/ ..^ 11 ri4 ' C&Z,7 52.5 4'l'/y. ' ''::^'ec>'t^-€'' 'LfyJ.i-i- ?ffe ff: c^ SOUTH-CAEOLIM REVOLUTIONARY WAR BEING A REPLY TO CERTAIN MISREPRESENTATIONS AND MISTAKES OF RECENT WRITERS, IN RELATION TO THE COURSE AND CONDUCT OF THIS STATE. BY A SOUTHROK. CHARLESTON- WALKER AND JAMES. 1853. 7a,. i^ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in th& year 1853, by W. GILMORE SIMMS. la the Clerk's Office of the Bistriet Court of the United States, for the District of South-Carolina. 06^4-7 S^^'S ADVERTISEMENT. The contents of this little volume are drawn from the pages of the " Southern Quarterly Review," where they appeared at different pe riods. It has been thought by many that their publication, in a com pact form, would be of use aud interest. Some slight aitempts have been made to revise them ; but the subject is one which deserves much more labour than the compiler is at present able to bestow upon it. Should a future edition be required, an efTort will be made to render the collection more worthy of the occasion, and more useful to the inquirer. Much materiel, in connection with the subject, remains yet unnoticed, which should be incorporated with the text ; and .shall be, whenever a fit occasion offers. SOUTH-CAROLmA IN THE REVOLUTION.* OuE nibrick is a long one, but it should not be suffered to alarm the reader with any apprehensions that the Revolution ary "War is to be discussed anew ; or that we are even to ex amine, at length, that subject which gi\'es its title to the work first designated in the catalogue below. The Revolutionary History of the United States is no longer a fit theme for gen eralities ; and the business of the reviewer, in present times, who proposes to consider it at all, must be confined wholly to selections from its numerous details. The career and charac ter of the American Loyalists, it is true, furnish one of the legitimate provinces of this fruitful history ; but even this is scarcely our object, except as incidentally bearing upon an other topic, which, fortunately, belongs to a single locality. — Soraething, however, it behooves us to say in regard to the volume of Mr. Sabine, whose work, if not especially devoted * 1. The American Loyalists or Biographical Sketches of Adher ents to the British Crown, in the war of the Revolution, alphabetical ly arranged with a preliminary Historical Essay. By Lorenzo Sa bine. Boston; Charles C. Little and James Brown. 1847. 2. Me moirs of the American Revolution, so far as it related to the States of North and South-Carolina, and Georgia, &c. By William Moultrie. New-York : 1802. 3. The History of the Revolution of South-Car olina, from a British province to an Independent State. By David Ramsay, M.D. Trenton. 1785. 4. Manuscript Memoranda ofthe details of the Seige of Charleston, supposed to be from the pen of M. De Bkahm, a Foreign Engineer officer in the city during the siege. — From the papers of James Ferguson, Esq. Published in the Charles ton Courier. 1847. 5. Original Journals of the Siege of Charlcbton ; 1 2 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLtTTION. to the subject which provides the material for. this paper, is, in truth, the provocation to it. We are not prepared to quar rel with that taste, or passion for novelty, which, of late, seems disposed to busy itself in rescuing the memories of the Amer ican Loyalists from the appropriate obscurity of the past. — There is, no doubt, something natural, and perhaps necessai'y, in these researches. However unimportant in themselves, their results and discoveries constitute a certain portion of our history, and are essential to the unit}' and completeness of our records, if not to their authority and value. Pursued with strict conscientiousness, and a just and always carefully dis criminating judgment, we can have no objection to any couree of inquiry which may add to our historical possessions in re lation to this subject; though we must still be permitted to regard it as one of those toils, of affection rather than of wis dom, in which the seeker will be apt to di.=cover much more than he cares to find, and, however conscientious, much more than he will be likely to put on record. It is certainly one of those labours of love, in which discretion keeps largely in the rear of sympathy ; one of those unwise inquiries vvhich extort painful and humiliating responses only ; as if the diviner, with torturing spells, provoked only the anger of his oracle, when he presumed to fathom all its mysteries. The Loyalists of being the Manusc ipt Notes of the daily progress of the siege kept by General .McIntosh and Major Habersham, of Georgia, and an un known officer. Magnolia Magazine. Charleston: 1842. 6. Origi nal Correspondence of Col, John Laurens, J. L. Gervais, one of the Privy Council of South-Carolina, and other persons, during the siege of Charleston. From inedited papers of the Laurens Family. 7. A History of the campaigns of 17aO and 1781, in ihe Southern provinces of North America. By Lieut. Colonel Tarleton, commander of flie late British Legion. Dublin: 1787. 8. Strictues on Lieut. Colonel Taeleton's History, &c. By Roderick Mackenzie, late Lieutenant in the 71st Regiment. London: 1787. SOUTH-OAROLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION. 3 America were, very few of them, distinguished by remarkable endowments. Individually, they were not calculated to com pel consideration in any period, and still less in such stormy times as always wreck the smaller craft of mediocrity. But few of them, either by reason of their achievements or abili ties, can lay cliiini to the honours of biography; and the misfortunes of still fewer deserve to be regarded, apart from the errors and offences in which they originated mostly. — Many of them, doubtless, were very worthy people ; such peo ple as make the average of good citizens in a quiet, peace-lov ing community, and in periods of national repose. Some of them had respectable talents, which would have been valua ble in smooth-sailing times ; and a fair proportion of them were probably governed, in their adherence to the crown, by scruples and principles which must always commend them to the respect, if not the sympathies, of all justly-minded per sons. But, saying this, we have said all. We have enume rated the several classes among them, which deserve tolera tion in the opinions of posterity. It is only toleration, indeed, that may be demanded, by even-handed justice, in behalf of the greater number. Praise is out of the question ; and ptj can only be challenged for those who suffered and sorrowed, without having striven, when the struggle would only have elevated the loyalty of the individual, at the expense of all social and human feeling. We do not find, as we cast our eyes, curiously, over the long array of names in this catalogue of the American Loyalists, that any of them ever attained to any very high distinctions, either in a civil or military capa city. One of them, only, appears to have acquired position in Eui'ope, as a man of science ; and but one or two more, prior to the revolution, had done themselves honour by their colo nial services, chiefly upon the frontiers. A few of them, in deed, proved tbemselv.es clever and active officers of militia 4 SorrTH-CAROLINA IN THE RE'VOLUTION. during the war, and we may safely affirm, that all of those ¦who merit any memorials with posterity, have already received all the acknowledgment which posterity is likely to award. To such •acknowledgment we have no objection. Let the de- semng have their dues. But, to employ history, as Mr. Lo renzo Sabine seems to have done, as a sort of universal drag net ; and to arrest, and to preserve together in the reservoir, without discrimination, the fish, flesh and fowl, of this mixed multitude, is to make a "hell-broth" of it, indeed, such aa the witches of Shakspeare and Middleton might be led to ad mire and to envy for the various loathesomeness of the ingre dients. We can scarcely conjecture the motive to such a re surrection of these dry-bones of history. Mr. Sabine's intro duction and prehminary discoui-se gives us no sufficient clue to his object. That he wills to resuscitate, as far as he can, the names of all those Americans who strove against Ameri can independence, is all that he vouchsafes to let us know ; hut, with what professed benefits to the future, or compensa tion to the past — with what moral object of any sort — he seems never, himself, to have considered, and does not show to us. Passages of his book may he instructive — portions of it are interesting — here and there, we find a snatch of bio graphy which commends the subject to our memories ; and, sometimes, we meet with a fact which may reflect a little Hght on doubtful portions of our history ; but, for the greater num ber of these pages, the matter is as decidedly worthless as the contents of a last years almanac. Yet it runs out to a most enormous measm'e. Here are more than seven hundred octavo pages, the greater number of which are consumed in records, the most meagre, of individuals the most obscure ; — persons who occupy no place in history — whom nobody re- membei-s for their virtues, and whom nobody cares to remem ber for their deeds. We tm-n leaf after leaf, and still we hap- SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 5 pen upon such memorials as the following. We open the book at random to detach these sentences : " Lambert, George. Was a Lieutenant in the third Batta lion of New Jersey volunteers." "Lambert, Peter. Of Charleston, South-Carolina. An addressor of Sir Henry Clinton, in 1780." " Lambert, Richard. Deputy Auditor General of South- Carolina. His estate was confiscated." This is a sufficient sample, all taken from page 414. Some times, this comprehensive account is extended to twice or thrice the number of words or sentences, by the addition of facts equally insignificant and worthless ; and, very occasion ally, we have something anecdotical, which tends slightly to enliven the detail with a show of nawative. Ordinarily, however, the record is not more elaborate than such as is usually scrawled upon the grave stone of the village patri archs — those ' mute inglorious,' who, dying, ' make no sign.' The absence of materials for the biography, should be con clusive against any necessity for the attempt. It is a good rule in such labours, as generally in those of letters,— which we commend to Mr. Sabine — that, when you have nothing to write about, you should write nothing. The counsel in this case is enforced by considerations of higher importance than those which simply concern the success of the writer. What benefit to the dead — what advantage to the living — the mere mention of the name, without any accompanying recollections of patriot merit or performing courage, by which the subject might be commended to the study or the sympathy of the reader ? If the record fails to honour the past, and cannot interest the future, why make it ? In the case before us, such a chronicle can have no other efiect than that of hanging on high — gibbetting for the better acquaintance of posterity — the unfortunates, for whom their children should desire only b SOTTTH-CAROLINA IN THE RETOLTrTION. silence and obscurity ; — making the grandson blush for the secret of an ancestor, for whom he can probably ofler no ex cuse ; exposing the descendants to the finger-pointing malice of envious and slander-loving contemporaries, and stirring anew, for the disquiet of an innocent generation, all the feuds and heartburnings of the past ! Could the loyalists be shown, generally, as in the instance of Count Rumford, and a few others, as endowed equally with virtues and talents ; resolving conscientiously, and achieving bravely — neither dishonouring their principles by a timid shrinking from responsibihty, nor staining their -valour by bnitality and a wolfish appetite for blood ; — we should read the history -with interest, and remem ber the subject with respect. Such a record as that of old Curwen, made by himself, in his misery and exile, would al ways prove useful to the student, agreeable to the reader, and not injurious to the reputation of its subject ; — but such a tuere catalogue as that which we owe to the laborious and pains-taking Mr. Sabine — such a wretched skeleton of facts> so little vital or valuable — can have no other effect than that of mortifying thousands of the living,^the mistakes and mis deeds of whose ancestors, they bad fondly fancied, would have been allowed to rest secure under the sheltering maxim, which commands us to speak nothing of the dead that shall not be grateful to their memories. But these meagre memo rials re-vive simply the odium of the position in which the subject stood, without offering any details by which his de fence might be urged, or his character vindicated, in his vir tues and achievements. What he was or aimed to be — what he wrought or suffered — all is wanting to the history, except the simple fact of the false po-sition by which he incurred the hatred of contemporaries and the scorn of posterity. His position is, at once, ridiculous and odious — a sort of moral scarecrow, hung up to grinning infamy, without being permit- SODTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLOTION, 7 ted the ])00r privilrgfi of showing that his offences -were such as would even justify this equivocal distinction. Considered, however, without renunl to the benevolent maxim which interposes foi' the protection of the dead, we are constrained to sav, that the present work was unnecessary on other grounds. The American Loyalists, except as a class, really left no raoraorials which merit the attention of the his torian. They, ctrtainly, were not so much in advance, — any of them, — as respects jjolitical science, social morals, and the rights of the race, as were the inouveiiieid [larty ; or they were too keenly sensible to selfish interests to allow their real opinions sufficient weiglit in determining their policy. We are necessarily compi^lled, in any estimate which we may think proper to make of their intellectual merits, to subject them to the tests of those lights and standards which we now possess, rather than of those which were common to the period of their performances. We a.ssume that theie is no living Amer ican who would be willing to return to the condition of a Bri tish subject. If then, according to present standards and con victions, the loyalists of the Americjin revolution, did not claim so highly for the race, or see with a vision so prophetic, as their opponents, in what consisted its rights and its pi'(jsp('cts — or anticipate the grand issues of the struggle to which they -were hostile ; — it is clear that their lank, in intellectual mat ters, will not bear comparison with the latter. Either this, or, seeing quite as correctly, they were yet the victims to in ferior considerations, the recognition of which, if it tended to elevate their intellectual claims, could do so only at the ex pense of their principles and hearts. Many of the loyalists were hirelings of the British Government. These, in most cases, sustained government measures. Tlie mo--t distingui^^h ed among them, were born on British soil. They had no sympathy with the native population of America, and per- 8 SODTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. haps, could not be expected to have. Generally speaking, ihe conscientious men of this party were fettered in their opin ions, rather by their habits than their principles. These were mostly persons of advanced age. Habits, indeed, with the aged, are apt always to rise into the rank and importance of principles. The better minded, and the more honest, among the loyalists, obeyed the laws of routine and safe precedent, in the course which they pursued, as harmonizing better with ' that selfish reluctance to strive and struggle, which is the nat ural infirmity of advancing years. Lacking this selfish biasi they lacked, equally, those motives of personal ambition, which, in the case of persons of distinguished talent, among the natives, taught the individual to look at the estabhshed condition of things through media, derived rather from what is essential to the hopes and claims of the future, than from what belongs to the inherent iu the past. You will scarcely be able to detach, from the long catalogue of loyalist names in our possession, any single history, the materials of which, however well elaborated, could be pureued with interest through the pages of a single duodecimo. There is no long array of mutually depending events, and no striking transac tion — unless in the case of Benedict Arnold — in the life of any one, whose name we may now recall, that would repay the reader, or justify the biographer, for groping through the sheets of such a volume. Where the exception is found to the genera] proposition, it has been already acknowledged, and the life has been already written. In thus generalizing, however, we are not to understood as objecting to such a small body of biography, as, selecting fi-om the mass, shall unfold us the lives of such of the loyalists a^ by their known virtues, and unquestionable performances, might be worthy of perusal, and would do credit to their memories. These may and should be written, if only for the SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 9 justification of the subject. The age is an indulgent one. We are not unwilling to believe in the occasional excuse and plea, which are urged against rebellion in behalf of loyalty. We know that there is a plea for many. We can accord the fullest absolution to that virtue which errs in its adherence to what seems equally the path of duty and of safety ; and where this adherence is coupled with active virtues — where the person performs in compliance with his principles — he de serves that posterity should do him justice. Nay, for that matter, there is no good reason why we should not possess — even though they be written in crimson characters, never to be obliterated — the memoirs of those sturdy wretches who made themselves famous by their brutalities and butcheries. If we pui-sue the history of great virtues, in order to win oth ers by glorious examples, quite as important and necessary is it that we should preserve the tradition of corresponding crimes and vices, by which, painting them in just colours of infamy and shame, we may enforce still more impressively, by repulsion, those better performances which we aim to incul cate; — even as the teacher, by examples in bad grammar, ex ercises the youthful learner, and confirms him, in a knowledge of the good. But why we should make interminable cata logues of mere names and dates — of people who made no sort of figure in life — who were in obscurity as well as in er ror — is utterly beyond our comprehension. That Mr. Sabine's book will be found readable in the proportion of one page to fifty, is quite beyond the range of literary probability. That, for any ser\'ic6 which it does to history, or any help that it affords to truth, it deserved such a waste of goodly type and paper, will hardly be affirmed by any critic who governs his opinion by the ordinary tests of good taste or utility. But there are some few of these pages of Mr. Sabine, which concern us especially. South-Carolina is honoured, by him, 1* 10 SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION. with numerous entries in this catalogue, a sample of which, we have already given. This indefatigable worker in the ses sions of history, has taken care to put the brand on all our vicious cattle. We can call to mind nobody that escapes him. For that matter, we ourselves had already put the brand upon them, by various penalties of amercement, for- feitare and exile ; but he has helped us to multiply copies of that record which humanity had prompted us, for some time, quietly to suppress. It is curious that, while getting most of his facts, in regard to our loyalists, from our own pages and records, he sturdily insinuates that we, ourselves, are ignorant of their existence, and that we brag of our history, as if we never had produced any but righteous patriots. Of this here after. The historical essay with which Mr. Sabine introduces his biographies, is devoted to an inquiry into the origin of the revolutionary movement in the several provinces — of the re motely, as well as the immediately, impelhng causes of out break in each — of the spirit by which it was manifested or sustained, and the principles which were developed in the struggle. The paper is written clearly and with force, and betrays some ingenuity and much industry. It betrays other qualities, however, which are much less commendable. Its mistakes are frequent, and are usually the result of that false medium, through which the writer sees his game, particularly when his eye ranges in a southerly direction. This is the common misfortune with New England writers and New England politicians ; and the viee is one, now so thoroughly ingrained by habit, that it almost ceases to be censurable as an immorality, and must be regarded with the indulo-ence which we show to cases of acknowledged infirmity, and a chronic incapacity. It is, and has been, from the beginning, such an exemplary and delightful thing for New England to SOUTH-OAROlInA in THE REVOLUTION. 11 regard her children as the saints, to whom the possession of the earth has been finally decreed, that it is, perhaps, not a thing to be wondered at, if the inheritors of so goodly a faith and fortune, should naturally assume that they are the pro prietors of all the good deeds that are done within its bounds. They have all the talents, all the -virtues, and perform all the achievements. Even Mr. Webster tells us, that Bunker Hill was the Revolution ; the rest was " mere leather and prunel la ;" and nobody in the land of " steady habits" will gainsay authority so profound. Reading their own historians only, they are amiable enough to believe all their assurances; and historians thus honoured with their exclusive confidence, show themselves quite worthy of this trust when writing ; as if they never once forgot that they were in possession of the ear of the entire parish. Fortunate historians in the posses sion of such a parish ! Fortunate parish in the possession of such historians ! Mutually fortunate parish and historians in the possession of one another ! There is but one thing wanting, evidently, to the happiness of the parties : could they only provoke such a faith in the surrounding world, as they so graciously give to one another, the sum of their enjoy ment would be complete. The great difficulty consists in drug ging truth, so that she may slumber forever ! When Mr. Sabine approaches South-Carolina, he opens his batteries with sufficient frankness and audacity. He says : " The public men, of South-Carolina, of the present gene ration, claim that her patriotic devotion in the revolution, was inferior to none, and was superior to most of the states of the confederacy. Ah I examine the evidence, it was not so. The population, composed as it wa.s, of emigrants from Switzer land, Germany, France, Ireland, and the northern colonics of America, and their descendants, was, of course, deficient in the necessary degree of homogeneity, or sameness of nature, to insure any considerable unanimity of political sentiment. It is true, however, that, individual men took an early, a no- 12 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. ble, and a decided stand against the oppressive measures of the British ministry. It is equally true, that South-Carolina was the first state of the thirteen, to form an independent constitution, and that she ovei'paid her proportion of the ex penditures of the war in the sum of 1,205,978 dollars. She sent some gallant whigs to the field, and several wise ones to the council. But, to use the apt sayings of every day life, " One swallow does not make a summer," nor " one feather make a bed ;" and so, a Laurens, father and son, a Middleton, a Riitledge, Marion, Sumter, and Pickens, do not prove that the whig leaven was diffused through the mass of her peo ple." And who ever said that the whig leaven was diffused through the entire mass of her people, and why should it be deemed necessary, that such should be the case, when the question is as to the action of the State ? It is a proposition of Mr. Sabine's own setting up, that he bowls down with such admirable dexterity. The publie men of South-Carolina, claim nothing inconsistent with the records of their historians ; and these have, in no instance, made any such idle assertion, as that of the general diffusion of the whig leaven among the great body of our people. Mr. Sabine tells us nothing new — certainly nothing that our own writers have not long since told him — when he speaks of the almost equal division^ into opposite parties, of the people inhabiting South- Carolina, during the war of the Revolution ; — and yet, even with the frank and frequent avowal of this fact, to be found in all our histories, from that of Moultrie and of Ramsay, to that of Johnson, and other more recent writers, down to the pre sent day, our public men are still perfectly justified in the claim which they assert — " that her patriotic devotion in the revolution was inferior to none, and was superior to most of the States of the Confederacy.'' We repeat the assertion, however unaccountable it may seem to Mr. Sabine, after the admission akeady made, touching the partial diffusion of the SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 13 '' whig leaven.'' The simple fact, which this gentleman must yet learn to appreciate, is, that the character of a country does not depend upon the opinions of the mass, and is not deter minable by the direction which its mere numbers may please to take. For this reason, it was by no raeans necessary that all of the people of South-Carolina should have united in the common cause or sentiment It is quite enough if there be a sufficient number to give impulse to the action, and to determine the conduct and decision of the State ; and the merit is the greater when this impulse is given to the body politic, so as to compel its action, by only a certain proportion of the people, and in sjnte of the active opposition, or the in ert resistance of mere masses among the rest. So far from believing, or asserting, the sentiment of her people to have been unanimous, or nearly so, it is, on the contrary, tbe jsecii- liar boast of South-Carolina, that, with her population almost equally divided, in consequence of the very causes that Mr. Sabine enumerates — arising from the absence oi the degree of homogeneity so necessary in politics to the common action — she was yet able to achieve so much — to send into the field a large proportion of the noblest and ablest captains of the revolution, and into the councils of the nation so many of the boldest politicians and wisest statesmen. Her merit consists in having been able, while contending at home against a pow erful and bitter faction, to make contributions of strength, valour, wisdom and patriotism, to the common cause, which no other State in the Union, though, j)erhaps, better circum stanced, has ever exceeded. Mr. Sabine is, in some degree, compelled to make this acknowledgement, but he does it as costively as possible. He admits the Rutledge's and Marions', the Laurens's and Sumters', — the chiefs and sages — but doubts the commonalty; as if officers and leaders, achieving such successes — winning, in fact, names and reputations which 14 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. stand out, almost alone, in some of the fields of our national effort — unexampled and alraost unequalled — the partisan war fare for instance ; — as if the very existence of these chiefs did not necessarily imply a large, devoted and faithful array of followers. " One bird does not make the summer, nor one feather the bed," truly, but, in the employment of these musty proverbs, it might be just as well to give us due credit for all our birds and feathers. Yet, if with our few, we achieve so wondrously — fix the character of the State — give the direction to its power — place it in the first rank of States, and furnish many of the names from which the nation derives its highest reputation — this, too, in the face of such a civil war as no other State in the Confederacy had to contend with, — we ar gue from it a higher renown — we claim for it a more unquali fied eulogy — than can possibly be due to those States, who, without being able to show a greater or nobler list of great men and great deeds, were yet free from the disabilities arising from such great difficulties, as embarrassed the action of South-Carolina. But there are yet other grounds, still higher, upon which to rest the claims of South-Carolina, to that lofty station, which her public men may safely assert for her at any time. In an argument of this description, and in relation to this history, it is important that we should look to the degree of patriotism which prompted the fii-st movements of the several colonies ; and this patriotism is determinable, not merely by the show of resolution, and the efforts at resistance which are made, but by the absence of base and selfish interests as fur nishing the impelling motive. If, in addition to the facts that South-Carohna was one of the first of the colonies to move in support of New England — that she was one of the most frank and fearless — and that she was one of the greatest sufferers, by the war, of all the colonies — we show, at the same time, SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 15 that her individual causes of complaint were fewer, and far less serious, than was the case with most of the colonies, — we apprehend that we urge an additional and stronger claim to the public admiration of her patriotism and prompt self-sacri fice. Let us inquire, with this point in view, in what degree the impulses which arise from the operation of selfish argu ments, were at work to suggest and stimulate, equally, to a resistance of the power of Great Britain, the two colonies of Massachusetts and South-Carohna ? In the case of the latter, the oppressions of the crown, which threatened to annihilate the mercantile and maritime resources of the former, were almost totally unfelt. As Mr. Sabine himself writes, in his preliminary essay, the oppressive legislation of the mother country fell almost exclusively on the northern colonies. " They forbade the use of waterfalls, the erecting of machi nery, of looms and spindles, and the working of wood and iron ; they set the King's arrow upon trees that rotted in the forest ; they shut out markets for boards and fish, and seized sugar and molasses, and the vessels in which these articles were carried ; and they defined the limitless ocean as but a narrow pathway to such of the lands that it embosoms as wore the British flag." None of these things disturbed the interests of Carolina. — She did not employ machinery, and was no competitor with British manufacture ; she sent no ships to sea in rivalry with British commerce ; she lost no vessels by seizure ; the King's Arrow, on her forest trees, in the boundlessness of her wild dominion, abridged no man's plenty ; Great Britain readily took and consumed her raw productions at prices of which she had no reason to complain. When her shores were in fested by pirates, British men-of-war were furnished to protect them ; when the Spaniard and the savage assailed coast or frontier, British armies and fleets were sent to her assistance. Originally founded by distinguished nobles, Carolina had al- 16 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. ways been a favourite, first of the lords proprietore, and after wards of the crown, of which she became the protigi ; and none of those selfish rivalries of trade, which, from an early period, embittered the intercourse between New and Old Eng land, ever arose to disturb the pleasant relations which existed between this pet province and the mother country. The Revolution found the sons of nearly all of her leading men pursuing their studies within the walls of British colleges. — Yet those sons hurried home, at the firet outbreak, to draw the sword against this protecting mother ; following the ex ample, in most instances, of their fathers, in Carolina. Cer tainly, there were none of those pecuniary considerations, prompting the revolution in Carolina, which prevailed to unite the people of New England in a cause which struck directly at their common intereste. The wrong done to the South -was of a different complexion. It consisted, simply, in the denial to the native mind, of its proper position. Great Bri tain, persisting in the habit of ruling the colony from abroad outraged the claims of that native intellect, which was now equal to the necessities of the home government. This was, perhaps, the very worst of the wrongs which the mother coun try offered to Carolina. It was a wrong done to its pride and its ambition, rather than its purse ; and was the true and al most the only cause of that sympathy, on the part of the superior classes in Carolina, which made the colony prompt, among the first, to second the movements of, and resent the indignities offered to. New England. No wonder that public opinion should lack unanimity in the South, when its discon tents should have been confined entirely to the intellectual and ambitious portion of its population. With this spirit, the more slavish nature could have no sympathy. The more nar rowly selfish, to whom the love of gain was the impelling motive, were naturally hostile to a revolution which threat SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. lY ened to disturb the quiet progress of a trade, in regard to which, having interests unhke those of New England, they had few causes of complaint ; and it was with a prudence that could plead the continued counsels of common sense, that the loyalists of Carolina urged it as unreasonable and unwise to enter into a struggle, in which they could foresee nothing in prospect, but the prospect of exchanging the tyran nies, real or imaginary only, of Old England for those of New. The movement, in the low country of South-Carohna, was mostly confined to the native planters and professional men — the exceptions being chiefly among the clergy of the estab lished church — who constituted the aristocracy of the country. These, again, were divided in their objects — one portion look ing to final independence, the other only to a redress of griev ances. In the City of Charleston, the tradesmen and mechan ics, who sided with the planters, were natives also. The for eign settlers, the greater number of whom had been only a few years in the country, were, with the exception of the Irish> almost wholly opposed to the movement, for any object. — They felt no wrong to their interests, they apprehended no danger to their liberties. The Scotch, a people remarkable for their loyalty, were naturally with Great Britain. The Ger man population found no whig arguments equal to the con clusive fact that George the Third was a Prince of Hanover. The commercial population, which, with few exceptions, was confined to Scotch and English settlers, were secretly, but firmly, opposed to the patriots, and only forbore to speak their hostility, while the latter were in the ascendant. The great majority of the addressore of Clinton, belonged to one or other of these classes. Of these, also, were most of those citizens of Charleston, who figure in Mr. Sabine's catalogue. The na tives were comparatively few whom he thus embalms for their posterity. Of the foreigners, particularly in the interior, few 18 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. of them had been ten years in the country, and their sympa thies, those of the Irish excepted, were all with a monarchy, and all with Great Britain. In this brief array of facts and parties, we are prepared to see, at a glance, how wanting was the community in those ar guments — more imposing by far than any influence arising from community of birth place — which could alone have brought about a unanimity of the popular action. Such a unanimity did not exist in any of the colonies. We have shown why it should be less likely to be found in Carolina than elsewhere. Her classes were naturally in conflict, and none of them acknowledged the impelhng influences which moved New England to rebellion. It was in spite of the open and secret opposition of most of them — in spite of that want of harmony in council and feeling, so particularly necessary to the insurrectionary movement of a small community— in spite of that meaner impulse, the argumentum ad crumenam ¦ — which is- usually so all-effective when addressed to a mixed multitude — that the revolutionary party in South-Carolina engaged in the struggle. We contend that purer patriots were never found ; that hands cleaner of offence, freer from the stain of base and selfish motives, never grasped the sword of war ; never more truly and faithfully carried life, property and sacred honour, as their pledges, for the prosecution of a glorious, national purpose. We deny that you have any right to inquire into their numbers, when compelled to acknowledge their achievements ; when their achievements neutralize the de ficiencies in number; and we insist that, as their aims and en ergies gave the direction to the politics of the State, and their courage and integrity fixed it firmly in those politics, they are the only true representatives of the State — which is not to be estimated by the position or deeds of those who opposed the designs of its great men, and fought stubbornly against their SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 19 progress. We insist that it is quite unnecessary, in claiming for her a position as eminent in patriotism as any other of the States, to show a perfect unanimity among her people, and the entire diffusion through her masses, of the whig leaven. It is enough to show that the native population, sustained usually by the Irish and French settlers, and opposed chiefly by the Swiss, German, Quaker, English and Scotch, did as sert, for her, the highest position from the beginning; did ob tain an ascendancy from the beginning; were among the first at the beginning, and persevered in it to the end ; through privations and perils to which but few other States were sub jected ; contending against odds the most unequal ; fighting, equally, an enemy within and without — fighting for her sister States until exhausted — almost deserted by her sister States ; and, finally, with moderate help from their arms, coming out of the conflict triumphantly, though bleeding at every pore. This is, in fact, the whole history, in the briefest summary. The chronicles will prove it true in everj' syllable. The claims of Carolina to the distinction which her public men assert, may be slurred over by ingenious misrepresentation, but she cannot be defrauded of them. They are to be estimated rela tively with the difficulties with which she had to contend, the deficiencies of her numbers, the purity of her purposes, the rancor of her enemies, the spirit and wisdom of the favourite sons who swayed her councils and fought her battles, and the severity and frequency of her fields of fight. Her claims are necessarily based upon the achievements of those who strove for her independence, and not upon the hostility of those who strove against it. It must not be permitted that the former should be disparaged by looking to the numbers of the latter. We cannot allow that her fame is to be smutched, because there were many within her territories with whom her cham pions were hourly doing battle. We regard it, indeed, as the 20 SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION. strangest mode of reasoning, to be told by Mr. Sabine — when we show that, on the 21st April, 1*775, Charles Pinckney, President of the Provincial Congress, Henry Laurens, Chair man of the General. Committee, Thomas Lynch, one of the Delegates to Congress, Benjamin Huger, Wm. Bull, Wm. Henry Drayton, Christopher Gadsden, and othere, all natives of Carolina, seized on the armouries of the crown, and pos sessed themselves of all the armanent and munitions ; that, as an offset to the merits of this action, and as qualifying the claims of the State to the distinction that it might command — there was one " Ahercrombie, John, of Charleston, South-Carolina, (who ¦was) an addressor of Sir Henry Clinton, in 1780." Or that one " Adams, Samuel, of South-Carolina, (was) an addressor of Sir Henry Clinton, in 1780." Or that " Adamson, George, of Charleston, South-Carolina, was an addressor of Sir Henry Clinton, after the surrender of Charles ton." Certainly, these names, et id omne genus, all foreigners, taken from the first leaves of Mr. Sabine's catalogue, cannot be suffered to interpose between the claims of the State, as a community, acting through the achnowledged representatives of ihe native stock, and which perseveres, and finally succeeds in the assertion of its principles — and substract from the hon ourable distinction which the latter have won, chiefly by their conquest over these very opponents. Yet this is the very ar gument of Mr. Sabine. This is the labour of love -which he proposes for the exercise of his industry and genius. When we mention that the siege of Boston, by Washing ton, was only continued by gunpowder despatched from Caro lina, which certain Carolinians had just captured from an Eng- SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 21 lish vessel off St. Augustine, — Mr. Sabine leaps up and says — " Ah yes ! one bird don't make a summer, for, as I read your history, I find that, at that very time, you had certain foreign ers in your chief city, dealing in flour and molasses, who were, in their hearts, hostile to the proceeding, and would rather have seen this very powder employed to blow Washington and all his army sky-high, than that he should have besieged the British forces in Boston for a single instant." " Do you doubt ?" says he, with a snigger — " look here ; I have been at a labour of love, in your behalf. I have made out a list here of all your loyahsts and all your rascals. Here, for ex ample, are James Blackburn, and Robert Blair, and Henry Blakenham, and I don't know how many more, among the B's alone, who were Charleston loyalists and addressors of Sir Henry Clinton.'' Sagacious Mr. Sabine ? But what of all this enumeration ? How does it effect the question ? Not a whit ; though the catalogue of these foreigners, for they were all such, had been thrice as copious. These people could scarcely have taken any other position. They were born subjects of the British King, for whom the community was not responsible. The ar gument is grievously unjust which should lessen the force of his suggestion, who, at this day, representing the State of South-Carolina, and claiming for her the deeds of those sons by whose devotion she became a State, should be told of cer tain persons who opposed their achievements, and united them selves with the foreign enemy, to prevent her from becoming a State. What were these citizens but allies of the enemy ? — and, in due proportion to their numbers, the claims of merit are necessarily increased, on the part of those by whom they were overcome. We are surely not answera ble for the conduct and character of those who oppose, but of those who represent, us. But, to Mr. Sabine's details : 22 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. " The whole number of regulars, enlisted for the contineuT tal service, from the beginning to the closing of the struggle, was 231,950 ; of these, I have once remarked, 67,907 were from Massachusetts ; and I may now add, that every StatCj south of Pennsylvania, provided but 59,493 ; 8,414 less than this single State; and that New England — now, I grieve to say, contemned and reproached — equipped and maintained 110,850, or above half of the number placed at the service of Congress." * * * "In considering the political con dition of Virginia and North-Carolina, it was admitted that these States were not able to provide troops according to their population, as compared with the States destitute of a peculiar institution ? The same admission is now made in behalf of South-Carohna. Yet did 6,660 whig soldiers exhaust her re sources of men ? Could she furnish only 752 more than Rjode Island, the smallest State in the Confederacy ; only one-fifth of the number of Connecticut; only one-half as many as New Hampshire, then almost an unbroken wilderness ? She did not ; she could not defend herself against her own tories ; and, it is hardly an exaggeration to add, that more whigs of New England were sent to Iter aid, and now lie buried in her soil, than she sent from it to every scene of strife from, Lex ington to Yorktown." The suppressio veri and suggestio falsi, are united in this passage, in a hardihood of manner which is rarely exampled. It will probably surprise Mr. Sabine — who, no doubt, believes all he says, — being willing to believe it, — when we tell him that New England never had a dozen whig soldiers in the south at all ! The loose manner in which our early histories were written, has led to frequent misapprehension of the facts stated, which results in engrafting the most miserable errors upon our chronicles. Thus, the common phrases, " troops from the north" — " a northern army" — has led to the inference — which the New-England writers, by whom most of our popular histories have been prepared, readily adopt — that these north ern troops were from New-England chiefly. But when Moultrie, Ramsay, and other southern historians speak of an army and SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 23 troops from the north, though they speak with literal accuracy, they speak loosely — implying only the States north of South- Carolina; and to those familiar with the organization of the ai'my in the revolution, for the defence of the several sections, there can be no difficulty. The southern army was chiefly composed of contingents drawn from Virginia, Maryland, North-Carolina, South-Carolina and Georgia. A small, but excellent body of troops, were added I'rom Delaware ; and, towards tlie close of the war, when there were no further ap prehensions from the enemy in the north, and when, in fact, the fighting had entirely ceased in the south. General Greene jirocured an auxiliary force from Pennsylvania, which proved very troublesome to him ; a nuraber of them actually sold him to the enemy, and were only detected in season to prevent his intended dehvery. It will be difficult, we think, for Mr. Sabine, to find any proof that even so many as twelve New England whigs, ever appeared as soldiers in Carolina. We got a few officers from New-England, some of whom we should have done much better without. The two most prominent of these, were General Lincoln and General Greene. Lincoln was, no doubt, a very worthy gentleman ; but he was slow and defi cient in energy. His merits, as ;i military man were very or dinary. The great merit of Greene consisted in his coolness and tenacity of purpose. His caution, which was large, like that of Washington, while it enabled him to keep his army from mishap, as frequently tended to impair the value of his successes, — and we find him, accordingly, almost invariably allowing the trophies of victory to be snatched from his grasp in the very moment when he has her in his embrace. To the services of this gentleman, the south is, nevertheless, consider ably indebted. She has shown no disposition to avoid the debt But she denies that, with either Lincoln, Gates or Greene, there came any forces from New-England to the South. 24 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. When Charleston was first assailed,by a British fleet and army, in June, 1776, though Charies Lee was sent to take command of her defences, he brought with him no troops. The army of South-Carolina consisted wholly of native militia, " and of the regular regiments of the adajcent northern States," the latter amounting, in all, to about seven or eight hundred men. When Lincoln was sent to take command, what was the order given him by Congress ? — " To take command of all their forces to the southward."* What constituted the regular ar my of General Gaites, when he moved on Camden, exchang ing his northern laurels for southern wallows ? — " Fourteen hundred continental troops, consisting of the Delaware and Maryland lines."\ — To these were added a similar force of militia, from Virginia and North-Carolina. The remains of this army constituted the nucleus of that of General Greene, for which he received no reinforcements of regulars, except the legion of Colonel Lee, most of which were Virginia and Maryland recruits, and a legionary corps, commanded by General Lawson, also from Virginia.]; From this force of continentals, and the native militia, under Pickens and others, the detached command of General Morgan was composed. — When we have added to this array, a special requisition on Maryland for seventy-five horse, and an auxiliary force from Pennsylvania, furnished to Greene at the close of the war, as already mentioned, we have enumerated all the States north of South-Carolina, from which levies were ever made in her defence. We find no proof, any where, that New England ever supplied the States, south of the Potomac, with any troops, except when the army was under immediate control of the commander-in-chief, as at the seige of Yorktown. The eastern troops, — by which we mean those of New England — never came farther south, during the whole war, than this * Ramsay. \ Johnson's Greene. X Ibid. SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 25 point ; and a single passage from the pen of a New England historian, may suffice as conclusive on this subject Sparks, in his Life of Wa.shington, vol. i., p. 368, describ ing the army as under moving orders for Virginia, writes thus ; " Tlie soldiers — [that is to say, of the Northern army, moving, /or the first time, to do battle for the South ; — an army, by the way, which contained several regiments of Carohna troops, and several Virginia brigades] being mostly from the Eaitern and Middle Sta.tes, marched with reluc tance to the southward, and shotoed strong symptoms of dis content when they jMssed through Pliiladelph'ia. This liad been foreseen by General Wash'ing ton, a.nd he urged the siqier- intendant of finance TO advance them a month's pay in HAliD MONEY !" He knew, it seems, the most efficacious process fjr resusci tating the patriotic sympathies of the East, for its suffering sisters of the South. That self-sacrificing region, whose ser vices — as Mr. Sabine so pathetically laments — are so ungrate fully acknowledged now ! We proceed with his very preg nant paragraph, as it is one that deserves some farther illus tration. He tells us that, of the 231,958 regulars enlisted for the continental service, 67,907 were from Massachusetts alone ; — and — farther — thjit, of the first mentioned number, " New-England" — " now I grieve to say contemned and re proached" — "equipped and maintained, 118,350." Verily, a goodly number, — but what became of them ? Where did they show themselves ? What did they do ? The last three years of the war, there were no British aimies in New-England, and we have shown that there wei-e no New- England soldiers in the South, where the enemy was to be found alone. What then became of these men in buck ram, whose claim to our gratitude is so great, aud so little 2 26 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. recognized and acknowledged ? Let us hear what Sparks says on this subject, ard he is a New-England authority. Quoting from Washington's correspondence on the 1st May, 1781 — the very period when Carolina was mostly over run by the enemy — " Scarce any State in the Union has at this hour an eighth part of its quota in the field.^'' Where v)as this host of New-Englanders ? Again : " Before leaving Weathersfield, a circular letter was written by General Wash ington to the governors of the Eastern States, urging them to fill up their quotas of continental troops with all possible despatch.''^* Can it be that these 118,350 troops were on paper only, /or the purpose of getting ihe pay without ihe performance? This is a point to be referred to hereafter. But hear what Sparks farther says, of himself, only a page or two after. " The Eastern ard Middle States in particular, after the French troops had arrived in the country, and ike theatre of war had been transferred by the enemy to the South, relapsid into a state of comparative inactivity and indifference." These patriotic, self-sacrificing New-Englanders, 118,000 strong! He (Washington) tried all his arts and entreaties to overcome this apathy, but the money chest being empty, and the immediate danger withdrawn from their own homes, — " the recruits cume in so tardily from the States, that the army (Northern) was never in a condition to author ize an undertaking of magnitude, without ihe co operation of a French fleet superior to the British.^''\ Even at the siege of York, the French forces were nearly equal to the continen tals, and the Southern militia to the French ; the former being more than five thousand strong, the militia more than fotir thousand, and the continentals about seven thousand. And these continentals, as already stated, contained several * Sparkf's Washington, vol. i., p. 359. tibid, vol. i., p. 3C2. SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 27 brigades, a fair proportion, of Virginia and Carolina troops. The storming parties were led by a Frenchman and a South- Carolinian.* In all anxiety, we ask for this host of New- Englanders. We dread lest they have perished in battle; but we look in vain for a sufficiently bloody battle field. We are half afraid lest their captains played the game of Fal.-taff, and compromised the sound men and true, for such as were not fit to be marched through Coventry. It is xery clear that they have no eneray in New-England, they have no field of conflict sufficiently desperate by which to insinuate their general massacre, and it is equally certain that there are only some seven thousand continentals, all told, from all the States, to march as far south as Yorktown ; and such of these as come from the east, are reluctant to go e\cn thus far, unless they get a little pay in advance, by way of invigorating the patriotic fury which first prompted them in the revolution. The truth is, that the whole militia force of New-England was enrolled nominally in the continental service. They were all on paper, suppcsed to be forth-coming, but they never ajipeared, except on the record. This record sufficed for many things, as the pension list of the United States may partially attest There was, if we remember rightly — though, at this moment, we cannot lay our hands on the precise authorities — some adroit hocicssing, in certain quarters, by which all the militia of the East was put upon the continental establishment; — by vvhich clever process, ostensibly liable to a summons at any moment to the field, they were yet mostly saved from this danger by the very incapacity of the government to provide the funds for their support But the mere enrolling sufficed to establish a claim for compensation when tbe government did become able to compensate. An other riiason, by which to account for the great numbers of * Col. Laurens. 28 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION. New-England troops. The militia laws called them out for a three months' service only. It is the complaint of Washing ton, that their whole time is consumed in marching to camp> drawing their rations, and marching back again. During the first three years of the war, when the States were all in their bft^t condition, and while New-England itself was in the dan ger of the invaders, they were necessarily kept somewhat uneasy ; but even then, their exhibition of force, in actual array upon the field, was miserably mean, as we read the history, in comparison with this magnificent show upon the pay and pension list. As soon as the enemy disappeared from the New-England territories — though the war originated with them, and was chiefly vital to them — they sent forth no soldiers. The tide of battle rolling southwardly, left them in a condition of comparative security, and their patriotism was then of a sort to enable them to snap their fingers at the distresses of the Southern people ; — it is certain that they snapt nothing more potent in the ears of either friends or enemies. The South wa^ left to do its own fighting, as it could, with such forces only, as could be drawn from hurried conscriptions in Virginia, Georgia, and the two Carolinas. South-Carolina became the great battle field for the contro versy, daring the next three years ; and, if the fields might be allowed to speak for themselves, we should say that we cer tainly needed no better proof in behalf of the spirit and the tenacity with which South-Carolina maintained her principles and -position. But these fields are begrudged us. They sound quite too nobly in our history to suffer New-England to be silent on her claims, and are, in fact, the true motives for that loving labour which seeks to prove, at this day, our short-comings in the day that tried men's souls. Mr. Sabine proceeds categorically. SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 29 " Yet, did 6,660 whig soldiers exhaust the resources of South-Carolina?" It is to be kept in mind that this was the whole number of South-Carolinians that were put upon the pay list It will probably be allowed that we had this number in the field, at least. If so, then it is clear that, if we furnished few, we got pay for no more th.an we furnished. On this point, some thing may be said hereafter. To answer the question of Mr. Sabine. We shall do so as bi-iefly as possible, though it may seem that our responses are circuitously given. It is sufficient, then, to say, that, whether many or few, the troops of South-Carolina, single-handed, drove away the first British fleet and army — that of Sir Peter Parker — that came against her, in one of the most bloody battles of the revolution. Her troops were next employed for the defence of Georgia, and suffered terribly in the endeavour to storm the redoubts of Savannah, united with the French, under the Marquis D'Es- taing. They invaded Florida — they travereed Georgia — fighting her battles as well as their own — and, for a long time, the province of South-Carolina had to support both provinces and keep off the invader. When Charleston finally fell into the hands of the British, she lost more than three thousand of her troops by captivity. Believing the State overcome — for, with all these 118,000 patriotic New-England ers, Washington did not dare to detail a sufficient force from his own ai-my to the assistance of the suffering State — one thousand South-Carolinians, (forming a splendid addition to the regular army of the North,) joined it, and were accepted and reviewed by General Arnold, then in command at Phi ladelphia. Subsequently, the Carolinians who remained at home, were engaged in a constant succession of conflicts, carried on at the same moment with the foreign invader, and a strong and vindictive domestic faction, which, though resi- 30 SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION. dents, were yet chiefly foreigners, who lacked that necessary sympathy with the soil which alone teaches the sense of inde" pendence. In this period, arose that brilliant race of partisan warrioi's, who have never been surpassed, if equalled, in any of the States. Here, from the native militia, sprang up Marion, and Sumter, and Pickens, and Lacy, and Cleveland, and Adair, and Davie, and Hampton, and Mayham, and Thomas, and Bratton, and Roebuck, and a host besides, whose deeds only want an adequate historian. What forces -won the battles of King's Mountain, and Hanging Rock, and Blackstocts, and a hundred other places where Marion, Sum ter and Pickens commanded ? The forces of the Carolinas chiefly, and, with the exception of the fii-st named, mostly of ^OM^A-Carolina. Yet, these were mihtiamen, and militia officers ; and it was in the commission of the State only, and not of Congress, that Moultrie, Marion, Sumter, and most of the Carolina partisans, obtained their greatest successes. By what troops were the battles of Eutaw, and Guilford, and Cowpens, and Camden fought ? A single sentence of Mr. Sabine, will show the answer which New-England would now insinuate. It is some grace, in the instance of our author, that he does not assert that we owe them wholly to New- England valour. " The exact question is, then, not where were the battle grounds of the revolution, but what was the proportion of men which each of the thirteen States supplied for the con test." The suggestion is an adroit one. It does not, you will per ceive, directly insist that the troops of New-England fought the battles of Eutaw, King's Mountain, Cowpens, &c., but leaves you to infer this suggestion from the fact already in sisted upon, that they supplied the great bulk of the Ameri can army during the war. You are to suppose them here SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 31 thei'e and every where, these intense patriots, rushing in every quarter which promises them a chance of doing battle with the oppressor, and leaving their monumental names upon every field made sacred by valour iu all the States and terri tories of the Union ! And this easy mode of acquiring fame, and making records, is but too likely to be successful, when we find the histories of the country emanating, in so many forms, chiefly from New-England hands ; — their wri ters, anxious, like Mr. Sabine, with a laudable regard to the " local habitation," to shoulder it with all the glory which maj' be appropriated from other regions ; — which, not mor bidly eager after such objects, betray rather too decided an indifference to what is really proper and legitimate in the ambition of a community. We leave it to the other States of the South to assert the truth in their several cases, and for their own defence. We shall confine ourselves wholly to South-Carolina. We think it fortunate that we can relieve any anxiety which Mr. Sabine might feel, lest, in his grasping anxiety to establish for his parish, the sole glory of the revolution, he might covet and appropriate some that may properly belong elsewhere. We beg leave to assure him, then, that, .s-o far as Ihe buttle fields of South- Carolina are concerned, New-England contributed just no soldiers at all. We never saw a dozer of her tvliole hundred and eighteen thousand. Tliey never crossed the Potomac in our belialf. A corporal's guard ivould cover her entire contrihnt'ions of men, rank awl file, to ihe glorious and bloody fields of rcvolulionary deba.te within our limits. Tbe battles of the South generally, and of South-Carolina wholly, were fought by Southern troops exclusively, — includ ing a small contingent which came from Delaware ; and we have the farther assurance to make, that these battles were fought by thousands who never dreamed of the pay list. 32 SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION. which was probably, during all this time, in the keeping of New-England. No wonder that the account has been so well kept ; for her troops, the last three yeare of the war, had ample leisure for making all the entries. South-Carolina, like North-CaroUna and Virginia, had thousands serving in the army of the North, and counted necessarily in with that section. They had thousands more, who fought, as Harry Smyth, of the Wynd, did, " on their own hook," and were never enrolled, never asked and never received pay or rations. New-England is not a region readily to comprehend virtues so gratuitous, and her writers never insist upon what they do not understand. It is the misfortune of the South that the lion does not often write the history of his own career. In this history, he has left it almost wholly to the jackal. Mr. Sabine, employing a frequent habit of later days, al most peculiar to that patriotic region which he esteems to have found so little gratitude and acknowledgment, for its services, from the rest of the confederacy, — sneeiingly alludes to the slave system of the south, under the words "pecufiar institution"— as a source of our assumed military weakness. But this military weakness of the south exists only in the imagination of the abolitionist As we read the history, the slave institution has never been a source of weakness, and is, in reality, one of strength. It was a source of strength to Greek and Roman ; a source of greatness, too, infinitely be yond mere physical capacity. It has never enfeebled us in any foreign contest ; though, ]uior to the revolution, in conse quence of a too little regard to the lessons of history, it was a source of anxiety and doubt The progress of that conflict relieved the pubhc mind from all of its apprehensions, and showed that, in a time of war, it becomes a source of superior strength, securing the community, at all times, an abundant agricultural supply — always in course of production — while SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. S3 enabling the entire male white population to engage actively in the conflict, for which the constant use of weapons and horses has particularly prepared them. This was the re markable history during the revolution. South-Carolina actu ally furnished the food for both armies, not only within her own borders but those of Georgia, during the last three years of the war. Her granaries fed equally the whig and tory, the Briton and the American. Her slaves produced this immense supply, and, in the majority of cases, were faithful to their masters. But a small body deserted voluntarily to the Brit ish, and were uniformed in their service. The greater number who passed into their possession, and were carried from the state into West Indian bondage, were victims to the cupidity of the enemy, and were made captive by force of arms. While the greater part of the negro population were engaged in the tillage of the fields, their owners, of both parties, were struggling in the fields of conflict. And this relation between the slave and his master was favourable to military strength. It secured protection for the one who toiled, and sustenance and food for him who fought. While the slave was peculiar ly endowed for the staid and uniform employments of agri culture, the white man of the South was quite as remarkably constituted for the life of activity and adventure which be longs to the requirements of war. He was born, we may almost phrase it, on horseback, and with the rifle in his grasp. His ordinary exercise made these his familiar companions. His ordinary amusement was the chase ; and, as a hunter, horseman, and rifleman, he was almost naturally trained to war. It is in these possessions, indeed, that we may boast of a mihtia in the South, such as the woild has never elsewhere seen. These possessions combine the most powerful elements and agents of the military — habitual stratagem and adroit ness in snaring and baffling game — a perfect mastery of the 2* 34 SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION. horse, and an unequalled excellence in firearms. Exercise in these is naturally the source of spirit and vigilance, of confi dence and courage in the field, which ordinary militia never possess ; and of a pecuUar capacity for guerilla or partisan warfare, in which the South has especially been distinguished -whenever her troops have been led by native officers, who knew how to appreciate and manage them, and who under stood the business themselves. But we must pass to another of the fecund paragraphs of Mr. Sabine : " South-Carolina, with a Northern army to assist her, could not or would not even preserve her own capital." We have shown already that the word " Northern" raust not, as is too frequently the case in New England books, be misunderstood to mean New-England. Their writers seem determined to have it so, and charity requires that we should suppose them always to believe what they themselves assert. In every instance where the language is employed, we beg leave to repeat that no troops from New England ever crossed the State of Virginia. Let us look to the details. What, for example, was this northern army that came to the help of Charleston, when threatened by Clinton ? " The North- Carolina and Virg-inia continentals, amounting to fifteen hun dred men, two frigates, a twenty-four gun ship, and a sloop of war were ordered from the northward for the defence of Charleston. This was all the aid that could be expected from Congress." But these fifteen hundred troops were not all available. " Out of a thousand North-Carolina militia, commanded by General Lillington, whose term of service ex pired while the siege was pending, no more than three hun dred could be persuaded to remain within the lines." "Seven hundred continentals, (Virginians) commanded by General Woodford, was the only reinforcement which the garrison SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 35 received during the sieger* When the town fell, the whole number of continentals, including the Carolina contingent within the State was but " nineteen hundred and seve niy -seven, yet the return of prisoner was more than five thousand.''''\ So much for this redoubtable ' Northern' army. It is true that, before the leaguer, and in order to confirm the resolution of the people to defend the city, they were f>romised from Congress and other quarters, an additional force of some nine thousand troops, bnt these only made their appearance after the fashion of those tardy spirits whom Glendower summon ed from the vasty deeps. They were pretty much the same order of soldiers as were enrolled on the New England estab lishment — never to be seen except at the serving out of ra tions ; and as Charleston had but a slender supply of provi sions, falling, at last, from famine, such feeders, with such an aversion to short commons, could not surely be expected in such a place. But let us proceed with Mr. Sabine. " South-Carolina, with a northern army to assist her, could not, or would not preserve her own capital. When news reached Connecticut that Gage had sent a force into the country, and that blood had been shed, Putnam was at work in his field; leaving his plough in the furrow, he started for Cambridge, without changing his garments. When Stark heard the same tidings, he was sawing pine logs, and without a coat ; shutting down the gate of his mill, he commenced his journey to Boston in his shirt sleeves. The same spirit animated the whigs far and near, and the capital of New England was invested with fifteen thousand men. How was it at Charleston? That city was the great mart of the South ; and what Boston still is, the centre of the export and import trade of a large population. In grandeur, in shipping, an 1 commerce, Charleston was equal to any city in America. But its citizens did not rally to save it, and General Lincoln was compelled to accept terms of capitulation." * Ramsay. f Ibid, 36 SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. How grateful should this contrast be, to one, at least, of the parties ! What a picturesque dehneation does the author give us of Putnam setting off for the field of war, without changing his breeches ! and Stark, in his shirt — Stark-nakedi we may say — starting off from his mill, on a milling expedi tion, to Boston, gives us a high idea of the patriotism of every body in this wondrous region. It is to be regretted that our author had not asked how long this patriotic fury continued. At the first flush of an affair, an excitable people may find it rather pleasant than otherwise ; but as the latent properties of the subject begin to unfold themselves, the enthusiasm usually subsides. How was it with these half-clad heroes, and their fifteen thousand patriots ? Let us see. We quote from Sparks, as before : " The enlistments in the new army, (the leaguer of Boston in progress) went on slowly. The dissatisfaction and cabals of the officers, the exacting temper and undisciplined habits of the men, occasioned endless perplexities. General Washington felt intense anxiety. His patience and fortitude were tried in the severest manner. A montKs experiment had obtained only five thousand recruits. At one time he was flattered with promises, at another almost every gleam of hope was extin guished, till, at length, when the term of service of the Con necticut troops was about to expire, it was ascertained that they would go off in a body, and leave a fearful blank in an army already deficient in numbers, and weakened by internal disorders. He appealed to every motive which could stimu- late their patriotism, pride, or sense of honor, but all in vain 1 1" How these hot impatient patriots had cooled off, and in -what a marvellous short space of time 1 They could not be persuaded to defend their own homes, though the general-in- chief was brought seven hundred miles from his Southem home, to as,sist and lead them ; and there were, in this very army around Boston, recruits in consi4erable numbers, fr-om SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 37 Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, of -whose presence Mr. Sabine never says a syllable in his domestic array of fifteen thousand men. " The army was soon augmented," (says Sparks,) " by the companies of riflemen from Virginia, &c. The companies were filled up with surprising quickness, and, on tlieir arrival in camp, the number of several of ihem exceeded the 'prescribed limit." May we not write, after this, in the language of Mr. Sabine, " the New Englanders, with a southern commander and army to assist them, would not stay for the recapture of their own capital, which they had already lost, without an effort, to the enemy." Were we governed by the sort of temper, and the sense of justice which governs him, we certainly could employ no more qualified language. But there is something more on this subject, which is quite too good to be lost : " When General Washington complained to Governor Trumbull, of Connecticut, ofthe extraordinary conduct ofthe Connecticut troops, the latter replied" — And the answer is a rich one, full of significance : " The pulse of a New England man beats high for liberty; his engagements in the service he thinks purely voluntary; therefore, when the time of enlistment is out, he thinks him self not holden without further erdisiment. This was the case in the last war. I greatly fear its operation amongst the soldiers ofthe other colonies, as I am sensible this is the geni us and spirit of our people." This jargon was an answer quite as significant as the eager fury of the first rush of Connecticut into the field. But Sparks provides a suggestion more to the point, and explains the phrase " without further enlistment" " Another considera tion," says he, "had great weight, perhaps greater than all the rest — the men expected a bounty." In other words, these fire eating patriots, who rush half 38 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. naked into battle, rather than lose the good and glory ofthe thing, had struck for higher wages, of which their patriotism never lost sight entirely. Sparks adds, " A soldier's pay did not satisfy them," [of course they expected a patriot's pay also,] " as they could obtain better wages in other employ ments, without the fatigues and privations of a camp." Yet, during this time, Carolina was furnishing the powder, from stores which her sons had captured from the British, by which Washington was enabled to continue the leaguer of Boston; and the recruits of riflemen from Virginia and Maryland, were employed to invade Canada, in the army detached from Washington's, which was led into the wilderness by Arnold. Yet who reads these facts in Mr. Sabine's history, or in any history of New England self-glorification ? Here we might reasonably pause, satisfied with the suffi cient commentary already furnished, on this agreeable topic of eastern self-complacency. But, while our hands are in, we may just as well, from unquestionable New England authori ties, endeavor to illustrate still farther the qualities of this fierce New England patriotism, which Mr. Sabine deplores, with so lugubrious a visage, has never met its adequate ac knowledgment. During this very leaguer of Boston, to which we find Connecticut rushing with such headlong fury, as to leave her no time to regulate her toilet, we find General Greene complaining that " several companies had clubbed their mus kets, in order to march home." As a commentary upon the alleged myriads of New England contribution to the war, in the statement of such writers as Mr. Sabine, he says : " Our situation has been critical. We have no p-irt of the militia here, and the night after the old troo[)S went away, I could not have mustered seven hundred men, notwithstanding the returns of the new enlisted troops amounted to nineteen hundred and upwards." SOUTH-CAROLINA IN TIIE REVOLUTION. 39 They served a sufficient purpose on the pay list. Again he writes — and the comment is upon the patriotism of these men in buckram : " The pay and provision of the troops cannot be lowered at present ; they dor^t feel themselves under a necessity to enter the service for the support of themselves and families, and, therefore, would refuse to enlist again." Shortly after he writes again, and dwells more particularly on this famous love of country which does not stop to button its breeches : " In ray last, I mentioned to you that the troops enlisted very slotvly in general. I was in hojies then that ours, (Rhode Island,) would not have deserted the cause of their country ; but they seem to be so sick of this way of hfe, and so homesick, that I fear the greater part, a,nd the best of the troops from our colony will go home. The Connecticut troops are going home in shoals Ihis day There is a great defection among their troops.'" .... " I sent home some recruiting officers, but they got scarcely a man, and report thai there are none to 'be had ihere. No public sjnvit f/revails Newport, I believe, from the best intelligence I can get, is determined to observe a strict neu trality this winter, a,nd in the .•sprinr/ join the strongest party. I feel f(rr the howjr ofthe colony, which I tidnk in a fair way, from the conduct of the people at home, and the troops abroad, to receive a vmund." But precious little did these patriots, hungering always for their bounty and month's pay, care for the wounds of honour of the colony. Greene's next afflictions arise from the indig nation with which Washington exjuesses himself on the sub ject of New England patriotism. In labouring to extenuate its short comings, he shows them up in beautiful colours : " His Excellency has not had time to make himself ac quainted with the genius of this people. They are naturally as brave and spirited as the peasantry of any other country, but you cannot expect veterans of a raw militia from only a 40 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION. few month's service. The common people are exceedingly avaricious ; the genius of the people are commercial, from their long intercourse wiih trade. The sentiment of honour, ihe true characteristic of a soldier, has not yet got the better of interest The country round here set no bounds to their demands for pay, wood, and teaming. It has given his Excellency a great deal of uneasiness that they should take ihis opportunity to extort from the neceisities of the army at such enormous prices." Simple General, to suppose that patriotism, like pork and beans, having its value, should not also have its price. Gen eral Greene, perfectly well acquainted with what he faceti ously calls '''the genius of the people," devotes letter after letter to the necessity of giving bounties. But neither Wash ington nor Congress can be brought to this ; and how should they think it necessary, with a people fighting for their liber ties, and in the defence of their own soil and cities ? Enough it is thought, is conceded them, when their extortionate prices are yielded for the support of that army which fights their battles, in putting all their mihtia on the pay list, and in g'v- ing them the greater number of the general officers of the army.* * This was another of the capital processes by which New England fed fat upon her patriotism. Slie filled the commissions of the army with the most incompetent drivellers in it. " Most of the generals," says Greene," belong to the northern governments ;" of major-generals, New England had, in 1775, 2 ; New- York, 2 ; and Virginia 1— (Chas. Lee, an Englishman.) In 1776, New England had 5, and Virginia 1 — (Horatio Gates, another Englishman.) In 1777, New England had 2, Virginia 1, New Jersey 1, (Lord Stirling ;) Pennsylvania 2, North Carolina 1, New- York l.and France 4. In 1778, Prussia 1. In 1780, New England 1, .Vjaryland 1. In 1781, Fi-ance 1. In 1782, New England 1, South-Carolina 1. Total — New England 11 major-gen erals: the rest of the sia<«s together 11 ; of these IVlassachusetts had 5, Connecticut 4, and South-Carolina 1. Yet who will pretend to compare the public services of Ward, Lincoln, Thomas, and Heath, all SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 41 Something more from the Rhode Island General : " It was noi ihe h'lvtr clasi^cs of people that I meant to comjjlain of, but ihe rnadtaiils and ueallhu farmers. \A'e find many articles of iiieiehandize enhanced in price fourtimes the first cost, and many of them cent jier cent. The farmers are extortionate -wheiever their situation furnishes them with an opportunity The Connecticut troops went off in spite of all that could be done to prevent it." [The bounty not being forlhcoming.] "We never have been so weak as we shall be to-niorrow. Our growing weaker, whil-t the en emy are growing stronger, renders our situation disagreeable." " The regiments fill up very slowly here. It is really discouraging If the Congress had given a bounty, — while we had one side open yet over Cooper river — upon whose safety, the salvation, not only of this State, but some others, will (may probably) depend. The General said he only desired (and which, I think, all the gentlemen seemed to acquiesce in now) that we should consider maturely of the expediency and practicability of such a measure, by the time he would send for us again ; and the cannonade, mentioned this morning, from the enemy, beginning, broke up the coun cil abruptly. Gov. Rutledge and part of his council went over to Cooper river about 12 o'clock this day. Between 9 and 10 this morning, the enemy opened all their guns and mortar batteries at once, (being the firet time they fired upon the town, or our lines upon the front,) and continued a furious cannonade and bombarding, with little intermission till mid night ; their batteries from Wappoo playing upon the left flank of our lines and the town, at the same time, and their galUes from Wappoo Creek, during the night, as usual; which we returned smartly from our Unes, and we presume with good effect, A sergeant and private from North-Caroli na killed, and some women and children in town ; the houses were much damaged and two were burned down near General Moultrie's, Ansonboro, by carcasses, of vi'hich they threw sev eral from ten inch mortars. Their cannon are chiefly 24 pounders, opposite our lines, and 36 pounders upon Wappoo ; their mortars from 5^ to (ten) thirteen inches. One embra- zure at redan No. 7, destroyed ; and also a 26 pounder in the latter dismounted, with some other smaller damages." [Mc intosh!] " 14th April. A slow fire was kept up on both sides last night. The approaches of the enemy a little advanced. The enemy's galUes (9) fired all night. He commenced another battery (N) opposite the town, on the banks of Ashley river." [De !Brahm!\ " 14th April, The enemy are approaching fast upon the right, and keep up an incessant fire from the small arms, can non and mortars. A sergeant of North-CaroUna killed by a cannon ball ; also two matrosses of South-Carolina, and one SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION, 123 of militia artillery (town) by two of our cannon going off while they were loading them, Capt. Hill says our horse were surprised this day at Monk's Corner." [Mcintosh.] " This was a shameful surprise," says Moultrie. See Tarle ton's account of it ; the effect of this disaster was to cut off all supplies from the garrison, and to enable the British to close effectually the only remaining outlet by Cooper river. "15th April. Fire from the batteries and works as before. The enemy had a bomb battery (P). Their second parallel commenced and manned by the chasseurs, who kept up a con tinued fire upon our lines." [De Brahm.] " 15th April. The enemy continue approaching fast on our right. Our mortars are ordered to the right to annoy them. A continual fire of small arras, cannon and mortars from the eneray. A batteiy of two guns opened by the ene- emy at Stiles's place on James's Island, which played con stantly on the town ; distance across, 82 chain. Many of the enemy's boats hauled over the Neck into Town Creek. Two of them, mounted with brass cannon, came down the creek this morning, and fired at the Ranger and Adventure," [Mc intosh.] " 15th April, We have accounts as late as the 16th, which was Saturday at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. The enemy con tinued the cannonade, but did very little damage. There was no other house burnt, and only two men killed, of Woodford's brigade, and one Lt. Campbell of the Georgia battalion," — [John Lewis Gervais!] Tarleton writes : " Soon after the middle of April, the second parallel was carried within 450 yards of the enemy's main works, new bat teries were constructed, and all the communications were se cured," [Campaigns!] " 16th April, In addition to his usual fire, the enemy open ed his new battery (N). Last night we extended from our redoubt (M) a counter-mine with a small parallel (C) whence we could return the fire of the enemy's musketry. This eve ning one of our gallies ascended Cooper river to a place where 124 SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. she enfiladed the English camp for several hours ; which was briskly answered by field pieces from the camp." [De Brahm. " 16th April, Two 18 pounders, a quantity of provisions and other valuable articles, were got out of the wreck of the vessel near Fort Moultrie. It is said the enemy attempted to land on Hobcaw Neck from two gun-boats, but were prevent ed by Col. Malmedy (Captain Theus). Canaonading, officers to empty houses and the soldiers to the barracks. B3 the articles of capitulation, we understood that the officers were to wear their swords ; yet the enemy affirra that, al though it was allowed us to retain, yet we should not wear them, and insisted that it was the true spirit of the article. We were obliged to lay them down — that is, to keep them out of sight. No provisions this day. [Subaltern.] From the Santee, John Lewis Gervais writes on the 13th : " Yesterday we received an account of Fort Moultrie having surrendered — the garrison are prisoners of war. They con sisted only of 150 men, thirty or forty of whom were sick. Col. Scott commanded. The privates of the militia are ad mitted on parole. I saw William Kershaw, a brother of Joseph, yesterday — he was in that garrison, which consisted, the greatest part, of miUtia. He was going to Camden on foot. The fort surrendered last Sunday, A number of sea men and marines had landed, and taken possession of the western battery. Last Tuesday night, to Wednesday, there was a prodigious cannonade. We have since learnt that another truce had taken place on Tuesday, for four hours, between the garrison in Charleston and Gen, Clinton ; but not agreeing upon the terms, they opened their batteries again, about 10 o'clock at night, and we heard the firing dis tinctly all Wednesday, Yesterday a party of horse and foot came opposite to Lempriere's Feriy, left a picquet, and marched off. Their route is not known. If the North-CaroUna rein forcements do not come in soon, the garrison of Charleston must fall into the enemy's hands. Nothing can save them but a sufficient force to march down to St, Thomas, We hear nothing of the Virginia State regiments and Colonel Armand's corps [chiefly foreigners]. Congress have, at last, ordered the Maryland Une, the Delaware regiment, and Major Lee's corps, to the southward ; but they will come too late. A good many of our horses have been recovered from the disaster last Saturday. The plan vvas for Colonel White to 152 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. march from Georgetown on Thursday evening, with the cavalry, and to take 300 foot from Col. Beaufort, of the Vir ginia, to endeavour to surprise a body of the enemy at Wam baw, The agreement was made with Col, Beaufort, Col. "White crossed the river, but did not meet -with the infantiy ; on the contrary, received a note from Col. Beaufort, that he could not send them, and wishing him success. Upon this, Col. White determined, nevertheless, to go near the enemy, as they might fall in with some of their parties. He went as far as Elias Ball's, at Wambaw, and took one officer and thirteen privates, and then retreated towards Lanneau's Ferry, at which place, he says, the enemy came so suddenly upon him as occasioned a complete rout. The enemy also reco vered their prisonere. Our loss is one major of brigade, Medows, (?) one captain, and about twenty men ; but the greatest is 50 or 60 horees, Tt seems. Col, White had ordered one-half of the horees to be fed, whilst the other half should cover them ; but they had their bridles out of their mouths, and some people say many of the horses were not saddled. Col. Horry's regiment crossed at Dupuy's, safe, - Upon the whole, it is an unlucky affair, * * * * ^jjg enemy certainly behaved very ill at Mepkin — broke open every trunk, and carried off every thing they could -without a cart, took from poor Roderick what little money he had, his watch, shirt, stockings, and even the shoes from his wife's feet. At the widow Broughton's, they also plundered every thing belonging to her and Col, Isaac Motte's wife — took even all the children's clothing, Mrs, Mofite took a little baby into her lap and begged to have its clothes ; to which they re plied, ' they wished they had the father — they would rip out his d — d rebel heart.' Col, Motte has lost everything he had, except a few negroes that are left. Col, M, is with us * * he bears his misfortunes with great fortitude, I am soriy to inform you that piloted the enemy to Lanneau's, and was very busy. He spoke in a very improper manner to young Screven, a cousin of his, who was a volunteer with Gol, White, was wounded and taken prisoner, but made his escape," This letter affords us a sufficient idea of that want of co- 'sdUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE DEVOLUTION, 163 operation between the several detachments of the Americans scattered through the country, by which their efforts were rendered useless, and which subjected them to the fate which finally awaited all of them. Col, Beaufort, who refuses his support to the cavalry under White, to whom he is neverthe less civil enough to desire every success, was the same person -who suffered his whole command to be cut to pieces by Tarle ton, at the Waxhaws, bv a feebleness and mismanagement almost unexampled in military history. Of Colonel White, we need only quote what Johnson somewhere says of him, that he never failed to obtain leave of absence, whenever he desired it. He was a totally incompetent person to wear sword and epaulet. For the surprise at Lanneau's, he de served to be cashiered and shot ; and a few such examples, at this period, would have compelled the resignation of the in competent and imbecile, and secured good officers in their places, and that vigilance and habitual state of preparation, the lack of which is the great sin and deficiency of a militia force. Of the affair at Lanneau's, Col, Tarleton gives the following account : " The American cavalry began to assemble on the north of the Santee river, toward the latter end of April, under the protection of two Virginia regiments of infantry and the mili tia of Carolina. Col, White had broughtsome dragoons from the northward, [from Virginia, not from New-England,] and had collected those who had escaped from Monk's Corner, He was soon after joined by a detachment from Georgetown, and by Col. Horry's regiment of light horse. On the 6th May, he crossed the Santee at Dupuy's Ferry, Fortune fa voured his first attempt. He suddenly surrounded an officer and seventeen dragoons, who were foraging at Ball's planta tion, and made them prisoners. From thence he directed his march towards Lenew's (Lanneau's) Ferry, with an intention to recross the river, under the protection of 200 continental infantry, ordered by Col, Buford to meet the cavalry at that 7* 164 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION, place, [Which did not come,] Lt. Col, Tarleton, without any knowledge of the misfortune which had happened to the detachment of light infantry cavalry, was proceeding, on the same day, with a patrol of 150 dragoons, to gain intelligence at Lenew's Feriy, of the force and motions of the enemy. On the road, the British were overtaken by a loyal American, who had been a witness to the success which had attended Col, White in the morning, but had luckily escaped his power. The description of the troops, the assurances of their intention to pass the river at Lenew's, and the hope of retaking the prisoners, stimulated Tarleton to push on his patrol with the greatest expedition. At the sarae tirae, the distance of Lord Cornwallis's camp, the fatigue of the march, the heat of the weather, and the sight of their infantry on the opposite bank, threw the Americans quite off their guard. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the advanced guard of the EngUsh arrived in presence of their videttes. Tarleton, instantly forming his troops, ordered them to charge the enemy^s grand guard, and to pursue them into the main body. The corps being totally surprised, resistance and slaughter soon ceased. Five officers and 36 men were killed and wounded; 7 officers and 60 dra goons were taken prisoners ; and the whole party of the light infantry were rescued, as the boat was pushing off, to convey them to the opposite shore. All the horees, arms and accou trements of the Americans, were captured." "May 14th. This day passed disagreeably. * * * * Ordered to attend for paroles at different times, when there was always something to prevent their being filled. Officers and men, of the continental Une, ordered to parade at the barracks, at 12 this day, to be reviewed by. Gen. LesUe, or an officer appointed by him. The above order postponed * * * ¦* to-morrow morning." [Subaltern.] 14th May. We have seen with what determination the North-CaroUnians were to push forward four or six thousand troops to South-Carolina. .A letter of this date, from Richard Nassau Stephens, dated at Bath, N. C, says: " I thank you for the intelligence, although the news is disagreeable ; and what, I think, makes it much more so, is the supineness of SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 166 this State, whose legislative body, instead of pushing forward to remove the evil from their neighbouring State, which, in fact, was keeping destruction out of their own, were disputing who should be the greatest man, the governor or an idol of their own creation. I dare say you are no stranger to the proceedings of this late assembly, which, I think, verifies the old adage : ' after the steed is stolen, shut the stable door.' I am sorry I cannot give you any intelligence of the nerrthern (Virginia, Maryland and Delaware) troops. ... I think that Charleston (if ever) must fall before the men can be raised from this State for her assistance." " I5th May. Troops paraded according to order this day. Gen. LesUe attended. The enemy very much surprised at the smallness of our numbers. While the men were on parade at the barracks, the ai-senal where we used to keep our fixed ammunition — where our arms, and the pistols and swords of the mUitia were deposited this day by the enemy — was blown up accidentally. As near as we could learn, two hundred lives were lost — one-half, the enemy's guard and artillery, with three officers ; the other, the inhabitants who resided near, and the lunatics and negroes that were chained in gaol for trifling misdemeanours. Some * * * men of the enemy imagined it was perpetrated by our party ; but the more sensible are certain it was occasioned by the forcing of one of the guns which they were laying in the store, as most of our soldiers' guns, when delivered, were loaded, and one had fired in the same place yesterday, by being too roughly handled in a removal. Contiguous to this arsenal, there was a magazine which contained thirty thousand weight of pow der, which it was expected would take fire. The inhabitants were much alarmed, and both they and the British who were quartered at that end of the town removed their effects. During the confusion which this fire occasioned, both * * * who were on parade, were strongly guarded by a detachment of Hessians, However, when the danger abated and peace was restored, Gen. Leslie returned, made some apologies for our detention from quarters, and we, as prisoners, were glad 15"6 SOUTH-CAKOLlNA IN THE EEVOLUTION, to be released. During the confusion, the British much alarmed. Patrols in the streets till the fire was extinguished. Their whole garrison under arms," [Subaltern.] This terrible explosion was, in some degree, due to the Americans, We have it from an aged relative, who saw her father return fi-om the lines with some of his comrades, who, being ordered to deposit his arms at the arsenal, deliberately thrust into his musket all the cartridges which remained in his cartouch box, eight or nine in number. His example wis followed by his companions, and the feeUng of vexation which prompted this proceeding was that of many more. The amis were thrown recklessly upon the heap, and probably many of them were on cock at the mora ent. The consequences might have been predicted. Moultrie thus describes the event, though he accounts for it in another way. No doubt nume rous concurrent circumstances brought about the result. " When the British received their arms, they put them in wagons and carried them to a store-house, where we had de posited our fixed ammunition (about 4,000 pounds) ; and although they were informed by some of our officers that the arms were loaded, and several of them went off before the explosion took place, yet, in taking them out of the wagons, they threw them so carelessly into the store, that some at last set fire to the powder, which blew up the whole guard of men, and many officers that were standing by — their carcases, legs and arms were seen in the air, and scattered over several parts of the town. One man was dashed with violence against the steeple ofthe new Independent Church, (Gilman's,) which was a great distance from the explosion, and left the marks of his body there for several days. The houses in the town re ceived a great shock, and the window sashes rattled as if they would tumble out of the frames. Most of our militia men were still together. After delivering up their arms, they went in a body to assist in exting-uishing the fire, that had commu nicated itself to the neighbouring houses; and while they were working they were under the most dreadful apprehension SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE REVOLUTIOif. 157 lest the magazine should take fire, as the work-house and others that were next to it were in a blaze. At last some timid person cried out that ' the magazine was on fire,' This gave the alarm. Every one took fright, both British and Americans, and instantly broke from the work, running away as fast as possible through the streets, throwing down and tumbUng ov'er each other, while others coming, tumbled over them, in endeavouring to get as far as possible from the ex pected explosion, I have heard some of them say that, though confoundedly frightened at the time, they could not help from laughing to see the confiision and tumbling, .... I was then in a house adjoining St, Michael's Church, with some company, I advised the going out of the house and walking to South Bay, because I was apprehensive, from the great shock which was felt in the houses, from the explosion of 4,000 pounds of powder, that, should the magazine blow up, which had 10,000 pounds in it, many of the houses in to-wn would be thrown do-wn, A British officer askea me hdw much powder was in the magazine I told him, ' Sir,' said he, ' if it takes -fire, it will blow your town to hell,' I replied, ' It will give a hell of a blast.' The British were very much alarmed at the explosion. The troops were turned out under arms and formed. Some of the British and Hessians sup posed it was designed by us. I was abused and taken up by a Hessian officer. He was vei-y angry, and said, ' You, Gen. Moultrie, you rebels have done this on purpose, as they did at New- York,' , ... If they had considered a momeTit, they would have found that it was almost impossible for the maga zine to take fire from the adjacent houses. It was enclosed with a high brick wall ; the magazine itself was built of brick, and was bomb-proof." With a single farther item, we conclude the journal of a ¦Subaltei-n, who was probably transferred to HaddriU's Point -with the rest of the prisoners of war : " letli May. General, field, commissioned, and other offi cers, ordered to attend for their paroles, but put Off till to morrow. Officers almost tired out with attendance !" Thus, then, ended this protracted struggle. Of the charac- 158 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION, ter of the issue throughout, Moultrie expresses no opinions. His work, in this respect, is particularly meagre, Ramsay has already told us, in quotations previously made, of the incompetency of South-Carolina to such a struggle, at the period when it begun. His chief subject of complaint is, that Lincoln was deceived as to the degree of support which he anticipated from without. We shall endeavour to show that other troops might have been had, had they been re quired ; that more soldiers would only have increased the misfortunes of the garrison, and precipitated the day of the city's downfall ; and that it is to the miserable incapacity and ignorance of those to whom the defence was entrusted, the engineers and other officere, that the whole misfortune is at tributable, Ramsay thus describes the final causes which precipitated the capitulation at last : " During the siege, a few secret friends of royal govern ment fomented and encouraged a mutinous disposition among the citizens, and successfully worked upon the fears of the timid. When it was generally known that there was an in sufficiency of animal provision in the garrison, and that the town was completely surrounded, these men openly urged the necessity of an immediate surrender. The measure of peti tioning [Gen. Lincoln] received its first and warmest support from the disaffected, to whom all capitulations were equal, as they meant to become British subjects. These had the ad dress to strengthen themselves by the timid, and even by some of the bravest and best citizens, who believed that far ther resistance was vain," And farther resistance was vain, when the garrison and people had exhausted their provisions, when the British lea guer was completed, and when the French General, Duportail, looking at the wretched works which were thrown up as de fences, showed the greatest anxiety to get out of them as soon as possible, declaring them to be wholly untenable. SOUTH-OAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION, 169 What must be the effect of such declarations upon the citi zens — what was the effect upon the officers ? We are, as the reader perceives, in possession of papers which Ramsay had never seen. What does Gen. Mcintosh tell us ? That the first council of war to which he was summoned was one in which Lincoln, having suffered the enemy almost entirely to close him within their meshes, coolly invites the officers to an evacuation. Who resisted this ? The citizens — and well they might, since, up to this moment, every confidence had been expressed that the works were tenable, and that the place could be successfully defended. Yet, before a gun was fired, we find Commodore Whipple offering to bet that the salt meat of the garrison was deficient, and proposing to inquire into the quantity in store. All this time, the proper authori ties assure us of araple supplies. By whose neglect was this deficiency ? Ample time for its remedy, abundant resources for supply were to be had in the surrounding country ; yet no attempt was made to procure them. Let us hear what Tarleton says of this defence : " The garrison, under the orders of Major Gen, Lincoln, was composed of ten weak continental and state regiments ; of militia drawn from the Carolinas and Virginia, and of in habitants of the town ; amounting, in the whole, to near six thousand men, exclusive of the sailors,* The body of regu lar troops destined for this service, though assisted by the militia and by the inhabitants, was scarcely adequate to the defence of such extensive fortifications, and could have been more usefully employed in the field, where judicious opera tions, assisted by the resources to be found in the country, and by the approaching heat of the season, would have pro tected the greatest part of the fertile province of South-Caro Una, would have soon overbalanced the present superiority of the British forces, and would have effectually prevented the co-operation of the royal army and navy," -* The British return ot prisoners, exclusive of sailors, makes the number only 4,704. 160 south-cAeolina in Ihb eevolution. Roderick Mackenzie, the bitter analyst of Tarleton, though differing with the latter in opinion, thiis - testifies involuntarily in favour of his reasoning, while he gives the relative strength of the two armies very fairly : " It caniiot, by any means, be admitted that six thousand American troops, indifferently dis ciplined, should, in any situation, be able to counteract the measures of a British force, consisting of ten thousand." Tarleton speaks reasonably, and the argument of Mackenzie is conclusive. The works were not only worthless, but too extensive for the number of troops. But we have said that the nuraber of troops, if increased, would certainly have in creased the evil. Under the circumstances they certainly would, by increasing the number of consumers. There were too many mouths already for the suppUes in store, and nobody talks of suiTendering, among those by whom the citizens are represented, until the food begins to fail equally for garrison and people. Troops could have been had. Look at Col. Beaufort and Gen. Caswell, who, with their respective brigades, are specially kept in the open field. We have seen what Gervais says of these forces. Besides, there were the troops at Orangeburg, under WiUiamson, and othere in small and useless detachments, scattered about the country, and which could have been brought to Charleston before the post at Haddrill'swas surrendered — in other words, before the navi- ¦gation of Cooper river was closed up. " Before this time," says Tarleton, — that is, before the middle of April, and when the second parallel of the British had not been begun — " the Americans had joined a body of militia to three regiments of continental cavalry, and the whole was entrusted to Brigadier General Huger, This corps held possession of the forks and passes of Cooper river, and maintained a communication wiih Charlestown, by which supplies of men, arms, ammunition and provisions might be conveyed to the garrison during the south-caeolina in the eevolution. 161 siege" We would not have had the cavalry abandon this object ; but this very body of miUtia might have been trans ferred to the garrison, as well as the troops under Caswell, WiUiamson and Beaufort. These were all left, to be cut up in detail by the British, as soon as they could detach a suffi cient force from the leaguer of the city. There were troops enough for the defence of Charleston ; but, unfortunately, other uses and objects were contemplated for them. The commanding general attempted too much — not only to defend the city, but to keep afloat an adequate force in the country, as well for its control, as for the purpose of forming the nu cleus of an army, in the event of the conquest of the garri son. This was unnecessary, since such a concentration of force, within the city, as would have sufficed for its defence, and the defeat of the British, would also have concluded all their chances of making progress in the country. The coun try was taught too much to look to the city, as the great point of struggle, and, consequently, to exaggerate the impor tance of the result, whether that were safety or overthrow. But let us return to our extracts. We are nearly at the close of them. Our next quotation is from John Lewis Gervais, dated 16th May. " We have received information that Charlestown and the garrison surrendered last Friday. It comes from so many quartere, that it admits of no doubt. It seems that the con tinentals marched out with the honours of war, and then laid down their arms. They are to be exchanged for Burgoyne's army. The country militia are to be allowed four days' pro visions, to return to their homes, and to remain there on pa role. The inhabitants of Charlestown are allowed thirty-six hours to remove their effects ; and we suppose those that will take the oath, to remain. This is what we can collect from different quarters. One man thatleft the Sandwich (ship) on Saturday, says the shipping sailed up to town that day. The country will now be left open to them. We have no army 162 south-caeolina in the eevolution, to oppose them. It is reported that they have detached 2,000 men, to march towards Camden, We have no troops but Gen, Caswell's brigade and Col, Beaufort's, and the shattered remains of our horse. Col, Pickens will join us to-morrow, with 300 men of the Ninety-Six reigiment, the only one that has turned out cleverly. But they come too late, and when they hear the fate of the town I am afraid they will not stay long, I foresee a retreat to North-CaroUna," Tarleton thus sums up the terms of capitulation alluded to above : " By the articles of capitulation, the garrison were allowed some of the honours of war. They were to march out of the town, at an hour appointed for the purpose, to the ground between the works of tne place and the canal, where they were to deposit their arms ; but the drums were not to beat a British march, [' we marched out with the Turk's march.' Moultrie.] or the colours to be uncased. The continental troops and seamen were to keep their baggage, and to remain prisoners of war until they were exchanged. The militia were to be permitted to return to their respective homes, as prisoners on parole ; and, while they adhered to their parole, were not to be molested by the British troops, in person or property. The citizens, of all descriptions, to be considered as prisoners on parole, and to hold their property on the same terms with the militia. The officers of the army and navy to retain their servants, swords, pistols and baggage, unsearched. They were permitted to sell their horses, but not to remove ihem out of Charleston." It is not denied that they might shoot them ; but we do not hear that any of the captives followed the example of Sir PhiUp Sidney, who shot his horse, in France, when the Grand Monarque insisted upon buying him. But what are we to say of that exaction of the conqueror, which insisted upon placing all the citizens, of whatever description, including non-combatants, upon the same footing with the miUtia, pla cing them on parole, and holding them through their proper- SOUTH-OAROLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION. 163 ty ? But this is not the place, nor have we the room, to discuss the conditions of surrender. We pass to a letter of the same date, (May 16,) from Richard Henry Lee, of Vir ginia. "In ten minutes after our house was formed, (which, unfor tunately, was not until the 9th,) I moved for a bill to embody miUtia for the relief of South-Carolina, and one will pass to morrow, for sending, with all possible expedition, 2500 men to your assistance. We have given such large pay in tobacco, and other encourageraents, that I hope the nuraber will soon be obtained ; and they are to go off as fast as a battalion is collected. Should they not come in tirae to save Charles ton — which yet I hopCT— they may be in time, with others, to control the farther operations of the enemy. The Mary land line of continental troops is coming on, and part are already arrived at Petersburg, where our government has been making every necessary exertion to facilitate their speedy pro gress to the scene of action. Col, Porterfield, with our last State regiment, about 500 raen, and Major Nelson, with 60 horse, left Petersburg about 10 days ago, for Charleston, and at the same time went on from thence Col, Armand with his corps. We have about 300 good men remaining at Wil liamsburg, who will march south in a day or two. Yesterday our house voted that the governor should spare all the arras from the stores, that could be done, and this in consequence of a requisition from North-Carolina, fur arras to put into the hands of their miUtia. By this, the governor is authorized to supply the arms wanted in North-CaroUna — which, I think, he wiU imraediately do — and leave us enough to arm the militia going south, and yet provide our eastern frontier with proper defence, which, next to the reUef of Charleston, is our diligent object. To this is to be added, that our enemies are now stimulating an active war upon our western frontier, which calls for immediate defence, and which prevents so full and strong aid, as our wishes incline us to, from being sent to South-Carolina." This last sentence indicates another of the peculiar diffi culties and causes of embarrassment at the South, which 164 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION. prevailed in infinitely less degree at the North. A wild for est frontier, swarming with savages, whom the British had subsidized, and against whom it tasked all the rangers of the country to maintain their ground. A letter of Gov. Nash, dated Newbern, 19th May, shows him still in ignorance of the faU of Charleston, an event that took place just seven days before. On the 22d he is better insti-ucted, and he ex presses his surprise that some plan of communication had not been adopted, for the transmission of intelligence, " at a time like this, when the fate of countries is at stake ;" as if it was not quite as much his concern — he being the governor of a State imraediately interested — as that of anybody else. But what's everybody's business is the business of none. None does it, af all events. There are other letters in the collection before us, which relate to the progress of the Bri tish arms, and the various endeavours made by the contigu ous (Southern) States, to oppose and embarrass their advance, But their introduction will carry us over a surface quite too extensive for the pages of a review, and can serve only in iUustration of the several epochs and stages of the revolu tionary war in CaroUna, We conclude our extracts, there fore, with a paragrajih from a letter of Col. John Laurens to his father, dated May 26th, 1780, which seems an appropri ate finish to our quotations, and furnishes the only passage, fi-om the voluminous papere before us, which affords any degree of sanction to the wholesale charges made by Mr, Lorenzo Sabine against the patriotism of the Charlestonians. It is contained in a sentence which we itaUcise, and upon which we shall comment hereafter, " Disappointed in my expectations of accompanying Col, Ternant, I have barely a moment to inform you that I am as well as the humiUating circumstances of captivity -will suffer me to be. That gentleman will give you a minute relation SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION, 165 of our misfortunes, and their causes. Some of the latter, and the principal ones, indeed, you pointed out before your depar ture. Besides the force of the enemy, without, we had to struggle, at home, against incapacity in some very important persons, treasonable neglect of duty in the staff departments, and an almost general disaffection of the citizens. It will appear very extraordinary that simple field entrenchments have supported a siege of six weeks — a space in which the best fortified towns of Europe generally yield ; but the dura tion of it must rather be attributed to the natural tardiness and excessive caution of the English, than to the vigour or skill of our opposition." The opinions of Col. Laurens, which we have italicised, must be received with much allowance. Col. Lauren* was one of the most remarkable and well-endowed of all the young men of his times — bold, ardent, generous — the " Bay ard of the army," as he was affectionately styled by his con temporaries ; but the very ardency of his temper was apt to mislead his judgraent, in a matter and at a moment like the present. That he was in great error, in ascribing almost general disaffection to the citizens of Charleston, is in our power to show, from other documents as well as those before us. But, read with a due regard to their full meaning, those which we have compiled in the present review are quite am ple for the purpose. Disappointed in all his hopes and anti cipations — mortified by the position of captive — with his pride humbled by defeat, and his soul stung by the conscious ness that his native city groaned beneath the lordly tread of foreign footsteps — Col. Laurens naturally denounced the imbe- ciUty and lack of patriotism in the numbers who were found wanting to the new faith of the great movement party. He naturally exaggerated their numbers in his mortification, and quite as naturally disparaged the spirit of those who remained faithful through the whole. We know that, of the five thous- 166 SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. and troops by which Charleston was defended — including thus the contingents of no less than three States beside — at least one thousand five hundred of the troops were Caro linian. Here, for example, is an extract from the British return, made of those who had actually borne arms through out the siege : South-CaroUna artillery, ... 62 Charleston battaUon, - - 146 1st Regiment South-Carolinians, - - 176 2d " " " - . - 195 3d " " " - . 208 1st BattaUon Charleston Militia, - - 312 2d " " " - 446 • 1545 These we find as diligently employed, during the siege, as any other portion of the troops — as frequently in perilous service — as much exposed — as prompt when sorties were made, and suffering quite as much as any other bodies of men engaged in the defence. By what more decisive mode of exposition shaU we arrive at their feeUngs and desires, than by the fact that, on two memorable occasions, headed by the civil authorities, consisting wholly of natives of Charleston and the neighbourhood, they thrust between the commanding general of the city and the enemy, and insist upon his continuance of the defence, long after his officere had de clared the city to be indefensible. But we are reminded of their inferior numbers. It is not denied that their numbere are inferior. It is not denied that a large proportion of the citizens of Charleston, as well as the State, were hostile to the revolution, and to any transfer of authority from the Crown of Great Britain, The greater part of the trade of Charleston was in the hands of British merchants, chiefly Scotch by birth — men always distinguished for the tenacity SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION, 167 of their loyalty. These were not merely lukewarm in regard to the revolution, but positively hostile to it. At first, as is the custom with the commercial population, they remained in quiet, watchful of events. The first movements of the popular party in South-Carolina had been so warm and vio lent as to render them cautious. The successes which fol lowed the firsficonflicts in which the Carolinians were engaged, tended still farther to make them careful in conceaUng their sentiments ; and it was only when the State was threatened by an overwhelming force — when her resources were particu larly low — when her troops were cut up by a two years struggle in Georgia and on the frontiers — for Georgia was the battle-field which opened the way to Carolina, and the forces of the latter were wasted in fruitless contests in the sparsely settled regions of her Southern sister, whom her fields had yet to supply with provisions all the while;;;— it was then, when in her worst condition, and the enemy upon her in all his. strength, that the loyalty of the foreign merchants of Charles ton to the British monarch found courage to manifest itself, and take open part against the movement. On the subject of the strength and feeling of this party, the native Caro linians — with whom the whig movement wholly originated, and who were chiefly professional men and planters — entirely deceived themselves. They neither guessed their feeling or their numbers. They took for granted that those who did not openly declare against them were for them, and they tliemselves, by their resolution and activity, were enabled to supply the deficiency of numbers. No such deficiency ap peared, as we have seen, at the first blush of the revolution. When, in 1776, the battle of Fort Moultrie was fought, there was no lack of troops in Charleston. When the British took Savannah, Carolina could send her forces into Georgia, to grapple with the enemy, -wljp had proved too much for the 168 SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. younger State. Subsequently, her troops, even drawn from the Charleston militia, could march to Savannah, and emulate and surpass the best achievements of the French forces under D'Estaign, losing some of her best blood upon that iU-man- aged field of carnage. But her resom-ces were not inexhausti ble. She had been playing the losing game in all these con flicts. Her troops had been wasted in repeated marches, cut up in detail, broken by frequent surprises, under inexperienced militia commandere, until the final formid;ible leaguer of the British found her overwhelmed with debt, without money, men, or means of subsistence. Undoubtedly, there were hundreds who preferred to fly, -with their possessions, to a place of safety, rather than peril them on their patriotism. This is a comraon history, known to aU regions. In a sparsely settled country, like that of the rich parishes of South-Caro lina, in those days, a single example of this sort would show as conspicuously as the flight of a regiment in other places. When Moultrie or Lam-ens were told of the disappearance of some well-known planter, who had stolen off, with his house hold goods and gods, the effect was a loathing and revulsion, which produced unquaUfied denunciation, the more bitter and extreme from their own personal knowledge of the fugitive. A high-spirited and noble gentleman -will dwell upon such a defection with prolonged bitterness, where a simple adherence to the laws of duty would fail to provoke attention, and would certainly coraraand no eulogies. That Cataline should destroy his country is monstrous ; but that Cato should be true to it, is only a matter of couree. We contend that a fair propor tion of the citizens of Charleston and the immediate neigh bourhood were as true to the faith which they professed, as true to the patriotism which prompted them unselfishly to revolution, and as firm and courageous in their maintenance of their pledges, as any people ia the country, and that there SOUTH-OAROLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION. 169 is nothing in the details of this siege, regarded from the pro per points of view, with all the circumstances in sight neces sary for a proper judgment, which should make them shrink from the investigation of the world. That six thousand inex perienced troops should be able to contend with nearly twice their number of British regulars, commanded by professional soldiers, is scarcely to be expected ; that they should so con tend, when their engineers knew not how to plan their de fences, and when their general failed to satisfy himself of the adequate provision for their maintenance, and for nearly two months, is perhaps quite as much due to their steadiness and courage as to the patient forbearance of their enemy. But why had you no more troops, demands the enquirer. Surely, says Mr, Sabine, " she could furnish more than Rhode Island, the smallest State in the confederacy ?" She did fur nish more ; but, thousands of them fought as Henry of the Wynd did, " on their own hook," and without caring to have their names recorded for pay and pension on the pay-rolls of the Federal Government, We have endeavoured to indicate the various scenes of conflict in which the powers of South-CaroUna were expended. We adopt, from Johnson, the summary of her remaining re sources, at the approach of the army of Sir Henry Clinton : " Howe's unfortunate expedition against Florida, had to tally broken up the southern army. The CaroUna regiments were thinned down by sickness to a mere handful. The northern regiments (Virginia and North-CaroUna, not New- England) that had been sent on with Howe and Armstrong, liad also melted away, chiefly by the expiration of their term of enlistment ; and the Georgia regiment had nearly all been made prisoners at different times, and perished in the prison ships. The quiet possession of Georgia, also gave - snch countenance to the loyalists and Indians, as to secure a powerful co-operation to the enemy from that auarter. Of 8 110 SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. the loyahsts, great numbere had fled from North-Carolina, South-CaroUna and Georgia, and taken refuge in Florida and the Indian nation. These now began to collect from aU quarters, under the cover of Provost's army, and either to add to the strength of the enemy, or, united in formidable bodies, to hunt down and distress the whigs ; so that many of them were forced in their turn, to desert their plantations, and transport their families beyond the mountains." Here we have a sufficient summary of the causes which prevented the adequate accumulation of the country miUtia, for the assistance of Charleston. On each previous occasion, when the British had made their descent in force upon the South, it had been a signal for the rising of the loyalists and the Indians. Great Britain had been better able to subsidize tbe capricious savages than the feeble colonies ; and -with the Apalachian ridges as a region of retreat, and Florida as a hive and harbouring place for the loyaUsts, from which we had no means of expelUng them, our seas being entirely in the hands of the enemy, — it needed but the signal trumpet of Britain to bring down upon the unprotected frontier a ter rible -visitation from scalping knife and rifle. With this expe rience in mind, it was with a natural reluctance that the ran ger left the precincts of his homestead. He knew not at what moment the war whoop would ring the knell of the dear ones in his blazing cabin. Besides, there was an enemy more potent than the British in Charleston — the small-pox — of whose presence he had been advised, and whose fearful ravages he dreaded more than the weapons of any foe. Very few of the colonists had ever had this terrible disorder. None of their slaves were secure against it. It was a foe that would haunt them to their hearthstones, seize upon their wives and little ones, which no fortress could wall out, and no rifle shot bring down. When Mi-. Sabine shall again endeavour to draw an offensive comparison between the patriotism of SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION, l7l Connecticut and Carolina, he will be pleased to bring toge ther the array of circumstances in which their cases respec tively disagreed. He will be so good as to remember that the ardour of Connecticut, shown at the beginning of the revolution, was scarcely superior to that of CaroUna at the same time ; and that the fall of Charleston only took place after years of bloody and harassing warfare, when the regi ments of CaroUna had been cut up by repeated conflicts, chiefly on the soil of neighbouring States, and when pesti lence of the most fearful kind stood at the entrance of her habitations, threatening away the very champions who would otherwise have rejoiced in her defence. No such condition of things attended the first demonstration of Connecticut patriotism, to which Mr. Sabine invites our attention. She was fresh for the conflict — had not suffered yet from the ex haustion and the ravages of war. Warfare was commended by novelty, and patriotism was somewhat warmed by physical excitement. The leaguer of Boston was one which secured a plenty of provisions, and involved no hard fighting; and the only circumstance that drove away the patriotic legions of Connecticut, seems to have been the result of a certain cos- tiveness on the part of Congress, " which had declared against bounties," We must not forget the metaphysics of Gov. Trumbull : " The pulse of a New-England man beats high for liberty," but, as Sparks says, " a soldier's pay did not satisfy them, as they could obtain better wages in other employments." Fancy, as an echo to all this, the dulcet voice of Lorenzo Sabine, crying ever and anon, — all New- England listening with complaisance, — " but the patriotismj Gov. Trumbull— -the patriotism, Mr. Sparks ! Don't forget that Stark hurried stark-naked to the field ; and Putnam went without his jacket." But Stark was made a general, and Putnam a general ; and the pay of lumber-cutter Starkj 172 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. and ploughman Putnam, was much better, as generals, than the most sanguine hope would ever find it to be in their for mer humble avocations, New-England continued to have her fair proportion of the officers in this war ; and if the mere masses of the army went off, it is to the credit of the gen erals that all of them held on to the latest syllable of re corded time. But it would be a great mistake to say or to suppose that the country troops of Carolina did not muster for the defence of the city, and were not wiUing, in considerable numbere, to do so. They were late, and for that reason have been accounted tardy and unwiUing. Let us look a Uttle at the fact. The population of South-Carolina, at this period, con sisted probably of less than fifty thousand white persons, to something like sixty thousand slaves. One would think that six thousand troops was a very fair proportion in a population of fifty thousand. But these were scattered over an im mense tract of forest country, in small groups or commu nities, connected by obscure pathways, — roads which were rather Mazed than cut, and broken by immense swamps and thickets. Intelligence was received slowly. The sense of danger was remote. The people were not easily assured of the absolute fact, and mere rumour was naturally not much regarded. We have seen that ten or twelve days were neces sary, even by express, and in times of exigency, to convey tidings from Charleston to Newbern, The intelUgence of the battle of Lexington, expressed all the way, was twelve days coming from Alexandria, in Virginia, to Charleston ; and this was a great thoroughfare. But, to penetrate the State with inteUigence ; to seek out every remote settlement on the borders of an Indian country ; to beat through woods and fastnesses for the scattered cottage or the rising hamlet ; to travel miles, for days, seeking the single settler, required SOUTH-CAEOLINA IN THE REVOLUTION. 173 numbere of expresses, and was a work of time. Once ap prised of the necessity, the forest-born and bred naturally revolted at the idea of being tasked to go to the defence of a place in which he was to be cooped up by an enemy, and which is naturally sickly — probably to exchange this abode for a worse, in the gloomy dungeons of a prison-ship. But when he surmounts these objections, he is to remember the condition of his wife and little ones. Shall he leave them to the tender mercies of the savage, within sight of whose smoke he lives, or to the doubtful humanity of the outlaw and the plunderer, who caUs himself a loyaUst only that he may the better pureue his nefarious occupation. He would be less than human himself could he leave them jn such dangerous proximity, without the usual protection of his own and the rifle of his neighboure. They, too, are summoned away like himself; and he demands and insists that before he obeys the summons to the distant city, he shall first put his young ones and their dam in a place of safety. He hurries with them across the mountains into North-CaroUna and Virginia, and then reappears with his trusty rifle. This occasions delay. Hundreds thus, who seemed indifferent to the fate of Charleston, yet reappeared under patriotic leaders, and, with competent captains, Uke Marion, Sumter, Pickens, Davie, and others, in whom they confided, maintained such conflicts as Connecticut had not seen for many a day. It must be admitted that our forest population are dilatory in their movements. All agricultural people are of this character. They differ fi-om the citizens, from those who dweU in active business communities, in respects that derive heir controlling infiuence from inevitable laws of nature While the merchant has to watch aU the fluctuations and caprices of trade, and the manufacturer all the vaiiations of fashion in thfe community, the agriculturist obeys only the 8* 174 SOUTH-CAROLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION. natural, gradual and successive progresses of the seasons. The influences of his life are pacific. They never hurry him. His life is one of musing, and he is slow to action, which is the habitual life of the dense community, where the very density compels a constant activity and watchfulness to avoid starvation, and where the incessant daily attrition of rival minds produces sharpness, eagerness and rapidity in the movements and objects of the mind. Even the hunter is one whose course is rather steady than swift. He has to circumvent a prey whose habits undergo no caprices, and his wants are too few to stimulate his enterprise. Our population ¦were, at the beginning of the war, always caught napping. Their movements were slow, and they never seemed to appre hend an exigency. All of the successes of the British in CaroUna, seem to have arisen from two things, — the tardiness of our movements, and the absence of the necessary caution which prevents surprise. It was only after repeated disas ters, arising from carelessness and sluggishness of movement, that our partisans were able to impress upon their followers the necessity of being at once quick and vigilant. But on this head we need not dweU. The subsequent histories of Marion, Sumter and Pickens, show how little was wanting to convert our miUtia into the best guerilla troops in the world. Good officere, whom they knew, who had their confidence, soon furnished an adequate amount of proof to silence all cavil at the expense of the valour and patriotism of CaroUna, in a fair comparison with any of the States of the Union. Without pretending that Charleston should not have been defended, we do say that the management of the defence was exceedingly unhappy. In the firet place, the preparations for the siege, as we have seen, were not really made till the last moment. The Unes were worthless ; the engineere employed do not seem to have known their business, nor the commander SOUTH-OAEOLINA IN THE EEVOLUTION, 175 to have exercised the ordinary degree of energy under the circumstances in which he was found. One of the firet mis takes which seems to have been made, was that which related to the inaccessibility of the harbour to large ships of war. On this conviction, without inquiry or explanation, the parties rely who have the town in their keeping. They calculate that, with the fort (Moultrie) on one hand, their own little fleet in front, and certain physical obstructions thrown between, to retard the passage of the enemy, while the fort and the fleet within shall do the necessary amount of cannonading — and it will be impossible for the British to reach the city_ The plan was a good one. Floating batteries, constructed of ranging timber, of successive layers, with empty air-tight casks let down into the sections, grappled by chains together, and anchored directly in the channel, might have afforded the necessary obstructions. The manufacture of such chevaux de frise is exceedingly simple, and called for very little time. In our day, we should probably fill the open sections between the timbere with cotton bags, build a battery of cotton bags upon the rafts, and plant a few pieces of heavy cannon upon them. These, however, employed as obstructions simply, and moored between the advancing enemy and the city, imme diately in the channel, would have sufficed, in giving all the time necessary for the shore and fleet .batteries to have blown the British out of the water. But everything is put off, until, suddenly, the big ships, the 64's of the enemy, get over the bar, and scare Com, WTiipple out of all his conceit. The obstructions are not in readiness, and the place is abandoned, while the fleet, consisting of some excellent vessels, are de graded to the work of hulks, and sunk as obstructions to a river which might be tapped at both extremities. Well — the entrance of tbe British fleet is aecm-ely effected, with the big 3 9002 00745 7030 ' 'IjV I I'W' ^S^^ ' I