I for the fav^-igtjii^ 4plUgi:%'0l. C^JlpP-ig 'Y^LIg«¥]MKVlEI^SnirY« n BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME op THE Clarence Campbell Fund BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 19 00 PUBLISHED BY BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY COMPANY (INCORPORATED) NEW YORK CITY PARK ROW BUILDING 1900 Copyrighted, 1899, By Biographical Directory Company. (Incorporated.) INTRODUCTION. HE BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY has been compiled for the purpose of giving a brief biographical sketch of the represent ative business and professional men of the State of Xew York. The form used is intended to give, wherever possible, the name, business and residence address, place and date of birth, where edu cated, whether married or single, names of the corporations, firms and institutions with which such men are connected, positions of importance which they hold, as well as those that they have held, and also the names of the clubs, societies and associations of which they are members ; and, as such, it is hoped that the work will be found useful in editorial rooms, in business offices, in club libraries, and as a book of reference, generally, in both private and public libraries. This information has, in very large part, been furnished by the indi viduals themselves, in addition to which the standard books of reference bearing on these matters have been carefully consulted ; and, to insure the accuracy and completeness of each sketch, a proof containing all the information available from both these sources has been sent to all persons mentioned in this publication. We have made this work as complete as possible on the lines above indicated, and if there are any persons of importance omitted from the volume, it is because they have failed to send us the desired information ; and, rather than prepare something imperfect and, perhaps, misleading, it has been thought advisable to omit their names entirely. The twelve thousand (12,000) sketches in this book are those of men prominent to-day in commercial, professional or other activities, who are worthily sustaining the reputation of New York as the Empire State, and the names included are entirely of characters living on the first day of January, 1900. The difficulties and magnitude of the work involved in the compila tion of a book of this character will be at once obvious when it is consid ered how much exhaustive, careful and patient investigation, comparison, verification and cross-references have been necessary in the preparation of the present volume. Owing to the generous co-operation of the sub jects of these notices in furnishing us with so much of the information desired, we are able to rely entirely on the merits of the volume for the success to which we believe we can, with all modesty, look forward. A book of this kind will be published for every State in the Union just as rapidly as it is possible for us to obtain the necessary information ; and it is our purpose to revise it in each State every three years. In conclusion, we desire to also record our appreciation of the assist ance rendered to us in the preparation of this work by such clubs and other organizations as have furnished us with membership lists, and also to acknowledge our indebtedness to the various works of reference neces sary to the compilation of a volume like the present. TtlE BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY COMPANY. A AARON, CHARLES B.— Leather Merchant, 8 Ferry street, New York City; residence 217 Quincy street, Brooklyn. President New York Leather Belt ing Co. Member Hardware Club, Union League Club of Brooklyn, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. AARON, HERMAN— Lawyer, 15 Wall street, New York City; residence 353 West 57th street. Member Press Club, Society of Medical Jurisprudence, Colum bia Alumni and College of the City of New York Alumni Associations. AARON, ISRAEL— Rabbi Temple Betn Zion, Buf falo; residence 748 Auburn avenue. Born in Lancas ter, Pa., Nov. 20, 1859. Educated in Lancaster and at University of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Hebrew Union CoUege (D.D.). (Married.) Honorary president Sister hood of Zion. Member University and Liberal Clubs, Masonic and other fraternal bodies. ABARBANELL, JACOB R.— Lawyer and Editor, 24 Vandewater street, New York City; residence 241 Grove street, Jersey City, N. J. Born in New York City, Dec. 6, 1852. Educated at the College of the City of New York (B.S.), and Columbia College Law School (LL.B.). (Married.) Editor of the New York "Family Story Paper" and "Golden Hours." Author of many novels and translations under nom de plume "Ralph Royal." Member Manhattan, Single Tax, City Col lege, Thirteen and New York Press Clubs, and Medico- Legal Society. ABBE, ROBERT— Physician, 11 West 50th street. New York City. Member Riding and Barnard Clubs, and Century and College of the City of New York Alumni Associations. ' ABBEY, HENRY— Author and Merchant, New York Produce Exchange, New York City; residence 11 Linderman avenue, Kingston. Born in Rondout, N. Y., July 11, 1842. Educated in academy. Engaged in the iiour and grain business. Author of "May Dreams." "Ralph, and Other Poems," "Stories in Verse," "Ballads of Good Deeds," and "The City of Success, and Other Poems." Member Authors' and Shakespeare Clubs, and National Sculpture Society. ABBOT, EVERETT VERGNIES— Lawyer, 55 Wil liam street. New York City; residence 187 Madison avenue. Member Reform, Calumet, Harvard and Staten Island Cricket Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. ABBOT, FRANK P.— China Merchant, 29 Barclay street. New York City; residence 5 First place, Brook lyn. Born in Brooklyn, May ¦ 25, 1853. Educated at Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn. (Married.) Member of the firm of Gerard, Dufraisselx & Abbot. Trustee and ex-president Crockery Board of Trade. Member Hardware Club. ABBOTT, CHARLES E.— Merchant, 236 Eighth avenue, New York City; residence 279 West 22d street. Born in Vermont, March 27, 1859. (Single.) Presi dent New York Retail Bakers' Association. Member New York Athletic Club, and Forest and Stream Club of Wilmington, Vt. Thirty-second degree Mason. ABBOTT, FRANK W.— Physician and Surgeon, 523 Franklin street, Buffalo. Born in Arakan, Burma, India, Dec. 24, 1841. Educated at University of Rochester (A.B. and A.M.) and University of Buffalo (M.D.). (Married.) Ophthalmic surgeon Buffalo Gen eral Hospital; surgeon Charity Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital of Erie County. Was examining surgeon for pensions, etc. Member Buffalo Academy of Medi cine, American Ophthalmological Society, Buffalo Medical Club, American Otological Society, and In ternational Ophthalmological Congress. ABBOTT, HENRY H.— Lawyer, 58 Pine street, New York city; residence 204 West 92d street. Born in Chicago, 111., Nov. 17, 1870. Educated at Amherst CoUege. (Married.) Member of the firm of Breed & Abbott. Member Amherst Alumni Association, and Law Institute. ABBOTT, LAWRENCE F.— President, 287 Fourth avenue. New York City; residence MountainviUe. President and director "The Outlook" Co. Member University and Social Reform Clubs, Hamilton Club of Brooklyn, and Amherst Alumni and Aldine Associa tions. ABBOTT, LYMAN— Clergyman and Editor, 287 Fourth avenue, New York City; residence Brooklyn. Born in Roxbury, Mass., Dec. 18, 1835. Educated at College of the City of New York ('53), and Harvard (D.D.). (Married Abby F., daughter of Hannibal Hamlin, of Boston.) Practiced law. Ordained Con gregational minister, 1860; pastor in Terre Haute, Ind., 1860-5; New England Church in New York, 1865-9. Secretary American Union Commission, 1865-8. Re signed pastorate in 1869 to devote himself to literature. Edited the literary record of "Harper's Magazine"; associate editor of "The Christian Union," with Henry Ward Beecher, whom he succeeded as pastor of Ply mouth Church in Brooklyn, 1888; resigned November, 1898. Now editor of "The Outlook." Author of "Christianity and Social Problems," "Jesus of Naza reth," "Illustrated Commentary on the New Testa ment," "A Layman's Story," "How to Study the Bible," "Life of Christ," "In Aid of Faitn," "The Evo lution of Christianity," "A Study In Human Nature," "Theology of an Evolutionist," "The Life and Epistles of Paul," and others. Member Congregational Club. ABBOTT, WILLIS JOHN— Editor and Author, 154 Nassau street, New York City; residence 220 Central Park, South. Born in New Haven, Conn., March 16, 1863. (Grandson of John S. C. Abbott, historian.) Educated at University of Michigan ('84). (Married Maria A. Nack.) Managing editor Chicago "Times," 1892-3; joined staff of New York "Journal," as writing editor, 1896. Chairman Henry George campaign com mittee, 1898. Author of "Blue Jackets of '76," "Blue Jackets of 1812," "Blue Jackets of 1861," "Battle Fields and Camp Fires,"^ "Battle Fields of 1861," "Battle Fields and Victory," and "Carter Henry Harrison, a Memoir." Member Twilight Club and Aldine Asso ciation. ABEEL, GEORGE— Iron Merchant, 190 South street, New York City; residence 5 East 124th street. Member of the firm of Abeel Bros. Trustee East River Savings Institution. Member Harlem, St. Nicholas and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs,. St. Nicholas Society and American Museum of Natural History. ABEEL, JOHN H.— Iron Merchant, 190 South street. New York City; residence St. Nicholas Club. Member St. Nicholas and New York Athletic Clubs, and St. Nicholas Society. ABEGG, HENRY— Importer, 92 Grand street. New York City; residence 222 West 23d street. Member of the firm of Abegg & Rusch. Member Merchants' Cen tral and Reform Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and American Museum of Natural History. ABELL, CHARLES LEE— Insurance, 11 Mooney building, Buffalo; residence 242 Linwood avenue. Born in Buffalo, Oct. 4, 1856. Educated in Buffalo. (Married.) President Marine Elevator Co. Lieutenant- Colonel 74th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. Memfter Buffalo, EUicott and Army and Navy Clubs, and Sons of the American Revolution. ABELL, HENRY E.— Commissioner, 300 Mulberry street, New York City; residence 434 Fourth street, Brooklyn. Born in Esperance, Schoharie Co., N. Y., June 25, 1837. (Son of WiUiam Bliss Abell.) Educated at Delaware Literary Institute, Franklin, N. Y., and BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Columbian University, Washington, D. C. Became in terested in journalism, 1859. Served on hospital corps during Civil War. Appointed Deputy Surveyor of the Port, 1869. Governor Cornell's private secretary, 1879-82. Assemblyman, two terms. Librarian of the Assembly, 1887. Has been secretary and treasurer Long Island State Hospital. Police Commissioner since 1898. ABENHEIM, SIDNEY— Tobacco Merchant, 2 Stone street, New York City; residence 36 West 35th street. Born in Mannheim, Germany, Oct. 7, 1867. Educated at Columbia University. (Single.) Member of the firm of M. Abenheim & Co. Member Lotos, Reform and Manhattan Clubs, Freundschaft Society, and Co lumbia University Alumni Association. ABERDEIN, ROBERT— Physician, 327 James street, Syracuse. Born in Canada, 1845. Educated in Toronto and New York. (Married.) Trustee State Insti tution for Feeble Minded Children at Syracuse, by the Governor's appointment, for twelve years; visiting physician to St. Vincent de Paul's Orphan Asylum for past twenty-five years. Member Syracuse Academy of Medicine, and Onondaga Medical, and Central New York Microscopical Societies; and Fellow of the Micro scopical and New York State Medical Associations, and Royal Microscopical Society of Kings College, London, England. ABNEY, JOHN RIITLEDGE— (Colonel.) Lawyer, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence 317 Lexington avenue. Member Church and Democratic Clubs, Southern Society, Sons of the Revolution, and Asso ciation of the Bar of the City of New York. ACHELIS, FRITZ— President, 9 Mercer street, New York City; residence 86 Pierrepont street, Brook lyn. President Goodyear Hard Rubber Co., and India Rubber Comb Co. ; director Mossberg & Granville Mf'g Co. Member Merchants' Club, Deutscher Verein, and Hamilton Club of Brooklyn. ACHELIS, JOHN— Importer, 66 Leonard street. New York City; residence, 25 East 65th street. Mem ber New York Athletic, Lotos, Merchants' and Long Island Country Clubs, Deutscher Verein, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. AOKEN, T. M.— Physician and Surgeon, 267 West 45th street. New York City. Vice-president Comatus Mf'g Co.; treasurer and director Coughlin-Sanford Railroad Switch Co. Member New York Lodge No. 1, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and Knight Ancient-Bssenic Order, Mithras Senate. ACKBN, W. H.— President, 84 Reade street. New York City; residence 29 West 82d street. Born in New Brunswick, N. J., Jan. 11, 1833. Educated at Rutgers CoUege. (Married.) President and treasurer New York Rubber Co.; director Norfolk and New Bruns wick Hosiery Co. Member Colonial Club. ACKER, FRANKLIN— Wholesale Grocer, 132 Chambers street. New York City; residence Fairlawn, N. J. Born and educated in New York City. (Mar ried.) Member Colonial and Hardware Clubs, Hol land Society, and American Museum of Natural His tory. ACKBRMAN, ERNEST R.— Cement Merchant, 1 Broadway, New York City; residence Plainfield, N. J. President Lawrence Cement Co. Member Union League, Lawyers' and Collectors' Clubs, and Chamber of Commerce. ACKBRMANN, J. FREDERICK— Paper Merchant, 68 Duane street. New York City; residence 33 Eighth avenue, Brooklyn. Member Merchants', Atlantic Yacht, and Riding and Driving Clubs, and Montauk Club of Brooklyn. ACKERT, ALFRED T.— Lawyer, 10 WaU street. New York City; residence Rhinebeck. Born in Rhine- beck, April 15, 1840. Educated at Amenia Seminary, Fort Bdward Institute, and Law Department Albany University. (Single.) Member of the Legislature, 1868. Secretary of general committee of Tammany Hall from 1872 to 1875. Appointed Justice Seventh Judicial Dis trict Court by Governor Tilden, 1875. Member St. Nicholas, and New York Historical Societies, American Institute, Deaf and Dumb Institution, Young Men's Christian Association, Kane Lodge, F. & A. M., Jeru salem Chapter Ooeur de Lion Commandery, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite thirty-second degree, Tam many Society, and charter member Dutchess County Society in the City of New York. ACKLEY, J. BDWARD— Lawyer, 35 Wall street, New York City; residence 40 East 51st street. Mem ber Manhattan, Fencers' and Democratic Clubs, Dun- lap Society, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. ADAMS, AARON— Grocery Merchant, 377 Wash ington street. New York City; residence East Orange, N. J. Born in New York City, 1840. Educated in public schools. (Married.) Member of the firm of Adams & Howe. Director National Broadway Bank. Member Wool and Merchants' Clubs, Wholesale Grocers' Asso ciation, and Board of Trade and Transportation. ADAMS, ALBERT J.— Vice-President, 35 West 30th street. New York City. (Married.) Vice-presi dent and treasurer Karsch Brewing Co.; director Mer cantile Trust Co. ADAMS, ALBERT J., Jr.— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 250 West 85th street. Born in New York City, 1869. Director Karsch Brewing Co, Member Lawyers' and Harvard Clubs. ADAMS, ALLEN W.— President, 45 William street, and Lumber Merchant, 138th street and Gerard ave nue, and 149th street and Harlem River, New York City; residence Hotel Netherland and Greenwich, Conn. Member of the firm of Willson, Adams & Co. President and director Lafayette Fire Insurance Co.; director Assurance Co. of America. Member Union League, Colonial and Indian Harbor Yacht Clubs, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. ADAMS, AMBROSE R.— Wholesale Dry Goods, 86 Leonard street, New York City; residence 9 West 122d street. Born in Putnam County, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1851. Educated in public schools of New York City. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Shreve & Adams. Mem ber Merchants' and Harlem Clubs. ADAMS, CHARLES— Stock Broker, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence 35 Remsen street, Brooklyn. Born in Terryville, Conn., May 7, 1864. (Son of Joseph H. and Bmeline [McKee] Adams.) Educated at Yale ('87). (Married.) Member of the firm of Adams, Mc Neill & Brigham, members of the New York Stock Exchange, and a member of the New York Produce Exchange. Member Barnard and Seawanhaka-Cor- mthian Yacht Clubs, Psi Upsilon Fraternity, Yale Alumni Association, New England Society, Sons of the Revolution, and Dyker Meadow Golf, Hamilton and Crescent Athletic Clubs of Brooklyn. ADAMS, CHARLES H.— Lawyer and Manufac turer, 16 East 67th street, New York City. Born in Coxsackie, N. Y. Educated at Albany Academy. (Married.) Was member of Governor Hunt's staff. Assemblyman, 1858; State Senator, 1871-2, and Con gressman, 1875-6. Member Metropolitan Club, New York Genealogical and Biographical, St. Nicholas, and American Geographical Societies, and Sons of the Revolution.f,^ii?/-'^®' CHARLES JOSIAH-Clergyman, 29 La- Bn^t i^ i^^''^ -^vf^ IZ""^ "^"y: residence Rossville. fnfl llJ^^\^'^^?'^'.?^\°' '^"^^ ^1' 1«50. (Son of Josiah fr^l^ n n ^- Al?''^.l„"^'^^™=) Educated at Mount IL^J^^^College, Ohio ('71), Yale ('73), and Boston Uni- m>i JpL i-/w?'v!'?f'^ i^""'^ ^- Holloway.) Ordained, 1875, dean of Wichita, Kan., 1885-8: rector St Lukp'-? Chicago, 1888-91; Church of the Ho y Spirit Rondout: Imf'^^T o"-^' •''"'=" 1*»« ^^'^tor Jt If. Lukl^s, Ross- Sr thP ni,,Sl^?:^'^^^- ^"5. manager of, and lecturer for the Church Thinking Bureau, and Bureau of Bio- Mv n'^i °or-^fi"'l^' Psychology, Author of '"Wher? ?s ^o^rn^H^'ad,': I'nd''oYhefs°"' Immortal?" "The Matter- ADAMS, CHARLES T.— Lawyer, 195 Broadwpv New York City; residence Montciair N J Bom h; Boston, Mass., Nov. 28, 1856. Educated at Harvard (¦78) and Columbia Law School ('80). (Married t?n^- nected with law department Manhattan Railway co Member Montciair Golf Club, Sons of the Rev^Tution Of N^'ew York.°"''^' ^""^ """ Association of'tirstate BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ADAMS, CYRUS CORNELIUS— Editor, 168 Nas sau street, New York City; residence 512 Madison street, Brooklyn. Born in Naperville, lU., Jan. 7, 1849. Educated at the University of Chicago ('76). (Mar ried Mrs. Blanche C. Dodge, 1877.) Writer and lecturer on geographical topics. First president department of geography in Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; made geographical collection (1889-90) for same, con taining 2,500 items for geographical education from ten different countries. Now on editorial staff of New York "Sun." ADAMS, E. M.— General Merchandise, Franklin- ville. Born and educated in Pranklinville. (Married.) Vice-president First National Bank; trustee Prank linville ViUage, Public High School and Baptist Church. Member FranklinviUe Free Library, and F. & A. M., No. 626. ADAMS, EDWARD D.— Banker, 35 WaU street. New York City; residence 455 Madison avenue. Born in Boston, Mass., April 9, 1846. Educated at Chauncey Hall School (Boston), and Norwich University (North- field). President, director and chairman executive committee Chicago Terminal Transfer R. R. Co. ; pres ident and director Cataract Construction Co., Niagara Junction Railway Co., and Niagara Development Co.; vice-president and director Central and South Ameri can Telegraph Co.; director and member executive committee Northern Pacific Express Co., West Shore Railroad Co., Northern Pacific Railway Co. (and sub sidiary companies) ; director American Cotton Oil Co., Mercantile Trust Co. and New Jersey General Security Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Players', Tuxedo, Grolier, Lawyers', and Riding Clubs, Sea- bright Beach, Meadow Yacht, and Seabright Golf Clubs of Seabright, N. J., Chicago Club, Adirondack Mountain Reserve, Metropolitan Museum ,of Art (trustee), American Society of Civil Engineers, and Norwich University Alumni Association; Fellow American Fine Arts Society, and National Academy of Design, and Fellow in perpetuity American Museum of Natural History. ADAMS, BLBRIDGE L.— Lawyer, 31 State street, Rochester; residence Rochester. Born in Canandaigua, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1866. Educated at WiUiams CoUege. (Married.) Vice-president Rochester Folding Box Co.; chairman Civil Service Commission of Rochester. Member Genesee Valley and Rochester Country Clubs, Rochester Bar, and New York State Bar Association. ADAMS, EUGENE B.— Manufacturer, 37 Fulton street. New York City; residence 215 West 139th street. Vice-president Globe- Wernicke Co.; treasurer Ac count, Audit and Assurance Co. Member Racquet and Tennis, and Fulton Clubs. ADAMS, FREDERICK T.— Stock Broker, 10 WaU street. New York City; residence 250 West 57th street. Born in Chicago, 111., April 2, 1854. Educated in Pough keepsie, N. Y. (Married.) Member of the firm of F. T. Adams & Co., and of the New York Stock, New York Produce, New York Cotton and Coffee Exchanges. Member New York Athletic, New York, Suburban Rid ing and Driving, New York Yacht, American Yacht, Larchmont Yacht, Atlantic Yacht, and Manhattan Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Chamber of Commerce. ADAMS, GEORGE C— Cashier Brooklyn Daily "Eagle"; residence 25 Herkimer street, Brooklyn. Born in Wihghester, Mass., 1851. Educated at Winchester, and Brimmer Academies. (Married.) Member Cres cent- Athletic Club of Brooklyn, 23d Regiment Veteran Association (executive trustee). Good Roads Associa tion, and of numerous secret societies. ADAMS, GEORGE HUNTINGTON— Lawyer, 63 WaU street. New York City; residence 50 East 54th street. Born in Boston, Mass. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) Member Harvard and University Clubs, Down Town Association, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. ADAMS, HENRY, Jr. — Molasses Merchant, 94 Wall street. New York City; residence 430 Washing ton avenue, Brooklyn. Member Marine and Field, Brooklyn, Oxford and Crescent Athletic Clubs of Brooklyn. ADAMS, HENRY A.— Lecturer; residence 577 Carl ton avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Santiago, Cuba, Sept. 20, 1861. (Married.) ADAMS, HENRY C-— Syrups, 220 Front street, New York City; residence 72 West 51st street. Member New York Athletic and Colonial Clubs, Southern So ciety, and University of Virginia Alumni Association. ADAMS, HENRY H.— (Colonel.) Iron Merchant, 177 Broadway, New York City; residence Buckingham Hotel, and Greenwich, Conn. Born in Collamer, Ohio, July S, 1844. (Married.) President Henry H. Adams & Co. (Inc.), Colonial Iron Company of Pennsylvania, Monitor Copper Mining Co. of British Columbia, and Adams Lode Silver Co. of Colorado; vice-president Riversville Power and Water Co. of Connecticut; treasurer and trustee Lincoln Memorial University of Tennessee, and American Institute of Civics; member advisory board of George Washington Memorial Asso ciation, of committee of one hundred on University of United States, and of advisory council of New York Woman's Exchange. Member Union League, Lawyers', Lotos, and City History Clubs, Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the American Revolution, Sons of the Revolution, Society of Founders and Patriots, Society of ex-Union Prisoners of War, Society of Household Economics, Greenwich Casino Association, Society of the Cumberland, Army and Navy Club of Connecticut, and past commander of Lafayette Post, G. A. R. ADAMS, HERBERT- Sculptor, 42 West 15th street. New York City. Born in Concord, Vt. Educated in Paris. (Married.) Member Players' Club, Century As sociation, National Sculpture Society, Society of Amer ican Artists, Architectural League, and National Academy of Design. ADAMS, JAMES W.— Tea Merchant, 93 Front street. New York City: residence 1284 Pacific street, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, April 25, 1865. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic. (Single.) Member Union League, and Crescent Athletic Clubs of Brooklyn, and Providence Athletic Club of Rhode Island. ADAMS, JOHN COLEMAN- Universalist Clergy man, 101 Wilson street, Brooklyn. Born in Maiden, Mass., Oct. 25, 1849. Educated at Tufts College ('70); degrees of B.D., A.M., and D.D. Has held pastorates in Lynn, Chicago and Brooklyn. Now pastor All Souls' Universalisji Church.' Author of "The Leisure of God," "Christian Types of Heroism," "The Fatherhood of God," and "Nature' Studies' in Berkshire." Trustee Tufts CoUege, and Universalist General Convention. Member Authors' and New York Universalist Clubs. ADAMS, JOHN D.— Chewing Gum, 148 Sands street, Brooklyn; residence 115 Eighth avenue. Mem ber Hamilton, Crescent Athletic, Oxford and Montauk Clubs. ADAMS, JOHN D.— Treasurer, 355 Madison ave nue. New York City; residence 142 East 40th street. Secretary and treasurer Knickerbocker Athletic Club Member Players', Chi Phi, Cornell, City and Social Reform Clubs. ADAMS, JOHN HOWARD — Retired, Malvern Hall, West Park-on-Hudson. Bom in Brooklyn, N. Y. July 4, 1869. Educated at Princeton. (Married.) Was partner in the real estate firm of Roosevelt & Adams, and manager special agency Union Central Life Insur ance Co. (Retired, 1899.) Member Princeton, Camera, Morris County (N. J.) Golf, and Seawanhaka-Corin- thian Yacht Clubs, and Down Town Association. ADAMS, JOHN J.— Lawyer, 320 Broadway, New York City; residence 114 West 74th street. Member of the firm of Adams & Adams. Member Colonial, Man hattan, Arkwright and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs. ADAMS, JOHN L.— Physician, 24 Bast 46th street. New York City. Born in Westport, Conn., Aug. 9, 1860. Educated at Selleok's Boarding School, Yale College and College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York City. (Married.) Attending surgeon New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, and St. Bartholomev^'s Clinic: ophthalmologist Society of the New York Lying-in Asylum. Member Lotos, Thirteen, Yale, New York Athletic, Manhattan. University, Knicker bocker Athletic, and Indian Harbor Yacht Clubs, and of the New York County Medical, New York Otologi cal and American Otological Societies. ADAMS,' JULIUS WALKER— Civil Engineer, 155 Congress street, Brooklyn. Born in Boston, Mass Oct. 12, 1812. Educated at United States MUitary Acad- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. emy. Engaged in engineering work, 1832-60. Colonel 67th New York Volunteers in Civil War; wounded at Fair Oaks. Was chief engineer city works, Brooklyn. Now consulting engineer to Department of Public Works, New York City. Ex-president American So ciety of Civil Engineers. Member New York Academy of Sciences. ADAMS, OLIVER— Financial Agent, 19 Liberty street. New York City; residence Larchmont Manor. Member Union, Larchmont Yacht and Transportation Clubs, and Down Town Association. ADAMS, SAMUEL F.— Lawyer and Real Estate, 47 West 28th street. New York City; residence 549 Mad ison avenue. Born in San Francisco, Cal. Educated at Columbia University. (Married.) Member of the firm of Adams Brothers. Member New York Athletic, Lotos, Psi Upsilon and Coney Island Jockey Clubs, and Columbia University Alumni Association. ADAMS, THATCHER M.— Lawyer, 36 Wall street. New York City; residence 15 West 17th street. Mem- her of the firm of Adams & Comstock. Member Union, Metropolitan, Yale, Whist and St. Anthony Clubs. Down Town Association, and Association of the Bar •of the City of New York. ADAMS THOMAS B.— Assistant Treasurer, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence Summit, N. J. Born in Santiago de Cuba, Oct. 24, 1852. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) Assistant treasurer Consolidated Kansas City Smelting and Re fining Co. and International Metal Co. Member High land Club of Summit, N. J., and Reform Club of New York. ADAMS, WILLIAM CRITTENDEN— Real Estate, 47 West 28th street. New York City; residence 323 West 74th street. Born in San Francisco, Cal. Educated at Columbia University School of Mines (C. E.). (Mar ried.) With Adams Brothers. Member Union League, Golonial, Barnard, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and Nassau Country Clubs, Columbia University Alumni Association and Squadron "A," N. G. N. Y. ADAMS, WILLIAM NEWTON- Banker and Broker, 2 Wall street. New York City; residence 866 Prospect place, Brooklyn. Born in Caracas, Venezuela, Nov. 25,' 1846. (Married.) Member of the firm of Adams, Kellogg & Mason, members of the New York Stock Exchange. Life member Long Island and Virginia Historical Societies, and Brooklyn Library. ADAMS, WILLIAM RODERICK— Lawyer, 71 Broadway, New York City: residence 151 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. Born in Bloomfield, Conn., Dec, 24, 1873. Lineal descendant of Presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams on father's side, and of United States Supreme Court Justice Morrison R. Waite on mother's side. Educated at Yale CoUege and Yale Law School (LL.B., M.L., Ph.D. and D.C.L.). ,-^??^?.^' JOSEPH L.-Clothing Manufacturer PhUadelphia, Pa.; residence 109 Grace street cJ^r/' cuse. Born in Keene, N. H., Aug. 21, 1866. Educated m Keene. (Married.) Connected with Marks Brnthlta of Philadelphia as manager of their clothing depart BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ment. Member Citizens', Lakeside Boat and Yacht, Bievenvenue, and Syracuse Whist Clubs, Angler Asso ciation, Masons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, all of Syracuse, AFFELD, FRANCIS O.— Manager, 22 Pine street, New York City; residence 873 President street, Brook lyn. Vice-chairman committee on finance. Board of Fire Underwriters; trustee City Savings Bank, Brook lyn; manager Hamburg- Bremen Fire Insurance Co. Member Montauk, Social and Germania Clubs of Brooklyn, and U. S. Grant Post, G. A. R. AGAR, JOHN G.— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 9 West 48th street. Born in New Orleans, La., June 3, 1856. Educated at Georgetown (D. C.) University (A.B., '76; A.M., '85; Ph.D., '88). (Married.) Member of the firm of Agar, Ely & Fulton. Director Mathieson Alkali Works and National Starch Mf'g Co.; vice-president New York "Times" Co. Mem ber City, Riding, Turf and Field, Catholic, Union, Uni versity, Metropolitan, Reform, Country, Seawanhaka- Corinthian Yacht, and New York Yacht Clubs, Asso- ation of the Bar of the City of New York, and American Geographical, and Southern Societies. AGNEW, ANDREW GIFFORD— Director, 7 Nas sau street. New York City; residence 23 West 39th street. Director Corralitos Co., and Rio Grande, Sierre Madre and Pacific R, R. Co.; trustee Greenwich Sav ings Bank. Member Union League and City Clubs, National Academy of Design and American Geo graphical Society. AGNEW, GEORGE B.— Treasurer, 7 Nassau street. New York City; residence 23 West 39th street. Bom in New York City. Educated at Princeton ('91). Ap pointed aide-de-camp on Governor Morton's staff with rank of colonel, Jan. 1, 1895. Treasurer and director Juarez Co.; director Maguire & Baucus. Member Sea- wanhaka Corinthian Yacht, Princeton, University, Union League and City Clubs. AGNEW, JOHN T.— Vice-President, 7 Nassau street, New York City; residence 13 West 19th street. Formerly member of the firm of William Agnew & Sons. Now vice-president and director Continental National Bank. Member Manhattan Club, Century Association, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Design, American Geographical and New York His torical Societies. AIKEN, E. CLARENCE- Lawyer, 141 Genesee street. Auburn; residence 21 Orchard street. Born in Scipio, N, Y., May 6, 1856. Educated at the University of Rochester. (Married.) Member of the firm of Rich & Aiken. Has been president of the Board of Educa tion of Auburn, and is now treasurer of the Auburn Telephone Co. Member City Club. AIKEN, JAMES C. — Manufacturer of Jewelry, Gold Pens and Pencil Cases, 19 Maiden lane, New York City; residence 327 West 23d street. Born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., July 13, 1840. President Aiken, Lambert & Co.; president and director Aikin-Lambert Jewelry Co.; director Jewelers' Protective Union; vice- president and director Jewelers' Safety Fund Society and Stationers' Board of Trade. Member 7th Regl- ' ment Veterans' and Lawyers' Clubs. AIKEN, WILLIAM MARTIN — Architect, 1133 Broadway, New York City; residence 30 West 39th street. Born in Charleston, S. C, April 1, 1855. Edu cated at University of the South. (Single.) Taught in high school, Charleston, 1874-6; studied architecture Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1877-9; in offices of H. H. Richardson in Boston, 1880-3; W. R. Emerson in Boston, 1883-5; and James W. McLaughlin In Cincinnati, 1885-6; in Independent practice in Cin cinnati 1886-95; supervising architect United States Treasury Department, 1895-7; in practice in New York City with Bruce Price since 1897. Was concerned in designing and erection of government exposition build ings at Atlanta (1895), Nashville (1897), and Omaha (1898) ; mint buildings at PhUadelphia and Denver, and many post-offlce and custom-house buildings. AINSWORTH, DANFORTH E.— Lawyer, Sandy Creek. Born in Clayton, Jefferson Co,, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1848. Educated at Pulaski Academy, and PaUey Sem inary. Deputy state superintendent of public instruc tion since June, 1895. Member Albany Camera Club. AITKEN, JOHN W.— Dry Goods, 873 Broadway, New York City; residence 28 West 54th street. Born in New York City, Jan. 31, 1850. Graduate of Princeton University. (Married.) Director Carnegie Music Hall Co. and Second National Bank; trustee Bowery Sav ings Bank. Membej; Union League, University, Metro politan, Princeton, and Grolier Clubs, Genesee Valley Club of Rochester, Aldine Association, American Fine Arts Society, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Amer ican Museum of Natural History. AITKEN, WILLIAM B.— Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New York City; residence 702 Madison avenue. Born in New York City, 1867. Educated at Columbia Col lege, Schools of Arts, Law and Political Science. (Wid ower). Member Delta Kappa Epsilon, and New York Athletic Clubs, Columbia University Alumni Associa tion, Sons of the Revolution, and Society of Colonial Wars. ^ ALBEB, ERNEST— Instructor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 214 Drj'den road. Degrees of A.B. and Ph.D. Instructor in philosophy, Cornell Univer sity. ALBERS, HENRI— Operatic Baritone, Metropoli tan Opera House, New York City; residence La Var- enne, France. Born in Amsterdam, Holland, Feb. 1, 1867. Educated in Holland, Brussels, and Paris. Ap peared first in opera in Paris. Author of various musi cal compositions. Elected officer of the French Acad emy in 1892. ALBING, OTTO FREDERICK- Editorial W^riter, 428 Vermont street, Buffalo. Born in Hanover, Ger many, March 25, 1840. Educated at Universities of Gottingen and Heidelberg. Editor of Buffalo "Demo- krat" since 1885. ALDEN, ADELBERT H.— Rubber Commission Merchant, 290 Broadway, New York City; residence Lawrence, L. I. Born in Boston, Mass., May 1, 1857. (Married.) Member of the firms of George A. Alden & Co. of New York and Boston; Alden, Symington & Co. of London; Symington, Bussweiler & Co. of Liverpool, and Adelbert H. Alden of Para and Manaos, Brazil. Vice-president New York Commercial Co. ; director Seamless Rubber Co. of New Haven, and New York Shellac Co. Member New York Yacht, Atlantic Yacht, Calumet, Riding, Racquet and Tennis, and Rockaway Hunting Clubs, Country Club of Brookline, Mass., and Down Town Association. ALDEN, HENRY MILLS— Editor, 331 Pearl street, New York City; residence Metuchen, N. J. Born in Mount Tabor, Vt., Nov. 11, 1836. Graduate of Williams College ('57), and Andover Theological Seminary ('60). (Widower.) Editor of "Harper's Magazine." Author of "God in His World" and "A Study of Death." Mem ber Authors' Club. ALDRICH, HERBERT L.— Publisher, 309 Broad way, New York City; residence 253 West 42d street. Educated at Cornell University. (Married.) Partner in the firm of Aldrich & Donaldson, publishers of "Marine Engineering." ALDRICH, SPENCER— Lawyer, 45 Broadway, New York City; residence 271 West 72d street. Born in New York City, Jan. 19, 1854. Educated at Columbia Grammar School, Columbia CoUege, School of Arts ('74), and Columbia Law School ('76). (Married.) Treasurer Adirondack League Club. Member Union League, St. Anthony and Church Clubs, and Wyan- danch Club of Smithtown, L. I. ALDRIDGE, DARWIN R.— Secretary, 32 Burling slip. New York City; residence 64 Montague street, Brooklyn. Born in New Jersey, March 1, 1858. (Mar ried.) Treasurer and director Assured Building Loan Association; secretary and director China and Japan Trading Co. (Ltd.). Member Marine and Field, and Merchants' Central Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, New England Society, and Chamber of Commerce. ALDRIDGE, FREDERICK T.— Secretary, 203 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 471 Clinton ave nue. Born in Brooklyn, Sept. 3, 1859. Educated in schools and academies in Brooklyn. (Married.) Di rector Brooklyn Fire-Brick Works; secretary Long Island Loan and Trust Co.; vestryman Church of the Holy Trinity; trustee Sheltering Arms Nursery: su-li- tor Brooklyn Home for Aged Men. Member Crescent BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Athletic Club of Brooklyn, Sons of the Revolution, Church Club of the Diocese of Long Island, and Veteran Association 23d Regiment. ALDRIDGE, GEORGE W.— Contractor, 89 Ply mouth avenue, Rochester. Born in Michigan City, Ind., Dec. 28, 1856. Educated in public and private schools of Rochester and at Cary Collegiate Seminary, Oakfield, Genesee County, N. Y. (Married.) Has been member of the Board of Public Works, Mayor of Rochester, and New York State Superintendent of Public Works. Is now director of the German- American Bank of Rochester. Member Knights Temp lar (thirty-second degree Mason), Odd Fellows, Red Men, Order of Maccabees, Rochester Whist, and Rochester Clubs, Rochester Athletic Association, Rochester Historical Society, and Rochester Maenner- chor; Cypress Temple, A. A. O. M. N. S., Fort Orange, and Albany Clubs of Albany; American Social Science Association, and Knickerbocker Athletic and Republi can Clubs of New York City. ALEXANDER, CHARLES BEATTY— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 4 West 58th street. Vice-president and director Columbus, Hocking Valley and Toledo Railway Co.; director Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States; chairman local board of Palatine Insurance Co. of Manchester, Eng. (Ltd.). Member University, Union, Metropolitan, Lawyers', Tuxedo, Riding and Driving, Princeton, University Athletic, and Turf and Field Clubs, Sons of the American Revolution, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. ALEXANDER, DE ALVA STANWOOD— Con gressman and Lawyer, 932 EUicott square, Buffalo. Born in Richmond, Me., July 17, 1846. Educated at Bowdoin CoUege ('70). Practiced law at Indianapolis, Ind., until 1881, and in Buft'alo, N. Y., since 1885. Con gressman from Thirty-third New York District since 1897. Member University, EUicott, and Liberal Clubs. ALEXANDER, FREDERICK B.— Superintendent, 22 Morton street, Brooklyn; residence 210 Macon street. Born in Northfield, Mass., May 28, 1853. Educated at Cornell. Superintendent Union Rattan Mf'g Co. Member Cornell Club. ALEXANDER, GEORGE — Presbyterian Clergy man, 47 University place. New York City. Born in West Charlton, N. Y.. Oct. 12, 1843. Educated at Union CoUege (A.B., '66 and D.D., '84), and Princeton Theo logical Seminary ('70). (Single.) Pastor of East Ave nue Presbyterian Church, Schenectady, N. Y., 1870-83; professor of rhetoric and logic in Union College 1877- 83; pastor of University Place Presbyterian Church in New York City since 1884. Director Princeton Theo logical Seminary; trustee Sao Paulo College, Brazil, and Union College. Member Union College Alumni and Century Associations and Adirondack League Club. ALEXANDER, HENRY M., Jr.— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 4 West 40th street. Director Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. Member Princeton, Calumet, Uni versity Athletic, St. Anthony, Lawyers' and University Clubs, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Asso ciation of the Bar of the City of New York. ALEXANDE.R, JAMES A.— Insurance, 52 William street, New York CJity; residence Plainfield, N. J. Born in PhUadelphia, Pa., July 29, 1827. (Married.) Member of the firm of Scott, Alexander & Talbot. Director American Coal Co., and George's Creek and Cumber land R. R. Co. Member Lawyers' Club, National Academy of Design, and American Pine Arts Society. ALEXANDER, JAMES W.— President, 120 Broad way, New York City; residence 4 Bast 64th street. Born in Princeton, N. J., July 19, 1839. Educated at Princeton University. (Married.) President and di rector Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States; vice-president and director Western National Bank; director Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. and Mercantile Trust Co.; trustee Princeton University. Member Metropolitan, Princeton. University, Univer sity Athletic, Lawyers', National Arts, and Seabright (N. J.) Golf Clubs, Century Association, Chamber of Commerce, Municipal Art Society, American Museum of Natural History, and Nassau and Ivy Clubs or Princeton. ALEXANDER, ROBERT C— Editor, 203 Broad way, New York City; residence 243 West 99th street. Born in W^est Charlton, N. Y., July 7, 1857. Educated at Union CoUege (M.A., '80), and Albany Law School ('81). ("Married Annie Clare.) Practiced law in Elmira, 1881-4. Moved to New York City 1884. Counsel to Col. Elliott F. Shepard, and negotiated for him purchase of "MaU and Express" from Cyrus W. Field (1888) ; secre tary and treasurer of same since 1888; editor-in-chief since 1895, and (with R. E. A. Dorr) proprietor since 1897. Organized, in 1890, and was for two years presi dent Adirondack League Club; trustee Union College. Member Union League, University, Republican, Adir ondack League, Fulton, Alpha Delta Phi, and Megan- tic Clubs, Bar Association of the City of New York, Union Alumni, and American Forestry Associations, Phi Beta Kappa, and St. Andrew's Societies, and Palrhetto Club of South Carolina. ALEXANDER, SAMUEI.r— Physician and Profes sor, 5 West 58th street. New York City. Degrees of A.M. and M. D. Professor of diseases of genito-uri- nary system in Cornell University Medical College; surgeon to Bellevue Hospital. Member Princeton, New York Athletic and University Clubs. ALEXANDER, WALTER— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence 46 West 25th street. Born in St. Charles, Mo., Jan. 3, 1866. Educated at St. Charles College, Harvard CoUege, and Harvard Law I School. (Single.) Member Harvard, University, Dem ocratic, and Westchester Golf Clubs, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. | ALEXANDER, WILLIAM— Secretary, 120 Broad way, New York City; residence 14 West 37th street. Secretary and director Equitable Life Assurance So ciety of the United States. Member University, Union, Lawyers', Tuxedo, and Salmagundi Sketch Clubs, and University of Virginia Alumni Association. ALEXANDRE, J. HENRY— Residence, 10 West 32d street. New York City. Born in New York City, June, 1848. (Married.) Member executive committee Coney Island Jockey Club; governor Riding Club. Steward National Steeplechase and Hunt Association. Member Metropolitan, Racquet and Tennis, Turf and Field, Tuxedo, Suburban Riding and Driving, Rich mond County Country, and New York Yacht Clubs, and American Museum of Natural History. ALEXANDRE, JOHN E. — 26 West 38th street, ' New York City. Director Sixth Avenue R. R. Co. Member Turf and Field, Riding and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs. ALKBR, ALPHONSE H.— Lawyer, 11 Pine street, I New York City: residence 338 Madison avenue. Born in New York City, Oct. 8, 185L Educated at the CoUege of the City of New York, and Columbia College Law School. (Married.) Member Lawyers', New York Athletic, and Larchmont Yacht Clubs, and Associa tion of the Bar of the City of New York. ALLEN, ADDISON— Lawyer. 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 35 West 33d street. Born in New York City, Feb. 28, 1865. Educated at Columbia. I (Single.) Partner in the firm of Allen & Bentley, 1 Madison avenue. Member Alpha Delta Phi and Quill Clubs, Sons of the American Revolution, Columbia University Alumni and D wight Alumni Assoiations. ALLEN, AUGUSTUS HENRY— Lawyer, 320 Broadway, New York City; residence Bedford Park. Born in New York City, Aug. 6, 1841. Educated at New York University Law School; admitted to the Bar, 1872. (Married.) Member of the firm of Allen, Talmage & Allen, 1874-94; since 1894 member of the firm of Allen & Talmage. Member Republican, Fordham, and Bed ford Park Clubs. ALLEN, CALVIN H.— (C. E.) President, 290 Broadway, New York City; residence 1 West 72d street. Born in Central New York, 1827. (Married.) Has been largely interested in railroads, as builder, manager, receiver and president. President Union Surety Co.; vice-Tjresident Chemical and Electrical Co. Member Colonial Club, New England Society Amer ican Society of CivU Engineers, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Museum of Natural History Genesee Valley Club of Rochester, and Buffalo Club. ' ALLEN, ELMER A.— Lawyer, 80 Broadway New York City; residence 313 St. James street (BrnnT'T ¦ Born in Amenia, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1844. Educated at BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Union College. (Married.) Member Bar Association of the City of New York, Reform Club, Phi Beta Kappa Alumni and Union College Alumni Associa tions. ALLEN, ETHAN— (Colonel.) Lawyer, 115 Broad way, New York City; residence 45 West 52d street. Born in Monmouth County, N. J., May 12, 1832. Edu cated at Brown University. (Widower.) Member Union League and Zeta Psi Clubs, Sons of the Ameri can Revolution, New England Society, Brown Uni versity Alumni Association, and president Cuban League of the United States. ALLEN, FLAVIUS J.— Proprietor, 225 Broadway, New York (jity; residence 241 Lexington avenue. Pro prietor of the Astor House. Director German- Ameri can Insurance Co. Member New England Society, Met ropolitan Museum of Art, Suburban Riding and Dri'v- ing and New York Press Clubs. ALLEN, FRANCIS BELLOWS— Principal, 509 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 202 Glenwood avenue, Yonkers. Born in New York City, 1859. Edu cated at Harvard. (Single.) Member Harvard, and University Clubs, American Institute of Civics, School masters' Association of New York, and secretary of St. Andrew's Golf Club. ALLEN, FRANK D.— Lawyer, 195 Broadway, New York City; residence 201 West 117th street. Educated at Hamilton College. (Married.) Member Alpha Delta Phi Club and Naval Reserve Association. ALLEN, FRANKLIN — Prof essional Accountant and Auditor, Broadway and Broome street. New York City, and 371 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence Hotel Margaret, Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, Sept. 13, 1838. Educated at Williams Col lege. (Married.) Secretary Silk Association of Amer ica: expert special agent, census of 1900. Meniher Whist Club, Crescent Athletic, Whist, and Hamilton, Clubs of Brooklyn, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences and Williams College Alumni Association. ALLEN, FREDERIC P.— Banker, 19 West Main street, Rochester; residence 19 Prince street. Born in Rochester, Feb. 26, 1853. Educated In Rochester. (Mar ried.) Cashier, (jerman- American Bank; treasurer Rochester Railway Co., and Rochester State Hospital; director Rochester and Genesee Valley R. R. Co.; trustee Security Trust Co., and commissioner of the sinking fund of the city of Rochester. Member So ciety of Colonial Wars, Sons of the American Revolu tion, and Genesee Valley and Country Clubs. ALLEN, FREDERIC STURGES — Lawyer, 141 Broadway, New York City; residence 115 West 84th street. Member Lotos and Quill Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and Presbyterian Union. ALLEN, FREDERICK— Retired Bookseller, 5 Fort street. Auburn. Born in Auburn, Nov. 5, 1836. Edu cated in public schools and at Auburn Academy. (Married.) Director National Bank of Auburn; trus tee Fort HUl Cemetery Association. Member Histori cal Society. , ALLEN, FREDERICK H.— Lawyer, 63 WaU street. New York City; residence Bolton Priory, Pelham Manor. Born in Honolulu, H. I., May 30, 1858. Edu cated at Harvard (A.M., '80; LL.B., '83). (Married.) Member of the firm of Adams & AUen. Member Knick erbocker, Union, Democratic, and Country Clubs, Soci ety of Colonial Wars, and Sons of the Revolution. ALLEN, FREDERICK L.— Lawyer, 59 Cedar street. New York City; residence 41 West 46th street. Born in Malone. N. Y. Educated at Hamilton CoUege. (Single.) Connected with law department of the Mutual Life Insurance Co., Member University, Alpha Delta Phi, and Richmond HUl Golf Clubs, Hamilton Alumni Association, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and Phi Beta Kappa Society. ALLEN, HENRY— Broker, 14 Wall street. New York City; residence Union League Club. Senior member of the New York Stock Exchange firm of Henry Allen & Co. Member Union League and Atlan tic Yacht Clubs, and New England Society. ALLEN, JOEL ASAPH— Curator, American Mu seum of Natural History, New York City. Born in Springfield, Mass., July 19, 1838. Educated at Wilbra- ham Academy, Lawrence Scientific School under Pro fessor Agassiz, and at Harvard. Degree of Ph.D. from Indiana University. (Married.) Assistant In ornithology, Museum of Comparative Zoology at Har vard University until 1885. Editor of the "Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club," 1876-83. First president of the American Ornithologist's Union, 1883- 90. Editor of "The Auk," since 1884. Curator verte brate zoology in American Museum of Natural History since 1885. Author of several works on zoology and natural history. ALLEN, JOHN H.— Public Accountant, 46 Wall street, New York City; residence 31 East 127th street. Born In New Jersey, April 22, 1834. Educated in public schools in New York City. (Married.) Has fol lowed his profession for over thirty years. Is connect ed with many large institutions and corporations, and is quite prominent In accountancy in New York and London. ALLEN, JOHN JOHNSON— Lawyer, 203 Montague street,' Brooklyn; residence Hotel St. George, and Bur lington, Vt. Born in Utica, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1842. Edu cated at University of Vermont (A.B. and A.M.), and Columbia University Law School (LL.B.). (Married.) Acting provost marshal, 1865; assistant United States district-attorney, 1866-73; member of Assembly, 1874; United States chief supervisor of elections, 1874-93; United States comnjissioner, 1874-99; master in chan cery United States courts, 1874-99. (iounsel to various corporations. Member Union League Club of Brook lyn, Sigma Phi Club, University Club of Vermont, New England, Medical Jurisprudence, and Phi Beta Kappa Societies, and several political organizations. ALLEN, JOHN PLATT— Wall-Paper Manufactur er, Worcester, Mass.; residence 918 St. Mark's avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Meriden, Conn., Nov. 13, 1850. Edu cated, at Highland Military Academy, Worcester, Mass. (Married.) Vice-president AUen-Higgins Co. Member Congregational Club, Sons of the Revolution, New England Society, and Brooklyn and Young Re publican Clubs. ALLEN, PAUL— Physician, 3 East 48th street, New York (iity. Born In 1863. Educated at Harvard, and Johns Hopkins Universities. (Married.) Member of the Huguenot Society. ALLEN, TIMOTHY FIELD— Physician, 3 East 48th street, New York City. Born in Westminster, Vt., April 24, 1837. Educated at Amherst CoUege ('58). De grees of M.D. from University of New York ('61), University of State of New York ('65), and Hahne mann Medical CoUege of Philadelphia ('65), and LL.D. from Amherst College ('85). (Married Julia Bissell.) Author of numerous works on materia medica, botany, ophthalmology, etc. Acting assistant surgeon in United States Army, 1862-4. Was professor of materia medica, dean and president of the board of trustees of New York Homeopathic Medical College. Is now surgeon in, and president of the New York Ophthalmic Hospital. Fellow of the New York Academy of Sciences. ALLERTON, DAVID D.— Manager, 106 Produce Exchange, New York City; residence 47 West 82d street. Member of the Board of Managers New York Produce Exchange. Member New York Athletic, Transportation, Colonial and Canoe Clubs. ALLIN, FREDERICK BREVOORT— Insurance, 119 Broadway, New York City; residence 214 Central Park, South. Born in New York City, Oct. 20, 1866. Educated at Columbia. (Single.) Manager railroad department of the Home Life Insurance Co. Member New York Athletic and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs, American Geographical Society, and Columbia Alumni Association. ALLING, ASA ALLING — Lawyer, 11 William street. New York City: residence 101 West 81st street. Born in New York City, May 4, 1862. Educated at CorneU (Ph.B., '83) and Columbia Law School (LL.B., '85). (Married Louise Floyd-Smith.) Attor ney for several trust companies, banks, railroads, surety companies and other financial institutions; makes a specialty of corporation law, organizing and promoting financial enterprises. Member Manhattan, Metropolitan, Democratic and Cornell Clubs, New England, Dutchess County, West End, New York His torical, New York Biographical, American Geographi cal and Phi Beta Kappa Societies, Phi Delta Phi Fra ternity, Bar Association and others. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ALLING, EDWARD P.— Broker, 30 Pine street, New York (^ity; residence Huntington, L. I., and East Orange, N. J. Born in Newark, N. J. Educated at Freehold Institute, N. J. (Married.) Member of the firm of Ailing, Secor & Co., members of the New York Stock Exchange. Vice-president People's Bank of East Orange; treasurer Savings, Investment and Trust Co. Member Essex County Country Club of Orange, N. J. ALLISON, THOMAS— Lawyer, 59 Liberty street, New York City; residence 1988 Madison avenue. Born in New York City, Sept. 19, 1840. Educated In public schools and at the College of the City of New York (¦60). (Married Mary C. MUlet 1871.) Admitted to the Bar, 1861. For nine years head of the firm of Allison & Shaw; since 1882 has practiced alone. Appointed judge of the Court of General Sesssions by Governor Morton, 1895. In general practice since 1896. Member Central Republican and Harlem Clubs. ALLISON, WILLIAM O.— Publisher, 100 William street. New York City; residence Englewood, N. J. (Married.) President and director Paint, Oil and Dnug Publishing Co., publishers of "Oil, Paint and Drug Re porter," "Druggists' Circular" and "Painters' Maga zine." Member Drug Club. ALMIRALL, R. F.— Architect, 10 East 23d street, New York City; residence 53 Pineapple street, Brook lyn. Born March 1, 1869. Educated at Cornell, and at Ecole Nationale et Speciale des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France. (Married.) Member of the firm of Ingle & Almirall. Member Cornell, and National Arts Clubs, Chi Psi Fraternity, Society of Beaux-Arts Architects, and National Sculpture Society. ALMY, FRANCIS — Purchasing Agent Pan-Ameri can Exposition, 718 EUicott square. Buffalo; residence, 140 North street. Born in New Bedford, Mass., Nov. 28, 1858. Educated at Harvard (A.B., '79 and A.M., '80). (Single.) Formerly member of the firm of W. H. Glenny, Sons Co. Registrar Saturn Club, 1885-8; secretary Harvard Club, 1890-1900; chairman execu tive committee Liberal Club, 1890-1900. Member Saturn and University Clubs. ALMY, FREDERIC— Secretary, 165 Swan street, Buffalo; residence 140 North street. Born in New Bed ford, Mass., Nov. 28, 1858. Educated at Harvard (A. B., '80 and A.M., '83) and Harvard Law School. (Single.) Secretary Buffalo Charity Organization Society, and Buffalo Civil Service Reform Associa tion; manager Buffalo Fresh Air Mission, and Albion Female Reformatory; trustee George Junior Repub lic. Member Liberal, Saturn, Thursday and Harvard Clubs. ALMY, FREDERICK— Woolens, 91 Franklin street. New York City; residence Lawrence, L. I. Member of the firm of Frederick Almy & Co. Member Union, Merchants' and Richmond Hill Clubs, and New Eng land Society. ALSOP, REESE F.— Rector St. Ann's Church, Brooklyn; residence 127 Remsen street. Born in Rich mond, Ind Educated in Philadelphia. (Married.) Was rector St. John's Church of Framingham, P. E. Church of Rye, St. Andrew's Church of Pittsburg and Grace Church of Philadelphia. Member Barnard, Hamilton and Twentieth Century Clubs. ALTSHELER, JOSEPH ALEXANDER— Journal ist and Author, 63 Park row. New York City; residence 320 Manhattan avenue. Bom in Three Springs, Ky., April 29, 1862. (Son of Joseph and Lucy C. [Snoddy] Altsheler.) Educated at Liberty College and Vander- bllt University. (Married Sara, daughter of Samuel H. Boles.) Formerly on staff of Louisville "Courier- Journal;" now connected with New York "World." Author of "The Rainbow of Gold," "The Hidden Mine," "The Sun of Saratoga," "A Knight of Philadel phia," "A Soldier of Manhattan," "The Last Rebel," "My Captive," and various short stories. Member Authors' Club. ALVORD, ANDREW PORTER — Treasurer, 138 North nth street, Brooklyn; residence 1193 Dean street. Born in Monson, Mass., 1864. Educated at Amherst CoUege. (Single.) Treasurer and director Phoenix Tiibe Co. Member Amherst College Alumni Associa tion, Alpha Delta Phi and Nassau Country Clubs, Irving and Crescent Athletic Clubs of Brooklyn, and American Geographical Society. AMERMAN, WILLIAM HENRY HOUGHTON— Broker, 27 William street. New York City; residence Arverne-by-the-Sea, L. I. Born in New York City, Sept. 22, 1846. (Son of Isaac and Jane [Banta] Amer- man.) Educated in public schools and by private tutor. (Married Elizabeth A. Armitage). Member of the firm of Amerman & Patterson. President Arverne-by-the- Sea Co. Member Holland Society, St. Nicholas Soci ety of Nassau Island, and Bayswater Yacht, Undine I Fishing, and Democratic Clubs. AMES, DANIEL T.— Editor, Publisher, Pen Artist and Expert, 202 Broadway, New York City; residence Elizabeth, N. J. Member of the firms of Ames & Kinsley, Ames & RoUinson, and Ames & RolUnson Co.. Editor and publisher "Penman's Art Journal." Member Press, Thirteen, Sunrise, Twilight and Man hattan Liberal Clubs, and New England Society. AMES, FRANK D.— Real Estate, 109 W^est 34th street. New York City: residence 370 West 55th street. | Born in Hazleton, Pa., Sept. 22, 1868. Educated in New York City schools. (Single.) Member of the firm of Ames & Co. Member New York Athletic Club. AMMERMAN, WILLIAM H., Jr.— Furniture, 20 Platbush avenue, Brooklyn; residence 200 Prospect place. Born In Brooklyn, Sept. 20, 1867. (Married.) Trustee Havens Medical Co. Member Young Repub lican Club and Long Island Council No. 173, Royal Arcanum. AMMIDOWN, EDWARD HOLMES— Retired, Ger ard Hotel, New York City. Born in Southbridge, Mass., Oct. 28, 1820. Educated at Harvard. Traveled in United States and Europe several years; engaged-in mercantile business. President American Protective Tariff League, 1881; chairman Metropolitan Industrial League, 1882; presidential elector, 1884; declined ap pointment (by President Harrison) as commissioner- at-large to World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Mem ber Union League Club and New England Society. AMMON, JOHN H.— (Colonel.) Publisher, 331 Pearl street. New York City; residence 112 West 88th , street. Born In Auburn, N. Y., Feb. 29, 1840. Educated | at Auburn Academy. (Married.) In charge of the wholesale and jobbing department of Harper & Bros. Recruited Company I. 19th Infantry, at his own ex pense, and went to the front as captain under the first call for 75,000 men, April 19, 1861; captain of Light Bat- I tery I, 3d Artillery, January, 1862 to January, 1864; lieutenant-colonel of 16th ArtiUery, January to No vember, 1864; took part In the Burnside expedition in North Carolina; was presented with battle flag and mentioned in general orders for gallant conduct at the siege of Fort Macon, April 26, 1862; served in the 9th, 10th, 18th and 22d corps. Army of the Potomac; re signed for reason of dIsabUity, November, 1864. Mem ber Lotos and Democratic Clubs, Papyrus Club of Boston, Lafayette Post, G. A. R., Loyal Legion and Old Guard. AMORY, JOHN J.— President, Morris Heights, New York City; residence Sedgwick avenue. Born in Fond du Lac, Wis. Educated at Riverview Military Academy. President and director Gas Engine and ?^^lP°- ^^^ Charles L. Seabury & Co. (Consolidat ed). Member Corinthian Yacht Club of Yonkers and Larchmont Yacht, New York Athletic, Fordham and Country Cycle Clubs. „„>^SINCK, GUSTAV-Exporter,6 Hanover square, ^i^y'„^°''\^},^y--^^siAence Summit, N. J. Member of the flrni of Gustav Amsinck & Co. Director Bank ol rf^Ys ¦ T ^^^ London Assurance Corporation (Ma rine) trustee Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. and Hamburg-Bremen Fire Insurance Co. Member Union Dnw; -^.'S l"''^"^' American Geographical Society, NaHnT,^? 1 ^^s°<=iation. Metropolitan Museum of Art TSr^m!^^°' '''"^"' ^"^ ^'"^"'^-'^ ^"-"- AMUNDSON, JOHN A.-Lawyer, 146 Broadway New York City; residence 44 West 44th street S^re^ I tary and director Spencer Brake Co. Member Yale Delta Kappa Epsilon, New York Athletic, Pordhain' I St- Andrew's Golf and Church Clubs, Graduates' Pliih ' Town Association, Metropolitan Museum of Art^A Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. AMY, HENRY— Banker, 44 Wall street. New York City; residence, 18 West 27th street. Member of the firm of H. Amy & Co., members of the New York Stock Exchange; trustee Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank; director Massillon National Construction Co., and Pittsburg, Port Wayne and Chicago R, R. Co. Mem ber Catholic and Lawyers' Clubs, American Museum of Natural History, and American Geographical So ciety. AMY, LOUIS H.— Banker, 44 Wall street. New York City; residence, 790 Carroll street, Brooklyn. Member of the firm of H. Amy & Co., and member New York Stock Exchange. Member Lawyers' Club. ANABLB, ELIPHALET NOTT— Lawyer, 45 Broadway, New York City; residence Westminster Hotel. Born in Newton, L. I., Sept. 1, 1857. Educated at Union College ('78), and Columbia CoUege Law School ('80). (Married.) Director University Magazine Publishing Co., Pelham Park R. R. Co., and Hahne mann Hospital. Member New York Athletic, Univer sity, and Baltusrol Golf Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City of New York and Union CoUege Alumni Association. ANDERSON, CHARLES W.— Manager, 220 Broad way, New York City; residence Montciair, N. J. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 18, 1847. (Married.) Agent State Mutual Life Insurance Co. Member Down Town Association, Chamber of Commerce, and Montciair Club. ANDERSON, EDWARD C— Insurance, 157 Broad way, New York City: residence 112 West 58th street. Member of the firrn of E. C. Anderson & Co. Member Union League, Merchants' Central and Fulton Clubs. ANDERSON, ELBERT ELLERY— Lawyer, 27 WiUiam street. New York City; residence 11 West 38th street. Born In New York City, Oct. 31, 1833. Traveled abroad 1843-8. Educated at Harvard. Admitted to the Bar, 1854. Has successfully conducted railroad litiga tion; prominently identified with reform campaigns in New York politics, having been school trustee, rapid transit commissioner, and commissioner In reference to acquiring lands both for the Croton aqueduct and the elevated railway. Director Central Branch Union Pa cific Railway Co., Manhattan, Alma and Burlingame Railway Co., and Montana Union Railway Co. ; receiver and government director Union Pacific Railway Co. Member Metropolitan, Reform, Derriocratic, Univer sity, Harvard, and Whist Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City of New York and American Museum of Natural History. ANDERSON, FRANK E.— Woolen Merchant, 715 Broadway, New York City; residence 233 Fifth avenue. Born in Roxbury, Mass., April 21, 1855. Educated at New York City Public School No. 35, and Columbia Grammar School. (Married.) President Standard Worsted Co. ;' agent and manager Chester Woolen Co. Member Merchants', Reform, City, New York Athletic and Colonial Clubs. ANDERSON, FREDERICK E.— Lawyer, 45 Cedar street. New York City; residence Freehold, N. J. Born in New York City, April 3, 1861. Educated at Freehold Institute and Columbia Law School. (Married.) Mem ber of the firm ol Wilder & Anderson. ANDERSON, HORACE— Lawyer, 146 Broadway, New York City; residence, 150 West 84th street. Born In Clifton, Greene Co., Ohio, Aug. 13, 1866. Educated at Princeton. (Married.) Connected with the busi ness department of the Title Guarantee and Trust Co. ; secretary City Real Estate Co. Member Princeton Alumni Association. ANDERSON, JOHN F., Jr.— Paper Merchant, 34 Beekman street. New York City: residence 1325 Pacific street, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, May 17, 1840. Educated in New York City public schools. (Widower.) Member of the firm of J. F. Anderson, Jr., & Co. Trustee South Brooklyn Savings Institution, Washing ton Trust Co., Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., Springfield (Mass.), and Mount Holyoke CoUege, South Hadley, Mass.; director and treasurer Brooklyn Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Member Aldine, and Hardware Clubs, Union League Club of Brooklyn and Chamber of Commerce. ANDERSON, JOHN JACOB— Author, 343 Adelphi street, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, Sept. 30, 1821. Educated at Normal School. (Married Elizabeth S. Baldwin, 1848.) Has traveled very extensively. Was a teacher for thirty years; for twenty years being principal of a public school In New York City. Author of "Pictorial School History of the United States," "Manual of General History," "History of France," "History of England," "The United States Reader," "Grammar School History of the United States," and other works. Life member Long Island Historical So ciety and National Educational Association. ANDERSON, WILLIAM B.— Lawyer, 35 WaU street. New York City; residence 264 West 57th street. Born in New York City, Dec. 2, 1864. Educated at Yale College and Harvard Daw School. (Married.) Vice-president and director Continental Filter Co.; di rector Sterling Mountain Railroad Co., and Sterling Iron and Railway Co. Member University and Law yers' Clubs. ANDREAE, OTTO, Jr.— Silk Merchant, 469 Broome street. New York City; residence Highland Mills. Born in Zurich, Switzerland, Oct. 24, 18B9. (Married.) Sec retary and director East River Railway Co., and Henning Rapid Transit Co.; director Henning Gravity Transit Co.; president Empire Silk Works, Paterson, N. J.; Norfolk Silk Co., Norfolk, Va. Member Mer chants' Central and Tuxedo Clubs. ANDRESEN, CHARLES A.— Broker, 87 Gold street, New York City; residence Larchmont. Direc tor American Light and Fuel Co., Citizens' Gas Co. ol Bridgeport, Conn., and Sing Sing Gas Mf'g Co. Mem ber Larchmont Yacht, American Yacht and New York Yacht Clubs, and Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation. ANDREWS, ADDISON F.— Musical Manager, 18 East 22d street. New York City; residence, 256 West 57th street. Born in Cavendish, Vt., April 2, 1857. Edu cated at Dartmouth CoUege, and Columbia Law School. (Married.) Member New York Press, Alpha Delta Phi and Manuscript Clubs, Dartmouth College Alumni Association, and Phi Beta Kappa Society. ANDREWS, AVERY DE LANO — Lawyer, 11 Broadway, New York City; residence Ardsley-on-Hud son. Born in Massena, N. Y., April 4, 1864. (Son ol Hannibal and Harriet [De Lano] Andrews.) Educated in Massena common schools and at Wllliston Seminary ('81) ; entered United States Military Academy at West Point in 1882 and graduated in the class of '86, number 14 In a graduating class of seventy-seven members and was immediately commissioned second lieutenant of the 5th United States Artillery. (Married Sept. 27, 1888, at Governor's Island, New York City, to Mary Campbell Schofield, only daughter of Lieutenant-Gen- eral John M. Schofield, U. S. A.) Admitted to the Bar in 1891; resigned from the regular army in November, 1893; since then has practiced law in New York City. Major and engineer of 1st Brigade, N. G. N. Y., on staff of General Louis Fitzgerald, 1893; resigned in March, 1898, and was unanimously elected to the com mand of Squadron "A" with rank of major; appointed lieutenant-colonel. United States Volunteers, May 9, 1898; was Adjutant-General of the State of New York and chief-of-staffi to Governor Theodore Roosevelt, with rank of brigadier-general, Jan. 1, to Dec. 31, 1899. Was appointed police commissioner of New York City by Mayor WiUiam L. Strong In Feb ruary, 1895, and held that position until expiration ol term, Dec. 31, 1898; was treasurer of the Board from and after May, 1895. Now president Barber Asphalt Paving Co. Member University, Lawyers' and Church Clubs, Fort Orange Club of Albany, Army and Navy Club of Washington, D. C, Century Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. ANDREWS, CHARLES— Jurist, Syracuse. Born In Whitestown, N. Y., May 27, 1827. Educated at Cazenovia Seminary. Degree of LL.D. from Hamil ton, Columbia and Yale. (Married.) Admitted to the Bar, 1849. District-attorney Onondaga County, 1853-6. Mayor of Syracuse, 1861-8. Member New York Consti tutional Convention, 1867. Elected associate judge of New York Court of Appeals, 1870. Appointed chief judge, 1881. Re-elected associate judge, 1884. Elected chief judge, 1893. Retired by age limit, Dec. 31, 1897. ANDREWS, CHARLES LEE— Stock Broker, 45 Broadway, New York City; residence 141 Franklin 10 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. place. Flushing. Born in Baltimore, Md., Oct. 28, 1858. Educated at University of Virginia. (Married.) Senior member of the firm of Andrews & Criss, and member of the New York Stock Exchange. Lieutenant (junior grade). First Naval Battalion. Member Knickerbocker Yacht, Reform, and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs, Southern and Maryland Societies and Military Order of Foreign Wars. ANDREWS, CHARLES LINCOLN— Assistant publisher, 206 Broadway, New York City; residence 92 Clinton place. Born in 1864. Educated at the Uni versity of Michigan. (Single.) Assistant publisher of "The Nation," for the Evening Post Publishing Co. Member Aldine Association. ANDREWS, CLARENCE— Decorator, 489 Fifth avenue, and 72 Broadway, New York City; residence 301 West 57th street. Secretary and director Elkhorn Valley Coal Land Co. Member Union League, Lambs', Players', Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, and Racquet and Tennis Clubs, American Fine Arts Society, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. ANDREWS, CONSTANT A.— President, 633 Mad ison avenue. New York City; residence 711 Lexington avenue. President United States Savings Bank; presi dent and director Elkhorn Valley Coal Land Co. Mem ber Reform Club, American Museum of Natural His tory and Metropolitan Museum of Art. ANDREWS, EDWARD GAYER— Methodist Epis copalian Bishop, 150 Fifth avenue, New York City; residence 125 East 57th street. Born in New Hartford, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1825. (Son of George and Polly [Walker] Andrews). Educated at Wesleyan University ('47). Degrees of D.D. from Genesee College, and LL.D. from Allegheny College. (Married Susan M. Hotch- kiss.) Pastor in Central New York, 1848-54; principal of Cazenovia Seminary, 1854-64; pastoi" in Stamford, Conn., and Brooklyn, N. Y., 1864-72; elected bishop, 1872; visited missions in Europe and India, 1876-7; in Mexico, 1881; in Japan, Korea and China, 1889-90; fra ternal delegate to English and Irish Methodist churches, 1894. Resided in Des Moines, Iowa, 1872-80; in Washington, D. C, 1880-8, and in New York City since 1888. Trustee Wesleyan University, Drew Theo logical Seminary, and Peking University. ANDREWS, GEORGE OSGOOD— President, 393 Canal street. New York City; residence 115 West 88th street. Born in New York City, May 18, 1866. Edu cated in New York City. (Married.) President and director New York Glass Co. Member Colonial, and Wool Clubs, and Sons of the American Revolution. ANDREWS, GEORGE P.— Supreme Court Justice, County Court House, New York City: residence Hotel Netherland. Member of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. Union League, Suburban Rid ing and Driving, New York Yacht and Manhattan Clubs, Yale Alumni Association, and New England So ciety. ANDREWS, HARVEY T.— Lawyer and Artist, 641 Washington street. New York City; residence 37 Mount Morris Park West. Born in North Tarry town, N. Y., June 28, 1866. Educated at Mount Pleasant public school, Cooper Institute, Harlem High School, New York Preparatory School, and New York University. (Married.) Was a member of the Legislature three terms, 1895-7. Is at present U. S. assistant appraiser Port of New York. Member Republican, Central Re publican, Mount Morris Republican and Harlem Re publican Clubs, and Harlem Board of Commerce. ANDREWS, HORACE— Civil Engineer, Albany; residence 125 Lancaster street. Born In New Haven, Conn.. March 19. 1852. Educated at Sheffield Scientific School of Yale University (Ph.B. and C.E.). Was con nected with the United States Geodetic Survey six years; New York State Survey six years, and New York State Board of Health. Was member Board of Health of Albany six years, and city engineer of Al bany fourteen years. Member Fort Orange Club, American Society of Civil Engineers, and Deutsches Geometerverein. ANDREWS, .1. M.— (Captain.) Lawyer, 48 West 57th street. New York City. Born In Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1843. Educated In Saratoga Springs, and Ballston Spa, and at Union CoUege, and Albany Law School. (Married.) Member Army and NaVy, Saratoga Golf and Craftsmen's Clubs, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Sigma Phi and Array of the Po tomac Societies, Union ex-Prisoners of War Associa tion, First Army Corps Association, Military Order of Foreign Wars, and Sons of the Revolution. ANDREWS, JAMES MADISON— Electrical Engi neer, Schenectady. Born in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., April 2, 1868. Educated at West Point ('90). (Single.) Second lieutenant of Fifth U. S. Cavalry, 1890; second lieutenant of First U. S. Cavalry, 1890-2; served in Sioux campaign, 1890-1; resigned from army, Nov. 9, 1892. Captain of Company E, Second Regiment, New York Volunteers: aide-de-camp on staff of Governor Theodore Roosevelt, and assistant adjutant general first division. Third Army Corps, during Spanish- American War. Now connected with the power and mining department of the General Electric Co. Mem ber University, and Army and Navy CltSibs, Military Order of Foreign Wars, and Military Order of the Loyal Legion. ANDREWS, LILIAN HERBERT— Lawyer, 38 Park row. New York City; residence 100 West 71st street. Born in Saratoga, N. Y. Educated at WiUiams CoUege and in Europe. Director Kress & Owen Co. ANDREWS, NEWTON LLOYD— Educator, Col gate University, Hamilton. Born in Fablus, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1841. (Son of Nathaniel and Catharine G. [Remsen] Andrews.) Educated at Colgate University (B.A., '62 and M. A., '64), Hamilton CoUege (Ph.D.), and Chicago Lfniverslty (LL.D.). (Married first, Cyn thia S. Burchard; second, Charlotte P. Harbach). Con nected with Colgate University as principal of prepar atory department; professor of Greek; dean of college faculty (1880-95); acting president (1890-5); professor of Greek, and lecturer on the history of art (since 1895). Member Phi Beta Kappa Society. ANDREWS, feOBERT— Vice-President, 160 Broad way, New York City; residence East Orange, N. J. Born in Wilmington, Del. Educated at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. Vice-president and director Pintsch Compressing Co., and Safety Car Heating and Light ing Co. Member Trinity College Alumni Association. ANDREWS, WILLIAM H.— Lawyer, 60 Broadway, New York City; residence, 218 Sixth avenue, Brooklyn. Born in New Haven, Conn., April 18, 1849. (Married.) Connected with the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange Building Co., and Metropolitan Plate Glass Insurance Co. of New York. Member Crescent Ath letic Club of Brooklyn, Grand Lodge F. & A. M., State of New York, Grand Council ' R. & S. M., State of New York, and New York Consistory A. & A. S. R. ANDREWS WILLIAM LORING— Author, 16 East 38th street. New York City. Born in New York City, Sept. 9, 1837. Educated in private schools. (Married.) Trustee Bank for Savings: director Continental In surance Co. : trustee and honorary librarian Metropoli tan Museum of Art. Honorary degree A. M. Yale, and honorary member of the Eleventh Army Corps Asso ciation. Author of "New Amsterdam, New Orange, New York," etc. Member Union League, Grolier, and Church Clubs, Dunlap, American Geographical, St. Nicholas. American Fine Arts and New York Histori cal Societies, Century Association, National Academy of Design, and MetropoUtan Museum of Art. ANGEL, JAMES R.— Lawyer, 132 Nassau street. New York City; residence 1274 Franklin avenue. Born In Angelica, AUegheny Co., Pa., Feb. 12, 1836. (Mar ried.) Member New England Society. ANGELL, AMASA RICHARD— Lawyer, 203 Broadway, New York City; residence 70 West 38th ¦ street. Born in New York City, July 18, 1860. Educat ed at Yale, and Law School, University or New York. (Single.) Secretary and director Liberty Dredging Co. Member Calumet, and Westchester Golf Clubs, and Association of the Bar of the City_of New York. ANGELL, FRANK S.— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street New York City; residence 513 Vanderbilt avenue Brooklyn. Member Marine and Field Club of Brook lyn, CoUege of the City of New York Alumni Associa tion, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. ANGELL, FREDERIC ALLEN— Accountant 61 Worth street. New York City; residence Montciair BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 11 N. J. Born in HughsonviUe, Dutchess Co., N. Y., July 26, 1843. Educated at Clinton Liberal Institute, CUn- ton, Oneida Co., N. Y. (Married.) Cashier for Jacob Wendell & Co.; secretary Merchants' Real Estate Co. Member Order of Pounders and Patriots of America. ANGLE, EDWIN C— Lawyer, 269 State street, Schenectady. Born in Schenectady, April 16, 1863. Educated at Union College and Albany Law School. (Single.) Member of the firm of De Remer & Angle. Member Alpha Delta Phi, Mohawk, and Mohawk Golf Clubs, St. George Lodge No. 6, F. & A. M., and Union CoUege Alumni Association. ANSBACHER, S. L.— Broker, 60 Broadway, New York City, and 189 Montague street, Brooklyn; resi dence 127 West 95th street. Born in New York City, Oct. 11, 1846. (Married.) Member Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange. ANSLEY, HUDSON— Lawyer, Salamanca. Born in Collins, Erie Co., N. Y., Jan. 15, 1838. Educated at Gowanda and Fredonia .Academies. (Married.) Has been surrogate (by appointment). Is now director and attorney First National Bank; director Water Works Co.; president City Club. Is a Royal Arch Mason, a Scottish Knight, and member G. A. R. ANTHONY, ANDREW VARICK STOUT— Artist, 70 West 11th street. New York City. Born In New York City, 1838. Has iUustrated Whittier's "Snow Bound," Hawthorne's "Scarlet Letter," and many other works. ANTHONY, HOLLAND C— Architect, 87 Nassau street. New York City; residence Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris. (Married.) Member Marine and Field, Excelsior, Dyker Meadow, Hamil ton and Crescent Athletic Clubs of Brooklyn, Archi tectural League, Beaux Arts Society, and Brooklyn Chapter A. I. A. ANTHONY, JAMES L.— Investment Securities, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence Netherwood, N. J. Born Jan. 19, 1845. Educated in England and France, and graduated from Worcester Military Acad emy. (Married.) With Newton & Anthony, 1868; Rufus Hatch & Co., 1878; Anthony & Oliphant, 1879; Anthony, Poor & Oliphant, 1881; Anthony & Shaw, 1884; James L. Anthony & Co., 1890; now with Hopkins Bros., members of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Atlantic Yacht and Manhattan Clubs, New England Spciety, Society of Colonial V\''ars, and Na tional Rifle Association. ANTHONY, JAMES S.— Commissioner; temporary address, Paris Exposition, Paris, France. Born in New York City, 1872. Educated at Cutler School and Cornell University ('93). Engaged in newspaper and literary work, 1893-5; traveled in Europe and Canada, 1895-7: advertising manager Walker Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, 1897-9. Connected with United States Commis sion to Paris Exposition (1900) in charge of machinery and electricity exhibits. ANTHONY, RICHARD ALLARD— President, 124 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence New Brigh ton, S. I.Born in New York City, May 24, 1861. Edu cated at Columbia College. (Married.) Vice-president Boonton Iron and Steel Co.; treasurer Lounds Hard Rubber Co. ; president and director E. & H. T. An thony & Co.; trustee United States Saving Bank. Member Holland Society, Sons of the Revolution, Society of the War of 1812, and University, Rich mond County Country and Adirondack League Clubs. ANTHONY, WILLIAM ARNOLD— Professor of Physics, Cooper Union, New York City; residence 313 West 33d street. Born in Coventry, R. I., Nov. 17, 1835. (Son of William Henry Anthony and Hannah Whipple Arnold.) Educated at Yale. (Married.) Taught sci ence at Providence Conference Seminary and Dela ware Literary Institute (Franklin, N. Y.); was pro fessor of physics and chemistry at Antioch College, and professor of physics at Iowa Agricultural College; built up and developed the departments of physics and electrical engineering at Cornell University; was con sulting electrician to Mather Electric Co., of Manches ter, Conn. Since 1893 has been consulting electrician and professor of physics at Cooper Union. Author (with Professor Brackett) "Manual of Physics," and Is a contributor to scientific periodicals. Past president American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Member American Association for the Advancement of Science, Franklin Institute, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. APGAR, ALLEN S.— Banker, 257 Broadway, New York City; residence The Waldorf-Astoria, and Ridge- field, Conn. Born in Hartford, Conn., Nov. 4, 1841. (Married.) Vice-president and cashier Merchants' Exchange National Bank; vice-president Kensico Cemetery; treasurer and director Preferred Accident Insurance Co.; director Greenwich Insurance Co., North River Insurance Co., American Union Life In surance Co., and Worcester Salt Co. Member Union League, Army and Navy and Hardware Clubs, New England Society, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Naval Order of the United States, and Country Club of RIdgefleld, Conn. APPLETON. CHARLES A.— Publisher, 72 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 122 West 72d street. Bom in New York City, Jan. 21, 1860. Educated at St. John's School, Sing Sing, N. Y., and Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. (Single.) With D. Appleton & Co. Member University, Metropolitan, St. Anthony, Bid ing, New York Athletic, Country, New York Yacht and Larchmont Yacht Clubs, and Trinity College Alumni and Aldine Associations. APPLETON, DANIEL— (Colonel.) Publisher, 72 Fifth avenue, New York City; residence 122 West 72d street. Born in New York, Feb. 24, 1852. Educated in New York and Carlsruhe, Germany. (Married.) Act ive member of the firm of D. Appleton & Co. since 1879. Member Union, Fencers', Riding, Suburban Rid ing and Driving, New York Athletic, New York Yacht, Larchmont Yacht and Eastern Yacht Clubs, Century and Aldine Associations, Genealogical Society, and American Museum of Natural History. APPLETON, DANIEL P.- Watch Manufacturer, 23 Maiden lane. New York City; residence 28 East 36th street. Trustee Clinton Hall Association; director Safe Deposit Co. of New York. Member Union League, Grolier and Seawanahaka-Corinthian Yacht Clubs, Century Association, New England Society, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. APPLETON, D. SIDNEY— Publisher, 72 Fifth ave nue. New York City; residence Morristown, N. J. Born in New York City, April 6, 1860. Educated at Yale Scientific School. (Married.) Secretary, treas urer and director A. J. Johnson & Co., and D. Apple- ton & Co. : director Traders' Fire Insurance Co. Mem ber Union and Calumet Clubs, and Century Associa tion. APPLETON, EDWARD D.— Publisher, 72 Fifth avenue, New York City: residence 40 West 39th street. Connected with the firm of D. Appleton & Co. Mem ber University, University Athletic, Grolier, and St. Anthony Clubs, Larchmont Yacht Club, New York Genealogical Society, and Aldine, Century and Trinity College Alumni Associations. APPLETON. FRANCIS R.— Watch Manufacturer, 21 Maiden lane. New York City; residence 26 East 37th street. Director National Park Bank. Member Har vard, University, Knickerbocker, Turf and Field, and Meadow Brook Hunt Clubs, New England Sooiety, and Down Town Association. APPLETON, HENRY C— Publisher, 72 Fifth ave nue. New York City; residence The Players' Club. Born In New York City, June 7, 1863. Educated at St. John's School, Sin.g Sing, N. Y., and Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. (Single.) Member Players' and Union Clubs, and Trinity College Alumni Association. APPLETON, HERBERT— Insurance, 16 Exchange place. New York City: residence 289 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. Born in 1853. Educated at Brooklyn Pub lic School No. 16, Trinity School, and Columbia Col lege. (Married.) Attorney and underwriter United States "Lloyds"; president and director United States Standard Steamship Owners, Builders' and Under writers' Association (Ltd.). Member Down Town As sociation and American Geographical Society. APPLETON, ROBERT— Publisher, 72 Fifth ave nue. New York City; residence 305 West 71st street. Connected with the firm of D. Appleton & Co. Mem ber New York Athletic and University Clubs, and Yale Alumni Association. 12 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. APPLETON, RUEL ROSS— President, 78 Franklin street. New York City; residence 146 Joralemon street, Brooklyn. Born in Beaver County, Pa., June 18, 1853. (Married.) President and director The R. R. Apple- ton Co., and Detroit Stay Co. Member Hamilton, Union League, Germania, Rembrandt and Republican Clubs of Brooklyn. APPLETON, WILLIAM H.— Publisher, 72 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence Riverdale. Con nected with the firm of D. Appleton & Co. Director American Book Co. and Central Trust Co.; trustee New York Life Insurance Co., and New York Security and Trust Co. Member Mendelssohn Glee and Union Clubs, Country Club of Westchester, Aldine and Cen tury Associations, Authors' Guild, American Museum of Natural History, and American Geographical and New England Societies. APPLETON, WILLIAM H.— Lawyer, 41 Park row. New York City; residence 113 West 40th street. Born in Chichester, N. H., March 24, 1843. Educated at Pembroke Academy, Pembroke, N. H., and Corcoran School of Arts and Sciences, Washington, D. C. (Sin gle.) Member Underwriters' Club and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. APPLETON, WILLIAM WORTHEN— Publisher, 72 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 17 East 24th street. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1845. Educated abroad. (Married Anna D. Sargent, of Bos ton.) Assistant in school-book department of the firm of D. Appleton & Co., 1865; member of the firm since 1868. Has taken special charge of editorial depart ment and London offlce for many years. Took an active part In securing passage of Copyright Act of 1891. President American Publishers' Copyright League: chairman library committee of New York Free Circulating Library. Member Union, Knicker bocker, Riding, Grolier and Church Clubs, Aldine and Century Associations, New England and New York Genealogical Societies, and American Museum of Natural History. ARBEELY, ABRAHAM JOSEPH — Physician, Surgeon and Author, 108 Broad street. New York City; residence, 1425 Eighth street, Washington, D. C. Bom in Damascus, Syria, 1852. Educated in Medical De partment of the Protestant University of Beiroot, Syria ('73), and at the Imperial Medical University of Constantinople ('74). (Married Anna Mary La Petra, 1885.) Taught Arabic and French; practiced medicine and surgery, and served the Ottoman Government on a commission of inquiry into the causes and charac ter of the Asiatic cholera; his formula for the treat ment of cholera was adopted throughout the Turkish Empire. Came to the United States 1878. Resident of New York City 1892. Founder of "Kawkab America" (Star of America), the first Arabic daily newspaper published in the IJnited States. One of the founders of the Syrian-Greek Orthodox Church, and president of its Benevolent Society. Author of "Al-Bakoorat AI-Gharbeyat," and has contributed many articles to medical and other standard journals. Member F. & A. M. and L O. O. F. ARCHAMBAULT, J. L.— Physician, 56 Congress street, Cohoes. Bom In Quebec, Canada, Oct. 26, 1847. Educated at Laval University, Quebec. (Married.) Director Cohoes Savings Institution; medical examiner Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co.; surgeon Cohoes Hos pital. Member Medical Society of the County of Al bany; comrade Catholic Benevolent Legion. ARBUCKLE, JOHN— Coffee Importer, Old Slip and "W^ater street. New York City; residence 315 Clin-^ ton avenue, Brooklyn. Director Importers' and Trad ers' National Bank and Kings County Trust Co. Mem ber Hamilton, Union I^eague, Crescent Athletic and Montauk Clubs of Brooklyn, and Down Town Associa tion. ARCHBOLD, JOHN D.— OU Merchant, 26 Broad way, and 130 Pearl street. New York City; residence 20 East 37th street, and Tarrytown. Member Union League, Racquet and Tennis, Whist, Twilight and New York Athletic Clubs, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on- Hudson, American Fine Arts Society, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Ohio Society, American Geographical Society, and American Museum of Natural History. ARDEN, EDWIN HUNTER PENDLETON— Actor and Playwright, 70 West 36th street. New York City. Born in St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 13, 1864. Educated in com mon schools. First appearance on the stage, Chicago, 1882. Author of "Eagle's Nest," "Barred Out," "Rag lan's Way," and others. Member Lambs' Club. ARENS, FRANZ X.— Musical Director and Vocal Teacher, 305 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 942 Morris avenue. Born in Neef, Germany, Oct. 28, 1856. Educated at Munich (1882-4) and Dresden (1885) Royal Music Schools, and in Berlin, with Prof. Julius Hay, voice specialist, (1890-2). (Married Emma L. Huegel.) Conductor of Philharmonic Orchestra ol Cleveland, Ohio, 1885-8. Introduced American orches tral compositions in Europe in a series of concerts in Berlin, Dresden, Weimar, Leipsic, Hamburg and Vienna, 1890-2. Conductor American Composers' Con cert at Vienna International Musical and Theatrical Exhibition and of Indianapolis May Music Festivals, 1892-6. President Metropolitan School of Music until 1897. Musical conductor of New York Manuscript Society, 1898-9. Composer of orchestral and choral works, string quartettes and songs. Member Society of American Musicians and (Composers, and chairman Vocal Department New York State Music Teachers' Association. ARKELL, BARTLETT— Rugs, 935 Broadway and 159 Fifth avenue, and Publisher, 110 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence Canajoharie. Director Arkell PubUshing Co., Demorest Publishing Co., "Judge" Pub lishing Co., and Pierrepont Apartment Co. Member University and Lotos Clubs, and Yale Alumni and Aldine Associations. ARKELL, WILLIAM J.— Publisher, 110 Fifth ave nue. New York City; residence Canajoharie. Pub lisher of "Judge," "Leslie's Weekly," "Demorest's Family Magazine," and of standard subscription books. President and director Arkell Weekly Co., Demorest Publishing Co., Judge Publishing Co., and Pierrepont Apartment Co.; trustee American Bank Note Co., and Holland Trust Co.; director Interna tional Pulp Cp., and Joseph Ladue Gold Mining and Development Co., of Yukon. Member Union League, Lawyers', Press, Republican, Lotos, Quill, Larchmont Yacht, Atlantic Yacht, American Yacht, New York Yacht, New York Athletic, Transportation and Wool Clubs, and Aldine Association. ARMITAGE, PAUL— Lawyer, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 1674 Broadway. Bom in Brook lyn, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1873. Educated at Columbia Col lege and Columbia Law School. (Single.) Member Psi Upsilon Club, and Columbia University Alumni Association. ARMOUR, HERMAN O.— Packer and Commission Merchant, 201 Produce Exchange, New York City; residence 856 Fifth avenue. Born in Stockbridge, Madison Co., N. Y., March 7, 1837. (Married.) Began business career in Milwaukee, 1855. Grain commission merchant in Chicago, 1862. In 1865 came to New York as Eastern representative of Plankinton, Armour & Co. Member of the firm of H. O. Armour & Co., 1868, and Armour & Co., 1870. Now vice-president and di rector Armour Packing Co. Member Union League and Republican Clubs, American Geographical and New England Societies, and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. ARMS, GEORGE— Engineer and Manulacturer, 13 Park row. New York City; residence Grand Hotel. Member Engineers' and Olympic Clubs, Nev/ England and American Geographical Societies, New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. ARMS, ROGER N.— Woolens, 74 Worth street, New York City; residence Glen Ridge, N. J. Born in Lansmgburgh, N. Y., April 26, 1853. Educated in Philadelphia public schools. (Married.) Connected with the American Woolen Co. Member Wool Club. ARMSTRONG, CHARLES P.— Merchant, 106 Wall street. New York City; residence 9 West 75th street. Born m New Haven, Conn. (Married.) 'Member of the firm of L. W. & P. Armstrong. Director Produce Exchange Trust Co., New Amsterdam Casualty In surance Co., and member New York Produce and Maritime Exchanges. Member Colonial and New York Yacht Clubs. ARMSTRONG, COLLIN — Financial Editor 80 Broadway, New York City; residence 140 West '75th BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 13 street. Member University, University Athletic, Lotos, Lawyers', Alpha Delta Phi, National Arts and Atlan tic Yacht Clubs, American Geographical, and Ameri can Fine Arts Societies, Amherst College Alumni and Williams College Alumni Associations. ARMSTRONG, D. MAITLAND— Decorative Ar tist, 61 Washington square. South, New York City; residence, 58 West 10th street and Newburgh. Born in 1836. Educated at Trinity College; in Rome; and In Paris. Pupil In Paris of L. Olivier Merson. (Mar ried Helen Neilson.) Senior member of the firm of Maitland Armstrong & Co. Trustee New York Society Library, and New York Asylum for the Blind. Con- sul-General to Italy, at Rome, 1869-72. Director American Art Department, Paris Exposition, 1878. Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor of France. Member Alphl Delta Phi Fraternity, Trinity College Alumni, and Century Associations, Architec tural League, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Society of American Artists, and Society of Mural Painters. ARMSTRONG, GEORGE E,— Secretary and Di rector, 224 Church street. New York City; residence 205 West 57th street. Born in Maine. (Married.) Secretary, director and head of credit department ol the H. B. Claflin Co. Member Suburban Riding and Driving and Colonial Clubs, and Ohio and New Eng land Societies. ARMSTRONG, JAMES— Lawyer, 192 Broadway, New York City; residence 45 Bast 53d street, and Bay Side. Born in Owego, N. Y., 1834. Educated at Hobart College. (Married.) Director Hartlord and Connecticut Western R. R. Co., and Philadelphia, Reading and New England R. R. Co. Member Law yers', Oakland Goll and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, Metro politan Museum of Art and American Museum of Natural History. ARMSTRONG, PHILANDER B.— President, 45 Broadway, New York City; residence 1285 Dean street, Brooklyn. Born in BrookvlUe, Ind., Feb. 3, 1847. (Married.) President Manhattan Fire Insurance Co. of New York, and Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Mem ber Union League Club of Brooklyn, Lawyers' Club, Ohio Society, and Sons of the Revolution. ARNOLD, BENJAMIN WALWORTH — General Investments, Albany. Born in Albany, 1865. Educat ed at Hamilton College. (Single.) Member of the Arms of Arnold & Co. of Albany, Folsom & Arnold of Bay City, Mich., and Millen, Arnold & Co. of Duluth, Minn. Trustee Albany Savings Bank; director Mechanics and' Farmers' Bank and is connected with the Spanish River Lumber Co. of Spanish River, Ontario. Mem ber University Club of New York City. ARNOLD, CHARLES HENRY— Wine Merchant, 27 South William street. New York C:!lty; residence Tuxedo Park. Member Metropolitan, Union, Tuxedo and Knickerbocker Clubs, Down Town Association, and Sons of the Revolution. ARNOLD, FRANCIS R.— Merchant, 23 Waverley place. New York City; residence 121 West 74th street. Senior member of the firm of Francis R. Arnold & Co. Director Consolidated Fire Works Co. of America. Member City, Harvard and Barnard Clubs, and Cen tury Association. ARNOLD, HICKS— Dry Goods, 883 Broadway, and 115 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 7 Bast 83d street. Member of the firm of Arnold, Constable & Co. Director Bank ol the Metropolis. Member Aldine Association. ARNOLD, JOHN HARVEY VINCENT— Lawyer, 206 Broadway, New York City; residence 48 East 69th street. Born in New York City, July, 1839. Educated in public and private schools, and at the College ol the City of New York. (Married Josephine A. Orms- by.) Admitted to the Bar, 1860. With Solomon L. Hull, 1861. President Board ol Aldermen, 1888. Surrogate, 1893; resigned, 1899. Member Manhattan, Commer cial, Knickerbocker Athletic, Thirteen, Lawyers', Democratic, Reform, Lotos, Players' and New York Athletic Clubs, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, Society ol Medical Jurisprudence, New York Historical and Dunlap Societies, American Mu seum ol Natural History, Liederkranz, and Metropoli tan Museum ol Art. ARNOLD, OSCAR M.— Umbrella Manufacturer, 255 Church street. New York City; residence 23 West 90th street. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 3, 1866. Educated in Philadelphia. (Married.) Member Demo cratic, Harmonie and Gotham Clubs. ARNOLD, REGINALD HARVEY— Lawyer, 206 Broadway, New York City; residence 60 West 58th street. Member Democratic, New York Athletic and Country Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and As sociation of the Bar of the City of New York. ARNOT, MATTHIAS H.— Treasurer, 253 Broad way, New York City; residence Elmira. Treasurer and director New Orange Industrial Association; director North River Coal and Wharf Co. Member Union, Manhattan, Metropolitan and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs of New York City, Yale Alumni Association, and American Geographical Society. ARONSON, RUDOLPH — Manager and Musical Composer, 1239 Broadway, New York City; residence 144 West 94th street. Projector and builder Metro politan Concert Hall and of the Casino, with first rool garden in America. Composer ol more than 150 pieces for orchestra, including the famous "Sweet Sixteen" waltz In 1894. Presented Johann Strauss, of Vienna, In behalf of American musicians, with a silver and gold wreath in honor of his golden jubilee celebra tion. Now manager Bijou Theatre, New York City. AROSBMENA, JOSE X.— Advertising, 487 Broad way, New York City; residence Larchmont. Is presi dent of the Palace Exposition Co. Member Larchmont Yacht, Camera and Horse Shoe Harbor Clubs. ARROWSMITH, WILLIAM— Lawyer, 229 Broad way, New York City; residence 208 West 71st street. Born in Newton, N. J., Nov. 17, 1849. Educated at Princeton. (Married.) Member of the firm of Jerolo- man & Arrowsmlth since 1875. Member Colonial and Democratic Clubs, and Princeton Alumni Association. ARTHUR, JAMES WORRALL— Stationer, 56 Ce dar street. New York City; residence 126 West 74th street. Bom in Yonkers, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1854. Edu cated at Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) Member of the firm of Arthur, Mountain & Co. President and director Brett Lithographing Co.; trustee East River Savings Institution; secretary and director New York Ophthalmic Hospital. Member Colonial Club, Mechanics' Society, and 7th Regiment Veterans. ASHFIBLD, FRED J.— Building Contractor, 168 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 647 St. Marks avenue. Born in Brooklyn, May 2, 1852. (Married.) President Union League Club of Brooklyn, Royal Arcanum (Bedford Council), and Prospect Gun Club, Preeport, L. I.; ex-president Mechanics' and Traders' Exchange of Brooklyn. ASHLEY, CLARENCE D.— Lawyer, 32 Waverley place. New York City; residence 82 Bast 55th street. Member University, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Mendel ssohn Glee and Yale Clubs, New England Society, and the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. ASHLEY, GEORGE B.— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence Hotel Cambridge. Born in Providence, R. I., Feb. 24, 1846. Educated in Provi dence and Massachusetts, and at Columbia College Law School. (Married.) Member New York State Bar Association and Bar Association of the City of New-York. ASHLEY, OSSIAN D.— President, 195 Broadway, New York City; residence 56 West 54th street. Born in Townsend, Vt., April 9, 1821. Ex-second secretary and transfer agent Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific Ry. Co.; member of purchasing committee of same, 1885-7; president Wabash Western R. R. Co., 1887-9, and of Wabash R. R. Co. since 1889. Director New York, On tario and Western R. R. Co. Member New England Society. ASHMAN, AMAZIAH L. — Proprietor, Sinclair House, New York City. Born in Livingston County, N. Y., May 12, 1831. (Married.) Director Astor Place Bank; trustee Excelsior Savings Bank; director Offi cial Hotel Red Book and Directory Co. Member Catholic, Democratic and Phoenix Clubs. 14 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ASTARITA, ANTONIO C— Lawyer, 320 Broadway, New York City; residence 225 West 55th street. Born in Vico Equense, Italy, Dec. 28, 1864. Educated at college in Italy and Columbia College, New York City. (Married.) Trustee Italian Savings Bank of New York. Member RepubUcan Club, and Society of Medi cal Jurisprudence.ASTOR, JOHN JACOB— CapitaUst, 23 West 26th street. New York City; residence 840 Fifth avenue, and "Ferncliff," Rhinebeck-on-Hudson. Born In Rhine- beck, July 13, 1864. (Son of WiUiam and grandson of John Jacob Astor.) Educated at Harvard. (Married Alva Willing, of Philadelphia.) Traveled abroad, 1888-91. Since then manager of family estates. In 1897 built the Astoria Hotel, adjoining the Waldorf Hotel erected by William Waldorf -Astor, his cousin, the two buildings now forming the Waldorf-Astoria. Was colonel on staff of Governor Levi P. Morton, and May, 1898, commissioned lieutenant-colonel United States Volunteers. Presented to the Government a mountain battery in use in war against Spain. After assisting Major-General Breckinridge, Inspector-Gen eral United States Army, in inspection of camp and troops at Chickamauga Park, was assigned to duty on staff of Major-General Shaffer, and served in Cuba in operations ending in surrender of Santiago. Director in numerous railroads, banks and Insurance companies, among the most prominent being the Astor National Bank, Findlay, Fort Wayne, and Western Ry. Co., Illinois Central R. R. Co., National Park Bank, New York Life Insurance and Trust Co., Title Guarantee and Trust Co., and Western Union Telegraph Co. Author of "A Journey to Other Worlds," and other works. Member Metropolitan, City, Knickerbocker, Union, Press, New York Yacht, Racquet and Tennis, Delta Phi, Transportation, Manuscript, Turf and Field, and Riding Clubs, Country Club of Westchester, Down Town Association, and Colonial Wars, Ameri can Geographical and Musical Art Societies. ATHERTON, FISHER C. — Manufacturer, 376 Massachi^aetts avenue, Buffalo; residence 14 Chapln place. Born in Flint, Mich., June 6, 1843. Educated at Oberlin, Ohio. (Married.) Manager American Bicy cle Co., at Buffalo, and president Portland Stone Co. Member Buffalo and Independent Clubs, Sons of the Colonial Wars, and Merchants' Exchange. ATKINS, THOMAS J.— Hardware, 151 Leonard street. New York City; residence 631 Willoughby ave nue, Brooklyn. Born in New York, 1838. (Married.) Connected with the firm of Sargent & Co. Vice-presi dent and trustee Bast Brooklyn Savings Bank, and director Farragut Fire Insurance Co. Member Hard ware Club. ATKINSON, GEORGE FRANCIS— Professor of Botany, Cornell University, Ithaca. Born in Monroe County, Mich., Jan. 26, 1854. Educated at Olivet Col lege in Michigan, and at Cornell University ('85). (Married.) Was assistant professor of entomology and general zoology in the University of North Carolina, 1885-6: associate professor of same, 1886-8; professor of botany and zoology in University of South Caro lina, and botanist of experiment station. South C;!aro- lina Agricultural Department, 1888-9; professor of biology in Alabama Polytechnic Institute and Ala bama Agricultural and Mechanical College, and biolo gist of the Alabama Experiment Station, 1889-92; as sistant professor, cryptogamic botany in Cornell Uni versity, 1892-3; associate professor of same, 1893-6; professor of botany and botanist of the Agricultural Experiment Station in Cornell University, 1896 to the present time. Author of "Biology of Ferns," "Ele mentary Botany," "Lessons In Botany," and of many articles on botany in American and foreign magazines. Is a Fellow of the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science (secretary, 1896-7, and vice- president, 1897-8) ; secretary Botanical Society of America: honorary member American Carnation So ciety, and Detroit Mycological Club; corresponding member Torrey Botanical Club, and member Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi Societies of CorneU University, Business Men's Association, and Town and Gown Club of Ithaca, and Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society. ATKINSON, HOBART F.— Banker, 233 Bast ave nue, Rochester. Born in Rochester, Oct. 5, 1825. Edu cated at Rochester. (Widower.) Vice-president Bank of Monroe; first vice-president Rochester Savings Bank; president Church Home; trustee Rochester Homeopathic Hospital. Was first president Genesee Valley Club; was also first president Rochester Clear ing House, and president Commercial Bank, Rochester, Member Genesee Valley and Country Clubs, and Transportation Club of New York City. ATTERBURY, ALBERT H.— Lawyer, 111 Broad way, New York City; residence Plainfield, N. J. Mem ber University Club, Yale Alumni, and Association of the Bar of the City of New Y'ork. ATTERBURY, ANSON PHELPS— Clergyman, 145 West 86th street. New York City. Born in New York City, June 18, 1854. Educated at PhUlIps Andover Academy, Yale and Union Theological Seminary ('79). Degrees of Ph.D. from New York University, and D.D. from Hamilton College. (Married Catherine G. Van Rensselaer.) Pastor Park Presbyterian Church. Au thor of "Islam in Africa," and translator of Sombart's "Socialism." Member (juill Club, Yale Alumni and Century Associations, and Ardsley Casino of Ardsley- on-Hudson. ATTERBURY, CHARLES L.— Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 690 Madison avenue. Born in Detroit, Mich., Dec. 3, 1842. Educated at Yale ('64). (Married.) Attorney for a number of rail roads and other corporations. Member City, Grolier and University Clubs, Century, Down Town and Yale Alumni Associations, and the Association of the Bar of the City of New York. ATTERBURY, JOHN T.— Stock Broker, 1 Nassau street. New York City; residence 13 West 49th street. Partner in the firm of Van Emburgh & Atterbury, members New York Stock Exchange. Member Metro politan, Grolier, New York Athletic, Church, Players', Riding, and Racquet and Tennis Clubs, American Geo graphical Society, and Sons of the Revolution. ATTERBURY, W. WALLACE — Clergyman, 31 Bible House, New York City; residence 27 West 38th street. Born In Newark, N. J. Educated at Yale College, Law School and Theological Seminary; re ceived degree of D.D. from New York University. Secretary New York Sabbath Committee. Member University Club, American Geographical Society, Yale Alumni and Century Associations, and Sons of the Revolution. ATWATEH, HENRY D. — Banker, 160 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn; residence 184 Joralemon street. Born in Brooklyn. (Married.) Director South Brook lyn Savings Institution and Brooklyn Bye and Ear Hospital: treasurer and director Brooklyn Homeo pathic Hospital: chairman executive committee Brooklyn Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Member Hamilton Club. ATWOOD, CHARLES EDWIN— Physician, Bloom- ingdale. White Plains. Born in Shoreham, Vt., July 21, 1861. Educated at Comell ('80) and Bellevue Hos pital Medical College ('83). (Married Helen Pearce Jarvis, 1896.) Since 1892 on medical staff New York Hospital, Bloomlngdale, and clinical assistant in ner vous diseases Medical Department, Columbia Univer sity. Member Cornell Club, American Social Science Association, and New York County Medical Society. Bn.;Myi?°^' \^^^^ MORGAN-Prpsident, Canton. ?S^,„ 7 Pembroke, Genesee Co., N. Y., March 24, 1838. Educated at Royalton Academy and Lockport High f?}"""^-' /^^^'^^ ^°'' t^e ministry and was ordained (Married Elmira Church, 1861.) Served in vSious 1867"?/'^]^"* .Pastorates: edited "Christian Ll^er!'" 1867-72 President of Canton Theological Seminai^y since 1879; associate editor "Universalist Leader'' of ?°'*°"'.,^Sf ¦ Author Of "Walks about Zion^-'^Epis- orr^religi^us'rrlc'^. °^ ^^"^^^"^^ Boctrin^s.'-^^k^d stret/^N^l^Y^^H.^P-.^"^^^^.'^-^^'-*^'^^"*' 22 William (Mlrriedl nv^yiti -S' "'^^'^"^''^ 17 West 49th street. solidated C«« Pn^^-^°T^''^-,.^^^'"S^ Bank and Con- soiiaated Gas Co.; director Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., Bank of the Manhattan Co., and Syracuse fifn^ ?.T'°'!.%"t'^-^^^ '^°'^ ^- R- Co. Membe^ Metr^DoSl ic^.^"1-^^"'''^''="y Clubs, Century and Down Town tociet^s!°"'' ^""^ *''' ^'^' ^"^'^"'^ ^""^ ^t- -^"d?ew's =f AXrCHINCLOSS, JOHN W.-Merchant, 22 VyilUam street. New York City; residence 26 East 48th stree? (Married.) Director BeUevUle and Southern Illinois BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 15 R. R. Co., lUinois Central R. R. Co., Mutual Life In surance Co., National Safe Deposit Co., and Yazoo and Mississippi Valley R. R. Co. Member Metropolitan, Mendelssohn Glee and New York Yacht Clubs, and Yale Alumni and Century Associations. AUDSLEY, GEORGE ASHDOWN— Architect and Author, 11 Broadway, New York City; residence Pla,infield, N. J. Born in Elgin, Scotland, Sept. 6, 1838. Educated at Elgin Academy. (Married.) Came to the United States, 1892. Has since practiced as architect in New York City. Member of the firm of W. & G. Audsley. With his brother, William James Audsley, built Layton Art Gallery In Milwaukee and Bowling Green Building in New York City. Author (with Will iam J. Audsley) "Illuminated Prisoner of Chillon," "Illuminated Sermon on the Mount," "Hand Book of Christian Symbolism," "Outlines of Ornament in AH Styles," "Guide to lUuminating and Missal Painting," "Taste Versus Colors," "Polychromatic Decoration Applied to Buildings In the Gothic Styles," "Cottage,' Lodge and Villa Architecture," "Ornamental Arts of Japan," "The Practical Decorator," "The Art of Chro- mollthography," "Keramic Art of Japan," and other publications. Member Architectural League. AUERBACH, JOSEPH S.— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence 7 East Ninth street. Member of the firm' of Davies, Stone & Auerbach. Director Audit Co. of New York, City and Suburban Homes Co., Knickerbocker Trust Co., Lawyers' Mprt- gage Insurance Co., Long Island R. R. Co., Mechanical Rubber Co. and Queens County Bank. Member Asso ciation of the Bar of the City of New York, Lawyers', Delta Phi, University, Racquet and Tennis, Riding, Democratic, Fencers', Union, Manhattan, Turf and Field, South Side Sportsmen's and Richmond Hunt Clubs, University of New York Alumni Association, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. AUERBACH, LOUIS— MaHU'facturer of Neckwear, 836 ' Broadway, ^piew York City; residency 75 East 80th street. Born In Germany, March 1, 1854. Educated in Germany. (Married.) Member Freundschaft Club and Aldine Association. AUFHAUSER, SAMUEL — Jeweler, 30 Maiden lane. New York Citv; residence 112 East 62d street. Born In Germany, March 23, 1843. (Widower.) Presi dent and director Peekham Seamless Ring Mf'g Co. Formerly of the firm of Keller & Untermeyer. Mem ber Freundschaft Verein, American Museum of Nat ural History, and a number of charitable Institu tions. AUSTEN, DAVID— (Colonel.) Receiver of Taxes, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence Southern Boulevard, corner Westchester avenue. Bom in New York City, Feb. 6, 1841. Educated at Swinburne Insti tute White Plains. (Married.) Member Democratic, Atlantic Yacht, Army and Navy, Knickerbocker Ath letic and Union Clubs. AUSTEN, PETER TOWNSEND— Chemical Ex pert 52 Beaver street. New York City; residence 218 St John's place, Brooklyn. Born in Clifton, S. I., Sept 10, 1852. Educated at Holden's Private School, Staten Island, Columbia School of Mines (Ph.B) and in Zurich, Switzerland (Ph.D.). (Married Ellen M. Mnuroe, 1878.) Instructor In chemistry, Dartmouth, 1876-7- professor of chemistry, Rutgers, 1877-91; chemi cal superintendent, W. J. Matheson & Co., 1891-2; pro fessor of chemistry, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, 1892-6; chief chemist. Pegamoid Co., 1896-8; now presi dent Austen Chemical Research Co. Has been chem ist and inspector to Richmond County (N. Y.) Board of Health; chemist to Newark (N. J.) Aqueduct Board, Jersey City (N. J.) Board of Public Works, New Brunswick (N. J.) Board ol Health, Newark (N. J.) Board of Health, New Jersey State Board of Agricul ture and Brooklyn Board of Public Works; also New Jersey State Chemist. Was a member German, French and Russian Chemical Societies, New Jersey State Sanitary Association, and English Society of Chemical Industry. Is retained as chemical expert by many large business houses. Member Knickerbocker Athletic Club, American Chemical Society and Asso ciation for the Advancement of Science. AUSTEN WILLARD— Librarian, Cornell Univer sity Ithaca;' residence 5 Bast avenue. Educated at Cornell ('91)- Assistant librarian in charge of Refer ence Library at Cornell University; also in charge of the ordering for Southworth Library, Dryden. Mem ber Ithaca Country Club, Beta Theta Pi Society and New York State Library and American Library Asso ciations. AUSTIN, EUGENE K.— Banker and Treasurer, 13 William street. New York City; residence New Rochelle. Educated at Columbia Grammar School and Packard's Business CoUege. Director Bast and West R. R. Co. Formerly cashier Eugene Kelly & Co., and colonel 108th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. Member Lotos Club and Associated Board of Officers. AUSTIN, GEORGE C— Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 838 West End avenue. Born in Saluvia, Fulton Co., Pa. Educated at Lafayette College (Ph.B., '84) and Columbia Law School ('87). Was instructor New York Law School. Member of the Legislature, 1895-7. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon, Lawyers' and Republican Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. AUSTIN, THOMAS— Insurance Agent, Albany. Born in Albany, Dec. 20, 1848. Educated In Albany. (Married.) Trustee Home Savings Bank. Member Albany Club and Masonic orders. AVERILL, JAMES K.— Lawyer, 5 Beekman street. New York City; residence Park Avenue Hotel, and Averlll Park. Born in Sand Lake, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1846. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, Phillips And over Academy, Yale College and Columbia Law School. President Troy and New England R. R. Co. and Averill Park Land Improvement Co.; treasurer K. I. Medicine Co., of New Haven, Conn. Member Law In stitute. AVERY, FRANK MONTGOMERY— Lawyer, 154 Nassau street. New York City; residence 108 Lincoln place, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, Nov. 22, 1857. Educated at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, and the University of the City of New York. (Mar ried.) Membftj" of the firm of Phillips & Avery. Member Montauk Club of Brooklyn, Sons of the Revo lution, Sons of the American Revolution, Society of the War of 1812, Society of Colonial Wars, Military Order of Foreign Wars, and American Geographical Society. AVERY, ROBERT— President, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 98 Second place, Brooklyn. Born in Tunkhannock, Pa., Sept. 22, 1839. Educated at Wyom ing Seminary, Kingston, Pa. (Married.) Vice-presi dent, secretary, treasurer and director Virginia Rail way Co.; vice-president and director Burlington and Hlnesburg Railroad Co.; vice-president and director M. J. Dady & Co.; president and director United Loan and Investment Co. Brevet major-general United States Army (retired). Member Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and Grand Army of the Republic. AVERY, SAMUEL PUTNAM— Retired Engraver, 4 East 38th street. New York City. Born In New York City, March 17, 1822. Columbia College, in 1896, con ferred upon him the degree of Master of Arts. (Mar ried Mary A., daughter of Henry Aaron Ogden of New York City.) Appointed commissioner of the American art department at the Universal Exhibition of 1867 in Paris, France. Created and endowed' the Avery Arch itectural Library at Columbia College, 1891. Was one of the founders of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In May, 1900, presented a very valuable collection of prints and etchings to the New York Public Library, of which he is a trustee. Life member Metropolitan Museum of Art, American ^Museum of Natural His tory, American Geographical, Historical and Zoologi cal Societies, National Academy of Design, Chamber of Commerce and other bodies; honorary member Architectural League and Typothetse Society. Mem ber GroUer (president). Union League, Players', City and Tuxedo Clubs, Civil Service Reform and Century Associations, Sculpture Society (vice-president). Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars and sev eral others. AVERY, SAMUEL P., Jr.— Art Galleries, 368 Fifth avenue. New York City ; residence 4 East 38th street. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1847. (Son of Samuel P. and Mary [Ogden] Avery.) Educated in New York. (Single.) Member Grolier, Union League, Salma gundi Sketch. City, New York Athletic, Strollers' and Arts Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sons of the 16 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Revolution, National Sculpture Society, Folk Lore Club of Chicago, Municipal Art Society, Society of Colonial Wars, Lake Champlain Yacht Club, Ingle- wood Club of Canada, and New York Botanical, Nu mismatic and Zoological Societies. AYCRIGG, B. ARTHUR— Real Estate, 102 Cham bers street. New York City; residence 181 West 75th street. Bom in Passaic, N. J., Feb. 20, 1863. Educated at Cheltenham Military Academy and Eastman's Business College. (Single.) Member New York Ath letic, American Kennel and Metropolitan Kennel Clubs, American Numismatic, Archaeological and American Geographical Societies, Metropolitan Mu seum of Art, and American Museum of Natural His tory. AYER, FREDERICK F.— Lawyer, 35 Wall street. New York City; residence 5 West 57th street. Edu cated at St. Paul's School and Harvard. (Single.) Director Tribune Association, Lowell and Andover Railroad Co., Tremont and Suffolk Mills ol Jersey City, Ayer Co., and Keweenaw Association. Member Union League, Harvard, Metropolitan and Riding Clubs, Down Town Association, and New England So ciety. AYERS, EDWARD A.— Physician, 23 West 63d street. New York City. Born In Jacksonville, 111., 1855. Educated at Illinois College and New York Uni versity. (Married.) Professor obstetrics New York Polyclinic. Attending physician Mothers' and Babies' Hospital. Editor "Obstetrics." Member Academy ol Medicine and Salmagundi and Monmouth Beach Country Clubs. AYERS, HORACE F.— General Manager, 92 Filth avenue. New York City; residence 203 West 14th street. Born in Morristown, N. J., Oct. 27, 1862. (Single.) Director Francis & Loutrel Co., and general manager Archibald Medical Institute. Member Republican and Morristown Clubs. AYRAULT, ERNEST F.— Lawyer, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence 41 East 27th street. Secre tary and director Trinidad Asphalt Refining Co. Member St. Nicholas, Sigma Phi, University Athletic, University and University Glee Clubs, Columbia Uni versity Alumni Association, and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. AYRES, PHILIP W.— Assistant Secretary, 105 East 22d street. New York City. Born, 1861. Educated at Cornell University ('84) and Johns Hopkins Univer sity (Ph.D., '88). (Married.) Assistant secretary Char ity Organization Society. Member Congregational and Social Relorm Clubs. B BABBITT, EUGENE HOWARD— Teacher, Colum bia University, New York City; residence Tarrytown. Born in Bridgeport, Conn., May 8, 1859. Educated at State Normal School ('80), PhiUips' Andover ('83), Harvard (A.B., '86), and the Universities of Berlin, Copenhagen and Paris. Was instructor in Harvard College, and in Massachusetts Institute of Technology; now instructor in Germanic languages and literature in Columbia University. Member Modern Language Association of America, and American Dialect Society (ex-secretary). BABBOTT, FRANK L.— Manufacturer, 316 Broad way, New York City; residence 149 Lincoln place, Brooklyn. Treasurer and director Chelsea Jute MUls; director Atlantic Avenue Elevated R. R. Co., Long Island Ry. Co. and New York and Rockaway Beach R. R. Co.; trustee Long Island Loan and Trust Co. Member Grolier, Hardware and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, Montauk Club of Brooklyn, and Amherst Alumni and Century Associations. BABCOCK, CHARLES— Emeritus Professor, Cor nell University, Ithaca; residence Sage avenue. De grees of A.M. and D.D. Emeritus professor of archi tecture at Cornell University. BABCOCK, GEORGE H.— Treasurer, Watertown; residence 21 MuUin street. Born In Watertown, Oct. 25, 1851. Educated in Watertown. (Married.) Treas urer H. H. Babcock Co.; trustee Watertown Savings Bank; president Union Club, and City Hospital of Watertown. BABCOCK, HENRY DBNISON — Banker and Broker, 17 Broad street. New York City; residence 21 West 49th street. Educated at Columbia College. Member of the firm of HoUister & Babcock. Member Metropolitan, University, Union League, Riding, Rockaway Hunting and New York Yacht Clubs, Down Town Association, New England Society, Chamber of Commerce, Sons of the Revolution, Military Order of Foreign Wars, and Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation. BABCOCK, ISAAC H.— Banker, Lockport. Born in Albany County, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1830. Educated at Wilson Collegiate Institute. (Married.) Member of Assembly, 1872-3. President Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Bank, and treasurer American District Steam Co. BABCOCK, .TARED S.— Publisher and Stationer, 56 Pine street. New York City; residence 2083 Fifth avenue. Born in Newark, N. J., May 2, 1838. Edu cated at CoUege of the City ol New York ('57). (Married.) Member Harlem Club, Martha's Vineyard Roque Club, and Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. BABCOCK, PAUL— President, 26 Broadway, New York City; residence Montciair, N. J. Born in New York, 1841. Educated in New York City. (Married.) President and director Llebig Ml'g Co. ; director Stand ard Oil Co. ol New Jersey, and British Columbia Cop per Co. Member Atlantic Yacht and Montciair Clubs, and New England Society. BABCOCK, SAMUEL D.— President, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence 636 Fifth avenue. President and director New York Real Estate, Central Real Estate, Colonial Real Estate and Manhattan Real Estate Associations, and International Bell Tele phone Co.; director American Exchange Nationsil Bank, Bank of New Amsterdam, Central Trust Co., City and Suburban Homes Co., Continental Insurance Co., Fifth Avenue Trust Co., Harlem Railroad Co., Guaranty Trust Co., Mf'g Investment Co., Metropoli tan Opera and Real Estate Co., National Union Bank, Navesink Park Co., New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co., Providence and Stonlngton S. S. Co Popular Photograph Co., United States Lloyds, and United States Mortgage and Trust Co.; trustee Mutual Life Insurance Co. President and director Down Town Association. Member Metropolitan, Man hattan, Union, Country, Church, Suburban Riding and Driving, Turf and Field, and New York Yacht Clubs, Century Association, New England, American Fine Arts and American Geographical Societies, Na tional Academy ol Design, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and American Museum of Natural History. BACH, ROBERT B.— Lawyer, 371 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence Ocean avenue. Born in Brooklyn, July 15, 1851. Educated at College of the City of New York and University Law School. (Mar ried.) Member Marine and Field, Brooklyn, and Cres cent Athletic Clubs. BACHE, ERNEST E.— Lawyer, 156 Broadway, New York City; residence 877 Trinity avenue. Born in New York City, Jan. 11, 1873. Educated in public schools and at University Law School (L.L.B., '93). (Married.) BACHE, JULES S.— Banker, 66 Exchange place. New York City; residence 8 West 67th street. Born in New York City, Nov. 9, 1861. Educated at Char- lier's Institute. (Married.) Senior member of the firm of J. S. Bache & Co., members New York Stock Exchange. President Electric Traction Co. of Chica go; vice-president Central Traction Co. of St. Louis; director New Amsterdam Casualty Co. and American Union Life Insurance Co.; receiver and chairman of the board Detroit and Lima Northern Railway Co. Member New York, Suburban Riding and Driving, Transportation and Lawyers' Clubs, and Liederkranz. BACHELLER, IRVING— Journalist, 63 Park row. New York City; residence 320 St. Nicholas avenue. Born in Pierrepont, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1859. Was con nected with the New York "Press" for several years; now one of the editors of the New York "World." Author of "The Master of Silence," "The Still House of O'Darrow," and numerous other tales and poems. BACHEM, CONRAD H.— Banker and Broker, 20 Broad street. New York City: residence 180 West 88th street. Educated at Seton Hall College, South Orange, N. J. (Married.) Member of the firm of C. H. Bachem & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Finan cial agent for several estates. Member Catholic Club. BACKUS, BRADY ELECTUS— Protestant Episco palian Clergyman, 360 West 28th street. New York City. Born in Troy, N. Y., March 24, 1839. Educated at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., and at the (Epis copal) General Theological Seminary, New York City (D.D.). (Married.) Rector Church of the Holy Apos tles since 1876. Member New , England, New York Bible and Church Prayer Book and Psi Upsilon So cieties, Society of Mayfiower Descendants, Society of Colonial Wars, Society ol the War of 1812, Sons of the Revolution, Washington Guard and Trinity College Alumni and Churchman's Associations. , BACKUS, FOSTER L.— Lawyer, 16 Court street, Brooklyn; residence 13 Lincoln road. Bom in Russell, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Oct. 6, 1849. Educated at St. Lawrence University, Canton. (Married.) Ex-distrlct- attorney of Kings County. Trustee St. Lawrence Uni versity. Member Marine and Field, and Parkway Driving Clubs, L. A. W. and Royal Arcanum. BACKUS, HENRY CLINTON— Lawyer, 71 Broad way, New York City; residence 489 West 22d street. Born in Utica, N. Y., May 31, 1848. (Married.) Mem ber Bar Association of the City of New York, Dwight Alumni and New York State Bar Associations, Repub lican and Harvard Clubs, American Numismatic and Archaeological Sooiety, American Academy of Politi cal and Social Science, and Biographical Society ol America; Fellow American Geographical Society, and honorary member Railway Conductors' Club ol North America. 18 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. BACKUS, J. BAYARD— Lawyer, 45 Broadway, New York City; residence 107 West 48th street. Born in Schenectady, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1853. Educated at Union College. Member Union College Alumni Asso ciation. American Geographical and Ne^ England Societies, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, Society of Colonial Wars, and Society ol Mayflower Descendants. BACKUS, TRUMAN JAY— President, Packer Col legiate Institute, Brooklyn; residence 57 Livingston street. Born In Milan, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1842. Educated at University of Rochester (A.B., '64, A.M., '67, and LL.D., '83.) (Married.) Civil service commissioner of Brooklyn, 1894-7; was also identifled with the State civil service system. Is one of the managers of the Long Island State Hospital. Author of "Great Eng lish Writers," "Outlines of English Literature" and re viser of Shaw's "History of English Literature." Member Alpha Delta Phi and Hamilton Clubs, Roches ter University Alumni and Century Associations, and Phi Beta Kappa Society. BACON, ALEXANDER S. — Lawyer, 34 Wall street. New York City; residence 297 Vanderbilt ave nue, Brooklyn. Bom in Jackson, Mich., Nov. 20, 1853. Educated at West Poi^nt Militg-ry Academy. (Mar ried.) Vice-president Webster Piano Co.; director Henning Piano Co.; treasurer Harbor and Suburban Savings and Loan Association and American Sabbath Union. Member of the firm of M. E. Allen & Co. (lum ber), and connected with the Magnolia Metal Mf'g Co. Member Union League Club of Brooklyn, and Kismet Shrine. BACON, DANIEL— Broker, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence 151 West 57th street. Connected with the firm of John Wallace & Co. Member New York Stock Exchange and of the Riding ^nd New York Athletic Clubs, and New England Society. BACON, DANIEL— Shipping, Produce Exchange, New York City; residence 267 Fifth avenue. Member Union League, Calumet, Country, Larchmont Yacht and Ardsley Clubs. BACON, EDWARD R.— Lawyer and President, 2 Wall street, New York City; residence 247 Fifth ave nue. Born in New York City, Nov. 22, 1846. Edu cated in Exeter, N. H. (Single.) Director Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co., Consolidated Coal Co., Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., West Virginia and Pittsburg R. R. Co., and Viclcsburg, Shreveport and Pacific R. R. Co.. Member Metropolitan, Union. Manhattan, Law yers', Tuxedo, and Racquet and Tennis Clubs, Asso ciation of the Bar of the City ol New York, and Down Town Association. BACON, FRANCIS— Piano Manufacturer, 302 Mott avenue. New York City; residence Bronxville. Bom in New York City, Jan. 31, 1831. (Married.) Member Society of Mayfiower Descendants, New England So ciety, and 7th Regiment Veteran Association. BACON, FRANCIS McNEIL— Commission Mer chant in Woolens, 92 Franklin street. New York City; residence 22 West 10th street. Born in Dorchester, Mass., 1836. Educated in Boston. (Ijlarried.) Member of the firm of Bacon & Co. Trustee Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co.; director National City Bank. Member Union League, Union, Players', Merchants' and Church (31ubs, Century Association, National Acad emy ol Design, Sons ol the American Revolution, and American Geographical and New England Societies. BACON, FRANCIS McNEIL, Jr. — Commission Merchant in "Woolens, 92 Franklin street. New York City; residence 135 East 39th street. Bom in Brook lyn. N. Y., April 10, 1864. Educated at Harvard. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Bacon & Co. Member Knickerbocker and Harvard Clubs. BACON, GORHAM— Physician and Professor, 47 West 54th street, New York City. Degrees of A.B. and M.D. Professor of otology In Comell University Medi cal College; aural surgeon to New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. Member University, Seawanhaka-Corin thian Yacht and Metropolitan Clubs, New England So ciety, Century Association and Sons ol the Revolution. BACON, JAMES P. — Commission Merchant in Woolens, 92 Franklin street, New York City; resi dence 22 West 10th street. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1867. Educated at Columbia College. (Single.) Member of the firm of Bacon & Co. Member St. An thony and Knickerbocker Clubs, and Columbia Uni versity Alumni Association. BACON, JOSEPH M.— Coal Merchant, 1178 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence 614 St. Marks avenue. Born in New York City, Feb. 11, 1858. Educated at public school and University of the City of New York. (Married.) Member Union League Club of Brooklyn, Acanthus Lodge F. & A. M., and Lefferts Council No. 1452, Royal Arcanum. BACON, LATHROP R.— Broker, 8 Broad street. New York City; residence Tarrytown. Born in New York State. Vice-president and director Columbus and Northwestern R. R. Co.; vice-president San Juan and Rio Piedras R. R. Co., Puerto Rico; director Mobile, Jackson and Kansas City R. R. Co. Member New York Stock Exchange. Member Union League Club, American Geographical Society, and Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson. BACON, LELAND CAREY— Treasurer, 28 Union square. New York City; residence Mt. Vernon. Born in Central Moreland, Wyoming Co., Pa., 1862. Edu cated in New York City, at Cooper Union, and United States Medical College. (Married Carrie Beatrice Camp, 1889.) United States Consul at Samana, San Domingo, 1882-3. Treasurer Pan-American Sewing Machine Co.; director Pelham Park and City Island Street Railways. BACON, ROBERT— Banker, 23 Wall street, New York City; residence 1 Park avenue. Director Na tional City Bank, New England R. R. Co., and North ern Pacific Ry. Co. Member Racquet, Tuxedo and Riding Clubs, and New England Society. BACON, SELDEN— Lawyer, 154 Nassau street. New York City; residence 393 West End avenue. Born in New Haven, Conn., Sept. 28, 1861. Educated at Yale, Carleton CoUege and University of Wisconsin Law Department. (Married.) Member of the firm of Sackett, Bacon & McQuaid. Trustee American Arch aeological Institute. Member Yale and Hardware Clubs, American Geographical Society, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and American Bar Association. BACON, STEPHEN H.— Stock Broker, 66 Broad way, New York City; residence 369 Washington ave nue, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, Nov. 30, 1849. Edu cated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Single.) Member Excelsior and Polytechnic Clubs, New Eng land Society and Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sci ences. BACON, WILLIAM POST HA WES, Piano Manu lacturer, 302 Mott avenue. New York City; residence Bronxville. Born In New York City, March 14, 1864. Educated at New York University. (Single.) With the firm ol Francis Bacon. Member Psi Upsilon Club, 7th Regiment Veteran Association, Society of May flower Descendants, Phi Beta Kappa, and Sons of the Revolution.,,- BADGER, WILLIAM W.-Lawyer, 176 Broadway, ^ew York City; residence 326 West 85th street. Mem ber Sons of the Revolution, Society of Medical Juris prudence, and Latayette Post, G. A. R. BADGLEY, CHARLES-Banker and Broker, 18 Wall street. New York City: residence 303 West 78th street. Born in Albany, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1851. Educated at Bonn, Germany. Member of the firm of Floyd- i^P^K?.^?^'^"^' "?^"i'lt';^ ^^^ ^"""^ Stock Exchange. Member New York Athletic, Barnard, Coney Island Jockey and Turf and Field Clubs. . B'^PSJ' ALBERT MORRIS— Author and Musi- 2Twelt I^sT^streii '%^^'' ^^^ ^"'"^ CUy ;^ residen'ce /!l W^est 31st street. Bom in RushvlUe 111 Anrii 9n 1850. Educated in Beriin, and in Weimar ¦Gt^many under musical instruction of Franz Liszt AuthJ.r of cr^efa^nTSsc^^^t-SlX^'- -«'='-• ^-^- nali?t1^?0^' ^™^r, ?ia?e%1l^^Y-^trg- -^ J-- rnf*sSfArWaTe^rfB?g1)^^F^£i°V seminary ('^5) and it Yfl|-\'6^)*""(|^iie^* ^^^T sided on Washington square' continuoSflysin^ei87e" Wrote weekly "College Chronicle" for New Yolk BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 19 "World," 1876-82. Managed the Harvard- Yale boat races at New London, Conn., 1878-83. Librarian of the University Club from March 20, 1889, to April 30, 1900. Author of "Four Years at Yale, by a Graduate of '69" (1871), "Ten Thousand Miles on a Bicycle, by Karl Kron" (1887), "Carl, the Best of Bulldogs" and "Castle Solitudeln the Metropolis" (1888). Is now engaged in opmpiljng a genealogy of the descendants of John Biig^g and Harkiah Burt, who were married in Spring field, Mass., Dec. 24, 1657. BAGG, S. F.— Manufacturer, Watertown. BOrn in Utica, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1848. Educated at Hamilton College. (Married.) President and treasurer of vari ous manufacturing companies. Member American Society of MechAnical Engineers and Reform Club. LiAILEY, ELIJAH PRENTISS— Editor, Observer Building, Utjca; residence 336 Genesee street. Born in Manlius, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1834. Educated in common and Latin grammar schools in Utica. (LL.D. St. John's College, Fordham; A.M. Colgate University.) (Married Julia S. Wetherby in 1857, who died in 1860; second, Hannah Chapman, in 1868.) Postmaster of Utica, 1887-91; president New York State Civil Service Commission, 1892-5; again postmaster from 1896 to present time. Editor Utica "Observer," with which he has been connected forty-six years. President E. P. Bailey & Co. (Inc.); acting president Carlton Island Club. Member Fort Schuyler Club, Oneida Historical Society, Faxton Lodge F. & A. M., Yah-nun-da-sls Lodge Scottish Rite Masons, and tftica Mechanics' Association. BAILEY, FRANK— Vice-President, 175 Remsen street, Brooklyn; residence 338 Clinton avenue. Bom in Chatham, N. Y. Educated at Union College. (Mar ried.) Vice-president and director Title Guarantee and Trust Co.; treasurer Montauk Theatre Co.; sec retary Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co.; director Nassau National Bank and Manufacturerers' Trust Co. Member Marine and Field, Brooklyn, Long Island Country, Adirondack League and Riding and Driving Clubs, Union CoUege Alumni Association (president), and Sons of the Revolution. BAILEY, FREDERICK D.— Physician, 260 Han cock street, Brooklyn. Born in Sidney, Delaware Co., N. Y., Sept. 28, 1860. Educated in Norwich and at Balnbridge Academy. (Married.) Member of staff of Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hospital. Member Long Island Medical, Brooklyn Medical, Kings County Medical and New York State Medical Societies, Union League Club, and Physicians' Mutual Aid Association. BAILEY, JAMES H.— President, 11 Broadway, New York City; residence 123 West 44th street. Born in DeWitt, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1846. Educated at Academy in Fayetteville, N .Y. (Married.) President and direc tor Manhattan General Construction Co.; vice-presi dent and director "Railroad Gazette"; director Elec tric Arc Light Co. Member Engineers', Army and Navy, National Arts, Press and New York Railroad Clubs, Laurentian Club ol Canada, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion, Grand Army ol the Republic, and American Geographical, Albany, and National Sculp ture Societies. BAILEY, JOHN M.— Lawyer, 61 State street, Albany; residence 118 Lancaster street. Born in Beth lehem, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1838. Educated at Union Col-, lege, and Albany Law School. (Married.) Senior member ol the firm of Bailey & Dugan; director First National Bank, and trustee Albany County Savings Bank. Was district attorney Albany County, collector of internal revenue. United States Consul, Hamburg, Germany, and member of Congress. Member Fort Orange Club and Albany Historical Society. BAILEY, J. TROWBRIDGE— Mining Engineer, 141 Broadway, New York City; residence 13 Stuyvesant place, St. George, S. I. Born in Newport, R. I., June 15, 1860. (Married.) Member Rittenhouse and Phila delphia Clubs of Philadelphia, Sons of the Revolution, Colonial Society, and Society of the War of 1812. BAILEY, LIBERTY HYDE— Professor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 3 East avenue. Degree of M.S. Professor of general and experimental horti culture at Cornell University. BAILI:Y, pearce— Physician, 4 West 50th street. New York City. Born in New York City, July 12, 1865. Educated at Princeton (A.M., '86), and New York Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons ('89). (Married Edith Lawrence Black.) Author of "Accident and Injury, Their Relation to Disease," and various pamphlets on medical subjects. Consulting neurologist St Luke's, Orthopaedic and Babies' Hospitals. Member Univer sity and Princeton Clubs, and Ardsley Casino of Ards ley-on-Hudson. BAILEY, WILLIAM H.— Agent, 20 Gold street. New York City; residence 913 Seventh avenue. Born in Boston, Mass., 1834. Educated at English High School, Boston. (Single.) Agent American Tube Works: director Edison Electric Illuminating Co., Equitable Gas and Electric Lighting Co. of Utica, and Nassau Electric R. R. Co. of Brooklyn. Member Union League, New York Yacht and Engineers' Clubs, Cuttyhunk Island Club (Buzzard's Bay, Mass.), Down Town Association, New England Society, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, National Academy of Design, and American Society of Naval Engineers. BAIN, FERDINAND, R.— Real Estate and Insur ance, 42 Market street, Poughkeepsie; residence 135 Academy street. Born in Chatham, N. Y., May 3, 1861. Educated in Poughkeepsie. (Married.) Has been alderman, supervisor and assessor. Ex-president Poughkeepsie R. R. Co., and ex-secretary Dutchess County Agricultural Society. Director Farmers' and Manufacturers' Bank and Poughkeepsie Gas Co.; sec ond vice-president Dutchess County Agricultural So ciety, Member Amrita Club, Masonic order, and Re publican Club of New York City. ¦BAINBRIDGE, H. C— Paper Goods, 12 Cumber land street, Brooklyn: residence 26 Cambridge place. Born in Brooklyn, Jan. 4, 1854. Educated at Brooklyn PubUc School No. 11. (Married.) With the firm of Charles T. Balnbridge Sons; president Stationers' Board of Trade. Member Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, and Royal Arcanum. BAINBRIDGE, RICHARD WARREN — Paper Goods, 12 Cumberland street, Brooklyn; residence 1405 Dean street. Born in Brooklyn, June 23, 1856. Edu cated in Broojclyn common schools. (Married.) With the firm of Charles T. Balnbridge Sons. Director Manhattan Association of New York, and Associated Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Member Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, Penataquit-Corin- thian Yacht Club, and Manufacturers' Association of New York. BAIRD, FRANK B.— Iron manufacturer, 1000 EUi cott square, Buffalo. Born in Marietta, Ohio, Nov. 24. 1852. (Son of the late Samuel Baird, Ohio iron manu facturer.) Educated in Zanesville and at Ohio Wes leyan University. (Single.) Was prominent in devel opment of the Hocking Valley (Ohio) iron region. President Union Iron Works of Buffalo, Buffalo Char coal Iron Co., and Emporium Furnace Co.; vice-presi dent Old Sterling Iron Co., and Ishpeming Mining Co.; director Pan-American Exposition Co., City National Bank, Elmira Steel Co., and other iron companies. Member Buffalo and EUicott Clubs, and Atlantic Yacht Club of New York City. BAIRD, HENRY MARTYN, Jr.— Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New York City; residence 63 High street, Yonkers. Member Psi Upsilon Club, University of New York Alumni Association, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BAIRD, JOHN S.— Stock Broker, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence 137 West 85th street. Edu cated at Princeton. Member of the firm of Wilcox & Co., members New York Stock Exchange. Member Princeton, New York Athletic and Colonial Clubs. BAKER, ALFRED J.— Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 2141 Fifth avenue. Born in New York City, Sept. 13, 1849. Educated by private tutor, and at Columbia Law School ('74). (Single.) Member Democratic, Sagamore and Jockey Clubs, and Sagamore Lodge No. 371, F. & A. M. BAKER, CHARLES DUANE— Lawyer, 220 Broad way, New York City; residence 225 West 135th street. Born in Steuben County, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1844. Edu cated at Oberlin CoUege and Cornell University. (Mar ried.) Member CorneU, Delta Upsilon and Harlem Republican Clubs, and the Biographical Society of America. 20 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. BAKER, CHARLES H.— Merchant, 26 Broadway, New York City; residence Montciair, N. J. Born in Detroit, Mich., April 19, 1860. Educated in Detroit public schools, and at Amherst College. (Married.) Cashier American Agricultural Chemical Co. Member Amherst College Alumni Association. BAKER, D. HINSDELL— General Insurance, 136 South Salina street, Syracuse; residence 509 Montgom ery street. Born in Lafayette, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1852. Educated at Oberlin, Ohio. (Married.) Connected with the firm of Baker & Knapp. Member Citizens' Club. BAKER, ELWOOD T.— Accountant, County Treas urer's Office, Brooklyn; residence 781 Prospect place. Born in Marion, Ohio, July 12, 1853. Educa'ted in Mar ion. (Married.) Chief accountant in Kings County treasurer's office. Member Brooklyn Whist and Carle- ton Clubs, and New York Whist and Knickerbocker Clubs of New York City. BAKER, FISHER A.— Lawyer, 2 Wall street. New York City; residence Yonkers. Born in Dedham, Mass., Feb. 8, 1837. Educated at Dartmouth College and Albany Law School. (Married.) Served with the Army of the Potomac. Member of the firm of Pea- body, Baker & Peabody. Director First National Bank, Bankers' Safe Deposit Co., and New Jersey Security Co.; secretary and director Vermont Marble Co. Member Alpha Delta Phi and Unitarian Clubs, partmouth CoUege Alumni Association, New England Society, and G. A. R. BAKER, FRANKLIN T.— Professor, 120th street and Amsterdam avenue. New York City; residence Caryl, Yonkers. Born in Hagerstown, Md., Sept. 12, 1864. Educated at Dickinson College. (Married.) Professor of English in Teachers' College. BAKER, FREDERIC— Retired, 815 Fifth avenue. New York City. Born in Watertown, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1830. Educated at New York University. (Married.) Connected with the Presbyterian Hospital. Member IJniversity, Metropolitan and Psi Upsilon Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa Society, Century and Down Town Asso ciations, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. BAKER, GEORGE AUGUSTUS — Lawyer and Author. 206 Broadway, New York City; residence 13 East 46th street. Born, 1849. Educated at the CoUege of the City of New York, and Columbia Law School ('70). Author of "The Bad Habits of Good Society," and several other stories. Member Republican, Patria and Camera Clubs, and Society of Medical Jurispru dence. BAKER, GEORGE COMSTOCK— Lawyer, Capitol, Albany; residence Comstock. Born in Comstock, April 29, 1868. Educated at Union College, Albany Law School and Cornell Law School. (Married Mary Louise Van Wormer.) Deputy Attorney-General State of New York. Ex-vice-president-general Society of the War of 1812. Member Fort Orange, Camera and Acacia Clubs, Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolution, General Society of the War of 1812, Society ol Old Guards, Knights Templar, and a thirty-second degree Mason. BAKER, GEORGE F.— President, 2 Wall street. New York (3ity; residence 258 Madison avenue. Born In Troy, N. Y., March 27, 1840. (Married.) President and director First National Bank, Astor National Bank, Long Branch Water Supply Co. and New York and Long Branch R. R. Co.; vice-president and director Bankers Safe Deposit Co.; director Atlas Cement Co., Baltimore and Delaware Bay R. R. Co., Car Trust Investment Co. (Ltd.) of London, Citizens' Insurance Co., Continental Insurance Co., East Jersey Water Co., ' Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., Guaranty Trust Co., Lake Erie and Western R. R. Co., Lehigh and Hudson River R. R. Co., Lehigh and Wllkesbarre Coal Co., Liberty National Bank, Metropolitan Opera and Real Estate Co., Montciair Water Co., Navesink Park Co., Spring Brook Water Supply Co., and North ern Pacific Ry Co.; director and chairman executive committee Central R. R. Co. of New Jersey; trustee Consolidated Gas Co., Mutual Life Insurance Co., Provident Loan Society, Southern Ry. Co., and Bow ery Savings Bank; member board of managers Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western R. R. Co. Member Metropolitan, Lawyers', Union League, Barnard, Tux edo, Riding, Mendelssohn Glee, New York Yacht, and Atlantic Yacht Clubs, American Fine Arts, and New England Societies, National Academy of Design, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BAKER, GEORGE HALL— Librarian, Columbia University, New York City; residence 294 Manhattan avenue. Born in Ashfield, Mass., April 23, 1850. Edu cated at Amherst ('74), and Berlin University, 1876-8. (Married Ellen E. Adkins.) Connected with Columbia University Library since 1883. Librarian-in-chief since 1889. Member of Amherst Alumni Association. BAKER, GEORGE L.— Banker and Broker, 60 Broadway, New York City; residence New Brighton, S. I. Born in Boston, Mass. Educated -at Boston Latin and .English High Schools, 1859-66. (Married.) Mem ber Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange. Captain 8th Regiment, N. G. N. Y., and president asso ciated Board of Ofl3cers, 108th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. Member Sons of the Revolution, Army and Navy Club, and Society of the War of 1812. BAKER, HENRY A.— Physician and Surgeon, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence 339 West 88th street. Born In Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1870. Edu cated at University of California and Medical Depart ment ('91). (Single.) 1891-5 surgeon of Pacific maU steamer "San Jose" to Panama, and "City of Peking" to Japan and, China Medical examiner and surgeon of Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. Medical exam iner of Washington Life Insurance Co., Provident Sav ings Life Insurance Co., American Union Life Insur ance Co., etc. Member Medical Society of the County of New York, and Knickerbocker Athletic Club. BAKER, HERBERT S.— Vice-President, 5 East 16th street. New York City; residence East Orange, N. J. Director Baker & Taylor Co. Member Aldine Association, and South Orange Field Club. BAKER, JOHN T.— Insurance, 76 Beaver street. New York City; residence Plainfield, N. J. Born in Watertown, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Oct. 12, 1842. Edu cated at Mount Washington Collegiate Institute, New York City. (Married.) Member of the firm of Car penter & Baker, marine underwriters. Member Union County Country and Hillside Tennis and Golf Clubs, Down Town Association, Lafayette Post, G. A. R., and 7th Regiment Veteran Association. BAKER, MOSES N.— Editor, 220 Broadway, New York City; residence Upper Montciair, N. J. Born in Enosburg5i, Vt., Jan. 26, 1864. Educated at the Uni versity of Vermont (Ph.B., '86, and C.E., '99). (Mar ried Ella Sophia Babbitt.) Editor of the "Manual of American AVater Works," and associate editor of the Engineering News." Author of "Sewage Purification m America," "Sewerage and Sewage Purification " section on "Water Works" In "Municipal Monopolies," and of municipal engineering topics In the "Interna tional Year Book." BAKER, SMITH— Physician and Surgeon, Win ston Building, Utica; residence 296 Rutger street Bom in Marcy, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1850. Educated at Whitestown Seminary and University of Michigan. Lecturer on the preservation ol health, Colgate Uni versity; director the Conference for Child Study at Greenacre Me. Member Fort Schuyler Club and American Neurological Association. BAKER, STEPHEN, President, 40 Wall street New York City; residence 689 Madison avenue. Born in Dutchess County, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1859. (Married.) President and director Bank of the Manhattan Co Member Union League Club, Down Town Association and Metropolitan Museum of Art. -association, BAKER WENDELL-Electriclan, 15 Dey street New York City; residence 27 West 44th street Born m New York City, Oct. 19, 1862. Educated' at sf Mark's School, Southboro, Mass., and Harvard ('86) (Married.) Connected with the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Member Harvard Delta Kanna Epsilon and University Athletic Clubs and Hasty Pudding and A. D. Clubs of Cambridge, Mats Club ^ hot water car heaters. Member Psi UpXn BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 21 BAKER, WILLIAM H.— Vice-President, 253 Broad way, New York City; residence 920 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn. Vice-president and director Commercial Union Telegraph Co., and Van Kannel Revolving Door Co.; vice-president and general manager Postal Tele graph Cable Co. ; director American Forcite Powder ¦Mf'g Co., Commercial Cable Building, Electric Build ing and Loan Savings Association, and New York Quotation Co. Member Arkwright, Hardware, Man hattan and Marine and Field Clubs. BAKEWELL, ALLAN C. — Vice-President, 527 West 34th street. New York City; residence 479 Fifth avenue. Second vice-president and general manager Sprague Electric Co. Member Metropolitan, Grolier, Union League and Players' Clubs, and commander of Lafayette Post No. 140, G. A. R. BALDWIN, ALFRED FREEMAN— Broker, 60 Broadway, New York City; residence 8 East 41st street. Member Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange, and of the Union League Club, Delta Kappa Epsilon Society, and Columbia Alumni Association. BALDWIN, EDWIN, Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York city; residence 21 West 30th street. Born in Jersey City, N. J., March 23, 1847. Educated at Hamilton College. (Single.) Member of the firm of Baldwin «fe Blackmar, counsel for New York Produce Exchange. Member Reform, University, Psi Upsilon and Lawyers' Clubs, American Geographical Society, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Fine Arts Association and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BALDWIN, GEORGE VAN NEST— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence 7 West 26th street. Born in New York City, Jan. 23, 1838. Edu cated at Rutgers Grammar School and Rutgers Col lege (A.B., '56, and A.M.). Chairman library committee of trustees New York Society Library. Member Union, Delta Phi and University Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York Historical and St. Nicholas Societies, Down Town, Century and Rutgers Alumni Associations, and Metropolitan Mus eum of Art. BALDWIN, HENRY DE FOREST— Lawyer, 11 Pine street. New York City; residence 255 West 98th street. Member University, Reform and Commercial Clubs, Yale Alumni, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BALDWIN, J. DIXON ROMAN— Lawyer, 27 Wil liam street. New York City; residence 70 West 51st street. Member of the firm of Baldwin & Boston. Member Knickerbocker, Harvard and Meadow Brook Hunt Clubs, and Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation. BALDWIN, JOSEPH C— President, 55 Beekman street. New York City; residence 7 West 76th street. Bom in New Haven, Conn., March 19, 1838. Educated in New Haven. (Married.) President and director New York and Boston Dyewood Co.; director Market and Fulton National Bank; trustee North River Sav ings Bank, and Washington Trust Co. Member Fulton and Republican Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New England Society, Society of Colonial Wars; and American Museum of Natural History. BALDWIN, L. GRANT— Physician, 28 Schermer- horn street, Brooklyn. Bom in Lawrenceville, Pa., Nov. 18, 1863. Educated in Lavirrenceville and at Uni versity of Michigan and Long Island College Hospital. (Married.) Visiting gynecologist to St. Peter's Hospi tal, Brooklyn; consulting gynecologist to St. Francis Hospital, Jersey City. Member Society of Medical Jurisprudence, Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, New York Obstetrical Society, Brooklyn Gynecological Society, Woman's Hospital Society of New York, American Medical Association, and various general medical societies In New York City. BALDWIN, LEROY W.— President, 60 Murray Street New York City; residence 8 East 70th street. Born In Rutland, Vt., Oct. 31, 1864. Educated In Rut land. (Married.) President and director National Weighing Machine Co.; managing director American Automatic Weighing Machine Co. (Ltd.) of London, England; treasurer Manhattan Introduction Co.; director Phenix National Bank, Railway Automatic Sales Co., Tubular Despatch Co. and New Amsterdam Casualty Co. Member Lawyers', Hardware, Suburban Riding and Driving, and Turf and Field Clubs. BALDWIN, OCTAVIUS DUNHAM— Vice-Presi dent, 309 Broadway, New York City; residence 53 East 54th street. Born in Montrose, Pa., April 27, 1834. Educated in New York City public schools. (Married.) Trustee Bowery Savings Bank and Madison Avenue Baptist Church: director Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association. Member Manhattan and Lotos Clubs, American Museum of Natural History, and American Geographical and New England Societies. BALDWIN, RADCLIFFE— Shipping, 53 Broad way, and Wine Merchant, 25 Water street. New York City; residence 49 West 70th street. Member New York and Meadow Brook Hunt Clubs, and Down Town and West End Associations. BALDWIN, SPENCER S.— Clothing Merchant, 75 Spring St, New York City, and 380 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence 109 Lafayette avenue, Brooklyn. Born in WUmlngton, N. C, July 12, 1854. Educated in Brooklyn, and in Stuttgart, Germany. Manager firm of Baldwin the Clothier. Member Oxford, Crescent Athletic, Long Island Country and Dyker Meadow Golf Clubs of Brooklyn. BALDWIN, WILLIAM DELA VAN— President, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence 14 West 68th street. President and director Otis Electric Co.; vice- president and director First National Bank of Yon kers, Otis Elevating Ry. Co., and Catskill and Tan- nersville R. R. Co.; director New Jersey Galvanizing Co. Member Union League, New York Athletic, Rac quet and Tennis, Calumet, Lawyers', Engineers', Ful ton and Adirondack League Clubs, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson, Aldine Association, Chamber of Commerce, and New York Geographical Society. BALDWIN, WILLIAM H.— Dry Goods, 43 Worth street. New York City; residence, 70 West 51st street. Born in Maryland. (Single.) Member of the firm of Woodward, Baldwin & Co. Member Manhattan and Knickerbocker Clubs, and Maryland Society. BALDWIN, W^ILLIAM H., Jr.— President, 32 Nas sau street. New York City; residence 112 Willow street, Brooklyn. Born in Boston, Mass., Feb. 5, 1863. Edu cated In public schools, and at Roxbury Latin School, Harvard College and Harvard Law School. President and director Long Island R. R. Co.; director Atlantic Avenue Elevated R. R. Co., Brooklyn, New York and Jersey City Terminal Railway Co., Great Neck and Port Washington R. R. Co., North Shore Branch, Mon tauk Co., Montauk Extension R. R. Co., Montauk Wa ter Co., New York, Brooklyn and Manhattan Beach R. R. Co., New York Extension R. R. Co., New York and Long Beach R. R. Co., New York and Rockaway Beach Railway Co., and Prospect Park and Coney Island R. R. Co. Member Hamilton Club of Brooklyn, and University and Harvard Clubs of New York City. BALFE, HARRY — Groceries, 61 Hudson street. New York City; residence 494 Quincy street, Brook lyn. Born in Newburgh, N. Y., Auf:,ust 20, 1862. Edu cated at Newburgh Academy. (Married.) Has been actively engaged in the grocery business since 1878, and has been connected with the largest wholesale concerns in the North and South; is now and has been for several years past with Austin, Nichols & Co., and is an authority on everything in the grocery line. Member Union League and Riding Clubs of Brooklyn, Commercial Club of New York City, DeWitt Council R. A., and Impr'oved Order of the Heptasophs. BALKAM, GEORGE H.— Lawyer, 44 Pine street. New York City; residence 157 West 76th street. Born in RobbinstonI Me., April 26, 1859. Educated at Uni versity of New Brunswick ('79), and Harvard Law School ('83). (Married.) Member Association of the Bar of the City of New York.' BALL, ALWYN, Jr.— Real Estate, 111 and 401 Broadway, New York City; residence Rutherford, N. J. Born in Haverstraw, N. Y., June 6, 1859. (Married.) Director Central Realty Bond and Trust Co. and Alli ance Realty Co. Member of the firm of Frederick Southack & Alwyn Ball, Jr. Member Lawyers' and Merchants' Club. BALL, JOHN OSCAR— Lawyer, 52 Wall street. New York City; residence Mott avenue and 163d street. Born in Hanover, N. J., March 24, 1859. Educated at New York LTniversity (A.B.), and Columbia Law School (LL.B.). (Married.) 22 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. BALL, THOMAS— Sculptor, 207 East 17th street, New York City; residence Montciair, N. J. Born in Chariestown, Mass., June 3, 1819. Educated at May- hew School in Boston. (Honorary A.M., Dartmouth, 1860.) (Married Ellen Louisa WUd, 1854.) Practiced painting, 1840-52; adopted sculpture, 1851; designed and made equestrian statue of Washington in Boston; statue of Daniel Webster in Central Park, New York City, and many others. Resided in Florence, Italy, 1865-97. Devoted years 1891-8 to monument of Wash ington for Methuen, Mass. Author of "My Three Score Years and Ten," an autobiography. Honorary Fellow National Sculpture Society, and member Handel and Haydn, Harvard Musical and American Authors' So cieties. BALL. THOMAS R.— Merchant, 60 West 23d street. New York City; residence 48 West 72d street. Mem ber Manhattan and Colonial Clubs, Aldine Association and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BALL, WILLIAM G.— Druggist, Ballston Spa. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 23, 1839. Educated in public schools. (Married.) Captain U. S. V. 1861-5. Town Clerk of Milton, Saratoga County, N. Y., 1869-70. Member Board of Education, Ballston Spa, 1890-5. Now vice-president and director, Ballston Spa Na tional Bank. Member Franklin Lodge No. 90, P. & A. M., and WiUiam H. McKittrick Post No. 40, G. A. R. BALLANTINE, JAMES NACK— Assistant Secre tary, 346 Broadway, New York City; residence 331 West 87th street. Born March 4, 1865. Educated at Columbia University. (Married.) Assistant secretary Provident Savings Life Insurance Co. Member Phi Beta Kappa Society, Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, and Omega Association of New York. BALLANTINE, ROBERT P.— Brewer, 134 Cedar street, New York City, and Newark, N. J.; residence 37 Washington street, Newark, N. J. Born in Albany, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1836. (Married.) President and director P. Ballantine & Sons; vice-president and director Howard Savings Institution; director Celluloid Co. and Farmers' Loan and Trust Co. Member Union Ijeague, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, New York Yacht, Essex County Country, Morris and Chi Phi Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Mus eum of Natural History, and American Fine Arts and New York Zoological Societies. BALLARD, ADDISON, Professor and Minister, University Heights, New York City. Bom in Fram ingham, Mass., Oct. 18, 1822. (Son of John and Pa- melia [Bennett] Ballard.) Educated at WiUiams Col lege ('42), and entered Congregational ministry. (Mar ried Julia Perkins Pratt.) Has been tutor and pro fessor of rhetoric in Williams College; professor ol natural philosophy and astronomy In Marietta Col lege, Ohio; professor of Latin and mathematics in Ohio University: professor of Christian, Greek, Latin and moral philosophy In Lafayette College. Pastor of First Congregational Church of Willlamstown, Mass., 1857-65, and pastor of First Congregational Church ol Detroit, Mich., 1866-72. Professor of logic in New York Univer sity since Nov. 13, 1893. Author of "Arrows; or. Teaching, a. Fine Art," and of various published dis courses. BALLARD, D. A. — Manufacturer and Banker, Schuylerv'ille. Born in SchuylervlUe, July 6, 1814. Edu cated in common schools. (Married.) President Na tional Bank of SchuylervlUe, SchuylerVlUe Paper Co., Fort Miller Pulp and Paper Co., and Saratoga and Washington County Insurance Co. BALLARD, FREDERICK E.— Stock Broker, 30 Broad street, 30 New street, 9 West 26th street, 571 Fifth avenue and 2 East 58th street. New York (iity; residence 21 West 73d street. Member of the firm of Alfred de Cordova & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member New York, Colonial and New York Athletic Clubs, and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. BALLARD, SUMNER— Editor, 19 Beaver street, New York City; residence 61 West 83d street. Member Lawyers', Union League, New York and Calumet Clubs, and Ardsley Club of ArdsIey-on-Hudson. BALLOU, GEORGE WILLIAM — President, 10 Wall street, and 80 Broadway, New York City; resi dence 101 West 81st street. Member Union League Club, New England Society and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BAMBERGER, ABRAM E.— Cotton Commission Merchant, Cotton Exchange Building, New York City; residence 152 West 73d street. Born in Louisville, Ky., 1854. Educated in New York City public schools and at the College of the City of New York. (Married.) x^^ANCROFT, WILDER DWIGHT— Professor, Cor- /nell University, Ithaca; residence 7 East avenue. De- ' grees,i5.f A.B. and Ph.D. Assistant professor of phy sical chemistry at Cornell University. BANGS, CHARLES W.-Lawyer, 15 Broad street. New York City; residence 11 Monroe place, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, Sept. 27, 1841. Educated at New York University Grammar School, College Hill (Poughkeepsie) and Columbia QoUege Law School. Member of the firm of Stetson, Jennings & Russell, formerly Bangs, Stetson, Tracy & MacVeagh. Mem ber Unloil League, Twilight, Tuxedo and Lawyers' Clubs, Hamilton Club of Brooklyn, Long Island His torical Society, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sci ence, and Association of the Bar ol the City ol New York. BANGS, FRANCIS SEDGWICK— President, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence 161 West 73d street. President and director State Trust Co.; director Maryland Trust Co. and Oregon Short Line R. R. Co. Member Union League, Metropolitan and University Clubs, Century, Down Town and Columbia University Alumni Associations, and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. BANGS, JOHN KENDRICK— Author and Editor, 331 Pearl street. New York City; residence Yonkers. Born in Yonkers, May 27, 1862. Educated at Columbia College. (Married.) Editor "Harper's Weekly"; pres ident Halsted School, Yonkers; trustee Yonkers Pub lic Library; vestryman St. Paul's Church, Yonkers; director Yonkers Gas Light Co. and Yonkers District Telegraph Co. Author ol numerous works. Member \ St. Andrew's Golf, Lotos and University Clubs, St. Bo- I tolph Club of Boston, Dunlap Society, Columbia Unl- i versify Alumni and Century Associations, Ardsley ' Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Society ol Medical Jurisprudence. BANGS, LEMUEL BOLTON— Surgeon, 29 East 1 44th street. New York City; residence 31 East 44th street. Born Aug. 9, 1842. Educated at the College ot / the City ol New York, College ol Physicians and Sur- ; geons, and in the Medical Department ol the Unlver- ' sity ol Vienna. (Married.) Trustee American Savings I Bank; director Brooklyn Manor Co.; prolessor genito urinary surgery in the Medical Department ol the New York University; attending surgeon to Bellevue Hospital; consulting surgeon to St. Luke's, St. Vin cent's, City and St. Mark's Hospitals. Member Uni versity, Riding, and Quill Clubs, New England So ciety, Columbia University Alumni and Century Asso ciations, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, American Mu seum ol Natural History, and numerous medical so cieties. BANKS, AUGUSTINE— Stock Broker, 34 New street. New York City; residence 814 Union street, Brooklyn. Born In New York City, Sept. 28, 1844. Member of the firm ol A. Banks & Co. Member Sons ol the Revolution, and Montauk, Rembrandt and Rid ing and Driving Clubs ol Brooklyn. BANKS, DAVID— Publisher ol Law Books, 21 Murray street. New York City; residence 10 West 40th street. Born in New York City, Dee. 25, 1827. Educated at Sheas Grammar School. (Widower.) President Banks Law Publishing Co. and Artificial Granite Co.; trustee United States Insurance Co. and New York Dental College; chairman ol building committee. New York University. Member Union, New York City Su burban Riding and Driving, New York Yacht, Atlantic f^^if 'r^*^*"/^' ^!!f ""c Boat, Long Island Country and Delta Ghi (president) Clubs, American Geographical, New York Biographical, Zeta Psi and New England Societ.eb, Thames Club ol New London, Conn., piquod l^^riff ?^ °l New Haven, Conn., Coloniai Order, iilL^lri"^ Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Museum of f ^^"'¦^i History, Society of the War of 1812 Kane ^^^%l^h^ ^- M- (trustee), Jerusalem Chapter, dotS? de Lion Commandery (trustee), and Exempt Firemen Pequod and University Associations. iremen, .,r.^f"^^^' ?^^^J W.-Coffiee Merchant, 103 Front street. New York City; residence, EngleWood, N. J. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 23 Senior member of the firm of H. W. Banks & Co. Director Merchants' National Bank and Market and Fulton National Bank. Member Atlantic Yacht Club, Down Town and Blooming Grove Park Associa tions, and MetropoUtan Museum of Art. BANKS, HENRY W., Jr.— Coffee Merchant, 103 Front street. New York City; residence Englewood, N. J. Member of the firm of H. W. Banks & Co. Member University, University Athletic and Atlantic Yacht Clubs, and Down Town and Williams Alumni Associations. BANKS, JAMES LENOX— Lawyer, 27 William street. New York City: residence 30 West 56th street. Member Union Club, St. Nicholas Society, and Co lumbia Alumni Association. BANKS, JOHN H.— Mining Engineer and Chemist, 104 John street, New York City; residence Boonton, N. J. Born In New York City, Nov. 28, 1861. Edu cated in New York schools and at School of Mines, Columbia College. (Married.) Member of the firm ol Ricketts & Banks. Member Fulton Club, Columbia University Alumni Association, and American Insti tute ol Mining Engineers. BANNIN, MICHAEL E.— Merchant, 83 Worth street. New York City; residence 893 Lafayette avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Glens Falls, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1846. Educated at Glens Falls Academy and Eastman's Business CoUege, Poughkeepsie. (Married.) Member of the dry goods firms of Converse, Stanton & Co., and Llndon & Bannin. Vice-president National Credit Men's Association; director New York Credit Men's Association. Member Catholic and Merchants' Clubs, Champlain Club of Lake Champlain, and Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. BANTA, JOSEPH E.— Teacher, Cortland; residence 89 North Main street. Born in Corbettsville, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1855. Educated at Amherst College. (Mar ried.) Formerly principal of Rockville (Conn.) High School and of Hiawatha (Kan.) Academy; also super intendent of schools in Rockville, Conn. Now professor of Latin and Greek in Cortland Normal School. Mem ber Tioughnioga Club, and Delta Kappa Epsilon Fra ternity. BANTON, JOAB HAMILTON— Lawyer, 203 Broad way, New York City; residence 21 West 114th street. Born in Massachusetts, Aug. 27, 1869. Educated at Kentucky University (A.B.) and University of Vir ginia Law School. (Married.) Counsel for John Boyle & Co., Retailers' Rating Association of America, Ward Electric Supply and Construction Co., James L. Rob ertson & Sons, Boudreaux Dynamo Brush Co., and other firms and corporations. Member Masonic order. BARBER, AMZI LORENZO— Managing Director, 11 Broadway, New York City; residence Ardsley-on- Hudson, Born In Saxton's River, Vt., June 22, 1843. Educated at Oberlin College, Ohio. (Married.) Chair man of the board Barber Asphalt Co.; managing director New Trinidad Lake Asphalt Co. (Ltd.); and Trust Co., and Westchester Trust Co. Member Metropolitan, Congregational, Lawyers', Republican, Engineers, Riding, University, Ardsley, New York Yacht, Larchmont Yacht, Atlantic Yacht, Atlantic Yacht, and Royal Thames Yacht Clubs, American Geographical, National Sculpture and New England Societies, American Protective Tariff League, Ameri can Museum of Natural History, and Chamber ol Commerce. BARBER, LE DROIET LANGDON— President, 11 Broadway, New York City; residence Ardsley-on-Hud son. Born in Washington, D. C, May, 1873. (Single.) President Ardsley Electric Co. and Ardsley Water Co. ; vice-president Lorena Co., Clavena Co. and Statena Co. Member New York Yacht Club, Sons ol the Amer ican Revolution, Ardsley Club, ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Society ol Colonial Wars of the District of Colum bia. BARBEY, HENRY I.— 36 Wall street. New York City; residence 17 West 38th street. Born in New York City, Jan. 17, 1832. Educated in Geneva, Switzer land. (Married.) Director Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg Railway Co. and Gallatin Natioijal Bank; trustee New York Life Insurance and Trust Co. Mem ber Metropolitan. New York, Union, Tuxedo, New York Yacht and Whist Clubs, American Geographical Society, American Museum of Natural History, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BARBOUR, WILLIAM D.— Banker, 15 Wall street. New York City; residence 235 Madison avenue. Born in Brooklyn. Educated in New York City. (Married.) Member of the firm of W. D. Barbour & Co., members New York Stock Exchange. Member Union League Club, Aldine and Down Town Associations, National Arts, National Sculpture, Huguenot, New England and St. Andrew's Societies, and Sons of the Revolution. BARCLAY, HENRY A.— Trustee, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 603 Madison avenue. Mem ber Metropolitan, Union and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs. BARCLAY, JAMES L.— Trustee, 280 Broadway, New York City: residence 14 Bast 48th street. Member Metropolitan, Union, Westminster Kennel and Subur ban Riding and Driving Clubs. BARD, ALBERT SPRAGUE— Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 187 Madison avenue. Bom in Norwich, Conn., Dec. 19, 1866. Educated In Norwich public schools, Norwich Free Academy, St. John's Military School, Amherst College and Harvard Law School. (Single.) With Hornblower, Byrne, Miller & Potter, attorneys. Member Harvard and Country Cycle Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Amherst College Alumni Associa tion, New England Society, and Chi Psi Fraternity. BARDWELL, D. L.— Superintendent of Schools, City Hall, Binghamton; residence 41 Riverside drive. Born in Shelburne, Mass., March 30, 1860. Educated at Amherst College. (Married.) Inspector of high schools for the University of the State of New York. Member Binghamton Club, Malta Commandery, and a thirty-second degree Mason. BARGER, SAMUEL P.- Lawyer and Capitalist, 45 Broadway, New York City; residence 192 Madison avenue. Born in New York City, Oct. 19, 1832. Chalr- m.an law committee and director New York Central R. R. Co., Harlem R. R. Co., Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway Co., Chicago and Northwestern Ry. Co., Union Trust Co. and other corporations; di rector Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley and Pittsburg R. R. Co., Michigan Central R. R. Co., New York Central Niagara River R. R. Co. and Syracuse, Geneva and Corning Railway Co. Member Metropolitan, Union, New York Yacht and Knickerbocker Clubs, St. Nich olas, American Geographical and Dunlap Societies, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and National Academy of Design. BARKER, BENJAMIN— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 19 West 31st street. Born in Olean, N. Y., July 19, 1858. Educated at Brown University. (Single.) Member of the firm of Smith & Barker. Member University, Alpha Delta Phi, Law yers' and City Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa and New Eng land Societies, Brown University Alumni Association, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BARKER, CHARLES B.— Manufacturer of Silver ware, 56 Warren street. New York City; residence 211 Prospect place, Brooklyn. Bom In Gowanda, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1842. (Married.) Director Russell & Tomll- son Telephone (io., of Shelton, Conn. BARKLBY, WALLACE D.— Stationer, 66 Pine street. New York City: residence 342 West 84th street. Born in New York City, Feb. 3, 1857. Educated at Clark School. (Married.) Member Colonial, West Side Republican and New York Athletic Clubs, Pres byterian Union, St. Andrew's Society, and West End Association. BARLOW, PETER TOWNSEND— Lawyer, 1 Nas sau street. New York City; residence 55 East 21st street. Born in New York City, June 21, 1857. Educated by private tutors, and at Harvard University and Co lumbia Law School (LL.B.). (Married.) Manager New York office Guardian Trust Co. Member Union, Uni versity and Harvard Clubs, Down Town Association, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BARNABEE, HENRY CLAY"- Actor, 1440 Broad way, New York City: residence Hotel Imperial. Born in Portsmouth, N. H.; Nov. 14, 1833. Clerk in Boston 24 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. dry goods house, 1854; organized a concert company, 1870. With Tom Karl and W. H. MacDonald in 1887 organized "The Bostonians"; since then has taken leading roles in operas produced by that company. Member Lambs' Club. BARNARD, HORACE— Lawyer, 22 William street. New York City; residence 26 East 35th street. (Sin gle.) Connected with the firm of Murray, Bennett & IngersoU. Member Calumet Club, Sons of the Revolu tion, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BARNARD, J. AUGUSTUS— Clerk, 27 Pine street. New York City; residence 26 East 35th street. Member University, Westchester Golf and Psi Upsilon Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, and Columbia Alumni and 7th Regiment Veterans' Associations. BARNARD, WILLIAM F.— Superintendent, 155 Worth street. New York City; residence 486 Putnam avenue, Brooklyn. Born In Nantucket, Mass., Dec. 29, 1840. Educated in Nantucket. (Married.) Superin tendent lor thirty years Five Points House of Indus try. Member Lafayette Post G. A. R., and president Historical Association of Nantucket. BARNARD, WILLIAM H.— Raw Silk Merchant, 54 Howard street. New York City; residence 38 East 68th street. Bom in New York City, Oct. 17, 1860. (Married.) Member of the firm of William Ryle & Co. Director Irving National Bank and Sauquoit Silk Co. Member Union League, Players', New York Ath letic and Merchants' Central Clubs, Down Town Asso ciation, Liederkranz, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BARNARD, WILLIAM NICHOLS — Instructor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 717 Bast Buffalo street. Degree of M.B. Instructor in machine design, Cornell University. BARNES, ALFRED CUTLER — Publisher, 100 Washington Square, New York City; residence 114 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn. Bom in Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 27, 1852. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) President and director Astor Place Bank; vice-president and director American Book Co.; trustee Cornell University; ex-president Brooklyn Library; ex-trustee Brooklyn Bridge; ex- colonel 13th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. Member Tuxedo and Comell Clubs, Hamilton Club of Brooklyn, Lafay ette Post G. A. R., Military Service Institution, Society of Colonial Wars, Society of the War of 1812, Sons of the Revolution, New England Society of Brooklyn and Historical Society of Long Island. BARNES, A. VICTOR— Publisher, American Book Co., Washington square. New York City; residence 114 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn. Member St. Anthony and Yale Clubs, Aldine Association, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Hamilton, and Riding and Driving Clubs of Brooklyn. BARNES, GEORGE M.— Merchant, Syracuse; resi dence 414 West Onondaga street. Born in Syracuse, July 11, 1851. Educated at Rome Academy. (Married.) President Frontenac Mf'g Co.; secretary Electric Light and Power Co. of Syracuse; trustee Onondaga County Savings Bank. Member Syracuse, Lakeside Yacht and Citizens' Clubs. BARNES, HENRY BURR— Publisher, 156 Fifth avenue, New York City; residence 11 West 49th street. Born in New York City, Dec. 14, 1845. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, Wllliston Seminary and Yale. (Married.) Senior partner of the firm of Barnes Carriage Co. Director American Book Co. and Central Real Estate Association. Member Metropoli tan, University, Riding, Southampton, Shinnecock Hills Golf and Meadow Clubs, Down Town and Cen tury Associations, New England Society, and Sons of the Revolution. BARNES, HERBERT SEYMOUR— Lawyer, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence 41 West 51st street. Born in New York City, Aug. 4, 1869. Edu cated at Columbia Law School ('93). (Single.) Mem ber University and Social Reform Clubs, Yale Alumni Association, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BARNES, JOHN C— Publisher; residence 11 East 31st street. New York City. Born in New Haven, Conn., Aug. 15, 1823. Lived on a farm until the age ol twelve, then attended district school. (Widower.) Resident of New York City since 1837. Member Ham ilton Club of Brooklyn, and member and officer in Church of Pilgrims, Brooklyn. BARNES, JOHN S.— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street, New York City; residence 22 Bast 48th street. Born In West Point, N. Y., 1836. Educated at Naval Acad emy, Annapolis, Md. (Married.) Director Bank of New Amsterdam. Member Metropolitan, Union League, University, Knickerbocker, Union, Riding, Suburban Riding and Driving, Turf and Field, Whist and West minster Kennel Clubs, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on- Hudson, New England Society, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Museum of Natural History, New York Zoological, ,and American Geographical Socie ties, and Down Town Association. BARNES, J. SANFORD, Jr.— Treasurer, 32 Lib erty street. New York City; residence 22 East 48th street. Born in Elizabeth, N. J., Feb. 5, 1870. Edu cated at Yale. (Single.) Treasurer Great Northern Paper Co.; director Second Avenue R. R. Co. Member University and University Athletic Clubs, Yale Alumni Association, and Ardsley Casino of ArdsIey-on-Hud- son.. BARNES, OTilVBR WELDON— Civil Engineer, 55 Broadway, New York City; residence Fishkill. Born in Connecticut, May 15, 1823. Educated in Philadel phia, Burlington (N. J.) and in Europe. Principal assistant engineer Western Division ol the Pennsyl vania R. R. Co., which was constructed under his charge, 1847-52; chiel engineer Pittsburg and Connells- vllle R. R. Co.; constructor ol eighty-lour miles West- em Division, Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago R. R., 1858; chiel engineer St. Paul and Pacific R. R., 1860-1; engineer and constructor Waynesburg Branch of Pennsylvania R. R., 1861; iron manufacturer in Philadelphia, 1862-5; chief engineer and constructor Dutchess and Columbia R. R., Western Division of the Boston, Hartford and Erie R. R. and Connecticut Western R. R., 1866-71; chief engineer New York City Central Underground R. R. Co. and Mobile and N. W. R. R. Co., 1872; chief engineer and contractor New York, Lake Erie and Western Coal and R. R. Co., and completed its line in Pennsylvania, including the Kin- zua viaduct, 2,300 feet long and 305 feet high, 1878-80; chief engineer South Pennsylvania R. R. Co., 1881-3; consulting engineer same company, 1883-5; commis sioner and chairman of construction committee New Croton Aqueduct, 1886-8; chief engineer New York and Long Island R; R. Co., 1887-91; civil engineer Jersey City Water Co., 1895. Now president and chief engi neer New York Connecting R. R. Co., whose line when complete will cross the Bast River at Hell Gate by a cantilever bridge 135 feet above tide water, with a span of 800 feet. Member Union League Club, and New England Society. BARNES, WILLIAM HENRY— Bricks, 647 West 52d street. New York City; residence 491 West 145th street. (Widower.) Member of the firm of Washburn & Barnes. Member New York Athletic Club, New England Society, and Sons of the American Revolu tion. BARNES, WILLIAM J.— Editor, Albany; residence 229 State street. Born in Albany, Nov. 17, 1866. Edu cated at Albany Academy and Harvard (A.B '88). (Married.) Editor Albany "Evening Journal"; chair man executive committee Republican State Commit tee, and United States Surveyor of Customs. Member Port Orange, Albany, Country and Unconditional Clubs, and Republican Club of New York City. BARNEY, CHARLES TRACY-Banker, 71 Broad way, New York City; residence 101 East 38th street. Born in Cumberland, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1S51. Educated at Williams CoUeg-e ('70). (Married.) President and director Knickerbocker Trust Co. and New York Loan «nne rr°^'^T"T ^°' ^I'-s'^tor Brooklyn Life Insur- tr^ef?,-; l^ Lawyers' Mortgage Insurance Co.; ot^m^rH rAT""^^- ,^P^^*^1 member of the Ami of Rogers & Gould, members New York Stock Ex- cliange. Member Metropolitan, Union, University City Colonial, Meadow Brook Hunt, Players' Grolier Whist Ridmg, New York Yacht and Westminster Kennel Clubs, Century, Down Town and Vraulms BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 25 Alumni Associations, Metropolitan Museum of Art American Fine Arts, Dunlap and St. Nicholas Socie ties and American Museum of Natural History. »tr»?;'^^?^^'^'^^P'^-^^ S.-Principal, 36 Stuyvesant street. New York City; residence, 48 South Eighth foL® ^ '¦r-,-5'"°°^'^"- ^°"i m Worcester, N. Y., April 10 , T-r?""*^^*^*^ ^* Union College. (Married.) Princi pal Hebrew Technical Institute; auditor Hudson River Day Line Steamers; secretary Union College Alumni Association; trustee Union CoUege. B.4RNUM, WILLIAM M.-Lawyer, 10 Wall street. New York City; residence Scarsdale. Born in Lime Rock, Conn., Jan. 25, 1856. Educated at Yale and at Columbia Law School. (Married.) Member ol the firm of Reed, Simpson, Thacher & Barnum. Member Lawyers, University, Larchmont Yacht and Yale Clubs, Apawamis Club of Rye, New England Society, Century .Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BARNWELL, MORGAN GIBBBS— Lawyer; resi dence Tuxedo Park. Born in Columbia County, N. Y June 27, 1858. Educated at Columbia CoUege and Law bchool. (Married.) Member Tuxedo Club, Columbia Lniversity Alumni Association, and Society of Colo nial Wars. BARR, EDWARD— Iron, 78 John street. New York City: residence 109 State street, Brooklyn. Born in Lancaster County, Pa., June 29, 1845. Educated in Lan caster. (Married.) President Brownlow Mining and MiUmg Co. of Denver, and Lake George Club- vice- president and treasurer ApoUo Club of Brooklyn- sec retary and treasurer Storage Power Co.; treasurer California Mining and Exploration Co., Federal Steam ship Co., Finance Realty Tmst Co. and Hospital Sat urday and Sunday Association of Brooklyn; director , Biographical Directory Co., New York Electric Lines Co. and United States, .Cuba and Porto Rico Develop ment Co.; tmstee Brooklyn City Dispensary and St Martha's Sanitarium of Brooklyn. Member Under writers' Club of New York City, and Crescent Ath letic, Hamilton, Church and Union League Clubs of Brooklyn. BARR, STEWART— Stock Broker, 96 Broadway New York City; residence 551 Second street, Brooklyn Born in Brooklyn, Sept. 23, 1867. Educated in Brook lyn. (Married.) Member of the firm of Stewart Barr & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Is also engaged in the trucking business at 471 Baltic street Brooklyn. Member Crescent Athletic Club of Brook-^ lyn. BARR, THOMAS T.— President, 26 Court street Brooklyn: residence 40 South Oxford street. President and director Nassau National Bank of Brooklyn; vice- president and director Corn Exchange Bank; director Home Life Insurance Co., Commonwealth Insurance Co. and Brooklyn Trust Co.; trustee Brooklyn Insti tute of Arts and Sciences. Member Down Town Asso ciation. BARR, WILLIAM R.— Secretary, 500 Madison ave nue. New York City; residence 13 West 56th street. Director Witte Water Placer Co. Member Reform and Barnard Clubs, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BARRETT, GEORGE C— Supreme Court Justice, Madison square. New York City; residence 79 East 79th street. Born in Dublin, Ireland, July 28, 1838. Educated at Columbia College Grammar School, Co lumbia College and Racine CoUege (LL.D.). (Married.) Has served on the bench for thirty-six years. Mem ber Metropolitan, University, Century, Mendelssohn Glee, Barnard, Manhattan, Riding and South Side Sportsmen's Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and Aldine Association. BARRETT, JOHN D.— Underwriter, 69 Wall street. New York City: residence Greenwich, Conn. (Mar ried.) Director John P. Truesdell Co., S. W. Boone Co., Shaw & Truesdell Co., North American Transport Co., Johnson & Higgins and United States Standard Steamship Owners', Builders' and Underwriters' Asso ciation (Ltd.). Member New York Yacht, Seawan haka-Corinthian Yacht. Atlantic Yacht, Riverside Yacht and Indian Harbor Yacht Clubs, Down Town and Century Associations and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BARRETT, R. R.— Retired, Fishkill; residence Glenham. Bom in Kent, Putnam Co., N. Y., 1838. Educated in Claverack, Columbia Co. (Married.) Has been sheriff, justice of the peace and supervisor of Putnam County. Now trustee Fishkill Savings Bank. Member Masonic orders. BARRETT, THOMAS— Paper Manufacturer, 78 Duane street. New York City; residence 10 West 90th street. Member Colonial, Fulton and Catholic Clubs. BARRON, ERNEST R. — Inventor, 104 South Eighth street, Brooklyn; residence 519 Bedford ave nue. Born in MeadvIUe, Pa., May 23, 1844. (Married Rachel F. Wyman.) Improved Densmore typewriter, 1874; with Remington Co., 1874-9; caUgraph, 1880-5; with James Densmore, 1885-90; mechanical expert, with Densmore, Amos & Emmett Typewriter Co., 1890-3; superintendent Franklin Typewriter Mf'g Co., 1S93-5; retired, 1895. BARRON, JOHN C— President, 1 and 35 Broad way, New York City; residence 70 Park avenue. Born in Woodbridge, N. J., Nov. 2, 1837. Educated at Bur lington College, Yale University and College of Physi cians and Surgeons. (Married.) President and director Carpenter Steel Co. ; director Pacific Co. and United New Jersey R. R. and Canal Co.; president L. & C. Ranch and Cattle Co. and Gila Farm Co. Member Union, Union League, JekyI Island, New York Yacht, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and Cur rituck Shooting Clubs, Lafayette Post G. A. R., Ameri can Geographical and New York Historical Societies, and Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson. BARRON, RANDALL P.— Treasurer, 24 Hudson street. New York City; residence 329 West 22d street. Bom In New York City, June 19, 1863. Educated at Georgetown College. (Single.) Treasurer and director Manhattan Supply Co. Member Commercial, New York Athletic and Fordham Country Clubs. BARRON, THOMAS— Real Estate, 51 Liberty street. New York City; residence Nutley, N. J. Direc tor St. Nicholas Skating and Ice Co. Member Har vard and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Clubs, and Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson. BARROW, CLARENCE A.— Contractor; residence 83d street and Thirteenth avenue, Dyker Heights, Brooklyn. Born in England, Oct. 28, 1850. Educated in public schools of Boston, Mass. (Married.) Mem ber Invincible, Dyker Heights, Whist and Union League Clubs, RIdgewood Council Royal Arcanum, and Columbia Council, L. A. B. A. BARROWS, BRAINARD W.— Baptist Clergyman, South Portland avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Attleboro, Mass., May 21, 1827. Educated at Worcester Academy, Brown University and Newton Theological Institute. (Widower.) Member Brown University Alumni Asso ciation. BARROWS, CHARLES CLIFFORD- Physician, 8 West 36th street. New York City. Bom In Jackson, Miss., June 5, 1857. (Son of David Nye and Caroline [Moseley] Barrows.) Educated at University of Vir ginia ('79) and University of New York (M.D., '80). (Married Hettie Curtis.) House physician in Bellevue Hospital, 1880-1; assistant surgeon in United States Army, 1882-7; served In Indian campaigns under Gen eral Cook; in practice in New York City since 1887; specialty, .gynecology and obstetrics. Now clinical in structor in Comell University Medical College, and assistant gynecologist to Bellevue Hospital. Member and ex-president Society of Alumni of Bellevue Hospi tal, County Medical Sooiety and Clinical Society; Fel low Obstetric Society and Academy of Medicine; mem ber Southern and New England Societies, Calumet Club, Sons of the Revolution and Century Association. BARROWS, ELLIOT THOMAS — Broker, Pro duce Exchange, New York City; residence Plainfield, N. J. Born in Carver, Mass., April 16, 1860. Educated in public schools. (Married.) Member of the firm ol Lambert & Barrows and of the Maritime Exchange; president Produce Exchange. Member Common Coun cil, Plainfield. Member New England Society, Mili tary Order Loyal Legion, 7th Regiment Veteran Asso ciation, Sons of the Revolution, and Relorm Club. BARROWS, IRA D.— Jeweler, 37 Maiden lane. New York City; residence 228 Central Park, South. Member of the firm of H. F. Barrows & Co. Member Univer- 26 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. sity and Calumet Clubs, Irvington Club of Irvington, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson, Hamilton Club of Brooklyn, Society of Foreign Wars, Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolution, and Brown University Alumni Association. BARRY, JOHN DANIEL— Author and Critic, 521 West 13th street. New York City; residence Helicon Hall, Englewood, N. J. Born in Boston, Mass., Dec. 31, 1866. Educated at Harvard ("88). (Single.) Was associate editor Boston "Post," assistant editor "The Forum" and dramatic editor "Harper's Weekly." Now dramatic critic "Collier's Weekly" and New York cor respondent Boston "Literary World." Author of "The Princess Margarethe," "A Daughter of Thespis," "The Intriguers," "Alademoiselle Blanche" and "The Member from Manhattan." Member Reform Club. BARRY, L. FRANK— President, 173 Chambers street. New York City; residence Nyack. Born in New York City, Nov. 8, 1845. (Married Emily S. Wait.) President Urner-Barry Co. Member Commercial, Army and Navy and Mercantile Clubs, 71st Regiment Veteran Association, Lafayette Post G. A. R., Old Guard, and all Masonic bodies from Blue Lodge to Mystic Shrine. BARRY, THOMAS G.— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 47 Clinton place. Bom in New York City, Feb. 16, 1848. (Single.) Member Uni versity and Lawyers' Clubs, Bar Association, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and Sons of Veterans. BARRYMORE, MAURICE — Actor and Play wright, Lambs' Club, New York City. Born in India, ' 1847. Educated at Cambridge University, England. Studied for Indian Civil Service and admitted to the Bar. Went on stage (stage name Herbert Blythe) and made first appearance in United States in Fifth Ave nue Theatre, New York City; has been leading man with Mme. Modjeska, Mrs. Langtry and others, and in A. M. Palmer's and other companies. Author of "Modjeska" (written for Mme. Modjeska), "The Robber of the Rhine" (libretto) and other plays. Mem ber Players' and Lambs' Clubs. BARSTQW, J. WHITNEY — Physician, 6 East Ninth street. New York City; residence 34 West 12th street. Member American Geographical Society, Sons of the Revolution, and Dartmouth Alumni Association. BARTLET, HENRY PAINE— Banker and Broker, 41 Wall street. New York City; residence Stamford, Conn. Born in Newburyport, Mass., 1850. Educated at Brown High School, Newburyport, Mass. and Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. Member of the firm of Mor gan & Bartlet. Member Calumet Club, Down Town Association, Chamber ol Commerce, New England Society, Trinity College Alumni Association, and Car Club ol Stamlord, Conn. BARTLETT, ARTHUR S.— Manulacturer, 43 Col lier street, Binghamton; residence 67 Carroll street. Bom in Binghamton, April 2, 1847. Educated in Bing hamton. (Married.) Director First National Bank and Binghamton Beet Sugar Co.; trustee Chenango Valley Savings Bank; president Board ol Park Com missioners city ol Binghamton. Member Binghamton and Dobson Clubs. BARTLETT, EDWARD T.— Justice, Court ol Ap peals, Albany; residence 59 East 65th street. New York City. Elected in 1893, associate justice Court ol Ap peals lor term 1894-1907. Member Union League and Republican Clubs, Association of the Bar of the (5ity ol New York, Sons ol the American Revolution, New York Law Institute, and New England Society. BARTLETT, FRANKLIN — Lawyer, 82 Times Building, New York City; residence 26 West 20th street. Born in Worcester Co., Mass. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic School, Harvard College, Oxlord University and Columbia CoUege Law School. (Mar ried.) Director Sun Printing and Publishing Associa tion. Member Union, University, Manhattan, Knick erbocker, Players', Harvard, Democratic and Coney Island Jockey Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution, New England and New York Historical Societies, Society ol Colonial Wars, Naval and Military Society ol Spanish- American War, and Royal Historical Society. BARTLETT, FREDERICK E.— Artist, 52 East 23d street. New York City; residence 75 Locust Hill, Yonkers. Born in West Point, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1852. Educated at West Point. (Single.) Member Salma gundi Sketch and Harlem Wheelmen Clubs. BARTLETT, H. A.— Banker, Newburgh; residence 126 Third street. Born in Newburgh, June 17, 1865. Educated in Newburgh. (Married.) Was treasurer Columbus Trust Co. ol Newburgh. Now president Highland National Bank. Member various clubs in Newburgh and New York City. BARTLETT, MURRAY— Clergyman, 13 Vick Park B, Rochester. Born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., March 29, 1871. Educated at Harvard (A.B., '92 and A,M., '93) and General Theological Seminary ('96). (Single.) Curate ol Grace Church, New York City, 1896; rector ol St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Rochester, since 1897. Member Harvard Club ol New York City, and Coun try and Genesee Valley Clubs. BARTLETT, PHILIP GOLDEN— Lawyer, 10 Wall street. New York City; residence 110 East 25th street. Born in -Washington, D. C, Nov. 25, 1859. Educated at Yale ('81). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Reed, Simpson, Thacher & Barnum. Member University, Players' and Yale Clubs, Century Association, Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, Society ol Mayflower Descendants, and Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson. BARTLETT, WILLARD— Supreme Court Justice, County Court House, Brooklyn; residence 21 Pierre pont street. Born in Uxbridge, Mass., Oct. 14, 1846. Educated at Columbia College and New York Univer sity Law School. (Married.) Supreme Court Justice of the State of New York, elected in 1883, re-elected in 1897; Justice Appellate Division Second Judicial De partment of Supreme Court (Brooklyn) since Jan. 1, 1895. Member University, Hamilton, Brooklyn and Riding and Driving Clubs, Society of Medical Juris prudence; Century and Columbia University Alumni Associations, Sous ' of the Revolution, and Fellow Metropolitan MuSeum of Art. BARTLEY, ELIAS HUDSON — Physician and Chemist, 21 Lafayette avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Bartley, N. J., Dec. 6, 1849. (Son of Samuel P. and Anna E. Bartley.) Educated in common schools and at Comell (B.S., '73), and Long Island CoUege Hospi tal (M.D., '79). (Married Mary Prances Harloe, 1888.) Taught sciences in Princeton High School, 1873-4; chemistry instructor In Cornell, 1874-5; professor of chemistry In Swarthmore College, 1875-8; studied in Jefferson Medical CoUege and Long Island CoUege Hospital, 1878-9; chemistry instructor in the latter, 1880-6; prolessor ol chemistry and toxicologry in same since 1886; chiel chemist in Brooklyn Health Depart ment, 1882-8; member Kings County Board of Phar macy, 1892-8; attending physician Sheltering Arms Nursery; dean and prolessor ol organic chemistry in Brooklyn College of Pharmacy since 1892. Author ol "Text-book ol Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemis try," "Manual ol Clinical Chemistry," and ol many articles in various journals and hand-books. Member American Public Health Association, American Chemical Society, American Pharmaceutical Associa tion, Medical Society ol the County ol Kings, Scien tific Alliance, Brooklyn Pathological Society, Cornell Club, and Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. .„ BARTON, GEORGE DE FOREST— Real Estate, 59 Liberty street. New York City; residence 108 Bast 19th street. Born in New York City, March 23, 1841. (Married.) Paymaster in the United States Navy, 1861; resigned April 13, 1869; president ol Real Estate Exchange, 1895-6. Member Union League, Army and Navy and Lawyers' Clubs, Military Order ol the Loyal ^s^if'""^'^-^?."^ °* ^^^ Revolution, Society ol the War ol 1812, Military and Naval Order ol Foreign Wars mh'i'nS'y cS" ^°'' °- ^- ^¦' ^"* ^°"^*^ ""^ ^^^ BASKERVILLE, THOMAS H.-Lawyer 31 Nas- Merr^bir^ New York City; residence 1425 Broadwl^. Senre «nH^4'"^",^Jj'^' ^""^'^^^ °* Medical Juris- New -^Srk. Association ol the Bar of the City ol T>.«?/^^' ^?'\^^ W.-(Colonel, United States Army.) Prolessor ot Mathematics, United States MlUary XT^t^l?"''', ^>^^ ^°'"t. Member Union Leagui Club ^Ir,^,-?"^',?."'^ Society, Century Association, iTd Met ropolitan Museum ol Art, all ol New York City. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 27 BATCHBLDER, RICHARD N.— Brigadier-Gen eral (retired). Union League Club, New York City. Born \n Lake VUlage, N. H., July 27, 1832. Educated in Manchester, N. H. (Single.) Volunteered as pri vate, 1861; promoted for meritorious conduct and re tired at end of war as brevet brigadier-general, 1865; entered regular service, and became, in 1890, briga dier-general and quartermaster-general United States Army. Awarded medal of honor for "distinguished gallantry in action" during Civil War. Member Union League and Army and Navy Clubs, New England Society, and Loyal Legion. BATCHELLER, GEORGE CLINTON— Merchant, 345 Broadway, New York City; residence 237 West 72d street. Born in Grafton, Mass., Sept. 27, 1834. Edu cated at Barre (Vt.) Academy ('65). (Married.) Head of the firm of George C. Batcheller & Co. Member Colonial, Republican, Patria and Merchants' Clubs, New England Society, Sons of the American Revolu tion. Founders and Patriots of America, American Institute of Civics, West End Association, and Cham ber of Commerce. BATCHELLER, GEORGE S.— Lawyer, Saratoga. Born In Batchellerville, N. Y., July 25, 1836. Admitted to New York Bar. Inspector-general New York Militia, 1865-9; United States representative, and in 1883, president International Tribunal of Egypt, United States Consul-General to Egypt, 1889-93. BATCHELOR, JOSEPH C— Sales Agent; resi dence Buffalo. Born in Ablngton, Pa., Feb. 28, 1847. Educated In Ablngton. (Married.) Sales agent Dela ware and Hudson Co.; vice-president Savings and Loan Co. Member Liberal and Westminster Clubs. BATES, ARTHUR EARL— Bookkeeper, 8 Orchard street, Cortland; residence 37 Maple avenue. Born in Cortland, May 15, 1878. Educated at Cortland Normal School. (Single.) Is connected with T. T. Bates, in the plumbing business. Member Tioughnioga Club and Normal Athletic Association. BATES, CHARLES AUSTIN— Advertising, 132 Nassau street, New York City; residence 330 West 71st street. Born in Indianapolis, Ind., 1866. Educated in Indianapolis. (Married.) Member Colonial, Hard ware and Sphinx Clubs. BATES, DAVID H., Jr.— Lawyer, 27 Pine street. New York City; residence 345 West End avenue. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 9, 1869. Educated at Colum bia. (Single.) Member of the firm of Bostwick, Mor- rell & Bates. Member Zeta Psi, Colonial, and Amateur Comedy Clubs, Ohio Society, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BATES, HENRY B.— Dyewood, 55 Beekman street. New York City; residence 461 West 144th street. Di rector New York and Boston Dyewood Co. Member New York Athletic Club, Down Town Association and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BATES, HENRY W.-Lawyer, 74 Wall street. New York City; residence 3474 Broadway. Born in New York City, June 11, 1854. Educated at School of Mines, School of Arts and Law School, all of Columbia Uni versity. (Married.) Member Columbia University Alumni Association, Church Club, and New England Society. BATES, WILLIAM G.— Lawyer, 146 Broadway, New York City; residence 47 West 37th street. Born in New York City, July 14, 1860. Educated at School of Arts, Columbia ('80) and Law School, Columbia ('82). (Married.) Member Union League, New York Athletic and Psi Upsilon Clubs, Sons of the Revolu tion, Columbia University Alumni Association, New England Society, and Military and Naval Order of Foreign Wars. BATES, WILLIAM OSCAR— Editor, 206 West 83d street. New York City. Born in Harrisburg, Ind., Sept. 19, 1852. Educated at Cornell ('75). Successively connected with IndianapoUs "Journal," Cincinnati "News Journal," St. Paul "Pioneer-Press," New York "World" and New York "Commercial Advertiser." Author of "Our Foreign Correspondent," a four-act comedy produced at St. Paul in 1888; "Uncle Rodney," a one-act comedy produced at the Empire Theatre. New York City, 1896, and of "Recitations and How to Recite " Member Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Delta Theta Fraternities, Society of Colonial Wars, Shake speare Society of New York, and Arts Club. BATTERSON, HERMON GRISWOLD— Protestant Episcopalian Clergyman, 156 West 73d street. New York City. Born in Litchfield County, Conn., 1827. Educated privately and at Nebraska College (D.D.). Deacon 1861; priest 1866. Held various pastorates in Texas, Pennsylvania and elsewhere until 1891, when he became rector of the Church of the Redeemer In New York City. Author of "Missionary Tune Book," "Path way of Faith," "Manual of Plain Song," "Vesper Bells" and other works. Honorary member Historical and Welsh Societies, and life member New England Society, all of Pennsylvania. BATTIN, SYLVESTER S.— Jeweler, 33 Union square. West, New York City; residence 786 Broad street, Newark, N. J. Member of the firm of Battin & Co. Member Union League and Essex County (N. J.) Country Clubs. BATTLE, GEORGE GORDON — Lawyer, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence 103 Bast 16th street. Born in North CaroUna, Oct. 26, 1868. Edu cated at Hanover Academy, University of North Caro lina and University of Virginia. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Weeks, Battle & Marshall. Has been assistant district attorney of New York County. Mem ber Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Southern Society, Calumet and Seneca Clubs, and Alumni Association of the University of Virginia. BAUCUS, JOSEPH D.— Lawyer, 52 Wall street, New York City; residence 19 West 34th street. Direc tor Maguire & Baucus (Ltd.). Member Manhattan, Marine and Field, Princeton and Democratic Clubs, and Associatlqn of the Bar ol the City of New York. BAUDOUINB, JOHN F.— Trustee, 1181 Broadway, New York City; residence, 318 West 72d street. Mem ber Lotos, New York Athletic, Larchmont Yacht and New York Yacht Clubs. BAUSCH, JACOB E.— Coroner, Criminal Court Building, New York City; residence 32 Lewis street. Born in New York City, Oct. 5, 1867. Educated at Pub lic School No. 22. Secretary Wood Carvers' Union, 1887-96; secretary New York Central Labor Union. Coroner since 1898; term expires Dec. 31, 1901. BAUSMANN, WALTER JEROME-Musical Di rector, 26 East 23d street. New York City. Member Twilight, Church, Manuscript and Clef Clubs. BAXTER, GEORGE STRONCJ— Lumber, 18 "Wall street. New York City; residence 237 West 76th street. Born in New York, Nov. 21, 1845. Educated at "Wil liams College ('65), and School of Mines, Columbia Col lege (M.E., '68). (Married.) Senior member of G. S. Baxter & Co. Member University and St. Anthony Clubs, and Williams College Alumni Association. BAYARD, THOMAS F., Jr.— Lawyer, 111 Broad way, New York City; residence 6 East Ninth street. Member University, Reform and Yale Clubs. BAYLIES, EDMUND LINCOLN— Lawyer, 54 Wall street. New York City; residence 20 West 36th street. Born in New York City, Dec. 2, 1857. Educated at Harvard (A.B., '79 and LL.B., '82). (Married.) Mem ber of the flrm of Carter & Ledyard. Director New York Life Insurance and Trust Co.; vice-president Mexican Telegraph Co.; trustee Greenwood Cemetery. Member University and Knickerbocker Clubs, and Society of the Cincinnati (Mass.). BAYLIS, WILLIAM— Stock Broker, 15 WaU street. New York City; residence 871 Madison avenue. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at Princeton. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Baylls & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Director Mechanics' Bank of Brooklyn, and Canton Co. of Baltimore. Member Metropolitan, Union, Princeton, University, Players' and Racquet and Tennis Clubs, and Metropolitan Mu seum of Art. BAYLISS, LUCIEN S. — Lawyer, 170 Broadway, New York City; residence 129 Park place, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, Aug. 2, 1869. Educated at Wesleyan University and New York University Law School. (Married.) Member of Assembly from Eleventh Dis trict, Kings County, 1896-7. Member Psi Upsilon Club, Wesleyan University Alumni Association, and Mis tletoe Lodge No. 647, F. & A. M. 28 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. BAYLOR, THEODORE T.— Lawyer, 149 Broad way, New York City; residence Murray Hill Hotel. Born in Junction, N. J., Feb. 24, 1866. Educated at Union College, New York University ('89) and New York University Law School ('91). (Single.) Member of the firm of E. P. Baylor & Co., Junction, N. J., and treasurer Junction Water Co. Member West Side Re publican and Psi Upsilon Clubs, Phi Delta Phi Legal Fraternity, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BAYNE, HOWARD R.— Lawyer, 16 Exchange place, New York City; residence New Brighton, S. I. Member Southern Society, Sons of the Revolution, So ciety of Colonial Wars, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BAYNE, SAMUEL G.— President, 18 Broadway, New York City; residence 108th street and River side drive. President and director Seaboard Na tional Bank and Atlas Improvement Co.; treasurer and director New York Produce Exchange Safe De posit and Storage Co. Member New York Athletic Club. BEACH, BENNETT S.— Physician, 210 West 34th street. New York City. Bom in Thomaston, Conn., Jan. 29, 1862. Educated In public schools and at Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons of New York ('87). (Married.) Attending physician Trinity Dispensary; surgeon 22d Regiment, N. G. N. Y. Member Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, New York Parthologlcal Society, and New York Medical Associa tion. BEACH, FRANK H.— Merchant, 218 Chenango street, Binghamton; residence 121 Murray street. Born in Little Meadows, Pa., May 16, 1867. Educated at Cortland Normal School, United States Military Academy and Eastman's Business College. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Ford, Beach & Powell. For merly discount clerk Binghamton Trust Co., manager Bradstreet's Binghamton offlce, and transfer clerk United States Leather Co. Member Binghamton and Country Clubs, Otsiningo Lodge No. 435, F. & A. M., and a thirty-second degree Mason. BEACH, HARLAN PAGE— Professor, 3 West 29th street. New York City; residence Montciair, N. J. Born in South Orange, N. J., April 4, 1854. Educated at Phillips' Andover Academy, Yale ('78) and Andover Theological Seminary ('83). (Married Lucy L. Ward, of Chicago, 111.) Taught at Phillips' Andover Acad emy, 1878-80; missionary in China, 1883-90; in charge of School for Christian Workers, Springfleld, Mass., 1892-5; educational secretary of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions since 1895. Has intro duced and established In over five hundred colleges and universities the systematic study of foreign mis sions. Secretary Christian Missions, Museums and Library. Author of "The Cross in the Land of the Trident," "Knights of the Labarum," "Dawn on the Hills of T'ang," and others. Member Outlook Club of Montciair, American Oriental Society, and Fellow American Geographical Society. BEACH, JOHN NEWTON— Merchant, 320 Broad way, New York City; residence 178 South Oxford street, Brooklyn. Born in Lodi, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1837. Educated at Ovid Academy and Hamilton CoUege ('93). (Married Mary Linnette Nelson.) In dry goods business at Watkins, N. Y., until 1867; now in whole sale dry goods business in New York City. Member Merchants' Club, and Chamber of Commerce. BEACH, MILES- Supreme Court Justice, County Court House, New York City; residence 1111 Broad way. Bom, 1833. (Son of Hon. "William A. Beach.) Educated at Union CoUege ('54). Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 1879-94: Supreme Court Justice since 1894; term expires, 1907. Member Union and Manhat tan Clubs, and Union College Alumni Association. BEACH, WILLIAM N.— President, 26 Cortlandt street. New York City; residence 56 West 58th street. Born in New York City, June 6, 1872. Graduated from Yale ('92). (Married.) President and director Law renceville Cement Co., Pennsylvania Cement Co. and Metropolitan Crushed Stone Co. Member University, Yale and Lawyers' Clubs, and Delta Phi Fraternity. BBADLBSTON, HENRY COLWELL— Lawyer, 27 Pine street. New York City; residence 32 "West 36th street. Born In New York City, May 31, 1871. Edu cated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., Yale Uni versity (B.A.) and New York Law School (I^L^.). Member University, New York Athletic, Riding^Yale and Psi UpsUon Clubs, Bar Association, and Wolfs Head (Senior) Society of Yale. BEADI,BSTON, WILLIAM LANGDON— Broker, 52 Broadway, New York City; residence 25 West 51st street. (Single.) Member of the firm of Cooper, Cramp & Beadleston, members New York Stock Ex change. Member Riding, Yale, University and Subur ban Riding and Driving Clubs. BEAL, WILLIAM R.— President, 350 Alexander avenue, New York City; residence 1 West 121st street. Born in Newark, N. J., May 13, 1838. Educated at Grace Church School, Newark. (Married.) President and director Central Union Gas Co. and Northern Union Gaslight Co.; director Acker Process Co., WU- liam R. Beal Land Improvement Co., American Gas Co. (Philadelphia) and New York Suburban Gas Co. Member Harlem, New York Athletic, Fairfield County (Conn.) Golf, Salmagundi, and Larchmont Yacht Clubs, American Geographical Society, and Metropoli tan Museum of Art. BEALL, JOHN ALEXANDER— Lawyer, 150 Broad way, New York City; residence 248 West 105th street. Born in Hancock, Md., Dec. 12, 1842. Educated at Rugby Academy and Columbian CoUege, "Washington, D. C. (Married.) Director Central Park Improve ment Co.: trustee New York P. E. Public School So ciety, and the General Theological Seminary of the P. E. Church; manager House of the Holy Comforter. Member Lawyers', Reform and Church 'Clubs, South ern Society, and Association of the Bar of the City ol New York. BEALL, JOSEPH H.— Lawyer, 237 Broadway, New York City; residence Bronxville. Born In Charleston, W. Va. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol William Hildreth Field, Deshon & Beall. Member Democratic and Lawyers' Clubs and Southern and Charleston So cieties. BEAM, WILLIAM H.-Lawyer, 45 WaU street. New York City; residence 96 High street, Passaic, N. J. Born in New York City, Sept. 3, 1855. Educated at PubUc School No. 40 and at the College ol the City ol New York. (Married.) Member ol the firm of Theall & Beam. Member Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Authors' Guild, Appalachian Mountain Club of Boston, Mass., and North Jersey Country Club. BEAMAN, CHARLES C— Lawyer, 52 WaU street. New York City; residence 11 East 44th street. Born in Holton, Me., May 7, 1840. Educated at Harvard Col lege and Law School. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Evarts, Choate & Beaman. President Brearley School; director Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Co., and Mexican National R. R. Co.; trustee Provident Loan Society. Member Union, Union League, City, Metropolitan, Riding, Harvard, Rockaway, Hunting, Republican, Players' and University Clubs; Century Association; New England, American Fine Arts and American Geographical Societies, Metropolitan Mu seum of Art, American Museum of Natural History, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BEAN, HENRY WILLARD— Lawyer, 11 William street. New York City: residence 12 v<>=-<- i«t-b street. Born in Onondaga County, N. Y., March 22, 1865. Edu cated at Harvard College and Law School. (Single.) Member Harvard and Reform Clubs, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BEAN, TARLETON H.— Commissioner; tempo rary address: Paris Exposition, Paris, Prance. Born in Balnbridge, Lancaster Co., Pa., Oct. 8, 1848. Edu cated at State Normal School, Millersville, Pa. ('66). Degrees of M.D. from Columbian University In 1876, and M.S. from Indiana University in 1883. (Married Laurette H. Van Hook, 1878.) School teacher and principal, 1866-74. Connected with United States Fish Commission, 1874-95; director New York City Aquar ium, 1895-8; represented United States Fish Commis sion at the Centennial Exhibition (1876), the World's Columbian Exposition (1893), and the Atlanta Exposi tion- (1895). Edited the fish and fishing columns of Forest and Stream," 1888-98. United States Commis sioner to Paris Exposition, 1900; in charge of forestry BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 29 and fisheries exhibits. Author of works on ichthy ology, and of many published papers on fisheries, fish culture and the management of fishes in the aqua rium. BEARD, AUGUSTUS FIELD— Clergyman, 287 Fourth avenue. New YorJt City; residence Norwalk, Conn. Born in Norwalk. Conn. Educated at Yale ('57). (D.D. Syracuse University.) (Married Annie Doming Barker.) Was pastor of Central Church, Bath, Me., 1862-9; Plymouth Church, Syracuse, N. Y., 1869-83; American Church, Paris, 1883-6; later, foreign secretary American and foreign Christian U'^io'^- Since 1886 secretary of education American Missionary Association. Member of Yale Corporation; director Norwalk Lock Co. BEARD, DANIEL CARTER— Pen Artist and Writer, 204 Amity street. Flushing. Bom in Cincin nati, Ohio, June 21, 1850 Educated at Worralls Acad emy, Covington, Ky., and, at Art Students' League, New York. (Married.) Teacher of animal drawing and illustrating at Woman's School of Applied De sign. Writes and illustrates for "Scribner's," "Cen tury," "Harper's," "Life," "Cosmopolitan" and "Ladies' Home Journal." Served a term as vice-president of the Art Students' League, and six years on Board ol Education. Author of "American Boys' Handy Book," "American Boys' Book of Sports," "Moonbllght" and "Six Feet of Romance." Member Camp Fire and Twi light Clubs, Ohio, Linnean, Zoological, and National Historical Societies, Aldine Association, Ornithological Union, and chairman Friends' Philanthropic Society of Flushing. BEARD, FRANCIS D.— Storage, 13 William street. New York City; residence 140 Amity street, Brooklyn. Director Brooklyn "Wharf and Warehouse Co. Mem ber Crescent Athletic, Oxford, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Turf and Field Clubs. BEARD, JAMES CARTER— Illustrator, 543% Han cock street, Brooklyn. Born In Cincinnati, Ohio, June €, 1837. Lawyer, but does not practice. Illustrator for high-class books and periodicals, making a specialty of pictures of animals. Member Twilight Club. BEARD, SAMUEL S.— Tea Merchant, 180 Duane street, New York City; residence Lake wood, N. J. Senior member of the flrm of Samuel S. Beard & Co. Member Union League, "Whist and Mendelssohn Glee Clubs, and Down Town Association. BEARD, WILLIAM HOLBROOK— Artist, 51 West Tenth street. New York City; residence 54 West Tenth •street. Born in PainesviUe, Ohio, April 13, 1825. Edu cated in Europe. Resident of New York City since 1861. Paints especially humorous pictures of animals, some of the best known being "Power of Death," "Overboard," "Witches' Night," "Four Elements" and "Speech of Welcome." Author ol "Humor in Ani mals" and "Action in Art." Member Authors' Glee Club, National Academy ol Design, and Century Asso ciation. BEARDSLEE, JOHN B.— Dry Goods Merchant, 328 Broadway, New York City; residence 104 West -84th street. Born In Mildfordton, Ohio, Feb. 20, 1825. Educated at a Mildfordton common school and at a select school in Mt. Vernon, Ohio. (Married.) Con nected with the flrm of Teffit, Weller & Co., since Dec. 1, 1868, (then Tefft, Griswold & Kellogg). Member ol Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery F. & A. M., and Knights Templar ol Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and ol Mecca Temple, Nobles ol the Mystic Shrine ol New Tork City. BEARDSLBY, SAMUEL R.— President, 394 Wash ington street. New York City; residence 130 Clinton :avenue, Newark, N. J. Born in Pennsylvania, Feb. 12, 1844. Educated at a public high school. (Married.) President J. W. Beardsley's Sons, ml'rs ol lood spe cialties. Director Haite Gold Mining Co., Vulcan Metal Refining Co., and Vulcan Westem Co. Member Produce Exchange and ol the Essex, Hardware and Wool Clubs, and Loyal Legion. BBARDSLEY, WILLIAM C— Lawyer and Bank er Auburn ; residence 91 South street. Born in Venice, N.' Y. 1816. Educated in Aurora and Homer. (Mar ried.)' Was presidential elector, delegate to several -national conventions, postmaster ol Auburn, and has lield several prolessional offices. Is trustee Auburn Savings Bank. Member City Club. BBARDSLEY, W. P. — Manufacturer, Auburn; residence 102 South street. Born in Auburn, Aug. 4, 1852. Educated at Phillips Andover Academy. (Mar ried.) Assistant treasurer and secretary Oswego Starch Factory, and secretary Ohio Tool Co. Mem ber City Club. ¦'"^EATTIE, HANS S.— Treasurer, 621 Broadway, NewTfYork City; residence 2072 Fifth avenue. (Mar ried.) Treasurer and director Metropolitan Street Railway Co. and Bleecker Street and Fulton Ferry R. R. Co., Central Park, North and East River R. R. ' Co., Forty-second Street and Grand Street Ferry R. R. Co., and Twenty-third Street Railway Co.; director Twenty-eighth and Twenty-ninth Streets Crosstown R. R. Co. Member Manhattan Club. BEATTY, DAVID C— Lawyer, 195 Broadway, New York City; residence 447 East 26th street, Flatbush. Born In Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1865. Educated at the University of the City of New York Law School. (Mar ried.) Member Flatbush Republican Club, Kings County Lodge, F. & A. M., and Midwood Council, R. A. BEATTY, ROBERT CHETWOOD— Lawyer, 115 Broadway, New York City; residence 3 East Ninth street. Born in New York City, May 18, 1872. (Single.) Ex-assistant corporation counsel; counsel in charge ol change of grade matters for the City of New York. Member Zeta- Psi Club, South Shore Country Club ol Long Island, Society ol Colonial Wars, Sons ol the Revolution, Columbia University Alumni Association, and Association of the Bar of the City ol New York. BEATT"?, WILLIAM GEDNEY— Architect, 111 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 3 Bast Ninth street. Member Architectural League, Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, and National Sculpture Society. BBAUDRIAS, ISIDOR J.— Lawyer, 45 Warburton avenue, Yonkers; residence 24 Gold street. Born in New York City, March 15, 1868. Educated at the Col lege of the City of New York, and Columbia Law School. (Married.) Member Democratic Club, Turn Verein of Yonkers, and K. of C. and K. ol P. BECK, CARL— Surgeon, 37 East 31st street. New York City. Born in Neckargemuend, Germany, April 4, 1856. Educated at Heidelberg and Berlin, and grad uated from the University of Jena (M.D.). (Married.) President medical board St. Mark's Hospital; surgeon to St. Mark's Hospital and German Poliklinik; presi dent medical board and consulting surgeon Sheltering Guardian Orphan Asylum; professor of surgery New York School of Clinical Medicine. Author of "Manual on Surgical Asepsis," and of "Text-Book on Frac tures." Trustee Society of Medical Jurisprudence. Member German Medical Society, New York Academy of Medicine, County Medical, Arion and German Char ity Societies; American Medical Association, Lieder kranz, German Club and many others. BECK, HOWARD— Lawyer, 56 Wall street, New York City; residence 159 West 44th street. Member ol the firm of Feitner & Beck. Member New York Ath letic Club, Blooming Grove Park Association, and As sociation of the Bar of the City of New York. BECKER, GUSTAV L.— Musician, 1 West 104th street. New York City. Born In Richmond, Tex., May 22, 1861. Educated in private schools In Texas and New York City and at Royal High School of Music In Berlin. Studied with MoszkowskI, Ph. Scharwenka, Spitta, Bargiel, and others in Europe. (Married.) Teaches piano and theory at Hasbrouck Institute, Jer sey City. Conducts the "Becker lecture-musicales" at his studio, now in their fifth year. Member Society ol American Musicians, Men's Club ol the Church ol the Messiah (on executive board), Avon Club lor the study ol Shakespeare, Society ol Science, Letters and Art ol London, Eng., Mosaic Lodge, P. & A. M., Polaris Coun cil, Royal Arcanum, and Bach Assembly, Order ol Registered Musicians. BECKLEY, JOHN N.— Railroad President, Grand Central Station, New York City; residence Rochester. Born in Clarendon, N. Y., Dec. 30, 1848. Educated at Syracuse University. (Married.) Was corporation counsel ol city ol Rochester, and president Rochester Railway Co. Now president Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Ry. Co.; trustee Massachusetts Electric Com panies; director Rochester Ry. Co., and Rochester Gas 30 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. and Electric Co. Member Lawyers', Psi Upsilon, Transportation and National Arts Clubs, Association ol the Bar of the City of New York, Syracuse Uni versity Alumni and Down Town Associations, and Genesee Valley Club of Rochester. BECKWITH, CHARLES L.— Secretary, 346 Broad way, New York City; residence 18 North Maple ave nue. Bast Orange, N. J. Born in Glens Falls, N. Y., May 12, 1855. Educated at Glens Falls Academy. (Married.) Secretary and director The Bradstreet Co. Member (Congregational Club. BECKWITH, JAMBS CARROLL— Artist, 68 West 67th street. New York City; summer residence Tan- nersville. Born in Hannibal, Mo., Sept. 23, 1852. Edu cated at National Academy of Design and Ecole des Beaux- Arts, Paris. (Married.) Chairman ways and means committee National Academy of Design. Mem ber City, and Fencers' Clubs, Century Association, Society of American Artists, American "Water Color Society, National Academy of Design, and Metropoli tan Museum of Art. BEDELL, FREDERICK— Professor, Cornell Uni versity, Ithaca; residence 106 Cook street. Born April 12, 1868. Educated at Yale and Cornell (Ph.D.). (Mar ried.) Assistant professor of physics at Comell Uni versity. Editor of "The Physical Review." Past gen eral secretary American Association for the Advance ment of Science. Author of scientific works. Member Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, British Association for the Advancement of -Science, Physical Society of Lon don, England, American Physical Society, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Franklin Institute of Philadelphia, and other scientific and engineering organizations. BEEBE, CHARLES W.— Tea Merchant, 130 Water street, New York City; residence 939 Madison avenue, Plainfield, N. J. Born in New York City, 1839. Edu cated at Putnam's Academy, New York City. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Beebe & Brother. Mem ber Montauk Club of Brooklyn, Union County Country, and Hillside Tennis and Golf Clubs of Plainfield, Down Town Association and New England Society. BEEBE, CLARENCE— Paper, 150 Nassau street, New York City; residence 2-27 West 121st street. Born in New York City, March 13, 1852. Educated at Adel phi Academy, Brooklyn, and Cornell University. (Married.) Member Sons of the American Revolution and Cornell Club. BEEBE, IRA LOVEJOY— Paper and Pulp, 132 Nassau street. New York City; residence Allendale, N. J. Born in Ghent, Columbia Co., N. Y., Feb. 25, 1841. Educated at Grammar School No. 35, New York City. (Married.) President Ira L. Beebe Co. Member Sons of the Revolution. BEECKMAN, R. LIVINGSTON— Stock Broker, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence 319 Fifth avenue. Connected with the firm of David Lapsley & Co. Member of the New York Stock Exchange, and ol the Knickerbocker, Racquet and Tennis, Country and Ma rine and Field Clubs. BEEKMAN, HENRY RUTGERS— Supreme Court Justice, County Court House, New York City,; resi dence 35 West 17th street. Born In New York City, Dec. 8, 1845. Educated at Columbia ('65). and Columbia Law School ('67). Admitted to the New York Bar, 1867. (Married Isabella Lawrence, 1870.) Was mem ber of the flrm of Ogden & Beekman; school trustee, 1884; park commissioner, 1885-6; president Board of Aldermen, 1886-8; corporation counsel, 1888-9; Justice Supreme Court since 1895, for term expiring 1908. Mem ber University, Union, (jity, Manhattan, Reform and Democratic Clubs, Holland Society, Columbia Univer sity Alumni and Century Associations, and Associa tion of the Bar of the City of New York. BEEKMAN, CHARLES K.— Lawyer, 111 Broad way, New York City; residence 55 Fifth avenue. Born in Milburn, N. J. Educated at Columbia College ('89) and Columbia Law School ('92). (Single.) Member of the firm of Philbin & Beekman. Member Union, Uni versity and St. Anthony Clubs, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BEEMER, JAMES GAGE — Director, Yonkers. Born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Jan. 16, 1849. Educated in Hamilton. (Married.) Director Consoli dated Gas Co. of New Jersey, Traders' Fire Insurance Co. of New York, and New York and Pennsylvania Brick Tile and Terra Cotta Co.; trustee Industrial Christian Alliance, Young Men's Christian Associa tion, Young Women's Christian Association, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Histori cal Society. Member Sons of the Revolution. BEER, WILLIAM C— Insurance, 346 BroadWky, New York City; residence 12 Bell place, Yonkers. Born In Bucyrus, Ohio, Jan. 23, 1863. Educated at West Point. (Married.) President's confidential agent New York Life Insurance Co.; ex-Eastern superinten dent National Surety Co. Member Lawyers' and Union League Clubs, and Ohio Society. BEERS, LUCIUS HART— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 35 West 82d street. Born in New York City. Educated at Columbia College and Columbia Law School. Member ol the firm ol Lord, Day & Lord. Member Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, Century, Columbia University Alumni, and Down Town Associations, and Sons ol the Revolution. BEERS, MATTHEW H.— Merchant, 410 Broadway, New York City; residence 1044 Filth avenue, and Par Rockaway, L. I. With the firm ol Calhoun, Robbins & Co. Member Merchants' Club, American Geographi cal Society, American Museum ol Natural History, Chamber ol Commerce, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BEHRISCH, GABRIEL I.— Lawyer, 175 Remsen street, Brooklyn; residence 154 Montague street. Born in Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 20, 1863. Educated at Gram mar School No. 40, New York City, Norwich, Conn., Free Academy, Yale University, and law offlce of Wait & Greene (Norwich, Conn.). (Single.) Reader of abstracts of titles to real estate in the Brooklyn of fice of the Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Member Reform and Yale Clubs, Yale Alumni Association, and Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. ¦BEINECKE, BERNHARD— President, foot West 59th street. New York City; residence 23 West 76th street. President and director Eastmans Co.; director Beinecke & Co., Germania Bank and WiUiam Ottmann & Co. Member Transportation and American Yacht Clubs, American Museum of Natural History and Liederkranz. BELASCO, DAVID— Dramatic Author, 883 Seventh avenue. New York City; residence 247 West 70th street. Born in San Francisco, Cal., 1862. Educated at Lincoln College, CaUfornia. Author of "The Heart of Maryland," "Lord Chumley," "Men and Women," "The Girl I Left Behind Me," "Hearts of Oak," "Naughty Anthony," and others; adapter of "Zaza." BELDEN, JAMES JEROME— Banker, Manufact urer and Contractor, Syracuse. Born In Fablus, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1825. Educated in Fabius and Pompey public schools. (Married.) Has been Mayor of Syracuse, member ol Congress, president ol Syracuse Northern R. R. Co., president ol extensive blast furnaces, and general contractor. Now president Robert Gere Bank and The Post- Standard" Co.; trustee Syracuse Uni versity, and dirtctor in various corporations. Member Republican and Transportation Clubs of New York City, and Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America. BBLDING, MILO MERRICK-Manufacturer, 455 Broadway, New York City; residence, 10 West 72d street. Born in Ashfield, Mass., April 3 1833 Edu cated at Shelburne Falls Academy. (Married.) Presi- ™on^TlfeTnf "'^ ^^^^A"^ ^'¦°^- ^ Co., and American cZ^^n^wJu?,Vr® Co.; vice-president and director Co TvpX llu o^^^'^o^""^ ^°-- director Retsof Mining ieidi^r^^an^d-cSXtdVo? ^^Z^J ^'^^^ 2^i Me"°hant^'^5e'n??.'l ^cfb^^ 4" ^^^"""^ol^olf^ ISd Merchants Central Clubs, Sons of the Revolution American Geographical Society, Founders' Ind P^- triots of America, and Chamber of Commwce BELDING, MILO MERRICK, JR.-Merchant 455 Broadway, New York City; res deSoe in wt=t' 7m street. Born in Brooklyn, N "Y AprU 14 is^®^*t=-P,* Bros. & Co.. and American Union Life Insurance Co.! BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 31 director and secretary Belding, Paul & Co. (Ltd.), ol Montreal; director Commonwealth Insurance Co., Livonia and Lake Conseus R. R. Co., Retsof Mining Co., and Park National Bank of Holyoke, Mass.; vice- president and director Genesee and Wyoming R. R. Co. Member Union League, Lawyers', Colonial, Kniclf- erbo'cker Athletic, N«w York Athletic, Merchants' Central and West Side Republican Clubs; Marine and Field, and Crescent Athletic Clubs of Brooklyn, Sons of the Revolution, American Geographical Society, Founders and Patriots of America, and Chamber or Commerce. BELKNAP, W. E.— Civil Engineer, Pier "A," North River, New York City. Residence 102 West 93d street. Born in Yonkers, N. Y. Educated at New York University. (Married.) Assistant Engineer in Department of Docks and Ferries. Member American Society of Civil Engineers. BELKNAP, WALDRON PHOENIX— 146 Broad way, New York City; residence 29 Washington square. West. Bom In New York City, Feb. 8, 1873. Educated at Lawrenceville School and Cornell University. (Married.) Connected with Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Member Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colo nial Wars, and Society of the Cincinnati. BELL, CHRISTOPHER M.— Physician, 320 Fifth avenue. New York City. Director New York Ware house and Security Co. Member Metropolitan Club, American Fine Arts Society, and American Museum ol Natural History. BELL, CLARK — Lawyer, Journalist and Author, 39 Broadway, New York City; residence 200 West 78th street; country residence Bell View Farm, Dundee. Born in Rodman, Jefferson Co., N. Y., March 12, 1832. Educated at Franklin Academy, Prattsburgh, Steuben Co.; fitted for Yale, but ill-health ijrevented matricu lation. Studied law at Hammondsport, N. Y. Ad mitted to the Bar In 1853 at Rochester. Practiced in Hammondsport. Succeeded Governor Campbell in flrm of McMaster & Bell, In Bath, N. Y., in 1862. Re moved to New York City In 1864, where he has since resided. Has been attorney for Union Paciflc Rail way, Paciflc Mail Steamship Co., and other corpora tions. President Medico-Legal Society in 1872, and several times later; was re-elected for 1900. Was originator and president Saturday Night Club, in 1883. Author of Bell's "Medico-Legal Studies," of which six volumes have been published, and a writer of dis tinction on sociological and scientiflc subjects. Was president Palette Club flve years; of New York Infant Asylum eight years; International Medico-Legal Con gress of 1889 In New York; of 1893 at Chicago, and Medico-Legal Congress of New York of 1895. Degree of LL.D. was conferred upon him by Taylor University ol Indiana, and by Rutherford College of North Caro lina. Honorary member of a large number of foreign and home scientific bodies, and of historical societies. Editor and founder ol "Medico-Legal Journal," a standard authority on medical jurisprudence, now in its seventeenth year of publication. Editor and author ol "Supreme Court ol the States and Provinces ol North America." Stands in front rank of American medico-legal jurists. Holds a prominent position at the New York City Bar. Member Press, Union League, Twilight, Thirteen and Sunrise Clubs, and of various other societies. BELL, DIGBY— Comic Opera Singer, 1476 Lexing ton avenue. New York City. Born in Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 8, 1849. Educated at Charlier's Institute, New York City. (Married Laura Joyce.) Made first- ap pearance on island of Malta in "La Sonnambula." Returned to the United States and played in leading baritone roles of comic opera. For several seasons at the head of his own company. Member Players' and Lambs' Clubs, Elks and Actors' Order of Friendship. BELL, EDWARD— Broker, 80 Broadway, New York City; residence 251 Lexington avenue. Born in New York City, Feb. 28, 1860. (Married.) Was commis sioner of education, commissioner of public parks and school trustee. Now trustee of Knickerbocker Apart ment Co.; president pf Police Riot Relief Fund of New York City, and trustee ol Mott Memorial Library. Member Manhattan, Union, Lambs', Carteret Gun, New York Yacht, New York Athletic and Meadow Clubs, Shinnecock Goll Club of Southampton, and Maryland Club of Baltimore. BELL, EDWARD A.— Artist, 226 Central Park, South, New York City; residence 262 West 54th street. Born in New York City, Dec. 18, 1861. Educated at New York National Academy of Design. Studied un der Von Loefftz, in Munich, Germany, 1881-3. Re ceived silver medal Royal Acaderny, Munich; bronze medal, Paris BJxposition, 1889; second Hallgarten prize, New York Academy ol Design, 1893. BELL, EDWARD HAMILTON— Artist, Decorator and Landscape Gardener, 424 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence Quaker Ridge, Mamaroneck. Born in London, England, 1857. (Married.) President Hamil ton Bell & Co.; secretary Municipal Art Society and Fine Arts Federation. Member Players', National Arts and Apawamis Clubs, and Architectural League. bell! EDWARD R.— Director, 50 West 21st street. New York City. Director Baltimore and Ohio South ern Ry. Co. and Farmers' Loan and Trust Co. Mem ber Union and Players' Clubs, National Academy ol Design, and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. BELL, EDWARD W.-Lawyer, 15 Dey street. New York City; residence 160 Central avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Marlborough, Conn., Dec. 23, 1841. Educated at Yale University and Columbia Law School. (Mar ried.) Connected with the legal department ol the American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Member As sociation of the Bar of the City of New York, State Bar, and American Statistical Associations, American Geographical Society, American Academy of Political and Social Science, and American Institute of Civics. BELL, HILLARY— Editor, 38 Park row. New York City; residence 115 West 45th street. Born In Ireland, Feb. 11, 1857. Educated in Ireland. (Married.) Musical and dramatic critic New York "Press": editor "Insur ance Economist," and director Mutual Reserve Insur ance Co. BELL, JAIMES avi.— Wholesale Wines, 21 Warren street, New York City; residence 16 West 83d street. President James M. Bell Co. Member Colonial, Hard ware, Phoenix, I^ambs', Suburban Riding and Driving, Garrick and Pequot Clubs. BELL, LOUIS K.— Editor, 100 WiUiam street. New York City: residence Bedford. Born in Sing Sing, N. Y., 1845. Educated in Bedford. (Married.) Vice- president and secretary "Oil, Paint and Drug Re porter" and "Druggists' Circular." Member Drug Club and General Society of Mechanics and Trades men. BELL, WILLIAM DUFFIELD— Physician, 160 West 83d street. New York City. Member Army and Navy Club, Sons of the Revolution, and Sons of the American Revolution. BELLAMY, FREDERICK P.— Lawyer, 204 Mon tague street, Brooklyn; residence 260 Henry street. Born in 1847. Educated at Union College. (Married.) Trustee and secretary board of trustees Packer Colle giate Institute, and other institutions. Member Law yers', Barnard and Reform Clubs, Hamilton Club of Brooklyn, and Union College Alumni and Century As- Bociations. BELMONT, AUGUST— Banker, 23 Nassau street. New York City; residence 190 Madison avenue. Born in New York City, Feb. 18, 1853. Educated at Harvard ('75). (Widower.) Senior member of the firm of Au gust Belmont & Co., and member New York Stock Ex change. Acting president and director Audit Co. of New York; chairman and director Louisville and Nashville R. R. Co.; director Bank of the State of New York, Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry. Co., Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, Fifth Avenue Trust Co., Guaranty Trust Co., Long Island R. R. Co., Manhattan Trust Co., National Park Bank, Westchester Racing Association, Westlnghouse Electric and Mf'g Co., Zanesville and Ohio Ry. Co., Plaza Bank, New Amsterdam Gas Co., Republic Iron and Steel Co., Mount Morris Bank, and First National Bank of Hempstead, L. I. Member Union, M?inhattan, Democratic, Knickerbocker, Lawyers', Harvard, New York Athletic, Racquet and Tennis, Meadow Brook Hunt, Atlantic Yacht, New York Yacht, Larchmont Yacht, New York Press, Turf and Field, Coaching, Jockey (chairman), American Kennel, Coney Island Jockey and Westchester Polo Clubs, Down Town Asso ciation Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Sons of the Revolution. 32 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. BELMONT, OLIVER H. P. — 677 Fifth avenue, New York City. Born Nov. 32, 1858. (Married.) Edu cated at United States Naval Academy, Annapolis. Member Coaching, Coney Island Jockey, Country, Four-in-Hand, Jockey, Knickerbocker, Lambs', Law yers', Manhattan, Meadow Brook, Metropolitan, New York Yacht, Players', Racquet and Tennis, Tandem, South Side Sportsmen's, Union and University Clubs, Amphitryon Club of London, Polo Club of Paris, and many others. BELMONT, PERRY— La-wyer, 24 West 57th street. New York City. Born In New York City, Dec. 28, 1851. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) Trustee Colonial Trust Co.; director United States Casualty Co. Mem ber Knickerbocker, Metropolitan, Democratic, Man hattan, Union, University, Jockey, Riding, Harvard, Fencers', Racquet and Tennis, Country, Turf and Field, South Side Sportsmen's, Coney Island Jockey and New York Yacht Clubs, Musical Art and Histori cal Societies and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BEMBNT, BDWARD— Stock Broker, 24 Broad street. New York City: residence 31 Bast 24th street. Member of the firm of W. H. Goadby & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member University, Grolier, Union, New York Yacht, Yale, South Side Sportsmen's, and Seawanhaka - Corinthian Yacht Clubs, American Fine Arts Society, Century Associa tion, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BEND, GEORGE H.— Broker, 62 New street. New York City; residence 201 West 54th street. Member of the New York Stock Exchange, and New York Yacht, Union, City, Players', Metropolitan and Riding Clubs, American Geographical Society, and American Mu seum of Natural History. BBNDHBIM, MAX— Vocal Teacher, 332 West 56th street, New York City; residence 164 West 96th street. Born in Berlin, Germany, Oct. 6, 1850. Educated at college in Berlin. Studied singing with Julius Stock- hauser, Berlin. (Married.) Member Society of Ameri can Musicians and Composers. BENEDICT, CHARLES M.— Cashier. 207 Water street. New York City; residence 204 West 119th street. Born in Dundee, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1858. Educated at Oak- side Seminary, Unionville, N. Y. Cashier Boynton Furnace Co. Member Republican and New York Ath letic Clubs, and 7th Regiment Sons of Veterans. BENEDICT, ELIAS C— Banker, 80 Broadway, New York City; residence 10 West 51st street, and Greenwich, Conn. Born in Somers, N, Y., June 24, 1834. (Married.) Senior member of the' firm of E. C. Benedict & Co., and member of the New York Stock Exchange. President and director Kansas City and Omaha Railway Co. Member Players', Seawanhaka- Corinthian Yacht, American Yacht, New York Yacht, Mendelssohn Glee and Democratic Clubs, and Dunlap and New England Societies. BENEDICT, FREDERICK H.— Stock Broker, 29 Broad street. New York City; residence 6 "West 52d street. Born in New York City, Dec, 1860. (Married.) Member of the firm of E. C. Benedict & Co., and New York Stock Exchange. Treasurer and director John- son-Lundell Electric Co. Member City, Manhattan, Players', Riding, Country, Tuxedo, Calumet, Men delssohn Glee, Racquet and Tennis, Union, New York Athletic, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and New York Yacht Clubs, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BENEDICT, HENRY HARPER— Manufacturer, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence Hotel Neth erland. Born in Herkimer County, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1844. Educated at Little Palls Academy, Fairfield Seminary and Hamilton College. . (Married.) President and director Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict; trustee Hamil ton College and Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sci ences. Member Grolier, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Union League, Republican, University, Hamilton, Rembrandt and Riding and Driving Clubs, Long Island Historical Society, and Chamber of Commerce. BENEDICT, LEMUEL C— Broker, 6 Wall street. New York City; residence 61 South Portland avenue, Brooklyn. Member of the firm of James McGovern & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. BENEDICT, SEELYE— Fire Insurance, 35 Nassau street, New York City; residence 400 West End avenue. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1848. Educated at Yale. Member of the firm of Benedict & Benedict. Member Union League, St. Andrew's Golf, and Uni versity Clubs, Down Town and Aldine Associations, and Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson. BENEDICT, WALTER S.— Insurance, Court and Montague streets, Brooklyn; residence 75 Columbia Heights. (Married.) Member of the firm of Benedict & Benedict. Member Brooklyn, Hamilton, Crescent Athletic and Dyker Meadow Golf Clubs. BENJAMIN, EDWARD M.— Retired Merchant, 17 Bast 33d street. New York City. Born in New York City, June 13, 1826. (Married.) Member New England Society. BENJAMIN, GEORGE HILLARD— Patent Law yer, 45 Broadway, New York City; residence 46 East 74th street. Born in New York City, Dec. 25, 1852. Edu cated at the Universities of New "York and Freiburg, Germanj'-. (Married.) Consulting expert United States Government, and various State Governments, in elec tricity, chemistry and high explosives. Member Man hattan and Lawyers' Clubs. BENJAMIN, PARK— Patent Lawyer, 203 Broad way, New York City; residence 270 West 73d street. Born in New York City, May 11, 1849. Educated at Trinity School, United States Naval Academy and Albany Law School. (Married.) Editor-in-chief Ap- pleton's "Cyclopedia of Applied Mechanics." Member University Club, Metropolitan Club ol Washington, American Institute ol Electrical Engineers, British Chartered Institute ol Patent Agents; vice-president United States Naval Academy Alumni Association, and associate member Society ol Naval Architects and Engineers. BENJAMIN, WILLIAM EVARTS— Publisher and Bookseller, 22 West 33d street. New York City; resi dence 113 West 57th street. Member New York Ath letic Club, Dunlap Society, and Union Alumni and Al dine Associations. BENN, ERASTUS H.-Lawyer, 220 Broadway, New York City; residence 131 Cambridge place, Brook lyn. Born in Rensselaerville, Albany Co., N. Y. Studied law in Columbia County, and when admitted to practice removed to Chemung County, where he was extensively engaged until 1873, when he came to New York City, where he has been engaged in prac tice ever since. Attorney and counsel lor several cor porations. (Married.) Member Republican Club, So ciety ol Medical Jurisprudence, American Anti-Vacci nation League, One Hundred Year Club, State Bar As sociation, and others. BENNETT, CHARLES EDWIN— Professor, Cor nell University, Ithaca; residence 1 Grove place. Born m Providence, R. 1., April 6, 1858. Educated at Brown University (A.B., '78). (Married.) Professor of Latin at University of Wisconsin, 1889-91; professor ol clas sical philology at Brown University, 1891-2. Now pro fessor of Latin at Cornell University. Member Amer ican Philological Association, Phi Beta Kappa Society and Delta Upsilon. BENNETT, CHARLES G.-Lawyer, 95 Nassau street. New York City; residence 1090 Gates avenue, Brooklyn. Director People's Bank. Member Union League, Brooklyn, Crescent Athletic, Aurora Grata f^ T?"^°°7!i *^'"^^ °* Brooklyn, and Association ol the Bar of the City of Brooklyn. BENNETT, CHARLES GIBSON-Lawyer, 16 Wil- nf,"^ 7«-^*',^x®'^,J°^J^ City; residence MetropoUtan Y?" o "-Sinsle.) Member of the firm of Murray, Ben- ^^^ T?,,- ^^%^°i'- ^ember MetropoUtan, University and Riding Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City oLuo^ Michigan University Alumni Asso- iv..^!^^^^J?' HENRY S.-Lawyer, 45 Broadway, New York City. Born in New York Citv Oct 7 1833 Educated at Yale; admitted to the Bar in 1856 (Wid- PW C ub'^T.^'^V^^'i*!^"^"' ^^•^' ^nd AiXa D^Ua Phi Clubs, and Yale Alumni Association. York^H^rfid^.' ^^^^^, GORDON-Proprietor, New York Herald, New York Gitir; residence 120 Chamns TTsll ^Fd'ifA ^'¦.^"r- ^.°^"^« New York Ci?y "Say "Herald" f^^"^^^^* ^l Private tutors. Inherited the Herald and a large fortune in 1872; for a time Issued a London edition and still publishes a Paris edition ol BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 33 the "Herald." Lives most ol his time in Paris, but retains active management ol the "Herald" by cable. Member Metropolitan, Union, Racquet and Tennis, Suburban Riding and Driving, and Turf and Field Clubs, and Country Club of Westchester County. BENNETT, WILLIAM M.-Lawyer, 100 Broad way, New York City; residence The Cumberland, 22d street and Fifth avenue. Born in Nashville, Tenn., July 11, 1869. Educated at Oberlin College ('90) and Columbia Law School ('93). (Single.) Member ol the firm ol McElheny & Bennett. President and director Bailey' & Fairchild Co. Member Association ol the Bar of the City of New York, and of the City, Repub lican and West Side Republican Clubs. BENOIT, LEON J.— Lawyer, 56 New street. New York City; residence 37 East 21st street. Born in New Yo»k City, Jan. 15, 1869. Educated at New York Col lege ('89) and Columbia Law School ('91). (Single.) Member Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. BENSEL, JOSEPH— Retired, 195 Clermont avenue, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, Aug. 28, 1841. (Widower.) Member Oxford Club, and Sons of the Revolution. BENSON, TILLMAN C— Stationer, 49 John street. New York City; residence 1150 Dean street, Brooklyn. Born in Troy, N. Y., July 6, 1866. Educated at Brook lyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) Junior partner in the firm of Benjamin D. Benson & Son. Member Union League, and Crescent Athletic Clubs of Brooklyn, Reform Club of New York, and 23d Regiment Veteran Association, N. G. N. Y. BENT, FRANCIS H.— Architect, 94 Liberty street. New York City; residence Bound Brook, N. J. Born In Boston, Mass., June 18, 1868. Educated in Boston; studied in Rome, Paris and London. (Married.) Mem ber Middlebrook Country Club. BENTLEY, EDWARD M.— Patents, 5 Beekman street. New York City: residence, Lawrence, L. I. Born in Ellenville, N. Y., July 31, 1858. (Married.) Member Aldine and Century Associations. BENTLEY, H. W".— Lawyer, Boonville. Born in De Ruyter, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1838. Educated in Morris- ville, Chlttenango- and Berkshire schools. (Married.) Vice-president and director First National Bank. Member of the Fifty-second Congress. Surrogate of Oneida County, 1894, and president of Boonville in 1874, 1889, 1890, 1891 and 1899. Is a thirty-second degree Mason. BENTLEY, ISAAC MADISON— Instructor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 49 Cascadilla place. De grees of B.S. and Ph.D. Instructor in psychology, Cornell University. BENTLEY, NORMAN S.— Financial Agent, 27 WiUiam street. New York City; residence 205 Con gress street, Brooklyn. Born in Sandy Creek, Oswego Co., N. Y., March 31, 1831. Educated in Pulaski, N. Y. (Married.) Was engaged in wholesale grocery busi ness in New York City for some time. One of the founders ol the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co., the Brooklyn Library, and the Oregon Pacific R. R. Co. Member Chamber ol Commerce, and llle member New England Society, and Y. M. C. A. BENTON, JOEL— Author and Lecturer, 12 Cannon street, Poughkeepsie. Born in Amenia, N. Y., May 29, 1832. Educated at Amenia Seminary. Principal ol classical and grammar school, 1850; editor of Amenia "Times," 1851, and has been supervisor of Poughkeep sie. Author of "Emerson as a Poet," "Greeley on Lincoln," "The Truth About Protection," and has done much work for periodicals. Member Twilight Club ol New York City. BERDELL, THEODORE— Director, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence Summit, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1846. (Widower.) Trustee Barrington Apartment and Berkshire Apartment As sociations; director Consolidated Kansas City Smelt ing and Refining Co., and International Metal Co. Member Lawyers', and Relorm Clubs, American Mu seum ol Natural History and Franklin Institute. BERG, CHARI..ES I.— Architect, 10 West 23d street. New York City; residence 34 Gramercy Park. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated in Philadelphia and at School ol Fine Arts, Paris, France. Was sec retary Architectural League of New York for eight years. Now corresponding secretary of New York Chapter American Institute of Architects. Member Grolier, Knoll wood. Camera and National Arts Clubs, Architectural League, American Institute of Archi tects, and Sculpture Society. BERG, LOUIS DE COPPET— Architect, 31 East 17th street. New York City; residence 250 Washington avenue, Brooklyn. Member Architectural League, and Marine and Field, and Hamilton Clubs of Brooklyn. BERGEN, FRANCIS HENRY— Secretary, Pier 2, East River, New York City; residence 51 St. Mark's place. New Brighton, S. I. Born In Brooklyn, N. Y., May 14, 1869. Educated at Public School No. 2 and Bryant & Stratton's Business College. (Married.) Secretary, treasurer and director New York and Brooklyn Ferry and Steam Transportation Co. ; secre tary and director South Brooklyn Railroad and Termi nal Co. Member Staten Island Club, St. Nicholas Society of Nassau Island, Long Island Historical and Holland Societies, and Sons of the Revolution. BERGEN, JOHN W. H.— Cashier, Eighth Ward Bank, Brooklyn; residence 223 82d street. Born Nov. 6, 1863. Educated at Public School No. 2 and Poly technic Institute. (Married.) Member Crescent Ath letic Club of Brooklyn, Holland Society, Sons of the Revolution and St. Nicholas Society of Nassau Island. BERGEN, VAN BRUNT— Civil Engineer; resi dence Shore road and 77th street, Brooklyn. Born in Bay Ridge, N. Y., 1841. Educated at Brooklyn Collegi ate and Polytechnic Institute and Rensselaer Polytech nic Institute. (Married.) Director Long Island Safe Deposit Co. Member Reform, Hamilton, Crescent Ath letic and Ridge Clubs, Long Island Historical and Hol land Societies, American Society of Civil Engineers, St. Nicholas Society of Nassau Island, and Blooming Grove Park Association. BERKELEY, LANCELOT MINOR— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 2Z4 West 45th street. Born in Virginia. Educated at West Virginia University and University of Virginia. (Single.) Member ol the firm of Bushby & Berkeley. Member Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BERNHEIMER, ADOLPH L.— Cotton Goods, 51 White street. New York City; residence 534 Fifth ave nue and Grimes Hill. Born in Ulm, Germany, Oct. 6, 1866. Educated in Geneva, Switzerland. (Single.) Member of the firm of Bernheimer & Walter. Member Lotos, and Richmond County Country Clubs. BERNHEIMER, MAYER S.— Cotton Goods, 31 White street. New York City; residence 16 East 62d street. Born in New York City, July 3, 1861. Educated at Columbia College. (Married.) Member of the firm of Jacob S. Bernheimer & Bro. Director Lowell and Suburban Street Railway Co. Member Republican, Criterion and Dalton Clubs. BERRI, WILLIAM— Carpets, 524 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence 401 Grand avenue. Director Na tional City Bank of Brooklyn, and Review Publishing Co. of New York City; trustee Hamilton Trust Co. Member Union League, Hamilton, Oxford and Brook lyn Clubs, and Lotos, Press and Quill Clubs ol New York City. BERRICK, SOLON— Deputy Supervisor, 2 City Hall, New York City; residence i044 Lexington avenue. Born in New York City, Jan. 18, 1860. Educated at Grammar School No. 15 ('73) and New York University Law School ('85). Admitted to the New York Bar, 1886. Examiner lor commissioners ol accounts, 1892-5; deputy supervisor ol the "City Record" (by appoint ment ol Mayor Van Wyck) since June, 1898. BERRY, ARTHUR— Lawyer, 200 Broadway, New York City; residence The Florence. Educated at Seton Hall College and Columbia College Law School. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Berry Bros. Mem ber Morris County Goll and Democratic Clubs, and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. BERRY, MARTIN E.— Storage and Forwarding, 256 West street and 12A Produce Exchange, New York City; residence 1164 Dean street, Brooklyn. General 34 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. manager, secretary and director Campbell Stores. Member Crescent Athletic and Lincoln Clubs ol Brooklyn. BERRY, PERLEY M.— Manager, 90 West Broad way, New York City; residence 252 Lalayette avenue, Passaic, N. J. Born, Feb. 14, 1856. Educated in Mas sachusetts and Maine public schools and at Limerick Academy. (Widower.) President Board ol Trade, Pas saic, N. J. Member Commercial Club, Passaic, Youn- takah Country and Bear River Clubs ol New Jersey, and Country Club ol Maine. BERRY, WILTON G.— Secretary, 24 Whitehall street. New York City; residence 170 West 78th street. Member Sons ol the Revolution, Psi Upsilon Frater nity, and American Institute ol Mechanical Engineers. BERWIND, EDWARD J.— Coal, 1 Broadway, New York City; residence 2 East 64th street. Born in Phila delphia, Pa., June 17, 1848. Educated at the United States Naval Academy. (Married.) President and director Berwind-White Coal Mining Co., Pennsyl vania and Northwestern R. R. Co., Ocean Coal Co. and Punxsutawney Coal and Coke Co.; first vice- president Morton Trust Co..; director Alexandria Coal Co., Atchison, Topeka and Santa Pe Railway Co., At lantic and Pacific R. R. Co., Elk Run Co., Filth Ave nue Trust Co., Santa Fe Pacific R. R. Co., Virginia Iron, Coal and Coke Co. and Colorado Southern R. R. Co. Member Metropolitan, Union, University, Turl a,nd Field, Riding, City, New York Yacht and Collie Clubs, United States Naval Academy Alumni Asso ciation, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, American Geo graphical Society, American Museum ol Natural His tory, and Musical Arts Society ol New York. BEST, WILLIS J.— Transportation, 27 William street. New York City; residence 21 West 31st street. Born In Chatham, N. Y. Educated in Poughkeepsie. rook, Conn., Oct. 21, 1858. Educated at Yale CoUege, Yale Theological Seminary, and New York University (D.D., '99). (Mar ried.) Pastor Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church. Member Chi Alpha and Sigma Chi Fraternities, Pres byterian Union, and Yale Alumni Association. BUSSING, JOHN S.— Banker and Broker, 18 Wall street. New York City; residence 26 East Tenth street. Born In New York City, Sept. 21, 1838. Educated at Grammar School of Columbia College. (Married, first, Kate, daughter of James Breath, second, Emily Mor ton, daughter of Henry T. Jenkins.) Served with the 22d Regiment, N. G. N. Y., in the Civil War and later as first lieutenant of Company A. Organized the firm of Gelston & Bussing In 1866. Member New York Stock Exchange; of the Consistory of the Collegiate Reformed Church of New York, and of Its Board of Elders; ol standing committee ol the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America on seminary grounds and property at New Brunswick, N. J.; ol the Advisory Board of the Y. M. C. A.; of the board of managers Evangelical Alliance of the United States; of the board of managers New York City Mission and Tract Society, and of the board of trustees of the Hospital Saturday and Sunday Association of the City of New York. Treasurer board of domestic missions of the Reformed Church In America, and of the board ol trustees International Committee Y. M. C. A. Member and secretary ol advisory board Y. W. C. A. ol New York. Member St. Nicholas So ciety, Colonial Order, and Sons ol the Revolution. BUTLER, ARTHUR W.— Banker and Broker, 35 WaU street. New York City; residence 28 East 28th street and "Round Oak," Yonkers. Bom In Yonkers, Jan. 24, 1870. (Son ol William Allen Butler.) Edu cated at Lawrenceville School and Princeton. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol George P. Butler & Bro., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Players', Ardsley, University and Princeton Clubs. BUTLER, CHARLES HENRY— Lawyer, 71 Broad way, New York CJIty, and Washington, D. C. ; resi dence Yonkers, N. Y., and Washington, D. C. Bom in New York City, June 18, 1869. (Son ol William Al len Butler and grandson ol United States Attorney- General Benjamin Franklin Butler.) Admitted to the Bar In 1882 alter clerkship In the offlce ol Butler, Still- man & Hubbard. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Butler & Wyckoff. Has recently established an office in Washington, D. C, and makes a specialty there of matters Involving questions of international law. Was expert legal examiner for the United States and Great Britain Joint High Commission in 1898. Has recently published a number of pamphlets upon Inter national law topics. Including "Intervention, the Proper Course," "Our Treaty with Spain," etc. Member New York State Bar and American Bar Associations, Law yers' Club (of which he was one of the original In corporators and secretary for a number of years). Metropolitan Club of Washington, D. C, and St. Nich olas Society. BUTLER, EDWARD D.— Teller, 29 Wall street. New York City; residence 67 West 131st street. Born in Utica, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1836. Educated in Utica. (Married.) First vice-president Bankers' Life Insur-. ance Co.; paying teller Leather Manufacturers' Na tional Bank, now in forty-fifth year of service. Mem ber Sons of the Revolution. BUTLER, GEORGE P.— Banker and Broker, 35 Wall street. New York City; residence Yonkers. Born in New York City, Feb. 13, 1863. Educated at Prince ton ('84). (Married.) Head of the firm of George P. Butler & Bro., members of the New York Stock Ex change. Secretary Chicago Terminal Transfer R. E. Co. and St. Louis and Northern Short Line. Member St. Andrew's Golf, Lawyers' and Princeton Clubs and Century Association. BUTLER, HOWARD R.— President, 215 West 57th street. New York City; residence 136 West 47th street. Born in New York City, March 3, 1866. Educated at Princeton. (Married.) President and director Ameri can Fine Arts Society, and Music HaU Co. (Ltd.). Member New York Water Color Club, Architectural League, Century Association and National Academy of Design. BUTI>ER, NICHOLAS MURRAY— Professor and Editor, Columbia University, New York City; residence 119 East 30th street. Bora in New Jersey, April 2, 1862. Educated at Columbia University and Universities of Berlin and Paris. (Married.) Secretary and director Columbia University Press; professor and dean Co lumbia University. Member Authors', Players' and City Clubs, Century Association, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BUTLER, RICHARD— Manufacturer, 9 Mercer street. New York City; residence 6 West 43d street. Vice-president American Hard Rubber Co. Member Union League, Grolier, Racquet and Tennis, Mendels sohn Glee and Players' Clubs, Ohio and New England Societies, National Academy of Design, and Metro politan Museum of Art. BUTLER, WILLIAM ALLEN— Lawyer and Author, 54 Wall street, New York City; residence Yon kers. Born in Albany, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1825. (Son ol BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ( 59, United States Attorney-General Benjamin Franklin Butler.) Educated at New York University ('43). Studied law In his father's office. Traveled in Europe, 1846-8. (Married.) In practice since 1848. Senior member of the-flrm -of Butler, Notman, Joline & Myn- derse. Director Commercial Union Assurance Co. of London (Ltd.), and Magdeburg Fire Insurance Co.; trustee Central Trust Co. Author of "Out-of-the-Way Places In Europe," "Nothing to Wear," and many others. Member Union League and Grolier Clubs, Cen tury Association, Loyal Legion, Association of the Bar ol the City ol New York, American Museum ol Nat ural History, National Academy ol Design, American Fine Arts and American Geographical Societies, and others. BUTLER, WILLIAM ALLEN, Jr.— Lawyer, 54 Wall street. New York City; residence 30 East 72d street. Born In New York City, July 14, 1853. Edu cated at Phillips Andover Academy, Princeton College and Columbia Law School. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Butler, Notman, Joline & Mynderse. Director Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation ol Lon don, and Hanover Fire Insurance Co. Member Uni versity, Meadow, Princeton, Shinnecock Hills Goll and Lawyers' (president) Clubs, and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. BUTTENWIESER, JOSEPH L.— Real Estate, 530 Broadway, New York City; residence 233 Lenox ave nue. Born In PhUadelphia, Pa., April 3, 1865. Edu cated at the College ol the City ol New York and New York University Law School. (Married.) Member Phi Beta Kappa Society. BUTTERFIELD, DANIEL — Banker, 616 Filth avenue. New York City; residence Cold Sprlng-on- Hudson. Born in Oneida County, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1831. Educated at Union CoUege ('49). (Married Julia Loril- lard Safford, 1887.) Served In Union Army, Irom col onel, 1861, to major-general ol volunteers, 1862. Colonel regular army, 1863. W"as brevetted brigadier-general and major-general U. S. A., and received medal ol honor Irom Congress lor gallantry on battlefield. Re signed from army, 1869. United States Sub-Treasurer at New York, 1869-70. President National Bank of Cold Sprlng-on-Hudson and of Albany and Troy Steamboat Co. Member Union, Sigma Phi and Church Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, Loyal Legion, Lafa yette Post G. A. R., Union College Alumni Association, and New York Genealogical Society. BUTTERWORTH, GEORGE FOREST— Lawyer, 40 Wall street. New York City; residence 104 East 30th street. Born In New York City, Dec. 10, 1853. Edu cated at Columbia LTniversity and Columbia Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm of Strong & Cadwalader. Member committee of counsel of Law yers' Title Insurance Co. Governor New York Skin and Cancer Hospital; director Norwalk Hospital. Member University and QulU Clubs, Century, Colum bia University Alumni and Down Town Associations, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BUTTERWORTH, WILLIAM H.— Lawyer, 115 Broadway, New York City; residence 38 East 35th street. Born in New York City, June 16, 1843. Edu cated at Columbia College and Columbia Law School. (Single.) JVIember University Club, Century, Down Town and Columbia University Alumni Associations, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BUTTS, H. HOYLE— Physician, 313 Madison ave nue, New York City. Born in Providence, R. I., Dec. 5, 1864. Educated at Wllliston Seminary and Univer sity of the City of New 'York. Studied medicine in London and Vienna. (Married Margaret A. Giles.) Surgeon Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital. Lately instructor in diseases of throat and nose Post- Graduate Medical School and Hospital, and brigade surgeon Naval MiUtia. Member Calumet and Strol lers' Clubs, Academy of Medicine, and Medical Society of the County of New York. BYRNE, JAMES— La-wyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 170 Central Park, South. Born in Springfield, Mass., Jan. 16, 1857. Educated at Har vard ('77) and Harvard Law School ('82). (Married.) Member of the firm of Hornblower, Byrne, Miller & Potter. Member University, Harvard, University Ath letic, Lawyers', Baltusrol Golf and Rockaway Hunt Clubs, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BYRNE, JOHN— President, 45 Wall street. New York City; residence 145 West 58th street. Born in Maryland. Educated In private schools and at Frost- burg (Md.) Academy. (Single.) President and direc tor Pittsburg, Shawmut and Northern Railroad Co.; director Oil Seeds Pressing Co., Detroit City Gas Co., and Pearl Button Co.; trustee Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, and Catholic Summer School of Amer ica. Member Manhattan and Catholic Clubs, City Club of Detroit, Mich., Ohio Society, Down Town As sociation, American Museum of Natural History, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. BYRNE, JOHN J.— Stock Broker, 60 Broadway, New York City; residence 246 West 71st street. Born in New York City, Sept. 13, 1872. Educated at Man hattan Academy. (Married.) Connected with the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange. Secre tary and treasurer Original Butte Mining Co. Mem-i ber Catholic Club, 7th Regiment War Veterans, and 9th Regiment N. G. N. Y. (captain). BYRNE. THOMAS E.— Engineer, Fifth and Hoyt streets, Brooklyn; residence 51 Montgomery place. Born In Brooklyn, March 4, 1852. Educated in Brook lyn and New York City public schools and at St. Fran cis College. (Married.) Engineer Citizens' "Works, Brooklyn Union Gas Co., and manager Kings County Gas and Illuminating Co. Member Columbian and Montauk Clubs. BYRNE, THOMAS P.- Engineer and Contractor, 890 Park avenue. New York City; residence 9 East S7th street. Born In New York City, Oct. 29, 1861. Educated at Public School No. 12, and at School of Mines of Columbia University ('83). (Married.) Mem ber of the firm of Byrne & Murphy, plumbing contrac tors and sanitary and hydraulic engineers. Member Twilight, Catholic, New York Athletic, , Building Trades and Hardware Clubs, General Society of Me chanics and Tradesmen, and Tammany Society. BYRNE, THOMAS J.— Plumber, 377 Fourth ave nue. New York City; residence 129 East 61st street. , Member Republican, American Yacht and Building Trades Clubs. BYRNE, WILLIAM G.— Water Register, 21 Park row. New York City; residence 277 West 36th street. Born In New York City about 1860. Educated In pub lic schools. Deputy collector of city revenue, 1892-7. Water register since 1898. Member Democratic Club and Tammany Sooiety. BYRNES, JAMES C— Examiner, Board of Educa tion, New York City; residence 21 West 132d street. Born in New York City, Feb. 28, 1866. Educated at. the College of the City of New York, New York Univer sity Law School, and New York University Graduate Seminary. (Married.) Member of the board of ex aminers. Department of Education. Secretary Alum ni Association of the College of the City of New York. Member City CoUege, Harlem Democratic and Emlle Clubs. c CABLE, WILLIAM ARTHUR — Architect, 1183 Broadway, New York City; residence 103 West 55th street. Born In New York City, Feb. 6, 1855. Edu cated in New York City. (Single.) Member Army and Navy, New York, New York Athletic, Country Cycle and Larchmont Yacht Clubs, and Sons ol the Revolu tion. CABOT, FRANCIS H.— Dry Goods Merchant, 75 Worth street. New York City; residence 35 Waverley place. Member Richmond County Country, Arkwright and Calumet Clubs. < CABOT, JOHN— Physician, 126 West 48th street, New York City. Born in Lawrence, Mass., May 2, 1855. Educated at Massachusetts Institute ol Tech nology. (Married.) Assistant physician Vanderbilt Clinic, Department ol Dermatology; board ol man agers New York Society lor Rellel ol Widows and Orphans ol Medical Men. Member American Museum ol Natural History, Barnard Club, Academy ol Medi cine, New York County Medical Society, Manhattan Medical and Surgical Society, and Physicians* Mutual Aid Association. CADWALADER, JOHN LAMBERT— Lawyer, 40 Wall street. New York City; residence 13 East 35th street. Born in Trenton, N. J., Nov. 17, 1836. Educated at Princeton ('56) and Harvard Law School ('63). In practice In New York. Member Metropolitan, Union, City, Knickerbocker, University, Riding, Lawyers', Princeton, New York Yacht, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, and Turf and Field Clubs, Century Associa tion, Sons ol the Revolution, Down Town Association, American Fine Arts Society, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Museum of Natural History, and Asso ciation of the Bar of the City of New York. CAHAN, ABRAHAM— Journalist and Author, 112 Seventh street. New York City. Born in Vllna, Rus sia, July 7, 1860. Educated at Teachers' Institute, Vilna. (Married Anna Braunstein in 1887.) Con tributor to leading periodicals since 1887. CAHILL, EDWARD — Assessor, 320 Broadway, New York City; residence 799 Broadway. Born in Ireland, 1843. Educated In New York City. Connected with the construction of the Union Pacific R. R., 1867-71; engaged in hotel business In New York City, 1871. Member of the Board of Assessors, 1887-95; re appointed, 1898, and is still serving. CAHILL, JOHN H.— Lawyer and Secretary, 15 Dey street. New York City; residence White Plains. Born in Delanco, N. J., July 22, 1850. Educated at New York University (LL.B., '85). (Married.) Director and agent Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Co., New England Telephone and Telegraph Co., and Delaware and Atlantic Telegraph and Telephone Co.; secretary and director East Jersey Telephone and Telegraph Co., Empire City Subway Co. (Ltd.), La Capital Co., New York Telephone Co. and North Jersey Telephone and Telegraph Co.; secretary Union Subway Construc tion Co.; director Consolidated Telegraph and Electric Subway Co. and Northern New York Telephone Co. Member Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York University Alumni, and New York State Bar Association, American-Irish Historical So ciety, Democratic and Catholic (31ubs, and Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. CAHILL, LAWRENCE F.— Auditor, 51 Chambers street. New York City; residence 136 West 77th street. Born In Ireland, Dec. 30, 1849. Educated In Ireland. (Married.) Auditor Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank. Member Catholic Club. CAHOONFi, A. M.— Stock Broker, 6 WaU street. New York City; residence 347 Atlantic avenue, Brook lyn. Member of the firm of Martin & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member New York Yacht Club and Brooklyn Club of Brooklyn. CALDER, GEORGE— Secretary and Manager, 105 East 22d street. New York ClUty; residence 287 East Broadway, and Oakland, N. J. Born In Scotland. Educated in Aberdeen, Scotland. (Married.) Super intendent Children's Aid Society; general agent St. Andrew's Society; manager New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Member Met ropolitan Museum of Art, St. Andrew's and American Geographical Societies, American Museum of Natural History, New York Botanical Garden, and Presby terian Union. CALDWELL, GEORGE CHAPMAN — Professor, Cornell University, Ithaca. Born in Framingham, Mass., Aug. 14, 1834. Educated at Lawrence Scientific School, Harvard (B.S., '55) and Gottingen, Germany, (Ph.D., '67). (Married.) Professor of chemistry in Cornell University since 1868. CALDWELL, JAMES HENRY — Manufacturer, foot of Adams street, Troy; residence 37 First street. Born in Mobile, Ala., March 21, 1865. Educated at Columbia Grammar School, New York City and at Rensselaer Polytechnic rnstitute, Troy (B.S., '86). (Married.) President Electric Lighting Co. of Mobile, Ala.; vice-president Ludlow Valve Mf'g Co., Holland Confectionery Co. and Mobile (Ala.) Gas Light and Coke Co.; secretary and trustee Samaritan Hospital; director National State Bank, Troy and New England Ry. Co. and SchuylervlUe Steamboat Co.; trustee Young Men's Association Public Library, Troy Sav ings Bank and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Member Troy Club, Delta Phi Society, and University Club of New York City. CALDWELL, WILLIAM EMERY- Insurance, 44 Pine street, New York City; residence New Amster dam Hotel. Bora In Bangor, Me., Jan. 2, 1851. Edu cated at Brown University. (Married.) Secretary London Assurance Corporation. Member University and Grolier Clubs, and Brown University Alumni As sociation. CALDWELL, WILLIAM H. — Real Estate, 217 "West 125th street. New York City; residence 7 West 123d street. Member Harlem, New York Athletic and Larchmont Yacht Clubs, and Ohio Society. CALEF, AMOS H.— Secretary, 195 Broadway, New York City; residence Hotel Renaissance. Treasurer Little Rock and Fort Smith R. R. Co. and Iron Moun tain R. R. Co.; secretary Missouri Pacific R. R. Co.; director Acme Electric Lamp Co., and New York Mutual Telegraph Co. Member Atlantic Yacht, American Yacht and New York Clubs, and Sons ol the American Revolution. CALHOUN, HENRY WARNER— Lawyer, 54 Wall street. New York City; residence 247 Fifth avenue. Member' University, University Athletic, Yale and Racquet and Tennis Clubs, Hamilton Club of Brook lyn, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson, Down Town Association, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. CALHOUN, JOHN C— (Colonel.) Railroads and Investments, 27 WiUiam street. New York City; resi dence 617 West End avenue. Born in Marengo County, Ala., July 9, 1843. Educated at Thalien Academy and South Carolina College. (Married Linnie Adams, niece of A^ice-Presldent Richard M. Johnson.) Served through the Civil War with College Cadets; color ser geant, Hampton Legion Cavalry; captain, 4th Regi ment, South Carolina Cavalry. Appointed delegate- at-large from Arkansas to the Cotton Exposition at Louisville, 1883, and New Orleans Cotton Exposition, 1884. Commissioned to the convention in Washington, and was made its vice-president, 1884, which memo rialized Congress with reference to the improvement of the Mississippi River and its tributaries. Was ap pointed special ambassador to France by Sons ol the BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 61 American Revolution, 1897, commemorating the 119th anniversary ol the Signing ol the Treaty ol Alliance between France and the original Thirteen States. Was vice-president and chairman ol the finance com mittee Central Railroad and Banking Co., ol Georgia; director Richmond and West Point Terminal Railway and Warehouse Co., Richmond and Danville Rl R. Co. and Georgia Central R. R. Co. Now president Balti more Coal Mining and Ry. Co., and American Central Contracting Co. Member Manhattan and Lawyers' Clubs, Conlederate Veteran Camp, Southern Society (ex-president) and Sons ol the American Revolution (ex- vice-president). CALKINS, GARY NATHAN— Instructor, Colum bia University, New York City. Born in Valparaiso, Ind., Jan. 18, 1869. Educated at Chicago Manual Training School, Massachusetts Institute ol Technol ogy (B.S., '90) and Columbia (Ph.D., '97). (Married.) Instructor In zoology, Columbia University and Bar nard College. CALKINS, HIRAM, Jr.— Librarian, 226 West 58th street. New York City; residence 147 West 49th street. Born in New York City, Dec. 27, 1870. Educated at the College ol the City ol New York and New York Uni versity. (.Single.) Secretary New York Genealogical and BlogigSphical Society; member Delta Kappa Epsi lon and Twilight Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution, and Society ol American Authors. CALL, EDWARD PAYSON— Publisher, 206 Broad way, New York City; residence Larchmont. 'Was pri vate secretary to the late R. M. Pulsller, publisher Boston "Herald," lor seven years; later advertising manager same paper; assistant advertising manager Royal Baking Powder Co., 1887-93; advertising man ager Philadelphia "Press," 1893-7. Now business man ager "Evening Post." Member Chamber ol Com merce. CALLAGHAN, ALEXANDER, J. A.-Lawyer, 67 Wall street. New York City; residence 696 Filth street, Brooklyn. Born in Savannah, Ga., Dec. 11, 1858. Educated In private schools and academies ol Lebanon, Mo., and In London, Canada. (Married.) Member of the firm of Dunning & Fowler. Member Montauk Club of Brooklyn, Lawrence Harbor Country Club, Church Club of the Diocese ol Long Island, and Association ol the Bar ol the City of New York. CALLAWAY, SAMUEL RODGER — President, Grand Central Station, New York City. Born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Dec. 24. 1850. In railroad business since 1864. President Lake Shore and Michi gan Southern R. R. Co., 1897-8. Now president and director New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co., New York Central Niagara River R. R. Co., Buf falo, Erie Basin R. R. Co., Buffalo, Thousand Islands and Portland R. R. Co., Carthage, Watertown and Sacketts Harbor R. R. Co., Dunkirk, AUegheny Valley and Pittsburg R. R. Co., Jersey City and Bayonne R. R. Co., New .jersey Junction R. R. Co., New Jersey Shore Line R. R. Co., Terminal JRallway of Buffalo, Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Ry. Co., WailkUl Val ley R. R. Co. and Western Transit Co. ; director Amer ican Safe Deposit Co., Brooklyn Rapid Transit R. R. Co., Carthage and Adirondack R. R. Co., Gouverneur and Oswegatchie R. R. Co., Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Ry. Co., Mohawk and Malone Ry. Co., New York, Chicago and St. Louis Ry. Co., New York and Putnam R. R. Co., Niagara Branch R. R. Co., Pine Creek Ry. Co., Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg R. R. Co., Spuyten Duyvil and Port Morris R. R. Co., West Shore and Ontario Terminal Co., and West Shore R. R. Co. Member Transportation Club. CALLENDER, W. R.— Dry Goods Merchant, 2 Walker street. New York City; residence Providence, R. I. Born in Providence, Feb. 28, 1872. Educated at Yale. (Single.) Vice-president Callender, McAuslan & Troup Co. of Providence, R. I. Member Yale Club. CALM AN, DAVID — Lawyer, 22 William- street. New York City; residence 7 West 75th street. Mem ber Lawyers' and Republican Clubs, Society of Medi cal Jurisprudence, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Association of the Bar of the City ol New York. CALMAN, HENRY L.— Dealer in Postage Stamps, 18 East 23d street. New York City; residence 7 "West 75th street. Born in Ne-w York City, Aug. 22, 1863. Educated at the College of the City of New York. (Single.) Secretary and director Scott Stamp and Coin Co. (Ltd.). Member Harmonie, Park Riding and Collectors' Clubs, and American Museum of Natural History. CALVERLEY, CHARLES — Sculptor, 107 Bast 27th street. New York City. Born In Albany, N. Y., Nov. 1, 1833. Educated In Albany. Became associate of National Academy of Design, 1872; full member, 1875. Most famous works are bronze busts of Horace Greeley, John Brown and Peter Cooper. Member Na tional Academy of Design. CALVIN, DELANO CHIPMAN— Lawyer, 46 Cedar street. New York City; residence 27 West 60th street. Born in Jefferson County, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1824. Edu cated at Black River Institute, Watertown, Dr. Dew ey's Lancaster Academy, Rochester, and Fowler's Law School, Ballston Spa (LL.D.). Ex-district attorney of Jefferson County, and ex-surrogate of New York County. President Honduras Co. Member executive committee Church Temperance Society. Member Church Club, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and State Bar and American Bar Associations. CAMERON, ALEXANDER — Lawyer, 56 Pine street, New York City; residence 117 St. James place, Brooklyn. Born In Charleston, S. C, March 9, 1849. Educated at Yale. (Married.) Member of the firm of Oameron & HIU. Director New York and New Jersey Telephone Co. and National Automatic Fire Alarm Co. of Long Island. Member University, Yale, Alpha Delta Phi, Riding and Driving, and Church Clubs, Hamilton and Excelsior Clubs of Brooklyn and Yale Alumni Association. CAMERON, FREDERICK W.-Lawyer, Albany County Bank Building, Albany; residence 251 State street. Born in Albany, June 1, 1859. Educated at Al bany Boys' Academy ('77), Union College ('81) and Albany Law School ('82). (Married.) Member of the firm of Ward & Cameron. United States Commissioner for Northern District of New York. Trustee First Presbyterian Church. Member Albany, Camera, Burnes (president) and Fort Orange Clubs, University Club of New York City, Patent Law Association of Washington, D. C, Albany Institute, Albany Histori cal and Arts Society, New York State Bar Association and Temple Lodge No. 14 F. & A. M. CAMERON, RODERICK W.-Merchant, 23 South William street. New York City; residence 186 Madison avenue. Born in Glengary, Canada, July 25, 1825. Educated at Kingston (Canada) Grammar School, and by private tutor. (Widower.) Has remained a Brit ish subject, and was knighted In 1883. Senior member of the flrm of R. W. Cameron & Co., of New York, London and Sydney. Member Knickerbocker, Metro politan, New York Yacht and Richmond County Coun try Clubs, Turf and Junior Carlton Clubs of London, England, and Down Town Association. CAMMACK, ADDISON— Retired Broker, Tuxedo Park. Director Eastern Insurance Co., Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Co. and Plaza Bank. Member Lawyers', Tuxedo, New York Athletic and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, and Musical Arts Society. CAMMANN, DONALD M.— Physician, 19 East 33d street. New York City. Member Church, University and St. Nicholas Clubs and Trinity Alumni Associa tion. CAMMANN, GEORGE P.— Real Estate, 61 Liberty street. New York City; residence 9 East 63d street. Member of the firm of H. H. Cammann & Co. Mem ber New York Athletic, Calumet and Union Clubs, and Down Town Association. CAMMANN, HENRY L. — Wholesale Woolens, 83 Worth street. New York City; residence Greenwich, Conn. Member ol the flrm of Henry W. T. Mali & Co. Member Union, Harvard, University, New York Ath letic and Merchants' Clubs, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. CAMMANN, "WILLIAM C. — Lawyer, 66 WaU Street, New York City; residence 309 West 71st street. Born In Fordham, N. Y., July 12, 1868. Educated abroad and at Columbia College and Law School. (Single.) Connected with the firm of Adams & Allen. Captain Troop 1, Squadron "A," N. G. N. Y. Mem- 62 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ber University and Calumet Clubs, Columbia Uni versity Alumni Association, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. CAMMEYER, ALFRED J.— Shoe Merchant, 314 Sixth avenue. New York City; residence 611 Fifth ave nue. Director Retail Dry Goods Association; trustee Excelsior Savings Bank. Member Republican, New York Athletic, American Yacht and Suburban Riding and Driving (illubs, and Aldine Association. CAMP, ELISHA K.— Lawyer, 11 Broadway, New York City; residence, 96 Fifth avenue. Member Chi Phi Club, Military Order of the Loyal Legion and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. CAMP, HENRY— Secretary, 164 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 53 Pineapple street. Born in Nor walk, Conn., March 9, 1824. Educated In New York City by private tutors. (Widower.) Life member New England Society, and Grant Post No. 327, G. A. R. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD M. — Physician, 36 First avenue, Mt. Vernon. Born In England, Oct. 27, 1843. Educated at Columbia CoUege and College of Physicians and Surgeons. (Married.) Consulting physician Home for Incurables, Mt. Vernon Hospital and New York Infant Asylum. Member Psi Upsilon Club, Society ol Medical Jurisprudence, .Columbia Uni versity Alumni Association, Academy ol Medicine, and various medical societies. CAMPBELL, BENJAMIN H.— Teacher, 34 East 51st street. New York City; residence Elizabeth, N. J. (Married.) Member University Club, Columbia Uni versity Alumni Association, Society ol Colonial Wars, and Sons ol the Revolution. CAMPBELL, DANIEL— Commissioner, Richmond Building, New Brighton, S. I. Born In New York City, July 12, 1861. Educated in West New Brighton, S. I. Learned the carpenter's trade; was a successlul builder, contractor and superintendent. Served as supervisor and school trustee ol the town ol Castle- ton, and as president ol the New Brighton Board ol Health. Commissioner ol buildings lor the Boroughs ol CJueens and Richmond since 1898. CAMPBELL, DOUGLAS— Lawyer, 44 Cedar street. New York City; residence 29 Washington square. West. Born In New York- City, June 24, 1873. Edu cated at Union College and Harvard Law School. (Single.) Senior member ol the firm ol Campbell & "Thayer. Member Harvard and Union Clubs and Sigma Phi Society. CAMPBELL, FELIX — President, 172 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 1315 Pacific street. Born In Brooklyn, 1829. Educated In public schools. Mem ber ol Congress, 1883-91. President and director Peo ple's Trust Co.; president and trustee Brevoort Sav ings Bank; director Associated Manulacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Corporation, Rockaway Beach R. R. Co., Brooklyn Llle Insurance Co., Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co., Metropolitan Plate Glass Insurance Co., New York and New Jersey Telephone Co., Phoe nix Insurance Co., Sea View Elevated R. R. Co., Union Ferry Co., and Union Ferry Co. ol New York and Brooklyn; trustee American Bank Note Co. and Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. Member Ox lord, Crescent Athletic, Montauk and Brooklyn Clubs. CAMPBELL, FRANK— Banker, Bath, Steuben County. Bom In Bath, March 27, 1858. Educated at Haverllng Union School, and the State Model School, Trenton, N. J. ComptroUer State ol New York, 1892-3. Member for New York State of Democratic National Committee. CAMPBELL, FREDERICK B.— La-wyer, 18 Wall street. New York City; residence 18 Remsen street, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, Nov. 13, 1868. Edu cated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Law School of Harvard University. (Single.) Associated with the firm of Rltch, Woodlord, Bovee & Wallace. Member Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn, Psi Upsilon Fra ternity and Association ol the Bar of the City ol New York. CAMPBELL, JOHN— Retired, Cold Spring. Bora in Albany. N. Y., Sept. 16, 1821. Educated in Albany. (Married.) Was colonel and surgeon In United States Army. Director National .Bank ol Cold Spring. Mem ber Aztec Club ol 1847. CAMPBELL, JOHN— Dye Stuffs, 75 Hudson street, New York City; residence 24 West 88th street. Born, 1855. Educated In England. (Married.) Member Wool, New York Athletic and Merchants' Clubs, and Met ropolitan Museum of Art. CAMPBELL, JOHN L.— Baptist Clergyman, 20 East 120th street. New York City. Born In Dominlon- vlUe, Ontario, Canada. Educated at Woodstock Col lege and Toronto University. (Married.) Member Baptist Social Union. CAMPBELL, PALMER— President, Produce Ex change .\nnex. New York City, and Filth street, Ho boken, N. J. Born in New Orleans, La., Dec. 25, 1856. Educated in Edinburgh, Scoj:land. (Married.) Presi dent and director Campbell Stores and Campbell & Co. (Inc.); general manager, treasurer and director Hoboken Land and Improvement Co. and Hoboken Shore Road; secretary and director Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co.; director New York and Hoboken Ferry Co., and First National Bank of Hoboken. Was presi dent of the Board of Health of Hoboken, 1892-8. Mem ber Metropolitan Museum of Art. CAMPBELL, SAMUEL R.— Cotton Manufacturer, New York Mills. Born, 1838. (Married.) Treasurer New York Mills; president Walcott & Campbell Spin ning Co., New York; treasurer Aragon ((Ja.) Mills, and director First National Bank of Utica, N. Y. Formerly in the United States consular service. Member Fort Schuyler Club, Sadaquada Golf Club, Utica Chamber of Commerce, and Oneida Historical Society. CAMPBELL, THOMAS BLAKE— Manufacturer and Architect, Ithaca. Born In Fayetteville, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1854. Educated at Ithaca Academy. (Married Laura Prances Poole, 1881.) Alderman, 1890-2. Erect ed most of the CorneU University buildings. Including Memorial Chapel, Lincoln Hall, Franklin HaU, Morse HaU, Sage College Annex, Armory and Annex, and Phi Gamma Delta, Chi Psi, Zeta Psi and other frater nity chapter houses. Inventor of brick-making ma chinery, and manufacturer of paving and fancy build ing brick. Member Fidelity Lodge, F. & A. M., St. Augustine Commandery K. T., Society of American Inventors, and American Brick Manufacturers' Asso ciation. CAMPBELL, THOMAS C— Lawyer, 220 Broad way, New York City; residence 62 Convesttt avenue. Born In Monroe County, N. Y., April 27, 1845. Educated In common schools and at Cincinnati University Law School ('70). (Married.) Member reorganization com mittee Columbus Central Railway, and director of several manufacturing companies. Member Harlem Republican and Twilight Clubs, and Republic Lodge, F. & A. M. CAMPBELL, THOMAS J.— President, St. John's College, Fordham. Bom in New York City, April 29, 1848. Educated at St. Francis Xavler College. Or dained 1880; became professor of rhetoric at St. John's and St. Francis Xavier Colleges. President St. John's CoUege, Fordham, since 1896. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM A.-Lawyer, 44 Cedar street. New York City; residence 136 Madison avenue. Born in Schenectady, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1866, Educated at Yale and at Harvard Law School. (Married.) Member Union, University, University Athletic and Harvard Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City ol New York Military Order Loyal Legion, and Society of Colonial Wars. ^o.^^-^'^'^P^}'^' J^ILLIAM C.-Physician, 42 West 49th street. New York City. Member University and f^i"^? ^"^^'^''^i ^^^ '^'^^^ County Medical Society and New York Academy of Medicine. T^^S'^^^/^'^F-^^^^^ J.-President, 11 Pine street, New York City; residence 48 Central Park, South. President and director American Fisheries Co., Cauda ^J, n- ^^""^^ "^^"'^ Car Co. and Key West Invest- w^^lc '.,'^i?^"?'"^'''-?^"* ^"-^ director Chrome Steel T^^»^ T. ffl ^?^'^? 5*^ Co.; chairman and trustee rI^I ^^^^^^ Land Trust; director Westem National 7^fl n^l° r^""^"^^,^ ¦^^.^^^'^'^ Railway Co. and Toledo TVmnr.^it)^^?*'"^' Railway Co. Member Manhattan, Democratic, Lawyers' and Relorm Clubs, Metropoli tan Museum 01 Art, and American Geographical So- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 63 CANDA, FERDINAND E.— Civil Engineer, 11 Pine street. New York City; residence 48 Central Park, So-ath. President and director Ensign Ml'g.Co.; vice-president and director Chrome Steel Works, Cauda Mf'g Co., and Canda Cattle Car Co.; director American Car and Foundry Co. Member Engineers', Manhattan, Reform and Lawyers' Clubs. CANDEE, G. EVERETT— Bank Clerk, 215 West 125th street. New York City; residence Leonia, N. J. Born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1865. (Married.) Note teller In Hamilton Bank. Member Brown Uni versity Alumni Association. CANDLER, FLAMEN BALL— Lawyer, 48 Wall street. New York City; residence 11 Monroe place, Brooklyn. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Deo. 16, 1838. (Son of Samuel M. and Elizabeth C. [Ball] Candler.) Educated In New York City; in public schools and at the College of the City of New York; also studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1860. (Married Marcia Lillian, daughter of Capt. Robert W. Welch, 1865.) Member of the flrm of Jay & Candler. Member Tux edo and Union League Clubs, Hamilton and Congre gational Clubs of Brooklyn, Sons of the Revolution, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Association of the Bar of the City ol New York. CANDLER, ROBERT W.— Lawyer, 48 Wall street. New York City; residence Short Hills, N. J, Bom in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1868. Educated at Columbia Grammar and Columbia Law Schools. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Jay & Candler. Member Ham ilton Club of Brooklyn, Baltusrol Golf Club, Sons of the Revolution, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and New England Society of Brooklyn. CANFIELD, EDWARD— Superintendent, Middle- town. Born In Geneva, N. Y., May 27, 1848. Educated at Hobart College (A.B., '69 and A.M., '74). (Married.) Civil engineer, 1869-82; division superintendent, chief engineer and now general superintendent New York, Ontario and Western Railway Co. Member New York Athletic Club. CANFIELD, GEORGE FOLGER — Lawyer, 48 Wall street. New York City; residence New York City. Born In New York City, August 21, 1854. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, and at Harvard University and Law School. (Widower.) Director Building and Sanitary Inspection Co.; general counsel Bradstreet Mercantile Agency; professor of law in Columbia Uni versity Law School: member board of managers of State Charities Aid Association. Member Harvard, City, University and Barnard Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Down Town Associa tion, and Law Institute. CANFIELD, P. A.— Merchant, Kingston; residence Rondout. Born in Rondout, .June 10, 1856. Educated at Ulster Academy and Poughkeepsie CoUege. (Wid ower.) Treasurer and manager Canfleld Stove Co.; director H. G. Co-operative Savings and Loan Associa tion, and National Bank of Rondout; trustee Rondout Presbyterian Church. Member Rondout Club (treas urer). Young Men's Christian Association, Board of Trade, Kiftgston City Hospital, Rondout Lodge No. 343, F. & A. M. (treasurer), Rondout Commandery Knights Templar and Knights of Pythias. CANNON, DUNCAN B.— Secretary and Treasurer, DeKalb and Central avenues, Brooklyn; residence 311 Washington avenue. Born In Baltimore, Md., July 19, 1844. Educated in Baltimore at Monumental Academy. (Married.) Secretary, treasurer and director Coney Island and Brooklyn R. R. Co., Brooklyn City and Newtown R. R. Co. and DeKalb and North Beach R. R Co.; director Galling Ordnance Co. Member Reform dub and Southern Society of New York City. CANNON, HENRY WHITE— President, 83 Cedar street New York City; residence 288 Madison avenue. Born 'in Delhi, Delaware Co., N. Y., Sept. 25, 1850. Educated at Delaware Academy. (Married.) Presi dent Chase National Bank; vice-president United States Guarantee Co.; director Great Northern Ry. ¦Co., Lake Erie and Western Ry. Co., Oregon R. R. and Navigation Co., Pacific Coast Co., Manhattan Trust Co Brooklyn Union Gas Co., New York, Ontario and Western Ry. Co., Colorado Fuel and Iron Co., Mlnne- apoUs Trust Co., and others. Member Union League, Metropolitan, Players', Atlantic Yacht, New York Yacht and Tuxedo Clubs, Century Association, New England, N?w York Historical and Royal Statistical Societies, Chamber of Commerce, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. CANNON, JAMES G.— Vice-President, 14 Nassau street. New York City; residence 72 East 64th street. Vice-president and director Fourth National Bank; manager and director H. W. Johns Mf'g Co.; directol Fifth Avenue Bank and Trow Directory Bookbinding and Printing Co.; trustee Franklin Savings Bank. Member Republican and Transportation Clubs, Pres byterian Union, and New England Society. CANNON, LE GRAND B.— Residence 19 West 47th street. New York City. Member Union League, and Army and Navy Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Loyal Legion. CANNON, SYLVANUS T.— Lawyer, 115 Broadway, New York City; residence 323 West End avenue. Born in Orange County, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1838. Educated at Denniston's Academy in Orange County, and at Co lumbia College. (Married.) Member of the firm of Cannon & Cannon. Member Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Law Institute, and St. Nicholas Society. CANNON, WILSON LEE, Jr.— Lawyer, 150 Nas sau street. New York City; residence Hotel San Remo. Born In Dover, Del., Aug. 22, 1865. Educated at Yale ('86). (Single.) Member Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and Delaware Society. CANTOR, JACOB A.-Lawyer, 31 Nassau street, Slew York City; residence 137 West 120th street. Was State senator for several terms, representing a New York City district. Member New York Press and Democratic Clubs. CARD, ALBERT M.-Lawyer, 93 Nassau street. New York City; residence Grand Union Hotel, and Sharon, Conn. Born in Ancram, Columbia Co., N. Y. Educated at Sharon (Conn.) High School, Amenia Seminary and Eastmans' College. (Married.) Mem ber of the firm ol A. M. & G. Card. Was Probate Judge ol Sharon, Conn., lor twelve years; also served as a member ol the Assembly and Senate ol Connecti cut. Now president ol the village ol Sharon. Vice- president, secretary and director Salisbury Carbonate Iron Co.; secretary, treasurer and director Landon Iron Co.; secretary and director Amenia Mining Co.; director Sharon Water Co., Sharon Electric Light Co., Sharon Telephone Co. First National Bank ol Amenia and Amenia Water Co. Member Democratic and Har lem Clubs, Tammany Society, Hamilton Lodge F. & A. M., and New York State Bar Association. CARDOZO, MICHAEL H.-Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 45 East 65th street. Mem ber Manhattan, Democratic, Lawyers' and Relorm Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. CAREY, CHAUNCEY SAMUEL— Physician, El mira. Born in Centre Moreland, Wyoming Co., Pa., Aug. 10, 1858. Educated at Keystone Academy, Fac- toryvlile. Pa., and at United States Medical CoUege and Post-Graduate Medical College in New York City. (Married Belle llardlng, 1880.) Formerly engaged In general practice in Mill City and Scranton, Pa.; Is now a specialist in diseases of the eye, ear and throat. Member Elmira Country Club, Chemung County Medi cal Society, F. & A. M., and I. O. O. P. CAREY, DANIEL G RAH AM— Physician, Elmira. Born in Dolsontown, Orange Co., N. Y., Nov. 22, 1842. Educated at Eclectic Medical College, New York City, and at Eclectic Medical Institute and American Eclec tic Medical College, Cincinnati. (Married Louisa J. Conkling, 1861.) Captain of militia. Manufacturer of Carey Proprietary Medicines. Founder of the "Wav- erly Farmer." Author of "Dr. Carey's Guide to Health." CAREY, HENRY DB WITT— President and Man ager, 28 Union square. New York City; residence City Island. Born near Middletown, N. Y., March 24, 1844. Educated at Lowell's Commercial College, Bingham ton, N. Y. (Married Ella J. Ludlum, 1873.) Justice of the Peace In City Island, and Justice of Sessions in Westchester County, 1889-90. Now manager legal and 64 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. foreign departments of the New Home Sewing Ma chine Co.; president Pelham Park and City Island Street Railway Co., Metropolitan Dispensary, and board of trustees of the New York CoUege of Mid wifery. Member Sagamore and Pequod Clubs, Ameri can Historical Association, Sons of the American Rev olution, Tammany Society, and a thirty-third degree Mason. CAREY, HENRY T.— Broker, 42 New street, New York City; residence 41 West 46th street. Born June 16, 1845. Educated at George Anthon's School, New York City. (Single.) Senior member of the firm ol H. T. Carey & Co., and member of the New York Stock Exchange. Director Second National Bank; trustee Fifth Avenue Safe Deposit Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League, South Side Sportsmen's, Suburban Rid ing and Driving and Tuxedo Clubs, St. Nicholas, American Geographical, and Zoological Societies, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. CAREY, JOSHUA MULLOCK— Physician, Elmira. Born In Mlnlsink, Orange Co., N. Y., Jan. 11, 1834. Educated at Wyoming Institute and Eclectic Medical Institute, Cincinnati ('62). (Married, first, Mahala Sherwood; second, Deborah [Camp] Bunnell.) Captain of Company A,,161st,Reglment Pennsylvania Mounted Volunteers, 1864; United"' States Provost Mgirshal of Campbell County, Va., after the Civil war; coroner, justice of the peace and representative from Wyoming County, Pa., 1883-4; practiced in New York City, 1887- 93. Thirty-second degree Mason. CARHART, ALFRED B.— Lawyer, 27 William street. New York City; residence 221 St. John's place, Brooklyn. Born In Iowa, 1872. Educated at Princeton. (Single.) Member Princeton Club and Crescent AtH- letlc and Montauk Clubs of Brooklyn. CARHART, JAMES L.— Actor, 16 Gramercy Park, New York City. Born In West Bloomfield, Mich., Dec. 24, 1843. Educated at Pontiac (Mich.) High School. (Married.) Member Players' Club, Lafayette Post, G. A. R., and life member Actors' Fund. CARIi, WILLIAM C— Organist and Musical Di rector, 34 West 12th street. New York City. Born in Bloomfield, N. J., March 2, 1865. Educated In Paris, France. (Single.) Director Guilmant Organ School; organist and musical director of the "Old First" Pres byterian Church. Member Gamut Club (director). Manuscript Society, and chairman membership com mittee of the American Guild of Organists. CARLE, JOHN J.— Wholesale Drugs, 153 Water street. New York City; residence 55 Bast 54th street. Member of the firm of John Carle & Sons. Member Riding, Colonial, New York Athletic and FultonClubs. CARLETON, BUKK G.— Physician, 76 West 50th street. New York City. Born in Whitefield, N. H., Nov. 11, 1856. Educated at Littleton High School, New York Homeopathic Medical College and Medical Department of the University of the City of New York. (Married.) Genlto-urlnary surgeon to Metropolitan Hospital ; consultthg genlto-farinary surgeon to Hahne mann Hospital. Member Union League and Republi can Clubs, and ol several medical societies. CARLETON. HORACE MORRISON— Advertising, 5 Beekman street. New York City; residence 1172 Dean street, Brooklyn. Member Union League and Rem brandt Clubs ol Brooklyn, Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences, Sons ol the American Revolution, So ciety ol the War ol 1812, Society ol Colonial "Wars and Founders and Patriots ol America. CARLETON, VALENTINE — Lawyer, Criminal Court Building, New York City; residence 168 Eighth avenue. Born In London, England, 1875. Educated In New York City. Connected with the district attor ney's offlce slnse 1890; chiel clerk ol indictment bu reau. CARLETON, WILL— Author, 420 Greene avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Hudson, Mich., Oct. 21, 1845. Edu cated at HlUsdale College (B.S., '69, and A.M. and Lltt.I?.). Engaged in newspaper work in the West and has given authors' readings throughout the United States and Europe. Editor "Everywhere." Author ol "Farm Ballads," "Farm Festivals," "City Ballads," "City Festivals," and other poetical works. Member Authors' Club and Kane Lodge, F. & A. M. CARLEY, A. A.— President Board of Education, Cortland. Bora in Marathon, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1833. Edu cated at Cortland Academy. (Married.) Member of Assembly, 1881-2. Vice-president and director Yale Land and Improvement Co.; director First National Bank since 1879. CARLIN, PATRICK J.— Builder, 26 Court street, Brooklyn; residence 113 Clinton avenue. Born in Ire land, July 1, 1850. Educated In Brooklyn private schools. (Married.) President and director Peters burg Quarry Co. and Pochuck Granite Co.; vice-presi dent and director United States Mortar Supply Co.; director Hanover Oil Co.; trustee St. Mary's Hospital. Member Columbian Club, Catholic Benevolent Legion, Democratic and Catholic Clubs of New York City, and Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum and Emerald Socie ties. CARLISLE, JOHN G.-Lawyer, 30 Broad street, New York City; residence 4 Washington square. North. Born In Kentucky, Sept. 5, 1835. Educated in common schools. (Married.^ United States Senator, 1890-3. Secretary ol the Treasury of the United States,. 1893- 7. Director North American Trust Co. Member Man hattan and Lawyers' Clubs, Cobden Club of England (honorary), and Antl-Imperlalistic League of Boston (vice-president). CARLTON, CALEB H.— Retired Army Offlcer, 305 Fifth avenue. New York City. Born in Ohio. Edu cated at United States MUitary Academy ('59). Has held commissions from second lieutenant to brigadier- general, being promoted for gallantry in action during the Civil War. Retired in 1897 at his own request after forty years' service. CARMALT, WOOLSEY — Lawyer, 35 Nassau street. New York City; residence 103 West 64th street. Born in Lake Wyalusing, Pa., Jan. 26, 1863. Educated at Yale. Assistant corporation counsel New Yorlt City, 1887-91. Member Psi Upsilon, New York Canoe and Yale Clubs, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. CARMAN, ALBRO R.— Physician, 27 West 127th street. New York City. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., April 25, 1846. Educated at the University of the City of New York. (Married.) Member Harlem Club, Har lem Medical and New York County Medical Societies, and Academy of Medicine. CARMAN, MYRON A.— Dentist, 2 WaU street, Ne-w York City; residence Plainfield, N. J. Born in Sodus, Wayne Co., N. Y., March 4, 1841. Educated at the Baltimore Dental College, and studied with E. Ware Sylvester, Lyons, N. Y. (Married.) Member of the dental firm of M. A. & J. M. Carman. Member Kane Lodge F. & A. M. CARMAN, WILLIAM BLISS — Journalist, 141) Fifth avenue. New York City. Born in Frederlcton, N. B., April 16, 1861. Educated at University of New Brunswick ('81), University of Edinburgh ('83) and Harvard ('88). (Single.) Editor New York "Inde pendent," 1890-92. Author of "Low Tide on Grand Pre," "Ballads of Lost Haven," "By the Aurelian Wall," and other poems. C.A.RMICHAEL, THOMAS— Banker, 27 Pine street. New York City; residence 150 West 59th street, and Seabright, N. J. Born In Scotland, May, 1850. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Dent, Palmer & Co., ol New York and London. President and director Car Trust Investment Co., Fort Scott Water Supply Co. and Rio Grande Coal Co. Member New York Yacht and Lotos Clubs, and City of London, St. Stephen's, Kempton Park and Sandown Park Clubs of London, England. CARNEGIE, ANDREW — Manufacturer, Home stead, Pa.; residence 5 "West 51st street New York City Born In Dunfermline, Scotland, Nov. 26, 1837. Resident in the United States since 1848. (Married.) ¦A. "i?®" telegraph messenger, operator and cleric ^'*^.,P^°".sy''^ania R. R. Co. Connected with Mr.' Woodruff inventor of sleeping cars. Became superin tendent Pittsburg division Pennsylvania R. R. Co. Made his fortune by investments in oil wells Now owner of large Iron, steel and coke manufactories. Has given free libraries to Edinburgh, Dunfermline Pitts burg and many other cities. Author ol "Triumphant Democracy," "Wealth," "Round the World " and BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 65 others. Member Engineers', Authors', Lotos and Nine teenth Century Clubs, Aldine Association, American Fine Arts and Musical Art Societies, Metropolitan Mu seum of Art, American Institute of Mining Engineers, and American Institute of Mechanical Engineers. CAROLAN, EDGAR A.— Electrical Engineer, Gen eral Electric Co., Schenecta^dy. Educated at Cornell ('92). Member Cornell University Club of New York City and Kappa Alpha Fraternity. CARPENTER, CHARLES W.— Manufacturer of Printing Presses, 504 Grand street. New York City; residence 626 West End avenue. Born In Albany, N. Y,. March 13, 1847. Educated at Albany Academy. (Married.) Member of the flrm of R. Hoe & Co., of New York and London. Member Union League, Met ropolitan and Grolier Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, New England Society, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Chamber of Commerce. CARPENTER, FRANCIS B.— Artist, 52 East 23d street. New York City. Born in Homer, N. Y., Aug. ^, 1830. Educated in Homer. (Married.) Member Na tional Academy of Design. CARPENTER, GEORGE R.— Professor, Columbia University, New York City; residence 501 West 113th street. Born Oct. 25, 1863. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) Member Harvard and Players' Clubs and Century Association. CARPENTER, HENRY B.— Physician, Rochester. Born in Rochester, Dec. 1, 1864. Educated at the Uni versity of New York and College of Physicians and Surgeons. (Single.) Member University of New York Alumni Association. CARPENTER, HERBERT S.— Stock Broker, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence New Rochelle. Born In Brooklyn, N. Y., May 22, 1862. (Married.) Member of the firm of Thomas L. Manson, Jr. & Co., members of the New York Stock Exchange. Member New York Athletic, Players', Lawyers', Larchmont Yacht and Engineers' Clubs. CARPENTER, PHILIP— Lawyer, 3§ Park row. New York City; residence 266 West End avenue. Born in Bath, N. H., March 9, 1856. Educated at St. Johns- bury (Vt.) Academy, and Dartmouth College. (Mar ried.) Director and counsel Franklin National Bank. Member Union League, Republican, Colonial, West Side Republican and Hardware Clubs, New York State Bar Association, Association of the Bar of the City ol New York, and New England Society. CARPENTER, ROBERT IRA— Musician, 82 North Main street, Cortland. Born in Groton, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1800. Educated at Cortland Normal School. (Single.) Director Cortland Normal Orchestra, and of Gamma Sigma Sextette; violinist First Presbyterian Church. Member Susan Tompkins' Harp Orchestra, Cortland Conservatory Orchestra, Cortland City Band, and flrst lieutenant James H. Kellogg Camp No. 48, Sons ol Veterans. Member Gamma Sigma Fraternity and Normal Athletic and Tioughnioga Clubs. CARPENTER, ROLLA CLINTON — Prolessor, Comell University, Ithaca; residence 125 Eddy street. Born In Orion, Mich., June 26, 1852. Educated at Mich igan Agricultural College (M.S.), University of Michi gan ('75) and Cornell (M.E.M., '88). (Married.) Pro fessor iijiohigan Agricultural CoUege, 1878-90. Now professor of experimental engineering at Comell. Au thor of works on engineering. Member American So ciety ol Heating and Ventilating Engineers. CARPENTER, R. P. — Merchant, New Rochelle; residence 38 Locust avenue. Born in New Rochelle, July 22, 1844. Educated in New Rochelle. (Married.) President New Rochelle Coal and Lumber Co. Direc tor Bank ol New Rochelle. Member New Rochelle Board ol Trade. CARPENTER, WILLIAM HENRY — Professor, Columbia University, New York City; residence 263 West 100th street. Born In Utica, N. Y., July 15, 1853. Educated at Utica Academy, Cornell University, and at the Universities of Leipsic and Prleburg (Ph-D-)- (Married.) Instructor in rhetoric, CorneU, 1883; ol German and Scandinavian languages, at Columbia, 1883-7; assistant professor of same, 1889-90; professor of Germanic languages and literatures, 1890; now pro fessor Germanic philology, Columbia University. Au thor of works on Germanic languages. Member Au thors' and Union League Clubs. C.ARR, DEIiWIN B.— Broker, 149 Reade street. New York City; residence 920 Sterling place, Brooklyn. Born in Schoharie County, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1839. Edu cated as a produce commtssion merchant. (Married.) Resident of New York City since 1860. Member New York Produce Exchange and of the Union League Club of Brooklyn and De Witt Clinton Council No. 419 Royal Arcanum. CARRERE, JOHN M.— Architect, 44 Broadway, New York City; residence 28 East 41st street, and St. George, S. I. Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov. 9, 1868. Educated in Switzerland and at the Ecole des Beaux- Arts, Paris, ('82). Member of the flrm of Car- rere & Hastings since 1884. President and director American Institute of Architects; director Building and Sanitary Inspection Co. Member Architects' and Players' Clubs, Century Association, and American Institute of Architecture. CARRI, FERDINAND— Musician, 230 Bast 62d street. New York City. Bora in Rheidt, Germany, August 25, 1861. (Single.) Founder and director of the New York Institute for Violin Playing. Member So ciety of American Musicians and Composers, Lieder kranz, and Music Teachers' Association. CARRINGTON, AUGUSTUS B. — Lawyer, 115 Broadway, New York City; residence 469 West End avenue. Born In Delhi, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1853. Educated at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. ('76;, and Columbia Law Schqol. (Married.) President and director Beale Thill Coupling Co.; vice-president and director Consolidated Co. Member Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. CARROLL, BRADISH J.— President, 126 Liberty street. New "york City; residence 221 West 79th street. Born in New York City, Oct. 6, 1866. Educated at New York University. (Married.) President and director Duval Metallic Packing Co.; director Maintenance Co., and partner Power Specialty Co. Member Union Club. CARROLL, EDWARD R.— Clerk, Criminal Court Building, New York City; residence 333 East 51st street. Born in New York City, 1867. Educated in public schools and at Manhattan College. Clerk (by appointment) Court ol General Sessions. Member Saturday Night, Home, Cannon and Mohican Clubs. CARROLL, JOHN F.— Chairman, 145 East 14th street. New York City; residence 3 East 81st street. (Married.) Clerk to the Grand Jury (by appointment ol Recorder Frederick Smyth), 1879; clerk Seventh District Civil Court; clerk Court ol Special Sessions; clerk Court ol General Sessions, 1891-8; chairman finance committee ol Tammany HaU since 1898. Mem ber New York Athletic, Catholic, Democratic, Ark wright and Home Clubs. CARRUTH, CLARENCE U.— Lawyer, 54 White Building, Buffalo; residence 344 Hudson street. Born In Berlin, "Wis., Oct. 23, 1865. Educated at HamUton College. (Single.) Prolessor ol Greek and Latin In Highland University, Kansas, 1889-90. Member ol the firm ol C. R. & C. U. Carruth. Member Chi Psi and Phi Beta Kappa Fraternities, and University Club. CARRUTH, FRED HAYDEN— Journalist, Pough keepsie. Born In Lake City, Minn., 1862. Educated at the University ol Michigan. (Married.) Editorial writer. New York "Tribune," 1880-92. Contributor to "Century," "Harper's" and other leading magazines. Author ol "The Voyage ol the Rattletrap," and others. CARRYL, CHARLES EDWARD — Broker and Author, 5 Nassau street. New York City; address Uiilon Club. Born In New York City, Dec. 30, 1841. Author ol "Davy and the Goblin," "The Admiral's Caravan," "The River Syndicate," and other stories. Member ol the New York Stock Exchange. "Was offi cer and director in various railroad companies, 1863- 72. Member Players', Union and Church Clubs, and Century Association. 66 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. CARSTENSEN, JOHN— ComptroUer, Grand Cen tral Station, New York City; residence Hotel Manhat tan. (Married.) Comptroller New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co.; secretary and treasurer Nor- lolk, Virginia Beach and Southern R. R. Co. Member Harlem and Transportation Clubs, and Chamber ol Commerce. CARTER, AARON— Jeweler, 13 Maiden lane, New York City; residence Orange, N. J. Born in Newark, N. J., Jan. 17, 1817. Educated at Mendharn (N. J.) School. (Married.) Director Bombay (India) Tram way Co., Prudential Insurance Co. and City Bank ol Newark; trustee Girls' Industrial School ol Trenton, N. J. Member Lawyers' Club and American Museum of Natural HIstorj'. CARTER, COLIN S.— Surgeon Dentist, 35 West 32d street. New York City; residence 317 West 78th street. Born In Middletown, Conn., April 13, 1857. (Son of Walter S. and Marie Antoinette [Smith] Car ter.) Educated In public schools, and at "Wilbraham Academy, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Dental Department of the University of Pennsylvania (D.D.S., '83). Was assistant demonstrator of operative den tistry in University of Pennsylvania, 1883-84. (Mar ried Rose, daughter of Richard and Antoinette [Rose] Esterbrook of Bridgehampton.) Member Union League, American Yacht and Republican Clubs. New England Society, Sons of the Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution, Founders and Patriots of America, Society of Mayfiower Descendants, and Set tlers and Defenders of America. CARTER, ERNEST— Lawyer, 29 WaU street. New York City; residence 32 East 26th street. Born In Galena, 111., Jan. 12, 1858. Educated at Yale. (Single.) Member Union, University and Yale Clubs, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson, Chicago Club, Metro politan Club of Washington, D. C, Graduates' Club ol New Haven, Conn., and Down Town Association. CARTER, FRANK H. — Secretary and Treasurer, 32 Liberty street, New York City; residence 152 West 55th street. Born in Chicago, 111. Educated at Chi cago High School. (Widower.) Connected with the Lincoln (Neb.) Traction Co., St. Jo., South Bend and Southern R. R. Co., and Investors' Agency, New York City. Member Manuscript Club. CARTER, HERBERT S.— Physician, 36 West 55th street. New York City. Born In Orange, N. J., Sept. 19, 1869. Educated at Princeton, College ol Physicians and Surgeons and at University ol Berlin. (Married.) Assistant pathologist Cornell University Medical Col lege, and assistant physician to Out Patient Depart ment, Presbyterian Hospital. Member Princeton Club, Presbyterian Hospital and Sloane Maternity Hospital Alumni Associations, and Quiz Medical So ciety. CARTER, JAMES COOLIDGE— Lawyer, 54 WaU street. New York City; residence 277 Lexington ave nue. Born In Lancaster, Mass., Oct. 14, 1827. Edu cated at Harvard CoUege and Law School. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Carter & Ledyard. Member Metropolitan, Harvard, City, Union League, Univer sity and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, Century and Down Town Associations, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, American Museum' ol Natural History, National Academy ol Design, and New England Society. CARTER, JOHN ALANSON— 343 West 57th street. New York City. Member St. Nicholas, New York Ath letic and Metropolitan Clubs and Colonial Order. CARTER, OLIVER STANLEY— Bank President, 2 Wall street, New York City; residence Orange, N. J. Born in Connecticut, July 25, 1825. (Married.) Presi dent and director National Bank of the Republic; vice-president and director Standard Gas Light Co.; director Home Insurance Co. and National Surety Co. Member Union League Club, Down Town Association, Ne-w England Society of Orange, N. J., and Chamber of Commerce. CARTER, SAMUEL T., Jr.— Lawyer, 18 Wall street. New York City; residence 781 Park avenue. Born in Yonkers, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1866. Educated at Princeton ('86) and Columbia Law School ("88). (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Carter & Fallows. Mem ber Richmond HiU Golf and Princeton Clubs, Musur gia, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. CARTER, WALTER F.— Lawyer, 96 Broadway, New York City; residence 176 Brooklyn avenue. Brook- lyn. Born in Brooklyn, Dec. 10, 1873. Educated at Yale University ('95) and Columbia Law School ('98). (Single.) With the firm of Carter, Hughes & Dwight. Member Yale Club, Union League Club of Brooklyn, Sons of the Revolution, Sons of the American Revolu tion, Society of Mayfiower Descendants, and Founders and Patriots of America. CARTER, WALTER S.-Lawyer, 96 Broadway, New York City; residence 176 Brooklyn avenue, Brook lyn. Born in Barkhamsted, Litchfield Co., Conn., Feb. 24, 1833. Educated in public schools, and read law in offices. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Carter, Hughes & Dwight. Was member of the Board of Edu cation of Middletown, Conn., 1856-8; compiler of the Wisconsin Code of Procedure, 1859. United States Coin- missioner and Master In Chancery of the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Wisconsin, 1859-62; and trustee Lawrence University, 1864-6. Now president of the department of music of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences (since 1892); trustee Syracuse University (since 1896) ; honorary associate of the Guild of American Organists since its organiza tion. Member Lawyers', National Arts and Grolier Clubs, Union League and Republican Clubs and Long Island Historical Society of Brooklyn, American Geo graphical, National Sculpture, New York Genealogical and Biographical, New York Historical, New York Zoological and New England Societies, Settlers ajid Defenders ol America, Founders and Patriots ot America, Society of Mayflower Descendants, Sons of the Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution, New York State Bar, American Bar and American Histori cal Associations, Phi Delta Phi Fraternity (honorary), American Museum of Natural History, MetropoUtan Museum ol Art, and New York Botanical Gardens. CARTLEDGE, JOHN— Wholesale Carpet Mer chant, 82 Worth street. New York City; residence 249 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. President and director American Linoleum Mf'g Co.; director Phoenix In surance Co. Member Merchants', Hardware, New York Yacht and Atlantic Yacht Clubs and Marine and Field, Crescent Athletic and Montauk Clubs of Brook lyn. CARTLEDGE, JOHN, Jr.— Clerk, 82 Worth street, New York City; residence 249 Clinton avenue, Brook lyn. Connected with the American Linoleum Mf'g Co. Member Hanover, Montauk and Oxford Clubs ol Brooklyn and Atlantic Yacht Club. CARVER, WILLIAM B.— Lawyer, Phelps Bank Building, Binghamton; residence 216 Court street. Born in Binghamton, 1876. Educated at Binghamton High School and Hamilton College. (Single.) Mem ber of the Binghamton Club. CARY, ALBERT A.— Mechanical Engineer, 95 Liberty street. New York City; residence 650 Park avenue. Born in Worcester, Mass., July 26, 1859. Edu cated at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) Member New York Mlneraloglcal and Country Cycle Clubs, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Association for the Advancement of Sci ence, American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, and American Institute. CARY, EDWARD— Journalist, 41 Park row. New York City; residence 204 South Oxford street, Brook lyn. Born in Albany, N. Y., June 5, 1840. Educated at Union CoUege ('63). Editor Brooklyn "Union," 1863- .0. Editorial writer New York "Times" since 1871. Author of "Life of George William Curtis." Member Authors' and Barnard Clubs, and Century Association. „ C-*-^'^' GEORGE- Architect, 184 Delaware avenue, Buffalo. Born, 1859. (Single.) Has been president of the Buffalo Chapter of the American Institute of Architects, member Board of Architects of Pan- American Exposition, architect of University ol Buffalo Dental College and Buffalo General Hospital Member University, Liberal, Buffalo and Country Clubs Beaux- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 67 Arts Society, American Institute of Architects, Buffalo Society of Artists, Charity Organization Society, and University and Arts Clubs of New York City. CARY, ISAAC H.— Real Estate, 200 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence 33 Pierrepont street. Born in Bucksport, Me., May 27, 1845. Educated in Lexington, Mass., and at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Mar ried Cornelia Hull, 1871.) Served in Civil War with 44th Massachusetts Volunteers. Appointed civil ser vice commissioner by Mayor Seth Low. Elected alderman in 1893. Treasurer and director Free Lend ing Ijibrary of the Union for Christian "Work; director Hamilton Ba'nk and Metropolitan Plate Glass Co.; trustee South Brooklyn Savings Institution. Member Hamilton, Short Beach and Rembrandt Clubs. CARY, JAMES S.— Manufacturer, 48 Commercial avenue, Binghamton; residence 202 Front street. Bora in Dutchess County, N. Y., June 12, 1833, Educated at Binghamton Academy. (Married.) Commenced clerk ship In 1847 and has continued in various kinds of business ever since. Member New York Volunteer Fire Department, 1850-1. Warden of Christ Episcopal Church. Member Binghamton Club, Mercantile Li brary Association, and various Masonic orders. Old est living past master of Binghamton Lodge No. 177, F. & A. M. CARY, WILLIAM H.— Ironware, 22 Cliff street. New York City; residence 142 Willow street, Brooklyn. Purchasing agent Iron Clad Mf'g Co.; director Reli able Steam Power Co. Member Harvard Club, and Hamilton Club of Brooklyn. CASE, CHARLES L.— President, 525 West street. New York City; residence New Rochelle. Bora in Fall River, Mass. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) President and director Gansevoort Cold Storage Co.; secretary, treasurer and director Starr Engineering Co.; director American Warehouse Men's Association, and Adams & Co.; superintendent Manhattan Refrig erating Co. Member Harvard and Engineers' Clubs. CASE, DAVID K.— Lawyer, 220 Broadway, New York City; residence 390 Hancock street, Brooklyn. Born Oct. 3, 1858. Educated at Seabury Institute, Say- hrook. Conn,, and at New York University. (Married.) Major 23d Regiment, N. G. N. Y. Director Brooklyn Alcatriz Asphalt Co. and New York State Colonization Society. Member Army and Navy Club, and Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn. CASE, GEORGE C— Lawyer, 189 Montague street, .Brooklyn: residence 592 Fifth street. Born in Flat- liush, L. I., Oct. 31, 1864. Educated at Erasmus Hall Academy and by Professor Amos Clark. (Married.) Miakes a specialty of the law of trusts and mechanics' liens. Director Flatbush Trust Co. Member Mon tauk Club ol Brooklyn, Boston Bar and Brooklyn Bar Associations, Aetna Historical Society, and Brooklyn Institute ol Art and Sciences. CASEY, WILLIAM CHANDLER — Storage, 155 Leroy street. New York City; residence 27 Waverley place. Born in New York City, Sept. 28, 1838. Edu cated in Middletown, Conn., and In Flushing, L. I. (Married.) Treasurer House ol St. John the Divine. Served twenty-six years In 7th Regiment, 1861 to 1887, thirteen ol which as captain. Member Union Club and 7th Regiment Veteran Association. CASKIN, THEODORE C— Insurance, 120 Broad way New York City; residence 1700 Broadway. Born in Charleston, S. C. Educated at South Carolina MUi tary Academy. (Married.) Inspector-general ol the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. Member Lawyers' Club and Southern Society. CASSARD, WILLIAM J. — Manager, 56 Warren street New York City; residence 139 West 70th street. General manager, secretary and director American Whip Export Co. Member Colonial, New York Ath letic Camera and Hardware Clubs, Metropolitan Mu seum of Art, American Museum of Natural History . and New York Association for the Protection of Game. CASSEDY, WILLIAM F.— Lawyer, 43 Third street, Newburgh; residence 335 Grand street. Born in New burgh Oct. 4, 1862. Educated at Newburgh Academy and CorneU University. (Married, 1888.) Member of -the flrm of Brown & Cassedy. Director Quassaick Na tional Bank. Member Newburgh City (director) and Powelton Clubs, University, Transportation and Cor nell Clubs of New York City, Goshen (N. Y.) Club and Zeta Psi Fraternity. CASSEL, HARTWIG— Journalist, P. O. Box 1207, New York City; residence 111 Bast 61st street. Born in Konitz, Germany, Nov. 2, 1850. Educated at Lands- berg-on-the-Warthe, and Berlin., Prussia. (Married.) Connected with the "New Yorker Staats-Zeitung," New York "Tribune," "Sun," Associated Press, and the "American Chess Magazine." Member German Press and Manhattan Chess Clubs. CASSIDY, JAMES— Purs, 454 Fulton street, Brook lyn; residence 851 Carroll street. Born in Ireland, Aug. 15, 1835. (Married.) Member Columbian and Montauk Clubs. CASTLE, FREDERICK A.— Physician, 51 West 68th street. New York City. Member University and Grolier Clubs, Loyal Legion and New York Academy of Medicine. CASTLE, WILLIAM A.— Supplies, 41 Park row, New York City; residence Springfleld, Mass. Born In Warren, Mass., Oct. 24, 1858. (Married.) Member of the firm of Castle &. Gottheil. President R. H. Over ton & Son (Inc."). Member Collectors', New York Ath letic, Atlantic Yacht and W^hist Clubs. CASWELL, JOHN H. — Real Estate, 87 Front street, New York City; residence 11 West 48th street. Member Grolier and Church Clubs, Columbia Alumni and Century Associations, and Scientific Alliance. CASWELL, WILLIAM H.— Physician, 201 West 55th street. New York City. Member University and Country Clubs, New England Society and Columbia University Alumni Association. CATTELL, JAMES McKEEN— Professor, Colum bia University, New York City. Born in Baston, Pa., May 25, 1860. Educated at I^afayette CoUege ('80) and at Leipzig, Germany (Ph.D.). Writer on psychology. Professor of psycholo.gy, Columbia University. Edi tor of "Science" and "Psychological Review." CAULDWELL, JOHN B.— Commissioner; tempo rary address, Paris Exposition, Paris, France. Edu cated at Columbia University (C.B., '77) and In Paris. France. Has traveled extensively and visited most of the international expositions held during the past two decades. United States Commissioner to Paris Ex position, 1900, in charge of fine arts exhibits. Member Union League, Shinnecock Golf and Metropolitan Clubs, Columbia Alumni and Century Associations, and of many societies both here and abroad. CAULDWELL, LESLIE GIFPEN— Artist, tempo rary address, Paris, France. Born in New York City, Oct. 18, 1861. Educated at the College of the City of New York. (Single.) Member Fencers' and Barnard Clubs and Architectural League. CBBALLOS, JUAN M.— Banker, 27 William street. New York City; residence 28 Bast 62d street. Born and educated in New York City. President and director India Wharf Brewery Co., New York and Porto Rico Steamship Co., St. Nicholas Skating Rink, Central Tulnucu Sugar Cane Mf'g Co., Rosario Sugar Co., Narcissa Sugar Co. and Feliz Sugar Co.; director Western National Bank. Member, Union, New York, Olympic, Democratic, Lawyers', Fifth Avenue Riding, New York Athletic, New York Yacht, Atlantic Yacht and Larchmont Yacht Clubs. CHACE, WILLIAM H.— Physician, 558 Brecken- ridge street, Buffalo. Born in Mayville, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1862. Educated at Hobart CoUege and University of Buffalo, Medical .Department. (Married.) Member University Club, Buffalo Academy of Medicine, and Erie County Medical Society. CHADWICK, CHARLES NOYES— President, 62 White street. New York City; residence 692 Willough by avenue, Brooklyn. Born In Connecticut. Educated at Yale (M.A.) and in Germany. (Married.) President and director C. N. Chadwick & Co.; director Manu facturers' Association of Kings and Queens' Counties, New York. Member Sons of the Revolution, Yale Alumni Association of Long Island, and New England Society. 68 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. CHADWICK, HENRY — JournaUst, 267 Greene avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Exeter, England, Oct. 6, 1824. (Married.) Connected with the Brooklyn "Stand ard Union." Member Press Ctu*, Brooklyn Chess Club (honorary), and National baseball League (hon orary). CHAFFEE, EDWARD JAMES— Dry Goods, 256 Church street. New York City; residence 1 West 68th street. Born In Somers, Conn., July 1, 1836. Educated at Pennsylvania Classical Institute. (Married.) Sen ior member of the firm of Bdward J. Chaffee & Co. Member Sons of the American Revolution and New England Society. CHAPFIN, LUCIEN G.— Journalist and Organist, 26 East 23d street. New York City; residence 141 West 82d street. Born in Worcester, Mass., March 23, 1846. Educated at Brown University. (Single.) Member Brown University Alumni Association and Society of American Musicians and Composers. CHALMERS, ANDREW BURR— Lawyer, 132 Nas sau street. New York City; residence Brooklyn. Born In New York City, May 11, 1841. Educated In public schools and at Columbia (College Law School. Ad mitted to the Bar, May 20, 1866. (Married.) Is en gaged in the general practice of the law. Has been member, offlcer and legal counsel lor corporations and many beneficial orders. CHAMBERLAIN, DANIEL H.— Lawyer, 40 "Wall street. New York City; residence West Brookfield, Mass. Member Relorm and Yale Clubs, New England and Phi Beta Kappa Societies, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Lafayette Post G. A. R. CHAMBERLAIN, BDWARD W. — Lawyer, 111 West 42d street. New York City. Member Social Re form and Twilight Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. CHAMBERLAIN, EUGENE TYLER — United States Commissioner, Washington, D. C, residence Albany. Born in Albany, Sept. 28, 1856. Educated at Harvard ('78). In newspaper work, 1882-93, In Albany, as correspondent for Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington papers. Since 1893, United States Commissioner of Navigation. Member Fort Orange Club of Albany. CHAMBERLAIN, J. CHESTER— Electrical Engi neer, Morris Heights, New York City; residence 1 "West 81st street. Secretary, treasurer and director Electric Launch Co. Member Marine and Field, and Colonial Clubs, American Institute of Electrical Engi neers and Rutgers Alumni Association. CHAMBERLAIN, " JOHN— Clergyman, 587 West 145th street. New York City. Born in New Market, N. H., Dec. 7, 1838. Educated In Davenport, Iowa, at Griswold College (D.D.). (Married.) Assistant gen eral manager of The Church Mission to Deaf Mutes. Curate of St. Ann's Church for Deaf Mutes. Member Metropolitan Museum of Art, Churchmen's Associa tion, and American Geographical Society. CHAMBERLAIN, LEANDER T.— Clergyman, 287 Fourth avenue. New York City; residence 222 "West 23d street. Born In West l^ookfield, Mass., Sept. 26, 1838. Educated at "^ale and Andover Theological Sem inary (D.D.). (Wldpwer.) President Philafrlcan Lib erator's League; secretary United States Evangelical Alliance: secretary and treasurer American and For eign Christian Union. Member Yale and Quill Clubs, Century Association, Presbyterian Union, American Geographical, New York Historical and New England Societies, and New York Academy of Sciences. CHAMBERLIN, EMERSON — Stock Broker, IS Wall street. New York City; residence Summit, N. J. Member of the New York Stock Exchange, Reform, New York Athletic and Players' Clubs and Blooming Grove Park Ass9clation. CHAMBERLIN, GEORGE F.— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 67 West 52d street. Born in Croton Falls, N. Y., April 15, 1861. Educated at Lafayette College, and graduate of Columbia Law School; admitted to New York Bar In 1884. (Married.) Member of the firm of W. B. & G. F. Chamberlin. Member American Yacht and Apawamis Clubs, Lai- ayette CoUege Alumni and Dwight Alumni Associa tions. CHAMBERLIN, WARD B.— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 1302 Madison avenge. Born In Amenia, Dutchess Co., N. Y., June 25, 1'8(43| Educated at New York University. (Married.) Mem ber of the firm of W. B. & G. F. Chamberlin. Mem ber Psi Upsilon Club and University ol New York Alumni Association. CHAMBERLIN, W. R.— (Colonel.) Lawyer, 7 Onondaga County Savings Bank Building, Syracuse; residence 511 Emerson avenue. Born in Saratoga, N. Y. Educated at State Normal School. (Married.) . Admitted to the Bar, 1866. Served in 122d Regiment, New York Volunteers, attached to the 6th Army Corps ol the Army ol the Potomac during the Civil War; was provost marshal, assistant adjutant-general, judge advocate ol the 6th Division, N. G. N. Y., and also supervisor ol the town ol Geddes. Is a prominent leader ol the Republican party. Member Onondaga County Bar Association,^ G. A. R., and Masonic order. CHAMBERS, ARTHUR D.— Assistant Treasurer, 26 Exchange place. New York City; residence 81 Wal nut street. East Orange, N. J. Born in Somerville, N. J., May 1, 1847. Educated at the College ol the City ol New York. (Married.) Treasurer and director Hanover and Newport R. R. Co. ; director Sussex R. R. Co.; treasurer Morris and Essex R. R. Co., Valley R. R. Co., New York, Lackawanna and Western R. R. Co., and Passaic and Delaware Extension R. R. Co.; assistant treasurer Delaware, Lackawanna and -West ern R. R. Co. Member Railroad and Relorm (jlubs, and Down To-wn Association. CHAMBERS, FRANK R.— Clothing Merchant, 66> and 1260 Broadway, New York City; residence Bronx-- ville. Member ol the firm of Rogers, Peet & Co. Mem ber Merchants' Central Club, Southern Society and American Museum of Natural History. CHAMBERS, HILARY R.— Secretary, 80 WUliam street. New York City; residence The Rockingham, 56th street and Broadway. Born In New York City, Jan. 25, 1863. Educated at Columbia CoUege ('86). (Married.) Secretary and director Broadway Insur ance Co. of New York, Insurance Co. of State of New York, and director Globe and Rutgers Fire Insurance Co. Member Reform Club. CHAMBERS, JAMBS — Clergyman, Sherburne; residence 214 Lenox avenue. New York City. Born in Canada, March 1, 1851. Educated at Princeton Uni versity and Princeton Theological Seminary (D.D.). (Married.) Literary editor New York Church Publish ing Co.; now engaged temporarily at stock farming. Member Presbyterian Union. CHAMBERS, JAMES— Lawyer, 5 Beekman street. New York City; residence 216 Lincoln place, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn. Nov. 24, 1867. Educated at Brook lyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institute, Amherst Collie (A.B. and M.A.), New York Law School! (LL.B.) and Columbia Law School. (Single.) Mem- n?I S"^ " League Club of Brooklyn, Roome Lodge No 746, F. & A. M., and Jerusalem Chapter, No. 8, R. A. M. CHAMBERS, JULIUS— Editor, 154 Nassau street. New York City; residence 102 West 84th street. Edu cated at Cornell. Connected with the New York ,'i"J,?^i- Member Authors', Lotos, QulU and Cor nell Clubs. ArU^^?^^^^\I^'^P^^'^ WILLIAM-Author and Artist, 7 West 43d street. New York City. Born in leauxS';-t^- J;,' f^^ 2?' 'I«5- Educated at Ecole dL Va^^r^? ^" T T"^?„"^' ^^'"S' 1886-93. (Married Blsa y^"ft^..^°lf ',.J,"ly 12 1898.) Illustrated for "Life," "Thi Kin? .J^^^iV^- ,.A"**'r °^ "In the Quarter," The King in Yellow," "Thfe Red Republic," "The ^nt man^m^jr ."The Adventures -of a Modest MaS" Calumet Ci„^=^ !,'";? ^J"""*^^' Member Authors' and calumet Clubs and Century Association. street^ New^Y^^i. ;S^?-I^TER B.-Architect, 35 Wall street, New York City; residence 115 East 72d street. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 69 Born In Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1866. Educated at Yale and Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. Member Yale Alumni and Century Associations, Society of Beaux Arts Architects and American Institute of Architects ^®°°'^*'°"' Loyal Legion, American Fine Arts and New York Historical Societies, American Society of Civil Engineers, Chamber ol Commerce, Naval In stitute, American Museum ol Natural History, and American Institute of Architects. COOPER, WALTER M.— Dry Goods Merchant, 65 Worth street. New York City; residence 125 First place, Brooklyn. Born and educated In Brooklyn. (Married.) Connected with the house of Francis H. Holmes. Member Arkwright Club, and Crescent Ath letic Club of Brooklyn. COOPER, WALTER W. — Lawyer, Little Falls; residence 295 Delaware avenue, Buffalo, and Little Palls. Bom in Little Falls, May 6, 1872. Educated at Williams College and University of Buffalo Law School. (Single.) Member Zeta Psi and Phi Delta Phi 1 raternities and University Club of Buffalo. COPP, WILLIAM AMASA - Lawyer, 15 Broad street. New York City; residence 1 West 46th street Member Riding Club, New England Society and La fayette Post G. A. R. Ai^.^^^F^'.'^J^^^-^^ M.-Soldler; residence 1 West 46th street. New York City. Born In New Haven, Conn. Sept 18, 1872. Educated at Yale and at New 7T^^^i"l^.^°^°l'-¦„ nn.-, Oct. 31, 1866. Educated In public sch'bols ol Bridgeport, Conn. (Married;) Vice-presi dent, Adirondack Park Co. Member Sketch Club, New York Architectural League, and American Institute ol Architects. COUNTRYMAN, EDWIN — Lawyer, 202 State street, Albany. Born in Fort Plain, N. Y., May 2, 1833. Educated In common schools. (Widower.) Di rector Albany City National Bank. Has been district attorney, register in bankruptcy. Justice ol Supreme Court and member ol Constitutional Convention ol 1894. Member Relorm Club of New York City and Fort Orange Club. COURTENAY, WILLIAM — President, 14 Dey street. New York City; residence 1136 Bergen street, Brooklyn. Born In Baltimore, Md., Aug. 7, 1837. Edu cated in private schools. (Married.) President Recon structed Granite Co.; director Vulcanized Fibre Co. Member Lawyers' Club, Sons of the Revolution, La fayette Post G. A. R., and Veteran Association 71st Regiment, N. G. N. Y. COURTNEY, J. E.— Physician, Poughkeepsie, Born in Little Plymouth, Va., Sept. 15, 1860. Educated at Richmond (Va.) CoUege. (Married.) Formerly in- . terne in Bloomlngdale Asylum, New York City, and first assistant physician In Matteawan State Hospital. Now first assistant physician Hudson River State Hospital. Member Society of Sledlcal Jurisprudence and Medlco-Psychologlcal Association. COURTNEY, J. JESSE— Insurance, 33 Pine street, New York City; residence 130 Lincoln road, Flatbush, L. I. Born In London, England March 6, 1848. Edu cated In London. (Married.) General attorney and joint resident manager Imperial Insurance Co. of Lon don, England. Member Down Town Association. COUSER, THOMAS S.— Vice-President, 346 Broad way, New York City; residence 460 Manhattan avenue. Born in Searsville, Orange Co., N. Y., Dec. 3, 1865. Educated In public schools of Newburgh and New York City. (Married.) Vice-president Credit Clearing House. Member Arkwright Club. COUTANT, CHARLES ALBERT — Manager, 62 West 23d street. New York City; residence 728 St. Nicholas avenue. Bora Aug. 21, 1852. Connected with the dry goods firm of James McCreery & Co. Mem ber The Heights and Cycle Clubs. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 87 COVERLY, WILLIAM— Steamship Agent, 7 Bow ling Green, New York City; residence 247 Washington avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Scotland, July 4, 1840. Educated in Glasgow, Scotland. (Married.) Member of the firm ol Henderson Bros. Director Brooklyn Wharl and Warehouse Co. Member ol the Produce and Maritime Exchanges, and ol the New York Yacht, Crescent Athletic and Olympic Clubs, Chancellor Wal worth Lodge, F. & A. M. and Mecca Shrine. COVILLE, LUZERNE- Physician, 514 East Bul- lalo street, Ithaca. Born In Preston, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1865. Educated at Oxlord (N. Y.) Academy, Cornell University and College ol Physicians and Surgeons, New York City. ' (Married Alice Perkins.) Ex-presl dent Tompkins County Medical Society, and ex-medl- cal director. Excelsior Mutual Llle Insurance Co. Lec turer and demonstrator In anatomy Comell Univer sity Medical College at Ithaca, and secretary of Medi cal College Faculty. Member Town and Gown, and Ithaca Clubs, Theta Delta Chi Club of New York City, Theta Delta Chi and Masonic Fraternities, and St. Mary's Hospital Graduate Club of Brooklyn. COVINGTON, GEORGE B.— Lawyer, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence 50 Willow street, Brooklyn. Born In Snow HIU, Md., June 28, 1868. Educated at Princeton and New York Law School. (Single.) Jun- Prlnceton and at New York Law School. (Single.) Junior member of the flrm of Heyn & Covington. Member Princeton Club and Maryland Society. COWAN, JOHN F. — Lawyer, Criminal Court Building, New York City; residence 13 East 131st street. Born In Sandy Hook, N. J., 1866. Educated In New York City public schools, and at New York Law School ('92). Admitted to the Bar, 1893. Deputy assistant district attorney of New York County. Mem ber Harlem Rowing and Democratic Clubs, and others. COWARD, EDWARD FALES— Broker, Playwright and Draniatic Critic,, 29 -Wall street. New York City; ' residence ¦''60 WJest.Tehth street. "Born in New' Ywrk City, Sept. 6, 1862. Educated at Columbia College Law School (LL.B.). (Married.) President Manhattan Me chanical Cashier Co. Member Amateur Comedy and Strollers' Clubs. COWDIN, JOHN ELLIOT— Silk Manufacturer, 121 Spring street. New York City; residence 13 Gramercy Parle. Born in Boston, Mass., March 22, 1858. Edu cated at Harvard. Member of the flrm of Johnson, Cowdin & Co. Member Union, Harvard, Knicker bocker, Racquet and Tennis, Players', Turf and Field, New York Yacht and Rockaway Hunting Clubs. COWDIN, -WINTHROP — Woolen Manufacturer, Passaic, N. J.; residence 16 West 11th street. New York City. Born in New York City, Sept. 28, 1861. Edu cated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and Har vard ('85). (Married.) Treasurer Algonquin Co. of Passaic, N. J. Member Union, University aud Har vard Clubs. COWELL, THOMAS C— Accountant, 2 City Hall, New York City; residence 1966 Seventh avenue. Born in Albany, N. Y., 1861. Educated In Albany public schools, and at Folsom's Business CoUege. Connected with the Albany . Coupty Bank, 1881-91; accountant Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association, 1892-5; assist ant supervisor New York "City Record" since 1S95. COWEN, CHARLES A.— Building Contractor, 1123 Broadway, New York City; residence 302 West 104th street. Born, Jan. 5, 1854. Educated in public schools. New York City. President and director Blooming Grove Park Association of Pike County, Pa., Me chanics' and Traders' Exchange, and Mechanics' and Tradesmen's Institute. Member Building Trades, Co lonial and Democratic Clubs. COWEN, ESEK— Lawyer, 45 William street. New York Citv; residence 14 East 53d street. Member of the firm of Wing, Putnam & Burlingham. Director Fogarty Gas and Chemical Co. Member Manhattan, Lawyers' and Democratic Clubs, Century Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. COWING, EDWARD K.— Deputy Clerk, Criminal Court Building, New York City; residence 138 East 78th street. Born in New York City Aug. 19, 1868. Educated at Grammar School No. 37, and Columbia Grammar School. Deputy clerk Court of General Ses sions, New York City. Member Union League and Marine and Field Clubs. COWING, RUFUS BILLINGS— City Judge, Crlm- .inal Court BuUding, ¦!New York City; .residence 138 East 78th street. Born in Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., May 25, 1840. (Son of John Klrkland and Sedate [Foote] Cowing.) Educated at Jamestown Academy, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, and Har vard College and Law School. Admitted to the Bar in both Boston, and New York City, 1864. Alderman- at-large, 1877; City Judge, Court of General Sessions, 1878-92; re-elected 1892; term expires Dec. 31, 1906. Member Union League and Merchants' Clubs. COWING, RUFUS BILLINGS, Jr. — Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 138 East 78th street. Member Union League and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs and Columbia University Alumni Association. COWL, CLARKSON— Dry Goods Merchant, 30 West 14th street. New York City; residence 33 "West 12th street. Born in New York City, AprU 24, 1863. Educated at the College of the City of New York. (Married.) Member of the firm of James A. Hearn & Son. Member Union League, Lotos, New York Ath letic, and Salmagundi Clubs, Union League Club of Chicago, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Chamber of Commerce. COWLES, ALFRED A.— Vice-President, 99 John street. New York City; residence 249 West 72d street, and "Meadow Wood Cottage," Bell Haven, Conn. Born In Torrlngton, Conn., Sept. 28, 1846. Educated In Middletown, Conn., and in Paris, France. (Married.) President, treasurer and director Birmingham Water Power Co.; vice-president, treasurer and director An sonia Brass and Copper Co., and Ansonia Clock Co.; secretary, treasurer and director Ansonia Land and Water Power Co.; director Kern Incandescent Gas Light Co. Member Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, Union League-and' Fulton Clubs and Metropolitan Mu seum of Art. COWLES, DAVID S.— Manufacturer and Mer chant, 320 Broadway, New York City; residence Rye, N. Y. Born in Northampton, Mass., Dec. 25, 1857. (Married.) President and director Lisbon Falls Fibre Co., and Pejescot Paper Co.; vice-president and direc tor W. H. Parsons & Co.; director Bowdoin Paper Mf'g Co. Member Union League, American Yacht and Apawamis Clubs, Laurentian Club of Canada, and New England and Zoological Societies. COWLES, JUSTUS A. B.— Lawyer, 3 Broad street. New York CMty; residence Rye. Born In New York City, Feb. 17, 1862. (Single.) Member of the firm of E. B. & C. P. Cowles. Member Union League, Apa wamis, American Yacht and Psi Upsilon Clubs, and Columbia University Alumni Association. COWL:fiS, J. EDWARD — Manager, 61 Hudson street. New York City; residence 208 West 122d street. Manager cigar department Austin, Nichols & Co.; treasurer Curo Chemical Co. Member Harlem, Com mercial and Harlem Democratic Clubs, Harlem Wheelmen, Sons of Oneida, Royal Arcanum, and Im proved Order of Heptasophs. COWMAN, EDWARD D.— Lawyer, 64 Wall street. New York City; residence 19 West 34th street. Mem ber University Athletic and Atlantic Yacht Clubs and American Fine Arts Society. COWPERTHWAIT, J. HOWARD— (Colonel.) Fur niture Merchant, 193 Park row. New York City; resi dence 151 West 86th street. Bora in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 7, 1848. Educated in public schools. (Married.) Head of the flrm of Cowperthwait & Sons, established 1807. Served twelve years in N. G. N. Y. ; was on Gov ernor Robinson's staff as assistant general-inspector of rifle practice. Member Lotos, Nineteenth Century and Hardware Clubs. COX, CHARLES F.— Vice-President, Grand Cen tral Station, New York City; residence 54 East 67th street. Born in Richmond County, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1846. Educated at Oberlin College. (Married.) President and director American Safe Deposit Co.; vice-presi dent, treasurer and director Canada Southern Rail- 88 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. way Co., Canada Southern Bridge Co., Leamington and St. Clair Railway Co., Michigan Midland and Can ada Railway Co., Niagara River Bridge Co., Niagara Grand Island Bridge Co., Samia, Chatham and Brie Railway Co., and Toledo, Canada Southern and De troit Ry. Co.; secretary, treasurer and director New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Co., and Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Ry. Co.; treasurer Michigan Central Railroad Co., Joliet and Northern Indiana R. R. Co., and Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Ry. Co.; director Dayton and Union R. R. Co., Niagara Falls Branch R. R. Co., Carthage, Watertown and Sacketts Harbor R. R. Co., Mohawk and Malone Ry. Co., Carthage and Adirondack Ry. Co., and Wall- kill Valley R. R. Co.; treasurer and councilor New York Academy of Sciences; treasurer and trustee New York Botanical Garden; trustee Provident Loan So ciety. Member Union League, Mendelssohn Glee and Transportation Clubs, Century Association, American Fine Arts Society, Scientiflc Alliance (president and councilor), and several others. COX, CHARLES N.— Physician, 257 Jefferson ave nue, Brooklyn. Bora in New Jersey, May 27, 1869. Educated at University of Pennsylvania (M.D.) (Mar ried.) Member Union League Club of Brooklyn, Brook lyn Pathological, American Laryngological, Rhinolo- gical and Otological Societies, Medical Society of the County of Kings (treasurer), and Anglo-Saxon Lodge, No. 137, F. & A. M. COX, IRVING— Architect, 1 Broadway, New York City; residence 19 Bast 22d street. Member Engi neers', Larchmont Yacht. New York Yacht and Sea wanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Clubs. COX, JAMES FARLEY— President, 16 Exchange place. New York City; residence 264 Fourth avenue. President and director United States Standard Steam ship Owners', Builders' and Underwriters' Association (Ltd.); director New York Ship BuUding and Engine Co. Member Down Town Association and Metropoli tan Museum of Art. COX, JAMES W.— Manufacturer, Albany. (Mar ried.) President Albany Felt Co.; vice-president and trustee Albany City Savings Institution. Member Fort Orange Club, Society of Colonial Wars and So ciety of the War of 1812. COX, JENNINGS S.— Banker, 10 Wall street. New York City; residence New Rochelle. Director Colum bus and Hocking Coal and Iron Co. Member New York Athletic and Manhattan Clubs and Century As sociation. COX, JOHN WATSON— Physician, 24 East 67th and 36 West 35th streets. New York City. Member Manhattan, New York, Phoenix, Lambs', New York Yacht and New York Athletic Clubs. COX, KENYON— Artist, 145 West 55th street. New York City; residence 75 West 55th streeft Born In Warren, Ohio, Oct. 27, 1856. PupU of Gerome and Carolus Duran. (Married.) Member Players' Club, Architectural League, Society of American Artists, Municipal Art Society, and National Institute of Art, Science and Letters. COX, ROWLAND— Lawyer, 229 Broadway, New York City: residence Plainfleld, N. J. Born in Phila delphia, July 9, 1842. (Married.) Practice conflned to cases relating to trade marks, copyrights, and fraudu lent competition in business. Member Loyal Legion. COX, WII,LIAM CLARENCE- Secretary, 40 Wall street. New York City; residence 24 West 60th street Secretary Standard Trust Co. of New York City Member New York Athletic Club. COXB, HENRY B.— Wholesale Coal Merchant, 143 Liberty street. New York City; residence 3 West 30th street. Director Coxe Bros. & Co., Coxe Iron Mf'g Co. and Delaware, Susquehanna and SchuylkUl R. R. Co Member Union, Democratic, Lawyers', Players', Rac quet and Tennis, Larchmont Yacht and Delta Phi Clubs and American Geographical Society. COXE, MACGRANE— Lawyer, 63 Wall street. New York City; residence Southfields, Orange County Born in Poughkeepsie, N. Y., May 29, 1859. Educated at Yale ('79) and Law School of Columbia College ('81). (Married.) Director Sterling Iron and Railway Co. and Sterling Mount R. R. Co. Assistant United States District Attorney Southern District of New York, 1885-9; United States Minister in Central America, 1896-7. Member Tuxedo, Democratic, Yale, Mendels sohn Glee and University Clubs, Metropolitan Club of Washington, D. C, Down Town Association, Associa tion of the Bar of the City of New York, New York Historical and Southern Societies, and New York State Bar Association (vice-president). COYKENDALL, SAMUEL D.— Transportation, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence Kingston. Born in Sussex County, N. J., May 28, 1837. Educated in public schools. (Married.) President Cornell Steam boat Co., Ulster and Delaware R. R. Co., Kingston City R. R. Co., and First National Bank of Rondout. Scomber Union League, Metropolitan, Engineers', Law yers' and Transportation Clubs, Holland, New York Genealogical and Biographical, American Fine Arts and St. Nicholas Societies, Sons of the Revolution, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. COYNE, JOHN N.— (Lieutenant-Colonel) Chief Clerk, Custom House, Wall street. New York City; residence 38 Kensington avenue, Jersey City. Born in New York City, Nov. 14, 1839. Educated at St. John's College. (Married.) Secretary and treasurer Excel sior Brigade Association. Author of "History of the Third Army Corps," "History of the Excelsior Brig ade," "History of the Battle of Williamsburg, Va.," etc. Member Sons of the Revolution, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, and Grand Army of the Republic. COZZENS, CHARLES L.— Teller, 212 Broadway, New York City; residence East Willow place, Yonkers. Born in Utica, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1831. (Married.) Teller Bank for Savings and connected with the firm of Red ding & Co. CRAIGIB, A. -WALPOLE-Head Master, Craigie School, 509 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 42 West 39th street. Born in Guildford, Surrey, Eng land, Sept. 1, 1868. Educated in Brentwood, at Albert College and at McGIIl College. (Single.) Member Players', New York Yacht and Westchester Golf Clubs and New York Zoological Sooiety. CRAIGIE. CHARLES O'H.— WaU Papers, 25 Var- ick street. New York City; residence 268 Berkeley place, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, July 11, 1848. Educated at Public School No. 37 and College of the City of New York. (Married.) Member Reform Club and Montauk, Brooklyn Democratic and National Civic Clubs of Brooklyn. CRAGIN, EDWIN M.— Assistant Secretary, 35 Nassau street. New York City; residence 1173 Dean street, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn. (Married.) As sistant secretary, German-American Insurance Co. Member Union League Club of Brooklyn. CRALL, LEANDER H.— Advertising, 41 Park row. New York City; residence 119 Lenox avenue. Presi dent and director L. H. Crall Co. Member Lotos, Har lem, Union League and Hardware Clubs and Ohio So ciety. CRAM, J. SERGEANT— President, Pier A, North River, New York City; residence 5 East 38th street Born in New York City, 1853. Educated at Harvard University and Harvard Law School (LL.B., '76). President Board of Dock Commissioners since 1889. Member Knickerbocker, Metropolitan, Harvard and Democratic Clubs and Tammany Society. CRANDALL, ELBERT— Lawyer, 146 Broadway, New York City; residence 101 West 81st street. Bom In FalrviUe, Wayne Co., N. Y., Jan. 4, 1858. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Grady, Smith & CrandaJl. Member Manhattan and Democratic Clubs. CRANE, ALBERT— Lawyer, 35 Wall street. New York City; residence Stamford, Conn. Born in New York City. Educated at Tufts College and Columbia Law School. (Married.) Director Paciflc Fire Insur ance Co., and Rutgers Fire Insurance Co. Member Union Club, New England, New York Historical, and Blue Anchor Societies, Sons of the Revolution, Bloom ing Grove Park Association, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 89 CRANE, ALEXANDER B.— (Colonel.) Lawyer, 41 WaU street, New York City; residence Scarsdale, N. Y. Born in Berkley, Mass., April 23, 1833. Educated at Amherst College. (Married.) Member of the firm of Crane & Lockwood. Manager Westchester Tem porary Home; director People's Bank ol Mt. Vernon. Member Union League, Army and Navy and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, Loyal Legion, Sons ol the Revolu tion, and Lalayette Post G. A. R. CRANE, GEORGE F. — Banker, 15 Wall street. New York City; residence 16 West 12th street Born in Boston, Mass., April 21, 1852. Educated In Boston. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Baring, Magoun & Co., members ol the New York Stock Exchange. Trus tee Seamen's Bank for Savings, Phoenix Assurancje Co., Royal Exchange Insurance Co., Union Marine In surance Co., and Thaines and Mersey Insurance Co.; director P. LoriUard Co., and Pelican Insurance Co. Member Union League, Lawyers', Tuxedo, Mendels sohn Glee and Salmagundi Sketch Clubs, New Eng land Society, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Cham ber of Commerce. CRANE, HAROLD L.— Military Goods, 768 Broad way, New York City; residence 261 West 138th street. Member of the firm of Shannon, Miller & Crane. Mem ber Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Club, HamUton Club of Brooklyn, Sons of the Revolution, and Down Town and Aldine Associations. CRANE, JOHN M.— Banker, 271 Broadway, New York City; residence Jamaica, L. I. Born in Jamaica, Dec. 8, 1833. Educated at Union HaU Academy, Ja maica. (Married.) President and director National Shoe and Leather Bank; director Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Member Hardware Club. CRANE, LEROY B.— Magistrate, New York City; residence 123 East 111th street. Bora in Lowell, Mass., June 9, 1849. Educated in Lowell public schools. Ad mitted to the Bar, 1880. Member of the State (New York) Legislature, 1882-3; cable railway commissioner (by appointment of the Supreme Court), 1886; City Magistrate (by appointment of Mayor Strong), 1897, and is still serving. Member Republican, Mount Mor ris Republican and Patria Clubs. CRANE, MUNROE— Pork Packer, foot West 39th street. New York City; residence 325 "West 56th street. Born and educated In Quincy, Mass. (Married.) Head of the firm of M. Crane & Son. Director Bowling Green Trust Co. Member Republican, West Side Re publican and Transportation Clubs. CRANE, ROBERT D.— MiUtary Goods, 768 Broad way, New York City; residence 251 West 138th street. Member of the firm of Shannon, Miller & Crane. Mem ber Alpha Delta Phi Club and Sons of the Revolution. CRANE, ROYAL S.-Lawyer, 237 Broadway, New York City. Born In Lowell, Mass., Jan. 6, 1836. Edu cated at Dartmouth College. (Married.) Referee in bankruptcy. Member of the Home Club. CRANE, STEPHEN— Author, Hartwood, Sullivan County, N. Y. Born in Newark, N. J., Nov. 1, 1871. Educated in Newark and at Lafayette College. En gaged in newspaper work, 1887-96. Correspondent for New York "Journal" in the Grecian-Turkish War, 1897, and in Cuba during Spanish-American War. Author of "The Red Badge of Courage," "The Open Boat" "The Little Regiment" and many others. Member Cosmos Club of Washington, D. C, and Authors' Club. CRANE, THOMAS FREDERICK— Professor, Cor nell University, Ithaca; residence 9 Central avenue. Born in New York City, July 12, 1844. Educated at Princeton. (Married.) Acting president of Cornell University from Jan. 23 to Aug. 29, 1899. Now Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and professor of Ro mance languages and literatures. Member Phi Beta Kappa and American Philosophical Societies and Kap pa Alpha Fraternity. CRANE, WARREN C— Retired Dry Goods Mer chant. 3-30 Broadway, New York City; residence 121 West 70th street. Born In West Granville, Mass., July 18, 1841. (Married.) Engaged In the dry goods busi ness from 1864 to 1871; not in active business since 1871. Member Colonial Club, Sons of the Revolution, Society of Mayflower Descendants, and New York His torical Society. CRANE, WILLIAM MONTGOMERY — Manufac turer of Stoves, 838 Broadway, New York City; resi dence Roselle, N. J. Member of the firm of WUliam M. Crane & Co. Member New York Athletic, Manu script and Baptist Clubs and Sons of the American Revolution. CRANITCH, WILLIAM I. A.-Lawyer, 135 Broad way, New York City; residence 841 West End avenue. Member Democratic and Catholic Clubs, American Geographical Society, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, Xavier Alumni Association, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Association ol the Bar of the City of New York. CRAVATH, PAUL D.— Lawyer, 40 WaU street. New York City; residence 107 East 39th street. Born in Berlin Heights, Ohio, July 14, 1861. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, studied in Europe two years, and at Oberlin College ('82), and Columbia Uni- ¦verslty Law School ('86). (Married.) Member of the flrm of Cravath & Houston. Director Brush Electric lUuminating Co., and United Electric Light and Power Co. Member Union League, Republican, University, Congregational and Lawyers' Clubs, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Ohio and New England Societies and others. CRAWFORD, C. G.— Publisher, 441 Pearl street. New York City; residence Plainfleld, N. J. Vice-presi dent J. A. Scrlven Co., and Wynkoop-Hallenbeck, Crawford Co. Member Knickerbocker Athletic and Arkwright Clubs. CRAWFORD, FRANCIS MARION— Novelist, 66 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 70 Fifth ave nue. Born in Italy, Aug. 2, 1854. Educated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and Trinity College, Cambridge University, England. (Married.) Author of "Saracinesca," "Mr. Isaacs," "Dr. Claudius" and others. Member New York Yacht and Players' Clubs. CRAWFORD, ROBERT L. — General Agent, 413 Broadway, New York City; residence 41 "West 57th street. General freight agent New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co. Director New York Mutual Gas Light Co. Member New York Yacht, New York and Transportation Clubs, Southern Society and American Museum of Natural History. CRAWFORD, WILLIAM— Dry Goods Merchant, 315 Sixth avenue. New York City; residence 55 West 27th street. Member of the flrm of Simpson, Crawford & Simpson. Member New York Athletic, Lotos, Larch mont Yacht and Colonial Clubs. CRAWFORD, W'lLLIAM H.— Manager, 708 Broad way, New York City; residence New Rochelle. Mem ber New York Athletic, Wool and Lotos Clubs and Metropolitan Museum of Art. CRBEGAN, CHARLES C— Secretary and Clergy man, 287 Fourth avenue. New York City; residence 716 Nostrand avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Brighton, Iowa, May 29, 1850. Educated at Oberiin College (D.D.). (Married.) Secretary to American Board of Commis sioners of Foreign Missions. Member Congregational Club of Brooklyn (president), Manhattan Association, New York Clerical Union and American Academy of Political and Social Science. CREHORE, W. W.— Civil Engineer, 39 Cortlandt street. New York City; residence Elizabeth, N. J. Bom in Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 3, 1864. Educated in Cleveland and at Yale. (Married.) Partner in the Structural Engineering Co. Member University Glee and Yale Clubs, and American Society of Civil Engi neers. CREIGHTON, JAMES EDWIN— Professor, Cor nell University, Ithaca; residence 2 Reservoir avenue. Born, 1861. Educated in Canada and at Cornell Uni versity. (Married.) Sage Professor of logic and meta physics at Cornell University. Editor of "Philosophi cal Review"; American editor of "Kant-Studien." Member Town and Gown Club, Alpha Tau Omega Fra ternity and other societies. 90 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. CREIGHTON, WILLIAM— Dry Goods Commis sion Merchant, 10 Thomas street. New York City; residence 112 McDonough street, Brooklyn. Member of the firm of Creighton & Burch. Member Merchants' Club and Union League and Oxford Clubs of Brooklyn. : CREMIN, JOSEPH D.— Real Estate and Loaaw, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 648 Park avenue. Born In Wyoming County, N. Y., 1853. Edu cated In public schools and at New York College. (Married.) Deputy tax commissioner of the City ol New York. Member Catholic Club, Royal Arcanum and others. CREUZBAUR, R. WALTER— Civil Engineer, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 381 Central Park, West. Born in Austin City, Tex. Educated in Brook lyn common and high schools. (Married.) Consulting engineer, engaged in the Department ol Finance, New York City, as supervising engineer on Brooklyn and Queens public works. Member Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, and American Society ol Civil Engineers. CRILLY, FRANCIS J.— President, 34 Beaver street. New York City; residence 9 West 47th street. Member University, Army and Navy, New York Yacht and Union Clubs and Loyal Legion. CRIMMINS, JOHN DANIEL— Contractor, 50 East 59th street, and 621 Broadway, New York City; resi dence 40 East 68th street. Born In New York City, May 18, 1844. Educated In public schools, and at St. Francis Xavler's College. (Married.) In contracting business with his father, 1864-73; since 1873 head ol the firm. President and director Port Richmond and Bergen Point Ferry Co. and Hudson and Essex Land Improvement Co.; director Bleecker Street and Ful ton Ferry R. R. Co., Christopher and Tenth Street R. R. Co., City and Suburban Homes Co., Consolidated Co., City and Suburban Homes Co., Consolidated ¦Traction Co. ol Jersey City, N. J., Fifth Avenue Bank, Jersey City and Bergen R. R. Co., Municipal Gas Light Co. of Yonkers and New York, National Union Bank and Upper" East Side Association; truttAee. Provident Loan Society. Member Catholic, Manhattan, Law yers', Building Trades and New York Yacht Clubs, American Museum of Natural History, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Aldine Association and American Geographical and American Fine Arts Societies. CRIMMINS, JOHN DANIEL, Jr.— President, 57 East 59th street. New York City; residence 40 East 68th street. President and director California Asphalt Co., and German- American Tile Co.; director Central Crosstown R. R. Co., and National Surety Co. Mem ber Racquet and Tennis, Westchester County Coun try, Engineers' and Lawyers' Clubs. CRIMMINS, THOMAS E. — Contractor, 50 East 59th street. New York City; residence 725 Park avenue. President and director Westchester Electric R. R. Co.; director Martin B. Brown Co., and Traders' and Trav elers' Accident Co.; trustee United States Savings Bank. Member Catholic, Manhattan, Lawyers', Play ers', Democratic, New York Athletic, Riding, Building Trades and New York Yacht Clubs, American JHu- seum of Natural History, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Geographical and American Fine Arts Societies and Aldine Association. CRISSEY, E. B.— Banker, Jamestown and Cherry Creek. Born in Stockton, N. Y., June 23, 1843. Edu cated in Stockton. Vice-president and director Farm ers' and Mechanics' Bank of Jamestown; also engaged in private banking business at Cherry Creek. CRITTENDEN, EDWARD W.-Lawyer, 119 Nas sau street. New York City; residence Highwood, N. J. Member Psi Upsilon Club, Union Alumni Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. CRITTENDEN, WALTER H.-Lawyer, 206 Broad way, and Secretary, 287 Fourth avenue. New York City; residence 118 Hicks street, Brooklyn. Secretary and director "The Outlook" Co. Member Lawyers', University and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, Crescent Ath letic Club of Brooklyn, Amherst College Alumni Asso ciation and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. CROCKER, FRANCIS B.— Professor, Columbia University, New York City; residence 14 West 45th street. Born in New Tork City, July 4, 1861. Edu cated at Columbia University. (Single.) Professor ol electrical engineering at Columbia University; director Columbia University Press; vice-president and direc tor Crocker- Wheeler Electric Co.; past president Apierican Institute ol Electrical Engineers. Member University and Racquet -and Tennis Clubs. CROCKER, GEORGE A.-Merchant, 32 Cliff street. New York City; residence 5 West 49th street. Director Bank ol America. Member Union League and Metro politan Clubs, Down Town, Brown University Alumni and Century Associations, American Society . ol Me chanical Engineers, American Museum ol Natural History, American Geographical and New England So cieties and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. CROES, J. JAMES R.— Civil Engineer, 68 Broad street. New York City; residence Yonkers. Born In Richmond, Va., Nov. 25, 1834. Educated at CoUege ol St. James, Maryland. (Single.) Chiel engineer Dakota Water Power Co.; consulting engineer lor water supply, sewerage, river Improvements and water power. Member Union League and University Cluba, American Society of Civil Engineers, and Institution of Civil Engineers of England. CROFT, SILAS C— Surveyor of Customs, Custom House, New York City; residence 116 West 122d street Bom In Putnam County, N. Y., Oct. 11, 1848. Educated at Peeksklli Military Academy. (Married.) President and director Virginia Land Improvement Co.; presi dent Dladiune Mf'g Co. Was president of the Board of Charities during Mayor Strong's admistration, 1895- 7. Member Republican, Harlem, Harlem Republican, Central Republican, and Mt. Morris Republican Clubs. CROLIUS, WILLIAM H. — Manager, 18 Liberty street. New York City; residence 247 West 103d street Member Lawyers' and Colonial Clubs. CROMWELL, BENJAMIN F.— Dry Goods Mer chant, 224 Church Street,' New York City; residence 456 West 162d street. Born in New York City, 1844. Edu cated at public schools in New York City. (Married.) Connected with the H. B. Claflin Co. Member Camera and Arkwright Clubs. CROMWELL, DAVID— Banker, White Plains; residence 1 Chester avenue. Born In New "York City, May 26, 1838. Educated at Corawall Collegiate School. (Married.) President White Plains Bank, Home Sav ings Bank ol White Plains, White Plains Building and Loan Association, and Tarrytown, White Plains and Mamaroneck Railway Co. Was treasurer ol West chester County, 1879-91. Member Transportation Club ol New York City. CROMWELL, FREDERIC— Treasurer, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence 5 West 56th street Treasurer and trustee Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York; trustee Guaranty Trust Co.; director Bank of New Amsterdam, Deleware and Hudson Canal Co., Gill Engraving Co., Jefferson and Clearfleld Coal and Iron Co., National Union Bank and Sixth Avenue H. R. Co. Member Metropolitan, Harvard, University, Hamilton and Tuxedo Clubs, Down Town and Century Associations and Metropolitan Museum of Art. CROMWELL, GBOR(3ffi — President, First Na tional Bank Building, St. George, S. I. Born in Brook lyn, N. Y., July 3, 1860. (Son of Henry B. Cromwell.) Educated at Juvenile High School, Brooklyn Poly technic Institute ('78), Tale University ('83), and Co lumbia College Law School ('86). Assemblyman, 1887; member of the law flrm ol Butler, Stillman & Hub bard, 1888-97; president Richmond County Board of Park Commissioners, 1897; president Borough ol Rich mond since Jan. 1, 1898. CROMWELL, JAMES W.— Dry Goods Commission Merchant, 1 Greene street. New York City; residence 48 West 59th street. Born in New York City, Feb. 10, 1842. Educated at Haverlord College. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol William Iselin & Co. Director United States Fire Insurance Co.; trustee Long Island Loan and Trust Co. and Bowery Savings Bank. Mem ber Merchants' Club, Century Association, St. Maurice Fish and Game, and Laurentian Clubs ol Canada, Washington Association ol New Jersey, New England Society and Chamber ol Commerce. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 91 CROMWELL, OLIVER E. — 46 Exchange place. New York City; residence Port Chester. Born in New York City, Oct. 6, 1846. Educated at Columbia (QoUege School ol Mines. (Married.) Member Union, Delta Phi, New York Yacht, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and American Yacht Clubs, and Holland Lodge. CROMWELL, SEYMOUR LE GRAND — Banker and Broker, 36 Broad street. New York City; residence 4 Lexington avenue. Born In Brooklyn, N. Y., April 24, 1872. Educated at Harvard and University ol Ber lin. (Married.) Member ol the firm ot Strong, Sturgls & Co., and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Secre tary University Settlement Society. Member Univer sity, Metropolitan, Racquet and Tennis, Harvard, City and Riding Clubs. CROOK, ABEL— Lawyer, 99 Nassau street. New York City; residence 113 St. James place, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, July 6, 1842. Educated at WUliams College ('62) and Columbia CoUege Law School ('64). (Married.) Official general counsel ol Traders' and Travelers' Accident Co., Jewelers' League, Wynkoop- Hallenbeck-Crawlord Co., and Fulton Market Fish mongers' Association. Member Brooklyn and Foun tain Gun (president) Clubs ol Brooklyn, Democratic Club, Accomack (Va.) Club, Academy ol Political Science,' State Bar, Brooklyn Bar and Williams Col lege Alumni Associations and American Fisheries So ciety. CROPSEY, AMOS H.— Grain Merchant, 86 Kent avenue, Brooklyn; residence 228 Lincoln place. Born In Kings County, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1854. Educated in New York City. (Married.) Connected with the Brooklyn Elevator and Milling Co., and Eagle Savings and Loan Co. Member Union League and Marine and Field Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution, and 7th Regiment Yeteran Association. CROSBY, EDWARD NICOLL — Real Estate, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 118 East 24th street. Born In New York City, 1865. Educated in private schools. Member City Club, Society ol Co lonial Wars, Sons ol the Revolution, and Columbia "University Alumni Association. CROSBY, ERNEST HOWARD— Author and Lec turer, Rhinebeck. Born in New York, Nov. 4, 1856. (Son ol Rev. Howard Crosby.) Educated at New York University ('76) and Columbia Law School ('78). (Mar ried.) Practiced law In New York City, 1878-89; mem ber ol Assembly, 1887-9; judge of the International Court, Alexandria, Egypt, 1889-94; since 1894 has given attention to social reform; flrst president Social Reform Club, 1894. Author of "Plain Talk in Psalm and Parable," and other magazine articles. Member Sons of the Revolution, St. Nicholas Society, and So cial Reform Club. CROSBY, HENRY ASHTON — Investments, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 29 Washington square. West. Born in New York City, 1843. Edu cated at the CoUege of the City of New York. (Mar ried.) Director Appert Glass Co. Member Sons of the Revolution. CROSBY, HENRY P.- Shipping Merchant, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 37 South Portland avenue, Brooklyn. Born In New York City, Aug. 14, 1839. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic In- ' stltute. (Married.) Treasurer and director Flint, Eddy & Co. ; director United States Fire Insurance Co. Member Crescent Athletic and Oxford Clubs of Brook lyn, and Down Town Association. CROSBY, JOHN SCHUYLER— (Colonel.) Soldier, 1 West 21st street. New York City. Born in Albany County, N. T., Sept. 19, 1839. Educated at the Univer- city of the City of New York. (Married Harriet Van Rensselaer of the Manor House, Albany.) Served throughout Civil War In Army of the Potomac, Army ol the Gull, and as General Sheridan's personal aide- de-camp; was breveted several times lor gallantry In the field, and received an autograph letter Irom Presi dent Lincoln thanking him lor conspicuous bravery In carrying dispatches through the enemy's country to Admiral Farragut. Alter the war served with Gen eral Sheridan on the Rio Grande, and was adjutant- general on his staff In the Indian campaigns ol 1867, 1868 and 1869; resigned Irom army Jan. 1, 1871. Re ceived gold medal by act ol Congress lor "extreme and heroic daring" at wreck ol yacht "Mohawk" in 1876; appointed consul to Italy by President Grant in same year; while there received decoration ol Crown of Italy Irom Victor Emmanuel lor the discovery and arrest ol a band ol criminals. Appointed Governor of Montana by President Arthur in 1881, and flrst assist ant Postmaster-General in 1883; appointed a school commissioner ol the city oi New "York in 1889. Has traveled extensively in Europe, Asia and South Amer ica. Is connected with the Preusser Patent Car Fen der Co., and is a member ol the Metropolitan, Union, New York Yacht, and Army and Navy Clubs, Metro politan Club of Washington, D. C, American Geo graphical and St. Nicholas Societies, Sons of the Revo lution, G. A. R. and Loyal Legion. CROSBY, LIVINGSTON— Secretary, 21 Cortlandt street. New York City; residence Riverdale-on-Hud- son. Bora in New York City, Sept. 3, 1864. (Married.) Connected with the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. Member Society of Colonial Wars and Sons of the Revolution. CROSBY, WILLIAM B.— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 146 West 104th street. Born in New York City, June 19, 1842. Educated at the Col lege of the City of New York, and Columbia College. (Widower.) Director Manhattan Eye and Ear Hos pital. Assistant paymaster United States Navy, 1863- 4; United States Consul to Italy, 1872-3. Member As sociation of the Bar of the City of New York, Sons ol the Revolution, and Lawyers' Club. CROSS, C. VANDERBILT— 24 West 56th street. New York City. (Son ol James M. and Phebe [Van derbilt] Cross; grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt.) (Married Emma Eldred.) Member Larchmont Yacht and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, New Eng land Society and Metropolitan Museum of Art. CROSS, RICHARD J.— Banker, 40 Nassau street. New York City: residence 6 Washington square. North. President and director , Shore- Line Ry. Co. of New Brunswick; director American Fire Insurance Co., Chicago Outer Belt Line, Elgin, Joliet and Eastem Ry. Co., Manhattan Trust Co., and Twin City Rapid Transit Co.; trustee United States Lloyds. Member Racquet and Tennis, and Nineteenth Century Clubs, Essex County Country Club of Orange, N. J., Ameri can Geographical Society, Century Association and American Museum of Natural History. CROSS, W. R.— Banker, 38 Nassau street. New York City; residence 6 "Washington square. North. Educated at Groton School, and at Yale. (Single.) Secretary Morton Trust Co. Member Racquet and Tennis, and Yale Clubs. CROSSETT, FREDERICK M. — Publisher, 156 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence University Heights. Born In New York City, July 12, 1863. Edu cated at Plngry School (Elizabeth, N. J.) and at New York University. (Married.) Manager of "Seventh Regiment Gazette." Member Twilight, University Athletic and Delta Upsilon Clubs, New York Univer sity Alumni Association, and 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. GROSSMAN, CHARLES S.— Diamonds and Jew elry, 3 Maiden lane. New York City; residence 1 West 83d street. Member of the firm of Charles S. Grossman & Co. Member Baptist Social Union, Scientific Al liance, New York -Mineralogical Society and Acanthus Lodge F. & A. M. GROSSMAN, GEORGE W.-Merchant, 77 Broad street. New York City; residence 8 East 80th street. Member of the firm of W. H. Grossman & Bro. Mem ber New York Athletic, Suburban Riding and Driving and Richmond County Country Clubs, Brooklyn Club of Brooklyn, and Down Town Association. CROSWELL, JAMES GREENLEAF— Schoolmas ter, 17 W"est 44th street. New York City; residence 120 East 34th street. Master of Brearley School. Mem ber Harvard and City Clubs, Century Association and Phi Beta Kappa, New York Historical and New Eng land Societies. CROUCH, JOHN D.— Tmnk Manufacturer, 161 and 688 Broadway, and 723 Sixth avenue. New York City; residence 110 West 77th street. Born In New York 92 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. City. Educated at the College of the City of New York. (Single.) Member of the firm of Crouch & Fitzgerald. Director Amsterdam Investment Co. Member Lotos, New York Athletic, Delta Kappa Ep silon and Drug Clubs. CROUCH, LEONARD C. — Lawyer, 504 DUlaye Memorial Building, Syracuse. Bora in Kingston, N. Y.. July 30, 1866. Educated at CorneU University. (Married.) Member of the firm of Fowler & Crouch. Member Citizens' and University Clubs. CROUSE, CHARLES E. — Wholesale Grocer, 218 West Water street, Syracuse; residence 715 West Gen esee street. Born in Chlttenango, N. Y., Jan. 31, 1850. Educated in Geneva, N. Y. (Married.) Senior mem ber of the firm of C. E. Crouse & Co. President and director Oak Knitting Co., Watson Wagon Co. of Can- astota, N. Y., and Rival Gold Mining Co. of Colorado; vice-president and director Syracuse Cold Storage and Warehouse Co.; member executive committee Ameri can Exchange Bank. Member Century (president) and Citizens' Clubs. CROWELL, CHARLES E. — Lawyer, 90 WaU street. New York City; residence Atlantic JTIghlands, N. J. Bora In New York City, July 24, 1847. Edu cated at Union CoUege, San Francisco, CoUege-du- France, Paris and Columbia Law School, New York City. (Married.) President Consolidated Railway "Telegraph Co.; director Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of New York, and Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of Brooklyn. Member Lawyers' Club, Crescent Athletic and Excelsior Clubs of Brooklyn, Atlantic Highlands Casino, Sons of the Revolution, and Asso ciation of the Bar of the City of New York. CROWELL, EDWARD B— I>awyer, 56 WaU street. New York City; residence New Brighton, S. I. Mem ber Staten Island Cricket and Harbor HUl Golf Clubs, Down Town Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. CROWELL, FOSTER— CivU Engineer, 18 Broad way, New York City; residence Flushing. Member Engineers' Club, American Society of Civil Engineers and Institute of Civil Engineers. CROWELL, JAMES L.— Agent, 61 Leonard street. New York City; residence 15 Forest street, Providence, R. I. Born In Pairhaven, Mass., Jan. 4, 1846. Educat ed in New Bedford. Mass. (Married.) Agent Silver Spring Bleaching and Dyeing Co. Member New York Athletic, Arkwright, Transportation and Central Providence Clubs. CROWELL, LUTHER C. — Inventor, 504 Grand street. New York City; residence 179 Hoop street, Brooklyn. Born Sept. 7, 1840. (Married.) Consulting engineer to R. Hoe & Co., and Boston Mailing Co. Inventor of several of the best features of the modern newspaper printing machines of R. Hoe & Co. Mem ber American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Franklin Institute of Philadelphia, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, and Brooklyn Lodge, F. & A. M. CROWNINSHIELD, FREDERICK — Artist, 42 West 18th street. New York City; residence 314 West End avenue. Member University Club, Harvard Alumni and Century Associations and Architectural League. CRUICKSHANK, WILLIAM J. — Tea Merchant 138 Front street. New York City; residence Harbor HiU, New Brighton, S. I. Member Staten Island, ¦ Staten Island Cricket and Richmond County Country Clubs and Down Town Association. CRUIKSHANK, ALFRED B.— Lawyer, 115 Broad- -way. New York City; residence 51 South Elliott place, Brooklyn. Member Democratic, Manhattan and Sin gle Tax Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of Ne'iv York. CRUIKSHANK, BARTON— College President and Engineer, Clarkson School of Technology, Potsdam. Born in Albany, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1866. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Adelphi CoUege. (Married.) President Clarkson School of Technology. Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Franklin Institute, Society for the Promotion of En gineering Education, American Academy of Political and Social Science, International Association lor Test ing Materials, and Loyal Legion. CRUIKSHANK, EDWIN A.— Real Estate, 141 Broadway, New York City; residence Bayonne, N. J. Born in New York City, Aug. 11, 1843. (Married.) Senior member ol the flrm ol E. A. Crulkshank & Co. (established 1794>. Director City Savings Bank ol Brooklyn, Real Estate Trust Co., New York Plate Glass Insurance Co. and Real Estate Exchange and Auction Room (Ltd.). Lile member New York So ciety lor the Prevention ol Cruelty to Children, U. S. Grant Post, G. A. R., and Exempt Firemen; member Wyandanch, Accomac, Saranac, Palmetto, Newark Bay Boat, Lawyers' and Reform Clubs, Blooming Grove Park and Megantlc Fish and Game Associations and St. Nicholas Society. CRUIKSHANK, FREDERICK RAIT— Insurance, 141 Broadway, New York City; residence 133 Gates avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Yonkers, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1872. (Married.) Member of the firm of Hard & Crulk shank. Member Apollo Club of Brooklyn. CRUMBIE, FRANK R.— Lawyer, 271 Broadway, New York City; residence 60 East 61st street. Mem ber Republican Club, Nyack Rowing and Country Clubs of Nyack, Presbyterian Union and Society of Medical Jurisprudence. CRUNDEN, ROBERT H. — 113 Broadway, New York City; residence 242 West 121st street. Bom in London, England, Oct. 24, 1851. Educated In London. (LL.D.) (Married.) Director Henry Gaze & Sons (Ltd.) of London; general manager and agent for same firm In New York City. CUDNER, ALBERT M.— Real Estate, 56 Liberty and 264 West 23d streets, and Publisher, 57 West 28th street, New York City; residence 325 West 20th street. President and director Albert D. Hubbard Publishing Co. Member Army and Navy Club, Loyal Legion and Lafayette Post G. A. R. CUFF, WILLIAM E.— Physician, 249 West 36th street. New York City. Bora in New York City, Dec. 20, 1864. Educated at St. Francis Xavler's CoUege, and Medical Department of the University of the City of New York. (Single.) Assistant surgeon Out Pa tient Department New York Hospital. Member New York Athletic and Catholic Clubs. CULLEN, EDGAR MONTGOMERY — (COlonel.) Supreme Court Justice, Second District, County Court House, Brooklyn: residence 144 Willow street. Born in Brooklyn, Dec. 4, 1843. (Son ol Dr. Henry J. and Eliza [McCue] CuUen.) Educated at Kinderhook Academy, Columbia CoUege ('60) and Troy Polytech nic Institute. Second lieutenant of 1st United States Infantry, and colonel of 96th New York Volunteers, attached to the 18th Army Corps, during the Civil War; admitted to the Bar, 1867; assistant district at torney, 1872-5; engineer-in-chief with rank of briga dier-general, on staff of Governor Tilden, 1875; elected Supreme Court Justice in 1880 for a term ol fourteen years; nominated by both parties and re-elected in 1894. Member Hamilton, Crescent Athletic and Brook lyn Clubs, University Club of New York City, Colum bia University Alumni Association and Loyal Legion. CULVER, EVERETT M.— Physician, 26 Cortlandt and 43 Cedar streets. New York City; residence 175 "West 58th street. Secretary, treasurer and director Waclark Wire Co. ; director D. E. Culver Co. Member Racquet and Tennis, New York, Camera and Lambs' Clubs and Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson. CULVER, FREDERICK F.— Lawyer, 80 Broad way, New York City; residence 418 West 20th street. Born in New Jersey, June 15, 1860. Educated at Princeton University ('80), and Columbia Law School ('82). (Married.) Member of the flrm of Clarke & Culver. Member National Arts, Church and Univer sity Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork, Colonial Order, St. Nicholas Society and Prince ton College Alumni and Down Town Associations. CUMING, JAMES R.— Lawyer, 2 Wall street. New York City; residence 204 West 43d street. Director Interstate Casualty Co., and Lawyers' Surety Co. Member Manhattan and Lawyers' Clubs, Century and Down Town Associations, New York Historical and St Andrew's Societies and Presbyterian Union. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 93 CUMMINGS, AMOS J.— Congressman, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. ; residence 32 Charlton street New York City. Born in Conkling, Broome Co'., N. Y., May 15, 1841. (Married.) Entered his father's printing offlce at the age of twelve; worked at case until he entered the army In Civil War; was sergeant-major In 26th Ne-w Jersey Infantry. Af terward filled editorial positions on "TribunI" and "Sun." Elected to Congress as ' a Democrat from Tenth New York District 1887; present term expires 1901. Author of "Sayings of Uncle Rufus," "Ziska Letters," etc. Member Press, Printers' and Demo cratic (ilubs. CUMMINGS, GEORGE W. — Vice-President 46 Park place, and 587 Hudson street, New York City; residence 905 "West End avenue. Vice-president and director American Press Association and Printing- Telegraph News Co. Member Reform, Colonial, Press and Hardware Clubs and Metropolitan Museum of Art. CUMMINS, JOHN— Lawyer, 253 Broadway, New York City; residence Roselle, N. J. Born in Steuben County, Ind., May 13, 1838. (Son of WUliam and Almira [Clark] Cummins.) Educated in common schools; studied law and was admitted to practice in Oregon, 1862. Member of the Oregon Legislature, 1862; president of the Idaho Legislative Council, 1864-5; United States Collector of Internal Revenue (by ap pointment of President Lincoln), 1865-6; Associate Jus tice of the Supreme Court of Idaho, 1866; has held many other Important positions. Practicing In New York City since 1868. CUNNINGHAM, FRANK— Lawyer, 35 Wall street. New York City; residence 109 East 36th street. Mem ber University, Racquet and Tennis, Metropolitan, University Athletic and Larchmont Yacht Clubs, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN H.— Editor, 60 Genesee street, Utica; residence 131 Oneida street. Born in Newfield, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1843. Educated at Ithaca « Academy and Hamilton College. (Married.) Editor of Utica "Herald." President Associated Press of the State of New York, 1898-1900. Member Arcanum and Fort Schuyler Clubs, Faxton Lodge F. & A. M. (past master), Utica Commandery No. 3, Knights Templar (past commander) and Imperial Council Royal Arcanum. CUNNINGHAM STANLEY— President, 640 Broad way, New York City. President and director Electric Tool Co. Member University Club, Somerset, Boston Athletic, Eastern Yacht and Essex County Country Clubs of Boston Mass., and Harvard Alumni Associa tion. CURIE, CHARLES— Lawyer, 46 Exchange place. New York City; residence 239 Jefferson avenue Brook lyn. Born in Audincourt, France. (Son of Frederick and Dorethe MaUena [Diemer] Curie.) Educated in public schools of Paterson, N. J., and at Bryant & Stratton's Commercial CoUege, Cleveland, Ohio and New York University Law School ('82). Served with 9th New York Volunteers (Hawkins Zouaves) during Civil War; was mustered out of service with the rank ol captain. Member ol the firm ol Curie & Smith. Director Paterson Ry. Co., Laurel Grove Cemetery Co., Paterson Central Electric Ry. Co. and Holtz & Freystedt Co. Member Army and Navy, and New York Athletic Clubs, Crescent Athletic, Irving, Hamil ton and Union League Clubs of Brooklyn, Loyal Le gion and Metropolitan Museum of Art CURRAN, CHARLES COURTNEY — Artist 16 West 61st street. New York City. Born in Hartford, Ky, Feb. 13, 186L (Married.) Member New York Athletic New York Water Color and Salmagundi Clubs National Academy of Design, American Water Color Society, and Society of American Artists. CURRAN JAMES ROSS— Banker, 36 Wall street. New York City; residence 107 East 57th street. Presi dent and director City Trust Co. Member New York Athletic Club. CURRIB, FREDERIC — Stock Broker, 15 Broad street New York City; residence 108 West 123d street. Born 'and educated in New York City. (Married.) Member of the firm of C. A. Harned & Co., members of the New York Stock Exchange. Member New York Athletic Club. CURRIE, WALTER J.— Stock Broker, 15 Broad street. New York City; residence 92 St. James place, Brooklyn. Born and educated in New York City. (Married.) Member of the flrm of C. A. Harned & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Indian Harbor Yacht Club. CURRIER, CHARLES OILMAN- Physician, 31S West 102d street. New York City. Member Univer sity and Bamard Clubs, Sons of the Revolution and Harvard Alumni Association. CURLEY, TERENCE F.— Importer of Cutlery, « Warren street. New York City; residence 81 Eighth avenue, Brooklyn. Member of the flrm of Curley & Bro. Director Club Publishing Co. Member Catholic and Hardware Clubs, and Montauk and Columbian Clubs of Brooklyn. CURTIS, BENJAMIN F.— Physician, 7 East 41st street. New York City. Professor of surgery in Uni versity and Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Mem ber New York Athletic and New York Canoe Clubs, Century Association and Academy of Medicine. CURTIS, CHARLES B.— Lawyer; residence 9 East 54th street. New York City, and Rye. Born In Yates County, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1827. Educated at Hamilton College ('48). (Married Isabel Douglass.) Author of "Catalogue of Works of Velazquez and Murillo" and "Rembrandt's Etchings." Trustee Society Library, Member Union League, American Yacht, and Apawa mis Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Long Island Historical Society, and others. CURTIS, EDWARD — Physician, 120 Broadway, New York (ilty; residence 33 West 69th street. Bom in Providence, R. I., June 4, 1838. Educated at Har vard (A.B., '69) and University of Pennsylvania (M.D., '64). (Married.) Assistant surgeon. United States Army, 1864-7; professor of materia medica and thera peutics in College of Physicians and Surgeons of Co lumbia University, 1873-85. Now emeritus professor of same; medical director Equitable Life Assurance So ciety of the United States. Member Lawyers' and Harvard Clubs, Century Association, Military Order of the Loyal Legion and Sons of the Revolution. CURTIS, F. KINGSBURY — Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City;- residence 131 East 26th street Director Wheeler & Wilson Mf'g Co. Member Union, University, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and Demo cratic Clubs, Down Town Association, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. CURTIS, G. LENOX — Physician, 7 West 58th street. New York City. Born In Boston, Mass. Edu cated at University of Pennsylvania. (Married.) Member New York Athletic Club, Society of American Authors and American Medical and New York State Medical Associations. CURTIS, GEORGE MILTON— Lawyer, 203 Broad way, New York City. Bom in Worcester, Mass., June 18, 1843. Educated by private tutors, and at Baptist •Academy, Worcester, Mass. Served in 3d Battalion, Massachusetts Rifles In Civil War; after war studied law; admitted to Bar and has since practiced In New York City; served two terms as member of New York Assembly; one term assistant corporation counsel ol New York City; was Judge of Marine Court, 1868-74. Defended and saved from gallows Colonel Buford of Kentucky, for murder of Chief Justice Elliott; secured verdict for Charles A. Hess in his suit for libel against New York "Press," and has been engaged in prominent cases in all branches of law. CURTIS, JOHN G.— Physician and Professor, 327 West 58th street. New York City. Born In New York City, Oct. 29, 1844. Educated at Harvard and at Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia Univer sity. (Widower.) Professor of physiology in Colum bia University. Member University and Harvard Clubs, Century Association and various medical and scientiflc societies. 94 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. CURTIS, LEONARD E.— Lawyer,., 120 Broadway, New York (3ity; residence Englewood, N- J- Member Lawyers' and Unjvera»ty Clubs, Ij!uqt(psne Qlub ol Pittsburg, Pa., Englewood Club ol Englewood, N. J., and Association ol the Bar ol the City of New York. CURTIS, SIDNEY W.— Broker, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 36 Strong place, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, Oct. 4, 1862. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Curtis & Romalne, and ol the New York Consoli dated Stock and Petroleum, New York Cotton, and New York Produce Exchanges. Member Twilight and New York Clubs, Atlantic Yacht, Crescent Athletic, and Whist Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Norwalk Club of Norwalk, Conn. CURTIS, WILLIAM EDMOND— Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 14 West 20th street. Born In New York City, June 2, 1855. Educated at Trinity College ('75), and Columbia College Law School ('77). (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Curtis, Mallet-Prevost & Colt. Was Assistant Secretary United States Treasury, 1893-7. Member University Club, Century and' Down Town Associations and As sociation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. CURTIS, WILLIAM JOHN — Lawyer, 45 Wall street. New York City; residence Summit, N. J. Born In Brunswick, Me., August 28, 1854. (Son ol John and Letltla A. Curtis.) Educated In public schools ol Brunswick, and at Bowdoin College ('75), and Colum bia College Law School. Member ol the firm ol Sulli van & Cromwell. Assignee ol the banking and broker age flrm ol Price, McCormick & Co. Director Bulletin Publishing Co., International Contracting Co., Chi cago, Peoria and St. Louis R. R. Co., L. V. Holzmaister & Co., Shelby Iron Co., Stevens Point Water Co., Thompson & Norris Co. and Vicksburg Water Supply Co. Member City, Lawyers' and University Clubs, Bowdoin Alumni and Down Town Associations and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. CURTISS, JULIAN W. — Manager, 126 Nassau street. New York City; residence Greenwich, Conn. Educated at Yale. Member University Athletic, Yale and Hardware Clubs. GUSHING, EDWARD T.— Grain Merchant 402 Produce Exchange, New York City; residence Bast WiUlston, L. I. Born in Boston, Mass. (Married.) Member New York Athletic, Meadow Brook Hunt and Union League Clubs. GUSHING, THOMAS J.— Electrical Engineer, 15 Dey street. New York City; residence 208 West 105th street. Bom in Madison, Wis., May 2, 1872. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) Connected with the New "York Telephone Co. Member Harvard Club. GUSHING, WILLIAM L. — Master, Westminster School, Dobbs Ferry. Member University, University Athletic and Yale Clubs and Century Association. CUSHMAN, ARCHIBALD P.— Lawyer, 115 Broad way, New York City; residence 71 West 71st street. Bom in New York City, June 4, 1830. Educated at Columbia College, and Harvard Law School. (Wid ower.) Member Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, Columbia University Alumni and Harvard Law Alumni Associations and Kane Lodge, P. & A. M. CUSHMAN, AVERY F.— Lawyer, 59 Wall street. New York City; residence 228 Jefferson avenue, Brook lyn. Born In Amherst, Mass., Aug. 28, 1860. Educated at Amherst College and Boston University Law School. (Married.) In admiralty and maritime practice. Vice- president and director Comstock Tunnel Co. Member Chi Phi Club, and Amherst College Alumni Associa tion. CUSHMAN, BLINN SILL— Instructor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 102 Eddy street. Degree ol B.S. Instructor in chemistry at Cornell University. CUSHMAN, CHARLES ALLERTON — 406 West 20th street. New York City. Born In New York City, Nov. 11, 1844. Educated at Trinity School. (Single.) Member New York Athletic and New York Clubs. CUSHMAN, JAMES STEWART — Merchant, 240 West 23d street. New York City; residence 387 West 22d stpset. Born in New York City, 1871. Educated in New York City. (Single.) Member ol the flrms ol Cushman & Denison, and J. W. Cushman & Co. Mem ber New York Athletic Club. CUSHMAN, JOSEPH W.-Merchant, 240 West 23d street. New York, City; residence 432 West 23d street. Bom In New "York City, Sept. 15, 1863. Edu cated at Columbia College. (Married.) Senior mem ber ol the firms ol J. W. Cushman & Co., and Cush man & Denison. Member Alpha Delta Phi Club ahd Columbia University Alumni Association. CUTLER, ARTHUR H.— Principal, 20 East 50th street. New York City; residence 18 East 50th street Born in Holiiston, Mass., Jan. 26, 1849. Educated at Harvard ('70). (Married.) Principal ol Cutler School. Member University, Harvard and Barnard Clubs, and Century Association. CUTLER, J. WARREN— Architect, Cutler Build ing, Rochester; residence 24 Merriman street. Born in Albany, N. Y. (Married.) Member Genesee Valley, Rochester Yacht and Country Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, Players'^ and Calumet Clubs and Architectural lioague ol New York City, Sons- ol the Revolution and Society ol Colonial Wars. CUTLER, WILLIAM H. — Manager, 41 Union square. New York City; residence, Preeport, L. I. Born in Albany, N. Y. Educated at Albany College. (Married.) Manager Standard Novelty Ml'g Co.; manager and general agent lor several other com panies. Member Sons ol the American Revolution, Albany Society, F. & A. M., and Order ol Old Guards. CUTTER, CHARLES F. — Publisher, 113 Pulton street. New York City. Born In PrlncevlUe, 111. Edu cated in Andover, Mass., at Yale University, Columbia Law School, Union Theological Seminary and in Har per's and Scribner's publishing houses. (Married.) Superintendent ol Fulton Street Noon Prayer-Meet ing. Member Congregational Club, Presbyterian Union and Book Sellers' League. CUTTER, JOHN ASHBURN — Physician, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 1064 Boston road. Born in Woburn, Mass., June 27, 1863. Educated at Massachusetts Agricultural College ('82) and Albany Medical College ('86). (Widower.) Member Medical Society ol the Borough ol the Bronx, and Lawyers' Club. CUTTER, RALPH L.— Dry Goods Merchant, 115 Worth street, New York City; residence 219 Clinton street, Brooklyn. Member Merchants' Club, Hamil ton Club ol Brooklyn, Sons ol the Revolution and New England Society. CUTTING, ROBERT FULTON— Trustee, 32 Nas sau street. New York City; residence 24 East 67th street. Bora In New York City. Educated at Colum bia College. President New York Trade School, Citi zens' Union, and Association lor Improving Condition ol the Poor; director City and Suburban Homes Co., and American Beet Sugar Co. Member City, Tuxedo, Church, Delta Phi and Social Relorm Clubs, American Museum ol Natural History, and Columbia Univer sity, Alumni and Century Associations. CUTTING, WILLIAM BAYARD— Lawyer, 32 Nas sau street. New York City; residence 24 East 72d street. President and director Improved Dwellings Association; treasurer and director South Brooklyn R. R. and Terminal Co.; director American Exchange National Bank, City and Suburban Homes Co., Flor ida Central and Peninsula R. R. Co., New York and South Brooklyn Ferry and Steam Transportation Co., and Tropical Land Co.; trustee United States Trust Co.; member advisory committee. Audit Co. ol New York; member executive committee. Chamber ol Com merce Member Metropolitan, City, Union, Delta Phi, Church, Players, University, South Side Sportsmen's, Tuxedo Westminster Kennel, Riding, Lawyers', Gro lier and Relorm Clubs, Columbia University Alumni and Century Associations, American Fine Arts So ciety, and American Museum ol Natural History BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 95 . CUYLER, CORNELIUS C— Banker, 44 Pine street, New York City; residence 214 Madison avenue. (Sin gle.) Jdember ol the fiTm of Cu-yler.r Morgan .& -^Co. Director Buffalo Railway Co., Crosstown Street Rail way Co. of Buffalo, N. Y., East Shore Terminal Co.'s R. R., Illinois Steel Co., Mercantile Trust Co., Mobile and Ohio R. R. Co., United States Guarantee Co., and Federal Steel Co. Member Union, Princeton, Univer sity Glee, University Athletic and Lawyers' Clubs, Century and Down Town Associations, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New Tork Historical and New Tork Genealogical and Biographical Societies. CUTLER, THEODORE L., Jr. — Treasurer, 253 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 176 South Oxford street, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, July 9, 1863. Edu cated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Widower.) TreaSflrer- Electric Building Loan and Savings Asso ciation; assistant treasurer Postal Telegraph Cable Co. Member Marine and Field, and Hamilton Clubs of Brooklyn. CUTLER, THEODORE LEDTARD— Clergyman, 176 South Oxford street, Brooklyn. Born in Aurora, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1822. Educated at Princeton ('41) and Princeton Theological Seminary ('46). Degrees of D.D. and LL.D. (Married Annie Mathist 1853.) Or dained, 1848; pastor Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, 1860-90; active in philanthropic work. Author of "The Empty Crib," "Heart Life," "Christianity in the Home," and many other works. D LABOUR, JOHN— Artist 208 East 46th street. New York City. Born in Smyrna, Turkey, April 8, 1837. Educated in Paris, France. (Widower.) Member Sal magundi Sketch Club. DAGGETT, JOSEPH M.— Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New York City; residence 1296 Madison avenue. Born in Chicago, 111., April 2, 1873. Educated at Columbia College. (Single.) Member New York Athletic, Laur ence Harbor Country and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs, and Chancellor Walworth Lodge, No. 271, F. & A. M. DAILEY, ABRAHAM H.-Lawyer, 16 Court street, Brooklyn; residence 451 Washington avenue. Born In Sheffield, Mass., Oct. 21, 1831. Educated at WiUlston Seminary. Admitted to practice, 1866. Member of the firm of Dalley, Bell & Crane. Former surrogate of Kings County and former justice of the Fourth District Court of Brooklyn. Member Brooklyn Club, Sea Cliff Yacht Club, and New England Spiritual Camp Meeting Association (president). DAILEY, GRANVILLE F.— Merchant, 600 Broad way, New York City; residence 20 West 127th street. Born in New York City, March 20, 1848. Educated In public schools. (Married.) Member of the firm of Searle, Dalley & Co. Trustee Harlem Savings Bank. Member Harlem Club and 7th Regiment Veteran As sociation. DAILEY, WILBER M. — Dentist, 30 West 39th Street, New York City. Born In Athens, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1868. Educated at New York University and New York College of Dentistry. (Married.) Member New York Athletic and Atlantic Yacht Clubs, Alumni of New York College of Dentistry (ex-presldent) and First District Dental Society. DAIN, FRANK M.— Lumber Merchant, 100 North Water street, Peeksklli; residence 313 James street. Born in Peeksklli, June 9, 1855. Educated at Maine Wesleyan Seminary. (Married.) Secretary Westches ter County Bank; director Peeksklli Savings Bank; treasurer Peeksklli Military Academy; trustee First Presbyterian Church; ex-treasurer Board of Water Commissioners. Member Independent Order ol Odd Fellows. DALBY, ARCHIBALD B.— President, 66 Broad way, New York City; residence 250 West 74th street. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1874. (Single.) Presi dent Hipwood-Barrett Car and Vehicle Fender Co. Member New York Athletic Club and Sigma Phi Society. DALL, HORACE HOLLEY— Insurance, 220 Broad way, New York City; residence 40 Garden place, Brooklyn. Born In Baltimore, Md., May 21, 1860. (Sin gle.) Manager St. Paul Building branch agency of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Mil waukee, Wis. Member Lotos Club, Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, Church Club of the Diocese of Long Island, New England and Southern Societies, Sons of the American Revolution, 7th Regiment Veteran Association, Montauk Lodge No. 286, Jerusalem Chap ter No. 8, and Coeur de Lion Commandery No. 23, F. & A. M., and Kismet Temple of the Mystic Shrine. DALLEY, HENRY, Jr. — President, 12 Duane street. New York City; residence 9 East 69th street. Born In New York City, Jan. 6, 1848. (Married.) President and director Dalley Mf'g Co.; vice-president and director Lazell, Dalley & Co. Member Union League, Metropolitan, Riding, Republican, Church, Whist, City and Fulton Clubs, Atlantic Yacht and Hamilton Clubs of Brooklyn, Ocean County Hunt and Country Club of Lakewood, N. J., Board of Trade and Transportation, Down Town Association, American Geographical Society, Chamber of Commerce, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. DALY, CHARLES PATRICK— Lawyer, 13 WU liam street. New York City; residence 84 (jlinton place. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 31, 1816. Educated in public schools. Studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1837. Appointed judge of the Court of Common Pleas of New York City, 1844; retired upon reaching age limit, 1886; was Chief Justice of the court for twenty-seven years. Now member of the firm of Daly, Hoyt & Mason. Author of many works on legal sub jects. Member Union, City and Players' Clubs, Cen tury and Down Town Associations, American Geo graphical (president since 1864) and Dunlap Societies, Scientific Alliance, MetropoUtan Museum of Art American Museum of Natural History and National Academy of Design. DALY, JOHN A.— Physician and Dentist, 21 Park r w. New York City; residence Washington, D. C. Bora in Washington, Deo. 5, 1859. (Son of Dr. John England and Mary Daly.) Educated at National Uni versity (D.D.S., '88 and M.D., '90). (Married Josephine A., daughter of Prof. John Esputa.) Was professor of operative dentistry to National University and special lecturer in Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. In vented and perfected the art ol lining vulcanite and other dental plates with gold; also invented several methods In popular use for correcting lll-fittlng dental plates, and several methods for ornamenting and dec orating celluloid and other plastic materials. Director Plastic Material Metal Covering Co. Member Na tional University Alumni Association (twice elected president). National Press Club ol Washington, D. C, and University Club of Galveston, Texas. DALY, JOSEPH F.— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street, New York City; residence 19 East 62d street. Born In Plymouth, N. C, Dec. 3, 1840. Educated In public schools. (Married.) Chief Justice Court ol Common Pleas, 1871-96; Supreme Court Justice, 1896-8. Member board of managers Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, and of advisory board of St. Vincent's Hospital. Member Players' and Catholic Clubs, Southern, American Geo graphical and Dunlap Societies, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and New York Law Institute, DALY, MATTHEW— Lawyer, 170 Broadway, New York City; residence Tarrytown. Born in New York City, March 23, 1841. Educated at the College of the City of New York. (Single.) Member Reform Club and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. DALY, MICHAEL T. — Deputy Comptroller, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 188 Lexington avenue. Born In Ireland, 1841. Educated in New York City. Mayor's marshal, 1866; clerk ol the Marine Court 1873-6; chiel clerk ol the City Court 1876-91; commissioner of accounts, 1891; commissioner ol pub lic works, 1893-5; deputy comptroller since 1898. DALZELL, FRED B.— Towing and Transporta tion, 70 South street. New York City; residence 111 Balnbridge street, Brooklyn. Born in Athens, Greene Co., N. Y., Dec. 8, 1861. Educated In Athens. (Mar ried.) Senior member ol the firm ol Fred B. Dalzell & Co. Director Brooklyn Wharf Transfer Co.; agent Boston Tow Boat Co. Member Atlantic Yacht, Cres cent Athletic and Invincible Clubs, Montauk Lodge No. 286, F. & A. M., and Pleasure Drivers* Association, all of Brooklyn. DAMON, WILLIAM E.— Jeweler and Silversmith, 15 Union square. West, New York City; residence 222 West 23d street. Bora In Windsor, Vt. Educated at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N. H. (Married.) Connected with the firm of Tiffany & Co. as superin tendent of credit department. Member New York Microscopical and New England Societies, Royal Mi croscopical Society of London, England, Farmers' Club and Scientific Alliance. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 97 DAMROSCH, FRANK— Musician, Park avenue and 59th street, New York City; residence 181 West 75th street. Born in Germany, June 22, 1859. Educated in New York City. (Married.) Supervisor of music In New York City public schools; musical director Peo ple's Choral 'Union and Singing Classes; conductor Musical Art Society, Oratorio Society, Symphony Con certs for Young People and Orpheus and Eurydice Clubs of Philadelphia, Pa. Member University Club of Philadelphia, Pa., and Century Association. DAMROSCH,, WALTER JOHANNES — Musical Conductor, Carnegie Hall, New York City; residence Hotel Cambridge. Born in Breslau, Prussia, Jan. 30, 1862. (Married Margaret Blaine.) Studied under his father, Leopold Damrosch, who was director ol New York Oratorio and New York Symphony Socie ties, and on his lather's death, became, in 1886, con ductor of both. Director of German opera in Metro politan Opera House. Member Century Association, Manuscript Society and Players' Club. DANA, ARNOLD GUYOT— Journalist, Pine and Pearl streets, New York City; residence 140 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. Educated at Yale. Treasurer and director William B. Dana Co., publishers of the "Com mercial and Financial Chronicle." Member Hamilton Club of Brooklyn. DANA, CHARLES- Vice-President, 54 Exchange place. New York City; residence 55 'West 51st street. Vice-president and director Standard Gas Light Co.; director Bradford, Bordell and Kinzua Ry. Co.; direc tor New Amsterdam Casualty Co. Member Manhat tan Chess and Union Clubs, and New England So ciety. DANA, CHARLES LOOMIS— Physician, 50 West 46th street. New York City. Born in "Woodstock, Vt., March 25, 1852. Educated at Dartmouth College (A.M.) and College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University (M.D.). (Married.) Professor of nervous diseases in CorneU University Medical College; visiting physician to Bellevue Hospital. Ex-presldent Ameri can Neurological Association; Fellow American Asso ciation for the Advancement of Science. Member Uni versity, Racquet and Tennis, and New York Athletic Clubs, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson, Dart mouth College Alumni and Century Associations, Sons of the Revolution, New England Society, and Society of Colonial Wars. DANA, FRANCIS E.— Lawyer, 186 Remsen street, Brooklyn; residence Summit, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, Jan. 21, 1836. Educated at Columbia College Grammar School; studied law in office of A. H. Dana, his father, in New York City and was admitted to the Bar, Feb. 22, 1858. (Married Julia Budington.) Senior member of the firm of Dana & Clarkson, established in 1871. Counsel and member of board of advisors Orphan Asylum Society of Brooklyn (Protestant). Member Brooklyn Club, and Highland Club of Summit, N. J. DANA, PAUL — Editor, 168 Nassau street. New York City; residence 1 Fifth avenue. Born in New York City, Aug. 20, 1852. (Son of Charles Anderson and Eunice [Macdaniel] Dana.) Educated in New York City and at Harvard University and Columbia Law School. (Married Mary D. B., daughter of W. B. Duncan, of New York City.) Was major and ord nance officer on staff of General Fitzgerald command ing the 1st brigade, N. G. N. Y.; served also for a time as park commissioner of New York City. Now editor-ln-chlef ol the New York "Sun." President and trustee Sun Printing and Publishing Association. Member University, Racquet and Tennis, Harvard, St. Andrew's Goll and Nassau County Golf Clubs and Sons of the American Revolution. DANA, RICHARD STARR — 1045 Fifth avenue. New York Citv. Member Union Club, Society of Co lonial Wars, (Colonial Order, Sons of the Revolution, and Columbia University Alumni Association. DANA ROBERT K.— Agent 16 Cliff street New York City; residence 140 West 74th street. Born In New York City. (Married.) Agent for Washburn & Moen Mf'g Co. Member Fulton, Apawamis Country and Electric Clubs and American Institute of Elec trical Engineers. g DANE, JOHN, Jr.— Lawyer, 261 Broadway, New York City; residence Orange, N. J. Born in Westford, Mass., Sept. 22, 1825. (Married Fanny Whitney, of Augusta, Me.) DANFORTH, ELLIOT — Lawyer, 256 Broadway, New York City; residence Hotel Endicott, and Baln bridge. Born in Middleburgh, Schoharie Co., N. Y., March 6, 1850. Educated in public schools, and at Schoharie Academy. Admitted to the Bar, 1872. President village of Balnbridge, three terms; delegate to National Democratic Conventions, 1880 and 1884; Deputy State Treasurer, 1884-9; State Treasurer, 1889-93; chairman of Democratic State Committee, 1896-8; Democratic candidate for Lieutenant-Gov ernor, 1898. President and director First National Bank of Balnbridge; treasurer and director Grand Conservatory of Music of the City of New York. DANFORTH, LOOMIS L. — Physician, 59 West 52d street. New York City. Born in Monticello, Otsego Co., N. Y., Oct 15, 1849. Educated at Utica Academy and at College of Physicians and Surgeons of Colum bia University. (Married.) Professor of obstetrics In New York Homoeopathic Hospital and College, and in maternity department of Flower Hospital; member of the staff of Hahnemann Hospital. Member Union League and Mendelssohn Glee Clubs, and New Eng land Spciety. DANIEL, WALTER Xr.A VERS— Life Insurance ana Lawyer, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence 512 Hancock street, Brooklyn. Born in Paris, Tex., April 20, 1859. Educated at University of Virginia. (Married.) General manager Metropolitan Depart ment of the Manhattan Life Insurance Co. Member Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity. DANIELS, GEORGE H. — General Passenger Agent, 371 Broadway and Grand Central Station New York City; residence Hotel Majestic. Born in Hamp shire, lU., Dec. 1, 1842. President and director United States Railway, Hotel and Steamship Advertising Co.; general passenger agent New York Central and Hud son River R. R. Co. (since 1889) : director International Pulp Co., and Arkell Weekly Co. Member Lotos, Quill and Transportation Clubs and Metropolitan Museum of Art. DANIELS, WILLIAM P. — General Manager, 5 West 18th street. New York City; residence 113 "West 40th street. Bora In New York City, Sept. 20, 1866. Educated at Harvard. (Single.) Treasurer and gen eral manager Mason & Hamlin Co. Member Garden City Golf, Westchester Golf, University, Harvard, Players' and Manuscript Clubs. DANNE, FREDERICK— Physician, 44 West 50th street. New York City. Born in New York City, Feb. 12, 1837. Educated at Brown University and in Ger many. (Single.) Member New York, Atlanyc Yacht and Union League Clubs, Hope Club of Providence, R. I., New England Society, and Brown University Alumni Association. DARLING, EDWARD A.— Mechanical Engineer, 21 Park row. New York City; residence 152 Prospect street. East Orange, N. J. Born in Jersey City, N. J., Aug. 28, 1865. Educated at Cooper Institute, and at Cornell University. (Married.) Mechanical engineer for Edison Laboratory, and chief engineer for Edison Portland Cement Co. Member Cornell Club and American Society of Mechanical Engineers. DARLING, EUGENE R. — Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence 60 Manhattan ave nue. Born in Corinth, Orange Co., Vt, July 4, 1861. Educated at Corinth High School, Barre Academy, Dartmouth CoUege (A.B. and A.M.) and Columbia University (LL.B.); admitted to the Bar, June 1885. (Single.) Has been a member of the firms of Burnet, Darling & Cleveland, and Darling, Aiken & Simcox; now practicing alone. Attorney for the New York and Suburban Co-operative Building and Loan Asso ciation for the past ten years. President and half owner Eureka Copper Mining Co. Member New York Athletic Club and Dartmouth College Alumni and Dwight Alumni Associations. DARLING, J. L.— Merchant, Port Jefferson. Born in Port Jefferson, Aug. 9, 1855. Educated in Port Jef ferson. (Married.) Director Bank of Port Jefferson, 98 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Pennington County Bank ol Rapid City, South Dakota, Bridgeport and Port Jefferson Steamboat Co., and . Port Jefferson Milling Co. DARLINGTON, JAMES HENRY— Clergyman, 481 Bedford avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, June 9, 1856. Educated at Newark High School, New York University, and Princeton University and Theological Seminary. (Married.) Rector of Christ Protestant Episcopal Church. Chaplain to Veterans' Association of 47th Regiment N. G. N. Y. Member Hanover, Smithtown Country and Princeton Clubs, National Temperance and Huguenot Societies, Church Congress and Society of Colonial Wars. DARLINGTON, THOMAS — Lawyer, 206 Broad way, New York City; residence 11th street and Uni versity place. Born in Blooming' Grove, Orange Co., N. Y., Aug. 29, 1826. (Married.) DASHIELL, WILLIAM W.— Mechanical Engineer and Machinery Supplies, 35 Water street. New York City; residence 848 St. Nicholas avenue. Born In Som erset County, Md., March 14, 1856. Educated at Stev ens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N. J. (Mar ried.) Vice-president and general manager New York Lubricating Oil Co., director Manhattan Rubber Mf'g Co. Member Engineers' Club, and American Society of Mechanical Engineers. DAUS, R. L.— Architect 26 Court street Brooklyn; residence 1419 Pacific street. Born in Mexico, Aug. 10, 1854. Educated at Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France. (Married.) Member of the Municipal Build ing Code Commission. Member Brooklyn, Rembrandt, Riding and Driving, and Crescent Athletic Clubs of Brooklyn, Beaux-Arts and American Art Societies, Brooklyn Chapter American Institute of Architects, and Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. DAVENPORT, EDGAR L.— Actor, 1432 Broadway, New York City; residence 70 West 36th street. Bom in Roxbury, Mass. Educated In Boston, Mass., and in Philadelphia, Pa. (Married.) Member Lambs' Club. DAVENPORT, JAMES P. — Lawyer, 150 Nassau street. New York City; residence 209 Edgecombe ave nue. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., July 27, 1856. Educated at WiUlston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., and at Yale ('77). (Married.) Justice of Civil District Court, New York City, 1896-7. Member Property Owners' As sociation of St. Nicholas Avenue, Yale Alumni Asso ciation, Harlem Board of Commerce, and of several local Republican clubs. DAVENPORT, WILLIAM B.— Lawyer, 189 Mon tague street, Brooklyn; residence 201 "Washington street. Bom in New York City, March 10, 1847. Edu cated at Yale ("67). (Married.) Public administrator of Kings County. Director American District Tele graph Co. of Brooklyn; treasurer and trustee Brook lyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; trustee People's Trust Co. of Brooklyn. Member University, Manhat tan and Yale Clubs, Hamilton and Brooklyn Clubs of Brooklyn, Sons of the Revolution, Yale Alumni Asso ciation, America's Settlers and Defenders, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and Society of Colonial Wars. DAVENPORT, WILLIAM F.— Dentist, 503 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence New Rochelle. Born in New York City, March 30, 1854. Educated at a public school and at the New York College of Den tistry (D.D.S.). (Married.) Member Republican Club and American Geographical Society. DAVIDGE, EDSON G. — Leather Merchant 26 Ferry street. New York City; residence 746 St. Mark's avenue, Brooklyn. Bom in Liberty, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1849. (Married.) Director United States Leather Co. Member Fulton Club, and Montauk Club of Brooklyn. DAVIDSON, ARTHUR M.— Restaurateur, 20 Stone and 98 Broad streets. New York City; residence 246 West 45th street. Member of the firm of John S. Davidson's Sons. Member New York Athletic, Catho lic and Democratic Clubs, and Blooming Grove Park Association. DAVIDSON, GEORGE TRIMBLE — Lawyer, , 123 Liberty street. New York City. Director Little (3-iani Fire Extinguisher Co. Member Manhattan, Demo cratic and Church Clubs, Sons of the Revolution and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. DAVIDSON, MARSHALL T. — Manufacturer of Pumps, 133 Liberty street. New York City; residence 108 St. James place, Brooklyn Member Engineer Club, Union League and Brooklyn Clubs ol Brooklyn, and American Society of Mechanical Engineers. DAVIES ALBERT E.— Insurance, 164 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 49 Cambridge place Born in Sidney, Me., May 7, 1860. Educated at Cobum Classical Institute, WaterviUe, Me. (Married Mary Prentiss Ingraham of Brookline, Mass.) Ma.nager Home Life Insurance Co. Member Masonic Lodge of WaterviUe, Me., and Marine and Field Club. DAVIES, J. CLARENCE — Real Estate, 149th street and Third avenue. New York City; residence 797 West End avenue. Born in New York City, Nov. 27 1867. Educated in public schools, and at the Col lege of the City of New York. (Single.) Senior mem ber of the firm of J. Clarence Davies & Co. Member appraisement committee, one of the founders, and member board of governors for three terms, Real Estate Board of Brokers; chairman of real estate com mittee, and member of executive committee, North Side Board of Trade; member of numerous property owners associations, charitable institutions, hospitals, etc., as well as Masonic and other orders. Member Reform, City, Atlantic Yacht, Craftsmen's, Knicker bocker Athletic, West End, Harmonie, Country Cycle, Schnorrer, Fordham, Bedford Park and Century Coun try Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and others. DAVIES, JOHN VIPOND— Consulting Engineer, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence 20 Sanford avenue. Flushing, L. I. Born in Swansea, England, Oct. 13, 1862. Educated In England, at Wesleyan Col lege, Taunton, and University of London. (Married.) Member of the firm of Jacobs & Davies and of the firm of .Tacobs & Barringer of London, England, Consulting engineer Long Island R. R. Co. and West Virginia Short Line R. R. Co.; chief engineer Kanawha and Pocahontas R. R. Co. and New York and Long Island (Blackwell's Island) Bridge Co. Member American Society of Civil Engineers. DAVIES, JULIEN TAPPAN— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence 17 West Ninth street. Born In New York City, Sept. 25, 1845. (Son of Chief Justice Henry E. Davies.) Educated at Mount Wash ington Collegiate School, Walnut HIU School, and Co lumbia College ('66) and Law School ('68) ; admitted to the Bar (before his graduation), 1867. Served with 22d New York Regiment, 1863-6. Senior member of the firm of Davies, Stone & Auerbach. Trustee Mutual Life Insurance Co. (since 1882); general counsel Man hattan Elevated Ry. Co. (since 1884); president and director New York Tax Reform Association; director Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co.; trustee Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League, City, University, Lawyers', Atlantic Yacht, Church, Republican, Players', Mendelssohn Glee, Psi Upsilon, St. Nicholas and South Side Sportsmen's Clubs, Historical, New England, American Geograph ical and American Fine Arts Societies, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Columbia University Alumni Association and Metropolitan Museum of Art. DAVIES, JULIEN TAPPAN, Jr.— Lawyer, 32 Nas sau street. New York City; residence 38 West -llth street. Born in New York City, Feb. 20, 1870. Edu cated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., Columbia iTmversity and Harvard Law School. (Married ) Member of the firm of Davies, Stone & Auerbach Member MetropoUtan, University and Lincoln Clubs Association of the Bar of the City ol New York Down Town Association, Sons ol the Revolution, and 'societv ol Colonial Wars. DA-VIES, RICHARD T. - Wholesale Coal Mer- ??f"we=t T^n'S^''*^ Street New York City; residence 774 West End avenue. Connected with the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. Trustee American Institute Member Quill and Patria Clubs, New England Societv and Sons of the American Revolution. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 99 DAVIES, WILLIAM GILBERT— Lawyer, 32 Nas sau street. New York City; residence 22 East 45th street. Born in New York City, March 21, 1842. Edu cated at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. (Married.) Member Union, Tuxedo, University, Manhattan, Democratic, Nineteenth Century, Grolier, Lawyers' and Church Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa, St. Nicholas, New England, New York Historical and New York Genea logical and Biographical Societies, Trinity Alumni and Century Associations, Scientific Alliance, Association of the Bar of the City ol New York, Society of Colo nial Wars, Colonial Order, Sons of the Revolution, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Museum of Natural History, and Liederkranz. DAVIS, ALBERT A. — Physician, 119 East 62d street. New York City. Member County Medical So ciety, Academy of Medicine and Dartmouth College Alumni, St. Luke's Hospital Alumni, and College ol Physicians and Surgeons Alumni Associations. DAVIS, ALBERT S.— Advertising Printing, 19th street and Fourth avenue. New York City; residence 105 East 82d street. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Edu cated at Phillips Andover Academy and at Yale. (Single.) Connected with the American Lithographic Co. Member Yale Club. DAVIS, CHARLES— 1 Nassau street. New York City. Born and educated in Boston, Mass. (Married.) Member Union Club, and Sons ol the Revolution. DAVIS, CHARLES BELMONT — Publisher, 34 West 30th street. New York City. Bom in Philadel phia, Pa., Jan. 24, 1866. Educated at Lehigh Univer sity. (Single.) Connected with the De Witt Publish ing Co. Member Lambs' Club, and Sons ol the Ameri can Revolution. DAVIS, CHARLES HENRY— Prolessional Engi neering, 99 Cedar street. New York City; residence Bellevue avenue. Upper Montciair, N. J. Born In Montgomery County, Pa., May 4, 1865. (Son ol Henry •Corbett and Martha [Mellor] Davis). Educated abroad and at Columbia College School ol Mines (C.E., '87). (Married Helen Maria Hinds.) Ex-president John Stephenson Co. (Ltd.). Member Union League and Lawyers' Clubs, Union League Club ol Philadelphia, Pa., American Society ol Civil Engineers, American -Society ol Mechanical Engineers, American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Alumni Association of the School of Mines of Columbia University and others. DAVIS, CHARLES HENRY — Photographs, 323 "West 80th street. New York City, and Belle Island, Conn. Born June, 1855. Educated at State Normal School, Cortland, N. Y. (Married.) President Davis .& Sanford. Author of "Hand Book of Electrical Dia grams and Connections." Member Camera, Columbia Yacht, Colonial, Magnetic, Kit Kat and National Arts Clubs, and American Society of Mechanical Engineers. DAVIS, CHARLES H.— Banker and Broker, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence 58 "West 58th street. Born in Bayonne, N. J., 1860. Educated in Elizabeth, N. J. (Married.) Member of the firm of Buckhout, Davis & Co., members of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Calumet, Baltusrol Golf, Apawamis and Richmond County Country Clubs. DAVIS, DAVID D.— Broker, 35 Wall street. New York City; residence 359 Lexington avenue. Born in Boston, Mass., Feb. 11, 1860. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Leask & Co., and ol the New York Stock Ex change. DAVIS, E. WEBSTER— Physician, 153 West 44th street. New York City. Born in Tuscaloosa County, Ala., Nov. 5, 1853. Educated at Pelham Institute and New York University. (Married.) Medical examiner Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Member New York •County Medical and Southern Soeieties. DAVIS, FELLOWES — Broker, 1 Nassau street. New York City; residence 57 West 48th street. Born in Boston, Mass., July 18, 1848. Educated in Boston. (Married ) Senior member of the firm of Fellowes Davis & Co., and member of the New York Stock Ex change Member New York Athletic and Union Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, Society of Foreign Wars and .-Society of Colonial Wars. DAVIS, FRANK H. — Assistant Treasurer, 23 Broad street. New York City; residence Elizabeth, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1859. (Mar ried.) Assistant treasurer Southern Pacific Co.; direc tor (Chattanooga Southern R. R. Co., Fuente Coal Co., and San Antonio Ry. Co. ; treasurer and director Mexi can International R. R. Co., and Minneapolis and St. Louis R. R. Co.; secretary and director Newport News Light and Water -Co., and Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. Member Lawyers' Club. DAVIS, GHERARDI— Lawyer, 44 Pine street. New York City: residence 34 East 39th street. Member Uni versity and Republican Clubs, Down Town Associa tion, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. DAVIS, HENRY C— President 501 East 63d street. New York City; residence 204 Walnut street, Philadel phia, Pa. Director Provident Savings Life Assurance Society. Member Union League, City, Engineers', Lawyers', Lotos, New York Athletic and Transporta tion Clubs, New England Society, and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. DAVIS, HENRY C— Broker, 20 Broad street. New York City; residence Greenwich, Conn. Born in Nor wich, Vt, Sept. 11, 1849. Educated at Lawrence Uni versity, Appleton, Wis. (Married.) Connected with the firm ol A. A. Housman & Co., members of the New York Stock Exchange. Member New York Athletic, Lawyers' and Indian Harbor Yacht Clubs, Union (3lub of Tacoma, Wash., and Minnesota Club of St. Paul, Minn. DAVIS, HERBERT JEROME— President, 65 WaU street. New York City; residence 255 "West 71st street. Born in Hancock, N. H., June 14, 1844. Educated In Hancock. (Married.) President and director Davis Pyrites Co., and Davis Sulphur Ore Co. Member Colo nial, Lotos and Lawyers' Clubs, Union Club of Cleve land, Ohio, and Down Town Association. DAVIS, HOWLAND — Banker, 5 Nassau street New York City; residence 194 Madison avenue. Direc tor Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co., Corn Exchange Bank, Land and River Improvement Co., and New York Improved Real Bstate Co. Member Union League, Players' and Riding Clubs, American Geo graphical and New England Societies, and Down Town and Century Associations. DAVIS, J. EDWARD— Broker, 9 Broad street, and 331 Madison avenue. New York City; residence 26 West 51st street. Member of the flrm of J. W. Davis & Co. and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Met ropolitan, New' York Athletic, and Racquet and Ten nis Clubs, and Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson. DAVIS, JAMES M.— 9 Broad street. New York City; residence Grymes HiU, S. I. Trustee of corpora tion Staten Island Academy, and St. Austin's School; director Staten Island Rapid Transit R. R. Co., and Staten Island Water Supply Co.; trustee S. R. Smith Infirmary. Member Metropolitan, New York Yacht, St. Augustine Yacht, Richmond County Country and Staten Island Cricket Clubs. DAVIS, JOHN H.— Banker, 10 Wall street. New York City; residence 24 "Washington square. North. Member pf the firm of John H. Davis & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Treasurer and direc tor Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Terminal Co.; director Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Ry. Co. Member Union League, Union, Metropolitan, Tuxedo Riding, New York Athletic and New York Yacht Clubs. DAVIS, JOSEPH PHINEAS— Consulting Engi neer, 113 West 38th street. New York City; residence 201 West 55th street. Director Empire City Subway Co. (Ltd.), New York and New Jersey Telephone Co and New York Telephone Co. Member Century Asso ciation, Athletic Club of Boston, Mass., American So ciety of Mechanical Engineers, American Society of CivU Engineers, and American Museum of Natural History. DAVIS, LEWIS KETCHAM— Consulting Engineer 220 Broadway, New York City; residence 63 Riverside drive. Born in Indianapolis, Ind., May 26, 1869. Edu cated at Earlham and Swarthmore Colleges. ' (Mar ried.) Consulting engineer Indianapolis Water Co. 100 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Schuylkill Valley Water Co. of Philadelphia, Manu facturers' Natural Gas Co. of Indianapolis and United States Sand Filtration Co. Member Democratic Club, Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, Columbia Club of Indianapolis, American "Water Works Association, Franklin Institute ol Pennsylvania, American Insti tute ol Mining Engineers and American Society ol Mechanical Engineers. DAVIS, NOAH— Lawyer, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence 46 West 56th street. Born in Haver hill, N. H., Sept. 10, 1818. Received academic educa tion. Admitted to the Bar, 1841. Justice New York Supreme Court, 1857-68; Congressman, 1869-70; United States Attorney lor Southern District or New York, 1870-2; Justice New York Supreme Court, 1872-87. Since 1887 practicing law in New York City. Member Union League and Patria Clubs, and Association ol the Bar ol the City of New York. DAVIS, RICHARD HARDIN(3— Author, 34 West 30th street. New York City; residence Marion, Mass. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1864. Educated at Lehigh and .lohns Hopkins Universities. (Married Cecil Clark.) Correspondent of New York newspapers at coronation of the Czar, Queen Victoria's jubilee, and during the Spanish-American War. Author of "Soldiers of For tune," "The Princess Aline," "Our English Cousins," "A -year from a Correspondent's Note-Book," "Cuba in War-TIme," and others. Member Sons of the Revo lution, Sons of the American Revolution, and Royal Geographical Society. DAVIS, THOMAS J. — Dry Goods Merchant 45 Leonard street. New York City; residence 16 East 45th street. Member of the firm of Thomas J. Davis & Co. Member Union League, Merchants', and Adirondack League Clubs, and New England Society. DAVIS, T. MONROE — Dry Goods Merchant 45 Leonard street. New York City; residence 16 Bast 45th street. Born in New York City. Educated at Colum bia. (Single.) Member of the firm of Thomas J. Davis & Co. Member Union League, Merchants' and Uni versity Clubs, and Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation. DAVIS, VERNON M. — Lawyer, 220 Broadway, New York City; residence 194 Lenox avenue. Assist ant district attorney under John R. ' Fellows and "W. M. K. Olcott. Member Church and Manhattan Clubs, Society of Medical Jurisprudence, and Associa tion of the Bar of the City of New York. DAVIS, WILLIAM C. — Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 36 West 35th street. Born in Mifflin County, Pa., Sept. 21, 1857. Educated at Mountain Seminary, Birmingham, Pa., and at Prince ton. (Single.) Member Union League, Lotos, Larch mont Yacht and Princeton Clubs. DAVISON, CHARLES A.-Lawyer, 71 "WaU street. New York City; residence 8 West 48th street. Trustee Greenwich Savings Bank. Member Reform Club, American Geographical and Phi Beta Kappa Socle- ties, Williams College Alumni and Century Associa tions, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Museum of Natural History, and Association of the Bar of the City ol New York. DAVISON, CLARENCE B.— Coffee Merchant 97 Front street. New York City; residence 529 Centre street. Orange, N. J. Member Calumet, St. Anthony, New York Athletic and Riding Clubs. DAVISON. E. MORA— Banker, 23 Nassau street. New York City; residence 148 East 30th street. Bom in New York (City, July 1, 1853. Educated at Harvard. (Single.) Connected with the firm of August Belmont & Co. President and director Park Row Construction Co. and Park Row Realty Co.; treasurer and director Safety Bottle and Ink Co.; director New York "Times," and American Industries Co.; steward Westchester Racing Association. Member Harvard, Columbia Yacht and Reform Clubs and Century Association. DAVISON, GEORGE HOWARD — Stock Farmer, Altamont Stock Farm, Millbrook. Bom in Brooklyn, N. T., July 16, 1867. Educated at Tale (Ph.B., '88), Comell (B.S.A., '89) and American Veterinary College (D.V.S., '90). (Married.) Vice-president New Tork State Agricultural Society; secretary National Asso ciation for Exhibition of Live Stock; director Bank of Millbrook; member board ol control New Tork State Experiment Station; member ol executive committee International Live Stock Exposition, and American Shropshire Sheep Association. Member Union League, Calumet and St. Anthony Clubs, New Tork Zoological Society, and Squadron "A," N. G. N. T. (first Ueuten ant), aU ol New Tork City. DA VOL, "WILLIAM H.— Metals, 100 John street. New Tork City: residence 384 Washington avenue, Brooklyn. Member of the firm of John Davol & Sons. Director MitcheU Vance Co. Member Montauk Club of Brooklyn. DAWBARN, ROBERT H. M.— Physician, 105 West 74th street. New Tork City. Born in New Tork State, Jan. 11, 1860. Educated In private schools in Green wich, Conn., and in medical department of Columbia University (M.D., '81). (Married.) Professor ol sur gery New Tork Polyclinic College; visiting surgeon City and Polyclinic Hospitals. Member Nineteenth Century and Quill Clubs, State Medical, County Medi cal, West End Medical, Pathological and Surgical Societies, Academy of Medicine, Society of Medical Jurisprudence, and American Association of Anatom ists. DAWES, SPENCER LTMAN — Physician and Surgeon, 255 State street, Albany. Born in Saugertles, N. T., March 17, 1864. Educated at Shortledge Acad emy, Bellevue Hospital Medical College and New Tork College of Physicians and Surgeons. (Married.) Was health officer of Saugertles for five years. Now instructor in theory and practice of medicine In Al bany Medical Colle,ge, and lecturer In Albany Hospi tal Training School. Member Fort Orange and Albany Country Clubs, and State Medical, Albany County Medical and Ulster County Medical Societies. DAWSON, MILES M. — Actuary, 11 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 381 West End avenue. Born in Vlroqua, Wis., May 13, 1863. Educated at Kentucky University. (Married.) Member Twilight, Colonial, Underwriters' and Social Reform Clubs. DAT, ALBERT P.- Manager, William street and Exchange place. New Tork City; residence Morris town, N. J. Bom In Hartford, Conn., Jan. 19, 1824. Educated at Brown University. (Married.) Manager State Safe Deposit Co. Member Brown University Alumni Association. DAT, CLARENCE S.— Banker, 40 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 420 Madison avenue. Member of the firm of Clarence S. Day & Co. and of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Vice-president and director Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg R. R. Co. ; director Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain R. R. Co., St. Paul and Duluth R. R. Co., and South Carolina and Georgia R. R. Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Law yers', American Yacht and Riding Clubs and New England Society. , DAY, CLARENCE S., Jr.— Banker, 40 Wall street. New York City; residence 420 Madison avenue. Mem ber of the firm ol Clarence S. Day & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Yale Club. DAY, DAVID P.— Lawyer, 380 Main street, Buf falo; residence 69 Cottage street. Born in Buffalo ?Ji?5 '^^' -^^^S- Educated in private and public schools. (Widower.) Has been corporation counsel of the city of Buffalo and a member of the State Legislature Is now park commissioner of the city of Buffalo- presi dent of the board of directors New York State Normal and Training School; trustee Empire State Savings Bank. Life member and ex-president Buffalo Society (>f Natural Science and Buffalo Library Association; life niember (German Young Men's Association- Fel- lo-w American Association for the Advancement of Science; member Buffalo Academy of Fine Arts, Buf falo Historical Society, Erie Lodge No. 161 F & A M Keystone Chapter No. 163, R. A. M., Keyston^ Councii.' ^^;-o-ht.^ , M., Hugh de Payens Commandery Knights -Templar, and is a sovereign grand Inspector- general of the thirty-third and last degree '"^P^"""^ ^r.Jif'^r GEORGE H.-Manulacturer, 320 Broadway ^S,^n^^"'^SI^''^^^ N^^ Y°''l^ City; residence Hart lord Conn Educated at Hobart College. Vlce-nreS dent and director National Board ol Trade ol Cycle BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 101 Mf'rs. Member New York Athletic and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, and Hobart College Alumni and Aldine As sociations. DAY, GEORGE LORD— Lawyer, 59 Wall street. New York City. Member Manhattan, Union, Univer sity, Princeton, Racquet, New York Athletic, and New York Yacht Clubs, Down Town Association, and As sociation of the Bar of the City ol New York. DAY, HABRY VALLETTE— Stock Broker, 6 WaU street. New York City; residence 6 East 44th street. Born in New York City, May 11, 1874. Educated at Yale ('95). (Single.) Member New York Stock Ex change, and of the Racquet and Tennis, Yale, Lunch eon and Delta Phi Clubs, Squadron "A," N. G. N. Y., and Country Clul) of Westchester. DAY, HENRY MILLS — Banker, 6 Wall street New York City; residence 6 East 44th street. Born In Waterbury, Conn., Oct. 20, 1838. Educated at Western Reserve University, and at Yale (A.B., '59). (Married.) Member of the firm of Day & Heaton, and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Metropolitan, Union, University, Meadow, Union League and Riding Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Alpha Delta Phi Fra ternity, American Museum of Natural History, New England Society, and Shinnecock Hills Golf Club. DAY, S. EDWIN — Lawyer and Banker, Moravia. Born in Moravia, Jan. 20, 1840. Educated at Moravia Institute. Was County Judge of Cayuga County for twelve years. President Moravia National Bank. Member Auburn City Club. DAYTON, CHARLES WILLOUGHBY — Lawyer, 27 William street. New York City; residence 13 Mount Morris Park, West. Born In Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1846. (Son ol Abraham Child and Maria A. [Tomlln- Bon] Dayton.) Educated in public schools, at the Col lege ol the City ol New York and Columbia College Law School. (Married Laura A. Newman, 1874.) Assemblyman, 1881; delegate to Democratic State Con ventions, 1881, 1882, 1883 and 1892; secretary State Elec toral College, 1884; postmaster ol New York City (by appointment ol President Cleveland), 1893-7; delegate to Constitutional Convention, 1894. Director Seventh National Bank, Twellth Ward Bank, Empire City Savings Bank, United States Llle Insurance Co. and Security Check Co. Member Harlem Democratic, Manhattan and Players' Clubs, New York Historical and New England Societies, State Bar and Down Town Association, Harlem Lodge F. & A. M., Sons of the Revolution and Association of the Bar- of the City of New York. DAYTON, ISAAC — Lawyer, 119 Nassau street. New York City; residence 344 "West 23d street. Mem ber Union, Manhattan and South Side Sportsmen's Clubs, Union College Alumni Association, and Asso ciation of the Bar ol the City ol New York. DAYTON, WILLIAM ADAMS — Physician, 111 West 64th street, New York City; residence Tarry town. Born in New York City, May 29, 1858. Educated in public schools, and in medical department of Co- ¦ lumbia College. (Married.) Member Hanover Club of Brooklyn, and Sons of the Revolution. DEAN, ARTHUR— Oil Merchant, 181 Front street. New York City; residence 133 Bast 34th street. Direc tor Dean Linseed Oil Co., and Northfield Oil Refining Co. Member Union League and Morristown (N. J.) Clubs and New England Society. DEAN, CASPER W.— CivU Engineer, 136 Liberty street, Ne-w York City; residence Hotel Endicott. Born in Milan, Erie Co., Ohio, Aug. 14, 1844. Educated at Kenyon College. (Married.) President Dean-West- brook Bridge Co. Member Colonial Club, and Ameri can Geographical and Ohio Societies. DEAN, FRANK— Banker, 530 Fifth avenue. New York City. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1862. Cashier Fifth Avenue Bank. DEAN, HERBERT H.— Life Insurance, 120 Broad way, New York City; residence 264 West 73d street. Bora in New York City, May 4, 1865. Educated at the College of the City of New York. (Married.) Super intendent Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States; director Compagnia Metalurgica Mexi- cana, Mexican Lead Co., and Potosi and Rio Verde R. R. Co. Member Lawyers' and Colonial Clubs, and Apawamis Club of Rye. DEANE, JOHN H.-Lawyer, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence 48 Central Park, South. Member Union League Club, American Geographical Society, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. DEANE, JOSEPH G.-Lawyer, 35 Nassau street New York City: residence 200 West 79th street. Mem ber Psi Upsilon and Nineteenth Century Clubs, and Amherst College Alumni Association. DEANE, WILLIAM E.— Lawyer, 271 Broadway, New York City; residence 246 West 106th street. Bom in New York City, Aug. 20, 1870. Educated at the Col lege of the City of New York, and Columbia Law School. Admitted to the Bar, 1892. (Married.) Mem ber of the firm of Booth & Deane. Member Catholic Club, and Knights of Columbus. DEANS, CHARLES H.— CivU Engineer, 71 Broad way, New York City; residence 804 St. Nicholas ave nue. Born In Chester, Pa., Nov. 30, 1863. Educated at Lehigh University. (Married.) President Engineering Contract Co. Member Engineers' and University Clubs, and American Society ol Civil Engineers. DEARBORN, GEORGE S.— President, 11 Broad way, New York City; residence Rye. Born in Brook lyn, N. Y., March 20, 1858. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) President Ameri can-Hawaiian Steamship Co., Flint, Dearborn & Co., Crude Rubber Co., and Manhattan Storage and Trans- ler Co.; vice-president National Sugar Refining Co.; director West Indies Land and Trading Co., and Cu ban-American Sugar Co. Member American Yacht, Racquet, Knollwood Country, Players' and Apawamis Goll Clubs. DE BARY, ADOLPHE — Importer, 43 Warren street. New York City; residence 15 West 52d street Born in Germany, Oct. 11, 1846. (Married.) Member of the firm of Frederick de Bary & Co. Member Union League, Lawyers', Tuxedo, Country, New York Ath letic and Riding Clubs. DE BAUN, ALONZO E.— Insurance, 41 Liberty street. New York City; residence 91 Halsey street, Brooklyn. Member Crescent Athletic and Union League Clubs of Brooklyn. DEBEVOISE, GEORGE— Manufacturer, 69 Cort landt street. New York City; residence 35 West 33d street. Born in New York City. Educated at the College of the City of New York. (Single.) Mem ber Alpha Delta Phi, Transportation and Quill Clubs, and Holland Society. DE BEVOISE, THOMAS M.— La-wyer, 115 Broad way, New York City; residence 2 "West 83d street. (Married.) Member QulU, Alpha Delta Phi, University Glee and Yale Clubs, and Yale Alumni Association. DE BILLIER, FREDERICK — Broker, 20 Broad street, New York City; residence Paris, France. Bom and educated in France. Member of the flrm of De Billier & Co., members of the New York Stock Ex change. DE BILLIER, FREDERICK O.— Broker, 20 Broad street. New York City. Born in New York City. Edu cated at Harvard. (Married.) Member of the flrm ot De Billier & Co., members of the New York Stock Ex change. Member University and Tennis Clubs. DE BOCANDE, EUGENE— General Agent, French Steamship Line, New York City; residence 205 West 57th street. (Married.) Engineer of arts and manu factures (Central School of Arts and Manufactures of Paris, France). Knight of the Legion of Honor of Prance. Member New York Athletic and Metropolitan Clubs, Cercle Artlstique et LItteraire of Paris, and French Chamber of Commerce of New York. DECKER, JOSEPH S.— Banker and Broker, 45 New street. New York City. Member of the flrm of Decker, Howell & Co., and of the New York Stock Ex change. Director Beckville and St. Lawrence Bridge Co., and Firth-SterUng Steel Co. Member Union League, Manhattan, Country, New York Yacht and Riding Clubs, American Geographical Society, Metro politan Museum of Art, American Museum of Natural History, and Liederkranz. 102 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. DB CLOT, FREDERIC (Frederic de Thummel- Clot; Baron de Beauregard)— 519 West 142d street, New York City. Born In Beauregard, France, Feb. 6, 1853. Educated at College Louis Le Grand in Paris, Kings College In London and Brest (France) Academy. (Married Annie Georgina, daughter of Thomas Mc- MuUen, of New York City, 1894.) Served as an officer in the French navy. Is an ordnance expert and a writer on military subjects. Member Colonial and Press Clubs, Tree Planting Association, and many others. DB COPPET, EDWARD J. — Stock Broker, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 314 West 85th street. Member of the New York Stock Exchange firm of De Coppet & Doremus. Member City and Re form Clubs, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. DE COPPET, T. — Stock Broker, 39 Broad street. New York City: residence 22 "West 17th street. Born In New York City, Oct. 31, 1876. (Son of Henry and Laura F. de Coppet.) Educated at Columbia. (Sin gle.) Member of the firm of De Coppet & Lockett, and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Racquet and Tennis Club and Delta Phi Fraternity. DE CORDOVA, ALFRED— Stock Broker, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 1 West 72d street, and North Branch, N. J. Born In Kingston, Jamaica, Aug. 19, 1848. Educated at New York High School. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Alfred De Cor dova & Co., and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Lotos, Colonial, Players', New York and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs. DEEVES, J. HENRY — General Contractor and Builder, 309 Broadway, and 148 West 83d street. New York City; residence 306 West 82d street. Member ol the flrm of Richard Deeves & Son. President and director Amsterdam Investment Co. Member New York Athletic, Arkwright and West Side Republican Clubs and Chamber of Commerce. DEEVES, RICHARD — General Contractor and Builder, 309 Broadway and 148 West 83d street. New York City; residence 58 West 83d street. Member of the flrm of Richard Deeves & Son. Director Real Estate Exchange and Auction Rooms. Member Re pubUcan, New York Athletic, Arkwright, Lotos, Colo nial, Building Trades, and West Side Republican Clubs, Aldine Association, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Museum of Natural History and Cham ber of Commerce. DE FOREST, HENRY P.— Physician, 369 Hancock street, Brooklyn. Bora in Fulton, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1864. Educated at FaUey Seminary ('80), Cornell (Ph.B., '84; M.S. and M.P.C., '87), Columbian University ('88), Columbia University (M.D., '90), Seney Hospital ('91) and Sloane Maternity Hospital ('93) and in Vienna, Freiburg and Paris ('97). (Married.) Pathologist Norwegian Hospital; assistant pathologist Seney Hos pital; assistant surgeon 13th Regiment N. G. N. Y.; Instructor in obstetrics Long Island College Hospital. Author of "A Thousand Miles Afoot." Associate- editor "Medico- Surgical Bulletin," also contributor to Brooklyn "Medical Journal" and "Annals of Surgery." Member Cornell Club, Seney Hospital Alumni and Sloane Alumni Associations, Kings County Medical, Pathological, Gynecological and Brooklyn Medical So cieties, Association of Long Island Physicians, and Association ol Military Surgeons. DE FOREST, HENRY S.— Real Estate, Schenec tady. Born in Schenectady, Feb. 16, 1847. Educated at Union Classical Institute. (Married Lucie E. Van Epps.) Began business career as a clerk, but changed later to larmlng. Served as Mayor for four years, and as city recorder for same term. Formed the syn dicate which erected the Edison Hotel and Van Curler Opera House, and is now engaged In the purchase, improvement and sub-division of residence and busi ness property, whereby he has done much to build up and develop his native city. Director Schenectady Bank, and Metropolitan Paving and Construction Co. Owns a large interest in the Van Curler Opera House, and in the "Daily Gazette," the official city paper. DE FOREST, HENRY W.-Lawyer, 30 Brood street. New York City; residence 24 East 35th street Born in New York City, Oct. 29, 1855. Educated at Yale ('76). (Single.) Member of the firm of De Forest Bros. Director Niagara Fire Insurance Co., British- American Fire Insurance Co., Bank for Savings, and New York Hospital. Member Union, Metropolitan and University Clubs. DE FOREST, JAMES G.— Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 33 West 36th street. Ti-us- tee Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. Member Union League and New York Yacht Clubs and Trinity Col lege Alumni Association. DE FOREST, JOHNSTON — Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 7 Washington square. North. Born In Plainfield, N. J., Sept. 5, 1873. Educated at Yale ('96). (Single.) Member of the firm of De Forest Bros. Member Colonial, University, Sea wanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, St. Andrew's Golf and Yale Clubs, and Yale Alumni Association. DE FOREST, LOCKWOOD D.— Artist, 7 East 10th street. New York City. Member Architectural League, Century Association, National Academy ol Design, and Metropolitan Museum ol Art DE FOREST, ROBERT W.— Lawyer and Presi dent, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 7 Washington square. North. Born April 25, 1848. Edu cated at Yale. (Married.) Member of the flrm of De Forest .Bros. General counsel Central R. R. Co. of New Jersey; president Hackensack "Water CO., Central New Jersey Land Improvement Co., and Charity Or ganization Society; director Continental Trust Co., Hudson Trust Co.; Niagara Fire Insurance Co., First National Bank of Hoboken, N. J., Dolphin Jute Mills, New York and Long Branch R. R. Co., New Jersey Southern R. R. Co., New Jersey and New York R. R. Co., and Port Morris Land Co. ; trustee Provident Loan Society, United Charities Building, Presbyterian Hos pital and Metropolitan Museum of Art. Member Uni versity, Grolier, Lawyers', Yale, Jekyl Island, St. An drew's Golf and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Clubs. Down Town and Century Associations and Associa tion of the Bar of the City of New York. DE FOREST, SHEPHERD K. — 118 East 36th street. New York City. Director Tenth and Twenty- third Streets' Ferry Co., and Queens County Bank. Member Union, Racquet and Tennis, South Side Sportsmen's, Westbrook Golf and Westminster Kennel Clubs. ¦ DE GARMO, CHARLES— Professor, Cornell Uni versity, Ithaca; residence 817 East State street. Born in Wisconsin, Jan. 7, 1849. Educated at Illinois State Normal University, and University of Halle Ger- Vin^l (Ph.D., '86). School principal in Naples, 111., 1873-6; assistant in Illinois State Normal University 1876-83; professor in same, 1886-90; professor of psy-^ chology in University ol lUlnois, 1890-1; president ol S-warthmore (Pa.) College, 1891-8; prolessor ol the science and art ol education in Cornell University since 1898. Author of "Language Lessons," "Essen tials of Method," and others. Member National Coun cil of Education, and American Philosophical Society. DE GARMO, WILLIAM BURTON— Physician 56 S fI\tlr%^''^J.°''^ ^"^- S°r" in Wisconsin! April 24, 1849. Educated in Rochester, N Y (Mar-i ned.) Professor of special surgery In New York Post- Graduate Medical School and Hospital. Author of numerous contributions to medical journals. Honor- ?:J'L,™^'"^®''.'^'''/'"'^ ^*^t^ Medical Society; Fellow Me^-n.^°'"«t f-'^'^^^?^ ,°* Medicine; member County Medical, State Medical and American Medical Asso ciations and QuiU Club. meaicaj Asso- DE GERSDORFF, CARL AUGUST-Lawyer, 42 ^vti.^*''^^*' New -York City; residence 128 East 24th street. Director Eden Musee Amusement Co (Ltd ) Emerald and Phoenix Brewing Co. and T. C Lym^ Co Member Calumet and University Clubs and aTs^ ciation of the Bar of the City of New York. DE GOICOURTA, ALBERT V.-Broker 66 Broad B^?; New York City; residence 28 West 56th street S \"'t.t"''^^"^' Cuba, Oct. 23, 1848. (Married) Member New York Stock Exchange, and of the Union Racquet and Tennis, New York Athletic, South S°de Sportsmen's, University and Riding Clubs BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 103 DE GROVE, EDWARD RITZBMA— Lawyer, 145 Nassau street. New York City; residence 72 East 56th street. Born In New York City, May 5, 1848. (Son of Edward W. and Hester [Strachan] De Grove.) Edu cated in New Haven and Woodbury, Conn., and at Yale (A.B., '69, and A.M.), and Columbia College Law School ('71). Member of the flrm of De Grove & Riker. Member Union League, University, Yale, Suburban Riding and Driving, and Lawyers' Clubs, Association of the Bar ol the City of New York and Liederkranz. DEKLYN, BENJAMIN F. — Vice-President, 64 Irving place. New York City; residence Everett House. Vice-president and director Menemsha Clay Co.; director Huyler's. Member New York Athletic Club, Aldinfe Association, Metropolitan Museum of Art and American Museum of Natural History. DE KOVEN, HENRY L. R.— Composer and Critic, 83 Irving place. New York City. Born in Middletown, Conn., April 3, 1859. Educated at University of Ox ford, England. (Married.) Member Knickerbocker and Union Clubs, Tavern Club of Boston, Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolution and Chicago (lU.) Club. DE KRAFT, FREDERICK— Physician, 242 West 42d street. New York City. Born In Germany, Dec. 4, 1861. Educated at Sollnshanbach (Germany) Gym nasium, Germantown (Pa.) Academy and Jefferson Medical College ('83). (Married.) Physician in ner vous department of the German Poliklinik. Mem ber New York County Medical and German Medical Societies, Knickerbocker Athletic Club, Society of Medical Jurisprudence and others. DB LACY, GEORGE C— Lawyer, 220 Broadway, New York City; residence 238 "West 132d street. Born in New York City, Feb. 18, 1859. (Married.) Member Hardware, Harlem Democratic and Sagamore Clubs and others. DELAFIBLD, ALBERT- Lawyer, 45 Cedar street. New York City; residence 6 West 18th street. Born In New York City. Educated at New York College, and Columbia College Law School ('68). Member of Company I, 7th Regiment N. G. N. Y. Member Mili tary Order of the Loyal Legion, Alpha Delta Phi Club, Sons of the Revolution, New York Historical Society, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and American Museum of Natural History. DELAFIBLD, FRANCIS — Physician, Columbia University, New York City; residence 12 West 32d street. Born in New York City, Aug. 3, 1841. Educated at Yale ('60), College of Physicians and Surgeons ('63), and in London, Berlin and Paris. Professor of prac tice of medicine in College of Physicians and Surgeons. Author of medical works. Member Metropolitan, City, Riding and Yale Clubs, Century Association and St. Nicholas Society. DELAFIBLD, FREDERICK PRIME— Lawyer, 29 Liberty street. New York City; residence Rlverdale- on-Hudson. Member of the firm of Delafield, Gould & Longfellow. Member City and Delta Phi Clubs, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson, Sons ol the Revo lution, Down Town Association, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. DEIvAFIELD, JOSEPH L. — Lawyer, 35 Nassau street. New York City; residence 475 Fifth avenue. Born In New York City. Educated at Berkeley School, Columbia College and New York Law School. (Sin gle.) Member New York Athletic and City Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, Society of the War of 1812, League of American Wheelmen, and New York Historical Society. DEIiAFIELD, LEWIS L.— Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New York City: residence 274 Boulevard. Member Union, City and Delta Phi Clubs, and Association ol the Bar ol the City oi New York. DELAFIELD, MATURIN L.— Retired, 475 Filth avenue. New York City. Born in New York City. Educated at Columbia College. (Married.) Member Metropolitan and Union Clubs, New York Historical, American Geographical and New York Genealogical and Biographical Societies and American Museum of Natural History. DELAFIBLD, MATURIN L., Jr.— Merchant, 66 Liberty street. New York City; residence Delafield avenue near Riverdale avenue. Born in New York City, Sept. 29, 1869. Educated at Berkeley School and Columbia College. (Married.) Treasurer and director Universal Lock Co. Member Union, Badminton, Tor rey Botanical (treasurer) and Appalachian Mountain Clubs, New York Historical, St. Nicholas, St. An drew's and New England Societies, Military Order of Foreign Wars, Society of the War of 1812, Veteran Corps of Artillery, Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolution, Columbia College Alumni Association, League of American Wheelmen, American Association for the Advancement of Science, New York Botanical Gardens, Botanical Society ol America, and New York Academy ol Science. DELAFIBLD, RICHARD— Banker and Merchant, 214 Broadway and 95 Hudson street. New York City; residence 40 West 46th street and Tuxedo Park. Born in New Brighton, S. I., Sept. 6, 1853. (Son of Rufus King and Eliza [Bard] Delafield.) Educated at Dr. Anthon's Grammar School. Entered a mercantile house as clerk In 1873. Commenced business for him self in the California trade in 1880. Is capitalist and senior member of his flrm in New York City, St. Louis and San Francisco. Prominently identifled with the Episcopal church, and Is a vestryman of - Trinity Church Corporation. President ' and director Na tional Park Bank; vice-president and trustee Colonial Trust Co.; director Mount Morris Bank, Na.tional Surety Co., Scarsdale Bstate, Frankfort-American In surance Co., and Plaza Bank; trustee Thuringia Fire Insurance Co.; chairman Seaside Home at Islip, L. I. Member Union League, New York Athletic, Tuxedo, Church and Merchants' Clubs, Sons of the Revolution and others. DELAFIBLD, TALLMADGE— President, 126 Lib erty street. New York City; residence 202 West 85th street. Born in New York City, Sept. 1, 1829. Edu cated at Poughkeepsie CoUegiate School and New York University. (Married.) President Marks Chair Co. Member Sons of the Revolution. DB LA MARE, ALPHBUS T.— Printer and Pub lisher, 2 Duane street. New York City; residence Ora- dell, N. J. Born in Gasp6, P. Q., Canada, Feb. 23, 1853. (Son of Rev. Francis and Charlotte [De Moullpled] De La Mare.) Educated in Channel Islands. (Mar ried.) President and director A. T. De La Mare Print ing and Publishing Co. (Ltd.). Publisher "The Flor ists' Exchange," and several horticultural books. Member The Typothetse of the City of New York, Society of American Florists, American Rose Society, American Carnation Society, and New York Florists' Club. DELANO, EUGENE— Banker, 59 Wall street. New York City; residence 42 Fifth avenue. Member of the firm of Brown Bros. & Co., members of the New York Stock Exchange. Director Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co., Delaware Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, Lehigh Valley R. R. Co., Mercantile Trust Co., Mutual As surance' Co. of Philadelphia, and Pennsylvania Co. for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities. Member University and Riding Clubs, Philadelphia (Pa.) Club, and Williams CoUege Alumni and Down Town Associations. DELANO, THOMAS H.— Publisher, 102 Chambers street. New York City: residence Greenwich, Conn. President and director T. H. Delano Publishing Co. Member Press, Republican, Indian Harbor Yacht and Nassau Pishing Clubs. DELANO, WARREN, Jr.— "Wholesale Coal Mer chant, 1 Broadway and 143 Liberty street. New York City; residence East Orange, N. J. President and di rector Mill Creek Coal Co. Member University, Har vard and Engineers' Clubs, Down Town Association and American Institute of Mining Engineers. DELANOY, JOHN A.— Insurance, 2 Wall street New York City; residence 1 West 69th street. Bom in New York City, March 23, 1836. Educated at Public School No. 2. (Married.) "Was for many years presi dent of the New York Bowery Fire Insurance Co., but retired therefrom and from all active business in 1890. Director National Butchers' and Drovers' Bank. Member Union League and Adirondack League Clubs, and Triton Pish and Game Club of Canada. 104 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. DELATOUR, H. B E B K M A N— Physician, 73 Eighth avenue, Brooklyn. Member Crescent Athletic and Montauk Clubs, Medical Society of the County of Kings, and Brooklyn Red Cross Society. DELEHANTYs JOHN A. — Lawyer, Commercial Bank BuUding, Albany; residence 451 State street. Born in Albany, May 18, 1857. Educated at Union Col lege, Schenectady ('77). (Married.) Assistant dis trict attorney of Albany County, 1881-6; corporation counsel city of Albany, 1892-1900. Director Municipal Gas Co.: trustee Albany City Savings Institution. Member Fort Orange and Albany Clubs, Reform Club of New York City, and Albany Historical and Art Society. DBLBHANTY, MICHAEL — Plumbing, Albany; residence 107 Grand street. Born in Ireland, July 12, 1820. Educated at Albany (N. Y.) Boys' Academy. (Married.) Was Superintendent of Public Buildings under Governor Flower. Trustee Albany Exchange Savings Bank. DE LBS DBRNIERS, JOHN H.— Fire Insurance, 201 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 104 Lefferts place. (Married.) Manager London Assurance Cor poration, and Caledonian Insurance Co. of Scotland. Member Marine and Field and Hamilton Clubs, and Lawyers' Club of New York City. DEM ARE ST, JOHN H.— Physician, 59 West 126th street. New York City. Member New York County Medical and New York State Medical Societies, American Institute of Homoeopathy, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. DE MELI, HENRY G. D.— Lawyer, 22 William street, New York City; residence 38 West 34th street. Born in Switzerland. (Single.) Connected with the firm of Turner, McClure & Rolston. Member New York Historical Society. DE MILT, HENRY R.— Metals, 238 Water street. New York City; residence 54 East 68th street. Mem ber of the firm of H. R. De Milt & Co. Member Union League and Republican Clubs, Ohio Society, and Board of Trade and Transportation. DEMING, CHARLES C— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 114 East 27th street. Bom In Hartford, Conn. Educated at Yale ('72) and Colum bia Law School ('75). (Single.) Member Union, Uni versity, Yale, Manhattan, Racquet and Tennis, and Hudson River Ice Yacht Clubs, Maryland Club of Bal timore, Metropolitan Club of Washington, D. C, Asso ciation of the Bar of the City of New York, and Ards ley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson. DEMING, HENRY CHAMPION— Vice-President, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence Union Club. Vice-president and director MercantUe Trust Co.- director Union Pacific Ry. Co. Member Union, Uni versity and Lawyers' Clubs. DEMING, LAURENT C— Assistant Secretary, 59 Cedar street New York City; residence University Club. Born in Hartford, Conn. Educated at Yale. (Single.) Assistant secretary Atchison, Topeka and Santa Pe Ry. Co., and auxiliary companies. Member University, Manhattan and Yale Clubs. DBMOND, CHARLES M.-Lawyer, 27 William street. New York City; residence 41 South Eighth ave nue. Mount Vernon. Born in Boston, Mass., Jan 23 1860. Educated at Williams CoUege ('81), and Colum-^ bia Law School ('85). (Married.) Member of the flrm of Logan, Demond & Harby. Member Society ol Medical Jurisprudence and Alpha Delta Phi Frater- DEMOREST, WILLIAM CURTIS — Lawyer 60 Liberty street New York City; residence 68 East '66th street. Born in New York City, Aug. 2, 1859. (Son ol W. Jennings and Ellen Louise [Curtis] Demorest) Educated at Columbia College School of Arts ('81) and Law School ('83). (Married.) President and director Realty Trust; director Price Baking Powder Co Tar tar Chemical Co., and Royal Baking Powder Co Member Lawyers', Nineteenth Century and Knollwood Clubs, Psi Upsilon Fraternity, Columbia University Alumni and Aldine Associations and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. DE MUND, JOHN E.— Physician, 1V40 Cropsey avenue, Brooklyn. Member Crescent Athletic and Ma rine and Field Clubs, and St Nicholas Club of New York City. DE NAVARRO, ALFONSO — Vice-President 143 Liberty street. New York City; residence 13 West 46th street. Born in New York City. Educated at Colum bia College ('83). (Single.) Vice-president Atlas Port land Cement Co. Member Lawyers', Union, Metropoli tan, Racquet and Tennis, New York Yacht, Meadow Brook and Country Clubs. DE NAVARRO, A. FERNANDO- 45 Broadway, New York City; residence abroad. Born in New York City. Educated at Columbia College ('83). (Married Mary Anderson.) Member Lawyers', Union, and Rac quet and Tennis Clubs. DENBY, ISAAC— Wool Merchant, 260 West Broad way, New York City; residence Montciair, N. J. Mem ber Wool and Congregational Clubs. DENMAN, FREDERICK H.— Lawyer, 5 Beekman street. New York City; residence Mount Vernon. Born in Mount Vernon, June 21, 1866. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Denman & Denman. Secretary Associated Lawyers Co. DENMAN, WILLIAM M.-Lawyer, 5 Beekman street. New York City; residence Mount Vernon. Born In New York City, Jan. 27, 1839. Educated at the Col lege of the City of New York, and Columbia College Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm of Den man & Denman. President Associated Lawyers Co. DENNETT, WILLIAM S.— Physician, 8 East 49th street. New York City. Member New York Athletic Club, Alpha Delta Phi and Phi Beta Kappa Fraterni ties, Scientific Alliance, and Bowdoin College Alumni and Century Associations. DENNIS, ALFRED L.— Broker, 15 Broad street. New York City; residence 25 James street, Newark, N. J. Bom in Newark. Educated at Princeton ('79). (Single.) Member of the firm of Post & Flagg, mem bers of the New York Stock Exchange. DENNIS, ALFRED P. — Student 301 Lexington avenue. New York City. Bora In Beyrout, Syria, Ottoman Empire, May 21, 1874. Educated at Prince ton (A.B., '96), and at Columbia (Ph.D., '99). (Mar ried.) Member University Athletic and Princeton Clubs. DENNIS, ALFRED P. — Secretary, 26 Cortlandt street. New York City; residence 47 West 43d street. Member New York Athletic and Camera Clubs, and Troy Club of Troy. DENNIS FREDERIC SHBPARD-Physlcian and Professor, 542 Madison avenue. New York City Pro fessor of clinical surgery, Cornell University Medical College New York City; surgeon to BeUevue and St Vincent s Hospitals. Member Union League and City Clubs, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson and Yale Alumni and Century Associations. DENNIS, HOLMES V. M., JR.-Lawyer, 41 Park Br^^Ai.i^^'^T,^''"'' ?"^' residence Hotel Margaret ?!.= n^"!- Born m New York City. Educated at Rut^ gers College, and New York Law School. (Married ) Connected with the firm of Greene & Stotesbury Member Delta Kappa Epsilon and Brooklyn RepubU^ 601 F ;i A- ^"^ °i the Revolution, Altair Lodge No. 601, F. & A. M., and Society of Colonial Wars. DENNIS, JAMES S.-Clergyman, 301 Lexington i7TJ^?' ^T ^°r'^ City. Born in Newark, N J De " 15, 1842. Educated at Princeton ('63) and Theoioglcai Seminary ('67). (Married.) Missionary of the Pr^bv- terian Board in Syria, 1868-91. Author ol"PorelS; DENNIS, JOHN B.-Banker, 33 Wall street New York City; residence 36 Fifth avenue Educated a^ §?m"of "Blair& ""co '^^v-""^" ^"^'^ Stock Sfnte Cl^eland'' Lorafn and Whte^S Ry Co*" ^''^4'^ Houston East and West Text.s Bv n^ o" .^'^Ji^^^*'^'" Traction Co. Member MetrJ^lit^' Caiumet 0°^"*^° try and Delta Kappa Epsilon (?lub^' ^^'"'"^t' Coun- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 105 DENNIS, LOUIS MUNROE— Professor, CorneU University, Ithaca; residence 105 Eddy street. Born in Chicago, III., 1863. Educated at University of Mich igan and in Munich, Dresden, Wiesbaden and Aix la (flhapelle, Germany. (Married.) Professor of inor ganic and analytical chemistry in Cornell University. DENNIS, RODNEY STRONG — Certified Public Accountant, 30 Broad street. New York City; resi dence 148 West 95th street. Bora in Hartford, Conn., Dec. 17, 1868. Educated at a Hartford public high school. (Married.) Member of the firm of Teele & Dennis. Secretary and treasurer Laughlln Hough Co. Member Calumet and Country Cycle Clubs, Brooklyn and Crescent Athletic Clubs of Brooklyn, American Historical, American Geographical and New England Societies, New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants, Society of Mayflower Descendants, In stitute of Accounts, Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the American Revolution, Vet eran Artillery Corps of the Washington Continental Guards, Settlers and Defenders ol America, Founders and Patriots of America, America's Founders and De fenders and American Association ol Public Account ants. DENNIS, WARREN, E.— Real Estate, 4 Warren street. New York City; residence 42 West 51st street. Member City and Riding Clubs, New England Society, and Sons of the American Revolution. DENNY, JOHN T.— Banker and Broker, 64 Cedar street. New York City; residence 17 West 52d street. Born in New York City, June 7, 1835. Educated at the College of the City of New York. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Thomas Denny & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Union League Club, New England Society, and National Academy of De sign. DENNY, THOMAS— Banker and Broker, 64 Cedar street, New York City; residence 19 West 36th street. Born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 22, 1833. Educated at Yale ('54). (Married.) Member of the flrm of Thomas Denny & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Director Bank of New Amsterdam, Gallatin National Bank, and St. Paul and Duluth R. R. Co. Member Union League Club, Down Town Association, New England Society, and Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. DENNY, THOMAS. Jr.— Banker and Broker, 64 Cedar street. New York City; residence 205 Boulevard. Member of the Ne-w York Stock Exchange flrm of T. Denny & Co. Director Bank of New Amsterdam, Gal latin National Bank and St. Paul and Duluth R. R. Co. Member Union League, St. Anthony, University, and Staten Island Cricket and Baseball Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, and New England Society. DENT, RICHARD W.-Lawyer, 175 Remsen street Brooklyn: residence 213 78th street. Bora in Greene, Chenango Co., N. Y., Jan. 6, 1861. Educated at Union College ('83). (Married.) Member Union College Alumni Association. DENTON, ROBERT — Pianos, Buffalo. Born in England, 1828. Educated in Buffalo, N. Y. (Married.) Trustee Empire State Savings Bank. DEPEW, CHAUNCEY MITCHELI^-Unlted States Senator, Senate Chamber, Washington, D. C, and I^.awyer, Grand Central Station, New York City; resi dence 43 West 54th street. Born In PeekskUl, N. Y., April 23, 1834. Educated in PeekskiU and at Yale ('56; LL.D., '87); studied law with Hon. WiUiam Nel son, of PeekskiU, and was admitted to the Bar in 1858. (Widower.) Assemblyman from the third district of "V^^estchester County, 1862-3; secretary of state, 1864; declined re-appointment; candidate for lieutenant- governor, 1872; declined election as United States Sen ator, 1885; declined appointment of United States sec retary of state, 1892: elected United States Senator, 1899: term expires, 1905. Attorney for New York and Harlem R. R. Co., 1866; for New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co.. 1869; general counsel to entire Vanderbilt system, 1875; second vice-president New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co., 1882-5; president of same, 1885-98; chairman of the board of directors of same since 1898. Regent of the University of the State of New York since 1874. Distinguished as an orator and after-dinner speaker. President and director Chicago Junction Railways and Stock Yards Co., Gouverneur and Oswegatchie Ry. Co., Mohawk and Malone R. R. Co., New York and Putnam R. R. Co., Niagara Falls Branch R. R. Co., Tivoli Hollow R. R. Co. and West Shore R. R. Co.; vice-president and director St. Lawrence and Adirondack Ry. Co.; director Beech Creek R. R. Co., Boston and Albany R. R. Co., Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., Buffalo Erie Basin R. R. Co., Joseph Ladue Gold Mining and De velopment Co. of Yukon, Buffalo, Thousand Islands and Portland R. R. Co., Carthage and Ohio Ry. Co., Carthage, Watertown and Sacketts Harbor R. R. Co., Carthage and Adirondack Ry. Co., Central Dock and Terminal Ry. Co., Chicago and Northwestern Ry. Co., Chicago St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Ry. Co., Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis R. R. Co., Columbus, Hope and Greensburg R. R. Co., Dela ware and Hudson Canal Co., Detroit and Bay City R. R. Co., Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley and Pittsburg R. R. Co., Fall Brook Railway System, Fonda, Johns town and GloverviUe R. R. Co., Jersey City and Bay onne R. R. Co., Lake Shore and Michigan Southern R. R. Co., Leamington and St. Clair Ry. Co., Michigan Central R. R. Co., Michigan, Midland Canada R. R. Co., New Jersey Junction R. R. Co., New Jersey Shore Line R. R. Co., New York and Harlem R. R. Co., New York Central Niagara River R. R. Co., New York, Chicago and St. Louis R. R. Co., New York, New Haven and Hartford R. R. Co., New York, Ontario and "Western R. R. Co., Ontario, Carbondale and Scranton Ry. Co., Oswego and Rome R. R. Co., Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburgh R. R. Co., Spuyten Duy vil and Port Morris R. R. Co., Terminal Railway of Buffalo, Toledo, Canada Southern and Detroit Ry. Co., Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Ry. Co., Utica and Black River R. R. Co., Wagner Palace Car Co., "Wall- kill Valley R. R. Co., West Shore and Ontario Ter minal Co. ol New York and New Jersey, American Safe Deposit Co., Brooklyn Warehouse and Storage Co., Canada Southern Bridge Co., Clearfleld Bitumin ous Coal Corporation, Depew Improvement Co., Equit able Life Assurance Society of the United States, Merchants' Despatch Transportation Co., Morris Run Coal Mining Co., Mutual Gas Co., National Surety Co., New York Mutual Gas Light Co., Niagara Grand Island Bridge Co., Niagara River Bridge Co., Palatine Insurance Co. (Ltd.) of Manchester, England, Scher merhorn Bank of Brooklyn, Standard Trust Co., Trad ers' Fire Insurance Co., United Agency Co., -Western National Bank, Western Transit Co., and Western Union Telegraph Co.; trustee American Surety Co., Fifth Avenue Trust Co., Mercantile Trust Co. and Union Trust Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Lotos, University, Yale, Lawyers', Republican, Play ers', Psi Upsilon, Tuxedo, New York Yacht, QuiU, New York Press and Transportation Clubs, Montauk and Oxford Clubs of Brooklyn, Authors' Society, Century Association, Sons of the American Revolution, St. Nicholas and Holland Societies, Lafayette Post G. A. R., and Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson. DE PEYSTBR, MA,IOR - GENERAL, JOHN "WATTS— M.A., I;L.D., Ph.D., Litt.D., of "Rose HUl," Tivoll, Dutchess County. Bom in New York City, March 9, 1821, and represents the seventh generation in New York of the notable De Peyster line. He also de scends from other famous colonial lines, including the families of Watts, de Lancey, van Rensselaer, Schuy ler, Phllipse, van Cortlandt, NicoUs and Livingston. Was commissioned colonel, N. Y. S. I., in 1846; in 1849 at a time of insubordination in the ranks, was for "meritorious conduct" assigned to command of 22d Regimental District, M. F. S. N. Y.; received special thanks of Governor and Adjutant-General, with gold medal, and in 1851 for "important service" was commis sioned Brigadier-General, M. F. S. N. Y. In 1851-3 was Military Agent S. N. Y., in Europe, appointed by Gov ernor and endorsed by Federal Government, while his reports led to reforms in militia, helped to prepare the North for the Rebellion, secured introduction of paid fire departments, steam flre engines and flre escapes in the United States, and led to introduction of metro politan police system in New York City. Was Adju tant-General, S. N. Y., in 1855, and reformed the militia. Was a founder of the Republican party In this State. In respect to number of monographs pub lished, range of fleld covered, exhaustive research and powers of acute and judicious analysis, has no peer as a military critic in American literature. His numer ous works prior to and during the Rebellion pro foundly influenced the issue; it is known that jealous opposition alone prevented President Lincoln from or- 106 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ganizing an advisory military staff with General de Peyster at Its head. Was made Brevet Major-General, S. N. Y.> for "meritorious services rendered to the National Guard and to the United States prior to and during the Rebellion," by special act of New York Legislature in April, 1866. His hundreds of military works may be roughly grouped into treatises on the military history of the Dutch, the thirty years war, the wars of Frederick the Great, Napoleon and his campaigns, the battles of the American Revolution, the battles ol the Rebellion, and American generals, to which must be added a lormidable miscellaneous list, military, historical, scientific, theological, dramatic and lyrical, together with historical romance. In the w-ords of the late British general. Sir Bdward Gust, author of "Annals of the Wars" (9 vols.) and "Lives of the Warriors" (6 vols.), General De Peyster's mili tary works "address the higher ranks of the army" and "seek to philosophize the art of war." (See his acknowledgment of his "deep obligations" in his 28-page dedication of final volume of "Lives of the Warriors" to General de Peyster, to whom he also dispatched his portrait during his last illness.) Gen-. eral De Peyster's best work includes his most recent monographs, written at the age ol seventy-nine. He received three silver medals from Oscar I. of Sweden, the gold medal for "scientific and literary attain ments" of the London Society of Science, Letters and Art, and the thanks of the Legislatures of New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. He erected in Trinity Church yard the bronze statue of his grandfather, John "Watts, Jr., last royal Recorder of New York City, speaker of the New York Assembly, congressman, judge, and founder and endower of the Leake and Watts Orphan House. As a gift to the city of New York, he erected in Bowling Green the bronze statue of his ancestor, De Heer Abraham de Peyster, colonel commanding the New York City troops. Mayor of New York, Chief Justice of New York, Acting Governor of same. Treasurer of New York and New Jersey, and two hundred years ago. Receiver , of New York (equiva lent to Collector of the Port) with offlce at the present site of his statue, opposite the site of the new Custom House. General De Peyster's benefactions also in clude a college building and library, two church build ings, a boys' training school with nearly three hun dred acres of ground, a hospital with grounds, a home for girls with grounds, and gifts ol libraries and works of art to various institutions. He is honorary vice- president of the Historical and Archaeological Society of Pennsylvania, a member of the Maatschappij Ned- erlandsche Letterkunde of Leyden, Holland; a Ufe member of the Royal Historical Society of Great Brit ain; honorary member ol the Clarendon Historical Society ol Edinburgh, Scotland, which republished many of his works, and a member of more than fifty other scientific, historical and literary societies in Europe and America. DE PUY, FRANK A.— Editor, Herald Square, New York City; residence 811 St. Nicholas avenue. Born in Lima, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1854. Educated at Union Col lege. (Married.) Connected with the New York "Herald." Member Union College Alumni Associa tion, and Sigma Kappa Society. DERBY, RICHARD H.— Physician, 9 West 35th street New York City; residence 3 East 40th street Born in Boston, Mass., March 12, 1844. Educated at Harvard College and Medical School. (Married.) Sur geon New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. Member University. Riding and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, New England Society and Century Associations. DE RIDDER, J. H.— Banker, Saratoga Springs. Born in Baston, N. Y. (Married.) Cashier Citizens' National Bank. Treasurer SchuylervlUe Bridge Co and S. E. G. Ranson Co. Member Holland Society. DE RONGE, ALFRED H.— Liquor Merchant, 87 Beaver street. New York City; residence Short Hills N. J. Member of the firm of A. H. & Charles De Ronge. Member Manhattan, Commercial, New York Athletic, Larchmont Yacht, Riverside Tacht and Bal tusrol Gnlf Clubs, and Field Club of Short Hills, N. J. DE SELLING, HERMANN — Real Bstate 149 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 9 Lefferts place Brooklyn. Born in Parkersburg, Va., Oct. 29 1856 Educated at Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn. (Married )' Member of the firm ol De Seldlng Bros. Secretary Ransome Concrete Co. Member Crescent Athletic and Riding and Driving Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Church Club ol the Diocese of Long Island. DESHON, CHARLES A.-Lawyer, 237 Broadway and 34 Park row. New Tork City; residence 616 West 113th street. Director Assured Building and Loan Association, and Produce Exchange Trust Co. Mem ber New Tork Athletic, and Marine and Field Clubs, Southern Society, and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. DB SILVER, CARLL H.— Broker, 45 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 43 Pierrepont street, Brook lyn. Member ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Di rector Nassau National Bank ol Brooklyn, Brooklyn Academy of Music and American Swedenborg Print ing and Publishing Society; trustee Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, and South Brooklyn Savings Institution. Member Mendelssohn Glee and Tuxedo Clubs, Crescent Athletic and Brooklyn Clubs ol Brook lyn, and American Fine Arts and Ohio Societies. DESMOND, JOHN J.— Manulacturer, 90 Walker street. New Tork City; residence 404 Clermont avenue, Brooklyn. Born in San Francisco, Cal., March 3, 1865. Educated at the "school ol experience." (Single.) President and director Townsend, Desmond & Voorhis Co. Member "Les Enlants Perdu," and Californlans' Society. DESSAR, LEO C— Lawyer, 261 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 238 West 72d street and Nyack- on-Hudson. Bora in Cincinnati, Ohio. (Son of Dr. Julius H. Dessar.) Educated in Cincinnati, and at Columbia College Law School. Admitted to the New Tork Bar, 1870. Assemblyman, 1875; CivU Justice Eleventh Judicial District, 1885; now in general prac tice. Trustee Colonial Trust Co. Member Manhattan, Democratic and Hardware Clubs, and American Geo graphical Society. DESSAU, S. HENRT— Physician, 144 West 85th street. New Tork City. Born in Macon, Ga., July 24, 1847. Educated In Macon and at Jefferson Medical CoUege (M.D., '68). (Married Mary Hart.) Professor of pediatrics in New Tork School of Clinical Medicine. Author of -numerous contributions to medical jour nals, as "The Value of Small and Frequently Repeated Doses," etc. Member Northwestern Medical and Sur gical Society (ex-president). Medical Society of the County of New Tork (ex-vice-president), Harlem Medical Association, Academy of Medicine and Royal .Ircanum Club. DETMERS, ARTHUR -Principal, West High School, Buffalo; residence 41 Oxford avenue. Bom in Buffalo, Jan. 22, 1865. Educated at University ol Rochester. (Single.) Head teacher in classical de partment of Buffalo Central High School, 1890-8. Member Phi Beta Kappa Society and Liberal Club. 71 w?.T^°f^^'."^P'^^:^^ L.-Dry Goods Merchant, 71 Worth street. New Tork City; residence 60 West Llth street. Member Union, New Tork Athletic, Mer chants , Larchmont Tacht and Wool Clubs. DBTTMER JACOB G.-Vlce-President, 172 Mon tague street, Brooklyn; residence 27 Prospect Park, West Vice-president and director People's Trust Co • Br!olwn\%fi Bank Brooklyn Art Associat^n and ^nT^l"mS^c"l'^b?"'°" ^^^''^' ^'^'"^ - CoUeg" an°d Ho'spU School oTmTh"'- <^"^^<=t°^, Metropolitan Post-Graduate bchool of Medicine, and "Town Topics" Publishing Co BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 107 Member Republican Club, Society of Medical Juris prudence and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. DE VARONA, IGNACIO M. — Engineer, Water Supply Extension, Municipal Building, Brooklyn; resi dence 163 East 60th street. New York City. Born in Cuba, Feb. 4, 1842. Educated in the United States and in Europe. (Married.) Foimerly chief engineer Neu- vitas and Puerto Principe R. R. Co., in Cuba. Mem ber Brooklyn and Democratic Clubs, and American Society of Civil Engineers. DE VEAU, P. CLINTON— Broker, 7 Nassau street. New York City; residence 59 East 53d street. Born in New York City, Aug. 23, 1864. Educated at Harvard ('87). (Married.) Member of the firm of Edmund & Charles Randolph, and of the New York Stock Ex change. Member University and Harvard Clubs. DEVERY, WILLIAM S. — Chief, 300 Mulberry street. New York City; residence. 327 "West 28th street. Born in New York (iity, 1854. Educated in public schools. Chief of Police since May, 1898. DEVINE, EDWARD T.— Secretary, 105 East 22d street. New York City; residence 170 West 81st street. Educated at Cornell College (Iowa), University of Pennsylvania and University of Halle (Germany). (Married.) General secretary Charity Organization Society of the City of New York. Member Congrega tional and Social Reform Clubs, American Academy of Political and Social Science, and American Econo mic Association. DE VINNE, THEODORE LOW— Printer; 12 La fayette place. New York City; residence 300 West 76th street. Born in Stamford, Conn., Dec. 25, 1828. Edu cated in common schools. (Married.) Senior member of the firm of Theodore L. De Vinne & Co. Ex-presi dent Typothetae of New York City, and of United Typothetffi of America. Member Authors' and GroUer Clubs, and Aldine and Century Associations. DEVINS, JOHN BANCROFT— Editor, 156 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 138 Second street. Born in New York City. Educated at New York Uni versity and Union Theological Seminary. (Married.) Managing editor of New York "Observer." Member American Institute of Christian Philosophy, Victoria Institute of London, Presbyterian Union, and Social Reform Club. DEVOE, FREDERICK WILLIAM— Manufacturer, 101 Fulton street. New York City; residence 69 Park avenue. Born in New York City, Jan. 26, 1828. Edu cated by tutors. Member of the firm of Raynolds & Devoe, 1852-64, and F. "W. Devoe & Co., 1864-90. Now president F. W. Devoe & C. T. Raynolds Co. Presi dent New York Juvenile Asylum. Member Fulton and Church Clubs, St. Nicholas and Historical Societies, American Museum of Natural History, and Scientific Alliance. DEW, J. HARVIE— Physician, 252 West 64th street. New York City. Member Southern Society, Medical Society of New York County, University of Virginia Alumni and City Hospital Alumni Associations, Acad emy of Medicine, and Confederate Veteran Camp of New York. DE WARDENER, RUDOLPH— (Baron.) Broker, 117 Wall street. New York City; residence Cedarhurst, L. I. Born in Hermanstadt, Austro-Hungary, March 22, 1837. Educated at Imperial Royal Military Acad emy, "Wiener-Neustadt, Austria. (Married.) "Was first lieutenant of 4th Regiment Imperial Royal Aus trian Lanzers (Uhlans). Is connected with the Ameri can Sugar Refining Co. Member Consolidated Stock and Petroleum, and Maritime Exchanges, and of the Rockaway Hunt Club. DEWEY, EDWARD W.— Clothing Merchant, 406 Broome street. New York City; residence 22 East 56th street. (Widower.) Connected with the firm of Brown ing, King & Co. Member Union League and Metro politan Clubs, New England Society, Chamber of Com merce, and. Thousand Islands Yacht Club. DEWEY, GEORGE E.— Wine Importer, 138. Ful ton street. New York City; residence 651 Putnam ave nue, Brooklyn. Born in Fort Wayne, Ind., Dec. 19, 1843. Educated in public schools of Sandusky, Ohio. (Widower.) Vice-president, secretary and director H. T. Dewey & Sons Co. Member Sons of the Revolu tion, Founders and Patriots of America, Society ol the War ol 1812, and Grand Army ol the Republic. DEWEY, GEORGE W.— Secretary, 135 Broadway, New York City; residence "The Alpine." Member Manhattan and Lawyers' Clubs, Marine and Field Club of Brooklyn and Southern Society. DEWEY, HIRAM S.— Wine Merchant 138 Fulton street. New York City: residence 1250 Dean street, Brooklyn. Born in Sandusky, Ohio, July 3, 1857. Edu cated at Claverack and Adelphi Colleges. (Married.) Treasurer and director H. T. Dewey & Sons Co. Mem ber Sons of the Revolution, Founders and Patriots of America and Society of the War ,of 1812. DEWEY, HIRAM TODD— Wine Merchant, 138 Fulton street. New York City; residence 657 Putnam avenue, Brooklyn. Bom in Poultney, Vt., July IJ, 1816. (Widower.) President and director H. T. Dewey & Sons Co. Member Sons of the Revolution, Founders and Patriots of America, and Society of the War ol 1812. DEWEY, THOMAS HENRY — Lawyer, 48 Wall street. New York City; residence 95 Willow street, Brooklyn. Bom in Hartlord, Conn., Oct. 29, 1844. Educated at Yale. (Married.) President and director Spaeth Mf'g Co.; director New York Fire Insurance Co., and Allopathic Specific Co. Member Hamilton and Barnard Clubs ol Brooklyn, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and Yale Alumni Asso ciation. DE WITT, ABRAHAM V.— Lawyer, 36 Tweddl* Building, Albany. Bora in Coxsackie, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1836. Educated in Coxsackie and Albany. (Married.) Treasurer and trustee Albany Exchange Sa-^Ings Bank. Member Holland Society of New York and Fort Orange Club. DE WITT, CHARLES H.— Broker, 30 New street. New York City; residence 176 West 76th street. Bom in New York City. (Single.) Member of the firm of Bell & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member New York Athletic and Manhattan Clubs. DE WITT, GEORGE GOSMAN— Lawyer, 88 Nas sau street. New York City; residence 70 East 55th street. Educated at Columbia. (Married.) Director Eagle Fire Insurance Co., and Lawyers' Surety Co.; trustee Greenwich Savings Bank, Real Estate Trust Co., New York Life Insurance and Trust Co., and Columbia University. Member Union, Union League, Metropolitan, Suburban Riding and Driving and South Side Sportsmen's Clubs, Columbia University Alumni and Down Town Associations, St. Nicholas, Dunlap, American Geographical and Holland Societies, Metro politan Museum of Art and -American Museum of Natural History. DE WITT, HENRY C— I.iawyer, 21 Park row. New York City; residence 223 West 34th street. Born in Savannah, Ga., April 28, 1850. Educated at Chatham Academy, Savannah, Ga., and at Columbia College. (Married.) Member -Association of the Bar of the City of Nev,' York, and Holland Society. DE WITT, THEODORE — Lawyer, 88 Nassau street. New York City: residence 10 West 30th street. Member of the firm of De Witt, Lockman & De Witt. Member Adirondack League and Reform Clubs, St. Nicholas Society, and Association of the Bar ol the City of New York. DE WITT, THOMAS D. — Coal Merchant, 111 Broadway, New York City: residence 133 West 78th street. Born in New York City. Member of the firm of Peter De Witt & Co. Member New York Athletic and Colonial Clubs, Holland and St. Nicholas Socie ties, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. DE WITT, WILLIAM G. — Lawyer, 88 Nassau street, New York City; residence 10 West 30th street. Member of the firm of De Witt, Lockman & De Witt Member Manhattan, Grolier and Adirondack League Clubs, St. Nicholas, Holland and Dunlap Societies, Scientific Alliance, American Museum of Natural His tory, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. 108 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. DEXTER. FREDERICK C— Lawyer, 150 Nassau street. New York City; residence 915 President street, Brooklyn. Born in Guilford, N. H., Nov. 7, 1859. Edu cated in New Hampton, N. H., and at Oberlin College. (Married.) Formerly member of the firm of Brown & Dexter. Member Crescent Athletic, Hamilton, Brook lyn, Montauk, Riding and Driving, Marine and Field, and Dyker Heights Clubs of Brooklyn. DEXTER, HENRY— Retired, 42 West 56th street New York City. Born in West Cambridge (now Ar lington), near Boston, Mass., March 14, 1813. (Son of Jonathan Marsh Dexter and grandson of David Dex ter of the Maiden, Mass., family.) Educated in pri vate and common schools. (Married Lucretia Mar- quand Perry, of Easton, Conn., Oct. 11, 1853; has one son living, Orrando Perry Dexter, of Norwalk, Conn.) Director and ex-president American News Co., whose plan he conceived in 1859, and which was founded in 1864. Is also a director in various other corporations. Has traveled over Europe, Asia and Africa as well as throughout Mexico and the United States of America. Life director American Bible Society since 1864, and Seamen's Mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church; founder and Fellow in perpetuity Metropolitan Mu seum of Art; life Fellow Geographical Society; life member Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Chil dren, Young Men's Christian Association, Christian Home for Inebriates, Midnight Mission, and St. Luke's Hospital, American Tract, New York Historical and Charity Organization Societies; also member Chamber of Commerce and of many other organizations. DEXTER, SEYMOUR— Banker, Elmira; residence 103 South Main street. Born in Independence, Alle gany Co., N. Y., March 20, 1841. Educated at Alfred ITniversity. (Married.) 'Wa.s city attorney of Elmira; judge and surrogate of Chenango County; member of Assembly, and held many other minor positions. Now president Second National Bank, and Chenango Valley Mutual Loan Association; treasurer Elmira Building Co., Elmira College Association, and Steele Memorial Library Association; trustee Alfred University. Mem ber American Economic and American Social Science Associations and Academy of Political and Social Sci ence. DEXTER, STANLEY WALKER— La-wyer, 71 Wall street. New York City; residence 12 East 12th street. Member Union, University, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and St. Nicholas Clubs, St. Nicholas Society, Sons of the Revolution, Down Town Association, and F. & A. M. DEY, J. WARREN S.— Farmer and Breeder of Fine Horses, Spring Station, Ky.; residence 121 East 24th street. New York City. Born in New Brunswick, N. J., Sept. 8, 1832. Educated at PubUc School No. 1, New York City. (Single.) Member New York Histori cal and Holland Societies, and several Masonic bodies. DEYO, ISRAEL T.— Lawyer, Binghamton. Born In Union, Broome Co., N. Y., Jan. 28, 1854. Educated at Amherst College (A.B., '79). (Married.) Member ol the State Legislature, 1890-3. Member ol a commis sion appointed by Governor Flower to investigate charges preferred against managers of the Elmira State Reformatory, 1894. Member of the firm of Car ver & Deyo, attorneys for Susquehanna Valley Bank, The People's Bank, Chenango Valley Savings Bank, all of Binghamton, and many other institutions and corporations. Member local board of the State Nor mal and Training School at Cortland; vice-president -Agency and Investment Co.; vice-president and attor ney Ensi.ifn Lumber Co.: also interested in the Strong State Bank, Citizens' Natural Gas Co., and Bingham ton Gas Engine Co. Member Binghamton and Crafts men's Clubs, thirty-second degree Mason, Otseningo Lodge No. 435, F. & A. M., and Malta Commandery No. 21. DEYO, ROBERT E.— Lawyer, 115 Broadway New York City; residence 106 West 48th street Member of the firm of Deyo, Duer & Bauerdorf. Member Man hattan and Princeton Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. ,-,„.P^7°' SOLOMON L. F.-Civil Engineer, 10 East 119th street. New York City. Member Engineers' Club Holland Society, .American Society of Civil Engineers' and Union CoUege Alumni Association. DI CESNOL.'i, LOUIS PALM A — Director Metro politan Museum of .Art, New York City; residence 109 East 57th street. Born in Rivarolo, Italy, June 29, 1832. Educated at the Royal Military Academy at Cherasco, Piedmont, Italy. (Married.) Served In Italian Army in the war for independence and pro moted for bravery on the battlefield. Resident of New York City since 1860. Served in Union Army during CivU War and was promoted to brigadier-general. Was United States consul at Cyprus, 1865-77; made ex tensive archaelogical collection now exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Received gold medal and knightly orders from the King of Italy. Trustee and director Metropolitan Museum of Art since 1878. Author of many works on art subjects. Member Loyal Legion, Society of the Army of the Potomac, and American Museum of Natural History. DICK, EVANS R.— Broker, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 111 South 21st street, Philadel phia, Pa. Born In St. Louis, Mo., 1858. Educated at University of Pennsylvania. (Married.) President Investment Co. of Philadelphia; vice-president Cin cinnati, Portsmouth and Virginia R. R. Co. Member New York Yacht and Calumet Clubs and Rittenhouse. Country, Union League and Philadelphia Corinthian Yacht Clubs of Philadelphia. DICK, HARRISB.— Publisher, 18 Ann street, New York City; residence Park Avenue Hotel. Born in New York City. (Single.) Member Union League, Players', Lotos and Church Clubs, Dunlap Society, and 7th Regiment Veteran Association. DICK, WILLIAM B.— Retired Publisher, 18 Ann street. New York City; residence Park Avenue Hotel. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. Member Grolier, Lotos and Church Clubs, Lafayette Post G. A. R., and Metropoli tan Museum ol Art. DICKEL, CHARLES W.— Riding School, 130 West 56th street, and Treasurer, 55 West 42d street, New York City; residence Scarsdale. Treasurer and direc tor Diamond Light Co. Member New York Athletic Club, and Liederkranz. DICKERMAN. GEORGE W.— Vice-President, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 1426 Broadway. Bora in Randolph, Mass., Feb. 22, 1859. Educated at Adams Academy, and at Harvard. (Single.) Vice- president United Typewriter and Supplies Co. Mem ber University, Harvard, New York Athletic and Ama teur Comedy Clubs. DICKERMAN, WATSON B.— Broker, 100 Broad way, New York City; residence Mamaroneck. Born in Mount Carmel, Conn., Jan. 4, 1846. Educated at Wll liston Seminary. (Married.) Member of the flrm ol Dominick & Dickerman and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Director Evening Star Mining Co., Morn ing Star Consolidated Mining Co., Norfolk and South ern R. R. Co., and New York Stock Exchange Build ing Co.; trustee Long Island Loan and Trust Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Lawyers' Sub urban Riding and Driving and Country Clubs, and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. DICKERSON, EDWARD N.— Lawyer, 141 Broad way, New York City; residence Stovall, N. C. Born m Newport, R. I., Aug. 23, 1852. Educated at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. (Married.) Member Man hattan, Ridmg, Fencers', Psi UpsUon, Lawyers' St Nicholas, Tuxedo, New York Athletic, Larchmont yacht. Lambs', Camera, Suburban Riding and Driv ing, Mendelssohn Glee, Rockaway Hunt, New York nf's? ' Tv?1'^^°", ^'^'^r ^"^^ "^^"^^t a-n-i American Yacht Clubs, Metropolitan Club ol Washington, D. C Hart ford (Conn.) Club, Royal Thames Yacht Club it Eng- "/'„,'^-®^°'^'^t'°" °^ tl^e Bar of the City of New York and Trinity Colle.ge Alumni Association. ' DTCKE-T, CHARLES D,-Banker, 59 Wall, street Ne-w York City; residence 11 East 34th street Con nected -^vith the flrm of Brown Bros. & Co. members of the New York Stock Exchange. Directorchell: pI^^Vb^ ^^*°..^^-.^°" Chicago^ Milwaukee and'ft %^ } -3- ?°-' Merchants' National Bank, and United States Mortgage and Trust Co.; tmstee Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. Member Union, Knlcker! bocker University and Country Clubs, and Down lown Association. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 109 DICKEY, WILLIAM D.— Manager, 338 West 56th street. New York City. Member New York Athletic, Atlantic Yacht and New York Yacht Clubs, Brooklyn Club of Brooklyn, Loyal Legion, and Americem Society of Mechanical Engineers. DICKEY, WILLIAM D.— Supreme Court Justice, County Court House, Brooklyn; residence 144 Under bill avenue. Born in Newburgh, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1845. Educated at Newburgh Academy, in Deckertown, N. J., and at Albany Law School. (Married.) Director New burgh Ice Machine and Engine Co. Member Brooklyn Club. DICKINSON, ANDREW G., Jr.— Lawyer, 132 Nas sau street. New York City; residence 39 West 53d street. Bora in New Orleans, La., Nov. 14, 1866. Edu cated at Yale. (Married.) Member Yale and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, Yale Alumni Association, Squadron "A," N. G. N. Y., and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. DICKINSON, EDWARD B. — Stenographer, 350 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence 318 McDonough street. Born in Medway, Mass., July 23, 1844. Educat ed at Public Latin School, Boston, Mass. Official stenographer Kings County Surrogate's Court, and G. A. R., Department oi New York. Member Lafay ette Post G. A. R., and Sons of the Revolution. DICKINSON, EDWIN E. — Treasurer, 207 Water street. New York City; residence 312 West 77th street. Educated at University of Vermont. (Married.) Sec retary, treasurer and director Boynton Furnace Co. Member Sigma Phi and Union League Clubs. DICKINSON, GEORGE E. — Coal Merchant 1 Broadway, New York City; residence Irvington. Mem ber Manhattan and Calumet Clubs, and Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson. DICKINSON, HOWARD C— Broker, 105 East 25th street. New York City. Member Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange, and of the Union and Church Clubs, St. Nicholas Society, and Down Town Association. DICKSON, JAMES B. — Broker, 69 WaU street New York City; residence Yonkers. Born In New YorK City, Dec. 8, 1853. Educated at Burlington College. (Married.) Vice-president and treasurer Johnson & Higgins. Member Metropolitan, Reform, New York Yacht and Riding Clubs, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on- Hudson, and Down Town Association. DIEFENDORF, BOWEN L.— Life Insurance, 164 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 18 Glenada place. Born in Fort Plain, N. Y., May 20, 1866. Educated In public schools. (Married.) Connected with the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, as cashier of Long Island district agency. DIEFENDORF, MENZO — Lawyer, 55 Liberty street, and Vice-President, 881 Sixth avenue. New York City; residence 17 West 30th street. Vice-president and director New York Milk Co. Member Barnard Club, St. Nicholas Society, Sons of the Revolution, and Union College Alumni Association. DIEFENDORF, WARREN T.— Lile Insurance, 164 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence Richmond Hill. Born in Sharon Springs, N. Y., March 8, 1860. Edu cated in public schools. (Married.) Connected with the Mutual Llle Insurance Co. of New York as dis trict agent for Long Island. Member Richmond Hill, Riding and Driving and Brooklyn Clubs, Life Under writers' Association, Methodist Social Union and Orion Lodge No. 717 (thirty-second degree Mason). DIEFENTHALER, CH-ARLBS E. — Coffee Mer chant, 397 Greenwich street. New York City: residence 303 West 91st street. Born in New York City, May 9, 1863. Educated in public schools, at Packard's Business (ioUege and College of the City of New York. (Mar ried.) Member of the flrm of B. Fischer & Co. Sec retary and director New York Fire Proof Stabling Co.; director American Encaustic Tiling Co. Member Commercial, Riverside Yacht and New Y'ork Athletic Clubs, and Arion Society. DIBLMAN, FREDERICK- Artist, 51 West Tenth street. New York City; residence 105 West 91st street. Born in Hanover, Germany, Dec. 25, 1847. Educated at Calvert College, Maryland. (Married.) President Na tional Academy of Design, and ex-officio member board of trustees Metropolitan Museum of Art. Mem ber Century Association, American Water Color So ciety, and National Academy of Design. DIETER, FREDERIC JEWETT- Lawyer, 35 Wall street. New York City; residence Metropolitan Club. Born in New Orleans, La. Educated at Harvard Col lege and Law School, and Boston University Law School (LL.B., '84). (Single.) Member Manhattan, Tuxedo, Democratic and Metropolitan Clubs. DIETERICH, CHARI,ES P.— President, 45 Broad way, New York City, residence 963 Fifth avenue. President and director Electric Gas Co., Indianapolis Gas Co., and United States Equitable Gas Co.; director Equitable Gas Light Co., Paciflc Co., and West Side Construction Co. Member Manhattan, Metropolitan, Colonial, Lawyers' and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, -American Geographical Society, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and American Museum of Natural History. DIETZ, OTTOMAR J. L.— Advertising, 140 Nassau street. New York City; residence 679 East 141st street. Born in Bremen, Germany, April 21, 1854. Educated in Koenigsberg, Prussia. (Married.) Is owner of one of the finest collections of beetles of the United States and Canada. Member "Washington (D. C.) Entomo- lo.gical and New York Entomological Societies, Ger man Society ol the City of New York, and Deutscher Gesellig Wlssenschaftllcher Verein. . DIKE, NORMAN S.-Lawyer, 31 Nassau street New York City; residence 194 Columbia Heights, Brook lyn. Born in Brooklyn. Educated at Brooklyn Polytech nic Institute, Brown University and Columbia College Law School. (Single.) President and director Cran- dall Electric Signal Co. and Standard Land Co.; direc tor and counsel Kings County Bank; president Brook lyn Homoeopathic Hospital. Member University, Uni versity Athletic, and Psi Upsilon Clubs, Dyker Meadow Golf, Hamilton and Crescent Athletic Clubs of Brook lyn, Brown University Alumni Association, New Eng land Society and Sons of the Revolution. DILL, JAMES BROOKS— Lawyer, 27 Pine street, New York City; residence 83 Harrison street. East Orange, N. J. Born in Spencerport N. Y., 1855. (Son of Rev. James H. Dill.) Educated at Yale ('76) and New York University Law School ('78). (Married Mary W. Hansel of Philadelphia, 1880.) Member of the firm of DUI, Eomeisler & Baldwin. Makes a spec ialty of corporation law. Director American School ol Architecture in Rome, National Steel Co., Bee-Hive Coke Oven By-Products Co., Brookwood Coal Co., Central Teresa Sugar Co., Corporation Trust Co. ol New Jersey, La Pierre Ml'g Co., M. Cohn & Co., Mar ble Hill Real Estate Co., Merchants' Association ol New York, New York Biscuit Co., New York Boat Oar Co., Porvenir Sugar Co., R. & G. Corset Co., Voelker Light Co. and others. Author ol "Dili on Corpora tions." Member Lawyers', University Glee and Yale Clubs, and Essex County Country, Orange Riding, Country and Orange Clubs ol Orange, N. J. DILLER, WILLIAM E.— Physician and Builder, 284 Columbus avenue. New York City; residence 269 West 72d street. Member Colonial Club, University ol Virginia Alumni Association and Metropolitan Mu seum of Art. DILLEY, CHARLES H.-Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 7 West 26th street. Member Reform and Democratic Clubs, Down Town Association, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. DILLINGHAM, E. L.— Publisher, *53 IPIfth avenue. New York City; residence 76 West 85th street. Bora in Bangor, Me., May 3, 1861. Educated at Yale. (Sin gle.) Manager of subscription department Charles Scribner's Sons. Member Psi Upsilon and Yale Clubs. DILLINGHAM, FRANK A.— Lawyer, 96 Broad way, New York City; residence Summit, N. J. Born in New York City, Dec. 31, 1869. Educated at Yale ('91) and Columbia College Law School ('84). (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Rounds & Dillingham. Secretary, treasurer a'nd director Lake Plaf'id Im- 110 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. provement Co. Member Adirondack League, Baltus rol Golf and Yale Clubs, Delta Kappa Epsilon Fra ternity, and Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Delta Phi So cieties. DILLINGHAM, FREDERICK H.— Physician, 55th street and Sixth avenue. New York City; residence 76 West 85th street. Born in Bangor, Me., April 7, 1857. Educated at Bowdoin College (A.B., '77, and A.M., '80) and Columbia College (M.D., '80). (Married.) Ad junct professor of dermatology New York Polyclinic; assistant sanitary superintendent New York Health Department. Member Psi Upsilon and Democratic Clubs and New York Academy of Medicine. DILLON, JOHN F.— Lawyer, 195 Broadway, New York City; residence Far Hills, N. J. Born in New York State, Dec. 26, 1831. Educated in New York and Iowa. General counsel to Missouri Pacific R. R. Co., Texas Pacific R. R. Co., and Western Union Tele graph Co.; consulting counsel to Manhattan Elevated Ry. Co. and Union Pacific R. R. Co. Member Union League, Lawyers', University and Barnard Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Association of the Bar ol the City ol New York. DILLON, JOHN M.-Lawyer, 195 Broadway, New York City; residence Far Hills, N. J. Born In Iowa, April 28, 1867. Educated at Columbia College. (Mar ried.) Member ol the flrm ol Dillon & Hubbard. Member Lawyers', New York Athletic and Delta Kap pa Epsilon Clubs, and Columbia University Alumni Association. DIMICK, JEREMIAH "W., Jr.— Carpets, 111 Filth avenue. New York City; residence Rilton Glen. Presi dent and director J. W. Dimick Co. Member Union League and New York Athletic Clubs, and Rondout Club ol Rondout. DIMOCK, HENRY P.— Steamships, Pier 11, North River, New York City; residence 25 East 60th street. President and director Cromwell Steamship Co.; vice- president, treasurer and director Metropolitan Steam ship Co.; director Boston and Maine R. R. Co., Do minion Coal Co., Knickerbocker Trust Co., National Bank of North America, New York Loan and Im provement Co., and Sydney and Louisburg Ry. Co.; trustee New England Gas and Coke Co. Member Metropolitan, University, Manhattan, Democratic, Lawyers' and Barnard Clubs, New England Society, Down Town Association, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and American Museum of Natural History. DIMOCK, OTIS K.— Plumbers' Supplies, 220 East 125th street. New York City; residence 205 West 57th street. Born in Connecticut, 1856. Educated in Con necticut (Married.) President Dlmock & Fink Co.; director Norwood Engineering Co. of Massachusetts and William P. Baker Co. Member Atlantic Yacht, Richmond Country and New York Athletic Clubs. DIMOND, THOMAS— Iron Manufacturer, 128 West 33d street. New York City; residence 20 West 73d street. Born In PhUlipstown, Putnam Co., N. Y., Sept. 1, 1854. Educated In New York public schools and at Packard's Business College. (Married.) Treas urer and director Wright Steam Engine Works ol Newburgh ; director American Lloyds Insurance Co., Colonial Assurance Co., Washington Insurance Co. and Mutual Bank; trustee Bank lor Savings; vestryman All Angels Church. Member American Yacht, Colo nial (vice-president). Church, TwUight, Knollwood Golf (governor), Larchmont Yacht, Union League, Lotos, Apawamis Golf, Chelsea Plantation and Build ing Trade Clubs, 7th Regiment Veteran (colonel), Westchester County Horse Show (vice-president). Na tional Horse Show, West End and Aldine Associa tions, Iron League, and American Fine Arts, Me chanics' and Tradesmen's, and Architectural Iron (trustee) Societies. DININNY, FERRAL C, Jr.— President, 29 Broad way, New York City: residence 186 Riverside Drive. Bom in Addison, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1851. Educated at Cornell. (Married.) President and director Allegheny Iron Co. and Neptune Meter Co. Member New York Yacht. Colonial, Lawyers', American Yacht Larch- rront Yacht and New York Athletic Clubs, and New England Society. DINKELSPIEL, LOUIS W.-Lawyer, 59 Wall street. New York City; residence 275 Central Park, West. Born in New York City, July 4, 1872. Educated at Columbia CoUege and New York Law School. (Sin gle ) School trustee Congregation Ahawath Chesed; president Branch No. 10 New York Building Loan- Banking Co. Member MetropoUtan Museum of Art, Independent Order of Foresters, King Solomon's Lodge No. 279 F. and A. M., Knights of Pythias, Independent Order of Heptasophs and Royal Foresters. DISBECKER, HARRY P.-Lawyer, 50 Post Offlce Building, New York City; residence 39 East 50th street. Born In New York City, Aug. 23, 1874. Educated at Yale. (Married.) Assistant United States District At torney. Attorney for Commercial Travelers' Sound Money League ol the United States. Member New York Athletic and Theta Delta Chi Clubs, and Yale Alumni Association. DITMARS, BDWARD WILSON — Lawyer, 302 Broadway, New York City; residence 612 Carlton ave nue, Brooklyn. Born In Astoria, Long Island City, N. Y. Educated at Columbia College. (Single.) Mem ber Holland Society, Aldine Association, Crescent Ath letic Club of Brooklyn, and Sons of the Revolution. DITSON, CHARLES H.— Music Publisher, 867 Broadway, New York City; residence 17 Bast 38th street: Secretary, treasurer and director Charles H. DItson & Co. Member Players', Manuscript and Men delssohn Glee Clubs, and New England Society. DITTENHOEFBR, ABRAM JESSE- Lawyer, 96 Broadway, New York City; residence 18 Bast 76th street. Born in Charleston, S. C, March 17, 1835. (Son of Isaac and Babetta Dittenhoefer.) Educated In New York City public schools and at Columbia College. (Married.) Senior member of the firm of Dittenhoefer, Gerber & James. W^as judge of the City Court, presi dent of the Republican general committee and elector of Presidents Lincoln and Johnson. "Was prominently Identifled with the defence of Elverton R. Chapman of the firm of Moore & Schley, and the Washington cor respondents of the Philadelphia "Press" and the New York "Mail and Express," who were indicted by the United States Senate in connection with the investiga tion of the alleged Sugar Trust scandal. Is an honor ary member of the -Actors' Fund of America and its honorary counsel; also counsel to a number of banks and corporations. DIVEN, GEORGE M.-Lawyer, Elmira. Born In Angelica, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1835. Educated at academy in Elmira, preparatory school in Geneva and at Ham ilton College ('57). (Widower.) President La France Fire Engine Co., director Elmira Steel Co., Blmlra and WlUIamsport R. R. Co., Elmira and Lake On tario R. R. Co., Elmira, Cortland and Northern R. R. Co., Waverly and State Line R. R. Co., and Canal R. R. Co.; manager Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hospital. Member Manhattan and Lawyers' Clubs of New York City, Union League Club ol Philadelphia, Red Jacket Club of Canadaigua and Seminole Club ol Jackson ville, Fla. DIVINE, CHARLES — Publisher, 21 Park row. New York City; residence 150 Schermerhorn street, Brooklyn. Bom in Irvington, N. J., Oct 21, 1870. Edu cated in private school, and at Rutgers College ('90) (Married Bertha Haughwout, 1900.) Treasurer and di rector Biographical Directory Co., publishers ol the Biographical Directory ol the State ol New York- director Plastic Material Metal Covering Co. Member Zeta Psi and Theta Nu Epsilon Fraternities. DIVINE, DWIGHT— Manulacturer ol Cutlery El lenville. Born In Fallsburgh, Sullivan Co., N Y March 18, 184L Educated In common schools. (Mar s'^ '2 T.T !l'"®sident EUenvUle Savings Bank; director fsT-^ ^ i°"-fi Bank. Member Wawarsing Lodge No. 582 F. & A. M., and Ward Post No. 191 G. A: r! ^l?^i MORGAN— Protestant Episcopalian Clergv- We«; \^Jt,f "l*°".^'''3.^*' New York City; residence 27 1^97^'^ 2"h street. Born in New York City, Nov. 1 1827. (Son ol General John A. Dix.) Educated In AL bany and at Columbia College ('48) and General Theo logical Seminary ('52). Degrees of S.T.D from Co umbla, 1862; D.C.L. from University of the South 1885, and D.D. from Princeton, 1896, and from Oxford BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Ill University, England, in 1900. (Married.) Deacon, 1852; priest, 1853. With Trinity parish since 1855; assistant minister 1855-9; assistant rector 1859-62; rec tor since 1862. President Lower House General Con vention, State Convention Diocese of New York, and trustee of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine; vice- president City Mission Society; trustee Columbia Uni versity, General Theological Seminary, Sailors' Snug Harbor, House ol Mercy, Society for the Promotion of Religion and Learning, Leake & Watt's Orphan House, St. Stephens College, Home for Old Men and Aged Couples, St. Luke's Home and many others. Author of "Sermons, Doctrinal and Practical," "Lectures on the Calling of a Christian Woman," "Memoirs of John A. Dix," "Gospel and Philosophy," "The Sacramental System," "The Seven Deadly Sins," "Lectures on the First Prayer Book of Edward VI," "The Two Estates — "U'edded in the Lord," and "Single for the Kingdom of Heaven's Sake." Member Grolier and Psi Upsilon Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa and American Geographical Societies, Society of the War of 1812, Military Order ol Foreign Wars, Scientific Alliance, Columbia Univer sity Alumni Association, Sons ol the Revolution, Met ropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum of Natural History. DIXON, EPHRAIM W.— Secretary, 221 East 38th street and 1533 Broadway, New York City; residence 30 West 49th street. Member Players', University, and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. DIXON. FREDERICK B.— Dentist, 68 West 45th street. New York City. Bom in Philadelphia, Pa. (Married.) Member Lafayette Post G. A. R., 7th Regiment Veteran Association, Chancellor "Walworth Lodge No. 271 F- & A. M., and New York Athletic Club. DIXON, GEORGE A.— Physician,' 15 "West 49th stree-L New Tork City. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., May €, 1S5T, Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, and ax College of Physicians and Surgeons of Colum bia Uinxersity. (Married.) Member Riding and Knick- •erbctefcer Clais and Century Association. DIXOX, "WTT.T.L^M P.-Lawyer, 80 Broadway, Xe-K- TG»i City; residence 29 West 49th street. Bora in >^Tr loiife City, March 19, 1847. Educated at Yale. fMairriei-i Member of the firm of Miller, Peekham & Dii«?i:. President and director Popular Photograph Co.: Tlce-president and director Signal and Control Co.: secretary and director Lawyers' Title Insurance Co.; -ilrector American Exchange National Bank, Cen tral Real Estate Association, Colonial Real Estate As- =-:-:iati.jn. Fidelity and Casualty Co., and United States M-:rtgage and Trust Co.; trustee Mutual Life Insur ance Co. Member Metropolitan, University, Yale, Rid ing. Rockaway Hunt, Lawyers' and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City cr New York, and Century and Down Town Associa tion?. DO.AXE, -WILLIAM CROS"WELL — Protestant Episoopalian Bishop, 29 Elk street, Albany. Born in Boston, Mass., March 2, 1832. Educated at Burlington (X. J.) CoUege ('50). (Married Sarah Condit 1863.) Deacon, 1853; priest, 1856. "Was rector of churches in New Jersey, Connecticut and New York. Bishop of -Albany since 1869. Member University Club and New England Society of New York City, Socletj' of Colonial Wars and Burlington College Alumni Association. DOBSON, GEORGE F.— Editor, Eagle Building, Brooklyn; residence 149 Remsen street. ("Widower.) Managing editor "Brooklyn Daily Eagle." President Harway Basin Improvement Co.; secretary Montauk Theatre Co.; director Manufacturers' Insurance Co. Member Brooklyn and Montauk Clubs and Democratic Club of New York City. DODD, ED"WARD— Real Estate and Insurance, Babylon. Educated in public schools, and at L'nl- versity of Pennsylvania. (Married.) Member Repub lican, Army and Na\-}- and Knickerbocker Athletic Clubs, ^Military Order ot the Loyal Legion, and Bloom ing Grove Park Association. DODD. FRANK H.— Publisher, 149 Fifth avenue. New York Citj-: residence 222 "n'est 70th street. Mem ber of the firm of Dodd, Mead & Co. Member Quill and City Clubs, National Club of London. England, Chanibtr of Conim.erce and Aldine Association. DODD, SAMUEL C. T.— Lawyer, 26 Broadway, New York City; residence 42 East 64th street. Born In Franklin, Pa., 1836. (Married.) Counsel to the Standard Oil Co. Member Manhattan and Twilight Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, American Geographical Society, American Museum of Natural History, and Metropolitan Mu seum of Art. DODGE, CHARLES "WRIGHT— Professor of Biol ogy, University of Rochester, Rochester; residence 54 Oxford street. Born in Cape Vincent, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1863. Educated at Detroit (Mich.) High School and University of Michigan. (Married.) President New York State Science Teachers' Association; vice-presi dent and corresponding secretary Rochester Academy of Science. Fellow -American Association for the Ad- vencement of Science. Member Genesee Valley Club, Society of American Naturalists and Delta UpsUon Fraternity. DODGE, D. STUART— Presbyterian Clergyman, 99 John street. New Tork city; residence 225 Madison avenue. DODGE, GEORGE E.— Lumber Merchant 156 Fifth avenue. New Tork City; residence 27 West 57th street. Member Metropolitan, City, Tuxedo, Calumet, Grolier, Morristown (N. J.), University Athletic and Riding Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Amer ican Museum of Natural History. DODGE, GEORGE P.— President, 18 Cliff street New Tork <3ity; residence The Waldort, and Great Neck, L. I. Born in PIttsfield, Mass. Educated at United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. (Mar ried.) President and director Mineralized Rubber Co. Member Union Club. DODGE, GREN"V1LLE M. — CivU Engineer, 1 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 1 East 39th street. Bora in Danvers, Mass., April 12, 1831. Edu cated at Norwich University. Served with Iowa In fantry during Civil War, being promoted to major-gen eral. Director American Mutoscope Co., India Wharf Brewing Co., "Wichita Valley Ry. Co., and Fort Worth and Denver Ry. Co.; chairman of board of directors Colorado and Southern Ry. Co. Member Union League, Army and Na-vy and Colonial Clubs, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, New England Society and Metropolitan Museum of Art. DODGE, GUT PHELPS— Capitalist, 11 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 44 "West 44th street. Born In New Tork City, Feb. 21, 1874. Educated at Tale ('96). (Single.) President American Wood Fire- Proofing Co. (Ltd.). Member Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht, Lambs', Alpha Delta Phi, Lawyers', Racquet, National Fine Arts, Union and Strollers' Clubs, Ards ley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson and Tale Alumni As sociation. DODGE, PHILIP T.— Lawyer, 154 Nassau street. New Tork City. President and director Mergenthaler Linotype Co. Member Hardware, New Tork Athletic, Larchmont Tacht, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht, New Tork Tacht, Atlantic Tacht and Marine and Field Clubs, and University of Washington Alumni Associa tion. DODGE, RICHARD D. — Engineer, 280 Henry street, Brooklyn. Bom in New Tork City, Sept. 6, 1839. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ('60). ("Widower.) Recording secretary Brooklyn Sun day School Union. DODGE, RICHARD E.— Professor of Geography, Teachers' CoUege, 120th street and Mornlngside Heights, New Tork City; residence 684 St. Nicholas avenue. Bom In Wenham, Mass., March 30, 1868. Educated at Salem (Mass.) High School and at Har vard. (Married.) Recording secretary and ex-offlclo member ol council New Tork Academy ol Science. Member Harvard Club. DODGE, STEPHEN W.— Architect, 41 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 325 Grand avenue, Brook-^ lyn. Born In Providence, R. I., June 9, 1866. Educated at Public School No. 12 and (jooper -Union. (Married Emily Hoover.) Member ol the firm of Dodge & Mor rison. -Was one of the six architects invited to com pete for the soldiers' and sailors' monument at the 112 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Fifth avenue and Fifty-ninth street entrance to Cen tral Park. Member Brooklyn Chapter of American Institute of Architects, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences and De Witt Clinton Council No. 419 Royal Arcanum. DODGE, WALTER PHELPS— Lawyer, 11 Broad- wav. New Tork City; residence "The Grange," Sims- bury, Conn. Born in Syria, June 13, 1869. Educated at Tale and Oxford Universities. (Married.) Was for a time a barrister-at-law in London, England. Direc tor American Wood Fire-Proofing Co. (Ltd.). Author of "Three Great Tales" and other works. Member Authors' Club, Sons of the Revolution and American Social Science Association: is also a member of the Reform and WeUington Clubs and a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society of London, England. DODGE, WILLIAM EARL— Merchant and Bank er, 99 John street New Tork City; residence 262 Madi son avenue. Born in New Tork City, Feb. 15, 1832. (Married.) President and director Ansonia Brass and Copper Co. and Ansonia Clock Co.; director Commer cial Mining Co., Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co., Detroit Mining Co., Lackawanna Iron and Steel Co., and United Globe Mines Co.; trustee New Tork Life Insurance and Trust Co., Atlantic Mutual Insur ance Co., New Tork Botanical Gardens and Provident Loan Society; vice-president and trustee American Museum of Natural History; chairman of executive committee and trustee Metropolitan Museum of Art. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Reform, City, South Side Sportsmen's and Country Clubs, American Fine Arts, New Tork Historical, New Tork Geographi cal and New England (president) Societies, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson, Century Association, Na tional Academy of Design and Evangelical Alliance. DODGE, WILLIAM T.— Banker, Cohoes. Born in Berlin, Vt. Educated in common schools. President Cohoes Savings Institution; director National Bank ol Cohoes. DODMAN, ALFRED C— Woolens, 170 Filth ave nue. New Tork City; residence 869 West End avenue. Born in England. Educated at various schools In England and in New Tork City. (Married.) Member Metropolitan Museum ol Art, Union Club, Baptist So cial Union, and American Geographical Society. DOHMETER, ADOLPH— Fire Insurance, 71 Wil liam street. New Tork City; residence 300 Seventh ave nue, Brooklyn. Bora in Haberstadt, Prussia, Nov. 25, 1854. Educated at Magdeburg High School. Came to the United States in 1872, since which time, he has been Interested In the fire Insurance business. As sistant manager lor the United States ol the Magde burg Fire Insurance Co., since Nov. 1, 1896. DOLL, EDWIN N.— Tailor, 140 Nassau street New Tork City; residence 333 East 68th street. Bom Dec. 6, 1854. (Married.) Publisher ol S. E. Hendricks "Architectural Engineering and Mechanical Directory of the United States." Member Democratic Club, and Merchant Tailors' Society. DOLPH, JOHN H. -Artist, 58 West 57th street. New Tork C^. Bom in Fort Ann, N. T., April 18, 1835. Educated (in Europe) in Antwerp and Paris. (Married.) Member Lotos and Salmagundi Clubs, and National Academy of Design. DOMINICK, GEORGE F., Jr.— Stock Broker, 40 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 37 East 57th street. Born in New Tork City, July 21, 1871. Edu cated at Tale. (Single.) Member of the firm of Domi nick & Williams, members of the New Tork Stock Ex change. Member Tale and University Clubs, and So ciety of Colonial Wars. DOMINICK, HENRT BLANCHARD— Silverware, 860 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 14 West 49th street. (Married.) President and director Dominick & Haff; director Second National Bank; trustee Bow ery Savings Bank. Member Metropolitan, Grolier, Turf and Field, Players', Riding and National Arts Clubs, Aldine and Century Associations, Sons of the Revolution, Metropolitan Museum of Art and St. Nich olas Society. DOMINICK, LAMONT— Stock Broker, 40 Wall street. New York City; residence 37 Bast 57th street. Bora in New York City, Feb. 4, 1873. Educated at Yale (Single.) Member of the firm of Dominick & Williams, members of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Yale and Riding Clubs, and Society of Colo nial Wars. DOMMERICH, LOUIS P.— Wholesale Dry Goods, 57 Greene street New York City; residence 314 'West 75th street. Born in Cassel, Germany, Feb. 2, 1841. Educated in Germany. (Married.) Member of the firm of Oelbermann, Dommerich & CO. Vice-president German-American Insurance Co., and Florida Audu bon Society; director Central National Bank, German- American Bank, and Hanover Fire Insurance Co.; tmstee Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida. Mem ber Union League, Colonial, Merchants' and Lawyers' Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Mu seum of Natural History, American Geographical So ciety and others. DONALD,' JAMES— Manager, 124 Maiden lane. New York City; residence 595 Bedford avenue, Brook lyn. Member Calumet Club, Crescent Athletic and Hanover Clubs of Brooklyn, and Down Town Associa tion. DONALD, -WILLIAM MILNE— Stock Broker, 48 Exchange place. New York City; residence Fourth street. New Brighton, S. I. Member of the firm ol Donald, Gordon & Co., and ol the board ol governors of the New York Stock Exchange." Director Hender son Estate Co. Member Manhattan, Staten Island Cricket and Baseball, Richmond County Country and Harbor Hill Golf Clubs. DONE!GAN, JAMBS A.— Lawyer, 27 "WUliam street. New York City; residence 41 Rutgers street. Born In Kinderhook, Columbia Co., N. Y., July 7, 1864. Edu cated at Klndferhook Academy and St. Francis Xa vier and Columbia Colleges. (Single.) Member Tam many Society and John F. Ahearn and Patrick Divver Associations. DONNELLY, EDWARD TERENCE- Lawyer, 13 WUliam street. New York City; residence New Brigh ton, S. I. Born in London, England, Aug. 22, 1871. Educated at Manhattan and Columbia Colleges and New York Law School. (Single.) Member ol the firm of Bristed & Donnelly. Member Staten Island Cricket Club, and Military Service Institution. DONNELLY. JOHN H.— Real Bstate and Builder, 26 Rockaway avenue, Brooklyn; residence 117 McDon ough street. Born In New York City, July 26, 1860. Educated in Brooklyn public schools. (Married.) Member Union League Club. DONOHUB, CHARLES— Lawyer, 203 Broadway, New York City; residence 105 West 86th street. Bora in New York City, AprU 16, 1825. Educated at Colum bia College Grammar School. Degree of D.C.L. from St. John's College, Fordham. (Widower.) Was a Su preme Court Justice for fourteen years; served also as a school trustee. During his long term of practice has been a member of the following firms: Beebe & Dono- hue; Beebe, Bett & Donohue; Cochrane & Donohue; Stanton & Donohue; Beebe, Dean & Donohue; Beebe, Donohue & Cooke, and Donohue, Newcombe & Car- doza. Member Tammany Society and American In stitute. DONOHUE, FRANCIS LAWRENCE— Lawyer 203 Broadway, New York City; residence 17 West '89th street. Member Democratic and New York Athletic Clubs, Circle Colon Cervantes, and Medico-Legal So ciety. ^ er 5^°^"?^^' MATTHEW F.-Deputy Commission- ?i7.?, .^^\ ''T' New York City; residence 271 West i:7th street. Bom in New York Cnty, Nov 11 1867 of He^.fth '^s^i''-^!,"^ ^^'^°°'«- Sanitary inspector Board Health, 1891; deputy commissioner ol sewers Bor ough of Manhattan, since 1898. =weit,, xsor DONOVAN, RICHARD J.— Lawyer 35 Nad>; Broadway^ New York City; residence 456 Lexington avenue. Born in Huntington, Mass., Oct. 2, 1832 f-^nn of George and Electa [Edwards] Dunlap.) Educated BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Ill at Phillips Andover Academy, and Amherst College. (Married Julia Ellen, daughter of Simeon Clapp, of "Worcester, Mass.) Was assistant superintendent and principal teacher in New York Juvenile Asylum, and superintendent of the Orphan Asylum of the City of New York. Now In municipal employment. New York City. Member Phi Beta Kappa Society, Psi UpsUon Fraternity, Amherst Alumni Association, Association ol Civil Employees, Lalayette Post No. 140 G. A. R., Union Veterans' Protective Association and Athel- stane Lodge F. & A. M. ol Worcester, Mass. DUNLAP, ROBERT— President, 181 Broadway and 178 Filth avenue. New York City; residence 111 West 72d street. Born In New York City, Oct. 17, 1835. Edu cated in New York City. (Married.) President and director Dunlap & Co.; director Garfield National Bank, Bank ol the State ol New York, and Maurice Grau Opera Co.; trustee Excelsior Savings Bank. Member Manhattan, Colonial, Lambs', New YorlcAth- letic, Larchmont Yacht, New York Yacht, Brooklyn, Suburban Riding and Driving, Coney Island Jockey and New York Press Clubs, Blooming Grove Park, Manufacturers' and Hotel Associations, American Geographical and Dunlap Societies, Metropolitan Mu seum of Art, American Museum of Natural History, National Academy of Design, Chamber of Commerce, and Board of Trade and Transportation. DUNMORB, WATSON T.— Oneida County Judge, 52 Arcade, Utica; residence 75 Rutger street. Born In Rush, Susquehanna Co., Pa., March 28, 1845. Educated at Wesleyan University. (Married.) One of the five Americans selected to address World's Congress of Building and Loan Associations at the World's Co lumbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. President Home stead Aid Association and New York State League of Building and Loan Associations; director Utica Knit ting Co., and Utica Spinning Co. Member Fort Schuy ler, Arcanum and Pine Lake Clubs, Utica Maenner- chor, Utica Lodge No. 407 F. & A. M., Oneida Lodge No. 70 I. O. O. P., Excelsior Lodge Knights of Pythias, and Sons of the American Revolution. DUNN, FRANCIS E. . V. — Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 341 East 18th street. Born in New York City, Feb. 3, 1872. Educated at St. Francis Xavier College (Ph.B.) and New York Uni versity Law School (LL.B.). (Single.) Formerly assistant corporation counsel of the city of New York. Member Association of the Bar ol the City ol New York, and Xavier Alumni Society. DUNN, GANG SILLICK — Electrical Engineer, Ampere. N. J.; residence 115 "West 71st street. New York City. Born in New York City, Oct. 18, 1870. Educated at the College ol the City ol New York, and Columbia College School ol Mines. (Single.) Chiel engineer and director Crocker- Wheeler Co.; president New York Electrical Society. Member City College Alumni -Association, Phi Beta Kappa Society, and American Institute ol Electrical Engineers. DUNN, JOHN P. — Lawyer, 90 West Broadway, New York City; residence Creston avenue near High- bridge road. Born in New York City, 1860. Graduated from Columbia College Law School in 1885, and was admitted to the Bar in 1887. Assistant corporation counsel since 1889: in charge ol the bureau ol street openings since Its organization in 1893. Member Com mercial Club. DUNN, THOMAS J.— Stone, 444 East 68th street. New York City; residence 321 East 68th street. Born in Clonmel, Ireland, 1850. Educated in Ireland. Sheriff ol New York County, 1898-9. Director Rapid Salety Filter Co. DUNN, WILSON S.— Moldings, 66 West Broadway, New York City; residence 424 West 22d street. (Sin gle.) Member ol the flrm of W. S. Dunn & Co. Mem ber Manhattan Club and Ohio Society. DUNNE, DESMOND — Advertising and Printing, Eagle Building, Brooklyn, and 69 Park place. New Tork City; residence 25 Prospect Park, West, Brook lyn. Bom Dec. 18, 1857. (Married.) President Des mond Dunne Co.; vice-president Martin B. Brown Co.; director Brooklyn Bank. Member Montauk, Riding and Driving and Brooklyn Clubs of Brooklyn. DUNNE, JAMES— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 792 West End avenue. Born in Ireland, Nov. 15, 1860. Educated In public schools, evening high schools, and at Cooper Institute. (Wid ower.) Connected with the Car Trust Investment Co., Rio Grande Coal Co., George Borgfeldt & Co., Dent, Palmer & Co., and Cleveland Seed Co. Member Colo nial, Manhattan, Atlantic Tacht and Catholic Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and New Tork Law In stitute. DUNNELL, WILLIAM NICHOLS — Clergyman, 292 Henry street. New Tork City. Born In New Tork City, Feb. 3, 1825. Educated by private tutors. (Mar ried.) Rector All Saints Episcopal Church: chaplain 22d Regiment, N. G. N. T. and National Guard Asso ciation; treasurer Clergymen's Mutual Insurance League; prelate Palestine Commandery. Member Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, Met ropolitan Museum of Art, American Geographical So ciety, New Tork Clericus, Churchmen's Association and St Nicholas Lodge F. & A. M. (chaplain). DUNNING, DAVID M.— General Manager, Au burn; residence 4 Grover street. Born in Auburn, 1844. Educated in Auburn and at Union College. (Married.) Has served as city surveyor of Auburn and as inspector of rifle practice N. G. N. T. Now treasurer, trustee, superintendent and general man ager Auburn Gas Light Co. ; vice-president and trustee Auburn Savings Bank; trustee Cayuga County His torical Society and Auburn Business Men's Associa tion. Member Auburn City Club and Psi Upsilon Fra ternity. DUNNING, JACOB A. R.— Real Estate, 141 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 51 West 84th street. Born In New Tork City, July 1, 1854. Educated at Tale ('74), (Married.) Member New Tork Athletic, Marine and Fleld, Falrfleld County Golf, and Indian Harbor Tacht Clubs, and Tale Alumni Association. DUNNING, WILLIAM A. — Prof essor, Columbia University, New Tork City; residence Hotel Empire. Born In Plainfleld, N. J. Educated at Columbia. (Married, 1888.) Professor of history Columbia Uni versity; managing editor "Political Science Quar terly." Member Columbia University Alumni and Century Associations, and National Sculpture Society. DUNNING, WILLIAM P.- Lawyer, 67 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 37 West 38th street and Warwick. Born in New Tork City, 1866. Educated In private school and at Princeton ('77). (Married.) Member of the firm of Dunning & Fowler. Member University and Princeton Clubs, Down Town Associa tion and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. DUNSCOMB, GODFRET— Broker, 2 Wall street, New Tork City; residence 324 Prospect street. New Haven, Conn. Born in Montreal, Canada, July 4, 1845. (Married.) DUNSCOMB, S. WHITNET, Jr.— Lawyer, 132 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 28 West 128th street. Born in New Tork City, Jan. 11, 1868. Educated at the CoUege of the City of New Tork and Columbia University; degrees of A.M., Ph.D. and LL.B. (Single.) Attorney for Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Author of "Bankruptcy, a Study In Com. paratlve Legislation," "Proposed Federal Bankruptcy Legislation," published In the New Tork "Law Jour nal," and of many other articles on legal and econo mic subjects. Member American Geographical and Phi Beta Kappa Societies, City College Alumni and Columbia University Alumni Associations, Torrey Bo tanical Club, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Academy of Political Science, New Tork Botanical Gardens, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, Association of the Bar ol the City ol New Tork and Society lor the Preservation ol Scenic and Historic Places and Objects. DUNWELL, CHARLES T.— Insurance, 100 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 207 Hart street, Brook lyn. Born in Newark, Wayne Co., N. T., Feb. 13, 1852. Educated at Lyons Union School and Academy, and at Cornell. (Married.) General agent New Tork Lile Insurance Co. Member Cornell University and Aurora Grata Clubs, Ancient Lodge F. & A. M., Palestine Commandery, and Aurora Grata Scottish Rite bodies. 118 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. DUPRE, OVIDE - Lawyer, 290 Broadwa.y, New Tork City; residence 604 Park avenue. Born m upei- lusas. La . Dec. 14, 1844. Educated at Univei-sity ol North Carolina (Single.) Member New Tork Ath letic and Democratic Clubs, and Southern, American Geographical and Medico-Legal Societies. DURAND, ELIAS JUDAH-Instructor, Cornell University Ithaca: residence 402 Eddy street De greed ol A.B. and D.Sc. instructor In botany and as- ffstknt curator of the Phanerogamic Herbarium, Cor nell University. DUBAND-RUEL, GEORGE— Paintings, 389 Fifth avenue. New York City. Born in Paris, France, Aug. 2, 1866. Educated in Paris. Member of the firm ot Durand-Ruel & Son. Member New York, Lotos, Long Island Country, and Chicago (lU.) Clubs. DURAND, HALSEY— Chemist, 969 Sixth avenue. New York City; residence 80 Washington square. East. Bora in Newark, N. J., Sept. 7, 1870. Educated at Princeton. (Single.) Assistant chemist Department of Health of the City of New York. Member Baltus rol Golf, Newark Athletic, and University Cottage (Princeton) Clubs. DURAND, JOHN STEWART- Lawyer, 146 Broad way New York City; residence 126 West 79th street. Borii In Cincinnati, Ohio., Oct. 30, 1859. Educated at Yale and at Columbia College Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm of Tyler & Durand. Member Yale, Psi Upsilon and Arts Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York State Bar Associa tion and Zoological Society. DUR.\ND, WILLIAM FREDERICK— Professor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 5 Central ave nue. Bom in Bethany, Conn., March 5, 1859. Edu cated at United States Naval Academy and Lafayette CoUege (Ph.D.). (Married.) Assistant engineer Unit ed States Navy, 1880-7; professor of mechanical en gineering Michigan State Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1887-91; professor of marine engineering and principal of the Graduate School of Marine Engineer ing and Naval Architecture at Cornell University since 1891. Member American Society of Mechanical En gineers, American Society of Naval Engineers, Ameri can Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, American Association for the Advancement of Science and Franklin Institute. DURBROW, JAMES W.— Fire Insurance, 45 Cedar street. New York; residence 333 Jefferson avenue, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, Oct. 19, 1847. (Mar ried.) Member Union League and Lawyers' Clubs. DURBROW, WILLIAM — Insurance, 45 Cedar street. New York City; residence Montciair, N. J. Born in New York City, Jan. 1, 1857. (Married.) Con nected with the Continental Insurance Co. for the past seventeen vears. Member Lawyers' and Montciair (N. J.) Clubs. DURHAM, CHARLES LOVE— Instructor, Coraell University, Ithaca; residence 25 Cascadilla place. De gree of Ph.D. Instructor in Latin, Coraell University. DURYEA, FRANK W. — Secretary, 50 and 141 Broadway, New York City; residence 30 Montgomery place, Brooklyn. Member Fulton, Larchmont Yacht and New York Yacht Clubs, Crescent Athletic and Montauk Clubs of- Brooklyn, and Accomack Hunting and Fishing Club. DUSENBURY, EDWIN C. — Lawyer, 149 Broad way, New York City; residence 1 West 81st street. Born In New York City, Feb. 25, 1862. Educated at the College of the City of New York. (Single.) Mem ber Delta Kappa Epsilon, QuiU, St. Nicholas Skating, West Side Republican, New Amsterdam Republican (vice-president), Mahopac Golf (president), and Inde pendent Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa Society and Associa tion of the Bar of the City of New York. DUTCHER, CHARLES E.— Merchant, Bingham ton; residence 43 Main street. Born In Bridgeport, Conn., March 2, 1858. (Married.) Connected with the .Tohn Ray Clarke Co. Member Otseningo Lodge No. 435, F. & A. M., Calumet Lodge No. 62, L O. O. F., and Binghamton Club. DTTTCHER JOHN B.— Railroads, Grand Central common schools. (MarriedO. Connected with the New Vnrir Central and Hudson River R. R. Co. presiaeni ^Uago of PawUng National Bank of Pawling Pawl- i,n" Bofird of Water Commissioners and Union Stock Yard''s°S^d Market CO.; director American Safe De^os^t Co Fifth Avenue Bank, New York and Harlem K.R. Co' New York and Putnam R. R- Co., Spuyten Duyvil BR Co American Hackney Horse Society, Buffalo ErieBasn R. R. Co., New York Central Niagara RWer R R. Co., TIvoU HoUow R. R- Co and Pough- SJpsie and Eastern R. R. Co. Member Union League and Transportation Clubs, New York State Agncul- tural (ex-president), and St. Nicholas Societies Cham ber of Commerce and Metropolitan Museum of Art. DUTCHER, SILAS BELDEN— President, 191 Mon tague street Brooklyn; residence 496 Third street Born in Springfield, N. Y., July 12, 1829. (Son of Parce- for C. and Johanna Low [Prink] Dutcher.) Educated in common schools, and one term at Cazenovia bem- inary. Was Appraiser of the Port of New York under President Grant and Superintendent of Public "Works under Goveraor Coraell. President and tmstee Ham ilton Trust Co. ; president and director Ramapo Water Co - vice-president and director Newburgh Electric Ry. Co.; treasurer and director Columbia Mutual Building and Loan Association, and People's Tele phone Co. ; director Bay Ridge Park Improvement Co., Bmnswick Dock and City Improvement Co., German- American Real Estate Title Guarantee Co., Metropoli tan Life Insurance Co., Mutual Automatic Telephone Co., New York and Brooklyn R. R. Co., Smith-Vassar Telephone Co. and Biographical Directory Co. ; trustee Garfield Safe Deposit Co., and Union Dime Savings Institution; manager Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Member Brooklyn and HamU ton Clubs and I-ong Island Historical Society. DUTTON, JOHN A.— La-wyer, 58 William street New York City; residence 61 Manhattan avenue. Born, Sept. 16, 1862. Educated at Monroe Collegiate Institute, Elbridge, N. Y. (Single.) Member of the firm of Hurry & Dutton. Member Republican Club, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and Society of Medical Jurisprudence. DUVAL, GUY— Secretary, 130 Water street. New York City; residence 9 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn. Secretary and director Brooklyn Warehouse and Stor age Co.; director Schermerhorn Bank of Brooklyn. Member Hamilton and Excelsior Clubs and New Eng land Society of Brooklyn, and Sons of the American Revolution. DUVAL, HORACE CLARK — RaUroads, Grand Central Station, New York City; residence 8 Monroe place, Brooklyn. Born In New York City, 1851. Vice- president and director Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co.; director Brooklyn Heights R. R. Co., Brooklyn Ware house and Storage Co., Schermerhorn Bank, Mechan ics' Bank, Kings County Elevated R. R. Co., Sea View R. R. Co., and Edison Electric Illuminating Co., all ol Brooklyn. Member New York Yacht, Lotos, Riding and Driving, and Calumet Clubs, Crescent Athletic and Brooklyn Clubs ol Brooklyn, Sons ol the Revolution, Sons ol the American Revolution, and New England Society. DUVAL, H. RIEMAN— President, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence Islip, L. I. Born In Balti more, Md., Oct 17, 1843. (Son ol John Rawllngs and Elizabeth Warfield [RIeman] Duval.) Educated at St. Timothy's Hall, Maryland. (Married Anne Gordon, daughter ol John Hanson Thomas.) President and director Florida Central and Peninsula R. R. Co., and South Bound R. R. Co. ; director Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Ry. Co., Santa Fe Pacific R. R. Co. and Sonora Ry. Co.; vestryman St. Mark's Episcopal Church ol Islip. Member Metropolitan, Collie, Riding, South Side Sportsmen's and Union Clubs, Huguenot Society ol America and Society of the Cincinnati. DUVALL, WILLIAM C. — Cashier, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 137 West 43d street. Born In Hagerstown, Md., Aug. 13, 1847. (Single.) Cashier National Bank of Commerce in New York. Member Reform Club, Metropolitan Museum of Art] and American Geographical and Maryland Societies. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 119 DU VIVIER, CHARLES A.— Wine Importer, 22 Warren street. New York City; residence 441 West 21st street. Member of the firm of Du VIvIer & Co. Member City, Manhattan, Lotos, Reform, New York Athletic, Merchants' and Hardware Clubs. DU VIVIER, CHARLES L.— Wine Importer, 22 Warren street. New York City; residence 441 West 21st street. Born in Summit N. J., Sept. 18, 1868. Educated at Institut Agronomique, and Faculty of Sciences in Paris. France. (Single.) Member of the firm of Du Vivier & Co. Member Union, New York Athletic, Calumet, Racquet and Tennis, Hardware and Merchants' Clubs. DWIGHT, EDMUND, Jr.— Insurance 27 William street. New -York City: residence 49 West 83d street. Born In New York City, Nov. 23, 1856. Educated at the College of the City of New York, and at Columbia College Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm of Dwight & Llllle, general agents of the Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation of London, England. President Keene Heights Hotel Co., and Dwight Sur vey and Protection Bureau; director New York Juve nile Asylum. Member Lawyers', New York Athletic and Atlantic Yacht Clubs, and New England Society. DWIGHT, ELIHU— Leather Merchant, 500 Flush ing avenue, Brooklyn; residence 141 Sixth avenue. Member Brooklyn, Crescent Athletic and Union League Clubs, and Sons of the American Revolution. DWIGHT, FREDERICK— Lawyer, 10 Wall street. New York City; residence 51 Remsen street, Brooklyn. Member Reform and Yale Clubs, Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn, and National Academy ol Design. DWIGHT, JOHN W.— Investment Banker, Elmira; residence Hotel Marie Antoinette, New York City. Born In Dryden, N. Y., May 24, 1859. Educated in New Haven, Conn. (Married.) President Dwight Farm and Land Co. ol North Dakota; director Second Na tional Bank of Elmira. Member Union League and Republican Clubs of New York City. DWIGHT, STANLEY — President 143 Liberty street. New York City; residence University Club. Born in New York City, Dec. 29, 1855. Educated at Yale ('76). (Single.) President and director C. & C. Electric Co.; director Tennis Building Association. Member University and Country Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Yale Alumni Association. DYER, ELISHA, Jr.— Banker, 53 Exchange place. New York City; residence 5 West 32d street. President and director Popp Compressed Air and Electric Power Co.; director Sea Side and Brooklyn Bridge Elevated R. R. Co. Member Knickerbocker and Fencers' Club, Baltimore (Md.) Club, Brooklyn Club, and Brown Uni versity Alumni Association. DYER, GEORGE R.ATHBONE— Banker, 46 Wall street. New York City; residence Knickerbocker Club. Bora in Providence, R. I., June 24, 1869. Educated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H. Member Knicker bocker Club, and Sons of the Revolution. DYER, HENRY L.— Assistant Treasurer, 41 Park row. New York City; residence 16 West 50th street. Director Yaryan Co-. Member Metropolitan, Hard ware and Union League Clubs, New England Society, and Sons of the Revolution. DYER, RICHARD N.— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence East Orange, N. J. Member Union, Reform and Lawyers* Clubs, Essex County Country and Orange Clubs of Orange, N. J., Associa tion of the Bar of the City of New York, and American Society of Electrical Engineers. DYETT, J.AMES HATHAWAY— Manufacturer ol Metallic Bedsteads, 41 Pearl street, Buffalo; residence "The La Salle." Born in Rome, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1871. Educated at Cornell ('92). (Sijigle.) Secretary, treas urer and general manager Hard Mf'g Co. Member Red Jacket Golf and University Clubs. DYKMAN, WILLIAM N. — Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New York City, and 189 Montague street, Brooklyn. Commissioner, Criminal Court Building, and President, 254 South street. New York City; resi dence 171 Washington Park, Brooklyn. Born in Cold Spring, N. Y., 1854. Educated at West Point Milltaory Academy ('75). Member ol the firm ol Bergen & Dyk- man. Served with 22d United States Infantry in cam paign against the Sioux Indians, 1875-6. Studied law in the office of W. H. Robertson and was admitted to the Bar In Brooklyn, 1877. Commissioner Municipal Civil Service Commission; president and director New York Dry Dock and Repair Co.; director Coney Island and Brooklyn R. R. Co., and Erie Elevator Co.; trustee Brooklyn Trust Co. Member Crescent Athletic, Brook lyn, Hamilton and Montauk Clubs of Brooklyn. E E AMES, FRANCIS L.— Broker, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 125 Remsen street Brooklyn. Born in Fall River, Mass., Jan. 29, 1844. Educated in Fall River. (Married.) Member of the firm of Fames & Moore. Director Brooklyn Savings Banjc and New York Stock Exchange BuUding Co.; ex-president and member of governing committee New York Stock Ex change; trustee New York Stock Exchange Gratuity Fund, Brooklyn Hospital and Long Island Historical Society. Member HamUton Club of Brooklyn, So ciety of Colonial "Wars and Sons of the Revolution. EAMES, STEWART WOODFORD— Dry Goods Merchant, 224 Church street New York City; residence 59 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn. Associated with the H. B. Claflin Co. Member Ark wright, Calumet and Reform Clubs, Society of Colo nial Wars, Founders and Patriots of America and Sons of the American Revolution. EAMES, WILBERPORCE— Librarian, 890 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence Brooklyn. Born in Newark, N. J., Oct. 12, 1865. Educated in Brooklyn. Degree of A.M. from Harvard in 1896. (Single.) Con nected with the Lenox Library since 1885; assistant, 1885; assistant Ubrarlan, 1892; librarian since 1893. Author and editor of several works on early American _ history. EARL, ROBERT— Jurist, Herkimer. Born In Her kimer, Sept. 10, 1824. Educated at Union CoUege ('45). Admitted to the Bar 1848. (Married.) County judge of Herkimer, 1866-9: judge New York State Court of Appeals, 1869-95, when he retired on reaching age limit. Founder and now president Herkimer Histori cal Society. EARLE, HENRY M.-Lawyer, 46 Cedar street. New York City; residence 46 West 53d street. Born in Greeijville, S. C, March 28, 1870. Educated at Georgetown (D. C.) University. (Married.) Member of the firm of Baker, Earle & Gittings of Washington, D. C. Member Lawyers' and Country Clubs, Metro politan and Chevy Chase Clubs of Washington, D. C, Squadron A, and j\.ssociation of the Bar of the City of New York. EARLY, DANIEL J.— Lawyer, 271 Broadway, New York City; residence 124 West 16th street. Born in in New York City, July 27, 1869. Educated at St. Fran cis Xavler's College and New York Law School. (Mar ried.) Member Catholic and Seneca Clubs, Knights of Columbus, and Phi Delta Psi Fraternity. EASTMAN, GEORGE— Manufacturer of Photo graphic Goods, Rochester: residence 405 East avenue. Born in WaterviUe, Oneida Co., N. Y., July 12, 1854. Educated in common schools. (Single.) President General Aristo Co.; treasurer and general manager Eastman Kodak Co.; managing director Kodak Co. (Ltd.) of London, England; director Rochester Trust and Safe Deposit Co., and Alliance Bank. Member Genesee Valley Club. EASTMAN, GEORGE W.— Lawyer, 141 Broadway, New York City; residence Roslyn, L. I. Born in Ros- lyn, March 12, 1856. Educated at home and at Colum bia CoUege Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm of Eastman & Eastman. Member Nassau Coun try and Republican Clubs, and New York State Bar and Columbia University Alumni Associations. EASTMAN, HENRY M. W.-Lawyer, 141 Broad way, New York City; residence Roslyn, L. I. Born in Roslyn, March 1, 1854. Educated at home and at Co lumbia College Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm of Eastman & Eastman. Was first treasurer of Nassau county. Vice-president Nassau County Bank, Mineola; flrst vice-president Roslyn Savings Bank; treasurer School District No. 3, Trinity Church and Bryant Library, all of Roslyn ; director Glen Cove Bank. Permanent secretary Protective Lodge No 151 I. O. O. F., and treasurer of Roslyn Lodge No. Z, Guua of Honor. EASTMAN, SAMUEL C— Lawyer, 120 West 30th street New York City; residence Concord, N. H. Born in Concord, July 11, 1837. Educated at Bro-wn Uni-ver- slty. Director Abbot-Downing Co., St. Louis an(i San Francisco R. R. Co., New Hampshire Spinning Mills, Concord and Portsmouth R. R. Co., and Boscamin Mills. Member Alpha Delta Phi, University and Re form Clubs, Union Club of Boston, Mass., and Brown University Alumni Association. EASTMAN, WALTER L.— Electrician, 30 East 29th street. New York City; residence Woodslde, L. I. Born in WilseyvlUe, Tioga Co., N. Y., Nov. 12,^1869. Educated at Cornell. (Single.) Connected -with the New York Telephone Co., as wire chief of Madison square exchange. Member Cornell Club. EASTMAN, WILLIAM R.— Inspector, New York State Library, Albany. Born In New York City, Oct. 19, 1835. Educated at Yale ('54) and Union Theological Seminary ('62). (Married Laura E. Barnes, 1867.) Chaplain 72d Regiment, New York Volunteers, 1863-4; was pastor of churches In Connecticut and Massachu setts. Connected with the New York State Library since 1892; Is now Inspector of public libraries. Mem ber Founders and Patriots of America. EASTON, CHARLES H.— Real Estate, 116 West 42d street. New York City; residence 89 West 103d street. Born In New York City, April 26, 1864. Edu cated in public school, and at College of the City of New York. (Married.) Senior member of the firm of Charles H. Easton & Co. Member of the board of managers of the Protestant Episcopal Church Mis sionary Society for Seamen. Member Church, Demo cratic, Nassau Country and Lawyers' Clubs, and Hol land Lodge No. 8 F. & A. M. EASTON, CHARLES PHILIP— Lawyer, 43 Cedar street. New York City; residence Yonkers. Born In New York City, Oct. 18, 1866. Educated at Columbia College. (Single.-) Member Players' Club and Ardsley Club of -4rdsley-on-Hudson. EASTON, ROBERT T. B.— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 112 Fenimore street, Brook lyn. Born in New York City, Feb. 19, 1841. Educated at the College of the City of New York, and Columbia College Law School. (Married.) Member American Geographical and New England Societies, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York State Bar Association, and Presbyterian Union. EASTWOOD, JOHN H.— Manufacturer, 120 Lib erty street. New York City; residence Belleville, N. J. Treasurer and director Eastwood Wire Mf'g Co.; di rector Celluloid Co. Member Manhattan, Lotos, Hard ware, Colonial, Olympic, New York Yacht, American Yacht and Larchmont Yacht Clubs. EATON ARTHUR W. H.— Protestant Episcopalian Clergyman, 38 East Tenth street. New York City. Born in Kentfield, N. S. (Son of William and Anna Augusta Willoughby [HamUton] Eaton.) Educated at Har vard ('80). (Single.) Deacon, 1884; priest 1885. Author of several religious works. EATON, BRADLEY L.— Lumber Merchant, 70 Beaver street. New York City; residence 34 West 130th street. Born In St. Stephens, New Brunswick, Dec. 5, 1849. Educated at Phillips Andover Academy. (Married.) Trustee Empire City Savings Bank. Mem ber New York Athletic and Harlem Clubs. EATON, DORMAN B.— Lawyer, 2 East 29th street (Son of Nathaniel and Ruth [Bridgman] Eaton.) Edu cated at University of Vermont (M.A., '48 and LL.D ) BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 121 and Harvard Law School ('50); admitted to the New New York City. Born in Hardwick, Vt, June 27, 1823. York Bar, 1851. Traveled in Europe and studied civil service systems, 1870-3, and upon his return was ap pointed a civil service commissioner by President Grant; subsequently became president of the commis sion. Assisted Judge William Kent in editing "Kent's Commentaries." Is an acknowledged authority dn the question of civil service reform and has written much on this and other subjects,' including "Civil Service Reform in Great Britain," "Spoils System and Civil Service Reform In the New York Custom House and Post Office," and "Secret Sessions of United States Sen ate." Member Union League and City Clubs, New England Society, Century Association, Metropolitan Museum of Art, National Academy of Design and As sociation of the Bar of the City of New York. EATON, HENRY W,— Insurance, 45 WiUiam street. New York City; residence Larchmont Manager Liv erpool and London and Globe Insurance Co., of Eng land. Member Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, Larch mont Yacht and Colonial Clubs. EATON, SHERBURNE BLAKE — Lawyer, 44 Broad street. New York City; residence Lowell, Mass. Born In Lowell, Feb. 23, 1840. (Son of Forrest and Shuah [Blake] Eaton.) Educated at Phillips Andover Academy and Yale ('62). Served with an Ohio regi ment during civil war and was mustered out with rank of major. Admitted to the Bar In Chicago, 111., 1870; removed to New York City, 1871. Was a member of the firm of Eaton & Lewis until 1897 when he re tired from active practice on account of ill-health. Member Union, University and Metropolitan Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. EBBETS, CHARLES H.— Architect and President, -Washington Park, Brooklyn; residence 328 First street. Born in New York City, Oct. 29, 1858. Edu cated in public schools. (Married.) President Brook lyn Base Ball Club. Member Carleton, Democratic, Good Roads and Prospect Clubs, Royal Arcanum and Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. ECCLES, ROBERT G.— Physician, 191 Dean street, Brooklyn. Born in Scotland, Jan. 1, 1848. Educated in public and private schools in Scotland and Ireland and in several States and Territories In the United States; graduated in medicine from Long Island Col lege Hospital. (Married.) Connected with Merck & Co., as editor of "Merck's Archives of Materia Medi ca." Member American Medical, American Anatomi cal and American Pharmaceutical Associations, Amer ican Chemical, Kings County Medical and New York Pharmaceutical Societies, Torrey Botanical Club, Scientific Alliance and Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science. ECHEVERRIA, MARTIN JOHN— Physician and Instructor, 44 "West 75th street. New York City. De gree of M.D. Clinical Instructor in diseases of the genito-urinary system, Cornell University Medical College, New York City. ECKER, WILLIAM R.— Insurance, 54 WiUiam street New York City; residence Hotel Lincoln. Bom in Darien, Ga., March 16, 1864. Educated In public schools in New York City. (Single.) Assistant man ager North British and MercantUe Insurance Co. ol London and Edinburgh; general agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. ol New York.; treasurer Electrized Water Co. Member - Lawyers', New York Athletic and Underwriters' Clubs, and Southern So ciety. ECKERSON, PETER Q.— Lawyer, 99 Nassau street. New York City; residence 117 West 123d street. Born in ClarksviUe, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1839. Educated at Hamilton College. (Married.) Member TwUlght Club and Holland Society. ECKERT, CHARLES H.— Architect, 47 East 104th street. New York City. Born in Baden-Baden, Ger many, Nov. 8, 1869. Educated in Franklort-on-the- Main, in New York City public schools, at Cooper Institute and at the Politechnicum, Berlin. (Married.) Member Liederkranz. ECKERT, JOHN A.— Insurance Broker, 137 Broad way, New York City; residence 856 Prospect place. Brooklyn. Born in Barrytown, Dutchess Co., N. Y., July 1, 1869. (Married.) Member Underwriters' Club and Union League and Parkway Driving Clubs of Brooklyn. ECKERT, THOMAS THOMPSON— President, 195 Broadway, New York City; residence 549 Fifth ave nue. Born in St. ClairsviUe, Ohio, April 23, 1826. Studied telegraphy and became superintendent of the line between Pittsburg and Chicago; resigned and be came superintendent of a gold mining company, 1859- 61. Served in Union army during Civil war and reached brevet rank of brigadier-general. Assistant Secretary of War, 1864-6. General superintendent East ern division of Western Union Telegraph Co., 1866-75; president Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co., 1875-81; president American Union Telegraph Co., 1880-1; vice- president and general manager Western Union Tele graph Co., 1881-92; president and general manager of same since 1892. President and director American Dis trict Telegraph Co., American Speaking Telephone Co., American Telegraph and Cable Co., Gold and Stock Telegraph Co., International Ocean Telegraph Co., Southern and Atlantic Telegraph Co., and -Washington and New Orleans Telegraph Co.; director Empire and Bay State Telegraph Co., Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, Manhattan Ry. Co., New York Mutual Telegraph Co., New York Telephone Co., Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co., Texas and Pacific Ry. Co., Mercantile Trust Co. and Missouri Pacific Ry. Co. Member Riding, Union League, At lantic Yacht and Transportation (ilubs, American Geo graphical and Ohio Societies and Metropolitan Mu seum of Art. ECKSTEIN, GEORGE— Lawyer, 26 Court street, Brooklyn; residence 764 Bushwick avenue. Bom, April 14, 1864. Educated at Brooklyn Public School No. 18. (Single.) Member Crescent Athletic and Graves- end Bay Yacht Clubs. EDDY, GEORGE MILVERN— Dentist, 532 Fifth avenue. New York City. (Married.) Member Sea wanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Club. EDDY, THOMAS A.— Export Merchant, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence abroad. Vice-presi dent and director Flint, Eddy & Co. (which firm he is representing abroad). Member Crescent Athletic and Oxford Clubs of Brooklyn, Down Town Association, and St. Nicholas Society. EDDY, ULYSSES D.— President, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence Mamaroneck. Born in New York City, Oct. 23, 1843. President and director Flint, Eddy & Co., and Sills-Eddy Mica Co.; vice-president and secretary Rubber Goods Mf'g Co.; treasurer and director American Clay Mf'g Co. Member Reform Club, Down Town Association and Metropolitan Mu seum of Art. EDDY, WILLIAM A.— Bookkeeper, 68 Broad street. New York City; residence 32 East Third street, Bayonne, N. J. Bora in New York City, Jan. 28, 1850. (Married.) Connected with Flint, Eddy & Co.'s ac counting department. Member New York Press Club, and Mutual Culture Club of Bayonne, N. J. EDELSTEN, W. NELSON— Life Insurance, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence Yonkers. Born in New Jersey, March 28, 1864. Educated in private schools. (Married.) Connected with the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. Is a Veteran of the 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. EDEY, FREDERICK— Banker, 15 Wall street. New York City; residence 114 West 55th street. Mem ber of the firm of H. B. HoUins & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Director International and Mortgage Bank of Mexico, Laclede Gas Light Co. of St. Louis, Mo., and North Shore Traction Co. Mem ber Union League, Metropolitan, Union, Racquet and Tennis and Country Clubs. EDEY, WIIjLIAM S.— Broker, 2 "Wall street. New York City; residence 70 "West 49th street. Member of the flrm of Charles C. Edey & Sons and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Union, Calumet, University and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. 122 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. EDGAR, CHARLES H.-Lawyer, 43 Cedar street. New York City: residence 19 Monroe place, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, Jan. 4, 1857. Educated at La fayette College and Columbia College Law School. (Married.) Director Associated Land Co., and Vf()od- lawn Cemetery. Member HamUton Club of Brooklyn, State Bar Association, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and Columbia University Alumni Association. EDGAR, JAMES CLIFTON— Physician and Pro fessor, 50 East 34th street, New York City. Born in New York City, June 14, 1859. Educated at St. Paul s School, Lafayette College and University Medical Col lege; degrees of A.M., M.D. and Ph.B. (Married.) Formerly professor of obstetrics in University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College; attending physi cian to the Society of the Lying-in-Hospital. Now professor of obstetrics and clinical midwifery m Cor neU University Medical CoUege; physician to Mater nity and Mothers' and Babies' Hospitals. Member University Club. Century Association, New York -Academy of Medicine, American Academy of Medi cine, American Gynecological Society and Medical So ciety of the County of New York. EDGELL, GEORGE S.— President, 192 Broadway, New York City: residence 41 East 38th street. Pres ident and director Manhattan Beach Co., Marginal R. R. Co., Manhattan Beach Hotel and Land Co., and Marine Ry. Co.: director Shinnecock Inn and Cottage Co.; trustee American Surety Co. Member Union League and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, New England So ciety, and Aldine, Dartmouth CoUege Alumni and Down Town Associations. EDISON, THOMAS ALVA— Inventor and Electri cian, 44 Broad street New York City; residence West Orange, N. J. Born in Alva, Ohio, Feb. 11, 1847. (Mar ried.) Studied telegraphy and worked as operator in the United States and Canada. Invented many tele graphic appliances and established a workshop in Newark, N. J.; removed later to West Orange where his laboratory is still situated. Among his best known inventions are the megaphone, kinetoscope, phono graph, incandescent lamp, aerophone and machines for sextuplex telegraphic transmission. President and director Edison Spanish Colonial Light Co.; director Edison Electric lUuminating Co. and General Electric Co. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor of France. Member New York Press Club, Essex County Coun try Club of Orange, N. J., Ohio Society, American So ciety of Mechanical Engineers and American Insti tute of Mining Engineers. EDMISTER, WILLARD E.— Insurance Broker, 58 William street. New York City; residence 152 Hancock street, Brooklyn. Born In Lisle, Broome Co., N. Y., Oct. 17, 1853. Educated in public schools. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Dutcher & Edmlnster. Member Transportation Club, Union League Club of Brooklyn, and Down Town Association. EDMONDS, WALTER D.— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 20 Union, square. East and "Northlands," Alder Creek P. O., Oneida Co. Born in Utica. N. Y. Educated at Utica Free Acad emy, Williams College (A.B. and A.iU.) and Columbia University Law School (LL.B.) ; admitted to the Bar In 1876. Makes a specialty of patent causes. Member University, City, Richmond County Country, Republi can and Basque Island Clubs, State Bar and Down Town Associations, Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Phi Societies. Law Institute, Association for the Protec tion of Game and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. EDMUNDS, FRANK H.-Lawyer, 32 Liberty street. New York City; residence 71 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn. Born In East Corinth, Me., March 4, 1862. Educated at Colby College. (Single.) Associated with the firm of Steele & Dickson. Chairman of executive committee Colby Alumni Association of New York. Member Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, Zeta Psi Club of Long Island, and Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. EDSON, CYRUS— Physician, 56 West 50th street New York City. Born in -Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1857. (Son of Franklin Edson.) Educated at Columbia Col lege and College of Physicians and Surgeons (M.D., '81). (Married.) Assistant sanitary inspector Depart- ment of Health, New York City, 1882; Promoted tvirouffh regular grades to commissioner. W^as presi d'lntloard of Pharmacy 01 the City an^ County o^ New York, State Health Commissioner (1893), surgeon anTlieutenant-colonel N. G. N. Y., and has held many other official positions. Author of many articles on medical and sanitary subjects; al^o inventor of useful surgical Instruments. President and "^'^e'ltor Mac mnhan Pharmacal Co.; vice-president and director Rapw"safeTy"piIter Co. Member St Andrew^s and New England Societies, Larchmont Yacht Club, and Society of Medical Jurisprudence. EDSON, FRANKLIN— Grain Commission Mer chant, 433 Produce Exchange, New York City; resi dence 38 West 71st street. Born m Chester Vt, April 5 1832. Educated at Chester Academy. (Widower.) ik business in New York City since 1866 P^esKient of New York Produce Exchange, 1873-4 and 1878. Mayor of New York City, 1883-4. President, treasurer and director Genesee Fruit Co.; president and director Mutual MercantUe Agency. Member Albany and New England Societies and Colonial Club. EDSON, FRANKLIN, Jr.— Grain Commission Merchant, 433 Produce Exchange, New York City; resi dence Irvington-on-Hudson. Bora in Albany, N. Y. Educated in private schools. (Married Elsie Morgan Squler, 1897.) Member New York Produce Exchange and of the Knollwood Country Club, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson, New England Society and Naval Reserve Association. EDSON JARVIS B.— Mechanical Engineer, 313 West 74th street. New York City. Born in JanesvlUe, Wis., April 30, 1845. Educated in common schools and at New York University. (Married.) Formerly in the Corps of Engineers, United States Navy. General treasurer Naval Order of the United States, and treas urer of New York State Commandery. Member Engi neers', Colonial, New York Yacht Columbia Yacht and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, Metropolitan Mu seum of Art American Society ol Mechanical Engi neers, Montauk Club ol Brooklyn and American So ciety of Naval Engineers. EDWARDS, CHARLES JEROME— Insurance, 204 - Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 586 Macon street. Born In New York City, May 8, 1866. Educated in common schools. (Married.) Connected with the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States as manager for Brooklyn and Long Island. Vice-pres ident Merchants' Bank of Brooklyn; trustee Eastern District Savings Bank. Member Crescent Athletic and National Civic Clubs, Long Island Historical So ciety, Society of Colonial Wars and Sons ol the Revo lution. EDWARDS, DUNCAN— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 155 Remsen street, Brook lyn. Educated at Princeton. Member of the firm of Edwards & Bryan. Member Princeton Club, Crescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn and Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City of New York. EDWARDS, GEORGE WHARTON— Artist and Author, 96 Filth avenue. New York City; residence Plainfield, N. J. Bora in Fair Haven, Conn., 1859. Educated in academies and in Antwerp and Paris. (Married Anne J., daughter ol General John C. Cox ol (julncy. III.) Art director ol "Collier's Weekly." Au thor ol "Break o' Day," "Old Carolus" and other stories. Member Authors', Grolier, Arts and Players' Clubs, and American Water Color and Sculpture So cieties. EDWARDS, JAMES M.— President, 33 Wall street. New York City. Educated at University ol Georgia. (Married.) Connected with the firm of R. T. WUson & Co., members of the New York Stock Exchange. President and director Hudson Building, Holstein Woolen Co., and Stuart Land and Cattle Co.; secre tary, treasurer and director Bertha Mineral Co.; treasurer, director and chairman of board of liquidat ing trustees Western Live Stock and Land Co.; direc tor Yazoo and Mississippi Valley R. R. Co. Member Southern Society. EDWARDS, LEWIS— Architect, Union Club, New York City. Born on Long Island, May 3, 1848. Edu cated at Columbia CoUege ('67). (Married.) Member Hudson River Ice Yacht and Union Clubs, and Junior Order of United American Mechanics. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 123 EDWARDS, RICHARD L.— Banker, 35 William street. New York City; residence 39 Sidney place, Brooklyn. President and director Bank of the State of New York; treasurer and director Nicaragua Canal Co.; director Brooklyn City R. R. Co., Rubber Goods Mf'g Co., and Universal Preservative Co.; trustee Im perial Insurance Co. (Ltd.), and Brooklyn Savings Bank. Member New York Yacht Club, Hamilton Club of Brooklyn, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. EDWARDS-FICKEN, HENRY— Architect, 10 West 22d street. New York City; residence 61 Clinton place. Born in London, England, May 25, 1852. Educated by private tutors at home, at a private school in South ampton and at Greenock (Scotland) Academy. (Mar ried.) Was amateur champion in hurdle racing and running high jump in 1877, 1878 and 1879, with best records in both events. Member Squadron A, N. G. N. Y., for ten years. President Knappmann Whiting Co., of Carteret, N. J. Member of executive commit tee St. George's Society; Fellow American Institute of Architects. Member Country Cycle, British Schools and Universities, New York Athletic and New Yprk Yacht Clubs, and Union Club of Quebec, Canada. EELLS, STILLMAN WITT— Manufacturer, 330 East 9Sth street. New York City; residence 2 West 88th street. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, April 24, 1873. Edu cated at Yale ('95). (Married, 1895.) President and director The Allgnum Co.; vice-president and director Art Collector Publishing Co.; secretary and director Chicago Drop Forge and Foundry Co., of Kensington, 111. Member Knollwood Country and Colonial Clubs, -Albion Lodge F. & A. M., and Sons of the American Revolution. EGBERT, J-AMES C, Jr.— Professor, Columbia University, New York City; residence 364 Webster avenue, Jersey City, N. .1. Born in New York City, May 3, 1859. Educated at Columbia University and University of Berlin, Germany. (Married.) Adjunct professor of Latin in Columbia University. Member of the Jersey City Board of Education; member of com mittee In charge of American School of Classical Study at Rome. Author of "Introduction to the Study of Latin Inscriptions." Member Phi Beta Kappa Alumni (secretary) and Columbia University Alumni Associa tions, and American Philological Society. EGBERT, THOMAS K.— Commission Merchant, 80 Warren and Vice President, 30 Broad streets. New York City; residence Pattenburg, N. J. Member of the firm ol Egbert & Case. Director Southern Boule vard Land and Improvement Co., and Siskiyou Placer Mining Co. Member Colonial, Suburban Riding and Driving and Commercial Clubs. EGGLESTON, EDW-ARD— Author, Hotel Majestic, New York City, and Lake George. Born In Vevay, Ind., Dec. 10, 18.37. Educated in country and boarding schools. Has received honorary degrees of A.M., S.T.D. and L.H.D. (Married.) In Methodist ministry, 1857-66; associate editor "Little Corporal" of Chicago, 111., 1866-7; chief editor "National Sunday School Teacher," 1867-70; editor New York "Independent," 1870; editor "Hearth and Home," 1870-2; rector Church ol Christian Endeavor, Brooklyn, 1874-9; retired from ministry and devoted his time to literature. Author of "The End of the World," "The Circuit Rider," "Queer Stories," "The Faith Doctor" and many others. Member Authors Club, American Historical Society and Century Association. EGGLESTON, GEORGE CARY— Editor, 63 Park row. New York City; residence 188 West 135th street. Born in Vevay, Ind., Nov. 26, 1839. Educated at In diana Asbury University and Richmond (Va.) College. (Married.) Served in (Confederate army during war. Was literary editor of New York "Evening Post" for six years. On the editorial staff of "The World" since 1889. Author of "A Rebel's RecoUections," "How to Make a Living," "A Man of Honor," "Red Eagle," "Strange Stories from History" and many others. Member Reform and Authors' Clubs and Southern So ciety. EGGLESTON, JOSEPH E.— County Judge, Cort land; residence 144 Clinton avenue. Born in Cortland, Nov. 1, 1847. Educated at Cortland Academy and Cortland State Normal School. (Married.) Director Second National Bank; trustee State Firemen's Home Association. Member Tioughnioga Club. EGGLESTON, RICHARD H.— Banker and Broker, 20 Broad street. New York City; residence 59 East 55th street. Member Larchmont Yacht, New York Ath letic, Union League, Riding, and Thousand Islands Yacht Clubs and Sons of the Revolution. EGLESTON, MELVILLE— Lawyer, 15 Dey street. New York City; residence Elizabeth, N. J. Born in Ellington, Conn., July 26, 1845. Educated at Williams College and Universities ol Gottingen and Berlin. (Married.) General counsel, secretary and director American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Member Uni versity, Lawyers', Reform, Baltusrol Golf and St. An thony Clubs, American Geographical and New Eng land Societies, WiUiams College Alumni Association and Loyal Legion. EGLESTON, THOMAS— Mining Engineer and Metallurgist, Columbia University, New York City; residence 35 Washington square. West. Born in New York City, Dec. U, 1832. Educated at Yale (A.B., '54 and A.M., '57) and School of Mines, Paris, France (B.M., '60). (Widower.) Professor mineralogy and metallurgy at Columbia University, 1864-97; emeritus professor since 1897. Trustee Leake & Watt's Orphan Asylum, General Theological Seminary, Bible and Common Prayer Book Society and others; senior war den Trinity Church. Offlcer of the Legion of Honor ol France. Author ol "Lile of Major Egleston of the Revolutionary Army" and of many works on metal lurgy. Member Yale Alumni and Century Associa tion, American Society ol Mechanical Engineers, American Institute of Mining Engineers, American So ciety of Civil Engineers, Sons of the Revolution, Founders and Patriots of America and Scientiflc Al liance. EGLESTON, WILLIAM C— Director, 11 Pine street. New York City; residence 19 West 56th street. Born in New York City, June 30, 1841. Educated at Yale ('61). Director Cleveland and Pittsburg R. R. Co., Massillon and Cleveland R. R. Co. and Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago R. R. Co. Member Metro politan and Union Clubs, National Academy of De sign, Metropolitan Museum of Art and St. Luke's Hospital. EGLINGER, CARL F.— Merchant, 32 Beaver street. New York City; residence 152 West 49th street. Bom in Mannheim, Germany, Aug. 8, 1842. Educated In Mannheim. (Widower.) Connected with the flrm ol Charles Grael & Co. Member Suburban Riding and Driving, Atlantic Yacht, Democratic and New York Clubs and Deutscher Verein. EHLERS, EDWARD M.— Secretary, 79 West 23d street. New York City; residence Ashland House. Born In Denmark, Jan. 31, 1840. Educated at an academy in New Jersey and In pubUc schools. (Married.) Treas urer and trustee Mount Hope Cemetery Association; secretary Grand Lodge ol F. & A. M. ol New York State. Member Loyal Legion, Lalayette Post G. A. R., and Old Guard Association. EIDLITZ, CHARLES L.— Electrical Engineer, 1133 Broadway, New York City: residence 341 West 71st street. Born In New York City, Sept. 3, 1866. Educated at Columbia College. (Married.) Member Indian Har bor Yacht, BuUding Trades and Delta UpsUon Clubs, Columbia University Alumni and Aldine Associations and American Society ol Electrical Engineers. EIDLITZ, CYRUS L.— Architect, 1123 Broadway, New York City; residence 343 West 86th street. Mem ber Racquet and Tennis, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, Lambs' and Union Clubs, and Architectural League. EIDLITZ, ERNEST FREDERICK— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street New York City; residence 391 ¦ West End avenue. Born in New York City, July 28, 1868. Educated at Cornell ('90) and at Columbia College Law School; degrees ol B.L., A.M. and LL.B. (Mar ried.) Member Riverside Yacht, Cornell and Hard ware Clubs, Delta Upsilon Fraternity and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. EIDLITZ, LEOPOLD, Jr.— CivU Engineer, 1123 Broadway, New York City; residence 309 West 89th street. Educated at Cornell ('77). Member New York Athletic, Engineers' and CorneU University Clubs. 124 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. EIDLITZ, OTTO MARC— Builder and Engineer, 489 Fifth avenue, and President 1123 Broadway, New York City: residence 995 Madison avenue. Member of the flrm of Marc Eidlitz & Son. President and direc tor United States Mortar Supply Co. ; director Colonial Assurance Co., Washington Assurance Co. and Ger mania Bank. Member Twilight, New York Athletic, Transportation, Building Trades and CorneU Clubs, American Fine Arts Society, Aldine Association, Met ropolitan Museum of Art and Liederzranz. EIDLITZ, ROBERT -J-AMES— Builder, 489 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 995 Madison avenue. Born in New York City, March 25, 1864. Educated at Cornell and at Royal Polytechnic School in Berlin, Germany. (Married.) Member Twilight, Comell, Transportation, Delta Upsilon and Building Trades Clubs, Aldine Association, Municipal Art Society, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. EILERT, ERNEST FREDERICK— Manager, 238 William street. New York City; residence 578 West 146th street. Born in New York City, Aug. 1, 1866. Educated in public schools. (Married Emllle M. Meyer of New York City, 1891.) Manager David WUliam Printing Co. Editor "Luther League Review." EILERS, ANTON— Mining Engineer and Metallur gist, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence 751 St. ;Marks avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Germany, Jan. 14, 1839. Educated at Clausthal Mining School and Uni versity of Gottingen. (Married.) Resident of the United States since 1859. President Seneca Mining Co.; vice-president Montana Smelting Co. and Last DoUar Gold Mining Co.; director and member of oper ating committee American Smelting and Reflning Co.; director United Smelting and Reflning Co. Member Engineers' Club, Germania Club of Brooklyn, Techni cal Club of Chicago, 111., Denver (Col.) Club and American Institute of Mining Engineers. EILS, BEATTIE E. J.— Iron Merchant, North llth and Berry streets, Brooklyn; residence 11 East 124th street. New York City. Treasurer and director Bloom ing Grove Park Association; director Hecla Iron Works. ATember Marine and Field Club of Brooklyn, Harlem Club and Aldine Association. EIMER, AUGUST— Wholesale Druggist, 207 Third avenue. New York City; residence 220 East 19th street. Vice-president and director Elmer & Amend; director German-American Investment Co. and Willson Alu minum Co. Member I,iederkranz, Scientific Alliance, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. EINSTEIN, BENJAMIN F.— Lawyer, 32 Liberty street. New York City; residence 71 East 80th street Born in Lancaster, Pa., 1845. Educated in Marietta, Lra., and at Columbia Law School. (Married ) Mem ber of the firm of Einstein & Townsend. Director H Koehler & Co. Member Democratic, Harmonie Pro gress and Freundschaft Clubs, and Southern Society. WhS^?'^^J^'^ "^ the Bar 'oTthe ELY, SMITH— Merchant 103 Gold street New York City; residence 47 West 57th street. Born in Hanover, Morris Co., N. J., April 17, 1825. Educated at University of New York. School trustee New York City, 1856-60; state senator, 1857; congressman, 1871- 6; mayor of New York City, 1877-8; presidential elector on Democratic ticket, 1880; park commissioner, 1897-8. Member Manhattan Club. Century Association, Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wais, Society of the War ol 1812 and Presbyterian Union. EMBREE, LAWRENCE E.— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence Flushing, L. I. Born in New York City, May 17, 1856. Educated at Flushing Institute and Columbia College ('78). (Single.) Mem ber New York Yacht, Oakland Golf and Calumet Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. EMBREE, ROBERT C— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence Flushing, L. I. Born in Flushing, Jan. 2, 1824. (Married.) EMBURY, AYMAR— Lawyer, 44 Pine street, New York City; residence 140 West 72d street. Born in New York City, Aug. 17, 1856. Educated at Columbia. (Sin gle.) Member Strollers' and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs, St. Nicholas, Huguenot and Historical Societies' and Columbia University Alumni Association. EMERSON, HENRY P.— Superintendent, Munici pal Building, Buffalo; residence 122 College street. Born in Lynnfleld, Mass., Jan. 12, 1847. Educated at Phillips Andover Academy and University of Roches ter. (Married Mary A. Estey of Middleton, Mass., 1874.) Teacher and principal in Buffalo High School, 1874-93. Since 1893 superintendent of the Buffalo Board of Education. Author of "Latin In High Schools" and "A Summer in Europe." Member Liberal and Univer sity Clubs. EMERSON, JOHN W.— Merchant, 79 Leonard street. New York City; residence 165 West 93d street Born in Topsfield, Mass. (Married.) Member New York Yacht Club, Sons of the Revolution and Ameri can Geographical and New England Societies. EMERY, BRAINERD PRESCOTT— Lumber Mer chant White Plains; residence "The Elberon." Bora i?r,,-2"*-?l'°^*' Conn. (Single.) Secretary and treasurer White Plains Lumber Co. Member City Club of New burgh, Society of Colonial Wars and Authors' Society. EMERY, EDWIN W.-Tallor, 246 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 29 West 38th street. Mem-^ ^Lr ~,f^ ^^°lK^^'^}^^^'' ^""^ RepubUcan Clubs, and New England Society. EMERY, JOHN J.-5 East 68th street New York n '^' ^P^^t^^°^ S''^^ Dominion Land Co. and Nicaragua MeVr-^nr/'^'" 1,7"''^'^°' l^awyers- and Reform Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art Queen City Club of Cin-^ cinnati, Ohio and Kebo Valley Club. New Y?.k^^-c^- 'TAYLOR-Physician, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence, 481 Washington avenue ^"¦"iS*"'??' -,?°^? '" Michigan, Feb. 22, 1847. Educated " ^?''^^7^}^^' ^"" ^^l'°'- and Detroit, Mich (Mar ried.) Medical director Manhattan Life Insurance S°-' v,^"t*v"'^'"^ Physician Kings County Hospital Member Union League Club of Brooklyn ^^ospital srI'Sl ii:-™ --sj»'%? --; le^rTl^U'^^l'^'^' f^^ ^* Jefferson Medifkl Col lege of Philadelphia. (Married.) Surgeon Woman'.? sj's= ssff' ass ^£??S BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 127 bia College and Law School. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Emmet & Robinson. In practice in New York City since 1892. Member Constitutional Conven tion of 1894. Secretary and director Ocean Trading Co. Member Metropolitan and Democratic Clubs, Westchester County Bar and Down Town Associations and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. EMMONS, J. FRANK— Stock Broker, 66 Broad way, New York City; residence New Brighton, S. I. Born in Boston, Mass., April 26, 1839. Educated in Bos ton private schools. (Married.) Member of the firm of H. L. Horton & Co., and of the New York Stock, New York Produce and Chicago Stock Exchanges. President and director Baltimore and New York Ry. Co. and Staten Island Rapid Transit R. R. Co.; vice- president and director First National Bank of Staten Island, and Rapid Transit Ferry Co. Member Union League and Richmond County Country Clubs. EMMOTT, JOHN M.— Importer, 260 Broadway, New York City; residence Yonkers. Member Wool, New York, Park HIU Country and City Clubs. EMOTT, CHARLES C— Secretary, 186 Grand street. New York City; residence Morristown, N. J. Born In Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) Secretary John J. Crooke Co. Member University Club. BNDRESS, WILLIAM F.— CivU Engineer, James town; residence 416 Main street. Born in DansvlUe, Livingston Co., N. Y., Aug. 2, 1855. Educated at United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy ('79.) Presi dent Spanish Electric Co. of Havana, Cuba, 1889-90, engaged in installing electric light plants in Havana, Matanzas, Cardenas and Puerto Principe; was lieu tenant-colonel on staff of Governor Black; served throughout Spanish-A.merican war, including , the Puerto Rican campaign as aide on the staff ol the late Gen. Guy V. Henry. United States Army. Presi dent Jamestown Terminal R. R. Co. Member James town Club and Alumni Association ol Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. ENGELHARDT, FRANCIS E.— Analytical and Consulting Chemist, 7 CUnton Block, Syracuse; resi dence 714 Townsend street. Born In Gieboldehausen, Hanover, Germany, June 23, 1835. Educated in Ger many at the University ol Gottingen. Came to the United States, 1857. (Married Anna M. Miller ol Syra cuse, 1870.) Assistant in chemistry in Amherst Col lege, 1857-8; practiced in PhUadelphia, Pa., 1858-60; as sistant in chemistry in Columbia College, 1861-2; pro fessor of chemistry in St. Francis Xavler's College, 1862-7 (degree of Ph.D., 1864); professor of materia medica in New York College of Pharmacy, 1868-9; chemist to Onondaga Salt Co. since 1869. Appointed, 1881 and again, 1885, chemist of Uquors, etc., for the State of New York. Is now in general practice; also chemist and milk Inspector to Syracuse Board of Health. ENGLE, WILLIAM C— Dry Goods Merchant, 340 Broadway, New York City; residence 12 East 130th street. Born in Middleburgh, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1847. (Married.) Connected with the firm of James H. Dun ham & Co., as manager of cotton goods department. Treasurer and director National Accident Society. Member Arkwright Club. ENGLEHART, I. ALBERT— Lawyer, 291 Broad way, New York City: residence 66 West 46th street. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, 1846. Trustee and counsel Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews; counsel Ameri can Soda Fountain Co., John Matthews & Co.. and R. M. Stivers Carriage Mf'g Co. Member Harvard and Republican Clubs. ENGLIS, CHARLES M.— President 418 Myrtle avenue, Brooklyn; residence 176 Clinton avenue. President and director Wallabout Bank and Citizens' Steamboat Co.; director Brooklyn and New York Ferry Co., Maine Steamship Co., New Jersey Steam boat Co., Norwalk Steamboat Co., Portland Steam ship Co., Union Ferry Co. of New York and BrocDklyn and Victoria Fire Insurance Co. Member Hamilton, Crescent Athletic and Oxford Clubs, Metropolitan and Union League Clubs of New York City, and Down Town Association. ENGLIS, JOHN,— President, 222 South street. New York City; residence 196 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. Director Eighth Avenue R. R. Co. and Eleventh Ward Bank. ENGLISH, GEORGE L.— Mineralogist 812 Green wich street, New York City; residence Mount Vernon. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 14, 1864. Educated in Philadelphia at Friends' Central School and by In dividual study. (Married.) Senior member of the flrm of George L. English & Co. Member New York Mineralogical Club, Scientiflc Alliance,, New York Academy ol Science, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences and .American Association for the Advancement of Science. ENO, AMOS P.— Real Estate, HI Broadway, New York City; residence 32 Fifth avenue. Director Ann Arbor R. R. Co. and Citizens' Insurance Co. Member Manhattan, Mendelssohn Glee and Union LeagTie Clubs, Century and Down Town Associations, Ameri can Museum of Natural History, Metropolitan Mu seum of Art, American Geographical and New Eng land Societies, National Academy of Design and Lied erkranz. ENOS, ALANSON TRASK— President, 371 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence Englewood, N. J. Born, Aug. 5, 1856. Educated at Princeton. (Married.) President and director Oxley & Enos Mf'g (3o. Mem ber Princeton and University Clubs, Aldine Associa tion and American Geographical (Society. ENOS, FRANK— Secretary and Treasurer, 57 Duane street. New York City; residence Englewood, N. J. Born, Sept 3. 1865. (Son of Dr. D. C. Enos.) Educated at Princeton ('87). (Married Elsa Alexan der.) Vice-president and trustee Brooklyn Children's Aid Society; secretary and director Edison Electric Illuminating Co. of New York; director Manhattan Electric Signal Co., Harlem Lighting Co., Edison Light and Power Installation Co., and others. Member Princeton, Englewood Golf and Englewood Field Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, Military Order of Foreign Wars and Brooklyn Historical Society. EPSTEIN, ALFRED— Lawyer, 320 Broadway, New York City; residence 104 East 81st street. Born in New York City, .Tune 8, 1871. Educated in public schools and at Columbia CoUege Law School (LL.B., '92). (Married.) Member of the firm of Epstein Bros. Member Freundschaft Club and Society of Medical Jurisprudence. ERB, NEWMAN— Lawyer, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence 25 East 74th street. Born, June 16, 1850. Educated in St. Louis, Mo. (Married.) Pres ident and director Southern Missouri and Arkansas R. R. Co., Mamaroneck Water Co., and New York Sub urban W-ater Co.; vice-president and director Toledo and Ohio Central Extension R. R. Co.; director Ash tabula Water Co., Chattanooga Southern R. R. Co., and Topeka Water Co. ERBEN, HENRY— Retired Naval Officer, 130 East 44th street. New York (3ity. Born in New York City, September, 1832. Educated at United States Naval Academy ('54). Midshipman, 1848; promoted to lieu tenant, 1857. Served during Civil War under Admirals Farragut, Foote and Dupont; served in South Ameri ca (1866-9) and on the Paciflc. Commanded New York Navy Yard (1891-2) and European squadron (1893-4). Made rear-admiral, 1894, and retired same year. Mem ber University and Barnard Clubs, St. Nicholas So ciety and Loyal Legion. ERBSLOH, RUDOLPH— Importer, 364 Broadway, New York City; residence 280 Washington avenue, Brooklyn. Director Merchants' Safe Deposit Co. Member Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, Reform and Merchants' Clubs and Metropolitan Museum of Art. ERCKENS, JOHN OSCAR— Dry Goods Merchant, 71 Worth street. New York City; residence 112 Central Park, South. Bora in Germany. (Single.) Connected with the firm of Schnabel Bros. Member New York Athletic, Merchants' and German Clubs. ERDTMANN, WILLIAM— Insurance, 120 Broad way, New York City; residence 30 Eighth avenue, Brooklyn. Bora in Giistrow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 128 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Germany, April 29, 1833. Educated at Giistrow Real School. Manager Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. Member Germania Social and Montauk Clubs of Brooklyn and Liederkranz. ERHARDT, JOEL B.— President 32 Liberty street New York City; residence 127 East 57th street Has been Collector of the Port and police commissioner. President and director Lawyers' Surety Co.; director Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Co., Lawyers' Mort gage Insurance Co. ; trustee Bowery Savings Bank and State Trust Co. Member St. Nicholas, Sigma Phi, Quill, Union League and Republican Clubs, St. Nich olas and New England Societies, Loyal Legion, Lafa yette Post, G. A. R., and Down Town Association. ERLANGER,ABRAH.A.M L.— Theatrical Manager, 1440 Broadway, New York City; residence 31 West 61st street. Born in Buffalo, N. Y., May 4, 1860. Educated in Cleveland, Ohio. (Married.) President Klaw-Er- langer Co. Member of the firms of Klaw & Erlanger; Hayman, Klaw & Erlanger; Hayman-Frohman, Klaw & Erlanger; Klaw, Erlanger & Stevens and Nixon & Zimmerman. Member Lambs and Democratic Clubs. ERNST, LOUIS J.— Hardware Merchant, Roches ter. Bora In Rochester, May 4, 1849. Educated in Rochester. (Married.) Director Rochester German Insurance Co. ; trustee Fidelity Trust Co. and Mechan ics' Savings Bank. ESCHM-ANN, F. W. R.— Manufacturer, Yonkers; residence 63 Sunnyside Drive. Born in Yonkers, May, 1854. Educated In Germany. (Married.) President Arlington Chemical Co. and Palisade Mf'g Co.; treas urer New York Pharmacal Association; trustee Yon kers Savings Bank; member executive committee St. John's Riverside Hospital. Member Reform Club of New York City. ESLER, FREDERIC BROWN— Lawyer, 290 Broadway, New York City; residence 66 East 52d street. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 8, 1853. Edu cated at University of Pennsylvania. (Married.) Pres ident Metropolis Contract Co. and Columbian Co.; vice-president Union Surety and Guaranty Co.; direc tor New York and Brooklyn R. R. Co. and Union Sure ty Co. Member Metropolitan and Players' Clubs. ESMOND, MERRITT J.— Real Estate and Insur ance, Ballston Spa. Born in Pittstown, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., 1832. Educated in Greenwich and Pulteney' N. Y. (Married.) Director First National Bank of Ballston Spa. ESSELSTYN, GEORGE — Lawyer, Rhinebeck Born in Claverack, Columbia Co., N. Y., Sept. 27, 184l! Educated at Claverack Academy and Rutgers CiiUege' (Married.) Member of the firm ol Esselstyn & Mc-^ Carty. Director and attorney First National Bank of Rhinebeck. ETHERINGTON, WILLIAM F.— Paper Manufac turer, 156 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence East Orange, N. J. Member of the firm of W. F. Ethering- ton & Co. Vice-president and director M. T. Richard son Co. Member Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn RepubUcan Club ol East Orange, New England So-^ ciety and Aldine Association. EUSTIS, GEORGE P.— Phoenix Lodge, West- bury, L. I. Bom in Paris, France, 1864. Educated In Virginia. (Married.) Ensign United States Navy dur ing Spanish-American War. Member Knickerbocker Racquet and Tennis, Turl and Field, Meadow Brook Hunt Players', "Lambs, New York Yacht and Coach ing Clubs and MetropoUtan Club pf Washington, D. C. EUSTIS JOHN E.— Lawyer, 80 Broadway, New York City; residence Morris Heights. Born in Lim erick, N. Y., 1847. Educated at Wesleyan University (Married.) Member of the firm ol Eustis, Poster & Coleman. Member Board ol Education and of the School Board ol the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, 1897-9. Treasurer and director Babcock & "Wil cox Co.; secretary and director Mercer Co.; director Pelham Hod Elevating Co. and Stanley Hod Elevator Co. Member Reform Club, Wesleyan Alumni Associa tion, Lafayette Post G. A. R., and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. EVANS, ANTHONY H.— Clergyman, 296 Madison avenue. New York City. Born in Bryncellyn, Wales, Jan. 1, 1862. Educated at Hamilton College and Union Theological Seminary (D.D.). (Married.) Rector West Presbyterian Church. Member Century Association and Presbyterian Union. EVANS, CALEB G.— Wholesale Cotton Goods, 66 Leonard street. New York City; residence 39 West 27th street. Member Merchants', Manhattan, Racquet and Tennis, Lambs', New York Yacht, American Yacht and Larchmont Yacht Clubs. EVANS, CH-4.RLES B.— Agent, 7 Wall street. New York City; residence New York Club. Educated at Tremont College, Norristown, Pa. (Single.) Member Transportation, Colonial and New York Clubs. EVANS, CHARLES D.— Lawyer, 99 Nassau street New York City; residence 256 Stuyvesant avenue, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, Feb. 1?, 1828. Edu cated at Trinity School. (Married.) President Avon- Ian Dramatic Society; high priest P'rogresslve Chapter of Masons; master ¦Lodge of Antiquity F. & A. M.; member Terpsichore Club. EVANS, Cornelius H.— Brewer, 127 Hudson street New York City; residence Hudson. Born, 1841. (Married.) Mayor of Hudson, 1873-4 and 1877-8. Mem ber of the firm of C. H. Evans & Sons. President Na tional Hudson River Bank; trustee Hudson City Sav ings Institution. Member Hudson Club and all branches of Freemasonry. EVANS, DUDLEY- Vice-president, 63 Broadway, New York City; residence Englewood, N. J. Born in Morgantown, Va., Jan. 27, 1838. Educated at Wash ington and Jefferson College. (Married.) Vice-presi dent and director Wells, Fargo & Co.; director Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Bank; president Expressman's Mutual Beneflt Association. Member Lawyers' and Engle wood (N. J.) Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars and Military Society of the War of 1812. EVANS, GEORGE— Dentist 56 West 39th street New York City. Born In Ireland, June 7, 1844. Edu cated at the CoUege of the City of New York. (Mar ried.) Lecturer in Baltimore College of Dental Sur gery. Author of "Practical Treatise on Crown and Bridge Work." President and director Evans Co.; director David Stevenson Brewing Co. Member New York Athletic and Lotos Clubs, Automobile Club of America, De Forrest AngUng Association and others. EVANS, HENRY— Vice-president, 46 Cedar street New York City; residence 20 Fifth avenue. Born In Houston, Tex., April 14, 1860. Educated Ett Sellecks School, Norwalk, Conn., and at Columbia College School of Mines. (Married.) Vice-president and di rector Continental Insurance Co. ; director Atlanta and Charlotte R. R. Co. Member Manhattan and Lawyers' Clubs, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson, and May flower Society. EVANS, ROBERT W.— Brewer, 127 Hudson street. New York City; residence Hudson. Born, 1865. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of C. H. Evans & Sons. Di rector National Hudson River Bank. EVANS, THOMAS G.-Lawyer, 156 Broadway, New York City; residence University Club. Born in Kingston, N. Y. Educated at Yale. (Married.) Mem ber University, Grolier and Twilight Clubs, St. Nicho las, Dunlap and New York Genealogical and Bio graphical Societies, Winnlsock Club of Albany Yale Alumni Association, Sons of the Revolution and As sociation of the Bar of the City of New York. E-VANS, WILLIAM T.-Importer, 464 Broadway, New York City; residence 5 West 76th street Mem ber Lotos, Manuscript, Colonial, Merchants' Central and Salmagundi Clubs, American Fine Arts and New York Historical Societies, Metropolitan Museum of Art and American Museum of Natural History. EVARTS, ALLEN W.-Lawyer, 52 Wall street. Ne-w York City; residence 44 East 29th street. Born m New York City, Dec. 10, 1848. Educated at Yale and Columbia College Law School. (Single ) Member of the firm of Evarts, Choate & Beaman. Secretary and director Garden City Co.; director Lawyers' Sure ty Co. Member Union, University, Yale, Whist New BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 129 York Athletic and Lambs' Clubs, Century and Down Town Associations, Society ol Medical Jurisprudence, New England Society, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York and Liederkranz. EVARTS, FREDERICK MORGAN— Lawyer, 62 Wall street, New York City. Born In Mexico, Oswego Co., N. Y., Feb. 9, 1853. (Son ol Henry W. and Mary J. [Soule] Evarts.) Educated in common schools; stud- ' led law In the offlce ol Hon. Daniel F. Gott ol Syracuse and was admitted to the Bar In Rochester in 1876. Practicing In New York City since 1885. Author ol several articles on various legal topics. EVARTS, SHERMAN— Lawyer, 66 Wall street. New York City; residence Plainfield, N. J. Born in New York City, Oct. 10, 1859. Educated at St. Paul's School, at Yale and at Columbia College Law School. Member University, Yale, Players', University Ath letic and Grolier Clubs, New England Society and As sociation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. EVARTS, WILLIAM MAXWELL.— Lawyer, 52 Wall street. New York City; residence 231 Second ave nue. Born In Boston, Mass., Feb. 16, 1818. (Son ol Jeremiah Evarts.) Educated at Boston Latin School, Tale ('37) and Harvard Law School. Admitted to the New Tork Bar, 1841. Received degree ol LL.D. Irom Union, Harvard and Tsile. (Married.) Senior member ol the firm ol Evarts, Choate & Beaman. Assistant district attorney, 1849-53; United States Attorney Gen eral, 1868-9; United States Secretary ol State, 1877-81; United States Senator, 1885-91. Was counsel to Presi dent Johnson on Impeachment trial, 1868; represented the United States belore the arbitration tribunal at Geneva in the Alabama claims case, 1872; was chiel counsel to Henry Ward Beecher In case with Theo dore Tlltoii (1876) and to the RepubUcan party In Hayes-Tllden contest (1877). Distinguished as an orator and public speaker. Member Union League, Union, University, Republican and Tale Clubs, Ameri can Geographical and New England Societies, Century Association, National Academy ol Design, American Museum of Natural History and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. EVEREST, CHARLES M.— Banker and Merchant, Rochester. Born in 'Wisconsin, 1862. Educated at Rochester Unlverslt». (Married.) Vice-president Va cuum Oil Co. and Mechanics' Savings Bank. Asso ciate American Society ol Civil Engineers. Member Genesee Valley, Country, Rochester Tacht, Oswego Tacht and Sodus Bay Tacht Clubs, Society ol the Gen esee, Theta Delta Chi and Engineers' Clubs ol New Tork City, SL Andrew's Society and American So ciety of Naval Engineers. EVERETT, ELISHA T.— Broker, 18 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 552 Bergen street, Brooklyn. Bora in Brooklyn, Jan. 25, 1868. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Henry I. Clark & Co., members ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Union League Club and U. S. Grant Post G. A. R. ol Brooklyn. EVERETT, HENRT W.— Chemical Merchant, 100 William street. New Tork City; residence 48 West 39th street. Senior member ol the firm ol Henry W. Ever ett & Co. .Member Union Deague Club, New England Societj-, Down Town Association and Sons ol the Rev olution. EVERHART, JOHN F.— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence Hotel Netherland. Bom in Plttston, Pa., June 18, 1858. Educated at Princeton and at University ol Pennsylvania Law School. (Sin gle.) Member New Tork Athletic and Knollwood Country Clubs and Union League, University and Art Clubs ol Philadelphia. EVINS, SAMUEL H.-Lawyer, 2 Tryon row. New Tork City; residence 4 Tompkins avenue. New Brigh ton, S. I. Born in South Carolina. Educated at Har vard. (Single.) Assistant corporation counsel ol the City ol New Tork. EWING, HAMPTON D.— Lawyer, 41 Wall street. New Tork City; residence Tonkers. Bora in Washing ton, D. C, June 18, 1866. Educated at Columbia Uni versity. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Ewing, Whitman & Ewing. Member Alpha Delta Phi and Phi Delta Phi Clubs, Columbia University Alumni As sociation, Sons ol the American Revolution and Asso ciation ol the Bar of the City of New Tork. EWING, JAMES— Physician and Professor, 1730 Broadway, New Tork City. Educated at Amherst College. Degrees ol A.M. and M.D. Professor of pathology, Cornell University Medical College. Mem ber City and University (31ubs and Amherst CoUege Alumni Association. EWING, THOMAS, Jr.— Lawyer ^nd Solicitor of Patents, 41 WaU street. New ToI'k City; residence Tonkers. Born in Leavenworth, Kan., May 21, 1862. Educated in public schools of Lancaster, Ohio, and at University of Wooster, Columbia University and Georgetown University Law School. Member Ohio Society of New Tork and Sigma Chi and Phi Beta Kappa Fraternities. ETRE, EDWARD— Merchant, 1 Hanover Square, New Tork City; residence 818 Madison avenue. Sec ond vice-president and director W. R. Grace & Co.; director City Trust Co. Member New Tork Tacht and Catholic Clubs, Down Town Association and Metro politan Museum of Art. pTRE, JOHN — Commission Merchant, 105 Hudson street. New Tork City; residence Bayonne, N. J. Bor.li In Eyrecourt Castle, County Galway, Ireland, June 24, 1846. Educated at Ranelagh College, Athlone, Ireland, and at Douglas College on the Isle of Man. (Mar ried.) Connected with the National Provident 'Union of the State of New Jersey. Director W. R. Grace & Co. Member Commercial Club, New Tork Council No. 348 Royal Arcanum and Newark Bay Boat Club of Bayonne. ETRE, MATNARD C. — Broker, 52 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Clifton, S. I. Born in Richmond County, N. T., Oct. 3, 1854. Educated at Harro-w School, England. (Married.) Member of the firm of Prince & "Whitely, members of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member New Tork Athletic and Staten Island Clubs, American Geographical Society, Tomp kins Lodge No. 471 F. & A. M., Syrian Chapter, Au rora Grata Consistory and Kismet Temple of Brook lyn. F FABER, J. EBERHARD— Pencil Manufacturer, 545 Pearl street. New Tork City; residence Livingston, S. I. Born in New Tork City, March 14, 1859. Educated at Columbia College and in Ntirenberg, Germany, and Paris, France. (Widower.) Commenced business in America in 1879. Controls with his brother Lothar, the B. Faber Pencil Co., with a cedar yard and mill In Cedar Keys, Pla., and a rubber factory In Newark, N. J. Director Commonwealth Insurance Co., East ern Insurance Co., First National Bank of Staten Island and Staten Island Academy. Member New Tork Athletic, Merchants', Richmond County Coun try, Arkwright, Whist and Staten Island Clubs, New Tork State Whist Association (president) and Ameri can Whist League (director). PABER, LEANDER B.— Lawyer, Jamaica, L. I.; residence 75 Alsop street. Born in Jamaica, Nov. 5, 1867. Educated in Jamaica and New Tork City. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Monfort & Faber. Po lice justice of the village of Jamaica, 1889-93. Trustee Jamaica Savings Bank. Member Chub Club, Knights of Columbus and Royal Arcanum. FABER, LOTHAR W.— Pencil Manufacturer, 545 Pearl street. New Tork City; residence Port Rich mond, S. I. President E. Faber Pencil Co.; director Bamston Tea Co. (Ltd.). Member Richmond County Country, Arkwright, New Tork Athletic, Harbor Hill Golf and Staten Island Clubs. FAGNANI, CHARLES PROSPER— Professor, 700 Park avenue. New Tork City; residence 772 Park ave nue. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 29, 1864. Educated at the College of the City of New Tork ('73), Columbia College Law School ('75) and Union Theological Semi nary ('82). (Married.) Associate professor of Old Testament language and literature at Union Theo logical Seminary. Member Quill and Oriental Clubs, New Tork College Alumni and Union Theological Sem inary Alumni Associations, Phi Beta Kappa Society and Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. FAHNBSTOCK, HARRIS C. — Banker, 2 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 457 Madison avenue. President and director Bankers' Safe Deposit Co.; vice-president and director First National Bank; member board of managers Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R. Co.; director Central R. R. Co. ol New Jersey, East Jersey Water Co., Liberty National Bank, Montciair Water Co., Southern Ry. Co., Tide Water Oil Co., and Tide Water Pipe Co.; trustee New Jersey Junction R. R. Co. Member Metropolitan, City, Union, Union League, Riding and Lawyers' Clubs, American Fine Arts and New England Socie ties, Century Association, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, National Academy ol Design and American Mu seum ol Natural History. FAHNESTOCK, WILLIAM— Broker, 2 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 22 East 51st street. Born in Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 2, 1857. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Fahnestock & Co. and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Director First National Bank. Member City, Racquet and Tennis, Union League, Reform, Lawyers' and Metropolitan Clubs, Century Association, New England Society and Metropolitan Museum of Art. FAHRBACH, GEORGE H.— Deputy County Clerk, 8 County Court House, New Tork City; residence 406 East 57th street. Born in New Tork City, Feb. 1, 1863. Educated in public schools. (Married.) Re-^ cording clerk. County Clerk's offlce, 1886-8; chief ap plication clerk. Excise Board, 1888-90; equity clerk. Su preme Court 1890-7; deputy county clerk since Jan. 1 1898. FAHTS, GEORGE E.— Watch Cases, 54 Maiden lane. New Tork City; residence 310 West 73d street. Born in New Jersey, Nov. 13, 1864. Educated at Co lumbia School of Mines ('84). (Married.) President and director Alvin Mf'g Co. and Brooklyn Watch Case Co.; vice-president and director Fahys Watch Case Co., Jewelers' Association and Board of Trade; treas urer and director Sag Harbor Water Co.; director New Tork Standard Watch Co.; treasurer Society of Decorative Art. Member LTniversity, Seawanhaka- Corinthian Tacht and City Clubs, Columbia University Alumni and Down Town Associations and Squadron ¦¦A," N. G. N. T. FAHTS, JOSEPH— Watch Cases, 54 Maiden lane. New Tork City; residence 16 West 52d street. Born in Bellort, Prance, 1832. Educated in Bellort. (Married.) President and director Fahys Watch Case (jo.; direc tor Alvin Ml'g Co., Brooklyn Watch Case Co., Sea View Elevated R. R. Co., and Victoria Flre Insurance Co.; trustee Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. Member Union League Club and Down Town Asso ciation. FAIRBAIRN, H. A.— Physician, 249 McDonough street, Brooklyn. Born in Catskill, N. T., May 5, 1?56. Educated at St. Stephen's College, University ol Vir ginia and CoUege ol Physicians and Surgeons ol Co lumbia University. (Married.) Medical examiner lor Manhattan Lile Insurance Co.; attending physician to St. John's Hospital; consulting physician to Hebrew Orphan Asylum; trustee St. Stephen's College. Mem ber Union League Club. FAIRBAIRN, ROBERT A.— Banker and Broker, 20 Broad street. New Tork City; residence Westfield, N. J. Born In Brooklyn, N. T., 1866. (Married.) Mem ber ol the firm ol E. F. Raynor & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Harlem Club. FAIRBANK, A. W.— Physician, Chazy. Born in Rouses Point, N. T., Dee. 19, 1862. Educated at acad emies. (Married.) Director First National Bank. Formerly State loan commissioner. Member Knights Terhplar and Clinton County Medical and Northern New Tork Medical Societies. FAIRBANKS, ARTHUR— Prolessor, Cornell Uni versity, Ithaca; residence 212 Stewart avenue. Bom in Hanover, N. H., Nov. 13, 1864. Educated at Dart mouth College (A.B. and A.M.) and University ol Freiburg, Germany (Ph.D.). (Married.) Formerly as sistant prolessor ol German and logic at Dartmouth College, and lecturer on comparative religion at Tale University. Now acting assistant prolessor ol ancient and mediaeval philosophy at Comell University. FAIRBANKS, LELAND— Lawyer, 57 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 28 West 17th street. Born in Wardsboro, Vt, Sept. 9, 1824. Educated at Williams College ('42). (Married.) Secretary and counsel Val entine & Co. Member Phi Beta Kappa, American Geographical and Sigma Phi Societies, New Tork Law Institute and Williams CoUege Alumni Association. FAIRBANKS, ROBERT N. — Manulacturer ol Scales, 311 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 230 West 97th street. Born In Hanover, N. H., Nov. 19, 1866. Educated at St. Johnsbury Academy and Dart mouth CoUege. (Married.) Connected with the Fair banks Co. Member Engineers' and Hardware Clubs, American Society ol Mechanical Engineers and Dart mouth CoUege Alumni Association. FAIRCHILD, BEN LEWIS— Lawyer, 155 Broad way, New Tork City; residence Pelham. Born in Sweden, Monroe Co.. N. T., Jan. 6, 1863. (Son ol Ben jamin and Calista [Schaeffler] Fairchild.) Educated In Washington, D. C, public schools and in Law Depart ment ol Columbian University (LL.B., '85) Ad mitted to the New Tork Bar, 1886. (Married Anna daughter ol James Crumble, 1893.) Congressman' 1S95-7. Member ol the firm ol Southard & Fairchild' Member New Tork Athletic, Republican and Lawyers' Clubs and Society ol Medical Jurisprudence BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 131 FAIRCHILD, BENJ-AMIN T. — Manulacturing Chemist, 2 Duane street, New Tork City; residence 247 Filth avenue. Member ol the firm ol Fairchild Bros. & Foster. President and director United Gold Field Corporation. Member Union League, City, Fencers', Fulton, Lotos, New Tork Athletic, Riding, .Accomacli Hunting and Fishing, Larchmont Tacht and St. -Andrew's Goll Clubs, New England Society and Sons of the Revolution. FAIRCHILD, CHARLES-Banker, 29 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 38 Union square. East. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) Member of the firm of Chas. Fairchild & Co., and of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Harvard and University Clubs and Century Association. FAIRCHILD, CHARLES S.— CapitaUst, 46 Wall street. New Tork City: residence 10 West Eighth street. Born In Cazenovia, N. T., April 30, 1842. (Son of Sidney T. and Helen [Childs] FalrchUd.) Educated at Cazenovia Seminary, Harvard College ('63) and Harvard Law School ('65). (Married Helen Llncklaen of Cazenovia.) Deputy Attorney-General of New Tork State, 1874-5; Attorney-General, 1876-7; Assistant Sec retary of the United States Treasury, 1885-7; Secretary of the Treasury, 1887-9; member monetary commission appointed by the Indianapolis Monetary Convention of 1897. President and trustee New Tork Security and Trust Co., since 1889; trustee and member of finance committee New Tork Life Insurance Co.; director Na tional City Bank, Lawyers' Mortgage Insurance Co. and British and American Mortgage Co.; member American advisory board of the United States Trust and Guarantee Corporation (Ltd.) ; member of ad visory committee Audit Co. ol New Tork. Member Metropolitan, Harvard, Alpha Delta Phi, University, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Relorm and Lawyers' Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol ArdsIey-on-Hudson, Washington Goll and Metropolitan Clubs ol Washington, D. C, and New Tork Historical, American Geographical and Charity Organization Societies, State Charities Aid, CivU Service Relorm and Century Associations, Amer ican Museum ol Natural History, Chamber ol Com merce and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. FAIRCHILD, EDWIN MILTON— Clergyman and Lecturer, 29 South Pine avenue, Albany. Born In Lansing, Mich., Nov. 7, 1865. Educated at Oberlin CoUege and Andover Theoioglcai Seminary. (Married Mary Salome Cutler, 1897.) Founder, '1896, and lec turer lor Educational -Church Board. Author ol "The Function ol the Church," "The Educational Church Marriage Service," and other works. FAIRCHILD, HERMAN LEROT— Prolessor, Uni versity ol Rochester, Rochester. Bom In Montrose, Pa., April 29, 1850. Educated at Comell (B.S., '74). Prolessor ol geology In University ol Rochester since 1888. Has spent many years In scientific work and contributed largely to scientific journals. Member American Association lor the Advancement ol Science, New Tork Academy ol Sciences, Geological Society ol America and Rochester Academy ol Science, In all ol which he has held office. FAIRCHILD, HORACE J.— Dry Goods, 224 Church street. New Tork City; residence 56 West 65th street. Born In Stockbridge, Mass., May 10, 1827. Educated in Middletown, Conn. (Married.) Vice-president H. B. Claflin Co.; director Equitable Lile Assurance Society ol the United States; member ol committee Individual Underwriters; trustee Lancashire Insurance Co. FAIRCHILD, JULIAN D.— President, 342 Fulton street Brooklyn; residence 846 Carroll street. Born In Stratlord, Conn., April 17, 1850. Educated in common schools. (Married.) President and director Kings County Trust Co. and Union Ferry Co.; president Brooklyn Central Dispensary; commissioner and treasurer new East River Bridge; director Bedlord Bank and Edison Electric Light Co. ol Brooklyn; re gent Long Island College Hospital. Member Demo cratic, Carleton, Dyker Meadow, Brooklyn (director) and Montauk (director) Clubs, Chamber ol Commerce and Produce Exchange. FAIRCHILD, SAMUEL W.— ManufacturlngChem- ist, 2 Duane street New Tork City; residence 65 East 56th street. Member of the firm of Fairchild Bros. & Foster. Director United States Life Insurance Co. Member New Tork Athletic, Union League, St. Nich olas, Pulton, Press and Accomack Hunting and Fish ing Clubs, American Geographical and New England Societies and Sons of the Revolution. FAIRLAMB, JAMES REMINGTON— Organist and Composer, 191 West 79th street. New Tork City. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 23. 1838. Educated in Phil adelphia. (Married Marian Kerr, daughter of Judge David Higgins of Ohio.) Was organist in a Philadel phia church at the age of fourteen; went abroad and studied under Danhauser, Masset, Mabellini and other masters. Was for a time United States consul at Zurich, Switzerland; decorated with "Great Gold Medal of Art and Science" by the King of Wurtem- burg. Has been organist and choirmaster in several prominent New Tork City churches; now connected with supervision of music in public schools. Composer of church music, several operas and many songs. Member Manuscript and Transportation Clubs, Amer ican Organists' Guild and New Tork State Music Teachers' Association. FALCK, WILLIAM— Retired Army Offlcer, Elmi ra. Born In Germany, Nov. 25, 1837. Educated in Ger many. Captain and brevet lieutenant-colonel United States Army (retired). Treasurer and general man ager La France Flre Engine Co. Member Lake Keuka and City Clubs, Army and Navy and Democratic Clubs of New Tork City, and G. A. R. -- FALCONER, JOHN M.— Artist, 148 Madison street, Brooklyn. Born In Edinburgh, Scotland, May 22, 1820. Educated In common schools; came to the United States, 1836; studied art In New Tork City and Brooklyn and at the Louvre In Paris, France. Makes a specialty of conservation and restoration of paint ings. FALCONER, WILLIAM H.— Real Estate, 100 Fourth avenue, New Tork City; residence 8 East 62d street. Bora in New Tork City, April 7, 1830. Edu cated at Canandaigua Academy. (Married.) Treas urer (sixteen years) New Tork City Missionary and Church Extension Society; trustee Hahnemann Hos pital; member board of managers Foreign Mission Board Methodist Episcopal Church and New Tork Bible Society; member of advisory board Old People's Home; director Third -Avenue R. R. Co. Member Union League Club, St. Nicholas Society, Sons of the American Revolution and Huguenot Society of Amer ica. FALLEN, CARL— Physician, 20 "West 59th street. New Tork City; residence 640 Madison avenue. Born in Sweden, Dec. 21, 1862. Educated at Upsala Uni versity in Sweden and at Dartmouth College. (Sin gle.) Formerly instructor in Real Gymnasium in Gothenburg, Sweden, and medical director in Colum bia College Gymnasium In New Tork City. Managing director Zander Institute and Manufacturing Co. Member Baptist Social Union. FALLON, JOSEPH P.— Justice, 170 East 121st street. New Tork City; residence 1892 Lexington ave nue. Bora in Ireland, 1845. Educated at the Christian Brothers Institute; studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1866. Practiced his profession, 1866-87; school trustee. Twelfth Ward, 1873-6; member of the legislature, 1876; Judge of the Ninth District Munici pal CJourt since 1887. Member Catholic, Democratic, Sagamore and Harlem Democratic Clubs, and Tam many Hall General Committee. FALLOWS, EDWARD H.-Lawyer, 18 WaU street. New Tork City; residence 294 West 92d street. Born in Appleton, Wis., Aug. 15, 1865. Educated at Amherst and Tale and at Columbia Law School. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Carter & Fallows. Mem ber of Assembly, 1899. Treasurer and director Ameri can Collectors' Co.; secretary, treasurer and director Suburban Land Co., of Buffalo. Member Alpha Delta Phi, Tale, West Side Republican, Riverside Republi can, City, Douglaston Tacht and New Amsterdam Re publican Clubs, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Sons of the American Revolution, Phillips Exeter Academy Alumni, Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork, People's Institute, and Association for Public Control of Franchises. 132 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. FALLS, DEWITT C— Artist, 62 East 23d street. New Tork City; residence Park Avenue Hotel. Born In New Tork City, Sept. 29, 1864. Educated in New Tork schools. (Single.) Has served fifteen yea^s In the 7th Regiment, N. G. N. T., and is at present cap tain and regimental adjutant. , Member Unicm, L.otos and Strollers' Clubs, Military Order of Foreign "Wars and Sons of the Revolution. FALLS, THOMAS J.— Lawyer, 120 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence 228 West 44th street. Born in New Tork City, Jan. 26, 1858. Educated In Ham burg, Germany, Vevay, Switzerland, and at Columbia College Law School. (Married.) Member Reform Club and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. FANCHER, CHARLES H.— Banker, 285 Green wich street. New Tork City; residence 420 Hawthorne avenue, Tonkers. Born in Warwick, N. T., Oct. 4, 1845. Educated in Warwick. (Married.) President and director Irving National Bank; president Board of Education of Tonkers; treasurer and trustee Irving Savings Institution. Member Arkwright and Com mercial Clubs, City Club of Tonkers, and Chamber of Commerce. FANCHER, JAMES R.-Lawyer, 20 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 494 Manhattan avenue. Born, June 23, 1864. (Married.) Member Association of the Bar of the City ol New Tork and New Tork State Bar Association. FANNING, NEUVILLE O.— Deputy Commis sioner, 148 East 20th street. New Tork City; residence 333 East 50th street. Born in St. Charles, lU., 1865. Educated in Illinois public schools. Resident ol New Tork City since 1888. Connected with the New Tork "Journal," 1888-98. Deputy commissioner Department 61 Correction since 1898. F.ANNING, WILLIAM JOSEPH— Lawyer, 31 Nas sau street. New Tork City; residence Sinclair House. Born in Crescent, Saratoga Co., N. T., Jujy -12, 1850. (Son ol James and Johanna [Fitzgerald] Fanriihg.J Educated at Hall Moon Institute in Middletown and at New Tork University Law School ('73). Practic ing In New Tork City since 1880. School trustee ol the Eighteenth Ward, 1887-91; declined appointment as city magistrate, 1896. Vice-president Jamaica Elec tric Light Co.; director Electric Illuminating and Power Co., and Waldorl Importation Co.; counsel to Hotel Associations ol New TorK City and State. Mem ber Manhattan, Lawyers', Democratic and Catholic Clubs, and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. FARGO, JAMES C— Express, 65 Broadway, New York City; residence 56 Park avenue. Born in Pom pey, N. Y., May 6, 1829. Entered the employ ol "Wells & Co., in which his brother, William George Fargo, was a partner, in Buffalo, 1844; became manager ol the firm's successor, the American Express Co.; was made general superintendent In 1866, and president in 1881, which position he still holds. President and di rector Merchants' Despatch Transportation Co.; di rector Chicago and Northwestern Ry. Co., and Na tional Express Co. Member Church, Suburban Rid ing and Driving and City Clubs, New York Genealogl-- cal and American Geographical Societies, Scientiflc Alliance and American Museum ol Natural History, FARGO, JAMES FRANdlS— Treasurer, 65 Broad way, New York City; residence 120 East 37th street. Born in Chicago, III., Feb. 12, 1857. Educated at Wil liams College. (Married.) Treasurer American Ex press Co.; trustee American Savings Bank. Member University Club, Ardsley Casino ol ArdsIey-on-Hiidson and Williams College Alumni Association. FARGO, WILLIAM C— Express, 65 Broadway, New York City; residence 122 East 37th street. Born in Chicago, III., May 27, 1855. Educated at WUliams College ('78). (Married.) Connected with the Ameri can Express Co. Member New York Athletic and University Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hud son and Williams CoUege Alumni Association. PARIS, WILLIAM D.— Secretary, 100 William street. New York City; residence 202 Hancock street, Brooklyn. Born In Cincinnati, Ohio. Educated at the College ol the City ol New York. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol H. J. Baker & Bro. Treasurer ol drug trade section ol the Board ol Trade and Transporta tion; secretary and director Baker Castor Oil Co.; trustee All Souls' Church ol Brooklyn. Member Ful ton Club and New York Board ol Trade and Trans portation. FARLEE, ROBERT D.— Broker, 11 WaU street New York City; residence 1426 Broadway. Member ol the flrm ol J. S. Farlee & Bro., members ol the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange. Di rector Fort Plain and Richfleld Springs B. R. Co. Member Lawyers', New York Athletic and Union League Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson and Sons ol the Revolution. FARLEY, CHARLES J. — Secretary, Pier A, North River, New York City; residence 128 East 63d street. Born In New York City. Educated at Queens University in Dublin, Ireland, University ol Heidel berg, Germany, and at Harvard. (Single.) Secretary Department ol Docks and Ferries. Director Trans continental R. R. Co., and Great Western Telegraph Co. Ex-Commissioner ol Navigation ol the United States; ex- Judge ol Supreme Court ol the State of Washington. Member Catholic, Harvard, University and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs. FARLEY, GUSTAVUS, Jr.— Merchant, 136 Water street. New York City; residence 42 East 25th street Member New York Yacht and Union Clubs, Century and Down Town Association^ and Sons ol the Revo lution. PARLEY, JAMES A.— Builder, 253 Columbus ave nue. New York City; residence 205 Boulevard. Member ol the firm ol Terence Farley's Sons. Member New York, Colonial, New York Athletic and Democratic Clubs. FARLEY, JOHN M.— Roman Catholic Bishop, 308 East 37th street. New York City. Born in Newton Hamilton, County Armagh, Ireland, April 20, 1842, Educated, In Ireland, at St. Marcartan's College and, in New York, ,at St. John's College, Fordham, and St. Josephs- SemWary, Troy; a;lso~stij4led fotir years at the American College in Roihe, wl)fel>e he -vfras ordal^jed June 11, 1870. Secretary to Archbishop McCloskey, 1872-84; private chamberlain to Pope Leo XIII, with title ol monslgnore, 1884; vicar- general Archdiocese of New York, 1891; auxiliary Bishop of same since 1895; assists Archbishop Corrlgan and acts as his vlcar- general. FARLEY, JOHN T.— Builder, 253 Columbus ave nue. New Tork City; residence 206 Boulevard. Member of the firm of Terence Farley's Sons. Member New Tork Athletic, Colonial and Catholic Clubs^ PARLET, RICHARD S.— Chief Clerk, City Hall, New Tork City; residence 206 Boulevard. Born in New Tork City, 1868. (Son of Terence Farley.) Edu cated in public schools, at St. Francis Xavier CoUege and at Columbia College Law School. Admitted to. the Bar, 1890. Member ol the flrm ol Delany, Mur phy & Farley, 1890-8; chief clerk of the Mayor's offlce since 1898. Supreme Knight for the State of New Tork of the Knights of Columbus. Member University Ath letic and Democratic Clubs and others. FARMAN, ELBERT ELI— Jurist, Warsaw,, and 1 East 39th street. New Tork City. Born In New Haven, N. T., April 23, 1831. Educated at Amherst College and in Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany. (Married.; Was consul-general to Egypt; while there, was Judge of International Tribunal; also member of commission to revise the International codes, and ol international commission to determine the amounts to be paid to the people ol Alexandria on account ol losses sus tained in the bombardment and burning ol that city In 1882. Member Union League Club and Sons of the Revolution. PARMER, LESLIE P.— Traffic Manager 143 Lib erty street. New Tork City; residence South Orange, N. J. Born In Rockville, Conn., Dec. 22, 1848 Inter ested In railroading since 1864. Chief clerk In' general ticket offlce, Indianapolis and St. Louis R R Co 1868-71; assistant general passenger agent Missouri Pacific R. R. Co., 1871-4; same position with Pennsyl vania R. R. Co., 1874-7; general passenger agent of same, 1877-81; New England passenger agent 1882-6- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 133 general passenger agent New Tork, Lake Erie and Western R. R. Co., 1887-90; commissioner In passenger department Trunk Line Association since 1890. FARNHAM, FAULDIN(3— Jeweler and Silver smith, 15 Union square. West, New Tork City; resi dence Great Neck, L. I. Secretary and director Tif fany & Co.. Member Union League and Lambs' Clubs and Architectural League. FARNUM, HENRT H.— Civil Engineer, Third ave nue and 177th street. New Tork City; residence 324 East 160 th street. Born in Port Jervls, N. T. Edu cated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ('65). (Mar ried.) Has been interested in various railroads, iron works, sanitary Improvements, etc. Is now chief en- ^neer in the Department of Sewers, Borough of the Bronx. Member Engineers' and Deer Park Clubs, American Society of Civil Engineers and Alumni As sociation of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. FARQUHAR, EDW.\RD TORK^ — Geographer and Cartographer, 100 Washington Square, New Tork City; residence 33 Woodruff avenue, Brooklyn. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 16, 1862. Educated in Penn sylvania at Central High School of Franklin, and Spring Garden Institute of Philadelphia. (Married.) Editor and cartographer In geographical department ol the American Book Co. Member American Geo graphical Society. FARQUHAR, WILLIAM J.— Assistant Secretary, 15 Dey street, New Tork City; residence 47 West 43d street. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., June 14, 1868. Edu cated at Harvard. (Single.) Connected with the New Tork and Pennsyl-vania Telephone and Telegraph Co., and New Tork and New Jersey Telephone Co. Mem ber Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn and Harvard Club. PARR, JAMES M., Jr. — Presbyterian Clergyman, 16 Lexington avenue. New Tork City. Born In New Tork City, -April 27, 1869. Educated at Princeton ('90). (Married.) Assistant minister Brick Church, 37th street and Filth avenue. Member Princeton and Quill Clubs. PARR, T. H. POWERS— Broker, 31 Broad street. New Tork City; residence Orange, N. J. Boril In Phil- adelpMa, Pa., May 19, 1861. Educated at Princeton ('81). (Married.) Member ol the New Tork Stock Ex change firm ot Kllbreth & Farr. Member Princeton, University, Baltusrol Goll and Essex County (N. J.) Country Clubs and Down Town Association. FARRAR, GEORGE D.— Retired, 113 West 21st street. New Tork City. Member Engineers' and Army and Navy Clubs, Society ol Colonial Wars, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion, G. A. R. and Sons ol the Revolution. FARRBLL, EDWARD J.— Contractor, 215 "West 125th street, Ne-w Tork City; residence 355 "West 145th street. Born In New "Brunswick, May 6, 1849. Edu cated In New Brunswick public schools. (Married.) Was a member ol the firms ol Rodgers & Farrell, who built the Suchlne Canal In Canada and new Croton Aqueduct and Harlem River Speedway in New York City; ol the firm ol Ryan, McDonald & Farrell, builders ol the Baltimore Belt Line Tunnel in Balti more, ahd ol Rodgers, Farrell & Co., who constructed the Pittsburg, Bessemer and Lake Erie Railway and Tunnel; was also superintendent ol construction ol Hoosac Tunnel. Member Democratic, Heights and Harlesi DemociSLtlc ClubSj. Scientific, Alllajice, Metro politan Museum'of Art, A-fherican Museum Of Natural History, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York Botanical Gardens, Friendly Sons ol St. Patrick and Champlain (N. Y.) Club. FARRELL. JAMES CHARLES— Editor, Albany; residence 60 Willett street. Bom in Albany, March 24, 1870. Educated at St. John's College, Fordham. (Married Margaret R., daughter ol Anthony N. Brady, 1893.) Manager Albany "Argus" since 1896. Vice- president National Surety Co.; director Park Bank and other financial institutions and corporations. FARRELL, JAMES O.— Lawyer, 13 WiUiam street. New York City; residence 135 East 114th street. Born May 4, 1853. (Married.) Director and attomey Amer ican Building and Loan Association; director and general counsel National Fraternal Society. Member Harlem Cat^iolic Club, American Legion ol Honor, Catholic Bsinevolent Legion, Knights ol Columbus and DwlghfSSlumnl Association. FARRELL, JOHN H.— Editor and Proprietor, Al bany; residence 598 Madison avenue. Born In Albany, Sept. 1, 1839. Educated in Albany. (Married.) Pro prietor and editor "The Times-Union"; vice-president Home Savings Bank; director Albany City National Bank and Commerce Insurance Co. One ol the lound- ers ol the Fort Orange Club; ex-president New York State Press Association. Member ol many clubs. FARRELL, THOMAS R.— Deputy Commissioner, Municipal Building, Brooklyn. Born In Ireland, 1850. Educated In Brooklyn. Served lor several years in the offlce ol the city clerk ol Brooklyn and lor twelve years in the Brooklyn finance department. Deputy commissioner ol highways lor the Borough ol Brook lyn since 1898. Member Kings County Democratic General Committee, Carleton Club, Knights ol Colum bus and Catholic Benevolent Legion. FARRBLLY, PATRICK— General Manager, 39 Chambers street. New- York City; residence Morris town, N. J. General manager and director American News Co.; director Nassau Newspaper Delivery Ex press Co. Member Catholic, Lotos, Hardware and Morristown (N. J.) Clubs, and Aldine Association. FARSON, JOHN— Banker, 2 Wall street. New York City; residence "Pleasant-Home," Oak Park, 111. Born In Union City, Ind., Oct. 8, 1856. Educated at University of Illinois. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Parson, Leach & Co. President Calumet Electric Street Ry. Co., Rocklord Traction Co., Illinois State Sunday School Association and Chicago Meithodlst So cial Union. Member Chicago Bar. Member Lawyers' Club, Union League, Chicago Athletic, Illinois and Bankers' Clubs ol Chicago, and Oak Park (III.) Club. FASH, HOBERT C— General Manager, 57 West 124th street. New York City. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 9, 1863. Educated In public and private schools in Brooklyn, (lilarried.) General manager Gllmore's BamK "Member'ieentral RepubUcan Club ol Harlem, F. & A. M. and Hariem Republican Club. FASSBTT, JACOB SLOAT — Lawyer, Elmira. Born In Blmlra, Nov. 13, 1853. Educated at Roches ter University ('75). Admitted to the Bar, 1876. (Mar ried Jennie Crocker, 1879.) District-attorney, Che mung County, 1879-80; State senator, 1884-92. Vice- president Second National Bank ol Blmira, and has extensive Interests In the West. Member Union League, New York, Larchmont Yacht and University Clubs ol New York City and Blmira Club. FAULKNER, FRANCIS E.— Upholstery Merchant; 33 East 17th street. New York City; residence 1 West 72ft street. Member ol the firm ol Johnson & Faulk ner. Member New York Athletic, Princeton and Cam era Clubs. FAWCETT, OWEN— Actor, 16 Gramercy Park, New York City; residence 611 Warren avenue. West, Detroit, Mich. Born in London, England, Nov. 21, 1838. Educated In Philadelphia, Pa. Member Players' Club. FAXON, WILLIAM BAILEY- Artist, 152 West 57th street. New York City. Treasurer and director Ainerican Fine Arte Society. Member Society ol American. Artists arid Century Association. FAY, FREDERICK J.— Tefler, 80 Broadway, New York City; residence Brooklyn. Born in Owego, Tioga Co., N. Y., Feb. 10, 1849. Educated In Owego, New York City and Brooklyn. (Married.) Cashier Union Trust Co. ol New York, lor more than thirty years. Member Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, P. & A. M. and Royal Arcanum. FAY, HENRY G.— Insurance, 149 Broadway, New York City; residence 55 Cambridge place, Brooklyn. Born In Buenos Ayres, Brazil, November, 1836. (Wid ower.) Member Union League and Lincoln Clubs ol Brooklyn. 134 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. FAY, JAMES H.-Lawyer, 11 Pine street New York CSty; residence 20 Union Square, East. Second vice-president and director Mobile and Ohio R. R. Co. Member Harvard. Knickerbocker, Lawyers', Mendels sohn Glee and Church Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. FAY, SIGOURNBY W.— Dry Goods Merchant, 82 Worth street New York City; residence 35 West 60th street. Born In Boston, Mass., Feb. 6, 1836. Educated at English High School, Boston. (Married.) Member ol the flrm. ol Wendell, Fay & Co. Trustee Citizens' Savings Bank; director Hanover National Bank. Member Union League, Players' and Merchants' Clubs, Sons ol the American Revolution, New England So ciety, Founders and Defenders of America and Metro politan Museum of Art. FAYE, JAMES J.— Sands Point. Born in New York City. Educated at the CoUege ,of the City of New York. (Married.) Member New York Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange. President Fairfield Mining Co. of Arizona. Member New York Yacht, Union League, New York Athletic, Seawanhaka-Co rinthian Yacht, Sands Point Golf (president) and St. Nicholas Clubs, Country Club of Westchester County, St. Nicholas Society and Metropolitan Museum of Art. FAYBRWEATHER, WILLIAM O.— Manufacturer, 46 Broadway, New York City; residence 376 Broadway, Paterson, N. J. Born in Paterson, June 3, 1847. Edu cated in Paterson. (Married.) Vice-president, treas urer and director Passaic Rolling Mill Co.; president Paterson Eye and Bar Infirmary; director First Na tional Bank and Ha mil Sr Booth Co. of Paterson. Member Hamilton Club ol Paterson and Chamber ol Commerce. FEARING, WILLIAM H.— Importer, 3 South Wil liam street. New York City; residence 7 East 43d street. Member Metropolitan, Union and Tuxedo Clubs and American Geographical Society. FEARON, JAMBS STURGIS— Tea Merchant, 87 Front street. New York City; residence Calumet Club. Born in Australia, Feb. 12, 1849. Educated in Aus tralia, (Married.) Senior member ol the flrm ol Fearon, Daniel & Co., ol Shanghai and New York. Di rector Yangtsze Insurance Association, Yah-Loong Cotton Spinning Co. and Shanghai Cargo Boat Co. Ex-president Shanghai Municipal Council. Member Calumet and Metropolitan Clubs and Down Town As sociations. FEARONS, GEORGE H.— Lawyer, 195 Broadway, New York City; residence West End, Long Branch, N. J. Born In Kentucky, Nov. 9, 1853. Educated at various colleges, including St. Xavler's ol Cincinnati, Ohio. (Married.) General attorney Western Union Telegraph Co.; general counsel Southern Bell Tele phone and Telegraph Co., and American District Tele graph Co. ; director Amsterdam Street R. R. Co. ; coun sel International Bank Note Co., and many others. Member New York Athletic and Catholic Clubs, Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, American Bar Association, Friendly Sons ol St. Patrick, Ameri can Geographical Society and others. FEETER, JACOB W.-Lawyer, 31 Pine street. New York City; residence Yonkers. Bom In Little Falls, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1830. Educated at Union College and Albany Law School. (Married.) Member Union College Alumni Association, Sons ol the Revolution and New York Historical Society. FBININGER, KARL— Musician, 2469 Broadway, New York City. Born in Baden, Germany, July 31, 1844. Educated in Leipzig, Germany. FEITNER, THOMAS L.— President, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 10 East 92d street. Born in New York City, July 31, 1847. Educated In public schools; studied law In the office ol Quentin McAdam and was admitted to the Bar in 1869. (Married.) Com missioner ol taxes, 1883-93; police justice, 1893-6; presi dent of the Department of Taxes and Assessments since Jan. 1, 1898. Senior member of the law flrm of Feitner & Beck. Trustee St. Patrick's Cathedral; grand sachem Tammany Society since 1897. Member Democratic, Manhattan and Catholic Clubs, Tammany HaU General Committee and New York State Bar As sociation. FELLOWES, ERNEST T.— Lawyer, 11 Pine street. New York City; residence Englewood, N. J. Born In New Orleans, La., Aug. 1, 1845. Educated at the Uni versity of Louisiana. (Married.) Practiced law in New Orleans for five years, when he was elected to the Supreme Court bench of Louisiana and served six years; then resigned to resume his practice and three years later removed to New York City. Was admitted to practice in Supreme Court of New York, and United States District and Circuit Courts. Through his efforts Englewood, N. J., secured free postal delivery and was Incorporated as a city. In 1896 he was elected recorder of Englewood and held the position for the term ol three years. Member Lawyers', Democratic, Englewood and Englewood Field Clubs. FELLOWS, JAMES W.— 344 West 88th street. New York City. Member St. Nicholas, New York Yacht and Players' Clubs and St, Nicholas Society. FENNESSY, ANDREW L.— President, 40 Wall street. New York City; residence 35 Riverside Drive. Born in New Baltimore, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1859. (Mar ried.) Member Manhattan and Lotos Clubs. FENTON, DAVID W.— Broker, 71 West 12th street. Member ol the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Ex change. Director Ferraioll & Cameron Biscuit Co. Member American Geographical and Phi Beta Kappa Societies, Union College Alumni Association and Met ropolitan Museum ol Art. FERGUS, THOMAS H.— Silks, 138 Spring street. New York City; residence 113 West 40th street. Mem ber New York Athletic, Merchants' Central and Man hattan Clubs. FERGUSON, ARTHUR D.— Publisher, 123 Liberty street. New York City; residence 562 Van Cortlandt Park avenue, Yonkers. Bora In Utica, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1870. Educated at CoUege ol the City ol New York. (Married.) Formerly New York City representative ol Utica Canning Co. Now connected with Call & Ferguson's Calender Book Co. and Buyers' Relerence Co. FERGUSON, B. D.— Physician, 1 Union place, Troy. Educated at Bellevue Medical College (M.D., '68). Attending surgeon to Samaritan Hospital. Mem ber American Medical Association and New York State Medical Society. FERGUSON, FARQUHAR— Physician, 20 West 38th street. New York City. Born In Sydney, Cape Breton Island, Canada, 1862. Educated at Sydney Academy and Long Island College Hospital (M.D., '80). (Married Juliana, eldest daughter ol Herman O. Armour, 1890.) Has held various hospital appoint-- ments; was consulting pathologist to New Tork City Board of Health, 1892; professor of pathology and clinical medicine to Post-Graduate School and Columr bia Hospital. Member New Tork Pathological and New Tork Neurological Societies, New Tork Academy of Medicine, New Tork Mutual Aid Association and the Alumni Association ol the Post-Graduate Medical School. FERGUSON, FRANK— Physician, 20 West 38th street. New Tork City. Member Twilight, New Tork Athletic and Republican Clubs and Society ol Medical Jurisprudence. FERGUSON, HENRT A.— Artist, 215 West 54th street. New Tork City. Member University and Psi UpsUon Clubs, Trinity CoUege Alumni and Century Associations and National Academy ol Design. FERGUSON, JAMES P.— Physician, 168 Lexington avenue. New Tork City, and Central Valley. Pro prietor of "Falkirk" Sanitarium, Central Valley. Mem ber Manhattan, Lotos, Army and Navy and Camera Clubs and Loyal Legion. FERGUSON, JAMES H.— Electrotyper, 444 Pearl street. New Tork City; residence 121 St. Marks avetiue Brooklyn. Bora in West Boylston, Mass., July 7, 1836! Educated at Mechanics' Society School In New Tork City. (Married.) Secretary, treasurer and director Lovejoy Co.; director Eagle Loan and Savings Co of Brooklyn. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK: 135 FERGUSON, JEREMIAH SWEBTSER— Physi cian and Instructor, 330 West 28th street. New Tork City. Degrees ol M.S. and M.D. Instructor in his tology, Cornell University Medical CoUege, New Tork City. FERGUSON, WALTON— Lawyer, 11 Pine street. New Tork City; residence Stamlord, Conn. Director Electro Gas Co., Equitable Gas Light Co., Ogdens burg and Lake Champlain R. R. Co., Oswego and Rome R. R. Co., Pennsylvania Coal Co., People's Gas Light and Coke Co.. Rome, Watertown and Ogdens burg R. R. Co., South Carolina and Georgia R. R. Co., Utica and Black River R. R. Co., and Tale and Towne Mf'g Co. Member Union League, New Tork Tacht, Engineers', City, Riding and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht Clubs, Trinity College Alumni and Down Town Associations, American Geographical Society, Ameri can Institute of Mining Engineers and Metropolitan Museum of Art. FERGUSON, WALTON, Jr.— Lumber Merchant, 18 WaU street. New Tork City; residence Stamford, Conn. Born In Stamford, November, 1870. Educated at Trinity College. (Married.) \ President Atlantic, Valdosta and Western Ry. Co. Member Union League, New Tork Tacht, Union, Transportation and Seawan haka-Corinthian Tacht Clubs and Down Town Asso ciation. FERNALD, FREDERIK A.— Bookseller and Sta tioner, Broadway near 117th street. New Tork City; residence Morris Heights. Born in Damarlscotta, Me., May 26, 1869. Educated in Concord and Boston public schools, and at Harvard. (Married.) Formerly asr slstant editor "Appletons' Popular Science Monthly." Member Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Society and Har vard Alumni Association. FERNALD, JAMES C— Clergyman and Author, West New Brighton, S. I. Born In Portland, Me., Aug. 18, 1838. Educated at Harvard ('60) and Newton Theo logical Seminary (D.D., '63) ; ordained to Baptist min istry, 1864. (Married.) Was pastor of churches in Ohio until 1889; since then In New Tork. Editor of Synonyms, Antonyms and Prepositions of "Standard Dictionary." Author of "The Economics of Prohibi tion," "The New Womanhood," "The Imperial Repub lic" and other works. FERNOW, BERNARD E.— Forestry, Ithaca; resi dence Cornell University campus. Born in Prussia, Jan. 7, 1851. Educated in Germany. (Married.) Was chief In division of forestry United States Department of Agriculture for thirteen years. Now director and dean of New Tork State College of Forestry, Cornell University. Member American Association for the Advancement of Science, Academy of Sciences of Washington, Adirondack League Club, American For esters' Association and others. FERNOW, BERTHOLD— (Lieutenant.) Author, Translator and Editor, Army and Navy Club, New Tork City. Born in Inowraclaw, Prussian Poland, Nov, 28, 1837. Educated at Royal Psedagoglum of Our Lady, Magdeburg. (Single.) Formerly State Archi vist. Author of "Albany and Its Place in the History of the United States," "Ohio Valley In Colonial Days" and of many magazine articles; translator and editor of "Documents Relating to Colonial History of New Tork" and "Records of New Amsterdam"; compiler of "New Tork in the Revolution" and "New Jersey Archives." Member New Tork Historical, New Tork Genealogical, New Tork State Historical, New Jersey Historical, Pennsylvania Historical, Virginia Histori cal, Buffalo Historical and Waterloo^ Historical So cieties, American Historical Association, Army and Navy Club and Loyal Legion. FERREE, BARR — Architect, 7 Warren street New Tork City; residence Brooklyn. Born in Phila delphia, Pa. Educated at University of Pennsylvania ('84) Secretary and director National Sculpture So ciety Member Hardware and National Arts Clubs, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Royal Insti tute ol British Architects, Architectural League and Pennsylvania Society ol New Tork. FERRER, JOSE M.— Physician, 441 Park avenue. New Tork City. Born in Havana, Cuba, Dec. 3, 1856. Educated at Manhattan CoUege and CoUege ol Phy sicians and Surgeons ol Columbia University, (bm- gle.) Visiting physician to St. Vincent's and French Hospitals. Fellow Academy ol Medicine. Member New Tork Athletic, Catholic and University Clubs, Manhattan College Alumni (president) and Physi cians' Mutual Aid Associations, County Medical So ciety and Alumni Society ol City Hospital. FERRERO, BDWARD— Soldier, 30 Central Park, South, New York City. Bora in Granada, Spain. Came to the United States in infancy. Recruited the 61st New York regiment and became its colonel, 1861; commissioned brigadier-general, 1862; brevetted ma jor-general, 1864; mustered out, August, 1865. Member Loyal Legion and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. FERRIS, ALBERT WARREN- Physician, 343 Madison avenue. New York City. Born In Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at Adelphi Academy, Newark Latin School, Hasbrouck Institute, New York University and College ol Physicians and Surgeons ol .Columbia Uni versity. (Married.) Resident physician Sanlord Hall, Flushing, 1885-91; treasurer and trustee Rutgers Fe male College, 1891-2; assistant in neurology at Colum bia University since 1893; chairman ol section on neu rology. New York Academy ol Medicine, 1897-8; as sistant to chair ol medicine New York University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College since 1898; on edi torial staff ol "International Year Book" since 1898; secretary and trustee Pringle Memorial Home since 1899. Member New York Neurological Society, New York Academy ol Medicine and Medical Society ol the County ol New York. FERRIS, TOHN MASON— Dutch Relormed Cler gyman, 676 Flatbush avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Al bany, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1825. Educated at New York University and New Brunswick Seminary. Served In pastorates until 1865 when he became secretary ol the Board of Foreign Missions. Editor "Christian Intel ligencer," 1883; treasurer Board of Foreign Missions, 1886. FERRIS, MORRIS P.-Lawyer, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence Dobbs Ferry. Born in New York City, Oct. 3, 1856. Educated at New York Uni versity and Law School ('76). (Married.) President Yonkers Historical and Library Association; treas urer Manor Cemetery and Society of American Au thors: secretary Sons of the Revolution and New York State Historical Association; registrar Society of the War of 1812. Member Delta Phi, St. Andrew's Golf, Sapelo Rod and Gun, Arkwright and Lawyers' Clubs, Long Island Historical, American Historical and New York Genealogical and Biographical Societies, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson, Society of Colonial Wars, Pounders and Patriots of America and Military Order of Foreign Wars. FERRIS, MURRAY W.— Manufacturer, 341 Broad way, New "York City; residence South Orange, N. J. Born In Mlanus, Conn.. Dec. 15, 1850. Educated In Greenwich, Conn. (Married.) President Ferris Bros. Co. Member Merchants' Club. FETTRETCH, JOSEPH— Lawyer, 147 Nassau street, New York City; residence 803 Lexington ave nue. Born In Perth Amboy, N. J., June 12, 1846. Edu cated in public schools and at Columbia (joUege Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm of Fettretch, Silkman & Seybel. Trustee common schools 19th Ward, New York City, 1887-96. Member Hardware Club, Association of the Bar of the City of Ne\5f York and Law Institute. FEZANDIE, CLEMENT- Author, 203 Broadway, New York City; residence 165 Bast 66th street. Born in New York City, Sept. 15, 1865. Educated In common schools. (Single.) Was instructor in mathematics and natural sciences In several schools. Author of "Through the Earth." FIBBBGBR, GUST AVE- JOSEPH— Prolessor, West Point. Bora in Akron, Ohio, May 9, 1858. Educated at United States Military Academy ('79). Engineer United States Army, 1879-96; prolessor ol engineering in United States Military Academy since 1896. FIELD, CORNELIUS J.— Consulting Engineer, 1123 Broadway, New York City; residence 1294 Dean street, Brooklyn. Born in Chicago, 111., Jan. 4, 1862. Educated at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hobo- 136 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ken, N. J. ('86). (Married.) Formerly chief engineer E^dlson United Mf'g Co., Brooklyn Edison Co., Buf falo Ry. Co., and others. Now vice-.t)resident, general manager and director Cornelius J. Field Co., and United States Motor Vehicle Co. Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Institute ol Electrical Engineers, American Society ol Naval Engineers and Society ol Naval Architects and Ma rine Engineers. FIELD, COURTLANDT DE PEYSTER— Mer chant and Executor, 127 Water street. New York City; residence "Fieldhome." Born In New York City, Dec. 28, 1839. Educated at Columbia College. Member St. Nicholas Society, Mendelssohn Glee Club, Columbia College Alumni Association, Scientific Alliance, Na tional Academy ol Design and American Museum ol Natural History. FIELD, FRANK HARVEY- Lawyer, 215 Mon tague street, Brooklyn; residence 179 Lefferts place. Born In Chicago, 111. Educated In public schools and at Columbia College Law School. (Married.) Presi dent Brooklyn Young Republican Club; director Wil liamsburg Trust Co., Journeay & Burnham and Amer ican Stoker Co. Member Hardware, Brooklyn, Cres cent Athletic and Union League Clubs. FIELD, HENRY M.-Lawyer, 9 Gibson street, Canandaigua. Bom, 1834. Educated at Canandaigua Academy and Williams College. (Married.) Member Empire State Society, Sons of the American Revolu tion and Red Jacket Club. FIELD, THOMAS PEARS ALI^Real Estate, 69 West 36th street. New York City. Member Country, Racquet and Tennis and Suburban Riding and Driv ing Clubs and Sons of the Revolution. FIELD, WILLIAM HILDRETH— Lawyer, 237 Broadway, New York City; residence 923 Madison ave nue. Born in New York City, April 16, 1843. (Son of William and Frances A. [Hildreth] Field.) Educated at Mount Washington Collegiate Institute, Union Col lege (B.A., '63) and Columbia College Law School f New''-^''"v^l^- ^ ¦'^**' ^° ^e<^- ='1' 189'- Director Greater l^n RTnkw^^^'"f ^""^K- ^^'"^«'- Montauk, Br^k!: lyn, Broklyn Cycle and Logan Clubs, Associated Ov. cling Clubs ol Long Island (president), Broc^^Iyn iL and Yale Alumni Associations, Logan WheSme^ Prospect MTieelmen, Hebrew Orphan Asylum He^lw c^num!'°"^ ^°"'^*^ ^""^ ^''^^^t Council" R'o^af Ar^ o GABRIELS, HENRY— Roman Catholic Bishop, Ogdensburg. Born In Wannegem, Belgium, Oct. 6, 1838. Educated In schools, academies and seminaries In Bel- glum; degrees of S.T.L., 1864 and D.T., 1882. Came to the United States In 1864 and taught theology In St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, N. Y., until 1892, In which year he was consecrated bishop of Ogdensburg. Translator of "Rudiments of Hebrew." GADD, LUTHER G.— President, 35 Nassau street. New York City; residence Newark, N. J. Born In Baltimore, Md., May 6, 1861. Educated at Baltimore City College. (Married.) President and director Re public Savings and Loan Association of Newark, N. J., and United States Savings and Loan Association; di rector E. W. Scarborough Co. Member of the firm of Gadd & Nuiflty (insurance) oT Newark? Member Lotos, Lawyers'. Coney Island Jockey and Newark (N. J.) Athletic Clubs, American Geographical and Maryland Societies and Metropolitan Museum of Art. G.AFFNEY, THOMAS ST. JOHN— Lawyer, 290 Broadway, New York City; residence 41 Riverside Drive. Bom, 1864. Educated at Ciongowes Wood Col lege and Royal University, both in Ireland. (Mar ried.) Connected with the Union Surety and Guaranty Co. and General Carriage Co. Member Republican Club. GAGE, NELSON W.— Publisher, 123 Liberty street. New York City; residence 39 West 20th street. Presi dent and director "Buyers' Reference" Co. GAGE, S. EDSON — Architect 3 Union square. West, New York City; residence Flushing, L. I. Born In Dover, N. J., July 13, 1866. Educated at Columbia College School of Mines ('87). (Married.) Member New -York Chapter of the American Institute of Archi tects. GAGE, SIMON HENRY— Professor, Cornell Uni versity, Ithaca; residence 4 South avenue. Born in Otsego County, N. Y., May 20, 1851. Educated at Cor nell and the German Universities. Degree ol B.S. (Married Susanna Phelps ol MorrisviUe, N. Y.) For merly president American Microscopical Society and chairman ol the sections ol histology, biology and zoology ol the American Association lor the Advance ment ol Science (1885, 1892 and 1899). Fellow Ameri can Association lor the Advancement ol Science; hon orary member Tompkins County Medical Society and New York State Veterinary Association; member American Association ol Anatomists, American Mor phological Sooiety, American Society ol Naturalists, Washington Academy ol Sciences and New York Science Teachers (ex-president) and National Geo graphic Associations. GAGGIN, EDWIN HALL— Architect, Syracuse University, Syracuse; residence 714 Crouse avenue. Born in Erie, Pa., Nov. 12, 1866. Educated at Syracuse University and Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Gaggin & Gaggln. Prolessor ol architecture at Syracuse University. Architect ol Wlnchell Hall and Esther Baker Steele Hall ol Syracuse University. Member Citizens' Club, Architectural League and Delta Kappa Epsilon Fra ternity. GAGGIN, T. WALKER— Architect and Instructor, Crouse College, Syracuse; residence 700 Crouse ave nue. Born in Erie, Pa., Jan. 30, 1871. Educated at Syracuse and Columbia Universities. (Single.) Mem ber ol the firm ol Gaggin & Gaggin. Instructor in architecture at Syracuse University. Member Citizens' Club and Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. GAILLARD, WILLIAM DAWSON— Lawyer, 141 Broadway, New York City; residence 319 West 58th street. Born In Charleston, S. C, March 30, 1868. Edu cated at the College ol Charleston. (Single.) Member of the firm of Holt & GalUard. Member Association of the Bar of the City of New York. GALE, EDWARD COURTLAND— United National Bank Building, Troy; residence 59 First street. Bom in Troy. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti tute. (Married.) Director United National Bank. Member Troy Club and Grolier Club of New York City. GALE, GEORGE E.— Capitalist, 212 Main street, Binghamton. Born In Middle Valley, Wayne Co., Pa., June 13, 1862. (Married.) Member Binghamton, Broome County Country and Craftsmen's Clubs, Knights Templar. Mystic Shrine and thirty-second de gree Masons. GALINGER, S.— Broker, 35 Wall street. New York City; residence 426 Monroe street, Brooklyn. Born In Germany, May 30, 1837. PJducated at" College ol the City ol New York. (Single.) Deputy grand master of the Grand Lodge I. O. O. P., State of Mississippi, 1868; chief clerk In foreclosure department of Kings County, sheriff's office, 1876-9; assistant city clerk of Brooklyn, 1880-2; member of the Constitutional Convention, 1894. Member New York Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange and of the Invincible Club of Brooklyn, GALLAHER, FRANK R.— Retired, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence Essex, Conn. Born in Illin ois, Aug. 26, 1860. Educated at Yale. (Single.) Ex- president Essex (Conn.) Light and Power Co. Has served as a' member of the Connecticut Legislature and as a member of the Connecticut Sewerage Com mission. Member Pettipang Golf Club, Yale Alumni Association and Delta Kappa Epsilon and Wolf's Head Societies. GALI,AHER, R. EGGLESTON— Insulated Wire, 15 Cortlandt street, New Tork City; residence 69 West 86th street. Born In Richmond, Va., Aug. 4, 1851. (Son of Robert Henry and Harriet E. [Marsh] Galla- her.) Educated in New Tork City. (Married Isabel L. Thomas of Camden, Me.) Secretary and director New Tork Insulated Wire Co.; president National Electrical Traders' Association and New Tork City Electrical Traders' Association. Member New Tork Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange and of the New Tork Athletic and New Tork Clubs and Electrical Society. GALLAND, JUSTIN S.-Lawyer,. 19 Liberty street. New Tork <3ity; residence 103 East 79th street. Bora In New Tork (3ity, Sept. 19, 1870. Educated at Cornell ('90), New Tork Law School and Columbia Law School. (Single.) Secretary Sterling Arc Lamp Co. Member Cornell University and Ocean Country Clubs. GALLANT, ALBERT ERNEST— Physician, 60 West 56th street. New Tork City. Born, June 27, 1861. Educated in common schools and at College of Phy sicians and Surgeons of Columbia University (M.D., '90). (Widower.) Medical director of Miss Helen Gould's Wax Relief Association during Spanish-Amer ican War. Member American Medical Association and many other medical and surgical societies. GALLATIN, R. HORACE— 36 WaU street. New Tork City; residence 438 Madison avenue. Member New Tork Athletic and Metropolitan Clubs, St. Nich olas Society, Society of Colonial -Wars, Society of the War of 1812, Down Town Association and Sons of the Revolution. GALLAUDET, BERN B.— Physician, 162 West 83d street. New Tork City. Born in New Tork City, Feb. 11, 1860. Educated at Anthon Grammar School, Ever son's CoUegiate School, Trinity College and College of Physicians and Surgeons. (Married.) Demonstrator of anatomy and instructor in surgery in College of Physicians and Surgeons; visiting surgeon to Bellevue Hospital. Member University Club, New Tork Sur gical Society and Association of American Anatomists. 152 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. GALLAUDET, THOMAS— Protestant Episcopalian Clergyman, 112 West 7Sth street. New Tork City. Born in Hartford, Conn., June 3, 1822. Educated at Trinity CoUege (A.B., '42. A.M., '45 and D.D., '62). (Married Elizabeth R. Budd of New York City, 1845.) Deacon, 1860; priest, 1851. Taught in New York Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, 1843-58. Now vicar of St. Ann's Church for Deaf Mutes. Member New York Histori cal and Phi Beta Kappa Societies, Trinity College Alumni Association and Metropolitan Museum of Art. GALLAVIN, T. M.— Traveling Salesman, Syra cuse; residence 501 East Washington street. Born In Syracuse, Sept. 25, 1869. Educated In Syracuse public schools. (Married.) Manager hardware department of E. C. Stearns & Co. Member Citizens' Club and Knights of Columbus. GALLAWAY. ROBERT M. — Banker, 42 Wall street. New York City; residence 68 East 55th street. Born in New York City, Aug. 4, 1837. Educated at Yale. (Married.) President and director Merchants' National Bank and New York Mutual Gas Light Co.; vice-president, director and member of executive com mittee, Manhattan Ry. Co.; director Bank of New Am sterdam, Erie R. R. Co., Northern Pacific Ry. Co., Panama R. R. Co., St. Louis Iron Mountain and South ern R. R. Co., Texas and Pacific Ry. Co., United States Rubber Co., Southern Ry. Co. and Manhattan Life Insurance Co.; trustee Bowery Savings Bank; member New York Clearing House Committee. Member Union . League, Metropolitan, Riding, Yale and University Clubs, St. Nicholas, St. Andrew's and New England Societies, Down Town Association and Metropolitan Museum of Art. GALLICO, PAOLO— Pianist and Instmctor, 11 East 59th street. New York City; residence 695 Madison avenue. Born In Italy, May 13, 1868. Educated in Vienna, Austria. (Married.) Has given concerts in Europe: came to the United States in 1892. Member Lotos Club. GALLIEN, EDWARD J.— Banker, Albany. Bora in Watervliet N. Y., 1858. Educated at Albany Acad emy and High School. Trustee Albany City Savings Institution: director Young Men's Christian Associa tion. Member Fort Orange Club. GALLISON, LOUIS D.— Publisher, 13 Astor place. New York (31ty; residence 83 Highland avenue. Orange N. J. Born in Massachusetts, July 21. 1846. Educated . In Boston, Mass. (Married.) President and director Gallison & Hobron Co.; director Winthrop Press. Member Republican Club. GALLUP, ALBERT S.— Retired Cotton Goods Manufacturer, 47 West 20th street, New York City Bom in Berne, Albany Co., N. Y., Sept. 20, 1823. Edu cated at Parsons' Academy. (Married.) When in business, resided in Rhode Island: while there was P°®*i"aster of Providence under President Buchanan (1857), member of both houses of the Legislature aide-de-camp to Governors Sprague and Smith and lieutenant-colonel of Providence Horse Guards Mem ber Order of Founders and Patriots of America and New York Historical Society. GALLUP, ASA O.— Teacher, 15 West 43d street New York City; residence Mount Vernon. Born In Alexandria^ Va.. Sept. 24, 1865. (Son of Asa O. and Wealthy P [Palmer] Gallup.) Educated at Yale. (Marned Almira, daughter of Manford J. Dewey of V'fi *Vt^" "^-l ^ormeriy chief clerk to the Regents of the University of the State of New York. Now pres ident and director New York Preparatory School- sec- ^e,T/ Jt^^,?,^!^"'^.^,?'"'' Corporation. Member Alpha Delta Phi Club and Yale Alumni Association. ion §:m„^'^'/^^.^S^'^'^r^"''^"'°'' and Manufacturer, 130 Fulton street. New York City; residence 1002 Ber-^ gen street Brooklyn. Born in Monroe County N Y B)J5i;,.=t' T^-- E<5ncated in common schools 'and at Rochester University and Aubum Theological Semi- N^Y L^'V^J^^'i"'' ^J^*"^ '^- Carpenter of Rye, N.Y., 1867.) "Was ordained a Presbyterian clergyman ' held a pastorate for three years: resigned and turned his attention to mechanics. Invented Universal Prat ing Press and other printing machinery: also elictric telegraphic and musical instruments, including im portant features of the Aeolian, Pianola and SvS phony instruments. °^'"" GANDY, SHEPPARD— Broker, 37 William street. New York City; residence 51 West llth street Direc tor Associates Land Co., Christopher and Tenth Sts. R. R. Co., Quicksilver Mining Co. and Silver City and Northern R. R. Co. Member Union and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. Metropolitan Museum of Art and Na tional Academy of Design. GANNETT, WILLIAM CHANNIN(J— Unitarian JClergyman and Author, 15 Sibley street, Rochester. Born in Boston, Mass., 1840. (Son of Rev. Ezra Stiles Gannett.) Author of "A Year of Miracle" and other works. GANS, HO"WARD S.-Lawyer, 45 Cedar street. New York City; residence 61 West 48th street. Born in New York City, Oct. 23, 1872. Educated at Harvard ('92). (Single.) Secretary and director (ilveen Mf'g Co.; treasurer and director American Box Strap Co. Member Century Country and Harvard Clubs and As sociation of the Bar of the City of New York. GANS, SAMUEL J.— Tobacco Broker, 128 Water street. New York City; residence 46 West 73d street. Born in New York City, Nov. 3, 1845. Educated In New York City. (Married.) Senior member of the firm of J. 3. Gans & Son. Trustee Leaf Tobacco Board of Trade. Member Reform and Criterion Clubs, Cham ber of Commerce and Liederkranz. GARCIN, BDWARD H.— Manufacturer, 149 Church street. New York City; residence Trenton, N. J. Born in Powhatan County, Va., Oct. 30, 1864. Educated In Richmond, Va. ("Widower.) President American Supply Mf'g Co. of New York, and Arkansas Zinc Min ing Co. of Trenton, N. J., and Mountain Home, Ark.; vice-president and general manager Trenton Rubber Mf'g Co. and Richmond (Va.) Leather Mf'g Co. Mem ber Manhattan and Lotos Clubs, Deep Run Hounds and Commonwealth Clubs of Richmond, Va., and Beverly (N. J.) Athletic Club. GARD, ANSON A.— Real Bstate Broker, 38 Park row. New York City; residence Yonkers. Born in Clark County, Ohio. Sept. 9, 1849. Educated at Ohio Wesleyan University. (Married Jennie Perry of Brook lyn, N. Y., 1887). Vice-president New York Electric Typographic Co.; secretary and treasurer Armour Villa Park Association; director New York and New Jersey Water Co. Author of "Hymn to the Flag" sung at the dedication of the Grant monument In Riverside Park, 1897. Member American Geographi cal, Ohio and Charleston Societies. GARDEN, HUGH R.— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street New York City; residence Hotel Savoy. Born in Sum ter S. C, July 9. 1840. Educated at South Carolina College and University of Virginia. (Married ) Di rector Hanover Construction Co. Member Delta Kap pa Epsilon and Democratic Clubs, Southern Society Sons of the American Revolution and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. GARDBNHIRE, SAMUEL M.-Lawyer, 32 Broad way, New York City; residence 44 Rutland road. Brooklyn. Born In Fayette, Mo., Nov. 23, 1855 (Mar ried ) Member of the firm of Gardenhlre & Vandl- y^''*-.A"°™^y *°'" Permanent Record Co., General ^1^^^%J^'\ and Refrigerating Co., and Harlem River Iron Works. Member Montauk Club, Odd Fellows Masons and Knights of Pythias. S^S'o^PS^^PiJ'^^ BIRD-District Attorney, Crim- ^^1 ?^^ Building, New York City; residence 101 Broad street. Bora in New York City, Sept 30 1839 Educated at the College of the City of New -York and New York University. Honorary degree! of LLD from New-York University and L.H.D. from Hob^^t StafeArmf?;^ i°™^"''' professor of law at United btates MUitary Academy, West Point. Served with distinction throughout Civil War; was awlfded a medal of honor by act of Congress for bravery at (3et^ tysburg. Vice-president Society of the War of 1812- secretary General Society of the CincinnaU- tmstle American College of Musicians and Metropo ta^Col lege of Music. Member Union. MefropoUtan Man hattan, Democratic, Church Delta Kanna Pn=iiU,r^ i J^;|fo/°'"* ^'"^« -'^ Military "o?dT"of'=?^fLy"a1 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 153 GARDINER, CHARLES A.-Lawyer, 195 Broad way, New York City: residence 697 Madison avenue. Born, 1855. Educated at Hamilton College, Syracuse University and Columbia Law School. (Married.) ¦ Began practice in the offlce of Judge Horace Russell; became associated with the firm of Davies & Rapallo in 1884; became member of the firm in 1888. Has writ ten for the "North American Review" and other per- - iodicals. Counsel to Manhattan Ry. Co., Federal Trust Co., Merchants' Trust Co., Tubular Dispatch Co. and many others; director Federal Trust Co. and University Real Estate Co. Member New York Uni versity Council, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Alpha Delta Phi and Phi Beta Kappa So cieties, -Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson and Metropolitan and Democratic Clubs. GARDINER, GEORGE N. — Manufacturer, 53 South street. New York City; residence 348 West End . a'\'enue. Born in New York City, April 3, 1844. Edu cated at New York University. (Married.) Member of the firm of George N. Gardiner & Son, who manu facture the "American Mclnnes Compositions" for ships' bottoms. Director Union Perry Co. of New York and Brooklyn. Member Rockaway Hunting, Co lonial and Democratic Clubs, Brooklyn Club of Brook lyn, Sons of the Revolution, Society of the War of 1812 and Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engi neers. GARDINER, HUBERT— President, 218 WiUiam street. New York City; residence 475 McDonough street, Brooklyn. President and director Gardiner Binding and Mailing Co.; director Waters Wrapping and Mailing Machine Co. of Boston, Mass. GARDINER, JAMES TERRY— Civil Engineer, 21 Cortlandt street. New York City; residence 107 East 34th street. Born in Troy, N. Y., May 6, 1842. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Sheffleld Scientific School. (Married a daughter of Rev. Wil liam C. Doane, Protestant Episcopalian Bishop of Al bany.) Served as inspector of ordnance corps. United States Army, during Civil War; director New York State Survey; 1876-86; member New York State Board of Health, 1880-6; now In general practice. Member New York Athletic, Lawyers' and University Clubs, " Century Association, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on- ¦ Hudson, and Benton Club of St. Joseph, Mo. GARDINER, THOMAS A.— Banker, 41 Wall street. New York City; residence 49 South Portland avenue, Brooklyn. Member of the firm of Redmond, Kerr & Co., members of the New York Stock Exchange. Mem ber Richmond County Country and University Clubs, Crescent Athletic and Hanover Clubs of Brooklyn and Yale Alumni Association. G-ARDNER, ADDISON— Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New York City; residence 153 East 51st street. Born in PalenvlUe, Greene Co., N. Y., Dec. 27, 1859. Educated at WUliston Seminary ('86) and Williams College ('90). (Single.) Secretary of .Sunday School of the Madison Avenue Reformed Church. Member Dwight Alumni Association and Christian Endeavor Society. GARDNER, ALFRED A.— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New York City: residence 347 Lexington ave nue. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1865. Educated at Harvard College and Columbia Law School. Presi dent and director New York and Long Island Con- stractlon Co.; director Brooklyn, New York and New Jersey Terminal Ry. Co. and Long Island Construc tion Co. GARDNER, EDWARD W.— Insurance, 32 Liberty street. New York City; residence Passaic, N. J. Born in Nantucket Mass., March 16, 1857. Educated In Brooklyn public schools and at New York University ('77). (Married.) Managing agent Mutual Life Insur ance Co. of New York. Councilman-at-large and president of City Council of Passaic, N. J. Member Players', Acquackanonk and Passaic Clubs and Zeta Psi Fraternity. GARDNER, JOHN C. P.- Lawyer, 115 Broadway, New York City; residence Yonkers. Born in Nan tucket, Mass., Jan. 31, 1856. Educated at Columbia. (Married.) Member of the firm of Atwater & Cruik- shank. Director United States Aluminum Printing Plate Co. Member Calumet Club and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. GARDNER, JOHN M.-Lawyer, 38 Park row. New York City; residence 108 West 91st street. Born in EdenvUle, Orange Co., N. Y., June 11, 1858. (Son of William H. and, Caroline [Flagler] (Gardner.) Edu cated in district and public schools; studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1879. (Married Eugenia N., daughter of Leonard S. Northrup.) Practicing in New York City since 1895. Gardner! THOMAS mooney— instructor, Cor nell University, Ithaca; residence 519 East State street. Degrees of B.M.E. and M.M.E. Instructor in experi mental engineering at Cornell University. GAREY, WILLIS L.— Secretary, 100 William street. New York City; residence Orange, N. J. Bom in Newton Centre, Mass., Jan. 29, 1868. Educated in public schools. (Married.) Secretary Royal Baking Powder Co. GARGAN, HENRI L.— Importer and Merchant, 83 Grand street. New York City; residence 252 West 74th street. Was judge of awards at the World's Colum bian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Member Colonial Club and French Chamber of Commerce. GARLAND, JAMES A.— Banker, 2 Wall street. New York City; residence 259 Madison avenue. Mem ber of the New York Stock Exchange. Director Amer ican Cotton OU Co., Central R. R. Co. of New Jersey, Bankers' Sale Deposit Co., First National Bank, Le high and Wllkes-Barre Coal Co., and Liberty National Bank. Member City, Metropolitan, Union League, Grolier, Players', Lawyers' and Whist Clubs, Country Club ol Westchester County, Century Association, American Museum of Natural History, Metropolitan Museum of -Art,- and American Fine Arts and Ameri can Geographical Societies. GARLAND, NATHAN M.— General Agent, 75 Ful ton street, New York City; residence 101 West 74th street. (Married.) General Eastern agent Emerson Electric Mf'g Co. ; general agent Manhattan Electric Light Co. Member Westchester Golf and Marine and . Field Clubs. GARMANY, FRANK C— Life Insurance, 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Tuckahoe. Born In Savannah, Ga., July. 1857. Educated at Princeton. (Married.) Connected with the Equitable Life Assur ance Society of the United States; also with the Amer ican National Bed Cross Relief Committee and Cuban Orphan Fund. GARRBTSON, G-ARRET JAMBS— Supreme Court Justice, Elmhurst Born in Newtow-n, Queens Co., N. T., July 16, 1847. (Son of Rev. Garret J. and Cath arine [Rapalie] Garretson.) Educated at Flushing (L. I.) Institute; studied law in the offlce of Marvin & Daniel and was admitted to the Bar in 1869. (Mar ried Eliza, daughter of Henry W. Eastman, 1876.) Was for many years president of the Newtown Board of Education. School commissioner for Queens County, 1873-5; Surrogate, 1880-5, and County Judge, 1885-96 Supreme Court Justice, State of New Tork, Second Department, since 1897. Was a member of the commis sion' appointed bj' Governor Morton to frame Greater New Tork charter. Member Brooklyn and Hamilton Clubs of Brooklyn, Niantic Club of Flushing and Hol land Society of New Tork City. GARRETT, JOHN BIDDLE— Railroads, 26 Cort landt street. New Tork City; residence Rosemont, Pa. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 30, 1836. Edu cated at Haverford College. (Married Hannah R. Haines, 1866.) Connected with Lehigh VaUey R. R. Co., of which he is now vice-president and director, since 1874. Vice-president and director Baston and Northern R. R. Co., Hazleton Coal Co., Lehigh VaUey Terminal Ry. Co., Loyalsock R. R. Co., Montrose Ry. Co., Pennsylvania and New Tork Canal and R. R. Co., Schuylkill and Lehigh VaUey R. R. Co., West- wood Coal Co. and Wilkesbarre and Harveys Lake R. R. Co.; third vice-president and director Canal R. R. Co. and Easton and .Amboy R. R. Co.; director Buffalo Creek R. R. Co., Buffalo, Thousand Islands and Portland R. R. Co., Canastota Northern R. R. Cq., Coal Ridge Improvement and Canal Co., Depew and Tonawanda R. R. Co., Elmira, Cortlapd and Northern R. R. Co., Elmira Transfer Ry. Co., Lehigh and New Tork R. R. Co., Lehigh YaUey Coal Co., Lehigh Valley Ry. Co., Lehigh VaUey Transportation Co., Locust 154 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Mountain Coal and Iron Co., Middlesex Valley R. R. Co., Morris Canal and Banking Co., National Docks Ry. Co., Rochester Southern R. R. Co., Seneca County R. R. Co. and Waverly and State Line Ry. Co. GARRIGUES, HENRT JACQUES— Physician, 716 Lexington avenue. New Tork City. Born In Copenha gen Denmark, June 6, 1831. Educated In Copenhagen at Metropolitan College (A.B., '50 and A.M., '63) and University of Copenhagen (M.D., '69). (Married Louise Rlemer, 1868.) Resident of the United States since 1875. Makes a specialty of gynecology and ob stetrics, on which he has written several books. GARRISON, E. ELT— Law Clerk, 32 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence Tale Club. Bora in Cincinnati, Ohio, Aug. 16, 1871. Educated at Tale. (Single.) Member Cosmopolitan Club of Santiago de Cuba, and of the Tale Club. GARRISON, LOTD McKIM — Lawyer, 2 WaU street New Tork City; residence 27 Washington square. North. Born In Orange, N. J., May 4, 1867. Educated at Harvard and Harvard Law School. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Gould & Wllkle. Mem ber Harvard, University Athletic, University and Chi Phi Xaubs, J^apyrus Club of Boston, Mass., -and Asso ciation of the Bar of the City of New Tork. GARRISON, WENDELL PHILLIPS— Editor, 206 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Orange, N. J. Born in Cambridgeport, Mass., June 4, 1840. Educated at Harvard (A.B., '61 and A.M., '95). (Married.) Lit erary editor "The Nation." Author of several works. GARRISON, WILBERT— Lithographer and Print er, 95 WUliam street. New Tork City; residence Boon- ton, N. J. Born In Millville, N. J.. May 22, 1869. Edu cated In Boonton. (Married.) Treasurer and director Corlies, Macy & Co.; secretary and director American Imprinting Co. ; director Union Paper Co. of Cranf ord, N. J. Member Commercial Club. GARRISON, WILLIAM H.— Importer, 473 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 23 Caton avenue, Brooklyn. Born In Wayland, Mass., Dec. 5, 1850. Edu cated at an academy In South Sudbury and In Brook line, Mass. (Married Mary O., daughter of Capt. F. Z. Tucker of Brooklyn, N. T.) Member ol the firm ot Garrison, Wri^t & Co. Trustee ' Berketjey Institute for 'Young LaSes. One 61 the charter members and ex-director ol the Knickerbocker Fleld Club and a former director of the Midwood Club. Member Ma rine and Field (president, 1899-1900), Midwood, Mon tauk and Young Republican Clubs ol Brooklyn and Merchants' Central and Relorm Clubs ol New York City. GARRISON, WILLIAM R.— Coffee Merchant, 127 Water street. New Y'ork City; residence Tuxedo Park. President and director New York and Java Trading Co.; vice-president and director Goodson Graphotype Co. and Municipal Debenture Co. ; director Idaho Fruit Co. Member Union, Calumet, Tuxedo, New York Yacht, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and Essex County Country Clubs. GARVER, JOHN A.-Lawyer, 44 Wall street. New York City; residence 515 Madison avenue. Born in Pennsylvania, July 11, 1854. (Son ol Samuel and Sarah Garver.) Educated at Phillips Andover Academy, Yale ('75) and Columbia Law School ('77). (Married Miss R. C. Brewster ol New Haven, Conn.) Member ol the firm ol Shearman & Sterling. Member Relorm, University and Yale .Clubs, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, New York Botanical Gardens, New York Law Institute and Yale Alumni Association. GARY, ELBERT H.— CapitaUst, 71 Broadway, New York City. Born In Wheaton, III., Oct. 8, 1846. Educated In Wheaton public schools and at Wheaton College and Chicago University Law School. (Married Julia B. Graves ol Aurora, III., 1869.) Admitted to the Illinois Bar in 1867 and to the Bar ol the United States Supreme Court in 1878. Mayor ol Wheaton lor two -terms and county judge ol Du Page County, 111., lor same period. Practiced law in Chicago lor almost twenty- five years; retired Irom practice in 1898. Presi dent and director Federal Steel Co., and Gary- Wheaton Bank, Wheaton, III.; director Illinois Steel Co. and Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Ry. Co. GASQUET, MARSHALL J.— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 44 West 44th street. Born in New Orleans. La.. Dec 15, 1868. Educated at Harvard ('88). (Single.) Member ol the Arm of Gas- quet Rutherford & Putnam. Was special city attor ney of the city ol New Orieans. Member Harvard Racquet and Tennis, MetropoUtan, Relorm and Fencers' Clubs, Association ol the Bar ol the Clty ol New York and New York Genealogical and Bio graphical Society. GASTON FREDERICK K.— Liability Insurance, 26 Cortlandt street. New York City; residence Eliza beth, N. J. Born in EUzabeth, Jan. 6, 1868. Educated In Elizabeth. (Married.) Member Chelsea Plantation and Lawyers' Clubs, New York Genealogical and Bio graphical Society and Blooming Grove Park Associa tion. GASTON, GEORGE H.— Lile Insurance, 1 Madison avenue. New York City; residence Newark, N. J. (Married.) Second vice-president and director Metro politan Lile Insurance Co. Member Calumet, Church and Players' Clubs and Aldine Association. GATES FREDERICK T.— Capitalist, 26 Broad way, New York City; residence 172 Union street, Mont- xjlair, N.'J. Bom in Maine, Broome Co, N, iT., July 2, 1853. Educated at University ol Rochester ('77). (Married.) President and director Duluth, Mlssabe and Northern Ry. Co., Everett and Monte Crlsto Ry. Co., Lake Superior Consolidated Iron Mines, Tilden Iron Mining Co., Bessemer Steamship Co., Everett Pulp and Paper Co., Puget Sound Reduction Co., Monte Cristo Consolidated Mining Co. and "Wisconsin Steel Co.; vice-president and director Chicago Ter minal Transler Co. ; American Steel Barge Co., Aurora Iron Mining Co., Spanish-American Iron Co. and Wis consin Central Ry. Co. Trustee Vassar College and University ol Chicago. GAUBERT, CHARLES S.— Secretary, 31 Nassau street. New York City: residence 125 Hooper street, Brooklyn. Born in Augusta, Me., April 10, 1859. Edu cated at New York City Public School No. 16, Adelphi Academy and In Germany. (Married.) Secretary Bankers' Lile Insurance Co. Member Williamsburg Athletic and Hanover Clubs ol Brooklyn, Underwrit ers', Horseshoe Harbor and Larchmont Yacht Clubs and Seventh Reglinent Veterans N. G. N. Y. GAUL, GILBERT— Artist, Jumel place, near West 170th street. New York City. Born in Jersey City, N. J., March 31, 1855. (Married a daughter ol Vlce-Ad- mlral G. A. Halstead, Royal British Navy.) Makes a specialty ol historical paintings; has been awarded many medals, including two at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Member National Academy ol Design, Society ol American Artists, and American Art Association. GAUNTLETT, JOHN C.^Retired Druggist 211 Stewart avenue, Ithaca. Born in Ithaca, July 22, 1842. Educated In Ithaca. (Married.) Vice-president Tomp kins County National Bank; second vice-president Ithaca Savings Bank; president Ithaca Mechanics' So ciety. Member Town and Gown Club. GAUS, HENRY L.— Wholesale Grocer, 790 Broad way, Brooklyn; residence 59 Suydam street. Born in Brooklyn, April 13, 1865, Educated In public schools and at -Bryant and Stratton's Business College. (Mar ried.) Member ol the firm ol Miller & Gaus. Trustee Eastern District Savings Bank. Member Bushwick Club and Arion Singing Society. GAWTRY, HARRISON E.— Capitalist, 4 Irving place. New York City; residence 18 "West llth street. President and director Consolidated Gas Co. ol New York; vice-president and director Long Branch Water Supply Co. and New York Mutual Gas Light Co.; di rector Astor National Bank, Citizens' Insurance Co. and New York and Queens Gas and Electric Co. ; trus tee Manhattan Savings Institution, Real Estate Trust Co. and Union Trust Co. Member Union League, Union and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, Al dine Association and Sons ol the Revolution. GAY. EBEN HOWARD— Banker, 1 Nassau street New York City; residence 170 Beacon street Boston Mass. Born in Hingham, Mass., Feb. 6, 1858. Edu-^ cated at EngUsh High School in Boston. (Married) Sole partner E. H. Gay & Co. Treasurer Hudson River BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 155 Water Power Co. and Haverhill Gas Securities Co. Member National Arts and Calumet Clubs and Coun try Club ol Boston. GAY, EDWARD— Artist, Mount Vernon. Born in Dublin, Ireland, 1838. Studied art In Albany, N. Y., and In Carlsruhe, Germany. (Married Martha Fearey, 1862.) Among his best known works are "Broad Acres," "The Waving Grain" and "Happy Summer Fields." Member ol several art societies. GAY, MARTIN— Civil Engineer, 21 Park row. New York City; residence 400 West 57th street. Born on Staten Island, May 15, 1854. Educated at Massachu setts Institute ol Technology. (Married.) Assistant engineer Department ol Bridges, New York City. Member American Society ol Civil Engineers and American Historical Association. GAYLEY, HENRY B.— Lawyer, 52 Wall street New York City; residence 36 West 36th street. Mem ber ol the firm ol Gayley & Fleming. Member Uni versity Athletic and Princeton Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on Hudson, and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. GAYKQR, THOMAS .P,— MJniajg, 33 Wall street. New York City; residence 33 Ashlord street, Brooklyn. Born In New Haven, Conn., March 20, 1851. Educated at New Haven High School. (Married.) Secretary, treasurer and director Copper King ol Arizona Mining Co. GAYNOR, WILLIAM J.— Supreme Court Justice, County Court House, Brooklyn; residence 20 Eighth avenue. Born In Whitestown, Oneida Co., N. Y., 1851. Educated at Whitestown Seminary and in Boston, Mass. Engaged in newspaper work In New York City, 1873-5; admitted to the Bar in Brooklyn, 1876. Judge advocate on staff ol General McLeer, N. G. N. Y., 1890. Secured conviction ol John Y. McKane lor elec tion Irauds. Elected Supreme Court Justice, 1893. Member Hamilton and Brooklyn Clubs. GAZZAM, EDWIN VAN DEUSEN— Physician and Surgeon, 163 West 46th street. New York City. Bom in Utica, N. T., Feb. 5, 1866. (Son ol Audley William and Mary Elizabeth [Van Deusen] Gazzam.) Edu cated in "Utica public schools and at the University ot PeSBSylvania. (Single.) Coiyiected with the St. Blizabetiiis and Red: Cross Hospitals. Meihber Scihs ol the American Revolution, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, American Fine Arts Society, Alpha Mu Pi Omega Fraternity, New Tork Medical League, Physicians' Mutual Aid Association, Medical Society ol the County ol New Tork, New Tork Red Cross Society, Pennsyl vania Society ol New Tork, University ol Pennsylva nia Alumni and Post-Graduate Hospital Alumni Asso ciations, Washington Continental Guards, Knicker bocker Athletic Club, Constantine Commandery Knights Templar and Masonic orders. GEAR, ALONZO S,— Counsellor in Patent Causes, Inventor and Mechanical Expert, 136 West Broadway, New Tork City; residence 244 West 15th street. Born in New Hampshire, Feb. 10, 1838. (Married.) Was general loreman in New Tork City Department ol Water Supply, and suit claiming illegal removal is now pending. Vice-president and general manager Gear Hydrant and Supply Co. Member New England ¦Water Works and Veterans' Protective Associations, Republican Club, John A. Dix Post G. A. R., Inter national Association ol Fire Engineers and other or ganizations. GEDDES, CHARLES P.— Treasurer, 20 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 65 Convent avenue. Born in Paris, France, July 8, 1857. Educated at Col lege ol the City ol New Tork. (Married.) Treasurer ol Southern department Equitable Life Assurance So ciety of the United States until 1893, and of the Inter ior Conduit and Insulation Co. until 1898. Now treas urer Sprague Electric Co. Member New Tork Ath letic and Riverside Tacht Clubs and Pennsylvania and Electrical Trades (vice-president) Societies. GEER, EDW-ARD FRENCH— Shipping, 27 William street New Tork City; residence 241 Washington ave nue Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, Jan. 2, 1872. Edu cated at Adelphi College. (Married.) Connected with the flrm of W. D. Munson & Co. Secretary Commer cial Lighterage Co. and Commercial Union Towboat Co.; treasurer Munson Steamship Line. Member Sons ol the American Revolution. GBER, WALTER— Lawyer and Manulacturer, 38 Park row. New Tork City; residence 246 West 72d street. Born In Willlamstown, Mass., Aug. 19, 1867. Educated at Williams CoUege ('78) and National Uni versity Law School In Washington, D. C. (Married.) President and director New Tork Architectural Terra Cotta Co. Member University, Arts, Colonial, Relorm and Lawyers' Clubs, Art Club ol Philadelphia, Puritan Club ol Boston, Williams College Alumni Association and New England Society. GBER, W. MONTAGUE — Protestant Episcopalian Clergyman, 29 Vesey street. New Tork City; residence 113 West llth street. Born in Ballston, N. T., April 9, 1848. (Son ol Rev. George Jarvis and Isabel [Mon tague] Geer.) Educated at Columbia College, Colum bia College Law School ('72) and General Theological Seminary. (Married Katharine Gridley, daughter ol Enos T. Throop ol New Tork City.) Was assistant to Rev. Henry T. Satterlee in Wappinger's Falls, N. T.; rector ol St. John's Church in North Adams, Mass., and ol Christ Church in Oyster Bay, N. T. Now vicar ofSt-JSanl's Xihapel, T.Tinity Parish in New Tork City, Trustee General Theological Seminary, Society lor Promotion ol Religion and Learning, and Trinity School; chaplain Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht Club. Member National Arts (Hub, New Tork Churchmen's and Century Associations and New Tork Clericus. GEIFFITH, EDW-ARD— Accident Insurance, 45 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 27 West 88th street. Born In New Tork City, 1873. Educated In public schools. (Single.) Member (since 1895) ol the firm ol E. E. Clapp & Co., managers ol accident de partment ol the Fidelity and Casualty Co. lor the States ol New Tork, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. First connected with Fidelity and Casualty Co. In 1888; was made assistant to city gen eral agent and later assistant manager ol the depart ment in sole charge ol their city business. GELLATLT, JOHN— Insurance, 171 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 20 West 21st street. Mem ber City and Riding Clubs, National Sculpture, Amer ican Fine Arts and Municipal Arts Societies and Arch itectural League. GELSHENBN, WILLIAM H.— Banker, 71 West 23d street. New Tork City; residence 254 "West 73d street. President and director Garfield National Bank and Continental WaU Paper Co.; vice-president and director Consolidated Ice Co. and Garfield Sale De posit Co.; director City Trust Co. Member Catholic, New Tork Athletic and Manhattan Clubs, Aldine As sociation and Metropolitan Museum ol Art GEMUNDER, AUGUST— Violin Maker and Ex pert, 42 East 23d street. New Tork City; residence 497 Manhattan avenue. Bom in New Tork City, May 4, 1862. Educated in public schools and at Heidenleld Institute. (Single.) Head ol the firm ol August Gemiinder & Sons (est. 1846). Member Arion Society and Liederkranz. GENET, ALBERT R.— Lawyer, 132 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence Sing Sing. Bora In Croton, Westchester Co., N. T., March 20, 1858. (Married.) Member Sons ol the Revolution and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. GENET, GEORGE CLINTON— Lawyer, 132 Nas sau street. New Tork City; residence Madison avenue. Born in Greenbush, Rennselaer Co., N. T., Oct. 18, 1823. (Toungest son ol Genet, Ambassa(ior Irom France to the United States in 1793.) Educated at Al bany Academy, and at Peugnet Brothers' School in New Tork City. (Married.) Attorney to the Corpora tion ol the City ol New Tork, 1860-3; chairman Mozart Hall Democratic General Committee, 1860-2. Member Union Club and Sons ol the Revolution. GENUNG, M. E.— Dry Goods Merchant, 34 South Fourth avenue. Mount Vernon; residence 127 Elm place. Educated at Amenia Seminary. (Married.) Member Congregational Club ol New Tork City. 156 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. GEOGHAN, WILLIAM-.Physician and Surgeon, 78 West 82d street. New Tork City. Born in Albany, N. T. Educated at Albany Boys' Academy and Al bany Medical College. (Married.) Medical examiner ol New Tork City CivU Service, Metropolitan Lile In surance Co. and Equitable Lile Assurance Society ol the United States; director Narragansett BuUding Co. Member Narragansett Club (director) and Albany So ciety ol New Tork (secretary). GEORGE, HENRT— Author, Fort Hamilton, L. I. Born in Sacramento, Cal,. Nov. 3, 1862. Educated in public schools. Began work in printing offlce at the age of sixteen. Since 1881 engaged in newspaper work. Candidate for mayor of New Tork City, 1897, just after his father's death. Now preparing an edition of his father's life and works. GEORGE, JAMBS H.— Manufacturer, 253 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 110 West 39th street. Born in Richmond, Me., July 23, 1843. Educated at Richmond -Academy. (Married.) President and di rector Consolidated Fuel Gas Co., Ship Copper Plating Co., and Electric Rubber Mf'g Co. GEORGE, WILLIAM pEUBEN— Philanthropist FreeviUe. Born in West Dryden, N. T., June 4, 1866. Educated in common schools. Resident of ffew Tork City since 1880. (Married.) Interested in reform work among boys and girls of the city's poor; took parties of 200 children to the country in the summers of 1890-4. In 1895 organized and put in operation the "George Junior Republic," the most successful work In the reformation of delinquent children yet estab lished. GEORGER, LOUIS P.- Furs, 184 Fifth avenue. New Tork City; residence 51 East 72d street. Member University Glee Club, Liederkranz, Aldine Association and American Museum of Natural History. GERAN, JOSIAH P.— Dentist, 65 Greene avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Monmouth County, N. J., April 2, 1832. Educated in Marlboro, N. J., and at New Tork CoUege of Dentistry (D.D.S.). (Married.) President Second District Dental Society. Member Aurora Grata and Oxford Clubs, Masonic Veterans, Odontologlcal Society of New Tork and First and Second District Dental Societies. GERARD, J.AMBS WATSON— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 17 Gramercy Park Born in New Tork City, 1822. Educated at Columbia ('43). New Tork State Senator, 1876-7; was school trustee for many years. Author of several legal works. Member Tuxedo, Union and Players' Clubs, American Geographical Society and Columbia Alumni Associa tion. GERARD, JAMBS WATSON, Jr.— Lawyer 31 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 17 Gramercy Park. Born in Geneseo, N. T. Educated at Columbia College and Law School. (Single.) Associated with the firm of Bowers & Sands. Director Municipal Street Ry. Co. Member Union, Democratic Univer sity, New Tork Athletic, Country and Fencers' Clubs Sons of the American Revolution and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. GERE, ROBERT H.-Lawyer, 826 University Block, Syracuse: residence 116 Bast Beatd avenue Born in South Granby, N. T, June 4, 1859. Educated at Syracuse University. (Married.) Was topographer of State survey of Adirondacks; also Sunday editor of •Syracuse Herald." Member of the flrm of Gere & Church. Member Citizens' Club. GERHARD, WILLIAM PAUI^Consulting and Sanitary Engineer, 36 Union square. East, New Tork City; residence 39 Strong place, Brooklyn. Born in Hamburg, Germany, July 30, 1854. Educated at Caris- ruhe Polytechnic School ('75) and studied civU engi neering m Hamburg. (Married Selma Weiskirch of Milwaukee, Wis., 1881.) Resident of the United States since 1877; practicing in New Tork City since 1883 f¦^^°^ °,- Sanitary Engineering," "Domestic Sanf: tary Appliances" and others of a similar nature. .tr.^P^F'^ JOHN-Physician and Surgeon, 68 North ^llt ' ^^"''"?-., ^J''?.- '" Cobourg, Canada, Dec. 10 1849. Educated at Victoria, Queens and Regiopolis ^"7,^^'i'^^"? Cobourg and Kingston, Canada "Mar ried.) Physician, Auburn State Prison; assistant su perintendent New Tork State Asylum for Insane Criminals; health offlcer and health commissioner city of Auburn; assistant surgeon N. G. N. T. Member Army and Navy, Auburn City and Republican Clubs, State Medical and Central New Tork Medical Socie ties and others. , ¦ . ¦ ¦ - • GBRRISH, JOHN BROWN— Dry Goods Merchant, 19 Thomas street. New Tork City; residence 15 East 54th street. Member Harvard, University and Mer chants' Clubs, and Hamilton Club of Brooklyn. GERRISH, WILLIAM L.— Storage, 134 Pearl street. New Tork City; residence 224 Henry street, Brooklyn. Born in New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 10, 1846. (IVJarried.) Member of the flrm of Lawrence Son & Gerrish. Member Marine and Field, Hamilton, Union League and Atlantic Tacht Clubs of Brooklyn. GERRT, ELBRIDGE THOMAS — Lawyer, 261 Broadway, and President, . 297 Fourth ¦ avenue. New Tork City; residence 2 East 61i3t street, and Newport, R. I. Born in New Tork City, Dec. 25, 1837. (Son of Thomas R. Gerry and grandson of Elbridge Gerry, ¦Vice-President of the United States, and one ol the signers of the Declaration of Independence.) Educated at Columbia College ('57). (Married Louisa M., daughter of Robert J. Livingston, 1867.) Admitted to practice in the United States Supreme Court in 1866. Member of the Constitutional Convention, 1867. Foun der of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children in 1874 and has been its president since 1879. Director Fifth Avenue Trust Co.; trustee Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New Tork, and General Theological Seminary. Member Metropolitan, New Tork Tacht, Larchmont Tacht, Knollwood Country, Tuxedo, Turf and Field, Riding, Merchants', Atlantic Tacht and Players' Clubs, St Nicholas, New Tork Genealogical, American Geographical and New England Societies, Columbia Alumni Association, Sons ol the Revolution and American Museum of Natural History. GIBB, ARTHUR— Merchant, 484 Fulton street Brooklyn; residence 218 Gates avenue. Born in Brook lyn, Oct. 16, 1857. Educated at Adelphi Academy. (Single.) Member of the firm of Frederick Looser & Co. Member Brooklyn, Crescent Athletic, Riding, Larchmont Tacht, Penatiqult-Corlnthlan Tacht, Dy ker Meadow Golf and Westbrook Golf Clubs and Long Island Historical Society. mo ^.P?' ARTHUR N.-Architect, Ithaca; residence loL^^^i avenue. Bom In Quebec, Canada, May 23, 1868. Educated at Upper Canada College. and CorneU University (Married.) Member of the firm ol Vivian Gibb. Member Relorm Club, Chi Phi Fraternity and American Institute ol Architects. GIBB, HOW-ARD— Dry Goods Merchant, 484 Ful ton street, Brooklyn; residence 99 Berkeley place Member of the firm of Frederick Looser & Co. Trustee Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. Member Hamilton, Crescent Athletic and Montauk Clubs. 4R4 B^.^?;> JOHN-Dry Goods Merchant and Importer, 464 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 218 Gates n^-t^"^^' ,,Brooklyn. Member ol the firm ol Mills I ^l^\ > Trustee Brooklyn Trust Co. Member Me^ Rronltn ^ n,''^' Club Brooklyn and Hamilton Clubs ol ?,.v? '^JV Cly^P^ie Club ol Bay Shore, L. I., Metro- S?al HisYoTy!"™ °' ^^ ^°** American Museum' oTNa?-' GIBB WILLIAM TRAVIS— Physician and In structor, 55 West 38th street. New Tork CI^. Degrees ol B.S and M.D. Clinical instructor in gynecololv fn Cornell University Medical College. gynecology m GIBBENS, FREDERICK H.— Treasurer 2fi F-r s^r^iif t^^' N^^ Yo^l' City; residenctm West 7^fh Montrose 'r^r' CO ^"^- ^T"^^ LaokawaTna anS ffco^ ^eSbfr°Ui^^^^li°^,?e^rd^^BaTnlr»^^^^ fandXfe"ty.°°"" ^°"" Asso'ciatlons andT'w^E^ng: ?elf"|^d-^?™-^^^"^G^rX^^^ t^r^'s^te?-^- E IfnV-prR-co!:^,.----^^^^^^^^^^ BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 157 nac Ry. Co., EvansviUe and Terre Haute R. R. Co., EvansvUle Belt Ry. Co., Globe Street Ry. Co., Hamp den Loan and Trust Co., Santa Fe and Paciflc R. R. Co., Sonora Ry. Co., and Southern California R. R. Co.; trustee American Surety Co. and New Tork Se curity and Trust Co. Member University, Metropoli tan, Riding, Barnard and Merchants' Clubs, New Eng land Society and Metropolitan Museum of Art GIBBS, FREDERICK SETMOUR— President 1 Medison avenue. New Tork City; residence 421 West 22d street. Born in Seneca Falls, N. T., March 22, 1845. (Married.) Served with Union Army during Civil War, 1862-6. Has been State senator, candidate for mayor of New Tork City and, since 1896, member ol the Republican National Committee. President Met ropolitan Water Co. GIBBS, JOHN WILSON— Physician, 1370 Broad way, New Tork City; residence Hotel Majestic. Born in Seneca PaUs, N. T., June 27, 1846. (Married.) Past commander B. D. Morgan Post G. A. R. Member New Tork Athletic and I.,otos Clubs, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, American Geographical Society, Grand Army ol the Republic and Medico-Legal Society. GIBNET, VIRGIL P.— Orthopaedic Surgeon, 16 Park avenue. New Tork City. Bora in Kentucky, Sept. 29, 1847. Educated in Lexington (Ky.) schools, at Kentucky University, and at Bellevue Hospital Medical College In New Tork City. (Married.) Sur- geon-in-chiel Hospital lor the Ruptured and Crippled; prolessor of orthopaedic surgery in Medical Depart ment of Columbia "University; consultant Nursery and Child's Hospital. Monteflore Home and St. John's Guild Hospital. Member University, Brooklawn Coun try and Richmond Hill Golf Clubs, New Tork Zoologi cal and Southern Societies, Century Association, Met ropolitan Museum of Art and Academy of Medicine. GIBSON. CHARLES DANA— Artist and Illustra tor, 19 West 31st street. New Tork City. Born in 1868. (Married Irene Langhorne of Virginia.) Con tributor of drawings to "Life," "Scribner's Magazine" and other periodicals. Member Salmagundi and Play ers' Clubs and other bodies. GIBS(3N, CHARLES LANGDON— Physician, 46 West 33d street New Tork City. Member University and Harvard Clubs, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on- Hudson and Sons of the Revolution. GIBSON, EDMUND T. H.— Treasurer, 214 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 181 West 75th street. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., April 19, 1843. Educated at Yale. (Married.) Treasurer Illinois Central R. R. Co. Member New York Athletic Club. GIBSON, FRANCIS M.— Deputy Commissioner, 21 Park row. New York City; residence Hotel Bayard. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 18, 1847. Educated In Philadelphia. As second lieutenant of the 7th Cavalry served in all the Indian campaigns, 1867-80; retired from active service December, 1891. Deputy commis sioner. Department of Street Cleaning, Borough of Manhattan, since May, 1895. GIBSON, GEORGE RUTLEDGE— Broker and Fi nancial Writer, 55 Broadway, New York City; resi dence 31 West 49th street. Bora in lUinols, Jan. 20, 1853. Educated at University of Michigan. (Married.) Member of the firm of Watson & Gibson and of the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange. Mem ber Union League, Grolier, Calumet, Players', Tuxedo, Fencers' and Riding Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Geographical Society, Sons of the Revo lution and Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society. GIBSON, HANSON C— Lawyer, 48 WaU street. New York City; residence 27 Waverley place. Bom In New York City, Sept. 22, 1835. Educated at New York University. (Married.) Member of the firm of Gibson & Stapler. Member Psi UpsUon Club and Loyal Legion. GIBSON, ROBERT, Jr.— Lawyer, 15 Wall street New York City; residence 113 "West 40th street. Bom In Marietta, Ga., Oct. 22, 1868. Educated at University of the South and Columbia CoUege Law School, New York City. (Single.) Member Association of the Bar of the City of New York, New York Athletic Club, Southern Society and Columbia University Alumni and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Alumni Associations. GIBSON, ROBERT WILLIAMS— Architect, 54 Broad street, New York City; residence 15 East 77th street. Born in England, Nov. 17, 1854. (Son of Sam uel Lodwick and EUza Gibson.) Educated in England, in private schools and at Royal Academy of Arts, London. (Married Caroline J. Hammond of New York City.) Practicing in New York City since 1881. Archi tect of Albany Cathedral, New York Cleairing-House, Botanical Museum of New York City and of many churches, banks and office buildings. Director Trow Directory Printing and Bookbinding Co. and American Institute of Architects. Member Metropolitan, Sea wanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and Arts Clubs, Architec tural League (president). Century Association and Chamber of Commerce. GIBSON, WILLIAM, Jr.— Broker, 15 New street. New York City; residence 167 Gates avenue, Brooklyn. Connected with the New York Stock Exchange firm' of H. Knlckerbacker & Co. Member Church, Press and Aurora Grata Clubs, Long Island Historical Society, American Society of (3Ivil Engineers and Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. GILDINGS, FRANKLIN H.— Professor, Columbia University, New York City; residence 150 West 79th street. Born In Sherman, Conn., March 23, 1855. Edu cated at Union College. (Married.) Professor of po litical science In Columbia University. Member Au thors' and Barnard Clubs and Union CoUege Alumni and Century Associations. GIEGBRICH, LEONARD A.— Supreme Court Jus tice, County Court House, New York City; residence 267 Seventh street. Born in Germany, May 20, 1856. Educated at Woodstock (Conn.) village school. New York City PubUc School No. 16, St. Nicholas Parochial ¦School and De La SaUe Institute. (Married.) Assem blyman, 1887; United States Internal Revenue Collec tor, 1887-90; City Court Judge, 1890, county clerk, 1891; Judge Court of Common Pleas, 1891-6; delegate to Con stitutional Convention, 1894; Supreme Court Justice since 1896; term expires Dec. 31, 1906. Member Man hattan, New York Press, Catholic (vice-president), German Press, Jefferson, New York Fishing and Democratic Clubs, Tree Planting, State Bar, John A. Wrede and County Cavan -Associations, Tammany, Co lumbus Dramatic 'and Singing, and Arion Societies, Property Owners' Association of the Eleventh and Seventeenth Wards, Manhattan Council Knights of Columbus, St. Nicholas Council C. B. L., Deutscher Gesselllg-Wlssenschaftlichen Verein, New York Maen- nerchor, Fidelia Gesang Verein and Isabella Heimath. GIPFIN, JOHN H., Jr.— Insurance, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence Orange, N. J. Born in New York City, July 2, 1848. Educated In public schools and a short time at the College of the City of New York. (Married.) Assistant secretary Manhattan Life Insurance Co.; director Enoch Morgan's Sons Co. Member New England Society of Orange and Republi can Club. GIFFORD, CHARLES ALLING— Architect, 31 Union square. West, New York City; residence New ark, N. J. Born in Newark, July 17, 1860. Educated at Stevens Institute of Technology. (Married.) Mem ber Architectural League, New York Chapter Ameri can Institute of Architects, Essex Club of Newark, American Fine Arts Society and New Jersey State Rifie Association. GIFFORD, GEORGE- Dry Goods Commission Merchant, 71 Worth street. New York City; residence 297 Bergen street, Jersey City, N. J. Born in New York City, Jan. 17, 1850. Educated at Hasbrouck In stitute. (Married.) GIFFORD, GEORGE E.— CivU Engineer, 95 Liberty street. New York City; residence Maplewood, N. J. Born In Stamford, Conn., March 20, 1864. (Son of Ed win S., and Harriet Glfford.) Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. (Married Emma Le Vake of Cleveland, O.) Eastern representative of the King Bridge Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, with which he has been connected, with the exception of a few months, since 1888. Was in charge of the construction of the four track draw-bridge over the Harlem river for the New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co., the Harlem Ship Canal Bridge and other important engi neering works. Member American Society of Civil Engineers and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Alum ni Association. 158 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. GIFFORD, JAMES M. — Lawyer, 58 Pine street New York City; residence 319 West 103d street. Bom in Monkton, Vt, March 19, 1856. Educated at Middle bury (Vt.) College ('77) and Columbia College Law School ('83). (Married.) Member of the flrm of Gil- lord, Stearns & Hobbs. Treasurer American Agricul tural Chemical Co.; director Union Typewriter Co. Member Union League, Republican and Lawyers' Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa and New England Societies, Down Town Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. GIFFORD, JOHN— Professor, CorneU University, Ithaca; residence 109 Summit avenue. Degree of D.Sc. Assistant professor of forestry and curator of collec tions at CorneU University. GIFFORD, O. P.— Clergyman, 44 Hodge avenue, Buffalo. Born In Montague, Mass., April 15, 1847. Edu cated at Brown University and Rochester Theological Seminary. (Married.) Member University, Indepen dent and Gradgrlnd Clubs. GIFFORD, ROBERT SWAIN— Artist 152 West 67th street New York (Jity, Born on Naushon Island, Mass., Dee. 2?, 1840. Educated In public schools of New Bedlord, Mass.; studied painting In Rotterdam, Holland. Makes a specialty ol landscapes; awarded medals at Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876, and International Exposition, Paris, 1889; was a mem ber ol the art jury ol awards at World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Member Century Associa tion, National Academy ol Design, Metropolitan Mu seum ol Art, Society ol American Artists and others. ( GIFFORD, SIDNEY BROOKS— Superintendent, 133 South Salina street, Syracuse; residence 409 Mont gomery street. Born In Syracuse, Sept. 9, 1836. Edu cated In public schools and at Syracuse Academy. En tered telegraph service as messenger In 1860; became operator and office manager at various points. Now district superintendent. Western Union Telegraph Co. GIGNOUX, ROBERT M.-Lawyer, 31 Nassau street, New York City; residence 38 West 40th street. Born in Monroe, Orange Co., N. Y., Jan. 17, 1868. Edu cated at Yale ('93). (Married.) Member ol the firm of Gignoux & Glgnoux. Member RepubUcan and Pelham Manor Clubs, Medico-Legal Society, Book and Gavel (Yale Law School) Society, and Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. GIHON, ALBERT LEAR Y— Physician and Retired Commodore, United States Navy, 233 Filth avenue, New York Cnty. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 28, 1833. Educated at PhUadelphia High School and at College ol Medicine and Surgery (M.D.). (Married Clara Montlord Campfield ol Savannah, Ga., 1860.) Served in a medical and surgical capacity in the United States Navy, 1865-95; retired with rank ol cornmodore. Member Relorm Club, MiUtiry Order of the Loyal Legrlon, Academy ol Medicine; Association ol Military Surgeons and American Philosophical and Pennsylvania Historical Societies. GILBBRG, CH-ARLES ALEXANDER- Merchant and Chess Expert, 206 Carlton avenue, Brooklyn. Bom in Camden, N. J., June 17, 1835. Educated at the Col lege ol the City ol New York. Member ol the firm ol Thomas J. Owen & Co. Author ol "The Filth Ameri can Chess Congress." Member Brooklyn Chess and Manhattan Chess Clubs, New York State Chess and United States Chess Associations (In all ol which he has held office) and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. GILBERT, ALEXANDER — Banker, 81 Fulton street. New York City; residence Plainfleld N J Born In Elizabeth, N. J., Aug. 10, 1839. (Married )' President and director Market and Fulton National Bank; vice-president and director Fulton Club. Mayor ol Plainfleld, N. J., 1891-7. Delegate to National Re publican Convention ol 1892 and member ol committee to notily President Harrison ol his re-nomination Member Union County (N. J.) Country and Fulton Clubs and Lincoln Association. „i„ ^^ly^E^.T. BENJAMIN DAVIS-Journalist, Clay- ville. Born in Albany, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1836. Educated w?^»i*?°T^°"l?.^ ^'^V: (Married S. Jeannette MU^ lard, 1886.) In editorial department ol Utica "Morn ing Herald," 1877-96; secretary New York State DaS^- mens' Association, 1891-7; secretary ITtica Dalrymens' Board of Trade since 1877. Member Society ol Colonial Wars and Phi Beta Kappa Society. • GILBERT, BENJAMIN THORNB — Architect Clayville, and 38 Rue de Provence, Paris, France. Born In Utica, N. Y. Educated at Yale and Columbia. (Single.) Member Fort Schuyler Club ol Utica and National Arts and Yale Clubs and Society ol Colonial Wars ol New York City. GILBERT, CHARLES P. H.— Architect, 18 Broad way, New York City; residence Dobbs Perry. Trustee Aspen Mining and Smelting Co. Member Union I..eague and Colonial Clubs, New England Society, Sons ol the Revolution, American Institute ol Archi tects and Architectural League. GILBERT, CLINTON— Broker, 2 Wall street. New York City; residence 73 Filth avenue. Born In New York City, April 18, 1866. (Married.) Member Rac quet and Tennis and Ocean County Hunt and Country Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson and New England Society. GILBERT, DA VID..B.— (Lieutenant.) Banker, 52 New street. New York City; resid'ejjpe Manhattan Club. Member New York Stock Exchange and of the Manhattan, Army and Navy, Larchmdnt Yacht and Union Clubs. GILBERT, HENRY BRAMHALL— Merchant, 97 Bleecker street. New York City; residence 826 Filth avenue. Member Union League, Country, Racquet and iTennis, Suburban Riding and Driving, Carteret Gun and Larchmont Yacht Clubs. GILDER, JOSEPH B.— Editor, 27 West 23d street New York City; residence Larchmont. Born in Flush ing, N. Y., June 29, 1858. (Son ol Rev. William H. Glider.) Educated in Flushing and at West Point (Married.) President and director "The Critic" Co., which publication he lounded in 1880; literary adviser Century Co. GILDER, RICHARD WATSON— Editor, 33 East 17th street; residence 66 Clinton place. Born in Bor dentown, N. J., Feb. 8, 1844. (Son ol Rev. William H Gilder.) Educated in Flushing, N. Y. Degrees ol LL.D. from Dickinson College, 1883; A.M. from Har vard, 1890, and L.H.D. Irom Princeton, 1896. (Married > Bdltor-in-chlel "Century" magazine. Member City National Arts, Authors' aind Players' Clubs, American Fine Arts Society, Lalayette Post G. A. R. and Cen tury Association. GILpERSLEBVE, ALGER C.-Civll Engineer and Contractor, 39 Cortlandt street. New York City resi dence 28 West 48th street. Bom In New York City ^^P- 1^ 1869. Educated-at Columbia College School of Mines (C.E., '9£). (SJngle.) Member ol the firms of ?ii*®'?'®?'*^!.*^'"i*'i.^"'^i?"'*er8leeve & Rolf. .Presl- c^^*^*"'^'^?' ^^&^Z^^^ Society; associate American ^^^tK^^, Civil Engineers; member Engineers'. New Joii^r^*?'^"'''., Garden City Golf and Richmond HIU Golf Clubs and Anon Society. GILDERSLEEVB, HENRY ALGER - Supreme Court Justice, County Court House, New York City residence 28 West 48th street. Bom In Dutchess County, N. Y., Aug. 1. 1840. Educated at College Hlfl Poughkeepsie, and at Columbia College Law Scho(> (MajTied ) Served as captain and major of volunteers "fT"f,iP'^l^ ^^'¦' T5^ brevetted lleutenalt-col^e! for gallant and meritorious services" at Gettysburg Alter the war became connected with the NGN Y • was one ol the Incorporators ol the Nationaj Rifle As sociation, serving as secretary and later as its presi dent; was captain ol the company ol Amerlc^ rifle men sent to Ireland in 1875. Judge ol the cSirt of U^l^\lT'°''%^^'^^V J"^^^ °* ^heSuperio^'r Court! 1891-4; Supreme Court Justice since 1894; term expires ?ountrv'^ we^t'"?^%^ Manhattan, Westc'hel™ Sounty v^^iT A^l,^®^*J?'"l*^'' Kennel, Carteret Gun New York Athletic, Garden City Goll, Democratic Robin's Island, Deal Goll and Lakewood CouSry Clubs Ards! tlTe RepSmi°c' ^'^^->-y— Hudson and Z^T^lrZoi GILES, STEPHEN WBART-Importer, 76 Park place. New York City; residence Newldrk avenue n^r 19th street, Flatbush. Bora In New '^ork CTty mZ BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 159 29, 1849. Educated in New York City. (Married-) Member S-bns ol the ReVblutibn, St. Nlqholas Society and llle member New York Historical Society. GILFETHER, DANIEL — Actor, Grand Opera House, New York City; residence 16 Gramercy Park. Born in Boston, Mass., Jan. 17, 1853. (Single.) Starred in Shakespearean roles; leading man in many promi nent organizations; now with Chauncey Olcott's com pany. Member Players' Club, Actor's Order ol Friend ship and Actors' Society. GILFILLAN, W. WHITEHEAD— Oculist, 24 Cen tral Park, South, New York City. Born In Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1868. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and College ol Physicians and Surgeons ('90). (Single.) Visiting surgeon City and French Hospi tals; oculist Sailors' Snug Harbor and House ol Reluge; assistant surgeon Manhattan Eye and Bar Hospital. Member New York Yacht and New York Athletic Clubs, Society ol Colonial Wars, Sons ol the Revolution and Fellow ol the New York Academy ol Medicine. GILFORD, JOHN P.— Real Bstate, 1569 Third ave nue. New York City; residence 131 East 46th street. Member Union, Metropolitan, New York Athletic and Calumet Clubs. GILFORD, SAMUEL T.— 473 Lexington avenue, New York City. Member University, University Ath letic and Racquet and Tennis Clubs and Columbia University Alumni Association. GILFORD, THOMAS B., Jr.— Lawyer, 145 Nassau ;6treet. New York City; residence 473 Lexington ave nue. Member Metropolitan, New York Athletic and Manhattan Clubs and Columbia University Alumni Association. GILL, ADAM CAPEN— Prolessor, CorneU Univer- -slty, Ithaca; residence 401 Stewart avenue. Born in Chesterville, Me., Aug. 22, 1863. Educated In pubUc -schools ol Brockton, Mass., and at Amherst College ('84). Degree ol Ph.D. Irom Munich, 1893. Assistant prolessor ol mineralogy and petrography at Cornell University. GILL, WILSON L.— Lawyer and Editor, 7 East 16th street. New York City; residence 70 Bast 86th -street. Born In Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 12, 1851. Edu cated in Columbus schools and at Dartmouth College -and Yale University (LL.B.) (Married.) General manager Columbus Car and Car Wheel Works; pres ident-general Patriotic League. Member Ohio So- 'Clety, Patria Club and Sons ol the Revolution. GILLEN, WILLIAM W.-Lawyer, Bank ol Ja maica Building, Jamaica; residence Jamaica. Born in New York City, Jan. 24, 1853. (Son ol Francis and Mary- [Roe] GlllenJ Educated in Queens, N. Y.; stud- led law and was admitted to the Bar in 1879. (Mar ried.) Member ol the firm ol Weller & Gillen. Di rector Bank ol Jatmaica; trustee Jamaica Savings Bauk. Wais connected with Queens County surro- ; gate's office lor twenty years. Member American Bar Association and ol executive committee State Bar As- . sociation. GILLBNDER, AUGUSTUS T.— Lawyer, GiUender Building, 1 Nassau street. New York City; residence Elmsdorl. Director Stuyvesant Insurance Co. Mem ber Union, Country and Knollwood Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, St. Nicholas Society ; and Association ol the Bar ol the City of New York. GILLERAN, THOMAS — Lawyer, 61 Chambers street. New York City; residence 120 Central Park, South. Born in Ireland, Dec. 1, 1868. Educated at Black Rock College in Ireland and in New York City at St. Francis Xavler's College and New York Uni versity. (Single.) Member Knickerbocker Athletic and Catholic Clubs and Association ol the Bar of the - City of New York. GILLESPIE, EDWARD— Physician, State Hos pital, Binghamton. Born In Schenectady, N. Y., Aug. '12 1872, Educated at Union College and Albany Medi cal CoUege (M. D.). (Single.) Member Binghamton Club, Otseningo Lodge No. 436 F. & A. M., Binghamton • Chapter of Royal Arch Masons and Malta Command- - ery No. 21. GILt.E3SPIE, GpC)R(5E J.— Ivawyer, 56j Elrte street. New' York City; residence 210 West 119th street. Born in New York City, Feb. 24, 1870. Educated in New York City public schools and at St. Francis Xavler's College and New York Law School; degrees of A.M. and LL.B. (Married.) President St. Patrick's Cathe dral Conference; vice-president Calumet Manufactur ing Co.; secretary and director New York Branch of Catholic Summer School of America; director Cath olic Home Bureau lor Dependent Children and Rose mary Creamery; member board ol managers Catholic Charities' Association ol New York; master ol proba tioners Xavier Alumni Sodality. Member Catholic Club, Knights ol Columbus, Society ol Medical Juris prudence, Xavier Alumni Society, Catholic Benevolent Legion, Royal Arcanum and Particular Councll, St. Vincent de Paul Society. GILLESPIE, GEORGE LEWIS— Colonel, Corps ol Engineers, United States Army, 39 "Whitehall street. New York City; residence 49 East 53d street Born In Kingston, Tenn., 1841. Educated at West Point ('62). (Married.) Served as engineer offlcer during Civil war; was present at Lee's surrender; twice brevetted lor gallantry and received Congressional medal lor bravery. Has held many important military positions: Brigadier-general commanding departipent ol the East at Governor's Island In New York Harbor; presi dent Mississippi River Commission; member ol Light House Board; division engineer in charge ol lortifica- tlons ol rivers and harbors on the Atlantic coast Irom Maine to New Jersey and as a member ol the Lake Erie, Ontario and C!hamplaln Harbor Line Board. Member Union League Club, Century Association, Loyal Legion, Society ol American Wars, Military Service Institute and Society ol the Army ol the Po tomac. GILLESPY, HOWARD — Manulacturer, Sauger tles. Born In Saugertles, Dec. 2, 1854. Educated at Rutgers College ('75). (Married.) Treasurer and man ager Saugertles Ml'g Co. Member University and Harlem Clubs ol New York City. GILLET, FRANCIS M. — Banker, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence Atlantic Highlands, N. J. Born In Upper Sandusky, Ohio, Feb. 14, 1850, Edu cated at Ohio Weslyan University. (Married.) Presi dent Pine Bluff and Eastern R. R. Co.; general con tractor Centralia and Chester R. R. Co. ol Illinois; ex- presldent Stuttgart and Arkansas River R. R. Co. Member Ohio Society. GILLBTTT, CHARLES R.— Librarian, 700 Park ave nue. New York City; residence Pelham Manor. Born in New York City, Nov, 29, 1855. Educated at New York University (B.A., '74, M.A., '77 and D.D., '99), Union Theological Seminary ('80), and University ol Berlin ('83). (Married.) Librarian ol Union Theologi cal Seminary since 1883, Instructor since 1893, and sec retary ol laculty and registrar since 189^. GILL^TT, WILLI-4M K B N D A L L— Prof essor. University Heights, New York City; residence Pelham Manor. Bora in New York City, May 16, 1860. Edu cated at New York University ('80). (Single.) In structor In Lehigh University, 1885-8. Now professor ol modern languages In the University ol the City of New York. Member New York Athletic, Delta Phi, Pelham Country and Apawamis Clubs and Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Association. GILLETTE, N. H.— Manulacturer, 21 Park row. New York City; residence Cortland. Born In East Scott, N. Y., March 15, 1855. Educated in Helena,Mont. (Married.) Was credit man with Warner Bros. Co. lor nineteen years. President Gillette Skirt Co., New York Skirt and Wrapper Co. and Columbia Skirt Co. ; secretary Brooklyn Chautauqua Union and manager ol their excursions lor the past twelve years. Member Aurora Grata Lodge No. 756, F. & A. M. ol Brooklyn, and Cortland Science (limited to twenty members) an(i Tioughnioga Clubs. GILLETTE, WALTER R.— General Manager, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residenc* 24 West 40th street. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 10, 1840. (Son of Abram D. and Hannah [Jenkins] Gillette.) Edu cated at Madison University and College ol Physicians and Surgeons ol Columbia University (M.D.). (Mar- 160 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. rled.) General manager and trustee Mutual Lile In surance Co.; director Guaranty Trust Co. and Law yers' Surety Co.; consulting physician. City, Mater nity, St. Francis, Manhattan State and Bellevue Hos pitals. Member Union League and University Clubs. GILLETOrE, WILLIAM — Actor and Playwright, Empire Theatre, New York City. Born In Hartlord, Conn., July 24, 1853. Educated in academies. Made first theatrical appearance, 1877. Author ol "The Pri^ vate Secretary," "Held by the Enemy," 'Too Much Johnson," "Secret Service," "Sherlock Holmes" and others. Member Players' and Lambs' Clubs. GILLETTE, WILLIAM P.— 106 Wall street. New York City; residence 240 West 72d street. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 12, 1846. Educated In New York City public schools and at Mount Washington CoUegiate Institute. (Single.) Member New York Athletic and Colonial Clubs, and Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, GILLIS, A. R. — Mechanical Engineer, Syracuse; residence 307 Emerson avenue. Born in Kinsman, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1851. Educated at Cornell. (Married.) Was mechanical engineer with Brown, Bonnell & Co. ol Youngstown, Ohio, and Oregon Iron and Steel Co. ol Oswego, Ore. Now master mechanic Solvay Process Co. Member University and Citizens' Clubs and Amer ican Society ol Mechanical Engineers. GILLIS, JAMES HENRY — Retired Commodore, United States Navy, Delhi. Born in Ridgeway, Pa., May 14, 1831. Educated in public schools and at United States Naval Academy. (Widower.) Served with distinction during Civil -War; was with Admiral Farragut in Mobile Bay. Became commodore In Jan uary, 1887; commanded South Atlantic squadron, 1888- 90; retired May 14, 1893. Member Brunswick Fur, and Essex Clubs, Society of Naval Architects, Univer sity and United Service Clubs of New York City, Naval Order of the United States, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States and others. GILLUHY, GEORGE KENNETH— Secretary, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 1221 Dean street, Brooklyn. Bom in New York City, May 17, 1853. Edu cated in Brooklyn schools and at Brooklyn Polytech nic Institute. (Married.) Secretary and treasurer United Typewriter and Supplies Co. and Central Throat Hospital. Member Union League Club, Altair Lodge F. & A. M., Veteran National Guard, Kismet Temple of Mystic Shrine, Aurora Grata Scottish Rite bodies, Republican League and executive member Kings County Republican General Committee. OILMAN, GEORGE H.-Lawyer, 41 Wall street. New York City; residence 1507 Broadway. Member New York Athletic Club, Phi Beta Kappa Society, Scientiflc Alliance, Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. OILMAN, THEODORE— Banker, 62 Cedar street. New York City; residence Yonkers. Member of the firm of Gilnfan, Son & Co. President and director Missouri Ry. Construction Co.; secretary, treasurer and director Keokuk and Hamilton Bridge Co.; di rector Keokuk and Des Moines R. R. Co., New York Warehouse and Security Co., Omaha and St. Louis R. R. Co., Omaha, Kansas City and Eastern R. R. Co. and Quincy, Omaha and Kansas (3ity Ry. Co. Member Union League Club, New England Society, National Academy of Design, Sons of the Revolution and Wil liams College Alumni Association. OILMAN, THEODORE P. — Deputy Comptroller -Albany, and Wholesale Poultry and Game, 253 Wash ington street. New York City; residence 141 West 80th street Born in Haledon, N. J., June 30, 1857. Edu cated at New York City Grammar School No 35 (Married.) Was appointed Deputy State Comptroller Jan. 1, 1899. Member New York Mercantile Exchange and of the Commercial, West Side Republican and Colonial Clubs. OILMAN, WINTHROP S. - Banker, 62 Cedar street New York City; residence Palisades. Born in Alton, 111. Educated at Williams College. Member of the firm of Oilman, Son & Co. President and director Missouri Ry. Construction Co.; director North Platte Land and Water Co. of Nebraska, Keokuk and Ham ilton Bridge Co. and Quincy, Omaha and Kansas City R. R. Co. GILMORB, ADDISON W.— OU, 26 Broadway, New York City; residence 267 West 79th street. Born in Brunswick, Ohio, Sept 18, 1857. Educated In Cleveland, Ohio. (Single.) Connected with the Standard Oil Co. Member Ohio Society. GILMORE, JAMES ROBERTS — Author, Lake George. Born in Boston, Mass., Sept. 10, 1822. (Mar ried.) Engaged for many years In mercantile business in New York City; since his retirement from business has devoted his time to Uterature. Author of "My Southern Friends," "Down In Tennessee," "Life of Garfield," "Personal Recollections of Abraham Lin coln" and many others under nom de plume "Edmund Kirke." GILMORB, JOSEPH HENRY— Professor, Univer sity of Rochester. Rochester. Born in Boston, Mass., -April 29, 1834. (Son of Joseph A. Gilmore, Governor of New Hampshire.) Educated at Phillips Andover Academy, Brown University (Ph.D.) and Newton Theological Institution. (Married.) Has held pas torates (Baptist) in Fisherville, N. H., and in Roches ter. Professor of languages and Uterature at Univer sity of Rochester since 1867. GILMOUR, NEIL— Lawyer, Ballston Spa. Born in Scotland, Jan. 18, 1840. Educated at John Neilson Institution in Paisley, Scotland, and at Union Col lege, Schenectady, N. Y., ('60). (Married.) Has served as school commissioner of Saratoga County and New York State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Di rector First National Bank of Ballston Spa. Member Utopian Club. GILON, EDWARD— Collector of Assessments and Arrears, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 280 West Fourth street. Born in New York City, Aug. 11, 1838. Educated in public schools. Served during Civil War, rose to the rank of captain, and at the close of the war received commission as colonel of the 55th Regiment. Chairman of the Board of Assessors for ten years; collector of assessments and arrears, 1876- 80; reappointed in 1894 and Is still serving. Member Democratic Club. GILPIN, WILLIAM JAY— Banker, 77 Cedar street. New York City; residence 1300 Dean street, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, Aug. 28, 1860. Educated in public schools. (Single.) Assistant manager New York Clearing House. Member Union League and Crescent Athletic Clubs of Brooklyn, Chamber ol Commerce, Seventh Regiment Veteran Association, N. G. N. Y., and Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. GILROY, THOMAS P.- Real Estate Operator, 38 Park row. New York City; residence 7 West 121st street. Born in Ireland, June 3, 1840. Educated In New York City public schools. (Married.) Was clerk ol the Supreme Court for several years; county clerk, 1885-8; under-sheriff, 1888; commissioner of public works, 1889-92; mayor, 1893-5; now engaged in real es tate and building operations. Member Manhattan, Democratic and Hardware Clubs, Tammany Society and Metropolitan Museum of Art. GILSEY, HENRY- Real Estate Broker, 1193 Broadway, New York City. Member Riding, Players', Racquet and Tennis, New York Yacht and Larchmont Yacht Clubs. GILSON, WALTER C.-Lawyer, 31 Nassau street, Ne-w York City; residence 1 East 39th street. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Larchmont Yacht and beawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Clubs, New England Society, Down Town Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. GINSBURGER, BMIL-Archltect, East 183d street and Prospect avenue. New York City. Born In Bo hemia Austria, March 10, 1863. Educated In New J^7^ ?'K "L public schools and at City CoUege (83) (Married.) President Belmont Taxpayers' Assoeia tion. Member Sketch Club and Abraham Lincofn Lodge, Sons of Benjamin. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. .161 GLADWIN, ELLIS W.— Insurance, 256 Broadway, New York City; residence 221 West 57th street. Sec retary and director Home Life Insurance Co. Member Larchmont Yacht, Richmond County Country and Salmagundi Sketch Clubs and Hamilton Club of Brooklyn. GLAENTZER, GEORGE W.— Insurance Broker, 56 Pine street. New York City; residence RIdgewood, N. J. Member of the firm of Gordon, Roberts & Co. President, treasurer and director Joseph Le Comte Mf'g Co. GLAENZER, GEORGES A.— Decorator, 33 East 20th street. New York City; residence 5 West 82d street Born In Paris, France, July 5, 1846. Educated in London and at Paris and Stuttgart Universities. (Married.) Senior member of the firm of Georges A. Glaenzer & Co. Commissioner for France at Centen nial Exhibition. Member Players', Larchmont Yacht and Lambs' Clubs and Architectural League. GLASER, VAUGHAN— Actor, Daly's Theatre, New York City; residence 16 Gramercy Park. Born In Cleveland, Ohio. (Single.) Under Daniel Frohman's management. Member Players' Club. GLASS, AliBERT J.— Manufacturer of Agricul tural Implements, 165 Greenwich street. New York City; residence 244 Church street, Poughkeepsie. Born In Avon, N. Y., July 30, 1841. Educated at Genesee Academy and Genesee Wesleyan Seminary. General manager and director Adriance, Piatt & Co.; director ChapinvIUe Wheel Co. Member Congregational Club and Dutchess County Golf and Amrita Clubs of Poughkeepsie. GLASSFORD, HENRY A.— Banker, 18 Wall street. New York City; residence 117 West 58th street. Mem ber of the firm of Charles T. Wing & Co. Member Army and Navy, Plaza, Republican, Richmond County Country and Lotos Clubs, Port Orange Club of Albany, Ohio Society, Military Order of the Loyal Legion and Chamber of Commerce. GLEASON, ELLIOTT PERRY— Manufacturer and Inventor, 185 Mercer street. New York City; residence 162 Calyer street, Brooklyn. Born in Westmoreland, N. H.. June 27, 1821. Educated In common schools. Inventor of gas burning devices; also identified with the development of electric lighting. President and director E. P. Gleason Manufacturing Co. and Gleason & Bailey Manufacturing Co. GLEASON, HENRY — Merchant, 107 Beekman street. New York City; residence 117 West 58th street Member Republican, Plaza, Lotos, Church and Patria Clubs. GLEASON, JOHN B.— Lawyer, 155 Broadway, New York City; residence 114 -West 86th street. Mem ber University, Manhattan, Whist and Church Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Yale Alumni Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. GLEASON, JOHN JOSEPH— Lawyer, 140 Nassau street. New York City; residence Flushing, L. I. Born In Flushing, Oct. 22, 1855. (Son of Thomas and Mar garet [Mulcahey] Gleason.) Educated In private school's and at Fairchild Institute and Columbia Col lege Law School ('77). Practicing In New York City since his admission to the Bar In 1877. Has held sev eral local political offices. GLEASON, LAFAYETTE B.— Lawyer, 44 Wall street. New York City; residence 117 West 68th street. President and director Mechanical Door Hinge Check Co.; director Crescent Mf'g Co. Member University Athletic and University Clubs, and Republican and Fort Orange Clubs of Albany. GLEDHILL, WILLIAM H.— Vice-President, Board ol Aldermen, 8 City HaU, New York City; residence 357 West 34th street. Born In New York City, May 9, 1858. Educated at Grammar School No. 32. In the wall paper business since 1872. Assemblyman, 1896-7; vice-president Board ol Aldermen since Jan. 1, 1898. Member Manhattan Club. GLEED, CHARLES S.-Lawyer, Topeka, Kan.; residence Holland House, New York City. Born in MorrisvUIe Vt, March 23, 1856 Educated In Lawrence (Kansas) public schools and at State University. (Married.) Senior member ol the firm ol Gleed, Ware & Gleed ol Topeka. Director Atchison, Topeka and Santa Pe Ry. Co., San Diego Land and Town Co., Topeka Ry. Co., Central National Bank ol Topeka, National Bank ol Commerce ol Wichita, and Kansas City Journal Co. Controlling proprietor "Kansas City Journal." Member Lawyers' Club. GLEN, HORATIO G.-Lawyer, Schenectady. Bora in Schenectady, Dec. 26, 1859. Educated at Union Col lege. (Married.) Member City and Mohawk Clubs and Psi UpsUon Fraternity. GLENNBY, WALTER L. C— Hardware Manu facturer, 100 Chambers street. New York City; resi dence Plainfield, N. J. (Married.) Connected with the firm ol G. I. Mix & Co. Member Hillside Tennis and Goll and Hardware Clubs. GLOECKNB.R, LUDWIG G.— Merchant, 226 East 42d street. New York City; residence 521 Manhattan avenue. Bora and educated in Franklort-on-the-Main, Germany. (Married.) Treasurer and director Pyro- gravure Wood Co. GLOVER, JOHN H.-Lawyer, 62 WiUiam street, New York City; residence 531 Madison avenue. Bora in New Tork City, May 22, 1827. Educated at Yale ('46), and Harvard Law School. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Glover, Sweezy & Glover. Member Church Club and Century Association. GLYN, WILLIAM B.-Banker, 15 "Wall street. New York City; residence 37 East 21st street. Director Co lumbus Connecting and Terminal R. R. Co., Edison Electric Illuminating Co. ol New York, Norlolk and Western Ry. Co. and Oregon Short Line R. R. Co. Member Union, Racquet and Tennis, Seawanhaka-Co rinthian Yacht and Lawyers' Clubs. GLYNN, MARTIN H.— Congressman, House ol Representatives, Washington, D. C. ; residence 4 Pine street, Albany. Bora in Kinderhook, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1871. Educated in public schools and at St. John's Col lege, Fordham ('S4). (Single.) Is a practicing law yer; also managing editor ol the Albany "Times Union." Congressman Twentieth New York District lor term ending 1901. GOADBY, ARTHUR M.— 21 West 35th street. New York City. Bora in New York City, Feb. 19, 1867. Edu cated at Harvard and Columbia Universities. (Sin gle.) Member City, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and Fencers' Clubs, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hud son and Society of Colonial Wars. GOADBY, WILLIAM H.— Broker, 24 Broad street. New York City; residence 7 West 26th street. Mem ber of the firm of W. H. Goadby & Co. and of the New York Stock Exchange. Director EvansviUe and Terre Haute R. R. Co. Member City, Union, Manhattan, South Side Sportsmen's, Union League and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. GOBLE, L. SPENCER— Life Insurance, 137 Broad way, New York City; residence Newark, N. J. Has represented the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. ol Newark, N. J., as agent lor Southern and Northeast ern New Tork lor the past fifty years. GODDARD, F. NORTON— Merchant, 100 Bleecker street, New Tork City; residence 327 Bast 33d street. Member of the firm of J. W. Goddard & Sons. Trus tee United States Savings Bank. Member Union League, Metropolitan, University, Merchants', Har vard, Tuxedo, New Tork Athletic and Grolier Cliibs. GODDARD, JAMBS P.- Commissioner, 143 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence 779 Carroll street, Brooklyn. Born in Brockton, Mass., Jan. 28, 1842. Educated at a public school and a private academy. (Married.) Formerly vice-president and general man ager Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe R. R. Co. Mem ber Twilight and Transportation Clubs, Montauk Club of Brooklyn and New England Society. GODDARD, MORRILL— Journalist, 154 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 117 Waverley place. Born in Portland, Me., Oct 7, 1866. Educated at Dart mouth College. Engaged In newspaper work since his 162 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. graduation. Now connected with the New Tork "Sun day Journal." Member Atlantic Tacht and Gravesend Bay Tacht Clubs, University Settlement and Delta Kappa Epsilon Societies and Dartmouth College Alum ni ¦Association. GODDARD, WARREN N.— Merchant, 100 Bleecker street. New Tork City; residence 62 East 57th street. Member of the firm of J. W. Goddard & Sons. Trus tee Greenwich Savings Bank. Member Calumet, -Union League, University, Rockaway Hunting, Mer chants', Metropolitan, Riding and Harvard Clubs, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson and Century and Aldine Associations. GODFRET, CHARLES H.— Retired Banker, 44 West 57th street New Tork City. Member Players', Union League, Riding and Metropolitan Clubs, Ards ley Club of ArdsIey-on-Hudson, American Museum ol National History, New England Society and Metro politan Museum ol Art. GODFRET, JAMES W.— Manager, 15 Cortlandt street. New Tork City; residence 116th street and Sev enth avenue. (Married.) Member New Tork Athletic Cub. GODKIN, EDWIN LAWRENCE — Editor, 206 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 36 West Tenth street Bom In Ireland, Oct. 2, 1831. Educated at Queens CoUege, Bellast, Ireland. (Married.) Practiced law in New Tork City, 1857-65; established "The Nation" in 1865; merged It with the New Tork "Evening Post" in 1882; has since edited both papers. Member Knick erbocker and Relorm Clubs, Century Association, American Geographical Society, Scientific Alliance, American Museum ol Natural History and Metropoli tan Museum ol Art. ¦ GODWIN, HAROLD— PubUsher, 65 Liberty street New Tork City; residence Princeton, N. J. President and director "Current Literature" Publishing Co.; secretary, treasurer and director Bryant Building Co. Member University, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht and Princeton Clubs, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Aldine Association. GODWIN, PARKE — Author, 19 East 37th street. New York City. Born In Paterson, N. J., Feb. 26, 1816. Educated at Princeton (LL.D.). (Married Fanny, daughter of William Culien Bryant, 1842.) Editor New Tork "Evening Post," 1836-86. Author of "His tory of France," "Political Essays," "Life and Works ol WiUiam Culien Bryant" and other works. Director American Speaking Telephone Co. Member Players' and Authors' Clubs, American Fine Arts and Dunlap Societies, Century Association, National Academy ol Design and Metropolitan Museum of Art. GOBBEL, LEWIS S.-Lawyer, 41 Park row, New Tork City; residence 338 West 87th street. Born in New Tork City, July 9, 1839. (Son ol Conrad Goebel.) Educated in public schools and at Free Academy (now the CoUege ol the City ol New Tork) and Columbia College Law School ('66). (Married, 1866.) Represent ed the Sixth New Tork district in the State Senate, 1884-5; served as school trustee, 1885-91, and was chair man ol the board lor lour successive terms. GOBLET, AUGUSTIN H. — Surgeon, Broadway and 70th street New Tork City. Born In Wilmington N. C, April 1, 1854. Educated at University ol Vir-^ ginia. (Married.) Prolessor ol gynecology In the New Tork School ol Clinical Medicine. Member Colonial and Zeta Psi Clubs, New Tork Obstetrical and County Medical Societies, Academy ol Medicine, American Medical Association and SocletS Francais d' Bleetro- therapie. GOBLET. ROBERT -Lawyer and Real Estate ?q7'^%V,? ^^'* 17th street New Tork City; residence 591 Filth avenue. Director Bank ol New Amsterdam Chemica National Bank, Guaranty Trust Co. a™d MetropoUtan Opera and Real Estate Co.; trustee New Tork Life Insurance and Trast Co. and Union TYu^ Co. Member Union, Knickerbocker, Racquet and Ten s'^' *?f®^7°S^ ^^°^*' Tuxedo. Metropolitan, Players' South Side Sportsmen's, Manuscript, Turf and pleM ^°1 ^a"^'''"^'^, ^'f "^ ^"-i ^"^1°^ Clubs, Tmerican Bine Arts, Holland and St. Nlcholal Soclet es Colum bia Alumm and Aldine Associations and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork -s-ssociatlon GOELLER, CHARLES— Lawyer, 99 Nassau street, New Tork City; residence 103 East Tenth street. Bom in New Tork City, Nov. 23, 1848. Educated in New Tork City. (Married.) Director Union Square Bank. Elected to and was a member ol the Constitutional Convention ol the State ol New Tork In 1894, held at Albany. Is a stockholder in the Hotel Savoy, Stuy vesant Insurance Co. and German Investment Co. Member Association ol the Bar ol the (Jity ol New Tork, Sooiety ol Medical Jurisprudence, Democratic Club, Isabella Heimath and Tammany Sooiety. GOEPBL, PAUL— Patent Lawyer, 200 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 2350 Seventh avenue. Bom In Stuttgart, Germany, Feb. 24, 1844. Educated at Technical Institute in Stuttgart and at Columbian University Law School in Washington, D. C. (Married.) Member ol the flrm of Goepel & Raegener. Member Arion Society, Hardware Club and Liederkranz (ex- president). GOETCHIUS, HENRT K. — Manufacturer of Chemicals, 52 West 58th street. New Tork City. Born in New Tork City, Dee. 13, 1866. Educated at Tale. (Single.) Director Fort Lee Park and Steamboat Co. and Knickerbocker Chemical Co.; superintendent Gen eral Chemical Co.'s Hudson River Works. Member St. Anthony, University Athletic and University Clubs and Tale Alumni Association. GOFF, JOHN W.— Recorder and Lawyer, Crimi nal Court Building and 309 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 319 West 104th street. Bora in Wexford, Ire land. Came to the United States when quite young; worked In the houses of Arnold & Constable and A. T. Ste-wart; studied law In the offices of United States District Attorney S. G. Courtney, and was admitted to the Bar. Assistant district attorney under Colonel John R. Fellows; distinguished himself as counsel to the Lexow Investigation Committee; elected Recorder in 1894 for a term of fourteen years. Member Associa tion of the Bar of the City of New Tork and Nine teenth Century Club. GOGGIN, T. WALKER- Teacher, Crouse CoUege. Syracuse; residence 700 Crouse avenue. Born in Erie, Pa.. Jan. 30, 1871. Educated at Syracuse and Columbia Universities. (Single.) Instructor In architecture at Syracuse University; member of the firm of Goggin & Goggin. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity and Citizens' Club. GOLD, CORNELIUS B.-Banker, 15 Wall street New Tork City; residence 205 West 57th street Mem-^ ber Union League and TwiUght caubs, Down Town and Aldine Associations and New England Society. T, -i^^^E' SAMUEL F. — Secretary, 6 Brooklyn Bridge, New Tork City; residence Englewood, N J Bom in Cornwall, Conn., March 20, 1840. Educated at Sedgwick Institute, Great Barrington, Mass (Single ) Director Gold Car Heating Co. and Gold Streetrcar Heating Co.; director and superintendent Englewood Sewerage Co., Bergen County Gas Light Co and Engtewood Electric Light Co.;'^assistant superintend ent Hackensack Water Co. Member Englewood CTub Lafayette Post G. A. R. and New England Society. GOLDBERG, JACOB D. — Manufacturer 199 1^'.??'''° ^^^?,*' New Tork City; residence 117 ' West 115th street. Born in Statesvilie, N. C, Nov 14 1870 Partner in the National Wax and Paper Mf^ CcJ. -i^--y^^^r.fe^fo^^y^-i /.war- ^tre^t GC)LDFOGLE, HENRT M.— Lawyer 271 Brn»/i S^7^'pt1^^e'^oX^FYfth"^lsfri"2"(^'o^^rt^8*8^8VV^ MemTerP^og^rL^^cS^b-liHSS " Democratic Clubs, Empire City ™ge F T7 ^^^ Equitable Lodge I OOF T iv^=,wT. f^^ -,, A. M., Pythias, Man^'ttan Lodge Pr^eTLnf ff ^l^^^ «>? Americus Lodge Sons of Benjamin ^^^ ^nd BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 163 GOLDING, JOHN NOBLE— Real Estate Broker, 9 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 251 West 70th street. Bora In New Tork City, June 30, 1860. Edu cated at Grammar School No. 35 and Trinity School. Member Lawyers', Army and Navy, Colonial, New Tork Tacht and New Tork Athletic Clubs and Ameri can Geographical and Numismatic Societies. GOLDNER, MATTHEW J. — Deputy Commis sioner, Old Town Hall, Flushing, L. I. Born in New Tork City, 1856. Educated in Long Island City. School commissioner, 1885; under-sheriff, 1886-9; sheriff, 1889-92; city clerk. Long Island City. 1892; deputy com missioner of sewers, Borough of Queens, since 1898. Member Democratic Club. GOLDSCHMIDT, GEORGE B.— Lawyer, 50 Broad way, New Tork Caty; residence 8 Bast 43d street. Vice-president and director Columbia Chemical Works. Member Union League and Church Clubs, Hamilton Club of Brooklyn, Down Town Association, American Museum of Natural History and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. GOLDSCHMIDT, SAMUEL A.— Chemist, 43 Sedg wick street, Brooklyn; residence 12 Bast 58th street. New Tork (3lty. Born In New Tork City, Sept. 17, 1848. Educated at the College of the City of New Tork and Columbia College School of Jllnes. (Mar ried.) President, treasurer and director Columbia Chemical Works. Member Union League, Grolier, Chemists', National Arts and American Tacht Clubs and Down Town Association. GOLDSMITH, MAX — Manulacturer ol Silks, 74 Greene street. New Tork City; residence 439 Filth avenue. (Single.) Secretary and director L. Tannen- baum & Co. Member Harmonie and Merchants' Cen tral Clubs. GOLDSTEIN, ALBERT- General Manager, 874 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 75 East 81st street. Born In New Tork City, Nov. 9, 1862. Edu cated In public schools. (Married.) Director New Tork Fire Alarm Telegraph Co., United Pneumatic Fire Alarm Telegraph Co., Pneumatic Fire Alarm Telegraph Co., ol New Tork, Pneumatic Flre Alarm Telegraph Co. ol Pennsylvania, and Pneumatic Manu lacturing Co. GOLDSTICKER, WILLIAM— Lawyer, 150 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 42 West 44th street. Born in New Tork City, May 3, 1862. Educated at the College ol the City ol New Tork (A.B.) and New Tork University (LL.B.). (Single.) Member Association ol the Bar ol the City of New Tork. GOLUBOCK, MTRON B.— Insurance, 258 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 28 Hart street, Brook lyn. Born in Odessa, Russia, Jan, 27, 1863. Educated in Odessa. (Married.) Connected with the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. Member Invincible Club of Brooklyn. GOMPERS, SAMUEL — President 44 East 110th street. New Tork City. Bora in England, Jan. 27, 1850. Came to the United States when quite young. One of the founders of the American Federation of Labor, of which he has been president since 1882; is also editor of its official magazine, and has written many articles on the labor question. GOOCH, WILLIAM TTSON— Architect, 253 Broad way, New Tork City; residence Orange, N. J. Member of the firm of Harding & Gooch. Member National Sculpture, American Pine Arts and St. George's So cieties, American Institute of Architects, Hardware Club and Metropolitan Museum of Art. GOOD, HARRT HOTT— Cashier and Notary Pub lic, 57 Murray street. New Tork City; residence 1 West 72d street. Born In Jersey City,' N. J., Dec. 20, 1872. Educated at Mount Pleasant MUitary Academy and Packard's Business College. (Married.) Vice-presi dent Dr. Tutt Mf'g Co.; cashier Carter Medicine Co. Member New Tork Athletic and Hardware Clubs and others. GOOD, J. DOBSON— Public -Accountant and Au ditor, 62 Broadway, New Tork City. Born In Tork- shlre, England, Oct. 28, 1845. Educated at Leeds Grammar School, Torkshire, England. (Married.) Has been practicing since 1870. President J. Dobson Good Audit Co.; treasurer Cuban and West Indies Exploitation Co.; director Honduras R. R. Co. and Honduras Syndicate; partner Valentine Bros, (export ers). Member Transportation and Manhattan Clubs and Calumet Club of (Chicago. GOODALB, JOHN McG.— Lawyer, 18 WaU street New Tork City; residence 207 Second avenue. Bom in Utica, N. T. Educated at Harvard. Member Reform and Harvard Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa Society and Asso ciation of the Bar of the C:nty of New Tork. GOODELLE, WILLIAM P.-Lawyer and District Attorney, S. A. & K. Building, Syracuse; residence 900 James street. Bom in TuUy, Onondaga Co., N. T., May 25, 1838. Educated at Dartmouth College. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Goodelle, Nottingham Bros. & Andrews, attorneys for Commercial Bank, Robert Gere Bank, Merchants' National Bank, Lon don Guaranty and Accident Insurance Co., Fidelity and Casualty Co., Syracuse Electric Light and Power Co., Syracuse Gas Co., Syracuse, Lakeside and Bald- winsvIUe Ry. Co., Auburn City Ry. Co., American Surety Co., Central New Tork Telephone and Tele graph Co. and many other corporations. "Was Incor porator of Commercial Bank; delegate-at-large to Constitutional Convention of 1894 and chairman of committee on suffrage. President Onondaga Bar As- soclatipn and Beaver River Club; district attomey Onondaga County. Member Alpha Delta Phi Society. State Bar and American Bar Associations and Century and University Clubs. GOODBNOW, JOHN HOLMES- Lawyer, Univer sity Club, New Tork City. Born in Alfred, Me., Sept. 25, 1832. Educated at Bowdoin College ('52). (Single.) President of the Maine Senate, 1861-2; United States Consul-General at Constantinople, 1864-76. Member University Club and Phi Beta Kappa Society. GOODHUE, CH-ARLES E. — TeUer, 122 Bowery, New Tork City; residence 157 East 34th street. Born In New Tork City, May 9, 1863. Educated at the Col lege ol the City ol New Tork, (Married.) Connected with the Oriental Bank. Member New Tork Athletic, Union League and Nassau Boat Clubs, Chi Psi Alumni and 7th Regiment Veteran Associations, New England Society, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Kane Lodge P. & A. M. GOODHUE, CHARLES F.-Banker, 122 Bowery. New Tork City; residence 159 East 34th street. Vice- president and director Oriental Bank; vice-president and trustee East River Savings Institution. Member New Tork Athletic Club and New England Society. GOODLATTE, THOMAS A. R.— Oil Cloth Manu lacturer, 320 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Pas saic, N. J. Born In Ireland, April 3, 1848. Educated at Portora Royal School. (Married.) Secretary, treas urer and director Goodlatte Oilcloth Co. GOODRICH, CHARLES T.— Real Estate and In surance, Newburgh; residence 94 Grand street. Born In Newburgh, Dec. 5, 1846. Educated in Newburgh. (Married.) President New Tork State Association ol Fire Insurance Agents lor three years; treasurer and director Consolidated Gas, Electric Light, Heat and Power Co. and Crawshaw Carpet Co.; director High land National Bank. Past grand chancellor Knights ol Pythias in State ol New Tork; member Underwriters' Club ol New Tork City. GOODRICH, HENRT W.-Lawyer, 59 Wall street New Tork City; residence Nutley, N, J. Bora in Brooklyn, N. T., April 26, 1860. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute, Amherst College and Columbia College Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm ol Goodrich, Whitney & Hagen. Member Players' City Underwriters', Nutley Field and Tountakaw CountiY (31ubs, Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America and Amherst College Alumni Association. GOODRICH, WILLIAM W.— Supreme Court Jus tice, County Court House, Brooklyn; residence 924 President street. Born In Havana, N. T., Aug 23 1833 Educated at Amherst College and Albany La-^ School (LL.B.). (Married.) Served as major, N G N T and as chairman ol the Board ol Education,- wks a deegate to the International Maritime Conlerence held in Washington, D. C, in 1889. Member Brooklyn 164 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Dyker Meadow Golf, Montauk and Union League Clubs, Union League Club of New Tork City, Amherst College Alumni and Down Town Associations, Society ol Mayllower Descendants, New England Society, So ciety ol Founders and Patriots ol America and Sons ol the Revolution. GOODRIDGE, E. A.— Physician, 63 Jamaica ave nue. Flushing. Bora In Massena, St, Lawrence Co., N. T., Dec. 26, 1840. Degrees ol A.M. and M.D. Late consulting physician to New Tork Inlant Asylum. Now connected with Flushing Hospital. Member Princeton Club, New Tork Genealogical, LInnffian, American Chemical and Queens County Medical So cieties, New Tork Academy ot Medicine, Associated Physicians ol Long Island and Association lor the Advancement ol Science. GOODRIDGE, B. READ — Merchant, 33 Union square. West, New Tork City; residence Rlverdale- on-Hudson. Born In New Tork City, May 19, 1865. (Married.) Treasurer Manhattan Web Co. Member Calumet Club. GOOD-WILLIB, DAVID H.— Physician, 154 West 34th street, New Tork City. Bora in Barnet, Vt., Jan. 26, 1834. Educated at University ol Pennsylvania, Co lumbia University and Vermont University (M.D., '68). (Married.) Fellow New Tork Academy ol Medi cine, Medical Society ol the State ol New Tork and Medical Society ol the County ol New Tork; honorary member Canadian Medical Society; member Camera Club and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. GOODWIN. ARTHUR G.— Dry Goods Merchant, 224 Church street. New Tork City; residence 17 Filth avenue. Born In Hartlord, Conn., Aug. 27, 1827. Edu cated at New Tork University. (Widower.) With the H. B. Clafiln Co. Member Wool Club, Order ol Foun ders and Patriots ol America and Sons ol the Ameri can Revolution. GOODWIN, EDWARD P. — Stock Broker, 66 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 236 West 74th street. Born in Bristol, Conn., June 29, 1849. Member ol the firm ol H. L. Horton & Co., members ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member New England Society, Sons ol the Revolution and Deal Beach Goll Club. GOODWIN, FRANK W.— Manager, 21 Barclay street. New Tork City; residence 111 West 82d street. Born in Bedlord, Mass., July 4, 1841. Educated in public schools. (Married.) New Tork City manager ol the Bradley & Hubbard Ml'g Co? since 1876; trus tee and ex-treasurer Crockery Board ol Thade. Mem ber Hardware Club and Masonic Order. GOODWIN, FREDERICK A.— Retired, 6 East 68th street. New Tork City. Bom In Connecticut, 1839. Educated at Norton's Academy, Vernon, N. T. (Mar ried.) Was cashier lor thirty years ol the Dennison Ml'g Co., ol which he Is now a stockholder. Member Lotos Club, and lor the past twenty years has been a member ol the board ol managers .ol the 7th Regi ment Veteran Association. GOODWIN, HENRT L.— Real Estate, 61 Beekman street. New Tork City; residence Morristown, N J Bora In Kingston, N. T. Educated at Columbia CoN lege. (Widower.) Treasurer and director Knicker bocker Apartment Co. Member Atlantic Tacht and Morristown Clubs. , GO(3pWIN, NATHANIEL C.-Actor, 35 Bast 33d street. New Tork City. Bora In Boston, Mass. 1857 Educated m Boston. (Married Maxine Elliott, 1898 ) Made flrst theatrical aooearance In New Tork City r^Z\.^'^^^.^,*-^l^^^ ^^ "EvangeUne," "In Mizzoura,'' Nathan Hale," "The Cowboy and the Lady," "When We "Were Twenty-one" and others. Member Lambs' and Players' Clubs. o-^iiuo GOODWIN, W. DALLAS -45 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 250 West 88th street. Bom In Maryland, March 21, 1861. Member Church Club and Maryland Society. ^-' "" o-nu VM,?2?^^^-^^'J'Z-^^'^ H.-Lumber Merchant, 960 EUicott square, Buffalo. Bora in Groton, Tompkins Co., N. T., March 17, 1849. Educated at East Aurora Academy. (Married.) Member of the flrm of F. H. & C. W Goodyear. Chairman of the board of directors Buffalo and Susquehanna R. R. Co.; ex-dlrector United States Leather Co. Member Country and Buf falo Clubs, and Lawyers' and Manhattan Cliibs of New Tork City. GOODTEAR, WALTER— Manulacturer, 408 East 32d street. New Tork City; residence Upper Mont ciair, N. J. Bora in New Rochelle, N. T., July 23, 1866. Educated In Boston, Mass. Secretary and director J. B. Colt & Co. Member Relorm Club. GOODTEAR, WIIiLIAM HENRT— Curator and -Art Educator, 174 Montague street, Brooklyn; resi dence 177 West 12th street. New Tork City. Born in New Haven, Conn., April 21, 1846. (Son ol Charles Goodj'ear.) Educated at Tale ('67) and at the Uni versities ol Berlin and Heidelberg. Curator ol Fine Arts Museum ol the Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences since January, 1899. Has traveled very ex tensively. Member Tale Alumni Association. GORDON, GEORGE OGDEN— Commission Mer chant, 70 Beaver street. New Tork City; residence 112 East 30th street. Member Union, New Tork Athletic and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht Clubs and Down Town Association. GORDON, H. D.— Mechanical Engineer, 71 John street New Tork City; residence East Orange, N. J. Bora in Waltham, Mass., Aug. 20, 1848. Educated in Rochester, N. T. (Married.) Formerly master me chanic ol Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore R. R. Co. in Wilmington, Del., and ol Pennsylvania R. R. Co. in Altoona, Pa. Now treasurer ol Jenkins Rubber Co. and consulting engineer to Jenkins Bros. Member Engineers' and New Tork Railroad Clubs, American Railway Master Mechanics' Association, American Society ol Mechanical Engineers, Eureka Lodge F. & A. M., and Delta Chapter R. A. M., of Wilmington, Del. GORDON, WILLI-AM E.— Broker, 71 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 128 Clinton avenue, Newark. N. J. Born in New Jersey. Member of the New Tork Stock Exchange flrm of Henry Bros. & Co. Member Essex Club -of iSTewark. GOBIN, JEROME P.— Sundries, 82 Warren street. New Tork City. Born In Decatur, 111., Sept. 7, 1866. (Married.) President, treasurer and director Gotham Co.; director Fabric Measuring and Packaging Co.; manager for United States of AUen & Hanburys (Ltd.) of London, England. Member Reform Club. GORHAM, AUGUSTUS S.— Broker, 35 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 995 Madison avenue. Born m New Haven, Conn., Oct. 6, 1836. (Married.) Mem ber of the New Tork Stock Exchange flrm of Van Schaick & Co. Member New Tork Tacht and Union League Clubs and Ohio Society. GORHAM, FRANCIS G.-Agent, 100 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 134 East 36th street. New York City agent of the Bethlehem (Pa.) Iron Co Member Harvard, Union League and Lawyers' Clubs. New England Society and Down Town Association. GORHAM, HENRY— Accountant, 19 Park row New York City; residence 33 Fourth place, Brooklyn' Born in Noroton, Conn., Feb. 22, 1844. (Married ) Sec retary and director "Fourth Estate" Co.; treasurer and director Associated Surety Corporations Agency. Member National Provident Union and Blue Pencil (50RMAN, JOHN J.— Electrical Apparatus, 32 Cortlandt street. New York City; residence 389 Bergen M«v^^^ ^^^^n^S^""' ^•/•- ^°™ '"^ J^'-^sy Shore, §1, May 26, 1860. Educated In Canton, Pa. (Married) President and director Manhattan Electrical Supply GORTON, DAVID ALLYN-Physlcian 174 Clinton ll5r*V^''°°'^'^"- ^°™ ^" Broadalbin, N. 'y. N(!v 2? i? E(lucated in common schools and at New York ^^^Z°-^P%^^^'^^'\^°^^^S^ ('58)- (Married MlrleF Graham.) Frequent contributor to magazines and l°Ji'"°?'^ *"" medical and psychological subjects. Mein- ber of several medical societies. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 165 GOSS, WRIGHT D.— Building Materials, 360 West street. New Tork City; residence 144 West 88th street. Born In Edinburg, Portage Co., Ohio, Oct. 25, 1856. Educated In Ohio, in public schools and at Hiram and Mount Union Colleges. (Married.) President and di rector Goss & Edsall Co.; ex-president BuUding Ma terial Exchange of the City of New Tork; ex-captain 71st regiment N. G. N. T. Member Army and Navy and Building Trades Clubs, West End Association, Veteran Association of the 71st Regiment (president), Kane Lodge F. & A. M., Jerusalem Chapter R. A. M., Coeur de Lion Commandery Knights Templar, and Mechanics' and Traders' Exchange. GOSSLER, GUSTAVE H.— 6 Hanover street New York City; residence 5 West 69th street. Director Ger man-American Insurance Co. Member Riding and Union Clubs, American Geographical Society, Deutsch er Verein, Down Town Association, Metropolitan Mu seum of Art and American Museum of Natural His tory. GOTTHEIL, GUSTAV— Hebrew Clergyman, 681 Madison avenue. New York City. Born In PInne, Prus sia, May 28, 1827, Educated at University of Berlin, and Institute for Hebrew Literature. Rabbi emeritus Temple Emanu-El, with which he has been connected since 1873. GOTTHOLD, FREDERICK- Importer, 561 Broad way, New York City; residence 165 West 58th street. Member of the flrm of Gotthold & Co. Member New York Club, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Ameri can Museum ol Natural History. GOUGE, HENRY A.— Heating and Ventilating Engineer, 47 Beekman street. New York City; resi dence New Rochelle. Bora in Hartford, Conn., Feb. 22, 1828. Educated In Windsor (Conn.) public schools. (Single.) President and director Gouge Heating and "Ventilating Co. Member Atlantic Yacht, New Ro chelle Yacht and Model Yacht Clubs and New Eng land, Westchester Historical and Huguenot Societies. GOULD, BENJAMIN A.-Lawyer, 29 Liberty street. New York City; residence 152 Madison avenue. Treasurer and director American Oddity Co.; director and member executive committee Auto-Electric Co. Member City, Larchmont Yacht and Opera Clubs, Harvard Alumni and Down Town Associations, So ciety of the Cincinnati and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. GOULD, CHARLES A.— Iron Manufacturer, 25 West 33d street. New York City; residence 714 Fifth avenue. Born in Batavia, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1849. (Mar ried.) Was Collector of Customs in Buffalo, 1881-5. President Gould Coupler Co., Gould Steel Co. and Gould Storage Battery Co. Member Lawyers', New "York Athletic, Republican, New York Yacht, Larch mont Yacht, Union League and American Yacht (commodore) Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Sons of the American Revolution, Order of Founders and Patriots of America and Sooiety of Colonial Wars. GOULD, CHARLES W.-Lawyer, 2 Wall street. New York City; residence 5 Wa-shlngton square. North. Member of the firm ol Gould & Wllkle. Mem ber ol executive, committee and director Knickerbock er Trust Co.; director Mount Morris Bank. Member City, University, Lawyers', Rockaway Hunting, Tux edo, Yale, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and Players' Clubs, Down Town Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, GOULD, DAVID H.— Civil Engineer, 251 Filth ave nue. New York City. Born in Bergen, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1838. Educated at Union College ('65). Degrees ol A.M. and CE. (Married.) Member Union College Alumni Association, Psi Upsilon Fraternity, Sons ol the Revolution and Society ol Colonial Wars. GOULD, DAVID J.— Stock Broker, 60 Broadway, New York City; residence Richmond Borough. (Mar ried.) Member Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange and ol the Richmond County Country Club. GOULD, EDWIN— Capitalist, 195 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 720 Filth avenue and Irvlngton- on-Hudson. Bora in New York City, Feb. 25, 1866. (Son ol Jay and Mary [Moore] Gould.) Educated at Columbia CoUege School ol Mines ('88). (Married Sarah C, daughter ol Dr. George F. Shrady.) Execu tor and trustee ol Gould estate. President Rich HUl, Osage, Western, Lexington and Atoka Coal Compa nies; president and director St. Louis Southwestern Ry. Co. and Bowling Green Trust Co.; director Ameri can Speaking Telephone Co., International and Great Northern R. R. Co., International Ocean Telegraph Co., American District Telegraph Co., Kansas City and Arkansas VaUey Ry. Co., Little Rock and Port Smith Ry. Co., Little Rock Junction Co., Manhattan Ry. Co., Missouri Pacific R. R. Co., National Surety Co., Trad ers' Fire Insurance Co., "Wabash R. R. Co., Western Union Telegraph Co., Westchester Trust Co. and Dia mond Match Co. Member Lawyers', New York Ath letic, Union League, Carteret Gun, Atlantic Yacht, American Yacht, New York Press and New York Yacht Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution, Military Order ol Foreign 'Wars, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, Coun try Club of Westchester, St. Louis Country Club, Es sex County Country Club of Orange, N. J., Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Chicago and Union Clubs of Chicago. GOULD, ELGIN RALSTON LOVELL— President, 281 Fourth avenue, New York City; residence 304 West 78th street. Born in Canada, Aug. 15, 1860. Educated at Johns Hopkins University (Ph.D., '86). (Married Mary H. Purnell.) President and director City and Suburban Homes Co. ; director United States Life In surance Co. Member City Club, Century Association, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Maryland Society of New York, Phi Beta Kappa Society and Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity. GOULD, EZRA PALMER— Protestant Episcopa lian Clergyman, 207 Bast 16th street. New York City; residence 408 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn. Born In Boston, Mass., 1841. Educated at Harvard. Served with Massachusetts Volunteers during Civil War. As sistant rector at St. George's Church since 1898. Au thor of several religious works. GOULD, FRANK JAY— Capitalist, 195 Broadway, New York City; residence Irvington-on-Hudson. Born in New York City, Dec. 4, 1878. (Son of Jay and Mary [Moore] Gould.) Educated at Berkeley School and New York University. (Single.) Second vice-presi dent and director St. Louis, Iron Mountain and South ern Ry. Co., Texas and Pacific Ry. Co. and Interna tional and (jreat Northern Ry. Co.; director 'Western Union Telegraph Co., Trust Company of America and others. Member Knollwood Country, New York Ath letic, Atlantic Yacht, American Yacht, Union League, Lawyers', New York Yacht and Psi Upsilon Clubs and Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson. GOULD, GEORGE JAY— Capitalist, 196 Broadway, New York City; residence ..857 Fifth avenue and Lake- wood, N. J. Born In New York City, 1864. (Son of Jay and Mary [Moore] Gould.) Educated by private tutors. (Married Edith Kingdon, 1887.) President and director International and Great Northern R. R. Co., Kansas City and Arkansas Valley Ry. Co., Kansas City Northwestern R. R. Co., Kansas City and Southern Ry. Co., Leroy and Caney Valley Air Line R. R. Co., Little Rock and Port Smith Ry. Co., Little Rock Junc tion Ry. Co., Manhattan Ry. Co., Missouri Pacific Ry. Co., Sedalia, Warsaw and Southwestern Ry. Co., Texas and Pacific Ry. Co. and Henderson and Overton R. R. Co.; vice-president and director "Westem Union Tele graph Co.; director American District Telegraph Co., American Telegraph and Cable Co., Atlantic and Pa cific Telegraph Co., Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States, El Paso Northern Ry. Co., Gal veston, Houston and Henderson R. R. Co., National Surety Co., New York Telephone Co., Oregon Short Line R. R. Co., Pacific MaU Steamship Co., Southern and Atlantic Telegraph Co., Union Pacific Ry. Co., Wabash R. R. Co. and Washington and New Orleans Telegraph Co. Member New York Stock Exchange and of the New York Yacht, American Yacht, Larch mont Yacht, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, Atlantic Yacht, Press, Transportation, Carteret Gun, Suburban Riding and Driving, Country, New York Athletic, New York and Lawyers' Clubs, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on- Hudson, American Geographical Society, Scientific Al liance, Society of Foreign Wars, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Sons of the Revolution. GOULD. HOAVARD — Capitalist 195 Broadway, New York City: residence Irvington-on-Hudson. Bom in New York City, 1871. (Son of .Jay and Mary [Moore] 166 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Gould) (Married Katherine Clemmons, 1898.) Presi dent and director Tubular Dispatch Co.; vice-president and director Tyler Southeastern Ry. Co.; director Gold and Stock Telegraph Co., International and Great Northern R. R. Co., Kansas City and Arkansas Va,lley Ry. Co., .Kansas City Northwestern R. R- Co., Little Rock and Fort Smith Ry. Co., Manhattan Ry. Co., Missouri Pacific Ry. Co., St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern R. R. Co., Texas and Pacific Ry. Co., Trad ers' Fire Insurance Co. and many others. Member New York Stock Exchange and of the Lawyers', New Tork Athletic, New Tork Tacht, Seawanhaka-Corin thian Tacht, American Tacht, Larchmont Tacht At-- lantlc Tacht, Press, Delta Kappa Epsilon and Players Clubs, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Sons of the Revolution. GOULD, JOHN D.— Manufacturer of Fire Detect ing Electric Wires and Cables, 100 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 399 Flatbush avenue, Brooklyn. Born in 'niton, N. H., May 23, 1849. Educated at 'ni ton Seminary. (Married.) President, director and member of executive committee Montauk Multiphase Co. Member Metropolitan Museum of Art. GOULD, SEABURT S. — Manufacturer, Seneca Falls. Born in Seneca FaUs, Dec. 10, 1848. Educated at Hamilton College. (Married.) President Gould's Mf'g Co.; -vice-president Exchange National Bank. GOULD, WILLIAM S. — Banker and Broker, 71 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 151 West 86th street. Bora In Brooklyn, N. T., Feb. 7, 1849. Edu cated at Williams College. Member of the New Tork Stock Exchange firm of Rogers & Gould. Member Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn. GOULDSBURT, JOHN P.— Auditor, 280 Broadway, New Y'ork City; residence 9 East 38th street. Born In New Tork City. May 13. 1848. Educated at De La Salle Institute and St. Francis Xavler's CoUege. Reg istrar of claims In the comptroller's office (by appoint ment of John Kelly), 1877. Now first auditor of ac counts in the Department of Finance. Member Tam many Society. GOULBT. JOHN WILLIAM SEVERIN — Physi cian. 11 East 43d street. New Tork City. Born In New Orleans, La., March 11, 1832. Graduated In medicifie from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Co lumbia University (M.D., '53). Served as asslstaiit surgeon United States Army during Civil War. Pro fessor of clinical surgery and genito-urinary diseases at New Tork University, with which he has been connected since 1864. Member Century Association and Scientific Alliance. GOURAUD, GEORGE FAUVEL— Lawyer, 320 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 446 Manhattan avenue. Born In New Tork City, June, 1872. Educated In Harrow, England, and at Tale University Law School. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Vander- veer & Gouraud. Member Sons of the American Rev olution. COVIN, RAFAEL R.-Lawyer, 45 Cedar street. New Tork (3ity; residence Clary ville. Member Uaion, ' Union League, Lawyers' and "Whist CTlubs, Down Town Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. GOW, GEORGE COLEMAN — Prolessor, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie; residence 150 Mansion street. Born In Ayer, Mass., Nov. 27, 1860. Educated at Brown University and Newton Theological Institution; also in Berlin, Germany. (Single.) Prolessor ol music in Vassar CoUege since 1896. GOWDET, SANFORD S.-Lawyer, 100 Broadway New Tork City; residence Flushing, L. I. Bom in Crawlord, Orange Co., N. T., Nov. 3, 1862. Educated in private and public schools and at Normal College Albany. (Married.) Member State Bar Association and ol various Masonic and Irateraal orders. GRACE, JOSEPH P. — Merchant, 1 Hanover square. New Tork City; residence 31 East 79th street Born In Great Neck, N. T., June 29, 1873. Educated at Columbia College (A.B.) and New Tork Law School (LL.B.). (Single.) Second vice-president and director W. R. Grace & Co.; secretary, treasurer and trustee The Evergreens and Grace Institute; secretary and director IngersoU-Sergeant Drill Co.; trustee Kings County Trust Co. Member Catholic, Alpha Delta Phi, (Country (Westchester), Racquet and Tennis and Uni versity Clubs and Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation. GRACE, WILLIAM RUSSELL— Merchant, 1 Han over square. New Tork City; residence 31 Bast 79th street Born In Queenstown, County Cork, Ireland. May 10 1832. Ran away Irom school at the age ol lourteen and worked his way on a sailing vessel to New Tork City. (Married Lillian Gllchrest.) Went to Callao, Peru, In 1850; became clerk, and, in 1852, part ner in the firm ol Bryce & Co., which later became Bryce Grace & Co., and subsequently Grace Bros. & Co Returned to New Tork Cnty In 1865 and organized the flrm ol W. R. Grace & Co. Was Mayor ol New Tork City, 1881-2 and 1885-6. Established New Tork and Pacific Steamship Co., 1891. President and direc tor W. R. Grace & Co. and IngersoU-Sergeant Drill Co.; chairman and director New Tork and Pacific Steamship Co.; director Central and South America Telegraph Co.. City Trust Co., Eastern Insurance Co., The Evergreens, Lincoln National Bank, Terminal Improvement Co. and New Tork Mall and Newspaper Transportation Co.; trustee Lincoln Sale Deposit Co. and New Tork Llle Insurance Co. Member Manhat tan, Lawyers', Relorm, Democratic, Press, Catholic and Country' Clubs, Down Town Association, American Geographical Society, American Museum ol Natural History and Liederkranz. GRACIE, ARCHIBALD— Banker and Broker, 69 Liberty street, New Tork City; residence 120 East 25th street, and 140 Henderson avenue, Ll-vingston, S. I. Born in Mobile, Ala., Jan. 15, 1858. Educated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and at West Point. (Married.) Member Union Club. GRACIE, JAMBS K.— Banker, 80 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Oyster Bay, L. I. Member Sea wanhaka-Corinthian Tacht and Union Clubs, Century -Association, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Ameri can Museum ol Natural History. GRAEF, EDWARD L.— Wine Merchant, 58 Court street, Brooklyn; residence 425 Washington avenue. Bom in Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany. Feb. 8. 1842. Edu cated In Brooklyn, ol which he has been a resident since 1848. Curator ol entomology in Brooklyn Insti tute ol Arts and Sciences; trustee Germania Savings Bank ol Kings County. Member Church, Brooklyn Relorm, Atlantic Tacht, Hamilton, Montauk, Brook lyn, Oxlord, Brooklyn Chess, Long Island Country, Carleton, C!ivic and Apollo Clubs and Relorm Club of New Tork City. GRAFTON, JOSEPH— 307 Fifth avenue, New Tork City. Member Union Club, American Geographical Society, National Academy of Design and Metropoli tan Museum ol Art. GRAHAM, BENJAMIN — Banker, 44 Pine street. New Tork City; residence Montciair, N. J. (Married.) Member ol the New Tork Stock Exchange firm of Cuyler, Morgan & Co. Vice-president Fidelity Securi ties Co., Western Securities Co., ol Port Worth, Tex.. Bank ol Montciair, N. J., and Spaulding & Jennings Co. ol Jersey City, N. J.; director Rochester Ry Co., Rochester and Sodus Bay Ry. Co., Rochester Electric Ry. Co., Equitable Securities Co., Securities Co. ol New Tork and Victoria Fire Insurance Co. Member Union Club and Down Town Association and Genesee Valley Club ol Rochester. GRAHAM, CHARLES D.— Hardware and Agricul tural Implements, 88 WaU street, New Tork City; res idence 109 Fort Greene place, Brooklyn. Bom In Brooklyn. Educated In New Tork City, at Grammar School No. 35 and the CoUege ol the City ol New Tork. (Single.) Alderman, Brooklyn, 1879-80. Now In charge ol New Tork office ol Baker & Hamilton of California. Treasurer Thomas Hunter Association of Grammar School No. 36. Member Oxford Club of Brooklyn. GRAHAM, CHARLES H.— Stock Broker, 40 Wall street. New Tork City; residence Brooklyn. Born In Port Byron, N. T., Oct. 24, 1863. Educated In Lyons N. T. (Married.) Treasurer and director Eisenhuth Horseless Vehicle Co.; director Cumberland Coal and Steel Co. and Virginia Central Ry. Co. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 167 GRAHAM, GEORGE BDWARD — JouraaUst Al bany. Born in Albany, Nov. 15, 1866. Educated In public schools. Was Associated Press correspondent on fiagshlp Brooklyn during Spanish- American war; was on bridge during destruction ol Cervera's fleet, July 3, 1898, being the only non-combatant eye witness ol that event. GRAHAM, GEORGE H.— Patent Lawyer, 52 Broadway, New Tork City; residence East Orange, N. J. Bom In England, Dec. 17, 1857. Educated In England. (Married.) Treasurer and director McCIel- lan Oil Purlfler Co. ; secretary and director Salety Thread Co.; director Hascall Steam Generator Co., Munson Tobacco Co. and "Warren Separating Co. Member Orange Club of East Orange, N. J. GRAHAM, MALCOLM, Jr. — Manufacturer and Merchant, 170 Pulton street. New Tork City; residence 40 Bast 31st street. Born in Flushing, N. T., July 27, 1868. (Son of Malcolm and Annie [Douglass] Graham.) Educated at St Paul's School, Concord, N. H. ("86), and Princeton ('90). (Married Maud Louise Bright- man.) Treasurer and director F. O. Pierce Co. Mem ber University, Atlantic Tacht, New Tork Tacht, Law rence Harbor Golf, Riverside Tacht, Falrfleld County Golf, Underwriters', Staten Island Cricket and Base Ball, University Athletic, Princeton, Lawyers' and Delta Phi Clubs, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hud son, Sons of the Revolution and Chamber of Com- GRAHAM, WILLIAM M. — Brigadier-General, United States Army, Fort Hamilton, New Tork Har bor. Born In Washington, D. C, Sept. 28, 1834. Served throughout Civil War, and was brevetted several times for gallant conduct and bravery; also served during Spanish-American War. Retired from regular army upon reaching age limit, Sept. 28, 1898. GRANBERT, WILLIAM H. — Stock Broker, 20 Broad street, New Tork C3Ity; residence 29 West 53d street. Born In Brooklyn, N. T., April 16, 1842. Edu cated at the College of the City of New Tork ('62). (Married.) Senior member of the flrm of W. H. Gran- bery & Co. Governor New Tork Stock EJxchange Since 1887; also chairman of Its committee on stock list. Member New Tork Athletic, New Tork Tacht and National Arts Clubs, Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on- Hudson, Down Town Association, Chamber of Com merce and National Sculpture Sooiety. GRANDIN, EGBERT H.— Physician, 36 East 58th street. New Tork City. Member New Tork Athletic and Harvard Clubs and Society of Medical Jurispru dence. GRANGER, JOHN T.— Broker, 54 Exchange place. New Tork CSty; residence 1441 Rhode Island avenue, Washington, D. C. Bora In New Lexington. Ohio. March 4. 1847. Educated at Zanesville (Ohio) High School. (Married.) Member of the New Tork Stock Exchange firm of Tiighman, Rowland & Co. Treasurer Denver, Texas and Port Worth Ry. Co.; director Wichita VaUey Ry. Co. Is a large owner and dealer In real estate In 'Passaic, N. J., and owns horse and cattle ranches in Nebraska and Texais. Member Ohio Society. GRANT, DE FOREST — BuUding Materials, 287 Fourth avenue. New Tork City; residence 22 East 49th street. Born in New Tork City, 1869. Educated at Tale ("91). (Single.) President and general manager Atlantic Terra Cotta Co. Member Union, Calumet, <3ity and Boone and Crockett Clubs, Society of Colo nial Wars and MiUtary Society of the War of 1812. GRANT, F. L.— Assistant Secretary, 54 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 837 Park place, Brooklyn. Born in West Winsted, Conn., March 9, 1864. Educated at a public school. (Married.) Assistant secretary Central Trust Co. Member Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn and Reform Club of New Tork City. GRANT, FRANK S. — Physician, 346 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 646 West End avenue. Born In Akron, Ohio, April 24, 1852.. Educated at the College of the City of New Tork and College of Physicians and Surgeons (M.D.). (Married.) Medical director Provident Savings Life Assurance Society. Member New "York Canoe and Atlantic Tacht Clubs and Delta Kappa Epsilon Society. GRANT, PRBRERICK DENT— Brigadier-General, 25 East 62d street. New Tork City. Born In St Louis. Mo.. May 30, 1850. (Son of General Ulysses S. Grant) Educated at West Point ('71). Resigned his commis sion as colonel. United States Army, 1881. Was United States Minister to Austria during administration of President Harrison, 1889-92; police commissioner. New Tork City, until January, 1898. Appointed brigadier- general, 'United States Volunteers, at outbreak of Spanish- American war; served In Puerto Rico, and Is now (1900) in active service in the Philippines. Vice- president and director International Artillery Range- finder and Relocator Co. Member Union League Club, Society of Colonial Wars, Society of Foreign Wars, So ciety of Founders and Patriots of America, Loyal Le gion and Sons ol the American Revolution. GRANT, GEORGE DB FOREST — 11 Gramercy Park, New Tork City. Member Union, Country, Met ropolitan, Westminster Kennel, New "York Tacht and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. GRANT, GEORGE M. — Lumber Merchant, 401 East 28th street and Cotton Exchange Building, New Tork City; residence Summit, N. J. Born In Steuben- vllle, Ohio, May 12, 1849. (Married.) President and director American Lumber Co.; director Woodstock Co. Member Sons of the Revolution. GRANT, HUGH JOHN— Capitalist, 54 WaU street. New Tork City; residence 261 West 73d street. Born in New Tork City, 1856. Educated in public schools and Manhattan College and Columbia Law School. (Mar ried.) Alderman, 1883-4; sheriff, 1886-8; Mayor, 1888-92; declined renomlnation. President and director Narra gansett Building Co.; vice-president and director Cen tral Realty Bond and Trust Co. and Nassau Electric Ry. Co.; director Corn Exchange Bank, Kings County Refrigerating Co. and Manhattan Refrigerating Co. Member Manhattan, Colonial, Democratic, New Tork Athletic, Catholic, Suburban Riding and Dri-vlng and Hardware Clubs, Down Town Association, Liederkranz and Tammany Society. GRANT, MADISON— Lawyer, 11 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 22 Bast 49th street. Born" in New Tork City, Nov. 18, 1866. Educated abroad and at Tale ("87) and Columbia Law School ('90). (Single.) Secretary New Tork Zoological Society. Member Cal umet and Union Clubs, Tale Alumni Association, As sociation of the Bar of the City of New Tork, Society ol Colonial Wars and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. GRANT, PEROT STICKNET — Protestant Epis copalian Clergyman, 7 West Tenth street. New Tork City. Born In Boston, Mass., May 13, 1860. Educated at Harvard ('83). (Single.) Rector Church ol the Ascension. Member Harvard, Barnard, New Tork Athletic and National Arts Clubs and Century Asso ciation. GRANT, R. P. — Bank Cashier and Cheese Manu lacturer, Clayton. Born in Neversink, N. T., May 6, 1844. Educated In common schools and at EUenvUle Academy. (Married.) Was lelt an orphan when quite young, and learned the tanner's trade; has alternated between merchandising and banking three times. Served in the 92d regiment N. G. N. T., and was mus tered out as colonel. Cashier and director National Exchange Bank; assistant cashier and trustee Thou sand Islands Park Association; president Watertown Produce Exchange; treasurer Anglers' Association ol the St. Lawrence River; ex-vice-president New Tork State League ol Fish and Game. Agent lor ten fire Insurance companies, and managing owner ol seven cheese lactories. GRATACAP, LOUIS POPE- Curator, 77th street and Central Park, West, New Tork City; residence West New Brighton, S. I. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., Nov. 1, 1851. Educated at the College ol the City ol New Tork ('69) and School ol Mines ol Columbia Uni versity (Ph.B., '76). Assistant curator in American Museum ol Natural History. Has written considera bly on religious, political and scientific subjects. GRAU, MAURICE— Operatic Manager, Metropoli tan Opera House, New -York City. Bora in Brunn, Austria, 1849. Educated in New Tork City at Free Academy (now College ol the City ol New Tork) and Columbia Law School. Connected with theatrical business since 1872. As member ol the firm ol Abbey, 168 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Schoeffel & Grau managed the American tours ol Adelina Patti, Sarah Berahardt, Henry Irving and Ellen Terry, SalvinI and many other theatrical celeb rities. President and director Maurice Grau Opera Co. ; lessee ol the Metropolitan Opera House and ol the Royal Opera House in London. Member Press Club. GRAVOS, RUFUS R.— Banker, 39 William street. New Tork Citv; residence 7 East 55th street Born Feb. 7, 1868. Educated at Williams College. (Single.) Trustee Good Samaritan Dispensary: secretary WU liams Alumni Association. Member University Club and Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson. GRAY, ALFRED W.— I,awyer, 45 Palls street, Niagara Falls; residence Echota. Born in Heuvelton, St Lawrence Co., N. Y., Dec. 21, 1878. Educated at Ogdensburg Academy and HamUton College. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Dudley, Gray & High land. Member University and Westminster Clubs of Buffalo and Delta Kappa Epsilon and Theta Nu Ep silon Fraternities. GRAY, DAVID— Lawyer and Author, Buffalo; res idence 76 Johnson Park. Born in Buffalo, Aug. 8, 1870. Educated at Harvard. (Single.) Formerly managing editor of the Buffalo "Courier" and editor of the Buf falo "Inquirer." Author of "GaUops." Member Har vard Club of New York City and Country Club of Buf falo. GRAY, FRANK S.— Advertising, 154 Nassau street. New York City; residence 121 Convent avenue. Born in Tiffin, Ohio, Sept. 23, 1857. Educated at Oberlin and -Wooster Universities. (Married.) Publisher Chicago "Interior," 1878-88; general manager New York "Mail and Express," 1888-91; no^w connected with the New York "Tribune." Member Ohio Society and Chicago (111.) Press Club. GRAY, GEORGE M.— Merchant, 54 Worth street. New York City; residence Hotel Beresford. Born in New York City. Educated at Columbia Member Calumet and University Clubs and Columbia Univer sity Alumni Association. GRAY, GERALD HULL— Lawyer, Criminal Court Building, New York City; residence 106 East 16th street. Born in Woodbridge, N. J., Sept 20, 1866. Edu cated at Harvard ('89) and Harvard Law School ('92). (Married.) Deputy assistant on staff of District At torney Asa Bird Gardiner. Member Harvard, Players' and Manhattan Clubs, Somerset Club of Boston, Mass., and Cincinnati and St. Nicholas Societies. GRAY, HENRY WINTHROP— Commissioner, 111 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 4 West 16th street. Born in New York City, 1839. Educated in private schools and at New York University. Park commissioner, 1891-3; fire commissioner, 1893-4; special commissioner of jurors since May, 1896. Member Met ropolitan, Union, Knickerbocker, Psi Upsilon and Whist Clubs and Century Association. GRAY, JAMES A.-Lawyer, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 1 Wilson avenue. Flushing, L. I. Born In Calhoun, Ga., June 6, 1867. Educated In Geor gia common schools and at Moore's Business College, Atlanta. (Married.) Has been alderman, assistant corporation counsel and a Presidential Elector. Presi dent Southern Cotton, Grain and Stock Exchange. Member Shinnecock Democratic Club, Crescent Lodge F. & A. M., Crescent Chapter R. A. M., and Tork Commandery Knights Templar. GRAT, JOHN CLINTQN— Justice, Court of Ap peals, Albany; residence 709 Fifth avenue. New Tork City. Term expires Dec. 31, 1902. Member Century Association. GRAT, WILLIAM TR-AVERS- Banker, 110 Ex change Court New Tork City; residence 37 East 21st street. Born In New Tork City. Educated at Har vard. Member of the flrm of Howard Lapsley & Co. and of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Union Club and MetropoUtan Museum ol Art. GREACEN, EDWARD J,— Rubber Manulacturer, 38 Park row. New Tork City; residence Bloomfield, N. J. Member Manhattan, New Tork Athletic, Larch mont Tacht, New Tork Tacht, Accomack Hunting and Fishing, and Corinthian Tacht Clubs. GREAVES, E. TRACT— Reporter and Journ^ist, 220 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 100 East 7btn street. Born In England, Jan. 28, 1858. Educated in Hartford, Conn. (Single.) Formerly managing edi tor of the New Tork "Recorder." Now c(.nnected with the PhUadelphia "Times," New Tork ''Worid and New Tork "Herald." Member Lotos Club. GRBEFB, BERNHARD- Dry Goods Comnilsslon Merchant, 106 Spring street. New Tork City; residence College Point, L. I. Born In Barmen, Rhenish Prus- ?ia Oct ? 1843: came to the United States in 1870. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Greeff & Co. Vioe- presldent CoUege Point Savings Bank; director Welier Railway Joint Mf'g Co.; selling agent Phoenix Silk Mf'g Co.; trustee Conrad Poppenhusen Association ol College Point Member Reform Club. GREEFF ERNEST P.- Dry Goods Commission Merchant 106 Spring street. New Tork City; residence 37 West 88th street. (Married.) Member of the firm of Greeff & Co. President Griffon Co. of Passaic, N. J.; trustee West Side German Dispensary. Member New Tork Athletic, Merchants' Central, and Lake Ho patcong Clubs, American Geographical Society, Amer ican Museum of Natural History, MetropoUtan Mu seum of Art, New Tork Botanical Gardens and Deutscher Verein. GREELET, WILLIAM B.— Lawyer, 38 Park row. New Tork City; residence New Rochelle. Born in Nashua, N. H., Nov. 1, 1859. Educated at Dartmouth College and Columbian University Law School, Wash ington, D. C. (Married.) Member of the firm of Red ding, Kiddle & Greeley. Treasurer and director Jos eph Schneible Co. Member Psi Upsilon Club, Dart mouth College Alumni Association and 7th Regiment N. G. N. T. GREEN, ANDREW HASWELL— Lawyer, 214 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 91 Park avenue and Green HIU, Worcester, Mass. Born In Green Hill, Oct. 6, 1820. Educated in Massachusetts; studied law and has practiced In New Tork City since his admis sion to the Bar. President Board of Education, 1856; president Park Board, 1867-70; comptroller of New Tork City, 1871-6. Executor and trustee Samuel J. TUden's and other large estates. Originator of plan for creation of Greater New Tork; also plan of New Tork Public Library (Astor, Lenox and 'Tilden Foundations), of which he is a trustee. President and commissioner New Tork State Reservation at Niagara Falls since 1883; delegate to Constitutional Convention, 1894; has served on various municipal special commissions. Di rector "New Torker Staats Zeitung" Corporation; trustee Atlantic Trust Co. Member MetropoUtan Mu seum of Art, American Geographical Society, Ameri can Museum of Natural History, Colonial Order, Scientific Alliance and Sons of the American Revolu tion. GREEN, CHARLES HENRT- Manulacturer, 42 Murray street. New Tork City. Born In Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 21, 1837. Educated at Miami University. (Mar ried Lilla A. Wlghtman, 1872.) President and director Ball Compound Locomotive Co., Columbia Navigation and Commercial Co. and Hektograph Manulacturing Co. GREEN, DOUGLAS NORVAL— Wholesale Coal Merchant 113 Bast Water street, Syracuse; residence 714 James street. Born in Hyde Park (now Scranton) Pa., Oct. 8, 1844. Educated at Madison Academy, Waverly, Pa., and In private schools. (Married.) Mem ber ol the-flrm ol MlUspaugh & Gregn. Vice-president Syracuse Chamber ol Commerce; director Utica Cold Storage and Warehouse Co.; sales agent Delaware and Hudson Co. ol New Tork City. Member Citizens' and Syracuse Clubs, Syracuse Athletic Association, Fort Schuyler Club ol Utica, Transportation Club ol New Tork City, Society ol Colonial Wars, G. A. R. and Sons of the American Revolution. GREEN, FRANK RUSSELL — Artist, 211 West 85th street. New Tork City. Born in Chicago, 111., April 16, 1859. Educated In Chicago public schools; studied art In Paris, France. (Married.) Member New York Water Color and Salmagundi Clubs, Amer ican Water Color Society and National Academy ol Design. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 169 GREEN, FREDERICK R.— Banker, Fredonia. Born in Sherman, N. Y., May 10, 1861. Educated at Union School in Sherman. (Single.) Formerly treas urer and trustee ViUage ol Fredonia and trustee Fre donia State Normal School. Now cashier Fredonia National Bank; vice-president State Bank ol Silver Creek ia'nd Buffalo Savings and Loan Association; di rector State Bank ol Forestville and Fredonia Natural Gas Light Co. Member Sons ol the American Revo lution, Citizens' Club ol Fredonia, and Buffalo and Saturn Clubs ol Buffalo. GREEN, GEORGE W.— Bookseller and Stationer, 67 Water street, Newburgh; residence 278 Liberty street. Born in Newburgh, July 8, 1840. Educated In private schools. (Married.) Trustee Newburgh Sav ings Bank. Member Masonic bodies. GREEN, GEORGE WALTON— Lawyer, 11 Pine street. New York City; residence 334 Lexington ave nue. Born in New York City, May 9, 1854. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and at Harvard. (Mar ried.) Formerly aqueduct commissioner. Member University, Lawyers', Harvard and Barnard Clubs, Century Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. GREEN, NELSON G.-Lawyer, 309 Broadway, New York Uity; residence 630 FItth avenue. Born in Dansville, N. Y., June 3, 1855. (Married.) Member Manhattan, Lotos, Catholic and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. GREEN, RUFUS S.— President, Elmira College, Elmira; residence 855 College avenue. Member Elmira City Club and Century Association and Presbyterian Union ol New York City. GREEN, WARREN L.— Manager, 86 Trinity place. New York City; residence 5 East -84th street. Born In New Tork City, May 19, 1866. Educated at WUson & Kellogg's School. (Married.) Resident manager American Bank Note Co. ol Ottawa, Canada. Mem ber Lawyers' Club, Rideau, Ottawa Goll and Ottawa Canoe Clubs ol Ottawa, Canada, and Ottawa Art Association. GREEN, WILLIAM B.— Journalist, Eagle Build ing, Brooklyn; residence 754 Halsey street. Born In Brooklyn, April 21, 1851. Educated in Brooklyn pub lic schools. (Married.) Connected with the "Brook lyn Daily Eagle." Member Hanover and Press Clubs, Orion Lodge No. 717 F. & A. M., Aurora Grata Lodge ol Perlection, Aurora Grata Council of Princes of Jerusalem, Aurora Grata Chapter of Rose Croix, Au rora Grata Consistory S. P. R. S., Kismet Temple, No bles of the Mystic Shrine, Palestine Encampment No. 62 K. of St. J. & M., Fulton CouncU No. 299 Royal Ar canum and B. P. O. Elks No. 22 of Brooklyn. GREEN, WILLIAM WALKER — Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Englewood, N. J. Member of the firm of Alexander & Green. Di rector Blooming Grove Park Association and Williams & Clark Fertilizer Co. Member Lawyers', University, Tuxedo, New Tork Athletic, Carteret Gun and Chi cago (111.) Clubs. Association of the Bar of the City ol New Tork and Tale Alumni Association. GREENBAUM, SAMUBD-Lawyer, 141 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 2 East 94th street. Bora in London, England, Jan. 23, 1864. (Son ol Lewis and Rachel [Schlesinger] Greenbaum.) Educated in New Tork City public schools and at the College ol the City ol New Tork ('72) and Columbia CoUege Law School ('^75). (Married Selina'UlIman ol New-TOrk- City, 1888.) Member ol the firm ol Hays, Greenbaum & Hersh- field. Director C. Graham & Sons Co. and Park HiU Co. Member Relorm and Democratic Clubs, Society ol Medical Jurisprudence, Educational Alliance, Agul- lar Free Library Society and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. GREENE, ALISTBR— Lawyer, 19 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence 1 East 62d street. Member Union, Metropolitan, New Tork Athletic and City Clubs, Columbia University Alumni Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. GREENE. CARLETON— Civil Engineer, 11 Broad way, New Tork City: residence 24 East 42d street. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 24, 1868. Educated at Harvard (A.B., '89) and Cornell (C.B., '91). (Single.) Superintendent ol machinery. Barber Asphalt Paving Co. and National Contracting Co. Member Century Association and Harvard Club, Psi Upsilon Fraternity, Saturn Club ol Buffalo and associate member of the American Society ol Civil Engineers. GREENE, CIjAT M.— Dramatic Author, 70 West 36th street. New Tork City. Born in Calilornia, March 12, 1850. Educated at University ol Calilornia. (Mar ried.) Was shepherd ol "The Lambs" lor eight years. Member Larchmont Tacht, Manhasset Bay Tacht (commodore) and Lambs' Clubs, Dramatic Authors' Society and Actors' Order of Friendship. GREENE, DAVID J.— Civil and Mechanical En gineer, 300 Oakland street, Brooklyn; residence 76 St. James place. Born in New Tork City, July 21, 1873. Educated at Grammar School No. 68, College of the City of New Tork, School of Mines of Columbia Col lege and Sibley College of Cornell University. (Sin gle.) Was constructing engineer and superintendent of the Standard Silica Cement Co. of Long Island City; also superintendent of the Jordan, N. T., works of the American Cement Co. Now constructing en gineer of the Milford (Conn.) "Water Co. and Clinton (Conn.) Water Co. Member Phi Delta Theta and Cor nell Clubs, Engineering Society of Columbia Univer sity and American Society of Mechanical Engineers. GREENE, DAVID M.— Consulting Engineer, Troy; residence 41 First street. Born in Brunswick, Rens selaer Co., N. T., July 8, 1832. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (C.B., '51) and at West Point Military Academy (private course, '66). (Married.) Instructor in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1851-2; assistant engineer on Brie Canal, 1852-3; on railroads In Ohio and Indiana, 1853-4; professor of geodesy In Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1855-61; served In Engineer Corps of United States Navy, 1861-9; for a time instructor in United States Naval Academy; Deputy State (New Tork) Engineer, 1874-8; engineer in N. G. N. T., 1872-93; now In general practice. Di rector Citizens' Steamboat Co. and Troy City National Bank. Fellow -American Geographical Society; mem ber Army and Navy Club, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Order of Founders and Patriots of America, American Society of Naval Engineers, Sons of the American Revolution, G. A. R., and Naval Order ol the United States. GREENE, EDWARD R.-Lawyer, 15 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 99 Henry street, Brooklyn. Member Alpha Delta Phi Club, Crescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn and Columbia University Alumni Association. GREENE, FRANCIS VINt'oN — President 11 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 33 East 30th street. Born in Providence, R. I., June 27, 1850. Edu cated at United States Military Academy, West Point (Married.) Officer in the Engineer Corps ol the United States Army, 1870-86; military attache to United States Legation at St. Petersburg, Russia, 1877-9; on duty with Russian army during the Russo-Turkish war, 1877-8; Major-General ol United States Volun teers during Spanish-American War, 1898. President and director Niagara Gorge R. R. Co.; managing di rector New Trinidad Lake Asphalt Co.; director Sea board National Bank. President Republican County Committee, July, 1900. Member University, Metropoli tan, Lawyers', New Tork Tacht, Army and Navy, Union League and Riding Clubs, Century Association, American Institute ol Mining Engineers and American Society ol Civil Engineers. GREENE, GEORGE SEARS, Jr.— Civil Engineer, 68 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 24 Bast 42d street. Bom in Lexington, Ky., Nov. 26, 1837. (Widower.) Civil engineer on Croton Aqueduct, 1868-75; englneer-in-chiel in Department ol Docks, 1875-98. Member Harvard and Church Clubs, Blooming Grove Park and Century Associations, Loyal Legion, Society ol Colonial Wars, New England Society and American Society ol Civil Engineers. , GREENE, HERBERT WILBER — Musician, 489 Filth avenue. New Tork City; residence 174 St. Nich olas avenue. Bom in Holyoke, Mass., May 20, 1851. (Married.) President Music Teachers' National Asso- 170 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ciation and New Tork Associate School of Music; lounder and director Metropolitan CoUege of Music; associate editor Philadelphia "Etude." Member Clef (president) and Lotos Clubs and Society of American Musicians and Composers. GREENE, JOHN A.— Publisher, 100 Washington square. Bast New Tork City; residence 243 West 99th street Member Republican and Press Clubs, Aldine Association and New England Society. GREENE, MARSHALL WINSLOW— Wholesale Grocer, 169 Front street. New Tork City; residence 235 Central Park, West. Bom In New Tork City. Jan. 13. 1870. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and the College of the City of New Tork. (Single.) Mem ber ol the flrm ol Anton R. Beaujon & Co. Member 7th Regiment. N. G. N. T., Society ol Mayflower De scendants. New Tork Genealogical and Biographical Society and Sons ol the American Revolution. GREENE. RICJHARD H.-Lawyer and Editor, 235 Central Park, West, New Tork City. Bora In New Tork City, June 12, 1839. Educated at Tale (A.B.. '62, and A.M.. '65) and Columbia (LL.B.. '65). (Married.) Trustee New Tork Genealogical and Biographical So ciety; secretary Society ol War Veterans; editor New Tork "Genealogical and Biographical Record" (quar terly); historian New Tork Society ol Mayflower De scendants. Member Tale Club. Lalayette Post G. A. R.. Society ol American Wars, Sons ol the Revolution. Society ol the War ol 1812, Society ol Colonial Wars. Society ol the 7th Regiment War Veterans and New Tork Historical and Mayflower Societies. GREENE, RICHARD THURSTON— Lawyer, 41 Park row. New Tork CJlty; residence 261 West 83d street. Born In Port Henry. N. T.. June 29. 1867. Edu cated at Rutgers College ('89) and Albany Law School (valedictorian. '91). (Married.) Member ol the firm of Greene & Stotesbury. Counsel to East River Sav ings Institution and Western Electric Co.; secretary Peruvian Ochre Co. Member West Side Republican and Dry Goods C!lubs, Delta Kappa Epsilon Frater nity (1900-1902 Councll), New Tork Genealogical and BloErraphical Society and Association of the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. GREENE, THOMAS L. — Author and Editor, 120 Broadway. New Tork City; residence 49 West 68th street. Bom In Albany. N. T. Educated at Albany Academy. (Married.) Author ol "Corporation Fi nance." Member Century Association, Church Club and New Tork Historical and Huguenot Societies. GREENE, WILKINS U. — Automatic Machines, 739 First avenue. New Tork City; residence 239 St. James place, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, N. T., 1857. Educated at Columbia. (Married.) Was engi neer under United States Assayer to examine mines In the West. Now general manager Interstate Fending Co. GREENHUT, BENEDICT J.— Dry Goods Mer chant, 292 Sixth avenue. New Tork City; residence Hotel Savoy. Born in Chicago, 111., June 24, 1870. Edu cated in Peoria, III, (Married.) Secretary and direc tor Siegel-Cooper Co. Member Progress and Freund- schalt Clubs. GREENLEES, THOMAS— Carpenter and Builder, Fourth avenue, WlUlamsbrldge, New Tork City. Bora in Renlrewshlre, Scotland, Sept, 25, 1863. Educated in public schools. (Married.) Director New Tork and Wakefield Co-operative Building and Loan Associa tion. Member Royal Arcanum and Exempt Firemen. GRBENOUGH, JOHN — Banker, 18 Wall street New Tork City; residence 31 West 36th street and Tuxedo Park. Director KnoxvUle and Ohio R. R. Co Southwestern Coal and Improvement Co. and United States Casualty Co. Member Tuxedo, University Harvard and Adirondack League Clubs, American Pine Arts. New England and American Geographical Societies, Down Town Association, Sons ol the Ameri can Revolution, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. GREENOUGH, WILLIAM— Woolen Merchant. 346 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 32 West Ninth street. Born In Cambridge, Mass., June 29, 1843 Edu cated at Harvard. Trustee Institution lor Savings ol Merchants' Clerks; director Land and River Improve ment Co. Member University, Merchants', Seawan haka-Corinthian Tacht and Oyster Bay Tacht Clubs. GREENWOOD, LANGDON, Jr.— Machinery, 120 I,iberty street New Tork City; residence 269 West End avenue. Secretary, treasurer and director Ball & Wood Co. Member American Geographical and New Tork Historical Societies and Sons ol the Revolution. GREER, DAVID HUMMELL— Protestant Episco palian Clergyman, 342 Madison avenue. New Tork City. Born in Wheeling, W. Va., March 20, 1844. Edu cated at Washington College, Philadelphia, Pa., and Protestant Episcopal Seminary, Gambier, Ohio. De gree ol D.D. Irom Brown University and Kenyon Col lege. (Married.) Deacon, 1866; priest 1868. Held pas torates in West Virginia, Kentucky and Rhode Island, 1868-88; since then rector ol St. Bartholomew's Church in New Tork City. President and director St. Bar tholomew's Loan Association; trustee Provident Loan Society. Member Metropolitan, University Glee, Rid ing and Patria Clubs and Brown University Alumni and Century Associations. GREGG, DAVID — Presbyterian Clergyman, 180 Washington Park, Brooklyn. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa-, March 25, 1846. Educated at Washington and Jefferson College. Degrees ol D.D. Irom New Tork University and LL.D. Irom Livingston College. (Married Kate Etheridge, 1871.) Edited "Our Banner" lor thirteen years. Rector Lalayette Avenue Presbyterian Church since 1889. Author ol "Makers ol the American Re public" and other works. GREGG, LEVI LAERTES — Tea Importer, 132 Front street, New Tork City; residence 260 Richmond Terrace, S. I. Bora In Fredonia, N. T., April 30, 1841. Educated In public schools and at a business college. (Married.) Member Sons ol the Revolution, Society ol Colonial Wars, Society ol the War of 1812 and Ne-w Tork Scottish Sodetjr. GREGORT, DANIEL SEELET— Editor and Cler gyman, 30 Lafayette place. New Tork City; residence 463 West 153d street. Born in Carmel, N. T., Aug., 21, 1832. Educated at State Normal College ('50), Prince ton University ('67) and Princeton Theoioglcai Semi nary ('60). Held various pastorates; managing editor "Standard Dictionary," 1890-4; editor "Homlletic Re view" since 189B. GREGORT, EDWIN COOKE — Retired, 64 West 47th street. New Tork City. Member Union League, Riding and New Tork Tacht Clubs and Ardsley Club of Ardsley-on-Hudson. GREGORT, ELLIOT— Artist, 1122 Broadway, New Tork City. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 13, 1854. Edu cated at Tale; studied art in Rome and Paris. Makes a specialty ol portraits. Member Knickerbocker Club. GREGORT, HENRT ELSWORTH— Lawyer, 214 Broadway. New, Tork City; residence 54 West 47th street and Irvington. Born in New Tork City. Edu cated In private schools in New Tork City and Stock- bridge, Mass., and at Columbia College and Law School. (Single.) Director New Tork Juvenile Asy lum; member ol executive committee New Tork Prison Association. Member University Club. Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, St. Nicholas, New Tork His torical and Phi Beta Kappa Societies, Century Asso ciation, Colonial Order and Association ol the Bar of the City of New Tork. GREVES. JAMES S.-Lawyer. 32 Park place. New Tork City; residence 5 West 82d street. Born in Mar shall, Mich., Oct. 17, 1838. Educated at Hamilton Col lege and Columbia College Law School. (Married) Secretary and director Stoddard Paper Co.; director B. P. Clapp Ammonia Co. and Isbell-Porter Co. Mem ber Nineteenth Century and QulU Clubs, Lafayette Post G. A. R. and Century Association. ¦nreS^iPJ"^/' EDWARD-Carpenter and Builder, 240 ^tb Jile/*""-!^*' New Tork City; residence 345 West 87th street Born In New Tork City, March 1, 1826. Educated In New Tork City. (Widower.) Member General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen Me- ttr^s- 'iU"cU'^.'"^" ^"^'^^"^^ ^"^ ^-t- C-P-- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 171 GRIDLET, EDWARD M. — Merchant, 18 Greene street. New Tork City; residence 8 Bedford place, Brooklyn. (Married.) Member Reform Club, Crescent Athletic and Dyker Meadow Golf Clubs of Brooklyn and Sons ol the Revolution. GRIERSON, JOHN— Cotton Merchant, 40 Cotton Exchange, New Tork City; residence 125 West 44th street. Born in Scotland, Nov. 16, 1860. Educated at Castle Douglas Academy In Scotland. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Swanson, Grierson & Co. Member Racquet and Tennis and Richmond County Country Clubs. GRIPPEN, BENJAMIN— Glass Manulacturer and Merchant, 40 -Vestry street. New Tork City; residence 41 West 58th street. Director Manhattan Lile Insur ance Co. Member University, Delta Kappa Epsilon and Wool Clubs and College ol the City ol New Tork Alumni Association. GRIFFIN, CHARLES H.-Lawyer and Treasurer, 20 Broad street. New Tork City; residence Elizabeth, N. J. Treasurer and director Universal Exposition Co. Member Church and Union League Clubs, New England Society, Society ol Medical Jurisprudence, New Tork State Bar Association" and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. GRIFFIN, BDWARD P.— Merchant and Importer, 75 Duane street. New Tork City; residence Hotel San Remo. Bom in New Tork City, May 29, 1833. (Son ol Hermon Griffin.) Educated in New Tork City. (Widower.) Senior meml>er ol the firm ol H. Griffin & Sons. Treasurer and director Sterling Book Bind ery; trustee Broadway Savings Institution. GRIFFIN, FRANCIS B.— Hardware Merchant, 101 Reade street. New Tork City; residence 21 Bast 41st street. Born In Catskill, N. T,, Nov. 8, 1852. Educated In Elizabeth, N. J. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol C. E. Jennings & Co. Treasurer Jennings & Griffin Ml'g Co.; director National Shoe and Leather Bank and Norwalk (Conn.) Lock Co. Member Hardware, Mendelssohn Glee, National Arts, Transportation, Tuxedo and Union League Clubs, Presbyterian Union, Sons ol the Revolution, Society ol Colonial Wars, New England Society and Chamber ol Commerce. GRIFFIN, FRANCIS H.-Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 40 West 50th street. Bom in Millord, Conn., Dec. 31, 1869. Educated at Tale ('92) and New Tork Law School ('94). (Single.) Member Scarsdale Goll and Tale Clubs, Woll's Head Society ol Tale University and Dwight Alumni Asso ciation. GRIFFIN, PATRICK F. — Superintendent, 569 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 1891 Madison ave nue. Born in Boston, Mass., April 27, 1844. Educated In Boston public Schools. (Married.) Designer and su perintendent ol manulacturing department Rogers, Peet & Co. Member Catholic!, Harlem and Colonial Clubs. GRIFFIS, WILLIAM ELLIOTT— Clergyman and Author, Ithaca. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 17, 1843. Educated at Rutgers College and Union Theo logical Seminary. (Married Katharine L. Stantpn, 1879.) Served with a Pennsylvania regiment during Civil War; prolessor ol physics at Imperial University in Toklo, Japan, 1872-4. Rector First Relormed Church, Schenectady, N. T., 1877-86; ol Shawmut Con gregational Church, Boston, Mass., 1886-93, and ol First Congregational Church, Ithaca, since 1893. Au thor ol "The Mikado's Empire," "Japanese Fairy World." "The Lily Among Thorns," "Japan In His tory, Folk-Lore and Art," "The Religions of Japan" and many others. GRIFFITH, PERCT T. — Patent Lawyer, 246 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 27 West 88th street. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 26, 1875. (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol Edgar Tate & Co. Member Colonial Club. GRIPF'ITH, VINCENT COLTER — Architect, 96 Filth avenue. New Tork City; residence 160 Herkimer street, Brooklyn, and Contentment Island, Darien, Conn. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., May 23, 1866. Edu cated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute ('86) and Co lumbia University ('89); studied later in Paris and Rome. (Single.) Was architect ol the cupola ol the Brooklyn City Hall. Lecturer on architectural design and history ol architecture in Pratt Institute; vice- president ol the department ol architecture Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences; treasurer Architectural Society ol Columbia College; vestryman Church ol the Epiphany. Member Brooklyn Engineers' and Poly technic Clubs, Architectural League, Brooklyn Chap ter ol the American Institute ol Architects and New Tork State Art Teachers' Association. GRIFFITH, WILLIAM HERRICK — Insurance and Genealogy, 93 State street, Albany; residence 989 Madison avenue. Born In Castleton-on-Hudson, Rens selaer Co., N. T., Jan. 27, 1866. Educated at Albainy Academy and at Tale. (Married.) Secretary and treasurer Knowlton Association ol America; resident agent lor United States Fire Insurance Co. ol New Tork, Merchants' Fire Insurance Co. ol Newark, Wis consin Fire Insurance Co. and Albany Insurance Co. Registrar-general and genealogist Order ol Albion; vice-regent Livingston Chapter ol the Sons ol the Rev- lutlon; member New England Historic and Genealog ical, Old Northwest Genealogical and Albany Histor ical Societies, Sons of the Revolution, Society ol Colo nial "Wars, Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America, Society ol the War ol 1812, Society ol Mayflower De scendants, Order ol Runnymede, Descendants ol Colo nial Governors, Order of Old Guard, Albany Institute, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite thirty-second degree Masons and Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. GRIFFITHS, EVAN- Real Bstate, 398 Broadway. New Tork City; residence 424 Grand avenue. Brook lyn. Bora In New Tork City. March 16, 1847. Educa ted at the College of the City of New Tork. (Mar ried.) Member Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn and New Tork Grand Council Roj'al Arcanum. GRIFFITHS, H. WILLARD— Lawyer, 36 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 609 Balnbridge street. Brooklyn. Bom in Utica, N. T.. Feb. 12, 1873. Edu cated in Utica and Rome schools and at New Tork Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm ol Gril- fiths & Sullivan. Counsel to People's Savings and Loan Association ol GloversviUe; attorney and director Em pire State Co-operative Savings and Loan Association ol Brooklyn. Formerly secretary and treasurer ol the City Realty Co. Member Kings County Royal Arca num "Wheelmen, Undine CouncU ol the Royal Arcanum and lolanthe Dramatic Society, all ol Brooklyn. GRIGGS, HERBERT L.— Banker, 15 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 291 Madison avenue. Born. 1855. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Baring, Ma goun & Co. and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Trustee Sun Insurance Co. ol London and Union Ma rine Insurance Co. and Thames and Mersey Insurance Co. both ol Liverpool. Member Manhattan and Rid ing Clubs, Down Town Association and Chamber ol Commerce. GRIGGS. JOHN C. — Teacher, 404 Camegie HaU, New Tork City; residence New Haven, Conn. Bom in Spring Valley, Minn. Educated at Tale. GRIMSHAW, C. D. — General Merchandise, Lor raine. Bom In Lorraine, April 8, 1850. Educated at Adams CoUegiate Institute. (Married.) Director Farmers' National Bank. Has represented the town ol Lorraine on the board ol supervisors lor nine con secutive years. GRINDEN, WILLIAM J. — Drop Forgings, 31 Richard street, Brooklyn; residence 330 Lalayette ave- nut Born in Brooklyn, May 9, 1866. (Single.) Sec retary, director and superintendent J. H. Williams & Co. Member Crescent Athletic and Engineers' Clubs and Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. GRINNBLL, FREDERICK — President, 45 Cedar street. New Tork City; residence New Bedlord, Mass. Born In New Bedlord, Aug. 14, 1836. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ('55). (Married.) President and director General Fire Extinguisher Co.; director Automatic Fire Alarm and Extinguisher Co. and Wamsutta Mills and Mechanics' National Bank ol New Bedlord. Member New Tork Tacht and East ern Tacht Clubs and American Society ol Mechanical Engineers. 172 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. GRINNBLL, GEORGE BIRD — Publisher, 346 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Audubon Park, West 168th street. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., Sept. 20, 1849. Educated at Tale ('70). (Single.) United States Commissioner to negotiate with Blackleet and Fort Belknap Indians, 1895. President arid director "Forest and Stream" PubliPhing Co. (sinre 1880): one of the managers of the New Tork Zoological Society; ex- presldent Bosworth Machine Co. Member Union, Uni versity, Boone and Crockett and Nassau Island Clubs, Century Association, Society ol Colonial Wars, Scien tific Alliance and Society ol Mayflower Descendants. GRINNBLL, MORTON — Physician, 1 West 54th street New Tork City. Bora in New Tork City, Jan. 3, 1855. Educated at Yale. (Married.) Surgeon to Police Department, New Tork City, 1887-93. Was dem onstrator of anatomy in Bellevue College. Member Tale College Alumni Association and University Club. GRINNBLL, WILLIAM MORTON — Lawyer, 20 Broad street, New Tork City; residence 640 West End avenue. Born In New York City, Feb. 28, 1857. Edu cated at Harvard ('80). Director Gunley Mountain Coal Co., Mount Morris Bank, Mount Pleasant Mining Co., Rio (Jrande, Sierra Madre and Paciflc R. R. Co. and Illinois Central R. R. Co. Member Metropolitan, University, Lawyers' and Harvard Clubs. GRISCOM, CLEMENT A., Jr.— Manager, Pier 14 North River, New York City; residence Flttshing, L. I. Bom In Philadelphia, Pa., June 20, 1868. Educated at University of Pennsylvania. President and director James Reilly Repair and Supply Co.; president Mont gomery Gold Mining Co. ; secretary and treasurer Vig ilante Mining and MiUing Co. of West Virginia; di rector Maritime Association of the Port of New York; trustee SaUors' Snug Harbor In the City of New York; manager International Navigation Co. Member Met ropolitan and Lawyers' Clubs, University Club of Phil adelphia, Pa., and Metropolitan Museum of Art. GRISWOLD, ALPHONSO MINER — Humorist, 1425 Broadway, New York City. Born in Westmore land, Oneida Co., N. Y., Jan. 26, 1834. Educated at Hamilton College. Engaged In journalism for many years; became an editor and part proprietor of "Texas Sittings" in 1886. Humorous writer under pen name of "The Pat Contributor." GRISWOLD, GEORGE — Manager, Tuxedo Park. Born In New York City, April 3, 1857. Educated at Harvard ('80). (Married.) Agent and manager Tux edo Park Association. Member Tuxedo and Union Clubs. GRISWOLD, JOHN N. A.-Merchant 71 South street. New York City; residence 1 Bast 39th street and Newport, R. I. Director Chicago, Burlington and Quincy R. R. Co. and Newport and Wicklord R. R. and Steamboat Co. Member Union League, Metropol itan, Manhattan, City, Relorm, Union, Tuxedo and Adirondack League Clubs and American Museum ol Natural History. GRISWOLD, WAYNE- Broker, 66 Broadway New York City; residence Filth Avenue Hotel. MemlDer ol the flrm ol Griswold & Gillett. Director BrockviUe and St. Lawrence Bridge Co. Member American Yacht and Lotos Clubs and New England Society. GROBSBECK, EDWARD ANSON— Banker Al bany: residence 313 State street. Born in Lansing- burgh N. Y. Educated at Lanslngburgh ACademy and Troy University. (Married.) President Albany Home School lor the Oral Instruction ol the Deal- vice-president Watervliet Turnpike and R. R Co ' cashier National Commercial Bank; secretary and »i^„l ^P°?.^°i''^^*^'^ Car Heating Co.; director Mas sachusetts Mutual Lile Insurance Co. and Park Bank Member Fort Orange Club, Albany Institute and HoL land and Historical Societies. GROBSBECK, ERNEST-Banker and Broker 80 Broadway New York City; residence 561 West End avenue. Born m Wisconsin, Nov. 24, 1850. (Married ) Member ol the firm ol Groesbeok & Steriing.^ Sber ol the governing committee ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Union League, Colonial Racquet and Tennis and Atlantic Yacht Clubs racquet GROBSBECK, LEONARD H. — Cashier, Third National Bank, Syracuse. Born In Lanslngburgh, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1849. Educated in Lanslngburgh. (Mar ried.) President People's BuUding Loan Savings As sociation and Syracuse Gold Mining and MiUin,g Co. ; treasurer Syracuse Truck and Storage Co. Formerly National Bank Examiner. Member Citizens' and Lake side Yacht and Boat Clubs. Sans Souci Club ol Lan slngburgh and Historical and Holland Societies ol New York City. GROPF, FREDERICK G.— Lumber Merchant, 15 Cortlandt street. New York City; residence 51 West 48th street. Born In Slmcoe, Upper Canada, Dec. 25, 1850. Educated at a private school and by private tutors. (Married.) Secretary and director Metropoli tan Lumber Co. GROSE, JOSEPH — Wholesale Silks, 57 Greene street. New York City; residence 461 West 23d street. Born in Cornwall, England. Educated at Dr. Drake's -Academy. (Married.) Was the founder of the French flrm of Charles Berteaux & Radou, New York City. Now a member of the flrm of Megroz, Portier, Grose & Co. Member Merchants' Central Club. GROSS, MICHAEL C. — Lawyer, 3 Chambers street. New York City; residence 248 West 52d street. Born in New York City, Feb. 18, 1838. (Son of Henry and Marguerite Gross.) Educated in common schools. Member Common Council, New York City, 1860-5; judge of the Marine Court, 1865-75; since then in pri vate practice. GROSS, R. J.— Manufacturer, Dunkirk. Born In Canada, Nov. 21, 1850. Educated in common schools. (Married.) President United States Radiator Co.; vice-president Brooks Locomotive Works; director Lake Shore National Bank and Hartford Axle Co. Member Engineers and Lawyers' Clubs of New York City, Union League Club of Chicago, Minnesota Club of St. Paul and Master Mechanics' Association. GROSSMAN, MOSES H. — Lawyer, 61 Park row. New York City; residence 54 Bast 108th street. Bom, 1873. Educated at Grammar School No. 22 (valedicto rian, '87), and New York University Law School (vale dictorian, '94). (Married.) Pounder and editor of "Youth," 1887; editor and publisher of "Arena," 1888; president of Empire State Amateur Press Association, 1891; taught in evening schools and earned means to pay his way through law school; refused appointment as assistant district attorney; became associated with the law flrm of Friend & House; was admitted to the flrm, which subsequently became Friend, House & Grossman, fend Is now House, Grossman & Vorhaus. Director Young Men's Hebrew Association. Member New York Press, German Press, Progress, "West End, Democratic, Colonial and Seminole Clubs, Freund schaft and Tammany Societies, Law Institute, Cen tennial Lodge F. & A. M., Justinian Lodge K. ol P , States Rights Lodge I. O. O. F., Mecca .Temple ol Mys tic Shrine, thirty-second degree Masons, Kent Coun cil N. U. and past district deputy grand chancellor Knights ol Pythias. GROSSMAN, WILLIAM— Lawyer, 63 Park row New York City; residence 80 East 108th street. Born m New York City, Oct. 4, 1867. Educated In public schools and at New York University and Cooper Union. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol House Grossman & Vorhaus. President and director Charles Jacqum & Co. Member Freundschalt and Progress GROSVENOR, JAMBS B. M.-Merchant, 66 Bea ver street. New York City; residence 22 East 72d street and Newport R. I. Born in Providence, R, I., • ?'v ;.. ^''- Educated at Brown University. (Mar- ^f. LI'tt^!'}°I PJ'^^^-^^''^'^'"^ <^"" and Ammunition Co. and United States Casualty Co.; trustee Greenwich Sayings Bank. Member Union, Racquet and Tennis and Newport Goll Clubs, American. Geographical and New England Societies, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on- Hudson and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. GROUT, BDWARD MARSHALL-President, Bor ough HaU, and Lawyer, 189 Montague street, Brook lyn; residence 860 Carroll street. Bom in New Tork City Oct 27 1861. (Son ol Edvard Grout.) Educated in New Tork City and Brooklyn public schools and at Colgate Academy and Madison (now Colgate) Univer- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 173 sity. (Married.) Was Democratic candidate lor mayor ol Brooklyn in 1895. Now president ol the Bor ough ol Brooklyn. Member ol the law flrm ol Grout, Mayer & Hyde. Member Montauk, Hamilton, Riding and Driving, Twenty-second Ward Democratic and Brpoklyn Clubs, Manhattan, Democratic and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs ol New Tork City, a.nd Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. GROUT, PAUL— Lawyer, 189 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 1198 Paciflc street. Born in New Tork City, December, 1866. Educated at Colgate Acad emy and New Tork University. (Married.) Member of. the flrm ol Grout, Mayer & Hyde. Member Crescent Athletic Club. GROWOLL, ADOLPH— Editor, 59 Duane street. New Tork City; residence 109 East 89th street Bom in New Tork City, 1850. Managing Editor "The Pub lishers' Weekly." GRUBER, ABRAHAM— Lawyer, 309 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 152 West 95th street. Born in New Tork City, March 12, 1861. (Son ol Charles and Mary Gruber.) Educated at Grammar School No. 15 and the College of the City of New Tork; studied law in the office of Stillman F. Kneeland and was ad mitted to the Bar In 1882. Member of the flrm ol Black, Olcott, Gruber & Bonynge. Is an active Repub lican and has held various offices In the party organi zation. Member Republican and Arkwright Clubs. GRUND, ERNST— Raw Silk Importer, 447 Broome street. New Tork City; residence Maplewood House, Paterson, N. J. Born In Germany, Jan. 9, 1853. Edu cated in Germany and Scotland. (Married.) Lile member Lotos Club, and member ol the Merchants' Central Club. GUDB, GUSTAVE — Newspaperman, 164 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 2465 Broadway. Born in Germany, Dec. 1, 1865. Educated in Osnabrilck, Germany. (Married.) Connected with the New Tork "Tribune." Member New Tork Press Club. GUDE, -WILLIAM A. — Butter Merchant, 154 Chambers street. New Tork City; residence 904 Ster ling place, Brooklyn. Born In New Tork City, Maureh 13, 1869. Educated In New Tork City. (Married.) Di rector O. J. Gude Co. Member New Tork Mercantile Exchange, Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences and Commercial Club. GUERNSET, EGBERT- Physician and Editor, 180 Central Park, South. Born In Litchfleld, Conn., July 8, 1823. Educated at Phillips Academy and Tale and New Tork Universities; degrees ol M.D. and LL.D. (Married.) Editor "Medical Times"; president of med ical board Metropolitan Hospital, Department of Char ities; chief-of-staff Guernsey Maternity Hospital; con sulting physician Hahnemann Hospital. Served as surgeon of the 6th Regiment N. G. N. T., and as vice- president of the State Insane Hospital at Middletown. Member Union League and Twilight Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, New England Society and National Academy of Design. GfUERNSET, JOSEPH RETNOLDS— Lawyer, 203 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Amenia. Born in Amenia, Mpjch 8, 1865. Educated at Columbia (A.B. and LL.B.). (Married.) Member Alpha Delta Phi, Essex County Country and St. Nicholas Clubs, St. Nicholas Society, Military Order of the Loyal Le gion, Columbia University Alumni Association and Association of the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. GUBRRIER, GEORGE E.— Advertising, 41 Park row. New Tork City; residence 558 Filth avenue. Member Lotos, Relorm and Press Clubs. GUGGENHEIMER, RANDOLPH— President City Hall, and Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 923 Filth avenue. Bom in Lynchburg, Va., July 20, 1848. Came to New Tork when quite young. Educated In Virginia and at the College ol the City ol New Tork ('70). Senior member ol the flrm ol Gug- genheimer, Untermeyer & Marshall, which success lully negotiated the purchase and consolidation ol the largest brewing interests in the United States by an English syndicate. Was school commissioner lor nine years, serving under Mayors Grace, Grant and Gllroy; chairman ol Admiral Dewey Reception Committee, 1899. Now president ol the City Council ol New Tork (elected 1897). Member Manhattan, Lotos, New Tork Press and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, Metro politan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. GUINARD, HENRT- Secretary, 141 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 25 West 44th street. Bom In France, July 5, 1860. Educated at College ol Sainte Barbe, Paris. (Single.) Secretary, treasurer and di rector Appert Glass Co. Member American Chamber ol Commerce ol Paris, France, and ol the New Tork Press Club. GUINDON, EUGENE W.— Express, 216 Duane, 45 Church and 313 Canal streets. New Tork City; resi dence 222 West 70th street. Member of the flrm of Guindon & Berdan. Director Donnaly Mf'g Co. Mem ber Democratic, Suburban Riding and Driving and Press Clubs. GUITEAU, CHARLES CHEEVER- Life Insur ance, 32 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 44 West 84th street. Born In Davenport, Iowa, March 2, 1858. Educated in public schools of Boston, Mass. (Single.) Director Vance Electric Co. Member Coun try Cycle Club and League of American "Wheelmen. GUITEAU, JOHN WILSON— Life Insurance, 32 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 30 West 88th street. Born in Ann Arbor, Mich., Jan. 28, 1834. Edu cated in public schools and at a private academy In Preeport, 111. (Married.) Statistician ol the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New Tork; trustee First Baptist Church. Member Baptist Social Union. GUITBRAS, RAMON— Physician, 23 West 53d street. New Tork City. Educated at Harvard. Di rector American University Magazine Publishing Co. Member Harvard, Manhattan, Players', New Tork Athletic, Atlantic Tacht and New Tork Canoe Clubs. GUITERMAN, MILTON S.-Lawyer, 32 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence 53 Bast 66th street. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, June, 1864. Studied law at Columbia CoUege Law School. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Einstein & Townsend. Member Demo cratic and Harmonie Clubs. GULICK, ERNBSTUS— Vice-President, 26 Pine street. New Tork City; residence Brooklyn. Vice-pres ident, treasurer and director Chaumont Co. Member Oxford, Montauk, Dyker Meadow Golf and Union League Clubs of Brooklyn, Union Club of "Watertown, St. Nicholas Society of Long Island, Altair Lodge No. 601, P. & A. M., Holland Society, G. A. R., and Atlan tic Tacht and Riding and Driving Clubs. GULICK, JOHN C.-Lawyer, 132 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 331 West 22d street. Direc tor Public Telephone Co.; trustee Excelsior Savings Bank. Memher New Tork Athletic and Twilight Clubs, HoUand Society, Holland Lodge and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. GULLIVER, WILLIAM CURTIS— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 545 Madison ave nue. Born in Norwich, Conn., April 8, 1849. (Son ol John Putnam and Prances [Curtis] GuUlver.) Edu cated at Norwich Free Academy, PhiUips Andover Academy, Tale ('70) and Columbia CoUege Law School ('74). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Alex ander & Green. Director Madison Square Garden Co. Member Riding, University, City, University Athletic, Westchester County Country, Lawyers', Union, Tux edo, Shinnecock Hills Goll, Southampton, Garden City Goll and Coaching Clubs, Century Association, Ameri can Museum ol Natural History, Metropolitan Mu seum ol Art, New England Society, Society ol May flower Descendants and Association of the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. GUMBLETON, HENRT A.-Lawyer, 271 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 3 West 124th street. Born in New Tork City, Sept. 14, 1846. Educated at College ol the City ol New Tork. (Widower.) Mem ber ol the flrm of Gumbleton & Hottenroth. Counsel to the People's Guarantee and Indemnity Co. and Twenty-third Ward Property Owners' Association. Member Democratic, Talapoosa Fishing and Sagamore Clubs. 174 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. GUNDLACH, CARL— Wine Merchant 451 Wash ington street New Tork City; residence Belvedere House. Born In San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 6, 1860. Educated In San Francisco. (Single.) Vice-president and director Gundlach-Bundshu Wine Co. GUNDLACH, HENRT R.— Wine Merchant, 451 Washington street, New Tork City; residence San Francisco, Cal. Born and educated in San Francisco. (Single.) Secretary and director Gundlach-Bundshu Wine Co. GUNN, ARCHIBALD— Artist 16 West 28th street. New Tork City; residence 418 Fifth avenue. Born in Taunton, Somersetshire, England, Oct. 11, 1863. Edu cated In England; at Tettenhall College in Stafford shire and at Calderon's Art Academy in London. De signed posters for the prlnclpaJ London theatres; was connected for some time with the New Tork "World" and with "Truth." GUNNISON. AUSTIN— Lubricating Oils. 258 Pearl street. New Tork City; residence Stamford. Conn. Born In Claremont. N. H. Educated In Canandaigua. N. T. (Married.) President Inland OU Co. of St. Louis, Mo. and Cincinnati, Ohio. Member Ohio So ciety. ' GUNNISON, HERBERT P.- Journalist Eagle BuUding, Brooklyn; residence 209 Hewes street. Born in Halifax, N. S., June 28, 1858. Educated at St. Law rence University. (Married.) Director and business manager "Brooklyn Daily Eagle"; treasurer and di rector Eagle Warehouse and Storage Co.; treasurer Brooklyn Public Library; director Twenty-sixth Ward Bank, Brooklyn Bureau of Charities, Brooklyn League, Nassau Trust Co. and American Newspaper Publishers' Association. Member Hamilton, Brook lyn, Hanover, New Tork Universalist (president). Municipal and St. Lawrence Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa Society, Beta Theta Pi Fraternity, Royal Arcanum and Masonic orders. GUNNISON, ROTAL A.— Lawyer, Masonic Tem ple, Binghamton; residence Binghamton. Born in Binghamton, June 24, 1873. Educated in public schools and at Cornell Law School (LL.B., '96). (Single.) Mem ber of the flrm of Gunnison & Hickey. Was United States Referee In Bankruptcy lor the Broome and Delaware Division ol the Northern District ol New Tork. Member Binghamton, Craltsmen's and Broome County Country Clubs, Delta Upsilon Fraternity, Ot seningo Lodge No. 435, F. & A. M., Malta Commandery No. 21, Knights Templar, and New Tork State Bar Association. GUNNISON, W. B.— Principal, Erasmus HaU High School, Brooklyn; residence 77 Wilson street. Born in Abington, Mass., May 2, 1852. Educated at St. Law rence University (Ph.B.). (Married.) Member Han over Club. GUNTER, ARCHIBALD CLAVERIN(3— Author, Playwright and Publisher, 3 Bast 14th street Ne-w Tork City; residence 66 West 52d street. Born I'n Liv erpool, England, Oct. 25,. 1847. Educated in San Fran cisco, Cal. (Married Esther LIsbeth Burns, 1886) Resident ol New Tork City since 1879. Author of "Mr Barnes of New Tork," "Mr. Potter of Texas," "Miss Nobody ol Nowhere," "The Deacon's Daughter" and many others. Member Players' and New Tork Clubs. We2^^^'° v' GEORGE-Publlsher, 41 Union square, West New Tork City; residence 101 West 78th street ^mX^fk^'^f'^^'^- President Gunton Co. and IS: stltute ol Social Economics; editor "Gunton's Maga zine. Member Colonial and Republican Clubs. GUNTON, WILLIAM B.-Publlsher, 41 Union square, West New Tork City; residence 101 West "Ith fj'.lf- .^r."""," '1?^^" ^'^^r' Mass., June 29, 1875: Edu- Guntan rn'.T^'^- ^^'""^^^-^ Secretary and treasurer Gunton Co.; business manager "Gunton's Magazine'- can cfub °' ^°"^' Economics. Member Re^ubll- GURNEE, AUGUSTUS COB-Broker, 80 Broad way. New Tork City; residence 626 Filth avenue Member ol the New Tork Stock Exchange fln^ of w S. Gumee, Jr. & Co. Member Union, University, Met ropolitan and Harvard Clubs and American Geo graphical Society. GURNEE, WALTER S.— Banker, 80 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 626 Filth avenue. Treasurer and director Shelby Iron Co.; director American Smelting and Refining Co., American Surety Co., Car bon Steel Co.. Chrysolite Silver Mining Co., Clllton Iron Coi, Pittsburg, Lisbon and Western Ry. Co. and Tennessee Coal, Iron and R. R. Co. Member Metro politan, Union and Union League Clubs, Down Town Association, American Museum ol Natural History and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. GURNEJE, W-ALTFR S., Jr.— Banker, 80 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 8 East 33d street. Senior niember of the flrm of W. S. Gurnee, Jr. & Co., and of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Director Breece Mining Co., Chrysolite Silver Mining Co. and Tennessee Coal, Iron and R. R. Co. Member Metropoli tan, New Tork Athletic and Union Clubs, Down Town Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. GURNET, RICHARD— Lumber Merchant HI "Water street. New Tork City; residence 224 Pairk place, Brooklyn. Born In London, England, April 4, 1846. Educated Ip public schools and at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol C. S. Langdon & Co., and ol the New Tork Produce and Maritime (ex-president) Exchanges. Member Montauk Lodge No. 286 F. & A. M. (past master), Montauk Club ol Brooklyn and Down Town Associa tion. GUTHRIE, EDWARD BUCKINGHAM— Civil En gineer, 436 EUicott square, Buffalo; residence 158 North Pearl street. Born in Putnam, Ohio, July 25, 1849. Educated at Buffalo Classical School, Tale Uni versity and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. (Mar ried.) Was assistant, deputy and chiel engineer ol the City ol Buffalo. Senior member ol the flrm ol Guthrie & Diehl. Chiel engineer Buffalo Grade Cross ing Commission. Member Saturn and EUicott Clubs, Engineers' Club ol New Tork City, American Society ol Civil Engineers, American Society ol Mechanical Engineers, and Engineers' Society ol Western New Tork. GUTHRIE, WILLTA.M DAMERON— Lawyer, 40 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 28 Park avenue. Bom in San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 3, 1859. Educated in Paris, France, In .England, In New Tork City public schools and at Columbia College Law School. (Mar ried.) Member ol the firm ol Seward, Guthrie & Steele. Director Standard Trust Co., and other cor porations. Member Union, Lawyers', Union League Metropolitan and Riding Clubs, Down Town Assocla- «on and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New TT^-^^^P^^,: HIRAM SAMUEL-Instructor, Comell ^JL^'^VI'-J^^^^^i residence 301 Huestls street. De grees ol B.P. and A.M. Instmctor In drawing and in dustrial art at Cornell University. "-"""s ana in v„ ?^^' CHARLES L.— Lawyer, 271 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 67 Convent avenue. Bom in New Ina\?'t?; cnnei' ^f\: S?."=^t^^ '" pubUo sch^JI and at the College ol the City ol New Tork and Co lumbia Law School: also studied law in the office ol isqI'^ ^"i"*-. (Married.) State senator, 13th d™?rlct 1894-5, and ol the 21st district 1896-9. Chairman ol the Commission lor the Extension ol Riverside Park (bv E'^&ic^ltJc^^lle-rTTrk^^r^el^s Q^H£ ^^ GU-Y, SETMOUR JOSEPH— Artist 51 We=!t Ter,ti, Borf 'i.^r"" ^°'^ S'*y= residence 847 Ealt K street Born in Greenwich, England, Jan. 16, 1824 Educated in London and In New Tork City f MarHerl a^^o V? ?m?o?-^D^?"^"" PT*"^ Association Natlon^lcad: emy of Design and American Water (iolor SoSety 47 West 72d street. Memle'r of'Ihl fi^nPo/GwaSl BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 175 & Co., and ol the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange. Member Suburban Riding and Driving Club. GWATHMET, J-A.MES TEMPLE— Cotton Mer chant 49 Cotton Exchange, New Tork City; residence 58 West 72d street. Member ol the firm ol Gwathmey & Co., members ol the Consolidated Stock and Petro leum Exchange. Member New Tork, Marine and Field, and Richmond County Country Clubs. G"WTER, FREDERICK WALKER— Physician and Professor, 130 Bast 38th street. New Tork City. Born In the United States, July 29, 1865. Educated In pub lic schools, at New Tork University, and in Europe. (Married.) Professor ol operative and clinical sur gery in Cornell University Medical CoUege; surgeon to Bellevue Hospital; consulting surgeon to Beth Israel and Mount Vernon Hospitals. Member New Tork Sur gical Society, Medical Society ol the County ol New Tork, Academy ol Medicine, Bellevue Alumni Asso ciation and Sons ol the Revolution. GWTER, JOHN L.— Relrigerator Manulacturer, HI East Houston street. New Tork City; residence Mount Vernon. Born in Connecticut, July 29, 1850. Educated in public schools and at Bryant & Stratton's Business College. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol L. H. Mace & Co. Treasurer and director Myers' Ex cursion and Navigation Co.; director Lalayette Flre Insurance Co. H HAAS, KALMAN— Merchant, 27 WUliam street. New Tork City; residence 7 East 69th street. Bora in Germany, Dec. 24, 1840. (Married.) Director American Beet Sugar Co., .Napa Quicksilver Mining Co., Brush Electric Illuminating Co., Santa Tsabel Gold Mining Co. and New Idria Q-aicksilver Co. Member American Geographical Society and Chamber ol Commerce. HABBBRTON, JOHN— Author, New Rochelle. Bom in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb.^ 24, 1842. Educated in Illinois public schools; learned printing trade in New York City. (Married Alice L. Hastings ol Hartlord, Conn., 1868.) Served as private and lieutenant ol Vol unteers during Civil War; literary editor "Christian Union," 1874-7; on staff of New York "Herald," 1876- 93; on staff of "Godey's Magazine," 1893-4. Author of "Other People's Children," "The Scripture Club of Valley Rest," "Country Luck," "Some Folks," "The Worst Boy In Town," "The Lucky Lover," "Helen's Babies" and many others. HABER, LOUIS I.-Signs, 508 West Broadway, New York City; residence 149 West 78th street. Mem ber Reform and Grolier Clubs, Dunlap Society and American Museum of Natural History. HABIRSH-AW, WILLIAM H.— Manufacturer, 15 Cortlandt street. New York City; residence Yonkers. President, genera! manager and trustee India Rubber and Gutta Percha Insulation Co. Member Union League, Players', Lambs'. Racquet and Tennis and New York Yacht Clubs, Scientific Alliance and Cen tury Association. HACKETT, JAMES KETBLTAS— Actor, 16 Gram ercy Park, New York City: residence 97 Lexington avenue. Born in Wolfe Island, Ontario, Canada, Sept. 6, 1869. (Son of James Henry Hackett, American actor.) Educated at the College of the City of New York ('91) and New York Law School. (Married Mary Mannerlng.) Made his first appearance on the stage, m Palmer's stock company, 1892; leading man. New York Lyceum, at the age of twenty-six (youngest leading man in New York stage history). Most nota ble success "Prisoner of Zenda," Its sequel, "Rupert of Hentzau" and also "The Pride of Jennlco." Now under management of Daniel Frohman. Member Players', Lambs' and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs. HACKSTAFF, ALEXANDER G.— Secretary, 214 Broadway, New York City; residence Morristown, N. J. Secretary and director Canton, Aberdeen and Nashville R. R. Co., Chicago, St. Louis and New Or leans R. R. Co. and Mississippi Valley Co.; secretary Illinois Central R. R. Co. Member Morristown (N J ) Westminster Kennel and Union Clubs and St Nich-^ olas Society. HADDEN, CROWELL— President, 186 Remsen street, Brooklyn; residence 69 Remsen street. Born in New York City, Sept. 19, 1840. Educated at Brooklyn CoUegiate and Polytechnic Institute. (Married ) Was for many years vice-president treasurer, director and auditor of the Brooklyn City R. R. Co.; was also a di rector of the Brooklyn Heights R. R. Co. and Long Island 'Traction Co. Now president Long Island Bank (m liquidation) ; treasurer and director New York and Long Island Realty Co. and Brooklyn Academy of Mu sic; director Franklin Trust Co., FrankUn Safe De posit Co. and Nassau National Bank; trustee Brook- CTubf*""'"^^ ^^"''' Member Hamilton and Barnard HADDEN, CROWELL, JR.-Banker, 164 Montague street Brooklyn. Assistant secretary Franklin Tru^t Co. Member Hamilton Club, Sons of the Revolution Society of Co onial Wars, Long Island Historical X- ciety and Society of the War of 1812. '•""^'ii »o HADDEN, HAROLD F.-Raw Silk Importer 356 Broadway, New York City; residence 204 Madison a-^e- nue. Member of the firm of Hadden & Co Memblr ITniversity, Merchants', Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and Church Clubs. HADDOCK, JOHN C— Wholesale Coal Merchant, 1 Broadway, New York City; residence Pennsylvania- Member of the firm of Haddock, Shonk & Co. Mem ber Lawyers', Essex County (N. J.) Country and Dem ocratic Clubs and American Society ol Mechanical Engineers. HADDOCK, ALBERT E.— Lawyer, New Brighton; residence 387 Tompkins avenue. Bom in Amherst, N. H., Feb. 9, 1863.. Educated at Millord (N. H.) High School ('SO), Phillips Exeter Academy ('83), Dartmouth CoUege (A.B., '87 and A.M., '90) and Harvard Law School (LL.B., '93). (Single.) Connected with the firm ol Evarts, Choate & Beaman in New York City, 1893- 6; member ol the firm ol PInney, Thayer & Hadlock, and assistant district attorney ol Richmond County, 1896-8; secretary to the president ol the Borough of Richmond since Sept. 1, 1898. Member Harvard, Rich mond County Country and Staten Island Clubs, Psi Upsilon, Phi Delta Phi and Phi Beta Kappa Fraterni ties and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. HAFF, FRANK PJ.— Assistant Treasurer, Long Island Depot, Long Island City; residence 170 Eleventh street. Born In Islip, Suffolk Co., N. Y., May 10, 1862. Educated at an Islip common school. (Married.) Treasurer East End Avenue Baptist Church and Queens Borough Histrionic Society; assistant treas urer and director Long Island R. R. Co. (North Shore Branch), Montauk Water Co. and Prospect Park and Coney Island R. R. Co. ; assistant treasurer New York and Brooklyn Bridge Ry. Co., Montauk Co., Montauk Steamboat Co., Huntington R. R. Co. and Ocean Elec tric Ry. Co.; director Atlantic Avenue Elevated R. R Co. and Montauk Extension R. R. Co. Member New York Railroad Club and Island City Lodge No. 58$ F. & A. M. HAPPEN, LOITIS FRANCIS— President, Third and Tremont avenues. New York City; residence 647 Court landt avenue. Born In Melrose, N. Y., Nov 6 1854 (Son ol Matthias and Catherine Haffen.) Educated lii ?i^HL"^' ,?S*i°ols and at St. John's College, Fordham JA-B-, 76 and A.M ), and Columbia School ol Mines iii-^l' ^.Zi' ^^®° studied mining and metallurgy In the ^ -,ir„'^^,5PP"^"*ed engineer in the Park Depart ment, 1882; becoming subsequently superintendent of the new parks ol the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards; was commissioner ol street improvements lor same district, 1893-7. Was elected the first President ?Qni^ "J? Borough in 1897, to serve three years (1898- 1901). Member Democratic, Washington, Brownson Literary and Schnorrer Clubs, St. John's College cX^e'scbno^n'/'Ji'^'' ^Y.^ Taxpayers' and Columbfl T^?,l^^fr ^°*'^°*. Mines Alumni Associations, Melrose PatScI^'ce^tt'r^rp'^*"'^"''*^^"'' ^"endly Sons ol St! i atnck. Central Taxpayers' Alliance, North Side Board ol Trade and Suburban Council,' RoyVl Area! HAGAR, STANSBURY— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street BrooZT Bo/n' iir%^''''^ '''¦ ^a'shlngfoT^avenue: ;OrooKiyn. iJorn in San Francisco, Cal., Dec 9 ISfiV Sfn7f* JexIcon" published by the Goethe Society ol Germany. Member American Philosophical and American Phil ological Societies, Modern Language Association ol America, Goethe Society ol Weimar, Germany, and ol the Psi Upsilon Fraternity. HEWITT, ABRAM STEVENS — Iron Manulac turer, 17 Burling Slip, New Tork City; residence 9 Lex ington avenue. Born in Haverstraw, Rockland Co., N. T., July 31, 1822. Educated at Columbia (A.B., '42 and LL.D., '87). (Married the only daughter ol Peter Cooper in 1865.) Member ol the firm ol Cooper, Hewitt & Co. Was a representative in Congress from the State ol New Y'ork Irom 1874 to 1886, In which year he was elected mayor ol the City ol New Tork and served one term (1887-8). Organized the Cooper Union, lounded by Peter Cooper, and has been Its sec retary lor more than lorty years. Has been twice president ol the American Institute ol Mining Engi neers; was official United States Commissioner at the French Exposition ol 1867. President Trenton Iron Co., United Smelting Co. and New Tork and Greenwood Lake R. R. Co.; vice-president New Jersey Steel and Iron Co.; director Brie R. R. Co., Ijehigh Coal and Navigation Co., Alabama Coal and Iron Co. and ol various mining companies. Member Metropolitan. City, Church, Union, Engineers', Tuxedo and Players' Clubs, Down Town and Century Associations and ol various scientific bodies. HEWITT, CHARLES R. — Lumber Merchant, 13 William street. New Tork City; residence 409 West 42d street. Director Manhattan Relrigeratlng Co. and Pitch Pine Lumber Co. Member Union League, New Tork, Camera and Racquet and Tennis Clubs, Down Town Association and Liederkranz. HEWITT, CONRAD— Civil Engineer, 10 East 23d street. New Tork City; residence 72 Bast 34th street. Bora in Trenton, N. J., Dec. 19, 1866. Educated at Princeton. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Moffat & Hewitt. Formerly chiel engineer lor Lewinson & Just. Member Baltusrol Goll and Princeton Clubs and Princeton (N. J.) Goll and Trenton (N. J.) Country Clubs. HEWITT, ERSKINE— Lawyer, 17 Burling Slip, New Tork City; residence 9 Lexington avenue. Edu cated at Princeton ('91). Treasurer and director Soho Park and Land Co.; director Seventh National Bank and St. Nicholas Skating and Ice Co. Member Union, Fencers', Racquet and Tennis, Princeton, Players' and University Clubs and Down Town Association. HEWITT, HERBERT H. — General Manager, 26 Cortlandt street. New Tork City; residence The Wal dorl - Astoria. President and director Buffalo Brass Co., Hewitt Steel Truck Co. ol Buffalo, and Reading (Pa.) Car "Wheel Co.; general manager Union Car Co. Member Transportation Club ol New Tork, Union League, Union and Athletic Clubs ol Chicago, and Buffalo and EUicott Clubs ol Buffalo. HEWITT, PETER COOPER— Iron Manulacturer, 17 Burling Slip, New Tork City; residence 11 Lexing ton avenue. Member ol the firm ol Cooper. Hewitt & Co. Treasurer and director Trenton Iron Co.; director New Jersey Steel and Iron Co., Bower-Bajaffl Rustless Iron Co., New Tork and Greenwood Lake Ry. Co. and Gliaj'-aquU and Quito R. R. Co. Member Engineers'. Ptayers', Lambs', Knickerbocker, Tuxedo, Union, Rac quet and Tennis and Metropolitan Clubs and Century Association. HEWITT, ROBERT — President, 514 West street. New Tork City; residence ArdsIey-on-Hudson. Born and educated In New Tork City. (Married.) President and director Kings County Relrigeratlng Co. and Man hattan Relrigeratlng Co.; director Pontilex Ice Ma chine Co. Member Transportation, Knickerbocker Athletic and Country Clubs, Riverside Club ol Irving, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson. and Aldine As sociation. HEWLETT, GEORGE B. — Oils, 20 Piatt street New Tork (31 ty; residence 86 West 103d street. Born in New Tork City, March, 1860. (Single.) Member of the firm of Reed & Hewlett. Vice-president and di rector B. H. Benners Co.; secretary, treasurer and di rector Bemls Car Box Co. HB.WLBTT, JAMES L.— Oils, 20 Piatt street. New Tork City; residence 86 West 103d street Born in New Tork City. June 20, 1864. (Married.) Member of the firm of Reed & Hewlett. Treasurer and director E. H. Benners Co.; director Bemis Car Box Co. HEWLETT, JAMES MONROE— Architect, 16 East 23d street. New Tork CJlty; residence 154 Hicks street. Brooklyn. Born in Lawrence, N. T., Aug. 1, 1868. Edu cated at Columbia. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Lord & Hewlett. Member Alpha Delta Phi, Garden City Golf and Dyker Meadow Golf Clubs, Columbia University Alumni Association, Architectural League and American Institute of Architects. HEWSON, JOHN H. — Stock Broker. 31 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 43 West 17th street. Educated at Hamilton ('53). Member of the flrm of Hewson & White. Member University, Union League, New Tork Tacht and Church Clubs, Ohio Society and Hamilton Alumni Association. HIBBARD, GEORGE — Writer and Lawyer 460 Franklin street, Buffalo; residence Buffalo. Born in Buffalo, 1858. Educated by private tutors and at Har vard ('80>. (Single.) Member Buffalo Country and Buffalo Clubs and Authors' Club and Dunlap Society of New Tork City. HIBBARD, GEORGE B. — Insurance, 29 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence 344 Manhattan ave nue. Director Cripple Creek Gold Mining Syndicate. Member Lotos and Authors' Clubs. Ohio Society. Cen tury Association and National Academy of Design. HIBBARD, HERBERT WADE— Professor. Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 306 Eddy street. Degrees of A.B., A.M. and M.E. Assistant professor of Me chanical engineering of railways and principal of Grad uate School of Railway Mechanical Engineering at Cornell University. HIBBARD. OMRI FORD — Lawyer, 32 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence 406 Clinton street, Brooklyn. Vice-president and director Hinckley Fibre Co. of Russia; secretary and director Peret Storage Battery Co. Member Marine and Field and Hamilton Clubs of Brooklyn, Harvard Club and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. HICKOK, GEORGE S. — Banker, 214 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 752 St. Nicholas avenue. Bora in New Tork City. Educated In public schools, and at Trinity School. (Married.) Cashier and direc tor National Park Bank. Member Congregational and Heights Clubs, Sons ol the American Revolution and Chamber ol Commerce. HICKOK, WILLIAM P.— Printer, 141 East 125th street. New Tork City; residence Mount Vernon. Born in New Tork City, Feb. 20, 1859. Educated in New Tork City. (Married.) President and director Hickok & Co. Member 71st Regiment Hospital Corps, N. G. N. T., and Mount Vernon Musical Society. 198 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. HICKOX, CHARLES R. — Grain Merchant, 435 Produce Exchange, New Tork City; residence 126 West 94th street. Born July 21, 1837. Member Union League and Lotos Clubs, New England Society, Lalay ette Post, G. A. R. and Loyal Legion. HICKOX, CHARLES R., Jr.— Lawyer, 5 Beekman street. New Tork City; residence 126 West 94th street. Born In Bay Ridge, L. I., Jan. 11, 1873. Educated at Tale (A.B., '93), and Harvard Law School (LL.B., '96). (Single.) Second Ueutenant 2d United States Inlan try, 1898. Member Tale Club and Squadron "A," N. G. N. T. HICKS, BENJAMIN D.— Banker, 15 Wall street, New Tork City; residence Westbury, L. I. Born in New Tork City. President Roslyn Savings Bank and Nassau County Bank; vice-president American So ciety lor Prevention ol Cruelty to Animals, New Tork Society lor Prevention pi Cruelty to Children and Brooklyn Society lor Prevention ol Cruelty to Chil dren; director Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co. and Long Island Sale Deposit Co. ; trustee Title Guarantee and Trust Co.; councilor Long Island Historical So ciety. HICKS, ELIAS PETER— Physician, 230 West 97th street. New Tork City. Born in Woodslde, N. T., May 21, 1874. Educated at Medical Department ol the Uni versity ol Vermont (M.D., '98), and National College ol Electro-Therapeutics, Ohio (M.B., '98). Ex-vice- president Phi Chi Alumni Association. Surgeon Home lor Friendless Women. Member Vermont Fish and Game League, Lake Champlain Tacht Club, Algon quin Club ol Burlington, Vt, and ol Larchmont Tacht Club and the Society ol Medical Jurisprudence ol New Tork City. HICKS, HENRT A.— Superintendent, 76 East 94th street. New Tork City. Bom in New Tork City. Gen eral master workman ol the Knights ol Labor with which he has been connected since 1892. HICKS, RATCLIFFB— Rubber Merchant, 73 War ren street, New Tork City; residence 220 West 72d street. Bom In ToUand, Conn., Oct. 3, 1843. Educated at Monson Academy, Wllliston Seminary and Brown University. (Widower.) President and director Can fleld Rubber Co. Member Lotos, Brown University and Colonial Clubs and New England Society. HICKS, S. CHUDLEIGH— 302 West 77th street. New Tork City. Born in Mount Vernon, N. T., May 4, 1874. (Single.) Member 7th Regiment, N. G. N. T. and New Tork Athletic Club. HIGBBE, CHARLES H. — Chemist 344 Bowery, New Tork City; residence Fishkill. Secretary and gen eral manager Barrett Chemical Co.; treasurer and general manager Knickerbocker Hotel and Spring Co. HIGBBE, WILUAM HOWELL— Broker, 42 New street. New Tork City; residence 36 West 35th street. Member Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange and ol the Lotos, Olympic, Tale, New Tork Tacht, American Tacht, Delta Kappa Epsilon and New Tork Athletic Clubs. HIGGINS, A. FOSTER— Lawyer and Adjuster, 16 Exchange place. New Tork City; residence Greenwich Conn. President and director Rio Grande Sierre Madre and Paciflc R. R. Co. and Sierre Madre Con- stmctlon Co.; treasurer and director Mexican North ern Ry. Co. ; director Compania Metalurgica Mexicana Consolidated Kansas City Smelting and Refining Co ' Crocker- Wheeler Electric CO., International Metal Co" Knickerbocker Trust Co., Mexican Ore Co., Polose and Klo Verde Ry. Co. and Sombrerete Mining Co. Mem ber Adirondack League Club, Century and Down lown Associations and National Academy ol Design. HIGGINS, CECIL CAMPBELI^Lawyer, 69 Wall fP'^^n^P^'^ Jr^ ^'}y' residence Pound Ridge Srn ton^SS^^' ,^t^'".f "f • 28. ISSO- Educated at Prince ton and at Columbia Law School. (Married ) Vice- president Rldgefield and New Tork R R. Co MembI; University and Union League Clubs and St. George" Club ol London, England. ueuiges HIGGINS, EDWARD E. — Editor 120 T ihe,.t,, street New Tork City; residencei8'#est 120th itreet Bora in Chelsea, Mass., April 4 1864 FdueateTo; Massachusetts Institute of Tec'hnology.^^Tarried^' Editor "Street Railway Journal"; secretary McGraw Publishing Co.; treasurer "The Success" Co. Member University and Quidnunc Clubs. HIGGINS, EUGENE — Carpet Manufacturer, 10 West 23d street. New Tork City; residence Morristown, N. J. Member of the board ol managers Delaware. Lackawanna and Western R. R. Co. Member Union. Racquet and Tennis, Tuxedo, University, Metropolitan, St. Anthony. Riding, Fencers', New Tork Athletic and New Tork Tacht Clubs, Morristown (N. J.) C!lub, Sons ol the Revolution, Country Club ol Westchester Coun ty and Columbia University Alumni Association. HIGGINS, FRANK W.— Physician and Surgeon, 20 Court street, Cortland; residence 61 Lincoln avenue. Bom in Plyipouth, N. T., Feb. 7, 1857. Educated at New Tork University. (Married.) Attending surgeon to Cortland Hospital. Director T. M. C. A. since its organization. Ex-president ol the village. Member Tioughnioga Club, American Microscopical and New Tork State Medical Societies, American Medical, New Tork State Medical and Central New Tork Medical Associations and Knights Templar. HIGGINS, WILLIAM A.— Sugar Broker, 108 Wall street, Ne-fr Tork City; residence 190 Lefferts place, Brooklyn. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 11, 1860. (Married.) Proprietor Eureka Frait Packing Co. Member Crescent Athletic and Lincoln Clubs of Brook lyn. HIGGINSON, JAMES JACKSON— Stock Broker, 7 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 16 Bast 41st street. Member City, Union League, Metropolitan, University and Harvard Clubs, American Geograph ical and New England Societies, Century Association, Loyal Legion and Metropolitan Museum of Art. HIGLET, WARREN— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street New Tork City; residence 68 West 40th street. Mem ber Alpha Delta Phi, Patria, Republican, Aurora Grata and Larchmont Tacht Clubs, Ohio and Authors' Societies, Hamilton CoUege Alumni Association and bons ol the American Revolution. HILDRETH, J0;HN HOMBR-Lawyer, 280 Broad way New Tork City; 'Pesldence 719 East 13ath street. Born m Lawrence, Mass., Nov. 25, 1847. (Son ol Jklrus C and Emeline [Watson] Hildreth.) Educated at Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Mass., and at Colum- ci^h Mf-f^i/^T ^P^°P ^'^^'>- Member Republican ?ilr, ' M®Tv,^S^i^"^ Society Dwight Alumni Associa- bodl'es °^ ^""^^^ ^^^ °* Masonic wpv^^T^e^fv"^^' ,:^ALTER B.-Manager, 115 Broad way New "Tork City; residence Long Branch N J Born m Madison County lU., Oct 21, 1857. Educated |,tC°lurnhia CoUege School ol Mines. (Married ) President Urbana Mine Co. Member Phoenix (5lub fnTSnlers^^"'^''' ^""^ American Instftute' ol M^: ^^r^^nP CHARLES B.— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New MnP.S^^' ''1^"'-^"°^ ^*3 ^est 69th street. Born in Montgomery, N. Y June 6, 1868. Educated at WiUls ton Seminary and at Yale ('93). (Married Sarah Cooper Rogers ol Mount Vernon Ohio ) Member ^1 PW B^ w ^''?*' ^'" ^ Retts. Member Republican S^Coroiii^^^l'^l^*" «°" -^ ^^'^ ^'-^- and" SoS ^ou''li^r?^^l?of fSn'^f'^ui'^r^^^^^ tTe-k^i^^eS^k-e^ortLr ^"'-" ^'^^^ ^^ "°- °' -STnJ^^PP' CHARLES E.— Lawyer, 96 Broadway New York City; residence Newark, N. J. Born In Wolll! ^Z°'n^- 5^".-^""^ "' 1851- (Married.) Director Well f^l r?.°" National Furnace Co., Surlace Cair Advert!!- mg Co. and East Coast Ml'g Co. Member Reni,bn%=^ Northern Republican, Prospect (^n Newark yS and Essex Clubs, all ol Newark, N. j. ^^°"* HILL, DAVID BENNETT— Lawyer 452 Brr,ari way Albany; residence Wollert's Ro™' Born fn H^' vana, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1844. (Single ) AdmitSi t„^?" Bar, 1864; assemblyman, 1869-7l!- allerman mo i- mayor ol Elmira, 1882; Lleutenant-Govemnr' „f ?.? ' York, 1882-5; Governor, ' 1885-91 rUnite*asme°s%°en^to?: BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 199 1891-7; since then engaged in private law practice. Delegate-at-large Irom New York State to the National Democratic Convention, July, 1900; there seconded the nomination ol William J. Bryan lor President. Mem ber Fort Orange Club. HILL, DAVID JAYNE— Assistant Secretary ol State, Educator, Author and Publicist, Department ol State, Washington, D. C; residence 1313 K street, and Rochester, N. Y. Born In Plainfield, N. J., June 10, 1850. Educated at Bucknell University and in Berlin and Paris. Degree ol LL.D. (Married Juliet Lewis Packer, 1886.) President ol Bucknell University, 1879- 88; president ol University ol Rochester, 1888-96. As sistant Secretary ol State ol the United States since 1897. Author ol numerous educational, literary and scientific books, and articles in reviews and magazines. Member Metropolitan and Cosmos Clubs ol Washing ton, Authors' Club ol New York City, Genesee Valley Club ol Rochester, NationaJ Geographic Society, American Historical Association, Sons ol the Amer ican Revolution and many others. HILL, EDW-ARD FINCH— Stove Manulacturer, Central avenue, PeekskiU; residence 333 Nelson ave nue. Bora In PeekskiU, Aug. 11, 1857. Educated at PeekskiU Military Academy. (Married.) Secretary Union Stove Works ol PeekskiU and New York City; director Westchester Trust Co. ol Yonkers. Member Relorm, Twilight, Transportation, New York Athletic, Craltsman's and National Arts Clubs ol New York City and Triton Fish and Game Club ol Canada. HILL, FREDERICK P.— Architect, 160 Filth ave nue. New York City; residence 202 West 74th street. Born in Rahway, N. J., Sept. 9, 1862. Educated at Rutgers College (A.B., '83, and A.M.). (Married.) Con nected with the firm ol McKlm. Mead & White. Lieu tenant, junior grade, 1st Naval Battalion ol New York. Held commission as ensign In United States Navy during Spanish-American War. Member Archi tectural League, Chi Phi Club, Naval Reserve Asso ciation and Naval and Military Order ol the Spanish- American War. HILL, GEORGE— Civil Engineer and Architect, 160 Filth avenue. New York City; residence Belmar. N. J. Born in New York City Feb. 3, 1861. Educated at Rutgers College and Stevens Institute ol Technol ogy. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol HUl & Turner. Director American Lucol Co. Member Atlantic Yacht Club, American Society ol Civil Engineers, American Society ol Mechanical Engineers and American Insti tute ol Electrical Engineers. HILL, GEORGE H. B.— Retired, 1 East 60th street, New York City. Director Maryland Coal Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League, New York Yacht and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Clubs, Metropoli tan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. HILL, GEORGE WILLIAM — Astronomer, West Nyack. Bora in New York City, March 3, 1838. Edu cated at Rutgers CoUege (Ph.D.). Author ol many papers on astronomy. Member National Academy ol Sciences. HILL, HERBERT W. — Public Accountant, 254 West 23d street. New York City; residence Red Bank, N. J. (Married.) Member Brooklyn Whist and (Tres- cent Athletic Clubs ol Brooklyn. HILL, HUGH— Chemicals, 25 Cedar street, New Tork City; residence 40 East 25th street. Member ol the firm ol Edward Hill's Sons & Co. Member Union, New Tork Athletic and New Tork Clubs and Down Town Association. HILL. JAMES J.— CapitaUst, 27 Pine street. New Tork City; residence St. Paul, Minn. Born In Canada. (Married.) Director Chase National Bank, Baltimore and Ohio R. R. C.o., Great Northern Ry. Co. and United States Mortgage and Trust Co.; trustee New Tork Security and Trust Co. Member Metropolitan and Manhattan Clubs, American Geographical Society and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. Hl-LL, JAMES KING— Lawyer, 45 William street. New Tork City. Bom in Montgom'ery, N. T., June 22, 1832. (Son ol Nathaniel P. and Matilda [Crawlord] Hill. Educated at Montgomery Academy, WiUlston Seminary. Tale College (A.B., '54), and Harvard Law School. (Single.) Senior member ol the firm ol Hill, Wing & Shoudy until 1887, when he retired partially Irom active practice. Has traveled extensively in Eu rope and Africa. Member Nineteenth Century, Psi UpsUon and Lawyers' Clubs, American Geographical and New England Societies, Tale Alumni and Century Associations, American Museum of Natural History and Metropolitan Museum of Art. HILL, JOHN A. — Publisher. 218 William street. New Tork City. Born in Bennington, Vt, Feb. 22. 1858. Educated in Wisconsin. (Married.) President, treasurer and director "American Machinist" I^ubllsh- ing Co. Member Essex County (N. J.) Country and New Tork Railroad Clubs, and American Railway Master Mechanics' Association. HILL, JOHN E.— Professor, Columbia University. New Tork City. Bom in Mystic, Conn., Oct. 15. 1865. Educated at Rutgers College and at Tale ('85). Pro fessor of mathematics at Columbia University since 1895. Member Rutgers College Alumni Association. HILL, JOHN LINDSAT— Lawyer, 115 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Clarendon Hotel, Brooklyn. Born in Florida, Montgomery Co., N. T., Oct. 31, 1840. Educated at Union College ('61). (Married.) Member of the firm of Lockwood & Hill. Member Alpha Delta Phi, Brooklyn, Montauk and Wyandanch (president) Clubs and Sons of the Revolution. HILL, JOHN SPRUNT— Lawyer, 52 William street. New Tork City; residence 105 West 73d street. Born In Falson, N. C, March 17, 1869. Educated at Univer sity of North Carolina (Ph.B., '89) and Columbia Uni versity (LL.B., '94). (Married.) Member of the firm of HIU, Sturcke & Andrews. Member Reform Club and Southern Society. HILL, O. D. — Retired Farmer, East Rodman, Jef ferson County. Born In Watertown, N. T., Nov. 12, 1827. Educated in common schools. (Married.) Trus tee Watertown Savings Bank. Formerly town asses sor and supervisor of the town of Rodman. Member Rodman Lodge No. 506 and Watertown Grange No. 7. HILL, WILLIAM B.-Lawyer, 56 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 161 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. Born in Stratford, Conn., Nov. 17, 1867. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy ('77), Tale ('81), and Tale Law School ('83). (Married.) Trustee People's Trust Co. ol Brooklyn, and Hoagland Laboratory; connected with many other business enterprises. Member Ham ilton, Crescent Athletic, Dyker Meadow Goll and Rem brandt Clubs ol Brooklyn, Shelter Island Tacht (sec retary) and Twentieth Century Clubs, Tale Alumni Association ol Long Island, Long Island Historical So ciety, Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences and Sons ol the Revolution. HILL, WILLIAM C— Engineer and Builder, 42 East 23d street, New Tork City; residence 323 West 87th street. Born In Bridgeton, N. J., June 28, 1858. Educated at Princeton ('84). (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Sturgis & Hill. President National Mar ble Co. Member Republican, University, Princeton, University Athletic, Englewood (N. J.) Goll and City Clubs. HILLARD, HARRT R.— Export Merchant, 100 William street. New Tork City; residence Montciair, N. J. Born In Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Educated at Tale. (Single.) President and director Sydney Ross Co.; treasurer and director William E. Peck & Co. Member University and Drug Clubs. HILLIARp. ROBERT COCHRAN— Actor, 70 West 36th street, New Tork City. Born In New Tork City, 1857. Entered dramatic prolession in his own theatre, the Criterion, Brooklyn, 1886. Has taken leading parts in "Mr. Barnes" ol New Tork," "Sporting Lile," "The Nominee," "Lost Twenty-lour Hours," "The Sleep- -walker," "Wheels within Wheels" and many other successlul plays. Member Lambs' Club. HILLHOUSE, JAMES — Lawyer, 47 Cedar street New Tork City; residence 170 West 78th street. Born In New Haven, Conn., Nov. 19, 1854. Educated at Tale ('76), and Columbia Law School ('78). (Married.) Member University and Church Clubs and Association ol the Bar of the City of New Tork. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 200 -FTTITT-^ NEWELL DWIGHT - Congregational Cler?ym^nV29 f fe -urt, Broo^yn- Bor^^^^^^ Ma^- ^a'ki°ForesrUniy^t'y a^rMcCorrnlck Theologu^al ^^^1)^ inr^ii^^i^'^^-i^ of Imm'ortality" and other works. HILLS, ALFRED KMBALL- Editor 669 Kfth avenue New Tork City. Bom in Hudson, N. H., "ct ori840' Educated at Harvard University and at Hahnemann Medical CoUege of PhUadelphia. (Mar ried ) Co-editor of "Medical Times." Consulting phy- sicfan fo the MetropoUtan Hospital. Member Union League Club, Order of Founders and Patriots of A mSlca Academy of Medicine, Medical Society ol the cSin"y of New ?ork and New England Society. HILLS, FRANKLIN GRANT — Druggist Flat- lands avenue, Brooklyn. Bora in Burlington Flats, N. T Oct 21, 1868. Educated In public schools and at New Tork College ol Pharmacy ('94). (Single.) Made investigations ol powdered drugs lor committee ol re vision on the United States Pharmacopoeia. HILLS, LTMAN H.— Physician, Binghaniton; resi dence 3 Dwight Block. Born in Brookfield, N. T., Feb. 27 1839. Educated at Brookfield . Academy and New Tork University. (Married.) Member Binghamton Club and Otseningo Lodge, F. & A. M. HILLS, WILLIAM— Frait Importer, 338Washing- ton street. New Tork City; residence 7 West 126th street. Born in Brookline, Mass., Sept. 17, 1843. Edu cated in Brookline. Served three years in 1st Massa chusetts Heavy Artillery, Director Hills Bros. Co^ Globe Fire Insurance Co., National Machine Co. and Insurance Co. ol State ol New Tork. Member Alex ander HamUton Post No. 182, G. A. R. HILLS, WILLIAM ELLERT— Lawyer, 120 Broad way, New Tork CJIty; residence 953 Amsterdam ave nue. (Single.) Member Sons ol the American Revo lution, Sons ol the Revolution, Society ol Colonial Wars, Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America, Sons ol Veterans, Spanish-American War Veterans and Astor Battery Veteran Association. HILTON, ALBERT B.— Retired, 1 West 72d street. New Tork City. Born in New Tork City, April 18, 1865. Educated in New Tork City private schools. (Married Hattle, daughter ol Vincent C. King.) Was member ol the flrm ol Hilton, Hughes & Co., which assigned Aug. 26, 1896. Member New Tork Tacht, At lantic Tacht, Larchmont Tacht, Indian Harbor Tacht and New Tork Athletic Clubs. HINCHMAN, WALTER — Vice-President, 11 Broadway, and President, loot West 130th street. New Tork City; residence 621 Filth avenue. President and director Riverside and Fort Lee Perry Co.; vice- president, treasurer and director Mexican National Construction Co. Member Engineers' Club, American Geographical Society, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. HINCKLET, SAMUEL PARKER— Real Bstate and Trusts, Lawrence, L. I.; residence "Sunset HaU." Bora In Boston, Mass., June 17, 1850. Educated at Harvard ('71). (Married Rosalie Neilson.) Trustee village ol Lawrence. Member Harvard and Univer sity Clubs and Down Town Association of New Tork City, and Rockaway Hunting Club. HINB, FRANCIS L.— Banker, 2 WaU street. New Tork City; residence 36 Grace court, Brooklyn. Vice- president and director First National Bank and "Re view of Reviews" Co.; director Astor Place Bank and Home Life Insurance Co.; trustee Brooklyn Trust Co. and South Brooklyn Savings Institution. Member Hamilton and Rembrandt Clubs ol Brooklyn, Rock away Hunting and Barnard Clubs, Long Island His torical and New England Societies, Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences, Aldine Association and Sons ol the Revolution. HINB, THOMAS A.— Publisher, 100 WilUam street. New Tork City; residence Newark, N. J. Born In New Albany, Ind., 1855. Educated at Tale. (Married.) tion. Member Tale Club. Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America. HINMAN, EDWARD-Lawyer, 13 WUliam stre^, Ne-sTTork City; residence 110 Remsen street. Brook- wn Director Manulacturers' Trust Co. Member Brooklyn Crescent Athletic and Oxlord Clubs, So- Setyol Founders and Patriots ol America and Sons ol the Revolution. HINMAN J. W.— Banker, Clyde. Born in New ark NT. Oct. 23, 1844. Educated at Newa.rk High School 'and Academy. Cashier and director Bnggs Na tional Bank. HINMAN RUSSELL— Editor and Author, 100 Was^'hSn square. East New Tork City; residence Chatham N. J. Born In Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. i6, fssf: Educated at Antioch College. In charge ol edi- torikl department ol American Book Co. since 1890 Author ol "Eclectic Complete Geography,". "Eclectic Elementary Geography" "Eclectic Physical Geo graphy" and other educational works. Member Al dine Association and American Geographical Society. HINMAN, WILLIAM K.— Retired Ship Chandler, 10 West 30th street. New Tork City. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 27, 1815. Educated at Union Hall Acad emy Went into ship chandlery business with John S. Williams in 1840 under the firm name ol WiUiams & HInman, at 169 South street; Mr. WiUiams withdrew in 1858; continued the business at same place until May 1, 1899. Member Produce Exchange and ol the New Tork Historical, American Geographical and New Tork Port Societies, Presbyterian Hospital, Presbyte rian Union, United States Lloyds (marine) and ol va rious charitable organizations. HINRICHS, ALFRED E.— La-wyer, 115 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 47 Strong place, Brooklyn. Bom In Brooklyn, May 15, 1871. Educated at Brook lyn Polytechnic Institute, Columbia Law School and New Tork Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm ol F. W. & A. E. Hinrlchs. Instructor in common law pleading In New Tork Law School. Member Ad vance Benevolent Club ol Brooklyn, University Glee Club and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork, New Tork Law Institute and Law Department ol the Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. HINRICJHS, FREDERIC W.-Lawyer, 115 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 367 Henry street, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, Sept. 12, 1851. Educated at Deghuee's School, Bryant & Stratton's Business College, Columbia College and Law School, and Uni versity ol Gottingen, Germany. (Married.) Member Brooklyn Board ol Education, 1882-3; registraj: ol ar rears In Brooklyn, 1894-5; candidate lor lieutenant- governor on Gold Democratic ticket, 1896; lor presi dent ol the Borough ol Brooklyn on Low ticket, 1897, and lor State attorney-general on Citizen's "Union ticket, 1898. Member ol the firm ol F. W. & A. E. Hin rlchs. President ol Department ol Law in Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences; vice-president National Civic Club, and Manhattan and Brooklyn Conlerence ol Congregational Churches; trustee Germania Sav ings Bank. Member Lawyers' and Riding and Driv ing Clubs and Columbia University Alumni Associa tion. HINSDALE, ELIZUR B.— Judge, Criminal Court Building, New Tork City: residence 32 West 45 th street. Born in Genesee County, N. T., Dec. 4, 1831. Edu cated in public schools: studied law and was admitted to the Bar in Buffalo, 1856. Chairman Genesee County Republican Central Committee, 1860; resident ol New Tork CMty since 1861; Judge ol the Court ol Special Sessions (by appointment ol Mayor Strong) since 1885; present term expires July 1, 1905. Director Atlantic Avenue Elevated R. R. Co. ol Brooklyn. Member BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 201 Union League Club, New England Society, Associa tion ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork and Society ol Medical Jurisprudence. HINSDALE, WINPIELD E.— Sanitary Engineer, 242 Water street. New Tork City; residence 132 West 112th street. Born in Syracuse, N. T., Jan. 9, 1862. Educated in Syracuse. (Married.) Sanitary engineer and superintendent C. Hoffman, Jr. (manulacturer ol sanitary goods). Formerly sanitary expert with Peck Bros. & Co. ol New Haven, Conn., and manager ol their branch in New Tork City. Member New Tork Athletic Club. HINTON, GEORGE FREDERIC— Concert Mana ger, 18 "West 34th street. New Tork City; residence 16 West 31st street. Born In New Tork City, Dec. 5, 1863. Educated at Media (Pa.) Academy and Columbia Grammar School, New Tork City. (Married.) Assist ant general manager Sousa's Band. Has been exami ner ol pensions, special agent in United States De partment ol Agriculture, assistant dramatic editor ol New Tork "World," secretary to Idaho World's Fair Commission and lieutenant-colonel Idaho National Guard. Member Army and Navy Club, Dunlap So ciety and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. HINTON, JOHN H.— Physician, 41 West 32d street. New Tork City. Member Union League, GroUer, Play ers' and St. Nicholas Clubs, St. Nicholas, American Geographical and Dunlap Societies, Scientific Alliance and American Museum ol Natural History. HIRSCH, MORRIS J.— Lawyer, 309 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 9 East 92d street. Member Republican, Press and Arkwright Clubs and Metropol itan Museum ol Art. HIRSH, HUGO— Lawyer and Author, 5 Court square, Brooklyn; residence 343 State street. Bora In Germany, Dec. 22, 1848. Educated In New Tork City public schools; studied law and was admitted to the Bar in December, 1872. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Hlrsh & Rasquln. Was counsel to Brooklyn Board ol Police, sheriff of Kings County and to As sembly Cities Committee on Investigation of Depart ment of Charities and Correction. President American Stopper Co.; treasurer Long Island Title Guarantee Co.; director Gravity Electric Clock Co. Author of "Hlrsh on Juries," "Hlrsh's Tabulated Digest of the Divorce Laws of the United States" and of numerous magaizine articles. Member Brooklyn, Union League, Unity, Brooklyn Bicycle and Aurora Grata Clubs, Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences, Hebrew Or phan Asylum, Hebrew Benevolent Association, Nas sau Council, Royal Arcanum, Adytum Lodge, F. & A. M. and Kismet Temple, Nobles ol the Mystic Shrine. HISCOCK, FRANK— Lawyer, 21 Syracuse Savings Bank Building, Syracuse. Bom in Pompey, N. T., Sept. 6, 1834. Educated In common schools. Studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1855. District at torney ol Onondaga County, 1860-3; member ol Con stitutional Convention ol 1867; Congressman, 1879-87; United States Senator, 1887-93. Now in private law practice as senior member ol the firm ol Hiscock, Doheny, Williams & Cowle. Member Century and Citizens' Clubs, HISCOCK, FRANK H.— Supreme Court Justice, Syracuse; residence 808 James street. Bom In TuUy, N. T., April 16, 1856. Educated at Comell ('75). (Mar ried.) Director Whitman & Barnes Ml'g Co., State Bank ol Syracuse, Trust and Deposit Co. ol Onon daga and Straight Line Engine Co. ol Syracuse. Ex- trustee ol Coraell University. Member Century, Citi zens' and University Clubs and president ol Coraell University Association ol Central New Tork. HITCHCOCK, BENJAMIN W.— Publisher and Real Estate Operator, 131 West 23d street. New Tork City; residence 2407 Broadway. Born in New Tork City, July 1, 1836. Educated in public schools and at College ol the City ol New Tork. (Married.) Presi dent and director Hitchcock Publishing Co., and Hitchcock Land Improvement Co. Pounder ol "Wood- side, Corona, Ozone Park and other villages on Long Island; also Palisades Park, Edgewater Heights and Cresskill Park In New Jersey. HITCHCOCK, BRADFORD W.-Lawyer, 55 Lib erty street. New Tork City; residence 163 "West 48th street. Born in New Tork City, Jan. 2, 1860. Educated at Amherst College (A.B., '81 and A.M., '84) and Co lumbia Law School (LL.B., '83). (Single.) Director Durlee Mills of Fall River, Mass. Member Alpha Delta Phi, Mendelssohn Glee and University Clubs, Amherst Alumni Association, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Sons of the Revolution, American Geo graphical and New England Societies and Association of the Bar ol the City of New Tork. HITCHCOCK, CHARLES H. — Lawyer, 49 Court street, Binghamton; residence 4 Jay street. Born in Binghamton, Nov. 12, 1857. Educated at Hamilton CoUege ('79). (Married.) Member of the firm of Hitch cock & Seymour. Captain 1st New Tork Volunteer Infantry, May 1, 1898, to Feb. 26, 1899; served in Ha waiian Islands. Now major 1st Infantry N. G. N. T. Attorney for Binghamton Board of Health. Member Binghamton Club, Army and Navy Club of New Tork City, Phi Beta Kappa Society and United States Mili tary Service Institute. HITCHCOCK, EDWARD, Jr.— Professor, CorneU University, Ithaca; residence 2 Grove place. Born in Stratford, Conn., Sept. 1, 1854. Educated at Amherst College and at Dartmouth and Bellevue Medical Col leges. (Married.) Professor- of physical culture and hygiene, and director of Gymnasium at CorneU Uni versity. Member Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, Ameri can Academy of Medicine and American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education (ex-sec retary). HITCHCOCK, FREDERICK H. — Publisher and Lawyer, 72 Fifth avenue. New Tork City; residence 7 West 28th street. Educated at Amherst College (A.B., '91). (Married.) Admitted to the Bar in New Tork City, June, 1899. Manager of manufacturing depart ment D. Appleton & Co. Secretary board ol trustees ol the St. Agnes t'ree Library. Member Amherst Alumni Association and the Book-Builders. HITCHCOCK, JOHN FRANKLIN— Stationer, 297 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 363 Boulevard. Member Republican, "West Side Republican, Atlantic Tacht and Craltsman's Clubs. HITCHCOCK, J. RIPLEY- Author and Editor, 72 Filth avenue, New Tork City; residence 238 Bast 13th street. Born in Fltchburg, Mass., July 3, 1857. (Son ol Dr. AUred Hitchcock, author and publicist) Edu cated at Hairvard ('77). (Married Martha Wolcott Hall ol Washington, D. C, 1883.) Resident ol New Tork City since 1879. Literary adviser to D. Appleton & Co., since 1890. Author ol "An American Land scape Painter — George Inness," "Etching in America," 'The Madonna In Art" and other works. Hais given various lectures on literary and artistic subjects. Member Barnard, Authors', Harvard and Onteora Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa Alumni, American Historical and Century Associations and New England Society. HITCHINGS, HECTOR M.-Lawyer, 100 WUliam street. New Tork City; residence 264 West 93d street. Born In Gravesend, N. T., Dec. 12, 1855. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and Amherst College. Stud ied law In the offlce ol his lather, Benjamin G. Hitch- Ings, and was admitted to the Bar In 1879. (Married.) Senior member ol the firm ol Hltchings, Palllser & Moen. Elder in Brick Presbyterian Church. On board ol governors ol Drug Club, and membership committee ol United States Republican Club. Mem ber West Side Republican and Richmond Hill Goll Clubs, Society ol Medical Jurisprudence and Amherst Alumni and Phillips Exeter Alumni Associations. HOADLET, FRANCIS W.— Secretary, 12 West 31st street. New Tork City; residence 64 Bast 21st street. Born in New Bedlord, Mass., Oct. 24, 1865. Educated at Massachusetts Institute ol Technology. (Married.) Was assistant to president and also auditor Alabama Terminal and Improvement Co.; also auditor Alabama Midland Ry. Co. Now assistant secretary American- Society ol Mechanical Engineers. Member Massachu setts Institute ol Technology Alumni Association. HOADLET, JAMES H.— Clergyman, 359 West 48th street. New Tork City; residence 338 West 56th street. Born in CoUinsviUe, N. T., Feb. 28, 1847. Educated at Hamilton College, and Union Theological Seminary (D.D.). (Married.) Rector Faith Presbyterian Church. Member Presbyterian Union, QuiU Club, Sons ol the Revolutipn, and Society ol Colonial Wars. 202 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. HOADLET, RUSSELL H.- Banker. 19 Liberty street New Tork City; residence Lawrence. L. i. Member ol^he firm ol Hoadley & Co. Member St An thony Calumet university Glee and Rockaway Hunt ing Clubs. HOADLT, GEORGE— Lawyer. 22 William street New Tork City; residence 33 Bast 50th street. Bom S New Haven, 'conn., July 31 1826. (Son ol ^orge and Mary Anne Woolsey [Scarborough] Hoadly). Educated in private schools ol Cleveland. Ohio, at Western Reserve College ('44) and Harvard Law School; also studied law in the offlce ol Chase & Ball ol Cincinnati, and was admitted to the Bar in 1847. (Married Mary B. Perry ol Cincinnati, 1851.) As a member ol the firm ol Chase, Ball & Hoadly, practiced law In Cincinnati until 1851; Judge ol the Superior Court, 1851-3 and 1859-66; city soUcltor. 1855-6; mem ber of State Constitutional Convention. 1873-4; Gov ernor of Ohio. 1883-5. Resident of New Tork City since 1887; senior member of the flrm of Hoadly. Lauterbach & Johnson, which Is distinguished for its large corpo ration practice. Member Baraard. Manhattan, Re form, Nineteenth Century. Lawyers' and Democratic Clubs, American Geographical and Ohio Societies. Century Association, American Museum ol Natural History. Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. HOAG. DANIEL T.— Banker. 501 Filth avenue. New Tork City; residence 51 West 49th street. Born in Duanesburgh. N. T. (Married.) President and trustee American Savings Bank; director Columbia Bank and Joseph Dixon Crucible Co. Member Union and Church CJlubs. Metropolitan Museum ol Art and National Academy ol Design. HOAG. S. WILLETT, Jr.— CJivU Engineer, Depart ment ol Docks and Ferries, Pier A, North River, New Tork City; residence 1718 Madison avenue. Born in New Tork City. June 6. 1867. Educated in public schools and at the CoUege ol the City ol New Tork. (Single.) Member American Society ol Civil Eagi- HOAGLAND, RATMOND— Merchant, 100 William street. New Tork C31ty; residence 27 West 51st street. President and director New Tork Tartar Co. and Royal Baking Powder Co. ; trustee Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. Member Holland and Ohio .Societies. Union League, Suburban Riding and Driving and Lawyers' CJlubs and Down Town Association. HOAGLAND, RATMOND— Merchant, 100 WUliam street. New Tork City; residence 15 West 56th street Vice-president and director Royal Baking Powder Co. and New Tork Tartar Co. Member La-wyers' Club. CJresoent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn. Down Town Association and Ohio Society. HOAGLAND, WILLIAM M. — Merchant, 100 Wil liam street. New Tork City; residence 206 Quincy street, Brooklyn. Secretary, treasurer and director Royal Baking Powder Co.; director Victoria Flre In surance Co. Member Manhattan and Merchants' Clubs, Oescent Athletic. Hamilton and Oxlord Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Down Town Association. HOBART, ALVAH S.— Clergyman. 29 Ashburton avenue, Tonkers. Born In Whitby. Canada. March 7. 1847. Educated at Colgate University. (Married.) Was recording secretary American Baptist Home Mission Society lor ten years; chairman ol the board ol same for three years; also president Ohio Baptist Conven tion lor three years. Pastor ol the Warburton Avenue Baptist CThurch lor the past twelve years. Member QuiU and Delta Upsilon Clubs, Sons ol the American Revolution and Baptist Social Union. HOBBS, ANGIER B. — Physician, 206 West 86th street. New Tork City. Bora in Houston, Tex., March 2, 1864. Educated at Princeton. (Married.) Member Princeton and University Clubs. -- H(5BBS, EDWARD H.-Lawyer, 58 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 959 Park place, Brooklyn S-?S^/'i ^"^^.^i'r^S' N- Y., June 5, 1835. Educated at Middlebury (Vt.) CoUege (LL.D.). (Married.) Mem ber ol the firm of Hobbs & Gifford. Director Bedlord Bank oi Brooklyn, and Mount Vernon Suburban Land Co. Member Union League Club, .Institute ol Arts and Sciences and New England Society, all ol Brook- fyn, and ollta Kappa Epsilon Club ol New Tork City HOBBS, ELON S.-Lawyer. 257 Broadway. New Tork City; residence 2 West S3d street Born in Mary- land Aug 24. 1861. Educated at St. John's College, Annapolif.' (Married.) President and (director Toi- ^ttes Publishing Co.; vice-president and director Con solidated Gas and Fuel Co.; director Haverstraw Light and Fuel Gas Co. Member Democratic and T^'wi- light Clubs, Southern Society and Sons ol the Ameri can Revolution. HOBRON, BENJAMIN F. — PubUsher. 13 Astor place. New Tork City; residence Hotel St. George. Brooklyn. Born in New London, Conn., Jan. 10, 1842. Educated in New London. (Married.) Treasurer and director Gallison & Hobron Co. HOBSON, HENRT D.— Lawyer, 4 Court square, Brooklyn; residence 66 Quincy street. Born in Bidde- lord, Me. Educated at Harvard ('76), and Cincinnati Law School ('78). (Single.) Member Republican Club and Sons ol the Revolution. HODGE, HENRT WILSON — Civil Engineer, 27 Pine street, New Tork City; residence 61 East 82d street. Member Knick:erbocker, Riding and University Clubs, American Society ol Civil Engineers, Sons ol the Revolution ol the County of Kings and Renssel aer Polytechnic Institute Alumni Association. HODGE, J. ASPINWALL, Jr.— Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 316 West 108th street. Bom In PhUadelphia. Pa.. March 9, 1861. Educated at Princeton ('83), and Columbia Law School ('87). (Mar ried.) Member University, Princeton, Reform, Colum^ bia Tacht and Players' Clubs and Association of the Bar of the CTity of New Tork. HODGES, ALFRED — Fire Insurance, 42 Broadway, Brooklyn; residence 469 Bedford avenue. Born in Kings County, N. T., Dec. 7, 1845. Educated at Brook lyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married Lizzie Johnson.) Member of the State Legislature, 1883-4. Trustee ol Kings County Savings Institution. Member Union League, Riding and Driving and Troop "C" Country Clubs, St. Nicholas Society ol Nassau Island, Society ol Colonial Wars and Sons ol the Revolution. HODGES, AMORT G.— Broker, 31 Broad street, New Tork City; residence 6 Gramercy Park. Born In Boston, Mass. Educated at Harvard ('74). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Halsted & Hodges, and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Union, Univer sity, Racquet and Tennis, Rockaway Hunting and Harvard Clubs and New England Sooiety. HODGES, CHARLfiS H.-Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 213 West 80th street. Born In Foxboro, Mass., April 30, 1856. Educated at Brown University and Harvard Law School. (Married.) Member Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. HODGMAN, ABBOTT— Physician, 141, East 38th street. New Tork City. Born In West Townsend, Mass., Nov. 15, 1832. Educated In public schools and at New Plampton (N. H.) Institute, Colby Institute, Dartmouth Medical CoUege and New Tork University Medical Department (M.D., '58). (Married.) Practic ing in New Tork City since 1859. Trustee New Tork Savings Bank. Member American Medical and New Tork State Medical Associations, New Tork Academy ol Medicine, New England Society and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. HODGMAN, CONSTANT C— Electrical Supplies, 93 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence Tonkers. Educated at Canandaigua Academy and Amherst Col lege ('72). (Single.) Member Amherst Alumni Asso ciation. HOE, GEORGE E.— Builder, 10 Liberty place. New Tork City; residence 153 West 86th street. Born in New Tork City. Educated at the College ol the City ol Ne-w Tork. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol James ^i ^°^ s Sons. Ex-school trustee ol Sixteenth Ward of New Tork City. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon and Building Trades Clubs, Metropolitan Museum ol Art Sons of the Revolution and Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Association. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 203 HOE, RICHARD M.— Real Estate, 102 Produce Ex change, New Tork City; residence 11 East 71st street. Director Chicago and Eastern Illinois R. R. Co., New Tork and South Brooklyn Ferry and Steam Transpor tation Co. and Peoria and Bureau VaUey R. R. Co. Member Metropolitan, GroUer and Riding Clubs, Ards ley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson and Down Town As sociation. HOE, WILLIAM A. — Builder, 10 Liberty place. New Tork City; residence 126 West 73d street. Born in New Tork City, June 19, 1841. Educated In New Tork City. (Married.) Member of the flrm of James C. Hoe's Sons. Trustee Bank for Savings. Member Building Trades and Heights Clubs, Sons ol the Revo lution and Lalayette Post G. A. R. HOEBBR, ARTHUR — Art Critic and Landscape Painter, 29 Park row. New Tork CJity; residence Nut ley, N. J. Born In New Tork City. Studied art at Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, and at Art Students' League In New Tork City. (Married.) Served with the 22d Regiment N. G. N. T. as sergeant, flrst Ueu tenant and captain ol Company I, 1873-81. Member National Arts and Lotos Clubs, Tountakah Goll Club ol Nutley and 22d Regiment Veterans' Association. HOBS, WILLIAM M.— Public Administrator, 119 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 205 West 57th street. Bom in Kinderhook, Columbia Co., N. T. Educated at Kinderhook Academy, Williams CoUege ('61), and Columbia College Law School. Member Manhattan, Democratic, Nineteenth Century and Lawyers' Clubs, Williams College Alumni and Down Town Associations, American Geographical and Hol land Societies, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork and Kane Lodge No. 454, P. & A. M. HOFFMAN, CHARLES FREDERICK, Jr.— Real Estate, 4 Warren street. New Tork CJity; residence 31 West 72d street. Born In Morristown, N. J., 1856. (Widower.) Member ol the firm ol Hoffman Bros. Director Colonial Assurance Co.. Washington Assur ance Co. and Fruit Auction Co. Member Metropolitan. Colonial, CJity. St. Anthony. Church, West Side Repub lican and Tuxedo Clubs. St. Nicholas Society and Co lumbia University Alumni Association. HOFFMAN, EDWARD M.— Adjutant General, Al bany; residence 681 Clinton street, Blmlra. Born In Blmlra, Jan. 14, 1857. Educated in Elmira. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol E. M. & H. N. Hoffman (nur serymen). Adjutant General ol the State ol New Tork, and chiel-ol-staff to Governor Theodore Roose velt. Director Merchants' National Bank ol Elmira. Member Army and Navy Club ol New Tork City. HOFFMAN, EUGENE AUGUSTUS— Protestant Episcopalian Clergyman, 175 Ninth avenue. New Tork City; residence 1 Chelsea square. Born in New Tork City March 29, 1829. Educated in New Tork City and at Harvard. Degrees ol D.D., LL.D. and D.C.L. (Married.) Rector ol Grace Church, Brooklyn, 1864- 9, and ol St. Martin's Church, Philadelphia, 1869-79. Dean ol General Theological Seminary ol the Protest ant Episcopalian Church, New Tork City, since 1879. Member City, Southside Sportsmen's, Rastlgouche Salmon and .lekyl Island Clubs, American Geographi cal and St. Nicholas Societies, Century Association, American Museum ol Natural History and Metropoli tan Museum ol Art. HOFFMAN, FRANCIS BURRALL— Loan Broker, Produce Exchange, New Tork City; residence 68 East 79th street. Born, April 24, 1845. Educated at Cal- thorpe School, Bridgeport, Conn., and In France and Germany. (Married Lucy Evelyn Shattuck.) Mem ber Metropolitan Club. HOFFMAN, FRANK SARGENT — Prolessor, Union College, Schenectady. Bora In Sheboygan Falls, Wis., Feb. 9, 1852. Educated at Amherst Col lege (A.B., '76 and Ph.D.). (Married Jessie B. Lath rop ol New Tork City, 1887.) Prolessor ol philosophy at Union CoUege since 1885. Member ol many learned societies. HOFFMAN, RI(JH-4.RD— Musician, 116 West 43d street. New Tork City. Born in Manchester, England, May 24, 1831. Resident ol the United States since 1847. Was with Julius Benedict In tour ol Jenny Llnd In 1850. Author ol many musical compositions. HOFFMAN, WILLIAM M. V.— Real Estate, 4 Warren street. New Tork City; residence 240 West 76th street. Member ol the flrm ol Hoffman Bros. Member Union League, Colonial, New Tork Athletic and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, Columbia Alumni Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. HOFMANN, HENRT— Broker, 30 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 31 West 94th street. Born in Franklort-on-the-Main, Germany, June 16, 1866. Educated in Germany. Member ol the New Tork Stock Exchange flrm ol Holmann Bros. Member Ger man Club. HOFMANN, OTTO— Broker, 30 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 246 West 75th street. Born in Franklort-on-the-Main, Germany, Aug. 28, 1863. Edu cated In Germany. (Married.) Member ol the flrm of Holmann Bros., and of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member German Club. HOPSTATTER, THEODORE— Decorator, 589 Fifth avenue. New Tork City; residence Alpine, N. J. Member Twilight and Builders' Clubs and Liederkranz. HOGE, F. HUBER— Manager, 519 Putnam avenue, Brooklyn. Born In New Tork City, 1877. Educated at Brooklyn High School. (Single.) Manager of sales department Kozy Camera Co. Member Camera Club of New Tork City. HOGE, JOHN — Soap Manufacturer, 164 Franklin street, New Tork City: residence Zanesville, Ohio. Born in Zanesville, July 6. 1840. Educated in Zanes ville. (Single.) Member of the firm of Schultz & Co. President Union National Bank. "The Daily Courier" Co.. Electric Light Co. and Griffith & Wedge Machine Co.. all of Zanesville; vice-president American Encaus tic Tiling Co., Brown Mf'g Co. of Zanesville, and Brown-Manly Plow Co. of Malta, Ohio; director Cen tral Ohio Division of the Baltimore and Ohio B. R. Co., BeUalre, Zanesville and Cincinnati, Ry. Co., Zanesville and Ohio River Ry. Co., United States Printing Co., United States Playing Card Co.. and of Blandy Machine Co.. Muskingum Coffin Co. and Peo ple's Savings Bank of Zanesville. Member Commer cial Club and Ohio Society. HOGGSON, -WILLIAM J.— Contracting Designer. 7 East 44th street New Tork (Jity; residence Green wich, Conn. Born and educated In New Haven, Conn. (Married.) Director Hoggson & Pettis Ml'g Co.; was secretary ol same for ten years. Member Colonial Club and Aldine Association. HOGINS, HENRT HERBERT- Broker, 133 Pearl street. New Tork City; residence Roslyn, L. I. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., April 24, 1845. Educated at Miami University. (Married.) Since 1889, head of the firm ol Hogins & Sons. Formerly ol Taft, Hoglns & Co. Was captain of Company K, 23d Regiment N. G. N. T.; afterward on staff of Major-General J. B. Woodward. Was commodore of Atlantic Tacht Club for three years. Member New Tork Produce Exchange and of the Atlantic Tacht and Montauk Clubs of Brooklyn, and Reform Club of New Tork. HOLAHAN, MAURICE F.— President 21 Park row. New Tork City; residence 137 East 55th street. Bom, 1848. Educated at New Tork City Grammar School No. 35, College of the City of New Tork and Washington Unlversltj' Law School. Served as as semblyman and senator; chiel ol customs United States Treasury Department, 1885-7; chiel special agent. Custom House, New Tork City, 1887-9; commis sioner ol accounts, 1889-90; deputy commissioner ol public works, 1890-5; president Board ol Public Im provements since 1898. Member Catholic Club. HOLBROOK, DIG L.— Mechanical Engineer, Ton kers; residence 46 East 21st street. New Tork City. Born In New Tork City, Feb. 8, 1866. Educated at Cornell. (Single.) Connected with the engineering department ol the Otis Elevator Co., Tonkers. Mem ber Cornell Club, American Society ol Mechanical En gineers and Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. HOLBROOK. EDWARD— Manulacturer ol SUver- ware, 889 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Stam lord, Conn. President Gorham Ml'g Co. ; director Gen eral Fire Extinguisher Co., and Merchants' National 204 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Bank ol New Tork. Member Union League and Adi rondack League Clubs, Aldine Association, New Eng land Society and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. HOLBROOK, HARRT— Glass Manulacturer. 85 Beekman street, New Tork (Jity; residence Tonkers. Member Fulton, New Tork Tacht and New Tork Clubs and Aldine Association. HOLBROOK, MARTIN L.— Physician and Editor, 46 East 21st street. New Tork Guy. Born in Mantua, Ohio, Feb. 3, 1831. Educated in public and private schools in Ohio. (Married.) Thirty-five years editor ol "Jouraal ol Hygiene and Herald ol Health." Au thor ol many works. Member Twilight Club. HOLBROOK, WILLIAM C — Judge, Criminal Court BuUding, New Tork City; residence 10 West 130th street. Born in Brattleboro, Vt, 1842. Educated in public schools and at Harvard Law School. Served as Ueutenant and adjutant ol 4th Vermont Volunteers, 6th Corps, Army ol the Potomac, and as major and colonel ol 7th Vermont Volunteers, Department ol the Gull, 1861-6; was twice brevetted lor gallantry and efficient service. Admitted to the Bar in New Tork City, 1866. Judge Court ol Special Sessions since July, 1896; term expires July 1, 1907. Member Army and Navy and Harlem Clubs, Loyal Legion, New England Society and Association ol the Bar ol the City of New Tork. HOLCOMBE, CHESTER— Author and Diplomat ist, Newark, Wayne County. Born in Winfield, N. T.. Oct. 16, 1844. Educated at Union College. Connected with United States Legation at Peking, China, as In terpreter and secretary, 1871-85; acting minister, 1875- 6, 1878-9 and 1881-2. Since 1885 actively engaged In commercial and financial questions In China. Author of "The Real Chinaman"; also several works In Chi nese language. HOLCOMBE, WILLIAM FREDERIC— Physician, 78 Lexington avenue. New Tork City. Bora in Ster ling. Mass., April 2, 1827. Studied medicine at Albany Medical CoUege (M.D.. '50). and In Europe. (Widower.) Lecturer on diseases of the eye In New Tork Univer sity Medical College. 1861; professor ol diseases ol the eye and ear In New Tork Medical College 1862, in New Tork Ophthalmic College and Hospital. 1863, and in New Tork Medical College for Women. '1867. One ol the nine lounders ol the New Tork Genealogical and Biographical Society in 1869; delivered centennial ad dress ol town ol Sterling, Mass.. 1881. Member Inter- natlonar Medical and New Tork Genealogical and Bio graphical Societies. American Medical Association and Medical Society ol the County ol New Tork. HOLDEN, DANIEL JUDSON— Lawyer, 71 Broad way. New Tork City; residence 310 West 91st street. Bom In New Tork City Jan. 15. 1844. Educated at Tale and at Columbia Law School. (Married.) Mem ber ol the firm ol Coudert Brothers. Member Univer sity and CJity Clubs. Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. State Bar and Down Town Associations Society ol Medical Jurisprudence and Sons ol the Rev olution. HOLDEN. EDWIN B.— Wholesale Coal Merchant 1 Broadway. New Tork (Jity; residence 311 West 82d street Member GroUer. City and Psi Upsilon Clubs, Dunlap Society, Columbia Alumni Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. HOLDEN, GEORGE A. — Coal . Merchant 26 Ex change place. New Tork City; residence 185 Riverside ?,'?If- ,?°^°/° Syracuse, N. T.. Noy 21, 1863. Edu cated at Columbia ('84). (Married.) General sales agent of Delaware, Lackawanna and Westem R R ve;=it^^oi*'l'" Snhurban Riding and Driving and UnL versity Clubs and Dunlap Society. HOLDER, FREDERICK D.— Broker, 50 Exchange ^f:^-?^^Z ^°!? <^"y= residence 58 West 58lh street ^IPP^ Pl^. ^°''^ City Oct. 11, 1876. Educated In New Tork City Connected with the New Tork Stock Exchange firm of C. Schumacher & Co. Member New locilty ^"' ^°^ ^^"^ ^°'^ °'"*'^ ^nd St Georgia TJei^v^^^^'. CSCAR H.-Physician, 66 Park avenue New Tork City; residence 499 Fifth avenue Born^n Dorchester, Mass., June 30, 1866. Educated at Har" vard (A.B. and M.D.). and University Clubs. (Single.) Member Harvard HOLLADAT, W A L L E R— Mathematician. 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 328 West 57th street. Born in Ooroomlah, Persia (where his parents were American missionaries). April 7. 1840. Educated at University of Virginia (B.S.. CE. and M.B.). (Wid ower.) Served in Confederate army during Civil War; served under Generals Lee and Jackson and surren dered at Appomattox. Professor ol mathematics In Cooper Institute since 1884; mathematician Equitable Llle Assurance Society ol the United States since 1887. Member University Club and Southern Society. HOLLAND, ALEXANDER— Banker and Broker. 36 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 40 Grace court, Brooklyn. Born in New Tork City. 1873. Edu cated at Harvard ('96). (Single.) Member ol the firm of Alexander Holland & Co. Member Harvard. Col lectors', Nassau Country and New Tork Athletic Clubs and Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. HOLLAND, EDMUND MILTON— Actor, 70 West 36th street, New Tork City. Bom In New Tork City. 1848. (Married Mary E., daughter ol Benjamin P. Seward, 1876.) Under the management (1900) ol the Frohmans. Member Players' and Lambs' (Jlubs. HOLLAND, JOHN B.— Agent, 65 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 40 Grace court, Brooklyn. Mem ber Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn, Society ol Colonial Wars, Society ol Foreign Wars and Sons of the Revo lution. HOLLICK, CHARLES ARTHUR— Instructor, Co lumbia University, New Tork City; residence New Brighton, S. I. Bom on Staten Island, Feb. 6, 1867. Educated at Columbia College School of Mines (Ph.B., '79). (Married.) Instructor in geology at Columbia University. Member Richmond County Park Commis sion since 1897. Author of many works upon geology and botany. Member New Tork Academy of Sciences, Torrey Botanical Club, Natural Science Association of Staten Island, Geological Society of America, Botani cal Society ol America and American Association lor the Advancement ol Science. HOLLINS, FRANK C. — Broker, 11 Wall street, New Tork City; residence 22 East 64th street. Bom in Philadelphia, Pa. Educated in New Tork City. (Married.) Ex-vice-president Lake Erie and Westem Ry. Co., St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute R. R. Co. and Peoria, Decatur and EvansviUe Ry. Co.. -Was one ol the directors ol the Jersey City (N. J.) Board of Education lor two years. Member Lake Champlain (president) and Riding CJlubs. HOLLINS, HARRT B.-Banker, 16 Wall street New Tork City; residence East Islip. Senior member ol the firm ol H. B. HoUins & Co. and member ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. President and director Havana Commercial Co.; vice-president and director Brooklyn Ferry Co.; director American Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co., Detroit and Mackinac Ry. Co., Bast River Gas Co. ol Long Island, East River Gas Co., Fort Worth and Rio Grande Ry. Co., Interna tional Banking and Trust Co., Knickerbocker Trust Co., New Amsterdam Gas Co., New Tork and East River Gas Co., Plaza Bank, Tenth and Twenty-third Streets Ferry Co. and ZanesvUle and Ohio River Ry Co. Member Metropolitan, Union, South Side Sports-^ men's, Westminster Kennel, Lawyers', Meadow Brook Hunt, New Tork Tacht, Racquet and Tennis and Rid ing Clubs and Down Town Association. o,= HOLLISTER, GRANGER A.-Lumber Merchant 375 East avenue, Rochester. Bom and educated in Rochester. (Married.) President HoUister Lumber Co.; director Rochester Gas and Electric Co.; trustee Rochester Savings Bank and Security Trast Co of R'^e^^ester. Member Genesee Valley and Century c+ ^.°^^^^^^^' HARRT H.- Broker, 17 Broad street New Tork City; residence 19 West 49th street Member of the firm ol HoUister & Babcock, and of l^^^^T^ York Stock Exchange. Treasurer and direc tor National Horse Show Association; director Central Crosstown R. R Co., Christopher and Tenth Streets 1 , ¦ ^i''-k''^®LM°ines and Fort Dodge R. R. Co., Keo kuk and Des Momes R. R. Co., Madison Square (iarden BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 205 Co. and Peoria and Bureau VaUey R. R. Co. Member Metropolitan, Union, Riding, Whist, South Side Sportsmen's and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht Clubs, New England Society and Sons of the Revolution. HOLLISTER, MARTIN L.— Lawyer, 206 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 242 West 34th street. Born In Coxsackie, N. T.. Aug. 2, 1839. Educated at Fort Plain Seminary, Claverack College, Hudson River Institute and Albany Law School; also studied law In the office of Beach & Smith, Troy. (Married Emily, daughter ol Dr. Clute, 1872; died Nov. 8, 1896.) County attorney ol Marion County, Mo., 1870; circuit attorney ol the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit ol Missouri, 1870-4; fire marshal ol the City ol New Tork, 1896-7; member ol municipal committee to arrange reception ol Ad miral Dewey. 1899. Trustee New Tork Harbor Tow Boat Co. Member Thirteen Club, Society ol Medical Jurisprudence and State Bar Association. HOLLISTER, "WILLIAM H.— Banker, 120 Broad way. New Tork City; residence 8 West 43d street. Bora in Utica, N. T.. March 1, 1845. Educated at Wal nut HIU School, Geneva. N. T. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Kountze Bros, and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Director Fltchburg R. R. Co.. Sale Deposit Co. ol New Tork. Westcott Express Co.. Bankers' Trust Co. and Baltimore (Md.) Guarantee and Trust Co.; trustee Dry Dock Savings Institution. Member Riding, Union League, New Tork Tacht, Lawyers', Racquet and Tennis, New Tork Athletic, Country, Lambs'. Suburban Riding and Driving and Atlantic Tacht Clubs. Down Town Association, New England Society, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Chamber ol Commerce. HOLLS, FREDERICK WILLIAM— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Tonkers. Bora in Zellenople, Pa., July 1, 1857. Educated at Columbia (A.B., '78) and Columbia Law School (LL.B., '80). De gree ol D.C.L. Irom University ol Leipzig In 1898. Member ol the firm ol Holls, Wagner & Burghard. (Married Caroline M. Sayles ol Pawtucket, R. I., 1889.) Delegate-at-large to New Tork State Constitutional Convention ol 1894, and was chairman ol committee on education; United States delegate to Peace Conlerence at The Hague, HoIland( 1899; chairman ol Educational Commission ol the State ol.New Tork, 1899. Secre tary and director Music HElll Co. (Ltd.). Member La'wyers' and Republican ClUbs, -American Geographi cal Society and Columbia University Alumni Associa tion. HOLLT, HENRT H., Jr.— Architect, 39 West 27th street. New Tork City; residence Montciair, N. J. Born in New Tork City, Sept. 12, 1872. Educated at TaJe. (Single.) Member Tale Club, and Company I, 7th Regiment, N. G. N. T. HOLLT, WILLIS— Secretary, The Arsenal, Central Park, New Tork City. Born in Stamlord, Conn., July 14, 1854. Educated In Brooklyn, _N. T. Interested In newspaper work until 1889; secretary to the Mayor ol New Tork City, 1889-94; private secretary and adver tising manager R. H. Macy & Co., 1895-7; secretary Department ol Parks since Jan. 1, 1898. Member Lo tos and Press Clubs. HOLM, CHARLES F.— Lawyer, 63 Park row. New Tork City; residence 442 Seventh street, Brooklyn. Born In New Tork City, March 8, 1862. Educated In Sc!hwerin, Germany, and at Columbia Law School (LL.B., '82). (Widower.) Member ol the flrm ol Holm & Smith. Counsel to Consumers' Brewing Co., Excel sior Brewing Co., United Wine and Trading Co., Clausen & Price Brewing Co., Manhattan Soda Water Co., American Exchange Cigar Co., Photo-Engraving Co. and others. Member Parkway Driving and Mon tauk (Jlubs ol Brooklyn, Herman Lodge No. 268, Platt- deutsche Volkslest Verein and Aurora Grata Consis tory. HOLMES, ARTEMAS HENRT — Lawyer, 66 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 453 Madison avenue. Born in Galena, 111., May 16, 1849. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, Harvard ('70) and Har vard Law School. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Holmes, Rapallo & Kennedy. Director Lawyers' Surety Co. and Manhattan Lile Insurance Co. Mem ber University, Tuxedo, Harvard and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs and Sons ol the Revolution. HOLMES, CHARLES S.— Coffee Merchant 125 Front street. New Tork City; residence 46 West 46th street. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1829. Educated in Cincinnati; graduated Irom Woodward College. (Wid ower.) Vice-president and treasurer J. H. Labaree Co. (Inc.). Member New Tork Club. HOLMES, DTER B. — Real Bstate, 290 Broad way, New Tork City; residence Tonkers. Vice-presi dent and director American Real Estate Co. Member Hardware, Knickerbocker, New Tork Athletic and Congregational Clubs. HOLMES, EARLBS F. — Insurance, 31 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 95th street and Riv erside Drive. Born In Chicago, 111., Dec. 2, 1861. Edu cated in Chicago. (Married.) Eastern secretary ol Pacific Mutual Lile Insurance Co. Member New Tork Athletic Club. HOLMES, GEORGE— Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 71 Crescent avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Bora in Fort Sumpter, S. C, Oct. 21, 1857. Educated at Glenwood Institute, Matawan, N. J. (Married.) Associated with the firm ol De Forest Bros. Director Tiffany Glass and Decorating Co. and many others. Member Lawyers' Club, Jersey City, Jersey City Golf, Meadow Tacht and Long Beach Clubs of New Jersey, Americain Geographical Society and Hudson County (N. J.) Bar Association. HOLMES, JOHN McCLBLLAN — Presbyterian Clergyman, 115 Academy street, Poughkeepsie. Bora In Livingston, N. T., Jan. 22, 1834. Educated at Wil liams CoUege ('63) and New Brunswick (N. J.) Theo logical Seminary (D.D., '57). Held pastorates In Brooklyn, Hudson and Albany; president General Sy nod of the Reformed Church, 1876; delegate to Pan- Presbyterlan Councils held in Edinburgh, 1877, and In London, 1888; moderator New Tork Presbyterian Sy nod, 1884; director Union Theological Seminary-, New Tork City, since 1888. HOLT, BTRON W.— Editor and Writer. 52 WlUlam street. New Tork City; residence 1611 Amsterdam ave nue. Born in Rutland, Ohio, Dec. 12, 1857. Educated at Coraell. (Married.) Member Manhattan Single Tax and Coraell Clubs, and secretary of the tariff re form committee of the Reform Club. HOLT. CHARLES- Book Publisher. 29 West 23d street. New Tork City; residence 22 East 68th street. Born in Baltimore, Md., 1846. Educated at Tale. (Mar ried.) Member ol the firm ol Henry Holt & Co. Mem ber Metropolitan, University and Riding Clubs and Century Association. HOLT, CHARLES L.— Tobacco Merchant, 156 Water street. New Tork City; residence 117 West 130th street. Born In New Tork City, Oct. 28, 1834. Edu cated at the College ol the City ol New Tork. (Mar ried.) Member ol the New Tork City Board of Edu cation and trustee ol the College ol the CJity ol New Tork. 1885-97. Secretary and director Leal Tobacco Board ol Trade. HOLT, GEORGE C— Lawyer, 34 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 155 Madison avenue. Born in Mexico, Oswego Co.; N. T., Dec. 31. 1843. (Son of Hiram and Marian C. Holt.) Educated at Tale Uni versity and Columbia Law School. (Married Mary L. Bowen.) Releree in Bankruptcy. Member Lawyers' and Barnard Clubs. Sons ol the Revolution. American Fine Arts Society, Century Association and Associa tion ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. HOLT, GEORGE H.— Banker, 10 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 24 East 58th street. Member of the firm ol Talntor & Holt, and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. President and director Denver City R. R. Co.; vice-president and director Indiana, Illinois and Iowa R. R. Co.; director West End Street R. R. Co. ol Denver, Col. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Larchmont Tacht and Country Clubs, Down Town Association and New England Society. HOLT, GEORGE W. — Manulacturer, 257 Canal street. New Tork City; residence 152 Eldert street, Brooklyn. Born in Paris, France. Jan. 27. 1863. (Mar ried.) Secretary, treasurer and director WUlard Mirror and Frame Ml'g Co. 206 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. HOLT, HENRT— Publisher, 29 West 23d street. New Tork City; residence 711 Madison avenue. Born In Baltimore, Md., Jan. 3, 1840. Educated at Tale and at Columbia Law School. (Married.) Senior member ol the firm ol Henry Holt & Co. Was first chairman ol the University Settlement Society, and ol the Uni versity Club librairy committee. Member City. Uni versity and Tale Clubs, American Geographical (trus tee) and American Fine Arts Societies. Century Asso ciation, Chamber ol Commerce, Academy ol Political and Social Science, Sons ol the Revolution, American Museum ol Natural History and MetropoUtan Museum ol Art HOLT, ROLAND— Publisher, 29 West 23d street. New Tork (Jity; residence 711 Madison avenue. Born In New Tork CJIty Dec. 18, 1867. Educated at Berke ley School in New Tork City. Siglar's School in New burgh, and at Tale ('90). (Single.) Associated with the firm ol Henry Holt & Co. President Citizens' Union Club ol the Twenty-seventh and Twenty-ninth As sembly Districts during 1898; now trustee ol same. Member City and Tale Clubs. HOLT, WILLIAM T.— Lawyer, 141 Broadway. New Tork City; residence Bort Richmond^ S. I. Bom In Esopus, Ulster Co., N. T., Dec. 17, 1851; educated in public schools ol Ulster County and at Albany Law School. (Married.) Member of the flrm ol Holt & GalUard. Director North Shore and Edgewater Build ing and Loan Association. Member Democratic Club, and Kill von KuU Club ol Staten Island. HOLTER, ED-WIN O.— Lawyer. 10 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 62 West 46th street. Edu cated at Phillips Exeter Academy, Tale 'ITniversity and Columbia Law School. (Single.) Ex-lieutenant ol United States Volunteers. Member Tale, University. Racquet and Tennis and Strollers' Clubs. HOLZDERBER, CHARLES P.— Broker, 15 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 58 West 134th street Born in New Tork City, April 12, 1876. Educated at New Tork University. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Henry Clews & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. HOLZDERBER. WILLIAM— Brewer, 238 West 28th street. New Tork City; residence Hotel Bayard. Born In New Tork City, April 13, 1866. Educated at a public high school and at Packard's Business College. (Single.) Vice-president M. Groh's Sons (Inc.). Mem ber New Tork Athletic Club and Arion Society. HOLZER, JACOB A.— Artist 69 Washington square. South, New Tork City Bom In Berae, Swit zerland, 1858. Educated at Geneva College. (Married.) Author ol mural decorations In Alexander Hall, Princeton College, historical Irieze ol Marquette, Chi cago, and others. Member Architectural League. HONE, JOHN— Stock Broker, 62 New street, New Tork City; residence 7 West 38th street. Member ol the firm ol John Hone & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Metropolitan, Manhattan New Tork Tacht and Knickerbocker Clubs Dunlap Society and Sons ol the Revolution. HONET, ROBERTSON— Lawyer, Criminal Court Building, New Tork City; residence 128 Central Park South. Bom In Alabama, 1870. (Son ol Col. Samuel R. Honey ol Newport, R. L) Educated in public schools, a;t Harvard University, In Germany and Prance, at West Point Military Academy ('93), and at University ol Maryland Law School ('96). Admitted tS^i*^^ Maryland Bar, 1896, and to the New Tork Bar 1898 Served with the 3d Regiment ol ArtUlery in Florida and Georgia; Instructor In law at West Point Military Academy, 1896-7; deputy assistant district attorney. New Tork City, since 1898. .1 „ ^'^^ ^ member of the Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth Ccjngresses. Now Register of Kings County. Director Williamsburg Savings Bank, trustee Eastern District Hospital, Industrial Home and other public In stitutions. Vice-president Amphion Musical Society honorary member U. S. Grant Post and Barbara Preitchie Post. G. A. R., War Veterans and Sons' As sociation, Tippecanoe Club, New Tork State Life Sav ing Association, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sci ences and others; member Union League, Hanover In vincible and Apollo Clubs. -nauuver, in Yn^^^P' -fCSEPH W.-Lawyer, 43 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 135 East 38th street. Born In Ptvt"''?^^ ^ ^?f.^- Educated at Dartmouth College MarrledO Director China and Japan Trading Co. c^PPr Member Union League and Alpha Delta Phi (Jlubs, Laurentian Club of Canada (president), Centur^ Association, Association of the Bar ol the City of New Itnute ^^ England Society and New Tork Law I^ -R.,^?^^i!,^^?^S-^'>y«*°*^'°' 183 Delaware avenue Buffalo. Born in Standish, Me., Sept 18 1848 TiM ucated at Bowdoin College ('70), Long Islknd College BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 211 Hospital ('71) and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New Tork City (M.D. '72). Surgeon In charge ol Buffalo Bye and Bar Infirmary. Member University and Liberal Clubs and Medical Society ol the State ol New Tork. HOWE, MARSHALL AVERT— Botanist, Columbia University, New Tork City. Born in Newlane, Vt, June 6, 1867. Educated at University ol Vermont. (Single.) Instructor in botany at University ol Cali lornia, 1891-6; now curator ol the herbarium ol Colum bia University. Author ol numerous papers and mon ographs on cryptogamic botany. HOWE, S.AMUEL O.— Treasurer, 52 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 49 West 126th street. Bom In New Tork City, Oct. 17, 1842. Educated in New Tork City. (Married.) Treasurer Winona and St. Peter R. R. Co., St. Paul and Sioux City R. R. Co., Chicago and Northwestern Ry. Co., and Chicago, St. Paul, Minne apolis and Omaha Ry. Co. Member St. Nicholas So ciety and Lalayette Post G. A. R. HOWE, WILIAM HENRT — Artist Bronxville. Born in Ravenna, Ohio, 1844. Educated In common schools; studied art in Paris, France. (Married Julia May Clark ol St. Louis, Mo., 1876.) Has been awarded many medals and other honors at various expositions; received titles ol Officier d' Academic (1896) and Cross ol Legion d'Honneur (1898) Irom French CJovernment Member Salmagundi and Lotos Clubs and National Academy ol Design. HOWELL, GEORGE ROGERS— Librarian, State Library, Albany; residence 32 Lancaister street. Born in Southampton, N. T., June 15, 1833. (Son ol Charles and Mary [Rogers] Howell, and a descendant ol Bd ward Howell ol Marsh Gibbon, Buckinghamshire, England, who settled in Boston, Mass., in 1639 and soon therealter removed to Southampton, L. I., where he was one ol the eajrllest settlers.) Educated at a dis trict school, at an academy In Southampton, at Tale College ('54) amd at Princeton Theological Semi nary (D.D., '64). (Married Mary Catherine, daughter ol Norman and Frances Hale [Metcalf] Seymour of Mount Morris, Livingston Co., N. T., 1868; they had one child, Seymour, who died while a student at Har vard.) Engaged in mlnlsterlaJ work In Western New Tork for several years. Became connected with the New York State Library, as assistant librarian, in 1872 and was acting librarian from 1887 to the time of his death, AprU 5, 1899. Served as secretary of the Albany Institute for fifteen years. Author of "Howell's His tory of Southampton," "Linguistic Discussions," "The Open Polar Sea," "Heraldry in America," "The Date ol the First Settlement ol New York by the Dutch" and "Noah's Log Book." Member New York Historical, New York Genealogical and Biographical, New Eng land Historic-Genealogical and Pennsylvania Histori cal Societies, Albany Club, Albany Institute, State Historical Society ol Wisconsin, and Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America (historian general) ; also cor responding member ol the Troy Scientific Association. HOWELL, HENRY B.— Sugar Merchant, 109 Wall street. New York City; residence Quogue, L. I. Mem ber ol the firm ol B. H. Howell, Son & Co. Member New York Yacht, New York Athletic, New York, At lantic Yacht and Shelter Island Yacht CJlubs. HOWELL, JOHN J.— Manulacturer ol Scales, 311 Broadway, New York City; residence Highland Mills, Orange County. Bom in Pennsylvania, Aug. 13, 1841. (Married.) Treasurer Fairbanks Co. Member Mer chants' Club. HOWELLS, WILLIAM DEAN— Author, 40 West 59th street New York City. Bom In Martin's Ferry, Ohio, March 1, 1837. Educated In his lather's and other printing offices. (Married.) Became composi tor, correspondent and editor on Ohio newspapers; United States Consul at Venice under Lincoln, 1861-5; on editorial staff ol New York "Nation," 1865-72; editor, "Atlantic Monthly" lor filteen years; contributor to "Harper's," 1886-91. Author ol "Llle ol Abraham Lin coln," "Their Wedding Journey," 'The Undiscovered Country," "The Rise ol Silas Lapham," "Italian Jour neys," "A Traveler Irom Altrurla," "My Literary Pas sions," "A Hazard ol New Fortunes," "The Story ol a Play" and many others. Member Social Relorm Club and Century Association. HOWLAND, ALFRED C— Artist, 318 West 57th street. New York City. Born in Walpole, N. H., Feb. 12, 1838. Educated at Walpole Academy; studied in the Royal Academy ol Design at Dilsseldorl, Germany, under Prolessor MuUer, in the private studio ol Pro- lessor Flamm, and lor five years In Paris under Emll Lambinet. (Married.) Has been member ol the Coun cils ol the Academy ol Design and Artist Fund So ciety. Has exhibited in Paris and Munich, at World's Fair in Chicago, and has been a constant exhibitor at Academy ol Design In New York City since 1864. Mem ber Artists' Fund Society, Century Association and National Academy ol Design. HOWLAND, CHARLES PRENTICE- Lawyer, 35 Wall street. New York City; residence 14 West Ninth street. Born in New York City. Sept. 16. 1869. Edu cated at Yale. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol How- land & Murray. Member University Club and Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. HOWLAND. (JLARENCE- Lawyer, 120 Broadway. New York City; residence 208 West 80th street. Born in Aubum, N. Y., April 29, 1861. Educated at WiUlston Seminary, Dairtmouth College ('84) and Columbia Law School ('87). (Married.) Member Dartmouth College Alumni Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. HOWLAND, GARDINER G.— Publisher, Herald square. New York City; residence 37 East 35th street. General manager New York "Herald"; director Com mercial Cable Co. Member Metropolitan, Union, New York Yacht and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. HOWLAND, HENRY ELIAS — Lawyer, 35 WaU street. New York City; residence 14 West Ninth street. Born in Walpole, N. H., June 30, 1835. Educated at Yale ('54) and Harvard Law School (LL.B., '57). Ad mitted to the New York Bar in 1857. Served with 22d New York Regiment, 1862-3; Justice ol Marine Court, 1873-4; alderman, 1875-6; president Department ol Taxes, 1880. Senior member ol the firm ol Howland & Murray. Director Lawyers' Mortgage Insurance Co., Maritime Canal Co. ol Nicaragua and Lawyers' Title Insurance Co. Member University, Union League, Republican, Players', Adirondack League, Meadow, Shinnecock Hills Goll, Jekyl Island and Southampton Clubs, Century and Down Town Associations and New England and Mayflower Societies. HOWLAND, LOUIS MEREDITH- Commissioner; temporary address 20 Avenue Rapp, Pairis, France. Born, 1855. Educated in France and (3ermany, and at St. John's Military Academy, Sing Sing, N. Y. ('75). Entered the shipping and commission house ol How- land & Aspinwall, 1876; general manager by appoint ment ol Governor Flower of New York State exhibits at World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893; repre sented the United States Treasury Department In Paris, France, 1894-9; member of the staff of Commis sioner-General Peck, Paris Exposition, 1900. Member Grolier and Players' Clubs ol New York City. HGWLAND, WILLIAM B.— Publisher, 287 Fourth avenue. New York City; residence 6 Erwin Park, Montciair, N. J. Born in Ashland, N. Y., June 10, 1849. Educated at Wllliston Seminary. (Married.) Treasurer and director "The Outlook" Co.; treasurer Congregational Home Missionary Society. Member Relorm Club and Aldine Association. HOWLAND, W. FORD- Architect, 31 East 17th street. New -^ork City; residence 41 West 19th street. Born In Toronto, Canada, 1874. Educated In Toronto. (Single.) Corresponding secretary ol the Sketch Club. HOWLETT, HENRY J.— Paper Merchant, 3 Mis sion place. New York City; residence 20z Washington avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Richfield, Onio, Sept. 26, 1845. Educated at Richfleld Academy. (Married.) Ex-president Howard Mf'g. Co.; president Brooklyn and New York Arcanum Building, Loah and Savings Association; past senior vice-commander Lafayette Post, No. 140, G. A. R.; ex-president Gilbert Rod and Gun Club; member Rastlgouche Fish and Game Club ol Montreal, Canada, and Union League Club, and DeWitt CUnton Council, No. 419, Royal Arcanum, of Brooklyn. 212 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. HOWTH, JAMES DB LYON— Publisher, 21 Park row. New York City; residence 60 St. Nicholas ave nue. Born in Howth, Texas, May 19, 1869. (Son ol Judge WUUam E. and Leonora [De Lyon] Howth.) Educated at Hempstead (Texas) High School and Commercial College ol Kentucky University. (Single.) President and director Biographical Directory qo., publishers ol the "Biographical Directory ol the State ol New York"; director Plastic Material Metal Cover ing Co. HOWTH, WILLIAM E.— Retired, 60 St. Nicholas avenue. New York City. Born In Howth, Texas, Jan. 23, 1846. (Son ol William B. and Mary [Buck] Howth ol Geneva, N. Y.) Educated at Soule University, Chapel Hill, Texas. (Married Leonora, daughter ol Col. James Wayne De Lyon ol Savannah, Ga.) For merly Judge ol Waller County, Texas. Director Plas tic Material Metal Covering Co. HOXIE, GEORGE L. — Instructor Cornell Univer sity, Ithaca; residence 145 Cascadilla place. Degrees ol M.B. and M.M.E. Instructor in electrical engineer ing, Cornell University. HOY, DAVID FLETCHER — Registrar, Coraell University, Ithaca; residence 139 Cascadilla place. Born in Bovina Centre, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1863. Educated at Cornell (B.S., '91 and M.S., '93). (Married.) Regis trar ol Cornell University. Member Kappa Sigma and Sigma Xi Societies. HOYER, CHARLES E.— Journalist, New Brighton; residence 1 Catlin avenue, Stapleton. Born on ship board, 1864. Educated at Military Academy, Philadel phia, Pa. (Married.) President and director Standard News Association; assistant chiel clerk. Department ol Health. Member New York Press, Democratic and Staten Island Yacht Clubs, Stapleton Councll R.A., Tompkins Lodge, No. 471, F. & A. M., and Staten Island Masonic Mutual Benefit Association. HOYT, ALFRED M. — Banker, 1 Broadway, New York City; residence 934 Filth avenue. Born In New York City, Dec. 22, 1828. Educated in New York City. (Married.) Vice-president and director Bowling Green Sale Deposit Co.; director Continental Trast CO., Fidelity and Casualty Co. and Merchants' Ex change Bank; trustee Bank lor Savings and Consoli dated Ice Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League and Grolier Clubs, Century Association, National Academy ol Design, American Geographical Society, MetropoUtan Museum of Art and American Museum of Natural History. HOYT, CHARLES ALBERT — Wholesale Rubber Goods, 9 Mercer street. New York City; residence 16 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn. Bom in Burlington Vt July 27, 1839. Educated at University of Vermont and Georgetown (D.C.) College. (Married Julia Sherman of Hanover, N. H.) Treasurer and director Goodyear Hard Rubber Co. and India Rubber Comb Co.; direc tor German-American Insurance Co. and American Hard Rubber Co.; tmstee Brooklyn Savings Bank Member New York Press, Union League and' Mer chants' Clubs, New England and Mayfiower SocSities American Museum of Natural History. Society St the Cincinnati. Sons ol the American Revolution, Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. wn,?^^' CHARLES HALE-Playwright and Theat rical Manager. 6 West 24th street. New York Citv Bora in Concord. N. H.. July 26, 1860. Educated at Boston Latin School. Member ol the firm ol Hoyt & McKee, lessees ol the Madison Square and Garrick Hnmnct"- ^^'^?^, *^° t^™^ ^ a member ol the New ?A*"l?-^';^^.^f?^'^*"'"e- Author ol "A. Tin Soldier " "A Midnight Bell," "A Brass Monkey" "A Texas ^¦fVn AP^P""" .^^**=*^'" "^ Milk White Flagr-^^i Bank. Member New York Tacht r =,7.,;,,!:* ^ t?'^'^ Driving Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardtley-^n-Huds^n* and Holland Lodge, P. & A. M. ^'"'"ey on-±iudson. HOTT, EDWARD VINCENT— Insurance. 50 Wall street, New Tork City; residence 90 Joralemon street. Brooklyn. Bora in St. Albans. Vt Educated at Bur lington (Vt.) High School and St. Mary's College. Mon treal. (Married.) Special agent ol the Royal Insur ance Co. ol IJverpool. England. Member New Tork Press Club, Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, Al bany Camera Club, Order ol Founders and Patriots of America, Sons ol the American Revolution, New Eng land Society ol Brooklyn, and Brooklyn Society of Vermonters. HOTT, FRANCIS D.— Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 625 West 141st street. Born in St. Albans, Vt, Nov. 29, 1843. Educated at University ol Vermont ('64), and Columbia Law School. (Mar ried.) Member Catholic Club. HOTT, GEORGE S.— Wholesale Leather Merchant, 72 Gold street. New Tork City; residence Stamlord, Conn. Member Manhattan, Union League, Riding. Country, Suburban Riding and Driving, Larchmont Tacht, Carteret Gun and New Tork Tacht Clubs. Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson and Holland Lodge. HOTT. GERALD L.— Banker. 24 Exchange place. New Tork City; residence 9 West 37th street. Mem ber ol the firm ol Maitland, Coppell & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Director New Tork, On tario and Western Ry. Co., Omaha Water Co., Rail way Equipment Co. ol Minnesota. Wharton VaUey Ry. Co. and Wisconsin Central Ry. Co. Member Racquet and Tennis, Knickerbocker, New Tork Tacht and Tale Clubs and Century Association. HOTT. GOOLD — Lawyer, 24 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 45 West 17th street. Member Knickerbocker, Union, Racquet and Tennis, Tuxedo t and Country Clubs. HOTT, HAZEN L.— 9 West 32d street. New Tork City Member Lambs', Larchmont Tacht Douglaston Tacht and Ocean County Hunt and Country Clubs Megaquadovic Fish and Game Corporation and Bloom-^ ing Grove Park Association. HOTT, HENRT A.— Insurance, 31 Liberty street N«w Tork City; residence 71 West 124th street, an UnIversufo?McwS° i^P^h ,? ^"'?;,'" Europe, In London, Paris Vienna and Berlin. (Married Cornelia M. Williams ol D^s Moines, Iowa, 1893.) Practiced in Des Moines 1882 95- in Iowa City 1896-6; in Buffalo since 1896! Prolessor of anatomy at State University ol Iowa, 1891-6 professo? ?t?iS-F--F^'-^^^ S^'aSlfiP^-^^^^^o^Sai! f an^M th^e^^S; ll ATp^lKcfen^e^^arcT lumbia University Trastee Webb's IcaTemy Sid Home lor Shipbuilders: member ol the Corporation ol the Collegiate Dutch Church. Member Engineers' Club, Columbia University Alumni aind Century As sociations, American Museum ol Natural History, American Society ol Mechanical Engineers (secre tary). American Institute ol Mining Engineers. Na tional Geographic Society and American Academy ol Arts and Sciences. HUTTON, MANCIUS H.— Clergyman and Presi dent, 25 East 22d street, New York City; residence 26 Union street. New Brunswick. N. J. Born in New York City. Educated at New York University, Union Theological Seminary and Theological Seminary at New Brunswick, N. J. (Married.) President Board ol Foreign Missions ol the Relormed Church in Amer ica; rector Second Relormed Church, New Brunswick; chaplain-general Society ol the Cincinnati and ol New York State Society ol the Cincinnati. Member New Brunswick Historical and Sigma Chi Clubs, New York University Alumni Association and New Jersey State Microscopical Society. HUTTON, WILIAM RICH— Civil Engineer, 35 Broadway, New York City; residence 6 West 29th street. Born In ' Washington, D. C, March 26, 1828. Educated In Washington. (Married.) Was chiel en gineer In the construction ol the Washington (D. C.) Aqueduct and the Washington Bridge and Hudson Tunnel in New York City; also designed the Kanawha River (W. Va.) Dam. Member Maryland Historical and Maryland Societies, American Society ol Civil En gineers, Century Association, Institution ol Civil En gineers ol London, and Society des IngSnleurs Clvils de France. HVOSLBF. F. W.— Ship Broker, 18 Broadway, New York City; residence 135 Midwood street, Brooklyn. Born and educated in Norway. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Bennett, Walsh & Co. Was lieutenant In the Reserve ol the Norwegian Navy. Member Ma rine Society Club ol Bergen (Norway), St. Ann's Bay Club ol Jamaica, and Midwood Club ol Flatbush. HYATT. FRANK S.— Banker. 92 West Broadway. New York City; residence Upper Montciair. N. J. Born in Brooklyn. N. Y., 1862. (Married.) Vice-presi dent and director New York National Exchange Bank; secretary and director Brass Goods. Ml'g Co. Member Society of Coloniai Wars and Sons ol the American Revolution. HYDE, ALBERT FILLMORE— Cotton Goods Mer chant, 361 Broadway, New York City; residence 10 West 47th street. Member ol the firm ol A. G. Hyde & Sons. Member Union League. Merchants' and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, American Geographical Society and Columbia Alumni Association. HYDE, AUGUSTtTS L.— Fire Insurance, 208 Filth avenue. New York City; residence 210 East 18th street. Bom in New York City, Dec. 21, 1835. Educated at Hamilton Collegiate Institute, White Plains N Y (Married.) Member Church Club. HYDE, CHARLES H.-Lawyer, 189 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 874 Park place. Bom In Truro, Nova Scotia, Sept. 8, 1869. Educated in Truro public schools, at Dalhousle College, Halilax, and at Eastmans Business College, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ^r^T^^^i Member ol the firm ol Grout, Mayer & Hyde. Member Crescent Athletic, Parkway Driving olN^w Tork cur ''°" '''''''"• ^"'^ °«'"°'=ra"e Club v^r-P^P^^' CHARLES LIVINGSTON -Banker 71 fPltP"^^' ^^y" 7°"^^ City; residence 117 West 67th cfted S.t^7 in Hycietown, Pa., Aug. 24, 1863. Edu cated at Tale. (Married.) President and director Mu nicipal Debenture Co. Member Ridingr Metropolitan I.T!'"'/r' Racquet and Tennis and T^ixedo (^lubs and Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson. ThiS^^^eF" M.-Banker, Corning; residence 158 Bast ? July 11 -18^1°™!^"^ Mumlord, Monroe County N. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 219 HTDE, CLARENCE M.-Lawyer, 80 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 206 Madison avenue. Mem ber Metropolitan, Lawyers', Union League and Church Clubs, New England, American Geographical and Mu sical Arts Societies, Down Town Association, Sons ol the Revolution, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, Ameri can Museum ol Natural History and Association of the Bar of the City ol New Tork. HTDE, E. FRANCIS— Banker, 54 Wall street. New Tork CJity; residence . 835 Filth avenue. Born In New Tork City, June 23, 1842. Educated at the CoUege ol the City ol New Tork and at Columbia Law School. (Married.) Served with a New Tork Regiment In Vir ginia during Civil War; practiced law In New Tork City until 1886. Vice-president and trustee Centraui Trust Co. since 1886. Member Union League, Repub lican, Metropolitan, Mendelssohn Glee, Manuscript and Riding Clubs, American Geographical, Philharmonic (president since 1888), Musical Arts and New England Societies, Down Town Association, Presbyterian Union, Society ol Colonial Wars, Sons ol the Revolution, Met ropolitan Museum ol Art and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. HTDE, HENRT NEAL — Lawyer, Onondaga County Savings Bank Building, Syracuse; residence 711 West Genesee street. Born In Syracuse, Feb. 26, 1873. Educated In Syracuse and at Phillips Andover Academy, Tale (A.B.. '95), and New Tork Law School. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Hyde & Rowland. Secretary University Club. Lay reader In Trinity Church. Member Syracuse, Citizens', University (sec retary), Sedgwick Farm Tennis and Fortnightly Clubs, Yale and Delta Kappa BpsUon Clubs ol' New York City, and Sons ol the American Revolution. HYDE, HENRY ST. JOHN— 210 East 18th street. New Tork City. Born in New Tork City, Dec. 28, 1869. Educated at Columbia (Ph.B., '96 and A.M., '98). (Single.) Member executive committee Columbia, University Philharmonic Society. Member Church,' New Tork Mineralogical, and Chemists' Clubs, Eng lish Church Union, American Chemical Society, So ciety ol Chemical Industry, Alumni Association ol Schools ol Science ol. Columbia University, Brooklyn Institute ol Arts amd S3 Mam street. Buffalo; residence 301 Bryant street Born in Toronto, Ontario. Canada. Sept. 27. 1864. Edu cated at Trinity CoUege. Upper Canada College, and Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto. (Single) For merly prolessional accountant and auditor. Now treasurer and superintendent World's Dispensary ^^^ S^'^.A^^?.'^'^"""/ , Member Liberal, Independent and Buffalo Canoe (vice-commodore) Clubs. ^../^^^P'^-^^MUEL M.— President 100 Broadway, Mn7f„^i"'''J?'*y=J?^*^^"°« '^'le Dakota. Director North American Trust Co., Augusta Ry, and Electric o^" ^earRi-i^er Irrigation and Ogden Waterworks and ?iJbt^^^'* ^'r^/T'^..^/- C°" 0"^^a Waterworks and Light Co. and United States Land Co. Member ^^P^PPP%-P''\P°'^°'''^^ "^l^^^' Southern Sc^clety and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. JASPER, WILLIAM H.— Secretary, 320 Broadway New York City; residence 462 Second street Brook.: Yn";k ?t°"J, *5 J^T '^°^^ C^y- 1852. Educated at nTw PPIP^^P^ ^°S°°'= studied law in the office ol JonaT^ than Edgar. Connected with the Board of Assessor of which he has been secretary since 1873. ^^^^^^°'^' AS PcPP' ^ "WILLIAM (Lieutenant-Colonel)— Lawyer 48 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 22 -Pn^t t-m street Born in New Tork City. Feb 12 184? Edu cated at Columbia College ('59).' (MaVrie'd.) MemW BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 227 ol the flrm ol Jay & Candler. President New Tork Cab Co.; director American Horse Exchange. Com mercial Cable Telegraph Co.. Continental Trust Co. and Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Co. Member Lawyers', Knickerbocker, City, Metropolitan, Church. Meadow Brook Hunt and Suburban Riding and Driv ing Clubs, Columbia University Alumni and Century Associations. American Geographical amd St. Nich olas Societies, Sons ol the Revolution, MiUtary Order ol the Loyal Legion and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. JATCOX, WALTER H.-Lawyer, Patchogue. Bora, Sept. 3, 1863. Educated In common schools ol Dutchess Cotmty. (Married.) Attorney and trustee Union Savings Bank. F(jrmerly deputy clerk ol Sul- lolk County. Present district attorney. Member Patchogue Club and Brooklyn Club ol Brooklyn. JEFFERSON, CHARLES B.— Theatrical Manager, 1440 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 160 West 98th street. (Son ol Joseph Jefferson.) (Married.) Member Players' and Lambs' Clubs. JEFFERSON, JOSEPH — Actor, Filth Avenue Hotel, New Tork City, and Buzzard's Bay, Mass. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., 1829. (Married.) Member Lotos, Players' and Authors' Clubs, Dunlap Sooiety and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. JELLERSON, GEORGE S.— Manulacturer, 78 Water street. New Tork City; residence Montciair, N. J. Born in Boston, Mass., 1850. (Married.) Secre tary and director C. H. Parsons Co.; director Toung Men's Christian Association. JENCKS, FRANCIS M.-Lawyer, 146 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 89 Riverside avenue. Mem ber Union League, New Tork Tacht, Lawyers', Sea wanhaka-Corinthian Tacht and Country Clubs, New England Society and Down Town Association. JENKINS, ARTHUR— Journalist, Syracuse; resi dence 721 TaUman street. Born in Buffalo, N. T., July 23, 1851. Educated in common schools ol Milwaukee, Wis. (Married Emma Hogan, 1874.) Resident ol Syra cuse since 1871. President and director "Syracuse Her ald" Co., which publication he established in 1877. Member Century and Citizens' Clubs. JENKINS,. EDMUND FELLOWS— Secretary and Superintendent, 297 Fourth avenue. New Tork City; residence 297 Fourth avenue. Bom In Weedsport, N. T., July 28, 1844. (Son ol John StlUwell and Minerva [Fellows] Jenkins.) Educated in public schools. (Mar ried Adelaide Eliza, daughter ol George Montgomery, ol Newburyport, Mass., 1889.) Served during Civil War, 1861-5, as first lieutenant 126th United States Vol unteers. Second lieutenant Old Guard of New Tork. Secretary and superintendent New Tork Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children for twenty-flve years. Member Larchmont Tacht Club, New England Society, Sons of the American Revolution, Sons ol the Revolution, Society ol Colonial Wars, Military Order ol Foreign Wars and Old Guard. JENKINS, FRANK W.— Hydraulic Engineer, 86 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence 28 Tompkins place. Brooklyn. Connected with the flrm ol Geraird, Dulraisselx & Abbot. Member Relorm and Hardware Clubs, and Crescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn. JENKINS. FREDRIC "W.— Attorney. Phelps Bank Building, Binghamton; residence 82 Riverside Drive. Born in Rochester, N. H., May 12. 1859. Educated at Exeter High School. Phillips Exeter Academy and Co lumbia University. (Married.) Member ol the flrm of Jenkins & Page. Counsel and director Security Mutual Lile Insurance Co., Strong State Bank, Binghamton Beet Sugar Co.. Binghamton Building Co. and Home Mutual Loan and Savings Association. Member Bing hamton and Country Clubs, and Republican Club ol New Tork City. JENKINS, GEORGE W.— Banker, 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Morristown, N. J. Bora in Pennsylvania. Educated at Tale. (Married.) Presi dent and director American Deposit and Loan Co. Member Lawyers'. University. Morristown (N. J.), Morristown Goll and Union League Clubs and Tale Alumni Association. JENKINS, R.ATMOND— Banker. 682 Broadway. New Tork City; residence 22 Monroe place, Brooklyn. President and director East River National Bank. Member Hamilton, Brooklyn and Crescent Athletic Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Aldine Association. JENKINS, STLVANUS P., Jr.— Rochester. Mem ber St. Nicholas and Calumet Clubs ol New Tork City. Genesee Valley Club and Sons ol the Revolution. JENKINS, WILLIAM B.— Wine Importer, 67 Lib erty street. New Tork City; residence Larchmont. Member New Tork Athletic, New Tork, Larchmont Tacht, Indian Harbor Tacht and Manhattan Clubs, Union League, Jersey City and Carteret Gun Clubs ol Jersey City, N. J., Country Club ol Lakewood, N. J., and Holland Lodge. JENKINS, WILLIAM T.— Physician, 17 State street, and Commissioner, 55th street and Sixth avenue. New Tork City; residence Rosebank, S. I. Born in Holly Springs, Miss., October, 1856. Educated at the Universities ol Mississippi, Virginia and New Tork. (Married.) Coroner's physician New Tork City, 1881-2; health offlcer port of New Tork, 1892-4. Now commis sioner of health of New Tork City; director Mer chants' Marine Hospital Service for foreign sailors; chairman sanitary commission of Board of Health Member Democratic Club, County Medical Society and County Medical Association. JENKINSON, GEORGE B., 2d.— Leather Goods, 368 Broadway, New Tork City; residence South Orange, N. J. Born in Newark, N. J. (Married) General manager T. B. Peddie & Co. Member Hard ware Club, Essex County Country Club of Orange N J.; South Orange Field Club of South Orange, N J • New Jersey Historical Sooiety, and New Jersey State Rifle Association. JENKS, ALMET F. — Supreme Court Justice Court House, Brooklyn; residence 8 Pierrepont street Born in Brooklyn, May 21, 1853. Educated at Phillips Andover Academy ('71), Tale ('75) and Columbia ('77) (Married.) Assistant district attorney of Kings Coun ty, 1884-6; corporation counsel of Brooklyn, 1886-93- Judge- Advocate General ol New Tork State, 1891-5-' member ol Constitutional Convention, 1895; assistant corporation counsel ol New Tork City, In charge ol offlce In Brooklyn, 1898; elected Supreme Court Justice in 1898 lor term expiring Dec. 31, 1912; appointed by Governor Roosevelt to the Appellate Division, Supreme Court, Second Department, April, 1900. Member Ham Uton, Crescent Athletic, Brooklyn, Riding and Driving and Dyker Meadow Clubs, Democratic Club ol New Tork City, and Society ol Colonial Wars. JENKS, JEREMIAH WHIPPLE— Prolessor Cor nell University, Ithaca; residence 220 South avenue Bom in St. Clair, Mich., Sept 2, 1856. Educated In public schools ol St. Clair, at Michigan University (A.B. and A.M.) and University ol Halle, Germany (Ph.D.). (Married.) Prolessor ol political science and English Uterature at Knox CoUege, Galesburg, 111., 1886-9; prolessor ol economics and social science at Indiana State University, 1889-91; expert agent United States Industrial Commission In investigation of trusts 1899-1900; consulting expert United States Department ol Labor, 1899-1900. Prolessor ol political economy and civil and social institutions at CorneU since 1891. Non resident member Century Association ol New Tork City, and "Washington Academy of Sciences of Wash ington, .D. C; member Town and Gown, and Country Clubs ol Ithaca, and various scientiflc and educational associations. JENNER, "WILLIAM A.-Lawyer, 34 Pine street. New Tork CJity; residence 125 East 60th street. Mem ber University, Nineteenth Century and Barnard Clubs, Century Association and Association ol the Bar ol the CJity ol New Tork. JENNER, WILUAM A. — School Principal, 412 East Genesee street, Syracuse; residence 203 Seymour street. Born In Clyde, N. T., March 1, 1868. Edu cated at Syracuse University. (Married.) Principal Boy's Preparatory School. Member Century and Cit izens' Clubs. 228 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. JENNET, CHARLES A.— Insurance Statistician, 68 WiUiam street. New Tork City; residence 29 Mc Donough street, Brooklyn. Born in New Bedlord, Mass., Oct 18, 184L Educated in pubUc schools. (Mar ried.) Secretary ol the statistical bureau ol the Na tional Board ol Flre Underwriters, 1876-83; special ex pert and supervisor ol flre insurance statistics lor the tenth United States census and all insurance statistics lor the eleventh United States census, 1879-83 and 1889-92. President, treasurer and director Under writer Printing and Publishing Co., publishers ol the "Weekly Underwriter"; vice-president Once-a-Tear Club ol Insurance Journalists; member board ol man agers Society ol American Authors. Fellow Royal Statistical Society of England, and -American Statisti cal Association. Member New Tork Press and Under writers' Clubs, Union League and Church Clubs of Brooklyn, New England Society, American Trade Press Association and Academy of Political and So cial Science. JENNINGS, ALBERT GOULD — Manufacturer, Park avenue and Hall street, Brooklyn; residence 2 East 82d street, New Tork City. Educated at Prince ton. Member Union, Tuxedo, Princeton, University, St. Nicholas. Dyker Meadow Golf and St. Andrew's Golf Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial "Wars and University Cottage Club of Princeton, N. J. JENNINGS, CHARLES E.— Hardware Merchant, 79 Reade street. New Tork City; residence South Nor walk, Conn. Senior member ol the firm ol C. E. Jen nings & Co. Member Hardware, University and New Tork Tacht Clubs, New Tork Historical and New England Societies, Society ol Colonial Wars and Met ropolitan Museum ol Art. JENNINGS, FREDERICK B.-Lawyer. 15 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 86 Park avenue. Born In Bennington, Vt. Aug. 6. 1852. Educated at Williams College ('72) and Harvard Law School ('74). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Stetson, Jennings & Russell. Vice-president and director Bennington and Rutland Ry. Co.. First National Bank ol North Bennington, Long Dock Co. and New Tork, Lake Erie and Western Docks and Improvement CJo.; director American Trading Co., Chicago and Erie R. R. Co., Continental Trust Co.; member ol executive commit tee ol Bar Association and first vice-president Wil liams College Alumni Association. Member Union League, Metropolitan, University, New Tork Athletic, Racquet and Tennis, Delta Kappa Epsilon and West chester Country Clubs, Century and Down Town As sociations, New England Society and other organla- tions. JENNINGS, HERBERT T.— Lawyer, 296 Broad way, New Tork City; residence Mt. Vernon. Born in Freehold, N. T., Oct. 10, 1862. Educated at Columbia Law School ('89). (Married.) Treasurer and director Tarrytown, White Plains and Mamaroneck R. R Co • director People's Bank ol Mt. Vernon. Member New Tork Athletic Club. JENNINGS, OLIVER GOULD— Lawyer. 62 Broad way, New Tork City; residence Falrfleld, Conn. Mem ber Metropolitan, University, Larchmont Tacht and Turl and Field Clubs, American Geographical Society and Tale Alumni and Century Associations. ion w ?^^^*^^' SPENCER A.-Metal Manulacturer. 190 Water street and 248 Pearl street. New Tork Citv residence 663 Willoughby avenue, Brooklyn. Member Union League Club ol Brooklyn, and Pulton Club. JENNINGS, WALTER-Petroleum, 26 Broadway New Tork City; residence 11 East 41st street. Trastee ^¦°P^'^f^}P ^"^* Co. Member Metropolitan, Univer! sity Athletic, University New Tork Tacht knd Sea wanhaka-Corinthian Tacht Clubs, New England So ciety and Tale Alumni AssociatioA. -^"Sid-na bo- JENNINGS, WILLIAM HENRT - Manulacturer fm'^w ^f'jLI^ Broadway, New Tork City; residence 101 West 106th street. (Single.) Agent Fa11<^ -RUrJi^^ Cleveland Rolling Mill Co. Cham^pSn R vet Co and American Steel and Wire Co. Member Ohio Society 10 PP^P'^^l -^^^N P.-Customs Broker and Notarv 19 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence n^T^ff J' 9"f8?9 ' w:'v^t'"°°i^'''"'^^°^" in Pomlrit Conn^Oct" 9. 1839. Went to New Tork City, 1843, and attended private schools; returned to Pomlret in 1849 and com pleted his education with Rev. Roswell Park, D.D., rector ol Christ Episcopal Church. (Married.) Com menced business with Handy & Everett In 1860, and remained with their successors. Handy & Hoadley. Hoadley, Eno & Co. and Hoadley & Co. until 1898. When the latter tailed, in November, 1898, he started in business lor himself. Member Mendelssohn Glee Club, Stuyvesant Heights Republican Club of Brook lyn, and New Tork Canoe Club of Bensonhurst. JEREMIAH, JOHN A.— Insurance, 63 Wall street New York City; residence 251 West llth street. Mem ber Reform Club and Crescent Athletic Club of Brook lyn. JEROLOMAN, JOHN— Lawyer, 229 Broadway, New York City; residence 258 West 34th street. Born in New Jersey, 1845. Educated at Princeton and at Albany Law School. Served with New Jersey Cavalry Volunteers throughout ClvU "War; served with Gen eral Sheridan in Shenandoah VaJley and was wounded several times. Practicing in New York City singe his admission to the Bar; member of the flrm of Jerolo- man & Arrowsmlth. Was school Inspector ol the Ninth and Sixteenth Wards. 1885, Justice ol the Civil Court of the Eighth Judicial District, and president of the Board of Alderman, 1895-6. Member Democratic Club. JEROME, WILLIAM TRAVERS— Judge, Crimi nal Court Building. New York CJity; residence 535 West 148th street. Bora In New York City. April 18, 1859 Educated by private tutors and at Wllliston Seminary' Amherst College and Columbia Law School. Admit-^ ted to the Bar, 1884. Assistant district attorney New York County, 1888-90; assistant counsel with John W Goff to Lexow Investigating Committee of 1894; mem ber Committee of Seventy. 1894. Judge of the Court of Special Sessions, term expiring July 1, 1903. Member of the la-w flrm ol Jerome & Nason. Member Union Heights. City. Manhattan Chess and Nineteenth Cen tury (Jlubs. Amherst Alumni Association and Associa tion ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. JBSSUP, HENRY WYNANS— Lawyer, 30 Broad street,_ New York City; residence 8 West 130th street Born in Beirut, Syria, Asia, Jan. 20, 1864. (Son ol Henry Harris Jessup, D.D.). Educated at Albany A^iS^'^^™«?N ^^^h Princeton University (A.B., '86, and nf'h ^h ^"^ ??^,^°'''^ University Law School il'P^- /^ ^""^ LL.M., '92). (Married.) Member ol Abbo^tf m'?"7 °^ New York University under Austen with Hni mI' ^^^sned on going into partnership Re^^e^ S:- ^°^^ "^¦^'^^ '" partnership with David ?e??^"fi^'"^ ^™<'^ *^^ retirement ol Mr. Davis un- suo ^n ?^»w"^'^^-S* ^^"^ ^ J^^^"P- Author ol "Jes sup on LsLW and Practice In New York Surrogate's Hlu'^bs New' Ynrk ^""^ ^^elta Phi, Quill and PrT/ceton ciation. Institute and State Bar Asso- N.P^^P'rPP^-^^'^^^ M.-Banker. 37 Wall street ^n7vi--e^reiit-^^Tu'st^eV-t^^^^^^^^^^ s^um ollr^ ^"^'^'^'^ ^°'='^*^ ^"-^ Metrop'^litan^Mu: fto|f &°ak^e--Me1n^tr-°T';Iier SLrHS =te?HfTSS3^EH=- rnrbJs'i;;i-^^„t!^iFiSS^^^^ the De Witt Memorial ciiuioh^' P""" ,^^^''^ ^^ buUt Museum ol Natu^° HiLt^y sinL^lsfl'-'^f * American Theological SeminarF to -whioh Vi ' ^''ustee Union Hall; also trus^ee^eal ^d Dumh^''!^^?*^'^ ^^^^P Orphan Asylum and MetroTor?i Trusf c'^o""^ ^k^" Metropolitan, City Unive^rs' MendeSsoh^'e^e" BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 229 New York Yacht' and Riding Clubs, American Fine Arts, New York Genealogical, American Geographical and New England Societies, Williams College Alumni, Century and Down Town Associations, Sons ol the American Revolution, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, National Academy ol Design and Chamber ol Com merce. JEVONS, THOMAS E.— Merchant 301 Produce Exchange, New York City; residence 307 West 71st street. President and director Busk Tunnel Ry. Co.; director Mobile and Ohio R. R. Co. Member ol the flrm ol Busk & Jevons. Member University and Ards ley Clubs and Down 'Town Association. JEWELL, JOHN V.— Flour Merchant, Broadway and Fulton street. Brooklyn; residence 18 WiUiams place. Second vice-president and director Twenty- sixth Ward Bank ol Brooklyn; director Kings County Fire Insurance Co. and Produce Exchange Building and Loan Association. Member Union League and Crescent Athletic Clubs. JEWELL, THEODORE P.- Inspector. Buffalo. United States Naval Inspector, Tenth Light House District. Member Army and Navy and University Clubs ol New York City. JEWETT, CARLTON R.— Physician, 305 Pearl street, Buffalo; residence 1299 Main street. Born In Moravia, N. Y., March 5, 1852. Educated at Yale ('78) and Columbia Medical School ('81). (Married.) Mem ber University, Saturn, Westminster. Buffalo Medical. Buffalo and Liberal Clubs and Sons ol the American Revolution. JEWETT, CHARLES— Physician and Surgeon, 330 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. Bom in Bath, Me. Edu cated in Bath, at Bowdoin CoUege and New York Col lege ol Physicians and Surgeons (M.D. and D.Sc). (Widower.) Professor of obstetrics and gynecology, and obstetrician and gynecologist Long Island College Hospital; president of board of trustees, and consulting gynecologist Bushwick Hospital; consulting obstetri cian Kings County Hospital; consulting physician St. Christopher's Hospital. Author and editor ol books and journals on obstetrics and gynecology. Member Union League Club, American Gynecological, New York State Medical, New York Obstetrical (ex-presi dent) Brooklyn Gynecological (ex-presldent). Kings County Medical (ex-presldent) and Brooklyn Patho logical Societies, Bowdoin CoUege Alumni, Columbia University -"Vlumnl and Long Island Hospital Alumni Associations, New York Academy ol Medicine and Periodical International Congress ol Gynecologists and Obstetricians. JEWETT, CHARLES T.— Physician, 305 Pearl street, Buffalo; residence 892 Main street. Bora in Moravia, N. Y., 1865. Educated at Yale (Ph.B.) and Columbia (M.D.). (Single.) Visiting physician Erie County Hospital. Member Saturn and Liberal Clubs, Erie County Medical Society, American Academy ol Medicine and Buffalo Academy ol Medicine. JEWETT, EDGAR B. (General)— Banker, Bullalo; residence 210 Sumner street. Born in Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 14, 1843. (Married.) Mayor ol Buffalo, 1895-7. President Columbia National Bank, John C. Jewett Ml'g Co. and Jewett Relrigerator Co.; vice- president Cary Sale Co. Member Buffalo auid EUicott Clubs, Sons ol the American Revolution and Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America. JEWETT, EDWARD H.— Broker, 26 Broad street, New York City; residence Englewood, N. J. Member ol the firm ol Jewett Bros, ana ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Racquet and Tennis Club and Down Town Association. JEWETT, EDW-ARD WOOLSEY- Stock Broker, 31 Btoad street. New York City; residence 37 Bast 21st street. Connected with the flrm ol Halsted & Hodges. Member ol the New York Stock Exchange and ol the Union, and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. JEWETT, GEORGE L.— Retired, 20 Fifth avenue. New York City. Formerly member of the flrm of T. B. Coddington & Co., metals, 27 Cliff street. Member Reform, Church and National Arts Clubs, New Eng land, American Fine Arts and American Geographical Societies, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Chamber of Commerce and Century Association. JEWETT, JOSIAH— Stove Manulacturer, Buffalo. Born In Buffalo, Oct. 4, 1842. Educated at Yale. (Mar ried.) Member ol the flrm of Jewett & Co. President of the Grosvenor Library; connected with the Colum bia National Bank of Buffalo. Member University Club, Yale Alumni Association and Sons of the Ameri can Revolution. JEWETT, NATHAN HALL— Stove Manufacturer, Buffalo. Bora in Buffalo, June 6, 1871. Educated at Yale. (Single.) Member of the flrm ol Jewett & Co. Member University Club and Sons of the American Revolution. JEWETT, RUTGER BLEECKER— PubUsher, 7 East 16th street. New York City; residence 424 West 20th street. Born in Dayton, Ohio, 1868. Educated at Hobart CoUege. (Single.) Member of the firm of J. F. Taylor & Co. Member St. Nicholas, Manuscript, City and Sigma Phi Clubs. JEWETT, SHERMAN SKINNER — Lawyer, 805 Morgan Building, Buffalo; residence 333 Porter avenue. Born March 15, 1870. Educated at Yale (A.B.) and Columbia Law School (A.M. and LL.B.). (Married.) United States Commissioner Northern District of New York; first lieutenant 74th Regiment N. G. N. Y. Member University Club, Sons of the American Revo lution and Republican League. JEWETT, WILLIAM KENNON— President, 35 Warren street. New York City; residence New Brigh ton, S. I. Member University, Sigma Phi and Rich mond County Country Clubs, Ohio Society and Wil liams Alumni Association. JIMENIS, J. OSWALD— Merchant, 114 Wall street. New York City; residence 272 West 73d street. Bora in Matanzas, Cuba, 1858. (Married.) Member of the firm of Jimenis & Co. Member New York Athletic, New York Bicycle and North Woods Clubs. JOHANNSEN, OXKAR AUGUSTUS— Instructor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 527 East State street. Instructor in civil engineering, Cornell Uni versity. JOHNES, EDWARD R.— Lawyer, 60 Broadway, New York City; residence 143 West 81st street. Born in Whitesboro, Oneida Co., N. Y., Sept 8, 1862. Edu cated at Yale. (Married.) Author of several legal works. Member University, New York Yacht and Colonial Clubs, American Geographical Society and Yale Alumni Association. JOHNES, HENRY PIERSON— Lawyer, 55 Liberty street. New York City; residence 24 West 50th street. Member University Club and Yaile Alumni Association. JOHNS, HENRY W., Jr.— Asbestos and Paint Manufacturer, 100 WllUam street. New York City; residence 309 Washington avenue, Brooklyn. F'resident and director H. W. Johns Mf'g Co. Member Calumet Club, Oxford and Hamilton Clubs of Brooklyn and Columbia Alumni Association. JOHNSON, ALBERT L.— Street Railroads, 268 23d street, Brooklyn; residence 354 West End avenue. New York City. President and director Allentown and Lehigh Valley Traction Co., Nassau Electric R. R. Co. and Yonkers R. R. Co.; second vice-president and di rector New York State Street RaUway Association; director Atlantic Avenue R. R. Co., Brooklyn, Bath and West End R. R. Co. and Lehigh Traction Co. JOHNSON, ALEXANDER B.-Lawyer, 4 Warren ' street. New York City; residence 21 East 69th street. Member Union League, University and Union Clubs, Yale Alumni Association, Sons of the Revolution and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. JOHNSON, ALFRED J.— Secretary, 220 Fourth avenue. New York City; residence 312 East 116th street. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1869. Educated in Brooklyn. Private secretary to Hon. Hugh J. Grant. while he was sheriff and mayor, 1886-92; secretary to the board of buildings of the Department of Build ings of the City of New York since Jan. 1, 1898. Mem ber New York Athletic and Catholic Clubs. 230 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. JOHNSON, ALVIN R.-Lawyer, 189 Montague street Brooklyn; residence 826 President street. Mem ber of the firm of Johnson & Lamb. Member Cres cent Athletic Club. JOHNSON, BENJAMIN W.— Albany Savings Bank BuUding Albany; residence 612 Madison avenue. Memb^' Albany Club and Reform and University Clubs of New York City. JOHNSON, CHARLES C.-Lawyer, Seneca Falls. Born in New York City. Educated at Cornell and Co lumbia Universities. (Married.) District attorney of Seneca County 1896-9. Member Alpha Delta Phi and Democratic Clubs and Military Order of the Loyal Legion. JOHNSON, CHARLES HALDANE— Lawyer, 31 . Nassau street. New York City; residence Montciair, N J Member Congregational and Cornell Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. JOHNSON, CHARLES L.— Rubber Manufacturer, 15 Murray street. New York City; residence 17 West 63d street and Ansonia, Conn. Bora In Connecticut. Educated at Yale. (Married.) Manager of sales and director United States Rubber Co.; treasurer and di rector L. Candee & Co.; director American Rubber Co. of Mass., Goodyear's Metallic Rubber Shoe Co., of Naugatuck, Comi., Goodyear's India Rubber Glove Mf'g Co. and Boston Rubber Co. Member Lotos and Hardware Clubs. JOHNSON, COLUMBUS OREN— Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence "Knollwood," Cro- ton-on-Hudson. Born In Wayne County, Ohio, Oct. 17. 1855. Educated at the University of Wooster. Ohio. (Married.) Water Register New York City, 1895-8; vice-president Republican County Committee, 1895-6. Member Republican Club, Society of Medical Jurisprudence, Medical and Legal Rellel Society and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. JOHNSON, DAVID— Artist, 67 West 131st street. New York City. Bora in New York City, 1827. Edu cated In common schools; sell-taught In art. (Mar ried.) Makes a specialty ol landscapes. Has been awarded many medals. Member Artists' Fund Society, ol which he was one ol the lounders; academician National Academy ol Design since 1862. JOHNSON, DAVID D. — Insurance, 80 WlUlam street. New York City; residence 168 McDonough street, Brooklyn. Bora and educated In New York City. Connected with the flrm ol Jameson & Freling huysen. Member University and Union Leagrue Clubs. JOHNSON, EASTMAN — Artist 65 West 55th street. New York City. Bora in Lovell, Me., 1824. Edu cated in public schools ol Augusta, and at Royal Academy ol Dilsseldorl, Germany. Among his la mous pictures are, "The Kentucky Home," "The Stage Coach," "Prisoner ol .State" and portraits ol many notable people. Including Presidents Arthur, Cleveland and Harrison, and many ol New York's most promi nent residents. Member Union League, Lotos and Players' Clubs, Century Association, National Acad emy ol Design and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. JOHNSON, BBENEZER PLATT — Lawyer, 55 Liberty street. New York City; residence 175 Second avenue. Born In Upper Red Hook, N. Y., May 9, 1849. Educated at New York University, Rutgers College and Williams College. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Stimson & Williams. Member Republican and Cal umet Clubs. JOHNSON. EDWARD H.— President 20 Broad street, and Vice-President, 529 West 34th street. New York City; residence Greenwich, Conn. President and director MetropoUtan Electric Construction Co.; -vice- president and director Sprague Electric Co.; director Amsterdam Street Ry. Co., Greenfield Automatic Fast ener Co., Interior Conduit and Insulation Co., John- son-Lundell Electric Co. and Twin City Construction Co. Member Union League, American Yacht and New York Clubs and Liederkranz. JOHNSON, E. T.— Cashier, First National Bank Glens Falls; residence 42 Maple street. Born In Glens FaUs, 1837. (Married.) JOHNSON. F. COIT— Dry Goods Merchant. 110 Worth street, New York City; residence Bay Ridge, LI Member New York and Wool Clubs, and Marine and Field CJlub ol Brooklyn. JOHNSON, FRANK VE'RNER-Lawyer. 31 Nas- ^P^ "^°^^ City; residence 101 "West 74th street. Member of the firm ol Kenyon & Kenyom Member Union League and Republican Clubs and As sociation ol the Bar ol the City of New York KEN"£"ON, WILLIAM HOUSTON-Lawyer, 150 Nassau street New Tork City; residence 321 West 82d fPfPP.P.°P^P\ Hartford, Conn., Jan. 5, 1856. Edu cated at the CoUege of the City of New "York an(i Co- orKlnv^r'.^^^^°°'- (Married!) Member of the firm DeUp, T^,^,5 ^^"?;°''- Member University Colonial, Clubs IhfBet^^K'i^"' ^^P""^ Pf°"^ ^nd Barnard ingl'anrSoS. "^"^^ ^'""'"' Association and New KEOGH, MARTIN JEROME— Lawyer 6 Beekman street New Tork City; residence New Rochelle B^ra young^"|'ducatedTn' *° '''' ^""\^ StS°es whin ?uTte vv,Vv t't f <^"cated In common schools and at New P^^A^PPP^^P^^rP^'^ S<=li°°> (valedictorian -76) (Ma^ ned Katharine Temple Emmet.) PreslcientlaJ Fwt^r 1892; elected Supreme Court Justice for the Seoomrt Judicial District ol New Tork In 1895 Member Meteo- politan. New Tork Tacht, Turf and Field Westch^sr ter Country and Brooklyn Clubs. ' "'estcnes- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 243 KEOGH, ROSS P.- Clerk, 6 City Hall, New Tork City; residence 117 West 137th street. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 27, 1866. Educated In parochial and public schools, and at Brick Church High School, Lackawanna, Pa. Connected with the Eastern offlce ol the Huntlngton-Hopklns Co. lor many years; served on the reportorlal staff ol several ol the lead ing city dailies; appointed bond and warrant clerk by Mayor Van Wyck In 1898, which position he now holds. KEPPLER, EMIL— Publisher and Artist, 39 East Houston street. New Tork City; residence 214 East 95th street. Member ol the firm ol Keppler & Schwarzman, publishers ol "Puck." Member Fencers' Club. KEPPLER, RUDOLPH— Banker and Broker, 39 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 28 West 70th street. Born in Constanz, Germany, 1843. Family set tled in New Tork in 1853. Member ol the firm ol Ru dolph Keppler & Co. Member New Tork Stock Ex change, ol which he has been president since 1898. Member 'Union League Club, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, American Museum ol Natural History, American Geographical and American Fine Arts Societies, Scientific Alliance and New Tork Academy ol Sciences. KERLET, THOMAS— Cashier, Ballston Spa; resi dence 9 Court street. Born in Ballston Spa, April 20, 1863. Educated in Ballston Spa. (Married.) Presi dent Empire Coarse Salt Co. ol Syracuse; treasurer Board ol Education, Ballston Spa; director and cashier Ballston Spa National Bank. Member Relorm Club of New Tork City and Utopian Club. KERN, WILLIAM M.— Secretary, 2835 Third ave nue. New Tork City; residence "White Plains. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 7, 1863. Educated In country schools and at an academy. (Single.) Secretary and trustee DoUar Savings Bank. KERNAN, JOHN D.— Lawyer, 37 Liberty street, New Tork City; residence 362 Henry street, Brooklyn. Member of the firm of Kernan Bros. & Quin. Member Reform, Social Reform and Catholic Clubs and Asso ciation of the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. KERNAN, JOSEPH A.— Treasurer, 51 Chambers street. New Tork City; residence 57 East 83d street. Born In Albany, N. T. Treasurer and manager Irish Emigrant Society. Member Catholic Club. KERNAN, JOSEPH P.- Manager, 237 Water street. New Tork City; residence Utica. Born In Utica, AprU 29, 1861. Educated at Georgetown Uni versity. (Single.) New Tork manager International Heater Co. and Syracuse Stove Works. Member Rich mond County Country Club, Sadaquada Goll and Fort Schuyler Clubs ol Utica, and University Club ol Chi cago, HI. KERNAN, WALTER N. — Lawyer, Devereaux Block, Utica. Born in Utica, March 24, 1864. Edu cated at (Georgetown College ('85). (Married.) Mem ber ol the firm ol W. & N. E. Kernan. Member Uni versity and Relorm Clubs ol New Tork City. KERNBR, CHARLES H.— Hotel Proprietor, 217 Fourth avenue. New Tork City; residence 70 Irving place. Director Nassau Bank and New Tork Mutual! Gas Light Co. Member Racquet and Tennis, and Sub urban Riding and Driving Clubs, Metropolitan Mu seum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural His tory. KERNOCHAN, JAMES L.— 3 Mercer street. New Tork City; residence Hempstead, L. I. (Married.) Member Rockaway Hunting, Meadow Brook Hunt, Knickerbocker and Metropolitan Clubs and American Geographical Society. KERNOCHAN, JAMES P.— Trustee, 44 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 824 Filth avenue. Member Metropolitan Club. KERNOCHAN, J. FREDERIC — Real Estate, 44 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 11 East 26th street. Educated at Tale ('63). (Married.) Director Lawyers' Title Insurance Co, Member University and City Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, Down Town and Tale -Alumni Associations and Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. KERNOCHAN, JOSEPH H.— Real Estate, 44 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 267 Filth avenue. Born in New Tork City, May 16, 1857. Educated at Williams College. (Single.) Treasurer Cosmopolitan Realty Co.; director Taylor Brewing Co. ol Albany. Member Calumet, Riding, New Tork Tacht and Lenox (Mass.) Clubs. KBRR, HARRISON D.— Distiller, 750 Washington street. New Tork City; residence 4 East 38th street. Member Larchmont Tacht and Union League Clubs. KERR, HENRY S.— Banker, 41 Wall street. New York City: residence 23 Bast 75th street. Member ol the New York Stock Exchange firm ol Redmond, Kerr & Co. Member Union, Union League, New York Yacht and Country Clubs. KBRR, JOHN B.-Lawyer, 56 Beaver street, New York City; residence 40 West llth street. Vice-presi dent, general counsel and director New York, Ontario and Western Ry. Co. Member Metropolitan Museum ol Art, Down Town Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. KBRR, JOHN E., Jr.— Merchant, 41 Beaver street. New Tork City; residence 260 West 78th street. Mem ber New Tork Athletic, New Tork, Nineteenth Cen tury and Baraard Clubs, and Ardsley Casino ol Ards ley-on-Hudson. KBRR, ROBERT B.— Stock Broker, 26 Broad street, New Tork City; residence Lakewood, N. J. Born in New Tork City, June 18, 1863. Educated at Tale ('85). (Married.) Member ol the New Tork Stock Exchange firm ol Kerr & Co. Member Racquet and Tennis, Calumet and University Clubs and "Yale Alumni Association. KERR, THOMAS B.— Distiller, 750 Washington street. New York City; residence 44 West 56th street. Director American Distributing Co., and Pacific Baink. Member New York Athletic and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. KBRR, THOMAS B.-Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence Englewood, N. J. Member ol the firm ol Kerr, Curtis & Page. Member Lawyers' and Republican Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. KBRR, WALTER CRAI(3 — Mechanical Engi neer, 26 Cortlandt street. New York City; residence Dongan Hills, S. I. Born In St. Peter, Minn., Nov. 8, 1858. Educated at Cornell University (B.M.E., '79). (Married.) First vice-president Westlnghouse Ma chine Co.; vice-president Westlnghouse, Church, Kerr & Co. Alumni trustee Cornell University, term ex piring In 1900. Member Engineers', Comell, Seawan haka-Corinthian Yacht and Richmond County Coun try Clubs, Duquesne Club ol Pittsburg, Franklin In stitute and American Society ol Mechanical Engi neers. KERSEY, H. MAITLAND— Agent, 9 Broadway, New York City; residence 160 Central Park, South. Formerly agent lor the White Star Steamship Co. ol Liverpool, England. Member Racquet and Tennis, Larchmont Yacht, Union, SeawanhaJta-Corinthian Yacht and Meadow Brook Hunt Clubs, and Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson. KERSHNBR, BDWARD— Physician, 77 West 101st street. New York City. Born In Clear Spring, Md. Educated at New York University (M. D.). (Wid ower.) Served in a surgical capacity in the United States Navy, 1861-96. Has been medical chiel-ol-staH in Inlants' Hospital on Randall's Island, and in Alms house Hospital on Blackwell's Island. Prolessor ol hygiene and emeritus prolessor. New York Post-Grad uate Medical College and Hospital since 1883. Mem ber Union League, Central Republican and New Am sterdam Clubs, Loyal Legion, G. A. R., Masonic Fra ternity and Society ol the 19th Army Corps. KBSSLER, ALFRED— Banker, 54 Wall street. New York City; residence 26 West 39th street Mem ber ol the flrm ol Kessler & Co. Member Racquet and Tennis, and Calumet Clubs, Country Club ol West chester County, and Down Town Association. 244 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. KETCHAM, GEORGE W.— Vice-President, 25 Cliff street. New York City; residence Newark, N. J. Vice-president and director Central Stamping Co. Member Fulton Club and Lincoln Club ol Newark, N. J. KETCHAM, HENRY B.-Lawyer, 35 Wall street, New York City; residence 108 Willow street, Brooklyn. Member Crescent Athletic, Dyker Meadow Goll and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn, Yale Club and Associa tion ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. KETCHAM, HERBERT T.— Lawyer, 189 Mon tague street, Brooklyn; residence 173 Lefferts place. Member ol the firm ol Ketcham & Owens. Member Brooklyn Club. KETCHAM, JOHN HENRY— Congressman, Wash ington, D. C; residence Dover Plains. Bom In Dover, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1832. Educated In Dover. Assemblyman, 1856-7; later town supervisor; State senator, 1860-1. As colonel ol the 150th New York Volunteers, entered the Union Army In 1862, wais promoted to brigadier- general and served until March, 1866; subsequently wais brevetted major-general. Was elected to the Thirty-ninth, Fortieth, Forty-first and Forty-second Congresses. Served three years as a commissioner, ol the District ol Columbia, was elected to the Forty- sixth Congress, and served continuously to the Fllty- second; was re-elected to the Fllty-sixth, and has been renominated as a candidate lor the Fllty-sev- enth. KETCHAM, WILLIAM P.-Lawyer, 69 Wall street. New York City; residence 318 Lexington ave nue. Member Union League and Yale Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, New York Genealogical and Biographical, and St. Nicholas Societies and So ciety ol Colonial Wars. KETCHAM, WILLIAM E.— Methodist Episcopal ian Clergyman and Editor, 7 West 18th street. New York City; residence 19 Quincy place, Yonkers. Born In New York City, Feb. 19, 1837. Educated at City Institute and Amenia Seminary. Degree ol D.D. (Married.) Has held many Important ministerial and official positions In the Methodist Episcopal Church. Treasurer board ol stewards New York Conlerence; editor "Preacher's Magazine." Member Quill (Jlub, New York Genealogical and Biographical, Methodist Historical, and Westchester Historical Societies, New England Methodist Historical Society ol Boston, Mass., and Yonkers Historical and Library Associa tion. KETCHUM, ALEXANDER PHOENIX— Lawyer, 22 State street. New York City; residence 32 Mount Morris Park, -West Bora in New Haven, Conn., May 11, 1839. (Son ol Edgar and Elizabeth [Phpenlx] Ketchum.) Educated at the College ol the City ol New York and Albany Law School. (Married Clara McParland, daughter ol .Tohn Dwight ol New York City, who died In 1893.) Served throughout Civil War; was acting assistant adjutant-generaJ ; resigned -with rank ol brevet-colonel. Was appointed by President Grant, Collector ol Internal Revenue lor the Ninth District ol New York; in 1874 was translerred to the customs service as General Appraiser ol the Port ol New York, and 1883 was appointed Chiel Appraiser by President Arthur; resigned In 1885 and has since de voted himsell exclusively to the practice ol his proles sion. Member Republican, Alpha Delta Phi, New York Yacht, Atlantic Yacht, City CoUege (ex-presldent) and Harlem RepubUcan Clubs, Presbyterian Union (ex-president), Lalayette Post, G. A. R., MiUtary Or der ol the Loyal Legion and New York State Bar As sociation. KETCHUM, EDGAR— Lawyer, 12 John street. New York City; residence Jerome avenue near 165th street. Born in New York City, July 16, 1840. Edu cated at the College ol the City ol New York and Co lumbia College Law School. (Married.) Served as lieutenant ol Signal Corps, United States Army, also ais brevet captailn and major ol engineers, N. G. N. Y. Trustee and ex-treasurer Harlem Library. Mem-^ ber Lalayette Post G. A. R., MUitary Order ol the Loyal Legion, Veteran Signal Corps, Society ol the Army ol the Potomac and 7th Regiment Veteran As sociation. KETCHUM, JOHN BUCKHOUT (Major)— Secre tary, 40 Broadway, New York City; residence 246 Ma con street, Brooklyn. Bom In New York City, July 11, 1837. Educated at Public School No. 15 ('49) and one year at New York University. (Married Rachelle A. Terhune, 1858.) Organized the Patriotic Order ol Sons ol America in this State, 1854; reporter and writer on New York "Leader" 1857; on Governor Fen- ton's staff 1864; made two voyages to Europe (1891 and 1895) lor the purpose ol observing the discipline and general condition ol European armies and made re ports thereon to the United States Soldier's Christian Aid Association, ol which he is now secretary. Ex- past president Sons ol America, 1900. Member Sons ol the Americain Revolution. KETCHUM, LANDON— Manulacturer, 23 "West 125th street. New Tork City; residence Saugatuck, Conn. Educated at Tale ('65). Member University and Tale Clubs and National Academy ol Design. KETTELL, HERBERT — Lawyer, 20 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence Passaic, N. J. Edu cated at Columbia. Member Union and Passaic (N. J.) Clubs and Columbia University Alumni Associa tion. KEUFFEL, WILLIAM L. E.— Mechanical Engi neer, 127 Fulton street, New Tork City; residence Ho boken, N. J. Born in Texas, May 10, 1861. Educated in Texas. (Married.) Secretary and director Keuffiel & Esser Co. Connected with Hoboken Academy. Member German Club ol Hoboken. KEVAN, WILLIAM— Real Estate, 66 Maiden lane. New Tork City; residence 20 West 22d street. Mem ber American Geographical Society, Metropolitan Mu seum ol Art and Americain Museum ol Naturail His tory. KETES, BDWARD LAWRENCE— Physician, 109 East 34th street. New Tork City; residence 1 Eaist 74th street. Bom In Charleston, S. C, Aug. 28, 1843. Educated at Tale ('63), New Tork University Medical Department (M.D., '66), and in England. Practicing in New Tork City since 1868. Prolessor ol dermatology at Bellevue Hospital Medical College since 1872. Trus tee St. Patrick's Cathedral. Author ol several medi cal works. Member Catholic and Metropolitan Clubs, Tale Alumni and Century Associations and Metropoli tan Museum ol Art. KETES, EDWARD LOUGHBORO, Jr.— Physician and Instructor, 109 East 34th street. New Tork City. Degrees ol A.B. and M.D. Assistant demonstrator In anatomy, Cornell University Medical CoUege. Mem ber Catholic and Metropolitan Clubs, Tale Alumni and Century Associations and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. KETES, JOHN J.— Furniture Merchant, 236 West 29th street. New Tork City; residence 324 West 19th street. Bora in Ireland, May 1, 1863. Educated in Newark, N. J. (Single.) Vice-president Geo. C. PUnt & Co. Member New Tork Athletic and Catholic Clubs. KETES, WILLIAM E.— Secretary 100 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 981 Madison avenue. Mem ber Union League Club and Columbia Alumni Asso ciation. KEYS, ALFRED DE FOREST- Railroad Sup plies, 103 Fulton street New York City; residence EU zabeth, N. J. Bora in Danbury, Conn., March 9, 1848 Educated in New York City. (Married.) Vice-presi dent and director New Jersey Dry Dock and Trans portation Co. Member Fulton and Engineers' Clubs and Town and Country, and Mattano Clubs ol Eliza beth, N. J. -iTnc?^!!^^.' SAMUEL-Retlred Coffee Merchant, 14 East 36th street. New York City. Member Union League and Church Clubs. KEYSER, WILLIAM B. T.— Banker, 2 Wall street New York City; residence Bedlord Park. Bora lii Washington D. C, Sept 17, 1860. Educated In Wash ington D.CJ at Columbia University ('78) and at Columbia College Law School (LL.B., '80). (Married ) Served as Bank Examiner lor Southern District ot New York. Assistant cashier Natloal Bank ol the Re public. Member Union League Club and other social organizations. •^.^^a.^ BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 245 KIDDER, CAMILLUS G.— Lawyer, 27 WilUam street. New York City; residence Orange, N. J. Born in Baltimore, Md., July 6, 1850. (Son ol Camlllus and Sarah [Herrick] Kidder.) Educated at Phillips Exe ter Academy and Hairvard College. '(Married Matilda Faber.) Member ol the firm ol Ivlns, Kidder & Melcher. Member University, Harvard, Relorm, Church and Manhattan Clubs, American Geographical Society, Colonial Order, New York State Bar Associa tion and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. KIDDER, EDWARD H.— Secretary, 253 Broad way, New 'York City; residence 89 Remsen street, Brooklyn. Born in Massachusetts, 1840. Educated at Harvard. (Single.) Director Sackett Wall Board Co. Ex-trustee Brooklyn Hospital. Member Harvard, Hardware, University and Twentieth Century Clubs, and Riding and Driving and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn. KIDDER, WILLIAM M.-Banker, 18 Wall street. New York City; residence Highwood, N. J. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol A. M. Kidder & Co., and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Alpha Delta Phi and Lawyers' Clubs, Englewood (N. J.) Goll and Fleld Clubs and Amherst College Alumni Association. KIDDLE, ALFRED W.— Lawyer, 38 Park row. New York City; residence 697 West End avenue. Member Engineers', Republican, Congregational and Hardware Clubs, American Society ol Civil Engineers, American Bar and State Bar Associations and Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. KIEiRNAN, ADRIAN T.— Lawyer, 27 Pine street. New York City; residence 18 East 47th street. Mem ber Ca(;holIc and Democratic Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. KII.,BURN, HENRY P.- Architect, 166 Filth ave nue. New York City. Born in Massachusetts, Feb. 20, 1845. Educated In Massachusetts. (Married.) Mem ber Larchmont Yacht and Colonial Clubs, Architec tural League, American Institute ol Arcliltects and New England Society. KILIANL OTTO G. T.— Physician, 116 East 57th street. New York City. Born in Munich, Germany, Sept. 6, 1863. Educated at the Universities ol Munich and HaJle. (Married.) Served as assistant surgeon to the Royal Bavarian Artillery. Surgeon to the Ger man Hospital. Member Barnard Club and Deutscher Verein. KILMER, CHARLES B.— Tax Specialist, 15 Park row. New York City; residence 1851 Seventh avenue. Born In Rensselaer County, N. Y., 1846. (Married.) Member Transportation, Democratic and Albany Clubs and Klunicut, Remlik and Adelphi Societies. KILMER, CHAUNCEY— Paper Manulacturer, 9 East 57th street. New York City. Born in Rock City Falls, Saratoga Co., N. Y., March 23, 1816. Educated in public schools. Built a small paper mill lor him sell in 1845, and in 1852 built the flrst complete equip ment in the United States lor making paper Irom rye straw. In 1865 bought controlling interest in "Con gress" and "Empire" Springs, Saratoga; termed a stock company and became Its president. Since 1869 general manager ol American Wood Paper Co. Mem ber New York Athletic Club and Metropolitan Mu seum ol Art. KILNER, SAMUEL E.— Capitalist, 120 Broadway, New York City: residence 335 West 78th street. Born In England, 1858. Educated in England. (Married.) Managing trustee estate ol Frederick BllUngs (dec'd). Director Central Vermont Ry. Co., Maritime Canal Co. ol Nicaragua, Minnesota and Montana Land and Improvement Co., South Superior Land Co., Wood stock National Bank, Woodstock Ry. Co., Land and River Co. ol West Superior, Wis., and Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. Member Union League and Lawyers' Clubs. KIMBALL, ALFRED R.— Banker, 15 Wall street, New York City; residence St. Cloud, Orange, N. J. Born in Orange, Sept. 29, 1848. Educated at the Col- . lege ol the City ol New York. (Married.) Member ol the New York Stock Exchange firm ol Baylls & Co. Member Quill and Relorm Clubs, Century Association and Ainerican Geographical Society. KIMBALL, BENJAMIN — Lawyer, 27 WUllam street. New York City, and 53 State street, Boston, Mass.; residence 269 Beacon street, Boston. Bora in Boston, Mass., Nov. 18, 1849. Educated in Boston. (Single.) Director and general counsel American Type Pounders' Co. Member Relorm and Players' Clubs ol New York City, and St. Botolph and Papyrus Clubs ol Boston. KIMBALL, CHARLES E.— RaUroad President, 27 Pine street. New York City; residence Summit, N. J. Born in Bristol, R. I., 1857. Educated at Brown Uni versity. President and director Alton Terminal Ry. Co., Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis R. R. Co., Con solidated Cattle Car Co., and Illinois Rolling Stock Co.; director Car Trust Investment Co., and Peoria and Pekin Union Ry. Co. Member University, Brown University and Lawyers' Clubs. KIMBALL, DEXTER SIMPSON— Prolessor, Cor nell University, Ithaca; residence 317 Prospect street. Assistant prolessor ol machine design at Cornell Uni versity. KIMBALL, GEORGE C— Manulacturer, 28 Reade street. New York City; residence Hartlord, Conn. Born in Hartlord, Oct. 31, 1866. Educated at Yale. (Single.) Secretary, treasurer and director Economic Machine Co.; treasurer Smyth Ml'g Co. ol Hartlord, Conn. KIMBALL, HORATIO G.— President, 40 Beaver street. New York City; residence 916 Union street, Brooklyn. President and director Broun-Green Co. Member New York, 'Whist and Drug Clubs, Crescent Athleltc, Montauk, and Marine and Field Clubs ol Brooklyn and New England Society. KIMBALL, J.-VMES P. — Surgeon, Governor's Island, New York Harbor. Born in Berkshire, N. Y., -Aug. 21, 1840. Educated at Hamilton College. (Mar ried.) Surgeon with rank ol major in United States Army. Member Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. KIMBALL, LLOYD A.— Saw Merchant, 42 Cort landt street. New York City; residence 55 Herkimer street, Brooklyn- Member Engineers' and Hardware Clubs and Sons ol the American Revolution. KIMBALL, MAULSBY — Lawyer, 786 EUicott square, Buffalo; residence 255 Franklin street. Born in Kenosha, "Wis., Oct. 27, 1874. Educated at Colum bia University, School ol Arts (B.A., '95) and Law School (LL.B., '97). (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Cox & Kimball. Lectured on evidence in Buffalo Law School. Member Liberal, Buffalo Canoe and Buffalo Lawn Tennis (secretary and director) Clubs and Phi Beta Kappa Society. KIMBALL, PAUL T.— Physician, 55 West 26th street. New York City. Member University Athletic and University Clubs and Princeton College Alumni -4.ssociation. KIMBALL, ROBERT JACKSON — Banker, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence 436 Clinton ave nue, Brooklyn, and Randolph, Vt. Born in Randolph, Feb. 16, 1836. (Son ol Hiram and Jenosha Bradish Kimball.) Educated In Vermont. (Married Martha L., daughter ol Charles A. Morse.) Established bank ing business in Toronto, Canada, In 1861; removed to New Tork City and established a house in 1865, which he still continues with his son, William Eugene Kim ball, under the firm name ol R. J. Kimball & Co., ol which he is senior member. Retains citizenship Iii his native town, which he represented In the Ver mont Legislature, 1890-1; also served on Governor Dillingham's military staff. Member ol the New Tork Stock Exchange since 1869. President Iowa Central R. R. Co. (since 1898); trustee People's Tmst Co., Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences, University ol Vermont and State (Vermont) Normal School. Member Rembrandt and Hamilton Clubs ol Brook lyn, City Club ol Cleveland, Ohio, St. James Club ol Montreal, Canada, New England Society, Sons ol the American Revolution (ex-presldent). Chamber ol- Commerce and Society ol Colonial Wars. KIMBALL, "WILLIAM H.— Banker, 184 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 226 West 59th street. President and director Seventh National Bank; di rector American Mutoscope Co., Salety Car Heating 246 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. and Lighting Co. and Standard Coupler Co Member Union LeagSe and Republican Clubs and MetropoU- tan Museum ol Art. KINCH, CHARLES .AUGUSTUS— Physician 273 West 70th street. New Tork City. Born in Westfield N J Aug. 30, 1S5L Educated at the CoUege ol the City ol New Tork (A.B., '70) and College ol Physicians and Surgeons ol Columbia University (M.D., Ii}. (Married.) Member Columbia University Alumm and Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Associations. KINDRED, JOHN JOSEPH— Physician, 152 West 34th street. New Tork City; residence River Crest, Astoria. Born In Southampton County, Va., July 15, 1864 Educated at University ol Virginia and Univer sity ol Edinburgh, Scotland. (Single.) Proprietor River Crest Sanitarium. Was extra assistant phy sician Royal Asylum, Edinburgh, Scotland. Member Manhattan and Democratic Clubs and Alumm Asso ciation ol Sigma Chi Frateraity. KING, ALBERT BAXTER— Printer and Station er, 105 William street. New Tork City; residence 1240 Dean street, Brooklyn. Bora In Amenia, N. T., Dec. 4, 1844. (Son ol Rev. Samuel W. King, a Methodist clergyman.) (Married Mary Rowden.) Assistant publisher New Tork "Evening Post" 1878. Senior member ol the firm ol Albert B. King & Co. Mana ger ol the Brooklyn Sunday School Union. Member Typothetae ol New Tork. KING, ALEXANDER- Taras and Spool Cotton, 43 Leonard street. New Tork City; residence East Orange, N. J. Born In Paisley, Scotland, 1839. Edu cated In Paisley. (Married.) President Barstow Thread Co. ol Providence, R. I.; vice-president Amer ican Thread Co.; director Barbour Flax Spinning Co., and Kings County Fire Insurance Co. Member Atlam- tlc Tacht and Arkwright Clubs and St. Andrew's and Burns Societies. KING, CHARLES— Manulacturer, Little Falls. (Married.) Served as president and mayor ol the city ol Little Falls lor three years. Proprietor Saxony Knitting Co. Member Wool Club ol New Tork City and Fort Schuyler Club ol Utica. KING, CLARENCE— Geologist, 7 West 43d street. New Tork City. Born in Newport, R. I., Jan. 6, 1842. Educated at Sheffield Scientific School ol Tale Uni versity ('62). Director ol United States Geological Survey, 1878-81; since then engaged in special investi gations. Author ol several works ol geology. Mem ber Metropolitan and Tuxedo Clubs, Tale Alumni and Century Associations and American GeographicaJ So ciety. KING, DAVID BENNETT- Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 249 Madison avenue. Born in Mount Pleasant, Pa., June 20, 1848. Educated at Lalayette College (Latin salutatorian, '71). (Mar ried Antoinette Southack, 1894.) Alter graduation was tutor, adjunct prolessor and prolessor ol Latin in Lalayette College. Practicing in New Tork City since 1886; now member ol the firm ol King & Jessup. President Wheeling Consolidated Coal Co.; director Iron Clad Ml'g Co., Marine Journal Co., and Lalayette College Alumni Association. Member ol the executive and house committees. Union League Club. Author ol "Latin Pronunciation"; "The Irish Question"; also numerous review and magazine articles. Member University, Authors', Lawyers' and Delta Kappa Ep silon Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City of New Tork. KING, DAVID P.- Physician, 651 Lexington ave nue. New Tork City. Born In Brooklyn, N. T., April 30, 1853. Educated in Jersey City and New Tork City schools, at the College ol the City ol New Tork and at College ol Physicians and Surgeons (M.D., '74). (Married.) Consulting surgeon and member ol board ol directors Northeastern Dispensary. Member Good Government Club A, New Tork County Medical So ciety, New Tork Physicians' Mutual Aid Association, Alma Lodge No. 728. F. & A. M. (past master), and Society ol Medical Jurisprudence. KING, EDWARD— Banker, SO Broadway, New Tork City; residence 1 University place. President and trustee Union Trust Co.; director Citizens' Insur ance Co.; trustee Northern Assurance Co. ol London, England, and Manhattan Savings Institution. Mem ber University, Harvard and Riding Clubs, American Geographical, St. Nicholas and Dunlap Societies, Met ropolitan Museum ol Art, National Academy ol De sign and Century Association. KING, EDWARD J., JR.— Fur Merchant, 97 Greene street New Tork City; residence 357 Filth ave nue. Member Suburban Riding and Driving, New Tork and Manhattan Clubs. KING, FRANK T.— Secretary, 26 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 91 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. Born in Ithaca, N. T., 1853. Educated at Massachu setts Institute ol Technology. Founder and first pres ident Hygeia Distilled Water Co. Member Church Club and American Chemical and St. Andrew's Socie ties. KING, GEORGE GORDON— 5 West 35th street. New Tork City, and Newport, R. I. Member New Tork Tacht, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht and Met ropolitan Clubs, American Geographical and St. Nich olas Societies, Century Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. KING, HENRT IRVING — Editor, 28 Park row. New Tork City; residence Rosebank, S. I. Editor "The Press." Member Providence Athletic Club, Sons ol the American Revolution and Order ol Founders and .Patriots ol America. KING, HERBERT BOOTH— Advertising, 32 East 23d street. New Tork City; residence 45 South Oxlord street, Brooklyn. Member Irving and Montauk Clubs ol Brooklyn and Republican Club. KING, HORATIO COLLINS— Lawyer, 375 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence 46 Willow street. Born In Portland, Me., Dec. 22, 1837. (Son ol ex-Postmaster- General Horatio and Anna [Collins] King.) Educated at Dickinson College ('58) and studied law in the offlce ol Edwin M. Stanton. Admitted to the New Tork Bar in 1861. Honorary degree ol LL.D. conlerred by Allegheny College, June, 1897. (Married.) Served In Union Army duriijg Civil War; honorably discharged as brevet colonel, and awarded Congressional Medal ol Honor lor distinguished bravery at Five Forks. Practiced law In New Tork City, 1865-70; associate editor New Tork "Star," and publisher ol the "Chris- tion Union" (Beecher, editor) and "Christian at Work" (Talmage, editor), 1871-6; resumed practice ol law In 1877 and was admitted to the United States Supreme Court. Major ol the 13th Regiment, N. G. N. T., 1890; Judge Advocate General ol New Tork State. 1883. Member ol Brooklyn Board ol Education, 1883-94; re signed to accept trusteeship ol the New Tork State Soldiers' and Sailors' Home, which position he still holds. Delegate to State and National Gold Demo cratic Conventions at Syracuse and Indianapolis, 1896. Author ol "The Plymouth Silver Wedding," "History ol Dickinson CoUege," "History ol the Army ol the Potomac" and other works. Frequent contributor to newspapers and magazines and composer ol musical compositions; also orator, lecturer and alter-dlnner speaker. Member Brooklyn, New Tork Press, Brook lyn Democratic (ex-president) and Writers' Clubs, So ciety ol the Army ol the Potomac (secretary since 1877), Fredericksburg National Park Association (chairman since 1898), Loyal Legion, G. A. R., Phi Beta Kappa Society, 13th Regiment Veterans, Medal ol Honor ^Legion, Sons ol the American Revolution. Scottish Rite Masons and Order ot Elks. KING, JAMES M.— Clergyman and Secretary, 1 Madison avenue. New Tork City; residence 37 West 90th street. Born in Girard, Pa., 1839. Educated at Wesleyan University. Was prolessor ol natural sciences at Port Edward Collegiate Institute lor six years. Resident ol New Tork City since 1873. Was rector ol Washington Square, Sti James', Eighteenth Street, Park Avenue, St. John's and Union Methodist Episcopalian churches. Sewn Club ol Morristown, N. J.. St Nicholas and Holland Societies. Columbia University Alumni Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. 100 ^^^','^^'*" ANDRUSS. Jr.— Merchandise Broker. 138 Pearl street. New York City; residence South Orange, N. J. Director Brooklyn Elevated R. R. Co. Mem^r Calumet, Essex County (N. J.) Country and New York Clubs and Holland Society BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 249 KIP, LEONARD— -4.uthor, 20 Elk street, Albany. Born in New York City, Sept. 13, 1826. Educated at Trinity College, Hartlord, Conn. (A.B., '46 and L.H.D.. '93). Degree ol LL.D. Irom Hobart CoUege In 1893. Studied law and was admitted to the Bar; practiced lor greater part ol his llle In Albany; now retired. Author ol "Calilornia Sketches," "Volcano Diggings," 'The Dead Marquise," "Hannibal's Man" and other works. Member Port Orange and Albany Clubs, Trin ity College Alumni Association, Calilornia Pioneers' Club, and Authors' Club and Albany Society of New York City. KIP, WILLIAM FARGO— Lawyer, 42 West 44th street. New York City; residence 43 "West 43d street. Born in Buffalo, N. Y.. April 8. 1855. Educated at Harvard ('76). (Single.) Librarian ol the Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. Member 'Univer sity Club and Holland Society. KIPP. RATHBUN— Wagon Manulacturer, 222 Bast 24th street. New York City; residence Mount Ver non. Born in New York City. Feb. 24, 1874. Educated In New York City. (Single.) Member Twilight Club. KIPP, WILLIAM H.— Chiel Clerk, 300 Mulberry street. New York City; residence 20 West 121st street. Born in New York City. 1839. Educated in public schools. Served with 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y., dur ing Civil War; was promoted to second lieutenant. major and at the close ol the war to lieutenant-col onel. Connected with the Police Department since 1873; chiel clerk ol same since 1884. Member St. Nich olas Society. KIRBY, THOMAS E.— Art Dealer, American Art Galleries, 6 East 23d street. New York City; residence Roslyn, L. I. Member New York Athletic and Union League Clubs, Sons ol the American Revolution and Aldine Association. KIRCHOFF. CHARLES WILLIAM HENRY- Editor, 232 William street. New York City; residence 13 West 88th street. Bora In San Francisco, Cal., March 28, 1853. Educated at Royal School ol Mines, Clausthal, Germany (E.M., '74). Assistant editor ol "The Iron Age," 1878-81; managing editor "Engineer ing and Mining Journal," 1881-4; associate editor "The Iron Age," 1884-9; editor-ln-chlel since 1889. Member Engineers', Press and Hardware Clubs, Germania, Crescent Athletic and Marine and Field Clubs ol Brooklyn, American Institute ol Mining Engineers. American Society ol Mechanical Engineer^ and So ciety ol Naval Architects. KIRCHWEY, GEORGE W.— Prolessor, Columbia University, New York City; residence 605 West 113th street. Born in Detroit, Mich., July 3, 1855. Educated at Yale ("79). Admitted to the Bar In 1881. (Married.) Practiced law in Albany lor ten years; prolessor ol law In Union University, and Dean ol Albany Law School, 1889-91. Prolessor ol law at Columbia Univer sity since 1891. Member Yale Club, Albany Society ol New York, American Historical and Century As sociations and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. .- KIRK, JOHN L.— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence Jersey City, N. J. Born in New York City. Educated at Princeton University and Columbia and New York Law Schools. (Married.) Member Twilight and Princeton Clubs. KIRKHAM, AUGUSTUS— Wholesale Shoe Mer chant, 136 Grand street. New York City; residence Hastings. Member ol the firm ol St. John, Kirkham & Co. Member Union League Club, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Ohio and New England So cieties. KIRKLAND, J. W.— Electrician, Schenectady; residence 205 Union street. Connected with the Gen eral Electric Co. Member -Relorm and University Clubs ol New York City, and American Institute ol Electrical Engineers. KIRKUS, ALFRED R.— Secretary, 309 Broadway, New York City; residence 485 Willoughby avenue, Brooklyn. Born in London, England, May 7. 1856. (Son of Rev. William Kirkus, M. A., LL.B.). Edu cated in London. (Married Louise Colles Sloan.) Secretary New York Real Estate, Manhattan Real Es tate, Central Real Estate and Colonial Real Estate Associations. Member Crescent Athletic and Oxford Clubs ol Brooklyn and Arkwright Club. KIRLIN, J. PARKER— Lawyer, 6 Beekman street New York City; residence 168 West 58th street. Born in Scranton, Pa., Dec. 5, 1861. Educated at University ol Virginia and Columbia College. (Married.) Mem ber ol the firm ol Convers & Kirlln. Member Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, International Law and American Bar Associations and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. KIRWIN, JAMES J. — Deputy Commissioner, Bor ough Hall, Brooklyn; residence 629 Madison street. Born In Brooklyn, 1858. Educated at Christian Broth ers' Institute and St. John's College. Engaged for a time In publishing business In New York City; mem ber of the Brooklyn Board of Education, 1894-7; deputy commissioner of Correction for the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens since Jan. 1, 1898. KISCH, SEYMOUR— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City. Born In London, England, March 31, 1847. Educated at King's College and University of Lon don ("65). (Married.) Member of the firm of Klsch & Roberts. Director British America Development Co. (Ltd.), Alice Mining Co., United States Cotton Compress Co., Smith Adjustable Car-Axle Bearing Co. and others. Member Lawyers' Club and Texas, Illinois and New York Bar Associations. KISS-AM, BENJAMIN TRBDWELL— Lawyer, 68 Nassau street. New York City; residence Bergen Point N. J. Born in New York City, Feb. 17, 1819. (Son of Joseph and Ann M. [Embury] Klssam.) Edu cated at a primary school, Nazareth (Pa.) Hall, Ox ford (N. Y.) Academy and Columbia College. (Mar ried.) Now retired from active practice. Member St. Nicholas and Philolenean Societies, Columbia Alumni Association and Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. KISSAM, COLEMAN E.— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence West Orange, N. J. Born in Trenton, N. J., April 26, 1866. Educated In New York City. (Married Anne, daughter of Hon. Edward T. Green of Trenton, N. J.) Member of the firm ol Lord, Day & Lord. Member Essex County Country Club and New England Society ol Orange, N. J., and St. Nicholas Society. KISSAM, GEORGE— Advertising, 253 Broadway, New York City; residence 102 Bast 26th street Born in Utica, N. Y., July 28, 1851. Educated in Utica. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol George Kissam & Co. Member New York Athletic, Hardware and Sphinx Clubs and Chicago Athletic Club. KISSAM, HENRY S.— Architect, University Club, New York City. Born in New York City, Feb. 22, 1866. Educated in New York City and In Paris, France. (Single.) Supervising architect Pan-American Ex position, Buffalo, 1901. Member University, Relorm, Psi Upsilon Clubs, Buffalo Club, Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America, Society ol Colonial Wars and Columbia University Alumni Association. KISSAM, WILLIAM A.— Real Estate, 25 Pine street. New York City; residence 9 West 53d street. Member Alpha Delta Phi, Metropolitan and University Clubs and Williams College Alumni Association. KISSEL, GUSTAVE B.-Banker, 54 Wall street. New York City; residence 15 West 16th street. Mem ber ol the flrm ol Kessler & Co. and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member advisory committee ol the Audit Co. ol New York; director State Street Trust Co. ol Boston, Mass., and United States Mortgage and 'Trust Co. Member Union, City, and Racquet and Tennis Clubs, Century and Down Town Associations and American Geographical Society. KITCHING, FRANK W.— Wool Merchant, 55 Dey street. New York City; residence 232 West 52d street. Member Union League, New York Athletic and Lambs' Clubs and New York Genealogical and Bio graphical Society. 250 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. KITTILSBY. PETER A.— Lutheran Clergyman. 16 Alexander place, Buffalo. Born In Calmar. Iowa. Oct 16. 1865. Educated at Luther CoUege, where he was edltor-in-chiel of "College Chips" three years, and president of the class of '88. (Married.) Formerly professor of Latin and general history at the Red Wing (Minn.) Ladies' Seminary. Now pastor ZIon's Scandanavlan Evangelical Lutheran Church of Buf falo. Member University Club and Luther College Alumni Association. KITTREDGE, ABBOTT E.— Clergyman, 711 Park avenue. New York City. Born in Roxbury, Mass., July 20, 1834. Educated at Williams College. (Mar ried.) Pastor Madison Avenue Reformed Church. Member University and Union League Clubs, Wil liams College Alumni Association, New England So ciety and Sons of the American Revolution. KITTREDGE, ANSON O.— Public Accountant, 260 West Broadway, New York City; residence 257 Edge combe avenue. Member Twilight Club, Ohio Society and Institute of Accounts. KITTREDGE, SAMUEL DANE— 1 Front street. New York City; residence 40 West 45th street. Mem ber University and Harvard Clubs, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson, and American Fine Arts Society. KLEE, SIGMUND— Advertising, 1 Union square. New York City; residence 113 West 40th street. Born in Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 28, 1865. Educated at college In westera Pennsylvania. (Single.) Manager Man hattan Railway Advertising Co. Member Republican, Freundschaft and Gotham Clubs and Metropolitan Museum of Art. KLEIN, BRUNO OSCAR— Composer and Pianist, 74 West 92d street. New York City. Born in Osna- brtick, Germany, June 6, 1868. Educated In Germany; studied music with his father, and at Royal Music School of Munich. (Married Emmy Schaefer.) Com poser of "Kenilworth," a grand opera in three acts; also many songs, sonatas and arias. KLEIN, CHARLES— Dramatist, 1440 Broadway, New York City; residence 120 West 71st street Bora In London, England, Jan. 7, 1857. Educated In Eng land. (Married.) Formerly reader of plays for Charles Frohman. Author of the librettos of "El Capitan" and "The Charlatan" and of the plays ol "Heartsease," "The District Attorney," "By Proxy" and many others. Member American Dramatists' (secretary) and Lambs' Clubs and Actors' Order ol Friendship. KLEPPER, MAX FRANCIS— Artist and lUus- trator, Scott and Hull avenues. New York City. Born In Zeitz, Germany, March 1, 1861. Came to the United States in 1876. Resident ol New York City since 1880 (Married Emilie von Rhein, 1883.) Studied at Art Students' League In New York (Jity, and at Royal Academy ol Munich, Germany, at the same time tak ing a course at Munich Veterinary College, making a specialty ol the study ot the horse. KLINE, WILLIAM J, residence 158 Market street, Y., Nov. 7, 1848. Educated ried.) Editor and publisher postmaster ol Amsterdam. Club, Alpha Delta Phi Club Orange Club ol Albany, and —PubUsher, Amsterdam; Born in Fultonville, N. at Union College. (Mar- "Daily Democrat." Ex- Member Fort Johnson ol New York City, Fort Phi Beta Kappa Society. KLING, ABRAM RONALD— Lawyer, 96 Broad way New York City; residence 140 Bast 19th street Born in New York City May 6, 1853. Educated at Co lumbia CoUege and Law School. (Married ) Practic !"^-,i?,New York CUy since his admission to the Bar in 18(3 Director Bowery Bank and American Surety Co. Member Manhattan and Lotos Clubs. ,„ KLIPSTEIN, AUGUST— Chemicals, 122 Pearl and 62 Front streets. New York City; residence 112 Lin coln place, Brooklyn. Born In Franklort-on-the-Main Germany, June 27, 1848. Educated in Frankfort-on: the-Main. (Married.) President and director BuUctoTl=Larbe^A-J^e^^el^f ^^^ BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 257 LAMBERT, HENRT S.— Retired, 100 Williani street, New Tork City; residence AshevlUe, N. C. Born in Portsmouth, N. H., May 24, 1843. Educated at Portsmouth High School. (Married.) Followed the sea, 1858-65; served in Civil War, 1861-5; was with Far ragut In Mobile Bay. In varnish business in New Tork City, 1873; retired and went south on account ol ill health, 1894. Member Montauk Lodge No. 286, P. & A. M. ol Brooklyn, and Loyal Legion. L.AMBERT, LOUIS A.— Editor and Roman Cath olic Clergyman, 41 Barclay street. New Tork City; residence ScottsvlUe. Born In Charlerol, Pa., April 13, 1835. Educated at St. Vincent's College, Philadelphia, Pa., and at Archdiocesan Seminary, St. Louis, Mo. Ordained priest in 1859. Served as chaplain through Civil War. Founded the "Catholic Times" In 1874. Editor-in-chief of the "New Tork Freeman's Journal" since 1894. Author of several religious works. LAMBERT, SAMUEL W.— Physician, 130 East 35th street. New Tork City. Born in New Tork City, June 18, 1859. Educated in private schools, at Tale ('80), Sheffleld Scientific School ('82) and at Columbia (M.D., '85). (Married.) Attending physician to Nur sery and Child's Hospital, 1890-6. Attending physician Lying-in Hospital since 1892 and New Tork Hospital since 1896. Member University, Racquet and Tennis, and Tale Clubs, New England Society and Tale Alum ni and Century Associations. LAMBERTON, CHARLES L.— Lawyer, 16 Ex change place. New Tork City; residence 46 West 22d street. Member Manhattan Club, American Geo graphical and Pennsylvania Historical Societies, Sons of the Revolution, American Bar Association and As sociation of the Bar of the City of New Tork. LAMONT, DANIEL SCOTT— Capitalist, 35 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 2 West 53d street. Bora in Cortlandville, Cortland Co., N. T., Feb. 9, 1861. Educated at McGrawvlUe Academy and Union Col lege (A.M.). (Married Juliet Kinney.) Engaged for a time In journalism; was later secretary to the Gov ernor of New Tork. Private secretary to President Cleveland, 1885-9; United States Secretary of War, 1893-7. President and director Northern Pacific Ex press Co.; -vice-iDresident and director Buffalo Trac tion Co., International Traction Co., Northern Pacific Ry. Co., Northwestern Improvement Co., St. Paul and Northern Paciflc Ry. Co., and Buffalo City Ry. Co.; director Coeur d'Alene Railway and Navigation Co., Drummond and PhUlipsburg R. R. Co., Duluth, Crookston and Northern R. R. Co., Helena and Red Mountain R. R. Co., Helena, Boulder Valley and Butte R. R. Co., Jamestown and Northern Extension R. R. Co., Jamestown and Northern R. R. Co., Little Falls and Dakota R. R. Co., Northern Paciflc and Montana R. R. Co., Fergus and Black Hills R. R. Co., Northern Paciflc, La More and Missouri R. R. Co., Rocky Fork and Cooke City Ry. Co., Rocky Mountain R. R. Co. of Montana, Sanborn, Cooperstown and Turtle Mountain R. R. Co., Southeastern Dakota R. R. Co., Syracuse, Binghamton and New Tork R. R. Co., Winnipeg Transfer Ry. Co., Duluth and Manitoba R. R. Co., Fargo and Southwestern R. R. Co., James River VaUey R. R. Co., Missoula and Bitter Root Valley R. R. Co., Montana Union Ry. Co., National Union Bank, Oregon R. R. and Navigation Co., and Washington and Columbia River Ry. Co.; trustee Clealum R. R. Co., Green River and Northern R. R. Co., Northern Pacific and Ca-scade R. R. Co., Northern Paciflc and Idaho R. R. Co., Northern Paciflc and Manitoba R. R. Co., Northern Paciflc and Puget Sound Shore R. R. Co., Spokane and Palouse Ry. Co., Spokane Falls and Idaho R. R. Co., Tacoma, Olympia and Gray's Har bor R. R. Co., Tacoma, Ortlng and Southeastern R. R. Co., Virginia Land and Townsite Co., Washington Shore Line Ry. Co., Taklma and Pacific Coast R. R. Co., American Surety Co., Central Washington R. R. Co., Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Co., United Railroads of Washing ton, and Tacoma Terminal Co. Member Manhattan, Lotos, Metropolitan, University, Lawyers', Demo cratic, New Tork Athletic and Riding Clubs, Metropol itan Museum of Art and Union CoUege Alumni Asso ciation. LAMONT, THOMAS W.— President, 78 Hudson street. New Tork City: residence 16 Gramercy Park. Bora in New Tork City, Sept. 30, 1870. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) President and director Cush man Bros. Co. Member Harvard and Players' Clubs. LA MONTAGNE, ERNEST C— Merchant, 45 Bea ver street New Tork City; residence Cedarhurst L. I. Member of the firm ol E. La Montague & Co. Mem ber Union, Racquet and Tennis, Richmond HiU, and Turl and Field Clubs and Country Club ol West chester. LA MONTAGNE, RENE L.— Merchant, 45 Beaver street. New Tork City; residence Far Rockaway, L. I. Member ol the firm ol E. La Montague & Co. Mem ber Union, Racquet and Tennis and Richmond Hill Clubs. LA MONTE, GEORGE— Paper Merchant, 101 Ful ton street. New Tork City; residence Bound Brook, N. J. Educated at Union College. President and di rector Knickerbocker Mortgage Co. Member Phi Beta Kappa Society, Union College Alumni Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. L'AMOREAUX, JESSE S:— Lawyer, 36 WaU street, New Tork City; residence BaUston Spa. Mem ber Lawyers' Club. LAND, FRANK — Mechanical Engineer, Syracuse; residence 221 Green street. Bora in San Francisco, Cal., June 25, 1868. Educated at Cornell ('91). (Mar ried.) Secretary and treasurer I. A. Weston Co. Mem ber Century, Syracuse, Onondaga Goll, and University Clubs, Kappa Alpha Fraternity and American Insti tute ol Electrical Engineers. LANDER, BENJAMIN — Artist, 11 John street New Tork City; residence Nyack. Born in New Tork City, Feb. 20, 1844. Educated at Buffalo High School. (Married.) Has been president Nyack Library Asso ciation and Brooklyn Art Guild, vice-president Brook lyn Art Club and secretary ol the Etchers' Club and Rockland County Historical Society. Member New Tork Mineralogical Club and Academy ol Sciences. LANDFIELD, JEROME BARKER- Banker, Bing hamton; residence 34 Stuyvesant street. Bora in Har vard, Delaware County, N. T., Nov. 6, 1827. Educated at Delhi Academy and Delaware County Literary In stitute. (Married.) Member ol Assembly Irom Dela ware County in 1864 and Irom Tioga County, 1873-4. Vice-president and trustee Binghamton Trust Co.; vice-president Binghamton Street R. R. Co. Member Binghamton Club and Malta Commandery, No. 21. LANDFIELD, JEROME BARKER, Jr.— Bingham ton. Born In Newark Valley, Tioga County, N. T., May 7, 1871. Educated at CorneU ('94) and in St. Pe tersburg, Russia. (Single.) Has spent several seasons in Russia and Siberia. Trustee Binghamton Trust Co. Member Phi Beta Kappa and Delta Upsilon Societies. LANDIS, H. K.— Engineer, 280 Broadway, New Tork City. Born In Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 19, 1865. Ed ucated at Lehigh University. (Single.) Formerly as sistant engineer Bethlehem Iron Co.; professor of min ing and metallurgy, Missouri School of Mines; engaged in editorial work on "Mineral Industry" and "Engi neering Magazine." Now connected as editor with "Progressive Age," a journal devoted to gas engineer ing and the Illuminating gas and lighting Industries. Member Brooklyn Engineers' Club, American Chemical Society, American Institute of Mining Engineers and others. LANDON, EDWARD H.-Lawyer, 27 WUllam street. New Tork City; residence 42 East 66th street. Educated at Tale. Vice-president and director Mount Morris Bank; director Gutta Percha and Rubber Mf'g. Co. Member Metropolitan, University Athletic, Law yers' and Tale Clubs and Tale Alumni Association. LANDON, FRANCIS G.— 29 Broadway New Tork City; residence Staatsburgh. Bom In New Tork City, Aug. 20, 1859. Educated at Princeton ('81). (Married Mary Horner Toel.) Served as adjutant 7th Regiment, N. G. N. T. ; now captain of Company I of same regiment. Member University, New Tork Tacht, Westchester County Country, Racquet and Tennis, Hudson River Ice Tacht, New Tork Athletic, Prince ton and Metropolitan Clubs, Ardsley Casino of Ards ley-on-Hudson and American Geographical Society. 258 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. LANDON, HENRT HUTTON (Major)— Lawyer, 27 WiUiam street New Tork City; residence 24 West 52d street. Educated" at United States Military Acad emy ('72). Member Metropolitan, Union League, Uni versity, City, Lawyers', and Army and Navy Clubs and Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson. LANDON, JUDSON STUART — Supreme Court Justice, Schenectady. Born in Connecticut, 1832. Stud ied law and was admitted to the Bar. Practiced In Schenectady until elected to the Bench; present term expires Dec. 31, 1901. Author of "The Constitutional History and Government of the United States." LANDRETH, OLIN H.— Consulting Engineer, Union College, Schenectady. Born in Addison, N. T., July 21, 1862. Educated at Canlsteo (N. T.) Academy and Union College. (Married Eliza Taylor of Canlsteo.) As sistant engineer and engineer on various railroads, 1870-3; assistant astronomer In Dudley Observatory, Albany, N. T., 1877-9; professor of engineering In Van derbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., 1879-94, and dean ol engineering department, 1886-94; consulting engineer Nashville Board of Public Works, 1884-6; professor ol engineering In Union College, Schenectady, since 1894; consulting engineer to New Tork State Board ol Health since 1896; also consulting engineer to several Industrial and municipal corporations. Member Union CoUege Alumni Association, American Society ol Civil Engi neers and American Society ol Mechanical Engineers; Fellow ol the American Association lor the Advance ment ol Science. LANE, CHARLES STODDARD — Presbyterian Clergyman, 136 Cottage avenue. Mount Vernon. Edu cated at Amherst College ('80) and Hartlord Theolog ical Seminary (D.D. '84). Pastor ol the First Presby terian Church since 1888. LANE. EDWARD VAN ZANDT— Manulacturer of Fertilizers, 143 Liberty street. New Tork City; resi dence Bast Orange, N. J. Born in New Tork City, Feb. 17, 1855. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) Vice-president, treasurer and director Mapes Formula and Peruvian Guano Co.; vice-presi dent and director Blanchard, Bro. & Lane; director Manhattan Life Insurance Co. Member Lawyers' and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs, St. Nicholas Society and Sons of the Revolution. LANE, I. REMSEN- Fire Insurance, 34 Pine street and 1 Third avenue. New Tork City; residence Orange, N. J. President and director Hanover Fire Insurance Co. Member Grolier Club and Sons of the American Revolution. LANE, J. HENRT — Dry Goods Merchant 110 Worth street. New Tork City; residence 121 Bast 31st street. Member of the firm of J. H. Lane & Co. Mem ber Union League, Riding, Manuscript, Wool and Ark wright Clubs. LANE, JAMES WARREN— Dry Goods Merchant, 110 Worth street. New Tork City; residence 4 East 61st street. Member of the firm of J. H. Lane & Co Presi dent West Boylston Mf'g. Co. ol Oakdale and East hampton, Mass.; vice-president E. W. Bliss Co ol Brooklyn; treasurer United States Projectile Co Ex- presldent Eagle Cotton Mills ol Madison, Ind. Member Union League, Wool and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs and New England Society. LANE, SMITH BDWARD — Commissioner, 49 Chambers street New Tork City; residence 1 West 21st street. Born In New Tork City, July 22, 1829. Edu- v^*^'Jofo* ^^^ "^"'¦'^ University ('48); admitted to the bar, 1852. Park commissioner, 1878-83; commissioner ol the new East River Bridge since January 1898 For services rendered to the United States ol Venezuela, m 1887^ the President ol that Republic conlerred upon him the Order ol El Busto del Libertador ol the class ol officer, and in 1889, lor lurther services he was ad vanced to the class ol commander, and also made an honorary loreign member ol the Venezuela ^stitution of La Academla Naclonal de la Hiltoria Has traveled extensively In this country an(f in Europe Member Union and Delta Phi Clubs, St Nich- Nei v^T ?T° -^ Historical and Tammany Societies New "Tork University Alumni and Century Associa tions, Society Of Colonial Wars and Sons ol thf Rev- LANE, THEODORE E.— Llle Insurance, 1 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 10? Jamaica avenue. Flushing. General agent Connecticut Mutual Llle In surance Co. Member Niantic Club ol Flushing. LANE, WILLIAM A.— Financial Writer, 46 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 230 West 42d street. Born in Virginia, Dec. 28, 1852. Educated at the Uni versity ol Virginia. (Widower.) Was railroad editor ol the New Tork "Sun." Connected with Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., and the New Tork "Sun." Member Lawyers', New Tork, St. Nicholas and Atlantic Tacht Clubs and University ol Virginia Alumni Society. LANE, WILLIAM C— Capitalist, 40 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 17 East 38th street. Presi dent and director St. Lawrence Construction Co.. St. Lawrence Power Co. ol Massena. N. T.; Standard Finance and Trust Co. and Standard Trust Co. ; direc tor New Amsterdam Gas Co. Member Union League Club. LANE, WOLCOTT GRISWOLD— Lawyer, 15 WaU street. New Tork City; residence 127 West 58th street. Born In Sandusky. Ohio, 1866. Educated at St. Paul's School. Concord, N. H.. Tale ("88) and Columbia Law School ('91). (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Tracy & Lane. Member University and Nineteenth Century Clubs, Tale Alumni Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. LANG, PRANK C.-Lawyer, 99 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 119 Arlington avenue. Brook lyn. Bom May 15. 1843. Attomey and secretary East New Tork Savings Bank. LANG. PERCT L.— Banker. Waverly. Born 186L Educated at Tale. (Married.) Cashier First National Bank ol Waverly; vice-president Waverly Electric Light and Power Co., Sayre (Pa.) Electric Light and Power Co. and Tioga Point Electric Light and Power Co.; director Sayre Banking Co. and Newark Gas and Fuel Co.; loan commissioner Tioga County. Member board ol managers Craig Colony lor Epileptics at Sonyea. Member Tioga Club. Tioga Point Historical Society (honorary). Waverly Lodge and Cayuta Chap ter F. & A. M., St. Omer's Commandery ol Elmira, and Kalurah Temple, Ancient Order ol Mystic Shrine. i^tr ^T^^?°CN, ANDREW— Banker, Buffalo ; residence 175 North street. Born in New Marlboro, Mass. Ed ucated at Lenox (Mass.) Academy. (Single.) Presi dent and trustee Empire State Savings Bank- presi dent Crescent Coal Co. ol Iowa; ex-park commissioner and ex-curator Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Member Buffalo, EUicott, Liberal, Good Government, Buffalo B^ffn*in^w- V^-^7f'".f^' ^"«^'° Fi°e Arts Academy i^^^f w^'^*T°^^ Society (president). Society ol Co lonial Wars, Sons ol the American Revolution^ Society Artists, and Natural Sciences, Civil Service Relorm and American Historical Associations. ^^"^ Retorm y,..v^^^^°^:. EDWIN-Banker, 320 Broadway New Tork City; residence Upper Montciair, N. J. Presidem S?nek Tei°'' ^^'i*''^' National Bank; director Gold and 12 crSb^e?- C^onfai-SLra^n^d ^V^^l o^cir^sr fe^cS- in^To^^s^oTh-°i S apfS!-GS^"rH---^^^^^^ me"rte^Nrw\"or'k%Tf ^°-' Nation\TBank''^i'c*'om; P^P ' f^ ^°^^ I'l^e Insurance Co. and Title n-imr u;ffea^gr^U^rin^.-^--|£%3i Tork^^i?y^°?;siSe''^7Y9''li?tb-*'' ^'""^'iway. New Church Club, nIw Tork SLn^^ J^ ^^^"J"^' Member graphical So'cS I^Td" S^o^tr "l C^ofo^^S^fe «- aven^e^^Sfw S?ft?;^?SeV^3^E^a^s\ S^sT'^T Member University and C(>mmonwenitb ?>i l^^ l*""®^*- tiflc Alliance, Liederkranz and A^t- ^^?^^' Sclen- Natural History American Museum of BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 259 LANGE, HUGO— Physician and Surgeon, 655 Bed- lord avenue, Brooklyn; residence 658 Bedlord avenue. Born in Germany, April 23, 1869. Educated In Ger many. (Married.) Member Atlantic Tacht and Han over Clubs. LANGELOTH, JACOB — Metals, 52 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 784 Filth avenue. Born and educated In Mannheim, Germany. President and di rector American Metal Co. (Ltd.); vice-president and director Balbach Smelting and Reflning Co. ; treaisurer and director Wetherlll Separating Co. Member New Tork, New Tork Tacht and Opera CJlubs, Chamber of Commerce, Down Town Association, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, American Institute ol Mining En gineers and Deutscher Verein. LANGLET, WILLIAM H.— Wholesale Dry Goods Merchant, 78 -Worth and 15 Thomas streets. New Tork City; residence North Dakota. Member of the flrm ol W. H. Langley & Co. President and director Stand ard Automatic Releasing Hook Co. Member Lambs'. Manhattan, New Tork Athletic, New Tork Tacht and Atlantic Tacht Clubs, Crescent Athletic and Brooklyn Clubs ol Brooklyn and New England Society. LANIER, CHARLES-Banker, 17 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 30 East 37th street. Mem ber ol the flrm ol Winslow, Lanier & Co.. members ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. President and director Massillon and Cleveland R. R. Co., and Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Ry. Co.; director American Cotton Oil Co., Cataract Construction Co., Central R. R. Co. ol New Jersey, Central and South American Telegraph Co., Cleveland and Pittsburg R. R. Co., Housatonic R. R. Co., Louisiana National Bank ol New Orleans, La., Madison Square Garden Co., Na tional Bank ol Commerce, Niagara Development Co.. Niagara Junction Ry. Co.. Niagara Falls Power Co.. Western Union Telegraph Co. and West Shore R. R. Co.; trustee Central Trust Co. Member Metropolitan. Union League. Knickerbocker, Union, Tuxedo, Rid ing, Lawyers'. New Tork Tacht and Mendelssohn Glee Clubs, American Geographical and New England Societies, Century Association, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. LANIER, JAMES P. D.— Banker, 17 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 30 East 37th street, and Hempstead, L. I. Educated at Princeton. Member ol the flrm ol "Winslow, Lanier & Co., members ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Princeton. Knickerbocker, Union, Calumet, Metropolitan, Mea dow Brook Hunt and Tuxedo Clubs. LANNIGAN, HENRT HATDEN— Instructor, Cor nell University, Ithaca; residence 220 North Aurora street. Instructor in gymnastics at Coraell Univer sity. LANNTNG, BDWARD— Insurance, 46 Cedar street. New Tork City; residence 118 Quincy street, Brooklyn. Born in Trenton, N. J., Nov. 3, 1858. Educated in Bos ton, Mass. (Married.) Was special agent lor New England Manufacturers' Flre and Marine Insurance Co. of Boston, and Continental Insurance Co. for New England; later assistant secretary of the latter. Now secretary and director Continental Insurance Co. LANTRT, FRANCIS J.— Commissioner, 148 East 20th street. New Tork City; residence 345 Bast 42d street. Bora in New Tork City, 1859. Educated in public schools. Alderman, 1893. Commissioner of Cor rection since 1898 LAPHAM, LEWIS H.— Wholesale Leather Mer chant, 26 Ferry street. New Tork City; residence 27 East 72d street. Member of the firm of H. G. Lapham & Co. Third vice-president and director UiUted States Leather Co. Member Adirondack League Club, Amer ican Geographical Society, Holland Lodge and Ameri can Museum of Natural History. LAPSLET. r>AVID— Broker, 66 Broadway, New Tork City ; residence 44 West 33d street. Born in Phil adelphia, Pa., Jan. 11, 1860. Educated In New Tork. (Single.) Senior member ol the firm ol David Lapsley & Co. and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Mem ber "Westchester Country, Tuxedo and Calumet Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Goll and Country Clubs ol Lakewood. N. J. LAPSLET, HOWARD— Broker, 52 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 12 West 37th street. Born In Philadelphia, Pa. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Howard Lapsley & Co. and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Atlantic Tacht and Union Clubs and Century Association. LAPSLET, JOHN W.— Broker, 52 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 12 West 37th street. Bora in New Tork City. Educated at Harvard. Member ol the firm ol Howard Lapsley & Co., members ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. LARDNBR, WILLIAM JEREMIAH- Lawyer, 115 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 227 Bast 18th street. Born In New Tork City, Oct. 22, 1858. Edu cated In public schools, at St. Francis Xavier College and at New Tork University Law School ('77). De gree ol LL.D. Irom St. Francis Xavier College In 1893. (Married Agne? Cecelia, daughter ol James A. O'Brien ol New Tork City, 1887.) Member ol the flrm ol Lard- ner, Loughran & Smyth. Deputy Attorney-General ol the State ol New Tork, 1888-92. Counsel to a number ol Catholic institutions. Member Manhattan, Relorm, Lawyers', Catholic and Democratic Clubs, Society ol Medical jurisprudence and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. LARGE, WALTER- Lawyer, 5 Beekman street. New York City; residence 56 West 25th street. Mem ber ol the flrm of Large & Stallknecht. Member Re lorm and 'Transportation Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. LARKIN, ADRIAN H.-Lawyer, 54 WaU street. New York City; residence Nutley, N. J. Born in Sing Sing, N. Y., June 6, 1865. Educated at Mount Pleas ant Military Academy and Princeton University. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Butler, Notman, Joline & Mynderse. Member University, Racquet and Tennis, and Princeton Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. LARKIN, JOHN— Lawyer, 7 Nassau street. New York City; residence 465 West End avenue. Educated at Princeton. Director Aztec Land and Cattle Co. Member University, Princeton, University Athletic and Barnard Clubs, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. LARKINS, CHARLES DARIUS— Principal, 76 Court street, Brooklyn; residence 391 Fourth avenue. Born, Sept. 5, 1853. (Married.) Principal ol Erasmus HaU High School. Member Montauk Club, National Elucational Association and other organizations. LARNED, CHARLES WILLIAM — Prolessor, United States Military Academy, "West Point. Born in New York City, March 9, 1850. Educated at United States Military Academy. (Married.) Mem ber Union League and Church Clubs, Philological and Century Associations, Society ol American Wars and -Architectural League. LARNED, JOSEPHUS NELSON- Author and Li brarian, Buffalo. Born in Chatham, Ontario, Canada, May 11, 1836. Educated in Buffalo public schools. On editorial staff ol "Buffalo Express," 1859-72; sup erintendent ol the Buffalo Board ol Education, 1872-3, and ol the Buffalo Library, 1877-97; president Amer ican Library Association, 1893-4. Author ol "Talks About Labor" and "History lor Ready Relerence." LARNED, WILLIAM Z.— Lawyer, 170 Broadway, New York City; residence Summit, N. J. President and director Lake Placid Improvement Co. and First National Bank ol Summit. Member Adirondack League Club, Monday Night Club ol Summit, National Academy ol Design and Washington Association ol New Jersey. LA ROCHE, FREDERICK A.— Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 656 Hudson street. New York City; residence 211 West 14th street. Born In New York City, Oct. 4, 1859. Educated in private schools. (Married.) Was vice-president and general manager New York Electric Equipment Co. and president In ternational Electric and Construction Co. Now pres ident, manager and director F. A. La Roche & Co. Member Automobile Club ol America and ol Masonic orders. 260 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. LAROCQUE, JOSEPH— Lawyer, 40 Wall street. New York City; residence 6 East 56th street Born in New York City AprU 2, 1831. Educated at Dr. An thon's Grammar School and Columbia College (49); studied law in the office ol Griffin & LarOtque, and was admitted to the Bar in 1852. Chairman ol the Committee ol Seventy, 1894. Member ol the firm ol Shipman, Larocque & Choate. Director American Cotton OU Co., Cataract Constraction Co., The Cel luloid Co., Commonwealth Insurance Co., Niagara Falls Power Co., Niagara Development Co., Niagara Junction Ry. Co., Morton Trust Co. and Plaza Bank. Member Metropolitan, City, Relorm, University, Rid ing and Delta Phi Clubs, Century, Down Town and Columbia University Alumni Associations, American Museum ol Natural History, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. LARRABEE, JESSE- Lawyer, 18 Wall street. New York City: residence 57 West 84th street. Born In Porter, Me. May 14, 1840. Educated at North Parson- field (Me.) Academy and at Columbia College Law School ('80). (Married.) Fellow American Geo graphical Society; member Society ol Medical Juris prudence and New York Society .ot the Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America. LARRABEE, WILLIAM H.— Assistant Editor, 72 Filth avenue. New York City; residence 45 Willow avenue, Plainfield, N. J. Born in Allred, Me., 1829. Educated at Depauw University. Degree ol LL.D. (Married.) Formerly assistant editor ol "The Meth odist" 1862-5 and 1872-6, and associate editor ol the "Brooklyn Standard-Union." Now assistant editor "Popular Science Monthly." Member Quill Club. LARREMORE, WILBUR— Lawyer and Editor, 32 Nassau street New York City; residence Yonkers. Born in New York City, Aug. 8, 1865. Educated at the College ol the City ol New York. (Married.) Editor 'The New York Law Journal." Member University, Relorm and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs and Century Asso ciation. LARTER, FREDERICK H.— Manulacturing Jew eler, 21 Maiden lane. New -York City; residence Newark, N. J. Born In Newark, 1846. Educated In Newark. (Married.) Former president New York Jewelers' As sociation; director New York Jewelers' Association and Jewelers' Board of Trade. Member Newark (N. J.) Board of Trade. LATHAM, JOHN HOWARD— Banker, 17 Nassau street. New York City; residence 16 East 58th street. Member of the firm of Winslow, Lanier & Co. and of the New York Stock Exchange. Director Manhattan Trust Co., Phenix Insurance Co. of Brooklyn, West- era National Bank and William C. Martin Printing House. Member Metropolitan Club, Century Associa tion and Metropolitan Museum of Art. LATHROP, FRANCIS — Decorative Artist 29 Washington square. West, New York City. Born at sea, near the Hawaiian Islands, June 22. 1849. Edu cated In Dresden, Germany; studied painting In Lon don, England, under Burne-Jones and Madox Brown. Came to the United States in 1873. Makes a specialty of the execution of stained glass windows and general decorative work. Member Lawyers', Fencers', Tuxedo and Players' Clubs. Architectural League, Century Association and National Academy ol Design. LATHROP, MELVIN G.— Secretary, 28 Union square East, New York City; residence White Haven, Pa. Born in Franklin, Pa., June 2, 1869. Educated at Pennsylvania Academy, Montrose, and Lowell Col lege. (Married.) Private secretary to President Schenck ol the New Home Sewing Machine Co. Sec retary, treasurer and director Wyoming and Pond Creek Coal Co. and Wyoming and Pond Creek Supply Co.; secretary and director Wyoming and Pond Creek R. R. Co. Member Pennsylvania Society and Royal Arcanum. LATIMER, G. BRYON— Secretary, 115 Chamb,'>rs street. New York City; residence Rockville Centre Secretary and trustee Irving Savings Institution' Member Commercial Club. LATTIMORE, SAMUEL ALLAN— Prolessor Uni versity ol Rochester, Rochester; residence 271 Univer sity avenue. Born in Union County, Ind., May 31 1828. Prolessor ol chemistry at Genesee CoUege, 1860-7; since 1867, prolessor ol chemistry at University ol Rochester. Member American Chemical Society. LATTING, CHARLES PERCY— Lawyer, 34 Pine street. New York City; residence 45 West 38th street Educated at Yale. Member Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, University and Yale Clubs, Sons ol the Revolu tion and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. LATTMANN, AUGUST— Broker. 7 Hanover square. New York City; residence 170 Central Park South. Member New York Athletic and Metropolitan Clubs. Down Town Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. LAUBER, JOSEPH— Artist, 337 Fourth avenue. New York City; residence 236 West 123d street. Born In Germany, Aug. 31, 1855. Educated In Germany and In the United States. (Married.) Secretary Archi tectural League; chairman ol committee on civic buildings, Society ol Mural Painters. Member Na tional Arts, Calumet and Etching Clubs, Artists' Aid Society, National Society ol Mural Painters and Arch itectural League. LAUMAN, GEORGE NIEMAN— Instructor Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 116 Oak avenue. Degree ol B.S.A. Instructor In horticulture at CorneU Uni versity. LAUTERBACH, ALFRED— Lawyer. 22 WiUiam street. New York CJity; residence 2 East 78th street. (Son ol Bdward Lauterbach.) Served as an assistant under District Attorney W. M. K. Olcott. Now mem ber ol the firm ol Hoadly, Lauterbach & Johnson. Member Fencers' Club and Society ol Medical Juris prudence. LAUTERBACH, EDWARD-Lawyer, 22 WilUam street. New York City; residence 2 East 78th street. Born In New York City, Aug. 12. 1844. Educated at the College ol the City ol New York. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Hoadly, Lauterbach & Johnson. Vice- president and director Maurice Grau Opera Co.; direc tor Third Avenue Ry. Co., Dry pock. Bast Broadway and Battery R. R. Co., Forty-second Street, Manhat tanvUle and St. Nicholas Avenue Ry. Co., and Salety Car Heating and Lilghting Co. Member Lawyers'. Patria, New York Press and Harmonie Clubs, Ameri can Pine Arts Society and Society ol Medical Juris prudence. LAUX, AUGUST— Artist, 621 Carroll street, Brook lyn. Born In Rhine Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany, Dec. 18, 1847. Studied at the National Academy ol Design; gave his first exhibition at the Academy in the spring ol 1870. (Married Emilia Helsterhaven, ol Hesse Cassel, Germany, 1876.) Became prominent lor decorative work; since 1880 has devoted his time to genre and still-llle pictures. LAW, ALFRED W.— Secretary, 160 Broadway, New York City; residence 34 Gramercy Park. Bom in Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1854. Educated at New York University Preparatory School. (Married.) Secretary, treasurer and trustee Gramercy Co.; secretary, treas urer and director Raponda Co.; assistant treasurer. director and executive offlcer Johnson Ml'g Co., and director and clerk The Dunbar Mills Co. Member Seawanhaka - Corinthian Yacht and Congregational Clubs. LAW, JAMBS— Prolessor and Veterinarian, Comell University, Ithaca; residence 33 East avenue. Bora in Edinburgh, Scotland, Feb. 13, 1838. Educated in Edin burgh, in Paris, France, and in veterinary and med ical colleges. Degree ol D.V.S. Member ol laculty ol Cornell University since 1868; director ol State Veter inary College and prolessor ol principles and practice ol veterinary medicine, veterinary sanitary science and veterinary therapeutics since 1896. Consultant to the New York State Agricultural Society, 1869-96. Au thor ol several medical and scientific works. Fellow Royal College ol Veterinary Surgeons and member ol other veterinary and medical societies. v„.i''V^' -^^MES T.-Lawyer, 253 Broadway, New York City; residence Tarrytown. Educated at Yale oi?,'?!=^^^^F"^'jP^"'7^'^' "^ni". Grolier and Hardware Uubs Dunlap Society and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 261 LAW, WALTER W.— Carpet Merchant, 884 Broad way, New York City; residence Scarborough. Vice- president and director W. & J. Sloane. Member Gro Uer, Players', Union League and Riding Clubs, Ards ley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, American Fine Arts Society, Aldine Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. LAW, WALTER W., Jr.— Carpet Merchant, 884 Broadway, New York City; residence Scarborough. Born in Rye, N. Y., July 15, 1871. Educated at Sheffleld Scientific School ol Yale University. (Single.) Con nected with the coriioration ol W. & J. Sloane. Mem ber Mount Pleasant Fleld Club ol Sing Sing, Yale, Players' and Riding Clubs and Aldine Association. LAW, WILLIAM H.-Lawyer, 170 Broadway, New York City; residence 383 Filth avenue. Educated at Yale. Member Manhattan, University, Union and Yale Clubs. LAWRENCE, ABRAHAM R.— Supreme Court Jus tice, County Court House, New York City; residence 286 Lexington avenue. Born in New York City, 1832. Educated at a private school and read law with his lather until 1854, when he was admitted to the Bar. In 1867 was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention, and In 1873 was nominated and elected a Judge of the Superior Court. Was elected a Supreme Court Justice In 1874, and re-elected In 1887 for a term ol lourteen years. Member Metropolitan, Man hattan and Union Clubs, Society ol Colonial Wars, Century Association, St. Nicholas Society and Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. LAWRENCE, CYRUS J.— Banker, 31 Broad street. New York City; residence 81 Park avenue. Born In South Salem, Westchester Co., N. Y., Feb. 28, 1832. Educated at district school. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Cyrus J. Lawrence & Sons and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Director New York, Susque hanna and Western R. R. Co. and Wabash R. R. Co. Member Union League, Grolier and City Clubs, Amer ican Museum of Natural History, Metropolitan Mu seum of Art, American Fine Arts, New York Numis matic and Archaelogical, New York Genealogical and Biographical and American Geographical Societies, Archselogical Institute of America and Chamber of Commerce. LAWRENCE, DWIGHT A.— Librarian, 40 Nassau street, New York City; residence Filth avenue Hotel. Born and educated In Albany, N. Y. (Single.) Li brarian New York State Senate. Member Republican and Lotos Clubs. LAWRENCE, FRANCIS C, Jr.— Lawyer, 27 Pine street. New York City; residence Bay Shore, L. I. Educated at Yale. Member Union, Metropolitan, New York Yacht and South Side Sportsmen's Clubs and Yale Alumni Association. LAWRENCE, PRANK R.-Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 534 Madison avenue. Direc tor Chatham National Bank and City Trust Co.; trus tee American Surety Co. and Garfield Sale Deposit Co. Member Lotos, Manhattan, American Yacht, Law. yers', Arkwright and Salmagundi Clubs and Dunlap Society. LAWRENCE, GEORGE ALFRED— Physician and Surgeon, 55 Bast 65th street. New York City. Born in Lawrence, Cal., June 6, 1869. Educated at Leland Stanlord, Jr., University (A.B.), Columbia University (A.M.) and New York College ol Physicians and Sur geons (M.D.). (Married.) Member Fencers' and Dem ocratic Clubs, Nu Sigma Nu Fraternity and Sons ol the American Revolution. LAWRENCE, HENRY C— Banker, 31 BriSiad street. New York City; residence 166 West 88th street. Born in New York City, 1859. Educated In New York City and in Europe. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol (Jyrus J. Lawrence & Sons and ol the governing com mittee ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member City Club. LAWRENCE, ISAAC— Lawyer, 15 Bast 90th street. New York City. Born in London, England (where his lather was Chargg d' Affaires), 1828. Educated at Co lumbia (A.B. and A.M.) and at Harvard Law School. (Married.) Associate editor "United States Demo cratic Review," 1856-9; United States consular agent at Coburg, Germany, 1862, and at Port Hope, Canada, 1872-6. Member National Democratio Convention from Rhode Island, 1864, and Democratic candidate for governor of Rhode Island, 1878. Author of "Life of W. B. Lawrence, Governor of Rhode Island." Member Lotos and Manhattan Clubs. Authors', New York Genealogical and St. Nicholas Societies and Columbia Alumni Association. LAWRENCE, JOHN BURLING— Retired, 126 East 30th street. New York City. Director -Rio Grande, Sierre Madre and Pacific R. R. Co. and Washington Life Insurance Co. Member Metropolitan, Church and New York Athletic Clubs. LAWRENCE, JOHN B.-Broker, 45 Broadway, New York City; residence 44 Garden place, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn. (Single.) Member of the firm of Lawrence Bros, and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Crescent Athletic Club. LAWRENCE, MALCOLM R.-Lawyer, 120 Broad way, New York City; residence 416 Putnam avenue, Brooklyn. (Married.) Member of the firm of Law rence & Hughes. Member Lotos and Lawyers' Clubs and Hanover Club of Brooklyn. LAWRENCE, PRESCOTT- 133 Bast 114th street New York City; residence 319 Fifth avenue, and New port, R. I. Educated at Harvard. Director American Hackney Horse Society. Member Knickerbocker, Union, Racquet and Tennis, New York Yacht and Harvard Clubs and Metropolitan Museum of Art. LAWRENCE, RICHARD H.— Banker, 31 Broad street, New York City: residence South Salem. Bom in New York City. Educated abroad. (Married.) Member of the firm of Cyrus .1. Lawrence & Sons, members of the New York Stock Exchange. Honorary librarian of the Grolier Club. Member Grolier, Play ers', City and Camera Clubs, American Fine Arts, American Numismatic and Archaeological, and London Numismatic Societies, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Archaeological Institute of America. LAWRENCE, TOWNSEND — Broker, 25 Broad street. New York City; residence Flushing, L. I. Born In Flushing, July 6, 1871. Educated at Harvard ('94). (Single.) Member of the New York Stock Exchange firm of W. B. Lawrence & Son. Was first lieutenant of Second United States Volunteer Engineers and aide- de-camp to Brigadier-General Ernst, July, 1898-Aprll, 1899. Member Oakland Golf and Knickerbocker Clubs. LAWRENCE, WALTER B.— Broker, 25 Broad street. New York City; residence Flushing, L. I. Born In Flushing, Oct. 3, 1839. Educated at Columbia. Member of the firm of W. B. Lawrence & Son and of the New York Stock Exchange. Vice-president and director Cowperthwait Co. Member Knickerbocker, University and Whist Clubs. LAWRENCE, WILLIAM T.— Broker, 45 Broadway, New York City; residence 44 Pierrepont street, Brook lyn. Bora In Newark, N. J. (Married.) Member of the firm of Lawrence Bros, and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Crescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs of Brooklyn. LAWRENCE, WILLIAM V.— Retired Merchant, 542 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 969 Fifth avenue. Born In Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1842. Edu cated in Michigan. (Married.) President Davis & Lawrence Co. of Montreal and New York, and of Fel lows Manufacturing Co. of Montreal, New York aind London; founder and owner Lawrence Park, Bronx ville, including The Gramatan Inn. Member Union League and Salmagundi Clubs and St. James Club of Montreal, Canada. LAWSON, JUDSON— Builder, 898 West End ave nue. New York City. Born Jan. 2, 1849. Educated in common schools. (Married.) Represented the Twenty- third New York City District in the State Assembly, 1895. Director Colonial Bank. Member West Side Re publican Club and "West End Association. LAWSON, LEONIDAS M. (Colonel)— Secretary, 65 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 15 Bast 67th street. Educated at University of Missouri ('53). Sec retary, treasurer and director Lake Erie, Alliance and Southera Ry. Co. Member Union, University, Union 262 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. League, Manhattan and New York Yacht Clubs, Lied erkranz, Down Town Association and Baptist Social Union. LAWSON, LEONIDAS M., Jr.— 15 Bast 67th street. New York City. Member New York Athletic, Psi Upsilon and Amateur Comedy Clubs. LAWSON, WILLIAM THORNTON— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence 15 East 67th street. Educated at Columbia. Member Union, Racquet and Tennis, University, New York Yacht and New York Athletic Clubs and Columbia Alumni Asso ciation. LAWTON, FRANCIS-Lawyer, 170 Broadway. New York City; residence 157 West 111th street. Edu cated at Brown University. Member University, Re form and Zeta Psi Clubs, Society of Medical Jurispru dence and Brown University Alumni Association. LAWTON, JOHN WARREN- Lawyer, 20 Nassau street. New York City; residence 103 West 68th street. Born In New Rochelle, N. Y. Educated at Harvard. (Single.) Member New York Athletic Club and St Nicholais Society. LAWTON. MARK A.. Jr.— Electrician. 11 Broad way New York City; residence Hotel Margaret. Brook lyn. Born In Waltham, Maias., Nov. 2, 1861. Educated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ex-super intendent Station B, New York Steam Co., and ex-as sistant engineer New York Steam Co. Eastern man ager Jandus Electric Co. and Buckeye Electric Co. Member American Society ol Mechanical Engineers. LAWTON, NEWBURY D.— Lawyer, 40 WaU street, New York City; residence 46 East 31st street. Born in New Rochelle, N. Y., Oct 12, 1852. Educated at the College ol the City ol New York and Columbia Law School. (Married.) Counsel and director Chicago Gen eral Railway Co. Member New York, Democratic, New York Yacht, Atlantic Yacht, Larchmont Yacht. New Rochelle Yacht. Yachtman's and Amateur Com edy Clubs. Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, New York Law Institute. North Side Board ol Trade and others. LAWTON, WILLIAM CRANSTON— Educator, La layette avenue and St. James place, Brooklyn. Bom in New Bedlord, Mass., May 22. 1853. (Married Alida Allen Beattie ol New Bedlord. 1884.) Prolessor ol Greek language and literature at Adelphi College. LAWYER. GEORGE— Lawyer. 79 Chapel street, Albany; residence 66 Chestnut street. Bora in New York City, Sept. 24, 1864. Educated at Hamilton Col lege and Albany Law School. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Buchanan & Lawyer. Member Port Orange and Theta Delta Chi Clubs, Arkwright Club ol New York City Sons ol the Revolution and Society ol Foreign Wars. LAYNG. JAMES B.— RaUroads. Gramd Central Station, New York City; residence 931 Filth avenue. Born In Columbia, Lancaster Co., Pa.. Aug. 30, 1833. Educated at Western University ol Pennsylva nia. Vice-president and director Cleveland, CJlncln- natl. Chicago and St. Louis R. R. Co. (The Big Four) and West Shore R. R. Co.; general manager and director New Jersey Junction R. R. Co. and WaUkill Valley R. R. Co.; director Chester Creek R. R. Co., City Trust Co., Dayton and Union R. R. Co., Iron City National Bank ol Pittsburg, Pa.. Jersey (Jity and Bayonne R. R. Co., New Jersey Shore Line R. R. Co. and New York and Harlem R. R. Co.; trustee Lincoln Sale Deposit Co. Member Union League, MetropoUtan and Transportation Clubs. Ohio Society and American Mviseum ol Natural History. LAZARUS, EDWARD R.— Leather Merchant. 87 Gold street New York City; residence 979 Park place Brooklyn. Member Union League Club ol Brooklyn. LEACH, ARTHUR B.— Banker, 35 Nassau street New York City; residence South Orange, N. J Born in Detroit Mich., Sept. 30, 1863. Educated In Detroit (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Parson, Leach & Co. Member Lawyers' Club, Union League Club ol Chicago, 111.. Essex County Country, Camera Riding and Driving, and South Orange Field Clubs ol Orainge N. J., RosevlUe Athletic Association and New Bnelanrt Society. e»°."u LEACH. ORLANDO— Publisher, 9 East 16th streel^ New York City; residence Avon, Mass. Born in Bast Stouehton, Mass., Feb. 4. 1834. Educated at Yale ( 60). (Married.) Admitted to the Boston Bar. 1863; com missioned captain by Gov. Andrew ol Massachusetts. 1863. With Roberts. Davis & Co.. 1865-83 ; Leach. Shewell & Sanborn, 1883-99. Member Yale and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Yale Alumni and Aldine Associations. LEACH PHILIP — Surgeon, Naval Hospital, Brooklyn. Attached to Medical Department, United States Navy; stationed at Brooklyn Navy Yard. Mem ber Army and Navy, Lotos, Relorm and New Tork Tacht Clubs and Academy ol Medicine. LEAL, MALCOLM— Physician, 107 West 48th street. New Tork City. Educated at Cornell. Mem ber Comell University and Chi Phi Clubs and Medical Society ol the County ol New Tork. LEALE, CHARLES AUGUSTUS— Physician, 604 Madison avenue. New Tork City. Bom In New Tork City, March 26, 1842. Educated In science and medi cine; degree ol M.D. Irom Bellevue Hospital Medical College. (Married Rebecca Medwln Copoutt ol New Tork City, 1867.) Served as acting assistant surgeon in United States Army, and as assistant surgeon In United States Volunteers during Civil War; was mus tered out Jan. 20, 1866, with rank ol captain United States Volunteers. Practicing In New Tork City since 1867. Member New Tork Academy ol Medicine, Society ol Medical Jurisprudence, Academy ol Sciences, Loyal Legion ol the United States, Lalayette Post G. A. R. and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. LEALE, MEDWIN— Physician, 604 Medison ave nue. New Tork City. Born In New Tork City, 1873. (Son ol Dr. Charles Augustus and Rebecca Medwln [Copcutt] Leale.) Educated at Berkeley School and at College ol Physicians and Surgeons ol Columbia University (M.D., '96). Served In a surgical capacity during Spanish-American War; wa-s at Camp Black, Camp Alger. Newport News, and In Puerto Rico. LEARNED, WILLIAM L.— Jurist, 80 State street Albany; residence 298 State street. Bom in New Lon don, Conn., July 24, 1821. Educated at Tale (A.B., '41 and LL.D., '78); admitted to the Bar in Rochester in 1844. (Married.) Supreme Court Justice, Albany. 1870-91; Presiding Justice 1875-91; retired by reason ol age, Dec. 31, 1891. Member Fort Orange Club. Ameri can Geographical Society, Relorm and Tale Clubs of New Tork City and Tale Alumni Association. LEART, WILLIAM — Advertising, 67 East 54th street. Member Republican. Suburban Riding and Driving, and Lotos Clubs. LEASK, GEORGE- Banker, 35 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 29 East 83d street. Member of the firm of Leask & Co., members of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Union League Club. LEA VITT, FRANK McDOWELL — Engineer, 17 Adams street, Brooklyn; residence 938 President street. Born in Ohio, March 3, 1856. Educated at Stevens Institute. (Married.) Member Crescent Ath letic and Engineers' Clubs, Sons ol the American Rev olution, American Society ol Mechanical Engineers, American Society ol ClvU Engineers and Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. LEAVITT, GARDNER HOWLAND— Retired, 52 Broadway. New Tork City; residence Bay Side. Bora m Flushing, N. T., 1845. Educated at Flushing Insti tute. (Married.) Director Flushing Bank, Forty- second Street, ManhattanvUle and St. Nicholas Ave nue Ry. Co., Third Avenue R. R. Co., Dry Dock R R Co. and Union R. R. Co. Member Union New Tork Tacht and American Tacht Clubs. »* '^PPP'^'^Z' GEORGE O.-Manager, 65 Worth fJ^??*' -^^^ ^°^^ City; residence Summit, N. J. Born in Dorchester, Mass., Aug. 13, 1855. Educated at Dor chester High School. (Married.) Manager Geo H ^^}PPP P^f^.P°-J^^^^^'' Arkwright (ex-vice-presi- Tacht Club? Baltusrol Golf and^ Massachusetts LEAVITT, JOHN BROOKS— Lawyer, HI Broad- way. New T<3rk City; residence 44 Stuyvesant street Born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept. 30, 1849. Educated at BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 263 Kenyon ('68; LL.D., '96) and Columbia Law School ('71). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Leavitt, Wood & Keith. Member University, City, Lawyers', Barnard, Onteora, Social Relorm and Twilight Clubs, National and State Bar Associations and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork, LEAVITT, SHELDON- Vice-President 44 Wall street. New Tork City; residence Irvington-on-Hud son. Bora in Brooklyn, N. T., Jan. 30, 1844. Edu cated In the United States. (Married.) Ex-vice-pres ident and ex-treasurer Harrison Street Cold Stora-ge Co. Now vice-president and director Brooklyn Bridge Freezing and Cold Storage Co. Member Military Or der ol the Loyal Legion, Down Town Association and Sons ol the Revolution. LEAVT, JOSEPH B.— Brewer, Jay and Front streets, Brooklyn; residence 422 "West End avenue. New Tork City. Born in New Tork City, March 7, 1872. Educated at St. Louis College and Columbia University ('94). (Married.) First vice-president and director Leavy & Britton Brewing Co. Member Calu met, Delta Kappa Epsilon and Collectors' Clubs. LEATCRAFT, CHARLES RUSSELL— Merchant, 140 Pearl street. New Tork City; residence Caldwell, N. J. Member ol the firm ol Leaycralt & Co. Mem ber Union Club and Down Town Association. LEATCRAFT, J. EDGAR— Real Estate and In surance, 1607 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 311 West End avenue. Has served as State Tax Commis sioner. Director Real Estate Exchange and Auction Room; trustee Franklin Savings Bank; governor Real Estate Board ol Brokers; treasurer Church Extension and Missionary Society ol the Methodist Episcopal Church. Member Union League, Colonlail, Republi can (treasurer) and West Side Republican Clubs, Al dine, Merchants' and West Etod (treasurer) Associa tions, CJhamber ol Commerce, and Board ol Trade and Transportation. LE BARRIER, CHARLES B.-Lawyer, Criminal Court Building, New Tork City; residence Bronxwood Park, Williamsbridge. Born In New Tork City, 1859. Educated In Paris, France; studied law In the offlce ol Coudert Bros., and was admitted to the Bar In New 'Tork City in 1881. His ability in matters pertaining to criminal law, ol Which he made a speciality, se cured lor him an appointment as deputy assistant district attorney, which position he now holds. Mem ber Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. LE BOUTILLIBR, GEORGE— Dry Goods Mer chant, 14 East 14th and 7 East 13th streets. New Tork City; residence 200 West 57th street. Member ol the firm ol Le Boutilller Bros. Member Twilight Club. LE BOUTILLIBR, WILLIAM G.— Physician, 49 West 50th street. New Tork City. Educated at Co lumbia. Member Union League, University, Church and Quill Clubs, Huguenot Sooiety and Columbia Uni versity Alumni Association. LE BRUN, MICHAEL M.— Architect, 1 Madison avenue. New Tork City; residence Montciair, N. J. Member ol the firm ol N. Le Brun & Sons. Member Architectural League and New Tork Chapter ol American Institute ol Architects. LE BRUN, NAPOLEON- Architect, 1 Madison avenue. New Tork City; residence 222 West 23d street. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 2, 1821. Educated In Philadelphia. (W^dower.) Resident ol New Tork City since 1865. Member ol the firm ol N. Le Brun & Sons. Ex-president ol the New Tork Chapter ol American Institute ol Architects and representative ol same lor seventeen years in the board ol examiners ol the De partment ol Buildings. Member American Institute ol Architects. LB BRUN, PIERRE L. — Architect, 1 Madison ave nue. New Tork City; residence 111 Joralemon street, Brooklyn. Member ol the firm ol N. Le Brun & Sons. Member New Tork Chapter ol American Institute ol Architects, Architects' Institute ol America, and Met ropolitan Museum ol Art. LEDERER, GEORGE W. — Theatrical Manager, 1410 Broadway, New Tork City. Born in Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1861. Interested in theatrical affairs since 1878; manager ol New Tork Casino since 1893; also manag ing director ol New Tork Theatre, Prince ol Wales Theatre in London, England, and others. LEDLIE, GEORGE H.— 59 Park row. New Tork City; residence University Club. Educated at Har vard. Member University, Relorm, Church and Whist Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson and Harvaird University Alumni Association. LEDOUX, ALBERT R.— Mining Engineer, 9 Cliff street. New Tork City; residence 39 West 50th street Born in Newport, Ky., Nov. 2, 1862. Educated at Co lumbia University School ol Mines and In Berlin, Ger many; degrees ol M.S. and Ph.D. (Married.) Presi dent Great Northern Mining and Development Co.; secretary and treasurer Deer Hill Co. ; director Assur ance Co. ol America and Paiseo Improvement Co. of Mexico. Member City, Baltusrol Goll, Storm King and Arts Clubs, Down Town Association, New Tork Academy ol Sciences, Americain Institute ol Mining Engineers, Society ol Medical Jurisprudence, Ameri can Chemical Society and Society ot Electrical Engi neers; Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. LEDTARD, LEWIS CASS— Lawyer, 54 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 271 Lexington ave nue. Bora In Michigan, April 4, 1851. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Carter & Ledyard. Director United States Trust Co., Atlam- tic Trust Co., Boston aud Maine R. R. Co., Maine Cen tral R. R. Co., Long Island R. R. Co., American Ex press Co., National Express Co. and New Tork Pub lic Library. Member Union, Knickerbocker, Harvard, University, Tuxedo, New Tork Tacht and Lawyers' Clubs, Century and Down Town Associations and others. LEE, ALBERT— Editor, 331 Pearl street. New Tork City; residence 128 East 34th street. Born In New Orleans, La., May 11, 1868. Educated at Tale. (Married.) Managing editor "Harper's Weekly." Au thor ol several works. Member Tale Alumni Associa tion and Tale Club. LEE, CHARLES H.— Leather Merchant, 26 Ferry street. New Tork City; residence 5 Gramercy Park. Educated at Coraell. (Married.) Director United States Leather Co. Member Relorm Club and Cen tury Association. LEE, CHARLES N.— Dry Goods Merchant, 86 Worth street. New Tork City; residence 114 West 78th street. Member ol the firm ol Lee, Tweedy & Co. Member Union League Club and New England So ciety. LEE, DAVID BRADLET— 138 Filth avenue. New Tork City. Bora in New Tork City. Educated at Co lumbia, (Single.) Member Union Club. LEE, DUNCAN CAMPBELL— Prolessor, Coraell University, Ithaca; residence 120 Bast Buffalo street. Born In Bovina Centre, Delaware Co., N. T., March 4. 1869. Educated at Hamilton College; degree ol A.M. (Married.) Enlisted as a private in 203d New Tork Volunteer Inlantry In Spanish War; promoted to sergeant, sergeant-major and lieutenant. Assistant prolessor ol oratory In charge ol the department ol oratory, Cornell University. Edltor-ln-chlel "Ithaca Dally News." Member Theta Delta Chi and Delta Chi Fraternities, Phi Beta Kappa Society and American Academy ol Political and Social Science. LEE, ELMER— Physician, 10 West 49th street. New Tork City. Born in Piqua, Ohio, March 12, 1866. Educated at Ohio Wesleyan University (A.B., '77 and A.M., '80) and Missouri Medical College (M.D., '82). (Single.) Practiced In St. Louis, Mo., 1882-8; in Chi cago, 111., 1888-96, and in New Tork City since 1896. Member ol committee on revision United States Phar macopoeia, 1890-1900; served as surgeon in United States Army during Spanish-American War. Mem ber ol several medical societies. LEE, FREDERIC H.-Dry Goods Merchant, 86 Worth street. New Tork City; residence 110 West 39th street. Educated at Columbia- Member ol the firm of Lee, Tweedy & Co. Member Racquet and Tennis. New Tork, Larchmont Tacht and Arkwright Clubs and Columbia University Alumni Association. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 264 / \ -D '7»i Tnhns Hopkins University (Pn.iJ., »o; ^"" iEli''«K.rc;st,r?sSfS?'3s: ?hor of numerous papers on physiological subjects, published T^imerican and foreign books and periodi cals Member Century Association, American So- cfety of Naturalists, American Physiological Society and New Tork Academy of Sciences. LBB, GEORGE C.-Broker, 130 Peari street. New Tork Citv; residence 378 Third street. Brook yn. B<>rn in Brooklyn, Sept. 3, 1861. Educated at Leipzig Uni- verSty? Germany. (Single.) Member of the firai of Hoglns & Lee Member Crescent Athletic Club or Brooklyn, and Relorm Club ol New Tork. LEE HERMAN P.— Treasurer, 107 Liberty street New Tork City; residence 172 West 79th street Bom m Fishkill, N. T., May 18, 1864. Educated at Prince ton (Married.) Treasurer and director Ne-w Tork Carbon and Transler Paper Co. Member Princeton Club and New England Society. LPJE, HOMER— President, 65 Duane street, Ne-w Tork City; residence 553 West End avenue. President and director Homer Lee Bank Note Co.; vice-president and director Franklin-Lee Bank Note Co. Member Colonial Club, Ohio Society and Sons ol the American Revolution. LBB, HORATIO SHUMW AT— Wholesale Lumber Merchant, 667 West Ferry street, Buffalo. Member ol the flrm ol Mixer & Co. Member Saturn Club and Sons ol the Revolution. LEE, J. BOWERS— Broker, 19 William street. New Tork City; residence 1 West 21st street. Member ol the New Tork Stock Exchange firm ol Lee, Livingston & Co. Member Union, Knickerbocker, Metropolitan and Union League Clubs. LEE, JAMBS G. KIN(3— Lawyer, 20 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 3 Gramercy Park. Edu cated at Harvard. Member ol the firm ol Lee & Lee. Member University Athletic and Harvard Clubs. LBB, JOHN CLARENCE — Educator, Canton. Born in Woodstock, Vt, Oct. 15, 1856. (Son ol John S. Lee, D.D.) Educated at St. Lawrence University (A.B., '76, A.M., '79 and Ph.D., '95), Harvard ('78) and Canton Theological School ('80). (Married Helena Crumett ol Hyde Park, Mass., 1889.) In Universalist ministry, 1880-4; prolessor ol English literature at Lombard College, 1884-92; vice-president ol same, 1892- 6; president ol St. Lawrence University since 1896. LBB, ROBERT PERINE— Lawyer, 115 Broadway, New Tork City. Born in Montgomery, Orange Co., N. T., April 30, 1835. (Son ol Rev. Robert Perlne Lee.) Educated at Montgomery Academy and at Rutgers College; studied law and was admitted to the Bar In 1858. Member Lawyers' Club and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. LEE, S. VAN WTCK— Lawyer, 115 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 52 Bast 63d street Born in Brooklyn, N. T., Oct. 11, 1869. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Columbia University. (Sin gle.) Associated with Robert P. Lee. Member Knick erbocker Athletic, Atalanta Boat and Pickaninny Dra matic Clubs, Columbia Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity and Columbia University Alumni Associa tion. LEE, THOMAS B. — Expert Accountant and Audi tor, 280 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Bast Orange, N. J. Born In Newark, N. J., Jan. 8. 1856. Educated at Rock HUl College, EUicott City, Md. (Married.) Formerly chief clerk, assistant secretary and auditor ol the American Society ol Civil Engi neers. Now superintendent ol offices at Calvary Cem etery lor trustees ol St. Patrick's Cathedral; State secretary New Tork State Council Catholic Benevolent Legion. Member Alumni Association ol Rock Hill College, Xavier Alumni Sodality, Mt. Morris Council No. 36, Catholic Benevolent Legion, Harlem Council No. 624, Royal Arcanum, City ol Orange Council No 235, Knights ol Columbus and many social and char itable societies. LEE, THOMAS F.-SIlk Merchant 57 Greene street New Tork City; residence 1 East 39th street. Member New Tork Athletic, Union League and Mer- Sts^ Central Clubs and New England Society. LEE W HARVET— Insurance 99 Cedar street, New Y^'rk City- residence 1730 Broadway. Born in Sol England, March 1, 1857. Educated at Brigh- *PP rr.\'iese and King's College, London. (Single.) SuneSnteld'ent Fidelity and Casualty Co. Member New York Athletic and New Jersey Boat Clubs and Scottish and other societies. LEE, WILLIAM HENRY-Agent 21 Park row. New York City; residence 220 Central Park, South. Bora in Greenville, Miss. Educated at University ol M°ssiss"ppl ('85) aAd Eastman's College Poughkeep sie N. Y. ('89). (Single.) Member Southera Society and Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. LEE WILLIAM H. L.— Lawyer, 20 Nassau street. New York City; residence 107 West 54th street. Bom in New York City, Oct. 31, 1848. Educated at Yale. (Widower.) Member ol the firm ol Lee & Lee. Mena- ber University, Yale, University Athletic and Arts Clubs Down Town Association and Association ol the Bar o'l the City ol New York. LEECH, JOHN E.— Merchant, 72 Pine street. New York City; residence 94 Remsen street Brooklyn. Member ol the firm ol James Lee & Co. Director Commonwealth. Insurance Co.; trustee Dime Savings Bank ol Brooklyn. Member Relorm, Barnard and National Arts Clubs, Hamilton, Rembrandt, Riding and Driving, and Twentieth Century Clubs ol Brook lyn, and Down Town Association. LEECH, WILLIAM E.— Merchant, 72 Pine street. New York City; residence 270 Clinton avenue, Brook lyn. Member ol the firm ol James Lee & Co. Mem ber Union League Club and Down Town Association. LEEDS, CHARLES C— Lawyer, 45 William street New York City; residence 781 Park avenue. Educated at Yale. Member Lawyers' and Yale Clubs. LEEDS, THEODORE EDWARD-Lawyer, 3 Broad street. New York City; residence 20 Filth avenue. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 4, 1839. Educated in Boston by private tutors. (Married.) Retired Irom active business and Is now consulting counsel to cor porations, banks and estates. Member Union League, Players', Lawyers', Social Relorm and Good Govern ment Clubs and life member of the New England Genealogical and Historical Society ol Massachusetts, and New York State Bar Association. LEBMING, JAMES— General Freight Agent, 21 Cortland street. New York City; residence 850 West End avenue. Born in Brantlord, Ontario, Dec. 5, 1857. Educated at Brantlord CoUegiate Institute. (Married.) General Ireight agent Erie R. R. Co. and New York, Susquehanna and Western R. R. Co. Member Cran lord (N. J.) Goll and Colonial Clubs. LEBMING, WOODRUFF— Architect, 111 Filth ave nue, New York City; residence 490 Fourth street, Brooklyn. Born in Quincy, III., July 14, 1870. Educated at Massachusetts Institute ol Technology. (Married.) Secretary Department ol Architecture, Brooklyn Insti tute ol Arts and Sciences. Member Nassau Country and National Arts Clubs, National Sculpture Society. Architectural League and Phi Gamma pelta Fra ternity. LEES. JAMBS E.— Cotton Manulacturer, 320 Broadway, New York City; residence 36 West 17th street. Bom in Holden. Mass.. Aug. 9. 1845. Educated at Friends' Boarding School, Providence, R. I. (Mar ried.) Treasurer and director Lees Ml'g Co. LBETE, CHARLES H.— Teacher, 116 Central Park, South; residence 32 West 84th street. Born in Pots dam, N. Y., March 17, 1857. Educated at State Normal School ('75), Syracuse University, Yale College ('79) and In Leipzig (A.M. and Ph.D. '90), Berlin and Halle. (Married Isadore A. Kelton, 1883.) Taught schools in Potsdam, 1879-81; In Dr. Sachs's CoUegiate In stitute, New York City, 1881-7; associate editor BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 265 "Longman's School Geography, Atla-s and Questions." 1889; visited schools In America, England and Ger many, 1890-1; head master of Dr. Julius Sachs's School for (3irls since 1891. Member Potsdam Club, American Geographical Society and Potsdam Normal Alumni and Yale Alumni Associations. LEFEVER, JACOB— Banker, New Paltz. Born April 20, 1830. (Married.) Served as assemblyman for four years, and as Congressman for four years. Presi dent and director Huguenot National Bank; vice-presi dent and trustee New Paltz Savings Bank. Member HoUand Society of New York City. LEFFERTS, GEORGE MORBWOOD— Physician, 212 Madison avenue. New York City. Born in Brook lyn, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1846. Educated at the College of the City of New 'York and at College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University (M.D. '70) ; also studied In Vienna. Practicing In New York City since 1874; makes a specialty of diseases of the throat and chest, upon which he has written several works. Pro fessor of laryngoscopy to College of Physicians and Surgeons. Member Union League, University and Riding Clubs and National Academy of Design. LEFFERTS, MARSHALL CLIFFORD— President, 34 Washington place. New York City; residence 34 Bast 65th street. Born In New York City, Nov. 28, 1848. (Son ol Col. Marshall Lefferts.) Educated In public schools and at the College of the City ol New York. (Married.) Served as a member ol the Com mittee ol Seventy, 1894. President and director The Celluloid Co.; vice-president and director Baker, Voor his & Co.; director Manulacturers' National Bamk ol Newark, N. J. Member Grolier, Union League and Rockaway Hunting Clubs, Good Government Club A, St. Nicholas, Dunlap and Zoological Societies, Metro poUtan Museum ol Art, Newark (N. J.) Board ol Trade and others. LEFFERTS, ROBERT- Real Estate, 597 Flatbush avenue, Brooklyn. Member Crescent Athletic and Montauk Clubs, Bellport (L. I.) Gun Club, University Club ol New York City, and HoUand Society. LEFFINGWELL, JOHN E.— Insurance, 346 Broad way, New York City; residence 1373 Pacific street, Brooklyn. Born in Norwich, Conn., Sept. 16, 1821. Ed ucated at Bacon Academy, Colchester, Conn. (Mar ried.) President Farragut Flre Insurance Co. Member Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America.. LEFFINGWELL, WILLIAM E.— President, Wat- kins. Born in Aurora, Cayuga Co., N. Y., July 10, 1855. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Cornell. (Married.) President Glen Springs Sanitarium Co., Schuyler Salt, OU and Gas Co. and Glen City Laundry Co. Member Blmira City Club, Rochester Club, Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn, Craltsmen's Club ol New York City, Empire State Society ol the Sons ol the American Revolution, thirty-second degree Mason and St. Omer's Commandery No. 19. Knights Templar. LEGG, GEORGE- Artificial Flower Manulacturer, 707 Broadway, New York City; residence 25 West 81st street. Member Colonial, New York Athletic, Mer chants' Central and Union League Clubs and Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson. LEGGETT, FRANCIS H.— Importer ol Food Pro ducts, 126 Franklin street, and Banker, 10 Wall street. New York City; residence 21 West 34th street. Born in New York City, March 17, 1840. Educated in New York City. Senior member ol the firm ol Francis H. Leggett & Co. Vice-president and director Bankers' Trust Co.; director Butler Hard Rubber Co. and Home Insurance Co.; trustee Greenwich Savings Bank. Member Union League, Merchants', Tuxedo, Riding, Grolier, Metropolitan, Arts and Sculpture Clubs and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. LEGGETT, J. SHAW— Carriage Manulacturer, 109 South State street, Syracuse; residence 329 James street. Born in Canada, 1844. Educated in Canada. (Married.) Member Century Club and Masonic Lodge. LEGRAS, GUSTAVE— Prolessor, 17 Lexington ave nue. New York City; residence 62 West 124th street. Born in New York City„ Jan. 24, 1858. Educated at the CoUege ol the City ol New York. (Single.) Assistant prolessor ol mathematics at the College of the City ol New York; also connected with the French Benevo lent Sooiety Hospital. Member City College and Re lorm Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa and American Mathe matical Societies, American Social Science Asso ciation and others. LEHMAIER, J-AMES S.-Lawyer, 132 Nassau street. New York City; residence 758 West End avenue. Educated at Cornell ('78). Member ol the firm ol Leh- maier & Williams. Member Republican, Cornell, Hard ware, West Side Republican and Patria Clubs and Academy ol Political Science. LEHMAN, ARTHUR— Commission Merchant 16 William street. New York City; residence 5 West 62d street. Born In New York CItl, June 1, 1873. Educated in New York City. Member ol the firm ol Lehman Bros., members ol the New York Stock, Cotton, Col- lee and Produce Exchanges. Director International Steam Pump Co. Member Harvard, Harmonie and Century Country Clubs. LEHMAN, EMANUEL— Commission Merchant, 16 William street. New York City; residence 16 East 46th street. Born in Bavaria, Germany, Feb. 15, 1827. Edu cated in Germany. Member ol the firm ol Lehmain Bros., members ol the New York Stock, Produce, Cot ton and Coffee Exchanges. Vice-president and direc tor East River Gas Co. and Hoboken Ferry Co.; treais urer and director Berry-Boice Cattle Co.; director Baron De Hirsch Fund, Consolidated Gas Co. of New Jersey, East River Gas Co. of Long Island City, Mer cantUe National Bank. New York and East River Ferry Co., North Shore Traction Co., Queens County Bank, Shelby Iron Co., Tenth and Twenty-third Streets Ferry Co. and Woodbine Land Improvement Co. Mem ber Harmonie Club, Southern Society, American Mu seum of Natural History, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Chamber of Commerce. LEHMAN, MEYER H.— Commission Merchant, 16 William street, New York City; residence 40 West 70th street. Born and educated in New York City. Member of the firm of Lehman Bros., members of the New York Stock, Cotton, Coffee and Produce Exchanges. Mem ber Harmonie Club. LEHMAN, PHILIP — Commission Merchant, 16 William street. New York City ; residence 150 West 58th street. Born and educated in New York City. Member of the firm of Lehman Bros., members of the New York Stock, Cotton, Coffee and Produce Exchanges. Director Havana Commercial Co. Member Century Country and Harmonie Clubs. LEHMAN, SIGMUND M.— Stock Broker, 16 Wil liam street. New York City; residence 16 East 46th street. Born In New York City, Feb. 19, 1859. Edu cated in New York City and at Cornell University ('79). Member of the firm of Lehman Bros., and of the New York Stock, Cotton, Coffee and Produce Exchanges. Member Manhattan, Cornell and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs. LEIGH, ADAM H.— CouncUman, City Hall, New York City, and Insurance Broker, 200 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 314 Monroe street, Brooklyn. Bora in Brooklyn, May 5, 1854. Educated at Public School No. 11. (Married.) Represented the Second District In the Brooklyn Board of Aldermen, 1894-5, and the Fifth District, 1896-7. Now serving as councilman from the Seventh District (Borough of Brooklyn), New York City (1898-1901). Ex-vlce-president Long Island Insurance Co. Member Union League, Invincible, Levi P. Morton and Stuyvesant Heights Clubs, DeWitt Clinton Ready Relief, Columbia Council Loyal Addi tional Benefit, Brooklyn Public Library, Columbia Im mediate Relief and Good Roads Associations, Royal Arcanum Wheelmen, League of American Wheelmen, Associated Cycling Clubs of Brooklyn, Euclid Lodge No. 656, P. & A. M., DeWitt Clinton Council No. 419, Royal Arcanum, Constellation Chapter Royal Arch Maisons, Clinton Commandery No. 14, Knights Templar, Kismet Temple Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and Au rora Grata Lodge ol Perlection, Council ol Princes and Chapter ol Rose Croix. LEIGH, WILLIAM ROBINSON— Artist, 101 West 66th street. New York City Born In Berkeley County, W. Va., Sept. 23, 1866. Educated by private tutors; studied art at Maryland Institute, and at Royal Acad emy in Munich, Bavaria. Engaged as figure and por- 266 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. trait painter and illustrator. Has been awarded sev eral medals and had picture awarded honorable men tion at Paris Salon in 1892. LEIGHTON, CHARLES A.— Stock Broker, 7 Wall street New York City; residence 353 West 57th street Born 'in New York State, January, 1850. Educated in public schools. (Married.) Connected with the firm ol Brown, Bruns & Co. Member Colonial Club. LEIGHTON, MELVILLE H. — Insurance, 218 Broadway, New York City; residence 350 Jefferson avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, Oct 10, 18b5. Educated at Public School No. 16 and Long Island Business CoUege. (Married.) Member Union League Club of Brooklyn. LEIPZIGBR, HENRY M.— Educator and Lec turer, 146 Grand street. New York City; residence 324 East 50th street. Born in England, 1854. Educated In New York City public schools, at College of the City of New York and at Columbia College Law School (LL.B., '75). Admitted to the New York Bar but never engaged in practice; devoted several years to travel and study. Organized the Hebrew Technical Institute In New York City, and directed same, 1884- 91; assistant superintendent of public schools, 1891. Supervisor of free lectures. Board of Education, since 1890; chairman of the library committee of the Aguilar Free Library since Its organization In 1888. Member City College and Reform Clubs and Phi Beta Kappa Society. LB JBUNE, CAPEL ELLIS- Public Accountant, 33 Pine street. New York City; residence West New Brighton, S. I. Mem.ber American Association ol Public Accountants and National Association ol Cer tified Accountants. LELAND, ARTHUR S.— Banker, 36 Wall street New York City; residence Ardsley-on-Hudson. Born In Boston, Mass. Educated at Chauncy HaU School, Boston, and Massachusetts Institute ol Technology, Boston. (Single.) Member ol the New York Stock Exchange firm ol Arthur S. Leland & Co. Member Relorm CJlub, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Athletic and Algonquin Clubs ol Boston, Mass. LELAND, CHARLES H.— Stock Broker, 18 Wall street. New -York City; residence 162 Madison avenue. Director Empire City Fire Insurance Co.; trustee Union Trust Co. Member New York Stock Exchange and ol the Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and Union League Clubs, Country Club ol Westchester, and La layette Post, G. A. R. LELAND, FRANCIS L.— Banker, 79 Eighth ave nue. New York City; residence 1 West 37th street. President and director New York County National Bank: director United States Lile Insurance Co. Mem ber Westminster Kennel, New York Yacht and Union League Clubs, Marine and Field Club ol Brooklyn, Al dine Association, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion and Lalayette Post, G. A. R. LELAND, LESTER- Treasurer and General Man ager, 101 Milk street, Boston, Mass.; residence 316 Beacon street, Boston, and Union Club, New York City. Born in Boston, July 20, 1864. Educated in Bos ton. (Married.) Treasurer and general mana-ger Boston Rubber Shoe Co. ; director State National Bank and United States Rubber Co. Member Union, Puri tan, Eastern Yacht and Country Clubs ol Boston, and Union Club of New York City. LELAND, WILLIAM E.— Mechanical Engineer, Treasury Department, Washington, D. C; residence 82d street and Twenty-third avenue, Brooklyn. Bora in Framingham, Mass., May 4, 1870. Educated at Mas sachusetts Institute ol Technology. (Married ) For merly assistant with Allred R. Wolff, consulting en gineer, and William J. Baldwin, consulting engineer- now inspector ol heating and ventilating apparatus' Supervising Architect's Offlce, United States Treasury Department. Member Massachusetts Institute ol Technology Alumni Society. LEMOINE, ASHTON-Broker, 44 Pine street. New York City; residence 1 West 54th street. Educated at Princeton. Member University, Princeton, New York Yacht and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Clubs LEMOYNE, WILLIAM J.— Actor, 128 East 34th street. New York City. Born in Boston Mass., 1831. Made first prolessional appearance in l^oZ. faervea with Massachusetts Volunteers during Civil War; was wounded at South Mountain, lelt the service and re turned to the stage. Has taken leading parts in many presentations. Member Players' and Barnard Clubs and Dunlap Society. LENNEY, JAMES C.-Lawyer, 35 Nassau Street, New York City; residence 56 West 49th street. Bora in Potsdam, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1869. Educated at Pots dam Normal School and New York Law School (LL B ) (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Lenney & Donovan. Secretary New England Co. Member Nor mal Alumni Association. LENT B. P.— General Music Dealer, Ithaca; resi dence 505 North Cayuga street. Bom in New York City, June 8, 1861. Educated in New York City and Yonkers (Married.) B'ormerly salesman with Jacob Brothers R. A. Saalfleld and Dakin & Co., all ol New York City. Served in the 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. Member Craltsman's and Town and Gown Clubs, Business Men's Association. Tornado Hook and Lad der Company, and Masonic Order. LENT, SMITH— Lawyer, 280 Broadway, New York City. Bora in PeekskiU, Westchester Co., N. T., 1861. Educated In common schools, at Albany Normal School and at Albany Law School ('75). Practiced In Sing Sing until his election ais Judge ol Westchester Coun ty in 1895. Now practicing In New Tork City. Mem ber Society ol Medical Jurisprudence, and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. LENTILHON, EUGENE— CivU and Contracting Engineer, 11 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 48 Central Park, South. Born in New Tork City, Aug. 14, 1869. Educated at Tale. (Married.) Member Tale, New Tork Athletic, Democratic and New Tork Tacht Clubs and American Society ol CivU Engineers. LEO, JOHN P.— Architect, 139 West 125th street New Tork City; residence 584 West 146th street. Born in New Tork City, April 10, 1859. Educated in public schools and at Cooper Union. (Married.) President Builders' League; director Bower Decorating Co. LEONARD, CLARENCE E.— Broker, 32 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence Tonkers. Born in New Bedlord, Mass.. Feb. 10. 1854. Educated in Mas sachusetts. (Married.) Member ol the New Tork Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange. Mem ber Old Colony Historical (lile) and New England So cieties, Robert Treat Paine Chapter ol the Massachu setts Society. Society ol Mayflower Descendants. Sons ol the Revolution and Sons ol the American Revolu tion. LEONARD, EDGAR COTRELL— Merchant, 472 Broadway, Albany; residence 196 Washington avenue. Born In Albany May 28, 1862. Educated at Albany Academy and Williams College (A.B.. '86). (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Cotrell & Leonard. Secretary and treasurer Albany Sale Deposit and Storage Co.; director Albany Mutual Flre Insurance Co.; member ol State executive committee Toung Men's Christian Association. Member Society ol Colonial Wars, So ciety ol Mayflower Descendants. Sons ol the Revolu tion and Delta Psi Fraternity. LEONARD, GARDNER C— Merchant and Manu lacturer, 472 Broadway. Albany; residence 56 "Willett street. Born In West Springfleld, Mass., Oct. 16, 1866. Educated at Albainy Academy and Williams College ('87). (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol CotreU & Leonard. Director Intercollegiate Bureau ol Academic Costume. Formerly member ol executive committee Albany Chamber ol Commerce and Albany Historical and Art Society. Author ol "Cap and Gown in Amer ica" and "Songs ol WUliams." Member Albany, Press. Country, Camera, Fortnightly and Fort Orange Clubs, University Club ol New Tork City, Mohican Canoe Club, Society ol Colonial Wars and WiUiams College Alumni Associations ol New Tork City and Northern New Tork. LEONARD, GEORGE B.-Banker, 619 University Block, Syracuse; residence 710 Lodi street. Born and educated in Syracuse. (Married.) Formerly president Salt Springs National Bank; cashier First National BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 267 Bank and director Syracuse Tube Co. Secretary and treasurer Kemp & Burlee Ml'g Co. Member Citizens' Club. LEONARD, H. WARD — Electrical Engineer. Bronxville; residence 606 "West 114th street New Tork City. Educated at Massachusetts Institute ol Tech nology. Member New Tork Athletic. Union League and Calumet Clubs and Massachusetts Institute ol Technology Alumni and Ohio Societies. LEONARD. LEWIS A.— Advertising, 154 Nassau street, New Tork City; residence 110 West 89th street. Born in Talbot County. Md.. July 10, 1846. Educated at West River (Md.) Collegiate Institute. (Married.) Formerly editor and manager Cincinnati (Ohio) "Times Star" and vice-president United Press. Is now New Tork representative ol the "Toledo (Ohio) Blade," "Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch" and "Comlort" and "Lane's List" both ol Augusta, Me. Member Ohio and Maryland Societies. LEONARD, WILLIAM D.— Lawyer, 141 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Hotel Marie Antoinette. Bora in Jersey City, N. J., Jan. 18, 1857. Educated at College ol the City ol New Tork, 'Wesleyan University and Columbia Law School. (Married.) Member Al pha Delta Phi Club and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. LEONORI, CHARLES L.— Superintendent, 51 East 44th street. New Tork City; residence 259 West 70th street. Superintendent ol commissary department, Wagner Palace Car Co. Member Atlantic Tacht and New Tork Tacht Clubs. EUicott Club ol Buffalo. Met ropolitan Museum ol Art and Liederkranz. LE ROT. FREDERICK GEBHARD— Stock Brok er, 44 New street New Tork City; residence Tarry town. Member New Tork Stoclt Exchange and ol the New Tork Athletic and Union Clubs. LE ROT. HENRT "WTCKOFF— Hardware Mer chant, 259 Canal street. New Tork City; residence 169 West 12th street. Educated at Williams College. Secretary and director Gould-Mersereau Co. Member Union and University Clubs, St. Nicholas Society, Sons ol the Revolution and Williams CoUege Alumni Asso ciation. LE ROT. HERMAN S.— Secretary, 212 West 41st street. New Tork City; residence 28 Seventh avenue. Educated at Harvard. Member Harvard, University Athletic and Union Clubs and Down Town Association. LB ROT, LOUIS C— Dental and Oral Surgeon, 6 Lexington avenue. New Tork City. Born in New Tork City. Educated in New Tork City and at the College ol Dentistry (D.D.S.) (Married.) Ex-president Alumni Association ol New Tork College ol Dentistry; chair man clinical staff New Tork Odontologlcal Society; ex- member clinical staff New Tork State Dental Society. First District; chairman clinical staff New Tork Col lege ol Dentistry. Member Union League Club, all the dental societies in New Tork City, League ol American Wheelmen and Automoblllsts. LE ROT, ROBERT COLEMAN— Real Bstate, 21 East 20th street. New Tork City; residence 27 West 64th street. Educated at Columbia. Member Union, Harvard and Delta Phi Clubs and Columbia University Alumni Association. LESHER, ARTHUR LAWRENCE- Importer oi Linings, 502 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 9 East 76th street. Educated at Columbia- Member ol the flrm ol Lesher, Whitman & Co. Director Citizens' National Bank. Member Union League, St. Anthony, Merchants', Essex County (N. J.) Country and Ameri can Tacht (Jlubs, Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation and American Museum ol Natural History. LESHER, RATMOND — Importer ol Linings, 502 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 31 Eaist 74th street. Born in Rye, N. T., Sept. 5, 1866. Educated In New Tork City. (Married.) Member ol the firm Ol Lesher, "Whitman & Co. Member Racquet and Tennis. and Collectors' Clubs. LESSER, ADOLPH MONAE— Physician, 19 East 61st street. New Torit City. Born in Province ol Bran denburg, Prussia, June 22, 1858. Educated in Berlin, Munich and New Tork City. In 1871, while at college. served In Red Cross during Franco-German war; served in German army, leaving as first lieutenant ol reserve; served as assistant curator in Charity Hos pital; was prolessor ol physiology and pathology In New Tork Medical College. Now surgeon lor abdom inal diseases In Red Cross Hospital; surgeon-in-chiel American National Red Cross, In which capacity he served in Cuba during the Cuban rebellion and Span ish-American War. Author ol "Treatment of Fevers Without Food, Antipyretics and Alcohol"; "Ventral Fixation of the Round Ligaments" ; "Red Cross His tory of the Spanish-American War," and other arti cles. Has introduced a number of surgical instru ments and appliances in his profession. Fellow New Tork Academy of Medicine and member New Tork County Medical Society and Physicians' Mutual Aid Association. LETCHWORTH, OGDEN P.— Manufacturer, Buf falo; residence 605 Niagara street. Born In Auburn, N. T., Aug. 23, 1851. Educated In East Hampton, Mass. (Married.) President Pratt & Letchworth Co., United Hames Co. and National Founders' Association; man ager Gowanda State Homceopathic Hospital. Member Buffalo, EUicott and Liberal Clubs, and Transporta tion Club of New Tork City. LETCHWORTH, WILLIAM PRTOR— Philanthro pist and Author, "Glen Iris," Portage. Bora in Brown ville, N. T., May 26, 1823. Merchant and manufacturer in Buffalo, 1848-69; retired from business, 1873; has since devoted his time to charitable work. President Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, 1871-4; member State Board of Charities, 1873-96, when he resigned; vice- president of same, 1874-8; president of same, 1878-88; president of National Conference of Charities and Cor rection, 1884; degree ol LL.D. Irom University ol State ol New Tork In 1893 "lor distinguished services to the State;" active In securing the passage of laws for the protection ol homeless children and other public de pendents; devoted much attention to the care ol the insane. Author ol "The Insane In Foreign Countries," "Care and Treatment ol Epileptics" and other works relating to the care ol the unlortunate. President National Association lor the Study ol Epilepsy and the Care and Treatment ol Epileptics. Member University and Buffalo Clubs. LETHBRIDGE, ROBERT P.— Fire Insurance Broker, 56 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 157 Keap street, Brooklyn. Born In London, England, Sept. 26. 1845. Educated in Brooklyn. (Married.) Di rector Kings County Co-operative Building and Loan Association and Nassau Trust Co.; trustee Citizens' Savings Bank. Member Crescent Athletic and Hano ver Clubs ol Brooklyn. LEUBUSCHER. FREDERICK CTRUS FIELD — Lawyer, 99 Nassau street. New Tork City; residq^ce 35 West 131st street. Born In New Tork City, Sept. 1. 1858. (Son ol Louis Mortimer and Catherine [Horner] Leubuscher. Educated In public schools, at the Col lege ol the City ol New Tork and at Columbia College Law School. Practicing in New Tork City since his admission to the Bar In 1880. LBVBNTBITT, DAVID— Supreme Court Justice, County Court House, New Tork City; residence 34 West 77th street. Born In "Winnsboro, S. C, Jan. 31. 1845. (Son ol George Manasseh and Betty [Goldberg] Leventritt) Educated In New Tork City public and private schools, at the Free Academy (salutatorian. '64), and New Tork University Law School ('71). (Mar ried Matilda, daughter ol Leopold Lithauer.1868.) In his practice has covered a wide field. Including questions ol commercial, theatrical. Insurance and real estate law, and has appeared as special counsel lor the city In numerous condemnation proceedings. In 1898 was elected a Justice ol the Supreme Court, term expiring Dec. 31, 1912. Director Rapid Safety Filter Co. Mem ber Sagamore, Progress and Democratic Clubs, Con gregation Temple Emanuel, Hebrew Orphan Asylum, Mount Sinai Hospital, Aguilar Free Library Associa tion, Hebrew Technical Institute and many other so cieties and organizations. LEVERICH, CHARLES D.— Stock Broker, 48 Wall street. New Tork City: residence Corona, L. I. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 29, 1840. (Married.) Senior member of the New Tork Stock Exchange firm of C. D. Leverich & Bro. Director Bank of New Tork; trus tee Atlantic Trust Co. and Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. 268 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. LEVERICH, S. DUNCAN-Stock Broker, 48 Wall street New'' T'ork City; residence 27 Washington square North. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 19, 1846. (wfdower.) Member of the firm of C. D. Leverich & Bro. and of the New Tork Stock Exchange Member New Tork Athletic and Colonial Clubs and Down Town Association. LEVERMORE, CHARLES HERBERT-Bducator, Lafayette avenue and St. James place, Brooklyn ; resi dence 30 St. James place. Born In Mansfield, Conn.. Oct 15 1856. Educated at Monson Academy, Hopkins Grammar School, Tale College and Johns Hopkins University. (Married Mettle Norton Tuttle, 1884.) Formerly principal of Guilford (Conn.) Institute; Fel low in history at Johns Hopkins University; Instmctor in history at University of California and professor ol history at Massachusetts Institute ol Technology; no-w president ol Adelphi College. Member Hamilton and Tale Clubs, Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. New England Society ol Brooklyn (corresponding sec retary and director) and American Historical Asso ciation. LEVERSON, MONTAGUE R.— Physician, 96th street and Shore road. Fort Hamilton. Born In Lon don, England, March 2, 1830. Educated in London, at University ol Gottingen, Germany (A.M. and Ph.D.), and at Baltimore (Md.) Medical CoUege (M.D.). Mem ber ol Calilornia Legislature, 1882. Member ol the Bars ol the Supreme Court ol Calilornia and ol the Supreme Court ol the United States. Member Brooklyn Single Tax and Brooklyn Democratic Clubs, AntI- Vaccina tion League ol Brooklyn (president), and Relorm Club ol New Tork City. LEVETT, DAVID MAURICE— Music Teacher and Composer, 933 Park avenue. New Tork City. Bom in New Tork City, Jan. 1, 1844. Educated in New Tork, Germany and France. (Married Kate De Jonge, 1878.) Author ol many compositions lor the voice, piano and orchestra. Member Manuscript Club. LEVET, EDGAR J.— Deputy Comptroller. 280 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 61 West 74th street. Born in New Tork City, Nov. 4, 1863. Educated at Columbia CoUege ('83) and Law School ('86). Mem ber of the firm of Hinman & Levey, 1887-91; secretary to the comptroller, 1891-3; assistant deputy comptroller. 1893-6; deputy comptroller since Jan. 1, 1898. Director Frederick H. Levey & Co. Member of the Manhattan Club and Columbia Alumni Association. LEVI. JOSEPH CHARLES.— Lawyer, 140 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 50 West 91st street. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 27, 1839. (Son of Charles Levi.) Educated in private and public shools In New Tork City and at Dr. Anthon's Grammar School of Colunibia CoUege ('54). Admitted to the bar in 1860. (Married a daughter of Dr. Manly Emanuel of Lin wood, Pa., 1865.) Served as a non-commissioned offlcer in 37th Regiment, N. G. N. T., 1862. One of the found ers and now examining counsel of the Lawyers' Title Insurance Co. Counsel to "New Torker Staats Zei tung," Isabella Home and many others. Is an expert on real estate and testamentary law. Member of the New Tork Tax Reform and Civil Service Reform Asso ciations and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork (since 1875). LEVICK, JOSEPH N. T.— Fire Insurance, 54 Wil liam street. New Tork City; residence 244 East 86th street. Born In New Orleans, La., Aug. 15, 1834. Edu cated In public and private schools In PhUadelphia, Pa. (Married Mary L. Gardiner, a descendant of Lion Gar diner of Gardiner's Island.) Served in Union Army during Civil War. Assistant cashier North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., since 1870. Member Col lectors' Club, Lafayette Post, G. A. R., Seventh Regi ment War Veterans' Association, Arcana Lodge No. 246, P. & A. M., American Philatelical Association and National Philatelical and American Numismatic and Archaeological Societies. LEVIS, JOHN S.— Public Accountant and Auditor 99 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 469 First street, Brooklyn. Born in Newburgh, N. T., May 7 1850. Secretary, treasurer and director United States Nomatch Light Co. LEVT, CHARLES JOSEPH— Editor, 21 Park row. New Tork City; residence 1889 Madison avenue. Borii in Toungstown, Ohio, Jan. 31, 1870. Educated in New Tork Citv public schools and at Cornell University ('91 ) (Single.) Engaged In joumalism since graaua- tlon on thi eer St. Andrew's Goll, Barnard and RelorA Clubs, Grad uate Club ol Theta Delta Chi, and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. LIVBRMORE, FRANK— Physician, 113 West 40th street. New York City. Member New York Athletic and Reform Clubs, Century Association and Lafayette Post G. A. R. LIVINGSTON, CAMBRIDGE — Real Estate 71 Broadway, New York City; residence 398 Fifth avenue Educated at Harvard. Member Knickerbocker Club and Harvard Alumni Association. LIVINGSTON, CRAWFORD— Capitalist 19 "Wil liam street. New York City; residence St. Paul Minn Born In New York City, May 6, 1848. EducaLted at Albany Boys Academy. Removed to St. Paul in 1870 and became a banker and stock broker. With Henrv ViUard built the Little Falls and Dakota Railway and several others. Interested in many large comorations Member New York Club. <-orporations. LIVINGSTON, GOODHUE— Architect, 287 Fourth avenue. New York City; residence 116 Bast 39th street. Educated at Columbia ('88). Member Calumet Uni versity, University Athletic and St. Anthony Clubs, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Columbia University Alumni Association. LIVINGSTON, HENRY B.-Broker, 19 William street. New York City; residence 18 West 10th street Member of the firm of Lee, Livingston & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member South Side Sportsmen's, Union, City and Knickerbocker Clubs and Yale Alumni Association. LIVINGSTON, JOHNSTON— President, 141 Broad way, New York City; residence 309 Fifth avenue. Ed ucated at Union CoUege. President and director Na tional Express Co.; director American Express Co. Member Union, Knickerbocker, Tuxedo, New York, and Turf and Fleld Clubs, New York Genealogical and St. Nicholas Societies, Union College Alumni Association and Metropolitan Museum of Art. LIVINGSTON, PHILIP— Lawyer, 141 Broadway, New York City; residence Morristown, N. J. Born In New York City, Nov. 9, 1861. Educated at Cutler's School, Harvard University ('84) and Columbia Law School ('87). Member of the firm of Livingston & Van Amrlnge. Member Metropolitan, St. Nicholas, St. An drew's Golf, Morris County Golf and Morristown Clubs, Society of Colonial Wars and Sons ol the Revolution. LIVINGSTON, SOLOMON B.— Lawyer, 93 Nassau street. New York City; residence 1190 Madison avenue. Born In New York City, Sept. 5, 1852. Educated at the CoUege ol the City ol New York and Columbia Law School. (Married.) Bx-secretary and director Ger man-American Real Estate Title Guarantee Co. Mem ber Freundschalt Club (president) and Society ol Medical Jurisprudence. LLOYD, FRANCIS G.— Clothier, 936 Broadway, New York City; residence 4 West 53d street. Born In New Jersey, May 26, 1848. Educated In New York (Jity. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Brooks Broth ers. Member Metropolitan, Union League and Riding Clubs, Chamber ol Commerce and Aldine Association. LLOYD, ISAAC P.— Insurance, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence 33 West 70th street. Born in Albany N. Y., Sept. 9, 1835. Educated in Al bany. (Married.) Second vice-president Mutual Llle Insurance Co. ol New York; director National Sale Deposit Co. Member New York Press Club, Sons of the Revolution and Albany Society. LLOYD, JOSEPH P.— Banker and Broker, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence East Orange, N. J. Bora in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 7, 1839. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Lloyd & Co., members ol the New York Stock Exchange. LLOYD, ROBERT MCALLISTER— Electrical En gineer, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence 6 Gramercy Park. President Electric Vehicle Co.; vice- president Appert Glass Co. ; director Electric Boat Co., New England Electric Vehicle Transportation Co., Il linois Electric Vehicle Transportation Co. and New York Electric Vehicle Transportation Co. Member Lawyers' and National Arts Clubs, American Insti tute ol Electrical Engineers, New York Genealogical Society and Squadron "A," N. G. N. Y. LLOYD, WILLIAM B.-Banker and Broker, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence East Orange, N. J. Born in Jersey City, N. J. (Married.) Member 01 the firm ol Lloyd & Co., members ol the New York Stock Exchange. LOBDELL, FRANCIS— Protestant Episcopalian Clergyman, Trinity Church. Buffalo; residence 357 Delaware avenue. Rector Trinity Church. Member Harlem Club ol New York City and Liberal and Sat urn Clubs. B„f.^?.^^^'-/^'^^J5^;:^^ D.-Lawyer, 28 Erie street ?«^f^^u'"^^^^^i''=®.l** Delaware avenue. Bora, Oct. 8, i^^ Educated at Hamilton College. Member ol the c^ ri pf !tt' P°r^f P" Milburn. Director Buffalo Gas Co., Pratt & Letchworth Co., Buffalo General Electric Co Farmers' Loan and 'Trusf Co. ?1 New York City Union Car Co., Manulacturers' an(i Trad- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 273 ers' Bank and Buffalo Commercial Bank; chairman of executive committee Fidelity Trust and Guaranty Co. Member Buffalo and University Clubs. LOCKE, WILLIAM H. — Banker, 54 West 32d street; residence 230 Keap street, Brooklyn. Assistant treasurer and trustee Union Dime Savings Bank. Member Relorm Club and New England Society. LOCKETT, ARTHUR H.— Stock Broker, 39 Broad street. New York City; residence University Club. Born In New York City, April 15, 1869. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and at Harvard ('92). (Sin gle.) Member ol the firm ol De Coppet & Lockett, members ol the New York Stock Exchange. Director Cushman Bros. Co. and Ford Cherry Phosphate Co. Served in Puerto Rico with Troop "A" (New York), United States Volunteer Cavalry. Member Harvard, Baltusrol Goll and University Clubs. LOCKETT, BENJAMIN CARTER— Dry Goods Merchant 476 Broome street. New York City; resi dence Larchmont. Bora In Boston, Mass., Oct. 30, 1863. Educated In Boston and In New York City. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Smith, Hogg & Gardner lor lour years. Member ol the firm ol Tay lor & Lockett since January, 1900. Member Larch mont Yacht, Merchants', Calumet, Yachtsmens' and Horseshoe Harbor Yacht Clubs, Technology Club ol Boston, New England Society and Sons ol the Revolu tion. LOCKITT, CLEMENT- President Fulton and Clinton streets, Brooklyn; residence Brooklyn. Born and educated In England. (Married.) President and director Long Island Sale Deposit Co.; vice-president and director American District Telegraph Co. ol Brooklyn; vice-president and tmstee Brooklyn Dis pensary; director Brklyn Bank and Metropolitan Plate Glass Insurance Co. Member Church Club ol the Diocese ol Long Island. LOCKMAN, JACOB K.— Lawyer, 88 Nassau street. New York CJity; residence 50 West 39th street. Mem ber ol the firm ol De Witt, Lockman & De Witt. Mem ber Metropolitan Club and Ainerican Museum ol Nat ural History. LOCKMAN, JOHN T.— (General.)— Lawyer, 88 Nassau street. New York City; residence 140 West 73d street. Member ol the firm ol De Witt, Lockman & De Witt. Second vice-president and director Lawyers' Title Insurance Co.; director Lawyers' Mortage Insur ance Co. Member Republican, Metropolitan, Colonial, Yale, Church and Adirondack League Clubs, St. Nich olas Society and MUitary Order ol the Loyal Legion. LOCKWOOD, ALBERT— Pianist, 584 North Broad way, Yonkers. Bom In Troy, N. Y., 1871. Received a musical education. Hais given concerts In London, Paris, Florence and other European cities. LOCKWOOD, CHARLES E.— Physician, 60 West 38th street. New York City. Bom in Norwalk, Conn., Dec. 31. 1842. Educated at Yale ('66) and New York College ol Physicians and Surgeons (M.D., '68). (Wid ower.) House surgeon Bellevue Hospital, 1868; con nected with Health Department ol New York City 1873-87, as sanitary Inspector; attending physiclain Out door Patient Department Bellevue Hospital, and many other dispensaries. Member University Club. New York County Medical Society, Yale Alumni and New York State Medical Associations and New York Acad emy ol Medicine. LOCKWOOD, EDGAR— Banker, 32 Nassau street New York City; residence 6 West 121st street. Mem ber Harlem Club, New England Society and Down Town Association. LOCKWOOD, EDWIN C. — Stationer. 61 Pine street New York City; residence 80 Montague street. Brooklyn. Member Brooklyn, (Jrescent Athletic, and Marine and Field Clubs ol Brooklyn. LOCKWOOD. ERNEST M.— Broker. 66 Broadway, New York City; residence Larchmont. Member New York Yacht, Larchmont Yacht and Atlantic Yacht Clubs. LOCKWOOD, HENRY B.— Stock Broker, 44 Broad way, New York City; residence 128 East 34th street. Born in New York City, April 23, 1852, Educated abroad. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Lockwood. Hurd & Co., and of the New York Stock and Cotton Exchanges. Member New York, Crescent Athletic and New York Yacht Clubs, Sons of the Revolution and 7th Regiment Veteran Association. LOCKWOOD, HENRY CLAY— Lawyer, 141 West 21st street, New York City. Bora In Sing Sing, N. Y.. June 21, 1839. (Single.) Brevet major United States Volunteers. Served as major and lieutenant-colonel in 71st Regiment, N. G. N. Y. Member Sumner Post, G. A. R., Military Order of the Loyal Legion and So cieties of the Army of the Potomac and Army of the James. LOCKWOOD, HOMER N.— Retired, 2088 Seventh avenue. New York City. Bora in Victory, N. Y., June 23, 1833. Educated in Falley Seminary. (Widower.) Assemblyman from Cayuga County, 1866-7. Aided in the building ol the Southera Central Railroad (now Lehigh VaUey) and was lor a time secretary, auditor and director ol same. Was engaged In publishing business lor fllteen years. Resided for many years in Cuba and Puerto Rico. Has devoted the past twelve years to travel in all parts ol the world. Member of the board of managers ol the Americain Tract So ciety; Fellow American Geographical Society; mem ber "Union League and Congregational Clubs, New England Society and Sons ol the American Revolution, LOCKWOOD, INGERSOLL— Lawyer, 156 Filth avenue. New York City; residence 56 West 35th street Born In New York City, 1841. Author of several works and well known as a lecturer. LOCKWOOD, ISAAC FERRIS — Superintendent 40 Lalayette place. New York City; residence 550 Park avenue. Bora in Dubuque, la., Feb. 23, 1855. Edu cated at New York University. (Married.) Formerly superintendent Lenox Library; now business superin tendent New York Public Library (Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations). Member Grolier Club, Century Association, Sons of the Revolution and Connecticut Chapter Society of the Cincinnati. LOCKWOOD, JAMES B.— Lawyer, 5 Beekman street. New York City; residence White Plains. Bom in Poundridge, Westchester Co., N. Y., July 18, 1849. Educated at Union College. (Married.) Hais served as school commissioner ol Westchester County and as president ol the village ol White Plains. Member Democratic and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, Society ol Co lonial Wars, Sons ol the Revolution, Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America and Union College Alumni Association. LOCKWOOD, JOHN L. — Mineral Waters, 10 Walker street. New York City; residence 74 West 103d street, and Elberon, N. J. Member Colonial, Norwood Field and Merchants' Clubs and Beach Club ol El beron. LOCKWOOD, JOHN L., Jr.— Lawyer, 96 Nassau street. New York City; residence 212 West 14th street. Born In Elizabeth, N. J., 1874. Educated at Yale University and New York Law School. (Single.) Member Colonial and Yale Clubs and Beta Theta PI Fraternity. LOCKWOOD, J. T.— Furniture Dealer and Under taker, "White Plains; residence 30 Court street. Born in New Canaan, Conn., Nov. 3, 1846. Educated in pub lic schools. (Married.) Treasurer ol board ol man agers State Relormatory lor Women; treasurer White Plains Building and Loan Association, White Plains Board ol Education and White Plains Board ol Water Commissioners; trustee Home Savings Bank; presi dent Fourth New York Heavy Artillery Association; past commander McKeel Post, No. 120, G. A. R. LOCKWOOD, WILLISTON B.— Stock Broker, 52 Broadway, New York City; residence 125 West 68th street. Educated at Yale. Member New York Stock Exchange. Member Union League, New York Athletic and Yale Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson. New England Society and Sons ol the Revolution. LODBMAN, FRANK EMIL — Instructor, CorneU University, Ithaca; residence 113 Cascadilla place. Degrees of A.M. and Ph.D. Instructor In Romance languages at Cornell University. 274 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. LODER, NOAH, JR.-Lawyer, 141 Broadway, New York City; residence Port Chester. Born in New York City Sept 6, 1873. Educated at Greenwich Academy and Princeton University. (Married.) Member Lau rence Harbor Country and Princeton Clubs, Metropoli tan Museum ol Art and Dwight Alumni Association. LODEWICK, CHARLES C— Merchant, Albany; residence Rensselaer. Born In Schodack, N. Y., 1851. Educated In Albany and Geneseo. (Widower.) Served as assemblyman, receiver ol Yates County National Bank and as a member ol Governor Robinson s mili tary staff. Trustee Home Savings Bank. Member Port Orange Club ol Albany, and Holland Society ol New York City. LOEB, JAMES— Banker, 27 Pine street. New York City; residence 37 Bast 38th street. Born In New York City, Aug. 6, 1867. Educated at Dr. Julius Sachs's Col legiate Institute In New York City, and at Harvard ('88) (Single.) Member New York Stock Exchange firm' ol Kuhn, Loeb & Co. Member Lotos, StroUers", Harvard, Lawyers', City, St. Andrew's Goll, Players', Seabright Goll and Century Country Clubs and Phi Beta Kappa Society. LOEB, MORRIS — Prolessor, University Heights, New York City; residence 118 West 72d street. Edu cated at Harvard. Prolessor ol chemistry at New York University. Secretary and director Loeb Res pirator Co. Member Relorm and Harvard Clubs, American Chemical Society, New York Academy ol Sciences, Scientific Alliance and American Association lor the Advancement ol Science. LOEBER, CHARLES H.— Photographic Materials, 12 East 17th street. New York City; residence 320 Mon roe street, Brooklyn. Bora and educated In Brooklyn. (Married.) Member Camera Club. LOENING, ALBERT— Real Estate, and Deputy Tax Commissioner, 96 and 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 571 Park avenue. Bom In New Orleans, La., Dec. 6, 1858. Educated at Ecole Polytechnlque, Paris, France, and in G6ttingen, Germany. (Married.) United States Consul at Bremen, Germany, 1886-9. Sec retary and director Church Roller Bearing Co. Mem ber Staten Island Cricket and Democratic Clubs and Sons ol the American Revolution. LOEW, EDWARD V.— Lawyer. 175 Broadway. New York City; residence 26 West 67th street. Born in New York City, March 18, 1839. Educated In private schools and at Columbia Law School. (Married.) Organized the Manulacturers and Builders' Fire Insurance Co. In 1870 and was Its president lor twenty-three years. Comptroller ol the City ol New York. 1884-8. Commis sioner lor the Extension and Improvement ol Riverside Park. President and director German-American Real Estate Title Guarantee Co. and New Amsterdam Cas ualty Co.; vice-president and director BatopUas Mining Co. ol Mexico. Gorham Coal Co. ol Colorado, and Iron Steamboat Co.; vice-president and trustee American Savings Bank and New York Mutual Sa-vlngs and Loan Association; director Eleventh Ward Bank, Knickerbocker Trust Co.. Seaboard National Bank and Trust Company ol New York. Member City. Riding and Democratic Clubs. Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on- Hudson. and Chamber ol Commerce. LOBWENSTEIN, EMANUEL— Editor, 154 Nassau street. New York City; residence 240 12th street, Brook lyn. Bora in Austria, Jan. 6, 1836. Educated in New York City. (Widower.) Connected with the New York "Tribune." Ex-grand librarian ol the Grand Lodge of Free Masons in the State ol New York. Member New York Press and Craltsmen's Clubs, Masonic His torical Society and a thirty-second degree Mason. LOE"WY, BENNO- Lawyer. 206 Broadway New York City; residence 22 West 88th street. Member Manhattan Chess Club and Dunlap, American Geo graphical, New York Historical and German Social Scientific Societies. LOFTUS. THOIVIAS J.— Merchant Tailor. 1191 Broadway. New York City; residence The Nevada, Born in St. Joseph, Mo., Feb, 18. 1863. Educated in St Joseph. (Married.) President and director W c' Loltus & Co. Member New York Athletic and Cath-^ ollc Clubs. LOGAN. FR.ANK J.— Iron Manulacturer. 52 Com mercial street. Brooklyn; residence 285 De Kalb ave nue Director Associated Manulacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Member Engineers' Club of New York caty. Oxford Club ol Brooklyn, and American Society ol iVIechanlcal Engineers. LOGAN, THOMAS M.— President, 80 Broadway, New York City; residence Howardsville, Va. Bom in Charleston, S. C, Nov. 3, 1840. (Son ol Judge George W Logan.) Educated at South Carolina College ('60). (Married Kate V. Cox. 1865.) Served In Confederate Army during CJIvll War; promoted through regular grades until he was commissioned brigadier-general In December. 1864. After the war studied law and practiced In Richmond, Va. Organized and was vice- president ol Richmond & Danville Co.. now known as the Southern Ry. Co. President Gray National Telau tograph Co. Member Manhattan Club and Southern Society. LOGAN. WALTER S.— Lawyer, 27 WiUiam street. New York City; residence 121 West 64th street. Born in Washington. Litchfield Co.. Conn., April 15, 1847. Educated at Yale ('70), Harvard Law School ('71) and Columbia Law School ("72). (Married.) Senior member ol the flrm ol Logan, Demond & Harby. President and director Sonora and SlnaJoa Irrigation Co. ; pi'esident Cheesman Cotton Gin Co. ; treasurer and director Greene Consolidated Copper Co. Member Manhattan, Lawyers', Relorm, Adirondack League, Nineteenth Century, Social Relorm, Colonial, Lotos, New York Yacht, New York Athletic, Democratic, Laurence Harbor Country, National Arts and Patria Clubs, Marine and Field, Brooklyn and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn, Society ol Medical Jurisprudence, Sons ol the American Revolution, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, American Geographical and New England So cieties and Yale Alumni and Century Associations. LOINES, STEPHEN- Insurance Adjuster. 69 Wall street. New York City; residence 26 Garden place, Brooklyn. Member Atlantic Yaicht, New Tork Tacht and Lawyers' Clubs. Marine and Field, and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Down Town Association. LOMBARD. GUT DAVENPORT— Physician and Instructor. 6 East 32d street. New Tork City. Degree ol M.D. Instructor In histology. Cornell University Medical College. LOMBARD. LOUIS — CapitaUst; residence The Waldorl - Astoria. New Tork City. "Wyndyways," Pittsfleld. Mass.. and "Villa Montleld." Algiers. Born In Lyons. France. Dec. 16. 1861. Educated at National Conservatory of Marseilles In France, and at Columbia Law School In New Tork City. (Married Alice Maud. daughter of Congressman Thomas Allen of St. Louis.) Was chairman National Association of Music Teach ers; founder and director Utica (N. T.) Conservatory of Music and School of Languages; chief editor "Col lege and School;" author of "Observations of a Trav eler." "The Vicious Virtuoso." "The Art Melodious" and composer of "Juliet," a comic opera. Member So ciety of American Authors. Manuscript and Authors' Societies, and Society of Arts. Sciences and Letters of London. England. LOMBARD. WILLIAM A.— Banker, 31 Nassau street New Tork City; residence 251 West End avenue. Member Colonial. Lawyers', New Tork Athletic and Lotos Clubs. LONG, JOHN D.— Presbyterian Clergyman, Deer Park avenue, Babylon, L. I. Bom In Rajahmundra. Jfin!^' ^P^4 ?' ^^^^- Educated at University of Wooster (80) and Union Theological Seminary ('83). (Married.) Pastor First Presbyterian Church of Babylon. Mem ber Presbyterian Social Union and Union Theological bemlnary Alumni and Wooster Alumni Clubs. LOTTG, THOMAS J.-Contraotor, 29 Broadway, Ne-w Tork City; residence 47 West 43d street. Born Vnr^T.7°'"'^ /"*?¦' i^°- 2"' ^852. Educated in New 7^^ ^^^\ ^^* ^* Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. r^A'"'^!^-' Second vice-president R. P. & j. h. Staats r^?,P-JPl'^^^'' Engineers' Club, American Society of §intur^y"Sssocfatltm"'°^" Geographical Society and LONGACRB, ORLEANS — Superintendent zeth street and Eleventh avenue. New Tork City residence Spuyten Duyvil. Born in Philadelphia; P^. Junrio! BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 275 1840. Educated at Philadelphia Central High School. (Married.) Formerly manager ol Glamorgan Iron Co., Lewlstown, Pa., ol Lynchburg (Va.) Iron Co., ol Bay State Furnaces, Port Henry, N. T., and ol Albany City Iron Co. Served as flrst assistant engineer in United States Navy. Now superintendent ol J. B. & J. M. Coraell Architectural Iron Works. Member Army and Navy and Engineers' Clubs, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion and American Institute ol Min ing Engineers. LONGFELLOW, FREDERICK W.-Lawyer, 20 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 635 Park ave nue. Educated at Harvard. Member City and Har vard Clubs and -Association ol the Bar ol the City of New Tork. LOOK, DAVID M. — Woolen Commission Merchant, 108 FrankUn street. New Tork City; residence 34 West Tenth street. Born In Clayville, Oneida Co., N. T., March 30, 1863. Educated at Princeton ('84). (Mar ried.) Partner In the woolen department ol the house ol James TaJcott Vice-president and director Wool Exchange; director Merchants' Sale Deposit Co. Mem ber Princeton, Union League, University Athletic, Wool and Merchants' Clubs. LOOMIS, EDWARD N.— Lawyer and Merchant, 95 Barclay street. New Tork City; residence Hotel Mar garet, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, June 6. 1869. Edu cated at Taile. (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol E. P. Loomis & Co. Member Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, Zeta Psi Fraternity and Phi Beta Kappa Society. LOOMIS, FRANK— Lawyer, Grand Central Sta tion, New Tork City; residence 154 East 63d street. Born In Binghamton, N. T., Nov. 18, 1838. Educated at Binghamton and Homer Academies and Union Col lege ('60) ; degree ol LL.D. (Married.) Special counsel New Tork Central and Hudson River R. R. Co.; di rector Carthage, Watertown and Sacketts Harbor R. R. Co. and Tivoli Hollow R. R. Co. Member Trans portation, Riding, Manhattan and University Clubs, Union College Alumni Association and Association of the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. LOOMIS, FRANK M.-Lawyer, 74 White Building, Buffalo; residence 77 Linwood avenue. Bom in Brown ville, N, T., Feb. 3, 1861. Educated at private schools In Ogdensburg. (Married.) Director Buffalo City Cemetery Association. Member Liberal and Saturn Clubs and Civil Service Relorm Association. LOOMIS, GUT— Lumber Merchant, 260 Butler street, Brooklyn; residence 817 Carroll street. Mem ber Crescent Athletic, Atlantic Tacht and Montauk Clubs. LOOMIS, HENRT PATTERSON— Physician and Prolessor, 68 East 34th street. New Tork City. Edu cated at Princeton ('80). Degrees ol A.B. and M.D. Prolessor ol materia medica, therapeutics and clinical medicine, Cornell University Medical College; phy sician to New Tork and Bellevue Hospitals. Member University,' Princeton and Tuxedo Clubs. LOOMIS, HORACE— Chief Engineer, 21 Park row. New Tork City; residence Mount Vernon. Bom in Binghamton, N. T.. 1840. Educated at Binghamton Academy, State Normal School and Rensselaer Poly technic Institute (C.E.. '66). For some years was largely employed In railroad constructions In New Tork. Pennsylvania and Connecticut. Became con nected with the Department of Public Works in New Tork City in 1875. and as civil engineer made flrst surveys lor the new Croton Aqueduct; was placed in charge ol the Bureau ol Sewers In 1886 and remained in charge thereof until January, 1898, when the bu reau was abolished. Has been chief engineer in the Department of Sewers since 1886. Member Engineers' Club and Americain Society of Civil Engineers. LOOMIS, JOHN S.— Sash Manulacturer. 202 Nevins street, Brooklyn; residence 817 Carroll street. Direc tor Sprague National Bank. Member Brooklyn. Mon tauk. and Marine and Fleld Clubs. LOOMIS. SHERMAN— Sash Manulacturer. 202 Nevins street. Brooldyn; residence 817 Carroll street Member .Union League, Montauk. Crescent Athletic and Oxlord Clubs. LOOMIS, W. H.-Manulacturer ol Paints, WU- llamsport. Pa.; residence 168 Prospect place. Brook lyn. Born In Rutland, Tioga Co., Pa.. April 5, 1851. Educated at Mansfleld State Normal School. (Wid ower.) Hall owner ol the National Paint Works (El liot & Loomis), WlUIamsport. Pa. Member Brooklyn Republican and Montauk Clubs, Waverly Lodge No. 407, F. & A, M., and Sons ol the Revolution. LOPER, GEORGE WEAVER— Manulacturer. 133 Front street. New Tork City; residence 36 West 68th street. Managing director National Cordage Co. Member Union League, Metropolitan. Calumet. New Tork Tacht. Larchmont Tacht, and Racquet and Ten nis Clubs. Crescent Athletic and Brooklyn Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Down Town Association. LORBACHBR. EDMUND— Broker, 20 Exchange place. New Tork City; residence 214 Harrison street, Brooklyn. Member Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. LORD. AUSTIN W.— Architect. 16 East 23d street. New Tork City; residence 202 West 81st street. Bora in Winona, Minn.. June 27, 1860. Educated at Minne sota Normal School. Massachusetts Institute ol Tech nology and Atelier Daumet Glrault. Paris. France. (Married.) Director American School ol Architecture In Rome, 1894-6. Treasurer and director Goodwin Car Co. Member Beaux-Arts Club, Autobiographical So ciety ol America, and Architectural League. LORD, BENJAMIN— Dentist 34 West 28th street. New Tork City. Born and educated In Trenton. N. J. (Married.) Formerly president New Tork Odontologl cal Society and New Tork Institute ol Stomatology. Member Quill Club, American Museum ol Natural History and New Tork Academy ol Sciences. LORD, CHESTER S.— Editor, 170 Nassau street, New Tork City; residence 110 South Elliott place, Brooklyn. Born in Romulus, N. T., March 18, 1850. Educated at Hamilton College ('73). (Married.) For merly regent ol the University ol the State ol New Tork. Managing editor ol the New Tork "Sun" since .3880. Member Union League, Lotos (secretary since 1894), University, New Tork Press and Sigma Phi Clubs and New England Society. LORD, F. HOWARD— Real Estate, 160 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 60 West 55th street. Edu cated at Princeton. Member University and Princeton Clubs, New England Society, Society ol Colonial Wars and Sons ol the Revolution. LORD, FRANKLIN B.-Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Lawrence, L. I. Born In New Tork City, Sept. 18, 1850. Educated at Columbia College (*70) and Law School. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Lord, Day & Lord. Director Ann Arbor R. R. Co., Lawyers' Surety Co., Lawyers' Title Insur ance Co. and Sixth National Bank; tmstee Real Bs tate Trust Co. Member University, Lawyers', Rock away Hunting and Grolier Clubs, Columbia University Alumni, Century and Down Town Associations, Sons ol the Revolution and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. LORD, FREDERICK R.— President, 27 William street. New Tork City; residence Stapleton, S. I. Edu cated at Columbia. President and director Midland Realty Co. ol New Tork City. Member Richmond County Country and Psi LTpsIlon Clubs and Columbia University Alumni Association. LORD, JAMES BROWN— Architect 160 Filth ave nue. New Tork City; residence Tuxedo. Designer and architect Of the new court house on Madison square. East, New Tork City, lor the Appellate Division ol the Supreme Court Director Mount Pleasant Mining Co. Member Metropolitan, Union, Tuxedo, and Racquet and Tennis Clubs, Architectural League and National Academy ol Design. LORD, NATHAN HOLCOMBE— Lawyer, 52 Ex change place. New Tork City; residence 61 West 73d street. Secretary and treasurer Martin & Co. Mem ber Racquet and Tennis, and Westchester Country Clubs, Society ol Coloniai Wars, Columbia University Alumni Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. 276 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. LORD, WILLIAM BROWN— Secretary, 68 Wall street, New Tork City; residence Morristown, N. J. Educated at Harvard. Secretary and director Mount Pleasant Mining Co. ; director Clove Branch R. R. Co., and Newburgh, Dutchess and Connecticut R. R. Co. Member Union, Harvard, and Racquet and Tennis Clubs and Americain Institute ol Mining Engineers. LORENZ, DANIEL E.— Presbyterian Clergyman, 152 West 66th street New Tork City; residence 168 West 81st street. Bom In Canal Fulton, Ohio, May 24. 1862. Educated at Otterbeln University. Columbia University (Ph.D.) and Union Theological Seminary. (Married.) Minister In the Presbyterian Church ol the Good Shepherd. Member Quill Club and Presby terian Union. LORGE, JULIUS B.— Manulacturer, Norwalk. Conn., and 60 Leonard street. New Tork City; resi dence 499 Filth avenue. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol J. B. Lorge & Co. President and treasurer Norwalk and Fairfield Worsted Mills ol Norwalk, Conn. Mem ber Merchants' Central and Democratic Clubs. LORILLARD, JACOB — Brick Manulacturer, 92 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence Ferris Lane, Throgg's Neck. Member New Tork Tacht and Union Clubs, and Country Club ol Westchester. LORILLARD, LOUIS— 1 West 21st street. New Tork City, and Newport. R. I. Member Metropolitan. New Tork Tacht, Union and Knickerbocker Clubs and St. Nicholas Society. LORILLARD, PIERRE— Tobacco Manulacturer. Ill Forest street, Jersey City, N. J.; residence 8 Wash ington square. North, New Tork City. Member Knick erbocker, New Tork Tacht and Tuxedo Clubs, Amer ican Fine Arts, St. Nicholas and American Geo graphical Societies and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. LORILLARD, PIERRE, Jr.— 30 East 34th street and "Keewaydin," Tuxedo Park, New Tork. Treas urer and director Continental Tobacco Co. Member Tuxedo. New Tork Tacht and Knickerbocker Clubs. LORING. CHARLES H.— Retired Naval Offlcer. 239 Clermont avenue, Brooklyn. Born In Boston. Mass.. 1828. Educated In public schools. Served as engineer-ol-the-fieet in the North Atlantic Squadron during the first eighteen months ol the Civil -War. participating in the conflicts with the Merrimac (1862) ; appointed engineer-in-chlel United States Navy, 1884. Member Engineers' and Army and Navy Clubs. Amer ican Society ol Mechanical Engineers, Society ol Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. Military Order ol the Loyal Legion and G. A. R. LORING, DANIEL A.— Retired, 1286 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 1254 Broadway. Member New Tork Tacht, St. Augustine Tacht, Laimbs', New Tork Athletic, Knickerbocker Athletic, Coney Island Jockey and Brooklyn Jockey Clubs, New Tork His torical Society and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. LORING, DANIEL A., Jr.— 29 East 28th street New Tork City Director .^tna Real Estate and Loan Co. Educated at Tale. Member University Athletic. New Tork- Athletic. Tale and St. Anthony Clubs. LORTON. HETH— Treasurer. 100 Broadway. New Tork City; residence 7 West 44th street. Treasurer American Surety Co. Member St. Nicholas Club. Southera Society, Society ol the Cincinnati, Society ol Colonial Wars and Sons ol the Revolution. LOSEB, C. B.— Banking, Pierrepont and CUnton streets, Brooklyn; residence Twenty-second avenue and 84th street. Bensonhurst. Born In Hempstead L I., March. 1864. Educated at a boarding school. (Mar ried.) Assistant teller Brooklyn Savings Bank. Mem ber Crescent Athletic. New Tork Canoe, and Marine and Field Clubs and Good Roads Association ol Long Island. LOTH, BERNARD— Silk Manulacturer, 66 Greene street, and 150th street and Amsterdam avenue New Tork City; residence 1830 Amsterdam avenue ' Bora In Hartlord, Conn., 1858. Educated at the College of the (Jity ol New -York (B.S.) and Columbia Unlvwslty (LL.B.). (Single.) President Joseph Loth & Co LOTT, JOHN Z.— Lawyer, 213 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 930 Flatpush avenue. Educated at Union College. Secretary, treasurer and director Brooklyn and Brighton Beach R. R. Co. Member Crescent Athletic Club and Union College Alumni As sociation. LOUGHRAN, E. H.— Physician and Surgeon, 25 Main street, Kingston. Born in Ashland, Greene Co., N. T., March 17, 1852. Educated in Matteawan and at Bellevue Hospital Medical CoUege. (Married.) Direc tor Ulster County Savings Institution and Kingston National Bank; examiner United States Pensions. Member Kingston Lodge No. 10, F. & A. M. and Mount Horeb Chapter, Knights Templar. LOUNSBERT, RICHARD P.— Broker, 15 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 12 East 35th street. Born In Bedlord, N. T., Aug. 9, 1845. (Married.) Pres ident and director Last Dollar Gold Mining Co. and Dead wood Terra Mining Co.; director American Mining Co., Anaconda Copper Mining Co. and Westchester Trust Co. Member American Museum ol Natural History, Twilight Club, New England, American Geo graphical and St. Nicholas Societies, and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. LOUNSBURT, PHINEAS C— Banker, 257 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 137 West 72d street and RIdgefleld, Conn. Born In Rldgefield, Jan. 10, 1841. Educated In public shools. Degree ol LL.D. Irom Wesleyan University. Served with 17th Connecticut Volunteers during Civil War. Served several terms as member ol Connecticut Legislature and as Gover nor ol Connecticut, 1887-8. President and director Merchants' Exchange National Bank and Prelerred Accident Insurance Co.; director Provident Savings Lile Assurance Society and Worcester Salt Co.; trus tee Anglo-American Savings and Loan Association, American Bank Note Co. and Washington Trust Co. Member Hardware, Republican and Union League Clubs and New England Society. LOUTREL, CTRUS FRANCIS — Stationery, 146 William street. New Tork City; residence South Orange, N. J. President and director Francis & Lou trel Co. Member Orange, Essex County Country and South Orange Field Clubs of Orange, N. J., and Met ropolitan Museum ol Art. LOVE, EDWARD G.— Chemist, 122 Bowery, New Tork City; residence 80 East 55th street. Member En gineers' Club, Phi Beta Kappa Society and Scientific Alliance. LOVE, LOFTIN— Banker, 13 WiUiam street. New Tork City; residence 51 West 85th street. Cashier Corn Exchange Bank. Member Marine and Field, Atlantic Yacht and Colonial Clubs, and St. George's Society. LOVELAND, FRANK C— President, 265 Broad way New York City; residence 1 West 81st street. Bom in Wellington, I,orain Co., Ohio, Aug. 26, 1839. Educated in Wellington common schools and at Ober lin CoUege. (Married Isabella, daughter ol Dr. Julius A. Sayles ol Cleveland, Ohio.) Ex-vice-presldent American Exploration Co.; ex- treasurer MercanUle Insurance Co. President United States Water Filter Co. Enlisted as private In Sixth Ohio United States Volunteer Cavalry In 1861, which regiment took part in Hlty-three skirmishes and battles during Its lour years service. He served with It In the fleld, was se verely wounded, and having filled the Intermediate grades as offlcer, was promoted. In 1865, colonel, lor gallant service during war. Resident ol New York City since 1866. Was engaged In dry goods business for many years; appointed United States disbursing pension agent by President Harrison to succeed Ma- i^;^"®''^- J'"?;'?^,.^'^^'- Member Republican, Patria and Riverside Clubs, Ohio Society, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Lafayette Post, G. A. R., Society of the Army of the Potomac, and Sons of the Revolution. LOVELAND, JOHN W.-Lawyer 25 Pine street WeTtl'?r.''.^"'^i"«^"^^"'=« Englewood, N. J Bom fn West Plttston, Pa., Oct. 1. 1866. Educated at Penns-yl- l^^'PkP^PP'^'^PS'}^^' ^* ^^^ ^^ at Columbfa lTw School. (Married.) Member Troop A. New York Vol unteer Cavalry on expedition to Puerto Itlco (1898) Member of the firm of Loveland & BUllnS CoWi Onm^' v"^"'' Naval Electric Equipment C^. MeS Quill, Yale. Englewood Golf and Lawyers' Cmb^ BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 277 American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Pennsyl vania Society, Squadron "A," N. G. N. Y., and Asso ciation of the Bar of the City of New York. LOVELL, FRANK HALLETT- Export Merchant, 118 John and 233 Pearl streets. New York City; resi dence 9 Washington square. North, Bom in Barn stable County. Mass., Dec. 26, 1836. Educated In Mid dleboro, Mass. (Married M. Louise, daughter ol Ar nold Angell Lewis.) Member ol the flrm ol P. H. Lovell & Co. (est. 1864). Member Crescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn, Fulton, Nineteenth Century, Accomack Hunting and Fishing, Lakewood (N. J.) and Parmachenee Clubs, Genealogical, Geo graphical, Mayflower and Long Island Historical So- / cietles, Presbyterian Union, Chamber ol Commerce, Society ol Colonial Wars and Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. LOVELL, FRANK HALLETT, Jr.— Export Mer chant, 118 John and 233 Pearl streets. New York City; residence 9 Washington square. North. (Son ol Frank Hallett and M. Louise [Lewis] Lovell.) Member ol the firm ol F. H. Lovell & Co. (est. 1864.). Member Crescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn. ' LOVELL, LEANDER N.— Capitalist, 28 Pine street, and Merchant, 70 West street. New York City; residence Plainfleld, N. J. Member Plainfleld Board ol Education. President and director Eastern Insurance Co., Borden Mining Co., Eastem Coal and Coke Co., Lovell Coal Mining Co. and Northern Insurance Co.; director Ohio and Kentucky Ry. Co., and Old Colony Steamboat Co.; trustee Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. and Atlantic Trust Co. Member Presbyterian Union, Sons ol the American Revolution, Metropolitan Mu seum ol Art, New England Society, Chamber ol Com merce, New York Marine Association and Societies ol Mayflower Descendants, Colonial "Wars and Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. LOW, A. AUGUSTUS— Merchant, 31 Burling Slip, New York City; residence 3 Pierrepont place, Brooklyn. Member ol the firm ol A. A. Low & Bros. Director Franklin Trust Co.; trustee Central Trust Co. and Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. Member New York -Yacht and Adirondack League Clubs, Hamilton, Marine and Field, and Crescent Athletic Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Down Town Association. LOW, EDWIN C— Lawyer, 26 Court street, Brook lyn; residence First avenue near 81st street. Member Crescent Athletic Club. LOW, EDWIN H.— Steamship Agent, 1123 Broad way, New York City; residence 10 West 30th street. Proprietor Low's Exchange. Member Transportation, Lambs' and Lotos Clubs. LOW, JAMES— Dry Goods Merchant, 65 Worth street. New York City; residence 18 East 40th street. Member New England Society, National Academy of Design, Metropolitan Museum of Art and American Museum of Natural History. LO"W, PHILIP BURRILL— Shipping Merchant, 28 South street. New York City; residence 34 West 129th street. Bom In Chelsea, Mass., May 6, 1836. Educated in Chelsea and at Boston High School. Served in the United States Navy during Civil "War. Organized and was flrst commander of the First Naval Battalion of the State of New York. Represented the Fifteenth New York District In Congress, 1895. Member Harlem Republican Club, Military Order of the Loyal Legion and Alexander Hamilton Post G. A. R. LOW, SETH— President, Columbia University, New York City; residence 30 East 64th street. Born In Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1850. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Columbia University ('70). Degree of LL.D. conferred by University of the State of New York and by Harvard. Mayor of Brooklyn, 1881-5. President since 1890 of Columbia University to which he donated one million dollars for the erection of the University Library building. Independent candidate for mayor of Greater New York, 1897. Pres ident and director Columbia University Press. Mem ber City, University,. Authors', Metropolitan, Univer sity Glee and Bamard Clubs, Hamilton Club of Brooklyn, Columbia University Alumni, Down Town and Century Associations, American Geographical, Dunlap, American Fine Arts, New England and Phi Beta Kappa Societies, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. LOW, WALTER CARROLL— Lawyer, 20 Broad street. New York City; residence 509 Filth street, Brooklyn. Member Montauk Club ol Brooklyn, and Mendelssohn Glee Club. LOW, WILL H.— Artist, Lawrence Park, Bronx ville. Born in Albany, N. Y., May 31, 1853. Pupil ol Carolus-Duran, Paris, Prance. (Married.) Designed diploma ol awards lor World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Has been awarded several medals. Delegate to Fine Arts Federation; flrst vice-president National Society ol Mural Painters. Member Players' Club, American Fine Arts Society, Society of Ameri can Artists, National Society of Mural Painters, Cen tury Association, National -Academy of Design, Archi tectural League and Fine Arjs Federation. LOWE, WILLIAM B.— Insurance, 69 Wall street. New York City; residence Plainfield, N. J. Born In New York City, Oct. 30, 1844. Educated in New York City. (Married.) Director New York Fire Insurance Co. Member New York Yacht and Lawyers' Clubs, and Down Town Association. LOWELL, ORSON— Illustrator, 3 Union square. West, New York City; residence 11 Eaist 22d street. Born in Wyoming, Iowa, Dec. 22, 1871. Educated In Chicago public schools, and at Chicago Art Institute. (Married Jessie M. Hall of Chicago, 1898.) Makes a specialty of the illustration of books and magazines. LOWERY, GIRARD C. W.— Vice-President, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence Larchmont, Born in Newark, N. J. (Married.) Vice-president New Mexico Ry. and Coal Co. ; director St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Ry. Co., Bl Paso and North eastern Ry. Co. and "White Oaks and Kansas City Ry. Co. Member Union League, Larchmont Yacht and New York Yacht Clubs and Detroit (Mich.) Club. LOWN, WILLIAM E.— President, 35 WaU street, New York City; residence 263 West 54th street. Bom in Rhinebeck, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1849. Educated at Michi gan University. (Single.) President and director Tidal Oil Co.; director Samabria Gold Mining and Trading Co., South American Promoting Syndicate Co. and United States Tunnel Mining, Milling, Drainage and Transportation Co. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon Club. LOWREY, FRANCIS PORTER— Lawyer, 27 Wil liam street. New York City; residence 66 Madison ave nue. Born in New York City, Nov. 4, 1863. Educated at St. John's School in Sing Sing, Harvard Law School and Columbia Law School. (Single.) Secretary and director Edison Spanish Colonial Light Co.; director and member of the executive committee, No. 121 Madi son Avenue Co. ; director Bonfils Improvement Co. and Brooklyn Borough Gas Co. Member Union, Calumet and Delta Phi Clubs, Columbia University Alumni As sociation and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. LOWREY, GEORGE N.— Publisher, 13 Astor place. New York City; residence 551 Third street, Brooklyn. Born in Deckertown, N. J., Dec. 29, 1863. Educated at Harvard and University of Michigan. (Married.) President Geo. N. Lowrey Co., publishers of "The Clothier and Furnisher" of New York City and Chi cago, of which he was formerly the editor. LOZIBR, HIRAM— 82 Lander street, Newburgh. Bora in Newburgh, June 4, 1852. Educated at New burgh Academy. (Married.) Connected with the Fishkill Landing Machine Co. Formerly excise com missioner of Newburgh. Now member of Newburgh Board of Education and chairman of committee of Newburgh City Library. Member Newburgh Histori cal Society (trustee), Holland Society of New York City, Masonic Veterans (treasurer) and Newburgh Academy Alumni (treasurer) Associations, Sons of the American Revolution and other organizations. LOZIBR, ROBERT T.— 220 Broadway, New York City; residence New Brighton, S. I. Born in South Norwalk, Conn., May 5, 1868. Educated In public schools and at Packard's Business College. (Single.) Formerly member of the flrm ol Warren & Lozier, and assistant manager in the lighting department ol the 278 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK.' Generail Electric Co. Now connected with the Bul lock Electric Co. Member Engineers', Seawanhaka- Corinthian Yacht and Harbour HUl Goll Clubs, Naval Reserve Association and American Institute ol Elec- trl<»il Engineers. LUCAS, ARTHUR— Journalist 61 State street, Al bany. Bora In Albany, Sept. 10, 1869. Educated at Dartmouth College. (Married.) Interested In news paper work since 1886. Now on the editorial staff ol the Albany "Evening Journal." LUCAS, EDWIN J.— Real Estate and Builder, Lu cas Building, Mount Vernon; residence Sound Beach, Conn. Bom In Mount Vernon, 1867. Educated In IMount Vernon public schools. (Married.) Has been largely Interested in the development and building up ol Chester Hill, one ol Mount Vernon's best residence sections; built and owns the Lucais Building (Mount Vernon City HaU), the pioneer steel flre-prool building In Westchester County. Also develojied the Green wich Cove water Iront property on Sound Beach, Conn., and Is the owner ol the Greenwich Cove Casino. Member New York Athletic and Riverside Yacht Clubs, City Club ol Mt. Vemon, and Innis Arden Goll Club ol Sound Beach, Conn. LUCAS, E. W. VAN C— Lieutenant, Engineer Bat talion, United States Army, WiUets Point. Member Army and Navy Club. LUCE, HARRY J.— Cigar Manulacturer, 1228 Sec ond avenue. New York City; residence 32 West 73d street. Director New York Pneumatic Cigar Rolling Co. Member New York Athletic, Colonial, and Sub urban Riding and Driving Clubs. LUCE, ROBERT LEE— Lawyer, 7 WaU street. New York City; residence 6 East Ninth street. Bom in Hartwick, Otsego County, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1862. Edu cated at WiUlston Seminary and at Yale. (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol Luce, Davis & Griffin. Member New York Athletic, Yale, Manhattan and Psi UpsUon Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New ,. ^^^^'^ PATRICK ANTHONY-Roman Cath- ?ooo Bishop, Syracuse. Born near Castlebar, Ireland. 1838. Educated at St. Jariath's College in Ireland an(i L ^/^?„^o. Seminaire. Montreal. Canada. Ordained priest. 1864. Rector ol Albany Cathedral and vlcar- general ol the diocese. 1877-80; rector ol St. Peter's Ma^/lf'tSS?."^' ^^^^"^¦' eonsecrated Bishop ol Syracuse. LUDINGTON. BENJAMIN L.— Lawyer. 40 WaU B;^S„^l'^7°'''^^"yi''®^*"^^"=e 44 Bast 69th street P.SfP 'Sfi:^ip^^rpp'''^'^i Wallabout Bank. Ex-presMeS Of t?e^S.'^•= director Nassau Island, and'*^°ocPe\"y'^o'l Sid BVtkfy^nft°es!'*^ °' LUDLOW. HENRY GILBERT — Inventor and Manufacturer. Troy. Bom In Nassau, Rensselaer County. N. Y., March 28, 1823. Educated at Union Col lege ('43). (Married Harriet M. Shattuck ol Burling ton, Vt. 1854.) Invented the Ludlow straightway slide- stop valve and engaged in its mamulacture. Incorporat ing the Ludlow Valve Ml'g Co.; retired Irom active business in 1891. LUDLOW. JAMBS B.— Lawyer. 45 Cedar street. New York City; residence 27 West 26th street. Bom in "Rose Cottage," Yonkers, N. Y.. May 30, 1859. Edu cated at Harrington's School in Westchester, 1869-71; abroad, 1871-3; St. John's School in Sing Sing, 1873-7; Harvard (A.B.. '81) and Harvard Law School (LL.B.. '84); admitted to the Bar in New York City, 1885. (Single.) Senior member ol the flrm ol Ludlow, Town- send, Sedgrwick & Timpson. Member City, University, Parmachenee and Caughnawauga (Adirondack) Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, Century and Down Town Associations, St. Nicholas Society, Ameri can Museum ol Natural History, Archaeological Asso ciation ol America, Association ol'the Bar ol the City ol New York, and associate member ol the Musical Art Society. - LTTDLUM, GEORGE P.— Superintendent, 7 West 15th street. New York City; residence 8 West 16th street. Bom in New York City, 1844. Educated at Rochester University. (Married.) Superintendent New York Hospital. LUKE, ADAM K.— Secretary, 309 Broadway, New York City; residence 553 Third street,. Brooklyn. Mem ber Arkwright Club, and Crescent Athletic and Mon tauk Clubs ol Brooklyn. LUMMIS, CHARLES A.— Stock Broker, 3 Broad street. New York City; residence 35 East 30th street. Member ol the flrm ol Lummls & Parsons and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member New York Ath letic, Manhattan and Catholic Clubs and Sons ol the Revolution. LUMMIS, J. MAXWELL— Broker, 58 Wall street. New York City; residence Ozone Park, L. I. Born in New York City Nov. 18, 1847. Educated at Free Acad emy, now the College ol the City ol New York. (Single.) Nephew ol the late John O'Brien, who be queathed him his seat in the Stock Exchange. Is in partnership with Joseph O'Brien. Member Democratic Club, ol which he was one ol the first governors. LUMMIS, WILLIAM— Banker, 37 Wall street, New 'York City; residence 4 East 66th street. Bora In ?cT 7°/^ City 1841. Educated at Columbia College ( 69), Member ol the New York Stock Exchange. Di rector Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co., Newburgh. Dutchess and Connecticut R. R. Co.. Rome. Water- town and Ogdensburg R. R. Co., Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain R, R, Co., Oswego and Rome R. R. Co.. it^^^t -Cpolina and Georgia R. R. Co. and Utica and New YnPP''Pii.Pu^°- Member Manhattan, Lawyers'. New Y(3rk Athletic and Relorm Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution, Metropolitan Museum ol Art. New York Histery ^°°'®*^ ^""^ American Museum ol Natural LUNGREN. HARVEY — Artist. 3 Washington nT%'\1^'''-^a^^7^''' ^"y- Born in MarylSfd" rP -h 1-r^^®- Educated at University ol Maryland (Married Henrietta Whipple. 1898.) ^gaged pS pally as a figure and landscape painter; also as illus trator on periodicals. Member Aldine Assoclatfon! cage. 111., and In Pacific Bank ol New Tork ^•^f•^ -mJ,™. connected with the United Sta?es Si^-TreasuJy Sen lor warden or Roome Lodge No. 746. F. & A M ami ol the Council ol Princes A A s ol New Tork City and Brooklyn, and St. Paul's Chapter and Long Island Assembly ol the Brotherhood ol St. Andrew. 280 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. LTNCH, JAMES D.— Real Estate, 41 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 129 East 21st street. Born in New Tork City, Feb. 17, 1848. Educated at Seton HaU College. (Single.) Director Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co. and 'Htle Guarantee and Trast Co. Member Manhattan, New Tork Tacht, Biding, Re lorm and CathoUc Clubs, Brooklyn Club, New Tork Historical and American Geographical Societies and Down Town Association. LTNCH, ROBERT B.— Merchamt, 52 Front street. New Tork City; residence Mansion House, Brooklyn. Member Atlantic Tacht Club, Montauk Club ol Brook lyn, and Circle Colon Cervantes. LTNDE, ROLLIN HARPER — Lawyer, 31 Pine street. New Tork City; residence South Orange, N. J. Educated at Princeton ('77). Member Princeton, Uni versity, Baltusrol Goll and University Glee Clubs, South Orange (N. J.) Field Club, Nassau Club ol Princeton University, and Down Town Association. LTNN, JOHN— Novelties, 48 Bond street. New Tork City; residence 141 West llth street. Member ol the firm ol John Lynn & Co. Member Manhattan, Relorm, New Tork Athletic, TwUlght, Democratic, City and Lotos Clubs and Aldine Association. LTNN, WAUHOPE — Lawyer, 150 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 17 King street. Born in Ireland, Dec. 14, 1856. (Son ol Crawlord and Mary A. Lynn.) Educated In Ireland, In New Tork City public schools and at New Tork University Law School ("82). Docket clerk in the county clerk's office, 1882; assist ant district attorney, 1891-2; Judge ol the First Dis trict Municipal Court, 1892-9. President and director American Law Advice Association. LTON, APPLETON P.— Prolessor, 17 Main street Peeksklli. Educated at Amherst College. Member Relorm Club and Scientiflc Alliance ol New Tork City, and Amherst Alumni Association. LTON, GEORGE W.— Lawyer, 47 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 1 Bast 39th street. Member Union League and Republican Clubs, New England Society, MUitary Order ol the Loyal Legion, Lalayette Post, G. A. R., and Association of the Bar of the City • of New Tork. LTON, NEWTON C— Treasurer, 11 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Montciair, N. J. Bora In Parsippany, N. J., Oct. 4, 1861. (Married.) Treasurer, secretary and director Dutton Pneumatic Lock and Engineering Co. and Lorena Co.; treasurer and di rector Ardsley Electric Co. and Ardsley Water Co.; secretary and director Trinidad Asphalt Co. and Lo- comobUe Co. of America. LTON, WILLIAM H.— Retired Merchant, 170 New Tork avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Holland, Hampden Co. Mass., Oct. 18, 1819. Educated In public school and by private tutor. (Married.) Was appointed by Pres ident Grant a member of the United States Board ol Indian Commissioners and has served on the board during the administration ol seven Presidents. Vice- president and trustee Hamilton Trust Co.; director Bedlord Bank and Brooklyn Lile Insurance Co. Mem ber Union League Club ol Brooklyn. LTON, WILLIAM J.-Lawyer and Expert Ac countant, 280 Broadway, New Tork City; residence St. Nicholas avenue and 150th street. Born In New Tork City, Dec. 9, 1847. Educated at Princeton. (Married.) Auditor City Finance Department 1883-96; deputy comptroUer 1896-8; expert accountant in comptroUer's office, since 1898. Member Manhattan, Colonial, Prince ton, Democratic, Pontiac and Minqua Clubs. LTONS, JULIUS J.-Lawyer, 320 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 61 East 53d street. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 7, 1843. (Son ol Rev. Jacques J., and Grace Lyons.) Educated by private tutors. In public schools, and at New Tork University. (Married Con stance, daughter ol Uriah Hendricks ol New Tork City.) Member ol the firm ol Julius J., & Allred Lyons. Was one ol the organizers, and Is now counsel and a director ol the State Bank. Was the lounder and conductor ol the Metropolitan Amateur Orchestra until it was merged Into the Metropolitan Musical So ciety, ol which he then became president. Served as judge advocate ol the Second Brigade and major on the staff ol General Vilmar, N. G. N. T. Was until re cently, and lor twelve years, a director and honorary secretary ol the Montefiore Home lor Chronic In valids; lor ten years was assistant secretary and alterwards honorary secretary and a director In Mt. Sinai Hospital; was also honorary secretary and a director in Hebrew Technical Institute lor two years. Composed the opera "The Lady or the Tiger," pro duced originally by the McCaulI Opera Company, and again later by the De Wolff Hopper Company; also composer ol many sacred and other musical compo sitions. Member Manhattan Club and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. M MABIE, HAMILTON WRIGHT- Editor, 287 Fourth avenue. New Tork City. Bora in Cold Spring, N. T., Dec. 13, 1845. Educated at Williams College (A.B., A.M. and L.H.D.) and at Columbia College Law School (LL.B.) Associate editor ol "The Outlook." Trustee Williams College and Barnard College. Au thor ol "Essays on Work and Culture," "Essays on Books and Culture," "Essays on Nature and Culture," "My Study Fire," "Short Studies in Literature," "Es says on Literary Interpretation" and other works. Member Barnard, Alpha Delta Phi and Authors' Clubs and Century, Williams College Alumni and Aldine As sociations. MACARTHUR, JAMES— Editor, 151 Filth avenue, New Tork City; residence Madison, N. J. Bom In Glasgow, Scotland, Feb. 18, 1866. Educated In Glas gow. (Married.) Came to the United States in 1888. Editor ol "The Bookman" since 1894; also general lit erary adviser ol Dodd, Mead & Co. Dramatized Ian Maclaren's "Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush." MACARTHUR, JOHN R.— La'wyer, 18 Wall street New Tork City. Born In Mount Morris, Livingston Co., N. T., 1862. Educated at Harvard University and Law School. (Mar»ied Pauline Amours.) Has been secre tary to United States Legation at Madrid; assistant secretary Paris Peace Commission, and secretary and counsel to Philippines Commission. Member Harvard and Social Relorm Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. MACARTHUR, ROBERT STUART— Baptist Cler gyman, 358 West 57th street. New Tork City. Born In Dalesville, Canada, July 31, 1841. Educated at Wood stock Literary Institute In Canada, at Rochester Uni versity and at Rochester Theological Seminary (D.D.). Degree ol LL.D. Irom Columbian University, Wash ington, D. C. Was editor ol "Baptist Quarterly" and "Christian Inquirer;" director Jennie Clarkson Home lor Children, and lor eighteen years weekly corres pondent ol the "Chicago Standard." Pastor ol Cal vary Baptist Church; trustee Rochester University. Author ol five volumes of sermons and many other works. Member Patria, Psi Upsilon and Lotos Clubs and Baptist Social Union. MACCAUD, FRANCIS W.— Protestant Episcopal ian Clergyman, Whitney Point. Born In Ireland. Edu cated at University ol Dublin ('89). Deacon, 1895; priest, 1897. Rector Grace Church at Whitney Point Author ol "God In Science." MacCLBAN, EDWARD A.— Banker, 36 Wall street. New Tork City; residence Glen Ridge, N. J. Director Alaskan and Dominion Construction and Development Co., American Drug and Chemical Co., Bornn & Co., Northern Finance Co., San Domingo Finance Co., San Domingo Improvement Co. and Saranac Land and Timber Co. MAC COUN, TOWNSEND— Author and Manulac turer, 45 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 251 West 81st street Born in Troy, N. Y., 1845. Educated at WiUiams CoUege under Dr. Hopkins. (Married.) Sec retary and treasurer Horton Basket Machine Co. Au thor ol historical geography charts ol the United States, used In lour thousand high schools and col leges, and historical geography charts ol Europe, used in five hundred colleges and advanced schools. Mem ber American Geographical Society and American Historical Association. MacCRACKEN, henry MITCHELL — College President, University Heights, New York City; resi dence "Overbrook," Pine Hill. Bora in Oxlord, Ohio, Sept. 28, 1840. Educated at Miami University, United Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Princeton Theo logical Seminary and at the Universities ol Tubingen and Berlin, Germany. Degrees ol D.D. Irom Univer sity ol Wittenberg In 1878 and LL.D. Irom Miami Uni versity in 1887. (Married Catherine Hubbard ol Co lumbus, Ohio, 1872.) Held several pastorates in Ohio, 1863-80; chancellor Western University ol Pennsylva nia, 1880-4; vice-chancellor and prolessor ol philosophy at New York University, 1884-91; Chancellor since 1891. Author ol "A MetropoUtan University," "Leaders ol the Church Universal" and other works. Member Ohio Society and Presbyterian Union. MACDONA, HENRY D.— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence Dongan and Caixton streets. Born in New York City, 1854. Educated at Columbia and Manhattan Colleges. (Single.) Coun sel Metropolitan Street Ry. Co.; director American Mail Steamship Co. and American Indies Co. Member Catholic, Larchmont Yacht, Manhattan, New York Yacht and Knollwood Country Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. MACDONALD, BENJAMIN J. — Treasurer, 73 Water street, Newburgh; residence Newburgh. Born In New York City, March 8, 1860. Educated In Newburgh public schools and Free Academy. (Mar ried.) Treasurer Consumers' Gas Co.; director Build ing and Loan Association ol Newburgh. Junior mem ber of the flrm of Logan & Macdonald. Regents' ex aminer of the University ol the State of New York for St. Mary's Academy, Newburgh. Member Newburgh City Club, Newburgh Wheelmen, Catholic Club of New York City, and American Gas Light Association. MacDONALD, C-ARLOS P.— Physician, 85 Madison avenue. New York City; residence PleasantviUe. Born in Nlles, Trumbull Co., Ohio, Aug. 29, 1845. Educated In Ohio public and high schools, at Iron City College in Pittsburg, and at Bellevue Hospital Medical Col lege ('69) In New York City. (Married.) Served in Civil War with Sixth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry; on the staff of the Kings County Hospital at Flatbush, 1869-70; assistant physician in Platbush Insane Asy lum, 1870-3; superintendent of same, 1873-5; superin tendent of the Auburn State Asylum, 1875-7; one ol the managers ol the State Inebriate Asylum at Bing hamton (by appointment of Governor Robinson), 1877-80; again superintendent of the Auburn Asylum, 1881-9; president of the newly-created State Commis sion In Lunacy (by appointment of Governor Hill), 1889 to serve six years; re-appointed by Governor Mor ton, 1S95; resigned in 1896; lecturer on insanity In Al bany Medical College for two years. Now professor of mental diseases and medical jurisprudence In the University and BeUevue Hospital Medical College, with which he has been connected for flfteen years, and proprietor of Dr. MacDonald' s Home, a sanitarium for the insane at PleasantviUe. Has revised the plans of all new hospital buildings erected by the State since 1891; attended and reported to the Governor the early electrical executions; has served on many special commissions in lunacy, and contributed numerous articles to the literature of mental diseases. Member New York County Medical and iJew York State Medi cal Societies, American Medico-Psychological Associa tion and many others. MacDONALD, CHARLES — CivU Engineer, 1 Broadway, New York City; residence 247 Fifth avenue. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ('57). Member Engineers', University, Lawyers', Union, Church and Players' Clubs, American Society ol Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical B,ngineers, Century Association and Metropolitan Museum of Art. MACDONALD, GEORGE ALEXANDER- Law yer, 15 WaU street, New York City. (Son of Alexander and Janet Campbell [Erskine] Macdonald.) Educated at Columbia College (B.S., '91) and at New York Uni versity Law School. Practicing in New York City since his admission to the Bar in 1892. (Single.) Au thor of "How Successful Lawyers Were Educated" (1896). Member Delta UpsUon, Essex County (N. J.) 282 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Country and Delta Chi Clubs. New York University Alumni and University Law School Alumni Associa tions, Society of American Authors and Kane Loage, F, & A. M. MACDONALD, GORDON — Banker, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence Hartsdale. Vice- president and trustee Continental Trust Co.; vice- president and director Nicaragua Co.; secretary and director Frankfort American Insurance Co. Member Down Town and Century Associations. MACDONALD, JAMES A.— Insurance, 43 Cedar street. New York City; residence Flushing, L. I. Born In New York City, March 16, 1844. Educated at Colum bia ('63) and Yale. (Married.) President and director (Jueen Insurance Co.; -vice-president and director United Verde and Paciflc Ry. Co., United Verde Cop per Co. and Waclark Wire Co. Member University and Players' Clubs and Down Town Association. MacDONALD, JOSEPH, Jr.— PubUsher, 100 WU Uam street New York City; residence Newark, N. J. Bom in BranchvIUe, Sussex Co., N. J., 1869. Educated In New Jersey. (Married.) Delegate to International Medical Publishers' Congress, Paris, June, 1900. Sec retary and director International Journal ol Surgery Co. Meniber Drag Trade Club, New York Medico- Legal Society and New York State Association ol Railway Surgeons (honorary). MaoDONALD, WILLIAM H.— Opera Singer and Manager, 1440 Broadway, New York City. Born In SteubenviUe, Ohio. Received a musical education In England, Germany and Italy. Made flrst prolessional appearance In Italy In "11 Trovatore"; continued In Italian opera until he became a member ol the Emma Abbott Co. Organized in 1887 and is still with "The Bostonians." Member Lambs' Club. MacDONOUGH, JAMBS— President, 86 Trinity place. New York CJity; residence Hotel Majestic. President and director American Bank Note Co. Mem ber Lawyers' Club and American Geographical So ciety. MAODOUG-4L, DANIEL T.— Botanist, Bronx Park, New York City. Bora in Liberty, Ind., March 16, 1865. Educated at DePauw University (A.B., '90, and A.M., '94), Purdue University (M.S., '91, and Ph.D., '97), and at Tubingen and Leipzig, Germany. (Married Louise Fisher ol Cincinnati, Ohio, 1893.) Agent ol United States Department ol Agriculture on explorations in Arizona and Idaho, 1891-2; Instructor in plant physiol ogy at University ol Minnesota, 1893-5; prolessor ol same, 1895-9. Director New York Botanical Gardens since 1899. Frequent contributor to scientiflc journals. MacDOUG-\LL, CLINTON D.— Manulacturer ol Agricultural Implements, Auburn. Born In Glasgow, Scotland, June 14, 1839. Educated In Canada at Jor dan Academy. Served with New York Volunteers dur ing Civil War; was brevetted brigadier-general lor gallantry in action; commanded a brigade in the Army ol the Potomac. Postmaster ol Aubum, 1869-73; Con gressman, 187317; United States Marshal lor Northern District ol New York, 1877-85; Presidential Elector, 1888. Declined appointment as Treasurer ol the Unit ed States and other important positions. MacDOWELL, BDWARD ALEXANDER- Musi cian, 116th street and Mornlngside Heights, New York City; residence Hotel Majestic. Born in New York City, Dec. 18, 1861. Received a musical education in Europe and degree ol Mus. Doc. Returned to New York City In 1888. Prolessor ol music at Columbia University. Well known as a composer and as a con cert pianist. Member Mendelssohn Glee Club. MacDUFPIE, rufus L.— Railway Equipment Merchant, 26 Cortlandt street. New York City; resi dence 571 Park avenue. Born In Cambridge, Mass Dec. 30, 1866. Educated at Harvard ("90). (Married) Member ol the firm ol Wendell & MacDuffle. Presi dent Rockland Cemetery Co.; director Houghton County Street Ry. Co. Member Harvard, University University Glee, Transportation, Seawanhaka-Corin-^ thian Yacht and Oyster Bay Yacht Clubs, Graduates' Club ol New Haven, Conn., New England Society and Sons ol the American Revolution. MACFADDEN, BBRNARR A.-Editor, Lecturer and Inventor, 88 Gold street New York (Jity. Bora near MUI Springs, Mo., Aug. 16, 1868. Educated In common schools. (Single.) Editor ol "Physical Cul- tu^" and ol "Macl'adden's Physical Culture Month ly " London, England. Inventor ol various devices lor exercise Was an athlete of prominence in the wrest- tog arena 1890-3. -Author ol "Macladden's Physical Training." MacFARLAND, WILLIAM W.-Lawyer, 22 Wil liam street. New York City; residence Arrochar Rich mond Borough. Member Manhattan, Richmond county Country and Metropolitan Clubs, Down Town Association, and Association ol the Bar ol the City of New York. MACPARLANB, WALL.4.CE— Lawyer, 32 Liberty street. New York City; residence 80 Washington square, East. Born in Canada. Educated at Harvard ('79) Formerly United States District Attoraey for the Southern District of New York, by appointment of President Cleveland. Member University, Reform and Harvard Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. MacGREGOR. WALTER I.-Lawyer. 28 Snow Building Syracuse; residence 200 Woodland avenue. Born In 'Madison County. N. Y.. June 23. 1846. Edu cated at Cornell (A.B., '68. and A.M.. '71). (Married.) Chairman legislative and law committee of New York State Fish. Game and Forest League. Member Alpha Delta Phi. Coraell University and Citizen's Clubs. MacGREGOR, WILLARD H.— Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 136 Liberty street. New York City; residence 359 West 27th street Born in New Tork City, May 3, 1865. Educated at the College of the City of New Tork and Stevens Institute of Technology. (Single.) General Eastera agent, and manager of New Tork offlce, of Cutler-Hammer Ml'g Co. ol Milwaukee, Wis.; director Teachers' Co-operative Building and Loan Association ol New Tork. Was assistant super intendent and sales agent Ward-Leonard Electric Co. ol Bronxville. Member Mendelssohn Glee Club, Mu sical Art and New Tork Electrical Societies, American Institute ol Blectrloai Engineers and Tau Beta Pi Fra ternity. MacGREGOR, WILLIAM ALEXANDER — Teacher, 610 Filth avenue, New Tork City; residence Englewood, N. J. Bora In Dumburtonshire, Scotland, Sept. 21, 1848. (Son ol Captain A. W. R. MacGregor of the British Army.) Came to the United States in 1865. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy. (Single.) Member Democratic, Englewood (N. J.) Field and En glewood Goll Clubs, Chancellor Walworth Lodge, Triune Chapter Palestine Commandery, Mecca Tem ple, and a thirty-second degree Mason, MACHEN, E. C— Railroad Builder and Operator, 293 Broadway, New Tork City. Bora In Kentucky, Jan. 11, 1847. Educated In country schools. (Single.) President and director Alabama River Barge Line and R. R. Co. and Inter State Finance Co.; vice-president Inter State Typewriter Co.; director Ferguson Con tracting Co. MACK, ARTHUR J.— Manulacturer, 627 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 304 West 85th street. Bora in Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 5, 1862. Educated in Stuttgart, Germany, and at College ol the City of New York. (Married.) Vice-president and director Standard Summer Neckwear Co. MACK, HARRY W. — Publisher, 11 John street New York City; residence 204 West 86th street. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, March 13, 1861. Educated at Col lege ol the City ol New York and Harvard. (Wid ower.) President and director Trades Weekly Co. ; di rector Rheinsteln Dry Goods Co.; also connected with Jewelers' Circular Publishing Co. Member Relorm, Harvard and Phi Beta Kappa Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. MACK, JACOB W.— Publisher, 58 William street New York City; residence 129 West 75th street Sec retary and director Underwriter Printing and Publish ing Co.; director "Weekly Underwriter" Co. Member Relorm Club, American Geographical Society, Metro poUtan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Nat ural History. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 283 MACK, NORMAN BDWARD — Editor and Pub lisher, 193 Main street, Buffalo; residence 1106 Dela ware avenue. Born in West Williams, Ontario, Can ada, July 24, 1855 Educated In common schools. (Mar ried Harriet B. Taggart ol Buffalo'.) Editor and pub lisher "Buffalo Times." Established the Buffalo "Sun day Times" in 1879 and the "Daily Times" In 1883. Delegate to National Democratic Conventions ol 1892, 1896 and 1900. MACK, AVILLIAM R.— Manulacturer, 18 Brown's Race, Rochester; residence 22 Cumberland street. Bom in Oswego, N. Y., July 30, 1851. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Mack & Co. Member Adirondack League Club. MACKAY, ARCJHIBALD K.— Real Estate, 6 Wall street, New York City; residence 104 East 36th street. Educated at Harvard. Member Harvard, Knicker bocker and Delta Phi Clubs. MACKAY, CHARI-ES C— Secretary, 45 Broadway, New York City; residence Bay Ridge. Secretary, treasurer and director Randolph Water Co.; secretary American Linoleum Ml'g Co. Member Ridge Ciub ol Bay Ridge, and Crescent -Athletic Club ol Brooklyn. M-4.CKAY, CLARENCE H.— CapitaUst, 253 Broad way, New York City; residence Westbury, L. I. (Mar ried.) President and director American Forcite Pow der Ml'g Co. and Commercial Cable Co. ol Cuba; vice- president and director Commercial Cable Co.; director Postal Telegraph Cable Co., Commercial Cable and Telegraph Co. and Queens County Horse Show. Mem ber Lawyers', Union, Metropolitan, Hardware, Rac quet and Tennis, Carteret Gun, Atlantic Yacht and New York Yacht Clubs, Country Club ol Westchester, and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. MACKAY, HENRY— Carpet Merchant, 82 Worth street. New York City; residence 73d street and Shore Road, Brooklyn. Vice-president, treasurer and direc tor American Linoleum Ml'g Co. Member Crescent Athletic, and Riding and Driving Clubs ol Brooklyn, Merchants' Club ol New York City and Ridge Club ol Bay Ridge. MACKAY, JOHN WILLIAM — Capitalist 253 Broadway, New York City; residence 6 Carleton ter race, London, England, and San Francisco, Cal. Bom In Dublin. Ireland, Nov. 28. 1831. Educated In New York City; learned shlp-bulldlng trade. -Went to Cali lornia In 1851. and to Nevada In 1860, and engaged In mining. Established (with Messrs. Flood and Fair) the Nevada Baink in San Francisco and Is still Its presi dent; also established (with James Gordon Bennett) the Commercial Cable Co. President and director Pos tal Telegraph Cable Co. Member Lawyers', Players' and Hardware Clubs and American Geographical So ciety. MACKEY. CHARLES WILLIAM — Lawyer, 253 Broadway, New York City; residence 5 East 17th street. Bora In Franklin. Pa., Nov. 19, 1842. Educated in Franklin. (Married.) Was president and solicitor Pittsburg, Bradlord and Buffalo R. R. Co. and Nor lolk. Albemarle and Atlantic R. R. Co.; president Co lumbia Gas Light and Fuel Co.; vice-president and solicitor Cincinnati and Southeastern R. R. Co.. and Olean, Bradlord and Warren R. R. Co.; vice-president and director Firth-Sterling Steel Co.; special agent United States Treasury; mayor, solicitor and council man ol Franklin. Pa.; commander Knights Templar; deputy grand master. Masons and Royal Arch Maisons; commander G. A. R. ; attorney Allegheny Valley R. R. Co. and Pittsburg and Western R. R. Co.; director Savings and Exchange Banks ol Franklin, Pa., and others. Now president and director Franklin Steel Casting Co.; Tripod Pole Co. and Indiana Central Ry. Co.; vice-president and director Wheeler-Sterling Pro jectile Co. and New York Connecting Ry. Co.; solicitor and director Pennsylvania Mining and Milling Co. and Mogul Tunnel and Transportation Co. ; director Amer ican Axe and Tool Co.; solicitor Colorado and North western Ry. Co. Member Army and Navy, New York, Hardware and Colonial CJlubs, Duquesne Club ol Pitts burg, Nursery CJlub ol FrankUn, Pa., Grosvenor Club ol London, England, Military Order ol the Loyal Le gion and Fellow American Geographical Society. MACKEY, OSCAR T. — BuUder, 237 West 50th street. New York City; residence 165 West 81st street. Member Colonial, New York Athletic, BuUding Trades and Carteret Gun Clubs, Aldine Association, Metropoli tan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. MACKEY, WILLIAM FLEMIN(5— State Senator, Senate Chamber, Albany, and Lawyer, 1020 Prudential BuUding, Buffalo. Born in Albion, Orleans Co., N. Y., January, 1858. Studied law in the office ol Ellsworth, Potter & Brundage ol Lockport, and was admitted to the Bar In 1879. (Married Ella L. Robinson, 1877.) Practicing in Buffalo since 1882. Was president ol the Cleveland Democracy during the campaigns ol 1888 and 1892. Received an appointment as assistant city attomey In 1888 and as Assistant United States Dis trict Attoraey in 1893; held the latter position until 1897, when he retired to lorm the law partnership ol Mackey & Bell, ol which firm he Is still the senior member. Now represents the Forty-seventh District in the State Senate. MACKIE, DAVID IVES— Lawyer, 43 Cedar street, New York City; residence 233 West 83d street. Born in Great Barrington, Mass., Feb. 6, 1862. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) Member Harvard and Univer sity Clubs and New England Society. MACKINTOSH, ALEXANDER — Architect, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence 132 Remsen street, Brooklyn. Bora and educated In Inverness, Scotland. (Single.) Member Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, Architectural League and associate mem ber Royal Institute ol British Architects. MACKINTOSH, ROBERT W.— Decorator and De signer, 420 Broome street. New York CJity; residence 530 Monroe avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Born in New York City, 1860. Educated In New Jersey. (Single.) Deslgner-ln-chlel lor Nevlus & Havlland. (Member Town and Country, and Mattano Clubs ol Elizabeth, Balustrol Goll Club ol Milburn, N. J., Cyclists Touring Club ol England, and Kappa Alpha Fraternity. MACLAY, ALFRED B.-Banker, 234 Filth avenue. New York City; residence 50 West 57th street. Secre- ta.ry and treasurer Knickerbocker Trust Co.; director Northern Dispensary. Member Calumet and Riding Clubs. MACLAY, EDGAR STANTON— Author, Old Field Point, Setauket, L. I. Born in Foo Chow, China, April 18, 1863. Educated at Syracuse University (A.B. and A.M.). (Married.) Reporter on "Brooklyn Times," 1886-90; on New York "Tribune," 1890-3; on editorial staff ol "Tribune," 1893-5; on New York "Sun," 1895-6; became light-house keeper at Old Fleld Point In 1896; has since devoted his time to historical work. Author ol "The History ol the United States Navy," "Remi niscences ol the Old Navy" and "The History ol Amer ican Privateers." MACLAY, ISAAC W.— Real Estate, 44 Pine street. New York City; residence 304 Palisade avenue, Yon kers. Educated at New York Military Academy. President and director Maclay & Davies Real Estate Co.; vice-president and director Pelhamdale Land Co. Member Delta Phi Club, New York Historical Society, Society ol the War ol 1812, Sons ol the Revolution and New York Military Academy Alumni Association. MACLAY, MARK WALTON— Merchant, 56 Beaver street. New York City; residence 13 West 31st street. Born and educated in New York City. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Jeremiah P. Robinson & Co. Treasurer and director Cayuga Lake Salt Co.; direc tor National Salt Co.; trustee Bowery Savings Bank. Member Manhattan and Calumet Clubs and Down Town Association. MACLAY, WILLIAM WALKER— Civil Engineer, 44 Pine street. New York City; residence Glens Falls. Bora In New York City, March 27, 1846. Educated at United States Naval Academy and at New York Uni versity (C.E., '73). (Married Marian Bensel ol New York City, 1874.) Served throughout ClvU War; pro moted to lieutenant, Nov. 10, 1866, and lieutenant-com mander, March 12, 1868. Became assistant prolessor ol mathematics at United States Naval Academy, but 284 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. resigned to study civil engineering; was connected with the New York City Department ol Docks lor several years. President and manager Glens FaUs Portland Cement Co.; director Standard SiUca Cement Co. Member Manhattan Club, Institution ol Civil En gineers ol London, England, and American Society ol ClvU Engineers. Maclean. CHARLES p.- supreme Court Jus tice, County Court House, New York City; residence 2122 Filth avenue. Born In New York City, 1847. Edu cated In public schools, at Sheffleld Scientific School ol Yale University, and at the University ol Berlin, Ger many. (Married.) Police commissioner. New York City, 1879-80; park commissioner, 1880-3; again police commissioner, 1888-94 and president ol the Board, 1889-90; health commissioner, 1889-90. Justice ol the Supreme Court ol New York since 1896; term expires Dec. 31, 1909. Member Manhattan, Lawyers', Demo cratic, Baraard, New York Press. Collie, Relorm, Lotos, Bull Dog, Knollwood Country, Yale, German Press and Phi Beta Kappa (Jlubs, Arion Society, Lied erkranz, Yale Alumni -Association, and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, Maclean, S-4.MUBL R.— Fiscal Agent and Ap praiser, 39 Broad street. New York City; residence Rye. Born In Pittsburg, Pa.. April 5, 1842. Educated by private tutors and at Western University ol Penn sylvania, Commercial College in Pittsburg, WUliston Seminary In Bast Hampton, Mass., Phillips Andover Academy and at Yale ('65). (Married first, a daughter ol Rev. Henry Wood, D.D. ; second a daughter ol Jas. Schoonmaker.) Special United States Fiscal Agent, 1869-70; pro tem. fiscal agent lor presidents ol the Pennsylvania, Union Pacific, Central Pacific, Northern Pacific, Central Iowa and Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad Companies, and over one hundred others; trust officer American Loan and Trust Co., 1886-9; lounder and president ol the Franklin Literary So ciety ol Pittsburg; has large clientele abroad whom he has visited tri-annually since 1877. Author ol let ters, published in London in 1896, "The Real B'xisting Fiscal and Political Factors in the United States ol America" and ol "Practical System lor Improving the Existing United States Currency, etc." adopted by the Indianapolis National Convention, 1896. Member Commercial Club, Apawamis Club ol Rye, and Yale and Phillips Andover Alumni Associations; non-resi dent member Junior Carleton, City, Gresham and Junior Constitutional Clubs ol London, England, and various clubs and societies In San Francisco, Glas gow, Bellast, Amsterdam, Franklort-on-the-Main, Berlin, Basle and other European cities. MacNARY, .TAMES M. B. — Retired Druggist, Union League Club, Brooklyn. Born in Springfield, Mass., Sept. 2, 1827. Educated in Springfleld. ("Wid ower.) Ex-director State Bank ol Hartlord, Conn. Founded firm ol Lord, Huntington & MacNary in New York City in 1864, and was their domestic and foreign buyer, 1877-90. Assisted in organizing ApoUo Club. Life member board of trustees of Hartford Hospital. Member Union League and Aurora Grata Masonic Clubs. MacNAUGHTON, JAMES — CivU Engineer 1 Broadway, New York City, and 86 State street 'Al bany: residence University Club, New York City, and 248 State street, Albany. Member University Club American Institute of Mining Engineers and American Society of Civil Engineers. MacNAUGHTON, WILLIAM— Builder and General YP^^^'^PP.P^ Broadway, New York City; residence 105 Bast 19th street. Born In Brooklyn, N Y Presi dent and director New York Wood Warehouse Co Was fornierly connected with the John H. Parker Co Member New York Athletic Club, Chamber of Com merce and Squadron "A," N. G. N. Y. Ynr^nu^"^^' . JOHN-Broker, 6 Wall street, New York City; residence Clifton, S. L Born in Renfrew Pa°slev 'Sc^o^r^.d'' fP^- Educated at High Schoo7oi slTrl -v ^t P- (Married.) Member of the firm of Sneral nian.^erA*'"'"^-'^ ^^% Ex-secretary and ex- general nianager American Employers' Liabilitv Tn- Ya'SiTciu'b^s a^l'^I'^^A ^rookly^cht and aXuUc ia(;nt Clubs and St. AndrewJ^BBEJ'ew York Sen ' " Societies. _^^^^jtiew lorK feca MacWEAGH, CHARLES- Lawyer, 15 Broad street. New York City; residence Morristown, N. J. Bora in West Chester, Pa., June 6, 1860. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy ('77), Harvard ('81) and Columbia Law School. (Married Fanny Davenport Rogers.) Member ol the flrm ol Stetson, Jennings & Russell. First vice-president and director Federal Steel Co. Member University, Lawyers', Harvard and Church Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. MACT, CHARIiBS A., Jr.— Banker, 11 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 208 West 45th street. Mem ber ol the flrm of Macy Bros. & Herbert, and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Delta Phi. Union, Westminster Kennel. Racquet and Tennis, and New Tork Athletic Clubs, Down Town and Century Asso ciations. American Institute ol Mining Engineers. Met ropolitan Museum ol Art and National Academy ol Design. MACT, GEORGE H.— Tea Importer, 142 Pearl street. New Tork City; residence 22 Riverside avenue. Director Commonwealth Insurance Co. and Paciflc Mall Steamship Co.; trustee Atlantic Mutual Insur ance Co. and Seamen's Bank ol Savings. Member Union League, City and Colonial Clubs and Down Town Association. MACT, ISAAC AUGUSTUS— Merchant, 66% Pine street. New Tork City; residence 232 West 138th street. Member ol the flrm ol Macy & Dunham. Member Colonial Club, American Geographical and New Eng land Societies, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History, MADDEN, JOHN P.— Commissioner. Hackett Building, Filth street and Jackson avenue. Long Isl and City; residence 27 Ely avenue. Born, 1863. Served as a member ol the New Tork State Assembly lor one term; Democratio Presidential Elector In 1896. Deputy commissioner ol highways and street cleaning lor the Borough ol Queens since 1898. MADDEN, WILLIAM JAT— Lile Insurance. 120 Broadway. New Tork City; residence 220 Garfield place, Brooklyn. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 16, 1856. Educated In Philadelphia. (Married.) Connected with the Equitable Lile Assurance Society ol the United States since 1876; also Interested In various flre insurance companies. Member Insurance Club and Assurance Association. MADDOCK, WILLIAM S.— Jeweler, 15 Union square. West, New Tork City; residence 468 Washing ton avenue, Brooklyn. Born in New Tork City, Jan. 30. 1854. Educated at Burlington (N. J.) Academy and at Trinity College, Hartlord, Conn. (Single.) Con nected with the firm ol Tiffany & Co. Member Trinity College Alumni Association and Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. MADDOX, WILLIAM S.-Lawyer, 35 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence Montciair, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1863. (Married.) Member of the firm of Hotchklss & Maddox. MAGEE, GEORGE JEFFERSON — Capitalist Watkins. Born in Bath, N. Y., March 17, 1840. Edu cated at Princeton. Appointed Paymaster-General of ISew York by Governor Hoffman in 1869. Ex-president and director Fall Brook Coal Co., Blossburg and Cor ning R. R. Co., Morris Run Coal Co., Tioga Improve ment Co. and Syracuse, Geneva and Corning Ry. Co.; vice-president and director Pine Creek Ry Co.; also director In many other corporations. TT -?^f ^ S^n-iay editor ol the ^JounS '^ ^PP^T•,PT'• '^"''"ected with New York Journal, 1895-7; loreign correspondent ol the New York "Worid," 1897-8; went to the Iront lor the "Jou^ nal" during the Spanish-American War Sequent contributor to periodicals and magazines. "^equeni Wes^1f6??ttrPet^M°^l^^,^N-Dental Surgeon, 144 west i^bth street. New York City. Born In Crivton Uc s'<;hoolI"r'£t?. '' 1854. Educated In New York'^ub" no scnools, Chappaqua Mountain Institute and New York Dental College (D.D.S.). (Married ) ¦l?easur^ and d rector -American Co-operatve Savings aSdToan Association. Member First District Dental a^dOd?.n tologlcal Societies, Lenox CouncU; Roya Arcanum and Harlem Branch Y. M. C. A. "¦"'«•' Arcanum, MARSHALL, HENRY RUTGFTJ<5_a,.«»,i* 4. o West 29th street. New T^rk cYtyt^fsfSnce jj^es llth street. Born In New Tork Citv isk? tj^^ f i at Columbia ('73). Member T?niver8ity Club Ar^^ife^*^ tural League, Century Association S^i^ifol5oVon1al Wars and American Institute ol Architects *^°'°"'*' BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 291 MARSHALL, HOWARD— Merchant, 82 Worth street. New Tork City; residence 2 Macon street, Brooklyn. Born In New Tork City, Feb. 24, 1870. Edu cated in Brooklyn. (Married Alice Lea ol Brooklyn.) Confidential clerk and credit man with Joseph Wild & Co., with which concern he has been connected since leaving school. Member Arkwright Club, Glen Ridge (N. J.) Goll Club, Sons ol the Revolution, Society ol Colonial Wars and Founders and Patriots ol America. MARSHALL, ISAAC D.— Treasurer, 220 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 600 West 114th street Sec retary, treaisurer and director New Tork National Land Association. Member Republican Club. MARSHALL, JAMES G.— Grain Merchant, Pro duce Exchainge, New Tork City; residence 280 West End avenue. Born in Scotland, December, 1864. (Mar ried.) Member ol the firm ol Mclntyre & Wardwell, members ol the New Tork Stock and Produce Ex changes. Member New Tork Athletic and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, and Essex County Country Club ol Orange, N. J. MARSHALL, JOHN BAPTIST— Lawyer, 54 Wall street. New York City; residence 504 Columbus avenue. Bom in Indiana, March 1, 1863. Educated in public schools ol Kansas. (Single.) Member Lawyers' Club, New England Society, Baptist Social Union, Company A, 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y., and Commonwealth Lodge No. 409, F. & A. M. MARSHALL, JONATHAN— Lawyer, 247 Broad way, New York City; residence 38 LoriUard place. Educated at Dartmouth College. Member Twilight Club, Presbyterian Union, New England Society and Dartmouth College Alumni Association. MARSHALL, JOSEPH H.— Physician, 506 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence 536 Monroe street. Bom in Lewes, Del., Aug. 3, 1854, Educated at Philadelphia College ol Pharmacy and New York University Medi cal College. (Married.) President and director Wil liam B. Riker & Son Co. and Marshall Truss Co. ol Brooklyn. Was flrst vice-president Delaware Society ol New York. Member Union League, Stuyvesaint Heights Republican and Invincible Clubs. MARSHALL, LOUIS — Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 47 East 72d street. Bom In Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1856 (Son ol Jacob and Zllli [Strauss] Marshall.) Educated In Syracuse public schools and at Columbia CoUege Law School. Member ol the flrm ol Guggenhelmer, Untermyer & Marshall. Served as a member ol the Constitutional Convention ol 1894. Member Metropolitan Museum ol Art, New York State Bar Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. MARSHALL, WILIAM A.— Insurance, 256 Broad way, New York City; residence Nanuet. Actuary Home Lile Insurance Co. Member "Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn. MARSTON. EDGAR LEWIS- Banker, 33 WaU street. New York City; residence Bedlord Park. Bora In Burlington. Iowa, March 8, 1860. Educated at pub lic schools. La Grange College and Washington Uni versity. (Married.) Member ol the New York Stock Exchange flrm ol Blair & Co. President and director Texas and Paciflc Coal Co. and Texas Pacific Mercan tUe Ml'g Co.; director Houston, East and West Texas Ry. Co. and Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling R. R. Co.; trustee United States Savings Bank. Member Colonial, Metropolitan, Quill and Transportation Clubs, Country Club ol Westchester, New England Society, Down Town Association, Baptist Union, Met ropolitan Museum ol Art and board ol governors ol the Botanical Garden Society. MARSTRAND, OTTO JULIUS— Civil Engineer, 410 West 115th street. New York City. Member Ameri can Society ol Civil Engineers. MARTIN, BENJAMIN ELLIS— Author, 16 Gram ercy Park, New York City. Born and educated In New York City. (Married.) Author ol "About England with Dickens," "In the Footprints ol Charies Lamb," "Old Chelsea" and others, and ol newspaper and mag azine articles in America, England and.F'rance. Mem ber Players' Club and Century Association. MARTIN, BRADLEY— 22 West 20th street. New York City, and Balmacaun, Scotland. Educated at Union College. (Married.) Trustee Metropolitan Trust Co. Member Metropolitan, Knickerbocker, Rac quet and Tennis, Tuxedo, Union, Sigma Phi and Fencers' Clubs, Country Club ol Westchester, Ameri can Geographical and St. Nicholas Societies, Union College Alumni and Down Town Associations, Metro politan Museum ol Art, American Museum ol Natural History, arid Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. MARTIN, CLARENCE AUGUSTINE— Prolessor. Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 1 Cascadilla place. Born in Medina County, Ohio, Sept. 29, 1862. Educated at Cornell. (Married June 30, 1896.) Assist ant prolessor ol architecture at Cornell University. Member Town and Gown and Ithaca Country Clubs. Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, American Institute ol Architects (Central New York (Jhapter), and First Baptist Church. MARTIN, CHARLES C— Civil Engineer, 194 Berkeley place, Brooklyn. Bora in Springfield, Pa.. Aug. 30, 1831. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (C.E., '56). (Jhiel engineer and superintend ent of the New York and Brooklyn Bridge. Member American Society of Civil Engineers. MARTIN. DANIEL P.- Judge. 407 Second avenue. New York City; residence 245 East 33d street Born In New York (Jity, 1865. Educated in parochial and pub Uc schools and at the College of the City of New York; studied law and was admitted to the Bar. Served for a time as clerk In the United States District Attor ney's offlce. Assemblyman, 1890. Now Judge ol the Sixth District Municipal Court; term expires Dec. 31. 1909; trustee American Veterinary College. Member Catholic Club. MARTIN, DANIEL S.— Geologist, 126 Macon street, Brooklyn. Bora in New York City. Jan. 30, 1842. Educated at New York University (A.B., '62, and A.M., '66) and at Union Theological Seminary. Pro- lessor ol geology at Rutgers Female College, 1868-96. Now prolessor ol geology at Presbyterian College lor Women in Columbia, S. C, during the winter months. Has been associated with geological work at various times In Cooper Union, New York Academy ol Sciencjes and Brooklyn Institute ol -\rts and Sciences. Has published geological maps ol New York City and en virons. Member New York Mineralogical and Phi Beta Kappa Societies and Scientiflc Alliance. MARTIN, EDWARD SANDPORD — Author and Writer, 1730 Broadway, New York City. Born in Owasco, Cayuga Co., N. Y., Jan. 2, 1856. Educated at PhiUips Andover Academy and at Harvard ('77) ; stud ied law and was admitted to the Bar in Rochester in 1884. (Married Julia, daughter ol George J. "Whitney ol Rochester, 1886.) Regular contributor ol "This Busy "World," to "Harper's Weekly" and Irequent con tributor to several other magazines. Author ol "A Little Brother ol the Rich," "Windlalls ol Observa tion," "Cousin Anthony and I" and many other works. Member University Club and Century Association. MARTIN, EDWARD W.— Chemist, Criminal Court Building, New York City; residence Whitney avenue and Fourth street, Elmhurst, L. I. Bora In Cambridge. Mass., July 11, 1856. Educated In public schools ol Cambridge and Springfleld, Mass., and at Columbia College School ol Mines. (Married Eleanor, daughter ol Emma Stevens and William Hazzard Wlgg ol South Carolina.) Connected with Department ol Health ol City ol New York. Appointed on July 1, 1879, as a temporary tenement house inspector, and chiel Inspec tor ol division ol lood Inspection and offensive trades in 1888, and re-appointed in 1900. Assistant to Dr. Chandler and instructor in School ol Mines, Columbia College, 1884-9. Member Engineers' Club, Military Or der ol the Loyal Legion, British Society ol PubUc Analysts and American Academy ol Political and So cial Science. MARTIN, EDWIN C— Editor, 141 East 25th street. New York City; residence 44 West Ninth street Born in Hamilton, Ohio, Feb. 10, 1860. Educated at Dart mouth. (Married.) Director and assistant editor S. S. McClure Co. Was editor and publisher Richmond (Ind.) "Telegram" and contributor to "Scribner's," "McClure's" and various other publications. 292 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. MA-RTTN FRANK EVANS— Insurance, 44 Pine Si Gr°vTpark and Down Town Associations. MARTIN HENRY T.— 152 State street, Albany. Born tn'^Ilban^ Educated at Union College. (Mar- ried.) Trustee Albany Savings Bank. MARTIN, JAMES M.-Stock and (>raln Broker 20 Broad street. New York City; residence Garden City L I. Born and educated in Brooklyn N. T. MembM ol the firm ol J. M. Martin & Co., and ol the New Tork Produce and New Tork Stock Exchanges Member Calumet Club, Garden City Goll Club, and Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn. MARTIN, JOHN C.-Wholesale Coal Merchant 1 Broadway New Tork City; residence 151 West 96th street. Bim In Lancaster, Pa., Noy 13, 1846. Edu cated at private and public schools in Lancaster. Owner ol large bituminous coal estate in Cambria (jS^, Pa. Was an offlcer In the United States Army 1862-4. Member Presbyterian Union, Pennsyl vania Society and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. MARTIN, NEWELL— Lawyer, 7 Nassau street New Tork City; residence Audubon Park. Bora in China, Sept. 17, 1854. Educated at Tale (75). (Mar ried.) Practicing In New Tork City since his admis sion to the Bar in 1877. Member ol the firm ol SnUth & Martin. Member University, City, Lav?yers , Re form, Tale, Suburban Riding and Driving, and Knoll wood Country Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. MARTIN, ROBERT C.-Broker, 50 Broadway, New Tork City; residence South HUl, Riverdale. Di rector Ann Arbor R. R. Co. Member Union League Club, Country Club of Westchester, American Geo graphical Society and Metropolitan Museum of Art. MARTIN, ROBERT H.— Asbestos Manulacturer, 100 William street. New Tork City. Bom in Scotland, 1849. Educated In Dunblane, Scotland. (Married.) Ex-president Chalmers Spencer Co. President H. W. Johns Ml'g Co.; director American Asbestos Co., As bestos and Asbestic Co. (Ltd.) ol London, England, and New Amsterdam Casualty Co. Member Lawyers' Club and Chamber ol Commerce. MARTIN, TIMOTHT J.— China Merchant, 921 Broadway, New Tork City-; residence 85 Riverside Drive. Born In Vermont, 1846. (Widower.) President and director CoUamore, Davis & Co. (Ltd.). Member Colonial and Union League Clubs and Aldine Associa tion. MARTIN, "WILLIAM IRWIN— Real Bstate Oper ator, 45 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence 313 West 78th street. Born In New Tork City, Dec. 16, 1836. Educated In New Tork City. (Married, 1859.) Served during Civil "War and took part In the Battle ol Gettysburg. President Stationers' Board ol Trade ol New Tork City; vice-president Benton Gold Mining Co.; also director in several other corporations. Col onel 23d Regiment Veteran Corps; lile member Long Island Historical Society and Sons ol the Revolution; secretary New Tork CouncU ol the American Institute ol Civics; director Board ol Trade and Transporta tion. Member Republican Club, New England Society and Chamber ol Commerce. MARTIN, WILLIAM MATHEWS— Lawyer, 71 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 44 West 40th street. Educated at Columbia. Member University Club, Southern Society, Columbia University Alumni and Down Town Associations, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. M.ARTIN, WILLIAM PARMENTER— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 105 South Tenth street, Newark, N. J. Born In Virginia City, Nev., Oct. 8, 1870. Educated In public schools ol San Fran cisco, Cal., at Columbia College and at Columbia Law School (LL.B., '92). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Melville, Martin & Stephens. Member Roome I.K)dge, F. & A. M., Jerusalem Chapter, Coeur de Lion Commandery, 7th Regiment, N. G. N. T., RosevlUe (N. J.) Athletic and Columbia Alumni Associations and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. MARTIN, WISNER BELL-Civil Engineer, 21 Park row. New Tork City; residence 112 East 64th street. B(jrn In Virginia City, Nov., Dec. 17, 1868. Edu cated at Harvard. (Married.) Was engineer in change 01 construction ol Pennsylvania R. R-^l^ridses, dock! coal storages, etc.; also the power station in Bast 26th street tor Metropolitan Street Ry. Co and fub-surface construction In streets ol the City ol New Tork? consulting engineer on water supply electric ra°lwky construction, taU building loundations filling in marsh land, ete. Now engineer Department ol High ways ol the City of New Tork. Member Engineers' TnTH^v^d Clubs and American Society of ClvU En- gineers. MARTINEZ, ARISTIDB— Manufacturer of Paints, 207 Peari street. New Tork City; residence 127 Bast 34th street. Member of the firm of Longman & Mar tinez Member Manhattan, Lotos, New Tork Ath letic Knickerbocker Athletic, Manhattan Chess and Patria Clubs, New York Board of Trade and 'Transpor tation and (Jhamber of Commerce; also member of the Havana Chess Club, Havana Chamber of Commerce, Cercle Colon Cervantes and other organizations of Havana, Cuba. MARTINEZ. MIGUEL R.— Merchant. 35 South William street. New York City; residence 139 West 12th street Member Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Club. Cercle Colon Cervantes and Down Town Asso ciation. MARTYN, CARLOS— Presbyterian Clergyman and Author. 114 Filth avenue. New York City; residence West New Brighton, S. I. Born in New York City. 1843. Educated at Union Theoioglcai Seminary (D.D. and Litt.D.). (Married Mercedes, daughter ol Don Fermin Ferrer. ex-President ol Nicaragua.) Held va rious pastorates in New York City. Chicago and else-. where until 1894. Author ol "(Jhristian Citizenship," "Martin Luther," "EngUsh Puritans." "Pilgrim Fathers," "Dutch Relormatlon," "Sour Saints and Sweet Sinners" and many other works. MARVEL, THEODORE L.— Secretary, 45 Broad way New York City; residence Taunton. Mass. Born In Taunton, Dec. 26, 1847. Educated In Taunton pub lic schools and at Bristol Academy. (Married.) Sec retary and director C. W. Hunt Co. Member Engi neers' Club. MARVIN, CHARLES D.— Banker. 18 Wall street New York City; residence 416 CUnton avenue, Brook lyn. Member ol the firm ol A. M. Kidder & Co.. mem bers ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Lawyers' Club and Blooming Grove Park Association. MARVIN. CHARLES M.— Insurance. 261 Broad way. New York City; residence 88 South Mountailn avenue. Montciair, N. J. Manager ol home office agen cy department. United States Llle Insurance Co. Member Hardware Club. Montciair. Athletic. Goll. Outlook and Glee Clubs ol Montciair. and Kane Lodge. F. & A. M. MARVIN, HARRY N.— Vice-President and Man ager, 841 Broadway. New York CJity; residence 340 Riverside Drive. Born in Jordan, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1862. Educated at Syracuse University. (Married.) Man ager Marvin Electric Drill Co.; second -vice-president American Mutoscope and Biograph Co. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon Club, CJltlzens' Club ot Syracuse, and American Institute ol Electrical Engineers. MARVIN, SAMUEL W.— Book Publisher, 153 Filth avenue. New York City; residence New Rochelle. Born In Brooklyn, N. Y., March 6, 1845. Educated In Wilbraham, Mass. (Married Susan Decker.) Man ager ol the manulacturing department of CJharles Scribner's Sons. Member Grolier and Huguenot Yacht Clubs, New York Genealogical Society and Huguenot Society ol New Rochelle. MARZO, EDUARDO— Musician and Composer, 26 East 23d street. New York City; residence 155 West 94th street. Born In Naples, Italy, Nov. 29, 1852. Edu cated In Naples. (Married Clara L. Phllbln, 1882,) Teacher ol vocal music and composer lor the past twenty years in New York City; especiaUy distin guished lor sacred compositions. Made Knight of the Oown ol Italy by King Humbert In 1884; elected member ol the Royal Academy ol St. Cecilia ol Rome, Italy, In 1892. Member Manuscript Club. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 293 MASLIN. HERBERT E.— Manufacturer, Syracuse. Born in Hinsdale, 111. Educated In Aurora, 111. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm ol E. C. Stearns & Co. President Cycle Board ol Trade; -vice-president The Tinkham Co. and Stearns Syracuse Bicycle Agency; manager American Bicycle Co. Member Century, Syr acuse and Citizens' Clubs, and Engineers' Club ol New York City. MASON, ALEXANDER T.-Lawyer. 13 William street. New York (Jity; residence 135 Bast 57th street. Educated at Trinity College ('81). Director Maritime Canal Co. ol Nicaragua. Member University and Re publican Clubs, American Geographical and Dunlap Soeieties and Trinity College Alumni and Down Town Associations. MASON. ARTHUR L. — Woolen Merchant. 79 Spring street. New York City; residence 169 Hanc(5ck street, Brooklyn. Member ol the firm ol Mason & Hanson. Member Manhattan Club. Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, and Sons ol the Revolution. MASON. FRANCIS O.— Lawyer. Geneva. Born, 1834. Served in Union Army during Civil War and ad vanced to the rank ol assistant adjutant-general. Was associated in practice with the late Charles J. Folger. Secretary ol the Treasury under President Arthur, and was also a Supreme Court Justice. Served lor a time ais Judge ol Ontario County. MASON. JAMES H.— Inventor and Electrical Ex pert. 381 and 388 Pearl street New York City; resi dence 591 Balnbridge street, Brooklyn. Born in Lon don, England. June 24, 1864. (Married.) Was assist ant electrician London and Globe Telephone Co. ol London, and secretary and manager American Oddity Co. ol New York. Member Golden Cross and Masonic Orders. MASON. JAMES WEIR— Prolessor, 17 Lexington avenue. New York City; residence 10 Eaist 130th street. Born In New York City. 1836. Educated at the Col lege ol the City ol New York. (Single.) Prolessor ol pure mathematics In College ol the City ol New York since 1879. Was principal ol Albany Academy, 1863-8; actuary ol Massachusetts Mutual Lile Insurance Co., 1869-72, and ol the Penn Mutual Lile Insurance Co., 1872-9. Member Actuarial Society ol America and American Mathematical Society. MASON, RUFUS OSGOOD— Physician and Au thor, 348 West 68th street. New York CJity. Born in Sullivan. N. H.. Jan. 22, 1830. Educated at Dartmouth CoUege (A.B. and A.M.) and at College ol Physicians and Surgeons ol Columbia University (M.D., '59). (Mairried.) Acting assistant surgeon in United States Navy during Civil War. Author ol "Telepathy and the Subliminal Sell" and other works ol a similar na ture; also many articles lor medical and scientific journals. Member New York Academy ol Medicine, Dartmouth Alumni Association and Society lor Psy chical Research. MASON, THOMAS F.— Mining, 45 Broadway, New York City; residence 216 Madison avenue. President Quincy Mining Co. Member Lotos and Union League Clubs. MASON, THOMAS HENRY— Broker, 45 Broad way, New York City; residence 215 Madison avenue. Member ol the firm ol Mason & Smith and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Lotos, New York Yacht, Union League and Olympic Clubs and New England Society. MASON, WALTER— Broker, 2 Waal street. New York City; residence 2040 Seventh avenue. Bora In Providence, R. I., March 9, 1848. (Married.) Member of the New York Stock Exchange firm of Adams, Kel logg & Mason. Member Church and Republican Clubs. MASON, "WILLIAM- Pianist, 109 East 14th street. New York City; residence 14 West 16th street Born in Boston, Mass., Jan. 24, 1829. (Son of Dr. Lowell Mason.) Received a musical education In Germany. Made several tours of Europe and the United States; since 1854 has been principaaiy engaged In teaching; has composed considerable piano music. MASON, WILLIAM L.— Teacher, 289 Fourth ave nue. New York City; residence 225 West 20th street. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1861. Educated In Quincy, Mass. (Married.) Principal Metropolitan Shorthand School and special teacher under New York Board ol Education. Member Mlneraloglcal Club, Pedagogical Society and Academy ol Sciences. MASON, WILLIAM P.— Wool Merchant, 142 Duane street. New York City; residence 140 Hicks street, Brooklyn. Member Hardware Club, and ol the Cres cent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn. MASON, WILLIAM PITT— Prolessor. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Troy. Bom In New York City, Oct. 12. 1853. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic In stitute (C.Ei. '74, and B.S., '77). Union University (M.D., '81) and at Pasteur Institute, Paris, France. (Married Emilie B. Harding ol Philadelphia. Pa.. 1886.) Prolessor ol chemistry at Rensselaer Polytechnic In stitute. Makes a specialty ol water analysis; expert in contested cases between city aind water companies. Member American Philosophical and American Chem ical Societies. American "Water Works. New England Water Works and American Public Health Associa tions, American Institute ol Mining Engineers and American Association lor the Advancement ol Scl- MASSEY. WILLIAM M.— Chemist, 1122 Broadway 578 Filth avenue and 355 Columbus avenue. New York City; residence 39 West 27th street. Member ol the firm ol Caswell. Massey & Co. Member Larchmont Yacht, Union League; New York Yacht and New York Clubs. MASTEN, ARTHUR H.— Lawyer, 67 Wall street. New York City; residence 116 East 39th street. Born in Cohoes. N. Y.. Sept. 11, 1855. Educated at Williams CoUege ('76) and Columbia Law School ("79). (Mar ried.) Member ol the firm ol Masten & Nichols. Di rector Lawyers' Surety Co. Formerly assistant cor poration counsel of New York City. Member Metro politan, Union and University Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City ol New York, Williams College Alumni and Down Town Associations and Holland Society. MASTEN. EVERETT— Lawyer. 45 William street. New York City; residence Yonkers. Educated at Co lumbia. Member Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. MASTERS, HARRIS K.— Mining Engineer, Laurel Hill; residence 167 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. Born In New York City, Aug. 6, 1873. Educated at Columbia College School ol Mines ('94). (Married.) Connected with the Nichols Chemical Co. Member Crescent Ath letic Club ol Brooklyn, American Institute ol Mining Engineers and MUitary Order ol the Loyal Legion. MASTERS, HIBBERT B. (Colonel)— Merchant, 192 West Broadway, New York CJity; residence 285 Quincy street, Brooklyn. Born In Nova Scotia, Aug. 10, 1839. Educated in Boston public schools and at He bron (Me.) Academy. (Married Clara E. Everett.) Proprietor H. B. Masters, Ocala, Fla.; partner D. R. Dunlap Mercantile Co., Mobile Ala. Member Salma gundi Club, Union League Club ol Brooklyn (ex-vice- president), E. T. Tefft Post No. 365, G. A. R. (com mander), and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. MASTERSON, JOHN PHILIP— Surveyor ol Cus toms, Albany; residence 5 Chestnut street. Born in Albany, May 6, 1849. Educated In public and private schools. CJlerk in State Adjutant-General's office, 1875-9; held several other State clerkships until 1892: police commissioner ol Albany, 1893-4; State Surveyor ol Customs since Oct. 1, 1894. Secretary ol the Demo cratic General Committee ol Albany since 1874. MASTERSON, WALTER J. — Real Estate, 127 Filth avenue. New York City; residence 125 St. John's place, Brooklyn. Born In Jersey City, N. J., June 21, 1872. Educated at Madison Academy. Member Atlan tic Yacht and Crescent Athletic CJlubs ol Brooklyn. MASTICK, SEABURY C.-Lawyer, 149 Broadway, New York City; residence 35 Mount Morris Park, West. Bora in San Francisco, Cal., July 19, 1871. Educated at Oberlin College and University ol Calilornia. (Mar ried.) Member Congregational Club, Association of the Bar of the City ol New York, New York Electrical Society and Sons ol the American Revolution. 294 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. MASTIN, J. EDWARD— Banker, 3 Broad street. New York cnty; residence 111 West 70th street Born m New York City Educated by Prjvate- tutors and at College ol the City ol New York. (Married.) Mem ber ol the flrm ol Drake, Mastin & Co. and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Senior offlcer and treasi^er Bloomlngdale Relormed Church. Member Stock JiX- change Luncheon and Colonial Clubs. MATCHETT, CHARLES HORATIO— Electrician, 81 Willoughby street, Brooklyn. Bora In Needham. Mass.. May 16, 1843. Educated at Boston High School. Served In United States Navy during Civil War. In employ ol New York and New Jersey Telephone Co.. since 1886 Quite prominent In Socialistic Labor Party since 1885; has been candidate lor Mayor ol Brooklyn. Governor ol New York, and President ol the United States. Member Grand Army ol the Republic. MATHER, FRED— Author. 63 Linden street Brooklyn Bom in Greenbush. N. Y., Aug. 2, 1833. Educated in Albany. (Married.) Served with distinc tion throughout Civil War. Has taken considerable interest in fish culture. Author ol "Men I Have Fished With," "Icthyology ol the Adirondacks" and other works ol a slmUar nature. Contributor to "For est and Stream" and other periodicals. MATHER, FREDERIC GREGORY— Writer and Journalist, 120 Lancaster street. Albany. Bom In Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 11, 1844. Educated at Dart mouth CoUege ('67). (Married.) Has been edltor-ln- chiel ol the Binghamton "Republican." editorial writer on the Albany "Evening Journal" and special representative ol the United States Bureau ol Educa tion to report upon the educational institutions of Canada. Now connected with the office of the New York State Comptroller in the work ol arranging the original documents relating to the Revolutionary War and the War ol 1812; Albany correspondent ol various newspapers and contributor to several ol the leading magazines. Compiler ol "New York in the Revolu tion." Member Fort Orange Club, Albany Institute and Albany Historical and Art Society. MATHER, RODERICK B.-Broker, 60 Broadway, New York City; residence Hotel St. George, Brooklyn, Member ol the firm ol Lynes & Mather. Director Con solidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange and South Yuba Water Co. Member Union League Club, and Crescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs ol BrAVID HUNTER, JR.-Physlclan 338 East 26th street. New Tork City; residence 9 East 55th street. Educated at Princeton ('85). Director D H McAlpln & Co. Member Princeton, University, Metro- po itan. University Glee and Riding Clubs and Metro politan Museum of Art. irn McALPIN, EDWARD .4-UGUSTUS-Manulacturer. 150 Avenue D, New Tork City; residence Sing SlM Born in New Tork City, June 9, 1848. Educated at BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 297 Phillips Andover Academy. (Married Annie Bran dreth.) Became member ol the firm ol D. H. McAlpin & Co. in 1870. Treasurer New Tork State Republican Committee. Republican Presidential Elector in 1888, 1892 and 1896. Adjutant-General ol the State ol New Tork. 1895-7, with rank ol major-general, on staff of Governor Morton; served lor a time as postmaster and mayor ol Sing Sing. President and director McAlpin Tobacco Co., Manhattan Hotel Co. ; Ossining Electrical R. R. Co., Hygeia Distilled Water Co. and Sing Sing Hospital and Free Dispensary; director Sixth National Bank, Eleventh Ward Bank, State Trust Co. and New Tork Board ol Trade and Transportation. Member Union League, New Tork Athletic, New Rochelle Tacht, Sing Sing Tacht, Business Men's Republican and New Tork RepubUcan Clubs. McALPIN, GEORGE L. — Tobacco Manulacturer. 160 Avenue D, New Tork City; residence 9 East 90th street. Educated at Tale ('79). Treasurer and direc tor D. H. McAlpin & Co. Member University. Union League, University Athletic, Players', New Tork Tacht and Tale Clubs. McBREEN, PATRICK P.— Printer, 218 WiUiam street, New Tork City; residence 404 Monroe street, Brooklyn. Secretary and director Club Publishing Co. Member New Tork Press, Thirteen and Adirondack League Clubs, Typothetae and General Society ol Me chanics and Tradesmen. McBRIDE, JAMES W.— Tea Merchant, 92 Front street. New Tork CJity; residence 49 Remsen street, Brooklyn. Member Crescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs of Brooklyn, and Richmond County Country Club. McBRIDE, NELSON— Druggist, Patchogue. Born in Patchogue, Nov. 22, 1867. (Married.) President Merchants' and Manufacturers' Association; treas urer Patchogue Library Association; trustee Union Savings Bank. Member Patchogue Club (treasurer). Valiant Lodge No. 81, Knights of St. John and Malta, Pattsmanske Ijodge No. 778, Royal Arcanum, and Foresters of America. McBRIDE, WILBER — Lawyer, 15 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 1992 Madison avenue. Edu cated at Tale ('82). Member Tale, University and Manhattan Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. McBURNET, CHARLES-Surgeon, 28 West 37th street, New Tork City. Born in Roxbury, Mass., Feb. 17, 1845. Educated at Harvard ('66) and at New Tork CoUege ol Physicians and Surgeons. (Married.) Pro- lessor ol clinicail surgery In College ol Physicians and Surgeons; attending surgeon to Roosevelt Hospital; consulting surgeon to Presbyterian and St. Luke's Hospitals. Formerly prolessor ol surgery In Columbia University and visiting surgeon Roosevelt Hospital. Member Harvard and University Clubs and Century Association. McBURNET, CHARLES I.— Lawyer, 101 CJham- bers street. New Tork City; residence 55 West 53d street. Member New Tork Athletic Club, St. John's Guild and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. McCABB, RUDOLPH T.— Capitalist, 29 Broadway, New Tork City; residence New London, Conn. Presi dent and director Central Pennsylvania and Western R. R. Co. and New Tork and North Shore R. R. Co.; director New Mexico Ry. Co., New Tork and Queens County Ry. Co. and New Tork Structural Steel Co. Member Colonial, Lawyers', Union League, New Tork Tacht and Larchmont Tacht Clubs and Lalayette Post G. A. R. McCABE, "WILLIAM H.— Architect, 263 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 464 Eighth street, Brooklyn. Born in Greenville, N. T., Feb. 6, 1866. Educated at Greenville Academy. (Married.) Vice-president and director American Service Union. Member Architec tural League and U. S. Grant Post No. 327, G. A. R. McCAGG, LOUIS BUTLER— 291 Madison avenue. New Tork City. Educated at Harvard ('84). Member University, University Athletic and Harvard Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, American Fine Arts and Musical Arts Societies, Harvard Alumni and Century Associations and Metropolitan Museum ol Art, McCALL, EDWARD B.-Lawyer, 346 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 218 West 136th street. Pres ident and director International Automobile and Ve hicle Co.; director American Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co., International Banking and Trast Co., Ijawyers' Engineering and Surveying Co., National Exhibition Co. and United States Automatic Tele phone Co. Member New Tork Athletic, Lawyers' and Catholic Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. McCALL, JAMES— Lawyer, Bath. Born in Bath, July 17, 1864. Educated at CorneU. (Married.) Mem ber Cornell and Psi Upsilon Clubs ol New Tork City. McCALL, JOHN AUGUSTINE— Insurance, 346 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 54 West 72d street. Bora In Albany, N. T., March 2, 1849. Edu cated In Albany public schools, and at Albany Com mercial college. (Married.) Was in service of Connecticut Mutual Lile Insurance Co. until 1869. Clerk In New Tork State Insurance Department, 1869- 76; deputy superintendent, 1876-83; Superintendent, 1883-7. Comptroller ol Equitable Llle Assurance So ciety ol the United States, New Tork City 1887-92. President and trustee New Tork Lile Insurance Co. since 1892; director IngersoU-Sergeant Drill Co., Cen tral National Bank, National City Bank, National Surety Co. and Berkshire Cotton Mills Ml'g Co.; trus tee Fidelity Trust Co. ol Kansas City, Mo., New Tork Security and Trust Co., Munich Re-Insurance Co. and Metropolitan Lile Insurance Co. Member Metropoli tan, Manhattam, Colonial, Lawyers' and Merchants' Clubs. Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Albany and National Arts Societies. McCANN. CHARLES B. P.— Lawyer, 146 Broad way and Criminal Court BuUding. New Tork City; residence 69 West 76th street. Bora in New Tork City. Educated at Columbia Grammar School. St. Francis Xavier College (Ph.B.) and at Columbia College Law School (LL.B.). Practicing In New Tork CJity since his admission to the Bar in 1896. Deputy assistant district attorney since 1898. McCANN. WILLIAM PENN— Retired Commodore, United States Navy; residence 29 Park avenue. New Rochelle. Bom In Paris, Ky., May 4, 1830. Educated at United States Naval Academy ('64). Lieutenant- commander, July 16, 1862; commander, July 25. 1866; captain. Sept. 21, 1876; commodore, Jan. 26, 1887; re tired. May, 1892. Served with distinction throughout Civil War, and, alter the war, on many stations. During Spanish-American War served as president on courts ol Inquiry and courts miartlal; also as prize commissioner lor the Southern District ol New "York. McCARRBN. PATRICK HENRY — Lawyer, 16 Court street, Brooklyn. Bora In East Cambridge, Mass., July 18, 1849. Educated at PubUc School No. 17 in Brooklyn. Was cooper's apprentice in 1865, and became a journeyman cooper in 1868. Ehtered the oil and cooperage business as an employee ol J. H. Archer & Co. ol New York City. Was elected to the Assembly Irom the Sixth District ol Brooklyn in 1881, and was re-elected the loUowing year; was a candi date lor the State Senate in 1885, but was deleated; was -re-elected to the Assembly In 1888; 1889 was elect ed to the State Senate Irom the Fourth District, and was re-elected In 1891 and 1896. Was a delegate to the Democratic National Conventions ol 1892 and 1900. Member Democratic Club. McCARROLL, JAMBS R. T.— Leather Merchant 16 Spruce street. New York City; residence East Orange, N. J. Born In Bellast, Ireland, 1854. Edu cated In Bellast. (Married.) Treasurer and director American Leather Co. McCARROLL, WILLIAM— Leather Merchant, 16 Spruce street. New York City; residence 768 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn. Bom In Bellast, Ireland. Educated in private schools and at Royal Academical Institu tion. (Married.) Vice-president and director Ameri can Leather Co.; director New York Board ol Ttade and Transportation, Oriental Bank and Manulactur ers' Association; chairman Brooklyn Committee ol Fllty. Member Drug Club, Union League and Marine and Field Clubs ol Brooklyn, Chamber ol Commerce. National Association ol Manulacturers. Manulactur ers' Association ol New York, aind Young Men's Chris tian Association ol Brooklyn. 298 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. McCARTER, HENRY — Artist, 74 Washington square. South, New York City. Bom in Norristown. Pa., July 5, 1865. Educated In Norristown, and In Paris, France, under the late Puvis de Chavannes. Il lustrator on "Scribner's," "Century," "Harper's" and other magazines. Mccarty, Barclay e. v. — Lawyer, 33 waii street. New York City; residence Hotel Manhattan. Educated at Columbia ('84). Member ol the firm ol McCarty & Baldwin. Member University and Mam- hattan Clubs, Columbia University Alumni Associa tion and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. McCarthy, DENNIS— Merchant, Syracuse; resi dence 905 James street. Born in Syracuse, 1854. Edu cated at Cornell. (Married.) President D. McCarthy & Sons; commissioner State Board ol Charities; direc tor First National Bank; trustee Syracuse Savings Bank. Member Century, Syracuse and Citizens' Clubs. MCCARTHY, JOHN HENRY— Judge, 32 Chambers street. New York (Jity; residence 135 West 120th street. Born in New York City, 1849. Educated In public schools and at Christian Brothers Academy; also studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1873. As semblyman, 1878-81; elected a civil justice In 1881; Con gressman, 1890; City Court Judge since 1891; present term expires Dec. 31, 1907. MCCARTHY, THOMAS M.— Wholesale Grocer, 65 Hudson street New York CJity; residence 218 West 72d street. Born In New York City. Nov. 21, 1851. Educated at St. Francis Xavier College ('68). (Mar ried.) Member ol the firm ol Austin Nichols & Co. Treasurer and director Ixtapan Del Oro Mining Co. Member New York Athletic and Catholic Clubs and Down Town Association. Mccarty, bdward W.— Roman CathoUc Cler gyman, 52 Sterling place, Brooklyn. Pastor ol St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church. President Co lumbian Club and Catholic Women's Association; di rector Christian Press Association Publishing Co.; trustee Brooklyn Bureau ol Charities and Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. Mccarty, E. R. — Bookkeeper. 242 West 68th street. New York City Born In Venice, Cayuga Co.. N. Y.. Oct. 13, 1830. Educated in Scipio, Cayuga Coiinty. (Married.) Member New York Mlneraloglcal CJlub and Academy ol Sciences. McCAUSTLAND, ELMER JAMES — Instructor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 119 Quarry street. Degree ol M.C.E. Instructor in civil engi neering at Comell University. McCHESNEY, ALBERT EDWARD — Publisher. *?;anklln and Jefferson streets. Syracuse; residence 110 "Walnut place. Born in Schaghticoke, Rensselaer 2°;; ^,- ^;;/P''" ^''' ^^*^- Educated at Syracuse High School. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol HaU & McChesney. Secretary and treasurer Onondaga Sweeper Co. Member Citizens' and Camera Clubs Genealogical Society and board ol managers Syracuse CJhamber ol Commerce. McCHESNEY, THOMAS D. - Manulacturer, 41 R;^,',?f ^'^P^^'P- ^^^*' New York City; residence 205 n?,^ti? ?f ¦ Vice-president and director Opaque Shade nPiV: ^°-' secretary and director Columbia Shade ^hnrteSnVi S'eneral manager and director Keystone Coloniaf Clubs Member Merchants' Central and McCLA-VE, JOHN— Lumber Merchant, 602 West ^?ief''^^*' New York City; residence 124 West 72d PP^P,^-- ^P"" 't New York City, Sept. 11, 1839. Edu- f^ '".New York public schools and at the College 01 the City Ol New York. (Married.) Was cha°rmfn flnance (committee ol Board ol Aldermen and rn^rn" ol polwT884^^?%^°'"."*^?r' ^^^»-«l= commissTon^r or police, 1884-93. Tmstee Union Dime Savings Bank for ten years and of Central Baptist Church f Sr twe^ ty-s^e-ven years. Member Colonial and RepubUc^ McCLBLLAN, GEORGE B.-Lawyer and Cot, gressman, 100 Broadway, New York CUy; ^esidenc^ Umon Club, New York Citv and l-i^tr-c.v,„.i i- , f avenue, W^hington?'D.''jj*.^' B^rn "n^D^e^tn,"'^^ ony, Nov. 23, 1865. Educated at Princeton ('86). (Mar ried.) Treasurer New York and Brooklyn Bridge 1890-2; president Board of Aldermen, New York City, 1893-4; Representative from Twelfth New York District in Filty-lourth, Fllty-fllth and Fllty-slxth Congresses and Is now member ol Committee on Ways and Means ol same. Member Union and Princeton Clubs. MiUtary Order ol the Loyal Legion and Sons ol the Revolution. MCCLELL.4.N. JOHN — Captain. United States Army, Fort Hancock, New York Harbor. Born in Chicago, 111., April 11, 1847. (Son ol Colonel John Mc- Clellan.) Educated In common schools In the United States and Germany, and at United States Military Academy ('67). (Widower.) Has been acting signal officer and assistant to Chiel Signal Officer, General Myer, in Weather Bureau. During Spanish-American War was chiel ordnance officer 7th Army Corps; on staff ol General Fitzhugh Lee and on staff ol General Brooke at Havana, Cubau Now captain 6th United States Artillery, stationed at Fort Hancock. Member University Club, Aztec Society, Society ol the War ol 1812, Society of Foreign Wars and Military Order of the Loyal Legion. MCCLELLAND, CHARLES PAUL— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence Dobbs Ferry. Born in Scotland, Dec. 19, 1854. Educated In public schools and at New York University. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Townsend & McClelland. Mem ber of State Assembly 1885, 1886 and 1891; State sen ator, 1892-3; special deputy collector New York Cus tom House, 1886-90; manager Hudson River Hospital lor Insane, 1886-96; member original Greater New York Commission. Was lor many years member and president ol the Board ol Education ol Dobbs Ferry. Member Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Democratic Club. McClelland, jambs D. — Lawyer, Criminal Court Building, New York City; residence 254 West 14th street. Born in New York City, 1843. Educated in public schools, at Mount Washington CoUegiate Institute and at New York University Law School. Practicing In New York City since his admission to the Bar in 1867. Served as a member ol the New York State Legislature In 1882. Assistant district attorney ol New York County. McCLEMENT, JOHN H.— Accountant, 36 Wall street. New York City; residence 77 Downing street, Brooklyn. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., May 27, 1862. Educated at Central High School, Philadelphia. (A.M.) (Married.) Member ol the firm of CSeorge P. Butler & Bro., members of the New York Stock Exchange. Comptroller CJhicago Terminal Transler R. R. Co. President a^d director Amsterdam Street R. R. Co. Was comptroUer Northern Pacific Terminal Co ol CJregon, and ol Edison General Electric Co. and asso ciated companies; president of various electric light and street railroad companies. Certified public ac countant for Reorganization Committee of Northern Pacific R. R. Co. and ex-vice-presldent and comp troller St. Louis, Peoria and Northera R. R. Co. Member Lincoln Club ol Brooklyn, Royal Arcanum, Knights ol St. John and Malta, and Masonic bodies. McCLENAHAN, JAMES— Banker, 481 Eighth ave nue. New York City; residence Port Chester. Presi- vt"L^'J.'^,'^'':^?*°''. Mutual Bank. Member American yacht. Colonial and Transportation Clubs. McCLINTOCK, EMORY -Insurance, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence "Kemble HIU," Mor- tlfoP'^^i ^T ^- Educated at Columbia. Actuary Mu- r^^yJ:P Insurance Co. ol New York. Member Co lumbia University -\lumni and Century Associations. h«r,^^°°i^^^^' ARCHIBALD J.-222 State street, Al- AH^^;.^ B " '" P^^P^^' ^P'^' 21, 1872. Educated at Albany Boys Academy and Albany Law School. Chfb of nL^''"^o-.^°S* °^^"S^ Club, Manhatten Son nr-^PPJ^^ ^P^' ^""^ °f *^^ American Revolu- So°c"l'et?'o7c"o.o^r'^;^rs"""' ^^*™'^ °^ ^'""'^ -^ MCCLURE, DAVID - Lawyer, 22 WUliam street ^^'Z^lP^P'^y- residence 22 West 49th stre^ Born in Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., Noy 4, 1848. Practicing in New York City since his admission to the Bar Tn 1869 Member ol the firm ol Turner, McClure & Rolston; BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 299 Counsel to Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., Consolidated Gas Co. and many other corporations; also to Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum and the trustees ol St. Pat rick's Cathedral. Member ol the Constitutional Con vention ol 1894; also served as a school trustee and as a rapid transit commissioner ol the City ol New York. Trustee West Side Savings Bank. Member Demo cratic, New York Athletic, Catholic and Manhattan _Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. McCLURE, SAMUEL SIDNEY — PubUsher, 141 East 25th street. New York City; residence Lawrence, L. I. Born in County Antrim, Ireland, Feb. 17, 1866. Educated at Knox College, Galesburg,- 111. (Married.) President and director S. S. McClure Co., publishers ol "McClure's Magazine." Member Cosmos Club ol Washington, D. C, and Rockaway Hunting Club. McCOLL, FRANCIS P. — Machinery. 90 West Broadway, New York City; residence 1071 Bergen street, Brooklyn. Member Crescent Athletic and Union League Clubs ol Brooklyn and Athletic Club ol Boston. Mass. McCONIHE, ALONZO — Lumber Merchant 53 River street, Troy; residence 4 Washington place. Educated at Trinity College. Member Troy Club. Calumet Club ol New York City, Saratoga Club ol Saratoga, and Trinity College Alumni Association. McCONIHE, "WARREN- Lawyer, 1 Mutual BuUd ing, Troy. Born in Troy, July 8, 1869. Educated at Trinity College ('90). Union University and Albany Law School. (Single.) Judge ol the City Court ol Troy. Member Troy Club and Trinity College Alumni Association. McCONNELL, IRA WELCH— Instractor, CorneU University, Ithaca; residence 442 North Cayuga street Instructor In civil engineering at Cornell University. McCONNELL, SAMUEL D.— Protestant Episco palian Clergyman, Clinton and Montague streets. Brooklyn; residence 157 Montague street. Born In Westmoreland County, Pa., 1846. Educated at Jeffer son College and at Princeton Seminary. Degrees ol D.D. Irom University ol Pennsylvania and D.C.L. Irom Hobart College. (Married.) Deacon 1872; priest 1873. Rector ol Holy Trinity Church since 1896; also arch-deacon ol Northera Brooklyn. Author ol several religious works. Member Hamilton, Montauk, Dyker Meadow Goll, Civic and Baraard Clubs. McCOOBY, JOHN H.— Secretary, Criminal Court Building, New York City; residence 1426 Pacific street, Brooklyn. Born and educated in New York City. (Married.) Assistant secretary Civil Service Commis sion. Member Brooklyn, Columbia and Bushwick Clubs ol Brooklyn. McCOOK, ANSON GEORGE— Lawyer, 303 Broad way, New York City; residence 128 "West 68th street. Born In SteubenviUe, Ohio, Oct. 10, 1836. Educated in public schools; studied law In Calilornia and was ad mitted to the Bar In 1861. Served with Ohio troops during Civil War, becoming major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel and brigadier-general. Resident ol New York City since 1873; Congressman, 1877-83; Secretary to the United States Senate, 1887-93; chamberlain ol the City ol New York, 1893-7. President and director New York Law Publishing Co.; trustee State Trust Co. Member Union League, Hardware and Republican Clubs, Ohio Society and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. McCOOK, JOHN JAMBS— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 10 West 54th street. Born in Carrolton, Ohio, May 25, 1845. Educated at Kenyon College ('66) and at Harvard Law School. (Married.) Senior member ol the firm ol Alexander & Green. Served throughout Civil War and was mustered out as lieutenant-colonel ol Volunteers. Director Equita ble Lile Assurance Society ol the United States, Mer cantile Trust Co., New York Loan and Improvement Co. and Wells, Fargo & Co.; trustee American Surety Co., and Sun Insurance Co. Member Metropolitan, (Jity, Delta Kappa BpsUon, Union, University, Union Lea.gue, Riding, Lawyers', Tuxedo, Princeton, New York Athletic and Harvard Clubs, Ohio Society, Ken yon College Alumni and Down Town Associations, Presbyterian Union, American Museum ol Natural History, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion and As sociation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. McCOOK, ROBERT L.— Lawyer, 120 Broadway. New York City; residence Union Club. Educated at Harvard. Member New York Athletic. Manhattan and Union Clubs and Harvard College Alumni Asso ciation. McCORD, GEORGE HERBERT- Artist, 399 Clais- son avenue, Brooklyn; residence 294 Gates avenue. Born in New York City, 1848. Educated at CJlaverack (N. Y.) Institute. (Widower.) Member Salmagundi, Lotos and Black and White Clubs, American Water Color and Artists' Fund Societies and National Aca demy ol Design. McCORKLE, JOHN A.— Physician, 149 CUnton street, Brooklyn. Born In Ohio, Feb. 4, 1847. Educated at University ol Michigan. (Married.) Member Ham ilton, Crescent Athletic and Excelsior Clubs, and Ohio Society. McCORKLE, WALTER L. — Lawyer, 3 Broad street. New York City; residence 300 West End ave nue. President and director Tobacco Leal Publish ing Co. Member Colonial and Phi Kappa Psi Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution, Southern Society and Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. McCORMACK, LINCOLN — Lawyer, 7 Nassau street. New York City; residence Dobbs Ferry. Edu cated at Columbia. Member Union and Racquet and Tennis Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson and Columbia University Alumni Association. Mccormick, ANDREW a.— Real Estate, 1443 Broadway, New York City; residence 224 West 48th street. Bora in New York City, July 10, 1868. (Mar ried.) President and director Broadway Theatre Co. Ex-manager Broadway Theatre and Broadway Thea tre Opera Co. Member Union and Catholic Clubs. Mccormick, richard Cunningham— Min ing, 1 Broadway, New York City; residence Jamaica, L. I. Born In New York City, May 23, 1832. Educated in common schools. (Married a daughter ol Hon. AUen G. Thurman ol Ohio.) Chiel clerk in United States Department ol Agriculture, 1862-3; Secretary ol Arizona Territory, 1863-6; Governor ol Arizona, 1866-9; delegate in Congress Irom Arizona, 1869-75; commis sioner to Centennial Exposition, 18'J6; Assistant Sec retary ol the United States Treasury, 1877-8; commis sioner-general to Paris Exposition, 1878; Congressman Irom First New York District, 1895-7. Delegate to Na tional Republican Conventions ol 1872, 1876 and 1880. President and director Boreel Mining Co. and Small Hopes Consolidated Mining Co.; director LeadvUle Consolidated Mining Co.; trustee Citizens' Savings Bank. Author ol "Arizona; Its Resources," and sev eral other works. Member Union League Club. American Geographical Society and Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Mccormick, Stephen, jr.— Real Estate, 589 Third avenue. New York City; residence 2048 Ryer avenue. Born In New York City, July 24, 1854. Edu cated In city public schools. (Married.) Organizer, in 1888, and since then secretary and director Murray Hill Co-operative Building and Loan Association; chiel ol indexing department Consolidated Gas Co. lor twenty-lour years. President Independent Voters' Club. Mccormick, WILLIAM G. — Broker, 70 Broad way. New York City; residence 157 Rush street, Chi cago, 111. Bora in Chicago, June 3, 1851. Educated at University ol Virginia. (Married Eleanor Brooks.) Member ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Union, Manhattan and Whist Clubs, Chicago and Washington Park Clubs ol Chicago, 111., and Mary land Club ol Baltimore, Md. McCRACKAN. WILLI-AM D.— Author and Lec turer, 174 West 58th street. New York City. Born ol American parentage in Munich, Germany, Feb. 12, 1864. Educated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. (A.B. and A.M.). (Married.) Author of "The Rise of the Swiss Republic," "Romance and Teutonic Switzerland," "Swiss Solutions of American Problems" and "Little Idyls of the Big World." Member Manhattan Single Tax and Authors' Clubs, Twentieth Century Club of Boston, Mass., and American Historical and Ameri can Social Science Associations. 300 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. McCRBA, WILLIAM G.-Lawyer, 90 West Broad- wav New Tork City; residence Hotel San Remo. T^bfv'^t tie firm o"^' McCrea, SomerviUe & Taylor Director David Stevenson Brewing Co., Mutual Bank and Wright Steam Engine Works. Member Harlem and Democratic Clubs and Society of Medical Juris prudence. McCRBADT, NATHANIEL L.- Real Estate 15 Broad street. New Tork CJity; residence 4 Bast 75th street Educated at Columbia ('86). Member Metro politan Union, University, New Tork Tacht. Calumet, Tuxedo and Turf and Fleld Clubs, Countij Club of Westchester, American Geographical and St. Nicno- las Societies and Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation. McCREERT, JAMES — Dry Goods Merchant 801 Broadway and 66 West 23d street New Tork City; residence Inwood. Senior member ol the flrm ol James McCreery & Co. Director MercantUe Trast Co. Mem ber Union League Club, American Geographical So ciety Aldine Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art McCREERT, JAMBS CRAWFORD — Dry Goods Merchant, 801 Broadway, and 66 West 23d street. New Tork City; residence 337 West 87th street. Mem ber ol the flrm ol James McCreery & Co. Director RetaU Dry Goods Association. Member Relorm Club arid Aldine Association. McCUE, EDWARD— Assessor, 320 Broadway, New Tork CJity; residence 168 WlUls avenue. Born In New Tork CJity 1845. Educated In public schools. Clerk ol the Special Term ol the Supreme Court until 1884; superintendent ol the real estate bureau ol the New Tork, Lake Erie and Western R. R. Co., 1884-9; con nected with the New Tork CJity Board ol Tax Com missioners as an assessor since 1895, and is now presi dent ol the board. Member Democratic and Schnorrer Clubs and Tammany Society. ; McCULLAGH, JOHN— Superintendent 686 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 317 West 87th street. Born in Ireland, 1845. Educated in New Tork City public schools. (Married.) Appointed to New Tork City police lorce, 1870; roundsman, 1873; sergeant, 1876; captain, 1883; chiel ol poUce, 1897; retired May 31, 1898. Organized police lorce ol Havana, (Juba, with approval ol President McKinley, 1898; superintendent ol metropolitan district, -State Bureau ol Elections, since 1898. McCULLOH, ALLAN — Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New Tork CJity; residence 281 West 71st street. Edu cated at Columbia. Member University Athletic and City Clubs. Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, En glewood (N. J.) Club, Columbia University Alumni Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. McCULLOUGH, JOHN G. (General)— Railroads, 21 Cortlandt street. New Tork City; residence 88 Park avenue. President and director Bennington and Rut land Ry. Co., First National Bank ol North Benning ton, Vt, and Chicago and Erie R. R. Co.; director Central Vermont R. R. Co., Erie R. R. Co., Erie and Wyoming Valley R. R. Co., Fidelity and Casualty Co., Middletown, Unionville and Water Gap R. R. Co., New Tork, Susquehanna and Westera R. R. Co. and North ern R. R. Co. ol New Jersey. Member Metropolitan, Union League, University, Lawyers' and Turl and Field (Jlubs and Sons of the American Revolution. McCURDT, DBLOS— Lawyer, 66 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Hoffman House. Member of the flrm of McCurdy & Tard. Member Manhattan and Democratic Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. McCURDT, RICHARD A.— Insurance, 32 Nassau street. New Tork CJity; residence 37 Filth avenue. Bora in New Tork City, Jan. 29, 1835. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) President and trustee Mutual Llle Insurance Co.; director Bank ol New Amsterdam, Continental Insurance Co., Guaranty Trust Co., Inter national Bell Telephone Co., Lawyers' Surety Co., Na tional Union Bank, United States Mortgage and l^rust Co., Morton Trust Co., Morristown (N. J.) Trust Co. and National Bank ol Commerce. Member Metropoli tan, Lawyers', Morris County (N. J.) Goll and Morris town Clubs, St. Stephen's Club ol London, England, Metropolitan Museum ol Art New England Society and American Museum ol Natural History. McCURDT, ROBERT H. — Insurance, 59 Cedar street New Tork City; residence 37 Filth avenue. Bom m New Tork City May 26, 1859 Educated at Harvard ('81). (Married.) Director Astor Natmnal Bank. Member University, Metropolitan, New Tork Tacht Harvard, Atlantic Tacht and Seawanhaka- Corinthian Tacht Clubs, Morristown Club ol Morns- town, N. J., New England Society and Down Town Association. McCUTCHEN, SAMUEL ST. J.— Lawyer, HO Broadway New Tork City; residence Plainfleld, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. T. Educated at Tale. Member ol the flrm ol Fletcher, McCutchen & Brown. For merly member State Board of Education of New Jer sey and ol commission to revise the school laws ol New Jersey. Member Psi Upsilon and Tale Clubs and Down Town Association. McCUTCHEON, J-4.MES — Linen Merchant, 14 West 23d street New Tork City; residence Greenwich, Conn. Member ol the flrm ol James McCutcheon & Co. President and director Garfield Sale Deposit Co.; director American Ice Co. and Garfield National Bank. Member Fairfield County Goll, Indian Harbor Tacht, MIrlmachI Fish and Game and Laurentian Clubs and Aldine Association. McDERMOTT, CHARLES J.— Lawyer, 155 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 666 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn. Born in New Tork City, June 15, 1867. Educated, In Brooklyn and New Tork City, at Adelphi Academy and Columbia College. (Married.) Mem ber ol the firm ol Boardman & Boardman. Member Relorm Club, and Atlantic Tacht and Crescent Ath letic Clubs ol Bro^ikl.vii. McDERMOTT, GEORGE ROBERT — Prolessor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 216 University avenue. Assistant prolessor ol naval architecture at Cornell University. Mcdonald, JOHN B.— Railroad Contractor and Builder, 21 Park row. New Tork City; residence 1 West 72d street. Born In Ireland, Nov. 7, 1844. (Son ol Bartholomew and Mary McDonaild.) Educated In New Tork City public schools. (Married Georgia A. Strang, 1869.) His business career began with con struction ol the reservoir at Boyd's Comer, Croton water works. New Tork City. Contractor with the firm ol Dillon, Clyde & Co. on the Fourth Avenue Im provement, Vanderbilt Tunnels, north ol 42d street. New Tork City. His next contracts were on the High Bridge Branch ol the New Jersey Central R. R. Co., Georgian Bay Branch ol the Canadian Pacific R. K. and Boston, Hoosac and Western R. R., building that company's bridge across the Hudson River. His other enterprises include an extension ol the Balti more and Ohio R. R. Irom Bailtlmore to Philadelphia, much ol the construction ol the West Shore R. R., an extension ol the Illinois Central R. R. Irom Elgin, III., to DodgevUle, Wis., and the Potomac Valley R. R. Irom WlUIamsport, Md., to Cherry Run, W. Va. In 1889, he projected the building ol the Baltimore Belt R. R. to connect the Baltimore and Ohio R. R. lines by a tunnel under the city ol Baltimore, the charter being granted in 1890: as Ryan & McDonald, he com pleted the work In January, 1894. Now contractor lor the construction In New Tork City ol the underground rapid transit system. Member ol the firm ol Ryan & McDonald. President South Baltimore Car Works, Ryan-McDonald Ml'g Co., Maryland Bolt and Nut Co., Eastern Ohio R. R. Co. and Ryan & McDonald Construction Co.; director Drake & Stratton Co. Member Suburban Riding and Driving Club. Mcdonald, KINNIE C— Lawyer, 84 Broadway, Brooklyn; residence 598 Bedlord avenue. Born in Jor- danville, Herkimer Co., N. T., Nov. 15, 1868. Edu cated in public schools, and at Cornell. (Married.) Member Cornell Club. Mcdonald, WILLIAM— Manulacturer ol Meters, 511 West 21st street. New Tork City; residence Albany. Born In Albany, Jan. 20, 1843. Educated In Albany. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol D. McDonald & Co. Member Lotos, Albany and Country Clubs. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK- 301 MCDONNELL, CHARLES EDWARD — Roman Catholic Bishop, 367 Clermont avenue, Brooklyn. Born In New Tork City, June 26, 1864. Educated In parochial schools and at St. Francis Xavier College and American College, Rome, Italy (D.D., '87). Or dained priest May, 1878. Master ol ceremonies at New Tork Cathedral, 1879-84; served lor a time as secretary to Cardinal McCloskey and to Archbishop Corrigan; private chamberlain to Pope Leo XIII, 1890. Conse crated Bishop ol Brooklyn, April 25, 1892. Member Catholic Club and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. Mcdonough, JOHN j.— Receiver, 67 Chambers street. New Tork City; residence 319 East 87th street. Born in New Tork CSty, 1850. Educated in public schools. Connected with the Second Avenue Surlace R. R. Co., 1863-89; cashier to the Board ol Excise. New Tork City, 1889-91; deputy tax commissioner, 1891-3; deputy receiver ol taxes since 1893. Mcdonough. WILLIAM H.-Lawyer, 21 Park row. New Tork City; residence 505 East 119th street. Born In New Tork City, 1864. Educated at the College ol the City ol New Tork. (Single.) Secretary to the Mayor ol the City ol New Tork, 1893; under sheriff ol New Tork County, 1894. Member Democratic, Hard ware, Sagamore and Manhattan Clubs. McDOUGALL, CHARLES— Coffee Importer, 110 Front street. New Tork City; residence 103 West 48th street. Member Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, and Rough Riding Ciub. McDowell, JOHN G.-Lawyer, Robinson Build ing. Elmira; residence 315 Lake street. Born in Bl mira, Jan. 17, 1867. Educated at Cornell ('90). (Mar ried.) Was city attorney ol Elmira In 1896. Is now City Judge. Member Coraell Club ol New Tork City. Mcdowell, WILLIAM OSBORNE — organizer, 71 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 447 Sumner avenue, Newark, N. J. Bora in Pluckemin, Somerset Co., N. J., April 10, 1848. Educated In common schools and by private tutors. (Married.) Reorganized Mont ciair Ry. Co., Midland Ry. Co. ol New Jersey, and New Tork, Ontario and Western Ry. Co.; also planned consolidation ol the New Tork, Susquehanna and Western R. R. Co. Started successlul subscription lor the completion ol Bartholdi's Statue ol Liberty; or ganized Sons ol the Revolution, Daughters ol the American Revolution, Order ol the American Eagle and Pan-Republic Congress; was also an organizer, and Irom its Inception, president, ol the Cuban-Ameri can League. Delivered oration at World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Member Twilight Club. Sons ol the American Revolution, Society ol the War ol 1812 and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. McELHENT, VICTOR K., Jr.— Lawyer, 100 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 11 West 84th street. Born In Pittsburg, Pa. Educated at Ohio Wesleyan University ('80) and at Columbia. (Married.) Mem ber University Club and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. McBLLIGOTT, HENRT RICHARD (Colonel)— Secretary, 59 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 1 East 39th street. Educated at Columbia. Secretary and director United States Automatic Dispatch Co. Member Union League Club. Columbia University Alumni Association and Sons ol the American Revo lution. McELRATH, PERCT— Lawyer, 119 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 117 West 58th street. Mem ber Mendelssohn Glee and Republican Clubs and Cen tury Association. McELROT, DANIEL S.— Real Estate, 1489 Broad way. New Tork City; residence 105 East 37th street and Irvington-on-Hudson. Born in New Tork City. March 29. 1853. Educated in New Tork City by pri vate tutors and at Bryant & Stratton's Business Col lege. (Married Linda Lent.) Was stockholder and director ol the Third Avenue R. R. Co. and president Pelham Electric Light and Power Co. Represented the Eighteenth New Tork City District In the State Assembly ol 1883, and served on the Cities Committee and others; was chairman ol the Committee on Con gressional Reapportionment lor the counties ol New Tork, Kings, Queens, Suffolk. Richmond, Rockland and Westchester. Member New Tork Club, and Ards ley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson. McELROT. WILLIAM H.— Editor and Publisher. Rochester; residence 404 East avenue. Educated at Union College. Editor Rochester "Post-Express." Member Genesee Valley Club. Authors' Club ol New Tork City, and Union College Alumni Association. McELVBEN, WILLIAM T.— Congregational Cler- gyma:n, 177 South Ninth street. Brooklyn. Educated at the College ol the City ol New Tork. Connected with the New England Congregational Church. Mem ber City. Congregational, Tale and Manhattan Clubs ol New Tork City, and City CoUege Alumni Associa tion. McEWAN, THOMAS, Jr.— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Jersey City, N. J. Member ol the firm ol McEWan & McEwan. Ex-assemblyman ol New Jersey; member ol Fllty-lourth and Filty- filth Congresses. Member Church Club. McFADDEN, BENJAMIN B. — Manulacturer, Binghamton, and 377 Broadway, New Tork CJity; resi dence 228 Main street, Binghamton. Born In Cadiz. Ohio. Aug. 4, 1862. Educated In public school and at Tabor Art School. Chicago. (Married.) President, di rector and manager The Commercial Envelope Co. (Ltd.) and Consumers' Supply Co. Formerly corre sponding secretary Bast Orange (N. J.) RepubUcan. Lincoln and Fremont Clubs. Member Binghamton Club. McFARLAN, FRANCIS— Llle Insurance. 71 Broad way. New Tork City; residence Jersey City. N. J. Born and educated in New Tork City. Was manager in dry goods commission house lor ten years; was also connected with J. H. Lane & Co. and Bates, Reed & Cooley lor five years. Now^ special agent Equitable Lile Assurance Society ol the United States. Mem ber Republican and Lotos Clubs. McGARVET, EDWARD— 193 Grand street, Brook lyn; residence 84 Morton street. Born in Trenton, N. J., Aug. 1, 1859. (Married.) Trustee First Baptist Church ol the Eastern District, Kings County Savings Institution, Eastern District Hospital and Dispensary. and Eastera District Branch ol Toung Men's Chris tian Association. McGHEE, CHARLES M.— Retired, 33 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 749 Filth avenue. Born In Tennessee. Educated at the University ol Tennessee. (Married.) Vice-president and director Roane Iron Co. ; director Western Live Stock and Land Co.. Knox vUle and Ohio R. R. Co., Rockwood and Tennessee River Ry. Co.. Lenoir City Co. and Nashville Street Ry Co. McGIFFERT, ARTHUR C— Prolessor. 700 Park avenue. New Tork City; residence Pelham Manor. Born in Sauquoit N. T., March 4, 1861. Educated at Western Reserve College, Union Theological Seminary and at the Universities ol Berlin and Marburg, Ger many; degrees ol D.D. and Ph.D. (Married.) Pro- lessor ol church history at Love Theological Seminary In CJIncInnati, Ohio, 1888-93, and since 1893 at Union Theological Seminary. Member Chi Alpha and Theta Clerical Clubs, Union Theological Seminary Alumni and Century Associations, Delta Kappa Epsilon Fra ternity and Phi Beta Kappa Society. McGILVART. EVANDER BRADLET— Prolessor, Coraell University, Ithaca; residence 206 Eddy street Born In Bangkok, Slam, July 19, 1864. Educated at Bingham (N. C.) School, Davidson (N.C.) College and Princeton Theological Seminary; post-graduate work at Princeton University and University ol Calilornia Degrees ol A.M. and Ph.D. (Married Elizabeth Allen Paton.) Translator lor Presbyterian Board ol For eign Missions in Slam, 1891-4; Instructor and assistant prolessor University ol Calilornia, 1894-9. Now Sage Prolessor ol moral philosophy at Cornell University Author ol various articles in philosophical journals. Member Town and Gown Club and American Psycho logical Association. McGINNIS, EDWARD L. H.— Physician, 329 Am sterdam avenue. New Tork City. Born in MobUe Ala., 1862. Educated in. the United States and Europe' 302 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. (Single.) Electro-therapeutist at Woman's Hospital, Vanderbilt Clinic and College ol Physicians and Sur geons; consulting gynecologist at J. Hood Wright Memorial Hospital. Member New Tork Tacht and Hospital Graduates' Clubs, New Tork Academy ol Medicine, New Tork County Medical, New Tork Ob stetrical, Woman's Hospital and American Electro- Therapeutical Societies; honorary Fellow SocietS Francalse Therapeutique. McGINNIS, ROBERT, Jr.— Tobacco Merchant 101 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 40 East 76th street. Born in New Tork City, Jan. 20, 1849. Edu cated at the College ol the City ol New Tork and Christian Brothers School. (Married.) Identified with tobacco trade since 1863. Since 1873 with Buch anan & LyaU. Member Catholic Club, Society ol St. Vincent de Paul and Down Town Association. McGLASHAN, ARCHIBALD A. — Lawyer, 62 Broadway, TJew Tork City; residence 35 West 33d street. Born In St. Catharines, Canada. Educated at Amherst and Columbia. (Single.) Member New Tork Athletic, Alpha Delta Phi, Salmagundi and Richmond Hill Goll Clubs, Amherst College Alumni Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. McGOURKET, SAMUEL D.— Grain Merchant, 435 Produce Exchange, New Tork CJity; residence 6 East 69th street. Member St. Nicholas, New Tork Athletic and Canoe Clubs. McGOVERN, JAMES— Broker, 6 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 326 West 76th street. Member ol the firm ol James McGovem & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. McGOVERN, JAMBS E. — Plumber, 149 Church street. New Tork City. Bom In Greenwich, Conn., July 4, 1858. Educated In public schools. Member of the Examining Board ol Plumbers ol the City of New Tork since 1893 and Is now secretary of the board. Member Cherokee Club. McGOWAN, HENRT P. — Lawyer, 108 Fulton street. New Tork City; residence 1982 Madison avenue. Member New Tork Athletic and Manhattan Clubs and Cuttyhunk Island Club of Buzzard's Bay, Mass. McGOWAN, JOHN E.— Lawyer, 1133 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 11 East 60th street. Mem ber Manhattan, New Tork Athletic and Democratic Clubs. McGOWAN, JOHN P.— Physician, 20 East 29th street, New Tork City; residence 20 East 28th street. Born in Irvington, N. J., April 23, 1866. Educated at Germantown (N. J.) Academy and Bellevue Hospital Medical CoUege. (Single.) Visiting physician. New Tork Foundling Hospital; consulting surgeon to Pres entation "Day Nursery." Formerly surgeon United States Navy and brigade surgeon Naval Mllltla of New Tork. Member Union League, New Tork Tacht and Army and Navy Clubs, Army and Navy Club of Washington, D. C, New Tork Academy of Medicine, Medico-Legal and County Medical Societies, Naval Reserve Association and MiUtary Orders of Foreign and Spanish-American Wars. McGRATH, ROBERT HUNTER, Jr.— Lawyer 43 Cedar street. New Tork City; residence 29 Washington square. West. Member Reform and Democratic Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the CJity ol New Tork. MCGREGOR, BRADFORD B.— Vice-President 26 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 205 West 57th street. (Married.) Director A. J. Sheldon Co. and Edgemont and Union HIU Smelting Co. Member Larchmont Tacht, Westchester Country Riding New Tork Athletic and New Tork Tacht Clubs. McGUCKIN, WILLIAM G— Prolessor, 17 Lexing ton avenue. New Tork City; residence 176 West 105th street. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 16, 1849 Edu cated at the CoUege ol the City ol New Tork " (Mar ried.) Assistant prolessor ol history in College ol the City ol New Tork. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon Club and Phi Beta Kappa Society. vsnon McGUIRE, ELISHA W. — Lawyer, 16 Exchanee place. New Tork City; residence 143 Lefferts ptLe Brooklyn. Bom In Ledyard, Conn., Aug. 13, 1854 Edu cated at Connecticut State Normal School and Colum bia Law School. (Married.) Member New England Society and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. McGUIRE, JAMES CLARK— Consulting Engineer and Contractor, 26 Cortlandt street. New Tork City; residence University Club. Born near EUicott City, Md., Sept. 21, 1867. A great great nephew ol President James Madison, and lineally descended Irom eighteen out ol the twenty-five "Surely Barons" who signed the Magna Charter. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy ('88). (Single.) Secretary ol the Ferro-Tltanlum Co. Member University Club, Metro politan Club ol Washington, D. C, University Club ol Baltimore, Md., Southern Society, American Society ol Civil Engineers, associate member ol Institution ol Civil Engineers ol Great Britain and associate mem ber Society ol Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. McGUIRE, JAMES K. — Mayor, Syracuse. Born in New Tork City, July 12, 1868. Educated at Christian Brothers' School In Syracuse. Declined nomination for Legislature in 1888 and 1889. Elected mayor ol Syracuse in 1894 and re-elected in 1897. Chairman executive committee ol Democratic State Committee for 1900. Has lectured on political and social problems throughout the United States. Member Citizens' Club. McGUIRE, .TOHN C— Surveyor, Custom House, New Tork City; residence Hotel St. George, Brooklyn. President and director Consolidated Savings and Loan Investment Co. and Franklin Society for Home Build ings and Savings; director Automatic Telephone and Electric Co., George Washington Lighting Co. and Mutual Automatic Telephone Co.; trustee Hamilton Trust Co. Member Crescent Athletic, Marine and Field, Brooklyn, Montauk, Civic and Columbia Clubs of Brooklyn, Manhattan and Catholic CJlubs of New Tork City, Catholic Benevolent Legion and Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. McGUIRE, JOSEPH HUBERT— Architect, 3 West 29th street. New Tork City; residence 306 West 86th street. Born in New Tork City, 1866. Educated in New Tork City, aind Paris, France. (Mairried.) Was treasurer Society of Beaux Arts Architects and dele gate to Fine Arts Federation. Secretary and director West End Realty Co. Member Catholic (ex-manager) Club, Architectural League, Beaux Arts Society, "West End Association, New Tork Chapter American Insti tute of Architects and Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. McGUSTT, ROBERT T.— Real Bstate, 116 West 42d street. New Tork City; residence 272 West 19th street. Served with Troop "A" New Tork Volunteers during the Spanish-American War. Member Church, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht and Nassau Country Clubs. McH.ARG, HENRT K. — Banker and Broker, 40 Wall street, and 53 Broadway, New Tork City; resi dence Stamford, Conn. Born In Albany, N. T., Feb. 6, 1851. Educated at Walnut Hill School, Geneva, N. T. (Married.) President and director Atlanta, Knox vUle and Northern Ry. Co. and Texas Central R. R. Co.; vice-president and director Bank of the Manhat tan Company; secretary and director Morning Star Consolidated Mining Co. and Ward Consolidated Min ing Co.; director Wabash R. R., St. Louis and San Francisco R. R. Co., Evening Star Mining Co., New lork State National Bank of Albany, Stamford Trust Co., Suburban Land and Investment Co. and Texas Central R. R. Co. Member Union League and New York Tacht Clubs and Down Town Association. ..ov,^^^y^,^,^^^^' CHARLES MORGAN -Artist Shrub Oak, Westchester County. Born in Philadel phia, Pa., April 4, 1868. Educated In Philadelphia; studied painting at Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. (Married Ada IngersoU, 1888.) Has been award ed many prizes, including medals at World's Colum bian Exposition, 1893. Member Salmagundi Club, of'^esrS ^^'^ ^°'°'' Society and National Academy ,„,,^''^^;"^^?'^- PARKER C.-Chemlst, 116th street v^ J^.'I"'"^®'?? Heights and 145 East 23d street. New Wc^,?i^fJ '¦It"^x"'>? ^^^ S*- Nicholas avenue. Bom In (TP^PP^'^ N. J-. Oct 9, 1870. Educated at Columbia (B.S., 92, A.M., '93, and Ph.D., '94). (Married ) Hon- sfnce'' f898-'*«,"* '" "letallurgy at Columbia UnlveraUy since 1898, also associated with Louis C. Tiffany in artistic glass manufacture. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 303 McILVAINE, TOMPKINS — Lawyer, 45 Cedar street. New Tork City; residence 105 East 18th street. Born in New Tork City, March 26, 1869. Educated at Columbia" (A.B., '90). (Single.) Member University and Rockaway Hunting Clubs. McILWAINE, ARCHIBALD GRAHAM, Jr.— In surance, 57 William street. New Tork City; residence Hotel St. Andrew. Manager London and Lancaster Flre Insurance Co. Member Larchmont Tacht and Colonial Clubs, Southern Society, Down Town Asso ciation, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and ol many other bodies. McINTTRE, EWEN— Druggist, 992 Sixth avenue. New Tork City; residence 303 West 74th street. Mem ber ol the firm ol Ewen Mclntyre & Son. Member Presbyterian Union amd American Museum ol Natural History. McINTTRE, EWEN, Jr.— Druggist, 992 Sixth ave nue. New Tork City; residence 66 West 56th street. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 19, 1855. Educated in New Tork City and at Edinburgh University, Scot land. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Ewen Mcln tyre & Son. Member New Tork Athletic Club and St. Andrew's Society. McINTTRE, JOHN FRANCIS-Lawyer, 220 Broad- v/ay and Criminal Court Building, New "York City; residence 1385 Lexington avenue. Born in New Tork City, Jan. 16, 1855. (Son ol John B. and Francis Vir ginia [EsqiroU] Mclntyre.) Educated In public schools, at St. Francis Xavier CoUege and at New Tork University. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Mclntyre & Mclntyre. Served as a member ol the New Tork Legislature and as counsel to the comp troller ol the City ol New Tork. Was appointed an assistant by District Attomey NlcoU, and has succes- .slvely served under his successors. Fellows, Olcott and Gardiner. Has served as a delegate to every New Tork State and to several National Democratic Con ventions during the past twenty years. Member Man hattan, Democratic, Arkwright and Algonquin Clubs. McINTTRE, THOMAS A.-Merchant, Produce Ex change, New Tork City; residence 304 West 75th street. Born in New Tork City Oct. 19, 1855. (Married.) Mem ber ol the firm ol Mclntyre & Wardwell, members of the New Tork Stock Exchange. President and direc tor Baltic Realty Co., Brooklyn Wharf Transfer Co., Brooklyn Wliarf and Warehouse Co. and J. C. Watson Co. ; vice-president and director American Glucose and Sugar Refining Co.; treasurer and director Hecker- Jones-Jewell MlUing Co. and United States Flour Milling Co.; director and member of the advisory board Corn Exchange Bank; director Atlantic Stor age Co., International Elevating Co., Lykens Valley R. R. and Coal Co., Pegamoid Co., Cuban Pan-Ameri can Exposition Co., Peoria Bureau Valley R. R. Co. and Wilmington Street Ry. Co.; trustee New Tork Produce Exchange and Safe Deposit and Storage Co. and State Trust CO., and member of committee of man agement Royal Insurance Co. Member Colonial, Re lorm, New Tork Tacht, New Tork Athletic, Lawyers', Lambs', Manhattan, Metropolitan, Larchmont Tacht, Camera, Westchester Goll, Nassau Country, Suburban Riding and Driving and Meadow Tacht Clubs, Ards ley Caisino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Down Town Association. McKAT, JOHN -4.NGUS — Publisher, Eagle Build ing, Brooklyn; residence Brooklyn Club. Born In Og densburgh, N. T., Oct. 19, 1864. Educated In Oswego. (Single.) President Brooklyn "Lile" Publishing Co. Has done special writing on the New Tork "Heraild," New Tork "Mail and Express," New Tork "Sun" and Brooklyn "Eagle." Member Relorm Club ol New Tork, and Garden City Goll and Brooklyn Clubs. McKAT, JOHN E.— Civil Engineer, 21 Park row. New Tork City; residence 424 West 147th street. Con nected with the Department ol Water Supply ol New Tork City. Member Engineers' Club, American So ciety ol Civil Engineers. American Society ol Mechan ical Engineers and Lalayette Post, G. A. R. McKEAN, JOHN B.— Real Estate, 175 East 91st street. New Tork City, residence 151 East 83d street. Bora in Ireland, 1843. Educated in New Tork City public schools; studied law and was admitted to the Bar In 1864. Served as clerk ol the Marine Court for sixteen years, as police court clerk for ten years and as Judge of the Seventh District Municipal Court un tU 1899. McKE'N, McKEE D.— 1127 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 135 Madison avenue. Bom in Wash ington, D. C, Oct. 21, 1873. Educated at Philips Exe ter Academy and at Tale. (Single.) Assistant secre tary Compressed Gas Capsule Co.; director James town and Lake Erie R. R. Co., Union Gas Co., and Sar atoga Traction Co. Was lieutenant United States Volunteer Signal Corps and aide-de-camp to General W. F. Randolph, commanding Light Artillery Briga.de at Tampa and Santiago, 1898. Member TaJe. Delta Kappa Epsilon and Crescent Athletic Clubs, Skull and Bones and Graduates' Club of New Haven, Conn., Washington (D. C.) Golf Club and Society of the Army of Santiago de Cuba. McKEE, RALPH RAPPE— Advertising, 41 Park row. New Tork City; residence 51 Central avenue. New Brighton. Born In Upper Sandusky, Ohio, May 2, 1865. Educated at Lawrenceville (N. J.) Academy and Princeton. (Married.) Member Princeton, Staten Island, Staten Island Whist and Harbor Hill Goll Clubs. McKEE, THOMAS J.-Lawyer, 60 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 237 West 24th street. Member GroUer, Players' and Olympic Clubs and Dunlap So ciety. McKEEN, JAMES— Lawyer, 40 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 136 Henry street, Brooklyn. Born in Brunswick, Me., Dec. 5, 1844. Educated at Bowdoin College ('64). (Married.) Member University and Lawyers' CJlubs, Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn, Phi Beta Kappa and American Geographical Societies and As sociation ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. McKBBVER, I. CHAUNCET— Broker, 72 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 10 East 58th street. Educated at Tale. Member ol the firm ol Keech, Loew & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Union, St. Anthony, Rockaway Hunting and Tale Clubs. McKEBVER. JAMES LA"WRENCE— Agent, 71 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 164 Lexington avenue. Member Union Club. American Geographical Society. Sons ol the American Revolution and Down Town Association. McKELL, THOMAS G.— Capitalist, New Tork City; residence New Tork Club. Born in CJhlliicothe, Ohio, May 7, 1845. Educated at Troy Polytechnic In stitute. (Married.) President McKell Coal and Coke Co. Member New Tork and Lawyers' Clubs. McKELVET, JOHN JAT— Lawyer, 66 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Palisade avenue, Spuyten Duyvil. Born in Sandusky, Ohio, May 24, 1863. Edu cated at Oberlin College (A.B.. '84) and Harvard Law School (LL.B. and A.M.. '87). (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol McKelvey & Mattocks. Author ol "Mc Kelvey on Common Law Pleading' and "McKelvey on Evidence." Counsel lor National "Wholesale Lum ber Dealers' Association. Member Harvard Club, Oberlin Alumni Association and Association ol the Bair ol the City ol New Tork. McKELWAT, ST. CLAIR— Editor, Eagle Building, Brooklyn. Born In Columbia, Mo.. March 15, 1845. Educated at academies and by private tutors; honor ary degrees ol M.A.. Colgate, D.C.L.. St. Lawrence, L.H.D., Union, and LL.D., Syraicuse. (Married Vir ginia Brooks Thompson.) Associate editor New Tork "World," 1866-70, and ol "Brooklyn Dally Eagle," 1870-8; editor Albany "Argus," 1878-84; editor-in-chlel ol the "Brooklyn Daily Eagle" since 1884. Regent ol the University ol the State ol New Tork since 1883. Author ol "Press and Pulpit," "Lawyer and the Times," "Old Fashioned Preaching," "Medical and Other Experts," "National Transition," "Puritan and Dutchman" and other works. Public speaker on edu cational and ethical subjects. Has never been a can didate lor political offlce on ground that It would Impair his Ireedom as a public commentator; In national politics a gold man, an expansionist and a low pro tectionist; in municipal affairs an independent. Mem ber Hamilton, Brooklyn, Twentieth Century and Mon tauk Clubs, Metropolitan, National Arts, Relorm and 304 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Barnard Clubs ol New Tork City, Society ol Medical Jurisprudence, MiUtary Order ol the Loyal Legion, Long Island Historical Society and National Institute ol Arts and Letters; charter member and director American Social Science Association; corresponding member ol several state and county historical socie ties and connected with many other organizations. McKENNA, CHARLES P.- Chemist, 221 Pearl street New Tork City; residence 155 West 91st street. Bom in New Tork City, 1861. Educated at St. Francis Xavier College and Columbia School ol Mines. (Mar ried.) Was chairman ol New Tork Section American Chemical Society. Member Chemists' Club, American Chemical Society, American Society ol Civil Engineers and American Institute ol Mining Engineers. McKENNA, JAMES A.— Certifled Public Account ant 43 Cedar street. New Tork City; residence Long Island City. Born in New Tork City, Feb 17, 1867. Educated in public schools and by private Instructors. Member ol Assembly ol New Tork State, 1891; post master Long Island City. 1887-9 and 1893-7. Member Democratic Club and New Tork State Society ol Cer tified Public Accountants. McKENNA, JAMES J.— Brass Founder, 424 East 23d street. New Tork City; residence 104 West 116th street. Born In New Tork City, 1850. Educated at St. Francis Xavier College. Member Engineers' and Olympic Clubs and General Society ol Mechanics and Tradesmen. McKENNA, "WILLIAM J.— Clerk, Criminal Court BuUding, New Tork City; residence 10 Mangin street. Born In County Tyrone, Ireland, Oct. 2, 1854. Educated ' In New Tork City public schools and at the College ot the City ol New Tork. Represented the Sixth Dis trict in the New Tork State Assembly, 1887; chiel searcher in the county clerk's offlce, 1889-91; county clerk, by appointment ol Governor HIU, to fill the un expired term ol Leonard A. Giegerich, who had been promoted to the Bench ol the Court ol Common Pleas, 1891-2; coroner, by appointment ol Governor Flower, to succeed Ferdinand Levy, who had been elected register, 1893-4: chiel clerk ol the district at torney's office since 1894. McKBON, JOHN S.— Clothier, 696 Broadway, New Tork City, and Broadway and Bedford avenue, Brook lyn; residence 687 Bedford avenue, Brooklyn. Bom In Brooklyn, Feb. 3, 1846. Educated at Brooklyn Public School No. 1. (Married.) President Long Island Life Saving Association; vice-president Eastern District Dispensary and Hospital; director American Union Life Insurance Co., Amphion Academy Co. and Kings County Co-operative Building and Loan Association; treasurer and trustee Ross Street Presbyterian CJhurch; trustee Kings County Savings Institution. Was president of the Union League (Jlub lor two years, 1897-9 and is now governor. Member Hanover Club ol Brooklyn, Royal Arcanum. Grant Post No. 327, G. A. R., and a thirty-second degree Mason. McKESSON, GEORGE CLINTON — Wholesale Druggist, 91 Fulton street New Tork City; residence 24 Riverside Drive. Member ol the firm ol McKesson & Robbins. Member St. Nicholas and Union League Clubs and Sons ol the Revolution. McKESSON, JOHN. Jr.— Wholesale Druggist, 91 Fulton street. New Tork City; residence 247 Filth ave nue, and Monmouth Beach, N. J. Connected with the firm ol McKesson & Robbins. Member ol the Union League, Fulton and Storm King Clubs. McKIBBIN, GEORGE N.— Railroad Contractor, 30 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 46 West 61st street. Born in New Tork City, July 8, 1865. Educated at Stevens Institute ol Technology. (Married.) Vice- president and director Norwalk Tramway Co. and Port Jervls, Monticello and New Tork R. R. Co.; director Kingston and Rondout Valley R. R. Co.. and Ulster County R. R. Co. ,,, McltlBBBN, GILBERT H. (General) - Publisher 476 West Broadway, New Tork City; residence 101 Park avenue. Member Relorm, New Tork Athletic New Tork Tacht, Adirondack League and Army and Navy Clubs Army and Navy Club ol Philadelphia Pa., and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion McKIM, CHARLES F.— Architect. 160 Filth ave nue. New Tork City; residence 9 East 35th street. Bom in Chester Co.. Pa., Aug. 24, 1847. Educated at Harvard in Lawrence Scientific School ('70) and at Boole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France. Member ol the firm ol McKim, Mead & White, architects ol many lamous buildings throughout the United States. Mem ber Metropolitan, University, Players', Harvard, Rac quet and Tennis, City and Lambs' Clubs, St. Botolph Club ol Boston, Mass., Germantown Cricket Club ol Philadelphia, Pa., American Institute ol Architects, Century Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. McKIM, ROBERT V.— Retired, 32 West 58th street. New Tork City Born in Rhinebeck, N. T., Aug. 19, 1841. Educated In Baltimore and New Tork (Jity. (Married.) Commissioned assistant surgeon 57th Reg iment New Tork Volunteers, October, 1861; promoted to be surgeon with rank ol major, February, 1862; served In Army ol the Potomac; In action at Fair Oaks and through campaign ol the Peninsula, at second battle ol Bull Run and at Antletam; later acting bri gade surgeon and in charge ol division hospital at Harper's Ferry, Va. ; March 5, 1883, was commissioned brigade surgeon, with rank ol major, N. G. N. T., on staff ol General Louis Fitzgerald, and served nearly filteen years; resigned January, 1898. Member West minster Kennel, Union and Metropolitan Clubs, Mili tary Order ol the Loyal Legion and Colonial Order. McKINLET, ABNER — Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New Tork City. (Brother ol President WiUiam Mc Kinley.) Born and educated in Ohio. (Married.) Practiced law in Canton, Ohio, until 1897, when he removed to New Tork City. Since his admission to the New Tork Bar (March 9, 1897), has built up a large practice, principally as attoraey lor commercial firms and corporations. Member Lawyers' aind Union League Clubs. McKINLET, ANDREiW- Lawyer, 100 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 120 West 12th street. Bora In Franklort Ky, June 28, 1857. (Grandson ol United States Supreme Court Justice McKinley and also ol Mrs. John J., wile ol Senator Crittenden ol Kentucky.) Educated at New Tork City Grammar School No. 35 and at Princeton College. (Married Pauline A., daughter ol Chester W. Chapln ol New Tork CJity) Was associated with the firm ol Dillon & Swayne lor three years, and with (Jhandler, McKinley & Bisbee lor the same period; was in South America on law business lor two years. Member Princeton Club and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. McKINNBT, GLENN FORD— Lawyer, 111 Broad way, Ne-w -York City; residence 349 Filth avenue. Member Princeton, University Athletic and Larch mont Yacht Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City ol New York. M^INNY WILLIAM-Audltor, 280 Broadway, Ne-w York City; residence Brooklyn. Bom In New J^^PP'i''' It*- ^^^1^^5- Educated at AdelpW Aoa7 emy in Brooklyn. Engaged In the wholesale tea biisl- ?,?^l,?-f "" member ol the firm ol George C. Chase & Co. ^Z ^ l"^ r^7^- Peputy appraiser ol merchandise ol SIv?l«nd?^^1 first lieutenant^ PractlcinI 'in NewTorL CI?? sJScI llqt-' %^?'?f °/ *?^ fl™ ol^McKoon & Lucked 01 Monmouth Be«r*M^T°''^^^^^?* ^^^^ Association ^lSa"H-¥4"€\^^^^^^^^^ WiUlaifrPoft''N(;. sfi^'^^ll.T''' ''''^^'^°'' * ^- S- way'^^NeTf or?' rSv.''''^,|-^°'^*'-^°t°'-. 1368 Broad- Bo?n in'staSd^'^^nn'"''ruTl4'ml'Vd"'^ P^P Athletic, ^^^L?P, Tr^.Tlla''^fZ^er.firSs°'''''' BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 305 McLANE, GUT R. — Broker, 18 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 51 West 38th street. Born in New Tork City. Educated at Tale ('95). Connected with the flrm ol Jesup & Lament, members ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Tale and University Clubs. McLaren, jambs— contractor, 10 Court street, Brooklyn; residence 683 Tenth street. Vice-president and director Union Bank ol Brooklyn; director Kings County Bank. Member Union League and Montauk Clubs. Mclaughlin, Arthur w. — Real Estate, i46 Broadway, New York City; residence 234 Central Park, West. Member ol the firm ol A. W. McLaughlin & Co. Member Lawyers' and Colonial Clubs. Mclaughlin, Chester b.— supreme court Justice, Madison square. East, New York City; resi dence 222 West 23d street. Born in Moriah, N. Y., 1858. Educated at the University ol Vermont ('79); also studied law and was admitted to the Bar In 1881. Member ol the Constitutional Convention ol 1894. Su preme Court Justice, Appellate Division, since 1896; term expires Dec. 31, 1909. Member University Club. Mclaughlin, HUGH — Retired, 163 Remsen street, Brooklyn. Bora In Brooklyn, April 2, 1827. Educated In public schools; learned rope-making trade. Master mechanic at Brooklyn Navy Yard, 1867-61; elected register ol Kings County in 1861 and twice re-elected. Was active In promoting the con struction ol New York and Brooklyn Bridge and ol Prospect Park in Brooklyn. Is now and has been lor many years leader ol the Democratic organization In the latter city. McLEAN, ARTHUR A.— 87 Water street, New burgh; residence 386 Grand street. Member Orange Lake and City Clubs, Matteawan Club ol Matteawan, Democratic and Catholic Clubs ol New York City, and Friendly Sons ol St. Patrick. McLEAN, DONALD— Lawyer, 27 William street. New York City; residence 186 Lenox avenue. Born in Rahway, N. J., Sept. 19, 1852. Educated by private tutors, at Harlord Academy amd at Columbia Law School. (Married.) Director Henry Huber Co. Was alderman of the City of New York In 1882; and United States general appraiser at Port ol New York, 1889-90. Member Republican and Church Clubs, New York Historical and American Geographical Societies, New York State Bar and American Bar Associations, So ciety ol the War ol 1812, Veteran Corps ol Artillery, Sons ol the American Revolution and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. McLEAN GEORGE HAMMOND— Insurance, 156 Broadway, New York City; residence 126 West 67th street. Vice-president and director Citizens' Insur ance Co.; director Manhattan Lile Insurance Co.; trustee Manhattan Savings Institution- Member Cal umet, Metropolitan, Lambs', Players', New York Ath letic, and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, St. Nicholas Society, Sons ol the American Revolution, MetropoUtan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. McLEAN, JAMES— Metals, 99 John street. New York City; residence 16 West 55th street. Director -American Tin Plate Co., Commercial Mining Co., Na tional Steel Co. and United Globe Mines. Member Metropolitan, Fulton, Riding, Church, and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs and Metropolitan Museum ol Art McLELLAN, C. M. S.— Playwright, 1404 Broadway, New York City. Born in Bath, Me., Sept. 4, 1865. Edu cated In Boston, Mass., at Chauncey HaU and Hop- klnson's Schools. Author ol "The Lady Slavey," "In Gay New York," "The Whirl ol the Town," "An Amer ican Beautv," "The BeUe ol New York," "The Tele phone Girl," "Yankee Doodle Dandy" and other musi cal plays. McLELLAN, IRA.AC— Poet and Sportsman, Green port, L. I. Born In Portland, Me., May 21, 1806. Edu cated at Phillips Andover Academy (where Oliver WendeU Holmes was a lellow student) and at Bow doin College ('26). Practiced law in Boston, Mass., lor several years. Resident ol New York since 1851. Au thor ol "The Fall ol the Indian," "Poems ol the Rod and Gun," "War Poems" and many other works. McLENNON, RODERICK C— Surgeon, 515 South Salina street, Syracuse. Born In Lyndon, N. Y., March 19, 1858. Educated at Cornell and at New York Col lege ol Physicians and Surgeons ('86). (Married.) President ol staff and surgeon of Syracuse Hospital for Women and Children; president Syracuse Academy of Medicine: chief medical examiner Salety Fund and Insurance Society. Member Lakeside Yacht and Citi zens' Clubs. McLEOD, ARCHIBALD ANGUS— Capitalist, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence 12 West 61st street. President and director American Air Power Co., American Railways Co. and Hartlord and Con necticut Western R. R. Co. Member Lawyers' and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs. MoLBOD, JOHNSTON— Physician, 329 West 23d street. New "York City. Born in New York City, July 7, 1865. Educated in New York City. (Married.) For merly attending physician Northern Dispensary and Wells college and district physician New York Lying- in- Asylum. Member University Club, Delta Phi Fra ternity, New York State Medical, New York County Medical and New York Physicians' Mutual Aid Asso ciations and Medical Association ol the Greater City ol New York. McLBOD, THEODORUS— Lawyer, Custom House, New York City; residence 210 West 69th street. Born in New York City, July 21, 1845. Educated In New York City, in Baston, Pa., and at Union College. (Sin gle.) Examiner at United States Custom House. Member Union College Alumni and Lalayette College Alumni Associations and Edwin D. Morgan Post, G. A, R. McLOUGHLIN, CHARLES— Publisher and Book seller, 890 Broadway, New York City; residence Larch mont. Member ol the firm ol McLoughlln Bros. Di rector Astor Place Bank. Member New York Yacht and Twilight Clubs, Scientific Alliance and Aldine As sociation. McLOUGHLIN, JOHN— Publisher and Bookseller, 890 Broadway, New York City; residence 2041 Filth avenue. Member ol the firm ol McLoughlln Bros. Member Harlem Club, Aldine Association and Metro politan Museum ol Art McLOUTH, LAWRENCJE A.— Prolessor, Univer sity Heights, New York City; residence Bdenwood avenue near HIghbrldge road. Born In Ontonagon, Mich., Jan. 19, 1863. Educated at University ol Michi gan ("87) and at Universities ol Leipzig and «Heldel- berg, Germany. (Married Martha L. Robinson, 1888.) Instractor in German at University ol Michigan, 1892- 5; prolessor ol Germanic languages and literatures at New York University since 1895. Member New York Academy ol Sciences, Modern Language Association ol America and Zeta Psi Fraternity. McM-AHON, CHARLES AUSTIN — Lawyer, 119 Nassau street. New York City; residence 139 West 122d street. Member Crescent Athletic Club ol Brook lyn, and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. McMAHON, DANIEL F.— Contractor, 258 Broad way, New York City; residence 363 West 56th street. Born In New York City, Aug. 21, 1866. Educated In public schools and at the College ol the City ol New York. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Naughton & Co. Director Narragansett BuUding Co. Was po lice justice lor eight years. Member Narragansett, Catholic, New York Athletic and Democratic Clubs. McMAHON, DENNIS — Lawyer, 243 Broadway, New York City; residence 19 West 136th street. Bora in New York City, Sept. 24, 1824. (Son ol Dennis and Martha [Lawrence] McMahon.) Educated at Colum bia College Grammar School; also studied law and was admitted to the New York Bar In 1845, and to the Bar ol the United States Supreme Court in 1856. Prac ticing in New York City since 1845. 306 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. McMAHON, PULTON — Lawyer, 111 Broadway. New York City; residence 28 West 39th street. Bom In Ohio, Jan. 2. 1863. Educated at Princeton, Johns Hopkins University, Columbia Law School and in Germany (Single.) Served as a member ol the Com^ mittee ol Seventy, 1894. Member City and Princeton Clubs, Johns Hopkins University Alumni and New York State Bar Associations and Association of tne Bar ol the City ol New York. McMAHON, JAMBS— Banker, 49 Chambers street. New York City; residence 87 McDonough street Brooklyn. President and director Emigrant Indus trial Savings Bank; vice-president aind director Sav ings Bank Association ol the State ol New York; director New York Produce Exchange Bank; trustee People's Trust Co. ol Brooklyn, and London and Lan cashire Fire Insurance Co. Member Catholic and Hardware Clubs, and Crescent Athletic Club ol Brook lyn. McMAHON, JAMES— Prolessor, Cornell Univer sity, Ithaca; residence 7 Central avenue. Bom In Ar magh, Ireland, April 22, 1856. Educated in Ireland at University ol DubUn ('81). (Married.) Assistant prolessor ol mathematics, Comell University, since 1883. Member Town and Gown, and Country Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma XI, London Mathematical and American Mathematical Societies, Phi Kappa Psi Fra ternity and Fellow American Association lor the Ad vancement ol Science. McMAHON, MARTIN THOMAS — Judge, Crimi nal Court BuUding, New York City Bom In La- , prailrle, Canada, March 21, 1838. Educated at St. . John's College, Fordham, N. Y. (A.B., '56, A.M., '67 and LL.D., '66). (Widower.) Served throughout ClvU War and participated In the campaigns ol the Army ol the Potomac; was brevetted to the rank ol major- general and received Congressional medal lor bravery. Corporation attomey lor New York City, 1866-8; United States Minister to Paraguay, 1869; receiver ol taxes, New York City. 1873-85; United States Marshal, 1886-9; assemblyman, 1890; State senator. 1891-6; Judge ol Sessions, New York City, since 1896; term expires Deo. 31, 1909. Served as vice-president ol the National Soldier's Home, with which he has been connected since 1870. Member Catholic, Manhattan, Army, and Navy and Democratic Clubs, Dunlap Society. Lieder kranz, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion, Metropoli tan Museum ol Art and Society ol the Army ol the Potomac. McMANUS, TERENCE J.— Lawyer, 149 Broadway, New York City; residence 168 West 81st street. (Mar ried Mary Eleanor, daughter ol John Lynn, Jr., of Providence, R. I., 1900.) Was assistant district attor ney of New York County for several years. Now mem ber of the law firm of Black, Olcott, Gruber & Bonynge. Member Democratic and Arkwright Clubs Delta Chi Fraternity and Knights of Columbus. McMATH, MORRISON H.-Lawyer, 904 Wilder BuUding, Rochester; residence 73 Oxford street. Bora In Millport. N. Y. Educated at Webster Academy and at University of Rochester. (Married.) Was clerk ol Municipal Court belore being admitted to the practice ol law. Member Kent (president) . and Gene see Valley Clubs and Psi Upsilon Alumni (vice-presi dent) and New York State Bar Associations. McMICKEN, JAMBS A.— Broker, 29 Wall street. New York City; residence 7 South Elliott place, Brook lyn. Born In- Albany, N. T., Feb. 2, 1846. Educated in public schools and at Classical Institute ol Albany. (Widower.) Senior member ol the firm of J. A. Mc- Micken & Co., and member of the New Tork Stock Exchange since 1869. Captain and brevet major 43d New Tork Volunteers, 1861-4; second sergeant Com pany B, 7th Regiment N. G. N. T., for ten years. Member Oxlord Club ol Brooklyn, Army and Navy Club ol New Tork City, Long Beach Club ol Bamegat N. J., George Washington Post No. 103, G. A. R.. and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. MCMILLAN, DUNCAN JAMES — Presbyterian Clergyman, 28 West 128th street. New Tork City. Born in Pulaski. Terin.. June 2, 1846. Educated at- Black burn University. (Married.) Pastor New Tork Pres byterian Church. Formerly superintendent of city schools, Carlinville, 111., and of Presbyterian missions in the Rocky Mountains; ex-president College of Mon tana, and ex-secretary Presbyterian Board of Home Missions. Member QulU Club. Chi Alpha Fraternity, G. A. R., and Philosophical Society of Great Britain. McMII/LIN. EMERSON— Banker. 40 Wall street New Tork City; residence 175 West 58th street. Born In Ewlngton. Ohio. April 16, 1844. Educated In dis trict schools. (Married.) Member of the firm of Emerson McMUlin & Co. President and director Bing hamton (N. T.) Gas Works. Consolidated Gas Co. of New Jersey. Columbus (Ohio) Edison Co.. Detroit City Gas Co.. Grand Rapids (Mich.) Gas Light Co., Jacques Cartier Water Power Co. (Quebec). Laclede Gas Light Co., Milwaukee (Wis.) Gas Light Co.. Southern Light and Traction Co., Western (Milwaukee) Gas Co. and Winnebago Traction Co.; vice-president and director Jackson (Mich.) Gas Co.; first vice-president and di rector Welsbach Commercial Co.; director Consoli dated Rubber Tire Co.. Denver Gas and Electric Co., National Surety Co., New England Gas and Coke Co., San Antonio Traction Co., San Antonio Gas and Elec tric Co., St. Paul (Minn.) Gas Light Co., Trenton Gas and Electric Co. and Trust Co. of America. Member Lotos, Lawyers', Engineers', Union League and Army and Navy Clubs, Columbus and University Clubs of Columbus, Milwaukee Club of Milwaukee, American Geographical and Ohio Societies, American Sooiety of Mechanical Engineers and others. McMILLIN, EMERSON, Jh. — Bainker, 40 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 175 West 58th street. Connected with the flrm of , EWierson McMlUln & Co. Member New Tork Athletic, and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. MCMURR-4.T, ROBERT K.— Inspector and Con sulting Engineer, 160 Broadway, New Tork City; resi dence 353 West 57th street. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., 1837. Educated In Brooklyn. (Widower.). Connected with the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and In surance Co. Member New Tork Yacht and New York Athletic Clubs and Lalayette Post No. 140, G. A. R. McMURRY, FRANK MORTON— Prolessor, 116th street and Mornlngside Heights, New Tork City; resi dence 26 Hamilton terrace. Degree ol Ph.D. (Mar ried.) Prolessor of the theory and practice of. teach ing at Columbia University In the City of New Tork. McMURTRIE, "WILLIAM- Chemist, 100 WiUiam street. New Tork City; residence Hotel Endicott. Bom in Belvldere, N. J., March 10, 1861. Educated at Lafay ette CoUege (E.M., '7L M.S., '74 and Ph.D., '76). (Mar ried Helen M. Douglass, 1876.) Agent and representa tive ol the United States Agricultural Department at Paris Exposition, 1878; special agent to United States Agricultural Department, 1879-82; prolessor ol chem istry at University of lUinois, 1882-8; chemist to lUI- nois State Board of Agriculture, 1884^8; chairman of committee on wools. Bureau of Awards at World's Co lumbian Exposition, 1893. Chemist to New Tork Ta.T- tar Co. since 1888. Author of several scientific works. Member American CJhemical Society and American As sociation for the Advancement of Science. McNAIR, EBEN ORLANDO — Banker, Buffalo; residence ¦ Delaware avenue. Born in Kalamazoo, Mich., 1850. Educated in Washington, D. C. (Mar ried.)^ Senior member of the firm of E. O. McNair & Co. President Bank of Warsaw, N. T.; vice-president Warsaw Gas and Electric Co. and Consolidated Gas and Electric Co.. of Batavia, N. T. Member EUicott Club, Sons of the American Revolution, Buffalo His torical Society, and Genesee Valley Club of Rochester. MoNAUGHTON, JOHN HUGH— Author and Com poser, Caledonia. Born in Caledonia, -July 1, 1829. Educated In public schools and. at Temple HUl Acad emy. .Author of "Treatise on Music," "Babble Brook bongs, Ounallnda" and of many articles in reviews and magazines. Composer of "Faded Coat of Blue," Blue and the Gray" and many other populair songs. MCNEILL, ALEXANDER-Banker and Broker, 71 Broadway, New Tork City. (Married.) Member of the firm of Adams, McNeill & Brigham, members ol Attw?"^ J,'*'"'^.,^*^^^^°^ange. Member New Tork Athletic, Niantic Flushing Athletic, Litchfield (presi dent) and Delta Kappa Epsilon (president) Clubs BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 307 McNULTT, ALBERT — Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Orange, N. J. Born in New Tork City, April 5, 1840. Educated at Columbia Col lege and Law School. (Married.) Was secretary ol the New Tork Protestant Episcopal Mission Society lor some years. Member Columbia University Alumni Association. McNULTT, GEORGE W. — CivU Engineer, 46 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 161 West 83d street. Born in New Tork City, Sept. 6, 1861. Edu cated at University ol Virginia. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Naughton & Co. Was assistant engineer on New Tork and Brooklyn Bridge; chiel engineer to Metropolitan Traction Co., and was lor a time asso ciated with L. L. Buck in general engineering prac tice. Member Atlantic Tacht, Engineers' and Demo cratic Clubs, Technical Club ol Chicago, 111., Corin thian Tacht Club ol PhUadelphia, Pa., Engineers' and Architects' Society ol Vienna, Austria, and American Society of Civil Engineers. McNULTT. PETER H.— Real Estate. 350 Fulton street. Brooldyn; residence 0(!ean Parkway and Ave nue D. Born In Brooklyn, May 4. 1818. Educated at Public Schools Nos. 8 and 1. and St. John's College. (Married.) Was member of Board ol Education lor nine years, and Interested In Brooklyn Manual Train ing School; major and quartermaster Second Brigade. N. G. N. T., lor filteen years, and State senator lor three years. Member Montauk and Brooklyn Clubs. Democratic Club ol New Tork City. Columbian Club ol Washington. Order ol Elks and Royal Arcanum. McPHAIL. EDWARD I.— Flre Insurance. 58 Erie County Bank BuUding, Buffalo; residence 6 Parker avenue. Born in Toronto. Ontario. Canada. Feb. 9, 1858. Educated at Rochester University. (Single.) Secretary HoUister Lumber Co. (Ltd.). 1878-89; secre tary and treasurer R. B. Douglas Ml'g Co., 1889-93 in New Tork City. Mcpherson, WILLIAM L.— Correspondent, 164 Nassau street New Tork City, and 1322 F street N. W., Washington, D. C; residence Metropolitan Club, Washington. Born in Gettysburg, Pa., May 23, 1866. Educated at Pennsylvania College (A.B., '83), Harvard CoUege (A.B., '84) and Harvard University (A.M., '86). (Single.) Washington correspondent ol New Tork "Tribune." Member Harvard Club ol New Tork, and Metropolitan and Chevy Chase Clubs ol Washington. McPIKE, JACOB H.— Tea Merchant, 100 Hudson street New Tork City; residence Colonial Club. Man ager Bennett, Sloan & Co. Member Colonial, Manhat tan Athletic and Commercial Clubs. McQUAID, BERNARD JOHN— Roman Catholic Bishop, 70 Frank street, Rochester. Born in New Tork City, Dec. 16, 1823. Educated at Chambly College In Canada, and at St. John's CoUege, Fordham, N. T. Ordained priest Jan. 16, 1848. Founded Seton Hall College and Seminary, and was its president lor ten years. Consecrated first Bishop ol Rochester, July 12, 1868. Has written and lectured considerably In lavor ol parochlaJ schools lor Catholics. McQUAID, "WILLIAM A.— Lawyer, 154 Nassau street New Tork City; residence Hotel Majestic. Born in Webster, Mass. Educated at Tale. (Single. Member ol the firm ol Sackett Bacon & McQuaid. Member Tale, Delta Kappa BpsUon and Democratic Clubs, Sons of the American Revolution and other or ganizations. McQUAIDE, JAMES P.— Manufacturer, 41 Park row New Tork City; residence 1053 Fifth avenue. Born in Indiana, Pa., June 24, 1861. Educated at Phil adelphia High School and Lafayette College. (Mar ried.) Treasurer and director National Conduit and Cable Co. Member New Tork Club. McRAE, FARQUHAR J.— PubUc Accountant, 45 Cedar street. New Tork City; residence New Brighton, S. L Born In Flatbush, L. I., AprU 8, 1862. Educated In New Tork public schools. (Married.) "Vice-presi dent and director New Tork State Society of (Jertified Public Accountants; director Brock Wrench Co. and Institute of Accounts. Member New Tork Athletic Club and St. Andrew's Society. McTIGUE, ANDREW— Real Estate, Far Rock away. Born in Far Rockaway, March 19, 1862. Edu cated at St. John's College, Brooklyn. (Married.) Di rector Far Rockaway Bank, Far Rockaway Realty Co., Seaboard Telephone Co. and Queens and Suffolk Insurance Co. Formerly president and trustee ol the village ol Rockaway, trustee ol Far Rockaway School, postmaster ol Far Rockaway and deputy collector of assessments and arrears Filth Ward of New Tork City. McVAUGH, WILLIAM T.— Hosiery, 61 Leonard street New Tork City; residence 252 De Kalb avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Norristown. Pa.. May 1. 1865. Edu cated In Norristown. (Married.) Member ol the firm of Watson, Porter. Giles & Co. Member Wool Club, and Crescent Athletic and Oxlord Clubs ol Brooklyn. McVICKAR. EDWARD— Real Estate Operator. 44 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 13 West Eighth street. Born in Boston. Mass.. April 12. 1869. Edu cated at Yale. (Married.) Member Calumet. Yale and Delta Phi Clubs and Society ol Colonial Wars. McVICKAR, HENRY W.— Real Bstate. 187 Fulton street. 246 East Houston street. 1368 Broadway, and 108th street and Central Park. West. New York City; residence 9 West 39th street. Member ol the firm of McVIckar & Co. Member Players'. Riding, Tuxedo and Lambs' Clubs and Century Association. McVICKAR, WILIilAM BARD— Lawyer, 63 Wall street. New York City; residence Miller Road, Morris town, N. J. Born In Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y., Oct. 14. 1868. Educated at Columbia ('80). - (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Marshall. Moran. Williams & McVIckar. Member University. Morristown and Mor ristown Field Clubs, Columbia University Alumni As sociation and Association ol the Bar of the City ot New York. McWILLIAMS, CJLARENCE A. — Physician, 63 West 62d street. New York City. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y.. 1870. Educated at Princeton - University ('92), Berlin. Germany, and New York College of Physicians and Surgeons. (Single.) Assistant surgeon to Pres byterian Hospital Dispensary; assistant physlciam in diseases of children. De Milt Dispensary; Instructor in operative surgery. New York Post-Graduate Medical School Hospital. Member Princeton Club and Presby terian Hospital Alumni and Sloane Maternity Hos pital Alumni Societies. McWILLIAMS. HOWARD — Lawyer." 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 39 South Portland avenue. Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn. April 19. 1868. Educated at Princeton (B.A. and M.A.) and Columbia. (Single.) Member Brooklyn and Crescent Athletio Clubs. Princeton Club of New York City. Sons of the Revolution, Association of the Bar ol the City ol New York and Bar Association ol Kings County. McWILLIAMS. JOHN J.— Agent Buffalo; resi dence 277 Linwood avenue. Born in Cornwall, N. Y., June 16, 1842. Educated in Elmira public schools amd at State Normal School, Albany. (Married.) Westera sales agent Delaware. Lackawanna and "Western R. R. Co. President Provident Loan Co. and Christian Homestead Association; vice-president Buffalo Orphan Asylum; director Manulacturers' and Traders' Bank. Ex-president Y. M. C. A. Member Buffalo. EUicott, Chicago, Liberal, Equality and Oakfield (president) Clubs. McWILLIAMS, SHIRRELL N.— Erie street., Buf falo; residence 300 Linwood avenue. Born in Buffalo, March 17, 1871. Educated at Princeton ('94). (Mar ried.) Connected with the coal department of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R. Co.; di rector Niagara Lithograph Co. Member University. Red Jacket Golf and EUicott Clubs, and Players' and Princeton Clubs ol New York City. MEAD. GEORGE W., Jr.— Veterinary Surgeon, 29 Monroe place, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, Feb. 27, 1869. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Single.) Member TwUlght Club. MEAD, SPENCER P.— Lawyer, 26 Broadway, New York City; residence 262 West 34th street. Born In Greenwich, Conn. Educated at New York Law School ('93).- (Single.)' Connected with the Standard Oil Co. ot New- York. 'Now compiling a "History and Gen- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 308 eaology ol the Mead Family of Fairfield County and Dwight Alumni Association. MEAD, THEODORE HOE-Printlng Presses, 504 Grand street. New York City; residence W* f ast 39^h c^rd^in^Ne^^ ^"or^^cVafd aTr^o'ad^MaS) ^^^ Association and Sons of the Revolution. MEAD WALTER H.-Lawyer, 67 Wall street, Ne^ffork'cHyT residence 222 West 23d street Mem ber Church, Carteret Gun and Democratic Clubs, St Nicholas Sc^ciety, Scientific AUIance and Sops of the Revolution. MEAD, WILLIAM RUTHERFORD - Architect 160 Fifth Avenue, New York City; residence 118 Bast 25th Street. Born In Brattleboro, Vt, Aug. 20, 184b. Educated at Amherst College ('67). Studied archi tecture with Russell Sturgis, Jr., in New York City, also studied abroad. Member of the firm of McKim, Mead & 'l^hUe, architects ol Columbia University New York University. Boston Public Library, New York State buUdlngs at the World's Columbian Ex position and ol many other public and private edifices. Member Metropolitan, Lambs', University and Play ers' Clubs, Hope Club ol Providence, R. L, Amherst College Alumni and Century Associations and Ameri can Institute ol Architects. MEADE, CHARLES A.— Civil Engineer, 21 Park row. New York City; residence 303 East 18th street. Born In Brookfield, Mo., Jan. 6, 1873. Educated at Wll liston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., and Massachu setts Institute ol Technology. (Single.) Superintend ent Final Disposition New York Street Cleaning De partment. Lecturer on municipal sanitation in Cor nell University Medical CoUege. Member City Club and Massachusetts Institution ol Technology Society of New York City. MEADE, CLARENCE W.— City Magistrate, New York City; residence 348 West 23d street. Bora in I^ew York City 1841. Educated In public schools. Served for many years as assistant appraiser and port warden of the Port of New York. Police justice, by appointment of Mayor Grant 1890-7; City Magistrate since 1897; term expires July 1, 1907. MBAKER, W. H.— Banker, Auburn; residence 14 Nelson street. Born in Owasco, Cayuga Co., N. Y., .July 23, 1836. Educated at Cazenovia (N. Y.) Semi nary. (Married.) Treasurer and trustee Cayuga County Savings Bank. Member Auburn City Club arid Caiyuga County Historical Society (treasurer). MEANY, EDWARD P.-Lawyer and Manager, 18 Cortlandt street. New York City; residence Newark, N. J. Born in Kentucky, 1854. Educate^ in Kentucky. (Married.) Assistant general manager and director American Telephone and Telegraph Co. Since 1893 brigadier-general N. G. N. J. and Judge Advocate General of New Jersey. Member Lawyers', New York Press and Army and Navy Clubs. MECKLEM, CLIVE— Accountant, 31 Union square. West, New York City; residence 312 West 112th street. Born in Nyack, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1866. Educated In New York City. (Single.) Treasurer and director Bren- tano's. MEEKER, HENRY E.— Wholesale Coal Merchant, 143 Liberty street. New York City; residence 106 Bast 36th street Member of the firm of Meeker & Co. Member Harvard, University Athletic, Union League, University and Lawyers' Clubs. MEEKER, J. BURTON— Dentist, 101 West 85th street. New York City. Born on Staten Island, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1867. Educated In New York City. (Married.) Member Essex County Country Club of Orange, N. J., and 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. MEEKER, SAMUEL M.— Lawyer, 13 Broadway, Brooklyn; residence 661 Lafayette avenue. Member of the flrm of S. M. & D. E. Meeker. Trastee Wil liamsburgh Savings Bank. Member Union League and Hanover Clubs. MEEKS, EDWIN B.-Executor. 30 Vesey street New -rork (Jity; residence Islip, L. I-,Executor of the estate ol Joseph W. Meeks (deceased). Member Re pubUcan and union League Clubs, American Geogra phical Society and Lalayette Post, G. A. B. MEEKS, JOSEPH-Lawyer, 10 Barclay street, York City residence 17 West 84th street Bom n xT^™^ vnrk Citv Jan 21,1838. Educated at Columbia rs'oTand'nSv^ard Law 'School ('58). (Married ) Pres- dent The Woodcliff Land Improvement Co. ol New Jersey Was member ol the New Jersey Legislature, ISSO-l' Member Colonial Club and Columbia Univer sity Alumni Association. MBIGHAN, HOWARD S.-Lawyer, 38 P^k ro-w New York City; residence Mamaroneck. Bom in Mamaroneck, 1872. Educated at the CoUege ol the C^Ttt New York and New York University. (Smgle.) Member ol the flrm ol Meighan & Necarsulmer. Was tutor in history and natural history at College ol the City ol New York. Member Delta Kappa BpsUon, Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Delta Phi Clubs. MEIGS, CHARLES' AUGUSTUS-Lumber Mer chant, 411 Washington street New York City; resi dence Orange, N. J. Born In Albany, N. Y., April 16, 1837 (Married.) Connected with the firm ol Ogden & Co. Member Sons ol the Revolution. MEIGS FERRIS J.— Lumber Merchant 26 Broad way, New'York City; residence Tupper Lake, and Lawrence Park, Bronxville. Educated at Sheffield Scientific School ol Yale University. Connected with the Santa Clara Lumber Co. Member City, Mendel ssohn Glee and University Clubs. MEIKLBHAM, WILLIAM A.— University Club, New York City. Born in New York City, March 1, 1866 Educated at Everson's School and at Columbia ('86). (Single.) Member University Athletic and University Clubs and Columbia University Alumni Association. MELCHER, JOHN STEVENS- Lawyer, 27 Wll Uam street. New York City; residence 58 West llth street. Member ol the flrm ol Ivlns, Kidder & Melcher. Member Harvard and University Clubs. MELLBN, CHASE— Lawyer, 45 Cedar street. New York City; residence Garden City, L. I. Born In Cin cinnati, Ohio, Sept. 21, 1863. Educated at Brasenose College ('87), Oxlord University, England, and Colum bia Law School. (Married.) Assistant to corporation counsel, 1895-8. Member University and Underwriters' Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City of New York. MELLISS, NORMAN T. M.-Lawyer, 16 Exchange place. New York City; residence 640 MaJdison avenue. Member ol the firm ol Melliss, Pryor & Richards. Member Lawyers', University Athletic, Manhattan, Whist, University and New York Clubs and Crescent -Athletic Club ol Brooklyn. MELLON, ENOS E.— Lawyer, Cortland; residence 72 Port Watson street. Born In Ireland, Nov. 16, 1860. Educated at Dryden Union School. (Married.) Has served as clerk ol Cortland County Board ol Super visors and as police justice ol the village ol Cortland. Member Tioughnioga Club and Knights ol Pythias. MELVIlLe, henry— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 447 Lexington avenue. Born In Nelson, N. H., Aug. 25, 1858. Educated at Dart mouth College (A.B., '79) and at Harvard (A.M. and LL.B., '84). Practicing in New York City since his ad mission to the Bar in 1885. Member ol the firm ol Melville, Martin & Stephens. Served as captain ol the 8th Regiment, N. G. N. Y., and New York Volun teer Inlantry during Spanish-American War. Mem ber University, Republican and Congregational (Jlubs, Dartmouth Alumni Association, New England So ciety, Sons ol the Revolution, Society ol Colonial Wars, Naval and MUitary Order ol the Spanish-American War and Association ol the Bar ol the City ot New York. MENDEL, S. PHILIP— Leather Merchant, 33 Spruce street. New York City; residence 62 East 83d street. Born in Germany, Oct. 30, 1844. Educated in Germany. (Widower.) Member ol the flrm ol Salo mon & Phillips, established since 1867. Secretary, BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 309 treasurer and director Armstrong Leather Co.; direc tor Hide and Leather National Bank. Has been exe cutor lor several estates. Ex-presldent Freundschalt Society. Member Drug Club, Society lor Ethical Cul ture (trustee). Citizens' Union Club ol the Twenty- seventh and Twenty-ninth Assembly Districts (trus tee), and National Morocco Manulacturers' and Credit Men's Associations. MENKE, JOHN— Importer and Commission Mer chant, 15 Greene street. New York City; residence 249 East 48th street. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol John Menke & Co. Member Merchants' Central Club and German Scientific Society. MENKEN, S. STANWOOD— Lawyer, 111 Broad way, New York City; residence 422 West End avenue. Born in Memphis, Tenn., July 29, 1870. Educated at CorneU ('90) and at Columbia College Law School. (Married a daughter ol Arthur von Briesen ol New York City.) Director Long Island Agricultural Chem ical Co. and J. Schnltzer Co. Was candidate on Citi zens' Union ticket lor judge ol the City Court in 1897. Served as chairman ol the committee (Hall ol Rec- . ords Association) which was instrumental in securing an appropriation lor the erection ol the new Hall ol Records. Member Relorm, Harmonie, Cornell Univer sity and Chi Phi Clubs, Columbia University Alumni Association, Sons ol the American Revolution and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. MENOCAL, ANICETO G.— Civil Engineer, 54 Broad street. New York City. Born in Cuba, Sept. 1, 1836. Educated in Havana and at Rensselaer Poly technic Institute (C.E., '62). Practiced In Havana, 1863-9; connected with the New York City Depart ment ol Public Works, 1870-2. Since 1872 connected with the United States Navy; has made final plans and estimates ol cost lor a ship canal through Nica ragua. Appointed by President Hayes as a delegate to Paris Canal Congress ol 1879; decorated by Presi dent GrSvy ol France, Chevalier ol the Legion ol Honor. Has published several reports on the Nica ragua Canal. Member American Society ol Civil En gineers and many other scientific organizations. MENZEL, HUGO— Commission Merchant and In surance, 68 Broad street. New York City; residence Newark and Hilton, N. J. Born in Cologne, Germany, May 1, 1839. Educated at Frederick WlUiaim Gymna sium, Cologne, and Zurich, Switzerland. (Married.) Senior member ol the firm ol William Menzel & Son. General agent and attoraey In the United States lor "Swiss Lloyd" Marine and Inland Insurance Co. ol Wlnterthur, Switzerland, 1870-83; general marine man ager and director ol the Union Insurance Co. ol Phil adelphia, and general agent ol "Bureau Veritas" In ternational Classification Register ol Paris, France, 1883-9; general agent and attorney ol the Mannheim Insurance Co. ol Mannheim, Germany, 1887-93; flre com missioner ol Newark, 1895; president ol Board ol Fire Commissioners ol the City ol Newark, N. J., 1897-9. Agent ol the Nippon Sea and Land Insuraince Co. ol Osaka, Japan, and other loreign underwriters. Mem ber Down Town Association, German Society ol the City ol New York, Maritime Association ol the City ol New York, and the New York Produce Exchange. MENZIE, G. L. — Physician and Surgeon, Oneida. Born in Canastota, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1841. Educated at Mexico Academy and New York College of Physicians and Surgeons. (Married.) -Vice-president Central City Building and Loan Association; director Farmers' and Mechanics' State Bank. Formerly surgeon In United States Army. Member Oneida County Medical Society. MERCER, A. CLIFFORD— Physician and Surgeon, 324 Montgomery street, Syracuse. Born In Syracuse, July 5, 1855. Educated in Syracuse schools, at Univer sity ol Syracuse and in London hospitals. (Single.) Attending physician Syracuse University, House ol Good Shepherd Hospital, Children's Hospital and Syr acuse Free Dispensary. Has been president American Microscopical Society; on staff ol Syracuse Free Dis- sary. Central New York Microscopical Club and Syra cuse Medical Association; treasurer Medical Associa tion ol Central New York, CoUege ol Medicine ol Syr acuse University, and Syracuse and Geneva Alumni Association. Member Citizens', Fortnightly, Syracuse Botanical (honorary), and Camera Clubs, Medical So ciety ol the State ol New York, Royal Microscopical Society ol London (Fellow), Medical Association ol Central- New York, Rochester Academy ol Science, Syracuse Academy ol Science and Syracuse Academy ol Medicine. MERCHANT, HENRY D.-Lawyer, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence 1173 Bedlord avenue, Brook lyn. Born In Nassau, N. Y., July 16, 1870. Educated at Union College ('93) and at Albany Law School ('96). (Single.) Member Union College Alumni Association. MEREDITH, SULLIVAN AMORY— Capitalist 840 EUicott square, Buffalo; residence 103 Oakland place. Born in Buffalo, Oct. 14, 1865. Educated In Buffalo. (Single.) Member Saturn, Country and Canoe Clubs, and Relorm Club ol New York (Jity. MEREDITH, -WILLIAM T.— Banker, 11 Wall street. New York City; residence Morristown, N. J. Educated at Union College. Member ol the firm ol William T. Meredith & Co. and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member City Club, Down Town Associa tion, Sons ol the Revolution, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion and Union College Alumni Association. MERIAN, LOUIS P.- Supplies, 132 "White street. New York City; residence 489 First street, Brooklyn. Born In New York City, June 2, 1848. Educated at Allentown Seminary, Allentown, Pa. (Married.) Vice- president and director Powhattan Brass and Iron Works; secretary and director Mayor, Lane & Co. Member Fulton Club, Crescent Athletic Club ol Brook lyn, and Jamaica Bay Yacht Club. MERIAN, PAUL F.— Lawyer, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence 274 Henry street, Brooklyn. Member University Glee Club, Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, and Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation. MERRALL, ALBERT E.— Wholesale Grocer, 130 Chambers street. New York City; residence 129 West 72d street. Treasurer and director Acker, Merrall & Condit, and Sherry Cottage Co. Member New York -Athletic, Suburban Riding and Driving, and Colonial Clubs. MERRALL, FRANK A. — Wholesale Grocer, 130 Chambers street. New York City; residence 129 West 72d street. Bom in New York City. (Single.) Secre tary and director Acker, Merrall & Condit. Member New York Athletic, Lawyers', Commercial, Arkwright, Larchmont and Pelham Country Clubs. MERRALL, FRANK R.— Box Manulacturer. 505 East 18th street and 504 East 19th street. New York City; residence 21 West 84th street. Member ol the firm ol F. R. Merrall & Co. Member Sons ol the Revo lution. MERRALL, WALTER H.— "Wholesale Grocer, 130 Chambers street, New York City; residence 129 West 72d street. Bom in New York City. Educated at Co lumbia. (Single.) Connected with the corporation ol Acker, Merrall & Condit. Member Commercial, Hard ware and Delta Kappa Epsilon CJlubs. MERRALL, WILLIAM J.— Wholesale Grocer. 130 Chambers street. New York City; residence 129 West 72d street. President Acker, Merrall & Condit; direc tor New York National Exchange Bank. Member American Museum of Natural History. MERRILL, CYRUS STRONG— Physician and Sur geon, 21 Washington avenue, Albany; residence 23 Washington avenue. Born in Bridgeport, Vt, Sept. 21, 1847. Educated at Amherst College, New York Col lege ol Physicians and Surgeons and University ot Vienna. (Married.) President Ticonderoga Pulp and Paper Co. and Thomson Pulp and Paper Co.; vice- president First National Bank of Albany. Formerly professor ol ophthalmology and otology In Albany Medical CoUege, and ophthalmic and aural surgeon In Albany St. Peter's, Childs', Troy and North Adams Hospitals. Member Fort Orange Club and New York State Medical. American Ophthalmological and Amer ican Otological Societies. 310 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. MERRILL, EDWARD BAGLBY-Lawyen IJ WU llam street. New York City; residence "J West 12th street Born in New Bedlord, Mass., Jan 25. 1835. (Son ol Edward and Mary [Converse] Merrill.) Edu cated at PhlUips Exeter Academy Bowdoin College (AB '57, and A.M.) and at Harvard Law School. (Married Mary Elizabeth Gibbs ol New Bedlord, Mass., 1861.) Practicing in New York City since his admission to the Bar in 1860. Member University Club and Phi Beta Kappa Society. MERRILL, FRANK O.— School and Educational Supplies, 70 Filth avenue. New York City; residence Clarendon Hotel. Born In Bradlord. Mass., Nov. 16, 1860. Educated at Bradlord Academy; also special studies with private tutors. Connected with J. L. Hammett Co. Vice-president Santa Emilia Copper Co. ; consul League ol American Wheelmen; executive committee Good Roads Association. Member Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, League ol American Wheel men and all Masonic bodies. MERRILL, FREDERICK JAMES HAMILTON— Geologist, Geological HaU, Albany; residence 268 State street. Bora In New York City, April 30, 1861. Edu cated at School ol Mines ol Columbia University (Ph.B., '85 and Ph.D., '90). (Married Winifred Edger- ton, 1887.) Assistant on New Jersey Geological Sur vey, 1886-9; assistant New York State Geologist, 1890- 3; assistant director ol New York State Museum, 1890-4; director ol scientific exhibits ol New York State at World's Columbian Exposition, 1892-3. Di rector ol New Tork State Museum since. 1894; New Tork State Geologist since 1898. Author ol many sci entific articles. Fellow Geological Society ot America and American Association lor the Advancement ol Science: member American Institute ol Mining Engi neers, American Society ol Naturalists, National Geo graphic Society and other organizations. MERRILL, GEORGE E.— Educator, Hamilton. Born in Chariestown, Mass., Dec. 19, 1846. Educated at Harvard (A.B., '69 and A.M., '72) and at Newton Theological Institute (D.D.). Held pastorates in sev eral Baptist churches until 1899. President ol Colgate University since 1899. Author ol "The Story ol the Manuscripts," "Crusaders and Captives," "The Parch ments ol the Faith" and other works ol a, similar na ture. MERRILL, GEORGE P.— Woolen Merchant, 78 Worth street. New Tork City; residence 214 Hicks street, Brooklyn. Member Larchmont Tacht and Lambs' Clubs and Brooklyn Club. MERRILL, P-4.TS0N— Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 41 East 67th street, and New Ca naan, Conn. Educated at Tale ('65). Member ol the firm' ol Merrill & Rogers. Director Lawyers' Surety Co.; trustee United States Savings Bank. Member Union League, University, Tale and Transportation Clubs, American Fine Arts and New England Socie ties, Century and Down Town Associations and Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. MERRILL, W. A.— Clerk, 19 John street. New Tork City; residence 49 West 84th street. Born in New Tork City, October, 1862. Educated at, a private school. (Married.) Member New Tork Athletic Club. MERRILL, WILLIAM BRADFORD— Editor, 63 Park row. New Tork City; residence 23 East 24th street. Born in Salisbury, N. H., Feb. 27, 1861. Edu cated at Boston Latin School, and in Paris Prance. (Married.) Managing editor Philadelphia ' "Press " 1885-91; editor New Tork "Press," 1892-4; general man ager ol same, 1894-5; managing editor New Tork "World" since 1896. Member Players' Club and New England Society. MERRILL, WILLIAM J.— Publisher, 110 Filth avenue. New Tork City; residence Larchmont. Born in New Tork City, Sept. 7, 1859. Educated In New Tork City. (Married.) Secretary and director "Judge" Co. Member Larchmont Tacht and Horseshoe Har bor Tacht Clubs and Aldine Association. MERRILL, WILLIAM "WILLIS— Investment Broker, 419 Produce Exchange, New Tork City. Born YnrvTuI'^'^ivT^'*^' P.^\ 2*' ^^51- Educated in New Tork City (Married.) Member New Tork Produce New Tork Cotton, New Tork Maritime, and Consoul dated Stock and Petroleum Exchanges and otj^lie West Side Republican and Hardware Clubs and West End Association. MERRITT, DOUGLAS — "Leacote," Rhinebeck. Born in New Tork City. Dec. 4, 1847. Educated in New Tork City and in Europe; graduated Irom Columbia Law School. (Married Elizabeth Cleveland Coxe, 1876 ) Trustee Hobart CoUege; secretary St. Stephens CoUege, Annandale, N. T.; vestryman Church ol Mes siah Rhinebeck. Member Relorm, Church and Nine teenth Century Clubs, Society ol Colonial Wars, New Tork Genealogical, New Tork Historical aind Albany Historical Societies, Royal Geographical Society ol London, England, and Sons ol the Revolution. MERRITT, EDWARD B.— Lawyer, 30 Broad street New Tork City; residence 147 West 12th street. Born in New Bedlord, Mass., Jan. 25, 1836. (Married.) Member University Club, New Tork State Coloniza tion, and Phi Beta Kappa Societies aind Prison Asso ciation. MERRITT, ERNEST GEORGE— Prolessor, Cor nell University, Ithaca; residence 310 Huestls street Born In Indianapolis, Ind., 1866. Educated at Cornell (M.E.). (Single.) Formerly vice-president and chair man ol section "B" ol the American Association for the Advancement ol Science lor 1900, and associate editor "Physical Review." Now assistant prolessor of physics at CorneU University. MERRITT, ISRAEL J.— Marine Salvage, 27 Wil liam street, New Tork City; residence Whltestone. President and director Merritt & Chapman Derrick and "Wrecking Co.; vice-president and director Hair- way Dyewood and Extract Ml'g Co. and Moncton and Buctouche Ry. Co.; director Flushing (L. I.) Baink. Member Larchmont Tacht, Knickerbocker Tacht and Engineers' Clubs and Marine Society. MERRITT, SCHUTLER— Manulacturer, 9 Mur ray street. New Tork City; residence Stamlord, Conn. Educated at Tale ('73). Secretary and director Tale & Towne Ml'g Go. Member University. University Athletic. Delta Kappa Epsilon and Relorm Clubs. MERRITT, W. JE:^KS— Banker, 52 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 107 West 48th street. Born and educated in, Boston, Mass. (Married.) Trustee Hahnemann Hospital. Member ol the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange. Member Union League. Republican, Lotos and Lawyers' Clubs and Chamber ol Commerce. MERRT, HENRT C— Auctioneer, 10 Barclay street, New Tork City; residence 104 West 90th street. Born on Staten Island, N. T., Feb. 15, 1846. Educated in Staten Island. (Single.) Member CoUectors' Club. MERSER, I. PENNOCK— Restaurateur, 183 Sixth avenue. New Tork City; residence 12 West 95th street. Born in Marlboro, Stark Co., Ohio, June 9, 1858. (Mar ried.) Member Ohio Society. MESEREAU, GEORGE B.— Dentist, 34 West 126th street, New Tork CJity. Born on Staten Island, N. T. Educated at New Tork University. (Married.) Mem ber Congregational Club, First District Dental So ciety ol New Tork, and Actors' Church AUIance. MBRSERBAU, WILLIAM H. — Architect, 32 Broadway New Tork City; residence Oakwood. Born in New Tork City, March 22, 1862. Educated in New Tork City. (Married.) Supervising architect of the Manhattan Mutual Co-operative Savings and Loan Association. Member Architectural League of New Tork, and Staten Island Chamber of Commerce. MBRSERBAU, "WILLIAM S.— Wholesale Drag Merchant, 170 William street and 842 Southern boule vard. New Tork City; residence Elizabeth, N. J. Member ol the firm of Schieffelin & Co. Member City, Turt and Field, Caughnawauga and Elizabeth (N. J.) Clubs and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. MERWIN, BERKLET R.— Merchant Tailor 424 Filth avenue. New Tork City; residence 50 West 130th street. Bora in New Haven, Conn., Oct. 6, 1854 Edu cated in New Haven. (Married.) Member Hariem Club, Sons ol the Revolution and New England So ciety. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 311 MERWIN, EDWARD F.-Banker, 35 Wall street New Tork City; residence East Orange, N. J. Born in New Haven, Conn., Sept. 9, 1846. Educated at General Russell's Collegiate and Commercial Institute. (Mar ried.) Senior member ol the New Tork Stock Ex change firm ol Edward P. Merwin & Co. Director Central Coal and Coke Co., Kansas City and Independ ence Air Line and Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gull H. R. Co. Member Lawyers', Orange, Essex County (N. J.) Country and Essex County Goll Clubs and New Englaind Society. MERWIN, BDWARD P., Jr. —Banker, 35 Wall street. New Tork City; residence East Orange, N. J. Born In New Haven, Conn., Sept. 19, 1871. Educated' at Hairvard. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Edward P. Merwin & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Ex change. Member Harvard, Essex County (N. J.) Coun try and Essex County Goll Clubs. MERZ, CARL— Colors, 56 Maiden lane. New Tork City; residence 344 Thirteenth avenue, Newark, N. J. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 20, 1857. Educated In New Tork (3erman and public schools. (Married.) Secretary and director Heller & Merz Co. Member Drug Trade, and Paint, Oil and Varnish Clubs, Lied erkranz, New Tork Turn Verein, German Hospital and others. MERZ, FRANK — Banker, Jamestown; residence 6 West Sixth street. Born In Clarence Center, Erie Co., N. T., July 26, 1857. Educated in .public schools ol Chippawa, Ontario, and Jamestown (N. T.) High School. (Married.) Was clerk, bookkeeper and teller CJhautauqua County National Bank, 1873-84; teller First National Bank, 1885-94; organized In 1894 and was the' first cashier ol Union Trust Co., ol which he has been president since 1899. Member Independent Or der ol Odd Fellows, Benevolent and Protective Order ol Elks and Masonic bodies. MERZ, HENRT— Colors, 56 Maiden lane. New Tork City; residence 143 Uttleton avenue, Newark, N. J. Born in Germany, May 29, 1833. Educated .in Germany. (Married.) Treasurer and director Heller & Merz Co.; director Elka Park Association. Member Drug Trade, and Paint, Oil and Varnish Clubs, Lied erkranz, Turn Verein (honorary). Cferman Hospital, Deutsche Gesells(;halt and others. MESEROLE, JEREMIAH V.— Banker, 175 Broad way, Brooklyn; residence 483 Washington avenue. President and trustee Williamsburgh Savings Bank ol Brooklyn. Member Union League Club. MESEROLE, WALTER MONFORT— Civil Engi neer, 189 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 288 Hancock street. Born in Brooklyn, April 5, 1861. Edu cated at Columbia (C.E., '81). (Married.) Secretary and director Otsellc Construction Co.; director Erie and Central New Tork Ry. Co. Commissioner Atlan tic Avenue Improvement since 1897. Member Brook- l.vn Engineers' Club (president), HoUand Society and St. Nicholas Society ol Nassau Island. MBSIER, LOUIS— Real Bstate, 24 Pine street. New . Tork City; residence 24 West 21st street. Born In New Tork City, 1844. Educated In New Tork City. (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol Adrian H. MuUer & Son. Mem ber Union Club. ME.TCALF, JESSE H.— Dry Goods Merchant. 69 Worth street. New Tork City; residence Providence, R. I. Member ol the flrm ol Metcall Bros. & Co. Mem ber New Tork Tacht, Union League and Relorm Clubs. MBTCAI.F, LORETTUS S. — Journalist, 72 Filth avenue. New Tork City: residence 40 West 106th street. Bora In Monmouth, Me., Oct. 17, 1837. Educated In Boston (Mass.) public schools. (Married.) Connected with D. Appleton & Co. Was editor ol several news papers in Massachusetts: managing editor ol "North American Review" lor nine years; editor ol the "Fo rum" lor flve years, and ol the "Florida Daily CJitizen" lor lour years. Member Authors' Club and Century Association. METCALF, MANTON B.— Dry Goods Merchant, 69 Worth street. New Tork City; residence Orange, N. J. Member of the firm ol Metcall Bros. & Co. Mem ber Relorm and Merchants' Clubs, Essex County Country Club ol Orange, N. J., and New England So ciety. METCALFE, HENRT— Real Estate. 19 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence Cold Spring. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 29, 1847. Educated at United States Military Academy. (Married Harriet Nichols.) Served ¦ In United States Ordnance Department until retired In 1893 with rank ol captain. In charge ol Government exhibit at Centennial Exposition, 1876; In structor ol ordnance at United States Military Acad emy, 1886-91. Now president ol the Water Commission and ol the Board ol Education ol Cold Spring. Mem ber University, City and Relorm Clubs and Century Association. METCALFE, JAMBS STETSON- Editor and Critic, 19 West 31st street. New Tork City; residence 201 West 55th street. Bom In Buffalo, N. T., June 27, 1858. Edu cated at Tale (A.B. and A.M.) (Married Edith Wil liams ol Batavia, N. T.) Editor and publisher "The Modern Age," 1883-4; editorial writer "Buffalo Ex press," 18.84-5; manager American Newspaper Publish ers' Assofilation, 1886-9. Now literary editor and dra matic critic ol "Life," with which he has been con nected since 1889. Member Calumet and Michaux CJlubs. METCALFE, JOHN T.— Retired Physician, Cold Spring. Bora in Natchez, Miss., July 10, 1818. Edu cated at United States Military Academy. (Widower.) Emeritus prolessor New Tork College ol Physicians and Surgeons. Formerly connected with the Ortho paedic Hospital and others. Member American Mu seum ol Natural History and Metropolitan Museum of Art. METZ, HERMAN A.— President, 122 Hudson street. New Tork City; residence 461 Gold street, Brooklyn. Born In New Tork City, Oct. 19, 1867. Edu cated at Cooper Union. Entered employ of Schulze- Berge &" Koechl In 1881 as offlce boy, and studied chemistry at the Cooper Union and entered the labora tory of the firm; was traveling salesman and Boston agent lor two years; in 1894 became vice-president and treasurer ol Victor Koechl & Co. (Inc.); became president, by purchasing the interests ol Victor Koechl, In 1899. Delegate to the State Conventions held by the Democratic Relorm Party; In 1896 dele gate to the National Convention at Indianapolis. In 1899 appointed by Mayor Van Wyck, member of the Brooklyn School Board. Ex-member County General Executive and State Committees ol the National Democratic Party. Member Relorm, Chemists', Cres cent Athletic, Germania, Riding and Dri-ving, Na tional Civic (treasurer and trastee), Brooklyn Demo cratic (chairman ol governing committee) Clubs, Committees on Import arid Appraisement and for the Revision ol the Customs' Administrative Act ol the Merchants' Association, Commonwealth Lodge No. 409, F. & A. M., Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, Adelphic Council No. 7, Palestine Commandery No. 18, Mecca Temple ol the Mystic Shrine, thirty-second degree Mason New Tork Consistory, German Hospital So cieties (New Tork and Brooklyn), Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences, American Museum ol Natural History, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, Chamber ol Commerce, New Tork Board ol Trade and Transporta tion, Manulacturers' Association and Society ol Chem ical Industry ol London. MBURER, JACOB— Metals, 575 Flushing avenue, Brooklyn; residence 266 Lincoln place. Bora In New Tork City. (Married.) Senior member ol Meurer Bros. Member Union League and Montauk Clubs. METBNBERG, MAX— Silk Manulacturer, Hobo ken, N. J.; residence 111 West 84th street. New Tork City Born in Alexandria, Va., Oct. 6, 1859. (Single.) President Majestic Velvet Mills, N. J. Member Col lectors' Club, National Philatelical Society and Ma sonic bodies. MraTER, ALFRED- Physician, 801 Madison ave nue. New Tork City. Born in New Tork City, 1864. Educated at New Tork College ol Physicians and Sur geons, and at Universities ol Vienna and Leipzig. (Married.) Attending physician Mount Sinai Hos pital; consulting physician Sanitarium lor Consump tives at Bedlord, N. T. (Montefiore Home Country Sanitarium); chest specialist United Hebrew Chari ties. Member Adirondack League and Barnard Clubs, Columbia University Alumni, Mt. Slnal Alumni and Physicians' Mutual Aid Associations, Academy ol Medicine, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and County Medical and German Medical Societies. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 312 MPYFR ARTHUR G.— Dry Goods Merchant, 66 Leo^a^J^t^eet New Tork City; resMenceEUzab^^^^ N J Born In Elizabeth, N. J., March 29, IS^"-. .^" cated m Elizabeth. (Single.) Formeriy cashier ol t^rfirm of Meyer KIngsland & Co. and connected WUh 'f^wnse^ & Montalt. Manager English woo en denartmint Sf Fred'k. Victor & Achelis; connected tlth s™i Knopf CO. and Excelsior Plant Co Mem ber New Tork Athletic, Manhattan and Artwright c!ub?a^d Elizabeth Athletic and Mattano Clubs of Elizabeth. METER, CHARLES B.-Lawyer, 99 Cedar street New Tork City; residence Boulevard Lafayette and isltl^ street. President ChUdren's Fold; trustee Shel tering Arms. Member Church Club and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. METER, CHRISTIAN M.— Manufacturer, 62 Wil liam street. New Tork City; residence 17 East 64th street. President and director Lake Charles Rice Mill ing Co.; treasurer and director Acme Fertilizer Co. Member New Tork Athletic, Larchmont Tacht, At lantic Tacht and New Tork Tacht Clubs and Cres cent Athletic and Hanover Clubs of Brooklyn. METER CORD— Banker, 62 WUllam street. New Tork City; 'residence 137 West 86th street. Born in Maspeth, N. T., Oct. 9, 1854. Educated at the College of the City of New Tork. (Married.) President and director Citizens' Water Supply Co. of Newtown, and Acme Fertilizer Co.; vice-president and trustee (.o- lonlal Trust Co. and Colonial Safe Deposit Co.; di rector Associated Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insur ance Corporation, Continental National Bank, Kings County Trust Co., Tennessee Coal, Iron and R. R. Co., Lanyon Zinc Co., St. Paul Mining Co., Ensley Land Co. of Tennessee, Lake Charles Rice Milling Co. and American Agricultural Chemical Co. Member New Tork Athletic, Lawyers'. Suburban Riding and Driving, Colonial and Democratic (vice-president) Clubs and Deutscher Verein. METER, HENRT C— Publisher, 100 WiUiam street. New Tork City; residence 72 Mountain ave nue, Montciair, N. J. Member Union League and Fulton Clubs. MUitary Order of the Loyal Legion and Century Association. METER, HENRT H.— Stock Broker, 62 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 431 Fifth avenue. Member of the firm of Seligman & Meyer. Member Reform, Century Country (ex-president) and Suburban Rid ing and Driving Clubs, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. METER, J. F. OTTO— Merchant, 24 West street New Tork City; residence 40 West 91st street. Born In Germany, Feb. 22, 1838. Educated In Germany. (Widower.) Member Consolidated Stock and Petro leum Exchange. Vice-president and director A. Busch Bottling Co.; agent Anheuser-Busch Brewing Association of St. Louis. Member New Tork Athletic CJlub, Liederkranz and Arion amd German Societies. METER, J. G. ARNOLD— Mechanical Engineer, 16 Thomas street. New Tork City; residence 122 Fair street, Paterson, N. J. Born in Berlin, Germany, Jan. 3, 1840. Educated in Berlin, and in Liverpool, Eng land. (Married.) Manager Arnold Publishing House. Author of "Easy Lessons in Mechanical Drawing and Machine Design." Member American Society of Me chanical Engineers and Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. METER, OSCAR R.— Silk Merchant, 487 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 21 West 74th street. Senior member of the firm of Oscar R. Meyer & Co. Member Merchants' Central Club, Metropolitan Mu seum of Art and American Museum of Natural His tory. METER, OTTO A.— Publisher, 17 Main street, Utica; residence 14 Jewett place. Bom In Prospect, N. T. Educated at Utica Academy. (Single.) Pub lisher and manager Utica "Daily Press"; director Second National Bank and New Hartford "Water Co.; owner of Clarendon Offlce Building. Member Fort Schuyler and Sadaquada Clubs, and Reform Club of New Tork City. METER, PETER P.- Real Estate, 111 Broadway, New Tork City, and Commissioner, Pier A, North River, New Tork City; residence 190 Lenox avenue. Born m New Tork City 1848. Educated in public schools Engaged In the real estate business since 1862 SenL member of the firm of Peter F- Meyer & Co. Commissioner of docks and ferries of the City oi New Tork. Member New Tork Athletic, Demo cratic and Sagamore Clubs and Tammany Society. METER WILLT— Surgeon. 700 Madison avenue. New Tork City. Bora in Minden Westlalia Ger many, July 24, 1858. Educated, In Oermany. at Uni versities ol Bonn and Eriangen. (Married.) Pro- lessor of surgery. New Tork Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital; attending surgeon New Tork Skin and Cancer and German Hospitals; consulting surgeon New York Infirmary. Ex-president German Medical Society and ex-professor of surgery Woman s Medical CoUege. Member New York County Medical. State Medical, Pathological. German Medical. Metro politan Medical and Surgical Societies Acadeniy of Medicine. Physicians' Mutual Aid. County Medical and State Medical Associations and life member of Con gress of German Surgeons. MEYERS. JAMES COWDEN— Lawyer. 31 Nassau street New York City; residence 53 St. Nicholas ave nue 'secretary Real Estate Corporation ol New York City and assistant secretary American Real Estate Co. Member Princeton Club and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. MEYROWITZ, EMILE B.— Optician, 104 East 23d street New York City; residence Rldgefield. N. J. Bora m Russia. 1852. Educated In Russia. (Married.) President and director Meyrowltz Ml'g Co.; proprietor E B. Meyrowltz (retail). Was secretary ol Board ol Education ol Rldgefield and ol the Rldgefield Improve ment Association. Member Aldine Association. MEYROWITZ, OSCAR W.— Optician, 104 East 23d street. New York City; residence New Rochelle. Born In Russia, May, 1854. Educated In Russia and Ger many. (Married.) Secretary, treasurer and director Meyrowltz Ml'g Co. Secretary New Rochelle Yacht Club. MIATT, GEORGE WILLIAM— Patent Lawyer, 5 Beekman street. New York City; residence Suffern, Rockland County. Born in England, Aug. 29, 1861. Educated at New York University Law School ('82). (Married.) President Ramapo BuUding and Loan Association and master Ramapo Lodge No. 589, F. & A. M. MICHAUX, ALBERT R.— Importer and Manu lacturer, 90 Gold street, New York City; residence 113 West 84th street, and Arverne. Born In New York City, Dec. 10, 1864. Educated in public schools, Ford ham College and Laval University. (Single.) Secre tary and treasurer P. A. Blichert Ml'g Co. ol New York and Chicago; secretary Felix Foumier & Knopl. Formerly on board ol managers French Hospital; Member Catholic Club. MICHIE, PETER SMITH— Prolessor, United States Military Academy, West Point Bora in Bre chin, Scotland, March 24, 1839. Educated at United States Military Academy ('63). Degrees ol Ph.D. Irom Princeton In 1871; A.M. Irom Dartmouth in 1873, and LL.D. Irom Union CoUege in 1893. (Married Maria L. Roberts ol Cincinnati", Ohio, 1863.) Commissioned first lieutenant ol engineers. United States Army, June 11, 1863, and captain, Nov. 23, 1865. Served throughout Civil "War and reached brevet rank ol brigadier-gen eral. Prolessor ol philosophy at United States Mili tary Academy since 1871. Member board ol overseers ol Thayer School ol Civil Engineering at Dartmouth College since 1871. Author ol "Personnel ol Sea Coast Delense," "Elements ol Analytical Mechanics, "Practi' cal Astronomy" and other works ol a similar nature. Member Century Association ol New York City, and MUitary Order ol the Loyal Legion ol the United States. MIDDLEBROOK, CHARLES F.— Merchant, 214 State street, Binghamton; residence 108 Prospect ave nue. Born in Oswego, N. Y., July 20, 1867. Educated at Colgate Academy, Hamilton, N. Y., and University ol Rochester. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol C. D. Middlebrook & Son. Member Binghamton Whist and Binghamton Clubs, and Delta Kappa Epsilon Club of New York City. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 313 MIDDLEBROOK, FREDERICK J. —Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 444 West End avenue. Born in Wilton, Conn., Dec. 28, 1860. (Mair ried.) Director Lykens Valley R. R. and Coal Co., American Mortgage Co. and Hale Co. Member Colo nial, West Side and Lawyers' Clubs and Down Town Association. MIDDLEBROOK, JOSEPH W.-Lawyer, 130 West Main street, Tarrytown; residence Dobbs Ferry. Born In Tarrytown, July 3, 1865. Educated at Wilton Acad emy, Wilton, Conn., and at Yale ('87). (Marrled.j At torney and director Tarrytown National Bank; treas urer Westchester County Bar Association and attor ney lor county treasurer and State Comptroller. Member Yale, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Pastime, Mohican and Larchmont Yacht Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ards ley-on-Hudson, City Club ol Yonkers, and ex-member Crescent Athletic and Union League Clubs ol Brook lyn. MIDDLETON, CLIFFORD L.— Merchant 68 Broad street. New York City; residence 473 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. Member ol the flrm ol Middleton & Co. Member Marine and Fleld, Hamilton, Riding and Driv ing, and Excelsior Clubs ol Brooklyn, and 23d Regi ment Veteran Association. MIDDLETON, ROBERT — Woolen Manulacturer, Globe Woolen Co., Utica; residence 263 Genesee street. Born In Aberdeen, Scotland, May 17, 1825. Educated In Aberdeen. (Married.) President aind agent Globe Woolen Co.; ex-dlrector Second National Bank, Mo hawk Valley Mills, Savings Bank ol Utica, Utica Me chanics' Association and Utica WlUowvale Bleachery. Member Fort Schuyler and Home Market Clubs, Na tional Association ol Wool Manulacturers, Knight Templar Mason, American Protective Tariff League and New York State Agricultural Society. MIDDLETON, W. D. — Woolen Manulacturer, Globe Woolen Co.. Utica; residence 263 Genesee street. Born In Dracut, Mass., Dec. 23, 1850. Educated In pub lic schools, Utica Business College and Law Depart ment ot Hamilton College. (Married.) Vice-president and superintendent Globe Woolen Co.; director Second National Bank. Was electric light commissioner lor three years. Member Fort Schuyler and Adirondack League Clubs, Utica Chamber ol Commerce and Faix- ton Lodge, F. & A. M. MILBANK, SAMUEL W.-Merchant, 11 Pine street. New York (Jity; residence 33 East 38th street. Director "West Wyandotte Mining Co. Member Union, Manhattan, Racquet and Tennis, New York Yacht, Whist and South Side Sportsmen's Clubs and Down Town Association. MILBURN, JOHN GEORGE— Lawyer, 28 Erie street, Buffalo; residence 1168 Delaware avenue. Born In England, Dec. 13, 1861. Educated In England. (Married.) Practicing in Buffalo since his admission to the Bar In 1874. Member ol the firm ol Rogers, Locke & Milburn. Member Buffalo Club, Genesee Val ley Club ol Rochester, and Lawyers' and Players' Clubs and Century Association ol New York City. MILES, C. C. — Physician and Surgeon, Greenport. Born In Sag Harbor, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1854. Educated at New York CoUege ol Physicians and Surgeons. (Married.) Trustee Southold Savings Bank; coroner Suffolk County; health offlcer village ol Greenport, and ex-presldent Board ol Education ol Greenport. MILES, SWEETIN(3 — Miller and Manulacturer, 17 Jay street. New York City; residence Alpine, N. J. Born in Stroud, Gloucestershire, England, Oct. 6, 1827. Educated in common schools In Dutchess County, N. Y. (Married.) Major ol 75th Regiment, N. G. N. Y., 1863; lieutenant-colonel, 1863; colonel, 1864-7. President Palisade Land Co. and Alpine Land Co. ; di rector American Grocery Co. Member New York Produce Exchange and State Board ol Education ol New Jersey. MILHAU, EDWARD L.— Druggist, 183 Broadway, New York City; residence 291 Henry street, Brooklyn. Educated at Columbia. Member ol the firm ol J. Milhau's Son. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon and New York Athletic Clubs, Columbia University Alum ni Association and Scientiflc Alliance. MILHOLLAND, JOHN E.— President, 154 Nassau street. New York City; residence 168 Madison avenue. (Married.) President and director Tubular Dispatch Co.; director Bacheller Pneumatic Tube Co. ol Phila delphia and New York, New York Mall and Newspa per Transportation Co. and Norton Point Land Co. Member Republican, Lotos, New York Press, Atlantic Yacht and Lawyers' Clubs. Metropolitan Museum ol Art, American Museum ol Natural History, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to CJhildren, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and several others. MILLARD, FRANK VINCENT— Lawyer, Tarry town. Born in Tarrytown, Feb. 27, 1867. (Son of James F. and Elizabeth A. [Purdy] Millard.) Edu cated at Irving Institute, at Yale ('88) and at Colum bia Law School. (Married Grace, daughter of Isaac Requa of Tarrytown, 1891.) Practicing In Tarrytown since his admission to the Bar In 1890. Counsel to the Greenburgh Savings Bank, and to the towns ol Green burgh and Mount Pleasant; corporation counsel to Tarrytown and the village ol Hastings; chairman Congressional District Republican Committee; mem ber Tarrytown Board ol Education; foremain ol a vol unteer fire company. Member Exempt Firemen's As sociation (director) and Young Men's Lyceum (presi dent). MILLARD, S. C. — Lawyer, Binghamton; residence 77 Main street. Born in Stamlord, Vt.. Jan. 14. 1840. Educated at WiUiams College. (Married.) Member ol the firm of Millard & Stewart. Director First National Bank. Member of Congress, 1882-7. President Bing hamton Club. MILLER, ALBERT O.— Manufacturer and Mer chant, 42 North Moore street. New York City; resi dence Montciair. N. J. Born in Deal, N. J., Sept. 28. 1857. Educated at the College of the City of New York. (Married.) President and director Miller, Tompkins & Co. Member of several Montciair clubs and societies. MILLER, ALVAH— Paper Merchant, 132 Nassau street, New York CJity; residence 132 Hewes street, Brooklyn. Bom In Katonah, N. Y.. Jan. 30, 1866. Edu cated at Chappaqua Mountain Institute. (Married.) Member of the firm of H. G. Craig & Co. "Vice-presi dent and treasurer Lyon Bros. Co.; treasurer Aerated Paper Co. Member Hanover Club of Brooklyn. MILLER, CHARLES B.-Broker. 39 Wall street. New York City; residence 101 Balnbridge street, Brooklyn. Born on Staten Island, Feb. 10, 1852. Edu cated in public schools. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Kelley, Miller & Co., members ol the New York Stock Exchange. President Goldwin Mining Co.; sec retary and treasurer Frasse Co. Member Whist Club ol New York City, Union League and Brooklyn Whist CJlubs ol Brooklyn, and Carteret CJlub ol Jersey City. N. J. MILLER, CHARLES E.— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New York (Jity; residence 63 East 54th street. Educated at Columbia ('55). (Married.) Trustee Mu tual Llle Insurance Co. ol New York. Member Uni versity and Riding Clubs, Genesee Valley (Jlub of Rochester, New England Society. Columbia University Alumni and Down Town Associations and Associa tion ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. MILLER, CHARLES HENRY— Artist, 10 East 23d street. New York (Jity; residence Queens, L. I. Born in New York City, March 20, 1842. Educated In New York City, and In Europe at the Royal Academy ol Bavaria. Degrees ol M.D. and N.A. (Single.) The landscape painter called by Bayard Taylor "the artist ic discoverer ol the little continent of Long Island." Was president of the Art Club of New York, 1877-82; president ol the American Art Committee at Munich International Exposition ol 1883: president ol the Queens Union Free School, 1895-7; also president ol the Board ol Education. Has exhibited at all the im portant national and international expositions since i876. and has been awarded many medals. Author ol "The Philosophy ol Art in America" under nom de plume "Carl De Muldor." Member Lotos Club, Cen tury Association and National Academy ol Design. MILLER, CHARLES J.— Lumber Merchant, New- lane. Born in Newlane, July 28, 1865. Educated at 314 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Cornell ('90). (Married.) Breeder of Guemsey cattle and owner of Meado-w Brook Farm. Treasurer and purchasing agent Newfane Basket Mf'g Co. Member Cornell University Club of New York City. MILLER, CHARLES RANSOM— Editor and Pub lisher, 41 Park row. New York City; residence 48 Cen tral Park, South. Born In Hanover, N. H.. Jan. 17. 1849. Educated at Dartmouth College ('72). (Married Frances Daniels of Plaunfield, N. H., 1876.) Editor-in- chief of the New York "Times" with which he has been connected since 1875. Director Blooming Grove Park Association. Member Metropolitan Club, Cen tury Association and National Sculpture Society. MILLER, CHARLES S.— Lawyer. 150 Nassau street. New York CJity; residence 66 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. Born in HornellsvUle, N. Y., June 2, 1856. Educated at Yale ('77) aind Columbia Law School ('79) ; also pursued legal studies in office of Hon. Ernest Hall. (Single.) Has been in practice on individual ac count since 1883. Was one of the vice-presidents of the Patria Club, 1898-9. Member Patria and Psi Up silon Clubs, Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, and Yale Alumni Association. MILLER, CHARLES W.— Banker and Broker, 18 Wall street. New York City; residence SparklU. Born In New York City May 12, 1833. (Married.) Member of the firm ol S. P. Johnson & Co.. members ol the New York Stock Exchange. MILLER, CYRUS C.-Lawyer. 120 Broadway, New York City; residence University Heights. Born In Claverack, Columbia Co., N. Y., Nov. 2, 1866. Edu cated at New York University ('88) and Columbia Law School ('91). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Mil ler, Decker & Miller. Was member ol council ol New York University and treasurer ol New York Univer- • Bity Alumni Association. Member Grolier and Ford ham Clubs, Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, New York University Alumni Association and Zeta Psi Fraternity. MILLER, DEANE— Stock Broker, 16 Wall street New York City; residence University Club. Born In New Rochelle, N. Y., March 16, 1866. Educated at Yale ( 85). (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol Latham, Alexander & Co. and ol the New York Stock Ex change. Member University, Racquet and Tennis. and Tuxedo Clubs. MILLER, EDMUND HOWD— Chemist, Have meyer HaU, 118th street and Broadway, New York City; residence 312 Manhattan avenue. Born in Falr fleld, Conn., Sept. 12, 1869. Educated at Columbia Uni- l^PP^^ ^flV°^ =°* Mines and School ol Pure Science (Ph.D.) (Married.) Instractor In analytical chemis- try and assaying at Columbia University. Member Columbia University Alumni Association, American . Institute ol Mining Engineers, American Chemical So ciety Society ol Chemical Industry and Chemical So ciety ol London, England. =f,.^^\P^'-^ EDWARD M. F.-Broker, 40 Wall street. New York City; residence 797 Lexington ave- ^^*:^ ?*"¦" P^. Ne'"' York City, March 18, 1856. Edu- ^P^-P" F'^^YPr schools and at College ol the City ol NewYork;^ (Married.) Member New York Stock Ex- ^fP^\. Treasurer Standard Trust Co. ol New York City. Member Republican Club, New England So ciety and Methodist Social Union. ^n^iana bo- 9Rtw.^^F^T FRANK C.-Manulacturer, 349 West 26th street. New York City; residence 1048 Filth ave- He^-^^-,".™ ™ Warsaw, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1856. (S- Mmer Jjf ^-P'-^^^^ent, treasurer and di'rector Fra^k MILLER, FRANKLIN T.— Publisher 310 ^°'"", '" Brooklyn. March 11 1870 EAu- cated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. (Marrle(i^) Division engineer in charge ol construction ol Lexing orBrookly'n.' "''^^- ^"^'"''" "°'°" Leag^Te C?ub BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 321 MOORE, FRANK A.— Architect, 123 East 23d street. New York City; residence Larchmont. Edu cated at Massachusetts Institute ol Technology ('88). Member , Patria, Larchmont Yacht and University Clubs and Massachusetts Institute ol Technology Alumni Society. MOORE, FREDERIC POTTS— Broker, 71 Broad way. New York City; residence 44 West 44th street. Born in Flushing. N. Y., 1865. Educated at Swarth more College. (Single.) CJonnected -with Floyd Moore. A'"lce-presldent New Y''ork and Southwestern R. R. Co. Member University, LTnlon League. Knollwood Country and St. Andrew's Goll Clubs. MOORE, GEORGE H A YDOCK— Insurance, 27 WiUiam street. New York City; residence 44 West 44th street. Born in Flushing, N. Y. Educated at Swarth more College. (Single.) Member Engineers', St. An drew's Goll and Essex County (N. J.) Country Clubs, Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, and 7th Regi ment N. G. N. Y. MOORE. HARRISON BRAY— Lighterage and Transportation, 6 Broadway. New York City; resi dence 126 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn. Born In Wind ham. Me. Educated In public schools. (Married Mar ietta H. Christie. 1866.) Engaged in lighterage and transportation business since 1863. Connected with the N. G. N. Y. lor many years and rose to the rank ol major. President and director New York Lighterage and Transportation Co. Member New York Yacht, Army and Navy and Manhattan Clubs, and Crescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn. MOORE. HENRY C— Contractor. 100 Broadway. New York City; residence 513 West 179th street. Wash ington Heights. Born In Manchester, N. H., Aug. 10, 1841. (Married.) President Nassau Construction Co. MOORE, JOHN BASSETT— Prolessor, H6th street and Mornlngside Heights, New York City; residence 524 West 150th street. Bora in Smyrna, Del., Dec. 3. 1860. Educated at the University ol Virginia (A.B.. '80); studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1883. (Married.) Third Assistant Secretary ol State ol the United States, 1886-91, and First Assistant, 1898. Secretary and counsel to the American Peace Commis sion In Paris, France, 1898. Now Hamilton Fish Pro- lessor ol international law and diplomacy at Colum bia University. Author ol "Report on Extraterritorial Crime," "Report on Extradition" (lor the Pan-Ameri can Conference), "Extradition and Interstate Rendi tion" (two vols.), "American Notes on the Conflict of Laws" and "History and Digest of International Arbi trations" (six vols.). Member Century Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. MOORE, JOHN CONSTABLE— Real Estate, 51 Liberty street. New York City; residence Bergen Point, N. J. Born In Dutchess County, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1864. Educated at St. Stephens College, Annandale, (N. Y.) and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ('88). (Married Anna dl Zerega.) Member Union League Club and Delta Phi Society. MOORE, JOHN LEVBRETT— Professor, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. Bora in New York City, June 6, 1859. Educated at Princeton (A.B., '81) and at Johns Hopkins University (Ph.D., '91). (Married.) Tutor In Latin at Princeton College, 1882-5; Instructor and Fel low In Latin at Johns Hopkins University, 1886-91; professor of Latin at Vassar College since 1891. Mem ber University and Princeton Clubs ol New York City. MOORE, MICHAEL B.— Art and Bronzes, Kings ton. Bom in Troy, N. Y., 1843. Educated in Troy. (Married.) President and director M. E. Moore Bronze and Plate Co. Was vice-president ol Kingston Board ol Trade and director Union Bank ol Brooklyn. Mem ber Montauk and Columbia Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Kingston Club. MOORE, STU.ART HULL— Publisher, 23 City Hall place, New York City; residence 43 McDonough street, Brooklj'n. Born In Cutchogue, Suffolk Co., N. Y., April 26, 1864. Educated In Cutchogue and Southold. (Married.) Vice-president and director F. M. Lupton Publishing Co. Senior member ol the flrm ol S. H. Moore & Co., publishers ol "The Ladies' World.' Member ol the flrm, and owner ol hall interest, ol W. F. Powers & Co., lithographers, and ol the Manhattan Typesetting Co. MOORE, THEODORE B.— Broker, 32 Pine street New York City; residence 12 West 50th street. Born in Dutchess County, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1834. (Son ol George and Mary Moore.) Educated at Chase Acad emy. (Single.) Director Horn Silver Mining Co., Iron Steamboat Co., New York and Coney Island R. R. Co.. New York and Coney Island Observatory and Signal Co. and Prospect Park and South Brooklyn R. R. Co. Member New York Athletic Club. MOORE, THOMAS JOSEPH— Manufacturer, 141 Wooster street. New York City; residence Broadway Central Hotel. Bora in Philadelphia, Pa., 1864. Edu cated at Philadelphia Central High School. (Married.) Agent for the American Strawboard Co. Member Catholic Club. MOORE, THOMAS S.— Lawyer, 32 Liberty street New York City; residence 91 Willow street, Brooklyn. Born In Newburgh, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1842. Educated at Harvard ('61); studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1863. (Married.) Member of the flrm ol Moore, Wallace & Dudley. President board ol regents ol the Long Island Hospital; director Fidelity and Casualty Co. and New York "Times" Co.; commissioner ol the new Bast River Bridge. Member University, St. Anthony, Rockaway Hunting and Lawyers' Clubs. HamUton, Riding and Driving, and Brooklyn Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. MOORE, VERANUS ALBA— Prolessor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 914 East State street. Born in Houndsfleld, Jefferson Co., N. Y., April 13, 1859. Educated at CorneU (B.S.) and at Columbian University Medical College, Washington, D. C. (M.D.). (Married.) Was chiel ol division ol animal pathology in Bureau ol Animal Industry ol United States De partment ol Agriculture lor several years. Now pro- lessor ol comparative and veterinary pathology and bacteriology, and ol meat inspection at Cornell Uni versity. Member Cosmos Club ol Washington, D. C, American Public Health Association, Society ol Amer ican Bacteriologists and Elmira Academy ol Medi cine. MOORE, WILLIAM A.— Lawyer, 11 William street. New York City; residence 912 West End avenue. Born In Watertown, N. Y., 1874. Educated at Yale ('96) and New York Law School. (Single.) Member Yale Club. MOORE, WILLIAM CLIFFORD- Lawyer, 56 Pine street. New York City; residence 51 West 51st street. Born in New York City, Sept 16, 1867. Educated at Yale. (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol Moore, Bleeck er & Wheeler. Member Reform, Yale, Manuscript and Calumet Clubs, Sons of the Revolution and Associa tion of the Bar of the City of New York. MOORE, WILLIAM DOUGLAS — Lawyer, 149 Broadway, New York City; residence Bloomfleld, N. J. Bom in Douphin, Pa. (Married.) MOORE, "WILLIAM F.— Judge, 125 Sixth avenue. New York City; residence 111 West llth street. Bora in Newburgh, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1855. Educated in public schools and at Newburgh Academy; studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1880. Judge of the Third District Municipal Court of New York City since 1890; present term expires Dec. 31, 3^9. Member New York Athletic and Democratic Clubs and Tammany Society. MOORE, WILLIAM H. H.-Lawyer, 61 WaU street. New York City; residence 339 West 84th street. Born In Greenport L. I., Feb. 13, 1824. Educated at Millers- place Academy and Union College. (Married.) Direc tor Phenix National Bank; trustee Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co., Atlantic Trust Co. and Seamen's Bank for Savings. Officer of Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. as follows: Third offlcer for thirty years; second of flcer lor nine years; unanimously elected president three times, and resigned shortly alter third election In 74th year ol his age. Ex-trustee Union College. Member Relorm Club, Union College Alumni Associa tion, New York Genealogical and Biographical, Ha ven's Rellel Fund (president), and American Geo graphical Societies, American Museum of Natural His tory and Association of the Bar ol the City ol New York. 322 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. MORAN, AMBDEE, D.— Broker, 54 WilUam street. New York City; residence 17 West 56th street. (Wid ower.) Member ol the flrm of Moran Bros, and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Director Texas Central R. R. Co. Member Metropolitan, Knickerbocker and Union Clubs. MORAN, ANSON B.-Broker, 54 William street. New York City; residence 264 West 57th street. (Mar ried.) Member ol the flrm ol Moran Bros., members ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Calumet Club. MORAN, CHARLES A.-Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 41 East 50th street. Edu cated at Columbia ('81). Director King Granite Co. Member University Club, Columbia University Alumni Association and Association of the Bar of the City ol New York. MORAN, D. COMYN— Broker, 54 WUliam street. New York City; residence 531 Filth avenue. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Moran Bros., members ol the New York Stock Exchange. President and director Nevada-California-Oregon Ry. Co. Member Union, Suburban Riding and Driving, and Seawanhaka-Co rinthian Yacht Clubs and Lafayette Post, G. A. R. MORAN, PAUL NIMMO— Artist, 28 Bast 20th street. New York City. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1864, Educated in New York City. (Single.) Member Sal magundi Club. MORAN, THOMAS — Artist 37 West 22d street; residence Easthampton, L. I. Born In Bolton, Lanca shire, England, Jan. 12, 1837. Educated in Philadel phia (Pa.) public schools; studied art In Paris and in Italy. (Married Mary Nimmo, 1862.) Accompanied the United States Exploring Expedition to the Yellow stone Country In 1871; In 1873 went on a similar expedi tion and painted the pictures entitled, "Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone" and "Chasm of the Colorado," which were purchased by Congress and are now In the Capitol. Member Lotos, Catholic and Salmagundi Clubs, Century Association and National Academy of Design. MORAWETZ, VICTOR— Lawyer, 35 Wall street. New York City; residence Metropolitan Club. Edu cated at Harvard ('78). Director Atchison, Topeka and Santa Pe Ry. Co., Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Ry. Co., Southern California Ry. Co. and Norfolk and Western Ry. Co. Member Union, University, Union League, Lawyers', Harvard, Riding and Metropolitan Clubs, Century Association, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. MORDECAI, ROBERT E. LBB- Real Estate, 7 Pine street, 1002 Broadway and 696 Columbus avenue. New York CJity; residence 56 Central Park, South. Member New York Athletic and Monticello Gun and Studio Clubs. MOREHOUSE, DANIEL W.— Unitarian Clergy man, 104 East 20th street. New York City; residence 70 Glenwood avenue. Yonkers. Bom in KnowlesvlUe, Orleans Co.. N. Y.. Feb. 4. 1846. Educated at Mead- ville Theological School. (Married.) General secretary National Conference of Unitarian and other Christian churches; secretary Unitarian Conference of Middle States and Canada; also superintendent of Middle States Department for the American Unitarian Asso ciation. Member Reform and Bamard Clubs. MORGAN, ALBERT J.— Manufacturer, 439 West street. New York City; residence 243 West 72d street Vice-president and director Enoch Morgan's Sons Co' Member Racquet and Tennis, St. Nicholas, Colonial' New York Athletic, Grolier. Manhattan. New York Yacht, Larchmont Yacht and Atlantic Yacht Clubs and Aldine Association. MORGAN, ALEXANDER C. — Stock Broker 35 William street New York CJity; residence 134 West 73d ^P^P^- Member of the firm of A. C. Morgan & Co. and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Barnard and Salmagundi Clubs, New England Society Down Town and Century Associations and National Acad emy of Design. MORGAN, APPLETON-Lawyer and Author 72d street and Broadway, New York City. Born in Port land, Me., Oct. 2, 1850. Educated at Racine College and at ColiSbla College Law School. Admitted to the Bar in 1871 and began practice In New York City. Founded, In 1885, and has since been president of the Shakespeare Society of New York. Author ol "Some Shakesperean Commentators," "Venus and Adonis, a Study In the Warwickshire Language," "The Law ol Literature," "Shakespeare In Fact and In Criticism," "English Versions ol Legal Maxims" and many other works. Member Coloniai, Baltusrol Goll and Repub lican Clubs, Medico-Legal, Rockland County Histori cal and St. David's Societies, Sons ol the Revolution, Society ol the War ol 1812, Columbia Alumni Associa tion, Historical Society ol Maine and Society ol Co lonial Wars. MORGAN, BROCKHOLST— Protestant Episcopa lian Clergyman, 38 Bleecker street. New York City; residence Elizabeth, N. J. Superintendent and general agent New York Protestant Episcopal City Mission Society. Member Century Association, Sons ol the Revolution, and Sooiety ol Foreign Wars. MORGAN, CHARLES N.— Lawyer, 69 Wall street New York City; residence Hotel Balmoral, 114th street and Lenox avenue. Vice-president and director Electrical Review Publishing Co.; director Yuma Im provement Co. Member Manhattan, Calumet and Harlem Clubs, Down Town Association and Associa tion ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. MORGAN, D. PARKER— Protestant Episcopalian Clergyman, 3 Bast 45th street. New York City. Rec tor Church ol Heavenly Rest. Member Patria and British Schools and Universities Clubs and American Geographical Society. MORGAN, EDWIN D.— Merchant, 54 Exchange place. New York City; residence "Wheatly," West bury, L. I. (Son ol Edwin D. Morgan, Governor ol New York, 1858-62.) Educated at Harvard ('77). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol E. D. Morgan & Co. Vice-president and director Rio Grande, Sierra Madre and Pacific R. R. Co.; director CorraJltos Co. and Candelaria Mining Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Union, University, Knickerbocker, Lawyers', Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, Harvard, New York Yacht, Tuxedo. Atlantic Yacht, Larchmont Yacht, Racquet and Tennis. Meadow Brook Hunt and Turl and Field Clubs, Country Club ol Westchester. American Geographical and New England Societies. Sons ol the Revolution and Natlonail Academy ol De sign. MORGAN, FRED J.— Stenographer. 126 West Ken nedy street Syracuse. Born AprU 26, 1851. (Married.) Official stenographer Filth Judicial District. Member Citizens' Club. MORGAN. GEORGE D.— President Buffalo; resi dence 45 West 36th street. New York City and Brock port. Born In Brockport Dec. 14, 1864. Educated at Greylock Institute, South Willlamstown, Mass. (Mar ried.) President D. S. Morgan & Co.; trustee Empire State Savings Bank. Vestryman St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Brockport. Was president Brockport Elec tric CJo. and Brockport Building and Loan Association. Member Buffalo, Saturn, Genesee Valley and New York Clubs, Buffalo Plistorlcal Society and Society ol Colonial Wars. MORGAN, GEORGE H. - Superintendent H Broadway, New York City; residence Hotel St. George, Brooklyn Director Phlllpsburg Coal and Land Co. Member Union and Metropolitan Clubs, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History.^tre^t°Mew^ ^,^^-?^ HENRY-Broker, 27 WUllam P^l%\i^PP^J°''^¦ ^'4^= residence 478 Classen avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn. Educated at Brooklyn ^i"-yt?.ehnic Institute. (Married.) Secretary-general ^iP^ PP^^^I o? Foreign Wars. Member Sons ol 01 th^ Wa" oT'l8ir''*'' °* ^°^°'''^^ "^^^ "^^ ^'''"^y i,t ^^¦^^¦\^' l^'^Pt '^¦' JR--Manulacturlng Chem ist, 32 Liberty street New York City; residence 7 Pler- l" MorlTV^o'^'''^"- ^^"^^^^ °^ t»^« firm of J^es L. Morgan & Co. Treasurer and director General Wnn'^'".^' ^S-- ^l"* ^t""^^°" R'^^'- Chemfcll a"d Dye Wood Co.; director Knickerbocker Chemical Co and Market and Fulton National Bank: Member UnlSn BrofkTyn. '""* '^**''""" ^""^ HamlltoT Clubs of BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 323 MORGAN, J. LIVINGSTON RUTGERS— Chemist, 116th street and Mornlngside Heights, New York City; residence New Brunswick, N. J. Educated at Rutgers; degrees of B.S. and Ph.D. Tutor in chemical philosophy and chemical physics at Columbia Univer sity in the City of New York. MORGAN, JOHN HILL— Lawyer, 166 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 7 Pierrepont street. Born in Brooklyn, June 30, 1870. Educated at Yale (A.B., '93, and I/L.B.). Member .of Assembly from First Dis trict of»Klngs County, 1900. Member Brooklyn Re publican and HamUton Clubs, University Club ol New York City, Fort Orange Club ol Albany, Nassau Country Club, Psi UpsUon and Phi Delta Phi Frater nities, Society ol Colonial Wars and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. MORGAN, JOHN PIERPONT — Banking and Railroads, 23 WaU street. New York City; residence 219 Madison avenue. Born In Hartford, Conn., AprU 17. 1837. Educated at Boston (Mass.) EngUsh High School and at the University of Gbttingen, Germany. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol J. P. Morgan & Co.. members ol the New York Stock Exchange. Vice- president and director National Bank ol Commerce; director Carthage and Adirondack By. Co.. Cleveland, Cincinnati. Chicago and St. Louis R. R. Co. (The Big Four). Columbus. Hope and Greensburg R. R. Co.. Federal Steel Co.. General Electric Co.. Harlem River and Portchester R. R. Co.. Housatonic R. R. Co.. Jer sey City and Bayonne R. R. Co.. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern R. R. Co., Madison Square Garden Co.. Metropolitan Opera and Real Estate Co.. Mexican Telegraph Co.. Mohawk and Malone R. R. Co.. Niagara FaUs Branch R. R. Co.. New Jersey Shore Line R. R. Co.. New York Central and Hudson River R. R. Co.. New York, New Haven and Hartlord R. R. Co.. New York and Putnam R. R. Co.. Pacific Cable Co.. West Shore R. R. Co. and Western Union Telegraph Co.; trustee New Jersey Junction R. R. Co. and West Shore and Ontario Terminal Co. ol New York and New Jer sey. Member Metropolitan, Union. Union League, Grolier. Turl and Fleld. GoUle. Mendelssohn Glee, Knickerbocker. City. Tuxedo, Union, Racquet and Tennis, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht. Whist. Riding, Players' and New York Yacht Clubs, New England, American Fine Arts, New York Genealogical, Musical Arts and American Geographical Societies, Century Association, National Academy ol Design, Metropoli tan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. MORGAN, JOHN PIERPONT, Jr.— Banker, 23 Wall street. New York City; residence 8 East 36th street, and London, England. Born In New York City. Educated at Hairvard ('89). (Married.) Member ol the firms ol J. P. Morgan & Co. ol New York, and J. S. Morgan & Co. ol London. Director Acadia Coal Co. and Alabama Great Southern R. R. Co. Member New York Stock Exchange, and of the Metropolitan, City, University, Harvard, Racquet and Tennis and New York Yacht Clubs, New England Society and Century - Association. MORGAN, JUNIUS S. — Banker, 44 Pine street New York City; residence Princeton, N. J. Educated at Princeton ('88). Member of the firm ol Cuyler, Mor gan & Co., members ol the New York Stock Exchange. Director Des Moines and Kansas City Ry. Co., Depew Improvement Co. and Kansas Irrigation Co. Member Princeton Grolier, Metropolitan, University Athletic and University Clubs. Down Town and Century Asso ciations, New E-ngland Society and Sons ol the Revo lution. • MORGAN, LANCASTER— Manulacturer and Mer chant, 47 Fulton street, and 32 Liberty street. New York CJity; residence 123 West 44th street. Bom in Brooklyn, N. Y., April 27, 1867. Educated at Columbia University School ol Mines ('88). (Married.) Con nected with the General Chemical Co. Member Uni versity and Chemists' Clubs, Society ol Colonial Wars and Psi Upsilon Fraternity. MORGAN, ROLLIN M.-Lawyer, 41 Park row. New York City; residence 1316 Madison avenue. Mem ber ol the firm ol Morgan, Whlton & Mitchell. Mem ber Commercial and Democratic Clubs, Ohio Society, and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. MORGAN, THOMAS J.— Secretary and Baptist Clergyman, 111 Filth avenue. New York City; resi dence 414 Warburton avenue, Yonkers. Born in Frank lin, Ind., Aug. 17, 1839. Educated at Franklin College and at Rochester Theological Seminary (D.D., '68, and LL. D., '94). Degree ol D.D. Irom University ol Chi cago in 1874. Served during Civil War as private, major, colonel and brevet brigadier-general. Prolessor ol church history at Baptist Theological Seminary, Chicago, 111., 1874-81; principal ol Normal School at Providence, R. I., 1884-9; United States Indian Com missioner, 1889-93; corresponding secretary to the American Baptist Home Mission Society since 1893. Editor ol the "Home Mission Monthly." Author ol "Patriotic Citizenship," "Studies in Pedagogy," "Edu cational Mosaics," "Student's Hymnal" and other works. Member QulU Club and Loyal Legion. MORGAN, WILLIAM— Artist 2 West 14th street New York City; residence 939 Eghth avenue. Born in London, England, 1826. Educated In England, France and the United States. (Married.) Makes a specialty ol genre painting. Member National Academy ol Design and Artists' Fund Society. MORGAN, WILLIAM FELLOWES- Storage, 4 Brooklyn Bridge and 7 Harrison street, New York City; residence Short Hills, N. J. Born in Clllton, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1860. Educated In Rugby, England, and at Columbia. (Married Emma, daughter ol Mar tha A. and Henry S. Leavitt, 1885.) President and di rector Harrison Street Cold Storage Co. ; secretary and director Brooklyn Bridge Freezing and Cold Storage Co.; treasurer and director National League lor the Protection ol American Institutions; director and chairman ol executive committee Y. M. C. A.; direc tor Chlmo Valley Beet Sugar Co. Member St. An thony Club and Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation. MORGAN, WILLIAM J.— Banker, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence Bensonhurst. Born in New York City Jan. 29, 1867. Educated at Mt. Pleasant Military Academy, Sing Sing,. N. Y. (Married.) Spec ial partner in the banking firm ol C. W. Morgan & Co., and ol A. W. Reynolds, plumbing contractor. Treasurer Knickerbocker Loan Co. Member Graves end Bay Yacht Club. MORISON, ANDREW P.— Banker, 57 Broadway, New York City; residence Montciair, N. J. President Eastern Kentucky Development Co., Hutchinson-Jen kins Steel Co. and Tomahawk Copper and Zinc Min ing Co. Member Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchainge. MORISON, GEORGE SHATTUCK— Civil Engi neer, 35 Wall street New York. Born In New Bed- lord, Mass., Dec. 19, 1842. Educated at Harvard (A.B. '63, A.M., '66 and LL.B., '66). Admitted to the Bar In 1866 but never practiced. Engaged in engineering in Kansas City, Mo., 1867-73; in New York City, 1873-87- tn Chicago, 111., 1887-98, and again In New York City since 1898. Appointed, in 1894 (by President Cleve land), a member ol the board ol engineers to deter mine the greatest practical length ol span lor a bridge across the North River in New York City; consulting engineer to New York City Department ol Docks 1895-7; also served as a member ol the United States Isthmian Canal Commission. Was chiel engineer on many Important- engineering works, principally bridges. Member Union, Engineers' and University Clubs, Chicago (111.) Club, Down Town Association American Geographical Society, American Society ol Civil Engineers (past president), American Society ol Mechanical Engineers, American Institute ol Mining Engineers and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. MORISON, SAMUEL L.— General Manager, 26 Cortlandt street. New York City; residence 3 Wash ington square. North. Bom in Baltimore Md Oct 28, 1851. Educated at Harvard ('73). (Married.) ' Gen-^ era! manager and director New York Filter Ml'g Co Ex-vice-president and director Jewell Export Filter Co. Membef University, Engineers' and Manhattan Clubs, Rittenhouse Club ol Philadelphia Pa. and So ciety ol the Cincinnati. MORRELL, WILLIAM H.— Retired Merchant and Editor, 34 West 25th street New Tork City. Bora in London, Middlesex Co., Canada, Nov. 12, 1831 In herited Crown lands in Middlesex County deeded to 324 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. him by Lord Elgin, a cousin ol Queen Vict()ria. Edu cated In New Tork City and Canada. (Single.) Trav eled extensively in America and Europe lor over twenty years. Has contributed to numerous newspa pers and was proprietor and editor ol "The Albion New Tork City, Irom 1863-9, and again in 1873. Offered a knighthood and llle senatorship in Canada by bir John Macdonald and Lord Monck, respectively, but declined both honors. Member American Geographi cal New Tork Historical, New Tork Bible and Ameri can Tract Societies, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, Na tional Academy ol Design and Mercantile Library; lile member St. Georfee's Society. MORRIS, D. B. S.— Clergyman, Princeton Club, New Tork City, and Nanking, China, Born, Sept. 30, 1873 (Single.) Educated at Princeton. Member Princeton and Cap and Gown Clubs and Princeton University Alumni Association. MORRIS, FORDHAM (Lieutenant)— Lawyer, 16 Exchange place. New Tork City; residence 45 East 30th street. Member ol the firm ol Morris & Steele. Member New Tork Tacht and Fordham Clubs, New Tork Historical and St. Nicholas Societies, Colonial Order, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion, Lalayette Post G. A. R., and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. MORRIS, FREDERICK P.— Publisher, loot ol James Slip, New Tork City; residence 121 Jamaica ave nue. Flushing, L. I. Director Flushing Bank and Long Island News Co.; trustee Masonic Hall and Asy lum Fund. Member Lotos, New Tork Press, RepubU can and .Transportation Clubs, and Republican and Niantic Clubs ol Flushing. MORRIS, HENRT LEWIS— Lawyer, 16 Exchange place. New Tork City; residence 12 West 63d street. Born and educated in New Tork City. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Morris, Sentell & Morris. Di rector New Tork Llle Insurance and Trust Co. and Real Eistate Trust Co. Member City, Metropolitan, Church, Riding, Lawyers' and Strollers' Clubs, Amer ican Geographical, St. Nicholas and Historical Socie ties, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. MORRIS, JAMBS— Lawyer, 11 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 31 Washington square. West. Member City Club, St Nicholas Society, Columbia University Alumni Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. MORRIS, JOHN LEWIS- Prolessor, Cornell Uni versity, Ithaca; residence 108 North (jeneva street. Degrees ol A.M. and CE. Sibley Prolesfeor ol prac tical mechanics and machine construction at Cornell University. MORRIS, JOHN P.-Lawyer, 164 Montague street, Brooklyn. Born and educated In Brooklyn. (Married.) Director Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City R. R. Co. MORRIS, JOHN J. — Merchant 66 White street New Tork City; residence 111 Cambridge place, Brook lyn. Educated at New Tork University. Member Merchants, Delta Phi and Calumet Clubs, Holland So ciety and New Tork University Alumni Association. MORRIS, LEWIS RUTHERFORD— Physician, 60 West 68th street, New Tork City. Educated at BeUe vue Hospital Medical College ('84). (Married Kather ine Stauffer, daughter ol United States Senator Wil liam Clai-k ol Montana, 1900.) Member Calumet, Uni versity Athletic and Metropolitan Clubs, Century As sociation, Musical Arts Society and Sons ol the Revo lution. MORRIS, MOREAU — Medical Inspector, 55th street and Sixth avenue, New Tork City; residence 109 Bast 73d street. Born in Stillwater, . Saratoga Co., N. T., June 19, 1825. Educated at CUnton High School. (Married.) Health commissioner, 1866; superintend ent Health Department, 1870-2; State cattle comission- er, 1871-2; surgeon 7th Regiment, N. G. N. T., 1871-84; tenement house commissioner, 1884-5. Member 7th Regiment Veteran, American Public Health and Col lege ol Physicians and Surgeons Alumni Associations and Academy ol Medicine. MORRIS, NEWBOLD— Retired Lawyer, 52 East 72d street. New Tork City. Born In New Tork City, Jan. 12, 1868. Educated at Columbia (LL.B.). (Mar ried Helen S. KIngsland.) Secretary ol trustees of Teachers College, Columbia University. Was captain 12th Inlantry, New Tork Volunteers, 1898. Member City, Metropolitan, Fencers' and National Arts Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution, Columbia University Alumni Association, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, American Geographical and New York Zoologi cal Societies and Delta Phi Frateraity. ^ MORRIS, PAUL WINTERS— Sculptor, 232 West 14th street, New York City. Born in Du Quoin, lU., Nov. 12, 1865. Educated at the University of Roches ter. (Single.) Designer ol tablet on cruiser "Olym pia." Member Rochester University and Relorm Clubs and Psi Upsilon Fraternity. MORRIS, ROBERT CLARK— Lawyer, 35 Nassau street. New York City; residence Hotel Savoy. Born in Connecticut. Educated at Yale (LL.B., LL.M. and D.C.L-). (MaiTied Alice A. Parmelee, 1890.) Special lecturer on the French codes at Yale University. Member Yale and Republican Clubs, Society ol the Cincinnati and Mllitairy Order ol the Loyal Legion, MORRIS, ROBERT TUTTLE— Physician and Sur geon, 58 West 56th street. New York City. Born In Seymour, Conn., May 14, 1857. Educated at Hopkins Grammar School In New Haven, Conn., at Comell and at the College ol Physicians and Surgeons ol Columbia University (M.D., '82). (Married.) Prolessor ol sur gery at New York Post-Graduate Medical School. Author ol several medical and surgical works. Mem ber Comell, New. York Athletic and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, New England Society, Sons ol the Revolution and ol various local and International medical socle- ties. MORRIS, WILLIAM— Actor, 2 West 14th street. New York City; residence 211 West 107th street. Born In Boston, Mass., Jan, 1, 1864. Educated in Boston. (Married Etta Hawkins.) Was the first leading man ol Charles Frohman's Stock Co., playing principal role In "Men and Women," "The Lost Paradise," "The Girl I Lelt Behind Me" and others, and starred in "The Adventures ol Lady Ursula," 1900. Member Play ers' Club. MORRISON, CHARLES KING— Lawyer, 43 Cedar street. New York City; residence 691 Filth avenue. Born in New York City, June 24, 1867. Educated by private tutors, at Cutler's School -in New York City. Harvard (A.B., '91) and at Columbia (LL.B., '94). (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Morrison & Morrison. Special counsel lor Manhattan Elevated Ry. Co. Member MetropoUtan and Harvard Clubs, St. An drew's Society, Society ol Colonial Wars and Sons ol the Revolution. MORRISON, DAVID MITCHBLI^Banker, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 20 East 49th street. Bora in New York City, Dec. 13. 1841. Edu cated in New York City. (Married.) President and trustee Washington Trust Co.; director North River Fire Insurance Co. and Prelerred Accident Insurance Co. ; trustee Greenwich Savings Bank. Member Union League, Merchants' and Riding Clubs, and HamUton Club ol Brooklyn. MORRISON, EDWARD A.— Retired, 49 West 47th street New York City. (Married.) Member New Tork Tacht, Larchmont Tacht and New Tork Athletic Clubs and MetropoUtan Museum ol Art. MORRISON, EDWARD A., JR.-Dry Goods Mer- ^Jj^l*'™.*^.^ Broadway, New Tork City; residence 36 West 35th street. Member ol the firm of Bdward A- Mcjrrison & Son. Member New Tork Athletic, Man hattan Suburban Riding and Driving, Essex County (N. J.) Country. American Tacht Larchmont Tacht and Lotos Clubs and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. MORRISON. FRANK E.— Manulacturer and Ad vertising Agent, 5 Beekman street. New Tork City- residence 482 Bedlord avenue, Brooklyn. Born In Mar- low, N. H., March, 1865. Educated at Marlow Acad emy. (Single.) Eastern manager Morrison & Som- merman, advertising agents ol Chicago; manager Granite State Evaporator Co. ol Albany. Member Conimercial and Atlantic Tacht Clubs, and Hanover Club ol Brooklyn. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 325 MORRISON, GEORGE AUSTIN— Capitalist, 27 Beaver street. New Tork City; residence 691 Filth avenue. President, chairman ol boaird and director American Cotton Oil Co.; president and director N. K. Fairbank Co.; president-commissary Holland- American Cotton Oil Co.; vice-president and trustee Washington Trust Co.; director Terminal Warehouse Co. and Atlas Portland Cement Co.; trustee New Tork Llle Insurance Co. Member Lawyers', Metropolitan, New Tork Tacht and Players' Clubs, National Acad emy ol Design, MetropoUtan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. MORRISON, GEORGE AUSTIN, Jr.— Lawyer, 43 Cedar street. New Tork City; residence 691 Filth ave nue. Born in New Tork City, March 26, 1864. Edu cated In New Tork City, at Harvard (A.B., '87), at Co lumbia (M.A., '89) and at Columbia Law School (LL.B., '89). (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Morri son & Morrison. Secretary St. Andrew's Society, lounded 1756. Author ol 'The King Family ol Rhode Island," "The King Families In England"; also sev eral burlesques and comic operas, and treatises on International questions. Member Metropolitan, Play ers', Lawyers' and New Tork Tacht Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, St. Nicholas, American Geographical and St. Andrew's Societies, Sons of the Revolution and Society of Colonial Wars. MORRISON, HARRT STEELE- Writer and Lec turer, 42 West 17th street. New Tork City. Born in Mattoon, III., Nov. 26, 1880. Educated at Mattoon High School and in private schools In Chicago and New Tork City. At the age of sixteen made a tour In Eu rope and interviewed various monarchs and notabili ties; on his return entered literary and lecture field and has lectured In the larger cities of the East. Author of "A Tankee Boy's Success." MORRISON, HEN.RT PRENTICE— CivU Engi neer, 21 Park row. New Tork City. Born In Troy, N. T., Jan. 14, 1858. Educated In New Tork City pub lic schools, at Clark's Academy ('76) and at New Tork University (B.S. and C.E.). Deputy commissioner and chief engineer of highways and sewers In the Depart ment of Water Supply of New Tork City, with which he has been connected for many years. Member American Society of CJIvll Engineers. MORRISON, LEWIS— Actor, Morrison Manor, PeeksklU-on-Hudson. Born in Jamaica, West Indies, 1845. (Married Florence Roberts.) Served as an offl cer in the Union Army during Civil War. Made first theatrical appearance in 1865; has supported Lawrence Barrett, Toraasso SalvinI, Edwin Forrest and Edwin Booth. Now starring at the head of his own com pany. « MORRISON, ROBERT B.— -Architect 41 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 541 East 154th street. Member of the- firm of Dodge & Morrison. Member Harlem Wheelmen. MORRIS, THEODORE W.— Glass Merchant, 474 Greenwich street. New Tork City; residence 16 West 69th street, and Freehold, N. J. Bom In New Tork City, Jan. 15, 1842. Educated at School of General So ciety of Mechanics and Tradesmen and at College ol the City of New Tork. (Married.) Member of the flrm of Theo. W. Morris & Co. (est. 1837). Served as adjutant in 37th Regiment, N. G. N. T., and as major on staff of Gen. WiUiam HalL during CivU War; was secretary of the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New Tork lor lour years. President Northern Dispensary; director People's Bank, National Sale Deposit Co. and Indiana, Decatur and Western R. R. Co. Member New Tork Athletic and Wool (president) Clubs, Gen eral Society ol Mechanics and Tradesmen, Veteran Association ol the 71st Regiment, N. G. N. T., Sons ol the American Revolution, Chamber ol Commerce, Washington Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. MORROW, BENJAMIN ROWLAND— Physician, 207 Second avenue. New Tork City. Born in Pennsyl vania, Sept. 9, 1851. Educated at Medical Department ol New Tork University. (Married.) Medical exami ner Metropolitan Lile Insurance Co. and ol the Fidel ity and Casualty Co. Member Sons ol the American Revolution, New Tork County Medical and New Tork City Medical Associations. MORSE, CHARLES A., Jr.— Banker, 44 Broadway, New Tork (Jlty'; residence 166 Garfleld place, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, 1868. Educated at Brooklyn Poly technic Institute. (Single.) Connected with George E. Armstrong & Co. Treasurer Federal Graphite Co. Formerly flnancial editor "Journal ol Commerce." Member Relorm Club, Marine and Field and Crescent -Athletic Clubs of Brooklyn, and Art Club ol Philadel phia. MORSE, CHARLES HENRT- Organist and Musi cal Conductor, The Breevort, Brooklyn. Born In Brad lord, Mass., Jan. 5, 1853. Educated at Haverhill High School ("70), New England Conservatory ol Music ('73) and at Boston University CoUege ol Music ('76). (Mar ried Frances S. N. Kimball ol West Fairlee, Vt, 1874.) Instructor In New England Conservatory ol Music, 1873-7; prolessor ol music at WeUesley CoUege, 1875- 84; director Northwestern Conservatory ol Music, Min neapolis, Minn., 1885-91; organist and choirmaster in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, N. T., 1891-9. Vice-presi dent Department ol Music of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences since its organization; trastee New England Conservatory of Music; musical editor of the "Plymouth Hymnal." Member New England Conservatory of Music Alumni Association. MORSE, CHARLES "W.— Capitalist, 18 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 724 Fifth avenue. Educated at Bowdoin ('77). President and director Americain Ice Co.; vice-president and director Garfield National Bank; director Bank of the State ol New Tork, Sprague National Bank ol Brooklyn, and City Trust Co. Member Union League, Metropolitan and Uni versity Clubs. MORSE, DANIEL P.— Shoe Merchant, 134 Duane street New Tork City; residence 530 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Malone, N. T., April 6, 1852. (Mar ried.) President apd director Morse & Rogers; direc tor Irving National Bank, and Manulacturers' Trust Co. ol Brooklyn. Member Arkwright, Reform and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht Clubs, Crescent Ath letic, Riding and Driving, and Lincoln Clubs of Brooklyn, and New England Society. MORSE, DAVID R.— Manufacturer of Wire Goods and A''entilatlng Appliances, 45 Fulton street. New Tork City; residence 112 Fort Greene place, Brooklyn. Born in New Market, N. J., March 30, 1835. Educated in Bloomfield, N. J., and New Hampton, N. H. (Wid ower.) Member of the firm of Howard & Morse. Treasurer and director Associated Manufacturers' Mu tual Fire Insurance Corporation; second vice-president and trustee City Savings Bank of Brooklyn; director Manufacturers' Association of New Tork; trustee Washington Avenue Baptist Church of Brooklyn. Member Hardware Club, Oxford Club of Brooklyn (vice-president), Morse Society (treasurer and direc tor), and Manufacturers' -Association of Brooklyn. MORSE, EDWIN WILSON— Editor, 153 Fifth ave nue. New Tork City; residence 201 West 54th street. „ Born in Natick, Mass., March 29, 1855. Educated at Harvard ('78). (Married.) Connected with Charles Scribner's Sons as literary adviser and editor. Mem ber Harvard, University and Barnard Clubs. MORSE, GEORGE R.— Railroads, 20 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 259 Edgecombe avenue. Born in Lockport, N. T., 1854. Educated at Upper Canada College, Toronto. (Married.) Vice-president and treasurer Iowa Central Ry. Co. Member Heights Club, Montauk Lodge No. 286, F. & A. M. (past mas ter), Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R. A. M., and Coeur de Lion Commandery No. 23, K. T. MORSE, HARRT F.— President, 18 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 487 West End avenue. Born in Bath, Me., Jan. 5, 1852. (Married.) President and di rector Morse Transportation Co.; treasurer and di rector Consolidated Ice Co. and Knickerbocker Steam Towage Co.; director Garfleld National Bank and Knickerbocker Ice Co. Member Union League Club. MORSE, HORACE J.— Banker, 18 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 820 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn. Member of the flrm of A. M. Kidder & Co. and of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Second -vice-president and director People's Trust Co. of Brooklyn; director Tren ton Potteries Co. Member Union League and Han over Clubs of Brooklyn, and Ohio Society. 326 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. MORSE, JAMBS HERBERT-Bducator, 423 Madi son avenue New Tork City. Born in Hubbardston, Mass., Oct. '8, 1841. Educated at Harvard ('63). (Mar ried Lucy, daughter of James Sloane Gibbons, 1870.) Principal of the Morse & Rogers School. A fre quent contributor to current Uterature. Member Au thors' and Schoolmasters' Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa So ciety and Century Association. MORSE, JAMES HERBERT, Jr.— Teacher, 423 Madison avenue. New Tork City. (Son ol James Her bert and Lucy [Gibbons] Morse.) Educated at Har vard. Instructor In the Morse & Rogers School. Member Harvard Club. MORSE, JAMIN SETH— Lawyer, 234 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 230 Central Park, South. Born In Brownhelm, Ohio, April 29, 1858. Educated at Oberlin College ('82) amd Columbia Law School ('87). (Married.) President and director American Watch man's Time Detector Co. Member Plaza Republican and Quill Clubs, Ohio and Morse Societies, Baptist So cial Union and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. MORSE, JEROME B.— Publisher, 96 Filth avenue. New Tork City; residence 129 St. James place, Brook lyn. Bora In Leominster, Worcester Co., Mass., Feb. 23, 1846. Educated at United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. (Married.) Was in command ol the receiving training station. United States steamer Michigan, during Spanish-American War. Lieutenant on retired list. United States Navy. Vice-president, treasurer and director The Morse Co.; trustee Sea men's Friends Society and Adelphi College. Member Montauk Club ol Brooklyn, Aldine Association, New England Society and Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. MORSE, RICHARD C— Clergyman, 3 West 29th street. New Tork City; residence 13 West 129th street. Bom in Hudson, N. T., Sept. 19, 1841. Educated at Phillips Andover Academy, Tale ('62) and at Union and Princeton Theological ('67) Seminaries. (Married.) Was assistant editor "New Tork Observer," 1867-9. American secretary committee ol the World's Conler ence of T. M. C. A., and of American Committee of the Worid's Student Christian Federation. Member Tale Alumni Association and T. M. C. A. MORSE, SHERMAN- Publisher, Niagara FaUs; residence Edgewood, De Veaux. Bom In Canandai gua. N. T.. Jan. 15, 1870. Educated at Tale ('91). (Married.) Manager The (Jazette Publishing Co., pub lishers of the Niagara FaUs "Daily Gazette." Was city editor "Buffalo Evening News." Member Univer sity Club of Buffalo, Zeta Psi Frateraity and Niagara Frontier Fish and Game Club. MORSE, SIDNET E— Real Bstate, 140 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 113 East 95th street. Born in New Tork City, Nov. 26, 1835. Educated at jYale ('56). (Married.) President and director Palisade and Hudson River Land Co.; vice-president and di rector Bunnell & Eno Investment Co. ; editor and pro prietor New Tork "Observer" from 1858 to 1873. Be tween the years of 1865 and 1873, filled every position on brigadier-general's staff, 2d Regiment, N. G. N. T., from second lieutenant to lieutenant-colonel, chiel ol staff. Was commodore St. Augustine Tacht Club, Florida, 1877. Member University Club, Tale Alumni Association and New England and St. Nicholas So cieties. MORSE, WALDO GRANT— Lawyer, 10 Wall street. New Tork City; residence Tonkers. Born In Rochester, N. T., March 13, 1869. (Son ol Adolphus and Mary E. [Grant] Morse.) Educated at the University ol Rochester; studied law and was admitted to the Bar In 1884. (Married.) Served as Palisade Commis sioner ol the State ol New Tork. Director Darien and Western R. R. Co., United States Savings and Loan Bank, National Gramaphone Corporation, Morse "So ciety and Chester Goodale Marble Co. Member Blue Pencil (honorary), Relorm, Lawyers' and Quill Clubs American Bar and New Tork State Bar Associations' New England Society, American Academy ol Political and Social Science, Sons ol the Revolution, Society ol Colonial W ars and Association ol the Par of the Citv of New Tork. ' MORSE, WILLIAM— Rubber Goods Manulacturer 72 Reade street. New Tork City; residence Hacken sack, N. J. Born In Malone, N. T., Sept. 22, 1857. Edu cated at Annapolis Naval Academy. (Married.) Head ol the firm of William Morse & Co. Member Hardware Club. MORTON, BOWDITCH— Physician, 1 West 54th street, New Tork City. Born in WeUesley, Mass. Edu cated at Harvard ('80). Member University Club, So ciety of Medical Jurisprudence and New Tork County Medical and Neurological Societies. MORTON, HENRT — Educator, Stevens Institute of Technology; residence River and Sixth streets, Ho boken, N. J. Born in New Tork City, Dec. 11, 1836. Educated at University of Pennsylvania; degrees ol Ph.D., Sc.D. and LL.D. (Married.) President ol Ste vens institute ol Technology. Director Mexican Na tional Construction Co. and Bacon Air Lilt Co. For merly prolessor ol chemistry at University ol Penn sylvania. Ex-resident secretary Franklin Institute of Philadelphia, and ex-member United States Light House Board. Member American Philosophical and American Chemical Societies, American Society of Gas Engineers, American Society ol Mechanical Engineers, National Academy ol Design and others. MORTON, LEVI PARSONS— Banker, 38 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 681 Filth avenue, and "EUerslie," Rhinecllff-on-Hudson. Born In Shore- ham, Vt, May 16, 1824, (a descendant ol George Mor ton ol Battery, Torkshire, the financial agent In Lon don ol the Mayflower Pilgrims, who arrived at Ply mouth, Mass., on the ship "Ann" in 1623; son ol Rev. Daniel Oliver and Lucretia [Parsons] Morton.) Edu cated at Shoreham Academy. Received degree ol LL.D. Irom Dartmouth College In 1891 and Irom Mid dlebury College in 1893. (Married Anna Livingston Street in 1873; they have flve children, Edith Living ston, Lena, Helen, Alice and Mary Morton.) Founded the banking houses ol Levi P. Morton & Co. and Mor ton. Bliss & Co. ol New Tork City; Morton, Rose & Co. and Morton, Chaplin & Co. ol London, England; also the Morton Trust Co. ol New Tork. Congress man Irom New Tork, 1879-81; United States Minister to France, 1881-6; Vice-President ol the United States and President ol the Senate, 1889-93; Governor ol the State ol New Tork, 1894-7. President and trustee Morton Trust Co. and Filth Avenue Trast Co.; direc tor Equitable Llle Assurance Society ol the United States. Guaranty Trust Co., Home Insurance Co., Traders' Flre Insurance Co. and Washington Llle In surance Co.; trustee Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Republican, Union, Lawyers', Tuxedo and New Tork Press Clubs, Century and Down Town Associations, American Geo graphical, New England, American Fine Arts and New Tork Genealogical and Biographical Societies, Metropolitan Museum ol -Art, American Museum ol Natural History, National Academy ol Design and Sons ol the American Revolution. MORTON, WARNER G.— Wholesale Coal Dealer, 2 James street, Albany; residence 351 State street. Born In PIttsfield, Mass., March 2, 1861. Educated In PItts field. (Married.) Member Albany Country and Fort Orange Clubs, Transportation Club ol New Tork City. and Park Club ol PIttsfield. Mass. MORTON, WILLIAM J.— Physician, 19 Bast 28th street, New Tork City; residence 200 West 107th street Educated at Harvard ('67). Specialist In mental dis eases. Member University Club, New Tork County Medical, Harvard Medical and New Tork Electrical Societies and American Medical Association. MOSENTHAL, HERMAN— Insurance, 46 Cedar street. New Tork City; residence 112 West 85th street Born In Germany, Sept. 29, 1832. Educated In Ger many. (Married.) Tmstee Association lor the Im proved Instruction ol Deal Mutes. Was president In surance Clerks' Mutual Benefit Association and secre tary and trustee Liederkranz Society. Member Under writers' Club, Liederkranz, and ol many charitable and educational societies. MOSENTHAL, PHILIP JAMES— Insurance 46 CJedar street. New Tork City; residence 112 West 85th street. Educated at the College ol the City ol New Tork. Member ol the flrm ol H. Mosenthal & Son. Member Relorm and Good CJovernment Clubs, Ameri can Fine Arts and Phi Beta Kappa Societies, Lieder kranz and College ol the City of New Tork Alumni As sociation. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 327 MOSER, CHARLES P.— Merchant, Syracuse. Born In Carbondale, Pa., Jan. 21, 1837. Educated at Geneva (N. T.) Union School. (Married.) Partner in the flrms ol S. E. Norton & Co., Moser & Lyon, Moser, Truax & De Golla, Moser & Lyon Co. and Moser, I.,yon & Co. Member Citizens' Club. MOSES, ALFRED J.— Prolessor, 116th street and Mornlngside Heights, New Tork City; residence North Tarrytown. Degrees ol E.M. and Ph.D. Prolessor ol mineralogy at Columbia University in the City ol New Tork. Member Engineers' Club and Scientiflc Alliance. MOSES, FREDERICK J.-Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 180 West 88th street. Born In Trenton, N. J., Sept. 22, 1870. Educated at Princeton ('92). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Moses & Morris. Member Princeton Club, Tiger Inn and Sons ol the Revolution. MOSES, JUDAH— Oculist and Optician, 327 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence 135 Fort Green place. Bora In Plymouth, England, Feb. 1, 1836. Educated in Ply mouth. (Single.) President and director Axis-Cut Pebble Co. Grand secretary-general ol the Supreme Council, thirty-third degree A. and A. Scottish Rite Masons lor the United States ol America, its territo ries and dependencies. Member St. John's Lodge No. 4, F. & A. M., ol Hartlord, Conn. MOSES, RAPHAEL J. — Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 46 West 97th street. Mem ber Lotos, Relorm, American Tacht and Thirteen Clubs, American Geographical and Southern Societies and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. MOSHBR, ARTHUR ANTHONT— Insurance, 135 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 339 West 88th street. Born In Easton, Washington Co., N. T., Dec. 21, 1851. (Married.) General agent Prudential Lile Irisurance Co. Was with the Travelers Insurance Co. lor seventeen years; Its general agent at St. Louis lor filteen years, establishing their largest general agency department. In 1891 he entered railway service as third vice-president ol the Kansas City, Pittsburg and Gull R. R., Kansas City, Mo., and was lor five years actively Interested in its construction; was second vice-president Kansas City Suburban Belt R. R. Co.; president Kansas City and Independence Air Line R. R. Co.; second vice-president Texarkana and Fort Smith R. R. Co.; vice-president Missouri, Kansas and Texas Trust Co.; second vice-president National Surety Co.; lourth vice-president Central Coal and Coke Co. Member Colonial and Lawyers' Clubs, Chi cago (111.) Club and St. Louis Club ol St. Louis, Mo. MOSHBR, ARTHUR B.— Insurance, 100 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 339 West 88th street. Presi dent ol lead and zinc mining companies. Member New Tork Athletic Club. MOSHBR, BURR B.— Physician, 202 Schermerhorn street, Brooklyn. Born in Union Springs, N. T., June 13, 1866. Educated at Long Island College Hospital ('90) and Oakwood Seminary. (Married.) Interne at Brooklyn Hospital, 1890-91; assistant surgeon Brook lyn Bye and Ear Hospital, 1891-6, and ol St. Peter's Hospital since 1895; adjunct physician Brooklyn Hos pital since 1894; surgeon Brooklyn Hospital Orthopedic Department since 1891, and surgeon-in-chlel St. Giles Home lor Crippled Children, Member Crescent Ath letic Club. MOSLE, A. HENRT— Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 34 West 56th street. Edu cated at Tale ('89). Member University Athletic, Tale and University Clubs, Down Town Association and Deutscher Verein. MOSLE, GEORGE RUDOLF— Merchant, 16 Ex change place. New Tork City; residence 34 West 56th street Educated at Tale ('86). Member ol the firm ol Mosle Bros. Member University Club and Tale Alum ni and Down Town Associations. MOSLER, HENRT— Artist, 119 West 85th street. New Tork City, and Paris, France. Born in New Tork City, June 6, 1841. Educated In Cincinnati com mon schools and In Diisseldorf and Paris; also studied under Hebert, director ol the Ville de Medicis In Rome, Italy, and at the Academy at Munich, Ger many, under the direction ol Wagner and Piloty. Was special artist lor "Harper's Weekly" during CivU ¦War. Has maintained a residence In Paris, France, since 1877. His most lamous paintings Include "La Retour," "The Purchase ol the Wedding Gown" and "The Last Sacrament." Has had pictures purchased and incorporated in the loUowing museums: Luxem bourg, Paris, France; Sydney, Australia; Grenoble, France; Louisville, Ky. ; Polytechnic Institute, Penn sylvania Academy ol Fine Arts; Cincinnati (Ohio) Museum; Springfield (Mass.) Museum and Metro politan Museum ol Art in New Tork City. Summary ol honors received; Medal at the Royal Academy ol Munich In 1874; honorable mention at the Paris Salon in 1879; "La Retour" purchased by the French Gov ernment lor the MusSe de Luxembourg In 1879; gold medal at the International Exhibition, Nice; Paris, France, in 1884; gold medal at the Paris Salon In 1888; silver medal at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889; Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur ol France, 1892; Offlcier d' Academic, France, 1892; Archduke Karl Ludwlg ol Austria gold medal, 1893; grand gold medal and diploma ol honor at the Atlanta Exposition, Georgia, 1895; gold medal Irom the Philadelphia Art Club In 1897; also many others. MOSS, FRANK— Lawyer, 93 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 306 East 120th street. Born In Cold Spring, Putnam Co., N. T., March 16, 1860. (Son ol John R. and Eliza [Wood] Moss.) Educated at a public school and at the College ol the City ol New Tork. Degree ol LL.D. Irom Taylor University. (Mar ried Eva E. Bruce, 1883.) President ol the New Tork City Police Board, 1897. Served as associate coun sel to the Lexow Investigating Committee, 1893-4, and leading counsel to the Mazet Investigating Com mittee, 1899. Acts as counsel to the Society lor the Prevention ol Crime. Author ol "The American Me tropolis," being the history ol New Tork City, In three volumes. Member Republican, Twilight, Harlem Re publican and Good Government Clubs, Medico-Legal Association, New Tork Law Institute, Society lor the Prevention ol Crime, City Vigilance League, Methodist Social Union, Knights ol Honor, Bpworth League and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. MOSS, FREDERICK W.— Retired Steel Manulac turer, 220 Broadway, New Tork City, and Sheffield, England; residence 33 Remsen street, Brooklyn. Bom In Sheffield, England. Educated at Sheffield College, (affiliated to London University). (Married.) His lather was one -ol the first trustees appointed by Great Britain upon the establishment ol a system ol government savings banks and was one ol the first English merchants to establish agencies lor English steel in this country and Canada; also lor many years president of Sheffield Chamber of Commerce. Direc tor E. W. Bliss Co.; trustee Franklin Trust Co. and Bureau of Charities. Member Hamilton, Barnard. Rembrandt, Riding and Driving, and Dyker Meadow Golf Clubs, Long Island Historical and St. George's Societies and Chamber of Commerce. MOSS, JAT O.— President, 80 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Hotel Manhattan. Born In Sandusky. Ohio, November, 1839. Educated at Kenyon College. Ohio. (Married.) President and director Columbus and Hocking Coal and Iron Co., Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark R. R. Co., and Moss National Bank ol Sandusky; director Barry, Boaet and Gardener Coal Co. Member Union League and Lawyers' Clubs, Pelee Club ol Canada, American Historical and Ohio Socie ties and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. MOSS, ROTAL E. (Colonel)— 1228 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 543 Madison avenue. Bora In New Tork City, Feb. 10, 1873. Educated In public schtwjls. (Married Marlon Hays Drake.) Appointed assistant commissary-general ol subsistence State ol New Tork, by Governor Levi P. Morton, Jan. 30, 1896. Rendered supernumerary Dec. 31, 1898. Member -[Jnlon I,eague, New Tork Athletic, Seabright (N. J.) Goll and Meadow Tacht Clubs. MOSSMAN, JOHN M.— Manulacturer ol Sales and Locks, 72 Maiden lane. New Tork City; residence Ho tel St. Andrew. Trustee Northern Dispensary, Hahne mann Hospital and American Institute. Member Building Trades, New Tork Athletic and Colonial Clubs, General Society ol Mechanics and Tradesmen and New Tork Historical Society. 328 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. MOTLET JAMES M.-Merchant 43 John street. New Tork City; residence 47 West «d street Bom in New York City, Oct. 0, 1864 Educated in New York City (Single.) President Cuban and West Indies Exploitation Co.; vice-president and director Thorn ton N. Motley Co. (Inc.); director Duval Metallic Packing Co. Member Larchmont Yacht Racquet and Tennis, New York Athletic, Democratic, Suburban Riding and Driving, New York and Manhattan Clubs, St Andrew's and St. George's Societies, Maritime Ex change and Friendly Sons ol St. Patrick. MOTLEY THORNTON N.— Merchant, 43 John street New York City: residence 123 West 86th street. Born in New York City, Dec. 28, 1857. Educated in New York City. (Married.) President and director Thornton N. Motley Co.; resident director National Pyrogranit Co., Duval Metallic Packing Co. and Man hattan Oil Co. Member New York Yacht, Manhattan, Engineers', Lawyers', New York Athletic, and Subur ban Riding and Driving Clubs, Tammany Society and St. Nicholas Lodge. MOTT, JOHN O.— City Magistrate, New York City; residence 67 East 77th street. Born In Hall Moon, Saratoga Co., N. Y., Oct. 18, 1829. Educated at Ballston Institute. (Married.) District attoraey ol Saratoga County, 1856-9; paymaster in United States Army with rank ol major, 1864; Assistant United States District Attorney lor Southern District ol New York, 1890-5. Appointed city magistrate in 1895 lor term expiring July 1, 1905. Member Republican Club, Presbyterian Union, -Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion and Lalayette Post, G. -A. R. MOTT, JOHN T.— Banker, Oswego. Born In Ham Uton, N. Y. Educated at Union College ('68). Presi dent First National Bank and Oswego Water Works Co.; vice-president and treasurer Oswego Gas Light Co.; member of the Republican State Committee and New York State Board of Commissioners for Pan- American Exposition. Member City, Oswego Yacht and Fortnightly Clubs, University amd Transportation Clubs of New York City, Sigma Phi Fraternity, Sons of the American Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, Colonial Order, Rochester (N. Y.) Yacht Club and Royal Canadian Yacht Club of Toronto, Canada. MOTT, JORDAN LAWRENCE— Iron Manufact urer, 90 Beekman street. New York City; residence 2122 Fifth avenue. Born in New York City, Nov. 10, 1829. (Son of Jordan Lawrence Mott.) Educated at New York University ('49). (Married.) Became part ner in his father's business in 1853 and succeeded to its management in 1866. Represented the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards on the Board ot Aldermen, 1879; Presidential Elector, 1876 and 1888. President and director J. I,. Mott Iron Works; director New River Mineral Co., North River Bridge Co. and other corporations. Member Engineers', New York, New York Yacht, American Yacht and Fulton Clubs and Metropolitan Museum of Art. MOTT, JORDAN LAWRENCE, Jr.— Iron Manu lacturer, 90 Beekman street. New York City; residence 17 East 47th street. (Married.) Vice-president and director J. L. Mott Iron Works; treasurer and director North American Iron "Works; director Mott Haven Co. and Washington Lile Insurance Co. Member Union, Calumet and New York Yacht Clubs and Coun try Club of Westchester. MOTT, LEWIS P.- Professor, 17 Lexington ave nue. New York City; residence "The Strathmore." Born in New York City, Sept. 29, 1863. Educated at the CoUege of the City of New York ('83) and Colum bia University School of Philosophy. (Married.) Has been successively tutor, instructor, assistant professor, and professor of EngUsh in the College of the City of New York. President American Dialect Society, 1899- 1900. Member Modern Language and Philological As sociations and Folk-Lore, Dialect and Daube Societies. MOTT, LUTHER WRIGHT— Banker, First Na tional Bank Building, Oswego; residence 78 West Fifth street. Born in Oswego. Educated at Harvard. (Sin gle.) Assistant cashier First National Bank; director Oswego Water Works Co. and Oswego Gas Light Co. Was chairman of executive and campaign committees -American RepubUcan College League, 1896. Member- Harvard Club of New York City, Fortnightly, Colum bian, Oswego Historical, Oswego Yacht and Oswego Country Clubs, Playgoers' Club of Boston, Mass., Sons of the American Revolution, New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Society of Colonial Wars and Founders and Patriots of America. MOTT T. BENTLEY — Army Offlcer, Governor's Island, New York City. Born in Leesburgh, Va., 1865. Educated at West Point. (Single.) Aide-de-camp to Major-General Merritt. Was aide-de-camp to Gen erals Merritt and F. V. Greene in Manila campaign of 1898. Adjutant-general Department of Havana, 1898-9. Member Army and Navy and Union Clubs. MOTT, VALENTINE— Physician, Roslyn, L. I. Born in New York City, Nov. 17, 1852. Educated at Co lumbia ('72), Trinity College, Cambridge, England ('76) and at Bellevue Hospital Medical College (M.D., '78).' (Married.) Went to Paris in 1887, as the repre sentative ol the American Pasteur Institute; studied the treatment lor hydrophobia under Louis Pasteur, on which subject he has written several papers. Mem ber Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and St. Anthony Clubs, Columbia University Alumni Association and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. MOTT, WILLIAM ELTON- Instructor, CorneU University, Ithaca: residence 610 East Buffalo street. Degree of B.S. Instructor in civil engineering at Cor nell University. MOULTON, CHARLES WILLIAM — Professor, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie. Born in Elmira, N. Y., May 6, 1859. Educated at University of Minnesota. Instructor in physics and chemistry at Shattuck School, Faribault Minn., 1885-7 and 1889-92. Professor of chemistry at Vassar College since 1892. MOULTON, FRANKLIN W.-Lawyer, 59 Wall street, and Merchant, 29 Broadway, New York City; residence 82 East 56th street. Member of the firm of Francis D. Moulton & Co. (salt merchants). Member University, University Athletic and Harvard Clubs, Down Town Association and Association of the BaJ of the City ol New York- MOULTON, OILMAN S.— Retired Banker, Buck ingham Hotel and 48 West 52d street. New York City, and Randolph, Vt. (Widower.) Financial and real es tate agent ol Dr. E. Parmly and his heirs, 1861-87. Formed co-partnership with Austin Corbin In banking in 1866, and was associated In business with him till 1887. Retired Irom active business In 1887. Has main tained a stock and dairy farm at Randolph, Vt, since 1865. Member of the New York Stock Exchange, 1866- 80. Member I.Tnion League, New York Yacht, Lambs', Coney Island Jockey and New York Athletic Clubs and New England Society. MOWBRAY, HENRY SIDDONS— Artist, 66 West llth street. New York City. Born In Alexandria, Egypt, (of English parents), 1858. Educated in North Adams. Mass., and at United States Military Acad emy; studied art in Paris, France. Established a stu dio in New York City, 1878. Member Century Associa tion and National Academy ol Design. MOWE, WILLIAM R.— Insurance, 27 WlUlam street. New York City; residence 132 East 36th street Educated at Trinity College. Member Grolier, Law yers' and Church Clubs, Trinity Alumni Association and Sons ol the American Revolution. MOWTON, BDWARD P.-Lawyer, 99 Cedar street, New York City; residence Park HUl, Yonkers. Born in New York City, Nov. 15, 186S. Educated at Stevens Institute ol Technology and New York Law School. (Married.) Connected with the Fidelity and Casualty Co. ol New York. Member New York Athletic Club, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York and General Society ol Mechanics and Tradesmen. MOXHAM, EDGAR C— Electrical Goods, 66 Maid en lane. New York City; residence 96th street near Shore road, Brooklyn. Member ol the flrm of Edgar C. Moxham & Co. Vice-president and director Manaos Ry Co.; treasurer and director MetaUurglcal Co.; di rector Automatic Telephone Construction Co. Mem- 5,?'"..'^"i*^" ^""^ Engineers' Clubs, Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, and American Institute of Minlns Engineers. " BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 329 MOXLEY, H-ARRY L.— Real Bstate and Contrac tor, 320 Broadway, New York City; residence Upper Montciair, N. J. Born In Greenport, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1862. Educated In public schools. (Married.) Trustee Dry Goods Club. MOYNAN, THOMAS— Dry Goods Merchant, New Bedlord, Mass.; residence 134 Hooper street, Brooklyn, and Parker House, New Bedlord, Mass. Born In Ath lone, Dublin, Ireland, 1852. Educated in Dublin. (Mar ried.) Member ol the firm ol Moynan & Co. Formerly connected with B. S. Jaffray & Co. Member Hanover Club ol Brooklyn, and Wamsutta, Dartmouth and Merchants' Clubs ol New Bedford. MUH, ROBERT— Alderman, 8 City Hall, New York City; residence 513 West 47th street. Born In Leipzig, Germany, Feb. 25, 1851. Educated In New York City. Representing the Eighteenth District on the Board of Aldermen since 1892, and is chairman of the finance committee of that body. MUHLEMAN, MAURICE L.— Deputy Assistant Treasurer of the United States, 28 WaU street. New York York City; residence 214 West 112th street. Born In Alton, 111., Nov. 27, 1852. Educated in St Louis, Mo., and at Columbian University, Washington, D. C. Degrees of LL.B. and LL.M. (Married.) Connected with the United States Treasury Department since 1872; deputy assistant treasurer at the New York City Sub-Treasury since 1886. Treasurer and director Money Publishing Co., publishers of "Money," a monthly magazine; director Profit Sharing Co. Author of "Money of the United States" and "Monetary Sys tems of the World." Member Colonial Club, Chamber ol Commerce and MetropoUtan Museum ol Art MULFORD, HENRY JONES- Physician, 401 Del aware avenue, Buffalo; residence 597 Elmwood ave nue. Born in Toledo, Ohio, Feb. 19, 1867. Educated in the United States. (Married.) Assistant to- ear de partment ol Buffalo Eye and Bar Infirmary; clinical assistant throat and nose department, University ol Buffalo, and laryngologlst to Erie County Hospital. Member Liberal and Independent Clubs. MULFORD, LEWIS J.— Publisher, 189 Broadway, New York City; residence Montciair, N. J. Born in New York City, 1835. Educated in New York City. (Married.) President, treasurer and director Jewel ers' Circular Publishing Co. MULLALLY, THORNWBLL— Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 167 West 79th street. Born in Columbia, S. C. Educated at Yale ('92) and at New York Law School ('94). (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol Atterbury & MuUally. Member Squadron "A," N. G. N. Y., and Association ol the Bar ol the City of New York. MULLER, CARL— Banker, 54 Wall street. New York City; residence 7 West 69th street. Born In Bre men, Germany, 1858. Educated in Bremen. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol MuUer, Schall & Co., members ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member German Club and Down Town Association. MULLER, CARL CHRISTIAN— Teacher ol Har mony, 109 Bast 14th street; residence 1291 Lexington avenue. Bora in Meiningen, Germany, July 3, 1831. Educated in Meiningen. (Single.) Teacher ol har mony at New York College ol Music; chairman ol har mony committee New York State Music Teachers' Association. Translator ol Schubert's "Fundamental Harmonics" and author ol "Tables lor the Writing ol Harmonic Exercises." Member Manuscript Club, Liederkranz and Aschenbrodel Verein. MULLER, LOUIS GARDNER — President, 156 Filth avenue. New York City; residence Hotel San Remo. Born in New York City, Dec. 7, 1861. Edu cated in Hoboken, N. J. President Automatic Mitre Clamp Co. ; treasurer Greenpoint Lumber Co. Member Colonial Club and 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. MULLER, NICHOLAS— Congressman, House ol Representatives, Washington, D. C, and Railroad Agent, 1 Broadway, New York City; residence New Brighton, S. I. Born in Luxembourg, Germany, Nov. 15, 1836. Educated at the University ol Luxembourg. Member ol New York Assembly, 1875-6; Congressman, 1877-81, and 1883-7. Representing the Seventh District in the Fllty-sixth Congress, 1899-1901. MULLER, PETER D.— Merchant and Banker, Truxton. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1848. Educated In Glens Falls, N. Y. (Married.) Director National Bank ol Cortland, and Cortland Savings Bank. Mem ber of the flrm of MuUer & Son, and connected with the Bryant Furniture Co. MULLIGAN, THOMAS J.— Commissioner, Third and Tremont avenues. New York City; residence 'Wil liamsbridge. Born in Pallsburg, N. Y., 1852. Edu cated in public schools. Engaged In publishing bus iness, 1876-98. Deputy commissioner of water supply for the Borough of The Bronx, New York City, since January, 1898. Organized the first fire department of "Williamsbridge; was chairman of the Town and County Committee of Westchester for four years. MULLIGAN, WILLIAM EDWARD— Organist and Choir Director, 489 Fifth avenue. New York City; resi dence Larchmont Manor. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., July 3, 1857. Educated in New York City, (lijarrled.) Organist and choir master Fifth Avenue Collegiate Church. "Was member ol the Society ol American Musicians and Composers; lounder ol the Organists' Guild; chairman programme committee. Music Teach ers' National Association, Waldorl-Astoria, June, 1898. Member New York State Music Teachers' Association, Horse Shoe Harbor Yacht Club and Larchmont Fire Department. MULQUEEN, MICHAEL J.-Lawyer, 253 Broad way, New York City; residence Arverne, L. 1.^ Edu cated at College ol the City ol New York. (Married a daughter ol ex-Mayor Thomas P. Gllroy.) Member ol the firm ol Mulqueen & Mulqueen. President and director Arverae-by-the-Sea Association. , Formerly Instructor In the City College. Member Catholic, Democratic, Manhattan and Hardware Clubs. MUIiVANY, HENRY P.— Sheriff, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 147 East 33d street. Bora In New York City, 1852. Educated in public schools. Connected with the sheriff's offlce since 1874; under sheriff since 1898. Member Democratic Club, Tam many Society and Benevolent and Protective Order ol Elks. MUNDE, PAUL FORTUN.ATUS— Physician, 20 West 45th street. New York City. Born In Dresden, Germany, Sept. 7, 1846. (Son ol Charles MundS.) Edu cated at Boston (Mass.) Latin School, Harvard Uni versity and in A''ienna, Austria. (Married.) Acting medical cadet in United States Army, 1864; volunteer assistant surgeon in war between Prussia and South Germany, 1866; battalion surgeon In Bavarian Army with rank ol first lieutenant during Franco-German War, 1870-1; resident physician to the Wiirzburg (Germamy) Maternity, 1867-70. Practicing In New York City since 1873. Emeritus prolessor ol gynecology at New York Polyclinic; prolessor ol gynecology at Dart mouth College; gynecologist to Mount Sinai Hospital; consulting surgeon to City, Maternity, Mothers' and Babies', and Skin and Cancer Hospitals. Author ol several medical and surgical works. Member Union League, South Side Sportsmen's and Riding Clubs, American Gynecological (ex-president) and New York Obstetrical Societies and many other scientific organi zations. MUMFORD, GEORGE D.-Lawyer, 11 William street. New York City; residence 30 West 24th street. Born in San Francisco, Cal., May 9, 1870. Educated at Columbia ('89), at Harvard Law School and in Heidelberg and Leipzig, Germany. (Married.) Mem ber ol the firm ol Mumlord & Bean. Member Univer sity, Lambs', Harvard and Phi Delta Phi Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. MUNFORD, IRVING H.— Vice-President and Sec retary, 18 Broadway, New York City; residence 374 Fifth avenue. Born in Tennessee. Educated at South western University. (Single.) Vice-president and di rector Hildreth Varnish Co.; secretary and director Kingston Carriage Co. Member Engineers', Richmond County Country and New York Railroad Clubs and Southern Society. 330 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. MUNGER, EUGENE H.— Accountant, 873 Broa(i- way New York City: residence 225 Bast 124th street. Born in Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Jan. 24 1844 Edu cated at Trinity School, New York City. (Single.) Credit clerk Aifken, Son & Co. Formerly President now trustee of Safety Co-operative Building Loan and Savings Association of New York City. Member Al- dine Association. MUNGER, GEORGE C.-Lawyer, 22 Snow BuUd ing, Syracuse: residence 212 Delaware street. Bora in Sodusf N. T, Jan. 29, 1865. Educated at Cornell. (Mar ried.) Member (JItizens' and University Clubs and Syracuse Historical Association. MUNIBR VINCENT M. — Dental Surgeon, 120 West 87th street. New York City; residence 256 West 84th street. Bom in New York City, Dec. 2, 1866. Edu cated in New York City. (Married.) Member Baptist Social Union. Sons of the American Revolution and First District Dental Society of New York State. MUNN. A. GODWIN, Jr.— Cotton Broker, 66 Bea ver street. New York City; residence Bogota, N. J. Bora in New Jersey, Nov. 24, 1868. Educated In New York City. (Married.) Member of the firm ol S. Munn, Son & Co. Treasurer and director Saratoga Vichy Spring Co. MUNN, CHARLES A.— Editor and Publisher, 361 Broadway, New York City. Born In New York City. Educated at Princeton ('81). Treasurer and director Munn & Co., publishers ol the "Scientific American." Member Princeton, Union, Grolier, University, Rac quet and Tennis, and Merchants' Clubs, Essex County Country Club of Orange, N. J., New England Society and Century Association. MUNN, HENRY NORCROSS— Retired Publisher, 361 Broadway, New York City; residence 281 Lexing ton avenue. Formerly connected with the firm of Munn & Co., publishers of the "Scientific American." Member Merchants', Union and Essex County (N. J.) Country Clubs, New England Society and Sons of the Revolution. MUNN, JOHN P.— Physician, 261 Broadway, New York City; residence 18 West 68th street. Director United States Life Insurance Co., Texas and Pacific Ry. Co., Richmond Ry. and Electric Co., Poughkeep sie and Eastern R. R. Co., Missouri Paciflc Ry. Co., Central Gas Light Co. and Albla and CentervlUe Ry. Co. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon, Racquet and Ten nis, New York Athletic and Reform Clubs and New England and Phi Beta Kappa Societies. MUNN, ORSON DESAIX— Publisher, 361 Broad way, New York City; residence 14 East 22d street Born in Monson, Mass., June 11, 1824. Educated at Monson Academy. (Married Julia Augusta Allen.) Began business as clerk in a country store. In 1846 removed to New York City where he established (with Alfred E. Beach) the firm of Munn & Co., and began the publication ol the "Scientific American." Estab lished a bureau lor soliciting patents in the United States and loreign countries. Has had prolessional relations with most ol the distinguished inventors of the last hall century, among whom were Prolessor S. F. B. Morse, Peter Cooper, Commodore Stevens and R. J. Galling. Has a summer home ol sixty acres in Llewellyn Park, Orange, N. J.; also owns the Locust Grove Farm on Orange Mountain near his country residence where he raises the celebrated Dutch belted cattle. Fellow Natlonail Academy ol Design; member Union, Union League and Merchants' Clubs, New York Society ol the Sons ol the Revolution and New England Society. MUNRO, DAVID ALEXANDER— Editor and Pub lisher, 291 Filth avenue. New York City; residence 324 President street, Brooklyn. Born in Maryburgh, Scot land. Educated at the University ol Edinburgh (A.M., '72). Was connected with the literary department ol Harper & Bros, lor many years. Became connected with the "North American Review" in 1889, and has been its editor since 1896. Director North American Review Publishing Co. Member Players', and British Schools and Universities Clubs. MUNRO, GEORGE W.— Publisher, 23 Vandewater street. New York City; residence 16 East 78th street. Member ol the firm ol George Munro's Sons. Member Lotos, Fulton, Larchmont Yacht and American Yacht Clubs. MUNROE, GEORGE B.— Physician, 43 Bast 33d street New York City. Educated at Yale. Member Unlve'rsity and Yale Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley- on-Hudson, and Century Association. MUNROE, HENRY S.— Prolessor, 116th street and Mornlngside Heights, New York City; residence 45 Sidney place, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, March 26, 1860 Educated at School ol Mines ol Columbia Uni versity (B.M., '69 and Ph.D., '76). (Married AUce M. Brown ol Brownville, N. Y., 1882.) Assistant chemist to United States Department ol Agriculture, 1870-2; assistant geologist and mining engineer on Yesso (Japan) Geological Survey, 1872-5; prolessor ol geology and mining at University ol Toklo, Japan, 1876-6; ad junct prolessor ol mining at Columbia University, 1877-91: prolessor ol same since 1891 and Dean ol the Faculty ol Applied Science since 1897. Member Amer ican ' Institute ol Mining Engineers. MUNSELL, CH-ARLES EDWARD— Chemist, 100 Horatio street. New York City; residence 345 West 14th street. Born In New York City, April 22, 1858. Educated at School ol Mines ol Columbia University (Ph.B., '78 and Ph.D., '84). (Single.) Milk inspector to the New York State Board ol Health, 1881-3, and to the New York City Health Department, 1880-5. Anal yst and chemist lor F. W. Devoe & C. T. Raynolds Co. since 1886. Member Twilight Club, New York His torical and American Chemical Societies and New York Academy ol Sciences. MUNSELL, FRANK— Retired Publisher, Albany. Born in Albany, June 19, 1857. Educated in private schools and at Albany Academy. (Single.) Author ol "Bibliography ol Albany" and "Munsell Genealogy." Edited "American Ancestry," "Genealogical Index" and "American Genealogist," MUNSEY, FRANK ANDREW— Publisher, 111 Filth avenue. New York City; residence Union League Club. Born In Mercer, Me., Aug. 21, 1854. Educated in public schools. (Single.) Resident ol New York City since 1882. Founded "Munsey's Weekly" in 1890 which was changed to "Munsey's Magazine" in 1891, whcih he still publishes; also publishes "The Puritan," "The Junior Munsey" and "The Quaker." Author ol "Under Fire," "Afibat in a Great City," "The Boy Broker" and "A Tragedy ol Errors." President and director Mohican Co. Member Union League, Riding, Lambs', St. Andrew's Goll and Ardsley Goll Clubs, Aldine Association, New England Society and Chem- ber ol Commerce. ^ MUNSON, JAMES EUGENE— Stenographer and Author, 154 Nassau street, New York City; residence 1186 Lexington avenue. Born in Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., May 12, 1835. Educated at Cazenovia Seminary and at Amherst College. Resident ol New York City since 1857. Has been an offlclal court stenographer lor over thirty years. Expended much labor in slm- plilylng existing systems ol shorthand, the result be ing the "Munson System." Has Invented a process ol setting type automatically; also assisted in invent ing a machine lor operating typewriting machines by telegraph. President and director Munson Phono graphic Publishing Co. Author ol "The Complete Phonographer," "The Art ol Phonography," "Diction ary ol Practical Phonography," "Munson's Phono graphy" and other works ol a similar nature. MUNSON, SAMUEL L.— Manulacturer, Albany; residence 84 Lancaster street. Born in Huntington, Mass. Educated at WiUlston Seminary, East Hamp ton, Mass. (Married.) Director Chamber ol Com merce and National Exchange Bank; secretary and trustee Home Savings Bank; trustee Madison Avenue Relormed Church. Member Fort Orange and Coun try Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution, Colonial, Ark wright and Republican Clubs and New England So ciety ol New York City. Master's Lodge, Temple Chap ter, and Temple Commandery, F. & A. M. MUNZIG, GEORGE C— Portrait Artist, 627 Mad ison avenue. New York City. Born in Boston, Mass., BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 331 1855. Educated in Boston and New York. (Single.) Studied in Paris, I'rance, in the studio of Julien & Lefevre. Has painted portraits of many well-known and distlnguishea Americans. Member Lambs' and Fencers' Clubs, and 'lavein and St. Botolph Clubs of Boston, Mass. MURDOCK, HARVEY— Contractor, 140 Nassau street, New York City; residence 11 Montgomery place, Brooklyn. Member Lawyers' and Colonial Clubs, and Marine and Field, Montauk and Crescent Athletic Clubs of Brooklyn. MURPHY, CHARLES A.— Lawyer, 15 Wall street, New York City; residence 28 Garden place, Brooklyn. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., July 23, 1857. (Married.) Member cf the firm of Murphy & Metcalf. Member Lawyers' Club, and Hamilton and Marine and Field Clubs of Brooklyn. MURPHY, CHARLES P.— Commissioner, Pier A, North River, New York City; residence 6Z'A East 21st street. Born in New York City, June 20, 1858. Edu cated in public schools. Commissioner or docks and ferries of the City of New York and treasurer of the board. Chairman ol the Tammany HaU Democracy of the Sixteenth -Assembly District since 1892. MURPHY, DE AS— Physician, 133 West 47th street. New York City. Educated at the CoUege of Physi cians and Surgeons of Columbia University. Member University Athletic, Camera and New York Athletic Clubs, Southern Society and Columbia University .Alumni Association. MURPHY, BDWARD, Jr.— Brewer, 35th street and Twelfth avenue. New York City; residence Troy. Born In Troy, Dec. 15, 1836. Educated at St. John's College, Fordham. (Married.) Mayor ol Troy, 1875- 83; chairman ol New York State Democratic Commit tee, 1887-95; United States Senator, 1893-9. Delegate to National Democratic Conventions ol 1880, 1884 and 1888; chairman of the delegation In 1892; delegate-at- large in 1890 and 1900. Member Manhattan Club. MURPHY. EDWARD H.-Lawyer, 280 Broadway, New York (Jity; residence Point Pleasant Beach, N. J. Born In New York City, Aug. 20, 1844. Educated in public schools, at Columbia College Law School and at University of Pennsylvania Law Department. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Murphy & Joyce. MURPHY, JOHN FRANCIS— Artist, 222 West 23d street. New York City. Bom in Oswego, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1853. Educated in common schools. Resident of New York City since 1875. Makes a specialty of land scapes. Executed the painting "Tints of a Vanished Past," which was awarded the second Hallgarten prize in 1885. Member Salmagundi and Catholic Clubs, Century Association, Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society and National Academy of Design. MURPHY, MICHAEL C. — Commissioner, 55th street and Sixth avenue. New York City; residence 582 Broome street. Bom in Killmallock, County Limerick, Ireland, March 7, 1841. Educated In New York City public schools. Served with Ellsworth's Zouaves and with Corcoran's Irish Legion during Civil War and was mustered out with rank of colonel. Represented the First District In the New York State Assembly, 1868-73; State senator, 1884-9. Now president ol the Health Board ol the City ol New York. Member Democratic Club. MURPHY, ROBERT H. G.— Capitalist, 312 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, April 10, 1843. Educated in city pubUc schools. (Married.) Member Union League and Young Republican Clubs. MURPHY, THOMAS E.— Roman Catholic Clergy man, 30 West 16th street. New York City. Born in New York City, Jan 27, 1856. Educated in public schools and at St. Francis Xavier College; also studied In Canada, West-Park-on-Hudson, N. Y., and at Wood stock (Md.) College. Member ol the Society ol Jesus. Prolessor ol Greek and Latin at Georgetown Univer sity, 1882-7; vice-president ol same, 1891-3; president ol St. Francis Xavier College since 1894. MURPHY, WILLIAM D.— Real Estate and Stocks, 2 WaU street. New York City; residence 40 East 49th street. Born in New York City, Jan. 4, 1859. Educated at Anthon Grammar School and Dolbear's Business College, New York City. (Married.) Member ol the Real Estate Exchange. Member Republican, National Arts and Camera Clubs, New York Historical and St. Nicholas Societies, Institute ol Civics, Baptist Social Union and Chamber ol Commerce. MURRAY, -A. GORDON— Lawyer, 34 Pine street. New York City; residence 72 East 34th street. Edu cated at Cutler School, New York City, and Prince ton University. (Single.) Member University Ath letic and Princeton Clubs. MURRAY, AMBROSE SPENCER, Jr.- Lawyer, 22 William street. New York City; residence 247 Filth avenue. Member ol the firm ol Murray, Bennett & IngersoU. Secretary and director DansvlUe and Mount Morris R. R. Co. and Mohegan Granite Quarrying Co.; director Wyoming Coal Co. Member University and Church Clubs, Century, Trinity College Alumni and Down Town Associations and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. MURRAY, CHARLES H.-Lawyer, 115 Broadway New York City; residence 661 Filth avenue. Born in San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 2, 1855. Educated In New York City. (Married.) Formerly Supervisor Federal Census ol 1890, special United States District Attor ney, New York City police commissioner and aque duct commissioner. Member Republican, New York Athletic and Larchmont Yacht Clubs, Society ol For eign Wars, Society ol Colonial Wars, Sons ol the Rev olution, St. Nicholas and Huguenot Societies, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion, Society ol the War ol 1812, and Sons ol the American Revolution. MURRAY, DANIEL ALEXANDER- Instructor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 107 Cascadilla place. Degree ol Ph.D. Instructor in mathematics at Cornell University. MURRAY, DAVID — Lawyer, 35 Nassau street. New York City; residence Delhi. Born In Delhi, March 14, 1855. Educated at Delaware Academy, Delhi, and Rutgers CoUege ('76). (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Murray & Hartrldge. Member University Club. MURRAY, FRANCIS WISNER- Physician and Professor, 32 West 39th street. New York City. De gree of A.B. and M.D. Professor of clinical surgery at Cornell University Medical College; surgeon to St. Luke's and New York Hospitals. Member Rockaway Hunting and Union Clubs and Yale Alumni and Cen tury Associations. MURRAY, GEORGE WEI,WOOD— Lawyer, 35 Wall street. New Y'ork City; residence 77 Mountain avenue, Montciair, N. J. Bora In Edinburgh, Scot land, March 8, 1856. (Son of Welwood Murray.) Edu cated in New York City public schools and at Colum bia College Law School ('76). (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Howland & Murray. Practicing in New York City since his admission to the Bar in 1877. Di rector Lake Superior Consolidated Iron Mines, Besse mer Steamship Co., -Wisconsin Steel Co. and Lawyers' Surety Co. Member Montciair (N. J.) Club and Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. MURRAY, JAMES B.— Lawyer, 69 WaU street New York City; residence 238 West 52d street. Edu cated In the United States, Paris and Dresden, and at Columbia College and Law School. (Single.) Prac ticing in New York City since his admission to the Bar in 1875. Member City Club, Down Town Associa tion and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. MURRAY, LINDLEY, Jr.— Insurance, 50 "Wall street. New York City; residence 6 Clark street, Brook lyn. Born in Brooklyn, Jan. 25, 1846. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) President and director Empire City Fire Insurance Co.; vice- president and director Fire Insurance Salvage Corps ol Brooklyn; treasurer and director New York Board ol Fire Underwriters. Member Hamilton Club and Brooklyn League ol Brooklyn. MURRAY, LINWOOD A.— Electrical and Mechan ical Engineer, TottenvIIie, S. I. Born in Washington, Me., Sept. 3, 1873. Educated at Cornell ('94). (Single.) Secretary and treasurer Murray Ml'g Co. Member Cornell University Club and F. & A. M. 332 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. MURRAY, ROBERT D.— Lawyer, 30 Broad street, and 346 Broadway, New York City; residence 47 Bast 28th street. Born In Gardner, Me., Nov. 3, 1863. Edu cated at Columbia ('85). (Single.) Director Ann Ar bor R. R. Co. Member University, University Athletic and Richmond HiU Goll Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York and Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation. MURRAY, ROBERT I.— General Agent, 149 Broad way New York City: residence 593 West End avenue. Borii in New York City, June 6, 1851. .Educated In pri vate schools of New York City and Flushing. (Mar ried.) Treasurer and ex-president New York Bible Society; New York manager Provident Life and Trust Co. of PhUadelphia. Ex-president Life Underwriters' Association. Member Lotos and Underwriters' Clubs. MURRAY, RUSSELL— Importer, 100 Grand street. New York City; residence 10 West llth street. Born In Goshen, N. Y., 1862. Educated at Trinity College ('73). (Married.) Director Gould-Mersereau Co. Member Union and University Clubs and Sons of the Revolution. MURRAY, WILLIAM JOSEPH — PubUsher, 21 Park row. New York City; residence 631 West 144th street. Born in New York City, Dec. 6, 1874. Educated at Annunciation School. (Single.) Secretary Bio graphical Directory Co., publishers of the "Biographi cal Directory of the State of New York." MUURLING, IDO JAN RBINHART— President, 40 Stone street. New York City; residence 170 Central Park, South. Born In Groningen, Holland, Aug. 19, 1848. Educated at the University of Groningen, Hol land. (Married.) Connected with the Farbenfabrlken ol Blberleld Co. Formerly consul of the Netherlands at Lisbon, Portugal. Member New York Athletic, Lawyers' and Rockaway Hunting Clubs. MYER, ALBERT J.— Lawyer, Buffalo; residence Lake View, Erie County. Born In New York City, Aug. 15, 1862. Educated at St. Paul's School, Garden City, L. I., at Hobart College and at Harvard Law School. (Married.) Was regimental adjutant 3d New York Volunteers and major 202d New York Volunteers. Member Buffalo and Saturn Clubs, Army and Navy Club of New York City, Sons of the Revolution, Hol land Society, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, So ciety of Colonial Wars, Harvard -Alumni Association, and Naval and Military Order of the Spanish-Ameri can War. MYER, ISAAC— Lawyer and Author, 21 East 60th street. New York City. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., March 5, 1836. Educated in academies and at Univer sity of Pennsylvania Law Department: (Married.) Author of "Presidential Power Over Personal Liberty" (1862), "The Waterloo Medal" (1885), "The Qabbalah," "On Dreams by Synesius" (1888), "Scarabs" (1894) and "The Oldest Books in the World." Member Nineteenth Century Club, Philadelphia Cricket, Oriental and Penn Clubs of PhUadelphia, Pa., New York Historical, Pennsylvania Historical, New England and Holland Societies, Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revo lution, Colonial Order, Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia, Pa., Royal Numismatic So ciety of Belgium, Society of American Authors, Hu guenot Society of America and Metropolitan Museum of Art. MYERLE, DAVID— Physician, 572 Bedford avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Boston, Mass., May 26, 1855. Edu cated at Long Island CoUege Hospital. (Married.) Attending physician Bushwick Hospital and Eastern District Industrial School and Home. Was visiting surgeon Eastern District Hospital, and secretary Med ical Society of the County of Kings. Member Hanover Club of Brooklyn, Royal Arcanum Outing Club, Nas sau Wheelmen, Medical Society of the County of Kings, and Brooklyn Pathological Society. MYERS, ALBERT- Physician, 122 East Third street, Jamestown; residence Spring and Third streets Born in Toronto, Canada, Dec. 6, 1866. Educated lii Toronto, at Trinity University, ('87) and in London, Edinburgh, Pans and Berlin. (Single.) Fellow of Trinity College of Medicine; member College of Phy sicians and Surgeons ol Ontario; visiting surgeon Jamestown Hospital. Member Jamestown Club MYERS, ALFRED EDWARDS— Clergyman, 1 West 29th street. New York City; residence 309 West 70th street. Born In New York City, Dec. 29, 1844. Educated at Williams College, Theolo.glcal Seminary ol New Brunswick (N. J.), Princeton Theological Sem inary and Union Theological Seminary. (Married.) Clergyman ol the Relormed Church in America. As sociate pastor ol the Collegiate Relormed Church at Filth avenue and 29th street. MYERS, -ANGELO L.— Retired, 103 East 37th street. New York City, and Stamlord, Conn. Bora in New York City, 1834. (Married.) Member New York Club. MYERS, GEORGE LAWRENCE— Banker and Broker 20 Broad street. New York City; residence 40 West 38th street. Born in New York City, Feb. 22, 1872. (Son ol Theodore and Rosalie [Hart] Myers.) Edu cated at Drisler School and Columbia ('93). (Married Mabel Shaw.) Member ol the flrm ol Theodore W. Myers & Son, members ol the New Tork Stock Ex change. Lieutenant in 12th Regiment, N. G. N. T. Treasurer and director National Electric Car Lighting Co. Member New Tork Athletic, Manhattan, Demo cratic and Rockaway Hunting Clubs, Society ol the War ol 1812, and Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation. MTERS, THADDBUS HALSTED- Physician and Surgeon, 54 West 50th street. New Tork City. BOrn In Tonkers, N. T., 1859. Educated at Tale ('81) and at CoUege ol Physicians and Surgeons ol Columbia Uni versity (M.D.-). (Married Sadie Hawley, 1897.) At tending orthopaedic surgeon St. Luke's Hospital; consulting surgeon New Tork Orthopaedic Dispensary and Hospital and orthopaedic surgeon New Tork Foundling Hospital. Member Richmond HIU Goll, Tale and University Clubs and Century Association. MTERS, THEODORE WALTER- Banker and Broker, 20 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 21 West 46th street. Born in New Tork City, Jan. 11, 1844. Educated In private schools. (Married.) Served as captain ol the 3d Regiment, Sickle's Brigade, dur ing Civil War; was connected with the N. CJ. N. T. lor many years and advanced to the rank ol captain. Park commissioner. New Tork City, 1887; comptroller 1888-93. Now member of the flrm of Theodore W. Myers & Son and of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Director National .Electric Car Lighting Co., North American Life Insurance Co. and Pycott Manulactur ing Co.; trustee Colonial Trust Co. Member Manhat tan, New Tork, New Tork Tacht, New Tork Athletio, Rockaway Hunting, Turl and Field and Lawyers' Clubs and American Geographical Society. MTERS, R. M.— Wholesale Paper Dealer, Com mercial Bank, Rochester; residence 4 Arnold Park. Born in Fort Herkimer, N. T. (Married.) Served in United States Navy during Civil War. Resident ot Rochester since 1874. Vice-president and director Commercial Bank; director Rochester Trust and Sale Deposit Co. and Citizens' Light and Power Co. Mem ber Rochester Whist Club. MTLBS, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM— Physician, 46 West 38th street. New York City. Educated at Tu lane University Medical Department. New Orleans, La., ('74). (Married) Assistant surgeon New Am sterdam Eye and Ear Hospital; prolessor otology and adjunct prolessor ol rhinology and laryngology. New York Polyclinic. Member American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological, New York County Medi cal, New York Pathological and Southern Societies, Mississippi State Medical Association (honorary) and New York Academy ol Medicine. MYNDERSE, WILHELMUS— Lawyer 54 Wall street New York City; residence 94 Joraleinon street Brooklyn. Bora In Seneca FaUs, N. Y., Nov 25 1849 Educated at Mount Pleasant Military Academy, Sing a^' P;,7.-^ Williams CoUege ('71) and Columbia Law School ( 75). (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol But ler, Notman, Joline & Mynderse. Director Long Island Historical Society, Brooklyn Hospital Church Char ity Foundation ol Long Island, and American and Foreign Marine Insurance Co. Member Grolier Uni versity Sigma Phi and Church Cluhs, Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn, and Down Town Association-. N NAD-4L, CHARLES C.-Lawyer, 97 Cedar street New York City; residence 142 Bast 35th street. Born In Greencastle, Ind., Dec. 8, 1855. Educated In Madi son, N. J., 'and at Columbia Law School. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Nadal. Smyth, Carr^re & Tral- lord. Counsel to Fidelity and Casualty Co. Member ¦Democratic, City and Fencers' Clubs, Southern So ciety and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. NAEGBLB, CHARLES FREDERICK — Portrait and Figure Painter, 318 West 57th street. New York City. Born in KnoxvUle, Tenn., May 8, 1857. Educated In common schools ol Memphis. (Married Llsette F., daughter ol Captain Edwin J. Stivers, United States Army.) Studied art In New York City under C. Myles Collier, WiUiam Sartain and William M. Chase. Was awarded a prize lor designing a medal, commemora tive ol the Columbus Quadro-Centennial Celebration In New York City, 1892. Has painted the portraits ol Peter Coojfer, Charles L. Tiffany, Roswell P. Flower, Gen. Joseph D. Bryant, Gen. Edwin A. McAlpln, John W. Gates, WUliam Woodward, Jr., Franklin V. Edson, WaJdo Hutchins and many others. Member ' Salma gundi Ciub and National Institute. NAGEL, J. DARWIN— Physician, 61 West 35th street. New York City. Born In Galgocz, Hungary, Nov. 20, 1867. Educated at Lutheran Gymnasium In Budapest, In Vienna and Paris, and at New York Col lege ol Physicians and Surgeons. (Married.) Visiting physician French Hospital. Honorary member So- ciftS Royale de Medicine in Brussels, Belgium. Mem ber Twilight Club and Academy ol Medicine. NAGLE, JOHN T.— Physician, 21 Park row. New York City; residence 47 East 21st street. Born, 1843. (Son ol Garrett and Ellen [Croker] Nagle.) Educated at New York City Public School No. 14, New York Free Academy (now the College ol the City ol New York) and at New York Ophthalmic Hospital (M.D., '64). Served In a surgical capacity in United States Army during ClvU War and was commended lor con spicuous bravery in action. Was appointed on the New York City Board ol Health In 1869; has served successively as assistant sanitary Inspector, sanitary inspector; deputy regiiSter ol records, register ol rec ords, and is now and has been since January, 1898, chiel ol the Bureau ol Municipal Statistics. Member Press, New York Athletic; Camera, Iroquois, Seneca and Sagamore Clubs, Medico-Legal and Medical aind Surgical Societies, American Public Health Associa tion, Medical Society ol the County ol New York, New Tork Academy ol Medicine and Tammany Society. NAGLE, PERCT— Commissioner, 21 Park row, New Tork City; residence 6 East 130th street. Born In County Cork, Ireland, about 1861. Educated in pub lic schools in New Tork City. Appointed street clean ing commissioner in March, 1900. Member Harlem Rowing Club, Tammany Society and others. NALL, GEORGE A. — Lawyer, 204 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 5 South Oxlord street. Born in Detroit, Mich., March 18, 1868. Educated at Coraell University and Law College. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Nail & Hatch. Treasurer Long Island Free Library; director Hardy & Co. Member Cornell Club, and Delta Chi Fraternity, N-AMMACK, CHARLES BDWARD — Physician and Prolessor, 42 East 29th street. New Tork City. Born in Ne-w Tork City, June 24, 1856. Educated in public schools, at St. Francis Xavier College and Bellevue Hospital Medical CoUege. (Married.) For merly examining surgeon lor pensions, United States Government, and consulting physician to Gouverneur Hospital, New Tork City. Now prolessor ol clinical medicine, CorneU University Medical CoUege, New Tork City: physician to Bellevue Hospital and Out Patient Department ol New Tork Hospital; surgeon ol poUce of New Tork. Member New Tork Neurolo gical and County Medical Societies, New Tork State Medical and -American Climatologicai Associations, and Academy of Medicine. NANNT, HARRISON W.-Lawyer, Goshen. Bom .Tune 27, 1845. Educated at Union College ('68). Pres ident of the vUlage of Goshen. Member Union Col lege Alumni Association and Sons of the Revolution. NAPIER, A. MILTON— Architect, 25 West 26th street. New Tork City; residence 50 St. John's place, Brooklyn. Born in New Tork City Feb. 13, 1870. Edu cated at the College of the City of New Tork. (Sin gle.) Director and general manager Tide- Water Build ing Co. Member Transportation Club, Architectural League and American Institute ol Architects (Brook lyn Chapter). NASH, EDWARD STEPHEN- Secretary, 70 Broad street, New Tork City; residence 116 West 55th street. Member Union League and Union Clubs and St. Nich olas Society. NASH, J. BURNET— Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 329 West 83d street. Born in Syracuse, N. T., June 17, 1872. (Son ol Spencer M. and Margaret Barber [Burnet] Nash.) Educated at Syra cuse High School, Tale College ('95) and at New Tork Law School (LL.B.). (Married Cordelia Cogswell Dana ol Syracuse.) Member Tale Club. NASH, JAMBS R.— Broker, 35 WaU street New Tork City; residence 111 East 37th street. Born In New Tork City, Oct. 4, 1868. Educated at Trinity Col lege, WiUiams College ('89) and at Columbia Law School ('93). (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol Nash & Weed. Member University Club and WiUiams Col lege -Alumni Association. NASH, JOHN McLEAN- Lawyer, 63 Wall street New Tork City; residence 11 West 19th street. Edu cated at Columbia ('68). Member ol the flrm ol S. P. & J. McL. Nash. Member City, University, Union, University Glee and Church Clubs, Columbia Univer sity Alumni and Century Associations and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. NASH, STEPHEN P.— Lawyer, 63 Wall street New Tork City; residence 11 West 19th street. Edu cated at Columbia. Member ol the firm ol S. P. & J. -McL. Nash. Trustee ol Columbia University. Mem-^ ber Church and Barnard Clubs, Century and Down Town Associations, Scientific Alliance, National Acad emy ol Design and Association ol the Bar ol the City of New Tork. NASH, THOMAS— Architect 64 Cedar street. New Tork City; residence 11 West 19th street. Educated at Columbia. Member University Club, Union League Club of Brooklyn, Columbia University Alumni and Century Associations and Architectural League. NASH, WARREN B.— Storage, 68 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 80 Madison avenue. Bom in Brooklyn, N. T., Dec. 1, 1871. Educated at Tale. Treasurer and director Atlantic Storage Co.; secre tary and director Baltic Realty Co. and Brooklyn Wharf Transfer Co.; treasurer Brooklyn Wharf and Warehouse Co. Member Racquet and Tennis, and University Clubs, Country Club of Westchester and Tale Alumni Association. ' NASH, WILLIAM A.— Banker, 11 William street New Tork City; residence 19 West 73d street. Born in Hudson, N. T., Jan. 18, 1840. (Married.) President and director Corn Exchange Bank, Lykens VaUey R. R. and Coal Co. and New Tork and East River Ferry Co.; vice-president and director Audit Co. of New Tork, Brooklyn Wharf and Warehouse Co., Interna tional Elevating Co. and Nassau National Bank of Brooklyn; vice-president and trustee State Trast Co • 334 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. treasurer and director Bensonhurst Co. and Peo ria and Bureau Valley R. R. Co.; member ol advisory committee Bankers' Lile Insurance Co.; director Cen tral Realty Bond and Trust Co., Chicago, Rtick Island and Paciflc Ry. Co., Hecker-Jones-Jewell Milling Co., Hoboken Ferry Co., Home Life Insurance Co., Lloyds Plate Glass Insurance Co., Manufacturers Trust Co. of Brooklyn, Queens Insurance Co. of America, and Union Ferry Co. of New Tork; trustee American Surety Co., Bowery Savings Bank, New Tork Produce Exchange and Safe Deposit Storage Co., Produce Ex change Trust Co. and Royal Insurance Co. of Eng land Member Metropolitan, Union League and New Tork Athletic Clubs, Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn, and Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson. NASH, WILLIS G.— Banker, Albany; residence 55 Lake avenue. Cashier New Tork State National Bank. Member Fort Orange Club, and Relorm Club ol New Tork City. NASOiST, CARLETON W.— Manulacturer ol Cast Iron Pipe 71 Beekman street. New Tork City; resi dence 118 Bast 72d street. Born In Woburn, Mass., Aug. 26, 1849. Educated at Columbia. (Widower.) President and director Nason Ml'g Co.; trustee New Tork Orthopaedic Hospital and Dispensary. Member Engineers', Atlantic Tacht, Manuscript and Camera Clubs, American Society ot Mechanical Engineers, General Society ol Mechanics and Tradesmen and -American Geographical Society. NASON, DANIEL— Lawyer, 55 William street, New Tork City; residence 47 West 50th street. Bom in Kennebunk, Me. Educated at Amherst ('81), Harvard and Columbiau Member ol the firm ol Jerome & Nason. President Jerome Park R. R. Co. and Baton Gold Mining Co. Member Union, University. Harvard. Westminster Kennel and Lawyers' Clubs and Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. NAST, THOMAS-Cartoonlst. 116? Broadway, New Tork City; residence 200 West 106th street. Born in Landau, Germany, Sept. 27. 1840. Came with his parents to the United States at the age ot six, and was educated In public schools. While employed in the ol- flce ol "Leslie's Illustrated Monthly" developed a pro- flclency lor Illustrative work. Was traveling artist lor American and British newspapers with Garlbaildl In Italy, 1860-1. Was connected lor many years with "Harper's Weekly" as cartoonist and is well-known as a lecturer, with a specialty lor Illustrating his address by caricatures drawn on the platlorm. Member Union League and Players' Clubs. NATHAN, FREDERICK— Broker, 10 Broad street New Tork City; residence 162 West 86th street. Born and educated In New Tork City. Member ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Union, Manuscript. Social Relorm and Barnard Clubs. NATHAN, GRATZ— Lawyer, 108 Fulton street. New Tork City; residence 64 West 63d street. Born In New Tork City, May 26. 1843. Educated at private school and Columbia (A.B., '61 and A.M., '64). (Wid ower.) Assistant corporation counsel. New Tork City. 1867-72. Member Democratic Club, Columbia Univer sity Alumni Association, St. Nicholas, and Genealogi cal and Biographical Societies, New Tork Law Insti tute and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. NAUMBURG, BERNARD— Lawyer, 32 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence 124 West 64th street. Born June 29. 1876. Educated In private and public schools, at CoUege ol the City ol New Tork. and New Tork University. (Single.) Instructor CoUege ol the City ol New Tork, 1894-8. Connected with the flrm ol Einstein & Townsend. Member City CoUege Club, Phi Beta Kappa Society, City College Alumni and Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Associations and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. NAUMBURG, MAX— Wholesale Clothing Mer chant, 669 Broadway. New Tork City; residence 23 West 76th street. Member ol the flrm ol Naumburg, Kraus & Co. Member Relorm and Harmonie Clubs and Chamber ol Commerce. NATLON, DANIEL, Jr.— Lawyer, Schenectady; residence 26 W"ashington avenue. Born in Guilderland Albany Cq., N. T., Jan. 2. 1860. Educated at Unloii College. (Married.) Served as district attorney ol Schenectady County lor six years; also ais clerk to Board ol Supervisors lor five years. Now corporation counsel and city attorney; director Union National Bank. Member Schenectady Club. Exempt Firemen's Association. Knights ol Columbus, Independent Order ol Red- Men and Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. NECARSULMER. HENRT— Lawyer, 38 Park row. New Tork CJity; residence 109 East 70th street. Born In New Tork City. Educated at the College ol the City ol New Tork and at Columbia College and Law School. (Single.) Member Harmonie Club, Lieder kranz and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. NEEDHAM. CHARLES -AUSTIN— Artist, 146 Bast 23d street. New Tork City. Born In Buffalo, N. T., Oct. 30, 1844. Studied at Art Students' League and un der August Will in New Tork City. (Married Fannie Montross ol New Tork City. 1868.) Received honor able mention and medal at Atlanta (Ga.) Exposition. 1895, and first honorable mention at New Tork State -Agricultural Exposition held at Syracuse in 1898. Member National -Arts Club and New Tork Water Color Society. NEELT, F. TENNTSON— Publisher, 114 Filth ave nue. New Tork City; residence 58 Irving place. Born in (iuincy. Fla., Sept. 10, 1863. Educated at Indiana State University. (Single.) Member Lotos, National Arts and New "York Clubs. NEBLY, WILLIAM— Dry Goods Merchant, 47 LIs- penard street. New York City; residence New Haven, Conn. Member ol the firm ol Wm. Neely & Co., ol New Haven. Member Lambs'. Manhattan and Lotos Clubs. NEERGAARD. CHARLES F. — Merchant 118 Duane street. New York City; residence 125 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, June 7, 1875. Educated at Yale. (Single.) Member Yale Club, and Marine and Field Club ol Brooklyn. NEERGAARD. FREDERICK A.— Shoe Merchant, 130 Duane street. New York City; residence 125 Co lumbia Heights, Brooklyn. Bom and educated In New York City. (Married.) President Powell Bros. Shoe Co. Member HamUton and Marine and Fleld Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Chamber ol Commerce. NBFTEL, WILLIAM B.— Physician, 16 East 48th street. New York City. Born in Riga, Russia, Sept. 22, 1830. Educated in St. Petersburg; graduated Irom college In 1847, and Irom medical school, with honors. in 1852; was sent by the Russian Government to con tinue his studies lor three years In Germany, France and England. (Married Nadlne, Princess ol Georgia, daughter ol the Czarewltch Ellas.) Served as surgeon to the Imperial Guard during the Crimean War as physician to the Military Hospital ol St Petersburg, and as a member ol a scientific expedition to Central Asia. Author ol "Galvano-Therapeutlcs," "Nervous Diseases ol Women" and other contributions to neu ropathology. Member Pathological, American Geo graphical and Boston Gynecological Societies New York Academy ol Medicine, American Museum ol Natural History and other American and loreign med ical and scientific associations. NEIL, BDWARD WALLACE— Protestant Episco palian Clergyman, 14 Bast 109th street. New York City Born in Newark, N. J. Deacon, 1880; priest 1882; as- ^^^f-S,^. ^^'^^°^ ol St. Philip's Church at Garrisons, N. Y., 1881-3; lounded the Church ol St Edward the Mar tyr, New York City, in 1883, and has since been its rector. NEILL, JAMES— Actor, 16 Gramercy Park, New York City. Born in Savannah, Ga., Sept. 29, 1860. Edu cated at Carolina Military Institute and University ol Georgia. (Single.) Has been acting since 1882. For meriy proprietor Neill Co. lor five years. Member Players' and Lambs' Clubs. u.r.P'^'^P'^I^i. HENRY A.-Manager and Manulac- Pl^^' ^^^ P'^i^ avenue. New York City; residence New PPP ^'P^' P:. P ,?°^" *" New Tork City, June 9, 1864. Educated at Rutgers College. (Married.) Man ager New Tork offlce ol Thomas Strahan & G(j.; trus tee New Brunswick Savings Institution. Served as a member ol the New Brunswick Common Council, 1894- 6^ Member Union Club ol New Brunswick, Delta Phi Fraternity and Sons ol the Revolution. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 335 NELAN, CHARLES— Cartoonist, Herald square. New Tork City. Born In Akron, Ohio, April 10, 1859. Educated at Buchtel College; studied art at National Academy ol Design, New Tork City. (Married Mar garet A. Kennedy.) Began cartoon work on Cleveland "Press," 1888. Now connected with the New Tork "Herald." Member Cleveland Art Club (secretary, 1895). NELLANT, MICHAEL-Manufacturer, Buffalo; residence 268 Georgia street. Born In Ireland, May, 1840. Educated In Buffalo. (Widower.) President Homestead Savings and Loan Association; director German-American Bank. Member Buffalo Park Board. NELSON, ABRAHAM— Lawyer, 235 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 137 West 82d street. Born in New Tork City, Jan. 22, 1864. Educated at College •of the City of New Tork and Columbia College. (Mar ried.) Examining counsel Lawyers' Title Insurance Co. Member of the Saturday and Sunday Hospital Collection. Member Democratic and Progress Clubs. NELSON, CHARLES ALEXANDER— Librarian, 116th street and Mornlngside Heights, New Tork City; residence 510 West 143d street. Bora in Calais, Me., April 14, 1839. (Son of Israel Potter and Jane [Capen] Nelson.) Educated at Harvard (A.B., '60 and A.M., '63). (Married, July 25, 1872, at Newborn, N. C, Emma, daughter of Benson and Eliza [Quick] Norris of Sla- terville Springs, N. T.) Began library work In 1854. Assistant in Harvard Library, 1857-60 and 1863-4; served as civil engineer in Quartermaster's Depairt- ment. United States Army, 1864-5; engaged In literary work, 1866-79; professor of Greek at Drury College, .Springfield, Mo., 1879-80; catalogue librarian at the As tor Library, New Tork City, 1881-8; librarian at How ard Memorial Library, New Orleans, La., 1888-91; as sistant at Newberry Library, Chicago, 111., 1891-3; rel erence librarian at Columbia University since 1893. Author of "Waltham, Past and Present" (1879) and "The Manuscripts and Early Printed Books Be queathed to the Long Island Historical Society by S. B. Duryea" (1897) ; also of various contributions to the "Library Journal." Compiled and edited the "Cata logue of the Astor Library" (lour vols., 1886-8); also edited the "Catalogue ol the Avery Memorial Library" •(1895). Secretary flnance committee ol the trustees ol ¦Leland University, New Orieans, La. Charter mem ber, ex-president and ex-secretary New Tork Library Club; member and ex-secretary American Library As sociation; also member Harvard Club, New Tork State Library Association, Booksellers' League, Blbllogra- jhlcal Society ol England and America, Chicago (III.) Xiterary Club and American Historical Association. NELSON, EDWARD BEVBRLT — Educator, Rome; residence 711 Madison street. Bern in Pough- Jceepsle, N. T., May 26, 1850. Educated at Harvard ¦('73). (Married.) Principal Central New Tork Insti tution lor Deail Mutes. 'Member Teugega Country and Rome Clubs, Reform Club. American Numismatic and Archaelogical Society and Sons ol Oneida ol New Tork City, Fort Schuyler, Arcanum and Masonic Clubs and Oneida County Historical Association ol Utica, Na tional Geographic Society ol "Washington, D. C. Amer ican Geographical Society, "Western New Tork Har vard Alumni, Central New Tork Harvard Alumni, Harvard Athletic and American Canoe Associations, American Mechanics, Royal Arcanum, Sons ol the American Revolution, Knights Templar and a thirty- -second degree Mason. NELSON, HENRT LOOMIS— Journalist, 331 Pearl street. New Tork City; residence New Rochelle. Born in New Tork City, Jan. 5, 1846. Educated at Wil liams College ('67) and at Columbia (A.M. and LL.B.). A.dmitted to the Bar in 1869. (Married Ida Prances Wyman.) Editor-in-chief of "Harper's Weekly." Merinber University, Reform and Players' Clubs and •Century Association. NELSON, HORACE O.— Cashier and Insurance, 56 South street. New Tork City; residence 71 Franklin place. Flushing, L. I. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., Sept. 7, 1866. Educated in private schools. (Married.) Sec retary WiUiam F. Wall Rope Co.; director New Tork and Long Island Construction Co.; ex-secretary and treasurer Lothalr Bank Note Co. Member Flushing ¦Ooirciub. NELSON, ROBERT W.— Manufacturer, 27 Wil liam street and 34 Park row. New Tork City; residence Giffords, S. I. President and director Thorne Type Setting Machine Co.; general manager and director American Typefounders' Co. Member Richmond County Country and Reform Clubs and Aldine Asso ciation. NELSON, STUART G.— Banker, 18 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 33 East 81st street. (Mar ried.) Vice-president and director Seaboard Na tional Bank; trustee New Tork Security and Trust Co. and United States Savings Bank. Member Union League, Lotos, New Tork Athletic and Lawyers' Clubs, New- England Society and Chamber of Commerce. NELSON, WILLIAM— Real Estate, 7 Chambers street, New Tork City; residence 5 East 86th street. Born In New Tork City, Sept. 6, 1829. Educated in New Tork City. (Married.) Member Knickerbocker Athletic Club, American Geographical Society, New Tork Produce and Maritime Exchanges, American Museum of Natural History, Metropolitan Museum of Art and New Tork Botanical Gardens. NESBITT. DANIEL A. (Captain) — Iron Mer chant, 29 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Nyack. Member Colonial, New Tork Athletic, Republican, Mendelssohn Glee and Church Clubs, Crescent Ath letic Club of Brooklyn, Scientiflc Alliance, Metropoli tan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. NESBITT, JOHN H.-Physician, 212 West 45th street. New Tork City. Born in New Tork City, Dec. 7, 1853. Educated at the New Tork CoUege ol Phy sicians and Surgeons. (Single.) Was surgeon ol Po lice Department, New Tork City. Member New Tork Athletic and Colonial Clubs, Medical Society ol Great er New Tork and New Tork Surgical and New Tork County Medical Societies. NBSMITH. HENRT E.. Jr.— Storage. 28 South street, and Lumber Merchant, 220 Lewis street. New Tork City; residence 265 Washington avenue. Brook lyn. President and director Dittman, Overlay Co. and Nesmlth & Constantine Co. Member Hamilton, Cres cent Athletic and Oxlord Clubs ol Brooklyn. NEU, JACOB— Ijawyer, 303 Washington street,' Brooklyn. Born In New Tork City, April 7, 1855. Edu cated In public schools; read law in the office ol John W. Lawton, and was admitted to the Bar in 1879. Mem ber ol the flrm ol Lawton & Neu until 1891; Civil Jus tice ol the First District, 1891-9; was candidate lor sheriff on the Republican ticket In 1899. Now member ol the firm ol Neu & Reid. Member Arion Society, United German Singing Societies, Brooklyn Lodge No. 22, Order ol Elks, Mystic Shrine, Royal Arcanum, Knights ol Honor, Bushwick Club, Liederkranz and other organizations. NEUMANN, WILLIAM FREDERICK— Physician and Prolessor. 116th street and Mornlngside Heights, New Tork City; residence 114 East 59th street. De gree ol M.D. Assistant in bacteriology at Columbia University in the City ol New Tork. NEUSSELL, C. E.— Dry Goods Merchant, 15 Greene street. New Tor'K City; residence 451 West End ave nue. Born in Bahia, Braizll, March 30, 1862. Educated in Bremen, Germany. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol John Menke & Co. NEVERS. GEORGE G.— Sugar Broker, 101 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 208 Mount Pleasant avenue, Newark, N. J. Member ol the firm ol Nevers & Callaghan. Vice-president and director Evening Star Mining Co.; director Morning Star Consolidated Mining Co. and Ward Consolidated Mining Co. Mem ber North End Club ol Newark, Down Town Associa tion, New Tork Botanical Gardens and Metropolitan Museum ol -Art. NBVIUS, JOHN H. C— Hangings, 420 Broome street, and Jewelry, 33 Union square. West, New Tork City; residence 310 "West End avenue. Member ol the firm ol Nevlus & Havlland. Member Relorm Club, Good Government Club ol the Nineteenth Assembly District, and Citizens' Union. 336 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. NEW. CLARENCE HERBERT- Hydraulic Engi neer and Publisher, 1267 Broad-way, New Tork City; residence 459 Waverly avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, 1862. Educated at Betts Military Academy in Stamlord, Conn., and at Brooklyn Polytechnic In stitute. Toured the world in 1880; was the sole sur viving passenger ol wreck ol the "Eric the Red" on Cape Otway reel, southern coast ol Australia, Sept. 5, 1880; with Ward Steamship Line, 1881; secretary ol the T. New Mf'g Co.. 1882-93; traveled In South Amer ica, 1884; made a second tour of the world, 1891; maga zine writer and novelist 1893-5; associate editor of "Truth," 1895; manager and editor "New Tork and London Literary Press"; manager publishing depart ment of Harry Bentz American Advertising Agency, 1898. Director Frank L. Fisher Co. Formerly member Lawyers' Club, Union League Club of Brooklyn, Mel bourne (Australia) Club, and social clubs in Sydney, Calcutta and London. NEWBOLD, FREDERIC R.— Poughkeepsie. Bora in New Tork City, 1853. (Single.) Member Knicker bocker, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht and Hudson River Ice Tacht Clubs, and Ardsley Casino of Ardsley- on-Hudson. NEWCOMB, HORATIO VICTOR— Capitalist, 683 Fifth avenue. New Tork City. Bora In Louisville, Ky., July 26, 1844. Educated in Louisville; also studied in England and France. Engaged in commission business in New Tork City for many years as a member of the firm of Warren, Newcomb & Co. After the death of his father, who had been president of the Louisville and Nashville R. R. Co., became a director, soon after vice-president, and later president of that company; retired because of ill-health In 1880. Organized, In 1880, and was lor several years president ol the United States National Bank- of New Tork City. Member Union, New Tork Athletic, Suburban Riding and Driv ing, Calumet and Tuxedo Clubs, American Museum of Natural History and Metropolitan Museum of Art. NEWCOMB, JAMES EDWARD— Physician and Instractor. 118 West 69th street. New Tork City. De grees of A.B. and M.D. Clinical instructor in laryng ology. Cornell University Medical College, New Tork City. NEWCOMB, JAMES G.— Oils and Cooperage, 26 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 267 West 79th street. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 10, 1849. Edu cated In Cleveland. (Married.) Has been with Stand ard OU Co. for about thirty years, and now manager of one ol the largest departments ol that company. Member Ohio Society. NEWCOMBE, CHARLES M.— Broker, 15 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 157 West 81st street. Bora in New Tork City, 1864. Educated In pubUo schools and at CoUege ol City ol New Tork. (Mar ried.) Member ol the firm ol Wm. D. Barbour & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Church Club. ^ NEWELL, EDWARD A. — Men's Furnishings, 246 Filth avenue. New Tork City; residence 140 West 21st street. Bora In Cheshire, Conn., Feb. 4, 1838. Edu cated at Cheshire Episcopal Academy. Present busi ness estabUshed In 1863. Director Retail Dealers' Pro tective Association; trustee North River Savings Bank. Member Republican, Lotos and TwiUght Clubs and New England Society. NE"WELL, BDWARD J.-Lawyer, 32 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 140 "West 21st street. :Born In New Tork City, Aug. 3, 1863. Educated at New Tork University, University ot Leipzig, Germany, and Columbia Law School. (Married.) In journalism lor several years; connected with the New Tork "Herald" In Paris, Prance, the "Morning News" and other newspapers. Author ol several historical works and novels, and contributor to "American Cyclopaedia" and other works ol relerence. Member Alpha Delta Phi, Democratic and New Tork Press Clubs Lieder kranz and New Tork Graduate Association. NEWELL, ROBERT HENRT— Author, 128 First place. Brooklyn. Born in New Tork City, Dec. 13 1836. Educated in common schools. On editorial staiff of the New Tork "Mercury," 1858-62, and of the New Tork "Worid," 1869-74; edited for a time "Hearth and Home," a weekly journal. Author of "Orpheus C. Kerr Papers," being four volumes of humorous letters on the Civil War, "The Palace Beautiful, and Other Poems," "The Cloven Foot," "VersatUlties," "The Walking Doll," "There Was Once a Man," "Studies in Stanzas" and many other works. NEW"KIRK, WjVRRBN B.— Printer, 20 Vesey street New Tork City; residence 80 Grove street. Mem ber Salmagundi and Dry Goods Clubs and Sons of the Revolution. NEWLAND, DAVID J. — Lawyer, 20 Broad street. New Tork City;' residence 66 Bast 76th street. Direc tor Manhattan Tunnel Ry. Co. Member Delta Kappa BpsUon Club, Baptist Social Union and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. NEWMAN, JARED TREMAN— Lawyer, Savings Bank Building, Ithaca. Born in Enfield, Tompkins Co., N. T., Nov. 4, 1856. Educated at Cornell (Ph.B.) and Union CoUege Law Department (LL.B.) (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Newman & Blood. Trus tee Cornell University and Auburn Theological Semi nary. Member Delta UpsUon Fraternity. NEWMAN, JOHN L.— Banker, Cohoes; residence 258 State street, Albany. Born and educated in Al bany. (Married.) President National Bank ol Co hoes. Member Fort Orange Club, Historical and Art Society ol Albany, Sons of the Revolution, and Mili tary Order of the Loyal Legion. NEWMAN, RANDOLPH M.-Lawyer and Real Estate, 149 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 121 West 111th street. Born In Jersey City, N. J., Feb. 10. 1878. Educated at New Tork Law School ('98) and New Tork University Law School ('99). (Single.) Vice-president Metropolitan Trading Co.; treasurer Toung Men's League of New Tork CJity; director Santa Emilia Copper Co. Member City, Clef amd Students' Clubs and New Tork Preparatory School Alumni As sociation. NEWMAN, ROBERT— Physician, 148 West 73d street. New Tork City. Born in Koenigsberg, Ger many. Son of Gustav Lebrecht and Rosalie [Molken- tin] Newman.) (Married Ada Blackwell. 1877.) Took part In the war for liberty, fighting In the barricades, and later as adjutant ol the Battalion Homburg, in the Palatinate. Being deleated. Adjutant Newman accompanied General Sigel's column to Switzerland, and later emigrated to America. Became a pupil ol Dr. Joseph Kammerer, gynecologist to German Dis pensary In New Tork City; attended lectures at New Tork Medical CoUege; received degree ol M.D. In 1863 at Long Island College Hospital and at Bellevue Hos pital Medical College in 1869. Was commissioned State Volunteer surgeon, going to the Iront several times by order ol the Governor. Physician to North ern Dispensary, 1863-5; prosector and chiel ol sur gical clinic. Long Island CoUege Hospital, 1864-7; san itary Inspector, 1864-6, in council ol hygiene and pub lic health; district physician New Tork Lying-in- Asylum, 1865-70; sanitary Inspector Metropolitan Board ol Health, 1866-7; surgeon Northwestera Dis pensary, 1875-89. Consulting surgeon to Hackensack Hospital since 1888, to Bayonne Hospital since 1889, to Home lor Aged and Inflrm at Tonkers since 1891. to German Dispensary (West Side), New Tork City since 1893, and to the McDonough Memorial Hospital. Has made a special study ol electrolysis, is the originator ol the electrodes bearing his name~ and is author ol many papers and contributions to 'medical literature on this and kindred subjects. Member Medico-Legal (lounder and its first vice-president). New Tork Pathological, Boston Gynecological, New Tork Electric, Medlco-Hlstorlcal, New Tork German Medical, Berlin Cremation^ Ulster County Medical and Northwestern Medical and Surgical Societies, Medical Society ol the State ol New Tork, BeUevue Hospital Medical College Alumni, Long Island College Alumni and New Tork Physicians' Mutual Aid Associations and many other national, state and local medical or ganizations. NEWTON, HOMER G.— Banker, Sherburne. Born in Sherburne, Oct. 25, 1835. Educated at Tale. (Mar ried.) Served as assistant surgeon to 131st Regiment, New Tork Volunteers, during Civil War, and later as surgeon to Brooklyn Bye and Ear Hospital. Now vice-president and director Sherburne National Bank. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 337 NEW'TON, RICHARD HEBER— Protestant Epis copalian Clergyman, 781 Madison avenue. New Tork City. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 31, 1840. (Son ol Rev. Richard and I.ydia [Gretorex] Newton.) Edu cated at University ol Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Divinity School. Degree ol D.D. Irom Union Univer sity. (Married Mary E., daughter ol Charles S. Lewis of Philadelphia.) Ordained deacon in the Protestant Episcopal Church in 1862; became his father's assis tant in St. Paul's Church, and afterwards In the Church ol the Epiphany, Philadelphia; accepted the charge of Trinity Church, Sharon Springs, N. T., In 1863, but returned to PhUadelphia and became the rec tor of St. Paul's Church In 1866. In 1869 he was called to the Anthon Memorial Church, now known as All Souls' Church In New Tork City. Author of "The Morals of Trade" (1876), "Womanhood" (1880), "Stud ies of Jesus" (1880), "Right and Wrong Uses of the Bible" (1883), "The Book of the Beginnings" (1884), "PhUIstlnism" (1885), "Social Studies" (1886) and "Church and Creed" (1891) ; also many articles in mag azines and periodical literature. NEWTON, WILLIAM L.— Lumber Merchant and Manufacturer, 528 Union street, Brooklyn; residence 839 Park place. Bom in Brooklyn, 1871. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Tale ('93). (Mar ried Florence L. Brown.) Secretary and treasurer A. J. Newton Co. Member Hamilton Club, and Lawrence Club of Lawrence, L. I. NICHOLAS, GEORGE S., Jr.— Importer ol Wines, 43 Beaver street. New Tork City; residence 44 Park avenue. Born In New Tork City, Dec. 22, 1870. Edu cated at Columbia ('92). (Single.) Member Union, Westchester Goll, Touantakah Goll and New Tork Athletic Clubs, Psi UpsUon Fraternity and Columbia University Alumni Association. NICHOLAS, HARRT I.— Stock Broker, 11 WaU street. New Tork City; residence Babylon, L. I. Mem ber ol the firm ol H. T. Nicholas & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Director Madison Square Garden Co. Member Metropolitan, Union, Lawyers', Knickerbocker, South Side Sportsmen's and New Tork Tacht Clubs, and South Shore Country Club ol West Islip, L. I. NICHOLS, AGO ST A— Banker, 27 Pine street New Tork City; residence 36 East 31st street Born in Brooklyn, N. T., June 19, 1872. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute ('89) and WUliams CoUege ('93). (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Spencer Trask & Co., members of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Treasurer and director New Tork and Ottawa R. R. Co.; direc tor Ottawa and New Tork R. R. Co., Mexican Mineral Ry. Co. and Mexican Coal and Coke Co. Member Polytechnic and Calumet Clubs, St. Nicholas, Kappa Alpha, Long Island Historical and New Tork Zoologi cal Societies, Sons of the Revolution, Society of For eign Wars, Williams Alumni Association, Metropolitan Museum of Art and 7th Regiment, N. G. N. T. NICHOLS, CHARLES M. — Banker, 95 Liberty street New Tork City; residence 287 Quincy street, Brooklyn. Born In Providence, R. I., Nov. 22, 1847. Educated In Brooklyn. (Married.) FamUy homestead In Providence, R. I., buUt In 1620. Was engaged In mercantile business until 1890. Successfully financed the building of the New Jersey Electric Railroad from Singua to Hoboken. Member Montauk, Union League and Aurora Grata Clubs and Long Island Wheelmen. NICHOLS BDWARD LEAMINGTON- Physicist, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 5 South avenue. Born In England (of American parents), Sept. 14, 1854. Educated at CorneU ("75) and at the Universities ol Leipzig, Berlin and G6ttlngen. Degrees ol B.S. and Ph.D. (Married Ida Preston ol South Dover, N. T., 1881,) Prolessor ol physics and chemistry at Central University ol Kentucky, 1881-3; prolessor ol physics and astronomy at University ol Kansas, 1883-7; pro- lessor ol physics at CorneU University since 1887. Founder and edltor-ln-chlel ol the "Physical Review." Author ol "A Laboratory Manual ol Physics and Ap plied Electricity" (two vols., 1894), "Lectures on the Galvanometer" (1894), "The Elements ol Physics (three vols., 1896) and "The Outlines ol Physics (1897); also 01 numerous memoirs on physical science. PeUow American Association lor the Advancement ol Science American Institute ol Electrical Engineers, American Physical Society and oth^r scientific organi zations; member Relorm Club ol New Tork. City, Town and Gown Club and Delta Upsilon Fraternity. NICHOLS, EFFINGHAM H.-Lawyer, 47 Cedar street. New Tork City; residence 620 Filth avenue. Educated at TaJe. Member Union League and Church Clubs, Tale Alumni Association and National Acad emy ol Design. NICHOLS, ERICKSON NORMAN — Broker, 16 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 52 East 78th street. Born and educated in New Tork City. (Mar ried.) Served in First United States Volunteer Cav alry, ("Rough Riders") In Spanish-American War. Master ol hounds ol Richmond County Hunt. Mem ber Union, New Tork Athletic, Richmond County Country and Staten Island Polo Clubs and Squadron "A," N. G. N. T. NICHOLS, GEORGE FREDERIC- Merchant Plattsburgh. Born in Plattsburgh, Jan. 6, 1835. (Son ol John and Julia [I/j'nde] Nichols.) Educated In Plattsburgh. (Married Emma C, daughter ol Sam uel P. Bonner ol Montreal, Canada.) Entered army as major ol 118th New Tork Volunteers, 1861; promoted to lieutenant-colonel and later to colonel; wounded at battle ol Drewry Bluff and later at capture ol Fort Harrison; brevetted brigadier-general lor gallantry in the field. Warden and vestryman ol Trinity Church, Plattsburgh, lor the past thirty years. Member Mili tary Order ol the Loyal Legion, Sons ol the Revplu- tion and Society ol the War ol 1812. NICHOLS, GEORGE L.— Lawyer, 67 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 66 East 56th street. Born In Brooklyn, N. T., May 9, 1860. Educated at Williams College (A.B., '81, and A.M.) and Columbia College Law School (LL.B., '83). (Married Mary Chickering.) Member ol the firm ol Masten & Nichols. Served as a civil service commissioner ol the City ol Brooklyn lor lour years. Vice-president and director Chicker ing & Sons; director Phenix National Bank, Lalance & Grosjean Ml'g Co., Tinplate Decorating Co. and Woodhaven Water Supply Co. Member Metropolitan, Union, University and Grolier Clubs, Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn, St. Nicholas, New Tork Historical, Zoologi cal, Long Island Historical and New Tork Geographi cal Societies, Down Town, Williams College Alumni, American Bar and New Tork State Bar Associations, Sons ol the Revolution, Society ol the War ol 1812, Society ol Foreign Wars, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, Botanical Gardens, American Museum ol Natural History and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. NICHOLS, HARRT P.— Civil Engineer, 280 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 5 Bast 41st street. Born in Middletown, Conn., Aug. 8, 1867. Educated at CJolumbia. (Married.) Director Nassau Stamp Co. Connected with Engineering Bureau In Department ol Finance, City ol New Tork. NICHOLS, JOHN A.-Lawyer, 36 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 437 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Richmond County, N. T., August 28, 1831. Educated at a private school and at Newark (N. J.) Academy. Honorary degree ol A.M. conlerred by Kenyon College. (Married.) Was chairman ol the Republican County (Kings) Committee, 1881, quaran tine commissioner lor twelve years and president ol the Brooklyn Warehouse and Storage Co. until 1895. Member ol the firm ol Nichols & Bacon. Member Union League and Lawyers' Clubs, and Church Club ol the Diocese ol Long Island. NICHOLS, O. F.— Civil Engineer, 84 Broadway, Brooklyn; residence 42 Gates avenue. Born in New port, R. I., July 29, 1845. Educated at Rensselaer Poly technic Institute. (Married.) Chlel-englneer ol the Brooklyn Elevated Railroad, 1888-92, and general man ager and chief engineer of same, 1892-5. Now princi pal assistant engineer new East River Bridge; presi dent Department of Engineering, Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences. Member Railroad and Engineers' (secretary) Clubs, Church Club ol the Diocese ol Long Island, American Geographical Society (Fellow), American Society ol CivU Engineers, American Society ol Mechanical Engineers and Institution ol Civil En gineers. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 338 NICHOLS, STARR HOTT-Ret^ed 59 UbW'ty street. New Tork City; residence lJ^3West mh^street v,°[p" (?41W dower )•' V°ce-consul at Bremen, 1856- l^'wis^pastor congregational Church, ^M^sfield, Ohia New England Church, Chicago, Vme Street Con- fPt^°^^i^T'^-n^cT^\^^!rSe?ir^^^ ?imeteeitrcentury Clubs and Tale Alumni Associa- tion. NICHOLS, WILLIAM B.-Broker, 15 WaU street, Ne^ Tork city; residence 117 West 58th street and TT-n«!t Haddam Conn. Born m New Tork (Jity, Aug. ^7?186? FdTc'ated at Seabury Institute in Saybrook oAnn at Tale ('86), and studied abroad, 1896-8. (Mar rieS)'' Wais lounder and director East Hadd^ Pul3- Uc Library; first president of Connecticut Amateur Press Assm;'iation; editor of "The Favorite," and con tributor to various periodicals. Now vice-president and mrector New Tork Net and Twine Co.; _ trustee Columbia Trust Co. Member Lotos, LawyersS Delta Kap^ Epsilon and National Arts Clubs. Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, and Tale Alumni Associa tion. NICHOLS, WILLIAM H., Jr.— Mining Engineer, 11 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 304 Clinton ave nue Brooklyn. Bom Sept. 14, 1873. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Colunibia Uni-ver-- sity (Married.) Mining engineer Nichols Chemical Co. President San Carios Copper Co. Member Cres cent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, and American Insti tute of Mining Engineers. NICHOLS, WILLIAM S.— Broker, 36 Broad street, New Tork City; residence 369 Filth avenue. Director Herter Bros. Member New Tork Stock Exchange and ol the Union League Club, New England Society, Met ropolitan Museum ol Art and National Academy ol Design. NICHOLSON, JOHN B.— Builder, 644 Hudson street New Tork City; residence 311 West 89th street. Educated at Princeton. Member ol the firm ol Nich olson & Galloway. Member Princeton Club, General Society ol Mechanics and Tradesmen and Building Trades Association. NICOLL, BENJAMIN- Mining Engineer, 68 Wall street. New Tork City; residence Morristown, N. J. Educated at Princeton ('77). President and director Mount Pleasant Mining Co. Member University, Rac quet and Tennis, Meadow Brook Hunt and Princeton Clubs, Down Town Association and American Insti tute of Mining Engineers. NICOLL, DE LANCET- Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 123 East 38th street. Born in Bayside, Long Island, N. T., June 24, 1854. Edu cated at St. Paul's School, Princeton College ('74) and Columbia Law School ('76). (Married Maud ChurchUl.) Member of the firm of NlcoU, Anable & Lindsay. As sistant district attorney. New Tork County, 1885-7; district attorney, 1891-3. Member Constitutional Con vention of 1894. Member Tuxedo, Metropolitan, Union, Lawyers', University, Democratic, and Racquet and Tennis Clubs, Down Town Association and many others. NICOLL, HENRT DENTON— Physician, 51 East 57th street. New Tork City. Educated at Williams College. Member Mendelssohn Glee and City Clubs, Williams College Alumni and Century Associations, Presbyterian Union and Sons of the Revolution. NICOLL, JAMES CRAIGJ— Artist, 51 West Tenth street. New Tork City. Bora In New Tork City, Nov. 22, 1847. Educated at Quackenbos School. (Widower.) Was secretary of the International Jury of Awards on Paintings at World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Has exhibited at all the principal expositions and has been awarded many prizes. "Was one of the lounders, and lor ten years secretary, ol the American Water Color Society. Member New Tork Etching Club, National Academy ol Design (ex-secretary). Century Association, Artists' Aid (secretary) and Ar tists' Fund (ex-president) Societies and other organi zations. NICOLL, MATTHIAS— Marine Insurance, 61 Wall street, New Tork City; residence 119 West 48th street. Bom in Shelter Island, October, 1841. Educated at WUliams College ('61). (Widower.) Vice-president Keokuk and Hamilton Bridge Co.; auditor Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co.; trustee Atlantic Trust Co. Member University Club. NICOLL, WILLIAM C— Marine Underwriter, 62 New street New Tork City; residence Shelter Island, Suffolk County. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 26, 1829. Educated at New Tork University. (Married.) Pres ident and director Central Tunnel Co.; director Un derground R. R. Co. Member St. Nicholas Society. NICUM, JOHN— Educator and Lutheran Clergy man Rochester. Born In Wlnnenden, Germany, June 6 1851. (Son ol John and Margareth [Schaeler] Ni- cum ) Educated In Pennsylvania, at Miihlenberg College and at Philadelphia Theological Seminary (D.D., '93). (Married Josephine, daughter ol Rev. D. Tanner ol Tremont, Pa.) Held pastorates at Frack- ville. Pa., 1876-8, Prankford, Pa.. 1878-80, and at Syr acuse, N. T., 1880-7. Since 1887, pastor at St. John's Lutheran Church, Rochester; president of Wagner CoUege since 1894. Secretary and treasurer Oriental Industrial and Trading Co. Served as secretary ol the General Council of the Lutheran Church in North America 1886-97, and as president of the Board of Home Missions, Lutheran General Council, 1888-97. Author of "History of the New Tork Minlsterium," "Confessional History of the Lutheran Church in the United States," also of treatises on the laws ol the State ol New Tork relating to churches. Translated Woll's "The Lutherans In America." Frequent con tributor to religious journals. Member American So ciety ol Church History. NIBHAUS, CHARLES HENRT — Sculptor, 148 West 36th street. New Tork City; residence 32 West 112th street. Bom In Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 24, 1866. Educated in Cincinnati (Ohio) public schools. (Sin gle.) Member Players' and National Arts Clubs, Na tional Sculpture and Ohio Societies and Architectural League. NILBS, ARTHUR L.— Stock Broker, 35 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 315 West 80th street. Member ol the flrm ol L. H. Nlles & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Sons ol the Revolution. NILES, JOHN BARRON— Stock Broker, 66 Broad way, New Tork City; residence Bedlord Park. Born in Cohoes, N. T., 1866. (Single.) Member ol the firm of Nlles Brothers, members of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Republican, New Tork Athletic and Calumet Clubs, and Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on- Hudson. NILBS, LUCIEN H.— Stock Broker, 35 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 18 East 74th street. Educated at Brown. Member of the firm ol L. H. Nlles & Co., and ol the New Torlc Stock Exchange. Member Brown University Alumni Association. NILES, NATHANIEL— Lawyer, 140 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence Madison, N. J. Member Union League Club and New England and Authors' Societies. NILES, ROBERT L.— Stock Broker, 66 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Fordham Heights. Born In New Tork City, 1867. Educated at Stephens Institute. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol NUes Brothers, and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member New Tork Athletic and Republican Clubs, New Englaind Society and Society ol Colonial Wars. NILES, WILLIAM W.— Dentist, 172 Bast 116th street. New Tork City. Bora In Binghamton, N. T., 1868. Educated at New Tork and Baltimore Dental Colleges; degree ol D.D.S. (Married.) Associated with Dr. Ferdinand Hasbrouck, 1890-4; since 1894 In general practice ol dentistry. Member Harlem and Congregational Clubs, Odontologlcal and First 'Dis trict Dental Societies and Harlem Wheelmen. NILES, WILLIAM WATSON— Lawyer, 11 Wall street. New Tork City; residence Bedlord Park. Bom in West Fairlee, Vt, March 26, 1822. (Son ol Hon. Wil liam and Reliel [Barron] NUes.) Educated at Brad lord (Vt.) Academy, Newbury (Vt.) Seminary and Dartmouth College ('45); studied law and was ad mitted to the Bar in Indiana. Practicing in New Tork BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 339 City for almost fifty years. Member of the flrm ol Nlles & Johnson. Served as a member ol the New York State Assembly, and as a park commissioner ol the City ol New York. Member Calumet and Repub lican Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. NISBBT, JAMES DOUGLAS— Physician, 10 Bast 43d street. New York City. Born in Lancaster, S. C, June 30, 1861. Educated at Davidson CoUege ('81), Louisville Medical College ('86), and also studied in New York, Paris, Tubingen and Berlin. (Single.) Adjunct prolessor, diseases ol the digestive system. New York Polyclinic and Hospital. Author ol "Dis eases ol the Stomach." Member National Arts Club and National Sculpture and Southern Societies. NISBBT, JOHN L.— Investments, 36 Wall street. New York City; residence 20 Highland place, Yonkers. Born in St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 2, 1850. Educated at Princeton. (Married.) Was secretary West Shore R. R. Co., and secretary and treasurer New York, On tario and Western Ry. Co. Member Princeton Club. NITCHlfi, HENRY E.— Treasurer, 65 Downing street, Brooklyn. Bora in Brooklyn, 1858. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) Mem ber Brooklyn Whist and Hamilton Clubs. NITCHIE, JOHN E.-Archltect, 21 Park row. New York City; residence 65 Downing street, Brooklyn.' Born In Brooklyn, 1873. Educated at Cornell. (Sin gle.) Member Kings County Tennis and Brooklyn Skating Clubs and Brooklyn Oratorio Society. NIVEN, WILLIAM — Mineralogist 108 Fulton street. New York City; residence Bath Beach. Born In BellshlU, Scotland, Oct. 6, 1850. Educated in Scot land. (Married Nellie Blanche Purcell ol St. Louis, Mo., 1886.) Resident of the United States since 1879. Discovered the remains of a prehistoric city, hundreds ol square miles in extent. In the State ol Guerrero, Mexico, In 1891. Member New York Mineralogical So ciety, Scientific Alliance and American Museum ol Natural History. NIXON, LEWIS— Shipbuilder, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence 32 West 38th street. Bom in Leesburg, Va., 1861. Educated at United States Naval Academy, and ROyal Naval College, Englaind. (Mar ried SaJly Lewis Wood, 1891.) President New East River Bridge Commission, International Smokeless Powder and Dynamite Co.; vice-president New York Auto-Truck Co.; proprietor Crescent Shipyard, Eliza beth. N. J.; consulting naval architect. Cramp's Ship yard. While an officer in the United States Navy, de signed the battle ship Oregon. Member Union. Rich mond County Country, Press, New York Yacht, Atlan tic Yacht, Democratic and Seneca Clubs, Metropolitan and Army and Navy Clubs ol Washington, D. C, Rit tenhouse Club ol Philadelphia, American Geographi cal (PeUow) and Tammany Societies, Society ol Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (Fellow). Board ol Trade and Transportation and Chamber ol Commerce. NOBL;]^, ALFRED A.— Treasurer, 343 Broadway, New York City; residence 108 Montague street, Brook lyn. Born In Albany, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1860. Educated In •Albany public schools. (Married.) Treasurer Wm. Schwarzwaelder & Co. Member Brooklyn Republican Club, Commonwealth Lodge F. & A. M., Magnolia Lodge Odd Fellows, Brooklyn Councll No. 72, R. A.. Orient Chapter No. 138, R. A. M.. Logan Wheelmen and Royal Arcanum Aid Society. NOBLE, FRANCIS L.— Lawyer, 2 WaU street. New York City; residence 321 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. Member Crescent Athletic and Union League Clubs ol Brooklyn. NOBLE, HENRY HARMON— Albany; residence Essex. Born in Essex, May 9, 1861. Educated In pri vate schools In this country and England. (Married.) In office ol New York State Historian since August, 1895. Member Fort Orange Club, Society ol Coloniai Wars, Sons ol the Revolution, General Society ol the War ol 1812, New York Commandery, Military Order ol Foreign Wars ol the United States. Albany Insti tute Iroquois Lodge No. 715 (Master Mason), Cedar Point Lodge No. 259, R. A. M., and De Soto Comman dery No. 49, Knights Templar. NOBLE, HERBERT— Lawyer, 141 Broadway. New York City; residence 49 West 5'7th street. Born in Dorchester County, Md., March 7, 1867. Educated at St John's CoUege, Annapolis, Md. (B.A., '89), Univer sity ol Virginia and Columbia University tM.A.) and Law School (LL.B., '93). (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Noble & VlUard. Lecturer lor lour years on carriers, insurance and domestic relations at Co lumbia Law School. Member Lawyers' and Phi Delta Phi Clubs, Delaware, Maryland and Southern Socie ties and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. NOBLES, MILTON — Actor and Dramatist 139 First place, Brooklyn. Bora -in La Pierre County, Michigan, Sept. 28, 1847. Educated in Madison, Wis. (Married.) Made first appearance in the West, 1867. Played In support ol Edwin Forrest, Edwin Booth, Joseph Jefferson, Lawrence Barrett and others; began starring in plays written by himsell, 1875. Au thor ol "Shop Talk," "Under Martial Law," "A Man ol the People," "Love and Law," 'The Phoenix," "In terviews," "A Son ol Thespis," "For Revenue Only," "Love Goes on Forever," "From Sire to Son," "Bllge- vlUe Junction," "A Blue Grass Widow," "Why Walker ¦Relormed," "Belinda Bailey's Boarders" and other works. Member Players' and American Dramatists' Clubs ol New York City, and Actors' Order ol Friend ship. NOCK, T. G.— Physician and Surgeon, 211 West Embargo street, Rome. Born In Windsor Locks, Hart lord Co., Conn., Aug. 13, 1859. Educated at Rome (N. Y.) Academy, Wllliston Seminary, Bast Hampton, Mass., and Syracuse (N. Y.) CoUege ol Medicine. (Mair-- ried.) House surgeon New York Cancer HospitaJ, 1889. Coroner ol Oneida County since 1891; director First National Bank ol Rome. Member Rome Medi cal, and Oneida County Medical Societies. NOB, FREDERICK— Instmctor, Coraell Univer sity, Ithaca; residence 717 Eaist Buffalo street. De gree ol M.B. Instructor In mechanical engineering, Cornell University. NOONAN, THOMAS H.-Lawyer, 76 White Build ing, Buffalo; residence 3 Fargo avenue. Born In Fer- risburgh, Vt, Dec. 17, 1865. Educated at Middlebury (Vt.) College. (Single.) Buffalo attoraey lor Ameri can Hide and Leather Association ol Boston, Mass.; secretary Buffalo Society ol Vermonters. Member University, Independent and Acacia Clubs, and De Molay Lodge No. 498, F. & A. M. NORDLINGER, EDWIN H. -Coffees and Spices, 369 Washington street. New York City; residence 45 East 80th street. Born in New York City, Aug. 25, 1861. Educated In public schools and at College ol the City ol New York. (Married.) Member ol the firm of Henry Nordllnger & Co. Member Phi Beta Kappa Society, Harmonie Club, Verein Freundschalt and Alumni Association ol the College ol the City ol New York. NORMAN, CHARLES R.— Manager, 12 Broadway, New York City; residence 36 Lefferts place, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, Jan. 31, 1861. Educated In New York City and Philadelphia,, Pa. (Married.) Manager floating equipment of the Tide Water Oil Co.; director Maritime Association of the Port of New York. Was member of the Board of Port Wardens of PhUadelphia lor six years. Member De Witt Clinton Commandery, Knights Templar. NORMANN, MAX M.— Ship Broker, 4 Stone street. New York City; residence 220 Central Park, South, and Lake Hbpatoong, N. J. Born In Llllesand, Norway, Nov. 30, 1856. Educated in LiUesarid schools. (Mar ried.) Conducts business under the flrm name ol Benham & Boyesen. Member Produce and Maritime Exchanges and Lake Hopatcong Club. NORRIB, A. LANPEAR— Mining Engineer, .41 Wall street, New York City; residence 17 East 4ist street Vice-president and director Ohio Mining and Manulacturing Co.; director F. O. Norton Cement Co.; trustee Continental Trust Co. Member Metropolitan, Union and Tuxedo Clubs, Country (Jlub ol Westches ter, Down Town Association and American Institute ol Mining Engineers. 340 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. NORRIB, GORDON— Mining Engineer, 41 Wall street. New York City; residence 377 Filth avenue. Director F O. Norton Cement Co.; trustee Continental Tmst Co.. Member Metropolitan, Church, City and Union Clubs, Century and Down Town Associations, and MetropoUtan Museum ol Art NORRIB, VAN HORNE— Physician, 21 West 37th street New York City. Educated at Columbia ( 85). Member University Club and Columbia University Alumni and Century Associations. NORRIS, ALFRED L.— Broker, 35 Broad street New York Citv; residence 319 Carlton avenue, Brook lyn Bom In Brooklyn, Nov. 28, 1868. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Single.) Member ()1 the New York Stock Exchange firm ol James H. Oli phant & Co. Member Racquet and Tennis Club, Ex celsior, Hamilton, Crescent Athletic and Dyker Mea dow Goll Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Garden City Goll Club. NORRIS, CHARLES— Physician and Instructor, 23 Bast 39th street. New York City. Educated at Yale ('88). Degree ol M.D. Instructor In pathology ol In- lectious diseases, Cornell University Medical CoUege, New York City. Member University Club and Yale Alumni Association. NORRIS, HENRY D.— Vice-President 34 Prince street Brooklyn; residence 16 West 74th street. New York City. Born and educated In New York City. Vice-president and director Thompson & Norris Co.; director Manhansett Improvement Co. Member Co- 'lonlal Club, and Marine and p'ield Club ol Brooklyn. NORRIS, HENRY HUTCHINSON — Instructor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 314 West Green street. Degree ol M.E. Instructor In electrical engi neering at Cornell University. NORRIS, HENRY SELDEN— Physician, 123 West 34th street. New York City. Bora in Brooklyn, N. Y. (Single.) Member St. Nicholas, Richmond HiU Goll and Union Clubs, St. Nicholas Society, Century Asso ciation and Colonial Order. NORRIS, LUTHER W. P.— Piano Manulacturer, 650 West 23d street. New York City; residence Hobart avenue. Summit, N. J. Born in Rhinebeck, N. Y., June 3, 1861. Educated In Rhinebeck. (Married.) President and director Llndeman & Sons Piano Co. NORTH, CHARLES J. — Retired, 683 EUicott square, Buffalo; residence 51 Johnson Park. Born in CJhazy, Clinton Co., N. Y., May 13, 1847. Educated In public schools. (Married.) Member Buffalo, Oaikfield (treasurer) and Buffalo Yacht Clubs, Buffalo Histori cal (treasurer) Society, Society ol Mayfiower Descend ants, Buffalo Republican League and Sons ol the American Revolution. NORTH, EDWARD— Prolessor, Clinton. Bora in Berlin, Conn., March 9, 1820. Educated at Hamilton College ('41). Degrees ol L.H.D. Irom the Regents ol the University ol the State ol New York in 1869, amd LL.D. Irom Madison University In 1887. (Married Mary Frances, only daughter ol Hon. S. Newton Dex ter ol Whitesboro, N. Y., 1844.) Prolessor ol Greek language and literature at Hamilton College since 1843; also a trustee and a member ol Its executive committee. Editor ol "Alumniana" In the "Hamilton Monthly" since 1856. Member Hamilton College Alum ni, American Philosophical and American Philological Associations and New York Historical and Oneida Historical Societies. NORTH, EDWARD P.— Civil Engineer, 220 West 57th street. New York City; residence 243 West 99th street. Member Engineers'. Union League and Re publican Clubs and American Society ol ClvU Engi neers. NORTH. FRANK MASON— Clergyman. Secretary and Editor, 150 Filth avenue. New York City; resi dence 121 West 122d street. Born in New York City, Dec. 3, 1860. Educated in private schools in New York City and at Wesleyan University. (Married.) Trus tee Wesleyan University: member ol board ol man agers Methodist Episcopal Missionary Society; presi dent Open and Institutional Church League; corres ponding ^cretary National City Evangelization Union and New York City Church Extension and Missionary Society. Member Tsvlllght Club, Wesleyan University Alumni and Aldine Associations and Methodist Social Union. NORTH. JAMES HARPER— Surgeon. 23 East 64th street. New York City. Educated at Columbia. For merly connected In a surgical capacity with the United States Na-vy. Member Army and Navy, New York Athletic and Union Clubs and Columbia University Alumni Association. NORTH, THOMAS M.— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 160 Central Park, South. Bom In Ellington, Conn., Aug. 14, 1825. Educated at Yale knd Williams CoUeges. (Married.) Attorney lor Hudson River R. R. Co., 1850-67; member ol the firms ol Bangs, Sedgwick & North, and Bangs & North tlU 1875, North, Ward & Wagstaff. 1875-96; retired Irom active business, 1896. Member Union League Club, Yale Alumni, Williams Alumni, Phi Beta Kappa Alumni and Century Associations and Association ol the Bar of the City of New York. NORTHROP, AARON L.— Surgeon Dentist, 57 West 49th street. New Tork City. Degree of D.D.S. Member Union League, New- Tork Athletic, Lotos and Transportation Clubs and New England Society. NORTHROP, CHARLES P.-Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 39 Bast 60th street. Bora In Canandaigua, N. T. (Mairried.) Member As sociation ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. NORTHRUP, ANSEL JUDD— Lawyer and Author, S. A. and K. Block, Syracuse; residence 207 Green street. Born In Madison County, N. T., June 30, 1833. (Son ol Rensselaer and Clarissa [Judd] Northrup.) Educated at Hamilton College (A.M. and LL.D.) and at Columbia College Law School; admitted to the Bar In 1869, and has since practiced in Syracuse. (Married Eliza S., daughter ol Thomas B. Fitch of Syracuse.) Senior member of the firm of Northrup & Northrup. Circuit Court commissioner, 1870-97; Onondaga County Judge, 1882-94; commissioner to General Assembly ol the Presbyterian Church, Saratoga, 1890; United States Commissioner ol Statutory Revision, State ol New Tork, since June, 1897. Trustee Syraicuse Savings Bank and Oakwood Cemetery. Author ol "Camps and Tramps in the Adirondacks, and Grayling Fishing in Northern Michigan," "The Powers and Duties ol El ders in the Presbyterian Church," "Northrup Gen ealogy," "Slavery in New Tork— A Historical Sketch" and others. Member University, Citizens' and Fort nightly Clubs and Onondaga Historicail and Ononda-ga Bar Associations, in several ol which he is trustee. NORTHRUP, CLARK SUTHERLAND— Instruc tor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 404 Eddy street. Degrees ol A.B. and Ph.D. Instractor in Eng lish at Cornell University. NORTHRUP, WILLIAM P.— Physician, 67 East 79th street, New Tork City. Born in New Tork State. Educated at Hamilton College and New Tork College ol Physicians and Surgeons. (Married.) Prolessor ol diseases ol children. University and Bellevue Hospi tal Medical College. Member Barnard Club, Academy ol Medicine, New Tork State Medical Society, Century Association and Association ol American Physicians. NORTON, ALGERNON S.-Lawyer, 266 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 47 Ludlow street, Ton kers. Born in Homer. N. T. Educated at Cornell ( 86). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Bookstaver & Norton. Member Cornell, Psi Upsilon and Phi Delta Phi Clubs. NORTON, ARTHUR B.— Oculist and Aurist, 16 West 45th street. New Tork City. Born in New Marl boro, Mass., Sept. 16, 1856. Educated at New Marlboro Academy, Great Barrington High School, New Tork Homeopathic Medical College ('81) and College ol the New Tork Ophthalmic Hospital ('82); degree ol M.D. (Married.) Prolessor ol ophthalmology and surgeon New Tork Ophthalmic Hospital; ophthalmic surgeon Laura Franklin Hospital; editor "Homeopathic Eye, Ear and Throat Journal." Author ol "Ophthalmic Diseases and Therapeutics." Member Meissen, Unan imous, Republican and Twilight Clubs, New Tork (Jounty Homeopathic, New Tork State Homeopathic, American Homeopathic Ophthalmological Otological BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 341 and Laryngological, British Homeopathic (correspond ing member), Connecticut State Homeopathic (honor ary member), Albany County Homeopathic and New Tork Paedological Societies, American Institute (first vice-president). National Society ol Electro-Thera peutics, Halmemann Association and Academy ol Pathological Science, in many ol which he has been president. NORTON, BEN.TAMIN— Railroad President 38 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 263 West End avenue. Bora in Erie, Pa., Dec. 18, 1855. Educated at WiUiams CoUege ('76). (Married.) President Atlauitlc -Avenue R. R. Co. ol Brooklyn; vice-president and general manager Long Island R. R. Co. ; general man ager Ohio Southern R. R. Co. Member University Club and Williams College Alumni Association. NORTON, CHARLES LEDTARD— Author and Journalist, University Club, New Tork City. Born in Farmington, Conn., June 11, 1837. Educated at Tale ('69). (Widower.) Served with Volunteers during Civil War and advanced to the rank ol colonel. Edited lor many years "Christian Union" (now "The Out look"), "Our Continent" and "Outing." Author ol "A Handbook ol Florida," "Political Americanisms," "A Medal ol Honor Man," "A Soldier ol the Legion," "The Queen's Rangers" and other works. Member Univer sity, Authors', Canoe and Quill Clubs and Military Order ol the Loj'al Legion. NORTON, EDWARD L-— Broker, 14 Wall street. New -york City; residence 256 West 74th street. Bora in San Antonio, Tex., Oct. 7, 1862. Educated in Beth lehem, Pa. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Henry Allen & Co., and ol the New York Stock, Produce and Cotton Exchanges and Chicago Board ol Trade. Member New York and Racquet and Tennis Clubs and Society ol Colonial Wars. NORTON, EDWARD N^- Broker, 115 Produce Ex change, New York City; residence Greenwich, Conn. Member ol the firm ol Norton & Son. Member Atlan tic Tacht and Union League Clubs, Crescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn, Down Town Asso ciation and Lalayette Post, G. A. R. NORTON, ELIOT— Lawyer, 100 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 468 Lexington avenue. Bora in Cambridge, Mass., July 1, 1863. Educated at Harvard CoUege ('85) and Harvard Law School. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Van Schaick, Norton & Quinby. Director Duplex Match Co. and other corporations. Member University, New Tork Athletic and Grolier (Jlubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. NORTON, EVERMONT HOPE — Banker and Broker, 33 WaU street. New Tork City; residence 165 West 58th street Born in Louisville, Ky., Oct. 10, 1873. (Son ol Presley Evermont and Llllle [Hope] Norton.) Educated at the University ol Virginia. (Married Lily Morrison Carr ol St. Louis, Mo., 1899.) Senior member ol the firm ol E. H. Norton & Co., and member ol the New Tork Stock and Cotton Exchanges. President and director Ecuador Development Co.; vice-president and director American Zinc Mining Co. ; director Guayaquil and Quito R. R. Co. Member New Tork Athletic, Lawyers', Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht, Atlantic Tacht and Riverside Tacht Clubs. NORTON, PORTER— Lawyer, 864 EUicott square, Buffalo. Member Buffalo, Liberal, Thursday and Country Clubs, Society ol Colonial Wars, and Sons ol the American Revolution. NORWOOD, CARLISLE — Lawyer, 31 Nassau street, New Tork City; residence 3 East 60th street. Member ol the flrm ol Norwood & DlUey. Director Brearly School (Ltd.) and Lawyers' Surety Co. Mem ber Union League, Church, Riding and Metropolitan Clubs, St. Nicholas Society, Down Town Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. NORWOOD, LEWIS MORRIS— Real Estate, 135 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 1043 Madison avenue. Director New Tork City Marble Cemetery. Member City, New Tork Athletic and Lawyers' Clubs, St. Nicholas Society, Society ol Colonial Wars and Sons ol the Revolution. NOSTRAND, JOHN LOTT— Lawyer, Cropsey and Twentieth avenues, Brooklyn; residence 215 Montague street. Born In New Utrecht, N. T., March 2, 1856. (Son ol Timothy and Catharine [Lott] Nostrand.) Educated in private and public schools and at Rut gers College. Practicing law in Brooklyn since his admission to the Bar in 1879. Delegate to Constitu tional Convention, New Tork State, 1894. Formerly city magistrate and school trustee. Director Norton Point Land Co. Member Brooklyn, Atlantic Taicht, and Marine and Field Clubs. NOSTRAND, PETER ELBERT- Civil Engineer and City Surveyor, 81 Fulton street, New Tork City; residence 25 Palmetto street, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, Jan. 16, 1866. Educated in Brooklyn public schools and at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute (B.S., '76). (Married.) Assistant engineer in designing plans and location ol the Brooklyn Elevated Railway, 1876- 80; director Brooklyn Elevated Ry. Co., 1879-80; as su perintending engineer, laid out and supervised the first work ol construction ol Cape Cod (Mass.) Ship Canal, 1880; examined several Mexican mines and engaged In other mining engineering, 1885; assistant chiel engi neer ol the Ramapo Water Co., 1887-90; chiel engineer ol the same company since 1890. Chiel engineer lor contractors, J. D. & T. E. Crlmmlns, during construc tion ol Third avenue cable roads and Broadway cable roads In New Tork City, 1891-3. As consulting engi neer -and city surveyor has advised regarding charac ter ol loundations and proper lorm ol construction, or has located many ol the largest buildings In New Tork City, among others, the Columbia University buildings. Cathedral ol St. John the Divine, and the Ehnpire Building. Member -American Society ol Civil Engi neers. NOTMAN, GRANT— Lawyer, 64 Wall street, New Tork City; residence 149 Joralemon street, Brooklyn. Member ol the flrm ol Butler, Notman, Joline & Myn derse. Member Crescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation. NOTMAN, JOHN— Lawyer, 54 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 136 Joralemon street, Brooklyn. Member ol the flrm ol Butler, Notman. Joline & Myn derse. Director American and Foreign Marine Insur ance Co., Commercial Union Fire Insurance Co.. Magdeburg Fire Insurance Co. ol New Tork, Niagara Fire Insurance Co. and Sanborn-Perrls Map and Pub lishing Co. Member Metropolitan. Lawyers' and Tux edo Clubs, Crescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs of Brooklyn, American Geographical Society. Down Town Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. NOTT, CHARLES COOPER, Jr.— Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New Tork (Jlty; residence 49 East 60th street. Educated at Williams College ('90). Member University Ciub. Williams College Alumni AsscKilatlon and Association ol the Bar ol the CJity ol New Tork. NOTT. CHAJILES DE KAT— Clergyman. Under- cllff avenue, Morris Heights, New Tork City. Born in Albany, N. T., 1833. Educated at Union College and at New Brunswick (N. J.) Theological Seminary (D.D.). Member Quill Club. NOTT, FREDERICK J.— Physician. 564 Madison avenue. New Tork City; residence 29 East 65th street. Born In Kennebunkport, Me. Educated at University ol Rochester (A.B., '74, and A.M.) and New Tork Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital (M.D.). (Married.) Trustee New Tork Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital. Lile member University Club and member New Tork Athletic, Psi Upsilon and Men delssohn Glee Clubs, Sclenldflc Alliance. Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. NOURSE, CHARLES J., Jr.— Mining, 27 WUllam street. New Tork City; residence 245 Lexington ave nue. Secretary, treasurer and director Alvarez Land and Timber Co.. Fresnillo Mining Co.. Potosi and Rio Verde Ry. Co. and Sombrerete Mining Co.; treasurer and director Potosi and Rio Verde Construction Co. Member St. Nicholas and Church Clubs. Century As sociation and Sons ol the Revolution. NOTES, ALEXANDER DANA— Journalist, 206 .Broadway, New Tork City; residence Montciair, N. J. 342 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Born In Montciair, Dec. 14, 1862. Educated at Am herst College (A.B. and jV.M.). Financial editor Ne-w Tork "Evening Post." Author ol "Thirty Tears ol American Finance." Frequent contributor to financial publications. NOTES, CHARLES P.— Banker and Broker, 66 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 7 Park avenue. Member ol the New Tork Stock Exchange firm ol J. M. Noyes & Co.. Member New Tork Tacht, New Tork Athletic and Calumet Clubs and Sons ol the Revolu tion. NOTES, CHARLES S.-Lawyer, 249 "vS^'est 104th street. New Tork City. Bora in Brooklyn, N. T.. Nov. 8, 1858. Educated In Adelphi Academy, in private schools ol Orange and Montciair, N. J., and at Am herst College and Columbia Law School. (Married.) Examining counsel Lawyers' Title Insurance Co. Member Congregational Club, Amherst College Alum ni Association and Oratorio Society. NOTES, FREDERIC W. — Lawyer, DansvlUe. Born In Dansville, June 7. 1852. Educated at Cornell. (Mar ried.) Was district attorney ol Livingston County, N. T. President Geo. Sweet Ml'g Co. ol North Dans ville; director Citizens' Bank. Member Genesee Val ley and Whist Clubs ol Rochester. NOTES, HENRT DRURT— Physician, 233 Madison avenue, New Tork City. Born in New Tork City, 1832. Educated at New Tork University (A.B., '61 and A.M., '54) and at the CoUege ol Physicians and Surgeons ol Columbia University (M.D., '59). (Married.) Proles sor ol ophthalmology. University and Bellevue Hos pital Medical College; surgeon New Tork Eye and Ear Infirmary. Member Ophthalmological Society (ex-presldent). New Tork Academy ol Medicine (ex- -vice-president). Nineteenth Century Club, New Eng land Society and Century Association. NOTES, HENRT P.— Dry Goods Commission Mer chant, 19 Thomas street. New Tork City; residence 90 Remsen street, Brooklyn. Member ol the firm ol Noyes, Bausher & Gerrish. Director Home Insurance Co.; trustee Brooklyn Savings Bank. Member New Tork Tacht, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht and Mer chants' Clubs, and Riding and Driving, Hamilton and Marine and Field Clubs of Brooklyn. NOTES, HENRT T. (General) — 283 Alexander street, Rochester. Member Metropolitan, New Tork Tacht and Army and Navy Clubs of New Tork City, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion and Military Ser vice Institution. NOTES, JAMES W.— Investment Securities, 96 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 48 West 89th street. Born In New Tork City, June 8, 1844. Edu cated at Mount Pleasant Military Academy, Sing Sing N. T., and New Tork University. (Married.) Member New Tork Bible Society. NOTES, JOHN B. (Colon*;!)— Storage, 68 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 61 Strong place. Brooklyn. Bom In Petersham, Mass., March 2, 1838. Educated at Harvard ('58). (Single.) Member New Tork Produce and Maritime Exchanges. Director Hanover Insurance Co.; also connected with the Brooklyn Wharl and Warehouse Co. Member Har vard Club and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. NOTES, THEODORE RICHARDS — President, Kenwood, Madison County. Born in Putney, Vt, July 26, 1841. (Eldest son ol John Humphrey Noyes, lounder ol Oneida Community, who died in 1886.) Educated at Oneida Community and at Tale Medical School (M.D., '67). Has been a member ol the, Oneida Com munity all his lile; was instrumental in ite "conversion to a joint stock company In 1880, and has been Its president since 1895. NUGENT, JOHN S.— Retired, 71 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 97 Hancock street, Brooklyn- Born In Canada, Aug. 11, 1860. Educated In Canada. (Married.) President Automatic Coaling and Weigh ing Barge Co.; vice-president National Folding Box and Paper Co. Ex-treasurer American Union Lile In surance Co. and lormerly director in several banks. Member Union League Club ol Brooklyn (ex-treas urer). NUNAN, DENIS— Hardware Merchant, 27 Park row. New Tork City; residence 1 West 30th street. Secretary and director Patterson Brothers. NUTTING, ANDREW H.— Clothing Merchant, 386 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence 149 South Oxlord street. Member ol the firm ol Andrew J. Nutting & Co. Member Crescent Athletic and Oxlord Clubs. NUTTING, ANDREW J.— Clothing Merchant, 386 Fulton street, Brooklyn; residence 149 South Oxlord street. Senior member ol the firm ol Andrew J. Nut ting & Co. Director. New Tork Horse Show Associa tion. Member Crescent Athletic and Oxlord Clubs. Manhattan, Riding and Driving, and Tandem Clubs of New Tork City, land Staten Island Polo Club. NUTTING, LUCIUS H.— Railroad Agent, 349 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 112 Bast 17th street. Educated at the College ol the City ol New Tork. (Married.) Eastern passenger agent Southera Pacific Co.; secretary and director Ocean Time Table Distributing Co. Member Alpha Delta Phi Club. NTB, GEORGE H.— Banker and Manulacturer. Auburn. Born In Auburn, Dec. 2, 1854. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy. (Married.) President Nye & Wait Carpet Co., and Cayuga County National Bank; trustee Auburn Savings Bank. Member Re form Club of New Tork City, Laurentian Club of Can ada, and Auburn City Club (president). NTB, THEODORE SEDGWICK — Lawyer, 97 Cedar street. New York City; residence 257 Degraw street, Brooklyn. Member Sixth Ward Democratic Reform and Democratic Clubs of Brooklyn, and Ohio and Southern Societies. o OAKES, CHARLES- Lawyer, 11 Pine street. New York City; residence 108 West 44th street. Member Harvard and City Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. OAKES, FRANCIS J.— Manulacturer ol Extracts. 68 Stone street, New York City; residence 242 West 73d street. President and director Oakes Ml'g Co.; direc tor Norwood Insurance Co. Member New York Ath letic Club, Scientific Alliance, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Lalayette Post. G. A. R. OAKES. THOMAS FLETCHER- Retired Railroad President 7 Waill street New York City; residence Mamaironeck. Born In Boston. Mass., July 15, 1843. Educated In Boston. (Married.) Director Manhattan Life Insurance Co. of New York. Member Union League, New York Yacht and Metropolitan Clubs amd American Geographical Society. OAKLEY, HENRY AUGUSTUS — Insurance, 66 WaU street. New York City; residence 120 West 13th street. Born In New York City, 1827. Educated in common schools. (Married Helen L. Clark of New York City.) Served with 22d New York Regiment during Civil -War. Vice-president and president of the Howard Insurance Co., 1866-97; president National Board of Flre Underwriters, 1870-6. Author of a course of reading for member of the Mercantile Li brary Association; also of numerous magaizine articles. Member Nineteenth Century, Players' and Church Clubs, American Geographical Society and Century Association. OAKLEY, H. CRUGER— Broker, 62 Broadway, New York City; residence 166 West 66th street. Born in New York City,' Aug. 17, 1837. (Single.) Member of the firm of Prince & "V^'^hitely, and of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Metropolitan, Union, New York Yacht, Knickerbocker, Larchmont Yacht, Sea wanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and City Clubs. OAKLEY, JOHN GREENLEAF— Clergyman, 150 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence Tarrytown. Born In Verbank, N. Y., May 17, 1843. Educated at University of New York. (Married.) Has traveled extensively in America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Ly ceum lecturer for twenty years. Member QuiU Club. OAKLEY, JOHN T.— CouncUman, 8 City Hall, and Liquors 225 Avenue A, New York City; residence 442 East 14th street. Born In New York City, 1863. Educated in public schools and at the College of the City of New York. (Married.) Index clerk In the Register's Office, 1885-7; deputy collector of Internal revenue for the Second District, 1887-9; clerk In the Department of Street Cleaning, 1890-2; represented the Tenth Assembly District on the Board ol Alder men, 1892-7. Now representing the First District in the City Council since 1898, and Is vice-chalrmam ol the Board. OAKM-\N, WALTER G.— Banker, 65 Cedar street New York City; residence 12 East 53d street. Edu cated at University ol Pennsylvania ('64). (Married.) President and trustee Guaranty Trust Co. ol New York; vice-president and director Jefferson and Clear field Coal and Iron Co.; member ol advisory commit tee Audit Co. ol New York; director Alabama Great Southern R. R. Co., Brooklyn Wharf and Warehouse Co., Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg Ry. Co., Kings County and Fulton Elevated R. R. Co., Long Island R. R. Co., Morristown (N. J.) Tmst Co., Morton Trust Co., Mount Pleasant Coal Co., New York and Rock away Beach Ry. Co., Northern Pacific Ry. Co., Rey noldsviUe arid Fall Creek R. R. Co. and Staten Island Electric R. R. Co. Member Metropolitan, Union, Uni versity and CJhurch Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley- on-Hudson, and Century and Down Town Associa tions. OBERLY, JOHN L.— Publisher and Stationer, 660 Pearl street. New York City; residence Hotel Nether land. Born In Easton, Pa., May 20, 1846. Educated at Yale. (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol Oberiy & Newell; also connected with "Modes and Fabrics" Publishing Co. Member Arkwright Club and Yale University Alumni Association. OBERMAYER, CHARLES J.— Real Estate and Banking, 175 Broadway, New York City; residence 502 Eighth avenue, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, Nov. 8, 1869. Educated in New York City. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol W. E. Sabln & Co. President and trustee Greater New York Savings Bank; secre tary, treasurer and director German-American Real Estate Title Guarantee Co. Member New York Press and Brooklyn Bicycle Clubs. OBERMEYER, JOSEPH — Photo-Ehgraver, 162 Leonard street. New York City; residence 40 West 36th street. Member Relorm, Good Government A, Harmonie and Camera Clubs and Metropolitan Mu seum ol Art. O'BRIAN, JOHN LORD— Lawyer, 706 Mooney- Brisbane Building, Buffalo; residence 56 Cleveland avenue. Born In Buffalo, Oct. 14, 1874. Educated at Harvard ('96). (Single.) Junior member ol the firm ol Seaver & Jenkins. Member Liberal and University Clubs and Delta Upsilon and Phi Delta Phi Frater nities. O'BRIEN, DAVID— Superintendent, 280 Broadway, New York City; residence 146 West 88th street. Born in New York City, 1842. Educated In public schools. Engaged In meat business in Washington Market lor over thirty years, and was lor many years president ol the West Washington Market Association. Now collector ol city revenue and superintendent ol mar kets ol the City ol New Y'ork. O'BRIEN, DENIS- Associate Justice ol the Court ol Appeals, Albany: residence Watertown. Bom In Ogdensburg, N. Y., March, 1837. Educated in Ogdens burg; studied law and was admitted to the Bar In 1861. Mayor ol Watertown, 1878-9; Attorney-General ol New York State, 1884-8. Judge ol the Court of Appeals ol New York since 1889; term expires Dec. 31, 1903. O'BRIEN, EDWARD C— Transportation, 62 Broadway, New York City; residence 2 West 43d street. Born In Fort Edward, Washington Co., N. Y. Educated In public schools and at Granville Mllitairy Academy, Irom which he graduated In 1880. Resided in Plattsburgh lor a number ol years and engaiged In fiour commission business. Became Interested In ship ping and transportation and was chairman ol the In ternational Deep. Waterways Convention held at Cleveland, Ohio, in September, 1896. Served as United States Commissioner ol Navigation by appointment ol President Harrison, 1889-93. Accepted the position ol Commissary-General of Subsistence, with the rank ol brigadier-general, on the staff ol Governor Morton In 1894, but resigned alter three months' service to ac cept the office ol commissioner ol docks ol the City ol New York, ol which he was elected president and twice re-elected. Organized the International Ex press Co. and Pan-American Express Co., and is now president and general manager ol both companies. Member Union I..eague, Republican and Lotos Clubs. Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, Maritime Asso ciation and Board ol Trade and Transportation. O'BRIEN. EDWARD D.-Lawyer, 220 Broadway. New York City; residence 71 West 55th street. Mem ber Democratic, New York Athletic and Manhattam Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. O'BRIEN, JOHN— Banker and Broker, 58 Wall street, New York City; residence 145 Madison avenue. 344 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. street. New York City; residence 145 Madison avenue. Member New York Stock Exchange and ol the Metro- sign. O'BRIEN, JOSEPH— Banker and Broker, 58 WaU street. New York City: residence 26 West 35th street. Member New York Stock Exchange and ol the Cath olic and Manhattan Clubs, and Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn. O'BRIEN, MICHAEL J.— Transportation, 12 West 23d street. New York City; residence 524 Fifth avenue. Born in Baltimore, Md., Sept. 15, 1838. Educated in Baltimore. President and director Southern Express Co. Member Metropolitan, Manhattan, Catljolic, Rac quet and Tennis and New York Yacht Clubs. O'BRIEN, MILES M.— Dry Goods Merchant, 224 Church street. New York City; residence 320 West 89th street. Bora in Newcastle West, County Limerick, Ireland, 1845. Became a resident of the United States in 1864. General salesman with the H. B. Claflin Co., with which he has been connected since 1866. Was ap pointed a member of the School Board of the City of New York by Mayor Grace In 1885, and served con secutively during the administrations of his successors. Mayors Hewitt, Grant and Gllroy. Was re-appolnted by Mayor Van Wyck early in 1898, and, on May 19, 1900, was elected president of the new School Board ol the Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx to suc ceed Joseph J. Little, resigned. By virtue of this of fice, is president Central Board of Education and chairman boards of tmstees of the College of the City of New York, and of the Normal College. "Was Instru mental In securing the introduction of the free lecture system In the pubUc schools in 1887. Member New York Athletic, Lotos, Wool and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs. O'BRIEN, MORGAN JOSEPH— Supreme Court Justice. Madison square. East, New York City; resi dence 729 Park avenue. Born in New York City, April 28, 1852. (Son of Morgan and Mary [Burke] O'Brien ) Educated at St. John's CoUege, Fordham (A.B. and LL.B.), St. Francis Xavier CoUege (A.M.) and at Co lumbia CoUege Law School (LL.B.). Practicing in New York City since his admission to the Bar in 1875. Served as school trustee and as corporation counsel before his appointment to the Bench. Su preme Court Justice, Trial Division, 1888-96; Appellate Division since 1896; term expires Dec. 31 1901. Mem ber Catholic, New York Athletic, New York Yacht Suburban Riding and Driving, Manhattan and Lotos Clubs, Aldine Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. OCHS, ADOLPH S.— Publisher, 41 Park row. New York City; residence 70th street and Broadway. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, March 12, 1858. Received a com mon school education In KnoxvUle, Tenn. (Married Effie Miriam, daughter of Rev. Isaac M. Wise of Cin cinnati, 1883.) Newsboy, 1869; "printer's devU" on ^^"^¦^iJi^ "Chronicle," 1873-4; printer on LouisvUle, (Ky.) Courier-Journal," 1876. Proprietor of the Chat tanooga (Tenn.) "Times" since 1878; publisher and ,Top i?"'^..°'^."^'' 2^ ^^^ "New York Times" since 1896. President and director Tradesman Publishing Co. of Chattanooga, Tenn. Member Lawyers' and Hardware Clubs. O'CONNELL, DANIEL— Lawyer, 220 Broadway New York City ; residence 240 West 102d strlet Born \fn ^"^^ePort, Conn., Oct. 31, 1856. Educated In pub lic schools and Toronto, Can. (Married.) Formerly Assistant United States District Attoraey Southern District of New York. Member Demo/r'atTc Club Tammany Society, State Bar Association and Associa tion of the Bar of the City of New York. associa O'CONNELL, JOHN— Dry Goods Merchant rr Leonard street. New York City- residence 4? w.f? End avenue Educated at Cooperllnfon 'Membei' Catho 10 and Arkwright Clubs, Friendly Sons o? St Patrick and Cooper Union Aluriinl Association O'CONNOR, ARTHUR V.-Archltect 160 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 240 slst' 40th street Born in New York City, Feb 14 1875 w'^;„r„; j : S',L'^'$iiL;s^£^"-^^-i"^"^'^''^'^r O'CONNOR, BERNARD FRANCIS— Railroads. 69 Broad street. New York City; residence Manhasset, L. I. Educated at Johns Hopkins University (Ph.D.) Professor of the Romance languages at Columbia Uni versity In the City of New York, 1883-93. President and director New York Underground R. R. Co.; vice- president and director Wilmington Street Ry. Co. Member New York Athletic and Authors' Clubs and Johns Hopkins Alumni Association. O'CONNOR, EUGENE P.- Lawyer, 178 Broadway, New York City; residence 428 Clermont avenue, Brook lyn. Born in Brooklyn, Nov. 10, 1844. Educated in Brooklyn public schools, at St. Francis Xavier Col lege and at New York University Law School. (Mar ried.) Served during Civil War; was with Banks' Louisiana Expedition, In Port Hudson, Teche and Red River campaigns with Army of the Potomac, and with Gen. Sheridan In Shenandoah Valley; promoted to a captaincy; wounded at Cedar Creek; discharged Dec. 21, 1864, for wounds received in battle. Alter the war was engaged in construction department ol Union Pacific Railway Co.; was Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Utah agent lor several years; New York State senator, 1887-8; Republican candidate lor secretary ol state, 1891. Incorporator and ex-trustee Kings County Trust Co.; trustee Hamilton Trust Co. Member Columbian Catholic (president), Oxlord and Union League Clubs ol Brooklyn. O'CONNOR, JOHN H.-Physician, 150 West 16th .street, New York City. Member Catholic Club, Medi cal Society ol the County ol New York and Univer sity ol New York Alumni Association. O'CONNOR, J O S E P H— Journalist, 146 Frank street, Rochester. Born in Tribes Hill, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1841. Educated at the University ol Rochester. (Married.) Editorial writer on Rochester "Post-Ex press." Has been editorial writer lor New York "World," and editor-in-chlel of Rochester "Demo crat," Indianapolis "Sentinel" and Buffalo "Courier." Member Genesee VaUey Club, Authors' Club of New York City, and American Association for the Advance ment of Science. O'CONNOR, MICHAEL P.— Lawyer, 41 Park row. New York City; residence 127 West 97th street. Born in Columbia, S. C, Oct. 4, 1865. Educated at College ol Charleston, S. C. (Single.) O'CONNOR, THOMAS D. — Manulacturer, 102 Chambers street. New York City; residence 12 East 44th street. Educated at Columbia. Secretary and director P. S. Hutchinson Co. and H. V. Keep Shirt Co. Member Psi Upsilon Club, New York Mineralogi cal Society, Scientific Alliance and Columbia Univer sity Alumni Association. O'CONOR, JOHN C.-Lawyer, 62 Wall street. New York (Jlty; residence 24 East 33d street. Educated at Columbia. Member Union League, University Ath letic and Church Clubs, Society ol Colonial Wars, Co lumbia University Alumni and Down Town Associa- York Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New rofZ?P^P^^' "^°^^ FRANCIS XAVIBR-Roman Catholic Clergyman, 30 West 16th street. New York oV a; ^°™ .I'l New York City, Aug. 1, 1862. Educated wr,! Vt i'^"'''-®. Xavier College ('72) and at Johns Hop kins University; also studied in England and Belgium. tlT^% ^ member ol the Society ol Jesus In 1872 and -was ordained priest in 1885. Now prolessor ol rheto- JZP' * "'°'" °^^^^ ^^^ prolessor ol literature in post graduate course at St. Francis Xavier College. Au- ^-^'".^ °'..^^°"1?*^'"^ *° Read," "Reading £id the ^P^^Pn^I^^^'"".? ,?* Humility" "Three Holy Lives,'' Two Captives," "History ol the Early Jesuit Mis- •'iT if ^';%^""?^ ?.t^t««'" "Rhetoric Ld Oratory/' Llle ol St. Ignatius," "Lile ol St. Aloysius," "Sacred Scenes and Mysteries" and many other works. V ?'"SA^' DANIEL— Capitalist, 26 Broadway New York City; residence 128 West 72d street Born In ^PlfP^' P^P ^'^^*"- Educated in Buff^o (NY." fs^K^nrb""'^- ^^""^ to Pennsylvania oil regions In 1866 and became connected with the oil transnortatiori business. President and director Buffalo Natur^ois Co., Buffalo General Electric Co.. Northwettern OWo Natural Gas Co. and People's Bank oFBuff alo- dl^ei- tor Buffalo, Bellevue and Lancaster Ry Co Buffllo BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 345 Gas Co., Buffalo Loan, Trust and Sale Deposit Co., Buffalo, Thousand Islands and Portland R. R. Co., Crosstown Street Ry. Co., International Steam Pump Co., Lanyon Zinc Co., National Transit Co., New York Transit Co.. Niagara Falls and Lewiston R. R. Co., and Seaboard National Bank; trustee Colonial Sale Deposit Co.. Colonial Trust Co. and New York Pro duce Exchange Sale Deposit and Storage Co. Member American Yacht, Manhattan, New York Athletic, Lo tos, Colonial, Catholic, Racquet and Tennis, and Engi neers' Clubs. ODDIE, JOHN VAN SCHAICK— Secretary, 67 Madison avenue. New York City; residence 59 "West 48th street. Member New York Athletic, New York Yacht (secretary), Larchmont Yacht and Manhattan Clubs, and Eastern Yacht Ciub ol Boston, Mass. ODDIE, ORVILLE— Broker, 35 Broad street. New York City; residence 124 Joralemon street, Brooklyn. Born In New York City, Aug. 21, 1833. Educated at Young's Collegiate Institute and Professor Morrell French's Academy, Brooklyn. (Married.) Has been business as Orville Oddle, Oddie & St. George, Oddle, in business as Orville Oddie, Oddle & St. George, Oddle, St. George & Co.. Oddie & Gamble, and Oddle & Co. Now trading as Orville Oddie. Member St. George's Society (lile). New York City Guard, Old Guard ol New "York, Society ol Founders and Patriots ol Amer ica and Sons ol the American Revolution. ODELL, BENJAMIN PARKER, Jr.— Merchant, 56 Pine street. New York City; residence Filth Avenue Hotel, hnd Newburgh. Born In Newburgh, Jan. 14, 1854. Educated in public schools, at Bethany (W. Vau) College and at Columbia ('77). Lelt the latter insti tution before graduation and engaged in the Ice busi ness with his lather. (Married first, Estelle Crist In 1877, who died in 1888; second, in 1891, Mrs. Linda C. Traphagen.) Became identifled with the Republican party organization in his district and has attained great prominence therein. From the ice business, he branched out and became interested in electric street railways, electric lighting and power companies and in banking enterprises. In 1884, became a member ol the Republican State Committee, and chairman ol the Republican State Executive Committee in 1894, which position he still holds. Represented the Seventeenth Congressional District in the House ol Representa tives, 1895-9. Delegate-at-large Irom New York State to the National Republican Convention ol 1900. and chairman ol the New York State Republican Conven tion ol that year. Unanimously nominated by the latter body as candidate lor Governor ol the State ot New York, ex-Governor Black making the speech in nomination. Ex-president Newburgh Electric Light and Power Co.; ex-vice-president Haverstraw Elec tric Light, Heat and Power Co. : ex-treasurer and sec retary Muchattoes Lake Lee Co. Member Lawyers' and Republican Clubs, and Orange Lake, Newburgh Goll, Powelton and City Clubs ol Newburgh. , ODELL, CHARLES H.— Steel, 44 Wall street. New York City; residence Yonkers. Educated at Union College. Agent Carnegie Bros. & Co. Member Du quesne Club ol Pittsburg, Pa., Union College Alumni Association and American Museum ol Natural His tory. O'DELL, D-ANIEL— Banker and Broker, 5 New street. New York City; residence 450 Filth avenue. Born In Farmington, Ontario Co., N. Y., Sept. 15, 1858. Educated in common schools. (Widower.) Head ol the firm ol Daniel O'Dell & Co., and member ol the New York Stock Exchange. Was superintendent ol agency department ol New York Lile Insurance Co., lor nearly twenty years; resigned in 1887 to engage in banking. Director In several companies. Member Republican Club. ODELL. H.AlMMOND — Lawyer, 35 Nassau street. New York Citj"-; residence 135 "West 76th street. Born in New York City. Aug. 16, 1869. Educated at Colum bia ('89). (Single.) Member University Club, Colum bia 'University Alumni Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. ODELL, ISAAC H.— Broker, 2 Wall street. New York CJity. Member ol the firm ol Mills & Odell, mem bers ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Co lonial Club. O'DONOHUE, CHARLES— Coffee Importer, 88 Front street. New York City; residence 147 Herkimer street, Brooklyn. Bom in Brooklyn, Aug. 16, 1859. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Mar ried.) Member ol the firm ol John O'Donohue's Sons and the New York Coffee Exchange. Treasurer and secretary Analomink Paper Co.; director Knicker bocker Mills; trustee Bast River Savings Bank. Mem ber Penataquit-Corinthian Yacht (rear-commodore) and Lotos Clubs, and Riding and Driving Club ol Brooklyn. • O'DONOHUE, FLORINCE— Physician, 314 Clinton street, Syracuse. Bom in Syracuse, Oct. 8, 1850. Edu cated at Onondaga Academy, Cazenovia Seminary and Syracuse University. (Married.') Ex-president New York State Board ol Health ajjd New York State Tu berculosis Commission. Member Citizens' Club. O'DONOHUE, JOSEPH J., Jr.— Coffee Merchant, 101 Front street. New York City; residence 262 West 73d street. Member of the firm of Jos. J. O'Don ohue's Sons. President and director Brooklyn Ferry Co.; vice-president and director Agatine Shoe Hook and Eyelet Co.; director Eighth Avenue R. R., Co., Evergreen Cemetery, New Jersey Steamboat Co. and Ninth Avenue R. R. Co. Member New York Ath letic and Colonial Clubs and Down Town Association. O'DONOHUE, THOMAS J.— Coffee Merchant 101 Front street. New York City; residence 550 Park ave nue. Born in New York City, Dec. 6, 1866. Educated in New York City. (Married.) Member of the firm of Jos. J. O'Donohue's Sons. Vice-president Agatine Shoe Hook and Eyelet Co.; director New Amsterdam Casualty Co.; trustee Roman Catholic Orphan Asy lum. Member New York Athletic Club and Down Town Association. O'DONOVAN, WILLIAM R.— Sculptor, 105 East 17th street. New York City. Born In Preston County, Va., March 28, 1844. Served In Confederate Army dur ing Civil War. Established a studio in New York City in 1866. Has executed many important portrait busts, bas-reliefs and monuments. Member National Acad emy of Design. O'DWYER, EDWARD F.— Judge, 32 Chambers street. New York City; residence 37 West 76th street. Born in New York City, 1860. Educated In public schools and by private tutors; studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1881. Counsel to the Brooklyn Fire Department, 1882-4; represented the Twenty-first Assembly District on the New York Board of Alder men, 1885. Was elected to the City Court Bench in 1895 to succeed the late Chief Justice Ehrlich and was subsequently re-elected; present term expires Dec. 31, 1903. Member Democratic Club. OEHME, JULIUS— Art Galleries, 384 Fifth avenue. New York (jity; residence 42 East 70th street. Mem ber Grolier and Union League Clubs, American Pine Arts Society and Metropolitan Museum of Art. OBLRICHS, CHARLES MAY— Stock Broker, 40 Exchange place. New York City; residence 35 Madison avenue. Born In Baltimore, Md., Aug. 27, 1857. Edu cated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and at Hanover Polytechnic, Germany. (Married.) Head of the firm of Charles M. Oelrlchs & Co., and member of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Union and Metropolitan Clubs. OBLRICHS, HERMANN— Retired Shipping Mer chant, 1 East 57th street. New York City. Born in Baltimore, Md., June 8, 1850. Educated In the United States and in Germany. (Married a daughter of James G. Fair, Esq., of California.) Formerly mem ber of the firm of Oelrlchs & Co., American agents for the North-German Lloyd Steamship Co. Director Mount Morris Bank, National Park Bank, Nicaragua Co., Ohio River R. R. Co. and Plaza Bank. Member Manhattan, Metropolitan, Democratic, New York Yacht, Lawyers', Players', Racquet and Tennis and Union Clubs and Liederkranz. OGDEN, DAVID B.-Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New York City; residence 12 East Tenth street. Educated at Columbia ('69). Member of the firm of Parsons, Shepard & Ogden. Vice-president and director Law yers' Title Insurance Co.; treasurer and director 346 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Broadway Theatre Co. and American Theatre Opera Co.; secretary and director Knickerbocker Real Bs tate Co.; director General American Reduction Co. and Lawyers' Mortgage Insurance Co. Member Uni versity, Church, City and Tuxedo Clubs, Columbia University Alumni and Century Associations and As sociation of the Bar of the City of New York. OGDEN, FRANCIS LUDLOW — Lawyer, HI Broadway, New York City; residence 246 Lexington •avenue. Educated at Columbia ('74). Member of the firm of Parsons, Shepard & Ogden. Member Univer sity and Reform Clubs, Columbia University Alumni Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. OGDEN, HENRY- Real Estate Agent, 7 Pine street and 127 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 142 East 18th street. Born and educated in New York City. (Single.) Member of the firm of Ogden & Clarkson. Has been engaged in the real estate busi ness since 1868. Member Torrey Botanical and Church Clubs and Scientific Alliance. OGDEN, HENRY NEELY— Professor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 614 University avenue. Educated at Cornell. Degree of CE. Assistant pro fessor of ClvU engineering at CorneU University. OGDEN, LOUIS M-ANSFIELD— Lawyer, 27 Wil liam street. New York City; residence 61 East 30th street. Member Union and Reform Clubs and Sons of the Revolution. OGDEN, LUDLOW— Lawyer, 4 Warren street, New York City; residence 536 West 148th street. Edu cated at Columbia ('72). Member University, Church and Delta Phi Clubs, Society of Colonial Wars, Co lumbia University Alumni Association and Association of the Bar of the (Jity of New York. OGDEN, MORTIMER C— Hardware Merchant, 98 Chambers street. New York City; residence 38 Monroe place, Brooklyn. President and director Eagle Lock Co., Southington Cutlery Co. and New York Vitrified TUe Co.; director Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co. and Van Wagoner & Williams Co. Member Hardware Club. OGDEN, ROBERT C— Dry Goods Merchant, 784 Broadway, New York City; residence 22 West 55th street. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., June 20, 1836. Edu cated in Philadelphia. Associated with the house of John Wanamaker. President board of trustees, Hampton (Va.) Institute; director Union Theological Seminary. Member TwUight, Quill, Presbyterian, Nineteenth and Twentieth Century, Union League, National Arts and Army and Navy Clubs, Union League Club of Philadelphia, and Aldine and Century Associations. OGDEN, WALTER— Real Estate, 46 Cedar street. New York City; residence Morristown, N. J. Born in New York City, Sept. 21, 1848. Educated at Columbia (70). (Single.) Member University Club, St Nicholas Society, Columbia Alumni Association and Colonial Order. OGDEN, "WILLI-4.M B. — Insurance, 20 Liberty street. New York City; residence 173 West 126th street Born in New York City, Sept. 13, 1841. Educated in public schools and at the CoUege of the City of New York. (Married.) New York City agent Newark Fire Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J., and United Fire Insurance Co. of Baltimore; ex-secretary Brewers' and Maltsters Insurance Co.; ex-treasurer St Andrew's Protestant Episcopal Church; chairman Fire Patrol Committee of New York Board of Fire Underwriters Member Lafayette Post No. 140, G. A. R. OGILVIE CLINTON-Artist, 62 East 23d street. New York City; residence 55 West 55th street Born in ?/me JSJ^'^tP^^' ^^P. ^'V^^^^' S*"'*l^'i painting under James M. Hart, and in Paris, France. Has spent sev eral seasons abroad. Makes a specialty of landscape E^i'i"??- ^ember Camera Club, Century Association and National Academy of Design. 0(JIL"y-IE JOHN S.-Publisher, 57 Rose street New York (Jlty; residence 873 St Marks avenue Brook yn. Director Seventeenth Ward Bank of Brooklyn. Member Union League Club of Brooklyn O'GORMAN, JAMBS A.— Supreme Court Justice, County Court House, New York City; residence 408 West 43d street. Born in New York City, May 5, 1860. Educated in public schools, at the College of the City of New York and at University Law School. (Mar ried.) Served as Justice of the Tenth District Muni cipal Court, 1896-9, in which latter year he was elected a Supreme Court Justice for term expiring Dec. 31, 1913. Member New York Athletic, Catholic and Dem ocratic Clubs. O'KEEFE, JOHN G.— Stock Broker, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence 10 West 123d street. Mem ber of the firm of H. L. Horton & Co., members of the New York Stock Exchange. Member Catholic Club. O'KENNEDY, J. J. KARBRY— Lawyer, 71 Broad way, New York City. Born in Ireland, May 20, 1862. Educated in Dublin and In Paris; degrees of A.M. and LL.D. from University of Ireland. Practiced as a barrister-at-law at King's Inn, Dublin. (Married.) Member American-Irish Historical Society, Friendly Sons ol St. Patrick and King's Inn, Dublin Bar, Mun- ster Bar and Chicago (111.) Bar Associations. OLCOTT, CHAUNCEY — Actor, Grand Opera House, New York City; residence Buffalo. Born in Buffalo, July 21, 1860. Educated In common schools. (Married Margaret O'Donovan ol San Francisco, Cal., 1897.) Made first prolessional appearance, with R. M. Hooley's Company, in 1880. Succeeded WiUiam J. Scanlan as star in Irish musical dramas, and has ap peared in various leading roles throughout the United States and England. Member Buffalo Club, Players' and Lambs' Clubs ol New York City, and Lyric and Eccentric Clubs ol .London, England. OLCOTT, DITDLBY (Lieutenant-Colonel)— Bank er, Albany; residence 9 Ten Broeck place. President and trustee Mechanics' and Farmers' Savings Bank; trustee Metropolitan Trust Co. and Mutual Lile In surance Co., both ol New York. Member Fort Orange and Country Clubs, Grolier, Metropolitan, Union League and Relorm Clubs and Down Town Associa tion ol New York City, and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. OLCOTT, EBEN ERSKINE— Mining Engineer, 18 Broadway, New York City; residence 38 West 39th street. Born in New York City, 1854. Educated at the CoUege ol the City ol New York and at the School ol Mines ol Columbia University (E.M., '74) Treas urer and director Hudson River Steamboat Line; di rector Cairo R. R. Co. and Catskill Mountain Ry. Co. Member University and Engineers' Clubs, Down Town -Association, American Society ol Civil Engineers American Institute ol Mining Engineers and American Museum ol Natural History. OLCOTT, FREDERICK P. - Banker, 54 Wall street New York City; residence 4 East 53d street. Born m Albany, N. Y, 1841.' Educated at Albany Academy. Connected Cor many years with the bank ing firms ol Blake Bros. & Co. and Phelps, Stokes & CO., in New York City. Served one term as New York State ComptroUer. President and trastee Central o^S^^^°i' president and director Galveston, Houston and Henderson R. R. Co.; vice-president and director Bank ol America; treasurer and director Union Trac- i?""^"*^ A^'|'?J",?*> Co.; director Amalgamated Cop per Co Audit Co. ol New York, Brooklyn Elevated WbrrV 2Z-;, w°*"l'''" ^^'P'^ Transit Co., Brooklyn T^ntt Pn r.^^''^5°"f.^./^°'' Central Realty Bond and «J,Vti^ Co. Colorado Midland R. R. Co., Colorado and Southera Ry Co. Magdeburg Flre Insurance Co., Na tional Union Bank, New York, Chicago and St. Louis g;=,?A ?='^"^„?°S"'^'' Photograph Co., St. Joseph and Trwee ^n-^- ?• *^°- ^"^^ S>^tl> Avenue R. R. Co.; trustee Williamsburg Trust Co. Member Union League Metropolitan, Manhattan, Turl and Field Mew^-^'^',"^!^'"?.^"'^ Driving, Morristown (N. J.)'. New York Yacht and Driving Clubs, Chamber oi Commerce, Down Town Association, AmeriSn Mu seum 01 Natural History and Metropolitan Muteumol OLCO'TT, GEORGE M.-Wholesale Druggist 86 William street. New York City; residence 146 Remsen street, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, 1835. Edu^ted in Brooklyn and New York. (Marr ed.) Membefol the firm ol Dodge & Olcott. Director Frankl^ Sale Deposit Co., FrankUn Trust Co., Lloyds Plate GlSs BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 347 Insurance Co., Market and Fulton National Bank, and First National Bank ol Rldgefield, Conn. Member Hamilton Club and New England Society ol Brook lyn, Down Town Association and Metropolitan Mu seum ol Art. OLCOTT, J. VAN VECHTEN— Lawyer, 4 Warren .street. New York City; residence 33 West 72d street. Born in New York (Jity, May 17, 1856. Educated at Public School No. 35, and at the College ol the City ol New York. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Olcott & Messlter. Was municipal civil service commis sioner under Mayor Strong, 1895-7. Member Mer chants', Church, Union League and Colonial Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. OLCOTT, RICH-ARD MORGAN— Rubber Mer chant, 4 Warren street. New York City; residence Ho tel Savoy. President and director Amazonas Co. Member Essex County (N. J.) Country, Manhattan, New York Athletic and New York Clubs. OLCOTT, THOMAS W.— Railroads, 204 East 128th street, New York City; residence 169 West 130th street Secretary, treasurer and director Tarrytown, White Plains and Mamaironeck Electric Ry. Co., Union Ry. Co. ol New York, and Westchester Electric R. R. Co.; secretary and director Amazonas Co.; director Colo nial Bank and Southern Boulevard R. R. Co. Member Suburban Riding and Driving, and Democratio Clubs and St. Nicholas Society. OLCOTT, WILLIAM M. K.— Lawyer, 4 Warren street. New York City; residence 68 West 84th street. Born In New York City, 1862. Educated at Grammar School No. 36, the College ol the City ol New York and at Columbia College Law School. Began practic ing in New York City alter his admission to the Bar in 1883, as a member ol the firm ol Olcott & Olcott. Represented the Twenty-first Assembly District on the Board of Aldermen during 1896-6; was chairman of Its Finance Committee and, as such, a member ol the Sinking Fund Commission. Served as district attor ney ol New Y'ork County Irom Dec. 15, 1896 to Dec. 31, 1898, and as a Judge ol the City Court, 1898-9. Now member ol the firm ol Black, Olcott, Gruber & Bon ynge. Secretary and director Lawyers' Engineering and Surveying Co. Member Republican (Jlub. OLDS, EDWARD A.— Soap Manulacturer, 81 Ful ton street. New York City; residence 863 President street, Brooklyn. Member Fulton Club, and Montauk and Marine and Fleld Clubs ol Brooklyn. O'LEARY. CORNELIUS M.— Physician and Pro- lessor. 131st street and Broadway, New York City; residence 560 West 133d street. Born In Ireland, 1840. Educated at St. John's College, Fordham, N. Y., and at New York University (M.D., '64). (Married.) Pro- lessor ol Greek and Latin at Manhattan College. OLENA, THEOPHILUS — Importer, 46 Vesey street. New York City; residence 179 St. John's place, Brooklyn. Born In Grand Isle County, Vt, Nov. 30, 1832. Educated In public schools. (Married.) Vice- president and trustee City Savings Bank ol Brooklyn; director Sprague National Bank ol Brooklyn. Ex- president Board ol Aldermen lor lour terms lor Brook lyn. First president ol Columbian Club, serving two terms; ex-president Brooklyn Central Dispensary and the Newsboys' Home; vice-president Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum Society lor twelve years. OLBNDORF, CHARLES D.— Lawyer, 2 Tryon row. New York City; residence 217 West 23d street. Born in Otsego, Otsego Co., N. Y., Feb. 18, 1856. Edu cated at Cooperstown (N. Y.) High School. (Married.) Assistant corporation counsel New York County. Member Democratic and Manhattan Clubs. OLHAUSEN, JACOB H.— Transportation, 143 Lib erty street. New York City; residence 428 North Broad street, Elizabeth, N. J. President and director New York and New Jersey Car Service Association; gen eral superintendent Central Railroad ol New Jersey. Member Engineers' and Railroad Clubs, and Mattano Club ol EUzabeth, N. J. OLIN. M. H.— Banker. Perry. Born In Perry Deo. 8, 1842. Educated in Perry. (Married.) President and director Citizens' Bank, Perry Knitting Co. and Perry Electric Light Co.; director Robeson Cutlery Co. Also engaged In larming and in the breeding ol thoroughbred stock. Member Perry Club. OLIN, STEPHEN HENRY (Colonel)— Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence 136 Bast 19th street. Educated at Wesleyan University ('66). Mem ber ol the firm ol Olin & Rives. Vice-president Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York; director Broadway Theatre Co. and Lawyers' Surety Co.; trus tee New York Public Library (Astor, Lenox and Til den Foundations). Member City, Players' amd Uni versity Clubs, Down Town and Century Associations and Society ol Colonial Wars. OLIPHANT, JAMES H.— Banker, 20 Broad street New York City; residence 335 Washington avenue, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, Oct. 9, 1853. Edu cated at Grammar School No. 35. Senior member ol the firm of James H. Oliphant & Co., and member ol the governing committee ol the New York Stock Ex change. Director and member ol executive committee Manulacturers' Trust Co. ol Brooklyn. Member Union League and New York Athletic Clubs, and (Jrescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn. OLI"VER, JOHN S. -^ Insurance 202 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 620 Willoughby avenue. Born in Brooklyn. (Single.) pirector Farragut Fire Insurance Co. ol New York. Member Union League Club. OLIVER, MATTHEW N.— Clergyman, Tappan. Born in Marbletown, N. Y., Nov. 12, 1834. Educated at Union College ('57). (Mairried Helen M. Thomson.) Pastor Clover HIU (N. J.) Relormed Church, 1871- 84; Rosendale (N. Y.) Relormed Church, 1884-90; Re lormed Church ol Tappan since 1890.' Author ol nu merous articles in New York religious papers. Mem ber Union College Alumni Association and Phi Beta Kappa Society. OLIVER, WILLIAM H. P.-Lawyer, 120 Broad way, New "York City; residence Morristown, N. J. Born In Annandale, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1871. Educated at Harvard and at New York Law School. (Married.) Engaged with the firm ol Alexander & Green. Mem ber Harvard Club. OLLIVE, THOMAS S.— Manulacturer, 78 Tenth avenue. New York City; residence 23 West 74th street. President and director Lebanon Mining Co.; director National Biscuit Co. Member Colonial, Fulton and Commercial Clubs. OLMSTEAD, DWIGHT HINCKLEY — Retired Lawyer, 30 West 72d street. New York City. Member Union League, Nineteenth Century and Colonial Clubs, New England Society, National Academy ol Design, American Museum ol Natural History and Associa tion ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, OLMSTED, EVERETT WARD — Prolessor, Cor nell University, Ithaca; residence 730 University ave nue. Born in Galesburg, 111., May 12, 1869. Educated at Cornell; degrees ol Ph.B. and Ph.D. (Married.) Assistant prolessor ol the Romance languages, Cor nell University. Member Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. OLMSTED, HENRY C. — Lawyer and City Judge, Municipal Building, Binghamton; residence 212 Wash ington street. Born in Binghamton, 1863. Educated at CorneU (A.B., '85 and LL.B., '88). (Single.) Ex- Recorder ol the city ol Binghamton. Member Broome County Country and Binghamton Clubs. OLMSTED, H. R.— Hardware Merchant, 413 Clin ton street Syracuse; residence 1026 South Salina street. Born in Wolcott, N. Y., June 8, 1829. Educated at Lyons Union School. (Married.) Senior member ol the firm ol H. R. Olmsted & Son. President ol the Board ol Education ol Syracuse lor two years. Mem ber Citizens' Club and Masonic Veterans' Association. OLMSTED, THEODORE F.— Cashier, Geneseo. Born in Lakeville, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1836. Educated at Canandaigua Academy. (Married.) Entered the Geneseo Valley Bank as teller and bookeeper, Feb. 24, 1868; appointed assistant cashier In 1883, and cashier In December, 1887. Treasurer ol Livingston County, 1871-5; secretary and treasurer ol the Board ol Water 348 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Commissioners lor the past thirteen years. Has been treasurer of Temple Hill Cemetery Association for twenty-seven years and trustee of the village of Geneseo for six years. OLMSTED, WILL-ARD H.— City Magistrate, New York City; residence 630 West 147th street. Born in Connecticut about 1868. Educated In Auburn, N. Y., where he studied law and was admitted to the Bar. Resided for many years in Auburn; served for a time as city clerk and as a leading member ol the volun teer flre department. Resident ol New York City since 1887; engaged in newspaper work until 1897, In which year he was appointed a City Magistrate; term expires May 1, 1907. OLNEY, GEORGE W. — Insurance Journalist, 68 WUliam street. New York City; residence 51 St. Nich olas place. Born in Charleston, S. C, ol Rhode Island ancestry, June 5, 1835. Educated In private schools ol Charleston, University Grammar School, Providence, R. I., and Harvard (LL.B., '55). One ol the publishers ol the "Dally Day Book," then the Southern organ in New York City, 1858-61. During the Civil War served on staff ol the "Richmond Enquirer," reporting the first Conleredate Senate, and was war correspondent and subsequently editor ol the Charleston "Courier"; dramatic writer on the New York "Herald," 1866; edi torial writer on the New York "World," 1868-76; his connection with insurance journalism began In 18'73 as editor ol the "Spectator," continuing until 1876. Be came connected with the "New York Underwriter" (now "Weekly Underwriter") In 1878, where he is still connected as editor and vice-president ol the Under writer Printing and Publishing Co. Author ol several statistical works and editor ol the "World Almanac" since 1870. Member Harvard and Press Clubs, Amer ican Statistical (Fellow) and Harvard Law School As sociations, Royal StatlsticaJ Society ol London, Eng land (Fellow), Rhode Island State Society ol the Or der ol the Cincinnati (secretary). Society ol American Authors, Military Order ol Foreign Wars, Society ol Colonial Wars, Society ol the War ol 1812 and Sons ol the Revolution. OLNEY, PETER BUTLER— La-*yer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence Lawrence, L. I. Born in Oxlord, Mass., 1843. Educated at Phillips Andover Academy and at Harvard College ('64) and Law School. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Olney & Comstock. Was a commissioner to compile and re vise the laws ol the State affecting public Interests In the City ol New York, 1879-80; district attorney New York County, 1883-4. Member Lawyers', Harvard and University (Jlubs, New England Society, Century As sociation and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. OLSSEN, WILLIAM WHITTINGH AM— Protes tant Episcopalian Clergyman, Annandale. Born in New York City, May 11, 1827. Educated at Columbia University (A.B., '46, A.M., '60 and S.T.D., '76) and at General Theological Seminary (D.D., '49). Deacon, 1849; priest, 1861. Rector ol St. James Church, Scars dale, 1851-71. Prolessor ol mathematics at St. Steph en's College, Annandale, 1871-3 and ol Greek and He brew literature since 1873. Author ol several works. OLYPHANT, FRANK MURRAY — Railroads, 21 Cortlandt street. New York City; residence Engle wood, N. J. Secretarj' and director Cherry Valley Sharon and Albany R. R. Co. and Schenectady and Duanesburg R. R. Co. ; secretary Delaware and Hud son Canal Co.; director Adirondack Ry. Co. and New York and Canada R. R. Co. Member Sons ol the Rev olution. OLYPHANT, JOHN KENSBTT-Wholesale Coal Merchant, 21 Cortlandt street, New York City resi dence 59 East 54th street. Born in Irvington N Y Sept. 6, 1862. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Ward & Olyphant Member MetropoUtan, Union and Rid ing Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution,. Down Town Asso ciation, Society ol Colonial Wars, and Military Order ol Foreign Wars. r, P^J^^^NT, ROBERT (General) - Wholesale Coal Merchant, 21 Cortlandt street. New York Citv residence 3 East 69th street. Born in New York Citv ^"l;r^®;,^^^^A, ;;: PBNFOLD, WILLIAM H A L L — Merchant 45 South street New Tork City; residence 10 East 40th street. Member MetropoUtan, Union League and Union Clubs, American Geographical, Musical Arts and American Fine Arts Societies, Down Town Asso ciation, American Museum ol Natural History, Metro politan Museum ol Art and National Academy ol De sign. 366 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. PENNINGTON, A. C. M. — Brigadier-General, United States Army, Army and Navy Club, New Tork City; residence Washington, D. C. Born in Newark, N. J., Jan. 8, 1838. Educated in private schools and at United States Military Academy ('60). Degree ol A.M. Irom Princeton in 1864. (Married Clara M. French.) Served throughout Civil War; was stationed at Fort Pickens, Fla., 1861; took part in the nine campaigns ol the Army ol the Potomac and in the Shenandoah Valley campaign, 1864-5; colonel 3d New Jersey Cav alry and commanded 1st Brigade, 3d Cavalry Division. Was promoted in the army to all grades Irom brevet second lieutenant to brigadier-general. Inclusive. "Was brigadier-general ol United States Volunteers during Spanish-American War; commanded Camp Black, Hempstead, L. I., Irom May 25 to July 2, 1898, and De partment ol the Gull, Irom July 4, 1898, to March 24, 1899. Promoted Irom colonel of 2d Artillery to briga dier-general In United States Army on Oct. 16, 1899; has since retired. Member Army and Navy Club of New Tork City, Essex Club of Newark, N. J., Fort Monroe (Va.) Club, Governor's Island Club and Mili tary Order of the Loyal Legion. PENTECOST, GEORGE FREDERICK— Presby terian ClergymaiJ, Tonkers. Born in Albion, 111., Sept. 23 1842. Educated in common schools, at Georgetown University, Hamilton CoUege (A.M.) and at Lafayette CoUege (D.D.). (Married Ada, daughter of Dr. August Weber of Hopkinsville, Ky., 1863.) Served as chap lain to the 8th Kentucky Cavalry, United States Vol unteers, during Civil War. Pastor at EvansviUe, Ind., 1866-7; Covington, Ky., 1867-8; Brooklyn, N. T., 1868- 71; Boston, Mass., 1871-80; Brooklyn, 1880-7; London, England, 1891-7, and now pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Tonkers. Performed evangelical work in Scotland, 1887-8, and among the Brahmins In India, 1889-91. Author of "The Angel in the Marble," "Out of Egypt" "Bible Studies" (ten vols.), "A South Window" and many other works. PENTECOST, HUGH O.— Lawyer, 76 Elm street. New Tork City; residence 836 West End avenue. Born in New Harmony, Ind., 1848. Educated at Madison University, Hamilton, N. T. (Married.) Member Nameoki Club. PBNTON, GEORGE R.— Exporter, 68 Broad street, New York City; residence 68 Hancock street, Brook lyn. Born in, Brooklyn, April 23, 1864. Educated in Brooklyn schools. (Single.) Member of the flrm of Thomas Norton & Co., and of the New York Produce and Maritime Exchanges. Member Union League Club of Brooklyn. PENTZ, FRANK R.— Furniture and Upholstery, 375 Lexington avenue. New York City; residence 135 West 94th street. Born in New Jersey, Dec. 22, 1854. Educated in New York City public schools. (Married.) Vice-president and director Pettier & Stymus Co.; secretary and treasurer United States Railway Sup ply Co. Member New York Athletic and Transporta tion Clubs, American Museum ol Natural History and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. PEOPLES, WILLIAM THADDBUS— Librarian, 19 Astor place. New York City; residence East Orange, N. J. Bora in Wilmington, Del., Jan. 1, 1843. Edu cated at St. Mary's College. (Married Kate Niemyer ol Baltimore, Md., 1882.) Librarian ol the Mercantile Library ol New York City, with which he has been connected for many years. Member Democratic and New York Library (ex-president) Clubs, American In stitute (ex-secretary) and New York Library Associa tion (ex-president). PEPPER, ALBERT H.— Professor, Schenectady. Born in Schenectady, Oct. 9, 1866. Educated at Union College ('87) and at Universities of Leipzig and Paris. (Single.) Professor of modern languages in Union College. Member Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma XI So cieties, Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity and Union Col lege Alumni Association. PERCY, TOWNSEND— Journalist, 210 West 42d street. New York City. Born in Troy, N. Y., March 26, 1854. (Son of John and Sarah [Hervy] Percy.) Educated at Troy Academy and Cazenovia Seminary. (Widower.-) Author ol "Appleton's Dictionary of' New York" (published, 1879). Was special agent Pa ciflc Mail Steamship Co. in Central America, and as sistant editor "World," "Tribune," "Star," "Herald and others. One of the founders of the London Fi nancial News." Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society of London, England. PERCY, WELTON C.-Lawyer, 32 Nassau street New York City; residence Sherman Square Hotel. Born in Rensselaer County N. Y., September, 1859. Educated at St. Lawrence University. (Marned.) Member of the flrm of Russell & Percy. Member Co lonial Club and Association of the Bar of the City ol New York. PERHAM, AARON G.— Coal Merchant, 1 Broad way, New York City; residence 1371 Dean street Brooklyn. Born In Pennsylvamla, Dec. 25, 1844. Edu cated at Wyoming Seminary. (Married.) Member Union League Club ol Brooklyn. FERINE WILLIAM DE N. NICHOLS— Precious Stones, 182 Broadway, New York (Jity; residence 21 South Portland avenue, Brooklyn. Connected with Allred H. Smith & Co.; secretary American Prospect ing and Mining Co. Member Nassau Country, Cres cent Athletic and Irving Clubs ol Brooklyn. PERKINS, BENJAMIN— Banker, 7 Nassau street. New York City; residence 47 Bast 60th street. Bora in Boston, Mass. (Married.) President and director Continental National Bank; director Home Fire In surance Co., Manhattan Lile Insurance Co. and Man hattan Savings Institution. Member Union and Met ropolitan Clubs and Century Association. PERKINS, CHARLES B.— Manulacturer ol Cam el's Hair Goods, Kent avenue and Hooper street, Brooklyn; residence 165 Hancock street. Educated at Yale. Member ol the firm ol J. T. Perkins & Co. Di rector New York Mutual Optical Co. Member Hamil ton Club, Arkwright Club ol New York City, Sons ol the Revolution and Yale Alumni Association. PERKINS, C. LAWRENCE (Major)— Capitalist 66 Beaver street. New York City: residence Lawrence, L. I. President and director Silver City and Northera R. R. Co.; director Knickerbocker Trust Co., Illinois Car and Equipment Co. and Griffln "Wheel Co.; trustee Bowery Savings Bank. Member Union, Racquet and Tennis, Harvard, Rockaway Hunting and Baltusrol Golf Clubs, New England Society and Down Town Association. PERKINS, EDWARD C.-Lawyer, 115 Broadway, New York City; residence 126 Central avenue. Plain- field, N. J. Educated at Harvard ('66). Member of the firm of Perkins & Jackson. Treasurer and direc tor Niagara River Hydraulic Co. Member Lawyers', University and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, New England Society, Sons of the Revolution, Harvard Alumni As sociation, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Associa tion of the Bar of the City of New York. PERKINS, EDWARD H., Jr.— Banker, 247 Broad way, New York City; residence 5 East 40th street. President and director Importers' and Traders' Na tional Bank; director Fifth Avenue Bank, Iowa Cen tral Ry. Co., New York Clearing House Building Co., United States Lile Insurance Co. and Western Union Telegraph Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Players' and Hardware Clubs, Century Association and National Academy ol Design. PERKINS, FRANK W.— Cashier, 841 Broadway, New York- City; residence New York Athletio Club. Born in South Reading, Mass.. Feb. il, 1857. Educated in Boston, Mass. (Single.) Cashier and head book keeper Hackett, Carhart & Co. Quartermaster-ser geant Company "P," 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. Mem ber Lotos, New York Athletic and Country Cycle Clubs, Palestine Commandery Knights Templar, and Royal Arcanum. PERKINS, GAIUS W.— Manufacturer, 111 Fifth avenue. New York City: residence Park Avenue Ho tel. Born in Grand Rapids, Mich., July 16, 1847. Edu cated at Grand Rapids High School. (Married.) Was president ol Grand Rapids Board of Trade and Board of Education. President and director American School Furniture Co. and Grand Rapids School Furni ture Co. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 367 PERKINS, GEORGE P.- Paper Manufacturer, 66 Duane street. New York City; residence Jersey City, N. J. Member of the firm of Perkins, Goodwin & Co. Vice-president and director New Jersey Title Guar anty and Trust Co.: director Acker Process Co., Co lonial Life Insurance Co., Commonwealth Insurance! Co,, Hastings Lumber Co., Hide and Leather National Bank, Jersey City and Bergen R. R. Co., Newark Plank Road, New Jersey Traction Co., North Jersey Street R. R. Co. and Provident Institution for Sav ings. Member Union League and Merchants' Clubs, Carteret Gun and Union League Clubs of Jersey City, Lafayette Post G. A. R., New England Society and Chamber of Commerce. PERKINS, GEORGE W.— Insurance, 346 Broad way, New York City; residence Riverdale. Born in Chicago, 111., Jan. 31, 1862. Educated in common schools. (Married.) Second vice-president and trus tee New York Life Insurance Co. Member Lawyers', Union League and Congregational Clubs, Country Club of Westchester, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on- Hudson and Ohip Society. PERKINS, J. NEWTON — Protestant Episcopalian Clergyman, 281 Fourth avenue. New York City; resi dence 65 East 52d street. Born In New York City, May 8, 1840. Educated at Trinity College, Hartford, Conn. (Married.) Corresponding secretary American Church BuUding Fund Commission of the Episcopal Church. Was assistant Church of Incarnation, New York City, and vicar of chapel, 1882-95; also assistant St. George's Church of New York City, St. Ann's of Brooklyn, and Emmanuel Church of Islip, L. I. Member Society of Colonial Wars. PERKINS, J.AMES BRBCK — Lawyer and Author, Rochester. Born in St. Croix, "Wis., Nov. 4, 1847. Educated at University of Rochester (LL.D.). (Mar ried Mary E. Martindale.) City attorney ol Rochester, 1874-8; member State Assem.bly, 1898. Author of "France Under Richelieu and Mazarin," "France Un der the Regency," "France Under Louis XV.," "Life of Richelieu" in "Heroes of Nations' Series," and var ious magazine articles. Member National Institute of Art, Science and Letters. PERKINS, JUDSON C— Manufacturer, 41 Union square, West,' New York City; residence Clarendon Hotel, and Meriden, Conn. Bora in New Haven, Conn., Oct. 13, 1850. Educated in New Haven. (Married.) President and director Hartford Thread Co.; treas urer and director Westfield Mf'g Co.; assistant treas urer and director Columbia Shade Cloth Co.; general manager and director Meriden Curtain Fixture Co.; director Hartford Machine and Tool Co., amd con nected with other corporations. Member St. Elmo Commandery No. 9, Keystone Chapter No. 27, both of Meriden, and other organizations. PERKINS, MAURICE— Professor, Union College, Schenectady. Born in New London, Conn., March 14, 1836. Educated at the Universities ol Gottingen, Hei delberg and Tubingen. Degrees ol A.M. Irom Har vard in 1865, and M.D. from Albany Medical College in 1870. Assistant professor of chemistry at CoUege ol Physicians and Surgeons ol Columbia University, 1862-3, and at Lawrence Scientific School ol Harvard University, 1863-5. Nott Prolessor ol analytical chem istry at Union College since 1865. PERKINS, RICHARD C. — Importer ol Dress Goods, 53 Franklin street, New York City; residence 107 East 18th street. Member Merchants', Larchmont Yacht, -American Yacht and Manhattan Clubs. PERKINS ROBERT P.— Manufacturer, 41 Union square. West, 'New York City; residence 3 West 16th street. Educated at Harvard ('84). Member Umon, University, Harvard, Racquet and Tennis and Knick erbocker Clubs. PERKINS WILLIAM H.— Banker, 46 WaU 'street New York City; residence Park Avenue Hotel. Presi dent and director Bank of America. Member Union League and Republican Clubs, American Geographi cal Society and Metropolitan Museum of Art PERRIN ALBERT— Stamp Merchant, 122 East 23d street. New York City; residence 27 Bast 104th street Born in Mexico, May 3, 1860. Educated m San Francisco, Cal. (Married.) Senior member of the flrm of Perrin & Co. President National Philatelical Society; treasurer Manhattan Philatelical- Society. Member Country Cycle and Collectors' (secretary) Clubs. PERRIN, RAYMOND S.— Manufacturer and Au thor, Walnut avenue and 141st street. New York City: residence Chatham, N. J. Born in New York City, Sept. 4, 1849. Educated at the College of the City ol New York. (Married.) President Perrin, Payson & Co. since 1878. Author of "The Religion of PhUoso- phy." Member Reform, Authors' and Nineteenth Cen tury Clubs. PBRRINE, WILLIAM W.— Manufacturers' Agent 97 Chambers street. New York City; residence 820 "West End avenue. Born in Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y., May 8, 1843. Educated in Milwaukee, Wis. (Married.) New York manager Thomas Maddock & Sons; East ern representative Belle City Malleable Iron Co.; New York representative Hercules Iron and Supply Co. Was first lieutenant 13th Wisconsin Light ArtiUery, 1863-5. Member Military Order of the Loyal Legion and Sons of the Revolution. PERRY, ANDREW J.-Lawyer, 41 Wall street. New York City; residence 30 First place, Brooklyn. Educated at Uaion College. Member Colonial Club, HamUton and Brooklyn Clubs and Union College Alumni Association. PERRY, BERTRAND J.— Dentist, 311 Madison avenue. New York City. Degree of D.D.S. Member New York Athletic and Congregational Clubs and New England Society. PERRY, CHARLES J.— Druggist and Pharmacist, 63 Park row. New York City; residence 74 Orange street, Brooklyn. President and director Perry Phar macy Association; director Brentwood Park Improve ment Co. Member Manhattan, Lotos, Press, Catholic and Hardware Clubs, and Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn. PERRY, BD"WARD— Broker, Produce Exchange, New York City; residence 612 Fifth avenue. Member Racquet and Tennis, and New York Yacht Clubs and Down Town Association. PERRY, EDWARD DEL-A VAN— Professor, 116th street and Mornlngside Heights; residence 133 East 55th street. Born in Troy, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1854. Edu cated at Columbia (A.B., '75) and at the University of Tubingen, Germany (Ph.D., '79). (Married Alice Van Schaick, 1883.) Member of the faculty at Columbia ITniversity in the City of New York since 1880; pro fessor of Greek since 1895. Member Columbia Univer sity Alumni and Century Associations, American Ori ental Society and New York Society of the Archaeo logical Institute of America (president) and other scientiflc organizations. PERRY, EDWARD W.— Broker, 65 Beaver street, New York City; residence Massachusetts. MemJ)er of the firm of Perry, Ryer & Co. Member Union and Knickerbocker Clubs and Down Town Association. PERRY, ENOCH WOOD, Jr.— Artist 40 Washing ton square, South, New York City. Born in Boston, Mass., July 31, 1831. Educated, in Europe, In Diissel dorf, Paris, Rome and Venice. (Married Fanny Field Hering, daughter of Isaac Newton Gregory of Phila delphia, Pa.) United States Consul at Venice, Italy, 1856-8. Resident of New Tork City since 1865. Asso ciate (1868), academician since 1869, and recording sec retary, 1871-3, of the National Academy of Design. Latest painting (March, 1900) "Last Vision of Jeanne d'Arc." Member American Water Color Society and Century Association. PBRRT, JAMES W.-Lawyer, 34 Nassau street New York City; residence 223 "West 44th street. Edu cated at Brown University. Member of the flrm of Knevals & Perry. Member Union League, Lawyers' and Republican Clubs, Baptist Social Union, Brown University Alumni Association and Society of Medical Jurisprudence. PERRY, JOHN GARDNER- Physician, 48 East 34th street. New York City. Educated at Harvard ('63). Member New York, University and City Clubs, American Geographical Society and Century Associa tion. 368 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF T^E STATE OF NEW YORK. PERRY, ROLAND HINTON— Sculptor, 57 West Tenth street. New York City; residence 57 West Tenth street. Born in New York City, Jan. 26, 1870. Edu cated In New York City and In Paris. (Married.) Member Players' amd National Arts Clubs, Sculpture Society and Architectural League. PERRY, SAFFORD GOODWIN— Dentist, 46 West 37th street. New York City; residence Yonkers. Born in Wilton, Saratoga Co., N. Y. Educated in Philadel phia; degree ol D.D.S. (Married.) Lecturer in Den tal Department ol University ol Pennsylvanlau Was president New York Odontologlcal Society, and secre tary New York Microscopical Society. Member Lo tos, New York Athletic and Manuscript Clubs and Sons ol the American Revolution. PERRY, WILLIAM A.— 120 Liberty street. New York City; residence Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, 1835. Educated at Columbia College ('66). (Married.) Member University, Players', Lawyers' and Engineers' Clubs, American Society ol Mechanical Engineers, Society ol Mining Engineers, Institution ol Civil Engineers ol London, England, and Century As sociation. PERSHING, BDWARD HAMILTON— Physician, Lawrence, L. I. Born in Johnstown, Pa., Jan. 23, 1866. Educated at Princeton ('86) and College ol Physicians and Surgeons ol Columbia University. (Single.) At tending surgeon Nassau Hospital. Member Rockaway Hunting and Princeton Clubs. PERSONS, HENRY Z.— Merchant and Banker, Buffalo; residence East Aurora. Bom In Bast Aurora, Nov. 4, 1819. Educated at East Aurora Academy. (Married.) President and director Bank ol East Au rora; trustee Empire State Savings Bank ol Buffalo. PETEBONE, LAUREN W. (Lieutenant-Colonel)— Retired, 254 Elmwood avenue, Buffalo; summer resi dence, Niagaira Falls. Born in Lockport, N. Y., June 29, 1848. Educated In private schools, (Married.) Member Buffalo Club, and Army and Navy Club ol New York City. PETERS, CHARLES GRENVILLE— Stock Brok er, 1 Nassau street, New York City; residence Bast WUliston, L. I. Member ol the New Tork Stock Ex change. Member Union, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht and Meadow Brook Hunt Clubs. PETERS, CARL OTTO— Importer ol Wines, 24 Beaver street. New Tork City; residence 784 Filth ave nue. Member Manhattan, New Tork Tacht, Lawyers' and Hardware Clubs. PETERS, CONRAD LOUIS— Importer ol Wines, 24 Beaver street. New Tork City; residence 112 Central Park, South. Member New Tork, Larchmont Tacht, New Tork Tacht and Germania Clubs, Genesee Valley Club of Rochester, and Liederkranz. PETERS, JOHN M.— Manufacturer, 182 Front street. New Tork City; residence 1255 Pacific street, Brooklyn. Born in Darien, Genesee Co., N. T., June 1, 1850. Educated in Buffalo. (Married.) Manager white lead department William J. Matheson & Co. (Ltd.) Formerly editor of the "Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter." Member Drug Trade Club and Board ol Trade and Transportation. PETERS, JOHN PUNNETT— Protestant Episco palian Clergyman, 227 West 99th street. New Tork City. Bora In New Tork City, Dec. 16, 1852. (Son ol Thomas McClure and Alice C. [Richmond] Peters ) Educated at Tale (A.B., '73 and Ph.D., '76), and at Ber lin and Leipzig, Germany. Received honorary degrees ol Sc.D. Irom the University ol Pennsylvania and D D from Tale, both in 1896. (Married Gabriella Brooke daughter ol Thomas March Porman, ol Savannah, Ga.) Was lor a time alter his graduation a tutor at 'Tale- prolessor ol Old Testament language and literature at Protestant EpiscopaUan Divinity School ol Philadel phia, Pa., 1884; prolessor ol Hebrew at University ol Pennsylvania, 1886, and was In charge ol the expedi tion sent by the same institution to Babylonia 1888-95 Now rector ol St. Michael's Church, New Tork City' Author ol "Political History ol Recent Times " being principally a translation Irom Mililer, and ol "Nippur or Explorations and Adventures on the Euphrates-"' editor ol volumes I. and II. of "Scriptures, Hebrew aiid Christian," and of "The Bible lor Home and School " Member City, Twilight, Independent, Social Relorm and Barnard Clubs, Century Association, American Oriental Society, Deutsche Morgenlandlsche Gesell- schalt. Society ol Biblical Archaeology of London, Eng land, American Institute of Archaeology, Society ol Bib- lican Literature and Exegesis, and ol many other bodies. PETERS, MADISON C— Clergyman, Bloomlngdale Church, New Tork City; residence Broadway and West Sixty-ninth street. Born In Lehigh County, Pa., Nov. 6, 1869. Educated at Heidelberg University. For merly chaplain Ninth Regiment N. G. N. T. Pastor Bloomlngdale Relormed Church. Author ol "Justice to the Jew," "The Wit and Wisdom of the Talmud," "The Great Hereafter," "The Panacea lor Poverty" and others. Member Colonial and Twilight Clubs. PETERS, SAMUEL T. — Wholesale Coal Mer chant, 1 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 117 East 37th street. Member ol the firm ol Williams & Peters. Member MetropoUtan, Union League, Riding, Law yers', Players', Racquet and Tennis, Mendelssohn Glee, Union, New Tork Tacht Grolier and South Side Sportsmen's Clubs, American Geographical Society, MetropoUtan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. PETERS, THOMAS McCLURB — Lawyer, HI Broadway, New Tork City; residence 264 West 94th street. Member City and Church Clubs and Associa tion ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. PETERS, THOMAS POLLOCK— Editor and Pub Usher, 24 Broadway, Brooklyn; residence 165 Keap street. Born In Hartlord, Conn., May 17, 1868. Edu cated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and at Colum bia. (Married Lou Augusta Darlington, ol Brooklyn, 1895.) Bditor-in-chiel ol the "Brooklyn Times" since 1894. Director Brooklyn Public Library. Member Union League Club. PETERS, WILLIAM R.— Merchant, 45 Cedar street. New Tork City; residence 23 West 73d street. Born in New Tork City, 1850. Educated at Tale. (Married.) Senior member ol the flrm ol William R. Peters & Co. President Tartar Chemical Co. ; trustee and director ol various institutions. Member Church, Relorm and Ardsley Clubs, Tale Alumni, Down Town and Century Associations, American Museum ol Natural History and Metropolitan Museum of Art. PETERSEN, CHRISTIAN G.— Russian Consulate- General, New Tork City; residence 124 West 84th street Born In Denmark, Jan. 20, 1837. Educated at Grammar School of Columbia College. (Single.) Rus sian vice-consul in the City of New Tork. Chevalier of the Russian Orders of St. Anne and St. Stanislaus and of Greek Order ol St. Sauveur. Member New Tork Athletic Club and Lalayette Post G. A. R. .„.. ^^'^'^^SON, FREDERICK — Physician, 4 West 50th street. New Tork City. Bora in Faribault, Minn., March 1, 1859. Educated at University ol Buffalo and in Germany. President board ol managers Craig Colony lor Epileptics and New Tork Neurological So ciety; chiel ol clinic and Instructor in nervous and niental diseases at Columbia University; consulting physician Manhattan State Hospital for Insane; at tending neurologist City Hospital. Formerly profes sor ol nervous and mental diseases at University ol Vermont and also prolessor ol same at Women's Med ical College, New Tork City. Member Relorm Na tional Arts, New Tork Athletic, Lotos and Barnard Clubs, Society of Medical Jurisprudence, Century As sociation, Academy of Medicine and American Museum of Natural History. PETRASCH, CARL SCHURZ-Lawyer, 141 Broad- ^nP^ ^^^ ^°S^ P^Xy' residence 56 Bast 65th street. Born in New Tork City, Dec. 7, 1866. Educated at the Pn I'fff P ^^% ?'*^ °P. New Tork ('86) and Columbia ^^P^% ^^P ^^^°°} (^^)- (Married.) Member of the PP^h PP^P^^PP * Burnet Member Calumet, City, ^!'^ N G N T Fencers' Clubs and Squadron PBTTEE, LTMAN F. - Merchant, 157 Franklin street New Tork City; residence Saratoga Bora In Vermont 1849 Educated in Vermont (Married.) President and director Crandell & Godley Co anrt SiiD ply Worid Publishing Co.; director Geyer-'sNitu"^ Carbonic Acid Gas Co. v^eyer s XMaturai BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 369 PETTIGREW, ROBERT H.— Broker, 60 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 162 West 97th street. Born In New Tork City, April 6, 1863. Educated at the College of the City of New Tork. (Married.) For merly director Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Ex change. Now director Phoenix Interior Telephone Co. Member St. Nicholas Lodge No. 321'; F. & A. M. PETTT, ROBERT D.— Professor and Lawyer, 253 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 357 West 57th street. Educated at Princeton. Member Princeton and Democratic Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. PFAPF, GEORGE — Hardware Merchant, 129 Worth street, New York City: residence 442 East 87th street. Born in New York City, Sept. 28, 1870. Edu cated in New York City. (Single.) PFIZER, CH-ARLBS— Manufacturing Chemist 81 Maiden lane. New York City; residence 295 Washing ton avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Stuttgart, Germany, March 22, 1824. Educated in Germany. (Married.) Member of the firm of Charles Pfizer & Co. Director German-American Insurance Co. Member Germania, and Riding and Driving Clubs of Brooklyn, and Down Town Association. PFIZER, CH-ARLES, Jr.— Manufacturing Chem ist, 81 Maiden lane. New York City; residence Ber nardsville, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, April 9, 1860. Edu cated in Europe. (Married.) Member of the firm ol Charles Pfizer & Co. Member New York Athletic, Essex County (N. J.) Country and Drug Trade Clubs, and Brooklyn and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs of Brooklyn. PFIZER, EMIL — Manufacturing Chemist 81 Maiden lane. New York City; residence 7 West 26th street. Member Essex County (N. J.) Country, Tan dem, Opera, Turf and Field, Coney Island Jockey and Drug Trade Clubs and Deutscher Verein. PFISTER, JOSEPH C— Professor, Columbia Uni versity, New York City; residence 240 Sixth avenue, RosevlUe, Newark, N. J. Born In Newark, March 10, 1867. Educated in Newark schools, in Germany and at Columbia University. (Married.) Professor in de partment of mechanics, Columbia University. Mem ber Columbia Alumni Association, American Mathe matical and Phi Beta Kappa Societies, New York Academy of Sciences, American Association for the Advancement of Science and RosevlUe (N. J.) Ath letic Association. PHBLAN, JAMBS J.-Banker, 16 Exchange place. New York City; residence 66 West 85th street. Bom in New York City, March, 1847. Educated at St. Fran cis Xavier College. (Married.) Vice-president Trad ers' and Travelers' Accident Co. and West End Asso ciation; treasurer Manhattan Refrigerating Co., Kings County Refrigerating Co., Narragansett Building Co. and Pontiac Building Co.; director American Union Life Insurance Co. and Roman Catholic Orphan Asy lum. Formerly treasurer of Department of Docks of New York City, and American Contracting and Dredg ing Co. Member Manhattan, Catholic (treasurer and director). Democratic and Narragansett (treasurer) Clubs, Friendly Sons of St. Patrick and Manhatten Benevolent Legion. PHELAN, THOMAS A.— Tea Importer, 93 Front street. New York City; residence 107 West 76th street. Born in New York City. Educated at St. Francis Xavier College; degrees of A.M. and A.B. Became a member of the firm of B. W. Tiers & Co. at the age of twenty-three and afterwards of their successors, John M. White & Co., and finally of George W. Lane & Co., ol which firm he Is now senior partner. Trustee Asiatic Association. W'as the originator ol the pres ent law prohibiting the importation ol teas below standard established by law, and was chairman ol the first board ol United States Tea Experts, by appoint ment ol the Secretary ol the Treasury. Member Rich mond County Country and City Clubs, Xavier Alumni and Down Town Associations and Chamber ol Com- PHELPS, ABEL MIX— Physician and Surgeon, 62 Bast 34th street. New York City; residence 40 West 34th street Born In Alburgh, Vt, Jan. 27, 1857. Edu cated at University ol Michigan, and In Vienna, Aus tria. (Married.) Prolessor of surgery Medical De partment of the University of Vermont: professor of orthopaedic surgery Post-Graduate School and Hos pital; surgeon City HospitaU. Member American Yacht, Fairfield County (Conn.) Golf and Lotos Clubs, New York State Medical and New York County Medi cal Societies, American Medical Association and New York Academy of Medicine. PHELPS, ALBERT CHARLES- Instructor, Cor nell University, Ithaca; residence 306 Huestls street. Degree of B.S. Instructor in architecture at Cornell University. PHELPS, CHARLES— Physician, 34 West 37th street. New York City. Educated at Brown Univer sity. Member Manhattan, Psi Upsilon and Players' Clubs and Brown University Alumni Association. PHELPS, CHARLES HENRY— Lawyer, 80 Broad way, New York City; residence 35 Bast 50th street. Member Union League and Barnard Clubs, Century Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. PHELPS, DUDLEY— Lawyer, 34 Nassau street. New York City; residence 48 Bast 26th street. Bom in New York City, Oct. 7, 1861. Educated at Yale- ('83) and at Columbia Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm of Knevals & Perry, and director in several corporations. Member Union League, New York Ath letic, Yale, University, Lawyers', St. Andrew's Golf, Oakland Golf and Misquamicut Golf Clubs and Yale Alumni Association. PHELPS, BDWARD BUNNELL — Editor and Publisher, 141 Broadway, New York City; residence 139 West 117th street. Born in New Haven, Conn., July 26, 1863. Educated at Yale. (Married.) Presi dent Thrift Publishing Co. and editor of "Thrift." Formerly financial secretary New York Press Club, and delegate to session of International League ol Press Clubs at San Francisco in 1892. Member Under writers' Club, New York Lile Underwriters' Associa tion and Ivanhoe Lodge No. 610, F. & A. M. (senior deacon). , PHELPS, E. PRISBIB— Lile Insurance, 203 Broad way, New "2"ork City; residence 1281 Bergen street, Brooklyn. Born in Burlington, Conn. Educated at Yale College and Law School. (Married.) Organizer and special representative of Covenant Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Galesburg, 111. Member Union League Club of Brooklyn, Independent Order of Odd Fellows (past grand master). Knights Templar and a thirty-second degree Mason. PHELPS, JOHN J.— President, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence "Red Towers," Hackensack, N. J. Born in Paris, France, Sept. 27, 1861. Educated at Yale ('83). (Married.) President and director Strong & Trowbridge Co.; director Cayuga Susquehanna R. R. Co., Hackensack Bank and Hackensack Trust Co.; trustee United States Trust Co. Member Hamil ton, Paterson, Oritani Field, Hackensack Golf, Engle wood Field, New Jersey Country, Union League, Uni versity, New York Yacht, University Athletic, Psi Up silon, Seawanhaka-Corinthian "iacht, Atlantic Yacht, Yale and Sachem's Head Yacht Clubs, Order of Founders and Patriots of America and New England Society. PHELPS, MYRON H.-Lawyer, 220 Broadway, New York City; residence 129 Bast 62d street. Edu cated at Yale. Member of the firm of Phllipp, Phelps & Sawyer. Member Union League Club, Union League Club of Chicago, 111., Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York and Yale Alumni Association. PHELPS, STOWE— Architect, 15 Broad street. New York City; residence 22 East 32d street. Born in New York City. Educated at Yale ('90). (Single.) Member University Club and Yale Alumni Association. PHELPS, Z. BENNETT — Life Insurance, Bing hamton. Born in Wilkesbarre, Pa., Dec. 7, 1870. Edu cated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., and Yale University (B.A., "95.) (Married.) ComptroUer and director Security Mutual Life Insurance Co.; director Susquehanna Valley Bank. Member University Club of New York City, and Sons of the Revolution of Pennsylvania. 370 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. PHILBIN, STEPHEN — Lawyer, 51 Chambers street. New York City; residence 139 West 76th street. Member Colonial, Democratic and Catholic Clubs, Friendly Sons ol St. Patrick, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York and State Bar Association. PHILIP, HARRY VAN NESS- Lawyer, 120 Broad way, New York City; residence Livingston. Educated at Union College. Member University Athletic, Law yers', Staten Island Cricket and Base Ball and Rich mond County Country Clubs and Union College Alumni Association. PHILIP, JAMES P.— Lawyer, 26 Court street, Brooklyn; residence 307 Halsey street. Member ol the firm ol Philip & Raymond. Director German-Ameri can Bank. Member Oxlord, Brooklyn, Long Island College and Chi Psi Clubs, New England Society ol Brooklyn, and State Bar Association. PHILIP, JOHN W.— Rear Admiral, United States Navy, Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York City. Born In New York City, Aug. 26, 1840. Educated at United States Naval Academy. (Married.) Midshipman and acting master, 1861; lieutenant, 1862; lieutenant-com mander, 1866; commander, 1874; captain, 1889; commo dore, 1898; rear admiral, March 3, 1899. As midship man was assigned to duty on the "Constitution" at the outbreak ol the Civil War; served on various ves sels engaged In blockade duty and was wounded at the siege ol Charleston. Has since seen service In all parts ol the world. Commanded the battleship "Texais" during the Spanish-American War and took part in the engagement with Admiral Cervera's fieet In July, 1898. Now in command ol the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Chairman ol the navy committee ol the Young Men's Christian Association. Member New York Yacht Club, MiUtary Order ol the Loyal Legion and Naval Order. PHILIPP, MORITZ B.— Lawyer, 220 Broadway, New York City; residence 691 Madison avenue. Mem ber ol the firm ol Phillipp, Phelps & Sawyer. Mem ber Union League and Grolier Clubs, Ohio Society and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, PHILIPS, FREDERIC D.— Lawyer, 11 WUllam street, New York City; residence Lawrence, L. I. Educated at Columbia ('80). Member University Club and Columbia Alumni and Down Town Associations. PHILLIPS, ALBERT — Architect, 171 Broadway, New York City; residence 141 Lincoln avenue, Newark, N. J. Member Nutley (N. J.) Field and Sketch Clubs and Society ol New Jersey Architects. PHILLIPS, ARTHUR— Secretary. 148 East 20th street; residence 834 Lexington avenue. Born In New York City, Oct 3, 1850. Educated in public and private schools. Was lor a time employed by A. T. Stewart & Co. Appointed clerk in the Department ol Pub lic Charities and Correction In 1872; was promoted to assistant secretary In 1880, amd when the department was abolished In 1896, was made secretary ol the new Depairtment ol Correction, which position he now holds. Member Democratic Club. PHILLIPS, BARNET — Journalist, 41 Park row. New York City; residence 39 Troy avenue. Brooklyn. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 9, 1828. Educated at the University ol Pennsylvania and In Europe. On editorial staff ol the "New York Times" since 1872. Author ol several works. PHILLIPS, CHARLES FRANCIS — Banker, 52 Broadway. New York City; residence New Brighton. S. I., and Paris, France. Born in PhUadelphia, Pa.. July 5, 1846. (Oldest son ol Samuel R. and Anne Me- lanie [Berry-King] Phillips.) Educated up to his de gree ol Master ol Arts at Georgetown University, D. C. and St. John's College, Fordham; subsequently in Paris, Rome, Vienna and elsewhere. (Married Fran- cesca, daughter and heiress ol Pletro dl Galvagnl.) President Atlantic Mining and Smelting Co. and Cum berland Coal and Steel Co.; vice-president Virginia Central Ry. Co. and Corporation Trust Co. ol Dela ware; director Brooklyn Public Library. Is a member ol the Bar but is not engaged In general practice, be ing occupied mainly with own Interests, and mat ters pertaining to constitutional and International law. By the death ol his lather, in 1880, he became the head ol the lamlly. Lile Fellow Institute ol Bank ers ol London; member Catholic (llle member) and Champlain Clubs, Hibernian Society ol Philadelphia (life member). Catholic Historical Society of Brooklyn, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, American Bankers' As sociation and others. PHILLIPS, CHARLES STEWART— Lawyer, 113 Fulton street New York City; residence Hotel San Remo. Born in New York City, Dec. 24, 1860. (Sin gle.) Member of the flrm of Stitt & PhiUips. Presi dent New York Bible Society; clerk of the Corpora tion ol the Collegiate Relormed Church ol the City ol New York. Member Colonial Club. PHILLIPS, EDGAR J. — Lawyer, 164 Nassau street. New York City; residence 128 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. Member ol the firm ol Phillips & Avery. Member Hardware Club, Crescent Athletic and Lin coln Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Sons ol the Revolution. PHILLIPS, GUY— Secretary, 195 Broadway, New York City; residence Yonkers. Secretary, treasurer and director Tubular Dispatch Co. ; assistant secretary Missouri Pacific R. R. Co.; director New York Mail and Newspaper Transportation Co. Member Law yers', Camera, Atlantic Yacht and Mendelssohn Glee Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, Ameri can Museum ol Natural History and Metropolitan Mu seum ol Art. PHILLIPS, JOHN B. — Flre Insurance, 93 Nassau street, New York City; residence 391 "West End ave nue. Bom In Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1864. Edu- ' cated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Owens & Phillips. Member Colonial and Hairdware Clubs and League ol American Wheelmen. PHILLIPS, LEEi— Lawyer, 31 Cooper Union, and Criminal Court Building, New York City; residence 247 West 71st street. Bora in Rensselaer County, N. Y., May 7, 1856. Educated In common schools and at Naissau Institute. (Married.) Secretary New York City Municipal Civil Service Commission. Trustee and director New York CoUege ol Dentistry; director "The Chronicle" Publishing Co. Member Colonial and Democratic Clubs, Sons ol the American Revolution and Civil Service Relorm and West End Associations. PHILLIPS, WENDELL C— Physician, 350 Madi son avenue. New York City. Born in Hammond. N. Y., June 9, 1857. Educated at New York Univer sity. (Married.) Adjunct prolessor ol diseases ol the ear. New York Post-Graduate Medical School; surgeon aural department ol Manhattan Bye and Bar Hos pital; chairman ol section on laryngology. New York Academy ol Medicine. Member Knickerbocker Ath letic and TwUight Clubs, Baptist Social Union, New York County Medical, New York State Medical and American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Societies and New York Academy ol Medicine. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM— Banker and Broker, 30 Broad street New York City; residence 59 West 37th street. Bora in New York City. Feb. 23, 1875. Edu cated at Princeton University. (Single.) Associated with the New York Stock Exchange firm ol Strong. Sturgis & Co. Member University Athletic and Princeton Clubs, and Cap and Gown Club ol Prince ton University. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM D.— Manulacturing Chem ist, 77 Pine street. New York City; residence Glen- brook, Conn. Born in New York City. (Single.) President and director Chas. H. Phillips Chemical Co. ' Member New York Athletic, Manhattan and Under writers' Clubs, American Geographical and American Chemical Societies, Board ol Trade and Transporta tion and others. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM H.— Banker and Broker 40 Wall street New York City; residence 18 East 57th street. Trustee Seamen's Bank lor Savings. Mem ber Union League Club, Down Town Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. PHILPUTT, JAMES M.— Unitarian Clergyman 148 West 119th street. New York City. Born ^1 Ten.^ nessee, Sept. 17, 1860. Educated at Indiana University and Union Theological Seminairy (D.D ) (Single ) Pastor Lenox Avenue Union Church. Member Har lem Club. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 371 PHIPPS, FR.4.NK HUNTINGTON— Major, United States Army, Governor's Island, i^ew York Harbor. Member Relorm Club, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion and Sons ol the American Revolution. PHOENIX, LLOYD— 68 Broad street. New York City; residence 21 East 33d street. Bora In New York City, Oct. 7, 1841. Educated at United States Naval Academy ('61). (Single.) Was lieutenant In United States Navy until 1865. Member Metropolitan, Knick erbocker, Union, Army and Navy, Atlantic Yacht, New York Yacht, Larchmont Yacht, Eastern Yacht (Mass.), Turl and Field, Corinthian Yacht, Seawam- haka-Corinthian Yacht and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, National Academy ol Design, Ameri can Museum ol Natural History, American Geographi cal Society and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. PHOENIX, PHILLIPS— Lawyer, 28 State street. New Yorlc City; residence 3 Bast 66th street. Member Metropolitan, City, Union League, Knickerbocker, New York Yacht, Driving, Hudson River Ice Yacht, Turl and Field, and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, American Geographical Society, Down Town Association and American Museum ol Natural His tory. PICARD, GEORGE HENRY— Author, 45 Park place, New York City; residence Nyack-on-Hudson. Born in Berea, Ohio, Aug. 3, 1850. Educated at Bald win University ('69) and at CJlncinnatl Medical Col lege (M.D.). (Married Mary S. Kellogg.) Author ol "A Matter ol Taste," "A Mission Flower" and "Old Bonllace." Contributor to periodical literature. PICK, ALFRED R.— Stock Broker, 52 Broadway, New York City; residence 264 West 57th street. ' Mem ber ol the flrm ol A. R. Pick & Co., and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Manhattan and Rac quet and Tennis Clubs and Deutscher Verein. PICK, BERNHARD — Lutheran Clergyman, 393 Washington avenue, Albany. Born in Kempen, Prus sia, Dec. 19, 1842. Educated In Breslau and Berlin, and at Union Theological Seminary, New York City (D.D., '68). Degrees ol Ph.D. Irom New York University and D.D. Irom Pennsylvania College. Filled several pas torates belore being stationed at Albany. Author ol "Luther as a Hymnlst," "General Index to the Ante- Nlcene Fathers," "Luther's Hymn ol the Relormatlon In Twenty-one Languages," "Luther's Hymn ol the Relormatlon In the English Language," "Vademecum Homlletlcum" and other works; also ol many articles lor cyclopedias and reviews. Member German Oriental Society ol Leipzig, Society ol Biblical Literature ol the United States, and Victoria Institute ol London, Eng land. PICKERING, ARTHUR D.— Architect, 1133 Broad way, New York City; residence 14 Monroe street, Brooklyn. Born In Chicago, 111., July 27, 1859. Edu cated In New York City. (Single.) Member Architec tural League and National Sculpture Society. PICKERING, J. McLAURIN. — Broker, Produce Exchange, New "York City; residence 1 West 82d street. Born In Maine, Nov. 3, 1859. Educated at Hairvard. Member ol the flrm ol M. P. Pickering Co. Member Harvard Club. PICKETT, PATRICK H.— Warden, 70 Ludlow street. New York City; residence 63 Bast 87th street. Born In New York City, 1842. Educated In common schools. Served with the 10th Regiment, Ne-w York Volunteers, during Civil War. On his return to New York City alter the war, was appointed to the police lorce; was made a sergeant in 1870, and a lew years later was promoted to a captaincy. Was appointed warden ol Ludlow Street Jail in 1898, which position he still holds. PICKHARDT, CARL— Color Manulacturer, 128 Duane street, New York City; residence 1042 Madison avenue. Member ol the firm ol WiUiam Plckhardt & Kuttroff. Member Merchants' Club and American Geographical Society. PIERCE, CHARLES H.— Exporter, 149 Broadway, New York City; residence 333 West 85th street: Mem ber New York Athletic and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution and Society ol Colonial Wars. PIERCE, CHARLES T.— Paipt and Varnish Man ulacturer, 170 Fulton street. New York City; residence Riverside, Conn. Born in Boston, Mass., Dec. 10, 1853. Educated in Boston. (Married.) Superintendent F. O. Fierce Co. Member Relorm, Atlantic Yacht, Riverside Yacht, Fairfield County (Conn.) Golf and Apawamis Clubs. PIERCE, FRANK D.— County Clerk, Watertown; residence 10 Clay street. Born in Dexter, N. Y., March 9, 1849. Educated in Jefferson County. (Married.) Has been town clerk and supervisor, and also director Na tional Bank and Loan Co. of "Watertown. Now county clerk of Jefferson County. Member Lincoln League, Masonic Order, Odd Fellows and Knights ol Pythias. PIERCE, FRANKLIN— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 1 West 107th street. Direc tor New York Fireprool Covering Co. Slember Relorm and City Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. PIERCE, HENRY B. — Shirt Manulacturer, 838 Broadway, New York City; residence 36 West 35th street. Born in Massachusetts, March, 1842. Educated in Massachusetts. (Single.) President and treasurer Hutchinson, Pierce & Co. (Inc.). Member Lotos Club, Aldine Association, New England Society and Sons ol the Revolution. PIERCE, JAMES F.— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 7 Montague street, Brook lyn. Born in Madrid, St. Lawrence Co., N. "Y., April 8, 1830. Educated at St. Lawrence Academy and by private tutor. (Married.) Member ol the State Sen ate Irom Brooklyn lor twelve years; in State Insur ance Department six years. Member Lotos Club. Brooklyn Club, State Bar Association, New England Society and life member Long Island Historical So ciety. PIERCE, RAY V-'SlUGHN— Physician and Manu facturer, 663 Main street, Buffalo; residence 653 Main street. Born in Stark, Herkimer Co., N. Y., Aug. 6, 1840. Educated in common schools in Pennsylvania. (Married.) Piacticing in Buffalo since 1867; is also Interested In the manulacture and sale ol proprietary medicines. New York State senator, 1878-9; also served as a member ol the Forty-sixth Congress. President World's Dispensary Medical Association. American Engine Co. ol Bound Brook, N. J., and Ideal Cash Register Co. ol Bound Brook and Buffalo. Member Buffalo Historical, Audubon, ' Falconwood. Buffalo Yacht and Buffalo Clubs, and New York Yacht Club. PIERCE, SMITH D.— Manulacturer, 30 Tiffany place, Brooklyn; residence 149 Willow street. Edu cated at Columbia College. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol P.O. Pierce Co. Member Crescent Ath letic Club, St. Anthony Club ol New York City, and Fairfield County (Conn.) Golf Clubs. PIERCE, V. MOTT — Physician and Manufacturer, 663 Main street, Buffalo; residence 653 Main street. Educated at Harvard. Formerly president ol the Proprietary Association ol America. Now secretary Worid's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo. Member Buffalo Club, and Harvard Club ol New Tork City. . PIERCE., WINSLOW S.-Lawyer, 195 Broadway^ New Tork City; residence 19 West 58th street. Direc tor Oregon Short Line R. R. Co., Texas and Pacific Ry. Co. arid Union Pacific R. R. Co. Member Manhattan, Atlantic Tacht and Lawyers' Clubs and Association of the Bar ol the C^ty of New Tork. PIERCT, HENRT CLAT— Contractor, 207 Thomp^ son street. New Tork City; residence 23 Filth avenue. Born in New Tork City, May 10, 1851. Educated in Brooklyn. (Mairried.) Member ol the firms ol H. C. & Z. T. Piercy, and Albert I. Plercy & Cj>.; president Fulton & "VST-alker "Wagon Co.; trustee West Side Savi- ings Bank. Member Army and Navy, New Tork Athr letic and Republican Clubs, Kane Lodge No. 454, F. & A. M., Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, R. A. M., Coeur de Lion Commandery Knights Templar, Old Guard, 22d Regiment Veteran Association, Hoboken Turtle Club, Mozart Verein and Collax Councll, Royal Arcar num. 372 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. PIERRA, FIDEL G.-Merchant, 81 New street. New Tork City; residence 188 St. John's place, Brook lyn Member TwUight Club, Circle Colon Cervantes and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. PIERREPONT, HENRT EVELTN— Retired, 216 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, IMS. Educated at Columbia ('67). (Widower.) Director Fi delity and Casualty Co. and Home Life Insurance Co., trustee Brooklyn Savings Bank, Brooklyn Hospital, General Theological Seminary and Franklin Trust Co. Member Hamilton Club, Long Island Historical bo- ciety and Sons of the Revolution. PIERREPONT, JOHN JAT— Retired, 66 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 1 Pierrepont place, Brooklyn. (Widower.) Treasurer and director Long Island Historical Society; director Brooklyn Academy of Music; trustee Brooklyn Trust Co. and Greenwood Cemetery. Member Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht, New Tork Tacht, Hamilton, Robins Island and Boone and Crockett Clubs, Down Town Association and Sons of the Revolution. PIERREPONT, WILLIAM A.— Physician, 113 East 19th street. New Tork City; residence 1 Pierrepont place, Brooklyn. Member St. Anthony and St. Nich olas Club, Hamilton Club of Brooklyn, Century As sociation, Colonial Order and Sons of the Revolution. PIERSON, ARTHUR TAPPAN— Preacher, Author, Editor and Lecturer, 30 Lafayette place. New Tork City; residence 1127 Dean street, Brooklyn. Born in New Tork City, March 6, 1837. (Son of Stephen Haines and SaUie Ann [Wheeler] Pierson.) Educated at Ham ilton CoUege (A.B., '57, and A.M., '60), and at Union Theological Seminary (D.D.). (Married Sarah Fran ces, daughter of Seth WiUiston Benedict of New Tork City, 1860.) Editor-in-chief of the "Missionary Review of the World." Formerly pastor In West Winsted, Conn.: Binghamton, N. T; Waterlord, N. T.; Detroit, Mich.; Indlafiapolis, Ind.; PhUadelphia, Pa., and ol the Metropolitan Tabernacle ol London, England. Graves Lecturer on Missions at Rutgers CoUege, 1891; Alex Duff Mission Lecturer in Scotland, 1892. Author of "Crisis of Missions," "Divine Enterprise of Mis sions," "Miracles of Missions," "New Acts of the Apos tles." "Many Infallible Proofs," "Evangelistic Works," "Life Power," "Lessons in the School of Prayer," "Catharine of Sienna," "George MuUer of Bristol" and many other works. PIERSON, CHARLES W.-Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 45 West 35th street. Edu cated at Tale ('86). Member Lawyers', Tale and Uni versity Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. PIERSON, JOHN FREDERICK (Brigadier-Gen eral.) — Iron Merchant, 29 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 20 West 52d street. Member of the firm of Pierson & Co. President and director Richmond Stand ard Steel Spike and Iron Co. Member Union, Racquet and Tennis, New Tork Tacht, Tuxedo, and Army and Navy Clubs, New England Society and Military Order of the Loyal Legion. PIFFARD, HENRT GRANGER — Physician, 256 West 57th street. New Tork City. Born in Piffard, N. T., Sept. 10, 1842. Educated at Churchill's MiUtary Academy, New Tork University (A.B., '62, and A.M., ¦65), and at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University; degrees of M.D. and LL.D. (Married Helen M. Strong, 1868.) Author of several medical works. Member New Tork Athletic and Cam era Clubs and St. Nicholas Society. PIGOT, WILLIAM E.— Woolen Merchant 170 Fifth avenue. New Tork City; residence 18 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn. Member Reform Club, and Crescent Athletic and HamUton Clubs of Brooklyn. PIKE, EDWIN B.— President, 151 Chambers street New. Tork City; residence Pike Station, N. H. Born tn Haverhill, N. H., April 7, 1845. Educated In common schools and at Newbury Seminary. (Married.) Pres ident Pike Mf'g Co. and Pike Station (N. H.) Store Co Formerly postmaster of Pike Station. Member Hard-^ ware Club, New Hampshire Historical Society Na tional Association of Manufacturers (vice-president) and Merchants' and Manufacturers' Association of Philadelphia, Pa. PILLOT, P. STUTVESANT— Insurance, 32 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 66 West 12th street. Born in New Tork City, Nov. 11, 1870. Educated at United States Naval Academy, AnnapoUs, Md. (Mar ried.) Served In the Spanish-American War as first lieutenant 12th Regiment, New Tork Volunteers. Now captain 12th Regiment, N. G. N. T. Member Union, Racquet and Tennis, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht and Knickerbocker Clubs, Military Order of Foreign Wars and Military and Naval Order of Spanish-Amer ican Wair. PILLSBURT, HARRT N.— Chess Expert, 146 Mon tague street, Brooklyn. Born in Boston, Mass., Dec. 5, 1872. Educated In common schools. Mastered the game of chess at the age of sixteen, at which he devel oped remarkable genius. Won world's championship at International Chess Congress held In England in 1895, being the flrst American champion since Paul Morphy in 1858. Since then has played in all the lead ing tournaments held in the United States and Europe. Member Brooklyn Chess Club. PINCHOT, GIFFORD— Forester, 287 Fourth ave nue. New Tork City; residence 2 Gramercy Park. Born In Simsbury. Conn., Aug. 11, 1865. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and at Tale College ('89). (Single.) Forester LTnited States Department of Agri culture. Member City, University. Tale and QulU Clubs, National Academy of Design, American Mu seum of Natural History, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Geographical, Municipal Art and Sculpture Societies, Century Association, and Met ropolitan and Cosmos Clubs of "Washington, D. C. PINCHOT, JAMBS W.— 2 Gramercy Park, New Tork City. Member City, LTnlon League, Grolier, Play ers' and Riding Clubs, American Geographical and -American Fine -4.rts Societies, Century Association. American Museum ol Natural History, National Acad emy ol Design and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. PINE, JOHN B.— Lawyer, 63 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 102 East 30th street. Born In Iowa, Feb. 2, 1857. Educated at Columbia College ('77). Admitted to the Bar, 1879. (Married.) Trustee and clerk ol the board ol trustees ol Columbia University; one ol the managers ol St. Luke's Hospital, and sec retary ol executive committee. Member University Club, Columbia Alumni, Down Town and Century As sociations and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. PINKERTON, ALLAN — Detective Agency, 57 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 71 Eighth ave nue, Brooklyn. Member of the flrm of Robert A. & William A. Pinkerton, proprietors of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, founded in 1850. Member Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn. PINKERTON, ROBERT A.— Detective Agency, 57 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 71 Eighth ave nue, Brooklyn. Born In Dundee, Kane Co., 111., Dec. 2, 1848. (Son of the famous detective, Allan Pinker ton.) Educated at the University of Notre Dame. (Married.) Member of the flrm ol Robert A. & WU liam A. Pinkerton, proprietors ol Pinkerton National Detective Agency, lounded In 1850. Member Crescent Athletic and Montauk Clubs ol Brooklyn, Society lor the Prevention ol Cruelty to Children, Charity Organi zation Society and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. PINKHAM, FRANCIS C.-Commlsslon Merchant 40 Leonard street, New Tork City; residence 74 Halsey street, Brooklyn. Born In Watertown, Mass. (Mar ried.) Member ol the flrm ol W. H. Burgess & Co Member Wool Club. ¦ PINKUS, FREDERICK S.-Importer and Commis sion Merchant, 89 Leonard street. New Tork Citv res- j?^?°t ™ ?.^st 56th street. Member ol the fl™ ol O. Jaffe & Pinkus. Director American Union Llle In surance Co. Member Arkwright, Relorm and Rock away Hunting Clubs, American Geographical Society, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum oi Natural History. PINNBT, DWIGHT C.-Manulacturer ol Window Shades, 273 Canal street. New Tork City; rSncl 196 Lefferts place, Brooklyn. President aid dlrwtor PInney, Casse & Lackey Co. Member Crescent Ath letic Club ol Brooklyn. >-ieai.ent Atn- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 373 PINNBT, GEORGE MILLER, Jr.— Lawyer, 44 Pine street. New Tork City; residence New Brighton, S. I. Born In Windsor, Wis., March 8, 1856. Educated at Harvard College ('78) and Law School. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol PInney & Thayer. Served as supervisor, 1895, and as district attorney, 1896-8, ol Richmond County. Was a member and secretary ol the Greater New Tork Charter Commission, 1896-7. Member Harvard, University, Staten Island Cricket and Staten Island Whist Clubs, New Tork State Bar Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. PIPER, BLWIN S.— Dry Goods Merchant, Grand street and Driggs avenue, Brooklyn; residence 159 Marcy avenue. Born in Saratoga Springs, N. T., Aug. 13, 1861. (Married.) President Eagle Savings and Loan Co. and Grand Street Board ol Trade; trus tee Eastern District Dispensary and Hospital; mem ber Brooklyn School Board. Member Union League, Hanover and Home Clubs. PIRSSON, JOHN W.-Lawyer, 150 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 56 West 37th street. Trustee Cit izens' Savings Bank. Member Union League, Law yers' and Church Clubs and Metropolitan Museum of Art. PITCHER, JAMES R.— Capitalist, 24 Grove street. New Tork City; residence Short Hills, N. J. Born in Windham, N. T., March 5, 1845. Educated at Whites boro Seminary. (Married.) Formerly president of the Pitcher & Manda Co., founder and manager United States Mutual Account Co. and director of various corporations. President Petrolia Mf'g Co. and Cacharl Mining Co. Member Manhattan, Players' and Essex County (N. J.) Country Clubs. - PITKIN, FREDERICK B.-Banker, 87 Hudson street. New Tork City; residence Nyack. Director Brooklyn Bank, Christopher and Tenth Streets R. R. Co., North River Steamboat Co. and Powell Shoe Co. Member Commercial Club. PITKIN, LUCIUS— Chemist, 138 Pearl street. New Tork City; residence 69 Bast 92d street. Member New Tork Athletic Club, Scientific Alliance and American Institute of Mining Engineers. PITOU, AUGUSTUS— Playwright and Theatrical Manager, Grand Opera House, New Tork City; resi dence 361 West 20th street. Made first professional appearance as a member of Edwin Booth's company performing in the Winter Garden Theatre, New Tork City. Has managed William J. Scanlan, Robert Man- tell, Joseph Murphy, Rose Coghlan, Chauncey Olcott and many other theatrical celebrities. Now manager of the Grand Opera House in New Tork City, and of various traveling companies. Author of several suc cessful plays. Member Players' Club. PLACE, GEORGE — Machinery, 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 44 East 31st street. Mem ber Union League, Nineteenth Century, Republican and Lawyers' Clubs. PLACE, IRA ADELBERT- Lawyer, Grand Cen tral Station, New Tork City; residence 268 West 77th street. Born in New Tork City, May 8, 1854. Edu cated at Cornell ('81). Studied law and was admitted to the Bar In 1883. (Married Katharine B. Gauntlett, 1893.) Assistant to generad counsel of the New Tork Central and Hudson River R. R. Co. Secretairy and director Carthage, Watertown and Sackett's Harbor R. R. Co. and Tivoli HoUow R. R. Co.; director Buf falo, Thousand Islands and Portland R. R. Co. and Brooklyn Bridge, Prospect Park and Eaistern R. R. Co. Member University, Psi Upsilon, Phi Beta Kap pa, Colonial, Cornell University and Transportation Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. PLANT, MORTON F.— Capitalist, 12 West 23d street. New Tork City: residence 76 East 56th street. Vice-president and director Abbeville Southern Ry. Co., Alabama Midland Ry. Co., Brunswick and West ern R. R. Co., Florida Southern R. R. Co., Montgom ery Belt Line Ry. Co. and Sanlord and St. Petersburg Ry. Co.; vice-president, manager and director Can ada Atlantic and Plant Steamship Co. (Ltd.); director Charleston and Savannah Ry. Co., Green Pond, Wat- erboro and BranchvIUe Ry. Co., St. John's and Eustis R. R. Co., Savannah, Florida and Western Ry. Co. and Winston and Bone VaUey Ry. Co. Member New York Athletic Club, Sons ol the American Revolution and Order ol Founders and Patriots of America. PI,ATT, CHARLES ADAMS— Architect and Artist, 107 East 27th street, New Tork City. Born in New York City, Oct. 1, 1861. Educated in New Tork City and In Paris. Member New Tork Athletic and Players' Clubs, Century Association, Society of American Art ists and National Academy of Design. PLATT, CLATTON— Insurance, 16 Exchange place. New Tork City; residence 331 West 76th street. Edu cated at Trinity College. Director Cycle Checking Lock Co. Member Union, Colonial, Church, St. An thony, New Tork Athletic and Richmond County Coun try Clubs and Trinity College Alumni and Down Town Associations. PLATT, FRANK H.-Lawyer, 35 Wall street. New York City; residence 242 West 74th street. Born in Owego, Tioga Co., N. Y., 1856. (Son of Thomas CoUier Piatt) Educated at Yale ('77) and at Columbia Law School ('79). Member of the firm of Boardman & Piatt. Director 'United States Express Co.. and Rahtjen'a American Composition Co. Member Colonial, Univer sity, Yale and Lawyers' Clubs. PLATT, HENRY BARSTOW — Banker, 35 WaU street and 1 Madison avenue, and Superintendent, 49 Broadway, New York City; residence 303 West 76th street. Bom In Owego, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1860. Educated at Yale ('82). (Married.) Vice-president Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Maryland; general superintendent United States Express Co. Member University, Colo nial, Lawyers' and Yale Clubs. PLATT, HENRY CLAY— Lawyer, 50 Post Office BuUding, New York City; residence 164 West 48th street. Born in New York City, Oct. 22, 1840. Edu cated at Princeton. Studied law, was admitted to the New York Bar in 1862 and has since practiced In New York City. (Married Jennie Dusenberry, 1864.) Mem ber of the New York State Assembly, 1864-6. Assist ant ITnited States District Attorney for the Southern District of New York since 1886. Member Reform, Chi Phi and Princeton Clubs. PLATT, ISAAC S.— President, 165 Greenwich street. New York City; residence 10 East 62d street. Born in New York City, Jan. 5, 1834. Educated in New York City. (Married.) Member Mendelssohn Glee Club, Century Association and American Museum of Natural History. PLATT, THOMAS COLLIER- United States Sen ator, Senate Chamber, Washington, D. C, and Presi dent, 49 Broadway, New York City; residence Fifth Avenue Hotel. Born in Owego, Tioga Co., N. Y., July 15, 1833. Educated at Owego Academy and at Yale. (Married.) Clerk of Tioga County, 1859-61; Congress man, 1873-7; president of the Board of Quarantine Commissioners, New York Harbor, 1880-8. Elected United States Senator in 1896 for term 1897-1903. Leader of the Republican party in the State of New "X"ork. President and director United States Express Co. since 1880, and of Tioga National Bank. Ex-presldent Ten nessee Coal, Iron and R. R. Co.; ex-receiver New York and New England R. R. Co. Member American Yacht and Lawyers' Clubs, American Geographical Society, Yale Alumni Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. PLATT, "WILLARD H.— Manufacturers' Supplies, 17 Murray street. New York City; residence, 115 Cam bridge place, Brooklyn. Born June 12, 1854. (Married.) Member of the firm of Greene, Tweed & Co. Treas urer Baptist Home of Brooklyn and Emmanuel Bap tist Church. Member Marine and Field, and Lincoln Clubs of Brooklyn, Hardware and Manhattan Clubs, Shelter Island Golf and Shelter Island Yacht Clubs, and Chamber of Commerce. PLATZEK, M. WARLEY— Lawyer, 320 Broadway, New York City; residence 439 Fifth avenue. Born in North Carolina, Aug. 27, 1854. Educated at New York University (LL.B.). (Single.) Member of the firm ol Platzek, Stroock & Herzog. Member ol the Constitu tional Convention ol 1894. Member Democratic, Re form, Harmonie, Progress, Criterion and Wa Wa Yanda Clubs and of many charitable organizations. 374 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. PLIMPTON, GEORGE A. — Publisher, 70 Filth avenue. New York City; residence 41 East 33d street. Born In Walpole, Mass., 1856. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy, Amherst College ('76) and at Har vard Law School. (Married Francis Pearsons.) Con nected with Ginn & Co. Treasurer Barnard College and Academy ol Political Science. Ex-trustee Bar nard and Amherst Colleges. Member University, Gro Uer, Century, Nineteenth Century and Barnard Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, Amherst Alum ni and Century Associations and New England So ciety. PLIMPTON, HENRY B. C— Dry Goods Merchant, 328 Broadway, New York City; residence 45 West 32d street. Born In Mount Vernon, Ohio, Dec. 22, 1862. Educated at Kenyon CoUege. (Single.) Member Co lonial, New York Athletic, Richmond County Country and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs and Ohio Society. PLUMMER, JOHN FRANKLIN— Investments, 50 Broadway, New York City; residence 2 West 36th street. Born In Boston, Mass., Oct. 2, 1840. Educated In Roxbury, Mass., and at Dr. Dwight's School In Brooklyn, N. Y. (Married.) Managing director lor the United States ol the Anglo-Indian and American Bank (Ltd.), of London, Bombay and New York; director in other commercial companies. Was in woolen com mission business lor many years; lormerly Govern ment Director ol the Union Pacific R. R. Co. (ap pointed by President Harrison); first president ol the New York Republican Business Men's Association. Member Union League and Republican Clubs, Lalay ette Post, G. A. R., Chamber ol Commerce and New Tork Genealogical and Biographical and New England Societies. PLUMMER, JOHN FRANKLIN, Jr.— Automobiles, 11 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 152 Madison avenue. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., Oct. 21, 1871. Edu cated at Tale ('91). (Single.) Assistant secretary Co lumbia University, 1894-9. Connected with the Loco mobile Company ol America. Member University, Tale and Amateur Comedy Clubs, and Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson. PLTMPTON, EBEN— Actor, 125 West 28th street. New Tork City. Born in Boston, Mass., Feb. 7, 1863. Educated in Boston. (Single.) Entered dramatic pro fession while in Calilornia, under the management ol the American tragedian, Joseph Proctor. Supported Edwin Booth in London, 1882, and in United States, 1883-5; returned to England and produced the play "Jack" at the Royal Theatre, London, and made a tour ol the United States with the same play. Has since appeared in other well-known roles. Member Lotos Club. PLTMPTON, GEORGE W.ASHINGTON — Civil Engineer and Educator, Fourth avenue and Astor place. New Tork City; residence 127 Herkimer street Brooklyn. Born in Waltham, Mass., Nov. 18 1827' Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute ' (C B '47). Degrees of A.M. from Hamilton College and M d' from Long Island College Hospital. (Married.) Pro fessor of mathematics at New Tork State Normal School, Albany, 1853-6; professor of physics and engi neering at same, 1857-63; professor of chemistry and toxicology at Long Island College Hospital, 1864-86- f^nP'^ °* "^^" Nostrand 's Engineering Magazine '' 1870-86; president of the Board of Commissioners of Sn^o'^e"'^^^"^'^^^® °^ *he City ol Brooklyn, 1885-9 and 189^-6. Prolessor physics and engineering since 1869 and director since 1879, ol Cooper Union; prolessor (it civil engineering in Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute since 1863. Member Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn American Society ol Civil Engineers and Century As-^ sociation. PL"S'MPTON, GILBERT M.-Banker, 41 "Wall street, New York City; residence 30 West 52d street Born m New York City, Jan. 15, 1835. Educated In private schools, at Shurtleff CoUege, 111., and at New York University Law School. (Married.) Member ^PrPT r^ ^^^ originators ol the firm of Redmond Kerr & Co members of the New York Stock Ex change, and director and one of the originators of the Bankers' -Trast Co. Member Metropolitan, St Nich! %P-^.P°P''^''^-^^?\^°''^ ^^^=1^* a^-i Lachr^ont Yacht Clubs New York Zoological, Botanical, Genealogical American Historical and New York Hi'storrcal sS ties, Down Town Association, Society of ColoSlal Wars, Military Order of the War of 1812, Colonial Or der and Metropolitan Museum of Art. POHLMANN, JULIUS— Physician, 378 Franklin street, Buffalo. Born in Hamburg, Germany, Jan. 26, 1848. Educated in Hamburg and at the University of Buffalo (M.D., '83). Member of the faculty of the Uni versity of Buffalo. Member American Geological So ciety, American Academy of Political and Social Science, American Statistical Association and Ameri can Association for the Advancement of Science. POL.AK, JOHN O.— Physician,; 287 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, March 12, 1870. Educated at Rutgers CoUege, University of Vermont and Long- Island College Hospital (M.D.). Formerly prolessor ol obstetrics New York Post-Graduate Medical School; surgeon Williamsburg and Eastern District Hospitals. Now connected with New York Post-Graduate Hos pital, Long Island College Hospital and Williamsburg Hospital. Member Crescent Athletic Ciub, New York State Medical, Long Island Medical, Brooklyn Patho logical and Brooklyn Gynecological Societies, Medical Society ol Kings County, Medical Association ol Kings County, Associated Physicians ol Long Island and New York Academy ol Medicine. POLHEMUS, MILLARD F.-Broker, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 2 West 36th street. Born In New York CJity, 1856. (Married.) Member New York Stock Exchange and ol the New York Club. POLIFEMB, CHARLES— Ladies' Tailor, 7 East 48th street. New York City. Born in Mantova, Italy, Oct. 2, 1863. Educated in Mantova, Milan, Paris and London. (Married.) Resident ol New York City since 1889, where he has since uninterruptedly engaged In the tailoring business. Has a branch establishment at 30 Parker avenue, Newport, R. I. Has made tailoring a llle study and, Irom an artistic point ol view, is re garded as one ol the most successlul in his line. Is an amateur lencer and a member ol the New York Athletic Club. POLK, FRANK L.— Lawyer, 52 Wall street. New. York City; residence, 7 East 36th street. IBducated at Yale ('94). Member Racquet and Tennis, Univer sity, Yale and Knickerbocker Clubs. POLK, J. M.— Physician, 7 East 36th street, New York City. Born In Demopilis, Ala., May 6, 1876. Edu cated at Yale and at CorneU University Medical Col lege. (Single.) Member ol staff ol BeUevue Hospital. Member St. Anthony, Yale, Racquet and Tennis, and University Clubs. POLK, WILLIAM MECKLENBURG — Physician and Prolessor, 7 East 36th street. New York City. Bora In Ashwood, Maury Co., Tenn., Aug. 16, 1844. (Son ol Gen. Leonidas Polk.) Educated at Virginia Military Institute and at College ol Physicians and Surgeons ol Columbia University; degrees ol M.D. and LL.D. Served in Conlederate Army during Civil War. Practicing In New York City since 1869. Pro- lessor ol gynecology and obstetrics, and director ol Cornell University Medical College; also gynecologist to BeUevue Hospital and obstetrician to Emergency Lying-in Hospital. Member Metropolitan and Church Clubs, Century Association, Southern Society and Sons ol the Revolution. POLLACK, GEORGE E.— 28 West 21st street. New York City. Born in PIttsfield, Mass. Educated at Yale. (Single.) Member Metropolitan, Racquet and Tennis, Union and Knickerbocker Clubs. POLLARD, LOITIS A.— Manulacturer, 26 Cortlandt street. New Tork City; residence 417 Franklin avenue, Brooklyn. Treasurer and director General Manulac turing Co. Member Union League and Crescent Ath letic Clubs of Brooklyn. POLLARD, PERCIVAI.^Author, 156 and 208 Fifth avenue. New Tork City. Born in Pomerania, 1869. (Son of Joseph and Marie [Pistor] Pollard.) Educated at Eastbourne College, Sussex, England. Began jour nalistic work in St. Joseph, Mo., In 1891. Was with Richard Mansfield as press agent for one season. Was a resident of Chicago, 111., for many years and while there edited "Figaro," "Vanity Fair" and "The Echo " Now connected with "Town Topics" of New Tork City and with "Morning Leader" and "The Sphere" of Lon don. England. Well known as a writer on the sub- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 375 ject ol posters. Author ol "Figaro Fiction," "Cape ol Storms," "Posters In Miniature," "Dreams ol To-Day" and "The Kiss that Killed." Member Press Club ol Chicago. III. POLLOCK, ALEXANDER— Mechanical Engineer and Contractor, 15 Cortlandt and 203 West streets. New Tork City; residence 326 West 82d street. Presi dent and director Consolidated Iron Works. Member Engineers', American Tacht and Commercial Clubs and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. POLLOCK, -WALTER B.-Manager, 10 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 244 West 104th street. Man ager of marine department New Tork Central and Hudson River R. R. Co. Member Transportation, West Side RepubUcan and Columbia Tacht Clubs. POLLOCK, WILLIAM— 182 Madison avenue. New Tork City. Educated at Tale. Member Metropolitan, Union, Racquet and Tennis, Riding, Tuxedo, and Sub urban Riding and Driving Clubs and Tale Alumni Association. POLSON, WILLIAM R.— Superintendent, 91 North Third street, Brooklyn; residence 157 Lefferts place. Bora In Dorchester, Mass., March 17, 1857. Educated in Boston, Mass. (Married.) Formerly president Ready Relief Association, DeWitt Clinton Councll; trustee DeWitt Clinton Councll No. 419, R. A.; chair man financial committee Hyatt Masonic Lodge. Now president Crump Label Co. of Montciair, N. J.; assist ant secretary and superintendent United States Print ing Co. of Ohio; trustee Eastern District Hospital of Brooklyn. Member Union League Club. POMEROT, CHARLES COOLIDGE — Banker, 45 WaU street. New Tork City; residence 365 West End avenue. Educated at Harvard. Member , Metropoli tan, Riding, Union and Harvard Clubs and Down Town Association. POMEROT, EUGENE H.-Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New Tork City;, residence 48 "West 55th street. Bom in New Tork City, Oct. 13, 1840. Educated at Columbia College ('60) and Law School ('62). (Mar ried.) Was commissioner of the New Tork City Board of Education and school trustee of Nineteenth Ward. Member New Tork Athletic Club and Columbia Uni versity Alumni Association. POMEROT, FRED L. — General Manager, 736 Mooriey Building, Buffalo; residence Hotel Fillmore. Member Transportation Club ol New Tork City, Cres cent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, and RIdgewood and Rldgefield Clubs. POMEROT, GEORGE B.— Physician, 51 Manhattan avenue. Educated at Harvard. Member Union, Uni versity Athletic and Harvaird Clubs. POMEROT, THEODORE M.-Banker, Aubum. Born in Cayuga County, N. T., Dec. 31, 1824. Educated at Monroe Academy, Eldridge, N. T., and at Hamilton College (A.B., '42 and LL.D., '93). (Married, In 1855, Elizabeth Watson of Auburn; deceased, 1892.) Ad mitted by the Supreme Court of the State of New Tork to the practice of law In 1846, and continued such practice until 1870. District attorney of Cayuga County, 1851-6; assemblyman, 1857; Congressman, 1861-9, and was Speaker of the House at the close ol the Fortieth Congress; mayor ol Auburn, 1875-6; State senator, 1878-9. Now engaged In business as a mem ber ol the banking firm ol William H. Seward & Co. First vice-president ol the American Express Co. Member Transportation Club ol New Tork City. POMROT, HENRT K.— Broker, 39 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 118 Bast 40th street. Mem ber ol the firm of Pomroy Bros, and of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Director Bradford, Bordell and Kinzua Ry. Co. and Phenix National Bank; trustee Real Estate Trust Co. Member Players' and Barnard Clubs and Century -Association. PONCET, JOHN M. — Commission Agent and Im porter, 108 Greene street. New Tork City; residence 1893 Seventh avenue. Born in Lyons, Prance. Edu cated in Prance at a commerciaJ high school. Mem ber of the firm of Poncet & Neeser. Member Catholic and Wool Clubs. POND, ALBERT E.— Music Publisher, 124 Fifth avenue. New Tork City; residence 11 East 81st street. Born in New Tork City, Aug. 24, 1860. Educated at the College of the City of New Tork. (Married.) Was chiel warden State ol New Tork League ol American Sportsmen and special protector New Tork Fish, Game and Forest Commission. Member Camp Fire Club, League ol American Sportsmen, New Tork Zo ological Society and 7th Regiment Veteran Associa tion. POND, ANSON PHELPS— Author, Abbey Build- in,g. New Tork City; residence 283 West 71st street. Born in Hartlord, Conn., 1856. Educated in Newport and New Tork City. Author ol "Her Atonement," "A Desperate Man," "Battles ol Lile," "When the Cruel War Is Over," "A Helping Hand," "A Friend" and other works. Member Lambs' and Dramatists' Clubs. POND, CHARLES HOBBT— Cashier, 23 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 55 West 87th street. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., Feb. 18, 1860. Educated in New Haven, Conn. (Married Margaret W. Meaid.) Was registrar Society ol Coloniai 'Wars ol New Tork, and assistant treasurer Society ol the Cincinnati ol the State ol Connecticut. Cashier, since 1881, Drexel, Morgan & Co., now J. P. Morgan & Co. Member New Tork Athletic Club, Society ol Colonial Wars, Sons ol the Revolution and Connecticut Society ol the Cin cinnati. POND, GEORGE D.— Cashier, 24 Park place. New Tork City; residence Tenafly, N. J. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 2, 1841. Educated at Columbia Col lege. (Married.) Cashier American Railway Supply Co. Member Columbia University Alumni and 7th Regiment Veteran Associations. POND, GEORGE EDWARD— Journalist, 170 Nas sau street. New Tork City; residence 346 West 20th street. Born in Boston, Mass., March 11, 1837. Edu cated at Harvard (A.B., '58, and LL.B., '60). (Wid ower.) Served in Union Army during Civil War and reached the rank ol flrst lieutenant. Connected with the editorial staff ol the New Tork "Sun." Author ol "The Shenandoah Valley In 1864" and other works. Member Authors' Club. POND, JAMBS BURTON— Manager, 218 Fourth avenue. New Tork City; residence 300 Bergen avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Born In Cuba, N. T., June 11, 1838. Educated "on the plains." (Married.) Served during Civil War with 3d Wisconsin Cavalry Volunteers; was commissioned successively second lieutenant, flrst lieutenant, captain and major, and was In command ol regiment on Its return home. In business In New Tork City since 1879. Has managed the tours ol many famous lecturers. Member Lotos, Press and Army and Navy Clubs, Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn, Carteret Gun Club ol Jersey City, N. J., Aldine Association, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion and Lalayette Post, G. A. R. PONDIR, JOHN— Broker and Promoter, 15 Broad street, Ne-w Tork City; residence 147 West 70th street. Member ol the flrm ol Pondir & Co. Member Ameri can Geographical Society, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. POOL, HARWOOD REDINGTON— Lawyer, 62 Cedar street. New Tork City; residence 421 West 57th street. Educated at Ohio University ('81). President and director Air Gas Meter Co.; secretary and direc tor Pittsburg, Brady's Bend and Lake Erie R. R. Co. and Camden Construction Co. Member University and Republican Clubs, Union Club ol Cleveland, Ohio, and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. POOL, JOSEPH— City Magistrate, New Tork City; residence 421 West 57th street. Born in Minerva, Ohio, 1833. Educated in public schools. Studied law, was admitted to the Bar and practiced In Cleveland, Ohio, for several years. Served as second Ueutenamt In the 67th Ohio Infantry during Civil War; was appointed by President Lincoln assistant quartermaster with the rank of captain of United States Volunteers, and later as paymaster with the rank of major in the United States Army; was mustered out of service with the rank of brevet lieutenant-colonel of United States Volunteers "for faithful services in the Army of the Republic." Became a resident of New Tork City in 1868; served as president of the American Na- 376 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. tional Bank, president of the Manufacturers' and Mer^ chants' Bank, and president of the New Tork and West Shore Railroad, which he bought under tore closure and reorganized in 1880. Was appointed a Citv Mkgistrate b| Mayor Strong in 1897 for a term of ton^earl. President and director Camden Construc tion Co. and Pittsburg, Brady's Bend and Lake Erie R R Co - director Air Gas Meter Co. Member Re pubUcan and "&nion League Clubs and Military Order of the Loyal Legion. POOL JOSEPH C— Paints and Oils, 70 Fulton street Brooklyn; residence 196, 52d street. Born in Bay Ridge, N T., Jan. 4, 1842. Educated at Brook lyn Polytechnic Institute. (Widower.) President South Brooklyn Saw Mill Co. Member Ridge Club (vice-president) . POOLE CHARLES FRANKLIN— Manufacturer, Waverly. Born in Centre Moreland, Wyoming Co., Pa., June 1, 1851. Educated at Rev. Geo. M. Life's School, Nichols N. T. (Married Eliza Jane Van Ostrand, 1874 ) Democratic candidate for member of Assembly, 1896; member of the State Executive Committee of the Bryan Democracy since 1896; manufacturer of paving and pressed brick at Nina (N. T.), 1893-4. Now man ufacturer of granite and marble work. Member West brook Lodge, P. & A. M. of Nichols, Cayuta Chapter, R A. M., St. Omer's Commandery, Knights Templar of Bimlra, and Noble Grand of Manoca Lodge, I. O. O. F. POOLE, MURRAT B.-Lawyer, Ithaca. Born in Centre Moreland, Wyoming Co., Pa., July 17, 1857. Educated at Wyoming Seminary and at Cornell (A.B., '80) Honorary degree of LL.D. from Nashville Col lege In 1900. (Married Eva Zeliffe, of Limestone, N. T., 1891.) Has served as justice of the peace, acting Re corder and as special County Judge. Attorney for State Line and Sullivan R. R. Co., Long Valley Coal Co. and Automatic Telephone Co. Author of "History ol Edward Poole ol Weymouth, Mass. (1635), and His Descendants." Contributor to "Harper's Weekly," "Review ol Reviews," "IUustrated American," "The Puritan," "Magazine ol American History," "Green Bag," "American University Magazine" and to several biographical cyclopedias. Member New Tork Histori cal, New Bn.gland, New England Hlstoric-Genealoglcail and American Geographical Societies, State Bar, New Tork Press, American Historical. Civil Service Relorm and American Bar Associations. Society ol Foreign Wars, Society ol Colonial Wars, Society ol the War ol 1812, Society ol Founders and Patriots 01 America, Sons ol the Revolution and Sons ol the American Rev olution. POOLE, SHERIDAN— Insurance, 141 Broadway, New Tork City. Born in Queens County, N. T., Feb. 5, 1837. Educated in Belolt, Wis. (Widower.) Member ol the Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange. POOLET, CHARLES A. — Lawyer, 614 EUicott square, Buffalo. Born in Buffalo, Nov. 17, 1854. Edu cated in Buffalo public schools. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Pooley, Depew & Spratt, attorneys lor New Tork Central and allied lines, the Western Tran sit Co. and other Interests. Was tru|tee Buffalo Li brary and district deputy grand master ol Masons. Member Buffalo and Acacia Clubs. POOR, BDWARD ERIE — Dry Goods Merchant, 114 Worth street. New Tork City; residence 10 East Tenth street, and Hackensack, N. J. Born In Boston, Mass., 1837. Educated in public schools. (Married Mary Wellington, daughter ol Washington J. Lane ol Cambridge, Mass., 1860.) Removed to New Tork City in 1864 and embarked in the dry goods business as a member ol the flrm of Denny, Poor & Co. and as vice- president of the Passaic Print Works. Became a di rector of the National Park Bank in 1886, vice-presi dent in March, 1893, and was elected president on Aug. 20, 1895, which position he held until May 25, 1900, when he resigned on account of ill health and went abroad. Retained his partnership in the dry goods business, which is now carried on under the flrm name of Poor Bros. Director American Surety Co., Consolidated Coal Co., Denver Union Water Co., Mount Morris Bank, National Park Bank, Passaic Print Works and Plaiza Bank; trustee State Trust Co. Member Union League, Manhattan and Merchants' Clubs, New Eng land Society and Chamber of Commerce. POOR, HENRT WILLIAM— Banker, 18 Wall street, and Publisher, 44 Broad street. New Tork City, residence 91 CUnton place. Born in Bangor, Me., June 16 18-14. Educated at Harvard ('65). Member of the firm of H. V. & H. W. Poor, publishers of Poors Manual of RaUroads"; also senior member of the banking flrm of H. W. Poor & Co. and member of the New Tork Stock Exchange. President and direc tor Kansas City and Pacific R. R- Co.; treasurer and director United States Casualty Co.; member of ad visory committee Audit Co. of New Tork; director At lantic Coast Line Electric Ry. Co., Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern Ry. Co., Baltimore and Ohio South western Terminal Co, Bank of the State of New Tork BoonvUle R. R. Bridge Co., Missouri, Kansas and Texas R R. Co., Southwestern Coal and Improvement Co and Staten Island Electric R. R. Co.; chairman of the board of directors Sherman, Shreveport and Southern R. R. Co.; trustee Consolidated Ice Co. Member Union, Harvard, City, Grolier, Mendelssohn Glee University, Riding, Tuxedo, Seawanhaka-Conn thian Tacht, Racquet and Tennis, Players', Richmond HIU Goll and Barnard Clubs, American Pine Arts, Dunlap, American Geographical, New England, New Tork Historical and Musical Arts Societies, Aldine and Down Town Association, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Sons ol the American Revolution. POOR, RUEL W.— Banker, 71 West 23d street. New Tork City; residence 44 HamUton terrace. Born in New London N. H., Sept. 29, 1860. Educated at WU ton (Me.) Academy. (Married.) (Jashier Garfield Na tional bank; director Consolidated Ice Co. Member Colonial New Tork Athletic, Heights and Craltsmen's Clubs, (jhamber ol Commerce, Sons ol the American Revolution and New England Society. POORE. CHARLES T.— Physician, 43 West 53d street. New Tork City. Educated at "Williams College. Member Union League Club, St Nicholas and New England Societies and WUliams CoUege Alumni and Century Associations. POOTON, JAMBS — Journalist, 55 WaU street New Tork City; residence 59 Park place, Brooklyn. Born in Cheltenham, England, July 11, 1834. Educated in New Tork City. (Married.) Entered journalism in 1858; vice-president New Tork News Association, 1870- 1; lounded the New Tork Press Club, 1872; president ol same, 1873-4; elected an honorary member, 1879; pri vate secretary to Surveyor ol the Port Hans S. Beat- tie, 1885-9; now in United States Customs Surveyor's office. Author ol "Journalism" (written lor the New Tork "Journalist") over the signature ol "Matthew Unit" and a Irequent contributor to current literature. Member Press Club. POPE., CHARLES H.— Cotton Goods, 87 Worth street. New Tork City; residence Rhode Island. Born In Providence, R. I., Dec. 23, 1835. Educated at Brown University. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol C. H. Pope & Co. Served as first lieutenant ol Battery F, 1st Rhode Island Artillery, during Civil "War, and as major ol United States Volunteers. Member Atlantic Tacht and Marine and Field Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Arkwright Club. POPE, CHARLES H., Jr.— Cotton Goods, 87 Worth street. New Tork City; residence 48 East 26th street. Born in New Tork City. Educated in private schools and at Massachusetts Institute ol Technology. (Sin gle.) Member ol the firm ol C. H. Pope & Co. Mem ber New Tork Athletic, Camera, Arkwright, Naissau Country and Apawamis Goll Clubs. POPE, CHARLES M.— Real Bstate, 56 Liberty street. New Tork City. Born in Indianapolis, Ind., July 30, 1871. Educated in St. Louis (Mo.) schools and at Tale University ('93). (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Pope & Jones. President and director Stand ard Realty Co. and The Henderson Co. POPE, J. MONROE TATLOR— Chemicals, 41 Cort landt street, New Tork City; residence 345 West 71st street. Educated at Harvard. Member Harvard Club. POPE, RALPH W.— Electrical Engineer, 26 Cort land street, New Tork City; residence^ Elizabeth, N. J. Born in Great Barrington, Mass., Aug. 16, 1844. Edu cated in Great Barrington and Amherst Academies. (Married.) Acted as quartermaster to Collins' Overland BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 377 Telegraph Expedition In British Columbia: deputy superintendent Gold and Stock Telegraph Co. of New Tork City; associate editor "The Electrical Engineer," 1884-5; editor "Electric Power," 1889-93. First president and founder of the New Jersey Chess Association; sec retary American Institute of Electrical Engineers since 1885. Member Elizabeth (N. J.) Chess and Whist Club (president), Berkshire Society of New Tork, New Tork Electrical Society, Franklin Institute of Philadelphia (honorary) and Association of Railway Telegraph Su perintendents (honorary). POPPER, WILLIAM C— Stationer, 56 Reade street. New Tork City; residence 62 West 95th street. Born In Newfoundland, N. J., Aug. 15, 1857. (Single.) Mem ber ol the firm ol William C. Popper & Co. Director "Heiplul Thoughts" Publishing Co. Member FideUo Club (president). Educational Alliance (director) and several Iraternltles and charitable societies. PORTER, ALFRED H., Jr.— Lawyer, 100 William street. New Tork City; residence, 125 Bast 35th street, and Monmouth Beach, N. J. Born In Brooklyn, N. T., 1865. Educated at Tale and Columbia Law Schools. (Married.) Vice-president and director Royal Baking Powder Co. Member Garden City Goll, Seabright Goll and Dyker Meadow Goll Clubs and Down Town Asso ciation. PORTER, ANTHONT B. — Lawyer, 154 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 303 West 81st street. Director Elkhorn Valley Coal Land Co. and S. C. Beck with Special Agency. Member Church, Army and Navy and Colonial Clubs, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. PORTER, BENJAMIN CURTIS— Artist, 3 Wash ington square. North, New Tork City; residence 22 West llth street. Born and educated In Melrose, Mass. (Married.) Member National Arts Club, Tavern Club of Boston, Mass., Sculpture Society and National Academy of Design. PORTER, EUGENE H.— Physician, 181 "West 73d street. New Tork City. Educated at Cornell ('80). Member Twilight. Press, Cornell University and Co lonial Clubs. PORTER, FRANK— Real Estate, 1286 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 66 Bast 58th street. Born In New Tork City, April 11, 1844. Educated In New Tork City. (Single.) Member New Tork Athletic Club. PORTER, HENRT H.— Commissioner, 66 Broad way, New Tork City; residence Manhattan Club. Di rector Chauncey Realty Co., Chicago and Eastern Illi nois Ry. Co., Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Ry. Co., Duluth and Iron Range R. R. Co. and Minnesota Iron Co. Member Manhattan, Church and Democratic Clubs. PORTER, HENRT HOBART, Jr.— Contracting Engineer, 31 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence "Lauderdale," Lawrence. Born in New Tork City, March 12, 1865. Educated at School ol Mines ol Co lumbia University ('86). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Sanderson & Porter. Vice-president Queens Borough Electric Light and Power Co. ol New Tork; secretary and treasurer People's Tramway Co. ol Con necticut; director in various corporations. Member University, Rockaway Hunting and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs and Columbia University Alumni Association. PORTER, HORACE — Congregational Clergyman, 69 Pineapple street, Brooklyn. Born in Marietta, Ohio, about 1865. Studied lor the ministry in the West. First assistant pastor ol Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, ol which the Rev. Lyman Abbott is rector, since 1893. PORTER, HORACE— United States Ambassador to France; residence Paris, France, and Hotel Cam bridge, New- Tork City. Born In Huntington, Pa., Aug. 15, 1847. (Son ol Hon. David R. Porter.) Educated in Lawrenceville, N. J., at Harvard and at United States Military Academy ("60). Degree ol LL.D. Irom Union CoUege In 1894. (Married Sophie K. McHarg ol Al bany, N. T., 1863.) Served throughout Civil War and received every commissioned grade up to brigadier- general. Was aide-de-camp on the staff ol General Grant, and when the latter became President, served as his private secretary. Served as a member ol the executive committee ol the Committee ol Seventy in 1894. Delivered the oration at the Grant memorial ceremonies and also at the inauguration ol the Wash ington Arch in New Tork City on April 27, 1897. Has been United States Ambassador to Prance since 1897. Director Atlanta, KnoxvUle and Northern Ry. Co., Equitable Llle Assurance Society ol the United States, United States Guarantee Co. and other corporations. Member Metropolitan, Republican, Army and Navy, Union League, University, Lotos, Grolier, Nineteenth Century, Players', Lawyers' and Authors' Clubs, Mon tauk Club of Brooklyn, Century Association, American Geographical Society, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Society of Foreign Wars, Sons of the Ameri can Revolution, Chamber of Commerce, Society of the Army of the Potomac, Grant Monument Association, Metropolitan Museum of Art and other organizations. PORTER, HUGH— Lawyer, 35 Nassau street. New Tork City. Born in New Tork City, Jan. 19, 1850. Educated by private tutors. President Pontiac, Ox ford and Northern R. R. Co., Natchez, Red River and Texas R. R. Co., Huachuca Water Go. and Sycamore Water Co.; president and trustee New Tork City Bap tist Mission; trustee and counsel American Tract So ciety; trustee Christian Home for Intemperate Men and New Tork Ophthalmic Hospital: member of ad visory committee and counsel Baptist Home Society of the City of New Tork; counsel American Female Guardian Society and Home for Friendless. Member Colonial and Lawyers' Clubs. PORTER, LOUIS H.-Lawyer, 46 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 146 Central Park, West. Born In New Tork City, 1874. Educated at Tale. (Single.) Member of the firm of Nicholas & Porter. Member Tale and Phi Beta Kappa Clubs, Llnnsean Society and American Ornithologrists' Union. PORTER, NATHAN TODD, Jr. — Commission Merchant, 78 Worth street, New Tork City; residence Montciair, N. J. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., Dec. 5, 1867. Educated at Tale ('90). (Married Caroline Chester Knlckerbacker.) Member of the firm of Porter Bros. & Co. Member Essex County (N. J.) Country and University Clubs. PORTER, P. BRTNBERG— Physician, 150 West 84th street. New Tork City. Born In Wilmington, Del. Educated, at Tale and at the Medical Depart ment of the University of Pennsylvania (M.D.). (Single.) Secretary New Tork County Medical Asso ciation and Medical Association of Greater New Tork. Editor of "GalUard's Medical Journal." Member Church and Delta Kappa Epsilon Clubs and TaJe Alumni Association. PORTER, ROBERT P.— JournaUst, 100 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 36 East 65th street. Born In Norfolk, England, June 30, 1852. Educated In Nor wich, England. Came to the United States at the age of fifteen. (Married.) Has been engaged in journal ism since 1872. Was statistical expert of the Tenth United States Census, 1880-2; member United States Tariff Commission, 1882; on editorial staff of the New Tork "Tribune," 1883-4; associate editor of the Phil adelphia "Press" and general secretary of the Ameri can Protective Tariff League, 1884-7; editor-in-chief of the New Tork "Press," of which he was one of the founders, 1887-93; Superintendent of the Eleventh United States Census, 1889-93; traveled in Japan and Europe, preparing reports on industries and resources; special commissioner for the United States to Cuba and Puerto Rico, 1899. Is at present engaged in the study of European trade statistics. Member Repub lican and Lawyers' Clubs and American Statistical So ciety. PORTER, THOMAS WTMAN— Commission Mer chant, 80 "Worth street. New Tork City; residence Montciair, N. J. Educated at Tale ('87). Member of the firm of Porter Bros. & Co. Member Union, Essex County (N. J.) Country, University, University Ath letic, Tale, Delta Kappa Epsilon and Merchants' Clubs, and Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson. PORTER, WILLIAM H.— Banker, 270 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 56 East 67th street. Bom In Middlebury, Vt, Jan. 3, 1861. Educated at Middle bury Academy and at Saratoga High School. (Mar ried.) Vice-president and director Chemical National Bank; director Trow Printing and Bookbinding Co.; 378 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. trustee Franklin Savings Bank. Member Union League, Republican, New Tork Athletic, Atlantic Tacht and Transportation Clubs, American Geograph ical and New England Societies and Chamber of Com merce. POST, A. VANZO— President, 45 Wall street, New Tork City; residence 140 West 77th street. Educated at Columbia. President and director Manhattam Car Trust Co.; director Car Trast Investment Co. Mem ber Fencers' and Metropolitan Clubs and Columbia University Alumni and Down Town Associations. POST, AUGUST T.— Banker, 31 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 44 West 44th street. Mem ber of the firm of E. D. Shepard & Co. Member Alpha . Delta Phi Club, Union League Club of Philadelphia, and Amherst College Alumni Association. POST, CHARLES A.-Lawyer, 16 Exchange place. New Tork City; residence 15 Fifth avenue. President and trustee Post Building Co. Member Union, Sea wanhaka-Corinthian Tacht and Knickerbocker Clubs, Scientific Alliance, American Geographical Society and Columbia University Alumni Association. POST, CHARLES H.— Insurance, 27 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 276 West 86th street. Born In Derby, Conn., May 16, 1856. Educated In EUenvUle, N. T. (Married.) Manager for the United States of the Caledonian Insurance Co. of Edinburgh, Scotland; president Caledonian-American Insurance Co. of New Tork. Member Lotos, Richmond County Country, Baltusrol Golf and Sundown Fishing (Jlubs. POST, DANIEL HAZELTINE— Manufacturer, 2 Steele street, Jamestown; residence 500 Pine street. Born in Jamestown, July 17, 1850. Educated at WU Uams College ('74). (Married.) Engaged In newspa per work for nine years. Clerk of the United States Commission to Paris Monetary Conference, 1878; served as captain in N. G. N. T. Partner Jamestown Bedstead Co.; director Chautauqua County Trust Co.; treasurer James Prendergast Library; civil service commissioner of city of Jamestown. Member James town (secretary) Club, Army and Navy and Delta Kappa BpsUon Clubs of New Tork City, Military Ser vice Institution, Sons of the Revolution and Buffalo Historical Society. POST, EDMUND M.— Credits, 224 Church street. New Tork City; residence 1 West 83d street. Born on Staten Island, 1860. Educated In Staten Island. (Mar ried.) Formerly In charge of credit department of Morrison, Herriman & Co., and Sylvester BeU & Co.; now connected In the same capacity with H. B. Clafiln Co. Member New Tork Athletic and Colonial Clubs. POST, EDWIN M.-Banker, 71 Broadway New Tork City; residence 18 West Tenth street. Born In Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan. 6, 1870. Educated at Columbia. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Thomas & Post members ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. President and director Express Coal Line and Georgia Car Co • vice-president and director Southern Iron Car Line- secretary, treasurer and director Manhattan Car Trust Co.; secretary and director Louisville, Hender son and St. Louis Ry. Co. Member Union, Tuxedo Lambs', St. Anthony, Knickerbocker Larchmont Tacht and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht Clubs Down Town Association aind Sons ol the Revolution. ' POST, GEORGE B.— Architect, 33 Bast 17th street. New Tork City; residence 11 West 21st street. Presi dent and director Architectural League; secretary and trastee Post Building Co. Member Union, Lawyers' Seawanhaka - Corinthian Tacht and Camera Clubs' Century Association, American Geographical Society American Society ol Civil Engineers, American Insti-^ tute ol Architects and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. T^rrPP^P ?^S^*^^ ^" JR--Banker and Broker, 15 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 131 East 35th street. Born in New Tork City, July 30, 1864. (Son ol S^°l?^ ?-u^",* ^^'"^ fSt°"e] Post.) Educated at St Mark's School, Southboro, Mass., and Columbia UnU T^'*^*- ,^^,^'''''^'1 J""a Smith.) Member ol the firm VnS* «f? Pt^K^^^ °°^ *>* the governors ol the New Ir J P^,^°^^''^P M|.">her Union, Knlckerbock- Jli ?x •."^*'^°?^' New Tork Athletic, Morristown (N. J.). Morristown Goll and Somerset Hills Country Clubs and Columbia University Alumni Association'^ POST, GEORGE W.— 55 West 75th street. New Tork City. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., Feb. 22, 1860. Ed ucated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) POST. HENRT A. V.— Banker, 45 Wall street, New Tork City; residence 140 "West 77th street. Born in New Tork City, May 16. 1832. Educated In New Tork City. (Married.) Was colonel ol 2d Regiment United States Sharpshooters in 1862. President and director Chattanooga Southern R. R. Co.; treasurer and di rector Bullard Machine Tool Co. amd Railroad Equip ment Co.; director Carolina and Cumberland Gap Ry. • Co. and Central Car Trust Co. Member Union Club, Down Town Association and American Museum ol Natural History. POST, REGIS HENRI — Manulacturer, 63 Filth avenue. New Tork City; residence "Llttlewood." Bay- port, L. I. Educated at Harvard. President and di rector "Weir Filter Co. Member Union, Harvard and Knickerbocker Clubs. POST. WALDRON KINTZING — Lawyer. 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 79 Clinton place. Born In New Tork City. 1868. Educated at Harvard. Member Union, University Athletic, Seawanhaka-Cor inthian Tacht and Harvard Clubs and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. POST, WILLIAM STONE- Architect, 33 East 17th street. New Tork City; residence Bernardsville, N. J. Member Union and St. Anthony Clubs, Architectural League and American Institute ol Architects. POSTLET, CLARENCE A. (Colonel)— 817 Filth avenue. New Tork City. Educated at United States Military Academy ('70). Member Union League. Uni versity, Larchmont Tacht, New Tork Tacht, New Tork Athletic, New Tork Jockey, Driving, Atlantic Tacht, Seawanhaka - Corinthian Tacht, American Tacht, Riding, Suburban Riding and Driving, Players', Corinthian Tacht and Michaux Cjycling Clubs, Country Club ol Westchester, Army and Navy Club ol Wash ington, D. C, and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. POTHIER, WILLIAM A. — Coal Merchant Reid and De Kalb avenues, Brooklyn; residence 194 (Quincy street. Born In New Tork City, Jan. 14, 1860. Edu cated in New Tork City. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Bacon & Co. Member Union League and Toung Republican Clubs, Amaranth Dramatic Society, Inde pendent Royal Arch Lodge No. 2, F. & A. M., Lefferts Council No. 1452, Royal Arcanum, Keystone Council No. 48, Home Circle, Troop "C," N. G. N. T. and Vet eran Association ol 23d Regiment, N. G. N. -y. POTTER, B. CLIFFORD— Real Estate, 128 Broad way, New York City; residence 328 West 86th street. Member ol the firm ol Potter & Bro. Director Interna tional Banking and Trust Co., North American Trust Co. and National Exhibition Co. Member New York Athletic, Manhattan, Union League, Lawyers', Sub urban Riding and Driving and Lambs' Clubs. POTTER, BDWARD CLARKSON — Banker, 36 Wall street. New York City; residence "Ciearvlew," Westchester. Member ol the firm ol B. C. Potter & Co. and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Metropolitan, Knickerbocker, New York Yacht, New York, Racquet and Tennis, and Turl and Field Clubs, Country Club ol Westchester, American Geographical Society and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. POTTER, ELIPHALET NOTT— Protestant Episco palian Clergyman, 29 Lalayette place. New York City; ^sidence Featherbed lane. Born In Schenectady, N. Y. Sept. 20, 1836. (Son ol Rev. Alonzo and Maria [Nott] Potter.) Educated at Union College (D.D.). Degrees ol LL.D. Irom Williams and Trinity Colleges, D.C.L. Irom University ol the South and L.H.D. Irom bt. Stephens College. (Married Helen Fuller ol Troy, Jioo'^'L^'^"*^'"^'^ Protestant Episcopalian ministry in 1862. Was lor a time prolessor at Lehigh University and president ol Union CoUege. Founded Union Uni versity, ol which he was lor a time chancellor. Served as president ol Hobart College until 1897 and later as president of Cosmopolitan University. Now engaged in educational and ministerial work in New -York City Member New York Genealogical and Biographical and Pennsylvania Societies and Kappa Alpha Fraternity BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 379 POTTER, ELLIS M.— Coffee and Spices, 390 Wash ington street. New York City; residence 146 West 87th street. President and director Potter-Parlln Co. ; direc tor Vigilante Mining and MlUIng Co. and W. L. John son Co. Member New York Athletic and Commercial Clubs. POTTER, FREDERICK- Lawyer and Real Estate, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence Sing Sing. Born In New York City, July 19, 1856. Educated at Yale ('78). (Married.) Treasurer and trustee New York Flre Proof Wood Co.; director Bond and Mort gage Guarantee Co.; trustee Title Guarantee and Trust Co., and New York Architectural Terra Cotta Co.; managing trustee estate of Orlando B. Potter. Mem ber Reform, University, Democratic and Lawyers' Clubs, Board of Trade and Transportation, American Geographical and New England Societies, Metropolitan Museum of Art, National Bar Association, Association of the Bar of the City of New York, and Ardsley Ca sino of ArdsIey-on-Hudson. POTTER, FREDERICK G. — Real Estate, 128 Broadway, New York City; residence 303 West 86th street. Born In New York City, Aug. 9, 1855. Educated In New York City. (Married.) Member of the firm of Potter & Bro. Director New York Plate Glass In surance Co. Member Democratic, New York, Law yers', New York Athletic, Union League and Colonial Clubs. POTTER, HENRY A. — Manufacturer, 41 Union square. New York City; residence East Orange, N. J. Bom In Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 19, 1856. Educated at the University of Pennsylvania and at Lafayette Col lege. (Married.) Vice-president and director Thomas Potter, Sons & Co. (Inc.). Served as a member ol the New Jersey Legislature, 1884-5, and as colonel on the staff ol Governor Griggs. Member ol the New Jersey State Republican Committee since 1888. Member Essex County (N. J.) Country and Orange Clubs, Union League Club ol Philadelphia, Pa., and Blooming Grove Park Association. P0TT|;R, henry CODMAN— Protestamt Episco palian Bishop, 29 Lalayette place. New York City; res idence 10 Washington square. North. Born In Schenec tady, N. Y., May 25, 1835. (Son ol Rev. Alonzo and Maria [Nott] Potter.) Educated at Episcopal Acad emy ol Philadelphia, Pa., and at Virginia Theological Seminary. Degrees ol A.M., D.D. and LL.D. Irom Union College and D.D. Irom Harvard University, Trinity College, and Irom Oxlord and Cambridge Uni versities ol England. Deacon, 1857; priest, 1858. Rector of Christ Church, Greensburg, Pa., 1857-8; St. John's Church, Troy, 1859-66; also Grace Church, New York City. Secretary of the House of Bishops, 1863-83. Be came coadjutor to his uncle, Horatio Potter, In 1883, and upon his death. In 1887, succeeded him as Bishop of New York. Director Metropolitan College ol Music and trustee Columbia University in the City ol New York. Author ol severail religious works. Member City Club, Century Association, Dunlap Society, Scien tific Alliance and Colonial Order. POTTER, HENRY LANGDON— Inspector ol Cus toms, United States Barge Offlce, New York City; residence Linden, N. J. Born in Tyringham, Mass., March 26, 1828. Educated In Massachusetts public schools. (Married.) Erected a large mill and engaged in the manufacture of paper In Housatonic, Mass., 1851-5. Served as colonel of the 71st Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry during Civil War; partici pated In nineteen battles and engagements with the Army of the Potomac and was wounded at Fair Oaks, Bristol Station and Gettysburg. In civil service of the United States since 1866. Member Sons of the Ameri can Revolution, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Society of the Army of the Potomac, Society of the Third Corps Union, Society of Founders and Patriots of America and Knights Templar. POTTER, HOWARD NOTT— Architect, 111 Fifth avenue. New York City: residence "Nutwood," New Rochelle. Educated at Union College. Member Rac quet and Tennis Club, Country Club ol Westchester, Union CoUege Alumni Association, American Museum of Natural History, Metropolitan Museum of Art and National Academy of Design. POTTER, JAMES BROWN — Merchant, 59 WaU street. New York City; residence 52 Park avenue. Ed ucated at Union CoUege. President and director Clove Branch R. R. Co.; director Electric Selector and Signal Co., London and New York Investment Corporation, Missouri, Kansas and Texas Ry. Co., Newburgh, Dutchess and Connecticut R. R. Co. and United States Casualty Co.; trustee English and Scottish-American Mortgage and Investment Co. (Ltd.). Member New York Yacht and Tuxedo Clubs, Union College Alumni and Down Town Associations and National Academy of Design. POTTER, JOHN A.— Real Estate and Insurance, Patchogue. Born In New York City, July 2, 1841. , Edu cated in Brooklyn, N. , Y. (Married.) President Patchogue Bank arid Patchogue Investment Co. ; direc tor Patchogue Mf'g Co. and Patchogue Lyceum; trus tee ol the village; member ol Board ol Education. Member Patchogue Club. POTTER, JULIAN— Banker and Broker, 6 WaU street. New York City; residence New Rochelle. Mem ber New York Stock Exchange firm ol Breese & Smith. Member Knickerbocker, New York Yacht and Players' Clubs. POTTER, MARK WINSLOW — Lawyer, 63 Wall street. New York City; residence 25 West 84th street. Born In KanevlUe, III., Jan. 9, 1866. Educated at New York University Law School ('88). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Cole & Potter. Member Phi Delta Phi and Strollers' Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. POTTER, ROBERT F. — Banker and Broker, 36 Wall street. New York City; residence Westchester. Member ol the New York Stock Exchange firm ol E. C. Potter & Co. Member Racquet and Tennis and Knickerbocker Clubs, and Country Club ol Westches ter. POTTER, SAMUEL H.— Banker, Main and Deltz streets, Oneonta; residence 51 Ford avenue. Born in Cooperstown, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1862. Educated at Coop erstown. (Married.) Assistant cashier Wilber Na tional Bank. Member 'Oriebnta Club, Empire State Society Sons ol the -American Revolution and Oneonta Chapter No. 271, R. -A. M. POTTER, WILSON— Architect, 3 Union square, West, New 'York City; residence Hotel Majestic, and ForrestvlUe, Conn. Born in Litchfield, Conn., March 2, 1866. Educated in Boston under direction ol Henry "Van Brunt. (Married.) Formerly with Richard Mor ris Hunt and was manager ol the architectural firm of Van Brunt & Howe. Member Colonial Club. POTTER, WILLIAM A.— Architect, 160 Filth ave nue. New York City; residence 39 West 27th street. Born in Schenectady, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1842. Educated at Union College. (Sin.gle.) Formerly Supervising Archi tect ol the Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. Member Union College Alumni and Century Associa tions, American Institute ol Architects and Metropoli tan Museum ol Art. POTTER, WILLIAM WARREN — Physician and Editor, Buffalo; residence 284 Franklin street. Bora in StrykersvlUe, "Wyoming Co., N. Y., Dec. 31, 1838. Educated In Lima, N. Y., and Buffalo. (Married.) Was surgeon ol 57th New York Volunteers In Civil War and attained rank ol brevet lieutenant - col onel United States Volunteers; was president ol the Medical Society ol the State ol New York, 1891; mem ber board ol trustees American Medical Association, 1891-2. Now president State Medical Examining Board and Alumni Association ol the Medical Department ol the University ol Buffalo; secretary American Asso ciation ol Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Editor ol Buffalo "Medical Journal." Member Press and EUicott Clubs, Army and Navy Club of New York City, and Military Order of the Loyal Legion. POTTHAST, EDWARD HENRY— Artist and lUus- trator, 52 East 23d street, New York City; residence 21 West 24th street. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, June 11, 1867. Educated In public schools; studied art in Munich and Paris. POTTS, FREDERIC AUGUSTUS— Wholesale Coal Merchant, 143 Liberty street. New York City; residence 39 East 39th street. Senior member ol the firm ol P. A. Potts & Co. President and director Arnoux and 380 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Hockhausen Electric Co.; director Dover Iron Co., St Anthony Association, West End Coal Co. and New York and Sea Beach Ry. Co. Member Union, Union League, St. Anthony, New York Athletic and Larch mont Yacht Clubs. POTTS WILLIAM-Author, 229 Lexington ave nue New York City. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., May 5 1838. Educated at West Town Boarding School, Pa. (Widower.) Vice-president National Civil Service Re lorm League. Formerly chairman executive commit tee New York State Forestry Association; president Farmington Forestry Association, Brooklyn Art Guild and Brooklyn Guild Association; vice-president and secretary Continental Trust Co.: treasurer Brooklyn Art Association; secretary National Civil Service Re lorm League, New York Civil Service Relorm Asso ciation, Brooklyn Civil Service Relorm Association, Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn Art Association and other organizations, and also lormerly chiel examiner New York State Civil Service Commis sion. Author ol "From a New England Hillside," "The RoUing Year," "The New Home," "More Notes Irom Underledge," "The Monetary Problem," "Vegetal Evolution," "Form and Color in Nature," "Socialism and Social Relorm" and other essays and addresses; compiler ol "A Bibliography ol the PubUcations ol Societies." Member Brooklyn Canoe Club, Authors' Club, Pennsylvania Society, American Canoe, Middle East Side Neighborhood, New York Civil Service Re lorm and Century Associations and National Civil Service Reform, New York Anti-Imperlallstic and New England Anti-imperialistic Leagues. POUCHER, JOHN "W.— Physician and Surgeon, 339 Mill street, Poughkeepsie. Born In Claverack, N. Y., July 24, 1859. Educated at Claverack College, Union University and University of Berlin, Germany. (Married.) Was first lieutenant and aissistant surgeon ol Volunteers during Spanish-American War. Ex- alderman. Now commissioner ol public works ol the City ol Poughkeepsie; consulting surgeon to Vassar Brothers' Hospital; director Poughkeepsie National Bank. Member Sons of the Revolution, Society of Colonial Wars, Naval and Military Order ol Spanish- American War, thirty-second degree Masons, Mystic Shrine, Mecca Temple, New York City, Poughkeepsie Commandery, Knights Templar (eminent commander), and New York State Medical, Dutchess County Medi cal and Holland Societies. POULSON, NIELS— Architectural Iron Manulac turer, North llth and Berry streets, Brooklyn; resi dence Shore Road and 88th street. Bay Ridge. Born In Denmark, Feb. 27, 1843. Educated in Denmark. (Married.) President Hecla Iron Works; vice-presi dent Franke & Zenner Flooring Co. Member Cres cent Athletic Club and Blooming Grove Park Associa tion. POUND, CUTHBERT WINFRED— Lawyer and Prolessor, Ithaca; residence 611 East Seneca street. Born in Lockport, N. Y., June 20, 1864. Educated at CorneU University. (Married.) State senator. Twen ty-ninth District. 1894-6. Prolessor ol corporation, criminal and constitutional law, evidence and part nership in the College ol Law ol Cornell University. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon and Phi Delta Phi Fra ternities and American Historical Association. POWEL, DE VEAUX- Coal Merchant, 29 Broad way, New York City; residence 62 West 88th street. President and director Powelton Barge Co.; secretary, treasurer and director Baker Transport Co. Member Engineers' Club, American Institute ol Mining Engi neers, American Geographical Society and American Museum ol Natural History. POWELL, ADONIRAM J.— Pianos, 142 Fifth ave nue. New York City, and 774 Fulton street Brooklyn - residence 99 McDonough street Brooklyn. Born In Stillwater, Saratoga Co., N. Y., December, 1855. Edu cated in Rochester, N. Y. (Married Alma Webster Hall, a direct descendant of the Webster family.) Sec retary and director Webster Piano Co.; treasurer and director Henning Co.; cashier since 1880 for Freeborn G. Smith, manulacturer ol Bradbury pianos. Has been organist In some ol the largest churches Includ ing the Hanson Place M. E. Church and that ol Dr Talmage. POWELL, EDWARD A.— Real Bstate and Nur seryman, Syracuse: residence 806 West Genesee street. Born in Shadeland, Pa., June 27, 1838. Educated in Springboro, Pa. (Married.) President Syracuse, Lake side and Baldwlnsville Ry. Co., Powell OU and Paint Co., Syracuse Portland Cement Co. and Syracuse Bus iness Men's Association; vice-president Smith's & Po'weU Co., and board ol trustees First Presbyterian Church; di'rector Syracuse Construction Co.; trustee Onondaga County Savings Bank. Member Lakeside Yacht and Boat, and Fortnightly Clubs. PO"RrELL, EDWARD E.— Coal Merchant, 218 Che nango street Binghamton; residence 1 Orton avenue. Born in Wales, Sept. 10, 1870. Educated in Hazleton, Pa. (Married.) Member of the firm of Ford, Beach & Powell. Was health commissioner of Binghamton three years, and street commissioner three years. Member Broome County Country and Binghamton Clubs. POWELL, EDWARD PAYSON— Journalist, Clin ton. Bora in Clinton, 1833. Educated at Hamilton Col lege (A.B., '63, and A.M.) and at Union Theological Seminary (D.D., '68). -(Married Lucy J. Maltble.) Held Congregational and, later. Unitarian pastorates at Adrian, Mich., St. Louis, Mo., and Chicago., III. Was editorial writer on the St. Louis "Globe-Demo crat" for several years; now associate editor of "The New Unity" of Chicago. Author of "Our Heredity from God," "Liberty and Life" and other works. Member American Arbitration Congress, American Historical Society and many other bodies. POWELL, SENECA D.— Surgeon, 12 West 40th street. New York City. Born in Wilcox County, Ala., Jan. 5, 1848. Educated at Universities of Virginia and New York; degrees of LL.D. and M.D. Formerly pres ident Medical Society of the County ol New York and of Medical Society of the State of New York. Now professor of surgery. New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, and visiting surgeon Post-Grad uate Hospital and St. Mark's Hospital. Member New York Athletic Club, Southern, New York County Medi cal, New York State Medical and Northwestern Medi cal and Surgical Societies, Medical Society ol the State ol Connecticut (honorary^, Bellevue Hospital Alumni and Physicians' Mutual Aid Associations and New York Academy ol Medicine. POWELL, WILLIAM R.— Merchant, 1160 Broad way, New York City; residence 254 West 76th street. Born in New York City. Educated at Columbia. (Single.) Member Colonial and Grolier Clubs, Metro politan Museum ol Art and Columbia College Alumni Association. POWELL, WILSON MARCY — Lawyer, 29 Wall street. New York City; residence 324 "West 58th street. Born in Chatham, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1834. (Son ol Henry J. and Judith Powell.) Educated at Union College. (Married.) Practicing in New York City since his ad mission to the Bar In 1861. Member Alpha Delta Phi and Lawyers' Clubs, Union College Alumni Associa tion, American Museum ol Natural History, Metropoli tan Museum ol Art, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York and American Geographical amd New York Historical Societies. POWER, MAURICE J.— Bronze Manulacturer, 218 East 25th street. New York City; residence 317 East 19th street Born in Ireland, Oct. 14, 1836. Educated in New York City. (Married, 1868.) Police court justice, 1880-90; United States Shipping Commissioner ol the Port ol New York by appointment ol President Cleve land, 1893-7. Aqueduct commissioner since Dec. 11, 1897. Served for many years as chairman ol the New York County Democracy. President National Fine Art Foundry, which he estabUshed in 1868, and which has produced many ol the notable pieces ol bronze sculpture in the United States. Member Manhattan, Relorm, CathoUc, Hardware, New York Athletic and Democratic Clubs. POWERS, GEORGE W.— Real Estate, 503 Fifth avenue, New York City; residence 8 West 50th street and Rye. Member American Yacht Club, Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, and Metropolitan Museum of Art. POWERS, HARRY HUNTINGTON — Professor, CorneU University, Ithaca; residence 123 Quarry street. Degree of Ph.D. Acting assistant professor of social science at CorneU University. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 381 POWERS, JAMES T. — Actor, Daly's Theatre, Broadway and 30th street. New York City. Born in New York City, 1862. Made flrst theatrical appearance in "Dreams of Fun In a Photograph Gallery," at the Park Theatre, Boston, Mass. Has starred In various comedies and comic operas since 1891. Member Play ers' Club. POWERS, JOHN C.-Manufacturing Stationer, 212 Church street. New York City; residence Hotel Mar garet, Brooklyn. Bora In Brooklyn. Member of the firm of J. C. & W. E. Powers. Member Arkwright and Reform Clubs, Hamilton, Crescent Athletic and Dyker Meadow Golf Clubs of Brooklyn, and Garden City Golf Club. POWNALL, FRANK S.— Paper Manufacturer, Ho boken, N. J.; residence 127 West 121st street. New York City. Educated at Harvard. Proprietor of the Pow- nall Paper Mills. Member Hardware and Harvard Clubs. PRAEGER, JOHN F.— Wholesale Dry Goods Mer chant, 82 Worth street. New York City; residence 124 Willow street, Brooklyn. Director Home Life Insur ance Co. Member Merchants' Club, and Crescent Ath letic and Hamilton Clubs of Brooklyn. PRAEGER, LOUIS J.— Wholesale Dry Goods Mer chant, 82 Worth street. New York City; residence 124 Willow street, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) Mem ber Arkwright Club, and Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn. PRATT, CHARLES AUGUSTUS BREWSTER — Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New York City; residence 103 East 25th street. Born in Ohio. Educated at Colum bia. Member of the flrm of Tyler, Pratt, Hibbard & McAlpin. Member City Club, Metropolitan Museum of Art and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. PRALL, JOHN HOWARD— Broker, 37 Wall street. New York City; residence Elmhurst. Born in New York City, Oct. 26, 1855. Educated at Flushing Insti tute. (Married.) Member of the flrm of "Webb & Prall and of the New York Stock Exchange. Vice-president and director Peoria, Decatur and EvansviUe Ry. Co. Member Transportation Club, Holland Society, Sons of the Revolution and Society of Foreign Wars. . PRATT, CHARLES M.— Capitalist, 26 Broadway, New York City; residence 241 Clinton avenue, Brook lyn. Educated at Amherst College. President and member of advisory council Thrift Savings, Loan and Building Fund; president and director United States Net and Twine Co. and Morris BuUding Co.; president and trustee Pratt Institute; vice-president and director New York and Rockaway Beach R. R. Co. and Pros pect Park and Coney Island R. R. Co.; director At lantic Avenue Elevated R. R. Co., Brooklyn and Ja maica R. R. Co., Gilbert & Barker Mf'g Co., Hunting ton and Big Sandy R. R. Co., Long Island R. R. Co., Mechanics' National Bank, Ohio River R. R. Co., Pratt & Lambert, Standard Oil Co. ol New York, United States Mortgage and Trust Co. and Pratt's Astral Oil Co.; trustee Brooklyn Trust Co. Member Lawyers', Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, Alpha Delta Phi, Nineteenth Century and New York Yacht Clubs, Hamilton and Montauk Clubs ol Brooklyn, Amherst College Alumni Association and Sons ol the American Revolution. PRATT, DALLAS B.-Banker, 24 Exchange place. New York City; residence 24 West 48th street. Member of the flrm of Maitland, Coppell & Co. and of the New York Stock Exchange. Director Bank of America and New York Warehouse and Security Co.; trustee Ger man Savings Bank. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Country, Church and Riding Clubs and Down Town Association. PRATT, ERVIN A.— Superintendent, 63 Park row. New York City; residence 844 St. John's place, Brook lyn. Born In Pawlet, Vt, April 17, 1861. (Son of Byron A. Pratt; grandson of Ervin Pratt and great-grandson of Capt. James Pratt, who fought In the Revolutionary War.) Educated in Pawlet and Orwell, Vt. (Married Julia Maud Belden of Pawlet, Vt, 1899.) Served for a time as captain in the National Guard of the State ol New York. Member Union League and New York Press Clubs, Brooklyn Young Republican Club, Brook lyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn Society ol Vermonters, Orion Lodge No. 717, F. & A. M., and Wyvern Council, Royal Arcanum. PRATT, EUGENE W.— Manager, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 596 West 152d street. Born in Ripon, Wis., Aug. 22, 1857. Educated at James town (N. Y.) Collegiate Institute. (Married.) Was United States examiner of merchandise and United States assistant appraiser at the port of New York. Now manager Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. Member Sons of the American Rev olution, Seventh Regiment Veteran Association, Society of Founders and Patriots of America, Thirteen Club, New York Consistory thirty-second degree Masons, and St. Nicholas Lodge No. 321, P. & A. M. PRATT, FREDERIC B.— Capitalist, 26 Broadway, New York City; residence 215 Ryerson street, Brooklyn. Educated at Amherst College ('87). Vice - president Morris Building Co.; secretary, treasurer and trustee Pratt Institute; member of advisory council Thrift Savings, Loan and BuUding Fund. Member Alpha Delta Phi, University and Lawyers' Clubs of New York City, Hamilton and Rembrandt Clubs ol Brook lyn, Sons ol the Revolution and Amherst College ¦Alumni Association. PRATT, GEORGE D. — Capitalist, 26 Broad-ivay, New Tork City; residence 232 Clinton avenue, Brook lyn. Educated at Amherst College. Trustee Pratt In stitute; director Prospect Park and Coney Island R. R. Co.; member of advisory council Thrift Savings, Loan and Building Fund. Member Alpha Delta Phi and University Clubs, Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn, and Amherst College Alumni Association. PRATT, JAMES B. — Iron Merchant, 4 Fletcher street, New Tork City; residence 1011 Lexington ave nue. Born in Perth Amboy, N. J., June 23, 1852. Edu cated at Trinity School in New Tork City. (Single.) Member ol the flrm of John S. Leng's Son & Co. Mem ber New Tork Railroad and New Tork Clubs. PRATT, JOHN B.— Publisher, 156 Fifth avenue. New Tork City; residence Montciair, N. J. Born in Montciair, Oct. 15, 1865. Educated In Montciair. (Mar ried.) Manager A. S. Barnes & Co. Member Apollo Club of Montciair, and Society ol Founders and Pa triots ol America. PRATT, SAMUEL WHEELER- Presbyterian Cler gyman and Author, Campbell. Born In Livonia, N. T., Sept. 9, 1838. Educated at WiUiams College ('60) and at Auburn Theological Seminary (D.D., *63). (Married, first Lucilla B. Field; second, Sarah M. McKay.) Has been pastor of Presbyterian churches in Brasher Falls, N. T.; Hammonton, N. J.; Prattsburgh, N. T.; Camp bell, N. T., and in Monroe, Mich. Acted as supply in Fredonia, Dansville, Atlanta and Avoca, N. T. Com missioner Auburn Theological Seminary; synodical examiner Blmira College; Christian Endeavor editor "New Tork Evangelist"; trustee Alma College and moderator Synod of Geneva. Author of "A Summer at Peace Cottage," "The Gospel of the Holy Spirit," "Life and Epistles of St. Paul Harmonized and Arranged In Chronological Order," "The Household of Timothy" and "Key to the Gospel of John." PRATT, SILAS G.— Musical Composer, 176 West 86th street. Born in Addison, Vt, Aug. 4, 1846. Edu cated in common schools of Plainfield, 111. (Married Flora Spencer Colby of Chicago, 111.) Engaged for a time in music business in Chicago; went to Berlin and studied under Kullak, Bendel, Liszt and other mas ters. His first symphony was performed in 1871; gave several concerts In London and Beriin. Directed Fourth of July music, "Chicago Day" celebration and "Reunion of the Cities" at the World's Columbian Ex position, Chicago, 1893; gave an American concert at Antwerp Exposition on July 4, 1895. His many com positions include "The Triumph of Columbus," "Lu cille" and several other grand operas; "A Serenade," "Paul Revere's Ride and the Revolution of '76" and other orchestral works; "Soliloquies," "Court," "Dance of the Shepherds" and numerous other selections lor the piano. Member Manuscript Club. PRATT. WALTER P.— Brick Manulacturer and Fire Insurance, 64 Court street, Binghamton; resi dence 31 Way street. Born in Alton, Chenango Co., N. T., Feb. 13, 1853. Educated In district schools. 382 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. (Married.) Was connected with city treasury, and has been alderman ol city ol Binghamton. Secretary and manager Ogden Brick Co.; manager insurance business ol Eastman & Pratt. Member Binghamton Whist and Binghamton Clubs and Otseningo Lodge, F. & A. M. PREBLE, WILLIAM P., Jr.— Lawyer, 150 Nassau street. New Tork City: residence New Brighton, S. I. Born in Portland, Me., Oct. 1, 1854. Educated at Port land High School, at Harvard College and at Harvard Law School ('75). (Married.) Member Richmond County Country and Harbor Hill Goll Clubs and As sociation ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. PRENTICE, AUGUSTUS— Lawyer, 155 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 7 West 81st street. Born in New London County, Conn., Sept. 30, 1826. (Son ol Asa and Annie [Browning] Prentice.) Educated in public schools and at Wilbraham (Mass.) Academy. (Married Catherine A., daughter ol William Brown ing ol Gales Ferry, Conn., 1856.) Practicing In New Tork City since his admission to the Bair in 1852. Was instrumental in the Incorporation ol the village ol New Brighton, S. I. President and director Bank ol Staten Island; treasurer and director Marietta Run Coal and Coke Co. PRENTICE, AUGUSTUS BROWNING— Lawyer, 165 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 7 West 81st street. Born Jan. 30, 1866. (Son ol Augrustus and Catherine A. [Browning] Prentice.) PRENTICE, PREDBRIC-Real Bstate, 44 Broad way, New Tork City; residence Hotel Savoy. Born In Toledo, Ohio, Dec. 6, 1822. Educated In Toledo. (Mar ried.) President and director Alps ConsoUdated Min ing Co. and Excelsior Brown Stone Co. Member Union League Club, MetropoUtan Museum ol Art and National Academy ol Design. PRENTICE, ROBERT KELLT- Lawyer, 62 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 9 West 16th street. Educated at Princeton. Member ol the firm ol W. P. & R. K. Prentice. Director Insurance Co. ol the State ol New Tork, and Globe and Rutgers Fire Insurance Co. Member Princeton, Republican and City Clubs, Century Association, Sons ol the Revolu tion and Association ol the Bar of the City of New Tork. PRENTICE, WILLIAM P.-Lawyer, 52 Broadway New Tork City; residence 9 West 16th street. Edu cated at Williams. College. Member of the firm of W. P. & R. K. Prentice. Member Phi Beta Kappa Club, -American Geographical Society, Williams CoUege Alumni and Century Associations, MiUtary Order of the Loyal Legion, Scientific Alliance and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. PRENTICE, WILLIAM S. P.— Banker, 2 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 53 East 56th street. Member ol the firm ol WUllam C. Sheldon & Co. and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley- on-Hudson, New England Society, Down Town Asso ciation and Sons of the Revolution. PRENTISS, GEORGE H.— Banker, 37 William street. New Tork City; residence 77 First place. Brook lyn. Member of the firm of George H. Prentiss & Co and of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Director Brooklyn City R. R. Co., Coney Island and Brooklyn R. R. Co., Christopher and Tenth Streets R. R Co Central Crosstown R. R. Co., New Tork and New Jer sey 'Telephone Co., National City Bank of Brooklyn Brooklyn Academy ol Music, E. W. Bliss Co., Eagle Fire Insurance Co., United States Casualty Co Tel low Pine Co. and Brooklyn City and Newtown R R Co • trustee Franklin Trust Co., Washington Trust Co' and Brooklyn Art Association. Member Hamilton Cres cent Athletic, and Riding and Driving Clubs ol 'Brook lyn, and Down Town Association. PRENTISS, GEORGE LEWIS— Lawyer 31 Nas sau street. New Tork City; residence 41 Bast 61st street. (Son ol George Lewis Prentiss.) Educated at Princeton ('79) Director Prentiss Clock Improvement Co. Member University, Princeton, City and Uni-ver sity Athletic Clubs, Marine and Field Club ol Brook b'n, and Association ol the Bar of the City ol New PRENTISS, HENRT — Merchant 115 Liberty street, New Tork City; residence Rutherlord, N. J. Born in Hubbardston, Mass., 1847. Educated at Lei cester (Mass.) Academy. (Married.) Has been treas urer and director White Water Valley R. R. Co. ol In diana, and treasurer Marcy Avenue Baptist Church ol Brooklyn. Now president, treasurer and director Prentiss Tool and Supply Co. Member Union Club ol Rutherlord. PRENTISS, NATHANIEL A.-Lawyer, 120 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 119 East 38th street. Educated at Harvard. Member Union League, Men delssohn Glee and Harvard Clubs. Century Associa tion, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork and Sons ol the Revolution. PRESBRET, FRANK— Advertising, 14 John street. New Tork City; residence 476 West 143d street. Edu cated at Princeton. Memher Princeton, Knicker bocker Athletic and QuiU Clubs and Aldine Associa tion. PRESCOTT, FREDERICK CLARKE— Prolessor, Coraell Uni-vrerslty, Ithaca; residence 173 Cascadilla place. Degree ol A.B. Assistant prolessor ol rhetoric at Cornell University. PRBSSINGER, ARNOTT M.— Oils, 26 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Hotel Winthrop. Born In New Tork City, July 2, 1865. (Married.) Connected with the Standard OU Co. Member Sons ol the Revo lution, 7th Regiment, N. G. N. T., and Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity. PRBSSINGER, AUSTIN B.-Lawyer, 111 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 5 West 81st street Born in New Tork City, Sept. 7, 1863. Educated in New Tork City. (Married.) First lieutenant Com pany E, 7th Regiment, N. G. N. T. Member Demo cratic Club, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork and Sons ol the Revolution. PRESTON, CHARLES M.— Financier, 45 WaU street New Tork City; residence Hotel San Remo, and Kingston. Bora In Roxbury, Delaware Co N T Nov. 6, 1348. Educated at the Delaware Literary In stitute, Franklin, N. T. (Married Mary Hasbrouck) Was corporation counsel of the city of Kingston, 1877- 81; Superintendent of Banks, State of New Tork, 1889- 96. Now president The Securities Company of New 7?J^^nP^^y:- National Bank of Rondout and Colonial City Traction Co. of Kingston; director Equitable Se curities Co. Member Lawyers' and Democratic Clubs , -?, ,'i"* ^^ Kingston Clubs, Winnlsook Club of Cats- kill Mountains, New England and Albany Societies and New Tork Chamber of Commerce. societies ^.e.^^r???'^^' HENRT GRBEN-Physlclan and Sur geon, 54 Greene avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Hartlord at°Z^"4'- <^°.",?^.?^ Henry C. Preston.) Educated at New Brunswick University, Canada (B.A., '66), and CitP^I^Vi^ ^PP^'>^} Medical College in New Tork &%<^-„?^',.«9.>- ^°/" *" Naugatuck. Conn., May 5, 1856. Edu cated in Stratford, Conn., at the College of the City of ^t7j°^L^lViP%^^ Columbia Law School. Member ril 4?^o °-^ ^^°'S??'' Spencer & Ordway. Member aPL' !f a^ ??'i? /^'' University, Reform, National Arts and Social Reform Clubs, National Sculpture So- ^^l^'^-^^^'S'^xT Society of Mural Painters, CoUege of fn^PPl^ of New Tork Alumni and Civil Service Re- City olXwTorit.^"*^ Association of the Bar of the N^Py^P^PPP' SAMUEL -Capitalist, 80 Broadway New York (Jity; residence 29 West 73d street. Bora in Columbus, Ga., March 2, 1847. (Son of Lambirt and Vernona [Mitchell] Spencer) Educated at the U^iyTr- sities'of Georgia and Virginia ('67). (Married Louisa Vivian daughter of Hon. H. L. Eennlng ol Col^^bus Ga.) Formerly president of the Baltimore and (Dhio R. R Co.; receiver of the Richmond and Danville R ?• ^2:' receiver of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Cu'P^PtP''- ^°- r^ '¦^P''^ transit comm'isslole? of tSe Al Jbf ^^P ^P^' ^^^1-*- Now president and director Alabama Great Southern R. R. Co., Cincinnati New Orieans and Texas Paciflc Ry Co Georeia Soiitbet^ cl^ifariT^J-o?°r """^ "?S^^°^ Ry Col-'re'ifor Co Chic/;. Vt-^ Georgia, Chesapeake and Ohio Ry. Co. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry Co., Erie Co ot^'cP^P^^r ^"^?*y ^°-' ^est End Strelt Ry ca of Boston, Mass., Northern Pacific Rv Co anri rbeup^i^^^: Y< S.-Dry Goods Merchant, New Ro- Mei^te (parried.) Director Bank of New RoSielle Member Huguenot Lodge No. 46, F. & A. M Hugueno; faP^P^ T^°^^' Arcanum, New Rochelle Ci'nflaf e No 493 and Improved Order of Heptasophs. WesTll^hltre^f ^T?^"^-^^^ ^-^"^l Merchant, 237 mth street (SA„^!.T J°^^ ^P^^ residence 23 West ^rtrf ?S? 4 " STITT, CHARLES H.— Broker, 16 Broad street. New York City; residence 496 West End avenue. Born in New York City, June 10, 1862. (Married.) Member ot the firm ol Burrill & Stitt, and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Colonial Club. STITT, WILLIAM C— Clergyman, 76 Wall street. New York Citv; residence 28 West 22d street. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., April 23, 1833. Educated at Princeton. (Married.) Formerly literary editor New York "Evangelist." Now secretary American Sea men's Friend Society. Member Princeton and Quill Clubs, Presbyterian Union and Kappa Alpha Frater nity. STIVERS, RUFUS M. — Carriage Manulacturer, 150 East 31st street New York City; residence 159 East 31st street. Born In Greenwich, Conn., Feb. 10, 1822. Educated near North Castle, N. Y. (Widower.) Was lormerly vice-president and, later, president ol the Murray HUl Bank. Member Union League Club. STOCKWELL, WILLIAM H.-Lawyer, 146 Broad way, New York City; residence University Club. Bom In Kentucky, Nov. 18, 1863. Educated at Yale ('83) and at Columbia Law School. (Single.) Attorney lor Ti tle Guarantee and Trust Co. Member University and Church Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. STODDARD, CHARLES AUGUSTUS— Editor and Presbyterian Clergyman, 156 Filth avenue. New York City; residence 300 West 72d street. Born in Boston, Mass., May 28, 1833. Educated at WUUams ' CoUege (A.B., '54, A.M., '57 and D.D., '71), at the University ol Edinburgh, Scotland, and at Union Theologicail Seminary, New York City (D.D., '59). (Married Mary. daughter ol Dr. Samuel I. Prime.) Rector ol the Washington Heights Presbyterian Church, New York City, 1859-93. Became associate editor in 1869, part owner in 1873, and upon the death ol Dr. Prime In 1885, editor and pubUsher ol "The Observer." Author ol several works. Secretary and director New York Observer Co. Member University, Sigma Phi, Adiron dack League, Authors' and Colonial Clubs, American Geographical and New England Societies, WiUiams College Alumni and Century Associations and Presby terian Union. STODDARD, ENOCH V. — Physician, 62 State street, Rochester; residence 68 South -Washington street. Born in New London, Conn., July 10, 1840. Educated at Trinity College ("60), at Yale and at Al bany Medical College. (Married.) Served as surgeon in the 65th New York Volunteers, 1863-4. Prolessor emeritus ol therapeutics and hygiene. University ol Buffalo. Has been consulting physician to the Roch ester City Hospital ; heailth commissioner ol Rochester, and commissioner and vice-president ol the New York State Board ol Charities. Member Genesee Valley Club, University Club ol New York City, Monroe County Medical Society, Society ol Colonial "Wars. Medical Society ol the State ol New York. Trinity Alumni. Yale Alumni and Central New York Medical Associations, G. A. R., American Academy ol Medi cine (Fellow), Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. Sons ol the American Revolution and other organiza tions. STODDARD. FRANCIS H'OVEY — Prolessor and Author, University Heights. New York City; residence 22 West 68th street. Born In Middlebury, Vt, April 26, 1847. Educated at Amherst College (A.B.. '69, and A.M.. '85). Degree ol Ph.D. from the Western Uni versity of Pennsylvania in 1895. (Married Lucy Smith. 1873.) Professor ol English literature at New York University. Author ol "The Modern Novel," "The Ideal In Literature," "Conditions ol Labor In Eng land," "Miracle Plays and Mysteries," "The Uses ol Rhetoric," "The Study ol the English Language," etc. Member Barnard and Authors' Clubs and Amherst College Alumni and Century Associations. STODDARD, JOHN LAWSON— Lecturer and Au thor, 4 West 72d street. New York City. Born In Brookline, Mass.. AprU 24, 1850. Educated at Williams College (valedictorian, '71). (Married Mary H. Brown ol Bangor, Me, 1877.) Has traveled extensively, and was active in the promotion ol the Stoddard Lectures In the larger cities throughout the United States lor almost twenty years. Author ol "The Stoddard Lec tures on Travel Abroad and In America," published in ten volumes. STODDARD, JOHN M.-Lawyer, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence Gramercy Park Hotel. Born in Horseheads, N. Y., April 19, 1871. Educated at Cornell. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Stoddard & Thomas. Member Cornell University Club. STODDARD, RICHARD HENRY— Author and Poet, 329 East 15th street. New York City. Born In Hingham, Mass., July 2, 1825. Educated In public schools. (Married Elizabeth Drew Barstow, 1852.) Confidential clerk to General McCIellan, 1870-3; libra rian ol New York City, 1874-5. Was literary reviewer 472 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ot the New York "Worid" Irom 1860 to 1870, and has held same position on the "Mail and Express since 1880. Author ol "Adventures in Fairyland, I^i/e or Humboldt," "Songs ol Summer," "The Book ol the East," "A Century Alter," "Llle ol Washington Ir ving," "Under the Evening Lamp" and many otners. Member Authors' Club, Authors' Society and Century Association. STODDART, THOMAS A.-Lawyer. 135 Broad way New York -City; residence 86 East 77th street. Born in New York City, July 17, 1863. Educated at the Plngry School, Elizabeth, N. J., Rutgers College (A.B., '86, and A.M.. '89) and Columbia Law School (LL.B., '88). (Single.) Member Sewaren Land and Water Club, Chi Phi Fraternity and New York State Bar Association. STOIBER, ADOLPHUS H.-Lawyer, 1 Nassau street New York City; residence 30 West 26th street. Bom in New York City, Sept. 24, 1853. Educated at the College ol the City ol New York, Columbia Law School and Universities ol Leipzig, Heidelberg and BerUn. (Single.) Member Lawyers', Delta Kappa Ep silon, Democratic, Camera and Relorm Clubs, New York College Alumni and Columbia University Alumni Associations and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. STOKES, ANSON PHELPS— Real Estate Inves tor, 45 Cedar street. New York City; residence 229 Madison avenue, and Lenox, Mass. Chairman ol the board ol managers and director Dudley Co.; director Ansonia Brass and Copper Co. and Woodbridge Co.; trustee United States Trust Co. Member Metropolitan, City, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, Nineteenth Cen tury, Union League, Knickerbocker, Relorm, Law yers', Church, Riding, Tuxedo, New York Yacht and Mendelssohn Glee Clubs, Society ol Colonial Wars, Century Association, National Academy ol Design, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. STOKES, FREDERICK A.-Editor and Publisher, 5 East 16th street. New York City; residence 51 West 39th street. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov'. 4, 1857. Educated at Cheshire (Conn.) Academy ('76) and at Yale ('79). (Married. Ellen R. Colby, 1883.) President and director Frederick A. Stokes Co. Editor "The Pocket Magazine." Member University, Mendelssohn Glee (ex-presldent). New York Athletic and Yale CJlubs. STOKES, HEINRY B.— Insurance, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence 1047 Madison avenue, and New Rochelle. Born and educated in New York City. (Widower.) President Manhattan Life Insurance Co.; first vice-president Manhattan Savings Institution; director National Bank of the Republic, National Citi zens' Bank and Citizens' Insurance Co. Member Union League, Tuxedo, Riding and Country Clubs. STOKES, ISAAC N. PHELPS— Real Estate In vestor, 45 Cedar street. New York City; residence 229 Madison avenue. Educated at Harvard ('91). Presi dent and director Dudley Co.; director Building and Sanitary Inspection Co. Member City, Knickerbocker, University, Racquet and Tennis, Seawanhaka - Cor inthian Yacht, Canoe and Reform Clubs, American Geographical Society and Metropolitan Museum of Art. STOKES, J. G. PHELPS— Investments, 47 Cedar street. New York City; residence 229 Madison avenue. Bom in New York City, March 18, 1872. Educated at Sheffleld Scientific School of Yale ('92), New York Col lege of Physicians and Surgeons ('96) and School of Political Science of Columbia ('97). (Single.) Presi dent Nevada Central R. R. Co., Nevada Co., Austin Mining Co. and Woodbridge Co.; vice-president State Bank of Nevada, and Dudley Co.; chairman board of trustees People's Institute; member executive board of New York Association for Improving the Condition ol the Poor, University Settlement Society, Legal Aid Society, Prison Association, Federation ol Churches and Christian Workers, Tuskegee Normal and Indus trial Institute and Armstrong Association. Member City (trustee), Knickerbocker, St. Anthony, Univer sity, Yale, Drug Trade and Riding Clubs. STOKES, JAMES— Real Estate Investor, 45 Cedar street. New York City; residence 68 Park avenue. Educated at New York University ('62). Director Manhattan Llle Insurance Co., Mercantile TVust Co.. United Electric Light and Power Co. and United States Illuminating Co. Member Union League Uni versity Lawyers'. Patria, Mendelssohn Glee and City Clubs Down Town and Aldine Associations, American Geographical Society, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Presbyterian Union. STOKES, THOMAS— 45 Cedar street. New York City- residence Tuxedo. Born in New York City. Educated at New York University. Director Ansonia Brass and Copper Co. Member Metropolitan. Union League and Army and Navy Clubs and others. STOKES WALTER C— Banker and Broker. 66 Broadway. New York City; residence 28 East 68th street Born in New York City, Feb. 13, 1852. (Mar ried ) Member ol the New York Stock Exchange. Director Manhattan Lite Insurance Co. Member Union League and Riding Clubs. STOKES, WILLIAM E. DODGE — Investments. 146 Broadway. New York City; residence 262 West 72d street. Connected with the Onward Construction Co. (Ltd.) Member Union League, Manhattan, Colonial, St Nicholas, Lawyers', Westchester County Country, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht. New York Tacht, Meadow Brook Hunt and Woll's Head (Tale) Clubs, St. Nicholas, American Fine Arts and New England Societies, Tale Alumni and Down Town Associations and Sons ol the Revolution. STONE, CHARLES L.— Lawyer, 921 Onondaga County Savings Bank BuUding, Syracuse; residence 815 James street. Born in Mexico, Oswego Co., N. T., April 2, 1848. Educated at Hamilton CoUege. (Mar ried.) Member ol the firm ol Stone, Gannon & Petit. Attorney and trustee Onondaga County Savings Bank; counsel to Syracuse Water Board. Formerly corpora tion counsel ol Syracuse; now releree in Bankruptcy. Member Century and Citizens' Clubs. STONE, EDW-ARD F.— Clerk, 28 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 567 Park avenue. Born In New Tork City April 3, 1838. Educated In Washington In stitute. (Married.) Connected with the United States Sub-Treasury since 1867, and now assistant chiel ol Check Pay Division. Member 7th Regiment Veteran Association. STONE, HERBERT S.— Publisher, 111 Filth ave nue. New Tork City; residence 404 Erie street, Chi cago, III. Born In Chicago, May 29, 1870. Educated in Chicago, Geneva, Switzerland, and at Harvard ('94). (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Herbert S. Stone & Co. Member Players' Club, and Chicago and Uni versity Clubs ol Chicago, 111. STONE, MASON A.— Insurance, 161 Broadway. New Tork City; residence 20 East 66th street. Presi dent and director Greenwich Insurance Co. Member Union League, Colonial, Lawyers', Republican amd Army and Navy Clubs, American Geographical, American Numismatic and Archaeological and Lin naean Societies, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. Metropolltam Museum ol Art and Lalayette Post. G. A. R. STONE, SUMNER R.— Merchant, 48 Exchange place. New Tork City; residence 155 West 68th street. Born in Newark, N. J., Sept. 8, 1828. Educated at New Tork University. (Married.) Director National Bank ol the Republic. Member American Geographical So ciety, American Museum ol Natural History and Met ropolitan Museum ol Art. STONE, WILLIAM FLETCHER— Physician and Instmctor, 139 West 34th street. New Tork City. De grees of Ph.B. and M.D. Instructor in anatomy, and clinical assistant In surgery, Cornell University Medi cal College, New Tork City. STONE. WILLIAM LBETE— Historian, Mount Vemon. Bora in New Tork CJity, April 4, 1835. Edu cated at Brown University (A.B., A.M. and LL.B.). (Married.) Formerly editor-ln-chlef, for many years. ol the "Journal ol Commerce" ol New Tork City. Author ol "The Lile and Times ol Sir William John son, Bart," "Revolutionary Letters," "Burgoyne's Campaign and St. Leger's Expedition," "Llle and Mil itary Journals ol Major-General Rledesel," "History BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 473 ol New Tork City," "Lite and Writings ol Colonel WllUam L. Stone," "Reminiscences ol Saratoga and BaUston," "The Saratoga Battle Grounds," "Histor ical Guide Book to Saratoga Springs and Vicinity." "The Stone Genealogy" and many other works. Hon orary member ol Oneida, Chicago, Maine, Vermont, Buffalo, New Haven, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Wisconsin and New Jersey Historical Societies and American Historical Association; corresponding mem ber New Tork Historical, Wyoming Historical, Amer ican Numismatic and Archaeoldgical and New Tork Genealogical and Biographical Societies and Albany Institute; lile member New Tork Institution lor the Instruction ol the Deal and Dumb; associate member American Society lor Psychical Research. STOPPANL C. F.— Stock Broker, 34 New street New Tork City; residence 217 Lafayette avenue, Brooklyn. Born in New Tork City, Oct. 29, 1862. Edu cated in New Tork City. (Single.) Member of the firm ol Ennis & Stoppani. Member New Tork Tacht and Lotos Clubs, Crescent Athletic and Brooklyn Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Hanover Club ol Williamsburg. STORER, EBENEZER — Stationer, 60 Murray street. New Tork City; residence 157 Van Buren street, Brooklyn. Born and educated In Brooklyn. (Mar ried.) Member Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, Hempstead Harbor Club, Sons ol the Revolution and 23d Regiment Veteran Association. STORER, JOHN H. — Physician, SO Edgecombe avenue. New Tork City. Born in Westminster, Conn., March 11, 1866. Educated at Tale University and at Homeopathic Medical College and Hospltail. (Mar ried.) Lecturer on diseases ol the kidneys. New Tork Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital; medical examiner Michigan Lile Insurance Co.; director Mu tual Lile Association. Member Heights Club, Ameri can Institute ol Homeopathy and New Tork State Homeopathic, New Tork County Homeopathic, Paedo logical and Materia Medica Societies. STORM, CLARENCE— Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 41 West 81st street. Born in New Tork City. Educated at Columbia University (A.B.) and New Tork Law School (LL.B.). (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Miller, Decker & Miller. Mem ber Church, Calumet and Zeta Psi Clubs, Field Club ol Morristown, N. J., Holland, New England and St. Nicholas Societies, Columbia University Alumni As sociation, American M'jseum ol Natural History, Met ropolitan Museum ol Art, Society ol Colonial Wars, Association ol the Engineers' Corps and Veterans ol Company K, 7th Regiment, N. G. N. T. STORMS, WILLIAM HART— Banker, Ithaca; res idence 307 North Tioga street. Bom in New Tork City, Oct 12, 1855. Educated in New Tork City and Ithaca. (Single.) Cashier and secretary Ithaca Trust Co. Member Town and Gown Club (treasurer). STORRS, RICHARD SALTER — Congregational Clergyman, 80 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn. Bom in Braintree, Mass., Aug. 21, 1821. Educated at Amherst CoUege. Received degrees ol D.D. Irom Union College In 1853, D.D. Irom Harvard in 1859, LL.D. Irom Prince ton in 1874 and L.H.D. Irom Columbia in 1887. (Mar ried Mary E. Jenks ol Boston, Mass., 1845.) Rector of the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, 1846-98; retired from active ministry In 1898. President of the Amer ican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1887-97. Author ol "Forty Tears ol Pastoral Llle," "The Prospective Advance ol Christian Missions, "The Constitution ol a Human Soul" and others ol a sim ilar nature. Member Amherst CoUege Alumni and Century Associations, New England Society and Sons ol the Revolution. STORT, C. B. — Physician, Bayside. Born in Dutchess County, N. T., Dec. 13, 1863. Educated at CorneU ('86). (Married.) Proprietor Bayside Phar macy. Formerly visiting physician and surgeon to the Flushing Hospital. Member Niantic, Shinnecock Democratic, Manhasset Bay Tacht and Coraell Uni versity Clubs and Royal Arcanum. STORT, GEORGE HENRT — Artist. 230 Central Park, South, New Tork City. Born in New Haven, Conn., Jan. 23, 1835. Studied art in Europe. Estab lished a studio In New Tork City in 1870. Makes a specialty of portraits and genre pictures. Member Lotos and Barnard Clubs, Artists' Fund Society, Na tional Academy of Design and Metropolitan Museum of Art. STORT, MARION— Broker, 77 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence Portchester. Member of the firm of Edmund & Charles Randolph, members of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member Knickerbocker, Ctoun- try. New Tork Tacht, Racq,uet and Tennis, Rockaway Hunting, American Tacht and Union Clubs. STORT, T. H.— Grain Commission Merchant, 107 Produce Exchange, New Tork City; residence 1450 Pa cific street, Brooklyn. Born in Batavia, N. T., Aug. 30, 1864. Educated in Brooklyn. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol W. H. Story & Co. Member Relorm Club, Crescent Athletic and Union League Clubs ol Brooklyn, Veteran Association ol the 23d Regiment and Altair Lodge, F. & A. M. STORT, WILLIAM CUMMINGS— Retired Woolen Merchant, 329 West End avenue, and Lawrence, L. I. Born in New Tork City, Jan. 2, 1851. (Son ol .Tames Monroe Story ol Newburyport, Mass.) Educated in Chicago public schools. (Married, 1881. Fannie Ella Daisy Allen, granddaughter ol Stephen Allen, ex- mayor ol New York.) Member New York Athletic and Rockaway Huntin.g Clubs and Sons ol the Ameri can Revolution. STOTESBURY, LOUIS W. — Lawyer, 150 Nassau street. New York City; residence 265 Central Park, "West. Born in FishkiU, N. Y.. Oct. 2L 1870. Educated at Rutgers College ('90). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Greene & Stotesbury. Member Lawyers', New York Athletic and Dauntless Boat Clubs, Rutgers Col lege Alumni Association, Society ol Medical Jurispru dence and 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. STOTT, FRANK L.— Merchant, 75 Worth street. New York City; residence 20 West 30th street. Mem ber New York, Drug, Arkwright, Manhattan and Sub urban Riding and Driving Clubs. STOUGHTON. ARTHUR ALEXANDER— Archi tect, 96 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 1665 Washington avenue. Born in New York CJTly. Edu cated at Columbia University and Ecole des Beaux -Arts, Paris. Member of the firm of C. W. & A. A. Stoughton. Formerly treasurer Daisy Fields Home and Hospital. Member North Side Board ol Trade and Society ol Beaux-Arts Architects. STOUT, ANDREW VARICK — Stock Broker. 25 Broad street. New York City; residence 35 East 67th street. Bora in New York City, March 1, 1872. Edu cated at Columbia ('93). (Single.) Member Baltusrol Goll and University Clubs and 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. STOUT, CHARLES HERMAN — Banker, 2 Wall street. New York City; residence 137 Madison avenue. Born in New York City, Feb. 13. 1864. Educated in New York City. (Married.) Cashier National Bank ol the Republic. Member St. Nicholas Club, St. Nicholas Society. Colonial Order and Chamber ol Commerce. STOUT, EDMUND COFFIN— Engineer, 203 Broad way, New York City; residence South Orange, N. J. Born in Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1864. (Married.) New York manager Harrisburg Foundry and Machine Works. Member American Society ol Civil Engineers. STOUT, JOSEPH S.— Banker and Broker, 25 Broad street, New York City; residence 35 East 67th street. Born in New York City, Dec. 27, 1846. Educated in New York City. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Stout & Co., and of the New York Stock amd New "York Produce Exchanges. Treasurer and director Hodgman Rubber Co.; treasurer Board ol Education ol the Methodist Episcopal Church; director Deer HIU Co. (Ltd.), Drew Theological Seminary, New "York Mutual Gas Light Co., National Shoe and Leather Bank, Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City R. R. Co. and St. Lawrence Power Co.; trustee Holland Trust Co., Wesleyan University and American Bank Note Co.; governor New York Stock Exchange. Ex-vice- presldent New York Mutual Gas Light Co. Formerly assistant cashier National Shoe and Leather Bank. Member Union League and Metropolitan Clubs. 474 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. STOUT, JOSEPH S., JR.-Electncal Engineer 55 Duane street New York City; residence 35 East 67 tn street. Born in New York City. Educated at Berke ley School and Columbia University. (Single.) In spector ol the Edison Electric Illuminating (Jo. ol New York. Member University and Psi UpsiloQ Clubs, Co lumbia Alumni Association, -American Society ol Elec trical Engineers (associate), and Company K, Ttti Regiment, N. G. N. Y. STOUT, NEWTON E.— Broker, 25 Broad street. New York City; residence 307 West 70th street. Bora in New Yorkr City, June 17, 1869. Educated at Colum bia. (Married.) Cashier New York Stock Exchange firm ol Stout & Co. Member Psi Upsilon Club. STOW, JOHN A.— 218 East Tenth street. New York City. Born in Charleston, S. C. Educated In New York City. (Married Emma Frances Gregory.) Mem ber Manuscript, Racquet and Tennis, Lambs' and Players' Clubs and Dunlap Society. STOW, WILLIAM L.— Stock Broker, 36 Wall street. New York City. Member New York Stock Ex change and ol the Manhattan, Racquet and Tennis, Lambs', Larchmont Yacht, Corinthian Yacht and Sea wanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Clubs and Sons ol the Revolution. STOWE, BENJAMIN L.— 13 Barclay street. New York City; residence 51 Fulton avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Born in Millord, Conn., Feb. 18, 1848. (Married.) Vice-president and director Eureka Fire Hose Co.; director Commercial Trust Co. ol New Jersey, and Greenville Banking and Trust Co. ol Jersey City. Formerly president Cotton Hose Manulacturers' As sociation; member ol Jersey City Board ol Education, 1895-7. Member Jersey City Club and Jersey City Board ol Trade. STOWELI,, CALVIN LLEWELLYN— Foreign Ex change, 401 Powers Building, Rochester; residence 25 Merriman street. Born in Ansonia, Pa, Aug. 28, 1845. (Son ol Thomas P. and Henrietta [Fowler] Stowell.) Educated in private schools. (Married Jennie O. Hotchklss ol Rochester, 1876.) Resident ol Rochester since 1875. Has been connected with many corpora tions. Member Genesee Valley Club, and Players' and Calumet Clubs ol New York City. STOWELL. WILLIAM L.— Physician, 28 West 36th street. New York City. Bora in Connecticut, Dec. 24, 1859. Educated at Cortland (N. Y.) Normal School and Medical Department ol New York University ('81). (Married.) Visiting physician to Randall's Island Hospital; instructor in children's diseases in University Bellevue Medical College. Author ol nu merous papers on medical and allied subjects. Mem ber Congregational and Quill Clubs, County Medical Society, Academy ol Medicine and City Hospital Alumni and Physicians' Mutual Aid Associations. STRACHAN, JOSEPH— Civil Engineer, Municipal BuUding, Brooklyn; residence 352 Putnam avenue. Born in Newburgh, N. Y. Educated at New York University. Formerly engineer on construction ol South Pennsylvania Ry, Kings Co. Elevated Ry., Suburban Elevated Ry., Sea Beach Ry., Brooklyn Water Works and various smaller projects. Member Brooklyn Engineers' Club. Phi Beta Kappa Society, Zeta Psi Fraternity, American Society ol Civil Engi neers and Royal Arcanum. STRASMER, WILLIAM P.- Lawyer, 756 EUicott square, Buffalo ; residence 695 Lalayette avenue. Born in Buffalo, Sept. 6, 1858. Educated in public schools ol Buffalo, and University ol Rochester. (Married.) Was civil service commissioner ol Buffalo. Member Acacia, University, and Lawyers' Clubs and Erie Lodge, F. & A. M. STRATFORD, WILLIAM — Physician and Pro- lessor, 17 Lexington avenue. New York City; residence 263 West 52d street. Alember ol the faculty ol the CoUege ol the City ol New York. Director Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences and Zoological Society ol New York. Member New York Athletic and Colo nial Clubs, Century Association and Scientific Alli ance. STRAUS, ADOLPH D.— Merchant, 18 Broadway New York City; residence 20 East 76th street Borii in Germany, May, 1839. Educated in Louisiana. (Marrled.) Formerly general In the Nicaraguan army and consul-general ol Nicaragua lor the United States. Member Harmonie, Freundschalt Society and Circle Colon Cervantes. STRAUS, ISIDOR — Importer ol Chlnaware, 42 Warren street, and Dry Goods Merchant, 200 Sixth avenue, New York City; residence 105th street and Broadway. Born in Rhenish Bavaria, Germany, Feb. 6 1845. Came with his parents to the United States In 1854 and settled In the South. Clerked lor a time In a papffr mUl and alterwards In his lather's store in Columbus, Ga. Was secretary to John E. Ward, pur chasing agent lor the Conlederate Army during Civil War. Became a resident ol New York City in 1865 and engaged in the importation ol glassware and crockery in which he Is still interested as a member ol the firm ol L. Straus & Sons. Member ol the firm ol R. H. Macy & Co., department store, since 1888. Served as a member ol Congress, 1893-6. Director Hanover National Bank, New York County National Bank, Second National Bank, Retail Dry Goods Asso ciation and other organizations. Member Manhattan, Relorm, Nineteenth Century, Democratic, Harlem Democratic, Press and Harmonie Clubs and Aldine Association. STRAUS, NATHAN— Importer ol Chlnaware, 42 Warren street, and Dry Goods Merchant, 200 Sixth avenue. New York City; residence 27 West 72d street Born in Germany, 1850. Came to the United States with his parents in 1854 and settled in the South. Educated in Georgia. Member ol the flrm ol L. Straus & Sons, engaged in the importation of glassware and crockery; Is also a member of the flrms of Abraham & Straus of Brooklyn, and R. H. Macy & Co., depart ment stores. Has served as president of the New York City Board of Health, as park commissioner and as State Forest Commissioner. Member Manhattan, Democratic, Accomack Hunting and Fishing, and Sub urban Riding and Driving Clubs and Aldine Associa tion. STRAUS, OSCAR S.— United States Minister to Turkey, Constantinople, and Importer of Chlnaware, 42 Warren street. New York City; residence 27 West 74th street. Bora in Rhenish Bavaria, Germany, Dec. 23, 1850. Came with his parents to the United States in 1854 and .settled In the South. Educated in Georgia and at Columbia College (A.B. and A.M.) and Law School (LL.B., '73). Received degrees ol L.H.D. Irom Brown University and LL.D. Irom Washington and Lee University. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol L. Straus & Sons, engaged in the Importation ol glass ware and crockery. Served as United States Minister to Turkey during the administration ol President Cleveland, 1887-9, and was reappointed by President McKinley In 1898. Well known as a lawyer, historian and diplomatist. Vice-president and director New York Board ol Trade and Transportation; director Baron de Hirsch Fund; trustee New York Lile Insur ance Co. Member Relorm, Authors', Democratio, Nineteenth Century and Lawyers' Clubs, Columbia University Alumni, National Civil Service Reform, American Social Science and International Law Asso ciations, Phi Beta Kappa Society and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. STRAUSS, CHARLES — Lawyer, 237 Broadway, New York City; residence 317 West 75th street Born in New Tork City, Nov. 28, 1854. Educated at Grammar School No. 3, College ol the City ol New Tork and Columbia Law School. (Married Pauline Loewensteln.) School Inspector, 1888-90'; school com missioner, 1891-6; assisted in Iraming the State School Laws; counsel to Canadian Government in Behring Sea Controversy, 1892. Director and counsel Mechan ics' and Traders' Bank, Westchester Electric R. R. Co., New Tork City and Westchester R. R. Co. and Eastchester Development Co. Counsel to many other flnancial Institutions and corporations. Member Democratic, TwUight, Hardware and Harmonie Clubs, Liederkranz, Medico-Legal and German Societies and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. STRAUSS, FREDERICK- Banker, 16 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 33 West 94th street Vice- president ¦ and director Omaha Water Co.; director ConsoUdated Gas Co. ol New Jersey, St Louis and San Francisco R. R. Co. and Western Gas Co. Mem ber Relorm Club. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 475 STRAUSS, GUSTAVUS E.— Merchant, 37 Maiden lane. New Tork City; residence 41 West 91st street. Born in St. Gall, Switzerland, August, 1857. Educated In Switzerland and Germany. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Strauss, Kuhn & Co. ol Mexico City. Con nected with the Sartus Ball Bearing Co. Member Fen cers' and Merchants' Central Clubs and American Fencers' League. STRAUSS, JACOB— Diamond Importer, 45 Maiden lane. New Tork City; residence 77 West 115th street. Born in Wurtemburg, Germany, May 7, 1844. Educa ted at Heidelberg, Germany. (Married.) Member of the firm of Jacob Strauss & Sons. Member Arkwright, Harlem Republican and Columbia Clubs, Jewelers' League, and Manhattan Lodge, Independent Order B'nai B'rith. STRAUSS, WILLIAM— Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 20 East 74th street. Bora In New Tork City, April 29, 1851. Educated at College of the City ol New Tork and Columbia Law School ('71). (Married.) Director and general counsel Minneapolis and St Louis R. R. Co. and Great Eastern Casualty and Indemnity Co.; trustee Texas and Pacific Land Trust. Member Republican and Harmonie Clubs. STREAT, JAMES— Dry Goods Merchant, 62 Leon ard street. New Tork City; residence 1730 Broadway. Member Atlantic Tacht Club, American Fine Arts So ciety, National Academy ol Design and Blooming Grove Park Association. STREBEIGH, LEFFERTS— Lawyer, 71 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 76 East 55th street. Edu cated at Columbia ('73). Member University Club, St. Nicholas and Phi Beta Kappa Societies and Columbia University Alumni Association. STREET, GEORGE G.— Transportation, Buffalo. Born In London. Canada, Sept. 21, 1843. Educated In Canadian schools. (Married.) Connected with the New Tork Central and Hudson River Fast Freight Lines. Was general accountant "Blue Line" lor six teen years, and general manager lor same lor lour years. Member Transportation Club ol New Tork City. STREET, GEORGE W.— Manulacturing Jeweler. 24 John street. New Tork City; residence 56 Montgom ery place, Brooklyn. Born In New Tork City, Dec. 31. 1842. Educated In private schools. (Married.) Mem ber Hamilton CJlub ol Brooklyn, Lalayette Post G. A. R., Offlcers' Association ol the 23d Regiment and Veterans' Association ol the 23d Regiment. STRINGER. ARTHUR J.— Author, 45 Park place, New Tork City. Born in London, Ontario, Canada, Feb. 26, 1874. Educated at the Umversity ol Toronto and at Oxlord, E'ngland. (Single.) Author ol "Watchers, ol Twilight," "Pauline, and Other Poems" and "The Loom ol Destiny." STRONG, ALONZO P.-Lawyer, 311 State street Schenectady. Born In Duanesburgh, N. T., Aug. 17. 1843. Educated at Union College. (Married.) Secre tary and trustee Schenectady Locomotive "Works. Formerly district attorney and Judge ol Schenectady County. Member Alpha Delta Phi Club ol New Tork City, Mohawk Club and Union Alumni Association. STRONG. AUGUSTUS HOPKINS— Clergyman and Educator. Rochester Theological Seminary. Rochester. Born in Rochester. Aug. 3, 1836. Educated at Tale ('67). Received degree ol D.D. Irom Brown Universitv in 1870, Irom Tale in 1890 and Irom Princeton In 1896, and the degree ol LL.D. Irom Bucknell University in 1891. Held several pastorates in Baptist churches until 1872. when he became prolessor ol Biblical ther ology and president ol Rochester Theological Sem inary. STRONG. BENJAMIN— Secretary. 44 Pine street. New Tork City; residence Montciair, N. J. Educated at Columbia. Director Globe Street Ry. Co., Keokuk and Westem Ry. Co. and South American Exploration Co. Member Montciair (N. J.) Club, Columbia Univer sity Alumni and Blooming Grove Park Associations and Metropolitan Museum ol Art* STRONG, CHARLES HOWARD — Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 511 Park avenue. Born in JerseyvUle, 111., Oct 6, 1865. Educated at Har vard Law School. (Married Angelia L. Longlellow, 1893.) Member of the firm of Peekham, Warner & Strong. Ex-president of Council of Confederated Good Government Clubs. Member Harvard and City Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. STRONG, CTRUS— Banker, Binghamton. Bora in Binghamton, June 28, 1841. Educated at "WUliston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass. (Married.) President Strong State Bank, Binghamton Building Co. and Home Mutual Loan and Savings Association; director New Tork and Pennsylvania Telegraph and Telephone Co. Member Binghamton Club, Union League and Republican Clubs of New Tork City, and Sons ol the Revolution. STRONG, CTRUS M.-Banker, Binghamton. Born in La Porte, Ind., Oct. 11, 1873. Educated In Stamlord, Conn. (Single.) Member Binghamton Club, Calumet and Players' Clubs ol New Tork City, and Sons ol the Revolution. STRONG, GEORGE A.-Lawyer, 50 Wall street. New Tork City; residence Plainfield, N. J. Educateci at Tale. Member ol the firm ol Duer, Strong & White head. Member Union League Club, New England So ciety, Tale Alumni, Aldine and Down Town Associa tions, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. STRONG, GEORGE S.— Mechanical Engineer, 30 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 337 West 86th street. Born in Mt. Vernon, Ohio, June 24, 1852. (Mar ried.) Member American Society ol Mechanical En gineers. STRONG, HENRT H.-Manulacturer, 1131 Broad way, New Tork City; residence University Club. Born in Southampton, Mass., 1860. Educated at Tale ('83). (Single.) Secretary and treasurer Metal Fa bric Co. Member University Club, New England So ciety and Tale Alumni Association. STRONG, J. MONTGOMERT— Real Estate, 62 Liberty street. New Tork City: residence 41 West 54th street. Member ol the firm ol Strong & Ireland. Member New Tork Tacht, Atlantic Tacht, Oakland Goll and Badminton Clubs, Society ol Colonial Wars and Sons ol the Revolution. STRONG, JOSIAH-Clergyman, 105 East 22d street. New Tork City; residence Greenwich, Conn. Born In Naperville, Du Page Co., 111., Jan. 19, 1847. Educated at Western Reserve CoUege ('69) and at Lane Theological Seminary. Held various Congrega tional pastorates until 1886; secretary lor the United States ol the Evangelical Alliance, 1886-98; president of the League for Social Service, New Tork City, since 1898. Author ol "The New Era," "The Twentieth Century City" and "Our Country." STRONG, PUTNAM BRADLEE— Dry Goods Mer chant, 75 Worth street. New Tork City; residence 12 West 57th street. Born in New Tork City, Dec. 23, 1874. Educated In New Tork City. (Single.) Served as private, flrst lieutenant and captain In 69th Regi ment, N. G. N. T.; captain 5th Brigade, N. G. N. T., and as assistant adjutant-general ol 8th Army Corps; adjutant - general 2d Division ol 8th Army Corps; served through Filipino campaign; was wounded In the battle ol Malolos. Now major amd Inspector 5th Brigade, N. G. N. T. Vice-president, treasurer and di rector International Express Co.; treasurer and di rector Cuban and Pan- American Express Co.; de partment commander State ol New Tork Spanish- American "War Veterans. Member Metropolitan. Re pubUcan, Suburban Riding and Driving, Arkwright, Merchants' and Union League Clubs, and Ohio, For eign Wars' and Spanish-American War Veterans' So cieties. STRONG, RICHARD A.— Dry Goods Merchant, 54 Worth street. New Tork City; residence 117 West 58th street. Member ol the flrm ol Strong, Hewat & Co. Secretary and director United States Army Export Co. Member Marine and Field, New Tork Athletic, Wool and Westchester Goll Clubs. 476 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. STRONG, THERON G.-Lawyer, 45 WiUiam street New Tork City; residence 29 East 65th street. Member ol the flrm ol Strong, Harmon & Mathewson. Member Union League and Olympic Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, New England Society, Century and Down Town Associations, Sons ol the Revolution, Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork, Society of Colonial Wars and Society of the Cincinnati. STRONG, THOMAS S.-Lawyer, 80 -Wall street. New Tork City; residence 61 West 70th street Born in Setauket, Suffolk Co., N. T., Aug. 10, 1834. Edu cated at Tale. (Married.) Member of the firm ol Strong & Spear. Member Presbyterian Union, Tale Alumni Association, Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity and Scroll and Keys ol Tale University. STRONG, WILLIAM E— Banker, 36 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 176 Madison avenue. Born in Ohio, Aug. 11, 1836. Educated in Ohio. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Strong, Sturgis & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Director Iowa Cen tral Ry. Co. Member MetropoUtan, Riding, City, Rac quet and Tennis, Knickerbocker, Union, Players', Lawyers' and South Side Sportsmen's Clubs. STRONG, WILLIAM L.-Dry Goods Merchant, 76 Worth street. New Tork City; residence 12 West 57th street. Born in Richland County, Ohio, March 22, 1827. Educated In common schools. (Mairried.) Engaged In the dry goods business in New Tork City since 1863. Senior member ol the firm ol Wm. L. Strong & Co. since 1869. Was the last mayor ol the old City ol New Tork (now the Borough ol Manhattan), 1895-7. Vice- president and trustee New Tork Security and Trust Co.; director Central National Bank, Hanover Insur ance Co. and Plaza Bank; trustee New Tork Llle In surance Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Merchants', Colonial, RepubUcan, Turl and Field, Wool, New Tork Athletic and Lotos Clubs, Americam Fine Arts, American Geographical, New England, Ohio and Pennsylvania Societies, American Museum ol Natural History and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. STROOCK, MOSES J.-Lawyer, 320 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 1350 Madison avenue. Born in New Tork City, Aug. 18, 1866. Educated in city public schools, at CoUege of the City of New Tork and at Columbia Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm of Platzek & Stroock. Member Society of Medi cal Jurisprudence. STROUD, BERT BRENETTE— Instructor, Cor nell University, Ithaca; residence McGraw Hall. De gree of D.Sc. Instructor In physiology, vertebrate zoology and neurology, Cornell University. STROUT, EDWIN B.— Export Commission Mer chant, 113 Pearl street. New Tork City; residence 116 Lincoln place, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, Jan. 10, 1864. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) President City Island R. R. Co. of New Tork; director Union Bank of Brooklyn. Member Veterans' Association of 23d Regiment, N. G. N. T., and Military Service Institute of Governor's Island. STRUNK, WILLIAM, Jr.— Professor, Cornell Uni versity, Ithaca: residence 92 CascadiUa place. Degree of Ph.D. Assistant prolessor ol rhetoric and English philology, Cornell University. STRUSB, OTTO P.- Lawyer, 99 Broadway, Brook lyn; residence 241 Hewes street. Born in Brooklyn Educated at the CoUege ol the City ol New Tork and Columbia Law School. Treasurer and trustee Brook lyn Eastern District Dispensary and Hospital; trustee Kings County Savings Institution. Member Hanover Club, Alumni Association ol the College ol the City of New Tork, Brooklyn Bar Association and Brooklyn Law Library. STRUTHERS. JOSEPH- Editor and Teacher Co lumbia Universitj', New Tork City; residence 624 'East 136th street. Born in New Tork City. Educated at the CoUege of the City of New Tork and Columbia University (Ph.D.). (Single.) Was assistant In min eralogy and tutor in metallurgy, Columbia University business manager and editor "School of Mines Quar- teriy." Now cpnnected with the Scientific Publishing ¦ Co., assistant editor "Mineral Industry" and honorary lecturer in matallurgy, Columbia. Member American Institute of Mining Engineers. STRTKER, MELANCTHON WOOLSET- Clergy man and Educator, HamUton College, Clinton. Born In Vernon, N. T., Jan. 7, 1851. Educated at HamUton College ('72) and at Auburn Theological Seminary ('76). Received degree of D.L'. from Hamilton and Lafay ette Colleges and LL.D. from Lafayette (Ala.) Col lege. (Married Clara E. Goss ol Auburn, N. T., 1876.) Held Presbyterian pastorates In Auburn and Ithaca, N. T., Holyoke, Mass., and Chicago, III., until 1892. President of Hamilton College since 1892. Author and compiler of several hymn books. STRTKER, SAMUEL D., Jr.— Lithographer, 105 Hudson street. New Tork City: residence 135 West 81st street. Born in New Tork City, April 2, 1865. Edu cated at Newark Academy and Rutgers CoUege. (Single.) Eastern manager Stecher Lithographic Co. of Rochester. Member Commercial, Knickerbocker Athletic and West Side Republican Clubs, and Uni versity Club of Philadelphia, Pa. STRTKER, THOMAS H.— Civil Engineer, Rome. Born in Rome, Nov. 14. 1847. Educated In Rome and at Hobart CoUege (A.B. and A.M.). (Single.) Was city engineer of the city of Rome, 1875; engineer In charge of Hudson River, 1880-1 ; member of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners, 1887-95; chairman ol same, 1893-5. Now president Rome Locomotive and Machine "Works; secretary, treasurer and managing director Rome -Gardner Mining Co.; secretary and treasurer Haw Creek Security Grove Co.; director First Na tional Bank of Rome, Rome Brass and Copper Co., Rome Mf'g Co.. Bingham Harness Co., First New Tork Beet Sugar Co., Rome Gas Light Co., Central New York Institute for Deaf Mutes, Rome Cemetery Asso ciation and Rome Tube "Works; senior warden Zion Episcopal Church. Member University Club of New York City, Teugeuga Golf and Rome Clubs, Sigma Phi Fraternity, Society of Colonial Wars, Society ol Founders and Patriots of America, American Canoe -Association, Sons of the American Revolution and Sons of the Revolution. STUART, BENJAMIN C— Journalist, 253 Broad way, New York City; residence Hillsdale, N. J. Born In New York City, Dec. 26, 1858. Educated In public schools In Brooklyn, N. Y. (Single.) President and director Standard News Association. Author of the humorous sketches "Black Diamond League" and many musical compositions. Member New York Press Club, Hillsdale- Westwood Fleld Club (president) and Gilbert Musical Society of New Jersey. STUART, FRANCIS H.— Physician, 123 Joralemon street, Brooklyn. Born In Logansport, Ind. Educated at Phillips Andover Academy. Dartmouth CoUege, New York CoUege of Physicians and Surgeons and Long Island College Hospital. (Married.) On visiting staff of Brooklyn Hospital. Formerly visiting physi cian St. Peter's Hospital; adjunct surgeon Long Island College "Hospital; physician to Brooklyn Home for Aged Men. Member Hamilton Club, Pathological So ciety, Medical Society of the County ol Kings, British Medical and Physicians' Mutual Aid Association and American Academy ol Medicine. STUART, ROBERT W.— Banker, 43 Exchange place. New York City; residence 86 Park avenue. Di rector Palatine Insurance Co. ol Manchester England (Ltd.), and Fourth National Bank. Member Metro politan, Merchants' Central and Union Clubs. STUART, RUSSELL R.— Civil Engineer, Syracuse. Born in Hamburg, Erie Co., N. Y., 1847. Educated in Gowanda. Served with the 98th Regiment New York Volunteers, during Civil War. Resident ol Syracuse since 1880. Assistant engineer ol the middle division ol the Erie Canal, 1880-1; division engineer under State Engineer Martin Schenck, 1881-93; since 1893, in general practice as contractor and civil engineer. Nominated lor the offlce ol State Engineer by the Democratic Convention held at Saratoga on Sept 12. 1900. Member Citizens' Club. STUART, W. H— Paper Manulacturer. 20 Beek man street New T6rk CJity; residence 603 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn. Manager H. Lindenmeyr & Sons. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF i^EW YORK. 477 STUART, WILLIAM COUCH— Retired, 131 West 70th street. New Tork City. Born in Rye, N. T., June 11, 1849. (Son ol James Stuart.) Educated in New Tork City. (Married.) Engaged lor many years in the Importing business as a member ol the firm ol A. C. Downing & Co., and later as a member ol the brokerage firm ol W. C. & J. M. Stuart, ol which he was the Stock Exchange member. Director Atlantic Mining Co.; ex-president AUouez Mining Co. Member Colonial Club. St. Andrew's Society and West End As sociation. STUART WORTLET, RALPH MONTAGUE — Broker, 70 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 65 West 68th street. Born in Torkshire, England, July 2, 1864. (Son ol Francis D. and Maria [Martin] Stuart "V^^ortley.) Educated in England at Wellington Col lege. (Married Virginia M., daughter ol Rear-Ad- miral Winfield Scott Schley, United States Navy.) Member ol the firm ol Price, McCormick & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Endowed by Queen Victoria with the title ol Honorable In May, 1900. Member Stock Exchange Luncheon, British Schools and Universities, and Union Clubs and St. (jeorge's Society. STUDER, JACOB H.— President, 114 Filth avenue, New Tork City. Born in Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 28, 1840. Educated in common schools and printing offlces. (Widower.) President and director Natural Science Association ol America. Author ol "The Birds ol North America" and "History ol Columbus, Ohio." Member Ohio Society, Sportsmen's Association and American Ornithologists' Union. - STUDLET, ELMER E.— Lawyer, 702 Morgan Building, Buffalo; residence 122 Morgan street. Born in East Ashlord, N. T., Sept. 24, 1864. Educated at Comell. (Single.) Served in Cuba as a first lieuten ant in the United States Volunteer Army during the Spanish War. Member University and Independent Clubs. STUDWELL, FREDERIC B.— Vice-President, 27 WUliam street. New Tork City; residence 149 WUlow street, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, 1864. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Single.) Vice- president The Bush Co. (Ltd.). Member Crescent Ath letic, HamUton, Dyker Meadow Goll and Garden City Goll Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Relorm Club ol New Tork City. STURGES, ARTHUR PEMBERTON— Securities, 74 Wall street New Tork City; residence 36 Park avenue. Educated at Princeton ('88). Director Hy geia Distilled Water Co. Member Metropolitan, Princeton Calumet, New Tork Athletic, Players' and University Clubs and Down Town Association. STURGES, FRANK D.— Lawyer, 71 Wall street, New Tork City; residence 37 West 20th street. Edu cated 'at Columbia. Member New Tork Athletic and American Tacht Clubs, Columbia University Alumni Association and Liederkranz. STURGES, HENRT CADT— Author, 56 East 34th street. New Tork City. Bora in Fairfield, Conn., May 51, 1846. Educated at Columbia ('69). (Married.) Member New Tork Tacht, University, St. Anthony and Grolier Clubs, Dunlap, American Geographical, Archaeological and Historical Societies, Columbia Alumni A-ssoclation and American Museum ol Nat ural History. STURGES, WILLIAM C. — Treasurer, 76 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 37 West 20th street. Born in New Tork City, June 9, 1824. Educated in New Tork City. (Married.) President and tmstee Seaman's Bank lor Savings and Sailors' Cemetery As sociation; treasurer and director American Seamen s Friend Society; director Leather Manulacturers' Na tional Bank; trustee Robert College ol Constantinople, Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. and Haven Rebel Fund; trustee and chairman Madison Square Presby terian Church. STURGIS, APPLETON — Insurance, 45 Cedar street. New Tork Citv; residence 90 East Tenth street. Member Mendelssohn Glee and Union Clubs, Down Town Association, American Museum ol Natural His tory, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and National Acad emy ol Design. STURGIS, DANFORTH N. B. — Architect, 220 Fourth avenue. New Tork City; residence 238 East 13th street. Born In New Tork City, Oct. 29, 1866. Educated at Tale ('89). (Married.) Formerly member ol board ol examiners Municipal ClvU Service Com mission. Member Players', University and Tale Clubs, Architectural League and National Sculpture Society. STURGIS, FRANK K.— Banker, 30 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 3 West 36th street. Member ol the firm ol Strong, Sturgis & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. President and director Madi son Square Garden Co.; vice-president and director Standard Trust Co.; director Charleston and Ohio River Road, Consolidated Ice Co., National Horse Show Association, New Tork Quotation Co., Quick silver Mining Co. and Standard Finance and IJrust Co. Formerly president ol the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member City, Union, Knickerbocker, Coaching, Met ropolitan, Larchmont Tacht, New Tork Tacht, Turl and Field, Jockey, Coney Island Jockey and Rockaway Hunting Clubs, Westchester Racquet and Century As sociations and American Geographical Society. STURGIS, FREDERICK RUSSELL — Physician, 16 West 32d street. New Tork City. Born in Manila, Philippine Islands, July 7, 1844. Educated In England and the United States. Graduated in medicine Irom the Harvard Medical School (M.D., '67). (Married.) Established In practice in New Tork City, and was lor a time a member ol the laculty ol the University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, and lor twenty years visiting surgeon to the City Hospital. Author ol several medical works. Member New Tork Athletic and University Clubs and Harvard Alumni Association. STURGIS, ROBERT— Lawyer, 111 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 152 East 38th street. Educated at Harvard ('81). Director Maritime Canal Co. ol Nic aragua. Member University Club,. American Geo- grapical Society, Harvard Alumni and Down Town Associations and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. STURGIS, RUSSELL— Architect and Author, 307 East 17th street. New Tork City. Born in Baltimore County, Md., Oct. 16, 1836. Educated at the College ol the City ol New Tork ('56). Degrees ol A.M. and Ph.D. Studied architecture in Europe. (Married Sa rah Barney ol New Tork City, 1864.) Was associate editor on the "Century Dictionary," "Webster's Inter national Dictionary," "Johnson's Universal Cyclopae dia" and the "Dictionary ol Architecture." Director Elkhorn Valley Coal-Land Co. and Empire Coal and Coke Co. Member Grolier, Players', University, Tale and Commonwealth Clubs, St. Botolph Club ol Bos ton, Mass., CoUege ol the City ol New Tork Alumni, New Tork State Forestry and Century Associations, National Sculpture, Municipal Arts, Numismatic and Archaeological, Phi Beta Kappa, Free Trade and Archaeological Societies, Architectural League, Na tional Academy ol Design, Society ol Mural Painters, American Institute ol Architects, Society lor the Pro motion ol Hellenic Studies and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. STURGIS, THOMAS— Builder. 42 East 23d street, and 72 Trinity place. New Tork City; residence 138 East 36th street. Connected with the Sturgls & Hill Co. President and director Electric Selector and Sig nal Co.; director Consolidated Ice Co. and Westem Live Stock and Land Co. Member Union League and New Tork Athletic Clubs, Century and Down Town Associations, New England Society and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. STUTVESANT, JOHN READE — Treasurer, 33 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 222 Filth ave nue. Bora in Hyde Park, N. T., March 10, 1850. Edu cated by Rev. C. W. Everest and at Vermont Episco pal Institution and Rutgers College. (Married.) Treasurer Guayaquil and Quito Ry. Co. Member Union, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht and Delta Phi Clubs and Rutgers College Alumni Association. STUTVESANT, ROBERT R. — Broker, 40 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 213 Madison avenue. Director Stuyvesant Insurance Co. Member New Tork Athletic and Union Clubs and American Geo graphical and St. Nicholas Societies. 478 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. STUTVESANT, RUTHERFORD — Capitalist, 16 Exchange place. New Tork City; residence Alla- muchy Educated at Columbia. Vice-president and director Tuckerton R. R. Co.; director New Tork Lite Insurance and Trust Co. Member Racquet and Ten nis, Union, City, New Tork Tacht, Seawanhaka-Co rinthian Tacht, Atlantic Tacht and Carrol's Island Clubs Down Town, Columbia University Alumni and Century Associations, American Fine Arts and Amer ican Geographical Societies, American Museum ol Natural History, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, Na tional Academy ol Design and Scientiflc Alliance. SUDDS, HENRT— Banker, Gouverneur. Born in London, England, March 25, 1839. Educated at Manor House Academy London, England, and Gouverneur (N. T.) Wesleyan Seminary. Came to the United States in 1850. (Married.) Vice-president and cash ier Bank ol Gouverneur. Has been village president ol Gouverneur; president ol the Board ol Education and treasurer Water Board. Member Citizens' Club. SUGAR, SOLOMON S. — Patent Solicitor, 189 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 350 Sixth ave nue, Brooklyn. Bom in Norlolk, Va., 1874. Educated In Brooklyn public schools and at Cooper Institute. (Single.) Formerly secretary and director Universal Trading Co. SUGDEN, JAMES T. — Manulacturer, Amsterdam; residence 69 West Main street. Bora In London, Eng land. (Married.) Treasurer Amsterdam Boaird ol Trade; director Amsterdam Savings Bank and First National Bank; trustee Amsterdam Free Library; chairman trenching committee Amsterdam Sewer Commission; member Board ol Education. SULLIVAN, ANDREW T.— Banker, 101 Broadway, Brooklyn; residence 933 St. Marks avenue. Born in Brooklyn, Aug. 11, 1864. Educated at St. Francis Xavier College. (Married.) Formerly member Board ol Education; postmaster ol Brooklyn, 1893-7. Nov/ president Nassau Trust Co. ol Brooklyn. Member Brooklyn, Hanover and Bushwick Clubs, Roman Cath olic Orphan Asylum Society ol Brooklyn, Friendly Sons ol St. Patrick and Emerald Association. SULLIVAN, ARTHUR T.— Wholesale Woolen Goods Merchant, 329 Broadway, New Tork City; resi dence 584 Filth avenue. Member ol the firm ol Sulli van, Vail & Co. Director Blackinton Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League. Carteret Gun, New Tork, New Tork Tacht, Manhattan, New Tork Athletic, Riding, and Racquet and Tennis Clubs. SULLIVAN, GEORGE H.-Lawyer, 46 Wall street. New Tork City;, residence 16 West llth street. Edu cated at Harvard. Member ol the firm ol Sullivan & Cromwell. Director Dame & Townsend Co., Deseret Light and Power Co., Enterprise Cold Storage Co.. Scarsdale Estates and Evangelist Publishing Co. Member Alpha Delta Phi, New Tork Athletic and Harvard Clubs, Southern Society and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. SULLIVAN, JAMES WILLIAM— JouraaUst, 29 West 23d street. New Tork City. Born In Pennsylva nia, 1848. Has been connected with the editorial staffs cl various publications and is now associated with the publishing house ol Henry Holt & Co. SULLIVAN, JOHN A.— Vice-President and Gen eral Manager, 160 Broadway, New Tork City; resi dence Hotel Empire. Born in Rondout, N. T. Edu cated in public schools and at Kingston (N. T.) Acad emy (Married.) Vice-president and general manager City Trast Sale Deposit and Surety Co. ol PlUladel- phia; treasurer and trustee St. Patrick's Cathedral- director Seventh National Bank. Member Lawyers' Democratic and Catholic (president) Clubs and Friendly Sons ol St. Patrick. XT f^Ph:^- ALFRED— Lawyer, 29 Broadway, New Tork City: residence 1235 Pacific street Brooklyn ^"'P ,'" x9"-l^^' Canada, May 2, 1841. Educated in ^^PPP ^'- ^¦; P^P.^^ Cincinnati (Ohio) College Law f^^2 -kPP'PfP^ Resident ol New Tork City since ^P,«P P^^ a business ol the organization and management ol railroads and has been president ol the Ohio Southern R. R. Co., Richmond and Danville Co., Richmond and West Point Terminal Co. and many other lines and was connected lor a time with the Philadelphia and Reading Co. Member Atlantic Tacht and Lotos Clubs. SULZBERGER, CTRUS L.— Importer, 95 Prince street. New Tork City; residence 58 West 87th street. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 11, 1858. Educated at Central High School, Philadelphia. (Married.) Mem ber ol the flrm ol N. Erlanger, Blumgart & Co.; also connected with the Velutina Bias Co. Trustee Temple Israel ol Harlem. Formerly treasurer ol the Harlem Ijibrary and United Hebrew Charities, and president ol the Harlem Democratic Club. Member Relorm Club and Chamber ol Commerce. SULZER, WILLIAM— Congressman, House ol Representatives, Washington, D. C, and Lawyer, 45 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 232 East 12th street. Born in Elizabeth, N. J., March 18, 1863. Edu cated in public schools and at Columbia. (Single.) Has practiced law in New Tork City since his admis sion to the Bar in 1884. Member ol the State Legisla ture, 1890-4, and was Speaker In 1893. Has represented the Eleventh New Tork District in Congress since 1894; present term expires in 1901. Member Demo cratic, Manhattan, Press, Pilot, Bohemian, Craltsr men's and Jefferson CIubs,i Fort Orange Club ol Al bany, and many other organizations. SUMMERS, JAMES COLLINS— Editor, 23 Duane street, New Tork City; residence Elmhurst. Born In Southgate, England, Feb. 19, 1854. (Son ol Rev. James Summers, professor of Chinese language In the Brit ish Museum, London.) Educated at King's College, London. (Married.) Served as yachting editor New Tork "Journal," 1883-5; New Tork "Sun," 1886-91; New Tork "World," 1891-7, and as special correspondent on the staff of the New Tork "Herald." Served lor eight years In the New Tork State Naval Militia and as Ueutenant in the United States Navy during the Span ish-American War. Author, compiler, editor and pub lisher lor ten years ol "Who Won?" the offlclal yacht record. Editor ol "Tachting" and yachting editor ol "Collier's Weekly." Vice-president and director Bur gee and Pennant Co. Member Press, Knickerbocker Athletic, Atlantic Tacht, New Tork Rifie and Brook lyn Revolver Clubs, United States Licensed Masters' and Pilots' and United States Revolver Associations, Old Guard, Second Naval Battalion, Excelsior Lodge No. 196, F. & A. M., Palestine Commandery No. 18, Knights Templar, and a thirty-second degree Mason. SUMMERWELL, EDWARD K. — Lawyer, 346 Broadway, New Tork City; residence East Orange, N. J. Born In Covington, Ky., May 15, 1857. (Mar ried.) Member ol the flrm ol Summer well, Shoup & Vermilya. President and treasurer American Asso ciation; vice-president United Commercial Lawyers; treasurer Commercial Law League ol America; coun sel ol Empire Steel and Iron Co. Editor "Credit and Legal News." Member East Orange (N.J.) Republi can and Arkwright Clubs. SUMNER, CHARLES P.— Merchant, 18 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Elizabeth, N. J. Bora in Boston, Mass., August, 1849. Educated in Boston. In business In New Tork City since 1870, and is now sen ior member ol the firm ol Charles P. Sumner & Co. Founded the Sumner line ol steamships, comprising a large fleet ol live-stock steamers trading between New Tork and Liverpool, and other ports In Great Britain and the East Indies. SUMNER, EDWARD A.-Lawyer, 141 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 213 West 85th street. Born in Rome, N. T., Nov. 3, 1867. (Married.) Member ol ^?P ^^ °* Sumner, Robinson & Robinson. Member West Side Republican Club, Marine and Field Club ol Brooklyn, New England Society, and Empire State bociety ol Sons ol the American Revolution. SUSSDORFF, LOUIS A.-Broker, 20 Broad street and Merchant, 66 Beaver street. New Tork City. Member ol the firms ol Sussdorff Bros., and Suss- dorff, Zaldo & Co., and ol the New Tork Stock Ex change. SUSSDORFF; WILLIAM H.-Broker, 20 Broad street. Member ol the firm ol Sussdorff Bros., and of the New Tork Stock Exchange. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 479 SUTCLIFFE, JOHN— Mining and Mechanical En gineer, 171 Mansion street, Poughkeepsie. Born in England, 1837. Went to Poughkeepsie in 1841 where he was educated. (Married.) Superintendent Peeks kiU Blast Furnaces, 1861-2; designed and built blast furnace at Cold Spring, N. T., 1863; foUowed buUding operations, 1864-5; superintendent of Eagle Slate Quarries, Vt, 1866-70; Chapmam's Slate Quarries, Pa., 1870; contractor and builder of filter-beds and dock of Poughkeepsie Water Works, 1871; built Hudson River Rolling Mill and Docks at Poughkeepsie, 1872; super intendent Franklin Iron Works, 1873, Pennsylvania Blue Stone Co., 1874; general manager VaUlecIUo Silver Mining Co., Mexico, 1876-85, and Steel Co.. ol Canada, and Londonderry Iron Co.. ol Nova Scotia, 1885-90; has been acting as consulting engineer and contractor in various lines ol his work In many parts ol the country since 1890. Member Engineers' Club ol New Tork City, American Institute ol Mining EJngi neers, Canadian Society ol Civil Engineers and Frank lin Institute ol the State ol Pennsylvania. SUTER, GEORGE A.— Heating and Ventilating Engineer, 114 Wooster street. New Tork City; resi dence New Rochelle. Senior member ol the firm ol G. A. Suter & Co. Member Merchants' Central and Engineers' Clubs and American Society ol Mechanical Engineers. SUTHERLAND, JOHN LANSIN(3— Lawyer, 71 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 17 West 37th street. Born in Albany, N. T., March 31, 1829. (Son ol Jacob Sutherland, a Justice ol the Supreme Court, grandson ol John Lansing, Jr., a Chiel Justice ol the Supreme Court (1798) amd second Chancellor ol the State ol New Tork; also great grandson ol David Sutherland, colonel ol the 6th New Tork Regiment during the Revolutionary War.) Educated at Union College. (Married.) Member University, Democratic and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, St. Nicholas Society, America's Pounders and Delenders, Sons ol the Revo lution, American Museum ol Natural History, Met ropolitan Museum ol Art, Union Alumni Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. SUTHERLAND, W. A.— Lawyer, 1005 Wilder Building, Rochester; residence 2 Arnold Park. Born In Hopewell, N. T., May 30, 1849. Educated In Lima, N. T. (Married Inez L. Jackson, 1878.) Member ol the firm ol Shuart, Sutherland & Toole. Member Re publican National Committee lor State ol New Tork, 1892-6; grand master ol Masons In the State ol New Tork, 1897 -:9; president Rochester Bar Association. 1898. Member Lotos and Craltsmen's Clubs ol New Tork City, Albany Club ol Albany and Syracuse Uni versity Alumni Association. SUTPHEN, JOHN S., Jr.— Glass Merchant, 9 Des brosses and 34 Vestry streets, New Tork City; resi dence 18 West 83d street. Educated at Columbia. Member ol the firm ol Sutphen & Myer. Member Colo nial and Wool Clubs, Columbia University Alumni and Blooming Grove Park Associations and HoUand Society. SUTPHEN, JOSEPH WALWORTH— Lawyer, 164 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 35 Second place. Bom in Brooklyn, Jan. 26, 1853. Educated at Rutgers CoUege and Columbia Law School. (Married.) Mem ber ol the firm ol Sutphen & Lefferts. Was secretary ClvU Service Commission in Brooklyn under Hon. Seth Low. Member Chi Phi and Congregational Clubs of New Tork City, Long Island Historical and Holland Societies, Church of the Pilgrims and Rutgers Alumni Association. SUTPHEN, W. G. VAN TASSEL — Author, 331 Pearl street. New Tork City; residence Morristown, N. J. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., May 11, 1861. Edu cated at Princeton ('82). (Single.) Author of "The Golflclde," "The Golfer's Alphabet" and "The Cardi nal's Rose." Member Morris County (N. J.) Golf and Princeton Clubs. SUTRO, THEODORE-Lawyer. 280 Broadway New Tork City; residence 320 West 102d street. Bora in Aix-la-Chapelle. Germany. March 14, 1846. Bro.ught to this country, 1850. Educated at Baltimore City Col lege, Phillips Exeter (N. H.) Academy, Harvard Col lege (A.B., '71), Boston University Law School and Columbia Law School (LL.B., '74). (Married. Florence Edith Clinton, 1884). Established and conducted wholesale commission business in Boston while a stu dent at Harvard and the law school, 1868-74. Admit ted to the Bar, 1874. Defeated foreclosure proceedings of Sutro Tunnel property In Navada, and saved prop erty for the stockholders, 1886-9; tax commissioner ol New Tork City, 1895-8. Has acquired wide reputation through his knowledge and experience with respect to the laws of taxation. President Sutro Tunnel and Comstock Tiinnel Companies, and German-American Reform Union; secretary Washington Heights Cen tury Club; delegate National Democratic Convention, Indianapolis, 1896, and has been delegate and offlcer to many State and local conventions, political and other wise. Member Harvard, Patria, National Civic, Re form, Folk-Lore, University Glee, Hundred Tear (viCe- presldent). Drawing Room and Country Cycle Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa, Genealogical and Biographical, Au thors', Medical and Legal Relief (president) and Ora torio Societies, State Bar, Phillips Exeter Academy Alumni, West End, Riverside and Mornlngside, and United Real Estate Owners' (flrst vice-president) As sociations, Signet Club of Harvard University, Handel and Haydn Society of Boston, Deutscher Verein, Met ropolitan Museum of Art, Society of Medical Jurispru dence (vice-president) and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. SUTTON, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN— Manufac turer of Rubber Goods, 228 South and 453 Water street. New Tork City; residence 67 Halsey street, Brooklyn. Secretary and director Parker, Stearns & Sutton. Member New Tork Tacht, Larchmont Tacht, Atlantic Tacht, Brooklyn Tacht, Corinthian Tacht and Hano ver Clubs. SUTTON, GEORGE H. — Hosiery and Underwear Merchant, 55 Leonard street. New Tork City; residence 119 West 126th street. Born in Massachusetts, Dec. 16, 1847. Educated In Massachusetts. (Married.) Mem ber of the flrm of Sutton & Co. Treasurer National Machine Co. Formerly vice-president Republican County Committee; member board of trustees Mt. Morris Baptist Church; alternate from the Fllteenth Congressional District to Republican National Con vention, 1896; trustee Southern Baptist Association ol New Tork. Member Central Republican, Harlem, Arkwright (vice-president) and Harlem Republican Clubs and Baptist Social Union. SUTTON, ISAAC M.— Machinery, 141 Broadway, New Tork City. Director Liberty Light and Power Co. and Rossiter, MacGovern & Co. SUTTON, J. FORD— Clergyman, Audubon Park, New Tork City. Bom In New Jersey, July 15, 1827. Educated at Rutgers CoUege and Union Theological Seminary (D.D.). (Married.) "Was chaplain 102d Reg iment United States Volunteer Infantry during Civil War. Member American Geographical Society, Zeta Psi Fraternity and Presbyterian Union. SUTTON, JOSEPH HOLDEN- Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence Audubon Park. Edu cated at Princeton. Member Republican, Princeton, University Athletic and Lotos Clubs. SUTTON, WILLIAM H. — Insurance, 120 Broad way, New Tork City; residence Montciair, N. J. Bora In Brooklyn, N. T., Sept. 27, 1839. Educated at Bridge hampton, L. I. (Married.) Director Connelly Iron Sponge and Governor Co. SUTDAM, CHARLES CROOKE— Lawyer, 206 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Elizabeth, N. J. Born in New Tork City, June 15, 1836. Educated In public schools and at Columbia. (Married,) Served with Volunteers during Civil War, and was commis sioned successively lieutenant, captain and lieutenant- colonel. Served as counsel to the United States Spanish-American Commission and as assistant coun sel to the United States Court of Alabama Claims. Member Holland Society and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. SUTDAM, JOHN HOWARD — Clergyman, Rhine beck. Born In Brooklyn, N. T., Oct. 1, 1832. Educated at Rutgers College (A.B. and A.M.). Has been min ister ol Relormed Church at Fishkill Landing, First Reformed Church of Philadelphia, Park Reformed Church of Jersey City, and now ol Relormed Church at Rhinebeck. Member Twilight and Alpha Delta Clubs and HoUand Society. 480 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. SUTDAM, R.— Banker, 41 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 11 Gramercy Park. President and di rector Adirondack Ry. Co.; director American Coal Co. Member MetropoUtan, Union, New Tork Tacht and Racquet and Tennis Clubs and Down Town Associa tion. SUTDAM, WALTER LISPENARD-43 East 22d street New Tork City, and Blue Point, L. I. Bora in New Tork City, May 20, 1854. Educated in New Tork City, and Paris, France. (Married.) Formerly se^e- tary-general Society ol Colonial Wars; delegate to Re pubUcan National Convention ol 1896 Irom First Dis trict State ol New Tork; chairman Republican town committee ol the town ol Brookhaven, N. T., and -was lor many years one ol the board ol managers New Tork Association lor Improving the Condition ol the Poor. Member Metropolitan, Penatiquit Tacht Mt. Desert Canoe and Westbrook Goll Clubs, Society ol Colonial Wars, Sons ol the Revolution and New Tork Produce Exchange. SW.AIN, SANFORD S.— Restaurateur,, 25 Park row, 6 Beekman street, 109 Nassau street, 40 Broad street and 140 Bast 14th street. New Tork City; resi dence 200 West 139th street. Treasurer and director Dennett Surpassing Coffee Co. SWALET, HERBERT H.-Banker, 514 Filth ave nue. New Tork City. Born in Somersworth, N. H., Oct. 8, 1S64. Secretary Filth Avenue Trust Co. SWAN ALDEN S.— Oil, 151 Maiden lane. New Tork City;' residence 189 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. Born in Hancock, Berkshire Co., Mass., Dec. 30, 1838. Educated at the College ol the City ol New Tork. (Married.) Formerly treasurer and trustee New Tork and Brooklyn Bridge lor twelve years; collector ol taxes. City ol Brooklyn, lor six years; ex-director Market and Fulton National Bank. Now president E. Blunt Mf'g Co., Swan & Finch Co. and Salisbury and Harvey R. R. Co.; vice-president Burnet Co. Member Democratic and Olympic Clubs, and Crescent Athletio, Hamilton and Brooklyn Clubs of Brooklyn. SWAN, JAMES ANDREWS — "V^Tiolesale Dry Goods Merchant, 2 Walker street. New Tork City; residences Passaic, N. J., and Newport, R. I. Edu cated at Tale ('67). Treasurer and director Syndicate Trading Co. Member University, Tale, Manhattan, New Tork Tacht, Wool and Arkwright Clubs. SWAN, M. D.— Seed Grower and Farmer, Belle ville. Bom in EUisburgh, N. T., May 2, 1838. Edu cated at Union Academy, Belleville. (Married.) Di rector Farmers' National Bank. Was lieutenant In Civil War, 1864-5. Member John P. Buckley Post, G. A. R., and Union Grange No. 5, of Belleville. SWARTWOUT, H. B.— Physician, Port Jervls. Educated at Cornell ('85). Member Cornell University Club of New Tork City. SWARTWOUT, SATTERLEE — Secretary, Stam ford, Conn.; residence 640 West End avenue. New Tork City. Born In New Tork City, May 30, 1840. Educated in Stamford, Conn. (Married.) Formerly treasurer General Society of Colonial Wars and Gen eral Society of the War of 1812. Now secretary Stam ford Safe Deposit Co. Member St. Nicholais and Hol land Societies, Society of Colonial Wars, Society ol the War ol 1812, Society ol Foreign Wars and Sons ol the Revolution. SWATNE, ALFRED HARRIS — Lawyer and Banker, 10 "Wall street. New Tork City; residence University Club. Born In Washington, D. C, AprU 6. 1870. Educated at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H.. Tale ('92) and New Tork Law School ('94). (Single.) Was assistant manager North American Trust Co. in (Juba, with headquarters In Havana, Irom Dec. 1. 1898 to Nov. 1, 1899. Secretary Bankers' Trust Co. ol New Tork since Nov. 1, 1899. Member City, Tale and University Clubs. Military Order ol the Loyal Legion and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. SWATNE, PRANK B. — Lawyer, 120 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 326 West 90th street. Edu cated at Tale ('72). Member ol the firm ol Swayne & Swayne. Member University, Tale, Church and Law yers' Clubs, Ohio and New England Societies and As sociation ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. SW-ATNE., NOAH H.-Lawyer. 120 Broadway, New Tork City residence 1 West 43d street. Edu cated at Tale ('70). Member ol the firm ol Swayne & Swayne. Member University Glee, Tale and City Clubs, Ohio Society, Sons ol Veterans and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. SWATNE, WAGER— Lawyer, 71 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 10 West 43d street. Born in Co lumbus, Ohio, Nov. 10, 1834. Educated at Tale ('56) and at Cincinnati Law School ('59). (Married Ellen Harris ol Louisville, Ky., 1868.) Served with Ohio Volunteers during CivU War and lost a leg at Salke- hatchie, S. C. Appointed major, Aug. 13, 1861; Ueu- tentant-colonel, Dec. 14, 1861; colonel, Oct. 18, 1862; lull brigadier-general, March 8, 1865; major-general, June 20, 1865, and brevet brigadier-general and major- general In the United States Army on July 28, 1866, "lor gallant and meritorious services during the war"; re tired on July 1, 1870. Practiced law In Toledo, Ohio, until 1880 and since then, in New Tork City. Member ol the firm ol Swayne & Swayne. President and di rector American Church Missionary Society; director North American Trust Co. Member City, Lawyers'. Union League. Church and Tale Clubs, Ohio Society, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. SWATZE, ROBERT H.-Manulacturer ol Brass Goods, 29 Murray street. New Tork City; residence Bound Brook, N. J. Trustee Crockery Board ol Trade. Member Congregational, Republican and Hardware Clubs. SWEENT, WILLIAM MONTGOMERT — 120 Franklin street, Astoria. Born in New Tork City. Aug. 29, 1871. Educated in public and private schools and academies in New Tork City, and Augusta, Ga. (Single.) Has contributed to the press and has now In preparation a biography ol his lather. Gen. Thomas W. Sweeny, United States Army. Member and ex- secretary New Tork Association ol Calilornia Pio neers; member executive committee Aztec Club ol 1847. Member American-Irish Historical Society, Irish Texts Society ol London, England, and Military Order ol Foreign Wars ol the United States. SWEET, CLINTON W.— Publisher, 14 Vesey street. New Tork City; residence Tonkers. President and director Architectural Record Co. and United States BuUding News Co.; treasurer and director F. W. Dodge Co.; director "Record & Guide" Printing Co. Member Union League, Merchants', Lotos, Calumet, Press and Arkwright Clubs and Blooming Grove Park Association. SWEET, LEONARD W.— Jeweler, 39 Maiden lane, New Tork City; residence Waterbury, Conn. Born in Mansfleld, Mass., July, 1846. President Security Check Co. ol New Tork, and Prentiss Calendar and Time Co.; general manager Monarch Ml'g Co. ol Wat erbury. Member RepubUcan Clubs. SWEETSER, GEORGE D.— Dry Goods Merchant. 376 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Hotel Majes tic. Born in Athol, Worcester Co., Mass., 1826. Edu cated In public schools. (Widower.) Engaged in the wholesale dry goods business in New Tork City since 1863, and has been senior member ol the firm ol Sweetser, Pembrook & Co. since 1868. SWEETSER, J. HOWARD— Dry Goods Merchant, 376 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 37 West 58th street. Born in Amherst, Mass., March 2, 1835. Edu cated at East Hampton Seminary and at Amherst Col lege. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Sweetser, Pembrook & Co. Member Merchants' Club, New Eng land and American Fine Arts Societies and Amherst Alumni Association. SWEEZT, RICHARD LELAND— Lawyer, 62 WU liam street. New Tork City; residence 61 Convent ave nue. Born In Rlverhead, Suffolk Co., N. T., June 15, 1853. (Son ol Isaac and Sarah [Perkins] Sweezy.) Educated in public schools and at the College ol the City ol New Tork ('74). Studied law and has prac ticed In New Tork City since his admission to the Bar In 1876. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Glover, Sweezy & Glover since 1883. Was president ol the Alumni Association ol the College ol the City ol New Tork Irom 1891 to 1894, and was inspector ol schools by appointment ol Mayor Strong, 1896-8. Governor BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 481 Northwestern Dispensary. Member Harlem, City CoUege and Heights Clubs, Alpha Delta Phi Frater nity, Phi Beta Kappa Society and Association ol the Barr ol the City ol New Tork. SWENSON, ERIC P.— Banker, 15 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 13 East 71st street. Educated at Trinity College. Member of the firm ol S. M. Swenson & Sons. Member Union League, St. Anthony, New Tork Athletic, Mendelssohn Glee and Metropolitan Clubs, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Trinity College Alumni Association. SWENSON, SWEN ALVIN— Banker, 15 Wall street New Tork City: residence 821 Madison avenue. Educated at Trinity College. Member of the firm ol S. M. Swenson & Sons. Member Union League, St. -Anthony, Metropolitan and Riding Clubs, Ardsley Ca sino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Trinity College Alum ni Association. SWENT, HENRT R.— Manulacturer, Lyon BuUd ing, Albany; residence 5 Elk street. Born in Poonah, India, March 12, 1867. Educated at Tale. (Married.) Ex-president United States Goll Club Ml'g Co. Mem ber Carteret, Albany, Albany Country, Lakewood Goll and Forrester Gun Clubs. SWIFT, ARTHUR LESSNER— Dental Surgeon, 161 West 71st street. New Tork City. Born in Brook lyn, N. T., Dec. 25, 1861. Educated at the New Tork College ol Dentistry (D.D.S.. '85). (Married.) Member West Side Republican and Colonial Clubs, New Tork State Dental Society, First District Dental Society ol the State ol New Tork and Alumni Association ol the New Tork College ol Dentistry. SWIFT, CHARLES W.— Coal Merchant, North Front street, Poughkeepsie. Born in Poughkeepsie, Oct. 15, 1859. Educated at Phillips Andover Academy and Columbia Law School ('80). (Married.) Presi dent Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetery Association; vice- president Old Ladies' Home ol Poughkeepsie. Was supervisor lor two terms, and lormerly treasurer Dutchess County Agricultural Society. Member Am rita, Apokeepsing Boat and Hudson River Ice Tacht Clubs. SWIFT, EDWIN E.— Physician, 112 "West 81st street. New Tork City. Born in Connecticut, March 23, 1855. Educated in New Haven. (Married Virginia Migron Bamcrolt.) Member Colonial Club, New Tork County Medical Society, Tale Alumni Association, New Tork Academy ol Medicine and Sons ol the Rev olution. SWIFT, FREDERICK— Broker, 15 Wall street. New Tork City. Educated at Harvard ('74). Member University, Racquet and Tennis, Union, Seawanhaka- Corinthian Tacht, New Tork Tacht, Atlantic Tacht and Harvard Clubs and Down Town Association. SWIFT, GEORGE MONTAGUE — Physician, 20 West 56th street. New Tork City. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., 1866. (Married.) Associated in practice with Dr. Henry F. Walker. Formerly visiting physician St. Mary's Free Hospital lor Children; instructor in medi cine, Columbia University. Member Barnard Club and Amherst Alumni, Bellevue Alumni, Academy ol Medi cine Alumni and Century Associations. SWIFT, JOSEPH H.— Machinery, 66 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 27" West 60th street. Bora in Ovid, N. T., Sept. 22, 1832. Educated at Rashville, N. T. (Widower.) Inventor ol the first box nailing machine, now in general use all over the world. Mem ber Congregational Club. SWINBURNE, GEORGE KNOWLES— Physician and Instructor, 64 Bast 56th street. New Tork City. Educated at Harvard ('81). Degrees ol A.B. and M.D. Clinical Instructor in diseases ol the genito urinary system, Cornell University Medical College, New Tork City. Member Hairvard, New Tork Ath letic and Barnard Clubs and Century Association. ' SWINBURNE, HENRT H.— Architect, New Ro chelle. Born in Newport, R. I. Educated at Sheffleld Scientific School ol Tale, and Massachusetts Institute ol Technology. (Married Anne Shirewood Trimble.) Formerly in City Engineer's offlce in Chicago, design er for Tiffany Glass Co., and chief of Bureau of In spection, Department of Buildings, New Tork City. Member Barnard Club. SWINTON, JOHN— Editor and Author, 63 Park row. New Tork City; residence 246 Monroe street, Brooklyn. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, 1830. Edu cated in Scotland and at Easthampton (Mass.) Semi nary. (Married.) On the editorial staff of the New Tork "Times," 1860-70, and of the New Tork "Sun," 1875-97. Since then engaged as writer for newspapers and magazines. Author of "John Swinton's Travels" and "Striking for Life." SWITZER, CHARLES M.— Broker, 71 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Hotel Judson. Born In St. Louis, Mo., June 5, 1853. Educated at Princeton ('73). (Single.) Connected with the firm of Thomas & Post. Formerly manager National Linseed Oil Co. Member University, Delta Phi and Princeton Clubs. SWORDS, HENRT COTHEAL— Banker, 32 Nas sau street New Tork City; residence 48 West 38th street Born in New Tork City, Oct 31, 1854. (Son of James R. and Ann M. [Cotheal] Swords.) Educated in private schools, at Public School No. 35 and at the CoUege of the City of New Tork. President and direc tor Real Estate Trust Co. since 1890; director Bank of New Tork. Member New Tork Stock Exchange (since 1877) and of the Union, Union League, Riding and Church Clubs, St. Nicholas Society, Down Town As sociation, Society of Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revo lution and Metropolitan Museum of Art. SYKES, M'CREADT— Lawyer, SO Broad street. New Tork City; residence 337 West 45th street. Born in Mathews County, Va., Dec. 25, 1869. Educated at Princeton ('94). (Single.) Connected with the firm ol Hornblower, Byrne, Miller & Potter. Member Prince ton and Underwriters' Clubs, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. STLVESTER, L WATERS — Assayer, 30 WaU street. New Tork City; residence Passaic, N. J. Bora in Albany, N. T., Jan. 12. 1835. Educated in Claverack. (Married Ida E. Pond.) President ol Board ol Edu cation ol Passaic for three years, and ol First Uni tarian Society ol Passaic for two years. Life member New England Society. STMINGTON, R. B.— Thread Merchant, 400 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 2 Park place, New ark, N. J. Born March 22, 1853. (Married.) Member of Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange. Treasurer Marshall & Co. of Newark, and The Linen Thread Co.; secretary Clark Thread Co. of Newark, and George A. Clark & Bros.; comptroller Spool Cot ton Co. Member Merchants' Club, and Essex Club ot. Newark. STMMERS, JAMES K.— Lawyer, 56 Pine street New Tork City; residence 106 East 55th street. Mem ber University Athletic Club, Southern and St. An drew's Societies and Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. STMONDS, BRANDRETH— Physician, 32 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 410 West 20th street. Born in Ossining Township, N. T., March 4, 1863. Edu cated at Hobart College ('81) and at College of Phy sicians and Surgeons of Columbia University. Con nected with Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New Tork. Member University and Barnard Clubs and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. STMONS, THOMAS W.— Major, Corps ol Engi neers, United States Army, 1100 D. S. Morgan Building, Buffalo: residence 59 Irving place. Born in KeesvlUe, N. T., Feb. 7, 1849. Educated at West Point Military Academy. (Married.) Formerly engineer Tenth Lighthouse District, and member State Canal Advis ory Board. Now major Engineers' Corps, United States Army, and director Pan-American Exposition Co. Member Buffalo, EUicott, University, Buffalo Tacht (honorary) and Country Clubs, Metropolitan Club ol Washington, D. C, American Society ol Civil Engineers and Society ol Civil Engineers ol Western New Tork. STMS, PARKER— Physician, 60 West 47th street. New Tork City. Member Calumet, University Ath letic and City Clubs, New Tork County Medical Asso- eiation (president lor 1900) and other organizations. T TABBR, CHARLES— Agent, 26 Exchange place. New Tork City; residence 499 Filth avenue. Born on Staten Island, N. T.. Nov. 25, 1860. Educated at Co lumbia ('84). Freight agent lor the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western R. R. Co., with which he has Ijeen connected since 1884. Served on the Committee ol Seventy ol 1894, and was one ol the organizers ol the Good Government Club system. Member City Club and Columbia Alumni Association. TAFP, OLIVER— Real Estate, Whitestone, L. I. Born in Flushing, N. T., 1836. Educated In public schools. F'irst lieutenant ol the 15th Regiment United States Infantry, 1866-71. Has served as collector ol school taxes, as a trustee ol the Board of Education, as town assessor, as postmaster and as a member ol the Water and Health Boards ol Whitestone. Has been engaged in the real estate business since 1870, and has superintended the erection ol a majority ol the build ings there. TAFT, CHARLES HATFIELD— Drug Broker, 100 William street. New Tork City; residence 480 Clinton avenue, Brooklyn. Born and educated in Brooklyn. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol James H. Taft & Co. Member Drug Trade Club, Royal Arcanum, F. & A. M., Scottish Rite bodies of New Tork, Noble Order of the Mystic Shrine and Sons of the American Revolution. TAFT, ENOS NELSON— Lawyer, 74 Wall street. New York City; residence 134 St. James place, Brook lyn. Bom in Mendon, Mass., Aug. 12, 1826. (Son of Leonard and Martha Taft.) Educated In public schools, at Wooster Academy and at Yale (A.B., A.M. and LL.D.). (Married Julia M., daughter of William Peet, I860.) Practicing In New York City since 1854, and is now a senior member ol the firm ol E. N. & T. M. Talt. Vestryman Church ol the Incarnation of Brooklyn; trustee Adelphi Academy; United States Commissioner for the Southern District of New York. Member Yale Alumni and Down Town Associations. TAFT, FRANK— Organ Builder, 130 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 248 Washington avenue, Brooklyn. Born in East Bloomfield, N. Y., March 22, 1861. Educated at Genesee Wesleyan Seminary. (Married.) Formerly member of the firm of J. H. & C. S. Odell & Co.; organist Madison Avenue Re lormed Church and Temple Beth-El of New York City, and conductor of the Madrigal Singers. Sole propri etor and manufacturer Hymnolia Pipe Organ. Treas urer American Guild of Organists. TAFT, HENRY W.-Lawyer, 40 Wall street. New York City; residence 340 Lexington avenue. Educated at Yale ('80). Member University ahd Yale Clubs, Century Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. TAFT, JOSEPH H.— Architect, 41 East 20th street. New York City; residence 54 Monroe street, Brooklyn. Born in Cornwall, Orange Co., N. Y. (Married.) Member Architectural League, Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, and Players' Club. TAFT, THEODORE. MUNGER- Lawyer, 74 Wall street. New York City; residence 134 St. James place, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, Oct. 31, 1865. (Son ol Enos Nelson and Julia M. [Peet] Talt.) Educated at Adelphi Academy, at Black HaU School in Lyme, Conn., at WiUiams CoUege ('86), and at Columbia Col lege Law School. (Single.) Practicing In New York City since his admission to the Bar In 1889 as a mem ber ol the firm ol E. N. & T. M. Talt. Member Alpha Delta Phi Club and Williams College Alumni Associa tion. TAG, ALBERT— Merchant, 29 Broad street. New York City; residence 32 East 60th street. Born in New York City, March 6, 1855. Educated at Columbia Col lege. (Single.) Trustee Exchange Place Real Estate Co and New York Improved Real Estate Co. Member New York Athletic Club, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, Down Town Association and Liederkranz. TAG, CASIMIR— Banker, 23 Broad street. New York City; residence 243 Hancock street, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, March 10, 1847. Educated in New York City. (Married.) President and director German-American Bank and Decatur Land Improve ment and Furnace Co.; treasurer and director Kern Incandescent Gas Light Co.; secretary and director New York Improved Real Estate Co.; director Ger mania Lile Insurance Co., Consolidated Coal Co. ol Wyoming, Wallabout Bank ol Brooklyn, People's Trust Co. ol Brooklyn, North German Flre Insurance Co. and United States Equitable Gas Co. ; trustee Ger man Savin.gs Bank, United States Casualty Co., Brooklyn Hospital and Eastem District Hospital. Member Down Town Association, Germania Club ol Brooklyn, and Liederkranz. TAGGART, RUSH— Lawyer, 195 Broadway, New York City; residence 319 West 75th street. Bom in SmithviUe, Wayne Co., Ohio, Sept. 4, 1849. (Son ol William W. and Margaret M. Taggart). Educated at the University ol Wooster (A.B., '71, and JV.M., '74), and at the University of Michigan (LL.B., '75). (Mar ried Margaret Waterworth, 1877.) Practicing in New York City since 1887. Counsel to the Westem Union Telegraph Co. and other corporations. Director Cln- cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Ry. Co., Citizens' Electric Railway, Light and Power Co. and Rapid Ad dressing Machine Co. Member Colonial Club, Ohio Society, Presbyterian Union, Sons of the Revolution and Association of the Bar of the City ol New York. TAILER, EDWARD N.— Real Estate, 99 Franklin street. New York City; residence 11 Washington square. North. Member ol the firm ol P. Donald & Co. Director German- American Bank; trustee Green wich Savings Bank and Northern Dispensary. Mem ber Union League, Union, Merchants', Tuxedo and Lincoln Clubs, St. Nicholas and New England Socie ties and Chamber ol Commerce. TAILER, JAMES LEE— Lawyer, 100 WlUlam street. New York City; residence 16 East 72d street. Member Fencers', Turl and Field, Racquet and Tennis, Republican and Baltimore (Md.) Clubs, and Country Ciub ol Westchester. TAILER, THOMAS SUFFERN — 122 Bast 37th street. New York City. Educated at Harvard. Mem- tter Union, Tuxedo, Racquet and Tennis, Harvard, Turl and Fleld, and Tandem Clubs. TAILER, WILLIAM H.— Real Estate. 99 Frank Un street. New York City; residence 14 East 72d street. Member ol the firm ol P. Donald & Co. Member Met ropolitan, Union, and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs and St. Nicholas Society. TAINTOR, CHARLES N. — Publisher, 13 Astor place. New York City; residence 41 West 76th street. Born in Pomlret, Conn., Nov. 28, 1840. Edu cated at Bacon Academy, Colchester, Conn., and at Yale ('65). (Married.) Senior member ol the firm ol Talntor Bros. Was commissioner ol emigration of the State of New York lor eight years, and president ol the board In 1889; police justice ol the City ol New York, 1889-95. Delegate to National Republican Con ventions ol 1884 and 1888 and to Republican Conven tions ol the State ol New York Irom 1880 to 1890. Re publican candidate lor member ol Congress In the Sev enth New York Congressional District, 1888; first vice- president Republican County Committee, 1895-6; direc tor Riverside Bank; member advisory board ol direc tors Astor Place Bank branch ol Corn Exchange Bank; trustee United States Savings Bank. Grant Monument Association, and Bacon Academy ol Col- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 483 Chester, Conn. Member Colonial, Republican, Union League, University, Mendelssohn Glee, Nineteenth District Republican and West Side RepubUcan Clubs, New England Society and American Museum ol Nat ural History. TAINTOR, GILES E.— Banker, 10 Wall street. New York City; residence 128 West 57th street. Member of the New York Stock Exchange firm of Talntor & Holt. Director Iowa Central RaUway Co. Member Union League and Morristown (N. J.) Clubs, Down Town Association and New England Society. T.AINTOR, HENRY POX — Paint Manulacturer, 101 Beekman street. New York City; residence Murray Hill Hotel. Born in Buffalo, N. Y., June 30, 1833. Edu- sated at Homer Academy. (Married Frances L. Noyes ol New York City.) Resident ol New York City sinca 1862. Took a leading part in the overthrow ol the "Tweed Ring," 1871-9. President and director Ameri can Whiting and Putty Co. and H. F. Talntor Ml'g Co.; director Strong Locomotive CJo. Member Union League Club and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. TAINTOR, JUDAH L.— Publisher, 13 Astor place. New York City; residence 41 West 76th street. Born In Colchester, Conn., May 30, 1848. Educated at Bacon Academy, Colchester. (Widower.) Member ol the firm ol Taintor Bros. Member RepubUcan Club, New England Society and Aldine Association. TAINTOR, STARR— Cashier, 101 Beekman street. New York City; residence 35 West 33d street. Born in Stratlord, Conn., Aug. 27, 1871. Educated in private schools and at Columbia College. (Single.) Served In United States Navy, April 30 to Sept. 2, 1898, as quar termaster on United States steamship Nahant Cashier H. F. Taintor Ml'g Co. ; ensign 1st Naval Bat talion, S. N. Y. Member Alpha Delta Phi Club and Columbia Alumni Association. TAIT, ARTHUR FITZWILLIAM— Artist, 82 War ing place, Yonkers. Born In Liverpool, England, Aug. 5, 1819. Educated In common schools. Came to the United States In 1850 and settled In New York City. Member Lotos Club and National Academy ol Design. T'-AKAYANAGI, TOZO— Art Importer and Author. 12 East 16th street. New York City; residence 46 West 17th street. Bom in Japan. Educated in Saga City, Japan, and London, England. (Married.) Formerly manager ol the Japanese Manulacturing and Trading Co. Member Aldine Association, American Museum of Natural History, and Japan Society of London. TALBOT, ROBERT BANCKER — Physician, 37 West 68th street. New York City. Born in New -york City. Educated at College of Physicians and Surgeons (M.D., '77). (Married.) Assistant surgeon Woman's Hospital of the State of New York. Member Sons of the Revolution, St. Nicholas and New England Socle- ties and Columbia Alumni Association. TALCOTT, EDWARD N. K.— Civil and Mechan ical Engineer, 15 Broad street. New York City; resi dence Goshen. Bom in Cuba, AUegany Co., N. Y., June 10, 1840. Educated at New York University. (Married.) Served with 7th Regiment, New York Vol unteers, and with 1st Regiment United States Volun teer Engineers during Civil War, amd advanced to the rank of captain. Superintendent of the Illinois Military Academy, 1876-90; since then engaged in prac tice as a consulting civil an.d mechanical engineer. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Military Order of the Loyal Legion and Grand Army of the Republic. TALCOTT, JAMES— Dry Goods Commission Mer chant 108 Franklin street. New York City; residence 7 West 57th street. Proprietor ol the house ol James Talcott. Director Bank of the Manhattan Co.; trustee Broadway Savings Institution. Member Republican, American Y'acht, Patria and Riding Clubs, American Geographical and New England Societies and Ameri can Museum ol Natural History. TALCOTT, J. FREDERICK — Protestant Episco palian Clergyman, 60 West 87th street. New York City. Born in New Y'ork City, 1866. Educated at Princeton University. (Married.) Member Princeton Club. TALIAFERRO, EDWIN T.-Lawyer, 132 Nassau street New York City; residence 203 West 103d street. Born In Tennessee, July 25, 1849. Was Speaker ol Ten nessee House ol Representatives in 1877, and President ol Judicial Convention In 1878. Makes a specialty ol trial practice. TALLMADGE, HENRY OVERING— Commission Merchant and Agent, 134 Pearl street. New York City; residence 35 Lake avenue, Yonkers. Born in West chester, N, Y., Oct. 3, 1866. Educated in Yonkers. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Parsons & Tallmadge. Formerly secretary United States Goll Association and secretary and treasurer St. Andrew's Goll Club. Member St. Andrew's Goll, New York Athletic, Calu met and Union Clubs and Sons ol the Revolution. TALLMADGE, WILLIAM H. (Colonel)— Whole sale Liquor Merchant, 67 Washington street New York City; residence Stamlord, Conn. Born in New Canaan, Conn., Feb. 21, 1843. Educated at Wilbraham (Mass.) Seminary. (Married.) Appointed special In dian agent and disbursing offlcer by President Cleve land. Treasurer Columbian Coast Wrecking Co.; aud itor New York, New Haven and Hartlord R. R. Co. Member Knickerbocker Athletic, Democratic, Lotos and Relorm Clubs. TALLMAN, BUELL G.— Manufacturer, 91 Missis sippi street, Buffalo; residence 284 Franklin street Born In SpringvlUe, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1863. Educated at Batavia High School. (Married Helen B. Potter.) Connected with the firm of Schoellkopf & Co. as offlce manager. Vice-president Rochester Fertilizer Works; director - Buffalo Credit Men's Association. Member Saturn, EUicott and Independent Clubs. TALMADGE, HENRY— Banker, 68 WUliam street. New York City; residence 338 Madison avenue. Born in Westfield, Mass., June 25, 1824. (Married.) Member of the firm of Henry Talmadge & Co. Treasurer New York Juvenile Asylum; director Cossltt Land & Im provement Co. and Mechanics' National Bank; trus tee Central Trust Co. Member Storm King Club, So ciety of Mayfiower Descendants and life member New England Society. TALMADGE, HENRY P.— Banker, 68 William street. New York City; residence Netherwood, N. 'J. Bom in Troy, N. Y., March 10, 1847. Educated at Har vard ('68). (Married.) President Southern Pine Co. of Savannah, Ga. President South Carolina Ry. Co., 1882-9. Member Harvard, Union, University, Keform and Whist Clubs, Down Town Association and Cham ber of Commerce. TALMAGE, JOH-NT P., Jr. — 35 WaU street. New York City; residence 157 Joralemon street, Brooklyn. Educated at Yale ('95). Member GroUer, University, Racquet and Tennis, Tuxedo, Riding and Driving and Yale Clubs, and Crescent Athletic and Hamilton Clubs of Brooklyn. TAMS, JAMES FREDERIC — Broker, 44 Pine street. New York City; residence 136 East 22d street. Member of the firm of Tams & Lemoine. Trustee Chrysolite Silver Mining Co. Member Union, New York Yacht and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht (Jlubs, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers and United States Naval Institute. TAMSEN, EDWARD J. H.— Publisher, 52 Avenue A, New Y'ork City; residence 331 Bast 18th street. Born in Hamburg, Germany, Feb. 26, 1846. Educated In Germany. Served the legal term In the Prussian Army and came to New York City in 1869. Engaged in the publishing business and also in banking, hav ing a branch bank in Hamburg. Has served as a school trustee for several years, and as sheriff of New York County, 1895-7. TANNER, FREDERIC A.-Lawyer, 99 Nassau street. New York City; residence 155 -West 81st street. Member New York Athletic and Colonial Clubs, New England Society, Society of Medical Jurisprudence and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. TANNER, JOHN HENRY— Professor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 7 Central avenue. Born In Fort Plain, N. Y., March 1, 1861. Educated at Cor nell (B.S., '91) and in Gottingen, Germany. (Married.) Assistant professor ol mathematics and secretauTr of 484 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. the Faculty ol Arts and Sciences at Cornell University. Author of several mathematical works. Member Town and Gown, and Ithaca Country (vice-president) Clubs, Delta Upsilon, National Geographical and American Mathematical (life) Societies and life member Ameri can Association for the Advancement of Science. TANSLEY, FRANK DUDLEY — Lawyer, 149 Broadway, New York City; residence 153 West 44th street. Born in Westminster, Mass., July 29, 1871. Educated in New York City at Columbia and New York Law Schools. (Single.) Formerly treasurer Pa tria Club, on the membership committee of Republican Club, and was also member of Republican County Committee. Member New York Athletic, Republican, Atalanta Boat and Patria Clubs, Society of Medical Jurisprudence, Company B, 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y., and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. TANZER, ARNOLD — Treasurer, 26 Broadway, New York City; residence 40 West 93d street. Born in Austria, July 2, 1841. Educated at the College of the City of New York. (Widower.) Assistant treasurer International Steam Pump Co. Member City College Alumni, Phi Beta Kappa Alumni and Purim Associa tions. TAPP, EDWARD WRIGHT— Weigher, 63 South street. New York City; residence Jamaica, L. I. Born in Brooklyn. (Married.) Secretary Board of Educa tion, 1892-8. Member of the firm of Acker, Covert & Tapp. Member Society of the Cincinnati of the State of New York, Sons of the Revolution and St. Nicholas Society. TAPPAN, HERMAN— Perfume and Powder Man ufacturer, 112 Duane and 70 Reade streets. New York City; residence 306 West End avenue. Member New York, New York Athletic and Atlantic Yacht Clubs. TAPPAN, JOHN B. COLES— Lawyer, 16 Exchange place. New York City; residence Glen Cove, L.. I. Born on Long Island, April 4, 1860. Educated at Yale and at Columbia Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm of Cox & Tappan. Member Seawanhaka- Corinthian Yacht, Yale, Mill Neck Fishing, Queens County Golf and Nassau Country Clubs. TAPPBN, FREDERICK D.— Banker, 36 Wall street. New York City; residence 49 East 68th street. President and director Gallatin National Bank; vice- president and trustee Metropolitan Trust Co. and Bank for Savings; director Astor NationalBank, Bank of New Amsterdam, MobUe and Ohio R. R. Co., New York Clearing House Building Co. and Queen Insur ance Co. ol America; trustee Royal Insurance Co. ol England. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Rock away Hunting, Players', Union, Grolier and St. Nicho las Clubs, St Nicholas and Holland Societies and Down Town Association. TARBBLL, GAGE E.— Lile Insurance, 120 Broad way, New York City; residence 4 "West 72d street. Born in SmithviUe Plats, Chenango Co., N. Y., Sept. 20, 1856. Educated at Clinton Liberal Institute. (Mar ried.) Second vice-president and director Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. Mem ber Colonial, New York Athletic, Lawyers' and Union League Clubs, Marine and Field, Atlantic Yacht and Dyker Meadow Golf Clubs of Brooklyn, ArdSley Ca sino of Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Chamber of Com merce. TARBELL, GEORGE S.-Lawyer, Ithaca Trust Co. .Building, Ithaca: residence 110 North Geneva street. Born in Groton, N. Y., July 15, 1868. Edu cated In Ithaca schools and at Cornell University. (Married.) Has been secretary Tompkins County Re-^ publican Committee for eight years and a referee in Bankruptcy. Member Craftsmen's and Town and Gown Clubs, Delta Phi Fraternity and Knights Tem plar. TARBOX, RUSSELL LORD— Lawyer, 34 Pine street New York City: residence 144 West 34th street Born In Batavia, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1872. Educated at Wmiams College. (Single.) Member of the firm of Bird & Tarbox. Member Madison Square Republican Club, Society of the Genesee, Phi Delta Theta and Phi gelta Phi Fraternities, Phi Beta Kappa Society and Williams Alumni Association. TARR, HORACE G. H.— Machinery, 120 Liberty street. New York City; residence 3 Washington square, North. Born in Chillicothe, Mo., Aug. 22, 1844. Edu cated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Phillips Andover Academy. (Married.) Manager Gaylord Iron Co. of Cincinnati, Rockhill Iron and Coal Co. of Penn sylvania, Morris, Taskey & Co. of Philadelphia, and Otis Elevator Co. of New York. Formerly assistant to the president of the Pullman Palace Car Co. Member Players' Club, Chicago (lU.) Club, Maryland Club ol Baltimore, Army and Navy Club ol Washington, D. C, and MUitary Order ol the Loyal Legion. TARR, JIALPH STOCKMAN— Teacher, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 1 East avenue. Bom In Gloucester, Mass., Jan. 15, 1864. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) Professor ol dynamic geology and physical geography in Cornell University. Assistant in the Smithsonian Institution, 1883-5; assistant to United States Geological Survey, 1888, 1890 and 1891; assistant to Texas Geological Survey, 1889; associate editor Bul letin of the American Geographical Society, and Bulle tin of the American Bureau of Geography. Author ol "Economic Geology ol United States," "Elementary Physical Geography," "Elementary Geology" and "First Book ol Physical Geography"; associate author ol the Tarr and McMurry series ol geographies. Mem ber ol the Town and Gown Club, American Geograph ical, Sigma Xi and National Geographic Societies, Boston Society ol Natural History and Geological So ciety ol Washington, D. C. TATE, JOSEPH— Stock Broker, 71 Broadway, New York City; residence 55 Madison avenue. New Brigh ton, S. I. Born on Staten Island, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1849. (Married.) Member of the New "York Stock Exchange firm of Tate & Hays. Treasurer and trustee Staten Island Academy; director Eighth Avenue R. R. Co. and Ninth Avenue R. R. Co.; trustee S. R. Smith In firmary of Staten Island. Member Staten Island Club. TATHAM. CHARLES — Lead Manufacturer, 82 Beekman street. New York City; residence 105 East 18th street. Member of the firm of Tatham & Bros. President and director National Sp'ortsmen's Associa tion. Member Fencers', Good Government and City Clubs and American Geographical Society. TATUM, CHARLES A.— Glassware Merchant, 46 Barclay street. New York City; residence 12 West 70th street. Member ol the firm ol "Whltall, Tatum & Co. Member Lawyers', Metropolitan, New York Athletic, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and Larchmont Yacht Clubs and Metropolitan Museum ol Art TAUSSIG, GUSTAVE P.- Builder, 257 West 27th street. New York City; residence 342 West 56th street. Born in New York City, Oct. 21, 1857. Educated at CorneU University. (Single.) Member Coraell Club. TAYLOR, ALEXANDER — Retired, 48 Central Park, South, New York City. Member Union League Democratic, New York Yacht, Larchmont Yacht, Tandem, New York Jockey, Megantlc Fish and Game, Adirondack League and New Rochelle Trout Clubs Caribou Club ol Maine, National Horse Show and American Pine Arts Societies, National and American tox lerriers Associations and Association ol Trotting Horse Breeders. NeJ'vI^°A ^^^.RED J.-Lawyer, 256 Broadway, New York City; re.sidence 369 Lexington avenue. Borri P^yffPlP'^^P ^y ass., April 4, 1833. Educated at Tj=t^ ^ Pt^ (Married.) Director Merchants' Exchange ClubPr.^fP^- ^^^'".'^er University, Yale and Grolilr Clubs Century Association, New York Historical and American (Jeographical Societies and Associatton ol the Bar of the City ol New York. MerchaT,t°?7S CHARLES GUSTAVUS - Commission Merchant, 478 Broome street. New York Citv reJ^^*'-'^t7 \°'''' ^"^' residence 312 West 90th street. Born in Newburyport, Mass., July 3, 1845. Educated in Newburj'port (Married Florence C. Derby of Buf falo, N. \., 1869.) Senior member of the firm of James T. White & Co., publishers of the "National Cyclo paedia ol American Biography." President and di rector R. Hudnut's Pharmacy. Was one of the found- ei-s of the Patriotic League and was for a time its secretary. Member Aldine Association. WHITE JOHN BLAKE— Physician, 1013 Madison avenue. New York City. Born in Charleston, S. C, Oct. 9. 1850. Educated at PhlUips Exeter Academy and at the New York College of Physicians and Surgeons (M.D., '74). (Married Margaret S., daughter of George B. B. Jackson ol Portland; Me., 1877.) Held several hospital positions for many years. Member Delta Kappa BpsUon Club, Crescent Athletic Club of Brook lyn, Southern Society and of numerous medical or ganizations. WHITE, JOHN S.— Educator, 435 Madison avenue. New York City; residence 46 West 54th street. Bora In Wrentham. Maiss., Feb. 3, 1847. Educated In Bos ton schools arid at Harvard. Received degree ol LL.D. from Trinity College In 1879. (Married.) Master ol the Boston Latin School, 1870-4; head master ol Brooks' Academy, Cleveland, Ohio, 1874-80; head mas ter ol Berkeley School In New York City since 1880. .Author ol educational works. Member Union League, Authors', Barnard, .Mendelssohn Glee and Harvard Clubs, New England Society and Lalayette Post G. A. R. WHITE, LEONARD D.— Banker, 47 Broadway, New York City; residence 39 Bast 74th street Borh in New York City, AprU 3, 1807. Educated at Colum bia. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol "White & Black- well, amd ol the New York Stock Exchamge. Member Reform Club and Columbia University Alumni Asso ciation. WHITE, LOOMIS L. — Banker and Broker, 1 Nas sau street. New York City; residence Pomfret, Conn. Member Union League, Calumet, Church and Riding Clubs, American Geographical and New Englamd So cieties, American Museum of Natural History, Metro politan Museum of Art and National Acaidemy ol De sign. WHITE, LUTHER CLARK, Jr.— Broker, 32 Broad way, New York City; residence 16 Gramercy Park. Born In Windsor, Vt, 1867. Educated at Dartmouth College. (Married.) Member Players' Club amd Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. WHITE, MATTHEW, Jr.— Editor, 111 Filth ave nue. New York City; residence 211 West 44th street. Born in New York City, Sept. 21, 1857. Educated In New York City and in Europe. (Single.) Editor ol 'The Argosy." Author ol "One ol the Prolession," "A Born Aristocrat" and other works. WHITE, NATHANIEL H.— Watches and Dia monds, 21 Maiden lane. New York City; residence 34 West 32d street. Born near Newton, N. J., March 28, 1836. Educated near Newton. (Married.) President and director Standard Ore Reduction Co.; director Wesley Ml'g Co. Ex-presldent New York Jewelers' Association. "WHITE, OCTAVIUS AUGUSTUS— Physician, 1011 Madison avenue, New York City. Born in Charleston, S. C, Feb. 8, 1826. Educated at the College ol Charles ton (A.B., '46, A.M., '47, and LL.D., '90) and at South CaroUna Medical College (M.D., '48). (Married.) Sur geon In the Conlederate Army during CivU War. Practicing in New York City since 1866. Is an expei-t on yellow lever and has served through several epi demics in the South. Has Invented numerous surgical instruments. WHITE, SAMUEL T. — Piano Manulacturer, 134 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence Mount Ver non. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 12, 1854. Edu cated In Brooklyn public schools. (Married.) Secre tary and director Horace Waters & Co. Member Re form Club and Royal Arcanum. WHITE, STANFORD— Architect, 160 Fifth ave nue. New York City; residence 119 Bast 21st street. Bom In New York City, Nov. 9, 1863. Educated at New York University ('81) and in Europe. (Married ) Member of the firm of McKim, Mead & White since 1881, designers and architects of several of the most BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 541 notable structures in the United States, including the Madison Square Garden and Columbia University buildings in New York City. President and director United Industrial Co.; vice-president and director Madison Square Garden Co. and Roanoke Rapids Power Co.; treasurer and director Sell-Threading Sew ing Machine Co.; director Garden City Co. Member Metropolitan, University, Union City, Tiirl and Fleld, Meadow Brook Hunt, Racquet and Tennis, Lambs', Riding, Players', Adirondack I.ieague and New York Yacht Clubs, Century Association, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, and American Institute of'Archi- tects. WHITE, STEPHEN V. — Broker, 7 Wall street. New York City; residence 210 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. Born in Chatham County, N. C, Aug. 1, 1831. Educated at Knox College, Galesburg, 111. (Mar ried Eliza M. Chandler, 1857.) Practiced law In Des Moines, Iowa, 1856-65, Engaged In business in New York City since 1865. Senior member of the firm ol S. V. White & Co. Congressman, 1887-9. President and director Bower-Barff Rustless Iron Co.; director New Jersey Magnetic Concentrating Co.; treasurer ol Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, since 1869. Member New York Stock, Produce, Cotton and Coffee Exchanges and ol the Union League, Brooklyn, Hamilton and Lincoln Clubs ol Brooklyn. WHITE SUMNER W. — Manulacturing Chemist, 47 Cedar street, and 2300 Eighth avenue. New York City; residence 550 Park avenue. Bom In New York City. (Married.) Secretary, treasurer and director Washington Storage Warehouse and Van Co. Member Harvard Club. WHITE, THEODORE G. — Instructor, Columbia University, New York City; residence 121 Madison ave nue. Educated at Columbia School ol Mines ('94); degrees ol M.A., '95, and Ph.D., '99. (Single.) Trus tee City Vigilance League, 1893-9; secretary Citizens' Union ol the Twenty-filth Assembly District, 1897-9. Member Torrey Botanical and New York Mineralogi cal Clubs, New York Academy ol Science, American Association lor the Advancement ol Science, Geologi cal Society ol America, American Physical Society, New Y'ork State Natural Science Teachers' Association and Sigma Alpha BpsUon Fraternity. WHITE, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS — Merchant 130 Water street. New York City; residence 158 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, Dec. 12, 1843. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) Member University and GroUer Clubs, Hamilton, Crescent Athletic and Riding and Driving Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Century and Down Town Associations. WHITE, WILLIAM B. — Printer, 209 West 81st street. New York City Born in Baltimore, Md., Dec. 15 1835 (ol New England parentage). Educated in New York City public schools. (Widower.) Was councilman. City ol New York, 1866-7; alderman 1867- 9; collector ol Internal Revenue, Sixth District ol New York 1871-5; United States Internal Revenue ganger. 1878-87. Member New England Society. WHITE WILLIAM HANFORD — Physician, 56 West 48th street. New York City Consulting physi cian Metropolitan Charity Hospital, Blackwell s Isl and, and Hahnemann Hospital. Ex-president Homeo pathic County Medical Society ol New York; lormerly delegate to American Institute ol Homeopathy Irom New York County Medical Society. Member Union League Club and New England Society. WHITE, WILLIAM HENRY-CivU Engineer 33 Pine street. New York City; residence 155 West 48th .street (Married a daughter ol the late R. E. Dietz.) Sden^t'i'iirdL^ctor Schenectady Ry CO. and S^ Water Co.; vice-president and director R. E. Dietz Co., director United Gas and Electric Compamesol Little Falls, and International Cooling Co Member Lotos. Armv and Navy, Lawyers' and Engineers' Clubs. Burning Grove Park Association, Metropolitan Mu seum o? Art (?ld Guard, G. A. R., and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. WHITE, WILLIAM PIERRBPONT-Lawyer and Manulacturer 75 Genesee street, Utica; residence 294 Genesee s"rlet Born In Sweet Briar Farm, Liying- ?trCo.,'N.'Y.', Aprn 8, 1867. (Son olWimam Mans field and Anna Maria [Pierrepont] White.) Educated at Columbia Law School (LL.B.). (Single.) President Utica Drop Forge and Tool Co. ol Utica; vice-presi dent Gould Ml'g Co. of Seneca Falls; secretary Oneida County League for Good Roads; director Second Na tional Bank of Utica, Rome Tube Works of Rome, Utica and Black River R. R. Co., Rome, Watertown amd Ogdensburg R. R. Co., and Aragon Mills of Polk Co., Ga.; warden Zion Church of Pierrepont Manor. Member Sadaquada Golf and Fort Schuyler Clubs, St. Nicholas Club of New York City, amd New York State Agriculture and Oneida Historical Societies. WHITE, WILLIAM WALLACE — Lawyer, 305 Broadway, New York City; residence 579 West 145th street. Bom in New York City, March 4, 1862, Edu cated in New York City public schools and at New York Law School. (Married.) Member of the firm of Richards & Co. Member Commercial Club, Patent Law Association of Washington, D. C, Syndlcat des Ingenieurs Conseils en Matiere de Propriety Indus- trlelle of Paris, France, and Australian Institute of Patent Agents. WHITEHEAD, AARON PENNINGTON— Lawyer. 50 WaU street. New York City; residence 29 East 74th street. (Married.) Was a member ol the firm ol Mar tin & Smith until its dissolution on Dec. 31. 1895. Counsel to the firm ol Duer, Strong & Whitehead since Jan. 1. 1896. Director E. S. Higgins Carpet Co. Mem ber Union. South Side Sportsmen's, and Essex County (N. J.) Country Clubs, Down Town Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. WHITEHEAD, CHARLES E.— Lawyer, 71 Broad way. New York City; residence 39 West 38th street. Member ol the firm ol Whitehead, Dexter & Osborn. Member City, Union League and Tuxedo Clubs, Man ulacturers' Club of Cleveland. Ohio. Century and Down Town Associations. National Academy ol De sign, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Mu seum ol Natural History. WHITEHEAD, EDWARD— Cutlery Manulacturer, Walden. Born in Halilax, England, Nov. 6, 1845. Edu cated in Walden, N. Y., and at Fort Edward Institute, Fort Edward, N. Y. (Married.) President the Walden Knlle Co., the Press Button Knile Co., and Walden Board ol Education; director National Bank ol Wal den. WHITEHOUSE, GEORGE M.-Banker and Bro ker, 26 Broad street. New York City; residence New Brighton, S. I. Bora In Brooklyn, N. Y., 1844. Edu cated In Brooklyn. (Married Helen Ostrander.) Sen ior member ol the firm ol Whitehouse & Co., and rnember ol the New York Stock amd Produce Ex changes. Member Players' Club and St. Nicholas So ciety. WHITEHOUSE, HENRY HOWARD— Physician and Instructor, 24 West 36th street. New York City. Degrees ol Ph.B. and M.D. Clinical Instructor in der matology, Coraell University Medical College, New York City. WHITEHOUSE, JAMES HORTON— Jeweler, 16 Union square. West, New York City; residence 430 Lalayette avenue, Brooklyn. Bora in Staffordshire, England, Oct. 28, 1833. Connected -with the flrm ol Tiffany & Co. since 1858. Has designed many notable artistic productions In silver. "WHITEHOUSE, J. HENRY— Stock Broker, 25 Broad street. New York City; residence Irvington. Member ol the flrm ol Whitehouse & Co., and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Players' and Camera Clubs and Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hud son. WHITEHOUSE, J. NORMAN DE R.— Banker and Broker, 26 Broad street. New York City; residence 10 West 30th street, and Mldfield Farms, Westbury, L. I. Born In Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at Oxlord Univer sity, England. (Married Vira Boarman ol New Or leans.) Member ol the flrm ol Whitehouse & Co., and ci the New York Stock Exchange. Member New York Yacht, Union and Meadow Brook Hunt Clubs, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, and Society ol Colonial Wars. WHITEHOUSE, SAMUEL S.-Lawyer, 164 Mon tague street, Brooklyn; residence 143 Hancock street. Member Crescent Athletic and Montauk Clubs, and Relorm Club ol New York. 542 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. WHITEHOUSE, WILLIAM FITZHUGH— Lawyer, 29 Wall street. New York City; residence 187 Madiso^n avenue. Educated at Columbia ('60). Member Uni versity, New York Yacht and Church Clubs and Co lumbia University Alumni and Century Associations. WHITEHOUSE WORTHINGTON— Real Estate, 509 Fifth avenue. New York City. Member of the firm of Whitehouse & Porter. Member Metropolitan, Knickerbocker, Racquet and Tennis, Transportation and Knollwood Clubs, and Ardsley Casino of Ardsley- on-Hudson. WHITELY, JAMES— Broker, 52 Broadway, New York City; residence 49 West 75th street. Born In Paterson, N. J., Aug. 27, 1845. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Prince & Whitely. Governor New York Stock Exchange; trustee New York Stock Exchange BuUding Co. Member New York Athletic (ex-presl dent) and Atlantic Yacht Clubs, American Museum ol Natural History and 7th Regiment Veteran Associa tion. WHITEMAN. ABRAM V.— Merchant, 144 Cham bers street. New' York City: residence Port Chester. Bora In New York City, June 10, 1855. Educated In New York City and Fairfield, Conn. (Married Oct. 17, 1883.) Member .American Yacht, Fairfield County Goll and Port Chester Athletic Clubs. WHITFIELD, ROBERT PARR — Geologist and Curator, 77th street and Central Park, West, New York City; residence 51 West 35th street. Born in Willow Vale, New Hartlord, Oneida Co., N. Y., May 27, 1828. Educated at home. Received degree ol A.M. Irom Wesleyan University In 1882. (Widower.) Cura tor in the geological department ol the American Mu seum of Natural History, New York City, since 1877. Member of advisory committee South Americam Ex ploration Co. Fellow Geological Society of America and American Association for the Advancement ol Science. Member Metropolitan Museum ol Art. WHITFORD, OSCAR P.- Civil Engineer, 79 Wood lawn avenue, Buffalo. Bom In Saratoga County, N. Y., July 15, 1833. Educated at Union College (A.B., '58, and A.M., '61). (Single.) Has practiced as civil engineer in Mexico, South America and in the United States. Member American Society ol Civil Engineers. WHITIN, LEWIS FREDERIC — Merchant,- 112 Worth street. New York City; residence 9 West 56th street. Born in WhItins-vUle, Mass., Jan. 20, 1844. Educated at Yale. (Married.) Director Phenix Na tional Bank and St. Joseph Lead Co. Member Uni versity, Merchants' Central, Mendelssohn Glee, Rich mond County Country and Staten Island CJrleket Clubs, New England Society and Yale Alumni and Century Associations. WHITING, WILLIAM J.— 37 Liberty street New York City; residence 208 Hewes street, Brooklyn. Born In Massachusetts, Dec. 12, 1855. Educated In Massachusetts. (Married.) Secretary and director Connelly Iron Sponge and Governor Co.; director Dundesberg- Mining Co. and New York-Aurora Mining Co. Member Relorm Club, Hanover Club and New England Society ol Brooklyn, and St. Maurice Club of Canada WHITLOCK, BACHE McEVERS— Lawyer, 49 WaU street. New York City; residence Grymes Hills Sta pleton, S. I. Bom In New York City, June 11,' 1852. Educated at Charlier's Institute, Columbia School of Arts ('73) and Columbia Law School ('75). (Married.) Director Horn Sliver Mining Co. Member Mendels sohn Glee and Delta Phi Clubs, Columbia Alumni and Down Town Associations and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. WHITLOCK, BENJAMIN MORRIS— 229 West 28th street. New York City; residence 114 West 12th street Born in New York City, May 8, 1859. Educated In Ne-w York City. Was brigadier-general and inspector ol rifle practice on staffs ol Governors Flower and Mor- *°'".' President and director Salety Insulated Wire and Cable Co. Member Union, Atlantic Yacht New Tork Tacht and Manhasset Bay Tacht Clubs and others. WHITLOCK, JAMES A.-Insurance Adjuster, 61 Wall street New Tork City Born In New "York City, Sept. 29., 1831. Educated at Mechanics' Society School. (Married.) Junior member ol the flrm ol Jones & "Whltlock. Agent Union Marine Insurance Co. (Ltd.) ol Liverpool, England; secretary and member ol the Board ol Marine Underwriters ol New Tork. For merly trustee Havens Relief Fund Society. Member Association! of Average Adjusters ol United States. WHITMAN, CHARLES S.-Lawyer. 35 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 67 West 82d street. Born In Connecticut. 1868. Educated at Amherst Col lege (A.B.) and New Tork Law School (LL.B.). (Sin gle.) Member St. Nicholas, Quill, West Side RepubU can and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, Amherst Alumni As sociation and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. WHITMAN, CLARENCE— Dry Goods Commission Merchant. 39 Leonard street. New Tork City; residence Katonah. Member ol the flrm ol Clarence 'Whitman & Co. Member Lawyers', Union League, Merchants' Central, Riding, Larchmont Tacht and Richmond County Country Clubs, New England Society and Met ropolitan Museum ol Art WHITMAN, GEORGE A.— Clerk, Eleventh Divi sion, Custom House, New Tork City; residence 158 West 106th street. Bom In Koenigsberg, Prussia, April 26, 1839. Educated In city high schools and at Frederick Williams College, Koenigsberg. (Married.) Formerly clerk in offlce ot, the Secretary ol the Treasury at Washington, D. C. Now clerk in Auditor's Depart ment, Custom House, Port ol New Tork. Member Lalayette Post. G. A. R WHITMAN, HENRT H.-Lawyer, 41 Wall street, New Tork City; residence Tonkers. Bom in Turner, Me., March 24, 1862. Educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and at Columbia. (Married.) Member ol the flrm ol Ewing, Whitman & Ewing. Member Uni versity .Athletic Club, Columbia University Alumni Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City of New Tork. WHITMAN. H. RANDOLPH— Advertising, 116 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence New Ro chelle. Bora In Chicago, 111., Aug. 9. 1866. Educated at the University ol Notre Dame, Indiana. (Married ) President Whitman Co. Member Hardware Club Pal estine Commandery, Knights Templar No. 18, Consist ory ol Scottish Rite and Co-ordinate Bodies, thirty- second degree Masons and Mystic Shrine. WHITMAN, JAMBS SPURR-Dry Goods Commis sion Merchant 39 Leonard street New Tork City residence 852 Lexington avenue. Educated at Mertoii College ( 79). Oxlord University, England. Member ol the firm ol Clarence Whitman & Co. Member Univer sity, Players', Church and Wool Clubs. WHITMAN. R. S. - Manulacturer. Little Palls. ?f ?he° ^ "^ F^wl,-'^"^- 5' ^^35- (Married.) Member Millie ^T" -P Whitman Bros. (Rockton Knitting ^iP^- .Pjiesident Eastera Improvement Co'.; director National Herkimer County Bank, and Agricultural In surance Co. ol Watertown. Mer^?n?'^n^^' WILLIAM - Dry Goods Commission Merchant, 80 Leonard street. New Tork City; residence i^l9°''ii^^^' ^J^: ^°™ i'^ Annapdds. N. S.^May 9^ ibe'fi.^ f tI*^ P Annapolis. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Harding, Whitman & Co. 'Treasurer Ar- Ungton MUls. Member Union, Eastern licht and Country Clubs ol Boston, and MetropolUan Museum ol on WHITMORE, BENJAMIN THOMAS-Physician 90 Maiden lane, New Tork City; residence Hotel Ren^ aissance. Born In Charies County, Md 1851 Fduca ted at Cote BrlUante College, St 'lou^s, Mo ?nd at gre^e'oi LL D °?in^* ^^^PPf (^•^•>' Hec°eivtf dt' gree or LL,D, Irom Manhattan College lor his ser vices to medicine. Connected with thf scientlflo de partment ol Parke, Davis & Co. ol Detroit New Tork and London. Was a member ol the surgical staff of «nd ^" i^'JS*'^ Hospital in St. Lou!s lof Sie yLs and held the chair of physiology for four vea^s^n Cote BrlUante College. Has been a frequent conmbi" T°'"/'*r!?l^'°^' literature. Member Drag Se and Lotos Clubs, Chicago Medical Society and Msslsirol Valley Medical, Physicians' Mutual Aid and Amerio^ Medical Associations. American BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 543 WHITMORE, WALTER G.— Engineer, 44 Broad street. New Tork City; residence 79th street and First avenue. Bay Ridge. Born in Plymouth. Mass., Oct. 21, 1865. Educated at the Massachusetts Institute ol Technology. (Married.) Connected with the General Electric Co. Member New Tork Electrical Society. Institute ol Electrical Engineers (associate), and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alumni Asso ciation. WHITMTRE, C. L.— Manufacturer, 12 Washington avenue, Schenectady; residence 707 Union street. Born in Germany, May 2, 1838. Educated in Germany. (Single.) Sole owner of the flrm of C. Whltmyre & Co. Director Schenectady Bank. Member Mohawk Club. WHITNET. ALFRED R. — Manufacturer, 71 Broadway, New Tork City; residence "Glimpswood Manor," Morristown, N. J. Bom in Boston, Mass. (Married.) Senior member of the flrm ol A. R. Whit ney & Co., manulacturers ol iron and steel. Member Union League Club, New England Society, Metropoli tan Museum ol Art, National Academy ol Design and American Museum ol Natural History. WHITNET. ALFRED R., Jr.— Manulacturer. 71 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 44 West 44th street. Born in New Tork City. Educated at Stevens Institute ol Technology ('90). (Single.) Connected with the firm ol A. R. Whitney & Co., manulacturers ol iron and steel. Member University, Union League, New Tork Tacht and Baltusrol Goll Clubs, New Eng land Society and Squadron "A," N. G. N. T. WHITNET, CASPAR— Editor, 331 Pearl street. New Tork City- residence 136 Madison avenue. Born in Baltimore, Md., Sept. 2, 1861. Educated at St. Math- ew's CoUege in Calilornia. (Married Cora Chase, 1897.) Associated with the firm ol Harper & Brothers, as editor ol "Outing" and sporting editor ol "Harper's Weekly." Member Larchmont Tacht, Racquet and Tennis, University Athletic, New Tork Canoe, Oriental Snow Shoe, and Boone and Crockett Clubs. WHITNET, CHARLES C. — Lile Insurance, 346 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 260 Garfield place, Brooklyn. Educated at "Williams College. Sec retary New Tork Life Insurance Co. Member Will iams College Alumni Association and Metropolitan Museum of Art. WHITNET, CHARLES S.— Lile Insurance, 11 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 57 "West 75th street. Bom in Brooklyn, N. T., Nov. 7, 1855. Edu cated at Lockwood' Academy, Brooklyn. (Married.) First vice-president American Union Lile Insurance Co Bx-presldent Maritime Association ol New Tork City, and Cantata Singing Society ol Brooklyn. Mem-- ber Union League (president) and Oxlord Clubs ol Brooklyn, Colonial Club and Colonia Country Club. WHITNET, CHARLES W.— Banker and Broker, 331 Madison avenue. New Tork City; residence 65 South Oxford street, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, Dec. 2, 1869 Educated at the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Single.) Manager for Kissam, Whitney & Co Member Racquet and Tennis and Strollers Clubs Nassau Country Club ol Glen Cove, L. I., Crescent Athletic and Dyker Meadow Goll Clubs ol Brooklyn, Society ol Colonial Wars and Sons ol the Revolution. WHITNET DRAKE— Retired Civil and Mining Engineer, 335 Buffalo avenue, Niagara Falls. Bom In Niagara Falls, Aug. 23, 1843. (Son ol Major Solon M. H. "Whitney.) Educated at Porter's Academy Walnut Hill School ol Geneva, N. T., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, at University ol Gottingen and Freiberg Mining Academy, Germany, and Ecole des Mines, Paris, France. (Married.) Was in Europe, 1865-9, n California, 1870, and in business in Niagara Falls, 1871, retired in 1892. Formerly resident engineer Canada Southern R. R. Co. and assistant engineer Niagara PaUs and Clllton Suspension Bridge Co. Member Civic, Veteran and Niagara Frontier (Jame and Fish Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution, Society olCJolonial Wars, Mayflower Descendants, Theta Delta Chi Grad uates' Club ol New Tork City and Knights Templar. WHITNET EDWARD B.-Lawyer, 59 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 351 West 114th street. Born in New Haven Conn., Aug. 16. 1857. Educated at Tale ('78). (Married.) Member of the firm of Goodrich, Svhltney & Hagen. Ex- Assistant Attoraey-General of the United States. Member Lawyers', Democratic and Reform Clubs. Century Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. WHITNEY, ELMAR HALE— Insurance, 402 EUi cott square, Buffalo; residence 147 Lexington avenue. (Married.) Member Buffalo Republican and Buffalo Clubs, Sons of the American Revolution and Buffalo Historical Society. WHITNEY, HARRY PAYNE — Capitalist, 346 Broadway, New York City; residence 2 West 67th street. (Son ol Hon. William Collins Whitney.) Edu cated at Yale ('94). (Married Gertrude, daughter of the late Cornelius Vanderbilt.) Commissioner of the Bureau of Municipal Statistics. Director Defender Fire Extinguisher Co., Illinois Electric Vehicle Trans portation Co., Metropolitan Street R. R. Co., Mount Morris Bank, New York Electric Tramsportatlon Co., Plaza Bank and Second Avenue R. R. Co.; trustee Guaranty Trast Co. Member University, Knicker bocker, New York Y'acht, Riding, Racquet amd Ten nis, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, Westchester Country and Meadow Brook Hunt Clubs and Metro politan Museum ol Art. WHITNEY, HENRY M.-Banker and Broker, 36 Wall street. New York City; residence 65 South Ox lord street, Brooklyn. Born in New York City. Mem ber ol the firm of Kissam, Whitney & Co. and of the New York Stock Exchange. Director Hamilton Trust Co. of Brooklyn, Preferred Accident Insurance CO., and Schermerhorn Bank of Brooklyn; trustee Colonial Trust Co. Member Oxford and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn. WHITNEY, HORACE P.— 66 Beaver street. New York City; residence Yonkers. Born In Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1866. Educated at Columbia. (Single.) Member Palisade Boat Club and Columbia University -"Mumnl -Association. WHITNEY, J-AMES A.— Lawyer, 256 Broadway, New York City; residence Maryland, Otsego County. Born in Rochester, N. Y., June 30, 1839. (Son ol Ama ziah and Margaret [Taylor] Whitney.) Educated In common schools. Received degree ol A.M. Irom Union College in 1870 and LL.D. Irom Iowa College In 1880. (Married the only daughter ol John W. Copley ol Harpersfield, N. Y., 1876.) Served with 39th Regiment. New York Volunteers, during Civil War amd advanced to the rank of captain; editor ol the "American Arti san," 1868-72; professor of agricultural chemistry In the American Institute, 1869-72. Established as a pat ent solicitor in 1872 and was admitted to practice In the United States Circuit Courts in 1876. Author ol "The Relations ol the Patent Laws to the Develop ment ol Agriculture," "The Chinese and the Chinese Question" and others. WHITNEY, ROBERT E.— Lile Insurance, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence 23 Prospect street, Stamlord. Conn. Born in Indianapolis, Ind.. Sept. 9, 1865. (Married.) General manager Seaboard Department ol the New York Lile Insurance Co. Member Crescent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn, Aurora Grata Consistory, De Witt Clinton Commandery, Kis met Temple Mystic Shrine and Offlcers' Veteran As sociation ol the 23d Regiment. N. G. N. T. WHITNET, S. v.— Farmer and Surveyor. Wood bury. Born March 11. 1821. (Married.) Vice-presi dent Glen Cove Mutual Insurance Co.; director Hamil ton Fire Insurance Co. Formerly Inspector ol elec tions, assessor and supervisor ol the town ol Oyster Bay. WHITNET, WILLIAM B.-Lawyer. 96 Broadway. Ne'W Tork City; residence 256 West 100th street. Born in New Hampshire, Jan. 10, 1866. Educated at Am herst College and at Harvard Law School. (Single.) Member Harvard and University Clubs amd Associa tion ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. WHITNET, WILIjIAM COLLINS— Lawyer and Capitalist, 100 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 871 Filth avenue, and Old Westbury, L. I. Born in Conway, Franklin Co., Mass., July 15, 1841. (Son ol James S. Whitney.) Educated at Tale (A.B., '63. and LL.D.. '88) and at Harvard Law School (LL.B., '65). 544 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Was admitted to the Bar and engaged In practice in New Tork City. (Widower.) Inspector of schools in New Tork City 1872; corporation counsel, 1875-8^; bec- retary of the Navy of the United States In the Cabinet of President Cleveland 1885-9. Director Christopher and Tenth Streets R. R. Co., Morton Trast Co., Na tional Union Bank, Central Cross Town R. B- Co., Metropolitan Opera and Real Estate Co., Nassau County Bank of Mineola, National Horse Show Asso ciation, New Tork Loan and Improvement Co., Sec ond Avenue R. R. Co. and Society for the Prevention ol Craelty to Children: trustee Filth Avenue Trust Co., Consolidated Gas Co., Mutual Lile Insurance Co. ol New Tork and Peabody Museum ol Boston, Mass. Member Metropolitan, Union, Knickerbocker, Manhat tan, Democratic, Lawyers', Meadow Brook Hunt, Turf and Field, University, Riding, Racquet and Tennis, South Side Sportsmen's and New Tork Tacht Clubs, Country Club ol "Westchester, Tale Alumni, Century and Down Town Associations, New Tork Zoological (lounder). Musical Arts and New Englamd Societies, Society ol Mayfiower Descendants, American Museum ol Natural History, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. WHITNET, WILLIAM MINOTT— Dry Goods Mer chant, 41 North Pearl street, Albany; residence 156 Washington avenue. Born In Boston, Mass., Jan. 12, 1826. Educated In New Tork City. (Married.) Mem ber Sons ol the Revolution and Society ol Colonial Wars. WHITON, JAMES MORRIS— Editor and Author, 287 Fourth avenue. New Tork City. Born in Boston, Mass.. April 11, 1833. Educated at Tale (A.B., '53, and Ph.D., '61). (Married Mary B., daughter ol William Bartlett ol Portland, Me., 1855.) Rector ol Hopkins Grammar School at New Haven, Conn., 1854-64; held various Congregational pastorates, 1865-91; principal ol WiUlston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., 1876-8; professor of ethics at MeadvIUe (Pa.) Theological School, 1893-4. On editorial staff of "The Outlook" since 1896. Author of numerous educational and relig ious works. WHITON, JOHN M,— Fire Insurance, 32 Pine street, New Tork City; residence Plainfield, N. J. Born in Massachusetts, 1845. (Married.) Metropoli tan manager St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Fireman's Insurance Cc. of Newairk, Security Insur ance Co. of Connecticut, Concordia Insurance Co. and AVisconsln Flre Insurance Co. of MUwaukee, German Insurance Co. of Preeport, and Prussian National In surance Co. Member Lawyers' Club. WHITON, LOUIS CLAUDE— Lawyer, 149 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 114 West 76th street. Born in Jersey City, N. J. Educated at New Tork University ('78) and at Columbia Law School ('80). (Married.) Trustee St. Paul's Institute ol Tarsus, Asia Minor. Member West Side Republican Club, Phi Beta Kappa Society, Society ol Colonial Wars, Sons ol the Revolution, Academy of Sciences and Association of the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. WHITRIDGE, FREDERICK W.-Lawyer, 59 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 16 Bast llth street. Educated at Amherst College ('74) and at Co lumbia Law School. Member ol the firm ol Cary & Whltrldge. Director Cataract Construction Co., Chi cago Railway Terminal Elevator Co., Cleveland, Akron and Columbus R. R. Co., KnoxvUle, Cumber iand Gap and Louisville Ry. Co., Lake Erie and West em R. R. Co., Niagara Development Co. and Niagara Falls Power Co. Member Metropolitan, Knicker bocker, University, Relorm, City, Players' and Church Clubs, Country Club ol Westchester, Aijiherst College Alumni, Columbia Alumni, Down Town and Century Associations, American Fine Arts and New England Societies, Liederkranz and Association ol the Bar of the City of New Tork. WHITTAKER, JOHN BARNARD— Artist and Professor, Lafayette avenue and St. James place, Brooklyn. Born in Ireland. Educated In Brooklyn public schools. Studied painting and drawing at the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences and at the National Academy of Design. Established an art school in Brooklyn, and was made art Instructor In the Adelphi Academy in .1888, which position he now holds. Member of numerous art societies. WHITTELSBT, THEODORE— Instructor, CorneU University, Ithaca; residence 115 Cook street. Degrees of A.B. and Ph.D. Instructor in chemistry, Cornell University. WHITTEMORE, R. B.-Broker, 35 Broad street New Tork City; residence 16 East 53d street. Born and educated in New Tork City. (Widower.) Mem ber of the firm of Whittemore & Co., and of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Member New Tork Athletic Club. WHITTEMORE, WILLIAM J.— Artist, 318 West 57th street. New To^k City. Born in New Tork City. 1860 (Married.) Member New Tork Water Color and Salmagundi Clubs, National Academy of Design (asso ciate), American Water Color Society and American Society of Miniature Painters. WHITTTC, LIBBER B.-Lawyer, 126 The Bastable, Syracuse; residence 313 Almond street. Born In Syr acuse, Feb. 9, 1872. Educated at Syracuse University and Law School. (Single.) Member Citizens' Club and Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Delta Phi Fraternities. WHITTREDGE, WORTHINGTON — Artist, 51 West Tenth street. New Tork City; residence Summit, N. J. Bom In Clark County, Ohio, May 22, 1820. Edu cated In Springfield, Ohio, public schools. (Married.) President ol the National Academy ol Design, 1875-6, Member Lotos Club, Century Association, National Academy ol Design, Artists' Fund Society and Metro politan Museum ol Art. WIARD, WILLIAM W.— Manulacturer, Syracuse; residence 112 Holland street. Born in Oakfield, N. T., Sept. 29, 1865. Educated in Syracuse. (Married.) As sistant secretary Syracuse Chilled Plow Co. Member Citizens' and Syracuse Clubs and Royal Arcanum. WIARDA, JOHN C— Manulacturing Chemist. Greene avenue. Provost and Freeman streets, Brook lyn; residence 137 Hooper street. Born in New Tork City, March 11, 1860. Educated in Hanover, Ger many, and in Brooklyn. (Married.) President, treas urer, manager and director John C. Wlarda & Co.; "president amd treasurer L. A. Eberhardt & Co. Mem ber Society ol Chemical Industry, Brooklyn League, Board ol Trade ol the Seventeenth Ward, Manulac turers' Association and James McLear Camp Sons ol Veterans. WICKER, CASSIUS M.— Railroad President 15 Wall street, New Tork City; residence 599 West End avenue. President and director Zanesville and Ohio River Ry. Co. and North Shore Traction Co.; vice- president and director Chicago Union Traction Co.; Colorado Eastern R. R. Co. and Fort Worth and Rio Grande Ry. Co. ; director Bankers' Money Order Asso ciation, National Ship Copper Plating Co. and Worces ter Traction Co. Member Colonial, Lawyers', Union League, Atlantic Tacht and Church Clubs, Union League Club ol Chicago, 111., American Geographical and New England Societies, Sons ol the Revolution, Society ol Colonial Wars, Society ol Mayflower De scendants, America's Founders amd Delenders and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. WICKERSHAM, GEORGE WOODWARD— Law yer, 40 Wall street, New Tork City; residence 42 West 47th street. Educated at the University ol Pennsylva nia. Director Lawyers' Surety Co. Member City. Grolier, Metropolitan and Players' Clubs, University ol Pennsylvania Alumni, Down Town and Century As sociations and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York, WICKES, EDWARD A.— Vice-President, 15 Broad street. New York City; residence 14 West 57th street. Born in Ballston, N. Y., April 10, 1843. Educated at. WiUiams College. (Married.) ' Was captain in 150th Regiment, New York Volunteers, 1862; brevet major, 1865; commissary ol musters, 20th Army Corps; re tained in service (by order ol President Lincoln), and mustered out In October, 1865. President and director Broadway and Seventh Avenue R. R. Co.; flrst vice- president and director Niagara Falls Power Co., and allied companies; vice-president and director Canada. Southern Ry. Co. and allied companies. Member Met ropolitan and University Clubs, New England Society, WilUams CoUege Alumni and Down Town Associa tions, American Museum ol Natural History and Met- - ropolltan Museum ol Art. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 545 WICKES, H. VAN WYCK— Merchant, 1 West 34th street, New York City; residence 28 East 28th street. Born in Deep River, Conn., May 2, 1864. Educated in Rochester, N. Y. (Single.) Treasurer, secretary and director Hayden Co. Member St. Nicholas and Marine and Field Clubs, and Genesee Valley Club of Roch ester. WICKES, THOMAS P.— I,awyer, 100 Broadway, New York City; residence 34 West 70th street Borri in Albany, N. Y., April 17, 1853. Educated at Phillips ¦Andover Academy, Yale ('74) and at Columbia Law School ('76). (Married.) Member of the firm ol Hatch & Wickes. Member University, Lawyers', New York Athletic, Mendelssohn Glee and Psi Upsilon Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. WICKHAM, DELOS O.— 1 Broadway, New York City; residence 225 South 39th street, Philadelphia, Pa. Born in Sag Harbor, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1840. Educated at Oberlin College. (Married.) Formerly treasurer Bar ber Asphalt Paving Co. Member Lawyers', Union League and Republican Clubs, Ohio and New Eng land Societies, Lalayette Post, G. A. R., Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. WICKHAM, W. HULL— Wholesale Drugs and Chemicals, 91 Fulton street. New York City; residence 10 East 56th street. Born In Brooklyn, N. Y., 1846. Educated at Princeton ('66). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol McKesson & Robbins. Vice-president New York Dispensary. Member Uriiversity, Metropolitan, Princeton, Union League, Monmouth Beach Goll and Fulton Clubs, Delta Phi and St. Nicholas Societies, Metropolitan Museum ol Art and Chamber ol Com merce. WIEGAND KARL MoKAY— Instructor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 212 Hazen street. De grees ol B.S. and D.Sc. Instructor In botany and as sistant curator ol the phanerogamic herbarium, Cor nell University. WIGGIN, FREDERICK H.-Physician and Sur geon, 55 West 36th street. New York City. Born In England, Dec. 26, 1853. Educated at Phillips Andover Academy, at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and at Bellevue Hospital Medical College (M.D., '77). (Ma rled Abble Fiske Merriam ol Greenfield, Conn., 1878.) Practiced medicine In Litchfield, Conn., 1880-90; since then in New York City. Makes a specialty ol gyne cology and Is visiting gynecologist to St. Elizabeths and City Hospitals. Member Union League and Man hattan Clubs New York County Medical (president). New York State Medical, American Medical, Connec ticut Medical and Litchfield County (Conn.) Medical Associations, Academy ol Medicine and other organi zations, both American and foreign. WIGHT, CHARLES H.— Insurance, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 140 St. John's place, Brook lyn Born in Woburn, Mass., April 30, 1845. Educated at Harvard. (Married Amelia Claflin Daniels ) Mem ber Montauk Club of Brooklyn, Sons of the American Revolution and Sooiety of Mayflower Descendants. -WTLBRR DAVID F.— Farmer, Oneonta. Born in Milford Otsego Co N. Y., Dec. 7, 1859. (Son of David WUber ') Sated at cizenovia Seminary. Largely Interested in farming and stock breeding Repre sented the TwMty-first New York District in Con gress 1895-9 President and director Holstem-Fries- ian Association of America and of the American Chev iot skeep Association of the United States and Cana- da. -ccTT cox ALBERT A.— Lawyer, 20 Piatt street New York Ci'ty; residence «4 Ellison street Paterson N T Bora in Haverstraw, N. Y., May 14, 18b (. Ji.au cated ?y°'^rlvate tutors (Married.) J-as-er and f::-t'Z.^^r^nr%rTPa''airTctof- lioomingdaTe' ^of i assistant treasurer ana ai ^. ^^.r Paterson Ry Co dTrel^or Ced^ Lawn Cemetery Co Totowa Silk g-o'.' anTrst^MIllor^^^^^^^^^ ^„W- ^I ceiver ol The John fetepnen.o ^^^^^p^^^iaent Gar- ^°l r Habart Member Lawyers' Club ol New York Cilyand'^North^Je™sey country and Hamilton Clubs of Paterson, N. J. ii WILCOX, ANSLEY— Lawyer, 816 EUicott square, Buffalo: residence 641 Delaware avenue. Born near Augusta, Ga., Jan. 27. 1856. Educated in New Haven, Conn., school, at Yale ('74) and one year at Oxlord, England. Senior member of the firm of Wilcox & Miner. Trustee and chairman of executive committee Charity Organization Society of Buffalo; trustee Buf falo General Hospital. Professor of medical jurispru dence. University of Buffalo, Medical Department. Member Buffalo, Saturn. Country, University and Lib eral Clubs, and University and Reform Clubs of New York City. WIIjCOX, CLERMONT H— Broker, 66 Broadway New York City: residence 115 West 75th street. Born in New York City, Nov^ 7, 1849. Educated at Anthon Grammar School. (Married.) Member of the New York Stock Exchange. President and director New York Insulated Wire Co.; director Bowery Bank; trus tee Union Dime Savings Institution. Member New York Athletic and Colonial Clubs. WILCOX, FRANKLIN A.-Lawyer, 1 Broadway, New York City; residence 933 Madison avenue. Born in Ashland, Greene Co., N. Y., June 30, 1837. Educated at Hedding Institute and New York University. (Married.) Member of the firm ol Wilcox, Adams & Green. Member City Club, Legal Aid Society (direc tor). Law Institute, Down Town Association and As sociation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. WILCOX, MARRION— Author, 75 Bast 54th street. New York City. Born in Augustai, Ga, April 3, 1858. Educated at Yale (A.B., '78) at Hamilton College (LL.B.) and in Europe. (Married Eleanor Gertrude Sanchez, 1885.) Studied law in the offlce ol Grover Cleveland and was admitted to the New York Bar. Resident ol New York City since 1893, and is a regu lar contributor to periodicals and magazines. Author ol "A Short History of the War with Spain," "Para dise in Hyde Park," "A War Cloud," "A Prisoner ol Venice" and others. WILCOX, PAUT^j— Lawyer, 220 Broadway, New York City; residence Montciair, N. J. Bom in Roche- port, Mo., Oct. 3, 1858. Educated at Depauw Univer sity, In Berlin, Germany, and at Columbia. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Wilcox & Brodek. President New York National Land Association. Member Hard- ward Club and Montciair Athletic, Montciair (ex- president), Montciair Golf (ex- president) and Outlook (ex-president) Clubs. WILCOX, REYNOIjD WEBB— Physician and Au thor, 749 Madison avenue. New York City. Born in Connecticut March 29, 1856. Educated at Yale (*7S) and Harvard ('81). (Married.) Professor of medicine and therapeutics at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital; physician at St. Mark's Hospital. Formerly therapeutic editor "American Journal of the Medical Sciences"; president Harvard Medical Society; surgeon-general Sons ol Veterans. Co-author (White-Wilcox) "Materia Medica and Ther apeutics." Author of "The Descendants of William Wilcoxson, Vincent Meigs and Richard Webb." Mem her Metropolitan, Harvard and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, Sons of the Revolution, Society of Co lonial Wars, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, So ciety of the W'ar of 1812 and Lafayette Camp Sons of Veterans. "WILDER, BURT GREEN— Professor, CorneU Uni versity, Ithaca: residence 60 Cascadilla place. Born in Boston, Mass., Aug. 11, 1841. Educated at Harvard (B.S., '62, and M.D., '66). (Married Sarah C. Nichols, 1868.) Served In a surgical capacity during Civil "War. Professor of neurology, vertebrate zoology and physiology at CorneU University since 1868. President of the American Neurological Association, 1885; vice- president ol the American Association lor the Ad vancement ol Science, 1885; president ol the Associa tion ol American Anatomists, 1898-9. Member Ameri can Philosophical Society. "WILDER, ENOS — Merchant, 81 Beaver street, and President, 142 Broadway, New York City; residence Madison, N. J. Educated at Harvard ('65). President and director Franklin-Lee Bank Note Co. Member University and Harvard Clubs and Down Town Asso ciation. 546 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. WILDER, MARSHALL P.— Humorist, 55 West 33d street. New York City. Born in Geneva, N.Y., bept. 19, 1859. Educated in New York City. (Single.) "Was file boy in Bradstreet's Agency lor a time; went to England; began a series ol tree entertainments "whicn became very popular, and through the Influence ol the Prince of Wales his reputation as an entertainer be came strongly established. Has resided m New York City for several years with his father. Author of ine People I've Smiled With." Member New York Press and Lambs' Clubs. WILDER, WILLIAM R.-Lawyer, 45 Cedar street. New York City; residence 232 West 74th street. Born in Saratoga Springs, N. Y., June 30, 1858. Educated at Princeton ('79) and Columbia Law School ('82). (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Wilder & Anderson. Member Princeton, New York Athletic, Underwriters and Hardware Clubs, Columbia University Alumni and Aldine Associations and MetropoUtam Museum of Art. WILDS, HOWARD PAYSON — Lawyer, 34 Pine street. New York City; residence 78 East 54th street. Born in Rowley, Mass., April 13, 1850. Educated at the College of the City of New York ('69) and Colum bia Law School ('71). Member of the firm of J. B. & H. P. Wilds. Member of the New York Legislature, 1895; deputy commissioner of public works, 1896-7. Member Republican, Alpha Delta Phi and University Clubs. WILES, IRVING RAMSAY— Artist, 106 West 65th street. New York City. Bora in Utica, N. Y., April 8, 1861. (Son of Lemuel Maynard Wiles.) Educated In New York City and In Paris, France. (Married.) Member Lotos Club, Century Association, Society of American Artists, American Water Color Society and National Academy ol Design. WILES, LEMUEL MAYNARD— Artist, 106 West .¦•5th street. New York City. Born in Perry, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1826. Educated at New York State Normal College. Studied art In New York City. Taught drawing In Albany Academy amd In the Utica public schools lor several years; was director of the College ol Fine Arts, at Ingham University, Le Roy, N. Y., lor ten years. WILEY, CHARLES— Publisher, 43 East 19th street. New York City; resdence East Orange, N. .1. Born in New York City, 1835. Educated in New York City. (Married.) Member Engineers' and Arts Clubs, South Orange Fleld and Essex County Country Clubs ol Orange, Aldine Association and Metropolitan Mu seum ol Art. WILEY, W. G. — Banker and Broker, 52 Exchange place. New York City. Member ol the firm ol W. G. Wiley & Co., and ol the New York Stock Exchange. WILEY, WILLIAM HALSTED— Publisher, 53 East Tenth street. New York City; residence 73 Halsted street. East Orange, N. J. Bom In New York City, July 10, 1842. Educated at the College ol the City ol New York ('61) and at Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti tute ('66). (Married.) Member ol the firm ol John Wiley & Sons. Served as United States volunteer, 1862-4. Formerly chairman ol the township commit tee of Bast Orange and treasurer and member of coun cll American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Mem ber University, Lawyers', Engineers', Army and Navy and Arts Clubs ol New York City, Republican and Athletic Clubs ol Orange, Engineers' Club ol Philadel phia, Pa., Essex County (N. J.) Country Club, Goll Club ol Essex County, Cycling Touring Club ol France, St. Andrew's, Burns and Municipal Arts So cieties, American Society ol Civil Engineers, Ameri can Society ol Mechanical Engineers, American Insti tute of Mining Engineers, American Institute ol Elec trical Engineers, Military Order ol the Loyal Legion League ol American Wheelmen, War Veterans ol 7th Regiment, Veterans ol Department ol the South, Al dine Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. WILHELMI, EDGAR A.— Importer, 16 Beaver street. New York City. (Single.) President Wilhelmi ^P?-.-'^f^^^ New York Athletic Club, and Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn. WILKIE, JOHN LINCOLN — Lawyer 2 WaU street. New York City; residence 5 Washington square North. Educated at Harvard. Member Reform Har vard, Tuxedo and Lawyers' Clubs, Flushing (L. I.) Athletic Club and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. WILKINS, FREDERICK H —Assistant Manager, 463 West street. New York City; residence Brooklyn. Educated at the University of Rochester. Assistamt manager Westera Electric Co. Member Marine and Field, Crescent Athletic amd Excelsior Clubs of Brook lyn. WILKINS, GOUVERNEUR MORRIS— Protestant Episcopalian Clergyman, 206 East 95th street. New York City; residence 1030 Park avenue. Bora In New York City. Educated at Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Conn. (Single.) Vicar of Chapel of the Messiah. Member St. Nicholas Club amd New York Historical Society. WILKINSON, CHARLES W. B.— Jewelry and Diamonds, 42 John street. New York City; residence 6 East 32d street. Born In Mansfield, Mass., April 22, 1851. Educated In public schools and by priyate tu tors. (Single.) Was one ol the original nine to or ganize and incorporate the Order ol Founders and Pa triots ol America. Maister Ancient Lodge No. 724, F. & A. M., 1897; master Triune Chapter No. 241, R. A. M., 1900; junior warden Columbian Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar. Member Order of Founders and Patriots ol America. Antiquity Committee. Gramd Lodge, F. & A. M., and a thirty-second degree Mason. WILKINSON, FREDERICK P. — Merchandise Broker, 282 Washington street. New York City; resi dence 142 West 85th street. Bom in Brooklyn, N. Y., March 5, 1866. Educated In Brooklyn. (Mairried.) New York representative ol The Continental Co. ol Detroit, Mich. Member New York Athletic CJlub amd 7th Regiment Veteran Association. WILKINSON, HENRY L.— Banker and Broker 29 Nassau street. New York City; residence Bridgeport, Conn. Born in Providence, R.I., Aug. 10, 1865. Edu cated In Providence and at Amherst College. (Mar ried.) Connected with the Investment and stock ex change department ol the firm ol Harvey Fisk & Sons. Assistant national bank examiner lor Rhode Island and Connecticut, 1889-91. Member Relorm Club, Brooklawn Country Club ol Bridgeport, Coun try Club ol Lakewood, N. J., Amherst CoUege Alumni Association and Chi Psi Fraternity. WILKINSON, J. A.— Real Estate. 68 WiUiam street. New York City; residence 2044 Valentine ave nue. Born in Louisiana. Educated in Orange County, N. Y. (Married.) Member New York Athletic Club, Young Men's Christian and Republican Associations, and Joppa Lodge No. 201, F. & A. M. WILKIN.SON, JOSEPH BIDDLE— Appraiser, 641 Washington street, Ne-n- York City; residence 302 West 102d street. Born in Louisiana, Feb. 20, 1845 Edu cated in public schools, at McNalr's Academy and at bt James College. Served In Conlederate Army dur ing Civil "War. Engaged in business In Louisiana as a sugar rice and cotton planter, 1865-85. United btates General Appraiser at the Port ol New York since 1890. Member Manhattan Chess and TwiUght Clubs, Southern Society and Conlederate Association. ^ir.PPP^^^PP'^' .ROBERT F.-Lawyer, 35 Market street, Poughkeepsie; residence 297 MUl street. Edu cated at WiUiams ('61). Member ol the firm ol Wil kinson & (Jossum. Member Lawyers', University n-f,™^,^ ' Transportation, Adirondack League and iiity.<-lubs and Century Association ol New York City, Williams College Alumni Association, Military Order the cfty''o7New ?or"k.^''^ Association ol the Bar ol MnP^P^'^F^'^' WH-l-TAM M.-Theatrical Manager, 1402 Broadway, New'York City; residence 16 Gram-^ ercy Park. Born in Perrysburg, Ohio, Jan. 12 S Educated In Perrysburg. (Single.) Directed the o^t^ftratScefeb^i^tlerivi^ilrgt^^l^^^^ P?a1erri;i'fLarbs''^5rbt"° organizations. '^Zblr WILLARD, DAVID SEYMOUR-Stock Broker 52 Broadway, New York City; residence 306 West '72d street. Member New York Stock Exchange Ind ol BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 547 the Calumet and Players' Clubs, Marine and Field, and Hamilton Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Sons ol the Revolution. WILLARD, EDWARD AUGUSTUS— President, and Tea Merchant, 132 Front street, and 35 Burlin.e SUp, New York City; residence 12 East 41st street. Born in New York City, 1846. Educated In New York City. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol E. A. WUlard & Co. President and director Automatic Air Carriage Co. and Occidental and Oriental Tea Co. Member Tuxedo, Larchmont Yacht, New York Yacht, Atlantic Yacht, Lawyers' and Calumet Clubs, Metropolitan Club ol Washington. D. C, Mayflower and New Eng land Societies, Society ol Colonial Wars, Down Town Association amd Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America. WILLARD, ERNEST RUSSELL — Journalist Rochester; residence 37 South Washington street. Bom in Jamestown, N. Y., 1S56. Educated In James town. (Single.) Connected with the Rochester Print ing Co. Editor-in-chiel ol the "Democrat and Chron icle." Member Genesee VaUey, Rochester Athletic and Rochester Country Clubs, Sons ol the American Revolution, St. Andrew's Brotherhood and American Social Science Association. WILLARD, JAMES LE BARON — Cotton Goods Merchant, 43 Leonard street. New York (Jity; resi dence 177 Joralemon street, Brooklyn. Born in Brook lyn, March 1, 1834. Educated at Columbia. (Married.) Member Wool Club, Psi Upsilon Society, Society ol Mayflower Descendants, Society ol Colonial Wars, So ciety ol Colonial Governors, Sons ol the Revolution, Society ol the War ol 1812, Sons ol the American Revolution and Order ol Founders and Patriots of America. WILLARD, THOMAS HINCKLEY — Physician, 1 Madison avenue. New York City; residence 592 West End avenue. Educated at Albany Medical College. Member Church and Players' Clubs, Albany Medical College Alumni and Aldine Associations, Albany So ciety ol New York, and Academy ol Medicine. WILLCOX, ALBERT — Insurance, 27 WllUam street, New York City; residence Metropolitan Club, and New Brighton, S. I. Member ol the flrm ol Al bert Willcox & Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Lawyers' and Richmond County Country Clubs sind Down Town Association. WILLCOX, DAVID — Lawyer, 20 Nassau street. New York City; residence Metropolitan Club. Born In Flatbush, L. I., Dec. 12, 1849. Educated at Yale ('72). (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol Opdyke, Willcox & Brlstow. Director Adirondack Ry. Co., Albany and Susquehanna R. R. Co. and Delaware and Hudson Co. Member Metropolitan, Union League, Lawyers'. University, Riding, Union. Yale, New York Athletic, New York Yacht, Whist and Richmond County Coun try Clubs, St. Nicholas and New England Societies, Century and Down Town Associations amd Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. WILLCOX, HENRY C.-Lawyer, 100 Broadway New York City; residence 320 West 86th street. Mem ber Democratic, Lawyers', Manhattan and City Clubs and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. WILLCOX, WALTER P.- Prolessor, Census Ol- flce, Washington, D. C; residence Ithaca, N. Y. Born in Reading, Middlesex Co., Mass., March 22, 1861. Edu cated in public schools ol Reading, Mass., at PhUUps Andover Academy ('80), Amherst College ('84), Colum bia Law School ('87), at Yale, and at Berlin, 1888-90. (Married.) Was secretary ol the American Economic Association for three years. Has been instructor, as sociate professor and professor at Coraell Umversity since 1891. Now professor of social science and statis tics at Cornell and chief statistician in charge of the Division of Methods and Results at the Census Office, Washington. Commissioner ol HeaUh lor the State ol New York. WILLCOX WILLIAM R.-Lawyer, 32 Nassau street New York City; residence 152 East 46th street. Bora in Smyrna Chenango Co. NY., 1863 Educated at Brockport Normal School, the University ol Roch ester and at Columbia College Law School. _ (Single.) Practicing in New York City since his admission to the Bar in 1890. Nominated lor Congress In the Thirteenth District, 1900. Member Union League, Republican and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs, University ol Rochester Alum ni Association and Association ol the Bar of the City of New York. WILLETS, ELMORE A.— Banker, Farmer and Oil Producer, Belmont Born in McKean County, Pa., Sept 8, 1861. Educated at PhUUps Andover Academy and at Yale ('84). (Single.) President and director State Bank of Belmont, and Citizens' National Bank of WeUsville; vice-president and director MetropoUtan Bank of Buffalo. Member University Club of New York City, and Country, Pittsburg and Riding Clubs of Pittsburg, Pa. WILLETS, JOHN T.-Merchant 303 Pearl street. New York City; residence 30 West 54th street Born in New York City, Aug. 2, 1835. (Married.) Member of the flrm of WiUets & Co. Director Leather Manufac turers' National Bank and Market and Fulton Na tional Bank. Member City, American Yacht Union League and Apawamis Clubs, Down Town Association, Metropolitan Museum of Art and American Museum of Natural History. WILLETS, ROBERT R.— Merchant, 303 Pearl, and 64 Cliff streets. New York City; residence Harrison. Member of the flrm of WiUets & Co. Member Ameri can Geographical Society, Holland Lodge, F. & A. M., Metropolitan Museum of Art and American Museum of Natural History. WILLETS, SAMUEL— Secretary, 16 East 23d street. New York City; residence Westbury, L. I. Born In New York City, Jan. 20, 1874. Educated by private tutors. (Single.) Secretary Horse Show As sociation of Queens County. Member Meadow Brook Hunt, Union League, Nassau Country, Coney Island Jockey and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Clubs. WILLETTS, JOSEPH C— President and Receiver, 97 Reade, and 49 Wall street. New York City; resi dence 52 East 56th street. Born In Cincinnati, Ohio, March, 1846. Educated at Oakwood Seminary. (Mar ried.) President and director Associated Farms, Dex ter Folder Co. and New Domestic Sewing Machine Co.; vice-president and director Bank of Skaneateles; sec retary and director Syracuse Chilled Plow Co.; direc tor Toledo Carriage Woodwork Co. and Williariis Typewriter Co. Member Union League, Lambs' and Union Clubs, St. Nicholas Society, Down Town Asso ciation and Chamber of Commerce. WILLIAMS, BENJAMIN A.— Contractor, foot ol East 68th street, and 309 East 43d street. New York City; residence 20 East 92d street. President B. A. & G. N. Williams (Inc.); director C. Graham & Sons Co. Member Aldine Association. W"ILLIAMS, BLAIR S.— Broker, 40 WaU street, New York City; residence 102 East 57th street. Bom in New York City, Jan. 21, 1872. Educated at Ever son's School. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Dom inick & Williams, and ol the New York Stock Ex change. Director Penrhyn Slate Co. Member Calu met Club. WILLIAMS, CHARLES H.— Real Estate, 16 Eagle street (east), Buffalo; residence 690 Delaware avenue. Born in Buffalo, Aug. 1, 1842. Educated In the United States and Europe. (Married.) Director Bank ol Bul lalo and Bank ol Niagara Falls. Member EUicott. Saturn, Press, Country and Buffalo Clubs, Audubon Society ol New York City, Sons ol the Revolution, So ciety ol Colonial Wars, Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. Buffalo Historical Society and Buffalo Sooiety ol Nat ural Sciences. WILLI-AMS, CHARLES M.— Retired Lumber Mer chant. 110 South Albany street, Ithaca. Bom in Ith aca, Oct. 14, 1840. Educated in Ithaca public schools and' In Cromwell, Conn. (Married.) Trustee Ithaca Trust Co. and Ithaca Savings Bank. Member ol the Board ol Education ol Ithaca. WILLIAMS. CHARLES PHELPS— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 16 Grace court, Brooklyn. Educated at Yale. Member Union League, Union and Yale Clubs, Hamilton Club ol Brooklyn, and New England Society. 54.S BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. WllAAAUS. CHAUNCEY P'-Assistant Adjutant- Ceneral Albany: residence 232 State street. Born m ?manv Dec 6 i860. Educated at Albany Academy, at Yale and at Albany Law School. (Married.) Mem ber Order ol Pounders and Patriots ol -^merica Sons ol the American Revolution and Sons ol the Revolu tion. WILLIAMS COLEMAN GANDY-Silk Manulac turer. 760 Broadway, New York City; residence M^- sapequa, L. L Educated at Trimty College ( 80). Vice-nresldent and director WiUiams Silk Mt g Co. Member Union, University and St. Anthony Clubs and Trinity College Alumni Association. -WILLIAMS, DAVID-Printer and Publisher, 232 William street New York City; residence 69 West 68th street. Born in Waterlord, Ireland Dec. 23 1841. Educated at Walkill Academy, Middletown, N. Y. (Married.) President and director David Williams (Jo., publishers of the "Iron Age"; president and trustee -Williams Printing Co.; ex-president America.n Trade Press Association. Member Engineers' (eX'-v-ice-pres- ident) Grolier, Hardware, Atlantic Yacht and Camera (ex-pr'esident) Clubs, American Geographical and ¦Ne'w York Historical Societies and American Institute of Mining Engineers. WILLIAMS, EDWARD E.— Dry Goods Commis sion Merchant, 55 White street New York City; resi dence New York Athletic Club. Born in Yates County, N Y. 1850. (Descended from Richard Williams ot Huntington, L. I., 1660.) (Single.) Member New York Athletic and Wool Clubs. WILLIAMS, EMMONS LEVI— Treasurer, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 608 East State street. Treasurer of Cornell University and secretary ol the board of trustees. WILLIAMS, PRANK P.-Lawyer, 118 Erie County Bank BuUding, Buffalo; residence 54 Irving place. Born in Buffalo, 1855. Educated at University ol Michigan. (Married.) Member Saturn, University and Thursday Clubs. WILLIAMS, FRANK S.— Stock Broker, 60 Broad way, New York City; residence 240 West 102d street Born in New Orleans, La. Educated at Harvard. (Married.) Member ol the New York Produce and New York Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Ex changes. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon, Harvard, Twilight, Phi Beta Kappa and New York Athletic Clubs and Southern Society. WILLI.AMS, G-ARDNER STEWART— Consulting Civil Engineer, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 4 Valentine place. Born in Saginaw, Mich., 1866. Educated at University of Michigan. (Married.) Was civil engineer to Board of Water Commissioners, De troit, Mich. Now prolessor of experimental hydrau lics, in charge of hydraulic laboratory, Cornell Uni versity. Member Detroit Engineering and Michigan Engineering Societies, American Society of Civil En gineers and New England Water Works Association. WILLIAMS, GEORGE FORRESTER— Author and Journalist, 15 Spruce street. New York City; residence 362 West 27th street. Born on the Rock of Gibraltar, March 21, 1837, where his father's regiment was sta tioned. (Son of John Edward and Harriet Williams.) Passed boyhood in the East and West Indies and on the Gold Coast ol Alrica. (Married Marie Sophia Van Brunt, March 29, 1865.) Entered journalism on New York "Times," 1858. Enlisted in United States Volun teer service, 1861, and participated in battles ol Big Bethel, Yorktown, Cold Harbor, Malvern Hill (wounded), Fredericksburg, ChanceUorsviUe, Gettys burg, Mine Run and Wilderness, where reported killed, but escaped from Confederates and retired because of wounds with brevet rank of major; was with Hunter, Averill and Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley as war correspondent; present at the capture of Port Fisher, siege of Petersburg and Lee's surrender. Acted as volunteer aide, with rank of colonel, on staff of President Juarez ol Mexico, and witnessed execu tion ol Emperor Maximillian at Qu.eretaro. Was chiel ol artillery In Guatemala, with rank ol brigadier-gen eral, and was correspondent in several European and East Indian Wars. Has been city editor and manag ing editor of the New York "Times" and New York "Herald," and held Important places on the New York "World," New York "Advertiser" and New York "Re corder " Was general manager of the Staten Island Amusement Company in 1886 and first Introduced "Buffalo BUI'S WUd "West" to New York City. Author of "Bullet and SheU," 'The Memorial War Boo.k, "Lights and Shadows of Army Life" and other works on miUtary scenes m camp and field. Member New York Press and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs and Dartmouth Alumni Association. WILLIAMS, GEORGE GILBERT— Banker, 270 Broadway, New York City; residence 34 West 58th street. Born In Bast Haddam, Conn., Oct. 9, 1826. (Son of Datus Williams.) Educated at Brainerd Acad emy, Haddam, and by private tutor. (Married Vir ginia, daughter ol Aaron King ol New York City, 1867.) President and director Chemical National Bank, with which he has been connected since 1841, and New York Clearing House BuUding Co.; vice-president and direc tor United States Llle Insurance Co.; treasurer and director Fabric Measuring and Packing Co.; treas urer and trustee Institution lor Savings ol Merchants' Clerks; trustee Union Trust Co.; director Pennsylvania Coal Co., Fidelity and Casualty Co., Mexican Tele graph Co., Bond and Mortgage Guarantee Co., Eagle Fire Insurance Co., Eastmans' Co., Texas Central R. R. Co., and Title Guarantee and Trast Co. Member Metropolitan Club, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, New England Society and American Museum ol Natural History. WILLIAMS, GEORGE L. — Capitalist 20 Erie County Savings Bank Building, Buffalo; residence 672 Delaware avenue. Born in Buffalo, March 11, 1845. (Son ol Gibson T. and Harriet C, [Howard] WiUiams.) Educated in Buffalo and New Haven, Conn. (Married .Annie, daughter ol John E. Addicks ol Philadelphia, Pa.) President Buffalo Public Library, and Crystal Water Co.; treasurer, director and member ol flnance committee Pan-American Exposition Co.; trustee and member ol executive committee Buffalo General Hos pital and Fidelity Trust and Guarantee Co.; director and member ol executive committee Marine Bank; di rector Buffalo Commercial Bank; trustee Brie County Savings Bank; member ol the board ol managers Craig Colony lor Epileptics. Member Buffalo, Saturn, Liberal, National Arts and Country Clubs and Sons oi the Revolution. WILLIAMS, GEORGE N., Jr.- Contractor, Ave nue A and East 68th street. New York City; residence 15 West 122d street. Director B. A. & G. N. WilUams. Member Harlem, Forest Lake and Sagamore Clubs, New England Society, MetropoUtan Museum ol Art and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. WILLIAMS, HENRY DAVISON— Lawyer and Patent Solicitor, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence 57 West 130th street. Born In Brooklyn, N. Y., June 4, 1863. Educated at Cooper Union (B.S.) and Columbia Law School (LL.B.). Admitted to the Bar .Tune 26, 1891. (Married.) Secretary and member of Republican General Committee of the Thirty-flrst Assembly District of the County of New York. Mem ber Harlem Club, Sons of the Revolution, Cooper Union Alumni Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. WILLIAMS, HOWARD HUNTER— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York City; residence Murray HiU Hotel. Educated at Yale. Secretary and director United States Security Co. ; director American Reserve Fund: trustee American Ry. Co. Member Alpha Delta Phi, Yale and Union League Clubs and Sons of the Revolution. WILLIAMS, JAMES H. — Manufacturer, 9 Rich ards street, Brooklyn; residence 293 Henry street. Born in Fort Plain, N. Y. (Married.) President and director J. H. "Williams & Co. Member Hamilton, Ma rine and Field and Riding and Driving Clubs. WILLIAMS, JESSE LYNCH — Author, 153 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 235 West 10th street. Born in Sterling, 111., Aug. 17, 1871. Educated at Princeton (A.B., '82, and A.M., '95). (Married Alice, daughter pf Henry B. Laidlaw of New York City.) Connected with the magazine department of Charles Scribner's Sons (publishers); Princeton editor "Uni versities and Their Sons." Author of "Princeton Uni versity," "The Stolen Story" and other newspaper sto ries, "The Adventures of a Freshman" and others. Member Princeton and Players' Clubs and Tiger Inn Club of Princeton. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 549 WILLIAMS, J. L.-Lawyer, Poughkeepsie; resi dence 145 Montgomery street. Born in Poughkeepsie, Dec. 12, 1846. Educated in Dutchess County Academy. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Hackett & WUliams, Director City National Bank. Formerly district attor ney. State assessor, corporation counsel. United States Commissioner, supervisor ol the census Third District ol New York and chairman Democratic State Execu tive Committee. President Dutchess Club ol Pough keepsie. Member ol the Knickerbocker Athletic Club ol New York City, Matteawan Club of Matteawan, Knights of Pythias, B. & P. Order of Elks, I O O F and Masonic bodies. WILLIAMS, J. L. Jr.— Manufacturer, Rome; resi dence 718 North Washington street. Bora in Utica N. Y., September, 1867. Educated at Utica and Rome High Schools, and Trinity Military Institute. (Mar ried.) Member of the flrm of Williams Bros, (manufac turers of silk and cotton underwear) and G. F. Alli son & Co. of Utica (cotton and cotton waste). Direc tor and member of executive committee First National Bank of Rome. Member of the Rome Board of Excise. Member Rome, Teugeuga Country and Deowainsta Canoe Clubs and American Canoe Association. WILLIAMS, JOHN TOWNSEND — Architect and Engineer, 27 WiUiam street. New York City; residence Stamford, Conn. Born in Glen Cove, N. Y., May 16, 1852. Educated at the School of Mines of Columbia University ('73). (Married.) Member New York Ath letic, New York Yacht, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht, Barnard, New York, Merchants', Larchmont Yacht, Suburban Riding and Driving, and Lawyers' Clubs, American Institute of Mining Engineers and Metro politan Museum of Art. WILLIAMS, JOHN T., Jr.— Engineer and Archi tect, 27 William street. New York City: residence Stamford, Conn. Born in New York City, Nov. 4, 1876. Educated at Columbia School of Mines. (Single.) Is associated with his father, John T. Williams, as con structing engineer and architect. Member New York Athletic, Larchmont Yacht and Wee Burn Golf Clubs. WILLIAMS, JOSEPH— Treasurer, 53 Duane street New York City: residence 533 West 142d street. Born in New York City, 1858. Educated in public schools. (Married.) Treasurer Edison Electric Illuminating Co. Member 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y. WILLIAMS, LEIGHTON— Baptist Clergyman, 312 West 54th street. New York City. Born in New York City, Aug. 4, 1854. Educated at Columbia. (Married, June 6, 1896.) Pastor Amity Church. Secretary Broth erhood of the Kingdom and New York State Confer ence of Religion. Ex-secretary and treasurer State Reservation at Niagara. Member Social Reform Club, New York Genealogical Society and Columbia Univer sity Alumni Association. WILLIAMS, LEWIS A.— Publisher, 110 Fifth ave nue. New York City; residence PeekskiU. President and director New York History Co., Century History Co. and L. A. Williams Publishing and Engraving Co. Member Press Club, Union League Club of Brooklyn, Ohio Society and Metropolitan Museum of Art. WILLIAMS, MORNAY — Lawyer, 59 Wall street. New York City; residence 305 West 88th street. Bora in New York City, June 21, 1856. Educated at Colum bia School of Arts and Columbia Law School. (Mar ried.) President New York Juvenile Asylum; director Evangelical Alliance, League of Social Service and Federation of Churches. Member Quill Club, Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Association and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. "WILLIAMS, M. PARKER — Author and Retired Editor, 410 Warren street, Hudson; residence 444 Union street. Born in Belfast, Me., Feb. 24, 1826. Educated In Belfast and Portland, Me., and Boston, Mass. (Married.) Editor Rockland (Me.) "Gazette," 1847-49; on staff of Boston "Herald," 1850-3; Philadelphia "Times," 1854-6; purchased Hudson (N. Y.) "Gazette," 1857; lounded "Daily Register" (in connection with "Gazette"), 1866. Editor and prietor Hudson "Ga zette" and "Daily Register," 1857-96: senior member ol the firm ol Williams Brothers, 1857-60, and ol WlUlams & Clark, 1866-69: retired Irom business, 1896. Member Democratic and Reform Clubs of New York City, Democratic Society of the City of Hudson, State Edi torial Association and executive committee of the As sociated Press. WILLI-AMS, NORMAN A.— Berwick, Pa.; resi dence 270 Genesee street, Utica. Bom in Utica, Feb. 17, 1873. Educated at Yale ('97). (Single.) Member Yale Club and Society of Colonial Wars. WILLIAMS, OSCAR P.- Diplomatist, Rochester Bora in Livonia, Livingston Co., N. Y., June 29, 1843. Educated at Cornell. (Married Arabella Amanda San ford of Livonia, 1872.) Was instructor in a business college for twenty years. Consul to Havre, France, 1889-93. Was the last United States Consul to Manila, Philippine Islands (appointed in 1897), and since the war with Spain has taken an active part in the ad justment of the islands to the new conditions. WILLI-AMS, OTIS L.— Manufacturer of Electrical Machinery, 26 Cortlandt street, New York City; resi dence New Brighton, S. I. Educated at Cornell ('88). Treasurer and director Westlnghouse, Church, Kerr & Co. Member University, Cornell, Psi Upsilon, Rich mond County Country and Staten Island Cricket Clubs and American Society of Mechanical Engineers. WILLIAMS, PARDON C— Justice, Watertown. Born July 12, 1842. Justice of the Supreme Court, Ap pellate Division, Fourth Department. Member TTnion Club, Colonial Club of New York City, Citizens' Club of Syracuse, and Genesee Valley Club of Rochester. WILLIAMS, RICHARD H.— Wholesale Coal Mer chant, 1 Broadway, New York City; residence 4 West 51st street. Senior member of the firm of Williams & Peters. Director Mercantile National Bank. Mem ber Metropolitan, Riding, Union, Lawyers', Westmin ster Kennel, Racquet and Tennis and New York Yacht Clubs, Morristown (N. J.) Club, Sons of the Revolu tion, Metropolitan Museum of Art and American Mu seum of Natural History. WILLIAMS, ROGER B.— Manufacturer, Ithaca. Bora in Ithaca, May 8, 1848. Educated at Yale. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of "Williams Brothers. President Ithaca Savings Bank; trustee Cornell Uni versity; director First National Bank of Ithaca. Ex- president of Board of Education of Ithaca. Member Town and Gown Club, Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa Society, Alpha Delta Phi Club of New York City, and Yale Alumni Association. WILLIAMS, S.AMUEL GARDNER — Educator, 802 East Seneca street, Ithaca. Bom in Plainfleld, Ot sego Co., N. Y., Aug. 15, 1S27. Educated at HamUton College. Degrees of A.B. and Ph.D. (Widower.) Emeritus professor of the science and art ol teach ing at CorneU University. Formerly alderman ol the city of Ithaca. Member Town and Gown Club, Phi Beta Kappa Society and Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. WILLIAMS, STEPHEN G.-Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 80 Washington square. East. Educated at Columbia ('81). President and director Standard Silica Cement Co. Member University and Reform Clubs, Association of the Bar of the City of New York and Columbia University Alumni Association. WILLIAMS. STEPHEN M.— Capitalist, 143 Lib erty street. New Y'ork City; residence Roselle, Union Co., N. J. Born amd educated in New York City. (Married.) Formerly general Ireight and passenger agent Portland and Oxlord Central R. R. Co.; as sistant controller Philadelphia and Reading R. R. Co.; vice-president Port Reading R. R. Co. Now president Manhattan Coal Co.; second vice-president Central Railroad ol New Jersey, and Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Co.; director New York and Long Branch R. R. Co., Baltimore and Delaware Bay R. R. Co. and Tay lor Iron and Steel Co. ol New Jersey. Member Law yers', Democratic and Reform Clubs, Montauk Club of Brooklyn, Megantlc Fish and Game Club of Maine and Canada, and Essex County (N. J.) Country, Bal tusrol Golf and Cranlord Golf Clubs. 550 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. WILLIAMS, THEODORE C. - (Jlergyman and School Master, Hackley HaU, Tarrytown Born in Brookline, Mass., July 2, 1856 Educated at Harvard (Married.) Head master of Hackley Hall Foimerly minister of AU Souls' Church, New York City. 1883-96, and preacher at Harvard. Member Nineteenth Cen tury Club and Century Association. WILLIAMS. THOMAS HILTON-Mechanical En gineer, 66 Centre street. New York City; residence 300 Bergen avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Born in Springfleld, Mass. Feb. 14, 1848. Educated at Packard's Business College (Married.) President Howley Down Dralt Furnace Co.; vice-president and general manager A. A Griffing Iron Co.; proprietor E. A. WilUams & Son of Jersey City; managing trastee Luke Voorhees Cat tle Co. of Wyoming; director Hudson County Gas Co. Member Lawyers' Club, American Society of Me chanical Engineers, and Carteret Club, Bergen Lodge No. 47, F. & A. M., Mt. Vernon Chapter Royal Arch Mason's and Unique Council Royal Arcanum, all ol Jersey City. WILLIAMS, TIMOTHY SHALER— RaUroads, 168 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 913 Union street. Born in Ithaca, N. Y. Educated at CorneU ('84). Secretary, treasurer and director Brooklyn Rapid Transit Co., Brooklyn Heights R. R. Co., Brooklyn ITnion Elevated R. R. Co., Kings County Elevated R. R. Co., Nassau Electric R. R. Co., Sea Beach Ry. Co., Sea View R. R. Co. and Brooklyn, Queens County and Suburban R. R. Co.; director Kings County Elec tric Light and Power Co. and Queens Borough Electric Light and Power Co. Member University, Lawyers' and Cornell University Clubs, and Brooklyn and Ma rine and Field Clubs ol Brooklyn. WILLIAMS, WALTER LON(3 — Prolessor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 116 Valentine place. Born in Argenta, 111., Feb. 26, 1856. Educated at Mount Zion Seminary, Mount Zion, 111., University ol IUinoi.4 and McGill University. (Married.) Ex-assistant state veterinarian of Illinois: ex-inspector Bureau of Ani mal Industry, United States Department of Agricul ture: professor veterinary science, Purdue University, 1891-93; professor of veterinary science, Montana Col lege of Agriculture, 1893-6; ex-president Illinois Veter inary Medical Association, United States Veterinary Association and Indiana Veterinary Medical Associa tion. Prolessor ol principles and practice ol veterina ry surgery, zootechny, obstetrics and jurisprudence. New York State Veterinary College, Cornell Univer sity, since 1896. Associate editor "American Veterina ry Review." Member American Veterinary Medical and New York State Medical Associations and Sigma Xi Society. WILLIAMS, -WILLIAM- Lawyer, 35 Wall street. New York City; residence University Club. Bora in New London, Conn., June 2, 1862. Educated at Yale and at Harvard Law School. (Single.) Associate counsel lor United States Government in the Behring Sea Arbitration, 1892-3. Enlisted in the war with Spain as a private in Troop "A," New York Volunteer Cav alry, and later received a commission in the commis sary department, with rank ol major. Member Law yers', University, Larchmont Yacht and Yale Clubs, Century Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM H.-Lawyer, 181 Broad way, New York City; residence Yonkers. Born in Ledyard, Conn., Oct. 22, 1839. Educated at Brown University ('65) and at Columbia Law School ('68). (Married.) Member Alpha Delta Phi and Brown Uni versity Clubs. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM ROBERT— Physician and Instructor, 152 West 57th street. New York City. De grees ol A.M. and M.D. Instructor In hyglenei Cor nell University Medical College, New York City. WILLIAMSON, ARTHUR E.— Steam Heating Ex pert 92 Beekman street, New York City: residence Passaic, N. J. Born in Toronto, Canada Feb. 2, 1869 Educated at Trinity School. (Married.) Vice-presi dent, assistant treasurer and director Richardson & Morgan Co. Member Knickerbocker Yacht, Seacliff Yacht and Passaic Clubs. WILLIAMSON, EDWARD L.— Physician, 163 West 74th street. New York City. Born In Albany, N. Y., Oct 19, 1864. Educated at Dartmouth ('89) and New York College ol Physicians and Surgeons ('92). (Sin gle ) Assistant physician Roosevelt Hospital; Instruc tor in surgery Polyclinic Hospital. Member Quill and Country Cycle Clubs, Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Asso ciation and Society ol American Musicians and Com posers. WILLIAMSON, GEORGE M.— Grand View. Bora in New York City, May 13, 1850. Educated In Brooklyn public schools. (Married.) Member Grolier Club. WILLIAMSON, W. W.— Dentistry. 113 East Jeffer son street Syracuse; residence Globe Hotel. Born in Malone, N. Y., 1857. Educated at Amherst College. (Single.) Patented dental engine, which Is now ex tensively used In the dental prolession. Member Citi zens' Club. WILLING, J. THOMSON— Artist, 70 Filth avenue. New York City; residence 108 East 45th street. Bom in Toronto, Canada, 1860. Educated in Toronto. (Mar ried.) Member Salmagundi Club. WILLISTON, JAMES R.— Banker and Broker, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 10 West 43d street. Born in Cambridge, Mass., Dec. 5, 1859. Edu cated at Harvard. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol J. R. WiUlston & Co. of New York, Boston and Provi dence, and of the New York Stock Exchange. Mem ber New York Athletic Club, Brookline (Mass.) Coun try Club and Boston Athletic Association. WILLITS, FREDERICK B.— Farmer, Glen Cove. Born In Glen Cove, 1846. Educated at Yale. (Married.) Vice-president and director Glen Cove Bank; treas urer and director Glen Cove Mutual Insurance Co.; director Hamilton Fire Insurance Co.. Nassau County Bank and "Westchester Fire Insurance Co.; trustee Roslyn Savings Bank. WILLS, CHARLES T.— Builder, 156 Fifth avenue. New York City; residence 309 West 82d street. Merri- ber Colonial, Riding, New York Athletic, Suburban Riding and Driving, American Yacht, Larchmont Yacht, Indian Harbor Yacht, Columbia Yacht, South ampton Shooting and Fairfield County Golf Clubs. American Geographical and American Fine Arts So cieties, Building Trade, Aldine, Blooming Grove Park. Riverside, Masons' and Builders', West End, "West chester County Horse Show and State Road Horse As sociations, Metropolitan Museum of Art. American Museum of Natural History, Chelsea Plantation, Chamber of Commerce, General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen, Board of Trade and Transportation. Mechanics' and Traders' Exchange. American Insti tute and various Masonic and benevolent organiza tions. WILLS, JOSEPH LAINSON— Prolessor, 39 South William street. New York City; residence 133 Mid- wood street, Platbush, Brooklyn. Born In England. 1850. Educated In England. (Married.) Prolessor ol brewing chemistry and zj^motechnology in National Brewers' Academy. Has held various positions in mining, metallurgical and chemical industries. Mem ber Brooklyn Engineers' Club, Chemical Society (Fel low) ol London, England, Mlneraloglcal Society ol Great Britain and Ireland, and American Institute ol Mining Engineers. WILLSON, THOMAS EDGAR— Editor, 59 Park row. New York City; residence Mott avenue and 165th street Born In Sag Harbor, L. I., May 27, 1846. Edu cated at the CoUege of the CJity ol New York and at Rutgers College. (Married.) On the editorial staff of the New York "World" since 1868. Member Reform Club. WILMARTH, LEMUEL EVERETT- Artist, 352 Adelphi street, Brooklyn. Bom In Attleboro, Mass., Nov. 11, 1835. Educated in Boston. Studied art in Europe at the Royal Academy ol Munich and at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, Prance. (Married Emma B. Barrett, 1872: deceased 1895.) Prolessor in charge ol the schools of the National Academy ol Design 1870-90. Member National Academy ol Design. WILMERDING, A. CLINTON— Photographic Sup plies, 165 Broadway, New York City; residence 72 West 87th street. Born in New York City, Sept. 24, 1859. Educated at Charlier's Institute and in public schools (Married Katharine Rutgers Bache, Jan. 22 1895 )" Member Camera and American Kennel Clubs.' BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK- 551 WILMERDING, JOHN C— Auctioneer, 66 White street. New York City; residence Orange, N. J. (Mar ried Marie Patimeh, daughter ol Vanderbilt Allen, a grandson ol Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1892.) Senior mem ber ol the firm ol Wilmerding, Morris & Mitchell. Member Richmond County Country and Staten Island Polo Clubs. WILMERDING, LUCIUS K.— Dry Goods Commis sion Merchant, 78 Leonard street. New York City; res idence Islip, L. I. Educated at Columbia ('68). Mem ber ol the flrm ol Wilmerding & Bisset Trustee Greenwich Savings Bank and Washington Trust Co. Member Metropolitan, Merchants', University, South Side Sportsmen's, and Delta Phi Clubs and Columbia University Alumni -Association. WILMERDING, WILLIAM E. — Photographic Apparatus, 165 Broadway, New York City; residence 145 West 48th street. Born In New York City, Sept. 20, 1867. Educated in private schools. (Single.) Treasurer Camera Club. WILMOT, DE BORDEN— Lawyer, 55 Broadway, New York City; residence 40 West 97th street Born in Onondaga County, N. Y., Feb. 10. 1849. Educated at Cornell. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Wilmot & Gage. Connected with a number ol corporations in this country and abroad, ais officer, director or counsel. Member Colonial and Cornell University Clubs and State Bar Association. "WILSDON, GEORGE R. — Banker, Cohoes; resi dence 58 Saratoga avenue. Born In Lyons, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1863. Educated in Waterlord, N. Y., and Cohoes. (Married.) Director and cashier National Bank of Co hoes: trustee Cohoes Savings Institution. WILSON, CHARLES G.-Lawyer, 60 Broadway, New York City; residence 250 West 91st street. Born in Baltimore, Md. Educated at Loyola College. (Mar ried.) President New York Consolidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange. President Board of Health, 1889-9'8. WILSON, CHARLES R.-Lawyer, 3 White Build ing, Buffalo; residence 261 Georgia street. Bora In Dorchester, Mass., Oct. 20, 1863. Educated in private schools and by private tutors. (Single.) Member of the firm ol Wilson & Smith. Treasurer and trustee Buffalo General Hospital; director Buffalo Public Li brary; trustee Hobart College; curator Buffalo Fine Arts Academy and vestryman St. Paul's Church, Bul lalo. Member National Arts and Grolier Clubs and Dunlap Society ol New York City. Society ol the Cin cinnati, Society ol Colonial Wars and Sons ot the Rev olution. W^LSON, EDMUND BEECHER— Prolessor, 116th street and Momlngside Heights, New York City; resi dence 305 West 78th street. Bom in Geneva, III., OCl. 19, 1856. Educated at Yale (Ph.B., '78), at Johns Hop kins University (Ph.D., '81) and in Europe. (Single.) Prolessor ol zoology at Columbia University in the City ol New York. Member Century Association, New York Academy ol Sciences and National Academy ol Science. WILSON EDWARD LIVINGSTON — Editor and Publisher, 853 Broadway, New York City. Born m Flemington, N. J., March 4, 1838. Educated in village schools. Received degree ol Ph.D. Irom Washington and Jefferson College. Editor and proprietor ol Wil son's Photographic Magazine" since 1864. WILSON FLOYD B. — Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York c'lty; residence 726 Marcy avenue, Brook lyn. Bora in Watervliet, Albany Co., N. T., June 23, 1845. Educated at University ol Michigan ( 71) and Ohio Law College ('73). (Married Esther M. Cleve land, ol Cleveland, Ohio, 1874). Principal ol Euclid Avenue Seminary Cleveland, Ohio, 1872-3; lecturer on elocution and Englffeh Uterature at Racme Co ege 1875-80- poet ol University ol Michigan, 1880, alumni orator ol same, 1888. Devoted time lor the past twen ty years largely to the practice ol corporation law and the promotion ol railway, industria,! and mmmg enterprises. Author ol "Uphill" (a novel); also many published articles in leading magazines on travel and metaphysical subjects; translated ''La Coiay el Enco- jide" (a comedy) Ircm the Spanish. President and counsel South American Promoting Syndicate and Arizona Gold and Copper Co.; president Santa Bar bara Gold Placer Co., New Tork School ol Philosophy. and Idaho Consolidated Copper Mines Co.; vice-presi dent and counsel Copper Hill Mining Co.; director Santa Fe and Grand Canyon R. R. Co. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon Club, Kane Lodge F. & A. M., Scottish Rite bodies and Mecca Temple. WILSON, FRANCIS— Actor, 1402 Broadway, New Tork City; residence "The Orchard," New Rochelle. Born In Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 7, 1854. Educated in public schools. (Married Mlra Barrie, 1884.) Made first prolessional appearance with a minstrel troupe. Became leading comedian of the McCauU Opera Co. Subsequently organized the Francis Wilson Opera Co.. and has taken leading roles in "The Merry Moriarch," "The Lion Tamer," "The Chieftain," "Half a King," "The Little Corporal" and "The Monks of Malabar." Member Grolier and Players' Clubs and Dunlap So ciety. WILSON, FREDERIC N.— Physician, 24 West 50th Street, New Tork City. Born and educated In Boston. Mass. Connected with New Tork Post-Graduate Hospital. Meniber Harvard Club. WILSON, FREDERICK- Artist, 333 Fourth ave nue. New Tork City; residence Pelham. Born in Great Britain, 1858. Educated in Great Britain. (Mar ried.) Art director Tiffany Glass Co. Member Play ers', Reform and Apawamis Clubs, Art Club of PhUa delphia, and Architectural League. WILSON, GEORGE— Secretary, 32 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 200 Greene avenue, Brook lyn. Born In New Tork City, Jan. 7, 1839. Educated in public schools. Secretary of the Chamber of Com merce since 1858. Member New Tork Club, New Eng land Society (secretary). Military Order of the Loyal Legion, American Museum of Natural History and Metropolitan Museum of Art. WILSON, GEORGE T.— Life Insurance, 120 Broad way, New Tork City; residence 138 West 58th street. Bom In New Tork City Sept. 23, 1859. (Married.) Third vice-president Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States. Member Union League, Colonial. Lawyers'. Princeton, New Tork Athletic, Knollwood and National Arts Clubs, National Sculpture Society. Metropolitan Museum of Art and Chamber of Com merce. WILSON, HENRT B.-Banker, 40 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 34 West 73d street. Presi dent and director International Hydraulic Co.; direc tor Consolidated Gas Co. of New -Jersey. Economy Ml'g Co. and "Western (^as Co. Member Colonial. TTnion League, West Side Republican and Lotos Clubs and Art Federation. WILSON, HENRT S.— Stock Broker, 66 Broadway. New Tork City; residence 25 West 36th street. Mem ber New Tork Stock Exchange and ol the Union League, Manhattan, New Tork Athletic and Whist Clubs. WILSON, JAMES GODFRET- Manulacturer of Floors Blinds and RoUIng Shutters, 74 West 23d street, 'New Tork City, and Olean; residence 308 West 89th street. Born in London, England, 1842. Educated at private school and at South Kensington School of Art, London. Member Reform, Church and Colonial Clubs, and Laurentian Club of Canada. WILSON, JAMBS GR-ANT— Author, 226 West 58th street New Tork City: residence 15 East 74th street. Born 'in Edinburgh, April 28, 1832. Educated at Col lege HiU, Poughkeepsie, N. T., and under private tu tors. Degrees of D.C.L. and LL.D. (Married. 1870.) For a time with his lather in business, later becom ing his partner: went abroad in 1865, and alter his return established in Chicago the first literary paper published in the Northwest; disposed ol his journal and was commissioned major 15th lUinois Cavalry, 1862- became acting colonel and took part in many engagements and In Vicksburg campaign; accompa nied General U. S. Grant to New Orleans and ac cepted by his advice, the colonelcy ol the 4th Regi ment United States Colored Cavalry; assigned to duty as aide-de-camp to commanding general. Department ol the Gull, with whom he remained until 1865; bre vetted brigadier-general and placed in command ol 551 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Fort Hudson. Resigned from army in July, 1865, and returned to New York City. Delegate from St. James Protestant Episcopal Church to the New York Dio cesan Conventions. Appointed member of Board of Visitors to United States Naval Academy, 1879. and also to United States MUitary Academy, delivering the address to the cadets, 1880; appointed chairman ol committee to collect State's contribution to Garfield Monument, 1882; president ol the New York Genealogi cal and Biographical Society since 1885, and ol Ameri can Authors' Society since 1892; vice-president Amer ican Ethnological Society. Member ol the executive committee ol the Society lor the Prevention ol Cruelty to Animals. Has published numerous addresses and contributed very many articles to English and Amer ican magazines, among the principal ones being "Lite and Letters of Fitz-Greene Halleck," "Life of General U. S. Grant," "Poets and Poetry of Scotland from the Earliest to the Present Time," "Memorial History of the City of New York" and was editor of "Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography" (6 volumes). Member American Geographical and New York His torical Societies, Military Order of the Loyal Legion and Metropolitan Museum of Art. "tt'ILSON, JOHN C, Jr.— Manager, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 107 West 82d street. Born in New York City, June 21, 1857, Educated at United States Naval Academy. (Single.) Manager Equita ble Life Assurance Society of the United States; vice- president J. B. Wilson Co. Member New York Ath letic Club. WILSON, RICHARD T.-Banker, 33 WaU street and 141 Pearl street. New York City; residence 511 Fifth avenue. President and director Bast River Gas Co. of Long Island City; director American Cotton Oil Co., Bertha Mineral Co., Denver and Rio Grande R. R. Co., Fourth National Bank, Hudson BuUding Co., Man hattan Trust Co., Mathieson Alkali Works, New York and East River Gas Co., Rio Grande Southern R. R, Co., Union Trust Co., United States Casualty Co., Western Union Beef Co. and Yonkers R. R. Co. Mem ber Metropolitan, Manhattan and Union Clubs, South ern Society, Down Town Association and American Museum of Natural History, WILSON, RICHARD T., jR.-Banker, 33 WaU street. New York City; residence 511 Fifth avenue Educated at Columbia. Member of the firm of R T Wilson & Co., and of the New York Stock Exchange! Commissioner of the Bureau of Municipal Statistics. Director Cincinnati, Jackson and Mackinaw Ry Co Member Metropolitan, Union, Knickerbocker St An thony, Turf and Field, Westchester Country Demo cratic, South Side Sportsmen's, and Racquet and Ten nis (Jlubs, Columbia University Alumni Association and .-Vmerican Institute of Mining Engineers. "WILSON, ROBERT H.-Lawyer, 84 Broadway Brooklyn; residence 168 Hayward street. Born in ?rf,°m,r' w''-*^^' ^j?'"' Educated at "Weston Military Institute, Weston, Conn., Brooklyn High School and f. ^°^yP^P (Married.) Member of the^ firm of Bu?r Coombs & Wilson. Member Cornell University Club Troop C Country and Union League Clubs of Brookl lyn, and Troop "C," N. G. N. Y. -diuuk- .t.PPP^PP^'P^P'^^'^ M.-Manufacturer, 92 Walker street,. New York City; residence Rome. Born in Il m^&'^%PpPk\^^^h ^9^^<^^^^^ in Ea'ston" f*'*!,^^ ri® J President and principal stockholder of the R. M. Wilson Mf'g Co. of Rome Member Sons F i A ^^"'^^'V.^'^r°l"«°°- Runan Lodl^ No. 223 F. & A. M., and Manhattan Chapter No. 184, R. A. M. WILSON, THBODORE-Stock Broker 6 -Wall street. New York City; residence 326 Lincoln averi^ Orange N. J. Member of the firm of Wilson I w^t ' when ten years of age and =et+ir.? united btates Learned the trade o/ armament '^«n^f Brooklyn. .^r»ctor 01 amis, f860-1; Is^e^^^ol Z''c?ty^^^tV^. lyn, 1881-92, and president ol the Board, 1886-92; mem ber of the Board of Assessors of the greater City of New York since Jan. 1, 1898. WILSON, VICTOR TYSON— Instructor, CorneU University, Ithaca; residence 206 Hazen street. In structor in drawing, Sibley College, Cornell University, WILSON, WALTER S.— 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 159 West 48th street. Born in Pough keepsie, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1844. Educated in College Hill, Poughkeepsie. (Married.) Secretary and treasurer Amity Land Co. of Colorado. Served In United States Volunteers in 1863. Member of the 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y., for thirty-one years, in which organiza tion he was for thirteen years first Ueutenant Company "B." Member New York Athletic (governor) and Nas sau Boat Clubs. WILSON, WASHINGTON— Collar Manufacturer, 33 East 17th street. New York City; residence 166 Bast 58th street. Member of the firm of Earl & Wilson. Trustee Bowery Savings Bank. Member Union League, Grolier, Riding, New York Athletic, Merchants' and Salmagundi Clubs, American Museum of Natural His tory, Aldine Association and Metropolitan Museum of Art. WILSON, WILLIAM DEXTER— Protestant Epis copalian Clergyman, 1612 West Genesee street, Syra cuse. Born in Stoddard, N. H., Feb. 28, 1816. Edu cated at Walpole (N. H.) Academy and at Harvard Divinity School. Received degree of D.D. from Ge- ¦ neva (now Hobart) College in 1849, LL.D. from Bed ford University in 1868, and L.H.D. Irom the Unlver- .<=ity ol the State ol New York In 1872. (Married Susan Whipple Trowbridge, 1846.) Unitarian preacher, 1838- 41; Episcopalian since 1842. Rector at Sherburne, N. Y., 1842-50; professor of moral and inteUectual phil osophy at Geneva College, 1850-68; professor of same and registrar at Cornell University, 1868-86; since then emeritus professor. Was dean of St. Andrew's Divin ity School at Syracuse until 1899, In which year he re tired from all active work. WILSON, WILLIAM G.— Lawyer, 48 Wall street, New York City; residence 22 West 52d street Edu cated at Harvard ('62). Member of the firm ol Wilson & Wallis. Member Union, University and Harvard (Jlubs, New England Society, Liederkranz, Down Town Association, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. WIMMER AUGUST A. - Registry Inspector. Barge Office, New Tork City; residence 2083 FrankUn avenue. Born in Pribram, Bohemia. Educated In Prague, Bohemia. (Married.) Has been, since 1889, teacher ol English to Bohemians In evening schools In . New Tork City. Corresponding secretary ol the first Bohemian Entomological Society ol New Tork City Member Bohemian Gymnastic and Columbia Clubs and Social Circle ol Czechs. Uni^r^tt^?;„^'^^^^ ALBERT-Instructor, Cornell PPP r^ I'P^^^'P' P^^^^^"^""^ 304 Huestls street De- Corneu'utiversity ''"''°' ''^ "'°'=""°'^ ^""^ °'^^^''y' •=tre^'''New'Y;^rk^'r^-.^°^'^-T^*^'=^^'^t' 20 Reade ^treet. New -York City; residence Woodslde. L. I. ?«teH '^ funster, Westphalia, Germany, 1835. Edu- Y^rk at^^PP^:\.Pp^^P''P^-^ H^^ i-e^lded in New ^°^^ \d}y ,s"nce 18o3. Senior member ol the firm ol U,hin%T.'"'^'S""^^ ^ Roelker. Director Forum Pub lishing Co., German AUIance Insurance Co German- tPZ'cP WaTtf ' ''°- V'^ ™' GuaJ'antee™d vears Cc,JltPJJ^^^P^\^:^ °* ^^^ Relorm Club lor ten a«^TheF™"-rT,T*°,"ie press and such magazines vfe„r !JU "™' , North American Review" and "Re- TorI°itmIti7'-Re/'''"''T Merchants' Central^ New lorK Athletio, Relorm, Lotos, Underwriters' Nn- TeS^ f,'?' and TwiUght Clubs, New Tori[ Hlstiirical Legal Aid and Arion Societies, Mferchants' ASoPiatfo^ MetropoUtan Museum ol Art and Chambtr'ol"com: strel^^^^Pn^^' ^^P^ P--Real Estate, 92 Liberty nnPP ^f Commissioner. 280 Broadway Ne-sT York City; residence 331 West 31st street. Born in Prus^fa Germany June 30, 1844. Educated in common schools' wfth'^fV^^"'?^"* ?^P'^ ^""'^^^ States m S59 Se^ed with 7th Regiment, New York Volunteers, and^th BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 553 ¦2d New Jersey Cavalry during Civil "War. Assembly- "an, 1885; alderman and vice-president ol the Board, 1895. Was appointed aqueduct commissioner by Mayor Van Wyck on June 30, 1898, which position he still holds. Director Mutual Bank. Member Republi can- Club, Arion Society and Grand Army ol the Re public. WING, FRANK L.— Piano Manufacturer, 202 East 12th street New York City; residence 193 Quincy street, Brooklyn. Born In New York City, Aug. 28, 1850. Educated at the CoUege ol the City ol New York. (Married Laura L. Savory.) Formerly secre tary and director CromweU Iron Co. Now secretary -and director Clark Johnson Medicine Co. Member Re lorm and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs. Laurence Harbor ¦Country Club, and National Civic Club ol Brooklyn. WING, FREDERICK K.— Civil Engineer, 111 White Building, Buffalo: residence 331 Lalayette ave nue. Born in Tonawanda, N. Y., May 13 1869. Edu cated at Coraell ('90). (Single.) Member Liberal, Wanakah Goll and University Clubs, American So ciety ol Civil Engineers (associate), Cornell Alumni Association and Beta Theta PI Fraternity. WING, HENRY HIRAM— Professor, Cornell Uni versity, Ithaca: residence 3 Reservoir avenue. Degree of M.S. Assistant professor of animal industry, and -dairy husbandry, CorneU University. WING, J. MORGAN— Chemicals, 22 WUliam street. New York City; residence 36 West 48th stret. Mem ber of the firm of Wing & Evans. Member Metropoli tan, Calumet, New York Yacht, and Army and Navy - Clubs and Down Town .Association. WING, JOHN D.— Ma.nulacturing Chemist, 22 Wil Uam street. New York City; residence 16 West 49th street. Born in ITlster County, N. Y., June 22, 1834. Educated at Columbia CoUege Grammar School, New York City. (Married.) Senior member ol the firm ol Wing & Evans. President Mothers' and Babies' Hos pital; manager New York Society lor the Reliel ol Ruptured and Crippled: ex- president New York State Agricultural Society and American .Tersey Cattle Club. Member Metropolitan, New York Yacht and Riding Clubs, New York Zoological Society, Down Town As sociation, American Museum ol Natural History and New York Botanical Gardens. WING, LEVI J.— Machinery Manulacturer, 95 Liberty street, New York City; residence 866 Boule vard. President and director Manhattan Machinery Co. Member Atlantic Yacht Club, Long Island His- • torical and Arion Societies and Liederkranz. WING, L. STUART— Manufacturing Chemist 22 William street. New York City; residence 16 West 48th street. Born in New York City, May 19, 1864. (Mar ried.) Member of the firm of Wing & Evans. Member Metropolitan, Tuxedo, Racquet and Tennis, New York Yacht, Atlantic Yacht and Knollwood Clubs and Down Town Association. WINGATE, GEORGE WOOD— Lawyer, 20 Nassau street. New York City; residence 1100 Dean street, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, July 2, 1840. Edu- ¦ cated in New York City public schools. (Married.) Has been secretary and, later, president of the Na tional Rifle Association; captain Creedmoor Team Long Range Riflemen; flrst general inspector of rifle practice and was president of the National Guard As sociation of the United States for twenty years. Now president and director Dyker Meadow Land and Im provement Co., Prospect Park and Coney Island R. R. Co., TwiUght Real Estate Co. and Twilight Park Asso- - ciation; vice-president and director Brooklyn Elevated R. R. Co.; director Fifth Avenue Improvement Co. Author of "Wingate's Manual of Rifle Practice," "On Horseback Through the Yellowstone" and other works. Member Army and Navy,' Twilight, Democratic and Revolver Clubs, Wyandanch, Wawayanda, National Civic (vice-president) and Lincoln (vice-president) Clubs of Brooklyn, and Sons ol the American Revolu tion. WINNE, CH..ARLES VISSCHER— Paymaster, Al bany; residence 443 State street. Born in Albany, 1849. Educated at Albany Boys' Academy. (Single.) Paymaster Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. Presi dent Camera Club and Albany Historical and Art So ciety: governor American Canoe Association; captain Mohican Canoe Club; treasurer Albany Country Club; trustee Fort Orange Club. Member HoUand Society ol New York City, Military Order ol Foreign Wars and Temple Lodge, F. & A. M. WINNE, LEVAN S.— Hardware Merchant, Kings ton. Born in Ulster County, N. Y., March 23, 1850. Educated at Kingston Aca.demy. (Married.) Director National Ulster County Bank; trustee Kingston Sav ings Bank. Member Kingston Club and Masonic Lodge. WINSER, JOHN H.— Secretary and Assistant Treasurer, Central Park, West 77th street. New York City; residence Claremont avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Born in New York City, Oct. 31, 1843. Educated at Mechanics' Institute School. (Married.) Secretary and assistant treasurer American Museum ol Natural History. WINSHIP, WILLIAM P.— Manager, National Commercial Bank BuUding, Albany; residence 170 Washington avenue. Bora in West Bridgewater, Mass., May 31, 1847. (Married.) Manager Massachu setts Mutual Lile Insurance Co. ol Springfleld, Mass.; director Citizens' National Bank ol Port Henry, N. Y., and Albany Boys' Club. Member Fort Orange Club and Albany Historical and Art Societies. WINSLGW. EDWARD— Banker and Broker, 17 Nassavi street. New York City; residence 27 West 53d street. Member ol the New York Stock Exchange flrm ol Winslow, Lanier & Co. Member Metropolitan, Larchmont Yacht, New York Yacht and City Clubs and American Museum ol Naturail History. WINSLOW, FRANCIS DAN-A— Broker, 16 Wall street, New York City; residence 4 East Tenth street. Educated at Yale ('78). Member New York Stock Ex change and ol the Calumet. University, Whist and Yale Clubs and New England Society. WINSTON, FREDERICK J.-Lawyer, 32 Nassau street. New York City. Educated at Yale ('86). Treas urer and director Sterling Supply and Mf'g Co.; direc tor Smith-Vassar Telephone Co. and Standard Trust Co. Member New York, University, Rockaway Hunt ing and Yale Clubs, Ardsley Casino of Ardsley-on- Hudson, American Geogr3.phical Society and Asso-, ciation ol the Bar of the City of New York. WINSTON, GUSTAVUS STORRE— Physician, 32 Nassau street. New York City; residence 42 "West 39th street. Educated at Columbia ("63). Examining phy sician for the Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York. Member Union League, University, Democratic, Play ers', Mendelssohn Glee and New York Yacht Clubs, Columbia University Alumni Association and Metro politan Museum of Art. "WINTER, WILLIAM-Author and Dramatic Critic, 154 Nassau street. New York City; residence New Brighton, S. I. Born in Gloucester, Mass., July 15, 1836. Educated in Cambridge, Mass. Received de gree of B.L. from Harvard and Litt.D. from Brown. (Married Elizabeth Campbell, 1860.) Dramatic critic on the New York "Tribune" since 1865. President of the trustees of the Staten Island .Academy at New Brighton since 1891. Author of "Shakespeare's Eng land," "Shadows of the Stage," "Life and Art of Ed win Booth," "The Press and the Stage," "Stage Life of Mary Anderson," "Lives of Actors," "Memorial ol John McCulIough," "A Wreath ol Laurel" amd many others. Member Dunlap Society and honorairy mem ber ol the Lotos Club, Bohemian Club ol San Fran cisco, Society of the Army of the Potomac and Actors' Fund. WINTERBURN, GEORGE W.- F.dltor and Phy sician, 44 Bradhurst avenue. New York City. Bom In New York City, Sept. 19, 1845. Educated in Cincin nati, Ohio. (Married.) Connected with the Eclectic Medical College of New Tork, 1875; United States Medical College, 1881 ; associate alumnus New Tork Homeopathic Medical College, 1891. Ex-presldent -American Obstetrical Society; ex-prolessor ol ob stetrics Metropolitan Post-Graduate School ol Medi cine; ex-State examiner in lunacy. Author ol a num ber of medical and sociological works. Fellow Ameri can Academy and American Statistical Association; honorary member Medical Society of Michlgam. Mem- 554 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. her Harlem RepubUcan and State Republican Clubs, .American Folk-Lore and Authors' Societies, American Academy of Political and Social Science, American Health Resort Association, American Institute ot Civics and many others. WINTERS, BTRAM L.-Lawyer, 56 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 989 Fifth avenue, and Smith- boro. Born in New Tork City, Sept. 30, 1862. Edu cated at Doylestown Seminary. Peddie Institute, Phil lips Andover Academy and Columbia Law School. (Widower.) Director Empire City Marble Co. Mem ber West Side Republican, Pelham Country and Manor Clubs, American Geographical Society and Association of the Bar of the City of New Tork. WINTERS, JOSEPH EDCIL— Physician and Pro fessor, 25 West 37th street. New Tork City. Degree of M.D. Professor of diseases of children, Cornell Uni versity Medical College: visiting physician to WUlard Parker Hospital. Member City Club. WINTHROP, BUCHANAN — Lawyer, 44 Pine street. New Tork City; residence 279 Fifth avenue. Born in New Tork CJity, Nov. 11, 1841. Educated at Yale and at Columbia Law School. Degrees of A.M. and LL.B. (Married.) Treasurer General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church; clerk Vestry of Grace Church; Fellow Yale University. Member Uni versity, Union, Metropolitan, Tuxedo and Riding Clubs, Down Town and Century Associations and As sociation of the Bar of the City of New York. WINTHROP, EGERTON LEIGH — Lawyer, 48 Wall street. New York City; residence 23 East 33d street. Educated at Columbia Trustee Institution lor the Savings ol Merchants' Clerks. Member Met ropolitan, Knickerbocker, Church, Union and City Clubs, Columbia University Alumni and Century Asso ciations and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. WINTHROP, EGERTON LEIGH, JR.— Lawyer, 48 WaU street. New York City; residence 114 East 39th street, and Hempstead, L. I. Educated at Harvard. Secretary and director American Horse Exchange (Ltd.) and New York Cab Co. (Ltd.). Member Metro politan, Lawyers', Knickerbocker, Racquet and Ten nis, City, Meadow Brook Hunt and Harvard Clubs and Association ol the Bar of the City of New York. WINTHROP, F. BRONSON— Lawyer, 32 Liberty street. New York City; residence 23 Bast 33d street. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, England ('86). Member Metropolitan, University, Racquet and Ten nis, Meadow Brook Hunt, City and Knickerbocker Clubs and Association of the Bar of the City of New- York. WINTHROP, FREDERIC— Banker and Broker, 40 Wall street. New York City; residence Westbury, L. I. Educated at Harvard '91). Member ol the New York Stock Exchange flrm ol Robert Winthrop & Co. Mem ber Metropolitan, University, Racquet and Tennis, Harvard and Knickerbocker Clubs and Down Town Association. WINTHROP, GRENVILLE B.— Lawyer, 6 WaU street. New York City; residence 16 Central Park, West. Born in Pau, France, Oct. 3, 1868. Educated at Harvard ('91) and at Columbia Law School (94). (Mar ried ArazeUa Van Zandt Potter, Oct. 19, 1897.) Mem ber New York Athletic, Calumet, Harvard and Law yers' Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution. Society ol Colonial Wars and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. WINTHROP, GRENVILLE LINDALL — Lawyer. 40 Wall street. New York City; residence Yonkers. Educated at Harvard ('86). Member Metropolitan, City, Knickerbocker, University and Harvard Clubs and Town Association. "WINTHROP, ROBERT DUDLEY- Banker and Broker, 40 Wall street. New York City; residence Westbury, L. I. Educated at Harvard ('83). Member ol the firm ol Robert Winthrop & Co., and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Member Metropolitan Har vard, Knickerbocker. Turf and Field, Union, Univer sity, Meadow Brook Hunt, New York Athletio and University Athletic Clubs and Down Town Associa tion. WINTRINGHAM, HENRY C— Architect, 26 Cort landt street. New York City; residence 168 Hicks street Brooklyn. Member New York Yacht and Larchmont Yacht Clubs and Atlantic Yacht and Cres cent Athletic Clubs of Brooklyn. WTNTRINGH.AM, J. P. — Broker, 36 Pine street. New York Citv; residence 153 Henry street, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute. (Married.) Member of the New York Con solidated Stock and Petroleum Exchange and arbitra tion committee of same. Vice-president Department of Electricity, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. Member American Institute of Electrical Engineers. WINTRINGHAM, WILLIAM T.— Superintendent, 143 Liberty street. New York City; residence 168 Hicks street, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, Oct. 29, 1857. Educated in Brooklyn and Flushing, L. I. (Single.) Superintendent of sea-going barges and tugs of the . Central R. R. Co. of New Jersey and of barges of the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Co. Member Nassau Country, Underwriters' and Canoe Clubs, Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences and Brooklyn Academy ol Photography. WISE ALBERT J.-Lawyer, 163 Broadway, New York City; residence 142 West 42d street. Member of the firm ol Quackenbush & Wise. Director A. D. Ashmead Co. Member Atlantic Yacht, New York Yacht and Sea Cliff Yacht Clubs and Ohio Society. WISE, CHARLES L.— Insurance, 45 Cedar street. New York City; residence 167 ITnderhiU avenue, Brook lyn. Born . In Highland County, Ohio, Jan. 19, 1863. (Married.) Member TTnderwrlters' Club, and Montauk Club ol Brooklyn. WISE, EDMOND E.— Lawyer, 44 Broad street. New York City; residence 114 West 73d street. Bom in Germany, ol American parentage, Feb. 12, 1865. Educated at Columbia School ol Arts, School ol Po litical Science and Law School. (Single.) Member of the firm of Spiegelberg & Wise. Member Relorm, Harmonie and Criterion Clubs, New York State Bar Association and Association ol the Bar ol the City of New York. WISE, JOHN SERGEANT — Lawyer, 20 Broad' street. New York City; residence 126 West 86th street. Born in Rio de Janeiro. Brazil (where his lather was United States Minister), Dec. 27, 1846. Educated at his father's home in Virginia, at Virginia Military Insti tute and -at the University of Virginia (LL.B., '67). Served in Conlederate Army during Civil War. Ap pointed United States Attorney lor the Eastera Dis trict ol Virginia in 1881 by President Arthur. Elected to Congress in 1881 on Republican ticket and deleated lor Governor in 1885. Practicing law in New York City since 1889. President and director American Ar tillery Range Finder and Relocator Co.; director Am sterdam Street R. R. Co., International Artillery Range Finder and Relocator Co. and Twin City Con struction Co. Member Union League and Republican Clubs, Sons ol the American Revolution and Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. WISE, LEO H.— Merchant. 64 Leonard street, New- York City; residence 28 East 63d street. President aind' director Colonial Assurance Co.; vice-president and di rector Washington Assurance Co.; director Americam Lloyds and Great Western Lloyds. Member Wool and! Harmonie Clubs. WISE, STEPHEN S.— Rabbi, Madison avenue and' 65th street. New York City. Born in New York City, March 17, 1872. Educated in New York City. (Single.)' Rabbi ol Congregation B'nai Jeshurun. Member Co lumbia University Alumni Association, New York Board ol Jewish Ministers (treasurer), advisory board! ol Jewish Theological Seminary Association, Judaeans; and American representative International Jewish. Executive Committee. WITHERBEE, FRANK SPENCER— Iron Manu facturer, 56 Pine street, New York City; residence 4 Fifth avenue, and Port Henry. Bom In Port Henry, May 12, 1852. Educated at Yale ('74). (Married.) Member of the firm of Witherbee, Sherman & Co. of" Port Henry and New York City. Director Troy Steel" Co., Tennessee Coal, Iron and R. R. Co., Lake Cham plain and Moriah R. R. Co., Central-Hudson Steam- BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 555 boat Co. and First National Bank of Port Henry; trustee Real Bstate Trust Co. and Orthopaedic Hos pital. Member Metropolitan, Union, Republican, Rid ing, University and University Athletic CJlubs, Man ufacturers' Club of Philadelphia, Pa., American Geographical Society, Yale Alumni and Down Town Associations, Sons of the Revolution, Chamber ol Commerce, Board of Trade and Transportation, American Museum of Natural History and Metropoli tan Museum of Art. WITHERS, FREDERICK CLARKE— Architect, 54 Bible House, Astor place. New York City; residence 163 Glenwood avenue, Yonkers. Born in England. Feb. 4, 1828. Educated at King Edward's School, Sher borne, Dorset County, England. Served with United States Volunteer Engineers during Civil "War. De signed the Astor memorial reredos in Trinity Church, New York City; also the Jefferson Market Court House amd Prison, City Prison amd other buildings. Author of "Withers' Church Architecture." Member Century Association. "W"ITHINGTON, JAMES H.— Agent, 4 Exchange Building, Binghamton. Born In WaterviUe, Me., Dec. 19, 1844. Educated a!t Harvard. (Married.) Member Harvard Club of New York City, Society ol Colonial Wars and Military Order ol the Loyal Legion. WITTER, "WILLIAM CLITUS— Lawyer, 150 Nas sau street. New York City; residence 1 West 72d street. Educated at Yale. Member ol the flrm ol Witter & Kenyon. Member Union League and Yale Clubs, Cen tury Association, Scientiflc Alliance and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. WITTHAUS, RUDOLPH AUGUST — Analytical Chemist, 414 East 26th street New York City; resi dence 45 Bast 42d street Educated at Columbia ('67). Degrees ol A.M. and M.D. Prolessor ol chemistry, phvsics and toxicology in Cornell University Medical College in New York City. Has been Identifled as. an expert on poisons in many celebrated murder trials. Member Lotos, University and Manhattan Clubs, Co lumbia ITniversity Alumni Association, Society of Medical Jurisprudence, American Museum of Natural History and Scientiflc Alliance. "WODELL. SILAS — Lawyer, 2 Wall street New York Citv; residence 56 West 56th street, and Pough keepsie. Born in Poughkeepsie, July 4, 1860. Educated in Poughkeepsie and at Columbia Law School. (Mar ried.) Member St. Nicholas, Lawyers', Union League and CJity Clubs, New York Genealogical and Biograph ical Society, Society of Colonial "Wars, Sons of the Revolution and Association of the Bar ol the City of New York. WOERZ, ERNEST G. W.— Brewer, 291 West Tenth street New York City; residence 1 East 63d street. Vice-president and director Beadleston & Woerz. Member Manhattan, Larchmont Yacht and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, Liederkranz and Metropol itan Museum ol Art. WOERZ, FRERBRICK W.— Brewer, 291 West Tenth street New York City; residence 26 East 80th street. Director Beadleston & Woerz. Member New York Athletic, New York, Manhattan and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs, Liederkranz and Metropoli tan Museum ol Art. WOLF AUGUST S.— Pharmacist and Chemist, 49th street and Lexington avenue New York City; res idence Williamsbridge. Born in New York City Apnl 2, 1869. Educated In Middletown, N. Y. and at the New "Fork College ol Pharmacy. (Marned Henrietta Taylor ol Woodstock, Vt, 1894.) Pharmacist and conductor ol the chemical laboratory at the Woman's Hospital m New York City. WOLF ERNEST F.-Export and Foreign Adver tising 21 PiSk row. New York City: residence 31 Za- brSd'estSet Jersey City N. J. Born in Germany March 9, 1864. Educated in C-ei-pany^ (Married^ Proprietor International Ad-^rtismg Bureau Ex- presldent Export Printing and ^^^p^}''''^f%^^^Eny eign Buyer Co. Member Anon Society of Jersey city, and F. & A. M. WOLFE, CHRISTOPHER— 66 Maiden lane. New York City; residence Tuxedo. Born in New York City, Jan. 26, 1849. Educated in New York City and Germany. (Married Emma HaU Leavitt.) Member Union, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and Tuxedo Clubs, St. Nicholas Society, Sons ol the American Rev olution, Sons ol the Revolution, 7th Regiment Veter an Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. WOLFE, JOEL BURKE— Importer, 81 New street New York (Jity; residence 104 Filth avenue. Member Union, Riding, New York Yacht, Seawanhaka-Cor inthian Yacht and Westchester Country Clubs and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. WOLFF, ABRAHAM— Banker and Broker, 27 Pine street. New York City; residence 33 West 57th street. Member ol the flrm ol Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and ol the New York Stock Exchange. Director Morton Trust Co. Connected with many charitable and benevolent institutions and organizations. Member Lawyers' and City Clubs. WOOD, ARTHUR E.— Real Estate, 219 West 125th street. New York City; residence 32 West 123d street. Born in New York City, Feb. 24, 1859. Educated at Co lumbia. (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol 'Wood & Miller, members ol the Real Estate Board ol Brokers. Member Harlem Club, Bunting Lodge No. 655, F. & A. M., and 7th Regiment Veteran Association. WOOD, BENJAMIN — Journalist, 32 Park row. New York City; residence Filth Avenue Hotel. Born in Shelby ville. Ky., Oct. 13, 1820. Made several voy ages to the West Indies and South America, and en gaged In various business enterprises. Proprietor ol the New Yoric "Dally News," which he purchased in 1860, and made it, in 1867, the first one-cent paper In the United States. Congressman, 1861-5 and 1881-3. Presi dent and director News Publishing Co. Member Man hattan and Press Clubs and Sons ol the American Rev olution. WOOD, EDGAR HARPER— Instructor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 406 West MiU street. Degrees ol A.B. and M.D. Instructor in drawing in Sibley College, Cornell University, WOOD, P. E.— Farmer, West Winfleld. Born in West Winfield, July 15, 1861. Educated at West Win fleld High School and Wilbraham Academy. (Mar ried.) Vice-president 'West Winfleld First National Bank. Member Richfield Springs Chapter, P. & A. M. WOOD, GEORGE EDWARD — Architect, 61 Wil liam street. New York City; residence 131 East 15th street Educated at Columbia. Member University Glee and Calumet Clubs, Architectural League and Columbia University Alumni Association. WOOD, GILBERT CONGDON — Publisher, 51 Filth avenue, New York City: residence 7 West 49th street Bom in New York City. Educated at Haver lord ('89). Member of the firm of Wm. Wood & Co. Member University Athletic, University, Seawanhaka- Corinthian Yacht and New York Athletic Clubs and Haverford College Alumni Association. WOOD, HENRT DUNC-AN — Broker, 11 WaU street. New York City; residence 105 Bast 40th street. Educated at Columbia. Member New York Stock Ex change and of the MetropoUtan. Union, Delta Phi, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and South Side Sports men's Clubs and Columbia ITniversity Alumni Asso ciation. WOOD, HENRY FIRTH- Secretary, 120 West Houston street, New York City; residence 84th street near Second avenue. Brooklyn. Born in New York City, Feb. 27, 1856. Educated in Jersey City and New York City. (Married.) Secretary and director Empire Steam Laundry Co. Member Crescent Athletic Club of Brooklyn. WOOD, HOWARD O.— Lawyer, 51 Wall street. New York City; residence 831 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn. Educated at .Amherst College. Member of the firm of Wood & Hill. Member Alpha Delta Phi Club, Crescent Athletic, TTnion League and Irving Clubs of Brooklyn, and Amherst CoUege Alumni Asso ciation. 556 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. "WOOD, JOHN D. - Broker, 44 WaU stjeet NejA York City; residence 38 Bast 39th street Educated at Yale. Member Metropolitan, Union, Westchester Coun try and Yale Clubs, Down Town Association and Met ropoUtan Museum of Art WOOD, JOSEPH-Lawyer, 141 Broadway, New York City; residence SayvUle, L. I- Born in Riyerhead L I Aug. 12, 1862. Educated at Yale (A.B., 84) and Columbia (LL.B. and A.M. '86). _ (Married.) Director and counsel for the Oystermen's National Bank of Savville, aind South Side Bank of Bay Shore. Member University Club, New Jersey Bar Association and As sociation of the Bar of the City of New York. WOOD, JOSEPH S.-Lawyer, Chronicle BuUding, Mount Vernon; residence 135 South Second avenue. Born In New York City, June 13, 1843. Educated in public schools, at New York Free Academy and at Columbia CoUege Law School. (Married.) Superin tendent of Cooper Upion, 1862-4; superintendent of pub lic schools of Mount Vernon, 1865-76; editor and pro prietor of the Mount Vernon "Chronicle," 1869-92; school commissioner Westchester County, 1878-80. "Was Instrumental in the establishment of Pelham Bay Park on Long Island Sound. President Westchester County Bar Association, Mount Vernon Board of Trade and Board of Education of the City of Mount Vernon. Member City Club, and Reform, New York Athletic, Manhattan Chess and City CoUege Clubs ol New York City. WOOD, J. SCOTT— Physician, 172 Sixth avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Kentucky, Sept 1, 1863. Educated at Georgetown (Ky.) College and BeUevue Hospital Medical CoUege. (Married.) Ophthalmic surgeon Brooklyn Eye and Bar Hospital, and Kings County Hospital; consulting ophthalmic surgeon Norwegian Hospital. Member Montauk and Hospital Graduates' Clubs, Medical Society ol the County of Kings, and Kings County Medical Association (corresponding sec retary). WOOD, ROBERT C.-Broker, 30 Broad street. New York City: residence New York Athletic Club. Born in New York City, 1869. Educated at LawrenceviUe (N. J.) Academy and at Harvard. (Single.) Member of the firm of Wood & Havemeyer. Member Demo cratic, Calumet, New York Athletic and Luncheon Clubs. WOOD, THOM.AS CLARK— President 120 Liberty street. New York City; residence 273 West End avenue. Born in Utica, N. Y., May 10, 1850. Appointed to the United States Naval Academy by Roscoe Conkling, 1866: graduated with class and served on European and West Indian stations; took part In naval expedition on the Rio Grande River to assist army in suppression of cattle raiding between Texas and Mexico; resigned from navy in 1876 to enter business and established en gineering firm of Skinner & Wood, at Erie, Pa. Elected a director In First National Bank of Erie, 1882; retired from active business in 1885 and was abroad until 1887. Re-entered business in 1891 and became president of the Ball & Wood Co. (engineers). Re-entered the navy and served as lieutenant on the "Gloucester" under Captain Wainwright during Spanish-American War, and took part in naval operations on south side ol Cuba, in the Battle of Santiago and in the landing operations in Porto Rico of -General Miles' division; re sumed business connections at close of war. President and director Ball & Wood Co. Member University Club, Naval Order of the United States and other or ganizations. WOOD, THOMAS WATERMAN— Artist, 51 West Tenth street. New York City. Born in Montpelier, Vt, Nov. 12, 1823. Educated at Montpelier Academy. Stu died art In Boston, Mass., and in Europe. (Married Minerva Robinson, 1850; deceased May 15, 1889.) Es tablished a studio in New York City in 1866. President American Water Color Society, 1878-87; president Na- ' tional Academy of Design, 1891-9. Member Artists' Aid (president) and New England Societies, Century Association, National Academy of Design and Metro politan Museum of Art. WOOD, WILLIAM— Manager, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 164 West 85th street. Manager Palatine Fire Insurance Co. Member Lawyers', New York Athletic, New York and Union Clubs and St. An drew's, St. George's and Burns Societies. WOOD, WILLIAM H. S.— Publisher, 51 Fifth ave nue New York City. Born in New York City, 1840. Educated at Haverford CoUege. (Married.) Member of the firm of WlUlam Wood & Co. Trustee Bowery Savings Bank. Formerly director Young Men's Chris tian Association and manager American Bible Society. Member Grolier, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht and Indian Harbor Yacht Clubs, St. Nicholas, New York Historical, American Geographical, American Pomo- logical and New York Zoological Societies. Scientific Alliance, New York Botanical Gardens (Incorporator) and Chaimber of Commerce. 'V^'^OOD WILLIS D.— Banker, 31 Pine street. New York City; residence 880 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn. Member of the firm of Ladd, Wood & King. Member Alpha Delta Phi Club and Irving, Crescent Athletic, Hamilton and Riding and Driving Clubs of Brooklyn. WOODBBRRY, GEORGE EDWARD— Professor, 116th street and Mornlngside Heights, New York City, Born in Beverly, Mass., May 12, 1855. Educated at Harvard ('77). Professor ol EngUsh at the University ol Nebraska, 1877-8 and 1880-2; on editorial staff ol "The Nation," 1878-9. Now prolessor ol EngUsh Uter ature at Columbia University in the City ol New York. Author of "I-IIstory of Wood Engraving," "Life of Ed gar Allan Poe," "Heart of Man" and other works. Member Harvard and Players' Clubs and Century As sociation. WOODBURY. GORDON— Lawyer, 33 Pine street, New York City; residence Manhattan Club, and Man chester, Vt. Educated at Harvard ('86). Director Fowler Mf'g Co. (Ltd.). Member Democratic, Univer sity, Manhattan, Harvard and Reform Clubs and As sociation of the Bar of the City of New York. WOODBURY. JOHN McGAW — Physician, 120 Fifth avenue. New York City. Educated at Prince ton ('78) and at the Royal College ol Surgeons, Lon don, England (M.D.). Instructor in orthopaedic sur gery in Cornell University Medical College, New York City. Member University, New York Yacht, Union, University Athletic, Princeton, Corinthian Yacht and Larchmont Yacht Clubs,, Sons, ol the Revolution, and Royal College ol, Surgeons, London,. England. WOODFORD, ARTHUR B.— Prolessor, 32 Waver ley place. New York City;, ^residence Oak' HIU, New Haven, Conn. BOrn in West Winsted, Conn.,' Oct. 7, 1861. Educated at Yale ('81). (Married.) Formerly prolessor ol social economics at the University ol Pennsylvania, at Princeton and at New York Univer sity. Now private lecturer. Member Patria and Schoolmasters' Clubs amd Good Government Club "E," WOODFORD, STEWART LYNDON— Lawyer and Diplomatist, 18 Wall street. New York City; residence 869 President street, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, Sept. 3, 1835. Educated at Columbia ('54). Re ceived degree ol A.M. Irom Yale and Columbia, LL.D. Irom Trinity College and D.C.L. Irom the University ol Syracuse. (Married, second, Isabel Hanson, Sept. 26, 1900.) Practicing In New York City since his ad mission to the Bar In 1857, and Is now member ol the firm ol Rltch, Woodlord, Bovee & Wallace. Delegate to the National Republican Convention ol 1860; mes senger ol the Presidential Electoral College, 1860; as sistant United States attorney lor the Southern Dis trict ol New York. 1861-2; resigned this office and en listed as a private in Company H, 127th Regiment, New York Volunteers, August, 1862; became captain ol his company and alterwards lieutenant-colonel of regiment. Served In the Army of the Potomac and in the Department of the South; judge-advocate-gen eral, provost marshal-general and later chlef-of-stafl to Major-General Gilmore, commanding Department of the South; miUtary governor of Charleston, S. C, and afterwards military governor of Savannah, Ga.; resumed duty as chief-of-staff to Department ; ' pro moted to colonel and brevetted brigadier-general. The war having closed, resigned in August, 1865, and resumed law practice in New York City. De clined Republican nomination for Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 1865; was unsuccessful Republican candidate for Governor of New York, 1870; elector-at- large and president New York Electoral College, 1872; Congressman, 1872-5; had joint discussion with General Thomas Ewing In Ohio in autumn of 1875 on the ques tion of specie resumption; member of the commission BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 557 to prepare charter for the Greater City ol New York, 1896; United States Minister to Spain, 1897-8. Director and general counsel Metropolitan Lile Insurance Co. ; trustee Franklin Trust Co. and City Savings Bank ol Brooklyn; resident American trustee Svea Lile and Fire Insurance Co. ol Sweden. Member University and Lawyers' Clubs, and Hamilton Club of Brooklyn. WOODHULL, JOHN FR.ANCIS— Professor, 120th street and Mornlngside Heights, New York City; resi dence 1161 Amsterdam avenue. Born in Westport, N. Y., July 2, 1857. Educated at Yale (A.B., '80), at Johns Hopkins University and at Columbia (Ph.D., '99). (Married.) Formerly superintendent of the buildings and grounds at the Teachers' College and acting president of same, twice; instructor in science at the New York State Normal School, 1887-8. Pro fessor ol physical science at the Teachers' CoUege, Columbia University, since 1888. Fellow American As sociation for the Advancement of Science; member Congregational Club, Yale Alumni Association, New York Academy of Sciences and National Institute of Arts and Letters. WOODHULL, THENFORD — Lawyer, 4 Court square. Brooklyn; residence 124 Berkeley place. Bora in New Brunswick, N. J., May 24, 1848. Educated at Columbia ('69) and Columbia Law School ('71). (Sin gle.) Member Long Island Historical Society, Colum bia College Alumni and Phi Beta Kappa Alumni Asso ciations, and Law Library of Brooklyn. WOODIN, WILLIAM H.— Railroad Car and Car Wheel Manufacturer 47 Cedar street New York City; residence Berwick, Pa. Educated at Columbia. Vice- president and director Jackson & Woodin Mf'g Co. Member Lawyers', Union League, Engineers' and Alpha Delta Phi Clubs and Columbia University Alumru Association. WOODMAN, CLARENCE EUGENE — Roman Catholic Clergyman, 415 West 59th street. New York City Born in Saco, Me., Nov. 1, 1852. Educated at Monson Academy, Trinity College (A.B., '73), Amherst CoUege (A.M., '77) and at Manhattan CoUege (Ph.D., '81). Studied at the General Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church In New York City, but was converted to the Roman Catholic faith. En tered the Congregation of St. Paul and was ordained priest. Is lamous as an orator, and was lecturer at the Catholic University ol America, 1891-3. Was knighted''"by the King ol Spain in 1894, Knight Com mander ol the Royal Order ol Isabella the Catholic. Now stationed at the Church ol St. Paul the Apostle in New York City. Member Psi UpsUon Club, Aztec Club ol 1847, Society ol Colonial Wars, Society ol the War ol 1812, Phi Beta Kappa Society, Military Order of the Loyal Legion, Sons of the American Revolution and Trinity College Alumni, Amherst College Alumni and Manhattan College Alumni Associations. WOODMAN, DURAND — Analytical Chemist SO Beaver street. New York City; residence 251 West 88th street. Bora in New York City 1859. Educated at Stevens Institute of Technology (B.S., 80) and at the University of Berlin. Member American Chemical So ciety Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft and Amencan Association for the Advancement of Science. WOODMAN, RAYMOND HUNTINGTON-Organ- ist and Choirmaster, 1346 Pacific street Brooklyn. Born m Brooklyn, Jan. 18, 1861. Educated in public schools and at th^ College of the City of New York (Married.) Formeriy professor of music at Packer Collegiate Institute and professor of organ at the Met ropolitan CoUege of Music. Now orgamst and cho r- master of the First Presbyterian and Emanuel Baptist Churches. Member Clef Club and American Guild of Organists. WOODRUFF, A. EDWARD-Lawyer, 120 Broad way New York City; residence Rahway, N. J. Born n Rahwiy Oct. 27, 1846. Educated at Pnnceton and at Solurbi'a Law School (Married.) Me-ber Law^ yers', Princeton, .Colonia Country and Ilderan Outing Clubs. WOODRUFF, ARTHUR D.-Teaoher and Musioa^ Conductor, 136 Fifth avenue. New York City , residence 27 West llth street- Born in Washington^ Conn Aug. 22 1853. Educated in Washington, and Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (Married.) Formerly conductor Mendelssohn Glee, Produce Exchange Glee and Harlem Choral Clubs of New York City, and Summit Choral, Eliza beth Music and Elizabeth Glee Clubs of New Jersey. Now conductor University Glee Club of New York City, Orange (N. J.) Musical Art Society, Lyric Club of Newark, N. J., and Englewood (N. J.) Choral Club. Member Mendelssohn Glee, Players' and Manuscript Clubs and Washington (Conn.) Golf Club. WOODRUFF, CHARLES H.-Lawyer, 35 Nassau street. New York City; residence 14 East 68th street Born in Newark, N. J., Oct. 1, 1836. Educated at Yale ('58), at Harvard and at Columbia Law School. (Mar ried Catherine G. Sanford of New Haven, Conn.) Counsel with the flrm of Gulick, Woodruff & Marsh. Member Mendelssohn Glee and University Clubs, New England Society, Society of the Cincinnati, Society ol Colonial Wars, Sons of the Revolution and Association of the Bar of the City of New York. WOODRUFF, EDWIN HAMLIN— Professor, Cor neU University, Ithaca; residence 401 North Aurora street. Born in Ithaca, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1862. Educated at Cornell. Degree of LL.B. (Single.) Librarian and professor of law Leland Stanford, Jr., University, Cal ifornia, 1891-6. Professor of law, Cornell University. Member New York State Bar Association. WOODRUFF, FREDERICK S.-Lawyer, 35 Nas sau street. New York City; residence 14 East 68th street. Born in New York City, Oct. 21, 1869. Educa ted at Yale ('92). (Single.) Member of the flrm of Gulick, Woodruff & Marsh. Member University and Strollers' Clubs and Sons ol the Revolution. WOODRUFF, JOHN S. — Lawyer, 45 Broadway, New York City; residence 126 East 34th street. Born In New Britain, Conn., Sept. 4, 1870. Educated at Yale. (Married.) Member ol the flrm of Wheeler & Cortis. Director Bast Side Co-operative House Owning and Investment Co. and Reconstructed Granite Co. Mem ber Union League and Yale Clubs, Essex County Country Club of Orange, N. J., Graduates' Club of New Haven, Conn., Kane Lodge F. & A. M. and Asso ciation of the Bar of the City of New York. WOODRUFF, LEWIS B.-Lawyer, 30 Broad street. New York City; residence 14 East 68th street. Born in New York City, Jan. 1, 1868. Educated at Yale, at Columbia Law School and at New York Law School. (Single.) With the firm of Hornblower, Byrne, Miller & Potter. Member University, Yale and Litchfield Clubs, Linnaean Society, Sons of the Revo lution, Scientiflc AUiamce and American Ornithological Union. WOODRUFF, TIMOTHY LESTER— Lieutenant- Governor ol the State of New York, Executive Cham ber, Albany; residence 94 Eighth avenue, Brooklyn. Born in New tiaven. Conn., Aug. 4, 1858. (Son of John Woodruff.) Educated at PhiUips Exeter Academy and at Yale (A.B., '79, and A.M., '89). (Married Cora C. Eastman of Poughkeepsie, N. Y.) Became a resident of Brooklyn and engaged in business as a member of the flrm of Nash, Whlton & Co., ISSl. Became pro prietor of the Franklin, Commercial, Nye and Wav erly Stores in 1887, and when the Brooklyn Grain Warehouse Co. was organized In 1888, was made a di rector and secretary of the company. Represented his assembly district in the Republican State Conven tion of 1885, and has been a delegate to all succeeding State and local conventions. Was a delegate to the National Republican Conventions of 1888 and 1896. Represented his congressional district on the Repub lican State Committee and was a member of the executive committee of that body, 1889-90. Was com missioner of parks of the City of Brooklyn during the administration of Mayor "Wurster. Was elected Lieu tenant-Governor in 1896, re-elected in 1898 and was nominated for a third term in September, 1900. Presi dent and director Knapp Extract Co. and Maltine Mf'g Co.; treasurer and director Worcester Salt Co.; direc tor Co-operative Building Bank, Duncan Co., Mer chants' Exchange National Bank and Preferred Acci dent Insurance Co.; trustee Hamilton Trust Co. of Brooklyn. Member Union League, University, Psi Upsilon, Republican and Hardware Clubs ol New York city. Union League, Crescent Athletic, Hamil ton, Hanover and Montauk Clubs ol Brooklyn, Yale Alumni Association and Sons ol the Revolution. 558 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ¦U'OODS, ROBERT L.— Manulacturer, 47 Dey street New York CJitv, and 59 Commerce street, Brooklyn; residence 267 West 79th street. New York City. President and director American Extract Sup ply Co. WOODS, THOMAS P.- Alderman, 8 City Hall, and Horseshoer, 161 East 32d street New York City; resi dence 534 Second avenue. Born in New York City, 1866. Educated in public schools. Learned the trade ot a horseshoer and now owns a successlul establish ment lor the purpose in New York City. Represents the Twentieth District on the Board ol Aldermen and is president ol that body. WOODWARD, BENJAMIN DURYEA- Assistant Commissioner-General ol the United States to the Paris Exposition, 20 Avenue Rapp, Paris, Prance; resi dence 462 West 22d street. New York City. Born In New Jersey, March 13, 1868. Educated at Columbia University (A.B., '88, A.M., '89, and Ph.D., '91) and at the University ol Paris (B.L., '86, and B.S., '91). Prize Fellow at Columbia College, 1888-90; Instructor In German at Barnard College, 1890-1; tutor In the Romance languages and lltera.ture at Columbia, 1890-4. Instructor In the Romance languages and literature at Barnard College since 1891, amd at Columbia Univer sity since 1894. Was nominated by President McKin ley to the post ol Assistant Commissioner-General lor the United States to the Paris Exposition In 1898 and is absent Irom the university on leave until the close ol the Exposition. Member University, Delta Kappa Epsilon and Phi Beta Kappa Clubs amd Columbia University Alumni Association. WOODWARD, BENJAMIN W.-Lawyer, 229 Gar field place, Brooklyn. Born in Hector, Schuyler Co., N. Y., May 3, 1837. Educated in Ovid Academy, Ho bart College (A.B.- and A.M.) and Albany Law School (LL.B.). (Married.) Judge ol Schuyler County, N. Y., 1867-71; ex-trustee High School ol Watkins; receiver Second National Bank, 1876; United States Inspector ol customs, 1882-5. Member Alpha Delta Phi Club and Hobart Alumni and Phi Beta Kappa Associations. WOODWARD, JAMES T.-Banker, 11 Nassau street. New York City; residence 9 East 66th street. President and director Hanover National Bank: direc tor Birmingham (Ala.) Trust and Savings Co., Madison Square Garden Co., Mercantile Trust and Deposit Co. ol Baltimore, Md., Southern Ry. Co. and Tennessee Coal, Iron and R. R. Co.; trustee TTnion Trust Co. Member MetropoUtan, Union, Manhattam, Knickerbocker, Tux edo, Riding, Rockaway Hunting, Southside Sports men's Clubs, New England Society and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. WOODWARD, ROBERT B.-Banker, 26 Pine street. New York City; residence 118 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn. Second vice-president amd director Bowery Savings Bank; secretary and director Bensonhurst Co. and Borough ol Brooklyn Borough Park Co.; chair man and director Svea Flre and Llle Insurance Co. ol Sweden; director Nassau National Bank ol Brooklyn, and Lloyds Plate Glaiss Insurance Co.; trustee Framk- Hng Trust Co. ol Brooklyn. Member Riding and Driv ing Club, Hamilton, CJrescent Athletic, Montauk, Rem brandt, Art and Philharmonic Clubs ol Brooklyn, Laurentian Club ol Canada, Brooklyn Institute ol Arts and Sciences, Down Town Association and Metropoli tan Museum ol Art. WOODWARD, ROBERT SIMPSON— Prolessor. Mornlngside Heights, New York City; residence Mont ciair, N. J. Born in Rochester, Mich., July 21, 1849. Educated at the University ol Michigan (C.E., '72 and Ph.D., '92). (Married Martha G. Bond, 1876.) Assist ant engineer United States Lake Survey, 1872-82; as sistant astronomer United States Transit ol Venus Commission, 1882-4; astronomer and chiel geographer United States Geological Survey, 1884-90; assistant on the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1890-3 Professor of mechanics since 1893, and dean ol the School ol Pure Science since 1895 At Columbia Univer sity in the City ol New York. Author ol numerous scientiflc articles. Member American Mathematical Society, Century Association, National Academy ol Sciences and American Association lor the Advance ment ol Science. WOODWARD, THOMAS - Merchant, 44 Front street. New York City; residence 109 "West 90th street. Born in New York City, 1846. Educated at Haverlord College (Widower.) Member ol the New York Con solidated Stock and Petroleum, New York Produce and New York Maritime Exchanges. Member West Side Republican and Colonial Clubs. WOODWORTH, ALBERT L. — Manulacturer, 87 Chambers street New York City; residence 75 Halsey street, Brooklyn Bom in South Windsor, Conn., Aug. 22, 1841. Educated at New Britain (Conn.) High School. (Married.) Treasurer and director H. L. Judd & Co. One ol the organizers and charter members ol the liistltute ol Accountants and Bookkeepers ol New York City. Member Union League Club ol Brooklyn. WOODWORTH, CHAUNCEY B.— Capitalist, 41 South Washington street, Rochester, Born In South Coventry, Conn., Feb. 26, 1819. Educated In Rochester. Established in grocery business In 1840; built a saw- mlU, In 1841, which he conducted lor several years; later started several successlul enterprises. Including that now known as C. B. Woodworth's Sons Co., man ulacturers ol perlumery and glassware. Bought, In 1868, at loreclosure sale, the entire property and Iranchlses ol the street railway system In Rochester; re-organlzed and enlarged It and sold It to a syndi cate in 1889. Owner ol the Woodworth and other ol- flce buildings. WOODWORTH, CHAUNCEY C.-Banker, Roch ester; residence 411 East avenue. Born in Rochester, Feb. 6, 1843. Educated at Williams College ('64). (Married.) President Flour City National Bamk ol Rochester; trustee Rochester Trust and Sale Deposit Co. Member Genesee Valley and Country Clubs, Sons ol the Revolution and Society ol Colonial Wairs. WOOLF, ALBERT E. — Inventor, 415 Lexington avenue. New York City; residence 832 West End ave nue. Born In New York City, Sept. 25, 1846. Educated at the College ol the CJity ol New York. (Married.) Director Electrozone Co. and Chemical and Electrical Co. Discovered and adapted to practical use the "Electrozone" method of purifying drinking water, the prevention of zymotic diseases, the disinfection ol sewage, the sterilization ol garbage and other sani tary work. Plants lor carrying on sanitary work un der this method have been built and are In operation In Brewster, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., London, Eng land, Havana, Cuba, and other cities, and have proven very successlul. Member American Institute ol Elec trical Engineers. WOOLFOLK, JOSEPH W.— Railroad Contractor, 16 Wall street. New York City; residence St. Denis Hotel. Born In Georgia, July 16. 1863. Educated In Georgia. (Married.) General manager Tuscaloosa Alabama Belt Ry. Co. and Minnesota Canal and Power Co. Built the Montgomery (Ala.) extension ol Mobile and Ohio R. R. Co., consisting ol one hundred amd nlnety-flve miles. Member Santee (S. C.) CJlub. WOOLLEY, JAMBS P.- Commission Agent, 320 Ferry street, Hoboken, N. J.; residence 368 CUnton street Brooldyn. Bora In New York City. Oct. 4, 1868. Educated In public schools and at De La Salle Acad emy. (Married.) Western representative lor the firm ol William Schimper & Co. (manulacturers ol metal goods). For nineteen years with the firm ol Y. Woo- yeno & Co., acting as manager lor the last six years. Member Catholic Club and Knights ol Columbus. WOOLNER, ALFRED C.-Lawyer, 20 Broad street. New York City; residence 18 West 86th street. Born in Louisville, Ky., March 14, 1872. Educated at Yale (B.A., '93) and Yale Law School (LL.B., '95). (Single.) Member Yale Club, Phi Beta Kappa Society and Phi Delta Phi Fraternity. ,,, WOOLSET, GEORGE— Physician and Prolessor, 117 East 36th street. New Tork City. Degree ol M.D. Irofessor of anatomy and clinical surgery. Corneli Uni-versity Medical College; surgeon to Bellevue Hos pital. Member University Club and Tale Alumni and Century Associations. ,Tr-,y°^^^^^' GEORGE MUIRSON— Merchant 100 William street. New Tork City; residence Loridon England. Born in New Tork State. Educated at Co lumbia. Agent American Trading Co. of New Tork iu- P?^^°^- Member Racquet and Tennis and Delta Phi Clubs, Tokohama United and Tokyo Clubs Colum bia University Alumni Association and others' BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 559 WOOLVERTON, THEORON— Physician, Suspen sion Bridge. Educated at Harvard. Formerly con nected with the medical department of the United States Navy as medical inspector; now retired. Mem ber Harvard, Reform, amd Army and Navy Clubs of New Tork City, and Military Order of the Loyal Le gion. WOOLVERTON, "WILLIAM H.— Capitalist, 15 Dey street and 24 Park place. New Tork City; residence 180 Central Park, South. President and director Ameri can Ry. Supply Co., Consolidated Telegraph and Elec trical Subway Co., National Ry. Publication Co. and New Tork Transfer Co.; vice-president and director Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph Co.; director Ameri can Ry. Guide Co., Gamewell Auxiliary Fire Alarm Co., Manhattan Fire Alarm Co., New Tork and Penn sylvania Telephone and Telegraph Co., New Tork Telephone Co. and Railway Typewriter Co.; trustee Excelsior Savings Bank. Member Republican, Union League, Quill, Transportation and Hardware Clubs and Metropolitan Museum of Art. WOOLWORTH, FRANK W.— Crockery Merchant. 280 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Fifth ave nue and 80th street. Born in Rodman, Jefferson Co.. N. T., April 13, 1852. Educated in Great Bend, Jeffer son Co., N. T. (Married.) Senior member of the firm of F. "W. Woolworth & Co., and owner of five and ten-cent stores In sixty cities of the United States. Member Arkwright and Hardware Clubs. WOOSTER, NOTES C— Rubber Manufacturer, 126 Duan§ street. New Tork City; residence 38 West 36th street. Connected with the Gutta Percha and Rubber Mf'g Co. Member New Tork, Lambs', Atlantic Tacht and Suburban Riding and Driving Clubs and Zoolo gical and City Improvement (vice-president) Societies. WORCESTER, EDWIN DEAN— Railroads, Grand Central Station, New Tork City; residence 48 East 49th street. Born in Albany, N. T.. Nov. 19, 1828. Re ceived a private education. (Married Mary A. Low. 1855.) Studied law lor a short time In the offices ol his lather and Hon. Rulus W. Peekham, but abandoned It and engaged In mercantile pursuits. Alter serving a term In the State Comptroller's office, became con nected with the New Tork Central R. R. Co. at its lormation in 1853, and upon its consolidation, In 1869, with the Hudson River R. R. Co. was made secretary ol the combined systems, which position he still holds. Officially connected with the Lakq Shore and Michigan Southern Ry. Co. since 1872, and with the Michigan Central R. R. Co. since 1878. Vice-president, treasurer. secretary and director Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Ry Co.; vice-president, secretary and direc tor Michigan Central R. R. Co.; secretary, treasurer and director Detroit and Bay City R. R. Co. ; treasurer and director Syracuse, Geneva and Corning Ry. Co.; secretary and director Hudson River Bridge Co. ol Albany; secretary New Tork Central and Hudson River R. R. Co. ; director Canada Southern Bridge Co.. Carthage and Adirondack Ry. Co., Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley and Pittsburgh R. R. Co., Michigan Midland Canada R. R. Co., New Tork Central Niagara River R R. Co., Niagara Grand Iron Bridge Co., Niagara River Bridge Co., Pittsburgh and Lake Erie R. R. Co. and Toledo, Canada Southern and Detroit Ry Co. Member MetropoUtan and Transportation Clubs, Knights Templar. Nobles ol the Mystic Shrine and thirty-second degree Masons. WOBCEST^ER, EDWIN DEAN,- Jr.— Lawyer, 35 Nassau street. New Tork City; residence 48 Bast 49th street. Bom in Albany, N. T., Feb. 25 1856. Educa ted at Albany Boys' Academy, at Tale ( 76) and at Tale Law School ('78). (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Saunders, Webb & Worcester. School "^Pector Sixteenth District, Borough ol Manhattan Member University and Tale Clubs, New England Society and Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New Tork. WORCESTER, FRANCIS J.-Judge, 126th street and Columbus avenue. New Tork City; residence 462 West 144th street. Born in New Hampshire, 1848. Educated in common schools, at Harvai^ and at Co^ lumbia College Law School ('75) Resident ol New Vnrk Citv ong Island City. Member Twilight Club, American Museum of Natural History, American In stitute of Mining Engineers and Lafayette Post G. A. R. WRAT, ALEXANDER H.— Fire Insurance, 58 WiUiam street. New Tork City; residence 75th street and Columbus avenue. Born and educated in New York City. President and director Commercial Union Assurance Co. of London, England. Member New York Athletic and Lotos Clubs, St. George's Society, Down Town Association and Lafayette Post G. A. R. WREN, OLIVER— Sales Agent, 71 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Clifton, S. I. Born in Brooklyn, N. T., July 18, 1868. Educated in Brooklyn. (Married.) Sales agent Carnegie Steel Co. (Ltd.) Member Engi neers' and Richmond County Country Clubs. WRIGHT, ALFRED K. — Importing Commission Merchant, 83 Greene street. New Tork City; residence 672 West End avenue. Born and educated In Indiana. (Married.) Senior member of the flrm of Alfred K. Wright & Co. Member Colonial, Wool, New Tork Athletic and Atlantic Tacht Clubs. WRIGHT, ANDREW R.— Physician. 414 Elmwood avenue, Buffalo. Bom in Orange County, N. T., Oct 19, 1825. Educated In Albany and Buffalo, N. t' and in Paris, France. (Married.) Formerly president 'New Tork State Homeopathic Medical Society and Ameri can Institute of Homeopathy. Now consulting physi cian Buffalo Homeopathic Hospital. Member Liberal Club, New Tork State Homeopathic Medical and Western New Tork Homeopathic Medical Societies and American Institute of Homeopathy. WRIGHT, BENJAMIN— Lawyer, 38 Park row. New Tork City; residence 50 Bast 61st street. Direc tor New Tork and New Jersey Bridge Co. and Stuy vesant Insurance Co. Member Hardware Club, Mili tary Order of the Loyal Legion, American Museum ol Natural History and Metropolitan Museum of Art. WRIGHT, CHARLES JEFFERSON (Colonel)— Educator, Cornwall-on-Hudson. President New Tork MiUtary Academy. Member Army and Navy Club, Sons of the Revolution, MUitary Order ol the Loyal Legion and Lafayette Post, G. A. R., all of New Tork City. WRIGHT, FLOTD ROBINS— Instructor, Cornell University, Ithaca; residence 122 Spencer street. De gree of A.B. Instructor in bacteriology, CorneU Uni versity. WRIGHT, FRANK ATRES— Architect, 95 Liberty street. New Tork City; residence South Orange, N. J. Born in Liberty, Sullivan Co., N. T., Nov. 19, 1854. Educated at Cornell ('79). (Married.) Member ol the firm of Rossiter & Wright. Formerly Instructor in Cornell University, secretary Architectural League and trustee viUage of South Orange. Author of "Per spective for Beginners." Member Cornell Umversity, Reform, Psi Upsilon, Water "Witch, Brantwood and Underwriters' Clubs, Architectural League and Amer ican Institute of Architects (Fellow). WRIGHT. GEORGE M.-Lawyer, 280 Broadway, New Tork City; residence "The Oakdale," 36 West r.5th street. Born in OrweU, Vt, Dec. 3, 1852. Edu cated at Middlebury (Vt) CoUege ('74). (Single.) Di rector Albany Card and Paper Mf'g Co. and Garden City Co.; trustee Middlebury College. Member New York and New York Athletic Clubs, New Englamd amd Phi Beta "Kappa Societies, Metropolitan Museum of Art, American Social Science . Association and Asso ciation of the Bar of the City ol New York. WRIGHT, HENRY C— Principal, 143 South Eighth Street, Brooklyn; residence 498 Bedlord avenue. Born in Algonquin, Ontario, Canada, June 4, 1843. (Mar ried.) President Long Island Business College; vice- president Kings County Building and Loan Associa tion. Member Hanover and National Civic Clubs, Royal Arcanum, American Legion ol Honor, Ancient Order of United Workmen, National Provident Union and All Souls' Universalist Church. WRIGHT, HENRY JOHN— Editor, 29 Park row. New York City; residence 252 West 91st street. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, April 6, 1866. Educated at New York University (A.B., '85). (Married Claire Le Franc, 1891.) Editor of the New York "Commercial Adver tiser." Treasurer and director Commercial Advertiser Association. WRIGHT, JOHN SEARS— Manufacturer, 333 West avenue, Rochester. Born in Rochester, Feb. 13, 1870. Educated at the University of Rochester. (Single.) Member of the flrm of Alfred Wright (perfumer).- Vice-Commodore Central Division, American Canoe Association. Member Genesee Valley Rochester Country, Rochester "Whist, "The Friars," Rochester Yacht and Irondequoit Canoe Clubs, Delta Kappa Ep silon Club of New York City, and Sons of the Ameri can Revolution. WRIGHT, JOSEPH A.— Vice-President and Gen eral Manager, 320 Broadway, New York City; resi dence Hotel St. Andrew. Born in Paterson, N. J., April 16, 1853. Educated in pubUc schools of Paterson (Married.) Vice-president National Brick and Terra Cotta Co. of Passaic, N. J.,; vice-president and general manager United States Finishing Co.; member of ex ecutive committee Hobart Trust Co. of Passaic- direc tor Bidden & Bogart Painters' Supply Co. of Passaic and Passaic Lumber Co. MembeP Merchants' Ark wright and Colonial Clubs and Passaic Club. WRIGHT, ROBERT J.— FertUizer Manufacturer 417 Bast 46th street New York City; residence 450 East 118th street. Born In Flushing, L. I July 8 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 561 1842. Educated at Flushing Institute, Hudson River Institute and Union Hall Academy. (Married.) Com missioner ol charities and correction, and commis sioner ol correction under Mayor W. L. Strong Di rector New York and Hudson River Bridge Co. and New York Dental School; trastee American Institute and Dry Dock Savings Institution. Member Republi can, Harlem RepubUcan and Lotos Clubs, Legion ol Honor and Royal Arcanum Order ol Chosen Friends (councilor lor six years). WRIGHT, STEPHEN MOTT— Retired, 1123 Broad way. New York City; residence Park Avenue Hotel. Born in Jericho, L. I., Aug. 16, 1841. Educated in New York public schools. (Married.) Secretary and treas urer Webb Academy and Home lor Shipbuilders on Fordham Heights. Member Patria and Building Trades' Clubs, General Society ol Mechanics and Tradesmen (president). Sons ol the American Revo lution and Order ol Founders and Patriots ol America. WRIGHT. WII,KINSON DE FOREST— Under wear Manulacturer, 75 Franklin street. New York City. Secretary and director Wright's Health Under wear Co. Member New York Athletic and Delta Kap pa Epsilon Clubs and Sons ol the American Revolu tion. WRIGHT, WILLIAM BURNET — Presbyterian Clergyman, 547 West Ferry street, Buffailo. Born In Cincinnati, Ohio. -April 15, 1838. Educated at Dart mouth College. Degree ol D.D. (Married Lucretia Johnson.) Was paistor ol the Berkeley Street Church in Boston, Mass., lor twenty years. Now pastor ol the Lalayette Avenue Church, Buffalo. Member Lib eral and University Clubs, WRIGHT, -WILLIAM BURNET, Jr.— Lawyer, Ma rine Bank Building, Buffalo; residence 547 West Ferry street. Born in Boston, Mass., Oct 2. 1870. Educated at Yale. (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol Potter & Wright. Formerly secretary University, Liberal and EUicott Clubs ol Buffalo; member ol the executive committee ol the Buffalo Civil Service Relorm Asso ciation; secretary Yale Alumni Association ol West ern New York. Now director McKlnnon Dash Co. Member Buffalo. University. Liberail, Red Jacket Goll and EUicott Clubs, Buffalo Merchants' Exchange and Yale -Alumni Association. WUEST, CHARLES— Physician, 1024 Bushwick avenue, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, May 30, 1864. Educated at Brooklyn Polytechnic. Institute and New York College ol Physicians and Surgeons (M.D.). (Married.) Coroners' physician. Borough ol Brooklyn. Member Empire, Bushwick and Carleton Clubs. Sigma Psi and Brooklyn Medical Societies and Society ol Medical Jurisprudence. WURSTER. FREDERICK W. — Manulacturer, Kent avenue and South Sixth street. Brooklyn; resi dence 170 Rodney street. Ex-mayor ol the City ol Brooklyn. Trustee Manulacturers' Trust Co. and Nassau Trust Co. Member Hamilton. Crescent Ath letic. Hanover, Oxlord and Union League Clubs. WYCKOFF. EDWARD G.— Capitalist, 327 Broad way, New York City; residence Ithaca. Born in South Lansing, N. Y., Aug. 10. 1867. Educated at Comell. (Married.) President and director E. G. Wyckoff Co. ol Syracuse, Ithaca Street Ry. Co. and Bmsh-Swan Electric Light Co. ol Ithaca; vice-president and direc tor Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict. New York State Commissioner to Paris Exposition, 1900. Member Town and Gown and City Clubs, (JItizens' Club ol Syracuse, New York Athletic Club ol New York City, Triton Rod and Gun Club ol Quebec, and Princess Anne Gun Club ol Virginia Beach, Va., Syracuse Athletic Asso ciation, Chi Psi Fraternity and a thirty-second degree Mason. WYCKOFF, PETER B.— Physician and Trustee, 40 Wall street. New York City; residence 23 West 67th street, and Southampton, N. Y. Bora In Owasco Lake, N Y April 2, 1845 Educated at Cazenovia Seminary, Amherst College and at Bellevue Hospital Medical College (Married Cora, daughter ol Sidney Dillon ol New York City.) Formerly director St. Joseph and Grand Island R. R. Co. and Providence and Spring field Ry Co. Director Sale Deposit Co. ol New York, Salety Car Heating and Lighting Co., and Wabash K. ii R. Co. Member Metropolitan, St. Nicholas, Riding, University and Psi Upsilon Clubs, Country Club ol Westchester, HoUand Society and Amherst Alumni Association. WYCKOFF, WILLIAM FORMAN— Lawyer, 217 Montague street, Brooklyn; residence 415 Hillside ave nue, Jamaica, Born In Monmouth County, N. J., April 18, 1858. (Son ol Rev. Jacob S. and Sarah H. [Forman] Wyckoff.) Educated by private tutors, at Rutgers College (A.B., '77, and A.M., '80) and at Columbia Col lege Law School ('79). Practicing in Brooklyn since 1881. Justice ol the peace ol the town ol Jamaica, 1886-90. Member Holland Society and Metropolitan Museum ol Art ol New York City. WYCKOFF, WILLIAM OZUM— Manufacturer, 327 Broadway, New York City. Born in Lansing, Tomp kins Co., N. Y., Feb. 16, 1835. (Married Frances V. Ives of South Lansing, N. Y., 1863.) Served with New York Volunteers during Civil War and advanced to the rank of captain. Studied law, and was admitted to the Bar In 1863. Senior member of the firm ol Wyckoff, Seamans & Benedict, manufacturers and agents lor the sale ol the "Remington Typewriter," since 1882. WYBTH, JOHN ALLAN— Surgeon, 19 West 35th street, New York City; residence 13 West 35th street. Born in Marshall County, Ala., May 26, 1845. fSon ol Louis Wyeth, lawyer and judge ol one ol the judicial districts ol Alabama, and Buphemla [Allan] Wyeth.) Educated In a common school at Guntersvllie and Mil itary Academy at Lagrange. Served as private in Conlederate Army during Civil War, and took part In sixteen engagements. Was confined as a prisoner ol war at Camp Morton, Ind., and published an article on treatment ol prisoners at this prison in the "Cen tury," April, 1890. Began the study ol medicine in 1867 at the University ol Louisville ('69), and graduated at Bellevue Hospital Medical College (M.D., '73). (Mair ried Florence Nightingale, daughter ol Dr. James Marion Sims, 1886.) Appointed assistant demonstrator ol anatomy BeUevue Medical College, 1873; prosector to the chair ol anatomy, 1874; published an article on "Dextral Prelerence In Man" in 1875; awarded Alumni Association prize In 1876 lor the best essay on subject connected with surgery or surgical pathology, his subject being "Amputations at the Ankle Joint"; won first prize ol American Medical Association in 1878 lor an essay on "The Surgical Anatomy amd Surgery ol the Common, External and Internal Carotid Arteries"; gained second prize of same association In 1878 for an essay on "Surgical Anatomy and Surgery of the In nominate and Subcla-viam Arteries." Appointed sur geon to Mount Sinai Hospital, 1880; founded New York Polyclinic In 1882, became professor of surgery In that Institution, and, in 1893, president of the laculty. Was twice president ol the New York Pathological Society and first vice-president ol the Americam Medical Association In 1893. Author ol "Text Book on Surgery," "Bloodless Amputation ol the Hip Joint," "Osteo-plastic Operation lor Correction ol Delormltles ot the Nose and Palate," an historical sketch entitled "A Struggle lor Oregon"; "Llle ol General Nathan Bedlord Forrest" and a number ol contributions to scientific periodicals. Member Southera Society. WYLIE, DAVID G.— Presbyterian Clergyman, 10 West 96th street. New York City. Born In Ohio. Edu cated in Geneva, at Yale and at University ol New York; degrees ol D.D. and Ph.D. (Married.) For merly moderator Presbytery ol New York, and chap lain ol St. Andrew's Society. Pastor Scotch Presby terian Church. Member Presbyterian Union and St. Andrew's and Scottish Societies. "WYLIE, GEORGE S.— Real Estate, 2 Wall street. New York City; residence Morristown. N. J. Member Union League. Morris County (N. J.) Goll and Morris County Field Clubs, New England and St Andrew's Societies, Sons ol the Revolution, Sons ol the Ameri can Revolution, Society ol Colonial Wars, Naval So ciety ol the United States and Veteran Corps ol Artil lery. WYLIE, ROBERT HAWTHORNE— Physician, 36 West 36th street. New York City. Born in Chester, S. C, March 25, 1863. Educated at Yale ('83) amd at University ol the City ol New York Medical Depart ment ('85). (Single.) Assistant gynecologist to Belle- 562 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. vue Hospital; adjunct prolessor ol gynecology. New York Polyclinic. Formerly surgeon to City Hospital. Member Manhattan, Racquet and Tennis, University, Garden City Goll and Reform Clubs, and Ardsley Ca sino of Ardsley-on-Hudson. WYLIE, WALKER GILL— Physician, 215 West 43d street. New York City; residence 28 West 40th street. Bora In Chester, S. C, Sept. 2, 1848. Educated at Uni versity ol South CaroUna and Bellevue and Woman's Hospitals in New York City. Degree ol M.D. (Mar ried.) Ex-vice-president British Gynecological Soci ety. Visiting gynecologist to Bellevue Hospital; pro- lessor ol gynecology. New York Polyclinic. Member Relorm. Riding and Democratic Clubs. Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on-Hudson, American Gynecological and Southern Societies and Academy ol Medicine. WYM-AN. EUGENE— Banker, Port Henry. Born in Port Henry. Jan. 14. 1851. (Married.) Ex-treasurer Essex County. Cashier and director Citizens' Na tional Bank ol Port Henry. WYNKOOP, GERARDUS H.— Physician. 128 Mad ison avenue, New York CJity. Educated at Yale ('64). Member University, Union and Yale Clubs. American Geographical and HoUand Societies and MetropoUtan Museum ol Art. WYSONG, JOHN J.— Trustee. 44 Pine street. New York City; residence 30 East 34th street Member Met ropoUtan, Union, Tuxedo, Riding, Suburban Riding and Driving and Turl and Field Clubs. Metropolitan Museum ol Art and American Museum ol Natural History. X XAVIER, ANTONIO F.— Brazilian Consul, 24 State street. New York City; residence 134 East 60th street. Bora in Brazil. June 7. 1865. Educated in Rio de Janeiro. (Married.) Formerly Brazilian consul at Oporto, Portugal; consul-general at Geneva, Switzer land, and Brazilian delegate to the Filth Postal Con gress held at Washington, D. C. Now consul-general to the United States ol America at New York City. XENELIS, NICHOLAS — Frait Merchant 273 Washington, and 34 Madison street. New York City residence 23 Roosevelt street. Senior member ol the flrm ol Xenelis & Co. 3aQUES, MIGUEI, A.— Physician, 121 West 96th street. New York City, and Puerto Principe, Cuba (Married on June 18, 1900, Aurita del Maclas, daughter ol Gen. de la Torre^^ Cuban patriot killed in the Revo lution ol 1878.) Practices his prolession In Puerto Principe, Cuba. \ \ t t I I I 1 I . I ¦' o: ¦¦ < 8.' ,' k ., ' t ¦j ' '. 8 ' k Y YALE, ELMER B.— Secretary, 32 Nassau street New York City; residence 150 Arlington avenue, Jer sey City. N. J.. Secretairy and director Bancroft Realty Co.; director Automatic Bicycle Safety Rack Co. YALE. LEROY MILTON— Physician, 432 Madison avenue. New York City. Born in Vineyard Haven, Mass., Feb. 12, 1841. Educated at Columbia ('62) and at Bellevue Hospital Medical CoUege (M.D., '66). (Married Julia M. Stetson of New Bedlord, Mass.) Surgeon ol the Charity Hospital. 1871-7; to Bellevue Hospital. 18"(7-82. and to the Presbyterian Hospital. 1880-5. Member Barnard Club and Columbia Alumni and Century Associations. YALE, WILLIAM HENRY— Dry Goods Merchant, 345 Broadway. New York City; residence Bonnie Bluff. Spuyten Duyvil. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y. Educated at Yale. (Married.) Trustee Birkbeck In vestment Savings and Loan Co. Member Union League. Merchants', Yale and Relorm Clubs, Sons ol the American Revolution and Chamber ol Commerce. YARD. JOHN— Lawyer, 66 Broadway, New York City; residence 241 West 52d street. Educated at Yale ('75). Member University. Republican, and Yale Clubs and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. YARD, WILSON RANDOLPH— Lawyer, 15 Wall street. New York City; residence 240 West 129th street. Bom In Palrview. N. J.. Jan. 8, 1867. (Son ol Wesley Sterling and Emma Cooper [Wood] Yard.) Educated In private schools. Grammar School No. 64 and at the College ol the City ol New York ('87). (Married Sara Elizabeth Gladys, daughter ol Owen Jones.) Member of the firm of Weilman & Gooch. Author of "Country Arourid New York," "Rand, McNally & Co.'s Cyclists' Guide to Westchester County," "Servoss' Northeastern New Jersey" and others. Member New York Athletic Cliib, Sagamore Lodge No. 371, F. & A. M., Collax CouncU No. 1220. Royal .Arcanum, and 2d Division, 1st Naval Battalion, N. G. N. Y. Y-ARDLEY'. FARNHAM— Insurance, 58 "WlUlam street. New York City; residence East Orange, N. J. Born in Yonkers. N. Y.. 1868. Educated at Phillips Andover Academy. (Single.) Manager fire insur ance department ol Charles E. and W. J. Peck. Ex- secretary of the Association ol the Naval Militia ol the United States. Member Underwriters' (governor) and Relorm Clubs. Essex County Country CHub ol Orange, and Founders and Patriots ol America. Y-ATES. ARTHU.R GOULD— RaUroad President, 36 Wall street. New York City, and Wholesale Coal Merchant, Savings Bank Building, Rochester; resi dence Rochester. Bora In East Waverly. N. Y., Dec. 18, 1843. Educated in common schools. Established in coal business in 1867. and was lor many years at the head ol the Bell. Lewis & Yates Coal Mining Co. President and director Buffalo. Rochester and Pitts burg Ry. Co.; director Jefferson and Clearfield Coal and Iron Co. Member Transportation Club ol New York City and Genesee Valley Club ol Rochester. Y-ATES. BENJAMIN— Lawyer, 31 Nassau street. New York CJity; residence 356 West 145th street Born in New York City. Educated at St. Francis Xavier College. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Durain & Yates. Member New York Press and Heights Clubs and Xavier Alumni Society. YATES "WILLIAM J. — Banker and Broker, 18 Wall street. New York City; residence 472 West 34th street. Bom in New York City, March 29, 1862. Edu cated in public schools and at the College ol the City ol New York. (Single.) Member ol the New York Stock Exchange firm ol Llndsley, Yates & Co. Mem ber 7th Regiment, N. G. N. Y., and Young Mens Christian Association. YEAMAN, GEORGE H.-Lawyer. 44 Wall street. New York City; residence Madison. N. J. Bora In Hardin County, Ky., Nov. 1, 1829. Educated In com mon schools. Studied law and was admitted to the Kentucky Bar In 1852. .(Widower.) Judge ol Daviess County, Ky., 1854; member ol the Kentucky Legisla ture, 1861; member ol Congress, 1862-6; United States Minister to Denmark. 1865-70. Practicing law In New York (Jlty since 1871. Member Relorm Club and Asso ciation ol the Bar ol the City ol New York. YE.REANCE, JAMES— Insurance, 120 Broadway, New York City; residence 67 West 55th street. Bora In New York City, Jan. 17, 1844. Educated In public schools and at Normal College. (Married.) Formerly secretary and president ol fire Insurance companies and manager ol Foreign Fire Insurance Co. Now manager Metropolitan District, Equitable Lile Assur ance Society ol the United States; secretary and treas urer Trustees ol Presbytery. Member Plaza Repub Ucan and Lawyers' Clubs and Presbyterian Union. YERKES, CHARLES TYSON— Capitalist, Chica go, 111.; residence 864 Filth avenue. New York CJity. Bora In PhUadelphia, Pa., June 25, 1837. Educated at Quaker School and at Central High School. Was a clerk In grain commission trade until 1858; exchange broker, 1858-61; banker, 1861-86. Has been prominent in street railway operations in Philadelphia since 1860, and, since 1886, In Chicago, where he Is at the head ol several suburban and elevated railway corporations. Is also engaged in the construction and development ol the underground electric railway system in London, England. Gave to the University ol Chicago a tele scope regarded as the largest amd finest In the world, located in the Yerkes Observatory at Geneva, 111. YETMAN, HUBBARD R. — Superintendent. Sta pleton, S. I. Bora In Monmouth County, N. J., 1847. Educated at Freehold High School. Enlisted In the llth Regiment, New York Volunteers, as a drummer boy, at the outbreak ol the Civil -War. Served throughout the war, and was In a number ol severe engagements. Taught school In TottenvIUe. S. I., lor filteen years, and was lor several years a justice ol the peace in that section. Assemblyman. 1889-93. Now superintendent ol schools lor the Borough ol Rich mond ol the City ol New York. YEWELL. GEORGE HENRY— Artist, 51 West Tenth street. New York City. Bora in Havre de Grace, Harlord Co., Md., Jan. 20, 1830. Educated In public schools. Studied art at the National Academy ol Design in New York CJIty and In Paris, France. (Single.) Established a studio In New York City in 1878. Member Century Association, National Acad emy ol Design and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. YONGE, HENRY— Lawyer, 56 Wall street. New York City, and 166 Montague street, Brooklyn; resi dence Hotel Margaret, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, June 8, 1869. Educated In public schools. (Single.) Member ol the flrm ol Yonge & Sheam. Formerly as sistant corporation counsel, and counsel lor Nassau Electric R. R. Co. Member Relorm Club, Crescent AthletlCr Hamilton, and Riding and Driving Clubs of Brooklyn, and Medico-Legal Association of New Tork. TORK, BERNARD J.— Commissioner, 300 Mul berry street, New Tork City; residence 56 St. Mark's avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Brooklyn, 1845. Educated at St James' Parochial School. Studied law in the offlce of County Judge James Troy. Was for over twenty-five years clerk of the Court of Special Ses sions of Kings County. Unsuccessful candidate lor County Judge, 1895. Served lor a time as special commissioner ol jurors and one term as chairman ol the executive committee ol the Kings County Demo cratic General Committee. President ol the Board ol Police Commissioners ol the City ol New Tork since 1898. 564 BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. TORK, THOMAS H.— Commissioner, 21 Park row. New Tork City; residence 409 Bergen street, Brooklyn. Born In Brooklyn, July 12, 1839. Educated in public schools. Studied law and was admitted to the Bar in 1869. Practiced law in Brooklyn with his brother under the firm name ol Tork & Tork, until his appointment as deputy commissioner ol bridges lor the City ol New Tork, which position he still holds. TOUMANS, AMOS— Postmaster and Banker, 103 Oneida street Fulton; residence 424 Buffalo street. Born in Coxsackie, N. T., April 15, 1845. Educated in public schoCls, and at Falley Seminary, Fulton. (Mar--. ried.) Has been village treasurer, village trustee, sec retary ol Board ol Education and ol Oswego Falls Agricultural Society; commander ol Schenck Post, G. A. R., and has served as aide-de-camp on staff ol Department Commander and Commander-In-Chiel of the G. A. R. Now cashier First National Bank and treasurer Board ol Education. Member Nicotine, Pathfinder Boat, and Citizens' Clubs and Schenck Post. G. A. R. TOUMANS, EPHRAIM M.— Hatter, 156 and 1107 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 202 Boulevard. Educated at Tale. Member Delta Kappa Epsilon, New Tork Athletic and Tale CJlubs, and Blooming Grove Park and Aldine Associations. TOUMANS, WILLIAM JAT— Editor, 72 Filth ave nue. New Tork City; residence Mount Vernon. Born in Saratoga. N. T.. Oct. 14, 1838. Educated at a dis trict school. Studied chemistry with his brother, Ed ward Livingston Toumans. at Columbia College and at Tale Scientific School. Graduated in medicine Irom New Tork University (M.D., '65). (Married Celia Greene ol Galway, N. T., 1866.) Established the "Pop ular Science Monthly" in 1872 and has been Its sole editor since the death ol his brother, with whom he was associated in Its management. TOUNG, ALDEN M.— 100 Broadway, New Tork City; residence Branlord, Conn. Born Sept. 6, 1853. Educated in public schools and at an academy. (Mar ried.) Director Connecticut Lighting and Power Co., Edison Electric Illuminating Co., Electrical Review Publishing Co. and National Carbon Co. Member Unl0;n League amd Lotos Clubs. TOUNG, ALFRED- Roman Catholic (Jlergyman, 415 West 59th street. New Tork City. Born in Bristol, England, Jan. 21, 1831. Educated at Princeton and in the Medical Department ol the University ol New Tork. Became a convert to the Roman Catholic lalth in 1850; took ecclesiastical studies in Paris and was or dained priest on Aug. 24, 1856. Vice-president ol Seton Hall College, 1856-7; rector ol Roman Catholic churches at Princeton and Trenton, N. J., 1857-61; en tered the community ol Paullsts In New Tork City in 1861. Author ol "Catholic Hymns and Canticles," "The Offlce ol Vespers," "CathoUc and Protestant Countries Compared," "The Catholic Hymnal" and others. TOUNG, A. MURRAT— Banker, 15 Wall street. New Tork City; residence 11 West 19th street. Born in New Tork City. Educated at Trinity College. Mem ber Union and Lawyers' Clubs, Musical Arts Society, Sons ol the Revolution and Trinity CoUege Alumni Association. TOUNG, CHARLES T.-Banker. 350 Fulton street Brooklyn; residence Bath Beach. President and di rector National City Bank; president and trastee Brooklyn Athenaeum; director Journeay & Buraham- tmstee South Brooklyn Savings Institution. Member Marine and Field Club. TOUNG, CLARENCE HOFFMAN— Educator, 116th street and Mornlngside Heights, New Tork City- resi dence 312 West 88th street Born in New Tork City •?"''/^of^'^ in private schools and at Columbia Univer sity ( 88). (Married.) Instructor in Greek at Colum bia University. Business manager "American Jouraal ol Archaeology" and secretary Archaeological Insti tute ol America. Member University Club and Co lumbia University Alumni, Phi Beta Kappa Alumni and American Philological Associations. TGUNG, DANIEL K.-Coffee Importer, 100 Front street. New "York City; residence 118 West 81st street Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1851, Educated at the College ol the City ol New York. (Married Mary Mc- Innls.) Member ol the flrm ol Baker & Young. For merly lecturer In "Free Lectures to the People," un der the auspices ol the New York City Board ol Edu cation. Member Camera and Good Government Clubs. Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity and Citizens' Union. YOUNG. EDWARD F. C— Capitalist 31 Broad way and 68 Reade street, New York City; residence 85 Glenwood avenue, Jersey City, N. J. President and director American (Jraphite Co., Cleveland Seed Co., Colonial Llle Insurance Co. ol America, Consolidated Traction Co., First National Bank ol Jersey City, Jer sey City and Bergen R. R. Co., Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., Newark Passenger Ry. Co., Newark Plank Road Co., New Jersey Traction Co. and North Jersey Land Co.; vice-president and director Acker Process Co.; director American Pegamoid Co., International Steam Pump Co., Kentucky Distilleries and "Warehouse Co., Liberty National Bank, National Exhibition Co., New Jersey Title Guarantee and Trust Co., People's Light and Power Co., Port Richmond and Bergen Point Per ry Co.. and Standard Distilling and Distributing Co.; trustee Bowling Green Trust Co. Member Manhattan, Lawyers' and Democratic Clubs. . YOUNG, EDWARD LEE— Architect, 127 East 23d street. New York City; residence 222 West 23d street. Member Architectural League and New England So ciety. YOUNG, FRANK L.— Lawyer, 1 South Highland avenue. Sing Sing; residence 32 Linden avenue. Born in Port Byron, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1860. Educated at Ha verlord CoUege and at Cornell. (Single.) Member ol the firm ol Griffin & Young, with offices at "White Plains and Sing Sing. Member Cornell University Club and Society ol Medical Jurisprudence ol New York City. YOUNG, FREDERICK S.— 11 West 19th street. New York City. Born in New York City. Educated at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Member Union Club and Sons ol the Revolution. YOUNG, GEORGE W.— Hangings and Upholstery Goods, 37 West 14th street. New York City; residence New Jersey. Educated at Yale ('66). Member Uni versity Club and Yale Alumni Association. YOUNG, GEORGE WASHINGTON— Banker, 59 Cedar street. New York City; residence 28 West 73d street Born in Jersey City, N. J., July 1, 1864. Edu cated In Jersey City public schools and at Cooper Union (scientific course) In New York City. (Married.) President and director United States Mortgage and Trust Co.; director Audit Co. ol New York, City and Suburban Homes Co., Brooklyn, New York and Jersey Terminal Ry. Co., Brooklyn "Wharl and Warehouse Co., New York and Long Beach Ry. Co., New York and Rockaway Beach Ry. Co., Northera Railroad ol New Jersey, Ijawyers' Surety Co. and Na tional Salt Co. Member Colonial, Lawyers', Racquet and Tennis, Manhattan, Rockaway Hunt, Players', Knollwood Country, Lakewood (N. J.) Country, Deal Goll, Westchester Goll and Seabright (N. J.) Goll Clubs, Maryland Club ol Baltimore, Metropolitan Club ol Washington, D. C, Ardsley Casino ol Ardsley-on- Hudson, Down Town Association and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. YOUNG, HORACE G.— Albany. Educated at Rens selaer Polytechnic Institute ('77). President and di rector New York and Canada R. R. and Rutland and Whitehall R. R.; vice-president and director Adiron dack, Lake George and Saratoga Telegraph Co., Champlain Transportation Co. and Rutland R. R. Co. ; second vice-president and director Delaware and Hud son Canal Co. and Schenectady and Duanesburg R. R. Co. ; director Albany and Susquehanna R. R. Co., Troy Union R. R. Co. and Ulster and Delaware R. R. Co Member University and Engineers' Clubs ol New Tork City, and Fort Orange Club ol Albany. TOUNG. JAMES— Actor, "Telegram" Office, Bal timore, Md.; residence 16 Gramercy Park, New Tork City. Born in Baltimore, Md. Educated at Baltimore City College. (Single.) Made first professional ap pearance when seventeen years ol age as "Richard III." at the Lyceum Theatre in Baltimore. Created BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 565 important role In "Thermldor," with Miss Elsie de Wolle, under the management ol Charles Frohman. Joined Augustine Daly lor the part ol "Christian" in "Cyrano de Bergerac." Member Players' Club, Ariel Boat Club ol Baltimore, and Nobles ol the Mystic Shrine. TOUNG, JAMES C— Capitalist, 32 Liberty street. New Tork (2ity. President and director Continental Investment Co. and Registrar and Transler Co.; vice- president and director Real Estate Trusts ol New Jersey; director American Chicle Co. and American School Furniture Co. TOUNG, JAMES HTDE— Capitalist, 31 Nassau street, New Tork City; residence Brooklyn. Treasurer and director Babylon R. R. Co., Dodge Motor Co. and Kinetic Ml'g Co.; secretary and director Manhattan Silver Plate Co. TOUNG, JOHN ALVIN— Secretary, 39 William street. New Tork (Jlty; residence 33 West 12th street. Bora in Jersey City. N. J.. August 18, 1868. Educated in Jersey City public schools and at Cooper Union in New Tork City. (Married.) President and director United States Flax Fibre Co.; vice-president and di rector Bank ol Jamaica and South American E-xplora- tlon Co.; secretary, treasurer and director National Salt Co.; treasurer and director Excelsior Steamboat Co.; secretary and director New Tork Architectural Terra Cotta Co.; director Kamona and Prattsburg R. R. Co. Member Calumet, Relorm, Richmond Hill Goll, Lawyers', Jamaica and Jersey City (N. J.) Clubs. TOUNG, REGINALD — Secretary, 105 Hudson street. New Tork City; residence 115 "West 115th street. Secretary and director Fabric Measuring and Pack ing Co.; director Gotham Co. Member American Mu seum ol Natural History and Metropolitan Museum of Art. TOUNG, RICHARD— Wholesale Leather Mer chant, 35 Spruce street. New Tork City; residence 7 Lincoln road, Brooklyn. President and director Rich ard Toung Co.; director Hide and Leather National Bank; trustee East River Savings Institution. Mem ber Montauk and Union League Clubs of Brooklyn, and Holland Lodge. TOUNG, RICHARD N.— 11 Pine street. New Tork dty; residence 18 West 21st street. Director San Cris tobal Gold Mines Co. and Brooklyn Perry Co. Mem ber City Union, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht, Met ropoUtan, New Tork Tacht, Players', Racquet and Tennis St. Andrews' Golf and Lawyers' Clubs, Ameri can Geographical Society, Sons ol the Revolution and Metropolitan Museum ol Art. TOUNG ROCKWELL — Lumber and Coal Mer chant, White Plains; residence 41 Baker terrace. Born in New Tork City Sept 12, 1850. Educated m New Tork City and at Bedford Academy. (Married.) Director Central Bank; trustee Home Savings Bank and Building and Loan Association. TOUNG, S. MARSH— Contractor, 11 Broadway, New Tork City; residence 174 West 58th street. Born in New Tork City, June 9, 1867. (Married.) Vice- president and director Manhattan General Construc tion Co. Member New Tork Athletic Club. TOUNG, THOMAS — Manufacturer and Importer, 37 Murray street. New Tork City; residence East Or ange, N. J. President and director New Tork China Glass and Toy Co.; director Venetian Iron Co. Mem ber Hardware Club. TOUNG, THOMAS S., Jr.— Broker, 100 Broadway, New Tork CJity; residence 5 West 20th street. Edu cated at Princeton ('71). Member of the New Tork Stock Exchange. Director Equitable Life Assurance Society ol the United States. Member University, Princeton, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht and Oyster Bay Tacht Clubs and Sons ol the Revolution. TOUNG, WILLIAM HOPKINS— Lawyer, 31 Nas sau street. New Tork City; residence 501 Filth avenue, and Poughkeepsie. Born In Poughkeepsie. Educated at Tale and at Columbia. Member St. Anthony, St. Nicholas, Lawyers', Union League and New "York Athletic Clubs, New York Historical Society, Sons ol the Revolution, Society ol Colonial Wars and Colonial Order. YOUNG, WILLIAM S.-Lawyer, 32 Liberty street. New York City; residence South Orange, N. J. Born in Lockport, N. T, Sept. 20, 1865. Educated at Cornell and at New York University Law School. (Married.) Formerly New York manager Deane Steam Pump Co., Snow Steam Pump Works and Laldlaw-Dunn-Gordon Co. Director in several corporations. Member Cor nell University, West Side Republican and Colonial Clubs, Phi Delta Phi and Theta Nu Epsilon Fraterni ties and American Society ol Mechanical Engineers. YOUNGMAN, HARRY VREELAND— "Wholesale Coal Merchant, 1 Broadway, New York City; residence 142 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn. Born In Albany, N. Y., June 30, 1865. Educated at Albany Academy and at WUUams College. (Married.) Member ol the firm ol Leonard & Youngman. Member Sons ol the Revolution, Chi Psi Fraternity and Phi Beta Kappa Society. YOUNGS, WILLIAM J.— Secretary, State Capitol, Albany, and Lawyer, Oyster Bay, L. I.; residence Oyster Bay. Educated at Cornell ('72). Secretary to Theodore Roosevelt, Governor ol the State ol New York. Member Cornell University Club of New York City, and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Club. YZNAGA, FERNANDO— Banker, 15 Wall street. New York CJity; residence Tuxedo. (Single.) Member of the New York Stock Exchange firm of H. B. Hol- 11ns & Co. Director City Gas Co. of Norlolk, Va. Member Union, Metropolitan and Tuxedo Clubs. z ZABRISKIE, ANDREW C— President, 52 Beaver street New York City: residence 2 West 56th street. Bora in New York City, May 30, 1853. Educated at Co lumbia. (Married Frances Hunter.) Formerly cap tain in the 71st Regiment. N. G. N. Y. President American Numismatic and Archaeological Society and Bergen Turnpike Co.; manager St. Luke's Hospital. Member MetropoUtan, City, Church and Army and Navy CJlubs, American (Geographical and Holland So cieties, Society ol the War ol 1812, National Academy ol Design, Metropolitan Museum ol Art, Americam Museum ol Natural History and 7th Regiment Veteran Association. ZABRISKIE, CORNELIUS— Banker, 243 Washing ton street, Jersey City, N. J.; residence 846 Carroll street, Brooklyn. Born in Cherry Hill, Bergen Co., N. J., Feb. 24, 1839. Educated In Jersey City. (Mar ried.) Director ' Hudson County Gas Co., Hudson County National Bank ol Jersey City, and First Na tional Bank ol Hoboken. Member Union League Club, Chamber ol Commerce and Metropolitan Mu seum ol Art ol New York City, Hamilton, and Riding and Driving Clubs ol Brooklyn, and Washington As sociation ol New Jersey. ZABRISKIE, GEORGE— Lawyer, 15 Broad street. New York City; residence 45 West 48th street. Edu cated at New York University ('70). Member ol the firm ol Zabriskie, Burrill & Murray. Member City, Church and University Clubs. Holland Society, Cen tury and Down Town Associations, Association ol the Bar ol the City ol New York and Metropolitan Mu seum ol Art. ZABRISKIE, N. LANSING— Lawyer, Aurora. Born in Flatbush. N. Y., 1838. Educated at Union Col lege. (Married.) President First National Bank of Aurora, and board of trustees ol Wells CoUege, Au rora; director Park Co.; trustee -Auburn CJity Hospi tal. Ex-director Dry Dock, East Broadway and Bat tery R. R. Co. ol New York City. Member Transpor tation Club ol New York City, and Delta Phi Society. ZABRISKIE, SIMEON TEMPI.ETON — Lumber Merchant, Passaic, N. J.; residence 222 West 23d street. New York City. Born In Hackensack, N. J., Feb. 13. 1847. Educated at Hackensack Institute. (Married.) President Anderson Lumber Co. ol Pas saic. Member Holland Society ol New York City, and Washington Society ol New Jersey. ZAISS, WILLIAM— Manager, 771 Broadway, New York City; residence 153 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn. Born in Philadelphia, Pa. (Single.) Member Cres cent Athletic Club ol Brooklyn. ZALINSKL EDMUND L.— Inventor and Captain, United States Army (retired), 97 Liberty street New York City; residence 7 West 43d street. Bom in Prus sian Poland, Dec. 13, 1848. Educated In New York City and in United States Army. (Single.) Inventor ol the Zallnski Dynamite Gun. Member Union League, Lotos and Engineers' Clubs, Union League Club ol Brooklyn, Army and Navy Club ol Washing ton, Century Association, I,alayette Post, GAR American Institute ol Electrical Engineers, American Association lor the Advancement ol Science (Fellow) and MUitary Order ol the Loyal Legion. ,,, ZARING, CHARLES W.-Lawyer, 20 Broad street. New York City; residence 57 West 39th street Born in Orieans, Ind., Oct. 28, 1864. Educated at De Pauw University. (Single.) Assistant district attorney ol New -York County, 1897; Deputy Attoraey-General ol New York State, 1899. Member Republican Club American Geographical Society, Society ol Medical .Turisprudence and Association ol the Bar ol the Citv ol New York. ZELLER LORENZ -Lawyer, 99 Nassau street. New York City; residence 326 East 124th street. Mem ber ol the firm of Zeller & Miehllng. Director John F. Trommer Evergreen Brewery and Harlem River Park Amusement Co. ZELLHOEFER, CHARLES— Physician, 175 South Fourth street, Brooklyn. Born in New York City, January, 1851. Educated at New York University. (Married.) Consulting physician Eastern District Hospital; visiting physician New German Hospital. Member Hanover (Jlub, Kings County Medical Society and New York Physicians' Mutual Aid Association. ZEMAN, JOSEPH — Importer and Manufacturer of Infants' Wear, 594 Broadway, and 126 Crosby street. New York City; residence 125 Hancock street, Brook lyn. (Married Hattle Benedict of Newark, N. J.) Member ol the firm ol Zeman Bros. Served with Troop "C," N. G. N. Y., In the Puerto Rican cam paign during Spanish-American War, Member Riding and Driving Club ol Brooklyn. ZENTGRAF, CHARLES F. — Manulacturer ol Paints and Colors, 73 Duane street, New York City; residence Boyd Hill, Stapleton, S. I. Sole agent lor the United States ol the United Ultramarine Factories, Nuremberg, Germany. Vice-president and director Staten Island Savings Bank; treasurer and director International Ultramarine Works; director American Enameled Brick and Tile Co., American Lucol Co. and Staten Island Ry. Co. Member Richmond County Country and Merchants' Clubs and Metropolitan Mu seum ol Art. ZEREGA, LOUIS A. DL— Physician and Surgeon, 58 M''est 56th street. New York City. Born in New York City, June 9, 1864. Educated at the College ol the City ol New York (A.B., '86), at the College ol Phy sicians and Surgeons (M.D., '89) and In Gottingen, Hei delberg, Vienna and Paris. (Single.) House surgeon Bellevue Hospital, second suglcal division, until July 1, 1891; Interne ol Sloane Maternity Hospital, 1891. Now assistant surgeon Out-Patient Department Roose velt Hospital. Secretary Society ol Alumni ol BeUe vue Hospital. Member St. Nicholas and Badminton Clubs, Sloane Maternity Hospital Alumni Society and Linnaean Society ol New York. ZIEGBLE, ALBERT— Brewer, Buffalo; residence 108 Oxlord avenue. Born in Stuttgart, Wurtemburg, AprU 9, 1818. Educated In Stuttgart. (Married.) Di rector Commercial Insurance Co.; trustee Empire State Savings Bank. Member Buffalo Historical Lled ertalel and Orpheus Singing Societies, Deutscher Ver ein, German Young Men's Association, Buffalo Art Gallery and Masonic bodies. ZIEGLER, WILLIAM H. — Wholesale Coal Mer chant, 1 Broadway, New York City; residence 34 Eighth avenue, Brooklyn. Bom In Brooklyn. Feb 19 1857. Educated In Brooklyn. (Married.) Member oi the firm ol Barber & Zlegler. Director Hamilton Bank of Brooklyn, and Century Trust Co. of New York- also interested in People's Trust Co. and Hamilton Trast Co., both of Brooklyn. Member Hamilton and Mon tauk Clubs of Brooklyn, and Parkslde Angling Asso ciation of Pennsylvania. ZIEGLER, WILLIAM — Real Estate, 60 Liberty ^P^^h ^.S^ '^°^^ City; residence '624 Fifth avenue. Meniber New Tork Tacht, Larchmont Tacht Atlantic ^acht and Seawanhaka-Corinthian Tacht Clubs Brooklyn and Union League Clubs of Brooklyn Unlori ?^,'i''.*^^tib of Chicago, lU., Down Town Association and Metropolitan Museum of Art. ZIMMERMAN, JEREMIAH— Lutheran Clergy man, 109 South avenue, Syracuse. Born in Snyders- burg, Carroll Co., Md., April 26, 1848. Educated at Pennsylvania CoUege ('73). Received degree of D D from Wittenberg College. Pennsylvania CoUege aind BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 567 Susquehanna University. (Married.) Rector of the J