YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY A POLITICAL. INDEX TO THE HISTORIES OF GREAT BRITAIN <%" IRELAND: OR, A COMPLETE REGISTER HEREDITARY HONOURS, PUBLIC OFFICES, AND PERSONS IN OFFICE, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIODS TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY ROBERT BEATSON, L.L.D. CJe ^ESirU fEBttton, CojgwteB, ana tmicS ^Enlarges, IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. II. Jloitcon : Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster-row. 1805. Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Aberdeen'. CONTENTS of the SECOND VOLUME. NAVAL DEPARTMENT. v Page A Complete List ofthe Admirals ofthe British Navy - — - - I Post Captains of the British Navy -------------- 25 Vice- Admirals of Great Britain, from 1760 -- 77 Rear-Admirals of Great Britain -------------- ib. Treasurers ofthe Navy -------------- - - - 78 Comptrollers ofthe Navy 80 Surveyors of the Navy - - — — ............. 81 Clerk of the Accounts ofthe Navy - - 82 Comptrollers of the Treastsre^s Accounts — ----.----- ib. Comptrollers of Victualling Accounts ----, .-.-.' 83 Comptrollers of Store-keepers Accounts - --------- 84 . Commissioners of the Navy ¦¦ - - - - --------- 85 Extra Commissioners ----,. — - .... - - - - ^ 86 COMMISSIONERS at Chatham ----- 87 ¦ Sheerness --------------- 88 ——————— Portsmouth ------ -_- ib. , . Plymouth - -- 89 ._ _— — ' Deptford and Woolwich ----- - 90 . Kinsa/e ----- --- ib. , . Halifax - - - ------ ib. ¦i- Gibraltar ---- ,--_------- 91 — Malta ------ ib. .. Lisbon ------- ---.- --¦ ib. i - Mediterranean ------------ ib. ____—— , — Leeward Islands - 92 wm .... 1 » Jamaica • - - - - - - - ib. Vl CONTENTS. Page Victualling Office ------_._-.-..----- 93 Ordnance Office Naval ---------------- 101 Trinity House - - - ....-......----- z£. £/«Vr Brethren of Trinity House - - 102 Greenwich Hospital ----- .._..------ 103 Officers of Greenwich Hospital ------ r - - ----- 105 Marine Office - - --------- 108 Officers of Marine Office - ib- List of Captains superintending Naval Hospitals --,---- 1 10 Board of Transport Service .._-.--. m Sick' and Hurt Office ---- ----- 112 High Court of Admiralty - - ---.-.----.- 113 MILITARY DEPARTMENT, Commanders in Chief - ----- .,-.---.- - - 114 Field-Marshals ----..-.---------.-,-- nj Generals --- - - '- - .--.- ..---... ug Lieutenant -Generals - ----- ....-.-.- 127 Major-Genera Is --------------- ----- 140 Brigadier-Generals - - ------ --r ----- 147 British Staff Officers - - -.-....__ .... jri dides-de-Camp lo His Majesty - -•- .--..-..' jm Governors of Forts and Castles in Great Britain .... - 156 Chelsea Hospital ------------.-.... 164 Guernsey - - - ... ........... j.6c "Jersey jb^ Governors and Lieutenant-Governors of Gibraltar - - - - - 166 - — — _____ Minorca - - ... 167 Masters-General of the Ordnance, from 1506 ------- 168 Lieut en ant-Generals of the Ordnance - -. 160 Surveyors-General of the Ordnance - ......... j-0 Clerks of the Ordnance - - - ........... 2^ Store-keepers ofthe Ordnance - r^j Treasurers of the Ordnance jy2 Clerks of Deliveries of tbe Ordnance ## CONTENTS. vii Secretaries igfyftpftaftwiw -- j** Paymasters-General of the Land Forces ..... ... 175 Comptrollers ofthe Army Accounts '. 176 Commissaries-General of Musters -----.-..-.. ib. Judge Advocates-General -'-.-.-...-..... jwy A General List of the Succession "of Colonels to the several Regiments of Horse, Dragoons^ &c 178 East India. Company ---.------.--_-._ 277 Commissioners for India Affairs ----..--.... 278 Secretaries to India Affairs -------------- 281 Chief Clerks ib. Governors, Councils, Judges, • of Salt Duty ----- -- - - 37^ i. i o/" Stamp Duties ---.,.---•--•• ib. ¦¦ — — — for Taxes - - - - - .....---.-- 381 ———————————— for Wine Licences ----..--..-- 382 -—-—-———-—— for Haekney Coaches ---------- 384 Officers of the Duchy of Cornwall ---.-.-....--- 386 Regency during the King^s Absence -----»•----„---- 390 Lord Lieutenants qf the several Counties in England and Wales 401 Keepers and Rangers of his Majesty's Parks, Chaces, &C. - - 413 Master Falconers - - --.".-..--...-- - 417 Surveyors-General of the Crown Lands --------- 418 Surveyors-General of His Majesty's Woods, iS'c ----- ib. Ambassadors to Foreign States .--..-.-.---. 419 Do. from Foreign States --.-.-....---.. 429 THE THE POLITICAL INDEX. A complete List of the Noblemen and Gentlemen who have been dignified with the Rank of Admiral in the Royal Navy of England, and Great Britain, from the Restoration of King Charles II. 1660, to the present Time. 1660 /""I EORGE Monk, afterwards Duke of Albemarle. He \J was the happy means of restoring the Ring to his domi nions ; was Commander in Chief of the Fleet, and fought many battles with the Dutch, and displayed great courage and conduct. K. G. ' Prince Rupert, Duke of Cumberland, nephew to the Ringlet ed as an Admiral against the Dutch, and behaved with great bravery. K. G. Sir John Lawson, Knight, died of the wounds he received in a sea-fight with the Dutch, off Lowestoffe, 1665. 'Edward, Earl of Sandwich, fought gallantly against the Dutch, and was unfortunately killed in the battle of South- wold Bay, May 29. 1672. K. G. [vol. 11.] b sir Admirals of Great Britain. ' 1660 Sir Richard Stayner, Knight. 1661 Sir Robert Holmes, destroyed the Dutch magazines in the island of Vlie, and a large fleet of merchant-ships, and burnt some ships of war. Sir Thomas Allen, Knight, took part of the Dutch Smyrna fleet, killed Van "Brakett, their Commodore, and drove the remainder into Cadiz ; contributed greatly towards defeating the Dutch off the North Foreland, July 25. 1666. 1665 ' Sampson, esq. killed in the sea-fight with the Dutch, off Lowestoffe, 1665. Sir Thomas Tyddeman, knight, attacked the Dutch fleet in the port of Bergen in Norway, and was repulsed. Sir George Ayscue, knight, Admiral of the White, had his flag on board of the Royal Prince, fought with great bravery in the sea-fight off the toast of Sussex, June I. 1666; his ship being disabled, run on the Galloper sand-bank, was burnt, and he and crew made prisoners. Sir William Berkeley, knt. Vice-Admiral of the White, killed in the ab6ve sea-fight, June 1. 1666. Sir Joseph Jordan, knight, behaved with great bravery in ma ny sea-fights, particularly in the battle -of Solebay, May 9. 1672. Sir Christopher Mimms, knight, killed in the great sea-fight, June 1. 1666. Sir John Herman, knight, commanded in the West Indies. — He defeated and destroyed a superior fleet of the Dutch and Trench, and burnt the French Admiral's ship, 1667. Sir Jeremiah Smith, knight, fought with great bravery in the sea-fights against the Dutch. Sir Edward Spragge, knight, chastised the Algerines in 1670. Drowned in a sea-fight off the coast of Holland, August 11. . l673\ . Sir William Jennings, knight, second in command to Sir Ro bert Holmes, at the attack on the island of Vlie ; went with King James to France. — - Uthurt, esq. Sir John Kempthorne, knight. Knighted for burning an AL gerine fleet ; behaved with, great bravery in several sea- fights in the Dutch wars. 1670 Thomas, Earl of Ossory, son to the Duke of Ormond, distin guished himself much in a sea fight off the coast of Holland, May 19. 1673, and in another, Aug. 11. the same year K. G. Sir Fretcheville Holies, knight, Rear-Admiral, killed on board the Cambridge, in the battle of Solebay, May 1672. 1670 Admirals of Great Britain. 1670 Sir John Chicheley, knight, was a commissioner for the office of Master of the Ordnance. 1675 Sir John Narborough, knight. He chastised the piratical states of Barbary, and obliged them to sue for peace. 1683 George, Lord Dartmouth. He was Captain ofthe Royal Ca tharine in 1672, and displayed great courage, commanded the King's fleet in j668, was prevented by contrary winds from attacking the Prince of Orange's fleet. After the Re volution, was committed prisoner to the Tower, where he died. William Davis, esq. Sir John Berry, knight, was knighted by King Charles II. for his bravery on board the Resolution, in 1672. Was an Ad miral at La Hogue, where he behaved with great courage. Sir Roger Strickland, knight. In 1688, the sailors refused to serve under his command, he being a papist, and had nearly thrown his priests overboard. 1688 Arthur Herbert, esq. afterwards Earl of Torringtori. He was dismissed the service by King James, commanded the Dutch fleet that conveyed the Prince of Orange to England in 1688, was made Earl of Tdrrington. Lost the King's favour after the battle off Beachy-head. Sir Richard Haddock, knight. John, Lord Berkeley of Stratton. Henry Killigrew, esq. was an Admiral at the battle bf La Hogue, a Lord of the Admiralty in 1693. 1690 Edward Russell, esq. afterwards Earl of Orford, &c. defeated the French fleet under M. de Tourville off Cape La Hogue ; was created Earl of Orford, was long first Lord of the Ad miralty. Sir Cloudesley Shovel, knt. was knighted by King William for his bravery in the battle of Bantry Bay, when Captain 'of the Edgar; was Rear- Admiral of England, and Comman der in Chief of the fleet, and a Lord ofthe Admiralty. He commanded the fleet at the siege- of Toulon in 1707 ; and on his return from that expedition, in the Association, struck on the Bishop and Clerks rocks, Scilly, and was lost, October 27. 1707. Sir Ralph Delaval, knt. was an Admiral at the battle of La Hogue, and a Lord of the Admiralty, 1693.- Sir John Ashby, knt. Knighted by King William for his bra very in the Defiance, at the battle of Bantry Bay. Was an Admiral at the battle of La Hogue. Sir George' Rooke, knight, was knighted by King WTilliam. By Queen Anne, was made Vice-Admiral of England, and Admiral ofthe fleet. He commanded the fleet against Ca- b 2 diz? 4 Admirals of Great Britain. diz, took Vigo, and destroyed the galleons, 1702. <- * manded the fleet at the taking of Gibraltar, I7°4.«£ °*" the French fleet under the Compte de Thoulouse off Malaga, the same year. Was a Lord of the Admiralty in 1702. Died in 176Q. ., „ ,- 1691 Richard Carter, esq. Killed at the battle off La Hogue, May 19. 1692. ¦ T 1 J Matthew Aylmer, esq. afterwards Lord Aylmer in Ireland,, a Lord, of the Admiralty, and Rear- Admiral of Great Britain. Died in 1720. Sir David Mitchell, knight. Died in 17 10. 1692 Sir Francis Wheeler, knight, drowned in 1694, in the Sussex, going to the Mediterrannean, only two men saved. Hon. Edward Nevill, brother to Lord Abergavenny. 1693 Sir Thomas Hopson, knight, knighted by Queen Anne for his intrepidity at Vigo, 1702. Died in 1 7 17. 1694 John Benbow, esq. died in Oct. 1702, at Jamaica, of the wounds, he received in an engagement with M. du Casse, in the West Indies, off the high land of St Martha*, July 1702. -Peregrine, Marquis of Caermarthen, afterwards Duke of Leeds1. He commanded the fleet or expedition against Brest. George Meeze, esq. 1698 Sir John Munden, knight, was knighted by King Charles II, for retaking the island of St Helena. 1701 George Churchill, esq. brother to the Duke of Marlborough, also a Lord of the Admiralty. Sir Stafford Fairborne, knight, knighted for his bravery in the battle off Malaga. Was one of the Council to Prince George of Denmark. 1702 John Graydon, esq. Sir William Whetstone, knight, knighted by Queen Anne.— Dismissed in 1706. 1703 Sir John Leake, knight, was Captain ofthe Eagle in the battle off L? H°g«e. In 1 704, he Was knighted by the Lord High Admiral, and same year sent to the Mediterranean, and had his share of the taking of Gibraltar, and the sea-fight off Malaga. • Soon after Admiral Ben W. retttn to Jamaica, he received a letter from M. Du Casse, of which tht following is a translation : i. g Carthagena, August 1703. " I had little hopes on Monday last but to have supped in your c W pleased God to order it otherwise. I am thankful for it. As for tho * '** '' Captains who deserted you, hang them tip ; for by G—d they deserve It cowar<"y " Du cassel Admirals of Great Britain. Malaga. He relieved Gibraltar when besieged, and destroy ed great part of M. Pointis's squadron, and performed other important services in those seas. He was Rear-Adiniral of Great Britain, and made Commissioner of the Admiralty. — From both he was removed, and had a pension of L.600 a- _ year. He died in 1720. 1703 Sir George Byng, knt. afterwards Viscount Torrington. On every service he was employed in, he displayed great courage and conduct. He destroyed the Spanish fleet off Messina, in Sicily, in 1718, and on his return was raised to the peer age. He was Rear- Admiral of Great Britain, and first Lord ofthe Admiralty. Sir Thomas Dilkes, knight. Basil Beaumont, esq. drowned in the great storm in 1704, on board the Mary, in the Downs. Sir James Wishart, knt. knighted by Queen Anne. Dismissed in 1715. J 705 Sir John Jennings, knight, was knighted by Queen Anne, for his bravery in the battle off Malaga, 1 704 ; was entrusted with several important commands, in which he acquitted himself with great honour ; was Rear-Admiral of Great Britain in 1732. Died in 1745. Charles, Earl of Peterborough and Monmouth, was likewise Captain-General of the land forces in Spain, and General of the Marines. Sir Edward Whitaker, knight. Knighted by Queen Anne. Dismissed in 17 15. 1706 Sir John Nprris, knight. Served long, and with great re putation. He was knighted by Queen Anne, commanded the fleet in the Baltic, and was employed in a public charac ter to the Czar ; also a Lord of the Admiralty, and Admiral of the fleet. Died in 1749. 1707 James, Lord Viscount Dursley, afterwards Earl of Berkeley, served with great honour to himself, and service to his coun try, for many years. Was Vice-Admiral of Great Britain, and first Lord of the Admiralty. Died in 1736. 1738 John Baker, esq. pied in 1716. James Littleton, esq. Died in 1722. Sir Charles Wager, knight. He was knighted by Queen Anne, for his gallant behaviour in the West Indies, in at tacking, taking one, and destroying some rich galleons. He was Treasurer of the Navy, and first Lord of the Admiralty. Died in 1743. 2710 Sir Hovenden Walker, knight. Knighted by Queen Anne in 1711 ; commanded the sea forces in the expedition against Quebec. On his return, his ship the Edgar, of 76 guns, blew up at Spithead, and all on board perished. The officers a 3 were 6 Admirals of Great Britain. were mostly on shore. He was dismissed in 17 15. Died in 1725. 1 7 10 Sir Thomas Hardy, knight. Knighted by Queen Anne, 101 his bravery at Vigo. Died in 1732. v 1718 Charles Cornwall, esq. Died in 1718. George Delaval, esq. Killed by a fall from his horse, 1732. . James Mighells, esq.— Resigned to be a Commissioner of the Navy. 1722 Francis Hosier, esq. Died in 1727, on board the Breda, off La Vera Cruz, of a broken heart. 1723 Sir George Walton, knight. Knighted for his gallant beha- viour, while Captain of the Canterbury, in a battle off Mes sina *. Resigned on a pension of L.600 a-year. C. Strickland, esq. Died in 1724. 1727 Salmon Maurice, esq. Resigned, in 1734$ on 3 pension. Died in 1 741. Robert Hughes, esq. Died in 1728. Edward Hopson, esq. Died in 1728, on board the Leopard,. at his command off the Graiyi Baru, West Indies. 1728 Philip Cavendish, esq. a Lord of the Admiralty. Died in J74 got a pension of L.2000 a-year. Died in 1792. 1761 His Royal Highness Prince Edward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany, was a Midshipman at the taking of Cherburg, and the defeat at St Cas in 1758. -Made Captain ofthe Phoenix of 44 guns, June 14. 1759 ; and Rear-Admiral of the Blue, April 8. 1761 ; Vice of the Blue in 1762 ; and Admiral ofthe Blue in 1766. He died at Monaco in Italy, September 14. 1767. 1762 Sir William Burnaby, Knt. and Bart, commanded at Jamaica in 1 771. Died in 1776. James Young, esq. destroyed some French ships at Newfound land, when he commanded the Kinsale of 40 guns, and had a broad pendant in the glorious battle off Bellisle, November 20. 1759. Died in 1789. Sir Piercy Brett^ Knt. was one of Lord Anson's Lieutenants. He great distinguished himself, when Captain ofthe Lyon in _ 1745. Was a Lord ofthe Admiralty. Died in 1781. Sir John Moore, Knight ofthe Bath, and Baronet, commanded the fleet at the taking of Guadaloupe in 1759. Died in 1779. Richard Tyrrell, esq. behaved with great courage when Cap tain ofthe Buckingham of 70 guns, in an action with a French ship of 74 guns, and two large frigates, in the West Indies, in 1758, in which he was badly wounded in the right hand. He commanded in the West Indies in 1763, and died on his passage home in 1765. Alexander Colvill, Lord Col vill, retook Newfoundland in 1762. Died in 1779. Sir James Douglas, Knt. was knighted for bringing home the news of the surrender of Quebec in 1 759 ; commanded the fleet at the Leeward Islands in 1761 ,• had a broad pendant at the siege of Martinico in 1 762, and was created a Baronet in June 1786. Died-ip 1787. Sir John Bentley, Knt. knighted for his bravery in the War- spight off Cape Lagos in 1759. Died in 1770. William Gordon, esq. Died in 1768. George Edgecumbe, Lord Edgecumbe, now Viscount Mount - edgecumbe and Valletort. Made Earl of Mountedgecumbe in 1789, He displayed great courage when he commanded the Lancaster in May 1756, and was sent home express with the 1 % Admirals of Great Britain. the news of the surrender of Cape Breton, in 1758. Died in January 1785. Robert Swanton, esq. Commodore at the taking of Martinico, &c. in 1762. Died in 1765. Samuel Graves, esq. commanded the fleet in North America in 1775. Died in 1787. \ _ William Parry, esq. commanded at Jamaica in 1707. Died in 1779. Honourable Augustus Keppel, afterwards Viscount Keppel, was a Midshipman at the taking of Paita, where he was slightly wounded. Was Commodore on the coast of Africa ; and in January 1759 took Goree; and behaved with great courage in the Torbay in the sea-fight off Belleisle, Novem ber 20. 1759. In 1761, he commanded the fleet at the siege of Belleisle ; and in 1762, went out Commodore under Sir 1 George Pocock to the Havannah. He commanded the grand fleet in 1778. Was accused by Vice-admiral Sir Hugh Palliser, of misconduct in a sea-fight off Ushant on the 27th of July 1778, for which he was tried, and honourably ac quitted ; he even got the thanks ofthe Lords and Commons. In 1782, he was made first Lord of the Admiralty, and soon after created Viscount Keppel in 1782. Died in 1786. 1764 John Amherst, esq. Died in 1778. His Royal Highness Henry Duke of Cumberland and Strath- em. Died in 179O1 1770 Sir Peter Denis, Bart, was one of Lord Anson's Lieutenants, greatly distinguished himself in May 1747, in the Centurion. He took the Raisonable of 64 guns in 1758, in fhe Dorset shire ; and inthe same ship began the battle off Eelleisle, Nov. 20. 1759, where he gained great honour. Was made Baronet in 1768. Died in 1778. Robert Hughes, esq. one of Lord Anson's Lieutenants. Died in 1774. Matthew Buckle, esq. took the Glorioso in 1747. Was Captain bf the Namur in the glorious battles of Cape Lagos in July, and off Belleisle in November 1759, where he behaved with great courage. Died in 1784. Robert Mann, esq. a Lord ofthe Admiralty. Died in 1783. Clerk Gayton, esq. behaved with great resolution in the St George of 90 guns, at the attack of Basse Terre, Guada loupe, in Jan. 1759. Died in 1785. John Barker, esq. Died in 1777, Sir Richard Spry, Knt. knighted at Portsmouth in 1772. Died in 1775. "* Lucius O'Brien, esq. behaved with great resolution whilst he commanded the Colchester in 1756, and in the Essex of 64 guns, Admirals of Great Britain. 13 gtms, in the battle off Belleisle, Nov. 20. 1759. Died in 1771. John Montagti, esq. Died in Sept. 1795. Thomas Craven, brother to Lord Craven. Died in 1772. Sir Robert Harland, Bart, commanded the fleet in the East In dies in 1771, &c. A Lord of the Admiralty. Died in 1784. James Sayer, esq. behaved with great resolution at the attack of the island of Goree, when he commanded the Nassau in 1759. Died in 1777. Richard Howe, Viscount and Earl Howe, displayed great courage in the Dunkirk at the taking of the Alcide in 1755. Took the island of Chausey in 175-6. In 1757, while com manding^ the Magnanimej he greatly distinguished himself in attacking the fort on the isle of Aix. In 1758, he was Commodore on the coast of France ; burnt the ships at St Malo, and took and destroyed Cherburg. This year, he succeeded to the Peerage on the death of his brother. In J 758, he commanded the Magnanime, and had a great share ef the glory gained on Nov. 20. that year. In i 762, he was the Duke of York's Captain. In 1776, he had the com mand of the fleet in North America. In 1782, he relieved Gibraltar in the face of 50 sail of the line ; and afterwards repulsed the combined fleets. In December 1783, he was appointed first Lord of the Admiralty. This office he re signed in 1788, on which he was created Earl Howe ; and on ist June 1794, defeated the French fleet under Villaret Joyeuse, sinking one, and taking1 six ships of the line, for which his Majesty conferred on him fhe Most Noble Order ofthe Garter. He died in 1799. 1775 Washington Shirley, Earl Ferrers. Died in 1778. Hugh Pigot, esq. Commanded the fleet in the West Indies the end of 1782. A Lord ofthe Admiralty. Died in $793. Molineux Shuldham, esq. now Lord Shuldham, commanded in North America in 1776, and the same year made a Peer of Ireland. Died in 1798. Sir Joseph Knight, Knt. knighted by the King at Portsmouth in 1773. Died in 1775. John Vaughan, esq. Died in 1789. John Lloyd, esq. commanded a small squadron in Quiberon bay in 1759, and was very active in distressing the enemy. Died in 1778.. Robert Duff, esq. commanded at Gibraltar in 1779. Died in 1787. ' John Reynolds, esq. Died in 1788. Sir Hugh Palliser, Bart, was third in command of *«e grand fleet 14 Admirals of Great Britain, fleet in 1778. Tried for misconduct, and acquitted. Was , Lieutenant-general of marines, and a Lord of the Admiralty, which he resigned in 1779. In July 1780, was appointed Governor of Greenwich Hospital. He died in 1796, being then Admiral ofthe White. 1775 Honourable John Byron, son to Lord Byron, commanded in North America and the West Indies in 1778 and 1779, and fought a bloody battle with a French ship greatly superior to him, off the island of Grenada. Died in 1786. Augustus John Hervey, Earl of Bristol, distinguished himself very much when he commanded the Dragon of 74 guns, at the sieges of Belleisle, Martinico, and the Havannah. Died in 1779. r 777 George Mackenzie, esq. Died in 1780. Matthew Barton, esq. Died in 1795. Sir Peter Parker, Knt. and Bart, knighted in 1772. Commo dore in America, where he distinguished'himself by an attack on Fort Sullivan. He took Rhode island in 1777, and was sent to command at Jamaica, 1779. Made Baronet Jan. 23. 1782. He is now Admiral of the fleet, 1778 Honourable Samuel Barrington, son to Viscount Barrington, sent to command in the West Indies; Repulsed the French at St Lucia in 1779, although more than ten times his force, and the same year was wounded in a sea-fight off the Gre nades j made Lieutenant-General of Marines in 1786. Died in 1800. Marriot Arbuthnot, esq. Commanded in North America in 1 780 and 1781. Died in 1793. Robert Roddam, esq. was made a Post -captain for his gallant behaviour whilst he commanded a sloop of war on the coast of Spain, and bravely defended the Greenwich of 50 guns for many hours against a French squadron of 5 sail of the line ¦ and 3 frigates, but was at length obliged to yield to so great a superiority. He is now an Admiral ofthe Red. George^ Darby, esq. and the present Rear-Admiral of Great Britain. Relieved Gibraltar in 1781. Made Lord of the Admiralty the same year. Died in 1790. John Campbell, esq. Governor of Newfoundland in 1782, 1783, and 1784. Died in 1791. Christophef Hill, esq. Died in 1778. James Gambier, esq. commanded in North America in 1778. Died in 1788. William Lloyd, esq. Francis William Drake, esq. Died in 1788. Sir Edward Hughes, Knt. and Knt. ofthe Bath, commanded in the East Indies from 177S to 1783, arid fought five bloody battles with the French in these Seas. Died in 1795. Sir Hyde Parker, Bart, commanded the fleet in the West Indies Admirals of Great Britain, 15 in 1780, where he distinguished himself very much. In 178 1 he commanded the British fleet in the North Sea, and on the 7th of August, when off the Dogger Bank, he engaged a Dutch fleet every way superior to him, and forced them to retire into port. In 1782 ha was appointed commander of his Majesty's fleet in the East Indies, and hoisted his flag on board the Cato of 50 guns, but from the time he left Eng land no account has ever been received of him, crew, or ship. 1779 John Evans, esq. took St Pierre and Miquelon in 1778. Died in 1796. Mark Milbank, esq. served as Vice-admiral at the relief of Gibraltar in 1782. Died in 1804. Nicholas Vincent, esq. John Storr, esq. took the Orphee of 64 guns, and in the action lost the calf of onejof his legs. Died in 1783. Sir Edward Vernon, Knt. knighted at Portsmouth in 177 3, commanded the fleet at the taking of Pondicherry, in 1779. Died in 1794. Sir Joshua Rowley, Bart, has given many proofs of courage and conduct during his long services. Created a Baronet in 1786. Died in 1790. Richard Edwards, esq. commanded at Newfoundland in 1779, 1780, and 1781. Died in 1794. Thomas, Lord Graves, commanded the fleet in North Ame rica in 1780 and 1781. He repulsed a much superior French fleet off the Chesapeak. He was second in command of the British fleet under Earl Howe, and had a great share in the victory gained over the enemy on the first of June 1794, in which battle he was severely wounded : in reward for his gallant services his Majesty was pleased to create him Lord Gravesof the kingdom of Ireland. He died ip 1802. Robert Digby, esq. commanded the fleet in North America in 1782. Sir John Lockhart Ross, Bart, whose services, while Captain of the Tartar, will always make a conspicuous figure in our Na val Annals. Assisted in relieving Gibraltar in 1780 and 178 1. Died in 1790. 1780 Charles Webber, esq. Died in 1783. William Langdon, esq. behaved with great bravery when Cap tain of the Edinburgh, in an action off Cape Francois, Oct. 1757. Died in 1785. Benjamin Marlow, esq. Died in 1794. Alexander Hood, esq. displayed great courage whilst he com manded the Minerva of 32 guns ; served as a Rear-admiral under Lord Howe/at the relief of Gibraltar in 1 782. Trea surer 1 6 Admirals of Great Britain* surer of Greenwich Hospital. Made K. B. and Lord Brid port. 1780 Alexander Innes, esq. sent to command at Jamaica in I7°5> and died soon after. Sir Chaloner Ogle, Knt. Sir Samuel Hood; Bart, now Lord Hood, raised to the Peerage of Ireland for his gallant behaviour at St Christopher's, and in the battles on 9th and 12th April 1782. On the first of June 1796, he was raised to the dignity of Viscount Hood of Great Britain, and is at present an Admiral of the Red, and Governor of Greenwich Hospital. Matthew Moore, esq. behaved bravely whilst Captain of the Adventure. Died in 1787. Sir Richard Hughes, Bart, served as Rear-admiral under Lord Howe, at the relief of Gibraltar, who detached him to com mand, at the Leeward Islands in 1782. Died in 1791. Sir Francis Samuel Drake, Bart, created a Baronet for his gal lant behaviour in the battle fought on April 12. 1782. Made a Lord ofthe Admiralty. Died in Dec. 1789. Richard Kempenfelt, esq. distinguished himself in the East In dies while Captain of Admiral Stevens's ship, in the bloody battles fought there in 1758 and 1759; as also at the taking of Manilla, and was, on that occasion, in token of his great merit, made Governor of Port Cavite, and sent home with the news ofthat conquest in 1762. Was, in 1779 and 1780, Admiral's Captain of the grand fleet. In December 1780, he commanded 12 sail ofthe line, and, by his superior skill, cut off 12 sail of French ships, escorted by 22 sail of the line. He unfortunately lost his life, by his 6hip the Royal George oversetting at Spitheadin 1782. 1784 Sir Edmund Affleck, Bart. Made a Baronet for his gallant be haviour, April 12. 1782. Died in 1788. 1786 Sept. 14. John Elliot, esq. took a French fleet of frigates, com manded by the famous M. Thurot -, and has, on many occa sions, greatly distinguished himself in the Navy. He is at present General ofthe Mint in Scotland, and an Admiral of the Red. W. Hotham, es}. has given many conspicuous proofs of courage and conduct whilst a Captain, and as a Commodore in the last war in North America and the West Indies, and at the relief of Gibraltar in 1782. In 1797, his Majesty was pleased to create him a Peer of Ireland by the title of Lord Hotham. He is at present an Admiral of the Red. Sir J. Lindsay, K. B. was knighted for his gallant behaviour at the siege of Havannah, and a K. B. whilst Commodore in the East Indies. Died in 1788. J. Pay- Admirals of Great Britain. 17 1787 Joseph Peyton, esq. was Admiral's first Captain in the fleet under Admiral Darby, at the relief of Gibraltar in 1781. Died in 1804. Jo. Carter Allen, esq. was made Post-captain for a very gallant action with a French privateer of superior force to the sloop he commanded. Died in Oct. 1800. Sir Chas. Middleton, Bart, when he commanded a 20 gun-ship in the West Indies, took and destroyed so many French pri vateers, and afforded such protection to the trade, that the Assembly of Barbadoes voted him their thanks, and a gold- hilted sword, in token of the service he had done on that station. Made Comptroller ofthe Navy in 1778. In 17.81, he was made a Baronet of Great Britain ; in May 1 794, he was appointed one of the Commissioners of the Admiralty, which he resigned in December 1796. In April 1805, he. was rais ed to the Peerage of Great Britain, by the title of Lord Bar ham, and appointed First Commissioner of the Board of Ad miralty, which office he resigned in February 1806. He is, at present an Admiral ofthe Red. Sir John Laforey, Bart, promoted to his flag, Nov. 10. 1789. He greatly distinguished himself at the siege of Louisburg in I758, by boarding and taking the French ship the Prudent of 74 guns. In 1779, he was appointed one o£ the Com missioners ofthe Navy, which he resigning in 1 789, he was promoted to the rank of Vice-admiral of the White, and creT ated a Baronet of Great Britain in November 1789. He died in 1795. Jo. Dalrymple, esq. distinguished himself when Captain of the Solebay, and when he commanded the Union in 1782. Died in 1795. , Herbert Sawyer, esq. when Captain of the Active, took the Hermione Spanish Register ship, and distinguished himself when Captain of the Boyne at St Lucia in 1779. Died in .I7?-*- . .... Sir Richard King, Knt. distinguished himself greatly whilst a Commodore in the East Indies last war, for which he receiv ed the honour of knighthood. Created a Baronet in 1792. J. Faulknor, esq. a son of the gallant Captain Faulknor, who lost his life in the Victory in 1744, and has distinguished him self on several occasions' in the course of the two last wars. Died in 1795. Philip Affleck, esq, a Lord of the Admiralty, behaved with great courage in many severe engagements, when Captain of the Triumph. Died in 1800. [vol. il] <= , 1787 A4mifals of Great Britain, 17-87 Sir Richard Bickerton, .Bart, behaved very gallantly whert Captain ofthe Glasgow ; steered his Majesty's "barge at the grand Naval Review at Portsmouth in 1773 ; for which he was knighted ; was created a baronet of Great Britain m 177.8 ; went Commodore, of a squadron to the East Indies, in in 1781.- Died in 1792. Honourable John Leveson Gower, distinguished himself Very much whilst he commanded the Quebec in the former war ; and, during the last, whilst he commanded the Valiant ; as also, when he was first Captain of Lord Howe's ship, at the , relief of Gibraltar, in the year. 1782. Died in 1790.^ Sir John Jervis, Earl of St Vincent, He has often distinguish ed himself, but particularly in the action with the Pegase, when he commanded the Foudroyant, April 20. 1782, for which he, was made a Knight of the Bath ; and when he commanded the British- fleet stationed off the coast of Spain and Portugal, being off Cape St Vincent, Feb. 14. 1797, he, with a very inferior force, attacked' and beat the Spanish fleet, taking two ships of. 100 guns, and two ships 74 guns each, for which important service his Majesty, was pleased to create him an Earl of Great-Britain on the 27th of May 1797. In Feb. 1791, he was appointed First Lord Commissioner of the Ad miralty, which office he resigned in May 1804. He is at pre sent, an Admiral of the Red. Adam Viscount Duncan,— distinguished himself much at the siege ofthe. Ha vann ah, where he was Captain of Com modore (afterwards Lord) Keppel's ship ; and also whilst he commanded a squadron pff the, coast of Holland, both during the. mutiny which broke out on board therBritish fleet in 1795, and on October 11. 1797, when he attacked and to tally defeated the Dutch fleet, commanded by Admiral. Win ter, off Camperdown, taking eight sail of the line, and seve ral frigates > for. which important: service his Majesty was pleased to create him a Peer of Great Britain, by the title of Viscount Duncan of Lundie and Carnperdown. His Lord- ship-died of the gout in his stomach while on his journey from London to Edinburgh, Aug. 4. 1804, he then being an Ad miral of the. White. , Sir Ch. Douglas, Bart, has, on .many occasions, displayed great abilities as., an officer ; particularly in the part of the service allotted to him, in recovering Newfoundland from the French in 1762; relieving .of the city of Quebec in 1776, for. which he was created a Baronet 4 and on the glorious 12th of April ,1782, when he was first Captain of Lord Rodney's ship in the West Indies. Died in 1789. 1787 Admirals of Great Britain. ig 1787 Sir George Bowyer, Bart, was Rear-admiral of the Blue, and had his flag on board the Barfleur of 90 gUns, in the glorious victory obtained over the French fleet on June ist, 1794, in which action he had the misfortune to lose a leg : his Majesty was so much pleased with his conduct, that he created him a Baronet of Great Britain. 1790 Sept. 21. Richard Braithwaite, esq. Died in 1804. Philips Cosby, esq. Thomas Fitzherbert, esq. Died in 1794. Samuel Cornish, esq. John Brisbane, esq. John Houlton, esq. Died in 1791. Charles Wolseley, esq. Charles Inglis, esq. Died in 1791. Samuel Cranstowii Goodall, esq. Diedini8oi. Hon. Keith Stewart, second son of the Earl of Gal loway, commanded a squadron off the coast of Scotland in 1781. Died in 1794. Dec. 3. His Royal Highness William Henry, Duke of Cla rence. 1793 Feb. 1. Sir Richard Onslow, Bart, was second in command under Lord Viscount Duncan, in the fight off the coast of Holland, Oct. 1 ith, 1 797, and behaved with great bravery, for which his Majesty creat ed him a Baronet. Sir Robert Kingsmill, Bart. Died in 1805. Sir George Collier, Knt. Died in 1794. Sir Hyde Parker, Knt. Rowland Cotton, esq. Died in 1794. Benjamin Caldwell, esq. ' Honble. William Cornwallis, second son of Charles, first Earl Cornwallis. He has greatly distinguish ed himself in several well fought battles in the West Indies and in Europe, and by his unwearied perseverance in blocking up for a great length of time, a strong fleet of French ships of war in Brest harbour. He is at present Admiral of the Red, and Rear-admiral of England. William Allen, fesq. John M'Bride, esq. Died in 1800. George Vandeput, esq. • Died in 1800. William Dickson, esq. Died in 1803. Charles Buckner, esq. John Gell, esq. C2 1793 aa Admirals of Great Britain. 1703 Feb. I. Right Honble. Alan Lord Gardner. His Lordship W Sreatly distinguished himself in the battle of June ist, 1794, for which his Majesty created him a Peer of Ireland by the title of Lord Gardner. 1 794 Apr. 11. John Lewis Gidoin, esq. Died in 1796.. George Gayton, esq. Died in 1796. George Murray, esq. Died in 1797. 12. Robert Linzee, esq. Died in 1804. Sir James Wallace, Knt. knighted for_ his gallant behaviour whilst he commanded a frigate on the American station, during the rebellion there. — Died in 1 803. William Peere Williams, esq. Sir Thomas Pasley, Bart, behaved with great cou rage and conduct in the sea-fights of 29th May and 1st June 1794, in the latter of which he had the misfortune to lose a leg, and was soon after wards ' created a Baronet- John Symons, esq. Died in 1800. Sir Thomas Rich, Bart. Died in 1803. Sir Charles Thompson, Bart. Diedin 1799. James Cumming, esq. John Ford, esq. Died in 1 796. Sir John Colpoys, K. B. was for some time Com missioner of the Admiralty, and is now Treasur er of Greenwich Hospital. Sheffington Lutwidge, esq. Sir Archibald Dickson, Bart. Died in 1803. George Montagu, esq. Thomas Dumaresque, esq. Diedin 1801. Right Hon. George, Lord Keith. He commanded the fleet which co-operated with the army at the taking of the Cape of Good Hope in 1795, and greatly facilitated the surrender of that place-; and on the 16th August ^1796, he compelled a Dutch squadron under the command of Admiral Lucas- in Saldanah-bay, to surrender to the Bri tish fleet under his command. For these, and many other gallant services, his Majesty was pleased to confer on him the Order of the Bath, . and raised him to the peerage. July 4- James Pigott, esq. Right Honble. William, Lord Radstock. His Lordship had signalized himself very much, when he commanded a frigate. On the. 14th February 1797, he was made Vice-admiral ofthe Blue, and had Admirals of Great Britain. f^i had his flagon board the Barfleur of 98 guns, and contributed much to the victory gained over the Spanish fleet off Cape Lagos, Feb. 14. 1797, for which his Majesty raised him to the peerage. 1794 July 4. Thomas Pringle, esq. Died in 1804, Hon. Wm. Clement Finch, pied in 1794. Sir Roger Curtis, Bart. Sir Henry Harvey, K.B. greatly distinguished him self, when -captain of the Ramillies in the battle of June ist, 1794 ; he was made K. B. in 1809. Robert Man, esq. Sir William Parker, Bart. Pied in 1703. Oct. 23. Charles Holmes Calmady, esq. John Bourmaster, esq. Sir George Young, Knt« John Henry, esq. Richard Rodney Bligh, esq. Alexander Graeme, esq. was Captain ofthe Preston of 50 guns, in the battle off the Dogger Bank, Aug. 5th, 1781, in which action he lost an arm. 1795 June J- George Keppel, esq. Died in 1805. Samuel Reeve, esq. Died in 1803. Robert Biggs, esq. Died in 1803. Francis Parry, esq. Diedin 1804. Isaac Prescott, esq. John Bazeley, esq. Christopher Mason, esq. Diedin 1801. Thomas Davy Spry, esq. Sir John Orde, Bart. William Young, esq. was a Commissioner of the Admiralty. James Gambier, esq. Sir Andrew Mitchell, K. B. behaved with great courage and good conduct at the Texel, where he compelled a strong squadron of Dutch ships of war to surrender. Charles Chamberlayne, esq. Peter Rainier, esq. commanded the British squadron in the East Indies from 1794 to 1804. Sir Hugh Cloberry Christian, K. B. Died in 1800. William Truscott, esq. Diedin 1796. Lord Hugh Seymour, son of Francis, Marquis _ of Hertford, commanded the fleet on the Jamaica station, where he died in 1803. John Stanhope, esq. Died in 1800. Christopher Parker, esq. Died in 1804. c 3 1795 2fl Admirals of Great Britain. 1795 June 1. Philip Patton, esq. Sir Charles Morice Pole, Bart. John J3rown,'esq. John Leigh Douglas, esq. 1797 Feb. 20. William Swiney, esq. Charles Edmund Nugent, esq. William Fooks, esq. Diedin 1798. Charles Powell Hamilton, esq. Edmund Dod, esq. Right Honble. Horatio, ViscOunt Nelson and Duke . of Bronte. A most active, brave, and able officer. He defeated the French fleet in Aboukir Bay, Aug. 1. 1798, and took eight sail ofthe line, forwhich he was raised to the Peerage. He was second in com mand at the battle off Copenhagen, where he dis played great courage and conduct, and for which he was raised to the dignity of Viscount. He completely defeated the combined fleets of France and Spain, off Cape Trafalgar, Oct. 21st, 1805, in which he lost his life. Thomas Lenox Frederick, esq. was Rear-admiral of the Blue, and greatly distinguished himself in the action off Cape Lagos, Feb- 14. 1797. Sir George Home, Bart. Died in 1803. Sir Charles Cotton, Bart. Matthew Squire, esq. Diedin 1800. Roddam Home, esq. Died in 1800. 1799 Feb. 14. John Thomas, .esq. James Brine, esq. , John Pakenham, esq. Sir Erasmus Gower, Knt. John Holloway, esq. John Blankett, esq. , Diedin 1801. George Wilson, esq. Sir Charles Henry Knowles, Knt. Honble. Thomas Pakenham. ''Robert Deans, esq. Right Honble. Cuthbert Collin gwood, was second in command when Lord Nelson gained the glori ous victory off Capt Trafalgar,' Oct. 21st, 1805, id seconded his Lordship's plan so well, that his Majesty was pleased to raise him to the peerage. James Hawkins Wbitshed, esq. Arthur Kemp, esq. Smith Child, esq. Right Hon. Charles, Lord Lecale, 2d son of James, Duke of Leinster. linn Admirals of Great Britain. £3 1799 Feb. 14. Thomas Taylor, esq. Sir John Thomas Duckworth, K. B. John Knowles, esq. DiediniSoo. John Willet Payne, esq. Sir Robert Calder, Bart. James Richard Dacres, esq. Honble. George Berkeley. Thomas West, esq. James Douglas, esq, Peter Aplin, esq. Henry Savage, esq- Bartholomew Samuel Rowley, esq. Sir Richard Bickerton, Bart. George Bowen, esq. Robert Montagu, esq. John Fergusson, esq. John Howorth, esq. Died in 1 796. Edward Edwards, esq. Right Hon. Sir Joliri Borlase Warren, K. B. 1801 Jan. 1. Edward Tyrrel Smith, esq. Sir Thomas Graves/, K. B. Thomas Macnamara Russel, esq. Sylverius Moriarty, esq. Sir Henry Trollope, Knt. Banneret. Had this hor nour conferred on him for his biavery in the bat tle of Oct. 11. 1)97. Henry Edwin Stanhope, esq. Robert M'Dowall, esq. Billy Douglas, esq. John Wickey, esq. ' John Inglis, esq. John Fish, esq. Jahleel Brenton, esq. Died 1801. John Knight, esqv Edward Thornborough, esq. James Kempthorne, esq. Sampson Edwards, esq. George Campbell, esq. Thomas Hicks, esq. Died 1800. Henry Franklarid, esq. Arthur Philip, esq. Sir William George Fairfax, Knt. Banneret, Cap tain of Lord Duncan's flag-ship, Oct. 11. 1797, aiid was knighted for his bravery in that action. Sir James Saumarez, Bart, and K. B. 1864 Apr. 23. Thomas Drury, esq. Albemarle Bertie, esq. Right Honble. William, Earl of Northesk, K. B. c 4 , 1804 24 Admirals of Great Britain. 1804 Apr. 23. James Vashon, esq. Sir Wm. Henry Douglas, Bart. Thomas Wells, esq. Sir Edward Pellew, Bart. ¦ ' Sir Isaac Coffin, Bar!;. John Aylmer, esq. Samuel Osborne, esrj. Richard Roger, esq. Jonathan Faulknor, esq. John Child Purvis, esq. Theophilus Jones, esq. William Domett, esq. William Wolseley, esq. John Manley, esq. George Murray, esq. Honble. Alexander Forrester Cochrane. ' Sir Thomas Troubridge, Bart. J. Markham, esq. a Commissioner ofthe Admiralty. Charles Stirling,' esq. v Henry D'Este'rre Darby, esq. Edward Bowater, esq. "George Palmer, esq. William O'Bryen Drury, esq. William Essington, esq. Sir Thomas Louis, Knt. 1805 Nov. 9. John M/Dbugal, esq. Rear-admiral of the Blue. James Alms, esq, Eliab Harvey, esq. John Peyton, esq. Sir Edmund Nagle, Knt. John Wells, esq, Richard Grindall, esq. George Martin, esq. Sir Alex. John Ball, Bart. Sir Richard John Strachan, Bart, and K. B- Sir William Sydney Smith, Knight, behaved with great honour and conduct in burning the French , ships in Toulon harbour,, and the gallant defence of St Jean D'Acre. ' Thomas Sotheby, esq. Edwardf O'Brien, esq. Nathan Brunton, esq. William Hancock Kelly, esq. John Schank, esq. Hon. Michael de Coun-.y. William Bentinck, esq. Paul Minchin, esq. , Philip D'Auvergne, Prince of Bouillon. r ^ i A List of the Captains of His Majesty's Navy, dis-* tinguishing such as haye been promoted to the Rank of Admirals, and such as have lost their Lives in the service of their Country, 8(c. tKc. from the Accession -of the House of Hanover, 1714, to the present Time, [ffote — Those before whose names is A. denotes Admiral. Those after whose names is s. Superannuated Rear-Admiral on half-pay. d. Dead. C. Commissioner ofthe Navy, or Victualling-office.} 1714 Sept. 20. Francis -Willis. Drowned when Captain ofthe Royal Anne galley, carrying out Lord Belhaven to his government of Barbadoes, 1729- Nov. 15. Alexander Geddes, C. d. Dec. 18. Arthur Dalgarno, d. 1 7 15 June 2. Edward Whitworth, d. July 9. Thomas Williams, d. 26. George Kendall, d. Thomas Smart, d. Oct. 5. Digby Kent, d. Vincent Pearse, d. 19. Ellis Brand, s.d. 23. Erasmus Phillips. Drowned in the Bay of Bis cay in 1719, when Captain ofthe Blandford. ,George Fairlie. 171S .*6 Captains of the Royal Navy, 17 16 Mar, 10. June 25. 26. Aug. 10. Sept. 14. Oct. 13. Dec. 22. 1717 Mar. 14. J718 Apr. 17- June 2?. Oct. 9. Pec. 3, 4- 5- 1719 Mar. 11.26. Apr. 13. June 30. 1720 Feb. 9. Apr. 24. May 29. June 1. July 24. Sept. 28. 3°- 1721 Jan. 20. - " Feb. 17. Apr. 7. 1.9- May 30. 1722 Jan. 28. Mar. 17. William Smith, s. d. A. Hon. George Clinton, d. A. William Rowley, d. John Stevens, d. John Ross, d. John Hildersley, s. d. Thomas Whitney, d. Robert Mann, d. Samuel Chadwick, d, Francis Knighton, d. John Yeo, s. d. ' A. William Martin, d. Samuel Atkins, s. d. George Protheroe, d. John Hubbard, d. Edward Gregory, d. Francis Blake Delaval, d. John Waldron. Killed in an action with the Spaniards, when Captain of the Greyhound, in 1722. William Davies, C. d. Thomas Durell, d. A. Isaac Townshend, d. Thomas Waterhouse, d. James Luck, d. Humphrey Orme, d. Ambrose Saunders, d. Edward Reddish, - 11. Sept. 4- Oct. 17- 6. 23- Nov. So il. Dec. 25- 9- 33- Jan. 'J- Feb. 23- 7- Mar. ,J4- Apr. May 5- 6. 27- Captains of the Royal Navy. 37 1747 May 27. Richard Gwynn, d. 29. A. Hon. Samuel Barrington, d. June 22. A. Marriot Arbuthnot,^ d. July 9. A. Robert Roddam. 17. Samuel Marshall, d. 18. William Cust. Killed at Fort Louis, March 1748. William Brett, d. James Hamilton. Commanded the Dartmouth ol 50 guns, and blown up with that ship when she was engaging the Glorioso of 74 guns, October S. 1747. Aug. 21. Robert Askew, d. Sept. 11. Edward Clarke, s.d. v 12. A. George Darby, d. Oct. 1. William Saltern Willet, d. 23. Matthew King, d. Nov. 23. Thomas Howard Hutchinson, d. A. John Campbell, d. Dec. 5. Christopher Hill, d. A, James Gambier, d. Michael Everitt,. d. ¦ ^.William Lloyd, d. Samuel Scott, d. A. Francis William Drake. , A. Sir Edward Hughes, ^Knight. Robert Haldane, d. Edward Jekyll, d. . David Brodie, d. . HenryMarsh, d. William Adams. Captain of the Harwich, killed at the siege of Pondicherry, September 1748. , A. Hyde Parker, d. , William Holburne, d. / , A. John Evans, d. . Edward KellerN, d. , Charles Balfour, d. ¦ Matthew Whitewell, s. d. , Henry Barnsley. Captain of the Tilbury, and lost with that ship on the rocks near Louisburg, 1757- , J A. Mark Milbank, d. James Kirk, C. d. A. Nicholas Vincent. Edward Wheeler. Captain of the Isis, killed en gaging the Oriflame, April 1 76 1. d 3 *74s 13- Jan. 12. 29. Feb. 6. Mar. 24. 5- 9- 12, Apr. 24. '5- 20. May 23- 3- 6. 7- 21. June July 23- 5- 748 Aug. id. Sept. 19. Oct. 9- Nov. 1. i ¦ 4- 27. 38 Captains ofthe Royal Navy.' William Martin, d. Richard Clements, d. John Rouzier, d. A. John Storr, d. Vincent Pearce, d. Thomas Saumare^, d. 1749 Jan. 9. Edward Leighton, d. 26, James-Campbell, d. Commanded the Stirling Cas tle at the siege of the Havannah, 1762, where he was brokeby the sentence of a court-martial for disobedience of orders. William Preston, d. , William Mantel, d. • Edward Christian, d. Andrew Cockburne, d. ElrasBate, d. Carr Scroope, d. A. Sir Edward Vernon, Knt. d- John Hollwall, d. , Joshua Rowley, d.^ Dudley Digges, d. A. Richard Edwards, d. Henry Speke, d. Thomas*Foley, d. Abraham North, s. d. Robert Routh, d- Edward Le Cras, d. Richard Dorrill, d. Thomas Hankerson, s. d. John Rawling. Commanded the Unicorn of 28 guns, killed engaging the Hermione of 32 guns, I757- William Brown, d. John Harrison, j-. d. A. Thomas Graves,' afterwards Lord Graves, a' William Pettygrew, d. ¦ ; James Gilchrist, d. A. Robert Digby. John Hale, d. Maurice Suckling, d. Wittwrong, Taylor. Cornmanded the R'amillies of 90 gups, lost with that ship in 1760. , Richard Knight, j-. d. James Galbraith, s. d. A. Sir John Lockhart Ross, Bart. d. JohnPonkley, d. 3756 Mar. 1. June 8. July 28. 1750 Jan. 16. Dec. J3- 1752 Nov. 14. 1753 Apr. ?• June 3°- Dec. 14. , 18. 27. 1754 Jan. 20. ' Apr. 2. 1755 Jan. 16. 19. Feb. 4- 11. Mar. 11. June I7- July 4- 16. 17- 18. Aug. 5- Oct. 7. Dec. 5- 16. 1756 Feb. 5- ¦ 6. Mar. 23- 27- Captains of the Royal Navy. 30 A. Charles Webber, d. Sir William Trelawney, Bart. d. John Knight, s. d. James Hobbs, d. Jervis Mapplesden, d. A. William Langdon, d. A. Benjamin Marlow, d- A. Alexander Hood, now Viscount Bridport. Edward Barber, d. Edmund Townley, d. A. Alexander Innes, d. William Gough, d. A. Sir Chaloner Ogle, Knight. John Bladen Tinker, d. Thomas Ward, d. A. Samuel Hood, now Viscount Hood. Francis Wyatt, d. Stephen Colby, d. A^ Matthew Moore, d, Penhallow Cumming, d. Henry Angel, d. Sir John Strachan, Bart. d. David Edwards, id- Archibald Cleveland, d. A. Sir Richard Hughes, Bart. Thomas Lynn, s. d. 15. William Norton, d. A. Sir Francis Samuel Drake, Bart. d. Robert Frankland, d. Henry Smith, d. 29. Thomas CoUingwood. Commodore, died on his way home from the West Indies in 278 1. Dec. 2. George Legge, d. Cashiered by a court-martial for cowardice in the East Indies, he then being Cap tain of the Newcastle, 1758. 1757 Jan. 4. WTilliam Fortescue, d. Robert Craig, d. 11. William Tucker, d. 17. Henry John Phillips, d. A. Richard Kempenfelt, d. Thomas Harrison, d. 19. Robert Faulkoner, d. Feb. 3. Paul Henry Ourry> d. 7. Thomas Cornewall, s. d. Mar. 3. Thomas Taylor, j.d. 12. William Shufmur, d. -D 4 1757 1756 Apr. 5- May 9-8. 19. 21. June 5- 6. 10. *5- 21. 25. 26. July 3°- 4- 22. Aug. i7- 20. Sept. 23- 9- Nov. 24. 5- 10. 40 Captains of the Royzl Navy. 1757 Mar. 23. A.&ix Edmund Affleck, Bart. «^-«/ CZul~* ***-£) A. James Hawkins Whitshed. V Thomas Percy, d. A. Arthur Kemp. A. Smith Child. Howell Lloyd, Captain of the Shark of 28 guns, v drowned in North America in 178 1. Thomas Tonken, d. Sir Andrew Snape Douglas, Knt. d. 23. A. Lord Charles Fitzgerald. 27. A. Thomas Taylor. June 5. John M'Laurin, d. 7. Thomas Allen, d. 16, A. John Thomas Duckworth. 17. Robert Haswell, d. Thomas Butler, Captain of the Diamond, then on the Spanish Main. Lost in the Scarborough, go ing to join his ship, in the great storm in Octo- .ber, 1780. July 1. A. John Knowles, d. 8. A. John Willet Payne d. Aug. 26. James Bradby. Samuel Hood Walker.- Captain ofthe Scarborough of 20 guns : lost in that ship in October 178s. 27. A. Sir Robert Calder, Bart. Was Captain of Sir John Jervis's flag ship the Victory, of ioo guns, in the memorable sea-fight off Cape Lagos, Fe bruary 14th, 1797, and was sent home' with the accounts of that glorious action. His Majesty was pleased to confer the honour of knighthood upon him on that occasion. Sept. 13. A. James Richard Dacres. 15. A. Hon. George Berkeley. Oct. 2. John Gore, d. 3. James King, d. II. John Inglefield. 14. Hon. John Rodney. 19. A. Thomas West. E 2 1/80 52 Captains ofthe Royal Navy. 1780 Oct. 20. Nov. 1. 2. 23- 3°- Dec. 5- 178 1 Jan, 1. »»V 29. .. ». « 3I'" r' Feb. 3- 5- 13- 14. 23- 27, Mar. 3- 21. 28. Apr. 4- "5- A. James Douglas. Charles Hotchkys, d. Sir Chichester Fortescue. Isaac Vaillant. A. Peter Aplin. Alexander Edgar, s. Andrew Sutherland, d. James-William'j d. Hercules Wyburn, d. 3 T.mA- *Henry Savage. , A. Bartholomew Samuel Rowley, Hon. John Whitmore Chetwynd, d. James M'Namara. A. Sir Richard Bickerton, Bart. Hon. Seymour Finch, d. A. George Bd'wen. Hon. James Luttrell, d. George Stoney, d. A. Robert Montagu. A. John Ferguson. John Inglis, d. s A. John Howarth. A. Edward Edwards. A. Sir John Borlase Warren, Bart. Hon. Thomas Lumley, Captain of the Isis of 50 .guns, killed in a sea-fight inthe East Indies, Sept. . . .3- 1782. May 2. A. Edward Tyrrel Smith. A. Thomas Graves. John Plummer Ardesoife, d. 7. A. Thomas Macnamara Russel. 9. William Carlyon, S.R.A. James Watt, Captain of the Sultan of 74 guns, mortally woundted in a sea-fight in the East Indies, September 3d, 1782. 13. Charles Knatchbull, resigned. 14. George Wilkinson, Captain of the prize ship the Ville de Paris, of no guns. Lost with that ship coming from the West Indies in 1782. iS. William Grant, d. 2C. A. Sylverius Moriarty. June 4. Sir H-enry Trollope, K. B. His Majesty was pleased to confer the honour of knighthood on Captain Trollope,' for his bravely fighting, when Captain of the Glatton of 54 guns, a fleet of French ships of war, consisting gf one ship of 50, Captains ofthe Royal Navy. 53 50, two of 36, and two of 28 guns, and obliging them to seek shelter in the port of Flushing, July 16th, 1796. 1781 June 16. A. Edwin Henry Stanhope. 18. Benjamin Archer, d. July 2. Richard Murray, d. 19. Thomas Boston, d. 23. Charles Wood, Captain of the Worcester of 64 guns, mortally wounded in a sea-fight in the East Indies, September 3d, 1782. 24. A. Robert M'Douall. 27. Nicholas Charrington, s. Alexander Hood, Captain of the Mars of 74 guns, mortally wounded in an action with L'Hercule of 74 guns, which he compelled to strike, April 21st, 1788. William Bett. Aug. 15. A. Billy Douglas. George Robertson. 22. A. John Wickey. 23. A.John Inglis. A. John Fish. John Stone, d. 29. Richard Graves. Sept. 3. Jahleel Brenton. 14. James Cornwallis, d. IS- WilHam Daniel, d. 2i. A. John Knight. A. Edward Thornbrough. 24. Alexander Christie, s. S.R.A. 25. A. -James Kempthorne. William Scott, d. Oct. 16. A. Sampson Edwards. Nov. 9. A. George Campbell. 10. A. Thomas Hicks, C. 15. A. Henry Cromwell. 29. Sir Rupert George, Knight. 30. A. Arthur Philip. 1782 Jan. 2. William Stevens, Captain of the Superb of 74 guns, killed in a sea-fight in the East Indies, February 17th, 1782. 12. A. Sir George William Fairfax, Knight Banneret. Henry Reynolds, Captain of the Exeter of 64 gufis, killed in a sea-fight in the East Indies, February 17th, 1782. e 3 178? 54 Captains of the Royal Navy. 1782 Jan. 31. A. Thomas Totty, d. A. James, Lord Cranstoun, d. Feb. 7. A. Sir James Saumarez, Knight. Mar. 1. Charles Hughes, d. 21. A. Thomas Drury. A. Albemarle Bertie. 23/ Sir Harry Heron, Bart. J-. 2$. Francis Roberts, d. 26. James Samber, s. 27. Thomas Farnham, d. Apr. 2. Sir Jacob Wheate, Bart. d. 6. Martin Waghorn, d. 7. A. Hon. William Carnegie, now Earl of Northesk. 12. A. James Vashpn. 13. John Bourchier, Lieutenant-Governor of Green wich Hospital. , Richard Curgenven, d. i/>'. Richard Lucas, d. 15. A. Sir Wm. Henry Douglas, Bart. 18. John Breton. 19. William Augustus Merrick, d. George William Augustus Courtenay, Captain of the Boston of 32 guns, killed whilst engaging a French frigate on the coast of North America in .J793- 22. Richard Fisher, d. 30. A. Thomas Wells. Laurence Grame. Coming home passenger in the Ville de Paris, in 1782, was lost with that ship. ¦ Hon. Dunbar M'Lellan, Captain of the Superb of, 74 guns, killed in a sea-fight in the East Indies, July 6th, 1782. May 1. William Cayley, -d. ~ ?~xi 3. Thomas Durell, d. '* 19. Henry Newcombe, d. 22. George Augustus Keppel. Lost in the Ville de Paris in 1782. 24. Hon. Matthew Fortescue. Augustus Montgomery, d. A- Sir Edward Pellew. June 7, Thomas Lewes, d. 11. John Williamson, Captain of the Agincourt of 64 guns in the action off the Texel, on nth October 1797. Was accused of not having done his duty properly in that action, and was brought to a court-martial for the same, by which he was sen tenced to be rendered incapable of ever serving in the Captains of tfa Royal Navy. 55 the nayy, and to be put at the bottom of the' list of Post Captains. 1782 June 13. A. Isaac Coffin. 18. James Burney. 28. A. John Aylmer. July 6. A. Samuel Osborne. A. Richard Boger. 7. William Clark, d. ( 9. St Alban Roy, d. James Clark, Captain ofthe Cato of 50 guns. Lost in that ship, along with Vice- Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, Bart, going to the East Indies, in 178,2. 10. John Reynolds,,//. 20. Sir Ralph Milbank, Bart. 27. James Cotes. 29. John Samuel Smith. Aug. 1 2. A. Jonathan Faulknor. Hon. Charles Carpenter, d. Sept. 1. A. John Child Purvis. 4. A. Theophilus Jones. 9. A' William Domett. 14. A. William Wolseley. 18. Robert M'Evoy, d. Oct. 9. A. John Manley. Christopher Haliday, d. 10. John Frodsham, d. 12. A. George Murray. 22. Henry Mowat, d. Nov. 15. Robert Mostyn, d. ., John Wainwright, s. A. John Sutton. Dec. 14. Walter Griffith Booth. 15. Richard Caldecott, d. ( A. Robert Murray. 17. Richard Creyke. A. Hon. Alexander Forrester Cochrane. 21. William Yeo, s. j 23. John Gibson, J-. 25. Lambert Brabazon, s. 30. Lewis Robertson, Captain of ' the Veteran of 64 .guns. Commanding a body of seamen, was killed endeavoui ing to carry Fort L'Epee, in the island of Guadaloupe, by storm, in 1794. 1783 Jan. 1. A. Sir Thomas Troubridge. 3. A. John Markham. 5. Edward Herbert, d. e 4 1783 56- Captains of the Royal Navy. 1783 Jap. 15. A. Charles Stirling. - A. Henry D'Esterre Darby; John Hutt, Captain of the Queen of 98 guns, died . ofhis wounds received in -the battle of June ist, 1794. Lewis Fabian, d. 16. Thomas Raw, s. A. Edward Bowater. Jacob Waller, d. Patrick Sinclair, d. William' Fulk Greville, G. H. 17. George Teer, d. Sir Thomas Byard, Knight, d. j8. John Wright, d. John Buchannan, d. A. George Palmer. Edward Iggulden, s. A. William O'Brien Drury. A. William Essington. \A. Thomas Louis, K.S.F. 20, John Maitland, d. WilliamTahourdin, d. A. John M'Douall. A. James Alms. A. Eliab Harvey, 21. John Graves, j. Charles Sandys. Samuel Arden, G. H. A. John Peyton. • Sir James Barclay, Bart. d. Joseph Ellison, G. H. A. Sir Edmund Nagle. John Drew, Captain of the Cerberus of 32 guns, drowned by his boat upsetting going into Ply mouth in 1797. A. John Wells. A. Richard Grindall. A. George Martin, Colonel of Marines. Sir Alexander John Ball, Bart. Henry Chads, d. George Oakes, d. Edward Shepherd, d. Matthew Smith. A. Sir Richard John Strachan, 1 Colonels of A. Sir William Sydney Smith. J Marines. Thomas Sotheby. 1783 27. Feb. 6. Mar. 1. 13- J7- 20. Apr. 14. IS- 18. 26. May 7- June n, Captains ofthe Royal Navy. 57 1783 June 14. y^.Edward Q'Bryen: Aug. 6. John Faithful Fortescue, s. A. Nathan 3runton . 8. A. William Hancock Kelly; Hon. Patrick Napier, d. 15. William Chambers, j-. A. John Schank. 28. William White, d. Sept. 6. A. Hon . Michael de Courcy. 15. A- William Bentinck. Dec. 13. Simon McKenzie, d. 18. Alexander Cunningham, d. A- PaulMinchin. 1784 Jan. 22. A. Paul D'Auvergne, Prince of Bouillon. Hon. William Augustus Fitzroy, d. 1786 Mar-. 27. George Tripp, dismissed by a court-martial. Apr- 10. H. R. H. Prince William Henry. Dec. 15. John Hunter *• 1787 Dec. I- John Boyle. David Laird. Thomas Goldesbrough. William Heath. Francis Pender- David Stow. William Albany Otway- Isaac Smith. George Lumsdaine. 1788 May 24. Sir Samuel Hood, K. B. Sept. 26- Joseph' Peyton. Dec. j. Henry Nieholls, Comptroller of fhe Navy. 1789 Feb. 3. Herbert Sawyer. Mar. 25. Davidge Gould. June 24. Richard Goodwin Keats. Aug. 26. James Kinneer. Nov. 16. Paget Bayly- Dec. 2. Robert Devereux Fancourt. 1790 Mar, 3. Maurice Dalgarrio, d. July 19. Edward Buller. Aug. 12. Honble. Robert Stopford. Sept. 25.' John Dickinson, d. Thomas Hawker. t James Norman- Thomas Parr, d. George Lindsay, d- 1790 • N. B. The oldest Captain that can serve as such, the others being senior to some of the Flag Officers. 5 8 Captains ofthe Royal Navy. 3790 Sept. 25. Mark Robinson. Thomas Rivell Shivers. Charles Cobb. Walter Gwennap, d. Abraham Guyot. James Dundas. James Robert Moss, Captain of the Monarch f 74 guns, killed in the battle off Copenhagen, April 2d, 1801. Francis Pickmore. . ' John Stephens Hall. Lauchlan Hunter. John Dilkes. William Lechmere. Velters Cornwall Berkeley, d, Thomas Foley. Richard Ruridle Burgess, Captain of the Ardent of 64 guns, killed in the sea-fight off Camperdown, October nth, 1797. Francis Cole, d. >; William Smith, d. Charles Tyler. Robert Carthew Reynolds. Oct- I. John Trigge- George Blag. Westcott, Captain of the Majestic of 74 guns, killed at the battle ofthe Nile, Aug. ist, 1798. 23. Robert Watson. Nov. 3-. Nicholas Ingram- Thomas Laugharne, Hialn Cumming. . James Walker. Hon. Charles Paget. Robert Campbell. Robert Williams. John Phillips. , Richard Worsley. 1798 Jan. 2. John Cleland. 1 William Hills, d. * Aken Paffard Holies. Henry Heathcote. 17. Right Hon. William Allen, Lord Proby, d. David Wilmot, Captain ofthe Alliance frigate, kil led at the siege of St Jean d'Acr'e in 1799. Joshua Rowley Watson. Andrew Fitzherbert Evans. Edward William Camp. Richard Owen. George James Shirley. Richard Riiniva Bowyer. Geqrge Frederick Ryves. .David Atkins. .Thomas Gordon Caulfield. John Hamstead. ' George Scott. Thomas Dundas. George Fowke, James Keith Shepard. Richard Harrison Pearson. 1798 May 23- June ' 3-- »3- 20. 27. 3°- July 5- »7- 26. Aug. 11- Sept- i- ii- '3 22- Oct. *3- i7- SO- Nov. io- 13- 29. Jan. 2. 8. Feb. 5- Mar. Apr. 23- J5-23 26. May 2. 29. June x3 July i5- 9- Aug. 12. 7- Captains of the Royal Navy. ''\ 1798 Aug. 17. Samuel Peter Forster. 27. George Astle.' Sept. 7. John Tremayne Rodd. 7. John Baker Hay. 25. Loftus Otway Bland. Dec. 2. Sir Thomas Masterman Hardy, Bart. Captain pf < Lord Nelson's flagship the Victory on Oct. 21st, 1805, and in token ofhis Majesty's approbation of his conduct on that occasion, he was pleased to create him a Baronet of Great Britain. Oct. 2. John Seater. 8. William Cumberland. 28. Robert Cuthbert. 30. Graham Eden Hamond. Dec. 5. Philip Gidley King. 10. Robert Honeyman. 24. Richard Retalick. John William Taylor Dixon, Captain ofthe Apollo of 32 guns, and lost with the greatest part of the . crew, when that ship was wrecked on the coast of Portugal ih 1 8.04. George Clarke. Bartholomew James. Robert Lewis Fitzgerald.' Hon. Chas. Herbert Pierrepolit.- Josiah Nisbet. Thomas Bowen. Thomas Stevenson. Volant Vashon Ballard. Hugh Downman. Hon. Thos. Bladen Capel. William Hanwell. John Crawley. - Thomas Manby. James O'Bryen. , David Lloyd. William Saunderson. Richard Matson. Richard Raggett. John Mackellar. . James Oughton. 8. George Barker. 12. Charles Adam. 14. John Stiles. f2 J799 25- 26. 27. 29. Jan. 3- 22. Feb. 14. Mar. 1 - 22. Apr. 21. 27. May 15 June 8. te Captains of the Royal Navy. 1799 June 27. Richard Williams. 29. Michael Halliday. July 2. William Granger. Aug. 2. John Chambers White. -2. Charles Campbell. 30. George White- Sept. 2. Adam Mackenzie. John Rennie, Captain of the Invincible of 74 guns, and drowned with many of the crew, when that ship was wrecked in the North sea in 1801. 3. James Oswald. 16. Francis Vesey. Henry Garret. 20. Nathaniel Portlock. Oct. 24. Walter Bathurst. 30. Adam Drumrhond. Nov. 9. Rt. Hon. Lord Wm. Stuart. 18. Robert Hall. Pec. 3. Thomas Sparke. 6. Robert Lloyd. 2d. William Grosvenor. Adrian Renou, Captain ,of the Amazon of 32 guns", killed at the battle off Copenhagen, April 2d, 1801. Sir Jrjseph Eyles, knt. John Cheshyre. Thos. Witteronge Clayton. , i8oo Jan. 13. Sir Thos. Livingstone, Bart. 27. Lucius Hardyman. 29. Charles Laroche. Feb. 18. Joshua Sydney Horton. Mar. 15. Thomas Bayley. Apr. 8. Henry Bazely. 16. John Larmour. 22. Edward Brace. Henry West, d. 25. Jahleel Brenton 2d. May ' 2. Robert Mends. 13. John Wood. Francis William Austen. 15. Bpndall Robert Littlehales, July 1. Robert Philpot. John Broughton, d. ii, Patrick Campbell. 1800 Captains ofthe Royal Navy. 69 1800 Aug. 11. Norborn Thompson.' Micajah Malbon. Michael Seymour. Edward Stirling Dickson. Peter Turner Bovers, d. 27. Edward Rotherham. Sept. 6. John Perkins. Charles Grant. Thomas James Maling. Oct. 16. John Acworth Ommaney. Henry Stuart. 25. .Henry Waterhouse. Nov. 13. Zachariah Mudge. Dec. 10. George Wolfe. 25. William Selby. 1 80 1 Jan. 1. Henry Hill. Jonas Rose. Thomas Lavie. John Temple. John Major Lewis. Charles Lydiard. Charles Wollaston. William Champain. Alexr. Wilmot Schomberg. Edward Durnford King. William Waller. Henry Vansittart. George Mundy. Philip Beaver. William Bolton. Feb. 14. George Sayer. John Nicholas. Robert Mansel. Charles Tinling. Philip Bowes Vere Broke. Andrew Brown. 27. Charles Elphinstone. Mar. 21. Frederick Lewis Maitland. Apr. 2, Jpme; Brisbane. William Birchall. 27. John Ferris Devonshire. May 12. Frederick Warren. 14. Harry Farnall. June 4. Richard Peacock. July ii- James Carthew, f 3 1801 7 o Captains ofthe Royal Navy. 1801 July 24. Thomas Briggs. T. Miller Gamier, d. John Broughton. Aug. 3. Hon.' George Heneage Laurence Dundas 6. John Stewart. 8. Right Hon. Thomas Lord Cochrane. Sept. 22. Nicholas Tomlinson. Oct. 9. William Parker. Tristram Robert Ricketts. * 20. George M'Kinley. 23. James Kajon. 29. Richard Dalling Dunn. Nov. 2. Charles Dashwood. 3. Robert Fanshawe, d. 2802 Jan. 7. Henry Ed. Reginald Baker. Thomas Pressland. John Griffin Saville, d. Richard Curry. William Haste. 15. Lenox Thompson. Charles Fielding. ; Mar. 1. Thomas George Shortland, 18. William Skipsey. Apr. 14. Marcus Samnel Hill. Roger Curtis, d. Stephen Tbomas Digby. Hon. Frederick Paul Irby. 20. Christopher Cole. 22. George Ralph Collier. 26. Joseph Baker. 28. Daniel Woodroff. Andrew Sproule. John Wentworth Loring. John Winne. Robert Howe Bromley. Hon. Duncombe Pleydell Bouverie. Henry Richardson. Augustus Leveson Gower, d. 29. Richard Bridges. Richard Goddard. Richard Poulden. Charles Otter. Thomas Hurd. Thomas Miles. Daniel Dobree. 3802 Captainsof the Royal Navy. 71 1802 Apr/29. Philip Somerville. Richard Pellew. John Dick. Peter Ribouleau. John Nash. Stephen Rains. Thomas Hand. ' Farmery Predam Epworth. Matthew Buckle. , John Allen. Edward Henry Columbine. Isaac Cotgrave. George Bowen. John Russell. John Calverhouse. James Noble. Samuel Warren. Anselm John Griffith. George Burdett. James Nash. Peter .Spicer. James Seward. John Taylor Mitchell. Henry Duncan, Captain of the ¦, lost with all the crew, on their voyage to Halifax. Thomas Philip Durrell. Alex. Becker. William Day. Patrick Tonyn. George Reynolds, John Hatley. Francis Holmes Coffin. Jeffery Raigersfeld. Michael Seymour, d. Charles Ryder. Christian J. W. Nesham. Charles Buller. John Wight. Henry Folkes Edgell. Cornelius Quinton. James Dunbar. William Butterfield. Charles Papps Price. John Newhouse. F 4 1 80s rj% Captains of the Royal Navy. 1802 April 29. Richard Byron. William Young. George Tobin. John Mainwright. James Sanders. William Henry Wibley- Edward Galwey. Richard Jones. Richard Hawkins. Thomas Cowan. Wm. Henry Daniel. George Christian Pulling. Jacob Walton. David Colby. Augustus Brine, Barrington Dacres. James Coutts Crawford. John Hayes, ,' Samuel Campbell Rowley. Bulkley Mackworth Pread. John Whyte. Samuel Mottley.1 Edward Walpole Browne. John Smollet Rouett. William Ricketts. James Dalrymple, d. Alex. Skene. George Miller. Honble. William Trench. ¦ George Blake. Edward Sneyd Clay. Thomas Richbell. . , Hassard Stackpoole. Benjamin Carter. Charles Inglis. Charles Carter, Thomas Browne. . John Conn. Edward Kendall. Edward O'Bryen. Francis Godolphin Bond. Stephen Folville. John Browning Edwards. 1-802 Captains of the Royal Navy. 73 1802 Apr. 29. William Henryson. Archibald Dickson. Clotworthy Upton- Wm. Henry Brown Trimlett. Coryndon Boger, d. Richard Hatherill, d. Chas. John Vise. Falkland, Samuel Pym. George Argles. Thomas Charles Brodie. Sir Fred. Thesinger, K.S.G. d. Samuel Butcher. Charles Worsley Boys, Ernest Brann, d. Robert Jackson. Robert Barrie. Joseph Briggs, d. May 21. Daniel Oliver Guion. 28. James G. Vashon. Aug. 3. Bridges Watkinson Taylor. Oct. id. Chas. Bayntun Hodgson Ross. 18. Wilson Rathborne. Dec. 15. Henry Mudson. 29. Charles Malcolm. 1803 Jan. 27. John Serrel. Apr. 5. Peter Heywood. May 28. Frederick Cottrell. Aug. 4. Murray Maxwell. d. John Stuart. Charles Marsh Schqmberg. 30. Francis W. Fane. Dec. 29. Peter Hunt. 1804 Jan. 2. Hon. George Elliott. 17. William Durban. Feb. d. Henry Whitby. 29. James Hillyar. Mar. 3. Lord William Fitzroy. Lord George Stuart. Austin Bissell- r , _ . r 6. Sir James Lind, Captain of the _ Centurion of 50 guns, knighted for his bravery in beating off the Marengo and 2 large frigates, in the East Indies. Apr. 10. George N. Hardinge. Charles Pelly. 30. Joseph Nourse. 74 Captains ofthe Royal Navy. 1804 May 1. Robert O'Brien, d. Keith Maxwell, d. Hon. William Cathcart, d. May 8. William Fothergill, d. 4. Conway Shipley, d. 8, Matthew Godwin. Hugh Pigot. James Master. Hon. Edward King. Salisbury P. Humphries. - Edwards Lloyd Graham. John Tower. June d. Kenneth M'Kenzie. Edward Hawker. 8. Alexr. Campbell. 21. William Ferris. Aug. 24. William Roberts. Sept. d. George Younghusband. J. C. Woolcombe. William LyaU , 1805 , Hon. John Astley Bennet. George Aldham. Francis Temple. ' R. B. Vincent. Arthur Farquhar. Woodley Losack., Sir Wm. Bolton, Knt. Henry Lambert. William Woplridge. James Alexr. Gordon. Hon. Frederick. William Aylmer. John Shortland. Joshua Johnson. John Cramer. Wm. Beauchamp Proctor. John Morrison. George E. B. Bettesworth. G eorge Digby. William Pryce Gumby. John Pilfold. John Stockham. 1806 David Ramsay. Henry Vaughan. 1806 Captains of the Royzl Navy. 75 »8o6 Thomas Campbell. John Yelland. George Burgoyne Salt. A. I. Burrowes. I.W. Holland. J. L. Popham. Joseph Popham. Robert Keen. John Sarman Carden. James Andrew Worth. John Sykes. Richard Turner Hancock. Hender Whitter. James Watson. John Hancock. John Impey. Alex. Robert Kerr. Daniel M'Leod. Henry Manton Ommaney. Henry Laroche. Archibald Duff. Thomas Smyth. Philip Lewis Rosenhagen. John Bushby. Robert Jenner Neve. Robert Scott. Robert Corbet '. Edmund Heywood. D. H. Mackay. Francis Mason. Major Jacob Henniker. Francis Jackson Snell. William Green. Matthew Forster. Philip Carteret. Hon. Archibald Cochrane. James Johnstone. Thomas Stains. Thomas Brown. William Kent. Edmund Boger. Alexr. Shippard. Pownoll Bastard Pellew, ;8cd y6 Captains ofthe Royal Navy. 1806 John Bowen. Peter Parker. H. Laroche. Robert Henderson. James Bowen. Honble. Henry Duncan, Lucius Curtis. John Louis. Hon. Edward Rodney. John Duer.. Brian Hodgson. Vice C 77 1 Vice and Rear-Admirals of Great Britain, at and since his Majesty's Accession to the Throne in 1760. Vice-Admiral of Great Britain : He has a salary of L.i per day, and ios. each for sixteen servants. George Anson, Lord Anson. Died in 1762. 1763 Jan. 4. Henry Osborn, esq. Resigned in 1765. 1765 Nov. 5. Sir Edward Hawke, K. B. afterwards Lord Hawke. Diedin 1781. 1781 Nov. 6. Sir George Bridges Rodney, Bart, and K. B. after- wards Lord Rodney. , 1792 June Richard, Earl Howe, K. G. 1796 Alexander, Viscount Bridport, K. B. Rear-AdmirAI, of Great Britain : He has a Salary of ids. per day, and ios. each per month for twelve servants. Sir William Rowley, K. B. Resigned on being appointed Admiral and Commander-in-Chief of the Fleet. Sg &. J." l^Charies^leJ- Bar, Resigned, when he I7d5 Nov. 5 went .ntQ the Empress rf Russia's service -,0 Oct. Francis Holburne, esq. Made Governor of Green- 1 ' ' wich Hospital. 1771 78 Treasurers ofthe Navy. 1771 Aug. 17. Sir George Bridges Rodney, Bart, now Lord Rod ney. 1781 Nov. d. George Darby, esq. 179O Apr. -d. Sir Alexr. Hood, K. B. 1796 Mar. 15. Hon. William Cornwallis, Under the Lord High Admiral, or the Lords Com missioners of the Admiralty, are several Depart- ments -for the better Government of the Royal Navy. The first of these is the TREASURER of the NAVY. His office is of great trust, dignity, and profit. His business is to order payment of all seamens wages, Navy and Victualling bills, &c. He draws the money from the Exchequer, by a warrant from the Commissioners of the Treasury. He is always of the Privy Council, and had formerly a salary of L.2000 per annum; butthe profits of his office, especially In war-time, were very considerable. Upon the reform of various offices in the year 1782, this office came in for its share1, the perquisites, or rather the advantage from great, sums of the public money lying long in the Treasurer of the Navy's hands, were abolished, and his salary fixed at L.4S0O per annum, and L.1500 per annum allowed his Deputy. He has a number of Clerks at his office in Broad-street, and several at the ports of Portsmouth, Ply mouth, and Chatham, for the payment of seamen's wages. A List of the Treasurers of the Navy, from 1669 to the present , Time. 1660 Sir George Carteret, Bart. 1667 Arthur, Earl of Anglesey. 167 1 Sir Thomas Osborne, Bart, afterwards Viscount Dumblane, Earl of Danby, and Duke of Leeds. 1673 Treasurers of the Navy. ya X^73 Sir Edward Seymour, Bart. >7i° Robert Walpole en. .ftermrd. Sir Robert, md xL.arl ot Ortord. 17iI Charles Csesar, esq. J7X4 John Aislabie, esq. 171& Richard Hampden, esq. 1720 Sir George Byng, Knight, afterwards Viscount Tornngton. I73^ Hon- Pattee Byng, his son, afterwards Viscount Torrington. *734 Arthur Onslow, esq. 1742 Feb. Thomas Clutterbuck, esq. — Dec. Sir Charles Wager, Knight. J743 ' Sir John Rushout, Bart. *744 Geo. Doddington* esq. afterwaids Lord Melcbmbe. 1749 Honourable Henry Bilson Legge. '754 Honourable George Grenville. 1755 George Doddington, esq. J75d Honourable George Grenville. J757 Apr. George Doddington, esq. — — June. Honourable George Grenville. J7d2 William Wildman, Viscount Barrington. X7^S Richard, Viscount Howe. J77° Sir Gilbert Elliot, Bart. 1777 Welbore Ellis, esq. 1782 Apr. Isaac Barre, esq. July Henry Dundas, esq. 1783 Apr. 5. Charles Townshend, esq. Dec. 30. Henry Dundas, esq. afterwards Viscount Melville. 1800 May Hon. Dudley Ryder, now Lord Harrowby. 1801 Nov. Charles Bragge, esq. now Lord Bathurst. 1804 May George Canning, esq. l8od Feb. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, esq. The next office in rank and consequence is the Navy-office, situated in Crutched Friars, London. The various branches of business trans acted by it, are done by Commissioners, each of whom has a distinct department. They are" styled Commissioners of his Majesty's Navy, in quality of Principal Officers of the Navy, and are as follow : — 1. Comptroller of the Navy. 2. Surveyor of the Navy. Clerk 80 Comptrollers of the Navy. 3. Clerk of the Acts. 4 ; Comptroller of the Treasurer's Accounts. 5. Comptroller of Victualling Accounts. d. Comptroller of the Storekeeper's Accounts, 7. Extra Commissioners of the Navy. 8. Commissioners at the different Royal Dock-yards. The business of the Navy office is to order and expedite the build ing, repairing, and fitting out his Majesty's ships and vessels, the mustering their companies, paying of accounts of home and foreign expenditure, paying of seamen's wages, &c. &c. 1. COMPTROLLER of the NAVY. His business is to comptrol all payment of wages ; to know the market-rates of all stores for shipping ; to examine and audit all ac counts of the Treasurer, Victuallers, Pursers, and Storekeepers. His salary is L.500 per annum. The business in this office is divided into three branches, viz. Home Expenditure; Foreign Expenditure ; Seamen's Wages. At each of these presides a chief clerk, under whom are many inferior clerks, for the dispatch of business. A List of the CoMt-TROLLERS of the Navy at and since 1688 to the present Time. 1688 Sir Richard Haddock. 1714 1718 Sir Charles Wager. Thomas Swanton, esq. 1722 1734 James Mighells, esq. Richard Haddock, esq. 1749 1755 F^. Savage Mostyn, esq. - Edward Falkingham, esq. Nov. Charles Saunders,, esq. 173d June Digby Dent, esq.' 1756 Navy Office. 81 1756 Dee. George Cockburne, esq. 1770 Hugh (afterwards Sir Hugh) Palliser, esq. Made an Admiral. 1775 Maurice Suckling, esq. 1778 Charles Middleton, esq. now Lord Barham. 1790 Henry Martin, esq. afterwards Sir Henry. 1794 ' Sir Andrew Snape Hamond, Bart. 1806 Henry Nieholls, esq. 2. SURVEYOR of the NAVY. The business ofthe Surveyor of the Navy is to know the state of ajl stores, and see the wants supplied ; to survey the hulks, masts, and yards, and estimate the value of repairs ; to charge all boatswains and carpenters with what stores they receive, in order to a voyage 5 and, at their return, to state and audit their accounts. For the bet ter management of this very important branch, there are two joint Surveyors, who have a salary of L.500 a-year each. The senior Surveyor has. an assistant at L.300, and the junior one at L.200 per annum. A List ofthe Surveyors ofthe Navy at and since 1688, i6d8 Sir John Tippitts. 1692 Edward Dummer, esq. ldg9 Daniel Furzer, esq. 1706 William Lee, esq. , 1715 Jacob Ackworth, esq. 1749 Joseph Allin, esq. t" -Thomas Slade, ' 7 J7*5l William xiately, i^"' f- $ Sir Thomas Slade, Knt. t Jonn Williams, esq. 177 1 Sir John Williams, Knt. sole, with two Assistants. o C Sir John Williams, Knt. 17 '* I Edward Hunt, esq. 1785 f Edward Hunt, esq. Jan. 22. (.John Henslow, esq. vice Williams. Jan. 1793 Sir William Rule, Knt. vice Hunt, „ /Vol, ii.J G 3: CLLKh, 82 Navy Office. 3. CLERK of the ACTS. The business of the Clerk of the Acts is to record all orders, con tracts, bills, warrants, &c. ; to receive all petitions ; to examine re mittances ; to issue warrants for several warrant-officers in the Navy, &c. He has a salary of L.800 per annum, and an Assistant who has L.460, and L.50 per annum for house-rent. A List ofthe Clerks ofthe? Acts since 1688. 1688 James Southern, esq. 1689 Charles Sergison, esq. 1 70 1 Samuel Atkins, esq. 1719 Tempest Holmes, esq. 1726 Thomas Pearse, esq. 1743 John Cleveland, esq. 1746 Robert Osborne, esq. 1747 Daniel Devert, esq. 1766 Edmund 111 ison, esq. 1773 George Marsh, esq. 1800 Sir Francis John Hartwell, Bart. 4. COMPTROLLER of the TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS. The business of this department is to keep a check on the pay-office ofthe Treasurer of the Navy ; for t'his.purpose he has under him two chief clerks, and a great number of inferior clerks. He has a salary of L.800 per annum. , . , A List Navy Office. 83 A List of the Comptroller's of the Treasurer's Accounts since 1691. 169 1 Dennis Lyddel, esq. 1717 Richard Burton, esq. 1728 Sir George Saunders. 1735 George Purvis, esq. 1740 John Philipson, esq. 1743 William Corbet, esq, 1753 Richard Hall, esq. I7di Timothy Brett, esq. 1782 George Rogers, esq. 1 80 1 Benjamin Tucker, esq, 1803 Hon. Henry Legge. j. COMPTROLLER of VICTUALLING ACCOUNTS. The business of this department is to keep a check upon the victual ling-office. A List of the Comptrollers of Victualling Accounts since 1688. 1688 Sir John Berry. 1690 Sir Richard Beach. 1692 Samuel Pitt, esq^ 1699 Sir Cloudsley Shovel. 1704 Benjamin Timewell, esq. 1714 Richard Burton, esq. 1717 John Fawler, esq. 1744 Francis Gashry, esq. 1747 Robert Osborne, esq. 1771 June. Charles Proby, esq. made Commissioner at Chatham. Oct. Thomas Hanway, esq. G 2 1772 Navy Office., 1772 George Marsh, esq. Made Clerk of the Acts. 1773 July. James Gambier, esq. Made Commissioner at Portsmouth. Promoted to a flag. 1 ' ' ' Aug. William Palmer, esq. d. COMPTROLLER of the STOREKEEPERS' ACCOUNTS. The business of this department is to examine all the Naval Stores delivered to the Storekeepers of the several yards, and audit the ac counts of their expenditure. A List of the Comptrollers of the Storekeepers' Accounts since 1688.- 1688 Sir William Booth. 1689 Henry Priestman, esq. 1690 Sir John Ashby. 1693 Thomas Wilshaw, esq. 1702 Henry Greenhill, esq. 1704 Thomas Jennings, esq.' 1 7 14 Charles Cornwall, esq. 1 7 id Thomas Swanton, esq. 1718 William Cleveland, esq. 1732 Hon. Robert Byng. 1739 John Philipson, esq. 1740 George Crowle, esq. 1752 Richard Hall, esq. 1753 George Adams, esq. Resigned. 1761 Hon. William Bateman. 1783 William Campbell, esq. 1790 Sir William Bellingham, Knt. ,1803 Osborne Markham, esq. 7. COM- Navy Office. %$ 7. COMMISSIONERS of the NAVY, i6d4 Dec. 7. John, Viscount Brounker. Salary, L.500 per annum. — — Jan. 3. Thomas Middleton; esq. Commissioner for London. L.350 per annum. 1669 Mar. 29. John Cox, esq. Commissioner for London. L.350 per annum. — — June 17. Sir Jeremy Smithe, Commissioner, in quality of a principal officer of the Royal Navy, with a fee of L.500 per annum, and allowance for Clerks, and. other travelling charges. 1671 June 23- Sir John Ernie, Commissioner of the Navy, as Comptroller, to perform the same as Sir John Mennes, lately deceased ; or as is performed by Sir. Thos. Allen, the present Comptroller, L.500. 1672 July 3. Anthony Dean, esq. Lv350 per annum. ' Aug. 30. Edward Seymour, esq. L.joo per annum. — — Nov. 8. Thomas Middleton, esq. L.500 per annum. Sir John Hanmer, L-500 per annum. 1673 Mar. 24. Richard Beach, esq. L.350 per annum. — — July 7. Sir John Werden, L.500 per annum. 1675 Nov. 22. Sir John Chichley, L.500 per annum. John Goodwin, L.350 per annum. — — Nov. 25. Sir Anthony Deane, L.500 per annum. Sir John Kempthorne, L.380 per annum. ld8o The patent --for appointing William, Viscount Brouncker, Sir Johh Werden, and Sir John Chi- chely ; revoked Feb. 28. — — Apr. 29. Sir John Narborough, L.500 per annum. Sir Anthony Deane, L.500 per annum. — — July 1. Phineas Pitt, esq. L.500 per annum. 1681 Feb. 3. Sir Richard Haddock, L.500 per annum. l68d Apr. 17. Sir John Trippets, Sir Richard Haddock, Sir An thony Deane, Sir John Narborough; Sir John Ber- yand, Sir John Godwin, James Southerne, and William Hewer, esq. L.500 per annum each. a 686". Apr, 19- Sir Phineas Pitt, Commissioner at Chatham and Sheerness, L.500 per annum. Sir Richard Beach, Commissioner at Portsmouth, L^oo per annum. g 3 1^85 86 NavyOffia. Balthazar St Mitchel, Commissioner at Deptford and Woolwich, L.500 per annum. 1688 Feb. 23. Sir William Booth,, L.500 per annum. EXTRA COMMISSIONERS of the NAVY. • These commissioners assist the other departments, on account of the increase of business m each, " A List of Extra Commissioners ofthe Navy since 1691* 1&91 George Rooke, esq. John Hill, esq} id93 Sir Cloudesly Shovel. ¦ George St Lo, esq. id94 Matthew Aylmer, esq. . James Sothern, esq. 1695 Benjamin Timewell, esq. 1 70 1 George Toilet, esq. 5702 Anthony Hammond^ esq, , Sir Thomas Hobson. 1 705 Sir William Gifford. 1712 James Hunter, esq. 1713 Isaac Townsend, esq. Lawrence Wright, esq 1 7 14 John Fawler, esq. 3717 Thomas Colby, esq. 1727 Sir George Saunders. 3729 , Sir Isaac Townsend. j 73 1 Hon. Robert Byng. 1732 - Lord Vere Beauclerc, 1738 George Crowle, esq. 1740 Francis Gashry, esq.- 1743 James Compton, esq, — — Alexander Geddes, esq. 1744 James Oswald, esq. 174$ Edward Falkingham, esq. Navy Office. 8j John Russelj esq. Thomas Cooper, esq. Arthur Scott, esq. *75d George Cockburn, esq. Made Comptroller of the Navy in December this year. Honourable William Bateman. Made Comptroller of the Storekeeper's accounts, and none appoint ed in his room, 1761. Digby Dent, esq. Diedin 1762. — — Timothy Brett, esq. Made Comptroller of the Treasurer's Accounts. Jan. Edward Mason, esq. Made Clerk of the Acts. Mar. Sir Rich. Temple, Bart, vice Brett. Diedin 1786. Sir John Bentley, Knt. Promoted to a flag, and ' none appointed in his room. 1779 Edward Le Cras, esq. 1780 Samuel Wallis, esq. Discontinued in 1783, again appointed in October 27. 1787. 1793 Jan. Sir Samuel Marshall, Knt. vice Wallis. 1794 May Charles Hope, esq. vice Marshall. 1799 Sir Harry Harmood, Knt. COMMISSIONERS resident at CHATHAM. A List of the Commissioners resident at Chatham Dock-yard, since id88. Salary L.500 per annum, and L.I2 a-year for paper and firing. 1688 Phineas Pitt, esq. 1689 Oct. Sir Edward Gregory. 1703 George St Lo, esq. 1714 James Lyttleton, esq. 1722 Thomas Kempthorne, esq. 1736 Thomas Matthews, esq. 1742 Charles Brown, esq. 1754 Arthur Scott, esq. 1755 Thomas Cooper, esq. superannuated. g 4 J.763 BB Navy Office, 1763 Tiomas Hanway, esq. Made Comptroller of the victualling accounts. 1771 Charles Proby, esq. 1799 , Francis J. Hartwell, esq. 1800 Henry Duncan, esq. 180 1 Charles Hope, esq. , N. B. — The Royal Dock-yard at Sheerness was un der the inspection of the Commissioner resident at Chatham, till 1795. COMMISSIONERS at SHEERNESS during the WAR. 1795 Henry Harmood, esq. 1797 Francis J. Hartwell,' esq. 1800 Isaac Coffin, esq'. 1804 Hon. George Grey, PORTSMOUTH. A List of the Commissioners resident at Portsmouth Doqk-yArb, since 1688. Salary L.500 per annum. 1688 Sir Richard Beach. 1690 Thomas Wilshaw, esq. 1692 Benjamin Timewell, esq. 1695 Henry Greenhill, esq. 1702 William Gifford, esq. 1705 Isaac Townshend, esq. 1713 William Lee, esq. 1 7 14 Isaac Townshend, esq. 1729 Richard Hughes, esq. Navy Office. 89 1754 Richard (afterwards Sir Richard) Hughes, junior, esq. 1773 James Gambier, esq. Made an Admiral. 1777 Samuel (afterwards Sir Samuel, and now Lord) Hood, esq.—- Made an Admiral. 1780 Henry Martin, esq. 1790 Sir Charles Saxton, Bart. N. B.— The Commissioner resident at Portsmouth is Governor ofthe Royal Academy, (for which he has a salary of L.ioo a-year). This academy was instituted for the education of young gentlemen, at the expence of the nation, in studies preparatory to their entering into the Royal Navy. PLYMOUTH. A List of the Commissioners resident at Plymouth since 1688. Salary L.500, and L.I2 a-year for paper and firing. 1691 Henry Greenhill, esq. 1695 George St Lo, esq. 1703 William Wright, esq. 1704 Henry Greenhill, esq. 1708 William Wright, esq. 1711 Richard Edwards, esq.""" 1 71 4 Sir William Jumper. 17 15 Tbomas Swanton, esq. , 1716 Francis Dove, esq. I72d Sir Nicholas Trevanion. 1737 Matthew Norris, esq. 1739 Philip Vanburg, esq. 1753 Frederick (afterwards Sir Frederick) Rogers, esq. 1775 Paul Henry Ourry, esq, 1783 Feb". John Laforey, esq. 1789 Nov. Robert Fanshaw, esq. •' ^ " COM- go Navy Office. COMMISSIONERS resident at DEPTFORD and WOOLWICH. l688 Balthazar St Michell, esq. 1702 Henry Greenhill, esq. 1744 Thomas Whorwood. 1745 Edward Falkingham, esq. I74<5 James Compton, esq. 1747 William Davies, esq. N. B. — These Yards are now conducted by the Board of Com missioners in London. COMMISSIONERS resident at KINSALE. ld95 Benjamin Timewell, esq, 1702 Lawrence Wright, esq. HALIFAX, in NOVA SCOTIA, A List of the Commissioners resident in Nova Scotia. 1775 Marriot Arbuthnot, esq. Made an Admiral. 1777 Richard (now Sir Richard) Hughes. Made an Admiral, 1780 Sir Andrew Snape Hamond, Knt. 1783 Apr. 12. Henry Duncan, esq. 1800 Nov. John N. Inglefield, esq. GIB- Navy Office. 91 GIBRALTAR. 1793 Henry Harmood, esq. 1794 Andrew Sutherland, esq. Died. 1 80 1 Sir Alexander John Ball, Bart. 1803 William Albany Otway. 1 804 Robert Gambier Middleton, esq. MALTA, 1794 John N. Inglefield, esq. 1795 Isaac Coffin, esq. 1797 Brown, esq. COMMISSIONERS resident at LISBON. 1704 William Wright, esq. COMMISSIONERS resident in the MEDITERRANEAN*. 1742 Edward Falkingham, esq. 1744 Thomas Trefusis, esq. 1747 John Towry, esq. 173d Charles Colby, esq, COM. cja Navy Office. COMMISSIONERS resident at the LEEWARD ISLANDS. 1779 John Laforey, esq. Succeeded P. H. Ourry at Plymouth. 1783 Feb. John Moutray, esq. Discontinued in time of peace. BARBADOES, j 703 Charles Henry Lane. 1 JAMAICA. 1782 Robert Lambert,' esq. 1803 Charles Stirling, esq. 1804 Charles Dilke, esq. N. B. — The Commissioners resident at Halifax, Antigua, and Jamaica, have each a salary of L.500 per annum, and L.500 per annum each for extra charges. The Commissioners resident at Chatham, Portsmouth, and Ply mouth, have each an elegant house within the dock-yard. The yard at Sheerness is under the inspection of the Commissioner at Chatham ; and the dock-yards at Deptford and Woolwich are under the imme diate direction ofthe Navy Board. The piincipal officers and Commissioners of the Navy hold their offices by patent under the Great Seal ; and under each department of the Navy Board there is an establishment of clerks, and other inferior officers, Navy Office^ 93 officers with salaries, for the dispatch of business : But all other offi cers, both in the King's yards, and all others belonging to any of his Majesty's ships, hold their places only by warrant from the Lord High Admiral, or the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. $ VICTUALLING OFFICE. The next department is the Victualling Office. The business of this office is to superintend the victualling of the royal navy. This formerly was done by contract ; but this method was subject to enor mous abuses ; for the .contractors were attentive to nothing but profit, and the provisions were so bad, that many seamens lives were lost by using them. Seven Commissioners were appointed to manage this bu siness ; they have their respective agents at the several ports of his Majesty, both at home and abroad. They contract for the several articles of food used in the navy, which they are obliged to inspect very narrowly ; they oversee the bakehouses and breweries ; accept of bills drawn in foreign ports by Pursers, for the supply of his Majes ty's ships, and audit and pass Pursers accounts. The Victualling Office is situated on Towerhill ; and here are a number of officers, clerks, &c. with fixed salaries, for the dispatch of business. The Commissioners, who have each a separate department in the business of this office, have a salaiy of L.400 per annum each. The departments of this office are managed as follow : — 1, Comptroller of the Treasurer's Accounts. 2. Ditto ofthe Cooperage. 3, Ditto of the Bakehouse. 4. Ditto- of the Brewhouse. 5. Ditto of Accounts. 6. Ditto of the Cuttinghouse. 7. Hoy-taker, A List 94. Navy Office. A List ofthe Commissioners of the Victualling-Office at and since 1683. id83 Sir Richard Haddock,- Anthony Sturt, esq. John Parsons, esq. and Nicholas Fenne, esq, Salary 400I. per annum. id84 The same. 1690 Thomas Papillon, Simon Mayne, John Agar, Hum phry Ayles, and James Howe, esqrs. id93 May 12. Thomas Papillon, Simon Mayne, John Agar, Hum phry Ayl^s, and Israel Fielding, esqr. vice James Howe. ld95 Thomas Papillon, Simon Mayne, John Agar, Hum phry Ayles, and John Burrington, esqrs. vice Jb. Fielding. 1699 Thomas Papillon, Simon Mayne, John Burrington> Thomas Colby, and Henry Vincent, esqrs. vice J. Agar and Humphry Ayles. 1702 Simon Mayne, John Burrington, Thomas Colby, Henry Vincent, and William Wright, esqrs. vice T. Papillon. - L ' 1702 Thomas Colby, Henry Vincent, William Wright, esqrs. Sir John Houblon, and William Carpen ter, esq. vice S. Mayne and J. Burrington. 1702 Nov. 24. Thomas Colby, Henry Vincent, William Wright, John James, and Abraham Tilghman, esqrs. vice Sir John Houblon and W. Carpenter. 1703 'Thomas Colby, Henry Vincent, John James, Abra ham Tilghman, and John Jennings, esqrs. vice William Wright. 1704 Thomas Colby, Henry Vincent, John James, Abra ham Tilghman, Thomas Jennings, Henry Lee, ' and Kendrick Edisbury, esqrs. 1704 Navy Office. 95 1704 Sept. 8. Thomas Colby, Henry Vincent, Abraham Tilghman, Thomas Jennings, Henry Lee, Kendrick Edis bury, and Samuel Hunter, esqrs. vice J. James. 1705 Feb. 7. Thomas Colby, Henry Vincent, Abraham Tilgh- . man, Henry Lee, Kendrick Edisbury, Samuel Hunter, and Thomas Harlow, esqrs. vice T. Jennings. 1706 June 19. Thomas Colby, Henry Vincent, Kendrick Edisbury, Thomas Harlow, Denzill Onslow, Thomas Bere, and Thomas Reynolds, esqrs. vice A. Tilghman, W. Lee, and S. Hunter. 17 1 1 Nov. 13. Sir F. Masham, Knight, George Courtney, Kendrick Edisbury, Thomas Bere, Henry Vincent, junr. Henry Lee, and Samuel Hunter, esqrs. vice T. Colby, H. Vincent, T. Harlow, D. Onslow, and T. Reynolds. 1712 July 7. Sir F. Masham, Knt. George Courtney, Kendrick Edisbury, Thomas Bere, Henry Vincent, junr. Henry Lee, and William Stephens, esqrs. vice S. Hunter. 1714 Dec. 20. Thomas Reynolds, Denzill Onslow, Thomas Bere, Henry Vincent, Robert Arris, Peter Jeyes, and Waller Bacon, esqrs. vice Sir Francis Ma sham, Knt. G. Courtney, K. Edisbury, H. Lee, and W. Stephens. 1717 July 18. Thomas Reynolds, Denzill Onslow, Thomas Bere, Henry Vincent, junr. Robert Arris, Peter Jeyes, and Owen Buckingham, esqrs. vice Waller Ba con. 1718 Apr. 23. Thomas Reynolds, Denzill Onslow, Thomas Bere, Robert Arris, Peter Jeyes, Owen Buckingham, and Edward Elliot, esqrs. vice H. Vincent. 17 19 Feb. 25. Thomas Reynolds, Denzill Onslow, Thomas Bere, Peter Jeyes, Owen Buckingham, Edward Elliot, and William Passenger, esqrs. vice R. Arris. 1720 June 23* Thomas Reynolds, Denzill Onslow, Thomas Bere, Peter Jeyes, Edward Elliot, William Passenger, and Joshua Churchill, esqrs. vice Owen Buck- 1 ingham. 1720 July 15. Thomas Reynolds, Denzill Onslow, Thomas Bere, Peter 96 Navy Office. Peter Jeyes, William Passenger, Joshua Church ill, and Henry Cartwright, esqrs. vice Edward Elliot. 1721 Apr. 1. Denzill Onslow, Thomas Bere, Peter Jeyes, Wil liam Passenger, Henry ,Cartwright, esqrs. Sir George Saunders, and William Fisher, esqrs." vice T. Reynolds and J. Churchill. Nov. 7. Thomas Bere, Peter Jeyes, William Passenger, Henry Carpenter, esqrs. Sir George Saunders, Knt. William Fisher, and Hugh Cholmley, esqrs. vice Denzill Onslow and Henry Cart wright. 1722 Mar. 15. Thomas. Bere, Peter Jeyes, William Passenger, Henry Carpenter, Henry Cartwright, esqrs. Sir George Saunders, Knt. William Fisher and Ste phen Bisse, esqrs. vice H. Cholmley. 1725 June 3. Thomas Bere, William Passenger, Henry Cart wright, esqrs. Sir George Saunders, Knt. Wil liam Fisher," Stephen Bisse, and George Huxley, esqrs.. vice P. Jeyes and H. Carpenter. Oct. 21. William Passenger, Henry Cartwright, esqrs. Sir George Saunders, Knt. William Fisher, Stephen Bisse, George Huxley, and Edward Trelawney, esqrs. vice T. Bere. 1727 Jan. 21. William Passenger,- Henry Cartwright, esqrs. Sir George Saunders, Knt. William Fisher, George Huxley, Edward Trelawney, and Henry Parsons, esqrs. vice S. Bisse. Aug. 17. William Passenger, Henry Cartwright, William Fisher, George Huxley, Edward Trelawney, Henry Parsons., Sprig Manesty, esqrs. vice Sir George Saunders. 1728 May 9. Henry Cartwright, William Fisher, George Hux ley, Edward Trelawney, Henry Parsons, Sprig Manesty, and Thomas Revell, esqrs. vice W. Passenger. Oct. 28. Henry Cartwright, William Fisher, George Hux ley, Edward Trelawney, Henry Parsons, Tho mas Revell, and John Berkeley, esqrs. vice Sprig Manesty. ' 1729 June 10. William Fisher, Edward Trelawney, Henry Parsons, Thomas Navy Office. Thomas Revell, John Berkeley, Thomas Brereton, and W. Thompson, esqrs. vice H. Cartwright and G. Huxley. 1733 Mar. 9. William Fisher, Henry Parsons, Thomas Revell, John Berkeley," Thomas Brereton, William Thornp- son, and George Crowle, esqrs. vice Edward Tre lawney. 1734 Apr. 22. Stephen Bisse, Henry Parsons, Thomas Revell, Tho mas Brereton, William Thompson, George Crowle, and Francis Eyles, esqrs. vice W- Fisher. J738 June 2. Stephen Bisse, Henrjr Parsons* Thomas Revell, Tho mas Brereton, William Thompson, Francis Eyles, and William Hay, esqrs. vice G. Crowle. 1740 May Stephen Bisse, Thomas Revell, Thomas Brereton, William Thompson, Francis Eyles, William Hay, and Thomas Trefusis, esqrs. vice H- Parsons. 1742 Aug. 13. Stephen Bisse, Thomas Revell, Thomas Brereton, William Thompson, William Hay, Thomas Tre fusis, and Richard Hall, esqrs. vice Fr. Eyles.- 1744 June 29. Stephen Bisse, Thomas Revell, Thomas Brereton, William Thompson, William Hay, Richard Hall, and William Davies, esqrs. vice T. Trefusis. 1745 Jan. 12. Stephen Bisse, Thomas Revell, Thomas Brereton, William Hay, Richard Hall, William Davies, and Arthur Stert, esqrs. vice W. Thompson. I74d Feb. 6. Stephen Bisse, Thomas Revell, Thomas Brereton, William Hay, Richard Hall, William Davies; and James Wallace, esqrs. vice Arthur Stert. I74d Oct. 14. Thomas Revell, Thomas Brereton, William Hay, Richard Hall, William Davies, James Wallace, and John Russell, esqrs. vice S. Bisse. 1747 June 23. Richard Hall, William Davies, James WTallace, John . Russell, esqrs. Sir F. H. Eyles-Stiles, vice T. -Revell, T. Brereton. *747 Jul7 27' Richard Hall, William Davies, James Wallace, esqrs. --<•¦ Sir F. H. Eyles-Stiles, Horatio Townshend, Francis Vernon, and William Jenkins, esqrs.vice J. Russell. 1748 Jan. 9. Richard Hall, James Wallace, esqrs. S;r F. Eyles- Navy Office. . Sti.les, Horatio Townshend, Francis Vernon, Wil liam Jenkins, and Tyrwhit Cayley, esqrs. vice W. Davies. 1752 Jan. 25. Richard Hall, James Wallace, esqrs. Sir F. H. Eyles- Stiles, Horatio Townshend, Francis Vernon, Wil liam Jenkins, and Thomas Cooper, esqrs. vice Tyr. Cayley. ,1752 Mar. 18. James Wallace, esq. Sir F. H. Eyles-Stiles, Bart. Horatio Townshend, Francis Vernon, William Jenkins, Thomas Cooper, and Thomas Winterbot tom, esqrs. vice Richard Hall. • 1752- Oct. 6. James Wallace, esqr. Sir F. H. Eyles-Stiles, Bart. Horatio Townshend, Francis Vernon, William' Jen kins, Thomas Cooper, esqrs. and Sir Roger Bur- goyqe, Bart, vice T. Winterbottom. j 7J5 Feb. 28. James Wallace, esq. Sir F. H. Eyles-Stiles, Bart. Horatio Townshend, Francis Vernon, William Jen kins, esqrs. Sir Roger Burgoyne, and Robert Pett, esqrs. vice T. Cooper; I7dl Mar. 20. James Wallace, esq. Su; F. H- Eyles-Stiles, ' Bart. , Horatio Townshend, esq. Sir Roger Burgbyrie, Bart. Robert Pett, W. Jenkins, and Tyringham Stephens, esq. vice F. Vernon. 1762 Mar. James Wallace, esq. Hon. H. Townshend, W.Jen kins, esq. Sir R. Burgoyne, Bart. R. Pett, esq. and Jonas Hanway, esq. vice F. H- Eyles-Stiles, Bart. 1762 July - James Wallace, esq. Hon. H. Townshend, Sir R. Burgoyne, Batt. R. Pett, esq. J. Hanway, esq. Tyringham Stephens, esq. and John Rule, esq. vice William Jenkins. 1764 James Wallace, esq. Hon. H. Townshend ; Sir R. Burgoyne, Bart. R. Pett, esq. J. Hanway, esq. Tyr; Stephens, esq. and George Marsh, esq. vice J. Rule. iJ^S James Wallace, esq. Sir Roger Burgoyne, Bart. R. Pett, esq. J. Hanway, esq. T, Stephens, esq. G. Marsh, esq. and James Fortrey, esq. vice Hon. H. Townshend. Navy Office. 99 . 1767 James Wallace, esq. Sir Roger Burgoyne, Bart. R. Pett, esq. J. Hanway, esq. T. Stephens, esq. G. Marsh, esq. and Alexander Chorley, esq. vice j. '. Fortrey. 1770 James Wallace^ esq. Sir Roger Burgoyne, esq. R. Pett, esq. j. Hanway, esq. G. Marsh, Alexander Chorley, esq. and Thomas Colby, esq. vice T. Stephens. 1772 James Wallace, esq. Sir Roger Burgoyne, Bart. R. Pett, esq, J. Hanway, esq. A. Chorley, esq. T. Colby, esq. and William Gordon, esq. vice G. Marsh. I77d James Wallace, esq. Sir R. Burgoyne, Bart.- J. Han way, esq. A. Chorley, esq. T. Colby, esq. and Joah Bates, esq. vice R. Pett, and Henry Pelham, esq. vice W. Gordon. 1777 Sir R. Burgoyne, Bart. J. Hanway, esq. A. Chor ley, esq. T. Colby, esq. J. Bates, and James Kirke, esqrs. vice James Wallace, and John Slade, esq. vice H. Pelham. ' 178 1 SirR. Burgoyne, Bart. J. Hanway, esq. A. Chor ley, esq. J. Bates, esq. James Kirke, esq. J. Slade, esq. and William Lance, esq. vice T. Colby. 1782 J. Hanway, esq. A. Chorley, esq. J. Bates, esq. James Kirke, esq. J. Slade, esq. William Lance,- esq. and Montagu Burgoyne, esq. vice Sir Roger Burgoyne, Bart. 1783 A. Chorley, J. Bates, Ja. Kirke, J. Slade, W. Lance, M. Burgoyne, esqrs. and George Philips Towry, esq. vice Hanway. 1785 Oct. 1. A. Chorley, Ja. Kirke, J. Slade, ' W. Lance, M, Burgoyne, G. P. Towry, esqrs. and George Cher ry, esq. vice J. Bates. Dec. A. Chorley, Ja. Kirke, J. Slade, W. Lance, G. P. Towry, G. Cherry, esqrs. arid William Boscawen, esq. vice Burgoyne. 1787 Oct. 27. A. Chorley, J. Slade, W. Lance, G. P. Tovvry, G. ' Cherry, W. Boscawen, esqrs. and Samuel Marshall, esq. vice J. Kirke. H 2 1788 io© Navy Office. 1788 A. Chorley, esq. Joah Bates, esq. J. Slade, esq. W. . Lance, esq. G. P. Towry, esq. Geo. Cherry, esq. S. Marshall, esq. W. Boscawen, esq, 1789 A. Chorley, esq. Joah Bates, esq. Wl Lance, esq. G. P. Towry, G. Cherry, esq. Samuel Marshall, esq. W. Boscawen, esq. W. Bellingham, esq. 1/90 A. Choiley, esq. Joah Bates, esq. W, Lance, esq. G. P. Towry, G. Cherry, S. Marshall, W. Boscawen, and Francis Stephens, esq. 179! - A, Chorley, J. Bates, Gj P. Towry, G. Cherry, S. Marshall, W, Boscawen, Francis Stephens, and Joseph Hunt, esqrs. 1793 A. Chorley, J. Bates^ J. P. Towry. G. Cherry, W. Boscawen, F. Stephens, J. Hunt, and Francis J. Hartwell, esqrs. 1794 J. Bates,' J. P. Towry, G; Cherry, W. Boscawen, Fr. Stephens, Jos. Hunt, F. J. Haitwell, arid Robt. Sadleir Moody, esqrs. - 1796 J. Bates, J. P. Towry, G. Cherry, W. Boscawen, F. Stephens, J. Hunt, R. S. Moody, -and Hon. John Rodney, esqrs. 17,98 J. Bates, J. P. Towry, G. Cherry, W. Boscawen, Francis Stephens, R. S. Moody, and John Marsh, 1 esqrs. 1399 J.. P. Towry, G. Cherry, W. Boscawen, F. Stephens. R. S. Moody, John Marsh, and John Harrison, esqrs. 1803 G. P. Towry, G. Cherty, W. Boscawen, F- Stephens, R. S. Moody, John Marsh, John Harrison, Hon. John Rodney, and Charles Cunningham, esqrs. 1805 G. P. Towry, W. Boscawen,' R. S. Moody, John Marsh, Charles Cunningham, W. Boscawen, John Harrison, and William Budge, esqrs. ORD- Ordnance Office. 101 5; ORDNANCE OFFICE. This office is in the Tower of London, and hath both a civil and a military branch. It supplies both the Army and Navy with all sorts of military stores. When to the latter, they are- delivered on board their respective ships to the gunner, who has under him an ar mourer and a gunsmith. Storekeepers are established at all the princi pal sea-ports where any of his Majesty's ships are stationed, both at home and abroad, who receive the stores from the Board of Ordnance, where there are clerks-and other officers with salaries, for the expedit ing the business of the Army and Navy ; but as this office more pro perly belongs to the Army, an account of its establishment and prin cipal officers will be found under the article Military Department. f EXAMINATIONS. This department is under the direction of severaFofficefs, all act ing by the authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty. In order that none but persons properly qualified may serve on board the Royal Navy as officers, they must all pass a strict examination as to their knowledge and skill in their respective stations, and obtain certificates thereof from the different examinators, before their com missions or warrants are delivered to them. Thus, all Lieutenants ofthe Royal Navy are examined by the Commissioners ofthe Navy- office. All Masters are examined at the Trinity House, Water Lane, Tower Street, by the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House, who at present are-- H 3 Master. <102 Examinations. Master. $806 Geo; John, Earl Spencer, K.G. Deputy Master. 3788 Joseph Cotton, esq. Elder Brethren. 3768 George, Duke of Marlborough, K.G, 3775 John Travers, esq. 37,78 George Barton, esq. 3779 Anthony Calvert, esq. 3780 Thomas Brown, esq. 1781 Sir Robert Preston, Bart, — — Charles L°rd Barham. 3784 Francis Easterby, esq. 3785 Gilf. Lawson Reed, esq. 3786 Henry Hinde Pelly, esq. 3787 John Deffell, esq. 3788 Thomas King, esq. 3789 James Stiachan, esq. 3791 Joseph Huddart, esq. F. R. S 3792 John, Earl of Chatham, K. G. 3793 William, Lord Grenville. — — Henry, Viscount Melville. 3795 Samuel, Viscount Hood. Abel Chapman, esq. 379d John Sealy, esq. 1 Sir Andrew Snape Hamond, Bart. — — — Effingham Lawrence, esq. 1797 William Henry, Duke of Portland, K.G. William Fraser, esq. F.R.S. 3799 George Curtis, esq. 3803 John Woolmore, esq. 3805 John Jeffries, Earl Camden, K.G, ¦ " ¦ , Richard Lewin, esq. Thi Royal Hospital at Greenwich. 1 03 This Society was first founded • in the year 1515 by Sir Thomas Spret, Knt. commander of the great ship Henry Grace de Dieu, and Comptroller ofthe Navy to King Henry VIII. for the regulation of seamen, and the convenience of ships and mariners ; and by the above King were incorporated, their privileges confirmed, and considerably extended. Queen Elizabeth and King Charles II. finding how very useful they were, enlarged their rights and powers : These were amply confirmed by letters patent of King James II. in 1685, by the name oiThe Masters, Wardens and Assistants ofthe Guild and Fraternity ofthe most Glorious and undivided Trinity, and of St Clement in the parish of Deptford Strand, in the county of Kent. This Corporation is governed by a Master, 4 Wardens, 8 Assistants, and 18 Elder Brethren ; and they have very great powers, and among others, the examining all Masters ofthe Royal Navy, the placing of buoys, sea marks, and light-houses, upon the several coasts ofthe kingdom, and the examination and licensing of all Pilots, &.C. &c. The Gunners of the Navy are examined on the art of gunnery by the Master Gunner of England for the time being, or his deputies ; or by some Mathematical-master, and three- able Gunners of the Navy, appointed by the Commissioners of the Navy, residing at the port where such Gunners are first appointed. Surgeons Mates are examined by the Court of Examiners of the Corporation of Surgeons of London ; and Surgeons are examined as to their skill in surgery by the above Court of Examiners ; and re specting their skill in physic, by the Physician of Green\vieh Hospital for the time being. ROYAL HOSPITAL at GREENWICH, This superb building stands on the spot where formerly stood the Royal Palace of several of our Monarchs. King Charles II. intend ed to build a new palace here on a very grand scale, and accordingly erected one wing of this grand edifice, but died before any other part of the design was finished. In this state it remained till King William III. formed a plan to make this palace useful to the kingdom. He atherefore, by letters patent in id94, erected this palace into an hos- h 4 pital, i p4 Royal Hospital at Greenwich. pital, for the reception of such seamen, as by age, wounds, or other accidents, are rendered incapable of farther service, and for the wi dows of such as happen to be slain in the sea-servite. Parliament lent its aid to complete this noble, building, agreeably to the first design, and Commissioners were appointed to see it-executed. Benefactions were received for this glorious institution, amounting to L.58,209; and Parliament, in the year 17 id, bestowed on it the estate of the attaint ed Earl of Derwentwater, then amounting tp L.dooo a-year. A tax was laid upon all seamen in the Royal Navy, and in the merchants service, for the maintenanpe of this Hospital. In this Hospital, there are now 2300 men, 140 women as nurses, arid 150 boys*, and five more women as nurses to the sick. The pensioners are clothed in blue, and are allowed clothes, linen, stockings, shoes, and is. a week for tobacco. Some of these are boatswains mates, appointed to assist the boatswains ; these are distinguished by a narrow gold edging on their hats, and have is. dd. per week for pocket-money. There is a boatswain for each ward in the Hospital, whose business it is to take care ofthe ward, see the men do their duty, and report any misdemea nours to the Lieutenant-governor, and likewise tp command the watch upon their guard ; these have a broad gpld lace round their pockets, cuffs and hats, and have half a crown a-week pocket-money. The boys also wear blue. They are taken in at 1.1 years of age, and go out at id, either to the sea-service, or any other trade they may chuse. The Governors of this Charity appointed by act of Parliament, are the Great Officers of State, and persons in high posts under the King ; the Lord Mayor, and the three senior Aldermen of the city of Lon don ; the Master and five Elder Brethren of the Trinity House; the Governor andDeputy-governor of Greenwich Hospital. To these, his Majesty in Council is empowered to add such Noblemen and, Gentle men as he sees fit. The^ Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty name 24 gentlemen as Commissioners for the better government of the Hospital. The Offi cers of the House form a Council, which meets once a-week, for the punishing of all breaches .of rules ; appeals may be made to, the Coiri- missioners, who meet once a fortnight. The Governors meet every six -months, or oftener, if occasion require it. The * The boys admitted into this Hospital, are the sons of sailors, particularly of such as were slain in battle They were added into this charity by Lord Ayl mer, when Governor ; and the fund for their maintenance and education, arises from the money paid by each stranger who comes to see the Hospital, its paintings, Royal Hospital at Greenwich. 1 05 The Officers receive is. 2d. per day for their table ; and officers arid servants of the House have apartments. Besides the Master, Lieutenant-Governor, Captains, and Lieuten ants, there are a great number of other officers, clerks and servants, who have all competent salaries and apartments ; and there is also a schoolmaster to teach the boys mathematics, &.c. Governors of Greenwich Hospital. Sir Hugh Palliser, Bart. I79d Samuel Viscount Hood. Lieutenant- Governors. 1780 Captain James Ferguson. *793 — ——— William Locker. 1800 ' Sir Richard Pearson, knt, 1805 ¦ John Bourchier. Present Officers and their Salaries. Master, Samuel Viscount Hood, Admiral ofthe Red, L.iooo. Lieut.-Gover. John Bourchier, esq. ------ L.400. Treasurer, Sir John Colpoys, K.B. Admiral ofthe White,L.200. Directors and Governors of Greenwich Hospital. Master. Lord Viscount Hood. ' Lieutenant-Governor. John Bourchier, esq. Treasurer fo6 Royal Hospital at Greenwich. Treasurer. Sir John Colpoys, K.B. William, Lord Auckland. John Cleveland, esq. Revd. John Cooke, Martin Fonnereau, esq. Richard Hulse, esq. Sir Robert Preston; Bart. John Yenn, esq. Sir William Bellingham, Bart. Joseph Hunt, esq. Sir Tr. J. Hartwell, Bart. Right Hon. Charles Long. Harry Harmood, esq, John Harrison, esq. Dr Robert Robertson. Charles, Earl of Romney. Sir William Geary, Bart. William J. T. Savery, "esq. George Parker, esq. George T. Goodenough, esq. Hon. and Revd. Dr Legge. Captains. Captain Thomas AUwright. : Francis Lynn. — — — George Robinson Walters. 1 John Gore. 1789 Sir Richard Pearson, Knt. vice Walters. 1790 Anthony Hunt, vice Gore. 1796 ¦ Samuel Arden, vice Hunt. 1800 — — — John Bourchier, vice Pearson. 1803 Joseph Ellison, vice AUwright. 1805 — — William Browell, viceBouichier. L.230. a-year each. Licuten* Marine Office. J 07 Lieutenants. Charles Besson; William Hunter. Joseph Dewsnap. Thomas Lynne. George Spearing. P. Vancourt. Frederick Bedford. T. Williams. L.I 15 a-year each. Secretary, John Dyer, esq. L.ido. Auditor, William, Lord Auckland, 100. Surveyor, John Yenn, esq. 200. The Receiver's Office, or Six Penn? Office, Towerhill. For the support of Greenwich Hospital, sixpence a-month is de ducted from each person's wages in the Royal Navy, and also from every seaman in the merchants service, by which every seaman who is rendered unserviceable in the defence of his county, or in the mer chants service, is entitled to the benefit ofthe Hospital. The receipt is managed by three Commissioners, under whom are officers and clerks for the dispatch of business. Commissioners. , . 1. Receiver, George Parker, esq. Salary L.300. 2. Accomptant, John Cleveland, esq. L.-200. 3. Comptroller, John Beverly, esq. L.ioo. MARINE to8 Marines. MARINE OFFICE. The sole direction of the Corps of Marines is vested in the Lords Commissioners ofthe Admiralty ; and in the Admiralty is a distinct apartment for this purpose. , Philips Stephens, esq. the Secretary to the Admiralty, is likewise Secretary to the Marines, for which he has a salary of L.300 a-year ; and he has under him several clerks for the management of this department. The Paymaster ofthe Ma rines is Gabriel Stewart, esq. whose office is in Great Newport-street. The Agent to the Marines is Griffith Williams, esq. whose office is in Bartlett's Buildings. The Marine Corps are divided into three divisions, and fixed at Chatham, Portsmouth, and Plymouth. Here they are "under the command of their own field-officers, who discipline them, and regu late their different duties. His late Majesty, in 17 do, formed a new establishment of Marine Officers, entitled,- the General, Lieutenant-General, and three Colonels of Marines, (one for each division") to be taken from officers in the Royal Navy. The two first are always enjoyed by Flag-officers, the last by Post-captains only. This establishment was formed to reward such officers as distinguished themselves in the service of their coun try ; and the first appointment and succession has been as follows : Marine's. Generals. 1760 Hon. Edward Boscawen. Died in January 1761. 1763' Apr. 16. Hon. John Forbes, Admiral of the Fleet. 1796 Mar. 12. Richard, Earl Howe, K.G. Admiral of the Fleet. 1799 Aug. Hon. Samuel Barrington, Admiral of the White. 180O Aug- Alexander Lord Viscount Bridport, K.B. Admiral of the White. Lieutenant Marines. iogi Lieutenant- Generals. fj6o Sir Charles Saunders, K. B. 1775 Sir Hugh Palliser, Bart. Resigned in 1779. 1800 Sir Thomas Pye, Knt. Admiral of- the White. 1 i8od Honble. Samuel Barrington, Vice-Admiral of the White. 1799 Alexander Lord Bridport, Admiral of the White, now Viscount Bridport. 1800 John, Earl. of St Vincent, K. B. Admiral ofthe White. Major-General. 1 794 July Sir Alan Gardner, Bart. Vice-Admiral of the White, now Lord Gardner. Colonels. V}(t<) Sir Piercy Brett, Knt.. Portsmouth Division. Hon. Augustus Keppel. Plymouth Division. Richard, Lord Viscount Howe. Chatham Division. I7d2 Sir Thomas Stanhope, Knt. vice Brett. ~t t> Hon. Augustus John Hervey, afterwards Earl of J- °?10ted Bristol, vice Keppel. J t0 flaSs' 1 7d9 Hugh Pigot, esq. vice Stanhope. Dead. 1770 Hon. Samuel Barrington, vice Lord Howe. 1775 Robert Digby, esq. vice Pigot. — — Thomas Graves, esq. vice Lord Bristol. 1777 Joshua Rowley, esq. vice Barrington. 1779 John Elliot, esq. vice Graves. — — Hon. Robert Boyle Walsingham, vice Digby. — — William Hotham, esq. vice Rowley. 1781 Sir J. Lindsay, Knt. and K. B. viceB. Walsingham. Drowned. 1787 Phillips Cosby, esq. vice Elliot. — — - George Bowyer, vice Hotham- . — ' — .Hon. William Cornwallis, vice Lindsay. »797 Promoted to flags. i io Naval Hospitals. 1797 Mar. 19. Captain John Elliot, esq. | Proraofced t0 flags William Hotham, esq. J- • g ° 178 1 Sir John Lindsay, Knt. J ¦ 7 /• 1787 Philips Cosby, esq. Ditto in 1790. George Bowyer, esq. Do. in do. Hon. William Cornwallis. Ditto in 1793. 1790 Sept. Richard Onslow, esq. Ditto in 17 90. George Murray, esq. Ditto in 1794. 1793 Feb. I. Robert Linzee, esq. Ditto Sir James Wallace, knt. Ditto. 1794 Apr. Hon. William Waldegrave. Ditto. Thomas Pringle. Ditto. Sir Roger Curtis, Knt. July William Young, esq. in 1797. James Gambier, esq. in 1799. Lord Hugh Seymour Conway. Ditto. 1795 June 4. Horatio Nelson. Ditto. Hon. Thomas Pakenham. Ditto. Hon. George Berkeley. Ditto. 1797 Sir A. Snape Douglas, Knt. Died in 179'^. 1797 John Thomas Duckworth, esq. Promoted to a flag in 1801. 1799 Feb. 14. Edward Thornbrough, esq. Ditto, Sir W. G. Fairfax, Knt. Banneret. Ditto. Sir James Saumarez, Knt. Ditto. 1801 Jan. 1. Sir Ed. Pellew, Bart. Dittoin April 1804. William Domett, esq. Ditto. Sir Thomas Troubridge, Bart. Ditto. l8o4Apr. 23. George Martin, esq. Ditto in Dec. 1805. Sir Richard John Strachan, Bart. Ditto. 1805 , Sir William Sidney Smith, Bart. Ditto. Sir Samuel Hood, K. B. for Woolwich. Nov. 9. Richard Goodwin Keats, esq. Edward Buller, esq. Hon. Robert Stopford. CAPTAINS sdperintendikg NAVAL HOSPITALS. Haslar, near Gosport. 1795 Captain William Yeo, esq. Plymouth. Richard Creyk, esq. uns e>t\ Board of Transport Service. • 1 1 BOARD of TRANSPORT SERVICE, And for the care and custody of Prisoners of War, excepting such of the said Prisoners as may either from accident or disease become ob jects of cbirurgical or medical assistance. 1794 July 2d. Captain Hugh Clobery Christian. — — — Philip Patton. , 1 Ambrose Serle, esq. 1793 Sept. 25. Captain Rupert George. Ambrose Serle, esq. Captain John Schank. — — — William Albany Otway. John Marsh, esq. 1798 Dec. 13. Captain Rupert George. Ambrose Serle, esq. Captain John Schank. Captain William Albany Otway. Joseph Hunt, esq. 1802 May 15. Captain Rupert George. Ambrose Serle, esq. 1803 May Captain Sir Rupert George, Knt. Ambrose Serle, esq. Captain James Bowen. — — — Thomas Hamilton. Hon. Wrilliam Henry Bouverie. Secretary, Alexander Whitehead, esq. BOARD of TRANSPORT SERVICE, For sick and wounded Seamen, and for the care of Prisoners of War. i3c6 Jan. 27. Captain Sir George Rupert, Knt. Ambrose Serle, esq. Captain Thomas Hamilton. — — — James Bowen. Hon. John Douglas. John Harness, M. D. ecretary, A. Whitehead. SICK U2 Sick and Hurt Office. \\- SICK and HURT OFFICE, Formerly at Tower Hill, now at Somerset Place. The Sick and Hurt office was put in commission January 27. 1806. and joined to the Transport office. Krst Commissioner L.500 a-year, and L.d5 for house-rent. The other Commissioners L.500 a-year. Commissioners. 1785 Walter Farquharson, esq. W. Corbet, esq. R. Lulman, esq. 1789 Walter Farquharson, etq. R. Lulman, esq. Sir William Gibbons, Bart. 1 793 Sir William Gibbons, Bart. Robert Blair, esq. J. Johnston, esq. resident at Portsmouth. 1795 Sir William Gibbons, Bart. Robert Blair, esq. James Johnston, esq. Gilbert Blane, M. D. 1802 John Harness, M.D. Sir W. Gibbons, Bart. Gilbert Blane, M. D. John Weir, M. D. 1803 John Harness, M. D. Sir W. Gibbpns, Bart. ;'.,;-" John Weir, M. D. Andrew Baird, M. D. 1805 John Harness, M. D. Sir W. Gibbons, Bart. John Weir, esq. HIGH High Court of Admiralty. 113 V* HIGH COURT of ADMIRALTY. This Court is provided for the trial and punishment of all offences committed on the high seas, and is a civil court. Courts martial in the Navy have a Judgg- Advocate appointed to assist them. The present Judge of the Admiralty, Right Hon. Sir William Scott, Knt. L. L. D. Salary L.2500. ' The present King's Advocate-General, Sir John Nicholl, Knt, L. L. D. MILITARY [vol. II. J C "4 ] MILITARY. DEPARTMENT. A List of the Commanders-in-Chief of his Majesty's Land Forces in Great Britain, from 1760 to the present Time. 1760 " John, Viscount Ligonier? afterwards Earl Ligo- nier. I77d John, Marquis of Granby. Resigned in 1759,. Vacant. 1778 Jeffery, Lord Amherst. 1782 Mar. Hon. Henry Seymour Conway. Resigned in De cember 1783. Vacant. ,' , 1795 Feb. 10. His Royal Highness Frederick, Duke of York. A Com- MILITARY DEPARTMENT. A Complete List of General Officers, from the Revolution in 1688, to 1806. Names, John, Duke of Marlborough, James Butler, Duke of Ormond, His R- H. Will- Aug. D. of Cumberland Names. George, F.arl of Orkney, John, Duke of Argyle and Greenwich, Richard, Viscount Shannon, Francis, Marquis de Montandre, John, Earl of Stair, Richard, Viscount Cobham, George Wade, Sir Robert Rich, Bart. Richard, Viscount Molesworth, John, Earl Ligonier,K. B. James, Lord Tyrawley, Hon. Henry Seymour Conway, Capt. General. Mar. 14. 1702. July f. 1712. Mar. 7. 1745. Captains-General. General, Field Marshals. Field Marshal Jan. 14, 1736. Ditto. July 2. 1739. Ditto. Mar. 28. 1742- Ditto. , Dec. 14. 1743. Nov. 28. 1757 — 29. June 10. 1763 Oct. 12. 1793. General. an. 1. 1711. Feb. 2. Oct. 27. 1735. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Mar. 7. 1727 • 29. 1747 Dec. 28. 39. Mar. 4. 1761 May 26. 1772 Lieut. General. Nov. 7. 1688. Oct. 24. 1694. July 28. 1743. Lieut. General. Jan. 1. 1704. Jan. 1. 1709. Ditto. Jan. 1. 1710. Ditto. Ditto. Oct. 3. 17 14 July 2. 1739 Ditto. Feb. 8. 1743. Mar. 31. Mar. 30. 1759 Major General. July 3. 1685. April 1. 1692. Dec. 31. 1743. Major General. Mar. 9. 1702. June 1. 1706. Ditto. Ditto. Jan. 1. 1729. Ditto.Ditto. Nov. 12. 1735. Ditto. July 2. 1739. Ditto. Jan. 30. 173d Brig. General. May 14. 1685. Brig. General. July 1. 1695. Jan. 1. 1704. Ditto.Ditto. Jan. 1. i7od. Ditto. Jan. r. 1708. Mar. 30. 1727. Ditto. Nov. 14. 1735. 23. 3 ls\ Field Marshall, o^ Names. His R. H. the Duke of Gloucester. Sir George Howard, K. B. His R. H. the Duke of York, John, Duke of Argyle, Jeffery, Lord Amherst, K.B. John, Lord Howard of Walden, Studholm Hodgson,' George, Marquis Townshend, Lord Frederick Cavendish, Charles, Duke of Richmond, " His R. H. Edward, Duke of Kent, Fu/d Marshal} Oct. 12. 1793- Ditto. Feb. 10. 1795. July 30- 1-796. Ditto. ; Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.Ditto. '.Sept. 7. 1805. General. \Lieut. Gjfneral.\Major General. May 26. 1772 Sept. 6. 1777 Apr. 12. 1793. Mar. 19. 1778 Ditto. Apr. 2. 1778 Ditto. Nov. 2d. 1782. Ditto. Ditto- Apr. 30. 1770. jDec. 16. 1767. Dec. 9. 1760. Jan. id. 1758. Brig. General. Jan. 19. 1761. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Apr. 30. 1770. Ditto. Ditto. Generals. Names. Frederick, Duke of Schomberg, — - — — — — Killed at the battle of Boyne, in Ireland, July 1. 1690. Charles, Duke of Schomberg, — — — — Died of his wounds received in the battle of Marsiglia, in Italy, October 7. 1693. , Meinhardt, Duke of Schomberg, — — Henry, Earl of Galway, ¦ ¦ — — Charles, Earl of Peterborough, — - — — General. Apr. 19. id90, May 29. — — Aug. id. July 3. 170317041705- Lieut. General. lune 25. 1759- Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Mar. d. 1761. Major General, Brig. General. sc 3 J Generals. ¦Oj. Names. Charles Churchill, — Richard, Earl Rivers, — Daniel Hervey, — — William Stewart, — Thomas Erie, — — • David, Earl of Portmore, Hon. Henry Lumley, — Charles Ross, — — • John Richmond Webb, — Charles, Lord Tyrawley, •— William, Earl Cadogan, George, Earl of Cholmondeley, Sir Charles Willes, K. B. Thomas Wetham, — Joseph Sabine, — — William Evans, — Sir Philip Honywood, K. B. Lord Mark Ker, ... — John, Earl of Dunmore, Robert Dalzell, Gervase Parker, — Algernon, Duke of Somerset, John, Duke of Montagu, William, Earl of Harrington, General. Jan. i. 1707, Apr.22. 1708 Jan. 1. 1709 Jan. 30: 171 1, Ditto. Ditto.Ditto. Apr. 1. 1712 June id. — — Nov. 13. 1714 July 12. 1717 Mar. 1. 1727 July 2. 1730 Ditto. Ditto. . Ditto. Feb. 1. 1743. Ditto. May 30. 1745, Mar. 24. 1747. 25. 2d. 28.— Lieut. General. June 10. 1702. Jan. 1. 1707. Feb. 11. 1703 Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Jan. 1. 1707. 1709 I7°4 1709 1704 Nov. 16.1710 Mar. 2. 1727 Oct. 30. 1735 Nov. 1. July 2. 1739. Nov. 3. 1735 July 2. 1739. Ditto. Ditto. Feb. 8. 1743 Major General Mar. 7. 1694. June 1. 1693 Jan.Jan. Jan. 1, 1704 1. i69d. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. 1. 1709 Jan. 1. 1706. Mar. 9. 1702. June 1. 1706. Mar. 9. 1702, Jan. 1. 1709. Jan. 1. 1710. Ditto. Ditto. Mar. 7. 1727. 10. Jan. Jan. Nov. 14. 1735 Mar. 3. 1727. Oct. 6. 1735. Ditto. Nov. 16. > July 2. 1739 Brig. General. Aug. 3. 1692. Ditto. Jan. 1. 1703. Mar. 22. 1693. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.1. 1706. 1. 1704. July 1. 1695. ' Aug. 23. 1704. June 1. 1697. Jan. 1. 1707. Ditto.Ditto. Ditto. Sept. 19. 1710. Feb. 12. 1711. Ditto. Ditto. Mar. 14. 1727. Ditto. ft Nov. 14. 1735. Geserals. Names. Charles, Duke of Marlborough, — David Montolieu, Baron de StHippolite, John, Earl of Westmoreland, — Roger Handasyde, — — - Charles Otway, — — Charles, Lord Cadogan, — Hon. James St Clair, — John Guyse, — — 7 John, Earl of Rothes, — — Harry Pulteney, — — Hon. Sir Charles Howard, K. B. — John, Duke of Argyle, K. T. — James Oglethorpe, , — — John, Earl of Delawar, K. B. — Sir John Mordaunt, K. B. — Hon. James Cholmondeley, — Peregrine Lascelles, — — Lord John Murray, — — John, Earl of Loudoun, — William, Earl of Panmure, — William, Marquis of Lothian, K.T. William, Earl of Harrington, — , Hugh Warburton, — — l Cuthbert Ellison, — — General. July io. 1758 Mar. 9. 1761. Ditto. Ditto. -Ditto. Ditto, Ditto. Ditto. Feb. 22, 1765 Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Apr. 13. 1770 DittoDittoDitto.Ditto.Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.Ditto. May 2d. 1772 Lieut. General. Aug. 15. .747 July 2. 1739 Ditto. Mar. 29. 1 743 May 28. 1745 30. June 4. Aug. 5. 1747. Major General. Mar. 30. 1745 Nov. 13-1735. July 2. -1739 Ditto. Ditto. Aug. 15. 1741. Jan. 1. 1742. 1743. 3-— — 4 Feb. 24. 1744 Mar. 30. 1745. Ditto. Sept. 22. 1747 23 Mar. 27. 1754. Feb.- 16. 1755. — 19. i-23. — 24. — 25. - Mar. 1, 1755. Brig. General. Feb. 15. 1743. Apr. 22. 1727, Nov. 25.' 1 73 J. -26. - 28. Dec. 3. — — July 2. 1739. - ditto. ditto. Feb. 18. 1742. ditto. Feb. 9. 1743. - —.— 14. May 7. — 8. 1748. Names. i Peregrine, Duke of Ancaster, Evelyn, Duke of Kingston, Hugh, Viscount Falmouth, Simon, Earl Harcourt, _ — Plenry Arthur, Earl of Powis, Michael O'Brien Dilkes, — John, Earl of Sandwich, — - James Abercrombie, — George, Earl of Albemarle, K. G. Francis Leighton, — Lord Robert Manners, — John Mostyn, — John, Earl Waldegrave, — Joseph, Lord Dover, K. B. William Belford, — Lord Robert Bertie, — Philip Honywood, Hon. John Fitzwilliam, — William A' Court, — Archibald Douglas, — George. Augustus, Lord Heathfield, K. B. John Lambton, — John Parslow, — Hon. Thomas Gage, — ENERALSJ General. Lieut. General. Majpr General. — May 2d. 1772. Feb. 3. 1759. Mar. 2. 1755. ditto. 4. 3. — — — ditto. — — 8; — — — — 7. ¦ ditto. — — 9. 8. ditto. IO. 9. ditto." 1 1. _ 10. ditto. 12. — — — — ii. — — ^ ditto. Mar. 31. Jan. 30. 1756. § — ditto. Apr. I. Feb. 1. 173d. 1 ditto. 6 Feb. 5. 1757. Q ditto. 7. t> ditto. — — 8. -5 — ditto. — — 10. — — — — IO. — — g Sept. 6. 1777. ditto. Dec. 11. i7do. Jan. 18. 1758. •**. 3 ^ " " '7- z5- SS ditto. 18. May 15. *-*. — ditto." , ditto. 17. Mar. 19. 1778. Jan. 19. 1761. June 25. 1759. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. Apr. 2. 1778. ditto. ditto. Nov. 2d. 1782. Apr. 30. 1770. Feb. 26. i7di. ditto. ditto. Mar. 1 _ ditto. ditto. 5. — — VO Generals. Names. Henry, .Earl of Pembroke, ¦ ' ¦« John Severn, — — — — Sir John Sebright, Bart. Honble. George Cary, ¦ Honble. James Murray, ¦ Gy rus Tra p aud , Sir William Boothby, Bart. ¦ Benjamin Carpenter, ¦ Bigoe Armstrong, . William, Marquiscf Landsdown, K.G. William Haviland, — - Sir John Irwine,'K.B. ¦ David Graeme, — — - Charles Vernon, - Robert Melvill, _ Moriscoe Frederick, . . John Thomas, , — Robert Dalrymple Horn Elphinstpne, James Johnston, James Johnston, Hon.' Philip Sherrard, , . . ¦ Hon. George' Lane Parker, .— -— — ¦ Charles, Earl ofDrogheda, — — — — — — Hon. Alexander Mackay, ¦ ¦ - . Sir William Augustus Pitt, K.B. — — — — 0. General. Lieut-General. Major-General. Nov. 26. 1782. Apr. 30. 1770. Mar. 10. 1 76 1. ditto. ditto. — — 11. — — ditto. ditto. 13, ditto. ditto. Aug. 15. Feb. 9. 1783. May 2d. 1772. July 10. 1763. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. - > ditto. ditto. ditto. £ ditto. ditto. ditto. S" ditto. ditto. ditto. 3 ditto. ditto. ditto. if ditto. ditto. -ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. 19. ditto. ditto. "1 Oct. 25. 1793; Aug. 29. 1777. Aug. 7. I7dd. t ditto. ditto. A-ug. 3. 1770. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto.- ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto, ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. Names. Lord Adam Gordon, — — — Sir Frederick Haldimand, K. B. Honble. Alexander Maitland, Right Hon. John Pomeroy, — Archibald, Earl of Eglintoun, — Hunt Walsh, " Guy, Lord Dorchester, K.B. — Sir Charles Hotham Thompson, K. B. Robert Clerk, _— — Right. Hon. Robert Cunninghame, William, Viscount Howe, K.B. — Lord George William Lenox, Henry Fletcher, — — John Hale, — — Sir Robert Boyd, K.B. Sir Henry Clinton, K. B- — — — Charles, Lord Southampton, — — Right Hon. John Burgoyne, — Robert Robinson, - Bernard Hale, — — — Francis Craig, — — — Hugh, Duke of Northumberland, William Taylor, - Charles, Marquis Cornwallis, K.G. • lj kner.au i Generals. Lieut.-Qeneral. Major-General. Oct. 25. 1793. Aug. 7- *777- Aug. 3. 1770. _ ditto. ditto. May 25. 1772. II ,1, ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. _ ditto. ditto. ditto. — ^— ¦ ditto- ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. fe ditto. ditto. ditto. , ditto. ditto. ditto. | ditto. ditto. ditto.ditto. ditto.ditto. ^ If — — • ditto. ditto. ditto. —^—~ m ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. S" ditto. ditto. ditto. 1 ditto. ditto. ditto. " ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. Sept. [29. 1775. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto.ditto. _ ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. p* , ditto. ditto. . ditto; to Generals. Names. Robert Watson, — — Daniel Jones, - John Mackenzie, _____ John Bell, Launcelot Baugh, — — — — ¦ Sir David Lindsay, Bart. — Henry Smith, • Hezekiah Fleming, Edward Maxwell Brown, James Robinson. — — Eyre, Lord Clarina, — — — William Tryon, — — George WTard, ¦ . ¦ ¦ James Cunninghame, ¦ Flower Mocher, — — — Sir Robert Sloper, K.B. Joseph Gabbet, — — Staats Long Morris, — — — - Hon. Sir John Vaughan, K. B. Ralph, Earl -of Ross, — — — Sir Robert Pigot, Bart. — - Sir John Dalling, Bart. " Russel Manners, — — — Thomas Hall, — — — General. Lieut .-General. Major-General. I- May 3. 1796. ditto. Feb. 27. 1799. ditto. Aug. 29. 1777. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. R? ditto. ditto ditto. & ditto. Nov. 26. 1J82. ditto. s ditto. ditto. ditto. n ^ ditto. ditto. ditto. fr ditto. ditto. ditto. I •?& ditto. ditto. ditto. $ ditto. ditto. ditto; =3 ditto. ditto. ditto. § ditto. ditto. ditto. - **. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto'. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. 'ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. Generals. Name. Sir Robert Murray Keith, K.B. James Grant, — — — • — — - Right Hon. William Faucett, K.B. William John, Marquis of Lothian, Richard Prescott, Charles, Earl Grey, K.B. Sir Thomas Spencer Wilson, Bart. George Morrison, , . — Thomas Clarke, — — Charles Rainsford, — — — — — Edward Matthew, ¦ James Pattison, — — — — — — Honble. Henry St John, • John Campbell, Sir George Osborn, Bart. Sir Thomas Shirley, Bart. — — Patrick Tonyn, — — — — - John Reid, — '¦ — Sir William Green, Bart. — — — George Scott, ¦¦ Charles O'Hara, -—— — — — Loftus Anthony Tottenham, William Rowley, ¦ Peter Bathurst, --"" General. Lieut-General. May 3. 1796. Nov. 2d. 1782. ditto. ' ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. Feb. 4. 1797. Sept. 28. 1787. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. Oct. 12. 1793. Jan. 9. l798- ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto.. ditto. Major-General. Aug. 29; 1777. ditto. ditto.ditto. ditto. ditto.ditto.ditto.ditto.ditto. 19. 1779. ditto. ditto.ditto. 19. 1781. ditto.ditto.ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto.ditto.ditto. Feb. Oct. se C/4 Ga-NERALsi Hon. William Gordon, .Robert Prescot, — — — Honble.. William Harcourt, Henry, Earl of Carhampton, William Dalrymple, William Picton, Names. Sir Hector Munro, K. B. Honble. William Hervey, — — John Fletcher Campbell, - _ Francis Lascelles, — — — — .— - Right Honble. Sir William Medows,K.B. Edward Smith, _— _ . Thomas Bland, _____ Henry Watson Powell, « _ Sir Thomas Stirling, Bart. — — George Garth, _— __ Richard Grenville, —_ __ John Leland, — — __ _ James Hamilton, — - — Jbhn Stratton, . . James Rooke, — Charles Crosbie, — ___ John, Earl of Suffolk, Honble. Chapel Norton, — — General. Lieut. -General. Jan. i. 1798. ditto. Oct. 12. 1793 ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. Jan. 1. 1801. ditto. May 3. 1796. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. Apr. 2g. 17^8. ditto. Jan. 26. 1797 ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. Major- General. Oct. 19. 178 1. ditto. Nov. 12. - 1782. ditto. ditto.ditto.ditto. ditto. ditto.ditto. ditto.ditto. ditto. ditto.ditto. ditto.ditto. Sept. 28. 1787. ditto. ditto.ditto. : ditto. * ditto. ditto. ta +• I George Hotham, Sir David Dundas, K.B. Sir Robert Abercromby, K.B. Gerard, Lord Lake, Sir Thomas Musgrave, Bart. James Coates, Ralph Dundas, Richard Whyte, Names. Sir Alured Clarke, K.B. — Samuel Hulse, - . Albemarle Bertie, " Charles Vallancey, Thomas John, Earl of ClanricarrJe, Sir James Steuart Denham, Bart. Thomas Carleton, — — Cavendish Lister, ___ Charles Leigh, —— / James Ogilvie, — -— . . David Home, . Hugh, Debbieg, __ — Montgomery Agnew, Alexander, Earl of Baicarras, Cornelius Cuyler, . Charles, Earl of Harrington. Generals. Apr 29. do. 1802. .fan- 26. do. 1797 _— do. do. do.do.do.do. - do. do. do. do. _ do. do. — — - do.do. do. do. — __ Sept • 25- 1803. Jan- 1. 1798 — _ do. do. . . i do. do. do.do. do.do. . do. do. do.do. do. do.do. do. do.do.do. do.do. do. - do.do. .do. do do ' do, April 28. 1790. -- do. do. do. do. do. do. b_. do. s do. f? do. 3 Oct. 12 do.do,do. *793- ">4 IS1 1 do. do. i *-* do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. H do. tt, \ia6 Military Department. v. r- s» *"* • - — ¦ * • « . ° ° .2.2 .S -5 T. -a -o *a *o. <-3 -_ r— rj ¦ 1 t-1 d d d _o o -p -p -a *-> -o O .OO 00 C-v OVO\ "^OOOOO-l-o M -p -p -p -p -p « M u to ^5* -a o 8 2 ff « * « W co £ £ ju •£» Military Department. 127 * 1 i -Q «5 g £ ~^ 0 e5 « ^ 00 ov Ov 00 vo vo St vo | M M tt 00 0 H S 0" c5 V -3 r_ , .0 a 3" > 0 0v ' Oh ^ £ 1 Q ¦-3 vo B « K3 c<5 4* a X > ;jo -. 1 5 .; .—> 0 , >n 1 1 . 1 1 1 a 2 ,S|8t5-Sa«'g|J|S|S|«|jq^u Lieutenant-Generals. Names. Richard, Earl of Scarborough, — — Henry, Earl of Romney, — — Honourable Sir Francis Compton, — — William, Viscount Montgomery, Marquis of Powis, — John, Lord Cutts, — — — — Thomas, Viscount Tiviot, — — ¦ George Ramsay, — _ _ — . Richard Ingoldsby, — — — — Marquis of Miremont, — — — Francis Langston,. — . — — — David, Earl of Leven, — - — — Henry Withers, — . — -— — Cornelius Wood, -— — — — • Thomas, Earl of Strafford, — — — Charles, Earl of Arran, — — — Algernon, Earl of Essex, — — — Edmund Mayne, — — — — - William Seymour, _____ _ Hatton Compton, _____ _ Robert Echlyn, — — — - — _ William, Marquis of Lothian, — — — - John Tidcomb, ______ __ Hugh Windham, — — — — fames Maitland, — — — — . oo Lieut. General. \ Major General. Brig.General. Oct. 24. 1694. April 2. 1692. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. June 2. 1696. Jan. 1. 1704. Jan. 1. 1696. ditto. - ditto. ditto. ditto. •£ ditto. Mar. 9. 1702. June 1. 1696. § ditto. s ditto. Jan. 1. 1703. Jan. 1. 1697. Q April 6. 1706. June 1. — — Mar. 9. 1702. 1 & Jan. 1. 1707. Jan, 1. 1 7 04. ditto. 1 *§ ditto. ditto. ditto. 3 ditto. ditto. ditto. 3 ditto. ditto. ditto. § ditto. ditto- - ditto. *«*. ditto. ditto. ditto. dittq. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. 'ditto. ditto. ___ 10. — — — 'ditto. ditto. Jan, 1. 1703. ditto. ditto. ditto. Jan. 1. 1709. Feb. 1. 1705. June 1. 1696. Lieutenant-Generam. T Names. 5 Thomas, Viscount Windsor, . — 1— ' Thomas Meredyth, — •Francis Palmer^ — James, Earl Stanhope, — George Macartney, — John, Viscount Mordaunt, — Honble. Harry Mordaunt, — Thomas Farrington, — . William, Viscount Mountjoye, — Richard Gorges, * Nicholas Sankey, John, Earl of Crawford, — Henry Holt, — ~ ~ George, Duke of Northumberland', K.G. George, Lord Carpenter, — Charles, Lord Mohun, — — Killed in a duel with the Duke of Hamilton, James, Earl of Barrymore, — William, Lord North and Grey, ' — George, Earl Marischal, , " — Sir William Douglas, George Kellum, John, Earl of Sutherland, — Owen Wynne, """ Lieut.-Get teral. _ Jan. 1. 1709. — - do. do. __ do. _ do. _ do. __ do. .__ do. _— do. _— Jan. 10. 1 710. _ do. _ do. _ do.. _ do. _ do. — - do. Nov. 15. 17 12. _. Mar, 12. 1711. __ do. _ do. _ _ - do. _ Apr. 5. 1712 __ Nov. 16. WS — . Mar. 1. 1727 Major-Ge neral. Brig.-Ge neral. Feb. 1. do. do. do.do. do- n°s- Aug. 29. do. do. do.do.do. 1704. it- do. do. Si it? do. do. S= do. Aug. 16. i7°3- q Jan. I. 1707. Jan. 1. 1704. is do. do. do. Sept. 29. i7°3- do. Jan. i. 1707. I Sept. 10. 1708. Jan. 1. *7°5- §¦ do. Dec. 25. — — *-*. do. Jan. 1. i-7°7- Jan. I. 1709. do. do. Jan. 1. 1706. do. Jan. 1. 1707, do. do. Jan. I. 1710. do. Jan. I. 1719. June 1. 1706. *•* .Lieutenant-Gene&als. Names. William Tatton, Hayman Rooke, — Thomas Pearce, — Richard Sutton *, — ' s Andrew Bisset, — _ Humphry Gore, — Henry Grove, — _ Robert Napier, — _ James Dormer, — __ Thomas Panton, __ _ George Preston, — Albert Borgard, — Francis Columbine, — Richard Franks, • — Charles Churchill, — — William Barrel, — Jasper Clayton, — — _ Killed at the battle of Dettingen, 1743. Piercy Kirke, — — JamesTyrrell, , — — Edmund Fielding, — — - John Peter Desbordes, _ * This gentleman was not promoted to the rank of Major- if he had been promoted in his proper turn by King George I. ditto.ditto.ditto.ditto.- Major General. Jan. 1. 1710. ditto. ditto. April 16. 1727 _ 3. Mar. 8.' — — 12. — — Brig. General. Jan. 1. 1707. ditto. ditto. Jan. 1. 1701, ditto. ditto. Jan. 1. 171 1. 12. ditto. ditto. Mar. 1. 1727. ditto. O 3-4- $• 9- 9. 11. 17. "1 General till November 8. 17.9, and then his Majesty ordered him rank a» Lieutenant-Generals. Names. .William Ker, — — • Richard, Earl of Scarborough, — Henry, Earl of Pembroke, — Sir Daniel O'Carrol, Bart. •— Hon. Sir James Campbell, K. B. — Killed at the battle of Fontenoy, 1745. Clement Nevill, ' — — • Sir John Arnot, Bart. — William Hargrave, ~ — ¦ Henry Cornwall, — — Henry Harrison, — — - Thomas Howard, — — ¦ Sir John Cope, K. B. — Peter Campbell, — - — lames Scott, — ~~ John Jones, — ~~ Richard Phillips, — — ¦ Henry Hawley, — — Joshua Guest, — Phineas Bowles, — Philip Anstruther, — — John Foliot, — Adam Williamson, — > — Thomas Wentworth, — — Lieut. General. Major-General. July 2. 1739. Nov. 10. 1735 ditto. *5- Feb. 18. 1742. *7- ditto. July 2. 1739 ditto. ditto. Feb. 1. 1743-; ditto. 2. ditto. 3- 4-5. ditto. ditto. ditto. 6. ditto. 7. ditto. Mar. 26. . ditto. ditto. ditto. 27. ditto. 28. ditto. 3°- 3°- , May 27. 1745- ditto. 29. ditto. 31. ditto. June 1^ Aug. I3--I741 3- 14. S° 16, Brig. General. Mar. 18. 1727. Oct; 29, 1735. Nov. 14. 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- n. 12.15- 16.18. 19. 21. 24. 2. 4- July 2. 1739, ditto. ditto. Dec. £ 5. I as u> Names. Charles, Duke of Richmond, Lenox, and Aubigny, K. G. William Anne, Earl of Albemarle, — Charles, Duke of Bolton, — — George Read, — — — Archibald Hamilton, — — Richard Onslow, — — Philip Bragge, — — — John Huske, — — — Charles Frampton, — — Alexander Irwine, — — Richard St George, — — William, Lord Blakeney, K. B. — -Humphry Bland, — — John, Earl of Crawford, — — George Churchill, — - — Henry Skelton, — — — John Johnson, — : — — Edward Wolfe, - — — — John Wynyard, __ . _— _ Thomas Bligh, — — — — Resigned in September 1758. Thomas Fowke *, — ¦ * General Fowke was suspended by the sentence of a court-martial and his late Majesty dismissed him the serrice. His case was thought ful, In"i76i, his preseot Majesty restored him to his rank again. Generals. - H Lieut. General. Major-General. Brig, General. W . June 6. i 745v Jan. 1. 1742. July 2. 173,9. — 8. ditto. ditto. — Dec. 24. . — Aug. 3. i/47- fan. 1. 1743. ditto. — 4- ditto. ditto. — 6. ditto. Feb. 18. 1742. — 10. 5- ditto. ta — 1 1. 6. ditto. E? — Sept. 8. 8. ditto. ;>; — 9- Feb. 24. 1744. Jan. 1. 1743. 5" ,¦3 — 10. ditto. 8. — 1 1. Mar. 30. 1745. 10. — 12. ditto. ditto. — 18. Feb. 25. 1744. July 2. 1739. 3. — 19. ditto. 5* s — ditto. June 1. 1744. Feb. 25. 1744. Is — ditto. 3- ditto. « — 20. May 27. 1745. ditto. — 21. 28. ditto. — N Mar. 23. 1754- Sept. 15. 1747. May 27. 1745. — April 30. 18. June 1. in 1757, for disobedience of orders whilst Governor of Gibraltar, extremely hard, as tbe Secretary at War's letters were very doubt- Lieutenant-Generals. Names. Henry de Grangues, — James Cochrane, — John Brown, — Sir John Bruce Hope, Bart. — John Foliot, — Hon. Thomas Murray, — Hon. James Stuart, — Maurice Bocland, • — Lord George Beauelerk, — - Lord George Sackville, — Dismissed the service in 1759. William Shirley, — Sir William Pepperell, Bart. John, Duke of Bedford, K. G; John, Marquis of Granby, — George, Earl of Cholmondeley, K. B. George Dunk, Earl of Halifax, K. G. William, Eail of Home, — James Kennedy, -— Lewis Dejean, Henry Holmes, — Sir Andrew Agnew, Bart. — Robert Napier., — Lieut. General. Major-General, Brig. General. May 3. J754- Sept. 24. *747- June 9. 1745. Jan. 14. I758- Mar. 23. J754- - - *5- 26. 17- 28. 18. 3°- 19. April 1. 20. May 1. 23- Feb. 18. 1755- 25- 20. 27. 22. Jan. 3c. 11S9- 26. 3'- 27. Feb. 1. 28. 5- Mar. 4. 6. 5- 7- 6. 13- 13- Mar. 28, Jan. 28. i#756. 29. 29. April 2. Feb. r. 3- - 2. 4- 3- ftb 134 Military Department, Lieutenant-Generals. Names. Lieut.-General. Maj or-General. Sir Richard Lyttelton, K.'B. Apr. 5. 1759. Feb. 3- "7J7- Edward Pole, 9- . 9- Honble. Edward Cornwallis, Feb. 22. 1760. 12. Edward Carr, Ditto. 13- Honble. George Boscawen, Ditto. Jan. . 14- i7J8- Thomas, Earl pf Effingham, Ditto. 15- Sir Robert Richj Bart. Dee. 10. 16. Dismissed the service in 1774. Sir John Whiteford, Bart. 12. 19. William Kingsley, J3- 20. Charles, Lord Cathcart^ 14. 21. William Whitmore, 15- n- Alexander Duroure, 16. 24. Honourable Bennet Noel, 18. 26. John Adlercron, Ditto. May 16. Thomas Dunbar, Ditto. 18. James Durand, Ditto. June 24. 1759 Daniel Webb, Jan. 19. 1761. 25- James Paterson, Ditto. Ditto. Robert Anstruther, Ditto. Ditto. Sir Charles Montagu, K.B. ' Ditto. Ditto. George, Earl of Granard, Ditto. Ditto. John Stanwix, Ditto, Dittp. Drowned in 1796, in his passage from Ireland to England. Charles Jeffreys, Ditto. Ditto. William Strode, Ditto. Ditto. Joseph Hudson, Ditto. Ditto. * Sir Henry Erskine, Bart. Ditto. Ditto. Robert Armiger, Ditto. Ditto. Sir David Cunningham, Bart. Ditto. 28. Thomas Brudenell, Ditto. Ditto. William Skinner, Apr. 30. 1770. Feb . 18. 1761 Honble. Robert Monckton, Ditto. 20. John Henry Bastide, Ditto. 21. LlEUTEN- * In 1756, Sir Henry Erskine, whilst only a Lieutenant- Colonel in theariny, was dismissed the service, by order of the late King, owing to a vote he gave inthe House of Commons; but in November 1760, his present Majesty ordered him to be reinstated in his proper place in the army. ' Military Department. r$S Lieutenant-Generals, Names. Edward Sandford, Theodore Drury, John Parker, Honourable Charles Colville, William Browne, John, Earl of Delawar, Henry Whitley, Sir John Clavering, K.B. Sir George Gray, Bart. Sir J. Adolphus Oughton, K. B. Ja~mes, Duke of Leinster, James Prescott Mackay, John Gore, George Williamson, , Honble. William Keppel, Sir Richard Pierson, K.B, John Owen, Edward -Harvey, William Rufane, Hamilton Lambert, Cadwallader, Lord Blaney, William Gansell, Edward Urmston, William Evelyn, James Gisborne, Francis Grant, William Alexander Sorrel, Richard, Earl of Cavan, Simon Eraser, Thomas Desaguliers, George Preston, Sir William Draper, K.B. Sir Robert Hamilton, Bart, Edward, Earl Ligonier, Sir Eyre Coote, K.B? William Amherst, Jordan Wren, William Stile, Henry Lister, Licul.-General.- Major-General. Apr. 30. 1770. Ditto. Feb- 22. 176 1. Ditto. 25. Ditto. 27. Ditto. . Mar. 3. Ditto. 8. Ditto.Ditto. Aug. 13. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Nov. 11. May 26. 1772. Ditto. June 3. 1762. July 10. . Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Dittrj. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto, Ditto. , Ditto. Aug. 29. 1777. Ditto. Apr. 30. 1770. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto.Ditto. May 25. 1772. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. , Ditto, Ditto. Pitto. Ditto.Ditto. Sept. 19. 1775. Ditto. Feb. 27. 1779. Ditto. Aug. 29. 1777. Ditto., Nov. 26. 1782. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. K 4 Liecten- r0(f Military Department. Lieutenant-Generals. Names. Robert Skene, Thomas Calcraft, Spencer Cowper, William Wynyard, Edward Matthew, Richard Burton Phillipson, Francis Smith, Honble. Alexander Leslie, Sir William Erskine, Bart. Sir Thomas Shirley, Bart. Joseph Broome, Patrick Tonyn, Charles Ross, John Mansell, Killed at the battle of Cateau in Flanders, April 27. 1794. Anthony George Martin, Rt. Hon. Sir R. Abercromby, K.B. Edmund Fanning, Wm. Gardiner, Henry Johnson, Hon. Henry Edward Fox, John W. T. Watson, James Lumsdaine, Lowther Pennington, Fras. Edward Gwyn, Robert Morse, Francis, Lord Heathfield, Thomas Sloughter Stanwix, Sir James Pulteney, H.r.h. P. Wm. Duke of Gloucester, Horatio Spry, William Souter Johnston, ' Harry Innes, Robert Donkin, James Balfour, Alexr. Campbell, James Francis Perkins, Francis D'Oyley, Lieut-General. Major-General, Nov. 26. 1782. Aug. 29. 1777. do. do. Sept. 28. 1787. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 1 do. Oct. 18. *793- Oct. 19. 1781. do. do. do. do. do. do. n dp. do. May 3. 1796. Nov, 20. 1782 Jan. 16. 1797 Sept 26. 1787 June 16. *799- Oct. 12. I793 do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Apr 19. 1794 do. Oct. 4- do. do. do. do. do. do. do do. Jan. 1. 1801. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 0. do. do. do. Military Department* l37 Lieutenant-Generals. Names. Lieut.-General. Maj or-General. Sir James Duff, Knt. Jan. i. .. 1801. Oct ' 4- *794 Harry, Lord Mulgrave, do. do. Grice Blakeney, ' do. do. Paulus ^Emilius Irving, do. do. George Harris, do. do. Richard Vyse, do. do. William, Lord Cathcart, do. do. Maurice Wemyss, do. do. Banastere Tarleton, do. do. Sir Hugh Dalrymple, Knt. do. do. Gordon Forbes, do. do. Andrew Gordon, do. do. John Lloyd, do. do. Oliver de Lancey, do. do. John Graves Simcoe, do. do. Sir James Henry Craig, K.B. do. do. Anthony Farrington, do. Feb. 25. 1795. James Stuart, do. do. Charles Horneck, do. do. John Whyte, do. do. Andrew John Drummond, ' do. do. Henry Bowyer, do. ! do. John William, Earl of Bridge water, do. do. Joseph Walton', do. do. Ellis Walker, dof do. William Maxwell, do. do. George, Earl of Pembroke, do. dd. John, Earl of Chatham, do. do. Alexander Campbell, do. do. William Morshead, do. do. Francis Dundas, do. do. Alexander Ross, do. do. Abraham d'Aubant, do. do. Hon. Francis Needham, do. do. Henry Pigot, do. do. Count de Meuron, do. do. George Bernard, Sept. 25 1803. May 3- 1796- George Nugent, do. do LlEUTEN- 138 Military Department* Lieutenant-Generals, Names. Lieut. -General. Baron Charles Hompesch, Sept. 25. 1803 John Bowater, do. Thomas Averne, do. James Hethersett, do. James Campbell, do. Chailes Tarrant, . do. John Barclay, do. William .McCarmick, do. John Freke, do. Sir Robert Stewart, Bart. do. Richard England, do. William Keppel, do. John Lord Hutchinson, K.B, do. John Hamilton, do. Alexander Hay, do. Thomas G oldie, do. Robert Douglas, do. Simon Fraser, do. James Stewart, , do. Sir Charles Hastings, Bart." do. Thomas Davies, do. Robert Manners, do. William Loftus, do. Sir Wm. Myers, Bart. do. Oliver Nieholls, do. Alexander Mercer, do. George Hewitt, do. Philip Martin, Jan. 1. 180? William Borthwick, i do. Sir Eyre Coote, K. B. do. Harry Burrard, do. Charles Lennox, do. James Adolphus Harris, do. Arthur Ormsby, do. Henry Read, do. Wm. John Arabin, do. George Don, do. Sir John Francis Cradock, K.B, do. Lord Charles Fitzroy, do. Major-General.May 3. 1796. do.do.do. do.do.do. do, do. do.do. do, do. do.do. do. do. do. do.do. do.do.do. do. do.do.do. 9. 1798. do. do. do. do. , do.do.do. do. do.do. do. LlEUTEN- • Jan. Military Department. *39 Lieutenant-Generals. Names. Lieut-General. Major-General. Napier Christie Burton, ! Jan. i. 180 c. Jan. 9. 1798 Richard Rich Wilford, do. do. Edward Morrison, do. do. Sir Charles Asgill, do. do. Thomas Garth, do. do. Vaughan Lloyd, do. do. Count Pierre de Meuron, do. do. James, Earl of Rosslyn, do. Jan. 1. 1798 Lucius Barber, do. do. Andrew Cowell, Nov. 2. June 16. Joseph Dusseaux, do. do. Colin McKenzie, ~ do. do. Archibald Robertson, do. do. John Dickson, do. do. Miles Staveley, do. do. John Money, do. do. Thomas Murray, do. do. Edw. James Urquhart, do. do. George Churchill, do. do. Hon. Eyre Power Trench, , do. do. , George Beckwyth, do. do. Thomas Roberts, do. do. Hon. Sir Geo. James Ludlow, K.B. do.. do. Sir John Moore, K.B. do. do. Richard, Earl- of Cavan, do. do. Sir David Baird, Knt. do. do. Honble. Henry Astley Bennet, do. do. Honble. Frederick St John, do. do. Sir Charles Ross, Bart. do. do. John Whitlocke, do. do. Hay Macdowall, do. do. Lord Charles Henry Somerset, do. do. John Despard, do. do. W. A. Villettes, do. do. William Wemyss, do. do. Major- 149 Military Department, Major-Generals. Names. Major-General. Brig .-General. Sir John Fenwick, Bart. Nov. 6. 1688. Nov IO. I68S Beheaded on Towerhill in 1679. Charles Trelawny, Dec. 2. 1690. Arnold Jbost, Earl of Albemarle, Mar. 30. 1696. Michael Richards, Richard Leveson, June 1. 1 William Lloyd, William, Compte de Marton, com monly called Earl of Liffbrd. George, Prince of Hesse Darm Jun6 27. 1697. June I. 1691. stadt — Killed at the siege of Bar celona in 1705. William Selwyn, 10. 1702. Ny I. 1693. Gustavus, Viscount Boyne, Jan. 1. 1704. May 3°- 1696. John Shrimpton, do. do. Henry Cunningham, do. do. Killed at the battle of St Es- teven, 1706.. Arthur, Earl of Donegal, do. do. Killed in Spain, 1706. Sir Bevil Granville, Made Governor of Barbadoes, James, Earl of Darby, do. / Resigned in 1705. Frederick Hamilton, Feb. 1. Robert Killigrew, Jan. 1. I7°5- Jan. 1. 1 704. Killed at the battle of Almanza in Spain, 1707. James Ferguson, Aug. 25. do. Emanuel Howe, Jan. 1. 1707. May '30. 1 696, Thomas Brudenell, do. do. William, Viscount Charlemont, do. do. Charles, Lord Baltimore, _ do. do. Samson de Lalo, Jan. 1. 1709. Ian. 1. 1707. Killed at the battle of Malpla- quet, August 31, 1709. Thomas Handasyde, fan. 1. 1710. do. John Bayne, do. do. Bartholomew Ogilvy, do. do. Major- Military Department. 141 Major-Generals . > Names. Major- General. Brig-General. Sherrington Davenport, Jan. 1. 1710. fan. 1. 1707. John Livesay, do. do. Edward Braddock, do. do. Gilbert Primrose, do. do. Edward Pearse, do. do Roger Elliot, do. do. John Pepper, do. do. Joseph Wightman, do. do. John Newton, do. 1 do. Thomas Crowther, do. do. Charles Sybourgh, f do. do. Richard Holmes, do. do. Charles, Earl of Orrery, do. Aug. 17. 1706. Thomas Pulteney, July 27. 1707. Christopher, Lord Slane, Jan. 1. 1712. Aug. 28. 1708. John Hill, July 27. Jan. 1. 1710. Henry, Earl of Deloraine, Mar. 1. 1727. do. Richard Russel, do. do. Robert Wroth, do. do. Nicholas Price, 4- do. Lord John Ker, -¦ 5- do. Thomas Stanwix, 7> do. James Crofts, 11. Feb. 11. 1711. Daniel Creighton, i5- do. Andrew Wheeler, do. do. Robert Hunter, do. do. Sir James Wood, Bart. Oct. 27. 1735- Apr. ,28. 1704. Paul de Gually, Nov. 4. Mar. 12. 1707. James Movie, ' 5- '3- 1727. John Cavalier, July 2. 1739- Oct. 27. J735- Balthaz Rivas de Foisac, do. 28. James Douglas, do. Nov. 3. John Orfeur, do. do. John Armstrong, do. 22. Charles, Lord Cathcart, do. 27. Commander in Chief of the land forces designed against Cartha 1 gena, but died at Dominica m his way out . 1 Major- 142 Military Department* Major-Generals. ' Major-General. Jan. i. 1743 June 31. July 2. *7- May 29. 1745, July 28. Sept. 14. 1747. 17- 19. 20.2I- Mar. 24. 1754 25. 29. Names. Honble. Stephen Cornwallis, Francis, Earl of Effingham, Francis Fuller, Honble. Henry Ponsonby, Killed at the battle of Fontenoy, May 1745. William Merrick, Anthony Lowther, Sir William Gooch, Bart. Sir Charles Armand Powlett, K.B. George Byng, Lord Torrington, James Fleming, John Price, Richard O'Farrel, Edward Richbell, Edward Braddock, Died of the wounds he received in a battle, going to attack Fort du Quesne, in North America, 1755. Honble. William Herbert, Richard, Lord Edgecumbe, Alexander Drury, Killed at St Cas in Britany, September 8, 1758. Hedworth Lambton, Peregrine Thomas Hopson, Died Commander in Chief of the land forces em ployed in reducing the island of Guadaloupe, Feb. 1759. Lord Charles Hay, Paul Massareen, * Granville Elliot, Died in Germany, whilst serving witK the allied army, 1750. Brig. -General. July 2. 1739. do. Feb. 18. 1742. do. Feb. 25. 1744. do. May 27. 1745. 28. June 3. 4. 6. Apr. 17. 19. 23- 1746. Major- General. Feb. 21. 1755. Mar. 10. Feb. 2. 1757. 9- 22. do. Jan. 22. 1758. Apr. 21. Major- * Had been a Lieutenant-General in the Elector Palatine's 6«vice, and was made Major-General in the British service, as above, Military Department. 143 Major-Ge VERALS. Names. Major- Generals, ¦f- James Wolfe, . Feb. X7J9 Killed at the battle of Quebec, Sept. 13, 1759. John Parsons, - May 14. Julius Csesar, - June 24. Died in Germany, whilst serving with the allied army, 1762, in consequence of a fall frorn his horse. George Walsh, . 25, Andrew Robinson, * - do. Lord Charles Manners, - do. David Watson, - do. Hon. John Barrington, - do. Sir James Lockhart Ross, Bart, - do. Borgard Michelson, - do. John Grey, - do. * Stringer Lawrence, - Dec. 9- 1760 Edward Whitmore, - Feb. 20. 1761 Drowned in .North America. 24. Alexander, Lord Lindores, - 28. Sharrington Talbot, - Mar. 2. William Petitot, - 4- Honourable John Boscawen, - 12. John Lafausille, - Died on his voyage home from the Havannah, • 1763. John Toovey, Aug. 13- John Furbar, - ¦ - June 10. 1762. Ralph Burton, _ do. Marcus Smith, . do. § Robert, Lord Clive, K.B. . May 11. 1764. William, Earl of Glencairn, , - — • Apr. 3°- 1770. Major- f Was Commander in Chief of the army sent against Quebec in 1759, and had local rank in North America only. * Had localrank in the East Iudiss only. § Had local rank in the East Indies only. 144 Military Department. Major-Generals. , Names. VMajor-Generat. ' William Deane, - - Apr. 30. 1770. John Salter, do. j^ Thomas Erie, do., Richard Worge, - - - do. Nevill Tatton, do. Richard Bendysh,. do. John Scott, do. William Napier, May 26. i772« Thos. Townshend, do. John:. Bradstreet, ' do. John Barlow, Aug. 29. 1777. Valentine Jones, do. William Phillips, - -¦ do. Died whilst serving in North America. David Erskine, - - do. Wrilliam Thornton, - - - Feb. 27. 1779J George Ogilvie, do. James Mure, Earl of Loudoun, - , Oct. 19. 1781 James Bramham, do. Arthur Preston, - do. Robert Sandford, - do. John Roberts, - do. Anthony St Leger, do. James Stuart, do. Archibald McNab, do. William. Roy, - do. James Paterson, Nov. 26. 1782, Henry Gladwin, - do. Sir John Burgoyne, Bart. do. Thomas, Lord Sey and Sele,- do. Humphrey Stevens, do. John Mackenzie, Lord Macleod, do. Sir Henry Calder, Bart. do; Henry Pringle, ' - - - - do. Sir John Wrottesley, Bart. - - do. James D'Auvergne, - do. Charles Wilson Lyon, = do. Arthur Tucker Collins, - do. Major- Military Department. H3 Major-Generals Names. Major-General. Walter Carruthers, - Nov. 26. 1782, do. Philip Skene, _ . Thomas Marriott, _ _ do. Fhomas Cox, _ do. Sir Archibald Campbell, K. B. _ do. Allan Campbell, 7 -- T .. William Ogle, j East Indles only, - Jan. 3. 1783. do. Thomas, Duke of Newcastle, . . Sept. 26. 1787. do. John Campbell, - . . Allan Campbell, - . _ do. Samuel Birch, — _ do. John Martin, - - do. Alexander Rigby, . - ' do. George Morgan, - - April 28. 1790. James Hugonin, - - do. . John Mansell. Killed at the battle of Cateau, in Flanders, April 28. 1794, - May i- 1790. Hon. Mark Napier, - - . - Oct. 12. 1793. Thomas Jones, _ m do. 5 Patrick Bellew, _ . do. Francis E. Humphries, - - Oct. 3- *794< William Faucett, . - do. Robert Mason Lewis, - _ . do. Charles Graham, - - Feb. 26. '1795. John St Leger, - - do. Richard Bettesworth, - - do. William Johnstone, - 1 do. George Campbell, - - do. William Viscount Fielding, - - do. Thomas Duval, _ «-_.f_ - ditto. John Robinson, , - - ditto. George Wa*de, - ditto. Rt. Hon. Thos. Maitland, . ditto. Richard Bright, - ditto. William Ramsay, - ditto. James Campbell, - ditto. John Skirrett, ditto. Hildebrand Oakes, - ditto. Colin Campbell, ditto. Sir George Prevost, Bart. - ditto. Stair Park Dalrymple, - ditto. William Waller, _ ditto. Mervin Archdall, . ditto., f John Cope Sherbroke, - ditto. Sir William Clarke, Bait. . ditto. Gordon Drummond, - ditto. James Hall, - ditto. William Payne, - ditto. Hon. Edward Bligh, ditto. William, Earl of Craven, . ditto. Lord- William Henrv C. Bentinck, . ditto. Edmund, Earl of Cork, - . ditto. Coote Manningham, 2.-»3 _. ditto. Hon. Geo. Henry Grey, - . ditto. V Hon. Edward Paget, . ditto. ^ Arthui Whteham, - ditto. Brent Spencer, ditto. Stapleton Cotton, Nov. 2. Samuel Dalrymple, - ditto. Major. Military Department. M7 MaJor-Generals. William Johnston, Rowland Hill, , Hon. William Stapleton, - Denzil Onslow, John Murray, William Twiss, Hon. Charles Hope, Richard Mark Dickens, - Sir George Pigot, Bart. - Frederick Maitland, John Leveson Gower, John, Lord Elphinston?, - Richard, Earl of Donoughmore, Hon. John Abercromby, Sir George Charles B. Boughton, Bart. Major-General.Nov. 2. 1805. ditto. ditto. ditto.ditto. ditto.ditto.ditto.ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. Brigadier-Generals, Names. William, Viscount Mountjoy, Killed at the battle of Steinkirk. Henry, Duke of Grafton, Killed at the siege of Cork, 1690. John, Viscount Dundee, Killed at Killicranky, 1689. Sjr John Talbot, Sir Theophilus Oglethorpe, Bart. Hugh, Earl of Mount Alexander, james Wynne, Died of his wounds in Flanders 1695. Edward - Fitzpatrick, Drowned going to Ireland. Edward Matthews, Zaccarius Tiffin, - 1-3 Brig. General. 1687. Nov. 9. 1688. ditto. Nov. 11. , 1692. Oct. 29. 1694. . ditto. ' ditto. May 30. 1696. Brigadier- 143 Military Department. Brigadier-Generals. Names, Richard Cunningham, Cashiered. Henry Trelawney, Thomas, Lord Fairfax, - Sir James JefFereys, Nicholas Lukey, Holcroft Blood, r Josias Vimare, . William Villiers, Hon. John Stewart, Archibald Row, Killed at the battle of Blenheim, August 1704- Luke Lillingstone, Sir Thomas Smith, Bart. - Sir Thos. Prendergast, Bart. Killed at the battle of Malplaquet, Aug. 31. 1709. Pierce, Viscount Ikerine, WilHam Watkins, . - William Bretton, - William, Earl of Yarmouth, Henry Durisll, Henry Morison, Samuel, Lord Marsham, - . Resigned. Jacob Borr, William Henry, Earl of Rochford, Killed at the battle of Almenara, in Spain, Ju]y - 27. 1710. Hans Hamilton, Lord William Hay, Francis Godfrey, John Hobart, Hon. Lewis Mordaunt, ' Thomas Ferrars, Nicholas LepelJ, Sir Charles Hotham, Bart. James Nicholson, Henry Peyton, , - William4 Earl of Dalhousre, Phineas Bowles, Brig. General. June 1. 1696. ditto. Mar . 9. 1702. June 10. — — ' ditto. - ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. April 22. 1708, ditto. Jan. I. 1739. Jan. 1. 1710. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto; ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. Feb. 12. I71I. Brigadier, Military Department. 149 Brigadier-Generals. Names. Patrick Mead, _ " Hon. Andrews Windsor, - John Corbet, Mark Ant. Moncal. James, Earl of Hyridford, George J ocelyn, - Richard Stearne, Alexander Grant, Jaines Bruce, I Richard Warring, Richard Munden, William Newton, John Peacock, Edward Jones, . . Ciiarles Dubourgay, Theodore Vezy, Andrew de Boismorell, Richard Kane, Charles Cockbume, Edward Montagu, John Middleton, Sir Adolphus Oughton, Bart. Hon. Robert Murray, V?illiam , Cosby, '• - Hon. Henry Berkeley, Hon. Thomas Paget, William Handasyde, Richard Ingoldsby, Laid aside after the battle of Fontenoy, without a hearing. William Warter Whitsbed, William Douglas, John Jeffereys, . - Cashiered' for making false masters. Daniel Houghton, ... Hugh, Lord Semple, - - William Graham, ... Brig. General. Feb. 12. 1711. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto,. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. ditto. Mar. 4-; 1727 — ¦— - 5* 9. 11. — — Oct. 3°- 1735- 31. — -— Nov. — — 2. -— — 10. 13. 26. 29. 30. ditto. July 2. 1739. Feb. 11. 1743. 2J. I744. May 29. 1.74 c. 30. — — - 3I. June 5. 1746. Apri 1 18. M Seon i5« Military Department. Soon after this, the rank of Brigadier-General was suppressed in the promotion of general officers ; and since that period, it has only. been bestowed local or temporary. Names. * John Forbes, - - Died on his return from taking Fort du Quesne. * Charles Lawrence, * George Augustus, Viscount Howe, Killed near FortTiconderagoinN.Ameriea, 1758. * John Prideaux, Killed in the Trenches before Fort Niagara, 1759. * George Haldane, Died at his government of Jamaica, 1759. * Byam Crump, Died at his government of Guadaloupe, 1760. .-J- John Crauford, . - - Died Commandant at Minorca in 1764. « i § John Reed, - - > t Robert Douglas, § Andrew, Lord Rollo, jl Henry Boiiquet, . - Died at his command in North America, 1764. •Hon. George Monson, Died in the East Indies. I John Caillaud, k John Carnac, 'David Wedderburn, .Killed in the East Indies in 1773 East Indies only. ¦ Brig.-Gen eral. Jan. 1. 1758. do. do. Oct. 28. >758. Nov. 1758. April 1759- Mar. 1761. April 1761. — — - 1761. Jan. 1762. 1763. July 7- 1763- do. Apr. 20. 1764. Mar. 16. 1770. The following Colonels in the army have, at different periods, 'served.as Brigadier-Generals in North America and the West Indies, since the commencement pf the war in 1 775- James Agnew. Killed at Germantown. Francis Maclean. Died at his command in North America. William Nesbit, Died at his command in Canada. Paston Gould. Died at his command in South Carolina. David Ogilvie. Died at his command at Antigua, * Had local rank in America only. f Had local rank at Belleisle and Portugal. Simon Military Department 1 5 l Simon Fraser. Died of the wounds he received at the battle of Stillwater. Enoch Markham. Patrick Gordon. ..Killed near Fort St John's in Canada. Allan Maclean. Thomas Fraser. Alexander Stuart. N.B. Such officers who acted as Brigadier-Generals, and have since obtained higher and permanent rank in the army, are not in serted in the list of Brigadier Generals. Those marked thus X, served as Brigadier Generals at Belleisle. §, the Havannah, II, in N. America. list of the present Military Staff Officers. Commander in Chief. His Royal Highness Frederick, Duke of York. Public Secretary, Colonel Clinton. Private Secretary, Captain Taylor. Military Secretary. Colonel William Gordon. Adjutant-General. Major-General Harry Calvert. *"• ' - Deputy 15* Military Department* Deputy Adjutant-General. Colonel William Wynyard, Quartermaster-General. Major-General Robert Brownrigg. Deputy Quartermaster-General, Major-General Honourable Alexander IJopc- Judge Advocate General. Sir Charles Morgan, Bart. 1806 Nathaniel Bond, esq. Feb. 12. fir*,, <«7i i€j Gravesend and Tilbury Forts. Charles, Lord Cadogan, General. 1776 Sir William Fawcett, K. B. Lieut.-General. 1796 Sir Thomas Musgrave, Bart, ditto. Guernsey *. John, Earl Delawar, Lieut.-General. 1766 Sir Richard Lyttelton, K.B. ditto. 1770 Jeffrey, Lord Amherst, K.B. General. 1797 Charles, Earl Grey, K. B. ditto. Hurst Castle. Salary, L.182 : ios. Hon. Sir Henry Bellenden, Knt. 1761 George Anderson, esq. 1767 Sir Robert Sloper, K.B. Lieut.-General. 1796 William Gardiner, Major-General. 1801 Lieut.-Colonel Hon. John Creighton. Jersey *'. John Huske, Lieut.-General. 1761 George, Earl of Albemarle, K. G. ditto. 1772 Hon. Henry Seymour Conway, General. 1796 George, Marquis Townshend, ditto. m 4 , A List * The Governors of these islands, have no fixed salaries, but from revenue and fleiquisites, they are esteemed worth L.1.00 per annum each. 1 66, , Military Department. List ofthe Governors, Lieutenant-Governors, and Commandants ofthe Garrison of Gibraltar, from 1704 to tbe present time. 1704 Prince George of Hesse Darmstadt. Major-General Shrimpton, Lieut. -Governor. 1706 Lieut.-General David, Earl of Portmore, Governor. Major-General Ramos, ~) — 10 Colonel Roger Elliot, /Occasional Commandants during — 13 ——— Ralph Congreve, f" the absence of the Gpverpor. —16 — — — Stanhope Cotton, \ — 20 Brigadier- General Richard Kane, 7 t • . r* , ° T _,,¦ 'J- Lieut. -Governors. — 27 " — jasper Clayton, j •—30 Lieut.-General Joseph Sabine, Governor. — 38 — — — — Francis Columbine, ditto. — 39 — — — — William Hargrave, ditto. — 49 '¦ Humphry Bland, ditto. Colonel Lord Geo. Beauelerk,! Occasional Commandants dur- -————Hon. William Herbert, ^ ing the absence ofthe Gov. —42 Lieut.-General Thomas Fowke, Governor. —56 ¦¦ James, Lord Tyrawley, ditto. Major-General William, Earl of Panmure, second in command. — 58 — — — — 1 — , Williarn, Earl of Home, Governor. Died in 1761. Colonel William Tovey, Commandant until the arrival of —61 Major-General John Parslow, Commandant. —62 Lieut.-General Hon. Edward Cornwallis, Governor. Major-General John Irwin, Commandant, during the absence ofthe Governor. — 70 Majoi-General Robert Boyd, Lieut. -Governor, made K. B. in 1784. —76 Right Hon. General George Augustus Elliot, Governor,' af terwards Lord Heathfield, K. B. — 90 Lieut.-General Sir Robert Boyd, K. B. Governor. Major-General Sir Henry Calder, Bart. Lieut. -Gov. Died. — 92 Charles O'Hara, Lieut. -Gov. — 94 General Sir Henry Clinton, K. JB. Governor. -— 95 Lieut.-General Chailes O'Hara, ditto. — 96 Major-General (now) Sir Thomas Trigge, Lieut.- Governor. 1802 His R. H. General, Edward Duke of Kent, Governor. — r4 Lieut.-General Rt. Hon. Henry Edward Fox, Lieut. -Governor List Military Department. 167 List of the Governors, Lieutenant-Governors, and Commandants of the island of Minorca, whilst in the possession of Great Britain. 1708 Lieut.-General Stanhope, afterwards Earl Stanhope, Governor. — 09 John, Duke of Argyle, ditto. — 17 George (afterwards Lord) Carpenter, Lieut.- Governor. — 33 Brigadier- General Richard Kane, Lieut. Governor. — 37 Lieut,-General Algernon, Earl of Hertford^ afterwards Duke of Somerset, Governor. Brigadier-General Philip Anstruther, Lieut. -Governor. — 42 Field Marshal John, Earl of Stair, Governor. — 48 Lieut.-General William (afterwards Lord) Blakeney, L.-Gov. General James Lord Tyrawley, Governor. Surrendered to the French in June 1756, by Lieut.-General Blakeney. —6^ Lieut .^General Sir Richard Lyttelton, K. B. Governor. Major-General James Johnston, Lieut. -Governor. Colonel John Crawford, Commandant in absence of the Go vernor, and Lieut.-Governor. Died there in 1 765. — 66 Lieut.-General Sir George Howard, K. B. Governor. — 68 . John Mostyn, ditto. — 70 Major-General John Barlow, Commandant. ¦—74 Lieut.-General Hon. James Murray, Lieut.-Governor. —78 ———————— Sir William Draper, K. B. second in command. —-79 Hon. James Murray, Governor. Surrendered to the Spaniards in February 1782, by General Murray, after making a most gallant defence, and retained by them at the peace in 1783. —99 Taken from the Spaniards Nov. 15. 1798, by a body of troops under the command of the Hon. Lieut.-General Sir Charles Stuart, K. B. Major-General Hon. Henry Edward Fox, Lieut.-Governor. Restored to Spain by the peace of Amiens in 1804. A List j63 Military Department. A. List of the MASTERS-GENERAL ofthe ORDNANCE, From the year 1596 to the present time. j^> jj_ The letters p, and /. affixed to the names, denotes whether they were constituted for life,' or during pleasure. - 1 cg6 Mar. 29. Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, beheaded, /. 1603 Sept. 10. Charles Blount, Earl of Devonshire,/-. 1609 June 27. George Carew, Earl of Totness, p. ' 1617 May 5. Horatio Vere, Lord Vere of Tilbury,./. 1623 Aug. 26. Sir Richard Morrison, /. j 628 _. — Sir Thomas Stafford, /. 1634 Sept. 2. Mountjoy Blount, Earl of Newport, A 1660 Jan. 22. Sir William Compton, /. 1664 Oct. 22. John, Lord Berkeley of Stratton,/". Sir John Duncomb, p. Thomas Chicheley, p. 1670 June 4. Thomas Chicheley ,/>. 1679 Jan. 23. Sir John Chicheley, p. Sir William Hickman,^. Sir Charles Musgrave,/". 1681 Jan. 28. George Legge, Lord Dartmouth, />. 1689 Apr. 28. David Schomberg,/". 1693 July 28. Henry Sydney, Viscount Sydney, afterwards Earl of Romney, p. 1702 June 29. John Churchillj Earl, afterwards Duke of Marlbo-' borough,/*. 171 1 Sept. 10. Richard Savage, Earl Rivers, p. 17 1 2 5. James, Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, killed in a duel by Lord Mohun, p. 1714 Oct. 4. John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough,^. 1722 June 22. William, Earl Cadogan, p. 1725 Military Department. 1 69 1725 June 3. John, Duke of Argyle and Greenwich,/. —30 May 30. John Montagu, Duke of Montagu,/.. SS Charles Spencer, Duke of Marlborough,/.. — 57 Nov. 30. John, Viscount, afterwards Earl Ligonier, p. —"63 Jobn Manners, Marquis of Granby, p. —72 Townshend, Viscount Townshend,/. —82 Mar. Charles, Duke of Richmond, Lenox, and Aubigny,*. —83 Apr- 9- George, Viscount, now Marquis Townshend, />. Dec. Charles, Duke of Richmond,/. *— 95 Nov. Charles, Marquis Cornwallis,/.. 180 1 June John Pitt, Earl of Chatham, p, —06 Feb. 8. Francis, Earl of Moira, p. LIEUTENANT-GENERALS of the ORDNANCE. Sir George Carew, afterwards Earl of Totness. Sir William Haydon. Colin Legge. David Walter. George Legge, afterwards Lord Dartmouth. Sir Charles Musgrave, Bart. Sir Henry Tichbourne, Bart. Sir Henry Goodricke, Bart. John Granville, afterwards Lord Granville of Potheridge. Thomas Erie. John Hill. Thomas Micklethwaite. Sir Charles Wills, K.B. George Wade. Sir John Ligonier, K.B. afterwards Viscount and Earl Ligonier. Lord'George Sackville, removed." John, Marquis of Granby. Honourable George Townshend, now Marquis Townshend. 1767 1603 —35 — 36 June 28. —70 Nov. 25. —72 Dec. 7- —81 Jan. 28. -87 1. —88 Apr. 26. 1702 Jan. 29, — 03 May 2. — 12 June 21. —17 Mar. 19. —18 Apr. 22. —42 __48 —57 Nov. SO- —59 Sept. io. 63 May 14- ijo- Military Department.' ij6j Honble. Henry Seymour Conway. 1772- Oct. 17. Sir Jeffrey. Amherst, K.B. afterwards Lord Amherst; 1782 Apr. 23. Hon. Sir Wm. Howe, K.B. now Viscount Howe. 1804 Nov. 6. Sir Thomas Trigge, K.B. SURVEYORS-GENERAL of the ORDNANCE, From the Union' to'the present TtmiT , , William Bridges, esq. 1714 Michael Richards, esq. Major-General. —22 John Armstrong, afterwards ditto. —42 Thomas Lascelles, esq. . — 30 Charles (afterwards Sir Charles) Frederick, K. B. —82 Hon. Thomas Pelham, now Earl of Chichester. —83 May John Courtenay, esq. — 84 Mar. 30. Hon. James Luttrell. —89 — — Hon. George Cranfield Berkeley. — 93 Alexander Ross, esq. Major-General. 1 804 Oct. 6. Lieut.-Colonel James Murray Hadden. A List of the CLERKS ofthe ORDNANCE, From the Union to the present Time. Charles Musgrave, esq. 1712 Edward Ashe, esq. — 14 William Cadogan, Lieutenant-General, afterwards Lord and Earl Cadogan. 1718 Military Department. 171 Thomas White, esq. Leonard Smelt, esq. William Rowlinson Earle. Sir Charles Cocks, Bart, afterwards Lord Somers. John Aldridge, esq. Gibbs Crawford, esq. Humphrey Minchin, esq. Gibbs Crawford, esq. John Sargent, esq. Hon. William Wellesley Pole. John Calcraft, esq. A List ofthe STOREKEEPERS of the ORDNANCE, From the Union to the present Time, James Lowther, esq. 1712 Hon. Dixie Windsor. —15—17 George Gregory, esq. Sir Thomas Wheate, Bart. — 21 -46 George Gregory, esq. Andrew Wilkinson, esq. —62 Sir Edward Winnington, Bart. -65 Andrew Wilkinson, e-sq. -78—80—82 April Dec. 1795 1806 Feb. ¦ Benjamin L'Anglois, esq. Henry Strachey, esq. John Aldridge, esq. Henry (now Sir Henry) Strachey. John Aldridge, esq. Mark Singleton, esq. John M'Mahon, esq. A List 172 Military Department. A List of the TREASURERS and PAYMASTERS of the ORDNANCE, From the Union to the present Time. , Hon. Henry Mordaunt, Lieut.-General. 1720 John Plunrtre, esq. 173 1 Francis Gashry, esq. 1762 ' Charles Jenkinson, esq. now Earl of Liverpool. 1763 John Ross Mackay, esq. > 1780 Sept. 6. Richard Combe, esq. Died a few days afterwards. 26. William Adam, esq. 1782 April William Smith, esq. 1783 — — William Adam, esq. Dec. William Smith, esq. 1803 Joseph Hunt, esq. 1806 Feb. Alexander Davidson, < esq. A List of the CLERKS of the. DELIVERIES of the ORDNANCE, From the Union to the present Time. James Craggs, esq. 17X5 Thomas Frankland, esq. 1712 Leonard Smelt, esq. 1733 William Rowlinson Earle, esq. 17.46 Charles Frederick, esq. 1751 Job Staunton Charleton, esq. 1758 Charles Cocks, esq. 1722 Military Department. 173 I722 Benjamin L'Anglois, esq. J77^ Henry Strachey, esq. *7°a John Kenrick, esq. lJ%3 Thomas Baillie, esq. 1802 Joseph Hunt, esq, 1804 Hon. Cropley Ashley. 1806 Feb. James Martin Lloyd, esq. SECRETARIES AT WAR, From 1660 to the present Time. This officer may not improperly be stiled the Minister of the War Department. He is in fact the Military Secretary to the King, and conveys his Majesty's orders to all Generals and Military .Governors at home and abroad, .relative, to '.the troops and- garrisons under their respective commands ; and' with him they correspond, and to him they make their returns and reports, (as well as ^to the Commander in Chief) and he lays the business before his Majesty, for his inspection and directions. All orders for marching, quartering, encamping, and recruiting the_ army, are signed by him, by his Majesty's com mand ; and all military commissions ar.e made put at the War-Office, (Horse- Guards, Whitehall) and by him, or the Commander in Chief, carried to his Majesty to be signed. The trust reposed in this officer is very great, as are the profits of his office, especially in time of war. He is always a member of the Privy-Council. 1660 Matthew Locke, esq. 1683 William Blathwayte, esq. 1704 Henry St John, esq. afterwards Viscount Bolingbroke, 1708 Robert Walpole, esq. afterwards Earl of Orford, K.G. 1710 George Granville, esq. afterwards Lord Landsdown. 1 7 1 2 Sir William Wyndham, , Bart. Francis Gwyn, esq. 1714 [74 Military Department. 17T4 William Pulteney, esq. afterwards Earl of Bath. 1717 James Craggs, jun. esq. 1718 Mar. Christopher Wandesford, afterwards Vise. Castlecomer. May Robert Pringlf, esq. Dec. George Treby, esq. 1724 Honble. Henry Pelham. 1730 Sir Wm. Strickland, Bart; 1735. Sir Wm. Yonge, Bart, and K.B. 1746 Henry Fox, esq. afterwards Lord Holland. 1755 William W. Barrington, afterwards Viscount Bar rington. 176 1 Honble. Charles Townshend. 1763 Welbore Ellis, afterwards Lord Mendip. 1765 William W. Viscount Barrington, again. 1778 Charles Jenkinson, now Earl of Liverpool. 1782 Mar. Thomas Townshend, esq. afterwards Lord Sydney. July Sir George Yonge, Bart. 1783 Apr. Hon. Richard Fitzpatrick. Dec. - Sir George Yonge, Bart, again. 1 794 William Wyndham, esq. 1801 Feb. Charles Yorke, esq. 1803 Aug. Charles Bragge, now Bathurst. 1804 May William Dundas, esq. 1806 Feb. 7. Hon. Richard Fitzpatrick, again. ran Ul*r.S0 &rJ»^* JL&J^ A+' & PAYMASTERS-GENERAL op the LAND FORCES. This office was one of the most lucrative in his Majesty's gift, not so much from the salary annexed to it, aud the perquisites of office, but from the immense sums of money which formerly lay in their hands for a long space of time together,' as the whole ofthe money voted by Parliament for the land forces passed through their hands. Inthe year 1782, this office underwent a reform, and the Paymaster- General was allowed a fixed salary of L.4000, and his Deputy a sala ry of L.I 500 a-year, in lieu of all perquisites. The Paymaster-General is constituted by'letters-patent, under the Great Seal. He is always ofthe Privy Council, and in his office are a great number of clerks for the dispatch of business. A List Military Department. ij ?t A List of the Paymasters-General of the Land Forces, from 1660 to the present Time. 1660 Sir Stephen Fox, Knt. —79 Nicholas Johnson, esq. Charles Fox, esq. -—82 Charles Fox, esq. — 89 Richard Jones, Earl of Ranelagh. 1702 John Howe, esq. for guards and garrisons, ~l Charles Fox, for the other troops and J- at home. Chelsea Hospital, j —07 Honble. James Brydges, after-"l wards Duke of Chandos, > for troops abroad. —12 Thomas Moor, esq. J — 14 . RoBert Walpole, esq. — 13 Henry Clinton, Earl of Lincoln. — 20 Robert Walpole, afterwards K.B. and Earl of Orford. — 21 Charles, Lord Cornwallis. —22 Honble. Spencer Compton, afterwards Earl of Wil mington. — 30 - Hon. Henry Pelham. — 43 Sir Thomas Winnington, Bart. — 46 William Pitt, afterwards Earl of Chatham. —SS Henry Vane, Earl of Darlington. Thomas Hay, Viscount Dupplin, afterwards Earl of Kinnoul. — 57 Henry Fox, esq. afterwards Lord Holland. — 6? Honble. Charles Townshend. ~r t" Frederick, Lord North. ~^" \ George Cooke, esq. C George Cooke. 7 f_ Thomas Townshend^ esq. 68 Richard Rigby, esq. 82 Mar. Edmund BurEe, esq. July Isaac Barre. , g^ Apr. Edmund Burke. Dec. William Wyndham Grenville. [vol. "J N ,?,?4' 176 Military Department, ¦ q. a_ f William. Wyndham Grenville, now Lord Grenville. \ Constantine John, Lord Mulgrave. 0 a y $ Constantine John, Lord Mulgrave. y 8- £ James, Marquis of Graham, now Duke of Montrose, F'b f Honble, Dudley Ryder, now Lord Harrowby. ' ' ' I Thomas Steele, esq. 1800 May 24. 5" Thomas Steele, esq. (. George Rose. esq. 180 c Tune 20. i GeorSe Rose> escl' ¦> ,J ' f Lord Charles Henry Somerset. fl 6 F H f-Richard Chandos, Earl Temple. \ Lord Jphn Townshend. A List ofthe COMPTROLLERS of the ARMY ACCOUNTS, At and since 1760. Stephen, Earl of Ilchester, and Jam'es Cresset, esq. 1775 Stephen, Earl of Ilchester, and Henry Bunbury, esq. — 76 Henry Bunbury, esq. and Thomas Bowlby, esq. — 80, Henry Bunbury, esq. and Christopher Bowlby, esq. — 81 Henry Bunbury, esq. and Sir John Dick, bart. — 83 Sir John Dick, Bart, and William Molleson, esq. • — 94 Sir John Dick, Bart, and John Martin Leake, esq. i#02 John Mattin Leake, esq. and John Erskine, esq. A List ofthe COMMISSARY-GENERALS of MUSTERS, Since 1760. 1760 Thomas Gore, esq. —76 Christopher D'Oyley, esq. —81 Thomas Bowlby, esq. —95 George Aust, esq. A List Military Department. 177 A List of the JUDGE ADVOCATES-GENERAL, Since 1760. Thomas Morgan, esq. 1771 Sir Charles Gould, Knt. now Morgan, Bart. 1806 Feb. Nathaniel Bond, esq. N 2 ¦ A General 178 / Military Department. A General List of the- Succession of Colonels to the several Regiments of Horse, Dragoons, and Infantry, in his Majesty's service, with the Dates of their Com missions, the Regiments they came from, and the Regiments of such as exchanged or were promoted to. 1st Troop Horse Guards. 1660 Charles, Lord Gerrard, afterwards Earl of Maccles field — Died in 1693. — 68 Sept. 16. James, Duke of Monmouth — Beheaded Jan. 15. 1685. — 79 Nov. 29. Christopher, Duke of Albemarle — Died 6th Octo ber 1688. — 85 Aug. 1. Lewis, Earl of Feversham — from 3d Horse Guards. Died 8th April 1709. — 89 Apr. 2. Richard, Earl of Scarborough — from 7th Horse. Died Dec. 17. 1721. , — 90 Mar, 9. Arnold, Earl of Albemarle.", Died 19th May 1 7 19. 1710 July 26. Henry, Earl (afterwards Duke) of Portland. Died- 4th Jan. 1726. ' — 13 July 7. John, Lord (afterwards Earl of) Ashburnham— 2d Horse, broke — Died 9th March 1737. — ^15 Mar. 10. John, Duke of Montagu — resigned. — 21 Sept. 20. Henry, Lord Herbert, afteywards Earl of Pembroke — 2d Horse. — 33 Julv 4- f*on- Jonn Fane, afterwards Earl of Westmoreland — ist Grenadier Guards — removed. — 37 June 2I- John,. Duke of Montagu— again— -3d Horse. 1737 Military Department. 179' llV, £rUg> 3°--.Iohn» Lord (afterwards Earl) Delawar. Died 1776. —66 Mar. 21. John, Earl Delawar— ist Grenadier Guards —67 Nov. William John, Marquis of Lothian. Reformed June 25. 1788, and made the 1st Regiment of Life Guards. 1768 June 25. William John, Marquis of Lothian— from Lieut.- Colonel nth dragoons. —89 Mar. 12. Joseph, Lord Dover, K. B — from nth dragoons. — 92 Dec. 8. Charles, Earl of Harrington — fr0II1 29th foot. 2d Troop of Horse Guards. 1659 Sir Philip Howard — Died 2d Feb. 1685. — 185 Feb. n. George, Duke of Northumberland — ist horse. — 89 Apr, 18. James, Duke of Ormond — exchanged from 1st F.G. 1712 Jan. 4. George, Duke of Northumberland, again — from 1st horse — Died. — 15 Feb, 8. Algernon, Earl of Hertford — 15th foot — ist horse. — 40 May 6. Charles, Duke of Marlborough — ist dragoons. — 2d foot guards. —43 Apr. 25. Charles, Lord Cadogan — 6th dragoons. — 76 Oct. 2. Lord Robert Bertie — from 7th foot. —79 Apr. 24. Jeffery, Lord Amherst — from 3d foot. ' Reformed June 25. 1788, and made the 2d Regiment of Life Guards. 1788 June 25. Jeffery, Lord Amherst, K. B. — from 3d'foot. q-, Aug. 7- Charles Schaw, Lord Cathcart— from 29th foot. n 3 Royal 180 Military Department. Royal Regiment of Horse Guards. 1661 Aug. 27. Aubrey, Earl of Oxford. — 88 Feb. 4. James, Duke pf Berwick — Sth foot — 3d dragoons. ¦ Nov. 20. James, Duke of Hamilton — 5th horse. Killed. — — Deo. 17. Aubrey, Earl of Oxford, again — Died 12th March 1703. 1703 Mar. 13. George, Duke of Northumberland — from 2d horse guards. —12 Jan. 4. Richard, Earl Rivers — from 3d horse guards — Died 8th August. ¦ Aug. 19. Charles, Earl of Peterborough — from 4th dragoons broke — Died 20th Oct. 17,14. ¦ — 15 June 13. John, Duke of Argyle — from 3d and 12th foot ' broke — removed to the 3d horse. , > — 17 Mar. 6. Charles, Marquis of Winchester, afterwards Duke of Bolton— removed. — 3 ? Aug. 6. John, Duke of Argyle, again-^-^d horse. —40 May 6. Algernon, Earl of Hertford, afterwards Duke -of Somerset — from 2d horse guards — removed. — 42 Feb. 24. John, Duke of Argyle, again. — - Mar. 10. Algernon, Duke of Somerset — again. — 50 Feb. 1 5. Charles, Duke of Richmond. — 53 Jan- 27- ^ir John Ligonier, K. B. afterwards Viscount and Earl Ligonier — from 2d dragoon guards — to 1st' foot guards. ¦ — 58 May 13. John, Marquis of Granby. — 70 Oct. 25. Hon. Henry Seymour Conway — from 4th dragoons. 0—96 July 17. Charles, Duke of Richmond — late of 7 2d foot. Dragoon Military Department. 1 8 1 Dragoon Guards — 1st (or the King's) Regiment. Blue facings, half lapells, red furniture, royal lace. 1685 June 6. Sir John Lanier — killed at Steinkirk, 2d Aug. 1692,. — 92 Aug. 19. Henry Lumley — Lieut.-Colonel. 17 17 Dec. 31. Richard, Viscount Irwin — from 16th foot—Died ioth April 1721. — 21 Apr. 10. Richard, Viscount Cobham — from 4th dragoons- Removed. — 33 June 22. Henry, Earl of Pembroke — from ist hqrse guards- Retired. — 43 Apr. 18. Sir Philip Honywood, K. B.— from 3d dragoon^. -, — 52 July 8". Humphry Bland — from ditto. — 63 May 13. John Mostyn — from 7th dragoons. ^ — 79 Apr. 25. Sir George Howard, K.B. — from ditto. . — 96 July 23. Sir William Pitt, K. B. — from ioth dragoon^. .Dragoon Guards — 2d (or the Queen's) Regiment. Buff coloured facings, half lapells, luff coloured furniture, royal lace. 168 C June 10. Henry, Earl of Peterborough — from 2d foot. — Died in 1688. ! -—88 Dec. 3. Edward Villiers — Lieut.-Col. isthorse guards — died. ni Jan. ig. Richard Leveson — from 3d dragoons — Died. 09 Mar. 15. Daniel Harvey— Lieut. -Col. 2d horse guards. Died. 1 7 12 Jan. 1. John Bland. ~4 1715 1 8 2 Military Department. 17 15 Feb. — 26 Aug. — ?33 Aug- — 40 May —49 July 9- 29. 6. 6, 24. —53 Jan- —57 Apr- —59 Sept. 27. 5- 10. —73 July *5- Thomas, Earl of Londonderry — to 3d foot. John, Duke of Argyle — to ist horse. William Evans — from- 4th dragoons — Died in 1740. John, Duke of Montagu — from ist horse guards. Sir John Ligonier, K. B.— 4th. horse— to royal regiment of hbrse guards. Hon. William Herbert— from 14th foot. Lord George Sackville— from 3d horse — removed. Hon. John Waldegrave, afterwards Earl Waldegrave — from 2d horse — to 2d foot guards. George, Marquis Townshend — from 28th foot. Dragoon Guards— r3d (or the Prince of Wales's) Regt, White facings, half lapel Is, white furniture, royal lace. 1665 July 15. Thomas, Earl of Plymouth — died. . — 87 Nov. 6. Sir John Fenwick, Bart.— from 5th foot— Beheaded in 1696. —88 Dec. 31. Richard, Earl Rivers— to 3d horse guards. — 93 Jan. 23. John, Lord Berkeley — died in 1697. Dec. 1. Cornelius Wood— died in May 1712, 1712 May 18. Thomas, Viscount Windsor — late ist horse. Died in June 1738. — 17 Mar. 19. George Wade — from 33d foot— Died in 1748. — 48 Mar. 13. Hon. Sir Charles Howard, K. B. — from 19th foot — ¦ > Died in September 1765. — 65 Sept. 6. Lord Robert Manners — from 36th foot — Died. ¦ — 82 June 7. Philip Honeywood — from 9th dragoons — Died. — 85 Feb, 23. Richard Burton Phillipson — Died. — 92 Aug. 25. Sir William Faucett, K. B. — from 15th foot. 1804 Apr. 3. Richard Vyse — from 29th dragoons. Dracoon •Military Department. 183 Dragoon Guards — 4th (or Royal Irish) Regiment. Blue facings, half lapolls, blue furniture, white lace, with a red stripe. 1685 July 28. James, Duke of Hamilton — to ist horse. — 88 Nov. 20. Charles, Earl of Selkirk — died in 1739. — — Dec. 31. Charles Godfrey — died $111715. — 93 Mar. 7, Francis Langstone — Lieut.-Colonel — Died in 1723. 1713 Oct. 29. George Jocellne — sold— Died in 1727. — 15 Feb. 9. Sherrington Davenport — diedin 1719. ¦ — 29 July 6. Owen Wynne— from 9th dragoons to 5th ditto. — 32 Sept. 29. Thomas Pearce — from 5th foot: — Died. — 39 Aug. 26- James, Lord Ty rawley — from7th foot to 2d grenadier guards. —43 Apr. 1. John Brown— from 9th dragoons, sold. —62 Aug. 3. James Johnston — Lieut.-Col. ist royal regt. horse guards, to nth dragoons. — 75 Apr. 27.. James Johnston — from 9th dragoons to 6th ditto. — 78 Apr. 1. George Warde — from 14th dragoons. 1803 Mar. 12. Miles Staveley — from 28th regt. light dragoons. Dragoon Guards — 5th Regiment. Full green facings, balflapells, full green furniture, white lace, with a red stripe. 1685 July 26. piarles, Duke of Shrewsbury. Diedin 1718. _87 Jan. 22. Marmaduke, Lord Langdale— died in 1723. Feb. 13. Richard Hamilton — died. _.88 Dec. 31. John Coy — resigned. 1697 1697 July 1. 1703 Mar. 2. —12 Dec. 20. — 17 May 20. —40 May 6. —44 Aug. 5- —45 June 20. -—47 Dec. 22. ^-j8 Oct. 23. —-60 Nov. 27. —89 Aug. 27. —90 Nov. 19, , Military Department. 1. Charles, Earl of Arran — from 3d horse guards* William, Earl Cadogan — from 2d foot guards. George Kellum — died in 1732. Robert Napier — died in 1739. Clement Neville — from 8th dragoons. Richard, Viscount Cobham— ist grenadier guards. Thomas Wentworth — from 24thfoot. Thomas Bligh — from 20th foot — Resigned. Hon. John Waldegrave— from- 8th dragoons,, to 2d grenadier guards. Hon. John Fitzwilliam — from 2d foot — Died. John Douglas — from 14th foot — Died. Thomas Bland — Lieut.-Col. 7th dragoons. Dragoon GuARDSr^6th Regiment, Carabineers, While facings, balflapells, whitefurniture, yellow lace, wilh a black stripe. 1685 July 31. Richard, Lord Lumley — from ist horse guards. —87 Jan.. 26. Sir John Talbot — died. — 31 Dec. 88. George, Viscount Hewet — died. — 89 Dec, 30. Robert Byerley — Lieut.-Col.; — Diedin 173 1. — 92 Jan. 31. Hugh Wyndham — died. 1706 Oct. 1. Francis Palmes — late 21st dragoons. - ' — 12 Apr. , 4. Leigh Blaekwell — died in 1736. — 15 Feb. 14. Richard Warring — died in 1737. — 21 June 17. Richard, Viscount Shannon — from 25th foot to 4th horse guards. — 27 Mar. 6. George Macartney— from 5th foot.. Diedin 1 730. — 3° Ju]y ^. Henry, Earl of Deloraine— rfrom 1 6th foot. — 31 Jan. 1. Sir Robert Rich, Bart.— from 8th dragoons, to 1st grenadier guards. —33 Aug- 7- Charles, Lord Cathcart— from 8th dragoons. Died iri 1740/ 4740 Military Department. 185 1740 Dec. 20. Phineas Bowles— from 12th dragoons" -49 Nov. 1. Hon James Cholmondeley— from 12th dragoons to 4th horse. ° —50 Jan. 18. Lord George Sackville— from 20th foot to 2d dra goon guards. - 59 Apr. 5. Lewis Dejean— from 14th dragpons. Died. —64 Sept. 28. Edward Harvey— from 1 2th dragoons to 6th ditto —75 Oct. 18. William Augustus Pitt— from 12th drag, to ioth do —80 Nov. 20. Sir John Irwine, K. B.— from 57th foot. Died. — S8 July 10. Henry Laws, Earl of Carhampton— Lieut.-Colonel ist horse. Dragoon Guards — 7th (or Princess Royal's) Regiment, Black facings, balflapells, buff coloured furniture, white and black striped lace. 1688 Dec. 31. William, Lord -Cavendish- died. — 90 Apr. 30. Meinhardt, Duke of Schomberg — died in 17 19. 1711 Jan. 27. Charles, Marquis of Harwich — diedin 1713. — 13 Oct. 12. Charles Sybourgh — Lieut.-Colonel — died in 1733. — 20 July 18. Sir John Ligonier, K. B. — removed to 2d dragoon guards. < —49 July 14. Sir John Mordaunt, K.B. — from 12th dragoons to ioth ditto.. — — Nov. 1. Henry de Grangue — from 9th dragoons. Died. — 54 July 8. Hon. Henry Seymour Conway — from 13th dragoons to ist ditto. — 59 Apr. 9. Philip Honywood— from 9th dragoons. 82 June 7. Studholm Hodgson — from 4th foot to nth dragoons. — 89 Mar. 17. Sir Charles Grey, K.B. — from Sth dragoons, to 7th dragoon guards. , — <)S Nov. 9. Sir Ralph Abercromby, K. B. — from rtth foot to 2d dragoons. ()6 Nov. 9. Sir William Medqws, K. B. — from 72d foot. Dragoons 1 86 Military Deparfjnent. : Dragoons— 1st (or Royal) Regiment of Dragoons. Blue facings, red furniture, royal lace. 1683 Nov. 19. John, Lord Churchill, afterwards Duke of Marlbo- , rough — 3d Horse Guards. —85 Aug. 1. Edward, Viscount Cornbury. —88 Nov. 24. Richard Clifford— died. Dec. 31. Edward, Viscount Cornbury — again. Died in May I711- , — 89 July 1. Anthony Hayford, Lieut.-Col. in ditto — Died. —94 Oct. 24. Edward Matthews — Died. — 97 May 30. Thomas, Lord Raby, afterwards Earl of Strafford — Died in November 1739c 1715 June 13. Richard, Vise. Cobham — 4th dragoons, 3d horse. — 21 Apr. 10. Sir Charles Hotham— 8th foot. Died. —23 J«n. 12. Humphrey Gore — ioth dragoons. Died. —39 Sept. 1. Charles, Duke of Marlborough — 38th foot, 2d horse guards. —40 May 40. Henry Hawley — 13th dragoons. Died. — 39 Apr. 5. Honble. Henry Seymour Cohway — 4th horse, dis missed, 4th dragoons. — 64 Mar. 9. Henry, Earl of Pembroke — Lieut.. Colonel 15th dragoons. Died. — 94 Jan. 28. Philip Goldsworthy — Lieut.-Colonel 1 rth dragoons. Died. 1801 7. Thomas Garth — from 22d dragoons. Dragoons Military Department. 187 Dragoons — 2d (or Royal North British) Regiment- formed from old Troops. Blue facings, blue furniture, royal lace. Thomas Dalzell — Died. Lord Charles Murray, Earl of Dunmore — Lieut.- Colonel in ditto. Diedini7io. Sir Thomas Livingston, Viscount Tiviot. Died in Jan. 1712. Lord John Hay — Died in April 17 — . David, Earl of Portmore— 2d foot. Died in Jan. 1730. Sir James Campbell, K.B.— 19th foot. Killed at the battle of Fontenoy, April 30. 1745. John, Earl of Stair — 6th dragoons. Died. John, Earl of Crawfurd — from'25th foot. ^ John, Earl of Rothes — from 6th dragoons to 3d foot guards. John Campbell, Duke of Argyle— from 21st foot. William, Earl of Panmure — from 20th foot. George Preston — from 17th dragoons. James Johnston — from nth dragoons. Archibald, Earl of Eglintoune — from 51st foot. Sir Ralph Abercromby, K.B. — from 7th dragoon Guards. Died of his wounds in Egypt. Sir David Dundas, K.B. from 7th dragoons. 1 68 1 Nov. 15- -85 6. —88 Dec. 31- —94 Apr. 7- 1714 21 — 17 Feb. i5- —45 May 28. —47—50 Jan. 16. —52 Apr. — 70 Nov. 29. 10. — 82 Apr. —85 Feb. 18. 4- —95 Dec- —96 Nov. 5- 5- • l&ci May 16. Dragoons 1 88 Military Department. DRAGodNs-^3d(orthe King's own) Regiment. Blue facings, blue furniture, royal lace. 1685 Aug. 2. Charles, Duke of Somerset — removed. —88 Alexander Cannon — followed King James II. , Dec. 31. Richard Leveson — 3d horse. — 94 Jan- 3°* Thomas, Lord Fairfax of Cameron— Lieut.-Cplonel in ditto. Died in January 17 10. — gS Feb. 21. William Lloyd — Died: 1703 Dec. 31. George Carpenter, Lord Carpenter— Died. — 32 May 29. Philip Hony wobd>— nth Dragoons, 2d horse. -—43 Apr. 18. Humphrey Bland-— -13th dragoons, ist dragoon guards; — 52 July 8. James, Lord Tyrawle'y— -14th Dragoons, id foot guards. — 35 Apr. 8. George, Earl of Albemarle — 20th foot: Died. — 72 Oct. 20, Charles Fitzroy, Lord Southampton — 14th dragoons. Died, «— 97 Mar. 20. Francis Lascelles — 8th dragoons. — 99 Sept. 4. Sir Charles Grey, K.B. now Earl Grey.-— , 8th drag. Dragoons — 4th (or the Queen's own) Regiment. Full green facings, green furniture, white lace, with a red stripe. 1685 July 17. James, Berkeley, Viscount Fitzharding. —88 Nov. 18. Thomas Maxwell. Dec. 31. James, Viscount Fitzharding— again. Died in Dec. 1712. *79- Military Department. 1693 SePt- 1. Augustus, Earl of Essex— Died in Jan, 1710. 17 10 Apr. 24. Sir Richard Temple, Bart. Viscount Cobham— 8th foot, broke, 1st dragoons. —13 Oct. 24. William Evans— 13th foot, broke, 3d horse. —35 May 13. Sir Robert Rich, Bart — 1st grenadier guards. Died. —68 Feb. 3. Honble. Henry Seymour Conway— 4th dragoons, royal regiment of horse guards. — 70 Oct. 24. Benjamin Carpenter — 12th dragoons. Died. —88 Mar. 9. John, Lord Howard, K.B.— 33d foot, grenadier guards. —97 June 3. Sir Robert Sloper, K.B.— 14th dragoons. 1802 Aug. 14. Guy, Lord Dorchester, K.B.— 27th dragoons. Dragoons — 5th (or Royal Irish1) Regiment, Blue facings, blue furniture; royal lace. 1688 Dec. 25. James Wynne — Died of his wounds in Flanders. — 95 July 16. Charles Ross. 17 15 Oct. 8. Thomas Sydney — Lieut.-Colonel in ditto. Died. —29 Feb. 1. Charles Ross — again. Died. ^32 Aug. 6. Owen Wynne — 5th horse. Died. — 37 June 17. Richard, Viscount Molesworth — 9th drag. Died. — 58 Oct. 18. John Mostyn — 13th dragoons,. 7th dragoons. —60 Nov. 27. Honble. Sir Joseph Yorke, K.B.— 8th dragoons, nth dragoons. —87 Apr. 4. Robert Cunningham, LordRossmore — 14th foot. N.B. This Regiment consisted of 9 troops, reduced to 6 in 1782, and was_ disbanded in 1799. Dragoons igo . Military Department., , Dragoons — 6th (or Enniskillen) Regiment. Formed at Enniskillen. Full yellow facings, full yellow- furniture, white and blue striped lace. 1689 Dec. 31. Sir Albert Cunningham — Killed in Ireland." 91 30. Robert Echlin — obliged to sell. 1715 Mar. 4. John, Earl of Stair — 2d dragoons, removed. 34 June 19. Charles, Lord Cadogan — 4th foot, 2d horse guards. — 43 Apr. 25. John, Earl of Stair— again. 2d dragoons. — 45 May 29. John, Earl of Rothes — 2d grenadier guards, 2d dragoons. —50 Jan. 16. Honble. James Cholmondeley— 3d horse. Died. — 75 Oct. 18. Edward Harvey— 3d horse. Died, —78 Apr. 2. James Johnston— 4th dragoon guards. Died. ¦ — 97 Dec. 5. George Augustus, Earl of Pembroke— Lieut.-Col. 2d dragoon guards. Dragoons— 7th (or Queen's own) Regiment of Light Dragoons. White facings, white furniture, royal lace. 1690 Dee. 30. Richard Cunningham-— Broke. —96 Oct. 1. William, Lord Jedburgh, afterwards Marquis of Lo thian — 3d foot guards. 1707 Apr. 28. Patrick Hume, Lord Polwarth — Died. —09 Oct. 10. William Kerr — Died in January 1740. 774* Military Department. 1 9 1 1741 Aug. 12. Sir John Cope, K.B.— 9th dragoons. Died. — 60 18. John Mostyn — 13th dragoons, 5th dragoons. ' — 63 May 13. Sir George Howard, K.B — 3d foot, ist dragoon guards. — 79 Apr. 21. Sir Henry Clinton, K.B. — 12th foot : died. — 95 Dec. 26. David Dundas — from 22d foot to 2d dragoons. 1801 May 16. Henry William Lord Paget — Lieut.-Colonel. 7th dragoons. N.B. This Regiment was formed from five of the ten troops of militia horse raised in Scotland in 1688 ; the five troops • formed into a regiment of dragoons under Lord Forbes, disbanded in 1697. This regiment was unhorsed at Dunkirk for the ist dragoons, who sold theirs in Spain to save sea carriage — sent to Ireland as foot. Dis banded in 1 7 14. The private men made their officers, and kept up the regiment, until they received-L.12 for each horse. Restored 31st January 1715, by three troops from the Royal North British, two from the Royal Regiment, and one new raised: Dragoons — 8th (or the King's Royal Irish]) Regiment of Light Dragoons. Yellow facings, yellow furniture, while and yellow striped lace. 160- Feb. 1. Henry Cunningham — Killed at the bartle of St Es- teven in Spain, January 26, 1706. 1706 Jan. 26. Robert Killigrew— Killed at the battle of Almanza in Spain, April 4, 17,07. 07 Apr. 15. James Pepper— Died October 1725. — 19 Mar. 23., Phineas Bowles — 12th dragoons. Died. 22 Nov^ 16. Richard IVIunden — 13th dragoons. Died. 25 Sept. 23. Sir Robert, Rich, Bart— 13th dragoons to 7th horse. .,, Jan. 1. Chas.' Cathcart, Lord Cathcart— 31st foot to 7'th horse. j ¦ -. ["vol. ii.] o \ 1735; io.2 Military Department. 1733 Aug. 7. Sir Adolphus Oughton, K.B. — Lieut.-Colonel 2d foot guards. Died September 1736. —37 June 27. Clement Neville — 14th dragoons, to 6th horse. —40 May 6. Richard St George — 20th foot. Died. — 55 Jan. 22. Hon. John Waldegrave — 9th foot, to 5th dragoons. — 59 Oct. 23. Hon. Joseph Yorke — 9th foot, to 5th dragoons. • — 60 Nov. 27. John Severn — Lieut.-Colonel 9th foot- Died. — -87 July 13. Sir Charles Grey, K.B. — 28th foot, to 7th drag. gds. —89 Mar. 19. Francis Lascelles — Lieut.-Colonel 3d dragoons. —97 20. Sir Charles Grey, K.B.— again. 3d dragoons. — 99 Sept. Sir Robert Lawrie, Bart.— 28th dragoons. Died. 1804 Sept. 13. John Floyd — 23d dragoons. N.B. This Regiment was raised in Ireland; disbanded in 1714* Re -established to its former rank 22d July 1 7 15. Dragoons — 9th Regiment of Light Dragoons. Buff-coloured facings, buff-coloured furniture, white lace, with a blue stripe. 1715 July 22. Owen Wynne — 23d foot broke, 5th horse. —19 6. James Crofts — 18th dragoons broke. Died Mar. 1733. — 32 May 29. Richard, Viscount Molesworth — 27th foot, 3th dragoons. —37 June 27. John Cope — 5th foot, 7th dragoons. — 42 May 10. John Brown— ^Lieut.-Colonel 2d horse, 5th horse. — 43 Apr. 1. Henry de Grangues — 30th foot. Died. — 49 Nov. 1. George Reade — 9th foot. Died. — 56 Apr. 2. John Jordan — 13th foot. Died. — S6 May 22. Philip Honywood — 20th foot, 4th horse. -—59 Apr. 6. Henry Whitley — Lieut.-Colonel 10th dragoons. — 71 Jan. 17. .lames Johnston — Lieut.-Colonel 1st dragoons to 4th dragoon guards. —775 Apr. 27. Flower Mocher — Lieut.-Colonel. 1801 Aug. 6. Sir James Erskine St Clair, Bart. Earl of Rosslyn, Jan. 2, 1805, late Colonel Sussex Feneibles. . ' , ' Dragoons Military Department. 193 Dragoons— 10th (or the Prince of Wales's own) Regt. Light Dragoons. Deep yellow facings, deep yellow furniture, white lace, with a green stripe. I1IS July 2*2- Humphrey Gore— 3 2d foot broke, ist dragoons. —23 Jan. 12. Charles Churchill— 16th drag, broke, 14th marines. — 45 'June 1. Richard, Viscount Cobham— from 6th horse. Died. — 49 Nov. 1. Sir John Mordaunt, K.B.— 12th dragoons. Died. —80 2. Sir William Augustus Pitt, K.B 12th dragoons to ist dragoon guards. H.R.H. George, Prince of Wales, was appointed Col.-Commandant of this regiment. —93 Jan. 20. H.R.H. George, Prince of Wales. —96 July 18. H.R.H. George, Prince of Wales— Colonel; Dragoons — llth Regiment of Light Dragoons. Buff-coloured facings, buff~-coloured furniture, white lace, with a green stripe. 1713 July 22. Philip Honywood — 31st foot, broke— 3d dragoons. — 32 May 19. Lord Mark Ker — 13th foot. Died. — 52 Feb. S. William, Earl of Ancram, afterwards Marquis of Lothian — from 24th foot. Died^ — 75 Apr. 26. James Johnston — from 4th drag, guards to 2d drag. — 85 Feb. 4. Honble. Thomas Gage — from 1 7th dragoons. Died. —%"] Apr. 4. Joseph, Lord Dover, K.B. — from jth dragoons to 1st horse guards. 89 Mar. 12. Studholme Hodgso-n — from 7th drag, guardsi Died. %— 98 Oct. 23. William John, Marquis of Lothian — formerly in ist life guards. o 2 Dragoons 1 94 Military Department. Dragoons — >12th (or Prince of Wales's) Regiment of Light Dragoons. Black facings, half lapells, black furniture, with stripes of white, goafs skim 1715 July 22. Phineas Bowles — 12th foot, broke, 8th dragoons, — 19 May 33. Phineas Bowles— 7th horse. — 40 Dec. 23. Alexander Rose — 20th foot. — 43 June 14. Samuel Warter Whitshed— -39th foot. —46 Apr. 6. Thomas Bligh — 20th foot, 2d horse. — 47 Dec. 22. Sir John Mordaunt, K.B. — 18th foot to ioth drag. — 49 July 24. Hon. James Cholmondeley — 34th foot to 3d horse.. — — Nov. r. Lord George Sackville — from 20th foot to 3d horse. — 50 ]an. 18. Sir John Whitefoord, Bart. — Lieut.-Colonel. — 63 Mar. 17. Edward Harvey — Lieut.-Colonel- 6th dragoons to 3d horse. -—64 Sept. 20. Benjamin Carpenter — Lieut.-Colonel 2d troop of horse guards,, 4th dragoons. — 70 Oct. 24. William Augustus Pitt — Lieut.-Col. ioth dragoons, ioth dragoons. — 75 18. Honble. William Keppel — i4thfoot. Died. —82 Mar. r8. Honble. George Lane Parker — 20th foot.- Died. —94 Nov. 9. Sir James Stewart Denham, Bart.— Lieut.-Colonel 13th dragoons. Dragoons Military Department. ¦ 195 Dragoons— 13th Regiment of Light Dragoons. Deep green facings, deep green furniture, wbite lace, , with aye/low stripe. 1715 July 22. Richard Munden — 30th foot broke, 8th dragoons. — 22 Nov. 19. Sir Robert Rich, Bart. — 18 foot broke, 8th drag. — 25 Sept. 20. William Stanhope, Earl of Harrington— -20th foot, broke. — 30 July 7. Henry Hawley — 32dfoot, ist dragoons. — 40 May 12. Robert Dalway — 39th foot, ist dragoons. —41 Jan. 9. Humphrey Bland — 36th foot, 3d dragoons. —43 Apr. 18. James Gardiner — Lieut.-Colonel 6th dragoons — Kil-- led at the battle of Prestonpans, 21st Sept. 1745. —45 Oct. 1. Francis Ligonier — 49th foot. Died. —46 Feb. 27. Philip Naizon — Lieut.-Colonel isf dragoons. Died. — 31 Jan. 26. Sir Charles Armand Powlett, K.B. — Marines. Died, — — — Dec. 25. Hon. Henry Seymour Conway — 34th foot, 4th horse. — 54 July 8. John Mostyn — 7th foot, 3th dragoons. —58 Oct. 18. Archibald Douglas — Lieut.-Colonel 4th dragoons. Died. — 78 Nov; 27. Sir Richard Pierson, K.B. — 36th foot. Died. —80 .5. Francis Craig— Lieut. -Colonel' ist foot guards. Dragoons — 14th Regiment of Light Dragoons. Lemon-coloured facings, lemon-coloured furniture, white, red and green striped lace. _j- Tuly 22. James Dormer — 7th foot, broke, 6th foot. 20 Apr. 9- Clement Neville — 8th dragoons.. o 3 1737 196 Military Department* .1737 June 27. Archibald Hamilton — 27th foot. — 49 July 24. James, Lord Tyrawley — ioth foot, 3d drag, guards. —52 Nov. 27. Lewis Dejean — 37th foot, 2d horse. —57 Apr. 5. John Campbell, Marquis of Lome — 54th foot, 1st foot. ¦ — 6s Sept. 11. Charles Fitzroy— half pay 95th foot, ^d dragoons. — 72 Oct. 20. Daniel Webb — 8th foot. —73 Nov. 11. George Warde — Lieut.-Colonel nth dragoons, ist horse. — 78 Apr. 2. Sir Robert Sloper, K.B. — Lieut.-Colonel ioth drag. 4th dragoons. —97 June 1. John William Egerton, Earl of Bridgewater— half-pay dragoons. Dragoons;— 15th (or the King's) Regiment of Light Dragoons. , Blue facings, half lapells, white furniture, royal la.ce. 1759 Mart 10. George Augustus Elliot, Lord Heathfield— Lieut.- Colonel 6tn dragoons. —90 July 16. Guy, Lord Dorchester — 47th foot, 27th dragoohs. j8oi Mar. 28. H-R-H. Ernest, Duke of Cumberland. DRAGOOfiS Military Department. tgj Dragoons— 16th (or the Queen's) Regiment bf Light Dragoons. Blue facings, half lapells, whitefurniture, royal lace. 1759 18. John Burgoyne — Captain of horse, removed. — 79 Oct. 20. Honble. William Harcourt— Lieut.-Col. 18th drag. Dragoons — 17th Regiment of Light Dragoons. White facings, half lapells, white furniture, white lace, with a black 1759 Nov. John Hale — Lieut.-Colonel 47th foot, Governor of Londonderry. — 70 Nov. 2. George . Preston — Lieut.-Colonel 2d dragoons, 2d dragoons. —82 Apr. 18. Honble. fThomas Gage — :22d foot, ist dragoons. —85 Feb. 4. Thomas, Earl of Lincoln, afterwards Duke of New castle— -half-pay foot. Died. —95 May 20. Oliver de Lancey— Lieut.-Colonel ditto. o 4 Dragoons Military Department. Dragoons— 18th Regimenrpf Light Dragoons. White facings, half lapells, white furniture, red and white lace. 1762 Aug. 3. Charles, Earl (now Marquis) of Drogheda — Lieut.' Colonel ist horse. Dragoons — 19-h Regiment of Light Dragoons. 1781 Sept. 25. Sir John Burgoyne, Bart. — Lieut.-Colonel of horse. —86 Apr. 21. Honble. William Howe, K.B. now Viscount Howe — •- 23d foot. -'V ¦:¦ Dragoons— 20th Regiment of Light Dragoons. 1792 July 6. Henry Farringdon Gardner — Lieut.-Col.-Comman- dant. — 92 Sept. 13. George Sandford — Lieut. -Col. -Commandant. —93 Nov. 9. Sir Charles Grey, K.B. Colonel — 2&th foot, 8th drag; May 29. Francis, Lord Heathfield — 20th dragoons. Dragsons Military Department* I99 Dragoons — 2lst Regiment of Light Dragoons. 1794 Feb. 24. Thomas Richard Beaumont — Lieut.-Col. Commandt. 1802 July Banastre Tarletofi — from 22d dragoons. Dragoons— 25th (now 22d) Regt. of Light Dragoons. 1794 Mar. 9. Francis Edward Gwyn — Lieut.-Col. ijth dragoons. Dragoons — 26th (now 23d) Regt. of Light Dragoons. 1795 May 25. Russel Manners — half-pay dragoons, broke. 1800 Sept. John Floyd — 8th dragoons. 04 Sept. 13. William Cartwright— from Lieut.-Colonel ioth dragoons. Dragoons £oc* Military Department, Dragoons— 24th Regiment of Light Dragoons. 1795 May 25. William Wynter Blathwayte — royal regiment of horse. 1801 Mar. 28. Guy, Lord Dorchester — 13th dragoons; 1802 Aug. 14. William Loftus — horse, 24th dragoons. Dragoons — 29th (how 25th) Regt. of Light Dragoons, 1795 Mar. 15. Francis, Lord Heathfield — Lieut.-Colonel 6th dra goons, 20th dragoons. _ 97 _¦ 29. Richard Vyse — Lieut.-Colonel. 1804 Apr. 2. Richard Rich. Wilford— H. P. Duke of York's Hus- Foot Guards — 1st Regiment. Three Battalions. 1660 Aug. 26. Thomas, Lord Wentworth. 1 — — Nov. 23. John Russell — sold for L. 5 100. ' —81 Dec. 14. Henry, Duke of Grafton. — 88 Nov. 30. Edward, Earl of Litchfield — from 1 2th feot. Died in 1706. 1688 Military Department. 30 1 1688 Dec. 31. Henry, Duke of Grafton, again— killed at Corke in 1690. — 89 Mar. 16. Henry, Viscount Sydney, Earl of Romney. * —91 Dec. 27. Charles, Duke of Schomberg — Died of his wounds received at the battle of Marsiglia. , — 93 Nov. 39. Henry, Viscount Sydney, Earl of Romney — again. Died. 1704 Apr. 25. John, Duke of Marlborough — from 24th foot. Removed. —12 Jan. 1. James, Duke of Ormond— 2d horse, broke— 2d horse guards, removed. — 14 Sept. 26; John, Duke of Marlborough, again — died. — 22 June 18. William, Earl Cadogan — from 2d foot guards. — 26 Aug. 26. Sir Charles Wills, K. B — from 3d foot. Died. — 42 Feb. 18. His R. H. William, Duke of Cumberland — from 2d foot guards. —57 Nov. 30. John, Viscount (afterwards Earl) Ligonier — royal regiment horse guards. 1 — 70 Apr. 30. His R. H. William, Duke of Gloucester — from 3d foot guards. 1805 Sept. 7. His R. H. Frederick, Duke of York — from 2d foot guards. ' Foot Guards— 2d (or Coldstream) Regiment. Two Battalions. 1650 Aug. 26. George Monk, Duke of Albemarle. jo Jan. 6. William, Earl of Craven — died in 1695. —89 May 1. Thomas Tollemache — from 5th foot. Died of his wounds received at Brest in 1694. , 94 Oct. 3. John, Lord Cutts — died in 1707. 1707 Feb. 27. Charles Churchill — from 3d foot. —14 Oct. 11. William Cadogan, Earl Cadogan — 6th horse — ist foot guards. =—23 June 10. Richard, Earl of Scarborough— from ist grenadier guards. 1740 20? Military Departments 1740 Apr. 30. His R. H. William, Duke of Cumberland — from ist foot guards. — 42 Feb. 18. Charles, Duke of Marlborough — from 2d horse guards. Resigned. —45 Oct. 5. William Anne, Earl of Albemarle— from 3d horse ,' guards. — SS Apr. 8. James, Lord Tyrawley — from 14th dragoons. — 73 July J5- Jorjn, Earl Waldegrave — from 2d dragoon guards. ' — 84 Oct. 27. His R. H. Frederick, Duke of York. 1805 Sept. 7. His R. H. Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cam bridge. N. B.— This regiment was formed by Oliver Cromwell, for Major~ General George Monk, at Newcastle, Foot Guards — 3d (or Scotch) Regt. Two Battalions, 1660 Nov. 23. George, Earl of Linlithgowt— died in 1690. — 84 June 13. James Douglas. — 91 Sept. 1. Charles Ramsay. 1707 Aug. 25. William,' Marquis of Lothian — from 7th ch-agoons. Diedin 1712. — 13 Oct. .10. John, Earl of Dunmore. —52 Apr. 29. John, Earl of Rothes — from 2d dragoons. —67 Dec. 16. His R. H. William, Duke of Gloucester— from 13th foot. — 70 Apr. 30. John, Earl of Loudon — from 30th foot. —82 May 9. John, Duke of Argyle — from ist foot. Foot Military Department. 203 Foot— 1st (or Royal) Regiment. Two Battalions. Blue facings, white lace, with a blue double worm. I^33 Jan- 36- Sir James Hepburne — killed at Savern in 1636. — 36 Aug. 26. James Hepburne. — 37 ' Lord James Douglas — killed in Flanders. —45 Oct. 21. George, Earl of Dunbarton — removed from France with the regiment in 1666. Died in 1-692. — 91 Dec. 31. Frederick, Duke of Schomberg — killed at the battle of the Boyne in 1690. — Mar. 5. Sir Robert Douglas — killed at the battle of Stein- kirk in 1692. — 92 Aug. 1. George, Earl of Orkney — from 7th foot. Died in x737- 1737 June 17 Hon. James St Clair— from 22d foot. Died; —62 Dec. 17. Sir Henry Erskine, Bart— from 23th foot. Died. —65 Sept. 11. John, Marquis of Lome, now Duke of Argyle— 14th dragoons to 3d foot guards. —82 May 9. Lord Adam Gordon — from 26th foot. 1801 Aug. 2r. His R. H. Edward, Duke of Kent — from 7th foot. F00T — 2d, the Tangier (or Queen's Royal) Regiment. Blue facings, white lace, with a blue stripe. 1661 Sept. 30. Henry, Earl of Peterborough. , 63 Apr. 6. Andrew, Earl of Tiviot — killed at Tangier in 1664. —64 June 10. Henry Norwood— Lieut.-Governor of Tangier. 1668 204 Military Department. 1668 May 15. Charles, Earl of Middleton-— Governor of Tangier. — 75 Mar. 5. William, Earl of Inchiquin — ditto. — 80 Nov. 10. Sir Palmes Fairborne. — 82 Sept. 19. Piercy Kirke — Gov. of Tangier — from 4th foot. — 91 Dee. 18. William Selwyn — exchanged Lieut.-Colonel 2d foot guards with 22d foot. Cashiered. 1 701 June 28. Sir Henry Beljasis, Knt. — 03 Feb. 27. David, Earl of Portmore — from 2d dragoons. — 10 Sept. 19. Piercy Kirke— bought. — 41 Aug. 12. Thomas Fowke — from 54th to 14th foot. — SS Nov. 12. Hon. John Fitzwilliam — from 2d foot guards to 2d horse. — 60 Nov. 27. Sir Charles Montagu, K. B.— from 59-hfoot. Died. — 77 Aug. 7. Daniel Jones — from 3d foot guards : died. — 93 Nov. 26. Alexander Stewart — Lieut.-Colonel 37th foot; died. — 94 Dec. 20. James Coates— Lieut.-Colonel 66th foot. N. B. — This regiment was formed from four regiments disbanded at Tangier. Has the device of a Lamb on its colours: Foot — 3d (or East Kent) Regiment. The Buffs. Buff facings, -while lace, with yellow, black, and red stripes. 1665 Mar. 3L Richard "Sidney. — 68 Aug. 12. Sir Walter Vane — from 6th foot, — 73 Dec. 12. John, Earl of Mulgrave. — 82 Nov. 6. Philip, Earl of Chesterfield — died in 17 14. — 84 Jan. 26. John, Earl of Mulgrave — again : died in 1724. —85 Oct. 25. Sir Theophilus Oglethorpe. — 88 Dec. 31. Charles Churchill — from 2d foot guards. 1707 Feb. 24. John, Duke of Argyle — sold. From 4th horse guards to 1st horse. —11 Feb. 26. John Selwyn— sold. From 39th foot, broke. *7r4 Military Department. 205 ¦1714 Apr. 4. Archibald, Earl of Forfar — killed at Dumblain in t7I5- -»»i6 Jan. 5. Charles Wills— from 30th foot to ist foot guards. —26 Aug. 26. Thomas, Earl of Londonderry— from 3d horse. —29 Nov. 24. William Tatton— Lieut.-Colonel ist foot guards. —37 June 27. Thomas Howard — sold. From 24th foot. —49 Aug. 21. George Howard — Lieut.-Colonel, 3d foot, 7th drag, 63 May 13. John Crawford— from half-pay 83th foot. —64 Nov. 12. Ralph Burton— from half-pay 95th foot. — 68 Nov. 7. Sir Jeffery Amherst, Lord Amherst — from 15th foot to horse guards. —79 Apr. 21. William Style — from foot guards ; died.' —86 Apr. 18. Thomas Hall — from half-pay. . N. B. — This regiment has the device of a Green Dragon on its co lours. In 1756 a second battalion was added to it, which in 1758 was formed into the 61st regiment. Foot — 4th (or King's own) Regiment. Blue facings, wbite lace, with a blue stripe. 1680 July 13. Thomas, Earl of Plymouth (natural son to King Charles II.) _. Nov. 27. Piercy Kirke — from 2d foot. , 82 Apr. 25. Charles Trelawney. 88 Dec. 11. Sir Charles Orby. -—02 Jan. 1. Charles Trelawney, again — diedin 1731. 1702 Feb. 12. William Seymour— from 24th foot : diedin 1727. __I7 Dec. 25. Henry Berkeley— from 2d grenadier guards. _I9 Apr. 21. Charles Cadogan, Lord Cadogan— from 6th drag.' ,4 Aug. 8. William Barrell — from 22d foot. —49 Aug. 22. Robert Rich, Governor of Londonderry— Lieut.- Colonel. ' 175^ 206 Military Department. 1736 May 12. Alexander Duroure — from 38th foot. — 65 Jan. 13. Hon. Robert Brudenell- — from 1 6th foot. — 68 Nov. 7. Studholme Hodgson— from 50th foot to 7th dragoon guards. — 82 June 7. John Burgoyne — formerly of 1 6th dragoons. — 92 Aug. 4. George Morrison — from 17th foot. N. B. — This regiment was raised to be sent to Tangiers. Jn 1756 a second battalion was added to it, .which in 1758 was disjoined from it, and formed the 62d regiment. Foot — 5th (or the Northumberland) Regiment. Gosling green facings, white lace, with two red stripes. 1674 James O'Brien, Viscount Clare — Died. — 75 Aug. 2. Sir John Fenwick, Bart.— 4th horse. — 76 Sept. 11. Henry Wisely — DiedJ > — 80 Dec. 10. Thomas Monk — Died. — 83 Oct. 9. Thomas Tollemache — Lieut.-Colonel ist foist guards, 2d foot guards. — 89 May 1. Edward Lloyd— Died 1694. — 90 Nov. 6. Thomas Fairfax — Died 17 10. 1704 Feb. 5. Thomas Pearce-"— 5th horse. — 32 Dec. 15. John Cope — 39th foot, 9th dragoons. _, — 37 June 27. Alexander Irwine. —32 Nov. 27. Charles Whitefoord— Lieut.-Colonel 5th marines. — 54 Aug- 20- W^ George Bentinck — ist foot guards. — Sg Oct. 24. Studholme Hodgson — from 30th foot, 7th dragoon guards. ' —68 Nov. 7. Hugh, Earl Percy— from half-pay 108th foot, horse guards. ¦ 1784 Military Department. 207 1784 Nov. 1. Honbk. Edward Stopford-Lieut.-Colonel 66th foot. JJied. -94 Oct. 23. Sir Alured Clarke, K.B— from 60th foot to 7th foot -99 Aug. 10. George Hewitt-from half-pay 2d battalien'to 60th root. Reduced in 1802. 21. Richard England— from 2d battalion 3th foot. N.B. This Regiment was formed in Holland by the States. Foot— 6th (or the 1st Warwickshire) Regiment. Deep yellow facings, white lace, with yellow and red stripe. 1673 Dec. 12. Sir Walter Vane— Killed at the battle of Seneff, April ist, 1674. —74 Aug. 16. Luke Lrllingston — Died. — 77 Sept. 13. Thomas Astley— Died. — 80 Apr. 3. Sir Henry Bellasis — Dragoons to 22d foot. — 89 Sept. 28. William Babbington — Died. — 91 Apr. 15. George, Prince of Hesse Darmstadt — Killed at Bar celona, 13th April 1705. —94 Feb. 1. Henry, Marquis de Rayda— drowned. nr June 23. Ventris Columbine — died. *7°3 Nov. 2. James Rivers — died. —06 Feb. 6. William Southwell— died. —08 June 14. Thomas Harrison— -died- 16 Mar. 7. Richard Dormer — Lieut.-Colonel ist horse guards r died. 20 Apr. 20. James Dormer — 14th dragoons, 1st grenadier guards. 38 Nov, 1. John Guise. 6s June 14. William Rufane— from half-pay 76th foot. 73 Feb. 19. John Gore— 61st foot. [vol. ii. J p 1787 208 Military Department. 1773 Nov. 18. Sir William Boothby, Bart. — 30th foot. — 87 Apr. 18. Lancelot Baugh — 38th fodt. — 92 28. Ralph Abercromby — from 7th dragoon guards to 7th dragoons. — 95 Nov. 4. H.R.H. Prince William of Gloucester — half-pay. N.B. — This Regiment,- with the 5th, refused to come from Hol land in 1685, for which King James II. broke them, and their rank was disputed. Formed as the last. 1685 June 1 1 . — 89 Aug, .26. —92 Jan, 3- — Aug. 1. -96 Nov. 12. *7J3 —39 — 51 Jau. Aug. Jan. 29. 27. 26. —54 Aug. 20. -76 Nov. 12. —88 Oct. 20. — 89 Apr. 1800 Aug. 8. 21. Foot— 7th Regiment. Royal Fuzileers. Blue facings, white lace, with a blue stripe. George, Lord Dartmouth. John, Lord Churchill, Duke of Marlborough — 3d horse guards, 24th foot. Lord George Hamilton, Earl of Orkney— ist foot. Edward Fitzpatrick — drowned. Sir Chas. O'Hara, Lord Tyrawley — 49th foot broke. Honble. James O'Hara, Lord Tyrawley — 3th hone. William Hargrave — 9th foot. John Mostyn — 2d foot to 13th dragoons. Lord Robert Bertie— foot guards to 2d troop horse guards. Richard Prescott — Lieut.-Colonel 7th foot. Hon. William Gordon — from 60th foot to 71st foot. H.R.H. Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, to ist foot. Sir Alured Clarke, K;B. 1st battalion 3th foot. Foot Military Department. c,bg Foot — Sth (or the King's) Regiment. Blue facings, white lace, with a blue and yellow stripe. 1685 June 19. Robert, Lord Ferrers — died. James, Duke of Berwick — ist horse. James Beaumont — died 170 1. John Richmond Webb — died 1724.' Henry Morrison— died. Sir Charles Hotham, Bart. — 36th foot, 1st dragoons. John Pocock — 36th foot : died. Chsrles Lanoe — 36th foot. 6i Richard Onslow — 39th foot, to ist grenadier guards. Edward Wolfe — ist marines : died. Honble. John Barrington — from 40th foot. — 64 Apr. 11. John Stanwix — from 49th foot. —66 Dec. 18. Daniel Webb — from 48th foot to 14th dragoons. — 71 Oct- 20. Bigoe Armstrong — 60th foot, —94 July 33, Ralph Dundas — Lieut.-Colonel nth dragoons. -• N.B. — In 1756 this Regiment had a second battalion added, which in 11 --S, wa« disjoined from it, and formed the 63d regiment. —86 Nov. 1. —88 Dec. 31- —95 26. 17 15 Aug. 5- — 20 Dec. 5- — 21 Apr. 21. — 32 May 8. —39 June 6. —45- APr- 25- — 69 Oct. 24. FoOT-^Qth (or the East Norfolk) Regiment; Yellow facings, white lace, xvith two black :tri/-f. s jgg - June 12. Henry Cornwall — d;ed. fig Nov. 20. Oliver Nicholas. ~l688 21 a Military Department. 1688 Dec. 31. Thomas Cunningham — broke for cowardice at Lon donderry, 13th April 1689. 89 May 1. William Stewart — Lieut.-Colonel 16th foot, remov ed — dead 1726. 1713 July 17. James Campbell — 2d dragoons. — 17 Feb. 15. Charles, Lord Cathcart — Lieuti-Colonel 2d dragoons, 31st foot. — 18 Jan. 7. James Otway— -died. — -25 Dec. %s- Richard Kane — 23d foot, broke. -i — 37 Jan. 27. William Hargrave — 35th foot, 7th foot. — 39 Aug. 28. George Reade — 29th foot. — 49 Nov. 1. Sir Charles Armand Powlett, K.B. — marines, 13th dragoons. — 51 Jan. 26. Honble. John Waldegrave — foot guards to 8th drags. — 57 Mar. 18. Honble. Joseph Yorke — ditto to ditto. — 38 Aug. 23. William Whitmore — from 33d foot. —71 8. Edward, Earl Ligonier, K.B. — 1st horse guards. — 82 June 19. Thomas, Lord Sey and Sele — died. —88 July 4. Honble. Alexander Leslie — died. —-gH Dec. 31. Albemarle Bertie — 8 ist foot to 77th foot. Foot — 10th (or North Lincolnshire) Regiment. Bright yellow facings, white lace, with a blue stripe. 1685 Jan. 26. John, Earl of Bath. —88 Dec. 8. Sir Charles Carney— died. 31. John, Earl of Bath, again — died in 1701. — 93 Oct. 29. Sir Beville Granville^ — Governor of Barbadoes. 1703 Jan. 13. William, Lord North and Grey — died at Madrid, Oct. 31. 1734. — 15 June 23. Henny Grove — Lieut.-Colonel ditto. —37 ' 27. Francis Columbine — Lieut.-Colonel ditto. —-48 Dec. 20. James, Lord Tyrawley — 'from 3d horse broke to 14th dragoons. J 749 Military Department. lit 1749 Aug. id. Edward Pole— from half pay : died. — 63 June 14. Edward Sandford— from 26th foot : died. —81 Oct. 10. Sir Robert Murray Keith, K.B.— from half pay 87th foot.: died. —95 June 23. Honble. Henry Edward Fox— from half pay. Foot — 11th (or the North Devonshire) Regiment. Full green facings, while lace, with two red and tiyo green stripes. 1685 June 20. Henry, Duke of Beaufort. Oct. 26. Charles, Marquis of Worcester. — 87 May 8. William, Marquis of Powis — went with King James to France. — 88 Dec. 31. Sir John Hanmer, Bart. — died. 1702 Feb. 12. James Stanhope, Earl Stanhope — from 3th dragoons broke. — 05 May 8. John Hill — removed : died 1705, 1st dragoons. — 15 July 30. Edward Montagu: died. — 38 Aug. 9. Stephen Cornwallis — 34th foot. — 43 May 21. Robinson Sowle— Lieut.-Colonel nth foot : died. — 46 Feb. 7. William Graham : died. 47 Dec. 1. Maurice Bocland— foot guards : died. 65 Aug. 21. William A'Court- Ashe— late in 2d foot guards .'died. 8r 10. Francis Smith — half pay 60th foot : died. —94 Nov. 94. James Grant— from 33th foot : died. N.B. In 1756, this Regiment had a second battalion added to it, which was disjoined from, it in 1758, and formed the 64th regiment of foot. Faor 212 Military Department. Foot— 12th (or the East Suffolk) Regiment. Yellow facings, white lace, with yellow, crimson, and black stripes . 1683 June 20. Henry, Duke of Norfolk — from 22d foot. 1 — 86 July 14. Edward, Earl of Litchfield— from ist foot guards. —88 Nov. 30. Robert, Lord Hunsdon— died in 1702. — — Dec. 31. Henry Wharton : died. —89 Nov. 1. Robert Brewer—Lieut. -Colonel 12th foot : died. 1702 Sept. 28. John Livesay-— died in 1718. —12 Mar. 16. Richard Phillips — from 40th foot. j —17 Aug. 25. Thomas Stanwix---from 30th foot : died. —25 Mar. 21. Thomas Whetham---from 27th foot, —41 Aug. i2. Scipio Duroure--Lieut. -Colonel 1 2th foot : killed at Fontenoy. , —54 May 28, Henry Skelton — from foot guards : died. — 37 Apr. 22. Robert Napier— Captain of 2d foot : died. — 66 Nov. 21. Sir Henry Clinton, K.B. — from foot guards to 7th dragoons. —79 Apr. 21. William Picton — from 75th foot. *N.B. This Regiment had a second battalion added to it in 1756, which was disjoined from itin 1758, and formed the 65th regiment of foot. Foot Military Department- 2 1 3 Foot — 13th (or the 1st Somersetshire) Regiment. Philomel yellow facings, white lace, with a yellow stripe. 1685 June 20. Thomas, Earl of Huntingdon — died 1701. —88 Nov. 28. Ferdinando Hastings— -cashiered for extortion to his regiment. —95 Mar. 31. Sir John Jacobs — Lieut.-Colonel 13th foot : diedin J739- 1702 Mar. 13. James, Earl of Barrymore : removed. — 15 July 28. Stanhope Cotton : died. —23 Dec. 23. Lord Mark Ker — from 29th foot to nth dragoons. — 32 May 29. John Middleton— -from 23th foot : died. —39 July 3. Harry Pulteney — from foot guards : resigned. —66 June 25. H.R.H. William, Duke of Gloucester : — to 3d foot guards. -—67 Dec- 16. Honble. James Murray — from 60th foot to 21st foot. —89 June 3. George Ainslie — Lieut. -Colonel 13th foot : died. 1804 July n. Alexr. Campbell— h. p. 7th West India Regiment. Foot — 14th (or the Bedfordshire) Regiment. Buff facings, white lace, with a blue and red worm, and buff stripe. 1685 June 22. Sir Edward Hales, Bart. : died. 88 Dec. 31. William Beveridge— killed in a duel by one of his captains. v -}. 1792 214 Military Department. 1792 Nov. 22. Thomas Tidcomb— Lieut.-Colonel 13th foot : died "11715. 1713 June 15. Jasper Clayton — 31st foot broke : killed at Dettingen. — 43 June 22. Joseph Price — from 57th foot broke : died. —47 Dec. 1. Honble. William Herbert — from ist foot guards to 2d dragoon guards. — 33 Feb. 1.7. Edward Braddock — from foot guards : killed. — 35 Nov. 12. Thomas Fowke— from 2d foot : dismissed. —56 Sept. 7. Charles Jeffereys— from 60th foot : died. : — 65 May 31. Honble. William Keppel — from 56th foot to 12th dragoons. — 75 Oct. 18. Robert Cunninghame — from 38th foot to 3th drag. —87 Apr. 4. John Douglas— from half pay to 5th dragoon guards. — 89 Sept. 1. George, Earl Waldegrave — from half pay : died. — — Nov. 18. George Hotham— -from foot guards. 1806 Feb. 15. Harry Calvert— 3th West India Regiment. Foot — 15th (or the Yorkshire East Riding) Regt. Yellow fac-ings, white lace, with a yellow and black worm, and a red stripe. 1685 June 22. Sir William Clifton, Bart — removed. —86 May 13. Arthur Herbert, Earl of Torrington — diedin 1716. ; — 87 Apr. 12. Sackville Tufton — diedin 1721. — 88 Dec. 31. Sir James Leslie — broke at Dixmude. —93 Nov. 1. Emanuel Howe — died. 1709 Oct. 23. .Algernon, Earl of Hertford — from 2d horse guards. — -15 Feb. 8. Henry Harrison— died. —49 Apr. 13. John Jordan — Lieut.-Col. ioth dragoons, to 9th dragoons. 1756 Military Department. 2 1 5 1756 May 22. Sir Jeffery Amherst, K. E.— from foot guards to 3d foot. — 78 Sept. 21. Sir Charles Thompson, Bart. K. B. — from 63d foot. Resigned. — 75 Sept. 7. Richard, Earl of Cavan — from foot guards : died. — 78 Nov. 12. Sir WTilliam Fawcett, K. B. — from foot guards to 3d dragoon p-uards. — 92 Aug. 23. James Hamilton — Lieut.-Col. 25th foot, to 21st foot. —94 Sept. 20. Henry Watson Powell — from 69th foot. Foot— 16th (or Buckinghamshire) RegimenL Yellow facings, white Lace, with a crimson stripe. 1688 Oct. ,6. Archibald Douglas. — — Dec. 31. Richard Hodges — killed. at Steinkirk in 1692. —92 Aug. 1. John, Earl of Derby — diedin 1736. 1703 May 23. Francis Godfrey — died. — n Feb. 17. Henry Durell, — 13 June 23. Hans Hamilton — from 34th foot : died in 1721. 13 July 17. Richard, Viscount Irwin — from 2d horse. — 17 Dec. 31. John Cholmeley — died in 1724. 24 Apr. 7. Henry, Earl of Deloraine — from 2d grenadier guards, to 7th horse. —30 July 9. Roger Handasyde — from 22d foot — died. 63 June 14. Hon. Robert Brudenell — from 3d foot guards to 4th foot. 6s June 25., Sir William Draper, K. B. — from 79th foot, to half pay 121st ditto. .—76 Mar. 4. James Gisborne — from half-pay 3th : died. 1778 216 Military Department: 1778 May 14. James Robertson — from 60th foot — died. — 88 Mar. 6. Hon. Thomas Bruce — from half-pay 100th foot : died. — 97 Dec. 15. Henry Bowyer — from 89th foot. Foot — 17th (or Leicestershire) Regiment, Greyish white facings, white lace, with two blue and one yellow stripe. 1688 Sept. 27. Solomon Richards — broke for not relieving the city of Londonderry. —89 May 1. Sir George St George— -exchanged. — — May 1. James Courthorpe — killed at Namur in 1695. — 93 Sept. 1. Sir Matthew Bridges — died, 1703 Aug. 26. Holcroft Blood — died. < — 07 Aug. 20. James Wightman — died. — 22 Sept. 28. Thomas Ferrers—from 39th foot : died. — — Nov. 7. James Tyrrell — died. — 42 Aug. 31. JohnWynyard — from 17th dragoons: dead. — 32 Mar. 14. Edward Richbell — from half-pay : died. — 54 Feb. 23. John Forbes — from 2d dragoons : died. — 59 Oct. 24. Hon. Robert Monckton— from 60th foot — died. — 82 May 29. George Morrison — Quarter-Master-GeneraJ, to 4th foot. — 92 Aug. 8. George Garth — frem foot guards. Foot Military Department. 217 Foot — 18th (or Royal Irish) Regiment. Blue facings, white lace, with a blue stripe. 1684 Apr. 1. Arthur, Earl of Granard — died in 1689. — 86 Mar. 1. Arthur, Lord Forbes — died in 1724. — 88 Dec. 31. Sir John Edgworth — died. — 89 May 1. Edward, Earl of Meath — diedin 1708. — 92 Dec. 19. Frederick Hamilton — died. 1705 Apr. 1. Richard Ingoldsby — from 23d foot: died. —12 Feb. 12. Richard Stearne, Lt.-Col. 1 8th regt — diedin 1732. — 17 Dec. 24. William Cosby — died in 1737. — 32 Jan. 7. Sir Charles Hotham, Bart. — ist grenadier guards. —35 May 13. John Armstrong — 43d foot. — 42 Dec. 18. Sir John Mordaunt, K. B 1 2th drag, to 38th foot. —47 Dec. 22 John Folliot— from foot guards — died. —62 Apr. 1. Sir John Sebright, Bart. — 85th foot, broke. —94 Feb. 26. Sir James Murray, Bart— from half-pay. Foot — 19th (or 1st Yorkshire North Riding) Regt. Deep green facings, white lace, with two stripes, red and green. 1688 Nov. 20. Francis Luttei«ll— died. x 01 Jan. 1. Thomas Erie — from 2d dragoons, broke. 1709 Mar. 23. George Freake — died. I2 Apr. 3. Richard Sutton — 13th foot, broke. _I3 Aug. 5. George Grove — died. 1729 Military Department. 1729 Oct. 27. Richard Sutton, again — from half pay. — 38 Nov. 1. Hon. Charles Howard — dragoon guards, to 3d dra goon guards. — 48 Mar. 13. Lord George Beauelerk — from foot guards : died. — 68 May 25. David Graeme — from 49th foot : died. —97 Jan. 24. Samuel Hulse — from 36th foot. N. B. — In 1756 a second battalion was added to this regiment, vvhich was disjoined from it in 1758, and formed the 66th regiment of foot. Foot — 20th (or East Devonshire) Regiment. Pale yellow facings, wbite lace, with a red and black stripe. 1688 Nov. 20. Sir Richard Peyton, Bart. — 89 June 1. Gustavus Hamilton, Viscount Boyne— --died in 1723, 1706 May 1. John Newton — died. — 14 Oct. 4. Thomas Meredith — from 21st foot : died. — 19 July 7. William Egerton — from 36th foot : died. — 32 July 22. Francis, Earl of Effingham, Lieut.-Col. ist,grena- dier guards, to Sth dragoons. —-37 June 27. Richard St George, Lieut -Col. 7th horse, to 8th dragoons. — 40 May 6. Alexander Rose, Lieut.-Col. 3th dragoons, to I2th ditto. Dec. 26. Thomas Bligh,, Lieut.-Col. 6th horse, to 2d ditto. —46 Apr. 9. Lord George Sackville — from ist foot guards, to 1 2th dragoons. —49 Nov. 1. George, Viscount Bury— ^from 2d foot guards, to 3d dragoons. —33 Apr. 8. Philip Honywood, Lieut.-Colonel 3d dragoons, to Sth ditto. 1776 Military Department. 219 1756 May 22. William Kingsley— from 3d foot guards : died. —69 Nov. 3. Bernard Hale— Irish Artillery. Resigned. — 73 May 1. Hon. George Lane Parker — from foot guards to 1 2th dragoons. — 82 Mar. 25. William Wynyard — from foot guards : died. — 89 12. West Hyde, Lieut.-Col. ist foot guards : died. — 97 2. Charles Leigh — from 8 2d foot. N. B. — In 1756 a second battalion was added to this legifnent, which was disjoined from it in 1758, and formed the 67th regiment of foot. Foot — 2 1st Regiment (or Royal Scots Fuzileers). Blue facings, white lace, with a wbite stripe. Charles, Earl of Mar — died in 1689. , Thomas Buchan. Francis Fergus O'Farrell — broke in 1695 for surren- reridering Deynse to the French. Robert Mackay. Archibald Row — killed in 1704, at Blenheim. John, Viscount Mordaunt — exchanged from 28th f. Sampson 3e Lalo — killed in 1709 at Malplaquet. John, Viscount Mordaunt, again — died in 1710. Thomas Meredith — from 37th to 20th foot. Charles, Earl of Orrery — from 3th foot, died in 1731. , 16 July -12. George Macartney — from 22d foot, broke, to 7th horse. 27 Mar. 9. Sir James Wood, Bart. — died. 1738 1678 Sept. 23- —86 July .29. —89 Mar. 1. — 93 Nov. J3- —97 Jan- 1. 1704 Aug. 25- — 06 June 26. 09 Sept. 4- — 10 May 1. -_ Dec. 8. 220 Military Department. 1738 Nov. — 32 Apr. 1. 29. — 70 May — 89 June 10. 6. —94 1803 Aug. 20. 6. 1. John Campbell — from 39th foot to 2d dragoons. William, Earl of Panmure — from 25th foot to 2d guards. Hon. Alexander Mackay— from half-pay I22d foot. Hon. James Murray — from 13th foot. James Hamilton — from 13th foot. Hon. William Gordon — from 71st foot. Foot — 22d (or Cheshire) Regiment. Pale buff facings, white lace, with one blue and one red strips. 1689 Mar. 16. Henry, Duke of Norfolk — from 1 2th foot : died in 1 701. Sept. 25. Sir Henry Bellasis, Knt.— from 6th to 2d foot. 1 701 June 29. William Selwyn— from 2d foot : died. — 02 20. Thomas Handasyde — diedin 1709. — 12 Apr. 3. Roger Handasyde, his son— 6th foot. — 30 Aug. 25. William Barrell—from 28th to 4th foot. — 34 Oct. 30. Hon. James St Clair-— from 3d foot guards to ist foot. — 37 June* 27. John Moyle — from 36th foot: died. — 38 Dec. 13. Thomas Paget — from 32d foot: died. — 41 Aug. 1 2. Richard O'Farrell, Lieut.-Col. 9th foot — died. — 37- July 11. Edward Whitmore, Lieut.-Col. 36th foot: died. — 62 Mar. 29. Hon. Thomas Gage— from iSthfoot to 17th drag. — 82 Apr. 18. Charles O'Hara, from 2d foot guards, to 74th foo$. — 92 ¦ David Dundas, Lieut.-Col— 7th dragoons. — 93 Dec. 26. William Crosbie — 89th foot. — 98 June 18. John Graves Simcoe—Canada corps. Fo'or Military Department. 22 r Foot — 23d Regiment (or Royal Welsh Fuzileers). Blue facings, white lace, with red, blue, and yellow stripes. 1688 Mar. 17.- Henry, Lord Herbert of Cherbury— died in 1689. — 89 Apr. 10. Charles Herbert — killed in 1691. — 91 July 31. Toby Purcell— died. — 92 Apr. 20. Sir John Morgan, Bart. — 93 Feb. 28. Richard Ingoldsby— died. 1705 Apr. 1. Joseph Sabine, Lieut.-Col. 23d foot— died. — 39 Nov. 23. Newsham Peers, ditto — killed at Dettingen. — 43 July 29. JohnHuske — from 3 2d foot: died. —61 Jan. 16. Hon. George Boscawen — from 29th foot : died. — 75 May 11. Hon. Sir William Howe, K. B. — from 46th foot to 19th dragoons. — 86 Apr. 21. Richard Grenville — from 2d foot guards. N. B. — In 1756 a second battalion was added to this regiment, which was disjoined from it in 1758, and formed the 68th regiment of foot. Foot — 24th (or 2d Warwickshire) Regiment. Willow green facings, white lace, with one red and one green stripe, 1689 Mar. 28. Sir Edward Dering-- died in Ireland. . Sept. 27. Daniel Dering, his brother—died. 1 79 1 222 Military Department. 1 69 1 June 1. Samuel Venner— died. 93 Mar. 13. Lewis Marq. de Puizar — died.' 1701 1. William Seymour — 4th foot. — 02 Feb. 1. John, Earl of Marlborough— from 3d horse to irt foot guards. — 04 Aug. 25. William Tatton, Lieut.-Col. 24th foot, Major ist foot guards. -—08 Mar. 9. Gilbert Primrose — died in 1731. —17 Sept. 10. Thomas Howard, Lieut.-Colonel 24th foot, to 3d foot. 37 June 27. Thomas Wentworth — from 39th foot to 6th horse. — 45 Jan. 22. Daniel Houghton— from 45th foot : died. — 47 Dec. 1. William, Earl of Ancram, Lieut.-Col. nth drag. — 52 Feh- 8. Hon. Edward Cornwallis — 40th foot : died. — 76 Jan. 13. William Taylor — from 60th foot : died. — 93 Nov. 18. Richard Whyte— from half-pay 96th foot. N. B.— A second battalion was added to this regiment, which in 1758 was disjoined from it, and made the 69th regiment of foot. Foot — 25th (or the Suffolk) Regiment. Deep yellow facings, while lace, with ablue, yellow, and red stripe *, 1689 Mar. 19. David, Earl of Leven — Governor of Edinburgh Castle : died. . — 94 — — — — James Maitland. 1711 Apr. 13. William Breton — from 24th foot broke : died. — 15 Jan. 27. Richard, Viscount Shannon — from 6th foot broke, to 7th horse. — 25 June 17. John Middleton— from -—— — to 13th foot. — 32 May 29. John, Earl of Rothes— from foot guards, to 6th drag. 1745 * 800 men raised and armed at Edinburgh in two hours,— Gazette %%th March 1689. ' 1 Missing Page Missing Page Military Department. 27-5 1745 Apr. 25". Hugh, Lord Semple— from 42dfoot : died. —46 Dec. 23. John, Earl of Crawfurd-from 42d to 2d dragoons. ~47 1. William, Earl of Panmure— from ad foot guards to 2 ist foot. 52 Apr. 29. William, Earl of Home— from 3d foot guards-: died. —61 May 29, Sir Henry Erskine, Bart—from 67th to Ist foot. —62 Dec. 22. Lord George Henry Lenox— Lieut-Colonel »d foot. 1805 Mar. 26. Honble. Charles Fit2roy~from half pay 2d battalion 20th foot. Foot— 26th (or Cameronian) Regiment. Pale yellow facings, white' lace, with one blue, and two yellow and red stripes *. 1689 Apr. 19. James, Earl of A.ngus, son to the Marquis of Dou glas — killed in. 1692 at Steinkirk. — 92 Aug. I. Andrew Monro. — -g^ 25. James Ferguson— killed at the Bush, in Brabant, in . l7°5- 1703 Oct. 24. John Bofthwick — killed in 1706 at Ramillies. — 06 Jan. 1. John, Earl of Suir— Irom Dutch service to 2d dra goons. ¦ Aug. 24. George Preston, Lieut. ^Governor Edinburgh castle. — 20 May 3. Philip Anstruther. — 60 Nov. 26. Edward Sandford— from 32d to ioth foot, — 63 Jan. 14. John Scot — from 108th foot. [vol. 11. J (^ 1773 s * Cameronians, 180O men, raised and formed into this regiment in one day in Scotland, 226 Military Department. 1775 Dec. 27. Lord Adam Gordon — from 66th to 1st foot. — 82 May 16. Sir. William Erskine, Bart. — from 80th foot. — 95 Mar. 25. Hon. Charles Stuart, K- B. — from half-pay. 180 1 28. Andrew Gordon — from 39th foot. Foot — 27th (or Enniskillen) Regiment. Raised at Enniskillen. Bi/fffacings, white lace, with one blue and one red stripe. Zachariah Tiffin — died. Thomas Whetham — from 12th foot.' Richard Molesworth, Viscount Molesworth, from 19th foot, broke, to 9th dragoons. Archibald Hamilton — from 14th dragoons. William, Lord Blakeney, Lieut.-Colonel 27th foot. Hugh Warburton — from 43th foot : died. Sir Eyre Coote — from half-pay 79th to 37th foot. Eyre Massey, Lord Clarina, Lieut.-Colonel : died. 1804 May 23. Francis, Earl of Moira— from half-pay 103th foot. 1689 June 26. 1702 19, — 23 Mar. 22. — 31 May 29, —37 June 22 — 61 Sept. 24 —71 — — 5- —73 Feb. 19. Foot Military Department. 1.27 Foot — 28th (or North Gloucestershire) Regiment. Bright yellow facings, wbite lace, with one yellow and two black stripes. 1694 Feb. 16. Sir John Gibson, Knt. Governor of Portsmouth— ¦> died in 17 17. Sampson de Lalo — from 21st foot : died. John, Viscount Mordaunt— from 21st foot : died in 1710. Andrew Windsor — died. William Barrell — from 22d to 12th foot. Nicholas Price-— from 33th foot, broke : died^ Philip Bragg : died. George, Viscount (now Marquis) Townshend — from 64th foot to 6th dragoon guards. , Thomas Erie, Lieut.-Colonel. Sir Charles Grey, K. B. — from half-pay 98th foot. James Paterson, Lieut.-Col. : died. Robert Prescott— from half-pay 94th foot. 1701 Feb. —06 June 1. 29. — 09 Oct. 1. —13 Sept. —30 Aug. —34 Oct. 27. 25- IO. —59 °ct- 24. —73 July — 77 Mar. —87 July 15 4- *3- 6, Foot— &29th (or Worcestershire) Regiment. Yellow facings, white lace, with two blue and one yellow stripe. 1702 Feb. 12. Thomas Farrington — from 28th foot ; broke. —12 Octi 7. Lord Mairk Ker, Lieut.-Col. 13th foot, broke, to 13th ditto. q,2 1725 228 Military Department. 1725 Dec. 23. Henry Disney — from 36th foot : died. — 31 Nov. 22. William Anne, Earl, of Albemarle, Lieut.-Colonel 2d foot guards, to 3d horse guards. -—33 June 3. George Read — from 9th foot. — 39 Aug. 28. Francis Fuller, Lieut.-Col. Ist foot guards. — 48 June 9. Peregrine Thomas Hopson, Lieut.-Colonel 2.9th foot, to 40th ditto. — 52 Mar. 4. Hon. George Boscawen-— from foot guards to 23d foot. — 61 Jan. 16. George, Lord Forbes, Earl of Granard-— from 76th foot : died. —6g Nov. 3. William Evelyn— -from foot guards : died. — 88 Jan. 29. Charles, Earl of Harrington — from 63d foot to ist regt. life guards. — 92 Dec. 8. William Schaw, Lord Cathcart — from foot guardsto 2d life guards. —97 Aug. 8. Gordon Forbes — from 105th foot. Foot — 30th (or Cambridgeshire) Regiment. Pale yellow facings, white lace y with a sky-blue stripe. Thomas Saunderson— sold. Thomas Pownall— ditto. Charles Willis — 3d foot. Ge.orge, Lord Forrester — from 2d grenadier guards. Thomas Stanwix-.from 43d foot, broke, to 12th foot, broke. Andrew Bisset— died. Henry de Grangues — from 60th foot to 9th. drag. Charles Frampton, Lieut.-Col. ist foot guards. John, Earl of Loudoun— -from 3d foot guards. 1770 1702 Feb. 12. — 04 Dec. —05 Oct. '5- — 16 Jan. —27 July 5- »7- Aug. —42 Oct. —43 APr- —49 Nov. 25- 24. 1 1 Military Department. ; -229 1770 Apr. 30. John Parslow— from 54th foot : died. — 86 Nov. 13. William Roy, Lieut.-Col. Engineers : died. — 90 July 10. Sir Henry Calder, Bart. L.-Col. 49th foot :— died. — 92 Feb. 11. Thomas Clarke— from 31st foot : died. —90 Nov. 7. Robert Manners — from 2d batt. 9th foot. Foot — 31st (or Huntingdonshire) Regiment. Buff facings, while lace, with a blue and yellow worm, and a small red stripe. George Villiers— drowned in 1703, at Priuli. Alexander Lutterell : died., Josiah Churchill— sold. Sir Harry Goring, Bart. — diedini73i. Lord John Ker — died. Charles Cathcart — from 9th foot to 8th dragoons. William Hargrave — from 9th foot. * William Handasyde. Lord Henry Beauelerk— from foot guards. Resigned. Henry Holmes— -from half-pay marines. Sir James Adolphus Dickson Oughton, K. B.— from 53th foot. Thomas Clarke — from 2d foot guards to 30th fpot. James Stuart — from halfpay as Lieut.-Colonel 90th foot. —93 Feb. 8. Henry, Lord Mulgrave — from foot guards. N. B.— This regiment had a second battalion added to it in 1756, but which "was disjoined from it in 1758, and made the 70th regiment 'of foot. 9_ 3 Foot 1702 Feb. 12. — °3 Dec. 6. —06 Feb. 1. — 11 Mar. 1. —16 Sept. 8. —28 Aug. 3i- —3° Jan. 1. —37 June 27. —45 Apr. 22. —49 May 8. —62 Aug. 20. —80 May 3- —92 Feb. 11. 230 Military Department. Foot— 32d (or Cornwall) Regiment. White facings, white lace, and a black stripe. 1702 Feb. 12. Edward Fox — killed at Gibraltar in 1704. —04 Dec. 3. Jacob Borr — died. —23 June 28. Charles Duboufay — from 46th foot, broke : died. —32 July — t Thomas Paget, Lieut.-Colonel 2d grenadier guards, to 22d foot. —38 Dec. 15. Simpn Descury, Lieut.-Col. 13th foot : died. —40 — — 25.' John Huske, Major 2d foot guards, to 23d foot. —43 Aug. 27. Henry Skelton — from 3d foot guards to 12th horse. —45 May 29. William Douglas — from 3d foot guards : died. — 47 Dec. 1. Francis Leighton, Lieut.-Col. 27th foot. —73 June 11. Rpbert Rqbinson — A. C. K. and Lieut.-Colonel 67th foot. — 75 Oct. 18. William Amherst — from foot guards : died. — 81 May 17. Ralph, Earl of Ross — half-pay 92d foot : died. 1802 Sept. 4. James Ogilvie— from 89th foot. FooTr— 33d (or 1st Yorkshire, West Riding) Regt. Red facings, white lace, with a red stripe in the middle. 1702 Feb. 12. James Stanhope. —03 George, Earl of Huntingdon — resigned : died in 1705- —04 ¦ Henry Leigh— died. J7°5 Military Department. 231 1705 Feb. 12. Robert Duncanson — killed at Alcantara in 1703. June 9. George Wade, Lieut.-Col. ioth foot, to 4th horse., — 17 Mar. 12. Henry Hawley, Lieut.-Col. 4th dragoons, to 13th ditto. — 3° Jaly 9- Robert Dalzell — 41st foot, broke, to 38th ditto. — 39 Nov. 7. John Johnson — J-ieut.-Col. 12th dragoons : died. —53 — ~ 20- Lord Charles Hay — from ist foot guards : died. —63 May 3. Sir John Griffin Griffin, K.B — from 50th foot, to horse grenadier guards. — 66 Mar. 21. Charles, Earl (afterwards Marquis) Cornwallis, A. C. K. Lieut.-Col. 1 2th foot. 1806 Feb. 1. Hon. Sir Arthur Wellesley, K.B. Lieut.-Col. 33d foot. Foot — 34th (or Cumberland) Regiment. Bright yellow facings, white lace, with a blue and yellow worm, and a red stripe, Robert Lord Lucas — died in 1705. Hans Hamilton — from 16th foot. Thomas Chudleigh — died in 1726. Robert Hayes— died at Jamaica. Stephen Cornwallis — nth foot. Lord James Cavendish — died in 1731. Hon. James Cholmondeley— from 59th foot, to 12th dragoons. Hon. Henry Seymour Conway— from 48th foot, to 13th dragoons. John Russell — from ist foot guards : died. Thomas, Earl of Effingham — from horse grenadier guards, to ist horse grenadier guards. —60 Oct. 30. Lord Frederick Cavendish — from 67th foot, re signed. —97 July 19. George Ferdinand, Lord Southampton — from 1st foot guards. 0^4 Foot 1702 Feb. 12. — 05 — — 1. —11 Nov. 3°- — 23 Feb. 18. —32 Jan. 8. —38 Nov. 1. —42 Dec. 18. —49 July 24. —51 Dec. 7- —34 Dec, 2. 232- Military Department. Foot— 35th (or Dorsetshire) Regiment. , Orange facings, white lace,- with one yellow stripe. 1701 June 28. Arthur, Earl of Donnegal— killed in Spain in 1 706. —06 Apr. 13. Richard Gorges — from 11th foot, broke : died in 1728.' — 17 July 20. Charles Otway — died. — 64 Aug. 10. Henry Fletcher, Lieut.-Col. 33th foot : died. 1803 Mar. 17. Charles Lenox — from half-pay 2d batt. 35th foot. Foot — 36th (or Herefordshire) Regiment. Green facings, wbite lace, with one red and one green stripe. 1701 Aug. 21'. William, Viscount Charlemont— removed by the Earl of Peterborough. — 06 May 10. Thomas Allnut — died. — 39 Mar. 20. Archibald, Earl of Isla, Duke of Argyle — resigned. — 10 Oct. 13. Henry Disney — from 29th' foot. — 13 July 11. William Egerton — from 20th foot. , — 19 July 7. Sir Charles Hotham, Bart. — from 44th and 16th foot, broke, to 8th foot. — 20 Dec. 2. John Pocock — from 47th foot, broke, to 8th ditto. — 21 Apr. 21. Charles Lanoe — from ditto to ditto. — 33 May 14. John Moyle — from ditto to 22d foot. — 37 June 27. Humphry Bland, Lt.-Col. 2d horse, to 13th drag. — ;i'Jan. 9. James Fleming, Lieut.-Col. 7th foot. — 31 Mar. 31. Lord Robert Manners — from ist foot guards, to 3d " dragoon guards. —65 Sept. 11. Sir Richard Pearson, K. B. — fiom 63d foot to 13th * dragoons. — 78 Nov. 26. Hon. Henry St John— from half-pay 91st foot. Foot ' Military Department. 333 FooT^-37th (or the North Hampshire) Regiment. Yellow facings, white lace, with a red and a yellow stripe. 1702 Feb. 13. Thomas Meredyth — from 21st foot. — IO May 10. William Windress : died. — 13 Aug. 23. Honourable John Fane, Earl of'"WestmoreIand — from Lieut.-Colonel 37th foot to 1st grenadier guards. —17 Dec. 11. Edward, Viscount Hinchinbroke — from 48th foot reduced : died. —22 Aug. 4. Honble. Robert Murray — from 38th foot. — 25 Mar. 13. Henry Ponsonby — killed at Fontenoy, 7th July .'745- " . - — 45 June 17. Sir Robert Munro, Bart. — killed at Falkirk, Jan. 17. 1746. —46 Apr. 3. Lewis Dejean — from Lieut.-Colonel ist grenadier guards to 14th dragoons. —32 Nov. 27. Honourable James Stuart — from 3d foot guards: died. — 68 May 9. Sir "George Gray, Bart — from 6 ist foot: died. — -73 Feb. 19. Sir Eyre Coote, K.B. — from 27th foot : died. -1-83 Nov. 1. Sir John Dalling, Bart. — from 43d foot : died. — 98 Jan. 18. Sir Hew Dalrymple, knt.— from 8 ist foot. Foor 234 Military Department. Foot — 38th (or the 1st Staffordshire) Regiment. Yellow facings, white lace, with two red and one yellow stripe. 1702 Feb. 13. Luke Lillingston : died. —08 June 2. James Jones : died. — n Nov. 27. Francis Alexander, broke. —17 Sept. 23. Richard Lucas — from 48th foot broke. —29 Dec. 23. Edward Jones : died. — 33 May 13. Honble. Robert Murray — from 37th foot : died. — 38 Mar. 30. Charles, Duke of Marlborough — from 1 st dragoons; —39 Nov. 7. Robert Dalzell — from 33d foot broke. —30 Mar. 13. Richard Phillips — from 40th foot : died. —52 Feb. 27. Alexander Duroure — from Lieut.-Colonel 24th foot to 4th foot... —56 May 26. Sir James Lockhart Ross, Bart.— from Lieut.-Col. 33d foot. — 60 Oct. 12. David Watson— from 63d foot. — 62 Nov. 11. Andrew Robinson — from 43th foot. — — — Apr. 12. Sherrington Talbot — from 74th foot. — 66 Nov. 24. Cadwallader, Lord Blaney — from half pay 91st foot. — 75 Dec. 11. Sir Robert Pigot, bart.— from 33th foot. — 96 Aug. 2. James Rooke — from half-pay. 1803 Oct. 9. Honble. Sir George James Ludlow, K.B.— from 96th foot. Foot Military Department. 235 Foot — 39th (or the East Middlesex) Regiment. Green facings, white lace, with a tight green stripe. 1702 Feb. 13. Richard Coote : died. — 03 Mar. 17. Nicholas Sankey : died. —19 — — 11. Thomas Ferrers ---from 23d dragoons broke to 17th foot. —22 Sept. 28. William Newton— from 13th dragoons broke : died. —30 Nov. 10. John Cope — Lieut.-Colonel 2d grenadier guards to 3th foot. Thomas Wentworth— from 24th foot. John Campbell — from 25th foot. Richard Onslow — from 8th foot. Robert Dalway — from 13th dragoons. 28. Samuel W. Whitshed — Lieutenant-Colonel 8th dragoons to 12th dragoons. Edward Richbell — from 6 2d foot broke to 17th foot. John Adlercron— Lieut.-Colonel 7th foot : .died. Sir Robert Boyd, K.B. — from ist foot guards : died. Nisbett Balfour — from 94th foot. ¦ — 32 Dec. ij- —37 June —38 Nov. 27. 1. —39 June —40 Dec. 6. 28. —45 June 14- — 57 Mar. —66 Aug; —94 J^y 14. 6. 2. Foot — 40th (or the 2d Somersetshire) Regiment. Buff facings, white lace, with a red and a black stripe. 1 717 Aug. 23. Richard Phillips — from 1 2th foot. -—30 Mar. 31. Honble. Edward Cornwallis — from foot guards to 24th foot. 1752 236 Military Department. 1732 Mar. 4. Peregrine Thomas Hopson — from 29th foot. — 39 June 9. Honble. John Barrington— from 63d to 8th foot. . — 60 Dec. 10. Robert Armiger — from 65th foot. —70 Mar. 20. Sir Robert Hamilton — from 107th halfpay. —86 Aug. 11. Sir George Osborn, Bart.— from 73d foot. Foot — 41st Regiment. Formerly a Regiment of Invalids. Blue facings, Plain Button Holes. 1719 Mar. 11. Edmund Fielding— from 53d foot broke. —43 Apr. 1. Tomkins Wardour — Lieut.-Colonel 2d horse guards. — 32 Mar. 4. John Parsons — from 2d foot guards. — 64 May 16. Alexander, Lord Lindores— --from 3d foot guards. —6$ Sept. 6. John Parker — from foot guards. — 71 Aug. 3. Jorden Wren— Lieut. -Colonel 37th foot. —¦84 Jan. 14. Archibald McNab — from half pay late 88th foot. On the 23th December 1787, his Majesty was pleased to make this a regiment of the line, and assign it the following uniform* viz. v Red facings, white lace, wilh a black stripe in the middle. 1787 Dec. 25. Archibald McNab : died. 1790 Jan. 13. Sir Thomas Stirling, Bart.— from half pay late 71st reduced. Foot Military Department. 237 Foot— 42d (or Royal Highland) Regiment. Blue facings, white lace, with a red stripe. 1739 Oct. 25. John, Earl of Craufurd — from 3d foot guards to 2d grenadier guards. — 41 Jan. 14. Hugh, Lord Semple — Lieutenant-Colonel 19th foot, to 25th foot. — 45 Apr. 23. Lord John Murray— from 3d foot guards. — 87 June 1. Sir Hector Munro, K.B from halfpay late 89th foot. 1806 Jan. 7. George, Marquis of Huntly— from 92d foot. N.B. This regiment had a second battalion added to itin 1758-- and which was disbanded in 1763. Another second battalion was added to this regiment, and sent to the East Indies, and was disjoined and formed into the 73d regiment in the year 1786. Foot— 43d (or the Monmouthshire) Regiment. White facings, white lace, with a red and a black stripe. 1-741 Jan. 3. Thomas Fowke— Lieutenant-Colonel 7th dragoons to 2d foot. — — Aug. 12. William Graham — Lieut.-Colonel 2d foot. — 46 Feb. 7. James Kennedy— from marines. 1 761 238 Military Department. 176 1 Mar. 24. Sharrington Talbot — from 74th foot to 38th foot. ¦ — 62 Apr. 12. Honble. Bennet Noel — from 2d foot guards : died. — 66 Sept. 26. Honble. George Cary — from 63d foot : died. — 92 Apr. 26. Edward Smith— Lieut.-Colonel horse guards. Foot — 44th (or the East Essex) Regiment. Yellow facings, white lace, with blue, yellow, and black stripes. 1741 Jan. 7. James Long— from ist foot guards to 4th marines. —43 Mar. ir. John Lee — Lieut.-Colonel 4th foot. — 51 Feb. 26. Sir Peter Halket, Bart. — Lieut-Colonel 53th foot, killed near Fort du Quesne, 1755. — SS Nov. 13. Robert Ellison — Lieut.-Col. 35th foot : died. — 56 Mar. 13. James Abercrombie— from 50th foot: died. — 81 May 4. Charles Rainsford — from foot guards. Foot— -45th (or the Nottinghamshire) Regiment. Deep green facings, white lace, with a green stripe. 1741 Jan. 11. Daniel Houghton — from ist foot guards to 24th foot. — 43 June 2. Hugh Warburton — from 27th foot. — 61 Sept. 24. Andrew Robinson— from foot guards : died. 1761 Military Department. 230/ 1761 Nov. 11. Honble. John Boscawen — from 73th foot : died. — 67 June 1. William Haviland— from 60th foot : died. —84 Oct. 18. Sir John Wrottesley, Bart. — from foot guards : died. —87 Apr. 25. James Cunninghame — from half pay, late Governor of Barbadoes. —88 Sept.' 11. James Worwood Adeane — from horse grenadier guards. 1802 Apr. 22. Cavendish Lister — Lieut.-3d foot guards. Foot — *6th (or the South Devonshire) Regiment. Yellow facings , while lace, with red apd purple worms. 1741 Jan. 11. John Price — from 1 st foot guards. —43 June 23. Honourable Thomas Murray— Lieut.-Colonel 3d foot guards. —64 Nov. 21. Honourable William Howe— Lieut.-Colonel 38th foot to 23d foot. — 73 May 11. Honble. Sir John Vaughan, K.B. — from half pay 94th foot. — 95 Aug. 8. Sir James Henry Craig, K.B.— Lieut.-Colonel 16th foot to 86th foot. 1804 Jan. 6. John White — from ist West India Regiment. Foot 24° Military Department. Foot— 47th (or the Lancashire) Regiment. White facings, wbite lace, with one red and two black stripes. 1741 Jan. 15. John Mordaunt — from 3d foot guards to 18th foot. — 43 Mar. 13. Peregrine Lascelles — Lieutenant-Colonel ist foot guards. — 72 Apr. 2. Guy Carleton, Lord Dorchester— from half-pay 93d foot to 13th dragoons. 1 — 90 July 16. Adam Williamson — Lieut.-Colonel 18th foot to 72d, foot. — 94 Mar. 19. William Dalrymple-Jate Quartermaster-General in North America. Foot — 48th (or the Northamptonshire) Regiment* Buff facings, -white lace, with a black and a red stripe. 1741 Jan. 13. Honble. James Cholmondeley — Lieutenant-Colonel 3d horse guards to 34th foot. —43 Mar. 14. Lord Harry Beauelerk— Lieutenant-Colonel ist foot guards to 31st foot. —45 Apr. 25. Francis Ligonier — Lieutenant-Colonel 8th drag. — 46 —— 6. Honble. Henry Seymour Conway — from foot guards to 34th foot. »74Sr Military Department. 241 1740 July 24. George, Viscount Torrington — from half pay 4th marines. —50 Aug. 11. William, ..Earl of Home — from 3d .foot guards to 23th foot. — 52 Apr. 29. Thomas Dunbar — Lieutenant-Colonel 18th foot, resigned and made Lieut.-Governor. — SS Nov. 11. Daniel Webb — from Lieut.-Colonel 8th horse to 8th foot. — 66 Dec. 16. William Browne — from the half pay of 73d foot : died. —73 ",—— x5- William Alexander Sorrel— from- 2d foot guards ; died. — 83 Mar. 3 1. Robert Skene — Adjut.-General North Britain : died. — 87 May 23. Patrick Tonyn — from halfpay. 1803 Jan. 1. Lord Charles Fitzroy— from 60th foot. Foot— 49th (or the Hertfordshire) Regiment. Full green facings, white lace, with two red and one green stripe. 1743 Dec. 25. Edward Trelawny— governor of Jamaica. — 34 Jan. 22. George Walsh — Lieut.-Colonel 9th foot. — 6 1 Oct. 24. John Stanwix — from 60th foot to 8th foot. — 64 Apr. 21. David Graeme — from half pay 103th foot to 19th foot. —68 May 23. Honble. Alexander Maitland — from ist foot guards. [vol. ri.J r Foot 242 Military Department* Foot — 50th (or the West Kent) Regiment. Black facings, white lace, with a red f tripe. 1733 Dec. 18. James Abercromby— Lieut.-Colonel ist foot to 44th foot. — 56 May 10. Studholme Hodgson — from foot guards to 3th foot. ---39 Oct. 23. John Griffin Griffin — from 3d foot guards to 33d foot. — 60 May 3. Edward Carr — from ist foot guards : died. - — 64 Sept. 3. Sir William Boothby, Bart. — from 63d to 6th foot. — 74 Feb. 3. Michael O'Brien Dilkes— --late Quartermaster- Gene ral, Ireland. — 73 Sept. 1. Honble. George Monson — from half pay 96th foot : died. — 77 Apr. 30. Sir Thomas Spencer Wilson, Bart.— from 2d foot , gua.ds : died. ¦ — 98 Aug. 31. Sir James Duff, knt.— from ist foot guards. F00T — 51st (or the 2d Yorkshire, West Riding) Regt. Deep green facings, white lace, with a green worm stripe. 1733 Dec. 19. Robert Napier — Adjutant-General South Britain, to 1 2th foot. 37 Apr. 22. Thomas Brudertell — Lieut.-Colonel : died. 67 June 14. Honble. Archibald Montgomery, afterwards Earl "of Eglintoune^ — from half pay 77th foot to 2d dragoons. —95 Dec! 8. Anthony George Martin — from foot guards : died. 1800 May 9. William Morshead — from 60th foot. 1 Foot Military Department. 243 Foot. — 52d (or the Oxfordshire) Regiment. Ruff facings, white lace, with a red worm and one orange stripe. 1755 Dec. 20. Hedworth Lambton — from 3d foot guards. —58 June 7. Edward Sandford— from 2d foot guards to 26th foot. — 60 Nov. 27. Sir John Saunders Sebright — from 83d to 18th foot. —62 Apr. 1. Sir John Clavering, K. B. — frpm 2d foot guards. . — 78 May 14. Cyrus Trapaud — from 70th foot. 1801 — — 8. Sir fohn Moore, K. B. — from 2d batt. J2d foot. N. B . This regiment had a second battalion, which was formed into the 96th regiment of foot, May 1801. Foot. — 53d (or the Shropshire) Regiment. Red facings, white lace, with a red stripe. 1733 Dec. 21. William Whitmore — from foot guards to 9th foot. — 39 Apr. 3. John Toovey- — dragoons. > — 70 Feb. 3. Robert Dalrymple Horn Elphinstone — from half pay 1 20th foot. — 94 May -2. Gerard Lake — from foot guards to 73d footi — 96 Nov. 3. Welbore Ellis Doyle — from half pay : died. — 97 Jan. 3. Charles Crosbie — from half pay. k. 2 Foot 244 Military Department. F00T. — 54th (or the West Norfolk) Regiment. Popinjay green facings, white lace, with a green stripe. 1733 Dec. 23. John Campbell — A. C. K. and LieutenantrColonel 42d foot to 14th dragoons. . — 37 Apr.' 3. John Grey — Lieut.-Colonel 36th foot. 67 Sept. 11. John Parslow — from 70th to 30th foot. 76 Apr. 30. Mariscoe.Frederick — from half pay 73th foot. 1801 May 8. Sir David Baird, K.C. — from 2d battalion 54th'foot. Foot. — 55th, (or the Westmoreland) Regiment. Dark greeh facings, wbite lace, with two green stripes. Charles Perry — from foot guards. George Augustus Viscount Howe — from 6oth foot : kilfed. 28. John Prideaux — from foot guards : killed. 20. James Adolphus Oughton — Lieutenant-Colonel 37th foot to 31st foot. William Gansell — frotri foot guards. Richard, Earl of Cavan— frdm foot guards. Robert Pigot — Lieut.-Colonel 38th to 38th foot. James Grant- — Lieut.-Colonel 40th to nth foot. Loftus Anthony Tottenham— from halfpay. Foot 1733 Dec. —57 Sept. 25- 28. —58 Oct. 28. —59 July 20. — 62 Aug. 20. —74 Aug. —75 Sept. Dec. 3- 7- n. — 91 Nov. 9- Military Department. -245 Foot. — 56th (or the West Essex) Regiment. Purple facings, white lace, with a pink coloured stripe. * 1755 Dec. 28. Lord Chaeles Manners — from foot guards. —61 — — 17'. Honble. William Keppel — from foot guards to 14th. foot. —6s June 12. James Durand— from ist foot guards. — 66 May 22. Hunt Walsh — Lieut.-Colonel 28th foot. —93 Mar. 7. Samuel Hulse — from foot guards. -—97 Jan. 24. Honble. Chapel Norton — from 81st foot. Foot.—- 57th (or the West Middlesex) Regiment, Yellow facings, white lace, with a black stripe. 1753 Dec. 26. John Arabin— Lieut.-Colonel 8th dragoons. —.37 -Mar. 22. Sir David Cunninghame, Bart.— Lieutenant-Colonel 25th foot. —67 Nov. 4. Sir John Irwine, K.B. — halfpay 74th f. to 6th horse. _8o .. 2. John Campbell— Lieut.-Colonel 17th Soot, r 3 Foot 246 Military Departments Foot.— 58th (or the Rutlandshire) Regiment. Black facings, wbite late, with a red stripe, Robert Anstruther — Lieut.-Colonel 26th foot. Robert Cunninghame — -from half-pay to 14th foot. Honble. George West — from foot guards. Lancelot Baugh — from foot guards to 6th fpot. George Scot — from halfpay 89'th foot. 1733 Dec. 28. —67 — — x4 —75 Oct. 18. —76 Feb. IO. —87 Apr. 18, Foot. — 59th (or the 2d Nottinghamshire) Regiment. - Purple facings, white lace, with a red and yellow stripe. 1JS5 Dec. 30. Charles Montagu — from foot guards to 2d foot. — 70 Nov. 27. John Owen — Lieut.-Colonel dragoons. — 76 Jan. 12. Sir David Lindsay, Bart.— from ist foot guards. — 97 Mar. 14. Andrew Gordon — Lieut.-Colonel 89th foot to 26th foot. 1801 28. Alexander Ross — from 89th foot. Foot Military Department. 247 Foot, — 60th (or Royal American) Regiment. Four Battalions. Blue facings, white lace, with two blue stripes. Colonels in Chief. *755 Dec- 25. John, Earl of Loudoun. — 57 27. James Abercromby. —38 Sept. 20. Sir Jeffery Amherst, K.B. — 68 27. Honble. Thomas Gage. Nov. 7. Jeffery Lord Amherst. — 97 Aug. 23. His Royal Highness Frederick, Duke of York. Colonels Commandant. 1756 Jan. 1. John Stanwix — from halfpay 71st foot broke to 49th foot. — ¦ — — — 2. Joseph Dussaux — from halfpay late 74th foot broke. — 3. Charles Jeffereys — Lifut.-Colonel 14th foot to 14th foot. — — — — 4. James Prevost-;— raised the regiment in Germany and Switzerland. — 57 Feb. 25. George Augustus, Viscount Howe — from foot guards , to 55th foot. — — — Sept. 28. Charles Laurence — Lieut-Col. 45th foot. . Dec. 2p. Hon. Robert Monckton — Lieut.-Col. 47th to 17th f. —59 Oct. 24. Honble. James Murray— Lieut.-Colonel 13th to 13th foot. — 60 Dec. 9. William Haviland — Lieut.-Col. 27th to 43th foot. —61 Nov. 11. Marcus Smith — Lieut.-Colonel 7th to 63d foot. r. 4 The 248 Military Department. The 3d and 4th battalions, commanded by Colonels Haviland and Smith, were disbanded iii 1763. In September 1775, a 3d and 4th battalions were again added to this regiment, which were disbanded in 1783, 1767 Dec. 16. Bigbe Armstrong— from 9^d to 8th foot. —72 Oct. 20. Sir Frederick Haldimand — from 60th foot. — -73 Sept. 17. William Taylor — Lieutenant-Colonel 32d to 24th foot. . -, 18. Augustine Prevost— -Lieut.-Colonel 60th foot. —76 Jan. 1. James Robertson — Lieutenant-Colonel 6th to 1.6th foot. — 16. John Dalling— from 28th to 43d foot. —78 May 14. Gabriel Christie— from Quartermaster-General North America. In 1787, a 3d and 4th battalion were again added to this regiment.' J787 Oct. 3. 3 William Rowley— from half- pay. — — — — — 3, Hot- William Gordon — from half-pay to 7th foot." —88 20. James Rooke — from half-pay to 38th foot. —89 Apr. Alured Clarke — Lieut.-Colonel 3th to 3th foot. — 94 Aug. 2 Thomas Carleton — from 93d foot. —96 — — ' 6. Peter Hunter— from Lieut.-Colonel 60th to 9th foot. A 5th battalion added in December 1797, to consist of foreigners. 1797 Dec. 30. William Morshead — from foot guards to 31st foot: —98 Nov. 11. 1 William Gardiner — from- half- pay to 99th foot. A 6th battalion added. 1799 July 25. Robert Brownrigg — foot guards to 9th foot. 1800 May 9. 3 T. Sloughter Stanwix — from foot guards. —04 June 13. Lord Charles Fitztoy — from half-pay 2d batt. 20th foot to 48th- foot. —03 Jan. 4 Edward Morrison, Governor of Chester. — — Oct. 12. Honourable John Hope — from half-pay late North Lothian Fencibles to g2d foot. —06 Jan. 7. 6 Napier Christie Burton — from Liput.-Colonel 3d foot guards. N. B. The 6cth regiment consists of 6 battalions, and the figures shew by whom each battalion is commanded. Fo lOT Military Department.' 249 Foot — 61st (or South Gloucestershire) Regiment. The second battalion of the 3d Regt. Buf facings, white lace, with a blue stripe. 1738 Apr. 21. Granville Elliot— -from the Elector Palatine's ser vice. 1 —39 July 19. Sir George Gray, Bart. Lieut.-Colonel horse gre nadier guards, to 37th foot. — 68 May 9. John G°re---from 3d foot guards to 6th foot. — 73 Feb. 14. John Barlow, Lieut. -Col. 61st foot : died. —78 May 24. Staats Long Morris — from half-pay 89th foot : died. 1800 Apr. 4. George Hewitt — from 2d batt. 5th foot. Foot— 62d (or Wiltshire) Regiment. The second battalion of the 4th Regt. Yellowish buff facings, white lace, with two blue and one straw- coloured stripe. 1738 Apr. 21. William Strode—from foot guards. —76 Jan. 15. Valentine Jones,, Lieut.-Col. ^2d foot. _ 79 Nov. 1 7. Edward Matthew — from foot guards. 1806 Jan. George Nugent — from 85th foot. Foot 250 Military Department, Foot— 63d (or West Suffolk) Regiment. The second battalion of the Sth Regt. Deep green facings, white lace, with a small green stripe. 1738 Apr. 21. David Watson, Qr. M. G. to 38th foot. —60 Oct. 12. Sir William Boothby, Bart. Lieut.-Col. 30th foot, to 30th ditto. — 64 Apr. 11. Richard Pearson — from foot guards to 36th foot. —65 Sept. 13. Sir Charles Hotham, Bart. — from foot guards to 13th foot. — 68 Nov. 6. Francis Grant—from half-pay 90th foot. — $2 Jan. 2. Hon. Alexander Leslie, Lieut.-Col. 64th foot, tq 14th ditto. —88 July 4. George, Earl Waldegrave — from half-pay. • — 89 Aug. 27. Alexander, Earl of Balcarras— -from half-pay 2d batt. 71st foot. Foot — :64th (or 2d Staffordshire) Regiment. The second battalion ofthe 11th Regt. Black facings, white lace, and a black stripe. 1738 Apr.' 21. Hon. John Banington— from 2d foot guards to 40th foot. —59 June 9. Hon. George Townshend — formerly in foot guards, to 28th foot. Foot Military Department. 251. *759 Dec. 20. Hon. George Cary-— from foot guards to 43d foot. — 66 Sept. 1. John Pomeroy — from half-pay 1 23d foot. —90 June 26. John Leland — from foot guards. Foot — 65th (or 2d Yorkshire West Riding) Regiment. The second battalion of the 12th Regt. White facings, white lace, with a red and black worm, and a black stripe. 1738 Apr. 21. Robert Armiger — from foot guards to~ 40th foot. —39 Dec. 8. George, Viscount Malpas—from half-pay : died. —64 Mar. 22. Hon. Alexander Mackay — from half-pay i22d, to 21st foot. —70 Nov. 10. Edward Urmston — from 2d foot guards. —79 June 6. Thomas Calcraft— from half-pay : died. *— 83 Mar. 12. Charles, Earl of Harrington — from foot guards to 29th foot. —88 Jan. 28. John Gunning— from half-pay : died. —97 Oct. 11. Edmund Stevens— from foot guards; Foot — 66th (or Berkshire) Regiment. The second battalion of the 1 9th Regt. Yellowish green facings, while lace, with crimson and green, and one green stripe. 1738 Apr. 21. Edward Sandford — from 2d foot guards to 5 2d foot. 1 Aug. 24. John Lafausille, Lieut.-Col. 8th foot. .1763 2 5 2 Military Department. 1763 Jan. 19.. Lord Adam Gordon— from 3d foot guards to 26th foot. . — 76 Jan. 13. Joseph Gabbett, Lieut.-Col. 16th foot. —94 Nov. 22. Hon. Thomas de Burgh, now Earl of Clanricarde--- frofti 96th foot. Foot — 67th (or South Hampshire) Regiment. The second battalion of the 20th Regt. Pale yellow facings, white lace, with purple, yellow, and green stripes. 1758 Apr. 21. James Wolfe, Lieut.-Col. 20th foot— killed at the battle of Quebec, Sept. 13. 1759. —39 Oct. 24. Lord Frederick Cavendish— from foot guards to 34th foot. —60 — — 30. Sir Henry Erskine— restored to his rank, to 25th foot. — 61 May 29. Hamilton Lambert, Lieut.-Col. 31st foot. — 74 Mar. 11. Edward Maxwell Brown, Lieut.-Col. 21st foot. 1803 1. Francis D'Oyley — from half-pay 2d batt. 13th foot, -——¦—— 9. Peter Craig™ from half-pay 2d batt. 62d foot, Foot Military Department, 253 Foot— 68th (or Durham) Regiment. The second battalion of the 23d Regt. Deep green facings, white lace, with yellow and black stripes. 1758 Apr. 22. John Lambton — from foot guards. — 94 Mar. 26. John Mansell, Lieut.-Colonel— killed at the battle of Cateau in Flanders, April 27. 1794- -— — May 2. Thomas Dundas— died in the West Indies. — — Aug. 6. Alured Clarke — from 60th to 3th foot. — — — Oct. 23. Hon. Charles Stuart — from half-pay to 26th foot. — 93 Mar. — . Sir Thomas Trigge,. K. B. — from 99th foot. Foot— 69th (or South Lincolnshire) Regiment. The second battalion of the 24th Regt. Willow green facings, white lace, with one red and two green stripes. 1758 Apr. 23. Hon. Charles Colville, Lieut.-Col. 25th foot. /-r Sept. 1. Hon. Philip Sherard — from foot guards. no — — 17- Ralph Abercromby — from half-pay to 6th foot. 02 Apr. 28. Henry Watson Powell, Lieut.-Col. 64th foot, to 13th ditto, q^ June 20. Cornelius Cuyler— from 86th foot. ' Foot 254 Military Department: Foot — '70th (or Surrey) Regiment. The second batta lion of the 31st Regt. Black facings, white lace, with a narrow black worm stripe. 1738 Apr. 28. John Parslow — from foot guards to 54th foot. — 60 July 10. Cyrus Trapaud, Lieut.-Col. 3d, to 5 2d foot. — 78 May 14. William Tryon — foot guards, Governor of New York. — 83 Aug. 16. John, Earl of Suffolk — half-pay. Foot — 71st Regiment. This was the first battalion ofthe 73d Regt. (Highlanders) raised by Lord Macleod. 1777 Dec. 19. John, Lord Macleod— from the Swedish service. — 89 Apr. 9. Hon. William Gordon — from 7th to 21st foot. 1803 Aug. .6. Sir John Francis Craddock, K. B. — from 2d batt. 34th foot. Foot Military Department. e^ Foot— 72d Regiment. This was formerly the 78th Regt. (Highlanders) raised by the Earl of Seaforth. 1777 Dec. 29. Lieut.-Col. Commandant, Kenneth, Earl of Seaforth. —82 Feb. 13. — . Thomas Frederick Humberston Mac kenzie. 1783 Nov. 1. Colonel James Murray — from half-pay. —94 Mar. 19. Sir Adam Williamson, K.B from 47th f. —98 Oct. 23. James Stuart— from 88th foot. Foot — 73d Regiment. This was the 2d batt. of the 42d, or Royal Highland Regt. in the East Indies, where it was regimented and made the 71st Regt. 1786 Apr. 18. Sir George Osborne, Bart. — from foot guards to 40th foot. Aug. 11. Sir William Medows, Lieut.-Col. 3th foot, to 7th -dragoon guards. —26 Nov. 2. Gerard Lake — from 36th to 80th foot. '. 1800 Feb. 14. George Harris, Lieut.-Col.— from 76th foot. Foot z^6 Military Departments Foot— 74th Regiment. 1787 Oct. 12. Sir Archibald Campbell, K.B. — half-pay as Lieut. Colonel 71st foot. —91 Apr. 1. Charles O'Hara — froma.dfoot: died. 1802 Mar. 21. John, Lord Hutchinson — from 2d batt. 40th foot. Foot — 75th Regiment. 1787 0©t. 12. Sir Robert Abercromby, K.B. Lieut.-Colonel 37th foot. Foot — 76th Regiment. 1787 Oct. 12. Thomas Musgrave, Lieut.-Colonel 40th foot. Foot — 77th Regiment. 1787 Oct. 12. James Marsh, Lieut.-Colonel 43a1 foot. 1804 June 15. Albemarle Bertie— frpm 9th foot. Foot Military Department.' 257 Foot — 78th Regiment (Highlanders). Two battalions, 1793 Mar. 8. Francis Humberstone Mackenzie ' (now Lord Sear- forth), with temporary rank as Lieut.-Colonel Commandant. Reformed. 1796 Feb. 27. Alexander Mackenzie, Lieut.-Col. 78th foot. Foot — >79th Regiment (Highlanders). 1793 Aug. 17. Allan Cameron. Foot — 80th Regiment. 1793 Sept. 12. Henry, Lord Paget, Lieut.-Col. 13th daagoons. —3.5 June l{>- Joan Sr- Leger, Lieut.-Col. i6trr dragoons : died in the East Indies. 1800 Feb. 14. Gerrard Lake, Lord Lak* — from 76th foot. iIIO" . .[vol.. 11.] * r°0T 258 Military Department. Foot— 81st Regiment (or Lincoln Volunteers). 1793 Sept. 19- Albemarle Bertie — from foot guards to 9th foot. 94 Dec. 31. Winter Blath waite, Lieut.-Col. horse guards to drag. ' 93 Mar. 23. Hon. Chapel Norton— from foot guards to 56th foot. qj Jan. 24. Gordon Forbes — from half-pay to 29th foot. Aug. 8. Sir Hugh Dalrymple, Knt. Lieut.-Col. 68th, to 37th foot. — 98 Jan. 23. John Graves Simcoe, from half-pay as Lieut.-Col. Commandant of a corps of cavalry, to 22d foot. June 18. Henry Johnson, Lieut.-Col. 17th foot. Foot — 82d Regiment (or Prince of Wales's Volunteers). Two battalions. 1794 Feb. 1. Charles Leigh — from foot guards to 20th foot. — 97 Mar. 4. James Stuart, Lieut.-Col. 72d foot. — 98 Oct. 23. Henry Pigot — from foot guards. N. B. — The second battalion was afterwards reduced. Foot Military Department. , 259 Foot — 83d Regiment. 1793 ^P1, 28- William Fitch, Lieut.-Col. Commandant— Lieut. Col. 13th foot. Killed in Jamaica. — 95 Nov. 18. James Balfour — from half-pay. Foot— -84th Regiment. Two battalions. 1793 Nov. 2. George Barnard— from foot guards. N.B The second battalion reduced in 1796. Foot — 85th Regiment. 1793 Nov. 18. George Nugent — from foot guards. 1805 Dec. Sir Charles Ross, Knt. — from half-pay id battalion 83th foot. s 2 , Foot 26o Military Department. Foot — 86th Regiment. 1793 Oct. 30. Cornelius Cuyler, Lieut.-Col. 46th, to 69th foot. — 94 June 20. Russel Manners — from half-pay dragoons, to 26th foot. --93 Mar. 23. William Grinfield — from foot guards. Died in the West Indies. >., 1803 Jan. ' 3. Sir James Henry Craig, K. B. Lieut.-Colonel 16th foot. Foot— 87th Regiment. 1793 Sept. 18. Sir John Doyle, Bart. Foot— 88th Regiment (or Connaught Rangers). 1793 Sept. 23. Hon. Thomas de Burgh — from half-pay to 66th foot. — 94 Nov. 27. John Reid — from half-pay. Foot Military Department. 261 1793 Dec. 3- —95 Dec. 26. — 97 Mar. 4 — — Dec. I5- 1801 Mar. 26.- 1802 Sept. \ Foot— 89th Regiment. William Crosbie— from 22d foot. Andrew Gordon, Lieut.-Col. 26th, to 59th foot. Henry Bowyer, Lieut.-Col. 68th, to 16th foot. Alexander Ross, Lieut.-Col. 39th foot. James Ogilvie — from 2d batt. 4th, to 3 2d foot. Sir Eyre Coote, K. B. — from half-pay 2d battalion 17th foot. Foot — 90th Regiment (or Perthshire Volunteers). Two battalions. 1794 Feb, I0i Thomas Graham. N. B.— The second battalion reduced in 1796. Foot— 9 1st Regiment, 1796 May 3. Dunca/i Campbell. s 3 Foot 262 Military Department. Foot — 92d Regiment. 1796 May 3. George, Marquis of Huntly — from 3d foot guards ta 4-.d foot. 1806 Jan. 7. Hon. John Hope — from 60th foot. Foot — 93d Regiment. 1800 Aug. 25. William Wemyss. Foot — 94th Regiment (formerly the Scotch Brigade, of Three battalions). 1794 Oct. 9. Francis Dundas. Foot — 95th- Regiment (Riflemen). Clothed in green. , 1800 Aug. 25. Coote Manningham. Foot Military Department. 263 Foot— 96th Regiment. Two battalion.?. 1801 May 3. Hon. Sir George J. Ludlow, K. B. — from 38th foot. —03 Oct. 12. George Don — from 7th West India regiment. Foot— 97th Regiment. 1798 Dec. 26. Sir John Stewart, Knt. Foot — 98th Regiment. 1805 Mar. 2. John Burke. Foot— 99th Regiment. 1805 Mar. 2. Francis, Viscount Matthew. " Foot— 100th Regiment; l8o£ Mar. 3. Frederick John Falkinef. s 4 West 264 Military Department. West India Regiments. (Black Troops.) 1st Regiment. 1793 Apr. 24. John Whyte — from half-pay to 46th foot. 1804 Jan. 3. Lord Charles Somerset — fromhalf-pay late 103d foot. 2d Regiment. 1795 Apr. 24. Sir William Myers, Bart. : died. 1805 Richard, Earl of Cavan. 3_- 09 June — 17 May —23 Aug. 27. 26. — 34 Sept. — 64 Oct. 2. 22. 1670 June 4- —79 Jan- 23- —81 Jan. 28. — 89 Apr. —93 July 28. 28. 1702 June 29. — II Jan. 10. — 12 Sept. — 14 Oct. 5- 4- , — 22 June 22. — 25. ; 3- — 30 May 3- —ss — ^7 Nov. 3°- — 7 2 —82 -8* i7§3 —95 1806 Feb: 8. Robert, Earl of Essex. , Charles, Earl of Devonshire. George, Earl of Totness. Horatio, Lord Vere. Sir Richard Morrison, Knt. Sir Thomas Stafford, Knt. Mountjoy, Earl of Newport. Sir William Compton, Knt. John, Lord Berkeley. Sjr John Duncomb, Knt. Thomas Chicheley. Thomas Chicheley. John Chicheley. Sir William Hickman. Sir Charles Musgrave, Knt. George, Lord Dartmouth. David Schomberg.. , Henry, Viscount Sidney, afterwards Earl of Romney. John, Earl of Marlborough. Richard, Earl Rivers. James, Duke of Hamilton. John, Duke of Marlborough. William, Earl Cadogan. John, Duke of Argyle and Greenwich. John, Duke of Montagu. Charles, Duke of Marlborough. John, Viscount Ligonier. John, Marquis of Granby. George, Viscount Townshend. Charles, Duke of Richmond. George, Viscount (now Marquis) Townshend. Charles, Duke of Richmond. Charles, Marquis Cornwallis. Francis, Earl of Moira. LIEU- Military Department. ©75 LIEUTENANT-GENERALS. 1603 Sir George Carew, Knt. —35 Sir William Haydon, Knt. —36 Jan. 28. Colin Legge. —70 Nov. 25- David Walker. —72 Dec. 7- George Legge. —81 Jan. 28. Sir Charles Musgrave, Bart. —87 Jan. 1. Sir Thomas Tichbourne, Bart. —88 Apr. 26. Sir Henry Goodrick, Bart. 1702 June 29. John Granville*, —°5 May 2. Thomas Erie. — 12 June 21. John Hill. —17 Mar. 19. Thomas Micklethwaite. —18 Apr. 21, Sir Charles Wills, K. B. —42 George Wade. -48 Sir John (afterwards Viscount and Earl) Ligonier, K. B. —57 Nov. 3°- Lord George Sackville. —59 Sept. 10. John, Marquis of Granby. -63 George, Viscount Townshend. -67 Hon. Henry Seymour Conway. —72 Jeffrey, Lord Amherst, K. G. —82 Hon. Sir William (now Viscount) Howe, K. B. 1804 Nov. 6. Sir Thomas Trigge, K. B. Succession of Colonels to the Royal Regt. of Artillery. 1705 Apr. 14. Albert Borgard. — 30 Mar. 8. William Belford. —37 Feb. 4. Borgard Michelson. — 39 Nov. 20. George Williamson. —62 Mar. 10. Thamas Desaguliers. , -—71 Jan. 1. Thomas Orde. —77 Apr. 25. James Pattison. —80 Mar. 21. John Godwin. T2 I781 276 Military Department. 178 1 Dec. 3- Samuel Cleaveland. —82 Mar. 11. Joseph Brome. —86 Feb. 13 . William Martin. —94 Aug. 3° , Benjamin Stehelin. — 95 Mar. 6. Duncan Drummond. — 96 Apr. 25- Anthony Farrington. — — Sept. 25- Ellis Walker. —99 July l3- Thomas Davies. Oct. 2. Philip Martin. 180 r Oct. 14.. Vaughan Lloyd. —02 May r7- Sir John Stewart, knt. — Sept. 12. William Congreve. Wm. Orchard Huddleston. George Fead. CHIEF ENGINEERS. 1627 July 4., Thomas Rudd. Sir Charles Lloyd. —62 Apr. 1. Sir Barnard de Gomme. — 85 Dec. 9. Martin Beckman. 1711 Sept. 11. Michael Richards. — 14 Dec. 9. John Armstrong. — 42 July 2. Thomas Lascelles. — 37 May 19. William Skinner. —8 1 Jan. 24. James Bramh'am, —86 Nov. 13. Sir William Green, Bart. Gother Mann. N. B. — The 60th regiment of infantry consists of six battalions ; the ist regiment of four battalions ; the 27th regiment of three batta lions ; the 2d, 3d, 4th, 3th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, ioth, 13th, 14th, 13th, 18th, 21st, 23d, 24th, 23th, 26th, 30th, 31st, 32d, 34th, 33th, 36th, 38th, 39th, 40th, 42d, 43d, 44th, 45th, 47th, 48th, 30th, 5 1 st, 32d, 33d, 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th, 61st, 62d, 63d, 66th, 67th, 69th, 71st, 72d, 78th, 79th, 82d, 83d, 87th, 88th, 89th, 90th, 91st, 92d, 95th, and 96th regiments, have each two battalions. All the other regiments of infantry of one battalion each. » EAST C 277 ] EAST-INDIA COMPANY. On the 18th May 1784, an act of Parliament empowering his Ma jesty to appoint six Privy Counsellors to be Commissioners for the affairs of India ; one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and the Chancellor ofthe Exchequer for the time being, always to he ¦ two of th.eni; three of whom shall make a board, and the said Secre tary of State to be President, and in his absence, the Chancellor of the Exchequer ; and in absence of both, the senior Commissioner shall be President. Their powers are very great, they having the superin tendence and controul over all the British territorial possessions in the East Indies, and over the affairs ofthe United Company of Merchants trading to the East Indies. The President has the casting vote. His Majesty may revoke the commission at pleasure, and appoint new commissioners. Since this act passed, it was found necessary, from the great increase of business which came before the Board, to increase the number of the Commis sioners : the President has a salary of L.2000 per annum, and three ofthe commissioners have each of them a salary of L. 1300 per annum. The Board is vested with great powers"; and the Directors of the East India Company must, if required, lay aU their letters and papers before them, and receive their orders ; and. if they are not contented therewith, they can appeal to his Majesty in Council. A List 278 East-India Company. Board of Commissioners for the Affairs of India. 1784 Thomas, Lord Sydney, President. Right Hon. William Pitt. Right Hon. Henry Dundas. Thomas, Lord Walsingham. William Wyndham Grenville. Constantine John, Lord Mulgrave. J 790 Mar. 6. William Wyndham Grenville, President. Right Hon. Wiljiam Pitt. Right Hon. Henry Dundas. Constantine John, Lord Mulgrave. "SLord Frederick Campbell. Hon. Dudley Ryder. 1791 May 12. William Wyndham, Lord Grenville, President. Right Hon. William Pitt. Rt. Hon. Henry Dundas. "- ^Lord Frederick Campbell. James, Duke of Montrose. Thomas Steele, esq. J792 Rt. Hon. H. Dundas, President. Rt. Hon. William Pitt. > James, Duke bf Montrose. "NLord Frederick Campbell.' Thomas Steele, esq. 1793 Rt. Hon. H. Dundas, President. William W. Lord Grenyille. Rt. Hon. William Pitt. James, Duke of Montrose. Richard, Earl of M°rnington, now Marquis Wel lesley. Robert, Viscount Belgrave, now Earl Grosvenor. Henry, Lord Apsley, now Earl Bathurst. Honble. Edward James Eliot. Hon. Robert Banks Jenkinson, now Lord Hawkes- ' bury. *795 East-India Company. 279 1795 June 30. Right Hon. Henry Dundas, President. William W. Lord Grenville. William Henry, Duke of Portland. Rt. Hon. William Pitt. James, Duke of Montrose. Richard, Earl of Mornington. Robert, Viscount Belgrave. Henry, Earl Bathurst. Hon. Edward James Eliot. Honble. Robert B. Jenkinson. Sylvester Douglas, esq. 1797 Oct. Rt. Hon. Henry Dundas, President, William W. Lord Grenville. William Henry, Duke of Portland. Rt. Hon. William Pitt. James, Duke of Montrose. Robert, Viscount Belgrave. Henry, Earl Bathurst. Robert B. Lord Hawkesbury, Sylvester Douglas, esq. William Dundas, esq. 1799 Rt. Hon. H. Dundas, President. William W. Lord Grenville. William H. Duke of Portland. ' Rt. Hon. William Pitt. James, Duke of Montrose. Robert, Viscount Belgrave. Henry, Earl Bathurst. Sylvester Douglas, esq. William Dundas, esq. George Canning, esq. 1800 Rt. Hon. Henry Dundas, President. William, Lord Grenville. William Henry, Duke of Portland. Rt. Hon. William Pitt. James, 'Duke of Montrose. Robert, Viscount B,elgrave. Henry, Earl Bathurst. Sylvester Douglas, esq. William Dundas, esq, Thomas Wallace, esq. Richard Chandos, Earl Temple. j 80 1 George Viscount Lewisham, now Earl of Dart mouth, President. William Henry, Duke of Portland. Robert Banks, Lord Hawkesbury. t 4 1801 38o East-India Company* j8oi • Robert, Lord Hobart. Henry Addington, esq. James, Duke of Montrose. Henry, Earl Bathurst. Sylvester, Lord. Glenbervie. William Dundas, esq. Thomas Wallace, esq. Charles George, Lord Arden. Thomas, Lord Pelham.* Edward Golding. .802 Robert, Viscount Castlereagh, Presidefrp William Henry, Duke of Portland, Robert, Lord Hawkesbury. Robert, Lord Hobart. Honble. Charles Yorke. Henry Addington, esq. Sylvester, Lord Glenbervie. William Dundas. Thomas, Lord Pelham. Charles George, Lord Arden. Edward Golding, esq. 1803 Robert, Viscount Castlereagh, President. Wm. Henry, Duke of Portland. Robert, Lord Hawkesbury. Robert, Lord Hobart., Thomas, Lord Pelham- Henry Addington, esq. James,Duke bf Montrose. Sylvester, Lord Glenbervie. Thomas Wallace, esq. Charles George,. Lord Arden: Hon. Thomas Maitland. 1804 Robert, Viscount Castlereagh, President. William Henry, Duke of Portland. James, Duke of Montrose. Robert, Lord Hawkesbury. John J. Earl Camden. Dudley, Lord Harrowby. Right Hon. William Pitt. Sylvester, Lord Glenbervie. Thomas Wallace, esq. Richard, Viscount Dunlo. 1805 Robert, Viscount Castlereagh, President, William Henry, Duke of Portland. Robert, Lord Hawkesbury. John J, Earl Camden. 1803 East-India Company. s8 1 1805 Henry, Lord Mulgrave. Right Hon. William Pitt. Sylvester, Lord Glenbeivie. Thomas Wallace, esq. Richard, Earl of Clancarty. 1806 Feb. Gilbert, Lord Minto, President. George John, Earl Spencer. William Wyndham, psq. Right Hon. Charles James Fox. William, Lord Grenville. Lord Henry Petty. George, Viscount Morpeth. John Hiley Addington, esq, John Sullivan, esq. Secretaries, Charles William Boughton Rouse, (now Sir Charles.) 1791 Henry Beaufoy, esq. — 95 Honble. William Brodrick. 1803 Benjamin Hobhouse, esq. 1804 George Peter Holford, esq. Assistant Secretaries and Chief Clerks. • Honble. William Brodrick. 1793 James Bradley, esy. —96 William Cabell, esq. 1804 John Meheux, esq. A List cSz East-India Company. '.5 !s '.',.¦ A List ofthe Governors, Councils, Commanders, in Chief ofthe Forces, and Judges, at the principal Set tlements in the East Indies, pertaining to the British East-India Company, from 1784. ' BENGAL — Calcutta or Fort William. , , Governors-General. Warren Hastings, esq. 1785 Charles, Earl (afterwards Marquis) Cornwallis, K.G. —92 Sir John Shore, Bart. , — 97 Richard, Earl of Mornington, now Marquis Wellesley. 1804 Charles, Marquis Cornwallis. Diedin 1805. — 05 Sir George Hilario Barlow, Bart. Commanders in Chief. 177E Lieut.-General Sir John Clavering, K.B. Died in 1777. — 78 Sir Eyre Coote, K.B. — 84 ' Robert Sloper. — 86 General Charles, Earl Cornwallis, K.G. —92 Lieut.-General Sir Robert' Abercromby, K.B. —97 Sir Alured Clarke, K.B. 1800 1 Gerard Lake, now Lord Lake, Council in 1786. Charles, Earl Cornwallis, Governor-Gfeneral and President. Sir John Macpherson, Bart, of; /,«»! Hon. Charles Stuart. 'John Shore, esq. < . Council East-India Company. £83 Council in 1805. Sir George Hilario Barlow, Governor. Gerard, Lord Lake, Commander-in-Chief. George Udny, esq. John Lumsden, esq. Secretary. Hon. Henry Wellesley. Judges. Sir-Elijah Impey, Knt. Chief Justice. 1793 Sir William Dunkin, Knt. —-97 Sir John Anstruther, Bart. Puisne Judges. 1774 Sir Robert Chambers. Stephen Caesar Le Maistre, esq. John Hyde. —83 Sir William Jones, vice Le Maistre. —91 Sir William Dunkin, vice Chambers. — 93 Sir James Watson, Knt. L.L.D. F.R.S, vice Jones. —97 John Royds, esq. vice Dunkin. — 99 Sir Henry Russell, Knt. Advocate-Generals. ¦ • '• „ , 1774 Sir John Day, Knt. —86 Thomas Davies, esq. 1802 R.Smith, esq. MADRAS, 284 East-India Company. MADRAS, on. FORT St. GEORGE. Governors, George, Lord Macartney, K. B. afterwards Earl Macartney. 1785 Major-General Sir Archibald Campbell, K. B. —93 Robert, Lord -obart, now Earl of Buckinghamshire. — 97 Edward, Lord Clive, now Earl of Powis. 1802 Lord.William Henry Bentinck. Commanders of the Land. Forces. 1774 Major-General Sir Hector Munro, K.B. — 84 Lieut.-General Sir John Dalling, Bart. — 86 Major-General Sir Archibald Campbell, K. B. in absence of Earl Cornwallis. — 89 Major-General Sir William Medows, K.'B. _96 Sir Alured Clarke, K. B. 1802 Lieut.-General James Stuart. — 04 ¦ Sir John F. Craddock, K. B. Council. Lord W. H. Bentinck; Governor. W. Petrie, esq. John Chamier. Lieut.-General Sir John F. Craddock, K.B. Judges. Chief Justice, Sir Thomas A. Strange, Knt. -- . r , S Sir Henry Gwillim, Knt. Puisne Judges, j ^ Benja'm;n SulHvan) Knu Advocate-Gen. Alexander Anstruther, esq. , BOM- East-India Company, 28? BOMBAY. Governors. 1784 William Hornby, esq. —85 R. H. Boddam, esq. —87 Major-General Sir William Medows, K. B. in absence ef Earl Cornwallis. 1800 Jonathan Duncan, esq. J Commanders ofthe Land Forces. 17S7 Sir William Medows, K. B. — 89 Major-General Sir Robert Abercromby, K. B. —94 .' Oliver Nieholls. Hon. Sir Arthur Wellesley, K. B. Colonel Hon. W. Monson. Council. Governor, Jonathan Duncan. James Rivett, esq. William Page, esq. Major-General O. Nieholls. Recorder, Sir William Tyer, Knt. Judges. Thomas Lechmere, esq. George Parry, esq. Recorder. Sir John Mackintosh, Knt. ISLAND 285 East-India Company* ISLAND of St. HELENA. Governor. - Daniel Corneille, esq. 1786 Colonel Robert Brooke. 1 80 1 Colonel Robert Patton. PRINCE of WALES's ISLAND. Governor. , Philip Dundas, esq. Lieutenant-Governor. Sir George Leith, Bart. JUSTI- C 287 ] JUSTICIARS of ENGLAND. In ancient times the Kings of England used to hear and determine causes ; but it is declared by law, that if the King cannot determine every controversy, he, to ease himself, 'may divide the labour among persons, men of wisdom, and fearing God, and out of such to appoint Judges. The Saxon Kings of England appointed a Judge after this manner, who was, in fact, the King's deputy. After the Norman Conquest, the person invested with that power had the style of Capi- talis Jusiicia, or Justiciaries Anglian. These Judges continued until the erection of the Courts of King's Bench, and the Common Pleas. Tlie last person that had the office of Justiciarius Anglian, was Philip Basset ; and he, for the better support of his high office, re ceived an annual stipend of a thousand merks out of the King's Ex chequer, at Easter and Michaelmas, by equal portions, as Hugh Bi god his predecessor did. A List of the Justiciars of England. 1067 Odo, Bishop of Bayeux. William Fitzosbern. — 72 GeofFrey, Bishop of Coutartce in Normandy. 73 William of Warren, or de Warenna. Richard de Benefacta. 80 William de Carilefo, Bishop of Durham. —87 Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, a second time. 1088 288 Justiciars of England. 1088 William, Bishop of Durham, a second time.1 Ranulph Flambard, Bishop, of Durham. Hugh de Bocland. I107 Roger, Bishop of Salisbury. — 14 Radulphus. Ralph Basset. Richard Basset, son of Ralph. Geoffrey Ridel. > Geoffrey de Clinton. Alberie de Vere. 33 Henry, Duke of Normandy. , 62 Richard de Luci'. Robert, Earl of Leicester. —81 Ralph de Glanvil. 85 Gilbert Glanvil, Bishop of Rochester; 89 Hugh, Bishop of Durham. William, Earl of Albemarle. —90 William de Longchamp, Bishop of Ely, Justiciar' south of Trent. Hugh, Bishop of Durham, north of Trent. 94 Hubert, Archbishop of Canterbury. 96 Geoffrey Fitzpeter, Justiciar of all England. 1200 John Grey, Bishop of Norwich. — 06 Simon de Patteshull. Eustace de Fauconberg. Richard de Mucegos. Walter de Cresping. Saherus, Earl of Winchester. —13" Peter de Rupe, Bishop of Winchester, Justiciar of England. — 14 Hubert de Burgo, — 16 William, Earl of Pembroke. — 19 Hubert de Burgo, afterwards Earl of Kent. — 31 Sir Stephen de Segrave, Knt. — 32 Simon de Pateshull. 23 Hugh de Pateshull, son of Simon de Pateshull. John de Kirby. William de Culeworth. Hugh Giffard. —38 Henry de Bathon. —55 J°hn, Abbot of Peterborough. Robert de Shonden. John de Hare. Nic de Handle. 37 Hugh Bigod, made by the Barons: 60 The Abbot of. Westminster. - Hugh Le Despencer. » —61 Philip Basset. Of Court of King's Bench. 289. Of the COURT of KING'S BENCH. This Court obtained its present name from the King sometimes sit ting here on a high bench, and the judges, to whom the judicature belongs in his absence, on a low bench at his feet. This Court, in ancient times, was called Curia Domini Regis : and in the reign of King Edward I. a statute passed, by which it was enacted, that this Court should attend the King, and follow him, so that he might have at all times near him men learned in the laws, to do justice to such as might require it. It was afterwards fixed to be held at Westminster ; and the judges took their oaths in the Court of Exchequer before the Lord High Treasurer. The judges of this Court used to ride to Westminster Hall on mules ; but Sir John Whiddon, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, first introduced horses ; but of late years they go in coaches. In the reign of King Edward II. Hervey de Stanton, at that time Chancellor of the Exchequer, was appointed Chief Justice of this Court, with a special command not to resign the office of Chan cellor, but to execute the same by some proper person, whenever he should be obliged to hear causes in this court. The Chief Justice of this pourt is always appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer, when that office becomes vacant by death, or unexpected resignation. In this court are tried all pleas between the Crown and the subject, of treasons, felonies, misprision of treason, and other pleas which properly belong to the King ; and also in whatsoever relates to the loss of life or member of any subject,- in which the King is concerned, as he is a sufferer by the loss of the life or limbs of his subjects. This court hath power to examine and correct all errors in facto, and in inlaw, committed by the judges and justices in their judgments and proceedings in courts of record ; and this not only in pleas of the crown, but also in all pleas, real, personal, and mixed, the Court of Exchequer excepted. It hath also power to correct other errors and misdemeanors extrajudicial, tending to the breach* of the peace, or -oppression ofthe subject ; and to grant prohibitions to courts ecclesi astical and temporal, to keep them within thei" own jurisdiction ; and may admit any person to bail for any offence allowed bailable by law. If a freernan of any city, borough, or town-corporate, be unjustly disfranchised, the party aggrieved may have relief here. It hath also power to hold plea by bill, detinue, covenant, promise, or other per sonal actions, against any one in the'Ma'rshal's custody, or any officer or person belonging to the court. [vol. 11.J w The 2 go Court of King's Bench. The jurisdiction of this court extends all oyer England, and is not so subject to controul as others, because the law presumes the King to be here in person. So supreme also is the jurisdiction of this couit, if any record be removed hither, it cannot be remanded back but by act of'Parliament. The Judges or Justices of this court, are the Premier Justices of Oyer and Terminer and Goal-delivery in thekingdom : so that when ever this court sits in any county, the commission directed to the jus tices in Eyre of Oyer and Terminer, and Goal-delivery, are ipso facto void, without a formal revocation of commission. They are also the chief coroners of the land, aud therefore they receive appeals by bill, much rather than the sheriff and coroners. A List of the Chief Justices of the King's Bench. 1258 Nicholas Hanlow, October 3. — 68 Robert Brun. — 78 Ralph de Hengham, June 23. — 90 Gilbert de Thornton. — -96 Roger Brabason. 1317 Williamlnge, August 6. Henry le Scroop, June 15. — 23 Hervey de Stanton, . June 1. —24 Geoffrey le Scroope, July 9. > — 30 Robert de Malberthorpe, May 1. Henry le Scroope, October 28. — 3r Geoffrey le Scroope, Dec. 19. — 34 Richard de Willoughby, Sept. 10. — 41 Robert Parning, July 24; — 47 William de Thorpe, Nov. 26. — 5 1 William' de Shareshull, Oct. 20. — 38 Thomas de Seaton, July 3. , — 62 Sir Henry Green, Knt. May 24. — 66 John Knyvet, Oct. 19. John de_ Cavendish, Oct. 29. Beheaded by the Kentish rebels. — 82 Robert Tresylian, June 22. — 88 Walter de Clapton, January 31. 14-31 William Gascoigne, Nov. 13. - — 14 William Hankford, Jan. 29. 1424 Court of King's Bench. 2 9 £ 1424 William Cheyne, January 21. —39 John Ivya, Jan. 20. —40 JohnHody, April 30. —62 John Markham, May 13. —69 Thomas Billing, Jan. 23. — 82 William Husee, May 7. — 96 JohnFinux, Nov. 24. 1326 John Fitzjames, Jan. 23. —39, Sir Edward Montagu; Jan. 21. — 46 Sir Richard Lister, knt. Nov. 9. — 52 Sir Roger Cholmley, knt. Mar. 21. — 53 Sir Thomas Bromley, knt. Oct. 4. — 54 Sir William Portman, knt. June 11. — 36 Sir Edward Saunders, knt. May 8. — 59 Robert Catlin, Nov. 18. — 74 Sir Christopher Wray, knt. Nov. 8. 1603 Sir John Popham, knt. April 11. — 07 Thomas Fleming, June 23. — 13 Sir Edward Coke, knt. Oct. 25. — 20 John Ley, Jan. 29. —24 Sir Randolph Crane, knt. Jan. 26. — 26 Sir Nicholas Hyde, knt. Jan. 31. — 3 1 Sir Thomas Richardson, knt. Oct. 24. — 3S Sir John Bramstone, knt. April 14. — 43 Sir Robert Heath, knt. Oct. 31. — 60 Sir Robert Forster, knt. Oct. 22. —63 Sir Robert Hyde, knt. Oct. 19. — 63 Sir John Key ling, knt. Nov. 21. —71 Sir Matthew Hale, knt. May 18. —76 Sir Richard R'ajnsford, knt. April 12. — 78 Sir William Scroggs, knt. May 31. —81 Sir Francis Pemberton, knt. April 11. — 82 Sir Edmund Saunders, knt. Jan. 23. — 8.3 Sir George Jefferies, knt. Sept. 28. afterwards Lord High Chancellor. — 85 Sir Edward Herbert, knt. Oct. 23. — 87 Sir Robert Wright, knt. April 22. • —89 Sir. John Holt, knt. April 17. 1710 Sir Thomas Parker, knt. March 16. afterwards created Lord Parker ; and in 17 18 made Lord High Chancellor. — 18 Sir John Pratt, Knt. May 19. — 24 Sir Robert Raymond, knt. Feb. 28. afterwards created Lord Raymond. — 33 Sir Philip Yorke, knt. Oct. 27. created afterwards Lord Hardwicke, and in 1737 made Lord High Chancellor. —37 Sir William Lee, knt. June 14. — 34 Sir Dudley Ryder, knt.' April 20. «2 . i755 2 g 2 Puisne Justices ofthe King's Bonch. 1736 William Murray, Lord Mansfield, Oct. 24. created in 1776, Earl of Mansfield. , — 88 Lloyd, Lord Kenyon, June 7. 1802 Sir Edward Law, knt. April, now Lord Ellenborough. Puisne Justices of the King's Bench, 1230 Alanus Le 2ousb. — 53 De Bathan. —62 Thomas Basset. Nic. de Turri. Richard de Middleton. William Banquer. — 6g Nov. 30. John Le Britton. William de St Omer's. Richard de Stains. —70 James Panton. Ralph Hengham. _}i John de Cokefeud. —73 Richard Stanes. —74 Nic. de Stapleton. William de Saham. —75 Mart, de Litilbir. John de Cobham. —77 Walter de Wymbutn. John de Mitingham. -83. John de Cave. -85 Elias de Suttone. -89 Ralph de Sandwico. —90 Roger Brabason. Robert Mallet. —94 John Lovel. -96 William de Ormesby. 1308 Sept. 6. Gilbert de Ruberry. Henry Spigurnell. Roger Le Brabason. — 16 Geoffrey Le Scroope. — 21 Robert de Malberthorpe — 22. Walter de Say. William de Dive. 1324 Puisne Justices ofthe King's Bench, 293 1324 John de Stonore. —25 Walter Frishney. —29 Robert de Malberthorpe. —31 Jan. 18. Geoffrey Edenham. Richard de Willoughby. Dec. 15. Thomas de South. —32 Mar. 2. Thomas de Southere. . — — 28. William de Denum. —33 Jan. 28. Thomas Bacon. —34 Mar. 20. William de Shareshull. ' —33 Sept. 24. Robert de Scardeburgh, —39 Apr. 4. Robert Brundish. William Faunt. —-40 May ' 2. William Scott. — — Sept. 6. John de Shardelow. — 41 Jan. 8; Robert de Scardeburgh. — 42 Oct. 28. William Basset. —43 Jan. . 10. Adam de Staingrave. Roger de Baukwell. —46 Nov. 10. William de Thorpe. -—47 — — 26. Roger de Baukwell. —SS Feb. 5. Thomas de Seton. — 56 Oct. 12. William de Norton, — 78 May 6. Robert Tresylian. — 83 Feb. 26. David Hanemere. 88 Oct. 25. John de Lokton. — 89 May 20. John Hull. Hugh Hulse. 1400 Sept. 30. John Hill. 14 May 2. Robert Thirwell. — 16 Jan. 16. Roger Horton. , William Cheyne. — 24 Jan. 23. John Halls. 26 Feb. 6. William Westberry. — 34 Jury 3* William Godrede. — 44 Feb. 6. John Markham. William Yelverton. 37 May 9. Richard Bingham. 6s Aug. 9. Thomas Billing. — 66 June 4. William Laken. 71 Oct. 9. Sir Richard Bingham, knt. Riqhard Nule. William Yelverton. — 72 June 17. John Needham. William Lakine. 76 Apr. 29. Thomas Young. u 3 1478 294 Puisne Justices ofthe King's Bench. 1478 Sept. 29. Guido Fairfax. ' William Jenney. — 85 Oct. 20. John Sulliard. —88 July 16. Thomas Tremayle. — 99 Nov. 24. Robert Reed. 1307 Apr. 28. Robert Brudnell. — 10 May 21. Humphrey Coningsby. —22 Feb. 6. John Fitzjames. - — 33 Aug. 23. William Luke. Sir John Spilman, knt. — 41 Jan. 26. John Port. ( » July 3. William Coningsby. Nov. 22. Edward Mervin. — 44 Robert Brood. — 43 Nov. 4. Thomas Bromley. — 47 May 14. William Portman. —33 Oct. 4. John Widdon. —37 Jan. 23. Francis Morgan. Apr. 23. Sir James Dyer, knti . — 38 Oct. 27. William Rastell. —Sg -.8. William Dalison. Nov. 16. -Reginald Corbet. —62 Feb. 10. John Southcote. — 64 Thomas Carrus. — 74 Nov. 16. Thomas Gawdy. — 76 May 13. John Jeoffries. . — 84 29. John Clinch. —83 Feb. 8. Robert Schute. —89 Nov. 25. Francis Gawdy. — 92 May 16. Edward Fenner. 1602 Feb. 8. Christian Yelverton. —03 4. David Williams. — 03 Jan. 10. Laurence Tanfield. — 07 June 23. -Sir John Grokenight, knt. — 12. Nov, 23. , Sir John Doderidge, knt. — 13 Apr. 22. Robert Houghton. —20 Oct. 8. Sir Thomas Chamberlain. Sir James Whitlock, knt. — 23 May 10. Sir Henry Yelverton, knt. — 28 Oct. 9. Sir George Crook, knt. — 32 1 1. Sir Robert Berkeley, knt. — 40 Jan. 13. Sir Robert. Heath, knt. — 41 July 1. Thomas Mallet. — 43 Jan. 31. Sir Robert Brerewood. — 60 May 31. Sir Thomas Mallet, knt. June 27. Thomas Twysden, esq. ' 1660 —68 Feb. 6. —72 Jan. 22; Apr. --79 —80-83 13- 3° 24,25 Puisne Jufiices of the King's Bench. 295 1660 Nov. 26. Wadham Wyndham, esq. — June 28. Sir John Keyling, knt. — 63 Nov. 3. Sir W. Morton, knt. vice Key lino 6. Sir Richard Rainsford, knt. " Sir William Wild, knt. and bart. , Revoked April 29. 1679. Sir Thomas Jones, knt. Revoked September 28. Sir Francis Pemberton, knt. vice Wild. Thomas Raymond, esq. Sir Franck Withens, knt. Sept. 25. Sir Richard Holloway, knt. vice Raymond. Revok ed July 2. 1688. Oct. 22. Sir Thomas Walcott, knt. -Resigned. —84 29. Sir Robert Wright, knt. vice Walqot. —87 Apr. 16. Sir John Powell, knt. Revoked July 2. 1688. 28. Sir Richard Allebone, knt. . — 88 June 29. Sir Thomas Powell, knt. Sir Robert Baldocke, knt. -— 89 Apr. 20. Sir William Dolben, knt. Sir William Gregory, knt. May 8. Giles Ayres, esq. —g3 Feb. 19. Samuel Eyres, «sq. Sir Thomas Rokeby, knt. Sir John Turton, knt. Revoked June 8. 1702. Sir Henry Gould, knt. Sir Lyttleton Powis, knt. Resigned in 1726. Sir John Powell, knt. Sir John Blencow, knt. Robert Eyre, esq, vice Powell. Sir Thomas Powis, knt. vice Blencow. Revoked October 14. 1714. Sir John Pratt, knt. vice Powis. Made Lord Chief Justice of King's Bench. John Fortescue Aland, esq. vice Pratt, created in 1746 Lord Fortescue of Credan in Ireland. Re moved to the Common Pleas in 1727-8. Sir Robert Raymond, knt. vice Eyre. Made Lord Chief Justice of King's Bench. James Reynolds, esq. vice Raymond. Made Chief Baron of Exchequer. Edmund Probyn, esq. vice Sir L. Powis. Sir Francis Page, knt. vice F. Aland. -30 June 23. William Lee, esq. vice Reynolds. Made Lord Chief ' 1 Justice of King's Bench in 1767. — 37 25. Sir William Chappie, knt'. vice Lee. —40 , Nov. 28. Martin Wright, esq. vice Probyn. u4 174? — 95 Oct. —96 June —98 Jan. 1700 — 23.27.39- 26. — 02 June 18. — 10 May 12. — 13 June 4- —14 Oct. 26. —18 May 19. —23 Jan. 3i- —24 Mar. 16. — 26 Nov. 4- —27 Sept. 27. 296 Court of Common Pleas. 1742 Feb. 16. Sir Thomas Dennison, knt. vice Page. — 43 Apr. Sir Michael Foster, knt. vice Chappie.^ — SS Feb. 3. Sir John, Eardley Wilmot, knt. vice Wright. Made Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas in 1766. —63 Dec. Sir Joseph, Yates, knt. vice Foster. Removed to the Common Pleas in 1770. •—163 Apr. 19. Sir Richard Aston, knt. vice Dennison. — -66 Sept. James Hewitt, esq. vice Wilmot. Made Lord Chan cellor of Ireland in 1767, and created Lord Lifford in that kingdom. Edward Willes, esq. vice Hewitt. Sir William Blackstone, knt. vice Yates. Removed the same year to the Common Pleas. Sir William Henry Ashurst, knt. vice Blackstone. Francis Buller, esq. vice Aston. - Sir Nash Grose, knt. vice Willes. Sir Soulden Lawrence, knt. vice Buller. Sir Simon le Blanc, knt. vice Ashurst. Os- the COURT oe COMMON PLEAS. This Court, in ancient times, was kept in the Ring's own palace, distinct from that of the King's Bench. But on the confirmation of Magna Charta by King John, in 1213, it was fixed at Westminster, where it still continues. In it are debated all controversies, in mat ters civil, between subject and subject, according to law. Here real actions are pleadable, and fines And recoveries suffered, and in no other court but this ; it may also grant prohibitions, as the court of King's Bench doth. The Magna Charta proves its authority in these words, viz. Commuma placita bon sequantur curiam nostrum, sed teneantur in ahquo certo loco; the Exchequer being the place where those causes were heard, and not any other court, until the confirmation oi Magna Charta by King John. ' And by a statute, 28th of Edward I. it is de clared, That no plea shall be thenceforth held in the Exchequer con trary lo the form of the great chapter. Soon after the fixing of this court at Westminster, such a multitude of causes were brought before it. that the King, for the greater dis patch Chief Justices ofthe Common Pleas, 297 patch of business, found it necessary, instead of three, to constitute six judges, whom he appointed to sit in two places ; but at present the number is only four,, They sit together in Westminster Hall, to hear an4 decide causes ; but no counsellor can plead for them under the degree of a Serjeant. Chief Justices of the. Common Pleas, 1233 July 6. Robert deRos. ~~ —33 ' Thomas de Muleton. —42 Roger Turkelby, —48 Peter de Rupibus, Bishop of Winchester. —49 Henry de Mara. —73 Sept. 3. Roger de Seyton. — 78 June 23. Thomas de]Weyland. —go John de Mettingham. 130 1 Sept. 9. Ralph de Hingham. —09 Mar. 15. William de Bereford. —27 July 18. Henry de Stanton. — 28 Feb. 4. William de Herle. —30 Sept. 3. John de Stonore. —32 Mar. 2. William de Herle, —34 Nov. 18. Henry le Scfope. — 36 July 7. John de Stonore. —42 Apr. 27. William Scot. — 43 May 9. John de Stonore. — 33 Feb. 10. Roger Hillary. —37 June 27. Robert de Thorpe. —72 Apr. 14. William de Fincheden. —73 Oct. 10. Robert Bilknap. 78 5. Sir Robert de Preston. — 88 Jan. 30. Robert de Charleton. 96 15. William Thirning. 14 1 4 June' 26. Richard Norton. 23 May 5. William Babington. —36 Feb. 9. Johp Joyn. —39 Jan. 20. John Cottisniore. —49 16. John Prisot. 62 May 11. Robert Danby. Sept, 5. Richard Choke. M73 298 ' Chief Justices ofthe Common Pleas « 1472 May 29. Thomas Brian. 1501 Oct. 28. ^Thomas Wood. — 07 Apr. 26. Sir Robert Read, knt. —19 Jan. 27. John Cranby. — 21 Apr. 13. Robert Biudnel. — 31 Nov. 22. Robert Norwich. —36 Sir John Baldwin, knt. — 46 6. Sir Edward Montagu, knt. 33 Sept. 5. Sir Richard Morgan, knt. 34 Oct. 28. Sir Robert Brooke, knt. 38 5. Anthony Brown. — 59 Jan# 22# Svr James Dyer, knt. -—82 May 2. Edmund Anderson. — 92 June 2. Sir John Popham, knt. 1603 Apr. 11. Edmund Anderson. —05 Aug. 26. Francis Gawdy. — 06 June 30. Sir Edward Coke, knt. —13 Nov. 26. John Hobert. —26 28. Sir Thomas Richardson, knt, —31 0ct- 26. Sir Robert Heath, knt. — 33 Jan. 21. Sir John Finch, knt. afterwards Lord Finch. —39 27. Edward Lyttleton, afterwards Lord Lyttleton, and , Lord Chancellor. — 40 29. Sir John Banks, knt. — 60 Oct. 22. Sir Orlando Bridgman, knt. 68 May 23. Sir John Vaughan, knt. . — 74 Jan. 23. Sir Francis North, knt. made Lord Keeper, and cre ated Lord Guilford. — 81 Apr. n. Sir Francis Pemberton, knt. —83 Sept. 29. Sir Thomas Jones, knt. ~ — 86 Apr. 21. Sir Henry Bedingfield, knt. —87 13. Sir Robert Wright, knt. 21." Sir Edward Herbert, knt. —89 May 6. Sir Henry Pollexfen, knt. —92 Apr. 30. Sir George Treby, knt. .1701 July 5. Sir Thomas Trevor, knt. afterwards Lord Trevor. —14 Oct. 26. Sir Peter King, knt. afterwards Lord King, and Lord High Chancellor.1 —23 June 3. Sir Robert Eyre, knt. —36 Jan. 31. Sir Thomas Reeve, knt. —37 29. Sir John Willes, knt. -6* 23. Sir Charles Pratt, knt afterwards Lord High Chan- ** a r,- lor' and created Lord Camden —66 Aug. Sir John Eardly Wilmot, knt. resig-'ried -71 Jan. 25. ^rWillia^de Grey, knt. afterwards Lord Walsing- 1780 Puisne Justices ofthe Common Pleas. 499 1780 June 9. Alexander Wedderburne, esq. created Lord Lough borough. —80 Sir James Eyre, knt. — 99 July John, Lord Eldon. 1 80 1 May Sir Richard P. Arden, (afterwards Lord Alvanley). — 04 — /A Sir James Mansfield, knt. v. Puisne Justices of the Common Pleas. 1233 July 6. Robert de Bellchamp, Reginald de Moyun. Robert de Rokele. Thomas de Muleton. —35 Apr. 12. Adam, the son of William. Robert de Lexinton. William de Culeworth. Gilbert de Preston. Roger de Turkelby. — 42 Jollan de Nevill. — 43 Robert de Esseburne. —44 John de Cobeham. — 43 Robert de Nottingham. — 47 William de Wyland. —30 , Henry de Bathon. John de Gatesden. Simon de Wauton. Henry la Mare. — 52 Sept. 3. William Trussell. — 34 Nov. Roger de Wircestre. — SS Giles Erdinton. — 36 John de Weville. — 37 Apr. 13. Robert Brevis. — 59 Dec. 29. Roger de Turkelby. — 62 11. William de Wilton. — 63 Gilbert de Preston. John de Weville. 64 Nicholas de Turri. 6s Sept. 3. Fulco, the son of Warren. Harvey de Borkham. William Bonquer. 1266 300 Puisne Justices of the Common Piees. I266 John de la Lynde. Walter de Berstide. Adam de Gregnvil. 67 John le Briton. Henry de Montefort. Roger de Messenden. Gilbert de Preston. 68 Roger de Sey ton. Mart, de Litilbiri. 70 John de Cobham. — 71 May 15^ Robert Fule. Sept. 3. Stephen Hayme.' 74 William Willon. Ralph de Hengham. —7; Sept. 3. Richard de Stanes,. John de Lovetot. Ralph de Frenyngham. —77 Nov. 2. Roger Loveday, 1 Geoffrey Lukemore. Geoffrey Newbald. Thomas de Wayland *. — 78 Jan. 23. Walter de Helynn. — 84 Stephen Pensester. — 83 Elias de Beckingham. — 90 Robert Hertford. William de Giselharn, Robert de Thorpe. — 9 1 William Ormsby. — 98 Mar. 15. Peter Malore. — 99 Nov. William de Bereford. 1300 June 13. Lambert.de Freckingham. — 05 Nov. 22. Henry de Guldeford. Apr. 20. Hervey de Stanton. — 08 Sept. 16. William Haward. — 09 Nov. 17. Henry de Scroope. Feb. 28. John de Foxile. — 10 Oct. 6. John de Benestede. William de Burne; — 13 Feb. 19. John Bacon. — 13 Sept. 28. William Inge. — 16 Mar. io. Gilbert de Roubiri, *3i9 * Removed for his pal-administration to the people, Ij88, disinherited and ba nished the land. , Puisne Justices ofthe Common Pleas. 301 1316 Apr. 20. John Mutford. -—19 June 5. John de Doncaster. — 21 Oct. 16. William de Herle. John de Stonore. John Buesser. 6. Richard de Wylughby. 2. John Traverse. Thomas Bacon. — 31 Jan. 18. Robert deMalberthorpe. John de Cantebring. John Inge. — 33 Jan. 28. John de Shardeldw. — 34 Feb. 3. Richard de Attelburgh. —33 July 16. Geoffrey le Scroope. Sept. 24. John Trevignon. — 37 Mar. 18. Roger Hillary. — 38 William Scott. William Basset. — -41 Sept. 6. Robert de Scardeburgh. Feb. 4. James de Woodstock. May 21. Robert Parning. June 8. Thomas de Hippiscots. — 42 May 30. Richard de Kelleshal. Oct. 28. Adam de Staingrave. —43 Apr. 23. William de Thorpe. John de Stonford. —48 Jan. 14. Thomas de Fencents. — 55 Feb. 3. Henry Greahe. — 56 Oct. 12. Thomas de Seton. —38 July 3 . Henry de Motelaw. — 60 1 1. John de Moubray. Oct. 25. William de Shipwith. —62 Sept. 30. Thomas de Ingleby. John Knyvet. — 66 William de Fyncheden. Oct. 29. William de Wychingham, Roger de Kirkiton. — 72 Nov. 27. John de Cavendish. Roger de Meres. — 75 28. Robert de Folthorpe. — 78 26. Henry de Percehay. June 26. Thomas de Ingelby. — 8 1 Dec. 6. Henry Asty. — 84 June 27. John Holt. William Burgh. —88 Apr. 11. John Wadham. 1388 J oi Puisne Justices ofthe Common Pleas. 1388 Apr. 11. Richard Sidenham. William Thirning. — 89 May 20. William Rickhill. — -91 Jan. 13. John Penros. John Hall. —97 July 7. John Markham. ' — 98 William Hankford. , — 99 Wilb'am Brenehley. 1403 May 14. John Cokayni -e-08 June 17. John Colpepper. May 14. Robert Hill. — 09 June 19. Robert Thirwett. — 16 June 16. William Lodington. John Preston. William Cheyne. Roger Horton. — 21 June 30. William Babington. — 23 John Martin. May 3. John Halls. John Irving. —26 Feb. 6. James Strangeways. William Westbury. — 30 Oct. is- John Cottesmore. William Pastone. ' — 39 Nov. 3. Richard Newton. 8. Thomas Fulthorpe. — 40 Apr. 27. William Ayscoghe. — 44 John Portington. — 43 Nicholas Ayshton. — 50 Aug. 14. Robert Danvers. ¦ — 32 June 28. Robert Danby. — 34 July 9. Walter Moyle. — 38 May 9. John Needham. — 62 Apr. 8. Sir Peter Ardea, knt. — 67 27. Thomas Littleton. — 68 Nov. 4. Thomas Young. — 71 Oct. 9. Sir Walter Moyle, knt. Sir Richard Choke. — 72 May 29. Richard Neel. — 82 Nov. 23. John Catesby. — 85 Roger Townshend. —86 Oct. 13. Sir Humphrey Starkey. — 87 Jan. 31. William Calow. Feb. 3. John Haugh. — 88 4. William Danvers. — 90 Aug. 14. John Vavasor. *494 Puisne Justices ofthe Common Pleas. 303 1494 Feb. 11. JohnFineux. — ^99 Nov. 24. Thomas Wood. 1302 3. John Fisher. —03 July 2. John Kingsmill. —07 Apr. 26. John Boteler. — IO 23. Robert Brudnel. May 21. William Greville. William Fairfax. — 14 Apr. 26. Richard Elliot. — 13 May 29. Lewis Pollard. — 18 John More. . — 21 Richard Brooke. —27 Thomas Engefield. William Shelly. — 31 Nov. 22. Robert Norwich. —38 Oct. 9. Sir Thos. Willoughby, knt. — 39 June 30. Sir Christopher Jenny, knt. — 43 Nov. 20. Humphrey Brown. — 46 4. John Hinde. ---49 May 20. John Hales." — 50 Oct. 22. Sir Edward Molineux, knt. — 52 Nov. 16. William Gook. — 53 Oct. 4. Edward Saunders. — 36 Mar. 8. Sir James Dyer, knt. — 58 Oct. 27. Robert Catlin. — 59 Nov. 18. Anthony Brown. Oct. 16. Richard Western. —62 Feb. 10. John Welsh. —66 Nov. 12. Richard Harper. —72 May 14. Christopher Wray. Oct. 14. Roger Manwood. 31. Robert-Mounson. — 81 Feb. 13. William Perian. —85 June 29. Francis Rhodes. 89 May 10. Thomas Walmsley. 93 Jan. 25. Francis Beaumont. —94 Jan. 21. Thomas Owen. 97 Nov. 30. Thomas Meade. 98 June 30. John Glanvil. 99 George Kingsmill. 1 60 1 Nov. 25. Peter Warburton. 03 Feb. 3. William Daniel. o C Thomas Coventry. 07 Nov. 24. Sir Thontas Forster, knt. — 11 7. Humphrey Winch. 1 2 26. Sir Austin Nichols, knt. 6117 304 Puisne Justices of the Common Pleas. Sir Richard Hutton, knt. William Jones. Sir George Crook, knt. Francis Hervy. Sir Humphrey Davenport. Sir George Vernon, knt. , Francis Crawley. Sir John Finch, knt. Edward Reeve. Robert Forster. Sir Robert Forster, knt< Sir Thomas Mallet, knt. Sir Robert Hyde, knt. Thomas Tyrell, esq. Samuel Browne, esq. John Archer, esq. Sir W. Wild, knt. and. bart. Sir Robert Atkyns, knt. Sir William Ellis, knt. Sir Hugh Wyndham, knt. Sir Thomas Jones, knt. Sir William Scroggs, knt. Sir Thomas Rokesby, knt. Vere Bertie, esq. Sir William Polb'en, knt. Sir William Ellis, knt. revoked April 21. 1687. Sir Job Charleton, knt. revoked April 20. 1686. Sir Christopher Levinz, knt. revoked Feb. 9. 1685, vice Bertie. Sir Francis Withens, knt. Sir Richard Holloway, knt. Sir T. Street, knt. vice Wyndham. Sir Thomas Jones, knt. revoked April 20. 1686. Sir Job Charleton, knt.' made Chief Justice of Ches ter in 1686. Sir Francis Withens, knt. — 85 Oct. lb. Sir Robert Wright, knt. 1 Feb. 13. Sir Henry BedingfiekL knt. vice Livinz. Made Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. —86 Apr. 21. Sir Edward Lutwyehe, vice Jones. 24. Sir J. Powell, knt. vice Charleton. Determined June 23. 1702. —87 14. Sir Christopher Milton, knt. vice Ellis. Revoked July 3. 1688. ' , ' ( , 27. Sir Richard Allibone, knt. vice Ellis. Died 168S. 1688 1617 Mar. 3- — 21 —23 Feb. 11. * — 24 Oct. 18. — 29 Feb. 2. — 31 May 8. — 32 Oct. 11. —34 14. —38 Mar. 14. —39 Jan. 27. —60 May 31- July 7- Nov. 3- -63 4- —68 Apr. 16. —72 25- Dec. 28. Jan. 22. —76 Apr. 11. Oct. 23- —78 June I5- Oct. 23- —79 Apr. 3°- —80 26. Feb. 12. -83 Apr. 25- Sept. 25- —84 Oct. 29. Feb. 7- Puisne Justices ofthe Common Pleas. 305 1688 July 3. Sir Thomas Jenner, knt. Sir Thomas Powell, knt. Sir Robert Baldocke, knt, Oct. 22. Sir Thomas Stringe, knt. —89 Mar. 18. Sir John Powell, knt. Sir William Dolben, knt. Apr. 17. Sir William Gregory, knt. May 8. Thomas Rokesby, esq. 9. Peyton Ventris, esq. — 91 Oct. 30. Sir Edward Nevill, knt. — 95 26. Sir John Powell, knt. — 97 Nov. 24. Sir John Blencowe, knt. Resigned in 1772. — 9^ Henry Gould, esq. — 99 Thomas Bury, esq. I7°° Robert Tracy, esq. Resigned in 1726. — 03 Feb. 11. Robert Dormer, esq. — 14 Oct. 27. Sir Peter King, knt, — -— Nov. 20. sir John Blencowe, knt. Robert Dormer, esq. — 22 June 25. Alexander Denton, esq. vice Blencowe. — 26 Oct. 20. Robert Price, esq. vice Dormer. Nov. 4. Sir Francis Page, knt. —27 Oct. 24. Spencer Cooper, esq. vice King. — 28 Jan. 27v Sir John Fortescue Aland, knt. (afterwards created Lord Forteseue of Creden in Ireland in 1746;) he resigned in 1746, vice Page. — 33 Apr. Thomas Reeve, esq. vice Price. Made Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. —36 Feb. 9. Sir John Comyns, knt. vice Reeve. Made Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. — 38 July 6. William Fortescue, esq. vice Comyns. — 40 Apr. Sir Thomas Parker, knt. vice Denton, (afterwards Chief Baron ofthe Exchequer.) ; Sir Thomas Burnet, knt. vice Fortescue. Sir Thomas Abney, knt. vice Parker. Sir Thomas Birch, knt. vice F. Aland. Nathaniel Gundry, esq. vice Abney. Sir Edward Clive, knt. vice Burnet. Resigned 1776. Hon. Henry Bathurst, vice Gundry, (created Lord Apsley, and made Lord High Chancellor in 1771). Hon. William Noel, vice Birch. Sir Henry Gould, knt. vice Noel. Sir Joseph Yates, vice Bathurst. Sir William Blackstone, knt. vice Clive. [vol. 11.] x .". . S77J —41—43 Feb. — 46 June 15- —50 —53 Jan- —54 APr- .3°' — 57 Mar. — 62 Dec. — 70 May 4- June 20. 3®f> Court of Exchequer. 1771 Jan. 23. Sir George Nares, knt. vice Yates. —80 July 13. John Heath, esq. vice Blackstone. — 86 Sir John Wilson, knt. vice Nares. — 93 Mar. Sir Giles Rooke, knt. vice Wilson. — 94' Sir Soulden Lawrence, knt. vice Gould. June Sir Francis Buller, knt. vice Lawrence. 1800 Sir Alan Chambre, knt. vice Buller. Of the COURT of EXCHEQUER. The Court of Exchequer is one of the four great Courts of the Kingdom, and is held in a room contiguous to the north-west corner of Westminster Hall, and is so named from a chequered cloth which anciently covered the table, where the Judges and Chief Officers sat. This Court was first erected by King William the Conqueror, for the trial of all causes relating to the revenues^of the Crown ; and in the same Court there are now also matters of equity between subject and subject. In this last, the Lord High Treasurer, or the Chancellor of the Exchequer, presides, assisted by the Lord Chief Baron, and the Barons of the Exchequer : But the judicial proceedings, according to law, are only before the Barohs or Judges ofthe Exchequer ; and here before them are tried all causes relating to the King's revenue ; such as are concerning accounts,' disbursements, customs, and fines imposed. The Judges of this Court are called Barons, viz. one Lord Chief Ba ron, and three other Barons. They are styled Barons, as in ancient times Barons sat here by the King's appointment to try causes ; but in latter times only men skilled in the law have been appointed Judges in this Court ; and they still retain the title of Baron. To this Court appertains another person called a Barori, viz. the Cursitor Baron, w-ho sits in Court with the other Barons ; Taut is no judge, his office being only to administer the oath to the sheriffs, under- sheriffs, bailiffs, .searchers, surveyors, and other officers of the Custom house. When at any time the Barons are of different opinions concerning the decision of any cause, they call to their assistance the Chancellor ofthe Exchequer, who detides in favour of one ofthe, parties by his casting vote. To Chief Barons of the Exchequer. %of To this office belong a King's Remembrancer, Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, Clerk of the Pipe, Comptroller of the Pipe, Auditors ofthe Imprest, Remembrancers ofthe First Fruits, &c. &c. All of whom in their proper places. Chief Barons of the Exchequer. 1247 Alanus de Watsand. 1303 July 26. William de Carleton. —17 June 18. Walter de Norwico. 1^27 July 17. Hervey de Stanton. 28 Feb. 2. Walter de Norwico. —30 12. John de Stonore. , — 34 Nov. 19. Henry le Scroope. 38 Mar. 20. Robert de Sadington. 44 July 2. William de Shareshull. 46 Nov. io. John de Stanford. —31 Apr. 7. Gervis de Wilford. 63 William Skipwith. 66 Oct. 29. Thomas de Lodelow. 73 Feb. 3. William Tarks. — 76 Nov. 12. Henry Asto. —81 Dec. 6. Robert de Pkfyngton. 84 June 27. William de KarleoL 87 Aug. 8. Robert de Plefyhgton. 88 Apr. 24. Thomas Pynchebeck. — 89 May 12. John Cassey. 1401 Nov. is- Thomas Cokayn. -—14 14. William Lasingby. 20 4. William Babington. — 23 May 3. John Iven. . 36 Feb. 9.' John Fray. 48 May 2. Peter Ardern. 63 Sept. 29. Richard Ulingworth. , 72 May 22. Sir Thomas Urswyk,knt. —8.0 Apr. 3. William Nottingham. —84 June 26. Sir Humphrey Starkey, knt. 87 Oct. 29. William Hody. 1313 Jan. 8. John Scot. x 2 1522 308 Chief Barons of the Exchequer, 1322 Feb. 8. John Fitz-James. — 26 Jan. 4. Richard Brooke. — 29 May 12. Richard Leicester. — 46 Nov. n. Sir Roger Cholmley, knt. — 52 May 2-1. Henry Bradshaw. — S3 Sept. 1. Sir David Brooke, knt. — 37 Mar. 2. Clement Higham. — 39 Jan. 22. Sir Edward Saunders, knt. —77 24. Sir Robert Bell, knt. ' Oct. 12. Sir John Jeoffries, knt. ' — 79 Jan. 4. Roger Manhood. 1603 Apr. 26. Sir William Periam, knt. — 04 Oct. 27. Thomas Fleming. — 07 June 23. Lawrence Wandfield. — 23 May 10. Sir Joseph Walter, knt. — 30 Jan. 16. Sir H. Davenport, knt. — 43 23. Sir Robert Lane, knt. \ —60 June 1. Sir Orlando Bridgman, knt. — 66 Nov. 7. Matthew Hale, esq. — 71 May 23. Sir Edward Turner, knt. —76 Apr. 12. William Montagu, esq. — 86 21. Sir Edward Atkyns, knt. — 89 17. Sir Robert Atkyns, K.B. ,- — 9.5 June 10. Sir Edward Ward, knt. ~^ ¦ 1716 Sir Thomas Bury, knt. — 22 May 4. Sir James Montagu, knt. —23 Nov. 16. Sir Robert Eyre, knt. Made Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. — 23 June 1. Sir Jeffrey Gilbert, knt. — 26 Oct. 22. Sir Thomas Pengelly, knt. — 30 Apr. 28. S;r James Reynolds, knt. — 38 July 6. Sir Jo. Comyns, knt. — 40 Nov. 28. Sir Edmund Probyn, knt. — 42 Dec. 4. Sir Thomas Parker, knt. Resigned. — 72 Oct. 28. Sir Sidney Stafford Smythe, knt. Resigned. — 77 Nov. 29. Sir John Skynner, knt. Resigned. — 87 Jan. 26. Sir James Eyre,' knt. — 93 Feb. 12. Sir Archd. Macdonald,knt. Barons Barons of the Exchequer. 309 Barons of the Exchequer. 1253 Jun* 16. Peter de Rievallis. —68 William de Grancurt. —73 William de Cliff. —75 Walter de Hopton. —77 June 8. John de Cobham. Roger de Northwood. John de St Valerico. —80 June 23- Philip de Willby. -84 Peter de Cestria. —86 William de Karleton. William de Middleton. —91 Adam de Stratton. —92 Peter de Leycgstre. —93 Jan- 2. Rog^r de Leycestre. l —95 Aug. 28. Richard de Saham. -98 John de Insula. —99 Oct. *7- Richard de Abyan. 1300 June i3< Roger de Higham. — 06 Oct. 19. Humphrey de Waldene. — 08 Sept. 16. Thomas de Cantebrig. Nov. 10. John de Banquel. 28. Johnde Everdon. — 11 July 17- Roger Scotre. — 12 Mar. 3- * Walter de Norwico. 8. John Abel. — 15 Sept. 20. * Harvey de Stanton. —17 Dec. 29. Ingel. de Warlee. — 18 June 18. John de Okeham. —19 July 24. Robert de Woodhouse. — 21 Aug. 6. Lambert de Trickingham, Walter de Friskeney. —23 June 1. William de Fulburn. July 20. Roger Beler. — 24 Sept. 20. Edward de Passelee. May 21. Robert de Aleston. June 18. William de Everdon. — 27 Sept. 1. John de Redeswell. —28 Feb. 4- William de Bodon. 1328 "3 * o _ff -67 Oct. s 3- —60 Nov. -70 July — 71 Dec. Jan. Masters ofthe Chancery. 323 1672 June 17. Sir Lacon William Child. July Howell, L.L.D. Dec. Sir Edward Lowe.' Sir William Bargiter. — 73 Jan. Sir Myles Cooke. Feb. • Sir Samuel Clarke. — 75 Feb. 7. Sir John Hoskins. — 80 July Sir Adam Otteley. — 82 Apr. 16. Sir Robert Legard. —83 Feb. Sir James Astry. — 84 May 31. John Edisbury, L.L.D. — 83 July 4. Jshn Methuen. —88 Mar. 16. Samuel Keck. May 26. Roger Meredith. — 91 Aug. 20. Henry Newton, L.L.D. succeeded Sir Myles Cooke, and surrendered his office August 20. 1701. ¦ — 93 June Sir Richard Holford. Oct. 20. Thomas Pitt: he surrendered his office May 3. 1712. 1706 July Sir Thomas Gery. — 01 Feb. 21: William Rogers. — 03 July 22. John Hiccocks. — 06 Aug. 7. James Medlycott. — 07 23. William Fellows. —08 ' John Meller. — 10 July 24. John Orlebar, v Dec. 2. Fleetwood Dormer. — 11 June 6. Samuel Browning. — 12 Oct. 17. Robert Holford. Nov. 3. Henry Lovibond. — 16 Mar. 9. John Bennet. — 19 Oct. 1.;. Richard Godfrey. — 20 Jan. " 7. James Lightbourn. July 29. John Borret. - — 21 Jan, 10. Edward Conway. May 18. Henry Edwards. William Kinaston, — 03 June I. Thomas Bennet. Feb. 1. Francis Elde. — 24 Aug. 1;. Mark Thurston. —26 Dec. 14. Francis Cudworth Masham. Feb. 17. Samuel Burroughs. Robert Yard. — 28 May 29. Anthony Allen. John Tothill. Y2 1731 3-4 1731 June 2 ¦-* -j Mar. 3 1 -33 May —39 —49 Mar. Aug. —5° -r54 May —59 Oct. —60 Mar. —61 Sept. Nov. —63 Jan. —64 July — 6s Sept. Dec. -67 Aug. —73 Jan. —75 July Dec. -78 Mar. —So — Si —82 May 11 —86 -87 —92 —95 -96 180 1 — 02 —03 —04 Master's ofthe Chancery. William Spicer. Richard. Edwards. Edmund Sawyer, vice J. Lightbourft, deceased. Henry Montagu, vice John Bennet, ditto. Thomas Lane, vice W. Knyaston, do. John Waple, vice M. Thurston, do. Peter Holford, vice R. Holford. Thomas Harris, vice A. Allen, deceased. Peter Davall, vice E. Sawyer, do. Samuel Bonner, vice J.- Waple, resigned. John Browning, vice F. Elde, deceased. Thomas Anguish, vice W. Spicer, resigned. William Graves, vice S.. Burroughs, deceased. Samuel Pechell," vice P. Davall, do. John Eames, vice T. Bennet. Edward Montagu, vice H.Montagu, resigned. Thomas Cudden, vice S, Bonner, deceased. Robert Pratt, vice R. Edwards. Edward Leeds, vice T. Lane, deceased. William W. Pepys, vice R. Pratt, do. John Hett, vice T. Cudden, do. John Orde, vice T. Harris, resigned. C. Bicknell, vice J. Browning. John Eardley Wilmot, vice C. Bicknell, deceased. Alexander Thompson, vice S. Pichell, do. Alexander Popham, vice T. Anguish, do. Thomas Walker, vice A. Thomson, made a Judge. John Spranger, esq. vice Hett. Nicholas Smith, esq. vice Eames., Nathaniel Smith, esq. vice Walker. John Simeon, esq. vice Montagu. John Campbell, esq. vice Graves. Nicholas Ridley, esq. vice Popham. Francis Paul Stratford, esq. vice Anguish. John Springett Harvey, esq. vice Thomson. Samuel Compton Cox, esq. vice Smith. , James Stanley, esq. vice Spranger. Robert Steele, esq. vipe Ridley. Of Master ofthe Rolls. 325 Of the MASTER of the ROLLS. The Master, of the Rolls is the first of the Twelve Masters in Chan,- eery, and he is called the' Master of the Rolls, from having the cusr tody of all charters, patents, commissions, deeds, and recognizances, which being made into rolls of parchment, gave occasion for 'that name, This repository of public papers is called the Rolls, being situated in Chancery -lane, and was a chapel founded for the converted Jews, which, after their being expelled jthe kingdom, was annexed for ever to the office of the Master of the Rolls. Here are kept all the records since the beginning of the reign of King Richard III. all prior to that period being kept in the Tower of London. . The Master ofthe Rolls is an officer of great trust ; he is always of the Privy -Council ; and his office is of great profit, though much short of what it has been. He is so far an assistant to the Lord High Chancellor, as to hear causes in his absence, but does not go so far as to make a decree. By virtue of his office, he keeps a court at the Rolls, with two assistant Masters in Chancery, where he hears and determines causes that come there be fore him ; but his decrees are appealable to the Court of Chancery. His place is in the Kingfs gift ; and he has the gift ofthe six clerks offices, of the examiners offices, three clerks of the petty bag, and the six clerks oLthe Rolls Chapel, Le has under him a secretary, two registers, and an usher. In Parliament-time, when he sits Jn the House of Lords, his place is next to the Lord Chief Justice of England, upon the second wool sack. Masters ofthe Rolls. Adam de Osgodeby. William de Ayremynne. William Anyne. Richard de Ayremynne. Henry de Cliflv Michael de Wath. John de Sanco. f 3 1339 1291 Oct. 1. 13 1 6 Aug. 19. —18 —23 May 26. — 24 July 4 — 32 J>- 20. —36 Apr. 28 326 Masters ofthe Rolls, 1339 William de Kilderly. Thomas de Evesham. — 40 Feb. 21. John de Thoresby. — 44 David de Wollere. — 70 Mar. 28. William de Bevestall. —81 Sept. 1. John de Waltham. Oct. 24. John de Brereton. John Searle. Thomas Stanley. 1401 — — 24. Nich. Bedwith. — 04 Mar; 2. John Wakening. — 13 June 3. Simon Gaunstede. —23 Oct. 28. JohnFraunke. — 38 Nov. 13. John Stopinden. —46 Mar. 29. Thomas Kirkby. — 61 Dec. 23. , Robert de Kirkham. — 71 Apr. 29. John Alcock. Feb. 22. William Morland. — 73 May 2. John Mc»rton. Robert Morton. Thomas Barrow. — 83 Nov. 13. William Eliot. _' \ — 87 — — — 26. David Williams-. — 91 May 3. John Blithe. — 93 Feb. 13. William Wareham. 1501 1. William Baron. — 04 Nov. 13. Christopher Benebrigge. —07 Jan. 22. John Yonge. — 09 June 12. John Yonge. — 16 May 12. Cuthbert Tunstall. — 22 Oct. 20. John Clarke. —23 — — 19. Thomas Hannibal. — 27 June 26. John Taylor. — 34 Oct. 8. Thomas Croombwell, — 36 June 10. Christopher Hales. — 41 July 'i. Robert Southwell. — 49 Dec' 19. John Beaumont. — 51 June 18. Sir Robert Bowes, knt*. — S3 Sept. 18. Sir Nic. Hare, knt. —57 Nov. 8. Sir William Corckll, knt. — 80 May 30. Sir Gilbert Gerrard, knt. — 93 i\pr. 10. Sir Thomas Egerton, knt. 1603 May 18. Edward Bruce. —08 Dec. 2. Sir Edwa-rd Phillips, knt. — 10 Jan. 16. Julius C;esa'r. — 14 Oct. 1. Julius Caesar. —29 Apr. 10. Sir Humphrey Mav, knt. 1630 Attorneys-General. 327 1630 Nov. 29. Sir Dudley Diggs. — 38 Charles Csesar. —42 Jan. 30. Sir John Culpeper. — 45 Nov. 22. William Lenthall. — 60 Nov. 3. Sir Harbottle Grimstone, Bart, — 84 Jan. 12. Sir John Churchill, knt. — 85 Oct. 20. Sir John Trevor, knt. — 89 Mar. 13. Henry Powle, esq. — 92 Jan. 13. Sir John Trevor, knt. 17 17 July 13. Sir Joseph Jekyll. For life. — 38 Sept. .29. Hon. John Verney. —41 Nov. 7. William Fortescue, esq, — 30 Jan. 13. Sir John Strange, knt. — 34 May 23. Sir Thomas Clarke, knt. — 64 Dec. 4. Sir Thomas Sewell, knt. —84 Mar. 27. Sir Lloyd Kenyon, Bart, created Lord Kenyon, and made Lord, Chief Justice of King's Bench. —88 June 7, Richard Pepper Arden, esq. 1801 May 30. Sir William Grant, knt. - l^L^ *~3 S>ee"/S/7 7 / " Of the OFFICES of ATTORNEY-GENERAL anp SOLICITOR-GENERAL. The Attorney-General is a great Officer of the Crown ; and is made by letters-patent. He is to exhibit informations, and prosecute for the King in matters criminal ; and to file bills in Exchequer, for any claims concerning the Crown, in inheritance or profit ; and others may bring bills against the King's Attorney. The Solicitor-General is likewise a great Officer of the Crown, and is made by letters-patent. He is a second or deputy to the Attorney- General. t 4 Attorneys- 32B Attorneys-General. Attorneys-General. 1278 William de Gisilham. —79 Gilbert de Thormton. —80 Alanus de Waldingham. -—91 William Inge. Hugo de Louther. _93 John de Mutford. _99 Nic. de Warwick. j 200 John de Cestria. __oi John de Mutford. 08 Matthew de Scaccario. 12 John de Norton. —IC William de Langley. _i8 Adam dg Fyneham. _20 Galfridus de Scrope. —22 Nov. 6. Galfridus de Fyngale. _24 Adam de Fyneham. 26 Feb. 26. William de Merston. —27 Alexander de Hadenham, Adam de Fyneham. —28 Richard de Aldeburgh. —33 Simon de Trewythosa. —37 Aug. 4. John de Clone. May 28. John de Lincoln. —-¦38 July 16. John de' Clone. William de Mevington. —41 William de Thorpe. —42 John de Lincoln. John de Clone. —48 Oct. 12. Simon de Kegworth. —32 . Henry de Graistock. John Gaunt. —59 May 4. Richard de Freysley. —61 William de Pleste. —62 Nov. 4. William de Nessefield. —65 — — — 9. Thomas de Shardlow. —66 May 12. John de Ashwell. Michael Skilling,- —78 Thomas de Shardlow. —81 William Ellis. • — 84 Will i am de Horneby. 1386 Attorneys-General, 329 1386 Edmund Brudenell. — 99 Sept. 30. William de Lodington. 140 1 Thomas Cowley. — 07 July 13. Thomas Dereham. Aug. 17. Roger Hunt. — 12 Thomas Tickhill. — 13 Jan. 16. William Babington. — 21 William Babthorpe. — 29 Oct. 28. John Vampage. — 31 June 30. William Nottingham. —61 Aug. 12. John Herbert. Henry Southnell. — 71 June 16. William Husee. — 83 May 28. Mergahus Kidwelly. — 83 Sept. 27. William Hody. —86 July 8. Jacob Hubbard. 1309 Apr. 28. John Ernly. —18 Jan. 26. John Fitz-James. —23 Apr. 1. Radulphus Swillington. — 29 June 3. Christopher Hales. — 36 July 10. Sir John Baker, knt. — 40 Nov. 8. William Whorwood. — 45 June 18. Henry Bradshaw. - — 31 May 21. Edward Griffith. — 53 Sept. 30. Edward Griffith. — 38 Jan. 22. Gilbert Gerrard. — 80 June 1. John Popham. — -91 June 2. Sir Thomas Egerton, knt. — 93 Apr. 10. Edward Coke. 1606 July 4. Sir Henry Hobart, knt. — 13 Oct. 27. Sh Francis Bacon, knt. afterwards Vise. St. Albans. — 16 Mar. 12. Sir Henry Yelverton, knt. — 20 Jan. 11. Sir Thomas Coventry, afterwards Lord Coventry. — 25 Oct. 31. Robert Heath. —31 Oct. 27. William Noy. 34 Sept. 22. Sir John Banks, knt. 40 Jan. 29. Sir Edward Herbert, knt. — 60 May 31. Jeffry Palmer, esq. — 70 Sir Heneage Finch, knt. and bart. afterw. Lord Finch. — 73 Nov, 12. Sir Francis North, knt. afterwards Lord Guildford. _ 74 Sir William Jones. — 79 Oct. 27. Sir Cresvel Livinx, knt. — 80 Feb. 14. Sir Robert Sayer, knt. — 87 Dec. 13. Sir Thomas Powis. — 88 Mar. 4. Henry Pollexfen, esq. — 89 May 7. Sir George Treby, knt. 1697 330 Solicitors-General. i6gf May 2. Sir John Somers, knt. afterwards Lord Somers. ' — 93 Apr. 4. Edward Ward, esq. —95 June 10. Sir Thomas Trevor, knt. afterwards Lord Trevor. 1 70 1 July 3. Edward Northey, esq. — 07 Apr. 25. Sir Simon Harcourt, knt. afterwards Lord Harcourt. — 08 Oct. 21, Sir James Montagu, knt. — 10 Sept. 18, Sir Simon Harcourt, again. Oct. 19. Sir Edward Northey, knt. again. — 17 Mar. 14. Nicholas Lechmere, esq. afterwards Lord Lechmere. — zo May 9. Sir Robert Raymond, knt. afterwards L4- Raymond, — 23 Jan. 31. Sir Philip Yorke,. knt. afterwards Earl of Hardwicke. — 33 Nov. 30. Sir John Willes, knt. — 36 Jan. 26. Sir Dudley Ryder, knt. —54 Apr. 20. Hon. William Murray, afterwards Earl of Mansfield, — 36 .Nov. 6. Sir R. Henley, knt. afterwards Earl of Northington, — 57 July 1 . Sir Charles Pratt, knt. afterwards Lord Camden. — 62 Jan. 25. Hon. Charles Yorke. —63 Dec. 16. Sir Fletcher Norton, knt. afterwaids Lord Grantley, — 65 Aug. 25. Hon, Charles Yorke, afterwards Lord Morden. —66 William de Grey, esq. afterwards Lord Walsingham. — 71 Jan. 23. Edward Thurlow, esq. now Lord Thurlow. —78 June 16. Alex. Wedderburne, esq. now Lord Loughborough, — 80 July 11. James Wallace, esq. ' —82 Apr. 20, Lloyd Kenyon, esq. and Chief Justice of Chester, —83 James Wallace : died, Nov. 18. John Lee; Dec. 26. Lloyd Kenyon. Richard Pepper Arden, Sir Archibald Macdonald, knt. Sir John Scott, knt. now Lord Eldon. Sir John Mitford, knt. now Lord Redesdale. Sir Edward Law, knt. now Lord Ellenborough. Hon. Spencer Percival. Sir Arthur Pigot, knt. Solicitors-General. 1461 Mar. 12. Richard Fowler. — 69 Jan. 31. Richard Page. — 83 Aug. 26. Thomas Lynon. — 84 Oct. 20. Continued. —85 Nov. 15. Andrew Dimmock. / 1506. —84 Mar. —88 June 3°28. —g3 Feb. i3> —99 1801 — 02 Apr. —06 Feb. Solicitors-General. 331 1506 July 12. John Ernley. ... — 13 „ ' John Port. —21 8. Richard Listor. — 23 Aug. 14. Christopher Hales.- — 3 1 ¦ Baldwirie Malet. — 33 Oct. Richard Rich. — 3S Apr. 13. William Whorwood. , 1 — 40 Henry Bradshaw. — 43 June 8. Edward Griffin. — 32 May 21. John Gosnol. i — 53 Sept. 30. William Cordell. — 57 Nov. 20. Richard Wensto. — 38 Feb. 1. William Rosewell. — 6s June 27. Richard Onslow. — ^68 Mar. 14. Thomas Bromley. — 79 June 26. John Popham. — 81 28. Thomas Egerton. — 92 16. Edward Cocke. — 94 Nov. 6. Thomas Fleming. 1603 Apr. 2. Continued. < — 07 June 23. Francis Bacon. — -13 Oct. 29. Henry Yelverton. — 16 Mar. 14. Thomas Coventry. — 20 Jan. 22. Robert Heath. — 23 Nov. 1. Richard Skelton. —34 Oct. 17. Sir Edward Littleton. — 3g Jan. 23. Edward Herbert. — 40 29. Oliver St John. — 43 Oct. 30. Sir T. Gardner, knt.andbart. — 60 June 6. Heneage Finch, esq. — 70 May 11. Sir Edward Turner, knt. — 7 1 20. Francis North, esq. — 73 Nov. 14. Sir William Jones, knt. — 78 Sir Francis Winnington, knt. > Jan. 13. Heneage Finch, esq. — 85 Feb. 7. Continued. — 86 Apr. 26. Sir Thomas Powis, knt. — 87 Dec. 13. Sir William Williams, knt. —88 May 4. Sir George Treby, knt. — 89 7. John Somers, esq. — 92 Mar. 2. Thomas Trevor, esq. — 93 July 13. John Hawles, esq. 1702 June 1. Simon Harcourt, esq. — 07 Apr. 25. Sir James Montagu, knt. 8 Oct. 21. Robert Eyre, esq. IO May 13.. Sir Robert Raymond, knt. 1614 Jj 32 Chief Justices in Eyre. 1714 Oct. 13. Nicholas Lechmere, esq. — 13 Dec. 21. John Fortescue Aland, esq. — 16 Feb. 6. Sir William Thompson, knt. — 19 Mar. 22. Sir Philip Yorke, knt. — 23 Feb. 3. Sir Clement Wearg, knt. — 26 Apr. 23. Charles Talbot, esq. — 33 Nov. 30. Dudley Ryder, esq. —36 Jan. 26. John Strange, esq. —42 Nov. 27. Hon. William Murray. — 45 Apr. 20. Sir Richard Lloyd, knt, — 36 Nov. 6. Hon. Charles Yorke. —61- Dec. 14. Fletcher Norton, esq. — 63 Nov. William de Grey, esq. . —66 Aug. Edward Willes, esq. — 67 Dec. 23. Jo. Dunning, esq. — 70 Mar. Edward Thurlow, esq. — 71 Jan. 23. Alex. Wedderburne, esq. — 78 June 16. James Wallace, esq. —80 Sept. 1. James Mansfield, esq. —82 Apr. 20. John Lee, esq. — — July Richard Pepper Arden, esq. —83 Apr. John Lee, esq. Nov. 18. James Mansfield, esq. Dec. 26. R. P. Arden, esq. — 84 Apr. 7.1 Arch. McDonald, esq. — 88 Jvune 28. Sir John Scott, knt. — 93 Feb. 13. Sir John Mitford, knt. — 99 Sir William Grant, knt. 1 80 1 Hon. Spencer Percival. — 02 Apr. Thomas Manners Sutton. • — 03 Sir Vicary Gibbs, knt. — 06 -Feb. Sir Samuel Romilly, knt, CHIEF JUSTICES in EYRE. When the forest-laws were in force, the office of Ghief Justice in Eyre was an office of great trust and dignity. There are two of them, one whose power extended south ofthe river Trent ; the other to the north ofthat river. By ancient custom they should go their circuits every third year, and punish all abuses committed in his Majesty's forests ; Chief Justices in Eyre. 3 7 3 forests. ; but the office is now a mere sinecure, the verdurers of th e different royal forests transacting all the business. A List of the Chief Justices in Eyre, North and South of Trent, From the Reign of King Henry VIII. to the present Time. 1324 Thomas, Marquis of Dorset. Sir Thomas Lovel, knt. Thomas, Lord Gromwell, (afterwards Earl of Essex). — 41 Thomas, Earl of Rutland. North. — 46 Sir Anthony Brown. North. — 48 Francis, Earl of Shrewsbury. North. Henry, Marquis of Dorset, (afterwards Duke of Suffolk). South. — 34 Henry, Earl of Sussex. North. — 64 Robert, Earl of Leicester. South. Francis, Earl of-Bedford. South. — 88 Charles, Earl of Nottingham! South. 1603 Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury. North. — 12 Franeis, Earl of Rutland. North. — 18 George, Marquis (afterwards Duke) of Buckingham. South. — 32 Henry, Earl of Holland. South. — 33 Thomas, Earl of Arundel, Surrey, and Norfolk. North. — 46 John, Earl of Rutland. North. —60 William, Marquis (afterwards Duke) of Newcastle. North. Aubrey, Earl of Oxford. North. — 76 James, Duke of Monmouth. North. — 79 Philip, Earl of Chesterfield. South. — 83 Henry, Duke of Newcastle. North. Theophilus, Earl of Huntingdon. South. — 89 John, Lord Lovelace. South. James, Earl of Abingdon. South. , — 91 William, Earl (afterwards Duke) of Devonshire. North. — 97 Thomas, Lord Wharton. South. 1702 Montagu Venables, Earl of Abingdon. South. —03 Thomas, Lord Wharton, (afterwards Earl and Marquis of Wharton). South. —07 William, Duke of Devonshire. North. — io Montagu Venables, Earl of Abingdon. South. .— — John, Duke of Newcastle, Sept. 23. North-— Died 1711. 17*4 334 Serjeants at Law, 17 14 Evelyn, Marquis of Dorchester, (afterwards Duke of Kingston), November 4. 'North. — 13 Charles, Earl of Tankerville, December 9. South. — 16 Thomas, Earl of Westmoreland, December 13. North. — 19 Bennet, Earl of Harborough, May 3. North. — 22 Charles, Lord Cornwallis, January. South. — 30 Charles, Earl of Carlisle. North. ' — 33 John, Viscount Lymington, (afterwards Earl of Portsmouth), January 11. North. — 34 Peregiine, Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven, June 21. North. — 40 William, Earl of Jersey, May 12. South. — 42 George, "Earl of Cardigan, February 14. North. — 46 George Dunk, Earl of Halifax. South. - — 48 Thomas, Duke of Leeds, November 12. South. — 32 Edward, Duke of Somerset, February 11. North. — SS Samuel, Lord Sandys, December. South. — S6 Richard, Earl of Breadalbane, December 11, South. — 58 Richard, Lord Edgecumbe, Januaiy 24. North. — 39 Samuel, Lord Sandys, February 13. North. —61 Thomas, Duke of Leeds, April 14. North. — 6s John, Lord Monson, November 3. South. — 66 Charles, Earl Cornwallis, December 20. South. — 69 Sir Fletcher Norton, knt. (now Lord "Grantley.) January South. Died. — 74 Thomas, Lord Pelham, March 12. North. — 75 Thomas, Lord Lyttleton, November 18. North. Died. — 80 Charles Wolfran Cornwall esq. September 6. North. Died. — 89 Thomas, Visgount Sydney, June. South. George Evelyn, Viscount Falmouth. North. — 90 Honble. John Charles Villiers.- North. 1800 Thomas Grenville, esq. South. SERJEANTS at LAW. 166c May 31. Sir Orlando Bridgeman. June 21. Sir Thomas Widdrington, Sir Thbmas Bedingfield, Samuel Brown, John Glyn, and Erasmus Earle, Sir Robert Bernard, Matthew Hale, John May nard, Richard Ncwdigate, Thomas Twysden, Hugh Windham, John Fountain, Evan Sey, John Ar cher, and Walter Thomas. 6. Sir John Glanville — King's Serjeant. 1660 Serjeants at Law. • 335 10. —63 July 1. May 20. —68 —6g June 26. 1660 July 4. Thomas Tyrrel, Christopher Turner, Sir George DallisoiV George Beare, Edmund Hoskins, Wad ham Windham, Job Charlton, Sir William Mor ton, John Parker, John Keeling, John Merefield, and Thomas Brome., Nov. 8. John Glynne — King's 'Serjeant. 10. John Maynard — King's ditto. _ Oct. 3. Sir William Wild. Richard Raynesford. Charles Hollowayne. Frederick Hyde. —61 Nov. 6. Sir John Keeling — King's Serjeant. Sir William Wild. • Sir William Morton — King's ditto, Sir Job Charleton— King's ditto. Sir John Vaughan. Timothy Tourner, William Ellis, Nicholas Willi- mot, Thomas Hards, Gibbon Goddard, Sir Richard Hopkins, Thomas Flint, , John Turner, Sir John Howell, Francis Bramstone} Christopher Goodfel low, Samuel Baldwin, Thomas Powis,, Thomas Jongs, and Sir William Scroggs. ply. 28. John Barton. Sir Henry Peckham. Sir William Scroggs, — King's Serjeant. Timothy Tournor — King's ditto. , Sir Edward Turner. William Ellis — King's ditto. Thomas Jones. . Sir Edward Thurland — King's ditto. Sir Robert Atkins— HerMajesty's Solicitor General. Samuel Baldwin — King's Serjeant, Sir Edward Thurland — His Royal Highness's At torney-General. — 74 Jan. 12. Sir Francis North— Attorney-General; . 29. Tristram Conyers, Edward Pecke, Richard Crooke, , Sir Nicholas Pedley, George Strode, Sir Thomas Skipwith, Lestrange Calthorpe, Sir Robert Shaftce, and Francis Pemberton. Feb. 3. Sir Richard Stote. n. Robert Stevens, Franciscus Barrell. — 73 Apr., 2. Richard Rigby. 22. Edward Pecke — King's Serjeant. 23. Lestrange Calthorpe — King's ditto. May 18. Vere Bertie. Aug. n. Sir Francis Pemberton— King's ditto. 1675 . Nov. 2. 70 May V Apr. 19. 28. Dec. 12. 72 Mar. 12. Jan.Dec. '3- 12. 33^ Serjeants at Law. 1675 Feb. 12. William Montagu. — 76 May 12. Thomas Hardress. George Strode — King's Serjeant. tune 28. Sir Richard Stote — King's ditto. — 77 July 3. Sir William Dolben, Richard Holloway, John Symp son, Richard Weston, Robert Baldock, William Gregory, Francis, Wingfield, George Johnston, Thomas Walcott, Thomas Strode, Sir Thomas Stringer, Thomas Streete, and Thomas Holte. Oct. II. Sir John Shaw. > Thomas Rawlins. Thomas Raymond. > ' 24. Sir William Dolben — King's Serjeant. Feb. 18. John Sympson— King's ditto. — 78 Oct. 23. Thomas Streete — King's ditto. Feb. 3. Richard Weston — King's ditto. Jan. 27. Sir Thomas Stringer — King's ditto. Feb. 12. Edward Atkyns. William Leake. ¦ — 80 Sir George Jeffereys, Sir John Kelynge, Robert Wright, Edmund West, Thomas Walcot, Sir John Boynton, Edward Birch, Edward Bigland, Wm. Richardson, William Bugby, Edmund Saunders, John Windham, and Sir Francis Manley. . ' Sir George Jeffereys — King's Serjeant. . Sir John Kelynge — King's ditto. . Sir Robert Wright— King's ditto. . Sir Creswell Levinz — Attorney-General. Sir John Boynton — King's Serjeant. _ Sir Francis Wythens. Sir Richard. Holloway — King's ditto. ' Sir John Shaw — King's ditto Sir Thomas Skipwith — King's ditto. Sir Edward Nevile — King's ditto. Sir Thomas Jenner, John Wyndham, Edwin Wyatt, Edward Birch, Henry Bedingfield, Thomas Far rer, Sir Paul Barret, Anthony Farrington, John Jeffreyson, Edward Lutwyehe, Richard Heath, Henry Selby, John Millington, Thomas Powell, Owen Wynne, Edward Pudsey, John Windham, John Norris, William le Hunt, Edward Nevil, William Rawlinson, and Christopher Milton. —84 Feb. 9. Sir John Maynard, Sir George Strode, Sir Thomas Stringer, Sir Robert Baldock, Sir Thomas Holt, Sir Thos. Jenner, Sir Thos. Skipwith, Sir Edward Nevile, Sir John Shaw, Sir Henry Bedingfield, Sir Edward Lutwyehe, .King's Serjeants, 1685 May 12. Nov. —82 Feb. —83 Apr. '3 *7< 29. 19. 5- Nov. Feb. 22. 1. Nov. 2.. 28. Serjeants at Law. 337 1685 May 2. Sir John Boynton— King's Serjeant. Oct. 8. Sir Edward Herbert — King's ditto. —86 Apr. 22. Sir John Holt— King's ditto. Sir Ambrose Phillips — King's ditto. 23. William Rawlinson, George Hutchins, Hugh Hedges, William Killingworth, John Tate, Thomas Geeres, John Powell. / —87 21. Sir Richard Allibone. 27. Charles Ingleby. —88 June II. William le Hunt, John Rotherham, Vincent Denn, Salathiel Lovell, Sir Henry Chancy, William Moss, Henry Trinder, Francis Fuller, William Thomp son, John Green, Anthony Bower, John Mosyer, , William Coward, Gyles Eyre, Samuel Eyre, John Warren, and Edward Smith. i —89 Apr. 11. Sir Henry Pollexfen, Nicholas Lechmere, Thomas Rookeby. John Thurbarne, William Wogham, , William Powlett, Nathan Bond, Gyles Eyres, s Henry Hatsell, John Blencow,' Peyton Ventris, John Powel, Roger Belwood, John Tremayne, John Trenchard and John Turton. May 2. George Hutchin — King's Serjeant. 4. William Woghan — King's ditto. Nathaniel Bond — King's ditto. John Tremayne — King's nitto, 21. William Thompson — King's ditto. John Trenchard — King's ditto. 92 Apr. II, Sir George Treby, Samuel Eyres, Francis Purley, William Coward, George Prickit, Thomaj Good- inge, Henry Gould, Roger Moore, Reginald Britt- land,_John Darnell, Joseph Girdler, Littleton Powis, Nathan Wright, Charles Bonython, Tho mas Burton, John Rowe, and Edward Smith. — 93 May 6. Sir George Hutchins — King's Serjeant. — 94 Feb. 20. Henry Gould — King's ditto. — 93 Apr. 3. Sir Salathiel Lovell — King's ditto. June 3. Sir Edward Ward. — 96 Dec. 30. Nathan Wright — King's ditto. , — 98 Jan. 3. John Darnell — King's ditto. 1700 Oct. 1. Sir John Jekyll— Chief-Justice of Chester. John Green, Charles Whiteacre, Thomas Gibbons, Thomas Barry, John Keen, Philip Neve, Nicholas Hooper, Henry Turner, Robert Tracy, James Mundy, John Hook, Laurence Agar, John Pratt, William Hall, James Selby, John Smith, and Tho mas Carthew. £vol. 11.] z 1700 338 Serjeants at Law. 1700 Oct. 22. Thomas Gibbon. Robert Tracy. 31. Sir Joseph Jekyll — King's Serjeant. Feb.. 3. Charles Whiteacre — King's ditto. — 01 June 29. Sir Thomas Trevor. —02 • 8. Sir Thomas Powis — Queen's ditto. Robert Price- — Queen's ditto. 24. Sir Salathiel Lovell — Queen's ditto. Nicholas Hooper — Queen's ditto. Sir John Darnell — Queen's ditto. Sir Joseph Jekyll — Queen's ditto. — 05 June 8. Thomas Parker, Henry Chetham, James Grove, William Banister, Sir John Broderick, Joseph Weld, John Bennet, Henry Lloyd, Richard Wynne, Richard Richardson, John Hoo, John Cheshire, John Birch, John Comyns, and Thomas Webb. Thomas Parker — Queen's Serjeant. — 06 Apr. iv Robert Dormer — a Judge of the Common Pleas. — 10 May 6. Sir Robert Eyre. Thomas Pengelly, — 11 Nov. 27. John Cheshire — Queen's Serjeant. ¦ — 14 Oct. 23. Sir Peter King. Sir Samuel Dodd. Sir James Montagu. Dec. 20. Sir Francis Page, John Cuthbert, William Bridges, Henry Stevens, James Reynolds, Nathaniel Meade, William Earle, Thomas Hanbury, Edward White- acre, William "Braithwayte, John Darnell, John Belfield, William Salkeld, and Edmund Miller. Jan. 3. Sir Nicholas Hooper — King's Serjeant. Sir John Cheshire — King's ditto. 26. Sir Francis Page — King's ditto. ". Sir T.homas Powit— -King's ditto. Thomas Hanbury — King's ditto. John Fortescue Aland — Baron of the Exchequer. Sir Thomas Pengelly — King's first Serjeant. Edward Whitacre — King's Serjeant. Jeffrey Gilbert. Alexander Denton. Sir Robert Raymond. Edmund Probyn. Feb. 17. Laurence Carter, Thomas Morley, Fettiplace Nott, William Chappie, Joseph Girdler, John Raby, John Baines, Richard Commyns, James Shepheard, Gyles Eyre, William Hawkins, and Matthew Skinner. 1TJ2 — 17 Nov. g — 18 June 24 —19 — 21 29 — 22 May 31 —23 Jan. 27, Serjeants at Law. 339 1724 Apr. 39. Laurence Carter — King's Serjeant. — 25 June 15. Bernard Hale. —26 Oct. 17. Edward Whitacre — King's first Serjeant. Jan. 30. John Cheshire— King's first ditto. 27 May 14. William Chappie — King's ditto. James Shepheard — King's ditto. Aug. I. Sir Nicholas Hooper — King's ditto. Edward Whiteacre — King's ditto. William Chappie — King's ditto. James Shepheard — King's ditto. Oct. 9. Spencer Cowper. Edward Corbett. —29 Nov. 26. Sir Wm. Thomson. Simon Urlin. —¦30 June ii. William Lee. Thomas Birch. Matthew Skinner — King Serjeant. Gyles Eyre — King's ditto. Thomas Parker— King's ditto. Richard Wynne- King's ditto. 1733- APril 23- (Union of the Society in Fleet-street with that in Chancery-lane). Thomas Reeve — Justice ofthe Common Pleas, 1733; Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1736. Martin Wright— Justice ofthe King's Bench, 1740. 1733 Nov. 4. Sir Philip Yorke, Lord Hardwick — Lord Chief Jus tice of the King's Bench, 1733 ; Lord Chancellor, 1737- —36 May. William Fortescue — Baron ofthe Exchequer, 1736 ; Justice ofthe Common Pleas, 1738; Master of the Rolls, 1743. John Toller. June. Thomas Parker — Baron of the Exchequer, 1736; Justice of the. Common Pleas, 1740; Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, 1742. Thomas Hussey. Abraham Gapper. Robert Price. Michael Forster — Justice of the King's Bench. Thomas J-urriet — Justice of the Common Pleas, 1741. z 2 1737 34° Serjeants at Laio. —37 Feb- ¦5- — 40 June 19, Nov. 28. — 41 Jan. May 23 5' —43 Apr. —45 May 20. 1. 1736 June. William Wynne. John Agar. Richard Draper. Robert J. Ketleby. William Hayward. Samuel Prime — King's Serjeant, 1757. Thomas Barnardiston. Edward Bootle. Sir John Willes — Lord Chief justice ofthe Common Pleas. James Reynolds — Baron of the Exchequer, 1740. Edward Willes. Thomas Abney — Baron of the Exchequer, 1740 ; Justice ofthe Common Pleas, 1743. William Eyre. Thos. Dennison — Justice of the King's Bench, 1741. 'Edward Leeds — King's Serjeant, 1757. 20. Charles Clarke — Baron ofthe Exchequer. Edward Clive — Baron of the- Exchequer, 1745 ; Justice of the Common Pleas, 1753. ^ — 47 June 29. Heneage Legge — Baron of the Exchequer. David Poole — King's Serjeant. — 30 27. Nathaniel Gundry — Justice of the King's Bench. Sidney Stafford Smythe — Baron of the Exchequer, 1730 ; Lord Chief Baron ofthe Exchequer, 1772. — ?3 Feb. 10. Richard Adams. George Wilson,. — 54 May 4. Dudler Ryder — Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench. Henry Bathurst — Justice ofthe Common Pleas, 1754; Lord Apsley and Lord Chancellor, 1771 ; now Earl Bathurst. — 55 -Apr. 16. John Eardley Wilmot — Justice of the King's Bench, 1755; Lord Chief Justice ofthe Common Pleas, 1766. Lomax Martin. James Hewit — Justice of the King's Bench, 1766 ; Lord Chancellor of Ireland, 1768. William Davy — King's Serjeant. — 56 Dec. 12. William Murray, afterwards Earl Mansfield — Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench, 1756. — 57 May 6. William Noel — Justice of the Common Pleas. Thomas Staynford. James Forster — King's Serjeant, 1772. —59 2. William Whitaker— King's ditto. George Nares — Justice ofthe Common Pleas, 1771. Anthony Keck. 1759 Serjeants at Law. 341 — 64 —65 Apr. 23- 24. —68 Jan. — 70 Feb. 29 12. June —71 Feb. 27. 1, 1739 Nov. 17. Richard Lloyd — Baron of the Exchequer. — 61 Henry Gould, Baron of the Exchequer, 1761; Jus tice of the Common Pleas, 1762. Joseph Sayer. ¦ — 62 Jan. 23. Charles Pratt — Lord Chief Justice ofthe Common Pleas; Lord Camden and Lord Chancellor, 1766. John Burland — Baron of the Exchequer, 1774. —63 Jan. 24. George Perrot — Baron of the Exchequer. John Aspinall. " John Glynn— Recorder of London, 1772. Joseph Yates — Justice ofthe King's Bench. Richard Aston*— Justice ofthe King's Bench. Richard Leigh — King's Serjeant, ,1771. , William Jephson. , Edward Willes — Justice ofthe King's Bench. William Blackstone — Justice of the Common Pleas.- Sir William Ashurst — Justice of the King's Bench. William de Grey— Lord Chief Justice of the Com mon Pleas. — 72 May 13. William Kempe. Thomas Walker. Harley Vaughan. Nov. 6. James Eyre — Baton of the Exchequer. George Hill — King's Serjeant, 1772. — 74 Apr, 29. Nash Grose — Made a Judge of the King's Bench, 1781. James Adair — Recorder of London, 1779. —75 May 19. Beaumont Hotham — Baron ofthe Exchequer. John Heath — Justice ofthe Common Pleas. 76 Apr. 26. Richard Perryn — Baron of the Exchequer. —77 Nov. 27. John Skynner — Lord Chief Baron ofthe Exchequer. — 78 May 7". John Buller— Justice of the King's Bench. — 79 Nov. 29. James Clayton Bolton. —80 June 14. Alexander Wedderburne, Lord Loughborough-r- Lord Chief Justice ofthe Common Pleas, —81 Cranley Thomas Kerby., Giles Rooke. —86 ' George Bond. John Wilson. — 87 Feb. Sir Alexander Thompson — Baron ofthe Exchequer. Simon le Blanc. Soulden Lawrence. May 7, William Cockell. Nov. 17. Charles 'Runnington, Samuel Mars h, ames Watson esqrs. z 3 - 1788 342 Justices ofthe Grand Sessions. 1788 June 9. Sir Lloyd Kenyon, Bart. Ralph Clayton, esq. —89 Sir John William Rose, knt. — 93 , Samuel Haywood, esq. John Williams, esq. Arthur Palmer, esq. —99 Baker John Sellon, esq. John Vaughan, esq. John Lens, esq. John Bayley, esq. Arthur Onslow, esq. William Mackworth Pread, f sq. A List ofthe Justices of the Grand Sessions for the Counties in Wales, from 1760 to the present time. Chester, Montgomery, Flint, and Denbigh-shires. Hon. William Noel, Chief Justice. - Taylor White, esq. 1 762 John Morton, esq. Chief Justice, vice Noel. —72 John Skinner, esq. vice White. — 77 Francis Buller, esq. vice Skinner. — 78 Hon. Daines Barrington, vice Buller. — 80 - Lloyd Kenyon, esq. Chief Justice, vice Morton, — &4 Richard P. Arden, esq. Chief Justice, vice Kenyon. — 88 July Edwavd Bearcroft, esq. Chief Justice, vice Arden. Francis Burton, esq. vice Barrington. — 9c Nov. 30. James Adair, esq. Chief Justice, vice Bearcroft. — 98 Aug. William Grant, esq. vice Adair. — 99 July James Mansfield, esq. vice Grant. 1804 Vicary Gibbs, esq. vice Mansfield. ¦ — 03 Jan. Robert M. Dallas, esq. Chief Justice, vice. Gibbs. Brecon. Justices ofthe Grand Sessions. 343 Brecon, Glamorgan, and Radnor-shires. John Williams, esq, John Hervey, esq. , 1764 Jobn Richmond Webb, esq. vice Hervev. — 66 William Whitaker, esq, vice Webb. t- 77 Abel Moysey, esq. vice Whitaker. —87 George Hardinge, esq. vice Williams. Cardigan, Carmarthen, and Pembroke - John Pollen, esq. Edward Poore, esq. —75 William Beard, esq. vice Pollen. —80 Archibald Macdonald, esq. vice Poore. —88 John Lloyd, vice Macdonald. • —89 July John Mitford, esq. vice Beard. - ^William Chetwynd, esq. vice Mitford. —g8 ifa*r*,]*>hfi Compton Cox, esq. vice Grant. 1804 Honble. Richard Ryder, vice Cox-. Caernarvon, Anglesey, and Merioneth-shires. R. Holland, esq. Honble. Daines Barrington. 1764 James Hayes, esq. vice Holland. — 7^ Thomas Potter, esq. vice Barrington. — 93 Juf|e John Anstruther, esq. - — 97 July Thomas Manners Sutton, esq. vice Anstruther, 1802 Apr. Hugh Leycestre, vice Sutton. —04 Robert Steele, esq, vice Potter. z 4 ' The 344 Court ofthe Duchy of Lancaster. "The COURT of the DUCHY of LANCASTER. There is another Court at Westminster, called The Duchy Court of Lancaster, where all causes anyway relating to the revenue ofthe Duchy of Lancaster are tried. Another branch of the same Courjc is established at Preston in Lancashire, called The Court ofthe Coun ty Palatine of Lancaster, for the same purposes in that county as the .'other is in Westminster. These Courts were erected by King Henry IV. after his having deposed King Richard II. when possessing the Duchy of Lancaster in right of his mother, he imagined his claim to be better than that to the throne, and therefore Separated it from the Crown, and erect ed the^e Courts for its use. , The Chief Judge of these Courts is the Chancellor, under whom are a set of inferior officers in each court for the conducting pf business. A - '-•¦¦ .— . fee* *w^_ A List ofthe Chancellors ofthe Duchy, of Lancaster, From 1660 lo the present Time. J 660 June -—72 Feb. —80 Charles, Lord Seymour of Trowbridge, Sir Robert Carr, Knt. and Bart. Sir Thomas Ingram, Knt. — 88 Robert, Lord Willoughby of Eresby. — 97 Thomas, Earl of Stamford. 1702 Sir John Leveson Gower, Bart, (afterwards Lord Gower.) — 06 June 10. James, Earl of Derby. — 1&- William, Ldrd Berkeley of Stratton. — 14 Oct. 12. Heneage, Earl of Aylesford. —16 -Mar. 6. Richard, Earl of Scarborough. Court of the Duchy of Lancaster. 3 45 J717 June 12. Nicholas Lechmere, esq. (afterwards Lord Lech mere) for life. —27 July 17. John, Duke of Rutland. — 36 May George, Earl of Cholmondeley. t— 43 Dec. 22. Richard, Lord Edgecumbe. — 58 Jan. 24. Thomas Hay, Viscount Dupplin (now Earl of Kin- noul). —62 Dec. 13. James Smith, Lord Strange: —71 June 14. Thomas, Lord Hyde, (now Earl of Clarendon.) — 82 Mar. 27. John, Lord Ashburton. —83 Aug. 29. Edward, Earl of Derby. Dec. 31. Thomas, Earl of Clarendon: — 86 Sept. 9. Charles, Lord Hawkesbury, (now Earl of Liverpool), 1803 Thomas, Lord Pelham, (now Earl of Chichester. —04 Henry, Lord Mulgrave. —05 Jan. Robert, Earl of Buckinghamshire. July 1. Dudley, Lord Harrowby. —06 Feb; Edward, Earl of Derby. Attorney-General. John Ord, esq. King^s Sergeant. T. Plpmmer, esq. King,s Counsel. William Walton, esq. Robert Capper, esq. Wm. Thomas Roe, esq. Receiver-General, Thomas, Lord Bolton. Auditors. Sir William Henry Ashurst, esq. Alexander Popham, esq. First Prothonotary. Hon. and Rev. Robert Cholmondeley, Died, , 1784 Hon. John Charles Villiers. Offi- 346 Officers ofthe County Palatine of Lancaster. Officers of the County Palatine of Lancaster. Chancellor. 1806 Feb. Edward, Earl of Derby. Vice- Chancellor. Edward King, esq. Secretary. John Miller, esq. Attorney-General and Sergeant. William CockelL esq. Of [ 347 I Of the Gensj-al Post-Office, and Postmasters- General. It is not easy to determine when the Post was first established in England. Anciently the management ofthe foreign mails was under the direction of a stranger ; who, by the permission of the Govern ment, was chosen by the foreigners, merchants, and residents in the city of London ; who even pretended to have a right by prescription of chusing their own Postmaster. However, in the year 1368, a dif ference arising between the Spaniards and Flemings in London, each chose their separate Postmaster ; and this contest occasioned a repre sentation from the citizens to the Privy Council, to beseech her Ma jesty, Queen Elizabeth, to fill that important post with one of her English subjects. From this time to the year 1660, the Posts in this kingdom underwent various regulations, until King Charles II. that year, had a General Post-OfFice erected, to be kept within the city of London, under the direction of a Postmaster-General, appointed by the King. By this act, the Postmaster-General was empowered to appoint Post-houses in the several parts ofthe country, hitherto un provided, both in post and by-roads : The postage of letters to and from all places therein mentioned, was not only ascertained, but likewise the rates of post-horses, to be paid by all such as should ride post. The revenue of the Post in England was, in former reigns, farmed, and continued to increase with amazing rapidity, when it was taken into the hands of Government ; and by an act of Parliament, in the year 17 10, it was established, not only for the kingdom of Great Bri tain, 'but likewise for that of Ireland, and dominions beyond seas. The office of Postmaster-General is at present under the direction of two Commissioners,, who .have a salary of L.3000 per annum. They are 348 Postmasters-General. are excluded from sitting in the House of Commons. Under their orders are all the packet-boats that are established at Falmouth, in Cornwall, and all the Postmasters in the different towns in the king dom. They are assisted by a Secretary and four clerks, a Receiver- General, an Accountant-General, a Comptroller-General, &c. under . whom are a very great number of inferior officers necessarily em ployed. A List, of the Postmasters-GeneIral, from the Union of the two kingdoms to the present time. Queen Anne. {Sir Robert Cotton, Bart. Sir Thomas Frankland, Bart. {Sir Thomas Frankland, Bart. John Evelyn, esq. King George I. I7I5 f Charles, Lord Cornwallis. £ James Craggs, esq. — 21- f Charles, Lord Cornwallis. I Hon. Edward Carteret. —-21 f Hon. Edward Carteret. (_ Galfridus Walpole, esq. — 26 CHon. Edward Carteret. t Edward Harrison, esq. King George II. "33 f Hon. Edward Carteret. ¦j Thomas, Lord Lovell, afterwards Viscount Coke, and C Earl o± Leicester. 1739 Postmasters-General. 349 _ S Thomas, Earl of Leicester. 739 1 Sir John Eyles, Bart. S Thomas, Earl of Leicester. ^> \ Sir Everard Fawkener, knt.' _-0 T William, Earl of Besborough. {.Hon. Robert Hampden, afterwards Lord Trevor and Viscount Hampden, King George III. 1762 Nov. Z7.iHon- R°bert Hampden. ' ' I John, Earl of Egmont, CHon. Robert Hampden. —63 Sept. 10. -J Thomas, Lord Hyde, (afterwards Earl of Claren- L don.) g- juiy 20 f William, Earl of Besborough. \ Thomas, Lord Grantham. gg jjec. 27. J Wills, Earl of Hillsborough. \ Francis, Lord Le Despencer. —68 Jan. 20. S Francis, Lord Le Despencer. \ John, Earl of Sandwich. —70 Dec. 10. $ Francis, Lord Le Despencer. I Hon. Henry Frederick Thynne, afterwards Carteret. g2 jan# f William Wildman, Viscount Barrington. (_ Hon. Henry Frederick Carteret. g2 ^pr -- f Charles, Earl of Tankerville. ¦^'iHon. H.F.Carteret. g s Apr q f Thomas, Lord Foley. ' iHon. H. F. Carteret. 84 Jan. 6. y Charles, Earl of Tankerville. Resigned in 1786, £Hon. H. F. Carteret, now Lord Carteret. 86 Sept. q.$ Thomas, Earl of Clarendon. (_ Henry Frederick, Lord Carteret. 87 June 23. jT Henry Frederick, /Lord Carteret. (_ Thomas, Lord Walsingham. __8g y Thomas, Lord Walsingham. l_ John, Earl of Westmoreland. __q0 C Thomas, Lord Walsingham. i Philip, Earl of Chesterfield. | Philip, Earl of Chesterfield. 94 (_ George, Earl of Leicester. 1798 350 Postmasters-General. — 04 Q f George, Earl of Leicester. \ William, Lord Auckland. {George .Sutherland, Earl Gower. William, Lord Auckland. o $ William, Lord Auckland. \ Lord Charles Spencer, {James, Duke of Montrose. Lord Charles Spencer. of V h $ Robert, Earl of Buckinghamshire. I_ John Joshua, Earl of Carysfort. A List t 351 ] A Li&t of the Principal Officers of his Majesty's Mint, in the Tower of London, from 1760 to the present Time. Warden. Salary, L.450 for himself and Clerk. John Jefferies, esq. 1766 Feb. William Whitmore, esq. 71 Oct. 1. Robert (afterwards Sir) Pigot, esq. — g6 Sir Walter James James, -Bart, Master Worker. Hon. William Chetwynd, afterwa-rds Viscount Chet wynd. 69 June 3. Hon. Charles Sloan Cadogan, now Earl Cadogan. 84 Jan. Thomas, Earl of Effingham. 89 Feb. 12. Philip, Earl of Chesterfield. n0 Jan. 20. George, Earl of Leicester. 04 july Rt. Hon. Sir George Yonge, Bart. on Feb. Robert Banks, Lord Hawkesbury. 180 1 Feb. Charles George, Lord Arden. 02 John Smyth, esq. _04 . Henry, Earl Bathurst. —06 Feb. Lord Charles Spencer. Comp- 352 Officers ofhis Majesty's Mint. Comptroller. John Buller, esq. 1786 Joseph Smith, esq. —94 John Carthew, esq. 1802 John Tekel, esq. Surveyor of the Meltings, and Clerk of the Irons. George Augustus Selwyn, esq. 1791 , Hon. Spencer Percival. A List C 353 ] A List of the Commissioners appointed by Act of Par liament, to examine, take, and state the Public Accounts of the Kingdom. ¦ 1780 July 3. Sir Guy Carleton, K. B. Thomas Anguish, esq. , Arthur Pigot, esq. Richard Neave, esq. Samuel Beachcroft, esq. James Tierney, esq. George Drummond, esq. —83 William Rose, esq. vice Tierney. Secretary. William Mollison, esq. John Lane, esq. vice Mollison. [vol. ii. J a a Comb [ 354 3 Commissioners of Customs. 1660 Sept. 20. Sir Job Harby, Sir John Wolstenholme, Sir John Jacob, Sir Nicholas. Crispe, Sir John Harrison, and Sir John Shawe. hi 27. Sir George Downing, Sir William/Thompson, Sir William Lowther, William "-Garway, Francis Millington, and John Upton. Salary L.2000 per .annum each. — 72 Mar. 30. Sir Richard Temple, Sir George Downing, Sir Wil liam Thompson, Sir William Lowther, William Garway, Francis Millington, and John Upton.— Salary, L.2000 per annum each. —73 — — 18. The same. —73 Jan. 8. Sir Richard Temple, Sir Edward Deering, Sir Geo. Downing, Sir William Lowther, Charles Cheyne, Francis' Millington, and John Upton. Salary L.i 260 per annum each. -1-77 Nov. '9. Sir Richard Temple, Sir Edward Deering, Sir Francis Lawley, Sir George Downing, Sir Wm. Lowther, Charles Cheyne, and Francis Milling ton. Salary L.1200 per annum each. — 79 Feb. 14. Sir Richard Temple, Sir Edward Deering, Sir Fran cis Lawley, Sir George Downing, Charles Os borne,, Charles Cheyne,' and Francis Millington, vice Sir W. Lowther. Salary L, 1290 per annum. 1679 Commissioners of Customs. 355 1679 Apr. 10. Sir Richard Temple, Sir George Downing, Charles Cheyne, Francis Millington, and John Upton. — Salary L.1200 per annum. —80 July 1. Charles, Viscount Newhaven, Sir Ri,chard Temple j Sir George Downing, Barts. John Upton, and Ni cholas Butler, esqrs. vice F. Millington. Salary L.i 200 per annum. — 81 Nov. n.~Charles, Viscount Newhaven, Andrew Newport, Sir Richard Temple, Sir George Downing, and Ni cholas Butler, M. D. — 84 Mar. 7. Charles, Viscount Newhaven, Sir Dudley North, Andrew Newport, Sir Richard Temple, Sir Geo. Downing, and Sir Nicholas Butler. Salary L..1200 per annum. — — Aug. 1. Charles, Viscount Newhaven, Andrew Newport, Sir Richard Temple, Sir Nicholas Butler, Sir John Buckworth, and William Dickinson. Salary L.1200 per annum. — — Dec. 31. CharfEs, Viscount Newhaven, Andrew Newport, Sir Richard Temple, Sir Nicholas Butler, Sir John Buckworth, William Dickinson, and Tho mas Chudleigh. Salary L.J2O0 per annum. — 85 Feb. 28. Charles, Viscount Newhaven, Sir John Werden, Sir Nicholas Butler, Barts. William Dickinson, and Thomas Chudleigh, esqrs. vice A. Newport and Sir J. Buckworth. Salary L.i 200 per annum. Apr. 2. Charles, Viscount Newhaven, Sir Dudley North, Sir John Werden, Sir Nicholas Butler,' Sir John Buckworth, Barts. William Dickinson, and Thomas Chudleigh, esqrs. Salary L. 1200 per annum. — 86 June 25. Charles, Viscount Newhaven, Sir Dudley North, Sir John Werden, Sir John Buckworth, Sir Ni cholas, Butler, Barts. William Dickinson, Thomas Chudleigh, and Samuel Clarke, esqrs. Salary L.1200 per annum. — — July 9. Charles, Viscou.nt Newhaven, Sir Dudley North, Sir John Werden, Sir Nicholas Butler, Sir John Buckworth, 'Barts. William Dickinson, Thomas Chudjeigh, and Samuel Clarke, esqrs. Salary L.1200 per annum. A a 2 1679 356 Commissioners of Customs. 1687 Feb. 25. Sir Dudley North, Sir John Wetden, Sir Nicholas Butler, Sir John Buckworth, Barts. and Thomas Chudleigh, esqr. vice Viscount Newhavenf — Salary L.1200 per annum. — 88 Jan., 14. Sir Nicholas Butler, Sir Dudley North, Sir John . Werden, Barts. Thomas Chudleigh, and William Cullisford, esqrs. Salary L.1200 per annum. — Feb. 28: Sir Nicholas Butler, Henry. Browne, Sir Dudley North, Sir John Werden, Barts. and William Cullisford, esq. vice T. Chudleigh, esq. Salary L.12CO per annum. — 89 Apr. 20. George Booth, esq. Sir Richard Temple, Sir John Werden, Sir Robert Southwell, Sir Robert Clay ton, Sir Patience Ward, Barts. and Thomas Pelham, esq. vice Sir N. Butler, H. Browne, Sir D. North, and W. Cullisford. — 91 Mar. 24. George Booth, Sirs Richard Temple, John Werden, Robert Southwell, Robert Clayton, and Patience Ward, Barts. and Henry- Gny, esq. vice Thos. Pelham. Salary L. 1600 per annum. — — July 3. yeorge Booth, Sirs Richard Temple, John Werden, / Robert, Southwell, Patience Ward, and Robert Clayton, Barts. Charles. Godolphin, esq. vice Henry Guy. Salary L.iood per annum. — 94 Aug. 14. Sirs Robert Clayton, Patience Ward, Robt. South well, Barts. Charles Godolphin, esq. Sir Walter Young, Bart. James Chadwick, and Samuel Clarke, esqrs. vice G. Booth, Sirs R. Temple and J. Werden. Salary L.iooo per annum. — 96 Apr. 14. Sirs Robert Clayton, Patience Ward, and Robert- Southwell, Barts., Charles Godolphin, Sir Walter Young, James Chadwick, Saitwel Clarke, and Benjamin Overtoh. Salary L.iooo per annum. ---97 June 21. Chares Godolphin, esq. Sir Walter Young, Bart. Sann.d Clarke, Benjamin Overton, Sir Henry Hobart and John Austin, Barts. Robert Henley,. e.-q. vice Sirs R. Clayton, P. Ward, R. South well, Barts. and James Chadwick, esq. Salary L.iooo per annum. — 98 Aug. 20. Charles Godolphin, Sir Walter Young, Sa»uel Clarke, Benjamin Overton, Sirs Henry Hobart and Commissioners of Customs. 357 and John Austin, Baits. Robert Henley, and Sir William St Quintin. Salary L.iooo per an num. ,1699 Nov. 22. Charles Godolphin, Sir Walter Yojjng, Samuel Clarke, Benjamin Overton, Robert Henley, esqrs. Sir William St Quintin, Bart, and Hon. Thos. Newport, vice Sirs H. Hobart and J. Austin.— Salary L.iooo per annum. 1701 Dec. 18. Charles Godolphin, Samuel Clarke, Benjamin Over ton, Robert Henley, Thomas Newport, Arthur Maynwaring, and William Cullisford, esqrs. vice Sirs W. Young and W. St. Quintin. Salary L.iooo per annum. — 02 June 1. The same. — — Aug. 21. The same. —03 July 14. Charles Godolphin, Samuel Clarke, Thomas New port, Arthur Maynwaring, William Cullisford, esqrs. 'Ujjjr John Werden, Bart, and Richard Bretton, esq. vice B. Overton and R„ Henley. — ¦ Salary L.iooo per annum. —03 May 13. Charles Godolphin, Samuel Clarke, Thomas New port, William Cullisford, Sir John Werden, Ri chard Bretton, and Thomas Hall, vice A. Mayn waring. Salary ioool. per annum. —-06 June 6. Charles Godolphin, Samuel Clarke, Thomas New port, William Cullisford, Sir John Werden, Tho mas Hall, and Sir Matthew Dudley, vice R. Bretton. Salary L.iooo per annum. — 08 May 4. Charles Godolphin, Samuel Clarke, Thomas New port, William Cullisford, Sirs John Werden, Matthew Dudley, and John Stanley, Barts. vice T. Hall. Salary L.iooo per annum. Dec. 23. Charles Godolphin, Thomas Newport, William Cul lisford, Sirs John Werden, Matthew Dudley, John Stanley, Barts. and John Shute, vice S. Clarke. Salary L.iooo per annum. — 11 Jan. 25. Charles Godolphin, Sirs John Werden and John Stanley, Barts. Matthew Prior, John Bridges, Robert Williamson, and Edward Gibbons, vice T. Newport, W. Cullisford, Sir M. Dudley, and J. Shute. Salary L.iooo per annum. A&3 ¦ 1714 358 Commissioners of Customs, 1714 May 47. Sirs John Werden and John Stanley, Matthew Prior, John Bridges, Robert Williamson, Edward Gib bons, Charles Godolphin, and Sir David Nairne, Salary L. 1000 per annum. — Nov. 9. Sir John Stanley, John Bridges, Robert Williamson, Sir John Werden, Matthew Prior, Edward Glb- -bons,. and Sir David Nairne ; their patent' revo ked, and Sirs Walter Young, Matthew Dudley, John Stanley, Barts. John Bridges, Robert Wil liamson, John Pulteney, and Thomas Walker, appointed. Salary L.iooo per annum. — — Dec. 4. Sirs Walter Young, Matthew Dudley, John Stan ley, Barts. Robert Williamson, John Pulteney, Thomas Walker, and Sir Charles Peers, vice Bridges. Salary L.iooo per annum. —15 Mar. 17. Sirs' Walter Young, Matthew, Dudley, John Stan ley, Barts, John Pulteney, Thomas Walker, .Sirs Charles Peers and Thomas Frankland, vice R. Williamson. Salary L.iooo per annum. — -18 Jan. 2. Sirs Walter Young, Matthew Dudley, John Stan- / ley, Barts. John Pulteney, Thomas Walker, Sir Charles Peers, and- Robert Baylis, vice Sir T. Frankland. Salary L.iooo per annum. —20 Oct. 1. Sirs Walter Young, Matthew Dudley, John Stanley, Barts. John Pulteney, Thomas Walker, Sir Charles Peers, and Robert Baylis. —21 Sept. 4. Sirs Walter Young and John Stanley, John Pulte ney, Thomas Walker, Sir Charles Peers, Robert ' Baylis, and Sir John Evelyn, vice Sir M. Dudley. Salary L.iooo per annum. — 22 Mar. 27. Sirs Walter Young and John Stanley, Thomas Walker, Sir Charles Peers, Robert Baylis, Sir John Evelyn, and Thomas Maynard, vice J.' Pulteney. —23 June 27. Sits Walter Young and John Stanley, Thomas Wal ker, Sir Charles Peers, Robert Baylis, Sir John Evelyn, Thomas Maynard. Sir James Campbell, Humphry Brent, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Henry Hale, George Drummond, and John Hill, Commissioners for England and Scotland. Salary L.iooo per annnm. *727 Commissioners of Customs. 359 1727 Oct. 18. Sirs Walter Young and John Stanley, Thomas Wal ker, Sirs Charles Peers and John Evelyn, Thomas Maynard, Sir James Campbell, Humphry Brent, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Henry Hale, George Drummond, John Hill, and Allan Bro- derick, vice Robert Baylis. Salary L.iooo per annum. —28 uly 19. Sir Walter Young, Sir John Stanley, Thomas Wal ker, Sirs Charles Peers, John Evelyn, and Jas. Campbell, Barts. Humphry Brent, John Camp bell, Brian Fairfax, Henry Hale, Geo. Drum mond, John Hill, Allan Jiroderipk, Gwynn Vaughan, and Thomas Maynard. Salary L.iooo per annum. With a clause, that seven of the said Commissioners from time to time shall have their chief residence in the port of London ; and that five of the said Commissioners shall have their chief residence at Edinburgh, for managing the said customs. , —30 Sept. 21. Sirs Walter Young and John Stanley, Thos. Wal ker, Sirs Charles Peers, John Evelyn, and James Campbell, Barts. John Campbell, Brian Fair fax, Henry Hale, George Drummond, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, and George Ross, vice H. Brent. —31 May 14. Sirs Walter Young and John Stanley, Thos. Wal ker, Sirs Charles Peers, John Evelyn, and James Campbell, B.arts. John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Henry Hale, George DrummOnd, John Hill,. Gwynn Vaughan, George Ross, and Wardel George Westby. Salary L.iooo per annum. — — — Aug. 28. Sir John Stanley, Thomas Walker, Sirs Charles i Peers, John Evelyn, and James Campbell, Barts. John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Henry Hale, George Drummond, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, George Ross, Wardel George Westby, and Sir Robert Baylis, vice Sir W. Young. Salary L.iooo per annum. —32 Jan. 2. Sirs John Stanley, Charles Peers, John Evelyn, and James Campbell, Baits. -John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, Henry Hale, George Drummond, John . Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, George Ross, Wardel George Westby, Sir Robert Baylis, and Edward Trelawney, vice T. Walker. -*a4 ' 1735 360 Commissioners of Customs. 1735 May 24. Sirs John Stanley, Charles Peers, John Evelyn, and James Campbell, Barts. John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, George Drummond, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, George Ross, W. G. Westby, Sir Ro bert Baylis, Edward Trelawney, and Sir Robert Corbett, vice Hale ; fourteen commissioners for Great Britain, —37 Oct. 15. Sirs John Stanley and John Evelyn, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, Gwynn Vaughan, ' George Ross, W. G.. Westby, Sirs Robt. Baylis and Robert Corbett, R. Chandler, Beaumont Hotham, Richard Scfaiers, and Colin Campbell, vice Sirs Charles Peers and James Campbell, G. Drummond and E. Trelawney. —41 June 29. Sirs John Stanley and John Evelyn, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, George Ross, W. G. Westby, Sir Robert Baylis, Richard Chandler, Beaumont Hotham, Richard Somers, Colin Campbell, Edward Riggs, and Isaac Leheup, vice G. Vaughan and Sir R. Corbett. •<- —42 Feb. 12. Sirs John Stanley and John Evelyn, John Campbell, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, George Ross, W. G. Westby, Sir Robert Baylis, Richard Chandler, Beaumont Hotham, Richard Somers, Colin Campbell, Isaac Leheup, and Gwynn Vaughan, vice E. Riggs and I. Leheup. — Sept, 9. Sirs John Stanley and John Evelyn, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, Sir Robert Baylis, Richard Chandler, W. G. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, and Samuel Mead. At this time the commission for the Uni ted Kingdoms was divided, and the above nine commissioners were appointed for the management of the customs in England, and the remainiug five for Scotland. > — 44 Dec. 15. Sir John Evelyn, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, Sir Ro bert Baylis, Richard Chandler, W. G. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, Samuel Mead, and Gwynn Vaughan, vice Sir J. Stanley. «— 47 July 27. Sir John Evelyn, Brian Fairfax, Sir Robert Baylis, Richard Chandler, W. G. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, Samuel Mead, Gwynn Vaughan, and William Levinz, vice J. Hill. 174.8 Commissioners of Customs. 36. 1748 Dec. 30, Sir John Evelyn, Brian Fairfax, R. Cavendish Chandler^ W. G. Westby, Beaumont Hotham, Samuel Mead, G. Vaughan, William Levinz, and Edward Hooper, vice R. Baylis. — 30 Apr. 14. Sir John Evelyn, R. Cavendish Chandler, W. G. Westby, B. Hotham, Samuel Mead,, G. Vaug han, W. Levinz, Edward Hooper, and Sir Miles Stapleton, vice B. Fairfax. —52 June 17. Sir John Evelyn, R. Cavendish Chandler, W. G. Westby, B. Hotham, Samuel Mead, G. Vaug han, Wr. Levinz, Edward Hooper, and Thomas Tash, vice Sir M. Stapleton. ~-S6 Dec. 10. Sir John Evelyn, R. Cavendish, B. Hotliam, Sa muel Mead, G. Vaughan, W. Levinz, Edward Hooper, Thomas Tash, Claudius Amyand, vice W. G. Westby. —38 July 4. Sir John Evelyn, R. Cavendish, B. Hotham, Sa muel Mead, W. Levinz, Edward Hooper, Tho mas Tash, Claudius Amyand, and Henry Pel-. ham, vice G. Vaughan. — 61 Mar. 24. Sir John Evelyn, B. Hotham, Samuel Mead, Wm. Levinz, Edward Hooper, Thomas Tash, Clau dius Amyand, Henry Pelham, and John Frede rick, vice R. Cavendish. — 12 Sirs J. Evelyn and B. Hotham, Baits. S. Mead, W. Levinz, E. Hooper, C. Amyand, H. Pel ham, John Frederick, and Henry Banks, esqrs. vice T> Tash, December 1 1 . — 63 Mar. 13. S. Mead, E. Hooper, C. Amyand, H. Pelham, esqrs. Sir J. Frederick, Bart. H. Banks, esq. Sirs William MusgraVe and Joseph Pennington, Barts. and Corbyn Morris, esq. vice Evelyn, Hotham, and Levinz. — 6< June 8. S. Mead, E. Hooper, H. Pelham, esqrs. Sir J. Fre derick, Bart. H. Banks, esq. Sirs W. Musgrave v and J. Pennington, Barts. Corbyn Morris, esq. and the Honble. Henry Grenville, vice Amy and. 66 Au". 16. S. Mead, E. Hooper, H. Pelham, esqrs. Sir J: Frederick, Bart. H. Banks, esq. Sirs W. Mus grave 362 Commissioners of Customs. grave and J. Pennington, Barts. C. Morris, esq. and James Jeffreys, esq. vice Grenville. 1769 Dec. 5. S. Mead, E. Hooper, H. Pelham, esqrs. SirJ. Fre derick, Bart. H. Banks, esq. Sir W. Musgrave Bart. C. Morris, J. Jeffreys, esqrs, and Thomas Boone, esq. vice Pennington. 76 Oct. 31. E. Hooper, H. Pelham, esqrs. Sirs J. Frederick and W. Musgrave, Barts. C. Morris, J . Jeffreys, T. Boone, Welbore Ellis Agar, -and William Hey, esqrs. vice Mead and Banks. —78 Sept. 29. E. Hooper, H. Pelham, esqrs. Sirs J. Frederick and W. Musgrave, 'Barts. J, Jeffreys, T. Boone, W. ¦ E. Agar,' W. Hey, and Thomas Allan, esqrs. vice Morris. —82 Mar. 27, E. Hooper, H. Pelham, esqrs. Sir W. Musgrave, Bart. James Jeffreys, T. Boone, W. E. Agar, W. Hey, T. Allan, esqrs. and Sir Stanier Por ten, knt. vice Sir J. Frederick. —83 Feb. 8. E. Hooper, H. Pelham, esqrs. Sir W. Musgrave, Bart. J. Jeffreys, T. Boone, W. E. Agar, W. Hey, esqrs. Sir S. Porten, knt. and John Pow nall, esq. vice T. Allan. Aug, E. Hooper, H. Pelham, J. Jeffreys, T. Boone, W. E. Agar, W. Hey, esqrs. Sir S. Portten, Knt. John Pownall, and Joah Bates, esq, vi/ce Sir W. Musgrave. —86 Nov. 13. E. Hooper, H. Pelham, T.Boone, Wr-E- Edgar, W. Hey, J. Pownall, J. Bates, esqrs. Sii- Alexr. Munro, knt. and Richard Frewin, esq./ vice Sir S. Porten, and J. Jeffreys. —87 E. Hooper, T. Boone, W.' E. Edgar, W.^Vey, J. Bates, esqrs. Sir A. Munro, knt. R. /Frewin, William Stiles, and William Roe, esqrsj vice H. Pelham and J. Pownall. jy —93 T. Boone, W. E. Edgar, W. Hey, J. Bate, esq. Sir Alexander Munro, knt. R. Frewin, William Stiles, Wm. Roe, and Francis Fownes Luttrell, vice E. Hooper, esq. —97 T. Boone', W. E. Edgar, J. Bates, esqrs.- Sir Alexr. Munro, knt. R. Frewin, W. Stiles, W. Roe, F.F, Commissioners of Excise. 363 F. F. Luttrell, and John Buller, esqrs. vice W. Hey. 1799 T. Boone, W. E. Edgar, esqrs. Sir A. Munro, knt. R. Frewin, W. Stiles, W. Roe, F. F. Luttrell, J. Buller, and Gloucester Wilson, esqrs. vice J. Bates. 1805 Sir A. Munro, knt. R. Frewin, W. Roe, F. F. Luttrell, J. Buller, G. Wilson, James Hume, | John Williams, and James Willis, esqrs. vice W. E. Edgar, T. Boone, and W. Stiles. Receivers-General of the Customs. William Mellish, esq. 1763 William Levinz, esq. —63 William Mellish, esq. —86 Bamber Gascoigne, sen. esq. —92 George A, Pechell, esq. Commissioners of Excise. 1660 Feb 8. , Sir Matthew Hale, Lord Chief Baron j Sir Edward Atkyns, and Sir Christopher Turner, 3arons of the Exchequer ; Sir Richard Browne, Lord Mayor of London ; Sir William Doyley, Sir Henry Vernon, Sir George Bimon, William Prynne, John Birch, Robert Scawen, Francis Finch, Nathaniel Martin, and Edward Wingate, Commissioners for discharg ing, settling, and recovering the arrears of Excise due to the King. 1660 364 Commissioners of Excise. 1660 Nov. 29., Sir George Bimon, and others, or any three of them, ' to receive all arrears of Excise due to November ' 8th, last past, within London, Westminster, South- wark, Surrey, and Middlesex, (South Mimms in Middlesex excepted), with an allowance of 2s: in every 20s. they shall receive. — 64 Mat. 20. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Sir George Bimon, Francis Finch , and Edward Wingate. — 6s June 24. Sir John James, John James, Richard Kingdom, and William Hiccocks, Commissioners within London, , Westminster, Southwark, and counties of Middlesex and Surrey, (except South Mimms in the county of , Middlesex), on behalf ofhis Majesty's Farmers of the Excise, — 66 Oct. Robert Huntington, Richard Kingdom, John James, jun. and William Forthe, Commissioners for the abovesaid places for the Farmers of the Excise, with an allowance from the King of L.2000 per an num, payable quarterly. William Forthe, L.L.D. Robert Huntingdon, Rich ard Kingdom, and John James. Salary L.500 per annuni each. — 70 Aug. 15. Sir Samuel Morland, Robert Huntingdon, William Forthe, and Richard Kingdom. Salary L-5O0 per annum. Sept. 24. Sirs Sanufel Morland and John James, Robert Hunt ingdon, William Forthe, and Richard Kingdom. Salary L.500 per annum. —71 May 1;. Sirs Samuel Morland, Robert Southwell, (one of the Clerks of his Majesty's Privy Council), and John James, Robert Huntingdon, William Forthe, and Richard Kingdom. Salary L.300 per annum. — 72 Jan. 31. Sirs Samuel Morland, John Davys, Robert Southwell, and John James, Robert Huntingdon, and Richard Kingdom, Salary L.300 per annum. — 73 Sept. 12, Sirs Samuel Morland, Robert Wiseman, Robert Southwell, John James, 'and Robert Huntingdon, William Forthe, and Richard Kingdom. Salary L.500 per annuna. \ 1673 Commissioners of Excise. 365 1673 Dec. 1. Sirs Samuel Morland, Robert Wisemah, Robert Southwell, John James, Robert Huntingdon, Wil liam Forthe, Richard Kingdom, and Richard Brett. Salary L.500 per annum. — 74 Oct. 23. Sirs Samuel Morland, Robert Wiseman, Robert Southwell, and John James, Robert Huntingdon, Richard Kingdom, Francis Finch, and Henry Fre derick Thynne, vice W. Forthe, and R. Brett. Salary L.500 per annum. — 75 Oct. 7. The same. — 77 Nov. 9. Sirs Samuel Morland, Robert Wiseman, Robert Southwell, and John James, Robert Huntingdon, Henry Frederick Thynne, Edward Wingate, Fre derick Christian Howard, and Sir John Elves, vice R. Kingdom,, and F. Finch. Salary L.500 per annum. — 78 Aug. 3'. Sirs Denny Ashburnham, Samuel Morland, Robert Wiseman, John Elves, Robert Southwell, John James, Robert Huntingdon, Charles Davenant, Edward Wingate, and Frederick Christian Howard, vice Henry Frederick Thynne. Salary L.500 per . annum. — 79 Mar. 11. Sirs Denny Ashburnham, Robert Wiseman, John Elves, Robert Southwell, and John James, Ro bert Huntingdom, Charles Davenant, L.L.D. Ed ward Wingate, Frederick Christian Howard, and John Rende, vice Sir S. Morland. Salary L.500 per annum. 21. Hon, Charles Bertie, Sirs Denny Ashburnham, Ro bert Southwell, and John James, Robert Hunting don, Charles Davenant, .L.L.D. Edward' Wingate. Frederick Christian Howard, and John Bende, ' vice Sir J. Elves. Salary L, 500 per annum. May 14. Sirs Denny Ashburnham, and Robert Southwell, Robert Huntingdon, Charles Davenjmtj^ JfJ^EL and Edward Wingate, vice C. Bertie, Sir J.James, 1 F. C. Howard. Salary L.500 per annum. —Sr Feb. 14. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Francis Parry, Robert Huntingdon, Charles Davenant, LrL.D. and Ed ward Wingate, vice Sir R. Southwell. Salary L.500 per annum. - 1681 J 66 Commissioners of Excise. 1683 May 19. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Francis Parry, Robert Huntingdon, Charles Davenant, L.L.D. John Freind, Felix Calvert, and Nathaniel Hornby, vice E. Wingate. Salary L.iooo per annum. — 84 Apr. 10. Sir Denny Ashburnham, ' Francis Parry, Robert Huntingdon, Charles Daygnant, L.L.D. John Freind, Felix Calvert, Nathaniel Hornby. Patrick Traunt, and William Bridges, Commissioners of Excise and Hearth-money. Salary L.iooo per annum. Sept. 1 j. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Francis Parry, Robert Huntingdon, Charles Dayenant, L.L.D. John Freind, Felix Calvert, Nathaniel Hornby, Pa trick Traunt, William Bridges, and Richard Giaham. Salary L.iooo per annum. ' — 85 Mar. 11. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Francis Parry, Robert Huntingdon, Charles Davgnant, L.L.D. John Freind, Felix Calvert, Nathaniel Hornby, and R. Graham, vice W. Bridges, Salary L.iooo per annum. Aug. 26. Sir Denny Ashburnham, Francis Parry, Charles Davenant, L.L.D., John Freind, Felix Calvert, Nathaniel Hornby, and Richard Graham, vice R. Huntingdon. Salary L.iooo per annum. — S8 Feb. 22. Sir Denny Ashburnham,- Francis Parry, Sir John Freind, Charles Davenant, L.L.D. Nathaniel Hornby, Richard Graham, and John Wilcox, jun. vice F. Calvert. Salary L.iooo per annum. — 89 Apr. 20. Sirs Henry Fane, Henry Ashurst, and Humphrey Edwin, Thomas Frankland, Francis Parry, John Danvers, and John Wilcox, Vice Ashburnham, Freind, Davenant, Hornby, and Graham. Salary L.Sqo per annum. Oct. 14. Sirs Henry Ashurst, ohn Morden, Samuel Dash- wood, and Humphrey Edwin, William Strong, John Foche, and Stephen Evance, vice Fane, Frankland, Parry, Danvers, and Wilcox. Salary L.iooo per annum. — 91 Apr. 13. Sirs Samuel Dashwood, Stephen Evance, Francis Parry, William Strong, John Foche, Nathaniel Hornby, John Wilcox, jnn. Thomas Hall, and Thomas Commissioners of Excise. s 367 Thomas Aram, vice Ashurst, Morden, and Edwin. Salary L.800 per annum. 1694 Aug.. 14. Sirs Samuel Dashwood, Stephen Evance, and John Foche, Francis Parry, William Stt'ong, Thomas Hall, Edward Clarke, John Danvers, and Foot Onslow, vice Wilcox and Aram. Salary L.800 per annum. Mar. 9. Sirs Samuel Dashwood, Stephen Evance, and John Foche, Francis Parry, William Strong, Thomas Hall, Edward Clarke, John Danvers, Foot On slow, and Sir Philip Meadows. Salary L.800 per annum. —96 June 30. Sirs Stephen Evance and John Foche, Francis Parry, William Strong, Edward Clarke, John Danvers, Foot Onslow, Sir Philip Meadows, and Thomas Evetard, vice Dashwood and Strong. Salary L.800 per annum. — 98 Aug. 15. Edward Clarke, Foot v Onslow, Philip Meadows, Thomas Everard, Sir William Ashurst, Christo pher Montagu, John Smith, William Carr, and Wm. Fleming, vice Evance, Foche, Parry, Strong, and Danvers. Salary L.800 per annum. —99 June 22. Foot Onslow, Sir Philip Meadows, John Smith of Beaufort Buildings, Wm. Fleming, Francis Parry, William Strong, George Townshend, Philip Ry- ley, and Richard Cocks, vice Clarke, Everard, Ashurst, Montagu and Carr. Salary L.800 per annum. 1702 June 19. Foot Onslow, Sir Philip Meadows,- Francis Parry, "William Strong, George Towrtshend, Philip Ry- ley, and Richard Cocks, vice Smith and Fleming. Salary L.800 per annum, Oct. 8. Foot Onslow, Sir Philip Meadows, Francis Parry, William Strong, George Townshend, Philip Ryley, and Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, vice Cocks. Salary L.800 per annum. » —-03 Dec. 17. Foot Onslow, William Strong, George Townshend, Philip Ryley, Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Edward Noell, and John Boys, vice Meadows and Parry. Salary L.800 per annum. —66 June 6. Foot OnsloWj William Strong, George Townshend, Philip 368 Commissioners of Excise, Philip Ryley, Sir, Marmaduke Wyvill, Edward Noell, and Christopher Montagu, vice Boys, Mea dows, and Party. Salary L.800 per annum. 1 710, May 20, William Strong, George Townshend, Philip, Ryley, Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Edward Noell, Christo pher Montagu, Sir William Gifford, Nicholas Pol lexfen, and Whitelock Bulstrode, vice Onslow and Strong. Salary L.800 per annum. Oct. 20. William Strong, George Townshend, Philip Ryley, Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Edward Noell, Christo-' pher Montagu, Nicholas Pollexfen, Whitelock Bulstrode, and James Vernon jun. vice GifFord. Salary L.800 per annum. — 12 July 7. William Strong, George Townshend, Philip Ryley, Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Edward Noell, Christo pher Montagu, Whitelock Bulstrode, James Ver non jun. and John Price, vice Pollexfen. Salary ' L.800 per annnm. — 14 Feb. 2. George "Townshend, Philip Ryley, Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Edward Noell, Christopher Montagu, Whitelock Bulstrode, Jaipes Vernon, John Price, and John Whetham, vice Strong. Salary L.800 per annum. Nov. 12. George Townshend, Philip Ryley,- Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Edward Noell, Christopher Montagu, Whitelock Bulstrode, James Vernon, John Whet ham, Sir William Ashurst, and William Carr, vice Price. Salary L.800 per annum. — 15 Nov. 24. George Townshend sen. Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Christopher .Montagu, James Veraon, John Whe tham, Sir William Ashurst, William Carr, Roger Gale, and John Brougham, vice Ryley, Noell, and Bulstrode. Salary L.800 per annum *. ' — 19 Mar. 3. George Townshend sen. Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Christopher Montagu, James Vernon, John Whe tham, William Carr, Roger Gale, John Broug ham, and Benjamin Mildmay, vice Ashurst. Sala ry L.iooo per annum. —20 June 18. George Townshend senr. Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Christopher' Montagu, James Vernon, John Whe tham, Roger Gale, Johh Brougham, Benjamin Mildmay; and Richard Elliott, vice Carr. 1721 * The Salary of the Commissioners of Excise was increased to L.iooo ner an. num each, Sept, 8. 17 18. Commisssioners of Excise. 369 1721 Mar. 15. George Townshend sen. Sir Marmaduke Wyvill, Christopher Montagu, James Vernon, John Whe tham, Roger Gale, John Brougham, Benjamin Mildmay, and Richard Elliott. — 22 Mar. 20. George Townshend Sen. Christopher Montagu, James Vernon, John Whetham, Roger Gale, John Brougham, Benjamin Mildmay, Richard Elliott, and George Duckett, vice Wyvill. —24 May 20. George Townshend sen. Christopher Montagu, James Vernon, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Ben jamin Mildmay, Richard Elliot, George Duckett, and Patrick Haldane, vice Brougham. — 26 June 22. George Townshend senior, Christopher Montagu, James Vernon, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Ben- ¦ jamin Mildmay, Richard Elliott, George Duckett, Patrick Haldane, and Charles Polhill. Oct, 11. Christopher Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Benjamin Mildmay, Richard Elliott, George Duckett, Patrick Haldane, Charles Polhill, and" john Fowle jun. vice Townshend. — 27 Nov. 3. Christopher Momagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Benjamin Mildmay, Richard Elliott, George Duckett, Charles Polhill, John Fowle, and Tho mas Wylde, vice Haldane. —28 June 26, Christopher Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Richard Elliot, George Duckett, Charles Polhill, John Fowle, Thomas Wylde, and James Vernon, vice Mildmay. — 29 May 21. Christopher Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, George Duckett, Charles Polhill, John Fowle, Thomas Wylde, James Vernon, and Robert Eyre, vice Elliott. • * 32 Oct. 20. Christopher Montagu, John Whetham, Roger Gale, Charles Polhill, John Fowle, Thos. Wvlde, James Vernon, Robert Eyre, and Humphry Thayer, vice Duckett. — 35 Nov. John Whetham, Charles Polhill, John Fowle, Tho mas Wylde, James Vernon, Robert Eyre, Hum phry Thayer, Hon., Horatio Townshend, and Sir Thomas Robertson, vice Montagu and Gale. [vol. n.J B b 1737 37© Commissioners of Excise. 1J3J Oct. Charles Polhill, John Fowle, Thomas Wylde, James Vernon, Robert Eyre, Humphry Thayer, Hon. Horatio Townshend, Sir Thomas Robinson, and William Burton, vice Whetham. —38 Jan. Charles Polhill, John Fowle, Thomas Wylde, James Vernon, Robert Eyre, Hon. Horatio Townshend, Sir Thomas Robinson, William Burton, and John Orlebar, vice Thayer. — 40 Nov. Charles Polhill, John Fowle, James Vernon, Robert Eyre, Hon. Horatio Townshend, Sir Thomas Ro binson, William Burton, John Orlebar, and Augus tus Earle, vice Wylde. — 42 Feb. Charles Polhill, John Fowle, James Vernon', Robert Eyre,, Hon. Horatio Townshend, William Burton, John Orlebar, Augustus Earle, and David Papil lon, vice Robinson. —53 July. Charles Polhill, James Vernon, Robert Eyre, Hon. Horatio Townshend, William Burton, John Orle bar, Augustus Earle," David Papillon, and John Wyndham Bowyer, vice Fowle. ' — 51 Dee. Charles Polhill, James Vernon, Robert Eyre, Wil liam Burton, John Orlebar, Augustus Earle, Da vid Papillon, John W. Bowyer, and William Mel lish, vice Townshend. —53 Feb. Charles Polhill, James Vernon, William Burton, John Orlebar, Augustus Earle, David Papillon, John W. Bowyer, William Mellish, and Frederick Frankland, vice Eyre. —54 April, Charles Polhill, James Vernon, William Burton, John Orlebar, Augustus Earle, John W. Bowyer, William Mellish, Frederick Frankland, David Pa pillon jun. vice D. Papillon. —SS April. James Vernon,' William Burton, John Orlebar, Au gustus Earle, John W. Bowyer, William' Mellish,- Frederick Frankland, David Papillon jun. and William Cayley, vice Polhill. — S6 April. William Burton, Johh Orlebar, Augustus Earle, John W. Bowyer, William Mellish, Frederick Frankland, David Papillon jun. William Cayley, and Thomas Farrington, vice Vernon. 1758 Commissioners of Excise. 371 1758 Feb. William Burton, John Orlebar, Augustus Earle, John W. Bowyer, William Mellish, Frederick Frankland, David Papillon jun. William Cayley, and George Lewis Scott, vice Farrington. — 60 Oct. William Burton', John Orlebar, Augustus Earle, John W. Bowyer, Frederick Frankland, David Papillon, junr. William Cayley, George Lewis Scott, and Henry Poole, vice W. Mellish. — 62 June 19. W. Burton, J. Orlebar, J. W. Bowyer, F. Frankland, D. Papillon, W. Cayley, G. L. Scott, H. Poole, esqrs. and Thomas Bowlby, esq. vice Earle. —63 Feb. 15. W. Burton, J. Orlebar,, J. W. Bowyer, D. Papillon, W. Cayley, G. L.Scott, T. Bowlby, Henry Ver non, and John Bindley, esqrs. vice Frankland and Poole, — 6s Jan. 5. W. Burton, J. Orlebar, J. W. Bowyer, D. Papillon, W, Cayley, G. L. Scott, T. Bowlby, Henry Ver non, and Richard Baggot, esqrs. vice Bindley. Aug. 24. W. Burton, J. Orlebar, J. W. Bowyer, D. Papillon, W. Cayley, G. L. Scott, T. Bowlby, R. Baggot, esqrs. and Sir Henry Poole, Bart, vice Vernon. — 66 W. Burton, J. W. Bowyer, D. Papillon, W. Cayley, G. L. Scott, T. Bowlby, R. Baggot, esqrs. SirH. Poole, Bart, and G. Quarme, esq. vice Orlebar. — 67 Jan. 17. W. Burton, J. W. Bowyer, D. Papillon, G. L. Scott, T. Bowlby, R. Baggot, esqrs. Sir Henry Poole, Bart. G. Quarme, and Richard Stonehewer, esqrs. vice Cayley. Aug. 29. W. Burton, J. W. Bowyer, D. Papillon, G. L. Scott, T. Bowlby, R. Baggot, G. Quarme, R. Stonehewer, and Anthony Lucas, esqrs. vice Poole. —72 Oct. 31, W. Burton, t. W. Bowyer, D. Papillon, G. L. , Scott, T. Bowlby, R. Baggot, G. Quarme, Antho ny Lucas, and William Lowndes, esq. vice Stone hewer. — 74 May 14. W. Burton, J. W. Bowyer, D. Papillon, G. L- Scott, T. Bowlby, G. Quarme, Anthony Lucas, William Lowndes, and Willi.im Burrell, esqrs. vice Baggot. b b 2 1776 Xji Commissioners of Excise. \^6 Oct. 31. J. W. Bowyer, D. Papillon, D. L. Scott, A, Lucas, W. Lowndes, W. Burrell, Stamp Brooksbank, J. Pownall, and Heneage Legge, esqrs. vice Bur ton, Bowlby, and Quarme. —80 Dec. 2. D. Papillon, G. L.Scott, A. Lucas, W. Lowndes, W. Burrell, S. Brooksbank, J. Pownall, Heneage Legge, and Charles Garth, esqrs. vice Bowyer. —81 Aug..25. D. Papillon, A. Lucas, W.Lowndes, W. Burrell, S. Brooksbank, J. Pownall, H. Legge, C. Garth, and Martin Whish, esqrs. vice Scott, —8a D. Papillon, A. Lucas, W. Lowndes, W. Buriell, S. Brooksbank, J. Pownall; C. Garth, M. Whish, and George James Cholmondeley, esqrs. vice Legge- , —84 May 18. D. Papillon, A. Lucas, W. Lowndes, W. Burrell, S. Brooksbank, J. Pownall, M. Whish, George James Cholmondeley, and Henry Reveley, esqrs. vice Charles Garth. —85 Feb. 5. D. Papillon, A. Lucas, W. Lowndes, W. Burrell, S. Brooksbank, M. Whish, Geo. J. Cholmondeley, Henry Reveley, esqrs. and Hon. John Luttrell, vice J. Pownall. —89 D. Papillon, W. Lowndes, W. Burrell, S. Brooks bank, M. Whish, G. J. Cholmondeley, Henry Re veley, Hon. John Luttrell, and Timothy Caswell, esqrs. vice A. Lucas. •^-go W. Lowndes, S. Brooksbank, M. Whish, G. J. Cholmondeley, and Henry Reveley, esqrs. Hon. J. Luttrell, Timothy Caswell, Robert Nicholas, - and John Buller, esqrs. vice Papillon and Burrell. =-^2 W: Lowndes, M. Whish, esqrs. Chairmen, G, J. Cholmondeley, H. Reveley, esqs. Hon. J. Luttrell, T. Caswell, Robert Nicholas, John Buller, esqrs. and Hon. Edmund Phipps, vice S. Brookbank. —93 W. Lowndes, M. Whish, G. J. Cholmondeley, Henry Reveley-, esq. Hon. John Luttrell, Timothy Caswell, Robert Nicholas, esqrs. Hon. Edmond Phipps, and William Jackson, esqrs. vice John Buller, esq. 1801 Commissioners of Appeal. 373 j 1797 W. Lowndes, M. Whish, esqrs. Chairmen, G.J. Cholmondeley, esq. Hon. John Luttrell, Timothy Caswell, Robert Nicholas, esqrs. Hon. Edmund Phipps, W.Jackson, and Richard Spiller, esqrs. vice H. Reveley, esq. l8oi W. Lowndes, M. Whish, esqrs. Chairmen, Hon. J. Luttrel, Timothy Caswell, Robert Nicholas, esqrs. Hon. Edmund Phipps, Wm. Jackson, and Richard Spiller, esqrs. and Lord George Seymour, vice G. J. Cholmondeley, esq. W. Lowndes, M. Whish, esqrs. Chairmen, Hon. J. Luttrell, R.Nicholas, esq. Hon. E. Phipps, W. Jackson and Richard Spiller, esq. Lord ' George Seymour arid Edward Fisher, vice T. Caswell. —05. W. Lowndes, M. Whish, esqrs. Chairmen, Hon. J. Luttrell, R. Nicholas, esqrs. Hon. E. Phipps, W. Jackson and R, Spiller, esqrs. Lord George Sey mour and George Watson, esqrs. vice E. Fisher, Receivers-General of the Excise, Sir William Milner, Bart. 1774 George James Williams, esq. —81 George James Cholmondeley, esq. Commissioners of Appeal in the Excise, 1662 Feb. 21. Robert Spencer, Henry Vernon, Sir Richard Browne, and others. Salary L.200 per annum. —68 Feb. 25. Robert Spencer, Sir Henry Vernon, Sir Richard Browne, senr. Sir Samuel Morland, Charles Ben net, Sir William Doyley, William Prynn, Robert Scawen, and William Coward, Salary L.200 per annum-. —69 Nov. II. Robert Spencer, Sirs Henry Vernon, Samuel Mor land, and John Walpole, Charles Bennet, Sir Wm. Doyley, Robert Scawen, and Robert Coward. 17. Robert Spencer, Sirs Henry Vernon, and Samuel Morland, Charles Bennet, Sir William Doyley, Robert Scawen, Robert Coward, and John Tre lawney. ' Bb3 1670 374 Commissioners of Appeal. 1670 Apr. 19. Robert Spencer, Sirs Henry Vernon, Samuel Mor land and John Walpole, Charles Bennet, William , Dowley, John Trelawney, Peter Prideaux, and William Coward. —73 June 10. Robert Spencer, Sirs Heriry Vernon, W. Doyley, Thomas Barrey, and Paul Neile, Charles Bennet, Peter Prideaux, John Trelawney, and W. Coward. Feb. 9. Robert Spencer, Sirs Henry Vernon, W. Doyley, Thomas Berry, and Paul Neile, Charles Bennet, Peter Prideaux, John Trelawney, W. Coward, Charles Pidgeon, and Francis Stephens. —76 May 4. Charles Fanshawe, Robert Spencer, Sirs W. Doyley, Thomas Berry and Paul Neile, Chas. Bennet, Peter Prideaux, John Trelawney, William Coward, Charles Pidgeon, and Francis Stephens. —77 Aug. 17. Charles Bertie, Henry Fanshawe, Charles Fanshawe, Robert Spencer, Sirs Thomas Berry and Paul Neile, Peter Prideaux, John Trelawney, Francis Stephens, and Edmund Doyley. —79 Feb, 20. Charles Bertie, Charles Fanshawe, Robert Spencer, Sir Paul Neile, Peter Prideaux, John Trelawney, William Coward, Francis Stephens, Edmund Doy ley, and Robert Maddox. Mar. 29. Charles Bertie, Robert Spencer, Henry Fanshawe, Charles Fanshawe, Sir Paul Neile, Peter. Pri deaux, John Trelawney, Francis Stephens, Ed mund Doyley, Robert Maddox, and Thomas Lloyd, , May 14. Robert Spencer, Charles Fanshawe, Sir Paul Neile, John Trelawney, and George Doddington. — 82 Feb. 10. Robert Spencer, Charles Fanshawe, Sir Paul Neile, George Doddington, and Edward Seymour. Apr. 2. The same. Robert Spencer, Viscount Tiviot, Charles Fanshawe, Sir John Pettus, George Doddington, and Edward Seymour. . —86 Feb. 26. The same. —89 May 29. Sir. William Honywood, Richard Beke, Geo. Dod dington, Thomas Conyngsby, and John Locke. -4 I69O Commissioners of Appeal. 375 1699 June 16. Sir William Honywood, Richard Beke, Geo. Dod dington, Edmund Chaloner, and John Locke. 1702 June 27. The same. —04 Nov. 16. Sir William Honywood, Richard Beke, Geo. Dod dington, Edmund Chaloner, and Joseph Addison. — 05 May 10. Sir William Honywood, Richard Beke, Edmund Chaloner, Joseph Addison, -and John Goodman. 1707 Dec. 24. Sir William Honywood, Edmund Chaloner, Joseph Addison, Thomas Goodman, and James Ashburne, —08 Aug. 13. Sir William Honywood, Edmund Chaloner, Joseph Addison, Thomas Goodman, James Ashburne, and Walter Hungerford. t— IO May 25. Sir William Honywood, Thomas Goodman, James Ashburne, Walter Hungerford, and William Lyn- dall. • — 13 Feb. 17, Sir William Honywood, Walter Hungerford, Dun can Dee, William Gower, and Edward Hunger ford. —14 Dec. 30. Thomas Goodman, John Shorter, James Montagu, Peter Hussey, and Pollexfen Drake. —16 Sept. 26. Thomas Goodman, John Shorter, James Montagu, Peter Hussey and Duncomb Drake. —19 Dec. 15. John Shorter, James Montagu, Peter Hussey, Dun- comb Drake, and Joseph Mason. —22 Oct. 19. James Montagu, Peter Hussey, Duncomb Drake, Jo seph Mason, and Humphry Fowle. —25 Nov. 3. James Montagu, Duncomb Drake, Humphry Fowle, Sir Moor Molineux, and John Paul Yvonet. —34 July. Humphry Fowle, James Montagu, Sir Moor Moli neux, John Paul Yvonet, and Edwin Coney. —44 July. , Humphry Fowle, Sir Moor Molineux> John , Paul Yvonet, Edwin Coney, and Edward Montagu. —53 Aug. Humphry Fowle, Sir Moor Molineux, John Paul Yvonet> Edward Montagu, and Robert Coney. —56 Aug. Sir Moor Molineux, John Paul Yvonet, Edward Montagu, Robert Coney, and Thomas Cowslade. , B b 4 1761 '376 Commissioners of Salt- Duties. 1761 John Paul Yvonet, Richard Montagu, Robert Coney, John Cowslade, and John Bridges, esq. vice Moli neux. —63 John Paul Yvonet, Richard Montagu, -Robert Coney, John Cowslade, " and Marmaduke Sowle, vice Bridges. —6s John Paul Yvonet, Robert Coney, John Cowslade, Marmaduke Sowle, and Francis Hale, vice Mon tagu. —66 Robert Coney, John Cowslade, and George Chadj John Grey and Daniel Bull, vice Yvonet, Sowle, and Hales. —80 Aug, Robert Coney, John Cowslad.e, Oeorgc Chad,. Daniel Bull, and Robert Hieks. —g3 Robert Coney, John Cowslade, George Chad, Robert - Hicks, Francis^ Fownes Luttrell, esqrs. 1800 Robert Coney, Robert Hicks, Francis Fownes Lut trell, George Chad, and Charles Agar, esqrs. —02 , Robert Coney, Robert Hicks, Francis Fownes Lut- ' trell, Charles Agar, and John Touchet, esqrs. — 03 Robert Hicks, Francis Fownes Liittrell, Charles Agar, John Touchet, and Richard Bevan, esqrs. —05 Robert Hicks, Charles Agar, John Tpuehet, Richard • Bevan, and John William Bramstone, esqrs. Commissioners of Salt-Duties. 1702 June 15. Sir Marmaduke Wyvil, John Danvers, Thomas Ar ran, Ashburnham Toll, and Thomas Everard, Com missioners for the Receipt, Management and Go vernment of the Duties upon Salt and Rock Salt. Salary L.500 per annum. 1702 Commissioners of Salt-Duties. 377 1702 Oct. 8. John Danvers, Thomss Aram, Ashburnham Toll, Thomas Everard, and John Wenyeve. —04 Jan. 22. John Danvers, Thomas Aram, Ashburnham Toll, John Wenyeve, and Humphry Griffith. —06 June 1. John Danvers, Thomas Aram, Humphry Griffith, Edward Brereton, and Thomas Hopkins. —08 May 6. John Danvers, Thomas Aram, Humphry Griffith, Edward Brereton, and James Cardonnel. —13 Apr. 16. John Danvers, Thomas Aram, Humphry Griffith, Edward Brereton, and Martin Killigrew. —14 Nov. 20. Benjamin Mildmay, John Danvers, Thomas Wood cock, James Cardonnel, and Charles Dent. —15 Nov. 24. Benjamin Mildmay, Thomas Woodcock, James -Car donnel, Charles Dent, and Arthur Ingram. —19 Apr. 6. Benjamin Miklrhay, Thomas Woodcock, James Car donnel, Arthur Ingram, and Thomas Milner. —20 Mar. 1. Thomas Woodcock, James Cardonnel, Arthur Ing ram, Thomas Milner, and Rcbert Baylies. Oct. 21. Thomas Woodcock, James Cardonnel, Arthur Ing- , ram, Thomas Milner, and Sir John Fryer, —21 Jan. 12. Thomas Woodcock, James Cardonnel, Arthur Ing ram, Thomas Milner, Sir Thomas Rouse. Apr. 12. Thomas Woodcock, James Cardonnel, Thomas Mil ner, Sir Thomas Rouse, and William Churchill junior. — 22 Thomas Woodcock, James Cardonnel, Thos. Mil ner, William Churchill, junr. and Edward Astley. Dec. 7, Thomas Woodcock, James Cardonnel, William Churchill junior, Edward Astley, and Lewis George Scheie. —27 Oct. 25. Thomas Woodcock, James Cardonnel, William Churchill junior, Edward Astley, and William Wynde. —32 June 7. Thomas Woodcock, James Cardonnel, William* Churchill junior, Edward Astley, and William Wynde. —33 Feb. James Cardonnel, William Churchill,, Edward Ast ley, William Wynde, and Henry Talbot. —41 June. James Cardonnel, Edward Astley, William Wynde, Henry Talbot, and Thomas Sutton. —42 Feb. James Cardonnel, Edward Astley, Henry Talbot, Thomas, Sutton, and John Vere. Aug. Edward Astley, Henry Talbot, Thomas Sutton, John Vere, and Joshua Churchill. —53 Apr. Edward Astley, Henry Talbot, Thomas Sutton, Joshua Churchill, and John Milbanke. 1656 37 8 Commissioners of Stamp-Duties. ' 1756 Jan. 3. Edward Astley, Henry Talbot, Joshua Churchill, John Milbanke, and Denzil Onslow. 1763 Sept. 10. H. Talbot, J. Churchill, J. Milbanke, D. Onslow, and Henry Fane, vice Astley. —65 H. Talbot, J. Churchill, J. Milbanke, H. Fane, and Sir John Gresham, vice Onslow. —66 H. Talbot, J. Churchill, H. Fane, Sir John Gre sham, and Oliver Tilson, vice Milbanke. — 71 H.Talbot, J.Churchill, Sir J. Gresham, O. Tilson, and M'lward Rowe, vice Fane, —73 H. Talbot, Sir J. Gresham, O. Tilson, M. Rowe, and John Hillersdon, vice Churchill. —82 H. Talbot, Sir J. Gresham, O. Tilson, J. Hillers don, and Ed. Bishop, vice Rowe. —84 Jan. Sir J. Gresham, O. Tilson, J. Hillersderr, C. Bi shop, and Richard Gamon, vice Talbot. Apr. SirJ. Gresham, O. Tilson, J. Hillersden, ^C, Bishop, and Sir Richard Reynell, Bart, vice Gamon. —85 June. O. Tilson, J. Hillersden, E. Bishop, Sir R. Reynel, and Edwin Francis Stanhope, esq. vice Gresham. — g3 J. Hillersden, E. Bishop, Sir R. Reynell, Edwin Francis Stanhope, and John Mortlock. J. Hillersden, Sir R. Reynell, E. F. Stanhope, J. Mortlock, and William A. S. Boscawen. The duty done by the Commissioners ofthe Excise since 1800. Commissioners of Stamp Duties. 1694 May 21. Christopher Montagu, 'John Stanley, Edward Lloyd, Henry Cornish, Henry Harris, Jacob Vanderesch, and James Isaacson, commissioners for the several duties upon stamped Vellum, Parchment, and Pa per, to commence from June 28. —98 Sept. 13. John Stanley, Edward Lloyd, Henry Cornish, Henry Harris, Jacob Vanderesch, James Isaacson, and Thomas Farrington. 1700 Commissioners of Stamp-Duties. 379 1700 Dec. 7. Edward Lloyd, Henry Cornish, Henry Harris, Jas. Isaacson, Thomas Farrington, Richard Uthwayt, and Robert Pooley. —02 June 13.. Edward Lloyd, Henry Cornish, Richard Uthwayt, Robert Pooley, and John Weneyve. Oct, 8. Edward Lloyd, Henry Cornish, Richard Uthwayt, Robert Pooley, and Richard Dyott. —06 June 26, Edward Lloyd, Henry Comish, Robert Pooley, Ri chard Dyott, and John Molesworth. — 08 May 1. Edward Lloyd, Robert Pooley, Richard Dyott, John Molesworth, and Richard Martyn. — 10 June 1. Edward Lloyd, Robert Pooley, Richard Dyott, Richard Martyn, and Richard Steele. — 13 June 12. Robert Pooley, Richard Martyn, Richard Steele, Sir Brocas Gardiner, and Thomas, Palmer. — 14 Jan. '15. Robert Pooley, Richard Martyn, Sir Brocas Gardi ner, Thomas Palmer, and Charles Vivian. May 5. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Thomas Palmer, Charles Vi vian, Richard Shelton, and George Cowper. Dec,.1 20. Richard Martyn, Richard Pye, Thomas Warner, Nicholas Carew senior, and Roger Gale. —15 May 4. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Richard Pye, Thos. Warner, Nicholas Carew senior, and Roger Galei Nov. 28, Sir Brocas Gardiner, Richard Pye, Thos. Warner, Nicholas Carew senior, and Richard Houlditch. — 17 Feb. 21. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Richard Pye, Thos. Warner, Nicholas Carew senibr, and John Shutz. —21 Jan. 29. Sirs Brocas Gardiner and Richard Pye, Thos. War ner, John Schutz, and George Townshend. Sirs Brocas Gardiner and Richard Pye, John Schutz, George Townshend junior, and John Turner. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Schutz, George Towns hend junior, John Turner, and John Shorter. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Schutz, John Turner, John Shorter, and William Hewett. The same; Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Turner, John Shorter, William Hewett, and Richard Shelly. , Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Shorter, Richard Shelley, William Fisher, and Burrington Goldsworthy. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Shorter, Richard Shelley, William Fisher, and Brinley Skinner. 2. Sir Brocas Gardiner, John Shorter, Richard Shelley, William Fisher, and William Blair. Sir Brocas Gardiner, Richard Shelley, William Blair, Matthew Kenrick, and John Bird. '739 May 12. — 22. Oct. 12. — 27 Mar. 17- — 28 Jan. 2. —29 June 3- —34 . 1. —36 May 6. —31 Feb- 2. Apr. 2. 380 Commissioners of Stamp-Duties. 0 1739 Feb. 7. Richard Shelley, William Blair, Matthew Kentiek, John Bird, and John Plumptree junior. , — 42 Aug. 30. Richard Shelley, William Blair, Matthew Kenrick, John Plumptree junior, and John Bernard. — 54. Apr. 15. Richard Shelley, William Blair, Matthew Kenrick, John Bernard, and Robert Thompson. —SS Dec. 5. William Blair, Matthew Kenrick, -John Bernard, Robert Thompson, and George Whitmore. — 62 Mar. 17, William Blair, John Bernard, Robert Thompson, George Whitmore, and John Kenrick. — 63 Feb. 8. John Bernard, Robert Thompson, and Sir James Calder, Edward Tucker, and Marmaduke Gwynn, vice Blair, Kenrick, and Whitmore. — 64 Jan. 4. J. Bernard, Sir J. Calder, E. Tucker, M. Gwynne, and James Bindley, vice Thompson. — 6s Aug. 24. William Blair, J. Bernard, George Whitmore, John Kenrick, and James Bindley, vice Calder, Tuc ker, and Gwynne. — 75 Aug. 3, W. Blair, G. Whitmore, J. Kenrick, J. Bindley, ' and William Bailey, vice Bernard. —76 W. Blair, J.' Kenrick, J. Bindley, W. Bailey, and W. Waller, vice Whitmore. —78 J, Kenrick, J. Bindley, W. Bailey, W. Waller, and Martin Whish, vice Blair, —81 J. Bindley, Wr. Bailey, W. Waller; and Richard Tickel, and George James Cholmondeley, vice Kenrick and Whish. —82 J. Bindley, W. Bailey, W. Waller, R. Tickel, and the Hon, John Byng, vice Cholmondeley. —83 J- Bindley, W. Bailey, R. Tickel', Hon. J., Byng, and Everard Fawkener, vice Waller. —93 J- Bindley, W. Bailey, Hon', J. Byng, E. Fawkener, 1 and Charles Mellish. - —95 J- Bodley, Hon. J. Byng, E. Fawkener, C. Mel lish, and Lewis Jenkins. —97 J- Bindley, Hon. J. Byng, E. Fawkener, L. Jen kins, , and William Robert Spencer. —99 I- Bindley, L. Jenkins, W. R. Spencer, W. Lake, and Edward Finch Hatton. 1800 J. Bindley, E. Fawkener, L. Jenkins, W. R. Spen cer, and W. Lake. 1S04 J. Bindley, L. Jenkins, Wm. R. Spencer, W. Lake, and Edward Finch Hatton. Commis- Commissioners for Taxes. 381 Commissioners for Taxes. Edward Younge, Henry Kelsall, Christopher Rig by, Richard Frankland, John Trenchard, and John Fane, esqrs. 1762 Feb. E. Young, C- Rigby, John Trenchard, J. Fane, esqrs. and George Quarme and Thomas Windham, esqrs. vice Kelsall and Frankland. Apr. 27. Henry Reade, E. Younge, C. Rigby, J. Trenchard, J. Fane, G. Quarme, and Tho. Wyndham, esqrs. —63 Feb. 1. E. Younge, J. Trenchard, T. Wyndham, esqrs. and William Blair, Daniel Bull, George Blount, and Thomas Bradshaw, esqrs. vice Reade, Rigby, Fane, and Quarme. —65 July 24. E. Younge, J. Trenchard, T. Wyndham, D. Bull, G. Blount, T. Bradshaw, esqrs. and Christopher Rigby, esq. vice Blair. — 67 Oct. 24. E. Younge, C. Rigby, J. Trenchard, T. Wyndham, D. Bull, G. Blount, esqrs. and Edward Tucker, esq. vice Bradshaw. —73 May 29. C. Rigby, J. Trenchard, T. Wyndham, D. Bull, G. Blount, esqrs. and Charles Dering and John Eames, esqrs. vice Younge and,Tucker. —77 C. Rigby, J. Trenchard, D. Bull, G. Blount, C. Dering, J. Eames," esqrs. and G. Heathcote, vice Wyndham. —83 J. Trenchard, D. Bull, G. Blount, C. Dering, J. Eames, and G. Heathcote, esqrs. and Alexander Popham, esq. vice Rigby. —84 July 6. J. Trenchard, D. Bull, G. Blount, C. Dering, J. Eames, G. Heathcote, esqrs. arid Francis Fownes Luttrell, esq. vice A. Popham. --89 J. Trenchard, D. Bull, G. BJount, C, Dering, J. Eames, F. F. Luttrell, A. Popham, and William Lowndes, esqrs. — 91 J. Trenchard, G. Blount, C. Doring, J. Eames, F. F. Luttrell, . A. Popham, William Lowndes, and Barne Barne, esq. *793 382 Commissioners for Wine Licences. 1793' J- Trenchard, G. Blount, C. Dering, J. Eames, A. Popham, W. Lowndes, B. Barne, and Edward Medows, esqrs. —95 J. Trenchard, G. Blount, C. Dering, A. Popham, W-. Lowndes, B. Barne, E. Medows, and Horace Hayes, esq. —98 W. Lowndes, B. Barne, E. Medows, H. Hayes, George Trenchard Goodenough, and Henry Hodg son, esqrs. , Commissioners for Wine Licences. 1661 May 25. Sir Charles Harbord, his Majesty's Surveyor-Gene ral ;, Sir Philip Warwick, Edmund Windham, Clement Spelman, Robert Cole, Francis Cornwal lis, John Rushworth ; John Phillips, one of the Auditors ofhis Majesty's Revenues ; FrancisDic- kins, and John Loving, commissioners for granting Licences for selling of Wines by retail, in pursu ance of an Act of Parliament passed April 25. 166 1. Oct. 7. Sir Maurice Berkeley, Sir John Coleton, and Ri chard Downes. — 71 May 17. Sir John Griffith, Sir Philip Froud, Edmund War- cup, and Richard Downes. — 76 July 5. Sir John Griffith, Nathaniel Curson, Arthur Fleet wood, • Michael Brighouse, Robert Ryves, and Charles Ryves. — 77 Dec. 18. -Nathaniel Curson, Michael Brighouse, Charles Ryves, Robert RyvcS, Edmund Long, and John' Tayler. —78 Mar. 15, Edward Christian, Henry Deering; William Clough, Michael Brighouse, Edmund Long, and John Tay ler. — 79 Nov. 18. Robert Woolsey, William Young, John Tayler, L.L.D. Henry Deering, and Michael Brighouse. —87 Jan, 16. Robert Woolsey, William Young, John Tayler, L.L.D. Henry Deering, Michael Brighouse, and Gerard Russell, Commissioners for Wine Licenses. 383 1701 Dec. 24.- Nicholas Fenn, Thomas Lake, John Harwood, Ro bert Lowndes, and Thomas Goodhall. —05 — — 26. Thomas Lake, John Harwood, Robert Lowndes, Thomas Goodhall, and William Congreve. —12 Apr. 19. Robert Lowndes, William Congreve, John Wind ham, George Scott, and John Floyer. —14 Dec. 21. Robert Lowndes, Daniel Deering, Richard Plump ton, William George Cresset, and Charles Green wood-. — 19 Mar. 1. Robert Lowndes, Daniel Deering, Richard Plump ton, Charles Greenwood, and Wm. East, junr. —20 Dec. 2. Daniel Deering, Richard Plumpton, Charles Green wood, William East junior, and John Joliffe, —27 Oct. 26. Daniel Deering, Richard Plumpton, John Joliffe, Joseph Ferrers, and Gilbert East. —30 Nov. 2. Richard Plumpton, John Joliffe, Joseph Ferrers, Gilbert East, and Anthony Corbiere. —34 Richard Plumpton, John Joliffe, Joseph Ferrers, An thony Corbiere, and Thomas Gordon, , — 40 Feb. Richard Plumpton, John Joliffe, Anthony Corbiere, Thomas Gordon, and Henry Harris. —41 June. Richard Plumpton, Anthony Corbiere, Tho* Gor don, Henry Harris, and William Adams. —43 — Richard Plumpton, Thomas Gordon, Henry Harris, William Adams, and James Ramsden. —46 Feb. Thomas Gordon, Henry Harris, William Adams, James Ramsden, and Henry Yelverton, sen. —50 Ang. Henry Harris, William Adams, James Ramsden, Henry Yelverton, and Philip Meadows. In 1758, the management of the Wine Licences was put under the Commissioners for the Stamp Revenue. Com- 384 Commissioners for Licensing Hackney Coaches. Commissioners for Licensing Hackney Coaches. 1687 Nov. 4. John Phellps, Thomas Napier, Thomas Prise, Rich ard Sheldon, and Jerom Nipho, Commissioners for Regulating and Licensing of Hackney Coaches ¦ within the ckies , of London and Westminster, Henry Ashurst, Walter Overbury, Henry Hilli- grew, Henry Villers, and Richard Gea. The three last of which, by vote of the House of Com- ' mons, were removed March 20. for receiving bribes, and acting arbitrarily. —95 Juty 12, jDaT1'ei Blake, Thomas Strickland, Edmund..Clarke, Charnoek Heron, and William Congreve. .702 Daniel Blake, Edmund Clarke, Charnoek Heron, William Congreve, and Abraham IM agny. 07 Oct. 13. Daniel Blake, Charnoek Heron, Abraham Magny, Evert Jollyvet, and George Clerke. 13 June 2. Daniel Blake, George Clerke, John Wey, Thomas Sutton, and Moore Molineux, Commissioners of Hackey Coaches and Chairs within the cities of London and Westminster, and suburbs thereof. Oct. 8. John Wey, Thomas Sutton, Moore Molineux, Chas. Bernard and John Idle. — 17 Aug. 21. John Wey, Thomas Sutton, Moore Molineux, John Idle and Wavel Smith. — 22 June 30. John Wey, Thomas Sutton, John Idle, Wavel Smith, and Francis Capper. — 23 I- John Wey, Thomas Sutton, John Idle, Fiancis Cap per, and Nicholas Philpot. —25 Feb. 23. John Wey, John Idle, Francis Capper, Nicholas Phil- ¦ pot, and Thomas Sutton, junr. — 27 Oct. 26. The same. — 28 4. John Wey, John Idle, Francis Capper, Thomas Sut ton, and John Philpot. , , — 32 May 25. John Wey, Francis Capper, Thomas Sutton, John Philpot, and John Cookson, 1741 Commissioners for Licensing Hackney Coaches. 385 1741 John Wey, Francis Capper, John Philpot, John Cookson, and Thomas Bond. —49 Francis Capper, John Philpot, John Cookson, Thomas Bond, and John Soley. —S6 May. Francis Capper, John Cookson, Thomas Bond, John Soley, and William Goilop. —58 July. ' Francis Capper, John Cookson, Thomas Bond, John Soley, and Thomas Nuttal. —59 John Cookson, Thomas Bond, John Soley, Thomas Nuttal, and Richard Capper. — 62 John Cookson, John Soley, Thomas Nuttal, Richard Capper, and Nathan Templeman. —75 Jan, 21. John Cookson, John Soley, Thomas Nuttall, Richard Caper, and William M. Pleydell. Mar. John Cookson, John Soley, Richard Capper, William M. Pleydell, and Jacob Reynardson. —86 John Soley, Richard. Capper, Jacob Reynardson, William Douglas, and M. Morgann, esqrs. 1801 John Soley, Jacob Reynardson, William Douglas, M. Morgann, and Ralph Dorvill Woodford, esqrs.; —02 John Soley, Jacob Reynardson, Wm. Douglas, Ralph Dorvill Woodford, and Edward Williams, esqrs. — 05 John Soley, Jacob Reynardson, Wm. Douglas, Ed ward Williams, and John Haworth, esqrs. 11. J cc Officers o 86 Officers ofthe Duchy of Cornwall. Officers of the Duchy of Cornwall. Lord Warden ofthe Stannaries. 1760 James, Earl Waldegrave. — 63 Humphrey Morrice, esq. — #3 George, Viscount Lewisham, afterwards Earl of Dartmouth. — 88 Sir John Morshead, Bart. —96 John Willet Payne, esq. 1803 Thomas Tyrwhitt, esq. Vice-Warden. 1760 Henry Rosewarne, esq. —83 John Thomas, esq. Surveyor-General. 1760 Sir Edward Bayntun Rolt, Bart. — 96 Sir John Morshead, Bart. Auditor and Secretary. 1760 William Trevanion, esq. — 67 Richard Hussey, esq. -—70 John Buller, esq. —83 Henry Lyte, esq. —91 John William Payne, esq. —96 Thomas Tyrwhitt. 1803 John M'Mahon, esq. Receiver* Officers ofthe Duchy of Cornwall. 387 Receiver-General. 1760 Edward (afterward Lord) Eliot, esq. 1804 Thomas Brinsley Sheridan, esq. Assay-Master. 1760 Charles Trelawney, esq. — 65 John Luxmore, esq. — 84 Peter Jolliffe, esq. 1800 James Hare, esq. Chancellor and Keeper of the Great Seal. 1802 Hon. Thomas Erskine, now Lord Erskine. — 06 William Adam, esq. Attorney-General. Hon. Thomas Erskine. 1793 Robert Graham, esq. 1800 Vicary Gibbs, esq. — o ? William Adam, esq. — 06- William Garrow, esq. Solicitors-General. Arthur Pigott, esq. , 1793 John Anstruther, esq. —95 Vicary Gibbs, esq. 1800 Thpmas Manners Sutton, esq. — 02 William Adam, esq. — 05 William Garrow, esq. —06 Joseph Jekyll, esq. c c 2 Havenor 388 Officers ofthe Duchy of Cornwall. ¦Havenor of the Duchy Ports, in tbe Counties of Cornwall and Devon. Augustus Henry, Duke of Grafton. Constable of Launceston Castle. Hugh, Duke of Northumberland. Stewards of Estates and Revenues in divers Counties. Hertfordshire. John, Earl of Bridgewater. - , Somersetshire. . William Strong, esq. Dorsetshire. Warwick Hale Tonkin, esq. Surrey. Richard Gray, esq. Berkshire. Samuel Selwood, esq. The Officers ofthe Duchy of Cornwall. 389 The Honourable the Council of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. Thomas, Lord Erskine. Hugh, Duke of Northumberland. Francis, Earl of Moira.- John, Lord Hutchinson. Thomas Tyrwhitt, esq. General Samuel Hulse. John M'Mahon, esq. Rt. Hon. Richard B. Sheridan; George, Lord Keith, K.B. John Nesbit, esq. ^William Garrow, esq. Joseph Jekyll, esq. c c 3 REGENCY. C 39° 1 REGENCY. The King of Great Britain is the Sovereign and Supreme Head of ' the united kingdoms of England and Scotland ; as he is also of Ire land, and of all other the dominions belonging to the British Grown. He has a. claim to the sovereignty of the, seas environing Great Britain and Ireland, and 'the isles adjacent, as far as the shores of neighbour ing nations. Therefore it was formerly' the custom for all foreigners to ask leave to fish and to pass in these seas, and to lower their top sails to all the British ships of war. Our King gives place to no Monarch, except the Emperor of Ger many, and that upon account of antiquity j for the Crown of Great Britain is free and independent. From the Restoration to the time of King James's abdication ofthe Crown, there was no Regency; but after King William III. came over, and was proclaimed and crowned, his affairs falling him abroad, his Majesty, May 5. 1695, appointed seven ofthe wisest and ablest of the Nobility, to be Guardians, Justices, and Lieutenants in England during his absence. , By a clause in an act passed in the lith and 13th of King William III. " For the further limitation of the Crown, and better securing the rights and liberties of the subject," it was enacted, " That no person who shall come to the possession of the Crown, shall go out of the dominions of England, Scotland, or Ireland, without consent of Parliament." But his late Majesty King George I. on his accession to the Throne, repealed the said clause, in these words following : " And the restrictions, by the said clause meant or intended, are and shall be repealed, arid shall for ever be, and he deemed and taken to be, void and of none effect." During Regents, Guardians, SsrV. of Great Britain. 391 During the reign of King William III. they were also written and called Guardians, Justices of England, and his Majesty's Lieutenants in the same. On Queen Anne's decease, they were styled Justices of Great Britain. When King George I. visited his dominions abroad, the Prince pf Wales was constituted Guardian of Great Britain, and Lieutenant in the same ; and whenever afterwards his Majesty's af fairs required him to cross the seas, he appointed some of his prime Ministers bf State, Noblemen, and others, his Guardians and Justices •of the kingdom of Great Britain, and his Lieutenants in the same. And King George II. whenever he went to visit his German domi nions during the lifetime of his Royal Consort Queen Caroline, ap pointed her Majesty Queen Regent ; and, after her death, the great Officers of State, and others whom his > Majesty could confide in, were appointed Regents. Regents, Guardians, Justices, and Lieutenants in England and Great Britain, in the absence of the King. 1695 May 5. Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Sir John SomersJ Lord Keeper ofthe Great Seal. Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Lord Privy .Seal. William, Duke of Devonshire. Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury, one ofhis Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. Charles, Earl of Dorset. Sidney, Lord Godolphin. —96 May i.- Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Sir John Somers, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal. Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Keep er of the Privy Seal/ William, Duke of Devonshire, Steward of the House hold. Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State. Charles, Earl of Dorset and Middlesex, Chamberlain ofthe Household. Sidney, Lord Godolphin. c c 4 1697 392 Regents, Guardians, SsV. of Great Britain. 1697 Apr. 23. Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Sir John Somers, Lord Chancellor. Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Keep er ofthe Privy Seal. William, Duke of Devonshire, Steward ofthe House hold. Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury, one of the Principal Secretaries ofState. Robert, Earl of Sunderland, Chamberlain of the Household. Charles, Earl of Dorset and Middlesex. Henry, Earl of Romney, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports. Ed. Russel, esq. first Commissioner of the Admiralty. —98 July 18. Thomas, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. John, Lord Some,rs, Lord High Chancellor of Eng land. Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Lord Keeper ofthe Privy Seal. William, Duke of Devonshire, Steward ofthe House hold, Charles, Earl of Dorset and Middlesex. John, Earl of Marlborough, tutor to his Royal High ness William, Duke of Gloucester. Henry, Earl of Romney, Lord Warden ofthe Cinque Ports. Edward, Earl of Orford, first Commissioner of the Admiralty. Charles Montagu, first Commissioner of the Trea sury. —99 June 1. Thomas, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. John, Lord Somers, Lord High Chancellor of Eng land. Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Lord President of the Council. John, Viscount Lonsdale, Lord Keeper ofthe Privy Seal. William, Duke of Devonshire, Lord Steward ofthe Household. John, Earl of Bridgewater, first Commissioner ofthe Admiralty. John, Earl of Marlborough, Governor to his Royal Highness William Duke of Gloucester. Edward, Earl of Jersey, Secretary of State. Charles Montagu, first Commissioner ofthe Trea sury. . 1700 Regents, Guardians, &c. of Great Britain. 393 1700 July 4. Thomas, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Sir Nathan Wright, Lord Keeper ofthe Great Seal. William, Duke of Devonshire, Steward ofthe House hold. Edward, Earl of Jersey, Chamberlain ofthe House hold. John, Earl of Bridgewater, first Commissioner ofthe Admiralty. John, Earl of Marlborough, Tutor to his Royal High ness William, Duke of Gloucester. Ford, Ear J of Tankerville, first Commissioner ofthe Treasury. — 01 June 29. Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, Pre sident of the Council, and first Commissioner of the Admiralty. William, Duke of Devonshire, Steward ofthe House hold. Charles, Duke of Somerset., Edward, Earl of Jersey, Chamberlain of the House hold. Sidney, Lord Godolphin, first Commissioner of the Treasury. The following Noblemen were Lords 6hief Justices of Great Britain, from the death ofthe late Queen Anne, Aug. I. 1714. to Septem ber 18. following; on which day his late Majesty King George I. landed at Greenwich. 1 7 14 - * Thomas, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. * Simon, Lord Harcourt, Lord Chancellor. * Charles, Duke of Shrewsbury, Lord High Treasur er, (also Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.) * John, Duke of Buckinghamshire and Normanby, Lord President of the Council. * William, Earl of Dartmouth, Lord Privy Seal. * Thomas, Earl of Strafford, first Commissioner of the Admiralty. * Sir Thomas Parker, Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench. 1714 * These seven were Lords Justices, by virtue of their offices, and the Act of Parliament afore-mentioned. To them his Majesty King George I, was pleased to add the eighteen Noblemen next after-mentioned. 594 Regents, Guardians, &c. of Great Britain. 1714 Sir William Dawes, Archbishop of York. Charles,/ Duke of Somerset. Charles, Duke of Bolton. , William, Duke of Devonshire. Henry, Duke of Kent. John, Duke of Argyle. James, Duke of Montrose. John, Duke of Roxburgh. Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. Arthur, Earl of Anglesey. Charles, Earl of Carlisle. Daniel, Earl of Nottingham, Montagu Venahles, Earl of Abingdon. Richard, Earl of Scarborough. Edward, Earl of Orford. Charles, Viscount Townshend. Charles, Lord Halifax. William, Lord Cowper. — 16 July 5. His Royal Highness -George Augustus, Prince of Wales, Guardian of the Realm, and Lieutenant within the same. — 19 May 9. William, Archbishop of Canterbury. v Thomas, Lord Parker, Lord High Chancellor. Evelyn, Duke of Kingston, Lord President of the Council. Henry, Duke of Kent, Lord Privy Seal. John, Duke of Argyle and Greenwich, Lord Steward of the Household. Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle, Lord Chamber lain of the Household. Charles, Duke of Bolton, Lord Lieutenant of Ire land. - John, Duke of Marlborough, Captain-General of the Forces. John, Duke of Roxburgh, Secretary of State for Scotland. Charles, Earl of Sunderland, First Commissioner of the Treasury. James, Earl of Berkeley, First Commissioner of the Admiralty. , James, Earl of Stanhope, and the Right Hon. James Craggs, junr. Secretaries of State'. — 20 June 14. William, Archbishop of Canterbury. Thomas, Lord Parker, Lord High Chancellor. Charles, Viscount Townshend, Lord President of the Council. Evelyn, Duke of Kingston, Lord Privy Seal. Regents, Guardians, &c. of Great Britain. 395 17;! John, Duke of Argyle and Greenwich, Lord Steward ofthe Household. Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle, Lord Chamber lain ofthe Household. Charles, Duke of Grafton, Lord Lieutenant of Ire land. Charles, Duke of Bolton. William, Duke of Devonshire. John, Duke of Marlborough, Captain-General of tbe Forces. ' John, Duke of Roxburgh, Secretary of State for Scotland. Charles, Earl of Sunderland, First Commissioner of the Treasury. James, Earl of Berkeley, First Commissioner of the Admiralty. James, Earl Stanhope, and the Right Hon-. James Craggs, junr. Principal Secretaries of State. — 23 May 29. William, Archbishop of Canterbury. Thomas, Earl of Macclesfield, Lord High Chancel lor. Henry, Lord Carleton, Lord President of the Coun cil. John, Duke of Argyle and Greenwich, Lord Steward 1 of the Household. Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle, Lord Chamber lain ofthe Household. Charles, Duke of Grafton, Lord Lieutenant of Ire land. William, Duke of Devonshire. John, Duke of Roxburgh, Secretary of State for Scotland. James, Earl of Berkeley, First Commissioner of the \ Admiralty. Francis, Earl of Godolphin, Groom of the Stole. WTilliam, Earl Cadogan, General and Commander- in-Chief of the Forces. Charles, Viscount Townshend, Secretary of State. Simon, Viscount Harcourt. John, Lord Carteret, Secretary of State. The Right Hon. Robert Walpole, First Commis sioner of the Treasury. — 25 June 3. William, Archbishbp-of Canterbury. Peter, Lord King, Lord High Chancellor. '735 396 Regents, Guardians, &C of Great Britain. 1*17-5 June 3' William, Duke of Devonshire, Lord President of the Council. N Evelyn, Duke of Kingston, Lord Privy Seal. Lionel Cranfield, Duke of Dorset, Lord Steward of the Household. Charles, Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain of the Household. . Charles, Duke of Bplton, Constable of the Tower of London. John, Duke of Argyle and Greenwich, Master-Ge- .neral of the Ordnance. John, Duke of Roxburgh, and Thomas Holies Pel ham, Duke of Newcastle, Secretaries of State. James, Earl of Berkeley, First Commissioner of the Admiralty. Francis, Earl of Godolphin, Groom of the Stole. Charles, Viscount Townshend, Secretary of State. Simon, Viscount Harcourt. John, Lord, Carteret, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Walpole, First Commis sioner of the Treasury. — 27 June 2. William, Archbishop of Canterbury. Peter, Lord King, Lord High Chancellor. William, Duke of Devonshire, Lord President pf the Council. Thomas, Lord Trevor, Lord Privy Seal. Lionel Cranfield, Duke of Dorset, Lord Steward of the Household. Charles, Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain of the Household. Charles, Duke of Bolton, Governor of the Isle of Wight. John, Puke of Argyle and Greenwich, Master-Ge neral of the Ordnance. Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of State. James, Earl of Berkeley, First Commissioner of the Admiralty. Francis, Earl of Godolphin, Groom ofthe Stole. Charles, Viscount Townshend, Secretary of State. Simon, Viscount Harcourt. John, Lord Carteret, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. The Right Hon. Sir Robert Walpole, First Commis sioner of the Treasury. -29 May 14. Her Majesty Queen Caroline. *732 Regents, Guardians, &c. of Great Britaiu. 397 1732 May 8. Her Majesty Queen Caroline. —40 May. John, Archbishop of Canterbury. Philip, "Lord Hardwicke, -Lord Chancellor. Spencer, Earl Wilmington, Lord President. John, Lord Harvey, Lord Privy Seal. Lionel, Duke of Dorset, Lord Steward. Charles, Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain. '¦-. Charles, Duke of Richmond, Master of the Horse. Charles, Duke of Bolton. William, Duke of Devonshire, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. John, Duke of Montagu, Master of the Ordnance. Thomas, Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of State. Henry, Earl of Pembroke, Groom of the Stole. Archibald, Earl of Hay. William, Lord Harrington, Secretary of State. Sir Robert Walpole, First Commissioner of the Treasury. Sir Charles Wager, First Commissioner of the Ad miralty. —43 April. John, Archbishop of Canterbury. Philip, Lord Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor. William, Earl of Harrington, Lord President. John, Lord Gower, Lord Privy Seal. Lionel, Duke of Dorset, Lord Steward. Charles, Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain. Charles, Duke of Richmond, Master of the Horse. Charles, Duke of Bolton. William, Duke of Devonshire, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. John, Duke of Montagu, Master of the Ordnance. Thomas, Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of State. John, Marquis of Tweeddale.. Henry, Earl of Pembroke, Groom of the Stole. Daniel, Earl of Winchelsea, First Commissioner of the Admiralty. Archibald, Earl of Hay. Spencer, Earl of Wilmington* First Commissioner of the Treasury. William, Earl of Bath. John, Lord Carteret, Secretary of State. Hon. Henry Pelham, Paymaster of the Forces. —45 May John, Archbishop of Canterbury. Philip, Lord Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor. Lionel, Duke of Dorset, Lord President. r74? 398 Regents, Guardians, &c. of Great Britain. 1745 May. John, Lord Gower, Lord Privy Seal. William, Duke of Devonshire, Lord Steward. Charles, Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain. Charles, Duke of Richmond, Master of the Horse. Charles, Duke of Bolton. John, Duke of Bedford, First Commissioner of the Admiralty. John, Duke of Montagu, Master of the Ordnance. Archibald, Duke of Argyle. Thomas, Duke of Newcastle, Secretaryof State. John, Marquis of Tweeddale, Secretary of State. Henry, Earl of Pembroke, Groom of the Stole. Philip, Earl of Chesterfield, Lord Lieutenant of , Ireland. John, Earl of Stair. William, Earl of Harrington, Secretary of State. William, Earl of Bath. Richard, Viscount Cobham. Hon. Heriry Pelham, ' First Commissioner of the Treasury. — 48 May Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Philip, Lord Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor. Lionel, Duke of Dorset, Lord President. John, Earl Gower, Lord Privy Seal. William, Duke of Devonshire, Lord Steward. Charles, Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain. Charles, Duke of Richmond, Master ofthe Horse. John, Duke of Bedford, Secretary of State. John, Duke of Montagu, Master of the Ordnance. Archibald, Duke of Argyle. Thomas, Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of 'State. Henry, Earl of Pembroke, Groom of the Stole. John, Earl of Sandwich, First Commissioner ofthe Admiralty. William, Earl of- Harrington, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. > > Richard, Viscount Cobham. Hon. Henry Pelham, First Commissioner of the Treasury. — 50 April. Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Philip, Lord Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor. Lionel, Duke of Dorset, Lord President. John, Earl Gower, Lord Privy Seal. Charles, Duke of Marlborough, Lord Steward. Charles, Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain. Charles, Duke of Richmond, Master of the Horse. Regents, Guardians, &c. of Great Britain. 399 1750 April. John, Duke of Bedford, Secretary of State. Archibald, Duke of Argyle. Thomas, Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of State. John, Earl of Sandwich, First Commissioner of the Admiralty. William, Earl of Harrington, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Hon. Henry Pelham, First Commissioner of the Treasury. -—52 April. Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Philip, Lord Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor. John, Earl Granville, Lord President. John, Earl Gower, Lord Privy Seal. Charles, Duke of Marlborough, Lord Steward. Charles, Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain. Archibald, Duke of Argyle. Thomas, Duke of Newcastle, Secretary of State. Lionel, Duke of Dorset, Lord Lieutenant of Ire land. William, Marquis of Hartington, Master of the . Horse, Robert, Earl of Holderness, Secretary of State. William A. Earl of Albemarle, Groom of the Stole. George, Lord Anson, First Commissioner of the Admiralty. Hon. Henry Pelham, First Commissioner of the Treasury. —55 April 26. His Royal Highness William, Duke of Cumberland. Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury. Philip, Earl of Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor. John, Earl Granville, Lord President of the Coun cil. Charles, Duke of Marlborough, Lord Privy Seal. John, Duke of Rutland, Lord Steward ofthe House hold. Charles, Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain of the Household. Archibald, Duke of Argyle. ' Thomas H. Duke of Newcastle, First Commissioner ofthe Treasury. Lionel C. Duke of Dorset, Master of the Horse. William, Marquis of Hartington; Lord Lieutenant of Ireland., 1755 40o Regents, Guardians, &c. of Great Britain. 1755 Apr. 26. Robert, Earl of Holdernesse, Secretary of State. William Henry, Earl of Rochford, Groom of the Stole. George, Lord Anson, First Commissioner of the Admiralty. Sir Thomas Robinson, K. B. another Secretary of State. Henry Fox, esq. Secretary at War. A List C 401 ) A List of the Lord Lieutenants and Custos Rotu lorum of the different Counties in England and Wales? since his Majesty's Accession to the Throne. Of England. Bedfordshire. John, Duke of Bedford. 1771 Jan. 24. John, Earl of Upper Ossory. —91 Jacob, Earl of Radnor. Berkshire. t George, Duke of St Alban's. Vere, Lord Vere. 1 77 1 July 19. George, Duke of St Alban's. —86 March. William, Lord Craven. Died. — 91 Jacob Pleydel, Earl of Radnor. Buckinghamshire. Richard, Earl Temple. 1763 Francis, Lord Le Despencer. — 8 1 Nov. Philip, Earl of Chesterfield. —82 Mar. 27. George Nugent, (now E. Temple, Marquis of Buckingham). [vol. ii. ] r> d Cn m- 4©2 Lord Lieutenants, &c. of Counties. Cambridgeshire. Philip, Viscount Royston, afterwards Earl of Hard wicke. Died. i7qQ Philip, Earl of Hardwicke. Cheshire. George, Earl of Cholmondeley. iHjt William, Earl of Harrington. , George James, Earl of Cholmondeley. _g2 George, Earl of Stamford and Warrington. Cornwall. Richard , Lord Edgecumbe. j^gj George, Lord Edgecumbe, (afterwards Earl Mount- edgecumbe). Died. 95 Richard, Earl of Mountedgecumbe. Cumberland. Sir James Lowther, Bart. Lord Lieutenant. Charles, Earl of Egremont, Custos Rotulorum. 1763 Sir James Lowther, Bart, (afterwards Earl of Lons dale) Custos Rotulorum. 1802 William, Viscount Lowther. Derbyshire. William, Duke of Devonshire. . v Feb. 21. John, Marquis of Granby. 1766 June 17. Lord George Cavendish. —*82 June 18. William, Duke of Devonshire. Lord Lieutenants, &c. of Counties. 403 Devonshire. John, Duke of Bedford. 1771 Jan. 23. Vere, Earl Paulett. Died. —88 Hugh, Lord Fortescue (now Earl). Dorsetshire. Anthony Ashley, Earl of Shaftesbury. 177 1 June 7. Henry, Lord Digby, (afterwards Earl of Digby.) Died. ^93 George, Lord Rivers. ,1803 George, Earl of Dorchester. Durham. 1 Henry, Earl of Darlington, Lord Lieutenant— died. Richard Trevor, Lord Bishop of Durham, Gustj Rot. 177 1 John Egerton, ditto ditto. —87 Thomas Thurlow, ditto ditto, Hon. Shute Barrington, ditto ditto. —93 Wm. Henry, Earl of Darlington, Lord Lieutenant. Essex. William Henry, Earl of Rochford. -81 Oct. 12. John, Earl Waldegrave. -84 John, Lord Howard of Walden. - -98 Richard, Lord Braybrooke. Gloucestershire, Matthew, Lord Ducie. -61 John, Lord Chud worth. -62 Norborne Berkeley, esq. (afterwards Ld. Bottetourt). -66 July 1. Frederick, Barl of Berkeley. ' d d 2 Here- 4©4 Lord Lieutenants, he. cf Counties. Herefordshire. John, Viscount Bateman. 1802 George Con, Earl of Essex. Hertfordshire. William, Earl Cowper. , 1764 Oct. 19. William Anne Hollis, Earl of Essex, —71 Mar. 1. James, Viscount Cranburn. (now Marquis of Salis bury,) Huntingdonshire. Robert, Duke of Manchester. —62 George, Duke of Manchester. —89 George, Duke of Montagu — died.' —90 James, Marquis of Graham, (now Duke of Montrose). —93 William, Duke of Manchester. Kent. Xionel Cranfield, Duke of Dorset. -65 Charles, Duke of Dorset. -68 John Frederick, Duke of Dorset. -97 Charles, Lord (now Earl) of Romney. Lancashire. John Smith, Lord Strange. — 71 July 19. Edward, Earl of Derby. —75 John Smith, Earl of Derby. Leicestershire. John, Duke of Rutland. —79 July 6, Charles, Duke of Rutland — died October 1787. —87 Henry, Duke of Beaufort. —99 John Henry, Duke of Rutland. fiord Lieutenants, &c. of Counties. 405 Lincolnshire-. Peregrine, Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven. 1778 Dee. 15. Robert, Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven. —79 Brownlow, Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven, Middlesex. Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle" — 62 Hugh, Earl (afterwards Duke) ofNewcastle. Vacant. —94 William Henry Cavendish, Marquis of Titcjineld. Monmouthshire. Thomas Morgan, esq. — 72 Henry, Duke of Beaufort. 1803 Henry Charles, Duke of Beaufort, Norfolk. George, Earl of Orford. 1792 George, Marquis Townshend. Northamptonshire. George Montagu, Earl of Halifax. — 71 July 19, Spencer, Earl of Northampton, Northumberland. Hugh, Earl (afterwards Duke) of Northumberland. — 86 Hugh, Duke of Northumberland — Resigned in 1798, when the Lieutenancy was put in commission. 1802 Hugh, Duke of Northumberland. d d 3 Netting- 4©& Lord Lieutenants, &c. of Counties. Nottinghamshire. Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle. 1763 Jan. io. Evelyn, Duke of Kingston. —6s Sept. 7. Thomas Holies, Duke of Newcastle. —768 Dec. 16. Henry Fynes, Duke of Newcastle — died. —94 Thomas, Duke of Newcastle — died. — 1>5 William Henry Cavendish, Duke of Portland. Oxfordshire. ' George, Duke of Marlborough. Rutlandshire. Brownlow, Earl of Exeter. 1779 Mar. 19. George, Earl of Winchelsea and Nottingham. Shropshire. Henry Arthur, Earl of Powis. 1761 -William, Earl -of Bath. —64 Aug. 17. Henry Arthur, Earl of Powis. — 72 Oct. 9. Robert, Lord Clive. — 75 Apr. 7. Edward, Lord Clive, (now Earl of Powis). Somersetshire. John, Earl Poulett. 1764 Nov. Percy Wyndham, Earl of Thomond. — 73 Feb. 12. John James, Earl of Egmont. —74 M^r. 15. Frederick, Lord North, (afterwards Earl of Guild ford) — died. —92 Jbhn, Earl Powlett. Southamp. Lord Lieutenants, &c. of 'Counties. 407 Soutbamptonshire. Charles, Duke of Bolton. 1762 James, Marquis of Carnarvon. — 64 July 21. Robert, Earl of Northington. —71 Jan. 23. James, Marq. of Carnarvon, (now Duke) of Chandos. — 80 George, Lord Rivers. —82 Apr. 6. Harry, Duke of Bolton ---died. —93 George Powlett, esq. ") Commissioners for exe- Sir Wm. Heathcote, Bart. > cuting the office of Ld. William Chute, esq. J Lieutenant. — 98 Charles, Earl of Wiltshire. 1800 Thomas, Lord Bolton. , ¦ Staffordshire. Grenville Leveson, Earl Gower, (now Marquis of Stafford.)' 1799 George Granville, Earl Gower. 1801 Henry Bayley, Earl of Uxbridge, Suffolk. Augustus Henry, Duke of Grafton. 1763 Feb. 8. Charles, Lord (afterwards Viscount) Maynard. — 69 June 3, Augustus Henry, Duke of Grafton. 1790 George Henry, Earl of Euston. Surrey. Richard, Lord Onslow. 1776 Oct. 26. George, Lord Onslow and Cranley. Sussex. George, Lord (afterwards Earl of). Abergavenny. 1762 Charles, Earl of Egremont. v — 63 Oct. 18. Charles, Duke of Richmond, Lenox, and Aubigny. Warwickshire, Francis' Seymour, Earl of Hertford. 1794 George, Earl of Warwick and Earl Brooke. d d 4 Westmore- 408 !. Lord Lieutenants, &c. of Counties. Westmoreland. -Sir J. Lowther, Bart, (afterwards Earl of Lonsdale) , 1802 William, Viscount Lowther. Wiltshire. Henry, Earl of Pembroke. 1780 Feb. 19. Thomas, Earl of Aylesbury. — 82 Mar. 27. Henry, Earl of Pembroke — died. __94 George Augustus, Earl of Pembroke, Worcestershire. George William, Earl of-Coventry. r Yorkshire East Riding. Charles, Viscount Irwin. — 78 July 11. Francis Godolphin, Marquis of Carmarthen. — 80 Feb. 9. Frederick, Earl of Carlisle. — 82 Mar. 27. Francis Godolphin, Marquis of Carmarthen, (now Duke of Leeds.) —99 Frederick, Earl of Carlisle. Yorkshire West Riding. Charles Watson, Marquis of Rockingham. -62 Francis, Earl of Huntingdon. -65 Aug. 7. Charles Watson, Marquis of Rockingham. -82 Sept. 28. Charles, Earl of Surrey, (now Duke of Norfolk.) -98 William Wentworth, Earl Fitzwilliam. York- Lord Lieutenants, &c. of Counties, 409 Yorkshire North Riding. Charles Watson, Marquis of Rockingham. 1761 Robert, Earl of Holdernesse, Lord Lieutenant. — 6s Aug. 7. Charles Watson, Marquis of Rockiqgham, Cust. Rot. -— 77 Dec. Henry Earl Fauconberg, Lord Lieutenant. —82 Sept, 28. Ditto, Custos Rotulorum. 1802 George William Frederick, Duke of Leeds. Peterborough Liberty, William W. Earl Fitzwilliam. The Tower Hamlets. Charles, Earl Cornwallis. —62 John, Lord Berkeley of Stratton, — 73 ¦ Charles, Earl Cornwallis. — 82 Eord George Henry Lenox. — 84 Charles, Earl (afterwards Marquis) Cornwallis. 1806 Francis, Earl of Moira. Lord Lieutenants, and Custos Rotulorum of Wales. Anglesey shire. George, Earl of Cholmondeley. Sir Nicholas Bayly, Bart. Custos Rotulorum. -71 Ditto, Lord Lieutenant. -82 July 20. Henry, Earl of Uxbridge. Brecon- 4«o Lord Lieutenants, &c. of Counties. Breconsbire. Thomas Morgan, esq. I?7I Charles Morgan, esq. __87 Henry, Duke of Beaufort. Cardiganshire. J76, Wilmot, Viscount Lisburne, Lord Lieutenant. Thomas Johnes, esq. Custos Rotulorum. ' , Ditto, Lord Lieutenant. Jan. IO. Hon. Wilmot Vaughan, (now Earl of Lisbutne, Lord Lieutenant). jgoo Thomas Johnes, esq. Lord Lieutenant. Carmarthenshire. George Rice, esq. Lord Lieutenant. Thomas Williams', esq. Custos Rotulorum. 1779 Thomas Johnes, esq. — 80 Mar. 25. John Vaughan, esq. 1804 George, L°rd Dynevor. Carnarvonshirt George, Earl of Cholmondeley, Lord Lieutenant. Sir John Wynne, Bart, Custos Rotulorum. i76i Thomas Wynne, esq. (now Lord Newborough), Lord Lieutenant. —81 Nov. 20. Thomas, Viscount Bulkeley. Denbighshire. Richard Myddleton, esq. Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, Bart. Flintshire Lord Lieutenants, &c. of Counties, 41 1 Flintshire. George, Earl of Cholmondeley, Lord Lieutenant. Thomas, Lord Archer, Custos Rotulorum. 1761 Sir Roger Mostyn, Bart. Lord Lieutenant. Other Lewis Hickman, Earl of Plymouth, Cust. Rot. —72 Sir Roger Mostyn, Bart. Custos Rotulorum. — 97 Lloyd, Lord Kenyon, Lord Lieutenant. —98 Robert, Vise. Belgrade,, (now Earl of Grosvenor.) Glamorganshire. Other Lewis Hickman, Earl of Plymouth. — r72 June 15. John, Viscount Mountstewart, Earl and Marquis of Bute. — 93 John, Lord Viscount Mountstewart — died. Mar. George Aubrey, esq . "*} --, T • , • John Price, esq! {-DepUty ^canc * ""^ John Richards, esq. J ' " Dec. John, Earl, (now Marquis) of Bute. -94 Merionethshire. George, Earl of Cholmondeley. Wilmot Vaughan, esq. Custos Rotulorum. -69 Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, Bart. -90 Watkin Wynne, esq. -93 Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, Bart. Montgomeryshire. George, Earl of Cholmondeley. Henry Arthur, Earl of Powis, Custos Rotulorum., 72 Oct. 9. Robert, Lord Clive. 7c Apr. 7. Francis Seymour, Earl of Hertford. 76 Nov. 8. George Edward Henry Arthur, Earl of Powis. 3804 Edward, Earl of Powis. Pembroke- 4i2 Lord Lieutenants, &c. of Counties, * Pembrokeshire, Sir William Owen, Bart. 1780 Richard, Lord Milford. Haverford West Liberty. Sir William Owen, Bart. Lord Lieutenant. —61 Sir John Philips, Bart. Custos Rotulorum. Sir Richard Philips, Bart, (now Lord Milford), Cust, kot. — 70 Jan. 23. Ditto, Lord Lieutenant, Radnorshire. Howel Gwynne, esq. Custos Rotulorum. —66 Edward, Earl of Oxford. —92 Hon. Thomas Harley. 1805 George, Lord Rodney. Rangers C 413 ) Rangers and Keepers of his Majesty's Parks, Chaces, Forests, &c. at and since his Majesty's accession to the Throne. Windsor Forest and Great Park. His R. H. William, Duke of Cumberland. 1766 His R. H. Edward, Duke of York. 67 His R, H. Henry, Duke of Cumberland. 91 His R. H. William, Duke of Cumberland. Out Ranger pf Windsor Great Park. Hon. Benjamin Bathurst, -63 Lord Charles Spencer. -92 Thomas, Viscount Cranley. Windsor Little Park. -63 George, Earl of Pomfret. Vacant. -88 Penyston Portlock Powny, esq. -91 Richard Grenville, esq. ¦ Cranburn 4 '4 Rangers of his Majesty's Parks, &c. Cranburn Chace. His R. H. William, Duke of Cumberland. 1766 His R. H. Edward, Duke of York. — 67 His R. H. William, Duke of Gloucester. 1805 His R. H. Edward, Duke of Kent. Hampton Court Park. Her R. H. the Princess Amelia. 1764 His R. H. William, Duke of Gloucester. 1805 HisR. H. Edward, Duke of York. Richmond Park. , Her R. H. the Princess Amelia. 1762 John, Earl of Bute. Died in 1792. Deputy Rangers. Hon. Charles Stuart. — 92 Hon. S. Digby. -800 Leonard Smelt, esq. Louisa, Countess Dowager of Mansfield. St James's and Hyde Parks John, Earl of Ashburnham. 1763 George, Earl of Orford. — 91 William W. Lord Grenville. — 94 George A. Earl of Euston. New Forest, Hampshire. 1754 Harry (now Sir) Burrard, esq. — 63 John, Duke of Bedford. —71 His R. H. Wm. Duke of Gloucester 1805 Frederick, Duke of York. Sherwood Rangers ofhis Majesty's Parks, &C. 4l$ Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire. T. H. Pelham, Duke of Newcastle. 1763 Evelyn, Duke of Kingston. — 65 T. H. Pelham, Duke of Newcastle. —68 Henry Fynes Pelham Clinton, Duke of Newcastle. —94 Thomas, Duke of Newcastle. —95 William Henry, Duke of Portland. Greenwich Park, Kent. Lady Catharine Pelham — died in 1780. 1805 Her R. H. the Princess of Wales. Enfield Chace, Middlesex. 1764 James, Marquis of Carnarvon, (now Duke of Chandos.) Epping Forest, Essex. John, Earl Tilney. Vacant.S. Bosanquet, esq. Bushy Park, Middlesex. George Dunk, Earl of Halifax. — 71 Anne, Lady North, afterwards Countess of Guilford. — 97 His R. H. William Henry, Duke of Clarence. Sa/cey Forest, Northamptonshire, George Dunk, Earl of Halifax. — 71 Augustus Henry, Duke of Grafton. — 73 George Montagu, esq. died in 1780. — 80 Frederick Montagu, esq, 1800 Viscount Ipswich. Snowden 4i 6 Rangers of his Majesty's Parks, &c. Snowden Forest. I Henry, Earl of Uxbridge. Steward of Bromsulon Yale Manor. Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, Bart. Geddington Chace, Northamptonshire. Henry Fynes, Earl of Lincoln, (now Duke of Newcastle.-) Dartmore Forest, Devonshire. Sir Francis Henry Drake, Bart. — died. Thomas Tywhitt, esq. The Forest of Dean, and Constable of St Breviafs Castle therein, Gloucestershire. Matthew, Lord Ducie. 1 76 1 John, Lord Chedworth. — 62 Norborne Berkeley, esq. (afterwards Lord Bottetourt.) — 66 Frederick, Earl pf Berkeley. Wichwood Forest, Oxfordshire. George, Puke of Marlborough. Whittlebury Forest, Northamptonshire. Augustus Henry, Duke of Grafton. Hereditary. Waltham Rangers of his Majesty's Parks, &c. 417 Waltham Forest, Lincolnshire. Peregrine, Duke of Ancaster and Kesteven— died in 1778. 1778 John, Earl of Upper Ossory. Rockingham Forest, Northamptonshire. —73 John, Earl of Upper Ossory. Richmond Forest, Yorkshire. Robert, Earl of Holdernesse — died in 1778. —78 Francis, Duke of Leeds. Master of the Game. Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Grafton.' Hereditary. Master of the Buck. Hound's. Johh Bateman, Viscount Bateman. — 82 George Bussy Villiers, Earl of Jersey. — 83 John, Viscount Hinchinbroke, afterwards Earl of Sandwich, 1806 William Charles, Earl of Albemarle. Master of the Stag Hounds, and Master of the Harriers. Suppressed in 1782. Master Falconer. George Beauelerk, Duke of St Alban's. Hereditary, 1786 George Beauelerk, Duke of St Alban's. —87 Aubrey, Duke of St Alban's. 1802 Aubrey, Duke of St Alban's. [vol. ii.] e e Survey- 41 8 ' Rangers ofhis Majesty's Parks, he. Surveyor-General ofthe Crown Lands, Castles, &c. ' Hon. Robert Herbert. 1768 Peter Burrel, esq. —75 Hon. John St John. — 83 George Augustus Selwyn, esq. — died. — 91 William Harrison, esq. deputy — acted by order of the Trea sury Board during the vacancy. — 93 Jonn Fordyce, esq. 1806 Lord Robert Spencer. Surveyors of his Majesty's Woods, Parks, &c. John Pitt, esq. I763 Sir Edmund Thomas, Bart. — 67 John Pitt, esq.— died. —87 John Robinson, esq. 1.802 Sylvester Douglas, Lord Glenbervie. —06 Lord Robert Spencer. A List ( 4*9 ) A List of Ambassadors, &c. to Foreign States, at and since his Majesty's Accession in 1760. To FRANCE. Paris. 1761 Hans Stanley, esq. Charge d'Affaires. — 62 John Russell, Duke of Bedford, Ambassador Extra ordinary and Plenipotentiary. — 63 Francis Seymour Conway, Earl of Hertford, ditto. —65 Charles Lenox, Duke of Richmond, &c. ditto. — 66 William Henry Nassau, Earl of Rochford, ditto, — 68 Simon Harcourt, Earl Harcourt, ditto. — 72 David Murray, Viscount Stormont, ditto. — 83 Jan. Francis Godolphin Osborne, Marquis of Carmar then, ditto. April. George Montagu, Duke of Manchester, ditto. Dec. John Frederick Sackville, Duke of Dorset, ditto. — 89 Lord Robert Fitzgerald, ditto. Right Hon. William Eden (now Lord Auckland), Envoy Ext. and Plen. for commercial matters. — 90 May 22. George Granville, Earl- Gower, Ambassador Ext. and Plen. Recalled in Sept. 1792. - —96 James, Lord Malmesbury, Ambassador Ext. and Plen. for negociating a treaty of peace. —97 James, Lord Malmesbury, for negociating a peace with the Plenipotentiaries ofthe French Republic ' at Lisle. e e a • 1801 420 Ambassadors, Sec. to Foreign States. 1801 Oct. 29. Charles, Marquis Cornwallis, Plenipotentiary at the Congress held at Amiens. —02 June 18. Charles, Lord Whitworth, Ambassador Extraordi nary and Plenipotentiary. Left Paris June 1803. To SPAIN. Madrid. George William Harvey, Earl of Bristol, Ambassa dor Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. -763 Feb. -John Montagu, Earl of Sandwich, ditto. June. William Henry Nassau, Earl of Rochford, ditto. —66 , Sir James Gray, Bart, and K. B. ditto, — 70 George Pitt, esq. (now Lord Rivers), dittct. — 71 T]homas Robinson, Lord Grantham, ditto. Feb'. 22. James Harris, esq. Minister Plenipotentiary until Lord Grantham's arrival. —83 Mar. John Stuart, Viscount Mountstuart, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. Dec. Philip Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, do. Recalled. Robert Liston, esq. Min. Plen. until Lord Chester- field's arrival. — 87 William Eden, esq. Ambas. Ext. and Plen. — 89 Alleyne Fitzherbert (now Lofd St Helen's), ditto. —94 Sir Morton Eden, K. B. (now Lord Henley), ditto. —95 Apr. 24. John, Earl (how Marquis) of Bute, ditto. 1802 Sept. 6. John Hookham Frere, esq. Envoy Ext. and Plen. To PORTUGAL. Hon. Edward Hay, Envoy Extraordinary. 1 766 William Henry Lyttleton, esq. (now Lord Westcote) Envoy Ext. and Plen. -i-7t Hon- Robert Walpole, ditto. 1800 Oct. John Hookham Frere, ditto. —32 Sept. 2. Lqrd Robert Stephen Fitzgerald, ditto. Ambassadors, &c. to Foreign States. 42 1 To the KING of SARDINIA. Hon. James Stuart Mackenzie, Envoy Extraordinary. 1762 George Pitt, esq. (now Lord Rivers), ditto. —68 Sir William Lynch, K. B. ditto. —79 John, Viscount Mountstuart, Envoy Ext. and Plen. —83 Feb. Hon. John Trevor, ditto. —99 Thomas Jackson, esq. To CHINA, Pekin. 1792 George, Lord (afterwards Viscount and Earl) Ma cartney, Ambassador Ext. and Plen. Commissioners to the Embassy. Henry Brown, Eyles Irwin, and Wm. Jackson, esqrs. Secretary of Legation. Sir George Staunton, Bart. To the OTTOMAN PORTE. 1 Constantinople. James Porter, esq. (afterwards Sir James) Ambassador. 1761 Hon. Henry Grenville, ditto. — 65 July. Robert Colebrook, esq. ditto. e e 3 1765 422 Ambassadors, &c. to Foreign States* 1765 Nov. John Murray, esq. ditto. — ,75 Sir Robert Ainslie, knt. ditto. — 93 Robert Liston, esq. —g6 July 23. Francis James Jackson, esq. Spencer Smith, esq. Minister. —99 Mar. 13. Thomas, Earl of Elgin, Ambassador Ext, and- Plen, 1803 Jan. 29. Rt. Hon. William Drummond, ditto. —04 June 5. Charles Arbuthnot, esq. ditto. To the KING of the TWO SICILIES. Naples. Sir James Gray, Bart. Envoy Extraordinary. _ t*6& William Hamilton, esq. (afterwards Sir William, K. B.) ditto. To the GRAND DUKE of TUSCANY- Florence. Sir Horace, Mann, Bart, and K. Bi Envoy Ext, 1787 Apr. 27. William Fawkener, esq. ditto. Aug. 4. John Aug. Lord Hervey, ditto. — 94 Hon. William Frederick Wyndham, ditto. 1 800 Ditto, Minister and Plenipotentiary. To the REPUBLIC of VENICE. John Murray, esq. Resident. 1761 Charles Compton, Earl of Northampton, Ambassa dor Ext. and Plen. — 62 John Murray, esq. Resident. — 65 Sir James Wright, Bart. Envoy Ext. — 73 J°hn Strange, esq. ditto. — 88 Robert Ritchie, esq. Charge d'Affaires, Ambassadors, &c. to Foreign States. 423 1789 Sir Francis Vincent, Bart. Resident. Died. — 91 William Lindsay, esq. ditto. ' — 93 Jaru Francis Drake, esq. ditto. July, Sir Richard Worsley, Bart. To the SWISS CANTONS. Arthur Vilettes, esq. Minister. 1765 William Norton, esq. ditto. Colonel Braun, Charge" d'Affaires. —92 Lord Robert Stephen Fitzgerald, Mirf. Plen. — 95 William Wickham, esq. ditto. —97 James Talbot, esq. ditto. l To the EMPEROR of GERMANY. Vienna. 1763 David Murray, Viscount Stormont, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. —72 Sir Robert Murray Keith, K. B. ditto. —90 Thomas, Earl of Elgin, Ambassador Extraordinary, to congratulate Leopold II. on his being elected • « Emperor of Germany. —92 Ditto to Francis II. — 93 Sir Morton Eden, K.B. Envoy Ext. and Plen. —94 George J. Earl Spencer, Amb. Ext. on particular affairs. Sir Morton Eden (now Lord Henley), K. B. Envoy Ext. and Plen. — 99 Gilbert, Lord Minto, ditto. 1801 Hon. Sir Arthur Paget, K.B. — 06 May R. Adair, esq. Minister Plenipotentiary. e e 4 To 424 Ambassadors to Foreign States, he. To RUSSIA. St. Petersburgh, Robert Keith, esq. Envoy Extraordinary. 1762 John, Earl of Buckinghamshire, Ambassador Extra ordinary and Plenipotentiary. —64 Sir George (afterwards Lord) Macartney, K. B. Envoy Extraordinary. — 6s Right Hon. Hans Stanley, Ambas. Ext. and Plpn. —67 Sir George Macartney, K. B. Envoy Ext. and Plen. —68 'Charles Schaw, Lord Cathcart, Amb. Ext. and Plen. —71 Sir Robert Gunning, Bart. Kr B. Envoy Ext. — 76 Sir James Harris, K. B. now Earl of Malmesbury, do. —83 -July. Alleyne Fitzherbert, esq. now Lord St Helen's, do. — 88 Charles Whitworth, now Lord Whitworth, ditto. —90 William Fawkener, esq. do. 3801 Alleyne, Lord St Helens, ditto for negociating a peace with Russia. —02 Sir John Borlase Warren, Bart, and K. B. dittq. — -04 Lord Grenville , Leveson Gower, Ambassador Ext. and Plen. —05 Charles Schaw, Lord Cathcart, ditto, To the EMPEROR of GERMANY'S COURT at BRUSSELS. 1763 Sir fames' Porter, Knt. Minister Plenipotentiary. -65 William Gordon, esq. (now Sir William, K.B.) do. 71 Alleyne Fitzherbert,. esq. Resident. —%3 George Byng, Viscount- Torrington, Envoy Ext. To Ambassadors tp Foreign States, he. 425 To the KING of SWEDEN: Stockholm. Sir John Goodricke, Bart. Envoy Extraordinary. 1773 Lewis de Visme, esq. ditto. Died in 1776. — 76 Horace St Paul, esq. ditto. — 78 . Sir Thomas Wroughton, K. B. ditto. — 87 Ditto, Minister Plenipotentiary. Died in 1787, — 88 Sept. 13. Charles Keen, esq. Charge d' Affaires- Robert Liston, esq. Minister Plenipotentiary. — 93 Lord Henry Spencer, ditto. — 95 Daniel Hales, esq. ditto. 1802 Charles Arbuthnot, esq. —03 Hon: Henry Pierrepoint, ditto. To the STATES-GENERAL. Hague, Hon. Joseph Yorke, (now the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Yorke, K. B.) 83 Sir James Harris, K. B. Envoy Ext. and Plen. 88 Feb. 8. Ditto, ditto, afterwards Lord Malmesbury. —89 May 16. Rt. Hon. Alleyne Fitzherbert, ditto. Nov. 28. William, Lord Auckland, ditto. ' 1 — 90 Lord Henry Spencer, ditto. Hon. William Eliot, ditto, in absence' of the Envoy. Alleyne, 'Lord St Helens, Envoy Ext. and Plen. —93—94 1802 Robert Liston, ditto. To 426 Ambassadors to Foreign States, he. To the KING of DENMARK. Copenhagen. Walter Titley, esq. Envoy Extraordinary. 1763 Dudley Alexander Sydney Cosby, (afterwards Lord Sydney) Resident. —6s June. William Gordon, esq. Envoy Extraordinary, Nov. Robert Gunning, esq. Resident. — 71 - Robert Murray Keith, esq. En v. Ext. — 72 Ralph Woodford, esq. ditto. — 74 Daniel de Laval, esq. Resident. —^78 Ditto, Envoy Extraordinary. — 79 Morton Eden, esq. ditto. — 82 Hugh Elliot, esq. ditto. " — 9t Hugh Elliot, esq. Envoy Ext. and Minister Plen. 1803 Henry Watkin Williams Wynne, esq. ditto. To tile KING and REPUBLIC of POLAND. Warsaw. Thomas Wfoughton, esq. Minister Plenipotentiary. 1778 Richard" Oakes, esq. ditto. — 79 James Hare, esq. ditto. — 82 John, Viscount Dalrymple, ditto. — 84 Charles Whitworth, esq. — 88 Sept. 13. Daniel Hales, esq. ditto. , — 91 Dec. William Gardiner, esq. ditto. To the KING of PRUSSIA. Berlin. Andrew Mitchell, esq. (afterwards Sir Andrew, K. B.) Envoy Extraordinary. 1771 Ambassadors to Foreign States, he. 427 I771 Robert Gunning, esq. ditto. — 72' James Harris, esq. ditto. — 76" Hugh Elliot, esq. ditto. —82 June. George James Cholmondeley, Earl of Cholmondeley, ditto. Sept. Sir John Stepney, Bart, ditto. . — 84 John, Viscount Dalrymple, ditto. — 88 Aug. 5. Joseph Ewart, esqT -ditto. —91 Sh- Morton Eden, K. B. ditto and Plen. — 93 James, Lord (now Earl) Malmesbury,, do. — gS Lord Henry Spencer, ditto. Died in July 1795. Aug. Thomas, Earl of Elgin, ditto. 1800 Joshua John, Earl of Carysfort, ditto. —02 Francis James Jackson, ditto. — 05 Dudley, Lord Harrowby, Amb. Ext. and Plen. To the ELECTOR of SAXONY. Dresden-. David, Viscount Stormprit, Envoy Extraordinary. -64 Philip Stanhope, esq. ditto. -68 Robert Murray Keith, esq. ditto. -71 John Osborne, esq-, ditto. -73 Sir John Stepney, Bart, ditto. -82 Morton Eden, esq. (now Lord Henley), ditto. -89 Ditto, Envoy Ext. and Minister Plen. To the ELECTORS of BAVARIA and PALATINE, and the DIET at RATISBON. 1763 Philip Stanhope; esq. Minister Plenipotentiary. 64 William Gordon, esq. ditto. — 65 Fulke Greville, esq. ditto. — 6g Lewis de Visme, esq. ditto. —73 Hugh Elliot, esq. ditto. -—76 Morton Eden, esq. ditto. —79 Richard Oakes, esq. ditto. 1780 428 Ambassadors to Foreign States, &e. __.8o Hon. John Trevor, ditto. 83 Dec. Thomas Walpole, esq -88 Ditto, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. To the ELECTORS of MENTZ, COLOGNE, and TRIERS, AND THE ClRCtE OF WESTPHALIA. George Cressener, esq. Minister Plenipotentiary. j-j8i Ralph Heathcote, esq. ditto. Died. j8oi Brook Taylor, esq. To BAVARIA. 1796 Hon. William Eliot, Envoy Ext. and Plen. —98 Francis Drake, esq. ditto. 1805 Hon. William Hill, ditto. To HAMBURGH, and the other HANS TOWNS. Philip Stanhope, esq. Resident. 1762 Robert Colebrooke, esq. ditto. -—63 Ralph Woodford, esq. ditto. — 72 Emanuel Matthias, esq. ditto. — 90 Charles Henry Fraser, esq. ditto., — 98 Sir James Crawford, Bart, ditto. 1803 Sir Thomas Rumbold, Bart, ditto. — 05 Edward Thornton, esq. 1 To AMERICA. 1792 George Hammond, esq. Minister Plenipotentiary. —g6 Robert Liston, esq. Envoy Ext. and Plen. 1803 Anthony Merry, esq. ditto. A List Ambassadors to Foreign States, hec. 429 A List of the Ambassadors, &c. at and since his Majes ty's Accession in 1760, from the different Foreign States of Europe. From FRANCE. 1 76 1 M. de Bussy, Charged 'Affaires. 62 Due de Nivernois, Amb. Ext. — 63 Compte de Guerchy, Amb. Ext. and Plen. (Chevalier d'Eon, Charge d' Affaires). 67 Compte de Chatelet Lomond, Amb. Ext. — 70 Compte de Guignes, ditto. — 76 Marquis de Noailles, ditto. — 83 Jan. 24. M. Gerard de Reyneval, Min. Plen. Feb. 7. Compte de Moustier, ditto. May 14. Compte d'Adhemar, Amb. Ext. —87 M. Bartelemy, Min. Plen. —88 Jan. 16. Marquis de la Luzerne, Amb. Ext. and Plen. 92 May 2. M. Chauvelin, Envoy and Plenipotentiary. 1801 Dec. ' Lieut.-General Otto, ditto. —02 Nov. 17. General Andreossi, Amb. Ext. and Plen. From SPAIN. Count de Fuentes, Ambassador Extraordinary. 1762 Prince Mazzerano, Amb. Ext. and Plen. — 78 Marquis de Almodavaf, ditto.^ — 83 Mar. 24. Don Berdardo del Campo, Min. Plen. — 87 Don Bernardo, Marquis del Campo. Ditto, Amb. Ext. and Plen. —95 Don Jose Carlos Antonio, Chevalier De Las Casas, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. 1803 Chevalier D'Anduaga, Env. Ext. and Plen. From 430 Ambassadors to Foreign States, he. From PORTUGAL. Don Mello y Castro, Envoy Extraordinary. 1774 M. de Pinto, ditto. — 92 Chevalier Almeido de Mello y Castro, ditto. 180 r Marquis de Lima, ditto. — 03 Chevalier de Sousa Cotinho. From the, TWO SICILIES. Prince San Severino, Envoy Extraordinary. Marquis Caraccioli, ditto. Count de Pignatelli, ditto. Prince Caramanico, ditto. Count de Lucchese, ditto. Died in London. Prince de Castelcicala, Envoy Ext. and Plen. Duke de Cicignano, ditto. Shot himself. In the interim, the Duke of St Elizabeth acted. Marquis de Circello, Envoy Ext. and Plen. Prince de Castelcicala, ditto. From the KING of SARDINIA. Count de Lascaris, Envoy Extraordinary. 1761 Count Viri, ditto. — 63 Count de la Marmora, ditto. — 66 Baron de la Perriere, ditto. — 67 Count de Viry, ditto. —69 Count de Scarnasisj ditto. — 74 Marquis de Cordon, ditto. —84 Oct. 1. Chevalifer de Pollon, ditto. —88 Jan. 16. Count St Martin de Front. 1764 —71—80 —85 Sept. — 90 Sept. — 93 Mar. —94 1800 Oct. From Ambassadors to Foreign States, he. 431 From the REPUBLIC of VENICE. Count de Colombo, Minister. M. Zuccato, Resident. 1 76 1 M. Querini and M. Morosini, Amb. Ext. —64 M. de Vignolla, Resident. —68 M. d'Imberti, ditto. —72 Baron Berlendis, ditto. -—74 M. Pizzoni, ditto. — 78 Count de Cavally, ditto. —82 M. Torniello, ditto. —84 M. Torniello, ditto. — 86 M. Soderino, ditto. —89 M. Lavizzari, ditto. —96 Chevalier Gincomazzi, ditto. v From the REPUBLIC of GENOA. M.D'Angeno, Minister. 1793 Marquis de Spinoslo, Env. Ext. and Min. Plen. From the DUKE of MODENA. Marquis Paolucci, Minister. 1764 M. L. Andriani, ditto. — 66 Count Poggi, Envoy Ext; From the EMPEROR of GERMANY. 1763 Count de Seleirn, Ambassador. —70 Count de Belgioso, Envoy Ext. and Min. Plen. —83 Count de Kageneck, ditto. _ 432 ' Ambassadors from Foreign States, he. 1786 June. Count de Rivicksky, Amb. Ext. and Plen. — 90 Nov. Count de Stadion, ditto. The Landgrave of Furstenberg, Ambassador Extra ordinary, tO announce, to his Majesty the election of Leopold, King of Hungary and Bohemia, to the Imperial dignity. —9-2 Aug. Count de Strahremberg, Amb. Ex. to announce the election of Francis II. King of Hungary, &c. to the Imperial dignity. — 93 Ditto, Envoy Ext. and Plen. vice Stadion. —94 Aug. Count vde Merci Argenteau, Ambassador on parti cular affairs. He arrived in< August, much indis- • posed, and died the 25th, before he had delivered his credentials. —95 Count de Strahremberg, Envoy Ext. and Plen.. From RUSSIA: Pcince Gallitzin, Envoy Extraordinary. 1762 Count Woronzow, Minister Plen. — 64 M. de Grosse, ditto. — 66 M. Mousin Pousin, ditto. — 69 Count Czernichef, Amb. Ext. and Plen. ,—76 (M. Lisakewitz, Minister Plen.) — 78 M. de Moussin Pouschkin, ditto. — 79 M. de Simolin, Envoy Ext. and Minister Plen. — 83 - Count de Woronzow, ditto. Recalled in 1800. 1801 Aug. 18. Ditto. From SWEDEN. 1764 Baron de Nolken, Envoy Extraordinary. —87 Ditto, Minister Plenipotentiary. —93 May- Baron Bergstadt, Charge d'Affaires. Dec. Chevalier D'Engerstroem, Env. Ext. and Min. Plen. —96 oept. Chevalier D'Asp, ditto. Baron Ambassadors, he. from Foreign States. 433 Baron Silverhjelm, Envoy Ex,t. 1803 Ditto, Env. Ext. and Min. Plen. —05 Baron Rehaussen. From DENMARK. Baron Bothmar, Envoy Extraordinary. 1766 M. Hanniker, Charges d' Affaires. _67 Baron Dieden de Furstenstein, Envoy Ext. —77 Baron Dreyer, Resident. —85 Count Reventlow, Envoy Ext. —90 Apr. 16. Count de Wedel JarJ'sberg, ditto. From PRUSSIA. Baron Kniphausen, Minister Plenipotentiary. 1763 M. Michell, Minister. —64 M. Badouin, ditto. —66 Count de Malzahn, Min. Plen. —81 Count Lusi, ditto, and Env. Ext. —89 Chevalier D'Alvensleben, Min. Plen: ¦--90 Count de Redern, ditto. —92 Baron de Jacobi Kloest, ditto. —98 Count de Tauentzien, Envoy Extraordinary, to noti fy the death of the King of Prussia. From POLAND. 1763 Count D'Einsiedel, Envoy Extraordinary. —64^ Count Poniatousky, ditto. —70 Count Barzynski, ditto. —74 M. de Bukatty, Resident in 1785* Minister Plen. [vol. 11.] f f From 434 Ambassadors, he. from Foreign Stateii From HANOVER. 1764 Baron Behr, Minister. —71 Baron Alvensleben, ditto, —95 Baron de Lerthe, ditto. Count Munster Meinhavel. From BAVARIA and the ELECTOR PALATINE. Count de Haslang, Envoy Extraordinary. 1784 Count de Haslang, ditto (Son of the former). From HESSE-CASSEL. M. Alt, Resident. 1763 Baron Wittoff, ditto. —64 M. Alt, ditto. 71 M. Murhard, ditto. —77 Baron Kutzleben, Minister Resident. —-90 Baron Veltheim, Minister Pien. —92 Baron Kutzlebeu, ditto. —99 Colonel de Banermeister. From HESSE-DARMSTADT. 1794 Mar. Count Jenison de Walwork. Took leave in May 1794. - Returned again in July 1796. From Ambassadors, he. from Foreign States. 435 From WIRTEMBURGH. 1796 May 18. Count de Zepphelin, Min. Plen. Nov. 10. Baron de Raiger, Envoy Ext. in absence of the Count de Zepphelin, who returned in July 1 797. —98 Count D'Uxull Gyllenband, Envoy Ext. to notify the death of the reigning Duke of Wirtemburgh. From SAXONY. 1764 Count Bruhl, Envoy Extraordinary. From the STATES-GENERAL. Lieutenant-General Hop, Envoy Extraordinary. 1761 (M. Boreel, Ambassador Ext.) —62 Count de Weilderen, Envoy Ext. — 84 Baron de Lynden, Envoy Ext. and Plen. —88 Mar. 5. Baron de Nagel, Amb. Ext. and Plen. From tbe HANS TOWNS. M. Elkrhig, Resident. 1771 P. Amsinck, Agent and Consul. f f a From 436 Ambassadors, he. from Foreign States* From TUSCANY. Signor Pucci, Minister. j 764 M. de Lortinger, Resident. From SWITZERLAND. 1761 M.Steign. , From AMERICA. x^8 r John Adams, esq. Envoy Extraordinary. 02 Thomas Pinckney, esq. ditto. __04 John Jay, esq. ditto, on particular affairs. 06 Rufus King, esq. Minister Plenipotentiary. 1803 James Munroe, esq. ditto. From the PORTE. 1794 Yussef Adjeah Effendi, Ambassador. — 97 Ismail Ferrough Effendi, Ambassador. 1800 M. Arbhinople, Charge d' Affaires. From TUNIS. 1796 Mahomet Cagga, Ambassador Ext. and Plen. From Ambassadors, he. from Foreign States. 437 From ALGIERS. 1800 Brahim Candiotti, Ambassador. Took leave De cember 2d, 180 1. From TRIPOLY, 1760 Hussem Bey. —86 Le Hajee Abdrahaman, END OF VOLUME SECOND. Chalmers & Co, Printers, Aberdeen, SUPPLEMENT: Containing an Account ofthe Offices which were suppressed by Acl of Parliament in the year 1782. Principal Secretaries of State for the Colonies, or American Department. King George III. 1768 Jan. 20. Wills, Earl of Hillsborough, — 72 Aug. 14. William, Earl of Dartmouth. —75 Nov. 10. Lord George Sackville Germaine, afterwards Vis. count Sackville. —82 Feb. Welbore Ellis, esq. Clerks of the Board of Green Cloth. Sir Thomas Hales, Bart. Sir Francis Henry Drake, Bart. Hon. John Grey. Humphrey Morrice, esq. 1761 Thomas Townshend, esq. vice Sir Thomas Hales, and John Evelyn, esq. vice Humphrey Morrice, March 21. Henry (now Sir) Bridgman, esq, and Simon Fanshaw, esq. additional clerks, Nov. 23, —62 Hon. Henry Frederick Thynne, vice T. Townshend, Dec. — 64 Richard Vernon, esq. vice H. Bridgman, April.- —63 Sir Alexander Gilmour, Bart, vice Hon. H. T. Thynne, and George Bridges Brudenell, esq. vice R. Vernon, -July 20. — 66 Richard Hopkins, esq. vice J. Evelyn, December 4. — 68 Richard Vernon, esq. vice S. Fanshaw, April 19. — 70 Hon. Richard Savage Nassau, vice Sir T. H. Drake, Dec. 19. —77 Sir Ralph Payne, K. B. vice Hon. J. Grey, June. Sir Richard Worsley, Bart, vice R. Hopkins, Dec. 14. —79 Sir William Augustus Cunningham, Bart, vice Sir A. Gilmour, July 10. —80 Sir William Gordon, K.B. vice Sir R. Worsley, and LoveU Stanhope, esq. vice Hon. R. S. Nassau, Sept. 6, ' * Iv Supplement. A List ofthe Treasurers ofthe Chamber, from 1660 to the present time. King Charles II; .' Sir Edward Griffin, Baronet. King James II. The same continued. King William III. Sir Rowland Gwin, knt. 1692 Edward Russell, esq. afterwards Earl of Orford. Queen Anne. Charles Berkeley, Viscount Fitzharding. 1713 John West, -Lord Delawar. King George I, 17 14 Charles Bod ville Roberts, Earl of Radnor. . — 20 Hon. Henry Pelham. — 22 Hon. Charles Stanhope. King George IL Sir John Hobart, Bart, and Knight of the Bath, afterwards Lord Hobart, and Earl of Buckinghamshire, 1744 Sir John Hinde Cotton, Bart. — 46 Hon. Richard Arundel. —55 Wills Hill, Earl of Hillsborough. — 56 Hon. Charles Townshend. / King George III. The same continued. 1761 Sir Francis Dashwood, Bart, afterwards Lord Le Despencer. — 62 Sir Gilbert Elliot, Baronet. — 70 George Rice, esq. —79 Lord Charles Spencer. The Supplement. The Great Wardrobe. The Master or Keeper of the Great Wardrobe was an officer of great antiquity and dignity. High privileges and immunities were confer red on him by King Henry VI. which were confirmed by his succes sors ; and King James I. not only enlarged them, but ordained that this office should be a corporation or body politic for ever. It was the duty of this office to provide robes for the coronations, marriages, and funerals of the Royal Family ; to furnish the Court with hangings, cloths of state, carpets, beds, and other necessaries ; to furnish houses for Ambassadors at their fir$t arrival ; cloths of state, and other furniture, for the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and all his Majesty's Ambassadors abroad ; to provide all robes for foreign Knights ofthe Garter, robes for the Knights ofthe Garter at home ; robes and all other furniture for the Officers of the Garter ; -coats for Kings, Heralds, and Pursuivants at Arms ; robes for the Lords of the Treasury, and Chancellor ofthe Exchequer, &c livery for the Lord Chamberlain, Grooms of his Majesty's Privy-Chamber, Offi cers of his Majesty's Robes ; for the two Chief Justices,, for all the Barons of the Exchequer, and several officers of these courts ; all li veries for his Majesty's servants, as yeomen of the guard, and war dens of the tower, trumpeters, kettle-drurfrmers, drummers, and fifes; the messengers, and all belonging to the stables, as coachmen, footmen, littermen, postilions, and grooms, &c. all the King's coaches, chariots, harnesses, saddles, bits, bridles, &c. the King's watermen, game-keepers, &c. also furniture for the royal yatchts, and all rich embroidered tilts, and other furniture for the barges. ' Besides the Master or Keeper ofthe Wardrobe,, who had a salary of L.2000, there was his deputy, who had L.130, and comptroller and a patent clerk, each of whom has a salary of L.300. Besides many other inferior officers and servants, who were all sworn servants to the King. There was likewise a removing Wardrobe,' which hgd its own set of officers, and standing Wardrobe-keepers at St James's, Windsor Castle, Hampton Court, Kensington, and Somerset House ; but the whole of the Wardrobe establishment was abolished by act of Parlia ment in 1782, and the duty of it in future to be done by the Lord Chamberlain. ' vi Supplement. A List of the Keepers ofthe Great Wardrobe, from the Reign of? King James I. to its abolition in 1782. King James I. George Hume, Lord Hume of Berwick, afterwards Earl of Dunbar in Scotland. 1616 James Hay; Lord Hay, afterward? Earl of Carlisle. —36 William Fielding, Viscount Fielding, afterwards E. of Denbigh. King Charles I. Spencer Compton, Earl of Northampton. Killed at the battle of Hopton Heath in 1642. 1642 William Legge, esq. King Charles II. 1660 Edward Montagu, Earl of Sandwich. ¦ — 72 Edward Montagu, Earl of Sandwich, his son. King James II. 1685 James Hamilton, Earl of Arran, afterwards Duke of Hamilton. King William III. 1689 Ralph Montagu, Lord Montagu, afterwards Earl and Duke of ' Montagu. Ojieen Anne. , The same continued. 1709 John Montagu, Duke of Montagu. King George I. The same continued. Ring GeOrge If, The same continued. 1750 Sir Thomas Robinson, Knight of the Bath, afterwards Lord Grantham. — 54 William Wildman Barrington, Viscount Barrington. — SS Sir 'I homas Robinson, Knight of the Bath, again. King George III. 1760 Granville Leveson Gower,, Earl Gower. — 63 Francis Dashwood, Lord Le Despencer. — 65 John Ashburnham, Earl of Ashburnham. — :75 Thomas Pelham, Lord Pelham. Supplement, , vii! Masters ofthe Jewel Office. Sir Richard Lyttelton, K. B. 1763 Henry Vane, Earl of Darlington, January 29. The Board of Works, •Surveyor-General. Hon. Henry Finch. 1760 Thomas Worsley, esq. December 20. — 79 Whitshed Keene, esq. January 16. Surveyor of the Private Roads. Sir Henry Erskine, Bart. , 1760 Hon. Edward Finch Hatton, esq. December 20. —71 Thomas Whateley, esq. July 27. — 72 Hon. Henry Fane, July. Paymaster of the Board of Works'. George Augustus Selwyn, esq. Surveyor of Gardens and Waters } — gg June 9. The Lord Chancellor, or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal ; the Lord President of the Council ; the Lord Privy Seal ; Lord Treasurer, or First Commissioner of the Trea sury/; the Lord High Admiral, or First Commissioner of the Admiralty ; the two Principal Secretaries of Stat£ ; and the Chancellor of the Exchequer * for the time being ; together with Thomas, Earl of Stamford Robert, Lord Lexington. Sir Philip Meadows, knt. William Blathwayte, esq. John Pollexfen, esq. John Locke, esq. Abraham Hill, esq. iGeorge Stepney, esq. June The same Great. OftlCPl'S fnr thp time Iifintr rnntimipd mpmlvn nf tlijc ftn.,-,1 till its dissolution in 178s, Supplement. ix June ii. 1700. "The same Board, with the addition of Matthew Prior, esq. January 8. 1702. The same Board, with the addition of Robert Cecil, esq. 1705- Thomas, Earl of Stamford. Thomas, Viscount Weymouth. William, Lord Dartmouth. Sir Philip Meadows, knt. William Blathwayte, esq. John Pollexfen, esq. George Stepney, esq. ¦Matthew Prior, esq. Robert Cecil, esq. 1706. Thomas, Earl of Stamford. William, Lord Dartmouth. Henry, Lord Herbert. Sir Philip Meadows. George Stepney, esq. John Pulteney, esq. Robert Monckton, esq. 1707. Thomas, Earl of Stamford. William, Lord Dartmouth. Henry, Lord Herbert of Cherbury Robert Monckton, esq. John Pulteney, esq. Sir Charles Turner, knt. John Locke, esq. 1710. Thomas, Earl of Stamford. William, Lord Dartmouth. Sir Philip Meadows, knt. John Pultehey, esq. Robert Monckton, esq. Sir Charles Turner. George Baillie, esq. ' October 4. 1 7 10. The same Board, with ihe addition v -of Arthur Moore, esq. June 12. 171 1. Charles, Earl of Wmchelsen. . "Francis Gwynne, esq. &c. &c. September 15. 1 7 13, Francis, Lord Guilford. Sir Philip Meadows, knt. Robert Monckton, esq. Arthur Moore, esq. Sir John Hinde Cotton, Bart. John Sharpe, esq. Samuel Pitts, esq. Thomas Vernon, esq. 1714. Francis, Lord Guilford, &c. &c Archibald Hutchinson, esq. September 1714. William, Lord Berkeley of Strat ton. Sir Jacob Astley, Bart. Robert Molesworth, esq. after wards Viscount Molesworth. John Cockburn, esq. Archibald Hutchinson, esq. John Chetwynd, esq. Charles Cooke, esq. Paul Dominique, esq. 1715- Henry, Earl of Suffolk and Bin don, and the same Board. 17I5. Ditto, except Archibald Hutchin son, esq. in whose room came the Right Hon. Joseph Addi son. 1715- Ditto, except Robert Molesworth, esq. in whose place came John Molesworth; esq. July 13. 1717. Henry, Earl of Suffolk and Bin don. John Chetwynd, esq. Charles Coolie, esq. Paul Docminique, esq. John Molesworth, esq. Thomas Pelham, esq. vice Astley. Daniel Pulteney, esq. vice Cock- burn. Martin Bladen, esq. vice Addison. January X Supplement* January 31. 1718. Robert, Earl of Holdernesse, (in room of Lord Suffolk); and the same Board. May 11. 1719. Thomas, Earl of Westmoreland (in place of Lord Holdernesse) ; and the same Board. June 24. 1720. Thomas, Earl of Westmoreland. John Chetwynd, esq. Sir Charles Cooke, Bart. Paul Docrainique, esq. Thomas Pelham, esq. Martin Bladen, esq. Edward Ashe, esq. vice Pulteney. September 4. 1721. Thomas, Earl of Westmoreland. John Chetwynd, esq. Sir Charles Cooke, Bart. Paul Docminique, esq, Thomas Pelham, esq. Martin Bladen, esq. Edward Ashe, esq. Richard Plumer, esq. October 4. .721. Thomas, Earl of Westmoreland, John Chetwynd, esq. Paul Docminique, esq. Thomas Pelham, esq. Martin Bladen, esq. Edward Ashe,vesq. Richard Plumer, esq. Sir John Hobart, Bart, afterwards Earl of Buckinghamshire, vice Cooke. August 8. 1727. Thomas, Earl of Westmoreland John Chetwynd, esq. Paul Docminique, esq. Thomas Pelham, esq. Martin Bladen, esq. Edward Ashe, esq. Sir Orlando Bridgman, Bart, vice Plumer. Walter Carey, esq. vice Hobart. June 1. 1728- , Thomas, Earl of Westmoreland. Paul Docminique, esq. Thomas Pelham, esq. Martin Bladen, esq. Edward Ashe, esq. Sir Orlando Bridgman, Bart, Walter Carey, esq. Sir Thomas Frankland, Bart, vice Chetwynd. 1730. Thomas, Earl of Westmoreland. Paul Docminique, esq. Thomas Pelham, esq. Martin Bladen, esq. Edward Ashe, esq. Sir Orlando Bridgman, Bart. Walter Carey, esq. Hon. James Brudenell, vice Frank-. land. May 13. 1730. Thomas, Earl of Westmoreland, Paul Docminique, esq. Thomas Pelham, esq. Martin Bladen, esq. Edward Ashe, esq. Sir Orlando Bridgman, Bart. Hon. James Brudenell. Sir Archer Croft, Bart, vice Ca- rCy' ™ ^ May 1733. Benjamin Mildmay, Earl Fitzwal- ter, vice Lord Westmoreland. Thomas Pelham, esq. Martin-Bladen, esq. Edward Ashe, esq. ' Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Bart. Hon. James Brudenell. Sir Archer Croft, Bart. Richard Plumer, esq. vice Docmi nique. . June 1737. John, Lord Monson, vice Lord Fitzwalter ; and the same board. February 1742. John, Lord Monson. Supplement. xi Martin Bladen, esq. Edward Ashe, esq. Hon. Jas. Brudenell. Richard Plumer, esq. Hon. Robert Herbert, vice Pel ham. Sir Charles Gilmour, Bart, vice Bridgman. Benjamin Keene, esq. vice Croft. December 23. 1744. John, Lord Monson. Martin Bladen, esq. Edward Ashe, esq. Hon. Jas. Brudenell. Richard Plumer, esq. Hon. Robert Herbert. Sir John Phillips, Bart, vice Gil mour. John Pitt, esq. vice Keene. May 7. 1743. John, Lord Monson. Martin Bladen, esq. Edward Ashe, esq. Hon.fjames Brudenell. Richard Plumer, esq. Hon. Robert Herbert. John Pitt, esq. Hon. Baptist Leveson Gower, vice Phillips. February 1746. John, Lord Monson. Edward Ashe, esq. Hon. James Brudenell. Richard Plumer, esq. 'Hon. Robert Herbert. John Pitt, esq. Hon. Baptist Leveson Gower. Hon. Jas. Grenville, vice Bladen, November 1746. John, Lord Monson. Edward Ashe, esq. Richard Plumer, esq. Hon. Robert Herbert. John Pitt,' esq. Hon. James Grenville. Thomas, Viscount Dupplin, vice Brudenell. Francis Fane, vice Gower. November 1. 1748. Geoige Montagu Dunk, Earl of Halifax, vice Lord Monson. Richard Plumer, esq. Hon. Robert Herbert. John Pitt, esq. Hon. James Grenville. Thomas, Viscount Dupplin. Francis Fane, esq. Sir Thomas Robinson, K. B. af terwards Lord Grantham, vice Ashe. June 1749. George Dunk, Earl of Halifax. Hon. Robert Herbert. John Pitt, esq. Hon. James Grenville. Thomas, Viscount Dupplin. Francis Fane, esq. Sir Thomas Robinson, K. B. Hon. Charles Townshend, vice Plumer. November 1749, George Dunk, Earl of Halifax. Hon. Robert Herbert. John Pitt, esq. Hon. James Grenville. Thomas, Viscount Dupplin. Francis Fane, esq. Hon. Charles Townshend. Andrew Stone, esq. vice Robinson. .December 1751. George Dunk", Earl of Halifax. John Pitt, esq. Hon. James Grenville. Thomas, Viscount Dupplin. Francis Fane, esq. Hon. Charles Townshend. Andrew Stone, esq, James Oswald, esq. vice Herbert. April 6. 1754. George Dun!:, Earl of Halifax. John Xll ' Supplement. John Pitt, esq, Hon. James Grenville. Francis Fane, esq. Andrew Stone, esq. James Oswald, esq. Hon. Richard Edgecumbe, (after wards Lord Edgecumbe), vice Dupplin. Thomas Pelham, esq. (afterwards Lord Pelham,) vice Town shend. ¦ December 23. 1755. George Dunk, Earl of Halifax. Francis Fane, esq. Andrew Stone, esq. James Oswald, esq. Thomas Pelham, esq. Hon. John Talbot, vice Pitt. Soame Jenyns, esq. vice Grenville Richard Rigby, esq. vice Edge cumbe. April 24. 1756. George Dunk, Earl of Halifax. Andrew Stone, esq. ' , James Oswald, esq. Thomas Pelham, esq. Hon. John Talbot. Soame. Jenyns, esq. * Richard Rigby, esq. William Geiard Hamilton, esq. vice Fane. December 11. 1756. George Dunk, Earl of Halifax. Andrew Stone, esq. James Oswald, esq. Thomas Pelham, esq. Soame Jenyns, esq, Richard Rigby, esq. William Gerard Hamilton, esq. William Sloper, esq. vice Talbot December 24. 1759. George Dunk, Eail of Halifax. Andrew Stone, esq. Thomas Pelham, esq. Soame Jenyns, esq. Richard Rigby, esq. William Gerard Hamilton, esq. William Sloper, esq. Edward Bacon, esq. vice Oswald. January 1760, George Dunk, Earl of Halifax. Andrew Stone, esq. Thomas Pelham, esq. (now Lord Pelham). Soame Jenyns, esq. William Gerard Hamilton, esq. William Sloper, esq. Edward Bacon, esq.. Edward Elliot, esq. vice Rigby. March 21. 1761. Samuel, Lol'd Sandys, vice Lord Halifax. Andrew Stone, esq. Soame Jenyns, esq; Edward Elliot, esq. Edward Bacon, esq. Hon. John York, vice Pelham. Sir Edmund Thomas, Bart, vice Hamilton. George Rice, esq. vice Sloper. October 23. 1761. Samuel, Lord Sandys. Soame Jenyns, esq. Edward Elliot, esq. Edward Bacon, esq. Hon. John Yorke. Sir Edmund Thomas, Bart. George Rice, esq. John Roberts, esq. vice Stone. December 28. 1762. Samuel, Lord Sandys. Soame Jenyns, esq. Edward Elliot, esq. Edward Bacon, esq. Hon. John Yorke. Sir Edmund Thomas, Bart- George Rice, esq. Francis, Lord Orwell, afterwards Earl of Shipbrooke, vice Ro berts. March 1. 1763. Honourable Charles Townshend, Supplement. xui (vice Lord Sandys) ; and same Bpard. ' April 20. 1763. William, Earl of Shelburne, (now Marquis of Lansdown), vice Mi Townshend. Soame Jenyns, esq. Edward Elliot, esq. Edward Bacon, esq. George Rice, esq. Francis, Lord Orwell. Jeremiah Dyson, esq. vice Yorke Bamber Gaseoyne, esq., vice Tho- September 9. 1763. Wills, Earl of Hillsborough, (vice Lord Shelburne) ; and the same Board. July 20. 1765. William, Earl of Dartmouth, vice Lord Hillsborough. Soame Jenyns, esq. Edward Elliot, esq. George Rice, esq. Jeremiah Dyson, esq. Hon. John Yorke, vice Ld. Orwell John Roberts, esq. vice Gaseoyne William Fitzherbert, esq. vice Ba con. December 1765. William, Earl of Dartmouth. Soame Jenyns, esq. Edward Elliot, esq. George Rice, esq. Jeremiah Dyson, esq. John Roberts, esq. Wm. Fitzherbert, esq. Henry, Viscount Palmerston, vice Yorke. , August 16. 1766. Wills, Earl of Hillsborough, vice Lord Dartmouth ; and the same Board. October 11. 1766; Wills, Earl of Hillsborough. Soame Jenyns, esq. the Edward Elliot, esq. George Rice, esq. Jeremiah Dyson, esq. John Roberts, esq . William Fitzherbert, esq. Hon. Thomas Robinson, (after wards Lord Grantham), vice Lord Palmerston. December 1766. Robert Nugent, esq. (afterwards Earl Nugent), vice Lord Hills borough ; and the same Board. January 20. 1768. Wills, Earl of Hillsborough. Soame Jenyns, esq. Edward Elliot, esq. George Rice, esq. John Roberts, esq. William Fitzherbert, esq. Hon. Thomas Robinson. Wilmot, Viscount Lisburne. April 12. 1770. Wills, Earl of Hillsborough. Soame Jenyns, esq. Edward Elliot, esq. George Rice, esq. John Roberts, esq. William Fitzherbert, esq. Wilmot, Viscount Lisburne. George Greville, Lord Greville, (now Earl of Warwick), vice Robinson. April 16. 1770. Wills, Earl of Hillsborough. ' Soame Jenyns, esq. Edward Elliot, esq. - George Rice, esq. John Roberts, esq. William Fitzherbert, esq. George, Lord Greville. William" Northey, esq. vice Lord Lisburne. May 16. 1770. Wills, Earl of Hillsborough. Soame Jenyns, esq. Edward Jilliot, esq. John XIV Supplement. John Roberts, esq. William Fitzherbert, esq George,1 Lord Greville. William Northey, esq, Bamber Gaseoyne, esq. vice Rice. January 16. 1771. Wills, Earl of Hillsborough. Soame Jenyns, esq. Edward Elliot, esq. John Roberts, esq. William Fitzherbert, esq. George, Lord Greville. Bamber Gaseoyne, esq. Thomas Whateley, esq. vice Nor they. February 11. 1772. Wills, Earl of Hillsborough. Soame Jenyns, esq. Edward Elliot, esq. John Roberts, esq. George, Lord Greville. Bamber Gaseoyne, esq. / Thomas Whateley, esq. William Jolliffe, esq. vice Fitzher bert. August 13. 1772. Wills, Earl of Hillsborough. Soame Jenyns, esq. Edward Elliot, esq. John Roberts, esq. George, Lord Greville. Bamber Gaseoyne, esq. William Jolllffe, esq. John, Lord Garlies, vice Whateley August 31. 1772. William, Earl of Dartmouth, vice Lord Hillsborough. Soame Tenyns, esq. Edward Elliot, esq. George, Lord Greville, (now Earl of Warwick). Barnber Gaseoyne, esq. William Jolliffe, esq. John, Lord Garlies, (now Earl of Galloway). Lord Robt. Spencer, vice Roberts. January 25. 1774. William, Earl of Dartmouth. Soame Jenyns, esq. Edward Elliot, esq. (now Lord Elliot). , Bamber Gaseoyne, esq. William Jolliffe, esq. Lord Robert Spencer. Hon. Charles Greville, vice Lord Warwick. Whitshed Keene, esq. vice Lord Galloway. November 10. 1775. Lord George Sackville Germaine, vice Lord Dartmouth ; and the same Board. March 9. 1776. Lord George Germaine. Soame Jenyns, esq, Bamber Gaseoyne, esq. William Jolliffe, esq. Lord Robert Spencer. Hon. Charles Greville. Whitshed Keene, esq. William Eden, esq. vice Elliot. June 3. 1777. Lord George Germaine. Soame Jenyns, esq: Bamber Gaseoyne, esq. William Jolliffe, esq. Lord Robert Spencer, Hon. Charles Greville. William Eden, esq. Thomas de Grey, esq. vice Keene. July 6. 1779. Lord George Germaine, (after wards Viscount Sackville.) Soame Jenyns, esq. ' Lord Robert Spencer. Hon. Charles Greville. William Eden, esq. Thomas de Grey, esq. Andrew Stuart, esq. vice Gas eoyne. Edward Gibbon, esq, vice Jol liffe. November Supplement. xv "November 6. 1779. Frederick, Earl of Carlisle, (vice Lord George Germaine) ; and the same Board. September 6. 1780. Frederick, Earl of Carlisle Lord Robert Spencer. William Eden, esq. Hon. Thomas de Grey, (now Lord Walsingham). Andrew Stuart, esq. Edward Gibbon, esq. Hans Sloane, esq. vice Jenyns Benjamin L'Anglois, esq. 1 ' Greville. December 9. 1780. Thomas, Lord Grantham, Lord Carlisle , and the Board. 1781. Thomas, Lord Grantham. vice same Lord Robert Spencer. Right Hon. William Eden. Andrew Stuart, esq. Edward Gibbon, esq. Hans Sloane, esq. Sir Adam Fergusson, Bart, vice Lord Walsingham. Anthony Storer, esq. vice L'An glois. December 22. 1781. Thomas, Lord Grantham. Right Hon. William Eden. Andrew Stuart, esq. Edward Gibbon, esq. Hans Sloane, esq. Sir Adam Fergusson, Bart. * Anthony Storer, esq. John Chetwynd Talbot, esq. (now Earl Talbot), vice Lord Robert Spencer. The office of Trade and Plantations was suppressed by act of Par« liament in June 178 2, and the business transferred to the .Secretaries of jw.te. A List xvi Supplement. A List of the Lords -Commissioners of the Police of Scotland, at and since the Accession of his present Majesty in 1760, until the Suppression of that Board in 1782. First Lords Commissioners. Hugh, Earl of Marchmont. 1764 Charles Schaw, Lord Cathcart. — 76 William, Earl of March, now Duke of Queensberry. Lords Commissioners. John, Earl of Hopetoun. John, Earl of Hyndford* Alexander, Earl of Galloway. James, Lord Somerville. Sholtb, Lord Aberdour, afterwards Earl of Morton. 1760 Francis, Lord Napier, vice Earl of Hopetoun, resigned. — 66 James, Earl of Lauderdale, vice Lord Somerville, deceased. — 67 James, Earl of Errol, vice Earl of Hyndford, deceased. — 73 David, Earl of Leven and Melville, vice Ld. Napier, deceased. — 74 John, Earl of Galloway, vice Alexander, Earl of Galloway. — 73 George, Earl of Dalhousie, vice Earl of Morton. Gentlemen Commissioners. Lord George Hay, afterwards Marquis of Tweeddale. Sir Robert Menzies, Bart. Norman Macleod, esq. 1760 Sir Robert Stewart, Bart, vice Macleod. — 69 Alexander Fraser, esq. vice Stewart. —71 Thomas Dundas, esq vice Marquis of Tweeddale. — 80 Sir John Halket, Bart, vice Menzies.