YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THESAURUS ECCLESIASTICUS: A N IMPROVED EDITION OF THE LIBER VALORUM; CONTAINING An ACCOUNT of the VALUATION OF ALL THE LIVINGS IN ENGLAND AND WALES; THEIR CHARGE IN THE KINGVbOOK, RESPECTIVE PATRONS, tSff. WITH AN APPENDIX COM "PRISING I. Certain Papers of Inftruftion and Direction, relative to Ordina tion, Inftitution, Qr^een Anne's Bounty, &c. II. Subftance of the ASt for promoting the Refidence of the Clergy, by facilitating the Building of Parfonage Houfes. HI. The Nature of Tithes illuftrated, with an Account of all Things tithable, and the Manner of colle&lng them. IV. The Matter of Agiftment Tithe fummarily explained, in a Statement of the Cafe of the Vicar of Holbeach. By the Rev. JOHN LLO YD, A. B. Late of Jesus College, Oxon. LONDON: PRINTED FOR LQCKYER DAVIS, IN HOLBORN, PRINTER TO THE ROYAL SOCIETY. M DCCLXXXVIII. THE PREFACE THE Editor had long ago formed a defign of giving the Public a New Edition of E&on's Theiaurus ; the former ones having become very defective, as well by the exchange of property in private Patronages, as by the improved va lue of almoft all the Livings in the kingdom. And, in order to render fuch a publication as com- pleat as poflible, he has fpared no pains to pro- cure on both thefe poipts the. befl information that could be had. 'Many of ' the Clergy have been applied to, and ' been fo good as to favour him with fatisfadtory accounts, of the livings in their refpe&ive neighbourhoods'; and he has taken fuch further advantages as the beft and latefl A 3 editi- /editions have afforded. Yet it was impoffible, after all his labour, to come at the real value of every living : wherever he has aimed at it, he begs it to be in general underftood, that it has been his rule, to undervalue, rather than to over rate them. His object has been to comprife every necef fary information in- as fhort a compafs as poflible ; and thereby offer to the- public a ,very -ufeful book, within the reach of every man's purcriafe. With this view he has contrived .generally to give, in one fingle line, the value of the living in the King's Book ; the real value where it .could, be afcertained ; the tenths, and the Patron's name or deicrjption. 2 j ' ,[lc '¦' 'i ' In the firft column flands the valuation in the KinifcBook : then foljows'tjie^name of the living, vHth the name, or' description c^ the' patron in Italics; and the laft. column fnew&the tenths/ In livings remaking in charge, where' their real value can with any degree of precifion be' afcer- fjained, an afterifk is prefixed' to ', the figures in the firft column ;' which, fo'diftinguiftp}, denote^nqt their valuation,' in trie KirigYBoofc^ but their real value ; .and, in (uch cafe/ fhe tenths3, .in the Tajft colurnn, multiplied by ten, will .'aiway-afnew'tfieir valuation in the King\B6ok. ° '*¦*' 'iJ ": : '" ' : F or ( v ) For inftance, page 226 — - /. S. d. I. s. d. - ?300 O o Northall, V. Tbe Bijhop ,,- 1 10 0 The figures in the firft column, with the afterifk prefixt, fhew the real value : V. following Northall, denotes it to be a vicarage, as R, de notes -a rectory: 'The BiJhopJigvi\fe% the Bifhop of the diocefe: and the figures (1 10 o) in the laft column, fhew the tenths ; which , multiplied by ten, demonftrate alfo the value in the King's Book7 viz- 15I. — So likewife the tenths of the livings, difcbargedjfrom firfi fruits, multiplied by ten, will fhew the value of thofe livings, as they :ftood in the- King's Book before the A£t of Par liament for their difcharge. AH the Deanries are in the gift of the King ; except the two Welch ones, of Bangor and St. Afaph, which are in the Patronage of the refpec- tive Bifhops : and all the Chancellorfhips and Archdeaconriesrare in the Patronage of the refpec^ tive Bifhops : and fo likewife are the Prebends ; except as noted in the account of Dignities in the gift of the Crown, and elfewhere. Thus of the twelve Prebends in the Church of Canterbury, three only are in the gift of the Archbifhop, the reft are in. the gift of the Crown. Of the .Crown preferments, whether dignities or livings, all, not exceeding 20I. per ann. in the King's ( vi ) King's Book, are in the difpofal of the Lord Chancellor : all above that value are difpofed of by Je Minifter. • //,::.-.:: f c Such donatives, chapels, and perpetual curacies, as have ftipends annexed to them, to the value ^of io-l. a year, and are not in the gift of the "rector or vicar of the parifh to which they refpeclivefy appertain, the reader will find duly inferted : but all beneath that value are deemed not wbrtK "in ferring ; and the patronage of 'thofe, which aid ir| . the gift of the refpective rectors 'oV vicars, is36oS- ceived to be too well known ' Ky a'Tl that can Ed interefted in them, to require infertidn. J*li All the hofpitals, abbies, chahteries, and other places, which by former ads of parliament have been diffolved, or by judgment' of the Court of Exchequer exonerated, being of no other ufe, in this place, than to fwell the ^erice of the book, are fiurpofely omitted; and great care is taken that alf that is of ufe fhould be here fet down in iti proper place, and that fuch (and fuch only) as is of no ufe fhall be omitted. • : ' -"• There are added at the end of the' book fome precedents, fuch as are conceived to be of frequent ufe to the Clergy- together with fome other hints' and direftions in matters (wherein the youhger Clergy, who, by reafon of their ftudies of a dif ferent nature, and want of experience, are obferved , ' ., ' "to ( vii ) to be moft at a lofs) collected from the ftatutes to which they refer, and made as fhort and intelli gible as the nature of them will admit ; pur- pofely added to fave them the great trouble of fearching all the ftatutes relating to thofe matters, and to prevent then: being mifled by the wrong informations they may poflibly meet with by confulting ignorant people. And to render this publication more compleat than any thing of the kind, the Editor has thrown in other articles of information, which are fo inti mately connected with clerical concerns, that no beneficed Clergyman ought to be without them. At the end is a copious and accurate Index of all the livings in England and Wales ; with refer ence to the refpective pages, where the accounts and defcription of them are to be found in the firft part of the work. The difference between the ancient and mo dern way of writing and fpelling the names of places may create the appearance of error, which, in every cafe that can offer, is eafily rectified : for the livings being ranged in their proper dean- ries, though in fome few inftances they may be differently fpelled, cannot be eafily miftaken. In the Edition of Ecton, which, in the arrange ment of the diocefes and deanries, has in this publi- ( viii ) publication been followed, the Latin names' of the diocefes and counties were adopted ; which, as a matter of no confequence, have by the prefent editor been retained. CO T" EXPLANATION Of certain 'Terms arid Abbreviations. " The Bijhop" .... fignifies .... The Bifhop of that diocefe in which the refp&ftive living is fituated. In the fame Manner } fignifies | Chapter °/ the Cathedral ?f " The D. and Ch. " \ I diocefe in which the h- L ving is fituated. ,R- - fignifies a Rectory. V • a Vicarage. ^on - a Donative. ^ur a perpetual Curacy. C' •¦ a Chapel. p ' a Prebend. LIBER ( ix ) LIBER VALORUM, &c. TABLE O F DIOCESES and COUNTIES. "I !«8»ra •DrocESES. ' £age Canterbury i York ¦xr \i Briftol 39 Bath and- Wells 50 Carlille 66 Chefter Counties. Page Kent 1 Yorkfhire 12 Nottinghamfhire 31 Dorfetfhire 39 Somerfetfhire 50 C Cumberland 66 I Weftmoreland 68 Chefliire 70 Lancafhire 76 Part of Yorkfhire 80 Part of Cumberland ..82 Part of Weftmoreland 83 Chichefter x A T A B-:LJ£, bfc. Dioceses. Page Counties. Page Ctrichefter ...:^.....v......... 84 — Suffer-. '.=............» ....-85 ^ ,. , • ¦ • -a T r Nbfthumberlaffd ........r 96 , D^am -...«'...«.. 96 ! J Durharn..\.:..;..^ * 98 "~ ~~~ C Cambridgefhire 102 % . I02 l Me of Ely ...... 106 IOO.126 Exeter -.. 109 Q Devonfhire „ 10c, Cornwall Gloucefier •„..«.... 133 O. Glouceft&lhire 133 Hereford 143 Lichfield and Coventry 155 f" Hereford 143 ! Worcefterihire 150 [ Shropfhire ' 151 ,-. . p, ¦^ ; , ,^ *' / T •""'"' " Defbylliire ........... "156 I Part of Shropfhire .... 160 | Staffbrdfhire 162 . Warwickfhire 166 Lfaeohv . j 70 " London ,. 219 Norwich .«... 244 Oxford , 285 Peterborough 291 " Lincolnftiire 171 , Bedfordfhire 194. Buckinghamfhh;ep.... 198,/ Hcrtfordfhire 205 Huntingdonfhire 208. Leicefterfhire 212 ',Middlefex 225 < EfTex 228 . . Part of Hertfordfhire .241 J Norfolk 244 V Suffolk 268 Oxfordfhire 285 Northarnptonfhire Rutlandlhire ....... 291301' Rochefter A TABLE, &r. XL Da o c e s e s. Rochefter Salifbury ... Worcefter . Winchefter Page 303 308 3H • 332 Counties. Pag St. Afaph 346 St. David's 367 C Kent 303 I Part of Suffolk 307 C Wiltfhire 309 I Berkfhire 318 Worceflerfhire 324 r Hampfhire 333 [ Surrey ¦ 34-'* Flintfiiire 347 Denbigh and Shropfh. 348 Flints and Denbigh 349 Montgomeryfhire .... 350 . Merionethfhire 351 Bangor 353 Laridarf '. 359 \ Carnarvonfhire 354 Denbigh and Car narvon Montgomery aod Merionethfhire " Carnarvon and An- glefea 355 356357 Glamorganfhire 360 Mpnmouthfhire 362 - Pembrokefhire 367 Cardiganfhire 372 Brecon 373 Radnorfhire 376 Carmarthen and 1 „ Glamorgan .... } 37 LIBER ( X ) LIBER VALORUM, &c. Cantuar' Diocef. EC CLE SI A CATHEDRAL. \ \ RCHIEPISCOPATUS? ,' *ro o o < f-\ D • -„•. r2682 12 2 •° [L X pro rnmitus } , TCArchidiaconatus Cantuar' pro De- 7 , , T l63 * 10i) cima .7 1 \ l6 6 2* 4. Befides the Archdeaconry, the Dignities in the Gift of , the Archbishop are the Chancellorfhip of the Diocefe, and the Firft, Fourth, and Sixth Prebends of the twelve that are in the Church of Canterbury. The Prebends are ^350 per Annum each. k. b. D. BREGGE. Livings remaining in Charge. K A N c' Yearly Tenths* I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 28 3 if Adifham, R. Abp. Cant. ..« « 2 16 j| 69 12 8 Beakifborne, V. Abp. Cant o 12 o 39 19 2 Bifhopfburne, R. Abp. Cant 3 19 ir 650 Boughton Aluphe, V. Moyle Breton .. 0 12 6 41 5 10 Chartham, R. Abp. Cant 427 13 6 8 Chiidham, V. John Skey 1 6 8 A 11 10 10 Crundall, 2 Liber Valqrvm, tic. KANC' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons /• s. d. « -10- 10 CmndaJ-l,..R, Sir-EJiae^d-Mlfner - I 3 r *6g 2 2 Elmeftdn, R. Henry Partridge o 12 9] 939 Godmerfham, V. Abp. Cant o 18 4I 10 13 1 Hardres Magna, R:,Sir MIL Hardres- 119*3! 29 I3- 4 Ich'a'me, R. Abp'. Cant. ..'.....' •• •¦¦ 2 19 4 16 o o Kingfton, R. William Birch 1 12 O ^ 8 e o Littleharne^V. D«aa and. Chap. Cant, o 16 o 5 7 3! Patrickfborne, V. Herbert Taylor .... o 10 81 _ jfPethame, V. ^/>. CW. c;z^ &> 7^«? Q ^ q! 2*£ Honcyiwod alternately — j ig o o Sturmouth, R. is,*. Rochc/ler 1 18 o f Waltham, V. Abp. Cant, and Sir John! Q ^, 7 5 5 £ Hjneywood alternately 5 2-9 !¦»-' 6 Wiekham, R. Thomas Kyna/lon 2 19 3 ¦', -i A Livings Discharged. Clear yearly T't/Lue. 30 *6 'o Brook, R. Dean and Chap. Cant 0 14 8-f ,40 .0 o Chillenden, R. The King 010 o v> " c .' {Prefton iuxta Wineham, V. Dean andl , 28 ° ° J C^.GW. ...r: . 5 ° x9 6 70 o: o A'fh, C. Abp. Cant .. 71 6 '8 Nonington, C. -Abp. Cant: ¦36 o -o Studmarfh, -C. y/^/>. Cant 46 10 0 Wingham, C. Abp. Cant 55 10 3. Wye, C. Earl of ' Winch elf ea Godnefton, Cur. Sir Brook Bridges .. D. CHAR1NGE. Livings regaining in Charge. k. E. 18 4 2 , Aftiford, V. Dean and Chap. Koch 1 16 5 12 o o Betrifden, V. Abp. Cant 140 35 ~0'»A o -Biddenden, R. Abp. Cant 3 10 o 13 15 ',0 Boughton Malierbe, R. Sir H. Mann 1 7 6 v fCharinge, V. Dean and Chapter of St.} , *<2 ^ ?° i Ms London \ l 6 ¦ ° 25 6 oJ-.'Cliarte Magna, R. Abp. Cant 2 10 7I 13 10 10 Charte Parva, R. Abp. Cant I 7 1 19 19 4'j: Granbrooke, V. Abp, Cant 1 19 n| 15 iK 11?- Frittenden, R. An. and El. Bagnal .... 1 11 iq£ 17 5 to H o'th field, R, LirdTbantt ...*. 1 14 6 '¦¦¦»: .. 19 4 7 High i J T Libei Valo r'u m> .&?r. 3 K A N c' r^;-/y T,tj;/w. /. j. o 12 6 9 *« 9 I and Chap. Cant. '. J VMarise Sandse Magdalen; R. united tol + IQ ° \ St. George ?. 1 5 ° 9 ° *i8 18 o \MaJJf Sanas Bredne' V- H- Lee\ o 8 ii [ IV arner ..'.... " i 11 q 4 \ ; JSTcirthpte, V. united to St, Alphage .. 1 .3 n| A % 3 10 10 Petri K. B 22 4 Liber Valorum, (it. Kanc' Yearly Tenths. t. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. L s. d. 3 10 10 Petri Sandi, R. united to Weftgate 071 13 1 8 Sturrey, V. Abp. Cant'. - 1 6 -2 . t Weftgate, V. Abp. and Dean and Chap.l r , , l3 ° *\ Cant, alternately \..\ * 6 °* Livings Discharged. ¦ Clear yearly Jfalve. 18 0 0 Dunftani Sandi, V. Abp. Cant o 10 o 42 o o Fordwich, R. Lord Cowper - 0 n 6\ 20 0 o Milton, R, Ph. Honeywood 0 9 5I , C St. Margaret, R. in Canterbury, Archd.l $3 10 o I ^...1 \ 62 18 10 Nackington, C. Abp. Cant ...... -40 8 O Thunington, C. Abp. Cant Eafthridge Hofpital, Abp. Cant ... D. DOVER. Livings remaining in Charge, K. B. *53 o o Alkeham, V. Abp. Cant 1 20 16 12 6 Clieritbn, R. R. D. Brockman 1 13 3 6134 Ewell, V. Mr. Angel ,... 0134 *90 o o Folkefton, V. Abp. Cant I 0 o| , fNewington juxta Hiethe, V. united tol 7 I2 6i Cheriton , \ ° *5 3 Livings Discharged,. Olear yearly Value. 26 o o Bewfeilde, V. Abp. Cant , o J2 Q 26 o o Buckland, Abp. Cant o 0,0 32 o 0 Charlton, R. John Monins *....., 000 46 o o Hougham, V. Abp. Cant , 0134 30 o o Hawking, R. Abp. Cant. ' © 14 9J 24 o o Jacobi Sandi, R. Abp. Cant. ¦— o 9 95 32 o o Lydden, V. Abp. Cant o J2 7! 46 p o Margaretae Sands, Abp. Cant , 013 6 800 Ryver, V. Abp. Cant o 14 i\ 24 O o Weftcliffe, V. Dean and. Chap. Cant. .,000 24 'O o Petri Sandi, R. in Dover, The King 3 16 *Q 14 o o Gulfton, Cur. Abp. Cant , 20 0 0 Swinfield, Cur. Thomas Key P, ELEHAM, Liber Valor vm, (ic. 5 K. e. D. UEHAM. Livings remaining in Charge. KaNC' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. *8o 0 0 Acris, R. The King .-. o 14 o 11 12 6 Braborne, V. Abp. Cant 1 3 3 2 10 10 Bircholte, R. John Cale 051 *59~ 3 o Denton, R. Vniverftty Coll. Oxon o 11 11$ % jEleham, V. Abp. Cant, nominates, Mer-\ 59 T5 ^ \ ton Coll. Oxon. prefents J2 ° ° *68 19 o Haftingley, R. Abp. Cant 106 21 10 o Lyminge, R. WiUiam Price 230 10 18 6t Lyminge, V. William Price 1 1 io| 6 8 if- Poftlinge, V. Abp, Cunt o 12 9! 7 17 j i Stowting, R. James Cranjlon o 15 g£ 34 o o Saltwood, R. Abp. Cant 380 8 10 2f Wotton, R. John Bridges o 17 o| Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 45 o o Elmeftede, V. Abp. Cant , v o 13 4. 40 0 o Horton, R. Abp. Cant o 15 1 D. LYMME. Livings remaining in Charge. Aldington, R. Abp. Cant 3 16 8 Appledore, V. Abp. Cant 220 Bunnington, R. Hannah Turner 113? Burmerfhe, R. The King 211 ; Brpkelande, V. Dean and Chap. Cant. 115 3 J Blackmanfton, R. Abp. Cant 080 Brentfet, V. R. D. Btockman o 15 iq\ Dyncherche, R. The King o 14 3? Eaftbridge, R. Abp. Cant o 10 8 Eftinghanger, R. The King o 15 3 JFawkenherftej R. Sir John Shelley, and! X G. Carter ¦. } " Hope Omnium Sandorum, The King i o i| Ivechurche, R, Abp, Cant — - 498 119 9 j -Kingfnorth, K. B. 38 6 21 O 80 *52 13 ^150 0 17 12 1 0 8: 4 0 *7i 6 *8o 0 . 5 6 7 12 0 0 0 8 6 - 4 18 4 *8o 0 44 »& 0 8 6 L I B E R V A L O R V M, (ic. Kakc* Yearly Tenih. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /• ¦*• <''• II 9 gf Kingfnorth, R. Lord Romncy I 2 ui J2 I of Kenerton, R. Moyle Breton i 4 Ji 55 12 i Lydde, V. Abp. Cant 5 JI 2k 3-2 3 9 Mariae Beatae in Marifco, R. ./#/>. Ca»r. 264! CMidley, R. Jn. Unwin 2 fa™*, Ch.l ¦ 3° ° ° I Evlx J. S 3 26 16 io| Merfhame, R. y&/>. CW v2 13 %\ 842 Newchurch, R. Abp. Cant 'o 16 5 19 16 of- Newchurch, V. Abp. Cant I 19 j{ 300 Orgarfwicke, R. Dean and Chap. Cant. 060 14 13 4 Roking, R. Abp. Cant 1 9 4 15 19 2 Rumney Vetus, R. Abp. Cant 1 11 11 6 16 3 Rumney Nova, V. All Souls Coll. Oxon. o 13 7J 17 6 8 Snargate, R. Abp. Cant 1 14 8 19 711 Snave, R. Abp. Cant 1 18 9! 8 14 4! Stone, V. Dean and Chap. Cant o 17 ${ 15 8 6| Witterfham, R. Abp. Cant. > 1 iq 10J ¦*ioo o o Warehorne, R. The King 1 18 0 26 13 4 Woodchurche, R. Abp. Cant 213 4 8 16 8 Willefbroughe, V. Dean and Chap. C. o 17 8 814 6| Weftheth, V. Archdn . Cant 017 55 Livings Discharged. C/«f yearly Value. 34 o o Henxhill, R. Sir John Honeywood o IJ 8 25 O o Lymme, V.. Archdn. Cant o 18 i| 40 O o Orlafton, R. Hon. William Bouverie ..091 50 o o Shadockfherfte, The King 015 3^ 35 o 0 Sevington, R. Edward Norwood o 17- 4f 50 o o Sellinge, V. The King 0 13 i| 30 o O Bilfington, C. Sir Thomas Rider 50 o o Fairfield, C. Lard Guilford D. O S P R I N G.4' Livings remaining in Charge. gf Boughton Subtus Bleane, V. Abp. Cant, o o Eafrlinge, R. G. F. Hatton 1 of Hartie, John Sawbridgg 2 o Hernehill, V. Abp. Cant 1 o Ludenham, R. The King 1 4 Lynftede, V. Archdn, Cant o 10 18 4 Norton, K . B. 9 4 16 0 20 6 *58 0 *ito 0 *70 12 18 ¦5* 12 0 0 7i 10 o 4 10 16 4* Lib Eft Valorum, &c* j KAKc' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 10 18 4 Norton, R. Bp. Roch i i 10 *b% 17 10 Ottrinclen, R. Edward Bridges o 13 5 10 o o Ofpringe, V, St. John's Coll. Gam 100 *77 17 11 Prefton, V. Abp. Cant o 17 3 *53 18 3 Stalfelde, V. Abp. Cant o 10 8 *05 3 4 Tenham, V. Archdn. Cant 100 711 8 Througley, V. Pr. of St. Paul's Lond. o 15 2 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. . - 44 5 O Buckland, R. John Unwin. 6 Ii 4 46 0 o Badlefmere, R. Lord Sonds .- ~ 0 10 if; 15 00 Dodington, .V. Archdn. Cant. 013 4 38 18 3 Faverfham, V '. Dean end Chap. Gant. 2 13 9 30 o o Goodnefton, R. Mic. Lade .'.„... o 10 , 3 50 o o Graveney, V. Abp. Cant. 140 30 o o Leveland, R. Lord Sonds 080 15 o o Newenham, V. The King o 11 3 700 Owre, Cur. Abp. Cant 000 40 o o Shelwiche, V. Dean and Chap. Cant. 013 8 37 o o Sellinge, V. Lord Sonds 013.4 20 o 0 Devington, C. Mr. Sherwin ... D. SANDWICH. - Livings Remaining in Charge. k. B. *77 10 4 Clementis Sandi, V. Archdn. Cant. ..178 *35 7 9 Colrede, . V. Abp. Cant o 12 3 ig 10 o Deale, R. Abp. Cant 1 ig O 15 12 6 Eythorne, R. Da. Papillon 1 11 3 ig 12 1 Eftrie, V. Abp. Cant 1 19 2f *feo 6 o Ham, R. The King ; 0 10 ji 6^2f Knoulton, R. Sir N. D'Aeth o 12 6f 1850 Mongham Magna, R. Abp. Cant I 16 6 12 11 8 Northborne, V. Abp. Cant 152 13 12 6 Ringwoulde, R. G. Gipps 1 7 3 *4S 3 ° Ripple, R. C. F. Palmer and others .. o II Iif 368 Stoner, R. Lord Dudley 068 *43 19 8 Sheperdfwell, V. Abp. Cant o 12 o *56 12 5 Wodn«fborne, V. Dtan Chap. Roch. .100 4 £ 40 o o Bettifhanger, o 16 o 6 Liber Valor um, tic. Kanc' Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 40 o o Bettifhanger, R. William' Morrice o 12 5! 30 o o Berfreyfton, R. St. John's Coll. Oxon. 015 5 46 o O Eftlangton, R. Lord Guilford 0 14 o f Mariae Beatae, in Sandwich, V. Archdn. 1 , t A° ° ° I Cant .. : ,.}°l6 l* 35 o o Mongham Parva, R. Abp. Cant o 11 6 (Petri Sandi, Sandwich,. R. The King,-! and Corporation of Sandwich alter- > nately „ J 45 o o Tilmanfton, V. Abp. Cant 0 15 3 25 O O Walderfhare, V. Abp. Cant o 10 9I 16 0,0 Weftlangdon, R. Abp. Cant 000 32 o o Walmer, C. Abp. Cant D. SUTTON. Living sremai king in Charge'. 2 Boxley, V. Dean and Chap. Roch 1 5 11 ^Boughton Menchafey, V. Dean andl + { Chap. Roch .. \ ° J5 4 OICCharte juxta Sutton, V. Dean and Cij.l , 8-| Roch. I ° J7 3i 4 Frenftede, R. H. Bing o 19 2 2 Goudherfte, V. Dean and Chap. Roch. 2 13 II 5 Hollingborne, R. Abp. Cant 2 17 6' 8 Hollingborne, V. Abp. Cant 0 14 8 o Harietfham, R. All Souls Coll. Oxon. 130 gf Langley, R. El. Bouverie o 13 n£ %l Leaham,V.Tl}omasBc/i 176? 4 Lynton, V. Sir Horace Mann ¦'. o 15 4 4 Marden, V. Abp. Cant o -15 10 3I Otham, R. William Hmley o 19 8£ 10 Stapleherfte, R. St. John's Coll.- Cam. 2 12 7 7 Sutton Valance, V. Dean and Ch. Roch. o 14 n 10 Thomeham, V. H. Hcdfon o 16 i 10 Ulcombe, R. G. B. Clarke 1 12 7 ., rWormehill, R. Go-ccmcn of Chr ift' si H"l + o J B*fpitah LMw i I..5 1 0 0 to .0 c Berftecfe, K. B J2 19 7 *3 8 12 *7i 26 28 *70 7 19 15 16 11 10 .6 19 13 15 1 I 7 1? 18 9 26 17 5 78 90 16 ¦5 nj Liber Valorum, &c. 9 Kanc' Livings Discharged. Ycar'yTer.t1 s. CL-ar yearly Value. L s. d. Benefices. Patront. /. s. d. 30 o 0 ¦Berftede, V. Dean and Chap. Roch. .. 0 12 9 vo 0 o Debtlinge, V. Abp. Cant o o « Maidftone, Cur. Abp. Cant 44 .14 4 Leeds, C. Abp. Cant D. S I T T I N G B O R N E. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *&7 14 o Borden, V. Jofeph Mufgrave '... o 17 o 136 8 Eftchurche, V. Thomas Kynajlon I 6 8 500 Flmeley, R. All Souls Coll. Oxon o 10 o *62 18 8 Hartlipp, V. Dean and Chap. Roch O 19 1 10 14 2' Morfton, R. Egerton Leigh, Clk 115 13 2 6 Milton, V. Dean and Chap. Cant 16 3 *72 10 o Newington, V. Eaton Coll. 1 8 0 14 4 7 Rayneham, V. Abp. Cant 1 8 5-J 10' o o Sittingborne, V. Abp. Cant 1 ' 0 O 9 II of Stokebury, V. Dean and Chap. Roch. o 19 ij 14 8 4 Tunftall, R. Abp. Cant 1 8 10 *55 3 ° Tonge, V . Charles Booth O 16* 8 11 o o Upchurche, V. All Souls Coll. Oxon .... 120 Livings Discharged. ' Clear yearly Valve. 40 o 0 Bicknor, R. The King on o ij o o B;ibchild,V. Dean and Chap. Chichefter o 16 o 36 o 0 Bredgar, V . Sir Edward Dereing o 18 o. 40 o 0 Halftow, V ..Dean and Chap. Cant o l6 i\ 45 O O Kingfdown, R. Elizabeth Umfrey O 10 11 48 q o Leydon, alias Leefdowne, V. Abp. Cant. 1 -1 o 44 0 o Milkftede, R. Richard Tylden o 17 6 30 o o Redmerfham, V. Js. Steph Lujhington o 16 8 40 o o Witchlinge, R. Richard Springall 082 24 00 Wardon, K..John\BriJlaw and others 096 30 16 0 Bubbing, V. William Tindal 8 00 Iwade,.C. Abp. Cant ?....¦. 20 2 6 Quecnboroughj.C. Corp. of ^ucmb. ..'.. B D. WEST- io Liber Valorum, He Kanc' D. WESTBERE. Livings remaining in Charge. j£ g_ Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. *6j 19 o Cheftett, V. Abp. Cant •• 2 19 uf 20 16 3 Heme, V. Abp. Cant 217' 700 Lawrentii Sandi, V. Abp. Cant 0 14 0 1384 Mundon, V. Abp. Cant 1 6 10 ' S3 3 4 Minfter, V. Abp. Cant 3 6 4 *rf6 6 3 Nicholai Sandi, Thanet, V. Abp. Cant. 1 11 nf 900 Petri Sandi, Thanet, V. Abp. Cant 018 6 9 13 3f Reculver, V". Abp. Cant.- o ig 2| ?50 4 6 S'walclifte, R. Ld. Cowper 1 2 11 ?70 o o Weftbere, R. The King «. o 14 0 Livings Discharged. "Clear yearly Value. 25 19 8 Sea Salter, V. Dean and Chap. Cant. ..190 4g 12 6 Johannis Sandi, V. Abp. Cant o 16 0 22 10 o Whitftable, C. Abp. Cant MID* D. MIDDLESEX. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 40 O 0 Hayes, R. Edward Jennings • 400 20 O O Hayes, V. Edward Jennings 200 33 4 2 Harrowe, V. John Kennion „ 3 6 5 4 13 4 Libera Cap. de Throckinton, 094 LONDON C I V I T '. Peculiars of the See of Canterbury. *200 o 0 Beatse Mariae de Arcubus, R. Abp. G. 3 7 l\ ^ {Omnium Sandorum, in Lombard-? o tio OOJ ftreetj R Dean and Chap. Cant. ..} 2 4 fBeatae Mariae Aldermary, R. united with King unitedl ?150 0 o { with St. Thomas the Apoftle, TheK.tr 2 0 *i2 12 3 Sanfli LlEER VALORUM, ^f. II Kanc' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I, s. d. T-> T-7 -> SSan^' Pancrafii Soper-lane, R. united! r IJ IZ 3 I to St. Mary de Arcubus ...: J r 9 7t ("Sandi Michaelis in Le Royal, utritedl *I40 O , O < with St. Martin Vintry, Abp. Cant, f 0 14^ p [_ and Bp. of Worcejler alternately ....J fOmnium Sandor' Bread - ftreet, R.7 *iao 0 0 I W/^ St.- John's, Watling-flreet ....J 3 *S 4-v 4 J Sandi Johannis Evangel' Watling-7 t t ftreet, R. Abp. Cant } x IT IX* *„~~ a ~ ^Sandi Dunftan' in Oriente, R. Abp. 7 , r 200 6 ° \ Cant ...\ 6 ° 9f [Beatae Mariae Bowthaw, R. £W» andl Chap. Cant, and Eliz. Beachcroft > I 1 o alternately J *,«« ^ - J-Sandi Vedafti, R. *«/V«rf w//i& St. Mi-7 , 100 o o £ chae]j Crooked.lane) ^ £,„, } 3°7 * (Sandi Dyonifii in Lime-ftreet, Deanl *120 ° Q\ and Chip. Cant J210 ° 2 12' 10 ,» CSandi Michaelis Crooked-lane, Abp.) 100 ° ° | &»/ :..] ! Sandi Leanardi Eaftcheap,R.I>W» and~\ Chap, of St. Paul's, and Dean and> 2 II O Chap. Cant, alternately J ESSEX' JUISDICT. CANTUAR'. 35 10 o Bocking, R. Abp. Cant 8 11 o 37 o o Latchingdon and Lawing, R. Abp. C. 311 o 22 o o Stiftede, R. Abp. Cant , 240 27 o o Southchurch, R. Abp. Cant. 2 14 1 B z Ebora;5 ii Liber- Valorum, (ic. Eborac' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL. "'Ebor' / Yearly Tenths. I, s. d. I- s- d- S A RCHIEPISCOPATUS.7 , 1610 .0 0 ^ Ebor, $161 0 0 308 10 7i- Decan. Ecclefix Cathedral, Eboi" .... 30 17 of 90 3 i-J- ArchidiacOnatus, Eboi' 9 D 3* 62 14 7 Archidiaconatus, Eaft-Rtding 6 5 5f- 36 o 10 Archidiaconatus, Cleaveland <.. 3 12 1 61 o 10 Archidiaconatus, Nott' 621 35 o o Ampleford, P. 3 10 0 800 Abfthorpe, P « o 16 o' 14 8 9 Bilton, P , 1 8 iof 14 8 4 Barnby, P 1 8 10 17 17 1 Botivant, P , „... 1 15 8? 17 17 1 Bole, P , 1 15 8f 34 7 3i Bugthorpe, P* 3 8 8| 85 6 8 Cancella'riatus. 8 10 8 19 10 10 Donington, P 1 10 1 38 16 of Frydaythorpe, P -3 17 7? 37 *5 5 Fenton, P 3 15 6| 10 2 6 Gevyndall, P. .._ 103 ,' 917 1 Grindall, P „ .'. 019 8f n '3 9 Holme Archicpifcopi, P 1 2 \\ 38 17 11 Hufwhatt, P 3 17 9?- 42 17 1 Knarefburgh, P 458! 43 19 7 Langtoft, P 4 7 \\\ 40 o o North Newbaid, P 400 32 13 4 Ofbaldwike, P 3 5 4 76 Ii 8 Offic' Cuftod' Fabra' 7 13 2 96 4 2 Precentoria .'. 9 12 5 33 11 8 Ricall, P. 3 7 5 50 14 2 SubdecanatuSu 5 1 5 14 9 9 South Newbaid, P 1 8 n|- 47 16 %\ Stilington, P 4 15 7I 74 7 1 Strenfall, P 7 .14 8f .2 17 1 Ftock- Liber Valor u a*, tic. 13 Ebor' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. I. s. d. 217 1 Stockrington, P „ o 5 8| 16 13 4 Sub Thefuariat 1 13 4 800 Succentor _ o 16 o 34 11 8 Ullifkelfe, P 3 9 2 600 Warthill, P 0120 32 10 5 Wighton, P. 3 5 of - 05 16 of Wiftow, P. 611 7 1 82 11 ,3 Wetwang, P 8 5 i{- 438 2 6 Capit. Ecclefia prsed' 43 18 3 J3D 5 5 Colleg. Vice' Chora' 13 12 6j CITY of YORK and DEANERY of ANSTY. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Benefices. Patrons. 1634 Athill, R. Thomas Arthington , 124 30 5 2f Bolton Percy, R. Abp. York 3 19 6 *40b o o Berwicke in Elmet, R. The King ..373 36 o o Birkin, R. Thomas Wright 3 12 o 8 17 6f Galfurthe, R. Charles Allanfon o 17 g| 26 o o Gifley, R. H. Willoughby 2 12 o 13 6 8 Hamftwaite, V. Thomas Shann 168 *350 1 o Kirkeby, Overleys, R. Ld. Egremont 20 if 15 11 iof- Kirkdighton, R. William Thompfon .. 1 11 2f fLeedes St. Peter, V. in Tru/lees 1 Q jLeedes St. John, V. Vicar and Corp.! , 38 ° 2'AUedesHo\y Trm\ty,R. Recorder and{ 3 ™ ° t Vicar J *ioo o o Leythley, R. The King o 14 3 J *i8o o o Moremunketon, R. The King 1 13 115 14 O O Newton Kyme, Robert Fairfax 180 *8o O O Rither, R. John Cale O 15 %% 73 6 8 Spofurth'e, R. Ld. Egremont 768 16 1 8 Swilliiigton, R- Ld. Lonfdah 1 12 2 24 3 9 Waneiley alias Merfton, Rob. Robinfon 2 8 4f- Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 30 ' 0 o All Saints North-ftreet, R. .7%* King' o 8 2§ fAll Saints in the Pavement, andl OI 5° ° ° [St. Peter's Parva, The King \°U Si 50 0 o St. Cruce; 14 Liber Valorem, tic, Ebox' - - Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. L s. d^ 50 o o St. Cruce, R. The King ¦ 0138 (*St. Dennis in Waimgate cum St.") 31 17 o < George, and Nabourn, T7;*King,| 081 £ aHd &' Pa^5 alternately J [St. Cuthburt cum St. Helen's fuperl ' Muros, and All-Saints in Peafe-<> on 1 holm, R. The King >-} 30 o o St. Helen's, Stonegate, V. The King o 8 6| ! CSt. Martin's in Micklegate cum St.? , 4b 4 » I Gregory, R. Nat. Payler, and others^ u 7f CSt. Michael's of Belfrey scum St. WiI-7 . 11 *7 9[ freys, R. Dean and Chap. York :...J ° 4 1 \St. Margaret in Waimgate cum St. 7 c . 20 "° ° I Peter le Willow, The King 5 8 "* 50 o o St. Mary in Caftlegate, R. The King 0 4 iof R \St. Michael's, in Spurriergate, R. The] ' ¦* £ King • 3 60 o o St. Saviour's, R. The King o 10 1 f"St. Mary, Bifhopfhill, fenior, ift. Me-1 40 o O X diety, R. Heirs of Ld. Rivers, and> 0 10 I 0 10 t !St. Mary, Bifhopfhill, fenior, ift. Me-1 diety, R. Heirs of Ld. Rivers, and> the King alternately J ("St. Mary, Bifhopfhill, junior, 2d. Me-1 39 2 .5 \ (diety, R. Heirs of Ld. Rivers, and> [ the King alternately J f St. Trin' in Curia Regis, V. Mafterl , „ *7 *8 9 \ cfWcllHofphal. .......} ° l6 ° fSt. Trin' in Goodramgate cum St.T 19 6 0 < John Delpike, and St. Maurice, R. > 1 4. 5 [ Abp. of York J 13 4 10 St. Lawrence, V. Dn. and Ch. York ..on 0 , 0 ^St. Martin's, in Coney-ftreet, Y.Deanf 0 „ 2116 8C and Chap, of York \° 8 \ 3.3 J5 o Acafter, V. Robert Fairfax o 10 ]l 15 14 8 Acomb, V, Mr. Waller —..., o 6 II 31 10 8 Aburford, V. Oriel Coll. Oxon o 12 2 35 6 to Afkham Richards, Y .Edward Gar forth 094 24 15 o Bifhop Thorp, V. Abp. York 0 & o- 25. o 0 Bramham V. Ch. Ch, Cell. Oxon 0129 44 14 10 Brotherton, V. Dean and Chap. York O IO 8 28 02 Biiton, V. P. of York ~ O1 -7 7? 11 96 Bardley, V. Sir John Goodricke o ^8 .2 41 14 bi Brayton, V. Edmund Starkie ...» o 15 5! 38 2 5 Cowthorpe, o /Liber Valorum, tic. tc Ebo.r'x Yearly Tenths. •I. s.- d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 8 2 5 Cowthorpe, R. Edmund Starkie 097 21 6 0 Collingham, V. Riclard Darly ........ o 7 i£ 25 0.0 Drax, V. The Kinq 080 46 0 0 Fewfton, V. The King o 10 o 41 o O Fenton, V. P. of, York o 13 4 19 8 4 Harwood, V. Boulter Thomlinfon, 182^ 5100 Helaugh, V. Brotksbank 0 12 0 50 o o Kippax, V. The KiNjG o 10 8| 43 * 3 4 Kirby Wharfe, V . P. of Wetwang ..078 44 7 8 Ledfham, V . Ld. Huntingdon 0 14 5 41 o O New Bifhopfhhill, V. D. and Ch. York 1 o o 100 o o Ottley, V. The King 162 .12 6 8 Pannall, Y.John Raper 0 10 6 10 O O Rufforth, V. James Whitehead 094 47 17 11 Sherburne, V. P. of Fenton I 1 8| 32 10 8f Tadcafter, V. Ld. Egremont o 16 5{- 40 o o Thorner, V. The King 0 16 4 24 16 4 Thorparch, V. Ld. Huntingdon o 7 of 45 r 5 Wiftow, P. of York o 16 o 18 13 5I Wefton, V. The King o 13 1 40 12 g| Whitkirke, V. Trinity Coll. Cam 1-6 6i 25 15 O Wighill, V. Henry Stapylton 0 10 4I 615 4 Fulforth, C. to St. Olave's York,Jn. Key 41" 3 4 St. John's Oufebridge, C. York Ch. York 9 10 o St. Olave, C. York, Sir. Wm. Robinfon 1 23 0 o Poppleton fupra, Cur. Abp. York Poppleton, V. Dean and Chap, of York 17 O o Selby, C. Edmund Starkie ' ¦ D. BULM1R. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 17 10 10 Belvihgton, R, Sidney Coll. Cam 1 15 1 n o o Bulmer, R. Ld. Fitzwilllams 120 1 9 8 H-f Barnfby, R. Leonard Thampfon o 18 iof 12 o o Boflall,V. Dean and Chap, of Durham 140 10 O o Crayke, R. Bp. of Durham 100 19 o 0 Donnington, R. Duke of Bridgwater 1 18 o 23 3 9 Eaft. Crick, . R, Bielby Thompfon .... 2 6 5I 160 o o Fofton, R. The King ,....». 1 80 20 .0 0 Feiiflcirk, V. Abp. York « .-¦ 1 o ' o 800 Holtby, 16 Liber Valorum, tic. Ebor' Y***h ^ntlis. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /• s. d. ¦ 800 Holtby, R. Thomas, Nelfon O 16 o 8 2 1 Kirkby Knowle, R. Sir T. Frankland 1 16 i{ 17 o 2! Seafy, R. Ld. Downe 1 t4 °i 17 3 4 Sutton Galtres, V. Abp. York 1 14 4 23 18 6f Terington, R. William Daw fon 1 17. io£ 19 19 2 Topcliffe, R. Dean and Chap, of York 1 19 11 2517 3I Weldrake, R. Abp. York 211 8| *i40 o o Wigrington, R. The King 194 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 33 16 8 AIne, V. ZJ. Falconberg loo 40 o o Brafferton, Y ..The King o 19 6J 42 19 3 CraVnbe, V. Abp. York 0 18 2 29 12 6 Dalby, R. Thomas Lumley 0 10 i\ 27 9 2 Eafibgwold, V. Bp. Chefter 151! 60 o o Elvington, R4 The KiNg 0 11 %\ 7 15 o Gatehemfley, V. P. of Ofhaldwick .... 040 14 10 2 Huntington, V. Vicars choral of York o 10 0 50 0 o Hemingbrough, The King goo ' -29 12 6 Myton, V. Abp. York o 12 0 60 5 o Over Helinfly, R. The King , o 2 11 13 10 O Ofbaldwick, V. P. of Strenfal o 8 0 0 {Overton, V '. Peter John fon end Hen.l D , 28 2 ° \ Thompfon L...i J ° 8 I0* 35 O o Ricall, V. P. of York O 12 0 n* tR r, JSouth Ottrington, R. an* Med? Roger! , 27i» 9 I Talbot ) ° l$ 5* o \South Ottrington altera pars, R. Alr.l , 17 " ^ I Talbot and Mr. Pullen alternately .\ ° Z5 5*. 33 8 4 Skelton, R. Mr. Hepworth 0 10 0 36 o o Sheriff Hutton, V. Al?p. York 100 37 o o Strenfall, V . P- of York 094 30 o o Stillington, V. P. of York -°-9 ^i , fStillingfleete, V. Dean and Chatter! a 33 I2 6' \ 0f York z .„....} ° l8 9 60 6 o ¦ Skipyyith, The King ; 163 49 2 ,3 Thsrmanby, R. Sir George Cayley .. o 16 3! , 26 15 8 Thirklaby, V. Abp. York o 12 p 54 12 4 Whenby, V. William Garforth o 8 to 8 14 o Wharthill, V. P. of York - 062 .27 16 1 'Farlington, C. Abp. York ...;"?.: :« 600 Heflington, ;* Liber Valgrum, ti.c. 17 EBti«-' Yearly Tenths. I s. d. Benefices* Patrons. I. s.. d. 600 Heflington, C. P. of Ample ford 25 o o Huftwhait, C. Ld. Felconberg m r. r, JHuttons Ambae fup. Derwent, Abp.l x3 ° ° I York ....J 20 0 o Kilburn, Cur. Abp. York 15 10 o Marton in Galtres, C. Abp. York .... 43 6 o , Newton upon Oufce, Mr. Bourchier 1200 Over Silton, Ld. Falconberg 14 O o Sowerby, C. to Thirfk, Abp. York .... 40 o o Thirfk Nova, C. Abp. York D. BUCKROSE, Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *i6o o o Kirkby Hundelfdale, R.. 7"^? King .... o 12 4 *I30 0 o Langton, R. The King 1 14 5! *i50 - o o Scrangham, R. The King :> 232! 42 12 6 Settrington, R. Duke of Bridgwater 453 *I50 o 0 Scorpinbeck, R. The King 1 8 9J 12 O O Thorpbaffet, R. Mrs. Dawes 140 *i6o 0 o Weft Heflerton, R. The King 228 9 6 of Weverthorpe, V. D. and Ch. of York o 18 -7 542 Yeddingham, V. Ld. Fitzwilliam .... o 10 5 4- Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 24 13 2 Acklam, V. Ch. of York Cathedral .... o 10 O 60 o o Burythorpe, R. TheKiNG o 13 '7! 19 o o Bugthorpe, V. P. of York 200 30 b O Coldham, V. Bernard Foord I 3 if 32 © O Fridaythorpe, V. P . of Wentwang .... 094 30 15 o Helperthorpe, V. Drt. and Ch. of York o 9 nf 31 6 6 SKirkby Grindalyth, V. Mrs. Lilling-1 0 l6 „f 36 17 6 North Grimfton, V. P. ofLangtoft ".. o 12 8 30 o o Rillington, V. The King ...«..-„ o 17 5! 18 2 3 Sherbourn, V. Sir Geo. Strickland .... o 12 o£ 815 o Sledmere, V. Dr. Sykes 000 32 9 o Wetwang, V. P. of York o 18 gf 38 2 6 Weftow, V. Abp. York o 9 10 C 13 9 o Whaream 21 O 7f Kighley, R. Duke of Devonjhire ......... 2 t Kirkby in Malham Dale, V. Duke of! 6 r3 4 } Devonjhire \ ° 18 Liber Valorum, tic. EBOR* Yearly Tenth. I. ,s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I- s. d. 13 9 o Whaream in le Street, Y. SirC. Buck o 12 o 3100 Whaream Perfey, V. Sir C. Buck .... 1 3 4 15 o o Birdfall, C - 941 Norton, Cur. Tho. Ewbank 17 6 & Wintringham, Cur. Sir G. Strickland D. C R A VE N. Divings remaining in Charge, K. B. 11 13 4 Bolton, R. Chrijlopher Ddwfon 134 CBurnfall, R. 2 Medietat. 1/. 16*. each,? 3& ° O \ Ld. Craven 5 3 " ° 12 13 nf Gargrave, V. Hen. Marfden 1 5 4-1 *ioo o o Gifbourn^V. The King 128 2 of 13 4 fLinton, R. 2 Medietat. 1/. 12*. each,? 300 o o J ^ KlNG I 3 4 » 14 14 4* Marton, R. Elizabeth Heber 1 9 5i 10 18 n| Prefton, V. Ch. Ch. Oxon 1 1 io\ 28 O o Slaitbourne, R. James Wigglefworth 2 16 0 '4 o 10 Skipton, R. Ch. Ch. Oxon O 8 1 400 Slaitbourne, Cur. C. to Slaitbourne ..080 19 5 2 f Thornton, R. Sir John LiJler Kaye .-. 1 18 6j Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value 40 4 o Addingham, R. Wm. Thompfon 0^18 9* / 39 12 2 Arncliffe, V, Univerfty Coll. Oxon. .. 168 80 o o Bingry, V. The King o 14 -8 24 12' O Broughton, V. Ch. Ch. Oxon ail 7* r. . 8 O O Bracewell, V. William Weddell o 4 ni ""30 4 .0 Carleton, V. Ch. Ch. Oxon o 10 l\ 46* 7 2 'o Gigglefwicke, V. Mrs. LiJler 224 29 18 6 Ilkley, V. George Hartley „ o 15 t,\ 22 11 6 Kettlewell, V. Richard Tenant o 10 0 38 18 8 Kildwick, V. Ch. Ch. Oxon 1 o 9I 43:0 o Mitton, V . Heirs of Ld. Litchfi eld ..189! 39 12 10 Skipton, V. Ch. d. Oxon j. rl 3 , 22 18 o?i WaddingtCBj: * Liber Valorum, tic. 19 sEbor' , Yearly Tenths. I. -s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. "22 18 o\ Waddington, Curat' Edward Parker o 4 iof 584 Barnoklfwick, C. Edmund Sta; kie .... 32 10 o Bolton, C. to Skipton, Dukeof Devon. 20 o o Slifden, C. to Kildwick, Ld. Thanet D. CLEAVELAND. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 10 11 iof Crathorne, R. Ld. Cullen 1 1 2? 180 o. o Eflington, R. The King 1 8 iof 15 o o Hinderwell, R. Boynton Langley 1 10 O 21 8 6f Kirkby in Cleaveland, R. Abp. of York 2 2 iof 16 o o Leeke, V. Bp. of Durham 1 12 o 130 o o Lofthoufe, R. The King 1 1 jf 4 18 g Marton, V. Abp. of York o g iof 17 10 10 North A"l\erton,V.D. and Ch. Durham 1 15 1 6 18 6f Ormefby, V. Abp. of York o 13 iof 30 o o Rudby, V. George Cary 300 12 13 4 Siggefton, R. Thomas Dade 154 30 6 iof Stokefley, R. Abp. of York 3 o «| '140 o o Sneton, R. The King 163 542 Stainton, Y . Abp. of York o n 5 (no o o Welbury, R. The King 0 14 3f '100 o o Weft Roughton, R. The King ........ 0 12 o Livings Discharged. Zltar yearly Value 37 10 o Birkby, R. Bp. of Durham O 13 4 31 10 o Cowfby, R. Sir Rowland AlJlon o 11 if 45 19 7 Hzwnby,R.Lds.Fr.andJn.Cavendifh o 15 iof 36 18 4 Kildale, R. Sir Charles Turner ........ 104 VKirkbv, V. cum Broughton, Tho.l J7°°j Hayter \ ' 20 13 4 Kirkletham, V. Sir Cha. Turner 104 44 o o Lith, V. Abp. of York 1 1 3 2515 O Marfk, V.Li. Lonfdale I 1 2| 35 lS 9 North Ottrington, V. Ch. Ch. Oxon. 080 12 7 o Ofmotherley, V. Bp. Durham o 12 o 18 18 4 Thornton le Streete, V. Ch. Ch. Oxon. 080 17 ? 4. Acklam Ch. to Stainton, Abp. of York ¦¦ ' C 2 ' 14 o o Hayton, Liber Valqrum, tic. Yearly Tenth. Benefices. Patrons. 1. 's, i, Hayton, C. Mrs. Turner Triton, Cur. Hetrs of Mr. Prifftck .. Danby, Cur. Ld. Downe Eaft Roun&on, George Cary Eafton, Ch..tov Ormfby, Abp. of York Eaft Hartlefey, Mr. Lawfon Egton, Ch. to Lyth, Abp. of York .... Efkdalefide,Ch. to Whitby, Abp. of York jFaceby, Ch. to Carlton, Heirs of Mr. I Prifftck Fylingdales, Ch. to Whitby, Abp. York Glazedale, Ch. to Ayfton, Abp. York Hilton, C. Mrs. Lowther Hutton, Ch. to Birkley, Wm. Pierfe Ingleby Arncliffe, Cur. Wm. Cooper .. Ingleby Greenhow, C. Sir Wm. Fowlis Kirk Levington, Cur. Abp. of York .... J Middlelborough, C. to Whitby Ever- l aid Huftlcr .... Middleton, Ch. G. Cary Nunthorp, C. Mr. L.wther Skelton, Cur. Abp. York xUggle Barnaby, Ch. to Whitby, Abp.l I York \ Whorton, Ch. to Rudby, G. Cary .... Wilton, C. Sir Wm. Lowther Yarum, Cur. Abp. York , D. DQNCASTER Livings remaining ir Charge. K. B. ' 12 17 6 Arkfey, V. Sir Geo. Cook 15 9 'ioo o o Armthorp, R.-The King o 17 io\ 12 15 2f Afton, R. Ld. Holdemefs 156? 4,13 4 Athwike Capella, Savile Finch 094 14 6 iof Burghwales, R. Peter Johnfon 1 8 8f 32 5 JO Badfworth, R. Ld. Derby 34 7 23 o o Barnburgh, R. Southwell Coll 26 0 3219 2 Doncafter, V. Abp. of York 3 511 13 f 8 Dsrfield, R. un' Medietat. Geo. Cook 5 62 ?9 I 4 Egglesfiel4» 20 Ebof. w 1. s. d. 14 0 0 7 7 4 16 3 0 5 2 0 17 10 4 I2-_5 0 21 0 O 7 16 8 19 5 0 21 0 0 9 tt 8 5 9 4 10 0 0 6 0 0 t3 13 4 21 5 0 6 0 0 4 9 8 .10 12 0 29 2 6 7 16 8 13 10 0 19 9 6 38 3 6 Liber Valorum, &c. 2j Ebo-r' Yearly Tenths, /. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 1934 Egglesfield, V. Ld. Fitzwilliam 1 18 4 13 3 9 Fifhlake, V. Dean and Chap. Durham 164! 7 1 iof Felkirke, V. Abp. York o 14 2f- 1550 Hatfield, V. Ld. Portmore I 10 6 20 1 , of Hymmefworth, R.John Smith 20 if 18 11 iof Herthill, R. Duke of Leeds I 17 2f 1247 Handfworth, R. Duke of Norfolk ...... 1 /. j| $130 o o Kirkbramwith, R. The King, D. L. i 5 10 10 1 of Kirkfmeaton, R. Ld.' Fitzwilliam .... 1 o if *I20 o o Rawmerfh, R. The King ¦» 0 16 8f 44 18 9 Spotburgh, R. Godfrey Copley 4 9 iof 17 13 4 Sylkifton, V. Abp. of York 1 15 4 12 15 2f Sheffield, V. Andrew Wilkinfon I 5 6f 11 7 8f Thirnefcough, R. Ld. Fitzwilliam .. 1 2 gf 26 O 2f Tankerfley, R. Ld. Fitzwilliam 2 12 of1 6 14 7 Todwicke, R. Duke of Leeds ... o 13 5f 12 11 5f Tirbeigh, R. Savile Finch 151! 12 0 o Treton, R. Duke of Norfolk 140 8 o 2f Wikerfley, R. Ann Lowes o 16 ef 10 O 0 Whifton, R. William Simpfon j o O Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value, 18 00 Barnby, V, James Stovin o 19 3 31 18 6 Brodfworth, V. Abp. of York o 12 8f 4-6 5 9f Braithwell, V. The King o 14 9 6 13 O Bolton, V. William Marfden o 13 6f 19 3 11 r Cantley, V '. Edwin Lafcelles o 12 "]\ 23 o 0 Campfall, V. Mr, Yarborough 1 13 8 2.8 15 9 Conifbrough, V, Abp. of York o 17 3? 35 2 2 Dunfton, alias Owfton, V. Bryan Cooke o 14 of 16 3 gf Darfield, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 1 ( 9 2f 14 10 10 Darton, V. Godfrey Wentworth 150 40 0 o Dinnington, R. The King 080 29 14 6 Edlington, R. Lady M. Molefworth .. o 18 0 , A Hooton Pannell, V. The Govenors of! _ „ - 26 J7 3i\ Wakefield School : .J..\ <> Jt °* 43 7 10 Hopton Roberts, R. Ld. Fitzwilliam 0152 {High Hoy land, R. un' Medietat. Sir! „ „ „ 5° ° °{ Tho. Wentworth 5 ° I0 * SO o 0 \mt V?A' ?• ^era Medietai o to 4 ? I Ld. Mfxborough ««> J 41 9 I Kirby 2 j Liber Valor t/m, tic. Ebor' - Yearly Tenth, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /• '• d. 41 O i Kirby, James and Eliz. Allot in of 27 5 6 Laughton, V. Chancellor of York ° 13 ,4 10 1 2 Marr Capella, Ld. Kinnoul o 8 to 40 o o Maltby, V. Ld. Scarborough O 9 4 32 2 n Pennifton, V. Godfrey Bofoille 1 13 5 38 9 o .Royfton, V. Abp. of York 1 14 4 21 o 10 Rotherham V. Ld. Effingham 1 12 iof 90 o o Sandall Parva, R. The King 018 of 19 15 6 Stainton, V. Ld. Scarborough on 6 25 12 . o Tickhill, V. F. F. Foljambe o 14 3 41 1(6 I Warmfworth, R. John Battie o 13 1 23 11 5 Wadworth, V. Mrs. Wordfworth .... 083 3 1 10 Wath, V. Ch. Ch. Oxon I 11 of 10 10 O Aufton Don. Preb. Laughton 18 O o Barnefly, Cb. to Mlkefton,' j%>. York CBolterftone, Ch. to Egglesfield, Ld.l 7 H 7 I Melbourne } 33 4 4 Cawthorne, Cur. The Inhabitants CFricklev cum Clayton, Cur. Patientiusl J7 3 *° \ Ward S 15 15 10 Furbeckand Letwell, Cur. P. Laughton fGreafbrook, Ch. to Rotheram, Ld. 5 I0 ° I Fitzwilliam 42 14 O Hatfield Don. Ld. Portmore 400 Hickleton, .Cur. Godfrey Wentworth 7 14 7f St. John's Ch. Laughton, P. Laughton f Melton fuper Montern, Cur. Dr. Foun-1 20 ° ° } tayne \ 20 O O Mexborough, Cur. Archdn. York 2 ' Rich. Perryn rShelbrook, C. in South Kirby, Sir! , Rich. Perryn J fSwinton." Ch. to Wath, Ld. Fitz-} 24 o o \ ¦„¦ ' ' \ T I witham y 10 4 o Thorp Salvin, Cur. John Hewett .... 48 17 10 Thorn, Cur. Ld. Portmore 0 fTinfley, Ch'. to Rotheram, Ld. Fitz-! 29 l8 * j William i 10 .5 o Wales, Cur. to Laughton, John Hewett 27 to ' 5 Wentworth Don. Ld. Fitzwilliam .... 21 14 4 Wooley, C. 'Godfrey Wentworth ...... D. DICKERING* Liber Valorum, tic. 23 Ebor' D. DICKERING. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 20 6 3 Burton Agnes, V.SirWm. St.ghiintin 2 o ' 7! 22 o o Foxhole, R. Jofeph Sykes 240 15. O o Folkton, R. Humphrey Ofbaldiflon .... 1 10 o 20 1 8 Hunmanby, R. Humphrey Ofoaldijlon 202 18 16 5f Seamere, V. Duke ¦ of Leeds 1 17 7^ *i20 o o Twing, R. The King o 17 2f *I20 o o Twing altera, R. The King 017 2f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 26 8 6 Boynton, V. Sir Geo. Strickland o 15 5 10 6 8 Burton Fleming, V. H. Ofbaldiflon .. o 12 5 43 4 o Carnaby. V. Sir Geo. Strickland o 14 iof 213 4 Ergham, R. John GrimJlon 080 50 o O Yoikon, Charter -houfe at Hull I 10 iof zg 4. O Folkton, V. Humphrey Ofbaldiflon .... _ o 17 2f 27 10 o Galmpton, V. Sir Digly Legard 010 3 *30 o o Carton, V. The King o 10 8 25 O o Kellond, V. Dean of York 6 13 9 31 9 8 Langtoft, V. P. of York o 16 b 30 3 o Mufton, V. Humphrey Ofbaldiflon .... 013 o 18 6 8 Naferton, Y .Abp. of York 17 6f 39 10 o Rudffon, V. Abp. of York • o 19 4f 27 o o Righton, V. Matiheiv Smith '. o 19 o 44 10 0 Scawby, V. Dn. and Ch. of Norwich o 13 4 38 o O Scarborough, V. Sir Cha. Thompfon ..168 50 o o Willerby, V. The King 0 18 of 27 o o Wold Newton, V. Richard Langley .. o 13 nf 213 4 Awburn, Cur. Sir Geo. Strickland .... 136 8 Bempton Don. Harrington Hudfon , 568 Beffonby, Cur. Harrington Hudfon .. 800 Burlington, Abp of York 16. o o Finley, Cur. Jn. and El. Roberts .... , {Flamborough, Cur. Abp. and Walter! 16 ° ° \ Strickland .„ \ 390 Fraifethorp, 24 Liber Valor dm, tic Ebor* YeaH? ten^u I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I- J- d. CFraifethorp, Ch. to Carnaby, Sir Gec.l 3 ° ° I Strickland ;¦$ 21 O O Hacknefs, C. Marquis of Annandale 938 Lowthorp, Cur. Sir, Wm. St. $umtm 417 o Rufton Parva, Sir Wm. St. Quinttn .... 356 Speeton, C. Michael Newton ; ( T>. HOLDERNESS. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 13 11 iof Barmifton, R. Sir Griffith1 Boynton .... 172! 22 o 0 Beford, R. Abp. York 246 (Brandes Burton, R. St. John's Colli „ „ '*25° o S>\ Cam ..: I2 9 4 *no o o Catewick, R. The King 106 13 6 8 Halfham, R. Duke of Montague 168 *200 o o Hornfey,V. cum Rifton, R. The King 164 16 13 4 Leven, R. Sir Ja. Pennyman and others 1 13 4 20 o Mittles, or Nuthill, V. Mr. Newton ..040 *ioo o o Owthorne, V. The King 127! 22 o o Pattrington, R. Clare Hall, Cam 240 8 17 1 Rovrth, R. E. M. Ellerker o 17 8f *i6o o o Ryes, R. The King 1 o of 19 O o Roofe, R. Sir Chriflopher Sykes ... 118 0 7 o 10 Sprotley, R. Duke of Montague ...» 0 14' 1 *350 o o Siglefton R. Tbe King 3 2 if 13 18 9 Sutton Ecclefia Colleg 1 7 iof 12 o o Wynfted, R. Sir Robert Hildyard .,.. 140 Livings Discharged. Gl ear yearly Value. 60 o o Alburgh, V. The King 1 7 10 50 o o Atwick, V. The King 0 811 26 10 O Burton Pidfey, V. Dn. and Chap. York 0 12 0 Golden Parva, R. The King 0 5 10 2.0 0 0 Effington, V. Abp. York 100 '25 O O Frodingham, V. George Acklam o 10 0 10 o o Garten, V. The King 0 12 d 44 2 4 Goxhill, R, William Ltfter 0160 18 o 0 HeadoBy Liber Valorum, tic. 25 E B p R* Yearly Tenths. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. Headon, Cur. Sub Dean of York Hilfton, R. Henry Munby 0 IO 0 Holym, V. Corporation $f Beverley .... o„ 19 iof Holmpton, R. The King o 84 Humbleton, V. 7ft.? King 1 o 1' Kilnfey, V. Leonard Thompfon o 12 iof Kayingharft, V. Abp. York 1 4 o iMapleton, V. Archdn. of the EaJl Rid- ? I ing i J 9 4 Marfleete, Mr. Waterland 000 Pagula, alias Paul, V. Abp. York .... 1 o . of Prefton, V . Sub Dean of York 140 Swine, V. Mrs. Bramley o 16 o Skipfea, V. Abp. York o 19 7f Skeffling,V. Mrs. Holmes o 14 8f Skekling, V. Duke of Montague o 14 o* Sutton, Cur. Richard Brodrepp 000 Tunftal, Y , Succentor of York r 000 Ufrome, V. Sir Griffith Boynton o 7 11 Wel wick, V. The King ....f o 13 4 Withcrnwick, V. P. of York o 12 8f Waghen, V. Chancellor of York Q 14 1 Drypool, C. R. Wilberforce Nunkeeling, C. Jn. Thornton Ottringham, C. Fr. Boynton ... -.. D. HERTHILL. Livings remainin-g in Charge. K. B. 48 16 3 Andrea San&i, Preb. Beverly 4 17 7-f 35 *4 9§ Baynton, R. St. John's Coll. Oxon. .. 311 5f 9 12 6 Burnholme, R. Abp. York o 19 3 r2oo o o Catton, R. The King ¦ 2 3 3f 106 13 4 Cottingham, R. Bp. of Chefter 10 13 4 12 11 8 Godmanham, R. Henry Egerton .... 152 20 9 4f Gitton, or Eyton, R. Abp. York .... 2 o nf 27 o o Holme, R. St. John's Coll. Cam 2 14 o 'Tio o o Holtham, R. The King 100 ^60 ^ a Hugget, R. The King • 1 iq o - \ D *ioo o o Heft /. s. d. 18 0 0 ^1 18 0 48 0 0 50 0 0 6 10 0 8 10 0 21 0 0 24 0 0 6 t? 0 47 10 0 iS 0 0 V- 10 8 16 4 0 10 0 0 48 9 8 ' 10 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 0 14 0 0 34 15 0 3° 0 0 11 10 a 20 13 4 17 0 0 26 Liber Valorum, &c. Ebor' Yearly Tenth*. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /.» s. d. m C Heft and Hull, alias HelTel, V. Thei . ' 0I *joo o o \ KmG. I J i o 8f foolme in SpaldingMonr,V. &.%£«'*) T n n IO0Ol Coll. Canf..l -, --....J 1 ° ° l6 o o Lonifborough, R. Ld. Mansfield .... i iz o 20 o o Lokington, R. Mrs. Gilby 200 *jroo o o Marias Beatje Virginis, V. The King 18 3f 15 3 4 Middleton, R. C. S. Breary 1 10 4 31 18 4 Michaelis St. in Beverley, P. 3 3 10 23 6 8 North Burton, R. Robt. Waddilove 268 20 I 8 Rowly, R. Sir Robt. Hildyard 202 {Sutton fifper Darwent, R. Thomas! , W 1+ 9 { Clarges ............ \ l 9 Sf 12 o o South Dalton, R. Sir Cha. Tkompfon 1 40 24 13 4 Walkington, R. Henry Charles 294 *2oo o o Weltoa:' in Howden, V. The King 2 iO 0 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 32 12 6 Awthton, V . Thomas Mofeley o 80 / „ _ \Brantingham, V. Dean, and Chapter! 46 *4 7 [ 0f jfurham 5J 1 4 « 12 10 o Bifhop Wilton, V. Treafurer of York on. t,\ 30 o o 'Bubwith Mediety, V.T^King .... o 14 3 , J Bubwith alter Mediety, V. Dn. and! , , 26 7 °.{ Ch.York „„ „} ° l6 °* 32 3 4 Bifhop's Burton, Y .Dn. and Ch.York 0 10 8 26 2 4 Burnby, R. Duke of Devonfbire o 15 6 18 o o Barnby Moon, V. Dean of York o 10 8 17 0 o Drifteild Magna, Y. Precentor of York 015 of 49 10 6f Everingham, R. John Matthews r 6 8 30 o o Eloughton, V. P, of Wetwang o 10 Oj . 60 o 0 Eftrington, V. The King 1 411* 39 15 2 Full Sutton, R. William Simpfon .... 1 1 3I 40 o o Ferriby, V. The King 0174 14 o o Gevindale, V. Dean of York o 9 10 27 4 2 Harfwell, R. Sir H. Slingby 080 21 o o 5Hoton Craaefwick, V. Sir Charlesl , - , 21 ° ° I Tbompfon , Jl.lOIOj. 6 13 4 Holme, V. The King7 0 I7 n| 29 q 0 hliyto^V.DeenofYork ...... „. 0 ij i! 27 0 0 K-vi Liber Valorem, Be. 2? Yearly Tenths. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. Kirk Ella, V. Eilerkor Brad/haw .... I 6 3* Kildwick, V. Dean of York 0 9 7f Kirkbourne, V. The King 0 9 of Leconfield, V. Tho. and Edward Lee 0|i6 o Lund, V. Jn. Grimfton O 12 7! Millington, Cur. Dean, of York 000 North Cave, V. Robt. Burton ........ 109 Newbaid,. V. P. of York 080 North Dalton, Robt. Wharram 0*0 o Pocklington, V. Dean of York 0 O 2f Sculcoats, V. The King> ,, 0 IO 8 Scorbrough, R. Ld. Egremont ..„ 0,14 O Saunton, V. John Broadley o 12 2f South Cave, V. Pr. of York o 16 o Skerne, Cur. Mr. Browne 000 Seaton Roffe, Cur. Duke of Leeds .... oi O o Thornton, V. Dean of York 0,14 7 Wighton, V. P. of York .... ,o. 9 4! Wrefiell, V . Ld: Egremont on 4f Warter, V .Sir JoJ reph Pennington .... 080 Beverley Minfter, Town of Beverley , Cottingham, V. Bp. of Chefter Ellerton, C. Prior of ' EUerton Frangfofs, Cur. Dean of York „ D. PONTEFRACT. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. i *i5o 0 o Ackworth^ R. The King, D. L r 2 °4 c if f Altnonbury, V. The Truftees of CU-T *:' 1 20 7 « \ thero School 5 2 c0 ^ *ioo o o Adlingfleet, V. The King o 19 ^f 20 O o Bradford, V. Hammond Croffe 2 00 *no o o Crofton, R. The King, D. L 100 •140 o o Caftleford, R. The King, D. L 2 1 3I 14 o 7f Elmely, R. Ld. Scarborough » 1 8 of ?250 o o Hallifax, V. The King 8 9 4f ?I20 o o Kirberton, V. The King, D.L 168 25 13 9 Kirkheaton, R. Henry Smithfon 211 4f D 2 *23P 0 0 Methley, E bor' /. s. d. 6 • 0 16 08 3<> ' 0, 0 ' 9 24 8 3 68 ¦4 &0 46 10 0 12 n 0 9 6 8 39 0 0 25 0 0 47 8 5 6 08 3° 0 0 *3 38 5 6 0 0 32 0 0 44 10 0 27 0 0 17 3* 86 4 8 42 0 0 10 0 0 8 10 0 28 Liber Valorem, &c. Ebor' Yedrly Tenth. .',/. s..-.d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. •230 o O Methley, R. The KlNG, D. L 2 IO iof 40 0 75 Thornhill, R. Ld. Scarborough 4 0 of *22o o o Wakefield, V. The King .< « 2 ig it 542 Warmfieldj V. Bar. Oley ..«.. o 10 j ~ 0 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. , c $ Barley, V. Duke of Montague, and\ 25 6 *\ Heirsof Mr. Copley alternately ...\ Z % 48 19 ; 2 Birftall, V. yf^. York .' 2 7 11 6o?:o o Calverly, Y .'The King ; o 19 2f 35 00 Darrirtgton, V. Abp. York ..- 1 13 if 70 b 0 Dewfbury, V. The King 2 54! 45 b o Fetherfton, V. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. ..' 0 10 iof ' '- VFerryfrifton, Succentor and Vicars Cho-1 ** 3 4j r//e/r^ ........I01111 46 10 o Huddersfield, V. 5/r. John Rdmfden 1 15 4 32 10 ' o Kellington, V. Trin. Coll. Cam o 18 iof 12 14 °o Merfield, V . Sir George Armitage .... o 12 i| 48 7 2 Normariton, V. Trin. Coll. Cam o 14 0 §000 Pontefraft, V; The King : 1 6 ' 8 41 18 10 Rothwell, R. Robt, and Sam. Harper 1 19 gf 80 o o Sandall Magna, V. The King 169? 24 o o Womeriley; V. Stanhope Harvey .... o 13 if o JArmin, Ch. to-Snaith, Duke of Nor-1 I thumbe'rland and Edmund Siarkie .\ 18 15 o Cumberworth Don. Sir Tho. Blatket 27 p O Eaft Ardefty, C. Duke . if Montague 8 13 4 Hook, Ch. to Snaith, Edm. Starkie 40 o , o Roecliffe, Ch. to Snaith, G. Yarburgh 44*0 o Snaith Don. Ch. Yarburgh .....; 7 10 so. Tonge? Ch. to Birftall, John Tempejf 40 .0 co Whitgift'Don.. Ch. Yarburgh "31 16 o Woodkirk, C. Duke of Montague .... D. RID ALL. Liber Valorubs, tic. 29 Ebor' D. RID ALL. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 7 8 6f; Appleton, V. Mrs. Thompfm o 14 iof 14 • 8 6f Barton, R. Lady Irvin 1 8 iof 13 tp o Gilling, R. Richard Heaton' 170 14 17 6 Hoton- Bufhell, R. Ld. Fitzwilliam 1 9.9 25 1 iof Mifperton, R. C. S. Duncomhe 2 10 2f 10 i 8 Ofwaldkirk, R. Mrs. Thompfon 102 ?250 o o Stangrave, R. Th,e King 368 12 1 iof Shinglefby, R. John Cleaver 1 4 2f ™ ~ ~ V Thornton in Pickering, R. Rich. Ja.l 20 ° ° I Hill ,„ ' „.„:...} 2 ° o Livings Discharged./ Clear yearly Value. 27 o o Ampleford, V. P. of York „• 087! 29 8 o Brompton, V. Sir George Cayley ...... 140 46 18 8 Edfton, V. Ld. Safifbury 0 15 o 19 o 0 Ellerburne, V. Dean of York 0 14 sf 35 o o Ebberfton, Y . Dean of York o n 8f 35 8 o Helmfly, V. Thomas Duncotnbe 1 2 iof 34 o o Levefhamj R. Mrs. Wykes o 14 gl 90 o 0 Laftingham, V. The King 1 14 9 100 o 0 Kirkby Moorfide, V. The King 181 22 15 3 Middleton, V, John Robinfon 112 50 o o Nunnington, R. The King 1 6/8 48 5 6 Normanby, R. K. J. Hill ¦ ., 019 3 41 o 0 Pickering, V. Dean of Yorki o 16 4! 37 o o Scawton, R. Tho. Worfley o 511 38 8 10 Salton, V. Ld. Salifbury 09* „ CCold Kirby, C. to Eafingwold, Edw.7 ¦* 4 £ LiJler .-J 20 o o Hovingham, C. Ld. Carlifle 12 0 o Kirkdale, C. Unrverftty of Oxford .... 16 13 4 Old Malton Don. Ld. Fitzwilliam 14 o o Old Bylaad, Cur. Ld. Falconberg .... 19 o 0 Synnington, 3_ _ tAnnae SandL in Sutton Boiiington, R.7 *8° ° °1 The King \ ° 9 9 II Bingham, R. Ld. CheJlerfield 4 8 gf 4f Broughton, R. Wm. Radcliffe 1 2 nf 9 Barton, in Fabis, R. Abp. York 1 18 4f 4 Cortlingftock, R. Sir. Th. Parkins .. o 15 10 iof Clifton, R. Sir Gervafe Clifton .A 2 2 8f jCCodgrave prima pars, R. Heirs of the! Q 3*J. Duke ofKingjlon -....J * ° b* jCCodgrave altera pars, R. Heirs of the! 9*{ Duke of Kingflon .........} ° J9 Si o Colfton BaiTet, V. The King o 16 9 6f Efteburgford, R. Peter Broughton .... 1 18 iof- 5 Elton, R. Langford Collin o 16 of 6f Gotham, R. Duke of Portland 1 18 iof , CHolme Pierpoynt, R. Heirs of the! b I Duke of Kingflon 5 * IO 9 9 Hawkfworth R. Creed Turner ., o 17 4f 4 Hikling, R. Queen' s Coll. Cam 1 16 10 o Keworthe R.Sir Th. Parkins o 14 6 7 Leke, R. Ld. Huntingdon 2 lo 5-f 11 Langar, R. Ld. Howe 1 o 9 -J of Normanton, R. James Harryman .... O 15 if 7 Plumtree, R.Jn.Moxon 1 19 nf 6 Remfton, R. Sidney Coll. Cam 163 , CRadcliffe, V. Heirs of the Duke of! + 12 6| King/on ^ ...\ ° 9 3 CSt. Michaels, in Sutton Bonnington,7 z J5 2 * I R. Dean and Chap, of BriJlol $ x I0 2* 9 ,7 6 Stanford, R. C. V. Dafhwood o 18 9 15 9 4f Thorlafton, R. Pendock Neale j 10 nf r _t CWidmerpole, R* Heirs of the Duke of 1 _r J+ l6 °i\ King/en . ,J„. i\ l 9 7* 18" 17 6 Wilfbrd, R. B. H. Stanyford 117' 9 It? 14 2 Weftburghford, R. Jn. Mujlers 113 5 19 17 6 Adbolton, 44 7 11 9 .19 7 21* 3 18 6 10 7 9 4 *8o 0 19 8 8 0 19 8 15 7 8 18 x3 8 7 5 25 4 10 7 7 11 t9 9 13 2 3* Liber Valorum, tic. Nott'1 Livings Discharged. Yearly Ten^s. Cleaf yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. j. i, , CAdboIton, R. Heirs of the Duke of! . J9 x7 t>\,K.ingJlln ... S° 5 . 4l 1650 Bunney, V. Sir 'Th. Parkins ,.»• 0136 3014 8 Carcolfton, V. Rich. Porter o 12 . i\ 32 o o Flyrifham, V. Trin. Coll. Cam. ......... o 12 3, 2614 8 Granbye, V. Duke of Rutland 012 4f 800 Kneton, V. Sir Fr. Molyneux a 8 n| 47 12 4 Kynalton, V. Abp. of York 015 iof 44 6 o Orfton, V. D. and Ch. of Lincoln .... 145! 24 o o Radcliffe fuper Soar, V. Afhton Curzon 013 4 14 3 4 Rodyngton, V. Duke of Devonjhire .. 013 4 43 3 O Scfeiton, R. Th. Thoroton „r o 13 II 43 o o Staunton le Wold, Sir Mark Parfons 05 4 10 0 o Thorpe in Glebis, R. SirTb. Parkins 1 4 uf 14 11 1 Tithby, cum Cropwell, Wm. Chaworth ooo* 28 10 o Whattbn, V. Jn. Hewett 0 10 8 C Willoughby, V. T. Marfham andjn 21 7 4 } HeaviftdV .....*.....'............. .....'] ° J3 I0* 20 o o Wiflawe, V. Sir Archibald Achefon .. 0 9 i{ 1000 Awthorp, Cur, Pri. Thurgarton 5 lb O Edwalton, C. Wm. Chaworth 140 o Kingfton fuper Sora, Duke of Leeds 40 o o Shelford, Don. Ld. Chejlerfield 16 o o Stannton, Cur. J. S. Charlton 27 iq 0 Thrumpton, C. Jn. Emmerton D. NOTTINGHAM. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. of Colwicfce, R. Jn, Mufttrs 0 12 if 8 Eperfton, R. Ld. Howe 1 6 2 2 Gonalton, R. Sir Ph. Monoux ........ 0 15 11 of GedlingiftMediet.R.Xrf.C/S^r///^ 1 g ft g tGedling, ad Mediet. R. Ld. Chef-1 0 I terfield .'- ........J °t z* 8 Kirkby Jn Afhfielde; R. D. Portland 1 16 2 3 Lamley, R. J. D. Flamftead 1 1 jfi 77^ MansfiisHi 6 1 *3 1 7 IQ 14 6 -6 16 18 1 i* 0 19, 7 J ternately J , C Fled borough, R. Heirs of the Duke of 1 „ 9' I Kingfton 3 fHawton juxta Newarke, R. Sir Roger! 17 1 3 4 I Newdigate \ l x5 4 9 9 4f Hokerton, R. Mrs. Whetham o 18 1 if 19 8 4 Kellome, R. G. Sutton „ 1 18 10 *25o o o Newarke, V. The King 2 2. 6f 10 1 3 Rolfton, V. Southwell Coll. „. 1 0 ¦ . i{ 14 1 iof South Collingham, R. Bp, ofPeterbor. 1 8 i\ 16 13 1 if Staunton, R. A. and E. Charleton .... 1 13 t,\ 6 4 4-f Shelton, R. Ld. Salijbury o 13 5I *I00 o 0 Thorp juxta Newarke, R. The King o 16 0 7 n of Whynthorpe, R. R. Pocklington .... 0 15 rf 19 2 n Wefton, R. Heirs of the D. of Kingflon 1 18 3f Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 25 19 6 Barnebye, Vi Southwell Coll. o 10 Iif 18 o o Cottarn, V. Duke of Portland 015 q\ 14 o o Farenden, V. P. of Lincoln o 13 4 48 7 o Kilvington, R. William Cartwright 0 1 3 2§ 44 O O Knefall, V. Southwell Coll. IOO 38 10 6 Laxton,V. Heirs of the D. of Kingflon. 1 2 P 40 o o Marnham, V. Ld. Brownlow o 17 it o 0 North Clifton, V. P. of Lincoln .J 0 14' 8i 37 o 0 Nbrth Clifton, Y. P. of Lincoln -«. 0 14' " Ld. Chef! 35 14 0 Normantbn,,. ,„ ft jNorth MUfkam Mediet. Vi Ld. Chef-1 x 7 I0 ° I terfield „ „ ...\ ° 9 «{ 35 t4 0 29 *9 8 29 2 0 36 I II i5 I 6 10 0 0 *9 10 0 18 o 0 Liber Valor um, tic. 35 ¦NdTT* Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. Normanton,V. Duke of Devon 086 Sutton fuper Trent, V. Sir Ed. Hulfe 010 8 South Scarle, V. P. of Lincoln o 10 3 JStoke juxta Newarke, V. Chancellor! , i ,/ Lincoln J ° l6 ° Thorney, V. John Difney Langford, C. Mr. Duncombe Maplebeck, D. Duke of Newcqftle .... Winkburn, Cur. Mrs. Burnell D. RETFORD. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 14 19 2 Babworth, R. John Simpfon .._ 1 9 ii 15 13 4 Carlton in Lynrike, R. Abp'. of York in 4 26 io 10 Clayworth, R. Dean of Lincoln 2 13 1 „ .0 TTiSEftmarJcham cum Weftdrayton, V.? , 11 l8 Il4 Duke -of NewcaJlle \ l "3 ™i fEdwinftowe, V. D. and Ch. of Lin-1 ¦ 0 H o o j foln ^ \ r 8 ° 9 3 4 \^orT——.a.nd. ^^ af\ ° l8 4 13 4 gf Fenningley, R. Jo. Harvey 165! n 14 2 Grove, R. Wm. Levinz ; 1 3 5 170 7 6 Gamefton, R. The King t 3 7+ 15 12 6 Heydon, R. Lady Wafteneys 1 n & 3^ 597 Hartworth, V. S. Hartley 0 -10 ilf 7 14 gf Kirkton, R. Duke of NewcaJlle 0155! 19 10 7f Ordfoll, R. Ld. Bute , ci 19 of II I 5f Roflington, R. Ja. Stovin 1 2 if 14 8 6f Sandby, R. Ld. Middleton 1 8 iof 5 7 3f Stourton, V. D. and Chap. York o 10 8f 6 13 4 South Leverton, V. Dean of Lincoln 013 4 22 15 2f Warkfopp, R. Eliz. Galley 256? 12 4 2 Warkfopp, V. Ld. Fitzwilliam 1 4 .5 JWeftmarkharrt, with Pendercotts, V.? r n * I Duke of NewcaJlle 5 IS z 21 0 0 Bole, 4. * 7 36 Liber Valorum, tic. Nott' Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /• s. d. Zi 0 o Bole, V. P. of York 09 4 49 o O Bilftrop, R. Ld. Scarborough O 10 2 35 0 O Blythe, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 1 r8 fif 35 O 0 Clareborough, V. D. of Devonjhire 019 6jj CCokeney, V. Heirs of the Duke of 7- lQ . 20 ° ° \ Kingflon ...] ° l8 I0* 15 O o Eftredtorde, V. Duke of Devonjhire O 10 6 30 o 0 Everton, V . Duke of Devonjhire o 14 %\ 25 o o Egmanton, V. Pendock' Neale o 8 7I I0_ O o Elkifley, V. Duke of NewcaJlle ° 7 7* 15 o o Grinley, V. Duke of Rutland o 15 10 36 16 8 Heydon, Y . Reclor of Heydon p. 8 4 26 o o Haytton, V. Abp. of York 6 9' t\ 22 11 6 Lanam, V. D. and Chap, of York .... o 10 4 60 o o Myflyn, V. The King 0 12 5? 34 2 O Matterfey, V. Abp. of York -o 12 ' iof 17 10 o Mifterton, V. D. and Chap, of York 106 „ C Sutton fuper Lownd. & Scroby, V.7 18 *3 9 { D. 0f Portland \ X ° ° , tTrufwell Eaft part, R. D. #?td Chap.l , , 40 IP 4 J ef York, and Mr. Stevenfon, altem.l ° l0 Ij jTrufwell Weft part, R. Z>. and Chap.l . 40 3 4^ 0f York, and Mr. Stevenfon, altem.\ ° ^ <% 22 13 II Tuxford, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 09 55 i 29 13 9 Waylifbye, V. Ld. Scarborough 0 12 I; '-'.. Q , JWeft Redford, R. Burgeffes of Eaftl 4?.-*3 I0 \ Redford Z.Z...J... ...\ 0I9 + 30 00 Walkringham, V. Trin. CoU. Cam. 0,15 if 49 o o Whetely, V. Ld, Middleton 07 iof 911 8 Abftthorpe, V. P. of York 21 6 8 Bothumfall, C. Duke of NewcaJlle 10 o O Boughton, C. Chap. Southwell ,\4 3 4 Ljttleborough, C. John Hewett II o o Wellow, C. Ld. Scarborough ...'. 12,134 Weft Burton, C. The Impropriator Deanry Liber Valorum, tic* 37 Deanry and* Jurisdiction ob1 NdT'V _ SOUTHWELL. . Benefices remaining in Charge. ' K.'B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. I. s. d. ;,2 11 3- Beaton, alias Eyton, P. o 5 if 16 15 10 Bekingham, P. I 13 7 231,1 3 Dunham, P.' 2 ' 7 if 22 1,9 7 Exton in Cropwell, P 2 5 1 1 i- 24 10 O Exton altera, P., '. 2 9' o 8 17 6 Halmifton al' Hallaughton, P. o 17 9 5 O 2f Norweil Tertia, P '.'.'. o jo ' of 22 6 cf Normanton, P 204|7f 27 19 7 Nortwell, P 2 15 nf 32 5 o North Mufkam, P 3 4 ° 500 North Leverton, P. o 10 o 48 1 3 Norweil Overhall, P 4 16 if 15 17 11 Rampton, P ;.... 1 n gf 1347 South Mufkam, P 1 6 5f 126 Segefton, alias Sacrifte, P 023 39 5 10 Southwelle College 3 18 7 "9 17 11 Woodburghe, P o 19 9f f Sexdecim Vicar Choral' CoIJeg' ibid.? x 7 7 t Quilibet eorun' pro decima J ° 4 5i LivrNGs Discharged. Clear yearly Value. Benefices. Pa.trons. 17 12 0 Bleafby, V. Chapter of Southwell .... o 8 o 24 2 0 Blud worth, V. P. of Southwell .... 086 38 O O Bechingham, V. P. of Southwell .... O 12 6f 19 0 0 Calverton, V. P. of Oxton 080 25 J3 o Cropwell Bifhop, V: P. of Oxton .... o 10 4 27 14 4 Conton, .V. P. of North Mufkam o 8 af 49 to o Dunham, V. P. of Southwell 094 49 5 10 Eton, V. P. of Southwell 094 20 o o Eddinglcy, V. Chap, of Southwell ¦— 080 ^ 23 10 o Exton, 3$ LlBfiR Valorum, tic. N o T t' Yearly Tenth, 1. s. v& Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. CE'xton, alias Oxton, V. P. of South-1 „ 23 io °£ weu L _..-:. \ 0 12 0 26 15 IO Farnesfield, V. Chap, of Southwell 080 20 0 o Kirtlingtop. V. Chap, of Southwell .... 074 20 o o North Leverton, V. P. of Southwell p 10 0 { North Mufkam ift Mediet. V. P. of! B IO ° ° \ Southwell ...{ ° I0 8 35 O O Northwell, V. P. of Southwell ........ o 9 g| 17 10 o Norweil Overhall, P. of Southwell oIo 0 36 17 2 Rampton, V. P. of Southwell 1 0 of 23 13 4 South Wheatley, R.Ch. of Southwell o 13 * 5 934 Sonthwell, V. Chap, of Southwell .... o 15 - 4 38 15 o South Mufkam, V. P. of Southwell 080 35 14 o Upton, V. Chap, of Southwell 09 if 13 o o Woodbarrow, V. P. of Exton 080 10 o o Holloughton, C. P. of Southwell .... 7 10 o Holme, C. Ld. Fatconberg 19 7 o Morton, C. P. of Dunham Briftel! Liber Valorum, tic. Briftol' Diacef. 39 l, s, d. I. s. d, 3*7 5 Ik T7PISCOPATUS, Briftol .... 32 14 6f 82 12 8f Hj Archidiaconatus, Dorfet , 8 5 3f In the, Church of Briftol, befides the Archdeaconry and Chan cellorfhip, which are in the Gift of the Bifhop, there are fix Prebends, which are in the Gift of the Crown, but prefented to by the Chancellor : and are exempted from Payment either of Firft Fruits or Tenths, Dors' D. B I R P O R T. LlVrNGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. K. B. Yearly Tenths. /. s. \ d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. , d. 92.6 Afkerwell, R. Th. Bennet o 18 3 fg 15 o Abbotftocke, R. New Coll. Oxon 1 19 6 o 9 4f Birport Decanatus, R. Ld. Ilchefter .. o o nf 8 2 3f Bettifcomb, R. R. and F. J. Browne o 16 2f •25 o o Birton Bradftock, R. Ld. Rivers 2 10 o 15 8 9 Broadwinfor, V. Bp. of Sarum j 10 iof J3 13 9 Caterftoke, R. R. R. Drewe 1 7 4f 500 Chilfrome, R. Sir R. W. Bampfylde 010 o %i, 3 4 Correfc'ombe, R. Th. Hollis 224 884 Chedington, R. Mat. Knight o 16 10 23 2 11 Hawchurch, R. H. W. Wyndham .... 2 6 3f tg 12 1 Longbredy Perfonat. R. Miller 1 19 2f 800 Luccombe, R. Th. Hollis o id o OIJXitton, alias Litton Cheney, R. G.l , , 33 7 8j{ Ri;hards 21 \ 3 6 9f 83 if Maperton Perfonat. it. Brodrepp .... o 16 3f CMayden Newton, R. Sir C. Wyndham! ' , *q 5 ° I and Ld. Ilchefter, alternately }3 ° 0 41 15 0 Netherbury, 40 Liber Valorum, tic. Dors' Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. ^ !• '• d. CNetherbury and Bemifter, V. cum? r 41 x5 °l Capella de Mangerton, P- of Sarum), + ¦> 14 0 o Puncknoll, R. Mrs. Starke 180 8 14 2 ?orti{ham,Y.W.Blfcoe o 17 5 11 17 8f Ramelham, R. Ld. Stawell I 3 cjj 15 13 nf Stokeland, V. Parijhioners I II 4$ fSymondifborrow, R. Wm. Combe and!, 36 3 4 { yR. EJlcoU \ 3 12 4 17 14 2 South Parrat, R.W.MeniJh 1 15 5 [500 Toller Porcor. V. F. J. Browne .... 010 0 8 15 o Wotton Fitz-Paine, R.J. R- Drew o 17 6 32 6 3 Whitchureh, V. B. of Bath and Wells 347! 8 7 1 Wambroke, R. John Bragge o 16 8| jo 4 7 fWinterbottom Stapelton, R'. 1 o sf) 13 17 6 -JWinterborne Abbas, R 1 7 9 > 2 8 2j (_ Lincoln Coll. Oxon J 213 4 Wetherfton, R. Ld. Milton o 5 4 500 Wraxhall, R. united tvith Rampifham, 010 ( Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value 14 o o Abbotifbury, V. Ld. Ilchejler .*.... 1 0 0 Birport, R. Ld. Ilchejler I 1 2j Burfiocke, V. Mr. Bragge' sTrufees o n nf Brapell, V. Tbe King o 17 3! Chilcombe, R. E. Foyle 0 92 Charmouth, R. F. P. Henvill 017 8 Chardftock, V. P. of Sarum 1 8 3 Chatherfton, R. R. E. Henvill 058: Chilborowe, R. Ja. Syndercombe 096: Compton Abbas, R. H. Longden .... 0 16 0 Hoke, R. Duke of Bolton T...... o 19 10 45 0 o Lyme Regis, V. P. Sarum 106 26. o o Langton Herring, R. Js. Sparks ..:. 0 14- 3 r fLoders, V. The KmG and Ld. Shaftf-1 g ^ •* I bury alternately $ 50 o 0 Meibury Sampford, R. Ld. Ilchejler 0 10 .ft 45 o o Pellifton, R. Wm. Janfen 0 14 0 40 o o Porton Perfonat.. J. L. Banger 0 it' 'J 35 o O Powerftock, V. D. and Ch. of Sarum 1 13..8 47' 0 0 Swyre, R. Duke of Bedford o 14 'ci '. - ¦ Shipton, 47 0 0 35 0 0 60 0 0 29 0 0 3° 0 0 45 1 4 IS 0 0 32 0 0 35 0 0 40 0 0 Liber Valorum, tic. 41 Dors' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. Shipton George, Cur. Mr. Pitt ....'.... Bockenhampton, Cur. Ld. Abingdon Valdick, Cur. Mr. Larder .: Allington, C. Mr. Egardon '. D. BRISTOL. Livings remaining in Charge. .* K. B. 24 6 8 Olvefton, V. D. and Ch. of Briftol 288 ,27 7 6 Winterborne, R. St. John's Coll. Ox. 2 14 9 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 40 13 10 ^A1^/ury:.v;.cum CapeIla' Bp- ef\ 2 O O 0 ."Compton Greenfield, R. R. C. Jef-1 +8 l 3 \ frfts .' ii} o 14 o 36 11 8 Filton, R. Matt. Brickdale o 14 o 35 17 6 Littleton, R. Sir H. Lippincott , 1 2 5f 20 12 5 Stoake Gifford, V. Ld. Bottetourt .... o 12 O 600 Clifton, Cur. Mr. Taylor 300 Horfield, Cur. Bp. of Briftol 13 o o Mangotsfield, Cur. .Dr. Wilmot .... 14 o O Stapleton, Cur. Jof. Whitchurch .... 13 16 o Weftbury, Hon. H. Fane ' jSt. Georges> V. in Kingfwood, Cor poration of Brijlol Villa BRISTOL. r 21 11 8 All Saints, V.£>. and Chap, of Brijlol 084 38 O Chrift-Church, R. Corp. of Brijlol 000 , 0 ^Elberton, alias Aylbartori, V. five? +6 ° 8 j Capella, Bp. of Brijlol \ ° J3 3 „« . a SHen0ul7' V". Sir J. Smith and Lard! 28 4 & £ Middleton, alternately .....$ 3 ° ° 5 10 o St. Auguftin, V. D. and Ch. of Brijlol o 12 o R £^t- Jonn Baptift, R. cum St. Law-7 z 5 Ia l I rentii,R. Corp. and Burg, of BriJlol\ ° I+ 5l F 4 1 5 St. 4-z Liber Valorum, tic. Dors' Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 415 St. Leonard's, Y. D. and Ch. of Briftol I 40 e r9 tt \St' Michae1'^ R- CarP- «nd ^Burg. of! 5 l8 " I Brijlol 5 Z0 6 6 10 St. Mary Port, R. Duke of Chandos .... 0 14 0 , „ CSt. Owen's, alias St. E win's, C?or/>. W7 0 6 8 | Burg, of Brijlol }° ° ° 40 13 8f St. Mary Redcliffe, V, P. of Sarum 1 4 7I 7 16 6 St. Nicholas, Y, D. and Ch. of Brijlol 2 2 if CSt. Peter's, R. Corp. and Burg, of! n ,„ - 12 5 o [ Bn>/ ; ^ a £_/\ 0 12 9 43 i6 ° |%™iyi.^ » io ° 200 o o St. .Stephen's, R. 77^ King 1 12 0 33 2 8 Temple, V . Corp. and Burg, of Briftol o 6 j 80 o o St. Werburgh, R. The King 100 D. DORCHESTER. Livings remaining in Charge, > K. B. 9 1 5f Bincombe, R. Gorivil and Caius Coll. o 18 if 15 4 2 Broadmayne, R. P. Marber 1 10 5 11 2 11 Bradford Peverell, R. Winton Coll 1 2 3I 7 15 2f B rode way, R. Gonvil and Caius Coll. 0 15 6 \ 12 5 2f Compton Valence, R. John Pitt .... 1 4 6| .8 16 of Checkerell, R. Duke of Bolton 0 17 7I CCorfe-Caftle, cum Capella de King-7 ,1 40I+ 7 { fion,R. H.Ban&es ...\ * l * 8 o 10 Chaldon, R o 16 1 o g 4§ Dorchefter Decanatus o 0 uf . 14 12 11 Efioke, R. G. Strode I 9 3§ 711 of Frome Vauchurch, R. D. of Bolton 0 15 ij 8 15 5 Knighton, R. P. Maber „ 0 17 6| 0 CLangton Matravers & Wroth, R. W.l 0 .„i *4 8 9 } Trtnchard \ l 8 I0* '919 2 Mbreton, R. Ja. Frampton O 19 II 23 4 7 Owre Mnyne, R. Wm. Folkes 2 b $1 II 0 2f Ofmington, V. Bp. of Sarum - 1 2 Oj; 18 2 1 Portland, R. Bp. of Winchefler i< 16 l\ 9 5 5 Poxwell, R. Jn. Trenchard o 18 h\ 10 8 ' i-| Stafford, R. Mrs. Ad on 1 0 9* 2/ 9 cf Swanwicb, Liber Valorum, &t. 43. -DORS' Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 27 9 gf Swanwich, R. Jn. Calcroft 2 14 nf , 9 15 5 Stypull, R. Jn. Bond 0 19 6f "11 0 10 Tynneham, R. Jn. Bond 121 »., b oiJTrinitatis, St. DorcJiefter, R. Trufteesl *7 * **\ of DorcheJerScbooI \ x J+ I0* 18 3 if Upway, R. ¦ Bp. of Sarum I 16 3f o „ « J Winterborne Mounckton, R. Ld. II- 1 , 8 ° ° I chejler \ ° l6 ° 15 O O Warmley, R. Jn. Trenchard k 1 10 o jCWinsfrith Newburgh, R. cum Ca 7 T 23 14 4*£ pelladeWeftulworth, Bp.ofSarum\ 2 7 Sx 19 7 n Wyke Regis, R. Bp. of Winchejler .... 1 18 8f 4 9 gf Wyrdeford, R. S/r G, Napier o 8 nf Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 41 o o Buckland Ripers, R. Ja. Frampton .. 0 10 11 r/- _ CCombkeynes, V. cum Capella de? 4« ° ° \ Woolbridge, Rd. Go/lelowe 5 * 7 I0* o CDorchefter Omnium Sanct. R. Corb.l 0 z 8 ° °{ ofDorchefler .„.] 8 5 Of 43 o o Eaftulworth, R. Ja. Frampton 1 3 ;| 30 o o Frampton, V. G.. Browne 1 2 nf .48 10 o Fordington, V. P. of Sarum 1 10 o 20 o o Fleet, V. G. Gould o 10 8 48 10 o Knoll, R. Wm. Richards I 15 9 44 11 6 Prefton, V. P. of Sarum o 17 of ai n r, SRaddyP°le> R- J»- Wyndham andjn.l „ +7 ° ° I South J * 2 °* 46 O o Stoadland, R. E. M. Pleydell o 15 of 46 o 0 Toller Fratrum, R. George Browne 1 o 7f 39 o 0 Worth, V. Jn. Pyke o 16 lo ' C Winterborne St. Martini, Y.Bp.ofl , +° G °\ Sarum ...' L... J ° *9 6 40 o o fWinterborneCane,R.«K;V^rtf 016 if) 45 p 0 j Winterborne Germayne, R. ., oi44f? 1 10 6f (. Jn. Darner } F 2 D. PIMPERNE. 44 LiBjErValorum, tic. Dors' D. PIMPERNE. } Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 7 19 gf Afhmore, R. Rt. Barber 0 15 nf „ .CBlandford Forum, V. D. and Ch. of! 12 8 **} Winton .$ J 4 9! 7 IO 2| Chalbery, R. Ld. Pembroke O 15 of 10 9 4I Churcheft Parva, R. Sir G. Napier ..10 nf 650 Edmonfam, R. Dr. Bingham o 12 6 jCGuffage St. Michaelis, R. F. J.l 20 ° 24 Wentworth ...] 2 ° °* 13 10 o Hamprefton, R. Mrs. Coker I 70 742 Hamoune, R. Wm. Trenchard O 14 5 *I20 o o Hinton Mertell, R. Ld. Shaftfoury 1 12 iof 13 lo 0 Langton, R. Jn. Rideout 17 0 12 13 8f Longcrechell, R. Ld. Shaft/bury .... 154* 19 2 6 Pimperne, R. Ld. Rivers 1 18 3 *8o o o Pentrigg, R. The King o 13 7 o 9 4f Pimperne Decanatus - 0 0 nf 1 9 4f Shapwicke, V. Ld. Rivers o 14 ni 12 17 1 Tarrant Hinton, R. Th. Cozvard .... 1 5 8f 7 17 8f Tarrant Kaynefton, R. Th. Pitt 0 15 9? C Tarrant Gunvile, R. Univerfity Coll.! „ , 4 19 2 Tarrant Rufhton, R. Edm. Lovell .... 0 9 n 6 17 6 Weftperley, R. Mrs. Bower 0 13 . 9 , 1 C Wymbourne omn. Sancl. R. Ld.l a , 9 4 4t{ Shaftjbury \ ° l8 & ' ,n r, . CWymbourne Sandt. Egidii, R. Ld.l 12 X3 4 J Shaftjbury \ I 5 4 12 12 3f Wichampton, R. Wm. Gafcoigne .... 1 5 %\ Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 45 O O Chettel, R. Wm. Chaffin O 16 31 42 o 0 Cramborne, R. Ld. Salifbury 013 4 60 0 o Farneham, R. The King o 15 '0*.'. 30 o o Guffage 3° 0 o 48 o o 4° o 0 3° o 0 50 0 0 45 o o 25 o o Liber Valorum, tic. 45 Dors* Yearly Tinths. I. s. 419 {_ Salifoury : : J 14 13 9 Hollwalle, R. Queen's Coll. Oxon 194! 13 4 7 Kington, R. Jn. Toogood 1 6 jf 14 5 IP Lydling, R. G. Chaftn 187 ! Mel bury Bubb, R. cum Capella del Molcombe eidem annex. Mrs. > 1 3 of Catford .' J X2 S 0 Maunfton, R. Wm. Clavil 146 9 18 1 if Melbury 46 Liber Valorum, tie. Dors* Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. *• d. 9 18 I if Melbury Abtys, R\ Jn. Smith O 19 iof 31 6 iof Marnehull, R. H. Place 3 2 H 21 12 8f Oakeford Fitz Paine, R. Ld. Rivers 2 3 3! 11 9 4f Over Compton, R. R. Gooden I 2 nf 27 4 7 Stalbridge, R. Cor. Chr. Cell. Cam 2 14 5I !Stourminfter Newton, V. cum CaO pella de Bagbere eidem annex. Ld. > 1 13. 8 Rivers J 16 4 9f Stoure Parva, King's Coll. Cam 1 12 5! 797 Silton, R. Humphrey Sturt o 14 Jif 9 9 4f Sutton Waldron, R. Humphrey Sturt o j8 nf CShafton Sandi Rumbaldi, R. Ld.l B . 9 2 » \ Shaftjbury 5 ° l8 2' , .CShafton Sandi Jacobi, R. Ld. Shaftf-1 rt t„ . 1 " 64 bury :..-.......l ° X3 4» *200 o o Sherborne, V. The King 2 o j{ o 9 45 Shafton Decanatus 0 0 nf CWefton Buckhorne, V. William S/._ 10 l 3 \ %uintin Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 40 o o Batcombe, R. D. of Bolton o 18 nf 49 o o Bell, R. , Ld. Rivers 0156 30 e O Beetle Hackett, R. Rt. Sampfon 0 12 3! CBurton, alias Long Burton, V. cum? , 43 ° ° I Capella de Holneft, Mrs. Cfens „\ l l 43 o o Caundell Purfe, R. Ld. Brooke 0 14 iof 36 o o Caundell Merfe, R. H. Hoare on fi 37 o o Heydon, V. Ld. Digby ,.. o 10 0 Clwern Minfter, V. D. and Ch. of! „ ,, 25 0 o \ mnifor ' > J 1 0 ik 45 O O Lillington, R. Ld. Brooke I I 2f 47 o o Melbury Ofmond, R. Lady Ilchejler o 16 4 46 o o Nether Compton, R. Rt. Gooden .... o IS 9* 45 o o Oburne, R. Ld. Digby o 12 7 60 0 O ' Ryme, R. Prince of Wales 0 12 7 C Stoke Garland, R. John Farr and! 45 o o \ others I J | 0 10 10 35 o 0 Stokewood, R. Th. Bellamy 0 11 4 30 0 0 Shafton* Liber Valor um, tic. 47 Dors' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 1 Shafton, St. Lawrence, R 7 o 13 4 Shafton, St. Martin's, R | o 7 4f Shafton, St. Peter's, R J 1 3 of Shafton of the Holy Trinity, R. Ld.l 0 z ¦ Shaftjbury J.. J ° 8 2* 37 o o Todbere, R. King's Coll. Cam o n n f 35 o o Thorneford, R. Mrs. Sampfon o 13 8f 33 o o Yatminfter, V. P. of Sarum 2 1 5f 50 o o Hermitage, V. The King 000 D. WHITCHURCH. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 5 Aimer, R. H, Drax 1 6 6f o Athelhampftedj R. Sir Rob. Long .... 040 o Beere Regis, V. Baliol Coll. Oxon. .... 2 10 6 gf Buckland, V. D. and Ch. of Wells .... 1 13 nf 8f Blandisford Maria?, R.H.Willis.... 1 11 gf 1 Bloxworth, R. Joe. Pickard 1 n 8f 5f Braynefton, R. H. W. Portman .... o 17 if 1 Burlefton, R. Sir Rt. Long o 7 8f 5 Chefelborne, R. Ld. Rivers 1 17 of gf Cansford, V. Jn. Henning 1 2 nf 3 Durwefton, R. H. W, Portman 1 7 if C Frome St. Quintin cum Capella de? 0I 0 I Eufhunt, R. T^King \ l I0 8* o Frome Whitfield, R. Mr. Trenchard 100 8 Godmanftone, R. Sirjn. Smith 168 g Hafilbeare, R. D. of Somerfet 1 19 4-f CHowton, alias Winterborne Howton,? 4 I R. E. M. Pleydell J l 7 4 5 Holfton, V. Bp. of Sarum 0 17 of 9 Iberton, R. Ld. Rivers 1 19 4f 4 Lychett Martins, R. G. Trenchard .... 164 o Meleoinbe Horfey, R. Ld. Rivers .... 1 12 o 7 Majj Pooder, R. Ld. Spencer 1 15 si 7 ' Moiden, V. H Drax o 1.6 5f j C Okeford Shillings Prima Medietas, R. ? n fA T , ? 9 9i\ Dr. Barn I \ o H iu 6 16 5f Okeford »3 5 2 0 25 16 5 '9 15 17 15 8 7 11 3 18 7 10 11 9 13 n 20 0 10 0 13 6 t9 *3 13 *3 8 10 t9 t3 »316 3 0 17 8 t4 4 45 Liber Valorum, tic. Dors' : Yearly Tenth. L s. d. Benefices. Patrons. ¦* I. s. d. ,,\ Okeford altera Medietas, R. Benj 6 l6 M G//^ \ ° J3 7t j8 711 Pulham, R. a. Halfey I 17 9* 19 io 5 S^letrenthryde, V. D. and Ch.l j " J £ Winton .. 3 31 2 n Puddletawne, V '. Ld. Huntingdon .... 3 2 3* 17 3 9 Puddlehenton, R. Eton Coll. 1 14 4! 889 SM-ewake, R. H. Seymer O if> iof 12 17 1 Sty.™ ford, V. Lady Ilchefter 1 5 %\ CSturminfter Marfhall, V. cum Capel-7 31 5 oj RS5 ^ G// » J 3 2 6 28 18 if Spetifbury, R. 7*. ic^rirf •¦ 2 17 gf *5 7 3i Tolpudell, V..G&. G&. Coll. Oxen 1 id 8f , , CWinterborne Stickland, R. Ld. Mil-1 t- , 16 6 3 { /Wf , ..J 1 I2 7> C Wareham, St. Trinitas, R. Ld. Ri-1 ,. 7 5 5 j vm ....: : 5 0 H ei 826 Wareham St. Martini, R. Ld. Rivers o 16 3 D CWinterborne Clenfton, R. E. M.l . 6 l8 l I Pleydell \ ° J3 9* CWinterborne Selfton, R. Sir Wm.l , .¦* ~> \ Hannam $ s 12 O o Wotton Glandfield, R, Jn. Slade .... 140 o 9 4f Whitchurch Decanatus v o 0 n| 6 i 5f Wareham St. Petri, R. Ld. Rivers 0 12 i| C Wareham St. Michaelis, R. Zi. Rt-1 5 3 4 i J 0 10' 4 J a T 7. am , j T Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 20 o o Afpudell, V. Ja. Frampton O 17 ${¦ 49 8 1 Anderfton, R. Jn. King o 13 n 22 O o Alton, V. P. of Akin 0 18 0 1000 Cearne, V. Ld. Rivers o 17 f* 40 p o Charburghe; R. H. Drax 0 14 4? 40 O o Fifield Nevil, R. Ld. Rivers o 10 if v ¦-, _ J Milborne Sancti Andreae, cum Ca-7 , « 4b ° ° I pella de Dewlys Th. Gunday \ * 6 8 46 0 p Minturne, R. Humphrey Sturt 15 5 40 o 0 Miiton, Y . Ld. Milton 1 0 0 ,„ 30 qo Sydelingii Liber Valorum, tic. 49 Dors' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. j. d. Sydeling, V. Win. Coll „ i 6 if Turnerfpondell, R. Ja. Frampton .... o 15 4 Turneworth, V. Bp. of Sarum 1 1 2f : Tomefton, R. Ld. Spencer o 8 iof Tincleton, R. Mr. Baynard on 2 Upcerne, R. Th. S. Carey o n 10 C Winterborne Whitchurch, V. Bp. ofl , \ Sarum ..,.,...] ° J5 7* N. B. The Value of the undermentioned Living not being fuf- ficiently afcertained as the A£t requires, is not difcharged. 30 0 0 38 6 0 35- 0 0 33 H I: 34 0 0 48 0 0 25 0 0 CStowre Payne, V. D. and Ch. of Sa-1 I rum „ J ° I^ ioi jg Bathon* 50 Liber Valorum, tie*. Bathon' & Wellen' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL 533 I 116 7 3 6 21 15 0 25 i5 0 «3 7 6 144 2 11 43 5 24 6 8 14 62 12 64 18 0 N 3 9f3r 8f 7 9 9i 7 14 3 7 4* 6 1 0 0 6 6 iof 5 \ each 8 ! 24 0 0 22 O 0 22 IS 5 22 8 9 II 13 6 13 4 4 9 0 0 S o m e r' IW/j 2«z;rfc .^..Benefices remaining in Charge. s. d. I. s. d. EPISCOPATUS 53 6 if Decan 11 12 9 Subdecan. Wellen 236 Archidiacon. Bath 2 11 6 C Archidiaconatus Taunton cum P.? a r \ Milverton fecunda 5 Archidiaconatus Wellen 14 8 l\ Cancellar. Wellen 406 Precentor ibidem 2 8 j{ Succentor ibidem 017 5f Trear. Wellen 642! 8f Prepofitus 6 9 iof " Aifhill, P. & R. 0 14 nf Buckland Dynham, P. & R o 17 5J Barton, P. & R '. 069 Corry, P '. 020 , CCudworth, P. & Ri cum Cappella? „. '*{ Knoll annex.. ™. \ ° I2 ® C 15 Praeb. de Combes, Decima cujuf- 7 R I libet, per Annum o 10 8 J S 0 0 Compton Epifc. P. ..„ 280 Compton Dunder' P 2 4 0 Decumani St. P. & R 2 5 6f Dultirigcot, P 2 4 iof, Efton, P 1 34 Eaftharptree, P o 13 4 Hafelbere, P ..» 0180 100 Hofcomf, Liber Valorum, tic. 51 Somer' Yearly Tenths. Benefices remaining in Charge. /• '• d. 1. s. d. 100 Holcome, P „ 02 o 14 O o Henftridge, P I 8 o n 4 '2 Ilton, P. & R 125 1514 gf Litton, P ! IX 5| r f, s jMilvertbn, 2d P. annex. Archidiaco-1 „ 5 6 8 \ natui Taunton \ ° I0 8 6 12 1 Salford, alias Shandford, P o 13 2f 400 Taunton, P 080 4 13 4 Timberfcomb, P 094 38 o 7f Wivelfcomb, P 3 16 of 8 13 4 Whitelakington, P 0 17 4 Ii 6 8 "Warminfter, alias Luxfield, P 128 700 Wormifter, P o 14 o 7 16 3 Wanftraw, P o 15 n\ 20 10 o Whitchurch, P 210 400 CWedmore, 2d 3d 4th 5th P. decima? each I cujuflibet 080 5 x I2 ° TCWellia, P. ratione tentor. annex. Do-1 4 9 Ail mini Johannie Chambers „J ° 8 nT CWellen. Ecclefia Cathedral. Sancli? 729 3 4 j Andrea 5?2 t8 4 42 o o Yatton, P : 440 D. A X B R I D G E, Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 25 15 o Bagworth, R. Jn. Mordaunt 211 6 27 7 8f Bledon, R. Bp. ofWinton 2 14 gf 29 13 9 Blagdonne, R. Fr. Geach j ' 2 19 4f nf, if, -iJBanwell. V. cum Capella Puxton, Z). ? * 2(515 °*l and Ch, Brijlol \ 2, 12 7f 16 11 iof Burneham, V. D. and Ch. of Wells . 1 13 2? ., T o C Congraibury, V.cum Capella Law-? * f renfwick, D. and Ch. of Wells 5 4 4 ? 2316, 8 Chedder, V. D. and Ch. of if ills ... 278 30 11 3 Eaftbrent, V. Bp. of Bath and Wells 3 1 if 14 o o Hutton, R.John Wyndham 180 15 15 5 Lockfton, R. Jn. Edington and others in 6f G 2 38 5 2I Limpeiham, 52 Liber Valorum, tic. . Somer' Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /• s. d. 38 5 2f Limpefham, R. Ld. Paulet 3 l6 6f 25 17 8f Southbrent, V. Archdeacon of Wells 2 11 9J; 12 1 5f Were, Y.D. and Ch. of Briftol 1 4 if Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 38 8 7f Axbridge, R. Bp. of Bath and Wells 1 2 5! 3.9 O 0 Alberton, R. D.and Ch. of Wells .... .1 0 10 44' 2 nf Breane, R. Jn. Willes o 14 of 2g i\ gf Barrowe, V. Archdeacon of Wells .... 1 7 .2f 26 9 o Compton Epifcopi, V. P. of Wells .... 120 23 5 4 Crifton, R. Heirs of Sir Jn. Smith .. 0 12 2 60 o o Kewftoke, V. The King 0 19 3 24 2 of Locking, V. The City of Briftol. o 10 8f 19 7 9 Rowbarrowe,- R. Bp. of Brijlol o 15 0 o - . 1 ¦ Stoke Gifford, alias Rodney Stoke, R.7 . 28 IS tof J Bp:ef Batb and Wells I { ° ^ $ 20 1 7f. Shipham, R. D. and Ch. of Wells .. 1,04! 42 13 iof. Uphill, R.Jn. Willes '. 1 2 8f 47 6 8f; Winefcombe, V. D. and Ch. of Wells 1 12 3* 60 o o! Worle, V. The King 1 56 CWefton fuper Mare, R. Bp. of Bath! . 49 9 7 J and Wells ...J1 9 9* 31 9 2 Wedmore, V. D. of Wells 2 0 10? Q , t C Weftbury, V . cum Capella Predy, Bp. 1 , ¦ 37 » o?^ of Bath and Wells j1 2 5* .24 15 8 Wokey, V. Subdean of Wells 1 5 7 D. BATH. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 6 CBathwikeandWolley, R. Ld. Bath's! 6 x J5 9 4l Kelfton, R. H. Harrington 1 10 nf 17 18 4 Newton Saintloo, R. Jof. Langton .... 1 15 10 ™ r, tt 5Sta11' V" aliasR- St- Petri& Pauli,7 20 7 " [ Corporation of Bath \ 2 J 9? *ioo~ 8 tf, 8 Jlnglefton, alias Inglifcomb, V. Ph.l _ 38 l6 8 | ya#GVW, \ 0 18. 4f 44 16 of Langridge, R. W. Blaithwaite o n nf , C.Laverton, alias Claverton, R. Wm.l nr 47 H ii{ aw,,,' ; .} t 0 8f 60 o o North Stoke, R. The King o 10 3 43 *5 3* Swaynefwicke, R.. Oriel Coll o 19 9f 33 5 o South Stoke, V. Daniel Clutterbuck .. o 15 iof 45 11 10 Twiverton, V. Th. Broughton o 11 9f 27 8 2f Walcotes, R. Th. Hawkins o 13 nf D. BRIDGWATER. Livings remaining in Charge. , K. B. 7 12 3! Afheholt, R. Jn. Brice 0 15 2f *3o o o Bridgewater, V. The King 129. 38 711. Chedfey, R. Mrs. Coney 3 16 9f 9 15 5 Cherdlinch, R. Sir E. Baynton Rolt .. o 19 6f g 16 8 Culve, R. Baliol Coll. Oxon o 19 8 32 14 of Crocombe, R. Rt. Kingfmill 3 5 5f 7 10 10 Cannington, V. Ld. Clifford o 15 1 a tEaftquantoxhead, R. Bp. of Bath and! „ 9 8 4 | Wells, and Fownes Luttrel, altern.S ° ° - 842 Emner, R. Ld. Egmont o 16 5 9 10 7f Gotherft R. Sir Ch. K. Tynte o ig of 27 7 n Northpetherton, Y.John Wood 2 14 gf 5 2 8f Nether Stowey, V . D.andCh. Windfor o 10 3-f 16 7 6 Stokegurfey, 54 L I B E R V A L O R TJ M, tic. Somer' - Yearly Tenths^ I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. , , CStokegurfey, V. cum Capella LiI-7 16 7 6 \ floc&ke; k«. ft//. 5 ' I2 9 24 8 9 Spaxton, R. LordWalgrave 2 8 iof 6 15 10 Thurlexton, R. H. W. Portman .... 0 13 7 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. ?\. 120 o o Chilton, R. 7i* King o 14 of 35 15 O Dodington, R. Lord Temple O 10 8 48 17 5! Fedington, R. Wm. Yorke 0 13 of 4? o o Halford, R. Eton, Coll. 6 16- if 70 o o Kilton, V. The King o 14 8f CLinge, alias Weft Lenge, V. Mrs-1 22 IO ° I Moore .!..! J r ° I0 47 I2 5f Otterhampton, R. Jn. Evered 167! 48 o o Over Stowey, V.i?/>. of Bathand Wells 0 14 if „ Q CStokeland Graunts, alias Briftol, R.7 , 38 * * I Corporation of Brijlol \ ° I2 IJ* „ , CWendon, alias Wembdon, V. Sir! 38 9 9l{ CA. jf. 7^,, ./ J o 19 8f D. CAREY. Livings remaining in Charge, 9f Alford, R. 7. W F. Willes o 18 nf I Almisford, R. T£. Woodford O 15 l\ 5 Babcarey, R. Ztf. {¦ 2 19 3 Horner \ 0 Dichiat, R. E. and J. M. Poore 4126 1 Horneblowton, R. Mrs. Dabine o 14 2f 2 Lamiat, R. Th. Tlppill 1 4 5 13 9 7 'M.aperton, K.B. 9 9 7 12 13 10 26 H 21 9 13 10 8 IO 12 *9 29 12 46 5 7 2 12 4 Liber Valorem, tic. cc SoMER' jrW/y Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 13 9 7 Maperton, R.Th. Lockyer 1 6 nf 28 17 3f North Cadbury, R. Eman, Coll. Camb. 2 17 8f *300 O O Shipton Mallet, R. Prince of Wales 3 7 aJ 10 3 if South Cadbury, R. Gerard Martin .. 1 0 3f 12 16 3 Sparkesford, R, Fr. Newman I 5 7f 5 3 nf Spergrove, R. D. of Chandos o 10 4f 6 12 1 Sutton Montague, R. Rt. Leach o 13 2f 14 13 4 Weftlidford, R. Al. Ready 1 15 4 0 CWefton Bamfield, R. W. Burton, and! 8 *5 I0 j J„. Dampier \ ° X> 7 16 1 3 Yarlington, R. Jn. Rogers 1 12 if Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 17 3 2f Barton David, V. P. of Wells o 16 o 44 4 8 Bratton, R.Wm. Chilwell o 10 5J 38 19 6f Blackforde, R. Ld. Stawell o 13 1$ 43 18 7f Corftcombe, R. H. Samp fon 1 4 8f 32 5 o. Caftle Cary, V. Bp. of Bath and Wells 1 3 7f , CDinder, P. cum Cura, Bp. of Bathl , 1216 9 J and fTetts Li..... \° 5 of 39 12 g Eaftlidford, R. Mrs. Allen o 14 nf . CEaft Pennard, V. cum Weflbradley,? , 32 15 of J mmam Coward \ I o 14 5k CEverchriche, V. cum Capella deChek? 42 J5 ° \ terblake, W. and H. Rodbard \ 1 x3 IX 25 6 1 Halton, R. Hugh Watts o 16 of 39 o 4f Kington Mansfield, R. R. Southby o 13 4f 41 14 2 King's Wefton, R. Caleb Dickinfon .. 1 o 7f 46 18 8 Milton Clevedon, V. Ld. Ilchejler .. 013 4 37 9 5f Northbarowe, R. H. W. Portman .. o 15 gf 47 1 4 Penfelwood, R. Mr. King o 13 si CPilton, V. cum Capella de Wotton,? 29 I0 ° j Precentor of Wells \ ° X4 ° 41 3 9f Wl, alias Tall, R. Edw. Berkeley .... o 17 nf 48 19 bf Stoke, alias Braiforde, R. E. Phelips o 15 6L- 26 2 8 Shepton Montague, V. Ed. Burton o 17 6 39 15 io'f Whethill, R. Jn. Phillips o 8 6f D. CREWKERNE. 56 Liber Valorum, tic. Somer' D. C R E W K E R N E. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. ,v 12 19 gf Buckland (Mariae, R. Dor. Popham .... 1 5 nf 36 18 9 Charde, V . Bp. of Bath and 'Wells. .... 3 13 iof *200 o 0 Curry Mallet, R. The King 2 8 if 15 4 4f Comba, V . Dean of Wells 1 10 5f , jCCorinwell, V. cum Capella Wefton,? -, 13 10 or£ G Speke J 1 7 u 15 15 o Donnyett, R. R. T. Combe 1 11 6 2 1 of Ernifhill, R. Ri. Combe 0 4 if 368 Eaftham, R. Caleb King 068 168 Gofebradon, R. B. Keate, and others 028 13 5 2f Hatchbechamp, R. John Wejlcott 1 6 6| 25 5 0 Ilminfter, V. Ld. North 2 10 6 17 18 if Kingfbury, V; Chancellor of Wells .... 1 15 9f 13 7 3f Pokington, V. H. Portman 1 6 8f 24 o o South Petherton, V. D. andCh. Brijlol 280 , CStephenhampton, Sevington, R. cum? , 0 x5 ° X Capella Dinington, Ld. Paulet ....J ° J3 6 14 8 1 if Shipton Beauchamp, R. Orl. Johnfon 1 8 iof C Staple Fitz Paine, R. cum Capella? ?7 x4 2 \ Bucknell, H. W. Portman 5 x I5 5 5 4 4f Southbradden, R. Ld. Egremont .... 0 10 5f 14 13 4 Winfham, V. Dean of Wells 1 9 4 14 2 n Winchtaunton, R. Ab. Elton 1 8 3f 376 Weftdoulifh, R. Jn. Hanning 069 Xivings Discharged. Clear yearly Value 32 5 o Afhill, V. P. of Wells '. h, on I , C Beerecrocomb, R. ciim Copeland,? 4° 9 1 \ R. annex. Ld. Egremont 5 x 3 3 43 17 o Chafcombe, R. Ld. Paulet 0 19 ol Aft 1 5f Crickett Malerby, R. Stephen Pitt .... 012 fi , C Cricket Thomas, R. cum Capella,? „; 45 2 6 I J.H. Coxe ..„..„!{ ° J9 9 , 48 13 3f Dowlifwaic?, Liber Valo rum, tic. $j Somer* Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 48 13 3! D.owlifwake, R. Jn. Harming o 16 nf 25 5 8 Eaftlambrooke, R. D. and Ch. Wells 012 8 18 15 1 Fiffehead, V. D. Und Ch: of Briftol o 14 3f 47 19 7f Henton Georgii, R. Ld. Paulet ...... 174 Clfle Abbots, V. alias Abbot's Ifle, D.l , 43 2 11 J w ch. of Brijlol ! 5 ° l6 ° 27 11 of Ikon, V. P. of Wells o 13 Itf 39 19 7 Lflebruers, V. D. R. Micbell 0 IJ o 4017 Of Meriett, V. D. and Ch. of Briftol .... 1 3 if 2g n O Mifterton, Y.D. & Ch. ofWinton .... 000 45 9 3 Swell, Y. D.& Ch. of Briftol oil of 33 11 2f Stokelinche Otterfey, R. Ld. Paulet o 12 11 19 6 2f Stokelinche Magdalen, R.Mrs. Child 085! 21 8 o Whitelakington, V. P. of Wells o 15 o 45 11 95 Waiforde, R. Th. Sergefon 0 10 i£ CZeborough, alias Seabarrow, R. Ad. J 44 4 3 j Martin \ ° x3 6 80 o O ,Crevrkem,T)on.D.andCb.ofWinton 12 10 O Cudworth, C. P. of Cudworth ..., D. DUN STER. LlVXNGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. K. B. 17 10 $ Brompton Roffe, R. Jn, Harvey, .... 1 15 of 15 I sf Browisford, R. J. D. Ackhnd 1 lo if; 1500 o Cutcombe, V. The King 1 8 of 13 10 5 Clatworthy, R. Jn, Bernard 1 7 of 11 18 Chipftable, R. R. Richards 12 2 21 10 10 Dulverton,V. Dean andChap. of Wells 231 4 13 4 Dunfter, Y . Sir H. StewkUy 094 18 2 8f Exford, R. Peter Houfe Coll. Cam. I 16 3! 14 12 11 Exton, R. Jn. Stradling i( 9 3 J 6 6 8 Elworthie, R. Detv, Yea '". o 12 8 13 9 4f Huifhe Chamflowre, R. Wm. Willis 1 6 nf 13 8 4 Hawkeridge, R. Lewis Potthbury .... 1 6 10 14 3 6f Luceoffibe, R. Mrs. Wentworth .... 1 8 4? 18 9 7 Mynhed, V . H. F. Luttrell 1 16 nf 98 if Moncke Silver, R.D.andCh.Windfor o rS 9! 16 16 3 Nettlecombe, R. Sir Jn. Trevelyan 1 13 7f 160 o o Porlssk, R. The Kin.g 1 17 2 H 9 9 4f SkUgate, 58 vLiberValorum, tic. Somer' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 9 9 4f Skilgate, R. Wm. Hayman and others 0 18 1 if 12 15 5 Selworthie, R. Mrs. Wentworth • 1 5 6f CSamford Brite, alias Stanfort, R. Ni.l , 7 9 7 J Tanner } ° '5 «* no 0 o Tolland, R. The King 0140 27 o' it) Wevelfcombe, V. P. of Wells 2 14 1 10 11 sf Wethicombe, R. Jn. Hutton 1 1 if 14 13 9 Wennisford, V. Eman. Coll. Cam. .. 1 9 4I 16 8 9 Wotton Courtney, R. Eton. Coll. .... 1 12 iof Livings Discharged. Clear Yearly Value. „ n,CBrompton Regis, V. Eman. Coll.! ,. 48 7 U\ cam. : TJ l 4 6J - 48 13 iof Carhampton, V .Th. Mufgrave I 2 9I .,46 18 nf Decumani Sanfli, V. Ld. Egremont .. 1 1 of 31 12 11 Ere, alias Ore, R. P. Spurrier 099 22 1 4 Kidnor, alias Culnor, R. Ld. King 0 7 iof COldCIeve, V. cum Capella de Liehe,? 47 14 ° \ Ja. Nlwton .....] ° x+ ° 47 3 6 Reddington, R. B. Davys and others 0169? 47 17 if Stoke Gumner,Y. D. and Ch. of Wells 1 3 iof C Stoke Piro, alias Perrow, R . Ri. Nofo- 7 20 7 2 J combe ; ' ¦> 5 0 9 1 47 11 if Treborough, R. Jn. Trevelyan 0 15 of 37 4 o Timbercomb, V. P. of Wells 0130 .48 1 2f Weft Quantockfhead, R. Rt. Balch 1 2 iof D. FROME. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 19 II of Bekingion,R.Jn.Sainfbury, and others 1 19 ij 13 12 8f Benagre, R. Mrs. Prater 1 7 3I 797 Berkeley, R. Mrs. Prowfe o 14 nf 15 9 2 Camerton, R. Th. Carew 1 10 11 6184 Camely, R. J. H. Coxe o 13 I" 9 12 3f Combehawey, R. Jn. Smith 0 19 il 10*4 7 Donkerton, R. Sir R. W. Bampfylde 1 0 5f 22 o o Frome Zelwood, V. Ld. Weymouth 3 4 0 13 14 7 Henington, R. Sir R. W. Bappfylde 1 7 $1 Mellis, 33 16 i Liber Valorum, tic. 59 Somer' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. , „ CMellis, R. cum Caoella de Lye, Th.l „ 33 16 8 I Horner ; I; J 3 7 8 11 19 gf Merfton Bigote, R. Ld. Weymouth .... 1 3 nf 15 g 4f Nony, R. Rice Adams, and others .... 1 10 nf CNorton Philipi, R. cum Capella de? . 5 JI 3 X Henton, Bp. of Bath and Wells ..\ q ' " ** 6 11 of Radftock, R. Ld. Walgrave o 13 if 2 g 7 Standerwicke, R. Mr. Sainfbury .... o 4 nf 12 17 1 Whatley, R. Th. Horner 1 5 8f 13 9 gf Wanftrow, R. Mrs. Bethune 1 6 nf Livings Discharged. * Clear Yearly Value. o c c CBabington, R. S. Twy ford, and T. S.7 48 6 6 1 joifffe : .„. : 5 * ° ° 16 O o Buckland Dinham, P. of Wells o 12 nf !Chewton, V. cum Capellis de Ew-T borow, Efton Major, Faiingdon, [ 2 19 2 Pajton, H. Kingfmill .....J 30 12 6 Cloford, V. Th. Horner o 15 9 37 5 o Elme, R. Jn. King o 19 4f 31 10 3 Eaftharptree, V. p. of Wells o 17 6 40 15 o Foxcote, R. Jn. Smith o 9 11 45 6 4 Farley Hungerford, R. Ja. Frampton 017 2 21 11 0 Holcombe, R^ Th. Horner o 10 of ig 80 Hardington, R. Sir R. W. Bampfylde o 12 o CKilmerfden, V. cum Capellis Afhwike? r 9° ° ° \ WColsford, Taking J 0 13 io? 30 7 o Lytton, R. P. of Wells o 17 3f 43 18 6 Laverton, R. Bp. of Bath and Wells o 13 iof , , CNorton Canonicor', alias. Midfomer? 35 o 9z[ Norton, V. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon J1 ° 4 ig 6 4 Orc.hardleigh, R. Th. Champneys 040 47 17 2 Roode, R. Sir Ed. Baynton 1 2 nf CStratton, R. fuper Le Fofs, Prince of 1 , 7° ° °{ Wales ! i\°^ li 45 IO 4^ Tellesford, R. Stephen Wkkfted .., o 18 if 38 10 o Wellow, V. H. Portman 2 o 8f 42 8 2 Wolverfrington, R. Sir Ed- Baynton o 14 if 42 10 9 Wridlington, R, P. of Sarum o 10 gf H2 GL ASTON 60 Liber Valorum, tie. Somer' GLASTON JURISDICTIO. Livings remaining in Change. K.B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. , Q CButleigh, V. cum Capella Bolftonbo- 7 12 ° *l rough, Hon. Ja. Grenville J1 4 » 3 C Street, R. cum Capella Walton Ld.l 24 " 3*£ JfTeymouth J 2 9 2? , 0 CWefton in Zoyland, V. Bp. of Bathl 0 0 '? 6 8 \ and Wells..... Li. \ * 8 8 Livings Discharged. Clear Yearly Value. 32 o 6f Mere, V. Jo. and F. Combe 163! , CMurclinch & Sutton,. V.cum Capella? 43 l6 ° X Chelfton, Jn. Walter „ $ * ° ° 12 1 to Midlezoy, V . Bp. of Bath and Wells 140 19 10 2 Otherey, V. Bp. of Bath and Wells 140 46 17 4 Shapewike, V. Denys Rolle 0 19 4 D. ILC HESTER. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 36 15 o Alter, R. Eman. Coll. Cam , 3 13 6 t6 n ¦>» JCharleton Mackarell, R. Mrs. Che-7 H J'lden j x " °* rA e ^jJChefelborow, R. cum Capella de Weft? 0 u J4 5 1t\ Chinnock, Ld. Ilchefter X * 8 6* 6 7 8f Eaft Chinnock, R. The King 0 12 fi 3819 2 Higham, R. W. Barret 317" 9 15 7f Hardington, R. W. Helyer ;¦. 0 19 (,{ 87 3 tf Kingefdon, R. Rt. Tucker .....;.., ' % 14 3! 2i 6 5f Limmington, R. J». Shirley 2 2 f% 797 Middle Chinnock, R. I-i. //,%?«• .. o 14 Jif jo o o Mochelney, V. D. & Ch, of Briftol 1 0 0 g 18 if North Perrot, R. Jn.Pitt o 10 9! 9 16 3 Norton Liber Valorum, tic.' 61 Somer' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. , CNorton Jujita Hampden, R. W. Ch.l . 9l6 3 J Lock.. ... :. J0I9 11 15 19 gf Odcombe, R. Ch..Ch. Coll. Oxon... i' 10 nf 126 5f Podimore Milton, R. Th. Horner .... i 4 jt 3 4 4f Pennedomer, R. Ld. Paulet 065! 16 o 7f Somerton, V. Ld. Ilchejler 1 12 of 5 10 2f Stocke, R. H. Hele and Sir Al. Powell on of „ , T rCYevelchefter, al* Ilchefter, R. Bp, ofl ,, or 7 l6 I0*f Bath and Wells .. !„....\ ° *5 *t 26 9 2 Yeovelton, Bp. of Bath and Wells .... 2 12 n Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 43 13 10 Brimpton, R. Th. Home o 14 8f 2L 1? c4CharletQn Adam' V-fF.S.Strange-l . 4 -> ll ways 5 25 18 5f Compton Dondon, V. P. of Wells O 18 8f 40 15 10 Chiltron Demmer, V. Jer. Dewdney o 10 8f CHuifhe and Lamport, V . Archdn. ofl T 29 3 o I mils i.\ l 9 of 28 9 8 Hafilbere, V. P. of Wells o 14 o 33 8 2f Long Sutton, V. D. andCh. of Wells o 17 93 48 2 7 Lufton, R. W. Windham O 10 gf C Mattock, V. cum Capella Stapleton? 45 12. 4 £ Treafurer of Wells J * " ° , CMountague, alias Montacute, V. Edl 21 I0I°t{ Fowle . S0I7 o 43 o 8f North Over, V. H. Chichefter o 13 3f 37 7 4 Pitney, R. Jn. Payne ........ o 19 of 11 15 if Tintenhull, V . Prior of Montague .. o 18 iof 34 17 4f Thorne Coffin, R. Jn. Napier 0 to 6f D. MERSTON. Livings remaining in Charge* K. B. 9 9 4i Abbas Combe, R. Jn.Tucker o 18 nf *3 9 4? Gorton, R. H, W. Portman 1 6 nf 12 63 Eaft Coker, V. D, and Ch. of Exeter 147 * 17 6 8 Eaft 6% Liber Valorum, tic. Somer' Yearly Tenth. i. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. «W. s. d. , „ CEaft Camell, alias Qu*n's Camell,7 » J7 16 8 J Y.C.H.Mildmay i 5 * 18 6 ' of Horfington, R. Jw. andja. Wickham I l6 7f- 13 o 2f Hengeftrige, V. P. of Wells i 6 of CKingfton, alias Pitney, R. G. B.l. Q n 5 *9 -* I Prowfe 1 141 1 3 Milborne Port, V. Winton CoU 1 8 if 13 8 4 Poyntington, R. Ld. W. de Broke .... 1 6 10 9 19 gf Rympton, R. Bp. of Winton :. 0 ig nf II 9 gf Sampford Orcas, R. Jn. Wickham .... 1 -2 nf 4 15 10 Sutton Bingham, R. Sw. Harbin .... 097 23 5 5 Trent, R. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. 2 6 6f 13 8 g WeftCamell, R.Bp. ofBathandWells 1 6 iof CWeft Coker, R. N. Webb and Mrs.l 12 J9 7 \ Proclor : \ l S U~* 18 o > o Yevill, V. Ed. Philips ,:.. -. 1 16 0 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 45 '6 8 Aifliington, R.H.Sydenham o 12 4 46 1 6 Berwicke, R. Jn. Newman 0 15 jf 4616 8 Chilton Cantloe, R. Mrs. Hill 019 if 43 14 8 Cheriton North, R, Dr. Wm. Watfon 017 2f 47 15 iof Charlton Camfield, V. Ed, Walter .. o 17 of 39 9 if CJpwefworthe, R. H. W. Portman .. 0 12 I Of 29 7 8f Gotehill, R. Ones. War ry 0 7 j| 22 3 8 Merfton, V. Humphrey Sydenham .... o 13 1 41 4 5f Mudforde, V.Z). and Ch. of Wells .... 018 5! 49 16 n Stowell, R, S. Dodington 0 13 6 D. PAWLET. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 15 19 7 Bawderipp, R. E. and R. Stradling 1 11 nf 13 10 O Coflington, R. Th. Smith I 7 0 72 5 5 Huntfpill, R. Baliol Coll. Oxon 7 4 6f n 711 Wollavington,V. D.andCh. Windfor 1 2 95; v 39 5 5 GreintQii! Liber Valor um, tic. 6z Somer' Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. I. s. -d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 39 5 5 Greinton, R. Rt. Broivne I 6 i , 800-0 Pawlet, V. The King I 1 of 24 1 5 Puriton, V. D. and Ch. Windfor .... o 13 7 D. REDCLIFFE and BEDMISTER. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 11 16 3 Backwell, R. Mrs. Crejfman ' 1 3 7s 942 Clutton, R. Ld. Brooke o 18 5 T„ CChew, V. cum Capella de Dandrie,? 3° J3 4 | MrSm Pyke I ; 'J 3 1 4 , R V Compton Martin, R. cum Capella? 9 10 ° 8 JNempnett, Duke of Chandos $r ° .5 10 2 n Farnborow, R. Al. Popham r o 3f 29 3 1 if Kingflon Seymour, R. Ld. Paulet .... 2 18 4f 926 Norton Mallerward, R. Jof. Buller o 18 3 12 18 4 Prefton, R. Mrs. Jenkins 1 5 10 , 32 15 7f Porkifhed,R. ''Mayor and Burg. Brijlol 3 5 6f n 19 9f Timefborough, R. Baliol Coll. Oxon. 1 3 nf, 21 12 n Winsforde, R. S. Webb 2 3 3f Q CWraxhall, R. cum Capella de Nai-7 49 " » I lefTee and Burton, Ol. Bowks $ 4 J9 2 CWrinston, cum Capella de Berr, W. ? „ 39 9 4 J puitmey \ 3 l8 » CYatton, V. cum Capella de Kenne,? 3° Q ° \ P. of Wells \ 3 ° Q D. R E D C L I F F E and BEDMISTER, t Livings Discharged Clear yearly Value. [Bedmifter, V. cum Capellis Lighe, Redcliffe, Sandi Thornse, P. of\ 104 Sarum J 18 15 o Butcombe, R. Jn. Curtis o 13 gf 13 12 5 Backwell, V. Mr. Walter ..» o 13 nf 33 16 10 Brockley, ie,T oft 1 o Ci. 64 Liber Valoeum, tie. Somer' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 33 16 i© Brockley, R. Jn. Pigott o 19 10 3* 3 6 [*>%$„ K;^:£B^:[.^\ 0 tt d 23 j o Corfton, Y.Bp. of B.ath and Wells.... 0 12 4! CCompton Dando, V Bp. of Bath! 0 11 of 35 5 2 £ md irdh j 0 Ir Q| 41 IO 11 Chelwood, R. Bp. of Bath and Wells 0 10 9 42 14 5 Chelwey, R. Sir Ch. K. Tynte o 8 nf 43 18 7 Clewdon, V. Bp. of Briftol I n 5* 14 o o Chewftocke, R. Jof. Butler .. o 14 4 45 16 4 Clopton, R, Rt. Ready and others .... 1 0 11 20 0 o Eafton, V. in Gordano, P. of Wells o 10 nf 47 o O Henton Blewett, R. Jn. Brookes o 18 gf 15 8 o Keynfham, V. Hon. G. Brydges 1 3 nf 15 16 o Littleton, V. The King o 14 9J J Longaifton, V. J. Stillingfleet, and H. 1 , 44 7 4 I Hobho'fe 5 x * 9r 48 7 ri Markefbury, R. Mrs. Popbam 105 2715 8 ?ortbury,V.Bp. of Brijlol 1 1 if 42 13 8 Staverton Prior, R. Jof. Langton ..... 1 0 i\ 33 I 4 Saltford, R. Duke of Chandos 107 34 5 8 Staunton Drew, \& Archdn. of Bath 014 3? 29 11 4 Stowey, V . Bp. of Bath and Wells .... o 13 2f 12 6 n Tickenham, V. Bp. of Brijlol o 17 6f 60 o o Ubiey, R. The King 1 3 if 50 o o Weftharptree, V. Prince of Wales .... 1 711! 27 19 2 Walton, R. in Gordano, Ld. Paulet o 19 6f &9 2 8f Wefton in Gordano, R. C«Wilkins 0 12 3f D, TAUNTON. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 19 3 1 if Aifhbrittel], R. Jn. Quick 1 18 i,i 18 10 10 Bagborough, R. Edm. Archer 1 17 1 726 Bradalton, R. Jn. Webber 0 14 3 , 16 18 9 Creche, V. R. B. Wilkins 1 13 iof v 13 10 IO Chedon, R. Mrs. Warre, and P. B/ifi 1 7 I 150 o 0 Combeflory, R. The King '. 1 3 4s „ CHcthfeld,, R. Mrs. Hay, and Mr si ,Q , 9 > &j Phelp, I018 * 18 7 11 Kidgefton," Liber Valorum, tic. 65 Somer' Yearly Tenths. 1. s, d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 0 m , CKingefton, V. cum Capella Cutfton,? , , 18 7 » J D.andCh. of Briftol \ x l6 9f 11 10 5 Kiteford, R. Rich. Efcot i 3 of 22 6 8 LideardSt.Laurence,R.i/.7^.Parrmfl» 248 26 o o Monckton, R. Al. Popham 2 12 o C Milverton prima, V. cum Capella? 21 X9 2 \ Langford, Archdn. of Taunton J 2 3 " 20 10 10 Norton, R. Jn. Minifie and others 211 II 05 Oke, R. George Green 1.2 of 14 10 0 Thornefawcon, R. Ja. Burridge 190 re to 9 1 S Wellington, V. cum Capella Buck-7 ¦ x5 I0 2>J land, Ed. Popham J I II °* Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 4010 sf Angerfteigh, R. H. P. Gale o 9 nf 47 J5 3l Bradford, Y. Jn. Parker 119 37 IO 3f Halfe, V . Sir. James Langham on ,nf CLideard Epifcop', V. D. and Ch. ofl . 43 4 0 J Wem * H ; J\ 2 1 o .CMaudlin Sanche Mariae Taunton, V.7 32 to 3f j HtJFtPtrtman :_}a 04 70 o o Ninehed, V. The King o 16 9f C North Cory, V. cum -Capella Weft- 7 4° 4 o J hatch, D.andCh. of Wells •,...$ 2 2 ° 45 14 iof OrchardePortman,R.i?. W.Pertman o 15 af '46*17 o Pitmifter, V.. E. Goodenougb 1 n " of 80 0 o Rowington, R. The King , 010 if 46 5 iof Stawley, R. Ld. Poulett o 16 iof 11 16 6 Sampford Arundell, R. Jer. Woodbury o 12 3f ,CThorne Margarett, Capella, Archdn. 1 n to g^ 0fTaunU„ .....j; 0 4 4f CarioP '66> Liber Valprumj -tie. Cariol' Diocef. I. s. d. I- ¦»• <*• 351 4 9\ tpPISCOPATUS, 53:r2,;si QjV'.. The Deanry of*' Carliile is 400I, per annum. The Bifhop col, lates to the. Chancellorfhip, 200I. per annum ; and to the Arch deaconry, 1501. as "alfo to the fout Prebends injthe Church, 150I. per annum each. " ^ ' - ''""J Cumber' D. ALDERBIE, aiias ALNEDALE. Livings -remaining- in Charcje." K.B,. Yearly Tenths, I. s. A. Benefices. jPatrons. ,/•„*• &• 10 4 2 Afpatrick, V. Bp.of Carlifte 1 0.5 '947 Ajdingham, V. D. and Ch.. of Carlifte o"i8 5! ig 18 4 Bolton, R. Ch. Chriftian .1 19.10 B2 : o o Bromfelde, V. Bp. of Carlifte ., .2 40 .50: 8 nf Crofthwate, V. Bp. of Carlifte 5 . . 0 ¦ iof -#5i3 '6f Caldbecke, R. Bp. of CarTijle 411 4* 80 o ¦ O Edinghall, V. D,,and Ch. of Carlifte • 1 15 1 2f 40 7 8f Grayftock and College ji Adam Afketo. . 4.. 0 9! 8 13 9 Ifuell, V '» Sir Gilfrid LawfoA, ....Xi' 0 17 $ 50 o o Kirkbride, R. Sir G. Dalfton o 10 0 8 10 o Kirkland, V. D.andCh. of Carlifte.. o 17 0 13 1 3 Lafingbie, Y . Bp. of Carlifte 1 6 if 12 11 5f Melmorbje, R. Th. Paterfon , I 5 ^ 20 14 gf Plumland, R. Adam Afk ew .., 2 I il 12 6 3 Penreth, V '. Bp. of Garlifle 1 4 ii 43 2 8f Skelton, R. Corp. Ch, Coll. Oxon 4 0 3i 22 10 16 Salkeld, R. Bp. of Carlifte 2 $ *¦ 33 6 8 Torpenho, V. Bp, of Carlifte 3 0 8 17 *8 if Uldaito Liber.VjAlorum, ticf 6 j Cumber' Yearly Tenths. L s: d. Ben-et ice's.- -"Patrons. /. s. d. if 18 if Uldaile, R.Wm. Norton i 15 gf 1313,4 Ulnefby, R. .Bp. of Carlifte 174 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 38 'b o .. Ainftablie, V, Rd. tawthian o 16 iof 55 o 0 Bridekirke, V. Rob. Lamplugb. 114 65 0 0 Crogling, R. Hen. Chaytor o 16 o 25 11 .9 . Dgreham, V . Bp of C/irliJle 094 30 10 g Dacre, V. The King 0160 22 16 4 Gilcrux, Y . Bp. of Carlifte o 11 ^ $ 50 o Q Hoten,,R. D. and Ch. of Carlifte 1 17. 3$ 50 o o Holme Cuhlam, Vniverfity of Oxon. 000 5-600 Kirkefwold, V. JT^King o 16 o CCaftle Sowerby, V. . D. and Ch. ofl 100 -° ° \ Carlifte ••' ,.,... f.\ J ^ °* 70 o o Wighton, V. Bp. of Carlifte 1 15 nf 35 o o Allhallows, Cur. Bp. of Carlifte. 55 o o BefTenthwait, C. D. and Ch. of Carlifte 15 10 0 Camerton, Cur, P. and Ch. of 'Carlifte 25 o o Crafcanonby, C. D. andCh. of Carlifte 25 o o Ireby, Cur. D. and Ch. of Carlifte .... 49 o o Renwick, Cur. The Inhabitants .., 29 o o Weftward, C. D. and Ch. of Carlifte . D. CARLIOL, Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 14 13 if Aiketon, Rt Ld. Lonfdale 19 3J 121 Arthuret, V . Sir James Graham o 2 2f 200 Arthu.ret, R. Sir James Graham ........ 040 21 13 nf Bownes, R. Ld. Lonfdale 2 3 4f 800 Brampton, V. Ld. Carlifte o 16 o- 200 Bewcafell, R. D. and Ch. of^ Carlifte o 4 o 8 18 if Dalfton, V. Bp. of Carlifte o 17 gf 1 1 of Kirkleinton, R, William Dacre o 2 if 900 Orton, R. JohnBrifco 018 o 90 o Stanwioke, V '.-Bp. of Carlifte' 018 o J- I 2 56 0 0 Beamond, t58 Lire's* Valorum, &e. Cumber' Livings Discharged. . Yearly Tenth. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons* /. /. d. 56 o o Beamond, R. Ld. Lonfdale 0 16 2 25 0 O Burgh, V. Bp. of Carlifte 0 10 i\ C Caftlecarrocke, R. D. and Ch. of Car- 1 ' & ° ° \ life !. „ J ° " 3-1 49 o o Crofbie, V. fuperEden, Bp. of Carlifte 0 7 if 20 o 0 Denton, R. Bp. of Carlifte 0 8 6f 40 o 0 Irthington, V. Jofeph Dacre 0 12 if 32 1 0 o Kirkehampton, R. Ld. Lonfdale 1 9 gf 150 o o Kirk Andres, R. Sir James Graham o n if , CKirk Andrews upon Eden, R. Ldl 56, o o J UnfdaU I ' j 0 0 0 24 0 O Stapilton, R. Robert Graham 0 2 iof 18 3 o Scalbie, R. Bp. of Carlifte 0 15 %\ 55 o o Thurifbie, Y . D. and Ch. of Carlifte 130' „ „ C Carlifte, St. Mary's, C. D. and Ch.l 3° ° ° X "f Carlifte \ CCarlifle, St. Cuthbert's,C. D.andCh.l 3° ° ° J of Carlifte „ \ 28 O O Combrew, Cur. D. and Ch. of Carlifte 1 CComwhitton, Cur. D. andCh. afCar-S 45 ° ° j ufte : i \ 42 10 o Hayton, Cur. D. and Ch. of Carlifte .... 27 10 o Lanercoft, Cur. Wm. Dacre 20 o o Rowcliffe, Cur. D. and Ch, of Carlifte 95 o 0 Seburgham, C. D. and Ch. of Carlifte 1300 Walton, Cur. William Dacre 60 ® 0 Wetherall, Cur. D. and Ch. ofCarlifh D. WESTMORELAND. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 23 13 4 Afhby, R. Th. Patienfon 2 7 4 16 10 7f Burgham, R. Ld. Thanet x 13 0} 31 1 of Barton, V. Ld. Lonfdale 1 2 \\ 8 8 9 4 Burghe, V. Queen's Coll. Oxon 0 -17 iof 834 Clifton, R. Bp. of Carlifte 016,4' 37 17 11 Kirkebithore, R. Ld. Thanet 3 15 gf 48 19 2 Ki#y Liber Valorum, . tie. 69 Comber' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 4$ 19 2 Kirkby Stephan, V. Henry Chaytor .... 4 17 11 25 7 3! Lowther, R. Ld. Lonfdale ., , 2 10 8f .CAppleby St. Laurence, V.Z>\ and Ch. 1 0 ,. 9 5 2f{ VVofclrltfle \ o 18 6| 21 15 7§ Marton, R. Ld. Thanet 2 3 6f 16 17 3f Orton, or Overton, V. The Inhabitants \ 13 8f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. s 55 o e Afton, V. alias Afkam,-.Afrj-. Tatham o 12 o 40 o o Bampton, V. The King o 14 6 60 o o Clibburne, R. Bp. of Carlifte o 18 if 55 0 o Crofby Garrett, R. Mrs. Coulfton .... i 19 5! _ C Crofby Rainefweth, V. Lady Ml 4» o o \ H/ward I ; ^ J o 15 4 65 o O Dufton, R.Williams Winder 1 18 o 100 o o Mufgrave, R. Bp. of Carlifte 1 12 iof 80 o o Morland, V. D. and Ch. of Carlifte 1 3 gf 50 o o Appleby, St. Michael's, Y .The Bijhop 214! 50 o o Newbigging, R. Mrs. Crackenthorp 095 70 o o Ormefhed, R. Bp. of Carlifte 1 15 8f 30 o o Shapp, Y . Ld. Lonfdale o 17 6f 45 o o Warcopp, V. W.S. Prefton 018 6| Ceftrienf. jari Liber Valorum, &/rKiNG,Z>.Z. 1 14 8 13 10 O Kirkby Yerlithe,V.Z>. andCh, of York o 10 8 20 5 o Urfwicke, V. The Parijhioners 015 9 18 6 8 -Coulton, Cur. Landowners 42 o o Hawkeshead, Don. The King, D. L. 10 o 0 Pennington, Don. The Kino, D. L. 200 Saterthwait, C. Land Owners 2818 o Ulverfton, Don. W. Braddyll ...... 8 10 2 Cartmell Fell, C. Ld. G. Cavendijh 9 12 O Flookborough, C. Ld. G. Cavendijh 580 Lindall, C. Ld. G. Cavendijh £ 3 6 Stavely, C. Ld. G. Cavendijh K 2 7 10 n Broughton* 76 Liber Valorum, tic'. Ebor' & Lancast. Yearly Tenth* I, s. d. Benefices. Patrons; /. s. & 7 10 ii Broughton, Cur. Mrs. Sawry 3 18 6 Seathwait, Cur. W. Penny 4 -' o. o Blawith, Cur. W. Braddyll -.• 3 19 10 Conifton, C. The Inhabitants .,. 1000 Lowick, C. W. F, Blencewe - D. KIRKEBY LONSDALE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 35 7 8f Bentham, R. Edward Parker 3 10 9f 12 5 o Tatham, R. F. Charteris •¦— 146 28 13 if Thometon, R.D.andCh. of Worcefter 2 17 3! 13 9 g| Whittington, R. G. Hornby I 6 nf Livings Discharged. Clear Yearly Value. 27 O O Claughton, R. P. Legh 0 19 6 ( 2o 5 o Clapham, V '. Bp. of Chejler on 8f 49 13 8 Kirkeby Lonfdale, Trin. Coll. Cam, .. 2 1 6f 40 o o Mellinge, V. The King o 14 2f 42 17 4 Sedberghe, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 1 4 gf 21 OO Tonftal, V, Mrs. Barrett and others 0 12 4! 6 13 O Hornby, C. F. Charteris 33 18 o Dent, Cur. Twenty-four Sidefmen .... 17 5 o Gardfdale, Don. The King Lancast' D. L E I L A N D E. Livings remaining in Charge, K, B. 31 11 iof Crofion, Y . Mrsi Mafters and others 3 3 l\ 28 16 of Eccleften, R. R. Whitehead 217 7f n 0 0 Leilande, V . John Baldwin 12 0 45 16 8 Standiftie, R. Sir Richard Perryn .... 4 II 8 49 15 6 BrinhiU» Liber Valorum, tie. 77 Lancast. Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. 49 15 6 Brinhill, R. Duke of Devonjhire i 5 10 46 3 O Hoole, R. Henry Hejketh o 13 4f '50 o o. Copull, Don. Sam. Crooke 14 o o Longton, C. Ja.. Barton 50 o o Euxton, Don. Ja. Armetriding D. MAUNCESTRE. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. , CAfhton, under Line, V, Countefs ofl 26 J3 4 J Stamford J 2 *3 4 29 11 5f Bury, R. Ld. Derby 2 19 if n 4 gf Rachedal-, V. Arehbifhop of Cant .... 1 2 si 36 3 nf Midd'e on, R. Sir Ralph Ajheton .... 3 12 4f 46 4 gf Preftwich, R. James Lyon 4 12 5f 21 O 5 Radcliffe, R. Ld. Grey de Wilton .... 2 2 of Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 36 2 o Bolton in Le Moor, V. Bp. of Chejler 103! 60 o o Deane, V. The King 080 80 o o Eccles, V. The King ...; o 12 gf Manchefter Collegiate Church confifts of a Warden, nominated by the King, 400I. per annum ; and four Fellows;, elected by their own body, 250L per annum each. In Manchefter are the four following Livings hot in Charge. I St. Anne, R. Bp. of Chefter : St. John, R. Mr. Byrom, and Church! of Manchefter, alternately ., J St. Mary, R. Church of Manchejler .. St, Paul's, Church of Manchejler DONATIVES Liber Valorum, tie. DONATIVES, and "CHAPELS, cKV. Lancast' Yearly Tenth, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d, 23 6 3 Ellenbrook, C. Duke of Bridgwater 34 o o Flixton, tur. P. of Litch. and Cov. 4 14 O Turton, C. Mord. Green 3100 Birch, C. John Dickenfon ' 27 7 8 Blakely, C. Church of Manchejler .... I 15 O Chorlton, C. Church of Manchejler 12 O o Denton, C. Sir Th. Egerton 540 Didlburv, C. Wm. Broom 8 15 O Gofton, C. Church of Manchejler .... I 15 O Newton, Cur. Church of Manchejler (60 o o Salford, Don. J. G. Booth 112 Stretford, Cur. Church' of Manchefter 13 13 6 Milnrow, C. Mr. Haigh „ 6 6 8 Whitworth, C, Mr, Stgrkie , D, WARRINGTON. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 14 1 5 5 Aughton, R. Th. Plumbe I 9 6f 5 II 8 Childwall, V. Bp. of Chefter on 2 24 II 5! Halfal, R. C. Lewis Mordaunt„.. 2 9 '! 834 Northmeales, R. R. Harper andothers 0 16 4 24 o 10 Prefcott, -V. King's Coll. Cam 281 30 1 8 Sephton, R. James Rothwell 302 4.0 o o Warrington, R. R. V. A. Gwillim .... 400. 80 10 10 Wigan, R, Sir H, Bridgeman 8 I 1 102 9 gf Winn wick, R. Ld. Derby „..,... jo 411* 69 16 iof Walton, R.Ld. Macclesfield 6 19 8f 6 13 4 Walton, Y . The Reclor of Walton .... o 13 4 1 Livings Discharged. Clear Yearly Value. 42 o 0 Hilton, V. Ld. Derby ...,, O 12 II 32 18 4 Leighe, V. James Scholes O 18 0 44 5 6 Ormifkirk, V. Ld. Derby 1 o 0 Liverpool, r Liber Valorum, tic. 79 Lancast. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. C Liverpool, two Medieties, The Corpo- X ration CSt. George's, Cur. The Corporation ofl X Liverpool $ J St. Paul's, Cur. The Corporation ofl Liverpool 3 j St. Thomas's, Cur. The Corporation! of Liverpool J II 10 0 Altcar, Cur. Ld. Sefton 17 17 o Hale, Don. John Blackburne 17 10 o Trinity, C. P. Legh 39 9 O Newton, C. P. Legh D. BURROWBRIGGE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 368 Condall, V. Nat. Cholmelcy 068 6 12 1 Farneham, V. The Impropriator o 13 2§ 10 1 of Goldfborroughe, R. D. Lafcelles 1 o< if 5 17 3f Hunfingore, V. Sir John Goodricke .. on 8f 1 9 9 4f Knarefborough, V. Sir H. Sling fly., o 18 nf 23 8 9 Ripley, R. Sir John Ingilby 2 6 iof 8 17 n Staneley, R. G. Aflley o 17 gf 384 Ufborne Parva, V. Precentor of York o 6 10 7 17 1 Wickelley, V. Ch. Tancred < o 15 8f . ; '. '¦¦*'.* '" Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 29 12 o Aldburghe, V. D, and Ch. of York .... o ig nf , CBvjrton Leonard, V. D. and Ch. of] , r 26 ° °{ York .! 1\Q 6 ** 45 o o. Copgrave, H. Duncombe , o io 11 60 0 o Kirkeby, fuper Moram, Y .Tbe King o 15 42 29 13 10 Marfton, V. St. John's Coll. Cam o 5 nf 40 o o Nidd, V. The KiNp, D. L. o 6 8 £ 39 10 o Ufborne Magna. V. The King 070 800 Allerton, Don. Ld. Galway 16 o o Kirkhamerton, Don. Th. Thornton .. 18 o o Nonmun£fanv Don. W. TJelliffe .. 1 o 0 Stainly, Cur. Mrs. Bellamy D. CATERICKE. 1 80 Liber Va,lorum, tic £bqr* D. CATEcRICKE. Livings remaining-in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths, I, s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 8g 4 gf Bedall, R, Ch. Hodges 8 18 si 37 6.8 Burnefton, V. Greg. Elftey 3 14 8 200 0 o Catericke, V.-T^King .2 10 2f 5 15 10 Downeham, V. John Hutton 0 n 7 536 Eaft Wi -ton V. Ch. Hodfon 0 10 4 18 18 4 Fingall, R. T. John fon and J. Coates 1 17 10 20 14 4f Hawkefwell, R. Sir Ch. Dalton 2 1 5f 25 7 3f Kirklington, R. Ld. Wandesford 2 10 8f 15 9 4f Middelham Decanatus, The King".... l 10 nf 30 o O Marfham, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 300 34 13 if Patrick Brompton, Ri Bp,. of Chefter 393* 14 o 5 Scruton, R. Ch. Turner . 1 8 of 20 10 5 Spenithorne, R. Ch. Wyvill 2 1 of J3 ° 5 Tanfielde, R. T.and E. Church : 1 6 of 6 10 10 Thometon Wattles, R. John Milbank 0 13 1 49 9 gf Wenfley, R. Duke of Bolton 4 18 nf . 17 17 1 Wathe, R. Ld. Ailefbury, 1 15 8f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 42 14 o Alkarthe, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 1 18 8 60 o o Grinton, V. The King 146! 37 6 8 Horneby, V. D. and Ch. of York 0 13 6f 40 o 0 Kirkeby Fletham, V. The King 0 19 10 • 19 9 4 Piccall, V. Trin. Coll. Cam o 11 4 , CThorneton Stuarde, V. ArcMn. ofl ,, 31 *7 6 [ Richmond !....L.„.j ° ^ 4r 18 15 o Well, V. Ld. Exeter 0 17 4f 4 o o • BellerbyjC.J^/j^^/^ 16 00 Coverham, Don. S. Hqrdfqftle'. 22 00 Patrick Brompton, Cu.r-.j5p. ofCfjeJler ,, , 5168 Weft Witton, Cur. Duke of. Boltpn 13 o 0 Hawes, Cur. Land Owners D. RICHMOND. Liber Valorum, tic* 8r Esor' D. RICHMOND. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. ./. s. d. *i8o o o Barmingham, R. 77* King I 19 8f *ioo o o Brignall, V. 7J*King o 17 3 *200 o 0 Croft, R. The King 2 2 10 9 3 1 if Danby Wifke, R. Samuel Peacock '.. o 18 4f *30 o o Eftby, V. 27* King 054 23 n 5f Gillinge, V. J. H. Stephenfon 2 7 if 25 5 2f Kirkeby Ravenfthorpe, R. Bp. Chefter 2 10 6f 27 16 5f Kirkeby Wyfke,R.Z>. of Northumber. 2 15 7! 1*120 o O Marfke, R. John Hutton 1 4 7-f J 10 2 11 Mellhamby, R. Univ. Coll. Oxon 1 ° 3f 1*140 o o Middleton Tyres, V. The King .... 1.11 o :*i6o o o Mandfielde, V. The King 0 12 if 1*170' o o Richmond, R. The King 1 10 6f li 58 14 2 Romaldkirke, R. Mrs. Gibfon 5 17 5 ,i 13 13 4 Smeton, R. H. Hewgill .'. 174 ,i 6 13 4 Staynlocks, V. Mrs. Wharton o 13 4 14 12 1 Wicliffe, R. Univer. of Cam 1 9 2f Livings Discharged. - "dear yearly Value. 50 o o Anderby Steeple, V. The King 168 0 CEftcowton, V. Hofp: of Sir J. K.Ra-1 0 ot 38 ° ° } venfworth ......LL i \ ° 8 8* 47 5 o Langton, on Swale R. Ld. Holder nefs o 13 1 30 o b Rokeby, Y.The King o 8 4I 33 O O Stratforth,-V. Sir John Ramfden 081 8 o o Arkengarthdale, C. Ld. Lonfdale 20 15 o Bowes, Cur. Corn. Harrifon CKirkby- Ravenfworth, Cur. Bp. ofl T5 ° ° { Chejler, L.i\ 10 10 o Marrick, Cur. Wm. Pouleti .... D. CO UPLAND. S2 Liber Valorum, Se. Cumber' D. COUPLAND. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenth, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. ,s. I 19 17 3f Botill, R. Myles Cooper 1 19 j)f 19 3 if Deane, R. Richard Burn 1 18 3! 7 1 of Diftington, R. Ld. Lonfdale 0 14 i\ IO 4 7 Lamplugh, R. Th. Lamplugh j 1 0 5J 23 5 o Wirkelington, R. Jn. Chriftian ....™ 266 Livings Discharged. Clear Yearly Value. 44 15 n Brigham;, Y. Ld. Lonfdale 2 1 ]{ 22 11 10 Corriey, R. Rt. Pennington 019 81 45 15 10 Egremond, R. Ld. Egremont 0 15 '2| *• 3-500 Gosforthe,R.W.W.Bulmer and others 1 15 jl 37 o o Haveringham, R. Jn. Chriftian 0 14 M 23 O o Morfby, R. Ld. Lonfdale 0 12 2fl 50 o o Millam, V. TheKittG, D. L 016 6f1 49 12 3 Whittingham, R. Jn. Smith 0 17 6 r8 16 6 Whayberthwaite, R. Jn. Pennington 0 7 i 10 o O Arlecdon, Cur. Bp. of Chefter i2 o O St. Bees, Cur. Ld. Lonfdale 7 o ' o St. Bridget's, Cur. E. J. and H. Todd 6 12 o Cleator, Cur. Jn. Gale 568 Drigge, Don. John Pennington 700 Hale, Cur. Ld. Lonfdale . 7 o o St. John's, Cur. E.J. and H.Tcdd 4 13 4 Irton, Cur. Sir Jof. Pennington 10 o o Muncafter, Cur. Sir Jof: Pennington 920 Ponfonby, Cur. G. E, Stanley 9 14 8 Whipbeck, Cur. W. Parke 4 13 4 Emmerdale, C. Mrs. Hamilton goo Efkdale, C. G. E. Stanley 4 II • o Lowfewater, C. Twelve Sidemen 500 Neither Waftiak,' C. The Inhabitants D. KENDAlf Liber Valorum, tic. Westmor' D.KENDALL. i Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 36 13 4 Everfham, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 3 13 4 28 11 Si Grefmer, R. Sir Mi. Le Fleming 2 17 if 20 O 7f Halton, R.Ch. Weatherhead 2 O of 892 Haifham, R. Th. Clarkjon O 16 11 92 5 o Kendall, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 946 74 10 2f Wharton, R. D.and Ch. of Worcefter 7 9 of 24 6 8 Windermere, R. Sir Mi. Le Fleming 288 • A Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 28 3 4 Bolton, in le Sands, Y .Bp. of Chejler 096 31 6 8 Burton, V .J. Tenant and T. Hutfon 1 n 8f 30/ o o Bethome, V. The King, D. L 169 13 o o Croflwaite, C. The Inhabitants 29 O o Over Kellet, C, Mr. Leaper 434 Prefton Patrick, C. The Inhabitants .... 31 1.8 Witherflack, C.Truftees jo 0 O Amblefide, C. Sir Mi. Le Fleming .... 13 5 8 Burdfide, C. Land Owners 750 Crook, C. LandOwners 6' 13 4 Grayrigg, C. Land Owners 6 10 o Hugill, C. LandOwners 860 Kentmire, C. Inhabitants 850 Selfide, C. LandOwners 734 Stavely, C. LandOwners g 1 6 Underbarrow, C. Land Owners 510 Winfter, C. LandOwners -sup Cicefter' La 84 Liber Valorum, tie. Cicefter' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL C I C E s t' Yearly Tenths. Benefices rzmain;ng in Charge. /. s. d. I. s. d. 677 > 3 T? PIS COP AT US Ciceftrenf. .... 67 14 if 58 9 4f JCL Decanatus, ibidem .~ 5 16 nf 35 o 10 Precentor, ibidem , 3 10 1 27 7 1 Cancellarietus, ibidem 2 14 8f 62 6 8 Thefiuriatus, ibidem 648 38 3 4 Archidiaconatus, Ciceftrien' » 3 16 4 39 15 o Archidiaconatus, Lewen .'« 3 10 » 6 11 17 4 Barkefhami P 139 16 13 6 Biihopfherfte, P, _ 1 13 4 t3 6 8 Bury, P _ I 6 8 1368 Burfalis, P 168 I© 2 8f Bargham, P 1 0 3f 18 17 a. Coleworth, P , 117 4 268 Ertham, ? 0 4 8 10 5 o Exceit, P 1 0 6 2134 Fitlerworth, P 054 o 10 o Firles. P „ 0 1 0 16 10 5 Ferringe, P 1 13 of 800 Gates, P '. 0 16 0 9 16 8 Hethfteld. P 0 19 8 2 13 4 Herhfteed, P „ 054 10 o 0 Huville, P I 0 0 468 Huve Ecclefia?, P 0 88 234. Middleton, P 044 4 15 b JMardon, P 096 18 6 8 Sutton, P 1 16 8 o 16 8 Selford, P 0 1 8 13 o o Sydlefharn, P „ 160 4 10 o Somerlfy Liber Valorum, tic. 85 C I c E s t' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. I. s. d. 4 10 o Somerley, P 0.9 o 9 10 o Selfey, P o 19 o 1290 Thorney, P 1 4 O 10 O O Upthorne, P IOO 20 o o Wightring, P 2 o o 20 13 4 Woodhorne, al' Erlington, P 214 11 00 Waltham, P 120 9 16 8 Wyndham, P. o 19 8 600 Weftborough, P 0 12 o !xii Vicar Choral' in Ecclefia Cathe-"1 dral' Ciceftren praed' quilibet eor' ad > 3 3* 3 o _5 3f per Annum J Sussex. D. ARUNDELL. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. 7 5 7f Amberley, V. Bp. ofChicheJler o 14 6f 15 9 2 Efthangmering, R. Sir Cecil Bijhop .... 1 10 11 19 15 10 Felfham, R. D. and Ch.of Chichefler 1 19 7 7 19 gf Gates, R. D. and Ch. of Ghichefter .... o 15 I if 913 Lyminfter, V. Bp. of Chichefler o 18 if 5 14 4f Northftock, V. The King '. on 5f II 15 10 Southftock, R. Duke of Norfolk 1 3 7 9 11 of Slymping, Y . Eton Coll o 19 if 6 o o Weftangmering, V. Sir Cecil Bijhop 0 12 Q Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 7' 2 8 Barnham Cunt' Duke of Grafton 000 38 19 9 Arundell, V. Mrs. Groome o 10 1 39 19 of Binfteed, V. Maurice Smelt on gf 38 15 11 Burfham, V '. D. and Ch. of 'Ghichefter o 15 3 12 II gf Burye, V. P. ofChicheJler O 14 of 3° 3 5 Clapham,. R. Sir John Shelley 180 27 O o Ford, R. Bp. ofChicheJler.... O 18 8 46 4 4! Ferring, V. John Courtail O 12 10 34 16 -iof Felpham, V. , John Courtail .»• O 19 I 60 opa Middleton, R. The King ,- on 1 17 119 Madhurft, V . Bp. of Chichefler o 12 n 4g 9 0 Polinge, 26 Li"ber Valorum, tic. Sussex. Yearly Tenths, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d, 49 9 O Polinge, V. Bp. ofChicheJler I O o 28 19 2f Ruftingtori, V. Bp. ofChicheJler o 12 0 49 5 10 Walbertdn, V. Bp. ofChicheJler 1 1 n 43 16 of Yapton, V. Bp. ofChicheJler o 15 if 20 o o Eaft Prefton, V. The King GOO Torington, Y . Samuel Leeves 1 j D. BOXGRAVE. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 10 5 IO Aldingbourne, V. Dean ofChicheJler 107 10 o 10 Bird ham, R. D. and Ch. of Chichefler 1 0 1 955 Boxgrave, Y . Duke of Richmond o 18 6f 13 6 8 Cumpton, V. Ld. Orwell, and others 168 9 10 5 Doneghton, V. Bp. ofChicheJler .: o 19 of , .CErnely, R. Duke of Nor folk, and Bp.l , 7 ^ Of J of%ichefter li ....} ° x4 H 7 5 2f Ertham, V. Bp. of Chichejler 014 6f 9 4 7 ' Hunfton, V. H. Wilfon 018 si' o o Marfton, R. The King o 14 5f IO n iof Oving, V . Precentor of Chichejler .... 1 1 i\ II 3 4 Selfy, R. Bp. ofChicheJler 124 .24 13 4 Weftbourne, R. Mrs. Montague 294, 10 8 4 Wefthprney, R. Jn. Hawkins, 1 0 iq D. CICESTR' Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *go o o Ecclefia Fifhborn?, The King on 0 Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 80 0 • Andrea?, R. The Dean , 094 • 20 o Bartholmei, V. demolifhed 000 5.0 o Ecclef, Martini. The Dean ,., , 028 20 0 o Ecclef. Olavi. The Dean o 9 iof 40 o o Ecclef. Petri Minoris, The King 028 30 0 Q San#i Liber Valorum, tic. 87 Sussex. Yearly Tenths. I. s.. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 30 0 o Sandti Petri Major' Y.The Dean 1 12.10 15 o o Pancrafii Sancli, R. The Dean o 1,7' 1 38 O o Wyke Eecclef. The De an 080 D. DALLINGTON. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 8 13 4 Afhborneham, V. D. andCh. of Cant, o 17 4 24 13 4 Battle, V. Sir Whiftler Webfter 2' 9 4 12 10 5 Brede, R. Dr. Home 1 5 of n 6 8 Beckley, R. Th. Hooper 128 18 o o Burgwifhe, V. Duke of NewcaJlle .... 1 16 O 8 10 0 Burgwifhe, R. Duke of NewcaJlle o 17 o 6 18 6f Bodyham, V. Sir Whiftler Webfter .... o 13 iof 10 0 o Crowhurft, R. Duke of NewcaJlle .... 100 7 g 4f Catfield, V '. Ld. AJhburnham o 14 nf 800 Dallington, R. Ld. AJhburnham o 16 o 11 00 Echingham, R. Dame Ann Lade 120 12 2 6 Ewehurft, R. Sir Whiftler- Webfter .... 143 20 o o Hurftmounfex, R. F. H. Naylor 200 '7 2 6 Hoo, V . Sir Godfrey Webfter o 14 3 10 o o Hethfield, V. P. thereof 100 18 8 6f Iden, R. John Davis 1 16 iof 15 10 2f Northyam,R. M. Lord, and C.Frewen 1 il of 800 Nenfield, V '. Ld. AJhburnham o 16 o 14 O o Salehyrft, V. John Jenkin 1 "8 o *8o 0 o Sidlefcombe, R. The King 0185 18 e\Tyk\\etb,Y.D. and Ch.of Canter-1 ' X bury ¦ \ I ID 9 16 O 2f Wartling, Y . Robert Andrews 1 12. of n 6 8 WeMe\d,Y. The Bijhop 1 2 8 13 6 8 Warbylton, R. Sir John Lade 168 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 46 5 4 Mounefield, V. Duke of Dorfet on 4 32 o 0 Oddymere, Y . Mr. Bromfield o 16 6f 48 14 6 Playdpn, R; Mrs, Legg .., 140 43 o 0 Penherft, 83 Liber Valo rv m, -tic. Sussex' Yearly Tenth, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. 43 o o Penherftj R. Ld. AJhburnham o 7-10 48 5 8 Watlingham, R. Duke ofDorfet 014 51 D. HASTINGS. Livings remaining in Charge, K. B. 2410 2f Bexhill, V. TheBiJhop 2 9 of 11 00 Brightling, R. Stephen Fuller 120 112 Egidii St. in Winchelfea, R. 028 fi c -> SFarIeiSh» V- Ld. Romney, andjamesl , ° 9 2 I Clitherow J o ia 11 12 6 7f Geftling, R. Sir Wm. AJhburnham .... 1 4 of. 13 I 8 Ikilfam, Y .The Bijhop « 1 6 2 4 15 10, Pett, R. Diones Geere o g 7 Livings Discharged. dear yearly Value. 8 18 ° [St^™l.!^:..^:..!i!!:? * & « 41 4 o Eftguildford, R. Rob. Margerifon .... 0 16 sf 46 16 o Hollington, V. Sir Ch. Eversjield .... 0 16 of 43 4 O Orre, R. Th. Pearce 0 6 'of , . n COmn. Sana, in Haftings, R. Sir Wh.l ,. '5H °\ Webfter \ l l9 ll 28 o 0 Winchelfea, R. Th. Pearce .-... 0 0 e D. LEWES. ' Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 7 14 2 Alborne, R. Mrs. Goring 0 15 5 *200 o o Barcombe, Y.TheKiuG 1 17 1 15 18 6f Balcombe, R. Mrs. Chatfield 1 n iof 21 0 10 Clayton, R. Brazen-Nofe Coll. Oxon. 2 21 20 14 2 Cockfield, V. The Bijhop 2 1 5 6 15 o Chelley, R. Sir Leonard Gale 0 13 6 so 6 8 Cowfold,Y. The Bijhop 1 0 8 942 Chayleigh, R. Abp. of Cant 0 18 5 19 5 10 Erthingley, Liber Valorum, tic. 8$ Sussex. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 19 5 10 Erthirigley^ R. Rich. Clarke I 18 7 20 o 0 JEaftgrinfiede, V. Duke of Dorfet .... 200 16 10 0 Henfield, V. The Bijhop 1 13 o J5 9 4! Hurftperpoint, R, Sir E.Winnington I 16 nf 16 12 8f Hamfey, R. G. W. Lewis 1 13 3f 10 iO 2f Iford, R. D. W. Morgan ¦. 1 1 of 684 Iffield, V. Nic. Spencer O 12 10 612 1 Johan' St. Sub Caftro, R. Jn. Crofts 013 2f 12 19 2 Kingflon Bowfey, R. Sir Ch. Mill .... 1 5 11 813 9 Kingflon, V. united to Iford o 17 4f 7 6 iof Marise Beat in Lewes, R o 14 8f 568 Mariae Beatae in Wefton in Lew^s .... Old 8 7 17 8 Newick, R. Lady Vernon O 15 95 884 Newtimber, R. Nat. Newnham p 16 10 *i00 o o Piccombe, R. The King 1 10 iof C Petri Sandi in Wefton & Sandi Jo-? 10 10 10 £ han' Subcaftro' de Lewes, R. unit'} l x t IO b 0 Plympton, R. Mrs. Hampton .... 100 10 o -o Ponings, R. Sir C. M. Goring 100 15 6 of Radmell, R. The Bijhop I 10 7? 9 10 O Rottingdon, V. Duke of Dorfet o 19 o 16 O IO Southefe, R. Ann. Chatfield I 12 1 IO 19 2 Slaugham, R. Mic. Sergifon I 1 ir 4 19 4f Shermanbury, R. Mrs. Farncombe .... o 9 nf 800 Sela, V. Magdalen Coll. Oxon 0160 IO 15 5 Twynam, -R. Sir H. Goring I I 6f 120 o o Woodmancote, R. The King 1 6 2f 22 4 2 Weftmynton, R. JohnRidoute 245 *3 3 4 Worth, R. The Bijhop 164 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value 100 o 0 Brighthelmfton, V. The Bijhop 20 2f 37 8 if Blachington, R. Jn. Fermor 012 si 41 n 10 Bolney, V. P. of Hova Villa o 10 6f 23 O O Crawley, 'R. Denx.il Holies OOO 47 O 8 Ditchnihg, V '.Chancellor of 'Chichejler 12 0 84 4 Falmer, V. Ld. Pelham o 13 I x 48 b o Hangleton, R. Duke of Dorfet. 135 70 o 0 Howthely, V. The King o 19 7f. 70- 0 o Meching, R. The King 016 4 M 13 o 0 Michaelis Si US-SEX I. S. d. 20 O O J 14 2 #0 0 0 41 12 O .50 0 0 50 0 0 25 0 0 r6 b 0 t"4 3 0 80 0 0 46 12 0 7° 0 0 T20 0 0 40 0 0 ^1 IT 0 K. 1 3. 8 Q 0 too 0 0' 13 6 8 n 13 4 6 6 8 6 13- 4> 9 10 5 26 13 4 9 ° 0 7 ° 0 11 0 0 8 0 0 41 10 5 15 0 10 17 18 61 7 12 1 13 ro 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 7 0 10 Liber Valorum, 0c. r Yearly Tenths. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. , ^ 1 ~ \ Michaelis Sandi inforo Lewes, R- o 17 6 Omni. Sand. R. Sir-Rob. F'agg o 14 0 PortifladeT'V. The King - • o 17 iof Prefton & Hova, V. P. thereof 2 a ¦£ Petcham, V.' The King 014 if CPeddinghoo, V. Th. Crew, and J.I I Phiipot j I5 s Sela, V. Magdalen Coll. Oxon o t6 0 Shoreham, Vet' V. Magd. Coll. Oxon. o 15 iof Shoreham, No'vzY .Magd. Coll. Oxan. o 12 2 Southwrke, R„The King 0 19 5 Strete,R. Th. Lane ~ o 13 nf Sandi Johann, R. The King 000 Sandi Ann, R. The King — 000 Teddifcombe, jT. Crew, and J. Phiipot 174 Cliffe, Pec. Abp. of Cant ~. D. MID HURST. Livings remainin'g in Charge. Bebtctn^ R. Ld. Montague „ 0 16 & Bignor, R. The King 016 4f Cocking, V. The Biftiop r 6 8 Elfted, R. Ro.b. Iftip ... „ * 3 4 Eaftbourne,.V^Zrf. Montcnute o M 8 Tittleworth^R. The Bijhop 0^ 13 4 Graffham, R. Charlotte Bettcfworth p rg of Hirtum, R. Sir M. Fethcrjlonhaugh- .. 2 13 4 Hirtum, V. Recljir of Hirtum o 18 0 Iping^.R, Sir Ch. Peyton 014 0 Kirkford, V. Mrs. Montague 1 2 0 Lurgarfall, R. G. Sedgwick o 1,6" » Petwbrth, R.Ld. Egr'emoiii '.'. „.... 4 3 of Sutton, R. Ld. Egremont 1 10 r Sted'ham, R. Sir Ja. Peachy 1 15 iof Ti-effbrd,. R. Sir Ja. Feachy 915 if Toliton, R. Ld. Egrejnont 17® Trotton, R. John-Rftdcliffe o 1:8 0 Wodllavihgton, R. Chr. Bethel! .._ o 18 d Wolbcrdham, R, Sir Char. Mill 0 14 1 , D. P A G H A M- Li B E R V AL O'R U M,' 'tit. <)« Sussex. D. P A G H A M. < Livings remaining iisi Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. L s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 7 18 9 Barfted, V '. Abp. of Cant o 15'iOf „ 0 AEftlaveht, R. H. Peckham, and W.l ¦ '¦ , 20 l8. ^1 MiJton... ...' f2 * ;9i 9 18 9. Pagham, Y. Abp. of Cant 0 19 *of 14,13 if . Slyndon, R. Maurice Smelt 1 9 ,3f .13 .5: 0. Tangmere, R. Duke of Richmond ...... 1' 6 6 j c ¦ ¦ • - ' < ,DlS CHARGED. Clear yearly Value.' ' . ' . ,\ ¦ ,. 11 0.0 Omnium Sand R. Abp. efCanti. 0 n 9 D. PE VENSE Y. Livings remaining in Change. • -K. B. •j 3 6 8 Berwick, R. C. Gilbert, and Ro. Hawes 1 6. 8 8 ' o ' o Chalton, R , o .16 o 26' 1 8 Eaftbbvme,Y.TreafurerofChiche/ier 2 12 J2 76 3 Eafthothly, R. Ld. Abergavenny o 14 7f 800 Eftdean, V. D. and Ch. of Chichejler o 16 o 855 Frent, V. The Ream-' of Rother field o 16 6f 700 Frifton, V. TheBifhop o 14 o 13 6 8 HorftedCaynes, R. Th. Williams 1 6 8 700 Horned Parva, R. Ant. Nott ~ o 14 o 16 6 8 Halifham, V. J. M. Fagge 1,12.8 6 16 8 Hellingley, Y.Duke of NewcaJlle o 13 8 •7 o o Hartfield, R. Ld. Tbanet © 14 o 20 o O Jevington, R. Lady El. Compton .200 X2 o ct . Marrisfied, R. Sir Wm. Gage 140 18 7 8 f Pevenfey, Y . Chancellor of Chichejler 1 lb §f 27 12 6 Rotherfieid, R. Ld. Abergavenny 2 15 g 11 10 o Rype, R. Dmke of Dorfet 130 J 1 8 6f Southeightoa, R. Diones Geere 1 2 iof 700 Torring, R. United to Southheighton o 14 o Ma 25 5 5 Wethyham, g2 Liber Valorem, tie. Sussex. Yearly Tenth, . I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 25 5 5 Wethyham, ' R. Duke of Dorfet 2 TO" 6f 13 4 7 Walderne, R. Duke of Dorfet 165! 13 9 4? Weft F'riez, V, The Dean and Chap. 1. 6 1 if 21 10 10 Weftham, V . Lady El. Compton 2 3, 1 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 21 11 o Alcifton, V - o j2 0 50 o © AHfrifton, V. The King .., 1 3 7f 4815 o Arlington, V.. P. of Ghichefter. 1 0 8f 35 12 o Beddington, V. Dean and Chapter .... op 19. 1 ,24 4 3 Bifhopfton, V. The Bifhop 0 17 J 4 45 O o Blachington, R. Jn. Fermor 1, 8 0 42 2 6 Chittingley V. Ld. Sackville 0 16 0 43 4 1 Chalvington, R. J. T. Fuller ,0.0 o, 4415 o Denton, R. Wm. Jollijfe 1 ' 9 nf 38 14 4 Folkington, R. Duke of Dorfet .......... 1 40 47 1 6 Hartfield, V . Reclor of Hartfield 100 850 Hove, V. P. thereof 000 800 Lollington, V. Dean and Chapter o .13 3I 48 0 O Laughton, V. Ld. Pelham 0 ig if 39 O 0 Sutton Seaford, V. P. thereof 136 44 J5 7 Solmefton, V. P. ofChicheJler o 14 ?f 46 6 O Weftdeane, R. L. Harrifap 19 6f 25 2 6 Wilmington, V. Lady El. Compton .... 0160 37 11 6 Willingdon, V. Dean and Chapter .... 140 D. SOUTH MAL LING. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 37 5 2f Buxted, R. Abp. of Cant 3 14- ,6f 16 0 o Edburton, R. Abp. of Cant. 1 12 e 9 12 8flffeild, R. Abp. of Cant 0 19 ^3? 17 13 4 Mayfield, V. Jn. Kirby I 15 4 13 o o Rugrner. V. Abp. of Cant 160 16 0 o Stanmer, R. Abp. of Cant I 12 0 15 1 of Wadhurft, V. Wadham Coll. Oxon. 1 io if 31 17 8 Cliffy Liber VjA l o r u m, §&> 93 . 5 Sussex. Livings Disch arged. .. Yearly Tenths. '. .. -X ¦ . * "Clear yearly V^ve. , ¦ . or ,/. j. */. Benefices. Patrons: -1 I. s. . d.' 31 17 8, ClirTe, R. , Abp. of Cant. .....J. o, iij?3 41 11 o' Frampjield, V, ¦ Ld. Thanet 1 6C'8 43 14 6 Glynde, Y.D. and Ch. ofWinhfor .... p 10 if D. SCORING TON. Livings remaining in Charge. ... "¦>¦ K. B. ? - . - **• ¦ •>•• .r 8 5* o Afhington, R. Ri. Clough o i6: 6 ,*g, 6, of Billinghurft, V.. Sir H. Goring-,. .,.'...,,. o 18 7! '36 O o Broadwater, R.'W. Kempe". 3 12 O 12 16 iof Chiltington, R. Ld. Abergavenny ........ 1 ^5 8f^ 10 O 2f Combes, R. Sir John Shelley ..... i O bf 25 o o Horfham', V. Abp. of Cant.'..*.. i../.l...: 2 io b 800 Itchingfield, R. Nat. Fredcroft 0 16 O 1000 Nuthurft,- R. The Bifhop 100 19 o 7f Pulberg, R. Mrs. Spragg 1 18 of 13 2 6 Rigwick, R. The Bifhop .• 163 '¦7 10 o Rigwick, V. The Bijhop o 15 o I "¦¦ 9 10 10 Rufper, R. James Wood ¦¦ o 19 - 1 18 o o Storington, R. Mrs. Montague 1 16 o 5- 6 ,j8. , Sl'mfield,, R. The Bijhop o 10. 8 7 7/6, Slihfiel'd, V. Reclpr of Slinfield o 14. 9 JS o, 6 Staining, V. Rob. Hefketh i 10 o 12 17 6 Sulllngton, R. Ed. Fredcroft 1, 5 9 J4 9 gf Thakeham, R. Jn. Butler 1 8 nf 7 4 4f Wigenholt, R. Wm. Turner 014 5f 12 13 4 Wifton, R. Ld. Thanet ¦¦ 154 10 1 of Warneham, V. D. and Ch. of Cant. 1 o if 25^7 6 Weft Grinftede, R. H. Humphrey.... 2 Urg Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 45 4 6 Bramburg, R. Magdalen Coll. Oxon. 108 20 0 o Fyndon, V. Magdalen Coll. Oxon 1 6 4f 46 15 2 Goring, V. W. W. Richardfon o 15 O 45 O o Green, V. P. ofChicheJler o jg 19 T- - 26 0 0 Laiihting, $4" Liber Valorum, tie. Sussex. Yearly Tenth. v' I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 26 o o Launting, V. Bp. of Lincoln 0 12 nf .33 11 8 Parham, R. Sir Cecr Bijhop 10 0 40 o o Sumpting, V. Edw. Barker .. ............ 016 8f : /jo 'O 0 Wafliington, V. J#agdr Coll. Oxen. 0 19 0 •40 o o ShepleyyC. Sir John Pe'acby ............ p. TERR ING. Livings remaining in Charge. Clear yearly Value. "~ 11 13 4 Paching, R. Abp. of Cant 1 3,4 -22^3 ' 4 • Tewing,- %. Abp.ofCmt. ° 2 J 5" 4 ' v 8 13 4 Taring, V. Abp. of Cant. J 0 1 7 v' 4 o sr • . . ¦'¦ Note, Tlie Value of thefe Livings following not being afeertaioed as the Ad requires, are not Lifcharged. 0 p. PEVENSEY. "?3 (- ^ 0 8 fetching, V '. Duke of JDorfet 1 6 8 12 13 -" 6f , Littlingtpn, R. y«. Bean ... 1 5 4! Note, Thefe Livings ; following being ;- returned to be of the feveral pearly Values undermentioried,' by a Certificate bearing Date after the Day limited by the A£t of Parliament, are to remain charged. D. LEWES. Clear yearly Vblue. 35 o o Aldrington, R. Jn. Gtkett p "Jf'<«i 48 o o Ovington, R. Ri. Rideoute 0 18 7 D, MIDHDRST, 28 16 8 Barlavington, R. Sir Qc: Bifhop 0 11 4 37 16 10 Bbdington, R. Jn. Middleton .* ,... o 14 4! 2016 8 Egeiden, R. Sir Wm. Goring o 2 » 6 8 8 Hardham* Liber V A l obum, &$. g-5 SossEX-" Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons; /. s. £ 70 0^0 Rogate, V. TheTLmc .„ 1 0 5 39 16 8 Stopham, R. Mrs. Bartellot on -?£ 3916. 8 Selhaim, R. Brazen Coll. Oxon. 000 46 1 6f Tirwicke, R. Ralph Hilditch 0 10 of D. DAL LING TON. 44 12 o Peaferrvarfh, V. Sydney Coll. Cam. .... o IO It D. HASTINGS. 4910 6 Rye, V '. Lady El. Compton 454 D. BOXGRAVE. 47 l5 3 Bo(eham,Y.D.andCh.ofCibichefter O 13 if 27 o o Chidham, V. H. Bickley 1 1 n 42 3 8 Eaftwightring, R. Bp. of Chichefler o 13 8 37 ij 7 Eaftmardon, V. P. of Chichefler 098 29 o o Eaftdeane, V. D. and Ch.of Chichejler o 10 5! 40 o o Hamptonet, V. TTieYLnn'o o 14 5f 44 1 6 Mundham, V. H. Wilfon o 18 1 36 o 3 North Mardon, R. Th. Phipps o 13 gf 36 o o Ra&on, R. D.andCk. ofChicheJler o il n 10 o o" Selfy, V. ReBor of Selfey o r6 o 26 i8 g Sydlefharo, V. P. ofChicheJler o 15 I, 26 15 I Stoughton, V. Bp. of Chichejler o 17 o 50 o O Singleton, R, D. andCh, ofChicheJler 013 4 27 19 3 J Weftdeane,V. Z>. and Ch. ofChicheJler o 13 2§. 41 6 4 Waltham,, R. Jn. Luther 0 12 3§ 26 19 8 Weftwightring, V. P. of Chichejler 104 60 "0 O Weft Itchnor, R. The King 0 13 5 ^ ifWeftbourne, V. ReBor of Weft-1 qI. '^ * J bourne ...J * 80 o o Weftoke, R. The King o 19 2f 14 O O Apihiram, V. The Dean end Chapter 40 o o Funrington,' Cur. The Impropriator a» 0,0 Mid. Latimt* Cur. The Impropriator DU!' ; ' :l- gfr Ltber Valorum, tie. Duneim' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL. The Deanry of this Church is 2000I. per Annum ; and the twelve Prebends from 400I. to 800I. per Annum, are in the Gift of the Bifhop. Duneim' Yearly Tenths. Benefices remaining in Charge. /. s. d. I. s. d. 1821 1 3 T? PIS COP ATUS Duneim'.... 182 2 if 100 o o IVj Archidiacon' Duneim' 10 0 0 , \ Archidiacon' Northumbr' cum R.l 36 J3 4 J Howie I 3 '3 4 D. ALNEWICKE. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. Benefices. Patrons. Yearly Tenth.. 11 34 Emylton, V. Merton Coll. Oxon 124 *3 3 1 Egglingham, V. Bp. of Durham .... 0 13 5f 24 16 8 Ingram, R. Rob. Ogle 2 9 8 58 6 8 Rothbury, R. Bp. of Carlifte 5 16 8 12 11 -i SWhittingham> V ¦**' Bijhop of Dur-1 . ¦* I ham ( 5 * 18 5 7f Warkeworth, V. Bp. of Carlifte 1 16 6J Livings Discharged., Clear yearly Value. ,-, ¦ 18 o o ,Alneham, V. D. of Northumberland o =7 8f 45 o o Edlingham, Y. The Dean and Chapter 263! 60 o 4 Shivilbottle, Liber Valorum, tic. 97 No RTHUMBE-r' , Yearly Tenths. L s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. f>o o -o Shivilbottle, V. The King .0 9 5f 800 Hallifton, C. D. of Northumberland 1 D. BAMBOROUGrJ. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 25 o o Bothall, R. Ld. Oxford 2 10 ® 20 o o SBarw'c^ f«P- Tweede, V. The Dean! I and Chapter .... } 3' 6 8 Branxton, V. Dean and Chapter 068 12 16 of Chatton, V. D. of Northumberland 15 7! 400 ChiHingham, V '. The Bijhop 08 o' 6. 5 5 , Ellingham, V. Dean and Chapter 0 12 6f 24 O o Ford, R. F. B. Dclaval 2 8 o 15 6 8 Norham, V. Dean and Chapter 1 10 8 3 13 4 Newton Kirke, V. Wm. Lowe's 074 5 8 if Woller, Y.The Bijhop o 10 gi Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. „,. ~ „ fHaughton Longa, V. D. ofNorthum-1 0 t 25 ° °j berland . ......1 „ JoiSllf 27 O o Ilderton, R. D. of Northumberland .... 080 ¦70 00 Lefbury, V. The King o 16 3f 14 O 9 Me\don,Y . Dean and Chapter o 8 cf 45 0 o Whitfield, R.Wm.Ord o 16 o 36 o o Holy ifland, V. Dean and Chapter .... D. CORBRIDGE. Livings remaining in Charge. -. K. B- 9 18 if Bywell Petri, V. Dean and Chapter.... 0 19 gf II II 8 Corbridge, V. D. and Ch. of Carlifte 132 614 4I -Chollerton, V, Walt. Blackett...., 013 Sx .12 .3 if Hauntwezell, V. The Bijhop i 4 3i 384 -Kirkehea-rle, V. Sir Wm. Loraine 0 6 10 58 4 ©.vingham, V.Mr. Bigg 0 10 .no N 34 6 3 Symondfbourne 98 Liber Valorum, tic. .North umber' Yearly Tenths, I. s, d^ Benefices. Patrons. I. , s. d. , jSymohdfbourne, R. Governors ofl 34 ° 3 X Greenwich Hofpital i 8 l6 3 Warden, V. Mrs. Hopkins 0 17 7J 1 ' 1 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 23 o o Aldefton,V. Sir James Cteed,and others 0 15 3! 23 0 0 Bywell Andreas, V. Wm. Fenwick 0 6 n 80 O o Knarfdale, R. The King 0 9 io£ 26 o o Kirkhaugh, W. R. F. Richardfon o 8 9I -J Dunelm' D. DUNEIM' Livings , remaining in Charge. K. B. 20 O o Arcliffe, , V, Dean and Chapter, 200 505 A poft., duod. Caft. Bern. The King 0 10 0 24 13 4 Boldon, R. The Bijhop- 294 62 io 5 Breundifpeth, R. Rob. Shafto 6 1 of 11 3 if Billingham, Y .Dean and Chapter 1 2 3! 718 if Comlcliffe, Y.TheBiJhop 015 9I 28 17 1 Egglefcliffe, V. The Bijhop 2 17 8f . 2018 if Elwicke, R. The Bijhop 2 1 t)i 27 13 4 Gatefhead, R. TheBiJbop 2 15 4 39 6 of Gaynesford, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 3 19 fl 124 0 o Houghton in le Spring, R, The Bijhop 12 H 53 6 8 Haughton, R, TheB'iJhop 5 6 8 27 5 5 Hurworth, R. Tr. Hogg ,. 2 14 b\ *i8o o 0 Hart arid Hartipoole, V. The King i 3 H 12 14 gf Hetchinfon, V. The Dean and Chapter 1 5 5I , CHazilden Monachorum, V. D. and! „ ' „ 7 I2 6 1 Chapter \ ° ^ \ %0 O 0 Kellow, V. The Bijhop 2 0 0 20 o o Long Newton, R. The Bijhop 2 0 0 25 17 1 Middleton in Teafdale, R. The King s ii H' 14 4 gf Merringtpn, V . Dean and Chapter .... 1 8 $1 too o 0 JVliddleham Epjfc' V, The Kii^g ....... o 9 H , jMargarette, ibid. Cruc' Dean and! : 5 " b X Chapter 5 ° " 3 400 Middleton George, Rob, Killinghall 080 50 o 0 Northbayleyi Liber Valorum, tic. 99 Duneim' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /., s. d. 500 Northbayley, Arc hdn. of North umber, o 10 o 31 n 5 f Norton, M .The Bijhop 3 3 3? 16 o o Ofwaldi St. V. Dean and Chapter .... i 12 o 42- 10 10 Ryton, R. The Bijhop 451 17 18 if Redmerfhall, R. The Bijhop 1 15 9^ 67 6 8 Stanhope, R. The Bifhop ..' 6148 130 o o Staynton in Strata, R. The King 154 7318 if Sedgfield, R. The Bijhop 7 7 g£ 505 Seaham, V. Mrs. Robinfon o 10 ,of- 20 8 1 if Wickham, R. The Bijhop 2 o iof 39 19 4f Whitborne, R. The Bijhop 3 19 n£ 18 o o Wafhington, R. The Bijhop 1 16 o 89 18 if Warmouth Epifc'opi, R. The Bijhop .... 8 19 19I 31 13 4 Woolfingham, R. The Bijliop .. 3 3 4 g 18 if Wynfton, R. The Bijhop o 19 9 594 Hofpi. infra Caft. Bern. The King .... o 10 ir + * Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. CBifhopton, V. Mafter and Brethren ofl 0 37 " ° X Sherburne Hofpital... ] 0 8 7 44 o o Cockefield, R. Ld. Darlington o 19 g{- '31 58 Dittinfdale, R. Dean and Chapter o 9 if 40 17 nf Dalton, V '. Dean and Chapter 0 12 ' o{- 24 n 8 Ediminbuyers, R. Dean and Chapter o 13 1 1 , n (Elton, R. Mark Shafto, and Mrs.! 36 10 o I Jefferfm J J J 0 14 U- 28 7 o Gretham, V. Gretham Hofpital ........ o 14 2 ( Grindon, V. Mafter and Brethren ofl 37 ° ° X Sherborne Hofpital L\ ° 9 'i* 4 2 6 Kinnefwprth, R. Dean and Chapter. 068 ' TM Q S Middleton St. George, R. Rob. Kil-1 2$l* 8[ linghall ....! \° 7 .31 „ , Q VMonck Warmouth, R. Sir H. Wil- ? 5 6 8{ liamfon :.. \° ° ° 48 3 n Pitlingtbn, V. Dean and Chapter 1 9 5 ' CStockburne, R. MaJler and Brethren! , 23 ° °- X of Sherborne Hofpjtal '. ......S ° 7 9* 45 'o o' Straynton, V. Mai. White \U— 1 15 7i 10 12 o JSt' Mary le Bow' R- Archdn- °f\ X Northumberland i c '^500 Birkby, R. Yorkjhire, Bp. of Durham N 2 50 o o St, JOO Ddnelm' /. j. d. 50 12 20 0 40 0b 0 16 7 3 *3 20 18 00 6 00 0 *3 10 9 0 4 0 46 0 0 24 8 4 6 0 0 to *5 3 18 4 8 '3 66 19 8 4 4 3 44 11 9 5 10 40 0 55 11 0 Liber- Valorum> tic. Yearly Tenth, Benefices. Patrons. /. 1: d, St. Andrew Aukland, C. The Bifhop Caftle Eden, Cur. Rowl. Burden • Darlington, C. Ld. Vane jEbehefter, Cur. MaJl. and Brethren! y>" X of Sherborne Hofpital y Efcomb, Cur. The Bi flop , St. Giles Durham, JohnTempefi Hunfterley, Cur. Mr. Cuthbert St. Helen's Aukland, C.^ The Bifhop Hunftanworth, Mr. Ord..\ Harrow, Cur. Mrs. Montague, and! [ others ..J Lanchefter, Cur. The Biftctp St. Margaret's Durham, Cur. Dean! and Chapter ..'. ..; 5 Medumfley, C. The Bifhop Mtiglefwick, Cur. Dean and Chapter St. Nicholas Durham, C. JohnTempefi Shields, Cur. Dean and Chapter ........ South Bayley Durham,. R. The King Staindrop, Cur. Lord Darlington Witton le Wear, C, Mr. Cuthbert .._ Witton Gilbert, C. Dean and Capter B, MORPETH. Livings remaining, in Charge. K. B. *loo 0 0 Bdan, V. The King , 0 13 4 ftoo 0 6 Felton, V.' The King 074 ; 30 o 10' Hartborne, V. The Bifhop 201 7 13 4 Horfley Longa, V. TheKma 0 15 4 4 8 if Hedwallen, V.T^King 089! 3216 8 Morpeth, R. Lord Carlifte 3 5 8 16" O 0 Newburne, V. The Bijhop .......... f 12 0 13 6, 3 Ponteland, V. Merton Coll. Oxon. «... 1 (? 8 ?230 0 o Stamfordham, V. TheKivG I 9 oi 5134 Staynington, V. The Bijhop o II 4 3 17 1 Shipwalhe, R. Ld. Oxford o 7 8f 13 ''-18'' if Walton, R. Ralph Bates 1 6 9f 21 J5 7f Woodhorpe, Liber Valorum, tic. lot Dunelm' Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. _ Benefices. Patrons. v /. s. d. 21 15 7f Woodhorne, ;V. The Bijhop 2 3 6Jf 7 34 Whelpington, V. The Bijhop 0 14 4 Northumber' D. NOVI CASTRI SUPER TINAM. Livings Remain inq in Charge. K. B. 13-6 8 Bedlington, V. Dean and Chapter .». 168 20- O o Ellefden, R. Duke of Northumberland 2 Ol o CNicolai, St. NoviCaftri, V. Bp. ofl „. 5° 00| Carlifte !. U.] * ° ° Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 38 O o Mickle Benton, V. Baliol Coll. Oxon. 0-6 if 60 o 0 Heddon on the Wall, V. The King 000 24 o o Mitford, V. The Bijhop 108 41 18 o| Tynmouth, V. F. B. Delaval 2 9 nf- E L I E N S»-' '102 Ljber Valorum, tic. Elienf ' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL,, In the Gift of the Bifhop, befides the Archdeaconry of Ely, and Chancellorfhip of the Diocefe, are eight Prebends, 200I. per Annum, each. J , Cantabr' Yearly Tenth. Benefices remaining in Charge. /. s. d. I. s. d. 213418 6f T?PISCOPATUS ~ 213 9 10J 97 5 2f JLlrf Archidiaconat' ElienP 9 14 6| Cantabr' D. BERTON, alias BARTON. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tentbs. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s, d. 763 Arrington, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 0 14 ji 8 11 3 'Barton, V. The Bijhop 0 17 li 11 2 11 Foxton, V. The Bijhop .'. „ 1 2 31 29 14 2 Fulmer, R. Th. Parker 2 19 5 H 9 .7 Harleton, R. Jefus Coll. Cam 1 8 nf 8 10 7f Haflingfield, V. John Perkins » 017 o\ 19 19 4f Orwell, R. Trin. Coll. Cam 1 19 ill 15 9 7 Shelford Parva, R. Dr. Hirft ii 10 11} 789 Stapleford, Y . The Dean and Chapter 01510* 568 Trumpington, V. Trin. ColL Cam. o 10 8 18 o o Wimple, R. Ld, Hardwicke 1 16 0 44 0 81 Barrington* Liber Valorum, tic> I03 . Cantabr' Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. ' /. s. d. 44 -o 81 Barrington, V. Trin. CoU. Cam o 15 5! 42 n 7f Cotton, R. Catharine Hall o 13 '3I; 38 9 5I Comberton, V. Jefus Coll. Cam 013 iof 49 o 8| Gruncetor, V. Corp. Chr. Coll o 15 5! 44 12 5 Haukefton, V. Dean and Chapter .... o 13 75 39 2 6 Harfeton, V. The Bijhop on of 26 1 7 Orwell, V. Reclor thereof o 15 1 27 3 n{- Shepreth, Y . Hale Worth am o 13 2-J i4 1 8 Shelford Magna, V. The, Bijhop 178, 19. 2 0 Triplowe, V. The Bijhop..'. « o 18 5 D. BOURNE. Livings remaining in Charge. k: b. 18 12 * 14 8 61 9 15 10 6 9 2 14 6 oi 5 2 6 18 *5 21 15 14 2 5 0 0 i.3 3 4 8 H 2 8 0 0 n t5 5 6 J7 11 6 2 3* 9 16 3 7 6 8f 4 8 4 6 7 1 Boxworth, R. John Standley 1 17 2\ Croxion1, R. Edw. Leeds 1 8 io| Conington, R. The Bijhop o 19 7 Chelerley, R. Nic. Calvert o 12 n Ellifworth, R. Mrs. Holworthy 1 8 7! Everfden Parva, R. Queen's Coll. Cam. o 10 3 Gramfdon Parva, R. The Bijhop 1 17 - 6J Gzvc&in'gayyied.R.Merton Coll. Oxon. in 5 Gamlingay, V. The Bijhop 0 IO O Gravely, R Jefus Coll. Oxon 164 Hardwike, R. The Bijhop 0 17 5 Hongre Hatley, R. Mrs. Pearc: 016 0 Kingefion, R. King', C-.U. Cam. .... vi , 3 6f Knapwell, R. Th. Far/a. ¦ -. „ 0 13 gf Lolworth, R. Paul Orchard , 0 12 2| Papworth Agnes, R. Robert Pigot .... 0 19 7f Swavifley, V. Jefus Coll.' Cam. , 0 14 8 Stow Longa, R. Sir Th. Aljlon, 0 8 10 Tofte, R. Chrijfs Coll, Cam » o 13 8f 32 3 4 Bourne, xo4 Liber Valorum, tie. Gaktacr.' Livings Discharged.1 Yearly Tenth, Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. B«fN'EiF'iCEs. Patrons. /. r. I 32 . 3 4 Bourn*, V. Chrift's Coll. Cam 0 19 7 44 11 10 Caxton, V '. D. and Ch.of 'JVindj %r ¦— o 15 i\ 43 17 6 Caldecote, Chrift's Coll. Cam o 7 ii ^9 6 8 Everfden Magna, V. T^King o 13 5 12 1 N 3I Eftifley, V. Mrs. Day ..'". O 15 8 %2 7 1 Pap-worth Everard, R. Trin. Coll. Cam, 0 I yt\ D. CAM P S. Living? remaining in Charge. K. B. 19 16 8 Barklow, R. Wm. Hall 1 19 8 13 6 8 Brinckley, R. St. John's Coll. Cam. 1 6 8 ¦ 39 16 8 Balfham, R. Gov. of Charter Houfe 3 19 8 18 10 O Burrow Green, R. Duke of Somerfet • 1 17 0 , {Cattle Camps, R. Gov* of Charter! *6 4 *\ . Houfe...!: \lI2S 900 Carleton, R. Th. Clarke ., 0 r-8 0 21 6 8 Duxforth, R. Corp. Chr. Coll. Cam. 2 2 8 15 o 5 Hilderfham, Jam. Salt 1 10 r 25 *5 5 {.. Cam. ,?. \ 2 " 6> '26 12 1 Fenditton, R. The Bijhop 2 13 2f 6 11 of Sepulch. St. V. The Inhabitants o 13 -if 19 16 of Teverfham, R. The Bijhop 1 19 7 -J Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. CAndr. St. Barnwell, Cur' Pri. ofl 12 ° °{ Barnwell. .1 i| ° ° ° 17 6 8 Andr. Magni, Dean and Chapter o .0 o , 0 ^Botulphi," -St. in Cantab. R. Queen's! ' . 4 6 8| Coll. Cam 1 }.° * 5* 50 O O Clementis, St. V. Jefus Coll. Cam o 8 6| 50 o o St. Edvardi, Tx'm. Hall. Cam 604 37 8 8 Fulborne-Omn. Saiift. Y. The Bijhop 1 9 8f 2i 13 8f Hinton Andrew, Y .Peter Houfe, Cam. o 19 sf g CMar. Staj. Parva Cur' Peter Houfe, 1 Q : Q Q 1 4 £ Cam • S O 21 0 0 Omn. 106 Lib pr Valorum, tic. Cantabr' Yearly Tenths I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 21 o o Omn. SancT:, V, Jefus Coll. Cam, .... o io >j\ '300 Trinitat' Stse. V. The Bifhop 0 14 8 {St. Giles, et St. Peter's, V, & Cur.7 4° ° °} tu Bifhop, .,..,:.., . ", \ D. CHESTERTON, Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 10 12 3f CWefterton, V. Trin. Coll. Cam. ...... t 1 ?| 3-6 15 O Cottenham, R, The Bifhop , 3 13 6 21 1 3 Drydraytan, R. Duke of Bedford .... 2 2 i| IO I 3 Lanbeach, R. Corp. Chr. Coll, Cam. 1 0 \\ l8 4 4f Girton, R. Sir J. H, Cotton , 1 16 j| 413 if Hokington, V. Queen's Coll. Cam. o 9 3I 471 Milton, R. King's Coll. Cam 0 8 8| 51 13 1 if Over, R. Trin. Coll. Cam 5 3, ji 9 10 o Ramptpn, R. John Sennht ....,.«, 0 19 0 18 8 if WiUingham, R, r^ Bifhop ..,.,. ..„,.,... 116$ Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 18 13 5I Hifton Etheldred, V '. Rob. MicheU .. 015 71 29 o 6f Hifton Andreae, V, Rob. MicheU 012 8| 50 O O Impington, V. Dean and Chapter .... 0 16 8j 43 3 l\ Madingley, V. The Bijhop , 0 12 iif 14 19 6 Milton, V. Reclor thereof 0 9 f% 38 $ 7 Over V. Trin. Coll. Capt 1 18 1 1500 Staunton Omn. Sanft' V. The Bijhop 1 7 5J 48 8 o Staunton Mich. R. Magd. Coll. Cam. 0 13 3! 39 5 1 if Waterbeach, V. The Bijhop 0 It 6| D. ELIEF Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 500 Coveney, R. Th. Topping 0 10 0 JO O O Chattres, V. Rob. Fawcet 1 0 0 17 2 3 powneham, R. The Bijhop „ 114 %} 22 5 a Dodirigtpn, 'Liber Valorum,,^. 107 Cantabr' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 22 5 0 Dodington, R. Sir H. Peyton 246 800 Littleport, V. The Bijhop o 16 o 3-68 Mepall, R. Dean and Chapter 068 22 O 0 Stretham, R. The Bijhop 240 10 0 O Sutton, V. Dean and Chapter 1 0.0 10 O O Wentforth, R. Dean a/ld Chapter ...... 100 9 18 9 Witchford, V. Dean and Chapter o 19 iof 8 11 of NWickham, V. Dean and Chapter ...... o 17 i£ Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. f Whittlefhey B . Maria, Y.E.C.&H.l 7 I0 ° X Waldgrave \ 1 :9 4§ f Whittlefhey, Stae. Andreae, V. The! •5° ° °1 King.....! 1° 9 4 D. s h e n g e y. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 16 2 3f Abington, R. Gr. Pigot 1 12 2{- 7 o 10 BaCmgbome,Y. D. and Ch. of Weflm. o 14 1 7 16 8 Eafthathley, R. Sir J. G. Downing 0 15 8 19 8 6f Melborne, V. Dean and Chapter 1 18 io| Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. CClopton, R. cum Crowden, V. Th.l 40H o{ &p/_ ] \ 1 3" 47 12 2 Gilden Morden, V. Jefus Cell. Cam. o 14 4! 17 18 10 Liulelington, V. Clare Hall, Cam on 4f 41 o 1 Meldredth, V. Dean and Chapter ....' 097 25 12 10 Steple Morden, V. New Coll. Oxon. o rjvfffj- 30 10" o Tadlow, V. Sir G. Downing o 13 "8§ TCWhaddon, V, Dean and Chapter off ¦ „» . 44io 9l\ mndf0l I .L\01* - *l 46 4 1 Wendy, V. Lady Sandys .... «. on I O 2 D, WISBICH, Ipg Liber Yalorum, tic. Cantabr' D. W I S B I C II. ¦/ Livings remaining in Charce. - K.v B. Yearly Tenth.. I. . s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. ij io o Elme cum Emneth, R. The Bifhop .. 115 0 14 15 10 Elme cum Emneth, V. The Biftoop .... 197 25 o 7f Levering'lon, R. The Bijhop 2 10 o| 18 14 gf Newton, R. The Bijhop 1 17 5^ 21 13 if Tidd, St. Egidii, R, The Bijhop 2 3 3» 26 13 4 Wifbich, Y.TheBiJhop 2 13 4 Exon' Liber Valorum, tic. io nmr> niinilirwtder-impe. viiic. ! 4OO OUDClcivuiiu n.ccicuic piicu ! Viginti quatuor Prebendse in Ecclefial prsed' quar' cujuflibetdecimae, viiix. S- per Annum. Attingunt in toto ad J 9 12 o Devon' D. ALYSBEARE. Livings remaining in Charge K. B. 26 0 o Brodecliffe, V. J. Acland 2 12 O 18 15 10 Branefcombe, V. Dn. and Chap 1 17 7 12 1-5 4 Bixton, R. Jn. Walter ..., .- 1 5 4 . „ 17 16 8 Clift, ji© Liber Valorum, tic. Devon* Yearly Tenth. . , /. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 17 16 8 CM, St. George, R. Mrs. Roe 115 8 16 4 gf Coliton Raleghe, V. The Dean .« j 12 5I 11 16 3 Clift Founfon, R. The Bijhop 1 3 7* 812 6 Cutton, P. Sir'J. D. Acland O 17 3 513 Clift B. Mariae, R. G. Taner 010 i£ 8 8 if Faringdon, R. The Bijhop 0.16 9I 8 6 8 Huxham, R. SirR. W. Bampfylde .... 0 16 8 18 11 3 Harpford, V. Jn. Duke 1 17 i| *5 *3 4 Lympfton, R. Nich.-Lee in 4 22 o o Otterton, V. Mrs. Doidge, and others 240 14 13 4 Pinhoo, V. The Bijhop 1 9,4 15 15 5 Poltmore, R. Sir C.W. Bampfylde .. 1 11 6| 18 15 5 Sydmouth, V. John Saunders 1 17 6f 28 O o Sidburie,' V. Dean and Chapter ........ 2,16 0 30 o O Wympehill, R. Duke of Bedford 3 0 • Livings Discharged. Gear yearly Value ,. 47 10 o Ailefbeare, V. John Lovelace 1 12 3 43 II O Eaft Budleigh, V. Rob. Duke 3 0 Q 47 00 Littleham, V. Dean and Chapter 1 11 3 80 o o Ottery, St. Mary, V. The King 2 0 Q 48 7 o Rockbeare, V. The Bijhop 0 18 0 47 1° 7+ Salcombe, V. Dean and Chapter .... 1 9 3J 33 6 8 Topfham, Don. Dean and Chapter .. D. BARNSTAPLE. 1 Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 26 2 3 Aldrington, R. Fr. Baffet .... 2 12 z{ , CBuckington, R. Th. Furfman, and! 0 ¦' w 17 6 \ ^„t /. .: j2iS .*. 34 18 1 if Chedellhampton, V. Denys Rolle .,.. 3 9 to| 12 5 2f Felleighe, R. Duke of NewcaJlle 1 4 6| 2b o 5 Fremington, -V. Rob. Cooke 2 0 of 11 7 1 Hunfhaw, R. Ld. Orford ^ 1 2 8f 6g n iof Tawftocke, R. Sir Bouc hier Wray 6 19 2$ 21 0 0 Tawton Epi' V. The Dean ..„,.., 220 40 0 0 Afhfotdjj, Liber Valorum, tic. in Devon' Livings Dis charced. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 40 o o Afhford^ V. The King 0 17 4f 47 00 Barnftaple, V. Edw. Worthy 1 10 iof> 40 o o Horwood, R. ' John Dene o 14 10 45 O O Iuftow, R. Dr. Sibthorp 1 5 8{ 60 0 o Newton Tracy, R. The King o 10 9^ 47 17 2 Weftleigb, V . Dean and Chapter o 16 2% 40 o o Yarnfcombe, V. ThcKmG o 15 2f 7100 Pilton Impropri, Mr. Baffci 000 20' 0 o Swimbridge, C. The Dean D. CHRISTIANITIE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 2 13 3 Carfwill, P. Wenman, Nutt, and others 054 34 3 4 Hevitree, Y . Dean and Chapter 384 , Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Valne. (Allhallowes, Goldfmith-ftreet, R.7 . 12 ° ° { Dean and Chapter \ ° I2 & f Allhallowes on the Wall, Dean and! , *5 ° °J Chapter ..;. } ° I0 5* 3100 Holy Trinity, R. Dean and Chdpter .. 1 3 7I 1600 St. Lawrence, R. The King 000 „ t St.' Edmund, on the Bridge, The Cor-1 0 28 I0 ° \ ^ration } Z X 8 50 o p St. George, R. The King. 019 4f 8 10 0 St. Kirrian, R. Dean and Chapter .... o 11 10J 34 0 o St. Leonard, R. John Baring o 9 ji£ 36 o o St. Mary Major, R. Dean and Chapter in 5J 15 0 o St. Martin, R. Dean and Chapter o 17 5i 16 o o St. Mary Arches, R, The Bijhap 100 28 o o St. Mary Steps, Jof. S,outh.cote 016 8 18 o o St. Olaves, R. The King o 15 4 16 0 o St. Petrox, R. The King 1 9 of 25 9 o St. Paul, R. Dean and Chapter o 16 3 5 O o St. 12 D EVON1 /. s. d. 5 26 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 Liber Valorum, tic. Yearly Tenths. Benefices. Patrons. /. j-. d. St. Pancras, R. Dean and Chapter .... O g 4 St. Stephen, R. The Bifhop , 0 15 Sf St. John, R. The King 000 D. CADBURY. ^Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *ioo o o Brampford Speke, V. The King 100 j7 6 8 Cheriton Fhz Paine, R. John Arfcott 3 14 8 13 o 0 Cadleighe, R. John Hartnol 160 20 o O Colbrooke, Y . Dean and Chapter .... 200 12 13 4 Downe B. Marias, R. Sir G. Napier 1 54 36 o o Morcharde Epifc' R. John Tuckfield 3 12 0 16 15 5 Newton St. Cerici, V. John ffhiicke 1 13 h\ *ioo o o Poghill, R. The King '. 017 9I 36 o o Shobbrooke, R. The Bijhop 3 12 0 *6o o o Stocleigh Englifh, R. The King 0 14 0 15 ' 6 8 Stocleigh Pomery, R. The Bijhop 1 10 8 18 12 8f Thometon, V. Dean and Chapter .... 1 17 3J 10 6 8 Upton Hillion, R. H. Manning 108 23 6 8 Upton Pyne, R. Lady Northcote 268' Discharged. Clear yearly Value. bo o o Cadbury, V.T^King 0 18 5; D. C H U M L E Y. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 13 tt 3 Borington, V. Rog. Melhuijh 1 7 i\ ¦ 4 8 4 Brokeland, P. Ri. Hole O 8 10 TO 17 8f-BoneIeghe, R, Hon. P. C. Wyndham 1 I 9* o a „ SBrozietiainett, R. Mr. Letheridre and} 2 4 2 I Grofsf altern \ ° * 5 25 14 2 Calleighe, R. H. A. Fellowes 2 11 5 2018 if Churnleigh, R..jc7. Hole 2 1 oj *70 o o Claneburgh, R. The King on'8{ 468 Higherline, Liber Valorum, tic. 1 1 3 Devon' ° , . Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. •;- * 468 Denes, P. Ri. Hole 088 . 5 13 4 Higherline, P. Ri. Hole on 4 15 1 iof Ladford, R. Wm. Hatherly 1 10 2f 500 Lowerline, P. Ri, Hole 0100 19 8 9 Nymettracie, R. Mrs. Marjhall 1 18 iof 32 4 7 Northtawton, R. Ri. Hole , 3 4 5f 500 Penell, R. Ri. Hole o 10 p 17 8 9 Sele Monachorum, R. Ld. Boringdon 1 14 iof 11 3 4 Wemworthie, R. J. T. Johnfon 134 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 800 Brufhford, Cur' Mr. Luxton 000 45 17 1 Coleridge, V. The Bijhop [o 14 iof' 38 7 4 Eggesford, R. H. A. Fellowes .... 'o 15 iof 1 30 o o Nymett Rowland, R. A. Radford.... o 12 if D. DUNKESWELL. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 26 5 5 Church Staunton-, R. John Clarke .... 2 12 6f 38 5 o Clehedon, R. T. E. Clarke 316 6 20 6 10 Combraleigh, R. Fr. Drew 201 32 o 7I Hennock, R.J S.Fulk 3 4 oj 15 5 i\ Upotrie, V . Dean and Chap I 10 6|- Livings Discharged. Char yearly Value. 47 o o Aulefcombe,'V. Duke of Bedford 151 45 o o Luppit, V. Sir Wm. Young 168 100 o o Yarcomb, 77;,? King 2 16 0 16 o O Dunkfwell, Don. P. Geneft 800 Shildon, Don. F. R. Drewe D. DUNSFORD. J14 Liber Valorum, tie. P*von< p. DUNS FORD- Livings remaining in Charge. K. Bj. Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d,, II IO 2f Ayfhton, R. Sir John Chichefler .... I 3 of 13 15 o BridforcL, R. Mrs- Hall '. I 7 6. 39 o 10 Chagford, R. G. Haytor ^ 3 18 1 22 13 4 Cheriton- Epifc. R. The Bijhop 2 5 4 16 6 5f Doddefcombleigh, R. Ri- Hole 1 12 7! 19 10 p Dunsford, V . Edw- Cove 1 19 0 892 Hplcornbe Burnell, V. P. thereof.... 0 16 *n CSouth Tawton, V. Dean and Chapter! V ° ° { of Wind/or... • —...J l ° ° 40 13 4 Teynton Drew, R. R. P, Carew,. 414 *ioo o b Throwleigh, R. The King I 18 8J" 18 6 3 Tetbourne, R. Sir John Davie ........ 1 16 7| J9 3 4 Whiftpn, R. Ld. Courtenay 1 18 4 Livings Discharged. Cfear yearly Value. - . 43 16 o Chriftow, V. Wm. Helyar 0168 44 o o Gidley, R: Bart. Gidley 1 10 ,6 39 1 O Hittifieighe, R. War. Calmady 012 2% 41 13 0 Spraitori, V. Duke of Bedford % 0 7 DflONYTON, Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. $3 19 2 Axmouthe, V. R. H, Hallet 2 7 n 40 6 8 Axmy.Her,R.Two Prebendaries af York 4 Q 8 44 6 8 Axmvfter, V. fof. Banks 4 8 8 40 10 10 Coliton, V. Dean and Chapter 4 I 1 "900 Cottleigh, R. Jam. Townjhend ........ 0 18 0 tj 6 8 Fairwaye, R. Edward Sargent 1 10 8 %\ 8 llf Gittifham, R. RaymmdPutt 2 2' ioi 40 4 2 Horryton, R. Ld. Courtenay 405 *' \-4 ' ' "' ' " '" 19 n 8 Mufburie, Liber VaLorum:, t§c: 1*5, Devon' Yearly Tenths, I. s. d: Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 19 11 8 Mufburie-, R. Dame Ann Drake i Ig 2 lo 9 7 Nonhley, R. Rob. ProBor Anderfon I o nf 14 3 6f Offwill, R. J: B. Coplefton i 8 4! tl 8 9' Southley,'R. Vniverfity ofOxok. 1 2 iof 17 o 7f Seton, V; Mrs. WalronA 1 14 oi 15 18 9 Thofnecombe, V. John Bragg i ii iof 20 8 1 if Upliiiie, R. Dame Ann Drake-. 2 o io£ 11 16 of Widewonhie, R. J-, T. B: Marwood 137$ Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Valtre. 42 o o Combpyne, R. Rob. Kerftack b 17 2 506 Sandi Pancras, R. Rob. Barilei 651 D. HERTLAND. Livings remaining itf Charge, K. B, 17 4 gf Alwingtdn, R. RL Coffin : :.;..... 1 14 $\ *3 3 "f Alwardiftdcke, R. G. Rooke 164$ 57 7 6 Bidfcford, R. G. Butrk 2 14 9 19 Ii 5f Clavelleighe, R. James Hamlyn 1 19 i£ 14 16 iof Littieham, R,Fr.Baffett 1 9 8| 12 14 7 Mounkleighe, V. Jn. Saltern 1 5 si 20 6 8 Parkham, R. Jn. andDan. Kay 208 13 5 O Wyer Giftbrd, R. Ld. Fortefcue .: i 6 6 Livings Discharged. Ckdr yearly Vd licet 60 o o Abbotfham, V. The King. 1 12 5! 80 o o Buckland Brewer, V. The King 2 n g| 15 0 o Lancras, ¦. Yearly Tenths. ' I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 32 4 9f Stavertori, V. Dean and Chapter 3 5 5+ 20 14 7 Torbrian, R. H. B. TriJl 2 i si Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 160 6 o Brixham, V. The King 5 5 6 49 10 lof. Ipplepen, V. D. and Ch. of Windfor 2 12 2*. 5 St. Mary Church, V. Dean and Chap-} 45 ° °{ ter „..} 3 3 1* 47 0 o Stoke Gabriel, V. S/r S. H.Northcote 1 13 2 J D. KENNE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 34 2 6 Alphington, R. Mrs. Ellifcombe 383. *ioo o o Afhcombe, R. The King 1 ido 36 O O Crediton, V. Governors thereof 300 32 2 8f Comyntenhede, R. Sir B. Wray 3 4 3? 21 0,0 Chudleigh, Y .Jn. Chalwich and others 220 ¦14 17 I Dunchedioke, R. Mrs. Byrdall 1 g 8f 25 5 O Daulifh, V. Dean and Chapter 2 10 6 ,12 O O Exmifter, V. Gov. of Crediton 140 7 2 II Eftogwell, V. Th. Taylor O 14 3'f 1939 Eftogwell, R. Th. Taylor 2 10 o 25 O O Haccombe, R. Sir Th. Care.w 118 4f 46 13 4 Kenne, R. Ld. Courtenay 4134 34 13 4 Kenton, V. D. andCh. of Sarum .... 394 27 3 6f Powderharn, R. Ld. Courtenay 2 14 4-J 36 15 10 Stockentynhede, R. The Bijhop 3 13 7 n 2 8f Thomae Mart. V. Mrs. £>uick 1 2 3 1 9 4 gf Triffam, R. Sir J. W. hole 0 18 $i Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 47 15 7 Mainhead, R. Ld. Lifourne 119 46 13 0 Shillingford, R, H. Southcote". ' 0 18 o 800 St. Nicholas, V. Ld. Clifford 000 48 10 o Teinton Bifhop, Sir R.Hill 2 10 iof: 38 16 6 Weftogwell, Th. Taylor . o o o D. MORTON. n8 Liber Valorum, tic. Devon' D. MORTON. Livings Remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenth, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. . Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 32 17 n Brideftowe, R. The Bijhop 3 5 gf 0 t Brood wood "Wieer, V .- D. and Ch.} , 8 "3 4 \ Bf Briftol \ ° l6 4 8 13 g Coriton, R. Ar. Tremayne .... o 17 4§ 871 Dundcrton, R. Nat. Boyfe o 16 8f 9 8 9 Kellie, R. Ar. Kelly -. o' 18 iof , 9 13 9 Lewtrencherde, R. Jn. Luxmore o 19 4f 31 2 11 Lifton, R. Jn. Arfcott and others 3 2 3f *I7© o o Lideford, R. Prince of Wales 1 11 4f 13 12 1 Lamerton, V . Ar. Tremayne 1 6 2f 19 13 6f Milton, Y .Duke of Bedford 1 19 4f 12 16 of Mariftowe-, V . Ar. Tremayne 1 5 yf 10 6 8 Siddenham, R. Ar. Tremayne 108 11 12 6 Stowford, R. Jn. Harris t 3 3 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value 49 O O Bradftone, R. The Bifiwp O 12 *} II o 0 Taviftock, V . Duke of Bedford ^i 1 9 40 o o Virginftowe, R. The. King o lo 8 D. T O R I N T O N. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 24 o o Afhraigney, ,R. J. T, Johnfon 280 n 16 of Buckland Filleghe, R. The Bijhop .... 1 3 7 J n 15 7f Beafford, R. Jn. Ivie 1 3 6f 20 16 8 Dowilton,R. J«. Cleaveland andothers 2 18 17 18 Edfleighe, R. Mrs. Tajker 114 if 29 1 3 Langtree, R.-Jn. Walter 2 18 if 976 Methe,R.UniverfttyofOxdn., o 18 9" 2015 7 f Martin, R. Lady Orford -....'.:.... 2 1 6f 8 5 7f Newton, St. Petrocij R; Ed. Herring o 16 6f Q.2 10 8 9 Robroughe, X24 Liber Valorum, tic. DEVON"*' ¥e'?rly fenlh. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. *, d. IO 8 9 Robroughe,.R. Th. May i o iof 17 o 2f -StQ-v, St. Petroci, R. Ld. Orford .... 1 14 of CTonnton 'Magna, V. Ch, Ch. Colli »° ° ° X Oxon. • $ 2 <* ° 14 18 nf Torinton Parva, R. H Rolle ...., 1 g iof 21 8 g Winkleigh, Y. Dean and" Chapter 2 2 iof Livings Discharged. Clear yearly. Value. < . 44 o b Huifh, R. Jn. Dufty, • o 16 -e o 14 iof Priors Quarter, King's Coll. Cam 00.0 Willand, R. Wm. Walrond ••..¦¦ o 15 of D. TAMERTON. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 0 f, Buckland Monachorum, V. Mrs.} 0 • x J9 l8 9 I Crymes .?. \ r l8 l0* 24 1 of Bereferrers, R. Ld. Buckinghamjhire 2 8 if 11 4 7 Bickleigh, V. J. M. Haywood 1 2 5f *8o o o Eftbuckland, V. The King o 16 5f 17 1 8 Peter's Tavy, R. The Bijhop 1 14 2 18 18 9 Stoke Damerell, R.SirJn.St.Aubyn 1 17 iof *70 o o Tamerton, V. The King I 4 gf 14 5 7f TavY> B- Mari^ R- J»- Buller 1 8 6f 16 5 5 Whitchurch, V. Th. Binford I 12 6£ 9 14 7 Walkhampton, V. J, M. Heywood—. o 19 5f s. > Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 100 0 o Meayy, R. The King 166 D. WOOQLEIGH. Livings remaining in Charge. • K. B. 38 1 8 Avetpn Gifford, R. Mrs Lane 3 16 2 62 16 iof Alvington, V. D. and Ch. of Sarum 6 5 8f 28 17 11 Bigburie, R. Duke of Bolton .'. 2 i'6 of 31 8 4 Charleton, R.Jn. Parker 3 2 ip '32 2 1 Eftallington, R. Mrs. Fortefcue 3 4 , 2f ,26 o 2f Loddefwil}, V. Ri. Freke 212 of 29 18 4 Portlemouthe, R Duke of Bolton 2 19 10 22 16 5f Pole, R. H.Ourry and otifters 2 j 7J 19 10 7f Ridmore, R. Jn. Baker 1 19 of *200 0 o Stockingham, 126 Liber Valorum, 'tic. D E VON' Yearly Tenth. I. s.rd. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. *BOb~ o o Stockingham, V. The Kiita 4 16 9J 25 10 o Thurlfton, R. Jn. Coward 2 11 0 22 8 4 Woodleigh, R. G. Lavers 2 ' 4 i» Livings Discharged. tlear yearly Value. CChurftow and Kingfbridge, V- The} 9, 5° ° °\ Kino 7. ¦ 5 * '3 8* 44 8 1 Dodbrooke, R. J. H. Southcote o 17 if 48 19, 5 Moreleigbi R.J/W. Shapleigh O 18 (j\ 15 0 O Slapton, Cur. The Inhabitants 009 Cornub' D. EAST. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 16 15 7f Botfleminge, R. Jn, Ban 1 13 6f *I50 0 O Cz\&ocke,R.Princeof Wales as D.C. * 12 9! 15 11 of Cruetheke, V. The Bijhop 1 ir 15; 23 11 of Domyneke, R. E. and J. Clarke 2 7 if 19, 6 8 Lawhitton, R. TL Bijhop 1 18 8 32 o o Lawfante, R. The Bijhop 3 4 0 13 op Lankinghorne, Y . Mrs.HewiJh 160 *l5o o o Landulphe, R. Prince of 'Wales, D.C. 204} 60 o 0 Lawenecke, V. The King 0 15 iof 21 15 5 Mehhyniote, The Dean and Chapter 2 3 6f 36 6 8 Northill, R. Art. Trtvillian 3 12 8 J6 15 7f Pilaton, R. Rob. Helyar 1 13 6f 12 7 6 Rathe, R. Ld. Edgcombe 1 .4 9 *i6o o o St. Ive's, R. Prince of Wales, D. C. 2 12 0 *joo o o St. John, R. Prince of Wales, D. C. 153 38 0 o Southill, R. Ld. Orford 3 16 0 %b 14 7 Sevioke, R. R. P. Carew 2 13 S\ »„,,. r. « $ Stoke Clymfland,R. Prince of Wales} „ „ ?250 o 0 j D c [ ' J J 400 ji 12 6 "'JSt. Melyan, R. Jn. Coryton 1 3 3 40 o 0 Anthonyf Liber Valorem, tie. t%j Cornub* Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons, /. s. d. 40 00 Anthony, V. R. P. Carew 159 40 01 o Lankake, V. Ld. Buckinghamjhire .... 1 17 3 70 o o Maker, V. The King 271 21 o 0 St. Stephens juxta AuS,Ed. Buller .... 2 12 o D. KERIEL Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. $300 o o Breoke, V. Tbe King « 36® 11 1 5f Grada, R. Mrs. Trevanion 1 2 2f 2i 6 1 of Gluvias and Budoke,. V. The Bijhop 22 8f 18 II 5f Keyran, Y.A.Williams.,, 1 17 if 35 jo 2f Ma.vrgen,R.SirJobnTrevelyan 3 ri of 14 16 $ Mawnan,R. Mrs. Peter .,, 1 9 7f j6 15 o Milour, V. The Bijhop \ 1 13 6 4 16 of Manacca, V. ..., „ 097! 10 10 2f Ruon Major, R. W. Robinfon 1 r of 14 o 10 Stedians, V. Ld. Falmouth 181 26 ig 4f Wendron, V. Th. Wills .,„..,. 2 13 it f Livings Dischar-ged. ¦Slear yearly Value. 50 o o Antonii, V. The King 097 50 o O Conftantine, V. The D'ean and Chapter 1 18' 4f 49 O O Gwinap, V. The- Dean and Chapter 1 13 iof 40 15 o Laadawidnack, R. Wm. Robinfon .... 1 3 8f 34' 18 11 Mullyan, V. The Bijhop o 18 5f ',, 48 o O Manathon, V. The Bijhop 000 23 IO O Ruan Minor, Wm. Robinfon o 8 5J 48 o o Sithney, V. The Bijhop 1 19 if ^3 16 0 Merther, Ch, The Inhabitants ... D. PEN- al Liber Valor u m; £Hr. Cornue* D. PEN WIT HE. Livings remaining in Chargf.. K. B. Yearly Tenth. 1. S. 4. BENEFICES; PatAo#S. ' /. S. d, , 9 i'6 o Borian Deanry, The King o 19 7 *400 o o Borian, R. The King 4 17 2f 39 16 tof Cambournei R. Fr. Bajfet < 3 19 8| II 9 2 Crowan, Y . Sir Jn. St. Aulyn 1 2 n 22 n iof Ewjxy, Y . The Bijhop 2 5 2; 20 o o Ewny Redrudthe, R. Sir Fr. Bajfet 200 14 1 of Erghe, Y .The Dean and Chapter .... i % if 45 10 10 Felacke, R. Jn. Hockin 4 n 1 *6o o p Gulwatts, V. The Km g .., 013 if 22 7 6 St. Illogan, R. Sir Fr. Bajfet 249 n 6 of St. lllarii, V. Ld. Godolphin 1 2 ]\ 30 n of St. Ludvan, R. Duke of Bolton 3 1 if 21 510 Madron, Y.fV.Borlace 2 2 7 2 84 Parva in Borian, P. The Bifhop ,' o 416 17 tl 5f St. Piran Uthno, R. Sir Jn. Trevelyqn 1 15 1^ *8a o o St. Paul, V. The King 1 7 if 7 6 8 "Refpernell, P. The Bifhop 0 14 8 *iob p o Saint Jufte, V. The Kirtc 1 3 if 8 00 Sancret, V . The Dean and Chapter .... o 16 0 700 Tirthney, P. The Bifhop 0 14 0 12 p O Wynyar, V '.The Bijhop 1 .40 Discharged. Sjlear yearly Value. 35 o o Zenar, R.TheBifhop 6 10 6f D. P O U D R E. Livings remaining in Charge,, K. B. *I50 o o Auftrelland Blafye, Y .The King 2 2 0 8 13 4 Allen, V. The Bijhop 017,4 27 10 7f Cherieheyes, Ri Ld. Camclford 2 15 ' of. 14 0 o Cherieheyes, Liber Valorum, tic: 120 C 0 R N u b' , Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 14 o o Cherieheyes, &c. V. Ld. Camelford i 8 o 13 6 8 Crade, R. Prince of Wales, D. G 1 6 8 *6o o o St. Clemens, V. The KinP o 18 o : 19 o o Elerkie, V . The Dean and Chapter .... 1 18 o 21 o O Eva, alias St. Tue, R.Th, Carlyon .... 220 22 13 4 Erme, R. Edw. Wynne 254 15 6 of Fellye, R. Mrs. Hughes 1 10 7f 15 12 6 Gerens, R. The Bijhop 1 11 3 20 o 0 Goran, V. The Bijhop .". 200 37 o 10 Jufte, R. Jn. Hawkins 3 14 ,1 10 4 2 Jamys and Keby, V. Sir J. Prideaux 105 16 o 0 Kenwyn and Kee, V. The Bijhop 1 12 0 13 6 8 Lanlivery, V. Edw. Collins 168 18 o o Ladocke, R.S.Sandys I 16 o 10 o o Luxulyan, V. Fr. Cole 100 600 Lamoren, R. Jn. Molefwortb 0120 g 14 2 Michael Penke vile, R. Ld. Falmouth o ig 5 10 o o Mewan, R. Th. Hawkins .*.... 100 642 Monagey, V. Ld. Edgecombe 012 5 13 16 8 Probus Groguth, V. The Bijhop 1 7 8 *30o o o Ruon Lanyhorne, R. C. C. C. Oxon. 140 20 o o Roche, R. T. Biddulph and others .... 200 968 Tywardreyth, V. Ph. Rajhleigh ........ 0 18 8 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 40 O 0 Fowey V. Ja. Benetto 1 o 0 45 o o Feoke, Y. The Bijhop 120 40 o o Left withiel', V. Prince of Wales, D.C. 054 30 0 o St. Mary's in Truro, Ld. Edgecomb'e 1 12 Q ' „ CSt. Sampfon's Gotant, Cur. Ph. Rajh-l ° X high I D. PYDRE. Livings remaining In Charge. K. B. 41 10 10 Breoke, R. Sir Jn. Molefwortb 431 53 6 8 Columba Major, R. Lady St. John .... 5 6 8 R 18 6 8 Erven, 130 Liber Valorum, tic. Cornub' Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. l.'s. d. 18 6, 8 Erven, R. Jn. Molefwortb .* tio 8 26 13 4 Eh'odef, V '.The Bijhop: ¦¦¦• 2 13 4„ 6 13 4 Ev.Hl, V. The Bijhop 0 13 4 900 Efye, Yi The Dean and Chapter ...j.... 0 18 0 24 o o La'nivett, R. W. Scawen 280 26 13 4 Mauga'n, R. Dr. North 2 13 4 15 6 8 Merin, V. The Bijhop 1 to 8 16 13 41 Newlin, V. The Bijhop .- 1 13 4 6 6 8 Pedrock minor, R.Jn. Molefworth ..... 0 il 8 10 o o Wythioll, R. Sir Ri. Vyvyan ... 100 16 6 8 Wen, V. Ph. Rajhleigh ; ¦¦ 1 12 8 Livings Discharged/ Clear yearly Value. 40 o O Colan, V. The Bijhop P 13 4 46 0 O Cuberte, V. Sir J. W. Prideaux .... 0 16 8 44 O O Peran in Zabul' V. The D. and Ch. 280 44 O O Padiflowe, V. Hum. Prideaux 124 700 Columb. Minor, R. The King D. TRIGGE MINOR. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 13 10 o Bliflland, R.Ch.Pye 176, 16 O o Eglofhele, V. Tlie Bijhop 1 12 0 *i0o o o Endelian, R. The King 1 0 0 500 Heredu' Marny, P. G. Hunt 0 10 0 9139 Hellond, R. Sir Ch. Treife o 19 4I *240 o o Lanteglos, R. Prince of Wales, D. C. 3 9 \\ 13 10 2f Myrifrae, V. W.Sandys. 1 7 of 36 O o Maybyn, R. Ld. Falmouth ,. 3 12 0 500 Prioris Bodmyn, P. Fr. Bajfet: o 10 0 19 11 of St. Knee, V. Th. Pitt 1 19 if 1200 St. Tethe, V. 77;.? Bijhop 1 4 0 JTudye, R. D. and Ch. of Ch. Ch.l 31 ° °{ olon ,...{3 * ° 8 II 3 Tintagell, Y . D. and Ch. of Windfor a 17 i\ 5 © o Trehaverock, P. Th. Gray o 10 0. 35 0 0 Bodmyn, Liber Valokum, ^c 131" Cornub' Livings Discharged. Yearly T/ntJis. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d: '35 0 o Bodmyn, V. Sir W. Prideaux i 6 8 45 0 o Brewerd, V. The Dean and Chapter .... o 16 o 20 o o Forrabury, R. Jonathan Phillipps .. o 9 •. 3f 43 o o' Lefnewth, R. Jn. Glynn , o 16 o 49 17 6 Minfter, R. Jonathan Phillipps 2 .5 gf ^Michael Stow, R. Prince of Wales,} . H O oj p c > V ^T r 4| 42 o o Otterham, R. Wr Bettenfon o 13 5 44 0 0 Trevaira, R. The Dean and Chapter 0 14 7f D. TRIGGE MAJOR. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 18 .5 O Alternon, V. The Dean and Chapter.. 1 16 6 *6o o o Dowftowe, Y .Prince of Wales, D.C. o 16 o 19 0 o Jacobftow, R, Ld. Elliot 1 18 o 10 10 10 Launcells, V. Paul Orchard 1 1 1 13 10 10 M.orwinfton, V. The Bifhop 171 15 n of Marham Churche, R. Jn. Walter .... 1 11 if 9 10 10 North Paderwyn, V. Duke of Bedford o 19 i" 800 St. Geny's, V, Sir J. Molefwortb .... o 16 0 926 South Paderwyn, V. Oxford Univerfity o 18. j. *6o o o TreyeJgos^Warbuftow, Y .TheKmG o 19 nf 17 o o Wike Maria?, R, H- F. Carteret 1 14 o 26 3 1 if Wikehampton, R. Ld. Granville 2 i2 4f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 42 o o Cleder, V. Ch. Phillippi o 13 2f 47 o o Poundiftocke, V. Jn. Trevenen 168 80 o o Poghill, V. TbeKiHG ...,, o 13 2f 50 o 0 Stratton, V. Prince of Wales, D. C. 1 1 2 47 o o Whiftone, Univerfity of Oxon I 9 if 18 o o Boyton, C. 5T#*50 o 0 Duloe, V. Baliol Coll Oxon o 17 if 300 Fz\mouxh,R.M. Killigrew and others 060 32 0 o Lanreythowe, R. J. F. Buller 340 1800 Lanfalwysj R. Jn. Carpenter I 16 0 18 13 1 if Lefkerde, Y . Ri. Haydon i 17 4f 1471 Lanteglos, V. Ld. Camelford 1 8 8f *6o o o Morvall, V. 27i* King 013 5f 9 1 of Nyote, V. Stephen Thomas o 19 ,1? 1718 8f Plenynt, V. J. F. Buller I 15 iof, 17 13 6f Pynnoke, R. Nic. Connock 1 15 4f *I50 o 4 St. Cfere, V. 27..? Kino 1 18 8 36 2 3f St. Kayne, R. Wymond Cory 3 12 if Q IP 0 ^t Vepe, V, P. Rajhleigh, and J.l 5 P P St. Wynnowe, V '. Dean and Chapter 0 10 0 Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 45 00 Broad Oake, R. Ld. Camelford _ 0 17 8 33 0 o Boconnq^k, Y . Ld. Camelford 0 19 9f 40 p o St. Kean, R. Nic. Cory 0 n iof 35 0 o Tawlan, V. Nic'. Kendal 100 40 0 0 Warlegan, V. Fr. Gregor 0 11 9 Glouc* Liber Valorum, tiaf \^ Glouc' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL, The Chancellorfhip and Archdeaconry of this Church are in the Gift of the Bifhop'. — The Deanry is 400I. per annum, and the fix Prebends, five of which are in the gift of the King, and prefented to by the Lord Chancellor ; and the fixth is annexed £0 the Headftiip pf Pembroke Coll. Oxford, are 2°ol. per annum, each. Devon' Yearly Tenths, Benefices remaining in Chah«e. /. j-. d. I. s: d. 315 7 3 T^PISCOPATUS ibidem 31 10 8f CIRENCESTER cum PECUL. JURISDICTIONIS de B1BERIE. Benefices remaining in Charge. /. s. d. I. s. d. Si Biberie, V '. Mrs. Warnford 1 6 if 5 Barnefley, R. Mr. Perrott 1 7 6f 4f Culne Denys, R. Th. Cliffold o 19 nf 5 Culne Rogers, R. Dean and Chapter o 14 of 8 Cotes, R. John Selfe o 18 8. 4 Chedworth, R. Queen's Coll. Oxon. o 14 IO o Dutefborne Ab. R. Ja. Clutterback .... 160 0 Duqtefbqrne Mil. R.C. C. C. Oxon. o 17 5f $80 o 0 Dalingworthj, *3 1 13 15 9 19 7 0 9 6 7 8 J3 0 *i8o 0 134 Liber Valorum, tic. ¦ Glouc' Yearly Tenth, I. "s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d, *8o o o Dalingworth, R. The King o 16 71- 8 2 3f Driffelde, V. Th. Smith 016 j| 10 00 Hamphett, R. Ld. Chedworth I 0 0 11 00 Northleche, Y . The Bifhop 120 21 10 7f North Cerney, R. Univ. Coll. Oxon. 2 3 . of 9 io 7f Prefton, V .Th. Mafter o 19 of 1368 Rancombe, R. Ch. Cox 168 12 7 6 Stratton, R. Th. Mafter t 7 9 *ioo o o Sydington Mar. R. The King 0 17 2\ 16 5 5 Thormerton, R. Edm. Walter 1 12 6£ Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 40 o b Bagendon, R.Ld. Weymouth 0 16 5f 40 0 O Harriill, R.Th. Smith on yf 25 o o Stowell, R. Ld. Ch$dwortk ¦ .'... oil 8f 47 10 o South Cerney, V. The Bijhop 0138 *40 o o Sydington Petri, V. The King 0 11 2| '200 0 o Cireneefter, V. TheBiJhop 15 00 Baunton, Cur. Th. Mafter 18 o o Eaftleche Turville, D. and Ch 23 10 o Aldfworth, Cur. Ch. Ch. Oxon D. CAMPDEN, cum PECUL. JURISDICT. 4? BLOCKLEY. * Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 934 Afton Somerfilde, R. Ld. Somerville 0 18 4 22 1 iof Alderton, R< Ld. Harrowby 242; ip 2 3f Afton fub Edge, R. Ld. Harrowby .... 102 16 16 iof Beckforth, V. Th. Ramell 1 13 8f 29 6 8 Buckland, R. Ld. Weymouth 2 18 8 20 6 8 Campden, V. Ld. Gainjborough 208 18 15 7f Clifford, jl. Lifter Dighton 1 17 H 18 16 8 Dumbleton, R. W. B. DetaBere .... 117 8 12 19 2 Dorfington, R. Wm. Rawlins 1 5 n 8 13 1 if Hynton, R. Ja. Stephens 0 17 4 17 13' if Kemerton, R. Corp. of Gloucejler .... 1 15 3^ 17 10 0 MerftoM Liber Valorum, -tic* 135 Glouc' Yearly Tenths. L s> d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 17 10 o Merfton Sicca, R. Edw. Loggin i 15 o *70 o" p Mikelden, V. TheKiKG o ig 5! 18 13 4 Qujnton, V. D. and Ch. ofxWorccfter 1 17 4 J5 3 4 Shenington, R. Rob. Child 1 10 4 *i8q. o O Todnam, R. Bp. of London 1 17 nf 31 O O Wefton, fub Edge, R. H. H. Pelley 320 13 2 6 Wilkrfey, R. Wm. Scott 163 2g 15 10 Welforde, R. Duke of Dorfet 2 ig 7 Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 48 18 4 Condicote, R. Wm. Ellis o 15 o 18 o o Childfwike, V. Sir H. Dafiiwood 000 500 Didbroke, V. Ld. Tracy o 16 o 40 o o Eburton, V. The King o 18 nf 800 Prefton fupra Stoure, Mrs. Weft : o 17 4 18 0 o Pebworthe, V. Ld. Satijbury 1 1 2f 48 o o Stawnton, R. L. Kirkham r 15 if 44 o o Stanwey, V. Jn. Tracy o 18 o 32 o o Todington, V. Ld. Traty 017 4 .42 O o Wormington, R.N.Jefferys o 15 6f 25 o 0 Wefton, fupra Abon' Duke of Dorfet 0 15 5? .10 o o Lemington, Cur. Sir W. Juxon D. D I R S L E Y. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *I20 o o Archinat' Glouc' cum 690 10 14 4f Diriley, R. unit' The Bijhop 1 1 5I *20o , o o Bevcrfton, R. The King 300 32 15 -75 Barkeley, V. Ld. Berkeley 3 5 6fN 6 13 4 Camme, R. The Bijhop 0.13 4 14 o o Newington, R. Wm. Holbron 180 ¦ 15 o O Rockington, R. Steph. Jenner I 10 O \ 28 211 Slymbridge, R. Magd. Coll. Oxon 2 16 3f 25 15 10 Thornburie, Y . Ch. Ch. Oxon 2 n 7 *I20 0 o Uley, R. The King 144 \ Wotton Under Hedge, V. Ch. Ch.l " *$l° °\ Oxon ?. .... I l 7 ° So 0 o Cowley, IJ6 Liber Valorum, tic. / ( Gtouc' Living s Discharged. YearlyTenth, Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 50 o o Cowley, V. The King 0 16 2f 30 O o Frampton, V. Wm. Jenkin O 16 0 32 O o Hill, Don. V. D. and Ch. of Briftol 000 30 o 0 Kingfwood, V '. The Inhabitants o 0.0 20 O 0 Lafbroughe, R. Th. EJlcourt o 16 0 22 10 o Northnibley, V. Ch. Ch. Oxon .i 000 45 o o Wofelworthe, R. Mrs. Fijher o 13 o| D. FOREST A. Livings remaining in Charge. Ki B; IP 5 o Awre, V. Haberdafhers Company .... 1 06 7 15 o Brdmyfborowe, R. R. G. D. Yate .... 0 15 6 ' 13 6 8 Bikenor, R. Dr. Davis 1 6 8 2p 5 O Churcham, V. The Dean and Chapter 206 io 16 of Deanes Mag' R. M. Colchejler 1 I 7? g 13 g Dymock, V '. G. Pritchard o 19- 4I 5 6 5f Kempley, V '. D. and Ch. of Hereford o 10 7f 24 6 8 Ledney, V. D. and Ch. of Hereford 2 8 8 10 o o Rudford, R. The Dean and Chapter 1 0 0 968 Teynton, R. The Dean and Chapter 0 18 8 20 2 8f Weftbury, V . Vicars of Hereford 203? Livings Discharged. Cjear yearly Value. s 49 4 © Abynhale, R. Jn. Howell 0 12 8 31 o o Bleyfdon, R. Jn. Wade o 10 8f 47 2 8 Huntley, R. Mrs. Morfe 0 14 7 44 17 io Longhope, V. Wm. Matthews ^0 18 9* 20 o o Lancaut, R. united with Woolafton 000 18 0 o Minifterworthe, V . Bp. of Briftol .... I I 4 29 14 8 Mitchel Deane, M. Colchejler 0 0 0 35 J5 4 Newent, V. Andrew Foley 2 6 0 47 n 6 Newland, R. Bp. ofLandaff 1 16 H 12 to' 9 Oxenhale, V. The Bijhop 0 19 3 34 1 11 Prefton, Liber Valorum, tic. 137 Glouc' Yearly Tenths. L s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 34 1 n Prefton, V .The Bifhop o I4 8 1368 Pauntley, The Bijhop- . O o o , 45 12 o Staunton, R. Ld. Gage o 14 o 47 10 o Tiberton, R. Ri. Smart o 15 7? 49 2 o Tuddenham, V. Ja. Davis 0180 37 12 6 Wollafton, V. Duke of Beaufort 1 17 if D. FAIRFORD. V Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *i20 o o Burthorpe, R. The King 100 13 11 5f Fayrford, Y . Dean and Chapter 1 7 if 26 17 3f Hampton MerfeyT R. C, C. C. Oxon. 2 1 8f 1000 Hatheropp, R. Mrs. Smith ™ 100 19 0 O Kemysforde, V- The Bijhop 1 18 P 12 13 4 Lechlade, V. John Morton 154 7 18 4 Quenington, R. Samuel Blackwell .... p 15 10 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. t . i 35 o o Ampney Crucis, V. IT^King 0 12 n 37 P o Culnewyn, V. Th. Ingram and others 0 17 1 if 40 6 o Downe Ampney, V. Ch. Ch. Oxon. 107 45 16 O Southropp, V. Wadham Coll. Oxon, on 8 40 o o Shirborne, V. J. L. Dutton 1 10 8 D. GLOUC 'v ., ' , Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 19 7 3f Arlingham, V. Mrs. Rogers ; _ J 0 14 4 48 6 O Swell fuperior, R. H. Browne 0,14 0 32 9 o Swell inferior, V. Ch. Ch. Oxon O 13 2! 38 10 0 Turkeden, V. Ch. Ch. Oxon 1 0 0 20 o 0 Widforde, Liber Valorum^^c. 141 Glouc' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. 20 0 o Widforde, R. Rob. Fettiplace 0 7 5 33 10 0 Wenriche, V. Ja. L. Dutton o 10 O 22 o 'o Compton parva, Cur. Ch. Ch. Oxon. 20 o O Temple Gutting, Cur. Ch. Ch. Oxon. D. S'T ONE.HOU.SE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 24 00 Aveninge, R. Nat. Thornbury 280 *I20 o o Byfeley, V. The King „. 1 ig of 10 o o Coberley, R. Ld. Chedworth 1 0 O *I40 0 Decanatus 3 16 7# 14 3 4 Cancellar' , 184 21 9 7 Precentor' 2 3 nf 41 17 11 Archidiacon' Hereffs' 4 3 gf 32 10 10 Archidiacon' Salop 3 5 1 375 *3 lli Decan' and Capit' 37 11 4! 200 Succentor' ,04 o 20 o Sub Thefaurar' o 4 \0 18 3 4 Canoni parvi, ibidem 1 16 3 17 18 9 Barton Sham, P. ¦. 1 15 iof 17 18 if Billinghope magna, P 1 15 gf 15 5 o Colwall, P 1 10 6 15 o o Churchwyngton, P 1 10 o 12 10 o Cublington, P 150 11 6 8 Ewithington, P 128 1 17 8f Epifc'P o 3 gf 8 8 nf Gorwalf, P 0 16 iof 11 4 4f Huntingdon, P 125? 7 10 o Hinton, P : 0150 6 10 2f Hundreton, P o 13 of a 12 11 Hampton, P o 5 3§ 15 0 2f Inckbarrow, 4 144- , Liber Valorum, tie. H e r e F' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. - /. s. d. 15 0 2f Inckbarrow, P 1 10 of 20 o o Moreton magna, P 200 7 1 of Moreton, parva, P 0 14 if 11 13 4 Nonington, P 134 234 Norton, P .; 044 10 13 6f Puttefton, mag' P _ 1 1 4I 4 10 o Puttefton minor, P 090 2 10 2f Prato major, P o 5 of I 19 2 Prato minor, P o 3 11 2 7 8f Pionia parva, P o 4 gf 10 7 6 Prefton fuperior, P 109 88 14 9f Viccar' Choral' 8 17 5f 1400 Wellington, P • 1 8 0 305 Withington Parva, P o 6 of 7 13 4 Warham,P 0 15 4 397 Yve, P o 6 uf 9 10 10 Thefaurariatus ¦ o 19 1 D. FROOME. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. *6o o o Avernbury, V. The King o 14 10} 500 Bromyard, V. prima Portio, The Bijhop o 10 0 600 Bromyard, fecunda Portio, The Biflop, o 12- 0 600 Bromyard tertia, Portio, The Biflop 0 12 0 9 10 7f Bromyard, V. The three Portionifts .. 0 19 of, 18 O o Cardley, R. The Bijhop 1 16 0 20 6 8 Colwall, R; The Biflop 208 8 5 10 Frome Epifcopi, V. R. C. Hopton .... o 16 7 5 13 4 Frome Caftri, R. Mrs. Foley o 11 4 14 12 ' 6 Ledbury, V. Jn. Tryjl „ 193 876 Monnefley, R. R. A. Pye 0169 513" Mariae beatae in Ledbury, V o 10 if 14 o o Netherhall Ledbury, The Biflop 180 18 4 9f Overhall in Ledbury, The Bijhop 1 16 5! 13 6 8 Pencombe, R. Ld. Sackville 168 9 5 7f Szpe,R.,SirEdw.Winnington o 18 6f "120 o o Stoke Blifs, R. The King t 013 8 800 Stokelacy, V. Th. Griffith 0 16 0 94 2 Stretton, V. R,C. Hopton 018 5 568 Thornburie, Liber Valorum, tic. I45 H e R e f' Yearly Tenths* " I, s, d. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. 568 Thornburie, R. Edm. Pitts 0 10' 8 i 100 Tedften Wafre, Ch. Ld. Sackville .... 030 9 O, o Ullingwick, R. The Bijhop :„. 0180 14 14 gf Whitborne,' R. The Biflop ., 1 9 5f Livings Discharged. Clear -yearly Vttlue. ' 31 p o Ayleton Capella, Ld. Oxford 0 64 40 p "b Bofbury, V. The Biflop 1 04! 1000 Breddenbiiry, R. Wm. Wejl o 4 f\ .38 0 o Cowarne mag' V. Bp'.\ of^Gloucefter 1. 9 nf 35 o o Coddihgton, R. The Bijhop ................ o 9 10 40 10 0 Collington, R. Edm. Pitts ., 0 80 38 5 o Donington, R. J n. Drew 0 6 iif 42 2 3 Eftnor, R. The Bijhop o 16" o 48 p o Edwyri Rad'ulph,'R. Edm. Pitts ........ 0 12 8f 18 6 8 Felton, R. Th. Griffith 010 o 28 3 o Froma Canonicorum, R..C. Hopton 010 0 VMarcIe parva, Cur. F. Barrell and! , 4° 7 oj othJ : .............!.: 40,16,0- '44 o 0 ' Ocle Pritchard, V. Jn. Child 0108 18 1 6 Pexley Capella, Ld. Somers o 8 of 46 o o Tedfton Walamer, R. W. Long o 13 4 48 0 6 Wolfurtlow, V. Sir Edw. Winnington q io o 45 6 3 Yarkhill, V. The.Dean and Chapter .. 088 3418 6 Yfebach, R. R, D. Yate P 3 n D. HEREFORD. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. fAudoeni Sancti, R. united with St.} + IO 10 \ Peter's 5 ° 9 X 1 10 o Breinton, Y. The Dean 00 o 8 g 7 Dyndor, R. Duke of Beaufort .- o 16 nf 13 13 g Hampton Epifcopi, R. The Biflop .... 1 7 4» 16 1 8 Mzd\ey,Y.The Dean and Chapter .... 1 12 "2 14 17 6'Allenfrhore, 146 vLiber Valorum, tic. -.Heref' Livings Discharged. Yearly, Tenths. Clear yearly Value. ... I. s. 4.' '"Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. o ,.-¦¦', ',-14. 17. 6... Allenfmore. V, The Dean ................ p. n 3 900 Blakemer, y . Dean and Chapter 0 6, 0 21 3 P Clehonger, V. The Dean 085 19' o o Dewfall, V. Gov. of Guy's Hofpital , 0 8 0 46^ 6 6 Eton .Epifcopi, R.The Biflop .\.......„. 160 2513 4 Hulmer,'V. Dean and Chapter ...\ 013 1 "36 iz 8 Hope Wblnith, V. Dean and Chapter 0 15 ^f , Q TjohannisSt. Baptifta;,inHer.V.JD>««? , l& 2 b J and Chapter ':... :.\ ° l* 2> 18 9 6 Kingflon, V. Dean and Chapter 0 12 8 "40 5 7 " Maufden,' V. 7£. W G&; ofl ' rn n .'37-17 1*1 Windfor ....„ C.,. :......] ^ ,° 8 17 4 Marine Magd. R. jD<«h and Chapter .. 600 .' CNorton Canon, V. 7$* ZWk W? •'„ 3° ° ° \ Chapter !.....,., 5 ° '° ° 40 o o Nicolai, St. in Her. R. TAe King 100 22 18 0 Pulley, R. Dean and Chapter 0 710 CPrefton fup. Wyham, V. Dean and! ^ g „ , 10 ° °\chapierl.. ,5° 8 ° 22 13 4 Piona. Canon, V. Dean and Chapter .. 0 n 4f . 22,18 6 Pipe, V. The Dean and Chapter o 14 3f 19 : 1 7 Petri, St'. V.'in Her. Th. Foley 10 of, 16 7 8 Thruxton, R. The Dean .>. 0 810, 41 16 7 Wethington, V. The Dean 0 10 if HEREF' & MONMOUTH. D. IRCHINGFIELD. Livings remaining in Charge. is.. B. 9 3 tif Brideftow, V. The Biflop ..-. 0 18 tf \ 6 15 7'f Dubritii, Sancti R. Sir Edw. Clive' of; 6f 13 6 8 Foye, V. Mrs. Jones 1 6 8 8, o o Goderich, The Biflop ) v..„. 016 0 8 o P Hbmelacy, V. Hon. Fr. Scudamore .... o 16 0 411 8 Kilpeck Ch. Bp. ofGlouceJler o 9 2 2 5 2f Kenderchurth, Ch. Ld. Oxford ........ o 4 6f *200 0 o Kenchurch, R. The King 1 1 %\ 15 0 0 Lanwarnei Liber V a. l. o r um. : tie. 1 47 He ref' Yearly Tenths. I. s.d. Benefices. Patrons,.; /..-. s..: d.' 15 0 o Lanwarne^ R_, Gov. of Guy's Hofp i -iopj-o (Newton Wallica, C- &> J^. A. Comp-} cv 4.10, ° [ ton ,...L\ ° V° 7 10 iO .Peterftow, R. Gov. of Guy's Hofp,',.... o ,15 ,i 16 6 8 Selleck, ,V. The Dean and Chapter .... 1 12 8' 6 ' 1 8 Tretyre, R. Gov..pf Guy's Hofp o 12 2 -6 o,' 2f Whitchurche, R. G. Catchmayd ....... o i2cjof .'..',,.,',. v rs Livings- Discharged. Clear-yearly Value', ' ]f 32 17 8f Birche, R. Gov. of Guy's Hofp. ...<.../' o 13 jf 60 'p O' Bicknor Wallica, R. Tbe'KiKG ........ ., 6,'; 8] '8 43 17 iof'Dixton, V . Ld. Gage :.„.,....,. 'o H^f 43' 7 4 DCwchurche mag' V- Ri. Symons ' 0 19^4 40 rg'io Generow Ecclefia, Dr. Davis o.'o.ji 24 7 5 Lartdinabo, R. Ch. Hojkins ' b\t 5 iof 22 10 10 Lanrothall, V. Wm. Barry................ o ,7, .6f 21 1 8 Monmouth, V. Dtike of Beaufort 1 o' O 13 0 o Arcop, C. Mrs. Betham 14 o o Birch magna, Cur. .Sir R. Symons.... 14 o O Garway, Cur. Sir W. A. Compton .... 12 o 0 Harwood, Pec. Sir H.Hoflins.... ,..,..,. 20 10 0 Wormbridge, Cur, Lady Clive D. LEOMINSTER. Livings remaining iw Charge, K. B. , 31 '3 6f Kingfland, R. Ri: Evansr 3 2, ,4? 20 o. o Prefton, V. Ld. Oxford'..— • ., 2 0 0 36 io7 2f Pembridge, R, C.C. C.Oxon. ......... 3 13 ;of . C Radnor veter,' R.The Dean and Chap-} " , 35 1 of| ur ' f } 3 to if *t'30 "o o Radnor nPva, R. The King , 1 7c ri 5' 7 n Sfiobdon, V ', Ld, Batemah „, o to gf : • Livings Discharged, ]Qear yearly Value. '"' 70^0 o Aylmifter, V. 7^/King oiS'O ?p 12 2 Berely, V \ Ld. Tyrconnell'-.,'. »••• o 10 *h£ % ' • * T % 30 0 0 Byton4 14S ' Liber Valorum, tic H £* e r' ' Yearly Tenth. • ">7.- j. 9 12 6 Scrawarden, R. Ld. Clive o 19 .3 28 14 7 Worting, R. J. G, Fanjhaw !... 2 17- si 13 9 4f Weftbury in Dex. R. N. Oj Smyth .. 1 6 nf n 12 8f Weftbury, in Sin. R. N. 0. Smyth .... 1 3 3^ Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 35 o o Alberbury, V. All Souls Coll. Oxon. .. on o 41 o o Cardefton, R. Ch. Leighton 0 6 .0 25 o p Haberley, R. Jn. Mylton o 8 of 22 o o Hanwood, R.fn. Jones 060 40 o o Milbrace, V. Jn. Bather o 10 o 15 10 o Shelve, R. Rob, Mote .^.. 054 30 o o Sutton, R. Noel Hill... 300 30 0 o Forden, Cur. Grocers Company ........ U D, STOTTERS, Ij4 LlBE R V A LO R UM> ££ Duke of Devon 0 10 5 50 o o Dronfield, V. The King ..- 1 b 2f, i22 o O Elm-eton, V. C. H. Rodes . — o 10 if 30 o O Hault Hicknall, V. Duke of Devon. 0 12 of 42 o o Langwith, R. Duke of Devon 0 8 of 45 3 6 Norton, V. Mrs. LiJler 013^4 49 O O Southwinfield, V '. Duke of Devon o 13 4 .15 o o Scarrclifre, V. The KrNc .......... 010 Q 44 3 6 Sutton in le Dale, R. G. B. Clarke 1 5 ?| K9 o o Tibfhelfe, V. W. A. Lord 0 8 cf D. DERBY. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 26 13 4 Archidiaconat' Derbii , 21,4 442 Albafton Eccl' The Parjjhioners 085 29 15 o Afton, R. Mrs. Sbuttlefwurth 2 1% 6 a8 2 8f Bredfall R. Sir H. Harpur 216 3J 300 Belport, Ch. Vicar of Duffield 0 6 t> 12 2 1 Kirk Langley, R.-Ri. Bayley 1 4 2f 13 6 8 ' Morley, R, Lords of the Manor 1 6 8 9 12 8f Mogenton, R. G. Pole 0 19 3* 9 n si Mikillour, V. JfL. S. Sitmll ,~ o 19 if ^34 Rt.dbourne> Liber Valorum, tic. 159 Derbie, Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 834 Radbourne, R. G. Pole „... 0 16 4 10 n 5f Sandiacre, P. The Biflop 1 I if 500 Swerkfton, R, Sir H. Harpur o 10 o 11 16 3 Wefton, R. SirR. Wilmot \ 3 «f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 20 0 o Barrow, V. J, T. Barrow .... o 10 7! 10 11 o Crich, V. Sir W. Dixey o 13 1 27 o o Diftield,V. The Biflop 016 5 32 o O Elvafton, V. Ld. Harrington o 10 4f 30 o o Heynor, V. The King o 19 o 24 0 O Horfley, V . Ld. Chefterfield O 14 6f II 6 2 Hallam, V. Mr. Nicholls o 8nf 12 10 o Ukfton, V. Duke of Rutland — o 10 9f 4g 10 o Kedilfton, R. Ld. Scarfdale o 7 iif 25 o o Michaelis, St. in Derby, V. The King 096 21 o o Mackworth, V. JV. Mundy o 18 3f 37 15 0 Petri, St. in Derbi. V. W. Dixie .... 016 o 12 15 0 Pentrith, V. Duke of Devon o 12 O 43 o o Spoondon, V. Jn. Lowe o 13 5f 50 o o Werhriger, St. in Derbi. V. The King on 3f 7 10 o Willington, V. Maft.ofEtwall Hofp. 09 8f \ Wefthaln, R. Dr. Bourne andG. Web-1 , 34 ° o } jler .....'. } ° l6 ° 35 O O Smithby, Cur. Ld. Huntingdon 23 o 0 Sandiare, Cur. P. thereof D. E S B O R N E, alias ASHBOURNE. j Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. . 9 16 gf Bontefhall, R. Dean of Lincoln 0 ig 7f 5 ig gf Bradley, R. Dean of Lincoln O n nf, 10 o o Hartington, V. Duke of Devon 100 7 10 10 Ireton, R. Dean of Lincoln o 15 1 11 26 Matlock, R. Dean of Lincoln 123 15 16 of Norbury, R. C7. B. Scrymflire 1 n 7f 42 7 8 f Wirkefworth, V. Dean of Lincoln 4 4 gf 42 0 o Afhborne, 160 Liber Valorum, tic. De re-ie. Livings Discharged. Yearly Tetitbs. Clehr yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d, 42 O O Aftiborne^ V. Dean of Lincoln ......... -o 10 51 32 3 .0 B rad borne, V. Duke of Devon o 16 4 44 o o Bentley, R. Dean of Lincoln o 13 jf 48 o 6 Carfington, R, Dean of Lincoln 0 10 2f 46 o o Edlafton, R. Dean of Lincoln 0 7 10 '40 O. o Thorpe, R. Dean of Lincoln^ 0 12 2 D. RE PING TON. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *8o o o Croxall, V. The King .. o 10 0 321 Hertfhorne, R. Jn. Darker o 6 2; 9 13 4 Melbume, V .Bp. of Carlifte o 19 4 f8o o P Ravenfton, R. The King - 0 10 if 9 10 5 Strettonin le Field, R. J, C. Browne 0 19 of 6 12 8f Stanton, R. Sir H. Harpur 0 13 3? 17 2 8f Walton, R. Ld. Townflend 1 14 3J Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 60 ' o o Lullington, V. The King 0 9 %{ 49 15 O Stapinghuljj V. Ld. Uxbridge 0 10 {\ 35 o ' o Rep'ton, Cur. Sir H- Harpur Salop' D. NEWPORT. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. o \Abrkhton,Y. Hab. Comp. andChrifi'sl Q u 0 I HofP J II 6 of Adderley, R. Mrs. Corbett 1 2 1% 7 9 4f Bollas, R. -Sir Ri. Hill 0 14 vi IO 16 3 Chetwyn, R. Rob. Pigot , , 1 l Hi 13 6 8 Donington, R.Ld.Gower 168 12 ip 7f Drayton in Hales, V. Sir W. Corbett 1 J 'i > 46 8 if EgnM LiBEft Valorum, f^c 161 Salop' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. > /, s. d. , 46 8 if Egmond, R. Rob. Pigot 4 12 qf 15 6 8 Idlall, V. Sir H. Briggs ;. , IO 8 5 6 5f Kemperton, R.H.Pitt o 10 7f 618 Kinnarfley, R. Ld. Gower 0 12 2 6 2 8f Langford, R. Mrs. Haynes ,.'. 0,12 3! 5 12 1 Ryton, R. J. C. Woodhoufe o ir 2f 13 11 3 Stockton, R. Sir T. Whitmore 1 7^ if 20 o O Stoke fuper Teyrn, R. Mrs. Corbett 200 26 4 4f Wm. R. Lady MoUntrath 2 12 ' 5f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 23 10 0 Eyton, fuper Wildmore, R. T. Eyton o 4 jf 49 0 0 Hinftock, R. Mrs. Corbett O It 7f 49 o o Hordley, R. Edw. Kynafton .... o 7 n 35 o o Lillefhull, V. Ld. Gower „ o 13 gf 46 6 o Norton irt Halys, R. Row. Cotton .... o 10 nf 25 o o Prefton fup. Wildmore, Mr. Charlton- 060 34 O 0 Stirchley, R. Mrs. Atkis and others .. o 12 7 36 o 0 Sutton IVladdock, V. H. Pitt o 10 o ,40- 0.0 Upton parva, R. The Kino 0 7 8f 20 a o Arcal parva, Cur. Sir H. Corbett 80 o o Tbnge, Cur. Dutchefs of Kingflon 80 0 0 Newport, Cur. The King ' D. SALOP. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 19 0 0 Archidiaconat' Salop „, 1 18 0 10 12 1 Birrington, R. Univ. of Cambridge .... 1 1 2f 6 10 0 Burnell, R.S.Lea o 13, o 33 p o Counde, R. Mrs. Greffet , 360 *i20 o o Crucis, Sanftae'V: The King o 16 o 17 18 if Ellifmer, V. Duke of Bridgwater .... 1 15 gf, 20 12 6 Felton,' R. Ld. Craven 213 26 o 10 Hodnett, R. Mrs. Vernon 2 12 1 5 12 1 Harley, R. Jn. Newport , o 11 af 7 4 9f Ightfield, R. Ph. Juftice o 17 5f 12 7- 3f Middle, R. Duke of Bridgwater 1 4 8f ipo o Prees, V. The Bijhop 100 X *too 0 0 St. idz Liber Valorum, tic. Salop' Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. *ioo o o St. Alkmonds, V. The King p 12 0 676 Stepulton, R. H. Powys •• o 12 9 12 a o Upton magna, R. Jn. Corbett 140 4411 8 Whitchurch, R. Duke of Bridgwater 492 95b Willington, V. Th. Eyton • o- 18 6 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 40 o o Attingham, YrRob. Burton .... 128 45 o o Arcall magna, V. H. Pultney 1 ,14 . 8 70 o o Bafehurch, V. Tbe King 117! 40 o o Condover, V. N. 0. Smythe .0 a 5 70 o o Fitz, R. The King 0 10 7 40 o 0 Frodefley, R. G. Edwards 095 49 o o Hordley, R. Edw. KynaJlon 3 19 2 , 60 o b Loppington, V. The King 0 13 af , 35 o o , Leighton, V. G. Edwards o 15 3 32 o 0 Monrbrd, V.Ld. Clive « o 9 iof 41 op Moreton Corbett, R. An. Corbett .... o 10 i,[ 60 o o .Ndtrange, V.-2"/6«King ~ 018 0 60' o o Peton, R. 7"^ King „ 065 39' o o Pitchford, R. A. Otley 012 6f 49 o o Wroxeter, V. Jn. Newport I 2 of 60 o o Riton, V . The King o n* 9! 100 o o Rodington, R. The King 0 13 4 44 O 0 Smethcote, R. Ri. Beddow o 8 11 32 o O Staunton, V. Andr. Corbett on 1 46 o o Shawburie, Y.Ri. Hill., 0 14 if 35 o O Sheynton, R. T. Stephens 0 12 II 60 o o Wrockerdine, V. The King o 14 iof 47 o o Weftrange, V.' o 18 0 150 o b St. Chad, Cur. The King Stafford' D. LAPLEY and TREIZULL. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 13 10 7f B}yxeyiwi]\,R.J.Heaton,andJ.Foviler 1 7 of 14 II 8 Bradley, R. Ld. Scarfdale 1 15 2 14 19 gf Church Eyton, R. Ld.Chetwynd ~ 1 9 »£ 27 211 Endfield, R. Jn. Downing 2 14 3i , 2» 1.9 2 Forto», R. Ch. Baldwyn 2 1 " 3 13 4 Hinley, Liber Valorum, tic. 163 Stafford' , Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 3 13 4 Hinley, "R. Ld. Dudley, and Ward '-.... 074 1026 Northbury, R. T. B. Scrymjhire 103 14 5 o Quatt Eccl. W. Whitmore 186 {Swyneford Regis, R. Ld. Dudley and} *7 3 4 £ Ward ...„ \ t 14 4 n 1 8 Shrefhales, V. Ld, Gower 1 2 "2 5 12 8f Sedgeley Eccl. Ld. Dudley and Ward o n 3! Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 46 0 o Bufhbury, V. Ri. Cavendijh 015 >f 15 0,0 Breewood, V. The Dean O 13 gf 40 0 o Chefwardine, V. W. Wynne o 10 8 31 10 o Lapley, V. SirT. Biddulph o 11 2f 43 o o Overpen, V. The Bijhop 087 44 O 0 Patingham, V. T. MurflaU O 16 .0 49 00 Womborne, R. Jn. Hodgetts 1 5 jf 35 o o Worfield, V. D. C.Davenport I 13 6 CWeften.R. fub. Lizard, SirH.Bridg-} . 41 I0 °.f man... .....i ...\ ? I2 9* 24 O O Penkridge, Cur. Sir Ed. Littleton 23 o o Tettenhall, Cur. Sir R. Wrotteftey .... Wolverhampton, Don. D. of Windfor 1 D. LEEKE and ALTON. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 20 2 6 Checkley, R. Th. Cotton 203 12 g 2 Chedull, R. Trin. Coll. Cam I 411 15 14 2 Grendon, R. Ld. Gower „ in 5 6 13 4 Ham, V. Jn. Port 0 13 4 16 15 o Kingfley, R. Sam. Hill „ 1 13 6 14 o 5 Lee, R. Ld. Bagot ».„.... 1 8 of Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 40 10 0 Anftonfield, V. Sir H. Harpur o 17 4 41 00 Alneton, V. Ralph William fon on 7f 39 op Bromefhiffe, R. Ld. Will, de Broke .... o 8 4! 47 o o BJore Roy, R. Th. Rivett 016 gf X z 40 o 0 Carefwall, 164 Liber Valorum, tic. STAFF ORp' Yearly Tenths, /, s. d. Benefices, Patrons. /.»,*. d, 40 0 p Carefwall, V. Th. Parker 014 6f 17 00 Gratewich, Hon. Cath. Talbot ,.' o 89 49 O p -Dillerne, V. The Dean and Chapter ¦'.... 0 17 -jf 30 O o Ellafton, V. W. and D. Davenport .. 0 8 11 42 16 8 Leeke, V. Ld. Macclesfield 0 15 u 47 O O Mayfield, Y. Mrs. Turner 0 12 8 468 iWefter, V. Jn. Harvey 000 fi 3 4 Uttoxeter, V. D. and Ch. of Windfor 0 14 z ^ 0 o Waterfall, Cur. Mrs. Wheeldbn • Dr NEWCASTLE and STONE. L?yiNGS remaining in Charge., K. B. ,., 2 9i\h^y^- l^Chetwynd and H.M^yrl i Q , *X nell J ^ 30 |6 iof Archidiaconat' Stafford 3 1 8f '6' 6 of Alta Offtey, V. P. thereof 012 7f w 19 j Blithfield, R. Ld. Bagot ,,.. 1 1 n 576 Chebfey, V . Dean and Chapter ..„ 0 10 9 9, 6 8 Praycott, R, Ro. Bill 0 18 8 913 Haughton, R, W. Yonge '.'. 0 19 if lb 17 8 Ingeftre, R. J. C. Talbot 1 1 9. jo 3 9 Mugglefion, R. Edw. Mainwaring .... \ 0 41 41 010 Stoke, fup. Trent, R.Ja. Robinfon .... 4 2 1 16 2 6 Swinnerton, R. W. Robinfon 103 . '6 18 4 Staundon, R. W. Walker o 13 10 32 3 9 Wolftanton, R. Ralph Sneyd ., 3 4 4t Living^ Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 42 00 Audley, V. G. Tollett 0 13 4 , 36 o 0 Biddulph, V. Dr. Griffey ',;.. 0' 8 nf 44 O o Ecclefhall, V. The Biflop ... 0 15 5! II 10 6 Madeley, V. Jn. Crew 0 9 l\ 30 10 0 Milwich, V. Ben. Robinfon , 0 0 4 47 O b Sandon, V. Ld. Ar. Hamilton ...~« P 15 0 po o o Seighrford, V. 27>a/5 J018 6 9 10 o I Stoke ex part. Bor. R.y J ( o 19 0 3 12 n Southwitham, R. Mrs. IV/oiting 0 7 3§ *70 o o Stemby, R. Ld. Harborough 0 12 0 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 30 6 if Bilchfield, V. The Biflop OH if „„ a r, VCaftlebytham, V. D. -and Ci>. and! , ,, 29 6 ° \ Bijhop altern { ° ^ 4i 32 3 8f Corby, V. Ri. Pilkington ...... 0 11 i\ 70 o o Creton, R. The King 097 24 16 1 if Skillington, Y . Dean and Chapter .... 0 9 n* 23 5 8 Swinefted, Y . Duke of Ancqjler 01311! 48 8 6| Witham South, V. Mrs. Whiting .... 0 12 if dt&n* D. BOLL INC Liber Valouum, ^c. 175 Lincoln' B O L L I N G B R O O K E. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d 16 17 11 Halton, R. Sir P. Barrell I 13 gf 13 11 3 Stickney, R. Ro. Loxham 171! 20 1 18 Wefte'rkele, R. B. Cracroft 202 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 100 0 o Bolingbrooke, R. Dr. Warren 0 19 11 70 o o Eflkirby, V. Jn. Barnes O 11 2§ ^Efterkeale fouth, R.7~ r t> , , K ,, 44 3 4 {firterkeale north, R.$>/-5™^*7£ ° l7 H 31 6 6 Hareby, R. Dr. Warren o 12 5f 25 3 6 Hundleby, V, Duke of Ancafter O 15 nf 8 8 6 Hagnaby, V. Th. Coltman o 16 0 • 32 7 2 Lufby» R. R. C. Brackenbury o 16 rf 100 o o Meningefby, R. The King D. L o 18 rof 43 3 o Malvifh-Enderby, R. H. Bejl ....„ 1 5 if go o o Rathby, R. Duke of Ancafter o 13 5f 80 o o Sibley, V. The King 1 3 if 40 o o Stickford, V. The Biflop O 12 41 38 10 6 Steeping parva, R. Duke of Ancafter p ig nf 27 10 6 Toynton St. Peter, R. Sir P. Burrell 1 4 of 41 n 8 Tointon all Saints, V. Sir P. Burrell o\ n if 100 o O Thorpe, Y.Th.Greathead 2 1 nf 12 o O Spilfby, Cur. Duke of Ane after , Revefby, Cur. Sir Jof. Banks ., v.. 4- D. CHRISTIANITY. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 734 Benedititi Sandi, P. of Lincoln 000 30 15 o St. Mary Magd. Y . Dean and Chap, o IO o 27 0 0 St. MaryinSuburbjis,V.P. of Lincoln o 10 4f p 1,0 o St. Martin, 176 Lincoln /. s. d. 0 10 0 0 5 0 2 15 0 1 0 0 12 2 0 2 5 0 8b 0 0 0 17 0 8 3 0 6 0 0 Liber Valorum, tic. Yearly Tenth, Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. St. Martin, V. P. of Lincoln 094 St. Michael, Precentor of Lincoln .... 000 St. Mark, Precentor of Lincoln 000 St. Margaret, Cur. P. of Lincoln 000 St. Nicholas Newport, Dean and Ch. 0 0 '0 St. Paul in Bal' R. The Archdeacon .... 047 Petri ad Arcus, R. The King on 3f St. Peter Eaftgate, Precentor of Lincoln 0,0 0 St. Peter ad Goates, Cur. Pr. of Lin. 000 St. Swithin, The Precentor '. 000 D. CALWAITH. Livings remaining in Charge. K, B. fAwthorpe, R. Mr. Vyner and Ward! .5 13 4} alumanly j ° " * 13 3 4 Billefby,V. Th. Wayett 1 6 4 *iPo o o' Beyxfby, R. The King - 1 7 of *200 o o Gaitpn, R. The King 1 7 of 13 3 g Hellow, R. Duke of Ancafter 1 6 4f 17 10 2f Mablethorpe, R. Jn. Southcote 1 15 of ig o o Sutton in Marifco, R. The Bijhop 1 18 0 400 Saleby, Y.Truflees of Alford School .... 080 568 Stane, alias Stiver, R. Jn. Southcote .. 0108 7 5 2f Thedilthorp Omn' St. V. Mrs. Gould 0 14 6f 19 10 2f Thrufthorpe, R. Ro. Cornthwait 1 19 of 0 .CThedilthorpe St. Helen, R. Duke of! . 18 IO 2i\ Ancafter ...J ' *?. 6* ?300 O o Willowby, R. Duke of Ancafter 3 rg of *8o o o Witherne, R. Ro. Vyner 1 17 of Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 80 o o Alford, V. The Biflop ~ I 0 0 ibo o o Anderby, R. Magd. Coll. Cam, 1 7 of 17 15 o Aby, V. Duke of Ancafter o 12 4f 40 5 6 Claxby, R. Sam. Daflwood 0 10 3f 9 15 0 Calceby, V. B. Majfingberd 0 11 of 14 o o Cawthorpe, ? Liber Valorum, ^. ' 177 Lincoln* Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. 1. s. d. 14 0 0 Cauthorpe parva, V. Sir H. Gletnham 065 27 o o Faleflhorpe, V. The King o 10 8 6 13 4 Haugh, V . Wm. Horsfall o 8 .0 20 18 o Hoggfihorpe, V. ThsBijhip 1 00 6 11 o Holtoft, V .The Biflop o 13 2 10 o o Hagnaby, R. Th. Coltman 000 26 o 0 Legborne, The Proprietor of L. Abby 000 28 7 6 Mablethorpe, St-Pet.R.D. of Ancafter O 15 of ig 15 0 Mumby, V. The Bifhop o 19 2f 48 15 0 Maltby in Marifco, R. T. Wayet 1 3 9f 40 o o Comberworth, R. Magd. CoU. Cam. t I of 30 o o Strubby, R. Dean and Chapter 094 34 15 0 Swaby, R. Magd. Coll. Oxen I 4 2f 70 o o Southreiton, R, The King, D. L 0 11 of 18 2 6 Sutton, V. P. thereof „ o 13 4 60 io o Thorciby South, R. The King D. L. o 12 4+ 40 O 0 Tothill, R. Mrs. Verney O 13 8f 46 o o Tradrop, R. Ro. Cernthwait o O ' O 47 10 O Ukeby, R. Mrs. Bayley 0 19 8 35 o o Well, R. S. Daflwood p 14 af D. CANLESHOE- Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. *ioo o o Croft, Y.Ld.Monfon 268} *200 0 o Frifkney, V. Sir Jof. Banks 1 ip 8 *40 o o Sutterby, R. The King o ji, of *ioo o o Wainfleet omn' Sand' R. The King 1 12 4f tWainfleet St. Mar. V. Gov. of Beth. 1 5° ° °| Hofp „ I ° J7 4 14 711 Welton, R. W. Maffmgberd , 1 8 9f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 40 o o Addlethorpe, R. The King P 19 o\ 40 1 p Afhby, R. Mrs. Pindar P 15 of 25 2 5 Burgh, V. The Biflop 1 6 8 '90 o o Braitoft, R. The King 1 16 4f 39 q q Candlefby, R. Magd, Coll. Oxon o 19 nf, Z, 30 $ p Driby, 178 Liber Valorum, tic. ' L IN C o L N ' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 30 5 O Driby, R. B. Maffingberd 0 17 nf 32 16 8f Firfby, R. Edw- jValls ........ ¦••••" I 4 of 40 O 0 Gunby, R. D. Rutland ., • 0 7 of 41 2 5f Ingoldmejls, R. Mrs. Popham 2 7 of 4616' 3 Orby, V. Tlie Bijhop 0 19 nf 44 15 gf Partney, R. Sir P- Burrdl s. 1 3 0f n 8 o Skendleby, V. Sir P. Burrell o 8 of 48 12 g Skemby, R. H Martinjon 1 13 of 46 ig 6 Skegneys, R. Ld. Scarborough 1108 34 io 11 Steeping' magna, V. E. Walls q 15 j0 20 15 p Wjothorpe, V- The Biflop .*.... q 16 rj ' D. C Q R R I N G H A M. Livings regaining in Charge. K. B. 60 p b Bliton, V. Ld. Scarborough 140 12 p 0 Corringham, V. P. thereof I 4 0 £400 0 0 F.pworth, 'R. The Kinq 2 17 ' 8 *8o 0 p Graingham, R. Sir J. Choroid 2 11 g *?oo o o Gainfburgh, V. The Biflop 258 *250 o 0 Haxhay, V . Archbiflop of York 2 1 g? *6o 0 o Laughton, V. Ld. Irwin 1 10 *8o 0 0 Ley, R, Sir W. Anderfon OH j *ioo b o Springthorpe, R. The King .'. i'S 4 , 22 4 2 Scotter, R Bp. of Peterborough 2 4 5 23 00 Secotton, K. Sir Ja.' Frederick ...:...,.. 269 *I20 0 6 Wrote,' R. TheKivtq 069? Livings DiscH^RGEp, Clear yearly Value, 49 9 iof Hepham, R,Wh- Amcotts 1 , >Q 0 30 3 4 Kirketon, V '. Subdean of Lincoln 0 13 4 }6 5 o Northorpe, V. The Biflop 0 8 0 41 16 6f Oulfton, V. Archbiflof of York .'. I 9 0 50 0 o Pilham, R. The King 0 12 4 42 0 0 Winterton, V. The King 0 16 0 49 0 0 Be]ton,R. C»rp. of Ljncoln 0 12 4 D. GARTREE- Liber Valorum, ^ 0 o AHington Weft, R. The Kino o 17 4? II 10 5 Bothby Pannell, R. Jit. Rwland .... 1 $ of 13 7 6 Barkeftan, Liber Valorum, tic. 181 Lincoln' Yearly Tenths, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 13 7 6 Barkefton, R. P. of Lincoln 169 12 3 6f Belton, R. Ld.'Brownlow 1 4 4f 31 1 5f Barroby, R. Ld. Thanet 3 2 if 18 8 4 Denton, R. P. of N. Grantham 1 16 10 32 9 2 Grantham Borealis, P. Bp. ofSalifbury, 3 4 11 24 5 10 Grantham Auftrafis, P. Bp.ofSaliJbury 287 fGrantham Auft' V "1 17 15 7fJGunnerbyAuft' V.P. of S. Grantham} 1 15 6f (.Braceby, V j 19 4 7 Grantham Bor' V. P. thereof 1 18 5f 25 6 iof Harlaxton, R. P. o/S. Grantham 2 10 8f 12 6 iof Heydour cum Kelby,'V. M. Newton 1 4 8f n 97 Paunton magna, P. of N. Grantham 1 2 nf 11 14 2 Ropefly, R. Duke of Rutland t 3 5 n 12 3f Somerby, R. Duke of Ancafter 1 3 2f *i30 o o Segbrooke, R. Med. The King o 15 iof *i8o o o Segbrooke alt. Med. R. The King .... o 14 5f 12 2 8f Woolftrop, R. Duke of Rutland 1 4 3! 10 6 3 Welby, R. P. of S. Grantham , 1 o 7f 10 o o Willesford, R. Ld. Melborne .... 100 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 3 10 o Hungerton, R. Sir H. Hackett 044 27 o o Honington, V. R. Apreece o 8 of 45 o o Paunton pacva, R. Ja. Pennyman o 15 o 26 o o Stroxton,' R. And. Hacket '...., o 6 iof 26 o„ o Saperton, R. W. Welby O 10 n; 60' o o Sifon, V . Sir J. Thorold D. G R A F F O O. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 26 16 8 Baffingham, R. C. C. C. Oxon 2 13 8 ?130 o o Hickham, R. The King 1 19 7f *8o o o Swinderby, V. L. D. Fytche o 7 nf *6o o o Thorpe fup. Mont, R. D, and Chapter o 19 o( 24 0 0 Awburne, 182 Liber Valorum, tic. ' Lincoln' Living s Discharged. Yearlytenth. Clear yearly Value, I. ¦ s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 24 O O Av,-i urne, V. Chr- Neville O 15 4f 20 O 0" . Boltham, R. Mrs. Gou '.ion 015 6f 46 o 6 Carleton in Mon 1. V. Ld. Middleton o 14 1 47 o o Budington, R. Sir J. H. Delaval —• O 14 nf 8 15 4 Eagle, V. Th. Drake 067 150 Highcombe, Ch. The Biflop 000 47 o o North Scarle, R. W. Carthwright 6 g 8f -. 35 ° ° Norton Difney, V. Sir Th. Clarges .. o 12 8f 13 o o Stapleford, V. Ld. Middleton o 10 4 29 o o Skellingthorpe, . V. Ro. Gray o 13 iof D. H I L L. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *IP0 6 o Fulletby, R. Fr. Rockcliffe 2 2 3f 14 10 5 Hagworthingham, R. Bp. of Ely 1 9 of 14 13 1 if Ketefby, R. B. Maffmgbeard 194! 10 12 3f Langton jux. Partney, R. B, Langton 1 1 %\ Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 33 o O Afwardby, R. R. C. Brackenbury .... 0 15 nf 24 o o Afhby puerorum, V. The D. and Ch. 0124 > ' 34 o o Brincuhill, R. Ev. Buckworth o 16 0 ' 37 O 0 Bagenderby, R. Mrs, Burton p 12 gf 35 o O Greatham,R. The Biflop 1 1 llf 35 0 o Hameringham", R. T. Wakefield 0175 40 o O Harrington, R. Ch. Amcotes 0 19 8f 30 o o Oxcombe, R. B. Langton .' 0. 13 6f 32 O O Somerfhy, R. Mrs. Burton 09 7! 35 o o Saucethorpe, R. R. Wilby 0 12 4f 1700 Scrafield, R. Th. Wakefield o 9 ni 25 O P Salmonby, R. H. Marflall on of 41 0 o Claxby, R. Ed. Drax 0 13 I 40 O O Tedford, R. Jn. Harrifon u. I 10 1 50 o © Winceby, R. The King o 12 of D. HOLLAND. Liber Valorum, tic. 183 Lincoln' D. HOLLAND. , Livings remaining in Charge, K. B. Yearly Tenths. I, s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. j. d. 5018 if Alderkirke, R. B. B. Beridge ¦¦ 5 1 gf 33 8 1 if Bennington, R. Hon. G. Hobart .... 3 6 iof 33 ' 6 8 Bofton, V. The Corporation 368 13 17 if Donington, Y . Edw. Brown 1 7 v 8f 19 6 8 Fifhtoft, R. Jn. BirtwhiJlle 118 8 15 00 Fleet, Ja. AJhley 1 10 O *240 o o Gedney, R The KwGandW. Clayton 2 7 if *200 o o Gedney,, R. The King 3 1 2f 20 5 10 Holbeche, V. The Bijhop 207 28 3 4 Moulton, V. Mr. Johnjon 2 17 4 , .CPinchbecke, V. Mr. Sander fon and} . 4° 6 Sk\ Kippis ..'. .......J.. 5 4 o 7f 27 17 11 Surfleete, R.7Mr< Herm f 2 15 gf ,11 00 burfieete, V,} (120 40 o o Sutton V. T. L. Bennett '—.. 400 34 17 8f Skirbecke, R. Jn. BirtwhiJlle 3 g gf *400 o o Sutterton, V. The King' 264 *350 o o Tidde, R. The King , 1 14 7f *250 o o Whaplode, R. The King 1 13 5f *200 o 0 Wiberton, R. Jn. Shaw 368 *250 0 o Wrangle, V- Ri. Wright io 10 6f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. , 47 0 p Bicker, V. Dean and Chap I IP O 24 1 5 Butterwicke, V. Lady Dryden , o 16 5 22 o g Frampton, V Jn.Tunnard I 17 nf 22 7 7f Frceftcp, V. Lady Dryden ... j 13 2f 45 o o Gofbertowne, V. The D. and Cb. .„. o o o 30 2 11 Kirton, V . Mercer's Company 231 28 6 4 Leeke, V '. Gov, of Oakham School 168 100 o o South Leverton, R. H. H. Mart 1 12 7 100 o o North Leve/ton, R. The King 1 11 iof 33 19 Gf Quadring, V. The Biflop 1 o if 33 15 0 Swinefhead, v. Trin, Coll. Cam i 8 11 38 15 4 Wigtoft, Lincoln' /. . r. ¦ 4. 38 15 4 40 0 ,0 60 0 p 40 0 p 1 60 0 0 80 0 p 50 0 0 184 Liber Valorum, tie. Yearly Tenths, Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. . Wigtoft, V. The Biflop I 2 6 Gedney HiU, Ch. Certain Feoffees .... Growland, R. CO. Hunter Cubit, Cur. Certain Truftees Spalding, Cur. Certain Truftees ..1 Whaplodq Drove, Ch. Truftees Wefton, V. The King D. HORNCASTLE. LlVINCS REMAINING JN CHARGE. K. B. *go o o Horncaftle, V. Bp. of Carlifte 185 *l6o O O Marham, R. Bp. of Carlifte 1 7 1 *i8a 0 0 Scrivejfby, R. Jn. Dymoke 1 5 g Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value, 60 o o Moreby, R. Bp, of Carlifte 0 15 2 40 o o Marton, R. Sam. Hewfon o 12 5 25 o o Thornton, V. D. and Ch.of Litchfield 0 11 2f 25 o o Willby, R. Jn. Dymoke 085 13 o O Woodhall, V. The Biflop 000 120 P o Tointon inf. Sir P. Burrell „ 12a 29 0 O Tointon fup. Cur. Vicar of Horncaftle 40 o o Bamber, Cur. Duke of NewcaJlle 2300 Wood Enderby, Cur. Ri. Kellum 50 o o Tatterfhall, Cur. Ld. Fortefcue 40 O o Weft Afhby, Cur. Vicar of Horncaftle „ „ tMahram fup. Monti Vicar of Horn-} , '8 ° ° I cajlle ... \ D. LAWRES. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 9 10 o Broxholme, R. Ld. Monfon 0 15 0 II 15 2f Burton, R. Ld, Monfon 136! 12 '1 8 Fifkaiton, R. D, and Ch. ofPeterbon 1 42 I5 8 if FaM"*- Liber Valorum, ^, 185 Lincoln' Yearly Xenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /, s. d. 15 8 if Faldingworth, R. Ld. Brownloiu ........ i io gf 28 o o Kettlethorpe, R. Wh. , Ancotts 2 i6 p 4 o- O Snarfprd, R. Subdean of Lincoln o 8 o. 5 13 4 Thorkefey, V '. Sir Ch. Davers 0 11 4 18 6 8 WUlingham, R. Ro. Wells „ 116. 8 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. SAifhthorpe, R. cum 1 Thorpe in Le Fallows, V. G. F.i ° 9 ° Tuffnell „ J ° JO 9 12 2 6. Barlings, Cur' Sir Jn. Tyrwhit o ' o o 45 9 iof Brattleby, R. Baliol Coll. Oxon Q 15 o 20 6 I Buflingthorpe, R. Charter-houfe Q 4 o 1650 Donham, V. The Biflop b 8 8 19 14 2 Frifthorpe, R. Dean and Chap 090 20 o o Greetwel, Cur' Dean and Chap p 00 45 9 iof Gaitburtpn, R. Th. Hutton p 17 1 000 Kneth, R. Ld, Abington O 0.8 20 o O Nettlehajn, Cur' Chancellor of Lincoln 000 14 o o Marton, V. The Biflop 094 900 Newton, V. Jn. Stow 080 23 13 O Repham, V. Merctr's Company o 13 4 15 O o Ryfolme, R. Baliol Coll. Oxon 080 28 0 o Saxilby, V. The B'flop •' 100 1000 Scothorne, V. Lord Scarborough o 8 6f 40 o o Sudbrooke, R. The Biflop 0150 49 n 6f Scampton, R. Ri. Stonehewer o 17 8 23 o o Upton, V. Wh. Amcots o 14 5 8 16 8 Willingham Cherry, V. Ste. Mafon o 13 4 y o o Welton V. The 5 Prebendaries thereof 9 14 8 D. LONGQBQBY, Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 18 17 n Branceton, R. Mrs. Curtis 1 17 gf n 12 3f Boothy Graffbo, R. Ld. Melbourne .. 1 3 2f 3 9 gf Brasfbridge, V. Th. Notion o 6 nf $6 10 7f Blankney, R. Jn. Chaplin 1 T3 °i A a 7 17 ir NptStoni 186 Liber Valorum, tic. Lincoln* Nearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patron^. /. s. d. 7 17 11 Noclon, Y .'The King ... 0 15 gf 17 io 0 Naumby, R. Ch. Coll. Cam 1 15 0 *22o o o P.otterhanworth, R. The King 1 7 8 20 13 4 Wafhingburgh, R. Wh. Amcotts ,.. 2 13 4 19 16 of Welbome^ R. Mrs. Herring 1 19 y|' 20 16 8 Wadington, R. Line. Coll. Oxon 218 Livings Discharged. < Clear yearly Value. 32 p o Billinghay, V. Ld. Fitzwilliams r 7 5 29 tP 0 Coleby, V .Oriel Coll: Oxon o 13 2f io- p o Canwick,V: Mercer's Comp 0 10 8 19 0 O Dunfton, V. The Biflop o 14 1 27 o 0" Harmeftcn, Y i Mr. Thorold 0 14 8 6p o p Kirkby Green, V. TheKivsG .: 129 25 o o Medringham, ^&Jn. Dymoke 016 1 31 16 o Skinhortd, R. £d;Falkland b 11 4f 14 o O Skopwick, V. The Biflop 0 16 0 20 O O Timberlartd, V. The King 1 4 3f 45 p 0 Wellehgere, V. The Dean ana I Chapter 130 ., D. LOVE DEN. Livings remaining in Charge, K. B. 41 6 8 Bekingham, R. And. Hacket 428 35 13 4 Burntbfoughton, R. Sir R. Sutton .... 3 11 4 15 15 0 South Claypole, R. Jn. Plumtree .... 1 11 6 16 84 North Claypole, R. Mrs. Harding .... 1 12.10 20 n jof Cauthorpej R. Th. Pochin .'....:...; 2 1 l\ 13 t 5f Carlton Scroope, R. Mrs. Darwin .... 1 6 if 20 15 7f FuJbeck, R. Ja. Evelyn 2 1 6f *ioo o o Hough, V. The Kii. and Ch.of St.Paul's 1 0 0 j2 16 3 Eyton, V. Trin. Coll. Cam I 5 fk 8 9 7 Higham Gobin, R. R. C. Lee o 16 n| 35 12 i Luton, V. Ld. Bute 3 n 1* ¦-'.:¦¦ -.-;,• je 0 o Leightqrij •'-'.:' Liber Valorum, tic. 195 Bedf' , Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 15 o o Leightcn Bofard, V. The Bijhop 1 IP O ,**40 ' o o Milton Bryan, R. The King i 3 ;f 16 97 Occliffe, R. Th. Gilpin .-. I 12 nf 10 19 4f Pottefgrave, R. Sir G. P. Turner 1 1 nf 29 2 11 Todington, R. Ld. Strafford 2 18 35 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 24 6 4 Chalgrave, V. Th, Gilpin 1 4 o 35 li 6 Houghton Regis, V. Duke of Bedford 12 4 15 010 Stratley, V. J.B. Riddell 013 6f 21 o 0 Sondon, V . Mr. Cole and others 0 16 8 30 , o o Studham, V. Tbe Kims , 0 18 o 19 10 o Tillefwaith, V. Ch. Chefter , o 16 O 25 16 8 Totternall, V= Mifs Wilkes 1 1 o o 80 o 0 Wipfnade, R. The King p 15 4 D. EATON. i Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 900 Bolneherft, R. Ri. Haughton o 18 O 18 o o Colnworth, R. D. F. Hillerfden 116 O *50 O O Deane, R. D. and C%h. of Worcefter .. 2 8 O 500 Melehburne, V. Ld. St. John o 10 o 1800 Partnall, R. Fr. Favell ., 1 16 o *I20 0 o Rifley, V. Ld, St. John 0169 *I50 o o Stoughton parva, R. C. C. C. Oxon. .. 1 6 10 13 o o Shelton, R. 67. S. Oakden 160 13 10 o Tilbrooke, R. Ld. St. John 170 18 7 1 Welden, R. Duke of Bedford 1 16 8f *3 *3 4 Yeldan, R. Mrs. Bunting 1 .7 4 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 18 o o Barford, V. Trin. Coll. Cam o 18 o .50 o P Eaton, V. Duke of Bedford ., 2 1 4f 27 o o Keyfhoe, V. Trin. Coll. Camx 0160 27 o o Ravenfden, V. Duke of Marlborough., o 14 0 30 p o Renhald, V. Nat. Polhill o 16 4 B b 2 28 o 0 Rsixdbn, 196 Liber Valorum, tie. Bedf' Yearly Tenth. I. s. ,A. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. 28 o o Roxdon, V. Trin. Coll. Cam I 0 o- . 35 o 6 Thurly, V. Mrs. Crawy, and others 018 0 D. FL-EETE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 15 16 iof Afpleguife, R. Duke of Bedford 1 II 8f 12 o o Clophfll, V. Ld. Hardwiche 140 j 33 2 t Craneford, R. Th. Frank 3 6 2f " 16 11 8 Eyerfhott, R., Ld. Sandy s 1 13 2 *8o o o Gravenhurft, R. The King o 15 3f 8 0 o Hawnes, V. Sir G.Qflorne 016.0 7 1*5 o Hulcote, R. Edw. Harvey o 15 6 15 9 7 Maiden, R. Ld. Ailejbury .-. 1 10 nf 33t7 3f Marften, R. St. John's Coll. Cam 3 7 8f 9 16 3 Milbrooke, R. Duke of Bedford o 19 7f Livings Discharged; Clear yearly Value. 40 2 0 Amptill, R. Duke of Bedford 108 1700 Fleetvick, V. Ld. Offory , o 15 8f 80 o O Flitton, Y . Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon 1 2 gf 25 0 O Harlington, V. Ld. Strafford 1 2 0 14 5 0 Hufborne Crawley, V. Ro. Thompfon o 18 9 17 o o Littlington, V. Ld. Offory 1 2 0 41 JO O Folluxhill, V. Ld. Hardwicke o 19 0 50 o o Ridgemond, V. The King 0 18 0 44 13 4 Salford, V. Edw. Harvey o 15 7f .46 3 o StepingJey, R. Duke of Bedford o 13 l\ 44 15 o ' Tingrithe, R. Edw. Willaume o 18 0 33 6 8 Weftoning, V. Jn. Everitt - 0 19 8f 60 e o Woburn, V. Duke of Bedford «. D. SHEFFORD. Liber VAlorum, tic. 197 Bedf' D. SHEFFORD. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. I, s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 6 13 4 Aftwick, R. Jn. Schutz o 13 4 ?400 o o BLonham, R. Ld. Hardwick 4 12 3*- 13 16 3 Barkford, R. Jn, Schutz 277! 11 97 Camelton, R. Sir G. Ofoorne 2 o 3f 20 2 II CliftOn, R. Mrs. OJborne 2 o 3J 15 16 3 Edworthe, R. Edw. Hale 1 n j£ *ioo 0 o Henlow, V. The King 0 18 8 800 Hatley Port, R. S. C. Cuft o 16 © 797 Holwell, R. Sir C. F. Radcliffe ........ o 14 nf 22 o o Mepperfall, R. St. John's Coll. Cam. 240 6 6 iof Stondon, R. Th. Leach 0 12 8f 32 211 Sondhey, R. Sir Ph. Monoux 3 4 3f 20 O O Sutton, R. St. John's Coll. Oxon 200 ?250 o o Temisford, R. The King 280 80 0 o Wraftlingworth, R. The King o 14 8 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 25 1 4 Alwarden, V. W. S. King o o c 26 3 6 Arlefy, V. Jn. Schutz o 16 o 21 10 10 Bigglefwade, V. P. thereof 100 30 4 O Dunton, V. Ld. Spencer IOO 37 2 O Eyworthe, V. C. A. Pelham -o 13 4 5,0 © 0 Langford, V. 77>.?King o 16 o 70 o 'o Potton, V. 77;*? King 168 33 12 8 Shitlington, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 1 16 o 39 5 O Southill, V. Ld. I orrington I 36 32 10 6 Stotfolde, V. Trin. Coll. Cam on 8f 25 0 o Gravenhurft, Cur. The Pariflioners. ... D. BUCKS. 19S v Liber Valorum, tie. BiicKs'" D. BUCKS. Livings remaining? in Charge. K. B; Yearly Tenth. I. s.' d. Benefices". Patrons. /. s. d. 87 14 11 Archidiaconatus Bucks 8 15 5f 6 211 Akeley, R. New Coll. Oxoh 0 12 35 n 12 8f Agecot, R. H. Boyle- ..' - I 3 3* 13,16 3 Addleftock, R. The Biflop 1 7 7f 997 Addington, R. 'Sir Ch. K. Tynte 0 18 nf 22 o o Buckingham, V. W.Coke. ....... ; 240 14 16 si Beattchampton, R. Ld. Salifiury'. 197! 9 9 4f Fofcot, ,R. Marq. of Bucks o 18 nf *I50 o o Horley, V. The King 1 13 4 *5 x3 4 Lekehampfted, R. Lady M. Beauclerk in 4 797 Lillingftone, R. Ri. Dayrell O 1411! *30o 0 o Marfh Gibbons, R. TheKlNG 2 2 nf 18 2 11 Moreton, R. Mr. Turner and Hutton 1 16 3! n 9 4f Prefton Biflet, R. G. Denton I 2 nf 813 Radcliffe, R. New Coll. Oxon o ,16 if J3 3 9 Steeple Cleydon, V. Ld. Verney 1 6 4f *120 o o Shallefton,R. G.H. J. Purefoy ........ 016 of II 14 7 Stow, V. Marq. of Bucks 1 3 5}" .,> a ., STurwefton>R- E>. and Ch. of WeJl-J , , 12 l6 3 < • n I I 5 7f 0 I minfter ,. J 3 "¦ 12 16 3 Tingewike, R. New Coll.. Oxen 1 5 7l . H 16 3 Thornton, R. Th. Shepherd 1 3 7f 705' Water Stratford, R; Marq. of Bucks p 14 of 917 * Weftbury, V. B. P. Withers pig 8f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 18 6 6 Caversfield, V. Jn. Southcote ...'. Q 12 0 50 0 p Padbury, V. The King o 13 4 23 13 P Sutton, V. Jn. Elves ......: P 10 B 2P p o Thorneborough, V. Ld. Verney o 17 8f D. BURNEHAM. Liber Valorum, tie. 199 Bocks' D< BURNEHAM. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Benefice s. Patrons. /. s. d. 48 16 of Agmondefham, R. Wm. Drake 4 17' 7f -l6 13 4 Burnham, V. Eton Coll. 1 13 4 26 2 8f Beconsfield, R. Magd. Coll. Oxon 2 J2 3f CChalfount, St. Peter's, V. St. John's} OI J5 *7 t I ColLOxon. \ * » 8* I9 9 4f Chalfount, St. Giles, R.' The Biflop .... 1 18 nf '5 6 8 ' Chefham Boys, R, Duke of Bedford o 10 B 19 9 4f Denham, R. Mrs. Edwin 1 18 nf c- .{Eitmanfted Cheyny, R. Duke of} T 12 16 °n Bedford ......... :.\ i 5 n 568 EftmanftedLatimer^R. Dukeof Devon, o p 8 12 16 of Farnham Royall, R. Eton Coll. i j ;{ n 5 7 f Hitchin, R. Eton Co 11....: i 2 6f 22 9 4f .Horton, R. Jn. Brown 2 4 Iif 6 6 0 Hoggeley, R. B. Way o 12 o 120 0 o Wexham, R. The King o n 6 * *200 o o Taplowe, R. The King i 3 iof fWyardfbury,V. D.andCh. of Wind-} j H" 5 f ,}or . 1 i ; \ f 9 of Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 50 o ,0 , Chefham Leicefter,Y . Dyke of Bedford 1 6 if f Chefham Owborne, V. Dukeof Bed-} ,, 5° ° ° } for4 •• ~ 5 x 6 J* 30 b 0 Dorney,.V. JSir Ch, BSlmer o 17 of 33 o o Datchet, V. D and Ch. of Windfor 120 '50 o o Ever ajias Iver, V..Th. Leigh 168 50 Q o .Perine, Y.-Afleton Curzon o 19 4 |o o o Stoke Pogies, V. F. Gcdolpbin o 15 8f §000 Upton, V, The King o 13 8f P.>1URESLY. 2oo Liber V al o r u m, tic. Bucks' D. MURE SLY. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices, Patrons. /. s. d, J5 9 7 Chetingtbn, R. Duke of Bridgwater i -io' uf g 16 3 Cublington, R. Lincoln Coll. Oxon © 19 7J 12 .0 o Drayton Paflqw, R. W. Lord I 4 0 II 9 7 Drayton Beacham, R. Mrs. Gumley 1 21 if g 97 Dinton, R. Ld. Spencer , •• o 18 nf 39 9 7 Hardwicke, R. New Coll. Oxon- ........ 3 18 nf 14 4 2 Harwood Magna, R.. New Coll. Oxon. ,1 8 5' n 16 3 Hoggefton, K. Ld Stanhope t 3 7z 3 p o Kirflow, Ld. Clifford P 6 0 ti o p Murefly, R. Sir S. Gideon 120 6 17 1 Mentmore, V. R. B. Harcourt o 13 8| 997 Maffeworth,,V. trin. Coll. Camb. .... 0 18 nf 14 9 7 Slapton, R. Mrs. Shipley and Bentham 1 8 l'f ?130 9 o Swanbourne, V. The King ". 0 j8 nf 997 Stukeley, V. Bp. of Oxford ,,..,.. o 18 nf 18 16 3 Winge, V. -Ld. ChejlerfieU ,... 1 17 7-f 10 o o Wha4don, V. New Coll. Oxon 100 Livings Discharged. Gear yearly Value. 42 3 5 Edlefborough, V. Duke of Bridgwater 1 7 8f 20 17 o Grove, R. Ld. Chefterfield p 9 4 49 18 8 Hawbrjdge, R. Dr. Sandby 0 1.7 of 36 16 6f Ivingho, V. Duke of Bridgwater 1 5 f\ 49 9 6f Wingrave, V. Duke of Bridgwater .... 0 18 Ilf 80 P o Whitchurch, V. T/k King ...!...... 017 8^ 14 o O Linflade Cur'. Mr. Corbett 70 o o Choifbury, Cur. Mr. Neal .„ ib o o Pichthorn, Cur. Duke of Bridgwater 100 o o Soulbury, Cur. Jon. Lovett ».- JURISDICTIO SANCTI ALBANI. Remains in Charge, K. B. *I20 p Q Aftpn Abbots, V. Ld. Chefterfield .... 0 12 9I 80 0 9 Granbpro¥l|h, Liber Valorum, (Se* 201 Bucks' Living s Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d, 80 0 0 Granborough, V. The King o 16 b 22 0 o Harwood parva, V. K. Sandon 0108 120 0 o Wynflow, V. The King 127 D. NEWPORT; Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *ioo o o Afhwood, V. The Kino o 12 8 go o o Bradwell, V. The King on if 10 9 7 Broughton, R. Mr. Wynter 1 oiif 15 o 2f /Bowbnckill, R. Edw. Willaume 1 10 of goo Brickill parva, R. Archbp. of Cant o 18 o 2913 if Blechley, R. Th. Willis 219 3-f „ CBrickilLmasna, R. Mrs. Briftow and} , , 18 2 '" \ Bartonl.1 „ \ l l6 3f 13 6 iof Clifton Reyn.es, R. Al. Small 1 6 8f 27 10 o Crawley, R. A. Duncombe 215 o 26 2 11 Calverton, R. Ld, Salifiury 2 12 3f 8 o o .Chichley,y. Ch.' Chejler P 16 o 15 2 11 Emerton, R. B. Pomfret 1 10 3! 519 T&rX ^'CT\T. Backwell 1 6 8f 13 6 iofiTirnngharriy R. J + 6 o 2f Gotehurft, R. G. Wrighte o 12 of 15 o o Haverfham, R. Dr. Mofs , 1 10 o 48 o o Hanflope, R. Corporat. of Lincoln. .._ 4 16 o 13 6 iof Hardmead, R. Al. Smith ." 1 6 8f 568 Lathbury, Cur. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. 010 8 20 o 2.f..Lindfoxd,.R. Mrs. Uthivait 2 o of 11 14 5 2f Loughton magna, R. Trin. Coll. Cam. 1 8 6f 16 16 3 Mujfhoe, -R.Ld. Northampton 1 13 7f " 20 o Lo Milton Keynes, R. Ld.. Winchelfea .... 200 8 8 if Newton Bloflbm vile, W. Farrer 0 16 gf 20 9 7. Newton Longville, R. New Coll. Oxon. 2 o nf 13 6 8 Oiney, Y . Ld. Dartmouth 168 2 17 6 Okeny, Cur. Linc.fioll. Oxon 059 61 3 4 Ravenfden, V. Ld. Winchelfea 013 4 C c 14 6 3 Stoke 2Cri Li B E-K V A L 0 ft'U M, £&, Bucks' Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 14 6 3 Stoke Goldington, R. G. Wrighte .... 187! 20 o 2f Sherrington, R. The Biflop .-. 2 0 Of 14 9 7 Stoke) Hammond, R. The Biflop 1 8 nf 17 6 8 Syrapfbn, R.SirTb. Hanmer ....,..»..». 1 14 8 22 9 7 S hendley, R. Matt. Knapp -. 2 4 nf 26 6 iof Wavenden, R. T. J. Selby ... 2 \2 8| 1 V Walton, R. tffe King W yWr. £//«> •170 p o j ^_ ; 5 0 16 nf 16 9 7 Woughton, R. Mrs. Troutbeck ... 1 12 nf *50 o o Wolfton magna, R. Jn. Stephens 0 17 7f 7 io o Willen, V. Dr. Bufiy's Truftees ..«, o 15 1 Livings Discharged. J Clear, yearly Value. 29 1 o o BrickiUi parva, Cur' Archbp. of Cant. 000 35 10 o Lavendcn, V. Ld. Gainjborough . 0 12 0 80 o o Newport Pannell, V. Ro. Litchford .'. 100 30 0 o Stantonbury, V. Ld. Spencer 0 14 8 70 o o Wolfton parva, R, The King 0 16 7f I40 o o Woolverton, Y.Dr. Bufiy's Truftees 1 0 4f 1 16 o o Hahflope, V. Corp. of Lincoln 20 o o Stoney Stratford, Cur. The Biflop .... C Wefton Underwood, Cur. 'Sir Rl ¦* X Throckmorton ...,...-. y D. WEND OVER. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 23 6 iof Afton Clinton, R, Jefus Coll. Oxon. .. 2 6 8f 20 10 O Birton, Y,Dean and Chapter,. « 210 *t6o o o Dynton, V. T/>«King..«. *. 1 14 nf 11 9 7 Elltfborough, R, Jof. Wells I 2'iif 1 CHaddenham, V. D.and Ch.ofRo-} • gi 5 7 X chefter ....„., ;.., „ J 14 5 5 Hartwell, R. Sir W. Lee 1 8 6f 10 o 2f Hdlcote, R. Ste. Langton » ( 0- of 997 Hampden magna, R. Jn. Hampden .... 0 18 -nf 6 2 n Kymbk parva, V. Mrs. Chapman.... 0 12 3f 22 p 10 Wefton Liber Valorum, tic. 203 Bucks' Yearly Tenths. L s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s, d. o, n ,n )Wefton Turvill, R. All Souls Coll.} 22 O IO < n J- 2 4. I I Uxon \ * Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 48 37 Aylefbury, V. P. thereof 2 9 9f 49 9 of Biedlow, V. Mrs. Hayton I 12 nf 47 8 g Horfingdon, R. Jn. Grubb 0 13 8f 23 o 0 Kymble magna, V. Ld. Hampden .... 013 of 47 7 O Miffenden parva, V. Sir N. Curzon .. j 6 4f 40 0 o Miffenden magna, T. Gooftrey 49 4 6 Stone, V. Sir W. Lee 018 O 89 0 o Wendover, V. The King 1 5 7J 40 o 0 Princes Rifborough, Cur. H- Penton Peculiars belonging to the Arehbifhop of Canterbury, Livings remaining in Charge, K. B. 13 6 8 Holton, R. Ld. Defpencer 1 6 -% 30 p o Rifborow, R. Archbp, of Cant ,..,.. 300 D, WADDESDEN. Livings remaining in Charge, K. B. 12 16 of Afton Sandford, R. H. Hurfi 1 5 7-f 8 2 8f Felmerfton, R. Ld. Litchfield o 16 3f 15 6 8 Grendon Underwood, R. W. Pigot .... 1 10 8 997 Hickford, R. Mrs. Newell 0 18 nf 8 10 5 Kingfhey, V ', D. and Ch, oj 'Rochefter 0 17 of 17 6 8 Ludgarfall, R. J. B. Warren ,,.. \ 14 8 15 p o Middle Claydon, R. Ld. Verney ....... i 10 o *ioo 0 o Oving, R. The King o 15 gf 1000 Pitchcot,R. Th. Saunders 1 0 o 30 12 1 Queynton, R. H. Leece and others •••¦ 3 1. 2f io g 7 Shabingdon, V. B. Tipping 1 10 o 15 0 o fWaddefilen, prima portio! Duke of f 1 p nf 15 00 < Waddefden,.fecunda portio >Marlba- i 1 io o JS 0 o /.WaddfefiJen, tertia portiojrff^, (.1100 ,.- Cc? 8 99 Brill 204' Liber Valorum, tic. Bucks' Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenth. Clear yearly Value, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 800 Brill & Burftall, Don. Jn. Aubrey .... 000 6150 Cherfley, Don. Sir C. D. Cotterell .... 000 47 2 3 Efklaydon, V. Ld. Verney o 15 8f 27 2 o Elmer, V . Sir W. Stanhope b 13 1 {North Merfton, Cur. D. and Ch. of} 33 15 0 } mndjor > .; - i\ o 0 0 36 o o Okely, V. Sir J. Aubrey o 11 8f (Overwinchindon, V. Dukeof Marlbo-} OI 10 ° ° \ rough .. ! .:....... : \ ° ^ 8" 31 15 2 Wormehall, V. Edw. Horne 0 13 iof CWotton Underwood, Ciir. Archbp. of} 43 o o I Cant J rj$ o 0 0 J Long Crendon, Cur. Duke of Marlbo-} 45 X rough 5 32 o o * Dourton, Cur. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon ' D- WYCOMBE. ' Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 11 IP 10 Falleigh, R. S. Freeman I 3 I 35 o o Hambleden, R. Sir Ro. Clayton 310 0 . 13 6 8 \M^]r r§na' v- D- and Qh- of]i 6 8 ft . I Gloucefter \ 13 97 Saundertoh, R- Magd, CoU. Oxon I 6 nf *ioo o o Radnage, R. The King .', p 13 4! Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 44 10 0 Bradnam, R. Ld. Wentworth o 10 45 j-j 6 o Hedfor,R. The Biflop and Ld. Bofton 080 45 o P Hitchenden, V. S. Savage ¦„.'.:. 0 17 10 49 3 n Weft Wycomb, V. Ld. Defpencer .... 1 2 ui 43 10 8 Marlow parva, V. Sir J. B. Warren 0 16 7 45 o P Medmenham, Y. Mrs. Morton ....i.:. 0 11 8f 45 o P Fingeft, R. P. of Wells- ;... 012 oi 20 o 0 Turfield, V. Mr. Ofiorrt and others o 18 uf '-¦•<" ' 45 7 ° Woburne, Liber Valor vM,tic. 265 Hertf' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s, d. 45 7 0 Woburne Weft, V. Mrs. Child 140 45 12 8 Wycombe, V. Marq. of Lqndfdown 2 7 8f D. BALDOCK. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. ?170 o 0 Aifhwell, R. Bp. of London 2 4 45 '15 5 2f Afpiden, R. Ph. York '. no 6f 26 n 8 Afton, R. Sir Th. Rumbold 2 13 2 ¦* 19 o o Benington, R. Edw. Page 1 18 o 17 9 7 Bigrave, R. Ld Salifiury _ I 14 xif 16 o 7f Clothall, R. Th. C. Grave 1 12 of 20 8 6f Cothered, R. W. Forrefter ..„,..... 2 O iof 16 o o Hinxworth, R. Ro. Holden 1 12 o 21 o o Kellifhull, R. Bp. of Ely ., 220 *300 o o Monden magna, R. The King 2 2 nf 15 O O Monden parya, R. R. T. Heyflam .... 1 10 o 13 6 8 Radwell, R. W. Pym - I 6 8 90 O Sandon, V. D. and Ch. of St. Paul's 018 O 800 Throcking, R. Cary Elwes 0160 50 O o Therfield, R. D. and Ch. of St. Paul's 500 *350 o o Walkerne, R. King's Coll. Cam 2 o 2f 16 15 2f Wallington, R. Eman. Coll. Cam 1 13 6f 20 o O Weftmill, R. Ra. Freeman 200 10 12 3f Wormley, R. Sir A b. Hume 1 1 2f 500 Willing, V. Mrs. Rooke 010 o Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 70 o o Baldock, R. The King 1 o iof 44 13 o Caldecot, R. P. Hale o 16 o 37 18 4 Rufhden, V. Dean and Chapter o 16 2f 38 b o Wefton, V. Mrs. Morice and Hale .... 1 08 49 19 p Yardley, V. D. and Ch, of St. Paul's j 4 o P. BERK. 2q6 ' Liber Valorum, tie, He-rtf' D, BERKHAMPSTED. Livings remaining in Charge-. K, B. Yearly Tenth, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 20 8 6f Albury, R*. Duke of Bridgwater , 2 0 iof 24 p p Aldenham, Y . Mrs. VandcwM ¦-, 280 *2Do o P Berkhamfted,R.Pr/«^i»//Fi?/«,Z).C. 200 41 6 8 Flamfted, R, Univ. Coll. Oxon 428 ,T ,-„ oijGaddefden parva, R. Duke of Bridg-1 ' 1112 6lX water...) J ' P - 3i l6 1 iof Hemfted,. V. The Biflop ¦ 1 12 2f CKinefworth, V. D. and Ch. of St.} . 9 *3 4 \ Paups ..: : j 0 19 4 800 Langley Regis, Bp. of Ely 0 16 0 «. {North Berkhamfted, R.Pri. of Wales,! , *35o p 0 J D c ; Jm ;j 2 2 if 10 1 of Puttenham, R, The Biflop ... 1 0 if *300 o o Shenley, R. P. Newcome 1 12 n Qf 42 1 iof Wefthamfted, R, The Biflop 4 4 2f LrviNGs Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 42-17 11 Gaddefden magna, V. Th, Halfey .... 1 0 2f 120 O o North Mims, V. Mrs. Blackmore .... 1 p 0 40 o 0 Tring, Don. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon, ...... D. HERTFORD. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *,„ n . jSt. Andrew Hertford, R. Tfe King,? 0, 150 o 0 J D L ' v '* t 4 H 7 8 6f Berkhampfted parva, R. Ld. Salifiury 0 14 iof 14 13 4 Datchworth, R. Clare Hall, Cam 1 94 11 6 8 Bromfield, R. Edw. Bourchier 128 *I40 o O Dixwell, R. Mifs Willis and others .... o 14 5 8 13 4 Eyot, St. Laurence, R. Sir L. Lyde o 17 4 7 8 6f Eyot, St. Peter, R. Dr. Freeman 0 14 iof 1800 Effen-deiij Liber Valorum, tic. tsf H e R T f ' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. 1 8 o o EfTenden, V. Ld. Salifiury i i6 o *8oo o o Hatfield Epifcopi, R. Ld.Salifiury .... 3 12 2f *200 o 0 Hartingfordbury, R. The King D. L. 15 6f (Omn' Sana' HertP V. The King? *I+0 ,0 oj andG,Harrifonalt i ..J1 ° I0* 8 8 6f Stapleforth, R. Ro. Pargeter ... .. o 16 iof ip 3 4 Sa'cave, R. Ti. Cafwell ', T 6 4 24 b o Tewinge, R.Jefus Coll. Cam... 1 8 p *> ig 8 6f Warton, R. Jn. Stockwell ./..'.»! 1 18 'iof *308 0 0 Welwyn, R. All Souls Coll. Oxon 2 2 0 Discharged. Clear yhrlj Value. 4P o 0 Benjoy, V. T. P. Byde o 14 iof D. HITCHEN. T Livings remaining in. Charge'. K, B. -'",: / v" 1% 0 10 Gravely, R. Sir T.' Salifiury 141 800 Ikleford, V. Ch. Peers ....,,.._...„ 016 o 25 6 8 Hitchen, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 2 iq 8 12 o 6 Kimpton, R. Th. Brand .................... 140 13 i iof Knebworth,R. W. R. Lytton 1 6 if 19 8 g. Liley, R. St. John's Coll. Cam 1 18" iof n 1 iof Letchworth, R. J. Ri. Litton 1 2 2f 33 6 8 Stevenage, R. W. Baker ...:.. 368 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value, 43 4 8 St. Ipolit's, V. Trin. Coll. Cam I .. %. Q 43 13 0 Ofley, V. Ld.;. Salifiury o 18 o D. HUNT i 2o# Liber-Valorum, tic. Hunt' D. HUNT. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenth. J. s. d.. Benefices. Patrons. U s, d.. 6414 2 Archidiaconatus Hunt' 695 *30 o o Johan' SancV Hunts, R. The King o 12 9 *i5o o o Omn' SancV R.TheKitic o 13 jf Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 40 o 0 Sti. Ben. & Mar. Hunts, R.The King 1 0 of D. SANCTI I VON IS. ^Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 32 16 of Blontefham, R. Bp. of Ely ; 3 5 7i 21 13 9 Broughton, R. H, P.. Stanley .... .1 2 34! 34 17 8f Houghton, R. Sir R. Bernard 3 9 gf 30 6 3 Holliwell,' R. Duke of Manchefter .... 3 p . 7f 6 15 o Ivonis Sandti, V. Ro. Pigot o 13. 6 *I40 o o Ribton Regis, R. The King ,. 1 3 ttf 21 7 6 Ribton Abbats, R. Ni. Bonfoy 225 40 4 7 Sbmerfham, R. King's Pr.Div. Cam, 4 0 5f 13 13 if Stewkley parva,' R. Sir R. Bernard 1 7 3f 27 10 o Warboys, R. Mrs. Stona 2150 10 17 8f Wiftow, R. Edw. Palmer 1 1 gf Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. *" 8p o 0 Hertford, V. The King 0 8 if 27 14 6 Stewkley magna, R. Trin. Coll. Cam. 013 5 25 o o Berry, Don. Sir Ro. Bernard D. LEIGH- Liber Valorum, '&ck 20$ Hont' D. LEIGHTONSTONE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenth. t. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 21 5 2f BuckwOrth, R. Th. DUncimbe 2 2 6f 34 3 °» Brington, R. Clare Hall. Cam 3 8 4f 10 1 8 Covington, R. Ld. Fitzw'iltiams 102 29 5 o Cevifton, R. Ld. Fitzwilliams . 2186 , .(Catworth magna, R. Bra%nbfe Colli . . 0i *7 ,6 IOn Oxon .....! ; \ l J5 8* 18 13 if Copingford, R, Duke of MoHtague .... i 17 ' 3f 20 P P Ellington, V. Peter Houfe, Cam. 2 0 O 16 14 4f Graffam, R. Sir J. Bernard 113 5f . JHamertoh, R. Ld. Stanley, and J. B.l t fii 3 J 5 } Smith 5 "* 5 p O Kimbolton, V. Duke bf Manchefter ..., o IP O II 10 IO Mellefworth, V. Archbp. of York 1 3 I 12 13 6f Swanfhed, R. Duke of Manchejler .... I 5 4f II 42 Thtirning, R. Em«n. Coll Cam 125 992 Wolley, R. Th. Clark © *8 il Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. tjAlconbury, V. D. and Ch. of Weft-} „ , , 4* ° 9 { minfter.. f I .....] ° l6 ?* 47 3 p Buckden, V. The Bijhop 0 16 O 44 8 o Brampton, V. P. thereof 0 16 if 43 14 2 Gidding magna, V. Ld. Sondes o 16 6f 40 o o Gidding parva, R. The King o 14 7f 40 16 O Leighton Bromefwoulde, V . P. thereof o 14 o 20 7 o Spaldwick, V. P of Lincoln I 4 I 45 10 o Steeple Gidding, R. Jn. Heathcote .... o 17 gf a o tWinwick, V. Duke of Montague and! , OI 3« s 0 \ ethirs :. ,..-: t 5 o 15 8f Dd D. SANCTI 21& Liber Valorum, tic. Hont' D. SANCTI N E O T I. . Livings remaining in Charge. , K. B. Yearly Tenth, -,v /. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. /. d. 6 13 g Everton, V. Clare Hall, Cam 0 13 4f 32 3 9 Eynefbury, R. Ld. Sandwich 3 4 4i SGodmanchefter, V. D. 'and Ch. of} J7 ° 5 { Wejlminfter,. .........J..\ X H °* , f Herriineford Abbotts, R. Sir Ro. Ber-} 26 x3 4 j „aJ, .'. J 2 *3 4 *l30 o o Offord Cluny, R. Bp. of London 1 18 2f 15 2 8f Offord Darcy, R.W. N. Blundell 1 10 3f 16 2 11 Paxton magna, V . Dean and Chapter 1 12 3f CStoughton magna, V. St. John's Coll.} 2 ° -° X Oxon ...!..... .„ } 2 ° ° 14 2 3f Saitho, V. H. Pointer 182! *25b o b Yelling, R. The King 1 9 of Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 33 o o Abbotefley, V. Baliol Coll. Oxon 0 17 8f 41 2 6 Dedington, V. Merton CoU. Oxon 0 14 5f 37 10 o Fenny Staunton, V. Trin. Hall. Cam. 1 3 if 30 o O Grandefdon, V. Clare Hall, Cam 0 10 8f 24 14 o Hemingford Grey,V. Trin. Coll. Cam. 0 19 8f 70 o o Sanifli Neoti, V. Tlie King 100 49 16 o Werefly, V. Pembr. Hall, Cam o 17 "]} D. YAXLEY. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. „. CAlwalton, R. D. and Ch. of Peter-} . ,0 . *100 ° °{ borough .{ }°l8 7 23 g 2 Ayleton, R. W. Fuller 2 6 II ,8 6 iof Bottlebridge, R.Jonath. Cope O 16 8f *8o o 0 Chefterton, R. Ro. Pigot I 14 4 19 6 8 Conington, R. Jn. Heathcote 1 18 8 863 Folkefworthj, Liber Valorum, tic. 211 Hunt' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 863 Folkefworth, R. S. Stevens ,.. o 16 "jk 939 Fletton, R. Ld. Carysfort p 18 4f 21 8 II f Glatton, R. Jn. Hopkinfon 2 2 iof n 5 o Haddon, R. Ro Pigot 126 IO 6 iof Morborne, R. Th. Duncombe 1 o 8f 12 11 ci5Overt0n Water vile, R. Pemb. Halll ' t 12 6 5f Overton Longvile, R. Jon. Cope 1 4 7f 6 6 iof Stanground, V. Eman. Coll. Cam. .... o 12 8f 7 13 6f Stepington, R. Duke of Bedford o 15 4f Ii 5 10 Stilton, R, The Biflop ' 1 2 7 8 15 7f Sawtrey Moigne, R. Duke of Devon. O 17 6f 8 1 of Sawtrey Bunnis, R, A- . Annejley o 16 if 711 3 Woodfton, R. Jn. Bevis o 15 1 \ Wood waiton, R. Mr. Morice and} °l Jackfon alternate '. ...J1 : 1 J Wood waiton, R. Mr. Morice and X Jackfon alternate , 69 2 Water Newton, R.Ro.Auftin ,..' o 12 ii Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 39 10 o Caldecote, R, W- Wilfon ... 0 14 4f 48 n 6 Denton, R. W. Wells on 4f 80 o o Yaxley, V. The Kjng ... 1 2 0 D. ACKLEY. Livings. Remaining in Charge, K, B. 15 2 8f Barrowe, V. St. John's Coll Cam 1 jo 3f ' io 6 of Coleorton, R. SirGy Beaumont i o 7f 12 o o Hatherne, R. Sir W. Gordon -140 2 5 5 7f Keggworth, R. Ch Coll- Cam 2 n 6f 40 16 3 Loughborough, R. Eman, Coll. Cam. 41 7f •300 0 o Lpng Whatson, R. The King 168 14 4 4f Ounlip,R C.G. Hudfon 1 8 5f 700 Ofgathorpe, R. Ld- Huntingdon ....8... o 14 0 5 15 10 Pakington, V. Ld. Huntingdon „... on 7' 11 o 5 Rothley, Y . Th. Babington 1 2 of 21 18 4 Swepfton, R. D. C. Ryder.,., 2 3 10 Ddg 17 8f n Shaile, 2i3}, Liber Valorum, .{$(. Leicester. Yearly Tgitfis. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. 4, 17 8 1 if Shaile, R, Mr. Wilcockfon and Wall 1 14 jof 23 7 8f Thurcaflon, R. Eman. Coll. Cam. .... 2 6 gf Livings Rischahged. , Clear yearly Value. 44 p p Afhby de Ia Zouch, Y.Ld. Huntingdon 1 9 pf 70 o 0 Bredon, Cur. Ld, Stampford 0120 47 15 P Belton, V. Ld. Huntingdon o 17 jo 33 1 o Caftle D.onington, V. L. Fofirooke .... o 16 2f 41 12 8 Defworth, V. Haberdajb. Comp •• 080 40 2 8 Lpkington, V. Mrs . Bainbrigge p 12 8f 30 O p S,hepiffied, V. Sir W. Gordon '. p 17 1 8p p p Swithland, R. The King 105! ' jo o 0 Wttitwick, V. The King, D. L g 19 5f D. CHRISTIANJTy, alias LEICESTER. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 87 19 2 Archidiaconatus Leicefter 8 15 15 25 0 Petri Sandti, V. The King, D. L. ..., 0 4 0 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 45 5 9 Margaretae Sanftae, V. P. of Lincoln 1 14 iof 69 b P Marias Sanc"tas, V. The King p 16 0 j.oo b p Martini Sandti, V. The, King p 13 4 50 0 o Nicolai Sanc"ti, V. The King 0 7 if 60 0 o Omnium Sandorum, V. The King 0 8 of 300 o o Wigftpn Hofp. The King, D,. L. ...... p. f RAM LAN p. LjVINGjjf REMAINING IN Ch,\BPE. K.B. 15 10 5 Abker,tleby, V. Mrs. Gret ortx 1 if of \i o o Burrow, R. Fr. Lane '. 1 4 p' 8 7 3? Buckminfte'r, V. Duke of Devon, 016 8i if i 7l Broughton, R. 14. Feverflam .'.'..'. '. 1 2 W ¦ ••'¦-' ' "" 51 5 p B«tti§ford, ExffgR "Valorum, C&. 213 Hunt' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices,. Patrons, /. s. d. 51 5 p Bottisford, R. Duke of Rutland 526 15 10 5 Braunfton, R. Duke of Rutland 1 11 of *II0 o o Colfton, R. TbeKiw .......,..,„..,. 1 12 7f 19 12 3f Coldoverton, R. E. H. Wigley ,... 1 19 jtf 990 Dalby parva, Y.E.H.Wig ley .,,..,. o 18 O *no p 0 Eftwell, R. The King .,. 0 19 2f *200 o o Edmunthorpe, R. The King ,«•« 193? 16 p o Gawdeby, R, Dr. Law, 1 12 O 20 b o Hzrebvt R. Duke of Rutland 2 0 p 16 3 if Knipton, R, 'Duke of Rutland 1 13 2f 1689 Melton Mowbray, V. Ld, Home , 1 12 ipf *n6 o o Muftori, R. Tbt-Ki#G. 1 n jf 12 92 Redmile, R. Dukeof Rutland........ I 4 n 8 1 rbf Scalfold, V. Duke of Rutland. P lb 2% 1 6 2 3f Statherne, R, Refer jlouft. Coll. Cam. 1 12 3f 6 17 8f Thorpe Arnold, Y . Duh,e of Rutland p 13 gf *i20 o o Wymondham, R. W. Qeulfton 140 ig 50 Waltham, R. Duke of Rutland, 1 18 6, 600 Wifordby, R, Mrs. Pajlme, „ p 12 o Livings Discharqed, Clear yearly Value. 19 0 p Barfton, V. Duke of Rutland O 14 6f 41 7 pf Croxton, V. Duke of Rutland o 15 5=$ .. r, r, fClaxton Lonea, V. W. Halhtd and} „ „„ t +1 ° ° \ Cafwell j, \ ^ *9 Oi 41 P n Garthorpe, V. Ld. F'it%%iilliams P 14 61 ^5 5 o E>ton, V. Ralf. Jackfon 015 i| 24 17 o Hoofe, V , Duke of Rutland ,. p 14 3 80 o 0 Harefton, R. 7VKin-g 016 % 91O Plungar, V. Duke of Rutland poo ,f Saxby, R. Ld. Ro. Manners and Mr,} 43 17 9i\ Nli ..„;.:. ,.:} ° I0 ° 25 o o Sproxton, V. Duke of Rutland ,.... p 14 5f 41 II O Somerby, V. H. Mqnton ana lathers .... p 13 8 13 13 4 Stonifby, V. Duke, of Rutland o 10 of 25 10 b Saltby, V. Duke f Rutland o 14 o 48 10 6 Stapjeford, V. LjL harborough - 16 o 20 q 0 Wjthcockj, R. Edw. Palmer ,. 0 12 nf D. GARTREE. 214 Liber Valorum, ' tie.- Leicester^1 D. G A R T R E E. Livings remaining in Charge, K. B. Yearly Tenth, 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 24 15 7f Bofworth, R. Th. Smith 2 9 6} 18 5 10 Burton Overy, R. Mrs. Lee 1 j6 7 II 15, O Bringherft, V. Ld. Guildford 136 14 O 0 Billefden, V. Jn. Chamberlin 190 16 2 6 Gumiey, Ri pean and Chaptf 1 12 3 48 13 4 Church 1 Langton, R. W. Hanbury .... 4 17 4 .8 16 8 Crane w, R. Duke of Montague o 17 8 18 15 io , Carleton, R. Sirjn. Palmer 1 17 7 12 14 2 Glen magna, V. Sir G. Robinfon 1 5 5 8 P P Gloufton, R. Duke of Montague O 16 p 18 2 6 Galby, R. Luke Hucknall j 16 3 17 6 8 Halloughton, R. Med,},, a . S 1 14 8 18 13 4 m\ou\hton,R.alt.M.\Mrs-Bewtck\ t 17 4 16 1 of Houghton, R. Ri. Coulton 1 12 if 6, n 8 Knoffington, R. Ri Palmer 0 13 2 ^ (Kibworth Becham, R. Merton Coll.} 39 15 0 } Qjem ' * J 3 19 6 850 Lubbenham, V. Mr. Grimes 0 16 6 10 10 5 Laughton, R. Ro. Shuttleworth I I of 35 il of Medbourne, R. St. John's Coll. Cam. 3 11 if j6 p p Pickwell, R. Ld. Gainfiarougb 1 12 0 o ... - JScraptoft, V. Mrs. Wigieyand HarA 8 I0 ° { topp, .« ;.-¦••- J ° I? ° 10 13 4 Shangtqn, R. Sir Juft. Iflam 114 *203 o p Sadington, R. 7%; King 1 |8 3 9 18 uf[Sta^°n Wyve11' R- Duk"f Mon-\ 0 19 ioi 13 0 o . Stokerfton, R. C. S. Duncombe 1 6 0 11 0 o Thumb, , V. A. J. Keck 120 •100 0 0 Welh^rn, V. The King .................... p 12 4 LlVlNQSj PjSCHARqED,. Clear yearly Value. 35 o o Evington, V. The Biflop 0 15 8 50 o 9 Fojapn, V. The King ,.v.„,„ 0 14 4 20 0 0 Horning > Liber Valorum, tic. 215 Leicester, Yearly Tenths. I. s. d, Benefices. Patrons, I, *. d 20 o 0 Horningwould, V, T. Dummer ........ o 13 8 32 7 o Norton juxta Galby, V. B. Whalley 6 14 o 20 o 6 Slauftori V . Duke of Montague p 12 6f 41 o o Thedingworth, V. Sir Th. Cave ~ p 17 6f 20 9 4 Wiftow, V. Ld. Dmbigh..... ,' 0 17 10 44 Q o Fleckney, Cur. Ld. Wentworth 12 12 P Nofely, Cur. Sir A. Hajlerigg 80 o 0 Blaifton, R. The King f Bowden magna, Cur. Ch. Ch. Coll.} +° ° ° } Oxon ...J \ 80 o o Harborough, Don. Ch, Ch. Coll. Oxon. 40 0 o Owfton, Don. Mr. Johnfon D. GOSCOTT. Livings remaining in Charge. Affordby, R. T. B, Burnaby Ill 2 Alaxton, R. J. Knight, andG. Watfon 0 13 IO Brokefby, R. G.Wright 0 11 3 Belgrave, V. Bp. of Lichf. and Cov. 168 Reby, R. Ld- Shaftjbury 1 10 3 Codington, R. Th. Babington 1 14 9 Howbye, R. H. Browne 2 4 iof Ratcliffe, V. The King o 15 8 Rerefby, R. T. Bootbby 1 14 n Rotherby, R. S. S. Perkins o 16 10 S axulby, R, Ld. Aylesford o 18 o Segrave, R. ghteen's Coll. Cam. 1 18 of Skeffington, R. IV. Farrell 1 5 4-f Tilton, V. Th. Noel 1 58 Tugby, Y .The King 1 2 10 Walton, R. J. L. Story 1 10 o K. b. 15 It 8 6 18 4 6 12 6 13 6 8 15 2 6 17 7 6 22 8 9 *8o 0 0 17 9 7 8 8 4 9 0 0 *28o 0 0 12 13 9 *I20 0 0 *I00 0 0 15 0 0 £ 4 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. II 4 of Afliby Folvile, V. Hon. ,Jn. Grey.... 0 18 O 37 15 II Barkby, V. W. Pocbir ,...,; 1,0 o 16 o o Dalby Chacombe, V. Sir Ch. Sedley q 16 5f 80 o ,0 Frifby, 2l6 LtBER Va^ORUM, *6fc. LtttWiW. Yearly tenth, /. 5. 140 b 0 Anna; Liber Valorum; tic. 221 London. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. f. s. d. * CAnnae&AgnetStmTAlderfgate,R. The} , J4-° P °\ Bp. and D. and Chj, of St. Paul's alt.]0 *° _ Auguftini, Sti. R. ! Andreas Sti. Ward Ann Black Friar Pariflioners alt. *i8o o o Auguftini, Sti. R. Dean and Chapter I 19 7f f Andreas Sti. Wardrobe, R. with St.") *200 P 0 \ Ann Black Friars, The King and> 1 15 p 3*120 jp o JAntholini,Sti. R. The King and Dean X .and Chapter alternately \y* O 3f , , fAndreae Sti. Hubbard, R. un, with! 16 ° ° { St. Mar. ad Mont J1'2 ° *ipo 0 o BarthalomeiSti.Excamb'R.iTfoKiHG 1 6, 2 S Benedict' Sti. R. Gracechurch-ftreet,") D. anil Ch. of St. Paul's, and Cant. [116 if alt - J {Buttolphi Sti. R. Bifhopfgate, The} „ „ „ ^300 o 0} B^; ™ ' J2 0 p fBenedia' St. Paul's Wharf, R. Dean} T *'20 ° ° X and Ch, of St. Paul's \ * 7 »* 0 tBenedicti Sti. Sherhogg, R. »». W/7A7 8 *3 4 J St. Steph. Walb J ° I? + ^120 p o Bartholomeimagni,R. Wm.Edwardes o 16 0 *I00 0 O Barthol' parvi, R. Gov. ofBarth. Hojp 168 „. CBottolphi, Sti. R. Billingfgate, King, 7 . *200 ° °} andD.andCk.alt...— \2 7 7* *I20 o o Chriftopheri Sti. R. The Biflop 1 8 p ^ „ CClementis, Sti. R. Eaft-Cheap, 7M ^ 1 180 0 oj Biflop, and Dean and Chapter alt.] l ° 2* ^ CEdmundi, Sti. in Lombard-ftreer, R.l 200 O ° \- Kiug, and Archbp, of Cant, alt J2 3 S *lOO O O Ethelburgas, Stae. R. The Bijhop 13 3 23 17 I Fidei Stag. R. un. with St. Aug 2 7 8f tGabrielis Sti. R. Fenchurch-ftr-eet,7 12 ° ° I un. with St, Marg. Patf }J 4 ° „ tGeorgii, Sti. R.in Eaftcheap, un. with! s ° °- \ st. Bot, Bill ".. 1:...\ ° l0 \ 12 0 •-. «*¦ • -••• » J - , „ {Michaelis Sti. Baflifhaw, R. Dean} *l6° ° °X «nd Chapter of St. Paul's J11* °, "Mildredis Sti. in Breadnftreet, R. Thei *iTSo o O Kinq, and W. Scortreth, alt. withi 1 12 8 i Margarettae Stag. Mofes, R J , ^Martini Sti. R. Ironmonger-lane, un.} 12 7 6} withStm oiav.injud. .,..„,..< X 4 9 ».<:„ ~ ,. J, Michaelis Sti.adBladum, R. un. with} , »t6o 0 oj st. Oiav.injud ! J2 3 °* *.,« ~ „ 5 Mariae Stfe. Magd. R. Veter' Pifcar*7 *120 ° ° { Dean and Chapter } » l6 6 *240 0 o Magni Sti. R. The Biflop 0 18 6f „ CMargarettae Stje. in Nova Pifcar' R.7 31 " 8 X un. witb St. Mag \ 3 3 2 » t Mariae Stae. Ab-cliurch, R. Corp. Chr.} *120 ° °{ Coll. Cam .'. , \20 ° 2 *ipo 0 o }MKgaNoUa? S^' Lothbury« R' The\ 1 6 8 - ( Michaelis Sti. in Cornhill, R. Drap.j *220 ° ° j &*/ ' :.\ 3 ?« 2 {Marias Stae. Wolnpth, R. Tin Kjng? t find J. Thornton, alt. un. wi(h\ 2 Mari*p San&se Wolchurch, R. .... 1 17 4 *20P 0 P Martini. Sti- Ludgate, R, The Bijhop 37 9 {Michaelis Sti, Wood-ftreet, 7#.?King7 % ^ and Pariflioners alt. united with\ ' * Maria? Sapflaj Stay ning, R. o 10 8 *goo 9 0 Mildredis Liber'^Valorum, tic. 223 H E R t f' Yearly Tenths, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s* d. rMildredisStas.inPultria,R. TheKmo} *200 0 o j and Merc^ comp. alt \ X J7 4 ."Mariae Stae. ad Montem, R. Pa- 7 *200 OOJ riflionersandDukeofNorthum.alt.\ 3 *3 4 „ _¦ {Matthei Sti. R.Friday-ftreet,£M.? o/7 0, *i8o O Oj Montague and Bp. of Lond. alt. ...\2 2 8* {Martini Sti. Outwich,R. Merch.Tayl.} A,,s *100 ° °i Comp L.I x 6 ir* f Martini Sti. Vintry, R. Archp. of Cant. } *HO o oj and Bp. of Wore. alt. \ l x? <4 \ Mariae Sandtae Axe, un. with St. An-7 5°5| drew Und \ ° I2 ° tNicolai St. Aconsi, R. un. with St.7 , . x3 ° ° { Edm. Lombard-ftreet \ X 6 ° SNicolai Sti. Cole Abbey, R. The King? andD. and Ch. of St. Paul's alt.\ I With Nicolai St. Oluff's, R o SNicolai Sti. ad Macellas, R. T. Dinely} *25° ° °{ and others .\ 2 270 o o Olavi, Sti. Vet' Judaifmo, The King i ?150 o 0 Omn. Stm. inMuro.R. TAeKiNG .... 0 COlavi Sti. in Hart Street, R. unit.} ' *7 x4 2l with St. Nic. ad Mac. 5 * !Omn. Sancl. Honey-lane, R. ArchbpS of Cant. 2 Turns, and Grocers' I 1 18' 4f Comp. 1 Turn J jOlavi Sti. Silver-ftreet, R. un, St.7 z 7 7 " £ Alban's Wood-ftreet 5 5 *4 9s COmn. Sanftor. R. major, & minor? „ *20P P oj Archbp,0fcant $4 3 9! 942 PetriStLR. Paul's VJi.un.withSt.Ben. o 18 5 26 7 6 PetriSti.inCheap,R.««. withSt. Mat. 2 19 2 *iip o o Petri Sti. in Cornhill, R. Corp. Lond. 3 18 6f ?130 0 o Petri Sti. Pauperis, R. D. and Chap, o 11 8 » CStephaniSti.Walbrook, R.T^King? T *22P o o^ ,ZndGrecer,sCmpaIt ....5115 4f * fSwithini Sti. R. D. and Ch. of Cant.} v *'4° ° °j andMrs.Beachcroftalt.L J1" 9§ , „ JThomae Sti. Apoft. R. Archbp. Cant.} X5° ° 9 { WD. and Ch. of St. Paul's alt\ l 4 ° o , VTrinitatis Stae. parvas, R. un. with} ', 8 7 6{ St. Mich, ad Rip. Reg 1 ° x6 9 ' Note, t7 4 *5 nf 6 9 1 t7 iof 8 i5 5 tz^ LtSia Valorv©**, tie. Notej That thpfe Living* \n London.; Middlefexj and £&*, which are Peculiars of Canterbury, are to be found at the End of Canterbury Diocefe, Page io; LPnd' VldARUfc IN CIVIT' LONDON. LlVINSi? REMAINING IN CftARGE. K, B* Yearly Tenths* L s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /; t. d. m ~ „ (BridgettfeStae.V. Fleet-ftreet,Z).flai? . „ ¦ *200 0 P i />¦? Wr „ ¦ „ i I 12 0 \, Ch. Wefttmnjler ..-5 ' ' c L .jDunftam Sti. m Oecideh' V. Mfsl . T/1 ,, 26 + 9l\ Williamfon ,...,.........$ 2 X2 # *I2P o o Egidii Sti. Cripplegate, V .D. atidCh. 346' , (Omn. Sand; Barking, V. Atchbpl „ T„ J 36 x3 4 { can* ..' L\ 3 x3 4 , „ JSepukhfi- Sti. in V; St. John's Colli „ h *3°° ° ° { &*». i. \ 2 ° • * CSttpfaitf Sti. Coleman^ftreeti V. 7Z*T A ^ *J5° ° °{ Pariflioners * J1 2 * LIVINGS DISCHARGED. Clear yearly Value. „~~ ~ * tOmn. Sandb Staining, R. Grocers'} 200 ° ° } Comp .7. } „ „ CSti. Bened. Fink, Cur. D. and Ch.l ipo p 0 « j-r>/~ j/- s ? f of Windfor .J „.~ ^ „ SSti. Botolphi, Alderfgate, Don. Dl ,2° ° °{ andCh.ofWeftminfter... \ 120 O 0 JSti- Bot. Aldgate, Don. TA. A>«/-7 I ion J 80 O P WX' Gath' Cree» Don" Magd. Colli \ Cam ~ J CStT. Mar. Aldermanbury, Don. The} i ° I Pariflioners 13 RECTORI^ * Liber Valorum, tic. 225 Middle CTORI^E IN COM' MIDD'. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 400 O O Afton, R. The Bijhop I 8 O *ajoo _o o Clementis, Sti. R. Ld. Exeter 5 4 8f *4Q0 o o Chflfithe, R. Ld. Cadogan 168 .,*8o o o Cowley, R. C. Crifpigny 1 2 O *l"50 O o Cranford, R. Ld. Berkeley 1 12 O *2oo o o Finchley, R. The Biflop 200 o, {Greenfcrd mas*na, R. Kinfs Coll.} ^ *35° O P \ Cam „....! t S 2 ° ° ^200 o o Hanwell, R. The Biflop 200 *I20 o o Litlington, R. Th. Wood 1 8 O *ioo o o Hanworth, R. Ld. Vere 1 34 *240 o o Hardington, R. R. B. Gabriel 280 26 o O Hackney, R. F. J. Tyffon 2 12 O *I40 o o Hornfey, R. The Bijhop 2 12 o *200 O o Ickenham, R. Ri. Shoreditch 168 CSt. Mar. Whitechapel, R. Braz. Nofe} „, •400, 0 0 j CoU. Oxon ......] 3 3 8f *ioo o o St. Pet. inf. Turrim, R. The King 1 17 4 *10© O O Stanmer, R. And. Drummond 1 o O1 *230 o o Sheperton, R. H. R. Spiller 2 12 o *220 o O Stepney, R. Braz. Nofe Coll. Oxon. ..400 10 o o Stoke Newington, R. P. thereof 100 *28o © o Stronde, R. The King 1 6 10 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 50 0 o Greenford parva, R. Jn. Schreiher .... ,0 13 4 500 o 0 St. .Ann, Weftminfter, R. The Bifhop 150 o o St. John, Clerkenwell, R. The King 400 o o 5St,K^Ne°rse' Blo°mfbury> *¦ 7hel ^ \Ch. Ch. SpitaVfiei'ds, R.JSraz.' JV"^7 4°° ° ° } Coll. Oxon J..\ CSt. George, Hanover Square, R.7 1200 0 o \ mmj?;p t l.j J F f 2<;o o 0 St. ii6 Lib6r VALoitrM,:^. , Midd' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /, s. d. \St. George, Mart. Queen Square,7 250 o oj R. Duch. of Buccleugh 5 ,™ n ft W' George in {he Eaft, R. Brazl 4OP P ° \~ Nofe Coll. Oxon 5 CSt. Giles's in the Fields, R. The! \ 4°° ° ° X King } 0 ' CSt. James, Weftminfter, R. The} 800 ° °' l Bjhop .: :...: \ v CSt. John the Evangelift, R. D. and} -300 O OJ Ch.of Weftminfter 5 CSt. Margaret, Weftminfter, Pec. D.l °300 ° °j and Ch.of Weftminfter \ 130 o 0 St. Mary Le Savoys Ch. The King CSt. Matt. Bethnal Green, R. Braz.} 200 ° °\ Nofe Coll. Oxon : } C Stratford Le Bow, R. Braz. Nofe} 200 ° ° X Coll. Oxon : ...\ CSt. Paul, Covent Garden, R. Duke} «° ° ° i of Bedford ..„ :... ] V I C A R I'iE IN COM. MIDD'.' Livings remaining in Charge. ,- Ki B» g 18 4 Chefwick, Y.D.andCh. of St. Paul's 0 ig 10 *200 o o Enfield, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 2 12 0 *3S0 o o Edmunton,V. D. andCh, of St. Pauls 1 16 0 *300 o O Fulham, V. The Impropriator 1 o 0 *I20 0 0 Hampton fup. Thames, V. The King 1 0 0 *I50 o o Hendon, V. Car. Garrick 1 10 0 *i8o o o Harmanfworth, V. C, Smith. 140 " *8o O o Hefton, V. The Biflop ..: 1 2 0 *400 o o Hackney, V. W. Cornthvbaite 2 0 ' 0 18 o„ o Iftleworth, V. D. and Gh. of Windfor 1 16 0 *300 O O Iflington, V. Ri. Smith 3 0-0 *500 O o Kenfin^ton, V. The Biflop 1 16 10 CSt. Leonard Shored' Y . Archd. of} 'MOJ -London ...\ x x+ ° *500 o o St. Martin, in the Fields, V. The Bijhop 140 *300 0 o Northall, V.- The Bifipop- 1 10 0 950 St. Liber Valorum, 'Jic. , 227 M I d d' Yearly Tenfks. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. t. d CSt. Pancras, V. D. and Ch. of St.} n » , 9 5 °j Paups ..:. i.....J°l8 6 *ioo 0 o Rifelipp, V . D. and Ch. of Windfor .. 140 *200 o o Stanes, V. The King 144 *ioo o o Sunbury, Y.D. and Ch. of St. Paul' s j 6 8 33 6 8 Stepney, V. Braz. Nofe Coll. Oxon. .. 368 „, C Tottenham, V. D. and Ch, of St.} Q n *joo 0 oj Paul,s ' J J 1 8 p 160 o 0 Twicknam, V. D. andCh. of Windfor 120 * CWillefden, V. D. and Ch. of St.} Q' *X4 ° ° j Paul's f. \ X 8 ° *300 o 0 Yelling alias Eling, V. The Bijhop „ 1 6 8 Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 34 10 o Bedfont, V. The Biflop p 13 4 60 O o Feltham, V. Ld, Vere o 16 0 1O0 O o Hillingdon, V. The Biflop I 12 O 130 o o South Myms, V. W. Parker 144 100 o o Stanwell, V. TheKi^G o 18 o 30 o 0 Weftdrayton, V. C. Smith j 6 8 150 o o Brentford, Ch. RecTor of Hanwell 80 o o Bromley by Bow, Don. Jn. Lloyd 80 O o Edgware, Cur. Ld. Coventry 100 0 O Hadley, Don. Lord of the Manor .... 100 o 0 Hamerfmith Ch. The Bijhop iqo o o Hpwnflow Cur. Ri. Bulftrode , CSt. John Wapping'R, Braz. Nofe} 160 ° °\ 'Coll. Qxon ...1 ...] 700 P o Marybone, Cur. Duke of Portland .... C Poplar, R. Eaft Ind. Comp, and Braz. 120 3 0 j ^ coll. alt ......: 100 o o Paddington, Cur. The Biflop 140 0 o St. Paul Shadwell, Dean of St Paul's 200 p p Teddingtan, Don. Mr Perkins ..,...,, Ffa D..BERKING. 22$ Liber Valorum, tic. , Essex. D. BERKING. Livings remaining in Charge, K. B. Yearly Tenth. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. *300 o o Berking,- V '. All Souls Coll. Oxon ' i 18 iof *370 0 p Chinckford, R. Ra. Freffelicque '. I 8 6f *i20 o o Dagenham, V. W. Blackborne i 19 0 *i20 o 0 Eaftham,V. The Biflop .". i 8 4* *no o o 1 iford, R- H. Wight 1 3 4I *26o o O Loughtorf, R. Mrs Wbitaker > 1 16 4f *350 o 0 Wahfterie, R. Ld. Tilney '.'. o 13 4f *£00 o o Woodford, R. Ld. Tilney 1 3 %\ *i50 o o WalthamftoW, V. Jn. Conyers 168' *3qo 3 0 Weflham, V. The King ...'¦„ 3 iS ip Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 80 o p Nafejng, V. Sam. Jones I 8 6f joo o 0 Leignton, Y.'Genl. Ganfell '.. p 15 2f 3^ O O Havering, Cur. Jn. Heaion CRumford, cum Horn Church, Ch.] 200 * ° i New Coll. Oxon. .' D. BARSTAPLE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. »*8o o o Burfted magna, R. Sam. Ward 1 14 8 •150 p o Burfted parva, R. The Biflop 140 *i20 p P Bowers GifFord, R. W. Honeychyrcb 2 10 & „. CBulfanne, R. Mr. Bury and Kings-} _ , „ tl 20 P P i ¦' ¦% ¦ " t 2 6 0 f I man alt, 3 *ioo o P Corringham, R. Ab. Chambers 2 5 4 ?170 o o Chaldwell, R. Jn. Herringhain 1 15 4 CDoWneham, R, Ofm. Beauvoir and} , „i f 130 0 0 I others .5 X 4 3? *8p 0 0 ' Dohtbn, R. Kings Coll. Cam 19 4 •146 0 o Dudinghurft, R. Mrs. Luther 1 o 4| *75 q o Eaft Homdon, R. Mrs. Grifp ,.. 1 o o f2jo o 0 Fobbing, R. The King 220 : •"" "-' *I40 0 0 HM'tonj Liber Valorum, tie. 229 Essex. Yearly1 Tenths. I. s. d: Benefices. Patrons, /. s. d. *I40 O O Hutton, R. D. and Ch. of St. Paul's o 16 p *i70 O o Ingrave, R. Jn. Fijber 0154 *20o o o Laingdon, R. The Biflop ,„„ 3 10 8 *8o O 0 Mucking, V- D. and Ch.of St. Paul' 5 1 0 O •150 o o North Benfleet, R. W. Crl>pley 1 12 O *4'00 O o Orfett, R. The Bijhop ..,. , 2188 *I00 0 O Pitfey, R. %. Heathcote and others .... 1 13 4 *90 0 o ' Ramfdon Belhoufe, R. Jn. Unwin .... 180 s-o C Ramfdon Craves, R. Jn, Hopkins and} ^° ° °1 others „. J 2 ° ° C Stanford Le Hope, R. Sir H. Fea-1 , , *200 ° ° } therftonhaugh J X X5 »* *220 O O Shenfield, R. Ld. Hardwicke 1 g 10 -*ioo o o Thurrock parva, R. Jn. Unwin 176 14 13 4 Weft Horndon, R. Jn. Fijher ,. 1 94 *90 o o Wykeford, R. C. M. Hall 180 f'260 o o Weft Tilbury, R. The King 200 Livings Discharged. Clear yeqrly Value. 70 o o Eaft Tilbury, V. The King 168 100 o 0 Fange, R. Ch. Smifb ..v 1 8> o CHomedon fup. Mont. D. and Ch. of} „ „. ro° ° ° } Si. Paul's /.J x 8 8^ C Langdon Hills, R. D. and Ch. of St.} . 9° ° 0 j Paul's ? J X ° 4f 50 0 o Newenden, R. P. Galliard 114 C South Benfleet, V. D. and Ch. of} ,. 7° ° ° X Weftminfter ." t\ X 1Z 6* 40 0 o Thurrock Greys, Zach. Button o 10 1 IOO o o Thunderfley, R. G, Montg'omerie .,., 1 94 D. CHAFFQRD. Livinps remaining in Charge. K.B. ?130 0 0 Craneham, R. H. Tryft „ 174 *i6o 0 o North Wokirigdofi, R. Th. Browne ,.* 1 13 4 90 o o Rainham, V. P. D. Croffe 100 *f6o o 0 Stifford, R. Jn. Hogarth, 1 10 o *^oo p 0 Soujh- 22.0^ Liber Valorum, ,tic. Essex. Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patjions. /. s. d. *20P O P South Wokihdon, R. G. Leith 368 *300 o o South Weld, V. The Biflop 2 13 4, *20p o 0 Upmifter, R. W. Holden 2 13 4. *200 o o Warely magna, R.St. Johns Coll. Cam. 1 80 *ioo o o Warely parva, R. Mrs. Tyrell 12 4f *125 o o Wenington, R. The Biflop 0 16 0 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 60 o 0, Alveley, R. The Biflop 1 g of 70 o O Chelderdich, V. Ld. Archer o 16 0 70 0 0 Weft Thorocke, V. A. Duncombe .... in 4 30 0 o Brentwood, Ch. Th. Tower .... D. .CHELMSFORD. Livings remainikg in Charge. K. B. *8o o o Badow parva, R. Jn. Strutt o 15 4 *ioo o o Badow magna, V. Mrs. Dutens 1 16 8 *ioo O O Boreham, V. Bp. of Lincoln I 0 4| *40 O O Blackmore, V. Ch. Alexander , o 13 4 *300 o o Chelmsford, R. Lady Mildmay 323 *no O O Chekinhall, R. Jn. Strutt 1 1 $\ *T50 o o Danbury, R. Sir B. Bridges 2 0 0. *i6o O O Eaft Haningfield, R. Mrs. Bernard ... 176^ *i70 o o Ginge Abbots, R. D. Lloyd 1 13 4 *230 o o Harford Stock, R. Jn. Unwin 100 *250 0 O Leighs magna, R. Line. Coll. Oxon. 2 10 85 *ao 0 0 Leighs parva, V. Capt. Luttrell 0 18 0 *20o o o Ratingdon, R. Bp. of Ely 3 4 7i *I30 o o Runwell, R. Mrs. Dutens 160 *8o O O South Hanfieldj R. Sir Jof. Hankey .. 1 o 0 *I50 0 o Springfield Bofwell, R. Ch. Gretton ..128 *ioo o o Springfield Richards, Sir J. Tyrell .,.. 1 2 si *i8o O O Sandon, R. $hteens Coll. Cam 16 8 *ijo o 0 Weft HaninghVld, -R. Sir Jof. Hanfyy 1 13 t 4. *I50 - o o Waltham parva, R. Airs.' Allen o 1 3 ; 0^ ?150 0 0 Waltham magna, V. Trin. Coil. Oxon. 1 17 4 220 0,0 Woodham Ferrers, R, Sir BA Bridges 2 17 4,. * 60 Badow Ltber Valorum,^. 231 Essex. Living s Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. ,» /. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. bo o ' o Badow parva, V. Ld. Barrington .... o 16 4 70 00 Bromfield, V. The Biflop ,0 15.4 50 O o Ging Mountney, V. Th. Newman .... 120 60 o o Ging Margaret, V. Sir N. Curzon .... o 18 2f 50 o o Chekenhall Smeley, R. Th. Cooke o 10 , 8 70 0 O Widford, R, Fr. AuJlen O 16 Q D. COLCHESTER. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *IOO o o Greenftede, R. The Biflop o 10 O *i6o O o Lexden, R. Mrs. Rawftorn 140 *70 o o Maria; Stae. R. The Bijhop 100 *200 o o Mich. Sti. Myland, R. Ld. Hardwicke o 15 O 11 00 St. Mar. Magd. Hofp. The King .... 120 Living-s Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 50 o o Egidii Sti. R. Jer. Bentham 000 40 o o Jacob! Sti. R. The King 130 16 o o Leonardi Sti. R. Baliol Coll. Oxon —.100 50 o o Martini Sti. R. W. Smithies o 13 4 25 o o Nicolai Sti. R. Baliol Coll. Oxon IOO 4.0 o o Petri Sti. V. Ch. Smith 100 300 Rurnbaldi Sti. R. Ch. Gray 0154 co o o Trinitatae Stae. R. Baliol Coll. Oxon. 013 4 100 o O All Saints, Baliol Coll. Oxon ;,. 30 o 0 Beer Church, Sir Ro. Smyth D. D E N G E Y. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. *700 o o Bradwell, R. H, Bate 4160 *2-30 O o Burnham, V. Sir W. Mildmay 254 *i40 o o Dengey, R. Sim. Fanflaw 160 1«i6o-P 0 Laurentii Sti. Newfand, R. 72* King 1 16 8 «i20 c 0 Munden, 232 , Liber Valorum* fie. Essex. Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. *I20 P o Munden, V. The King, D. L. ........ 160 16 13 4 Norton, R, Gov. of Charter Hpufe .... 1 13 4 ,~ ~ ~ CQain. SancT:. V. a». «//*»> St. Pet. in? 10 ° -°| 'Maiden, Dr. Fortefcue \ * ° ° *6oo O o Rurieigh, R. Oriel Coll. Oxon 2 10 0 400 Portio in Dengey, S. Wegg P 8 6 ?140 O o Stow, R. W. Bragge 1 16 8 *ioo' o o Sudinifter, V. Gov. of Charter Houfe 220 300 Snoteham, R. Jn. Strutt 060 25 3 9 Tillingham, V. D. and Ch, St. Paul's 2 10 4$ *ioo o o Woodham Waters, R. L, D. Fytche 253$ *8o , o o Woodham Mortimer, R. Sir J. Tyrell o 13 4 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 80 o o Afheldham, V. The Biflop 1 1.3 4 35 O o Althorne, V . Jn. Greenhall , I 80 40 o o Crickfey, R. Mrs. Dollifife o 18 iof 30 o o Hafeleigh, R. Sir J. Smith P g 4 50 O P Mayland, V. Gov. of Barth. Hofp, ..168 70 o o North Fambridge, R. The King 1 g 4 23 2 2f Steeple Stangate, V. Edm. Fowler .... in 9 D. D U N M O W. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *6o o P Alta Efter,V.£>. and Ch. of St. Paul's 1 9 5* *i20 o o Bemfton, R. Jn. Tooke 1 6 0 *i6o o o Canfield parva, R. Ch. Coll. Cam 1 4 o| *70 o o Chickney, R. Jof. Cranmer 100 *I50 o o Dunmow mag' V. The Biflop :.... 1 17 4 *i8o o o Eyfton ad montem, R. Ld. Maynard 1 17 4 *I30 o o Evfton parva, R. Ld. Maynard 100 *50 o o Mafhbury, R. Jn. Strutt 0 19 si *26o 0 o Roding parva Alba, R. Jn. Jones .... 2 12 0 *no o o Rodirig Mar. Aythorpe, R, Jn. How 1 4 ° *2©o © o iRoding Alta, R. Sir C. Jocelyn 200 *i20 o o Roding Plumba,' R. The King 1 5 4 *ioo 0 o Roding Margarett, R. Jn. Godbold .... 113 *200 o o .Thackfted, V. .Ld. Maynard „ 2 8 0. 12 0 0 Wym- Liber Valorum, tic. 233 Essex. Yearly Tenths. L s. d. Benefices-; Patrons. /. s. d. 12 o O Wymbifh, R.Mrs, Barnard and others 1 4 O *8o o o Wymbifh, Y. The Reclor thereof..., o 16 0 ?130 0 0 Willinghall Doo, R. W. Mills 1 12 O *i'40 0 0 Willinghall Spaine, R. The Bifhop .... 0 15 4 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 28 .0.0 Broxted, Y . Ri. Beauvoif , O 14 P 50 '0 o Canfield Mag' V .jn. Wyett 1 6 o 40 00 Good Efter, V. Ang. SUke 0160 28 18 0 Lindfel], V. Ld. Guildford. 0 16 O 36 10 2 Shellow Bowelis, R. T. B.:Bramfton o 15 4 CBerners Rothins, Don. T. B. Bram-} 12 o 0 \ n : ' s' \ I fton ,.....„ i 20 o o Dunmow parv. Don. Ja, Hallet .... 10 o, o P'lefhy, Don. J. J. Tuffnell r 10 o o Saling parva, Don. J. Raymond •30 o 0 Tilty, Don. Ld.' Maynard D. HARLOW. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. *i8o o 0 Harlow, V. Ld. Guildford ..'...... 1 10 g,f *250 0 0 Hallingbury magna, R. Jac Houblon 240 •160.O o SHalli"gburyParva,R. G^.a/LT^r^rj o \ Houfe $ *I30 o o Lacton, V. W. Lujhington o 14 o *8oo o Maching, V. The Bifhop 1 5 of *ioo o o Nertifwell, R. Mat. Martin 168 *i40 o o Pervington, R. P. T. Adams 1 13 o| *i8o 0 o Shering, R. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon 174 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 47 O 8 Hatfield, R. Trin. Coll. Cambridge.... o 15 2f 70 o o Pervington parva, R. Edw. Par Jons o 12 o J»U o Roidon, V. Ld. Tilney 140 Gg D. HE'D- 234 Liber Valorum, tic. i)3SEx: D. HEDNINGH AM. > Livings regaining in Charge. K. L . ,' ;', : ... rt«rgJ7f»/Jj> /. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d, *no o o Alrifiamftori, R. ^i? King .....i.:.' - 120, *ioo o O ' Borely,.R, Ld, Walgrave 6 18 o *i"70 * o o BW4broke\ R: Sam.Rufl.J. .".: 1 18' 0 *i2o 0 0 Bumpfttetf. ad Turrim, V. The King 1 io il- CBelehame Sti. Pauli, V. D. and Ch.T 0 . " '^"j ofsJpaui's ' j X 8 ° - 6i*3 4 Brondon, R* Lady Wyndham ti..... Ofj'1/} *i6o 0 o Effe, R.The King D. L. ..:....:#:.... p,i6 ,0 *I50 o o Eldham magn*j R. Sam: Rttfl 200 *ico o o Eldham parva^ R. The King o 16 b *I20 P d •¦ Foxherde, R. Edw. Pemberton 1 0 "s\ *20o o o Finchingfield, V. Mrs. Hodgfon 1 16 0 *i20 0 o FeIfted,V. Ld. Tilney ...'..........: 1 6 8 13 6 8 Geftingthorp, R. Jn. Elwes 168 22 o o Hedn'ingh^ai Sibil, R. Mrs. Sneyd .... 240 ^ CHenriy magn. and parv. R. Mrs! , « X Clarke and others 5 *230 0 o Halfted, V. The Biflop ¦— '. 1 14; 3 *i50 o o Lammarfh, R. Ja. Hurlock 1 40? *IOO o o Lifton, R. W. Campbell 1 4 , Q s: *8o ' o o Middleton, R. 5. Raymond 6 16 0 *go o o Maplefted magna, V. Jn. Judd o 16 4 *I20 o o Oton Bechampe, R. JV. Pointz ..' 140 *iio o o Ovington,R.c7. H- Talbot . 0 14,0 220 ,0 o Pentlow, R. Mrs. Garwood I 4 Q, *-ibo o o Pedmerfh, R. Jn. Ekins ... 1 0 a *I20 o O P'ayhefield, R, Th. Kynd]kn~ I I 0 *I'40 o 0 Rayhe parva, R. Lcl. Ejfex ........ 194 *200 o o Stamborn, R. The King, D. L. 1 10 0 *ioo o 0 Stunner, R. Duke of Portland o 17 0 *70 0 o Stebbiog, V.. W. Ban 1 '4 d *30o o o Toppesfleld, R. The King 2 12 o *8o- "0 o Tilbury jux. Clare, R. C. H. Talbot o 16 0 C Wickham Pauli, R. D. andCh.ofSt. 1' Q '- % °9 ° ° j Paul's J ° l8 ° *8o o o vVethersfield, V. Trin, Coll. Cam 140 50 0 o Bel- Liber Valorum, tic. f 235 Essex. Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. 5° 70 100 60 70 40 26 o o o o0 0 o /. x. d. o Belchampe Walters, V. S. Raymond o 12 o 0 Bulmer, V,. Sam. Raymond o 16 O o Braintree, V. Ld. Waltham 144 o Geftingthprp, V. Jn. Eiwes o 14 o o Gosfield, V. Ld. Nugent o r6 o o Redefwel), V. Cath. Hall Cam 1 o o Saling magna, V. J. Raymond o 14 o o 60 o o Shalford, V. P. of Wells o 14 o joo 0 0 Twinfted, R. The King o 12 o D. LEXDEN, K.B. Livings remaining in Charge. *120 *i3o *IOO *100 *i50*I20 *J4°*20Q *i3a *I00 *i70 *20O *IOO *8o *I40*2£0 *120*200 *I00*i8o*220 *IO0*I00 *If0 *2«|0 o o o o o 0o0 o 00 o o o 0o oo ooo 0 o o 9 Aburton, R. The King ...„.,... j.... Aldham, R. The Biflop ....'. Bures ad Montem, R.J. Woodroffe Bergholt Sackville, R. T.Fifler Birch magna, R. The Biflop : Colnwakes, R. Ri. Gofting Coin Engayne, R. Gov. of Chr. Hofp. Copford, R. The King Coggfhall, V. P.DuCane „ Colne Comitis, V. J. Wale Dedham, V. The King D.-L Eaftrnerfey, R. The King Eafthorpe, R. Mr. Baker and Eaton Eaftdonyland, R. Mrs. Salter Fordham, R. Sam. Savil Horkefley magna, R. Ld. Hardwicke Inworth, R. Mrs. Angier „ Layerbretpn, R. Th. Adams Lagenhoo, R. Ld. Walgrave Layer Merney, R. N, C. Corcellis .... Langham, R. The King D. L Markfhall, R. -Ph, Honeytoood Mefling, V. Ld. Grimftone Peldon,.R. Mrs. Day .„.L.......... Stariewiy, R. Magd. Coll. Oxon'. ' 8 9l „ 4 o 6 8 °o 2 4 7 10 2 17 o2 4 o 8 16 ]3 10 o. 0 oo4 Gg 3 *30o H 9 10 4 15 if 8 oo 7 1 9 0 o>Tey 236 Liber Valo Rum, tic. E s' s E x . Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons, /. s. d,y ?300 0 o Tey magna, R. Mrs. Clarke t 16 0 *i50 O o Wigbarrow magna, R. Jn.. Bennet .... 1 17 9 *75 o o Wormingfprd, V- J. j- Tujfnell .... 0 15 4 * Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 21 10 o Birch parva, R. TV.. Round 0 10,8 70 o o Boxted, Y . The Bijhop , o 15 .41 70 00 Fingringhp, V. Mrs- Hickeringill .... 1 6 Uf ijoo 0 o Fering, V. The Biflop , 120 50 o o Saitcote Virley, V. Ro, Glover .., q 15 4 50 o 0 Tey parva, R. The Bijhop 080 40 o 0 Tey magna, V. Th. Afile-., 0 14 0 CWigbarrow parva, R.Gov. of Charter-} 9° Q ° j Houje .1 .,.....„..,., \ X ° ° 130 o o Wivenhoo, R. Ni. Corcellis 100 27 o o Weumerfey, V. Jn. Ktdby 240 30 Q p Coin Alba Don, Mrs. Knapp 12 o 0 Laypr de la Hay, Dqn.-Sf r R. Smith jpo p o Marks Tey, V. Baliol Coll. Oxon. 90 0 o Parfwick? Don. The Biflop ................ - , D, NEWPORT. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *I20 o* o Birchanger, R, New Co.ll. Oxon 0 19 4 $120 0 p Chifhall- parva^ R. Sir P. Soame 1 g 0 ^130 o O Clavering, V. Gov. of Chrift's Hofp, 25 4! *6o o O Elmedowne, V. Jn. Wilkes 1 18 0 *i8o O 0 Fjrnham, R. Trin. Coll. Oxon .„ 2 6 iof i*lOO 0 P He , don, R . 'Sir P. Soame 1 16 0 26 13 4 Littlebury, R. Bp. of Ely 2 13 4 *6p o 0 Wicken Bonant, R. Mrs. Tutty 1 20 #50 0 o Wendon magna, V, Ld- Briftol ; 0 Q LiviNps Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 43 8 9 Arkefden, V. Mrs. Cbeeke 168 50 p p Bearden, Cur. Chrift's Hofpital* -•• 0 00 ^OQ Chifhall Essex. 1. s. d. 45 o o 45 0 o 47 0 0 40 0 0 40 o o 7° 0 0 6o 0 0 6o o 0 44 *7 6 00 P 0 Liber Valorum, SsV. 237 Yearly Tenths. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. Chifhall magna, V. J. Wilkes „ IOO Crefhall, V. The Biflop i 6 o Littlebury, V, The Reclor thereof I O 2§ Manuden, V. J. Southoufe , i 8 o Newport, V. The King 019 o Quendon, R. H. Cranmer o j8 o Rickling, V. The Biflop — i o o Strethall, R. F. A. Hindley 1 6 o Wendon parva, R. un. to Wend. mag. p 14 o Wendon Lowth, R. Jn. Wilkes ,. 919 1 D. ONGAR. K. B. *20O 0 0 ?150 0 0 *I40 0 0 18 0 0 •250 0 0 *90 0 0 *i30 0 0 *300 0 0 *20O 0 0 *120 0 0 t3 3 9 *t5o 0 0 *i4P 0 0 *I00 0 0 *I0O 0 0 *20O 0 0 *I00 P 0 *i6o 0 0 *Iop 0 0 ?350 0 0 ?250 0 0 **po 9 0 Livings remaining in Charg-e, Alta Ongar, R. Duke of Manchefter Alta Laver, R. Th. Velley Bobinger, R. Jac. Houblon Chigwell, R. P. of St. Paul's .- Fifield, R. Richard Lockwood Greenfted, R, Mrs. Lucy Kelveden, R. Jn, Wright Lamborne, R. Benn. CoU, Cam Moreron, R. St. John's Coll. Cam Mawdlin Lavar, R. Th. Burford Naveftocke, V. Trin. Coll. Oxon CNo.rthweld, V. The Biflop and Im-1 X propriator alternately , 3 Parva Lavar, R. Rob. Palmer ,. Roding Beachamp, R. Ni. Take Roding Abbats, Jn. Maryon Stapleford Abbats, R. The King Shellev, R. Ja, Trebeck Stapleford Tawney, R. Sir W. Smyth Standon parva, R. Jn. Howe Stanford Rivers, R. The King, D. L. Theydon Gamon, R. Th. Abdy Thevdon Mount, R..Sir W. Smyth .... 3 -19 °i 8 2 6 8 16 o 10 9 13 4 4 o 8 o o o 13 2f 6 4i 6 8 11 J3 9 1319 of 4 o66 10 iof 6 8 13 4 14 b 6 8 95 0 0 Chipping 238 Libee Valo/Rum»: tie. Essex. Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenth, Clear yearly Value. j. s. d. Benefices. Patron,s. /. s. d. 95 o P Chipping Ohgar, R, H. A. Bennet •— 0 12 Q 30 00 Theydon Boys, Cur. B. Bond 20 a g Nortpn MandeviHe, Don. J. Seitrle .. D, ROCH FORD. Livings remaining in Charge, K. B, 18 o o pa£s ™fna' v- D; and CL 'f St\ 1 16 » *300 o o Canwydon, V. The Biflop 382 *ioo o o Eaftwoodi, V, The King , 140 *8o o o Bawkfwell, Ro. Briftow , 168 *i50 0 o Leigh, R. The Biflop ¦¦ I 10 0 *200 o o Paglefham, R, The Biflop 2 12 a 18 13 4 Prlttlewell, V. Tbe Biflop 1 17 4 *I20 o O Ro'chford, R. Ld, Tilney , 200 *i?o 0 o Rayleigh, R. Ro, Briftow •• , 1 15 9 *iio 00 Rawreth, R. Pembr. Hall, Cam 214 *ioo o o Sutton' magna, R. Mrs. Hall 120 *go O o South Fambridge, R. J. Stephenfon .. 1 14 p '*0O o 0 South Shobury, R. Rob. Briftow 194 » d~ \ Stanbridge magna, R. Governors of} #280 O 0} the charter Houfe 1.\ 2 ° ° „, CWakerine parva, V. Governors of} *9° ° ° j Bartholomew's Hofpital ...\ l ? ° *8o 0 0 Wakering magna, V, The Biflop ...... 2 % 4 Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 80 o o Afhingdon, R. W. Wright 0 17 4 no o o Foulnefs, R. Ld. Winchelfea 1 io 0 \\0 0 o Hadleigh, R. Ro, Polhill 1 3 5§ '60 P o Hockley,- V. Wadh, Coll. Oxon 112 4I 50 0 0 North Shobury, Y . The King 018 o 80 o o Stanbridge parva, R. The King ........ 140 37 13 6 ' Shapland, -V. Edm, Tyrrell ..* S„, 0 r8 o D. SAMP^ Lirer Valorum, tie. %-xft Essex*" D, SAMPFORD. ,1 Livings remaining in Charge. K. B\ Yearly Tenths. I., s, , di... Benefices. Patrons. - I. - s. d. *30P o o Afhdon, R. Caius Coll. Cam 2 16 4 *go P o Bredfield parva, R. Jn. Harrifon .... t 2 o *ioP o o Bredfield magna* V. Mrs. Burrell .... 11 20^ *no o 0 Bunfted HeKdhj Vj Trin. Cdll. Cam. i>b 0 * CChefterford, R.Ldi PoMfmouth and} " „ *12° ° °\ othert.1 J1 2 ° *300 ; o o Depden, R. Dr. Cock 3" 8 d *6o 6» O Elfenham^ V. Th. Canning 1 ' 3 b *ioo - 0 o Hadftocke, R. Biflop of Ely 1 18 0 *loo[;oOo Henham, V. Mrs. Feake , t 14 '' o *2O0"O' 0 Radwinter,.R. Mrs. Bullock ............ 2-3 2f *230 o 0 Sampfosdipatva, R. New Coll. Oxon. 1 2 d *MO 'o o Sampford magna, V. Wt Harvey .... 1 16 O *>75 •-' oT o Takefey,.V. The Biflop- :. 1 , 2'. O 180 o o ¦ Widington, R~Jn. Unwin 2 ia. o LiviNps Discharged*. Clear yearly Value., ,, 40 00 Chefterford rnagria, V. Ld. Briftol .... 1 0 ' Q IOO a o ..Stanfted.Mountfitchett, V. W. Heath 168 60 o o Ukeley, V.- Gov. of Chrift's Hofp. ...... .1.9 4 70 0 0 Walden Saffron, V. Sir J. Griffin .. 5 7 of D. TENDERING. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. ,-8 O o Beaumont, R. Mrs. Hoare and others o 16 o *200 o O Bentley parva, R. H. tlarrington .... j 6 o: *i50 0 O Bromley magna, R. N G. Lynne .... 113 7.? *^o o o Bromley parva, R. Th. Newman o 16 o *200 ' 0 O Holland magna, R. J, Blackburn 1 15 4f "'300 o -0 ¦ Lalford, R. St: John's Coll. Cc.mb. .... 1 10 0 10 ¦ o o Moofe,'R. unit, to Beaumont ....... .--... 100 *40j 0 0 Oakley * 24Q Liber Valorum, (&? Essex. Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. PaTrons. /; u d. *4oo o o paSSm.a8°a' R' St' 7°hn'S qa"'\ 2 6 ° *IP0 P o Oakley parva, R. Jn. Leathes I 7 ij *25P 0 p Tendring,' R. Baliol Coll. Oxon. ........ 1 12 0 *ipp'o' o Thorinton, R. St. John's Coll. Cam. 1 12 -0 Livings Discharged. CUar yearly Value* ,x< IPP . o p Alresford, R. Mrs. Rebow 0 i6\ 0 100 o o Ardjeigh, V. The King 1.. 1 2 1 80 P O Bentley .magna, V. The Biflop ., 014,6 100 o o Britchelfea, V. The Biflop 1 14 cf 60 o o Bradfield* V. Ri. .Rigby 154 75 o o Clapton magna, V. S. Ennew 1 00 80 O O Claxton parvy, V. Th. Inman P 13 4 100 o Q Dover Court, The King .» , o to, 1 too O O Elmefted, V. Jefus Coll. Cam. •• P 16 0 60 '1.0 O Frinton, R. Mr. TekeU and Slater .... o 14 8 -37 5 4 Frating, R. St. John's Coll. Cam 100 45 * 3 Mi&ky, R. Ri. Rigby 113 4 100 o o Ramfey, V. The King 1 10 0 120 o o Wrabneys, R. The King -. o 16 p 47 o d Willeigh, R. The Biflop .'. 1 4 d. „ ^ C Walton and Thorpe le Soken, V. Ri. } „ V° »° ° X ^gby. L,:.....::..l \ ° l8 ° 6 13 4 Weeks, Th. Hickeringill 0 0 0 130 o o Kirby in Soken, un. f&Walton 200 D. WITHAM. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. *270 o o Braxted magna, R. Btnn„ Coll. Cam. 1 18 0 *70 o o Bradwell, R. M. Carter I 4 0 *ioo p o Fairftede, R, The Bijhop , 013,4 *ioo o o Falkborne, R. Jof Bullock. o 13 4 *30o o o Gojdhanger, R. Ch. Cowley - 211 5I 10 o o Heybridge, V. D. and Ch.of St. Paul's 1 o o * 100 0 o Keldon, V. The B iflop 018 5 *8o o o Langford, R. A7, Wefcombe . 1 0 5f *220 o o Notley Nigra, R. Mrs. Aftley I 10 o #70 o 0 Notley hi ser Valorum, &r. ,241 Essex, Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /, J. d. , *70 0 o NotJey Alba, V. S.. Ridges .; I o o *300 o o Ravenhall, R.. T, W. Weftern 2 2 6f *i8o b o Tollefhunt Milit. R. The King i 13 4 *ioo o o Tollefbury, V. Jn. Rufl 1 12 ji *i6o o o Wykham, R. The Biflop 144 #300 o © Witham, V. The Bijhop -* .». 2 4 of; Livings Pi« o oj cam {..... i0x6 °- C Pelham Arfa, V. Treafurer of St } 0 4+ ° °| -Paul's ! i \ ° x+ 8 i Pelham Furneaux, V. Treafurer of} 0 St.Paul's „ L ...}° l8 ° 60 O o Stanfted Abbats, Mrs. Feilde ....a. 100 120 0 o Stondon, V. W. Plummer ,., 194 Jft h a Korsvicen! ^44 Liber Valorum, Norwicen5 Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL. The Chapter Confifis ofa Dean and fix Prebendaries ; five of the \t Prebends are in the Gift of the King : the fix-th is annexed to 'the Headfhip 6f Catherine Hall, Cambridge. The Deanry is 6,ool. per Annum, the Prebends 250L Norf' Yearly Tenths. Benefice's remaining in Charge. /. s. d. /.. s. d. EPISCOPATUS Norwlcen'l exoneratur de Deci' &oneraturi834 n 7! pro Primhiis ad ftimmam J 71 1 3 Archidiaconatus Norwic' ,.. 7 2 if I43 8 4 Archidiaconatus Norfokias .„ 14 6 10 89 2 1 Archidiaconatus Suffblciae 8 18 i\ 76 9 4f Archidiacohatus Sudbury .... 7 12 n| - -^ ,- ' CIVlfAS NORWICL 'Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 1 27 8f Sti. Botolphi, R. . ....... ,.„..7 _, - C o 4 9! 355 Stas. Mar. in Combu-ft. R.J l0,aV' \ 0 $ 6f- Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 4.0 00 Auguftini Sti. R. D. and Chap 0 13 g| . CClementi Sti. ad Pont. R. Caius Colli „ T ± „ 40 0 ° \ Cam ...„..„, j ° I4 " 5P o o St. Edward, Jul, and Clem, C. Buckle 0 6 7f 40 0 O Edmundi, Liber Valorum, tic. 24 j Norf' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons* /. s. d. 40 ¦! 0 0 Edmundi Sti. R. Th. Beckvpiib P 8 7f 40 o o St. Johan. Mathermar. New Coll.- Ox, o 15 of 30 ' o 0 Lawrentii Sti. R. The King ., o 9 4f 00 O St. Mar. Marifeo, R; D. and Chap. ..' o 10 1 ¦ ' ' _ CMiehaelis Coflanie, R. Gonv. and} , „ r '..J Caius Coll. Cam, } CMichaelis Sti. ad placita, R. Sir L.} ^ ^ool -jb^w/ : ~A ° x3 ° go- o 0 Margar, Stae. de Weflwick, TheBijhop 0 10 ¦ ' si ,000 Omn. Sand. Beereftreet, Ch. Buckle o 7 5 J 20 o o Stj Pet. Hungate, J. Crop o 6' if 16 00 St. Pet. Southgate, R. The Biflop .... o j 8| 30 o o St^ Sim. and Jud. R. The Bifhop 070 20 o o St. Swithin, R. The Bijhop , o 12 4 55 o o St, Steph. V. D. and Chap , o 18 o D. BLOFIELD. LlVl&GS REMAINING IN CHARGE, K.B, *l6o o O Acle, R. , R. Calthorpe. 2 0 O *220 o o Blofield, R. Caius Coll. Cam. 268 *iiio o o Cahtley, R. Ja. Coyte, 180 *i20 0 o Poftwike, R. Th. Ward I.o o *200 o 6 Redeham, R. C. Lethes 1 16 O *rf.n „ r, S South Walfham, R. Queen's Coll.} 0 160 ° ° \ Cam .._..: \ x 6 8 *55 o 0 South Walfham, V. Corp. of Norwich o 110 o *ioo p o Thorpe, R. Th. Vefe 0 16 p Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. »r, r. o J Birlingham, Sti. Pet. Mr. Taylor and} 4 it Loggin :. J O 10 0 40 o p Birlingham, Sti. Edmun'R.C.Z^r^x t 4 o 40 0 o Birlingham, Sti. And' R, C. Leathes 1 4 o 70 o o Beighton, R. Th. Anfon 160 70,0 o Bradfton, R. C. Leathes , o 10 o 50 0 0 Brundall, R. Mrs. Hewer and others 090 100 0 ,0 Buckenham, R. Sir T. B. Procler .... o 12 o 30 0 0 Fifhley, 246 Liber Valorum, tic. Norf' Yearly Tetttbt, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s, d. 30 o 0 Fifhley, R. Sir Ch. Saunders i 0 10 0 20 o 0 Freethorpe, V. C. Leathes ...... P 0 0 100 o b Halvergate, V. Bp. of Ely o id 0 14 .0. o .Haflingham, R: Sir T. B. Proclor .... 080 60 o 0 Lipenham, V. C- Leathes o 13 4 4, Don. City of Norwich o ' Langley, Cur. Sir T. B- Proclor .... o Maridharn, Cut. City of Norwich .... $. BRISLEY, S43 Liber Valorum, tic. Norf' D. B R I S L E Y> « , Livings remaining in Charge, , K. B. Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. $enefices, Patrons, /. s, d, ^150 o o Framefham magna, R. Jn. Buck .... o 15 7 *i30 o o Greffenhall, R. Sir T. V Ejlrange .... 1 n 4 *I20 o o Mildham, R, Ch. Barnwell 1 2 j{ 8 18 9 Pafley, R, Gonv. and Caius Coll. Cam. o 17 iof *!50 o o Swantqn Morley, R. Jn. Pattefon .... in of 9 o 2f Skarnjng, R. £;. Warner p 18 of Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 50 o o Beteley, R. Chr. Mannings o 18 af 120 o o Beefton, R. Ch. Barnwell , 160 60 o o Briftey, R. Sir Th- L' Ejlrange o 16 g| 1000 Betring parva, R. Dr Crowne o ,5 {{ 46 o 0 Cqlkirk, R, Ld. Townflend 0,0 0 130 o o' Dunham magna, R. Th. Hoogan 1 4 %\ go o o Dunham parva, R. Edw. Parry 0 19 7I 60 o o Eaft Lexham, R. Sir J. Wondhoufe .. o |6 7? 40 o o Weft Lexham, R. Sir J. Woodhoufe .. 6 n 2 40 O o Eaftbilney, R, Chr. Minings o 11 5 90 o o pramfham parva, R. G. Barnwell .... 0 f? to 30 o 0 Gately, V. Chr. Coll. Cam P 6 3-J- 18 o o Goodwick, R. T, W. Coke , 0 3 1 60 o o Horningtoft, R. Sir H. Berney 013 9§ 20 o o Kempfton, V. T, W. Coke o 910 200 o 0 Lycham, R. Sir J. Woodhoufe 0 18 3 65 o o Northelmham, V. Ri. Mills ............ 17 6 65 o o Oxwick, R. Ch. Barnwell o 12 11 30 o o Rougham, V. The King -. ....... 0 2 iof 30 o o Skarning, V. Ri. Warner 0 tg it 50 o o Stanfield, R. SirT. V Ejlrange 013 5 120 op Tillefhall, R. T, W, Coke 019 3I '50 o 0 Willingham, R. T. W. Coke .- o 16 iof 40 o o Weafenham,' V. The King in 0 40 o o Weafenham, Sti. Pet. V. The King 000 100 0 0 Wyfingfet, R. Lady L' Ejlrange 104 p. BRECKLES, Liber Valorum, tic. 249 Norf' D. BRECKLES. Livings-remaining in Charge. K. B, Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. *I30 0 0 Afhill, R. Th. Watts i 19 4f *go o O Cafton, R. Ja. Tyllyard I 3 11 *I30 p P Sayham Tonye, R. Winchejler Coll. 2 3 5f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 13 g 8 Breckles, V. Sir Ro. Gardiner O 15 9! 10 n 11 Carbrooke,V.L^. Howar d de Walden o 15 3 140 o o Elingham parva, R. T. Bond o 14 2% 50 o Q Grifton, V . Bp. of Ely , o 14 iof 60 o O Merton, R. Ld. Walfingham o 12 of 60 01 o Ovington, R. Th. Wright o 14 4! 70 o o Stow Bedon, V. Ja. Smith o 9 nj 8 P P Scoulton, R, Jn. Weyland , 105 70 o o Threxton, R. Bp. of Norwich o 14 si CTottington, V. Gov. of Chigwell} ^ .„ - ^°°j School..! • i0I3 5* 60 o o Watton, V. Fr Hicks O, 14 pf 20 0 p Thompfon, Cur. Mr, Coleman ..,..,„ p.BURNHAM, Livings remaining in Charge, K, B. •170 o 0 Burnham Sti. Alberti, R, Jn. Soame 1 15 0 *ioo o o Burnham Marias, R. Jn. Soame 218 *8o o o Burnham Overy, V. The King 0 16 o •no o 0 Burnham Thorpe, R. Hor. Walpole 1 ig o *300 0 o Fakenham, R. Trin. Coll. Cam 3 tp 9- *i20 o p Fulmonftqn, R. Corp. Chr, Coll. Cam. i 0 p ?85 P O Naring, R. W- Heme 140 * CNorthcreeke, R, Ld. Marchmont and} , 0 *3°° ° ° I others J 3 6 8 ip P 0 Penfthorpe, R. Ant. Hammond 100 *IOO 0 0 Skulthorpe, R. D. Jones 1 12 O *(jo 0 9 Siderfterne, R. Ld. Oxford 174 Ii 26 0 0 Burnham s 250 Liber Valorum, tie. Norf' Livings Discharged. YearlyTenth. Clear yearly Value. I. s. 4. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 26 P o Burnham Sti. Andr. R. The King .... 000 30 6 O Bagthorpe, R. Ro. Barber 0 n p 3g o o" Burnham Depdale, R. Mrs. Henley 120 30 o o Dunham cvfm Dudton, V. T. W. Coke 0 10" 8 80 o 0 Eaft Barfham, V. Lady L' Eftrange 0 13 4 90 o o Eaft Rudham, V. Ld. Townflend .... 0 12 8 , C Houghton jux. Harpley, V. Ld.} 60 ° ° \ Orfrd.1 ..J0*00 joo o o Kettlefton, R. The King 100 60 o o North Barfham, R. Ld. Walpole 0 12 0 800 Ryburgh parva, V. Mrs. Bacon ,. o 15 4 170 o 0 Stibert, R. Ld. Townflend 134 50 0 o Southcreeke, V. Ld. Townflend 240 30 O p Tatterford; R. Th. Wright 'o 12 8 100 o o Tatterfet, R. Th. Wright 122 50 0 o Waterden, R. T. W, Coke 0 10 8 23 O O Weft Rudham, V. Ld. Townflend .... 0 14 8 *20 o 0 Weft Barfham, V. Jn. Balders ........ 0 n 2§ D. C R A N W I S E. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *250 0 o Creflingham magna, R. Tbe King .... 1 15 9! *ioo O o Eaft Bradenham, R. B. Crofts 143? *i70 o o Feltwell St. Mar. R. The King 1 9 8f *i20 o o Feltwell St. Nic. R. Bp of Ely 1 18 0 *I50 o o Hockwolde, R. Caius Coll. Cam o 19 4! *20O 0 o Northwolde, R. Bp. of Ely 2 19 5! *i30 o o Neaon, R. T. P Young ... 0168 *I30 0 O Narborough, V. Jn.. Spelman 0 19 0 a-o^ CSouthacre, R. Mr. Townfhend and} 80 ° ° I Spelman \ l X 9 *I40 o p Swaffham, V. The Biflop 187 *85 P O Spurley, V. Eton Coll. .: I 0 4f io 8 if Weeting, R. Caius Coll. Cam I 0 9! go 0 P Bodney, 120 0 , Liber Valorum, tic. 251 Norf' Livings Discharged^ Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 80 o 0 Bodney, R. The King ., o 12 Bi 15 0 o Bokenham parva, R. Th. Newman .... 060 SBilchamwell Stae. Mar. R.T Mrs. ("010 8 BilchamwellSti.Johan.R.[F«/i« andi 088 BilchamwellOm'SancYRJ Sifters (. 0 13 4 CColfton, R. cum} tt tt ,,-. , C 0 8 of1 40 0 0 H.Holditch < , % * £Dudlington, V.y } o 16 $+ 6 13 6 Caldecote, R. Sir H. Bedingfield 062? 50 o O Cranwife, R. H. Partridge o 16 nf 70 o o CockleClay, R. Rob. Rofe 0 17 8f 40 0 O Croxton, V. Cbr. Coll. Cam 0134 65 o O Creffingham parva, R. Jn. Soley 1 7 3 25 0 o Foufdon, V. Caius Coll. Cam 102 20 o o Gooderfton, V. Ant. Horrex o 13 2f 100 o 0 Hilborough, R. Mrs. Nelfon 168 35 O o Houghton, R. Th. Say o 9 iof 120 o o Holme Hale, R. Wm. Young 1 5 j% bo O O {IckTb0I™gh' R- ™m\E. F. Stanhope] ° XO 8* } Langford, R y r}o g 7 60 O o Moundeford, R. Ld. Aylesford o 15 9 45 o o Methwold, V. H. Partridge o 18 if 31 o o Narford, V. Jn. Spelman 013 4 20 o o Newton, V. Bp. of Ely 056 160 o O North Pickenham, R. Rob. Say on 5 45 O o Ne&on, V. T. P. Young O 16 2 175 0 O Oxburgh, R. Caius Coll. Cam 1 16 8 70 o o South Pickenham, R. T. L. Chute .... 016 ij 30 o o Stanford, V . Bp. of Ely o 11 3! 35 0 o Santon, R. Corpor. of Thetford o o o 70 o o Weft Tofts, R. G. Nelfon 016 yi bo 0 o Weft Bradenham, V. Bp. of Ely .... o 14 2f 41 0 o Wilton, V. Caius Coll. , o 12 9 140' 0 © Weeting St. Mar. R. Caius Coll. 0162 li 2 D. DEPWADE. 252 Liber Valorum, &e. Norf' D. DEpWADE. Livings remaining in Charge. K, B. Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. *1J0 O O Bunwell, R. Jn. Buxton i 14 a *75 O o Hempnall, V. Ld. Grimfton 0134 *200 O O FornCet B. Mariae, R. Sir R. Hill .... 2 o 0 *85 o o Shelton, R. Edw. Bacon 0 16 0 * CStratton, Omn. San£t. R. New Colli *7° ° ° \ Oxon: 5 ° x3 31 *i.30 o o Stratton Lohga, Caius Coll. Cam 100 *8o o o Tafburgh, R. Th. Beevor O 16 O *go O o Tacolnftone, R. Lady Ward ............ 140 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 80 0 o Afhwell Thorpe, R. H. W. Wilfon .. 0 13 4 150 0 o Carleton Rode, R. Jn. Buxton 1 12 0 40 © o Fritton, R. Th. Howes o 18 0 50 o o Hardwick, R. Edw. Bacon 0 10 0 45 o o Mpringthorpe, R. The King p 14 0 CMoulton Omn. Sanft. R. Bp. ofl 0 , 3° ° ° X Norwich .„ il ° 8 3l 90 o O Moulton Sti. Mich. T. L. Chute ........ 0134 45 o o Thurfton, V. Bp. oj Ely o 10 2 60 O O Tibenham, V. Bp. of Ely 0 13 8 7000 Wackton magna, R. Jof. Hepworth .. o 10 0 30 0 o Wackton parva, R. Jof. Hepworth .. p 5 4 D. FLEGG. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *2P0 0 0 ^T^'rnfk"^]^- "f Norwich ....^ X ° °Q fCaftri Stae Trin. _R.| ^ ^ r 0 I2 p *ioo o o Fylbie, R. G. Lucas 1 2 if 500 Heringby, Liber Valorum, tic. 253 Norf' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. dt 500 Heringby, R. Dr. Berney O 10 o ?250 O o Mawteby, R. Th. Anfon I 6 8 *8o O o Stokefby, R. Dr. Berney I 6 8 *I20 0 o Winterton, R. E. Knights , 214 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 40 ' o 0 Billockft.y, R, Ja. Reddall o 5 iof 24 14 7f Burgh Stae. Mar. R. Mrs. Orde ...... 080" 80 o o Burgh Stas. Marg. R. Mrs. Orde 017 4 70 o o Clippefby, R. Jn. Goodwyn o 13 4 70 O o Herrieifby, V. Rob- Tilyard 088 80 o o Martham, V . D. and Ch. of Norwich o 13 4 100 o o Ormefby, V. D. and Ch. of Norwich o 10 1 120 o o Rollefby, R. Leon. Mapes I 14 O 40 o o Runham, V. Bp. of Ely 080 30 O O Thrigfby, R. Rob. , Woolmer 0 12 O 300 o O Yarmouth, R. D. and Chap D. FINCH AM. Livings remaining in Charge. 6 Decanatus ibidem 019 0 Bar'oM Sti. Andreas, R. The King .... 180 o Denver, R. Caius Coll. Cam 114 o belgay, R. Jn. Royle ~ 100 CRongton, Holme and Walljngton, R.7 0 I H. Bell 5 x 4 0 o Southrey, R. Jof. Sewell O 15 O 0 Upwell, R. E w. Pemberton 112 0 0 Watlington, R. Jn. Davis 1 98 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 50 0 o Barton Omn. Sandi' R. Sir H. Peyton on 4 50 o o Barton B. Maria; R. Sir Tr Berney .. o 10 8 80 o o Boughton, R. Jn. Daville 100 40 o o Beckfwell, R. Bp. of Ely o 15 2 30 0 o Crimplefham, V. Bp. of Ely 016 o 80 0 0 Downham K.B 0 *i6o *i&5 *I10 17 0 00 *i8o 0 *I00 *5oo *8o 0 0 0 3 NORF /. s. 80 0 ISO 0 40 0 IJO 0 40 0 60 0 30 0 45 0 K. B. *go 0 0 *200 0 P *8o 0 % *i6o 0 0 *8o 0 9 *IOO 0 0 *i6o 0 0 *40 0 0 IO 0 0 12 : 13 4 0 Liber Valorem, tic. Yearly Tenth. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 0 Downham, R. Mrs. Moore o ij 4 f Fincham Sti. Mich.lThe King andi R. Fincham Sti.} Mrs. Ferby\ ° *4 Mart. V J alternately ...J X ° o Cherry Marham, V. Sir R. Hare .... P 13 4 o Outwell, R. Bp. of Ely 1 12 0 O Stowbardolfe, V. Mrs. Moore O 12 8 o Shingham, R. .The King 088 o Stradfet, V. Ph. Cafe 069 0 Wimbotfham, R. Mrs. Moore .,..„.... o 10 8 D. H U M B L E Y A R D, Livings remaining in Charge. Braknafh, R. Jn. Berney 1 0 0 Hetherfet, R, Caius Coll o 16 0| Hethell, R. Th. Beevor 100 Higham jux. NorWic. The Biflop 0 13 4 9 5wWiC!l' p" CUm\Lord Hobart \ ° I0 ° y TJntwood, R y I o 10 o Milberton, R. P. Forfter ...- 1 8 0 CMelton Flotman, R. cumlCaius C«//.C o 13 4 ^Melton Mariae, R 5 Cam. . . [ o 13 4 Melton parva, V. Eman. Coll. Cam. o 10 8 Newton Flotman, R. Mrs. Long 1 0 "0 Swaynfthorpe, R. Mrs. Brooke 154 10 o o Wreningham, R. H. W. Wilfon 100 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. CCarlton St. Mar. R. Corp. of Norw. 080 no o o £Carlton St .Petri, The King o 12 0 85 O O Colney, R. Fr. Loggin o 13 4 40 o o Eaton, V. D. and Chap 000 40 O o Earlham, V. Edw. Bacon O 10 9? 60 O O Fordon, R. Sir Jn. Kemp o 13 4 50 o o Ketheringham, V. Edw. Atkins 0 12 0 60 00 Lakenham, V. D. and Chap 0 o Q 45 0 o Swardifton, V. H. Hobart o 12 0 45 o o Cringleford, Cur. City of Norwich .... 40 p o Etof), Cur. TheD. and Chap Liber Valorum, tie. 255 Norf' D. HOLT. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. *205 o 0 Blakeney, R. Jn. Calthorpe 2 13 4 *no o a Barrow, R. Sir Edw. Aftley 080 *I20 o o Cleye, R. Jn.-Tomlinfon 254 *I20 o o Edgfield, R. Jn. Marcon 128 *I30 o 0 Holt, R. Elif. Briggs 1 3 8f 368 Langham parva, V. Ja. Calthorpe .... 068 *I40 o o Morfton, R. Ld, Townflend 1 16 O *I20 0 o Melton Conftable, R. Sir Edw. Aftley 012 o *I25 O O Saxlingham, R. Mrs. Joddrell 158! *i6o o o Thornege, R. Sir Jac. Aftley 0 13 10 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 60 o 0 Bodham, R. Z. Girdlefton o 18 o 60 o O Batbeley, R. Mrs. Lloyd 114 37 16 5 Brinton, R. Sir Ja, Aftley o 17 i\ 50 o 6 Brifton, V. Feoffees of Wiveton o 3 nf 30 0 O Bayfield, R. Jn. Jermey 080 16. 19 ' O Daling, V. Mrs. Winn , O t gf 3g 6 6 Gunthorpe, R. Mrs, Lloyd 1 160 70 o o Hunworth, R. Ld. Buckinghamjhire ..080 157 o o Hemflede, V. D. and Chap. o 14 3 50 o o Kelling, R. Z. Girdlefton , 140 50 o o Langham, V. The Bijhop O 9 I 70 6 O Laringfett, R. Jn. Burrell , 140 43 o 0 Sharington, R. Mrs. Jodrell 1 o p 35 7 10 Swanton, R. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon o g b\ 60 o o Salthoufe, R. Z. Girdlefton , 200 3g 14 8 Stody, R. Ld. Buckinghamjhire O 12 4 *joo 0 0 Wiveton, R. G, Wyndham 1 10 0 D. HINGHAM. z$6 Liber Valorum, t$c. Norf' D. HINGHAM. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B, Yearly Tenth. 7. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /, j-. d. CBarnham Broome, R. Sir J. Wode-1 r . *2S° o o j hgufe J [ ;_{ t 4 9f •no o o p*"™01^ R. cumlTL G C o n iof ( Letton, R y },o 15 sk -, CEaft Dereham, R.}F. and W. Wol-\ 4 2 ?f *6oo o 0 J£aft oereham, V.J lafton { T 14 4 *l8o O o Hingham, R. Sir Jo. Wodehoufe 2 g 10 726 Hockering, R. M. Poftiethwait o 14 3 *200 o 0 Hardingham, R. Clare Had Cam 1 10 4 *ioo o o Morley, R. Ja. Branjby , 1 g if *i8o o o North Tudenham, R. L. Shelford .... 1 o b\ *2io o o Shipdam, R. Sv Ro Gawdy 2 14 9 *gO o O Yaxham, R. Edw, Heyhqe IOI Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value, w o 0 SBerghe jux- M«teftluU, R. M, Pof-1 -> l tlelhwaite 5 go O 0 Barford un' Med. R. Ld. Rochford .'. 0 8 10 90 O 0 Brand parva, R. Jn. Berney 0 j6 4f 14 4 8 Banburgh, V. The D. and Chap 17 9 100 o 0 Colton, R. The King o 12 }if 60 o o Crounethorpe R. W. Windham 0 9 3 40 o o Depham, V. D and Ch. of Cant o 10 9f 35 o o Eafton, V Edm. Rolfe o 15 2f 31 18 7f Eaft Tudenham, V. Ch. Townflend- Q 14 7f , CFoverhow Carlton, R. Sir J. Wood-} Ql 60 ° ° } houfe „ \ ° " »« 70 o o Garvafton, R. W. Clayton q 15 7f '40 o o Hackford, R. Fr. Long 097 44 3 iof Honingham, V. Ch. Townflend ,» 0 17 J 22 19 6f Kimberley, V. Sir J. Woodhoufe 0 13 2f 120 o o Mattefhall, V. Caius Colt. Cam 0 14 8f 10 12 0 Melton parva, V. Eman. Coll. Cam. .. o 0 0 50 0 0 Marlingford, R. Th. Green O 15 3! 70 p q Ramerfton, R, Fr. Long 123 ¦ooo Runhall, No RF' /. s. d. 10 0 0 50 0 0 45 no 0 0 0 0 19 100 l7 0 8 0 5° 0 0 5° 0 0 go 60 0 0 0 0 4° o 0 Liber Valorum, ticf 257 Yearly Tenths. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. Runhall, V. Sir J. Wodhoufe o 13 g| South Bergh, R Th. Gurdon on 4? Thuxton, R. Ch Buckle o 8 jf Wymondliam, V. Bp. of Ely I I 5f We: "field, R. W. Clayton 015 7 Whinburgh, R. W. Clayton :'. 013 io| Wood Ril'eing, R. Mrs- Bringloe , O g 10 Witlewood, V . Mart. Bayiie 0 12 4^ Wramplingham, R. fh. Marjham .... 0 10 si Welborn, R. J. Heyhoe O II 10 CoftefTy, Cur. City of Norwich 0 D. H I T C H A M. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 068 Decanat' Hitcham, 008 ?130 o o Brancafter, R. Ld, Bottetourt 280 *200 o 0 Bircham magna, R. Ld. Orford 2 4 Q - CRingfted, Sti. Pet. R. Sir H. L'} 0 *<° ° °{ Eftrange.... -..,] X 2 8 368 Riqgfted parva, R. Sir N. L' Eftrange o 6' 8 *I00 6 O Stanhow, R. Ld. Orford 1 12' O *8o p o Titchwell, R. Etoni Coll. .,....„ 1 4. p Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 42 o o Bircham Tofts, R. Ld. Orford o 13 4 3g o o, Bircham Newton, R. Ld. Orford .... o 13 '4 10 O o Barwick, V. Mrs. Glover.,. 0 12 ~o 500 Bermer, V, Ld. Orford 0 o "o 100 o o Docking, V. The Bijhop 1' 6 8 50 o O Hunftanton, V. Biflop of Ely 1 40 20 O o Ritcham, V '. Sir Th. L' Ejlrange .... o 13 4 70 0 o lngol.dftorpe, R. R. Lawfin 140 40 o o Ringft d Sti. And. R. Lh. Coll. Cam.. 0 18- o 25 O O Seggesfbrth, V. The D. and Chap o 16 o 14 p o Snettefham, Y . Ni. Stylem,an o 10 8 30 00 Sherborne,' V. Bp. of Ely o 16 Q 25 0 o Southmire, R:Eton 'V/ ; 000 ' S° 0 Q Thornton, V. The Biflop 100 Kk 25^ 0 Q HQlm 25$ Liber Valorum, tic. Norf' Yearly Ttnthi. L s. d. Benefices, Patrons. /. s. d. 25 o o Holme, V. S. Johnfon o 13 ,4 30" o o C'hofel, Ch. W. Rand ... 35 0 o Frenge, Ch. The D. and Chap ;... K. B. JL). ING WORTH. Livings. rem aining in Charge. *iOP 0 o Ailefham? V. D. and Ch. of Cant 1 is U% *7P p 0 Bakonfthorpe, R. Z. Girdlefton 0.18 0 *ioo o O Blicklirg, R. Ld. Buckinghamjhire .... 114 *8o P 0 Baningham, R. Ld. Effingham 117 ?130 0 O Caufton, R. Pemb. Hall Cam in 4J "teoo p 6 Colefale, R. Kings Coll. Cam o 14 3 *Ipo 0 O Haydon, R. W. W. Bulmer p 19 »i Livings, Discharger. Clear yearly V<*tye- 50 O 0' Albie, R. Hor . Walpole o 15 2 80 o P Buxton, Y.G.Anjon 0 n 4f 45 p o Barmingham parva, R. Jn Brown.. 0 n 6$ •jo o o Belehaw* R- The Biflop „ 0 12 0 50 b p Bpoton, R. Pet. Elvin 0 15 3 50 0 O Burrough, R. G. Hunt. Holley 0 15 8f 40 O Q Brampton, R. Ro. Marflam 0 10 0 35 o O Calthorpe, V. Corp. of Norwich 0 00 45 0 O Coleby, R, Sir H. Harbord 017 7 j"£ 0 Q Corpufty, V. Mr. Damee 0 g 3* CErpingham, R. The Bp. and Mr} L ?4® O O I Wyndham alternately .:. $ ° ^ I0* 80 O O Heningham, R Jn. Bennet 1 I l\ 50 O O Hautbois magna, R. Mrs. Howard ..088, 55 o O Hautbois parva, R. Ph. Chandler .... 0 14 0 45 o o Ingworth, R. A. Wyndham 0 10 0 60 0 0 Itteringham, R. Ld. Walpole '. on 8j moo Irmingland, R. W. W, Bulmer 0 10 0 6 13 4 Mannington, R. Ld. Walpole , ... 0 3 7! 43 0 6 Marefham, R. Ld. Anfon 1 1 o 80 P 0 Oxnede, R. G. Anfon .... 0 18 if * " - '' ftp 0 0 Owltpq, s Liber Valorum, -S&. 259 jvj o r fj Yearly Tenths. I, s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /• t. d. 40 o 0 Owltcin, V. B. Cooke 0 16 6 4O 0 o Swanton Abbas, R. G. Anfon o 13 o 60 o 0 Stratton, R. Ro. Marflam o. 16 gl 60 o o Scottow, V. The Biflop Q 17 4! 60 0 o Saxthorpe, V. Pembroke Hall Cam. .,094 90 o O Skeyton, R. Ld. Anjon and others .... a 19 o .39 o o Thwaite, R. The Bijhop ,. o 14 o o9 20 o o Tuttington, Y.Bp. of Ely 010 of s o 1 ztZLX\u-w°>f" -$ s ;i D. LYNNE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 168 Decanatus ibidem ., 0 2 8 600 Alefwevthorpe, R. Edw. Speknan .... 012 P M CCongham, And. cum}., P tono *I2° ° °l ConghamMar.R.^-V^-} 0 £ 0 *IOO O o Clenchwarton, R. A. Etheridge I 8 8 568 Darfingham, V. D. Hofte , o IO 8 * CEdmundi Sti. Lynne, R. Mr. Peele} - ,. *100 ° °\ and Nelfon ...1. \\ 6 2 *ioo 0 O Garwood, R. C Clough 6 II 4 *140 o o Grimfton, R. Queen's Coll. Cam. 2 13 4 *I00 o o Harpley, R. Ld. Orford 240 *iio 0 o Hillington, R. Sir M. B. Folkes 1 6 8 *230 o 0 Mafiingham magna, R. Ld, Orford ..368 *I20 O O North Rongton, R. Trin. Coil. Cam. o 17 O *8o 0 0 Omn. Sand, in Lynn, V. Bp. of Ely 1 ib 8 *I30 O O Petri Sti. Lynne, Ld. Coleraine 0 18 o *I20 o 0 Terrington, R. Marg. Prof. Cam 388 ?170 O o Tyiney, Y . Pemb. Hall Cam 3 O O 23 6 8 Terrington, V. Marg. Prof. Cam 2 $ 8 *I35 o 0 Walfoken, R. Jn. Creed 3 I 4 16 0 0 Weft Walton, V. Ld. Celeraine 1 12 o *I2P P o Weft Walton, R. Ja. Townflend ¦ 1 13 4 *20P o 0 Walpole, R. The King ,.... 220 *yo O O Wolforton, R. H. C. Henley 140 *I50 o o Weft Winch, R. The King o 19 4 6 13 4 Wyken, R. Ld. Spencer o 13 4 K k 2 70 0 o Aumeftr, 260 Liber V a loru m, tic. Norf* Livings Discharged. Yearly Tentht Clear yearly Value. h s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 70 * p p Aumear, R. Ch. Buckle o 18 0 80 o Appilton, V. Edw. Pafton ................ p lb 0 40 o o Bawfey, R. Th. Stona p 8 0 50 o o Caftleucre, V. T. W. Coke „ o 10 8 30 00 Babingley, R. Ja. Hafte • 094 50 o o Eaftwalton, V. Edw. Spelman p 12 4 60 o o Eaftwinch, V. Sir J. Tyrrell 0 16 0 "> r. , CG'ermani Sti. Wigenhall, V. D. and} 2? ° °| chap :. \ ° I2 ° 42 o o Gay ton, V, Sir Ed. Mundef ord o 16 8 60 o o Ifhngtori, V. The King p 13 4 4g o o St. Mar. Wigenhall, V.T. Fifk '.1 5 0 50 o 6 ' St. Mar. Magd. ib. V. Mrs. Garforth q 16 8 80 o o Mafiingham par. R. Sir Jn. Mordaunt o ig 4 70' d O Middleton, V. Mrs. Lloyd 0 14 8 30 o o Northwotton, V. Lady Andover 100 ^ 50 ; 0 o St. Pet. Wigenhall, V. T^King .... o 12 o CRydon, R.7 f , . , C o 10 0 -HO o o [r^r.^- Ante,*- j Q ifi Q 80 «7 O. Sandringham, R. Ja. Hofte 0108 35 o 0 Southwotton, R. TheKiKG 0 16 8 45 O O Walpole, V. Ld. Coleraine 2134 -70 0' 0 Weft Newton, R. The King 0 10 8 loo o o St. Marg. Lynn, The D, and Chap. D. REDENHAL L.J Livings remaining in Charge. % B. *90- p. o Alberghe, R. Sir R. Hill , 1 4 d *I05. 0 6 Brohedifh, R. Sam. Gibbs 1 0 0 ^170 -P o Burfton, R. The King , 1 12 0 *i05 o o Bryfingham, Jer. Burroughs I 10. , o. *I3P. .P 0 Dy fTe, R, W. Manning , 368 ^130 o o Denton, R Arch'bp. of Cant 280 *22p O o' Dikilburghe, R. Trin. Coll. Cam 2 16 o *I2P O o Ferfield, R. Th. Lambert „ o 12 8 *I30' 0 o Erfham, R. £>. Burflam i 10 ,0 *i2b' o d Gwifing, R. Sir J. Kempe 1 9 7! *4oo o o Pulharri, R. The King ....V.I..V.'., 368 126 P P Roydon, * K. B. *I7P e o *I00 0 0 *200 o p 16 0 o 10 13 4 Liber Valorum, t$c. 261 N 0 R F*" t Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrgns. /. s.. d. •*I20 0 o Roydon, R. Leon. Chappekw 0180 *250 O O Redenhall, R. 7 he Biflop 200 *iop o o Sterfton, R. Sir R. Hill - 1 IP P *np, 0 o Shelfanger, R. Jer. Burroughs 1 14 o *20o" 0 o Tyvetfale, R. Ld. Walpole 200 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 80 o o Billingford, R. R. Holt o 18 o 40 o o Frenze, R. E. Davy 054 80 o o Ofraondfton, R. Ld. Cornwallis o 18 o 30 o o Rufhall, V. Dr. Cooper O 8-0 Do O O Shimpling, R. Ro. Buxton I I 4 70 O o Thorpe Abbots, R. Ld. Cornwallis .. o 12 O 30 o o Thorpe parva, R. Row/. Holt o 8 -.0 90 o o Thelveton, R. The King 018 o 65 o o Winfarthing, R. Ld. Albemarle 140 1500 Needhajn, Cur. Mr. Freefton D. REPPS. Livings remaining in Charge. Gimingham, R. Cath. Hall. Cam 1 3 : 2f Knapton, R. Maft. of Peter Hufe .. 1 6 8f North Repps, R. 1 be King, D. L. .. 1 16 o South Repps,, R. The King, D. Ll .. 1 12 a Trunch, R, Cath. Hall Cam 1 1 4 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. . CAntingham, St. Mar. R. SirW. Har} 5°,° °\ bord , \ ° «. 3l 25 15 8 AntinghzmStse.Mzrg. R.The Biflop o 10 8 50 o O Aldborough, R. Sir H. Harbord o 16 O 50 o p Ailmerton, R. W. 'Wyndham o 13 if 30 p o BaGngham, R. Th. Anftn ...,;........ 088 a« ^ ^ iBwniiaghAm NorwoodiR. W. Wyndl 60 ° °{ ham :,........„ „.... 1.4 r304 40 p © Beefton, R. t7"Ae-KiNpy ZJ. L. - 1 12 :, o 50 0 O; £arningham Towne, R. W. RuffeU o 13 4 10 0 o Cromer, p Felbfidge, R. W. Wyndham ... O'i^Vio o Grefham, R. Th. Jnfon . o 13 ro§ o Gurrton, R. ..7C. v/ rr , . , C 0 10' 0 p mmvor\h,Y.\SirVd } p 10 i i6i Liber VALbRuffl,-&ft NdftF* Yearly tenths. t. s. d. B'ENEFrcEs.^ Patrons. /. s. d. to o 0 Cromer* V. Bp. of Ely ......'. ; d 18 5J 5too op Felbridge, R. W. Wyndham 013^,10 50 o 35 ° 30 o , 35 o 0 Metton, R." W. Wyndham O 14 0 70 o o Matlafk, V. The Kmp, D. L o ro 0- 80 o o Mundefly, R. The King, D. L, ¦. 0 16 nf 30 a 0 Overftrand, R. Mrs. Rant p 4 if 60 o o Plumftead, R. TAKING, D. L. ¦> — ¦- o- io> 4 40 o> o Roughton, V. Bp. of Ely .......... 012 0 pa o o Runton^R. /fl Wyndham ;«>.....^ 1 a 0 70 o P Suffield, R. Sir H. Harbord ....j,... r 8 0 30 a o. SydvrRtaad,R.Th.Thombury 0 Ii 0, 50 o p Thorp Market, V. Sir H. Harbord ., o 11 if 80 o p Tburgarton, R. The Biflop 0 18 8 70 p o Tirbaingham, R» The King, D. L. .. o 12 0 D. ROKELAND. Livings remaining In Charge^ K. B. *200 o O Attilborough major, R. W. Wyndham I 18 ' iof *I5» p o Btidgha'm, R.The King ..« r 2 if *aoo o o Banham.R. The King 0 t8 4$ *Ioo P o Eaft Wretham, R. Eton Coll 1 3 2} *too o 0 Eaft Harling, R. Th Wright 1 410 *l0O P 0 Eccles, R.Ld. Alberniarle „ I 80 *l6o o o Garboldfham, R. C. Molineux 1 19 7$ *ioo o o Larling, R. W. Wsodley 1 o o| *2io o b Lopharo, R. Sir R. Hill 1 14 o§ *I2G o o Snetterton, R. Ld. Albemarle ...v 1 ¦ 5 %\ *IOO o o Weft Wretfiatfi, R. 'King's Coll. Cam. I 5 if ?90. p o Weft Harling, R. W. Croftt..: p 19 10 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. * > >- - 42 S ° -^u^ctagb-iiBmioryR. W. Wyndham, 1 i& 3 6P b a . Befthorpe, . V, Ld. Wintertime 010 i\ o 5$ . a © Bjettefahamf R, Bp. of 'Ely ,.;.i...~ o tt 3 ¦itjv ""¦.¦ "31 ib i EHinghanj, Liber Valorum, &c,y a<3 ¦Kor?* - YmbTmbs*. I. s. d. Benefices. * Patrons. /, i. d. 31 16 jo Ellingham mag. R. Th. Bond 0 rl 7 55 0 o Hockham, V . B. Mallet p 17 9I 34 1 8 H?rphatn? R. flfigh Hare ,. f, 085 45, 0 o Tllington, R. Jn. Beddingfield „, o 13 n 80 o 0 Kilverfton, R, The King ., p 15 5J 6.o d 0 KeninghaH, V. Bp. of Ely , on 8| ,45 p o Norton Blow, R. Ch. Broiun o 10 7^ jjjq o 0 Quiddenham, R. Mrs. Green o 16 sh tRockland Omn, ' SancV R. Mrs,} , . 5° . ° ° [ Hutchinfin ..:. ,....., ,...."..$ * * JIt 40 o p Rockland Sti. Pet. R. J-f tfeyfuf •, 097! 39 o b Rpwdhara, V. Ri. Crofts 0 9 7f 7P o p Redlefwprth, R, Mrs , Wake 1 23? •40 o q Shropham, V. Corpor. of Norwich .... o 17 4^ no o o Wilbye, R. Th. Hare :. '.. 014 $$ 25 o o Buckephara, C. The Inhabitants ,. 16 9 .p Rufhwprth, C. Iftr. Rujhworth : ,'. D, S PAR HAM, Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *qp 0 q Byntree, R, Sir Edw. Aftley 1 p o *i»0 o 0 Fqlefham, R. Sir Edw. Ajl\e\ ".. 2 15 si fnb o o Lvnge, R, G. Anfon '..„ , j \% ?200 6 o Reipham magn, Mrs. Ward 1... 0 ib if *no o o Sparham, R. Mis. Hafe .'. 0 i& o* *ioo 0 o Salle, R. Pemb. Hall Cam •• 1 ful *I20 o 0 Wpodnortpn, R, Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon, p 15 »| Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 50 p o Alderford,R. The Dt and Chap .., 088 50 .0 o i^iingford, R. Mr. Coke 0 i< o 40 o p Kawdfweli, R. Mrs. Hafe ...... .r.... o il o 35 0 0 Brarldefton ,R. Magd. Coll. Oxon 015' sf 70 o 0 Elfing, R. Mrs. Green o n 2 55 o o Fox\ey,R. Mrs. Hafe.... ^ "J.... 0 ' ! : 30 P o G^te,Y. E.Atbill... „...,....;._ e J .* • 20 0 p Gerfr,Y.W.- Norris ........... 0lI 6z jjO f p HelrningharrijR. Mrs.Helwys o 7 5| 20' 0 0 Heverland^ 2^4 Norf1 1 As /..-. j. d. ¦'. 20" 0 0 40 0 0 Ito 0 0 40 0 0 : 30 0 0 ?25 0 0 3° 0 0 40 0 0 50 0 0 48 0 0 .86 0 0 L I B E R V A L O R v m ; &e. Yearly Tenths Benefices. Patrons. /. s. i. Heverland, V. Th Biflop 09 2$ Hindolvefton, V. The D. and Chap. .. 0 12 ii Hakeford, R. G. H. Holley 1 9 o\ Reipham alt. Med R. Mrs, Ward .. 100 Ringland, V. Bp. of Ely ..- p 6 ' 7$ Swanington, R. Trin. Hall Cam. .... p 13 l{ Twiford, R. W. Ctllifon and others p 9 ii| Thimblethorpe, tl'.' Sir Edw. Aftley .. p' 8 i\ Thirning, R. Ben. Coll. Cam ....... p 14 0 Wefton, R. New Coll. Oxon o 17 gj CWickingham Stae Fid. RlNew CW/.C o 10 0 X Wickingham Mariee, V.J Oxon. X 0 9 g{ jp o o Woodalling, V. Trin. Coll. Cam. .... 0 16 10 P, THETFORD, Remains in Charge, K. B. vj 8 9 St. Nichol, R. T^KiNp ,«• g 4 H>1 Livings Dischargep, Clear yearly Value. , 29 o o Pet. Sti. Thetford, R. The King..,, o ir if 40 o o Santon Houfe, R. Corpor, of Thetford 037 26 o o St, Cuthbert'^, R. Duke of Qi afton .. P. TAVERHAMi Livings remaining in-Charge. K. B. *I25 o 0 Fretenham, R. Sir H. Harbord 1 o a *ioo o o Horfted, R. Kings Coll. Cam 9 1-5 ° •220 o o Hellifdoh, R. The Biflop « 1 4 0 *70 o o " Hayneford, R. 7. R. Dafhwood 012 2| • m CTaverham Med' RIMihs Branth-\ 083! »70 0 0 JTaverh/ajt»Medf>R.j „ayt l9 8 3{ ft! r ?8 6 3I Att|ebrig& Liber Valorum,'^. 265 Norf' Livings. Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 18 6 3! Attlebrigg, V. D. and Chap o 8 8£ 25 o o Beefton Sti. And. R. Sir L. BlackweU 068 40 0 o Catton, V. The D. and Chap o 8 4I 60 o o Croftwicke, R. The Biflop .,,, ° 5 9 3419 4f Drayton, R. The Bijhop ,.,....„ 012 3! 35 o o Felthorpe, R. The Biflop 080 100 o o Horesford, V. Ph. Stephens 0 8 b\ 70 o o Rakley, R. Sir J. Pettus ..,..,..., o 13 4 9 12 11 J Stanninghall, R. Sir H. Harbord O 3 4? 60 0 p Spixworth, R. Fr. Long :.... o 12 0 80 p o Wroxham, V . Sir H. Harbord o 15 Sf CHorfham St. Faith's, V. 7 he D. and! 0 ° \ Chap J 20 D. T O S T R E S. Livings remaining in Charge, K. B. looo Colkirke Beata; Marias, R I o o 0 o CRaynham B. Mar, RlLd. Town-i 117 4 I BO O O £Raynham gt M?rg- R J jbmi I T & g p 3 4 Decanatus Tpftres, , 004 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 80 0 0 Hplgthon, V. Ld. Townflend o 13 4 10 d o Podding Noton, R. C. C. "Morley o 12 o 18 00 Raynham Sti. Mart. R. Ld. Townflend o 12 o 100 .0 o Riburgh magna, R. Mrs. Bacon 1 9 8| *« n n SSberfqrd, R. Ld. Townflend and Mr.} 0 *° ° ° I Browne .} ° l8 ° 20 o o Toftres, V. Ld. Townflend o 15 iof 2$ o o Tefterton, R, W. Lake and others .... o 10 9, l\ *?¦ WAIj, #§6 Liber Valo-jr. u,-jk, &c\ Nor f> D. W A L S I N G H A M. . Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. JEsEneficrs. Patrons. /. s. d. 500 Coketllorpe, JR. Ja. Calthorpe 0 10 ,0 . o 13 4 Decanatqs Walfingham, • "•• 014 r*yo o o 'Egmer, R. Mrs. Bacon o 16 0 *200 o o Snoring, R. St. John's Coll. Ca.m 280 i -Cit if key Sti.' Johannis, R.l^d. Town-t 1 16 8 200 .0 o Js»tifkeyji. JBlaria=, -R ...J Jhend ...{ 013 4 **8o o O Wellis, R.^fa. Robinfon .' 2 13 4 '" C Warham B. 'Maris, R. ISir Johni 0 12 2 *iop .p o ^WarhamSta;. Magdal,-Rj Turner | 0 10 0 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 30 o 0 Barney, V. Sir Edw. Aftley : p 13 4 12 5 6 Bynham, V. The King '. ,. p 13 4 30 o o Hindringham, Y .The D. and Chap. .. o 1-8 0 20 O o Houghton, V. H. .Ld. W'arner O 16 U 40 o o -Hblkham, V. T. W- Cake 0 17 4 42 13 9 Thurforth, R. St. John's Coll. Cam. .. o 16 o 70 o o Warham Omn. Sand. R. The King .1 12 ,p 30 o 0 Wighton, V. The D. and Chap 132 •D. WAX HAM. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. CCatefield.V. The Bp. and Ld. Shvwfl _ _ . *120 ° ° j bury, alternately ....:..:. .„L\ ° *5 * *I40 p . 0 North Walfham, V. The Bifhop o 16 o Livings D i,s;c h a r.c,ed. Clear yearly Value. 20 o o Afhmenhaugh, Cur. Mr. Prefton o o 0 70 o o Beefton, R. Jacob Prefton 0 12 o 60 o 0 Baketon, V. M. Branthwayte, o i0n 3$ - T ' 60 0 0 Brunftead, Liber Valorum- tie. i6f NoRF' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices-. Patrons. /. s.' d. 60 0 O Brunftead, R. Ld. Abergavenny 0 12 6f 100 o o Barton Turfe, V. Tbe Biflop 074 50 o O Bradfield, V. Hon. T. Howard o 7 ' 6£ Q CCatefield, R. The Biflop- and Ldl , , 4* °'°( Shrewjbury, alternately \ ° '* ° 40 o 0 Croftwick, R. Jn. Sbarpe 0108 25 o p Dilham, V. Bp. of Ely o 10 o\ 80 o o Edythorpe, R. The King, D: L o 10 6|, 17 o o EaftRufton,V. D.and Cb. of Windfor i 3 2 J 600 Eccles, R. Mrs. Hafe , O 16 O CFelmingham, V. Bp. and' Mr. Atber-} '¦ 40 P O }. urn I ! .?...„, ; \ 0 »2 Q 80 o o Felminghaon, R. T. Sutherton o 121 G 25 o o Horfe y, V. W. Paftow o 6 if 2D a o Hickling, V. Jn: Mickl'ethwaite 0 10 4 90 .0 o Haigharri Potter, V. The Biflop O 13 4 40 o o Honing, Y.Bp. of Ely 094 50 o o Hernpfted, R. Th. Wood- 018 8 80 O o Happifburghy V. The Bijhop 0128 30 0 o- -Horning, V. The Biflop 000 50 o o Hofton, Sti. Petri V 7 — , „. C o o o 30 o o Hofton, Sti. Johannis, V.y ' *' "| o o o 50 O o Ingham, Cur. The Biflop 000 60 O P Irftead, R. The Biflop o 13 4 38 o p LefTmgham, R. King's Coll. Cam o 12 a 120 o 0 Ludham, V. The Biflop o IO 8 40 O o Neatfhead, V. The Biflop ° 7 3i 400 Pawling, V. Ld. Walpole 048 30 0 O Pafton, V. G. Anfon 0134 50 0 0 Ridlington, R. Jn. Norris 0 3 8* 70 o o Swafield, R. The .King, D. L o 12 o 100 o o Smallburgh, R. Ch. Le Grofs 105 45 o o Stalham, V.Ld. Orford P IP o 60 O O Sutton, R. Ld. Abergavenny o 13 8 80 o 0 Sloley, R. Ld. Qrford 0 10 8 50 o o Tunfted, V. W. P. Clark I 16 nf 60 o o Waxham, R. B. Brograve. 0134 60 o o Worfted, V. The D. and Chap 100 14 o o Witton, V. Bp. of Ely O 9* 3! 30 0 o Walcot, The Biflop 000 3P p p Weftwick, R. J. B. Petre .., p 19 4! LI 2 D. BOSMERE. z68 Liber Valorum, tit:. Sun' D. BOSM.ERE. Livings remaining in Charge. K, B. Yearly Tenth's. I. s. ds ' Benefices^ Patrons. 1. s. d. 27 io 7i5Barh'ng>k..-W-^«r»*«« and Cl , * t Boone_ 5 , r l li 1 8 if Ringfhali, R. Sir W. Barker ...•.."...,.* I 3 of *iob o o Baifham, R. Na. Ation ,...,...,.. 1 4 5I 10 3 4 Blakeriham parva, R. L,i. Orwell ...... 1 o 4 12 b 5 Cpdenham, V. jn. Bacon 1 4 of 13 3 9 . Bramford, Y.J), and Ch. of Cant. .... 1 6 4I 8 11 5f Hemmingeftoni R. Re. Nunn o 17 if *200 o o Hefmingham, R. Tbe King 1 16 c *7'o o o Mjckleheld, R. W. Ray o ig if *i3*b o o Stonham Cpmitis, R. Pemb. Coll. Cam. 1 14 3- ig to 2f Stonham Afpall, R. W. Middleton .... 1 ig of *i3o o o Soham Comitis, R. Fr. Capper 100 800 Somerfhain, R. R. G. Glanvil 0 16 o Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 90 o o Afhbocking, V. The King ,.,..,. 0 ig iof 45 0 o Batisford, V. Sir W. Barker o 16 of 30 12 o Blakenham mag, R. Eton Coll. ..^ 0 13 7! 45 o o Bofbeck, R. Ld. Orwell 016 61 46 14 o Greeting, Stae. Mar. R. Eton Coll 615 5, 22 4 o Creeting Sti. Olavi, R. C. C. Crefpigny 0 g gf 40 O o Flowton, R. Mrs. Sherwood o 6 nf 60 o o Nettlefted, R. J. B. Leake 0 17 af 40 O o Ofton, R. Jn. Sparrow 015 7! 50 o 0 Stonham Jermingham, R. Ph. Toofey 0 19 gf D. BLACKBOURNE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *iig 0 P Bardwell, R. St. John's Coll. Oxon. ¦¦ 015. 8| 7 11 io| Barnham, Gregory, \\.}DukeofGraf\ 0 15 2% 855 Barnham, Martini, R.\ ton \ 0 16 b\ #jio p 0 Elmfwell, Li&er VAlorum, .tie. 269 S u f f* Yearly Tenths. t. s. d. Benefices, Patrons, /. s. d. *tio o o Elmfwell, R. W. Chapman i 2 8f 13 7 11 Eufton, R. Duke of Grafton ..- 1 6 9I *ioo o o Langham, R. The King on 8f 1439 Norton, R. Peter Houfe, Cam I 8 4§ *ioo o 0 Stowlangtoft, R. Ri. Ray o 16 gf *250 o 0 Yngham, R. Ld. Cornwallis 1 5 75 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value, 50 o o Barmingham, R. Th. Evans 1 6 it 44 11 0 Culford, R. Ld. Cornwallis o ib 0 bo 00 Fakenham mag. R. Duke of Grafton 1 3 Of 90 O 0 Hepworth, R. Ro. Nunn 178!: 100 o o Hindercley, R. Rowl. Holt 0 19 nf 130 o o Hepton, R. The King 165 80 0 o Honington, R. The King o 15 4 40 o 0 Knettifhall, R. Th. C. Read o 12 gf 34 11 4 Levermore parva, R. N. Ation o 13 3f 80 o o Rekenhale inferior, R. R. Holt 112 65 100 o o Stanton Omn. Sand. Rip r & 0 18 75- 3910 8 Stanton Sti. Johan' R y^- ^'J 0 18 5! no o 0 Thelnetham, R. Ro. Brown 1 13 10 no o o Trofton, R. The King 105! 70 o o Wattlesfield, R. T. Decker o 17 2 60 o O Wefton Coney, R. T. Evans 1 6 of 50 o 0 Wordwell, R. Ld. Briftol o 14 Si 80 o o Market Wefton, R. Edm. Tyrell o 17 nf 1600 Afhfield, C. Ld. Thurlow ' 13 o o Badwell Afh, C. Mr. Clough 30 0 0 Hunfton, C. J. S. Heigham '. 40 O 0 1 xworth, C. Mr. Norton 21 o o Sapfton, C. Duke of Grafton 20 0 o Thorpe, C. Mr. Hunt D. CLE YD ON. L.tVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. K. B. •120 0 o Bergham, R. Jn. Bacon 1 5 of *8o o o Cleydon, R. G. Drury 100 15 26 Debenham, V. Lady J. Brydges 1 10 3 10 o 2§ Framfden, 37^ Liber Valorum, tie. Suff* f early Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices, Patrols. L s. d. So O 2f Framfdeny, V. Ld. Dyferf ,....i I 0 of io o io Hendale, $U>The D. and Chap; ,. ioi 6 n 5f Whitton, R„ Bp, of Ely ••••• — - 013 if $ 3 9 Winftpn* V, D. and Ch.of Ely 018 4! Livings Discharged; Clear yearly Value. 60 0 0 AkenhauijrR. G. Drury o ig if 32 13 8 Henley, V , The Dean and Chapter „,. o O O 60 o O Pethaughe, R. Ph. Bennet o 19 2f 80 o o Swillond,. V. The King ... o 14 nf 471610 Wefterfield, R. Bp. of Ely 1 3 of D: CARLES FORD. Livings- remaining- in Charge. K.B. 16 13 4 Clopton, R. Jn. Spurgeon 1 13 4 5 7 Ii Culpho, R. B. G. Dillingham o 10 gf, *go. O 0 Grundeifburgh,R. Trin. Coll. Cam 115 if *4'o o o Nunburne, Cap: C. C. Weftern „ o 14 5 *I20 o O Otleyj R. Ld. Abergavenny 1 12 jf. *I20 O 0 Witnefham, R. Peter. Houfe Cam 1 17 4' Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 43 16 10 Burghe, R. M. Barnes p 16 4 41 12 o Beelings, R. LadyJ.-Brydges 1 o 5^ 60 'O P Hafketon, R. Mrs. Stebbing ahd others 168 37 11 4 Rufhmere, V. P. Edge 088 30 0 0 Tudingham, V. T. Fonereau 114 6q OP Martlefham, R. Jn. Goodwin I I iof 45 p 0 Woodbridge, Don. Th. Carfhew D. COLNEYS. Liber V a.*- *> b v k, fifo 27* Suff* P. CQLNEYS. Livings Pis charged. Clear yearly Value. Yearly Tenthu 1. s. A. Benefice*; Patrons. /. s. 4. 50 0 P Buckleftiam, R. W. Walford o 18 ^ 32 16 10 Reelings parva, R. 5. Atkinfon o 12 %% 70 0 o Colmky, R. The King , p 9 n 29 12 6 Felixow, V. G.Thompfon 0 ip ji§ 80 0 o Falkenham, R. The King 0 15 ij 100 o 0 Kirketon, R. fhe K*ng I 1 4 18 10 o Levington, R. Edw- Vernon o 12 2 20 14 8 Newbon,.-R. Ro. F'ifler o 14 3 59 0 O Naketon, R. Edw. Vernon ,. o 16 8f 180 p p Tremly, Stai. Mar. R. The King ...:.. 1 13 4 ' 55 o o Tremly Sti. Mart. R. Ri. Savage .... 140! 30 O 0 Wa\dring&e\d,R,LadyShawandi)thers o 9 jg| 50 o o Walton, V. G. Thomfon p 8J D. CLARE. LiyiNQS REMAINING IN CHARGE. o Bradley mag. R. Jn. Harrifon -i 14 if o Depding, R. Th. Hutcbinfon ' 1 1 -i| o Da.lham, R. G. Affleck .'. -\ n c* o Hancdon,R.^. Gi'lly p i5 ,0* P Ledgate, R. Ch. Manners ,. 1 11 pi o Kedlngtqn, R. T. Chevallier , ,, 10I 8 .CMouLton, R. 7 „, „ „ f c \ 2 «* 8fi.MouLton, V. ] Chr. Coll. Cam J J 6 8 o .Qwfden,,R. Th. Mofely * T 1 ;I o Stradifhall,R'^.^,„ ; .„_ Q " J| o .Stansfield, R. TheKwo ' , j J o Thirlowrnag. V.f(. Vernon ,.. "" , , xl o Thirlow parv. R. ff. Soame 015 p& K . B ^100 0 *IIO 0 *IOO 0 *i40 0 *i5o 0 *200 0 ^3 6 4 7 *I20. 0 *I.IO 0 *20O 0 *IOO 0 *j8o 0 *ID0 0 *120 0 *<8o 0 *I'OQ 0 o P Wratting.mag.R. r.©^///^ ........ 0 .^ it O Wethersfield, R. Lady Aylesford, om 8* O Wratting.panv. R. Dey Sye-r o 9 n| 9 Wyfombrake, V, TheKwp o 16 , 8J 50 p p Barondifton, 272 Liber Valorum, 'tic* Suff' * Living's Discharged. YearlyTenth, <£lear yearly Value, I. s. d, Benefices. Patrons. /. /, d, 50 p Q BswndiRon, R. Mrs. Bridgeman „.,.. 0 15 of 85 p p Bradley parva, R. Fr. Dickens 0 10 1 76 o P Clare, V. The King, D. L o 9 rof 46 o o Chetbury, R. Ld. Briftol 0 8 2} 60 0 o G^yfley, V, Trip. Hall. Cam p 14 4 50 0 O Hundon, V. Jefus Coif Cam o 15 4 60 o o Haverjll, V. G. Howland , o 12 6 60 o o Poftlingford, V. G. Golding .,,.,,. o 13 0 {>Q 0 0 Wbcoe,,R. Ja. Bromfeld on 3! t D. DUNWICff, Livings remaining, in, Charge. K.B, 18 o g Benacre, R. Sir T. Gooch 1 16 0 *3PO p O Huntihgfield, £. Sir G. W. Van Neck 1 6 S 12 P 0 Henftede, R. Eman. Coll. Cam. r 140 13 6 8 UgglefhalJ, R. Mr. Roufe , 1 6 8 21 6 8n Wrentham, R. Mrs. Brewfter .,. 228 Livings Discharged, - Clear yearly Value. bo p 0 Brampfield, V. The King on 9 45 2 10 Brampton, R, Ri, Leman 200 36 0 o Cr#.r)el<},Y. Sir Jof. Van Neck 010 of 23 3 4 Cokely,NR. Sir G\ W; Van Neck .... 010 ql 21 12 7 Ch^fton, V. W. Plummer 0129 300 Dunwich, All Sts. Sir J. Downing ... o 0 0 30 0 o Darfham, V. Sir J. Rous ,.,. 09 I 410 o Eafton Bayeht, R. Sir Tb;. Gooch ...... 140 36 10 o Fprdley, R. J. Harrifon 0 10 0 ¦ 45 16 , 0 Froftenden, R. Ro. Barker. ... 140 j 30 0 o Hevingham, R: The KirJo 128 ioo 0 o Hpiton, R. The King 1 14 80 o o Halfifworthe, R. W. Plummer 2 © Q 40 o P Knottefhall, R. Edw. Vernon > 1 2 Q 8 o o Northalls, V. Sir T. Gooch 010 8 -43 6 8 Peafenhall, Cur. Mrs, Barker o oo, ' , ijo' q 9 Speckifhallj Suff' /. s. d. 130 0 0 45 0 0 43 1 7 70 0 0 150 0 0 75 0 0 50 0 q 40 0 Q 6p 0 0 60 0 Q 60 0 O 28 0 0 22 0 0 Li ber Valorum, tic. 273 Yearly Tenths. Benefices. Patrons. /, s. d. Speckifhall,R. T^King i 8 o_ Sibton, V. Mrs. Barker p o o Sotherton, R. Sir J. Rous o 10 8 Southcove, R. TX,?King o 12 3f Thebertop, R. The King 2 13 4 Tliorington, R. Al. Bence ........,, o 14 o Ubbefton, V. Ekas Davy Q 13 4 Weftletpn; V. Jn.^Crowfoot Q 16 o Wefthali, V. TheDean.and Chapter .. 1 o 2f Wenhaftpn, V. The King o 12 1 Yokesfprd, V. Sir J, Rous 0 n -5 Raydon, V.Sir J. Rous ......' 1 6 8 Blithbury, Cur, Sir J. Blots ....... > 94.9 P. FORD HAM, COM' SUFFOLK. Livings remaining in Charge., K. B. *2oo o o Brandon, R. Row. Holt 2 1 gf *i50 o .0 Barton Mills, R. The King 197 100 o o Hojton, R. TheKmG „. 112 *i5o o o Elyedon, R, T. Crifp 159 *200 o o Eriifwell, R. Dr. Ball; 1 12 8 *iso o 0 Icklingham Omn. Sanft.R. Dr. Mayo i 5 9 • 13 7 6 Ixninga, Y.D. andCh. of Cant, ....:,..„ 1 6, 9 *200 o o Mildenhall, V. Sir T C. Bunbury .... 2 4 * *ioo o o Tpdeqham, R. Ld. Briftol.,.- 1 j *20O o 0 Worlington, R. Gbrift>t Methell ....,.., .j. }S.. f Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. bo o 0 ' Cavehham, V. The King „.... 0 10 7. 25 0 o Frekenham, V. Mrs. Sotherton o 7 6* 70 o o. Herringfwell, R. Jn. tfZlden 01811* 85 o p Ickhngham, St. James, R.Dan. Qwilt 1 o ft bo 0 6 Lakenheth, V. D. and Ch.of Ely .;....• q A i0I I-200 0 0 Newmarket, R^Duie of Rutland .... o d bl .•39" 0 Wartgford,R. Row. Holt.... o" m 2* : S° 9 0 Downham, Dpn. 'J/p. /^r^f ". Mm. p. FQ^DHAM^. 27* Liber Valorum, Mc. Suff' D. FORD HAM, COM' CANTABR, Livings remaining in Ch4RGe. K. B, Yearly Tenths. I. . s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. *too o 0 Afhley, R. Ld. North and Guilford 016.0 *300 O o Burwell, R. Ld. North and Guilford 315 *I50 0 o Chevely, R. J. Th. Hand 1 12 9f ip o p Kirtling, V. Ld. Elibank 1 p 0 *I20 o o Knet, R, J, W. Leigh ..-. 1 3 1 7 17 3f Sylverly, V. Ld. North and Guilford o 15 8f *250 b o Soha'm, V. Pemb. Hall Cam. 'L... 3 5 7* *'20p o o Snalewell, R. Bp. of Ely 2 g i\ Livings Discharqed. Clear yearly Value, 26 " 9 4f Burwell, Y . Ld, Guildford 200 60 o o Chippenham, V. Ld. Sandys '. 133 11 n 6 Downham, V. The King 000 70 o o Fordham, V. Jefus Coll. Cam 168 28 0 0 Wqpdyttori, y. Duke, of Rutland v> 1 15 yf P. GIPPISW1CK. remaining in Charge. K. B. 12 o o Stoke Marias, R. D. and Ch,rofEly .. 140, Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 33 18 8 Elenae Stae. R. J, G. Bafeley ............ o 17 4f 50 o o Matthei Sti. ; R. The King 0 10 0 520 Stephani Sti. R. T. Fonnereau ; o 9 3! 30 Q O- St. Peters, Car. T. Fonnereatf 1 p,HQXNE.; Livings remaining in Cijar-ge, K.B. *$po' O'. o Badingham, R. Jer. Pembertop 258 3 11 3' C^rhbn, R. cum 071! -20 o 5 Kelyhall, R. G. Gilding .:.:.... 2 o p£ , -¦' ' *?5P 0 p Pei?ningtqn, Liber Valorum, tic. 275' Sufk' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. ?250 o 0 Dennington, R. B.Long „.., 3 12 4 *25Q o 0 Freflingfield, V. Eman. Coll Cam 1 15 8| *I20 O O Hbrham, R. Sir G.W. Van Neck .. 1 4 8| *IOO o 0 Hoxne, V. Th. Maynard I 4 4I *I50 o O Soham Monach. R. Ant. Deane 1 18 6| *I50* O O Wilby, R. Mrs. Cobbold v 2 12 8f' *I20 0 0 Worlingworth, R. Mrs. Buckle 1 19 a£ Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. , 70 0 o Athelington, R. The King '. o tj 5 60 o o Bedfield, R. Sirjn. Rous., 1 8 o 60 o O Bedingfield, V. Ph. Bedingfield 70 o o Denham, V. Ld. Maynard 0 10 I I30 0 o La-xfidd, V. Sir J. Van Neck o 19 4 70 0 b Mendham, V. Mrs. Wbitaker o 10 6| 60 o O Stadbrooke, V. Bp. of Ely ',... O 19 il£ 60 o 0 Tattington, R. Bp. of Rochefler 1 5 o$j 70 O o Waybred, V, P. Edge Q 9 6 I 601 o o Wetherfdale, R. Eman. Coll. Cam o 13 8 80 o O Sileham, 'V. Mifs If. and A. Barry .80 O O Aldringham,,Don. Mr. Harvey 30 0 o Wingrield, Cur. The Biflop , D. HARTISMERE. Livings remaining in Charge. Burgate, R. Jn. Pattefon I 7 1 Backton, R. Jn. Barker 1 19 2\ Cotton, R. B. Prettyman 1 11 oj Eye, V. Ld. Cornwallis 1 3 5s Franfton, R. Ld. Cornwallis 16 8 Gellingham, R. Mrs. Bedingfield ...... 2 12 if Mendle(hzm,Y.T.GrofsandP.Collifon 1 8 11 Mellis, R. The King o 19 6 Occold, R. Jn. Gibbs 1 18 if Okely, R. Ld. Cornwallis o 18 Si Paigrave, R. Ld. Cornwallis 1 19, if Rifhangles, R. Ld. Orwell o 15 3^ Stoke Afh, R. W. Garrood 1 2 if Thorndon, R. Th. Howes 292? M m 2 *aoo 0 0 Wortham, K. B. • 130 0 .0 ?150 0 0 *I20 0 0 *IOO 0 0 *i70 0 0 *20O 0 0 *150 0 0 *IIO 0 0 *i70 0 0 9 4 9i *120 0 0 *8o 0 0 *IIQ 0 p ?250 0 p 11 276 LIB12R Valorum, tie. '• Suff' t , Yearly Tenths. ¦'1. s. • d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. *«^ « « JWortham, Rf Med ?~ *,> , [ 1 6 ik 0 ° lwprthamU.aIt.Med:}>-^>i x 6 i| f200 ¦*joo 9? 0 "Werhgririgfet, R. Ja. Jackfon " 3 6 iT *8o P o Yaxley, R. Jn. Gibbs ¦". 012 7} Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 80 o o Brefworth, R. Ld. Cornwallis o 8 g| IOO O O Brome, R. Ld. Cornwallis ;. ,1 o o| 80 o . P Fenningham, R. Edw. Frere 1 1 of .100 b o Rekenhall fuperior, R. R. Holt p 19 ' 4! - no 6 o Redgrave Botefdale, R. R. Holt , 2 10 8f -70 o o Sturflon, R. Ld. Cornwallis ... o 13 8 (Thornham magna, R.l ™ cr . „ t o 15 i| »° ° ° {Thornham parva, R. ,.\Ch; ^'""l 0 9 5| ,60 O O Thweight, R. Sir Sam. Prime '. P 12 3J 70 O o Wefthorpe, R. Mrs. Steggall 0 9 g£ 80 O o Weverfton, R. T. Barnardifton o 17 5I 60 .0 o Wickam Skeith, R. Jn, Wodehoufe .... o 10 95 D. LOTHINGLAND. Livings' remaining in Charge. 'K. B. *ll5 O o Brad well, R. W. Turner „7... 2 16 0 *ioo o b Oldton, R. Jh. Marjloh 194 *50 O v O Pakefield Med. R. Ro. Nelfon .".. 1 8 0 *ioo 0 0 Somerltort, R. Mrs. Love 140 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 80 o o Blundefton, R. Mrs. Love 168 200 o P Belton, R. The Biflop 1 15 6 150 o o Burgh Caftkj R. The King 0 13 4 55 ob Corton, "ZTxrKjfNG 000 40 0 P Carlton Covell, R. Sir A. Allin 150! 14 o o Flixton, Mrs. Love , 000 50 0 o Freton, R. Mrs. Allins 0134 20 ip P Gunton, R. Sir Ch. Saunders o 10 8 160 0 0 GyflehMh, Liber ValoIum,*^ ij7 Suff' _ ' YeaHf Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. )A. 160 o o Gyfleham, R. The King ,. i 6; 8 60 o o Gurlfton, R. J. Aftley ... * 1. 2 . O 16 o o Hafkby, R. Sir T. Allen o 12 o go o 0 Keflingland, V. The Biflop,. «.L. 1 g o 150 o 0 Lowyftoft, V. The Biflop 1 o if 50 o 0 hound, R. W.Turner , o 16 o 40 o o Mutford, V. Caius Coll. ,.'i>... o 15 8f 40 0 o Rufhmere, R. Ro. Barker , 0 14 8 15 10 o Thirkely:,R. Ch. Garneys )....: 0 11 8| 100 o o Hopton, Cur. The Dean and Chap. .. D. LOOSE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *I50 o 0 Afh, R.' Mrs. Brabam 186 *500 o o Framlingham, R. Pemb. Hall Cam. ..468 800 Kenton, V. Lady J. Brydges o 16 O 8134 Mowndeq, R. H. Mafterman o 17 4 *300 o o Rendlefham, R, The King 2 g 4 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 41 ig 7 Brandefton, V. Nich. Crijpe and others o ig 0 50 o 0 Beyton, R. Sir J. Rous and others .... on 2f 28 1 10 Boulge, R. Ro. Reynolds o 7 af 60 o 0 Efton, R. Ld. Rochford i 1 iof 50 00 Eyke, R. Jacob Chilton 1 10 O 100 o o Grethingham, V. The King 0. 19 1 22 18 3I Hatchefton, V. W. Caftle and others .. 0 12 2\ 70 0 o Marlesford, R. Ro. Willidms o 18 8 60 o 0 Parham, V . W. Caftle and others .... D. ORFORD. Livings remaining in Char ge. K. B. lo 0 o Blaxall, R. Mrs. Jackfon '. "..;*... 200 *70 0 o Glenham parva, R. Mrs. Herbert .... 012 o •300 *¦¦ {;.;: °6i 70 o ' 0 Stratford Sti. Andr. R. The King .... o 10 0 60 o O- Saxmondham, R. Ch. Long o 17 7 50 o O Tunftall, R. Chr. Jeafferfon 1 13 of 15 o o Farnham> Don. Ch. Long >:!. 20 o o Glenham, Don. Mrs. Herbert 40 P O Rendham, V. W. Barnet D, SAMPFORD. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 25 10 o Braham, R. J. C. Hankey 2 n 0 13 18 4 Capells, R. Jn. Hingefton a 1 7 id 10 13 4 E verwardton, R. Lady M. Chedworth 114 *ioo o 0 Herkfted, R. Ri. Canning 124! *ioo 0 P Holbrook, R. T. Trapnell I 3 if 33 9 7 Hintlefham, R. Mrs. Powis 3 6 nf *300 o o Roydon, R . Mrs. Kerridge 180 12 17 6 Stutton, R. T. Tipping 1 5 9 20 18 9 Sprowton, R. Ld. Briftol 2 1 iof 20 o 0 Shotley, R. Ld. Briftol 200 *8o P P Tatingfton, R'. Mrs. Garwood 0 13 4 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value.* 50 o O Bentley, V. Ant. Dean b 12 3! 55 0 Q Balftqd parva, R. Th. Blofs o 14 7! 12P o o Coppedhook, R. Ld. Walftngham, .... o 19 3* 30 o o Chatefham,- Liber Valor cm, tic, 279 Suff' "•' Yearly Tenths* I. s. di Benefices. Patrons. ' /. s. d. 30 0 p Chatefham, V. Eton Coll, „ 094 no 0*0 Chelmundefton, R. The King 0 17 p 150 0 o Frefton, R. Ch, Kent ,.', O 12 9 49 11 o Holton, Rf Mrs, Rowley p 15 5! 80 o. P Higham, V. Certain Truftees ............ 0108 130 0 o Stratford, R. The King D. L, ..,„.,... 160 65 0 o Wenham mag. R. Sir P. Barker .,,. o 17 4 60 o p Wafhbrooke? V. Ld. Walftngham ..,. o 16 8 60 b o . Wenham par. R,> Jn. Hingefton p 10 iof „ ,„.. IWolfrefton, V, F. J. Tiffin and Tl . 3+ J3 0.} .Firmin „ .......1 '..J 9 ™ ™$ 80 o p Wherfted, V. The King o 10 8 D, SOUTHELMHAM, Livings D 1 s c h a r p e t>. Clear yearly Value. • 50 o .0 . Flixton, V. W. Adair , 0 12 O 50 o ' o '» Hprnersfield, R. W. Adair f, o ip c 8 38 12 iif SouthelmhamSti. Jac. Ri A. Ellis .... p 16 o «o r, « tSoutheimham Sti, Mich. R. The Pa-\ „ , 3° ° ° \ rifhioners ...'..„. .:.!...} ° 9 9,§ ?»¦ ii 6 lSoSSha^..!^_..l..^:i ° iz 3* ; Q tSouthelmhamSti.Nicol.' .1 Mrs. t q ijj o -> (Southelmham Omn, Sand}.} BrittonX 0 16 0 t„oC o « ' SSouthelmharn Sti. Pet. R. #fa; Brit-} , 100. 0 o| ^ .....:.;......,..,„.... .5 ° l6 0. 50 ! o p Saqdcroft, R./iT. v/rfa/r r'...'. y 00 Df SUDBURY, Livings remaining in Cha'rgf. Afton, V, W. Jennens 0 18 8, Alphetonj R* Fx Smithies 102' Aldham, R. Sjr J. Van Neck 1 1.4 Brentilleth, V. .8/. B.udworth , p 16 o Bildefton,R. W, B. Brand 1 5 ' 8| Brettenham,. R. The King 1 2 4i *2$p « q Bpxfor4? %, pf King .....„„» 2 o b~ ?l%q p p Bures, K. B. *8o 0 p *i5o 0 b *I00 0 0 *I00 p p *I20 0 p *-4° p p 280 Liber Valorum, tic. Suff' "•- Yearly Tenths. 1. s.. d. Benefices. Patrons. . /. i. d. *I20 o- b Bures, V. Duke of Dorfet 1 5 7J ?130 o o Chellefworth, R. The King o 16 ibf •-, ,.„-:' o? „ i Cometh parva,' R. Mrs. Gibbon and} , . *l5° ° ° [ others .., ......,..t. , J ° ,6- 3i *.2bo O. p. .Cavendifh, R. Jefus Coll. Cam 2 12 0 *300 o o Cockfiela\ R. Sr. John's Coll. Cam. ... 3 00 ?300 o.» o Glemsforth, R. Bp. of Ely 300 *i70 0-> p.. GrotQn, R. Jn. Keyjall o 16 2 *300 o a- Hetcham, R. The King ..,....-. 2 13 4 ^300 .0 o • Herteft and Boxted, R, The King .... 2 ig 5 *3iO O o Hadleigh, R. Archbp. of Cant. 410 2f *200 cu o Helmfet, R. Clare HaE Cam 1 6 8f ¥270 0 o Lavenham, R. Caius Coll. Cam 2 o 3f ¥300 o o Leyham, R.-Stf John's Coll. Cam* ... . 1 12 o{- *200 o o LaWfhell, R. B. Lee 2 o j| *350 0 o Riford, &. Mrs. Oakes and others „ 2 16 3 *no o o Miidi'ng, R.' PL Gurdon ,, ., 114 *200, O o Munfeilith, R. Archbp. of Cant. :...' i' 7 to£ £ .si o CMelford "Longa, R, Mis. Oakes and! , 0 *35a-Q;o{ e(btKt ;f..:...„..:v4v ¦„•;„.;„:..,.} 2 6 8 *t'jo " o"' o 'Newton, R. Peter Houfe, Cam ...... 1 14 4f *I20 o 0 Prefton, V . Eman. Coll. Cam 010 75 *220 o o Pblefte'd, ,R. Dr. Prefton .. 240 .^50., o b Stoke Naylahd;'" V . Lady Rowley ...... 1 18 1 *i20 o p Stanfted, R. Jn. Robinfon 100 *ioo o o Sornerton, R. Lord Blundell ,...., q 13 8V *2od ' o ,P ShimpHngthorqe, R. Jn,. Fijke ......... 113 8f *zoo t a 0 Semere, R. W. B. Brand ....'...'. ,'..., 1 a 8f ' •.170 o 'p ' Thorpe MorieuX,.R. Mrs: Fijke .*... 1 17 5I *W o o lm,din'gfieId maS' R- Clare Halll 1 2 8 •* I Cam,. 5 *r70 o o Whatfield,1 R. Jefus Coll. Cam 1 10 of ?150 o p Wefton,., V, , The King ,.. p 9 nj Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. ¦ • ' ' 100 o o AMngton, Y. Ph.- Gurdon 1 op 8b 0 o Cometh mag. V. Mrs.- Wale 0180 60 o o Chilton, R. Jn. Wod'ehoufe b ip l\ 70 0 P Edwardfton, V. W. Sheldon - , 094 100 0 P Kettilberfton, R. B. Coulter -^ 6 -8 100 p p Newton, R, 'Jn, Stubbin '..-.......v....... f i .~b -''-'« 60 0 0 Nedding, Liber Valorum, tic. 281 [t\ S U F f' / Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. L s. d. 60 o o Nedding, R. S. Boulton , o 17,. ,%\ 60 o o Sudbury Omn' SancY V . Mrs. Tyffen o 9 l£ 60 o 0 Waldingfield parva, V. Dr. Syer .... o g 10 J 150 O o Kerfey, C. Kings Coll. Cam 40 o o Lindley, C- Kings Coll, Cam D. STOW. Livings remaining in Charge. 'K.B. * ?200 o 0 Buxball, R, Mrs. Hill 2 o Of * _ f Combes, R. Ld. AJhburnham and C.} t *'5° ° ° \ Boone 1 2 » 9i *5Q P o Finbarow parva, V. Kings CoU. Cam. 034 *70 o o Onhoufe, R. Mrs. Pettiward o 14 3 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 60 0 o SCreeting 0hm1' San,a' R- C' C- Cref l 1 I pigny..... .... 5 l ° °» 60 o o Creeting Sti. Pet. R. Jn. Freeman .... 10 3 60 O o Finbarow magna, V. Bp. of Ely o 10 if 44 10 of Halley, V '. T. Hutchinfon ,v o 15 n 40 0 O Halfton, R. Jof. Grigfiy 040 fMar. and Sti. Pet. in Stow, V. Mrs.} J+° ° ° \ Aldrich \ l J3 6 60 o 0 Newton jux. Stow, V. Jn. Unwin .... o 15 6f 120 o o Wetherden, R. Tbe King ., « 013 4 D. THIN GO. Livings remaining in Charge. > K.B. *230 o o Barrdw, R. St. Joints Coll. Cam 2 6 nf •130 o o Brokely, R. Jof. Grigby 105 *i6o o o Cheyipgton, R. Jn. White o 12 4f •130 O O Flenton, R. Jen. Carter o 10 o ^200 o o ^ornhmOrnn'S^a'^gareHal^ \ ^ Q, *200 o 0 JHoraingoljiremagna, jtJSir C. fia-t 1 1 gf iHoraingchi.re, parva, R.J vers } o 5j7? N n #. *ioo o b Hargrave, 282 , Liber Valorum, tic. Suff' Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons, /. s. d. *too o P Hargrave, R. T. Underwood. p. 9 2 *loo 0 o Holfted, R. &> Jn. Cullum 1 3 --;8{ 9 71 Hengrave, R. Jon. Carter o 18 ^f •150 o o Lakeforth, R. S. Kent r 19 of *90 o o Nawton, R. Sir Ro. Davers O 11 11 \ *i20 o 0 Rifby, R, Th. Hill 1 9 of *no o o Saxham mag. R. H. Mure 134! *loo O o Saxham par. R. W. Crofts o 17 if 9155 Weftley, R. Clare Hall Cam O 19 6f •130 0 O Whepfted, R. T. W. Temple 1 8 5 » Livings Discharged. dear'yearly Value. 100 o o Rede, R. The King ....: 059} IOO *o O Ickworth, R. Ld. Briftol O 15 i| „ CSt. Mary, and St. James Curacies in 7 80 ° ° I Bury, each The Corporation .....J D. THEDWASTER. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. *I20 o o Bradfield Monach, R. Sir C. Davers . 1 3 , 8| , *no O o Bradfield Sti. Clare, R. E. Wyneve .. o 14. 5f *2ob o o Drykifton, R. W. Mofely '. 1 13 8f *ioo o o ' Felfham, R. A. L. Ricbardfan Q 16 5I *I20 O 0 Hedgefet, R. M. Lebeup 1 5 gf ' *i50 o o Liverrnere magn?, R. N. Ation i i.q io| -*270 0 o Ratilfden, R. W. Mofely 20 of *20O 0 o Rougham, R. Sir Ch. Davers 2 7 io| *lio 0 O Staningfield,. R. Fr. Barnwell 0 16 o| ,9 17 11 Tymworth, R. Ld. Cornwallis 0 ig 9f ?140 o o Wolpit, R. T. Cobbofd 0' 13 iof *I20 o o Whelnetham magna, R. T. Folkes .... o 19 6J Livings Discharged. , Clear yearly Value. 40 o 0" Amrston, R. Ja. Calthorp: 0 iq 2» 100 o o Barton magna, V. Sir Ch. Bunbury 1 1 b\ 50 o P Bradfield Combuft, R. W. Crqjke .... 0 g n{ 80 o 0 Beaon, R. The Kino - ..- o 8 & * 80 0 0 Fornhatn, Liber Valorum, tic. 2% Soff' <•/ Yearly Tenths. I. s.* d, Benefices. .Patrons. /. s. d. 80 o o ..Fornham Sti. Martini, R. W. Adams 015 if 50 o o Fornham Genoves, R. T. Hill 014 if 40 0 O Gedding, R. Corp. of Ipfwich 094 60 o o Pakenham, V. Jn. Godbold I O 4f 50 0 O Rufhbrooke, R. Sij C. Davers 0 16 k\ 70 O O Thurfton, V. Ch. Tyrrell .... O- 13 4 70 O 0 Toftoke, V. Th. Mofley • 0 12 10J 50 0 o Whelnetham parva, R. Sir C. Davers 094 CWeftow, R. Mr. Rujhbrooh and! fl, 80 ° °| Plampin 5° *9 8* D. WILFORD. Li VIN GS RE M AININ G IN C H AR G E. K. B. *20o o o Alderton, R. Bp. and H. Chamberlen 1 9 10 *5o 00 Brc/inefwell, R. Ld. Briftol... ... o g 6.£ 1216 8 Hoilefly, R. W. Bolton ...™ 1 58 16 0 o Kettleborough, R. Ro. Sparrow 1 12 0 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 50 0 o Bradfield, V. The Kino 085 70 0 o Bawdfey, V. The King 0134 60 O O Dahnghoe, R. S. Kilderbee 168 , 60 0 o Lowdham, V. The King , 000 60 o O Melton, R. £>'. and Ch. of Ely ............ 0 18 9 CShottefhaft), R. Mr, Kett and Mrs.} . 30 o 0 J ReU I J 0 9 7| 40 o O Sutton V. Sir Jn. Rous'. 0 16 2f 70 o O Ufford, R. Ro. Onebye .,., o 16 6 100 0 o Wickham Market, V, The King .... 0 13 8 D, WAYNFORD alia? WANGFQRD, Livings remaining in Charge. - K-B. ?150 o o Barfham, R. Edw. Holden , 1 10 8 *200 o o Beckles, R. Mrs. Sparrow and Btnce 232! •150 0 0 Jlketlhall Sti. Johan. The King 0 17 4 \ " Nn^ '12 9 Q, Ringfield, 2^4 Liber Valorum* tie. Sufj' Yearly Tenths. 1. s. A. Benefices, Patrons. /. s. d. } 12 P 0 Ringfield, R. G. Rickaby and others •• 140 **6o o o Worlinghami R. The King 140 f Willingham Omn' Sand' R. Sir 7.7 6°>° °l Plqyters .'.... ...\ I 4 0 Livings Discharged, dear yearly Value. 50 00 Bingey, Stse. Trinit. V. Bp- of Ely .. o 16 of jao o o Endegate, R. The King ..; o 14 8 40 o o Ilketfhall, Stae. Marg. V. V. Lumley .. on 4* CUketfhall, Sti. Andr. V. Mr. Wil-} S° ° ° { Hams ¦and [Nelfon \ ° " ? 60 0 P Metingham, V. John Hunt O 13 8J 160 0 O NprthCoye; R. The King ..,-. I o 0 60 O 6 Shipmedowe, R, Mrs. Suckling 1 0,0 50 o 0 Shadingfelde, R.Ld. Brijlol and others 140 vg0 O P Soterley, R, Miles Barne I 0 0 120 o o ^Vefton, R. TheKivsG 168 ipo 0 p Willingham, Stae. Mar. R. The King 013 4 20 p p Btirigay, Cur. Duke of Norfolk pxon' Liber Valorum, He* Oxon' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL, The Chapter of this Cathedral confifts of a Dean and eight Ca nons, all in the Gift of the King. The Value of the Deanry is ioool. the Year, and that of the Canonnes 500I. each. Oxon' Yearly Tenths. Benefices remaining in Charge. /. s. d. I. s. d. 381 n of T7PISCOPATUS , 38 3 if 71 6 of XI* Archidiaconatus 7 2 j\ Livings in Oxford not in Charge. Clear yearly Value, 40 0 o All Saints, V. Lincoln Coll 60 0 O St. Aldat. R. Pembroke Coll 8P o o St. demerit, R. TV King 30 o o St. Ebba, R. The King 30 o 0 St. Giles, V. St, John's Coll. 30 o o St.- John Bapt. Merton Coll. 40 0 o St. Martin Carfax, R. The King ...... 25 o P St. Mary Magd. Ch. Ch. Coll. 40 o o B. Mariae, Y. Oriel Coll. , 20 o o St. Peter le Bayley, R. The King .... ;" 20 ¦ 0 > 0 St. Peter in the Eaft, V. Merton Coll. 20 o o St. Thomas, Cur. Ch. Ch. Coll. ....... D. ASTON. 286 Lib e r V a l o. ru m, ri^fo Oxon' D. ASTON. LivinGjS remaining in Charge. \ .' K. B. Yearly Tenths, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. dK II p 2f Amington, R. Sir W. Ajhurft ., i 2 of 18 16 of Brytewell Baldwin, R1, F. Lowe 1 17 7f 6 ig 2 Britwell Salham, R. Mrs. Stopes 0 13 11 ( 7 g gf Crowell, R. Ld. Wenman o 14 nf 26 o 5 Chlnnor, R, Mrs. Mufgrave 2 12 of ,9 10 5 Cuxham, R. Merton Coll ¦.••, o 19 of 10 5 5 Chalgrove, V. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. .... 1 0 6f .21-10 5 Ewelme,' R. Reg. Prof of Div , 2 3 of 17 9 4^ Pyrton^V. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. ........ 1 14 1 if 926 Southw efton, R. Queen's Coll. Oxo'n. 0 18 3 12- 17 1 Stoke Tal mage, R. Ld. Macclesfield .. 1 5 8f 9 10 10 Whitfield, R . Edw- Rudge p 19 1 2 11 'iof Warpfgratfe, R. Th. Shepard 0 5 l\ ...Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value 100 o o Afton, Rowant,V. The King 1 1310! 40 o o Adv/e^, R. Mrs. Newell o 9 4f 40 o o Eafington, R. Bp. of Lincoln o 9 .3 50 o o Ibefton, R. Merton Coll o 18 1 if 46 7 3 Lev/kenarfY . AU Souls CoU- Oxon. .. i( 3 %{ ' 27 o o Sherebor'ne, V. Ld, Macclesfield 1 1 7I 43 o o Thame, V . Ld. Granville ...;. 1 16 , 0 37 v 4 0 Watlington, V. J.H. T'llfon ............ 149 D. BURGESTEE. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. • . 1 . 5 12 8f Ardeley, R. Duke of Marlbonough .,.. o 11 3! of BuckneJl, R. New Coll.fixon, .1 7 li. o Ble. »/ Weftminfter 1 13 - 4J' *i30 0 0 Lihingftone Lovell, R. The King .»• o 16 1 1 f *400 0 o Langton, R. ify. of London ..„ i 2 nf 15 9 4f Mixbury, R> Bp. of Ro chefter 1 10 i rf *i6o o 0 Middleton, R. Bp. of Lincoln t 5 7f 3 15 5 J Newton Pricel, R. cumlFiennes Trot-} AI 4 o o I Shellifwell, R \ man J° 7 &r *I50- o o Odington, R. Trin. Coll. Oxen. 1 5 7! 15 1 iof Somerton, R. B. Coulton 1 -10 2f *300 o o Soulderne, R. St. John's Coll. Cam, .. 017 5 '11 9 4f Wendelbury, R. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. 1 2 nf Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 42 5 3 Ambrifdon, V. Sir G. P. Turner .... 13 9 , 4g o o Burcefter, V. SJr G. P. Turner 1 12 o 45 6 8 Chefterton, V. New Coll Oxon o 14 iof 24 13 4 Curtlington, V. St. John's Coll. Oxon. 1 2 n \ 48 5 6 Cottisford, R. Eton Coll o 13 4 34 8 8 Fritwell, V. W, Wake o 14 i\\ 19 13 4 Hardwick, R. Sir H. Dajhwood o 10 o 12 O O Marfton, V . Exeter Coll O lb b 41 7 8 Piddington, V. The Inhabitants 000 «» o .^ J Stoke Lynn, V. Mr. Vernon and} 37 8 10 J Mamjon , , j 0 0 o 15 0 0 Tofmere, R. Mr. Farmer 0 6 6 2800 Wefton on the Green, V. N. Bertie D. CHIPPING NORTON. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. « g O 2f Chefleton, R. Mrs. Greenwood o 18 o\' 25 510 Charlebury, V. St. John's Coll. Oxon. 21O 7 7 n iof Haythorpe,_R. R. Wynniate o 15 2f 17 11 8 Kinkham, I 288 Liber Valorum* tic. Oxon* Yearty Tenths. I. s. d. B*ne-fic8s. Patrpns. /; s. d. 17 II 8 Kinkham, R. Mrs. Foley ...,., 1. 1 15 2 j"6 9 4I Rolleright mag. R. 5rf Stonesfield, R. Duke of Marlborough o g iif Wivelcote, R. Mrs. Wellington p ^ 4 Bagbrook, R. Sir H. Daflwood Kidlingtbn, V, Exeter Call, .-....»,, Petriburgen' Liber Valorum, fife. 291 Petriburgen' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL. The Chapter confifts of a Dean and fix Prebendaries; the Pre bends are in Value 200L per annum and the Deanry 400I. Northamp' Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 414 17 8f T7PISCOPATUS 41 9 gf 122 7 1 ¦% Archidiaconatus 12 4 8f D. BRACKLEY. Livings remaining in Charge, K-B. 25 5 5 Ayno, R. Th. Cartwright 2 10 6f TAynfton, on the Wall, R. St John's} 0 z 9 9 7} 3Coll.hxon . ... | ° l8 "* 14 6 8 Braden, R. W. Ives 1 8 8 28 p o Byfield, R. L, Knightly t , 2 16 0 20 o o Bodington, R. W. Wainman 200 26 10 o Chippingwarden, R. Ld. Guilford .... 213 o IOOO Colflhigham, R. Ld. Pomfret 100 15 3 6f Crowelton, R, W. M- Friend 1 10 4f 10 o 'o Culworth, V. Mrs. D' Anvers 1 00 ?170 p o Eydon, R, The King •¦ 1 13 7f 12 O o Edgecote, W. H. Chauncey I 4 O 16 O O Farthingbo, R. Sir Th. Egerton ....... 1 12 O 15 5 2f Gayton, R. Ri. Kenf , 1 jo 6f 905 Gretwqrth? R. Ph. Hartley « O 18 of fftio o o Hejmedon, R. C. C. C. Oxon 17 i\ 10 o o Hinton, R. Ld. Spencer '. ¦•„. 1 00 6 17 6 Lewefdeq, V. Kings Coll. Cam. ........ o 13 9 31 Ii 3 Middleton Cheney, R. $raz. N. Coll. 3 3 if. 20 o o MarftonSt.'Lawrence,V. S. Blencowe 200, 889 Maidford, R. T. Barker and others .... p 16 iof *l$bp 0 o Norton Dayy„ R. The King 3 16 o " 6 11 iof Pattifhull 292 Liber'Valorum, tie. NoRTH' Yearly Tentbr, 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 6 n T6'JPattirtlu11 ex una parte, V.V. Welch! x ll and the King alternately J ° r3 a? 6 li I04Pattifllu11 «'"'t' parte, V. T. Welch! 1l and tbe King alternately j ° x3 . 2? 368 Suttefbury, R. Univ. of Oxon 068 9 9 gf SIapton,R. Th. Welch o 18 ni 13 o o Sirefham, R. Sir CI C. Dormer 160 9 9 7 Tiffield, R. Mrs. Gilbert o 18 nf 10 2 n Thprpe Mandeville, R. Th. Nicoll .. r o 3f 1? 6 g jTowcefter, V. ^. s/I^. mrfCrt;.) ¦* \ exonerated ,,....} ,21 9 gf Warpenham, R. Bp. of Lincoln 2 2 li£ 815 o Yfh')Xfe\d,R. Worker Gol!, Qxon. .. 017 6 Livings Pischarged. Clear yearly Value 30 7 5f Brackley, V. Duke of Bridgwater .... 1 ig io| 39 2 5 Bhkeny, V.H.White 019 8f 35 n 6 Chacombe, V. Ch. Fox o 15 8f 26 1 o Evenly, V. Magd. Coll. Oxon, 0140 37 x3 ro Newbottle, V. Ld. Thanet 1 0 r 42 9 6 Plompton, R. Edw. Bufly .,.,.-.„.,...... q 14 nf 700 Stene, R. Ld. Spencer O jo tif 46 18 8 Sulgrave, V. W. H Wykham „. p ig 8f 41 10 12 Thenford, R. Bp. of Lincoln 1 0 0 / 120 p o Woodford, V. The King p 13 0 D. DAVENTREE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 30 2 n Burbey, R. cum Qnely K. Holled 3 0 3f 31 2 n Brandefton, R, Jefus Coll. Oxon. 323! 20 2 11 Charwelton, R. G. Knightly z o 3} 1000 Catefby, V. Jn. Parkhurft , 1 0 0 1000 Dodford, V. Ri. Welchman I 0 of 24 211 Everton, R. Eton Coll. 2 8 jf 797 Fawefly, Y . L. Knightley O 14- I if •140 0 o Farthingfton, R. Bp. of Lincoln 1 6 iof 14 o o Killefby, R. Precentor of Lincoln 1 80 16 9 7 Litchbarrow, R. W. Addington \ 12 nf 805 Prefton, V. Ch. Knightley 0 16 of 18 p P Stowe, R, Jn. Lloyd — • 1 16 0 ,9 35 7 0 Afhby kiBER Valorum, tic*. 293 North' Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d, 35 7 o Afhby Leogars, V. Jof. Aflley o 13 4 39 8 4- Badbey, V. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon 1 8 o 18 ig 6 Kfllefby, V. The Reclor thereof o 14 o 30 O Q Stareton, V. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon 000 ig P IO Wedenbeck, Th. Thornton I 2 o 70 0 o Welton, V. The King , 0 14 0 50 o o Daventree, Don. Ch. Ch, Coll. Oxon. CMarton Pinkney, Cur. Oriel Coll.} 4° ° *1 Oxon V \ D. H A D D O N. Livings remaining in Charge, K. B. 20 o o Abington, R. J. H, Thurjby 2 00 40 o o Brington, R. Ld. Spencer 400 rg o o Billing magna, R.Braz.N. Coll. Oxon. 1 18 O f Billing parva, R. Mrs. Drury and} T '°.*»f others. ! „ J1 ° 3* 20 g 7 Boughton, R. Ld. Strafford 2 o nf 25 ig 7 Brampton, R. Mr. Ford and Baker .. 2 11 nf 13 o o Brockhole, R. The Bijhop 160 34 O o Bugbroke, R. Jn. Whitfield 380 n I 8 Creefton, R. C. Hodgfon 1 2 2 40 o o Claycooton, R. Th. Whitmell 100 26 o 10 Coterfbrooke, R. Sir J. Langham .... 2 12 1 32 13 12 Creeke", R. St. John's Coll. Oxon. .... 353! 605. Coldafhby, V. Th. Thornton O 12 of 17 o o Flower, V. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon, 1 14 q 1734 Guilfborough, V. Mr. Wollaften .... 1 14 4. 18 13 4 Horpoole, R. Ld. Fitzwilliam 1 17 4 8 10 .5 Hayford, R. F. Hammond o 17 of 20 g 7 Harlefton, R. Ro. Andrew- 2 o rif *aoo o o Holdenby, R. The King 2 o 3I 18 g 7 Killingbury, R. Jn. Jephcott 1 16 nf 14 3 9 Maulton, V. Mrs. Moftyn 1 8.4* 12 16 3 Overfton, R. Mrs. Drury and others t 5 7f 14 J g 7 Pisford, R. Ld. Strafford I 15 nf 11 13 4 Ravenfthorpe, V. Ch, Ch. Coll. Oxon. 1 34.* 15 o 0 Sprottofl,, » 294 Ll#Ek VALoituMi tic* North' Yearly tfinths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. j. d. 15 o o Sprotton, Vi Fr. Beynori ..; i i.p o 13 o o Thurnbie, R. Rob. Rogers 160 12 16 3 Whiltpnj R. W- Rofe 1 5 ji ib ib 3 Wefton Favell, R. Mrs. Harvey .... 1 13 7I *lio o o Watford, V. The King 1 2 gf 15 6 8 Winwick, R. Bp; of Lincoln 1 10 8 .25 0 IP Yelvertoftj R. Ldi Craven ......; 2 id 1 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. < 30 % 2 Bugby, V. Bp. of Licb. and Gov. .... t 00. 48 6' 4 Eafthaddon, V. H. Sawbridge 1 io 0 60 o o Lilburne^ V. The King o 12 0 73 2 Nathefby, V. G. Aflby o 16 0 97 8 Stanford fuper Avon, V, Sir T, Gave 019 of 3g 18 4 Wilford, V. Bp, of Oxford p ib o 45 9 8 Wefthaddonj V, Jn. Whitfield 1 6 & D. HIGH AM. LiyiNGs remaining in Change. K. B... 10 12 if Addington magna, R. Edw. Tiley .... 1 i jjf 29 1 o o Burton Latimer, R. Th. Barwick .... 2 19 0 {Barton Seagrave, R. Duke of Monta-} ' 0, 1 '7 * \ gUe 1 ! ,.....} * J 8" f Craneford Sti. And. R. Sir G. Robin-j 0 . 9 9 7 J fm , : \ ° »8 »* 12 16 3 Grafton Underwood, Lady Gowran ¦• 1 5 7f fCraneford Sti. Joban. R. Bp. of Lin-} '? ° °1 coin 1 J * ° tj 6 8 Hargrave* R» Mrs. Bunbury i 6 8 839 Newton, R. Mrs. Bletfoe 016 4! *12P o o Rufhden, R. The King 1 5 7f *no P o Raundes., V. The King \ 2 nf *i8o P o Stanwick, R. The King ,„.,..„ 1 4 nf 10.17 1 Thingdeh, V, Sir W. Dolben 1 1 8{ 18 16 3 Warketon, R. Duke of Montague .... 1 17 l\ ,.\ Woodford of Cokes Un' Med. R. Ld.} ., „. ** 8 hi St. John J •* 9* A Woodford of Stiles alt. Med. R. Ld.l w , ., » x- 5l{ st. John :.... :....] ' 2 n 26 11 4 Adduig* Liber Valorum, tic. 295 Northamp' Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. > /. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 26 11 4 Addington parva, V. W. Sanderfon o 15 2f 34 0 4 Bozeat, V. Ld. Spencer o 16 o 17 11 8 Denford and Ringfteed, V. L. Burton o 17 o 27 g 3 Eafton Mawditt, Y.Ch.Ch. Coll. Oxon. o 12 p 46 6 11 Jrchefter, V. Am. Dickens o 16 o 13 13 4 Irthilingborough, R. Sir T. Wentworth o IO 8 IOO 0 o Kettering, R. Ld. Sondes 3 9 4 48 12 8 Strixton, R, Ld. Spencer 0140 24 3 8 Wollafton, V. Am. Dickens 168 40 0 o Higham Ferrers, V. Ld- Fitzwilliam 40 o o Irtlingborough, V. Ld. Fitzwilliam .. D. NORTHAMPTON. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *i5o o o Hardingron, V. The King 166 COmni. Sancl. Northampt' R. The} 22 O O i n . r >240 I Lorporapon , J * .34 211 Petri Sti. V. St. Cath. Hofp. London 3 8 3f 15 o 0 Sancti Edmondi, V. Mr. Watkin .... 1 jo ,p Livings Discharge^. Clear yearly Value. 35 14 n Dahngton, V. G. Wright 0 13 -7 J9 J3 5 Dufton, V. Sir M. Lamb 0 i2 io| 43 13 2 Egidii Sti. Y. N. Whalley 0 15 11 20 10 10 Sepulchri Sti. V. Edw. Watkin „ 012 i^ 60 ° ° ^'iJncolV ^^ NprthamP' BP"{{ 4 10 Q r t>. OUNDLE, Livings remaining in Charge, K. B. 12 ± 7. 5A15 6 2 I Mmtague i\ 1 to 8 35 g 7 Benefield, R. Ch. Joye 3 10 nf 17 39 Clapton, R. Sir H. Williams I 14 . 4f 13 T6 3 Cliffe Regis, R. Ld. Weftmoreland .... 1 7 7f 15 6 8 Iflip, R. Ld. Sackville 1 10 8 16 8 1 if Luffwick, R. Ld. Sackville 1 12 iof 7 12 3f Lilford, V. Th. Powys ¦. 6 15 2f 21 11 5f Lutton, R. Ld. Sondes 2 3 i£ 889 Lullington, R. Duke of Montague o lb iof 45 3 3f Naftington, P- Bp. of Lincoln 4 10 2f 29 3 6f Potchbroke, R. Bp. of Peterborough.. 2 18, 4f 20 2 II Stockdoyl, R. Ph. Ward 2 0 32 *I20 O O Sudborow, R. Bp. of London 107 13 12 11 Tanfor, R. D. and Ch. of Lincoln —• I 7 3f CTifchmarfh, R. Mr. Dickenfon and} 45 0 o{ Mri.-p,\ ; .{ } 4 to 0> goo Twiwell, R. Jn. Striven o 18 0 *I50 o o Thrapftone, R. Tbe King 1 8 6f n 00 Waddinghoe, R. B. Bridges 120 Ltvings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 37 19 o Cqtterftock, V. Mrs, Vaughan 000 '35 8 4 Hemington, R. Sir Ed. Montague .... o 12 nf 48 2 4 Pihon, R. Th. Powys .' 120 45 14 o Naftington, V. P. thereof 6 15 4 150 o o Oundle, V. The King 1 6 8 34 6 9 Southwick, V. G. Lynn o 16 g 46 4 10 Slipton, Ld, Sackville ••¦•— on 2f ii 6 5 Warmington, V. Ld. Weftmoreland.... , 168 D. PETRIBURG. Livings remaining in Charge. ,. K. B. 28 10 o Barnock, R. The Biflop 2 17 0 52 12 8f Caftor, R- annexed to the Bprk. 5 5 3f *i30 o o Colliweftoh, R. The King ; 1 4 Iji *I70 o o Eafton, R. Ld. Exeter '.'¦ • 1 18. 10 9 9 q\ Etton, Liber Valorum, tic. 297 Northamp' Nearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons, /. s. d. g g gf Etton, R. Ld. Fitzwilliam O 18 I if: 9 2 3f Marham, R. Ld. Fitzwilliam o i8 2| 10 ig 7 Norborow, R. The D. and Chap I I nf 13 711 Pafton, R. The Biflop „. I 6 gf II 3 i if Peakerke, R. The D. and Chap i 16 4^- 17 1 3" Thornehough, R. Duke of Bedford .. 1 14 if 26 13 4 Ufford, R. St. John's Coll. Cam 2 13 4 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 35 2 6 Helpefton, V. Chr. Coll. Cam 016 of 45 1 8 Maxie, V. The D. and Chap 100 47 13 o Martini Sti. Stamf. Ld. Exeter o 15 4f 44 6 11 Wittering, R. Ld. Exeter 0 16 1 70 o o Peterborough Abb. Cur. The Biflop 50 o 0 St. John Peterb. V. The Bijhop .... D. PRESTON. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *I50 o 0 Alderton, R. The-KiSG .. 140 *i20 0 0 Afhney, R. The King < 100 20 3 g Blifworth, R. Ld. Hatton 2 o 4f 17 9 7 Caftle Alhby, R. Ld Northampton.... 1 14 nf 17 o o Coginghoo, R. P. Whalley 1 14 o •150 o 0 Curtinhall, R. The King... 151 14 n .3 Covefgrave, R. Ld. Maynard 1 9 if 16 10 5 Collingtree, R. Ro. Knight 1 13 of 800 Eafton Nefton, V. Ld. Pomfxet- 0160 7 o 0 Furthoo, R. Jefus Coll. Oxon o 14 o 22 0 o Houghton mag. R. Mrs. Goodfellow 240 692 Houghton par. V. Til. Walker o 12 11 *8o o 0 Horton, V.T£*King 015 8f 16 15 10 Middleton, R. G. Bacihoufe 1 13 7 20 o o Paflenham, R. Ld. Maynard 200 700 Prefton, Y . Mrs. Newman and others o 14 o 24 4 2 Pawlerfpurie, R. New Coil. Oxon 285 *i20 o o Quinton, R. The King 1 2 4f 30 o o Stockbruern, R. Braz, Nofe Coll. .... 300 15 1 iof Wickdive, R. T. Prowfe 1 10 2| 21 15 o Wotton, R. Exeter Coll. Oxon 236 P p 2 14 1 1 cf Whiflon, 4 398 Liber Valorum, tic. Northamp'- Yearly Tenth. 1. s. , d. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. 14 n pf Whifton, R. Ld. Bofton 1 9 if 13 16 of Yardly Haftinges, R. Ld. Northampton 1 7 7f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 50 o o Brayfield fup. Green, V. T. Walker.. 1 13 4$ 100 o o Grafton Regis, R. The King o 18 n| 21 8 8 Glendon, Vi. Trin. Coll. Cam 0160 20 O o Hartwell, R. Ld. Halifax 000 31 12 0 PoterfpUrie, V. Ld. Bathurft o 16 7^ 17 5 o Rotherthorpe, V. Sir f. Samwell .... o 10 n| ,D. R O T H W E L L. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 12 2 8f Arthingworth, R. T. Rokeby 1 4 3! 23 6 iof Braybrooke, R. P. Shuter 2 6 8f 15 4 2 Bowden parva, R. Duke of Montague 1 10 5 2i 9 7 Broughton, R . Duke of Montague .... 2 2 1 if 800 Clendon, R. Jn. Booth o 16 0 -,'jClipfton Duar' Part, R. Chr. Colli , II 12 85£ Cam J 1 3 3, 606 Clipton, tert. part. R . Chr. Coll. Cam. 012 0 850 Cranfley, V. Jn. Robinfon o 16 6 12 211 Draughton, R. Ja. Scawen 1 4 3f 2i 8 if Efton, R. Mrs. Whalley 2 2 gf 13 1 of Famden, R. St. John's Coll. Oxon. 1 6 if 13 14 gf Hafelbech, R. Ri. Bond 1 7 si 15 9 7 Hartington, R. Hon. W. Tollemache 1 10 nf 6 17 6 Hardwicke, R. J. Rainsford 0 13 9 13 6 8 Halcote, R. Edw. Montgomery 168 10 11 3 Hanington, R. Bp. of Lincoln 1 1 if 7100 Ifham fuperior, R. T. Rokeby o 15 0 7 10 o Ifham inferior, R. Bp. of Lincoln o 15 o 23 1 5f Kelmarfh, R. W. Hanbury 2 6\ if *I50 O o Lodington, R. Sir T. Bridges 1 o 55 48 2 6 Lamport, R. Sir E. IJham 4163 15 2 11 Marfton Truffell, R. The Biflop 1 10 3f 10 8 if Maid well St. Mar. R.? ~ c ( 1 o 9I 417 1 MaidwellSti.Pet.R.}>-^w"--io 9 8f 13 8 4 Oxenden Liber Valorum, tic. 299 NoRTHamp' Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 13 84 Oxenden magna, R. Th. Rokeby i 6 io 20 7 3f Orlingburie, R. Sir B. Bridges 2 o 8f 18 12 8f Oulde, R. Braz. Nofe Coll. 1 17 tf 30 1 3 Pightfley, R. Bp. of Litch. and Cov. 30 if 10 11 1 Rufhden Omn. St. R.} T„ „ , n ,0 10 Rufhden Sti. Petr. R.J W' Ha^lt * l 2*. n 1 5f Siwell, R. W.Wilmer I 2 if 14 0 10 Scaldwell, R. Duke of Montague .... 181 6 4 gf Sibberftofte, V. Bp. of Oxon 0 12 5f n 14 2 Thorpe Malvefor, R. T. Manfell 13 5 24 1 8 Willingbury, R. Ld. Warwick 282 13 ig 4f Wilbye, R. Ld. Suffex 1 7 nf 22 4 7 Walgrave, R. Bp. of Lincoln 2 4 5f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 60 o o Barton Comitis, V. The King 100 2g 1 g Brixworth, V. Chancell. of Sarum .... 1 g 7 40 O o Daifborrow, V. P. Joye o 16 o 60 o o Dodington, V. The King „.... o 17 4 43 12 5f Harrowdown, V. Ld Fitzwilliam .... 1 6-4 37 6 8 Meris Afhby, V. Sir V. Charnock .... o 9 4J 12 13 2 Rothwell, V. W. Higginfon O 15 iof 30 o o Pitchley, Cur. Bp. of Lich. and Cov. D. WELDON. Livings remaining in Charge. yK. B. 17 00 Afhley, R. Ri. Coivlijbaw 1 14 o 21 6 8 Brampton, R. Ld. Spencer 228 14 II 3 Blatherwick, R. D, Obrien I 9 if 18 7 1 Bulwick, R. J. Clarke 1 16 8f 11 17 3f Bridgftoek, V. J. Neivport 1 3 8f 13 16 3 Corby, R. Duke of Montague I 7 7f 12 16 3 - Carleton, R. Sir J. Palmer 1 5 7f 23 7 3f Cottingham, R. Braz. Nofe Coll 2 6 8f .. 24 3 6f Dean, R. Duke of Montague 2 8 4J 9*9 4f Dingley, R.J. P. Hungerford o 18 nf 21 13 if Gretton Weldon, P. Bp. of Lincoln 2 3 31 4 16 8 Harringworth lib. Cap. C. Stanhope.... 098 776 Okely parva, R. Ld. Beaulieu o 14 9 10 2 3f Rockingham, 300 Liber VaLorum, &c. Northamp' . Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. io 2 3f Rockingham., R. Ld. Sondes I o 2f 13 6 8 Stoke Albany, R. Ld. Sondes i 6 8 *i6o o o Weldon, R. Ld. Hatton 168 11 17 1 Wefton, V. Ld. Sondes 1 3 8f 11 12 6 Wakerley, R. Ld. Exeter 1 3 3 7 17 1 Wilberfton, V. Ld. Sondes o 15 8f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 48 o o Gretton, V. P. thereof 1 18 8 IOOO Geddington, Y . Duke of Montague ., on 1 33 3 4 Harringworth, V. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. 137 43 18 0 Veckley, V. Duke of Montague o 18 of ALSTOW HUNDRED. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. .20 16 3 Afhwell, R. W. Burton _ 2 1 ;| 10 13 if Burlie, V . Ld. Winchelfea 1 1 3I 25 16 3 Cottefmore, R. Ld. Gainfiorough .... 211 7f 3 II of Friftelton, R. G.B. Brudenell o 7 if 5 3 9 Greetham, Y . Ld. Winchelfea - o 10 4f C Market Overton, R. Mr. Hall and} , *? » 3 } Muxloe \ x 9 ^ 9 7 1 Stretton, R. Edw. Smith o 18 8f 14 2 11 Tighe, R. Ld. Harborough 1 ,8 2f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 40 O o Exton, V. Ld. Gainfiorough 016 gf ,46 0 0 Wifienden, Y . Ld. Harborough o 14 if EAST HUNDRED. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 6 15 5 Carterton parva, R. Th. Browne o 13 6f 11 2 11 Cafterton magna, R. Ld. Exeter 1 2 3f 25 6 5f Empingham, P. Bp. of Lincoln 2 10 yi 168 Hornfield, R. Ld. Gainfiorough 028: 9 10 2f Ketton, s ¦" _Liber Valorum, tic. 301 Rutland. Yearly Tenth. I. *. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. ~3. 9 10 2f Kettoh, P. Bp. of Lincoln 2 19 of 12 10 5 Tinewell, R. Ld. Exeter I 5 of S O 0 Whitwell, R. Ld. Gainfiorough O IO O Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 39 o 0 Empingham, V. P. thereof o 15 si 42 3 4 Ketton, V. P. thereof.. o 16 o 31 IQ 0 Royal, V. Ld. Exeter I 7 8f 42 3 1 Tilkencote, R. Mrs. Wingfield o 12 7 OKEHAM SOCA. Livings remaining in Charge. B. K. .10 o 5 Kijpefham, R. P. G. Snow 1 o oz 28 3 if Okeham, V.Ld, Winchelfea 2 16 3f 400 Pikeworth, R. Ld. Exeter , 080 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 79 o o Wardley, R. The King 117! 30 o .0 Branfton, Cur. D. and Ch. of Lincoln D. RUTLAND alias MARTIN GS LEY HUNDRED. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 8 7 8f Ayfton, R. G. B. Brudenell o 16 gf 14 7 6 Edwefton, R. Mrs. Lucas 189 10 17 1 Hambleden, V. D. and Ch, of Lincoln 1 1 8_ 6 17 1 Linden, R. Th. Barker o 13 8f 605 Martinthorpe, R. Ld. Denbigh o 12 of 917 6 Prefton, R. C. Belgrave 0 19 9 10 1 3 Ridlington,'R. Ld. Gainfiorough 1 o if *i6o o o Uppingham, R. Bp. of London 201 *ioo p b Winge, R.T^King o 14 6f 10 0 o Manton, 1 302 Liber Valorum, tic. Rutland. Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. jo o O Manton, V. Mrs. Bourne ooo 40 6 10 Normanton, R. Sir J, Heathcote o 10 5f WRANGDIKE HUNDRED. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 14 13 if Barrowden, R. Ld, Exeter 1 9 3J 12 16 io| Glayfton, R. Peter Houfe Cam 1 5 8£ 20 O 10 Liddington, P. Ep. of Lincoln 201 10 19 7 Morecote, R, G. Pochin and others .. 1 1 nf 17 O 5 North LuffenhamR. Eman. Coll. Cam. 1 14 of 12 12 6 South Luffenham R. C. Leathes 15 2 n 2 1 Stoked ry, R. Th. Powys 1 2 2f 20 7 6 Styton, alias Seaton, R. Jn. Monclon 209 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 31 ,8 4 Bifbrooke, V. Duke of Rutland o 12 of 43 12 7 Liddington, V. P. thereof , o 16- 2f 31 9 8 Pilton, R. Sir J' Heathcote ...«..., o 9 8f Sarum' .Liber Valorvm, tic. 303 Roffen' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL The Chapter confifts of ths Dean and fix Prebendaries; four^of which are in the Gift of the King, one annexed to the Head fhip of Oriel College, Oxford, and one to the Archdeaconry, The Deanry is in Value 400I. the Year, and the Prebends each 200I. .Roffen' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. I. d. s. 358 4 9f "PPISCOPATUS Roffen 35 16 ,sl 34 14 gf -C'Archidiacon. Roffen 3 9 ' S* Kanc' D. ROFFEN. Benefices. Patrons. 9 18 4 Afh, R. M. Lombard 0 ig 10 10 o 0 Aylesford, Y.TheD. and Chap: 100 14 15 5 Cuxton, R. The Bijhop 196! 14 o o Cowling, R. H. Fox 180 10 3 1 if Frendifburie, V. The Bijhop 1, o 4$ 6 9 4f Fawkeham, R. Sir Ph. Boteler p 12 nf 5*200 o o Gravefend, R. The King 1 10 o *4 5 7f Halftow, R. Edw. Chapman 1 8 6£ 700 Hartley, R. Ro. Clarke 0 14 o 7 13 4 Hailing, Y.D.andChap O 15 4 ?140 o 0 Higham, V. St. John's Coll. Cam. .... o 17 0 q 1 9 Kingfdowne, R. Tbe D. and Chap. .... o 18 2 n n 3 Luddefdowne, R. Mrs. Harland ........ 1 3 if CMargar. Sts. V. in Roff. D. and! 10 ° ° J dap J1 ° ° *6o- o o Mareftone, R. The King- » p 5 4 *l6o o o Milton, R. The King and Bp 1 12- 7 16 12 1 Maria; Stse. R. in Hoo, Ed. Clmpman 113 2f C^q 314 gf Ridley, 304 Li be* "VaLorum, tic. Kanc' Yearly Tenth. I. jw d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 20 8 9 Nicolai Sti. in Roffen. V. The Biflop -. 2 o iof 3 14 gf Ridley, R. W. Evelyn o 7 5f 26- 1 0 O Stone, R. The Biflop , 2 13 0 25 13 4 SwSnefcombe, R. Sidney Coll. Cam. .. 2 II 4 31 15 o Southflete, R. Tbe Bijhop 3 3 6 20 o o Snodelarjd,;R. The Biflop 200 ij 1 8 Shorne, V. The D. and Chap 162 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. / 46 P P Bufham, V. Ch. Milner o 16 6 60 o o Chalke, V. The King o 12 45 46 3 o Hoo, Y .The D. and Chap 1 17 7 30 o o Longfield, R. The Bijhop — o, 11 9 30 O O Nufted, R. H. Edmeads * 0 g 6 30 o o Omn. St. in/Hoo, V. D. and Chap. .. o- 16 gf 30 o o Stoke, Y.Ri.Duppa •¦¦• o 17 2 30 p 0 Woldham, R. The Bijhop .. .. 1 8 7f D. D A R T F 0 R D. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 16 18 9 Beckingham, R. Jof. Rofe 1 13 iof 16 3 6f Chefilhurft, R. The Biflop 1 12 4? 10 7 8f Charfeton, R. Mrs- Cadwell ,1 o g| 24 14 2 Cheffesfield, R. All Souls Coll. Oxon. 295 12 17 3f Deptford,V. Mr. Laurenceand Walker 1 5 8f 0 12 6 Earith, V ', Sam. Dajh-wood .„:....... o 19 3 *6oo a o Greenwich, V. The King 220 23 19 2 Lewifham, V. Ld. Dartmouth ,. 2 7 n ?300 o o Lee, R. The King o 72 13 tg 9f North Cray, R. Th. Coventry ....' 1 7 11 12 13 4 Powles Cray, R. Hon. T. Townflend 154 6 18 4 Plomfted, Vj H. Kipling o 13 10 10 o O Sutton, V. Tbe D. and Chap ,.."... 1 p 0 7 12 6 Woolwich, R. The Biflop o 15 3 11 10 10 Weft Wickham, R. Mrs. Lennard .... 131 6 17 6, Wylmingtoni, V; The D. and Chap. 0,13 9 60 0 0 Codam, Liber Valo.rum, tic. 305 Kanc' Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenth. Gear yearly Value. I. s, d- Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. bo o o Codam, V. The King ¦ .' I 6 3 45 5 iof Dartford, V . The Bijhop i 17 if 32 8 o Eltham, V. Sir G. P. Turner o '63 100 o o Footes Cray, R. The King ;..: 0 16 '4 39 1 3 Horton, V. Th. Williams .' '. 6 lb 9 39 1 3 LuUingftone, R. Sir J.] D. Dyke .... Ofts 8 -80 o o Bromley, Cur. The Bijhop >_ :.. ¦ D. MALLING. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 6 6 8 Addington, R. Sir R. Twifden P it 8 6 9 4f Byrling, V. Ld. Abergavenny o 12 nf 12 i8_ 9 Brenchley, V. G. Courtbop 1 5. iof *I5P~ o o Barming, R. The King 1 5 8f 9 18 1 if Cowden, R. Th. Harvey 0 19 iof II 15 o Dytton, R. Ld. Aylesford .... , I, 3 "6 13 o O Hadlow, V. Ja. Beardmore 1, 6 ;o 26 3 9 Horfmunden, R. Mr. Marriot 2 12 *4f 19 13 4 ' Kempfingand Seal, Y. Dukeof Dorfet x, ig*4 17 13 4 Laybnrne, R. Jn. Charlton 1. 15 4 12 10 5 Lambcrherft, V. D. and Chap 1 5 of 9 18 9 Ligth, V. Lady S. Sherrard 0 19 iof I0t O O Mailing, V. Sir Rog. Twifden I op 14 .2 7 Marftwprth, R. Sir T. Stapleton 1' 8 3 12 10 10 Neftlefted, R. Mrs. Bouverie 1 5.1 3' 6 8 Padlefworth, R. Ld. Ropiney...., ;'. o 6 8 15 5 o Spefdhiirft, ,R. Th. Scaweri I 10 6 io 2 xx Troftcliffe, R. The Biflop \..0 . 3f \ Tunbridge, V. Mr. Hawes and Har-} 20 3 4{ pur ...B. J 2 0 4 4 16 pf Tudley, V, Sir T. Stapleton ,; o -9 7! 19 19 4f Weftr'am, V. J. Bodieoafe . ...... ......... r 19 nf 6 10 5 Weftfarley, Y , D. and Chap. o 13 bf 20 18 9 Yalding, Y.Th. Warde 2 1 jof %<\ % p 0 0 AHingtor), %o6 Liber Valorum, -tie. Kanc' Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. I. s. t d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 35 , o o Allington, R. Ld. Romney 0138 35 p o Afhurft, R. Duke ofbarfet o 10 5f 4Q. o o Bithborowe, R. S. S. Smythe o 10 5f go o 0 Offham, R. The King o 12 o 46 IO o Penburie, V. T. Abraham o 12 8 40 o o_ Ryarfh, V. Sir Rog, Twifdeq ; p 17 0 47 o ,0 Teflon, V.' Mrs. Bouverie o 13 o 45 o 0 Weft Peckham, V. D. and Chap o 14 7 48 o o Wateringberrie? V. D. and Chap b 10 © D. SHOREHA M. Livings remaininp in Charge. K. B. 12 16 8 Aynesford, R. Archbp. of Cant 158 12 0 0 Aynesford, V . The Reclor 140 *400 O o' Brafted, R. Archbp.. of Cant 248 13 4 7 Bexley, V . Th. Townflend 1 ,btsi 50 o o Clive, R. Archbp. of Cant. .: 500 28 9 4f Chedingftone, R. Archbp. ofCant. .... 2 16 irf 21 6 i !' Chevenmg, R. Archbp. of Cant. 2 ?, 8 14 o o EaftTeckhaav -Y . Sir R. Twifden .... 180 23 0 0 Eaft Peckham, R. D. and Ch. of Cant. 2 6 0 35 13 4 Crayford, R. Jn. Fermor 3 n 4 'lo 8 4 Eaft Mailing, V: Sir Rog. Twifden .. 1 0 10 *6o « 6 Eaft Farley, V. The King ...% o 13 8- « 9 '5 " 10' Farhingham, V. Archbp. of ' Catit. .„, o 18. 7 15 13 !If Gillingham, Y. Brazen Nofe Coll...... 1 n 4! ' 9 II 8 Grayrie, V. W. Nynn P 19 2 5 17 it Haifted, "R. Archbp. of Capt '.. on 9" 16 13 "if Htinton,, V. Archbj>:. of Cant. 1 13 3! 15 '7 3t Heve'r, R. Th. Fr. Hamlin j... ........... 1 10 of 15 ib 8 Ightharri, "R. W. James '¦ '. 1 11 8 16 3 4 Meophzrh, V.' Archbp, of Cant 1 12 4 *l6o o 0 Northfleet, V. The King ................ 220 3O 14 4f Orpington and Cray, R. Archbp. Cant. 3 1 5J 30 6 Of Penfhurft, R. Mrs. Perry .......'......'. 3 0 7? AShoreham, R. D. and Ch. of Weft-} «, , 34 9 9\\mlnfter , ...,. J„ 1.J 3 « »* ,„: 22 13 4 Sundridge, Liber Valorum, tic. 307 K A n c' Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 22 13 4 Sundridgey R. Arahbp, of Cant 254 13 6 8 Sevenoake, R. D. Paplflon .'. 168 15 3 if Sevenoake, V. \D. Papillon 1 10 3! *iooo o 0 Wroteham, R. Archbp. of Cant 5 o gf 22 5 10 Wroteham, Y .iArchbp. of Cant 24 7 3149 Woodland, V. Annexed to Wrotham .. o 7 jf Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 45 0 p Daruth, V. The D. and Chap. 0 19 ip| 49 O q Hayes, R. Reclor of 'Orpington ........ 0 13 9! 2b 10 o Ifield, R. H. E'dmeads .'. 08 8f 40 o 6 Keyfton, R. Archbp. of Cant o 13 o 45 o o Orpington, V. Reclor thereof.... ....... 1 3 of 45 o o Shoreham, V. D. and Ch. ofWeftmr. x, 8 8 Son'' D. F O R D H A M. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 16 11 5f Freckenham, R. Peter Houfe Cam 1 f$ if Cantabr' Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 46 p o Iflame, V. The Biflop ,.„ ...„. I 6 3f S#um» go p Lj b e r V a*, &r utvt, £&. Saram' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL. T)ie|Pean and fix Canon Refidentiari.es.eonftitute the Chapter of ^Saijfbury, and upon the Vacancy of a Refidentiary ejecj put \oi the. Prebendaries," The Value of the Deanry is 8aoL the Year, Jhat of the Refidentiaries 300T. each. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. I, s. d. 1385 5 o T7PISCOPATUS 138 10 6 204 10 -P •¦ * Decanatas 20 9 p ;Thfc following Dignities are in the Gift of the Bifhop, 56 5 10 Cancellar ,..„t, , 5 12 7 69 6 8 Praecentor g 18 8 101 3 if Thefaurar' lo 2 3f 76 16 iof Corporatio'Fabr' in Eeclefia praed' .... 7- 13 8f 54 18 6f Archidiaconat' Berks 5 9 iof 70 11 8 Archidiaconat' Sarum 712 78 o 7f Archidiaconat' Wilts 7 16 of ig 10 o Alton Auftral, P. ..,..., 1 ig 9 16 o o Alton Boreal, P 1 12 0 413 4 Axford, P o g 4 29 o o Bitton, P 2 18 o 32 o o Bedmifter and Redcliffe, P 340 20 2 6 Bedmifter prima, P. 203 19 9 2 Bifhopfton, P 1 18 n 22 5 7f Bedmifter fecunda, P 2 4 6f 11 2 3f Burbage, P : 1 2 2f 35 I0 3 Chute and Cheflinbury, P 3 11 7f 29 3 if Combe and, Harnham, P 2 18 3f rR. 18 16 8 Chardftock, Liber Valorum, &c, 309 S a r u.m* Yiarfy Tenths. I. s. . d. . \. ..... /. s. d. 18 16 8 ChardftocltvP 117 8 30 o o DunfordjP; • , 3 0 O 30 3 4 Fordingtonj P. andWritlington Somes 304 32 1 iof Grimfton and Yatmifter, P 3 4 2f 62 0 o Higworth, P .>...*.. 6 4 P 64 13 9 Horton, P. 6 9 4I 10 0 o Lime, P. and Halftoek 100 200 Minor pars altaris, P 040 6 10 o Major pars altaris, P. o 13 o 4312 6 Netherbury, P. 4 73 20 6 0 Netherberry in terra, P , 200 1700 Prefton, P 1 14 o* ,113 4 Subdecanus de Comb, &c » 034 3515 5 Stratton, P 311 6f 20 o o Slape, P 2 0 p 521 Stratford, P. !¦ ._ p- 10' ' 2f °3 x 3 4 Teynton Regis, P 674 236 11 8 Vicarii Chorales 23 13 2 25 16 3 Winnesford and Woodford, P % n *j\ 700 Warmifter, P 0 14 o 18 o 0 Yatmifter prima, P 1 16 o 14 13 4 Yatmifter, inferior, P. .„ 194 ^42 Yatefbury, P ; 065 CIVIT' SARUM. Discharged. Clear yearly Value. Benefices. Patrons. •50 o o Martini Sti. R. Ro. Cooper 1 -y -,| *ioo o o Edmund Sti. R. The Biflop 70 o o Thom. Sti. Cur. The D. and Chap. .. Wilts' D. AMESBURY. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *8o o o Aldington, R. Ld. Craven , 1 * 100 9 4 o o Bofcombe,, R. The Bifhop 1 7 gi 11 o 7f Chaldrihgtdn, Oriel Coll -. 1 2 o^ *8o o o Durneford, V. P. thereof o 18 o* 23 ; 0 0 Frglrelden, R. ann. to Treafureflip .... 260 *8o o 0 Grimfted, 310 Liber Valorum, ©cr. Witts' Yearly Tenth. 1. t. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. *8o ¦ 0- P Grigifted, R. Ld. Ilchefter ....;;,...; o 15 of *8o 0 p Idmefton* V* The Biflop ....«.; 1 10 7 J *I20 o o Ludgerfhallj R. G. A. Selwin 128 *50 o o Landford, Rj H> Eyre , ,. o 8 4f *I2P P o Milftonj R. W. Bowles I 5 6f ?200 o 0 Newton Taney, R. Queen's Coll. Cam. x 19 4f •250 o o Tidworth, R. The^Lmc , 1 3 8f - „ ^ JWinterbourne Cherbrough, R. Jof.} ni *ioo o P j S£oU s _ Jl^ JJ^x 5 8f *6p p o Woodford, V. P. thereof*. 4 170 *3PP o o Weft Dean, R.. H. Dawkins 181 5| *3P0 o P Winterflow, R. Ld. Holland 1 17 4 ^Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 43 12 P Fighelden, V. Treafurer »f Sarum .... 1 8 0 50 p o White Parifh, V. Ro. Briftow 1 6 8f C Aimer (bury, Don. D. andCh. of Wind-} +° ° ° I for } 40 P 0 Bulford, Cur. And. Duke D. A V E B U R Y. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *3°° 0 0 *200 0 0 *4oo 0 0 *200 0 0 *I2P 0 0 *I20 0 0 *2PO 0 0 8 5 0 *IOP 0 0 *i5P 0 p *8p p 0 *8o p p 2 IS 7f *40 p p *i4P 0 0 *IOO 0 0 Alcanlngs, R. J. Fullerton 3 3 8f Alton Barnes, R. New Coll. Oxon o 13 iof Bremhill, V. The Biflop 1 1.0 6 Bromeham, R. E. B. Rolt. 1 5 7f Bechingftoke, R. J. W. Heneage o 14 3f Cannings Epifcopi, V. D. and Chap, x ir n Compton Baffett, R. The Biflop 1 6 8f Calne, V. Treafurer of Sarum 016 6 Cleve Pepper, V. Edw. Goddard o 18 0 Hclmerton, V. The King ..,. 208 Hedington, R. Fr. Rogers P. 17 5f Henton magna, V. Lady W. Glanville x 9 iof Nevyentonj P. The Biflop ...» o 5 6f Newenton, R. Ld. Pembroke 014 if Overton, R. Duke of Marlborough 2 0 of Stanton, P. Ld. Pembroke 1 5 zi, *roo p Tpkenham, Liber Valorum, t$c. 3}} Wilts' Yeanty Tenths.' I. ,s. d. Benefices. Patrons. , /. s. d. *ioo o ,0 Tokenharo, R. The King ;. ....,..,.., o 13 4 ?160 o 0 Wooton b*affett, V. Ld. Clqrendon .... 1 4 0 { Winterborne Baffett, R. Magd. Coll.} , tC tiI *3oo 0 o j 0xm ¦ r.f J 1 16 nf *i6o o, 0 Woodborrpw, R. Ch. Gibbs i^ o p. *I20 o o Yatefbury, R. Mrs. Ernley 1 14 4 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 140 o o Avebury, V. The King ' 0 18 0 3g o o Blakeland, R. Th. Smyth and others .... 071 46 o o Galeftori, R. Th. Ducket . ....... ;...: o g 4 40 o o Mownton Winterborne, V. The. King o io- o 50 O O Round; V. Sir Edw. Bayntun o 13 of 80 P o Stanton Bernard, V. Ld. Pembroke .... o 14.0 . ' , < if-.-!. :. . D. C H A L K E. ', • L Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. .i 10 o 0 Alvefton, V. King's Coll. Cam 100 ?240 o o Barford, R. All Souls Goll.Oxon. ........ ; 2 8 3f . , {Barwick, Sti. Johan. R. New Coll.} *l6° ° °} Oxon. .....:..... J 2 vl * *I20 O o Baverftbck, R. Exeter Coll. r.. / 1 1 of *8o- o o Burtford, V. The Dean and Chapter 1 60 ^80 o o Bar wick Leonard, R. H. L. Warner 6r ity 8 12 1 3 Bifhopfton, V. Ld- Pembroke 1, 4,. if *300 o O Bifhopfton, R, Ld. Pembroke ..„ 1 ig 5 •240 o p Chilmarke, R. Ld. Pembroke, 1. ig 4 700 Combe Biflett, V. P. thereof ; 0.14 p *6o o o Dinton, V, Mag4- Coll. Oxon 0^12, p.. *I20 0 o Damerham, V. Dukeof 'NewcaJlle .... 2 11. of *I20 o o Dunington, R. Magd, Coll. Oxon 1 10 xft *joo o o Donhead Mariae, R. G. Pitt 3 1. f f *270 o o Donhead Andr. R. Th, Benmt 1 6.._§ .18 0.0 Ebbefbourne Wake, "R. SubfChanter. 1. 16° "£ *6o o o Fonthill ; Epifcopi, R. Bp. of .Winton .. 1 o o *{J5o p p Fonthi\\G)fiord,-RKW:Beckford..-, .' il 7 p,,> *j(?o 0 p Fovent, R. Ld., Pembroke, 1 14 p R r *2Sf0 o p Knoyl ,312 Liber VaL6rum; ltic. Wilts* Yearly Tenths. % 1. s. d. Be-iTefices P'atroits. 7. s.-d. ?250 o 0 Knoyl rni^na, R, Bp. 'of Winton 3^0 0* ?120 o o Odttock,R: Sir J.- Webb. ,f.'.t :. 1" 3 9f 8 13 4 SwallbWCliffe, P. The Dean :.:.,:..... o 17 4* *l6o , 0( o Semlye, R. Ch. Ch.ColtOxon 1 i4 31 *I20 o'. O Sutton Mandevill, R. Jer. Cray 168 *20P o' 0 Stfatfofd Tony, R. C. C: C. Oxon 1 40" *8o o O Tifbury, V. Mrs. Wilmer 1 iy 1 ~ „ CToliard iRyall, R. T. Hardwick and! 120 ° ° { others ..:...... :..: ..] \ i2 . ° *ioo - 0> o Teftount Evias, R. Jn. Mayn'e ........ o' 16" 0 Livings Discharged-. Clear yearly Value. " '48 18 6 Broadchalke', V. King's Colli Cam'. .... 2155 40 p o Chickiade, V. H. Edgell .... 1 I 2 6f tCompton Chamberlaine, V. C. Pen-} , 20 ° °J ruddock :....: \l 6 °, 100 p o Fifield, R. Sir J. Aftley ...~~ 0150 D. CRICKLADE. Livings remaining in Charge. ¦ ?•' , K. B> / , *^20, o o A fhton Keynes, Y.T.C.Wickes ...... 1 12 ,0 *6o: 0 0 Bifhopfton, V. P. thereof ........ o 12 8 *ioo o 0 Blpunfdeo, R. An- Keck 017 11 *i50 0 o Caftle £ton, R. Edw. Goddard 1 18' '0 *i8o 0 O Cricklade St. Sampfoii, V. DfdndCh. 1 17- 2f .CElingdon Wroughton, R. Bp. ofl ', 31 4 4*1 Winton J3 5* *8P 0 O Elingdon, V. RetJor thereof 1 4 0 •120 o O Henton parva, R. Bp. of Winton .... 1 6' 8 *8o 0 O Hahingden, V. W. Freke 014 1 *I20 O 0 Iriglefham, V. The Biflop . 0160 *7p p O Lztton, V. Ld. Nugent and Mr. Eliot 0 18 4 *200 O 9 Lidiard Tregobfe, R. G. Watfon I o, -6f *i2p 0 o Lidiard Mikhett, R. Jn. Davis. 114 5f *ioo 0 "0 Luddingtqn, R. Duke of Marlborough 180 •250 O 0 Puriton, V. Ld. Shaftesbury 259 *70 o p Radbourne Cheney, V. A. Evans .••¦•• 1 14 ° - - - #100 0 0 Swindon, Liber Valorum, & *no o o Sopwofth, R. Duke of Beaufort o 17 of *2io o o ¦ Stanton Quintin, R. Ld. Radnor 1 o 6f *240 d o Weft Kington, R. The Bijhop 1 2 nf **5d-. p o Weftport, V. Ld. Suffolk 113 9} *«d P o ^Yatton, R> B. Bidding o 16 8f Livings Discharged. '« Cledr yedrly Value. 100 o 6 Afhley, R, The King, D. L. ..::......;. P 19 7! 25 o o Buddefton, R. W. Mountjoy o 5 10 18 10 0 Bremilham, R«. Sir J.^Ruflqxt 082 60 o o Corftiam, V. P. Methuen („... 1 1 j{ 60 o; o Obippinghajriij V. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. x 7 nf 30 o o Calloes, R. T. Long 054 ,50 O o Collerne, V . Rector thereof O 10 7f 20 6 o Ditcheridge, R. W. Northey O 4 rpf 40 p o Efton Grey, R. W. Nowell o 12 of 46 1 8 Fbxley, R. Ld. Holland..... o 7 gf 8b b o Hullavingtbn, V. Eton Coll o 13 3f 70 P o Littleton Drew, R. The Biflop o 12. itf 5a p O Mynty, V. Archdn. of Wilts o 14 9 45. o o Neveuton, R. T. Eftcourt o 16 6 23 o o Norton Cplparle, V .'Edw. Gould .... P 5 nf 80 p o Sti. Paul in Malmfbury, V.7"^,King 6 16 2f 40 -O o Segrey, V. if. S. Herbert 015 3f 40 o o Sutton Benger, V. The D, and Chap, o 12 4 CSherfton magna, V. D. and Ch. of} _ fcI kO 0 O 1 sii , a b J \ X O 2f J I Gloucefter , J. D. MARL BRO UGH. Livings rem aiming itt Charge. k. b. • •••'¦ : *I7P P 0 Aiabourfie, ff. The Bijhop '2 12 ft% *8o o o Buttermere, R. Bp. oj ' Winchrjler .... 1 0 d - *8o Burbage, Liber Valorum, tic.\ 315 Wilts' Yearly Tenths. Benefices. Patrons. /. s, d. Burbage, V. P. thereof 0 14 %\ Bedwih parva, V. Ld. Ayleflury : ' o 18 8 f Collingborne Abb. V. D. and Ch. of} 0-, \ Winton i\ 1 I0 8* Collingborne Ducis, R. Ld. Ayleflury 1 12 8 Chute, V. P. thereof „.' 120 Chilton Foliatt, ! R. Mrs. Popham 1 8 iof Cnefulden.V. W. Calley , o 16 iof Draycott, R. A. Goddard o 12 8 Everley, R» Duke of Portland 1 12 5f Ham, R. Bp. of Winton 148 tHuifh, R. Truftees of Froxfield Alms-} . g \ houfe J * Manningford Bruce, R. Mrs. Wells 104 Mildenhall, R. J. Pocock 1 14 ipf Maningford Abbas, R. Sir J. Aftley .. 0 19 of f Okebourne Georg. V. D. and Ch. of} 0 } Windfor ...$ l 8 7 f Okebourne, Sandi Andrese, V. D. and! . I Cb. of Windfor J t I0 3f Pewfey, R. C. Townflend 2 13 8 Prefhutt, V. Magtft. Choriftarum .. o 16 o Ramfberry, V. ST/?* King o 19 $f Titcomb, V. D. and Ch. of Windfor 013 4 C Wotton Rivers, R. St. John's Goll.} I Cam L. J ° *S /. s. d. *8o 0 0 *I0'0 0 0 *&0 0 0 ?350 0 0 • 1* 0 0 *3oo 0 0 *8o 0 0 - *70. 0 0 *250 0 0, *I20 0 0 *8P 0 0 *!00 0 0 ?140 0 0 *8o 0 0 *i6o p 0 *6o 0 0 *6oo 0 0 *I00 0 0 6 '3 4 *20O 0 0 of Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 40 o o Bed win magna, V. Li. Ayleflury .... 017 x 40 00 Froxfield, Y.D. and Cb. of Windfor o 15 yf 30 o P Marlbrough Sti. Petri, R. The Biflop 1 4. o 44 0 o Marlbrough Stae Mar. V. The Dean 1 o nf 40 0 o Milton, Y : Ph. Pulfe Q I5 4.4 30 P p Wilcptt, V. G. Wroughton o 13 8f D. POTT ERNE. .316 Li Ser Valorum,^. WitTi' D. potter ne. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d, *i8o 0 o Broughton Gifford, R. The King .... 1 18 4J *ioo o o Culfton, R. The King p 15 5 *220 o o Cheverell magna, R. Ld. Radnor .... 1 12 0 *i6o o o Cheverell parva, R. Ld. Radnor 1 % 8f *I20 o 6 EaftLavjngton.V. Ch.Ch. Coll. Oxon. 183 •150 o o Enfotdi V. Corporut. of London 1 18 5$. ?240 0 P Fittleton, R. Magd. Coll. Oxon 260 *ioo o o Kevell, V. D. and Ch. of Winion .... x 4 8f *I20 o o Lavington, Eptf. V. The Biflop ...v— I 3 7I *I20 o o Mifkfham, V. TheD. and Chap 3 16 1 if 28 19 2 Netherhaven, P. The Biflop 2 17 n *I20 o o Pat.ney, R. Bp. of Winton I 18 10 *i70 o o Potterne, V. The Biflop 208 *200 o 0 Polftiott, R. The Biflop o 18 6 ! RuffeU,, R. Wardens of New College,! and Merton, and Principal of Bra- > 1 5 2 zen Nofe J *ioo o o Steeple Afhton, V. Dr. Sandby 1 14 3 *,M 0 J Trowbridge, R. Duke of Rutland^ Ld.l , 300 o oj Aylesford, and others ..J2 I 3* *40 o o Winkfield, R. Edw. Bowles ....~ 0 n 7f ,, CWilford, V. Maft. of St. Nic. Hofp.} *6° ° °j Salifiury _ .IJ ° ^ «* ¦ Liv\ings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 120 O o Bradford, V. D. and Ch. of Briftol .... 1 0 if 60 O 0 Chaldfield magna, R. Duke of Kingflon 0 12 0 34 O o Charlton, V. Ch.. Cb. Coll. Oxon O 13 6f • 70 o o Cheriton, V. Tbe King .'. 1 2 of 48 o o Erchfont, V. D. and Ch. of Windfor 1 11 7 80 O O Hilperton, R. Edw . Eyles I 12 0 ' 60 0 p Marden, V. D. and Ch. of Briftol .... 017 9 8p p p Mounton Farley, R. The Biflop o 15 6{ 80 0 0 Netherhaven, V. P. thereof 168 40 o o Korth Bradley, V. Winton Coll. I 2 os i u 5000 Uphaveny Liber. Valorum, tie. 31) W 1 l t s' Yearly Tenth I. s...d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 50 o o Uphaven, V. The King o 15, 8 60 o 0 Whaddon, R. Walt. Long 0 16 5f 40 o o Devizes,. R. Tbe King ., D. WYLY E. Livings remaining in Char ge. K.B. *l6o 0 0 Brixton Deverell, V. The Biflop 1 18 if *200 o o Boyton, R. Magd. Coll. Oxon 2 15 '8f *8o 0 o Bifhopflrow, R. - W. Buckler 130 *,6o 0 o \Co$x°;l J^?** *• >h*iC°iLi 1 16 0 *200 p 0 Codford Sti. Petr. R. C. T. Kelkw 1 15 6 12 o o $Devere11 Lcmgbriflge, R. Ld. Wey-1 } mouth J * 10 4 2 Hildeverill, P. The Dean 105 g 15 o Horningham, P. cum}*, n ( o 19 6 9 15 o Tidrington, P. annex'\10e 1Jean £019 6 *i6o o o Kingfton . Deverell, R. Ld. Weymouth x 19 6 •400 0 o Langford magna, R. C. C. C. Oxon. 3 8 of *8o o o Langford, parva, R. Ldu Pembroke .... o 15 4 *6o 0 0 Mere, V ', The Dean 2 lb 5 *i6o o o Orfton, Mar. R. Clare Hall Cam. ..:. x 7" 4I *200 o o Orfton Georgii, R. Ri. Head 1189 \*i6o o o Stourton, R. H. Hoare 1 14 o *I00 o 0 Sherington. R. Edm. Lambert 120 *200 o o Stockton, R- Bp. of Winton 1 16 2f *i50 0 ,0 Upton Lovell, R. Tbe King 1 14 iof *.a,s « « J Upton Scidmore,R? Vifttors of Queen's} ¦ OT *i6o o 0 | *ColL 0^ > J J-i-r j 1 12 8f *300 0 o Veny Sutton, R. J. W. Heneage .... ' 2 2 0 •200 o o Wiley, R. Archbp. of Cant 2 3 5 *8o ' o o Warmifter, V. The Biflop 1 16 6f *I20 o 9 Wifhfprd magna, R. Lady Chedworth 1 15 of Livings Dispharged, Clear yearly Value 50 0 o Chitterne, 3l8 Wilts* /. s. d . -5° 0 0 bo 0 0 bo 0 0 42 64 0 0 0 0 40 80 00 p 0 .,•38"60 00 0 0 ,5° 0 0 IOO 0 p -50 ,60 0 0 0 0 Liber Valorum, 4&. Yearly Tenth. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. ., 5f *ioO 0 O Chilton, R. Jn. Walker 1 6 10 *200 o o Dudcote, R. Braz. Nofe Coll. Oxon. 213 *i20 0 o * Eton Haftings, R. RL Rice 1 16 8f *250 0 0 Eaft Hendreth, R. The Bifhop 1 10- 6f 43 r3 4 Faringdon, P, H. Pye 474 *8o b o Faringdon, V, H. J. Pye « 1 8 if *8o o o Hatfqrd, R, Fr. Cooke 1 5 9 *200 O O Hinton, R. Alex. Ready ., 269 *ioo 0 0 Harwell, V. Jn. Craven 145 CKihgfton Bagpuz, R. St. John's Coll} „ - *'5° C ° I Oxon. ....... .„. { * ° ?* *i6o o o Letcomb Bafiett, R. C. C. C. Oxon. x 10 of *20o o o Lockinges, R. All Souls Coll. Oxon. -330. ?250 o o Longworth, R. Jefus Coll, Oxon 2 x4 2f *I40 o o Milton, R. Ld. Marchmont 1 14 nf *ioo O O Marcham, V. Ch. Cb. Coll. Oxon I 9 6f 16 13 4 Northmoreton, R. Archdn, of Berks 1 -13 4 *8o o o Pufey, R. The Biflop 017 3f *i6o 0 6 Shrevehham, V. The King 2 6 d *200 0 o Shillingford, R. Ld. Spencer 1 14 iof *i6o 0 o Sonningwell, ' R. Sir J. Stonehoufe .... x $ 5f # n CSutton Courtney, V, D. and Cb. of} *ioo o 0 | mndfir If /J 1 i7 4 * „ „ ,. fSouthmoreton, R. Truftees for Magd.} ,r *i4o q 0 £ HdL 0xgn J J I j , 5 6f *i20 o 0 Stevington, V. D. and Ch. ofWeftm. o 18 6f *50 o o Tubney, R. Magd. Coll. Oxon. 0 6 2f *ioo 0 o Wightam, R. Ld. Abington p 15 6f * „n „ „ JWittenham, Abbat. R. Hon, C. G.} 200 ° °{ Montague and others \ l r5 © *200 0 0 Wantage, Y . D. and Ch, bf Windfor 3 10 3! •300 0 o Weft Hendreth, V. C. C. C. Oxon. .. 0 17 ni Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. •60 o o Afhbury, • V. The Retlor thereof 1 3 91 50 0 o Ardington, V. Cb. Ch. Coll. Oxon o 16 iof 200 0 o Abingdon Sta?. Elena?, V. The King 2 19 if S s 60 o 0 Abingdon Liber Valorum,.^. Yearly Tetiih. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. Abingdon Sti. Nichol. R. The King o 14 . , 0 Buckland, V. Ch. Pye i 16 5-f Blewbeny, V. Tbe Biflop. 1 u jl • Betlels Leigh, R. Jn. Lenthall o 9 8f Cokefwell, V. The Biflop o 14 gf Comner, V. Ld. Abingdon 2 9 8f Denchurch, V. Worcefter Coll. Oxon. o 15 1 Hanny, V. The D. and Chap 2-53 Hagborne, V. Mrs. Burrough in of JLetcomb Regis, V. D. and .Ch. of} I Winton j * J 5 Northmorton, V. Archdn. of Berks .... 015 of OfHngton, V, ^b. Archer „ 220 Stanford,, V. D. and Ch. of Weftm. 222! Sparfhall, V. Queen'.s Coll. Oxon 2 o 2| <;« „ ~ JWittenham Comitis, V. Exeter Coll.} 60 ° °[ Oxon .\ 1 5 3 D. NEWBURY. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *I00 O o Avington, R. W. Jones O 16 p ^180 O O Aldworth, V. St. John's Coll. Cam. .. 0 17 7-f •140 O O Boxworth, R. Mrs. Taffell 2 0 Q *8o o o Brimpton, V. Jn. Deane a 14 0 *l8o d O Brightwalton, R. Mrs. Plumptree 136 320 Berks' /. s. d. 6o- 0 0 80 0 0 80 0 0 45 0 0 50 •0 0 80 0 0 36 0 0 60 0 0 45 0 0 60 0 0 60 0 0 80 0 0 IOO 0 0 80 0 0 * _ tBuckleberry, V. Mr. Powney, and Le} 100 00| Merchant ...'. }XI+ ° *300 o o Cheveley, V. Sir Th. Head 2 13 if *6o P o Catemere, R. Mr. Archer, and Loder o 10 6f *120 o o Enborne, R. Ld. Craven 100 *200 o o Eaft Idfley, R. B. Kennett 254 «*2oo P 0 Farhbrough, R. Ra. Price : 1 4 10 *8o O O Fridlefham, R. Sir G. Cornewall 0 16- 0 *I00 O O Hampfted Marfhall, R. Ld. Craven 1 5 5f *ioo O O Hungerford, V. D. and Ch.of 'Windfor 227 *220 o 0 Inckpen, R. Th. Butler ~. 1 3 5f *I20 0 o Kentbury, V. Jem. Raymond... 200 _„ CLanbome, V. Dean of St. Paul's} ¦ , ^° ° °| London .{ } J l %i *220 0 0 Newberry, Liber Valorum, tie. 321 Berks' Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. ' Patrons. I, t. d. »220 o o Newberry, R. The King 3 17 8$ •300 o o Peyfmer, R. Mr. Archer, and Loder 1 5 2f *8o o o Speene, V. The Biflop 1 8 1 *l6o o O Shaw, R. Mrs, Cuthbert 152 *70 0 0 Shefford parva, R. W. H. Hartley .... 0 19 if *ioo o o Stanford Dawley, R. B. Walker o 16 2 *8o o o Shawbome, V. D. and Ch. of Windfor 199 *ioo o o Thatcham, V. Sir A. Croft 200 Weft Shefford, R. Braz. Nofe Colli Q *120 ° ° I Oxon \ I 8 * •400 O o Welford, R. Mrs. Shirley 3 II 6f #250 0 0 Weft ldfley,R. The Biflop 248! *no o 0 Woodhay,. R. W. Sloper 085 *ip o 0 Yattenden, R. L. Hill 188 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 20 o O Bedon, V. Sir J. Read 0 13 I 60 o O Chaldworth, R. D. and Ch. of Weftm. 018 5f 40 O o Compton, V. W. J. James 1 3 j| 60 o O Eaft Garfton, V. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. x 6 8 140 o o Hampfted Norrice, V '. Ed. B. Sandys 0,19,10! 70 p 0 Wafing, R. Jn. Mount 074 D. READING. Livings remaining in Charge. o Arborfield, R. RL Hayes „ O 16 O o Aldermarfton, V. Ld. Stawell 1 5 3f O Burfield, R. M. R. Morris and others 1 9 n o Bradfield, R. H. Stevens 1 18 gf o Binfield, R. The King 1 17 8f o Bray, Y . Bp. of Oxford 2 10 5f 0 Buftlefham, V. Sir Ph. Hoby o 16 of o Barkham,R. Jn. Pitt — — on 6f o Cluer, R. Eton.' Coll I 8 if o Coofeham, V. W. Plummer 195 p EngleneM, R. P. Wright 1 3 3f o Eaft Hampfted, R. Cbr Ch. Coll. Oxon. .018 if S s 2 *ioo o o Fincham fteed, k. : B. *70 0 *8o 0 *45° 0 *35o 0 •150 0 •150 0 •30* 0 *i8o 0 *I00 0 ?150 0 ?150 0 *So 0 322 Liber Valorum, tic. Berks' - . Yearly Tenth. /.j. d. Benefices. Patrons.' /. s. d. *ioo p p Finchamfteed, R. E. St. John i 4 nf *i40 o o Purley, R. The King 1 5 8f *I20 o 0 Pangbofne, R, Jn. Breedon 1 o 0 *8o 0 o Padworfh, R. The King 0 12 8 6 13 4 Rufcomb South, P. The Biflop o 13' 4 6 13 4 Rufcomb North, R.The Biflop o 13 4 *200 o o Remenham, R. Jefus Coll, Oxon 20 if ?250 0 o Reading Sti. Egid. V. The King .... 1 9 8f »c *. 5 Reading Sti. Laurent. V. St. John's} *8° ;? Q\ Coll. Oxon .{. J1 ° ° *35° ° ° Reading Stae, Mariae, V. The King .... 1 3 2f »' fSulhamfted Abbas, R. Queen's Coll.} .- *2pp o p{ Qxgn ' < J 1 o 7f * tSulhamfted Banifter, R. Queen's Coll.} e *HO 0 o J Qxan <- J 0 12 6 *8o' o p Sunning, V, Archbp. of Cant , 2 o 8f •«o o o lShs$Sld:,;I:. i :. .:l.f;4 * mi *8p o p Sulham, R. H. Wilder o 12 ' 5 * n ITilehurft, R. and V. Mr, Wife, and} ,, *300 ° 0 j #W 1. } 2 3 6f *8p p p Tidmarfh, Rl Mr. Dalzell, and Bailey o io 3 *i8o Q 0 Ufton, R. Or/*/ Co//. Oxon 1 2 3f *8o p o Woolhampton, R. Jn. Deane ...;, o 15 9 ?140 O 0 Waltham Abbas, V . A. Vanftttart .„. 114 *8o 0 0 Warefield, V. Tb. Earle 1 6 8 13 13 6f Wargrave, V. RSA. Neville 1 7 4f *86 o Q Waltham Laurence, V R. A. Neville o 14 8 Livings Dischahged. Clear yearly Value. 80 o o Benham, V, 77?, Horton , o 15 8f 15 o o Byfham, V. Sir Ph. Hoby .... 000 80 o o Hurley, V, Duke of Marlborough „„ 0 13 4f 40 o o Stratfield Mortimer, V, Eton Coll. .... 0 17 nf 100 o o Windfor Nova, V. The King , 1 10 4 100 o o Windfor Senior, V. The King ,. o 16 1 100 o o Wjnckfield, X '. The D. and Chap P 16 .7 10 p p Maidenhead, Cur. The Corporation .... 4q Q o Okingham, Cur. Th? Dean, ^. , U.WAL. Liber Valorum, tic. 323 Berks' D. WALLINGFORD. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. • Yearly Tenth! I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. /. d. •350 o o Brightwell, R. Bp, of Winton 4 g gf ?150 o o Cholfey, V. The King 1 16 nf *ioo o o Stretley, V. The Biflop : 1. o 9 - Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 40 o 0 . Bafilden, V- Th. Gill t 15 5f . 50 0 o Leon. Sti. R. Wallingford, The King 0 15 3 12 0 o Mar. Stae. R. Wallingford, Tbe King 080 CPetri Sti. R. Wallingford, W. Black-1 2J ° ° I 'Jlone \ ° 12 II Wigorn* 324 Liber Valorum, tic. Wigorn' Diocef. JECCLESIA CATHEDRAL The Chapter of thfe Cathedr zi confifts 0f a> D$an and ten Pre bendaries. Nine are in the Patronage of the Crown ; and one is annexed, to the Margaret ,Profeflbrfhip of Divinity in Oxfqrd. The Deanry is 7 ooi. the Year, and the Prebends each 350'. o Benefices remaining in Charge. I. s. d. I. s. 4. EPISCOPATUS exoneraturl de Decimis fed folvit pro Pri- [944 17 g mitiis fummam J Yearly Tenths. 58 10 o Archdiaconat' Wigorn' 5 17 0 D. BLOCKLEY. Livings remaining in Charge. K, B. Benefices. Patrons. 54 0 0 Blockley, V. The Biflop 580 700 Daylesford, R. Th. Brookes o 14 o 6 o o Ditchford, R. annexed to Stratton o 12 0 n 13 4 Evenlode, R. Mrs. Hughes 1 3 4 800 Iccombe, R. The D. and Chap o 16 O 11 0 0 Stratton fuper Fofs, R. W. Hawes .... 120 D. E VIS HAM. Remaining in Charge. K.B. 517 8f Norton Capella, Tbe D. and Chap on gf 940 Bengworth, Liber Valorum, S&. 325 Wigorn' Livings Discharged. Yearly Jfenibs. Clear yearly Value. I. ,s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. ¦ s. d. g 4 o Bengworth Cap. Mr. Talbot o 15 \ X 18 12 6 Bretforton Cap. al. V. Mrs. Winford o 12 6 31 10 4 Badfey-Cap. Cb. Ch. Coll. Qxon o 10 8 19 1 gf Broadway, 'V. G. Savage .... 119 30 16 2 Church .Honeyburn, C. E. Williams o 12 5f 20 7 8 Hampton, Cur. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. ... P 15 2f , C Laurent. Sti. Eveflianx, ann. to Omn.? a 6 ° 9 } Stm Z[ \ 0 19 8 (Littleton Aufl. Cap. Cb. Cb. Coll.! 0 r 23 r3 5 J- rjxan, 1 1 0 8 2f tOmn. Sandtor. Ev.eftiam, V. The} r 100 ° ° } King .....! \ J * 7* 17 17 8 Offenham Cap. Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. 0 13 if 21 19 8 North Littleton, Ch. Ch. Coll. Oxon. o 13 4f 16 2 o WekehamfordCap. Ch.Cb.CoU.'Oxon. o 4 55 D. KIDDERMIS TER. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. ig o 0 Belbroughton, R.'St.John'sColl.Oxon. 1 18 o 534 Brome,R. in C. Stafford, Mr. Dolman O 10 4 •150 o o Chaddefly, Corbett, V . Ihe King .... 1 14 4 *I20 o o Clent, V. The Kino o 17 7f 7 18 8f Dudley," V. Ld. Dudley and Ward .... o 15 iof' 1726 Elmely Lovett, R. Ro. Burges 1 14 3 30 o o Hartlebury, R. The Bijhop 300 10 6 5f H.agley, R. Ld. Lyttleton 1 O 7f 30 15 7f Kitlderminfter, V . Ld. Foley „ 3 1 6f 9 10 o Pedmore, R. Ld. Foley o 19 o *i20 o o Rufhock, R. The KmG 108 26 6 8 -Swinford Vetus, R. Ld. Foley 2 12 8 *I00 0 0 Stone, V. The King I 10 o 1368 Wolverly, V. The D. and Chap 1 6 8 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. a8 7 8 Churchill, R. Ld. Lyttleton , 0 10 8 49 4 8 Doverdale, 326 Liber Valorum, tie* W 1 G o R. N* Yearly Tenth, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. A d. 49 4 8 Doverdale, R. Ph. Laurents 0 10 4! 46 IP 2 Halefowen, V. Com. Sal. Ld. Wejlcote 1 10 iof 45 O p Yardley, V. The King o 19 nf D. WIGORN. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 9 p o Arley, R. Retlor of Mariley O 18 0 15 13 4 Aftley, R. Th. Winford in 4 10 9 2 Broadwayes, R. The D. and Chap 1 on 5 16 8 Cottrich, V. Row. Berkley 0 n S 15 17 i\ Holt, R. Ld. Foley I n gf J3 13 4 Knightwick, R. The D. and Chap. .... x 7 4 v 1 7 3f Kenfwick Cap. N. Foley 1 o 2 . 8f 15 3 4 Martini Sti. R. Wig. D. and Chap. .. 110 4 22 10 o Martley, R.Mart. Dunn _.. 250 800 Pirton, R. Ld-. Coventry o 16 0 12 4 2 Pet. Sti. V. in Wigorn, D. and Chap. 145 21 17 11 Seavernftoke, R. Ld- Coventry 239! 9 17 1 Shrawley, R. H. Cecil .^. o 19 -8f 9 4 4f-'Shellefly Beauchamp, R. Ld. Foley .... o 18 5? 10 o 2f Warmington, R. Tr. Najh 1 0 b\ 763 Witley magna, R. Ld Foley o 14 71 . 6 17 3f Whitelady Afhton, V. Row. Berkley 013 if 9 IO o Wichingtord, V. The D. and Chap .... o 19 0 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. •¦¦ 9 O'' if Andreas Sti. R.The D. and Cbap I o 7 '368 Albani Sti. R. The Biflop ...I. 0100 39 16 5f Bredicote, R. The D. and Chap "0-7 gf 652! Clementis Sti. R. The D. and Cbap. o 10 7 46 9 3f Grimley, V. The Biflop i 8 1 1 2 6 Helenae Sts. R. The Biflop 12b 37 16 if Henlipp, R. Ann Graves 0 11 7f 44 17 6 Johan' Sti. in Bedw. V. D. and Chap. 168 41 3 4 Kemfey, V. The D. and Chap o 13 iof 570 Mich' Sti. Bed wardin, D.andCbap. :. o 15 2f ' 25 13 75 Nicholai Sti. The 'Biflop 1 13 °t 18 0 0' Norton, Lib Eft Valorum, tic. 327 Wigorn' Y'arh Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. *. d. 18 0 0 Norton Cap, The D. and Chap. ........ o 5 3 70 o o Omn' Sam**', Wig. R. The King .... 1 ? 3f 38 2 8 Oddingley, R. Th. Foley o 9 nf 39 8 5f Omberlley, V. Ld. Sandys 1 i 8f 14 19 11 Swithini Sti. Wig. R. D. and Cbap. 1 11 6 39 16 10 Spetchley, R. Row. Berkley 0 13 if 22 6 4 Stowlton, Cap. The D. and Chap 082 31 10 8 Tibberton, V. The D. and Chap 077 Warwic* D. KINGTON. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 13 1 8 Atherfton, R.E.T. Kenwrick I 6 2 600 Aulfton, V. Reilor of Hampton O 12 O n 11 of Bareford, R. Edw. Tart I 3 if C Barton fup. Heath, R. Trin. Colli . . t 12 x7 » j Oxon. .. i x 5 9z 25 O o Brayles, V. Ja. Bayley. 2 IP P 10 o 0 Compton parva, R. Ld. Northampton 100 11 10 7f Cherington, R. RL Nicoll 1 3 of 51 6 8 Hampton, Epifc. R.G.Lucy 528 10 9 9f Halford, R. The Biflop 1 o nf 30 o o limington, R. Ri. Swann 300 .CLighthorne, Rl C. War. Ld. W. de} 0. H *7 3f{ %oke ...'. \ * 9 Si 14 1 o 0 Oxhill, R. W. T. Bromley 190 800 Pillardington, V. Duke of Rutland .... o 16 o 01 J Shipton fup. Stowre, V. Jefus Coll.! 5 7 « J I Oxon. 2 turns, the D. and Cbap. i\ ° I0 9* 99 17 6 Tredington, R. Jefus Coll. Oxon 9 19 9 13 6 8 Utlicote, R. Ro. Ladbroie 168 19 8 6f Wichford, R. Mrs. Home 1 18 iof 20 17 3f Whitchurch, R. Mrs. Weft 2 1 ,8f 12 17 3f Watcott, R. Ld. Northampton 1 5 8| Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 50 o 0 Alderminfter, V. The King 0 14 p 44 3 11 Barchefton, R. H. W. Dafhwood 168 12 o 6 Butlers Marfton, V. C. H. Talbot ...... o 16 4 41 1 4 Compton Longa, V. Eton Cell. ........ 1 5 6f T t 20 14 0 Charlecote, 328 Liber Valorum, de. Warwic' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 20 14 o Charlecote, V. G. Lucy c 12 9 48 o 8 Ettington inferior, V. Hon. G. Shirhy' 1 4 of 30 5 o Honington, V. G. Townflend o 18 8 13 o o Kington, V. Mrs. Bentley o 16 8 50 o o LoxTey, V. The King o 10 8 45 ig 6 Newbould Pacy, V. Queen's Coll. Oxon 0 16 4f { Stratford fuper Avon, V. Duke ofl 20 ° °1 Dorfet L. ......... i 2 ° ° 22 9 6 Tifoe, V. Ld. Northampton 100 49 1 8 Walton Devile, R. Tbe King 094 150 o o Wellefburne, V. The King q 15 2 41 3 2 Wolford, V. Merton Coll. Oxon o 16 0 {Wafperton, V. Reclor of Hampton} 4 0 o J Lly J { f _ J o 1 0 D. WARWIC Livings remaining in, Charge. K, B, 1 12 6 Arrow, R. Ld. Hertford 113 ?90 o o .Bewdeferte, R. The King 015 7! 810 Binton, R. Ld. Hertford 0 17 0 600 Baggotts Morton, R. Jn. Horfley o 12 0 *ioo o o Exhall, R. The King o 17 8f o 14 2 Fulbrooke, C. un. with Sherborne .... 015 4 9 4f Hafely, R. W. D. Bromley o 8 nf *70 o o Hafelor, V. The King o 13 4 II 10 7f Ippefley, R. Th. Dolben 1 3 of 17 11 of Kinwarton, R. The Bijhop 1 15 if 997 Lapworth, R. Merton Coll. Oxon o 18 nf ?150 o o Mariae Stae. Warwic. V. The King 200 13 6 8 Nicolai Sti, ib. V. Corpor. of Warwick 1 6 8 400 Prefton Baggots, R. Ri. Welcbman .... 080 900 Salford Eed. V. Sir Th. ' Skipwith .... o 18 o 800 Snitterfield, V- The Biflop o 16 0 7 IP 7f Wolverdington, R. Ja. Roberts o 15 of Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 32 14 6f Alceftree, R. Ld. Brooke and Warm. » 1 8 4f, 35 6 2f Afton Cantlow, V. S. Stephens o 18 nf 1280 Billefley, R. Sir T. Gooch o 10 5f 49 9 0 Budbrooke, Liber Valorum. tic. 329 Wigorn' Yearly Tenth. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. L *• *• 4q 9 o Budbrooke, V. Corpor. of Warwick- 0 lb O 2o 15 2f Bidford, V. Sir T. Skipwith o 15 °J 13 g 6f Coughton, R. Sir R. Throgmorton .... O 19 bf 36 18 iof Clardon, V. Archdn. of Worcefter .... O 11 2f J Henley in Arden Cap. to Wotton Wa-1 Q Q 0 9 l0 } wen 5 17 40 Norton Lindfey, Cap. to Claverdon .... 000 60 o 0 Rowington, V. T^King o 15 2 37 9 8 Spernall, R. Th. Chambers 0 7 gf 800 Studley, V. Ld. Catherlough o 16 o 41 16 4 Tamworth, V. Hon. Mijs Archer .... 013 4 550 Temple Grafton, Cur. Mr. Parker .. o 00 44 n 8 Woolbarrow, R. J. Hollyoake 080 33 8 3 Wotton Wawen, V, King's Coll. Cam. 1 2 nf D. DROITWICH, Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 24 16 8 Alchurch, R. The Biflop 2 g 8 41 8 if Bfomfgrove, V '. Tbe D. and Chap 4 2 9f 7 16 iof Beoly, V. Ld. Lichfield O 15 8f 12 12 3f Dodderhill, V. Mrs. Holbeche 1 5 2| g 16 of HzmptonLovett,R.SirH.P, Packington 0 19 7* 29- 16 8 Hanbury, R. H. Cecil 2 19 8 14 15 2f Northfield, R, J, C. Jervoife 1 9 6f *8o 0 o Nicolai Sti. Droitwich, R. The King o 8 nf 14 14 7 Salwarp, R. Sir H. P. Packington .... 1 9 .5f 800 Tarbigge, V. Ld. Plymouth 0 16 o 11 2 3f Upton Warren, R. Jn. Ingram 1 a 2f Livings Discharged, Hear yearly Value. 70 o 0 Andr. Sti. Witton R. The King .... o '6 2f 39 15 4 Hadfor, R. Ri. Amphlett o 12 8f 39 2 o Martin Hafentree, R. D. Williams .... on sf 36 15 o Petri Sti. Droitwich, V. T. Nafl .... o 12 o 39 5 8 Stoke Prior, V. The D. and Chap. .... 1.4 o .,« ,„ h J Witton Stae. Mariae, R. Droitwich,? 39 »7 7{ 7-^KiNG \° 9 Q T M P. POWI CV 33© Liber V a l6ru jvr, tic. %igorn' D. POWIC. Livings remaining in Charge. -K. B. Yearly Tenths, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 16 i 5f Chocknell, V. united with Leigh .... i 12 if v 117 3 Cleavelod, Cap. un. with Madersfield o 3 8f "26 0 5 Longdon, V . D. and Ch. of Weftm, .. 2 12 of 13 9 4f Leigh, R. Jn. Cods ..; 1 6 nf 7 8 if Morton Birts, R. Hon. Edw. Mondon 6 14 gi 3 13 1 if Maddersfield, R. W. Lygon o 7- 4I 11 2 n Pendoek, R. Ld. Bellamont 1 2 3f 16 10 7f Ridmerley Dabitot, R, Fr. Morton .... 1 13 of ir 5 0 Staunton, R. Fr. Clare 126 *26o o o Sqckly, R. The King 2 13 5^ 27 O O Upton fup. Sabrinam, R. The Bijhop 2149 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 4.7 17 0 Acton Beaucham, R. Row. Berkley .... 080 39 ig 1 BarroW, V. TheD. and Chap o 15 10 14 n if Chafely, Cap. Vicar of Longdon on 5f • 26 4 8f Caftlemorton, Cur. Vicar of Longdon 0 10 iof 41 6 4 Eldersfield, V. Edm. Lechmere o 17 8' 42 16 of -Handley Caftle, V. Edm. Lechmere.... 156 8 o 6f Malvern Major, V. Ld. Foley 016 4 - 37 *9 * Mathon, V. D. and Cb. of Weftm o 16 0 42 3- 2f Powick, V. Ld. Coventry 10 3! 60 o o Welland, V. The King 0 16 3f D. FAR SHORE. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 800 Abbots Moreton, R. Edw. Ellins o 16 0 700 Abbots Crome, R. Ld. Coventry .... O 14 o 9 17 11 Birlfngham, R. Th. Bradftoci o 19 9f 72 11 3 Bredon, R. B. Pearkes 7 5 *» 300 Besford, Cap. to St. Andrews Perjhore 060 *ioo o 6 Churchlerwh, R. The King , o 19 2f Crowift L I B E R V a'l o r u m, tic. 33* Wig*orn' Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /- s. d. lb O O Crowill, V. Edw. Pearce 112 O 14'7 3f Cropthorne, V. The D. and Chap if 9 8f 81 o 10 Fladbury, R. The Bijhop 1 8 2 1 20 010 Grafton Flyford, R. Ld, Coventry .... 201 1568 Harvington, R. The D. and Chap 1 10 8 *9o 0 o Hill Crome, R. The King o 15 of 16 2 1 Inckbarrow, V. Ld. Abergavenny .... 1 12 2f 9 1 3 North Piddle, R. T. Najh o 18 if ? 130 o o Nawneton Beauchamp, R. The King i io o 11 10 o Pypulton, R. Jof. Dineley 130 800 Priors Cleve, V . The D. and Chap o 16 o 42 6 8 Ripple, R. The Bijhop 4 4 8 905 Roufelench, R. Ch. Fortejcue o 18 cf 13 15 7 f Sedgebarrow, R. The D. and Chap, x 7 6f I2PO Strenfham, R, C, T. Withers 1 4 o . Livings Dis charged. Clear yearly Value. 27 16 6f Abberton, R. Th. Sheldon on gf {"Andreas Sti. in Parfhore, V. D. and} „ ,_ ., 44 16 0 J CL ofWeJim-mJler \ 0 17 " 21 14 it Bifhampton, V. The Biflop O 14 Ilf 60 0 0 Broughton Hackett, R. The King .... o 16 if „ CBrikehill Hampton, C. to St. Andr,} „. „ 11 3 8 \ PerJhore 1 \ 0 5 5 35 13 2 Compton magna, R. Ste. Lightfoot .... I o O 25 o o Compton parva, R. T. B. Savage .... O 18 of 4613 8 Churchill, R. Row. Berkley 1 6 8 816 Defford, C. to St, Andr. Perjhore .... 054 21 19 6f Eckington, V. D. and Ch. ofWeftmr. o 10 2 12 13 n Elmely Caftle, V. The B iflop o 10 7f 6 17 o Feckenham, V. Th. Neal o 18 o 33 o 6 Flyford Flavell, R. Th. Sheldon 0 10 5f 45 13 5l Hymbleton, V. The D. and Chap 016 8| 41 1 o Earlefcrome, R. E. M. Welles o 14 gf 38 18 5 Kington, R.H.Cecil o 16 di 38 4 8f Overbury, V. The D. and Chap 0190 620 Pynven, C. to St. Andr. Perjhore .... 050 30 3 7f Upton Snoddefbury, V. A. Green .... 0160 4 19 o Wicke, C. to St. Andr. Perjhore p 5 4 Winton' 332 Liber Valorum, tic. Winton' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL. I. s. d. I, s, d. EPISCOPATUS pro De-? cima ! } 250 14 7 Pro Primitiis ejufd* 3103 4 7 j 7 The Cathedral Church of this Diocefe coftfifts of a Dean and twelve Prebendaries. The Prebends are all in the Gift of the Bifliop, and are in Value 300I. the Year each ; the Deanry 600I. Yearly Tenths. bj 15 2f Archidiaconatus Winton 6 15 6f 91 3 6f Archidiaconatus Surry g 2 /l{ Southamp' D. ANDOVER. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. i Benefices. Patrons. 17 4 4f Andover, V. Winton Coll. 1 14 5? 42 17 6 Abbots Anne, R. Th. Wall 4 5 q 25 711 Amport, V. D. and Ch. of Chichejler 2 10 gf 30 o o Buroughclere, R. Ld. Portchefter .„• 300 12 12 6 Crokefeaftonn, R. Jn. Smith 1 5 3 10 o O Eneham, R. Queen's Coll. Oxon, .... 100 21 6 of Eaftwoodhay, R. The Biflop 2 2 7 f •130 0 o Fifield, R. The King 1 3 3f 26 2 3f Faccombe, R. Lovelace Bigg » 2 12 2f 15 9 2 Gratley, R. Mrs. Str other ...... ~ 1 10 n 41 9 2 Hufborne Liber Valorum, tic. 333 Southamp' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. fHufborne Terrant, P. Bp. of Salifl 4* 9 a { bury .! L.L ..J 4 2 11 713 g Highclere, R. Ld. Portchefter a 15 45 8 12 6 Hufborne, Terrant, V. The P. thereof 017 3 25 12 1 Kympton, R. G. Foyle 2 n 2f 705 Linkynhold, R. Ro, Worgan o 14 of 12 19 7 Ludfhelfe, R. Ro. Kingfmill 1 5 nf 18 9 7 Middleton, P. Edw. Woodcock yi 16 nf 14 12 11 Munxton, R. King's Coll. Cam 1 q 3J 27 5 2f Over Wallop, R. Ld. Portfmoutb .... 2 14 6f 9 12 8f Penytonne, R. Mrs, Strother 0 ig 3! 15 12 1 Quarley, R. Maft. of St. Cath. Hofp. 1 11 2f \j Thruxton, R. Mr. Robinfon and Hay- ? T J5 ™ " } Ward.... .„.} * » Si '14 15 2f Tudworth, R. T. A. Smith 1 9 6| 22 o o Upclatford, R. Ri. Willis 240 44 n of Whorwell, P '. Jof. Iremonger 4 9 if 14 o o Whorwell, V P. thereof , 180 *300 o o Weyhill, R. Queen's Coll. Oxon 2 12 o Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 35 0 0 Combe, V '.' D. and Ch. of Windfor .... o 13 3 45 0 o Goodworth, V. Jof. Iremonger 100 32 6 9 Hufborne Prior, V. The Biflop 1 5 nf 30 b o Middleton, V. P. thereof O 16 o 49 16 o Netherwallop, V. Subchanter of York 173 24 19 O Shipton, V. W. Freeman O 16 o 30 8 o Whitchurch, V. The Bijhop 1 7 31 D. ALRESFORD. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 49 12 8f Alresford, R. The Bijhop 4 ig 3-J 11 11 iof Avington, R. The Biflop 1 3 2 f 13 6 8 Abberfton, R. Duke of Bolton 1 6 8 n f Browne Candover, R. Ja. Burleigh} , 23 4 2j andothers .'. I g_\ 2 6 5 14 8 if Bighton, 334 Liber Valorum, tic. S o u T HA M p' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d, 14 8 if Bighton, R. Jof. andjn. Eyre ........ I 8 o| 813 4 Bradlie, R. Ld. Northington 0 17 4 8 14 gf Bramden, R. The Biflop o 17 si 66 2 6 Cheriton, R. The Biflop 6123 , , fChilton Candover, R. Mr. Hodpfon} . 6 6 3 \ and Burleigh *L\ ° I2 7* 26 6 8 Eafton, R. The Biflop 2 12 8 19 11 iof Henton, R. The Biflop I 19 ^\ 468 Ichm Abbatis, P. The King 088 14 1 5f Ichen Abbatis, R. H. Bonham 1 8 if 9 10 o Ovington, R. The Biflop o 19 0 19 10 2f Sutton, V. Mr. Wood and Jackfon .... 1 ig of 15 10 2f Worthy Martir. R. Tbe Biflop in of 22 12 6 Worthy Regis, R. Duke of Bedford .. 253 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 35 o o Prefton Candover, V. Tbe D. and Ch. 1 16 0 45 o o Swarneton, R. Ld. Northington o 8 6f * D. A L T O N. Ltvings remaining in Charge.. K. B. 15, o o Alton, V. The D. and Chap 1 io 0 18 9 2 Bramftiott, R. Queen's Coll. Oxon 1 16 11 14 10 5 Bentworth, R. Jn. Hinton 1 g of 22 9 4f Colmer, R. Ja. Cookjon 2 4 nf 11 5 5 Chawton, R. Th. Knight — 1 2 6f 16 O o Eaft Tifted, R. Mr. Hinton and Budd 1 12 0 18 6 of Faringdowne, R. Lewis Cage 1 16 "]\ 6 5 10 Gretham, R. Mrs. Beckford o 12 7 21 47 Hedleigh, R. Queen's Coll. Oxon 2 2 5f IP 1 iof Hartlie Maudett, R. Sir S. Stuart .... 1 o 2f 6 18 9 Lafham, R. Ro. Child o 13 iof 13 10 2 f Newton, V. Edm. White I 7 of *I20 o .0 Shalden, R. The King o 19 7 821 Selborne, V. Magd. Coll. Oxon P"i6 2f 29 0 0 Emfhott, Liber Valorum, -@ft 335 Southamp' Livings Discharged. YearfyTenth. Clear yearly Value. /. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. A *v «• 2Q o o Emfhott, R. Jn. Buller -.- a" 7* or o o EaftWarlham, V. i/^rf. Co//. 0*e». on gf 37 o 6 Froile, V- Mrs.Loggin I 3 H D. BASINGSTOKE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 9 n sf Afhe, R. B.Langlois 0 19 if 7 12 1 Baghurft, R. The Bijhop O IJ if 22 5 7 f Crondall, V. Maft, of St. Crofs 2 4 6f 10 16 3 Cluddifdeane, R. Ld. Portfmouth.... I I ik. 968 Dogmersfield, R, Sir ff. P. St. John o 18- 8 14 12 3f Dummer, R. Ro. W»rftey 192! 10 8 1 1 f Deane, R. Fr. Auften , 1 o iof n 8 9 Everfley, R. Sir Ri. Cope.... I 2 Io| 8 3 6f Ellisfield, R. Ri. Willis o 16 4f 900 Elvetham, R. H. Calthorpe 0180 9 12 6 Fairlie, R. Ja. Hayes o 19 3 16 12 11 Hekefield, V. New Coll. Oxon 1 13 3§ 6 7 3f Hanington, R. The Bijhop p 12 8f 17 ig 7 Kingfclere, V. Duke of Bolton I 15 ll| 8 10 o Laverftock, R. Sir St. Shuckburgh .... 017 O 17 17 1 Newnham, R. Qjieen's Coll. Oxon I 15 8f 15 13 4 North Waltham, R. The Bijhop in 4 23 n 5f Odvham, V. Chancellor of Sarum .... 2 7 if n 13 1 if Oaklie, R. Queen's Coll. Oxon I 3 4f 29 19 7 Overton, R. The Biflop 2 19 Iif 14 12 3f Overton, V. Reclor thereof I 9 2f 9 6 of Silchefter, R. Ld. Mountjoy p 18 7f 9 8 if Sherburne Sti. johan. R. T. L. Chute 018 9! n 3 6f Sherfield, R. Sam. Prince 1 2 '4f, 2413 9 Stratfield Saye, R. Ld. Rivers 2 9 4f 6 o 2-f Stratfield Turges, R. Ld. Rivers.... o 13 of .. .„ ol$Sauth Warneborow, R. St. John's} . , *4 '* l\\ Coll. Oxon I 1 9 »* 11 4 7 Stephinton, R. Th. Knigh I 2 5f 8 18 9 Tuoworth, R. T. H. jfarvoife ~ o 17 iof 8 16 iof Winch. Uu 336 Liber Valorum, tic. 'Sputhamp' Yearly Tenth. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. A. 8 16 iof Winchfield, R. Ellis St. John 017 8f 13 2 8f Wolverton, R. Jem. Raymond 1 6 3.5 IP 2 3f Wotton, V. The D. and Chap. „. 1 0 2| 817 8f Worting, R. W. Wither ~ 017 gf .?¦'' Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 49 o o Bafrngftoke, V. Magd. Coll. Oxon 3 1 7 j 30 o o Bramley, V. Queen's Coll. Oxon o 14 4! 38 o O Eftrop Capella, P. Serie 040 25 O O Ewhurft Capella, Th. Prior o 28 47 0 P Farnborow, R. H. Wilmot o 15 3f ¦¦« ° 0 ?i%^±f:::i™:l\ -3 •' 35 O P Harriard, V. Duke • of 'Bolton ...... ...... O 14 7f 40- o o Scuris, R. Ld. Northington 0 11 1 44 o 6 Sherburne Sti. Johan. V. A. Chute .... 0 14 0 „ f Sherburne Monach. V. Queen's Colli „ , . 3» ° °\-Oxon Z i°l6 °* 35 00 Wintney Hartlie, V. P. St. John .... \> 8 of 36 o 0 Wynflade, R- Duke of Bolton 013 2f 50 0 o HolyGhoft, Chap. The King .._ 40 o o Yately, Cur. Jn. Limbrey D. DROKINSFORD. Livings remaining in Charge. X. B. 21 6 pf Alverftoke, R. The Biflop 2 2 7f 32 16 io| Buriton, R. The Biflop 3 5 8f 10 3 9 Bedhampton, R. Ld. Hillfiorotigh .... 1 o 4} 6 7 8f Blendworth, R. Duke of Beaufort .... O 12 gf 20 O 10 Chalton, R. Duke of Beaufort 2 01 II 00 Clanfield, R. Duke of Beaufort I 2 0 17 19 4» Drokinsford, R. The Biflop 1 15 nf 35 i 8 *Eaftmeane, V. The Biflop 3 10 2 is 6 pf Exton, R. The. Biflop '. „....,... 1 o 7f 9 13- 4 Farlington, R. C. W. Taylor — o 19 4 8 12 6 Fareham, V: The Biflop o 17 3 ¦24 6 of Havant, R. Thj Bifhop — —• • 2 8: 7! 26 16 2 Hamul- Liber Valorum, tidt 337 So D t H A m p' Yearly Tenth. 1. s. d. Benefices, Patrons., /• *• d. 26 ig 2 Hamuldon, V. The Biflop 2 13 n 46 2 It Meanftoke, R. Tbe Biflop 4 12 3f 12 0 o Portiffaie, V. Winton Coll 1 4 O 6 13 4 Portfmouth, V. Winton Coll o 13 .4 6 0 2f Rowner, R. Ch. Brune o 12 of 6 7 3f ditchfield, V. P. Delme 013 8{ n 2 1 Upham, R. Tbe Biflop I 3 2f 2612 8f Waltham, R. The Bijhop 213 3f ig 9 4f Warbhngt on, R. T: Panton 1 18 I if .CWidley, R. R. Thiftlethwaite, and} . - 14 it iof I ml;m CelL ^ \ \ 1 9 2* 8 2 8f Wickham, V. Ph. Raflleigh : 0 16 .3! 21 9 4f Warnford, R. Adm. Griffin 2 2 nf 30-17' n Weftmeane, R. The Bijhop 3 i gf Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 37 o 0 Chaterington, V. J. C. Jervoife o 18 7, 47 o o Hayling, V. Ld. Effingham 0 17 6 50 0 o Porchefter, V. Tbe King o 12 o D. FORDINGBRIDGE. , Livings remaining in Charge, ( K.B-. 1600 Chrift-Church, V. The D. and Chap, x 12 O 30 2 3f Fordingbridge, V, King's Coll. Cam. 3 o 2J 20 12 if Milford, V. Queen's Coll. Oxon z 1 31 7 12 6 Minfted, R. H. Compton o 15 3 {North Carford, C. Propr. of Bromere} 5 J3 4 I Priory \. i J. on 4 75 5 5 Ringwood, V. King's Coll. Cam, 7 10 6f 12 16 iof Sopley, Y.Jn. Willis : 1 5 8| Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 28 o o Bbidre, Y . W. Mitford , 1 4 rq 350 o o Brgarnore, Don. Ld. Brooke 50 o P Hale, Don. Duke of Manchefter — 200 0 0 Rockburn, Don. Duke of Mdnehefter Uu2 ' D. jnsitl; 33s Liber Valorum, tic. SoutHamp' D. INSUL. VECT. Livings remaining in Charge. •K» B. Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Beniticis. Patrons. /. s. d. >32 34 Brightftone, R. The Biflop 344 19-17 8f Calborne, R. Th* Biflop vi 19 gf 123 8 i\ Cznftxooke^N . Queen' s Coll. Oxon. .. 2 6 gf 14 3 1 if Chale, R. Ro. and Ja. Worjley 1 8 4J' \*3oo' o o Frefhwater, R. St. John's CoU. Cam. x 18 10 25 18 9 Gatcombe, R. Edw. Worjley 2 xi iof 568 Kingfton, R. Mr. Worftey, and Clarke 010 8 n 16 3 Motiftone, R. B. Ev. Leigh 1 3 7f 20 7 1 Nighton, R. Queen's Coll. Oxon 2 O 8f CSarwftr Spiritus, Cap. Queen's Coll.} 7 9 7} Oxon. ...± I o 14 nf 20 o 2f Shorewell, R. Mrs, Randolph - 2 o of *250 o o Whfppingham, R. The King i 18 if 7 16 of Wotton, R. fa- Burton , o 15 7J 6 6 iof Yeaverland, R. W. Wright o 12 . 8f Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 50 P o Thorley, V, Mrs. Gather „ 0 13 10 D. SOMBORNE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 716 3 Afliley,,R. J;b. Weekes ...'. p 15 7f 37. 10 O Broughton, R. Ro. Thiftlethwayte .... 3 15 o 821 Barton Stacie, V. The D. and Chap. .. o 16 2f %b 19 4f Chiibolton, R. The Biflop 2 13 nf 200 EHinge Capella, Ja. Hujfey .: 040 .38 2 8f Houghton, R. The Biflop 2 16 3! g go Lekrtford, F. St. John's Coll. Oxon. .. 018 o 26 13 4 MiChiWever, V. Duke of Bedford .... 2 13 4 9 iof 14 18 nf .Mottisfont, ;R. G.St. John .... — 1 9 10 ab ia 8f 'Mtfhltaiesih, R. The Biflop ....... 213 $•; 1 *i8p Stok e Liber Valorum, tic. 33$ South'am p' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /¦ s. d. - 0 {Stoke Charitie, R. Corp. Chr. Coll.} x *l8° ° ° I Oxon, ! J111 4f 6 10 2f Sherfield, R. Ro. Briftow O 13 of sr 1 iof Sombome Regis, V. Sir J. H. Mill 2 2 2f 8 5 10 Weft TiderJy, R. Ro. Thiftietbwayte o 16 7 46 15 7f Wonftan, R. The Biflop 4 13 6f 500 Wellow, V. Duke of Chandos o 10 o Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 290 o Lekeford, V. P. thereof — 0 17 8f ' 41- 13 1 if Longftoke, V. Sir J, H. Mill 1 16 41 6 8 Rumfey, V. The D. and Chap 2 1 gf D. SOUTHAMPTON. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 5 10 2f Botleigh, R, Duke of Portland on 0f 5 12 11 Dipdene, R. Sir Ja. Harris on 3- II 48 if Eling, V. Jn. Speed I 3 of 3413 6f Falley, R. The Biflop 3 9 4f 10 6 3 Milbrooke, R, The Biflop 1 o 7f 13 11 iof Nurfling, R. The Bijhop x 7 ^| 2i g 7 North Stoneham, R. Jn. Fleming 2 2 11% tPrecent. in Ecclef. B. Mar. Southamp. 7 37 5 5 I The Bijhop ..$ 3 14 6f {South Stoneham, V. Precent, of St.! 12 ° °{ Mar. South j1 4 4 Livings Discharged, ¦Clear yearly Value. C Crucis Ste. in Southamp', V. Queen's! 24 ° ° | Coll. Oxon, '. ._ I r 4 2f 49 2 4 Hound, V. Winton Coll. o 10 «£ 30 o o Johan' Sti. South' R. 7™ „ \ o 1? / 20 o o Lawrentii Sti. ib. R.P'&™ \ °0 \\ , .J -50 o o Mich' Sti. in Southamp' V. The King i 5 2- 60 b p Omn' Sanarri. R. The King 016 ¦>* D. winton" 340 Liber Valorum, tic. Southamp' D. WI.NTON'. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. s. d. ,23 6 8 Compton, R. The Bijhop 268 8 6 8 Chilcomb, R. The Bi/hop o 16 8 35 13 4 Crawley, R. The Biflop 3 11 4 10 12 1 Fairlie, R. Sir H. P. St John 1 1 2f 900 Hurfley, V. Sir T. Heathcote 018 0 700 Mar. Stae. Calendre, R. The Biflop .... o 14 0 676 Mauritii Sti. Winton, R. The Bijhop .. o 12 9 200 Mariae Stx. de Wode, R. The Biflop 040 342 Petri Sti. Winton', R. The Bijhop 065 .368 Sti. Georgii, R. The Biflop 068 14 17 6 Stoke Epifcopi, R. The Biflop 199 *no o o Sperfhott, V. The King 1 13 of 12 12 8f Twyford, V . Emanuel Coll. Cam 1 5 3J 12 19 2 Wyke, R. The Biflop 1 511 J" Worthy Mortimer, R. Dr. Rad-} , 15 1l cliffe' s Truftees J111 2* 500 Wynnall, R. ihe Biflop o 10 , 0 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. ' 50 o o Barth' Sti. in Soca, V. The King .... 100 60 o o Lawrentii Sti. Winton, R. The King 012 ,6 16 5 o Laynefton, R. Ro. Bathurft 054 CMich' Sti. in Soca, R. un. with St.} *. J4 H 4 J Swithin, The Bijhop ....} ° n ?t 32 6 8 Morefted, R. The Biflop 0120 12 2 2 Pet. Sti. Southgate, Str' R. Tbe King 074 40 o o Petri Sti. in Soca, R. Ihe King 1 8 nf , CTho' Sti. R. cum St. Clements, The} . 46 ° ° \ Bijhop \ J 7 9* 40 o o Swithini Sti. R. The King o 12 8f 400 0 o Hofpital of St. Crofs, Tbe Biflop The Deanry of Guernfey is 100/. the Year, and is in the Gift of the Governor, as are all the Livings in it. D. EWELL. Liber Valorum, &c. 34* Surrey. D. EWELL. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons, /. s. d. 13 15 5 Afhted, R, Lady Suffolk i 7 6f g 3 4 Barnes, R. D. and Ch.of St. Paul's .. 0 18 4 ?270 o 0 Burftow, R. The King 1 11 4 .11 12 11 Buckland, R. All Souls Coll. Oxon 1 3 3* ig 19 4f Blechingley, R. Sir Ro. Clayton 1 19 nf - ,0 o' J Codington, V. Propria or of the Pri- 1 x 7 12 3z[ ory of Merton J ° IS 2* 17 5 5 Chaihame, R. St. John's Coll. Oxon. 1 14 6f ig 16 8 Charlewood, R.H. C. Wife .'. 1 19 8 17 17 1 if Chipfted, R . Ant. Nott 1 15 4f 9 18 4 Y.Vner,R.WadbamColl.Oxon.andothers o 19 IO g 2 8f Gatton, R. Sir G. Colebrooke 018 3f 4 17 ii Home Capella, Sir Ro. Clayton o g gf 12 o 5 Long Ditton, R. G. Elers 1 4 of 20 o 5 Lympsfield, R. Sir J. Greflam 2 O of 15 10 5 Leigh, R. Th. Scawen ...< in of 1300 Mickleham, R. Sir J. H. Cotton ...r< 1 6,0 850 Maldon, V. Merton Coll. Oxon. o 16 6 22 1 8 Mefthzm,R. Archbp. of Cant 242 7 12 n Morden, R. Ch. Peers o 15 3f {Nuffield, R. Jefus Coll. Oxon. and} '4 H 7 } ethers\ H \ 1 9 5f 24 6 of Oxtead, R. Mifs Hojkns 2 8 7f 700 Saunderfted, R. A. Wigfell o 14 o 13 n 3 Stoke Dalborn, R. Sir F. Vincent.... 1 7 t£ CWunbleton, R. D. and Ch. ofWor-1 35 * n \ ceJler I :± 5310 3f *I50 0 o Woodmanftone, R. The King 129 911 5f Walkingfted, V. A. El. Boone o 19 if 11 12 II Warlingham, V. Atw. Wigfell 1 3 3! Livings Discharged. . Clear yearly Value. 30 o o Adington, V. Ja. Trecothick o 9 7A 44 o o Buckworth, V. D. and Ch.of Windfor o 14 iof .45 0 p Croyden, V. Arcbbp. of Cant 2 3 iof '" 968 Coveham, 342 Sur r ey. /. s. d. 9 6 8 45 0 0 24 0 0 4& 0 0 45 0 0 45 0 0 34 7 0 40 0 0 35 0 0 45 0 0 Liber Valorum, tic' Yearly Tenths, Benefices. Patrons. L s. d. Coveham, V. H. P. Wefton 0 19 gf Cartram, V. Jof. Hodgkin 016 of Ewell, V. Sir G. Glynn 0160 Ebefhame, V. Jn. Parkhurfl O 16 nf Farlle, R. Merton Coll. Oxon 097} Hedlie, R. Ch. Edwin 016 9 CKingfton, fup. Thames, V. G. Har-} 1 I dlnge \ 2 ° ?* Karfalton, V. Jof. Rofe 13 3 Micham, V. Ja. Cranmer 1 o 1 Rygate, R. Ri. Fleet wood , 2 o 6f D. SOUTHWARK. Livings remaining in Charge* K. B. 15 8 nf Bermondfey, R. Th. Hambley 1 10 iof , \ Baterfea, V. Mr. Gardnor, and Thomp- } , , j3 *5 2ij }„ ..: ;. 15 1 7 6j 13 16 8 Bedington, R. W. Pellat 178 8 0_ IO Clapham, R. Sir Ri. Atkins o 16 I 20 o o Camberwell, V; Jn. Thornton -* 2 o 0 21 16 5f Cullefdon, R. Archbp. of Cant 237! 250 o o Georgii Sti. Southwark, R. The King i 17 4f 32 15 7f Lambeth, R. Archbp. of Cant 3 5 6f *30O O 0 Newington, R. Bp. of Worcefter 1 12 0 *aoo 0 o Olavi Sti. Southwark, R. ?7^King 6 16 5f 18 p o Rotherhith, R. Clare Hall Cam 1 16 0 18 13 9 Stretham, R. Duke of Bedford 1 17 4f 16 18 4 Sutton, R. M. E. Cliffe 1 13 10 7 17 3% Tilfey, R. Sir J. Greflam O 15 8f 8 8 6f \TTS parva' V' Mr' Burrew> and\ o 16 ioi t l*regg ) * 15 5 5 Wanfworth, V. T. A. Ackworth 1 lo" 6f ?250 o o St. John Horflydown, R. The King St. Saviour's Southwark 2 Chaplains chofen by a felecT: Veflry, 100I. the Year. each. D. STOKE. * Liber Valorum, tic. 343' Surrey. D. STOKE. Livings remaining in Charge. j, g Yearly Tenths, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I- s. d. i7 12 8f Aldbury, R. Z<£ 4>/«;W i 15 3^ 12 8 if Abindworth, R. Sir Jn. Evelyn i 4 9* ic 18 nf Afh, R. Winton Coll i " t°f. 6 n 3 Alford, R. #h. Strudwick o 13 I? 6-39 Afkum, R. >. S«Wrf ° I2 4f ?16 8 Brifhley, R. Ld. Onflow o 15 8 *I20 -0 0 Bifleet, R. Tib* King ¦ 019 2 13 13 4 Chartfey, V. Ch. 0: Hunter. 1 7 4 ! 5 Compton, R. Mr. Matthias and Cle-1 L 15 4. 9t[ rcmboult 3 5* *400 o o Chtd'mgio\d,R. Dean of Sarum 2 12 5f 20 18 if Cranley, R. C. D. Willaume .'., 2 I gf 10 2 1 Chobham, V. Ld. 'Onflow 1 O 2f 14 13 1 if Dorking, V. Sir J. II. Cotton. 1 9 4f *i40 0 0 Dunsfold, R. The King 1 4 of n 9 7 Egharn/V. Ja. Scawen 1 2 nf ?150 0 0 Ewhurft," R. The King 1 4 8f • 12 16 -5f Eaft Horfley. R. Archbp. of Cant 1 " 5 . 7f 10 6' iof Eaft Clandon, R. Ld. King 1 o 8f 20 s S Farnham, V . "Archdn. of Surrey 2 18 6f 21 10 5 Fetcham, R. Sir G. Warren 2 3 of *2SO O o, Godalmyn, V. Dean of Sarum 2 7 gf 6* ']¦, n Hamuldon, R. Ld. Radnor 0 12 gf Cotae. Marine B. Guildford, R. The! ,r *200 o oj KjNG ' Jr 4 6f *2oo 0 0 Newdigate, R. The King 0 17 -10 (Nich. Sti. Guildford, R. Dean ofl **50 0 oj garurn ..r. i\ 2 2I n 05 Oking, V. Ld. Onflow : I 2 of 16 5 2f Ockley, R. Clare Hall Cam 1 12 6f 11 21 Okeham, R. Ld. King 1 2 2f *I30 o 0 Puttenham, R, The Kmo 1 3 gf 8 18. if Send, V. Ld. Onflow o 17 'gf 26 r 5f Shire, R. G. Bray 212 if *6o o o Shalford, V. The King 016 5f l8 0 5 Stoke juxta Guilford, R. P. ,'Lafargue 1 16 of X x *7'o 0 p Thorpe, 344 Liber Valorum, tic. S u R R e Y. , Yearly Tenth. ' I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. *70 o o Thorpe, R. The King on 4 11 n of Trinitat. Stae. Guildford, R.The King I 3 if 2217 1 Weft Horfley, R. H. P. Wefton ...... .*. 2 5 8f 12 18 9 Wotton, R; Sir F- Evelyn 1 5 iof *I20 o 0 Weybridge, R. The King o 14 of 13 10 O Weft Clandon, R. Ld. Onflow 170 *I30 o o Windlefham, R. The King '. 1 o nf 24 13 9 Worplefdon, R. Eton. Coll ,.,.,„ 2 9 4f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 35 o o Bokeham magna, V. Adml. Geary .... o 19 8| 45 o o Bokeham parva, R. T. Pollen o 13 6f 60 o o Effingham, V, The King o 15 iof 48 16 7f Merowe, R. Ld. Onflow 0 18 of 48 o o Witley, V. Jn. Myers 1 15 7, 35 O o Wpnnerfh, V. Ld. Grantley 1 10 if 70 o o Walton fuper Thames, V. The King 154 ' 40 19 o Wifley, R. Ld. Onflow ¦• • 000 Note, The Values of thefe Livings following not being afcertained aj the Ael requires, are not difcharged, i Southamp' D. F O R D I N G B R I D G E. , 30 0 o Ellingham, V. Eton Coll o 16 5! 20 0 O Whitifbury, V. Duke of Manchefter .. on 4. D. INSUL' VECTS ., 50 o o Areton, V. Jn. Fleming 220 50 o o Bearding, V. Trin. Coll. Cam 200 50 o o Bonechurch, R. Mrs. Popham o, 13 6 -J 50 o 0 Benfted, R. The Biflop o 2 8f 50 O o Broke Capella, W. Bowerman o 3 iof , 50 o O Ecclefia in Caftro, V. The Governor .. 0 14 o 50 O O Goddefhill, V. Queen's CoU. Oxon. .. 3 15 9 50 o p Lawrentii Sti. R. Mr. Worjley 080 50 o O Newchurch, V. Biflop of Briftol 148 50 0 p. Sborewell, V. B. 4?, Leigh 1 15 7f j8 12 1 Shalfleet Liber Valorum, &c. 345 * Surrey. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. ** /. s. d. 50 0 0 Shalfleet, V. The King 1 17 2f 50 o o Yarmouth, R. The King t 000 D. EWELL. 50 o 0 Banfted, V. Ch. Buckle - I 6 xoi 50 0 o Chaldon, R. Mrs. Piggott O 15 of 50 0 o Harlie, V. Gov. of Chrift's Hofp 1 8 if CLeatherhead, V. D. and Ch. of Ro-} 5° ° °| chefter...... „ J1 8 ?l 50 0 o Tattesfield, R. Sir J. Greflam 0 10 of 50 0 o Walton fup. mont. R. W. Pellatt .... 1 4 . 7f D. STOKE, 50 o O Peperharrowe, R. Ld. Middleton o 12 9 X x i Afaven' 346 Liber Valorum, tie. Afaven' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL. The Members of this Cathedral are the Dean, Archdeacon, who is alfo Bifhop,. Chancellor, Precentor, Treafurer, three Preben daries, and feven Curfal Canons, who compofe the Chapter/ The following Dignities are all in the Gift of the Bifhop. ,i Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. I. s. d. 187 n 8 T7PISCOPATUS Afaven' 18 15 2 45 11 si Decanatus Afaven' ...'., 4 n if 74 15 7t Archidiaconatus ibidem .'. 7 9 6f 40 o o Portio Prebendse de Vaynoll 400 37 13 4 Llanufith, P » 3 15 4_- 955 Llanvaire prima porco, P o 18 6f 955 Llanvaire, feeunda porco, P -o 18 b} 18 6 8 Meladyn, P 1 16 8 2 6' 8 Praeb. Richardi Harrifon 048 268 Praeb' Arthur Buckley 048 2 6 8 Praeb' Adam Rekenfall 048 268 Praeb' Galfr' Ruthin ., 048 268 Praeb' Radulphi Birkenhead 048 268 Praeb' Johannis Griffith ' 048 368 Prab' Myvode 068 2 io 7r Prseb' David ap Hoell o 5 of Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 33 0 P Quatuor Vice' Choral' ibidem .......... 2 13 9f D. tegingill. Liber Valorum, tic. 347 Flints' D. T E G I N G I L L. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenth. J. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /, s. d. 910 o Caerwys R.7^^; C o ig o g 10 o Laerwys, V. J J r ( o 19 o 6 15 5 Cwm, R. The Biflop ,.„ o 13 bi 18 10 10 Efkivock, R. The Biflop 1 17 1 14 7 11 Haikeyne, R. The Bijhop 1 8 gi lb 14 7 Kilkeyne, R. The Biflop 1 13 5^ 9 .11 si Llanafaph, V. The Bijhop o ig if 4g 14 g(- Northopp, R. annexed to the Bprick .. 4 19 5f 14 6 8 Northopp, V. The Biflop 1 8 8 11 10 5 Ruddelan, V. The Bijhop 1 3 of 28 17 6 Whitford;, R. The Biflop 2179 9i Livings Discharged. / Clear yearly Value. 40 o o Bodvary, R. The Biflop 0 18 6f 29 o o Cwm, V, The Biflop 0 10 iof 42 O o Dymerghon, V. The Biflop o 10 o 30 o o Efkiviock, V. The Bijhop ;... o 12 /^~ 20 O o Gwenyfcore, R. The Bijhop 0 18 9 40 o o Holliwell, V. Jefus Coll. Oxon. : 0 19, 6 33 O 0 Kilkeyne, V. The Bijhop o 12 8 40 o o Nannerch, R. The Bifhop o 18 9f 38 O o Whitford, V. The Biflop o 19 if 20 o o Differth, Cur. The Biflop •D. DE MONTE ALTO. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 1000 Eftyn, R. St. John's Hofp. Chefter .... 10 o 0 Mons Altus, V. The Biflop IOO IOO 44 0 P Eftyn, 34& . Liber Valorum, .£&. Fiints' Discharged. Yearly Tenth. Gear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 44 0 p Eftyn, V. The Biflop and Reclor 013 4 Deneeigh' D. BROMFIELD and YALE. * Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 21 2 3f Gresford, V. The Biflop 2 2 af 31 15 o Llanarmon, R. The Biflop 3 3 6 12 16 8 Marchwyell, R. Tbe Biflop 1 5 8 13 6 ol Rhuabon, V. The Biflop 1 6 ' y| 19 9 gf Wrexham, V. The Bijhop 1 18 nf Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 42 O o Arbiftock, R. The Biflop 0 15 5f 28 o o Llandegla, R. The Biflop o .17 2f CLlanarmoa Dyfrunkeriog, V. The} 4+ ° °| Biflopl. :„ ,......:.. J1 4 7 48 P o Llanverrons, R. The Biflop 1 8 gf Denbigh and S a l op. D. M A R C H I A. Livings remaining- in Charge. K. B. 18 16 of Llanrhayadre, R. The Biflop 1 17 7! 12 13 4 Llan/mouth,ey, R. The Bijhop 154. 800 Llarifeylin, V. Tbe Biflop O 16 0 934 LJanrhayadre, V. The Bifhop O 11 4 12 9 gf Silatyn, R. Th. Lloyd 1 4 nf 25 4 2 Whittington, R. Th. Lloyd 2 10 5 t Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 30 o o Chirke, V. The Biflop - 0 13 if- 50 o o Kinnerfly, V. Prince of Wales o 14 8 46 0 P Knocking, Liber Valorum, tic. 349 Denbigh' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /• *. d. 46 o o Knocking, R. Sir O. Bridgeman .... 0 io o 45 o o Llangollen, V. The Biflop 6 19 2f 40 o o Llanarmon, R. The Biflop o 17 2f 39 5 p Llanyblodwell, V. The Biflop o 15 2i 46 o o Ofweftry, V. Fr. Loggin 2 7 6f 18 o o Sandi Martini, R. The Biflop o 10 2% Fli nt s and Denbigh. D. ROSS, Livings rmeaining in Charge, K.B. 15 2 3r Denbigh, R. The Biflop 1 10 2f 20 o o Henlan, V- annex, to the Deanry .... 2 O o 10 8 -if Llan Kerig Dryddon, R. The Biflop 1 0 gf 12 o o Llanrwft, R. The Biflop 140 27 1 3 Llandrillo, R. The Biflop 2 14 if CLlanfannan, R. duae portiones, The} j3 °™\ Bijhop.1 :....!. J1 5 1 fi 47 Llangumdymell, R. The Biflop 1 2 5f y6 o o Llangumdymell, V o 12 o 5 o iO Llanfannaa, V. The Biflop o 10 1 IOO Mariae de Pemyn libra, Cap. 020 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 47 o o Abergelly, V. The Biflop 1 4 nf 48 o o Bettws, V. The Biflop 156^ 48 o o Denbigh, V. The Biflop ..„ o 17 6 35 O O Eglwyfvach, V. The Biflop 0 13 4 70 q o Gwetheryn, R. The Biflop o 13 2f 70 o O Kegydock, R. Prince of Wales 104 30 O o Lanrwft, V. The Biflop O 12 6~ 40. 0 o Llandrilio, V. The Bijhop o 17 7 40 o o Llanelian, R. The Biflop 1 % 2 44 o o Llifvaen, R. The Biflop 1 4 p!- 26 p o Llandulas, R. The Biflop o 12 if 45 O o Llanytydd, V. The Biflop 100 45 o o Llangernew, V. The Biflop o 14 7f 45 9 0 LJanvihangell, R. The Bijhop 0 15 ?*r 20 o 0 Landdogget t,' 3^o Liber Valorum, tic. D E N B I G H s' Yearly Tenths. I. s. "d. Benefices. Patrons. " /. s. d. 20 o io Landdogett, R. The Biflop ,0 n 3f 30 o o Liangwin, V. The Biflop 000 30 O O LJanlanfraid, The Biflnp 0 14 8 28' 0 0 Nantglyn, V. The Biflop o 14 0 Mongomery. D. KYDEWEN. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 13 6 8 ' Berryw, V. The Biflop 1 6 8 14 O o Llandyffellj R. The Bifliop 180 7 10 10 Llandyffell, V. The Bijhop o 15 i 8184 Manavon, R. The Biflop 0 17 10 8 15 O Villa Nova, R. The Biflop O 17 '6 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 48 0 o Aberhaves, R. The Biflop- : 0 18, 8 40 o o Bettws, V. The Bijhop 1 O 0 44 O P L'lanllwchairn, V. The Bijhop o 14 9 43 O o Llanwytllelan, R. The Biflop o 6 10 35 op Llanmerewig, The Biflop o 13 4j 10 o O Llanllugan, Cur. Mr. Hughes 20 00 Tregynan, Cur. Mr. Weaver , , D. POLA and CA.RENION. . Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 12 17 6 Caftell, R. The Biflop '..' 1 5 9 n o o Gilsfield, V. The Biflop 1 2 0- l4 6 8 Llanfanfraid, R. The Biflop 1 8 8 8 15 10 Lhnvechen, R. The Biflop 0,17 7 24 16 ioi Llandrinyo, R. The Biflop 2 g H 10 13 g Llanvillyne, R. The Biflop .1 1 4? 950 Llangadvan, R. The Biflop o 18 6 9 2 11 Llanirvill, R. The Biflop • 4 i8r.3* *30 0 0 Llan-» Liber Valor u"m, -He. 351 Mongomery. Yearly Tenths. < v /. s. d. Benefices. Patrols. /. t. d. *30 0 o Llangynnog, R. Tbe Biflop , o 8 iof 5 15 5 Llanvihangell, R. The Biflop on bi 15 14 2 Myvod. V. The Biflop 1 n 5 n 16 iof Pennant, R. The Bifhop ..... — 1 3 8f Livings Discharged; Clear yearly Value. ig p p Garthbibio, R. Th Biflop 0 12 2 37 10 o Hernant, R. The Biflop o 8 4f 41 10 o Llanfanfrid, V. The Biflop o n 9 34 7 6 Lanvair, V. The Biflop 19 o 26 o o Langynyoe, R. The Biflop on 4 4618 9 Poole, V. al. Welch Poole, The Bijhop 1 6. 6f 24 6 6 Pennant, V. The Bijhop ...... ,...» Q it 7f D. KEVILIOCK. Livings Remaining in Charg:e. K.B. 10 17 11 Darrowen, R. The Bijhop 1 1 gf 700 Kemmaes, R. Tbe B'flop 0-. 14 o 4 14 gf Lanbrynmaire, R. The Bijhop o 9 5I 12 16 si Lanwryn, R. The B>fi*P * 1 5, 7f II 10 7f Maghuntley, R. The Bijhop 1 3 of 6 6 o|- Maghuntley, V. The Bijhop o 12 7f 7 19 7 Penegweft, R. The Biflop o r5 nf Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 38 o o Darrowen, V. The Biflop „.„. 000 44 o P Llanbrynmaire, V. The Biflop ........ o 8 gf j Merioneth' D. MOWTHWAY. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 6 18 4 Llanymouthwy, R. The Biflop 0 13 ip 10 15 5 Mallwyd, R. The Biflop 1 t 6f Y y D. PENLLYN 352 Lib e r V a l or u m, tic. .Merioneth. D. PENLL YN and IDE RNION. Li VltfG S R EM A I NING IN C H A R G E. K. B. * Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefice-s. Patrons. /. s. d. 15 5 10 Cprwen, R. The Biflop I 10 7 713 Corwen, V. The Biflop 0 14 if t Libera Paroch. in Vill. Glothiath, The} *n 4} .Bijhop ; .; Jo 5 4 8 10 2f Llanvwllyn, R The Biflop o 17 of 9 4 4f LlanyceH, R. The Biflop 018 5f 13 12 11 Landervell, R. The Biflop „ 1 7 3» 15 16 3 Landrillo, R. ann. to the Bprick 1 11 7; n 5 0 Llanvawr, R. The Biflop 12 6 p 13 4 Lanetharne, R. The Biflop o 1. 4 t Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 32 o o Bettws, R. The. Biflop , o 10 5f 30 O O Gwiddelwern, V. The Bifhop OOO' 30 0 o Llangower, R. The Biflop ._. 0 10 6 40' 0 o Llanvawr, V. The IBiflop 6 10 if 40 : 0 o Llandrijlo, Y .The Biflop 0 15 8f 40 6 o Llangar, V. The Biflop o 10 gf 13 o p Llanfanfraid, R, The Biflop 6 3 8f Bangor! Liber Valorum, tic. 353, Bangor' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL. The Cathedral of this Church confifts of a Dean, the Archdeacon of Merioneth, a Treafurer, Precentor, and Chancellor, two endowed Prebendaries, and five unendowed. Yearly Tenth. . /. s. d. I. s. d' 131 16 3 T?PISCOPATUS 13 3 74 22 17 3f I2j Decanatus 2 5 8f 48 6 3 Archidiaconatus Bangor 4 16 7f ,58 10 7f Archidiaconatus Anglifea. ..„ 5 17 of 1334 Archidiaconatus Merioneth 164 , j CThefaurar' ibidem una cum, R.Llan-7 . 7 J3 b*l viangell Itraith & Lladeckwin J ° I5 ** 38 o o Llanvair, P. cum Viccar' 318 o 034 Canonical Hugo, ap Robert 004 ,042 Precentor 005 034 Cancellar' O o 4 17 o 5 Duae Vice' Chorales. I 14 of Discharged. Clear yearly Value 30 0 o Pennenith, P. cum Cura o 16 6f Xy.2 D. ARVON. 354 . Liber Valorum, tie'. Carnarvan. D. ARVON. . Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenth. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. j-. d. »4 •'•f^c£^?*±«.._1'> » « 15 10 '2f Llangimin, R. Ld. Pembroke 1 11 of 16 4 4f Llanginiwell, R. Ld. Pembroke 1 12 5f 6 12 6 Wznrng, R. The Biflop on 3 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. • 38, o o Clynog, V. The Biflop 0 12 o 4g o o Llandurog, R. The Biflop 1 3 if 35 o o Llanbeblick, V. Bp. of Chefter 146! 30 o o Lanvilhayrn, R. The Biflop 0 16 oj 22 o o Llanlwyfin, R. The Biflop 015 9 60 o o Landeiniolen, R. Tbe Prince of Wales 1 6 iof 10 o o Llanberis, R. The Biflop o 9 iof 9 00 Llannwnda, V. The Biflop 000 7J 0 o Llanvaire Ifgaer, Y. The Biflop p 6 8 D. ARLLECHWEDD. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 14 7 3f Aber, R. alias Llanaben Ld. Bulkeley 1 8 8f 497 Kaernun> V. The Bifhop.... o 8 nf 6 19 4f Llaribedir, R. The Biflop o 13 ni 15 13 4 Llanllechyd, R. The Biflop in 4 9 10 o Penmachno, R. Ro. Vaughdn o 19 p Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 10 P o Conway, V. The Biflop 0149 15 o o Dwygyfilchi, R. Th. Kiffin 074 40 o o Lfanfairfechan, R. The Biflop p 13 9 40 o o Llangelynin, R. The Biflop o 14 0 ,25 o o Trefriw, R. The Biflop o 15 7 16 o o Gyffin, Cur. The Biflop 10 o o Lfendidno, Cur. The Biflop D.- DYFFRYN- Liber Valorum,^,' 35$ Denbighshire. D. DYFFR YNCL WID. v ;LlVINGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. K. B. Yearly Tenth. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. j 2 O o Clokaynog, R. The Biflop 140 10 15 o Derwenymall, R. The Biflop 1 1 6 28 13 4 Llanrhayader, V. The Biflop 2 17 4 30 O o Llanrhayader, R. ann. to the Bprick. 3 0 O 19 19 7 Llandyrnoc, R . Held in c ommeniun, \ . . 1 18 nf 16 13 4- Llanvorock. R. Tbe Bijhop 1 13 4 26 13 4 Llanenys, R. ann. to the Bprick 2 13 , 4 i'Llanledan Port. ift. The Biflop } 11 ° ° I Port. 2d. Ruthin School. J1 2 ° 8 13 4 Llanenys, V. The Biflop 0 17 4 13 18 Llanbedir, R. The Bijhop I 6 2 13 3 4 Llanvaire, V. The Biflop * Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 30 o o Evenechtyd, R. The Biflop O 12 if 43 0 o Llanganhaval, R. The Biflop in 6 30 o o Llanhychan, R. The Biflop 0 15 9 20 o o Llangwifen, R. The Bijhop O \%~, iof CRuthin Wardenfhip, D. and Ch. of 240 0 O i jr, a . „ r J T I Weftminfter Carnarvon. D. L L Y N N. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 10 9 4f Aberdaron, R. St. John's Coll. Cam. 1 0 nf 25 n 5z Llanbedrog, R. The Biflop 2 11 a1- 21 3 9 Llanjeftin, V. The Biflop „ 2 2 4^ Livings Discharged. Archidiac' Landaverc' 3 17 3! 12 2 11 Thefaurar' ibidem 1 4 3=f 2 13 9 Cancellar' Landaven* 054! 87 12 11 Eccl' Cath' Landaven 8 15 3! -600 Pracentor Landavert' P 12 o 400 Baftchurch al' Sti. Andr' P 6 8 o 3 IP 7f Caire, P 6 7 of 168 Henrici tertii al' Mayo, P 0 2 8 355 Langdon, P P 6 6f tMaeiftri Howell, P. ann. to the Ckan-1 „ r 2 *3 9 { cfuorflip ..:. I 0 5 4f 0 18 if Sandra: Crucis, P 0 i gl 568 Thomse Johns alias Fairwater, P p 10 8 400 Tho* Joans al' Harwell, P 080 134 Stae. Dubritiial' Leyfan, P 024 3 17 1 Warthcorh, P .^.. 078! 2Ta D. LAN- 360 Liber Valorum, ££:. Glamorgan. D. LANDAFFE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly' Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. 'Patrons. /. s. d. *ijo o o Andreae Sti. R. The King 1 9 3J JBonvilftbn Ecclef. The Prop, of Mere-} 6 9 » { ham Abbey , iJk IJ o 12 n 14 9 7 Fagini Sti. R. Ld. Plymouth 1 8 nf 20 7 n Kellygaer, R. Ld. Windfor :.... 2 0 gf , (Llantriffant, V. D. and Ch.of Glou-} 26 X+ * [ 'cefter. .L. I'. \ 2 ^ * 20 5 7f Methertydvill, R. Hon. A. Windfor.. 2 0 bi 7 12 8f Petri Sti. R. Th. Matthews o 15 3J 8 13 4 Penmark, V. D. and Ch. of Gloucefter o 17 4 w- Q x t Sti. Johannis and Stae. Mariae Car-? , x " ™ ° 24 difte, V. D. md Cb. of gloucefter] x Ib °* ' * 13 7 1 Wenvo, R. Peter Brit 1 6 ¦ 8f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. ' 30 o o Cadoxton, R. J. Llewellin and others 0 10 l\ 35 o" o Eglwfylan, V. Chap, of Landaff 0 13 3! 46 o o Georgii Sti, S. H. Llewellin '.. 014 6£ 12 0 o HiHarii Sti. V. Cbap. of Landaff on Si 46 0 o~ LJan'trithed, Rj Ja. Edgecomb : 0 17 4 2(? O O Llanfan'or, R. Fr. Gwyn 0 15 6| 38 O o .Llanhayre, R. H. Sfreatfield : on 3? 66' o b Llancarvan, V. Prince of Wales 017 4f 19 O o Llanedern, V. Chap, of Llandaff .... o 10 iof tLlandogh, V. Mrs. Jones and W.l < , 4° ° °\ tiiurftl S1 20 0 0 Michefftowne, R. Ro. Jones 0 9 of 40 O 6 Mich' Sti. fuper Eley, R H. Llewellin 0 16 8 281 o o Mertherdivan, R.P.Birt 0 9 §1 48 0 o Nicholai, Sti. R. Th. Price 1 3 ° 40 O 0 Porthkerig, R. Ro. Jones • 0 14 9! 40 00 Pcndoyloyn, Y . Chap, of Llandaff .... O 17 4 800 Penmarth, V. Ld. Plymo -th o 9 9^ 20 P O Pentriche, Y. The Chapter 0 10 3* 42 0 0 St.. Liber Valorum, tic. 361 Glamorgan' Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /• s. d. 42 o o St. Lythans, V. The Archdn. O 12 if 46 o o Sully, R. Lady Manfell I 2 nf 26- o 0 Bairy, R. Ro. Jones ! 30 O o Llandaff, V. The Chapter 10 0 0 Llanifben, Cur. Ld. Plymouth 1-500 Radyr, V. Ld. Plymouth D. GRONEATH. Livings remaining in Charge. - K. B. 21 1 8 Coychurch, R. Lady Ch. Edwin ..it.... 2 2 2 21 12 3t Coytyffe, R. Lady Ch. Edwin 2 3 2f 10 2 3f Llanvais, R. Ld. Cardiff 1 o 2f 16 2 3f Nellie, R.'Th. Edwards 1 12 2f 174 7 Newton Nottage, R. El. Jenkins .... 1 14 5f 15 g 7 Tatha al' St. Tathans', R. Ro. Jones 1 10 nf Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. ,' 45 0 o Aberavon, V. G. V. Vernon .. o 18 5f "„ fBridoidae Sts. fup' Ogmer, R. Lady} 1 38 ° ° { Ch. Edwin „ . ,\ ° I0 4* tBrigidae Sanfbe Major, V. Ri. Tur-1 , 45 0 o \ lrvUle ani j clarn\ \ o t9' ll Collwinfton, V. D. Thomas O 12 8 Cadoxton, V. Ld. Brooke on 2f Donati Sti. V. T. D. Tyrwhitt ° 7 5f Eglufbrues, Evan Seys 0 7 iof Flemyfton, R. Lady Ch. Edwin o - 9 iof Gilfton, R. Mrs. Carne , o 11 4f Julit alias Llanlyd, R. Prince of Wales o 15 6f KillbebilJ, R. Prince af Wales 08 8 Llandan, R, Jefus Cell. Oxon 0 14 5f Llangan,- R, Lady Cb. Edwin 1 5 7f Llandougb, &• T M. Talbot o g iof Llantude, V. D. and Ch. of Gloucefter I 9 4f CLlanblithian, V. D. and Ch, ofGlou-} «0oj cejler J1 ° 4 Zn 30 0 0 Llan- 30 0 0 20 0 , 0 3° 0 0 40 0 0 45 0 0 25 0 0 60 0 0 40 0 0 49 0 0 48 0 0 40 0 0 25 0 0 36a Liber Valorum, tic. Monmouth' Yearly Tenth. I, s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 30 0 0 Handevodwg, V. Mrs, TurberviUe .... 0 17 4 ,0 « r, JLlyfevanoth, V. D. and Ch. ofGJou-}, c . 0, 18 ° ° I cefler \ ° 8 8* 45 p o Llangonod, V. Hon. G. V. Vernon .... 1 18 6 „,s r. „ 5Mar' beat* f«p' Montem, R. F. Jepb,} Q 20 ° °| fon and M. JubreyJ. 1.....J ° J0 8 40 o 0 Michelfton, R. Lady Ch. Edwin 093 47 O O Marcros> K The Chapter O 19 1 S Mariae B. juxta Kelligarne, R. T. M.} , 4° ° °{ Talboti Z.J, i011 li bo o o Novum Caftr' V. Prince of Wales .... o 14 8f 12 o P rile and Kynfige, V. Prince of Wales o 8 iof 20 o o Pellayne Ecclefia, Ch. Edwin 0 9 b\ IO O O Britton Ferry, C. Ld. Vernon „ 2P 0 O Ewenney, C, Ri. TurberviUe 12 p p Glyncorrwg, C. Ld. Vernon IO O o LJangwiner, C. Ld. Vernon '¦ 40 o 0 Margham, C. T. M. Talbot 1400 Merthyr/ Mawr, C. Jn. Franklin 15 o p Monk Nafh, Cur. T, M. Talbot D. , B E R G A VJE N I E. Livings remaining in Charge, K. B. 26 6 3 Llanwenarthe, R. Li. Abergavenny.... 2 12 7f li 7 3f Llangottage, R. Ld. Abergavenny .... 1 2 8f 7 4 4f Llanfbyle, R. Ld. Abergavenny 0 14 5I IO 5 2f Llanvapley, R. Ld.. Abergavenny 1 o 6| 14 17 8f Llanvetherin, R. Ld. Abergavenny .... 1 9 gf _ jLlanvihangell Iftemllewyme, R. .Ldl g 9 8- 4 J Abergavenny 5 \U3Rti\Y\0 Gren\nev,Y .TkeArchdeacon} w , . I°|*° 5 j ^d Chapter ., J / ' °* 5 1 1 of Llanvayer* Killgedine, R. Ch. Morgan ''o 10 2f *iop e 0 JL,a|rSr!!..^f!!!!"f:...T:..™l^l Q io 7i 7 10 if St. Dav^, R.F.E. Brooke P 15 of 14 0 0 Ater- Liber Valorum, tic. 363 Monmouth. Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. . /. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 14 0 O Abergaveney, V. Mrs. Milborne .... i O of 40 0 o Bringwin, R. Ld. Abergavenny o 8 iof 12 O O Bridgidae Sta;. R. Jn. Richards o 5 4f 41 00 Coytre, R. Ld. Abergavenny 089 38 10 O Dynftoe, V. The Chapter 090 60 p P GrifTmunde, R. Prince of Wales .... o 12 6f „t r, o ^ LJangattock Llingoid, V. Prince "fl 45 ° ° I Wales ... ..J ° ° ° 30 0 o Llanvihangell, R. Mrs. Hughes o 6 iof 40 o o Llannarthe, V. The Chapter -. 104 20 O o Llangona, Cur. Jn. Scudamore ° 5 7 , < Llanvihangell Killcornell, V. Prince} T 60 ° °\ of Waifs Joiinf 40 0 0 Llandilo Porthojevv, V. Ihe Chapter .. o 16 4! 35 o b Llanellon, V. Mrs. Milborne o 17 of 31 o o, Llangottage Vibon Avell, V. T. Evans o 13 iof ' > (Llandewey Retherch, V. Prince ofl ,, {ooo| Wales ..: J.\ ° '5 ^ 10 o o Llanhileth, R, Ld. Abergavenny O, r5 6f 42 b 9 Llanover, V. The Chapter 1 10 4f 21 o 0 Rockfield, V. Mic. Lorimer o 8 3f 35 0 o Skenfreth, V. W. Cecil O n 8f 36 o o Wonftowe, V, Ch. Milborne 096=! D. N E W P O R T. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 10 14 9! Bedwas, R. The Biflop 1 1 5J 4 18 . if Brigidae Stae. V. The Biflop 099! 7 3 1 if Gunlin, Y. Bp. ofGloucefter o 14 4* , _ r^ „ A Michael Sti. Rumpney, R. Sir C. KI 7 IZ 3i{ Tynu vJ„l \ o 15 2% 10 16 5f Maghen, R, Ch. Morgan , 1 1 7! 40 0 p Bail 364 Liber Valorum, tic. Monmouth' Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. * .'• /. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 40 O O Baftaleck, V. The Biflop 1 9 4f 35 0 o Melans, V. The Chap 1 o if 20 o o Mari&field, V. D. and Ch. of Briftol o 12 3 '20 O -0 Newport, V. Bp. of Glouc ejier 000 io o o Runipney, V. D andCh.ofBriJhl 0 n of 15 O p Bedwelty, C. The Biflop 12 o o St. Brides Wentlog, C. The Biflop .. 15 O 0 Munthufloin, C. Tbe Bijhop rPeterftone Wentlog, C. D. and Ch. of! 12 ° ° I Briftol \ D.' N E T H E R W E N T. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 6 11 5f Curat' Llanhennock, The Chapter .... o 13 if 500 Llandevad,Ecde(ia, P. ofWarthecwm o 10 o 1 11 .3 -Mertheir Geryn Ecclefia, The Chapter o 3 if , „ fServic' Crucifix in Chepftow, The! 0 6 \\ Chapter \ ° 2 8 I Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. vBridcidas Netherwent, R. Th. Mat-} n . 3° ° °| -thew, \ ° '3 7! 46 0 0 Caerwenf, V, The Archdn. and Chap. 0 15 2 20 o o Chepftow, V. Edw. Williams o 13 8 20 O O .CaiWeon, V. The Chapter , O 16 if ig o 0 Caldicot, V. Sir C. K. Tynte ' 0 12 of 30 o o Chrifkhurch, V. Eton Coll. 165 9 10 0 Goldcliffe, V. Eton CoU ,•••! t 6 3 32 0 o Lanvaghes, R. Ch. Morgan I O o l8 O 0 Llanvihangell, R. Ch. Morgan , 0 12 n| 1800 Llanwayn, R. Ch. Vann 0 8 1, 27 o 0 Llanmartin, R. Jn. Jeffreys o 8 8f 30 o 0 Llanyfton, R. Edw. Gore o 8 if 35 0 0 Matherne, Liber Valorum, tie. 365 Monmouth' Yearly Tenth. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /• t- d. 35 o o Matherne, V. The Chapter- ,-..... p 12 - 4* lb o o Magor, V. Duke of Beaufort .'.. o 14 if 13 1 6 Nafh,,V. Eton Coll o 19 6 30 0 o Penhowe, R. And. Lloyd o ip, 5f 35 0 0 Parfenet, R. Morgan Lewis o 14 2f 15 o Q Petri ,. Sandi, R. Morgan Lewis o 7 2f 40 O O Rogiet, R. W- Morgan 1 4 75 12 0 o Sudbrocke, R. Ch. Vann 0 g 5f 10 ¦ o o Tinterna parva, R. J. Curre o 4 if 60 0 o Villa Nova, R. Prince of Wales p 18 gf 700 Undy alias Kondy,V. The Chap o g of 10 6 0 Willkirke, R. Jn, Jeffreys , p- 5 of „ f V\ idftop, V. The Chap, and Eton Coll. } , 28 ° ° I -alternarely ?... ....} °' I2 9* 18 o o Ytton, R. Jn. Curre o 9 I 1000 St. Aryans, C. Duke of Beaufort .... 11 00 Chapelhill, Cur. Duke of Beaufort .... 1000 Llanhenhog, C. The Chapter 12 O 0 Llanverechva, C. The Chapter D. U S K E. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. j 2" 4 gf Gillgurrock, Cur. ann. to theArchdmy. o 4 j| 19 10 10 Langebye, .R. W. A. Williams 1 ig 1 10' 0 5 Tredonocke, R. Ld. Chedworth 1 0 of 12 8 if Troja, R. Ld. Cardiff 1 4 gf *8o o o Trellage, Y . Prince of Wales 0 16 o *I20 o o Villa Nova Lupi, R. Prince of Wales o 16 . 3f Livings Discharged. Gear yearly Value. • 90 « „ SCur' Sti- J°han- Baptift, Duke -of} 3° ° ° I Beaufort „.....! [\ ° I0 4 20 O o Cur' de Llangoven, The Chapter o 7 8f 800 Cur' de Llanguifhen, Duke of Beaufort o 7 if 40 0 0 Cur' de Troftrey, Vai. Morris o 6 iof 10 0 o Cur' de Llanbadock, Ld. Cardiff .... o 10 iof ' 27 0 a Gwernefey, 366 Liber Valorum, &c. Monmouth' Yearly Tenth, I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 27 o O Gwernefey, R. Lewis Davies ....... p 5 iof 20 0 p Kemeys, R. Mrs. Lord. , 0 13 of 2P p P Llanllowell, R. Ni. Jenkins p 5 3f 36 o p Llanfoey, R. Duke of Beaufort o 13 1 40 o o Llandegweth, R. Mrs. Williams .... o 8 5f 20 o o Llangwn, V. P. of Llangwn o 9 8 25-0-0 Llantriflent, V. Mrs. Morgan o 12 iof 11 o o Llandeny, Y . Duke of Beaufort o n 6f 44 o o Pantedge, R. Jn, Hanbury 015 of 22 P P Ragland, V. Duke of Beaufort p 8 7f fSti. Mich, de Tormineth, R. The} . 3° & °\ Archdeacon , \° 5 6| {Sti. Davids Epifc' Ecclefia, Treafurer} 2* ° ° \ of Llandaff.. •] ° 4 °£ 30 P o Ufke, V. J. A- Williams I I O 20 p o Llangoven, C. The Chapter '.»• Meneven,* Liber Valorum, -tie. 36'] Meneven' Diocef. ECCLESIA CATHEDRAL. The Archdeacon, Precentor, and Treafurer, with the three Pre bendaries of Llaurian, Mathrey, and St. Nicholas, compofe the Chapter of this Cathedral. The Refidentiaries are 8ol. the Year. Yearly Tenth. 1: s. d. 1. s. d. 426 2 1 T?PlSCOPATUS Meneven,.... 42 12 2f 56 8 8f XL Archidiaconat' Menev' 5 12 iof f Ecclefia Appropriat' ad Suftentati-i onem Dom' Servitii in Ecclefia {• 7 5 6f Cathedral J jEcclefias Appropriat' ad Canonic'7 x 120 19 7 j Refiden. in Ecclefia Meneven 5 I2 x II? 20 6 iof Precentor' in Ecclefia prsedicT:' 2 0 8f 24 19 4f Thefaurarii Officium, 2 9 nf 19 97 Llanrian, P 1 18 nf 2514 4f Methir, P. 211 5f 5 4 4f Sandli Nicolai, P o 10 5f Pembroc' D. DONGLEDIE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Benefices. Patrons. ' 17 17 1 Llahadden, R. The Biflop I 15 8f 247 Nova Mota, R. W. Sceurfield o 4 5f *I50 0 o Rudbacftpn* R. Prince of Wales .1 10 5 Aaa 30 0 0 Almbleftonj 368 Liber Valorum, tic. Pembroc' Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenth. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 30 O 0 Amblefton, V. Prince of Wales 0 7 nf fLlifyvarne, R. Ld. Milford and Mr.} , , 20 ° °{ Scourfield alt .....: \° 6 °* 30 o O Llahadden, V. The Biflop 017 io| 25 o O Maenclohogg, V. H. Bowen • o 7 iof 50 0. 0 Prendergaft, R. Prince of Wales o 19 si D. EM LYN. , < LlVUNGS REMAINING IN CHARGE. K. B. 12 o o Clyddey, P. The Biflop 1 4 .0 *I00 o O Kitlreddin, R. Prince of Wales 017 35 *I50 o O Llangeler, R. Prince of Wales I 5 iof *ioo .0 O , Manerdyvy, R. Prince of Wales 0 18 0 9 g 4f Penboyre, R. Jn. Vaughan * o 18 1 if Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 25 o o Clyddey, V. The Biflop o 12 0 50 O o Kylgarren, R. Prince of Wales O 18 0 15 o 0 Kennarth, V. The Biflop 088 f Llan Fihangel and Penbedw, R. The} 4° ° ° \ Biflop I ° I2 ° 28 0 o Llangeler, V. The Biflop 0 13 4 30 p 0 Penreth, R. Prince of Wales 080 D. KEMMES. Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 30 o o Alba, R. al' White-Church, T.Lloyd 0 12 0 20 O o Bayvill, V. Prince of Wales O 10 .0 32 O O Bredelloth, R. Freeholders of the Parijh O 18 0 40 o o Caftle Bughe, W. Prince of Wales .... o 12 o ,42 .0 0 Dynas, R. Jn. Batcman 0 16 0 25 0 0 Eglois Liber Valorum, tic. 369 Pembroc' Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 25 o o Eglois ~E.ro, Y . Prince of Wales 074 60 o, 0 Llanvernoch, R. Prince of Wale? .... 1 Q 0 13 '0 o Llanichaith, R. Th. Williams 068 32 o 0 Llanerchlwydog, R. J. Bateman .... O 16 -O 22 8 4 Mota Henrici, R. W. Scourfield o 10 8 34 0,0 Meleney, R. The Freeholders 1,0 P 8 10 o Morvill, R. Ld. Milford , 0 4 0 44 0 o Newport, R. Th. Lloyd ¦„.. , 1 12 o 50 0 o Neame, V. Prince of Wales o 16 o 22 o o Poyngefton, R. T. Williams o 10 8 20 o 0 Pontfayne, R. Prince of Wales 068 CThomse Sti. Dogmellis, V. Prince ofl '5QO| Wales :„ :....., J.] ° 9 4 D, PEBIDIOKE, Remaining in Charge. K. B. 476 Merthir, V. P. thereof 089 » Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 26 o o Brodey,-V. The Biflop 0 7 iof 15 o o Dogwells, V. Chanter and Chapter .... o g 75 30 o O Fifhgard, V. Prince of Wales o 8 of 24 0 o Grandftone, R. The Biflop o 12 iof 20 0 o Jordanfton, R. G. Vaughan , o 12 4f 80 0 o Letterftone, R. Prince of Wales 1 5 if 550 Llandeloy, V. Chanter and Chapter .... o 10 o 2g 0 o Llanrian, V. The Biflop o 13 if 30 o o Lawrentii Sti. R. Prince of Wales .... o 7 iof 14 o o Llanwnda, V. The Chapter O 6 6f 700 Sti. Elves, R. Prince of Wales 051 .„ „ f Whitchurch, V. Chapter and Vicars-} ,, *° ° ° \ Choral.......... ,...$ ° ^ W Aaa a D, PEM, 370 Liber Valorum, tie. Pembroc. D. PEMBROC. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons, /. s. d. * o 100 O 0 Angulo, R. Prince of Wales I i 16 12 I Florentii Sti.'R. St. John's Coll. Cam. i 13 2f 7 13 4 Hogefton, R, Mr. Pryfe and Howell o 15 4 417 6 Jeffreyfton, V. The King 099 *200 o o Narberth, R. Prince of Wales 2 11 1 *ioo o 0 Pulchrohon, R. Prince of Wales o 19 3f *I50 o o Rofcrother, R. Prince of Wales in 31 Ii 6 8 Stacpoole Bofher, R. J. Campbell 128 15 12 11 Stacpoole Elider, R. J.Campbell.... in 3f *250 o 0 Tynebyy R. Prince of Wales 2 13 1 31711 Werner, V, aj' LUmoce, The Chapter p 7 gf Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 26 0 o Angulo, V. The Bifliop „.... o 7 n goo Amiroth, V. Jn. Payer -. o 7 io| 47 .0 o Begeley, R. Ld. Milford 1 5 n 32 o o Cochefton, R. Sir W. Owen 1 3 3i 14 o o Carew, V. The Biflop 000 150 o o Cronver, R. Prince of Wales o 12 85 20 o 0 Caftlemartin, V. Jn. Campbell o 15 9 20 o o Florentii Sti. V. Dr. Yardley o g 10 30 o o Gumfrefton, R. Jn. Meyrick o ig 2\ 29 00 Hogefton, V. Mr. Pryfe and Howell 000 33 o o Jarbefton, R. Jn. Symmons o 10 4f 12 o o Ifmaelis Sti. R. The Chapter 079 500 Lamfey, V. The Bijhop o io iof 12 o o Lowefton, R. Jn. Campbell o 8 6f 40 0 o Ludchurch, R. Prince of Wales o 7 5I 45 o o Lawrenny, R. Mrs. Barlow 160 40 O o Michaelis, Sti. V. Ld. ff ref ord 018 O 14 0 O Manerbier, V. Chift's Coll. Cam. .... o 16 0 16 0 0 Martletwy, R. Sir W, Hamilton .« 080 {Nafh and Upton, R, T. Skyrme and} , 3° ° °] others ...1 S°13 3? 32 o 0 Petroci Liber Valorum, tic. 371 Pembroc' Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. I. J- d. 32 O O Petroci Sti. R. J. Campbell O 14 4! 22 IO O Penally, V. The Biflop 0 9 gf 12 O o Stackpool Elider, V. J. Campbell .... o 7 10 24 0 o Sti. Twinnels, V. The Chapter 000 13 6 8 Tyneby, V. Prince of Wales I 6 4J 10 o p Warren, V. The Bifhop 0 8 gf D. ROUSE. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. IS 12 n *8o 0 0 *8o 0 0 "^70 0 0 *70 0 0 Burton, R. Sir W. Owen 1 It 3f Caftlewallwyn, R. Jn. Parret 015.4 Herbranfton, R. Prince of Wules .... O 15 4 Huberflon, R, Prince of Wales o 12 3f Roberflon, R, Prince of Wales , O 12 8 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 35 O O Bridis Stas. R.W. Philips I n 3f 40 o O Camros, V. W. W. Bowen o 13 of 40 o o Freflrop, R. Prince of Wales on 4f 80 o O Hazard, R. Prince of Wales 1 16 8 100 O 0 Johnfton, R. t rince of Wales 0 4 of 48 0 0 Staineton, V. Prince of Wales 0 19 8f 50 O O Ifmaelis, Sti. V. Prince of Wales .... o 13 3f 47 0 o Llangwm, R.Mrs. Elliot o 15 3f 30 o o Llanfladwell, V. Jn. Llovd o 15 8f 30 0 o Marios, V. Prince of Wales o 10 o 40 o o Nolton, R. Prince of Wales O 8 3f 30 0 o Rofrnarkett, Y . Prince of Wales o 8 0 30 0 O Rupa, V. Prince of Wales o 9 4I 19 10 o St. Mary's Haverford Weft, Corpor. 000 35 o o Talbenny, R. Sir W.Owen o 19 3 14 o o Trefgarne, R. Th. Kymer o 3 4f 20 0 O Walton, R. Sir T. Stepney O 13 4 JHaverford Weft, Sti. Thom. Prince 5 ' °i of Wales D. SUB AY. 3Jt Liber Valorum, tic. Cardigan' D, SUB.AYRON. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths. 1. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. boo Blaynporth, P. an Impropriation o 12 O 613 4 Dichwood, P. an Impropriation O 13 4 7 14 4f Iftradd, P. The Biflop O 15. 5! ^130 0 o Llangoidmer, R. Prince of Wales .... 1 5 iof , „ CLlandiffell, R. ann. to the Headjhip of} , Q 1216 8i Jefus Coll. Oxon ...1....J1 5 8 18 o o Llandewrydock, P. The B'flop 1 16 0 10 12 8f Llandigwy, P. The Biflop 1 1 3I 3 1 of Llanycharan, P. The Bifljp «... o 6 i| 17 12 11 Llanvennock, P. The Biflop 1 15 3f 168 Llangiby, P. an Impropriation 028 4 18 if Llanarth and Llayne, V. The Biflop 0 9 9f 1500 Penbrin, V. The Biflop , 1 10 O Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 24. 0 o Aberporth, R. The Bijhop 0 11 4f 18 o o Bettws Bledrws, ,R. The Bijhop 0 89? 20 o o Bangor, R. The Biflop 0 10 8 ^004 Cardigan, V. Prince of Wales O 19 7 27 O O Gogoffe, V. The Treafurer , o 7 o| j8 o 0 Iftrod, V. The Biflop o 9 gi 19 o o Ke\\zm,R. The Bifljop 010 9! 48 o O Llanllwcharne, R. The Biflop 0 12 9? 13 00 Llanvaircluyn, R. The Biflop 094 26 O O Llanguillo, R. The Freeholders o 13 4 14 o o Llanwnen, V. The Biflop 065! 42 o 6 Llanbedder, V. The Biflop 0 13 4 24. o O Llanvenog, V. The Biflop 0 16 0 1300 Llandefryog, V. The Biflop o 16 0 26 10 o Llandiffyll, V. Tbe Biflop 100 55 o o Trefdruy, R. Prince of Wales 160 30 O o Verwick, V. Prince of Wales 114 D. ULTRA- Liber ValoruM, tic. 3)3 Cardigan" D. ULTRA AYRON. 10 O O Aberath, R. The Biflop i 0 o 13 g 8 Caron, P. dn Impropriation 168 40O Caroge, P. an Impropriation 080 600 Lianbadderne, P. an Impropriation .... 0120 7 6 8 Nantauntlo, P. The Bifhop^ o 14 8 li 0 O Treffeglos, P. an Impropriation 140 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 07. s 0 Caron, V. The Biflop 0 16 a 20 0 0 Kilie Airon, R. The Biflop 0100 27 0 0 Lianbadderne Vaur, V. The Biflop .... 200 30 0 0 Llanrifted, V. The Biflop 013 4 45 O O Llanvihangell, V. The Biflop 140 20 0 0 Llangeitho, R. The Biflop .'... 0 12 o 27 0 0 Llanfanfreet, V. The Biflop o 13 4 29 15 Q Llanylar, V. The Biflop- o 13 4 28 0 0 Llanvihangell Gelindred,V. The Biflop o 16 o 13 0 0 Nantgunllo, V. The Biflop 074 13 0 0 Rofdye, R. Tbe Biflop 028 jc .0 0 Treffeglos, Y , Tbe Biflop o 12 O 19 6 0 Trefilan, R. The Biflop , o 10 o 20 0 0 Lledrod, P. The Biflop Brecon' D. B U E L T E. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. 27 0 0 SLlangamerch> P- 'The Treafurer ofl \ Brecknock 3 4 9 12 11 Llanwthull, P. The Biflop 0 19 3* 989 Llanavon Vawr, R. The Biflop o 18 iof Livings Discharged, Clear yearly Value. 25 0 o Llanynis, R. The Biflop o 14 of 30 0 o Llangamarch, V. The Bijhop b 17 5f 20 0 0 Llanwrthell, V. The Biflop 000 40 0 0 Maefminis, 374 Brecon' /. s. i. 40 0 0 13 0 0 16 0 0 18 0 0 14 0 0 12 0 0 Liber Valorum, tic. Yearly Tenths. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. Maefminis, R. The Biflop 0 14 , if Llanaven Vechan, C. The Biflop .... Llanvihangell, Cur. The Biflop Llandrlewy, Ch. fhe Biflop Llanwrtyd, Ch. The Bijhop Llanvair, Cur. Mr. Shelley and others D. PRIMjE PARTIS BRECON. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 40 o 0 Archidiaconat' Brecon, The Biflop .... 4 o 0 9 10 7f Cdntreffe, R. G.Powell o 19 of *lOO o o Devunnock, V. Bp. of Gloucefler .... 1 9 5? 9 IO 7f Iflradgunles, R. Jn. Woodhoufe o 19 of 20 10 o Llanvigan, R. Sir C. K. Tynte 210 *I30 O o Llandavailog, R. Prince of Wales .... 160 7 10 7f Llandetty, R. T. H. Gwynne o 15 of 647 Llanfanfraid, R. Ld.' AJhburnham .... 0 12 5f 61 8 Llanhamlach, R. H. Rogers 0122 4 10 7f Llanvrenathe, R. Sir C. K. Tynte .... o g of 9 10 5 Llulle, V. The Biflop o ig of 9 3 1 if Penderen, R. W. Winter /... 0 18 4I *100 O 0 Vaynor, R. Prince of Wales o 16 4f Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 40 6 o Abrifker, V. Ld. Aflbrook 067! ,- S Brecon, V . W. Philips and Sir E. Wil- ? „ „ ' 31 6 ° \ Horns 5 ° I3 4 34 o o Llanfpythid, V. Ld. Camden on gf 25 o O Llanvayes, V. Archdn. of Brecon 0 n 6f 4.0 o o Llandewaley, V. C. Vaughan 010 O 1000 Merthir, V. P. Watkins 0 15 of 33 O O Talachdy, R. Jn. Williams 0 9 2f 20 O o Garth -Bengy, P. The Biflop 069 41 o o Trallori, P. The Biflop 0 14 o ;-,/„, D. SECUN- Lib'er Valorum, tic. 375 Brecon' D. .S-ECUND-E PARTIS BRECON, Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenths, I, s. d. Benefices. Patrons. Vs. d. 5 9 ,-gf Crekhoel, R. Duke of Beaufort O 10 nf 4 14 7 Crekhoel Portio, an Impropriation .... o g 5f 31 13 9 Llangattock, R. Duke of Beaufort .... 33 4f ig 15 2f Llanvihangell, R. Duke of Beaufort .. 1 ig bi 13 14 7 Llangyneder, R. Duke cf Beaufort .... 1 7 5f 6 14 gf Llanvillo, R. Ld. AJhburnham o 13 5f 5 10 o Llangors, V. D. and Ch. of Windfor on o g 8 g Llanvihangel, V. Duke of Beaufort .... o 18 iof 173 Llandevailog, Ch. Ld. AJhburnham ••¦« P 2 8 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. ; 30 o o Brunles, V. Walter Wilkins , 09)? 20 o o Creckhoel, ,V. Duke of Beaufort ........ © 7 gf 40 o o Kattheddin R. RL Davies O 10 3f 25 0 o Llanellw, R. Ld. Aflburnham o 8 7f 45 0 0 Llifwen, R. Sir Edw. Williams .1 o 7 5f 30 o o Llangaftey, R. Sir Edw. Williams •••• o 9 iof 40 0 0 Tally Ilyn, R. Mrs. Phillips 092! D. TERTIA PARTIS BRECON. Livings- remaining in Charge. K. B. 9 13 if Comduy, V. Duke of Beaufort 0 19 'if , ^Glafbury, V. Pri. jf Wales and Bp.l *100 0 O \ rni n ' 1. I I 0 0 I of Gloucefler, alt ^ M 16 17 6 Llanbedder, R. Duke of Beaufort .... 1 13 9 Livings Discharged; Clear yearly Value. 87 o o Haia, V. Sir Edw. Williams o 14 of 50 0 0 LUnigeri, V. Prince of Wales —<• o- 15 3f Bbb D. ELVELLS. 376 Liber Valorum, tic. Radnor' D. ELVELLS'. Livings, remaining in Charge. K- B. Yearly Tenths. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d' 12 13 4 Aberdowe, R. The Biflop 1 54 ii tb 8 Brungwjn, R. The Bijhop ¦'.'. 128 768 Clyrowe, P> The Biflop.. o 14 8 16 o o Diferth,;R. The Biflop ; 1 12 o *I20 o o Glariftery, R. Prince of Wales . i 5 nf 168 Llanfanfreet, P. Tbe Biflop 028 x ¦"•¦ ¦'-; Livings Discharged.. Clear yearly Value. > , 42 o o Bougbrodde, V, The Biflop 'r 48 40 o o Clyrowe, V. The Biflop o 12 o 35 O o Cregrina, R. The Biflop o 18 8 34 0 o Gizkombe, The Biflop i 6 8 40 O o Llanfanfread, V. The Biflop on 5* 28 o o Llowes^-V. The Chapter o 17 o 25 o o Newchurch, R. The Biflop o 10 8 25 o o Nantmellan, V. Prince of Wales o g 4 18 O O Bettws, Ch. The Biflop ..:...'.'. ,46 0 o Llanbedr Pains Caftle, P. The Biflop 44 O O Llandilo Graban, P. The Biflop 25 O O Llanelweth,P. The Biflop 43 p o Llawarthj Ch. The Biflop D. MELLE'NETHE. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 10 12 1 Blethvaugh, R. The Biflop 1 r af 317 3f Harmonis Sti. The Biflop o 7 8f 8 19 45 Keventhles, R. Tbe Biflop 0 17 nf 17 8 4 Kirry,x V. The Biflop , 1 14 10 34 O o Llanbifter, P. Tfje Biflop .'. 380 13 o 0 Llangnnllp, P. The Biflop 160 500 Llandegle, Liber Valorum, tie. ^ 377 Radnor' Yearly Tenths. /.t s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /, s. d. 500 Llandegle, P. The Biflop O 10 O 11 17 6 Nantmell, V. The Biflop 13 9 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 35 o o Beguildy, V. The Bijhop 0 15 6f 25 o o Cai'comb, R. The Biflop o 14 of 25 o o Cwmydayddwr, Y .The Biflop 000 25 0 o Hiope, R. The Biflop o 10 8 40 o o Harrnonis Sti. V , The Biflop on 6f 38 o O Llanbifter, V. The Biflop o 13 if 28 o o Llangynlo, V- The Biflop 0 10 if 25 o o Llandegley, Yy. .The Biflop o 6 6f 46 o o Lknbadarne, R. The Biflop 0 15- 3 30 o O Llandrindod, P. The Biflop ¦32 o o Moughtry, P. The Bijhop 24 o o Whitton, R. The Biflop 0 8 gf Carmarthen. D. CARMARTHEN. Livings remaining in Charge. KB. , ib 0 o Archidiac' Carmarthen, 1 12 o *ipo 0 o Eglwyfcymmyn, R., Prince of Wales .. ,0 16 0 *I30 o o Llandewiwillfrei, R. Prince of Wales o 16 o 7 10 o Llandawke, R. W. Poiuell 0 15 o 600 Llanfadyrnyn, R. unit.' withYRi chords P 12 o 600 Llangharne, V .....\Waring\ 0 12 O * CLlanbedderne Velfry, R. Prince of! *ioo 0 oj JVaUs ?' /}.i 0 o 12 g 4f Llanfilio, P; The Biflop 1 4 nf *8o 0 o Llanftephan, V. Prince of Wales o 17 4 700 Llangan, P. The Biflop, o 14 o 45 0 o Llangharne, P. Winton Coll 4 10 o 16 o o Llanbeudy, P. The Biflop 1 12 o 16 0 o Trefleghe, P. 'the Biflop 1 12 O B b b 2 14 0 0 Abernant, 3fS Liber Valorum. .tic. Carmarthen' Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenth. Clear yearly Value, I. J.* d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 14 O O Abernant, V. Jn. St. Loe o 15 4 21 18 4 Carmarthen, V. Prince of Wales 0 13 4 20 O o Cleere, Sti. V.AU Souls Coll. Oxon. , .. o g 8f cHenllanPoyde, R. The Freeholdinp} z 21 O 0 < p -n, • 1 O 13 of •* } rarijbtoncrs y ° z 50 O O Killmanilloyd, R. Prince of Wales .... O 13 O 38 0 O Llandovero, R. Ld. Milborne 012 0 25 0 O Llanvaitreg,' R. The Biflop 080 25 6 0 Llanglodwen, R. Prince of Wales .... 054 1700 LlandelTillio, V". The Biflop o 14 o 31 o o Llanbojdy, V. The Biflop '...' o 16 o 18 5 c Llangan, V. The Biflop o 6 0 (Llandewiwillfrei 2da Portio, V. Prince} , 5° ° °\ of Wales ! « JOH"i 60 O o Merihyr, R. Prince of Wales 0 g 8f 43 o 0 Mydrim, V. The Bifhop o 15 o 16 o o Trefieghe, V. The Biflop,.,.... 0 13 4 Glaimqrgan' D. GOWRE. Livings remaining in Charge. K.B. 968 Bifhopfton, R. Bp. of Llandaff o 18 8 " 1O0 0 o Cheriton, R. Prince of Wales o 18 8f *I00 o O ' Ilfton, R. Prince of Wales o 18 8 , \Llanddevoylock Trefgrayn, C. The! _ 0, 1 7 3ij Biflop 1 S° 2 8i *I00 o o Lloher, R. Prince of Wales o ig of CGuaidiaoatus de Swaynfev, P. an Im-} 20 00-5,.,.-..- J J ^200 * I propriation \ *I00 o o Llanvaydock, R. Prince of Wales .... o 18 0 g 14 gf Llangevellach, V. The Biflop o ig 5I *na 0 o Portinon, R. Prince of Wales 0 18 7 *iao o O Roffille, R. Prince of Wales o 18 8 IP p 0 Llatir-idiane, Liber Valorum, tic. 379 Glamorgan' Livings Discharged. Yearly Tenths. Clear yearly Value. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s, d. 1000 Llanridiane, V. G. Morgan 154 15 o p Llangennych, V. All Souls Coll. Oxon. on 8 800 Llandewy, V. The Bijhop 064 2g p p Nicholafton, R. T. M. Talbot on if 40 o o Oxwich, R. T.M.Talbot o 18 n 50 P o Pemmaine, R. Prince' of Wales ... o g o 08 o o Peonarthe, V. All Souls Coll. Oxon. .... 078 35 0 0 Rynalton, R. Ld. Manfell 0 II if 36 o o Swanfey, V. W.Powell o 15 5f , 41 o o Talbout, V. Ld. Vernon O 9 5f 12 o o Llanfamlet, Cur. The Biflop - io o o Llangwick, Cur. Mr. Pickton 10 p 0 Oyftermouth, C. Roger Powell Carmarth' D. KIDWELLEY. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. *go o o Llanedy, R, Prince of Wales o 16 • 9 13 4 Llanvaylog, V. Duke of Rutland o 19 4 Livings Discharged. Char yearly Value, 50 o o Kidwelly, V. Prince of Wales O 15 0 27 6 8 Llanelly, Y. 'Duke of Rutland p i? 8 30 0 o Llangunnor, V. The Biflop 060 10 15 o Penbrey, V. Ld. AJhburnham o 12 8 50 o o Sti. Ifmael, V. Prince of Wales 0 14 o D, LLAN- 380 • L I B £ R V A L 0 R U M, t£c. Carmarth' D. LLANDDILO. Livings remaining in Charge. K. B. Yearly Tenth. I. s. d. Benefices. Patrons. /. s. d. 18 o o Llanyenneth, P. The Biflop 1 16 o 16 o o Llandilo Vaur, V. The Biflop «.. 1 12 o 15 O O Lianar'fhne, P. The Biflop 1 10 p Ip O o Llandarog, P. The Biflop 1 © p 500 Kilcombe, V. T. H. Gwynne 0 10 o , *6q o o Kinivilgaio; V. Prince of Wales 0 10 b 900 Llangaddock, V. The. Bijhop o 18 o 7 00 Llandraddat, V . The Biflop o 14 o 8 13 4 Llan Egwad, V . The Biflop o 17 4 Livings Discharged. Clear yearly Value. 48 o p Abergwilly, V. The Biflop 068 10 O o Kilw'argen, R. RL Vaughan 028 39 10 o Llarifadwrne, V. Lady Makde .: 0 13 6 40 o o Llangathen, V. Bp. of Chefter 0 13, 4 46 O 0 Lknvennetb, V. Tbe Biflop 013 4 700 Lloughbether, V . Prince of Wales .... o. 8, 0 40 o o Llandeby, V.- The^Biflop 080 40 o o Llanarthney,- V. fhe Biflop 0 16 0 23 o o Llanthenn'y, V. The Bifliop 0 10 0 30 o' o Mothby, V. The Biflop o 12 8 26 o o Ararth, V. Jn. & Ja. Lewes 0128 27 O o Peiicareg, V. G. L. Langton O 8 0 1000 Kil y Cwm, C. T, H. Gwynne 800 Llandarrwg; V. The Biflop' JLlaiirihangell Aberbythych; C. J.} -5 - I Vaughctn \ f Talle'y, C. The Proprietors 0 f the' Aber-} 10 ° °{. mJrlais^Eftate „ \ *^.«5s» PART P ART II. CONTAINING I. Certain Papers of Inftruction and Direction, relative to Ordination, Inftitution, &c II. Form of Examination on Oath againft -he Pre- ' feritation of a Papift. — The Oath againft Simony. — The Oath of perfonal Refidence, III. Rules and Orders for the Augmentation of the fmall Livings, by an Application of the Firft Fruits and Tenths payable from the great Preferments, known by the Title of Queen Ann's Bounty, IV. Subftance of the Asft, 17th of George III. for promoting the Refidence of the Clergy,1 by rendering more e:.fy to them the Building of Parfonage Houfes. V- The Nature of Tithes illuftrated ; wherein is given a fuccindr. Account of all things tithable, and the Manner of collecting them; as alfo of Compofitions, Tranfadions, Modufes, Cuftoms, &c. VI. The Matter of that moft intricate of all Tithes, Agiftment Tithe, fummarily ftated in the Cafe of the Vicar of Holbeach. VII. A general Alphabetical Index of all the Livings . in England and Wales, with Reference to the Pages in Part I. where the Account of each refpec- tive Living is to be found, ( sh ) CE RTAIN PAPERS O F INSTRUCTION- and.DIRECTION, RELATIVE TO Ordination, Inftitution, &*c. i. The archbishop of canterbury's directions to the bishops of his province, anno 1759, concerning orders and curates. I. fX"*HAT you require of every perfon, who defires'to be admitted to holy orders, that he fignify to you his name, and place of abode, and tranfmit to you his teftimonial, and a cer tificate of his age duly attefted, with the title upon which he is to be ordained, at leaft twenty days before the time of ordination; and that he appear on Wednefday, or at fartheft on Thurfday in £m- JietWeek, in order to his examination, II. That if you fhall reject any perfon, who applies for holy orders, upon the account of immorality proved againft him, you fignify the n?.ne of the perfon fo rejected, with the reafon of your rejecting him, to me within one month; that fo I may acquaint .the reft of my fuffragans with the cafe of fuch rejected perfon before the next ordination. III. That you admit not any perfon to holy orders, who having refided any confiderable time out of the univerfity does not fend to you, with his teftimonial, a certificate figned by the minifter, and other credible inhabitants of the parifh where he fo refided, expreff- ing that notice was given in the church, in time of divine fervice on fome Sunday, at leaft a month before the day of ordination, of his intention to offer himfelf to you to be ordained at fuch a time: and that, upon fuch notice given, no objections have come to their knowledge for the which he ought not to be ordained. IV. That you admit no letters teftimonial, on any occafion 'whatever, unlefs it be therein expreffed, for what particular end C c c and 384' , Certain Papers, tic. and defign, fuch letters are granted ; nor unlefs it be declared,'by thofe who fhall fign them, that they have perfonally known the life and behaviour of the perfon for the time by them certified ; and do believe in their confcience, that -he is qualified for that order, office, or employment,' to which he defires to be admitted. V. That in all teftimonials fent from any college or hall, in fitber of the univerfities, you expect that they be figned, as well as fealed ; and that among the perfons figning, the governor of fuch college or hall, or in his abfence, the next perfon under fuch gover nor, with the dean, or reader of divinity, and the tutor of the perfon to whom the teftimonial is granted (fuch tutor being in the col lege, and fuch perfon being under the degree of mafter of arts), do fubfcribe their names. VI. That you admit not any perfon to holy orders upon letters dimiffory, unlefs they are granted by the bifhop himfelf, or guar dian of the fpiritualities, fede vacante ; nor unlefs it be expreffed in fuch letters, that he, who grants them, has fully fatisfied himfelf of the title, and converfation of the perfon, to whom tlie letter is granted. VII. That you make diligent inquiry concerning curates in your diocefe, and proceed to ecclefiaftical cenfures againft thofe, who fhall prefume to ferve cures without being firft duly licenfed there to; as alfo againft all incumbents who fhall receive and employ them, without firft obtaining fuch licence. VIII. That you do not by any means admit of any minifter, who removes from another diocefe, to ferve as a curate in yours, without the teftimony in writing. of the bifhop of that diocefe, or ordinary of the peculiar jurifdiaion, from whence he comes, of his vgood life, ability, and conformity to the ecclefiaftical laws of the Church of England. IX. That you do not allow any minifter to ferve more than one church or chapel, in one dav, except that chapel be a member of the parifh church, or united thereunto; and unlefs the faid church or chapel, where fuch minifter fhall ferve in two places, be not able, in your judgment, to maintain a curate. X. That in the inftrument of licence granted to any curate, you appoint him, what fhall appear to you, upon due confideration of the duty to be performed by him, the value of the benefice, and the other circumiiances of the cafe, a fufficient falary, according to the power vefted in you by the laws of the church, and the parti cular direction of the. act of parliament for the better maintenance of curates. XI. That you take care, as much as is poffible, that whofoever is admitted to ferve any cure, do refide in the parifh where he is to ferve ; Certain Papers, tic. 385 ferve ; efpecially in livings that are able to fupport a refiden{ curate: and where that cannot be done, that he do at leaft refide fo near to the place, that he may conveniently perform all the duties both in the church and parifh. XII. That you be very cautious in accepting refignations ; and endeavour with the utmoft care, by every legal method, to guard againft corrupt and fimoniacal prefentations to benefices. XIII. That you require your clerg\ to wear their proper habits, preferving always an evident and decent diftinction from the laity in their apparel ; and to fhew in their whole behaviour, that feri- oufnefs, gravity, and prudence, which becomes their function; ab staining from all unfuitable company and diverfions. DIRECTIONS CONCERNING THE PROPER INSTRUMENTS TO BE BROUGHT TO THE BISHOP FOR ORDINATION. FOR ORDERS, A SIGNIFICATION of the candidate's name, and place of abode; according the firft article of the arch- bifhop's directions. Certificate of having made publication in the church, of his de fign to enter into holy orders; according to the third article of the archbiihop's directions. Letters teftimonial of his good life and behaviour ; according to the tenor of the 34th canon, ,and the fourth and fifth articles of the archbiihop's directions. Certificate of his age from the regifter book, under the hands of the minifter and church wardens of tlie parifh where he was om. Title upon which he is to be ordained. N. B. All the forementioned inftruments are to be tranfmit- ted to the bifhop at leaft twenty days before the time of ordination. In cafe he come for prieft's orders, he is to exhibit to the bifhop his letters of orders for deacon. Cce THE 386 Certain Papers, tic. THE FORM OF LETTERS TESTIMONIAL FOR HOLY ORDERS. To the Right Reverend Father in G«nf, B. by divine permiffion Lord Biflop of C. greeting. WHEREAS our well beloved in Chrift E. H. bachelor of arts, hath declared to us his intention of offering him felf a candidate for the facred office of a deacon, and for that end hath requefted of us letters teftimonial of his learning and good be haviour ; we therefore, whofe names are hereunto fubfcribed, do tef- tify , that the faid E. H having been perfonally known to us for th'e fpace of three years laft paft, hath during that time lived pioufly, foberly, and honeftly, and diligently applied himfelf to his ftudies ; nor hath he at any time" (as far as we know, or have heard) main tained or written any thing contrary to the doctrine or difcipline of the Church of England: and moreover, we think him a per fon worthy to be admitted to the facred order of a deacon. In witnefs, &c. FOR A LICENCE TO A CURACY. I TH E firft requifite is a nomination from the incumbent ; according to the form fubj6ined. Then to exhibit to the bifhop his letters of orders.. To bring letters teftimonial from his college; or, if he come not immediately from a college, to bring them from the neigh bouring clergy, where he has dwelt for fome time before, if in the bifhop's own diocefe, In cafe he come from another diocefe; then, to bring letters teftimonial from the bifhop or ordinary of the diocefe or place from whence he comes. Within three months after he is licenfed to a perpetual curacy, he muft read in the church the declaration appointed by the' act of uniformity', " That he will conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England, as it is now by law eftablifhed ;" and alfo the certificate of his having fubfcribed it before the bifhop. FORM Cert ain Papers, tic. 387 FORM OF A NOMINATION FROM THE, INCUMBENT, WHICH ALSO CONSTITUTES A TITLE FOR ORDERS. To the Right Reverend Father in God B. Lord Biflop of C. THESE are to certify your lordfhip, that I, E. D. rector [or vicar] of in the county of and your lordfhip's diocefe of G. do hereby nominate and ap point H. |. to perform the office of a curate in my church of aforefaid; and do promife to' allow him the yearly fum of for his maintenance in the fame, and to continue him to officiate as curate in my faid church, until he fhall be provided with fome other certain place, where he may exercife his minif- terial function, unlefs, on account of any fault by him committed, he fhall be lawfully removed from performing the office of a cu rate in my faid church by your lordfhip or your fucceffors. And I hereby folemnly declare, that I do not fraudulently give this certificate to entitle the faid H. I. to receive- holy orders, but with a real intention to employ him in my faid church, according to what is before expreffed. Witnefs my hand this day of in the year of our Lord Pf There are other forms of titles ; but I think the preceding one the beft. TOR A LICENCE TO Ay LECTURE. TH E firft requifi'e is to carry to the bifhop a certificate from the minifter and church -wardens of his having been duly elected, or an appointment under, the hand and feal ofthepgrfon or perfons who haye power to appoint. Then to exhibit his orders of deacon and prieft. To bring teftimonials of his fober and regular behaviour. To read the thirty nine articles in the prefence of the bifhop. Within three months after being licenfed ; to make the declara tion appointed by the act of uniformity, 13, 14 Car. II. c. 4. § II. " that1 he will conform to the liturgy of the Church of En gland, as it is by the law eftablifhed," in the Church where he is appointed lecturer; and at the fame time to read the certificate of his having fubfcribed it before the bifhop. DIRECTIONS 388 Certain Papers, tic. DIRECTIONS, RELATIVE TO INSTITUTION, CONCERNING CER TAIN NECESSARY ACTS BEFORE AND AFTER IT. ACLERK, having a prefentatipn to a benefice, muft tender it to the bifhop of the diocefe, or other ordinary having epifcopal jurifdiction, where that benefice is fituated: he muft then produce to the bifhop or ordinary his letters uf orders, and a teftimonial of his good life and converfation (figned and fealed by three at leajl cf his neigh hour t of the clergy where he has lived) for the fpace of three years before the date of his prefentation, if he has been fo. long in priefts orders ; or, if he has not been fo long a prieft, for the time finee he has been ordained prieft. Then he muft offer him felf to fubfcribe the 3g article, of religion, which muft be done in the prefence of the ordinary, and alfo the two other articles, canon 36, relating to the King's fuprem'acy, and lawful ufe of tlie com mon prayer, and muft alfo fubfcribe that part of the declaration required by the act of uniformity, 14 Caroli II. cap. 4. viz. "I '' will conform to the liturgy of the church of England, as it is " now by law eftabli filed." Upon the performance of which he receives a certificate under fhe hand and feal of the bifliop. Before inftitution he muft take the oath required by the ftatute I Kins; William and Queen Maiy, cap. 8. And then the oath againft fimony, and the oath of canonical obedience; and, if he be to be inftitutcd to a vicarage, the oath of refidence. Then follows the inftitution by which the church becomes full, and by it the in cumbent has the cure of fouls committed to him, and he may enter upon the glebe by virtue thereof. After this fucceeds the induc tion, which upon exhibiting the bifhop's mandate, the arch-deaconx who cither himfcKv-or hy a warrant directed to fome neighbouring clergyman (which is moft ufual) h performed after this manner; the perfon impowered to induct taking the hand of the perfon to be induced, lays it on the key of the church (in the church door) or the ring of the door (or if the church be ruinated, 'tis done by lay ing his hand on the wall, or the fence of the churchyard) and faying " by virtue of this inftrument (which he has from the arch-deacon) " I induot you into the real, actual, and corporal poffeffion of the- *' reilory of N. with all its fruits, members, and appurtenances. Which faid, he puts the incumbent into poffeffion of the' church;. who, when he has tolled a bell comes forth; and the inductor endo'rfes a certificate of fuch his induction on the warrant of the arch-deacon, attefted by thofe which are prefent. By flat. 14. Caroli II. cap. 4. the. clerk, within two months after induction^ Certain Papers, tic. 389 induction, muft upon fome Sunday read the book of common- prayer (that is to fay) the whole fervice of the church appointed for that day, both for morning and evening fervice, and likewife declare his affent and confent to the fame in thefe words, " I do " declare my unfeigned affent and confent to all and every thing " contained and prefcribed in, and by the book, entituled [the " book of common-prayer and adminiftration of the facraments, " and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the " ufe of the church of England; together with the pfalter or " pfalms of David, pointed as they are to be fung or faid in " churches, and the form or manner of making, ordaining and " confederating of bifhops, priefts and deacons.] ' By the ftatute 13 Eliz. cap. 12. within two months after induc tion, in the church, whereto the clerk is admitted, he muft read the 39 articles, and declare his unfeigned affent and confent thereto in prayer time, viz. fometime before the whole fervice be ended. He may alfo at the fame time read the certificate he receives from the bifhop, and make his declaration in thefe words following," I will " conform to the liturgy of the church oi England, as it is now " by law eftablifhed. Which declaration, tho' certified by the bifhop to have been made before him, is yet (by the better opini ons) thought neceffary to be added as a declaration made before the whole congregation, which the bare reading the certificate is not taken to be'. There fhould be two or three witneffes to the reading of the liturgy, articles, and declaration, who may fwear (upon occafion) that he did perform thefe things ; it is therefore neceffary that he procure fome books of articles, and give them to fome intelligent perfons who may perufe them at the fame time he reads them, and fo be able to atteft the fame when required ; and it will be conve nient that upon the due performance of thefe things they fign fome fuch teftimonial as the following. Memorandum, that on Sunday the day of in the year of our Lord 1711. A. B. rector of C. within the diocefe of Winton and county of Southampton, did read in his parifh church of C. aforefaid, publickly, and folemnly, the morning and evening prayer according to the form prefcribed in, and by the book, inti tuled, " the book of common-prayer, and adminiftration of the " facraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, accor- " ding to the ufage of the church of England, together with the " pfalter or pfalms of David, pointed as they are to be fung or " faid in churches; the form or manner of making, ordaining, and " confecrating of bifhops, priefts and deacons." And immediately after reading of the fame, the faid A..B. did openly, and publickly , before} 3£o Certain Papers, tid. before the congregation there affembled, declare hirunfeigned affent and confent to all things therein contained and prefcribed : alfo* that he did publickly, and openly, on the day and year aforefaid, in the time of divine fervice, read a certificate under the hand and feal of the Right Reverend Father in God J. Lord bifhop of Winton; and immediately after the reading thereof, did, in the fame place, the congregation being prefent, read this declaration following, viz. " I will conform to the liturgy of the church of " England, as it is now by law eftablilhed. And that on the day and year aforefaid, the faid A. B. did read the articles of religion commonly called the thirty, nine articles agreed upon in convoca tion in the year 1652, in his parifh church aforefaid, in the time of divine fervice there, and did declare his unfeigned affent and Confent thereto. In witnefs, C5V. Within three months after taking a benefice the incumbent is to take the abjuration oath in fome of the courts at Weftminfter* or at the quarter- feffions where his benefice is fituate. Some cautious clergymen take the teft upon their admiffion to any benefice; but whether rectors and vicars are within the ftatute 25 Caroli II. that enjoins it, is a doubt. THE FORM OF PRESENTATION TO A RECTORY OR VICARAGj?. To the Right Reverend Father in God, B. by divine Permiffion, Lord Biflop of C. to his Vicar general in Spirituals, or io any ether Perfon or Perfons, having fluff cient Authority in this Behalf; W.. W. of &c. the true undoubted Patron of the Re flory of N. in the County of M. and your Lordfhip' s Diocefe of C. greeting. I PRESENT to your Lordfhip, and to the rectory and parifh church of N. aforefaid, now void by the natural death of R. L. Clerk, the laft incumbent there, and to my prefentation in full right belonging, my beloved in Chrift, S.T. clerk, mafter of arts*, hum bly praying that your lordfhip would be gracioufly pleafed to admit, and canonically to inftitute him, the faid S. T. to the rectory and parifh church of N. aforefaid, to inveft him with all and fingular the rights, members, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, to caufe him to be inducted into the real, actual, and corporal poffeffion * If a minor prefents, infert ; By the advice, ?.nd with the approbation of T. W. Efq, my guar. dian lawfully appointed. thereof, Certain Papers, tic. 391 thereof, and to do all other tilings which to your paftoral" office may in this cafe appertain or belong. In witnefs, &c. N. B. Where the benefice is valued at ioi. or above, in the King's Books, the prefentation muft have a 61. ftamp ; if under ioi. a 6s. ftamp is fufficient, THE FORM OF LETTERS TESTIMONIAL FOR INSTITUTION. To the Right Reverend Father in God, B. by divine permiffion. Lord Biflop of C. WE whofe names are hereunder written, teftify and make known, that the reverend E. D. clerk, mafter of arts, vicar of F, in the county of G. and diocefe of H. having been perfonaHy known to us for the fpace of three years laft paft, hath during that time lived pioufly, foberly, and honeftly : nor hath he at any time (as far as we know, or believe) held, written or taught any thing contrary to the doctrine of the difcipline of the Church of England. In witnefs whereof we have hereunto fet our hands, Dated the day of in the year of our Lord THE FORM OF DONATION TO A FREE CHAPEL. TO all to whom thefe prefents fhall come, A. B. of, &c. fendeth greeting. Whereas the free chapel of A. in the diocefe of B. is known to be void, and of right doth belong to my gift. Know ye, that I the faid A. B. the faid chapel, with all its rights and ap purtenances whatfoever, have given and granted to my well belo ved in Chrift, R. B. clerk, an honeft and learned man; and by virtue of thefe prefents, the faid A. B. in bodily poffeffion of the faid chapel have inducted. In witnefs, &c . FORM OF 'NOMINATION TO AN AUGMENTED CHAPELRY i OR CURACY. To the Right Reverend Father in God B. Lord Biflop of C. the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church ofG. fend greeting. TT7HEREAS the curacy of the chapel of in the parifh VV of — in the city and diocefe of L. is augmented, or fhortly intended to be augmented, by the governors of the bounty of Qiieen Anne, for(thp augmentation of the maintenance of the D dd poor 392 Certain Papers, tie* poor clergy; by reafon whereof it is requifite, that a curate fhould be duly nominated, and licenfed to ferve the faid cure, purfuant to an aft of parliament in that cafe made and provided : now we the faid dean- and chapter do hereby nominate - clerk, (the perfon employed by us in ferving the faid cure) to be curate of the faid chapel of / and we do humbly pray your lordfhip to grant him your licenfe to ferve the faid. cure, and to perform all divine offices therein accor dingly. In witnefs, ,&c. CONCERNING PLURALITY OF LIVINGS. IF any perfon having one benefice with cure of fouls, being ot the yearly value of 8/. orabove^ doth accept of another with cure of fouls, and be inftituted and inducted into the poffeffion ot the fame; then immediately after fuch poffeffion thereof, the firft benefice (hall be adjudged to be void, and the patron may prefent another, without a difpenfation from the arehbifhop of Canter bury. But no deanry, archdeaconry, chancellorfhip, treafurerfhip, chanterfhip, or prebend in any collegiate or cathedral church, no parfohage that hath a vicar endowed, nor any benefice perpe tual appropriate, to be taken in the name of a benefice with cure of fouls. A GRANT OF THE PRESENTATION TO A VICARAGE ON THE NEXT AVOIDANCE. TO all chriftian people to whom thefe prefents fhall come, A. B. of lAc. Efq; true and undoubted' patron of the vicarage of the parifh church of C. in the county of D. and diocefe of E. fendeth greeting. Know ye that the faid A. B. for divers good caufes and con federations him hereunto efpecially moving, hath gi ven, granted, affigned and confirmed ; and by thefe prefents doth give, grant,- affign and confirm unto F. G. of E. &c. Efq; his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, the firft and next avoidance, donation, collation, nomination, prefentation and free difpofition of the faid vicarage of C. in the faid county of D. and diocefe of E. aforefaid ; whenfoever, howfoever, and by what means foever the fame vicarage fhall firft and next happen to become void, by the death, refignation, deprivation, ceffion, permutation, dimiffipn, or by any other way whatfoever, willing, and by this prefennvri- ting, Certain Papers, tic. 593 ting granting, that it fhall and may be lawful, to and for the faid F. G. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, to prefent a fit perfon to the fame, and to do all and every other thing and things, which to the office or duty of patron or patrons of the fame vica rage of C. do, or doth belong or appertain, in as full and ample manner as he the faid A. B. might or could have done therein, if thefe prefents had not been1 made. And further know ye, that the faid A. B. for himfelf, his heirs, executors and adminiftrators, doth covenant, promife and grant, to and With the faid F. G. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, by thefe prefents, that he the faid A. B. now is true and rightful patron of the faid vicarage, and now hath rightful power, and lawful authority to give, grant, and aflign the faid firft and next avoidance of the faid vicarage, accor ding to the true intent and meaning bf thefe prefents. And further, that he the faid F. G. his executors, adminiftrators and alfigns, fhall and may from time to time, and at all times here after,' lawfully, quietly and peaceably hold and enjoy the next avoy- dance of the premifes, and effectually prefent to the fame his clerk, who (hall be thereupon duly inftituted and inducted, without the let, fuit, or interruption of the faid A. B. his executors, admini ftrators, or affigns, or any perfon or perfons lawfully claiming from or under him. And further know ye, that if it fhall happen that the faid church of C. fhall next become void, by the promotion of the now prefent incumbent thereof to be a bifhop; whereby the King's Majefty, his heirs or fucceffors, fhall be entitled to pre fent to the fame ; that then, and in fuch cafe, the faid F. G. his executors, adminiftration and affigns, fhall have the next prefenta- tion to the faid church of C. when it fhall become void after the next prefentation of the King's Majefty, his heirs or fucceffors. Provided always, that asj foon as the next prtfentation or nomina tion fhall have taken effect, according to the true intent and mean ing of thefe prefents, that the free difpofition and right of patro nage fhall remain and revert to me and my heirs, as if this pre fent grant or writing had never been made. In witnefs, &c. QUALIFICATION FOR A NOBLEMAN'S CHAPLAIN. TO all and fingular to whom thefe prefents fhall come, I. John E. of E. fend greeting ;iKnow ye, that I the faid John E. of T. for, arid on account of the great probity of life, inte grity of morals, and proficiency in facred learning of R. W. clerk, M. A. have nominated, .appointed, taken, and admitted, D d d a and. 394 Certain Papers, tic. and by thefe prefents do nominate, appoint, take, and admit him the faid R. W. into the number of my d.omeftic chaplains, to ferve me in the performance of divine offices within my houfe or chapel ; by virtue whereof it fhall, and may be lawful, to and for him the faid R. W. my faid chaplain, freely to have, enjoy, and maintain all and fingular the privileges, benefits', liberties, preheminences, and immunities whatfoever, given and; granted to the chaplains of the barons and peers of this renowned kingdom of Great Britain; by the ftatutes and laws thereof, tp all intents andpurpofes of law that may follow thereupon : And this I have thought fit to teftify to all and every of you, as i do by thefe prefents. Given under my hand and feal at arms, &c, B. by divine permiffion, bifhop of C. to all and fingular to whom thefe prefents fhall come, greeting. Know ye, that we the faid B. bifhop of C. for, and in confideration of the learning, good life, and fincere religion of our beloved in Chrift, R. S. clerk, mafter of arts, have admitted, conftituted, and., appointed, and by thefe prefents do admit, conftitute, and appoint him the faid R. S. one of our domeitic chaplains, that he may, by virtue herepf, have and enjoy all the privileges, benefits, immunities and advantages, which may? or do of right belong to the chaplains of the bifhops and peers of this realm, according to the form of the ftatute in that cafe made and provided. In reftimony whereof we have put our feal, which we ufe in this cafe, to thefe prefentsj and have fubfcribed the fame this day of in the year of our Lord and in the year of ourcpnfecration. THE NUMBER OF CHAPLAINS, EVERY PEER, &C. MAY QUA LIFY, IS ACCORDING TO THE ANNEXED RANK AND PRO PORTION. EVERY Arehbifhop — — 8 Duke — — — 6 Marquis and earl — — 5 Vifcount fc — — 4 Bifhop — — 6 Chancellor, baron, and knight of the garter 3 ¦ Duchefs, marchionefs, countefs and baronefs being widows — : 2 Treafurer and comptroller of the king's houfe, the king's fe cretary, the dean of the chapel, the king's almoner, and mafter of the rolls. — — 2 The Certain Papers, tic. 395 The chief juftice of the King's Bench, and warden of the Cinque Ports. — , — I N. B. The king's chaplains may hold as many livings as the king fhall give. OTHER . PERSONS QUALIFIED TO PURCHASE LICENCE TO HOLD TWO OR MORE BENEFICES BY THE SAME STATUTE, ARE AS FOLLOW. AL L fpiritual perfons of the king's council may purchafe li- cenfe to hold three livings with cure : All other the king's chaplains, not fworn of his council, chaplains of the king, prince, or princefs, or any of the king's children, brethren, fifters, uncles, or aunts ; the brethren and fons ofall temporal lords born in wed lock, the brethren and fons born in wedlock of every knight, may all of them purchafe licence to hold two livings .with cure as afore faid. All doctors and bachelors of divinity, doctors and bachelors of Jaw, admitted to fuch degrees by the univerfities, and not by grace only, may purchafe licence to .hold two livings with cure of fouls as above. Every duchefs, marchionefs, countefs, baronefs, after marrying commoners, may qualify the fame number of chaplains, as if they had continued widows. 25 HEN. viii. cap. 6. EVERY judge of the King's Bench and Common Pleas, the chancellor and chief baron of the Exchequer, and the King's attorney and follicitor general, may each of them have one chaplain to be attendant on his perfon, who, having one benefice with cure, may be non-refident upon the fame. FORMS OF RESIGNATION, A RESIGNATION BEPORE A PUBLIC NOTARY, IN the name of God amen, before you a notary publick, and credible witneffes here prefent, I vicar of the parifh of in the county of and 396 Certain Papers, &e. and diocefe of *, for certain juft and lawful caufes me hereunto efpecially moving, .without compulfion, fraud, of deceit, -do purely, Amply, and abfolutely fefign and give up my faid vicarage and parifh church, with all their rights, mem bers, and appurtenances, into the facred hands of the right reve rend father in God by divine permiffion, lord bifhop ojf ' "! or of any other whomfbeve'r, that hath, or fhall have-power to admit this my refignation ; and I to tally renounce my right, title and poffeffion, in and to the fame vicarage and' parifh church, with all their rights, members, and lapp.urfenances heretofore had, and hitherto belonging to me, I rquit them, and exprefly recede from them by thefe prefents : And that this-my refignation may have its full, effect, Ido hereby no minate and appoint my beloved in Chrift, "and jointly and feverally my proctors ot fub- fhtutes to exhibit this my refignation to the faid reverend father, and "In my name to pray' that his lordfhip would gracioufly vouchfafe ta ..accept therepf, and to pronounce and declare the vicarage of aforefaid void, and to be void of my perfon, to all in tents of law that may follow thereupon ; and to decree that an in timation of the faid avoidance may be iffued- to the patron there of. In witnefs whereof I have hereunto fet my hand and feal this day of in the year of our Lord Witneffes, '•- ':jC •-i:- w. w, T.-R. RESIGNATION TO A BISHOP. IN the name of God amen, before you the right reverend fa ther in God, B. by divine permiffion, lord bifhop of C. and credible witneffes here prefent, I, A. B. vicar of C. in'the county of D. and in your lordfhip's diocefe and jurifdiction of F. for cer tain juft and lawful caufes me hereunto efpecially moving, with-. out compulfion, fraud or deceit, do purely, fimply, and abfolutely relign and give up. my faid vicarage and parifh church of C. with all their rights, members and appurtenances, into your lordfhip's facre'd hands, with all my right, title and poffeffion of, in and ta, the fame; I quit them, and exprefly recede from them by thefe *• If it be a refignition upon a permutation, infert ; Being defirous to exchange my faid vicarage and parifh church for the reftoiy of A. in the county of B. and diocefe of C. prefents, Certain Papers, tics 397 prefents, humbly praying, that your lordfhip would be gracioufly pleafed to accept this my refignation, and to pronounce and declare the vicarage of C. aforefaid void, and to be void of my perfon, to all intents of law that may follow thereupon, and to decree that an intimation of the faid avoidance may be iffued to the patron thereof. In witnefs, &c. Mem. It is to be obferved, that a refignation muft be made to the bifhop or ordinary, and not to the patron, except the church or chapel be a donative exempt, in which cafe it is to be made to the patron, in the prefence of a notary publick and two credible witneffes. And in cafe of exchange, or permutation of benefices, on account of health, or other conveniences, which the law al lows, it will be proper for the parties to refign before a notary, that their refpective refignations may be interpofed before either of the livings is declared void by the ordinary; becaufe it may be- doubted, whether a conditional refignation be valid or-not, if the words purely, firrtply, and abfolutely be omitted ; for, by the fta tute of the 31ft of Q. Eliz. c. 6, § 8, all corrupt refignations are ftrictly prohibited in the following words : " That if any incum-, " bent of any benefice with cure of fouls, after the end of the faid " forty days, do, or fhall corruptly refigri" or exchange the fame, " or corruptly take for, or in refpect of the refigning or exchang-- "ing of the fame, directly or indirectly, any penfion, fum of " money, or benefit whatfoever ; that then as well the giver,. " as the taker of any fuch penfion, fum of money, or other be- " nefit corruptly, fhall lofe double the value of the fum fo given, " taken, or had ; the one moiety, as well thereof, as of the for- " feiture of double value of one year's profit before mentioned, to (f" be to the queen's majefty, her heirs and fucceffors, and the " other moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame, by ac- " tion of debt, bill, or information, in any of her majefty's courts l" of record, in which no effoin, protection or wager of law or " privilege, fhall be admitted or allowed." EXTRACTS 338 Certain Papers, tic. EXTRACTS FROM DIVERS ACTS OF PARLIAMENT, CHARTERS, &c. EXTRACT FROM AN ACT FOR THE BETTER MAINTENANCE OF CURATES, &C FOR PREVENTING ANY ECCLESIASTI CAL PERSONS FROM BUYING THE NEXT AVOIDANCE OF ANY CHURCH PREFERMENT. 12 ANNJE, CAP. 12. SESS. 2- ENACTED, that if any rector or vicar fhall, after 29 Sept. 17 14, prefent any curate to the bifhop or ordinary to be li- cenfedto ferve the>cure in his abfence; the bifhop having regard to the greatnefs of the cure, and value of the living, fhall, before granting fuch licenfe, appoint under his hand and feal, a ftipend not exceeding 50/. per annum, nor lefs than 20/. to be paid at Ttich times as he fhall think fit by thefaid rector or vicar; and upon complaint made, that any curate licenfed before that time, hath not a fufficient maintenance, the bifhop may appoint a cer tain ftipend, or on neglect or refufal to pay fuch ftipend, he may determine the fame, and fequefter the profits of the benefice until payment fhall be made. If any perfon after 29 Sept. fhall for any fum of money, re ward, gift, &c. in his own name, or in the name of any other perfon take or accept the next avoidance of, or prefentation to any benefice, with cure of fouls, dignity, &c. and fhall be prefented thereupon; then every fuch prefentation fhall be void, and fuch agreement deemed a limoniacal contract, and the crown may pre fent to fuch benefice, dignity, &c. for that time only, and the perfon fo corruptly taking or procuring fuch benefice or dignity,. &c. fhall be adjudged a difabled perfon in law to have and enjoy the fame; and fhall alfo be fubject to any pain, &c. inflicted by the ecclefiaftical laws, in like manner as if fuch corrupt agreement' had been made after fuch benefice, &c. had become vacant. FORM Form of Examination* tic. 399 11. FORM OF EXAMINATION ON OATH AGAINST THE PRESENTA TION OF A PAPIST. By an Ail of Parliament 12 Anna, Cap, 14. IT is enacted} that when a prefentation fhall be brought to any Bifhop, &c. He is required to examine the perfon prefented on path, before he give him inftitution, whether to the beft and Utmoft of his knowledge or belief the perfon of perfons, who made fuch prefentation, be the true and real patron or patrons of the faid benefice or ecclefiaftical living, or made the faid prefentation in his;, her, or their own right, or whether filch perfon or perfons fo pre- fenting be not mediately or immediately^ dire&jy or indirectly, trufiee or truftees, or afiy way interfiled for fome other, and what perfon or perfons by name; who is or are papifts, or make profeffion of the Romifh religion, or the children of fuch;, or for any other, and what perfon or perfons, and what he knows, has heard, or believes, touching or concerning the fame. And if fuch perfon or perfons, fo prefented, fhall refufe to be fo examined, or fhall not anfwer diretStly thereto, then, and in every fuch caferfuch prefentation fhall be void. FORM OF THE OATH OF PERSONAL RESIDENCE, WHICH IS REQUIRED ON INSTITUTION TO A VICARAGE. I A. B. do fwear that I will be refident in my vicarage of .-» in the diocefe of—- unlefs I fhall be otherwife difpenfed withal by my diocefan: fo help me God."* * At the time of making this oath, if the party do not intend to •bferve ftrict refidence, he ought to requeft of his diocefan fuch difpen- fation, as in ayoidance of the breach of the oath is implied : and afliga Ms feafons for petitioning it. £e$ RULES 400 Rules and Orders, tic; III. HUtES AND ORDERS FOR THE AUGMENTATION OF THE" SMALL LIVINGS, BY AN APPLICATION OF THE FIRST FRUITS AND TENTHS PAYABLE FROM TH« GREAT PRE FERMENTS, KNOWN BY THE TTTLE OF QUEEN ANN'S, BOUNTY. I. rTHH AT the augmentations, to be made by the faid corpo-. JL ration, fhall be by the way of purchafe, and not by the way of penfion. II. That the ftated fum, to be allowed to each cure which fhall be augmented, be 200/. to be inverted inxa purchafe, at the expence of the corporation. III. That the governors fhall begin with augmenting thofe cures that do not exceed the value of 10/. per ann. and fhall aug ment no other, till thofe have all received our bounty of 200/. except in the cafes, and according to the limitations hereafter named. IV. That in order to encourage benefactions from others, and thereby the fooner to compleat the good that was intended by bur bounty, the governors may give the faid fum of 200/. to cures not exceeding 50/. per annum, where any perfon will give the fame, or a greater fum, or value in lands or tythes. V. That the governors fhall every year, between Chriftmas and Eaftef, caufe the account of what money they have to diftribute that year to be audited ; and, when they know the fum, public notice fhall be given in the Gazette, or fuch other way as fhall be judged proper, that they have fuch a fum to diftribute in fo many fhares ; and that' they will be ready to apply thofe fnares to fuch cures as want the fame, and are by the rules of the cbrporation qualified ta receive them,where any perfons will add the like or greater fum to it, or the value in lands and tythes, for any fuch particular cure. VI. That if feveral benefactors offer themfelves, the governors (hall firft comply with thofe that offer the moft. VII. Where the fums offered by other benefactors are equal, the governors fhall always prefer the poorer living. V I II. Where the cures to be augmented, are of equal value, and the benefactions offered by others are equai, there they fhall be preferred that firft offer. IX. Provided neverthelefs, that the preference fhall be fo far given to cures not exceeding xol, per annum, that the governors Rules and Orders, tic. 401 ftall not apply above two third parts of the money, they have to diftribute that year, to cures exceeding that value, X. Where the governors have expected till Michaelmas what benefactors will offer themfelves, then no more proposals fhall be received for that year: but if any money remain after that to be difpofed of; in the firft place, two or more of the cures in the gift of the crown, not exceeding ioi. per annum, fhall be chofen by lot, to be augmented preferably to all others : the precis number of thefe to be fettled by a general court, when ap exact lift of them, fhall be brought in to the governors. XI. As for what fhall remain of the money to be difpofed of after that, a lift fliall be taken of all the cures in the church of England, not exceeding io/. per annum; and fo many of them be chofen by lot, as there fhall remain fums of 200/. for their aug mentation. XII. When all the cures not exceeding ic/. per annum fhalj be fo augmented, the governors fhall then proceed to augment thpfe of greater value, according to fuch rules as fhall at any time here after be propofed by them, and approved of by us, our heirs or fucceffors, under our or their great feal. XIII. That all charitable gifts, in real or perfonal eftatcs, made to the corporation, fhall be ftrictly applied, according to the parti cular direction of the donor or donors thereof, where the donor fhall give particular direction for the difpofition thereof: and where the gift fhall he generally to the corporation, without any fuch particular direction, the fame fhall be applied as the reft of the fund or ftock of the corporation is to be applied. XIV. That a book fhall be kept, wherein (hall be entered alt the fubfcriptions, contributions, gifts, devifes, or appointments, made or given, of any monies, or of any real or perfonal eftate whatfoever, to the charity mentioned in the charter, and the names of the donors thereof, with the particulars of the matters fo given j the fame book to be kept by the fecretary qf the corporation. XV. That a memorial of the benefactions and augmentations made to each cure, fhall, at tlie charge of the corporation, be fet up in writing on a (tone, to be fixed in the church of the cure fo to be encreafed, there to remain in perpetual memory thereof, XVI. When the treafurer fhall have received any fum of money for the ufe of the corporation, he fhall, at the next general court to be holden after fuch receipt, lay an account thereof before the governors, who may order and direct the fame to be placed out fof the improvement thereof, upon fome public fund or other fecurity, till they have an opportunity of laying it out in proper purchafes for the augmentation of cures. , Eee* XVII. That 4©2 Rules and Orders, tic. XVII. That the treafurer do account annually before fueh 3 Committee of the governors, as fhall be appointed by a general fcourt of the faid corporation, who fhall audit and ftate the fame; and the faid account fhall be entered in a book to be kept for that purpofe, ahd fhall be laid before the next general court after fuch flating ; the fame to be there re-examined and determined. XVIII. The perfons, whofe cures fhall be augmented, fhall pay Do manner bf fee or gratification to any of the officers or fervants pf this corporation. ¦ i. Note. If a living of fmall value be augmented either by lof, or by way of private benefaction, as above, which living by fuch augmentation is not advanced fo as to be of the clear yearly value of 50/. or upwards ; the fame living is capable of a fecond augmentation, if 200/. more be offered the next year after fuch augmentation,, provided the living after fuch additional augmentation do not exceed in yearly value fifty pounds. 63* For further information refpeeting the proper procedings in matters relative to Queen Anne's bounty, applica tion may be made by letter TO ROBERT CHESTER, ESQJ TREASURER TO THE SOCIETY, NO. 5, BRICK COURT, TEMPLE. •SUP IV. SUB» Substance op the Act, tic. 493 IV. SUBSTANCE OF THE ACT, PASSED IN THE 17th OF GEORGE III. TO PROMOTE THE RESIDENCE OF THE PAROCHIAL CLERGY, BY MAKING PROVISION FOR THE MORE SPEEDY AND EFFECTUAL BUILDING, REBUILDING, REPAIRING, OR PURCHASING HOUSES, AND OTHER NECESSARY BUILDINGS AND TENEMENTS, FOR THE USE OF THEIR BENEFICES. TH E incumbent of any ecclefiaftical living, whereon there is no houfe, or a ruinous and decayed one, may borrow money fufficient to rebuild one; and, with the confent of the ordinary and patron, as a fecurity for the money fo to be borrowed, not exceeding two years neat income and produce of fuch refpective living, mortgage the glebe, tithes, Sec. for the term of twenty-- five years, or till fuch mortgage money fhall be paid off. Every incumbent, who fhall not refide twenty weeks in each year upon his living, fhall annually pay 10/. percent, of the principal, and the intereft due. And every incumbent paying only 5/. per cent, of the-principal, muft produce a certificate of his re fidence under the hands of two rectors, vicars, &c. On failure of payment of principal and intereft for forty days after due, the mortgagee may diftrain. The money borrowed is to be paid to fuch perfons, as the or dinary, &c. fhall appoint; who fhall contract: for the buildings, &c and fee the fame executed, and pay for them. And as foon as the buildings are completed, the incumbent fhall, at his own ex- .pence, infure them againft fire. And of any living worth iool. per an. which has no proper houfe of habitation upon it, the ordinary may ( if the incumbent neglect to make application, &c.) procure an eftimate, &c. and proceed in the execution of this act, in fuch manner as the parfon is directed to proceed. And all money received from the reprefentatives of former incumbents for dilapidations, &c. fhall be applied in part of the payments for the new erections under this act, or in making fome additional improvements. Where new buildings are neceffary . for the refidence of the incumbent, the ordinary, &c. may purchafe any convenient houfe within one mile of the church ; and a certain portion of land : the purchafe-money of fuch land to be raifed by fale of part of the glebe or tithes of fuch benefice, or the tranfaction may be fettled by exchange. To promote the execution of this act, the governors of Queen Anne's 404 The Nature of Tithes Ann's bounty are empowered to lend certain fums: the fum df xool. to livings, the annual income of which does not exceed 50/. per ann. without intereft: and any fum, not exceeding two years income of fuch living, to a benefice, the annual value of which Ihall exceed the fum of 50/. per ann. at the intereft of 4/. per cent. The colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, and other corporate bodies, being patrons of livings, are empowered to lend any fums without intereft, to aid the execution of this act. &f* The above is the fubftance of the act : to which is an-t nexed a fchedule, containing certain forms of deeds, ti which the bill refers : fuch as, " Form of the confent of the ordinary and patron/' " Form of mortgages:" &c. For which I refer the reader to the act itfelf. THE NATURE OF TITHES ILLUSTRATED; WHEREIN IS GI VEN A SUCCINCT ACCOUNT OF ALL THINGS TITHABLE, AND THE MANNER OF COLLECTING THEM; AS ALSO OF COMPOSITIONS, CUSTOMS, PRESCRIPTIONS AND PRIVILE GES, DISTINGUISHED UNDER THEIR PROPER HEADS J WITH REFERENCES TO ADJUDGED CASES, AND STATUTES RELATING TO TITHES. TITHES are a tenth part of the increafe yearly arifing from the profits of lands, flocks upon lands, and the induftry of the parifhioner ; payable for the maintenance of the parifh prieft, by every one that hath things titheable, if a fpecial exemption cannot be fhewn. They were firft appointed by Mofes to be paid to the fons of Levi, of all lawful things, as appertaining to God. They are either predial or perfonal. PREDIAL are thofe which immediately arife from the land, either by manufance, or of its own nature; as grain, hay, wood, fruits, herbs, ,&c payable when they arife. PERSONAL are thofe which arife only from the labour and induftry of man, being the. tenth part of his clear gains in his trade or profeflion ; as for mills, or fifh caught at fea, payable only by cuftom. Thifit ILLUSTRATED, fifo 4$$ Thefe are fometimes MI XT, fuch as thofe that arife partly from cattle, and other things that receive their nourifhment immediately from the ground, and partly by induftry in the management of them ; as colts, calves, pigs, wool, lambs, milk, cheefe, chickens, eggs, c5Y. payable where they arife. Tithes, with refpecJ to their value, are diftinguifled into cap. 13. Tithes may be confidered as they arife from the lands , by fome . annual product. Not that tithe is due, if the Occupier has fome profit Whilft the ground lies fallow for its improvement. Dyer 170. but if by ill hufbandry, it is otherwife. Stat. 2 Ed. 6. Goldf. 157. Alfo barren lands improved are free from tithes for feven years.' Stat. 2 Ed. 6. but not land gained from the fea, 3 Bulft. 156. nor marfh-lands drained, Moor 430. Yet barren land, during the feven years df improvement, pays fuch thhes as have betn accuftomarily paid before. Wo. Inft. B, 2. c 2. A foreft in the king's hands (tho' in a parifh) is not tithable, but if in the .hands of a fubject it is, 1 Roll. Abr. 655. 3 Cro. 94. The Produce of Lands tithable are ALL HARVEST FRUITS, &c. as Wheat, rye, barley* eats, tsc. 1 Sid. 283. 2 Ven. 48. the parifhioner is to cut it downj and bind in fheaves. 1 Roll's Abr. 644. Latch. 125. the parfbn. or his deputy may come and fee them fet forth, and muft take- them away, and that in due time, or the parfon may be fued as a trefpaf- fer, and the parifhioner'is not bound to watch them. Nsy 31. Cuttings of green tares for feeding of cattle, tic, grain or corn fowrt illustrated, tic. 407 fown On headlands, peafe, and beans eaten in a man's houfe, ra tings and ftubble, are not tithable, 5 Roll. 379. Where corn has grown and paid tithes the fame year, the land is not tithable again. 2 Inft. 652. Hops pay tithe by the pole, and the 10th may be fet out before they are dryed ; but the poles are not tithable. 1 Roll's Abr. 644. Five flillings muft be paid for every a'cre fown with hemp or flax, before the fame be carried off the ground. Stat. 1 1 ii 1 2 W. 3. c. 16. Grafs, hay, clover, lucern, cinquefoil, lie applied to feeding of cattle, are tithable every tenth cock, according to cuftom of places. G rafs cut for fuftenance of cattle, the owner not having fufficient otherwife, is not tithable, 1 Roll's Abr. 644. THE HERBAGE OF THE FIELD. Cuftom is, in fome places to make the grafs into hay for the tithe; in others in grafs cocks, or fwayths only ; but then the parfon may make it into hay on the fame land, and may go over it, and carry away and break down any gate, or inclofure, erected toobftructhim. Stat. Ed. 6. c. 13. Cuftom in fome places is, to meafure out the tenth part of* the grafs, and the parfon to mow it. Hob. 250. After-mowth, or after-pafture, pays no tithes, unlefs by cuftom. 2 Inft. 621, 652. 1 Roll's Abr. 640. Cro, Eliz. 660. Moor 910. Poph. 142. Tithes fhall be paid of grafs growing in orchards. 2 Inft. 652. Pafturage for beafts kept for plow and cart, or for pleafure, pay no tithes. 1 Roll. b/sh. AGISTMENTS, or unfrudtuary profits of lands. Agiftments, L e, feeding of cattle upon paflure of lands, tic. Tithes are due if the land pays no other that year. Danv. 600. and the cattle muft be agifted for hire or fale, and not fed for plough, pail or labour, they being otherwife profitable to the parfon. Winch. 33. Moor 909. If land is let to a ftranger by the year, a tenth part of the money is due, Hard. 35. otherwife refpedt is to be had to the number of cattle, and their time of feeding. If the owner eats it all with unprofitable cattle, the tenth part of the value of the land is payable ; though cuftom or prefcription may direct other kinds of payment. — Tithes fhall not be paid for young cattle bred for the plough or pail. Moor 910. If cattle are taken for hire, either the owner or occupier may be fued. Dan. 614. If tithes are paid for weol, the fheep fhall not pay for their herbage. 2 Bulft. 258. Oxen or fleers kept for fale pay tithes for their pafture, but not weaftiers, becaufe they render tithe of their wool. Cro. Car. 237. And if cows yield milk, their pafturage is not tithable. W. Inft. B. 2. c. 2. TIMBER-TREES and UNDER-WOODS, with FRUITS. Timber Trees, oak, afh, elm, tic. are not tithable, Fff nor 4bt Th£ NaTuAe of Tithes nor trees gfoWing.in park's, forefts, chafes; and the branches with the fhoots and bark are difcharged with the bodies^, i Go. 49. when they are of 20 years growth ; otherwife loppings are tithable. 1 1 Rep. 48. 2 Inft.^ 643. Nor fruit-trees, 2 Roll. 83. nor afpin^ beech; haxel, holly, willow, maple, tic. where ufed for building. 45 Ed. 3. c. 32. Dan. 5S9. But birch is tithable tho' of 20 years growth, becaufe it's not proper for building. 2 /w/7. 643 1 Cro. 1. Old decayed trees, having been once privileged, are exempted from tithes, tho' cut down for fire. 1 Rep. 49, §1 . 2 Inft. 643. Pollards of 50 years growth, when felled, are tithabta 1 Lev. 189. Nurferies are tithable, if the owner pulls them up; but if fold ftanding, and the vendee pulls them up, he fhall pay the tithe. Danv. 585, 614. Under-woods; tithes are generally due if fold ftantiing, payable fey the buyer; if felled, by the feller. 1 Inft. 642. In like mariner broom ahd furze : 1 Dan. 597 . but they are not tithable, where ufed for houfe^boot, hedge-boot, cart-boot. Goldf. 151. Alders are tith able tho' above 20 years growth, 2 Groi 199. Fruits from oak, beech, tici as acorns* maft, if they drop from the tree and fwine, eat theffl," pay no tithe* but if fevered for feeding of fwine they do. Hetly 27. Or if gathered and fold, n Co, 49. 2 Inft, 643. Apples, pears, plumbs, &c. in inc'Iofures, gathered for fale, •pay tithes in kind; and if fold on the tree, the vendee maft pay the tithe. 2 Inft. 652. MINE S, and what is dug out of fhe earth. Mines of filver, copper, tin^ lead, &c. are not tithable of common right, but in fomeplaces cuftom has allowed them 2 Inft. 651. Chalk, clay, coals, tiirf, peat* fuller's earth, &c. are not tithable. 1 Roll. 366. nor ftone, brick* tiles, &c. becaufe they are made of the fubftance of the earth, and no annual increafe. 2 Inft. 651. 1 Cro. 1. for it is a rule, where thefle is no yeSrly renewing, no tithe is due, 1 1 Co. l6o. No tithe fhall be paid for fait, unlefs by cuftom. 1 Lev. 179. GARDEN-HERBS, feeds, roots, &c. Tithes are due for ¦all pot-herbs, faffron, annis, cummin, potatoes^ turnips, carrots, parfhips, onions, &c. and of flowers. Hutt. 77. 3 Cro. 20. EGGS, YOUNG FOWL'S* CALVES, LAMBS, PIGS, &c. Tithes of ducklings and geefe are ufually paid in kind, but of hens and turkies moft commonly in their eggs, as cuftom guides. Moor 599. No tithes of fwarts, tiirkies, phea- fants, partridges, pigeons, &c for them or their eggs are due by right, they being wild by nature, unlefs by cuftom. 2 Mod. .77. Roll. 458. But if tithe is paid for the young, there fhall be hone for illustrated, tic. 409 for the eggs ; or if for the eggs, none for the young, No tithe is due for pigeons confumed in a man's houfe. Roll's Abr, Title Difms, Litt. Rep. 40 Het. 147. But if kept in a dove^houfe, they are tithable. 1 Vent, 5. If a perfon has ten calves, colts, lambs, &c, in one year, tithe is payable'; but if he has fewer than ten, none in kind is to be paid ?hat year, except cuftom warrants it ; but in fuch cafes there is niually a rate-tithe, or the parfon tarries till next year ; they are payable when weanable. Raym- 277. Kids are tithable as calves. W. Inft. b. 2 c. 2. MILK, BUTTER and CHEESE. Milk is to be paid every tenth meal, and carried either to the vicarage -houfe or church-porch, according to the cuftotn of the place. Raym^2fj. Cheefe is only tithable where tithe is not paid for milk, and is due only by cuftom. W. Inft. b. 2. c. 1. 1 Cro. bog. A number of cheefes may difcharge the milk ; for no tithe for cheefe or butter is due of itfelf, being made by labour. Moor 909. WOOL and SKINS. Sheep and lambs are tithable pro- portionably to the time fed in a parifh, to wit, 8 pounds in 80 if a year, 4 for half, 3 if a quarter, and the 1 2th part if a month, and nothing for lefs than 30 days. By cuftom it may be paid at Lammas day, though due at (hearing time. Moor 910. If fhorne, and theydie before "Eafter following, no tithes are due, ^.g-jPoph. nor for fheep that feed after the corn is reaped, i Mod. 216. Shearings of fheep, to preferve them in their walks from brabbles and vermine are not tithable. 3 Bulft. 242. If the owner kills his fheep, he muft pay tithe for the wool, but not for the fkin. Lit. 31, nor of pelts or felts of fheep which die of the rot. Nelf. Abr. 318. Of BEASTS and FOWLS wild by Nature, and FISH. No tithes are due for deer, hares, conies, wild fowl, nor fifh taken out of the fea, but by cuftom they may. Cro. Car, 192. Noy 108. as of herrings at Yarmouth, Palm. 527. and a cuftom to pay hfs than a tenth part may be good. 1 Lev. 179. Sid. 278. 1 Roll, 419. 3 Bufl. 241. Trouts taken in a river adjudged tithable by Stat. 2 Ed. 6. Mich. 15 Car. 3. Nelf. Abr. 311. Fifh in ponds and rivtrs inclofed, are tithable in kind. W. Inft. B. 2. c. 2. HOUSES. No tithe by right is payable for them, but by cuftom, except in the city of London, modufes being for what inereaferh ; now houfes decreafe, and are inheritances, and it is a rule no tithe fhall be paid for inheritances ; nor can hufbandry be exercifed without houfes : noblemen's are exempted by Stat. 38 Hen. 8. MILLS and IMPROVED RENTS. All corn-mills, not erected before Stat. 9 Ed. 2. are tithable, but if before the F f f 2, memory 4to Case of the/ memory of man, tlie law prefumes them to be before the ftatute. Yet if one pays tithe for b. J52 32 Adderr + x M rw© PO PO o N w f^ »*> f. .4- CO U"iOO «- vO ++O«D0O wtv.fl pi vO O roOO vO ~ M« MN N « M w C) I<1 H n H tl n OvO t^-O O OvO o v> O -+.V o pooo pi o *t-oo vo o o O to r~-oo o r-~ ?» povS pi * "^ Ooo vn rl- O vo PO t~~ O P* t~*- p» " . IH OvO fv + M (-^vO vO N » ?» PI S3 3-5 s9s9 -° " ¦o -o -a -a ¦si J a to u c a ,o r; 2 o u O (C £ S3 .s^jr sss2 in itl.r.rlll-E Mi .- -a MM PO i-i. PO PO t S « N «W M «M PJ SS O0/y c —i U O U -M »— |Jh '.-I C )-» L- U* n o i-^poyi fON M ,(i M « n M h M M Pi N ' » M M N N «rt MJ. M PI Pi PO CO- PO « , h K PO - o N Co rt ?*M JM 3 >iUj: g J3 J- P W) DC u i- C. c C U aj .— = T3 "O "U "O "O -O "O T3 "C T3 < < < «tj << PI ta ... 1_ _. v .. fc. L> *|.-.a O « rt J3 O "O "v3 'TS I N D £- XI 417 AHhaVows Lombard St. _— Staining __ — ; — on the Wall Albington All Saints Kent — -Camb. 4*> Almali Aimer Almefbury . Almisford . Almonfbiiry Alne AIneton Alneham Alnfcott'Alphamfton '^Ipheton;Alphington Alresford 'Alrinton Alta Offley Altcar Alternon AlthamAlthornAlthorpeAlton 'Alyandley ¦ Chelmsford - Hert. ¦ in Hoo • Hunts. ¦ Leiceft. • Lynn ¦ Maiden - Norwich ¦ Northampton ¦ Oxon - Stamford -SufT.- Wore. - Evefham ¦ York 10 224 in P-3 180, 306 3» 339 106 231 206 3°4 208, ib. 212 259 232 24.5 *95285 190 4? 88, 90, 91 32-325 13' r3 149 47 310 54 27,41 16 163 96 288* 234 279 117 24°> 333120 164 79 13' 75 232 188 » 3,i°> 334 7i Alveley Alverftoke Alvefton. Alveton Alvingham Alvington Alwalton Alwarden Alwardifcot Alwington' AmberleyAmble fide AmbleftonAmbrofden Amington Ampleford Ampney Amport AmpthillAmptonAmnngale Amroth Amwill Ancafter Ahderby Anderfton * Andover Angerfleigh Angulo AnnefteyAnfty AnftonefieldAnthony AntinghamAnwick. Apildram Ap I ton Apoftolorum duod. Appleby AppledoreAppletonAppulton Apulby Ararth • Ggg2 230 3363" 125 187 125 210 197 »5 "S «5 83 368 287 286 29 »37 '¦¦33.* 196 282 247 370 243 187 81, 176 48 332 65 37°' 37° 33 168, 242 163 126, %26i, ib. '73 95 260 98 217 5 , 29 260, 318 189380 ' ApuJby 69, ib 4'8 I - NT E 'l £ i X. Arbiftock 348 A/hby C«#i| Thirn :'.lfr 2S? A^borfield 32 1 — -r- de la Zouch 2U Arcal parvai 161, 162 Afljcoi^be, , 1x7 ^.rcliffe 986 Afhdon 239 A|Qop H7 Afhe '¦¦'•' 2 ^rdeley 286 Afhholt 53 Ardington 319 Afheidam 232 .ftrdleigh 34° Afhelworth; 138 Breton 344 Afhford ILI> 121 Arkeng'arhdale 8 1 Airfield ., , .269 Arkefden 236 Am . 56*249 Arleckden 82 Afbindon 2-38 Arlefy *97 Afhington $: U 0,3^.28^0 Arkfe'y 20 Alhley 164, ,274, 299--3-H. Arley' *66, 326 3*8 Arlingham '37 Afhmanhaugh, . .26.6 Arlington, 9* Affemore 44 Arm in. 38 Afhney .29.7 Armitage ibb, Afhover '57 Armthorpe 20 Afbprington 122 Arncliffe 18 Afhraignye 123 Arnold 33 Afhted 341 Arringtoq , 1.02 Afhtbri 71, 77. 1^,312 Arrow 328 Afhurft , 306 Arundel 8s Afl'Water x\b Artliingworth, 298 Aihwell 205, 2S2, 3OO sArthurft 67, ib- Afhwbod 20| Afcot 2-88 Afkarthe 80 Afearby A(h ^77, 303, 173 Afkerwell M 335*343 Aikha'm H Alhbettpn ?i8 Afkum 343 Afihbocking . 1. ' , *368 Afjackby 17-2 'AfJtbdrrlie Afbbucnham j6o Afpatrick •66 -; 87 Afpden 205 Afjhbury iig> 318*319 Afpleguife 196 Alhby Line, 177, 179 AfpundelJ : 48 ~t-— Cumb. 68 Aftall ' ., ¦ 289 ^ — Fol ville . ':,. 215 Aftbury 73 vt- — , and Halagfton ' 246 Afterby 179 de la Land ' • i.v{,.' I73i Aftley 326 Leodgaris ;:,- ^93 Afton 20, 69, 7 1, I5*> I5?» Magna 2l6 ' 205 parva ; a 1 6 . Abbots 200 -, — Puerorum 182 BTapk . 14° Afton I N D E X. 4*9 AflonBptterel ri- 154 — — Birmingham ¦¦ • v, 166 Cantlow 328 • Clinton 202 . — - Flamvile 2l6 — — Ingham 148 : Rowant 286 — — - Sandford 203 ¦ Somerfield '34 — ~— Sub Edge 134 r — Torald 318 Aftvvick »97 Afwarby 182 Afwardby 173 Athelhampfted' 47 Athelington 275 Atherfton 327 Athill '3 »\thwicke 20 Attenborough 33 Attilborough 262, ib. Attingham 162 Attlebridge 265 Atwick 24 Audley 164 ji&igdonei Sc. Glouc, 138 Aughton -.,. 78 Aulefcombe : .; 113 Au'iton ,:¦ 327 Aumer 260 Auxton 22 Averbury «44»3" Averring 141 Aven • 3*3 Averham 34 Jlveton 125 Avington 32°r33T Aufley 166 Auftrell 128 .Aj^burne 23, 182 Awefley 167 Awkerington ' 287* Awnfby *73 Awre I-36 Awthorp 176,: 1 8? Awthorpe 32 Awthton 26 A^bridge s? Axmouth 114. Axmynfter 114, ib. Ayleibury, 203 Aylesford 303 Ayleton 145, 210 Aylifbeare I iO Aylmifter < '47 Aynesford 306, ib. Ayno 291 Ayfhton 114 Aynfton 291 Ayftqn 30J B TJABCAREY JD Babchild 54 9 Babingley 260 Babington 59» 73 Baburham ¦>r I OJ Babworth 35 Backwell 63, ib. Baconfthorp 258 Bacton '49> 27s Badbey «, -¦>¦ 293 Badcombe '- '54 Baddeley ¦J*T 73 Badihgham 274 Badlefmere 7 Badow 230, ib. 231 Badmington '39 Badfey 325 Badfworth 20 Badwell afh 269 Bagbrook 290 Bagborough 64 Bag Enderby j82 Bagenden '34 Baggintpn 169 420 I N D EX. Baghurft BagforeBagthorpeBagworth Bailham Bakesferd Baketon Bakewell Balcomb Baldock BalfallBalfham BalftedBam-ber BamptonBanburghBanburyBangor Banham Baningham BanftedBanwell Barbey Barchefton Barcombe Batdney Bard fey BardwellBarefqrd BarfordBarkolmeBarkbyBarkeftonBarkfordBarkhamBarkingBarklowBarkway • BarlavingtonBarleborough,Barley BarlingBarlingsBanning i95> Page 335 Barmingham 81, 258^ 269 152 Barmifton .:»* 24. 250 Barnby 21, 26 51. 142 Barnburgh 20 268 Barneby 34 74 Barnes 341 266 Barnefley 22, 133 156 Barnet 241 88 Barnetby 192 205 Barney 266 16-7 Barnham 85, 256, 268, ib. 104 Barningham t ibi, ib. 278 Barnock 296 184 Barnolby 180 69, 288*, ib, ib. Barnoldfwick 19 256 Barnfby 15 287* Barnftaple 1 1 1 7'> 372 Barnwell 296, ib. 262 Barocombe 120 257 Barondefton 272 345 Barrington 103, 140, ib. 5i Barroby 181 292 Barrow 52, 70, 159, 192, 327 211, 255, 281, 330 88 Barrowden 302 191 Barry >"-¦"- 361 H Barfham 283 268 Barfted 91 327 Barfton 213 ,256, 287*, 311 Barthumley 73 189 Barton 29, 68, 102, 192 215 All Saints 253 |8i — ! Blunt ijy 197 — r — in the Clay 194 321 David 55 228, 268 Earles 209 104 rinFabis k:}y' f 3' 242 — r— on the Heath 327 94 Magna 282 '57 - — • Mills 273 242 St. Andrew 253 238 — Segrave 294 «85% Stacie 338 Page 305 -t- — Turfe 267 BarweU Wtt t#&d bd ted &3 W UJC* CJ w u U W sag) 3 3 sr 19 era R fingbo fingfto El if rt ^3 3 »¦ FT* 3- Cri -1 n *¦ £» o ¦a 3 « 3- Oi vO COOv to OO O 00 « _ m IO 00 O On vO MUJ4. -f=- U OvCvOJ> O 10 OOOJ M OO M M (0 vD O W On i-n On i OO OCOi nnIUi MfcOtotO MOOM Huh OOOJOOOOO m vO OOOOOO OOOOOJ to -p. mj>-j OOlOvO K> On U M M to OJ OO M oo M OO 10 M on On On +• O OO^l O OOO O U 00 O w m OOOJ OO On- 0+- vOJ> "^ O^J OO OO 10 M -v) 2 o cow rt m Kb a 3 era o oa 00 tototototocototototocotototo rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt « S. 3 era. 3 ^ o3 o o 3 3 cr to co to w ro co co w w ww w w to w w to co w w co'w rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt rt rt rt rt rt rt Cl-D-Cl-CVCi-uj-D-CuCuC-Ci-CJ-CuCl-fViQ »rto3^^1?«jsls»§5 5-5-5-g-rtnBtK:SJo ¦J.»< 2 g » n-o 3 i 6 19 o % era r 3 £ " ? oo c to to to w to rt rt rt rt rt o n rt o o W ?r W pr 7? Sera ' s3 3. O < W rt 3 -a »-. o 3 10 10 w oo ¦^1 to to On Ov -j ,oo v© n -t- oo r< o m m u .* v. »* V. . (Omm utoto.Mtoooiooooo *»*»._.., »* »* m "* OO OO NW kDDWNW W w M ,M K. ~ m »-j m on oo+- innioviwio-l'vjviuav o->>. ¦£ ot oo -v> o Jl> o oon to Ovo+-vjW-vi+ oo oovO oo on oo oocn Oi O 00 00 Q O OOVi vnCifliflUivj o -f- ^> OWI fr»M »s ™H* UO to i-i OJ m CrvWi CWt NO" to to vQ +• Oo OOOJ 00 42a I HI ft E: XL Bempton 23 Bettifhanger s Beflacre 272 Bettwi r 349, 35°» 352* 3?2> Benagre 58 376 Benenden 3 Beverley 27 Bengeworth ,325 Beverfton *35 Ben ii all 278 : Bewcaftle by Ben ham 322 Bewdeferte 328 Benington 205 •Bewfield 4 Berijoy 207 BfexhiH 88 Bennington 183 Bexley 306 Bennirigworth 191 Bey ton 277 Benfted 344 Beyxby 176 Bentham 76 Biberie J33 Bentley 160, 239 j 240, 278 Bicker 183 Bentworth - 334 Bickleigh 124(125 Ben y field 296 Bicknor 9, 136, 147 Beoly 329 Biddenden 2 Bere Ferers 125 Biddulph 164 Berely H7 Bideford n5 Berfreyfton 8 Bidford 3Z9 Bergh 256 Bidnam *93 Berghapton 246 Bidfton 74 Bergholt 235 Bifleet 343 Berkhamfted 206, ib. Bigburie 125 Berkeley 58» 135 Bigbye 192 Berkfwell 166 Bigglefwade 197 Bermer ¦257 Bightori 334 Bermondfey 342 Bignell 166 Berners Rothing 233 Bignor 9° Bernfton 232 Bigrave 205 Berfted 9 Bil burgh .33 Berrington 152, 161 Bilcliamwell 251, ib: ib. Berry w 350 Bilchfieid 174 Berwick 13, 62 >9t> 3J7 Bildefton 279 Berrynarber 120 Biilefby 176, 179 Besford 33° Billefden 214 Befiells Leigh 320 Billefley ' 32« Beflenthwait *7 Billing 493, ib. Beffonby 23 Billingay 186 Befthorp 262 Billingborough 172 Bethomc »3 Billingford 26i*, 263 Betring 248 Billingham 98 Betrifden 2 Billinghurft 93 Bettifcomb 39. Bjllinglley . i?4 Billockfby pf « vO OWQ OvO nuiN O* V> vv © vO 08 OM V» m OO vO lAW N t^ W> OvO l*v O N IwV© M M COvO w vO tH O vO M fcft vih n-to h aNti hooui P0MvvvJj-i/-)MMt-^Th uivo o rhoo o t- r-oo r- cooo rj-vno poo i^-opi wnb — — - ^ '~.^v -: -. ~. --. pi n po, c* po s n« cih ton »a «t(M « N « „ MW0O O 00 M PICO h M N « ^ M « P-- vO vS -irf ca fi OJ > "vg c *-• .-. ^ fr co ye hington kbourne -o u CJ X X ra .ra rt S 3° I « P 5 f -o _ 3 *j O 3 fc 3 0 ra -O xi vis -S4 .04 _i4 j«; -.% .14 5»"2 >v' o u u rt rt rt -o. wo: H -5 rt c o o o. g ^ •a — 5o on xjX! *\S-S c i* i'jg >>3° s 4 -i4 -V4 -^4 -i4 -V G Cw > ' S>v i?-i rt tl >f VJ >y fc. 4^ *J .fc. .* ST^X) irtrtrtrart.rtrt.rartrartrarartrtrtrtajaj'^'U.Ctajiuqitftjuaj.^ Si5w3i55Sctifl5Sw35SSS S-cq 3 oq 5 3 3 3 3 3 cq 3 33 53oqco3cq333533pq S-ji!T3 C d3 X5 -C O -J- , - - " wararara.rtq.ra. ran rara rart raw raiuijaj. u.O. " - S JiJ rt O-S X! > r. fc G XJ m POvO vO OO .; PI M _ tl h -J-mOO V"|00 vO ^C vO "I -3-vO-OO *t- PI 00 PO M OQ N PO^S PO. COOO M CO PI CO Pi . Pi P* ~ IT)"** O pi o. o >o <£ 2 IU jo g>P c S §-« - - o xi Q-U3 I-- oo O PO O vO O H COvO PO M o . PI O 00 v* « o CO O N PI m w CO O O CO Pi PO PO ¦60 N -=J-vO rg r- m m pi I POCO M „ MP) •» PO M, o m O O vO U-l POPOP1 O M -^I-VO >-> afftvo n ii h M« C !»,"0 i> x: ja _y OO to MicS V ^4 B C X- O a — • . C "S5rtOfc-rt'"5>i oxii-xjxixi^vSXi. ,-s. J.4 c, e « rt X. ^v. x: ao^ w MB C~ c -a na js» j4 ^ S p-« 2 ii c o 1).s PIo i .d o B a S S.'S.'R O Jr 2 2 o es«Sjs c c e s 5 job g^g g 13 fi i- gig fc.^ C «j ,,g. fc. jjCji^iisiS e5 H«ffl SS'S-Mi3W-M-« W'«-m«w-m-^-pt»M^wioa-mwP3«-rt «« u C &2 cl, a, a, o o o a met* S c O O m a e ^s s s » a. H fc. S o 2-5 ^ 2 e o-C 6 o " O S « J3 S 424 I N D EX. Blickling 258 Blifland 130 Blifworth 297 Blithborough 273 Blithfield 164 Blitoh 178 Blockley 324 Blofield 245 Blenham 197 Blontelham 208 Blore Roy 163 Blounfden 312 Bloxhatn 173, 287* Bloxworth 47 Bludworth 37 Blundefton 276 Blymhill 162 Blythe 36 Bobinger 237 Bochenhampton 41 Bocking 11 Boconnock 132 Bodenham 150 Bodham 255 Bodington 94> 291 Bodmyn !3I Bodney 251 Bodvean 356 Bodveryn 3*7 Bodyham 87 Bokeham 344 Bokenham 251 Bolam IOO Boldon 98 Boldre ,337 Bole 36 Bolingbroke *75 BoHas 160 Bollfover 158 Bolnehurft *95 Bolney 89 Bolftertone 22 Bbltham 182 Bolton 1 8, 19, 21,' 66 Bolton in the Moors Percy in the Sands BonchurchBondelyBpneleghe . Bonvilfton Bontefhall Bonton Boothby Graffoo Borden Borderfbury Boreham , BorianBorleyBorrington Bofbury Bofcombe Bofeham Bofbeck Boffall Bofton BofworthBothal)BothbyBoth urn fall Botill BotjeighBotsfleminge BottesfordBotteshamBottlebridgeBovitracyBoughroddle 128 77 '3 83 344 192112 360'59 258 .185 9 168 230 , ib. 234 112 *45 3°9 95 268 15 183 217 97 180 36 82 339 126 189, 213 105 210118 376 214 Boughton 1, 2, 6, 8, 36, 253, 293 BoufgeBourne Bowbrickhill BowdenBowes GifFard BownesBox Boxford 104, 277 172 201 71,215, 298 8r 228 67 313 279 Boxgrave index. 425 Bfcxgrave 86 Bramfhott 334 Boxley 8 Brancafter 257 Boxted 236 Brand 256 Boxwell 138 Brandefburton 24 Boxworth 103, 320 Brandefton 263* 277, 292 Boynton 23 Brandon 273 Boyton J31' 3'7 Branefcombe 109 Bozeat 295 Branfton 185, 301 Braceburgh 189 Brantingham 26 Braceby 181 Branxton. 97 Brackley 292 Brapel 40 Bracewell 18 Brafsbridge 185 Bradalton 64 Brafted 30& Bradborne 5> 160 Brattleby 185 Braden 291 Bratton 55, 118, 12© Bradenham 204 Branghing 244 Bradeworthy 116 Brauncewell J73 Bradfield 240, 267, 282, ib. ib. Braunfton 213 283, 321 Braunton 120 Bradford 27, 42, 45, 65, 116, .Braxted magna 240 316 — ¦ parva 241 Bradley 159 162, 165, 180, Bray 321 271, 272 Braybrooke 298 Bradlie 334 Brayfield 298 Bradninch 119 Brayles 327 Bradfton 123, 245 Braynefton 47 Bradwell 140; 201, 231, 240, Brayton 14 276, 289 Breamore 337 Brafferton 16 Breane 52 Braham 278 Breckles 2 49 Brailsforth r57 Brecon 374 Braintree 235 Breddenbury *45 BraithwelJ 21 Brede 87 Braitoft 177 Bredelloth 368 Brakenafh 254 ^Bredfield 239, ib. Brambrough 93 Bredgar 9 Brarridean 334 Bredicore 326 Braraerton 247 Breden 212, 330 Bramfield 272 Bredfall 158 Bramford 112, 268 Bredwardine 149 Bramham H Breewood 163 Bramley 336 Breinton H5 Brampton 67, 148, 209, 258, Bremhill 310 ¦ 272, 293, 299 Bremilham 3H Hhh2 Brenchley 426 INDEX. BrjenchleyBrendbnBrenfetBrent Brentford Brentilleth Brentingthorpe Brentwood BreokeBreretonBrefworth Bredforton Bretenham BrewardErickhilJ . - — r-^ — magna tm—^ parva Bride Kirk BrideftoweBridford . Bridge Solars Bridgham BridgruelBritTgftock BridgwaterBrjdftow SrJggefleyJrjgham Sr^ghthelmftonjfrightling BrightftoneBright walton B«ghtwell JMrnptonBxiackhil|BrinkleyBringhurft Brington Bringwin BrinhiU 3°5 121 5 122 227 279216 230 127, 129 73 276325 262, 279 131 202, 331 201201 67 123 "4 149 262 116 299 53 146192 180 82if988 338 320 286, 32,3, 8,1 204 t?i, 320 182 104 214 209, 293 3^3 77 Brinklow Brinkworth Brinton Bniley BriftonBritchelfey Britton Ferry Britwell Solham Brixham BrixtonBrixworth Broad Chalke Cliffe Oake BroademinetBroadhemburieBroadmayne Broad was BroadwaterBroadway Brobury Brockhpfe Brockjefby Brockley Brockworthe Brodehempfton BrodewayBrodewood Kelly Wiger 1673t3 255 *4** 343 255 1 Brodey BrodfworthBrodwinfor Broke BrokedifhBrokelandBrokeleyBrokefby Brokethorp Brome Brpmehall Bromefgrove Bromefwell Bromfield 240 362 286 117317 299 312 109 132 112 "9 42 326 93 325 149 293 192 64 14a 116 42 118 123 36.9 2139 - ! 344 26a 5> 112 281215 138 246, 276, 325 194 329, 283. 66, 152, 206, 231 . Biomham- INDEX. '4*7 Bromhard 310 Buckland Filleighe 123 Biomley 165, 166,* 227, 239, Monachorum 125 ib. 305 T? Inovp * *» - jxiucra 43 Bnompton 29 57>58>i5i Bucklebury ,320 Btomlhelfe 163 Buckleftiam 271 Bromyard 144, ib. ib. Buckminfter 212 Bromyfborowe 136 Bucknel 286 Brondon 234 Bucknell 151 Brook 2, 246 BUckrell i*9 Brozeley J5t Buckwoorth 34* Brotherton 14 Buckworth 209, 34c Broughton 18, 31, 74' 7*» *57> Budbrooke 3*) 188, 201, 208 ,212, 287*. Buddefton 314 i 298, 338 Bud worth' yi ArtIcy 216 Bugbroke 293 r~. G.fford 316 Bugby 294 -ta Hacket 33* Bugthorpe 17 — « Pogges 289 Bulbridge 3*S BuQwifhford ' 57 Bulfann 228 Browne Candover 333 Bulford 3l° Broxborne 243 Bulkington ib? Brpxholme 184 Bull well 33 Broxfted 233 Bulmer *s> 23s Brundall 245 Bulwick 299 Brtodefpeth 98 Bumpftead ad Turrim 234 Brungwin 376 Bumftead Helion 239 Brunles 375 Bunbury 73, 287* Brunftead 267 , Bungay 284 Bmfhford "3 Bunney 32 Brympsfield i4r Bunningflone 5 firynefhope 150 Bunwell 252 ftqrfingham 260 Burbage 315 Bujbbing 9 Burcefter 287 Bubwith 26, ib. Burdfide 83 Buckden 209 Bures "280 Buckenham 245, 263 Bures Mount 235 Buckfaftleigh 122 Burford 15 0, ib. 289 Buckinghall I79 Burgate 275 Buckingham BuckingtonSuckland 4, 7, I98 Burgh 68, ib. 177, 191, 253, IIO 47 > 56> lib fb. Burgham 270, 276 68 242, 320, 341 Burghill 150 — — — Brewer ns Burgwales. 20 — - — Dinham 59 Burgwifh 87, ib. Burham 42 5 I N D E X. Burham Buriton Burlefton Burlie BurlingtonBurlifcombBurmerlhBurnby Burnell Burnefton Burnet Burnham 5i» ib, BurnholmeBurnley BurnfallBurntbroughton Burrough BuroughclereBurrow Burfham Burftall Burfted Burfiocke BurftonBurftowBurtfordBurthorpe Burton 46, 83, • Agnes ¦ Coggles ¦ Fleming • Haftings ¦ HafTey Joice — — Latimer ——Leonard. Overy Pidfey on Stather Burwarton Burwafcot Burwell • 3°4 . 336 47 300 23 124 *5 26 161 8064 199, 231, 249, ib. ib. 250, ib. 25 75 18 186 258 332 104, 212 85 204 228, ib. 40 260 341 3"137 139, 140, rb8, 184^ 37i 23 *74 '3 168173 33 294 79 214 24 188>54 187, 274, ib. Bury 77.^5 Pomery . 116 Burythorp *7 Bufhbury 163 Bufhey v 241 Buflingthorpe , 185 Buftlefham 321 Butcomb 63 Butlerfmarfton 327 Butley 60 Butterleigh 119 Butterwick 183 Buxhall 281 Buxted 92 Buxton , 258 Byfield 291 Byford 149 Bynham 266 Byntree 263 Byrling 3°5 Byfeley 141 Byfham 322 By ton 148 Bywell 97»98 Byxgibwin 287* C jpiABOURNK^J Cadbury 189 112 Cadeby 217 Cadington 194 Cadleighe 112 Cadney 192- Cadoxton 360, 361 Caerwent 3^4 Caernys 347' '*• Cainby 171 Caincham 153 Cairleon 3^4 Calborne 338 Calceby 176 Caldbeck 66 Caldacot INDEX 429 Caldecot Caldecote CaldicotCalleigh Calloes CalneCalthorpeCalfthropCalftrockeCalfton Calverley CalvertonCamberwellCambourne Camelton, Camely Cameringham CamertonCarnineCampden CampfallCamrosCandelCandlefby Canewdon CanfieldCanford Cannings CanningtonCantleyCantreffeCanwickCapells Carbrooke Carcolfton Cardeflon , Cardigan Cardington . CafdinghamCardleyCareby Carefwall Carew Carharpptpn t 104 167, 211, 251 205, 364 112 3H310 258 187126 3n 28 37> 201342 128 197 58 171 58,67 J35 J 34 21 37i 45 177 238 232, 233 47 310 53 21, 245 374 186 278249 32 *53 372 193 132 144 174164 37° '58 i5t Carifbrooke 338 Carleby , • 189 Carleton 104, 214, 247, 299 Carlton 18, 20, 194, 274 Covel in Lynrike in Morel magna — — — parva Rode - St. Mary __ St. Peter Scrope Carlifte St. Cuthbert's St. Mary's Carmarthen Carnaby Carno Caroge Caron CarfingtonCarfwillCartmel Cartram Cafcomb Caflington Cafter Caftell Cafterton — Afhby CaftleacreCaftlebitham Caftlecarrick Burgh Camps Cary Carlton Church DonningtonEaton Martin Moreton Sowerby 276 35 182 188 187 252 254 .254 186 68 68 ' 37» 23 356 373373 160, 288 111 75 342377 289 192 359 300 ?97 368104 55 188 344 212 312370 33° 67 260 165 174 68 Caftlecomb 4J€> Caftlecomb 3*3 Caftle Eden IOO Caftleford 27 Caftleton 156 Caftlewalwyn "37* Cafton 249 Caftor 192, 296 Oterftock 39 Cijtefby 292 Catewick. 24 Catfield 87, 265, 267 Catemere 320 Galterick 80 Catton 25. 265 Catworth 209 Caundell 46, ib. Cauthorp 177, r86 Cavendilh 280 Casvenham 273 Cayersfield 198 Cavskwell 179 Cawthorne 22 C'awfton 258 Caxton 104 Cerne Abbots 48 Ceviftorn 209 Chacombe 292 Choddefley ' 325 Chafcombe 56 Chagford 114 Chaihame 287* Chakendea Clterbery 44 Chaldfield 316 Chal'dbn. 42» 345. Ohaldfington 309 ChaWweU 223 Chafe 338 Chalfount 199, tb. Chalgrave *95 Chalgrove a86 Charke 304 Chahon 91' 336 Chalvington 92 INDEX. Chapelhill CharburgheChardftock Charde CharingCharlebury ' CharlecombeCharlecote Charles Church CharlefworthCharlewood Charlton 4, •Adam ¦ Camfield -Mackarell Charmouth CharrellChart • CharthamC hartley CharweltonChafeley Chatefham Chatherfton ChatteringtonChatton Chattres Chaw ton ChayleighChebfey Checkenhall CheckerellCheckley ChedderCheddon ChedelhamptonChed grave ChedillChedingfoldChedingftoneChedingtonChedfeyChedull 365 4840 56 2 287 53 328119 321 341 54, 125,286,. 304, 346 61, 62 6040 120 1,2,8, 1 343 292 33° 279 40 337 106 334 88^ 1641 231 42 l6j 5164 110 247 7* 343 306 3953 163 Chedworth oooooo o oooo ooo J3-=j-.s-s-o-a-3-crBrs3-E5-B-CP=r nnnnnnnnnnnnnn 3s--s-fc?»5:'5»51sa&5a»svft->3,^ . ,- == es n f ?-- 5=^ ?sii:S2ss6o' M O 3^ EJ. jo 3^ B 00 =r cp 3.3 S«I O ' 3 OOO p- cr BT n'S: S> cr 5/ o S 5 < n> cr IA OOOO .CT cr cr E3- £*. 20 13. S- 0000 cr cr-cr cr o EL, Si. OL 3 3 Eva" g.E?3 maS>O3 OOO II W. — rtT nf w S> Si » o £5. 3 3 O- cr OOOOO* cr cr cr cr er pa ra (9 m If 3. S3 I" 3-3.3- O-r- 4>- 1 » 1 ~J 1 10 o o to M i» Q Oo ^ vO to m 00 VO to " IO O M -J OO OOo on N v~i vOvO J*i m « ~ .. fc. 10 00 m OJ to to to ¦on O ~j oo-f> ~J -t» oo- toon OOOtooo-JOnvO OOooOvO^J OO000OO (O 00" -^1 vO OO -t>- -!»¦:*• On OvOJ>-f> 00O-i?fc"-Jl tJOO O 0 OO 2 ggc?3 ooooo Cr pr pr tr 3" 2T 2" » smb " C n » 2- to3 3° ft p 00 "ETEC ?O T3 "§•"8 I 8 00 cr a* 3*5' BM 0 =r> fc. o ^ M. o. 00 cr cr 20 O w o oco3COO < on- « 1^" -> .T Ov 000 pr fr cr to J=? 3 •o 6 0 S ff^Eff., 03 3 cr a. « s £ <5 ° o^ o 3 tra n 3^5 o to H ~ 3 v"5 i>VCrq O TO 3 ¦"• to Oov ¦*- M» V. aroo 00 -f»- 01 -t>- on wvooo -otoo ---i S-j oooooo mm»>h ooooooo> to00o K> MNOO -OOOO _ W _ 1 OO tO M OOO M vO M vO Q> OOVrt ko -fvOW M vj) -v> o On *• 1-1 w h" w 00 OO -J m 10 hvovn oovO s> 00 10) 00 ta MOO e,;-^ +¦ OO OO vO OO m • OO OOM On to to OV «• 10 N" WW OUi OCiMSjO to m vO 4» OO m .00 43 2 t N 0 E X. ChifletChitterneCtuttingleyChbbamCh-cknell ChollertonCholfhuryChofelChoulfey Chrift Church Chriftian Malfbrd GhriftowChudleigh ChumteighChurchdmin Churchill io 318,^. 92 343 33° 785 97 20b 258 323 4t> 22jk 337, • 3^43'3 114117 112 288 ¦ parva Church Eyton — - — ' Honeyburii — : Kirk — — — — Langton Minfhull -• Staunton Churcham ChurchillChurchlenchChurchover ChurftoW Chute Cirencefter Clanfield ClangonazClannaburghClaphamClaptonClardenClareClareboroughClatworthyClavelleigh ClaveringClaughtonClawton 44 162 325 75 2T4 '73«i 136 325>33i 33° 167 1263r5 r3^ 289, 336 151 112 76, 85, 342296329 124, 272 36 57 115 236 . 76 116 ClaxbyClaxton Claybrook Claycooton Clayton ClayworthCleator CleavelodCleberrieClederClee CherClehedon Clehenger Clenchwarton Clendon ClentCleve ClewdonCleydon Cliburn CliburyCliffeClifford Clifton Clitton Cain ville Clippefby Clipfton Clift Founfon — St. George — St. Mary Clifthydon CliftlaveranSClitheroClive CLojbrdClokaynog ¦ CJqmky ClophamClophill Clopton 176,1(50 213, 240, ib-.2tf ' 216293 88 35 82 330150 131 180 378 "3 124, 146 259- 298' 325 255, 310 64 269 69 154 go* 93, 296 134, 149 1, 41, 68, 151, 197 45' 201 165 •253 , 298. ib. no JIQ no 119 119 75 142, 306 59 355271 194196 107, 270 Clothall -on Marybank ¦ Revnes 64 OOOOI o ra *< ^ 3-» J- y. o O _3 „ g -a SI S'^ o3-c§ g. o » 3 3 OOOOOggggg O^v- v^ v^ c ra g- o p B. 3 3 r »" 3" £ g. a 3Ol ra | 13" £1. oo Ov oo M M m IO M OO t0t0t0O0t0"OJMl000tJlO M M iv m »>_i v* . . fc.._|s. — ^ r\ n VI- OO OO •O w vO oo fc. ^j IO " OO 00 oo O-ffc oo M OJ OO M tO Olrt to oo On O O kjm tOMto tOMMMivoMoo ^ .K ,o 3_ J_ ~ rZ J_ S,n as_n vo oo Ej^i «¦*¦ o> ov Sj £«• S; (Nn to oo on ov o ?Hs^o.is^vS-e^'SvS §:c?S'o^5titt *^& %& gre^g %*•+ ot oo?- s- ^oo - -.u.^ ^ -<- 1 oooooo oon ooooooooo 3 3-3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ;o-crcro-crcrcrrj-a- «5 •-« 2 EL 2 3 w cr »__ xi 3 ^ 3 o £ fi .vV AS oo3 cr "J= 2. a> fcj o » cr -i /r PJ K. ra I-1 cr ra S 5' 5' 3' 5' 5' fl |c?S-| S^o S S s 3 3 3 ooooo £L £. 2. £. £¦ i_r ?? ~ <_*Ck Q -V O ?£? o ?r3 £o 3 Q fc- 3 cr ° O O O O o o_,o o_ S«S lis. OM .3__ « o -a O to. Uo s**m m *?«* »*&£¦ &?m* *n.n i«rs»*s»s 11 co *• ^ o pi oo «06C6 « in pi 1/1:73 m oo oo pi to ivi rh ir> " NPl M „ O oo o OO PO W o-~ Pl vO PO.PO P- p) P-. VO 6 NO>U eo ov o c «* « !3 &a, u oj >. oooo OOOO £;;& ""! J2i?2N05 pot^p»opi vo "Si'P^o P.p.p.o>0»*m, p» p» p» p> ro vO 00 S3 ~ $ t I C CO e e o o oo -o .O < J2 O- ¦ E "O «j Ss'-C ra MCQOQ C4 HI "O M o ^ g M .2 uc TJ O S- ra 01 QO£ CUOi> c I ¦ S .5 "fees s* 5 >> Oi js Xi to ra -53 .9.9.9.°OOQOOOOOOOOOOOOQ. OO e? ff&n n n r!-- o o-o y-o-uu-o o oooooo ooooo o 06 00600 o I UI• lPPpprappppnpanOpnnopoooooooooononnnoooooo S8li.lsJ3'3 2 3S3 32 2 33 3 3 33 3'3 32 2 3 .S-.2 ^iiSSSSSIl . ¦§»£? §*§¦§ II ra-?!-^? 1 |cg g- f- §> 1 1 jii>f b frilp-!!! |H§4i r r r g. b cr g» « g, a. = || 3 o- ° g g^ n « St.. 5 5> ^¦5-^.S sf <5 »* ™ M OJ O vO O •" O » IO v. ^ O tO J> M M vO M CO U +- - -ivo: I J to to 10 to to m fc- m OOOO OO IO tOMfcotOOotOlOtOtOM** Wf.,u.|.. *. t.v ks •* f.v m •aOjCTiMvDvO m J> OlO M OO-S O M--J OOi -vj. vO <0 -u GSlSSi -¦ Jkw N ^5v£ ^v m m vO O £ ~. oo O £ -^OOOOMOOOO^vO^tOtrt I^OiONM M OO- W«£ vO £ 0-£ M ?"t0^ OvOoTC STlIn vS £ l2 £ ?" 0§£ £ 2 a Pfc?^n9PPPPC>pnppppppppppppppoooooo oooooooooooo ««lHfiHf}ft-s!ttM!U||FI»ili!P|HlMi- ° *" ff n> g n u. a 2. m "a 3 3 •— oo .- . - 60 v* I-I M VO M W -ffc Ov «> Oo oo- M O ,. -J '" Oi -f£&vSS.^oovg&B«E& 06^-0^ *i- j£ KHH O O-fcrv « -4' H O 00 OW W CVQvNh *0* O ot t3 00 to » qv v*. 436 INDEX. D DACRE Daddington BagenhamP/aSborraw CrutiweH 3*3 Crues 121 Cruetheke 126 Cromwell 34 Crundall 2 Cnbbington 169 Cuberte 130 Cubit i 184 Cnbley i57 CubHngtcsti 200 Caddefdon 288 Ceiddington 289 Cod worth 57 Culford 269 Cu-llefdon 34^ Culm Stock 124. Culmington 54> !52' Culne 133, ib. Culnwyn 137 Culpho- 270 Culfton 3*5 Culve 53 Cal worth 291 Cumberworth 28 Curdworth 166 Crarewyard J51 Curry ' 56 Curtenhall 297 Curriinguon 287 Cufop 149 Cutcombe 57 Cutton no Cuxham 286 Cuxton 3°3 Cwm 347, ib. Cwmydayddwr 377 . 67 287* 228 299 Dalderby Dalbury Dalby Dalham Daling Dalinghoe Dallington' Dallingworth DalftonDalton Damerham Danbury DanbyDarfield Darking Darleigh ' Darlington DarringtonDarrowen Darfham Darfingham Dartford Darton Daruth Daflet Datchet Datch worth Daulifh Dauntfey DavenhamDaventree Daylesfbrd; DealDeanDeaneDebenham.DebtlingDechinghan>Dedmgton Dedham Deeping Defford Demefby Denbigh |6, 213, 215 271 255283 87, 295 134 07 l> 75> 99 3"230 20, 8 1 20,21 - 343 156, ib. ioo 28 35 1>'«- 272 259 3os 21 3°7 ibg, ib. v v 199206 117 3'3 73 293324 7 ?9? 77, 82, 136, 195 269 9 246210 »35 1&9 33' 172 349, ib. Penburie INDEX. 43? Denburie 116 Denchurch 320 Dene prior 122 Denes "3 Dengey 231. 232 Denham 199 275 Dennington 275 Densford * 295 Dent 76 Denton 5, 68, 78. 92, 181, ; , 211 260 Deaver 253 Deneell 154 Depden 239 Depding 271 Depham 256 Deptford 3°+ Dereham 67, 139 , 256, ib. Dortington 122 Derwenymajl 355 Desjbrd 217 Defworth 212 Pettfham 122 Deverel Langbridge 317 Devington 7 Devizes :3l1 Devumnoek 374 Dewchurch *47 Dewfal 146 Dew (bury 28 Deynton *39 Dichford 3H .Dichiat 54 Didbroke *35 Diddlebury *53 Didmerton *39 Didfbury 78 Diffield *59 Digby 173 Dikilburghe 260 Dilham 267 Dilhorne 164 Dinas 368 Dinder 55 > H5 Dingley 299 Dinnington 21 Di.nton 200, 202, 311 Dipdene 339 Dirrington 173 Dirfley «3S Diferth 37« Difley 72 Diflerth 347 Diftington 82 Ditchampton 3'8 Ditcheridge 3i4 Ditchning 89 Ditchwood 372 Dittmfdale 99 Ditton J54> 3°5 Dixton H7 Dixwell 206 Docking 257 Dodbrooke 126 Dodderhill 3^9 Doddefcombleigh "4 Doddington 7> 139 Dodford 292 Dodington 54, 107, 182, 299 Dod teflon 70 Dogwells 369 Dogmersfield 335 Domyneke 126 Dojgelle 356 Doncafter 20 Doneghton 86 Donhead 311, ib. Donington 145, 160, 179, 183 Donkerton 58 Dopnington *5 Donnyet ¦ 56 Donton 228 Doore 149 Dopeford 122 Dorlafton 165 Dprchefter '42,43» Dormington 150 Dorney 199 Dorfington TN I3* Dorfton 43» IN D E X. Dorfion DountonDourton Dovebridge Dover Court DbverdaleDowdefwell DowefbyDowilton Dowles Dowlifwake Down Ampney Downe Downeham Downham 75, 228, Downhatherley Dbwnton Dowftowe Draughton Drax Draycot Draycott Drayton 165, -Baflet : — - Beacham — in Hales - Parflow Drtby Driffelde DriffieldDrigge Drokin$fordDronfield • Drydrayton Drykiftorv Drypool DuckingtonDudcotDudinghurftDudley. Dudlington Dufton Dullingham Mg 2x7204 157 240326 142 172 123 151 57 137112 8o, 106 254, 273, 274 142 152, 318 131 298 15 313 164, 315 265, 287* 165 2oo 160 200 178i.34 2682 336 158 jo6282 25 288* 3*9 ¦ 228325 251 69 105. Duloe Dulving Dulverton, Dumbleton Dummer Dunchurch , DunchedikoeDundon Dunderton Dune (by Dunham 37, ib. DuningtonDunkfwell Dunmow Duns Tew Dunsfold Dunsfotd Dunfter Dunftone Dunteiborn Dunton DunwichDurneford DurweftonDufton Duxford Dwygyfylehig DylwynDynchurch DymerchionDymock Dynftow Dyfle EAGLE Earith Earlefcfom.be Earlham Eafington Eafingwold 132, ib. 54 57 134 33S 168 "7 250 123 172: 185, 248, ib. 250: 3" "3 2325233 289 343 . 114 57 2T, l86 I33» ib' 197 272 309 47 295 104, 105 354 150 5 347 136 3°3 269 182 3°4 33i 254286 16 Eaft INDEX. 4-39 Eaft Allington 125 Eaft Quantoxhead '— . Anfty 121 — Randal — Ardelley 28 — Rafen — Barfham 250 — Redford — Bilney 248 — Rouncton — Bradenham 250 — Rudham — Brent 51 — Rufton — Buckland 120, 125 — Tilbury — Budleigh no — Tifded — Carfiell 62 — Tudenham — Chinnock 60 — Walton — Clandon 343 — Wickhafh — Claydon 204 — Wightring — Coker . -61 — Winch — *, Cowton 81 — Witton v Crick 15 — Wood hay — Deane 95 — Worldham — Dean 91 — Worlington — Donyland 235 — Wretham — Drayton 35 Eaftbarkworth — Errington 191 Eaftbourne — : Farley 306 Eaftbridge — Garfton 321 Eaftbridgford — Grinfted 89 Eaftby — Guildford 88 Eaftchurch — Haddon 294 EaftdoWne — Hampftead 321 Eaftham 56, — Hangmering 85 Eaftharptree - — Haningfield 230 Eafthatley -^-'Harling 262 Eafthope — Hartlefey 20 Eafthorpe • -r Hejidreth 319 Eafthothley — Horndon 228 Eaftinghanger — Horfley 343 Eafthambrooke — ldfley 320 Eafthulworth — Kirkby 175 Eaftling — Leche Turvill J34 Eaftmanfted ? — Lexham 248 Eaftmarkham, *• Lidford 55 Eaftmean — Mailing 306 Eaftmerfey — Mardon 95 Eafton 20, 64, 256, — Peckham 306, ib. Bavent — - Pennard 55 Mawditt — Prefton 86, Kkk 53 180 190 36 20 250267229 334 256 260 187 95 260 80 332 335 121 262 191 90,91 5 3i 81 9 120 150, 228 59 107152 235 9i 5 57 43 6 199, ib. 35 336 235 29°» 334272 Eafton 44^ Index Eafton Nefton 297 Eggesford Eaftry ' -7; Eggiden Eaftwell 3> 213, Eggington JEaftwood 238" Egglefcliffe Eaton *52yi95>254!. E.gglesfield Ebbefbourne 3"; Egglingharn- Ebchefter j 00 -Egham Ebberftort 29 Eglos Errow Ebefhame 342 Eglofhele E burton 135 Eglafbrues Eccles 77% 262- 267 Eglwfvack Ecclefhall 164 __ Ylatvd4 Ecclefton 7o5 lb -Eglwyfcymmyn Echingham 87 .EglwyfTail Eckington »57> 331 Egmanton Efton 298 Egmond Edburtons 92 Egmere "Epdingley 37 Egremond "Edenier tSb Egton Edern ;,356 ', Eikering Edgecote 291 Eifey Edgfield 255 Eken EdgWare' 227 Ekefborne' Edgwprthi ' 141 filbertorf Edinghall 66, 166 .'Eldertfieldi 'jtdla^on xbo Eldham Edleibdrouglt 200 Eleham Edlingham 96 Eierkie jdlington 2I> 179 Elford Edmond fham 44 Eling Edmonton 226 Elingdora Edbrandbyers 99 Elingham Edmivfidthorps 213 Elkefton Edfleighe 123 Elkifley Edfton 29 Ellafton Edwajton 32 Eilenbrooib 1 Edwardfton 280 Ellerburne Edweftora 301 EHerton Edwin Us Ellefden Edwinftowe 35 Ellingharrl 97 Ed worths 197 Ellington Edywortfee 267 Ellifborough Effingham 344 Ellisfield Egbafton 167 Ellifmere xt% 94 i.S7 98 2J9$ 343 369 361349 .360 377 -36 xhx ,266 &2 -20 34 3*3 2& 118 41 234, i£. 5 129 165, a&? 339 212,ib. 249 141 36 164, ?8 29 27 Jo I 246, 263, 344209 202 fc88,-335 161 EUifwortu w h os vo Ov oob p^oa ee- eo o^r p^vd- vo <_vae vdonoomo^w^Kv- -^^j *h »* «*-oo m in p» •• .^ve vo po n o© e* _j, ^.^moo vt-vofi oi tUvn^ h vscC vo vooo oo «ooa s-2 « mo t).^ P. + 0 Otj- ¦*."$ m n po po -*- po:->» 3. « M MtvH MH'SH ,« Wrt MM «««¦«„„ MM M „ PO PO CiP*<£l ^ O ?> jv Own .>>. « W P< .-+ O M t-N MP- » eo po m. m r-» M «, POOO t— 00 tC H vtTt-N O OvO OPIOO O -^-POlOpl OOPO lOvO 00 NH n Mh IOvO O rj- O P^vO Pl VO m O OO PT. O OvD IOPOPOP1 O •* -4-vO Pl P0 O PO O PO O O ¦+ O *0 t-^ PO m JMOO00 IOO P0 O Pl OO POm pl rtfci p) POOO PT mm;mmpjPOPOP1"mMp1 « n « H (Ofl „ « « tl pl PO PO MM H « tl MMMM N o r^ pi oi po co o pi- *n m vo o ¦ vo «* «a fc* _ «J2 • a 1 ,1 lit if k jllll J n ill 8 gll Jfff ii still M| flj In I JZT -M S> 2 ^ ri^ 2. * S\i? £" 2. £. SM? SL^^P. "*-* "*°° O N vO PO O 00 vD OV00 POvO l-i N pl MIONH .+00 N IO te ropl OO ^-nvOOO tv + tv P^OO PO N PO PO^S POOO VO ¦+• POvO PI- O PO t~- PO ¦+ O OOOO PO PO to Pl vO m S MWMMfc^M,SPlP0 MPIPO „ CO POPO POP* PO „ POPO^ P* S PO MPO S« 2 gv *d- m o^, <£ ^j- oo -* O po ,j- _ .q r^- M P» „ PO M Pl o m \n vo M « po ro PO «' o o fcS O ja1 "£T i ** o^a^aj.^jgl -* §!•§•§¦& f)i§cilvS|-a|>|>t?-g-g-E.sI. &.§¦ tsCr,o POlOPl -4-om VOvO -+ POvO IO PI OO ¦+ O pl vO pi r*v- vot^oo p~ £i £» 2. °^ ""> N ooi-^ioop) oio-m pi ooo opooit^mvo ^eroo vo -*-•"£ . -a- u=) »- PO M PO- VO..M UlN O a Pl pa ro PO'o r-» l>~ fc. 00 PO (TV PO PI Pl Pl Pl pi ,P1 pl M •> •V vn - •> ,, O o 310 Fifield 48, 237> 312- 332 Filgrave 201 fillingham V 171 Fillingley lbj Filcon 41 Finbarrow 281 >, ib. Fincham l'mchampftead 254 322 Finchingfield «?34 Finchley 225 Fingall 80 Fingeft 204 Fingringho 236 Finley 23 Finmore 28f> Firsby 172. ?75 Fifhborne 8$ Fifherton 3'8, ib. Fifhgard 369 Fifhlake 2C Fifhley 246 Fifhtoft 183 Fifkarton 18+ Fittlcton 316 Fittleworth go Fitz 162 Fladbury 33i Flamborough 23 Flamfted 206 Fleckney 215 Fled borough 34 Fleet 43» '83 Fleetwick 196 Flemyfton 361 Flenton 281 Fletching 94 Fletton v 211 Flitton I96 Flixburgh I8S Flixton 78, 276, 279 Flookborough, 75 Flower 293 Flowton 268 Flyford 33 r Flyntham 32 Fobbing 228 FolefliiU j 68 Folefham 263 Folke 45 Folkeftone 4 Folkefworth 211 Folkingham I72 Folkington 444 I N D E ' X- Eolkington Folkton Fontbill Foote's Cray Ford J?ofde gorden Ford ham Fordingbridge PordingtonFordleyFordo n Fordwich Forncet FornhamFomburyFofton FbfcottFofter Fotherbj Fouidon. Foulnefs - Fountmell FovantFoverhoW Fowey FownhopeFoxcote ^ FoxberdvS Foxhole Fox ley fox ton Foye FraifthorpFramlingham , PiCott ?35 92 23 31 J, ib. ¦ 3°5 53. fy 97 *53 153 274 337 43 272254 4 252 3=183, ib. I31 162198 15' 23 187 FrampfieldFramptonFramfdenFraridonFrangfofs *Franft)am Fran (ton Fiating 251 ?3« 45 3M 256 i ?29 148 59 234 23 263, 314 102, 214 I56 24 246, 277 246 93 43> r3&. 139, i»3 270 168 27 %$, ib. 275240 Freckenham Freeftoh Freetborpe*Frekenhan* Fremington Frendisbury Frenge FrenftedFrenzeFrelhfoTdFrelhwaterFrefiinfield Frefton Fretenham Fretherne FretonFreyflrop Fridaythorpe Frickley FridlefhaniFringfordFrintonyFrilby ' Friflcney FrifteltonFrifton FriftropFrithelftoclc Frittenden Fritten Fritwell Frqdefley Frodingham, FrodfhamFrolefworthFrome Bifhop's Caftor Froftenden. FroftonFroceftec St. Quintiii VauchurchWhitefielciZelwood, 3«T »«3 246 273 no303 91,258 8 261 *i 338 278, 279%t 276 37i 17 22 3W 286 240' 216 *77 300 91 185 U5 2 252 287 162 , ?4»'8^ 216 Ub US »44 ' 474? 58 272. 216 frpxji & I N D t X. 445 Fr(oxfielct FroyleFulbeck "Fiji borne -Fulbrooke Fulford Fulfortfl Fulham FulletbyFull Sutton Fulmer Fulmonfton Fulfton ' Fulfton Funtingtort Furbeck FiirthopFylbyeFylingdales Fynden G GADDESDEN Gainsburgh Gaiton Galby Galmpton 'Gatnefton ¦ GamlingayGarboldfiiam Garfurthe ¦ GargraveGarifdonGanthorp • tjarfdale ''Q'arftang Garfton Garthbibio • Garth Brengy GarthorpeGarton Garway 3*5 335 186 i°5 328 165 »5 22b 1.8,2 26 102 249 188 95 22 297 252. 20 93 206, ib. 178 187 21 2335 103 261 J3 18 3'3 188 76 74 256351 374 213 23. 24 147 Gaftwate GatcombeGateburton Gatehelmfley GateleyGates Gatefhead Gatton Gawdby Gawdeby Gayne^ford GaytonGayfley GaywoodGedJingGeddington Gedling Gedney Geldifton GelftonGenereaGeorgeham Gerens Gerfr Gefiiogham Gellringthorp Geftling Gevindale GidleyGiddingGigglefwicke Gilcrux Gilden Morden GileftinGilling GillgurruckGillingham Gilmorton Gillsfield Gimingham Ging Ginge GittonGifbourn 183 ?63 338 J85 16 248 8598 341179 213 98 176, 260, 291 272 259 •283 390 32, ib. ib. 1 $4 247 24,2 147 120 I29 2&32zs 234. 235 '88 26 l?4 209, U>. 18 67 107 3 261 . ib. 230 106 18 Gifley 44t> IN D E X. Gifley Gittifham Glanfterry G las bury Glafcombe GlattonGlayfton GlazedaleGlemham GlemsfortfaGlendenGle-field GlenGlentham G lent worth Glimpton Glothiatb.GloffopGldufton GluviasGlynde GlycerrwgGodalmynGoddingtonGoderickGodmanchefterGodtriamhamGodmanftohe Godmerfham GodneflonGodfhill GogofFe Golceby Goldcliff Goldhanger Gald-ington Goldsborough Gonalton Gooderftone Good Efter Goodleigh GocidndtonGoodwick ^77= *3 114 376 375 376 211302 20 278 280298 216 214172172 289352 156 214 127 93 362 343 286 146 210 2547 2 2 344 372 179 3^4240 193 79 32 25r233 1 20 ,7 248 Goodworth Goran Goring Gofebradon Gbs field Gosforth GofpertownGoftonGofworth GotehillGotehuffl Gotham Gotherft Goudherft Goxhill Grada GrafFham , Grafton Graingham GrainsbyGranborough Granby Granfdon Grandefton Granftobe Grantham Gratewick GratleyGraveley Graveney Gravenhurft GravefendGrayneGrayrigg Gr3yftock Greasbrook Green GreenboroughGreenfordGreenftedGreenwicti Greece Greetham 333 129 93 5& 235 82 183 7872 62 201 3153 8 . 24, 192127 90, 209 294.298,331 178 180 201 32 103 no .369 181, ib. tb. 164 332 103, '207 7 196, 1973°3 306 83 6622 93 1 68 225, ib. 237 304 '51 182,, 300 Greetwett INDEX. jGreetwell Greinton GrendoaGrefby Gresford GrefliamGrefmer GrelTenhal! Grethingham G ret ford Gretham i Gretton Gretworth GrimefbyGrimley GrimfbvGrimfted Grimfton Grindon - Grinley Grinton GrifmondGrifton Gropenball GroveGroton Gruncetor ,Grundlesburgh GrutlingtonGryefleyGuilesboroughGuidonGullwattsGumby Gumfrefton, GumleyGunbyGunnerbyGUnlin GunthorpGunton Gurlfton Guflage Quaynyfcore i85 63 163, 166, 203 192 348 262 83 448 277 189 99. 334 299, 300 291 J 80, 187, ib. 326 180 310 259 99 t 80 363 249 71 5,200 280 103 270 3J3 33 93 4 128 '74 37° 214 178 181 3^3255 262, 276 277 44> 45 347 Gwernfey Gwiddewerne GwinapGwifing Gwitheryri GyffinGytleham Gyting 447 366 352 127 260 349 354 277 H HABERLEY i Haccombe Hackford Hackington HacknefsrVdckney 225 HackthorneHaconbyHaddifcoe Haddon Hadenham Hadham Hadleigh 238 Hadley Hadlow Hadfer 204, HaddockHagborn Hagley Hagnaby _ 175, Hagworthingharq Haia Haigham Hake ford HalbertonHalcote Hale 79, 82, 173. Hales Halefowen Hal ford 54. HalkynHallam in »53 117 256 3 24 226 172 J72 •247 211 202 244280 22730S329 239 320 32S 177182 375 267 264. 124 298? 337 247 326 327347 J59 Hallej 443 IN D ' E X. Halley 281 H 'fax 27 Hailing H°> 3°3 Hallingbury 233, ib. Hallington 187 Hallifham 9' Halliften 97 Hjllifworth 116, 272 llal-OLf^rjlop 214, ib. Halminfton 37 Halfal 78 Halfe 65 Halfham 24 Halfted 234. 3°6 Halftoh 281 Hal flow 9' 3G3 Haltham J79 Halton 55, 71, 83, 175, 188, 192, 288 Halvergate 246 IL.wcll i 116 Him 7. 3!5 Hambleden 204, 301 Hamerton 209 Hammeringhara 182 Hammerfmith 227 Hamoune 4+ Hampden 202 Hampn^t 134 Hanipreflon 44 Hampftead 320, 321 Hampton 141, 166 22b, 325 , , Ba-h 53 ¦ — Bifhops H5? 327 Lovett 329 Merfey *37 Poyle 287 Hamptonet 95 Ham fey 89 Hamftall Ridware 165 Hamftwaite '3 Hamuldoh 337' 343 Hanburgh 289 Hanbury 166, 329 Hancdon 27! Handley p-, 330 Kandfworth 21 Hangelton 89 Ha-ngham 187 Haningdon 312 Hinington 298, 335 Hdnkefton 103 Hankerton i»3' 3'3 Hanmer 72 Ha: nifworth 165 H j nny 320 Hanflope 201, 202 Hanwell 225, 287* Hanwood '53 Hanworth 172, 225, 262 Happisburgh 267 Harberton 122 Harbledown 3 Harborough 215 Hardelty 247 Hardham 95 Hardingham 256 Hardington 59, 6p, 225, 295 Hardmead 20f Hardres magna 2 — - — t— parva 3 Hardwick 103,200,252,287, 29? Hardwicke 169 Hareby I72.-I75. 2I3 Harefton 213 Harford Stock 230 Harorave 282, 294 Harlaxton 181 Harlefton. 293 Hatleton 102 Harley j6i Flarlse 345 Harlington, 196 Harlow 233 Harmanfworth 226 Harmefton 18S Hathill 134 Hirp- t N. D ,E!. t: 449 tjatpden Harpford Harpham Harpley Harfeton Harreflone Herriard HsrrietfhamHarrington Harringworth Harrow Hairowdown Harfcombe 'Harsfield HarfwellHart HarteyHartfield Rartingfordbury Hartington HartleburyHartley Hartlie Maudett Hartlip Hartbury Hartfield Harfhorne HartborneHartwell Hartland Hartworth Harvington HarwellHarwood Har-AouldHafcardHafelbeck HafeleighHafeleyHafelerHafelyHafilbereHaftby Haflebury 15. 288* Hafleton I40 no Haflingden 98 263 Haflingfleld- 102 259 Hallington 73 103 Haflingham 246 103 Haflingley 5 336 Hatch Bechamp 56 8 Hatchefton 277 182 HatclifTe 180 299, 300 Hatfield 21,22, 207,233 ,241 10 Hatford 3J9 299 Hatherley no 138 Hatherne 211 I38, 1 4.2 Hatheropp *37 , 26 Hatherfage '57 98 Hatley Port 197 6 Hatton 191 92 Haugh 177 207 Haughtort 97. 98= 164 *59, 298 Hault Hacknall 158 325 Hauntwezell 97 3°3> 336 Hautbois 25S , ib. 334 Havant 336 9 Haverford Weft 37 1, ib. J37 Haverill 272 9i Havering 228 160 Haveringham 82 IOO Haverfham 2or 202, 298 Hawburgh 192 "5 Hawchurch 39 35 Hawes 80 331 Hawkeridge 57 3i9 Hawkhurft 3 47, 200, 201. Hawking 4 194 Hawkifbury 139 37 J Hawkfhead 298 Hawkfwell $0, 238 328 j Hawkfworth 31 232 Hawnby J9 328 Hawnes 199 288 1 .Hawbridge 200 47. 61 Hawton 34 277 j Haxhay . 178 3*3 Haydon 258- LI 1 2 Hayes 45° I N t> fc X, MayesHayfordHaylingHayneford Haynton HayfhamHaythorpeHayton Headon HealingHeampton HeatherHedcron Heddon Hedenham HedgefetHedington* Hedleigh Hedningham HedwallunHekefieldHeckingtonHelaugh HelgayHellingleyHellifden HelionHellowHelmedonHelmerton Helminghairt Helmfet Helmfly HelperthorpeHelpefton Helpringha-m HemblinjgtonHemingbroughHemingbye Hemingford HeraingtoreHemifby . Hemmingeftoa HernprpU io, to, 307 Hempfled - 137, 2$5» itf 2&7, ib. 293 Hempton lib 337 Hemfted 20vV 264 Hemfwelf 172" 191 Henbury 41 8.3 Hendale 270 287 Hendon 226 to, 26, 36, 68 Heneglwys 358 25 Henfield 89 180 Hengeftrige 62 120 Hengrave 282 - 218 Henham 239 3 Heningharra 258 IOI Henlow 288*, 329 247 Henlipp 32r> 282 Henllan 349 310 Henlow 197 334* 342 Henllangoydft 378 234 Henningtora 58 100 Hennocke 113, 118 335 Henny 234 173 Henftee* 272 15 Henton 57, 64, 310 »3I2*334 253 Henxhill 6 9r Hepham 178 264 Hepton 269 130 Hepworth 269 130, 176 Herberbury 169 291 Herbranfton 37* 310 Heredum Mamy 130 263* 268 Herford 120, I48 280 Hertngby 253 29 Herkfted 278 17 Hermitage 47 297 Hernant 35* *73 Heme 6, 10 246 Herringfwell 273 16 Herteft . 280 *79 Hertford 208 210, ib. Herthill 21 296 Heflington 17 253 Heft &. Hull 26 268 Hefton 226 252 Hefwali' 73 ¦ Hetcham I N D E & 45i Hetcham Hetchingron Hethe HfethellHetherfet Hethfield Hever Heverland HevinghamHevitree HewifheHexham HextonHeybridge Heydon HeydourHeynorHibalftowHickfordHickham Hickleton Hickling Higham 280 98 287254254 64,87 306 264272 III T20 3° 242 240 35. 3&> 46. 236 181 159 189 203 181 22 31, 267 60, 194, 217, 254, 279, 295, 303 nighampton 119 Highbraie 120 Highclere 333 Highcombe 182 Higherline 113 High Efter 232 - — Halden 3 Hoyland ift. Med. 21 - — Hoyland 2d. Med. 21 Highley HighworthHilboroughHilderfham Hildeverill HillHillingdonHiMington Hilmorton Hilperton Hilfton 154 3r3 251 104 317 136. 33* 227259 168 316 25 HiltonHimbleton HinderleyHinderwellHindolvefton Hmdringham HinghamHinkley Hinley HinftockHinrlefham Hinton 44, 45, 105, HinxtonHinxworth HirtumHifton Hitcham HitchendenHitchinHittifleigh Hockering Hockham Hockleigh HogleyHockwoldeHockworthy Hod net Hofton HogeftonHoggeftonHoggfthorpeHokeHokerton Hokington Holbeche HolbetonHolbrookeHolcomb Burnell Holcombe Rogus HollacombHoldenby HolgateHolghton 40,78 33* 269 '9 264266 256 217 '63 161 278 291 3'9105 205 90, ib. 106, ib. 257 169,*99> 204207 114 256263 238 '99 250 124 161 267, lb. 370, 370 206 177 34 106120 r 278 114 59 124 n& 293. 152 265 Holkhaia su iam i/i^fit MO -+h40iO S is' OO urvtOPOM *}- fs vn po O O \0.^^0 + N M (J\ tv ^-co OO -^- ^ ^ o o o aaa VO VO W 2 S^^ « a o o. - g2 -° "o ,Ji «S .a. j*. J*i -22 6 . c ,ej C a a a fc-fc-i-i.. ^fc.i-fc.fc.i-.fc.fc. o ,,p o o o o o o oo oo tJ a 2 «s 5 -3 |J= o bj> bO faQ fcB BD >,— B C S C C,o g 'S "S '5 o co »o coo vo.^ .joo a ^=° °2 ^ o £ 5 - cJ, «* ?:§, "^" ^ fcTr5^ a 1-1 vo "V> ~ P! ts Q W IO IN a a - fc.i-.fc- 0 O O C Q.v«vi! fc- fc- fc- fc. OOOO ^ | Ui bi> >, 3 -e c; rS « « C3 vS ct; I- C l-T ». M t; M O O O O O O O SfcCSffifcCisafcCiBaiaKas aa ffisasaasaffi aa a a C _ C «3 C ,0.0^0 OOOO i-Li fcH fcX. fcU o . 03 J3 60 a ra *- C oo o o _ .a j= .a 3 3 3 OOOO aaaa vo Ov Pl OV POOO OO ISOO "CO IO Pl r«>OvO Is UI O IS "IOO NNH\J) o CO rsO OCO O -*- -3-CO Is PO ' - ¦ . . _ l/-)v0 id m m o is rs. m Pl Pl CO M M CO pl PI POOQ „CO -d- PO X" IO pl OO Ti-o I-I Pl J3 " c e 3 _« 5 o^: W) t;/) ab misJ P. C _C £ IS 00 co vt- VD co -^ ts PI vo ts r-vo PI M M • »o o 'CC 2 o ~ o ¦ O- fc. fc. g £ Sp.5 .5 .5 .5 >. . B Sec c s a 'S a O o "a o o 5, S, _ . oooooooooooaooo oooo INDEX, *53 fWingham 29 Hound 339 Hourillow 227 How 92, 247 Howarden 70 Howby 215 Howcaple 148 Howell 173 Howerby 180 Howthley 'Hewton 89 47, 180 Hoxne 275 tiucknajl 33 huddersfield 28 Hugget 25 Huehley 152 riugill S3 Huilh 57, 124,315 Huifhe and Langgorte 61 Hulcote 196, 202 Hullavington 3H Hulnaer 146 Humberfton i8o? 216 Humbleton 2-5 Humbre 148 Hundleby 175 Hunden 272 Hungarton 216 rlungerford -520 Hungerton i8i Hiinmanby 23 Hunfdon 242 Hunfham 124 Htinfhaw no Hunfingore 79 Hunfterley IOO Hunftaunton 257 Hunffapworth 100 rlunfton 269 Huntingfield 272 Huntington 16 Huntley 136 Hunton ^06 HumfpiljJ > HunworthHurley HurfleyHurft. HurftmounfexHurworthHufborneHuftwhait HutchingtonHutton Buttons Amb. HuxhamHymmef worth Hynton 255 34.O % *7 9S J96> 333' 'ib- ib- '7 168 20, 51, 229 *7 no 21 134 ACOBSTOW Iamys and Ceby larbeiton 1 arrow I berton Ibefton Iblrocke Iccombe Ichen Abbojs Ickbrough fckenham Ickham Icklingharn icklington /ckworth Idesford Iden Idmefton IdfallIeffreyftonlevington iffield 89, IfordI-ghtfiel4 Ighthara,Ikil&m. 131129 37° 100 47 286 ' 217 324 334 251 225 2 273, 7*. ' 104 282 Il8 87 3IOl6l37© 9? 92, 307 Sq fi6i TA 88 Ikleford 454- I N D E- X. Ikleford 207 Ham 163 Ilderton 97 Ufordcombe -7 / 121 Ilford 228 Ilkefton I59 Ilketihall 283, 284, ib. Ilkley 18 Hlington 263 Ulfington 118 limington 327 It minfter 56 Ilfton 378 57 Ilton Impington 1 06 Inckbarrow 331 Inckpen 324 Tngeftre - 164 Ingham ^72,267 Ingleby 20, 20 Inglelharn 312 Inglefton 53 Ingoldfmells ,78 IngoWfby 173 Ingoldflhorpe ?5: Ingram 96 Ingrave 229 Ingworth 258 Inflow in Intwood 254 Jnwardleighe 118 Inworth 235 Iohnfton 37 l lordanfton 369 Tping 9? Ippfley 328 Ipplepen 117 Irchefler 295 Ireby 67 Ireton J59 Inr.ingland 258 Irnham 174 Ironby 180 Iron Aden 139. Mead 267 Irthington 68 Irtlingborough 295, ib. Irton 82 Ifham 298, ib, Iflame 307 Hie Abbots 57 Iflebraers 57 Iflington 226, 260 Iflip 287, 296 Iftleworth 226 Iftrad 372> ib' Iftradgunlefs 374 Ifnell 6C? Itchingfield 93 Itteringham 258 Ivechurch 5 Iyipghc. 200 Iulit 36 r Iu'fte *9* Iwade 9 Iwern 46 Ixning ?73 Ixwortfy 269 K TTARSALTOlSfJ^. Katheddin, . 3*2. 375 Kayingham ?5. Keddington 271 Kedington 188 Keddlefton *59 Keele 165 Keggworth, 211 Kegidock 349 Keilly ' 192- Keldon - 240 Kellam 372 Kellie 123 Kelligaer 255 Kelling Kelling^oft 2$ Kellome I N D E X.1* 455 Jellome _ 34 Kellond 23 Kellow -, 98 Kelmarfh 298 Kelfey 191, ib. pllhall 205 felfterne 1.88 Kelfton 52 Kelvedon 23-7 Kdyhall 274 femberton i6j Kembill H3 Kemerton J 34 Kemaes 35i Kemmyes 366 Kempley 136 Kemysford 137 Kempllng 3°5 Keropfton 293' 24« Kemfey 326 Kenchefter 149 Kenchurch 146 Kencote 288* Kendal" »3 Kenderchurch 146 Kenelworth 169 [Kennarth 3b8 Kenne J17 Kennerton 6 Kenningball 263 Kenfington 226 Kenfwick 326 Kentbury 320 Kentifhbeare 119 Kentmire «3 Kenton J 17*277 Kenyngton .uo;. 3 Kenwyn J29 Kerfey 281 ferfted 246 Kefwick ic- ?54 Ketefby J.82 KtfhringhamIT 254 loitering 295 Kette(bury -120 Kettilberilon 280 Kettilborougb. 283 Kettilthorp i|5 Kettleton 250 Kettlewell 18 Ketton 301 Kevel 3l6 Keventhle 37& Keworthe 3i Kewftoke •52 Keynfham 64 Keyran --527, 354 Keyfhoe ->95 Keyfton -. 307 Kibworth 214 Kidderminfter 325 Kidlington 290 Kidnor 58 Kidvelly 379 Kighley j8 Kilburn J7- Kilby .192 Kilcombe 380 Kildale J9 Kild-wick 18, 27 KilgarraQ 368 Kilken 347» lb- Killefby 292, 293 Killefbebill 3°* Killingholme 192 Killingfbury ¦293 Killmaenlloyd 378 Kilmerfden 59 Kilncote 216 Kilnfey l 25 Kilpeck 140 Kilpefham 3Qr, ECilreddin 368 Kilton 54 Overfton 263 Kilvingtoa 34 Kilvvargen ii-, 38a Kilworth 216 M m m Kil y cwm 456 I N , D E X. Kil y cwm KirhberleyK'rrible Kimbolton Kimpton Kinerby KingefburyKin'gefton KingharhKinglbury KingfclereKingfdonKingfdown Kingfhay ' KingflandKingfleyKingfnotth 380 256 202, 203 209 207 190 166 65, 103 ' 288 56 335 60 9'3°3 203 147163 6 2, 62, 89, 146, 337 3'9 89 3J7 63 32 34' 13615° 118 55 Kington .45, 55, 149, 313, 328, 331 Kingitor Kingfwood King's Pewen — - — - Teynton Wefton • Bagpuz ¦ B .ufey • Deverell ¦ Seymour • Super bore Upon Thames Kinivilgaio Kinlet Kinnarfley Kinntrlly KinnerfleyKinnefworthKinwarton KippaxKirby'' Kirk*- Andrews ¦ — Andres — Bride --Ella vr= Levingtqn 99' 380 J~54 149 34« t6i 206 328 -5 240 686866 27 ao Kirkberton Kirkbourne Kirkbramwith Kirkby -Aflifielde on Baine Bedeh Cane In Cleveland Dennis - Feltham Green Gindalyth Hundlefdale Irelith Knowle Langley Lonfdale — -yln Malem Dale 27 27 n 19, 22, 74, 19a 32 179 247 247 19 ?73»'*- 80 — i- Mallory Monachorum Moor fide — — On the Moor Overeleys Ravenflhorpe Ravenfworth — — Stephen Underwood Warfe Wifke Kirbythore Kirkdale Kirkdighton Kirketon Kirkefwold Kirkham KirkhamptonKirkhamerton Kirk ford Kirkharle KirkhaughKirkheatonKirklandKirkletham 186 17 17 75 t6; 158 76'; 18 217 167 29 ' i4. x3 8r8r 69 172 J5 8r 68 29 „¦ *3 35> T78> 271 67 746879 90 , 97 9* 2766 ... -T9 Kirkleirrmn tirkleinrori 67 | Kirklingtori 80 Jfrkfmeaton 21 Ihkminton 192 Kirmond 191 Kirry 376 Kirflow J 200274 foling Kirtlingrorl ¦ 38 Kirton 183 Kifingland 277 Kiteford 65 Knapton 216, 261 Knapwell 103 Knareiborough 79 Kn'afefdale 98 Knebworth 207 KneefaJl 34 Knet 274 Ktieth 185- Kneton 32 fenettifhall 269 Knighton 42 Khi'ghtwkk 326, 326 jtnill 148 Knipton 213 Knocking 349 Knoffington 214 Knottisford 71 Knott'efhall 272 Knotting 194 Knoulton 7 Knowefion 121 Knowl 43 167 Knowle Knoyle Kympton 312 333 Kynalton 32 I N D E X' Ladbroke Ladford LadockeLaffordLagenhoo LaingdonLakeforthLakenhamLakenhethLalfordLamberhurft LambethLambern LambournLa merton LamfeyLamiat Lamley LammarfhLamoren Lamplugh Lamport LariamLanbrynmair LancafterLancant Lanchefter LancrasLandawidnackLanbeach,Lanford LandinaboLandulphe LanercoftLanetharne Langar Lartgdon Hills Langebye Langford ^5, 288* Langforth L ACEBY Lacton 180 233 457 168 "3 129 173, ib. 235 / 229 . / 28r 254273 239 3°5 342 237320 123 370 54 32 234 129 82 298 36 35i "74 136100 115, ib- 127 106 310- 147 126' 68 35* 3i 229 3^5 i6r, 197, 240, 1 ib. ib. 317, ib. 157, ib. 1 si Langham 235, 255, **. 269 Langley 8, 206, 242, 247, 313 Langridge 53 M m m 2 Langtpft Hi§|«i^i-i.eis,i:li;|tl!i,iKi.f4ii-tr|g:m 11 ft * j; 5! 9. nr 0 P sr>3 ^ £. ™ v^ =r ?n • C *£* M O 3 s 0 3 to O M M SJ SI O O ¦» V. +t M O OO* O M. 5o^ Mt- 10 < <3vO0 53- " *H lO t* M. OO M IO. tO-OO. W OO MM.M.MM. MM^MMM^IOqoM -1 O m NJ Oo Ooo OO OvOn S> Otn Js-OO.OO-^-OO IO *i £ QMl to OO M OO tO. V>. M W. M M M w V0,V OJlON) OOt* H. M U 11. tO-OO. W OO M M .M. M M. fc. fc*, M M M M fci qq M si sl OC(0^, (O OlOOOJ M SL'Ov 00(000 JL- m O m Moo Ooo OO OvOn S> Otn J>- OO OO ¦*>¦ OO M to to OO On. K> t» M OO On OJ O O O O OO 0-f> M -ffc .OOn O IO . IO m m O OO 0-l> Ov to On OOOO msj to [O si tOO OOVO OOOO^l;^ O - ii, ¦ - . .jj „ 1 . . . f.t- r t-< t-1 c-1 r-1 1- 1-1 r r1 f t-1 t-1 r r r1 1-1 r< fr-t-1 ^t-|t-Hwt-|t-|t-it-iHMt-,r,rtHirrtHl c-'fc-' ft. w si- ° O 3 * S. .oo • 3 o to Si >o to OJ OO s*» k> f . "vf m to OJ OJ £ £ «* vgol V OmoT tt •P^ ' -t*i' JWWW D H D H H. M M fc* M. M M 00 N^OoH-MMMM (^J M M K> M M HHU |1 (| W q Oj>. to O to OOO OO O -4> 4" On OO O OO OO OJ St. to 2-+- ^O sj OOOvm O'M0nO0slJ> tOJ>OJ O-ffc OJ OJ Olj) B^lfl Q •*«» vOOT,p. >v>>4 0 95N0J eo.v© vp 90.vO m Q\ 99 r M £ msjoo^OO^Vj. wOM^.s! (Osisi. Qyi (JMft> INDEX. 459 .Lettott Leven Leveland Leverington Levermore Levefham LevingtonLewefden LewifhamLewkenerLewtrencherde LeyLeyham ¥** v LeycockLeyfdefiLeyftonLeythley Lichfield Lidbury Liddington ' LidfordLidiard LighthorneLigth LileyLilbumeLilibrdLillefnullLillingftoneLillingtcn LimberLimmingtort LimpefhamLimpsfieULindallLindenLindford Lindridg* Lindfell Lindfey Ling Lingwood Linkinholt 3°2> 65, 148 24 7 108 269 29 271291 3°4 286 123 178 280 216 3r3 9 242 13 166 151 302 123 ib. 312, ib. 327 3°5 207294296 161 I98, 287 46, 169 193 6052 34' 75 301 201 150 2.13 281 54 246 333 LinfladeLintonLinwoodLipenham Liflington LiftonLitchbarrow LitlingtonLittle Budworth Borough Bourn Bury Hara Port Ton 200 18, 105, 121, 148 190 246 191 123, 234292 225 7336 2 236, 237 no, 115 4L 94> Littlington Litton LivermereLiverpoolLlahadden Llan Aber — — Egwad Fighangel Kerrigy Druidien LlanarmenLlanarth LlanarthneLlanarthney Llanafaph Llanaven LlanbadarnLlanbaddarn Lianbadderne Vaur Llanbadock LlanbadrigLlanbebleck Llanbedder Llanbeder Llanbedrog- Llanbedderne Llanbedr LlanberrisLlanbendyLlanbifter 64, 107, 107 3'4 1 96 39 282 79 367, ib. 354* 356380368349 348, ib. 340) ¦- 372 380 380 347 374- 377 373 3733&S 35735+373 353 35* 377 37& 354 377 376; 377 Llan- 373» 354> 355. 375. 460' I N E? E £. Lhnblithian LlanboydyLlanbrynmaire Llanbulan LlancurvanLlandaff Llandan LlandanwgLandarwg Llandavilog Landa wke LlanddevoylockLlanddewiwillfreiLlandynnan LlandewyLlanddyfnumLlandeby Llandefriog LlandedegleyLlandigvan Llandagweth Llanddogget Llandeiniolen JLIandeloy Llandeny LlandervellLlandefilio LlandettyLlandevadLlandewrydock Llandevailog Llandevodwg Llandewalley Llandewi Llandewy Landidno Llandigwy LlandiloLlandiffil LlandoghLlandoverLlandoughLlandraddat Llandrillo 361 vC! ° n 378351357 360361 361 „ 356 380, ib. 374 377 378 377, ib. 378 356, ib. 374 357 380 372 348 j 377, ib. 358 366 350 354 3^9366 352378 374 364372 375 362 374379 374354 , 372 3%j376,38o 372, 'b. 3603-8361380 352, ib. 36 j' 349, ib; LlandrindodrfLlandrihyoUandurog LlandulasLlandwynne Llandjfrydog- Llandyrnoe LlaneddyLlandyffilLlanedan Llanedern LlahegrinLlaneigrad LlaneinganLl'anelian Llanellin Llanellw LranellyLlanel^eth Llanendog Llanenys Llanerchlwydog LlanfachellLlanfairfechan Llanllwchyarne Llanlf)fini Llanmartin1 Llanmercwig LlannartheLlaner Llanover Llanrhayader Llanrhidian Llanrhudlud LlanrianLlanriftedLlannrua; Llanrwft Llanfadwrn Llanfadyrnyn Llanfamlet Llanfan Ffraid Llanfanfraid Llanfanfreet 311 350 354 349 35» 358355379 350, ib. 358 36035& 358 356 349. 358363375379376 356 355* >'b- 369 357 354 35°» 372 354 3^4 350 3&3 356 v 363 348, 355. '*• 379 357 369 373 354 349, ib. i&, 3*o 377 379 374 35°> 35*> 37& , 373 Llan- _ VO ¦* O tJ-vO MvO d IT pl PO'S-POO ¦+« d M»fl« P0-+O psM VOOO vO «J- £ SO. C£ « O M in Is 0 00 O JO « PO b« ..2' VOtsUSO tsvS vo IOO ts ts is is. vo O ts VO vo Th t- vo ISO io vo ts «- ts PstsO o ;± "» 2L *° " Tj-vJ-qv-. E.OVO m ^ pocoivocopo^opopo fo po co ctcopo co po co co popoco po po co po co po po co to po po po po m « m co m 9 - ¦? „ p M- VO TJ" P<1 CO, O Pl is"-. .r'^Seuj=J3°c!-nig'g-o:=5«.-ay .5 -a 3 e _ "H . Sc ,„ _ -. S",,S t c c >v-a c-5 >^- o^„fe-a u o « §= c c " C bf) & g ,5 m £"3 ccCGCc:Cfc-ccc:cccccccccc:occc:-nvg-g^ = <£ v= vS-g-Tj-^Ig.g.g.g^-^^js r: rt rt_rt rt- rt rt^a rt ra _£2 rt w^J3^H^2^2^j5^3^^3^H-2^!2^^-l^-2---i j^j£*£i ooooooooooo _1 i_) 3 fcj fcj -vj fcj i_J Mi i-J fc_) ,_) fc_) v-J fc-1 fcJ 3 i-l .-J H-I fc_l fcj i-l ?-}- J fcj fcj 3 fc^ fc-J i-l fc~l fcJ J hJ v-5 ^ i-l fc4 ?_! -! fc-i fcj fc^ w m • O O O OO tsO t)-m tsO dO O m Is tH tH d .'CO m d . -¦ OO d tJ- o O O d vooo d ts + » ' uvio + loOi vo^S vO vo is -f isO ts ts rsOO O vQ vO vO WO Nl-sI5 IsvD vO -T3 ISvO is ts .1000 t- O ThO^lo ts1" i" ' ts ts 10 tsO CO~ POCOpOfOPOrOfOrOPOPOPOCOPOPOPOPOpocoJ^COPOPO „ CO PO PO CO CO CO CO CO CO t»CO CO £} £; PO CO CO CO PO o ¦3- O Mjn,VO d ' J? * 0 vO co vo CO CO Is d IO vo CO M M C. AS >v ii t>. CL> CO 3 M >> Q, vj c c a 0 a* -£2 C OJ £-5 -a rt V- QJ tJj .h!i > > > > - > > > £ > > 5: £ > c C <= S c C c C C C c: c c c a C C3 c c 0.-^ -^'" Tt- "" fO'co O CO ^ - 1 si|jj g r!HMi*1&&f..iB$fcwi11l lh iH IK 1 C C H ?-. >-.=3 "^raOS==-r-S3rtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrtrt .S^m jT r= r3 r= S Jj'3333 33Sirf>--vrf 1-3 fca.-i'3335'fcilMi.M3 i-i m1-j « i-j.»j-.fc-i ?-» i-j a K-i i-j 1^1 »^.'i--i fc-i"^--!^ u ,*' i-a-i-j^—i. 4-62 I N D E X. Long Afhton 64 ¦ Bennington 187 ¦ Crendon 204 -, Crechel 44 ¦ Ditton 34 r Lednain 186 Newton 98 — Staunton 152 — — Sutton 61 Whatton 211 Lorighreddy 39 Ltagbarough- 140 Longdon J65, 330 Long field 3°4 Longhope 136 Longney J38 Longridge 74 JjumgRoek. 339 Longton ¦ 77 Irongwprth 3?9 Loriifhorough 26 Lopibam 262 Lopptngton 162 IJoughbether 380 LJotjghboroiigh 211 Laugh-ton 201, 228 Loumd 277 Louth 188 Lowdam 33 LoiwdhaiT? ?33 Lccvs-erline 113 Lowefby 216 laweRoa 37° Jjsmkk. 76 Lawne r5.? Lawfewater • 82 I.owth T87 lowther 69 3,o!Wthorp *4 Lismftoft 277 Le&beaar 124 Loxfey 328 Loxere 120 LubtKnhaoi 214 Luccarabe 39»57 Ludburgh ¦ 187 Ludchurch 370 Luddefdowne 303 Luddington 188, 313 Ludenham 6 Ludforth 191, ib. Ludgarfal 90, 203 Ludgerfhall ' 310 Ludham 267 Ludington 188, 312 Ludlow 152 Ludfhelfe 333 Luffingcot 116 Luffwicft 296 Lufton bx Lugwarden 150 Lullingftone 3°5 Lullington Lund 160, 296 27 Luppjt "3 Lufby i75 LufHeigh 118 Luton 194. Lutterworth 216 Lutton 296 Luxulyan 129 Lycham 248 Lychet Martin's} 47 Lydde 6 Lydden 4 Lydling. 45 Lye 142 Lyme Regis 40 Lyminge 5' 5. LyAinfter 85 Lymme 6, 71,1b. Lympfton 119 Lynche 95 Lyndeby 33 Lynge 263 Lynfted 6 Lynton 8 Lyth ?9 Lytton 59 Mabler I N d e*x; 4% M M ABLETHO Macclesfield Maching Mackworth MaddesfieldMadeleyMadefeyMadhuift Madingley MadingtonMadleyMadron MadftonMaenclochogg Maesmynys Maghen MaghuntleyMager Maiden Bradley •Maidenhead Maidford MaidftoneMaidwell Mainftone Maifmore Maker Maldon MailingMalpasMaltby "Malverne Mauvais Enderby Malwyd MambleMainheadManacaManathenManaton > / Manavon Manby Mancel Lacy RPN 176, 177 72 233 159330164 152 85 1063i8 145 128 138 368 374 3^3 351, ib. 3^53i8322 291 9 298, ib. 152 138127 196, 341395 > 70, ib- 22, 177 33° 175 351 - 15' 117 127 - 127Il8 350. 188 149 Manceter ManfieldMandham < ManerdyvyManerbyerMangotsfield Maningford Mannington ManfelLGamaee MansfieldManton ' ManudenMaperton MaplebeckMaplederehamMapleftedMapleton Marcharh March Balden Marchwyel Marcle MarcrpfsMarden Marefham Mareftone Mareworth Marfleete Margham Marham 131, Mariae beataa MansfieldMariftowMarkefbury Markfield Market Deeping — Overton Wefton HS* i84; MarkfhallMark's Tey MarlboroughMarlesford Marlingford MariosMarlow N n n 166. 81 247' 368 370 4i 3J5? lb- 258 149 33. lb> 301 237 39»55 35 288* 234 25 3-9288 348 148 362 8,316 258303 3°5 25 362 184,297 6 91 123 64. 217189 300269 235 236 3'5 277256 37? 2 04, 204 MarnehaU az js,tslotOOT|»Tt-wvO O Tt-P-OvO v\-0 O vo ts ts -PC ©>. tJ- poo d oo m PO M M d CT-OO o o o o M M M CO M M Tj-Tj-Ti-Tt-OTl-OOO.. M M PO O OO d O OO' vOvO m vo O is ts-o 00 • N d - PO VO vo VOO O O ts is. ts t^OO crt -a «*¦ o ^i. o o 2 iU j • — '-- ' -B , -,C « bill B >-.' 5P a- - fi e J' 8 « .g. | g. S & 3 C i- >j3jj C • _R a a X X X >v rt rt « t-l-T3"0-0"a"O.J2 3i— 3- auuuuuoujiuuviiu - sssssssss «¦ So -= xi S'v2 OO . P" Tt- « VOO d vo m ** PO « M IO d vo „ d vo •- M ."^J tslstsd o O O O ' d-PlMMdPOMMPOM M O is ts « O vo'u o -. ^s — ¦ <-n ra •-» ** ssss: t>, M ts.i?Pl •£SC _r .: 2 2 £ _= MM ~ -s' J il 2 -sssssssssssss to C c S £ JvS«f "E o ,. -fcl x~ 2 C fcl V- ^ •— 1 -O -o .= X! S G C C G S CJ CD CU CD § v3 rt u sssssssssss fc- TJ fi Z O d o «0 Pt P» „°o d po m d- o " ^ j: rt jui' - «j jC u C'Cu -'C CO e o .a a e ; vSvSl SVC* d « vO J oo t « .« ots O tsts-dOO Od POOOO POO VOPO vo OOO O CO d IO OO CO COO CO poponpo M-dddddrocop*M iSMmmmmcsmmm Md OV VO-^ O *»t ts |M O 00 VO Tfr d o. „ M d- M o » .00. rt . to rt ' rt rt ra a O ffl c cu CO C rt P °.x >v_3 S _ -m- s £ vS 3 C G" C C u u V — •— ¦ — « -~ -J^4 , , fc-.- VJ VJ fc-fcjfc.j-J'fc.fc-TZ:4-jfc-^J ji} j;. o _3 S' rt sssssssss ^;ssssssssll- >v=i«t3^-=-lfc9j--= 2 S^ i- Cl. '^ s__1 W J-J *- 4-J J-J 4-J , . -J r-* rt rt rt rt- rtrtrt rt m rt c 2 & S -S .a s .£¦! S « rtrtrt.rtrtrtrtnrt- isssssssssssssssssssss 1 N t> £ X 465 Men's Afliby 299 Mer-owe 344 Merin 130 Merington 98 Merfham 6 Merfton 59, 61 j 135 Mertheir Geryn 364 Merthir 127, 369, 374 MerthyrMerton MerwoodMefden' MefhawMeffingMeiTingham ¦Meftham Methe Metherdivan Methertydvill MethleyMethwoldMetinghamMettomMewan MexboroughMeylltyrn Michael Penkevils MichaelftonMichael (lone Miehaelftow MichamMichildever Michilmerfh Mickle Benton MickeldenMicklefieldMickleham Mickle Over Middle¦ Chinnock 1 Clayden Middkham. liddlefborough Middleton 20, 26, 29, 77, 85, 234, 260, 287, 2975 333» ib- 362/378 249 121 . 242 122 235 189 34i 123 360360 28 251 284262 129 22 356 129 362 360 *3* 342338338 IOI 135 267 34i 158161 60 203 80,98 20 Middleton Cheney Scriven — = St. Georgt* ¦ '•'•- Teefdale — Tyers Middlewich Middlezoy Mid Lavant MidleyM-ilberton MilborneMil bourne Port Milbrace MilbrookeMildenhallMildhamMildingMilford Milkfham Milkfted Mi'llington MillomMilnrow MilpwrMilfton Milton 4, 9, 48, 106 288, ;*. 303, Bryan — ¦ — Clevedon , Earneft Keynes 291 154 98,99 98 81 73 6095 6 254 48 62 153 196. 339 ^73' 3X5 248 280 337316 9 27 , 82 78 127 310 , ib. 123, 3!5» 319 MilwichMinfted Minfter Minfterworth MinterneMiferdenMifperton Miflenden MiftertonMiftleyMitchell Deane MitfordMitton Mixbury 'Nnni 195 55 194 201 164. 337 10, 131, 289136 48 141 29 203, ib. 57,216 240 136 ior 18 2S7 Mobberley 36, 466 I N D E X, Mobberley 72 Morwinftow IJT" Mochelney bo Mofe 2.39 TVIockas 149 Mote Henry 369 Modbury 120 Mothby 38c Mogenton ; 158 Motley 25&, Monagey 129 Motiftone 33» Monck 57 Mottisfont 338 Monckland 148 Mottruin 72 Monford 162 Mo ugh try 377 Mongewell 288* Moulton ] 83, 246, 252, ib. Mongham 7»8 271, ib. Monington 149 Mounfield 87 Monk Nafh 362 Mounford a5* Weremouth 99 Mounkleigh "5 . Okehampton 118 Mounflow 151 Monkton 65 Mount-ague 61 Monmouth - x47 Mounton 3". 3«6 Monnefley 144 Mouwnden 277 Mons Altus 347 Mucking 229 Montgomery 153 Muckton 188 Moor 152 Mudforde 62 Morborne 2ir Mugglefton 164 Morchard- 112 Mugglefwick IOO Mord'eforcf 148 _ Mullyah 127 Morden 47, 146, 341 * Mulfhoe 201 Morebath 125 Mumby -77 Morsby 184 Muncafter 82 Morecote - 3°2 Munclon. 10 Moreleigh 126 Munden 205, ib. 232 Morerminketon -*3 Mundefley 262 Morefby -8a Mundham 95 Morefted 1 340 Munfeliith 280 Moreton 42, 158, 162, 198, Munthufloim 3&4 237 Munxton 3.33 Moringthorpe .. ,252 Murclineh 60 Morland 69 Murefley 200 Morley 158 Mufburie "5 Morpeth IOO. Mufgrave v 69 Mprfton 9.255 Mnftori' 23, 213 Mqrthee 121 Mutford 277 Morton g, 38, 118. i37» 172, Mydrim 378 330 Mynehead 57 ItVIorval 132 Mynfrav 130 Moyvili 369 Mynting, Mynty INDEX; 467. Mynty Myffin 3H Nether Wallop 333 3& Wafdale 82 Mytow 16 Netherhale 144. Myvod 35i NetherhavenNettifwell 316, 316233 N Nettlecombe 57 % Nettleden ( 192 XTACKINGTON ._ 4' Nettleham 185 1M Naffer ton n Nettlefted 268, 305 NaileftonNaketon 218 Nettleton — 3x4 271 Neventon 3'4 Namptwich 73 Newark 34 Nanguntlo 373' < NewbaM 27 itfannerch 347 Newbigging 69 Kantglyn 350 New Bifhoplhill *5 Nantmell 377 Church 376 Nantmeilam 376 Mote 367 Napton 168 Newbold 167, 217 Narberth 37° Newbon 271 Narborough 250 Newbottle 292 Nareing 249 Newbould %i» Narford 251 Newburgh 358 Nafeing 228 Newburne IOO Nafh 3^5 37° Newbury 321 NaffingtoB 296. 296 Newcaftle > 362 Nathefby 294 Newchurch 6, 6, 75, 344. 376 Naumby 186 Newdigate ~ 343 Naveftock 2.37 Newenden 229 Nawnton 140. 33' Ne wen ham 7, 242, 288 Nawton 280 281 Newent *3& Nearne 369 Newenton 310, ib. Neatfhead 267 Newick 89 Nefton 250 251 Newington 4, 9, 135, 238, 342 Nedding . 281 Newland - 136 Needham 261 Newlin -.13° Neenton J54 Newmarket 273 Nefyn 356 Newnham .167* 335 Nenfield 87 Newport 161, 202, 237' 364> Nefion 74 368 N eft ran e 162 Newtimber 89 . Nethe 361 Newton 78, 79, 108, 172,. 185, Ketherbury 40 191, 201, ib. 251, 280, 294, Nether Compton 46 334 ¦ Stowey/ 53 Ferrers 120 Newton 463 INDEX. Newton Flotman : — Kirk . Kyne ' Nottage — — ¦. — Upon Ouze . — Pricel — , Samtloo ¦ St. Ceric St. Petrock ¦ Regis Near Stow Tony Tracy Wallica Wold Newynden Nicholafton Nidd Niend Savage NightonNinehedNotftonNoke Nolton Nonington NonyNorborow Norbury Norham Normanby , 29, 1 Normanton -28,31, 23 254 97 13 361 17 287 52 112123166 281310 m IA7 , l80 3 379 79 »54 338 65 186 287* 371 North Allerton Afton Barfham Bayley Benfleet y Berkhamfted Bovey * Bradley b— — Burton — — Cadbury «» Car ford • Cave ¦ Cerney 72' 35' 87, 2 59 u6, 297 159 97 190 37» 301 l9 289 250 99 229206 118 316 2655 337 27 '3+ North Claypole — — • Clifton Collingham Cray Creake Curry Dalton Ejfcingcon — Fleet Fanbridge Grimfton Kelfay ¦ Kelfey Kelfey Leche — — Leverton — — Littleton Luffenham ¦ - Mardon Merfton Mims Molton Moreton Morton — — Mufkham Nebley Ottrington Paderwyn Perrot — — Petherton Pickenham Piddle Repps ' Rdton Rongton Scarle Shobury Somercotes Stoneham Tudenham • Walfbairi Waltham Willingham Witham i8fr 34 34 3°4249 65 27 188 306 232 *7 19-2192 ¦»93 » 34 37. 38, 183 325302, 95 204 206 122 3'9 320 34,37. 38 136 ¦*9 J3i 6? 53 251 33i 261 188 259 1 2 .238 187 339 256266 335191 '74 North "3 INDEX, 469 North VVokindon _, — Wotton _— Wraxhall Northall Northalls NorthamNorthborowNorthbourn Northbury Northcove fJorthelnsham NorthendenJvJorthfleetNorthfieldNorthgate Northill NorthleweNorthley 115 Northmevles Northopp Northorpe Northuver Notthftoke 53, 85, Northwell NorthwingfieldNorthweild , North wold N.arthyam 229 260 3'4 226 272 115 55 7 163 284 248 72 306329 3 126 118 290 78 347 178 61 ,88*i 37.38 158 (237 250, lb. 87 Noiton 7, 18,61, 65, 99, 138, 148, 158, 166, 215, 217, 232,242, 209, 314 — Baven ¦ Bifhops -Blow- Brayne - Canon -Chap• Davy - Difney „ - in Hales - Lindfey ¦ Mallreward - Mandevjlle -Philip's 59< 324» 3-8 172 263 289 146 327291 182 161 329 63 238 59 Norweil NofelyNotgroveNotley Nun Ormefby Nunburne Nuneaton Nun keel ing Nunnington Nvinthorp NurflingNuftedNutfieldNuthall NuthilJ Nuthurft Nyend1 Nymet Bifhops Rowland St. George NymettracieNympsfield Nyote O 37. ih- 3« 215 140 240, ib. 188 1 64 25 29 20 339' 3C4 34i 33 24 93- -5i 121 "3 I2C , IIJ 141 *3* •TXAKEFORD \J Oakley 46 24O, ik.. Oaklie 33S Oburne 46 Occliffe . J95 Occold 275 Ocle Pritchard, US Ockley 194* 343 Odbury *39 Odcombe 61 Oddir.gley 327 Oddymere «7 Odell IQ4 Odington 287 Odftock 312 Odyham 335 Odyngton 146 Qfchurch 47© IN D E X. Ofchtireh ' 169 Offenham 325 Offham 306 OrBogten 320 Offley 207 Offord 210, ib. Offwill "5 Ofton 268 Oke 65 Okebourne 315, ib. Okeford 47, 48, 121 Okeham ' 30I> 343 Okehampton , 118 Okeley 204, 2JS-, 299 Okeney 2Gi Oking 343 Okingham 322 Oldbury 154 Old Byland 29 — Cleve 58 — Malton 29 Old ton 276 O-lney -201 Olvefton - 41 Omberfley 327 Ongar 237 Onhoufe 281 Oily bury , 152 Prby. 178 Orchard Portman 65 Orcharleigh 59 Ordfall n jOrgarfwicfc Orl'afton 6 Qrlingbtfry 299 O'rlton 148 ©rmefby *9> 253 Ormefhead . 69 Ormfkirk 78 Orpington 306, 307 O-rre 88 Oiktt 229 Offtoa , 32, 3r7>^- Oiton 67,69 Orwell I02i 103 Ofbaldwicke 16 O (burn by J72 Ofg'athorpe 211 Ofmington 42 Ofmondfton 261 Qftnotherley J9 Ofpring 7 Ofwaldkirk 29 Qfweftry 349 Otham 8 O'.herey 60 Oilcy 270 Oion Bechamp 234 Otterharn 131 Otterhampton 54 Ottrinden 7 Ottringham 1 25 Otterton 110 Ottery St. Mary-" 110 Oitley J5 Over 73, 1,06, ib. ¦ Church 74 Compton 46 Helmfley 16 Kelltt 83 ]7 Silton Wallop 333 287* Warton — — Winchenden 204 Oveibury 33i Overhall 144 Overpen 163 Overfton 293 Overftowey 54 Overftrand 202 Overton 16, 211, ib. 2l8, 310, 335, ib. Oving 8t), 203 Ovingham 97 Ovinglon 94, 234, 249» 334 Oulde 299 Oulilon 178 Ouniby 171 Oundb m po -+ m is VA »nv© ^CO OOOO ts ts PO O vO O N^tT -4-tsM Is ts PO O OvtJ-m ts IO N Is VOOO O -**¦ VI O VO pl • o £> ,^ OP00dtsMV0C0Otsd--i w PO^t-OOtSM COM OPOd PO POvO ¦ ~ ¦vKSf' *7* M-MMdMPOMMMMpldPlM PO „ M M d Pl d M C. M d PldMd d PO M d CO „ d d -v co S - s PO -ch ts om v© j ; •*• o o vo d oo ?* , v d dM o W a. $ - - - 1 5 = = - = £ .«, .2. o ° w lilliiiiiiyiBillltfiffiiillillilltiliiiii H-t C Q.CuSuMuvii-.t- PCs* a" i: S S S S 3 3 ? S js X ^>,>vm ra « ra -O u-O-o-tJ-O ,5 E5 Jii :=J rt re rt rt cj « rartrtrtrtrtrtrtrt-rtrtrtrtrtrtrartrtrtnjrertrtrti>iL>u4> eiHC^p^cocociHCoa-CMC^c^a^c^a^c-xa^a-p-ia^xcoc^ Q £ vDi-iTl-lsMOC^MVO-4-Md OvO -d- r-oo ooo o ¦*_£: OO ts O vo vo-d m 00 vovO CO m vo vo ts d vovO oiivom omo + nm d 1000 opom d vots-^l-rs o iS Od co is o pi OPOd p—oo m is o d d m vo NMddMd^dpi dMdMPOPOpipopiPO „ m d m poco d pi d n d m p» eo f*S ts IS (VO \ vo Fo 0 o S m « r-^ 1 My g -- H u-riJ: J P o C uq;^ u-r-« u *s x^s^frtoi^rts- — >y_.Cc5Q.v--vJrt'iiij Pimperne Pinchbecke PinhooPiona Canon PipePirton PisFord Pitchcot Pitchford Pitchley Pitcomb Pitlington PitmifterPitney Pitfey Pit Portion Tiverton Playdon 'Ple-miftow 12$ 3^4 J47 2 2.7b 88 162 90 91 3*5 i453*'* do 2ty 214 20Q 172, ,301 287 299 126 362 178 55 327 '74 296, 30a 44> 44 183 no x\b 146, 166 286, 326 293203 162 99 6561 124 8770 iPlenynt INDEX. m. Plenynt Plefhey Plefley PlomptonPluckley ' Plumland Plumftead PJumftedPlumtree ?lungar PlymouthPJymptonPJymftock Plyrntree Pocklington Ppdimore Milton PoddingFod/ngtdn Ppghill Pokington PolePokilchurch PoleftedPclefworthPoling Poluxhill Polfhott PoltimorePon(bury PonfonbyPpnt Faen , Pontefpattl Pontehnd Pool PoolePoplar - Pppleton PprchefterPorkifhead Porlingland Porlock PprtburyPorthkerig? Portinon 246, ib. 112 132 233 158 292 3 66 262 304 '31 213 120 89, 120, ib. 120119 27 61 2,65 121 13' 56. 125 139 280 167 86 196 316 no ib. ib. 82 3^9 28 IOO 3M- 35* 22.7 15 337 *3 247 57 64 360 378 153. Portifham PortifladePortifTaie PortlandPorilemouth Porton PortfmouthPoftllng PoftlingfordPoftwickePotchbrooke PottPotterhanworthPottern Potterspurie Pottefgrave Pollings Potton Poulton PoundiftockePowderbachPowderham PowerftockPowickPowles Cray Poxwell PoyngeftonPoyntingtonPrees Prendergaft PrefcottPrefhattPreibury 4090 337 42 125 40 337 5 272 24S 296 72 186 316*298 *9S 89 197 3'3 I3i 153 117 40 , 33° 3°4 42 3^9 62 i6r 368 7» 3iS 72) 142 Prefton 2, 7, 18, 25, 43, 63, 74, 90, 134, 137, 147, 2.80, 292, 297, 300 • Bagg&ts ¦ Bifletf ¦ Candover • Patrick — upon Stoure — upon Wildmore Super Wyham Preftwich O o o 2 32.8 198 334 83 i6x 146 v,- 77 Princes •Mj |>«M Pi Jtsvovodca PO OO^H-J OOvOv>mvC> OmvOO OvO vo * O <*¦ *• vO vovO « O O *1 W « POO -J-* -J!*1 ts^o & ^ ly, .J-^© 00 O -~ vovO O POvO vO « d d VO-+U m."S -tMO-iJ-." "CO dvO d ^t- O OvO 0>N SJ d pom m d %> w «'« mmm » * ti Mpo„dMMdPiPiNdMMdddMd c .. rs *, Is ., O «v «. B* OtsPO^ ood vo vo rt io is co >i cod £- ov CBi M ^ ^ M M d Is PO PO wm3 po < - . JB Q. K-^m«3 t- "H c s >. 8 « a -.£03^ ^* c N 111 &*3 rWJ .-B If ..II f J Jiri N ^4j?*iif I- r s SS o rt rt 91 dl O o ttvS g5 BBSS rt w rt rt nf, rtrtrtrtrtrtqtrtrtrtrtrtrertrtcnftrtrtwrtrtrtCvirtrartrtCTirtrtrtrtrtraw -il. o _ 3 co Is. PO O m OO O ^-OO MMOO MO O O +o « N N OvO fOOO N tsvO P-Tj-MCOdM^v.^l-lopoPOCOM OOPO tsvO PO m PO PO O vO O PlMPO'dlMM X PO d POdYOCOMPOMMPOCOM MPOi-IMM dPlMdcid IO tfO CO vo »o d -d- VO , O PO M Pl M ' I • - . - . •Si v ^ i >> f, •€ -j >v' -^ 4 - ^ WWC'O'wyG'O' *>. 'E"E"E-E £3 3333333- 333a33333>-.>-v;>,;^>- s{- Co (x, a- p- 2-, Qh Ph Ph cl, p-, p., p-, p., P-> Oi p, a, co &, P-, p, p, fo p* p^ a, a.* INDEX; 475 Rawreth 238 1 Raydon 273 Rayleigh 238 Rayne parva . 234 Raynham * 9, 265, lb. ib. Reading 322, ib. ib. Reby 2I5 Rec ul ver IO Redburne 242 Redbury 189 Reddington 58 Rede 282 Redeham 245 Redenhall 261 Redefweil * 235 Redgrave 276 Redmarfliall 99 Redmerfham 0 Redmill 7 213 Reed 242 Reipham 263, 264 Rekenhall 269, 276, Remiffon 3i Remnam 322 Rendham 278 Rendlefiiam 277 Renhald *95 Renwick 67 Repham 185 Repingale 172, ib. Repton ibo Rerefby 215 Refpernell 128 Reffinden 140, ib. Reftington l13 Revesby 175 Revie 119' Rhiw 356 Kliofcolyn 3-57 Rhofs f 148, ib. Rhuabon 34§ Ribchefter 74 Rfbsford *5T Riburgh 265 Ricall Richard's Caftle Richmond Ridding Riekmanfworth ,Ridgemonde RidleyRidlingtonRidmefleyRidmore Righton Rigwick Rillington ' Rimpton Ringland Ringfhall RingftedRingwoodRingwoulde RipleyRippleRipton Abbots ~ Regis RisborowRisby Rifelipp RifhanglesRifing Rifley RitherRitonRoberftonRocefter RochfordRoch Rockbeare RockburnRockfield RockinghamRockington Rockland Rodborough RodhamRoding Abbots 16 152 81 2,37241 196 3°4 265, 301330 ' 125 23 93,,?*. 11 62 '264. 268 257, ib. ib. 337 7 79 7> 33i 208 208 203 188, 282 / 227275 260 *3 162, 169 37i 164 233 129no 3?73^3330 *¦ -* *35 246, 263, ib. 124 168 I. 237 Roding 476 INDEX, Roding Alta 232 Rottingdon — — Beacharhp 237 Rowbarrow Margaret 232 Rougham — — Mary Aythorp 232 Rowley — — Parva alba 232 Roughton Plumbea 232 Royfton Rodington 162 Ruon Rodmerton 141 Roufihorne Rodyngton 32 Rowfby Roeclift'e 28 Rowfton Rogate 95 Rowdham Rogiat 3^5 Roxby Roidon 233 Rudbackfton Rokeby 81 Roxdon Roking 6 Rudby Rolleright 288, ib. Roydon RoIIefby 253 Ruddlan Rollifham 289 Royal Rolfton 34* l65 Round Rolvynden 3 Rudford Romaldkirk 81 Rowlftone Romandefleighe 121 Rowington Rongton 253 Rudfton Ronton 165 Rufforth Roode 59 Rugby Roofe 24,24 Rugely R.opefley 181 Rugmere Rofcrowther 37° Rumpney Rofdie 373 Rumford Ros Market 37i Rumfey Roffille 378 Rumney. Roffington 35 Runcan Rothbury 96 Runhall Rotherby 215 Runbam Rotherfield 91 Rnnton Rotherham 22 Runwell Rotherith 342 Rupa Rotherthorpe 298 Rufcombe Rowner 337 Rufhall Roufelench 331 Rufhbrook*. Rothley 211 Rufhbury Rowcliffe 68 Rufhden Rothwell 28, i8o, 299 Rufhdon Rowington 65 Rufheworth 89 5? 282 26 '179, 262 22, 242 127, ib. 129 71 173 *73 263 188 367 196 19 a6ij 278 347 301 3" 136 318 329 23 15 168 165 92 3^4 2-28 339 6,6 71 257 253262230 371 322,-:*, 261 283 151 .294, 299, >b. 205 263 Rulhtnerc I N D E X. 477 Hulhmere RofhockRufpar Rufhall Ruffall Rliftington Rufton RutherfieldRuthlonghope Ruthin Rutland RyarfhRybiejtyburgh Rydge RydonRye Rygate RyesRyme Rynalton Rype Ryfolme Ryton Ryver 270, 277 325 93 165316 86 24 288*, ib. '53 355 188 306 193 250 242260 95 342 24 46 379 9i 185 99, 161 SACAVE 207 Sadington 214 St. Alban 242, 326 St. Albans Wood Street 220 St. Aldats St. Alkmund St. Alphage St. Andrew — — — — Aukland *"W - Beverley • Chichefler - Holbourn • Hubbard - Underfhaft - Witton ¦ Wardrobe 138, 285 162 3, 220 3, 190100 25 86 2202212-20 329221 St. Andrews 105, 206, 326, 33*> 36q St. Anne and Agnes Alderfgate 221 St, Anne Black Fryars Manchefter Sutton Bonington St. Anne's ¦ Weftminfter St. Arvans St. Auguftine St. Antholin St. Auftin St. Bartholomew Exchange the Great , the lefs _ in Soca Wint 221 7731 90 225 3^5 41, 221221 St. Bartholomew's St. Bees St. Benedict St. Bennett Fink Grace Church Street 221 Paul's Wharf Sherehog 244 221 221221 340 86 82 175 224 221221244 224 224221 221 St. Botolph 105, Alderfgate Aldgate Billinfgate Bifhopfgate St. Bride's 224, 361,363,364, 37t St. Bridget St. Bridget's St. Catherine St. Chadd St. Chriftopher's St. Clere St. Clement 7, 88 105, St. Clement's 129, 221, 364 82, 361 221, 224 , 162 221 132 190, 222 225, St. Cofmus 244, 285, 326 St. Cr?£ 473 >1 N D Er X. St. St. St.St.St.St. St. St.St. CrofsCruce Cuthbert Davids Decuman Dennis Dion is Donats Dubritius Dunflan's St. St.St. St. St. St.St.St. St. St. St. St. 1 6 1,- 340 i4> 339 14, 193, 264 362, 366 58 11 361 146 ¦ 4 n 224 285 221, 245, 295, 309 246 in the Eaft in the Weft EbbaEdmund 1 1 r, 259, Edmund's Caftle Edward 105 Elveis 369 Ethelburga 221 Fagan's 360 Faith's 221 Florence 370, 370 Gabriel Fenchurch Street 221 St. St. St.St. St. St.St. St.St. St. Genys George ¦225, ib. George's GermanGiles £ 3, nr 226, ib Giles's Harman'sHelen Hellen's HilaryJames Dover James -Bury ^ GarlickHith '3i 19c, '221, 340, 342, 360 41, 79 260 160, 224, 226, 231, 285 106, 131, 295 3?6 274, 326 14, 100 360 Sti St. Uarii Illogan John 15, 89, 90, 4 231282221 128 128 112, 126 St. John Baptift 41, 146, 221, 285, 365 St. John and St. Benedict Cler- kenwell 225 St. John the Evangelift 226; St. John Horflydown 342 Lees 30 Manchefter 77 — Shadwell 227 Southampton 339 Watling Street 1 1 : Zachary - 221 St. John's 10, 22, 82, 295, 297, 326 Gloucefler 1 38 Mathermarket 245 207 37®> 37*» 379 128 126, 208 13213211 1 130 St. Ippolits St. Iimaels St. Jufte St. Ues St. Kayn St. Kean St. Kirrian St. Knee St. Laurence 10,111, 222, 344, 3^9 Newland 231 -! Winchefler 340 St. Laurence's 245, 339 St. Lawrence 14, 325 — Jewry 222 St. Leonard 11 1 — : Eaft Cheap 1 j , Fofter Lane 222 Shoreditc-h 226 St. Leonard's 42, 231, 323 St; Lythan's 361 St. Ludgvan 128 St. Magnus 322 St. Margaret -- 176 Clee '152,153 Leicefter 212 Lothbury 222 — . ¦ M-Lynn 260 St. Marga- INDEX. 479 St. Margaret Mofes 222 New Fifh Street 222 Pattens . Waimgate Weftminfter ¦ — Weftwick St. Margaret's 4, 4, Durham 98, St. Mark St. Martin 222226 245 3°3 1 oo 176 3 86 285 Til 226 - Chichefler - Carfax - Coney Street - Exeter - in the Fields -Ironmonger Lane 222 - Lincoln -Ludgate- Orgars » Outwich - Vintry - Worcefter 176 222222223 11, 223 326 St. Martin's 14, 146, 212, 231, 297, 309, 349 St. Mary 89, 105,-165, 175 3°3 Abchurch 222 Aldermanbury 224 Aldermary ; Arches Axe Bedford ¦ In Binfield ¦ — Bifhopfhill Bothaw Breddin Bury ¦ Calendre ¦ Caftle Gate ¦ Chefter — Chelmsford * Hunts - Hill 10 10, 99, in 223 193 3° 11 3 282 34° 14 70 231 208 221 St. Mary on the Hill 223, Magdalen 3, 146, Magdalen Hofpital Old Fifh Street Oxford Manchefter in Marifco , Milk Street Mounthaw Nottingham Port .-Redcliffe Le Savoy Somerfet — = Stamford Staining. — — in Truro Whitechapel Wigenhall Wood Wolnoth — '¦ Woolchurch St. Mary's 89, Beverley Cardiff in the Caftle — — Coventry ¦ ¦ Church Gloucefler in Combuft — Guildford Leicefter Oxford — Sandwich ¦ Taunton 65 ¦ Wallingford 323 . — . Warwick 328 St. Matthew Bethnal Green 226, 274 — Friday Street 223 St. Maurice Winchefter 340 St. Melyan 126 P p p St. Michael 349' 362 i75» 260231222285 77 245222 222 33 42 42 22)6222 igO 222 129 225 26o 34°222 222 362 26 360 3 167 117 J37 244 343 212 285 48o INDEX. St. Michael 17.6, 326 - ¦ Baffifliaw 222 _ — Belfreys 14 __ Cornhill 222 . Crooked *Lane 1 1 Glouceftet . 138 • ¦ Myjand 231 in Placite 245 -. Qiieen Hith 222 • Royal 1 1 - in Soca Wint. 340 • in Southampton 339 Spurrier Gate 14 r — Suttpn Bonnington 3J Wood Street , 222 Upon Wyre 74 St. Michael's 26, 42, 242, 360, 363» 36&> 37° Coflany 245 Coventry 167 Derby 1 59 Foro Lewes 90 at Thorn 222 St. Mildred ; 3 Bread Street 222 Poultry 223 St. Neot's 210 St. Nicholas 10, 42, 117, 146, 231, 264, 304, 326, 360 Aeons 223 Ad Macellas 223 Coleabby 223 Droitwich 329 Durham 100 ¦- Guilford 343 Leicefter 212 — -¦ — : — Newcaffle 101 Newport 176 — Nottingham 33 Olyffs 223 Warwick 328 St. Olave 15 Chichefler 86 St. Olave, Exeter" -t* — Hart Street Silver Street Jewry St. Olave's _^, — __ Southwark 223 223223 342 3° 7099 42 US 87, 112 11 3, 128 77 226 in 3H227 176 193 79 285 223 7i 223 285 259 33 223 223 340264 260 St. Peter and Mary 138, 281 St. Peter's 4, 13, 42, 86, 87, 89, 146, 231^ 241, 274, 360, ' 365 Bedford 193 Derby 1 59 Eaftgate 176 1 Goates 176 ¦ mh Hungate 245 St. Peter's St. Ofwald Chefter Durham St. Owen's Hereford St. Pancras — ~— • Soper Lane St. Paul . Manchefter Covent Garden - — — Exeter Malmfbury Shadwell St. Paul's . Lincoln Bedford .1 1 Liverpool St. Peter le Bailey Cheap ChefteT » Cornhill in the Eaft Lynn Nottingham Paul's Wharf le Poor Southgate Thetford Wigenhall I N D E X.. 481 St, Peter's Leicefter . — . . Northampton «_ j— — in the. Soke . —.Sandwich . 1 — Southgate — — Thanet . in1 the Tower -Wallingford Winchefter " Worcefter Sti. Petri ad Arcus Dover St. Petroch St. Petrox St. Philip and Jacob St. Piran St. Rumbald 46, St. Sampfon's St. Saviour's St. Sepulchre St. Sepulchre's St. Simon and Jude St. Stephen in, ; St. Alban's St. Stephen's 42, 127, — - ¦'-¦- ' — Colman Street : — Walbrook St. Swithin 245, St. Swithin's 176,223, St.Tethe ( St. Thomas 285, 309, The Apoftle St. Trinity Dogmell Dogwell Martyr Liverpool 14, 231, Chefter Coventry Cambridge DorcheflerGloucefler Goodramgate 212 St. Trinity Guill ord 344 2§5 St. Trinity's 223 340 St. Twinells 371 8 St. Vedaft 11 245 St. Vepe 132 10 St. Werburgh 42 225 St. Werbriger 159 323 St. Wynnowe 132 340 Sai tho 210 326 Salcome no 176 Salcote 236 4 Saleby 176 37' Salehyrft 87 1 11 Salfleet 187, ib. 188 42 Salford 196, 288, 328 128 Saling 233? 23S 231 Salkeld . 66 129 Salle 263 U Salmonby 182 224 Salperton 141 295 Saltby 213 245 Saltford 64,78 245 Salthoufe 255 242 Salton 29 274 Saltwood 5 224 Sal warp 329 223 Sampford 58 , 62, 65, 118, 327 124,239, ib 34° Sancret 128 130 SancT:. Omn. 4r 34° Sandall Magna 28 10, Sandall Parva 22 223 Sandby 35 369 Sandcroft 279 3 Sandehurft 3 "7 Sandford 290 79 Sandhurft 138 252 Sandiacre 159, ib. 7* Sandon 164, 205, 230 167 Sandridge 242 106 Sanringham 260 43 Santon 251, 264 138 Sapcote 217 U Saperton 181 Ppp 2 Sapifton -*• O tsvO. O CO O vO vO tsvO 00 vO 00 vO m o PO J IS.tsVo-J'CO.d-lolOlS tsvO CO PO VOOO O Pl d O POOO PO vfl o CO . {9? 9, _S P * livrsf.|§l l^illiflillil^ n --&&¦«§ g8s.fr c-i C/3O0O0v - 3 S Fv^3 ^r»S«e3rtrtrtrti5300Q,OO022S2 *f OOWO0CO^0OC/3WOOv/}vy-)C/3V30f3C/3O0SOC/3OTO^O0C«0Oiiy30O0OW I N D E X. 4»3 Sefehcote i39 Sheperton 225 Setori 114 Shepey 218, iu. Settrington 17 Shephall 241 Sevenoake 3°7» Shepherdfwell 7 Sevington 6 Shepiflied 212 Sevicake 126 Shepley 94 Seyton 3°2 Shepreth- 163 Shabington 203 Shepton 55 Shadingfield 284 Sherborne 17, 46, 257, 286 Shadockfherfte 6 Sherburn 335 Shafton 46, ib. i b. 47 Sherburne i5» 336> lb- Shaile 212 Sherfield 335> 339 Shakerfton 218 Sherford 265 Shalden 334 Sherif Otton 16 Shalfleet 345 Shering 2.33 Shalford 235 343 Shermanbury 89 Shallefton 198 ¦Sherrington 202, 317 Shangton 214 Sherfton • 3*4 Shapewike 44, 60 Shields IOO Shappe 69 Shildon "3 Sharington 255 Shillingford "7' 3^9 Sharnford 217 Shilton 288* Shaw 321 Shimpling 261 Shawborne 321 Shimplingthorne 280 Shawburie 162 Shingham 254 Shawell 217 Shinglefbie 29 Shebear 124 Shipdam 256 Sheffield 21 Shipham 52 Shefford 32- 321 Shiplack 288* Shelbrook 22 Shipmedowe 284 Sheldon 166 Shipfton upon Stoure 327 Shelfanger 261 Shipton 288, 333 Shelford 162. 123 Beauchan P 56 Shellefley Beauchamp 151= 326 VV VAX -4UU Shelley 237 George 41 Shellow Bowels 233 Mallet 55 Shelton 34, i95> 252 Moyne 141 Shelve 153 . Olyffe 142 Shelviche 7 - Solars 140 Shendley 202 Shipwafh IOO Shenfield 229 Shirborne '37 Shenington J35 Shire 343 Shenley 206 Shirland 158. Shenfton 165 Shirley *57 Shenton 162 Shirwell 121 Shitlington Kt*' H » M MMMMOOWOO M SJ MMtOM|otOwOOMWOOOOMOO M'voto-MOOOOOOtOMM w ~* 004v vovO m OO SI si 00 m^=- to O m .*. si to wsjsl mo Oto O Om i- OlOsl. Ov JL-sl. OQvO O -}J» OWJJ. MvOvO msi to On vO vD OO On On O 004* 4>- vO ¦© WOO OOOOn OOvO si m Ln OO OCvO OO 04- vO . OCOO 4»- 4s- 4^ si O0sl to si st : _ Q co co on ooco cncncni/icncncncncncncncnaicowccwcijtncncncncflMCnc/it/JCfiwcocntyjwtwwcococntti 3* ^ o™ 3 O O 3 i^ps •3 = toOv s ioo ii vO O 3* OJ " r> ivy MK) M " m M H s> O OvO OOOO O M VO ~;s> m m 4>. OOvO Ov o w MM OO -•> OO . OO O oo "tOMM " MM MVO O0MM*_,M M "MS> MS* _ nj>CO00»mUC0viOi KOv N Ov| V! ^ 00^1 W H h N 2jvO vO 10 m O OJ sj m On On sj vO O S^-fv sj On O vO N OQvO OOO O OCOn O-f- 00 OCvO si oo 0S»gvi» »5v0 W>l/v On ;*" to sQ vQ sj Ov INDEX. Snjethcote Sroeton Srnithby SnaithSnalefwell SpaveSnarford gnargate SnellandSnetonSnetterton SnettefhamSoeyntonSnitterfieldSnodelandSnoreham Snoring Sodbury Soham Earles Monks Solqnefton Sqlyhail SomborneSomerby Somerford SomerltonSomerfby SomerfhaU Somerfham Sptrierto'hSonbacheSondhey Sondon Sopley Sopworth Sotbie Soterley SothertonSoulbury Soulderne Souldrop SouthacreSouth Bayley 162 81 159 28 274 6 185 6 .191 19 262 257 33 328 3°4 232266 138. 139 274268275 92 166 339 181, 193, 213 313, 314,1b. 27.6 182 157 208, 268 61, 280, 287 73 197 195 337 3'4 192 284 273 200 287 194 250 in Durham joo South Benfleet - ' Bergh B radon — — — Cadbury Cave — Cerney — Claypole - Collingham — Creake - Croxton - Dalton - Elkington — Fambridge - Fleet — Haningfield - Kilworth - Kyme - Leverton - Littleton - Luffenham - Molton - Moreton - Mufkam - Myms - Newington - Newton - Normenton - Ottrington - Paderwyn - Perrot - Pethe'ton - Pickenham - Repps - Refton - Scarle - Shobury - Somercotes - Stoke - Stoneham - Tawton - Walfham - Wameborow -Weld- Wefton 35 229 257 565527 134186 34 250216 26 188 2383°4 230 217 i74 183 325 302 122 3-9 37> 3» 227 287* 318 158 16, 16 131 , 40 56 251261 177 35 238 187 53» 288* 339 114 245, ib. 335 230 286 South MWMMWtfiept«fflW5«t6^vJfl^Ki{fltBKt/SEflEflWCflefi£fl«035fiMt«M «i3"t5-Q^3>g"jsna»o,T5"6"SBa'6"a ~' % 5» i S: ?? ° a. P o 3 s ?f 3- C c tT ! ^V3^ ' , 3 CM ^. CO 5f 6i -I « D*0C \3 3"Oft *D 13 *C. "O "a .->: ,-¦¦ BS 53 M n> n x *^ ^> 3 jv 3- Ej st " 5>2 £ o1 Si. —S. § S. 3 a- 3 offq v< SV o g o g o' Q © e "^ r* -*. M- r-r rr .-? f* 3" 3" 3" 3* 3" 3* 3" "3 "-< 2 o 2-.*. ^"-rT-vp rs E^ tV5 t/5 e/s to to o o o o o ~ s S c 3" 3* 5- o cr 3- r» 3 3 ST3-3- g5 3t&|lrS3 win 4>. vO OO On On OC OCsl o vO On vO m to o oo on ov OO OON 00 » M m m to " m to to m OOO to to ^l On toOn OO com OvO OO OOOO On On vO 00 ; OW-f - W-fv Qi-nO0vO4>-sl OOCtv OOOn si OO ~J si vO . S-!vO si m on • M OO M tJ ss 4^ M tO f SJ M O O ~-oo On OO OO O ^ O OO OO 0 &133"O |-o a W CO 3 3 aa crq -^ -t O ! c 3Cu cr. oocncncfltnKcncficnmcnwoiK cncriWtncr.cncncflojcncntncncncncncnco -•rt w q ml w O ^ ¦6 *< to w35" 3 °- -o o 3> O to to to _M to m 4v Oo to si oo OO On 0COi sj Osj si vO vO to' tO SI v. vo M *R5 W v» M OO Ori vO 04*- vO ^L'-O si si - d' ^ cr =r n- P- T X5 3 °-v2 o. o o n ^< o a a pr?r oosi O o e> o ri -'¦ o 3 o •< 3 igthorpe tburgh CO CO CO "S "2 "° 3 a. Ei 3-1 3 g n (j-o 3 2- o oo to — to io to O4s-slslvO0n msj w \S> 10 M N» H^IjJW vl>0 4=v s] IS) OO sj ON .00 O w O D KUif QW 004>- m OO q O ™ 4»- tzs en ca F* .-. ¥+ lis g n 3 3 3 M On O 4* -fi v? P s CO CO C/5 COXO"'C>5 C*> -i- ~ k* M f+ *t CT g$M s g g s sC"3 s * s s cT V n\2 g- a. = ^ *~ IT cn cn ^j > a r* . i* 3 fcJ o 1*3 Co Cn cn Wen en C/S f S 3 ES 3 « 3 - - 3 s a, 3 3 oo oo SI OA ov o; \# v# •H m W mIOmmoo Oo 04>- m oo O ooon O OvJ on On to 4"- io OvO 10 O O 4» 00 VO OO ¦ , .* ' .» .S M M (O 10 M oo OOn m v© m .7"+- OCOO OO si oto 00 i** " CO«.oo to If B> 3 3 CU » 3 3 S Jf CW OQ 9. o si toOV VO m a. gv s O re O vO to 10 K> M OO Z MtOMtOtOOOMOOtOOOVOIOtOtOtOMOCtOtOtO O oo oo m ." On OvO 0010 0M00MOM004a. oost to 4> 00 o OOOn OOsj sj si oo ^ 004s.Onsito4»OOMtooovCOOOMOnM #0n»0si 2 r sr- n. :« &_ 3- 3'§ 2f g" H" 2 <» " wra g 3 c g £. sq fj &-»< v^ 3 o. a. SeT-gg. » tooopp; 2. M ¦* CK) IO M cravsi 2 3 3 ra P era cm . *< FT ^ 2 ra 3 ra Eft ° O1 »«* _ cocococococococo J r* i-r rt. CD a c/: co co Ef ^J ^t ^ — • - ".' - r-r rr r-r r-r ss3-a^S43^^^^B = rcw &• S 3 2 Sit2 . era era sr vii ! ° S 9S 53" Tl O3 s 3 o ii. n p- i^cratra^ v? |. Q Q W > no i?3S-§ aaiS?>" »i a 3^3c?> tv-Sto-o 3 ? |w P- g cn cn cn co co to cn cn »-t^+r^rt-HfrTi-ff^ra ra rara ra, ia so aa jra _ra cu Q, cr^ 's •< W M" 3tIQ 3 3 3 3 3 O 3 vO oo o CO -M M O sa 488 I N D E XP JStockleigh Stockton 151, 161 j Stodeleighe StodyStoke 55, 61, 74, " Albany , > Aih , Bilhops Blifs f — — rBruern • — — Charitie Clymefland Crucis t- — Dalborn — — Qame'rell . Doyle — « — • Fleming m Gabriel ¦ Garland Gi'fford • Goldingron near Guilford. — — Gumbcr — — Hammond ¦¦' ¦ Lacy Lyn v Milbargh Near Newark — — Nayland Newington — — - Auftralis Borealis Piro - Pogies — . — Prior Rivers Saye — — Stalmage upon Teyrn — < — upon Trent StokedryStokegurfey ,;! Stokeland - Ii2j ib. 247' 3»7 121 255 168, 274, 3°4 300 275 340 144 297 339 126 24734i 125 150, 296 116117 46 4^.52 202 343 5» 202144 .. 287 152 : 35 280225 174174 58 199 329 121 153286 1.6 1 164 302 54 4°> 54 StokelinchStokerfton StoketonStqkefbyStokefleyStpkewakeStokewpodStondonStoneStonehoufe •Stoneley S toner Stonesfield 1 Stonham Afpall ¦ Earles Jermingham 57 2J4 168 253 '9 ' 48 - ,' 46 1 97» 243 6,-203, 3°4> 325 -141 StonilbyStony Staunton Stratford Stopham Stopport Stonngton Stortford Stotfolde Scotterfden Stoughton StotireStourmifterStourtonStow 105 Bardolfe -J Bedon Longa St. James's St. Petrock Stowe Stowell Stowey StowfordStowlangtoft Stowkqn Stowting Stradfet 169 - - 7 290 ¦' 268 '-2-68 267 213217202 957293 242 197*54 95, r95' 210 45> 46, 4946 35*3*7 140, 152, 189, 198, 232 -254 24,9 103 118 124 29a 62, 134 64 123 269327 5 254 Stradfyall I N D , E X, 489 Smdlhall Stranton Stratfield 322: Stratford- — ¦ — up©n Avon ¦ , 11 — Le Bow . St, Andrew ' • Tony Stratforth Stratley Stratton Street 'Streete Strelly Strenfall Strenfham Stretford Strethall StrethamStretley Stretton • All Saints - on the Fofs ¦ Long Marjr • St. Margaret 271 99 333» *'*¦ ' 279 328'226 278 ' 3'2 ' " 81 -- ;-i95 131, 134, 259 59' 78, 144, 149,' 15 r, ¦ in le Field Strixton Strond Stroud ( StrubbyStrbxton StrumpfhawStubton StudhamStudley Studmarfh Sturmere .Sturminfter SturmouthSturreySturftonSttirton magna Stuttonr' ; 252 324 252 3*3 60 90 33 . 16 331 148 236 107, 342 3/3 167, 300 160 295 225 141 177 181 246 186195 329 2 234 48 2 •', 4 276 179 27T Stynsford • 4« Sty pull 43 Suckly 339 Sudborow 296 S ud bourn 277 Sudbrooke ,' - 185, 365 Sudbury1 154, 157, 281 Sudmifter 232 Suffield <• 262 Sulgrave 292 Sulham 322 Sulhampftead 322, ib. Sullington 93 Sul?y 361 Sum-pting 94 Sunbury 227 Suhdridge 30/ Sunning 322 Sunningwell 3f9 Surfleet 183 Sutcomb 116 Sufterb'y 'I7 Surterton 183 Suttefbury 292 Sutton 24, 25, 90, 107, 140, 153, 177, 183, 197, 198, 267, 283, 304, 334' 34* 33 in Alhfield Benger 3H — :!— Bingham '62 in Colfield xb6 Courtney 3*9 — - — in la Dale 158 fuper Darwent 26 Gaitres , 16 in Lefield J57 — — - upon Lownd : ' 36 Maddoclt- 161 » - Magna - 238 — *— Mandevile 312 in Marifco 176 — — Montague 55 St. Nicholas 150 . Staford 92 Q.qq2 Suttorj 49Q' I N D E ^; Sutton upon Trent — — Valence , r' — r- Waldron £waby Swacliffe SwafFham 104, SwafieldSwallow SwallowcliffeSwanbourne $*anefcombe Swannington ' Swanfey Swanfhed Swanton 748, Swanwkh $warby Swirdiftoni Swarford SwarkftonSwarneton Swatpn Swpifey Swaynefwicke oWaynlthorp,Sweftling Swell 57, $\yepfton Syvetenham SwrdleyS willington Swillond Swfmbridge Swinderby Swinden Swine Swinecombe Swjnehope Swinefhead Swinefted Swinfield„Swinford Swineford S winnerton : 35 Swinton 22 8 S wit bland 212 46 Swyre 4° 177 Syde H.V 10, 287*, Syderftrand 262 105,-250 Sydington *34» ib- 174, 267 Sydlelham 95 180 SydBng -49 3" Sydmouth j. 110 200 Sylkiflon 2*, 3P4 Sylverley , 274 264 Sylyihgton 153 378' 379 Symondfborrow 40. 209 Syrnortdiburne 9» 255. 259 Sympfon ao2j, 1. 43 Syrmington' 3f> 174 ,,-, , 254 288 T *59 334 172 >~pACKLEY 1 Tacolnfton 289 252 1.1 : l03 Tadcafter 15 •.-!SK!" 53 Tadlow „ 107 254 Tadmerton 287* 278 Takeley 239 , 140, ib. Talachdy 374. 211 Talaton 119 73 Talbenny 37i 142 Tajbout 379 *3 Tallington 189 270 Talley 380 111 Tally 375 181 Tarnerton 125 142> 3*3 Tamworth 329 25 Tanfield 80 , 288* Tangmsre 9i 180 Tankerfley 21 183 Tahfor 296 174 Taplowe J99 4 Tarbigg 329 216, 325 Tar.rant GunviIPe 44 163 Hinton , 44. 164 Tarrant I N D E Xj 491 Tarrant Raw/ton 44 _ Ru'lhton Tarrington 15° Tajburgh , "JTalhley 252 »54 T^tchbrooke ibg fatha 361 Tatham 76 Tathwell 188 Tatingfton 278 fattenhall 72 Tattenhill 165 Tatterford 250 Tatterfet 250 Tatterlhall 184 Tattesfield 345 Tattington- 275 T-averham £64, ib. Taviftock 123 Tavy St. Mary 125 Tawian 132 Tawftock 110 Tawton Bilhop's no Taxal 72 Teddington 227 Teddifcombe 90 Tedford 182 Tedrington *39 Tedilon 145, ib. Teftount Evias 312 Tellesford 59 Temple 42 ' ¦'-.' Grafton 329 ^ — Guiting 141 Templeton 124 Tempsford 197 Tenbury *5> Tendering 240 Tenham 7 Tenterden 3 Terling 241 Terring 94, ib. Terrington 16, 259, ib. Terwyn. JO 114 TeftertonTeflon Tetbourne Tetburie Tetney" Tettcot TettenhaHTevelbyTeverlhallj TewTewing ' TewklburyTeyTeyngrave TeyntonThackftedThakehamThameThatcham Theberton Thedilthorp ThedilthorpeThedingworth Thelnetham Thelveton ThenfordTherfield Theyden ThilftonThimblebyThimblethorpeThingdon ThirklebyThirkley Thirlow Thirnefcough Thirfke- ThirningThompfon ThorelbyThorefwayThorganby ThoringtonThorkefey 265 306 114 *4* 180116 163191 287* 207 142 236, ib. ib. 118 117, 136,289 232 93 286321273 176 176 215 269 261292205 237, ib. 238 72 179 264 294 16 277 271, ib. 21 17 264249 177, 180 191 191 273 185 Thorlafton 240, 4?* Thorlailon Thprley Thormanby T4wrmerton Thorn TliornageThbmborough I N D E X, 31 242 16 134. 139 ¦ 22 255 198 Thornbury 116, 116, 135, 145 ThorndonThofneThorne Coffin Thornecomb tkoffietioqgh Tfoorner Thornqfon ' TJfcmefordThorney Ttebmfawlcon Thorn-hamThbrnhill 275 65 6t "5 297 '5 1-1 2 -. 47 35 -¦ 65 8, '276, ib.28 7°, 76, TJfornton 18, 27, 184, 198, • Curtis - Le Moor • in Pickering- ¦ in le Street - StUard • Wattles / 21c Thorparch TKorpbalTet Thorp Market - Salvin 257 193 191 29 19 8080 15 17 262 22 Thorpe 160, 165, 175, 245, 247, 269, 344 -Abbots - Arnold ¦ in le Fellows - in Glebis - on the Hill. r;Malvefor - Mandeville - Morieux -;Near Newark ¦ Parva 261 213185 ' 32 181 299 292280 34 261 Thorpe Thomas ThortworchThrapftoneThreckirigham Tfiroxton Thribergh Thriglby Throcking Throckington ThroughleyThrowleigh ThrumptonThrulhingtonThruxtonThunderfley Thundrich TlrtiningtonThurcafton ThurforthTburgartonThurifby Thurkby Thurleflon ThurlftonThurltonThurlaxtonThurlyThurnby ThurningThurnfcoe Thurrock ThurtaftonThurftonTbuxton iThwaite ThwayteTibberton Tibenham Tiberton TibfhelfTickenhamTickhillTidcomb • Tidde r't-iJ 217 J 39' 296. 173 249 21 253 /¦ 205 1 i-11.. ,.I0 7 114 32 216 146' 333229 243 " 4 212206 33» 214, 229, 262 68 189, 217 126 247 54 196 294 209 21 ib. 74 252, 283257 247, 259 276 327252 m 158 M 22 124 108, 183 Tidefwell f<1 CN O N fl.uv.iAW OisPOW' "CO Pi «M'm >n po m- is o po n iO> -*• o -o ra m u-i « , (^mm m (1 h «. M PO „ pl w Pl Pl n ^5J O W -~ -rt- PO M r*- OO OO? O^vOMSO *i- O Ps «J- w Mto o ts PO, W tvpl N ts w, O Pl G -^-^(-¦4--«»-'i-0'«--«t-vO |sx rj-POM m. o -o o o e 2 2 c -« c c 5 > -O "O *^3 ~C OOOO O '¦'-S h H h h h h vn is cn m ^ i" £ c m e " ¦a .b. ^t ¦, o o i- Oil O rt •— • — he "2 -o' 5 x; c t: v. xi cs _ o o o o o hhr^hhHHhr-1 c u _2 S.2-E ooo 1<3 &£* g s.vS 5 C 3 O. o. Q. Q-m oooo " 2 „S m-S^ y e- S — Su c s ^ p- e\§ <§ ¦£ -a Xi -C . 1 — -• »-¦ k-H 1— IjmU mL, Ui. M*. »_ J_ J— . J_ V— J„, Vmmi V^_ 4-1 4_» OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO hhhhhhhhhhhhhrrhhhhh IU .3 C ooo Si *-_ O OOO tS M IS O O VO M VO-PI m m O .Ov N m po po ro po m m -JfM MOO PI 00 VOVO POvO OO POO'-'OOvO Pt m 'O iOmvO PI P10O voplOO IsvO Is vo Pl 00 Pl PO r*r PO IN O ¦*¦ PO O m POOO LOvO ••*¦ ° O Ov pl vO POvO O vO -+vO pl O" N MCMO'- t») ^- vi- lOvO M PO PO CN CN WPlPlM POmm mpommmpi-, PO PO CO pl pl CO 'mPO m vO o PI e sj: o x -Sj bn%- ,> rt C O u Et 5 rg "o -a ,-o 8 2 E 3 Jl tuo : p e 01 ra -t--„ c x> J 8 >— V- CU OJ -_ XI XI o _ rj *- > g^ j, . o_-r: fcin ?rO£ cj o cjoxiJivii i> »J- M V— I— V- Vh ' 1 u ^- ^^ ^" -. ^. ^ > DU.M ^^ — --^i ^^ M — -¦ • , -^J — " -^ v— MV^. JJ g » M MMUWM ~- l«t fc. 1m k- V^h V— U ^- ^ 4_. Jw ^J *- > XJ 494 I N D E X. Towin 356, ib. Townftall 122 Traarop '" "77. Trallon 374 Trawsfynnyd 357 Treborough 58 Tredington I42> 327 Tredonock 365 Trefdraeth 358 Trefdruy 372 Tref Eglwys 35^ Trefilan 373 Treffeglos 373» **• Treffleghe 377> 37« Trefgarne , 37' Trefriw 354 Tregynan 350 Trehewerock. 130 Trent 62 Trentifhoe 121 Treton • 1. 21 Tretyre H7 Trevalga 131 Treveglos I3I Trimley 271, ib. Tring ?06 Trinity Ch. 79 Triplowe 103 TroftdifTe -. 3°5 Trofton 269 Troftrey 3&5 Trotton 90 Trowbridge 316 Trowell 33. **¦ Trowfe 246 T*roy 365 Trumpington 102 Trunch 261 TrylTam 117 Truiley 157 Trufthorpe 176 Trufwell 36, ib. Tubney ' 3^9 Tuddenham- 137 Tiideley 335 Tudingham 270 Tudworth 333 Tudye 130 Tuffield 288* Tugby 215 Tugford 152 Tunbridge 305 TunfTall 9> 25, 278 Tunworth 335 Tupholme 191 Turfield 204 Turkedori 140 Turnafton 149 Turnerfpondelt 49 Turneworth 49 Turton 7» Turvefton 198 Turvey 194 Turvil's Afton *39 Tutbury 165 Tuttington ' 259 Tuxford 36 Twicknam 227 Twiford 264, 340 Twing »3> 23 Twining ,H2 Twinfted 235 Twiwell 296 Twyford 216 Twynam 89 Tyffield •A 292 Tylney 259 Tydailfide 3*8 Tymworth 282 Tyneby 37°> 37i Tynham 43 Tyfeherft 87 Tyvet fhall 261 Tywardreth 129 T3BBES* INDEX. u U BBESTON 273 Uberfton 37 1 Ubley 64 Uffculme 124, ib. } Uffington 189 UiFord 283, 297 Ufton 322 Uggborough 1 20 Uggle Barnaby 20 Ugglefhall 272 Ukeley 239 Ulceby 177, 193 Ulcomb 8 Uldaile 67 Uley 135 Ullingwick 145 Uteefby 67 Ulrome 25 Ultinge 241 Ulverfton 75 Underbarrow 83 Undy 365 Upcerne 49 Upchurch 9 Upclatford 333 Upham 337 Uphaven 317 Uphill 52 Uplime 1 15 Uploman 124 Upmifter 230 Upotree 113 Uppingham 301 Upton 38, 161, 185, 199, 246 — — Bifnop ( 148 Hilion 11 2 — = — Lovell 317 • Magna 162 Pyne 112 < Skidmore 317 Upton upon Severne Snoddefbury St. Leonard; Warren Upway Upwell Urfwick Ufborne Ufke UtlkoteUtterby UttoxeterUxbridge with Hillingdon 226 49S 33«> 33i 138 329 43 253 7S 79, ib. 366 327 188 164 'fTALDICK V Vaynor 41 , 374 Veckley 300 Veny Sutton 3*7 Verwick 372 Villa Nova 350 , 365» ib' Virginftow 123 Vouchurch U$ W TTTARKTON VV Waddefden 252, ihi 203, /*. Waddinghoe 296 Waddington 179 Wadhurft 92 Wadingham 171 Wadington 19, i85 Wadworth 22 Waghen 25 Waiforde £7 Wainfieet 177, ib. Wakefield ,28 Wakering 238, ib. Wakerley 3b'0 Rrr Walter- to O O OOO tSOO t^ OOO. m PI 00 00. 00 00 vO ¦ rs. •- • - O tv vO vO CI O COPl vO O Plo vO m OO -si ts IS rs O ¦+ i is ts cs oo o Is iNrC CO „ { pi. Pl voPO PO oo ¦£ X: & -3 O U i_, & 3 B rt rt ££ Q vD ts fc. OO vO Pl 3 2 3 U XI & M O ^ ra J, «a O p-»ocu_ *-- — S-x> xi x> o -a -o «* cti ts B O. a, rt^ ra ra cu ~ >-. vm ra u .-3 x! ¦^--gpH 3 C o> e'-S-C •:_3- ••¦^ o"3 2; B ° aiartft.r-'-xj. r^ 3 "3 "5 -3 -m "3 mx; ^^^^Jd-^; S E E E E -Kn MOO lo-^-O O POtvi PO CO p^pl +- O OO C4 O cu tr! rt j- M m 5 M.y .5 '5 „-vS I TJ *3 -p TJ "D o t) >v"3 fr?. o VO 3 a o s 2 u -§) 3 cu ! M O OO vo O to ¦ •v. ^- i-j C w . — ki oj X .3 .— i_ m a -= o CU M ^ M Jai Ja! E Cut2 v2 Wrtrsiflnjrtrtrtrfjflnncijnnrt rd cm n ni 3 ^ rt rt m3 3 rt £ .J 2 StS co E co g 'rtXI 8 ^ -* i? * ., CI oo »._ txN — Q , tu-s ra, X! h 3 O ^^ o X!. cu - Jr -. >> 3 O^ U BvSvsS X5T3 &B C 3 c c a £££££ INDEX. 497 Wafliford Pyne 122 Welham 214 Wafhenburgh 186 Well 80, 177 Wafhington 94' 99 Welland 33° Wafing 321 Wellefburne 328 . Wafperton 328 Wellingore 186 Watcot 327 Wellington 65, 150, 205 Waterbeach 106 Wellow 36> 59> 339 Wate'rden 250 Wellis 266 Waterfall 164 Welton 26, 64, 177, 185, 187, Wateringberrie 306 293 Water Newton '¦«- 211 Welwick 25 Stratford 198 Welwyn 207 Waterperry 287* Wem 161 Waterftock 287* Wemor 37° Watford 241, 294 Wemwarthie *> 3 Wath 22 Wen 130 Wathe 80, 186 Wen bury 120 Watlingham 88 Wendon 54 Watlington 253, 286 Lowth 237 Wattlesfield 269 236 Watton 249 Parva 237 Wavendon 202 Wendelbury 287 Waverton 70 Wendover 203 Waxham 267 Wendron 127 Wayberthwait 82 Wendy 107 Waybred 275 Wenham 279, ib. Waylifbie 36 Wenhafton 273 Webley 150 Wenington 230 Weddington 166 Wen lock 151, 152 Wedenbeck 293 Wennisford 58 Wederley 218 Wenriche 141 Wed more 52 Wenfley 80 Wednefbury 165 Wentnor 151 Weeks 240 Wentforth 107 Weeting 250, 251 Wentworth 22, 107 Wekehamford 325 Wenvo 360 Welborne 186, 186, 257 Were 52 Welby 181 Werefly 2IO Welbury . 19- Wefenham 248, ib. Weldan 195 Weft Anfty 122 Weldon 300 Afhby 184 Weldrake 16 Barkworth 192 Welford 321 u- Barfham 250 Rrra Weft 493 I N D E X. Wt>ft Bradenham - . --— Btomwich Buckland . Burton . Camell Clandoa Coker I>ean g2; Deeping Drayton Grinfted Haddon Hangmering Haningfield -Harling Hendreth Heflerton — — Horndon Horfley Idfley Itchnor Kington ¦- Lexham Markham — — Newton Ogwell Peckham Putford — — Quantoxhead Rafen Redford Roughton — rrRudham -^Shefford Terringtbrt Thurrock. — Tiderley Tilbiiry Tofts Waltham — ™— Wickham — t- Wightring •^— •Winch r 251 1 66 121 36 62 344 62 • 95» 3io189227 93 294 85 230 2623*9 17 229 344321 95 3H248 35 260. 117 306 116 58 190 36 19 250 321 192 23° 33 229 25.1 2.59 #. 104, 304 £5 2j* Weft Witton Worlington Wrating Wretham Weftbere WeflbourneWeftbridgford WeftbroughWeftburyWeftclifFti Weftcott Weftdowlifh WeftdowneWefterfield Wefterkele Weftfariey Weftfield Weftgate. Wefthall Wefthaln WefthamWeftharptreeWeflheth Wefthorney Wefthorpe Weflkngton Weftleigh Weftleton Weflley Weftlidford ; Wellmeane: Weftmerfey Weftmill WeftrnyftonWeftoke 8a 122104 262 10 86,95 3i 186, ib. 52, 136, 153, ib. 198, 318 4 - 14a 56 121 279 175 92, 305 *7> 257 4 273 *59 92, 22S 64 6 86 27h 8 111 273 ' 104, 282 55 337 236 205 8t> 95 Wefton 15,, 34, 52, 64, 104, '39» '5°' '59'- 169» l84» 205, 264, 2-84* 30a • upon Avon - Bamfield • Buckhorne . Coney 135 5546 269. Wefton INDEX. 499 Wefton Sub Edge 135 . Favile 294 f nn thf" Orpf n 287164 d 148 - under Pyneyar £2 — Turvill 203 ...I ¦¦ Underwood 202 in Zoyland'" 60 Weftoning 196 Weftqw 17* 283 Weftrange 162 Wefperley 44 Wefpoit 3H Wefierham 3°5 Weftward 67 Weftwell 3, 288* Weftwick 267 Wetherall 68 Wetherden 281 Wetheringfet 276 Wetherfdale 275 Wethersfield 234, 271 Wetherflon 40 Wethicombe 58 Wethiogton 142, 146 Wethyham 92 1 Wetwang > *7 Weverfton 276 Weveifcomb 58 Weverham 71 1 Weverthorpe 17 I Wexham *99 J Weyhill 333 Weybridge t 344 Whaddon 107, 137, 2Q0, 317 Whalley 75 Whaplode 183 ¦ Drove 184 Whareham 18,18 Wharthill 16 Wharton «3 Whatfield 280 Whatley 59 Whatton 31 Wheatacre 247, ib. Wheathampftead 206 Whelnetham 382, 283 Whelpington iot Whenby itS Whepfled 282 Wherfted 279 Whetely 36 Whethill 55, 154 Whilton ,294 Whinburgh 257 Whipbeck . 82 Whippingham 338 Whipfnade 195 Whifton 21, 114, 131, 298 Whitborne 99, 145 Whitchurch 40, 48, 125, 147, 162, 200, 288*, 327, 333, 3^9 Whitegate 71, 73 Whitelady 326 Whitelakington 57 Whitenefter 141 — Parifh 310 Whitfield 97, 286, 282 Whitford 347^ ib. Whitgift 28 Whitington 142, 158 Whitifbury 344 Whitkirke 15 Whitnafh 169 Whitney 149 Whitftaple io Whittingham 82, 96 Whittington 76, 166, 348 Whittleford 105 Whittlefea 107, ib. " Whitton 189, 269, 377 Whitwell 158, 301 Whitwick 212 Whit worth 78 Whor,tpn 20 Whorwell 5©c> I N D E X. WhorwellWibertonWiburnbury Wicbampton Wichenford WichfordWick Wjckdive Wicken Bonant Wickefiby Wiclcefley Wickham 2, 1 : Market St. Paid . Skeith WickinghamWickliampton Wic.kmer Wicliffe W kief ord widewonhie WidforiWidfordeWreU-ball Widington WkUeyWidroerpole Widfton WJfordby Wigan WigbarrowWJgenholt WiggintonWighillWighrhamWightpnWigmoreWigrington Wigfton Wigtoft . Rifiingdon St. Mary Wikehampton * 333' &• 183 73 44 326 327 <' 33i 297236 191 79 99. 107, 337 283 / 234 276 264, ib. 246259 81 243 "5 231 141 243239337 3* 365 213 78 236, ib. 93 287* ^5 3'9 27, 67, 266 148 16 217 184 140 13* '31 212. WikerfleyWikeware Wilberftor* Wilburham Wilby Wilbye ••- WilcotWilfordWilkirke Willarfley Willeigh WillenWillerby Willerfey Willefbroughe WillefdenWille&ford Willey Willing WillingburyWillingdon Willinghall Doo Spain 21 139 30O 104, 105 275 263, 299 3'5 31, 294, 316 3^5 I49 240 202 23 *3S 6 227 181 i52' l67' 3*7205 299 92 233 233 »35> 125, Willingham 106, 185, 185, 248 284 284 192 '93 217 All Saints _ St. Mary — : South' Willington 159, 162, Willoughby Waterlefs Willoughby Willoughton Willmington Wilfby WilfhampftedeWilton Wimbifh Wimbleton Wimbotfham Wimple Winceby Winchcomb WinchelfeaWinchfield 32: 168, 176 172 92- 184 193. 3'8 I 20, 251 ¦ 233, ib. 34i . ' " 254 102 182142 88 336 Winchtaunton INDEX. SQI Winchtaunton , Windermere Windlefham Windfor Winefcombe Wihfarthing Winge Wjngfield Wingham Wingrave Winkburn "Winkfield Winkleigh * Winnington Winsfrith Winfham Winsforde Wjnlley Evefton Winfter Winfton, Winflanton Winterborne'J-i r Abbots 322: Wipteringham WinterflowWinterton Winthorpe Wentney Hartlie WinwjckWirkefworth Wirklington So83 344 ib. 52 261 200, 301 275' 31 2 200 35 316, 32/ 124 194 43 56 63 30 83 270 J53 4i40 3-i 43 310 48 43 43434048 '48 3i8 49 , 18, 188 310 178, 189, 253 34' 178 336 78, 2C9, 294 J 59 82 . BalTet - Cane - Cherbrourgh - Clenfton -Monkton- St. Germavne -St. Martin', - Stepleton -Selfton . • Stickland - Stoke - Whitchurch WifbichWifhaw Wifhford Wifley WifpringtonWiflawe ' Wiffenden WiftaftonWifton Wiftow Witcliford Witchling Witcombe Witham Withcocke Withcall Witherne WithernwickWitherflack . Withibrooke Withicombe Witley WitnefhamWitney Wittenham Wittering' W ittlewood Witton 71, Wittrifham WivelcoteWivenhoWiverton Wixoe WoburneWokey Wolbarrow Wolberdham WoldhamWolfordWolfhatncoteWolforton Wolfreflon 10c 108 166 3*7 344 179 32 30P 73 93, 280 15, 208, 215 107. 9 13S 241 2tj m 176 25 8j 168 118 3z6> 344 270 288*, ib. 319, 320 297 1 257 lb. 193, 246, 267, 329 6 290236 255272 196, 205 52 329 90 3°4328 168 259 279 Wclfurlow 5»2 INDEX. Wolfurlow US Wollafton 137»295 Wollaton 33 Wollavingtoo 62, 9a Wollet 97 Wolley 209 Wolpit 282 Wolftanton / 164 Wolfton I42> 168 Wolterton 259 Wolverdington ¦ 328 Wolverfrington 59 Wolverhampton 163 Wolverley 325 Wolverton 336 Wolvey 168 Womborne 163 Womerfley 28 Wonnerfh 344 Wonften 339 Wonflowe 363 WoodEnderby 184 Woodalling 264 Woodbaftwick 246 Woodbarrow 38,3" Woodbridge 270 Woodburgh 37 Woodchefter 141 Woodchurch 6,74 Woodeyton . 288 Woodfardifworthy "5 Woodford 228, 292 , 294, ib. 3' ° Woodhall 184 Woodham Mortimer 232 Woodham Ferrers 230 Waters 232 Woodhay 321 Woodhorne IOI Woodkirke 28 Woodland 3°7 Woodleigh 126 Woodmancote 89 Woodmanftone Woodnefborough Woodnorton Woodrifing WoodftockWoodfton Woodwalton WoodyttonWooley WoolfardifworthyWoolhamptonWoolfingham Woolfton Woolftrop WoolvertonWoolwichWooton Word well WorfieldWorley Worletby WorlinghamWorlington Worlingworth Wormbridge Wormhill Wormingford Wormington WormleightonWormley WormehallWormfley WorplefdonWorftedWorthWorthamWorthenbury Worthy King's Martyr — , Mortimer 34* 7 263 257 289, ib. 211, 246211 274 22 121 322 99 202, ib. 181 202 3°4 3" 269 163 52 193 284 273 275 147 8 236 135 169 241204 150 344 267 43. 89 276, ib.72 334 33434°336 136 205 *53- Worting Wofelworth Wottam or Wotton 5, 48, 193, 289, 297, 336> 338, 344 Wottam INDEX. 5°3 Wottam Courtney 58 Wynforton 149 - Under Edge 235 Wynnall 340 — — Fitzpayne 40 Wynflade 33& . Rivers 3*5 Wynflow 201 — Underwood 204 Wynfted 24 ¦ Wawen 329 Wynfton 99, 141 Wrabneys 240 Wynyar 128 Woughton 202 Wyrdford 43 Wramplingham 257 Wyfingfet 248 Wragby 191 Wythioll 130 Wrangle "3 Wythridge 122 Wratting 271, ib. Wrawby 193 Wraxhall 40,63 Y Wreningham 254 Wrentham 272 ^TALDING X Yalgrave 305 Wreffell 27 J57 Wreftlingworth 197 Yalmeton 120 Wrexham 265, 348 Yapton 86 Wridlington 59 Yarburgh 188 Wrington 63 Yarcombe 113 Wrockerdinc 162 Yardley 205, 326 Wrote Wroteham .178 307, ib. 298 HS Yarkhill Wroxeter 162 Yarmouth - 253' 345 Wyam 256, 188 Yarnfcombe 111 Wyardfbury 199 Yarpole 148 Wycombe 205 Yarum 20 Wye 2 Yafor 150 WyerGifford "5 Yate J39 Wykambroke 271 Yately 330 Wyke 87, 340 Yatefbury 3n ¦ Regis 43 Yatlington 55 Wykeford 229 Yatminfter 47 Wykeham 30 Yattenden 321 Wyken 259 Yatton ^3' 3'4 Wykham 190, 241 Yaxham 256 WyJmington 3°4 Yaxley 211, 276 Wymborne 44' tb- Yeaverland 338 Wymefwould 216 Yeddingham 17 Wymondham 213? 251 Yefley 278* 1 1 Wymmeflowe 72 Yelden *95 Wymphill xit> Yelling S f s 210, 227 , YelvertofE 5°4 INDEX. Yelvertoft 294 Yfebach Yelverton 247 YttOB Yeovelton 61 Yevelchefter 61 Yevil 62 Ymminghara 193 Yngham 269 rjHBLt z Yokesford 273 Yoxhall 165 1 EBOROUGH I4S bb$ S7 128 FINIS. 2638