Yale University Library y pivs y^M AV>\A\t.CAL11£VR <^sVX>^\ \\ \\\Y^(f NIVS . \\ V // \ liii I ir ki — ^ (<>) I O. GROLIER I i ET AMICORVM . (o)| SPECIMENS OF BINDING. Date, 16th Century. SPECIMENS OF BINDING. Q p a a c pacotiQnCDO Ou DO DQDOOnorJO C CC 0 0 O O G D DaDQnDUODUOQLtJOliCOLnDCnQQDDDCaGQQQCDCjDDaOODOOUOQ GOOCaDQOOO Pa ODD^DDIIODD QpaDQQODDQtiQCaOQCCIl'DOf: a^^^^^^ssna^ii^iaisgi^^^Bi Dale lie latter part of tlie L3^ Century. Section, at, A. A N"°.sl,2, 3, From. Southwell Church., No tungharn shire. N? 4, From the pafsage leading out of the Cloisters iato the Chapter House, Westminster AVbey: Drawn & Engraved by Henry Shaw. rx. v_ % H aa m H ^fe s H Dale the latter p^rl ¦>[' tlie 13^ Century 3 X. ¦% Mouldings of C api L al s TL J N? 1. From. Lincoln Cathedral. ZSc'i, From the library & Chapter Room Southwell Church. Nous. D ra-wu "by Henry Sha-w, nc >mc amc: ag anc 2EE xmc xbhak. ximw: jmc mb CAPITALS ANB EHTABIATBIIE IB" MARBLE, from the Facade of the Ceitosa di Pavia, Date the t>e ginning of the '16 . Century. From an Engraving hy Israel Van Meeken, Born Died 1503. Date 1570. SAME SIZE AS THLE ORIGINAL :etai, From the Collection of Tho5 Willemenl F.S A Drawn & Engraved by Henry Shaw. Date the begining of the 16 \h Centuiy: D B A P E B Y, From a Picture in the Louvre, hy Cmifl. da Coneghano, Htohl "the CoUection of Mons1'' "frisson., Langu-edor. Bate - the T-ipfri-rrm-na of the 1/ft1 Century. J . GneHe Zaricog l^ckoUjjS I*a7i£,LoniLorh Date til- lattei part offttR R^Century. Al A FINIAl, From Lincoln Cathedral. FIOM A DKAWW6 in a M.S. in the Biittah Tvfnsenm. F^oyal U. S. Ih.'TJ. 40. Date "Uie "beginnikg of tlie 16- Century. Date th.e time of Henry IESIG¥S FOR GOIDSMITK8 by Hans Holbein, hi the British Mhs etnn, AiditioiLal Ml.S. 530 Date fhe time of Henry 8*1 l.ESI&NS FOR GOLD SMITHS by Hans Holbein. In the British Mnseum. Additional M.S. 5308. Bafe, the 16 "? Centiny, VELVET HA1" &IH" Date, the end of the 16 7^ Century: ¦VIEIVTET IA¥&I¥&§. At Hardwicke Hall Derbyshire. Date the 13 tK Century From the Door of Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris. H.Shaw. Date 1518, Key Stone & oimimts round a Capital in the Church of Pont de 1' arche, Normandy Bats. 1601. a ¦ gg- , ¦•*>- , • .*. - X h *& Xr ^ 4 X * ^ E K X 2 W » £ K AFCIIIT XA C E WO UK. Date 16 01. \* O R 9lM 8 Jttki 0 JuOLi "Wbs^ ^ ^3 m ps^ T 0 ww > ^"ZM V L4^ ( ) ( jBr* () > *mr > ^BL > *mr WnW^i i ^B^i > ¦^r ). JOl ' ™ >™ < ^fty» ~( >* r^ /w -J^ w ^. in ANCIENT IACE W( o LU_l QLUID Z WALL LAMENT :m the Tomb of lb ihim. At;,", ui ' ''.i. from the (jallilee of Durham Cathedxal . Dale, tbe end o£ tie 12* Centary. Date, Olo "beginning o£ tlie 16. Century IK' 1, From Southwell Church _2, From Furnefs Abbey >-J^oa^a^8agaaaata^ - 1=1 ^° w £ rt ^Wt&^Y^YYlM^^ / 1 ^^r^^m^l'l/^i W^Wl^m oHI Dale, the end ofthe lb^CentuxY Centre Panel 'A full size .the rest Y2 Is 'Jitiw Mil v^y^r ~vxk 14- -QS B: ^iSjSffl^ sflp ?]-teJ i^^^J^Nmlli' yfiC'^i F/XIP:::^5I ^t^™w )§) Ornaments on the Box: containing the Seal of the Royal Hospital of S? Catherine Regents Park. EFTS OK AI AKCIEKT CHAIR, in S! Mary's Hall, Coventry. Date the latter part of the 15 *r Centuiy. Date the tegmomg of The 16 . Centary ITS CARVED Z±< WOOD. N°s 1 k 2 from Hildesherm 3 & 4 from Salzwedel @^:@:®:®:®:®0o®°@g@^:^4^:^o^Q, :AJRV]l ]rT "i\Ay;\-^, i\'A-.V-^A,--.Sx-\r-V.\'.\y^.V.VA X ?VVi-'X -;s.^v/»s .v-ivnAj- -,\..-7\ u^_ -V oV-'jH-^.V^V'X =v :vX^-^.v? r/ r y /////// y / // //•/////// ////.///? /////7/V //'/// /7//////V7 ' //////////>//; ^y Tgp ^ \p '^jj» qgr ^£p *^p wty^v^^p ^ ;^p ^ij* ag&^i^P^&Ig VZT777 yYT. 7 f~y f /¦//>// // /////// / // / /V /7/V// /"//// Y/./J/.YtY-l.Y 7 7 / 77 77V / 7Y7/7 7/ 7SS7 , -^^S^^^^^V--^-^^-:^-^-:^^^-:!^^ j_lJ^JjJj,J ,'//////// ljjjujjJ-JJJJJYjuJ.jjjJJjjJJ. JMJJjriJJJJJ^ jyJuJJyyy.LLJJ.LZyj . JJJJ / J J LLLLu /////J//U1 tj&aaaa&g^^ N°,.s 1 & 2. From the Monuments of Sophia A- Maria Daughters of James Is.' who Died m 1606 -> 1607 N° 3. From the Monument of the Counted of Oxford and Family Date .1589. All in "Westminster Ahhey r> FI iu O m 4. rA ¦oc M So ©(1) Date the end.of the l!j Century [EMAIBIC PANELS, In the pofsefsion of Tho° Willement. F.S.A ri m "¦$ o o -3' Date, 1472. FEOM AN EAELY GEEMAN PICTUEE. F»OH A EAlhTTEB 0.A1K SCB.EE "ST In Wfcrstead Church,. Norfolk. Date the tegimrJ of the .16 ^ Century AO Ph Capital developed. Royal Ahhey of Sl Denys, 11* Century. Ttbiir.ee Sides of a Pilaster, In the Cloister of S*Sa.uveur at Aix, in Provence, Date the ha Century. Bate 1637 BESI G I f S IF O .TR JPJLAT JE , hy Van Swol ut dee. of Stained Glass In the Royal Ahhey of S' Denys. near Paris. Date towards the end of the 12 ^ i V alary w^toi^^j-J iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiriiTfriiiTrTiTTrTiin:iiMT!Ti OOOOOOOOOOOPPOOPPPOPOPOOPOPPOO DOOQOQOOOOOOOOO oo ooooooooooo r«T»Y«r>T»T»r»T»t»I»l«I>r»Y«I«I»T«»I»I»I»T»I»l»I»I»I«I»I*X»BB: ¦4 u rO c (II fi 5! w Un fe O M A < £ a K) o -5 OPPOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO bote fhe 15* Century. ^haw. STAINIEO ©LASS, From the Sacristy of the Cathedral of Chartres L'a*.e 'oc 15 V Centary H.Soan S TAWED GLASS, From tie entrance to the Sacristy rrf the Cathedral of Chartres . Dite aboct He jmddio of .16 -."• Center? 'SI 1. Jr.ir. .'itajiei vaio. E°2 A Desagc for See&le -wort. Bate , the latter part of the 17 'r Centmy: A S TABR C A SS Fratn a Brasjing in the pofsefsion of C.J. Fh-chaTdsoii E sq_e. Arch.1: IJ9K' the latter part oX the 37* Centnrv A BEgl&I IFOK. TAPE S TIT, From a JJ-ca_-wrnd jn the pofsefsion of C. J.Hichardson Esq;! Arch1 Date, the 13th Century. ^^^^^^^^H ^^r *^k. ^^^^^^^^^ ^*^. -^ ^1 PAINTED TILES. FROM THE CHAPTER HOUSE, WESTMINSTER. ONE-THIRD FULL SIZE. PAIS" TED TILES, in. Ov Malvern Church, "Worcestershire. Date the latter part of the 15 '^ Centojry. PAI^TEB TI3LE S, From. Great Malvern CrnircrL , "Wore e s ter sbie YALE 3L1H~ 1 illillHiiitW '^www miJiwj'juy v * + 1 r CTrinyynqiWj