. 15, 1850 ; d. Aug. 27, 1852. George Plummer Dew", b. Nov. 23, 1852. Charles AUison Dow", b. Dec. 24, 1854. Willard Elbridge Dow", b. in Windham, Oct. 6, 1856. Lizzie Lucinda Dow", b. July 27, 1859 ; d. 1893.. Marion Louisa Dow", b. Aug. 13, 1876. 163 1. James Henry Eastman* (Larnard Lamb', James*, Stephen', Samuel*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Hanover, N. H,, May 31, 1842 ; married in Middletown, Conn,, Oct. 10, 1862, Frances Elizabeth Finley, born in Clinton, Conn., IL 2116. iii. 2117. iv. 2118. V. vi. 938 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Feb, 9, 1844, daughter of George Redfield and Rachel (Kelsey) Finley, of Middletown, Mr, Eastman resides in Howard, R. I. He is superintendent of Sockanosset and Oaklawn school for boys and girls, state farm almshouse. He is a member of the Congregational church, near Howard. CHILDREN. 2119. i. George Larnard", b. in Middletown, Conn., Aug. 10, 1863. ii. Frank Gaylord", b. in Middletown, Conn., July 31, 1866, doctor ; res. East Greenwich, R. L iU. Alice May", b. Meriden, Conn., Aug. 6, 1869 ; m. E. R. Trowbridge ; res. at No. 169 Brown street, Providence, R. L iv. Grace", b. in Jamesburg, N. J., Dec. 12, 1876 ; unm. and at heme. 1632. Stephen* (James', James*, Stephen', Samuel*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Canaan, N. H., Oct. 13, 1851 ; died in Hanover, N. H., June 16, 1898; married in Canaan, N. H., Jan, i, 1880, Almeda D. Colby, born in Hanover, N, H,, May 17, 1856, daughter of Moses T. and Martha A. (Houston) Colby, of Concord, N. H. Mr. East man was a farmer ; resided in Hanover, N. H. He held the office of selectman several years, and was on the school board ten years. He was a Methodist. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN HANOVER, N. H. i. Arthur Henry", b. Nov. 4, 1880. ii. Susan Ella", b. Jan. 6, 1886. iii. Mary French", b. June 6, 1887. iv. Grant Colby", b. May 29, 1891. V. Grace Helen", b. May 6, 1895. 1633. Martha J. Eastman* (James', James*, Stephen', Samuel*, Roger', John', Roger"), bprn in Hanover, N. H., Oct 20, 1855 ; died in Manchester, N. H., Nov. 15, 1891 ; married in Manchester, N, H,, May 24, 1882, Dr. Charles A. Manning, born , died in Manchester, N. H., in May, 1899. JAMES F. EASTMAN", OF HANOVER, N. H. 939 CHILDREN ALL BORN IN MANCHESTER, N. H. i. Susie Pearl Manning", b. July 22, 1883 ; d. at the age of about one year. iL Roy Eastman Manning", b. July 21, 1885 ; d. Aug., 1898. 1634. James F, Eastman* (James', James*, Stephen', Samuel*, Roger', John', Roger"), born in Hanover, N. H., Nov. 18, 1856; married in Canaan, N. H,, Nov. 12, 1890, Lena L. WUliams, born at Island Pond, Vt, Dec. 19, 1868, daughter of P. O. and NeUie B. (Marsh) Williams. Mr. Eastman is a farmer, residing in Hanover, N. H. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he is a trustee. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN HANOVER, N. H. i. Martha J.», b. Aug. 16, 1893. U. James", b. Aug., 1897. 1635, James Henry KimbaU* (Samuel KimbaU', James KimbaU*, AbigaU Eastman', Samuel*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Charlestown, Mass,, Aug. 27, 1844 ; married Dec. 17, 1869, Julia Amelia BUI, born in Norwich, Conn,, died in Denver, Col., 1885, daughter of Elijah BUI. Mr. KimbaU is an M. D,, Harvard Medical School, 1867; practised his profession at St. Augustine, Fla., five years, since that time at Denver, Col. Is professor of principles and practice of medicine in the University of Colorado, president of the Denver Medical Association, president of the Physicians' MUling and Mining Co., of Cripple Creek, CoL, and presi dent of the Globe Manufacturing Co., of Denver, Col. He resides in Denver, Col. CHILDREN. i. Henry Monroe Kimball", b. in Lynn, Mass., Jan 17, 1870. He is a printer and resides in Denver, Cel. U. Samuel Eastman KimbaU", b. in Wakefield, Mass., May 21, 1874. He resides in LoweU, Mass. 940 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1636. Harriett Newell Cammett* (Loira Flanders', Sally Eastman*, Jeremiah', Jonathan*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Salisbury, Mass., now Amesbury, Sept. 5, 1842 ; married in Amesbury, Mass., Nov. 26, 1863, John Stickney Clough, born at Salisbury Point, Mass., May 16, 1836, son of John and Mary (Worthen) Clough. Mr. Clough resides at No. 181 Shurtleff street, Chelsea, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Lena Bigelow Clough", b. in Chelsea, Mass., Feb. 17, 1867 ; m. June 14, 1900, Arthur Wellington Toppan, b. in Charlestown, Mass., June 15, 1867, son of Albert B. Toppan ; resides in SomerviUe, Mass. ii. Herbert Newell Clough", b, in Chelsea, Mass,, April 14, 1876 ; m. June 28, 1900, Mabel Jane Ashley, b. iu East Besten, Mass., July 4, 1874, daughter ef Alfred and Ellen (Morris) Ashley. He is a merchant ; resides at Ne. 218 Washington ave,, Chelsea, Mass, iii. Child" ; d. young. iv. Child" ; d. young. 1637. Sarah Augusta Flanders* (William Flanders', Sally Eastman*, Jeremiah', Jonathan*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born ; married James Middledith, a stock broker in New York. CHILDREN. i. Maud Augusta Middledith", b. ; m. Morris S. Tremain. iL James Flanders Middledith", b, , 1638, Catherine Eliza Flanders* (William Flanders', Sally Eastman*, Jeremiah', Jonathan*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born ; married James B. Southwick. CHILD. i. Evelyn Southwick", b. . GEORGIANNA FLANDERS*, OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. 94 1 1639. Georgianna Flanders* (WUliam Flanders', Sally Eastman*, Jeremiah', Jonathan*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1855 ; married June 3, 1884, Henry Taylor, born in HaverhiU, Mass., April 28, 1837, Mr. Taylor resides in Haddonfield, N. J. CHILDREN. i. Elery Kirke Taylor", b. July 19, 1886. iL WiUiam Brown Taylor", b. Jan. 5, 1890. iii: Newell Eastman Taylor", b. Nov., 1893. 1640, Lena Brown Flanders* (WUliam Flanders', SaUy Eastman*, Jeremiah', Jonathan*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born ; married George E, Webb, CHILDREN, L Clarence Russell Webb", b. . ii. Marguerite Effie Webb", b. , iii. Lyndon Flanders Webb", b, , iv. A nameless daughter" ; b. . V. Helen Catherine Webb", b. . 1 64 1. WUliam Newell Flanders* (William Flanders', Sally Eastman*, Jeremiah', Jonathan*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born ; married Hannah Yerks, daughter of Rev, Dr. Yerks, of Plainfield, N, J. CHILDREN. i. Bessie Flanders", b. , ii. WUliam Flanders", b. . iii. Charles Flanders", b. ; d. , 1642. Nancy O. Walker* (Pauline Caswell', Betsey East man*, Jeremiah', Jonathan*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Strafford, N. H„ Dec. 13, 1842; married Nov, 29, 1868, Wilson Gray, born Jan. 14, 1836, died in Strafford, N. H., June 20, 1884, He was a carriage maker in Strafford, 2120. i. 2121. ii. iii. 2122. iv. 942 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. N. H. Mr. Gray was a lieutenant in the New Hampshire Volunteers in the War of the Rebellion. His widow resides in Strafford, N. H. CHILDREN. Annie Gray", b. Nov. 6, 1869. Harry Gray", b. Nov. 18, 1870. Albert Gray", b. Dec. 2, 1870 ; d. Dec. 31, 1884. NeUie Gray", b. Nov. 17, 1872. V. Ralph Gray", b. April 7, 1874. vi. Charles Gray", b. Dee. 27, 1875. viL Rose Gray", b. Feb. 21, 1877 ; m. July 29, 1899, Delmar Jones, b. 1876. viii. Willie Gray", b. May 12, 1878 ; d. Sept. 2, 1878. ix. Frank Gray", b. May 17, 1879. X. IsabeUe Gray", b. Nov. 10, 1880. xi. Edna Gray", b. Jan. 10, 1882. 1643, Henry F. Walker* (Pauline Caswell', Betsey East man*, Jeremiah', Jonathan*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Strafford, N. H., June 25, 1845 ; married June 2, 1867, Lydia Ann Kimball, born in Farmington, N. H., Nov. 7, 1847, daughter of Charles B. and Charlotte (Locke) Kimball. Mrs. Walker's father was a soldier in Company C, Seventh New Hampshire Volunteers, and died with yellow fever at Hilton Head, S. C, Sept. 14, 1862. Charles B. Kimball was the son of Solomon', Ephraim*, Ephraim', Nehemiah*, Ephraim', Richard', Richard", the emigrant. Mr. Walker resides in Rochester, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Charlotte Pauline Walker", b. March 3, 1868; m. Dr. Charles F. Caverly. ii. George C. F. Walker", b. Feb. 1, 1872. ¦ 1644. Albert D. Walker* (Pauhne CasweU', Betsey East man*, Jeremiah', Jonathan*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Strafford, N. H., Sept, 7, 1849; married Nov. i, 1873, Mary E. Drew. They were divorced, and he married 2d, widow Mary L. Nutter. MARTHA ANN BROWNSON*, OF BRISTOL, N. H. 943 CHILD. i. AUce Walker", b. May 3, 1874. 1645. Martha Ann Brownson* (Phebe Eastman', Joseph*, WiUiam', Joseph*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Bristol, N. H., AprU 13, 1834 ; married June 5, 1861, George Philip Harvey, born Aug. 18, 1836, in Cambridge, Vt, died in New York city, Dec, 24, 1894. He was the son of Benja min and Susan Morgan. Mr. Harvey was employed for y6ars by the Abbot's in the carriage business, but he learned his trade in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. In 1861-62, he established the firm of " Harvey, Morgan & Company," carriage busi ness, of which he was superintendent. In 1873 this com pany was consolidated with the Abbot company, where he was superintendent until 1882, when he resigned and re moved to Buffalo, N. Y., where he entered into business with his brother in the same business. In 1887 he removed to New York city and carried on the business there until his death. His remains were brought to Concord and buried there. His widow resides in Concord, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Alice Harvey", b. in Concord, N. H., March 12, 1877 ; d. young. ii. George Philip Harvey", b. in Concord, N. H,, Feb. 5, 1879 ; m. Sept. 16, 1899, Florence Gertrude Sanders, daughter of Henry L. and JuUa Florence (Smith) San ders, born Aug. 23, 1877. Mr. Harvey's education was obtained in a select school in New York city. 1646. Dyer Burgess* (John Calvin', Jacob Weed*, James', Joseph*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born Oct. 24, 1836; died (killed in the army) AprU 11, 1863; married March 25, 1858, Saphronia Gaskill. He lived in Indiana. CHILDREN. L Lydia", b. Dec. 24, 1858. ii. Martha", b. March 20, 1860. iU. A nameless chUd", b. AprU 1, 1863 ; d. April 22, 1863. 944 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1647. William Weed Eastman''' (John Calvin', Jacob Weed'', James', Joseph-", Joseph', John', Roger'), born Aug. 27, 1843 ; married May 10, 1S72, Jennie Bishop. He was a Presbyterian minister, and resided in Indiana. CHILDREN. i. Martha McKee", b. Aug., 1873. ii. Margaret (I.'', b. Dec. 5, 1875. Ui. John William", b. Oct., 1SS2, 1648. John Calvin Eastman" (John Calvin', Jacob Weed", James', Joseph^, Joseph', John^ Roger'), born July 8, 1845 ; married June 29, 1875, Mary Plum Schenck. He is a Pres byterian minister, and was at one time pastor of Larkin Street Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, CaL, where he resides. CHILD. 1. Koy Sclienck", b, .June 7, 1S76. 1649. Joseph Steel Eastman* (John Calvin', Jacob Weed*, James5, John^ Joseph^ John', Roger'), born July 7, 1854; married Jan. 7, 1S80, Lillie J. McDougall. Berkeley, CaL, where he is a doctor. CHILDllKN. i. Fiuley McDougalP, b. Sept. 27, lysij. ii. .Sainuel Palmer", b. July 26, ISS'2. He lives in 1650. Daniel Webster B. Evens* (Susan PriscUla Eastman', Jacob Weed*, James5, Joseph*, Joseph', John', Roger'), born in Highland county, Ohio, April 13, 1841 ; married March 11, 1866, Delia Sophia Flesher, born in Warren county, Ohio, Oct. 29, 1847, daughter of Elias and Susan (Scudder) Flesher, of Warren county, Ohio. At the age of twenty he enlisted in Co. H, First Ohio \"ol. Cav. He was promoted from private JENNIE SIBLEY EASTMAN*, OF STONEHAM, MASS. 945 to orderly sergeant, which position he held at his discharge, which occurred in October, 1864. He was engaged in thirty- nine battles, as officially reported by the war department. Besides these battles, he participated in many skirmishes. He has been a farmer, but removed to University Place, Neb., for the purpose of educating his children. CHILDREN. i. Jessie Marie Evens", b. in Level, Warren county, Ohio, Jan. 2, 1867. ii. Charles Flesher Evens", b. in Leesburg, Ohio, July 20, 1870. iii. Harry Garfield Evens", b. in Springranch, Clay county, Neb., Sept. 11, 1881 ; d. Oct. 20, 1891. iv. A nameless son" ; d. at birth. 165 1. Jennie Sibley Eastman* (George Sibley', Timothy*, Simeon', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Stoneham, Mass., May 2, 185 1 ; married ist, Nov, 4, 1873, Frank P. Kemp ; married 2d, Charles Dunbar. Post-office HUlsborough Bridge, N. H. CHILDREN. L Blatich Sibley Kemp", b. , ; m. Jan. 25, 1895, Dwight Conant ; res. in Contoocook. Children : (a) Hiram Conant", b. ; (b) Lucius Conant^", b. ; (c) Lena Conant^", b. . ii. Clara May Kemp", b. . iii. Edward Kemp", b. . iv. Harold Kemp", b. . 1652, John A, Gilbert Eastman* (Alonzo', Joseph*, Samuel', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Columbia, N, H,, Dec. 17, 1850 ; married in Columbia, N. H., Dec. 17, 1875, Dorothy Phillips, born in Stukely, P. Q., Oct. 23, 1856, daughter of Lyman KnowUon and Maria Parker (Kendall) PhiUips. Mr, Eastman is a mountain guide, residing in MUls- field, N. H. He is a member of Evening Star Lodge, No. 27, F. A. M,, at Colebrook, N, H, 946 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN MILLSFIELD, N. H. i. Ada Leona", b. Aug. 26, 1879. She m. Feb. 7, 1897, Charles Edward Blodgett; Uve in Crystal, N. H. ChUdren : (a) Charles Edward Blodgetti", b. Feb. 27, 1898 ; (b) Ethel May Blodgett", b. Nov. 24, 1899. ii. Ernest Albert", b. Oct. 28, 1881. iU. Julie Marie", b. Aug. 28, 1884. iv. Ethel Elizabeth", b. Aug. 21, 1886. V. Everett John", b. Aug. 1, 1888. vi. Bertha EsteUa", b. July 26, 1890. vii. Perley Lyman", b. Feb. 1, 1893. viu. Rupert Scott", b. Oct. 16, 1896. 1653. Albert Henry Eastman* (Henry', Samuel*, Sam uel', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Columbia, N. H., June 6, 1866; married in Berlin, N. H., Nov. 21, 1893, Lillian Bertha Bridges, born in Pembroke, Me., Oct. 14, 1866, daughter of Charles Carroll and Eliza Emma (Libby) Bridges. Mr. Eastman received his education in the town schools and at the Colebrook Academy. After leaving school, he learned the carpenter's trade, working with his father untU he. was eighteen years of age, when he secured a position in a drug store of John S. Coburn, in Colebrook, where the post- office was located, and was appointed assistant postmaster. In August, 1887, as soon as hewas old enough to be qualified to hold the position, he received the appointment of post master at Colebrook. He held this office tUl 1890, and dur ing this time he was also express agent, and also engaged in a private banking business under the name of the Colebrook Banking Co., this being the first banking institution in that section. On Sept. I, 1890, Mr. Eastman went to Berlin, N. H., then a small village, now grown to a city of several thousand population. Here he opened a private bank as the Bank of Berlin, and on Feb, 18, 1891, the Berlin National Bank was ALBERT H. EAST.MAX (1653). HAROLD A. .AND ARTHUR B. MRS. LILLIAN B. f;.AST.M.AN (1653). HELEN LILLIAN (1653 iii). ALBERT HENRY EASTMAN*, OF COLUMBIA, N. H, 947 organized, mainly through the efforts of. Mr. Eastman, and he was its first cashier, which position he held tUl his election as vice-president, Jan. 8, 1901, which position he now holds. This bank is in a very prosperous condition, which speaks well for its management. In 1899 Mr. Eastman organized the Farmers' and Traders' National Bank, of Colebrook, N. H., and was chosen the bank's first president. Through the efforts of Mr. Eastman, the North Conway Loan and Banking Co. commenced business in July, 1900, located at North Convvay, N. H. He organized the Groveton National Bank at Groveton, N. H., in February, 1900, of which bank he is now vice-president. In September, 1900, Mr. East man was elected a director in the Berlin Savings Bank and Trust Co., where he is largely interested as a stockholder, as also in the Colebrook National Bank, Colebrook, N. H. On May 7, 1 90 1, he was chosen a director and vice-president of the American National Bank, of Boston, Mass., a new bank ing institution, in the organization of which Mr. Eastman was deeply interested. On Oct. 8, 1891, the People's BuUd ing and Loan Association was opened for business through the efforts of Mr. Eastman, and he is director, secretary, and treasurer of this association. In September, 1890, he was chosen director of the Berlin Building and Loan Association, in which he is the largest shareholder. Mr. Eastman is the treasurer of the Bethlehem Electric Light Co., of Bethlehem, N, H., and a large owner of the stock. Mr. Eastman is a Mason (F. A. M.), being a member of Evening Star Lodge, No. 37, of Colebrook, N. H. In 1890 he became an Odd Fellow and a Knight of Pythias. One of the principal social institutions of Berlin is the Maynesboro Club, which has for its members nearly all the prominent citizens of Berlin. Mr. Eastman has practically managed this club, being an officer and its treasurer since its organiza tion in 1890. This is a temperance club and no gambhng is allowed in its rooms. WALTER C. EAST.MAN (1659). MANTIAUELLE EASTMAN". 949 1656. MantiaueUe Eastman* (Enoch C, Joseph*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born Dec. 2, 1868 ; mar ried March 13, 1889, Laura A. Gee, born in Concord, Vt, Dec, 30, 1868. He is a raUroad man, and has charge of a gang of men on the Boston & Maine Railroad ; resides in Canaan, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Child", b. . ii. Mildred", b. Dec. 4, 1893. iu. Bernard", b. Aug. 18, 18_96. iv. Clarence M.", b. Nov. 27, 1897 ; d. Aug. 9, 1899. 1657. John A. Eastman* (Enoch C, Joseph*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born Feb. 24, 1870. He resides in Canaan, N. H. He is a brakeman on the Boston & Maine Railroad. He married Oct. 14, 1891, Rosa A. Lane, born in Barnston, P. Q,, Oct. 8, 1873. CHILDREN. i. ottewell L.*, b. July 20, 1892. ii. Wesley M.", b. Nov. 7, 1894. iU. RoscoeF.",b. AprU 19, 1896. iv. Albert T.", b. Jan. 29, 1898. V. George W.", b. Feb. 22, 1900 ; d. Sept. 18, 1900. 1658. Phebe Eastman* (Enoch C, Joseph*, Joseph', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born Nov. 21,1872'; married AprU II, 1892, Edgar S, Woodward, born May 28, J870. Mr, Woodward resides in Lebanon, N, H., where he is a druggist. CHILDREN. i. Helen Beatrice Woodward", b. March 30, 1893. ii. Seymour Woodward", b. July 26, 1898. iii. Mary Pauline Woodward", b. July 15, 1900. 1659. Waher Clark Eastman* (George Alfred', Ezra*, Ezra', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Henniker, N. H., Feb, 20, 1863 ; married in Pembroke, N, H,, Jan, 19, 1897, 95° EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Clarence Lucretia Richardson, daughter of David B. Rich ardson. She died in Pembroke, N. H., Dec. 7, 1898, Mr. Eastman is a traveling salesman ; resides in Nashua, N. H. CHILD. i. Mildred Evelyn", b. April 6, 1898. This child is with its grandparents in Henniker, N. H, 1660. Mary Helen Eastman* (George Alfred', Ezra*, Ezra', Enoch*, Joseph', John', Roger"), born in Henniker, N, H., Feb. 18, 1869 ; married Nov. 9, 1892, John Austin Howland, born in Woodstock, Vt,, June 27, 1864, son of John and Elizabeth Howland, They reside in Springvale, Me. He is a jeweler. CHILDREN, L Arthur Eastman Howland", b. Oct. 3, 1893, ii. Alice Elizabeth Howland", b. Jan. 26, 1895. Ui. John Warren Howland", b. May 23, 1896, 1 66 1. Horace Gates MUler* (Desire Swan', Joshua Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', Philip', Roger"), born ; married Mary Hinkley. CHILDREN. L Desire Miller", b. ; m. a Mr. Danforth; lives in Albion, N. Y. ; has a daughter, (a) Pearl Danforth^", b. ; m. and has a child. iL Annette MiUer", b, ; m. Dr. J. A. Reynolds. Child : (a) Pearl Reynolds". 1662. WiUiam Richmond Pitts* (Mary Swan', Joshua Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', Philip', Roger"), born March 5, 1828 ; died AprU 21, 1893 ; married Oct. 30, 1850, Emily Brooks Pomeroy, born April I, 1828. WILLIAM HENRY SWAN**, 95 I CHILDREN. L David Benton Pitts", b. Aug. 9, 1851 ; m. in 1871, Susan McPherson. Children : (a) Florence Emily Pitts'", b. ; m. and had two children ; (b) Mary Elsie Pittsi"; (c) Andrew Pitts'"; (d) Philip Pitts"; (e) Richmond Pittsi" ; (f) Thomas Pitts'"'; (g) Susan Pitts'" ; (h) George Pitts'" ; (i) WiUiam Richmond Pitts'". ii. Percy Richmond Pitts", b. Aug. 8, 1853 ; m. in 1875, Harriet Budrow. ChUdren : (a) Olive Emily Pitts'" ; (b) George Pitts'"; (o) Fred Baker Pitts'" ; (d) WiUiam Richmond Pitts'"; (e) Lucy Pitts'"; (f) Emily Pitts'"; (g) Percy Richmond Pitts'". in. Emily Pomeroy Pitts", b. July 18, 1858 ; m. in 1881, Park J. Stoddard. She died in Jan., 1894. Children : (a) George Stoddard'" ; (b) Rachel Stoddard'" ; (c) Alice Stoddard'". iv. William Richmond Pitts", b, Aug. 9, 1858; m. iu 1881, Elizabeth PhiUips. Child : (a) WiUiam Van T. Pitts'", b. Aug. 14, 1886, V. Charles Pomeroy Pitts", b. March 7, 1862 ; m. Anna . 1663. WUliam Henry Swan* (Henry Swan', Adam Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', PhUip', Roger"), born July 26, 1835 ; married ist May 2, 1862, Helen Louise Fritter, died Jan, 7, 1867; married 2d, June 10, 1868, Emraa L, Price, born Livonia, N. Y„ Oct, 29, 1845. CHILD BY FIRST WIFE. i. Henry J. Swan", b. Feb. 14, 1863 ; resides in New York city. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. u. Elizabeth Bradbury Swan", b. March 27, 1869 ; d. Feb. 28, 1875. iii. Frances Louisa Swan", b. Jan. 4, 1879. They live in Mt. Morris, N. Y. 952 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1664, Theodore Talbot Swan* (Henry Swan', Adam Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', PhUip', Roger"), born Feb, 19, 1842 ; married at Mt. Morris, N. Y., April 29, 1863, Julia L. Nash ; lives in Rochester, N. Y. CHILDREN. i. Theodore Henry Swan", b. May 22, 1865; m. Helen S. Mathesou, of Ogdensburg, N. Y. ; resides in Springfield, Ohio. Child : (a) Nilas Matheson Swan'", b. Oct 15, 1894. ii. Alfred Harmon Smith Swan", b. Oct. 18, 1867, in Avon, N. Y. ; m. MoUie E. White ; resides in Rochester, N. Y. Child : (a) Horace Gilbert Swan'", b. in Rochester, Aug. 4, 1893. iii. George Lord Swan", b. Aug., 1869 ; m. Daisy Black ; resides in Rochester. Child : (a) Henry Parsons Swan'", b. July 13, 1895, in Rochester, where they reside. 1665. Benton Pitts Swan* (Edward Swan', Peleg Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', Philip', Roger"), born June 25, 1832; died at Leadville, Col., Oct. 10, 1893 ; married May, 1861, Julia Stokes. CHILDREN. L Mary Swan", b. June 8, 1862 ; d. Feb. 22, 1874. ii. Minnie Louisa Swan", b. Dec. 17, 1863 ; m. in May, 188-, Louis A. Rexford. iii. Lorinda Pitts Swan", b. Nev. 14, 1865 ; m. Aug. 25, 1884, John T. Fisher. Children : (a) Minnie Elizabeth Fisher'", b. ; (b) Mary Gibson Fisher'", b. ; (c) Lucy Fisher'", b. ; (d) John Fisher'", b. ; (e) Helen Pitts Fisher'", b. . 1666, George Norton Swan* (Edward Swan', Peleg Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Sdsannah Eastman', Philip', Roger"), born June 5, 1834 ; married ist, Nov., i860, Helen M. Donaldson. MARY ELIZABETH PARSONS", 953 CHILDREN. L Edward Wood Swan", b. Jan. 4, 1862 ; m. Aug. 22, 1888, Jennie Dunhaim. Child : (a) Helen May Swan'", b. Aug. 11, 1891. ii. WilUam Pitts Swan", b. Nov. 6, 1868 ; m. 2d, Juliette R. Hopkins, d. Aug, 20, 1890 ; lived at Honeoye, N. Y, 1667. Mary Elizabeth Parsons* (Loretta Swan', Peleg Swan*, Joshua Swan', John Swan*, Susannah Eastman', Philip', Roger"), born Nov. 28, 1829; married Dec, 1844, Cyrus Booth. CHILDREN. L Marcus Anson Booth", b. Feb. 12, 1851 ; d. Feb. 18, 1869. U. Mary Loretta Booth", b. July 21, 1845 ; d. Nov., 1854. in. Stella EUzabeth Booth", b. Aug., 1857 ; d. March, 1859. iv. Mattie AmeUa Booth", b. Aug. 17, 1861; m. Aug., 1882, Clifford Plympton. Child: (a) Linsie Plympton'", b. Feb. 21, 1886 ; d. Sept. 25, 1895. 1668. Ezra Eastman* (Ebenezer', Theodore*, StUson', Ebenezer*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Berlin, Vt, 1823 ; married Emeline Weeks. He enlisted in Company B, Twelfth N. H.Vols., Aug. 12, 1862 ; mustered Aug. 30, 1862, as private ; discharged near Falmouth, Va., March 14, 1863, His son says he died in the army, but the above is from the war rolls of New Hampshire. CHILDREN. i. Sydney M,", b. ; res. Salem, Mass. iL Daniel W.", b. ; res. Thurman, Kan. iii. Abbie", b. ; m. Putney. iv. Nellie", b. ; m. Wells ; res. Danbury, N. H, V. Nancy F.", b. ; m. ^ Wood ; res. Emporia, Kan, vi. Ti^mma W.", b. ; m. Valancy ; res. Magda, Kan, vu. Jay W.", b. in GUmanton, N. H., Aug. 25, 1858 ; m. Nov. 10, 1883, Maggie Davis, born in \yales, Eng., Sept. 1, 1862, daughter of Rees and Ann (Morgan) Davis, of Emporia, Kan. He is a real estate and loan agent, and resides in Emporia, Kan. Children : (a) Emma'", b. in Emporia, Kan., Oct. 23, 1884 ; (b) Anna'", b. in Emporia, July 23, 1887 ; (c) Rachel'", b. May 5, 1889. Emma died March 18, 1890. 954 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, 1669. Pauline Eastman* (Ebenezer', Theodore*, Stilson', Ebenezer*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Montpelier, Vt, AprU II, 1837 ; married in Laconia, N. H., AprU 20, 1865, Jonathan Chapman, born in Sutton, Vt., Feb. 8, 1837, son of Jacob and Betsey (Brown) Chapman, of Sutton, Vt. He resides in Laconia, N. H, He is a dealer in sand and loam, Mr, Chapman was a soldier of the great American Rebellion ; enlisted Oct. i, 1861, as private in Company K, First Regiment New England Cavalry. He was mustered into the United States service Oct. 24, 1861 ; re-enhsted Jan. 2, 1864; mustered in Jan. 5, 1864 ; appointed corporal July I, 1864. On Jan. 7, 1864, his company was detached from that regiment and became one of the companies of the First New Hampshire Cavalry. He was captured at Mount Jackson, Va,, March 6, 1865 ; returned AprU 2, 1865 ; dis charged at Annapolis, Md,, June 7, 1865, CHILDREN. L Ethalinda Eastman Chapman", b. in Laconia, N. H., June 2, 1866 ; ra. Feb. 8, 1895, Thomas O'Shea. Child : (a) Elizabeth Agnes O'Shea'", b. Nov. 1, 1895. ii. Josephine Ring Chapman", b. in Laconia, N. H., Sept. 17, 1869 ; ni. Dec, 5, 1894, Ralph Burleigh GUman. Child : (a) Gladys Fidelia GUman'", b. May 29, 1900. iii. Jennie PauUne Chapman", b. in Laconia, N. H., Aug. 15, 1876, She is a teacher in the public schools in Laconia, where they all reside. 1670, Ezra Eastman Adams* (Damaris Eastman', Theo dore*, StUson', Ebenezer*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in East Concord, N, H., Aug, 21, 1813 ; died in Oxford, Chester county, Pa,, Nov. 3, 1871 ; married ist May 21, 1841, in London, Eng., Betsey B. Berry ; 2d, May 27, 1847, in Concord, N, H,, Miss Frances Mehitable Stevens, born in Newburyport Mass,, in 1825 or 1826. She was the daugh ter of Colonel Josiah and Fanny (Nettleton) Stevens, He JOSEPH HALL EASTMAN*, OF RUMFORD, ME, 955 united with the North Congregational Church, in Concord, under Rev, Dr, Nathaniel Bouton ; studied for the rainistry ; pastor and founder of the North Broad Street Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Pa,, and later settled in Oxford, Pa, His widow resides in Moorestown, N. J. CHILDREN. i. Josiah Robert Adams", b. in France, Dec. 21, 1848 ; d. 1900 ; m. Emma Louisa Dillon. No children. He was an attorney in Philadelphia, Pa. ii. James Osgood Adams", b. in France (Havre), May 13, 1850; m. Jau. 4, 1886, in Washington, D. C, Emma Harrison Gurley, born in Washington, D. C, Jan. 13, 1859, daughter of Phineas Dinsmore and Emma Eliza beth (Brooks) Gurley. Mr. Adams studied law and practiced it for a season in Nebraska ; later studied med icine and located in Washington, D. C, where he resides at No. 937 North street. Children : (a) William Gurley Adams'", b. in Washington, June 1,1887; d. Aug. 17, 1888 ; (b) Frances Gurley Adams'", b. in Washington, Aug.' 3, 1889; (o) Abigail Eastman Adams'", b. in Washington, Sept. 3, 1898. iU. Benjamin Bela Adams", b. in France, Aug. 15, 1851 ; d. Jan. 25, 1897. He was a doctor in Philadelphia, Pa. He married and had (a) Elenor Frances Adams'", b. Ang. 28, 1881 ; (b) Marion Louisa Adams'", b. Oct. 18, 1883 ; m. Mr. De Mott, ef New York. 1670a. Joseph Hall Eastman* (Haines', Caleb*, StUson', Ebenezer*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Rumford, Me,, May 22, 1821 ; died Dec, 11, 1867 ; raarried Eliza Jane Bunker. CHILDREN. i. Charles Albert", b. in Rumford, Me., April 6, 1851 ; m. in Boston, Mass., May 5, 1884, Cora B. Pierce, born in Au gusta, Me., Feb. 4, 1861, daughter ef Weston and Nancy P. (Hallowell) Pierce, of Windsor, Me. His boyhood was spent te the age of fifteen at school in his native town. His paternal and maternal father served in the War of 956 • EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, 1812, Dr. Eastman attended the Paris Academy, and on account of his being a frail lad, he was sent te Balti more, Md,, where he graduated from the university, after which he studied medicine in the Geneva Medical Col lege, Geneva, N. Y., from which he graduated an M. D., in 1872. Dr. Eastman also studied medicine in the pest graduate course at the Baltimore University, Baltimore, Md., and the Boston University, Boston, Mass. ; was graduated and received the degree of M. D. from each, 1892 and 1893. As a physician he is quick at diagnosis, positive in his assertions, and ever ready in emergen cies. His knowledge of normal anatomy and physiology, with his quick insight, keen analytical mind, and logical management of symptoms, make his diagnoses almost seem like iutuiton. Of sturdy honesty in his chosen pro fession, he abhors above all things anything pertaining to quackery either in or out of the profession, never put ting himself forward, still ever at the front, from his own inherent powers. Progressive in all things, he is eminently so in his adoption of later discoveries in med icine aud surgery, not being bound by the old, unless tried and true, but proving for himself that which seemed good. He is one of the few who de not get into the rut of routine never te get out of it, and his reading and study are constant, and he stands among the progressive men of his profession. Dr. Eastman removed to Win throp, a suburb ef Boston, in 1887, and has practiced his profession iu Besten and vicinity since. In 1899 he pur chased the LoweU House, at Old Orchard, Me., and established the Old Orchard Sanitarium and Eastman Inn, which are under his own supervision, and have be come popular. As a citizen he has always been fore most in every movement for the improvement of his town and state, and is a leader in public, humane, and chari table work. Though never a seeker for ofiice, he has often been called to positions of honor aud trust. In 1896 he was a delegate te the Massachusetts Republican Convention and voted for the renomination ef Governor Greenhalge ; he has filled the position of superintendent of the Middletown Hospital, and surgeon on the staff of the Exeter, N. H., Cottage Hospital, and has filled vari ous positions in his native state. Dr, Eastman at the MARTIN VAN BUREN EASTMAN*, OF RUMFORD, ME. 957 age of fifty-two is in the midst of an active and success ful professional life, and is greatly interested in the pub lication of the Eastman Genealogy. He is also a Fellow of the Massachusetts Medical Society, Fellow of the New Hampshire Medical Society, member of the American Medical Association, member of the Seus of the Ameri can Revolution, prominent Odd Fellow, etc. iL John Lewis", b. in Fryeburg, Me,, Feb, 13, 1853 ; d. 1874. Ui. FrankUn Augustus", b. Sept. 10, 18.57 ; d. 1866. iv. Frederick B.", b. July 7, 1860 ; d, in Chelsea, Mass., Oct., 1893. 1670b. Martin Van Buren Eastman* (Haines', Caleb*, StUson', Ebenezer*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Rum ford, Me., Nov, 8, 1833 ; married Henrietta Mann, born in, Mexico, Me,, Jan, 25, 1837 ; resides in Dixfield, Me. CHILDREN. i, Abbie M,", b, Feb. 14, 1863, iL Ada A.", b, Dec. 28, 1865. Ui. Walter O.", b. Sept. 3, 1869, 1 67 1. Arbury E, S, Eastman* (Harmon', Caleb*, Stilson', Ebenezer*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Rumford, Me,, June 17, 1845 J married in Rumford, Me,, July i, 1866, ' Emma Athalinda Twombly, born in Roxbury, Me., Nov. 22, 1852, daughter of Daniel W. and Betsey J. (Philbrick) Twombly. Mrs, Twombly is now (1901) residing in Wood ruff, Utah. He enlisted in December, 1861, in Company G, Thirty-second Maine Volunteer Infantry, when a little over sixteen years of age, against his father's consent. He was stationed at Augusta, Me. ; was taken down with measles, and was giranted a furlough for thirty days, and at its expira tion being unable to report to his company was reported a deserter. He was arrested and taken to Augusta, when his' father procured a writ of habeas corpus and took him out of the service. He enlisted second, Dec, 30, 1863, in Com pany G, First Maine Cavalry, and soon his company was 9S8 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, turned into the Seventh Maine Battery. He served with this organization until the war closed, and was discharged June 20, 1865, Mr, Eastman resides in Woodruff, Utah, where he is postmaster. He is also a merchant and miner of precious metals. He is a justice of the peace. In religion he is a raember of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. CHILDREN. L WilUam Byron", b. in Bountiful, Utah, Nov. 25, 1871 ; m. Sept. 1, 1889, Mary Haffaker, b. April 6, 1872. ChiL dren : (a) Myrtle'", b. in Woodruff, Utah, Oct. 5, 1890 ; (b) WiUard Glenn'", b. in Woodruff, Utah, May 30, 1895 ; (0) Deleon'", b. in Woodruff, Utah, May 16, 1890. Lives in Woodruff, Utah. ii. Elmer Daniel", b. in Woodruff, Utah, Sept. 30, 1874; m. Nev. 10, 1896, Maud Frazier, b. March, 1878; no chiL dren. iii. Minnie Emma", b. Sept. 1, 1878 ; m. July 18, 1896, CyrU G. Tingey. Resides at Salt Lake, Utah ; no children. 1672, Asa Eastman* (Jonathan KimbaU', Asa*, Jona than', PhUip*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Chatham, N, H,, Jan. 7, 1825 ; died Sept, 25, 1855 ; married July 25, 1854, Mary Ann Shaw, born Sept, 7, 1823; she resides in Chatham, N, H. CHILD. 2123. i. Mary", b. July 8, 1855, 1673, .Jacob Clement Eastman* (Jonathan KimbaU', Asa*, Jonathan', Philip*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Chat ham, N, H,, Nov. 13, 1827; married Feb, 17, 1856, Louisa Shaw, of Chatham, born Dec, 18, 1826. He is a farmer, and resides in Chatham, N, H, CHILDREN, i, Asa", b. June 3, 1857 ; d. March 1, 1859. U. Marshall", b. Aug. 30, 1858 ; d. April 3, 1860. iU. Ada Louisa", b. AprU 28, 1862 ; d. July 3, 1863. 2124. iv, Fannie Louisa", b. Aug, 24, 1863. 2125. V. Chester Clement", b. Jan, 3, 1865. JONATHAN EASTMAN*, OF CHATHAM, N. H. 959 1674. Jonathan Eastman* (Jonathan', Asa*, Jonathan', PhUip*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Chatham, N. H., May 12, 1830 ; married Sept. 24, i860, Ruth Lincoln Bray, born in Bridgton, Me,, Sept, 22, 1835, died in Bridgton, Me., Sept. II, 1863; married 2d, Sept, 24, 1864, Harriet Eliza beth Bray, born in Bridgton, Me,, May 9, 1834. He is a traveling salesman, and lives in Portland, Me. CHILDREN. 2126. i. Harry Glazier", b. in Gorham, Me,, Dec. 5, 1861. ii. Jacob Herbert", b. in Bridgton, Me., March 18, 1863 ; d. Sept. 14, 1865. iii. Ruth Caroline", b. in Gorham, Me,, May 26, 1867. 1675. Mary Ann Eastman* (Jonathan KimbaU', Asa*, Jonathan', PhUip*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Chat ham, N. H,, Dec, 17, 1835 ; married Jonas Wyman, of Chatham, N. H. ; resides in Chatham, N. H. CHILDREN. i, Francena Wyman", b, July 12, 1856 ; d, Feb. 12, 1862. ii. Florie Caroline Wyman", b, June 1, 1859 ; d. Aug. 21, 1862. iii. Francis Henry Wyman", b. June 22, 1862. Is a clerk in Boston, Mass. 1676. Kiraball Eastman* (Jonathan KimbaU', Asa*, Jona than', Philip*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Chatham, N, H,, March 21, 1839; married Sept. 16, 1862, Phebe Coffin Clement, born in Gorham, Me,, Nov, 12, 1839. He is a merchant, and resides in Westbrook, Me, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN GORHAM, ME. L Clinton Samuel", b. June 19, 1863; m, Sept. 15, 1891, Catherine Emily Shute, b. in Belfast, Me., June 4, 1865. He lives in Westbrook. iL Moses Clement", b. Sept. 2, 1866 ; m. June 11, 1890, Etta McNeil, b. in Prince Edward's Island, Jan. 19, 1864 ; lives in Westbrook. iu. Lulu CaroUne", b, June 28, 1869. iv. Percy KimbaU", b. AprU 27, 1872 ; d. Aug. 17, 1884. V, Clark Barker", b. Feb. 19, 1874, In the class of 1897, Bowdoin College, 960 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1677. Alfred Eastman Emery* (Lucy Eliza Eastman', Asa*, Jonathan', Philip*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Concord, N, H., April 21, 1841 ; raarried AprU 6, 1863, Ann Eliza Stark, born in Chicopee, Mass., March, 1842. Volun teer officer in the United States service during the War of the Rebellion ; appointed acting assistant surgeon March 28, 1863 ; appointment revoked June 29, 1863 ; reappointed Aug. 21, 1863 ; served on Mississippi flotilla, and on U. S. S. "Keystone State" ; resigned Feb. 9, 1865, He resided in Penacook, N. H. ; died in 1900, CHILDREN. i. Annie Catherine Emery", b. in Concord, Mass., Feb. 10, 1866. ii. Mary Stark Emery", b.in WiUon, Mass,, June 12, 1870. Ui. Arthur BaUard Emery", b, in WUton, Mass., Oct. 12, 1872, 1678. Mary Esther Gushee* (Esther Johnson Eastman', Asa*, Jonathan', PhUip*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"),- born in New Bedford, Mass,, Nov, 12, 1842 ; married in San Fran cisco, Cal., Nov, 30, 1864, Rev, GUes Alexander Easton, born in New York, May, 1829 ; graduated at Trinity College, 1854, ordained at Baltimore, Md,, 1858, Rector of St, Mark's Church, Berkeley, Cal. CHILDREN. L KimbaU Gushee Easton", b. in San Francisco, CaL, Sept. 25, 1865 ; m. Oct, 4, 1892, Catherine Olden, b. Sept. 5, 1863. He graduated at the University of California in 1886, and is a street contractor ; resides in Berkeley, Cal. ii. Berkeley Easton", b. in San Francisco, CaL, Jan. 2, 1868. Educated at Berkeley Gymnasium ; is a printer, and lives in Berkeley, Cal. Ui. Mary Elizabeth Easton", b. in Santa Cfuz, CaL, Jan. 14, 1870 ; Ul. Aug. 23, 1893, Warren Reynolds Porter, b. in Santa Cruz, CaL, March 30, 1861, They live at Lena- prieta, CaL iv, Alexander Easton", b.in Santa Cruz, CaL, AprU 7, 1873 ; A. B., University ef California. V. Robert Eastman Easton", b. in Santa Cruz, CaL, Sept. 5, 1875. FRANK HAYWOOD DANIELL*, OF FRANKLIN, N. H. 961 1679. Frank Haywood Daniell* (Annette Eastman', Jon athan*, Jonathan', Philip*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Franklin, N. H., June 29, 1838; married ist. May i, 1861, Martha Jane Haley, died June 27, 1895 ; married 2d, Aug. 14, 1898, Alice M, Lookin. Mr. Daniell was mayor of the city of P"ranklin in 1899 ; was postmaster of Franklin for twelve years, and represented Franklin in the New Hamp shire legislature, which testifies to his abUity aud popularity. He resides in Franklin. CHILDREN. i. Frederick Haywood DanieU", b. in Franklin, N. H,, May 4, 1862 ; m. June 20, 1889, Mary Amelia Barnard, daughter of Daniel and Amelia (Morse) Barnard and grand daughter ef Thomas and Phebe (Eastman) Barnard, his second wife. [See No. 171, page 148.] Mr. Daniell re ceived his education in the public schools. He resides in Franklin, N. H., where he is superintendent of the SuUoway Hosiery Mills. Children : (a) William Bar nard DanieU'", b. April 1, 1890 ; (b) Marguerite Daniell'", b. April 27, 1892. U. Charles Fisher Daniell", b. Dec. 3, 1863 ; m. Oct. 18, 1893, Maude .Evelyn Davis. He received his education in the Franklin public schools. He is in the employ of Messrs. Rhodes, Ripley & Co., Boston, Mass. He resides in Mel rose, Mass. ChUdren : (a) Doris Louise DanieU'", b. July 3, 1895 ; (b) Walter Whitcomb DanieU'", b. Feb. 25, 1901. 1680. John Eastman Frye* (Sarah Chandler Eastman', Jonathan*, Jonathan', Philip*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), bom in East Concord, N. H., June 16, 1847 ; married Feb. i, 1 88 1, AUine Atlemon, daughter of GUman and Charlotte (Ladd) Tuttle, born in Lowell, Mass., Jan, 23, 1854 ; resides in East Concord, N. H, CHILDREN. i. James GUman Frye", b. Nev. 28, 1883. iL Charlotte Eastman Frye", b. Oct. 20, 1891. 962 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 168 1. Susan Elizabeth Eastman* (Ph'ilip', John Langdon*, Jonathan', PhUip*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Frye burg, Me,, Oct, 31, 1839; married in Fryeburg, Me,, May 3, 1857, WUliam H, Abbott, They resided in Fryeburg, CHILDREN. i. Alice E. Abbott", b. Dec. 15, 1858. ii. Hattie E. Abbott", b. Sept. 23, 1861. Ui. Mary Abbott", b. Nov. 25, 1865. iv. Catherine E. Abbott", b. Jan. 28, 1869, V. Harry Abbott", b. July 8, 1871. 1682, Catherine Lovejoy Eastman* (PhUip', John Lang don*, Jonathan', PhUip*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Fryeburg, Me., Sept 28, 1841 ; married in Fryeburg, July 26, 1865, Nathaniel Randall, a merchant in Conway, N. H, CHILD, L Martha EUzabeth Randall", b. May 4, 1866. 1683. Charles W. L, Eastman* (Philip', John Langdon*, Jonathan', PhUip*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Frye burg, Me., Aug. 8, 184s; died in Lowell, Mass., July 11, 1880; married ist, in Lowell, Mass., Oct. 16, 1864, Alice Rogers, who died in Lowell. He married 2d, about 1872, Ellen Evelyn Merrithew, born May 24, 1851. She was from' Vinal Haven, Me, She married 2d, James Henry Lewis, and resides in Chicago, 111, CHILD, L EUen Eastraan", b. in LoweU, Mass., Sept. 3, 1868. 1684. WiUiara Ambrose Eastman* (PhUip', John Lang don*, Jonathan', PhUip*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Fryeburg, Me., Jan. 8, 1830 ; married in Lowell, Mass., June 13, 1877, Hepsa HaU, born in Pelham, Mass., June 15, 1850, FRANCIS H, PECKER*, OF CONCORD, N, H, 963 daughter of John Barton and Jane (Ballou) Hall, Mr. East man resides in Lowell, Mass, He is treasurer of the Lowell Hosiery Company, He is a member of St. Ann's Episcopal Church, Lowell, CHILD, L Katherine", b, in Newburyport, Mass., May 6, 1886. 1685. Francis H. Pecker* (Esther Johnson Lang', Mary Eastman*, Jonathan', Philip*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Concord, N. H. ; died in Rutland, Vt, Jan. 13, 1862, aged 28 years ; raarried Anna G. Wallace, died July 9, 1863, aged 33 years. They both lie in the Pecker lot in Concord. He resided in Rutland, Vt, where he was superintendent of the freight departraent of the railroad, CHILDREN, L Hattie B. Pecker", b. ; d in Vermont, ii. Lizzie Pecker", b. ; d. in Vermont, iiL Katherine Pecker", b. ; m. Frank West RoUins. (Ne. 1770.) 1686. George Leon Walker* (Lucretia Ambrose', Han nah Eastman*, Moses', Joseph*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Rutland, Vt, AprU 30, 1830; married in Brat tleboro, Vt, Sept, 16, 1858, Maria Williston, born in Brattle boro, Vt, Oct, 9, 1835, died in Portland, Me., Aug. 30, 1865 ; married 2d, in New Haven, Conn., Sept, 15, 1870, Amelia Reed Earned, Mr, Walker is a clergyman, residing in Hart ford, Conn. He was pastor of State Street Church, in Port land, Me., First Church, in New Haven, Conn., 1868 to 1873, First Church, in Hartford, Conn,, 1879, CHILD BY FIRST WIPE. L Williston Walker", b. in Portland, Me. ; m. June 1, 1886, Alice Waters, of Amherst, Mass., born Nov. 24, 1852. Is a professor in the Congregational Theological Semi nary, in Hartford, Conn. Child : (a) AmeUa Walker'", b. Aug. 9, 1894. 964 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. ii. Charles Ambrose Walker". 1687. Ann M. Foster* (Sarah Bradley Eastman', Charles*, Joseph', Joseph*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born Aug. 3, 1836, died in 1890 ; married May 30, 1858, Frank J. Kin ney, born May 30, 1833 ; resides in Worcester, Mass, CHILDREN. i. Herbert R. Kinney", b. June 23, 1860 ; m. Nev. 20, 1884, Lillian Robbins. Child : (a) George Kinney'", b. May 15, 1885. ii. Lorenzo F. Kinney", b. Oct. 8, 1862; m. July 9, 1891, Helen WeUs. in. Henry E. Kinney", b. March 14, 1866. iv. Emma F. Kinney", b. Sept. 13, 1868. V. Asa S. Kinney", b. Aug. 20, 1873. vi. Clarence W. Kinney", b. Aug. 30, 1875. vU. Sarah E. Kinney", b. Sept. 27, 1877. 1688. Maria Bradley Eastman* (Lycurgus', Charles*, Moses', Joseph*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Rox bury, Mass., July 10, 1833 ; married March 18, 1863, Eras mus O. Hills, born Nov. 14, 1816, died Oct. 31, 1895. His widow resides at No. 1042 Michigan ave,, Evanston, 111. CHILD. i. Cordelia M. HiUs", b. AprU 20, 1866 ; graduate of Rock ford CoUege, Rockford, 111. 1689. Susan Blood Eastman* (Lycurgus', Charles*, Moses', Joseph*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Griggs- viUe, IU., Oct. 31, 1836 ; married Sept. 22, 1864, Peter Northrop, born in Cato, Cayuga county, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1816. He settled in Illinois in 1841 ; was commission mer chant in Chicago, IU., for some two years ; was justice of the peace, supervisor, associate judge, clerk of the county court, CHARLES L. EASTMAN*, OF GRIGGSVILLE, ILL. 965 and ex-ofhcio recorder of deeds ; farmer and raechanic in Du Page county. 111. Has been a Republican from the founding of the party ; a pillar in the Baptist church ; a man of ster ling integrity and high Christian character. Resides in Wheaton, IU. CHILDREN. i. Marietta Northrop", b. May 26, 1866 ; m. Jan. 23, 1895, Harry J. A. Jordan, born in Wayne, IU., Jan. 15, 1874, sen of James A. and Sarah J. (White) Jordan. Engaged in the grocery business and farming. Children : (a) May Etta Jordan'", b. Dec. 11, 1895 ; (b) Harry Burtis Jordan'", b. Oct. 1, 1898; (c) Edith Jordan'", b. April 26, 1901. ii. Arthur Eastman Northrop", b. Dec. 7, 1867 ; m. March 13, 1902, Edith Vernon Burnham, daughter of Henry Arthur and Emma J. (Knapp) Burnham, b. April 21, 1868. He is a graduate of Wheaten College ; a bookkeeper, deacon , and Sunday-school superintendent of Baptist church. iii. Hattie M. Northrop", b. Oct. 6, 1869. iv. Mabel M. Northrop", b. Sept. 8, 1871. V. Carrie B. Northrop", b. Aug. 19, 1874 ; graduate of art de partment of Wheaton College. vi. Benjamin W. Northrop", b. Aug. 21, 1876 ; graduate of business department of Wheaton College. 1690. Charles L. Eastman* (Lycurgus', Charles*, Moses', Joseph*, Ebenezer', Philip', Rogei"), born in GriggsviUe, 111., July II, 1841 ; married Oct. 27, 1867, Mary L. Watson, born Jan. 10, 1846. Mr, Eastman was a soldier in the civil war ; is a farmer and broom man. He resides in Whiting, Kan. CHILDREN. i. William H.", b. July 18, 1871 ; telegraph operator. u. Carrie G.", b. Sept. 7, 1874 ; d. Aug. 5, 1875. Ui. Maria E.", b. Aug. 31, 1876. She married March 6, 1901, Charles Albert Ridgeway, born April 21, 1875, son of John D. and M. E. (McVeigh) Ridgeway. 966 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1691. Lucretia G. Eastraan* (Lycurgus', Charles*, Moses', Joseph*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in GriggsviUe, IU., May 8, 1847 ; died Aug, 23, 1872 ; married Sept, 13, 1866, Henry C, Love, born AprU 25, 1843, son of Robert and Mary (Troy) Love, Resided in GriggsviUe, IU, CHILDREN. i. Adelaide Love", b. May 23, 1868 ; m. Nov. 27, 1888, Charles W. Hobbs, b. July 28, 1864, son of WiUiam Hobbs, He is a veterinary surgeon. He resides in Kensington, Kan. Children : (a) Lucien Eastman Hobbs'", b. Jan. 12, 1891 ; .(b) Harold Wesley Hobbs'", b. Jan. 15, 1902. ii. Henry C. Love", b. March 21, 1871 ; m. March 10, 1897, Ruth E. Monroe, daughter of O. P. Monroe. He resides in Whiting, Kan. 1692, Emmehne H. Eastman* (Lycurgus', Charles*, Moses', Joseph*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Griggs ville, 111,, AprU 26, 1849 ; married June 30, 1874, Jerome E. Love, born in GriggsvUle, 111., Feb. 16, 1849, son of Rob ert M, Love and Mary Troy, his wife. Mr, Love is a doctor, and resides in Whiting, Kan. CHILDREN. i. Arthur S.-Love", b. June 6, 1875 ; m. Nellie J. Newman, Feb. 9, 1898. She was the daughter of Charles B. and Alice J. (Brown) Newman. ii. Robert Eastman Love", b. March 4, 1877. Ui. Jennie Idella Love", b. March 27, 1880 ; d. May 27, 1882. iv. Hattie May Love", b. Aug. 21, 1883. 1693. Ella E. Eastman* (Lycurgus', Charles*, Moses', Joseph*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in GriggsvUle, IU., Sept. 9, 1852 ; raarried Nov. 26, 1873, John Q^ Brown, son of Henry R. and Elizabeth J. (Chapraan) Brown, born in GriggsvUle, IU,, Oct. 13, 1848. They reside in Whiting, Kan. GEORGE E. EASTMAN*, OF GRIGGSVILLE, ILL. 967 CHILDREN. L Alice E. Brown", b. in Griggsville, IIL, AprU 28, 1875 ; m. in Whiting, April 23, 1896, R. Clyde Jackman, born in Griggsville, IU., Oct. 13, 1848; res, in Whiting, Kan, Child : (a) Elsie Elizabeth Jackson'", b. Feb. 14, 1899. ii. Richard Eastman Brown", b. Nov. 3, 1877, in Griggsville. iii. Reba J. Brown", b. June 1, 1881, in Griggsville. iv. M. Elsie Brown", b. March 2, 1883, in Griggsville. V. Edith E. Brown", b. AprU 8, 1885, in Griggsville. vi. Lizzie J. Brown", b. April 25, 1887, in Whiting, Kan. 1694. George E. Eastman* (Lycurgus', Charles*, Moses', Joseph*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in GriggsvUle, 111,, Sept 25, 1856; married Dec, 24, 1882, Minnie A, Nolan, born Aug, i, 1865, Resides in San Juan, San Benito county, Cal. CHILDREN. L Bessie R,", b, Nov. 4, 1883, in Whiting, Kan. ii. George Lycurgus", b. Sept. 25, 1885. iii. WiUiam Alien", b. Jan. 8, 1888. iv. NelUe E.", b. Dec. 5, 1889. V. Charles Edward", b. Nov. 4, 1892. vi. Minnie Lela", b. June 13, 1900, 1695. WiUiara Henry Eastraan* (Moses', Charles*, Moses', Joseph*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Loudon, N, H,, Oct. 28, 185 1 ; raarried in San Francisco, CaL, June 9, 1883, Kate L. Brockman. He is a printer, and resides in San Francisco. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. L Clara E.", b. Jan. 28, 1884. U. Henry M.", b. May 17, 1885. iu. Edward W.", b. July 29, 1894. 1696. Walter F. Eastman* (Moses', Charles*, Moses', Joseph*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born Dec, 23, 1865 ; married Dec. 23, 1890, Lucretia Eastman, He resided in San Francisco, Cal, He died Jan, 27, 1902, She resides at No. 1 22 1 South HiU street Los Angeles, Cal, 968 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. L Evelyn", b. Feb. 19, 1892. And others. 1697, Percis C. Eastman* (Alfred', Charles*, Moses', Joseph*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born Dec. 11, 1844; married Feb. 5, 1866, Ransom M. Frost, born April 10, 1842 ; resided at No. 501 Fourth street, Los Ageles, Cal. She died AprU 19, 1 90 1. CHILDREN. L Alfred M. Frost", b. Oct. 25, 1867 ; d. April 4, 1873. ii. Fannie Eastman Frost", b. Nov. 2, 1869 ; d. Jan. 31, 1871. 1698. Frank W. Eastman* (Alfred', Charles*, Moses', Joseph*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born Sept. i, 1849; died June 5, 1891 ; married Feb. i, 1871, Anna M. Rich mond, born AprU 10, 1850. He was an engineer, and resided in Lockport, N. Y. CHILDREN. L Frank Foster", b. Nov. 2, 1872. ii. Eda Matilda", b. July 12, 1874. iii. Agnes Lydia", b. Dec, 1880. iv. Adele Mason", b. Deo. 1, 1883. 1699. William Chandler Chamberlain* (William Mellen Chamberlain', WUliam Chamberlain*, Jane Eastman', Joseph*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Astoria, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1857 ; married in CharlottesvUle, Va., Oct. 10, 1895, Mary Chastine Peyton, daughter of Major Green Peyton. Mr. Chamberlain is a farmer, residing in Charlottesville, Va. CHILDREN. i. Bernard Peyton Chamberlain", b. Nov. 21, 1896. ii. WiUiam Chandler Chamberlain", b. Sept. 2, 1899. SARAH PUTNAM CHAMBERLAIN*, OF NEW YORK CITY, 969 1700. Sarah Putnam Chamberlain* (WUliam Mellen Chamberlain', William Chamberlain*, Jane Eastman', Joseph*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in New York city, Aug. 16, 1864 ; raarried June i, 1887, WUliam Darrow ; resides at No. 1 19 Hobart avenue. Summit, N.J. i. Alice Chamberlain Darrow", b. in Summit, N. J., March 1, 1892. 1 70 1, Mary Frances Eastman* (Samuel', Isaac*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Chicopee, Mass,, May 26, 1839; married at East Concord, N. H., Dec. 4, 1862, Cyrus Reed Robinson, born in East Concord, N. H,, Jan. 28, 1839. They reside at East Concord, N, H. He has represented his ward in the New. Hampshire legisla ture, and has held minor ward offices. He is a manufacturer of fire supphes. CHILDREN. i. Mary Lena Robinson", b. in East Concord, N. H., July 4, 1863. ii. Cyrus Eastman Robinson", b. in East Concord, N. H., June 5, 1865. iii. George Otis Robinson", b. May 5, 1867. iv. Ella Frances Robinson", b. Jan. 31, 1870. V. Lillie Elizabeth Robinson", b. Deo. 14, 1873. 1702. Leodora Elizabeth Eastman* (Sarauel', Isaac*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in East Concord, N. H., Aug. 11, 1847; married Aug, 30, 1878, WiUiam H. Alexander, born in Tunbridge, Vt,, Nov, 24, 1836, son of WUliam and Ednah, his wife. Mr. Alexander has been a resident of New Hampshire for more than forty years, and has, during aU that tirae, been employed by one corporation, having been for thirty-four years with the Con cord RaUroad in various capacities, continuing his service 97C) EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. when the road became united with the Boston, Concord & Montreal. He became the purchasing agent of the new corporation, which position he held untU about 1897, when he resigned the position and entered into the business of manu facturing furniture at Beecher Falls, Vt. He resides in Concord, N. H. 1 CHILDREN ALL BORN IN CONCORD, N, H. L Harry Lucius Alexander", b. Oct. 27, 1880. il. Mary Edna Alexander", b. Feb. 1, 1882. 1703. Charles Eastman Staniels* (Ruth Bradley East man', Isaac*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in LoweU, Mass., Dec. 27, 1844; raarried Oct. 22, 1874, Eva Florence Tuttle, born March 11, 1854, daughter of GUraan and Charlotte Hackett Tuttle. GUraan Tuttle was bom in Sanbornton, and Charlotte Hackett in New Harapton. The life of Charles E. Staniels is- a record of great activity. He was born in Lowell, Mass., Dec. 27, 1844, the son of Edward Langmaid Staniels and Ruth Brad ley (Eastraan) Staniels. He was educated in the Boston public schools, at Perabroke (N. H.) Academy, and at the Roxbury (Mass.) Latin School, and in 1861 began a business career with a mercantile house in Boston. In 1865 Mr. Staniels became a coraraercial traveller, following that occu pation for twenty years, traveling throughout the United States and Canada in the interest of one of the largest firms in the country, and winning a thorough acquaintance with men and affairs in all parts of the land. In 1886 he retired from this calling to become district superintendent of agencies for the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., estabhshing his headquarters at Concord, N. H. In this field of endeavor Mr, Staniels has won honor and enviable fame, and has taken a high rank among the brUliant and brainy men who have devoted their lives to the insurance business. As an evidence of the esteem with which Mr. Staniels is held by «i^/'** --¦¦' CHARLES E. STANIEL-S ("1703), WIFE AND CHILDREN. CHARLES EASTMAN STANIELS*, OF LOWELL, MASS. 97 1 his associates, may be mentioned the fact that he has been secretary and president of the New Hampshire Life Under writers' Association, and for ten years a member of the executive comraittee of the National Life Underwriters' Association. Mr. Staniels has also been president of the White Mountain Travelers' Association, the largest of its kind in the United States, was a member of the advisory board of the life insurance departraent of the Auxiliary Con gress of the World's Fair, at Chicago, 111., and was president of the New Hampshire Society of the Sons of the American Revolution for two successive terms. He was also invited to address the National Life Underwriters' convention at- Cleve land in 1893, upon technical subjects. He waS secretary of the Eastman Family Association for the first eight years of its existence, and by his efforts a large amount of funds was secured for the meraorial fund. Mr, Staniels has for several years been a commissioned officer in the Amoskeag Veterans, the Continental company of New Hampshire. As an insur ance man he is thoroughly posted in all the details of the profession. His facUe pen contributes frequently to the columns of business and secular journals, CHILDREN. i. Charles Tuttle Staniels", b. in Besten, Mass., May 22, 1876 ; married in Concord, N, H., June 14, 1900, Elsie Fuller, b. in Lempster, N. H,, Aug. 23, 1876, daughter of Irving and Celia M. (Howe) Fuller. He resides in Con cord, N. H., where he is superintendent of a manufac turing art house; member ef the North Congregational Church. Child : (a) Ruth CeUa Staniels'", b. in Con cord, N. IL, April 7, 1901, named for her great grand mother Staniels, and grandmother Fuller. ii. Mabel Ruth Staniels", b. in East Concord, N. H., Feb. 14, 1878. iU. Grade Ladd Staniels", b. in East Concord, N. H,, Sept. 30. 1880; d. Oct. 21, 1880. iv. Rescal Eastman Staniels", b. in East Concord, N. H., Feb. 14, 1886. 972 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1704. Helen M. Eastman* (Charles Smith', Isaac*, Na thaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Lowell, Mass., Oct. 7, 1854 ; married Nov. 17, 1881, Nathaniel White, Jr., born in Copcord, N, H., June 8, 1855. Mr. White studied in the common schools and high school, of Concord, N. H., graduating from the latter in 1873. He was, previous to his father's death in Oct., 1880, in the American Express office, since which time he has been in no business, except in looking after his mother's affairs. He is a director of the Mt. Washington RaUway, He resides in Concord, N, H, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN CONCORD, N. H. i. Nathaniel Aldrich White", b. Nev. 19, 1883. ii. Charlotte White", b. July 31, 1889, 1705, Mary Maud Eastman* (Charles Smith', Isaac*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Lowell, Mass., Aug. 24, 1856; married WUliam F. Challis ; resides at No. 79 North State street. Concord, N, H. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN CONCORD, N, H, L Marguerite Challis", b. Sept. 29, 1891, ii. Harry Dudley Challis", b. Feb, 14, 1893. 1706, EUen F" ranees Dole* (Phebe Ann Brown', Phebe Eastraan*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born May 27, 1854; married June 28, 1880, Charles E, Fay. Resides at Melrose Highlands, Mass, CHILDREN. L Avis Arvilla Fay", b. Nov. 24, 1881. ii. Mildred Fay", b. June 23, 1884. 1707. Sarah Brown Dole* (Phebe Ann Brown', Phebe Eastman*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born Nov. 19, 1863 ; married Sept. 5, 1885, John Howard Winchester, Resides in Corinna, Me, LEONORA PHEBE DOLE'*. 973 CHILDREN. L Sidney Hodge Winchester", b. July 17, 1886, ii. Jeanette Winchester", b. April 15, 1889. iU. Harold Winchester", b. Sept. 17, 1892 ; d. Oct. 23, 1893. 1708. Leonora Phebe Dole* (Phebe Ann Brown', Phebe Eastman*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born May 12, 1866; married Nov, 28, 1888, Fred S, Peck ham, and lives in Providence, R. I. 1709. Mary Tennessee Eastman* (Elbridge Gerry', Tim othy*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Knoxville, Tenn,, Dec, 3, 1840 ; married in NashvUle, Tenn., May 27, 1861, John Henry Currey, born in Nashville, Tenn,, May 20, 1831, son of Robert B, and Jane Grey (Owen) Currey, They reside in NashviUe, Tenn, CHILDREN. i. Jane G, Currey", b. in NashvUle, Tenn., March 20, 1862 ; m. L. Taylor ; resides in NashvUle, Tenn, iL Eastman 0. Currey", b. in Franklin, Ky., Aug. 8, 1865. iU. Richard 0. Currey", b, iu Nashville, Tenn., March 29, 1867. iv. Louis R. Currey", b. in Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 5, 1868 ; m. Nev. 11, 1896, Fannie . V. Eva jM, Currey", b, in NashvUle, Tenn., April 30, 1870; m. J, A. Hitchcock ; resides in Nashville, Tenn. vL John H. Currey", b. in NashviUe, Tenn,, May 24, 1873. vu. M. Duncan Currey", b. near Nashville, Tenn,, Feb. 24, 1874. viii. Litton Currey", b; near Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 31, 1876 ; d. Oct. 9, 1877. ix. Lucy C. Currey", b. in Nashville, Tenn., June 16, 1884. 1 7 10. Carrie Clara Eastman* (Elbridge Gerry', Timothy*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in KnoxvUle, Tenn., Sept 24, 1842; married in NashvUle, Tenn., Dec. 24, 1863, William Mason Duncan, born in Bloomfield, Ky,, Aug. 29, 1837, died in NashviUe, Tenn., March 24, 1899, She resides in NashviUe, Tenn, 974 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, CHILDREN. L Charles Benjamin Duncan", b. in Franklin, Ky., Jan. 25, 1865; m. Dec. 12, 1889, Anne Clare. He d. May 29, 1897; shed. Sept. 25, 1899. Children: (a) Clare Dun can'" ; (b) Charles Benjan)in Duncan'". ii. Elbridge Eastman Duncan", b. in Franklin, Ky., July 11, 1867 ; m. May 10, 1893, Nellie Bang ; have one child, a daughter. iii. Mary Frances Duncan", b. in Nashville, Tenn., July 19, 1870 ; d. July 26, 1894 ; m. Oct. 19, 1892, Joseph Warner. iv. WUliam Mason Duncan", b. in Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 21, 1878. 171 1. William Edward Eastman* (Elbridge Gerry', Timothy*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Washington, D. C, Dec, 16, 1846 ; married in Nash ville, Tenn,, March 10, 1870, Addie Florence Clark, born in NashviUe, Tenn,, F"eb. 8, 1849, daughter of Benjamin P. and Henrietta (Morgan) Clark. Mr, Eastman resides in Nash vUle, Tenn,, where he is chairman of the board of public works, and secretary of the Tennessee Central RaUroad. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN NASHVILLE, TENN. i. William Edward", b. Feb. 20, 1872. u. Maud", b. Dec. 16, 1875; m, iu NashvUle, Tenn., Nov. 29, 1898, C. Auld Studds ; resides in Washington, D. C; iii. St. Clair Morgan", b. May 8, 1877. 1712. Lewis Robert Eastman" (Elbridge Gerry', Timothy*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Nashville, Tenn,, Jan. 18, 1849; married in Nashville, Tenn., June 27, 1872, Lillian H. Ford, born May 3, 1849, daughter of Reuben and Lucy Ann (Mann) Ford. Mr, Eastman resides in NashvUle, Tenn., where he was church clerk for a number of years, and now is the secretary of the NashvUle Chamber of Commerce, Nashville, Tenn, ELBRIDGE GERRY EASTMAN*, OF NASHVILLE, TENN. 975 CHILDREN ALL BORN IN NASHVILLE, TENN. L Lucy", b. Dec. 31, 1873. Member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. u. Elbridge Gerry", b. July 12, 1875. Ui. Lewis Robert", b. Nov. 3, 1876 ; d. . 17 1 3- Elbridge Gerry Eastman* (Elbridge Gerry, Sen.', Tiraothy*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Nashville, Tenn,, Nov, 9, 185 1 ; died in Nashville, Tenn., May 4, 1882; m^arried in Nashville, Tenn., Feb, 22, 1872, Corinne Cleaves, born in NashvUle, Tenn., May 23, 1853, daughter of Henry Albert and Eliza J. (Tannehill) Cleaves, of NashvUle, Tenn. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN NASHVILLE, TENN. L Charles Lewis", b. Jan. 20, 1873. ii. Henry Hensley", b. Nov. 25, 1874 ; m. in Oakland, CaL, Nov. 22, 1894, Adalaide Higgins, b. in San Francisco, CaL, Feb. 15, 1879, daughter of Albert Henry and Georgie (Brooks) Higgins, of Oakland, Cal. iii. Corinne Gleaves", b. Oct. 11, 1877. 17 14. Lucy Carr Eastman* (Elbridge Gerry', Timothy*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Nashville, Tenn,, Dec. 16, 1853 ; married in NashviUe, Tenn., Oct. 2, 1877, Leonard Keeling Hart, born in David son county, Tenn., Feb, 2, 1853, son of Henry and Huldah (Hooper) Hart, They reside in NashvUle, Tenn, CHILDREN ALL BORN IN NASHVILLE, TENN. L Carrie Duncan Hart", b. Sept. 7, 1889. .ii. Leonard Keeling Hart", b. July 1, 1893. 1 71 5. Charles B. Flanders* (Phebe BaUey', Ruth East man*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in 1846; raarried Nov. 20, 1888, Rose J. Wooster, born in Bristol, N. H,, May 20, 1862, daughter of George M, and Mary E, (George) Wooster, Mr. Flanders is a truck gardener, and resides in Concord, N. H, 976 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, i. Ruth Marion Flanders", b. in Concord, N. H,, Sept. 23, 1891. 1716. Sarah Jane Flanders* (Phebe Bailey', Ruth East man*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Concord, N, H,, Oct, 21, 1847; married Nov. 26, 1868, Gardner B, Emmons, born in Bristol, N. H., Feb, 18, 1847, He resides in Concord, N. H. He is a provision dealer, and a dealer in coal and wood ; has been in the city government CHILDREN. 2127. i. Harry Gardner Emmons", b. in TUton, N. H., Oct. 5, 1869 ; m. Jan. 2, 1893, Maud Danforth. ii. Grace Lelia Enuuens", b, March 10, 1871 ; d. aged 15 years. iii. Oscar Flanders Emmons", b. Aug. 21, 1872. He married in Lynn, Mass., July 16, 1901, Helen Lothrop Sprague, b. in Wareham, Mass., Feb. 22, 1879, daughter of Charles E. and Helen Maria Sprague. Oscar is in the coal and wood business. Concord. iv. Harriet Sara Emmons", b. Sept. 16, 1878. She graduated from the high school in Concord, and is now (1899) at Smith College, Northampton, Mass. 1 71 7. Frank Eastman* (John Underwood', Ebenezer*, Nathaniel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in NashvUle, Tenn,, AprU 20, 1857 ; married in Atlanta, Ga., AprU 22, 1879, EUie Angier, born in Atlanta, Ga., June 8, 1858, daughter of Weldon L. Angier, of Atlanta. Mr. East man resides in Atlanta, Ga,, where he is a lumber manufac turer. CHILDREN. i. LUy May", b. in Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 19, 1880. ii. Mendon Angier", b. in Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 1, 1882. iii. Frank Carr", b. in Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 1.5, 1888. iv. Den Roger", b. in Atlanta, Ga., Oct, 12, 1892. V. Elbridge Gerry", b. in Atlanta, Ga., April 11, 1896. Lily May married March 13, 1897, M. P. Hunter, and died May 26, 1898, leaving one child, a son. Bayard Eastman Hunter'", born in Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 26, 1898. ROBERT E. STYLL (1718). MARY ISABEL EASTMAN*, OF CONCORD, N. H. 977 17 1 8. Mary Isabel Eastman* (Edson C, Seth*, Nathan iel', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., Sept. 6, 1858 ; married in Concord, Sept 24, 1890, Robert Eraraett Styll, born in Edge Hill, Henrico county, Va., AprU 15, 1850, son of Robert Henry and Julia Caroline (Hazlewood) StyU, of Edge HiU, Va. Mr. Styll has been president of the board of trade eight years, alderman, member of school board, and secretary of the same. He resides in Newport, Tenn., where he is engaged in investment and real estate business. Mr. Styll is a descendant of Col. Thomas Styll, of Denton, Md., and colonel of the Maryland volun teers in the War of 18 12; grandson of Col. John Styll, of Queen Ann county, Va. ; great grandson of CoL John Styll, of Queen Ann county, Va. ; a descendant of Commodore Hazlewood, of Revolutionary fame ; also a descendant of Colonel Duhamel, commandant of a regiment of horse in the army of Louis XIV., who, when reprimanded for not saluting Madame de Maintenon, replied, " Duhamel de Latimore sa lutes no man's mistress," for which he was sent to the Bas- tUle, when soon after he was secretly released by his friend, the chief marshal of France, when he escaped to this country, and settled in Queen Ann county, Md, Mr. Styll was edu cated at Roanoke College and Virginia Military Institute. At the breaking out of the Spanish-American War he organ ized a company and offered its services to the government, but on account of the speedy close of the war the company was not accepted. CHILDREN. L Edna Eastman Styll", b. in Newport, Tenn,, Nov. 2, 1893 ; d. July 22, 1894. ii, Edson Eaptman Duhamel Styll", b. March 29, 1896. He is a life member of the Eastman Association, of Con cord, N. H. iu. EUzabeth Hazlewood Styll", b. July 31, 1898. 978 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, 1 719. Fred Abel Eastman* (Chandler', Abel B.*, Jacob', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in West Con cord, N. H., Nov. 2, i860 ; married in Concord, Dec. 25, 1890, Margaret E. Robertson, born in New Brunswick, Sept, i, 1862, Mr. Eastman, when he was living with his father, was in the carriage business, and which he still continues under the old firm name. Mr, Eastman is a leading member in the Congregational church of West Concord, He is also a meraber of the Masonic fraternity. CHILD. i. Margaret Robertson", b. in West Concord, N. H., May 6, 1892. 1720, Edgar Dimond Eastman* (Chandler', Abel B,*, Jacob', NathanieP, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in West Concord, N. H,, Aug, 3, 1863 ; married in Concord, Oct, 25, 1893, Maud R, Robertson, born in New Brunswick, She is a sister of his brother's wife. He is traveling agent in the eraploy of the Abbot-Downing Co,, Concord, N, H. CHILDREN, i. Chandler", b. in West Concord, N. H., June 13, 1899. U. Roger", b. in West Concord, N. H., Oct. 19, 1900, 172 1. Alvin Augustus Eastman* (Hamraond', Ham mond*, Jacob', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born at Exeter Mills, Me., Jan. 23, 1847 ; married Sept. 29, 1877, Agnes Maria RoUins, born May 4, 1854, Mr, Eastman re sides in Dexter, Me., where he is a poraologist CHILDREN, L Sarah Genevieve", b. in Dexter, Me., Aug. 14, 1878; d. April 9, 1897. iL Harry Augustus", b, Nov. 16, 1879. iU. Arthur White", b. Feb. 2, 1881, iv. Ora MUdred", b. AprU 17, 1888. V. Ina FlorUla", b. June 22, 1889 ; d. Sept. 3, 1889. vi, Helen Marjorie", b, Jan. 9, 1900. CHARLES H. EASTMAN*, OF EXETER MILLS, ME. 979 1722. 'Charles H. Eastman* (Hammond', Hammond*, Jacob', Nathaniel*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born at Exeter MiUs, Me,, Sept, 28, 1850 ; married Dec, 30, 1871, Arianna Andrews, born Dec. 10, 1850, They reside in Exeter, Me. CHILDREN. i. John H.", b. Aug. 15, 1873; m. AprU 22, 1898, Mabel McCard. Children : (a) Florence R,'", b. Nov. 12, 1899 ; (b) Lyman Thornton'", b. Sept. 14, 1900. U. Sarah E.", b. Aug. 1, 1879. iU. Hattie Lew", b. Sept. 4, 1886. - iv. Ora L.", b. March 4, 1893. 1723. Alvin Lougee Eastman* (Daniel', Tiraothy*, Dan iel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Parsons field, Me., Sept. 12, 1836; married Maria Pendexter. He was a farmer, and lived in East Parsonsfield, Me, CHILDREN, 2128. i. May Belle", b. . 2129. ii. Bertha", b. . iii. Lewis E.", b. . iv. Angie", b, , 2130. V. Bessie L.", b. , vi. Alvin", b. , vii. Cecil", b. , 1724. John T. Lougee* (Sarah Knights Eastman', Tim othy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Woodstock, N, B., Sept. 5, 1846; married in Vineland, N. J., July 12, 1868, Mary J. VaiL died in Dover, Me., Oct. 13, 1870. He raarried 2d, in Bay City, Mich., May 23, 1877, Mrs. Esther Congell, He is a shoemaker, and resides in Dover, Me. CHILD. 2131. i. Bertha May Lougee", b. in Dover, Me., April 25, 1870. 980 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1725. Frank Eugene Eastman* (James Monroe', Tim othy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), bom in Parsonsfield, Me., Feb. 13, 1855 ; raarried in Conway, N. H,,, June 3, 1883, Delia Watson, born in Cornish, Me., March 27, 1853, daughter of Abraham and Asenath (Smith) Watson. Mr. Eastman is a dentist, and resides in Cornish, Me. He is town clerk and superintendent of schools. To Dr. Eastraan the corapUer is indebted for the record of his line of the family from Jeremiah* Tt CHILDREN, L Flora May", b. March 20, 1885, in Parsonsfield, Me. ii. Walter Cleveland", b. Jan. 3, 1891, in Parsonsfield, Me. 1726. Emraa Augusta Eastman* (Timothy', Timothy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Par sonsfield, Me., March 3, 1850; married June 16, 1875, Jerome Wilson Cole, born in Corinth, Me., Nov. 14, 1845. He is a merchant and farmer residing in East Parsonsfield, Me. He is the son of Franklin and Irena (Barker) Cole. They have no children. 1727. Annie Maria Eastman* (Timothy', Timothy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Parsonsfield, Me., Dec. 3, 1857; married in Parsonsfield, Me., Hugh B, Lougee, born in Parsonsfield, Dec. 22, 1848, son of GUman and Almira B. Lougee, of Parsonsfield, Me. Mr. Lougee is a farmer, and resides in Parsonsfield. CHILDREN, i. Delphina Emma Lougee", b. Oct. 19, 1889. ii. Marguritte Lougee", b. July 19, 1891. iii. Marion Lougee", b. May 6, 1893. iv. Alene Lougee", b. June 25, 1896. FRANK E, EASTM.AX 11725). DANIEL A. EASTMAN*, OF EAST PARSONSFIELD, ME. 98 1 1728. Daniel Arthur Eastman* (Timothy', Timothy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in East Parsonsfield, Me,, Aug, 8, 1868 ; married in Effingham, IU., July 3, 1894, LUlian Lawson, born in Effingham, 111., Dec. 8, 1872, daughter of Mathias and Regina (Perterson) Law- son. Mr. Eastman is a wholesale dealer in produce in Ina, Jefferson county. 111., where he lives. CHILDREN. i. Irena Margie", b. May 14, 1895, in Newton, 111. ii. Roger Mathias", b. June 28, 1899, in Effingham, IU. 1729. Melissa J, Weeks* (Susan Eastman', Timothy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Par sonsfield, Me,, May 11, 1848 ; died Oct, 28, 1889 ; married in Parsonsfield, Me., Oct 28, 1873, Moses B. Merrifield, born in Porter, Me,, Dec, 31, 1848. He is a farmer, resid ing in Brownfield, Me. CHILDREN. i. Susie Laura Merrifield", b. June 26, 1875, in Conway, N. H. ii. John Webster Merrifield", b. July 28, 1877, in Conway, N. H. iii. Mary Emma Merrifield", b. Sept. 26, 1879 ; d. . iv. Mertie Frances Merrifield", b. Sept. 28, 1882, in Conway, N. H. V. Hattie Melissa Merrifield", b. Dec. 23, 1884. vi. Frank Webster Merrifield", b. Aug. 3, 1893 ; d. . 1730, Martha Ellen Weeks* (Susan Eastman', Timothy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Par sonsfield, Me., Aug. 8, 1850 ; married in Parsonsfield, Me., Dec. 5, 1868, Moses Sweat Roberts, born in Parsonsfield, Me,, July 3, 1847, son of Joseph Roberts, .Mr. Roberts is a grocer ; resides in Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. 982 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. L Fred Moses Roberts", b. in Lynn, Mass., Aug. 16, 1871. ii. Jennie Martha Roberts", b. in Lynn, Mass., Feb. 25, 1873 ; d. Nov. 13, 1879. iii. Joseph Samuel Roberts", b. in Jamaica Plain, Aug. 31, 1884 ; d. Nov. 8, 1879. iv. George Edwin Roberts', b. in Jamaica Plain, Mass., May 10, 1876 ; m. in Parsonsfield, Me., Dec. 29, 1897, Mary Emma Garland, born in Cornish, Me., Nov. 7, 1873, daughter of John and Alice (Allen) Garland. He is a clerk in a grocery in Jamaica Plain, Mass., where he lives. They have no children. V. Susan Louisa Roberts", b. Oct. 28, 1877 ; d. Feb. 22, 1878. vi. Charles Rich Roberts", b. Dec. 23, 1878 ; m. in Parsons field, Me., Aug. 25, 1898, Effie Ethel Lougee, born in Parsonsfield, Me., May 24, 1879, daughter of Frank L. and Nellie (Boynton) Lougee. Charles Rich is a clerk in the office of the Providence Railroad Co. ; res. in Jamaica Plain, Boston, Mass. They have no chUdren. vii. Robert Seaver Roberts", b. Dec. 24, 1882 ; d. Feb. 1, 1883. viu. Edith Estelle Roberts", b. July 22, 1888. ix. Martha Ellen Roberts", b. Sept. 4, 1893. 1 73 1. Frank W. Weeks* (Susan Eastman', Timothy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Par sonsfield, Me., May 6, i860 ; married in Boston, Mass., July II, 1883, Sadie Hattie. Mr, Weeks is a clerk in a store, and resides in Cambridgeport, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Gertrude Weeks", b. . ii. Frank Weeks", b. . 1732. Eben G. Weeks* (Susan Eastman', Timothy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Parsonsfield, Me,, Oct, 28, 1863 ; died Oct, 2, 1892 ; married in Boston, Mass., Oct. 26, 1886, Annie L. Wilbur. Mr. Weeks was a collector of rents, and resided in Everett, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Harry Weeks", b. . ii. Lawrence Weeks", b. . LOUISA S. GARLAND*, OF PARSONSFIELD, ME. 983 1733. Louisa S. Garland* (Mary Ann Eastman', Timothy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Par sonsfield, Me,, April I, 1849; died May 6, 1876; married James F. Powers, CHILD. i. Willis Eugene Powers", b. in Parsonsfield, Me., June 6, 1867 ; m. in Brownfield, Me., July 30, 1887, Mary Harri man, b. in Brownfield, Me., June 11, 1871, daughter ef Allen and Ruth (Hartford) Harriman, of Brownfield, Me. Mr. Powers is a farmer residing in Parsonsfield, Me, Children : (a) Everett Eugene Powers'", b, in Bridgton, Me., Dec. 8, 1889 ; (b) Ernest Leonard Powers'", b. in Parsonsfield, Me., Jan. 14, 1891, drowned at Hiram, Me., July 14, ; (c) Owen Julius Powers'", b, Nov. 14, 1895, in Parsonsfield, Me. ; (d) James Alton Powers'", b, April 15, 1897, in Gorham, Me. ; (e) Louisa EsteUa Powers'", b. Nov. 27, 1898, in Parsonsfield, Me. 1734, Moses S, Garland* (Mary Ann Eastman', Timothy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Lim erick, Me., AprU 29, 1850 ; married in East Parsonsfield, Me., Dec. 25, 1879, Alice Campbell, born in Hollis, Me., April 2, 1859, daughter of WUliam Campbell, Mr. Garland is a farmer, and resides in Groveville, York county, Me, CHILDREN. i. Jennie Ida Garland", b. April 30, 1881, in East Parsons field, Me. ii. Ira Garland", b. June 11, 1883, in East Parsonsfield, Me. iii. Lawrence Garland", b. Dec. 20, 1886, in East Parsonsfield, Me. iv. Annie May Garland", b. July 29, 1888, in East Parsons field, Me. V. Warner HambUn Garland", b. Oct. 3, 1891. vi. Allan Leroy Garland", b. April 8, 1897, in Buxton, Me. 1735. Samuel W. Garland* (Mary Ann Eastman', Timothy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Lim erick, Me., Jan. 28, 1852 ; raarried in Rochester, N. H,, 984 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. March 23, 1879, Leida R. Lougee, daughter of GUman and Almira B. Lougee. Mr. Garland resides in Parsonsfield, Me., where he is eraployed on the B. & O. R, R, as baggage master. CHILD. i. Morton D. Garland", b. Sept. 17, 1884. 1736. Timothy Eastman Garland* (Mary Ann Eastman', Timothy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in East Parsonsfield, Me., AprU 6, 1853 ; married in North Sandwich, N. H., May 12, 1880, Cynthia Winsor Cartland, born in Parsonsfield, Me., Aug. 10, 1857, daughter of John B. and Cynthia (Winsor) Cartland, of North Sand wich, N. H. Mr. Garland resides at No, 100 Stetson avenue, Swampscott, Mass. He is a plumber ; no chUdren. 1737. Ira Garland* (Mary Ann Eastman', Timothy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in East Parsonsfield, Me., AprU 7, 1856; married in Cornish, Me,, AprU 18, 1883, Edith Stanly, born in Hiram, Me,, March 14, 1863, daughter of George and Leida (Smith) Stanly, of Cor nish, Me. Mr. Garland is a merchant, residing in Cornish, Me. CHILD. L Nina May Garland", b. March 14, 1885. 1738. Andrew Jackson Eastman, Jr.* (Andrew Jackson, Sen.', Tiraothy*, Daniel', Jeremiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in East Parsonsfield, Me., July 23, 1846; married in West Campton, N. H., Sept. 13, 1877, Sarah Folsom Smith, born in Laconia, N. H., Aug. 15, 1852, daughter of John Mudgett Smith, and Sarah Ann (Watson) Smith. His parents died when he was quite young, his father when eight months of age, and his mother when two and a half. From this time untU twelve years of age, he was tenderly cared for by his paternal grandparents, in the home ANDRE'W J. EAST.M.AK (173.5) ANDREW J. EASTMAN*, OF EAST PARSONSFIELD, ME, 985 of his birth. Severe and continued iUness incapacitated his grandmother for further care, and the little family was now united with that of his uncle James, who lived in^ another part of the house and carried on the farm, Andrew was cared for, clothed and schooled as before, untU the age of fifteen. Ambitious to be earning something for himself he obtained permission to "hire out," and in April, 1862, engaged with his guardian, a near neighbor, for one year, receiving his board, five months schooling, and $25 as wages, clothing hiraself for the year. He was with his guardian until January, 1864, when he enhsted for the civU war, but faUed to get mustered into the service. In the following spring he left his native place and went to Massachusetts and obtained work near Boston, In the fall of that year an opportunity was presented for him to attend the Franklin School in Lowell and work for his board during the winter, WhUe here he was converted at the age of nineteen, and united with the Paige-street Free Baptist Church, WhUe contemplating what should be his life work, the call came to him to go and preach the gospel. He took his preparatory course at New Harapton, N. H,, graduating in July, 1870; matriculated at Bates College, receiving his degree of A. B, in June, 1874 ; entered Cobb Divinity SchooL a department of Bates College, the next fall, graduating in June, 1877, thus completing ten years of continuous study. His was the old story of repeated struggle and persistent hard work before the goal of final graduation was reached. Mr. Eastman's first pastorate was at Steep Falls, Standish, Me,, where he was ordained Nov. i, 1877, In the spring of 1878 he accepted a call to Grafton, Mass. WhUe pastor there he established a new interest in the city of Worcester, Resign ing at Grafton, he went to Worcester and took full charge of the Mission, in January, 1881, without stipulated salary. In April following a church of thirty-one raerabers was organ ized, but the strain proving too great for hira, and the church 986 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. through his own efforts being in good condition, he resigned, and accepted a call frora Pittsfield, N. H. Twelve years of active service as a Free Baptist minister was passed in the old " Granite State," three years at Pittsfield, four at Ashland, nearly two at Dover, and three years at Franconia. It was here that Mr, Eastman decided, after years of thought in that direction, to make a change in his ministerial relations. Resigning at Franconia, April i, 1894, he accepted a call to the pastorate of the Congregational Church at Bethlehem, N. H., an adjoining town, beginning his labors the first of May. In June, 1898, he received and accepted a call to the pastorate of the Congregational Church at Chelsea, Vt., where he is stUl pastor. In every pastorate he has held, improvements in churches and parsonages have been made under his iraraediate supervision. Many revivals have been held, and many have given their hearts to Christ through his influence, giving all the credit to Him who " doeth all things weU," CHILDREN. i. Sarah May", b. in Grafton, Mass., Sept. 10, 1880. U. Albert Weslie", b. in Pittsfield, N. H., March 25, 1884 ; d. Feb. 20, 1885. in. Wilbert LesUe" (twin), d. Feb. 2, 1885. 1739, Albert Littlefield? (Caroline Lathrop*, Sevina Eastman', Jesse*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Boston, Mass,, Aug. 13, 1861 ; married in Salem, N, H., July 14, 1887, Ida F. Thorn, daughter of Darius M, and Nancy (Ball) Thora, born in Salera, N. H., Oct, 23, 1863. He is a farmer, residing in Salem, N. H, CHILDREN. i. Harold Thora Littlefield'", b. in Salem, N. H., May 10, 1888. ii. Hattie Elizabeth Littlefield'", b. in Salem, N. H., April 18, 1894. OTIS SAWYER EASTMAN*, OF BENTON, N. H. 987 1740. Otis Sawyer Eastman* (Jesse', James*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Benton, N.H., Feb. 10, 1833; died in Harvard, IU,, May 23, 1897; mar ried Oct. 27, 1855, Rachel Ann Demock, born in Lisbon, N. H., Dec. 14, 1834. When a young man he went with his parents to Manchester, N. H., where he graduated from the high school in 1850, when he entered the printing office, where he learned the trade ; later he had charge of the work in different offices in Boston, New York, and the Fairburg (111.) Journal several years, returning to New Hampshire in 1873, where he published the Suncook Journal nine years, and then the Harvard (111.) Independent ten years. He was a staunch Republican, and much interested in Masonic work, having joined the Order in New York city in 1855 ; was a Knight Templar. His wife died in Manchester, N. H,, March 23, 1876, and he married 2d, Nov. 10, 1885, in Man chester, N. H., Harriett Maria MUes. She resides in Har vard, IU, CHILDREN BT FIRST WIFE. i. Charles Otis", b. in Manchester, N. H., Jan. 2, 1857 ; d. in Manchester, N. H., Dec. 17, 1880. ii. Frederick Louis", b. in Besten, Mass., June 27, 1860 ; d. in Fairburg, IU., AprU 12, 1873. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. iU. Otis Miles", b. Jan. 16, 1887. iv. Jesse Oliver", b. Feb. 4, 1888. 1 74 1, Caroline L, Eastman* (Jesse', Jesse*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Haverhill, N. H,, Dec. 9, 1839 ; married in Manchester, N. H,, Oct. 5, 1865, John Q. A. Sargent ; resides in Dorchester, Mass. 988 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN MANCHESTER, N. H. i. John Chandler Sargent", b. May 3, 1867. ii. Blanche C. Sargent", b. June' 22, 1869 ; m. Oct. 4, 1896, Frederick B. Reynolds ; resides in Ashmont, Mass. Chil dren : (a) Robert Arnold Reynolds'", b. Aug. 12, 1897 ; (b) Dorothy Reynolds'", b. Dec. 5, 1898 ; both b. in Ashmont, Mass. iii. Robert Eastman Sargent", b. Nov. 6, 1871. iv. Ralph Sargent", b. Oct. 23, 1870 ; d. Jan. 18, 1871. 1742. Azro Buck Niles* (Belinda Eastman', Jesse*, Oba diah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Haver hUl, N. H. ; married Francine Warren. He enlisted in Co. I, Fifty-second Mass, Vol. Infantry, and died in the service, at Baton Rouge, La., June 20, 1863. His widow married again, and is now Mrs, F. A, Saunders, residing in Los Angeles, Cal, CHILDREN, L Joseph Frank Niles", b. ; m. Anna . He died ; had (a) Horace Lathrop Niles'", b. , His widow resides in Portland, Ore. ii. Alice Belinda NUes", b. . iii. James Orlando Niles", b. ; d, . 2132. iv. Azro B. Niles", b. in WUUamsburg, Mass., Nov. 6, 1858. V. Mary EUzabeth Niles", b. . vi. Abigail Warren Niles", b. , 1743, Horace Lathrop Niles* (Belinda Eastman', Jesse*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Ha verhill, N. H,, Dec. 21, 1836 ; died Aug, 17, 1900 ; married in WUliamsburg, Mass,, Sept, 20, i860, Harriet Hopkins, born in Williamsburg, Sept, 29, 1841, daughter of Stephen and Fanny (Bodman) Hopkins, of Williarasburg, Mr. NUes was a soldier of the Rebellion of 1 861 -'6 5. He resided in Spring field, Mass., where he was in business as a merchant. His widow stUl resides there. They had no children. He en listed as private in the First California Regiment, ^olonel RUTH JANE EASTMAN*, OF SOUTH STUKELEY, P. Q. 989 Baker, who was killed at Fair Oaks, was promoted sergeant, was taken prisoner, and was in Libby prison four months, when he was paroled and finally discharged. They have no children. 1744. Ruth Jane Eastman* (Ezra Bartlett', Obadiah*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in South Stukeley, P. Q,, June 19, 1833 ! married March 8, 1859, John Soles Bhnn, born Dec. 19, 1824, He established the vUlage of Eastman, P, Q,, named after his wife. He is deceased. His widow still resides there, but spends a good share of the time with her chUdren. CHILDREN. Fred Forrest BUnn", b. in Fulferd, P. Q., June 27, 1855. Ruth Maria BUnn", b. in Fulferd, P. Q., AprU 22, 1857. Eliza Urania BUnn", b. in Fulferd, P. Q,, Nov. 17, 1859. Maude Minnie BUnn", b. Nov. 12, 1864. 1745. Ezra Obadiah Eastman* (Ezra Bartlett', Obadiah*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', -Roger"), born in South Stukeley, Canada, July 5, 1846; married in Brome, Canada, March 17, 1868, Alice Thoraas, born in Brorae, Canada. Mr. Eastman is a farmer and mUl owner, and keeps the homestead in Brome. She died March 21, 1901, CHILDREN, L WiUiam Ezra", b. Dec. 31, 1868. ii. Ruth Lillian", b. June 6, 1877, 1746. Addison Wyman Eastman* (Jesse', James*, Oba diah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Warren, N, H., AprU 30, 1823 ; died in Warren, N. H., Nov. 27, 1888 ; raarried in Warren, N. H., by Rev, J, D. Butler, Sept. 18, 1849, Mary F, Buxton, born in Newbury, Vt. Hewas a minister of the gospel, and at the time of his death a Bap tist. Ifhey had no chUdren, 2132a. i. 2132b. 11. 2132c. iii. 2132d. iv. 990 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1747. Daraon Young Eastman* (Jesse', James*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Warren, N, H,, May 27, 1825; died ; raarried ist, Louisa L. Brown ; 2d, Sophia Brown (Patch). CHILD BY FIRST WIFE. L James Bixby", b. . CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. ii. Nellie Dolphine", b. . 1748. Sarah Adaline Eastman* (Jesse', James*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Warren, N. H., AprU 10, 1829; married in Warren, N, H., May 25, 1863, Benjamin Merrill Libbey, born in Warren, N. H., Oct. 10, 1835. He resided, in Wentworth, N. H., where he has held the office of selectman. He was the son of John and Betsey (Merrill) Libbey, of Landaff. CHILDREN. L Fred Eugene Libbey", b. in Wentworth, N. H., Nov. 28, 1865. ii. Walter Scott Libbey", b. in Wentworth, N. H., June 11, 1869 ; m. in Warren, N. H., Sept. 26, 1893, Mary Eliza beth Marston. Child : (a) Gladys Maud Libbey'", b. in Wentworth, N. H., Feb. 7, 1897. " Res. in Warren, N. H. 1749. Benjamin Franklin Eastman* (Jesse', James*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Warren, N. H,, June 12, 1831 ; married in Warren, N. H., Feb. 22, 1858, Lydia E. Upton, daughter of RusseU and Lydia (Gray) Upton, of Lyndeborough, N. H,, born in Lynde- borough. May 15, 1833, Mr. Eastman is a farmer, residing in Warren, N, H. CHILDREN. 2133. i. George Clarence", b. in Warren, N, H., Nov, 15, 1858. 2134. ii. Mabel Lida", b. in Warren, N. H,, May 25, 1874. 2135. 2136. iii. iv. NANCY MARIA EASTMAN*, OF WARREN, N. H. 99 1 1750. Nancy Maria Eastman* (Jesse', James*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Warren, N. H., June 9, 183s; married in Warren, Nov. 15, 1854, Russell Upton, born in Lyndeborough, N. H., Jan. 25, 1828, son of RusseU and Lydia (Gray) Upton. Mr. Upton resides in Warren, N, H, CHILDREN. Nellie Maria Upton", b. in Burlington, Vt., Jan. 27, 1856. Charles Albert Upton", b. in Warren, N. H., May 31, 1858. Willie Gray Upton", b. in Warren, N. H., Nov. 17, 1860. Fred Newton Upton", b. in Warren, N. H., May 5, 1871. V. Lyman Russell Upton", b. in Warren, N. H., March 9, 1868 ; d. young. 175 1. Sylvester Eastman Burbank* (Rosilla Eastman', James*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in ClintonvUle, N. Y,, Oct, 29, 1828 ; died in Black Brook, N. Y,, March 9, 1863 ; married Jan. i, 1853, Lydia Wood, of Jay, N. Y, She resides at No, 601 Sixth avenue, Leaven worth, Kan. CHILDREN. i, Leroy Straight Burbank", b. . ii. George Wilber Burbank", b. in Clintonville, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1856. iii. Libbie Burbank", b. . iv. Rufus Burbank", b. . V. Adelie Burbank", b. , All of these children are living in Leavenworth, Kan,, except George Wilber. 1752. Nancy White Burbank* (RosiUa Eastman', James*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in ClintonviUe, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1830 ; died June 2, 1858 ; mar ried March 20, 1849, Reuben H. W. AverUl. CHILD. 2137. i. Rosa Averill", b. in Plattsburg, N. Y,, Jan. 20, 1850. 992 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, 1753. Benson Joseph Burbank* ( RosUla Eastman', James*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in ClintonvUle, N, Y,, Feb, 28, 1836; married in ClintonviUe, Sarah Jane Cochran, daughter of John and Martha (Morri son) Cochran, He is a farmer, and resides in ChestervUle, N, Y. CHILDREN. i. Mattie Rube Burbank", b. in Clintonville, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1875. ii. Ernest Sylvester Burbank", b. in Clintonville, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1879. 1754. Hannah Straight* (Louisa Eastman,' James*, Oba diah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Peru, N. Y,, May 23, 1837 ; married in Plattsburg, N. Y., June 19, 1866, Abram W. Lansing, died in Plattsburg, June 8, 1896. He was born in Greenwich, N, Y,, July 26, 1836, son of Wendell and Eliza (Harrington) Lansing, of KeesviUe, N, Y. He was an editor in Plattsburg, where his widow re sides. CHILDREN. i. Helen Grace Lansing", b. in Plattsburg, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1867 ; m. Sept. 17, 1895, Bertie Leonidas Burritt ; res. iu Plattsburg, N. Y. 2138. ii. Charles WendeU Lansing", b. March 23, 1869. 2139. in. Ida May Lansing", b. Feb. 1, 1870. iv. Elizabeth Gertrude Lansing", b. AprU 2, 1877 ; d. Feb. 2, 1885, 1755, Martha Ann Straight* (Louisa Eastman', Jamds*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Plattsburg, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1847 ; married Ehsha Stephen Arnold, born in Peru, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1843, He is a mer chant in Peru, where he resides. He has been town super visor, and is now chorister in the Methodist church. He is the son of John Fletcher and Thusa (Butlon) Arnold, of Peru, N. Y, She died in 1901, GEORGE EDWARD EASTMAN*, OF PIERMONT, N. H. 993 CHILDREN. i. Edith Sarah Arnold", b. in Peru, N. Y., June 1, 1876. ii. Fred Arnold", b. in Pern, N. Y., June 23, 1878. Ui. Charles John Arnold", b. in Peru, N. Y., June 17, 1880. iv. EUzabeth Butlon Arnold", b. Aug. 1, 1882, V. Mary Boynton Arnold", b. June 2, 1884. 1756. George Edward Eastman* (Sylvester', James*, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Piermont, N. H., Dec. 8, 1841 ; married March 14, 1866, Rebecca Whitcher Bronson, daughter of David and Azuba (Judd) Bronson, born in St. Johnsbury, Vt., May 5, 1841. Mr. Eastman resides in North HaverhUl, N. H., where he is a carriage-maker, farmer and undertaker. CHILDREN. L Louisa EUen", b. June 21, 1868. ii. Mary Elizabeth", b. May 20, 1874. 1757. Ruth Jane Eastman* (Sylvester', James*, Obadiah', . Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Benton, N. H., Sept 7, 1845 ; married in Benton, March 2, 1870, Charles Addison Veazey, born in Bristol, N. H., March 23, 1842, son of Amos Leavitt and Mahala (Dolloff) Veazey, of New Hampton, N. H. Mr, Veasey is a farmer and raerchant, residing in Benton, N. H. CHILDREN. L WiUiam Damon Veazey", b. in Benton, N. H., July 7, 1871. ii. Jennie Frances Veazey", b. in Benton, N. H., April 13, 1874. iii. A nameless son", b. Dec. 6, 1881 ; d. Jan. 8, 1882. 1758. WiUiam Whitcher Eastman* (Sylvester', James*,, Obadiah', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Clintonville, N. Y., Nov, 14, 1850 ; married ist. May 8, 1879, Georgia Aldrich, daughter of George Aldrich ; married 2d, Edna Eastman, nee Morse. Mr. Eastraan is a farmer and lumberman, and resides in Benton, N, H. They have no children. 994 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, 1759, Tabitha E, Bowles* (Mary Ann Eastman', Caleb*, Ebenezer', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Lisbon, N. H. ; married George Jesseman, born in Lisbon, N. H., Sept. II, 1837. They lived in Lisbon (Sugar HiU), CHILDREN. L Arthur Bowles Jesseman", b. in Lisbon (Sugar Hill),N. H., AprU 23, 1868 ; m. in Lisbon, N. H., Feb. 25, 1891, Flor ence Hildreth, born in Lisbon, N. H., Dec. 3, 1870, daugh ter of David and Almira (Parker) Hildreth, of Lisbon, N. H. Child : (a) Sybil Almira Jesseman'", b. in Lisbon, Sept. 2, 1896. They reside at Sugar HiU, N. H., where he is a farmer. 1760. Josiah Sartwell Blood* (Thaes Eastman', Caleb*, Ebenezer', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Whitefield, N. H., Jan, 3, 1841 ; married in Lowell, Mass., Jennie Russell, born in Whitefield, N. H,, daughter of Gilraan P. and Sally (Cole) Russell. Mr. Blood resides in LoweU, Mass., where he is a policeman. CHILDREN. i. Florence Russell Blood", b. jn Lowell, Mass. ; m. Sept. 27, 1898, Walter Augustus Chase. Child: (a) CecU Dudley Chase'", b. Sept. 27, 1899. U. Clara Jennie Blood", b. in Lowell, May 22, 1889. 1761. Lucretia AbigaU Eastman* (Asa', Caleb*, Eben ezer', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in White- field, N. H., AprU 20, 1847 ; married Sept. 20, 1870, Charles P. RoweU, of Concord, N. H., where they reside. CHILDREN. i. Clara Mabel RoweU", b. Jan. 21, 1874. ii. George Eaton RoweU", b. March 6, 1876 ; graduated fro m the Philadelphia Dental College, Philadelphia, Pa., May 4, 1900. MILO F. EASTMAN*, OF WHITEFIELD, N. H. 995 1761a. Milo F, Eastman* (Asa', Caleb*, Ebenezer', Oba diah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Whitefield, N, H., Feb. 8, 1849 ; married Feb. lo, 1875, Mary A. Mathews, of St. Johnsbury, Vt. Mr. Eastman resides in Rutland, Vt,, where he is county commissioner of Rutland county. CHILDREN. i. Floyd C", b. in St. Johnsbury, Vt. Sept. 25, 1877 ; m. in Rut land, Vt., June 7, 1899, Jennie M. Dyer. Children : (a) Thelma H.'», b. Aug. 12, 1900 ; (b) Layton D.'", b. Oct. 5, 1901. Res. in Rutland, Vt. U. Ethel M.", b. March 1, 1880 ; d. Dec. 5, 1882. ui. Glenn M.", b. in Rutland, Vt., Feb. 24, 1889, 1762. John Eaton Eastman* (Myron Bowies', Caleb*, Ebenezer', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Whitefield, N. H., June 9, 1859; married in Landaff, N. H,, July 22, 1881, Lydiaett Richardson, born in Lisbon, N, H,, June 22, i860, daughter of Albee and Olive (Jesseman) Richardson, Mr. Eastman resides in Littleton, N. H., where he is a house-painter. CHILDREN BORN IN LITTLETON. L Leslie Howard", b. Dec. 20, 1881. U. Ida Mary", b. March 18, 1885. ui. Rufus Myron", b. Jan. 28, 1895. 1763. Charles Manson Eastman* (Myron Bowies', Caleb*, Ebenezer', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Landaff, N. H,, AprU 20, 1875 ; married in Manchester, N. H., Jan. i, 1896, Nettie Ureula Lang, born in Canada, Nov. 30, 1875, daughter of Henry and Mary Elizabeth (Knight) Lang, of Manchester, N. H. Mr. Eastraan is a clerk, and resides at North Woodstock, N. H. CHILDREN BORN IN MANCHESTER. L Henry Myron", b. Oct. 8, 1896. U. Muriel", b. May 6, 1898. 996 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1764. Anna Mabel Eastman* (Myron Bowies', Caleb*, Ebenezer', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Whitefield, N. H,, July 23, 1865 ; married in Littleton, N. H,, Oct, 23, 1884, Julius Clarence MorrUl, born in Wood stock, N. H,, May 20, 1855, son of Charles and Rhoda (Fifield) Morrill. Mr. MorriU resides at North Woodstock, N. H,, where he is running a sale and livery stable. CHILDREN BORN IN PLYMOUTH, N. H. i. Bertha CaroUne", born March 6, 1889 ; d. AprU 8, 1895. ii. George Eastman", b. March 27, 1892. iii. Bernice Ruth", b. 1895. 1765. Alzina Adeline Taylor* (Susan Eastman', William*, Ebenezer', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born at Sugar Hill, N. H,, Dec. 13, 1850 ; married in Lisbon, N. H,, March 9, 1873, Hiram Ellery Currier, born in Bath, N, H., May 18, 1846, son of John B. and Susan (Elliott) Currier, of Bath, N. H. Mr. Currier was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion ; lost an arm. He is a painter, and resides in Littleton, N. H, CHILDREN. L Carl Taylor Currier", b. in Lisbon, N. H., Feb. 23, 1875. ii. Susan E. Currier", b. in Littleton, N. H., Sept. 15, 1876. Ui. Mabel A. Currier", b. in Littleton, N. H., Feb. 9, 1880 ; m. Nov, 24, 1899, Lawrence B, Spafford, and resides in Lit tleton, N. H. 1766. Octavius E. Batchelder* (Eliza Eastman', Charles*, Simeon', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in 1837 ; married Martha Seymour, Resides in Chicago, 111. CHILD. i. Earl A. Batchelder", b. June 30, 1875 ; m. M. Clara Eng lish, born Sept. 21, 1873. He is a commercial traveler ; res. S. P. 586 Sixtieth street, Chicago, 111. BETSEY E. BATCHELDER*, 997 1767. Betsey E. Batchelder* (Eliza Eastman', Charies*, Siraeon', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in AprU, 1839; married Sept, 25, i860, Francis W, Newland, born March 17, 1834, died AprU 5, 1890, He was a bookkeeper. Resided in Chicago, 111. CHILDREN. L Frank G. Newland", b. Sept. 3, 1868. He is cashier for Sprague, Warner & Co., No. 7 Randolph street, ChL cage, 111. ii. Grace L. Newland", b. 1874 ; res. at No. 240 West Sixty- sixth street, Chicago, 111. 1768. Iowa LueUa Batchelder* (Eliza Eastman', Charles*, Simeon', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born Dec. 20, 1843; died Nov. 4, 1870 ; married Oct. 6, 1863, Roscoe T, Dowd, Resides in Chicago, 111. CHILDREN. i. Louisa R. Dowd", b. Nov. 10, 1866 ; m. in Winona, Minn., Nov. 5, 1890, Josephine Barnber, born Sept. 19, 1870. ii. F. N. Dowd", b. Nov. 10, 1864 ; res. in Chicago, UL 1769. Adelbert Batchelder* (Eliza Eastman', Charles*, Simeon', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Phihp', Roger"), born Jan. 8, 1849; married in Trempealeau, Wis., Sept. 24, 1872, Cora Atwood, born March 5, 1852. In 1864 he enlisted as a pri vate in Co. I, Thirty-sixth Wis. Vols. ; discharged as such July 16, 1865. He was assistant postmaster and deputy United States collector frora 1867 to 1870, He is now in the employ of Sprague, Warner & Co,, since April, 1870, and is the treasurer of the company, 1770. Charles Eastman* (Amos', Charles*, Simeon', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in Delavan, Wis., June 21, 1846 ; married at Winnetka, 111., June 17, 1884, Eva Matilda McFarlin, born in Chicago, 111., Feb. 27, 1859, 70 998 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. daughter of William Warner and Mary (Garland) McFarlin. Mr. Eastman enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, in the Second Wisconsin Cavalry; discharged Nov. 15, 1865, He resides in Win netka, IU,, and is the proprietor of Eastman Banking Agency, Chicago, 111, CHILDREN. i. Charles John", b. in Winnetka, 111., AprU 12, 1885. U. Helen", b. in Winnetka, 111., Feb. 23, 1887. 1770a. Mary Eastman* (Araos', Charles*, Siraeon', Oba diah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), bom in Delavan, Wis., Nov. 17, 1849; married Sept. 19, 1870, F, O, Child, Re sides in Ashton, South Dakota. CHILDREN. i. LueUa May Child", b. in La Prairie, Wis., Feb. 20, 1872. ii. Margaret Child", b. in La Prairie, Wis., Sept. 2, 1875. iU. Harry Y. Child", b. in La Prairie, Wis., Oct. 11, 1876. iv. Ruth S. Child", b. in La Prairie, Wis., July 10, 1879. V. Arthur Eber Child", b. in Ashton, South Dakota, May 4, 1881. vi. Anna Edythe Child", b. in Ashton, South Dakota, June 5, 1884. 1770b. EUa Eastman* (Amos', Charles*, Simeon', Oba diah*, Eb.enezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Delavan, Wis., Feb. 26, 1852; raarried March 9, 1882, Charles Stirason. Resides in Mackinaw, Mich. CHILDREN. i. Clarence Amos Stimson", b. in Mackinaw, Mich., Oct. 6, 1884. ii. Ruth E. Stirason", b. in Mackinaw, Mich., June 29, 1889. 1 77 1. Olin Clark Eastman* (Amos', Charles*, Simeon', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Elkhorn, Wis., Feb. 15, 1858 ; married in Benton Harbor, Mich., June 28, 1892, Daisy Deai> GUmore, born in Halifax, Pa,, Oct, 23, JEREMIAH WILSON SANBORN*, OF GILMANTON, N. H. 999 1866, daughter of William Penn and Clementine (Kline) Gilmore, and sister of his brother, Lorenzo Dow's, wife, Mr, Eastraan is the junior member of the Eastman Bros,, Law Printers, No, 358 Dearborn street, Chicago, IU, CHILDREN, i. Clark", b. in Chicago, IU., Aug. 24, 1894, U. Clementine", b. in Chicago, DL, Oct. 23, 1896. 1772. Jeremiah Wilson Sanborn* (George WUson' San-^ born', Fanny Eastman*, Simeon', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', PhUip', Roger"), born in GUmanton, N. H., Feb, 4, 1847 ; mar ried June 4, 1872, Belle Grahara Osborn, daughter of John Simpson and Rachel Jane (Brown) Osborn. Educated in the common schools and academy of his native town and the academy of Pittsfield. The art and science of agriculture claimed much of his attention. At twenty-one years of age he was elected, and the following year re-elected, superintend ent of the public schools of Gilmanton. At twenty-six he became a member of the state board of agriculture. At twenty-eight he was elected to the state legislature and re elected the succeeding year, being a member of the com mittee on resolutions of the Republican State Convention. At twenty-nine he became superintendent of the State Col lege farm, and during this service of six years was lecturer on farm topics. His experiments on scientific and practical farm problems were the first regularly published from colleges in this country, and we're of an original character that attracted wide attention. From thence he went to the deanship of the agricultural faculty of the Missouri State University, and was professor of agriculture and director of experiment station. He was also secretary of the Missouri State Board of Agriculture, and secretary of the Kansas City Fat Stock Show. He accepted the presidency of the Utah College of Agriculture in 1889, then unorganized, and during the first three years made a growth unexampled in the history lOOO EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, of agricultural colleges of the country at a similar age, securing three hundred and sixty students in a sparsely settled commu nity. In 1894 he returned east to carry out long deferred im provements on his large farm estate, accepting the editorship ofthe agricultural columns of the Mirror and Farmer. He resides in Gilmanton, N. H, CHILDREN. i. Henry Wilson Sanborn", b. in Gilmanton, July 14, 1875. ii. Alice Sanborn", b. in Hanover, N. H., Deo. 13, 1878. iii. Jeremiah Sanborn", b. in Columbia, Me., Aug. 8, 1887. iv. Ralph George Sanborn", b. ; d. 1890. 1773, Frank Eastraan Sanborn* (George WUson San born', Fanny Eastman*, Simeon', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in GUmanton, N. H., July 22, 185 1 ; married Nov. 5, 1872, Jennie M., daughter of Nathaniel Batchelder, of Chichester, N. H, He is a grocer, and re sides in Melrose, Mass, CHILDREN. i. May A. Sanborn", b. in Gilmanton, N. H., March 7, 1874. ii. Zeila EUzabeth Sanborn", b, in Gilmanton, N. H., May 10, 1877. iii. Evelyn Sanborn", b. in PUtsfield, N. LL, AprU 28, 1892. 1774. William Jacob Sanborn* (John Sanborn', Fanny Eastman*, Simeon', Obadiah*, Ebenezer', Philip', Roger"), born in Keokuk, Iowa, Sept 5, 1853; married in Platts burg, N. Y., June 17, 1884, Nellie Adelaide Moore, daughter of Alanson and Adelaide L, (Littlfe) Moore, born in Redford, Clinton county, N, Y. Mr. Sanborn resides in Cleveland^ Ohio, where he is paint manufacturer, CHILDREN. L Harold Webster Sanborn", b. in Clark, South Dakota, March 5, 1886 ; d. iu Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 30, 1895. ii. Marguerite Sanborn", b. in Clark, South Dakota, 1886 ; d. March 11, 1888. iii. Eastman Moore Sanborn", b. in Chicago, 111., July 14, 1893. 3 9002 00744 5357 5^ \'Jf \ 11'^. '?ih^':^: ¦j^',".,. ^rt^ni