GbSO 2 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AT THK liAWE SEMINARY, CIJVCIJVNATI. or JAMES A. THOME, OF KEIVTUCBIY, DELIVERKD AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THB AMERICAN ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY, Stay 6, 1834. mn^^ism REV. DR. SAMUEL H. COX, AGAINST TRE AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY. BOSTON: PUBLISHED BY GARRISON & KNAPP, Ko, 11« DIoroIiantK' HtUl. /•....*. 1834. PREFACE. The result of the great debate in the Lane Seminary, in relation to Slavery and the American Colonization Society, presents one of the no blest exhibitions of the power of truth upon the hearts and consciences of man, that the world has ever witnessed. The letter of Mr. Stanton, giving the particulars thereof, is remarkable for its simplicity, ingenuous ness, and moral excellence. The Rev. Dr. Beecher is the President of Lane Seminary ; and the institution itself is second in importance to no other in the United States. The speech of Mr. James A. Thome has made a veyy powerful impres sion upon the public mind. This young gentleman is the son of a slave holder in Kentucky; and the attitude assumed by him, therefore, is truly sublime. The abominations of the slave system which he discloses, are of the most painful and dreadful character, and clearly show that there is no other remedy for them than the immediate and utter, overthrow of slavery. Great weight will be given to the Rev. Dr. Cox's letter, inasmuch as he is one of the most distinguished clergymen in this country, and was for many years the steadfast though mistaken advocate of a Society, which he now utterly repudiates. This pamphlet merits a wide circulation ; and it is hoped that the friends of bleeding humanity will assist by their means in putting it into everj family. GREAT DEBATE AT LANE SEMINARY. Last Sr.miN.Ar.Y, Wolnut Hill, near Ci>\cinnati, Ohio, M.ircli 10, isijl. Brother Leavitt — Many of your read ers arc undoubtedly interested in whatever concerns tliis rising institution. Therefore, I send you the following. Slavery and its proposed remedies — immediate abolition and colonization, 'irve been subjects of occasion al remark among the students, since tlie commencement of the late term (June). A flourishing Colonization Society has existed among us almost from the foundation of the institution. Our interest in these topics in creased gradually until about the first of February, when it was resolved that we dis cuss publicly tho merits of the colonization and abolition scheme.^. At this time, there were but few decided abolitionists in the Seminary. The two foiiowing questions were discussed, separately : 1st " fhight Ihc people of ihc Slavehold- ing Slates lo abolish Slavci-y immediately ?" 2d. "Are the doclri-nci, tendencies, mtd nica.mres nf the .American Colonization Socie- ly, and the influence of its principal sup- \porlcr.'>, svh «.? render it worth/ of Ihc pa- \lrnnage of ihe Christian puhlid" Our respected faculty, fearing tho effect the discussion would have upon the pros- jiorily of fhe Seminary, formally advised, tliat il -liould be postponei) indeiinitcly. But the students, feeling great anxiety that it should proceed, and being persuaded from the state of feeling among them, that it would be conducted in a manner becoming young men looking forward to the ministry of the gospel cf reconciliation, resolved to go on. The President, and the members of the faculty, with one exception, were present during parts of the discussion. Each question was debated nine evenings of 'm o hours and a lialf fsch ; making foi-ty- ; five hours of solid debate. We po.>-3cssod | some facilities for diBcus.sing both these | ¦ questions intelligently. Wc are situated j within one mile of a slaveholding State ; 1 eleven of our number wore born and brought ! up in slave States, seven of v.-liom v/cre sons I of slaveholders, and one of them was him- I self a slaveholder, till recently ; one of us j liad been a slave, tnd had bought his free- | . dom, " with a great sum," which his own "hands had earned ; ten others had Uved more ' or less in slave States, besides several who had travelled in the midst of slavery, mak ing inquiries and searching after truth. We possessed all the numbers of tho African Repository, from its commencement, nearly al! the Annual Reports of the Colonization Society, and the prominent documents of the Anti-Slavery Society. In addition to th'; above, our kind friends in the city, furnished us with Colonization pamphlets in profusion. Dr. Shane, a young gentleman of Cincin nati, who had been out to Liberia, with a load of emigrants, as an agent of tho Colon ization Society, furnished us with a long statement concerning the colony ; and a dis tinguished instructress, recently of Hartford, Connecticut, now of Cincinnati, sent us a communication from hor hand, which at tempted to prove, that Colonizationists and Abolitioiii.-!ts ought to unite .their ofTorts, and not contend against one anotlier. — These were our materials. And, sir, it wa9_ emphatically a discussion of fads, tacts, FACTS. The first speaker occupied nearly two evening.^, in presenting facts concerning sla very and immediate emancipation, gathered from various authentic documc.ius. Conclu sions and inferences were then drawn from these facts, and arguments fi.ur.rlod u,/o;i them favourable to immediate abolition, dur ing tho two next evenings. JXearly four ' f the remaining five evenings were tii,\olert -Oj tlie recital of .act.,, in regard lo slavery, slaves, and slaveholders, gathered, not fron. written documents, but from careful persoiiii observation and experience. ISearlyhalf of the seventeen speakers, on the evenings last ' alluded to, were the sons of slaveholders ; one liad been a slaveholder himself; one had tilt recently been a slave ; and t le resi due were ri;siclents of, or had recently trav elled or lived in slave States. From tlieir tesliriiOTi", the fi/ilowing .acts and pr3>;.!.-^s were estulilished, tc< -.vit: That sk'.es l:n lor freedom ; th re queni convcivation among them; tliat ^^loy know their m:;stor-. have no riglit to hoid" them in slavci-y ; thac tliey I;eenly feel the ( wrong, tbe insult and the degradation Nhic!i ar-3 heaped upon them hy the whites ; they ic.'. no ilJte¦.•c^^t compari.iively iu tlieir mnntr's alTftirs, becausa they know he ia their op- p'-es-sor: mey aro indolent, bi-cc.i:5e nothing ithcy can cam' is their own ; they pretend to ibe more ignorant and stupid than they really Virc, 80 aa to avoid responsibility, and to shun tlie lash for any real or allofred disobedience to orders ; when inspired with a proraise of freedom, they will toil with incredible alac rity and faithfulness ; they tell their masters and drivers they arc contented with their lot, merelv through fear of greater cruelty if they tell the truth ; no matter how kind their master is, they are dissatisfied, and would his hired servants than his slaves ; the slave-drivers are generally low, bnital, debauched men, distinguished only for their cruelty and licentiousness ; they generally have the despotic control of the slaves ; tlie best side of slavery is seen ; its darker features being kno^vn only to slaves, rii.isters and drivers; [upon this point, hor rid facts, in regard to the whipping and mur- deniig of slave.s, were developed. God sparing my life, tliey shall be given to the public] The state of morals among slaves, especially in regard to licentiousness, is sickening ! This condition is attributable to the treatment they receive from their mas ters ; they being huddled together from their infancy in small apartments without discrim ination of sex ; and oftentimes being com pelled to steal or starve ; the influence of slavery upon the physical condition, and mental and moral character of the whites, is decidedly and lamentably pernicious ; the internal slave trade is increasing, and is car ried on by men distinguished, even among slave-drivers, for their cruelty and brutality ! No class in the country have stronger social affections, than slaves ; nevertheless, the ties of parent and child, husband and wife, brother and sister, are torn asunder by this bloody traffic. A husband has been known to cut his throat deliberately, because tliis damnable traffic was about to separate him from a wife whom he tenderly loved. The horrid character of Louisiana slavery, was developed in some degree by one who had resided there. The planters in tliat State, when sugar commands a high price,' do not hesitate to kill a few of their negroes by overworking, if by that means they can bring more sugar into a favourable market ; in con- iSequence of this, one of the usual prayers of (^the poor negro is, that sugar Jnay be cheap. Multitudes of slaves are being carried into that State from other slave. States ; blacks are kidnapped from this State, (Ohio,) and sold into slavery ; slaves are decidedly hos- rtile to Liberia, and only consent to go there Uo escape from slavery ; masters are general ly opposed to their negroes being educated > that the blacks are abundantly Me to take care of, and provide for the-mselves ; a-nd thai they -woidd be kind and docile if itnmediate- ly emancipated. These points, with many otbeiB equally important, were established, so far as a miiltitudo of facts could establish them. On the two last points, the following was interesting and decisive. Jainns Bradley, tho emancipated slave abovo alluded to, addressed us nearly two hours ; and I wish his speech could have been heard by every opponent of immediate emancipation, to wit: first, that "it wonld be unsafe to the community ;" second, that "tho condition of the emancipated negroes would be worse than it now is ; that they are incompetent to provide for themselves ; that thoy would become paupers and va grants, and would rather steal than work for wages." This shrewd and intelligent black, cut up these lohite objections by the roots, 'and withered and scorched them under the sun of sarcastic argumentation, for nearly an hour, to which the assembly responded in repeated and roars of laughter, which were heartily joined in by both Colon- izationista and AboUtionists. Do not under stand mc as saying, that his speech was de void of argument. No. It contained sound logic, enforced by apt illustrations. I wish the slanderers of negro intellect could have witnessed this unpremeditated effort. I will give you a sketch of this man's history. He was stolen from Africa when an infant, and sold into slavery. His master, who resided in Arkansas, died, leaving him to his widow. He was then about eightosn years of age. For some years, he maii.aixfd Ihe pla-ntation for his mistress. Finally, he purchased his ' time by tho year, and began to eam money to buy his freedom. Af>,er five years of toil, having paid his owners $655, besides sup porting himself during the time, he received his " free papers," and emigrated to a free State with more than JJ200 in his pock et. Every cent of this money, §855, he earned by labour and trading. He is now o beloved and respected member of this in stitution. , Now, Mr. Editor, can slaves take care of themselves if emancipated ? I ansv/cr the question in the language employed by brotii er Bradley, on the above occasion. " They have to take care of, and support themselves now, and their master, and las family into the bargain ; and this being so, it would be strange if they could not provide for tliem selves, lohen disencumbered from this load," Ho said the great desire of the slaves was " liberty and education," And shall tliis heaven-born desire be trampled in the dust by a free and Christian nation.' At the close of the niritli evening, tiie vote •was taken on the first question, wJwa mery individual voted in the ajirmative except four or five, who excused themselves from voting at all, on the ground that they had not reado up their opinion. Every friend of the cause rendered a hearty tribute of tharJisgiviag to God, for the glorious issue. At tho next evening, wc entered ujion tlie discussion of tho second question. Hero, there was a hiuch greater diversity of senti ment But wc entered upon the dcbiito not like blinded partizans, but like men whose' polar star was facts and truth, whose needle was conscience, whose chart the Bible. The witnesses summoned to tlie stand, were the documents of the Colonization So- cietjr. They were examined at great length and in great numbers. We judged it out of its own mouth. There was no paucity of testimony ; for, as I before observed, we had all ita " Repositories," and nearly all its Re ports and Addresses, in addition to which, we were benevolently furnished by friends with numerous collated witnesses, whom we ¦of course had tlie privilege of cross-exam ining. Notwithstanding the length of this part of the discussion, but two individuals spoke, one on each side, and another read some testimony in favour of the Colony. Several individuals at tlie opening of tlie de bate, intended to speak on the affirmative, tut before it was closed, they became warm ly attached to the other side. Others were induced to espouse the cause of anti-Coloni- zationidm, by examining documents of the Colonization Society, forthe purpose of pre paring to speak in the affirmative. Most of the Coloniialionists who expressed any opin ion on the suhject, declared their ignorance of the doctrines and measures of the Society un tU this debate. They cannot find words to express their astonishment that they should have been so duped into the support of this Society, as a scheme of benevolence to wards the free blacks, and a remedy for sla very. They now repudiate it with all their hearts. Is it not a fact that the great ma jority of the supporters of this Society have never examined its doctrines, ita tendencies and measures ? Do not nine-tenths of the Colonizationists with whom you come in contact, express incredulous surprise at the announcement of almost any one of its prominent doctrines, and meet you with the reply, " This cannot be so ?" Is it not the "immediate" duty of such raen (benevolent, and scrupulously honest, no doubt,) to ex amine this subject .' I will state a fact A member of this In stitution was a member of the Oneida Insti tute, during the Colonization debate held there last summer, and took an active part in that discussion. An anti-Slavery and a Colonization Society were the offspring of this debate. My worthy brother was placed at the head of the latter Society. He was a sincere friend of the negro, and what is quite as rare, was a consistent and practical man. About five months since, he left Oneida, and came to Lane Seminary. On his way hither, he took great pains to oon- verae with every negro fie could find about emigrating to Liberia. lie talked wiih Boiric thirty or forty, all of whom exccjit one, wcro incorrigible in their preference to remain in their native lanl ! And shall wo make the present degradation of the free blacks, which is Ihe work of our own ha.ids, the premises from which to draw the conclusion, that ' they can never rise in this country,' and thcnfore, ' it is benevolent in itv to transport them to a foreign shore where they can escape' our 'perscciitionH?' Itis easier to estimnto the benevolence ofthe argument, than to discover its sonndncs.i. This evening, we formed an Anti-Slavery Society. Yours in the gospel, H. B. STANTON. SPEECH OF' MEI. .TAME.S A. THOME, Of Ker. ti. city, Delivered at Ihe first nni-iviTsury of Ihe Amerk m A-nti-Slaveri/ Society i/; tin Ciitj uf Nevi Ycrk, .May ii, 18.3 '. Mr. Jamf.s a. Thome, of Kentucky, adele- gate from the Anti-Slavery Society of Lane Seminary, was introduced to the meeting, and moved the following resolution : Resolved. Tliiit car principles commend thcm- ' selvcK to tho consciences ond interest of slave holders; and thai recent developcmants indicate the speedy triumph of our cause. Of the truth of the first proposition con tained in this resolution, that our principles commend tlipiimelvci to the consciences interest of slavcholdeiH, I have tho honor to stand before you a living witncs.s. I am from Kentucky. There I was born and wholly educated. The iissociationH of youth nnd the attachments of growing yours; preju dices, opinions nnd hiihits forming and fix ing during my whole life, conspire to ninko me a ICentuckiau indeed. More than this ; I breathed my first breath iu the atmosphere of slavery; I was suckled at its breast and dan dled on its knee. Black, black, black was before mo nt every step ; the sure badge of infamy. The sympathies of nature, even in their spring tide, were dried up ; compassion was deadened, and tho heart was steeled by repeated scenes of cruelty and oft-t.aught lessons of the coloured man's inferiority. ^^''hat shul! I say is the result cither of j experience or of personal observation. Abolition principles do take strong hold of I the conscience and of interest too. Permit nie to say, sir, I was for several years a ! mejiibcr of the Colonization Society. I con- I tributed to its funds and eulogized it-s mons- ' urrs, and now, thougl^. I would not leave my ! path to cttaek tlii.-* Institution, yet duty bids I li'io .>tale, solemnly and deliberately, that its I dii'ee*. inJle.eiiCO ii|i,).i i.'iv iiiind wa., to Icstjcn |iii) coiiviciifiii uf tlu; evil of sHscy, fiiiii t. deepen (uid hauctify my projudio.e rigainbt ' tho coloured race. 1 But, sir, far otherwise with abolitiun. — " Within a few months residence at Lane I Seminary, and by means of a discussion un paralleled in the brotherly feeling and fair ness which characti'rized it, and tiie results which it brought out, tho grentprinciples of j duty stood forth, sin revived, and I died. ,4ildi-Sil*-tll2!lgk.J_i'.-'' ',.'''¦ -"-¦'j''' lllOHLCIitJJlC ' heir to a slayeJnilCiit^iuic^juid though, for- suiitli, f iirn one ..(' tho-e i-if'ir'.annlc being.s 1 upon M-hom slavery is by i'on-' .(.NTAif.Ln, ! yet I am bold to deuoieii e the v. hole .iybtcm , as an outrage, a et.iupliiMtioii of crimes 'inii i wrong.s, ond cruelties *.iat malic angels « etp. i This 15 the spirit which your principles 'i„- \ spire. Indeed, I know (,i' -i'] siibjoct whic." t:ikcs ^acil stf.jii^' tiol : i>f t.he man as doe,, abolition. It sei:es t!'e CfM:,„ieii'"e with an autliuiitative graso •, it rt.i;s iiLivit's e\ery path of the guilty, him, ¦.j-no.e.i inttj, j and rings i.i his ear the cry of Liood. it build.-, a Willi u,) tr, hoi.ven o.'lhre hirii anu , around hini; it witli the ejo of G-id^ jand searcliet, his iiean \'. ith a sep-jtiny too strict \ri be eluded. It writes "thou art' the man," upon the forcliead of every op pressor. -- It nls'i commands the a' eiiues to tho hu man heart, and rushes up through them oil to take the citadel ef feeling. All the .sym pathies are its advocates, and every .suscep tibility to C'-imjiassiouato outraged humar.ity stands pledged lo do its wor-k. 8 Will you permit mo to state Komo of the vantage grounds upon which we stand in tlie public discussion of this question ? 1. The duty of tlie slaveholder. Tho duty of the slaveholder: what a weapon! a host in itself! sure as the throne of God, and strong as the arm of God. It is untrue that this consideration loses its force in slave States. It is the power of God tliere and on tliis subject, aa it is elsewhere, and on every otiier. Facts are daily occurring which show that when every other motive fails, this is efficient It is a libel upon the West ern character, to say that duty there must bow before expediency/; and this miserable policy will soon bo visited with a just re buke from tho people it has slandered. 2. Afjain. The sufferings of the slaves. It is well known that in Kentucky, slavery wears its mildest features. Kentucky slave holders are generally ignorant of the cruel ties which are practised further Soutli, and on this score are little aware of the bearings jof the system. Those good matter-of-fact patriots, who call such recitals " the poetry of philanthropy," andwhpjn^eSouth have the control ofthe pre^jTaaye s^^oiisIy"fefrain- ed from instructingthe public on'this point A noble expedientTFiis, Io" ctSsB'tlre-ear of the oppressor against the wail of the op pressed. But it will not avail. The voice lOf their lamentations is waxing louder, and \it will be heard. Sir, is it not unquestiona ble that slavery is the parent of more suffer ing than has flowed from any one source since the date of its existence r Such suf ferings too! Sufierings inconceivable and innumerable ; anguish from mind degraded ; hopelessness from violated chastity ; bitter ness from character, reputation and honour annihilated; unmingled wretchedness frora the ties of nature rudely broken and destroy ed, the acutest bodily torture in every mus cle and joint ; groans, tears and blood ; lying forever in perils among robbers, in perils in the city,in perils in the wilderness, in perils among falso brethren, in weariness and painfulness, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness." What ! are these our brethren ? And have we fattened, like jackalls, upon their living flesh ! Sir, when once the great prop osition that negroes are human beings, a "proposition now scouted by many with con will, over and nnon, atruggio up and rcsch tlie ear of humanity. A general fact ; thongh I would by no moans intimate that Kentucky slaveholders are themselves free from cruelty : far from it! yet I have found, in narrating particular cases to thom, as evident expressions of horror and indignation as men ordinarily feel in other sections of our country. Such facts have their effect upon them. 3. Licentiousness. I shall not speak of the far South, whose sons are fast melting away under tlie unblushing profligacy which frevails. I allude to the slaveholding West t is well known that the slave lodgings, I refer now to village slaves, are exposed to tlio entrance of strangers every hour of tho night, ond that the sleeping apartments of botli sexes are common. It is also a fact, that there ia no allowed intercourse between the families and ser vants, after the work of the day is over. The faraily, assembled for tho evening, enjoy a conversation elevating and instructive. — But the poor slaves are thrust out No ties of sacred home thrown around them ; no moral instruction to corapensate for the toils of the day ; no intercourse as of man with man ; and should one of the younger mem bers of the family, led by curiosity, steal out into the filthy kitchen, the child is speedily called back, thinking itself happy if it es cape an angTy rebuke. Why this.' The ^read of moral contamination. Most excel lent reason ; but it reveals a horrid picture. The slaves, thus cut off from all community of feeling with their master, roam over the village streets, shocking the car with their vulgar jestings, and voluptuous songs, or opening their kitchens to the reception of the neighbouring blacks, they pass the even ing in gambling, dancing, drinking, and the most obscene conversation, kept up until the night is far spent, then crown the scene with indiscriminate debauchery. Where do these things occur.' In the kitchens of church members ard elder.''! But another genera! fact Afler all xhi caro of parents to hide these things frora their children, the young inquisitors pry them out, and they are apt scholar.s tmly. It is a short sighted parent who does not perceive that his domestics influence very materially the early education of his chil- tempt, is clearly demonstrated and drawn j dren. Between tlie feraale slaves and the out on the Southem sky, and when under- I misses, there is an unrestrained coinmiiiiica- neath it is written the bloody corollary, the j tion. As they come in contact through the sufferings of the negro race, the seared con- I day, the courtezan feats of the over-nigh.r, science will again sting, and the stony heart! are whispered into the ear of tiie unGusp,:ci~ will melt ! ing giri, to poison her youthful mind. But, brethren ofthe North, be not de- J Bring togetlier these three fac:s. 1st That ' ceived. These sufferings still exist ; and i slave lodgings are exposed, and both scxco despite'the efforts of their cruel authors to j fare promiscuously. &d. That the jlavcd hush them down, and confine them within i are excluded from tho social, moral .and iri- the precincts of their own plantations, they I tellectuai advantages or the faniLy, and left » to seek such enjoj'mcnts as a debased appe tite suggests. And 3d. That the slaves have free interchange of thought with the younger members of tho family ; and ask yourselves what must be the results of their combined operation. Yet those are only some of the ingredi ents in this great system of licentiousness. Poliul^ra, pollution ! Young men of talents and respectability, fathers, professors of re ligion, ministers, oil classes ! Overwhelm ing pollution ! I have tacts ; but 1 forbear to state them; facts which have fallen un der my own observation, startling enough to arouse tlie moral indignation of the com munity. I would not have you fail to understand that this is a general evil. Sir, what I non- say, I say from delibcr.ito conviction of its trutJi ; let it be felt in the North, and rolled back upon tlie Sorth, that tlie slave States care Sodoms, and almost every family is a brothel. (In this, I refer to tho ir.iuntei of the kitchens, and not to t!iC whites.) And it is well. God be blessed for the .cmIs which thi3_ cursed sin entai]s.„..,JCliEjLaa]y show that wTrntevcr"is~to'(jc,.fba£cd.-from..±hc aBoirEron~or sT:ivFiy, horrors3,Iiiindred fqld_ gfe:atcr cTusfCr about its ,J55JSt£P-C,p. TTcap them up, all hideous^ as thoy are, and crowd them horae ; they will prove an cflTcctual medicine. Let me be understood here. — This pollution is the oflfspring of slavery ; It springs not from tho character of the ne gro, but from the condition of the- slave. '' I have time merely to allude to several other considerations. 4. The fears of slaveholder.'^. These af ford strong evidence that conscience is at work. In the most peaceful villages of Ken tucky, raasters at this tirae sleep with mus kets in their bedrooms, or a brace of pistols at their heads. 5. Their acknowledgements. The very admissions which they make for the purpose of silencing their growing conviction of duty, may be successfully turned upon thorn., They almost unanimously say that slavery is a great evil; that it is abstractly wrong; yet there is no help for it: or their slaves are better off than they are ; or, or, or. Now, be they sincere or insincere, out of theii- own mouth we can condemn them. I met, the other day, in travelling a short dis tance on the Ohio river, with a good illus tration of the manner in which these admis sions are made. It is also a pretty faithful exhibition of the uneasy, conscience-struck spirit which is bepnning to pervade Ken tucky. The individual was a citizen of that State, and a slaveholder in it. He v/as free in conversation on the subject of slavery. He declared in the outset that slavery was wrong ; a most iniquitous system, and ought to be abolished. Quite a point gained, 2 thought I, and I proceeded very confidently to the application. But I soon found that my friend had deserted his position. "The old dispensation, sir; what d'ye think of that .' Did'nt Abraham hold slaves ? and be sides, what does Paul say .'" You perceive he waa a Cliristian, sir; quite orthodox withal. Soon again he returned to his post, and asserted as roundly nn before, tho wicked ness of slavery. " Wrong, totally wrong ! I would free nil my slaves if — but — O, tell nie, sir, were not the Jews permitted to hold slaves because they were a favored people ; and are not we a favored people ? Abra ham, Paul, the old dispensation ;" and thus ' he rung the changes, stung on the one hand by a guilty conscience, aud met on ttieotliei- by opposing sel' It may be .^a:d, thjs irKin Was not intelligent He was unu sually so on every other suljcct. - ti. Safety of einfincipation. On thie point, 'xlio slaveholder is more than ignorant ; he is deplorably misinformed. Who have been liis counsellors, judge yc. It is remarkable what a unanimity of sentiment prevails on this subject. You would suppose that thoy had long'' been plied with stories of butchered parents, murdered children, and plundered houses. This might be discouraging if the short his tory of emancipation did not furnish us witli so many conclusive facts. With these facts you arc quite familiar ; and yet there is no | |objcction more common tlidn the dangers, I ''\he dangers of emancipation. Tri.7el in j slaveholding States, and talk with masters, 1 and you will find, in a great majority of cases, they will point to St Domingo, and exultingly say, "Behold the consequences ' of your measures." — 7. Slaveholders are not so inaccessible as thoy arc thonght to be in the North. There is a strong degree jf excitability in the char acter of our Soutlicrn brethren, it is true ; but this is not all. There is reason too, and common sense, and conscicsco. I, for one, beg I'lavo to envc rny deciclou protest p.gainst tho;;a fr'nudhj representa tions of the Soutlicrn character, which have been made to scare away abolitionists, anc' prolong a guilty repose. Unless I read amiss, assertions are repeatedly made to this effect; that argument, in the South, has no weight ; that truth, fac5s, experience are all inefficacious; that slavcho'dcrs hnve no conscience, no heart, no soul, no prli.cip.e, nothing but selfishness, that tlity a/e liu:;- teroes and pa.3sionate when )oi spe.-l- of tho rights of man, and you must be-vs aix — soft! delicate matters'! Sir. I repudiate these sentiments. They a:-e as grouiiu'.ess as they are insulting. Let the.n jtriko with all the'ir force against certain wordy orators of the South, whose arguments a^e p-jwde; IO and ball5, but they illy fit those worthy citi zens whoso voice consiitutcs public sen timent The sl.-iveholder, if rightly approached, exhibits all the courtesy for which the South is noted. I have conversed with many, and scarcely know an instance to the contrary. No indignation, no rage, no fierce indica tions of hostility. I lately had opportunity to converse with several intelligent families, in a small village of Kentucky. The state of feeling was truly gratifying. Many in quiries were made concerning the principles of abolitionists. Some were anxious to know tho plans of operation, others express ed themselves in very unexpected terras. S.iid one, " I am decidedly opposed to the spirit of the Coloniz.ation Society." Said another, " I am determined to emancipate my slaves just so S'oon as circumstances, now without my control, will permit'' 8. Kentucky. I have already made fre quent allusions to Kentucky. The spirit which is beginning to prevail there, though not a fair representative of tlie stat« of the public mind in other slave States, is to be hailed, on other grounds, as constituting no small item in our account Colonization, which, like the Hindoo goddess, with smiling face and winning air, grasps in her wide em brace, the zeal of the church and the benev olence of the world, and, pressing them to her bosom, thrusts them through with the hidden steel. Colonization has indeed done its mournful work in Kentucky. [aw, perhaps I owe an apology to this house, for such frequent allusions to the Colonization Society. This is my apology. I know its evils, and can lay my finger on them one by one. I knoio the individual slaves who are now in bondage by its influ ence aloTic. I know the masters whose only plea for continuing in the sin, is drawn frora its doctrines. I know, and therefore have I spoken. Many of its friends I reverence ; they are worthy men. But the tendencies of the system I know to be pernicious in the extreme.] But the state is rising above this influence. Conscientious citizens are forming them selves into other associations. Many hold this language : " Slavery stands in opposi tion to the spirit of the age, to the progress of human improveraent ; it cannot abide the light of the nineteenth century." The Leg islature has taken up the subject. The spirit of inquiry is abroad. " Kentucky ia rapidly awakening." She should now fill up the eye of abolitionists ; for if she were induced to t.ike a stand with you, her example would be of incalculable worth. These aire some of the results of a life thus far spent in the midst of slavery ; less than this I could not prevail upon myself to say. The design of these statements has been to encourage you in your holy enter prise', inasmuch iis they show that your prin ciples do take strong hold of the consciences and interest of shiveholders. Now, sir, the great object of my presence here, is to urge upon you nn appeal for re newed effort on the behalf of the slave. The question has been asked here, and re peated in the South, "whatlui.s the North to do with slavery ?" At present she has every thing to do \? ith it, every thing. Will you please boar in mind three considera tions. 1st. We have no abolition paper in the West or Routh. 2d. 'i'our principles have been gro.ssly misrepresented, and mis understood. ;jd. You have eflccted incred ible things rdready. With regard tn the first fact I only say, with shame, tiiere is no editor in the Valley who is willing to ha'/ard his living by estab lishing an abolition jiress. 2d. I can give you but a faint idea of the notions whicli are cnterlxiiiied of abolition principles and men. Recklessness, false estimate of right, fanaticism, Quixotism, sub limated austere bigots, incessantly harping upon abstract principles, incendiaries, ofii- cious intermeddlcrs, arrant kniives, who would break up all well ordered society, set every slave at his master's throat, and enjoy the massacre with infinite delight ; outlaw ed roneg-ades who, having themselves no in terest at stake, would bankrupt the honc.*,t planter, and most horrifying of all, introduce a general systen of amalgaination. Notions so monstrously perverted, have not been caught up at hap-hazard, but most faithfully instilled by the timorous cautionists of our day. But from what source soever they may have come, th6y clamor for correction, imme diate correction. It is of immense importance that the public mind should be disabused by a faithful presentation of facts. Under all these disadvantages you are do ing much. The very little leaven which you have been enabled to introduce is now working with trem.endous power. One in stance has lately occurred wfthin my ac quaintance, of an heir to slave property ; a young man of growing influence, who was first awakened by reading a single number of the Anti-Slavery Reporter, sent to him by some unknown hand. He is now a whole hearted abolitionist I have facts to show that cases of this kind arc by no means rare. A family of slaves in Arkansas Territory, another in Tennessee, and a third, consist ing of eighty-eight, in Virginia, were suc cessively emancipated through the influence of one abohtion periodical. Then do not hesitate as to duty. Do not pause to consider tlio propriety of interfer ence. It is as unquestionably the province / of the North to labour in this cause, as it is / the duty of the church to convert the world. 11 The call isi urgent; it :s imperative. 'Wo want light Tho ungodly are saying, "the church will not enlighten us." Tho < Imrcii is saying, " the ministry will not enlighten us." The ministry is crying " Ponce — take care." We are altogether covered in gross darkness. 'We ajipeal to you for light. Send us facts ; send us kind remonstrance nnd manly reasoning. Wc nre perishing for lack of truth. 'We have been lulled to sleep by the guilty apologist O tell us, if it be true that our bed is a volcano. O, roll off the Colonization incubus which is crush ing us.down and binding us hand and foot Show us that "prejudice is vincible," that slavery is unqiialifedly wrong, nnd strip us of every excuse. Como and tell us what shocking scenes arc transpiring in our owi families under the cover of night Go a\ ith us into our kitchens and lift up tho honid veil ; show us thc'i-nntamin.ation, as it issues tlioncc and wraps its loathsome folds about our sons nnd daugliter.s. Nay, tell us if indeed these miserable be ings are themsclvc-i our sisters and brothers, whom we have buried rdive, with our own hands, in corruption. Point us, with painlul exactness, to the forehead, frora which God's imago is well nigh effaced, to the soulless eye, to the bea-st-like features, the leaden countenance and the cowerirer air, and tell us " That is the immnrlnl mind in ruins." Repeat the sulTerings ei' tiie slave, the stripes, the cruel soparatinii, the forlornnoss of tho friendless slavr', and llash upon us the truth, " thy brother, thy brother !" Sir, we have sympathies yet alive within us, we have feeling. The great deep of our hearts, though it has long been calm, may be moved, and it will be broken up by such stirring facts. \ You hear the appeal of the South ; can you resist it? You will not The work is yours ; your heart is in it. Blove onward, and soon the triumph will be yours. None but God can stay your course, and God is with you. UEV. DR. COX'S LETTER, TO THE EDITOR OF TIIE NEW YORK EVANGELIST. Etliiopia [the people of Cusii] shall soon stretch out her hands unto God. — Psalm Ixviii. 31. Having left America a sincere friend to the cause of the American Colonization So ciety, I continued sincerely to advocate its merits, and to defend its principles, wherev er I went For this there was no want of occasion. Beyond all my anticipations, the opportunity and the necessity of such advo cacy were constantly obtruded ; till at last, i almost felt unwilling to go into any raixed company, because of the frequency with •which the finest spirits that I met there never failed lo oricu.iiilei- lue ; and sorrieiiineft ir. 'i way t.h:i' coi^seioiisly overmatched me, I was chiefly inijii'.sKi-'il u'ith the following things, ill nil the nrgiiirientntion I witnes.-.ed ; first, the astoiiisinj zeal, and scnsitivencs-i!, nnd avidity to speak in public and private, which they e\ineed ; second, tho novelty nnd extravagance of their positions in favour of universal emancipation, and the thorough going extent to which they boldly drove l;hem, fcarleiss nnd inexorable in what they viewed ns right and obligatory ; third, tho character of the men who were Ihe chief tains of the argument ; they were the most excellent, and exalted, and lovely persons, in the realm, so far as I had any means of judging ; and fourth, the extent to which the influence of these pri.nciples had gone, in pervading and leavcnin^j 1;he mas,' of tiie P'J'ople, in England, IrclaiKl, and Soollnhd, especially as evinced in kindred antipathy to the cause of tho American Colonization .So ciety. It will not be wrong to name such persons as Dr. Morison of London, Professor Edgar of Bclfiist, and Dr. lleugh of Glas gow. When such men opposed mo in de bate, with all the zeal of reformers, with much ofthe light of argument, and more of the love of piety, it was impossible that I should not feel their influence. Still, I re plied with perfect conviction, and ordinarily witli as mucii succcos as could hove been r:..- I tionally c:;poctod. Teero .i'a5, onr poi.nt, however, v.hore I aiw.iyd showed and ie!t weak. It related to a question of fact Are not the free negroes of your iStates, espec ially at tho North^ almost universally oppos ed to the project of Colonization ? My an swer was, no, at least I think not. That the point was a cardinal one, I always per ceived ; for the Society has to do with tho free alone ; and, by its constitution, express ly, with their own consent; as I think the words are. Besides, if it were any jiart of the scheme to expatriate to Africa, without their own consent, it would be plainly a nn.- tional society of kidnappers, and no one could honestly advocate it for an instant Says the Hon. Mr. Frelinghuyscn, in his re cent defence of the Society, as one of its earliest and ablest advf cites; ''the demon- Hration has been mae.:. that the Africa;, is equal to the duties of a freeman. His miud expands as his condition i.T:prores.'' And again ; ' It should not be forgoUt .'i. that th;- Society treats alouo with the- J're^:.. and for freedom's sake. If our coloured brethrc.i prefer to remain among us, let them, v. ir,ii our hearty good will. Vv''^.: corrinel no reuic- tant submission to term-'. Their welfare hcs. prompted tiiese labour.-, vf the Society- It possesses neither the power iior the d'sposi- tion to constrain consent," TL jse eonti menti of ths Hononra'r.le 3e ^ato;- ;.,¦ chvi- ousiy right m ethics ond in .\.;i,- Tic .'^•. la ciety nogoliatcs alona witli tho free, for tho Bake of freedora ; will use no restraint to ob tain their consent ; and would abhor tho thought of proceeding without it. Precise ly such wore my positions and replies to our trans-atlantic brethren. Then camo tho question of fact: Have you their consent ? Here I could not answer satisfactorily to myself or them. Our opinions wcro direct ly opposed. They had evidence too, which I could not answer, that tlie free negroes of this country were so generally opposed to it, and that with great decision, as to constitute the rule in spite of all exceptions, and so in effect to nullify the pretensions and even the existence of tlic Society. I admitted that, if this were so, the Society was stopped in Its career by the lawful and appropriate veto of tlie people themselves : and here gener ally my mind unca.sily rested, after every concussion of sentiment In this mentally labouring condition, I returned to my native country, purposed to take no public attitude in tie matter, until that prime question was ascertained and settled. In this, I have been guilty of no raiihncHS at all. I have with stood party influences, and committed my self to no side ; and in avowing now a change of sentiment in the whole affair, I ara actu ated raainly by a wish to apprise my breth ren across the ocean, of what I deem the truth, that so I may undo whatever I did improperly while among them. My inves tigations have issued in a complete convic tion that, on this ground alone, the non-con sent or unanimous opposition of the colour ed people of this country, especially of the Northern States, ami pre-eminently of the better informed of them, the Society is mor ally annihilated. At all events, I can advo- Miate it no longer. More : if I had known the facts os they might have been known arc of my own denomination, and members of tlio Presbytery of New York. They aro all three intelligent and worthy bretliren, possessing the Christian esteem and confi dence of all who know thom. 'J'huusands can give a hearty testimony to their pru dence, forbearance, calmness, and correct ness of procedure in all things. They have no wild schemes or reckless views ; and while my heart has bled at their recitals, it has secretly glorified God in them, in view of tlie excellont spirit they evince under privations and trials of a sort, that few of their white brethren could endure for a mo ment. Having made special inquiries, and received answers as definite, I shall insert here a letter from the Rev. Mr. Cornish, which will speak for itself. i\Kw-¥nRK, Deo. 4, 103.3. Kev. and dear Sir.— I'.stcrini.'ijj you ns one of tlio warmest Cricnda ot' onr injwrcii people, und mind ful of the (Iccd.s tjf your abolition sires,! bcR to pri'r.rnt to yni: ai. oh,|nctioii to the scheme of ('o- lonizatinn, v.'hich you may not lif.vo sutiicicntly woit^lu'd. [ti? — Till': UN,\i\iMOtr;s and HiMVERSAL 6T- posi'I'iojN to that schkm:'-,, ok all Tin: i.\tklligI':nt of our colored FOI'U- LATIOM. ' A fc"' months after tho orpanizntion of the Soci ety in 1817, tho colored citizens of Philadelphia, with J.inicg Forten in the chair, protested against its principles; predicted its unhappy influence; and .appealed to tho community in behalf of their rights. Besides, the first public Journal ever is sued by the colored citizens of this republic, (with which Journal 1 had the honor of beinff connect ed,) entered its equal protest against Colonization; showing whiit we deemed the mju.stice of legisla ting away our rights — our claims to a country t'C had 'ulecl to redeem and sweated to cultii. ito, with out making us a party, cr .ilinwln;; us .i voice i'l the iogislation, or giving u.5 any proper rcprosoiitation in°thc discussions. These things will appear by the accompanying documents. Subsequent to that time, in every city and town incur country where the colored people arc per- long ago, I never should have advocated the mitted to assemble, they have always entered tlieir colonization, as a system of Society ; audit is quite probable that many solemn protest against colon , - ,. „tl,or= ir, ihiK cnnntrv are in exactlv the same proscription and crucUy. This is surely an objec others in this country are in exactly the sarae predicament Among other means influen tial of this change, I have had several inter views and conferences with the Rev. Messrs. Cornish, and Wright, and Williams, of this city, singly and together ; wftose testimony is entirely trne, is perfectly firm, and has never changed, on the question. The re spectability of these brethren is indisputa ble ; but alas! their skins are not as fair, nor their hair as straight as ours ; and thence, "for such a worthy cause," their remon strances have been disregarded or preclud ed. In this wrong, I confess myself to have participated. They did remonstrate, like men, like Christians, anfl with a sagacity in the matter of their own interests in which our whiter philanthropy has been, I fear, far inferior to theirs. The last of the triumvi rate, is a clergyman in communion with the Episcopal church of this cityi the others, tion to the plan ; and t!,ough there are many otliers equally tangible at my fingers' ends, it is tho only one with which I will at present trouble you. O think on UB ! I am. dear Sir, va b'l.: Is o." r-;.~.uorj!.t aiTpciicn. 'Voars &.C. S.vMjKL i-:. cor.n ;sk. Rev. Dr. Cox, ,\-j'v-V'or!;. The documen"^ to wluih Mi. C'Oniish aj- ludes are quite sufiicient red conclusi-'e iu establishing the point His letter n".ay be considered as the voice of the colored peo ple universally. There can be no question that it tells the truth ; and if so, I see no course left for me but to abandon the Socie ty. There are other objections to it, as my correspondent says. But at present, I will urge no other than the one in evidence. It is cardinal, conclusive, and conquerable neither by logic nor sophistry. If it be said, they may be convinced yet in its favor : I reply, that fact will prove itself whenever it 1.1 PCcur.T. To mc it now appears about as like ly as that they are not men, or that God has not " made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth." If it bo said, they might have been convinced, if they had not been influenced by abolitition- ist"! ; I reply, there is no evidence of this ; nnd for one, I utterly disbelieve it ; suppos ing tlic other side exposed to the true and obvious retort, tliat few or none would ever have conscntsd to go, if they had complete ly understood the matter, and if fair means only had been used by all parties to concili ate their willingness. Let us suppose our selves in tlieir condition, with all our boasted superiority of sense ; is it very likely that we would consent — to a moral prejudice against us ; to a proscription resulting from it ; to ex patriation as its fruit ; to a denial of our na tivity in the place of our birth, calling us Europeans or Africans, though actually born in America ; to a banishment from the hand of our present offections to a climate that kills us .' Impossible ! One might be made indeed, as a choice of evils, to prefer it on the principle of a greater evil for that pur pose erected against us here , but properly "with our own consent," never, wliile we belong to the species I From one of the documents referred to, in Mr. Cornish's letter, I make the following extracts. Jt is a sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. Williams, Rector of St. Phillip's Church on the FOinTii of jult, 1830. " The fcstives of this day serve but to im press upon the minds of refiecting men of color, a deeper sense of tlic cruelty, the in justice, and oppression, of which thoy have been the victims. V.'hile others rejoice in their deliverance from a foreign yoke, they moum tliat a yoke a thousand fold more grievous, is fastened upon them. Alas! they are slaves in the midst of freemen ; they are slaves to those, who boast that free- -dora is the inalienable right of all ; while the clanking of their fetters, and the voice of their wrongs, make a horrid discord in the sonf.fs of freedom which resound through the land." "No people in the world profess so high a respect for liberty and equality, as the peo ple of the United States ; and yet no people hold 60 many slaves or make such great dis- itinctions between man and man." Speaking of himself and his auditors as freemen, Mr. Williams proceeds, as follows : " But alas ! the freedom to which we ha,ve attained is defective. Freedora and equality have been "put asunder." The rights of men are decided by the color of their skin ; and there is as much difference made be tween the rights of a free white man, and a free colored man, as there is between a free colored tnan and a slave." Ofthe Colonization Society, Mr. Williams says ; « Far be it from me to impeach the motives of its members. The civilizing find christianizing of that vast continent, and tho cxtirpntion ofthe abominable traffic in slaves — which, notwithstanding all the laws pass ed for its suppression, is still carried on in all its horrors — arc no doubt the principal motives, which induce many to give it their support " But there are those, and those who arc most active and influential in its cause, who hesitate not to say, that thoy wish to rid tho country of the free colored population ; and there is sufficient reason to believo that with many this is the principle motive for support ing that Society ; and that, whether Africa is civilized or not, and whether the slave-trado be suppressed or not, they would wish to see the free colored people removed from thia country to Africa." Afler arguing handsomely and well against removal, Mr. Williams observes : " Wc arc NATiVKi of this country : wc ark only to lie treated .as wed as ronKir,.vi-:ii.'5. Not a few of our fathers fiitrcred and hied to purchase its i.i- dnpendcncn ; w" a;-k finly In be treated as well "s those who fought against it. Wo h.avc toilcil to cultivate it. and tn raise it to its present prosp'^rnus condition; we ask only to share equal privileges with those, who come from distant lands to enjoy the fruits nf onr labour. Let these moderate rr quests be granted, and wc need not "o to Africa, nor any where else, to be improved and happy. Wo cannot but doubt the purity, of the motives of thc^^o persons who deny us those requests; and who would send us to Africa to gain what they might give us at home. " Hut aia.'! ! tl.o course which tlic-y nave pursu"'!, has an opposite tnulcncy. P.y the scandnlons -mic- rcpre..':cnial!oii~. wlnr'h thoy arc coniinuailr giung of onr charactrr ar.d conduct, we sustained muni injury and have reason to .apprehend much more. " Without any charge of crime, wc have been denied all access to places, to wliich we formerly had the most free intercourse. The coloured citi zens of other places, on leaving their homes, have been denied the privilege of returning; and others have been absolutely driven ouL " [las the Colonization ^yriety had no effect in producing these barbarous measures 1 '¦ "I'hey'iirofcss to have no other object in viow, than the colonizing of the free people cf colour on the Cfo.ast of Africa, with their om-ii co-iim't. P.uX, if our homes are made so uncomfortable that we cannot continue in them; cr if, ii';'' our brctlriM of Ohio or INcw Orleans, v.c are driven from them, .and no other door is open to receive us but Afric i. our removal there will be any thing but voluntan. ¦"" "It is very certain, that very few people of col our wish to go to that land. The Colonization Society k-noio this ; and yet thev do certainly cal- cul.ate, that in tunc they will have us all remov ed there. , "How can this be circctcd,but oy making n-'i- situ.ition worse hero, and closing every other door against us ?'* These are but extracts from a sermon which is an honor to the head and heart of ita author. Here then I take my position, not to be moved by the common arguments that array their poverty against it The colored people of this country, as a who^o 11 and almost to a man, arc utterly opposed to tho system ; and this nloiie, if "there was no other objection to colonizotionism, appears to iiic conclusive and invincible. There are otiier objections, however, to that project As a remedy for the evil of slavery in this country, it is incommensurate nnd puny, compared with the extent and in cessant growth of the evil. Whatever may be the comprehension of the rainbow nnd the beauty of its coloring, it is insub.