E^4 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY liicip o//u,j/^ >////<' vnitbd^tatk s //> north America, fe v// //^ temhityamj y/hir iz£mois cm. mt $$>_ mQ^ \ ^ /„-,?,h>tt I'uhtiJu.i tV,ti\b fjflj hf J.MU/uw/ tiu*, "N"r*l*4- S.lfL^." -1.3 ¦,-?«.. .3. i NOTES JOURNEY IN AMERICA, COAST OF VIRGINIA TO THE TERRITORY OF ILLINOIS. By MORRIS BIRKBECK, Author of" Notes on a Tour in France." THE SECOND EDITION. flontron : Printed by Severn & Co., 1. Skinner Street, Bisbopsgate: FOR JAMES R1DGWAY, PICCADILLY; AND TO BE HAD OF ALL OTHER BOOKSELLERS. 1818. PubHalted by the same Autlun; NOTES on a Journey through Franee, from Dieppe, through Paris and Lyons, to the Pyrennees, and back through Toulouse, m July, August, and September, 1814, describing the Habits of the People and the Agriculture of the Country. The 5th Edition. Priee 4*. U. TO MY ENGLISH FRIENDS. I HAVE amused myself during our long, but by no means wearisome jour ney, by keeping this short record of oc currences and observations, of which I have note finished the revisal. It contains just the particulars which I wish to communicate to my friends, written, I think, with as much simplicity of intention, as a private letter, but with a little more care, seeing I had the fear of the press before my eyes. There are many for whom I entertain a sincere affection who have not received a line from me since our departure. I have always had more to say than a let ter could contain; and now, instead of mutilated scraps, I beg they will accept this little book, and consider it as par ticularly addressed to them ; for it cer tainly teas composed most particularly for their information. It may be collected from the tenor of these notes, that I am as well satis/ted a2 IV. with this country as I had anticipated , and our friends will have sympathized tvith us in the success of our enterprise ; having found a good country , and secured for ourselves a situation in it, so well adapted to our wishes. Hut, as friends are not used to gather each other's senti ments, on interesting topics by inference merely, they have a right to hear from me in direct terms, that my expectations and hopes are thus far more than sa tisfied with regard to the objects of our removal into this country. There are advantages before us greater than I 'had in contemplation; and ap parently attainable with less difficulty and sacrifices. Ihave, therefore nothing to regret in the step I have taken ; and in my present knowledge I should find stronger motives for it. MB. Sept. ], 1817. NOTES ON A JOURNEY IN AMERICA April 26, 1817—500 Miles E. of Cape Henry, Virginia. 'a ' After twelve months spent in the arrange ment, of my affairs I have embarked in comfort with the greatest part of my family in quest of a new settlement in the western wilderness. We sailed on the 30th of March from Graves- end, on board the good ship America, of 500 tons burthen, Captain Heth, for Richmond, Vir ginia. Our party occupies both the cabin and steerage, excepting two strangers in the latter, who are well-behaved, unobtrusive persons. The captain is an agreeable and most friendly man, and our accommodations excellent: we have had variety of winds and weather, but mostly favourable: some of us have suffered from sea-sickness, but we are now generally in good health, and our spirits seem to partake of the buoyancy of the noble vessel, which is convey* 6 ing us so cheerfully towards the place of our vo luntary exile. Having had the advantage of communicating with many respectable and well-informed Ame ricans during this year of preparation, I have acquired some knowledge of the United States, as well as great store of introductory letters. A kind friend also put into my hands, just before our departure, a series of Geographical Works, lately published by Mr. Melish of Philadelphia. With the information derived from these and other sources, 1 feel qualified to enter with the more confidence on the task before me ; and I am in hopes that a journal of my proceedings may prove useful to others, under similar cir cumstances, by way of warning or encourage ment, as the event may prove of my own expe rience : and that my readers may accompany me with greater satisfaction and advantage, 1 shall premise something about myself, my motives and plans, which will enable them to form a more just estimate of my opinions : I hope, how ever, in so doing, I shall not merit the imputa tion of egotism. In the first place, being neither well able nor well disposed to combat the extremes of heat and cold which prevail to the east of the Al leghany mountains, I have pre-determined to pitch my tent to the westward of that ridge, and to the southward of Lake Erie, under a climate recommended by the concurrent testi mony of all travellers, as temperate, salubri ous and delightful. Again, — Slavery, " that broadest, foulest blot," which still prevails over so large a portion of the United States, will circumscribe my choice within still narrower limits ; for, if political liberty be so precious, that to obtain it, I can forego the well-earned comforts of an English home, it must not be to degrade myself and corrupt my children by the practice of slave- keeping. This curse has taken fast hold, of Kentucky, Tenessee, and all the new States to the south ; therefore, my enquiries will be confined to the western part of Pennsylvania, and the states of Ohio, Indiana and the territory of Illinois : thus, in the immense field before us, the object of our search will be found, if found at all, within a comparatively narrow space. To this main object I shall apply myself im mediately, and deferring to a future opportunity the pleasure of travelling through the Atlantic States, I intend, on my arrival, to repair west ward with all convenient speed, in order to take a deliberate survey of those western regions, with the hope of fixing on the place of our final settlement before the ensuing winter. 8 iBefore I enter on these new cares and toils, I must take a parting glance at those I have left behind; and they are of a nature unhappily too familiar to a large proportion of my countrymen to require description. How many are there, who, having capitals in business which would be equal to their sup port at simple interest, are submitting lo priva tions under the name of economy, which are near a-kin to the sufferings of poverty; and denying themselves the very comforts of life to escape taxation ; and yet their difficulties increase, their capitals moulder away, and the resources fail on which they had relied for the future estab lishment of their families. A nation, with half its population supported by alms, or poor-rates, and one fourth of its income derived from taxes, many of which are dried up in their sources, or speedily becoming so, must teem with emigrants from one end to the other : and, for such as myself, who have had "nothing to do with the laws but to obey them," it is quite reasonable and just to secure a timely retreat from the approaching crisis- either of anarchy or despotism. An English farmer, to which class I had the honour to belong, is in possession of the same rights and privileges with the Villeins of old time, and exhibits for the most part, a suitable 9 political character. He has no voice in the ap pointment of the legislature unless he happen to possess a freehold of forty shillings a year, and he is then expected to vote in the interest of his landlord. He has no concern with public af fairs excepting as a tax-payer, a parish officer, or a militia man. He has no right to appear at a>county meeting, unless the word inhabitant should find its way into the sheriff's invitation : in this case he may shew his face among the no bility, clergy, and freeholders: — a felicity which once occurred to myself, when the inhabitants of Surrey were invited to assist the gentry in crying down the Income Tax. Thus, having no elective franchise, an English farmer can scarcely be said to have a political existence, and political duties he has none, ex cept such, as under existing circumstances, would inevitably consign him to the special guardianship of the Secretary of State for the home department. In exchanging the condition of an English farmer for that of an American proprietor, I expect to suffer many inconveniences; but I am willing to make a great sacrifice of present ease, were it merely for the sake of obtaining in the decline of life, an exemption from that wearisome solicitude about pecuniary affairs, from which, even the affluent find no 10 refuge in England ; and for my children, a ca reer of enterprize, and wholesome family connec tions, in a society whose institutions are favour able to virtue ; and at last the consolation of leaving them efficient members of a flourishing, public-spirited, energetic community, where the insolence of wealth, and the servility of pau perism, between which, in England, there -is scarcely an interval remaining, are alike un known. That institutions favourable to virtue, shall produce effects correspondent to their character upon the society blessed with them, is a conclu sion so natural, that we should be inclined to suspect an error in our estimate of the institu tions themselves, if we found a vicious people under a good government. It is possible, however, that political virtue may exist in considerable purity, where the moral sense has been depraved by pre-existing habits, still more powerful in their influence on the general character than political principles ; and such an effect I anticipate from the present establishment of slavery in the Southern States, and its former toleration in all. But if we find these States rank higher in the scale of morals than the West India Colonies, where slavery prevails, but where political vir tue can scarcely have an existence, and espe- 11 cially if they have improved with the improve ment of their government, these States will af ford a confirmation of the rule, that political vir tue is a moral good ; whilst a superiority in the morals of those States where slavery has been abolished — shows, that slavery is, in truth, the bane of society. With these anticipations I prepare myself for an introduction into the State of Virginia, which takes so high a position in the politieal scale, though under the deteriorating influence of this calamity. May 2. After a series of baffling winds and boisterous weather, we find ourselves on the Western, or inside of ihe Gulph Stream, and of course not far from our destination. Yesterday the temperature of the air was 65, and of the water 71. To day the air remains at 65, but the water has fallen to 50. We have, therefore, crossed this warm ocean river, which flows from the Gulph of Mexico with a northerly and north-easterly course, until it meets the melting ice to the south of the great Bank of Newfound land. May 3. Last night we lay at anchor in Hampton Roads, and this morning I accompa nied the captain in the pilot-boat to Norfolk, fourteen miles off to make entry of the ship at the Custom House. This is a large town of 12 10,000 inhabitants, the streets are in right lines, sufficiently spacious, with wide paved causeways before the houses, which are good-looking and cleanly. A large market-house in the centre of the principal street, with negroes selling for their masters, fine vegetables, and bad meat — the worst I ever saw, and dearer than the best in England. Veal, such as never was exposed in an English market I0l2d. per lb. ; lamb of similar quality and price. Most wretched horses waiting, without food or shelter, to drag home the carts which had brought in the provisions ; — but, worst of all, the multitudes of neo-roes. many of them miserable creatures, others cheer ful enough; but on the whole, this first glimpse of a slave population is extremely depressing. And is it, thought I, to be a member of such a society that I have quitted England ! Norfolk is fourteen miles from our anchorage off Cape Comfort. The pilot-boat took us thither in sixty-five minutes, and was about the same time in returning. After dinner, we pro ceeded about twenty miles up James River towards City Point, which is our destination ; about one hundred from its mouth, and fifty below Richmond- The river with its edging of pines and cedars, of various tints, wliich seem to grow out of the water, so low is the country,— is grand and 13 beautiful, beyond all that I had conceived of American rivers. Although perfectly flat, the indentures of its course relieve the scenery from the dullness, that a continuance of pines on a level surface would otherwise occasion. May 4. Forty-three miles up Cape Henry, where we passed the night, the river is still fourteen miles in breadth This day we pro ceeded fifty-three miles. The improving character of the country, and the indescribable beauty of the river, render our voyage extremely pleasant. I was employed with a telescope incessantly, exploring every cultivated spot, and every habitation;, — so inte resting is all that we behold on our first intro duction to a foreign land. Plantations are more numerous, and the buildings much more respec table as we advance. The banks of the river are no longer a mere fringe of pines, but soil of a good quality, rising in some places many feet above the surface, and covered with timber of various sorts, locust, mulberry, walnut, syca more, &c. A fondness for planting discovers itself even in this wilderness of trees. The Lombardy poplar, is a favourite accompaniment to the best mansions, rising in gloomy columns to a great height above the surrounding forest. We passed Little Guinea, a tract given by 14 a planter to his negroes whom he liberated. We saw many of their cabins, and small inclo- sures, which appeared to be but indifferently cultivated. This gentleman's proceeding was not well relished by his neighbours ; and the negroes have a bad character for thieving, — deservedly I dare say, for slavery is a school of depravity, and their equivocal or degraded station among whites, is unfavourable to their moral improvement. There are along the river the ruins of many houses, which I was told had been accidentally burnt by the negroes, whose carelessness is productive of infinite mischief. May 6. Harrison's Bar. — This is a shoal of mud, which greatly impedes the navigations and in which we must be contented to lie until the next tide, and we may easily content our selves, as it is a bend of the river, which is surrounded by all that is beautiful in woodland scenery, in the gayest dress of spring. We are fixed about the middle of the stream, which is four miles wide. Several rich plantations and substantial dwellings are in view. We made a morning call on Mr. and sat an hour with the ladies. The well cultivated fields, and the goodness and comfort of the entire establishment gave us all great pleasure, and reminding us of home, seemed to assure us of homes in America. 15 As a security from fire, or to favour escape from it, a ladder is fixed on the roof, reaching from a garret window to the ridge, and down the other side : — It is an expedient in many houses, and denotes extraordinary fear, or extraordinary danger. I was informed, that the carelessness of the negroes rendered such: precautions necessary. May 7. Vessels at City Point, are under the superintendance of the Custom House at Petersburg, about 15 miles distant. It was necessary for me to attest to the contents of my baggage, and for the captain to enter his cargo : so we hired a gig, of which I took the command, and proceeded to Petersburg. As my baggage was bulky enough to contain merchandize to a large amount, which would have been liable to a duty of nearly 30 per cent., I have to com mend the liberality of the officers who suffered it to pass on nay affidavit, without opening. Petersburg is growing into a place of impor tance, being the emporium of export and import to a large district. Tobacco is the staple produce ; and every article of British or German manu facture, the return. It is not quite two years since half the town was destroyed by a fire, occasioned by some negroes playing at cards in a stable, and it is already nearly rebuilt in the most substantial manner. 16 Two hundred capital brick houses were built last year. This vigorous revival under a cala mity so general is a strong proof of general prosperity. It was the time of the races at Petersburg, which gave me the opportunity of seeing a large assemblage of planters, and of being introduced to a considerable number of well- informed persons of that class. A Virginian tavern resembles a French one with its table d'hote, (though not in the excellence of the cookery) but somewhat exceeds it in filth, as it does an English one in charges. The daily number of guests at the ordinary in this tavern (and there are several large taverns in Petersburg) is fifty, consisting of travellers store-keepers, lawyers, and doctors. A Virginian planter is a republican in politics, and exhibits the high-spirited inde pendence of that character. But he is a slave- , master, irascible, and too often lax in morals. A dirk is said to be a common appendage to the dress of a planter in this part of Virginia. 1 never saw in England an assemblage of countrymen who would average so well as to dress and manners : none of them reached any thing like style; and very few descended to the shabby. As it rained heavily, every body was confined 17 the whole day to the tavern, after the race, which took place in the forenoon. The conver sation which this afforded me an opportunity of hearing, gave me a high opinion of the in tellectual cultivation of these Virginian farmers. Negro slavery was the prevailing topic — the beginning, the middle and the end — an evil up permost in every man's thoughts; which all de plored, many were anxious to fly, but for which no man can devise a remedy. One gentleman, in a poor state of health, dared not encounter the rain, but was wretched at the thought of his family being for one night without his protection — from his own slaves! He was suffering under the effects of a poisonous potion, administered by a negro, who was his personal servant, to whom he had given indulgences and privileges unknown to the most favoured valet of an English gentleman. This happened in con sequence of some slight unintentional affront on the part of the indulgent master. It is stated as a melancholy fact, that severe masters seldom suffer from their slaves' resentment. This day the captain paid off the crew, who, almost to a man, immediately assembled round the grog store of the village, and having es caped from the restraints of discipline and taken in a copious supply of whiskey, r they en gaged in a general fight, and shewed themselves B 18 to be little better than a ferocious banditti, with whom we had been so long cooped up, within the narrow limits of the vessel. May 9. The steam-boat which plies between Norfolk and Richmond received us about nine o'clock in the morning ; and, with some feeling of regret we took a final leave of the good ship America, but not of our captain, who was to re join us at Richmond. The steam-boat is a floating hotel fitted up with much taste and neatness, with accommodations for both board and lodging. The ladies have their separate apartment and a female to attend them. Here we found ourselves at once in the Society of about thirty persons, who appeared to be as polite, well dressed, and well instructed as if they bad been repairing to the capital of Great Britain, instead of the capital of Virginia. We had a delightful passage, and reached Richmond about seven o'clock in the evening. May 10, After delivering sundry letters of introduction, we were anxious to secure a re treat from the crowded tavern which received us from the steam-boat last evening. The ele gant and cool abodes of the agreeable people to whom we had presented our recommendatory letters, formed such a contrast with the heat and bustle of an inn, that we were determined, at all events, to make our escape before the 19 approach of another night. After searching the town, through and through, we made our retreat most gladly into two rooms in a lodging house, where we were the more comfortable, from having learnt on board ship, to find many con veniences in a narrow space. Richmond contains 13000 inhabitants, nearly half of which are negroes. The hill, on which stands the Capitol, a building of commanding aspect, is inhabited by the more opulent mer chants, and professional men, who have their offices in the lower town. Their houses are handsome, and elegantly furnished, and their establishments and style of living display much of the refinement of pplished society. The town is generally well built, and increasing rapidly, whilst but little provision seems to be made in the country round for the accommoda tion of its inhabitants. The market is badly supplied: the common nepes.saries pf life are excessively dear, and, excepting the article of •bread, of bad quality. Eggs are 2^d. each; better, 3s. 6d. per lb.; meat, of the worst description, Is. per lb.; milk 4\d. a pint,: hay is two dollars (9s.) per 100 lb. It is worse supplied and at a dearer rate than any other place of equal size in the United States, or perhaps in the world. The town is forced up by the stimulus qf qo,m-r -merce, whilst the surrounding country is groaning b2 20 under the torpid influence of slavery: the culti vators are said to be jealous of its rising pros perity, instead of availing themselves, as they might, of the advantages it would afford as a market for their produce. House rent is high beyond example ; that in which we have apartments, though in a back street, and not very large or well finished, lets at 1400 dollars, or 300 guineas, a-year: a warehouse, or store, is commonly £200 a-year. In short, the demand for town accommodations of every kind, arising from the accession of strangers, greatly exceeds the supply, though building is going on in every direction. Ground sells currently on building speculations, at 10,000 dollars per acre, and in some of the streets near the river, at 200 dollars per foot in front. The enterprizing people are mostly stran gers; Scotch, Irish, and especially New England men, or Yankees, as they are called, who fill every house as soon as it is finished. About 25,000 hogsheads of tobacco and 200,000 barrels of flour have been the yearly export of the country through the hands of the merchants of Richmond ; and probably a great part of the proceeds may have returned througli the same channel in articles of import. This, added to the internal consumption of a large town, and of the shipping employed in this 21 •commerce, forms an aggregate of great impor tance. - The falls of James River, extending for five miles above Richmond, afford admirable mill seals. There are several fine flour mills- some of them turn eight pair of stones, and can grind and dress 1000 barrels of flour'per week. To grind 95 bushels of wheat per day is reckon-. ed the work of a pair of stones. A canal is formed by lockage parallel with these rapids, by which produce is brought down in long barges, capable of containing twenty-five hogsheads of tobacco.May 10. I saw two female slaves and their children sold by auction in the street, — an inci dent of common occurrence here, though horri fying to myself and many other strangers. I could hardly bear to see them handled and ex amined like cattle ; and when I heard their sobs, and saw the big tears roll down their cheeks at the thought of being separated, I could not refrain from weeping with them. In selling these unhappy beings little regard is had to the parting of the nearest relations. Virginia prides itself on the comparative mildness of its treat ment of the slaves ; and in fact they increase in numbers, many being annually supplied from this state to those farther south, where the treat ment is said to be much more severe. There are regular dealers, who buy them up and drive 22 them in gangs, chained together, to a southern market. I am informed that few weeks pass without some of them being marched through this place. A traveller told me that he saw, two weeks ago, one hundred and twenty sold by atiction, in the streets of Richmond ; and that they filled the air with their lamentations. It has also been confidently alledged that the condition of slaves in Virginia, under the mild treatment they are said to experience, is pre ferable to that of our English labourers. I know and lament the degrading state of dependent poverty, to which the latter have been gradually reducedj by the operation of laws originally designed for their comfort and protection. I know also, that many slaves pass their lives in comparative ease, and seem to be unconscious of their bonds, and that the most wretched of our paupers might envy the allotment of the happy negro : this is not, however, instituting a Fair comparison, to bring the opposite exr tremes of the two classes into competition. Let us take a view of some particulars which operate generally. In England, exertion is not the result of per sonal fear: in Virginia, it is the prevailing •stimulus. The slave is punished for mere indolence, at the discretion of an overseer: — The peasant 23 is only punished by the law when guilty of a crime. In England, the labourer and his employer are equal in the eye of the law. Here, the law affords the slave no protection, unless a white man gives testimony in his favour. Here, any white man may insult a black with impunity; whilst the English peasant, shouldbe receive a blow from his employer, might and would return it with interest, and afterwards have his remedy at law for the aggression. The testimony of a peasant weighs as much as that of a lord in a court of justice; but the testi mony bf a slave is never admitted at all, in a case where a white man is opposed to him. A few weeks ago, in the streets of'Richmond, a friend of mine saw a white boy wantonly throw quick-lime in the face of a negro-man. The man shook the lime from his jacket, and some of it accidentally reached the eyes of the young brute. This casual retaliation excited the re sentment of the brother of the boy, who com plained to the. slave's owner, and actually had him punished with thirty lashes. This would not have happened to an English peasant. I must, however, , do this justice to the slave- master of Virginia: it was not from him that J ever heard a defence of slavery ; some extenu ation on the score of expediency, or necessity, is the utmost range now taken by that descrip tion of reasoners, who, in former times, would have attempted to support the principle as well as the practice. Perhaps it is in its depraving influence on the moral sense of both slave and master, that slavery is most deplorable. Brutal cruelty, we may hope, is a rare and transient mischief; but the degra dation of soul is universal, and, as it should seem, from the general character of free negroes, indelible. All America is now suffering in morals through the baneful influence of negro slavery, ^partially tolerated, corrupting justice at the very source. May 13. Here is a grand stir about a monument to the memory of General Washing ton, and about transferring his remains from their own appropriate abode to the city of Richmond; as though Washington could be forgotten whilst America retains her indepen dence ! Let republicans leave bones, and relics, and costly monuments to monks and kings : free America is the mausoleum of its deliverers, who may say to posterity, " Si qutsris monumentum circumspice." It would be well, however, for the patriots of Richmond to repair the mutilated bust of La Fayette in their Capitol, which how stands 25 v an object of horror and derision: — La Fayette, the friend of their hero, and his faithful, disinter ested, and zealous associate. There is a common feeling, a political sympa thy between the wealthy federalists of the American cities, and the loyal anti-reformists of Great Britain. Federalism seems to favour a sort of whiggish aristocracy; but the spirit of the people at large, and of the ruling part in the government, is of a different complexion. The society here is good, but not remarkable for intellectual activity ; yet, if literary pursuits are in no great request with the citizens of Richr mond, they are eminent in urbanity and real politeness. May 15. Accompanied Dr. A. with a party of his friends to the Chickahoming river, to view an improvement which he has conducted on a new principle. He has cleared one hundred and forty acres of marshy land, by simply girdling the trees, hoeing the surface, and sowing herb-grass ; (an agrostis, I fancy, but could not find it in bloom :) this is the second year, and he expects to mow two tons of hay per aere, which will be worth at Richmond, five or six miles off, eighteen pounds sterling, This extraordinary profit is owing to the strange state of things at this. place, where the supply of the commonest articles is inadequate 26 to the demand; but I believe il to be the right mode of management of land favourable for grass, where grain is low and labour high. May 16. Visited Mr. W.'sfarm, about twelve miles up the river, above Richmond: on it are three hundred acres of wheat, as clean and good as 1 ever saw on one farm, in any country, and a large breadth of good clover: Indian corn to a great extent very effectually cultivated with the horse and hand hoe; and, on the whole, with the exception of live stock, which is neglected, I saw as good husbandry as would be expected in some well- managed dis tricts in Great Britain. A flat of rich alluvial soil, about a mile in breadth accompanying the river, is the only part of this country that appears to be worth cultivating: the rest is for the most part a pine forest, as poor nearly as our heaths, extending from the sea coast to the high country, whicli skirts the Alleghany, mountains. The soil of these high lands is strong and fruitful, forming the most agreeable portion of the state. Something like the above character, I have been informed, is applicable to the Atlantic country generally. May 19. In two hacks, which are light coaches with two horses, and a Jersey waggon and one horse for the baggage, we have had a 27 pleasant journey oftwodaysto this place: the distance sixty-nine miles. Expence of Carriages .... 70 Dollars on the Road .... 33 103 This, for nine persons, amounts to almost fifty-two shillings sterling each ; — dear, but very agreeable travelling. The country, from Richmond to Fredericks burg is a barren sandy level, relieved occasi onally by a stripe of better soil, o.n the banks of a rivulet, and near the latter place, by a little undulation of surface, and a soil containing reddish loam. The road would be good, during great part of the year, if a small degree of attention was directed to particular spots, trifling in extent, but very dangerous. Neglect of the public convenience and safety, where little more is wanting than attention, at taches blame and disgrace somewhere. A few dollars, properly applied to a fault or two on the road to City Point from Petersburg, would render it safe, and even delightful : — the same of the road from Richmond to Fredericksburg. Works of great extent and cost may not suit the state of this country, where the scope for improvement is so vast in porportion to the 28 means; but the neglect of these petty local im provements! so essential to the comfort and safety of travellers, appears unpardonable. On taking leave of Virginia, I must observe, that I found more misery in the condition of the negroes, and a much higher tone of moral feeling in their owners than I had anticipated; and 1 depart confirmed in my detestation of slavery, in principle and practice; but with esteem for the general character of the Vir ginians. From Fredericksburg we took the stage to the River Potowmack, where we were received by the Washington steam-boat. This country is hilly and extremely pleasant, the soil not natu rally rich, aud seems to be exhausted by severe cropping. Our ride afforded new perils, which might be prevented at a small expence, and which now serves to evince the excellence of the drivers and horses, and the wonderful strength of their slight-looking vehicles. The Potowmack, upwards, from our entering the steam-boat, flows through a bold country, and its banks are adorned with houses in fine situations, among which stands conspicuous Mount Vernon, the residence of the illustrious Washington. The Federal City contains, including George Town, which is only separated from it by the 29 river, about 20,000 inhabitants, scattered over a vast space, like a number of petty hamlets in a populous country. The intended streets, radiating from the capital in right lines, are, for the most part> only distinguishable from the rugged waste by a slight trace, like that of a newly-formed road, or in some instances, by rows of Lombardy poplars, affording neither ornament, Tior shade, but evincing the exotic taste, of the designer. The Capitol and the President's house are tinder repair from the damage sustained in the war. Ninety marble capitals have been imported at vast cost from Italy, to crown the columns of the Capitol, and shew how wra-American is the whole plan. There is nothing in America to which I can liken this affectation of splendor, except the painted face, and gaudy head-dress of a half-naked Indian. This embryo metropolis, with its foreign decorations, should have set a better example to the young republic, by surrounding itself first with good.foads and substantial bridges, in lieu of those inconvenient wooden structures and dangerous roads, over which the legislators must now pass to their duty. I think too, that good taste would have preferred native decora tion for the seat of the legislature. From Washington to Frederickfown, in Ma- 30 ryland (45 miles) the country is poor, rugged, and badly cultivated, until we approach the latter, where limestone first appears, and with it an obvious improvement in soil and culture. Here begins a most beautiful district, extending through Hagar's Town to the Blue Ridge. This is rather a hilly, than a mountainous coun try, though approaching the character of moun tain in its formation, which is mica, and clay- slate alternating with limestone. M'Connel's Town, 3 fay 23. The road we have been travelling terminates at this place, where it strikes the great turnpike from Phila delphia to Pittsburg ; and, with the road, ends the line of stages, by which we have been tra-- velling; a circumstance of which we knew nothing, until our arrival here, having entered ourselves passengers at George Town, for Pitts burg, by the Pittsburg stage, as it professed to be. So here we are, nine in number, one hundred and thirty miles of mountain country between us and Pittsburg. We learn that the stages which pass daily from Philadelphia and Balti more are generally full, and that there are now many persons at Baltimore waiting for places. No vehicles of any kind are to be hired, aud here we must either stay or toalk off: the latter we prefer; and separating each our bundle, 31 from the little that we have of travelling stores, we are about to undertake oar mountain pil grimage; accepting t^e alternative most cheer fully, after the dreadful shaking of the last hundred miles by stage. This is called the Alleghany Ridge, which is loftier than the Blue Ridge, is apparently newer in formation : its composition is chiefly sand-stone, clay-slate, and limestone-slate; the latter with lamina of petrosilex parallel to the limestone. Maryland and Pennsylvania abound with horses of the good old English breed; with great bone, of beautiful form, and denoting a strain of high blood. The old English hunter raised to a stout coach-horse, but comprising all degrees of strength and size down to hack- neys of fourteen hands. None of those wretched dog-horses, which disgrace Virginia, are to be seen here. We have now fairly turned our backs on the old world, and find ourselves in the very stream of emigration. Old America seems to be break ing up, and moving westward. We are sel dom out of sight, as we travel on this grand track, towards the Ohio, , of family groups, behind and before us, some with a view to a particular spot; close to a brother perhaps, or a friend, who has gone before, and reported well 32 of the country. Many like ourselves, when they arrive in the wilderness, will find no lodge prepared for them. A small waggon (so light that you might al most carry it, yet strong enough to bear a good load of bedding, utensils and provisions, and a swarm of young, citizens, — and to sustain mar vellous shocks in its passage over these rocky heights) with two small horses ; sometimes a cow or two, comprises their all ; excepting a little store of hard-earned cash for the land office of the district; where they may obtain a title for as many acres as they possess half- dollars, being one fourth of the purchase money. The waggon has a tilt, or cover, made of a sheet, or perhaps a blanket. The family are seen before, behind, tor within the vehicle, according to the road or weather, or perhaps the spirits of the party. The New Englanders, they say, may be known by the cheerful air of the women advancing in front of the vehicle ; the Jersey people by their being fixed steadily within it; whilst the Penn- sylvanians creep lingering behind, as though re gretting the homes they have left. A. cart and single horse frequently afford the means of transfer, sometimes a horse and pack-saddle Often the back of the poor pilgrim bears all his 33 effects,, and his wife follows, naked-footed, bending under the hopes of the family. The mountain tract we have;passed is exceed ingly romantic, as well as fertile, and is gene rally cultivated in a good style excepting the rudest parts. It would be a delightful country to inhabit, but for the rigoyr of the winter. The temperature of the spring is 50 :. at Richmond it was 57. A blacksmith here earns 20 dollars per month, and board ; and he lives in a cabin of one room, for which, with a garden, he pays 20 dollars a year. Fire-wood is two dollars per cord :— the price is merely the labour, as is, in -fact, a great part of what you pay for every thing. Thus, nothing but land is cheap in this country, except ing British goods, and they are not cheap to the consumer, because the store-keeper sells his own labour at a dear rate. Land will long be at a low price, but as produce hardly ke^ps pace with the population the latter is proportionably dear. Therefore agriculture is and will be a safe and profitable occupation. As to manufactures, they will rise as they are wanted, and if they rise -spontaneously, they will-flourish without extra neous aid. There cannot, as yet be much capital to spare* for any kind of manufacture ; and it appears to be bad policy to encourage, as it is called, parti- c 34 eular branches ; because the direct consequence of this partial favour is, the diverting a portion of the scanty capital from those which need no encouragement, and to employ it where the profits are precarious. By such officious inter ference, a real good in possession, is sacrificed for a doubtful speculation— substance for shadow. May 26. We have completed our third day's march to general satisfaction. We proceed nearly as fast as our fellow-travellers in car riages, and much more pleasantly, so that we have almost forgotten our indignation against the pitiful and fraudulent stage-master, of George Town ; so apt are we to measure the conduct of other people, by the standard of our convenience, rather than its own merit. This is a land of plenty, and we are proceed ing to a land of abundance, as is proved by the noble droves of oxen we me^et, on their way from the western country, to the city of Philadelphia. They are kindly, well-formed, and well-fed ani mals, averaging about six cwt. A flock of sheep, properly speaking, has not met my eyes in America; nor a tract of good sheep pasture. Twenty or thirty half-starved creatures are seen n«w and then straggling about in much wretchedness. These supply a liLtlc wool for domestic use. Cattle are good and plentiful, and horses excellent. 35 / May 27. Stotler's Inn, summit of the Alle ghany Ridge. Temperature of springs47, Faren- heit: — air at noon, 73. Cherries in blossom: Kalmia latifolia in bud : Laurustinus coming into bloom: Trees in general bursting their buds, or shew ing the tender leaf. ¦?¦> At City Point, below Richmond, Virginia, kalmia latifolia was in full bloom on the fifth of May; and early cherries were ripe at Richmond on May the tenth. The Alleghany mountains are chiefly schis tose. Clay-slate predominates, then. mica-slate, limestone-slate, and sand-stone-slate. The schistose character is interrupted in some places, by tracts cf sand-stone in large blocks : the sand stone appears to be a secondary formation from. the disintegration of mica-slate. This entire mountainous range is distin guished from all others that I have seen, by its being almost entirely covered by wood. The slaty formation affords great facility to the growth of trees, and may account for this peculiarity. May 28. The condition of the people of America is so different from aught that we in Europe have an opportunity of observing, that it would be difficult to convey an adequate notion of their character. c.2 36 They are great travellers ; and in general, better acquainted with the vast expanse of country, spreading over their eighteen states, (of which Virginia alone nearly equals Great Britain in extent,) than the English with tlifeir little island. They are also a migrating people; and even when in prosperous circumstances, can con template a change of situation, which under our old establishments and fixed habits, none, but the most enterprising; would venture upon, when urged by adversity. To give an idea of the internal movements of this vast hire, about 12,000 waggons passed between Baltimore and Philadelphia, in the last year, with from four to six horses, carrying from thirty-five to forty cwt. The cost of car riage is about seven dollars per cwt., from Phil adelphia to Pittsburg, and the money paid for the conveyance of goods on this road, exceeds £300,000 sterling. Add to these the numerous stages loaded to the utmost, and ihe innumerable travellers, on horseback, on foot, and in lio-ht waggons, and you have before you a scene of bustle and business, extending over a space of three hundred miles, which is truly wonderful. When, on our voyage, we approached within twenty leagues of the American coast, we were cheered by the sight of ships in every direction. 37 Up James River, vessels of all sorts, and sizes, from five hundred tons downwards, continually passing ; and steam-boats crowded with pas sengers. The same on the Potowmack : and in the winter, when the navigation is interrup ted by frost, stages, twelve or fourteen in file, are seen posting along, to supply the want of that luxurious accommodation. But what is most at variance with English notions of the American people, is the urbanity and civilization that prevail in situations re mote from large cities. In our journey from Norfolk, on the coast of Virginia, to this' place, in the heart of the Alleghany mountains, we have not for a moment lost sight of tlie manners of polished life. Refinement is unquestionably far more rare, than in our mature and highly cultivated state of society ; but so is extreme vulgarity. In every department of common life, we here see employed persons superior in habits and education to the same class in England. We received the first impression of this su periority from the character of the pilot, whom we welcomed on board off Cape Henry : he was a well-informed and agreeable man ; as we should have said, much above his station ; but in this we should have erred, for we found his comrades of a similar description. Next oc curred the custom-house officer, who was a 38 gentlemanly youth, without a shade of the dis agreeable character which prevails among his European brethren. He staid with us several days, and was succeeded by a second of the same respectable stamp. These officers of reve nue are better paid here than with us ; and are considered as respectable persons, employed in an honourable service, which they have no temptation to abuse. They receive about £250 sterling per annum ; and one, with a competent salary, performs, with fidelity, the part of three in England,, who are employed as checks upon each other. The taverns in the great towns east of the mountains which lay in onr route, afford nothing in the least corresponding with our habits and notions of convenient accommodation : the only similarity is in the expence. At these places all is performed on the gre garious plan : every thing is public by day and by night; — for even night in an American inn affords no privacy. Whatever may be the num ber of guests, they must receive their entertain ment en masse, and they must sleep en masse. Three times a-day the great bell rings, and a hundred persons collect from all quarters to eat a hurried meal, composed of almost as many dishes. At breakfast you have fish, flesh, and fowl, bread of every shape and kind, butter,, 39 eggs, coffee, tea — every thing, and more than you can think of. Dinner is much like the break fast, omitting the tea and coffee ; and supper is the breakfast repeated. Soon after this meal, you assemble once more, in rooms crowded with beds, something like the wards of an hospital ; where, after undressing in public, you are fortu nate if you escape a partner in your bed, in ad dition to the myriads of bugs, which you need not hope to escape. But the horrors of the kitchen, from whence issue these shoals of dishes, how shall I describe, though I have witnessed them. — It is a dark and sooty hole, where the idea of cleanliness never entered, swarming with negroes of all sexes and ages, who seem as though they were bred there: without floor, except the rude stones that sup port a raging fire of pine logs, extending across the entire place ; which forbids your approach, and which no being but a negro could face. In your reception at a western Pennsylvania tavern, there is something of hospitality com- biued with the mercantile feelings of your host. He is generally a man of property, the head man of the villag'e, perhaps, with the title of Colonel; and feels that he confers, rather than receives, a favour by the accommodation he affords ; and rude as his establishment may be, he does not perceive that you have a right to complain : what 40 he has you partake of, but he makes no apolo gies ; and if you shew symptoms of dissatisfacr tion or disgust, you will fare the worse ; whilst a disposition to-be pleased and satisfied, will be met by a wish to make you so. At the last stage, our party of eight weary pilgrims," dropping in as the evening closed, alarmed the landlady, who asked the ladies if we i were not English, and said, she would rather not wait upon us,-— we should be " diffi cult." However, she admitted us, and this morning, at parting she said jshe liked to wait on " such" English; aud begged we would write to our friends and recommend her house. We were often told that we were not " difficult," like the English; and 1 am sure our entertainment was the better, because they found us easy to please. May 29. Surrounded by all that is delight ful, in the combination of the hilly woodlands and river scenery. At the junction of the Alleghany and Monongahala, forming \>y their union the Ohio, stands the "city of Pittsburg, the Birmingham of America." Here I expected to have been enveloped in clouds of smoke, issuing from a thousand furnaces, and stunned with the din of ten thousand hammers. There is a figure of rhetoric adopted by the Americans, and much used in description ; 41 it simply consists in the use of the present indicative, instead of the future subjunctive; it is called anticipation. By its aid, what may be is contemplated, as though it were in actual existence. For want of being acquainted with the power and application of this figure, I confess 1 was much disappointed by Pittsburg. A century and a half ago, possibly, the state of Birmingham might have admitted of a com- parison with Pittsburg. I conceive there are many, very many, single manufacturing estab lishments in Great Britain, of more present importance than the aggregate of those in this town : yet, taken as it is, without rhetorical description, it is truly a very interesting and important place. Steam engines of great effi ciency are made here and applied to various purposes, and it contains sundry works : — iron- foundries, glass-houses, nail-cutting factories, &c. ; establishments, which are as likely to expand and multiply as the small acorn, planted in a good soil and duly protected, is to become the majestic oak, that " flings his giant arms amid the sky." At present the manufacturers are under great difficulties, and many are on the eve of suspend ing their operations, owing to the influx of depreciated fabrics from Europe. Pittsburg contains about 7000 inhabitants, 42 and is a place of great trade, as an entrepot for the merchandize and manufactures supplied by the eastern states, to the western. The inhabi tants of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, are their customers, and continually increasing in their demands upon the merchants and the artisans of Pittsburg. Journeymen in various branches— shoe-makers, tailors, <&c, earn two dollars a-day. Many of them are improvident, and thus they remain journeymen for life. It is not, however, in absolute intemperance and profligacy, that they in general waste their surplus earnings; it is in excursions, or entertainments. Ten dollars spent at a ball is no rare result of the gallantry of a Pittsburg journeyman. Those who are steady and prudent advance rapidly. 4 shoe maker of my acquaintance, that is to say, whom I employed, left Ireland, as poor as an Irish emigrant, four years ago,— rstaid one year in Philadelphia, then removed hither, and was employed by a master practitioner of the same calling, at twelve dollars per week. — He saved his money, married, paid his master, who retired on his fortune, three hundred dollars for his business, and is now in a fair way of retiring too: as he has a shop well stocked and a thriving trade, wholesale and retail, with vast profits. 43 The low Irish, as they are called even here, too often continue in their old habit of whiskey drinking; and, as in London, they fill the lowest departments of labour in the manufactures., or serve the bricklayers, &c. They are rude and abandoned, with ample means of comfort and independence: such is the effect of habitual degradation of character. The low Irish and, the freed negro, stand at nearly the same degree on the moral scale, being depressed equally by early associations. June 2. This evening, I heard delightful music from a piano, made in this place, where a few years ago stood a fort, from which a white man durst not pass, without a military guarcj, on account of the Indians, who were then the hostile lords of this region. A few of that people still reside at no great distance, and have, in a great measure, settled into the habits and maners of their new neighbours. The simple produce of the soil, that is to say, grain, is cheap in America, but every other article of necessity and convenience is dear, in comparison. Travelling east of the mountains, indeed, to this place, is nearly as expensive as in England; quite disproportioned to the prices of provisions, and especially to the accommodations afforded; and the store-keeper Jays on a profit of 50 per cent, at least. This 44 is a modificatioh of the high rate of labour, arising from the cheapness of land, which affords the possession of independence and comfort at so easy a rate, that strong inducements of profit are required to retain men in the less agreeable occupations of a town, or. under the perplexity and hazard of trade .and ma nufactures. ,lMv, In this manner it is, that emigrants are frequently exposed to difficulties before they have obtained a settlement. In this cheap country they expect to be able to live well upon a little money; — but their little money is spent before they begin to live as Americans. Every service performed for one man by another, must be purchased at a high rate, much higher than in England: therefore, as long as he is obliged to purchase more than he sells of this service, or labour, he 'is worse off than at home. But, the moment he begins to perform his part as an American, the balance will turn in his favour, and he will earn, in the plainest occupation, double his subsistence. I have this moment before me, two Germans, widowers, with three young children each, whose case is very appropriate. They are mere labourers, and cannot speak English, and are therefore, sufficiently destitute for the purpose of illustration. These two -men were hired at 45 Philadelphia, by a respectable man (with whom I have contracted an acquaintance, througli a common friend) and they are now together, master and men, on their way to his farm, near Croydon, in the state of Indiana. These men are engaged for two years, at eighty dollarsper annum each, with all necessa ries; viz., house, food, and cleathing, for them selves, and children. Thus, at the expiration of two years, they are possessed of thirty-six pounds sterling each, and their children growing up to be useful. With this they may pay the. first deposit on farms of eighty or a hundred acres, build themselves cabins, and become freeholders and citizens. Mechanics, or artisans of the most simple kind, earn half as much more, and those of superior talents rise rapidly to wealth. June 4. We have purchased horses for our party at fifty to sixty dollars, and are making preparations for proceeding through the state of Ohio, to Cincinnati. It is more usual for a party, or even for indi viduals, who have no business on land, to pass down the Ohio. " Arks," of which hundreds are on the river, are procured of a size suitable forthe number. They are long floating rooms, built on a flat bottom, with rough boards, and arranged within for sleeping and other accom modations. You hire boatmen and lay in pro- 46 \ :;ions, and, on your arrival at the destined porl^ sell your vessel as well as you can, possibly at half cost. On the whole, when the navigation is good, this is pleasant and cheap travelling. But we, putting health and information against ease and saving of expence, have unanimously given the preference to liorse-back. After a fortnight's confinement under the heats of the day, and the dews of the night, the habit, we think, must be ill prepared for the effects of the new climate and country ; but on our horses taking the journey easily, we shall become gra dually seasoned to it, and fortified by the health ful exercise of both mind and body. Pittsburg is a cheap market for horses, gene rally rather more so than we found it: travellers from the east, often quit their horses here, and take the river for New Orleans, &c. ; and on the contrary, those from the west proceed east ward from this place, in stages. Thus, there are constantly a number of useful hackneys on sale.' ( The mode; of selling is by auction. The auctioneer rides the animal through the streets, proclaiming with a loud voice, the biddings that are made as he passes along, and when they reach the desired point, or when nobody bids more, he closes the bargain. A complete equipment is, in the first place, a pacing horse, a blanket under the saddle, 47 another upon it, and a pair of saddle-bags, with great-coat and umbrella strapped behind. Women of advanced age, often take long journeys in this manner, without inconvenience; Yesterday I heard a lady mentioned familiarly (with no mark of admiration) who is coming from Tenessee, twelve hundred miles, to Pittsburg with an infant ; preferring horseback to boating up the river. Tracing a line like that we have traced from Cape Henry to Pittsburg, does not give a qualification to describe a country ; of this no man is more aware than myself. Yet the line truly marked, though no picture, may serve as a profile : and before 1 take my leave of Old America, as I am now about to do, and enter on the new regions of the west, I must strengthen it a little by a few general remarks. It is an observation familiar, I doubt not, to every attentive traveller, that the soils of coun tries lying at the feet of mountains, are formed of disintegrated materials, similar to those mountains, which may be traced pretty dis tinctly, unless where the surface has been dis turbed by rivers. The ridge, or rather series of ridges, which passes from north to south, covering a breadth of one hundred and fifty miles, more or less, of the space between the western rivers and the Atlantic, affords a grand 48 illustration of this fact, on the portion which we traversed. On ascending this elevated region from the CD O east in Maryland, I saw, or supposed I saw, in the quartz-rock and the mica-slate, the remains, of the great magazine, from whence had been derived the barren sands I had crossed, from the sea-coast to the commencement of the clayey district. And in the clay-slate of the moun tains could be very distinctly traced, in their various gradations of colour, from faint yellow to deep red, the several tracts of clay soil, which intervene between the sandy level of the sea- coast, and the high country bordering on the mountain. Similar evidences occur in the clays and micaceous sands, to the west of the ridge, in our descent to Pittsburg, where commences a country which has long been under the sway of the rivers, and has received from them a new character. June 5. Well mounted and well furnished with saddle-bags and blankets, we proceeded, nine in file, on our westward course to Wash ington. (Pennsylvania.) Seventeen miles of our ride, to Cannonsburg, was chiefly over clayey hills wonderfully adapted to grass, but too stiff for profitable cultivation under the plough, in the present circumstances of the country. The difficult roads will long 49 render this beautiful district toilsome to its inhabitants, unless they wisely convert it into a grazing country. From Cannonsburg to Washington, eight miles, is a very desirable tract, containing much excellent working, dry land, with fine meadows and streams. A valuable district;— full of coal and limestone. June 7. Washington is a pretty thriving town, of 2500 inhabitants. It has a college with about a hundred students. From the dirty condition of the schools, and the appear ance of loitering habits among the young men I should suspect it to be a coarsely conducted institution. It must, however, be an unfavour able period to judge of its character, as it has just undergone a contest about the change of presidents, and the session is only com mencing. There is also a considerable concourse of free negroes, a class of inhabitants peculiarly ill suited to a seat of education; Though this district is not without streams, they are irregular, frequently dry, and again overflowing. Recourse is therefore had to steam mills, of which here is a capital one at this place. A fine piece of machinery calcula ted, like the mills in general, in America, to perform the entire manufacture of flour, almost D 50 without the intervention of hands, between its reception in the form of wheat and its final deposit in barrels in the shape of flour. A por tion of machinery is also applied to wool- carding, fpr the family manufactures of the neighbourhood. As I am writing my journal, a respectable couple, well mounted and equipped, alight at our tavern: a farmer and his wife, from the neighbourhood of Cincinnati, going to visit their friends at New York and Philadelphia; a distance of seven hundred miles. As travellers in this sociable country are wont to do, we im mediately communicate our several plans and become mutually interested. He tells me of a newly instituted spciety at Cincinnati, called the Emigrant Society, designed to obtain correct information, and communicate it to the poorer order of emigrants; and to protect them- from imposition. June 8. We were detained at Washington by the indisposition of one of our party, and to-day proceeded only twenty-two miles to Ninian Beall's Tavern. We now_ consider ourselves, though east of the Ohio, to have made an inroad on the western territory : a delightful region; — healthy, fertile, romantic. ( Our host has a small and simple establish ment, which his civility renders truly comfort- 51 able. His little history may serve as an example of the natural growth of property in this young country. He is about thirty; has a wife and three fine healthy children: his father is a farmer; that is to say, a proprietor, living five miles distant. From him he received five hundred dollars, and " began the world," in true style of American enterprize, by taking a cargo of flour to New- Orleans, about two thousand miles, gaining a little more than his expences, and a stock of knowledge. Two years ago he had increased his property to nine hundred dollars; purchased this place ; a house, stable, &c. and two hundred and fifty acres of land (sixty-five of which are cleared and laid down to grass,) for three thousand five hundred dollars, of which he has already paid three thousand, and will pay fhe remaining five hundred next year; a healthy, comfortable little colony of quakers, of four years standing-. The soil is sandy, of mid dling quality, over limestone. No instance of ague, or bilious fever, has yet occurred inthis settlement. One of the friends informed me that he had carried his wife, who - was an invalid, to the sulphur springs in MacH- son county, by the advice of a physician. The creek there frequently overflowed, and the coun- , try being flat, a considerable breadth was in undated. When that dried up, an offensive vapour rose, which might be perceived to a considerable distance. They both grew sick, and were in great danger, but he ordered his waggon, and had his wife and himself laid in it, 79 and carried directly home to Leesburg: — they recovered immediately. These are important cases, and I have no doubt of their authenticity. Greenfield never knew the sickness : Leesburg never knew it ; but was even medicine forthe ills occasioned by another situation, near an unwholesome over flowing creek. Neither of these places stand high ; that is particularly so, but they are remote from floods ; and the soil lies over limestone, and is dry enough for the plough in half a day after heavy rain. The first settlers, needy people, and ignorant of the dangers they were incurring, found good land along the course of the rivers ; and there they naturally fixed their cabins ; near enough to the stream to dip out of it with a bowl, pro- . vided they could escape the flood. The foun ders of towns seem to, have generally chosen their situations on similar principles ; preferring convenience or profit to salubrity: and thus diseases, which, strictly speaking, are local, come to be considered universal-and unavoidable. June 22. As we approach the Little Miami river, the country becomes more broken, and much more fertile, and better settled. After crossing this rapid and clear stream we had a pleasant ride to Lebanon, which is not a mountain of cedars, but a valley, so beautiful 80 and fertile, that, it seemed on its first opening on our view, enriched as it was by the tints of evening, rather a region of fancy than a real backwood scene. Lebanon is itself, one of those wonders which are the natural growth of these backwoods. In fourteen years, from two or three cabins of half-savage hunters, it has grown to be the resi dence of a thousand persons, with habits, and looks no way differing from their brethren of the east. Before we entered the town, we heard the supper bells of the taverns, and arrived just in time to take our seats at the table, among just such a set as I should have expected to meet at the ordinary in Richmond ; — travel lers like ourselves, with a number of store keepers, lawyers, and doctors;-— men who board at the taverns, and make up a standing compa ny for the daily public table. This morning we made our escape from this busy scene, in defiance of the threatening rain. A crowded tavern in an American town, though managed as is that we have just quitted, with great attention and civility, is a place from which you are always willing to depart. After all, the wonder is, that so many comforts are provided fpr you, at so- early a period. Cincinnati, like most American towns, stands too low; it is built on the banks of the Ohio, 81 and the lower part is not out of the reach "of spring-floods. As if " life was not more than meat, and the body than raiment," every consideration of health and enjoyment yields to views of mer cantile convenience. Short-sighted and narrow economy! by which the lives of thousands are shortened, and the comfort of all sacrificed to .mistaken notions of private interest. Cincinnati is, however, a most thriving place, and backed as it is already by a great popula tion and a most fruitful country, bids fair to b one of the first cities of the west. We are told, and we cannot doubt the fact, that the chief of what we see is the work of four years. The hundreds of commodious, well-finished brick houses, the spacious and busy markets, , the substantial public buildings, the thousands of prosperous well-dressed, industrious inhabi tants ,* the numerous waggons and drays, the gay carriages and elegant females ; — the shoals of craft on the river, the busy stir prevailing every where ; houses building, boat building, paving and levelling streets; the numbers of country people, constantly coming and going; with the spacious taverns, crowded with travel lers from a distance. All this is so much more than I could compre hend, from a description of a new town, just S ' F 82 risen from the. woods, that I despair of convey ing an adequate idea of it to my English friends. It is enchantment, and Liberty is the fair enchantress. I was assured by a respectable gentleman, one of the first settlers, and now a man of wealth and influence, that he remembers when there was only one poor cabin where this noble town now stands. The county of Hamiliton is something under the regular dimensions of twenty miles square, and it already contains 30,000 inhabitants. Twenty years ago, the vast region comprising the states of Ohio and Indiana, and the territory of Illinois and Michi gan, only counted 30,000 inhabitants; the num ber that are now living, and living happily, in the little county of Hamilton, in which stands Cincinnati. Why do not the governments of Europe afford such an asylum, in their vast and gloomy forests, for their increasing myriads of paupers. This would be an object worthy a convention of sovereigns, if sovereigns were really the fathers of their people : but jealous as they are of emi gration to America, this simple and sure mode of preventing it will never occur to them. Land is rising rapidly in price, in all wellr settled neighbourhoods. Fifty dollars per acre for improved land, is spoken of familiarly: I 83 have been asked thirty for a large tract, without improvements, on the Great Miami, fifty miles from Cincinnati,' and similar prices in other quarters. An estate of a thousand acres, parti ally cleared, is spoken of, on the road to Louisville, at twenty dollars. Many offers OGCur, all at a very great advance of price. It now becomes a question, whether to fix in this comparatively populous state of Ohio, or join the vast tide of emigration, that is flowing farther west, where we may obtain lands of equal value, at the government price of two dollars per acre, and enjoy the advantage of choice of situation. Though I feel some temptation to linger here, where society is attaining a maturity truly astonishing, when we consider its early date, I cannot be satisfied without seeing that remoter country, before we fix in this; still enquiring and observing as we proceed. If we leave behind us eligible situations, it is like securing a retreat to which we may return with good prospects, if we think it advisable. The probability is that, in those more remote regions, the accumulation of settlers will shortly render land as valuable as it is here at present; and, in the interim, this accession of inhabitants will create a demand for the produce of the new country, equal to the supply. It is possible too., f2 84 that we may find otirselves in as gopd society there as here. Well-educated persons are not rare amongst the emigrants who are moving farther west; for the spirit of emigration has reached a class somewhat higher in the scale of society than formerly., Some too may be aiming at the same point with ourselves ; and others, if we prosper, will be likely to follow our example. We are also less reluctant at extending our views westward, on considering that the time is fast approaching, when the grand intercourse with Europe will not be, as at present, through eastern America, but through the great rivers which communicate by the Mississipi with the ocean, at New Orleans. In this view we approximate to Europe, as we proceed to the west. The upward navigation of these streams is al ready coming under the controul of steam , an invention which promises to be of incalculable importance to this new world. Such is the reasoning which impels us still forward ; and In a few days we propose setting out to explore the state of Indiana, and probably the Illinois. With so long a journey before us, we are not comfortable under the prospect of separation. Our plan had been to lodge our main party at Cincinnati, until we had fixed on our final abode : but this was before our prospects 85 had taken so wide a range. We now talk of Vincennes, as we did before of this place, and I trust we shall shortly be again under weigh. June 27. Cincinnati. — All is alive here as soon as the day breaks. The stores are open, the markets thronged, and business is in full career by five o'clock m the moning ; and nine o'clock is the common hour for retiring to rest. As yet I have felt nothing oppressive in the heat of this climate. Melting, oppressive, sultry nights, succeeding broiling days, and forbidding rest, which are said to wear out the frames of the languid inhabitants of the eastern cities, are unknown here. A cool breeze always renders the night refreshing, and generally moderates the heat of the day. June28. The numerous creeks in this country, which are apt to be swelled suddenly by heavy rains, render travelling perplexing, and even perilous to strangers, in a showery season like the present. On my way this morning from an excursion of about fifteen miles, to view an estate, a man who was mowing at some distance from the road, hailed me with the common, but to us quaint appellation of " stranger:" — I stopped to learn his wishes. " Are you going to ride the creek ?" " I know of no creek," said I ; " but I am going to Cincinnati." — "I guess it wilj 86 ' swim your horse.'' "How must I avoid it?" " Turn on your left, and go up to the mill, and you Will find a bridge." Now if this kind man had rested on his scythe, and detained the " stranger" a few minutes, to learn his country, his name, and the object of his journey, as he probably would, had he been nearer to the road; he would but have evinced another trait of the friendly character of these good Americans. In this land of plenty, young people first marry, and then look out for the means of a livelihood, without fear or cause for it. The ceremony of marriage is performed in a simple family way, in my opinion more delicate, and corresponding to the nature of the contract, than the glaring publicity adopted by some, or the secrecy, not so respectable, affected, by others. The near relations assemble at the house of the bride's parents. The minister or magis trate is in attendance, and when the candidates make their appearanee, he asks them severally the usual questions, and having called on the company to declare if there be any objections, he confirms the union by a short religious for mula ;— the bridegroom salutes the bride, and the ceremony is over. Tea and refreshments follow. Next day the bridegroom holds his levee, his numerous friends, and sympathy makes them numerous on these happy occasions, pour in to 87 offer their congratulations. Abundance of re freshments of the most substantial kind, are placed on side-tables, which are taken, not as a formal meal, but as they walk up and down the apartments, in cheerful conversation. This running-meal continues from noon till the close of the evening, the bride never making her appearance on the occasion ; an example of delicacy worthy the imitation of more refined societies. June 28. Cincinnati. The Merino mania seems to have prevailed in America to a degree ex ceeding its highest pitch in England.. In Ken tucky, where even the negroes would no more eat mutton than they would horse-flesh, there were great Merino breeders. There was and is, 1 believe, a sheep society here, to encourage the growth of fine wool, on land as rich as the deepest, fattest vallies of our island, and in a country still overwhelmed with timber of the heaviest growth. As strange and incomprehen sible an infatuation this, and as inconsistent with plain common sense, as the determined rejection of the fine-woolled race, by the English breeders of short-woolled sheep : but that there should ever have been a rage for sheep of any kind in any part of this country that I have seen, must be owing to general ignorance of the constitution and habits of this animal. 88 There is not a district, scarcely a spot that I have travelled over, where a flock of fine-woolled sheep could be kept with any prospect of advan tage, provided there were even a market for the carcase. Yet by the ragged remains of the Me rino family, which may be recognized iu many places, I perceive that the attempt has been very general. Mutton is almost as abhorrent to an American palate, or fancy, as the flesh of swine to an Israelite ; and the state of the manufac tures does not give great encouragement to the growth of wool of any kind ; — of Merino wool less," perhaps, than any other. Mutton is sold, in the markets of Philadelphia, at about half the price of beef; and the Kentuckian, who would have given a thousand dollars for a Merino ram, would dine upon dry bread, rather than taste his own mutton ! A few sheep on every farm, to supply coarse wool for domestic manufacture, seems to be all that ought at present to be at tempted, in any part of America that I have yet seen.' I have heard, that in the western part of Vir ginia, sheep are judiciously treated, and kept to advantage, and that there exists in that coun try no prejudice against the meat: also that the north-eastern states have good sheep pas tures, and a moderate dislike of mutton : to 89 these, of course, my remarks on sheep-husban dry, are not applicable. Deep woods are not the proper abodes of sheep. When America shall have cleared away her forests, and opened her uplands to the breezes, they will soon be covered with fine turf, and flocks will be seen ranging over them here, as in other parts of the world. Anticipation often retards improvement, by giving birth to preju dice. There are about two thousand people regu larly employed as boatmen on the Ohio, and they are proverbially ferocious and abandoned in their habits, though with many exceptions, as I have good grounds for believing. People who settle along the line of this grand navigation, gene rally possess or acquire similar habits ; and thus, profligacy of manners seems inseparable from the population on the banks of these great rivers. It is remarked, indeed, every where, that inland navigators are worse than sailors. This forms a material objection to a residence on the Ohio ; outweighing all the beauty and local advantages of such a situation. July 6. We are now at the town of Madison, on our way through the State of Indiana towards Vincennes. This place is on the banks of the Ohio, about seventy-five miles from Cincinnati. Our road has been mostly from three to six 90 miles from the river, passing over fertile hills, and alluvial bottoms. The whole is appropriated ; but although settletnents multiply daily, many large intervals remain between the clearings. Indiana is evidently newer than the state of Ohio ; and if I mistake not, the character of the settlers is different, and superior to that of the first settlers in Ohio, who were generally very indigent people : those who are now fixing themselves in Indiana, bring with them habits of comfort, and the means of procuring the con veniences of life : I observe this in the construc tion of their cabins, and the neatness surround ing them, and especially in their well-stocked gardens, so frequent here, and so rare in the state of Ohio, where their earlier and longer settlement would have afforded them better op portunities of making this great provision for domestic comfort. I have also had the pleasure of seeing many families of healthy children; and from my own continued observation, confirmed by the testi mony of every competent evidence that has fallen in my way, I repeat with still more con fidence, that the diseases so alarming to all emi grants, and which have been fatal to so many, are not attached to the climate, but to local situ ation. Repetitions will be excused on this im- 91 portant subject. Hills on a dry soil are healthy, after some progress has been made in clearing ; for deep and close woods are not salubrious either to new comers or old settlers. The neighbourhood of overflowing streams, and all wet, marshy soils, are productive of agues and bilious fevers in the autumn. Such is the influx of strangers into this state, that the industry of the settlers is severely taxed to provide food for themselves, and a superfluity for new comers: and thus it is probable there will be a market for all the spare produce ; for a series of years, owing to the accession of strangers, as well as the rapid internal growth of population. This is a favourable condition of a new colony, which has not been calculated on by those, who take a distinct view of the subject. This year Kentucky has sent a supply in aid of this hungry infant state. July 7. I have good authority for contradic ting a supposition that I have met with in England, respecting the inhabitants of Indiania; — that they are lawless, semi-barbarous vaga bonds, dangerous to live among. On the con trary, the laws are respected, and are effectual ; and the manners of the people are kind and gentle, to each other, and to strangers. An unsettled country, lying contiguous to one that is settled, is always a place of retreat 92 for rude and even abandoned characters, who find the regulations of society intolerable ; and such, no doubt, had taken up their unfixed abode in Indiana. These people retire, with the wolves, from the regular colonists, keeping always to the outside of civilized settlements. They rely fortheir subsistence on their rifle, and a scanty cultivation of corn, and live in great poverty and privation, a degree only short of the savage state of Indians. Of the present settlers, as I have passed along, from house to house, I could not avoid receiving a most favourable impression. I would willingly remain among them, but pre occupation sends us still forward in the steps of the roaming hunters I have just described, some of whom we shall probably dislodge, when we make our settlement, which, like theirs, will probably be in the confines of society. As to the inhabitants of towns, the Ameri cans are much alike, as far as we have had an opportunity of judging. We look, in vain, for any striking difference in the general deport ment and appearance of the great bulk of Ame ricans, from Norfolk on the eastern coast, to the town of Madison in Indiana. The same good- looking, well-dressed (not what we call gentle manly) men appear every where. Nine out of ten, native Americans, are tall and long-limbed, 93 approaching, or even exceeding six feet; in pantaloons and Wellington boots, either march ing up and down with their hands in their pockets, or seated on chairs poised on the hind- feet, and the backs rested against the walls. If a hundred Americans of any class were to seat themselves, ninety-nine would shuffle their chairs to the true distance, and then throw themselves back against the nearest prop. The women exhibit a great similarity of tall relaxed forms, with consistent dress and demeanour; and are not remarkable for sprightliness of manners. Intellectual culture has not yet made much progress among the generality of either sex where I have travelled ; but the men have greatly the advantage in the means of acquiring information, from their habits of travelling, and intercourse with strangers : — sources of im provement from which the other sex is unhap pily too much secluded. Lexington. This town is only three years old. Madison dates its origin two years farther back. Yet, much as has been done during this short period, and much as there remains to do, we see in every village and town, as we pass . along, groups of young able-bodied men, who seem to be as perfectly at leisure as the loungers of ancient Europe. This love of idleness where labour is so profitable and effective, is a strange 94 affection. I have no notion of life as a pleasur able thing, except where connected with action. Rest is certainly a delightful sensation, but it implies previous labour : there is^no rest for the indolent, any more than for the wicked : " They. yawn and stretch, but find no rest." — I suspect, that indolence is the epidemic evil of the Ame-r ricans. If you enquire of hale young fellows, why they remain in this listless state — " We live in freedom," they say, " we need not work like the English." Thus they consider it their privilege to do nothing. But the trees of the forest are still more highly privileged in this sort of passive existence ; this living to do nothing ; for they are fed and exercised without any toil at all; the trees, " sua si bona norint," did they but know their bliss, might be objects of envy to many a tall young American. July 12. Hawkins's Tavern, sixteen miles east of Vincennes. On traversing the state of Indiana to this place, I retain the same idea as to the character of the settlers that struck me on our entrance. They are an order of colonists somewhat higher than the first settlers of their sister state. There remains, however, a con siderable number of backwoods' men, somewhat savage in character, and who look on new comers as intruders. The accommodation for travellers will soon be greatly superior to those in the 95 * Ohio state, as are those of the Ohio to the taverns of Pennsylvania, west of the mountains. The country, from the town of Madison, to the Camp Tavern, is not interesting, and great part of it is but of medium quality. At the latter place commences a broken country, ap proaching to mountainous, which, if well watered, would form a fine grazing district; but the little streams are now dried up, notwith standing the late copious rains. This beautiful country continues as far as Sholt's Tavern, on White River, thirty-six miles east of Vincennes. Most of this hilly district is unentered, and re mains open to the public at two dollars per acre. Our rear party, consisting of one of the ladies, a servant boy, and myself, were benighted, in consequence of accidental detention, at the foot of one of these rugged hills ; and, without being well provided, were compelled to make our first experiment of" camping out.". A traveller in the woods should always carry flint, steel, tinder, and matches, — a few biscuits, a half-pint phial of spirits, and a tin cup — a large knife or tomahawk; then with his two blankets, and his great coat, and umbrella, he need not be uneasy, should any unforeseen delay require his sleeping under a tree. Our party having separated, the important articles of tinder and matches were in the bag- 96 gage of the division which had proceeded, and as the night was rainy and excessively dark, we were for some time under some anxiety least we should have been deprived of the comfort and security of a fire. Fortunately, my powder- flask was in my saddle-bags, and we succeeded in supplying the place of tinder, by moistening a piece of paper, and rubbing it with gun powder. We placed our touch-paper on an old cambric handkerchief, as the most readily combustible article jn our stores. On this we scattered gunpowder pretty copiously, and our flint and steel soon enabled us to raise a flame, and collecting dry wood, we made a noble fire. There was a mattrass for the lady, a bear skin for myself, and the load of the packhorse as a pallet for the boy. Thus, by means of great coats, and blankets, and our umbrellas spread over our heads, we made our quarters comfortable, and placing ourselves to the lee ward of the fire, with our feet towards it, we lay more at ease than in the generality of taverns. Our horses fared rather worse, but we took care to tie them where they could browse a little, and occasionally shifted their quarters. We had a few biscuits, a small bottle of spirits, and a" phial of oil: with the latter we contrived, by twisting some twine very hard, and dipping it in the oil, to make torches ; and after several 97 fruitless attempts we succeeded in finding water; we also collected plenty of dry wpod. "Camp ing out" when the tents are pitched by day light, and the party is ready furnished with the articles which we were obliged to supply by expedients, is quite pleasant, in fine weather: my companion was exceedingly ill, which was in fact, fhe cause of our being benighted; and never was the night's charge of a sick friend undertaken with more dismal forebodings, especially during our ineffectual efforts to obtain fire, the first blaze of which was unspeakably delightful : after this, the rain ceased, and the invalid passed the night in safety; so that the morning found us more comfortable than we could have anticipated. It has struck me as we have passed along from one poor hut to another among the rude in-. habitants of this infant state, that travellers in general, who judge by comparison, are not qualified to form a fair estimate of these lonely settlers. Let a stranger make his way through England, in a course remote from the great roads, and going to no inns, take such enter tainment only as he might find in the cottages of labourers, he would have as much cause to complain of tlie rudeness of the people, and-far more of their drunkenness and profligacy than in these back woods, although in England the G ' 98 poor are a part of a society where institutions are matured by the experience of two thousand years. The bulk of the inhabitants of this vast wilder ness may be fairly considered as of the class of the lowest English peasantry, or just emerging from it : but in their manners and morals, and espe cially in their knowledge and proud indepen dence of mind, they exhibit a contrast so stri king, that he must indeed be a petit maitre traveller, or ill-informed of the character and circumstances of his poor countrymen, or de ficient in good and manly sentiment, who would not rejoice to transplant, into these boundless regions of freedom, the millions whom he has ^ left behind him, grovelling in ignorance and want. Vincennes, July 13. The town is. scattered over a plain, lying some feet lower than the banks of the Wabash : — a situation seemingly unfavourable to health; and in fact, agues and bilious fevers are frequent in the autumn. The road from Sholt's Tavern to this place, thirty-six miles, is partly across " barrens," that is, land of middling quality, thinly set with timber, or covered with long grass and shrubby underwood; generally level and dry, and gaudy with marigolds, sunflowers, martagon lilies, and many other brilliant flowers; small " prairies," wliich are grass lands, ^free from underwood, 99 and generally somewhat marshy; and rich bottom land: on the whole, "the country is tame, poorly watered, and not desirable as a place of settlement: but it is pleasant to travel over from its varied character. Vincennes exhibits a motley assemblage of in habitants as well as visitors. The inhabitants are Americans, French, Canadians, Negroes ; the visitors, among whom our party is conspicu ous as English, (who are seldom seen in these parts,) Americans from various states, and Indians of various nations, — Shawnees, Dela wares, and Miamies, who live about a hundred miles fo the northward, and who are come here to trade for skins. The Indians are encamped in considerable numbers round the town, and are continually riding in, to the stores and the whiskey shops. Their horses and accoutrements are generally mean, and their persons disagree able. Their faces are painted in various ways, which mostly gives a ferocity to their aspects. One of them, a Shawnee, whom we met a few miles east of Vincennes, had his eyes, or rather his eyelids, and surrounding parts, daubed with Vermillion, looking hideous enough at a dis tance, but on a nearer view, he has good fea tures, and is a fine, stout, fierce looking man, well remembered at Vincennes for the trouble he gave during the late war. This man ex- g2 100 hibits a respectable beard; enough for a Ger manized British officer of dragoons. Some of them are well dressed and good-looking people : one young man in particular, of the Miami nation, had a clear light blue cotton vest with sleeves, and his head ornamented with black feathers. They all wear pantaloons, or rather long mocassins of buckskin;, covering the foot and legand reaching half way up the thigh which is bare : a covering of cloth, passing between the thighs and hanging behind, like an apron , of a foot square. Their complexion is various, some dark, others not so swarthy as myself ; but I saw none of the copper colour which I had imagined to be their universal distinctive mark. They are addicted to spirits and often intox icated, but even then generally civil and good humoured. The Indians are said to be partial to the French traders ; thinking them fairer than the English or Americans. They use much action in their discourse, and laugh immode rately. Their hair is straight and black, and their eyes dark., The women arej many ©f them,, de cently dressed and good-looking; they ride sometimes like the men, but side-saddles are not uncommon among them. Few of them of either sex speak English ; but many of the people here speak a variety of the Indian lan guages. 101 In the interior of the Illinois, the Indians are said sometimes to be troublesome, by giving abusive language to travellers, and stealing their horses when they encamp in the woods; but they never commit personal outrage. — Watchful dogs anda rifle, are the best security: but I believe we shall have no reason to fear interruption in the quarter to which we are going. At this remote place we find ourselves in a comfortable tavern and surrounded by genteel and agreeable people. Our company at supper was about thirty. The health of our party has been a source of some anxiety, increasing as the summer ad vances : as yet we have entirely escaped the diseases to which the country or climate, or both, are said to be liable; but our approach to the Wabash has not been without some painful forebodings. We have remarked, en passant, that people generally speak favourably of their own country, and exaggerate every objection or evil, when speaking of those to which we are going : thus it may be that the accounts we have received of the unhealthiness of this river and its vicinity, have been too deeply coloured. We are ac cordingly greatly relieved by the information we have received here on this subject. The 102 Wabash has not overflowed its banks this sum mer, and no apprehensions are now entertained, as to the sickly season of August and Sep tember. ,'¦ July 18. Princeton. — We, in Great Britain, are so circumscribed in our movements that miles with us seem equal to tens in America. I believe that travellers here, will start on an ex pedition of three thousand miles by boats, on horseback or on foot, with as little deliberation or anxiety, as we should set out on a journey of three hundred. Five hundred persons every summer pass down the Ohio from Cincinnati to New Orleans, as traders or boatmen, and return on foot. By water, the distance is seventeen hundred miles, and the walk back a thousand. Many go down to New Orleans from Pittsburg, which adds five hundred miles to the distance by water, and three hundred by land. The store-keepers, (country shopkeepers we should call them) of these western towns, visit the eastern ports of Baltimore, New York and Philadelphia, once a year, to lay in their stock of goods: an evidence it might seem of want of confidence in the mer chants of those places; but the great variety of articles, and the risk attending their carriage to so great a distance, by land and water, render it necessary that the store-keepers 103 should attend both to their purchase and conveyance. I think the time is at hand when these peri odical transmontane journeys are to give place to expeditions down the Ohio and Mississippi to New Orleans. The vast and increasing produce of these states, in grain, flour, cotton, sugar, tobacco, peltry, timber, &o. &c. which finds a ready vent at New Orleans, will be re turned, through the same channel in the manu factures of Europe and the luxuries of the east, to supply the growing demands of this western world. How rapidly this demand actually in creases, it is utterly impossible to estimate ; but some idea of it may be formed from a gene ral view of the cause and manners of its growth. In round numbers there are probably half a million of inhabitants in Ohio, Indiana and Illi nois. Immigration (if I may be allowed to borrow a new but good word,) and births, will probably double this number in about six years; and in the mean time, the prosperous circumstances of almost every family, are daily creating new wants, and awakening fresh ne cessities.. On any spot where a few settlers cluster to^ gether, attracted by ancient neighbourhood, or by the goodness of the soil, or vicinity to a mill, or by whatever cause, some enterprising pror 104 prietor finds in his section what he deems a good scite for a town : he has it surveyed and laid out in lots, wliich he sells, or offers for sale by auction. The new town then assumes the name of its founder : — a store-keeper builds a little framed store, and sends for a few cases of goods ; and then a tavern starts up, which becomes the re sidence of a doctor and a lawyer, and the board ing-house of the store-keeper, as well as the resort of the weary traveller : soon follow a blacksmith and other handicraftsmen in useful succession : a schoolmaster, who is also the minister of religion, becomes an important ac cession to this rising community. Thus the town proceeds, if it proceeds at all, with accu mulating force, until it becomes the metropolis of the neighbourhood. Hundreds of these specu lations may have failed, but hundreds prosper ; and thus trade begins and thrives, as population grows around these lucky spots ; imports and exports maintaining their just proportion. One year ago the neighbourhood of this very town of Princeton, was clad in " buckskin;" now the men appear at church in good blue cloth, and the women in fine calicoes and straw bonnets. The town being fairly established, a cluster of inhabitants, small as it may be, acts as a sti mulus on the cultivation of the neighbourhood : 105 redundancy of supply is the consequence,' and this demands a vent. Water mills, or in de fect of water power, steam mills rise on the nearest navigable stream, and thus an effectual and constant market is secured for the increas ing surplus of produce. Such are the elements of that accumulating mass of commerce, in ex ports, and consequent imports, which will ren der the Mississippi the greatest thoroughfare in the world. At Vincennes, the foundation is just laid of a large establishment of mills to be worked by steam. Water mills of great power are now building on the Wabash, near Harmony, and undertakings of a similar kind will be called for and executed all along this river, which, with its tributary rivers, seVeral of which are also navigable, from the east and the west, is the outlet of a very rich and thickly settling country, comprising the prime of Indiana, and a valuable portion of the Illinois, over the space of about one hundred thousand square miles, There is nothing in Vincennes, on its first ap pearance to make a favourable impression on a stranger ; but it improves on acquaintance, for it contains agreeable people: and there is a spirit of cleanliness, and even neatness in their houses and manner of living : there is also a strain of politeness, which marks the origin of 106 this settlement in a way which is very flattering to the French. It is a phenomenon in national character which I cannot explain ; but the fact will not be disputed, that the urbanity of manners which distinguishes that nation from all others, is never entirely lost ; but that French politeness remains until every trace of French origin is obliterated. A Canadian Frenchman who, after having spent twenty years of his prime among the Indians, settles in the back woods of the United States, still retains a strong impression of French good breeding. Is it by this attractive qualification that the French have obtained such sway among the Indians 1 I think it may be attributed with as" much probability to their conciliating manner, as to superior integrity ; though the latter has been the cause generally assigned. This tenaciousness of natjonal character, under all changes of climate and circumstances, of which the French afford many remarkable in stances, is the more curious, as it is not univer sal among nations, though the Germans afford, I am told, examples equally strong. This country gives favourable opportunities for ob servation on this interesting subject. What is it that distinguishes an Englishman from other men 1 or is there any mark of national 107 character, which neither time, climate, nor circumstance can obliterate? An anglo-Ame- rican is not English, but a German is a German, and a Frenchman French, to the fourth, perhaps to the tenth generation. The Americans have no central focus of fa shion, or local standard of politeness ; therefore remoteness can never be held as an apology for sordid dress or coarse demeanour. They are strangers to rural simplicity: the embarrassed air of an awkward rustic/ so frequent in Eng land, is rarely seen in the United States. This, no doubt, is the effect of political equality, the consciousness of which accompanies all their intercourse, and may be supposed to operate most powerfully on the manners of the lowest class. For high and low there are, and will be, even here, and in every society, from causes moral and physical, which no political regular tions can or ought to controul. In- viewing the Americans, and sketching, in a rude manner, as I pass along, their striking characteristics, I have seen a deformity so ge neral that I cannot help esteeming it .national;, though I know it admits of very many individual exceptions. I have written it and then erased it, wishing to pass it by : but it wont do : — it is the truth, and to the truth I must adhere. Cleanliness in houses, and too often in person, 108 is neglected to a degree which is very revolting to an Englishman. America was bred in a cabin : this is not a reproach ; for the origin is most honourable : but as she -has exchanged her hovel of unhewn logs for a framed building, and that again for a mansion of brick, some of her cabin habits have been unconsciously retained. . Many have already been quitted ; and, one by one, they will all be cleared away, as I am told they are now in the cities of the eastern states. There are, I believe, court-houses, which are also made use of as places pf worship, in which filth of all kinds has been accumulating ever since they were Jauilt. What reverence can be felt for the majesty of religion, or of the laws, in such sties of abomination? The people who are content to assemble in them can scarcely respect each other. — Here is a bad public ex ample. It is said, that to clean these places is the office of no one. — But why is no person appointed? Might it not be inferred that a disregard to the decencies of life prevails through such a community? July 19. We are at Princeton, in a log tavern, where neatness is as well observed as at many taverns in the city of Bath, or any city. The town will soon be three years old ; the people belong to old America in dress and 109 manners, and would not disgrace old England in the general decorum of their deportment. But I lament here, as every where, the small account that is had of time. Subsistence is secured so easily, and liberal pursuits being yet too rare to operate as a general stimulus to exertion, life is whiled away in a painful state of yawning lassitude. July 20. The object of our pursuit, like the visions of fancy, has hitherto seemed to recede from our approach: we are, however, at length, arrived at the point where reality is likely to reward our labours. Twenty or thirty miles west of this place, in the Illinois territory, is a large country where settlements are just now beginning; and where there is abundant choice of unentered lands of a description which will satisfy our wishes, if the statements of travellers and surveyors can be relied on, after great abatements. This is a critical season of the year and we feel some anxiety for the health of our party, consisting of ten individuals. July and the two succeeding months, are trying to the constitu tions of new-comers, and this danger must be incurred by us; we hope, however, under cir cumstances of great mitigation. In the first place, the country is at present, free from sick ness, and the floods were too early in the spring, 110 to occasion any apprehensions of an unhealthy autumn to the inhabitants. In the next place, we have an opportunity of choice of situation for our temporary sojourn. Unfortunately, this opportunity of choice is limited by the scarcity of houses, and the indifference evinced by settlers to the important object of health, in the fixing their own habitations. The vicinity of rivers from the advantages of navigation and machi nery, as well as the fertility of soil having generally suspended a proper solicitude about health. Prince Town affords a situation for a tempo rary abode, more encouraging than any place we have before visited in this neighbourhood : it stands on an elevated spot, in an uneven or rolling country, ten miles from the Wabash, and two from the navigable stream of the Patok : but the country is very rich, and the timber vast in bulk and height, so that though healthy at present, to its inhabitants, they can hardly encourage us with the hope of escaping the sea soning to which they say all new comers are subject. There is a very convenient house to be let for nine months, for which we are in treaty. This will accommodate us until our own be prepared for our reception in the spring, and may be rented, with a garden well stocked for about £20. 1 think we shall engage it, and, m should a sickly season come on, recede for a time into the high country, about a hundred miles back, returning here to winter, when the' danger is past. As to travelling in the backwoods of Ame rica, I think there is none so agreeable, after, you have used yourself to repose in^your own pallet, either on the floor of a cabin, or under the canopy of the woods, with an umbrella over your head, and a noble fire at your feet : you will then escape the only serious nuisance of American travelling — viz. hot rooms and swarm ing beds, exceeding, instead of repairing, the fatigues of the day. Some difficulties occur from ferries, awkward fords, and rude bridges, with occasional swamps; but such is the sa gacity and sure-footedness of the horses, that accidents happen very rarely. July 21. This is an efficient government. It- seems that some irregularities exist, or are sus pected in the proceedings of certain of the offices which are established for the sale of public lands. Whilst we were at Vincennes, a confidential individual from the federal city made his appearance at the land office there, with authority to inspect and examine on the spot. Last night the same gentleman lodged 'here, on his way to the land office at Shawnee Town, at which we propose to make our en- 112 tries, where he is equally unexpected as he had been at Vincennes, and where his visit is somewhat mal-a-propos as to our convenience. One of the efficient officers, the register, had been left by us sick, about seventy miles from Cincinnati, and the other, the receiver, passed this place for Vincennes yesterday, and fixed to return on Sunday, in order to proceed with me through the woods, on Monday, on an exploring expedition to the Illinois. The republican delegate informed me immediately on his arri val, that he had left an absolute injunction for the instant return of the receiver to his office, expressing regret at deranging my plans, at the same time making ample amends by his own arrangement for my accommodation. The effect produced at Vincennes under my observation, and the decided manner of this gentleman, convince me that this mode of treatment is fully as effectual as that by "motion for the production of papers and committees for their examination," by which deliberate pro cedure the inconvenience of surprize is politely obviated. July 23. The small-pox is likely to be ex cluded from this state, vaccination being very generally adopted, and inoculation for the small-pox prohibited altogether, — not by law, but by common consent. If it should be known 113 that an individual had undergone the operation, the inhabitants would compel him to withdraw entirely from society. — If he lived in a town, he must absent himself, or he would be driven off. Mental derangement is nearly unknown in these new countries. There is no instance of insanity at present in this state, which probably, now contains 100,000 inhabitants. A middle- aged man, of liberal attainments and obser- vation, who has )ived much of his life in Ken tucky, and has travelled a good deal over the western country, remarked, as an incident of extraordinary occurrence, that he once knew a lady afflicted with this malady. The simple maxim, that a man has a right to do any thing but injure his neighbour, is very broadly adopted into the practical as well as political code of this country. A good citizen is the common designation of respect, when a man speaks of his neighbour as a virtuous man — " he is a very good citizen." Drunkenness is rare, and quarrelling rare in proportion. Personal resistance to personal ag gression, or designed affront, holds a high place in the class of duties with the citizens of Indiana. It seems that the Baptists, (who are the pre vailing sect in this country,) by their religious tenets, would restrain this summary mode of redressing injuries among the brethren of their H 114 church : a respectable but knotty member ot that community was lately arraigned before their spiritual tribunal for supporting heterodox opinions on this subject. After hearing the argu ments derived from the texts of scripture, which favour the doctrine of non-resistance, he rose, and with energy of action suited to his words, declared that he should not wish to live longer than he had the right to knock down the man who told him he lied. July 24 Regretting, as I must, my perpetual separation from many with whom I was in habits of agreeable intercourse in old England, I am much at my ease on the score of society. We shall possess this one thing needful, which it was supposed the wilderness could not sup ply, in the families of our own establishment, and a circle of citizen neighbours, such as this little town, affords already. There prevails so much good sense and useful knowledge, joined to a genuine warmth of friendly feeling, a dis position to promote the happiness of each other, that the man who is lonely among them is not formed for society. Such are the citizens of these new states, and my unaffected and well consi dered wish is to spend among them the remain* derofmydays. The social compact here is not the confe deracy of a few to reduce the many into subjec- 115 tion ;' but is indeed, and in truth among these simple republicans, a combination of talents, moral and physical, by which the good of all is promoted in perfect accordance with individual interest. It is, in fact, a better, because a more simple state than was ever pourtrayed by an Utopian theorist. But the people, like their fellow men, have their irregular and rude passions, and their gross propensities and follies; suited to their condi tion, as weeds to a particular soil : so that this, after all, is the real world, and no poetical Arcadia. One agreeable fact, characteristic of these young associations, presses more and more upon my attention : — there is a great amount of social feeling, much real society in new coun tries, compared with the number of inhabitants. Their importance to each other on many in teresting occasions creates kind sentiments. They have fellow-feeling in hope and fear, in difficulty and success, and they make ten-fold more of each other than the crowded inhabitants of populous countries. July 25. Harmony. Yesterday we explored the country from this place to the Ohio, about eighteen miles, and returned to-day by a differ-* ent route. There is a great breadth of valuable land vacant; not the extremely rich river-bottom h2 116 land, but close, cool sand of excellent quality- It is, however, not so well watered, nor so much varied in surface as is desirable ; and we are so taken, with the prairies we have seen, and with the accounts we have heard of those before us in the Illinois, that no "timbered" land can satisfy our present views. We lodged last night in a cabin at a very new town, called Mount Vernon, on the banks of the Ohio. Here we found the people of a cast confirming my aversion to a settlement in the immediate vicinity' of a large navigable river. Every hamlet is demoralized, and every planta tion is liable to outrage, within a short distance of such a thoroughfare. Yet, the view of that noble expanse was like the opening of bright day upon the gloom of night, to us who had been so long buried in deep forests. It is a feeling of confinement, which begins to damp the spirits, from this complete exclusion of distant objects. To travel day after day, among trees of a hundred feet high, without a glimpse of the surrounding country, is oppres sive to a degree which those cannot conceive who have not experienced it ; and it must depress the spirits of the solitary settler to pass years in this state. His visible horizon extends no farther than the tops of the trees which bound his plan tation — perhaps, five hundred yards. Upwards 117 3i« sees the sun and sky, and stars, but around him an eternal forest, from which he can never hope to' emerge : — not so in a thickly settled district ; he cannot there enjoy any freedom of prospect^ yet there is variety, and some scope for the im prisoned vision. In a hilly country a little more range of view may occasionally be obtained; and . a river is a stream of light as well as of water, which feasts the eye with a delight inconcei vable to the inhabitants of open countries. Under these impressions a prairie country increases in attraction ; and to-morrow we shall commence a round in the Illinois, which we hope will enable us to take some steps towards our final establishment. July 26. Left Harmony after breakfast, and ¦crossing the Wabash at the ferry, three miles below, we proceeded to the Big-Prairie, where, to our astonishment, we beheld a fertile plain of grass and arable, and some thousand acres covered with corn, more luxuriant than any we had before seen. The scene reminded us of some open, well cultivated vale in Europe* surrounded by wooded uplands ; and forgetting that we were, in fact, on the very frontiers^ beyond which fe v settlers had penetrated, we were transported in idea to the fully peopled regions we had left so far behind us. On our arrival at Mr. Williams' habitation, 118 the illusion vanished : though the owner of an estate in this prairie, on which at this time are nearly three hundred acres of beautiful corn in one field, he lives in a way, apparently, as remote from comfort, as the settler of one year, who thinks only of the means of supporting ex istence. We had also. an opportunity of seeing the youth of the neighbourhood, as the muster of the militia took place this day at his house. The company amounts to about thirty, of whom about twenty attended with their rifles. In per forming the exercise, which was confined to the handling their arms, they were little adroit ; but in the use of them against an invading foe, woe tp their antagonists ! ; The soil of the Big-Prairie, which is of no great extent, notwithstanding its name, is a rich cool sand ; that is to say, one of the most desirable description. It extends about five miles by four, bounded by an irregular outline of lofty timber, like a lake of verdure, most cheering to our eyes, just emerging from the dark woods pf Indiana : this prairie is somewhat marshy, and there is much swampy ground between it and the Wabash, which is distant seven miles : the settlers have, in consequence, suffered from ague and other bilious complaints, but they are now much more healthy than they were on the 119 first settlement. Cultivation seems to alter the character of the soil: where the plough goes it is no longer a marsh, but dry sandy arable- About thirty miles to the north of this, which,. was among the earliest prairie settlements of the district (having been done four or five years) there are prairies of higher aspect, and uneven surface, to which onr attention is directed, we found a few settlers round one of these, who are now watching their first crop. These people are healthy, and the females and children better complexioned than their neighbours of the timbered country. It is evi dent that they breathe better air : but they are in a low state of civilization, about half-Indian in their mode of life : they also seem to have less cordiality towards a " land hunter," as they with some expression of contempt, call the stranger who explores their country in quest of a home. Their habits of life do not accord with those of a thickly settled neighbourhood : they are hunters by profession, and they would have the whole range of the forests for themselves and their cattle. — Thus strangers appear among them as invaders of their privileges ; as they have intruded on the better founded, exclusive privileges of their Indian predecessors. But there are agreeable exceptions to the 120 coarse part of this general character. I have. met with pleasant intelligent people who were a perfect contrast to their semi-Indian neigh bours ; cleanly, industrious, and orderly; whilst ignorance, indolence, and disorder, with a total disregard of cleanliness in their houses and persons are too characteristic of the hunter tribe. August 1. Dagiey's, twenty miles north of Shawnee Town. After viewing several beauti ful prairies, so beautiful with their surrounding woods as to seem like, the creation of fancy, gar dens of delight in a dreary wilderness ; and after losing our horses and Spending two days Jn recovering them, we took a hunter as our guide, and proceeded across the Little Wa bash, to explore the country between that river and the Skillet-fork. Since we left the Fox settlement, about fifteen miles north of the Big Prairie, cultivation has been very scanty, many miles intervening be tween the little " clearings." This may there fore be truly called, a new country. These lonely settlers are poorly off ; — their bread corn must be ground thirty miles off, re quiring three days to carry to the mill, and bring back, the small horse-load of three bushels; Articles of family manufacture are very scanty, and what they purchase is of the meanest qua lity and excessively dear : yet they are friendly 121 and willing to share their simple fare with you. It is surprising how comfortable they seem, wanting every thing. To struggle with priva tions has now become the habit of their lives, most of them having made several successive plunges into the wilderness : and they begin al ready to talk of selling their " improvements," and getting farther " back," on finding that emigrants of another description are thickening about them. Our journey across the Little Wabash was a complete departure from all mark of civilization. We saw no bears, as they are now buried in the thickets, and seldom appear by day ; but, at every few yards, we saw recent marks of their doings, " wallowing" in the long grass, or turning over the decayed logs in quest of .beetles or worms, in which work the strength of this animal is equal to that of four men. Wan dering without track, where even the sagacity of our hunter-guide had nearly failed us, we at length arrived at the cabin of another hunter, where we lodged. This man and his family are remarkable in stances of the effect on the complexion, pro duced by the perpetual incarceration of a tho rough woodland life. Incarceration may seem to be a term less applicable to the condition of a roving back-woodsman than to any other, and 122 especially unsuitable to the habits of this indi vidual and his family ; for the cabin in which he entertained us, is the third dwelling he has built within the last twelve months ; and a very slender motive would place him in a fourth be fore the ensuing winter. In his general habits, the hunter ranges as freely as the beasts he pur sues : labouring under no restraint, his activity is only bounded by his own physical powers : still he is incarcerated* — " Shut from the com mon air." Buried in the depth of a boundless forest, the breeze of health never reaches these poor wanderers ; the bright prospect of distant hills fading away into the semblance of clouds,. never cheered their sight : they are tall and pale, like vegetables that grow in a vault, pining for light, The man, his pregnant wife, his eldest son, a tall half-naked youth, just initiated in the hunters' arts, his three daughters, growing up into great rude girls, 'and a squalling tribe of dirty brats of both sexes, are of one pale yel low, without the slightest tint of healthful bloom. In passing through a vast expanse of the backwoods, I have been so much struck with this effect, that I fancy I could determine the colour of the inhabitants, if I was apprised of the depth of their immersion ; and, vice versa, Icould judge of the extent of the "clearing' if 123 I saw the people. The blood, I fancy, is not supplied with its proper dose of oxygen from their gloomy atmosphere, crowded with vege tables growing almost in the dark, or decom posing ; and, in either case, abstracting from the air this vital principle. Our stock of provisions being nearly exhausted, we were anxious to provide ourselves with a supper by means of our guns ; but we could meet with neither deer nor turkey ; however, in our utmost need, we shot three racoons, an old one to be roasted for our dogs, and the two young ones to be stewed up daintily for our selves. We soon lighted a fire, and cooked the old racoon for the dogs ; but, famished as they were, they would not touch it, and their squeam- ishness so far abated our relish for the promised stew, that we did not press our complaining landlady to prepare it : and thus our sUpper consisted of the residue of our " corn" bread, and no. racoon. However, we laid our bear skins on the filthy earth, (floor there was none,) which they assured us was " too damp for fleas," and wrapped in our blankets, slept soundly enough ; though the collops of venison, hanging in comely rows in the smoky fire-place, and even the shoulders, put by for the dogs, and which were suspended over our heads, would have been an acceptable prelude to our night's rest, 124 had we been invited to partake of them ; but our hunter and our host were too deeply en gaged in conversation to think of supper. In the morning the latter kindly invited us to cook some of the collops, which we did by toasting them on a stick ; and he also divided some shoulders among the dogs : — so we all fared sumptuously. The cabin, which may serve as a specimen of these rudiments of houses, was formed of round logs, with apertures of three or four inches be tween : no chimney, but large intervals be tween the " clapboards," for the escape of the smoke. The roof was however, a more effectual covering than we have generally experienced, as it protected us very tolerably from a drenching night. Two bedsteads of unhewn logs, and cleft boards laid across ; — two chairs, one of them without a bottom, and a low stool, were all the furniture required by this numerous family. A string of buffalo hide stretched across the hovel, was a wardrobe for their rags ; and their utensils, consisting of a large iron pot, some baskets, the effective rifle and two that were su perannuated, stood about in corners, and the fiddle, which was only silent when we were asleep, hung by them. Our racoons, though lost to us and our hun gry dogs, furnished a new set of strings for this 125 favourite instrument. Early in the morning the youth had made good progress in their prepar ation, as they were cleaned and stretched on a tree to dry. Many were the tales of dangerous adventures. in their hunting expeditions, which kept us from our pallets till a late hour; and the gloomy morning allowed our hunters to resume their discourse, which no doubt would have been pro tracted to the evening, had not our impatience to depart caused us to interrupt it, which we effected, with some difficulty, by eleven in the forenoon. These hunters are as persevering as savages, and as indolent. They cultivate indolence as a privilege : — " You English are very industrious, but we have freedom." And thus they exist in yawningindifference, surrounded with nuisances, and petty wants, the first to be removed, and the latter supplied by a tenth of the time loitered away in their innumerable idle days. Indolence, under various modifications, seems to be the easily besetting sin of the Americans, where I have travelled. The Indian probably stands highest on the scale, as an example; the backwoods' man the next ; the new settler, who declines hunting takes a lower degree, and so on. I have seen interesting exceptions even among the hunting tribe ; but the malady is 126 a prevailing one in all classes : — I note it again, and again, not in the spirit of satire, biit as a hint for reformation : " To know ourselves diseased is. half a cure." The little Wabash, which we crossed in search of some prairies, which had been de scribed to us in glowing colours, is a sluggish and scanty stream at this season, but for three months of the latter part of winter and spring, it covers a great space by the overflow of waters collected in its long course. The Skillet-fork is also a river of similar character ; and the country lying between them must labour under the in convenience of absolute seclusion for many months every year, until bridges and ferries are established : this would be a bar to our set tling within the " Fork," as it is called: we therefore separated this morning, without losing the time that it would require to explore this part thoroughly. I proceed to Shawnee Town land office, to make some entries which we had , determined on, between the Little aud the Big Wabash. Mr. Flower spends a day or two in looking about, and returns to our families at Princeton. Having, made my way through this wildest of wildernesses to the Skillet-fork, I crossed it at a shoal, which affords a notable instance out of a thousand, of the utter worth- 127 lessness of reports about remote objects in this country, even from soi-disant eye-witnesses. A grave old hunter, wh© had the air of much sagacity, declared to me, that he had visited this shoal, that it is a bed of limestone, a sub stance greatly wanting in this country. The son confirmed the father's account, adding, that he had seen the stone burnt into lime. It is mi caceous sandstone slate, without the least affi nity to lime-stone ! it is a dreadful country on each side of the Skillet-fork ; flat and swampy ; so that the water in many places, even at this season, renders travelling disagreeable ; yet here and there, at ten miles distance perhaps, the very solitude tempts some one of the family of Esau lo pitch his tent for a season. At one of these lone dwellings we found a neat, respectable-looking female, spinning un der the little piazza at one side of the cabin, which shaded her from the sun : her husband was absent on business, which would detain him some weeks : she had no family, and no companion but her husband's faithful dog, which usually attended him in his bear hunting in the winter : she was quite overcome with ".?>we" she said, and hoped we would tie our horses in the wood, and sit awhile with her, during the heat of the day, We did so, and she rewarded 128 us with a basin of coffee. Her husband was kind and good to her, and never left her with out necessity, but a true lover of bear hunting ; which he pursued alone, taking only his dog with him, though it is common for hunters to go in parties to attack this dangerous animal. He had killed a great number last winter ; five, I think in one week. The cabin of this hunter was neatly arranged, and the garden well stocked. August 2. We lodged last night at another cabin, where similar neatness prevailed within and without. The woman neat, and the chil dren clean in skin, and whole in their clothes. The man possessed of good sense and sound notions, ingenious and industrious, a contrast to backwoods' men in general. He Uvea on the edge of the seven miles' prairie, a spot char* ming to the eye, but deficient in surface- water, and they say the well-water is not good, : J suppose they have not dug deeper than twenty five feet, which is no criterion of the purity of springs in a soil absorbent from the surface to that depth. Shawnee Town. This place I account as a phenomenon evincing the pertinacious adhesion of the human animal to the spot where it has once fixed itself. As the lava of Mount Etna cannot dislodge this strange being from the 129 cities which have been repeatedly ravaged by its eruptions, so the Ohio with, its annual over flowings is unable to wash away the inhabitants of Shawnee Town. — Once a year, for a series of successive springs, it has carried away the fences from their cleared lands, till at length they have surrendered, and ceased to cultivate them. Once a year, the inhabitants either make their escape to higher lands, or take refuge in their upper stories, until the waters subside, when they recover their position on this desolate sand bank. Here is the land office for the south-east district of Illinois, where I have just constituted myself a land-owner by paying seven hundred and twenty dollars, as one fourth of the purchase money of fourteen hundred and forty acres: this, with a similar purchase made by Mr. Flower, is part of a beautiful and rich prairie, about six miles distant from the Big, and the same from the Little Wabash. The land is rich natural meadow, bounded by timbered land, within reach of two navi gable rivers, and may be rendered immediately productive at a small expence. The success ful cultivation of several prairies has awakened the attention of the public, and the value of this description of land is now known; so that the /smaller portions, which, are surrounded i i*y timber, will probably be settled so rapidly as to absorb, in a few months, all that is to be oMsrtfied at the government rate, of two dollars pet acre. Sand predominates in the soil of the south eastern quarter of the Illinois territory: — the basis of the country is sand-stone, lying, I be lieve, on clay-slate. The bed of the Ohio, at Shawnee Town is sand-stone: forty miles north east, near Harmony, is a quarry of the same stone, on the banks of the Big Wabash. The shoals of the Little Wabash and the Skillet- fork, twenty, forty, and sixty miles up, are of the same formation. No lime-stone has yet been discovered in the district. I have heard of eoal in several places, but have not seen a specimen of it. Little however, is yet known •With precision of the surface of many parts of the country ; and the wells, though numerous, rarely reach the depth of thirty feet, below which, I presume, the earth has in no instance been explored. The geographical position of this portion of territory promises favourable for its fu ture importance. The Big Wabash, a noble stream, forming its eastern boundary, runs a course of about four hundred miles, through one ©f the most fertile portions of this most fertile region. It has a communication well known to 131 the Indian traders, with lake Huron and all the navigation of the north, by means of a portage of eight miles to the Miami of the lakes. This portage will, probably, be made navigable in a few years. Population is already very consider able along this river, and upon White River, another beautiful and navigable stream, which falls into the Wabash from the east. The Little Wabash, though a sluggish stream, is, or may become a navigable communication extend ing far north, I am informed four hundred miles. The prairies have been represented as marshes, and many of them are so. This is not how ever, the case with all. Our prairie rises at its northern extremity to a commanding height, being one of the most elevated portions of the country, surmounting and overlooking the woodlands to the south and west, to a great distance. There are also many others to the northward on lands of the same eligible cha racter, high and fertile, and surrounded by timbered lands. These are unsurveyed, and of course are not yet offered to the public. Nothing but fencing and providing water for stock is wanted to reduce a prairie into the con dition of useful grass land ; ahd from that state, we all know, the transition to arable is through a , simple process, easy to perform, and profitable as it goes on. Thus no addition, except the i2 132 above on the score of improvement, is to be made to the first cost, as regards the land*' Buildings, proportioned to the owner's inclina tion or purse, are of course requisite on every estate. The dividing a section (six hundred and forty acres) into inclosures of twenty-five acres each, with proper avenues of communication, each mclosure being supplied with water, in the most convenient manner, and live hedges plan ted, or sown, will cost less than two dollars per acre. This added to the purchase money, when the whole is paid, will amount to eighteen shillings sterling, per acre, or five hundred and seventy six pounds for six hundred and forty acres. Calculations on the capital to be employed, or expended on buildings, and stock alive and dead, would be futile, as this would be in pro portion to the means. The larger the amount, within the limits of utility, the greater the profit : , but, as the necessary outgoings are trifling, a small sum will do. Two thousand pounds sterling for these purposes would place the owner in a state of comfort, and even affluence. I conclude from these data, that an English farmer possessing three thousand pounds, be sides the charges of removal may establish 133 himself well as a proprietor and occupier of such an estate. The folly or the wisdom of the under taking 1 leave among the propositions which are too plain to admit of illustration. In their irregular outline of woodland and their undulating surface, these tracts of natural meadow exhibit every beauty, fresh from the hand of nature, which art often labours in vain to produce ; but there are no organs of percep tion, no faculties as yet prepared in this country, for the enjoyment of these exquisite combinations. The grand in scenery 1 have been shocked to hear, by American lips, called disgusting, be cause the surface would be too rude for the plough ; and the epithet of elegant is used on every occasion of commendation but that to which il is appropriate in the English language. An elegant improvement, is a cabin of rude logs, and a few acres with the trees cut down to the height of three feet, and surrounded by a worm-fence, or zig-zag railing. You hear of an elegant mill, an elegant orchard, an elegant tan- yard, &c. and familiarly of elegant roads, — > meaning such as you may pass without ex treme peril. The word implies eligibility or use fulness in America, but has nothing to do with taste ; which is a term as strange to the .American language, where I have heard it spoken, as comfort is said to be to the French, 134 and for a similar reason : — -the idea has not yet reached them. Nature has not yet displayed to them those charms of distant and various prospect, which will delight the future inhabi tants of this noble country. Scientific pursuits are also, generally speak ing, unknown where I have travelled. Reading is very much confined to politics, history and poetry. 3$ojence is not, as in England, cultiva ted for its own sake. This is to be lamented the more, on account of the many heavy hours of indolence under which most people are doomed to toil, through every day of their existence. What yawning and stretching, and painful restlessness they would be spared, if their time were occupied in the acquisition of useful knowledge ! There is a sort of covetousness which would be the greatest of blessings, to those. Americans whose* circumstances excuse them from constant occupation for a subsistence, — that is, to the grpat majority of the people, — the covetousness of time, from a knowledge of its value. The life and habits of the great Franklin, whose name, I am sorry to say, is not often heard here, would be a most profitable study. He ppssessed the true Philosopher's stone ; for whatever he touched became gold under his hand, through the magical power of a scientific 135 mind. This lamentable deficiency in science and taste, two such, abundant sources, of enjsPy* ment, must not be attributed to a want of energy in the American character: — witness the spirit and good sense with wliich men of all ranks are seen to engage in discussions on politics, history, or religion ; subjects which have attracted, more or less, the attention of every one. Nature has done much for them, and they leave much to Nature : but they have made themselves free ; — this may account; fpr their indifference to science, and their zeal in politics. August 3. Harmony. — We j left Shawnefe Town this morning under more agreeable im pressions regarding its inhabitants, than we had entertained before we entered it We found something, certainly, of river barbarism, the genuine Ohio x character ; hut we met with a greater number than we expected of agreeable individuals : these, and the kind and hospitable treatment we experienced at our tavern, formed a good contrast to the rude society and wretched fare we had left behind us at the Skillet-fork. At this, our third visit, Harmony becomes more enigmatical. This day, being Sunday, afforded us an opportunity of seeing grouped and in their best attire, a large part of the members of this wonderful community; It was evening 136 when we arrivedj and we saw no human crea ture about the streets : — we had even to call the landlord of the inn out of church to take charge of our horses. The cows were waiting round the little dwellings, to supply the inha bitants with their evening's meal. Soon the entire body of people, which. is about seven hundred, poured out of the church, and exhi bited so much health, and peace, and neatness in their persons, that we could not but exclaim, surely the institutions which produce so much happiness must have more of good than of evil in them ; and here i rest, not lowered in my abhorrence of the hypocrisy, if it be such, which governs the ignorant by nursing them in super stition ; but inclined in charity to believe that the leaders are sincere. Certain it is, that living in such plenty, and a total abstraction from care about the future provision for a family, it must be some overbearing thraldom that prevents an increase of their numbers by the natural laws of population. I had rather attribute this phenomenon to bigotry pervading the mass, than charge a few with the base policy of chaining a multitude, by means of superstition. It is, however, diffi cult to separate the idea of policy from a con trivance which is so highly political. The number of Mr. Rapp's associates would increase 137 so rapidly, without some artificial restraint, as soon to become unmanageable. This colony is useful to the neighbourhood, a term which includes a large space here: it furnishes from its store many articles of great value, not so well supplied elsewhere ; and it is a market for all spare produce. There are also valuable culinary plants and fruit trees, for which the neighbourhood is indebted to the Harmonites ; and they set a good example of neatness and industry : but they are despised as ignorant; and men are not apt to imitate what they scorn. Ignorant as the mass of Har monites may be, when we contrast their neat ness and order, with the slovenly habits of their neighbours, we see the good arising from mere association, which advances these poor people a century, probably much more, on the social scale, beyond the solitary beings who build their huts in the v. ilderness. For my reflections on the principles which may be supposed to actuate the rulers of this highly prosperous community, having no personal knowledge of the parties who govern, nor intimacy with any of the governed, 1 have no data, except the simple and, possibly, superficial observations of a traveller. Should I in this character have under-rated or mistaken them, I shall, when their neighbour, gladly repair my error. 138 From our entrance into the state of Ohio, at Wheeling, to the southern boundary of the Illinois, there is, properly speaking, no capital employed in agriculture, as far as our observa-? tions extended. The little that exists, over and above the value of the soil, is to be seen in towns, in the stores, and in mills. The whole stock of the first settlers generally consisted in their two hands : and the property they now possess— the fruit of the labour of these hands — can hardly be considered as ca pital employed in agriculture, as the sum of the best improvements yet effected, only consists in a few more of the necessaries of life ; and when the little money that is obtained for produce is expended in further improvements, the culti vator merely suspends his right to, partake of its comforts. He has no capital, properly speak ing, employed in agriculture, whilst he remains unfurnished with the means of comfortable living. As exceptions to the universal bareness and poverty of the country in regard of capital, there are a few instances in which its associa tion with the physical power of numbers, has produced effects so marvellous, that it seems to be equally marvellous that such striking advan- 139 tages should not have produced more under takings of a similar nature. The instances I allude to, are the two settle ments of the Shakers, one near Lebanon, in the state of Ohio, and the other on the Wabash, fifteen miles north of Vincennes, in the state ef "Indiana : — also the original establishment of Mr. Rapp and his followers in Pennsylvania, and their present wonderful colony of Har mony, on the Wabash, thirty miles south ©f this place. In the institution of these societies, the Shakers aad the Harmonites,— religion, or, if you will, fanaticism, seems to be an agent so powerful:, and in fact is so powerful in its operation on the conduct of their members, that we are apt to attribute all the wonders that arise within the influence of this principle to its agency alone : for what may not be effected, by a sentiment which can bear down and abro gate entirely, in the instance of the Shakers;, and nearly so in that of the Harmonites, the first great and fundamental law of human, or rather of all, nature ? I allude to the tenet which is avowed in the former, and more obscurely in culcated in the latter, that the gospel of Christ is offered to them under the injunction of ab* stinence from sexual intercourse. I have had repeated opportunities of perianal 140 observation; on the effects of the united efforts of the Harmonites. The result of a similar union of powers among the Shakers, has been described to me by a faithful witness ; and I am quite convinced that the association of num bers, in the,; application of a good capital, is sufficient to account for all that has been done : and that the unnatural restraint, which forms so prominent and revolting a feature of these institutions, is prospective, rather than imme diate in its object. It has, however, as I before remarked, the mischievous tendency to render their example, so excellent in other respects, altogether un availing. Strangers visit their establishments, and retire from them full of admiration ; but, a slavish acquiescence under a disgusting super stition, is so remarkable an ingredient in their character, that it checks all desire of imitation. I wish to see capital and population concen trated, with no bond of cohesion, but common. interest arising out of vicinity : the true ele ments, as I conceive, of a prosperous community. The effects of this simple association would not be so immediately striking as those above mentioned, because the entire physical strength of the society could not be directed to one point, but would be apparent after a little time. Such a society needs only room to prosper, 141 No emancipation or breaking up would be feared or thought of. There is a plan before us, not yet sufficiently matured for publication, which I hope may, at no distant time, afford to some of our country men the means of proving, that capital, skill, and industry, are capable of changing " a wil derness into a fruitful field," without the stimulus of fanaticism, or the restraints of superstition. The leading features of this scheme are, that men of capital who shall embark in it may, by affording to the poor the means pf escaping from their sufferings, secure to themselves those enjoyments and habits of life to which their station in society has accustomed them ; and obviating in respect to both classes the chief -inconveniences of emigration. The great want of capital in this country is evinced by this circumstance : the growers of " corn" (Indian corn) and other grain, sell at this season regularly, under the knowledge that it will as regularly advance to double the price before the next harvest. We now have an offer of two hundred barrels of " corn," five bushels to the barrel, at a dollar per barrel, when the seller is quite aware that it will be worth two • dollars per barrel at Midsummer. Thus store-keepers, or other capitalists, receive as much for the crop, clear of expences, as the 142 grower himself, who clears the land, ploughs, sows, and reaps it. We may judge from this consideration how much the farmer is kept back for want of spare capital ; and what will be the advantages of the settler who commands it. The same remark applies to bacon, and every article of produce. We must not suppose, that the poor farmer who is obliged to sell under such a disad vantage, is absolutely poor. He is, on the con trary, a thriving man. Probably, the person who now spares us from his heap, two hundred barrels of corn, possessed three years ago, nothing but his wife and family, his hands, and his title to a farm where an axe had never been lifted. He now, in addition, has a cabin, a barn, stable, horses, cows, and hogs ; imple ments, furniture, grain, and other provision ; thirty or forty acres of cleared land, and more in preparation, and well fenced ; and his quarter section in its present state, worth four times its cost. He is growing rich, but he would pro ceed at a double speed, if he had the value of one year's crop beforehand : such is the general condition of new settlers. A good cow and calf is worth from twelve to twenty dollars ; a two year old heifer, six dol lars ; sheep are scarce ; ewes are worth about three dollars a head ; a sow three dollars ; a 143 stout horse for drawing, sixty dollars or up wards. . „., ' Wheat sells at 3s. 4\d. sterling, per bushel, Winchester measure. Oats, Is. 4d. Indian corn, llrf. Hay, about 35s. per ton. Flour, per barrel, 36s: 1961b. nett. Fowls, 4\d. each. Eggs, \d. Butter, 6d, per pound. w Cheese, rarely seen, I3ld, per lb. Meat, 2d. per lb. A buck, 4s. 6d. without the skin. Salt, 3s. 4d. per bushel. Milk, given away. Tobacco 3d. per pound. Our design was to commence housekeeping, but, being near the tavern, we continued to board there. This is more convenient to us, as there is but a poor market in this little town, and the tavern charges are reasonable. Our board is two dollars per week, each person, for which we receive twenty one meals. Excellent coffee and tea, with broiled chickens, bacon, &c. for breakfast and supper; and variety of good but simple fare at dinner; about five- pence sterling a meal. No liquor but water is 144 thought^ of at meals in this country, besides coffee, tea, or milk. Travelling expences are very regular and moderate, amounting to a dollar per day, for man and horse, — viz. — Breakfast and feed for horse 37j Cents Feed for horse at noon 12* Supper, and lodgiDg, man and horse 50 lOOthatisl dollar The power of capital in this newly settled or set tling reigon, is not thoroughly understood in the eastern states, or emigration would not be con fined to the indigent or laborious classes. These seem to be all in motion ; for the tide sets far more strongly from these states towards the west, than from all Europe together. Trade follows of course ; and it is not suprising that old America no longer affords a sure asylum for the distressed of other countries. I am fully convinced, that those Who are not screwed up to the full pitch of enterprize had better remain in old England, than attempt agri culture pr business of any kind (manual opera tions excepted) in the Atlantic states. Emi grants from Europe are too apt to linger in the eastern cities, wasting their time, their money, and their resolution, They should push out J45 westward without delay, where they can live cheaply until, they fix themselves. Two dollars, saved in Pennsylvania, will purchase an acre of good land in the Illinois. The land carriage from Philadelphia, to Pittsburg, is from seven to ten dollars per cwt, (100 lb.) Clothing, razors, pocket-knives, pen cils, mathematical instruments, and light arti cles in general, of constant usefulness, ought to be carried even at this expence, and books, which are scarce, and much wanted in the west. Good gun-loCks are rare and difficult to pro cure. No heavy implements will pay carriage.' A pocket compass is indispensable for every stranger who ventures alone into the woods pf America; and he should always carry the means of lighting a fire : for the traveller, when he starts in the morning on a wilderness journey, little knows where next he may lay his head. — Tow, rubbed with gunpowder is good tinder : —a few biscuits, a phial of spirits., a tomahawk, and a good blanket, are necessary articles. Overtaken by night, or bewildered, if thus pro vided, you may be really comfortable by- your blazing fire ; when without them, you would feel dismal and disconsolate. A dog is a. plea sant and useful fellow-traveller in the back-t woods. You should make your fire with a fallen tree for a back-log, and lie to leeward, with I#3 y#ac feet towards it. The smoke fly ing- over, will preserve you from the damp air, and musquitoes. Tie your horse with a long rein, to the end of a bough, or the top of a young1 hackery- tree, which will .allow him to graze or Btfbwse ; and change his position if yoH awake itt the night. Ity'iHeet&n; AugnsbA. When the back- coun try^ of America is mentioned iii England, mus- quitoes by night, and rattlesnakes by day, never fy$ toalarm- the i magination ; to say nothing1 of woiVeii- atfd bears, and panthers, andj Indians still more ferocious. Our course of travelling1 frdm the mouth of James River, and over the mountains, up to Pittsburg, about five hun dred miles ; then three hundred miles through tlie woods of the state of Ohio, down to Gin- cinnMi ; next across the entire* wilderness of Indiana, and to tfie extreme south of the Mfi- hoi&-;«*--This lon^ and deliberate journey* one would suppose, might have introduced our partjr to an intimate acquaintance with some of these pests of America. We have, it is true, killed iteveral of the serpent tribe ; black snakes, 9 garter snakes, &c. ; and have seen one rattle snake of extraordinary size. We have had mosquitoes in a few damp spots, just as we should have had gnats in England. In our late expeditions- in the Illinois, where we have led 147 the lives of thorough backwood's men, if we have been so unfortunate as to pitch i our tent on the edge of a creek, or near aswamp, and have mismanaged our fire, we have been teazed with musquitoes, as we might have been in the fens of Cambridgeshire ; this is the sum total of our experience of these reported plagues. But, for this forbearance, ample amends are made by the innumerable tormentors which assail you in almost every dwelling, till at . leftgth you are glad, as evening approaches, to avoid the abodes of matt, and spread your pallet under the trees. This in-doors calamity is so universal in the backwoods that it seems to be UnavoidaMe, and is submitted to as such with Wondrous equani mity : by degrees, however, as the present Wretched and crowded hovels shall give place to roomy, and convenient habitations, the Spirit of cleanliness will gain adrhission, and the miseries which always accompany filth and disorder will be brushed away, as the plagues of Egypt were charmed by Aaron's rod. Wolves and bears are extremely' numerous', and (especially the latter) very injurious'to the newly-settled districts. Hogs, which are a inain* dependance for food as well as prolSt, are' their constant prey ; and their holds are so strong, that the hunters are unable lo keep down their K2 148 numbers. There is a swamp of several miles in length, to the north of Shawnee Town, (and, I am told, there are many other such places) which is only passable for man over the dams made by beavers ; here the bears are absolute : the swamp affords abundance of food for hogs also, and they will resort to it. Yesterday, as I was riding along the side of this swamp, a farmer told me he had lost eight large hogs there this summer. The wolves are very destructive tp both hogs and sheep ; but they seldom attack sheep till a few years after a settlement has been made, when accident or hunger induces them to make trial of mutton ; and when they have once tasted it they are not easily deterred. Bears are lean in summer and very swift of foot, so that dogs can hardly overtake them ; but in winter they grow excessively fat on hickery nuts and other kinds of mast, and are unable to run for want of breath ; and this is the season of bear-hunting. The flesh of bears is in high estimation, and the skin is worth from three to five dollars, according to the size. — Neither of these marauders attack man' unless when they are ' wounded, when they turn on the hunter with great fury. August 5. The heat of this climate is not so oppressive to my feelings in the open prairies as erect: 149 in the deep woods, nor in either so much so as I expected. I have been using strong exercise through three of the hottest days that have been,; experienced for years, as say the people who talk of the weather, in the prairies — at Shawnee Town, on the Ohio, and here at Princeton — " How did you stand the heat of Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday ?" The fact was, that, on one of those days, I walked with my gun in the prairie, exposed to the sun's rays, in quest of turkies, and travelled on horseback the other two, without great inconvenience. There is the comfort of a breeze every day ; and the only breezeless sultry night I have experienced, proved the prelude to a thunder storm the suc ceeding day. I think it may be attributed to these frequent thunder storms, that the summers of this cli mate are so pleasant and salubrious. When the fervency of the season becomes oppressive, suddenly the clouds collect, and a few rattling peals are- heard ; if near, accompanied by a soaking shower ; if at a distance, you have no rain ; but the cooling invigorating effect is soon perceived in the atmosphere. August 7. We are now domiciliated in Princeton. Though at the farthest limits of Indiana, but two years old, and containing about fifty houses, this little town affords re- 150 spectable society: it is the county-town, aud can boast as many well-informed genteel people, in proportion to the number of inhabitants, as any county-town I am acquainted with. I think there are half as many individuals who are, enti tled to that distinction as there are houses, and not one decidedly vicious character, nor one that is not able and willing to maintain himself. August 9- In my note of June 22, in which 1 attempted to give an outline of our views, re garding the settlement we were in quest of, is a remark on the increasing facility of accomplish ing the upward navigation of the Mississipi and Ohio, by means of steam ; from which it was in ferred, that the grand intercourse between this western world, and Europe, would be through the Mississipi ; and that consequently, the low er down the Ohio would eventually be the nigher to Europe. . We have, at length, dropped our anchor where we communicate with that river five hundred miles nearer to New Orleans than Cincinnati, where that note was written ; and the following extract from the log book of the steam boat Etna, in the Louisville Courier, which we have just received, comes very sea sonably in confirmation of that opinion : it is curious in itself, and a specimen of the locwl IU intelligence, which furnishes materials for oar western journalists. The average of speed against stream, of a steam-vessel heavily laden, is about sixty miles a-day. Th.ir loading upwards, consists of dry goods, pottery, cotton, sugar, wines, liquors, salted fishi &c besides passengers: downwards, of graiD, flour, tolacco, bacon, &c. A consider able number of these vessels, I believe, about twenty-five, measuring from fifty to four hun dred tons burthen, are now plying on these rivers; generally built at Pittsburg, or their machinery prepared there. Extract from the Log 'Book of the Steam- Moat, Etna, de Hart, from Neio Orleans, to Louisville. 1817, June 6. Left New Orleans. 1 2. Arrived at Natchez. -Left 15th. 18. Passed the barge, Mary Ann,, bound up above the gulph. 19. Passed the barge, Cincinnati, above the Yazoo river. 20. Passed the barge* ©eneral Washington, below the Crow's-nest. 24. Ib the morning, below the Ax- kaasas, met the Franklin. 152 1817; June 26. Passed the steam-boat Buffalo, Captain Sturges, bound' up, thirty miles below the river St. Francis. At three P. M. met the steam-boat, Ken tucky, seven days from the Falls. 28. Passed the steam-boat, Harriet, above the Grand Cut-off, with a leaky boiler. One P. M. met the steam-boat, Washington, Captain Shrove, thirty miles below Chicke- saw Bluffs, four days from the Falls. Four P. M. met the steam-boat, Vesuvius, de Hart, eighteen miles below the Bluffs ; three days and a half from the Falls. July 1. Passed the barge Independance, , • ... fifty-five days, from New . v'< Orleans, above the Devil's ( v;" Race Ground. Also passed .;- ;.-- ¦:•, 'i a sloop barge. July 6. About New Madrid passed a sloop barge. 8. In the Ohio, below the Three, Sisters, passed the barge, Expedition. 153 1817, July 10. Stopped and discharged cargo at Shawnee Town. 11. Stopped and discharged cargo at Henderson. 13. Passed the Triton Baum, in the Mouth of Sinking Creek, discharging cargo. 14. At four, A. M. passed a sloop barge at Big Blue River. — Arrived at Louisville. On this voyage she passed, or met, five other steam-boats, besides the Franklin and Triton, which I Suspect were also steam-boats. Nine- tenths of the trade is yet carried on in the usual craft ; flat-boats, barges, piragues, &c. Shawnee Town is 1,200 miles from New Or leans, which distance may be performed in twenty days, provided there are no delays. This is the nearest point on the Ohio to our intended residence, (45 miles distance,) and may therefore be considered as our shipping port, from which we have navigable commu nication, by the Wabash, into our immediate vicinity. Thus situated, in the interior of a vast conti nent, we may have communication with Europe either for the export of produce or the intro duction of merchandise, calculating on the ad dition of a month to the voyage across the At lantic. J54 August 10. It is even so. Seeoote of July 7. We are on the confines of society, among the true backwood's men. We have been much among them — .have lodged in their cabins, and partaken of their wretched and scanty fare : they have been our pilots to .explore situations still more remote, aud which only hunters visit. From a nearer view of these people, some thing must be withdrawn from the picture which is given of their moral character, in the note above referred to. It is rather an ill-chosen or unfortunate at tachment to tlie hunters' life, than an unprin cipled aversion to the regulations of society, which keeps them aloof from . the abodes of more civilized men. They must live where tliere is plenty of " bear and deer, and wild honey." Be@ir-huaf Prte Communion. 2d edit, price Is. 6d. 7. A Lecture on Becoming Behaviour iu Religious Assemblies. 2d ed. price Is. 8. The History and Mystery of Good Friday. ISmo. price 8d. or 6s. 6d. a 4'ozbo. 9. A Political Catechism, designed to convey in a familiar manner to Youth, j'ast Principles of government^ 5th ed. Is. 6d. 10. Six Morning Exercises, extracted from the Village Sermens of tlie late Rohevt Robinson. Printed iu a neat pocket volume. Price Is. boards, or on fiat jiapaf, coloured boards, Is. 6d. H. A Dissent from the Church of England, fully justified, and proved to be the genuine and just consequence of the Allegiance due to Jesus Christ, the only I.aw- fiver in the Church. By M. Towgood. To which is prefixed — A Preface vindicating the sentiments and character of tl)e Author from the misrepresentations of the Rcv.T. Biddulph, Minister of St. James's Bristol, &c. and the Rev. J. Owen, Riictoi- of Pagjlesfcm. By B. Flower. The 11th edit. Price in lStfto. With a Portrait of tie Author, 4s. 6d. in boards, or large Svo. 7s. 6d. in boards. V Tltis work contains such unanswerable arguments in defence of Noncorvformily, thmt no Dissenter who wishes to be tluoroughh/ acquainted with the genuine ' principles of Dissent ought to be without it. f+t These are the b%k/ editions which contain the Ptndieatum of Sfr. Towgesi, $fe. Ij, Towgood's Essay towards attaining a true Idea of the Character and Reign tr? %Cn»les I. and the Causes erf the Ctvil War; extracted from thfe Writings «f * tm historians, with Reinatks. 3d. edit, priee Ste. 6d. 3. Towgood an Recovery from Sickness ; containing Serious Reflection*, Resbla- Suns, and Devotions, suitable to that occasion. 4th edit, price fid. U. f owgobi's Traots on Controversial, Politieal, and TheoWieal Subjects, eo.m- piiiing his Works complete, (excepting the Dissent from the Church Of England WLy justified.) Large 8vo. ISs. boards. Booktpublished by B. Flower, and sold by Ridgway, &c. 15. The Baptis'm of Infants a Reasonable Service, founded upfa Scripture and Undoubted Apostolic Tradition, in which its Moral Purposes and Use in Religion are shewn. By M. Towgood. The 5th edit. Printed from an edition corrected by the Author. Price Is. 6d. 1 6. An Answer to the Inquiry — Why are yon a Dissenter? being a Summary of the principal Arguments in Favour of Dissent. The 5th edit, with additions, price Si. or 5s. a dofcen. 17. Smith on the Prophetic Writings, containing a Summary View and Explana^ tion of the Writings of the Prophets. 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