•huiikiHlli;"- • .:iH YALE UNIVERSITY LIBEAEY 0^ t^^^ll^tC€i^^€i/le€>iw^ FORMED BY James Ahraham Hillhouse, BA. 1749 James Hillhouse, BA. 1773 James Abraham Hillhouse, B.A. 1808 James Hillhouse, B.A. 1875 Metnoved 1942 from the Manor Ilouse in Sachem's TFood GIFT or GEOBGE DUDLEY SETMOUB '-^ bs "^ If ¦^ HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS, BEING A GENERAL COLLECTION OF INTERESTING FACTS, TRADITIONS, BIOGEAPHICAL SKETCHES, ANECDOTES, &c., EELATING TO THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES EVERY TOVS^N IN MASSACHUSETTS, ¦WITH GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTIONS. ILLUSTRATED BY 200 ENGRAVINGS. BY JOHN WARNER BARBER, AUTHOR OF COHNECTICUT HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS, ELEMENTS OF GENERAL HIS TORY, ETC. [The Seal of the State of Massachusetts.] (By the sword he seeks peace under Liberty.] WORCESTER: PUBLISHED BY WARREN LAZELL. 1848. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1839, BY DORR, HOWLAND & CO. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massacliusetts. STEREOTTPED AT THE NEW ENGLAND TYPE AND STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY- GEO. A. AND J. CURTIS, BOSTON. WORCESTER: PRINTED BY M. SPOONER AND H. J. HOWLAND. PREFACE In view of the great variety of subjects introduced into this work, and the almost impossibility of producing a publication of this kind without errors and imperfections, it is with a degree of diffidence that it is laid before the public. This is felt in an espe cial manner when the author considers who will be his readers. A traveller in foreign places m3,y make statements at random, in order to finish up his picture, which may pass for truth, when there is no one at hand who is able to correct his errors. This publi cation will come before persons many of whom have better means of information, and more knowledge on some subjects introduced, than can be reasonably expected from' the author of this work. Massachusetts may justly claim an elevated rank among the states of this Union. She is the " mother state" of New England, and the birthplace of American freedom. A nobler ancestry no people ever yet possessed- " The Puritans (says a celebrated foreign writer, in no wise partial to them) were the most remarkable body of men, per haps, which the world has ever produced. — They were men whose minds had derived a peculiar character from the daily contemplation of superior beings and eternal inte rests. Not content with acknowledging in general terms an overruling providence, they habitually asctibed every event to the will of the Great Being, for whose power nothing was too vast, for whose inspection, nothing was too minute. To know him, to serve him, to enjoy hira, was with them the great end of existence. They rejected with contempt the ceremonious homage v.fhich other sects substituted for the homage of the soul, — On the rich and the eloquent, on nobles and priests, they looked down with contempt ; for they esteemed themselves rich in a more precious treasure, and eloquent in a more sublime language j — nobles by the right of an earlier creaticn, and priests by the imposition of a mightier hand." Let those who sneer at such an ances try go back to the titled robbers of the middle ages, and claim affinity, if they will, with those felons of the human race, who fatten on the sweat and blood of suffering humanity. Travellers who have heard ofthe "cold and sterile soil of New England" are sur prised on finding it the " Garden of the United States." On every hand he sees smiling and prosperous villages, and, to a very great extent, the appearance of public and private happiness. To whatever cause blind politicians may ascribe this, it is because " the Pilgrim spirit has not fled." Under no other system but Christianity doe.s true liberty exist, or are human rights properly respected. By it, the existence of man is invested with dignity and importance ; by this levelling and exaitmg system every human being, in whatever circumstances of degradation he may be placed, stands on an equality with the mightiest potentate of earth, and to his fate is attached a mysterious and inconceivable importance. IV PREFACE^. To the various gentlemen, throughout the commonwealth, who have furnished infor mation for the work, the author would here return his grateful acknowledgments, particularly to the venerable T. M. Harris, D. D., librarian of the Historical Society, and to Maturin L. Fisher, Esq., formerly hbrarian, and also to Samuel F. Haven, Esq., the present librarian ofthe American Antiquarian Society, for their readiness to afford every facility in their power in accomplishing the object of the work. The statements respecting the business done in each town were copied from the " Statistical Tables," published by the state in 1837. With regard to the title, it being somewhat similar to that of the volumes published by the Historical Society, it was, at first, not thought advisable to adopt the one now selected ; upon further reflection, however, as the work could not, with propriety, be called a History of Massachusetts, but is properly a col lection of materials ; and as the title is in fact different from the volumes above men. tioned, it is beUeved that no just grounds of complaint are given by adopting the present title of the book. In giving the ecclesiastical history of the several towns, it may perhaps be thought, by some, that an undue prominence is given to the Congregational denomination. In reference to this, it is to be remembered they are the most ancient, as well as most numerous, denomination in the commonwealth ; that almost all the town histories which have appeared have been written by clergymen of that order ; and of course it is to be expected that the reUgious history of their own denomination would receive their first attention. In this publication, impartiaUty has been attempted ; and whenever authentic accounts of other denominations have been obtained they have been inserted. Owing to prescribed limits, there has been an absolute necessity of being brief on many subjects of importance : many things have been omitted which it was desirable to have inserted- There are materials enough to have extended this publi cation far beyond its present limits ; but to have extended it to more than one volume would have rendered it too expensive for general circulation. The drawings for the numerous engravings interspersed throughout the book were, with few exceptions, taken on the spot by the author of this work. Before deciding upon the correctness of these representations, he wishes his readers to remember that the appearance of any place will vary considerably as it is viewed from difi'erent points : thus a north view will appear quite diflferent from one taken at the south. A person not being used to see a place from the point from which the drawing is made, it may not at the first sight be readily recognised. Before any view is condemned as being incorrect, it will be necessary, in order to form a correct judgraent, to stand on the place from whence the drawing was raade. In giving notices of distinguished individuals, a Umited number only could be inserted. In some instances the information respecting some towns may have been defective. The history of some important towns may apparently not have received that attention to which they are entitled. This is owing to two principal reasons: one is the failure to obtain the desired information after the attempt was made ; the other is the fact, that of some important places but Uttle can be .said which would be of general interest. Amid such a number of names, dates, fcc, it is probable some mistakes may have occurred. A certain writer defines aU history to be merely " an approxima tion towards truth." Though this humiliating statement cannot be fully allowed, yet, when the imperfection of every thing human is considered, it cannot be denied but that it may have some foundation in truth. April, 1R39. J- W. B. CONTENTS. Page- Page. Page. Ahington, . 494 Dalton, . . 68 Hawley, 259 Acton, . . 346 Dana, 562 Heath, . . 260 Adams, 61 Danvers, . 171 Hingham, . 503 Alford, . . 65 Dartmouth, ~ 116 Hinsdale, . 75 Amesbury, . 157 Dedham, . 455 Holden, . . Holland, 572 Amherst, . 310 Deerfield, . 245 . 281 Andover, . 159 Dennis, . . 40 HoUiston, . 392 Ashby, . . 347 Dighton, . 117 Hopkinton, . Hubbardston, . 393 Ashbumham, 551 Dorchester, . . 463 573 Ashfield, . 233 Douglass, . 562 HuU, . . . . 509 Athol, 551 Dover, . 467 Attleborough, . 110 Dracut, 386 Ipswich, 191 Auburn, 553 Dudley,Dukes County, . 563 146 Kingston, • . . 509 Barnstable County, . 32 Dunstable, . . 387 Lancaster, . 574 Barnstable, . Barre, . 33 . 553 Duxbury, . 498 Lanesborough,Lee, . . 7677 Becket, 66 East Bridgewater, . 500 Leicester, . 578 Bedford, . 348 Eastham, . 42 Leominster, 581 Belchertown, 313 Easthamptoii, . 31S Lenox, . 79 Bellingham, . . 450 Easton, 119 Leverett, 260 Berkley, . 115 Edgartown, . . 151 Lexington, . 397 Berlm, . . 555 Egremont, . 69 Leyden,Lincoln 261 Bernardston, 234 Enfield, . 320 401 Berkshire County, . 60 Erving, 253 .-..11 V.VJ.il, . . Littleton, . 402 Beverly, 165 Essex, . . 175 Longmeadow, . 281 Billerica, . 349 Essex County, . 156 Lowell, 404 Blandford, . 276 Ludlow, 283 Bolton, . Boston, . 555 532 Fairhaven, . Pall River, . 120 121 Lunenburg, Lynn, . Lynnfield, 581 193 199 Boxborough, . Boxford, . . 352 168 Falmouth, Pitchburg, . . 44 565 Boylston, . 556 Foxborough, . . 468 Maiden, . 409 Bradford, . 169 Framingham, 387 Manchester, 200 Braintree, . 451 Franklin, . 469 Mansfield, . 125 Brewster, . 37 PranMin County, 233 Marblehead, 201 Bridgewater, . . 495 Freetown, . 125 Marlborough, . 411 Brighton, . 352 Florida, 70 Marshfield, 511 Brimfield, . 276 Marshpee,Medfield, . . 46 Bristol County, . no Gardner, . 668 471 Brookfield, . . 557 Georgetown, 176 Medford, . 413 Brookline, . 451 Gill, . . 253 Medway, . 474 Buckland, . 240 Gloucester, 176 Mendon, . 582 Burlington, 354 Goshen, . 321 Methuen, .. 206 Grafton, 568 Middleborough, . 512 "lllambridge, . . 354 Granby, . 320 Middlefield, 328 •Janton, 453 Granville, . 280 Middleton, . 207 Carlisle, . 363 Great Barrington, . . 70 Middlesex County, 346 Carver, 497 Greenfield, 256 Milford, . 587 Charlestown, Charlemont, . 364240 Greenwich, . Groton, . 321389 Millbury, . Milton, . 58S . 475 Charlton, . S6I Monroe 261 Chatham, . 38 Hadley, . . . 322 Monson, . . . 284 Chelmsford, . Chelsea, . Cheshire, Chester, . . 374 549 . 67 279 Halifax, . Hamilton, Hampden County, Hampshire County, 501 . 181 275 . 310 Montague, . Montgomery, Mount Washington, 262 . 286 82 Chesterfield, . 316 Hancock, . 73 Nantucket County, Natick, 445 Chilmark, . 148 Hanover, . 502 415 Clarksburg, . . 67 Hanson, . 603 Needham, . 477 Cohasset , . 454 Hardwick, . . 571 New Ashford, . 83 Coleraine, . 242 Harwich, . 45 New Bedford, . 126 Concord, 377 Harvard, . S7I New Braintree, . 588 Conway, . 244 Hatfield, . . 326 Newbury, . 208 Oummmglon, . 31> Haverhill. . : 182 Newburyport, . 210 VI New Marlborough, New Salem, . Newton, . Norfolk County, . Norlhampton, . Northborough, Northbridge,North Bridgewater, North Brookfield, Northfield, . Norton, Norwich, Oakham, Orange,Orleans,Otis, . Oxford, . Palmer,Pawtucket,Paxton,Pelham,Pembroke,Pepperell,Peru,Petersham,Phillipston, PIttsfield, Plainfield, . Plymouth,Plymouth Cou-nty, Plympton,Prescott,Princeton, Provincetown,Quincy, Randolph, . Kaynham, Reading,Rehoboth,Richmond,Rochester, Rowe,Rowley, Roxbury, . CONTENTS. 83 264 418 450 329 589 591514 691 265 127 334 592 268 4885 593286 128595 335517 422 86 596598 87 335 518493 523 337 598 49 478 481 130 422 132 88 524 269 217482 Royalston, Russell,Rutland, Salem,Salisbury, Sandisfield,Sandwich,Saugus,Savoy, . Scituate, Seekonk,Sharon,Sheffield,Shelburne . Sherburne,Shirley, . Shrewsbury, Shutesbury,Somerset,Southampton,Southborough, Southbridge,South Hadley, South Reading, Southwick, . Spencer,Springfield, . Sterling, . Stockbridge,Stoneham,Stoughton, Stow, Sturbridge, . Sudbury, . Sunderland,Sutton,Suffolk County. Swanzey, . Taunton,Templeton,Tewksburj', . Tisbury,Topsfield, Tolland,Townsend,Truro, Page. 600 287 600 218 227 8951 229 . 90 526 136 486 91 270 423 423602 271 139 341604605 338 424 287 605289600 94 4-28487 423607 429272 609 532 139 141 610 , 430 154 . 230 29B . 431 54 Tyngsborough,Tyringham, Upton, . Uibridge, . Wales, . Walpole, . Waltham,Ware,Wareham, Warren, Warwick, Washington, Watertown, Wayland, . Webster, Wellfleet, . Wendell, Wenham, . Westborough West Boylston, West Bridgewater, West Cambridge, Westfield, Westford, . Westharapton, Westminster, West Newbury, Weston,Westport, West Springfield, West Stockbridge, Weymouth, Whately, Wilhraham, Williamsburg, Williams town, Wilmington, . Winchendon, Windsor, Woburn, Worcester, Worcester County. Worthingham, Wrentham, I Yarmouth, Page. . 431 100 , 611 612 . 299489 . 432 342 . 529 613 . 274 101 . 434440 . 614 56 . 274 231 . 614616 . 530440 . 299441 . 344 617 . 232 441 . 146304 . 102 489 . 275 307 . 344 103 . 442 617 . 109 442 . 618550 . 345 491 . 58 INDE X Page, i Adams houses, Quincy, . . 480 Alden, Lieut. J-, epitaph, . . 496 Allen, Capt. John, epitaph, . . . 201 Allen, George, epitaph, . . .138 Americans killed at Lexington, . 400 Ames, Fisher, notice of, . . 462 Ancient church, W. Springfield, . . 306 Ancient house in Deerfield, . . 251 Ancient house in Stockbridge, 98 Andross, seizure of, . . 26 Anecdote, revolutionary, New Salem, 264 Annawon, capture of, . . 135 Annawon's rock view of, . . 134 Antiquarian Hall, Worcester, OJO Arabella, lady, . . . 19 Ark in Pawtucket river, . . 129 Armory buildings, Springfield, . . 294 Page- Ashley, Col. John, epitaph, ... 94 Atheneum, Boston, .... 541 Atheneum at Nantucket, . . . 446 Atherton, H., epitaph 466 Atherton, Rev. Mr., preservation, . . 327 Auburn, Mt., cemetery, . . . 360 Baptist church, first in Massachusetts, . 614 Bailey, T- and L-, epitaphs, . . . 439 Bancroft;, J., epitaph, .... 423 Barnard, Rev. J., epitaph, . . . 206 Battle of Lake George, account of, . 236 Bean, Rev. J., epitaph, . . . 492 Beers. Capt., surprised and slain, . . 266 BeU Tavern at Danvers, . . . 174 Bills of credit, first 26 Blackstone canal 622 INDEX. Vll Page. Blackstone, WilUam, account of, . .1 32 Bleeders, notice of persons so called, . 181 BUnd, institution for, .... 540 BUss, Rev. D., epitaph, . . .385 Bloodshed, first m PhiUp's war, . 140 Bloody Brook, attack of, . . 248 Bordwell, E., epitaph, . . 264 Boston, evacuation of, . . . . 548 Boston harbor first visited, . . . 533 Boston in 1663, . . ... 534 Boston massacre, 1770, . . . 546 Boundary line between Connecticut ? ^aa and Massachusetts, > Bours, Rev- Peter, epitaph, . . .206 Bowditch, Hon. Nathaniel, notice of, . 226 Bradford, Hon. W., epitaph, . . 523 Brainerd, David, notice of, . . . 333 Breck, J., epitaph, .... 334 Breck, Rev. Robert, epitaph, . . 413 Breck, Rev. R., epitaph, . . .298 Bridge, Rev. E., epitaph, . . .377 Brookfield, attack on, ... 559 Brown, Capt. J., ... 428 Bryant, Wm. C, notice of, . . . 317 Bug, singular account of, . . .108 Bunker HUl battle, . . . .368 Burk, Major John, journal of, . . 236 CabotvUle, Springfield, . . 296 Cargill, Hugh, epitaph, . . . 386 Cesar, a slave, epitaph on, . . .115 Chabauakons;komun, Indian town, . 564 Chapman, Tnomas, epitaph, . . 258 Chauncy, Rev. J., epitaph, . . .326 Cheese, the mammoth, ... 67 Chieopee village, Springfield, . . 295 Churcn, first Protestant in America, . 225 Churches, Ust of, Boston, . . . 541 Church, ancient, at Hingham, . . 505 Clams, account of taking, ... 49 Clark, Rev. T-, epitaph, . . .377 Coffin, Admiral Sir Isaac, . 446 Coit, I., Dr., epitaph, . . 289 College commons, ancient, . . . 357 Concord, action at, .... 382 Congregational church, first, . . 35 Convention at Hatfield, . . . 328 Coin, first in New England, ... 22 Cornette, L-, epitaph, . . . 493 Correction, house of, ... . 537 Cotton, Rev. J., epitaph, . . . 421 Cushman, T., epitaph, . . . 240 Daggett, Rev. Naphtali, taken prisoner, 114 Danforth, Capt. J., notice of, . . 350 Day, first printer, .... 358 Dighton rock, inscriptions, &c., . .117 Doolittle's engravings, . . . 398 Dorrellites, account of, ... 261 Dummer academy, oldest in N. E., . 208 Dustin, Mr. and Mrs., escape, . . 184 East Cambridge, view of, . . . 356 East Boston, view of, ... 538 Eaton, Gen., notice of, ... 278 Edwards, Rev. Jonathan, ... 98 Eels in Merrimac river, . . .170 EUzabeth Islands, Martha's Vineyard, . 150 Elegy on Rev. Mr. Whitefield, . . 215 EUot's translation, anecdote, . . . 417 EUot, Rev. John, notice of, . . . 484 Epitaphs, Latin, Cambridge, . . . 362 Eustiss, WilUam, epitaph, . . 401 Execution of Daley and Halligan, . 333 Pare, bill of, on Cape Cod, . Fairhaven, attack on, . PaU fight. Turner's faUs, Faneuil Hall, view of, . Father's Choice, poetry, by Mrs. Hale, Fearing, Maj. Israel, bravery of, Fire at Newburyport, account of, Pure at Shrewsbury, Fisk, Rev. Moses, epitaph, . Folger, Peter, notice of, Four Corners village, Middleborough, Franklin, Benjamin, notice of, Prench Protestants at Oxford, Gage, Gen., residence, Danvers, Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard, Gerry, Hon. Elbridge, notice of, Gloucester, strange occurrences at. Glover, Brigadier Gen., notice of, Glover, John, epitaph, Gookin, Maj. Gen., notice of, Gosnold's discoveries, &c., 1602, Gray Lock, an Indian, . Green, Joseph, Rev., inscription, Groton attacked by Indians, . Hale, old Mr., singularities of, Harvard, Rev. John, Harvard University, He-ath, Maj. Gen. WiUiam, . Hermit, Timothy Leonard, . Historical Society, Mass. Holyoke, Mt., view from, Holyoke, Mrs. Mari, epitaph. House, oldest in N. E., House on Cape Cod, Horn Pond, Woburn, . Hospital, State Lunatic, Hospital, Mass. General, Howe, L., singular monument of, Howe, Rev. Mr-, of Hopkinton, Hubbard's Indian Wars, notice of, Hutchinson, Gov., notice of, Hutchinson, Mrs., account of, Indian church in Marshpee, Indians on Martha's Vineyard, .Indians, first church of, Indian traditions, Nantucket, Indian tradition, Dighton, Indians christianized, . Inoculation of small-pox. Iron forge, first. Jack, John, epitaph on, Jerusalem, New, church, tenets, Judson, Rev. E., epitaph, Konkapot, Indian captain, Landing, first celebration of, Lathrop, Rev. Joseph, notice of, Law decisions, curious, . Le Baron, Dr., notice of, Leonard house in Raynham, . Leonard, Zephaniah, epitaph, Lexington, views in, Lincoln, Benjamin, Maj. Gren., Louisburg, capture of, . LoveU's fight, Lowell, Chevalier's account of, Lyman, Rev. H. epitaph, Lynn, poetic description of settlers Lyon, Marcus, murder of, . ', VUI INDEX. Mallefuild, J., epitaph, . Mann, Bazaleel, and Dr., epitaph, Marine Hospital, Chelsea, Marblehead, description of, 1720, Marriage, first, notice of, Massasoit, sickness of, . Massachusetts, Fort, Massachusetts patent, . Mather, Cotton, notice of, Mattapoisett village, Mayhew, Gov., McLean Asylum, Monument mountain. Monument at Concord, . Monument at Bloody Brook, Monument at Bunker Hill, Monument at Danvers, . Monis, Rabbi Judah, Mountain Miller, account of, Mt. Holyoke Female Seminary, Mugford, Capt. James, . Murder of Miss McKinstry, . Nahant, account of, Nashoba, Indian town, . Navy yard, Charlestown, Newman, Rev. Mr., remarkable death. Newspaper, first in America, Nonantum, Indian settlement. Old colony seal, Oldtown harbor, . Ordination at Woburn, Ordination at Salem, Ossian, quotation from, . Otis, James, notice of, . Page, " Old Governor," . Paine, Robert Treat, notice of, Paper-miU, first in N. E., Parsons, Theophilus, notice of, Paskhomuch, Indian attack on, Pear tree, ancient, Eastham, Perkins, Jacob, notice of, Philip's war, Philip, King, draught by, Pickering, Timothy, epitaph, Pilgrim Society, . Pilgrim Hall, Pilgrim Fathers, landing of, Pirates at Saiigus, Plymouth settlers, names of, Pool, Miss, monument of Powder mill explosion at Lee Pratt, Mr., great age of, Prentice, Capt. T., epitaph, Punkapoag, Indian town, Puritans, account of, Pynchon house, Springfield, Quakers, laws against, Quincy Market, Boston, Quincy, Josiah, epitaph, Quinsigamond lake, Regicides, Goffe and Whalley, Robbins, Dr., library, . Bock, fractured, Sunderland, . Rocks, sacrifice, Plymouth, Rock, writing, at Dighton, Rogers, Rev. E., epitaph, Rolfe, Rev. Mr-, killed by Indians Russell, Rev. J. and Mrs-, epitaph Rutland, incursion of Indians, Page. 298 115 549 203 15 154 6415 648524 154 366 72 385 247373 174 590336339210 144197 40236.5 133 544 419 522152 443220 259 35 565 145 477215 318 42 216 24 526227 521519 13 230 12 143 78 272 421 23 543 481 603323 525 273522 117 218 187 326 601 Saddle Mountain, view of, . Salt, manner of making, Samoset, account of, Scammel, Geu. Alexander, . Sea serpent, account of, . Seal of Massachusetls, &c. , . "Sergeant, Rev. John, Shaker village in Hancock, . Shays' defeat at Springfield, . Sheffield, remarkable occurrences in, Sherman, Rev. J., epitaph, . Shipwreck of the pirate Bellamy, Skeleton, &c., found at Fall River, Snake attack on Nauhaught, South Boston, view of . Spurzheim, monument of, Stamp Act, .... Standish, Capt., notice of, State prison, Charlestown, . State-house, Boston, Stockbridge Indians, account of, Stoddard, Rev. Mr., preservation of, Stone, Capt. J., epitaph, " Striped Pig," &c. Superstition of an Irishman, . Swamp fight, Narragansetts, Swift, Rev. J., epitaph, . Tappan, Benj., epitaph. Tea, destruction of, Thatcher, Col- J., notice of, . Thompson, E., epitaph, Thomas, Isaiah, notice of, Tornado at Salisbury, . Townsend, Daniel, epitaph. Treat, Rev. Mr., burial of, . Turner's falls, Turner, Capt., killed, . Tuttle, Mr., kiUed by mistake. Ursuline convent, Van Rensselaer, Mr. remarkable preservation of, . Vale of West Boylston, Walker, J., epitaph. Ward, Judge, intrepidity of, . Ward, Artemas, Hon., epitaph, Wachusett, Mt. , view of, Wadsworth, Capt., killed, . Wamesit, an Indian town, Warren, Gen., notice of, Washington elm, . Webster, John, epitaph, Webster, Hon. Daniel, residence, Wesleyan academy at Wilhraham, Weld, Rev- Mr., notice of, . Wells, J., escape from the Indians, Whale fishery, .... Whaling song, by Dr. Osborn, Whitman, Eliza, notice of, . Whitefield, notice of, monument, &c., Willet, Capt. Thomas, notice of, . Williams, Hon. I., epitaph, . WiUiams, Mrs., killed by Indians, Williams, Rev. S-, epitaph, . Witchcraft at Andover, Witchcraft at Danvers, . Witchcraft, notice of, . Witchcraft, Cotton Mather's account, Wood's hole, Falmouth, Wood, Capt- David, epitaph, ' Woodcock, John, notice of, . MASSACHUSETTS. OUTLINE HISTORY. Massachusetts,* the oldest of the Ne-w England states, and the first in population and resources, was first permanently settled by Europeans at Plymouth, on the 22d of December, 1620. There is good reason to believe that the first civilized people who visited the territory now comprised within the limits of the state, were the Norwegians, who emigrated from Iceland, and formed a settlement on the coast of Greenland in A. D. 986. From this place, in A. D. 1000, a ship, with a crew of thirty-five men, proceeded southward on a voyage of discovery. From the account of their voyage, which is still preserved, it appears highly probable that they sailed as far south as Narragansett bay, near the head of which it is supposed they passed the winter. It also appears that after this period they made other voyages along the coast, and even attempfed settlements, of the fate of which -we have no information. About the period of the commencement of the seventeenth century, the English sovereigns maintained a despotic power over the con sciences of their subjects. All -who dissented from the national creed established by law were persecuted with great rigor. The avowed maxim in that age, adopted by religious as well as political rulers, was, that uniformity in religion was essential to the peace of society ; and that it was therefore the right and duty of every sovereign to maintain it in his dominions, by the force of law and punishment. In 1602, a number of religious people in the north of England, called Puritans, (so called from their efforts to preserve purity in divine worship,) were so persecuted on account of their religious sentiments, that they were compelled to take measures to find refuge in a foreign land. A little band of these brethren entered into a solemn covenant with each other "towalkwith Godandone another, in the enjoyment of the ordinances of God, according to the primitive pattern," whatever it might cost them. A number of ministers entered into this association, among whom was Mr. Robinson, a man of eminent piety and learning. Mr. Robinson, and as many of his congregation as found it in * This word was the name for an Indian tribe who lived around the vicinity of Massachusetts Bay. The word Massadmsetts, according to Eoger Williams, signifies, in the Indian language, Blue-Hills. 2 10 UUTLINEHISTOUY. their power, left England in the years 1607 and 1608, settled in Amsterdam, in Holland, from whence, in 1609, they removed to Leyden. Here they lived in great friendship among themselves and their > neighbors, until they removed to New England. As early as 1617, Mr. Robinson's people meditated a removal to America. The reasons of their removal were, to preserve the morals of their youth, which were in danger of being corrupted by the dissolute manners of their neighbors, the Dutch ; the desire of perpetuating a church which they believed to be constituted after the simple and pure model of the primitive church of Christ ; and a zeal to propagate the Gospel in the regions of the new world. These reasons having been duly considered by the church, after seeking divine direction by humiliation and prayer, they agreed to come over to America, and settle iu a distinct body, under the general government of Virginia. They also agreed that their pastor, Mr. Robinson, should remain Avith the greater part of the church, whether they chose to remain at Leyden, or to come over to America. In 1617 they sent Mr. Robert Cushman and Mr. John Carver to England, to treat with the Virginia Company, and ascertain whether the king would grant them liberty of conscience, if they removed to their territory. The Virginia Company were very desirous to have them settle within the limits of their patent ; the king, however, would grant no public recognition of religious liberty, but promised that if they behaved peaceably he would not molest them on account of their religious sentiments. In February, 1619, Mr. Cushman and Mr. Bradford were sent to England, where, after a long attendance, they obtained of the Virginia Company a patent of the northern parts of Virginia. This patent was taken out in the name of John Wincob, a religious gentleman in the family of the Countess of Lmcoln, -who intended to accompany them, but was providentially detained. This patent therefore was never used, but carried, however, to Leyden, with proposals from Mr. Weston, and several other respectable mer chants and friends, for their consideration, Avith a request that immediate preparations should be made for their voyage. After a day of solemn prayer, in accordance with their custom previous to their engaging in important concerns, the congregation of Mr. Robinson concluded to remove to America. As it Avas not convenient for all of them to go at once, it was agreed that part of their number should go, and make preparation for the rest. After due consultation, it was determined that Mr. Robinson and the greater part of the congregation should remain at Leyden. The other part, with Mr. Brewster for their elder and teacher agreed to be the first adventurers. A small ship, of about sixty tons, called the Speedicell, was now purchased and fitted out in Holland- another of about one hundred and eighty tons, called the Mav- flower, was hired at London. ' ' All other matters being prepared, a large concourse of friends from Amsterdam and Leyden accom- pamed the adventurers to the ship, which lay at Delft Haven- and the night preceding their embarkation Avas spent in tearful prayers OUTLINE HISTORY. 11 and in the most tender and friendly intercourse. The next day fair wind invited their departure. The parting scene is more easily felt than described. Their mutual good wishes, their affectionate and cordial embraces, and other endearing expressions of christian love and friendship, drew tears even from the stran gers who beheld the seene. When the time arrived that they must part, they all, with their beloved pastor, fell on their knees, and with eyes, and hands, and hearts lifted to Heaven, fervently com mended their adventuring brethren to the Lord and his blessing. Thus, after mutual embraces, accompanied with many tears, they bid a long, and many of them a last, farewell." Having a fair wind, they arrived at Southampton about the 2d of July, and found that the MayfloAver had arrived at that place from London, and immediate preparations Avere made for embarka tion. They divided themselves into two companies, one for each ship, and, with the approbation of the captains, each company chose a governor, and two or three assistants, to preserve order and distribute provisions. They sailed from Southampton on the 5th of August. They had not proceeded far, before the smallest ship proved so leaky, that they Avere obliged to return and refit. On the 21st of August, they sailed again, and proceeded about one hundred leagues, Avhen they were obliged to return again, when the smaller ship was left behind as unfit for service. Leaving a part of the company which had embarked in the smaller vessel, the remainder went on board of the MayfloAver. On the 6th of Septem ber, they set sail from Plymouth. After a boisterous passage, they arrived at Cape Cod on the 9th of November, and the next day they anchored in the harbor which is formed by the hook of the cape. This hoAvever Avas not the place of their destination ; neither was it within the limits of their patent. It Avas their inten tion to have been landed at the mouth of Hudson river ; but it appears the Dutch, intending to plant a colony there of their oAvn, secretly hired the master of the ship to contrive delays in England, and then to conduct them to these northern coasts, and there, under the pretence of shoals and Avinter, to discourage them in venturing to the place of their destination. Finding that they were not within the limits of their patent, and consequently not under the jurisdiction of the Virginia Company, they concluded it necessary to establish a separate government for themselves. Accordingly, before landing, having devoutly given thanks to the Almighty for their safe arrival, they formed them selves into a body politic by a solemn contract, to Avhich they all subscribed, and Mr. John Carver Avas unanimously chosen their go vernor for the first year. The following is a copy of this contract, with the names of the signers, the nuraber in their families, &c. " In the name of God, Amen. We whose names are under written, the loyal sub jects of our dread sovereign Lord King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, king, defender of the faith, &c., having undertaken, for the glory of God and advancement of the christian faith and honor of our king and country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do, by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God and of one another, covenant and com 12 OUT. LINE HISTORY. bine ourselves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and presefva- tion, and furtherance of the ends aforesaid ; and by virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws and ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from tirae to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony, unto which we promise aU due subjection and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names, at Cape Cod, the 11th day of November, in the year of the reign of our sovereign Lord King James of England, France and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domim 1620." This compact was subscribed in the following order by No. in Family, Mr. John -Carver,! S Mr. AViUiara Bradford.f Mr. Edward Winslow,-f Mr- AViUiam Brewster,t Mr. Isaac Allerton,f Capt- Miles Standish,! John Alden, Mr. Samuel Fuller, * Mr. Christopher Mar- tin,t 4 * Mr- WilUam Mullins,! 5 * Mr. WiUiam White,! 5 (Besides a son bom in Cape Cod harbor, and named Peregrine) Mr. Richard Warren, 1 No. in Family. John Howland, (of Car ver's family,) Mr. Stephen Hopkins,! 8 * Edwartl Tilly,! 4 * John Tilly,! 3 Francis Cook, 2 * Thomas Rogers, 2 * Thomas Tinker,! 3 * John Ridgdale,! 2 * Edward FuUer,! ^ * John Turner, 3 Francis Eaton,! 3 -* James Chilton,! 3 * John Crackston, 2 John BlUington,! ^ * Moses Fletcher, 1 No in Family. * John Goodman, * Degory Priest, * Thomas WiUiams, Gilbert Winslow, * Edward Margeson, Peter Brown, * Richard Britterige, George Soule, (of Edward Winslow's family) * Richard Clarke, Richard Gardiner, * John AUerton, * Thomas English, Edward Dotey, Edward Leister, (both of Ste phen Hopkins' family.) This brief, and comprehensive, and simple instrument established a most important principle, a principle which is the foundation of aU the democratic institutions of Ame rica, and is the basis of the republic ; and, however it may be expanded and compli cated in our various constitutions, however unequally power may be distinguished in the different branches of our various governments, has imparted to each its strongest and most striking characteristic. Many philosophers have since appeared, who have, in labored treatises, endeavored to prove the doctrine, that the rights of man are inalienable, and nations have bled to defend and enforce them, yet in this dark age, the age of despotism and supersti tion, when no tongue dared to assert, and no pen to write, this bold and novel doctrine, which was then as much at defiance with common opinion as with actual power, of which the monarch was then held to be the sole fountain, and the theory was univer sal, that all popular rights were granted by the crown,' — in tliis remote wilderness, amongst a small and unknown band of wandering outcasts, the principle th^t the mill of the majority of the people shall govern, was first conceived, and was first practicaUy exemplified. The pilgrims, from their notions of primitive Christianity, the force of circumstan ces, and that pure moral feeling which is the offspring of true religion, discovered a truth in the science of government which had been concealed for ages. On the bleak shore of a barren wilderness, in the midst of desolation, with the blast of winter howling around them, and surrounded with dangers in their most awful and appall ing forms, the pilgrims of Leyden laid the foundation of American Ubertv- BavUes, vol. i. p. 29. Government being thus established, their next object was to find a convenient place for a settlement. On the same day sixteen men, well armed, Avith a feAV others, Avere sent on shore to fetch Avood and make discoveries. They returned at night without havine found any person or habitation. On the 15th of November, Miles Standish, and sixteen armed men, in searching for a place for set tlement, saAV five or six Indians, Avhom they followed for several t Those with this mark brought their wives. * Those who died before the end of the next March are distinguished by an aste- LANDING OF THE "PILGRIM FATHERS," AT PLYMOUTH, DECEMBER 22d, 1620. OUTLIKEHISTOEY. 13 miles, until night ; but, not overtaking them, were obliged to lodge in the woods. The next day they discovered heaps, one of which they dug open ; but findmg within implements of war, they con cluded these were Indian graves. In different heaps of sand they also found baskets of com, a quantity of which they took away, to the amount of about ten bushels. This was a fortunate disco very; it gave them seed for a future harvest, and probably saved the infant colony from famine. They made diligent inquiry for the owners of the corn, Avhom they found, and afterwards paid them to their entire satisfaction. Before the end of November, Peregrine White, the son of William and Susanna White, was born, being the first child of European parents born in New England. On the sixth of December, the shallop was sent out with seve ral of the principal men, Carver, Bradford, Winslow, Standish, and others, and eight or ten seamen, to sail around the bay in search of a place for a settlement. The next day the company divided; and some travelled on the shore, whilst the others coasted in the shallop. On the morning of the eighth, those on the shore were surprised by a party of Indians, who shot their arrows at them; they "however instantly fled upon the discharge ofthe mus kets of the English. On the night of the ninth, being Saturday, they reached a small island, (since called Clark's Island). They reposed themselves, and on the next day on this spot they kept the Christian Sabbath. The day following, December 11th, O. S., they sounded the harbor, and found it "fit for shipping." A part of their number landed and went some distance into the country. They also examined the land near the shore, and found it hao been planted with Indian corn two or three years before. A beau tiful brook was near, and a number of springs of pure water; and judging this to be a good place for a settlement, they returned with the welcome intelligence to the ship. This day has since been considered as the day on Avhich the Pilgrim Fathers landed on the Rock of Plymouth. The day Avhich has been annually cele brated in commemoration of this momentous event, is the twenty- second of December, N. S., which has been supposed to correspond with the eleventh, O. S. On Saturday the 23d, they began to cut timber and provide materials for building. This business found them employment, when the weather Avould permit, till about the 19th of February. The Avhole company, consisting of one hundred and one souls, were divided into nineteen families, Avho each built their own house or hut ; they all, hoAvever, engaged in building a storehouse tAventy feet square for common use. From the time of their arrival on the coast, till the day of their permanent landing, the weather was often stormy and severe. The men who were employed in exploring the coast, were exposed to great hardships from watchings and fastings, wet and cold. During the month of December, six of their number died, and many others sickened of grievous colds, of which they uever recovered. On the Lord's day, December 31st, they attend- 1.4 OUTLINE HISTORY. cd public worship for the first time on shore, and named the place Plymouth; partly because the harbor was so named by Capt- Smith, who visited this coast in 1614, and partly from gratitude for the kind treatment they had received from Christian friends at Plymouth, the last port in England which they had left. The colonists, on the 9th of January 1621, proceeded to the erection of their toAvn, which they built in tAvo rows of houses for greater security. On the 14th, their common storehouse took fire from a spark that fell on its thatched roof, and Avas entirely consumed; but providentially, by the timely exertions of the peo ple, the contents of the building, so necessary for their support, were preserved. On the 17th of February they met for settling military orders, and Miles Standish was chosen their captain. The settlers suffered extremely this month by sickness and death, and no less than seventeen of their number died. Their sufferings were much increased by the want of well persons to take care of the sick ; there being at one time no more than six or seven in tolerable health. In March, 1621, fifty-five only survived of the one hundred and one Avho came in the Mayflower. On the 16th of March, an Indian came into Plymouth alone, and surprised the inhabitants by calling out in broken English, ^' Welcome, Englishmen ! Welcome, Englishmen!''' He was the first of the natives Avho visited them : his name was Samoset, and was a Sagamore who had come from Monhiggon, (a place now ia the limits of Maine,) Avhere he had learned something of the English tongue from the captains of the fishing vessels who resorted thither. He informed the Plymouth people that the place where they Avere seated was called by the Indians Patuxet; that all the inhabitants died of an extraordinary plague about four years since ; and that there Avas neither man, woman nor child remaining. No natives, therefore, were dispossessed of their land to make room for the English, excepting by the providence of God, before their arrival. Samoset was treated with hospitality by the settlers, and was disposed to preserve an intercourse Avith them ; and on his third visit brought Squanto, one of the natives who had been basely carried off by Capt. Hunt in 1614, and afterAvards lived in England. These Indians informed the English that Massasoit, the greatest king of the neighboring tribes, Avas near, Avith a train of sixty men. The meeting betAveen him and the English was conducted with considerable formality and parade. They entered into a friendly treaty, wherein they agreed to avoid injuries on both sides, to punish offenders, to restore stolen goods, to assist each other in all justifiable wars, to promote peace amono- their neighbors, &c. Massasoit and his successors for fifty years^invio- lably observed this treaty. The prudent and upright conduct of the Plymouth settlers toAvards their neighbors, the Indians, secured their friendship and alliance. On the 13th of September, 1621 no less than nine sachems declared allegiance to king James and Massasoit, with many sachems under him, subscribed a writing acknowledging the king of England as their sovereign. OUTLINE HISTORY. 15 The first marriage in the colony was solemnized on May 12th, 1621, between Mr. Edward Winslow and Mrs. Susanna White. The first duel in New England was fought on the 18th of June, betAveen two servants, both of whom were wounded. For this disgraceful ofience, they were formally tried before the whole com pany, and sentenced to have " their heads and feet tied together, and so to be twenty-four hours without meat or drink." Such, however, was the painfulness of their situation, and their piteous entreaties to be released, that, upon promise of better behavior in future, they were soon released by the governor. The colonists planted twenty acres with corn, of which they had a good crop, They Avere instructed in the manner of planting by Squanto; but were unsuccessful in their first trial with English grain, by reason, as is supposed, of the lateness of the season, and bad quality of the seed. Governor Carver was taken sick on the fifth of April, while engaged in planting corn, and died in a fcAv days. His death was greatly lamented, as he was a man of great piety, humility, and benevolence. He possessed a considerable estate, the greater part of which he expended for the good of the colony. Soon after his death, Mr. William Bradford was chosen governor, and by renewed elections continued in office for several years. On the 3d of November, 1620, king James signed a patent incor porating the Duke of Lenox, the Marquises of Buckingham and Hamilton, the Earls of Arundel and WarAvick, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, with thirty-four others, and their successors, styling them " The Council established at Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for planting, ruling, ordering, and goA'erning of New Eng land in America." To this council he granted that part of Ame rica which lies between the fortieth and forty-eighth degrees of north latitude. This patent Avas the great civil basis of all the grants and patents by which New England was afterAvards divided. The Plymouth Council retained the power vested in them by the crown until the year 1635, when they resigned their charter. Previous to this, however, the council had made several grants of land to adventurers who proposed to settle in New England. They granted New Hampshire to Capt. John Mason in 1621— the Province of Maine to Sir R. Gorges in 1622 — and Massachusetts Bay to Sir Henry Roswell and five others in 1628. In 1622, Mr. Weston, a merchant of London, having procured for himself a patent for a tract of land in Massachusetts Bay, sent tAVO ships, with fifty or sixty men, at his own charge, to settle a plantation. This company attempted a settlement at Weymouth, but, "being a set of rude, profane fellows, regardless of justice, provoked the Indians by stealing their corn, and other abuses, to become their enemies, and occasioned much trouble, both to them selves and the Plymouth settlers." The Indians soon entered mto a conspiracy to destroy the settlement, which they would have effected, had it not been for the interposition of their Plymouth friends. The Plymouth settlers having received information that the 16 OUTLINEHISTORY. sachem Massasoit was sick and apparently near death, and that a Dutch ship was driven ashore near his house, the governor serit Edward Winslow and John Hambden to visit him, and speak with the Dutch. Having Hobamack for their guide, they reached the residence of Massasoit, whom they found extremely ill, but, by the timely assistance of Mr. Winslow, he recovered. The following is an account of this journey as narrated by Mr. Winslow. " The next day, (March 1623) about one of the clock, we came to a ferry in Con- batant's country, wnere, upon discharge of my piece, divers Indians came to us, from a house not far off- There they told us that Massassowat was dead, and that day buried ; and that the Dutch would be gone before we could get thither, having hove off their ship already- This news struck us blank ; but especiaUy Hobbamock, who desired we might return with all speed. I told him I would first think of it, consider ing now that, he being dead, Conbatant was the most like to succeed him, and that we were not above three miles from Mattapuyst, his dwelUng place. Although he were but a hollow-hearted friend toward us, I thought no time so fit as this to enter into raore friendly terms with him, and the rest of the sachems thereabout ; hoping, through the blessing of God, it would be a means, in that unsettled state, to settle their affections towards us ; and though it were somewhat dangerous, in respect of our personal safety, because myself and Hobbamock had been employed upon a ser vice against him, which he might now fitly revenge ; yet, esteeming it the best means, leaving the event to God in his mercy, I resolved to put it in practice, if mas ter Hamden and Hobbamock durst attempt it with me ; whom I found wilUng to that or any other course might tend to the general good. So we went towards Slattapuyst. " In the way, Hobbamock, manifesting a troubled spirit, brake forth into these speeches: 'Neen womasu Sagimus, neen womasu Sagimus, &c., — My loving sachem, my loving sachem I Many have I known, but never any like thee.' And, turning to me, he said whilst I lived I should never see his Uke amongst the Indians ; saying he was no liar; he was not bloody and cruel, Uke other Indians. In anger and pas sion he was soon reclaimed ; easy to be reconciled towards such as had ofi'ended bim j ruled by reason in such measure as he would not scorn the advice of mean men ; and that he governed his men better with few strokes than others did with many ; truly loving where he loved ; yea, he feared we had not a faithful friend left among the Indians ; showing how he ofttimes restrained their malice, &c.; continuing a long speech, with such signs of lamentation and unfeigned sorrow, as it would have made the hardest heart relent. "At length we came to Mattapuyst, and went to the sachimo comacji, for so they caUed the sachem's place though they call an ordinary house rviteo ; but -Conbatant, the sachem, was not at home, but at Puckanokick, which was some five or six miles ofi'. The squa sachem, for so they call the sachem's \n£e, gave us fi-iendly entertainment. Here we inquired again concerning Massassowat : they thought him dead, but knew no certainty. Whereupon I hired one to go, with all expedition, to Puckanokick, that we might know the certainty thereof, and withal to acquaint Conbatant with our there being. About half an hour before sun-setting the messenger returned, and told us that he was not yet dead, though there was no hope we should find him living. Upon this we were much revived, and set forward with all speed, though it was late within night ere we got thither. About two of the clock, that afternoon, the Dutchmen departed ; so that in that respect our journey was frustrate. " When we came thither, we found the house so fuU of men, as we could scarce "et in, though they used their best diUgence to. make way for us. There were they^in the midst of their charms for him, making such a helUsh noise as it distempered us that were well, and therefore unlike to ease him that was sick. About him were six or eight women, who chafed his arras, legs, and thighs, to keep heat in him. When they had made an end of their charming, one told him that his friend= the English were come to see him. Having understanding left, but his sight was whoUy |one! he asked who was come. They told him Winsnow, for they cannot pronounci the letter I, but ordinarily « m the place thereof. He desired to speak with me When I came to him, and they told h,m of it, he put forth his hand lo me, which I took Then he said twice, though very inwardly, Keen Winsnow ? which is to say Art thou Wmslow? I answered, AAAe, that is, Yes. Then he doubled these words nfX neen mnckanet namen, WmsnoTV ! that is to say, 0 Winslow, I shaU never see theo Great Mortality among the Indians. A few years before the arrival of the Plymouth settlfcrs, a mortal sickness swept ofT great numbers. The MassachusettB Indians are said to have been reduced from 30,000 to 300 fighting men. Mr. Winslow, attending on Misaasoit. — Page 16. OUTLINEHISTORY. 17 "Then I called Hobbamock, and desired him to tell Massassowat, that the govemor, hearing of his sickness, was sorry for the same ; and though, by reason of many busi nesses, he could not corae himself, yet he sent me with such things for him as he thought most likely to do him good in this extremity ; and whereof if he pleased to take, I would presently give him ; which he desired; and having a confection of many comfortable conserves, on the point of my knife, I gave him some, which 1 could scarce get through his teeth. When it was dissolved in his mouth, he swallowed the juice of it ; whereat those that were about him much rejoiced, saying he had not swallowed anything in two days before. Then I desired to see his mouth, which was exceedingly furred, and his tongue swelled in such a manner as it was not possible for him to eat such meat as they had, his passage being stopped up. Then I washed his mouth, and scraped his tongue, and got abundance of corruption out of the same. After which I gave him more of the confection, which he swallowed with more readiness. Then he desired to drink. I dissolved some of it in water, and gave him thereof Within half an hour this wrought a great alteration in him, in the eyes of all that beheld him. Presently after his sight began to come to him Then I gave him more, and told him of a mishap we had, in breaking a bottle of drink, which the governor also sent him, saying, if he would send any of his men to Patuxet, I would send for more of the same ; also for chickens to make him broth, and for other things, which I knew were good for him ; and would slay the return of his messenger, if he desired. This he took marvellous kindly, and appointed some, who were ready to go by two of the clock in the morning ; against which time I made ready a letter, declaring therein our good success, the state of his body, &c., desiring to send such things as I sent for, and such physic as the surgeon durst administer to him. " He requested me that, the day following, I would take my piece, and kill him some fowl, and make him some English pottage, such as he had eaten at Plymouth ; which I promised. After, his stomach coming to him, I must needs make him some without fowl, before I went abroad, which somewhat troubled me ; but being I must do some what, I caused a woman to bruise some corn, and take the flour from it, and set over the grit, or broken corn, in a pipkin, for they have earthen pots of all sizes. When the day broke, we went out, it being now March, to seek herbs, but could not find any but strawberry leaves, of which I gathered a handfid, and put into the same ; and be cause I had nothing to relish it, I went forth again, and pulled up a sassafras root, and sliced a piece thoreof, and boiled it, till it had a good relish, and then took it out again. The broth being boiled, I strained it through my handkerchief, and gave him at least a pint, which he drank, and Uked it very well. After this his sight mended more and more ; and he took some rest ; insomuch as we with admiration blessed God for giving his blessing to such raw and ignorant means, making no doubt of his recovery, himself and all of them acknowledging us the instruments of his preservation. That morning he caused me to spend in going from one lo another amongst those that were sick in the town, requesting me to wash their mouths also, and give to each of them some of the same I gave him, saying that they were good folk. This pains I took with willingness, though it were much offensive to me, not being accustomed with such poisonous savors . " The messengers were now returned, but finding his stomach come to him, he would not have the chickens killed, but kept them for breed. Neither durst we give him any physic, which was then sent, because his body was so much altered since our instructions ; neither saw we any need, not doubting now of his recovery, if he were careful. Many, whilst we were there, came to see him ; some, by their report, from a place not less than a hundred miles. Upon this his recovery, he brake forth into these speeches : ' Now I see the English are my friends and love me ; and whilst I live, I -wiU never forget this kindness they have showed me.' WhUst we were there, our entertainment exceeded all other strangers." — Good News from New England. Massasoit, gratefully impressed with the kind ofiices performed by Winslow, revealed a plot of the Massachusett Indians against Weston's people at Wessagusset, and, lest the English at Plymouth should avenge their countrymen, they were also to be destroyed ; and he advised them to kill the conspirators, as the only means of security. The governor, on receiving this intelligence, which was confirmed by other evidences, dispatched Capt. Standish with eight men, in order, if a plot should be discovered, to fall on the 3 18 OUTLINEHISTORY. conspirators. Standish sailed to the Massachusetts, where the natives, suspecting his design, insulted and threatened him. Watching his opportunity, Avhen four of the principal conspirators Avere in a room with about the same number of his own men, he attacliied them, and, after a dreadful struggle, succeeded in kill ing the whole. This sudden and unexpected execution so terrified the other natives, who had intended to join Avith the Massachusetts in the conspiracy, that they forsook their houses and fled to swamps and desert places, Avhere they contracted diseases which proved mortal to manyof them, among whom were a number of sachems. The fame of the plantation at Plymouth being spread in the Avest of England, Mr. White, a celebrated minister of Dorchester, in 1624, excited some merchants and other gentlemen to attempt another settlement in New England. They accordingly, on a common stock, sent over several persons, Avho began a plantation at Cape Ann. In March of this year, Mr. WinsloAv, agent for the colony, arrived in the ship Charity, and, together with a good sup ply of clothing, brought a bull and three heifers, which were the first cattle of the kind in this part of America. At the close of this year (1624) the plantation at Plymouth consisted of one hun dred and eighty persons, who lived in thirty-two dwelling-houses. Their stock was a few cattle and goats, and a plenty of swine and poultry. Their town was pallisadoed about half a mile in compass. On a hill in the town, they had a fort Avell built of wood, and a watch-tower. This year they freighted a ship of one hundred and eighty tons. The year 1625 is distinguished by the death of the Rev. Mr. Robinson. He died at Leyden, in March, 1625, in the fiftieth year of his age. He was truly a great and good man, and highly esteemed. After his death, his Avife, children, and most of his congregation, came and joined their brethren, the colonists at Ply mouth. In 1630, when the plantation consisted of about three hundred souls, a patent was taken out in the name of William Bradford, his heirs, associates, and assigns. This patent con firmed their title to a tract of land bounded on the east and south by the Atlantic ocean, and by lines drawn Avest from the rivailet Connohasset, and north from the river of Narragansett, which lines meet in a point, comprehending all the country then called Pokanokit. In the same patent Avas granted a large tract border ing on the river Kennebec, (now in the state of Maine.) where they carried on a traffic with the natives for furs. This patent passed the king's hand, but, on account of the agents of the colony inserting a clause Avithout their advice, the patent was never finished, and they remained without a charter imtil they Avere incorporated Avith Massachusetts in 1691 or 1692. Notwithstanding this, Plymouth Avas a government de facto, and considered as such by king Charles in his letters and orders Avhich Avere sent them at various times, previous to their incorporation with Massachusetts. On the 19th of March, 1628, the Plymouth Cotuicil sealed a patent to gir Henry Roswell and five others, of all that part of OUTLINE HISTORY. 19 New England included between a line drawn three miles south of Charles river, and another three miles north of the river Merrimac, from the Atlantic to the South sea. A royal charter, giving pow ers of government, passed the seals March 4th, 1629. At this period a few scattering settlements only had been made in Massa chusetts Bay. In the summer of 1628, Mr. Endicott, one of the original planters, with a small colony, was sent over to begin a plantation at Naumkeag, (noAV Salem). The June following, about two hundred persons, with four ministers, came over and joined Mr. Endicott' s colony; and the next year they formed them selves into a church, being the first church gathered in the original colony of Massachusetts, and the second in Ncav England; the church at Plymouth being gathered eight years before. In 1630, seventeen ships came over to Massachusetts from different ports in England, with more than fifteen hundred passengers, among Avhom Avere many persons of distinction. Many of these persons Avere from illustrious and noble families. Having been accustomed to a life of ease and enjoyment, their sufferings for the first year were very great, and proved fatal to many ; among others to the lady Arabella, Avho " came from a paradise of plenty and pleasure, in the family of a noble earl, into a wilderness of wants." She died at Salem, where she first landed, and Mr. Johnson, her husband, overcome Avith grief, survived her but a short time. About this time settlements Avere made at CharlestoAvn, Dorchester, Cam bridge, Roxbury and Boston. The first General Court of Massa chusetts was held October 19th, 1630, at Boston, by the freemen of the corporation at large. At this court it was agreed that, in future, the freemen should choose the assistants, and that the assistants should choose from among themselves the governor and deputy-governor. The court of assistants Avere to have the power of making laAvs and appointing officers. Being desirous of esta blishing a religious commoiiAvealth, they ordained " that none but church members should be admitted to the freedom of the body politic," or enjoy the privilege of voting. In 1632 and 1633 great numbers of emigrants came over to New England. Such Avas the tide of emigration, that the king in coun cil issued an order in February, 1633, to prevent it. NotAvith- standing this order, Messrs. Cotton, Hooker, and Stone, three emi nent ministers, Avho Avere considered the most famous pillars of the churches, came over this year, with two hundred emigrants, and landed at Boston. Mr. Cotton settled at Boston, the other two at Cambridge. Mr. Hooker, with one hundred others, re moved in 1636, and settled Hartford in Connecticut. In 1634, it was found so very inconvenient for all the freemen to assemble in one place and transact their business, the mode of legislation was altered by the general consent of the towns. They delegated to twenty-four representatives the authority granted by the charter to the whole body of freemen. The appellation of General Court, which had been applied to all the freemen when assembled, was now transferred to their representatives. It Avas during this year 20 OUTLINEHISTORY. (1634) that Roger Williams, the minister of Salem, having occa sioned disturbances by tenets considered not only heretical, but seditious and being found irreclaimable, was ordered to leave the colony. He retired to Rehoboth, which was then Avithm the juris diction of Plymouth. In 1635, there came to Massachusetts a large number of inhabitants from England, among Avhom were Hugh Peters, who Avas afterwards chaplain to Cromwell, and Mr. Vane, afterwards Sir Henry Vane, who acted a conspicuous part during the CommouAvealth of England. Mr. Vane was made governor of the colony the year after his arrival. His popularity, hoAvever, Avas transient. During his administration, m 1636, Mrs. Hutchinson, a woman distinguished for her eloquence, held weekly meetings for persons of her OAvn sex, in Avhich she commented on the sermons of the preceding Sunday, and advanced mystical and extravagant doctrines. These spread rapidly among the people, and many became converts, among Avhom were Governor Vane, Mr. Cotton and Mr. Wheelwright, two distinguished ministers. Great excitement Avas produced among the people, the final result of which was, a synod Avas appointed to be held at Cambridge in August, 1637, Avhere Avere assembled both ministers and messen gers of churches, and magistrates, who, after three weeks' disputa tion, condemned as erroneous upwards of eighty opinions, said to have been maintained by persons in the country. In consequence of this, Mrs. Hutchinson and some of her principal followers were sentenced to banishment. She, Avith her husband and family, removed to Rhode Island, where, in 1642, Mr. Hutchinson died. She, being dissatisfied Avith the people or place, removed to the Dutch country beyond New Haven, Avhere she was killed, with all her family, being sixteen in number, except one daughter, who was carried into captivity. The year 1637 Avas distinguished by the Pequot war in Con necticut, in Avhich were killed five or six hundred Indians, and the warlike Pequots were mostly destroyed. This first war with the Indians struck such a terror into the surrounding tribes, that for forty years afterwards they never openly commenced hostihties with the English. In 1640, the tide of emigration from England ceased. Persecution having ceased in England, the motives for coming to New England Avere removed. They Avho then professed to give the best account, say that in tAvo hundred and nmety-eight ships, Avhich were the whole number from the beginning of the colony, there arrived tiventy-one thousand two hundred passengers, men, women, and children, perhaps about four thousand famihes. After this period it is supposed that for a long time afterAvards more persons retumed to England, than came from England to the colonies. " Such, hoAvever, were the character and virtues of the emigrants, such the power over difficulties, Avhich their reso- hite mmds, and bodies hardened by labor, had imparted to them, that they continued to increase with astonishing rapidity in Avealth and numbers." In 1643, four of the New England colonies, Massachusetts, Con- OUTLINE HISTORY. 2] necticut, Plymouth and New Haven, united in a confederacy for mutual protection and assistance. The articles of union and con federation were signed at Boston, on the 19th of May. The rea- soiis assigned for this union, Avere, the danger from the Indians, from the Dutch at New York, and from the French ; also the impossibility of obtaining aid from the mother country in case of any sudden attack. By the articles of the confederation, each colony was to appoint two commissioners, who were to assemble by rotation in the respective colonies, and were empowered to enact ordinances of general concern ; and in case of invasion each colony was bound to furnish a stipulated proportion of men and money. The commissioners who formed the union, declared, that, as in nation and religion, so in other respects, they be and continue one ; and henceforth be called by the name of The United Colonies of New England. This union rendered the colonies formidable to their enemies, and secured the peace and rights of the country. The first instance on record in Massachusetts of a trial for witch craft, was in 1648, when Margaret Jones, of Charlestown, was indict ed for a witch, found guilty, and executed, in accordance with the laws of England against this crime. " She was charged with having such a malignant touch, that if she laid her hands upon man, Avoman, or child, in anger, they Avere seized presently with deafness, vomiting, or other sickness, or some violent pains." Since the year 1634, committees, consisting of ministers and prin cipal laymen, were appointed almost every year, for twelve or fourteen years, to prepare a code of laws for the colony. Mean while, laws of the greatest necessity had been successively enacted. This year (1648) the whole were collected, ratified by the court, and printed. In civil actions, equity, according to the circum stances of the case, seems to have been their rule of determining. In punishing offences, they professed to be governed by the judi cial law of Moses, but no farther than those laws were of .a moral nature. Many of their sentences previous to their having a regu lar code of laws, seem to be adapted to the circumstances of a large family of children and servants, as will appear from the fol lowing, which, from among many others of the same sort, are taken from the public records. Josias Plaistowe, for stealing four baskets of corn from the Indians, is ordered to return them eight baskets, to be fined five pounds, and hereafter to be called by the name of Josias, and not Mr., as formerly he used to be.* Captain Stone, for abusing Mr. Ludlow, and calling him justass, is fined one hun dred pounds, and prohibited from coming within the patent, without the governor's leave, upon pain of death. Serjeant Perkins ordered to carry forty turfs to the fort for being drunk. Edward Palmer, for his extortion in taking two pounds thirteen shiUings and four- pence for the woocl-work of Boston stocks, is fined five pounds, and ordered to sit one hour in the stocks. * They were very careful to give no titles where they were not due. In a list of one hundred freemen you -wUl not find above four or five distinguished by Mr., although they were men of some substance. Goodman and goodwife were the common appeUa- tions. 22 OUTLINEHISTORY. Capt. Lovel admonished to take heed of Ught carriage. Thomas Petit, for suspicion of slander, idleness and stubbornness, is censured to be severely whipped and to be kept in hold. Cathai-ine, the wife of Richard Cornish, was found suspicious of incontinency, and seriously admonished to take heed. Daniel Clarke, found to be an immoderate drinker, was fined forty shiUings. John Wedgewood, for being in the company of drunkards, to be set in the stocks. John Kitehin, for showing books which he was commanded to bring to the governor, and forbidden to show them to any other, and yet showed them, was fined ten shil lings. Robert Shorthose, for swearing by the blood of God, was sentenced to have his tongue put into a cleft stick, and to stand so for the space of half an hour. Great numbers of the like kind might be added. — Hutchinson's Hist, of Mass., vol. i. p. 436. About this period, the custom of wearing long hair, "after the manner of Russians and barbarous Indians," as Gov. Endicott and others termed it, was deemed contrary to the Avord of God, which says " it is a shame for a man to wear long hair." The rule in New England was, that none should wear their hair below their ears. In a clergyman it Avas peculiarly offensive, as they were required to go Avith open ears. A feAv years before this, tobacco was prohibited under a penalty, and the smoke, in some manuscripts, is compared to the smoke of the bottomless pit. Some of the clergy fell into the practice of smoking, and tobacco, by an act of government, "was set at liberty." The trade of the colony increasing, especially with the West Indies, where the bucaneers or pirates at this time were numerous, and part of the wealth they took from the Spaniards, as well as what was produced by the trade, being brought into New England in bullion, "it Avas thought necessary, for preventmg fraud in money," to erect a mint for coining shillings, sixpences, and three pences, with no other impression at first than N. E. on the one side, and XIL, VI., or III. on the other; but in October, 1651, the court ordered that all pieces of money should have a double ring with this inscription, Massachusetts, and a tree in the centre, and New England and the year of our Lord on the other side.* ' The annexed cut is a representation of one of these coins. nnslrnrwL »v7 ''^'"^ "T^^ iryl(,52, the same date was continued upon all that i^.to monpv 4 ^^ ^^^'^ afterwards. No other colony ever presumed to coin metal mto money. A very large sum was coined, and the mint-master made a large fortune byit as he was allowed to take fifteen pence out of every twenty shilling for the trouble of commg, &c. It was commonly reported that Mr Sewall, who married his Hr^fi^r^rvoii.T'iv'r ''"'^ ''"^^^^^ p°""^^ '^ ^^- ^"^-'-^ ^^^-- OUTLINEHISTORY. 23 In the year 1656 began Avhat is generally called the persecution of the Quakers. The first who openly professed their principles in the colony were Mary Fisher and Ann Austin, who came from Barbadoes in July of this year. In a few weeks after, nine others arrived in a ship from London. Being brought before the court of assistants on the Sth of September, they affirmed they were sent by God to reprove the people for their sins. Being questioned how they could make it appear that God had sent them, they, after a pause, replied, that they had the same call that Abraham had to go out of his country. To other questions they gave rude and contemptuous ansAvers, which is the reason assigned for com mitting them to prison. A great number of their books, which they intended to circulate over the country, were seized and re served for the fire. Soon after this, as the governor was going from public worship on the Lord's day, several gentlemen accom panying him, Mary Prince called to him from a window of the prison, railing and reviling him, saying, " Woe unto thee, thou art an oppressor," and denouncing the judgments of God upon him. She also wrote him a letter, filled with opprobrious language. The governor sent for her twice from the prison to his own house, and, with a number of ministers, endeavored with much tenderness and moderation to convince her of her errors. She, however, railed upon them, calling them hirelings, deceivers of the people, Baal's priests, the seed of the serpent, &c. At this time there was no special provision made in the laws for the punishment of Quakers ; but, in virtue of a law Avhich had been made against heretics in general, the court passed sen tence of banishment upon them all. Afterwards other severe laws Avere enacted, among which were the following : any Quaker, after the first conviction, if a man, was to lose one ear, and for the second the other ; a woman, each time to be severely whipped ; and the third time, whether man or woman, to have their tongues bored through with a red-hot iron. In October, 1658, after much opposition by members of the court, they, by a majority of one vote only, passed a law for punishing Avith death all Quakers who should return into their jurisdiction after banishment. Under this law four persons were executed. The friends of the Quakers in England now interposed, and obtained an order from the king, September 9th, 1661, requiring that a stop should be put to all capital or corporeal punishments of his subjects called Quakers, and that such as were obnoxious should be sent to England. This order was obeyed, and all disturbances by degrees subsided. Much censure has been passed upon the New England colonies for their severe laws against those calling themselves Quakers ; yet it must be recollected that the laws in England against them, at this period, were severe, and although none were put to death by public execution, yet many were confined in prisons, where they died, in consequence of the rigor of the law. One principal thing which tends to mislead the judgment of many, in this pre sent age, is the supposition that those who suffered the punishment 24 OUTLINEHISTORY. of the law were essentially of the same spirit and practice of the respectable and worthy society of Friends or Quakers of the pre sent day. This is a mistake ; many who went by this name at that period may be considered as fanatics, and proper subjects of a madhouse. The folloAving instances of their conduct may be considered as a species of madness. " Some at Salem, Hampton, Newbury, and other places, coming into the congregations and calling to the minister in time of public Avorship, declaring their preaching, &c., to be an abomination to the Lord. Thomas New- house went into the meeting-house at Boston, Avith a couple of glass bottles, and broke them before the congregation, and threat ened, ' Thus will the Lord break you in pieces.' Another time, M. Brewster came in Avith her face smeared and black as a coal. Deborah Wilson went through the streets of Salem as naked as she came into the world."* " That some provision was necessary against these people so far as they Avere disturbers of civil peace and order, every one will allow ; but such sangumary laws against particular doctrines or tenets in religion are not to be defended." The year 1675 is memorable for a war Avith the Indians, called King Philip's War, which Avas the most general and destructive ever sustained by the infant colonies. Philip resided at Mount Hope, in Rhode Island, and was the grandson and successor of Massasoit, Avith whom the Plymouth colonists had made a treaty fifty years before. For a long time previous to the Avar, he was jealous of the whites. His object appears to haA'e been, to unite all the Indian tribes to make a combined effort to exterminate the colonists, and thus preserve their hunting grounds and indepen dence. The immediate cause of the Avar Avas the execution of three Indians by the English, whom Philip had excited to murder Sausaman, a Christian Indian, who had informed the Avhites of the plot Philip Avas forming against them. Philip, to avenge their deaths, commenced hostilities, and by his influence drcAv into the war most of the tribes in Ncav England. The Indians, at this period, had acquired the use of fire-arms, and the Avar soon became general. Their first attack was made June 24th, upon the people of Swanzey, as they Avere returning from public Avor- ship ; eight or nine persons Avere killed. Brookfield, in Worcester county, was next attacked, and every house burnt but one. During the month of September, Hadley, Deerfield, and North- field, on Connecticut river, were attacked ; many persons were killed, and many buildings consmned. ^ In the winter was the celebrated expedition against the Narragansetts, who had given indications of their favorable disposition to Philip. The active co-operation of that powerful tribe, notwithstanding their treaty in July and subsequent pacific assur ances, was seriously apprehended. A thousand men were raised by order of the commissioner,! of the United Colonies for this important service. Six companies from Massachusetts, with a troop of horse, were under the command of Major Appleton. iive companies from Connecticut were led by Major Treat. The two corapanies Irom Ir-lymouth were under Major Bradford. Governor Winslow was commander-in * Hutchinson, vol. i., p. 203 and 204. OUTLINEHISTORY. 25 chief, by appointment from the commissioners. The preparation and the march of this army, the most considerable that New England had then seen, were most prompt and persevering. In the depth of a severe winter, they advanced to the attack of a formidable foe, posted in a strong position in his wilderness retreat. The attack on the enemy's fort, December 19th, (O. S.,) was completely successful. It was a coun terpart to the memorable exploit against the Pequots, forty years before, by the men of Connecticut. A day of horrible conflagration and slaughter inflicted a blow, from which the Narragansett nation never recovered. Seven hundred of their fighting men fell in the action, and it was computed that, at least, three hundred more died of their wounds and from the hardships which ensued. Such are the numbers given by Hubbard, in his Narrative, derived from the confession of Potock, one of the Indian chiefs, afterwards taken at Rhode Island, and put to death in Boston. It was a dear- bought victory to the assailants. Five brave captains were slain in the action : Da venport of Boston, son of Captain Richard Davenport, distinguished in the Pequot war, Johnson of Roxbury, Gardner of Salem, GaUop of New London, and MarshaU of Windsor. Captain Sieley* of Stratford was mortally wounded, and lived but a few days after the fight. The whole loss sustained by the assailants was eighty-five killed, and about one hundred and fifty wounded. Among the wounded were Major Bradford and Captain Church, of Plymouth Colony, and Lieut. Upham of Massachu setts. The latter died ofhis wound some mouths afterward. J. Gorham of Barnsta ble, captain of one of Plymouth Colony companies, was seized with a fever, and died on the expedition- Church was a volunteer, and, as he informs us in his narrative, rode in the general's guard. He pointedly condemns the burning the -svigwams in the fort, which would have afforded a comfortable shelter to the troops. For want of such accommodation, they were compelled, immediately after the action, to perform a severe march of sixteen or eighteen miles, in a cold and stormy night, to Wickford. This march .was peculiarly distressing to the wounded men. Many of them died on the way, or soon afterward. None of them could have their wounds dressed until they arrived at head-quarters. — Davis' Edition of Nem England Memorial, 432 p. From this blow, called the Sioamp Fight, the Indians never recovered. They were not yet, however, effectually subdued. During the winter, the savages continued murdering and burn ing. The towns of Lancaster, Medfield, Weymouth, Groton, Springfield, Northampton, Sudbury, and Marlborough, in Massa chusetts, and of Warwick and Providence, in Rhode Island, were assaulted, and some of them partly, and others wholly, destroyed. On the 12th of August, 1676, the finishing blow was given to the Indian power, by the death of king Philip, who was killed by a friendly Indian, in the vicinity of Mount Hope. Ip this distress ing war, the English lost six hundred men, the fiower of their strength ; twelve or thirteen towns were destroyed, and six hun dred dwelling-houses consumed. In the height of the distress of Philip's war, and while the colony was contending with the natives for the possession of the soil, com plaints were renewed in England, which struck at the powers of government. An inquiry Avas set on foot, and followed from time to time, until 1684, when judgment Avas given against the charter. In 1686, in May, a commissioner arrived, appointing a president and divers gentlemen of the council, to take upon them the admi nistration of government. This administration was short, and productive of no grievances. In December, of the same year. Sir Edmund Andross arrived with a commission from king James, for the government of the New England colonies, with the exception of Connecticut. His kind professions for a while encouraged the * Seeley of New Haven. 26 OUTLINE HISTORY. hopes of the people ; he, however, soon threw oif the mask, and did many arbitrary acts, whereby the people Avere oppressed, and himself and his foUoAvers were enriched. The press Avas restrained ; public thanksgiving, Avithout an order from the croAvn, Avas prohibited ; fees of all officers were increased ; and the people Avere compelled to petition for ncAV patents for their lands, for which they were obliged to pay exorbitant prices. The colony Avas greatly disquieted by these and other tyrannical proceedings, and the hatred of the people was excited in proportion to their sufferings. In the beginning of 1689, a rumor reached Boston, that William, prince of Orange, had invaded England, with the intention of dethroning the king. Animated Avith the hope of deliverance, the people rushed to arms, took possession of the fort, seized Andross, Randolph, the licenser of the press, and other obnoxious charac ters, and placed them in confinement. A council of safety, con sisting of their former magistrates, Avas then organized to admi nister the government till authentic intelligence should be received from England. In a few weeks tidings arrived that William and Ma7-y were firmly seated on the throne : they Avere immediately proclaimed with great rejoicings. The people of Massachusetts applied for the restoration of their old or the grant of a new char ter. A definite ansAver Avas deferred, but the council was author ized to administer the government according to the old charter till further directions Avere given. Andross and his associates were ordered home for trial. A new charter was received in 1692 by Massachusetts, Avhich added to her territory Plymouth, Maine, and Nova Scotia. By this charter, the appointment of the gover nor was in the croAvn, and every freeholder of forty shillings ster ling a year, and every inhabitant of forty pounds sterling personal estate, Avas alloAved to vote for representatives. At this period, the French in Canada and Nova Scotia insti gated the northern and eastern Indians to commence hostilities against the English settlements. Dover and Salmon Falls, m New Hampshire, Casco, in Maine, and Schenectady, in New York, were attacked by different parties of French and Lidians, and shocking barbarities committed. Regarding Canada as the princi pal source of their troubles. New England and Ncav York formed the bold project of reducing it by force of arms. For this pur pose, they raised an army, under General Wmthrop, which was sent against Montreal, and equipped a fleet, Avhich, commanded by Sir Wilham Phipps, Avas destined to attack Quebec. The sea son was so far advanced when the fleet arrived at Quebec, Octo ber 5th, 1690, the French so superior in number, the weather so tempestuous, and the sickness so great among the soldiers, that the expedition was abandoned. Success had been so confidently expected, that no adequate provision Avas made for the pay ment of the troops. There Avas danger of a mutiny. In this extremity, the government of Massachusetts issued bills of credit as a substitute for money; and these Avere the first ever issued in the American colonies. OUTLINEHISTORY. 27 In 1692, a great excitement was again revived in New England on account of the supposed prevalence of witchcraft. It com menced at this time in Danvers, then a part of Salem. Near the close of February, several children in this place began to act in a peculiar and unaccountable manner. Their strange conduct con tinuing for several days, their friends betook themselves to fasting and prayer. During religious exercises, the children were gene rally decent and still ; but after service was ended, they renewed their former unaccountable conduct. This was deemed sufficient evidence that they were laboring under the " influence of an evil hand, or witchcraft." After a few days, these children began to accuse several persons in the vicinity of bewitching them. Unfor tunately, they were credited, and these suspected persons Avere seized and imprisoned. From this time, this contagion spread rapidly over the neighboring country, and soon appeared in various parts of Essex, Middlesex, and Suffolk. Persons at Andover, IpsAvich, Gloucester, Boston, and other places, were accused by their neighbors, and others. For a time, those who Avere accused Avere persons of the lower classes. But at length some of the first people in rank and character Avere accused of the crime of witchcraft. The evil had now become awfully alarming. Before the close of September, nineteen persons were executed ; and one, (Giles Corey,) was pressed to death for refusing to put himself on a trial by jury ; all these persons died professing their innocence of the crime laid to their charge. At length the magistrates became convinced that their proceedings had been rash and indefensible. A special court was held on the subject, and fifty Avho were brought to trial were acquitted, excepting three, Avho were reprieved by the governor. These events were folloAved by a general release of all who were imprisoned. At this period the belief of the actual existence of witchcraft, prevailed in thc most enlightened parts of Europe. The learned Baxter pro nounced the disbeliever in witchcraft " an obdurate Sadducee," and Sir Matthew Hale, one of the greatest of English judges, repeatedly tried and condemned persons accused of this crime. It ought also to be mentioned, that, if we are to credit the testi mony of many respectable witnesses, many things took place at that time, which, even in this age, cannot be satisfactorily ex plained. The war with the French and Indians, which began in 1690, was not yet terminated. For seven years the frontier settlements were harassed by the savages, till peace took place between France and England. But in a few years war again broke out in Europe, which was the signal for hostilities in America. In February, 1704, Deerfield, on Connecticut river, was surprised in the night, about forty persons killed, and more than one hundred made prisoners, among whom were Mr. Williams, the minister, and his family. In 1707, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, despatched an armament against Port Royal, in Nova Scotia; but the expedition was unsuccessful. In 1710, New 28 OUTLINEHISTORY. England, assisted by the mother country, with a fleet, succeeded m reducing the place; and its name, in honor of queen Anne, was changed to Annapolis. This success encouraged the com mander, General Nicholson, to visit England and propose an expe dition against Canada. His proposition was adopted, and m June 1711 Admiral Walker, with a fleet of fifteen ships of war and forty transports, with an army of veteran troops, arrived at Boston from whence he sailed for Quebec about the last ot July. At the same time. General Nicholson repaired to Albany, to take the command of the forces that were to proceed by land. When the fleet had advanced ten leagues up the St. LaAvrence, the wea ther became tempestuous and foggy. Nine of the transports were dashed in pieces on the rocks, and upwards of a thousand men perished. Weakened by this disaster, the admiral returned to England, and the New England troops returned to their homes. Nicholson, having learned the fate of the fleet, returned with his troops to Albany. In 1713, peace was made between France and Great Britain at UtrecM. In 1716, Samuel Shute, a colonel in the army of the celebrated Duke of Marlborough, was appointed governor of Massachusetts. For a long period afterwards, many controversies and difficulties took place between the royal governors sent from Engla.nd and the representatives of the people, who were jealous of their rights as British subjects. These disturbances continued, with some intervals, till the period of the American Revolution. In 1744, war again broke out between England and France, and the colonies were again involved in its calamities. Their commerce and fisheries suffered great injury from privateers fitted out at Louisburg, a strong fortress on the island of Cape Breton. This place was considered one of the strongest m America ; the fortifications had been twenty-five years in building, and had cost the French five and a half millions of dollars. The legislature of Massachusetts, convinced of the importance of reducing this place, planned a daring, but successful enterprise for its reduction. Accordingly, about four thousand men, from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Connecticut, under the command of Gen. Pep- perell, sailed from Boston for the conquest of this place. Having the assistance of four ships of Avar, under Commodore Warren, from the West Indies, the troops arrived at Louisburg, about the 1st of May, 1745, and commenced the siege. For fom-teen nights successively, the New England troops, sinkmg to their knees in mud, drew their cannons and mortars through a swamp two miles in length. By this means, the siege Avas pushed with so much vigor, that, on the 16th of June, the garrison surrendered. France, fired with resentment against the colonies, the next sum mer sent a powerful fleet to ravage the coast of New England and recover Louisburg. The news of their approach spread terror throughout New England. But an uncommon succession of dis asters, which the pious at that time ascribed to the special inter position of Providence, blasted the hopes of the enemy. The OUTLINEHISTORY. 29 French fleet was delayed and damaged by storms : some of the ships were lost, and a pestilential fever prevailed among the troops, and the two admirals killed themselves through chagrin on the failure of the expedition. The war at this period was ended by the peace of Aix la Chapelle, in 1748, by which all pri soners on each side were to be restored without ransom, and all conquests made during the war were to be mutually restored. Scarcely had the colonies begun to reap the benefits of peace, before they were again thrown into anxiety and distress by ano ther war against France. The war actually commenced in 1754, though not formally declared till May, 1756. Early in the spring of 1755, preparations were made by the colonies for vigorous exer tions against the enemy. Four expeditions were planned : — one against the French in Nova Scotia ; a second against the French on the Ohio ; a third against Crown Point ; and a fourth against Niagara. The expedition against Nova Scotia, consisting of three thousand men, chiefly from Massachusetts, was led by Gen. Monckton and Gen. Winslow. With these troops, they sailed from Boston on the 1st of June, arrived at Chignecto, in the bay of Fundy. After being joined by three hundred regular British troops, they proceeded against fort Beau Sejour, which surren dered, after a siege of four days. Other forts were taken, and Nova Scotia was entirely subdued. In order that the French in Canada should derive no assistance from this territory, the country Avas laid waste, and the inhabitants were taken from the coimtry, and dispersed among the English colonies. One thousand of these proscribed Acadians were transported to Massachusetts, where many of them embarked for France. The expedition against Niagara was committed to Governor Shirley, of Massa chusetts, whose force amounted to two thousand five hundred men. The season, however, was too far advanced before he had completed his preparations, to effect any thing of importance, and the expedition was abandoned. The war continued, with varied success, till the conquest of Quebec by the army under Gen. Wolfe, in September, 1759, and the final reduction of Canada in 1760. This event caused great and universal joy in the colonies, and public thanksgivings were generally appointed. A definitive treaty, the preliminaries of which, had been settled the year before, was signed at Paris in 1763, by which all Nova Scotia, Canada, the isle of Cape Breton, and all other islands in the gulf and river St. Lawrence, were ceded to the British croAvn. After the peace of 1763, the British parliament formed a plan for raising a revenue by taxuig the colonies. For this purpose, an act was passed for laying a duty on all paper, vellum, or parchment, used in America, and declaring all writings on unstamped materials to be null and void. This act, called the Stamp Act, received the royal assent March 22d, 1765. When the news of this act reached the colonies, the people everywhere manifested alarm and a determination to resist its execution. The 30 OUTLINEHISTORY. assembly of Virginia first declared its opposition to the act by a number of spirited resolves ; but Massachusetts took the lead in this important crisis, and maintained it in every stage of the sub sequent revolution. In Boston, the populace, in some instances, demolished the houses of the friends of the British measures, and in various ways manifested the public indignation. To render the opposition complete, the merchants associated, and agreed to a resolution not to import any more goods from Great Britain until the stamp law should be repealed. To give efficacy to the oppo sition to this act, Massachusetts proposed a meeting of deputies from the several colonies, to be held at New York in October, 1765. Deputies from nine ofthe colonies met, agreed on a decla ration of rights and grievances, sent a petition to the king, and a memorial to both houses of parliament. This spirited opposi tion, seconded by the eloquence of Mr. Pitt and other friends of America, produced a repeal of the stamp act on the 18th of March, 1766. The British ministry, notwithstanding the fate of the stamp act, still persisted in their design of raising a revenue from America; and, in 1767, an act was passed for laying duties on glass, paint ers' colors, paper, and tea imported into the colonies. These duties were small, but the colonists objected to the principle, rather than to the amount of the tax, and remonstrated against the act. A second association was formed for suspending the importation on all goods on which duties were charged. These measures of Mas sachusetts were adopted by the other colonies, and a circidar letter from Boston had its influence in giving concert and consistency to the opinions and proceedings of the colonial assemblies. This op position, supported by petitions and remonstrances, procured the abolition of all the duties, except of three pence on every pound of tea. The British ministry, finding mild efforts to be miavailing in establishing their authority in regard to raising a revenue, sent four regiments to be stationed in Boston, to overaAve the mhabitants and enforce the obnoxious orders of parliament. In pursuance of the ministerial plan of reducing Massachusetts to obedience, an act of parliament Avas passed for the regulation of its government, by which the powers of the people Avere abridg ed, and the officers of government were made dependent on the crown for their appointment and salaries. By another act, persons indicted for murder or other capital offences might, if the governor should think an impartial trial could not be had in the colony, be sent to Great Britain to be tried. In 1774, the parliament, in order to punish the refractory province of Massachusetts, and especially the inhabitants of Boston, passed an act to shut the port of Boston and restrain all intercourse with the toAvn by Avater. The government and public oflices Avere removed to Salem. But this miserable proceeding had no effect but to irritate the feelings of all concerned. In May, 1774, Gen. Gage arrived in Boston, Avith the commission of governor of Massachusetts and commander-in-chief of the British forces. He summoned the assembly to convene at OUTLINE HISTOEY. 31 Salem; but, on further reflection, countermanded the summons. The counter order, however, was deemed illegal, and the members convened. The governor not meeting them, they organized them selves into a provincial congress, Avhich formed a plan of defence, appointed general officers, and took measures to collect supplies and military stores at Concord and Worcester. The assembly of Massachusetts, after a short adjournment, again met, and determined to raise twelAi^e thousand men, sent agents to the neighboring colonies, and requested their co-operation. The New England colonies accordingly sent on their committees, who met and agreed on a plan of operations. At the same time meas ures were taken to effect a union of all the colonies, and for this purpose it was agreed that delegates from the several colonies should meet in a general congress. This body met on the 5th of September, 1774, and approved of the opposition made by Massa chusetts to the exercise of the arbitrary power of the British min istry, and stated their resolution to support her in her opposition. They published a declaration of the rights of the colonies, one of which was an exemption from taxes imposed upon them by a legislature in which they were not represented. When the pro ceedings of the Americans were laid before parliament, that body declared that rebellion actually existed in the province of Massa chusetts, and they accordingly besought his majesty to take the most effectual measures to enforce due obedience to the laws of the supreme legislature. From this time an appeal to arms seemed unavoidable, and both parties prepared for the conflict. The great drama of the Revolution opened in Massachusetts, at Lexington, Concord, and Bunker's Hill, and for about a year she sustained the first shock of the struggle. On July 2d, 1775, Gen. Washington arrived at Cambridge, and took the command of the American army encamped at that place. He introduced military order, and, with about 20,000 men, besieged the toAvn of Boston. Batteries were erected on Dorchester heights, which greatly annoyed the shipping in the harbor, and preparations Avere made for a general assault. On the 17th of May, 1776, the British troops evacuated Boston, and, embarking on board of their vessels, sailed for New York. After this time, the soil of Massachusetts, except ing some islands, remained free from actual invasion. In 1780, the present constitution of government of the Common wealth of Massachusetts went into operation : it Avas formed by a convention of delegates appointed by the people for that purpose. John Hancock was elected the first governor, and held the office by annual election till 1785. The year 1786 is rendered memo rable for Shay's Rebellion. This insurrection was caused chiefly by the oppressive debts contracted during the revolutionary war by individuals and corporations throughout the state, and by the state itself. After the insurgents had held conventions, interrupted the proceedmgs of the courts of justice in several counties, and collected a considerable armed force, and thus greatly alarmed the govemment and agitated the community, they were entirely put 32 BARNSTABLE COUNTY. down, and dispersed by the state troops under the command of Gen. Shepherd and Gen. Lincoln. The Federal Constitution of the United States was adopted by the convention of Massachusetts in 1788, by a vote of 187 to 168, and the state was a firm supporter of the administration of Washington, the first President. The embargo laid upon American vessels in 1808, and other commercial restrictions, together with the war with Great Britain in 1812, bore with severity upon the extensive commercial interests of Massachusetts. Maine was a part of the state till 1820, and during the war of 1812 a portion of its territory was in the hands of the enemy. The war, and the acts of the national government during its continuance, were unpopular with the majority of the citizens of the state. Massachusetts has ever been one of the most distinguished mem bers of the American Confederacy. The spirit of her institutions has been transfused into many of her sister states, and she may justly claim an elevated rank among the members of this Union. During the great struggle of the Revolution, Massachusetts stood foremost: the powerful and efficient efibrts of her patriots and statesmen, stand recorded on the pages of American history ; and the mouldering bones of her sons, Avhitening the battle-fields of the Revolution show her devotion to the cause of civil Uberty. BARNSTABLE COUNTY. This county is the easternmost land in Massachusetts, compre hending the whole of the peninsula of Cape Cod, so named from the large number of codfish taken near it by one of its first discov erers. It was incorporated in 1685. The shape of the peninsula is that of a man's arm bent inwards both at the elbow and wrist; its whole length is 65 miles, and its average breadth about five. The basis of this peninsula, constituting almost the whole mass, is a body of fine yellow sand ; above this, is a thin layer of coarser white sand ; and above this another layer of soil, gradually declin ing from Barnstable to Truro, where it vanishes. In many parts of the county the traveller, while viewing the wide wastes of sand, is forcibly reminded of descriptions given of the deserts of Arabia. Notwithstanding the general barremiess of the soil, the inhabitants of this county are ui as comfortable and even thrifty circumstances as in almost any section of this country. The inhabitants generally derive their subsistence from the fishing and coasting business,* and it may be said of the majority of the men who are born on the Cape, that in one sense " their home is on the ocean," and when with their families they are only on a visit, and to a great extent i^tL'^7*'^ general prejudice has existed in the minds of many people living in the mterior agamst the mhabitants of the Cape; this has arisen from the fact that sea. men, as a class, have been considered as more addicted to vice than many o&ers TWs opimon, as far as it regards the inhabitants of this county, is erroneous • Zd it may BARNSTABLE. 33 are dependent on Boston and other places for a large proportion of their meats and bread stuffs. The county has but little wood, but it is well stored with peat. The manufacture of salt receives great attention ; about two millions of dollars are invested for this purpose. The tonnage of Barnstable district is 28,153 tons. Pop ulation 31,109. The following is a list of the towns. Barnstable, Eastham, Orleans, Wellfleet, Brewster, Falmouth, Provincetown, Yarmouth. Chatham, Harwich, Sandwich, Dennis, Marshpee, Truro, BARNSTABLE. Barnstable is the county town of Barnstable county, and is a port of entry. It was incorporated September 3d, 1639. There is no particular account to be found of the first settlement of this town. Probably there was none made much before its incorpora tion, as but two persons are named in the original grant. " The Indian name of the place appears to have been Mattacheese, Mat- tacheest, or Mattacheeset. Probably they are all the same name, which was given by the Indians to a tract of land which included Yarmouth, or at least a part of it ; for in the grant of Yarmouth that place is said to have been called Mattacherset. The church at Scituate being in a broken condition, the Rev. John Lothrop of that place removed with part of the church to Barnstable, in Octo ber, 1639, the same year the town was granted by the Old Colony. It appears from the records which have been preserved, that all the south side of the town was amicably purchased of Wianno, and several other sachems, about 1650. There is reason to believe that all the north part was likewise purchased of the natives, although no record of it now remains. The town of Barnstable extends across the peninsula of Cape Cod, which is here from five to nine miles wide, and its soil is better than most towns on the Cape. The land on the north side of the township is uneven, and in some places rocky. There is a line of hills extending east and west through the whole length of the tOAvn, the greatest height of which is about a mile from the harbor and marshes on the north side. South of this ridge the land is generally level to the sea. Barnstable harbor is formed by a neck of land (called Sandy Neck) which projects from the Sandwich line on the north shore, and runs east almost the whole length of the town. The neck is about half a mile wide ; the harbor is about a mile wide and four miles long. The tide rises in it from 10 to 14 feet. There is a bar at the entrance of the harbor which pre- be safely stated, that in no part of the state are the people more moral, or the insti tutions of morahty and religion more regarded. The inhabitants of the Cape are literally more purely the descendants of the "pilgrim fathers" than any others in any part of the state, as very few foreign emigrants have settled among them. 6 34 BARNSTABLE. vents the entrance of very large ships. The principal village is situated in the north-east section of the town, on the main road. North western view of the Barnstable Court-House, and other buildings. The above is a north-Avestern vicAv ofthe Barnstable court-house, (recently erected) and sorae other buildings in the vicinity. The Unitarian church is seen in the distance, standing on elevated ground. A ncAVspaper is published m the village. Htjannis is a village on the south side of the town, and contains two churches, one Baptist and one Universalist, and is five miles iy.bj. of Barnstable court-house, twenty-four from Falmouth, and thirty from Nantucket. It has a good harbor, and by an expensive breakwater, now constructing by the United States government, will become safe from all wmds for all classes of vessels navigat ing the sound and passing round the Cape. OysterviUe is a settle nient in the south-eastern part of the tOAvn, containing one or two churches and a postoffice. Besides these, there are two other smaO V, ages one called Centerville, (formerly called by the Indian name Uiequake ) the other Cottttt, in the western part of the town, four Zul '"^/h^'^^y fro"! the court-house. There are in the town eight onP R.5r''^'Pr'T^-''° Orthodox, one Unitarian, two Methodist, The m?nff' ?^ Universalist, and one for various denominations. then ^nTi ?^ ^'^ °i ?f ^' "^^^^ commenced here as early as 1779 : it bushes of Sit'''' /°-^'''I ^ ^"'^"^- I'^ 1^3^' there were 27,125 exten ve St V" '^V^^^'- ^^^'^ ^^'^ numerous ponds and Ihe Rev. John Lothrop was the first minister in this town, as BARNSTABLE. 35 has been stated ; his successor was the Rev. Thomas Walley, who was ordained in 1663 ; the next was Rev. Jonathan Russell, who was ordained in 1683 ; Mr. Russell was succeeded by his son of the same name, who was ordained in 1712, and died in 1759. When the toAvn was divided into two precincts, in 1719, Mr. Russell, then minister, being left to his own choice, chose the Avest precinct, commonly called Great Marshes, Avhere he continued till his death. In 1725, the church in the east precinct was gathered, and the Rev. Joseph Greene was ordained. Mr. Greene Avas succeeded by Rev. Timothy Hilliard in 1771, who was succeeded by Rev. John Mellen Jr. in 1783. In the west church, Mr. Russell Avas succeeded by Rev. Oakes Shaw in 1760. It has been stated "the West Barnstable church is the first inde pendent Congregational church of that name in the Avorld." It was organized in 1616, in England, principally through the instrumen tality of Rev. Henry Jacob, who was chosen and constituted its first pastor. " The foundation of this church was laid in the following manner : After solemn fasting and prayer, each made open confession ofhis faith in Jesus Christ ; and then, standing up together, they joined hands and solemnly covenanted with each other, in the presence of Almighty God, to walk together in all his ways, ordinances, &c. On account of the violence nf the persecution with which this church was assailed, their pastor continued with them only eight years, and then fled to Virginia, in this country, where he soon after died. The church then chose as their second pastor Rev. John Lothrop, from whom descended raost of the numerous families of this name scat- tered through our country. In 1632 Mr. Lothrop and the little band to whom he mi nistered, when assembled for worship in a private building, were surprised by their persecutors, and only 18 of their number escaped, whUe 42 were apprehended and cast into prison. After being confined for two years, aU were released upon bail, ex cepting Mr. Lothrop, for whom no favor could be obtained. In the mean time his wife died, and his children left in needy and distressed circumstances. At length Mr. L., on condition of leaving the country, obtained his freedom. In 1634, with 34 of his church and congregation — all he could collect — he came to New England and set tled in Scituate. At that time the churches at Plymouth, Duxbury and Marsh field were all that existed in the country. In 1639, with a majority of his people and twenty-two male members of his church, he removed to Barnstable and commenced its settlement." " A large rock is said to lie near the place, around which this colony used to transact their civil business and hold llieir public religious meetings. On that venerable and consecrated rock is beUeved lo have been preached the first gospel sermon in this town ; and here the ordinances were first administered. ********** The first public house of worship, it is suppo.sed, was built soon after the settlement was commenced, and near the consecrated rock. This rock may be now seen lying by the side of the road between west and east parishes." * * * * " It is a fact probably known to but few in this country, that the first Baptist church in England under that name sprung up in the original Congregational church of 'West Barnstable ! Frora the researches of Mr. Pratt, it seems that one of the members of Mr. Lothrop's church, before they left England, and probably before Mr. L.'s imprisonraent in 1632, brought a child to be re-baptized. A few of the church insisted on having it done, as signing as a reason, their belief that the infant baptism of the child was not valid ; but when the vote was taken, a large majority voted against the innovation. Upon this, some of the more rigid, and a few others who had become dissatisfied about infant baptism, requested lo be dismissed, that they might organize a separate church. They were accordingly dismissed ; and they chose Mr. Jacie as their minister. These two churches were on terms of Christian feUowship, and continued to commune together at the table of their common Lord." — Boston Eecorder, Jan. 26, 1838. James Otis, a distinguished patriot and statesman, was born in this town, (West Barnstable) Feb. 5th 1725, and graduated at Har vard college in 1743. 36 BARNSTABLE. AfYer nursuin" the Study of the law under Mr. Gridley, the first lawyer and civilian of h^t^meaTdTe ale of twenty-one he began the practice at Plymouth. In about two S,^ TrjZlel from thirtown to Boston, where he soon gained so high a reputation years he removed from ^^ ^°™ ' ^ ^'ei-e required in the most important causes. ^¦"mffl^flfngSdHms^^^^ officers of the customs had applied for to the judges of the supreme court. His anta- S was Mr Gridley. He was in this or the followmg year chosen a member of the SZTe of Massachusetts, in which body the powers of his eloquence the keenness of MTt!the force ofhis arguments, and the resources of his mtellec t gave him a most commanding influence. When the arbitrary claims of Great Bntam were ad vanced he warmly engaged in defence ofthe colomes, and was the first champion of American freedom who had the courage to aflObc his name to a production that stood forth against the pretensions of the parent state. He was a member of the congress which was held at New York in 1765, in which year his Rights of the Colonies Vm- dicaled, a pamphlet, occasioned by the stamp act, and which was considered as a master piece both of good writing and of argument, was pubUshed m London. For the bold ness of his opinions he was threatened with an arrest ; yet he continued to support the rights of his fellow-citizens. He resigned the ofSce of judge advocate in 1767, and renounced aU employment under an administration which had encroached upon the liberties of his country. His warm passions sometimes betrayed him into unguarded epithets, that gave his enemies an advantage, without benefit to the cause which lay nearest his heart. Being vUified in the public papers, he in retum pubhshed some severe strictures on the conduct of the commissioners of the customs, and others ot the ministerial party. A short time afterwards, on the evening of the fifth of September, 1769, he met Mr. John Robinson, one of the commissioners, in a public room, and an aflfray foUowed, in which he was assaulted by a number of ruffians, who left hun and a young gentleman, who interposed in his defence, covered -with wounds. The wounds were not mortal, but his usefulness was destroyed, for his reason was shaken firom its throne, and the great man in ruins Uved several years, the grief of his friends. In an interval of reason he forgave the men who had done him an irreparable injury, and lelinquished the sum of five thousand pounds sterUng, which IMi. Robinson had been by a civil process adjudged to pay, on his signing a humble acknowledgment. He lived to see, but not fully lo enjoy, the independence of America, an event towards which his efforts had greatly contributed. At length, on the twenty-third of May, 1783, as he was leaning on his cane at the door of Mr. Osgood's house in Andover, he was struck by a fla,sh of lightning ; his soul was instantly liberated from its shattered tene ment, and sent into eternity. President Adams, theu minister in France, -wrote respecting him, " It was with very afflicting sentiments I leamed the death of Mr. Otis, my worthy master. Extraordinary in death as in life, he has left a character that will never die, while the memory of the American revolution remains ; whose foundation he laid with an energy, and -vriih those masterly abilities, which no other man possessed." He was highly distinguished by genius, eloquence, and learning, and no American, perhaps, had possessed more extensive information. Besides his legal and political knowledge, he was a complete master of classical literature. He published Rudiments of Latin Prosody, with a Dissertation on Letters, and the Power of Harmony in Poetic and Prosaic Composition, 12mo, 1760, which has been con sidered the most clear and masterly treatise on the subject ; Vindication of the Con duct of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, 1762 ; The Rights of the Brit ish Colonies Asserted, 1764 ; Considerations on behalf of the Colonists, 1765. — Allen's Biog. Dictionary. The following inscriptions are copied from monuments in the town. Here Ueth the body of Mr. Joseph Green, the worthy pastor of this church. As a gentleman, a friend, a Christian, and minister, his character was greatly distinguished. His natural abiUties were conspicuous, and much improved by study and application. In human and sacred Uterature he greatly exceUed. His principles were evangelical and candid. In prayer and preaching his gifts were generally and justly admired. Temperance, purity, prudence, benevolence, resignation, devotion, and exemplary diligence in his Master's service, adorned his character. His mind was sedate, his temper placid, his aff'ections and passions regulated by reason and religion ; his man ner courteous, generous, and hospUable ; his conversation entertaining, instructive, and serious ; a dutiful son, an affectionate husband, and a tender parent : a sincere friend and faithful minister ; greatly, and to the last, beloved and honored by his people. BREWSTER. 37 Bom at Boston, 21 June, 0. S. 1704 ; graduated at Harvard College, 1720 ; ordained 12 May, 0. S. 1725 ; departed this life, in assured hope of a better, 4 October, N. S., 1770, in the 70 year of his age, and 46 of his ministry. Think what the Christian minister should be, You've then his character, for such was he. Rev. Oakes Shaw, bom at Bridgewater, 1736, graduated at Harvard College 1758, ordained in this place 1760, died lllh February, 1807. Benevolence, aflfection, and sincerity characteriz&l and endeared him in all the relations of social life. With unaffected piety and zeal, with unshaken constancy and fidelity, he discharged the various duties of the pastoral office. To perpetuate the remembrance of his -virtues and talents, to prolong the influence of his character, and to testify their respect for his memory, this monument is gratefully erected by a bereaved and affectionate people. BREWSTER. South-eastern view of Brewster, (central part). Brewster, formerly the first or North parish of Harwich, was in corporated as a town in 1803, by the name of Breioster, in honora ble remembrance of Elder Brewster, distinguished for his virtues among the first settlers of Plymouth colony. The first church gathered here Oct. 16, 1700, and Rev. Nathaniel Stone was ordained their pastor on the same day. Mr. Stone died in 1755, and was succeeded by Rev. Isaiah Dunster. Mr. Dunster died in 1791, and was succeeded by Rev. John Simkins, who was ordained the same year. The first meeting-house built in this place stood about half a mile from the north shore. The above is a south-eastern view of the central part of Brewster, showing the Congregational church, town-house, and sorae other buildings in the iramediate vicinity. There are about ninety dwell ing-houses within a mile from the Congregational church seen in the engraving. Besides the Congregational, there are two other churches in the village, one for Baptists, the other for Universalists ; a Methodist church is situated in the western part of the town. The factory -village is situated about two miles westward of this 38 CHATHAM. place ; it contains a cotton and several other mills, and, what is Unusual on the Cape, are moved by water. This town holds a central position with regard to the peninsula of Cape Cod, being about 36 miles from ProvincetoAvn at the lower or north end, and the same distance from Falmouth the S. W. ex tremity. The face of the township is diversified by a mixture of hilly and level land. On some of these elevations over which the county road passes, the traveller has a fair view of the ocean on each side of the peninsula ; to the northAvard he can discern the buildings in Eastham at the distance of 8 or 10 miles, and at cer tain seasons the reflection of the sun upon the windoAvs of the houses in AVellfleet and Truro is discernible, by the naked eye, at a distance of eighteen miles and upAvards on the county road. North of the county road and bordering on the bay, Avhich is the north boundary of the town, the soil may be considered in this region as good land ; the other part of the town the soil is light and sandy. This town has 6 or 8 fishing and coasting vessels, and does something at the manufacture of salt. A large number of ship-masters (in common Avith other towns on Cape Cod) sailing to foreign ports belong here. From a number of ponds in this town, a never-failing stream of Avater is produced, on which are a cotton mill, carding mill, and scAJ^eral other manufacturing establishments. Population 1,534. Distance easterly from Barnstable 16 miles, 6 northerly from Chatham, and from I3oston, by water, tAventy-three leagues. CHATHAM. The Indian name for Chatham appears to have been Monnamoiet or Monamoy. In 1665 William Nickerson bought of the sachem of Monamoy a tract of land near Potannmaquut, bounded east by the Great Harbor. Nickerson also made other purchases of the natives of lands in thcAricinity at various times. In 1665, Thomas Hinckley, John Freeman, Nathaniel Bacon, and their partners, obtained from the Plymouth colony court the grant of a right to purchase of the natives land at Monnamoit and places adjacent. This interfered with the property of Nickerson, Avho had made several of his purchases without authority from the court, Avhich Avas necessary to make his title valid. Hinckley and his associates, however, in 1672, for a valuable consideration, conveyed to Nick erson their grant, Avhich made his title good, and was confirmed to his heirs by the legislature. The settlement of the village, or dis trict of Monamoy, appears to have been made not long after the purchase was made. It was incorporated into a toAvnship by the legislature, by the name of Chatham, in 1712. In 1720 the church was first gathered, and Rev. Joseph Lord ordained ; he Avas suc ceeded by Rev. Stephen Emery in 1749. Mr. Emery Avas suc ceeded by Rev. Thomas Roby, who Avas ordained in 1783 and dismissed by his request in 1795; the Rev. Ephraim Briggs was ordained the next year. CHATHAM. 39 The township consists of sand hills and ridges, with narrow val leys, small depressions, ponds and SAvamps between them. The soil is rather better than most of the towns in this part of the Cape. Great Hill, in this town, is the first land made by seamen coming on this part of the coast ; and from this place Nantucket is some times seen. There are 4 churches in the town, 1 Orthodox, 1 Uni versalist, 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist. North-western view in Chatham. The above shows the appearance of the principal village in Chatham, as it is seen from the ancient burying-ground, about two and a half miles distant. Immediately beyond the monuments is seen one of the numerous fresh-water ponds in this town. They are said to be about thirty in number. By a beneficent arrange ment of Providence, these ponds, containing an article so necessary to life, are found in almost every part of the Cape. The Old Harbor is situated about two miles from the two light-houses seen in the engraving. The village at this place is rather smaller than the one represented, but the houses are larger. Chatham is said to be one of the wealthiest towns in the county. A large amount of shipping is owned by the inhabitants in other places. Forty years ago, large ships used to come into the harbor; but it now has become so injured by the sand bar which has been making, that only small craft enter. A large proportion of the people are engaged in the sea-faring business. In 1837, there Avere 22 vessels employed in the cod and mackerel fishery: 15,500 quintals of cod-fish were caught, valued at $46,500. Twelve hun dred barrels of mackerel, valued at $9,600, were taken. There were 80 establishments for the manufacture of salt, and 27,400 bushels, valued at f8,220, Avere made. The central part of the town is about 22 miles easterly from Barnstable court-house, and 40 to Provincetown. Population 2,271. The following, extracted from a description of Chatham pub lished in 1802, shows the "bill of fare" of the inhabitants of that period. " Food can so easily be procured, either on the shores or in the sea, that, with the profit which arises from their voyages, in which it must be confessed they labor very 4U n e N N I s . hard, the people are enabled to cover their tables weU with provisions. A break. fast among the inhabitants, and even among those who are caUed the poorest, for there are none which may be called really poor, consists of tea or coflFee, brown bread, generally with butter, sometimes without, and salt or fresh fish, fried or broiled. A dinner affords one or more of the following dishes : roots and herbs ; salted beef or pork boiled ; fresh butcher's meat not more than twelve times a year ; wild fowl frequently in the autumn and winter ; fresh fish boiled or fried with pork ; shell fish ; salt fish boiled ; Indian pudding ; jfork baked with beans. Tea or coffee also frequently constitutes part of the dinner. A supper consists of tea or coffee, and fish, as at breakfast ; cheese, cakes made of flour, gingerbread, and pies of several sorts. This bill of fare will serve, with Uttle variation, for all the fishing towns in the county. In many families there is no difference between the breakfast and supper ; cheese, cakes, and pies being common at the one as at the other.' DENNIS. This town Avas formerly the eastern part of Yarmouth. It was set off as a distinct parish in that town in 1721 ; and was incorpo rated into a town in 1793. The church was gathered, and the first pastor, Rev. Josiah Dennis, was ordained, in 1727. Mr. Den nis died in 1763, and Avas succeeded by Rev. Nathan Stone, who was ordained in 1764. The mhabitants have manifested their respect for Mr. Dennis, their first minister, by naming the town after him. The soil of this tOAvn, with the exception of a few small spots, is sandy and unproductive. Scar go HUl, in the north part of the tOAvnship, is the highest land m the county, and is the first which is made by seamen when approaching the south shore. In 1837, the number of " vessels employed m the cod and mack erel fishery, 18; tonnage ofthe same, 1,037; codfish caught, 9,141 quintals; value of the same, |25,137; mackerel caught, 4,684 barrels; value of the same, $25,762; salt used, 16,691 bushels- hands employed, 247; capital invested, |29,6S2." It is stated that there is more navigation owned in Demiis, than in any other town m the county; and a large portion of it is oAvned on the south side. North Dennis, on the north side, was first settled, but within the last tAventy years the south side has become much the largest. There are tAVo organized societies in this part of the town, one Methodist and one CongregationaUst. The Congregationalist society was organized Avith tAventy members, in 1817 under the ministry of Rev. John Sanford, the present pastor. Distance, c. ^r ?f sts'^ly f™m Barnstable, and by water about 60 miles b. L. of Boston. Population 2,750. About 60,000 bushels of salt, and 500 barrels of Epsom salts, are annually made in this town. The first salt produced by solar eva poration in this country appears to have been made by Capt. John m?nt' . this place, in 1776. During the revolutionary war, S the b^LT' t ^''^ «l^«^^h«i-e on the coast, applied themselves to the busmess of makmg salt. The process consisted m evapo- [n bf. T ^^'^' ^^'^ ^^'^^ ^''"^^•^ ^y fi^e- The quantityXS great ™'' ^^' necessarily small, and the consumption of S DENNIS. 41 The cut shows the appearance of the salt vats which are so numerous on Cape Cod. It will be perceived the covers or roofs of two of these vats are connected by a beam or crane. Dr. Dwight, who visited the Cape in 1800, says, " A Mr. Kelly, hav ing professedly made several improvements in the means of accom plishing this business, obtained a patent, about two years before this journey was taken, for making salt-works on the plan gene rally adopted in this region. Of these the following is a descrip tion. Vats, of a number suited to the owner's design, 20 feet Apparatus used in making Salt. square, and 10 or 12 inches in depth, are formed of pine planks, an inch and a half thick, and so nicely joined as to be water-tight. These are arranged into four classes. The first class, or that next to the ocean, is called the Avater room ; the second, the pickle room ; the third, the lime room ; and the fourth, the salt room. Each of these rooms, except the first, is placed so much lower than the preceding, that the Avater floAvs readily from it to another, in the order specified. The Avater room is filled from the ocean by a pump furnished Avith vans or sails, and turned by the Avind. Here it continues until of the proper strength to be drawn into the pickle room, and thus successively into those which remain. The lime, Avith which the Avater of the ocean abounds, is deposited in the lime roora. The salt is formed into small crystals in the salt room, very Avhite and pure, and Aveighs from 70 to 75 pounds a bushel. The process is carried on through the Avarm season. After the salt has ceased to crystallize, the remaining Avater is suf fered to freeze. In this manner, a large quantity of Glauber's salt is obtained in crystals, Avhich are clean and good. The residuum is a strong brine, and yields a great proportion of marine salt, like that already described. To shelter the vats from the dcAvs and rains, each is furnished Avith a hipped roof, large enough to cover it entirely. The roofs of two vats are connected by a beam turn ing upon an upright post, set firmly in the ground, and are moved easily on this pivot by a child of fourteen, or even tAvelve years. To cover and uncover them, is all the ordinary labor." 6 42 EASTHAM. EASTHAM. The original Indian name of Eastham was Nauset. After bemg purchased from the natives, it was granted by the court to the set tlers at Plymouth, in 1644. This included the present town ships of Eastham, Wellfleet, and Orleans. Some of the prmcipal setters were Thomas Prince, John Doane, Nicholas Snow, Josias Cook Richard Higgins, John Smalley, and Edward Bangs: these' persons are said to have been among the most respectable inhabitants of Plymouth. The settlement commenced the year (1644) the grant was made, and was incorporated as a town in 1646. A church was gathered soon after their arrival, but the inhabitants were not sufficiently numerous to support a muiister till 1672, when Rev. Samuel Treat, of Milford, Con. was ordained. Ancient Pear Tree in Eastham. The above is a representation of an ancient pear tree, on the land now owned by Mr. Nathan Kenny, twenty-one miles from Barnstable court-house. It was brought from England by Thomas Prince, for many years governor of Plymouth colony. Governor Prince removed from Duxbury to Eastham in 1640 or 1645, and, leaving Eastham, returned to Plymoudi in 1665, so that this tree, planted by him, is now probably about tAvo hundred years old. It is still in a vigorous state. The fruit is small, but excellent ; and it is stated that it yields annually, upon an average, fifteen bushels of fruit. Governor Prince's house stood about thirty or forty rods eastAvard of this place. Mr. Treat, the first minister, lived about one fourth of a mile to the north-east. The house seen in the engraving stands on tlie site formerly occupied as a garrison house. This town is situated on a narroAV part of the peninsula of Cape Cod, and the soil, for the most part, is but a barren waste of sand. In an account given of the town in 1802, it is stated, " On the west side, a beach extends to Great Pond, where it stretches EASTHAIVI. 43 across the township almost to Town Cove. This barren tract, which does not now contain a particle of vegetable mould, for merly produced wheat. The soil, however, Avas light. The sand, in some places, lodging against the beach grass, has been raised into hills fifty feet high, where twenty-five years ago no hills existed. In others, it has filled, up small A^alleys and swamps. Where a strong-rooted bush stood, the appearance is singular : a mass of earth and sand adheres to it, resembling a small tower. In several places, rocks which were formerly covered with soil are disclosed, and, being lashed by the sand, driven against them by the wind, look as if they were recently dug from a quarry." There are two churches, one Methodist and one Con gregational. Population 1,059. Distance, tAventy- three miles north-easterly from Barnstable, and, in a straight line, sixty-eight miles from Boston. In 1837, there were fifty-four establishments for the manufacture of salt, which produced 22,370 bushels; thirteen vessels employed in the cod and mackerel fishery; 1,200 quintals of cod-fish and 4,550 barrels of mackerel were caught. Mr. Treat, the first minister in this town, was distinguished for his evangelical zeal and labors, not only among his own people, but also among the Indians in this vicinity; and he was the instrument of converting many of them to the Christian faith. He learnt their language, and once a month preached in their villages, visited them at their wigwams, and, by his kindness and affability, won their affections : they venerated him as their pastor, and loved him as their father. In 1693, Mr. Treat states that there were four Indian villages in the township under his care. These Indians had four teachers of their oavu choice and four schoolmasters. They also had of their own people six magistrates, who regulated their civil affairs ; they held stated courts and punished criminals. There were five hundred adult persons in the villages, all of whom attended public worship. But notwithstanding every exertion made for the benefit of the Indians, they wasted away by fatal diseases and other causes, so that in 1764 they were reduced to four individuals only. Mr. Treat, having passed near half a century of most active labor, died soon after the remarkable storm, -distinguished in the annals of New England by the name of the Great Snow, in February, 1717. The wind blew with violence; and whilst the grounds about his house were left entirely bare, the snoAV was heaped up in the road to an uncommon height. It was in vain to attempt making a path. His body was therefore kept several days, till an arch could be dug, through which he was borne to the grave ; the Indians, at their earnest request, being permitted in turn to carry the corpse, and thus to pay the last tribute of respect to the remains of their beloved pastor. The second minister of Eastham was the Rev. Samuel Osborn, who was educated at the University of Dublin, and ordarned here in 1718; the next year, the church being divided into two, Mr. Osborn removed into the south part of the township, and Rev. Benjamin Webb was ordained pastor of 44 FALMOUTH. the church that remained. Mr. Webb died in 1746, and was suc ceeded by Rev. Edward Cheever, who was ordained in 1751. Mr. Cheever was succeeded by Rev. Philander Shaw, who was ordained in 1795. The following is the inscription on the monument of Mr. Treat, the first minister. Here lyes interred ye body of ye late learned and Revd. Mr. Samuel Treat, ye pious and faithful pastor of this church, who, after a very zealous discharge of his ministry for ye space of 45 years, & a laborious travel for ye souls of ye Indian nativs, feU asleep m Christ, March ye 18, 1716-17, in ye 69 year of his age. FALMOUTH. This tOAAm, forming the south-western extremity of the peninsula of Cape Cod, was incorporated in 1686. Mr. Samuel Shireick labored in this place as a minister previous to 1700. Rev. Joseph Metcalf, who graduated at Cambridge, was chosen minister. He died in 1723, and Avas succeeded by Mr. Josiah Marshall. Rev. Samuel Palmer was ordained in 1731, and was succeeded by Mr. Zebulon Butler, who Avas ordained in 1775, and dismissed in 1778. The next minister. Rev. Isaiah Mann, was ordained in 1780, and died in 1789. Rev. Henry Lincoln was ordained in 1790 and dismissed in 1823. His successor, Rev. Benjamin Wood bury, was ordained in 1824, and dismissed in 1833. The next minister was Rev. Josiah Bent, Avho was installed in 1834, and dis missed in 1837, and was succeeded by Rev. Henry B. Hooker, who was installed the same year. The Congregational church in East Falmouth was organized in 1810, and the one in North Falmouth in 1833. The town is bounded on the west by Buzzard's Bay, and on the south by Vineyard Sound. A chain of hills, Avhich is continued frora Sandwich, runs on the Avest side of the tOAvnship, near Buz zard's Bay, and terminates at " Wood's Hole," a harbor at the south-western point of the town. The rest of the land in this township is remarkably level. The sod is thin, but superior in quality to the light lands in the eastern part of the comity. An extensive pine forest is situated betAveen the villages of Falmouth and Sandwich. There are not less than forty ponds m the town ship, and give a great variety to the scenery. The engraving shoAvs the appearance of Falmouth village, as it is seen from an elevation to the Avestward, on the road leadmg to Woods Hole. The village, which is one of the handsomest on tlie Cape, consists of about one hundred dAvelling-houses tAvo l^fil^^^^^"^^ Congregational and one Methodist,) an academy, and the Falmouth Bank, AVith a capital of |100,000. The village .Pvl'tv r ^^ ""'^^f ^'°™ Barnstable, eighteen from Sandwich, and west It thi r ^T""-- ^^^'^'^ H°l^ i^ f°^i- "^il"^^ to the south- Tn 20 im t^tf r f ^r^^^^^' ^^'"^ 'h^P^ °f the largest class can go up to the wharf The landing at Falmouth villacre is about three fourths of a mile from thi Congregational Srch! H A R AV I C H . 45 The mail is carried over from this place to Holmes's Hole, on Martha's Vineyard, three times a week, in a sail-boat. The dis tance between the two landings is seven miles. 3 fl -? :«j ¦Vi'Vi* West view of Falmouth 'Village. Two Streams afford a water power, on which are two woollen mills, having three sets of machinery. There are five houses of worship : three Congregational, one for Friends or Quakers, and one Methodist. Population 2,580. In 1837, there were "nine vessels employed in the whale fishery ; tonnage of the same, 2,823 ; sperm oil imported, 4,952 barrels, (148,560 gallons); whale oil, 275 barrels, (8,250 gallons); hands employed in the fishery, 250; capital invested, $260,000 ; salt manufactured, 35,569 bushels." The following is copied frora monuments in the village grave yard : — Here lies interred the body of the Rev. Samuel Palmer, who feU asleep April ye 13th, 1775, in the 68th year of his age, and 45th of his ministry. His virtues would a monument supply. But underneath these clods his ashes lie. In memory of Capt. David Wood, who died in his 42d year, in Cape Francois, August lOlh, 1802, of the yellow fever, with 4 of his men. He's gone, the voyage of human Ufe is o'er. And \veeping friends shall see his face no more. Far from the tenderest objects of his love He dies, to find a happier world above. Around this raonuraent his friends appear, To embalra his precious memory with a tear. His men who died were Edward Butler, aged 15 years, and Prince Fish, aged 19 years, both died August iO ; Henry Green, aged 20 years, WiUard Hatch, aged 12 years, both died August 17. These hopeful youths with life are called to part, And wound afresh their tender parents' heart. HARWICH. The original town of Harwich extended across the peninsula of Cape Cod. What is now called Harwich, was the .second society 46 MARSHPEE. of old Harwich, bemg the southern part of the town. In 1803, the first society of Harwich was incorporated into a distinct town, by the name of Brewster. The land in this township is generally level and sandy. On Herring river, the outlet of Long Pond, are a cotton mill and carding-machine. There are in the limits of the town four churches : one Baptist, one Congregational, and two Methodist. The Rev. Mr. Pell was the first Congregational minis ter in this town; he Avas succeeded by Mr. Mills. The third minister. Rev. Nathan Underwood, was ordained here in 1792. Population, 2,771. Distance, thirteen miles easterly from Barn stable court-house, eight to Chatham Lights, and about eighty from Boston. " Vessels employed in the cod and mackerel fishery, 20; tonnage of the same, 1,300; codfish caught, 10,000 quintals ; value of the same, $30,000 ; mackerel caught, 500 barrels ; value of the same, $3,000; salt used, 9,000 bushels; hands employed, 200; capital mvested, $60,000." House on Cape Cod. Dr. DAvight, who travelled through the whole length of the peninsula of Cape Cod, thus describes what he says "maybe called with propriety Cape Cod houses." " These have one story, and four rooms on the lower floor ; and are covered on the sides, as well as the roofs, with pine shingles, eighteen inches in length. The chimney is in the middle, immediately behind the front door, and on each side of the door are two AvindoAvs. The roof is straight ; under it are tAvo chambers ; and there are tAvo larger and two smaller windoAvs in the gable end. This is the general struc ture and appearance of the great body of houses from Yarmouth to Race Point. There are, hoAvever, several varieties, but of too little importance to be described. A great proportion of them are in good repair. Generally they exhibit a tidy, neat aspect in themselves and in their appendages, and furnish proofs of comfort able living, by Avhich I Avas at once disappointed and gratified. The barns are usually neat, but always small." MARSHPEE. This ancient Indian territory is an incorporated district of the commonwealth, and contains 10,500 acres, or about sixteen square MARSHPEE. miles. This tract was procured for the Indians by the efforts of Mr. Richard Bourne, of Sandwich. This noble-hearted man, who deserves to be had in lasting remembrance, was a native of Eng land, and soon after his arrival at SandAvich began his labors for the temporal and spiritual good of the Indians. About the year 1660, at his own expense, Mr. Bourne obtained a deed of Marshpee from Quachatissei and others for the benefit of the Marshpee, or, as they were then called. South Sea Indians. In order that the Indians might have a place where they might remain in peace from generation to generation, Mr. Bourne had the deed or instru ment drawn, "so that no part or parcel of them [the lands] could be bought by or sold to any white person or persons, Avithout the consent of all the said Indians, not even with the consent of the general court." This deed, with this condition, was ratified by the Plymouth court. Mr. Bourne, after having obtained the above deed, pursued his evangelical work, and Avas ordained pastor of an Indian church in this place in 1670, formed of his OAvn disciples and converts. He died about 1685, and Avas succeeded by Simon Popmonet, an Indian preacher, who lived in this character about forty years, and was succeeded by Mr. Joseph Bourne, grandson of Richard, who Avas ordained over them in 1729, Avho resigned his mission in 1742, and was succeeded by Solomon Briant, an Indian preacher, who was ordained pastor. In 1758, Rev. Gideon Hawley was installed as pastor of these people. Marshpee lies south of Sandwich, and is bounded on the south by the ocean. It is Avell fitted for an Indian residence, being indent ed by two bays, and shoots into several necks or points of land. It is also watered by several streams and ponds. These, Avith the ocean, afl^ord an abundant supply of fish of various kinds. They formerly subsisted by agricultural pursuits, the manufacturing of various articles of Indian Avare, by the sale of their AVOod, fishing, fowling, and taking deer. Their land is good, Avell wooded, and some parts of it afford beautiful scenery. There are about three himdred colored people on this tract, and some whites. There are but very few of the Indians which retain pure blood of their ancestors. They generally appear to relish moral and religious instruction. The central part, is about twelve miles S. E. of Barn stable, nine S. of Sandwich, and sixty-five S. E. of Boston. The following cut represents the Indian church, built under the direction of the Rev. Mr. Hawley, the missionary, and is about twelve miles from Barnstable court-house. It stands a short dis tance from the main road, and a forest has groAvn up around it. Public worship is kept up in this house, which is attended both by the whites and Indians. Previous to 1834, the government of the Indians consisted of a board of white overseers, a guardian and treasurer. The office of the guardian Avas that of a general superintendent, to disburse supplies, oversee the poor, and regu late the getting of Avood, &c. The Indians getting dissatisfied, the government Avas changed, and it now consists of three select men, a clerk of their own number and choice, and a Avhite com- 48 ORLEANS. missioner appointed by the governor and council. Many of the Indians are employed in the whale fisheries, and they are said to make the first-rate whalemen. Those who remam at home cul tivate their little plats of groimd and carry wood to market In 1837 they built a small vessel, " owned partly by some of the proprietors of Marshpee, and partly by sundry Avhite persons, and commanded by a capable, enterprising Indian. This vessel is employed m carrying their Avood to Nantucket. The land, except some small allotments, (as much as each can enclose and cultivate,) is common stock. Each has a certain amount of wood allowed for his oAvn use, and he pays the Indian government one dollar per cord for all he cuts and carries to market. South-west view of the Indian Church in Marshpee. The Indian grave-yard is by the side of their church, represented in the engraving. Nearly all the graves are without monuments. The following inscriptions are copied from tAvo monuments stand ing in this place. In memory of deacon Zacheus Popmunnet died 22d Octr. 1770 aged 51 years. The Righteous is more excellent than his neighbor. In memory of Flora Hawley obit 31st Jany. 1785 aged 40 yeai-s. A faithful servant. ORLEANS. This town Avas formerly the south part of Eastham ; it Avas in corporated into a township by the name of Orleans in 1797. Rev. Samuel Osborn, who Avas ordained at Eastham in 1718, Avas the first minister in this place, removing here the next year after his ordina tion. " Mr. Osborn Avas a man of Avisdom and virtue. Besides teaching his people the use of peat, he contributed much to their prosperity by introducing neAV improvements in agriculture, and by setting them the example of economy and industry. But his good qualities and services did not avail him ; for, embracing the, Drawn by J. W. Barber— Engraved by 3. E. Brown, Boston, NORTH-EASTERN VIEW OF PROVINCETOWN, MASS. The above shows the appearance of Provincetown as it is seen from the north-eastern extremity of the village, which extends nearly two miles along the shore. The numerous wind or salt mills, and the elevations of sand, give this place a novel appearance. PROVINCETOWN. 49 religion of Arminius, his parishioners, who still retained the faith of Calvin, thought proper to dismiss him about the year 1737. From Eastham he removed to Boston, where he kept a private grammar-school. He died aged between ninety and a hundred." Mr. Osbom was succeeded by Rev. Joseph Crocker, who was or dained in 1739. Mr. Crocker died in 1772, and was succeeded by Rev. Jonathan Crocker the same year. Orleans is of very irregular form, the lines being deeply indent ed with coves and creeks. There are several islands in Pleasant Bay which belong to this town, the largest of which is Pochet, and is perhaps the best land in the township. The face of the land is uneven ; but the hills are not very high, and the soil is generally barren and sandy, and the roads here, as in most towns in this vicinity, are, on account of the sand, tedious and heavy. There are 4 churches in the town, 1 Congregational, 1 Baptist, 1 Metho dist, and 1 Universalist. Population 1,936. Distance 20 miles easterly from Barnstable and 85 S. E. from Boston. There were in 1837 fifty establishments for the manufacture of salt, which manu factured 21,780 bushels ; 33 vessels were employed in the cod and mackerel fishery ; 20,000 quintals of cod-fish and 6000 barrels of mackerel were taken. In the fishery, 264 hands were employed. The folloAving is from an account of Orleans in the Collections of the Mass. Hist. Soc. Sept. 1802 :— " Clams are found on many parts of the shores of New England, but nowhere in greater abundance than at Orleans. Formerly five hundred barrels were dug here for bait ; but the present year 1000 barrels have been collected. Between one and two hun dred of the poorest of the inhabitants are employed in this business ; and they receive from their employers three dollars a barrel for digging the clams, opening, salting them, aud filling the casks. Frora 12 to 18 bushels of clams in the shell must be dug, to fill, when opened, a barrel. A raan by this labor can earn seventy-five cents a day; and women and children are also engaged in it. A barrel or clams are worth six dol lars ; the employers, therefore, after deducting tbe expense of salt and the casks, which they supply, still obtain a handsome profit. A thousand barrels of clams are equal in value to SIX thousand bushels of Indian corn, and are procured with no more labor a-nd expense- When therefore the fishes, with which the coves of Orleans abound, are also taken into consideration, they may justly be regarded as more beneficial to the inha bitants, than if the space which they occupy was covered with the most fertile soil " PROVINCETOWN. "Cape Cor, now ProvincetoAvn, was originally a part of Truro. In 1714 it was made a district or precinct, and put under the con- stablerick of that town." It was incorporated into a township, by the name of ProvincetoAvn, in 1727, and iuArested with peculiar privileges — the inhabitants being exempted from taxation. At that time, and for 10 or 12 years after, it Avas a flourishing place, con taining a number of dwelling-houses and stores. Not long after this period the inhabitants began to forsake the town ; and before the year 1748 it was reduced to two or three families. In 1755 it contained about ten dwelling-houses. In 1776 there were in it 36 families, 205 souls, and about 20 dAvelling-houses. It remain ed in a state of depression during the revolutionary war, but after 50 PROVINCETOWN. its close it gradually rose to a state of prosperity. Mr. Spear was the first minister at Provincetown, but he was compelled to follow the removal of his congregation. In 1774, Rev. Samuel Parker was ordained here, and for twelve years received annually forty- five pounds from the government. After that period the pastor has been supported entirely by the inhabitants. Provincetown is situated on the end of the peninsula of Cape Cod, and lies in the form of a hook. It averages about three miles and a half in length and tAVO and a half in breadth. The toAvn- ship consists of beaches and hills of sand, eight shallow ponds, and a great number of swamps. Cape Harbor, in Cape Cod Bay, is formed by the bending of the land nearly round every point of the compass, and is completely landlocked and safe. It is of suf ficient depth for ships of any size, and it will contain more than three thousand vessels at once, and is a place of great importance to navigation in this quarter. This was the first harbor the MayflmDer touched at on her passage to Plymouth in 1620. This place has about 6000 tons of fishing and 400 tons of coastmg vessels. The fares of fish in 1834 amounted to about 45,000 quintals of cod, and 17,000 barrels of mackerel. This place gives employment to about one thousand men and boys. There are three houses of worship : 1 Methodist, 1 Universalist, and 1 Congregationalist. Population 2,049. In 1837 there were 78 establishments for making salt, 48,960 bushels manufactured ; 98 vessels were employed in the cod and mackerel fishery; 51,400 quintals of cod-fish and 18,000 bar rels of mackerel were taken, and one thousand one hundred and thirteen hands Avere employed in the fisheries. Thirty-five of this number went out in the two whale ships sent from this place. ProvincetoAvn stands on the north-western side of the harbor, on the margin of a beach of loose sand. The houses are mostly situated on a single street, about two miles in length, passing round near the water's edge. A chain of sand hills rise immediately back from the houses. These hills are in some places partially covered with tufts of grass or shrubs, which appear to hold their existence by a frail tenure on these masses of loose sand, the light color of which strongly contrasts with few spots of deep verdure upon them. These hills, with the numerous wind or salt mills, by Avhich the salt water is raised for evaporation, thickly studding the shore through out the whole extent of the village, gives this place a most singular and novel appearance. The following cut is from a sketch taken in the village street, and shows its characteristic appearance. The houses are mosdy one story in height, and, with their out-buildings, stand along on the street, apparently without much of an effort at order or regularity. Interspersed among the houses and by the side of the street are seen the numerous flakes or frames on Avhich the cod-fish are dried. These frames are about two or three feet in breadth, and stand up from the ground about two feet, having sticks or slats laid across them, on which the fish are laid. The street is narrow, irregular, sandwich. 51 FJero in the 'Village of Provincetown. and has scarcely the appearance of being a carriage road.* Upon stepping from the houses the foot sinks in the sand, which is so light that it drifts about the houses, fences, &c., very similar to snoAV in a driving storm. Although near the ocean on every side, the inha bitants obtain good water by digging a moderate depth a few feet from the shore. Provincetown is 10 leagues or 30 miles N. E. of Barnstable, about 9 leagues or 27 miles across to Plymouth, and about 116 miles by land and 50 by water to Boston. [From the Boston Post Boy, Feb. 19, 1739.] We have advice firom Province-Town on Cape Cod, that the whaling season is now over with them, in which there has been taken in that Harbor six small whales, and one of a larger size about six foot bone : beside which 'tis said two small whales have been killed at Sandwich, which is all that has been done in that business in the whole Bay. 'Tis added, that seven or eight families in Province-Town, among whom are the principal inhabitants, design to remove from that place lo Casco-Bay in the spring of the year. [Boston Post Boy, July 27, 1741.] " Province-Town, July 14. — On the 4th of this month one of the town disco vered a considerable quantity of Ice on the north side of a Swamp, in this place, who broke oflT a Piece, and carried it several miles undissolved to the Tavern keeper, who for his pains treated him with a bowl of punch for his pains." The following inscription is copied from a monument standing in a deep depression among the sand hills in the village grave-yard. It is probably the oldest in the place, and stands in one of the few verdant spots in the vicinity : — Here lies interred the remains of Capt. John Tallcott of Glausenbury in Connecticut, son to Deacon Benjamin Tallcott who died here iu his return after the victory obtained at Cape Breton, A. D. 1745, in the 41st year of his age. SANDWICH. The settlement of this town was comraenced by quite a number of families, from Saugus or Lynn, in 1637. The original grant of * So rarely are wheel carriages seen in the place that they are a matter of some curiosity to the younger part of the community. A lad, who understooc navigating the ocean much oetter than land carriage, on seeing a man driving s wagon in the place, expressed his surprise at his being able to drive so straight witht -Jie assistance of a rudder. 52 SANDWICH. the township was from the Old Colony of Plymouth the same year. " It is ordered" [say the Plymouth Records] " that these ten men of Saugus, namely, Edmund Freeman, Henry Feake, Thomas Dexter, Edward Dillingham, William Wood, John Carman, Richard Chadwell, William Almy, Thomas Tupper, and George Knott, shall have liberty to view a place to sit doAvn on, and have sufficient land for three score families, upon the conditions pro pounded to them by the governor and Mr. Winslow. The other proprietors were, George Allen, Thomas Armitage, Anthony Besse, Mr. Blackraore, George Bliss, Thomas Boardman, Robert Boote- fish, William Braybrook, John Briggs, Thomas Burge, Richard Burne, George Burt, Thomas Butler, Thomas Chillingworth, Edmund Clarke, George Cole, John Dingley, Henry Ewer, John Friend, John Fish, Nathaniel Fish, Jonathan Fish, Peter Gaunt, AndreAV Hallet, William Harlow, William Hedge, Joseph Holway, William Hurst, John Joyce, Richard Kirby, Thomas Lander, John Miller, William NeAvland, Benjamin Noye, Mr. Potter, James Skippe, George Slawson, Michael Turner, John Vincent, Peter Wright, Nicholas Wright, Richard Wade, John King, John Win sor, Mr. Wollaston, and Thomas Willis. Their minister was the Rev. William Leveridge. Mr. Dexter and Mr. Willis did not re move at this time." The records of the first Congregational church in this toAvn pre vious to the ordination of Rev. Roland Cotton, in 1694, are lost. Mr. Cotton was succeeded by Rev. Benjamin Fessenden, who was ordained in 1722, and died in 1746. Rev. Abraham Williams, the next minister, was ordamed in 1749; he Avas succeeded by Rev. Jonathan Burr, who was ordained in 1787. According to tradition there were among the first settlers of Sandwich two persons some what distinguished for their religious turn of mind, Mr. Richard Bourne and Mr. Thomas Tupper. These men took the lead in the religious exercises, and officiated publicly on the Lord's day, each of them having his party ; but, as they were in all a small com pany, they did not separate, but agreed that the officer who had the most adherents at meeting for the time being, should be the minister for the day. In process of time the congregation settled Mr. Smith, a minister who for a time had officiated at Barnstable. Religious matters being settled at Sandwich, Mr. Bourne and Mr. Tupper directed their attention towards christianizing the Indians in the vicinity. Mr. Tupper founded a church near Herring river, which was supplied with a succession of ministers of his name till the decease of his great-grandson. Rev. Elisha Tupper, who died at Pokessett, in 1787. Mr. Bourne turned his attention tOAvards the Marshpee Indians to the south and east. Sandwich is the most agricultural town in the county ; the lands hoAvever in the extreme part of the township are light and un productive. There are numerous ponds, some of which are very large, Avhich afford fine fishing and fowling : deer are also found in this vicinity. There are in the town 1 cotton mill, 1 woollen SANDWICH 53 factory, a furnace, a nail factory, a number of carding-machines, &c., with an extensive manufactory of glass. There are 15 or 20 sail of coasting or fishing vessels belonging here, and a considera ble quantity of salt manufactured. Population 3,579. Western view of Sandictch, (central jiart). Sandwich village, containing about 100 houses, is situated on ris ing ground in the northern section of the toAvn, near the waters of Cape Cod Bay, 12 miles north-westerly of Barnstable, 30 east of NeAV Bedford, and 53 miles south-east of Boston. The engraving shows the two Congregational churches, town-house, and in the dis tance some of the buildings connected with the glass Avorks. It contains 4 churches : 1 Orthodox, 1 Unitarian, 1 Methodist, and 1 Roman Catholic. There are in other parts of the town 6 churches more : 4 Methodist, 1 for Friends or Quakers, and 1 Congregational. It has been in contemplation for a long period to unite Cape Cod and Buzzard's Bay by a ship canal across this toAvn. The distance is five miles, and the land level. The following is from the statistics published by the state in 1837. " Nail factory, 1 ; nails manufactur ed, 500 tons ; value of the same, $57,500 ; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $13,500 ; glass manufactory, 1 ; value of glass manufactured, $300,000 ; hands employed, 250 ; capital invested, $250,000. Dr. John Osborn, who Avas a physician in MiddletoAvn, in Con necticut, was born in this toAvn, in 1713. His father, an educated Scotchman, was then a schoolmaster, but afterwards settled in the ministry at Eastham. At the age of nineteen, young Osbom entered Harvard College, Avhere he was noticed as a lively and eccentric genius. The following whaling song of his has obtained some celebrity : — A WHALING SONG. When spring returns -wiih western gales, And gentle breezes sweep The nimiDg seas, we spread our sails To plough the wat'ry deep. For kiUing northern whaler prepared, Our niinbl^ boats' on board; Wltlf craft and rum, (our chief tegar'',) Antf good ptoviflioiiB stored. 54 TRURO. We view the monetera of the deep, Great whales in numerous swarms ; And creatures there, that play and leap Of strange, unusual forms. Cape Cod, our dearest, native land, We leave astern, and lose Its sinking clitfi and lessening sands, While Zephyr gently blows. Bold, hardy men, with blooming age, Our sandy shores produce ; With monstrous fish they dare engage, And dangerous callings choose. Now towards the early dawning east We speed our course away, With eager minds, and joyful hearts, To meet the rising day. Then as we turn our wondering eyes, We view one constant show ; Above, around, the circling skies. The rolling seas below. When eastward, clear of Newfoundland, We stem the frozen pole. We see the icy islands stand, The northern billows roll. As to the north we make our way, Surprising scenes we find ; We lengthen out the tedious day, And leave the night behind. Now see the northern regions, where Eternal winter reigns; One day and night fills up the year, And endless cold maintains. When in our station we are placed, And wlmles around us play. We launch our boats into the main And swiftly chase our prey. In haste we ply our nimble oars, For an assault design'd; The sea beneath us foams and roars, And leaves a wake behind. A mighty whale we rush upon, And in our irons throw : She sinks her monstrous body down Among the waves below. And when she rises out again, We soon renew the fight ; Thrust our sharp lances in amain, And all her rage excite. Enraged she makes a mighty bound ; Thick foams the whitened sea ; The waves in circles rise around, And widening roll away. She thrashes with her tail arotmd, And blows her redd'ning breath ; She breaks the air, a deaf 'ning sound, While ocean groans beneath. From numerous wounds, with crimson flood She stains the frothy seas, And gasps, and blows her latest blood, While quivering life decays. With joyful hearts we see her die. And on the surface lay ; While all with ea?er haste apply. To save our deathful prey. TRURO. The settlement of Truro commenced about 1700. Its Indian name was Pamet, and appears to have been purchased in 1697. In 1705, it was erected into a town to be called Dangerfield ; in 1709 it was incorporated by the name of Truro. The first minister. Rev. John Avery, Avas ordained in 1711. He Avas a physician as well as pastor, and was greatly beloved by his people. He died in 1754, and was succeeded by Rev. Caleb Upham, Avho died in 1786. Mr. Upham was succeeded by Rev. Jude Damon, Avho was ordain ed in 1786. Truro is situated on the northern extremity of the peninsula of Cape Cod. The length of the township is about 14 miles, and the breadth in the Avidest part three. Excepting the salt marshes, the soil is light, sandy, and free from stone. Hardly any part of it produces English grass fit for moAving ; and it can scarcely be said to be clad with verdure at any season of the year. The face of the township is composed of sand hills and narroAV valleys between them, running principally at right angles Avith the shore. The top of some of the hills spread into a plain : from some of these in the northern part of the town but few objects can be discerned but the ocean and one Avide Avaste of sand. A traveller from the in terior part of the country, Avhere the soil is fertile, upon observing the barrenness of the northern part of Truro, would at the first TRUKO , 55 thought wonder what could induce any person to remain in the place ; he will, however, upon reflection and observation, find that the inhabitants here, who derive their principal subsistence from the .sea, are as " well off" as any people in the commonwealth. There are four houses of worship, all in the south part of the toAvn : 3 Congregational, one of Avhich is Unitarian, and 1 Methodist. Population 1,806. In 1837 there were 39 esta blishments for making salt, of which 17,490 bushels were manufactured ; 63 vessels were employed in the cod and mack erel fishery ; 16,950 quintals of cod-fish and 15,750 barrels of mackerel Avere taken, and 512 hands employed. Eastern view of Pond 'Village, Truro. The above is a representation of part of what is called the Pond village, and is a characteristic specimen of the scenery of this part of the Cape. The hills, which rise in regular and graceful swells, are of a light gravelly loam and covered Avith short grass ; they are des titute of trees and shrubbery, and are peculiar in their aspect. Not withstanding the general appearance of the barrenness of the land in Truro, it is believed that all the inhabitants of the toAvn raight be sustained frora the produce of its soil, Avere proper attention paid to its cultivation. The fisheries hoAvever at this time bring surer and better returns than the cultivation of the earth, throughout most parts of the Cape. The following engraving is a vicAv of the ancient church now standing in the central part of Truro, about 8 miles from Province toAvn, 42 from Barnstable, and by land 109 from Boston. The " Clay Pounds," a great body of clay, forming the high banks by the light-house, near the residence of James Small, Esq., are about a mile northward. This church is on one of the highest elevations in the town, a short distance southerly from the Pond village, and is seen at a great distance from almost every direction. Provincetoivn with its hills of sand is seen to the north-west ; and the waters of the wide Atlantic on every side. This buildmg shows that — 8 66 WELLFLEET. -¦s d:£'™ Ancient Church in Truro, (south-eastern view). " The dark brown years " have passed over it. It stands alone, and on -the hill d storms ! It is seen afar by the manner as he passes by on the dark roUing wave ! The following inscription is copied from a monument standing by the ancient church on the elevation near the Pond village : — Here lie the Remains of ye Revd. Mr. John Avery who departed this life ye 23d of April 1754 in the 69th year of his age and 44th of his ministry the first pastor ordained in this place. In this dark cavern, or this lonesome grave Here lays the honest, pious, virtuous Friend Him, kind Heaven to us as Priest & Doctor gave As such he lived, as such we mourn his end. WELLFLEET. This town was incorporated in 1763. Before this, it was called the North Precinct in Eastham, and was originally included in the Indian Skeekeet and Pamet. The first inhabitants of the place attended public worship at Eastham. When their numbers and property Avere sufficient, they built a small meeting-house, in which the Rev. Josiah Oaks preached a number of years. The Rev. Isaiah LeAvis succeeded Mr. Oaks, and was ordained in 1730; the next minister. Rev. Levi Whitman, was ordained in 1785. The town of Wellfleet is situated on the northem section of the peninsula of Cape Cod, and is bounded on the east and west by the ocean. The soil is a sandy barren. From the table lands in Eastham, to Race Point, is a large range of high hills, all of them sandy, except one large hill or mountain, Avhich is of solid clay, in Truro, called the Clay Pounds, because vessels have had the misfortune to be pounded to pieces against it, in gales of wind. Within these hills in Wellfleet is a range of fresh ponds where sea-fowl obtain fresh Avater : such as have outlets, receive ale- wives, which go up in the month of May. From the harbor there are many salt creeks, which are surrounded with salt marsh. AV ELL FLEET. 57 The harbor, called the Deep Hole, is good for small vessels, and is about thirty miles north-easterly from Barnstable. Northern view of Wellfleet Harbor. The above shows the appearance of Wellfleet Harbor, as it is seen from the north. It is surrounded by sand hills of different sizes, but mostly forming obtuse cones, smooth, regular, des titute of verdure, and quite novel in their general appearance. The village of Wellfleet contains tAvo Congregational churches, and is stated to be one hundred and five miles from Boston by land, and by water twenty leagues, and from tire Plymouth light eight leagues. Population of the town, 2,303. Most of the inha bitants folloAV the seafaring business. In 1837, there Avero thirty- nine establishments for manufacturing salt, and 10,000 bushels were made; sixty-two vessels Avere employed in the cod and mackerel fishery; 3,100 quintals, and 17,500 "barrels of mackerel, were taken ; and in this business 496 hands Avere employed. " No shipwreck is more remarkable than that of the noted pirate Bellamy, men tioned by Governor Hutchinson, in his history. In the year 1717, his ship, -nith his whole fleet, were cast on the shore of what is now AA''ellfleet, being led near the shore by the captain of a snow, which was made a prize the day before, who had the pro mise of the snow as a present, if he would pilot the fleet in Cape Cod harbor; the captain suspecting the pirate would not keep his promise, and that, instead of clearing his ship, as was his pretence, his intention might be to plunder the inhabitants of Provincetown. The night being dark, a lantern was hung in the .jhrouds of the snow, the captain of which, instead of piloting where he was ordered, approached so near the land, that the pirates' large ship, which followed him, struck on the outer bar : the snow, being less, struck much nearer the shore. The fleet was put in confu sion ; a violent storm arose : and the whole fleet was shipwrecked on the shore. It is said that all in the large ship perished in the waters except two. Many of the smaller vessels got safe on shore. Those that were executed, were the pirates put on board a prize schooner before the storm, as it is said. After the storm, more than an hundred dead bodies lay along the shore. At times, to this day, there are king William and queen Mary's coppers picked up, and pieces of silver, called cob-money. The violence of the seas moves the sands upon the outer bar ; so that at times the iron caboose of the ship, at low ebbs, has been seeR."~3d vol. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc, p. 120. " For many years after this shipwreck, a man, of a very singular and frightttil aspect, used, every spring and autumn, to be seen travelling on the Cape, who was 58 YARMOUTH. supposed to have been one of Bellamy's crew. The presumption is -nat he went to some place where money had been secreted by the pirates to get such a supply as his exigences required. When he died, many pieces of gold were found in a girdle, which he constantly wore. Aged people relate that this man frequently spent the night in private houses, and that, whenever the Bible or any religious book was read, or any family devotions performed, he invariably left the room. This is not impro- bable. It is also stated that, during the night, it would seem as if he had in his cham ber a legion from the lower world ; for much conversation was often overheard which was boisterous, profane, blasphemous, and quarrelsome in the extreme. This is the representation. The probability is, that his sleep was disturbed by a recollection of the murderous scenes in which he had been engaged, and that he, involuntarily, vented such exclamations as, with the aid of an imagination awake to wonders from the invisible regions, gave rise, in those days, to the current opinion that his bed chamber was the resort of infernals." — Alden' s Coll. Epitaphs, vol. iv. YARMOUTH. The peninsula of Cape Cod may be well represented by a man's arm bent into a certain position. Yarmouth is situated about mid way from the shoulder to the elbow of the Cape. It was incorpo rated in 1639. The early records of this town have been lost. In Mather's Magnalia, it is stated John Millar was a minister of Yarmouth. It is probable he was the first, and a Mr. Mathews (of whom some traditions remain) was the second. Mr. Millar is represented in the Magnalia as one of the scA^enty-seven ministers who had been in the ministry previous to their embarkation to America, and who are represented as sorae of the first ministers in New England. If the above is correct, the Rev. Thomas Thorn ton, from England, was the third minister of Yarmouth ; his name being found in the town records, which are preserved as far back as 1677. He continued in the ministry till about the year 1692 and was succeeded by Rev. John Cotton in 1693. Mr. Cotton died in 1705, and was succeeded by Rev. David Greenleaf in 1708. The following ministers here were ordained as follows- Rev Thomas Smith, in 1729; Rev. Grindall Rawson, in 1755- Rev Joseph Green, in 1762 ; the Rev. Timothy Alden, the ninth mmis- ter, was ordained in 1769. This township extends across the Cape, and has a harbor both on the north and south shore, and its soil is similar to the other towns in this part of the Cape, mostly light, sandy, and barren. There are 5 houses of worship : 2 Congregational, 1 Methodist, 1 Baptist, and 1 for Friends or Quakers. Population 2 454 Dis tance, 3 miles east of Barnstable, and 72 S. E. of Boston The cut shows the appearance of the eastern termination of Yarmouth village. From the church which is seen in the engrav- Zl\ *° ^^™^table court-house, which is upwards of four milel dis- Ihe ;p.nif '' ""^^ T^^ ^°"'^' °^ ^°* «ides. From this spot vou^nroPPPH ''^"'^^'•y °f Cape Cod maybe said to commence. As you proceed eastward, much of the land is unenclosed, often pre senting to the view, a dreary and wide waste of sand. -The^e are YARMOUTH. 59 two churches in the village, a Congregational and Methodist, one newspaper establishment, and the "Barnstable Bank," with a capital of $150,000. Smith Yarmmth is situated about four miles south of the north village. In this place the salt-works are very extensive, and cover a tract of ground about a mile in length and one fourth in width. In 1837, there were in the town 52 esta blishments for making salt, and 365,200 bushels were manufac tured ; 13 vessels were employed in the cod and mackerel fishery ; 4,300 quintals of cod-fish, and 2,287 barrels of mackerel taken. Eastern view of Yarmouth. As late as the year 1779, there was a cluster of wigwams about a mile from the mouth of Bass river, in the south-eastern part of the town, mhabited by the remains of the Pawkunnawkut Indians. About this time the small-pox was prevalent, and the most of them died. A little to the south-west of this Indian town, is a pond called Swan's Pond : on its north-eastern side, just above a spring, about eighty years ago, there stood an Indian meeting-house. Some anecdotes are preserved of Joseph Nauhaught, a very pious and worthy Indian deacon, of which the following appears to be well authenticated : — " Deacon Nauhaught was once attacked by a number of large black snakes. Being at a distance from any inhabitants, he was, to be sure, in a very precarious situation ; for, unfortunately, he had not even a knife about him for his defence. To outrun them, he found utterly impossible ; to keep them off, without any weapon, was equally so. He therefore came to the determination to stand firm on his feet. They began wmd- ing themselves about him; in a Uttle time, one of them had made his way up to the Indian's neck, and was trying to put his black head into his mouth. Nauhaught opened it immediately. TAe black serpent thrust in his head, and Nauhaught, puttmg his jaws together, bit it off in a moment '. As soon as the blood, streaming from the behead ed, was discovered by the rest of the snakes, they left their intended prey with great precipitation, and Nauhaught was liberated from the jaws of impending death. ColonelJoseph Thacher, who died in this town in 1763, was a popular character, an-d through his influence principally a company of forty, thirteen of which were Indians, was raised, aU except six or eight, in Yarmouth, his native town, to go on tne 60 BERKSHIRECOUNTY. Cape Breton expedition, in 1745. A condition of their embarking in this bold enter- prise was, that Mr. Thacher should be their captain. It is remarkable that of the Indians, three only lived to retum, two having been killed by the enemy, and eight, probably in consequence of a mode of living to which they had not been accustomed, dying of disease; and that the rest of the company, though exposed to great hardships, were providentially all spared to see their native places again, and to participate with their fellow-countrymen in the joy which pervaded the land, on the "-eduction of the strongest fortress in America. The following anecdote is related of him, by Mr. David Matthews, one of Thacher's company, who is still living. It exhibits the unfeeling disposition of the American savage. Through the treacherous conduct of a certain Frenchman, a party of twenty provincial soldiers had been ambuscaded, nineteen of which were killed. The Frenchman was taken, and at first was given up to the Indians, to be destroyed by them as they might see proper. Isaac Peck, a blood-thirsty Indian, began immediately to sharpen his knife, and, thinking it too good for the traitor to die at once, said he was going to begin with his fingers, and would cut ofi one joint first, then another, and so on till he had separated all his bones, from head to foot. He would probably have executed his purpose, had not the criminal been rescued from his hands. One of Thacher's Indians, hired by Colonel Vaughan, for a bottle of brandy, was the first of the provincials who entered the grand battery at Louisburg. He crawled in at an embrasure, and opened the gate, which Vaughan immediately entered, the enemy having withdrawn from this battery, though, at the time, this circumstance w:is not known." — Alden's Collec tion. BERKSHIRE COUNTY. The county of Berkshire is the Avestern part of the state of Massachusetts, and extends entirely across it from nortii to south. It originally belonged to the county of Hampshire, or to Avhat was designated the " Old county of Hampshire," until its divison in 1812 into the three counties of Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden. It was separated, and made a distinct county, by an act of the general court of the province at their May ses sion in 1761, in the first year of the reign of George the 'lliird. According to the report of the survey of tlie boundary line betAveen this state and that of New York, the Avest line of the county is 50 miles 41 chains and 79 links in length. TheAvidth of the county on the north is 14 miles, and on the south 24. This county is rough and hilly in many parts, but there is a considerable quantity of fine land, mostly in the interval of the Housatonic. It produces much avooI, and all sorts of grain, aud exports great quantities of pork, beef, butter, cheese, itc. It is the most elevated county in the state. The Green and Taconic mountains cross it fromN. to S., the average height of Avhich is about 1200 feet above the level of the sea. The Housatonic and Hoosic are the tAvo prin cipal rivers in the county ; the former empties into I,ong Island, between Milford and Stratford, in Connecticut, and the latter into the Hudson, about ten miles north of Troy, N. Y. The county possesses in rich and inexhaustible abundance three very important articles of commerce, iron, marble, and lime, and Its wood and Avater power are suflicient to enable it to fit them for useful purposes. The folloAving is a list of the toAvns in this county, which are 30 in number : — ADAMS. 61 Adams, Alford,Becket, Cheshire,Clarksburg,Dalton, Egremont, Florida, Great Barrington, Hancock, Hinsdale, Lanesborough, Lee, Lenox, Mount Washington, New Ashford, New Marlborough, Otis, Peru, PIttsfield, Richmond, Sandisfield,Savoy,Sheffield, Stockbridge, Tyringham, Washington, West Stockbridge, William stoAvn, Windsor. The population of this county by the census of 1800 Avas 33,835; in 1810 it was 35,797; in 1820 it Avas 35,720; in 1830 it was 37,825; and in the official returns in 1837 it Avas 39,101. ADAMS. The tract comprehended in this toAvnship was formerly called East Hoosic. It Avas explored and surveyed, and the limits traced, by a committee appointed by the general court of Massa chusetts in 1749, and was laid out 7 miles in length from north to south and five in breadth. In 1750, Col. Williams, the founder of Williams College, obtained from the general court a grant of 200 acres, on condition that he should reserve 10 acres for the use of the fort, and build a grist mill and saAV mill, and keep them in repair 20 years for the use of the settlers. On the 2d day of June, 1762, nine toAvnshipsin the north-Avest corner of the state Avere sold at auction by authority of the general court. Of these. East Hoosac Avas No. 1. It Avas purchased by Nathan Jones, Esq., for the sum of £3,200, avIio after the purchase admitted Col. Elisha Jones and John Murray, Esq., as joint proprietors. These proprietors, in October of the same year, employed a sur veyor to lay out 48 settling lots, containing 100 acres each. A line was drawn through the length of the township, dividing the best of the land into two equal parts, and on each side of this line was laid out a range of lots. Each lot was 160 rods long from Avest to east, and 100 rods wide. These 48 lots, occupying the valley through its whole length, comprised the heart of the town ship. Four years after, Isaac Jones, Esq., who then resided in the tOAvnship, Avas authorized to survey a further number of lots, not exceeding 20, of 100 acres each, and, as agent of the proprietors to admit settlers to the number of 60. This number was men tioned because it was required by the conditions of settlement fixed by vote of the general court, that Avhen the actual settlers should amount to that number, they should build a meeting-house and settle a " learned gospel minister." The rest of the land was laid out in 1768 into lots of 200 acres each, and divided among the proprietors according to their shares in the property of the town ship. 62 ADAMS. During the French wars, the Indians traversed this region, but they appear to have had no permanent habitation here. No remains of Indian settlements have existed within the remembrance of the earliest white inhabitants. Most of the first settlers of this town were from Connecticut. Of these Abiel Smith, Gideon and Jacob, his sons, John Kilbourn, his son-in-law, and John McNeil, Avere from Litchfield ; Reuben Hinman and Jonathan Smith came from Woodbury. There were also the names of Parker, Cook, and Leavenworth from Walling ford ; and Rev. Samuel Todd, from Lanesborough, was previously from Woodbury. These people settled in the north village. The first settlers mostly disposed of their lands to purchasers from Rhode Island, many of whom belonged to the society of Friends, and the population gradually changed till nearly all had sold out and removed from the toAvn. The settlements of Friends became extensive and prosperous. Several other families, also from Rhode Island, came in about the same time, and these two classes of inhabitants and their descendants have since occupied the greatest part of the town. The first settlers formed themselves into a Congregational church and society. Their first minister was the Rev. Samuel Todd, fiom North Haven, Conn. The first meeting-house was built of logs, and was situated near the center of the town. The Friends' society was formed in the year 1781. David Anthony, Isaac Killy, Isaac Upton, Joshua Lapha.m, George Lapham, and Adam Hart- ness, with their families, constituted the society at its first organi zation. They Avorshipped in a log dwelling-house till about the year 1786, when they erected a meeting-house about half a mile north of the south village. The building lot, with land for a burying-ground, the Avhole containing about four and a half acres, was given to the society by Daniel Lapham. In 1819 the society numbered about 40 families. A Baptist church of 35 mem bers was organized in 1808, under the ministry of Elder George Witherel. About 1785 a body of Methodists were located in the south part of the town. The society in the north village construct ed their meeting-house in 1828. A second Baptist church was organized in 1826, in the south village, Avith 14 members, under the ministry of Elder Elnathan Sweet, of Cheshire. The present Congregational church was organized April 19, 1827. This town was incorporated October 15, 1778, and named Adams, in honor of Sarauel Adaras, afterwards governor of the state. The natural bridge on Hudson's Brook in this toAvn is a curi osity worthy the notice of travellers. The waters of this brook have worn a fissure from 30 to 60 feet deep, and 30 rods in length, through a body of white marble or limestone, and formed abridge of that material 50 feet above the surface of the water. ihere is a cavern in this toAvn containing a number of rooms, the longest of which, as far as it has been explored, is 30 feet long, 20 high, and 20 wide. ^' The folloAving is a western vieAV of the central part of North ADAMS, 63 Adams, taken from the western side of the south branch of the Hoosic river. The building appearing on the left, is the principal one connected with the Phenix factory. This manufacturing vil lage is the largest in the county, containing, it is estimated, 2,000 inhabitants. It is surrounded by lofty hills and mountains in every direction, excepting the narrow interval through which the iS^^MA *'*'*' * •1 >5> JVestern view of the Center of North Adams. Hoosic passes. It contains 3 churches : 1 Congregational, 1 Bap tist, and 1 Methodist; the " Adams Bank," with a capital of ^200,000, and a printing-office. This village is about three miles south from the Vermont line, 27 miles frora Lenox, 5 from Wil- liamstown, 34 from Greenfield, 40 from Troy, N. Y., and 120 from Boston. The village of South Adams is six miles south of the north village. It has 3 churches : 1 Baptist, 1 for Friends, and 1 for various denominations. This is also a manufacturing village, having 8 cotton mills. In 1837, there were in the town, 19 cotton mills, having 20,800 spindles, which consumed 799,536 lbs. of cot ton ; 4,752,567 yards of cotton goods, valued at $334,649, were manufactured; males employed, 194; females, 434; capital invested, $295,725. Four woollen mills, with 7 sets of machinery ; wool consumed, 175,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 215,000 yards ; value, $137,000 ; males employed, 51 ; females, 41 ; capital invest ed, $86,000. Two calico print works, which printed 4,561,680 yards of calico, employing 93 hands. The population of the town exceeds any other in the county, being 4,191. The following shows the appearance of Saddle Mountain, as seen from the Wilhamstown road about one and a half miles from North Adams village. The elevated peak seen on the left is called " Grey Lock," from its hoary aspect during winter. It is stated 10 be 3,580 feet above the tide water at Albany, and is the highest land in the state. The other peak of this mountain, seen on the right, is called the "Saddle Ball." The depression between the 9 64 two peaks is called " dairy farms. The " ADAMS. the Notch," and comprises several valuable Massachusetts Fort " so famous durmg the North-eastern view of Saddle Mountain, (Adams). French wars, stood near the bam represented in the fore part of the engraving. The folloAving is from the History of Adams, by Rev. John W. Yeomans, in the History of Berkshire County. About 1741 or 2, Fort Massachusetts was built in a narrow part of the valley leading towards Williamstown. This was a part of the line of defence erected to protect the northern and western settlements of New England against French and Indian hostilities. The enemy directed their principal movements towards Connecticut river. In general, they came down from Canada in the direction of the Connecticut, and were repelled by Fort Constitution, at Brattleborough, Vt., Fort Dummer, at Hinsdale, N. H., and Fort Wentworth, N. H., further up the Connecticut, all in connection -with each other on the same line. But some came down the Hudson, and, proceeding eastward up the Hoosic, came upon this fortification, and several bloody skirmishes took place. They repeatedly appeared in smaller or larger bodies about the fort. The following facts are taken principally from the Appendix to the " Redeemed Captive," by the Rev. John Taylor, formerly of Deerfield. On the 6th of May, 1746, as serjeant John Hawks and John Miles were riding out from the fort, they were fired upon by two Indians and wounded. Miles made his escape to the fort ; Hawks fought for some time, and might have taken them both prisoners, had he understood their language, as appeared afterwards ; for they asked for quarters before he turned to make his escape. A party of the enemy appeared again at the fort on the 11th of June following, and attacked a number of men who were at a distance from the fort, and a skirmish ensued. After sustaining the fire a few moments, the enemy fled, having lost one of their men. EUsha Nims and Gershom Hawks were wounded, and Benjamin Tenter was taken captive. On the 20th of August, in the same year, an array of about 900 French and Indians, under Gen. De Vaudreuil, made tained, lost 45, who were either killed outright or died of their wounds. The prisoners were carried to Canada, where 12 of them sickened and died. The residue, with other prisoners, were sent on board a flag of truce to Boston, where they arrived ALFORD. 65 en the 16th of August, 1747. The chaplain of the fort at the time it was taken, the Rev. John Norton, wrote an account of his captivity, which was pubUshed. He after. wards settled in the ministry at East Hampton, a parish in Chatham, Conn . Another of the captives was Benjamin Simonds, who afterwards became a distinguished inha bitant of WiUiamstown, and a colonel of militia. While the fort was rebuilding, on the 25th of May, 1747, there being several hundred people present, an army of the enemy came with the design of hindering the under- takmg. About 100 men had been sent to Albany a few days before for stores of provisions and ammunition. As these were approaching the fort on their return, a scout was sent forward, who, coming within sight of the fort, discovered the enemy and began an attack, which gave alarm to the people at the fort, who had not as yet discovered the enemy. A few issued out and maintained a small skirmish, until the enemy fled. The people remaining at the lort, and the commander of the party with the wagons, were much blamed for not affording assistance, and were charged with cowardice. In this action three persons were wounded, and a friendly Indian from Stockbridge was killed. On the 1st of October following, Peter Burvee was taken captive near this fort. On the 2d of August, 1748, about 200 of the enemy appeared at the fort. It was then under the command of Capt. Ephraim Williams, afterwards Col. Williams, whose grant of 200 acres has been already mentioned. A scout was fired upon, which drew out Capt. Williams -with about 30 men ; an attack began, which continued some time ; but, finding the enemy numerous, Capt. Williams fought upon the retreat, until he hEid again recovered the fort. The enemy soon withdrew ; but with what loss was unknown. A man by the name of Abbot was killed, and Lieut. Hawley and Ezekiel Wells were wounded. In 1755, in the second French war. Col. Williams was sent at the head of a regiment to join Gen. Johnson at the north, and was killed on the Sth of September in that year, near the southern extremity of Lake George. After the death of Col. WilUams, the oversight of the fort was committed, it is believed, to one Capt. Wyman. He is known to have lived in the house within the pickets, and to have occupied the land reserved for the use of the fort. June 7, 1756, a body of the enemy came again to this fort, and Benjamin King, and a man by the name of Meacham, were killed. The Rev. Stephen West, afterwards Dr. West, minister of Stockbridge, was chaplain in 1758, and perhaps in 1757. The location of the fort is still indicated by the print of a cellar, and the horse-radish, which was planted by the soldiers, and still grows upon the spot. ALFORD. This town is of irregular form. It is about 5 miles in length, and its greatest breadth is a little more than 3 miles. The south west part, bordering on Egremont, called the Shawenon purchase, was bought of the Stockbridge Indians about 1736. The time when the settlement commenced is not exactly known. There Avere not many families here before 1750 or 55. Among the early settlers were Dea. Eleazer Barret, Ebenezer Barret, Dea. Robert Johnson, John and Simeon Hurlburt, and the ancestors of the Sperry, Wilcox, Kelsey, Hamlin, and Baker families ; most of them, perhaps all, from Connecticut. There were also families, who Avere early settlers, by the name of Brunson, Fenton, Munger, and War ner. This place has been remarkable for changing its inhabitants. The first settlers were Congregationalists, and a fiourishing church of that denomination formerly existed here. The Rev. Joseph Avery was settled over it about 1780, but, owing to the tumults which occurred in the Shay's rebellion, he was dismissed in 1787, and the church and society soon after became extinct. A portion of the people early became Baptists, and about 1787 a number became Methodists. In 1817, the different denominations united 56 BECKET. and built a meeting-house by subscription, 46 feet by 34, which they agreed to call the " Union Meeting-house." The Methodists were to occupy it half of the time, and the other denominations the other half ., j. , The west part of the toAvn is mountainous. The soil of the val leys is generally good. The people are mostly engaged in agricul ture. Population of the town, 441. The center of the place is 24 miles east of Hudson, 14 S. by W. of Lenox, and 125 miles from Boston. BECKET. This tOAVn was granted to Joseph Brigham and 59 others in 1735, and a few persons came into the town for the purpose of set tling in it as early as 1740, but for fear of the Indians soon return ed, but not till they had erected a saw-mill in the east part of the town, and some other buildings. The first permanent settlement was made in 1755, by people Avho emigrated principally from the eastern part of Connecticut. The first settlers were of the name of Birchard, Goss, King, Kingsley, Messenger, Wadsworth, Wait, and Walker. The descendants of these men, except Goss, yet re main in the toAvn, and those of WadsAvorth are, in particular, numerous. The first white person born in the town was Jabez Wadsworth, in Dec. of the year of the settlement, who, after sus taining a respectable and christian character, died in April, 1826. The first church was gathered and organized Dec. 28, 1758. Mr. Ebenezer Martin, a graduate of Yale College, was ordained their pastor, Feb. 23, 1759. He was dismissed Oct. 12, 1764, and succeeded by Mr. Zadoc Hunn, a native of Wethersfield, Con., June 5, 1771. He Avas dismissed in Oct. 1788. The first meeting house ofthis society Avas built in 1762, and stood about 40 years. This society have a fund, raised by the subscription of 60 indi viduals, (who Avere incorporated as the "First Congregational So ciety in Becket," Feb. 17, 1798,) which now amounts to upwards of $5,500. In 1800 the society built a new meeting-house, Avhich was dedicated Nov. 19. Rev. Joseph L. Mills Avas ordained pastor June 5, 1806. The Baptist church Avas organized in Sept., 1764. Their first pastor was Elder Robert Nesbit. The Baptist meeting-house was erected in 1815. The town was incorporated by its present name June 21, 1765, and the first town meeting was held on the 5th of the succeeding month. The town lies on the Green mountain range. The surface is hilly, broken, and rocky, the soil hard and cold ; very little clay or sand is found. When well cultivated the ground yields rye and corn in moderate quantities, but Avheat will not succeed. The winters in that town are usually very severe, during Avhich season, high piercing winds prevail, yet it is generally healthy, and the lon gevity of the inhabitants is uncommon even in New England. The center ofthis town is 15 miles E. S. E. of Lenox and 110 W. of Boston. Population, 957. CLARKSBURG. 67 CHESHIRE. This town was originally included in the toAvns of Lanesbo rough, New Ashford, Adams, and Windsor. The form is very irregular, as the line in passing round it takes 21 different courses. It was incorporated by its present name March 14, 1793. The settlement of the town commenced in 1767. Some of the principal settlers were Joseph Bennet, Esq., Col. Joab Stafford, John Buck- land, Esq., John Lippet, Samuel Low, Simon Smith, Amos Smith, Stephen Carpenter, Shubael Wilmarth and John Wihnarth, from Rhode Island ; Jonathan Richardson, Isaac Warren, and Charles Saben from Con. The inhabitants from the begmning have been generally of the Baptist denomination. There are two houses for public worship belonging to them in the town ; one at Stafford's Hill, and one at the Four Corners. The first Baptist church was formed at Stafford's Hill, Aug. 28, 1769. Elder Peter Werden was the first pastor, from WarAvick, R. I. The second Baptist church was formed at the Four Corners of 17 members, under the care of Elder Nathan Mason, from Nova Scotia, Sept. 21, 1771. From this church was formed a third, of 15 members, under the ministry of Elder Elnathan Sweet, Jan. 15, 1824. There is a society of Metho dists in the toAvn, which was formed in July, 1823. The center of the toAvn is a rich and fertile valley. To the E. and W. of this the ground gradually rises into hills and moun tains. The toAvnship is well adapted to grazing, to which the atten tion of the inhabitants is principally given. Large dairies are kept, and the Cheshire cheeses are widely and deservedly celebrated. The famous Manwnoth Cheese presented to President Jefferson, Jan. 1, 1802, had no small influence to bring these into notice. On a day appointed the dairy women sent their curds to one place. The quan tity sent proved to be too great to be pressed even in a cider-mill press, so that besides " the monster" three smaller ones were made of 70 lbs. weight each. The mammoth cheese weighed about 1450 lbs. Mr. Jefferson sent back a good-sized piece of this cheese to the inhabitants, to satisfy them of its excellence ; and he also sent pieces of it to the governors of the several states. The town is situated 16 miles N. by E. of Lenox and 120 W. N. W. of Boston. Number of inhabitants 924. CLARKSBURG. This town is seven miles in length and about two and a half in breadth. It received its name, it is supposed, from the numerous families of Clarks who settled there. The settlement was com menced in 1769, by Capt. MatthcAV Ketchum, his son Matthew, and his cousins Epenetus, Daniel and Samuel. These came from Long Island. Nicholas Clark and his brothers Aaron, Stephen and Silas moved in about the same time from Cumberland, R. I. The 68 DALTON. town was incorporated March 2, 1798. The petitioners desired to have it incorporated by the name of Hudson, from a man of that name who wa.s supposed to have cut the first tree in the tOAvn which was felled by a white man. This man continued in the place only two or three months. Why the name inserted in the petition was changed, the inhabitants never knew. Hudson's brook yet bears the name. The surface of this toAvnship is uneven, and the soil is hard and stony. About tAvo thirds of the town hes on the Bald and Hoosic mountains. The mountain land is cold and rocky. Its principal commodity is lumber ; considerable quantities of spruce and hem lock timber being annually carried to Adams and Williamstown. The people are Baptists and Methodists, there being about an equal number of each. Situated 27 miles N. by E. of Lenox and 125 miles W. by N. of Boston. Population, 386. DALTON. This town began to be settled about 1755. Among the first set tlers Avere the Chamberlains, the Cadys, the Boardmans, Gallups, Lawrences, Merrimans, Parks, &c. Dr. Marsh, a graduate of Harvard College, and a judge of the county court, was also one of the early settlers. The venerable Dea. Williams moved into the toAvn some years after from Hatfield. He Avas a leader and guide to the people for many years, and an ornament and glory to the toAvn. He Avas a trustee of AVilliamstown College, and a senator in the state legislature. He died March 1, 1808, aged 74. The town Avas incorporated in 1784, and named Dalton, after the Hon. Tristram Dalton, then speaker of the house of repre sentatives. The length of the toAvnship is about 9 miles. The rich and beautiful vale of Dalton is in the center of the tOAvn. The eastern branch of the Housatonic runs through it, and, by a cir cuitous route, encloses as on three sides an elevation of land of more than 100 acres in the center of the Avhole vale. Here are tAvo meeting-houses, 1 Congregational and 1 Methodist, and about 25 dwelling-houses in the vicinity. From this elevation it is esti mated may be seen three fourths of the houses in the town. The land is generally productiA^e. Spring wheatois more easily raised than in many toAvns in the county, and the soil is suitable for In dian corn. The meadoAvs on the Housatonic river are not so ex tensive as on many towns beloAv. The Congregational church in the town was formed Feb. 16, 1785. Rev. James Thompson was the first minister, ordained in March, 1795. The society have a parsonage-house, with 70 acres of land, purchased by the avails of lands lying in the tOAvn devised them by Col. Israel Williams and Dea. Obadiah Dickinson, of Hatfield. The present meeting-house was built in 1812. There are a few Baptist families in the town, and a society of Methodists. The center of the tOAvn is 10 miles northerly of Lenox, and 120 miles W. of Boston. Population 830 EGREMONT. 69 There is a woollen mill, and two paper-mills, which manufacture paper to the value of between 30 and 40,000 dollars annually. EGREMONT. The regular settlement of this town commenced about 1730, though it is said some Dutch people, supposing it belonged to the colony of New York, settled in it at an earlier period. Between 1730 and 1756, many families moved into the place from Ncav York and from the NeAV England colonies. Among the first set tlers were Nicholas Karner, Jacob Karner, Cornelius Spoor, Ebe nezer BaldAvin, Aaron Loomis, Josiah Phelps, John Perry, Timo thy Hopkins, Elias Hopkins, Nehemiah Messenger, Benjamin Trumain, Sarauel Colver, Sarauel Younglove, William Webb, Jon athan Welch, Samuel Welch, Robert Joyner, Gideon Church, Ebenezer Smith, Aaron Sheldon, Israel Taylor, William Roberts, Joseph Hicks, Edward Baily, Abraham AndrcAvs, and John Fuller. The tOAvnship is about five and a half miles in length and four and a half in breadth. It Avas incorporated as a district in 1760, and called by its present name. It was invested with full town privi leges, except the right of sending a representative to the general court, which right Avas to be held in common Avith the town of Sheffield : some years after, this right was granted. The soil of the township is various, but generally productive. Most of it is better adapted to tillage than grazing. The inhabitants erected a house for public AVorshipinl767, and raised money forthe support of the gospel. Feb. 5, 1770, they invited the Rev. Eliphalet Steele, a native of West Hartford and graduate of Yale College, to settle with them. On the 20th of the same month, the Congrega tional church was organized, and Mr. Steele ordained on the 28th of June foUoAving. The people were generally united in their pastor, until the time of Shays' rebellion. As he was supposed to be friendly to the government, the malcontents became his ene mies and opposers. On one occasion, several arraed ruffians vio lently entered his residence in the night, and, after treating him in an insolent and abusive manner, took aAvay his watch and various articles of clothing. Difficulties continuing to increase, Mr. Steele was dismissed by a council on the 29th of April, 1794, and removed into the state of Ncav York. The church gradually decreased by deaths and removals until 1814, Avhen it Avas considered to be extinct. In 181 6, the present Congi-egational church was organized. It Avas begun Avith 14 members. Rev. Gardner Hayden Avas ordain ed their pastor Nov. 23, 1820. A Baptist church was formed in the north part of this town in 1787; the society obtained their act of incorporation in 1808, and in 1817 erected their meeting-house. There is a Methodist society in the south-west part of the town, who hold their meetings in a school-house. This town is 15 miles southerly of Lenox, and 128 W. of Boston. Population, 968. 70 GREAT BARRINGTON. FLORIDA. This town began to be settled about 1783. Dr. Daniel Nelson settled in it in that year, and in the course of two years he was joined by Paul Knowlton, Sylvanus Clark, Nathan Drury, Esq., Jesse King, Esq., and Stephen Staples. Soon after 1795 there was a considerable accession of inhabitants. The length of the town ship on an average may be about 4 miles. It was incorporated in 1805. It being situated on the height of the Green mountain range, the surface is broken and the climate cold and severe. The people derive their support chiefly from their stock and dairies. A Congregational church was formed May 4, 1814, consisting of 11 members. A Baptist church was organized in 1810, with about 20 members. Their meeting-house was built in 1824. There are a few Methodists in the town, living mostly on Deerfield river. Situated 27 miles N. N. E. of Lenox, and 120 W. by N. of Boston. Number of inhabitants 457. GREAT BARRINGTON. The settleraent of this town coramenced about 1730. The lower part of it Avas settled in connection with Sheffield. Some families it is said Avere located above the bridge before 1730. Of these were Laurens and Sydney Suydam (supposed to have been brothers), from Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Some of the first settlers were Dutch, others were English. Among the latter Avere Joshua White, Moses IngersoU, Moses and William King, Thomas Dewey, Heze kiah Phelps, Israel Orton, and Joshua Root. This town is formed of parts of the upper and lower Housatonic townships, sur veyed by authority of the general court in 1736. There were 30 proprietors of the upper Housatonic township. House or home lots w-ere laid out for them on both sides of the river from the bridge to Monument mountain. Here improvements were begun. From the house lots, long paraUel lots were laid out to Tyringham line. The Hop lands (so called), in the north-east part of the town, in the region of Hop brook, were laid out in a similar manner. The land on Monument mountain and part of the north plain was laid out in equalizing lots, that is, in lots so proportioned as to render the preceding divisions equal to the particular rightof each individual. The tract em braced in the present town was formed into a parish about 1740, and called the second pari.sh of Sheffield. In 1761 it was selected as the seat of justice for the county of Berkshire, and in the course of that year it was incorporated a town by the present name. County buildings were afterwards erected in the town, and courts held here till 1787, when they were removed to Lenox. The town is about 7 miles in length, and 6 in breadth. About 1755, in the second French war, a block-house was built, about a mile above the bridge on the west side of the river, as a place of security to which the inhabitants raight flee in case of an attack. In 1743 (when there Avere only 30 families in the place) the people employed the Rev. Samuel Hopkins, afterwards Dr. Hop kins, to preach with them, and after a short trial settled him the sanie year in the ministry. He was ordained the 28th of Dec, on which day the church was organized. He was dismissed at his OAvn request on the 18th of Jan. 1769. QREATBARRINGTON. 7] He was bom at Waterbury, Con., and was a direct lineal descendant of Stephen Hop kins, one of the pUgrims who landed at Plymouth in Dec. 1620. He graduated at Yale CoUege in 1741, and studied theology with the first President Edwards, then minister at Northampton. His mental powers were strong, and fitted him for deep and thorough investigation. While at Great Barrington, and Ne-wport, R. I.. (where he settled after he left Mass.) he published a nuraber of sermons and books on subjects of doctrine which excited considerable controversy. In 1793 he pub lished his System of Divinity, the sentiments advocated in which were highly Calvin istie, and are generally termed Hopkinsinian. The village of Great Barrington, which extends about three fourths of a mile on the western borders of the Housatonic, con sists of upwards of 50 dAvelling-houses, 2 churches, 1 Episcopal and 1 Congregationalist, a printing-office, and various mechanic shops. The village is well built, and deeply shaded by elms and other trees. It is 6 miles from Sheffield, 14 south of Lenox, 25 eastward from Hudson, and 125 from Boston. In 1837 there were in the town 4 cotton mills, which consumed 170,000 lbs. of cotton; 920,000 yards of cotton goods manufactured, A^alued at $64,600 ; there were 2 AVOoUen mills, which consumed 32,000 lbs. of wool, and 52,500 yards of cloth manufactured. There were in the town 2,657 merino sheep, which produced 6,642 lbs. of wool, the value of which was ,^3,321 ; one furnace for the manufacture of pig iron, employing 20 hands ; 180 tons of pig iron were made, valued at $7,200. Population, 2,440. The Episcopal society in this tOAvn Avas formed about the year 1760. The church was instituted by the Rev. Solomon Palmer, then a missionary at Litchfield and New Milford, Con., from the society in England for propagating religion in foreign parts. The society have a parsonage-house and lands, and besides the church they have a chapel in Van Deusenville to accommodate the people in the north part of the society. The Congregational and Episcopal societies were incorporated by the legislature in 1791. There are some Methodist people in town, who mostly reside in the east and north-east parts. The most noted mountain in this section of country is Monu ment mountain, in the north part of this town, which rises up directly from the east bank of the Housatonic, and extends into Stockbridge. The engraving shows the appearance of this, as it is seen from the south-east on the road tOAvards Stockbridge. It derived its name from a rude monument of stones on the south eastern point, a short distance from the county road, which it is to be regretted is uoav demolished. The pile was six or eight feet in diameter, circular at its base, and raised in the form of an obtuse cone over the grave of one of the aborigines. It was a custom of the Indians whenever an individual passed by the tomb of his countryman to cast a stone upon it. By this slow method of accu mulation, the heap in question rose in a series of years to the size just mentioned. According to tradition " the person buried here was a female, who had thrown herself from the cliffs of the moun tain through the influence of a passionate love for a cousin, whom the religion of the natives would not allow her to marry, because 10 72 GREAT BARRINTTON. -^^^^^^4m. South-eastern view of Monument Mountain. the connection was deemed incestuous." Some years since a poem was written on this tradition, entitled Monument Mountain, by William C. Bryant, a native of Cummington, then an inhabitant of this town. The following extract from the first part of the poem correctly delineates the scenery of this mountain, and in most re spects the description is equally applicable to much of the motmtain scenery in the western part of the state. Thou who wouldst see the lovely and the wild Mingled in harmony on Nature's face, Ascend our rocky mountain. Let thy foot Fail not with wearines<5, for on their tops The beauty and the majesty of earth Spread wide beneath shall make thee lo fiir^et The steep and toilsome way. There as thou t-tand'at, The haunts of men below thee, and .above The mountain summits, thy expanded heart Shall feel a kindred with that loftier world To which thou art translated, and partake The enlargement of ihy vision. Thou ahalt look Upon the green and rolling forest tnp.s, And down into the secrets ofthe glen And streams, that with their bordering thickets strive To hide their windings. Thou shalt gaze at once Here on white villages, and tilth and herds, And swarming roads, and there on solitudes, That only hear the torrent and the wind And eagle's shriek. There is a prpcipice That seems a fragment of aonie miglily wall Built by the hand that fashioned the old world To separate its nations, and thrown down When the flood drowned them. To the north a path Conducts yon up the narrow battlement. Steep is the western side, shaggy and wild, With mossy trees and pinnacles of flintj And many a hanging crag. But to the east Sheer to the vale go down the bare old cliffi, — Huge pillars, that in middle heaven uprear; Their weather-beaten capitals here dark With the thick moss of centuries, and there Of chalky whiteness, where the thunderbolt Has spjinter'd them. It is a fearful thing To stand upon a beetling verge and see Where storms and lightning from the huge gray wall Have tumbled down vast blocks, and at the base Dashed them in fragments, and to lay thine ear Over the dizzy depth, and hear the sound Of winds, that struggle with the woods below, Come up Hke ocean mumiurs. But the scene Is lovely round; a beautiful river there Wanders amid the fresh and fertile meads, The paradise he made mito himself, Mining the soil for ages. On each side The fields swell upward to the hills ; beyond, Aiwve the hill, in the blue distance, rise The mighty columns with which earth props heaven. That there were anciently Indian settlements in this town, is evident from various circumstances. Tn addition to utensils and weapons of Indian manufacture, which have been often foand, it is known that, as early as 1726, the river used lo be crossed half a mile below the brid«:e, at what was then called the " Great Wigwam." This place was sometimes called the "Castle," or rather, perhaps, the great wigwam stand ing upon it. There is also a tradition that there was a considerable Indian settlement at this spot. Indian graves have also been found three fourths of a mile above the bridge, on the east side of the river. One man, in digging thirteen post-holes to secure his barn-yard, discovered the remains of six bodies. This settlement must have been abandoned before the autumn of 1734 : for at that time there were no Indians in the county, except at Stockbridge and Sheffield, and perhaps a family or two in New Marlborough. But in the two -v^inters foUowing, the HANCOCK. 73 Indians were collected from Stockbridge and Sheffield, somewhere in this town, for the jmrpose of receivmg instruction more conveniently from the missionary and school master sent among them, previous to the final establishment of the mission in Stock- bridge. They may have been collected at the Great "Wigwam, but were probably further north. The folloAving circumstance is related by Dr. DAvight as having occurred at the great bridge in this toAvn. It is too remarkable not to be introduced here. " A Mr. Van Rensselaer, a young gentleman from Albany, came one evening into an inn, kept by a Mr. Root, just at the eastern end of the bridge. The inn-keeper, who knew him, asked him where he had crossed the river. He answered, ' On the bridge.' Mr. Root replied, that that was impossible, because it had been raised that very day, and that not a plank had been laid on it. Mr. Van Rensselaer said that it could not be true, because his horse had come over without any difficulty or reluctance ; that the night was indeed so profoundly dark as to prevent him from seeing anything distinctly ; but that it was incredible, if his horse could see sufficiently well to keep his footing anywhere, that he should not discern the danger, and impossible for him to pass over the bridge in that condition. Each went to bed dissatisfied, neither believ ing the story of the other. In the morning, Mr. Van Rensselaer went, at the solicita tion of his host, to view the bridge, and, finding it a naked frame, gazed for a moment with astonishment, and fainted." HANCOCK. The first and principal grant in this toAvn Avas made by the legislature, in 1760, to Asa Douglass, Esq., and Timothy Hurl burt, of Canaan, Con., Col. John Ashley of Sheffield, and Josiah Dean. The first grantee became a settler in April 1762, Avith Avhom Avere soon associated John Clothier, Jesse Squire, Amasa and Martin Johnson, Benjamin Davis, Samuel Grippen, David Sprague, Samuel Hand, Esq., Capt. Caleb Gardner, David Vaughan, Reuben Ely, Henry Hazard and Jonathan Hazard, Esq. They Avere mostly from Connecticut and Rhode Island, and settled about the north village, and northward towards WilliamstoAvn. In 1761, Charles Goodrich, Esq., of PIttsfield, obtained a grant of land on the south end ofthe town, and in 1764 his nephew Daniel Goodrich settled upon it ; and the following year Benjamin Goodrich, the father of Daniel, settled there, with all his other sons, viz. Benjamin, Samuel, Nathan, David, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Hezekiah, Jeremiah, and Enoch. Jeremiah and Hezekiah Osborn, father and son, and Israel Talcot, settled there about the same time The Goodriches and Osborns were from Ridgfield — Talcot from Wethersfield, Con. Soon after the grant to Charles Goodrich, small grants were made in the north part of the town to Dea. Samuel Brown, of Stockbridge, and Col. Farrington. The remainder of the town was sold by a committee of the general court to the actual settlers in 1789, at different prices per acre, according to the quality. The place was first called Jericho, on account of the high natural walls on each side, that is, the mountains. At the time of its incorporation in 1776, it was named Hancock m honor oi John Hancock, then president of the continental congress, and afterwards governor of the state. The township is nearly 16 miles in length, and about two in breadth. It was formerly wider, but when the line was finally established between Massachusetts and New York, in 1787, a tier of fine lots, upward of half a mile in length, were thrown into the latter state. A narrow valley extends south about 7 miles from the line of Williamstown to the north village of Hancock, along which is a succession of good farms extending from the valley to the right and left on to the sides of the mountains. For several miles south from this village, the township is so broken and mountainous that no highway has been cut through it. The Shakers have a village in the south-east part of the toAvn, 74 HANCOCK. which extends into the edge of PIttsfield. They sprung up in this tOAvn about 1780. Some persons about that time began to visit mother Ann and the elders at Escuania, near Albany. Approv ing of the tenents of the Shakers, they hnmediately set up their meetings according to the customs of that sect. They built their meeting-house in 1784. Shaker 'Village in Hancock. The above is a vieAV of some of the principal buildings ui the Shaker village, which is 4 miles from PIttsfield, 7 from Lenox, and 5 from New Lebanon Springs. The large three-story build ing seen in the central part of the engravmg is constructed of brick, is 102 feet long, and 53 feet Avide. There are six families, as they are termed, in the settlement, containing in the whole about 130 or 40 persons. The circular stone barn seen m the engraving in distance, a short distance southerly from the three- Story building, Avas built in 1826, and is something of a curiosity. " It is 270 feet in compass, with walls laid in lime, rising 21 feet above the underpinning, and from three and a half to two and a half feet in thickness. The mast and rafters are 53 feet in length, and united together at the top. On the loAver floor, immediately with in the walls, are stables, 8 feet high, occupying 12 feet m length, with the manger, which is inwards, and mto which convenient places are left for throwing hay and feed from above. In these stables, which open to and from several yards, a span of horses and 52 horned cattle may be stabled. The covering of the stables forms the barn floor, on to which from an offset there is but one large doorway for teams, which make the circuit of the floor, and pass out at the same place. Eight or ten can occupy the floor at the same time ; and the hay is thrown into the large area in the center. For simply laying the stone of this building the masons were paid 500 dollars and boarded." Most of the inhabitants of the town have ever been of the Bap tist denomination. A congregation was early formed, which held HINSDALE. 75 their meetings for a time in a log house about a mile and a quar ter above the north village. Their present meeting-house was built in 1797. Elder Clark Rogers, from R. I., was their first minister, and was settled over them in about 1770. The town is 15 miles N. by W. of Lenox, and 129 W. of Boston. Population, 975. Agriculture is the principal business of the inhabitants. HINSDALE. The settlement of this town was coramenced about the close of the second French war, probably in the year 1762. The first who settled in the town were Francis, David, and Thomas Miller, brothers, from Middlebury. Francis Miller was a man of conside rable note. He was employed as a surveyor by the govemment, and surveyed the road from Boston to Albany, and run the line between Massachusetts and New York. Other of the first settlers Avere Nathan and Wilson Torrey, from Rhode Island, and Joseph Watkins and 5 sons from Hopkinton. About 1771, Nathan Fisk, who was among the first settlers, built a grist and saw mill, for which he received a premium from the government of 250 acres of land. In 1774 and 75 Nathaniel Tracy, Abner Bixbe, James Wing, and two families by the name of Frost, settled in the town. In 1781 Richard Starr, from Groton, Con., came into the tOAvn, and was of great service to the religious interests of the people. This town originally belonged to Peru on the east and Dalton on the Avest. In 1795 they Avere incorporated as a parish, by the name of the west parish of Partridgefield (now Peru), and in 1804 they Avere invested with town privileges and incorporated by the name of Hinsdale. In the year first mentioned the Rev. Theodore Hins dale, after Avhom the town was named, (came from Windsor, Con.) and settled in the part of the town which then belonged to Dalton, and Avas very active, in connection with Dea. Starr, in gathering and organizing a Congregational church. This church was formed in Dec. of that year, consisting of 23 members. In 1797 a Baptist church was formed, of which Elder Eleazer Smith was the first minister. They have a meeting-house, built in 1818. There are 3 churches in the center of the town, 1 Congregational, I Baptist, and 1 Methodist. This township is situated on the west side of the Green moun tain range, and is 7 miles in length, and from 3 to 4 in breadth. It is 15 miles N. N. E. of Lenox and 124 W. of Boston. Population 832. In 1837 there were 2 woollen mills, which consumed 57,000 lbs. of wool ; 25,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $74,000. There were 2,000 Saxony and 8,920 merino sheep, and die value of the wool produced in the town was $19,266. 76 lanesbokough. LANESBOROUGH. Southern view of Lanesborough. In January, 1741, Samuel Jackson, with seventy-five others, inhabitants of Framingham, Middlesex Co., petitioned the general court to grant them a tract of wilderness land, situated near an Indian town on the Housatonic river. The grant Avas made, and they were authorized to survey and locate a township, which was done the same year. The settlement Avas commenced about 1754 or 5, by Capt. Samuel Martin and tAVO other families, which were driven off by the Indians in the second French war. Of these, Capt. Martin was the only one who returned. Among the earliest settlers were Nathaniel Williams, Samuel Tyrrell, John, Ephraim, Elijah and Miles Powei (brothers), Lieut. Andrew Squier, James Loomis and Ambrose Hall, William Bradley, James Goodrich, Thaddeus Curtiss, Ebenezer Squier, Benjamin and Joseph Farnum. They all settled here as early as 1760. A fort was built for the protection of the settlement from Indian assaults. On the approach of the Indians, on one occasion, the settlers fled to PIttsfield. A scout was sent after them from Massachusetts fort, who, folloAving tracks which they found, discovered two Indian chiefs, who were stooping down, tying their moccasons. Each of the scouts selected one, and both chiefs were killed on the spot. The scouts escaped to the fort, though closely pursued by the Indians. A party shortly after set out from the fort in search of the bodies of the slain chiefs, who found them buried in their Avar costume. The town was incorporated on the 20th of June, 1765, and then com prehended a large part of the present town of Cheshire. The pre sent length of the town is 6 miles, and the average breadth about 5 miles. There are beds of iron ore in the tOAvn, and several extensive quarries of valuable marble. The above shows the appearance of the village of Lanesborough as it is entered from the south. It is situated on the eastern side LEE. 77 of a branch of the Housatonic, which passes through the central part of the town, and runs through Lanesborough Pond, which lies partly in this town and PIttsfield. The meadows on this stream are luxuriant and beautiful. There are 3 churches : 1 Congrega tional, 1 Baptist, and 1 Episcopal. The Congregational church is the one seen in the central part of the engraving ; the Baptist is the one standing a little south. The Episcopal church, a Gothic building, stands about three fourths of a mile northward. The Congregational church in this town was organized March 28th, 1764, by Rev. Samuel Hopkins, of Great Barrington, and Rev. Stephen West, of Stockbridge. It consisted at first of eight members. Their first pastor. Rev. Daniel Collins, was ordained April 17, 1764. He was a native of Guilford, Con., and a gra duate of Yale College in 1760. The Episcopal church (called St. Luke's church) was instituted by the Rev. Samuel Andrews, of Wallingford, Con., Oct. 2, 1767, and their first house of worship was built in 1783. The Baptist church was formed in 1818, with 12 members. Elder Augustus C. Beach was their minister. Their meeting-house was built in 1828. This toAvn is 11 miles N. of Lenox, and 125 W. by N. of Boston. Number of inhabitants, 1,090. The following is from the " Statistical Tables," 1837, published by the state: "Saxony sheep, 7,814; merino sheep, 4,235; other kinds of sheep, 284 ; Saxony wool produced, 28,193 pounds ; merino wool, 13,510 pounds ; other kinds of wool, 786 pounds ; average .weight of fleece, 3 pounds ; value of wool, |26,100 ; capital invested, $335,500." LEE. This tOAvn was incorporated in the year 1777. The eastern part Avas taken from the town of Washington, called Hartwood ; the south-western, called Hopland, was taken from Great Barrington ; the remainder Avas made up of certain provincial grants, as Glass works grant, Williams grant, &c. The town was named in honor of General Lee, then an active officer in the army of the Revolu tion. The first Avhite man who settled in the town was Mr. Isaac Davis, in the year 1760, in quite the south part of the town, on the side of Hop brook. Most of the early inhabitants were from Tol land, in Con., and from Barnstable, Sandwich, Falmouth, and Great Barrington, in Mass. One of the first settlers, Mr. Jesse Bradley, came from New Haven, Con., another, Mr. Jonathan Foot, from Colchester. The Congregational church in this town was organized on the 25th of May, 1780, by the Rev. Daniel Col lins, of Lanesborough, consisting of 30 members. For the basis of their union, they adopted the same confession of faith which is acknowledged by the church at the present time. On the 3d of July, 1783, Mr. Elisha Parmelee, of Goshen, Con., a graduate of Harvard College, was ordained their pastor. 78 LEE. The township is 6 miles in length and 5 in breadth, and pre sents a very diversified appearance. It embraces a part of the interval which lies between the Taconic and Green mountain ranges. The Green mountain range runs partly Avithin the eastern limits of the town, and presents much picturesque scenery. These mountains are, for the most part, of gentle acclivity, and in some places are cultivated quite to their summits. From the base of these mountains the surface is uneven, but, upon the whole descending, until Ave reach the plain on the banks of the Housa tonic. In this town is good marble and iron ore. This town is 5 miles S. E. of Lenox, and 120 W. of Boston. Population 2,095 South-western view of Lee, (central part). The above shoAvs the appearance of the central part of the prin cipal village in Lee, as seen from the heights a fcAV rods from the Stockbridge road. The principal part of the village is on the east side of the Housatonic, surrounded by lofty hills and mountains. South Lee is about three miles south-Avest from this place, near the Stockbridge line : it is much smaller than the central village con taining a number of paper-mills, a church, and about thirty dwellmg-houses. In 1837, there were 12 paper-mills in the lunits of the toAvn, Avhich manufactured 1,200 tons of stock producing paper to the value of $274,500. There Avas also a woollen mill cotton mill, and forge for manufacturing bar iron. The first paper- mill m the tOAvn was built by Mr. Samuel Church, in South Lee, about thirty years since. It waf "thlTvnTn^^n ^^V"" '"'"' °^ ""'^ appalling desolation was exhibited in this town. & Co At fh'l t .^" extensive powder factory, owned by Messrs. Lafiin, Loomis different hnWinT^' n ^''^ «s'"nft«d that there were about 5 tons of powder in thc things were in nfnn ?" ^ T'^ P'"'"'^"' ¦^ormr^g, when the workmen thought all dat"on wTth a tiJ^ r^^' "^ ^.™°™S" ^''^'^ '^""'1'"- ^''-^-^ ^^«d from its foun- mstantirMle^l InTl ^^.'''Pl°'""'• ^^'"^ "^ '^^ unfortunate workmen were i,T,l.;iTi^ ;t ',^^ a fourth, who was thrown into the river, lingered for a short ^th. «i- v.l*'/'''^ ^ ^"'"'^' "¦""^^^'^ l^"" f™-^ his pains. Every hfuse and b^Xg m the neighborhood was more or less injured, a.id eVry breast IT^M t^X DntWQ b/ i, W. Barbor^Engravod by S. £. Brown, BosIoq. LENOX, MASS. The above is a southern view of the public buildings. The first building seen on the right is the Town-House ; the next building, three stories in height, is "Wilson's Hotel ; the next building north is the Court-House, near which is another public house, to which the jail is attached. The Congregational Church Is seen on an elevation in the distance. The spires of the Episcopal Church are serai between the Town-House and Wilson's Hotel. LENOX. 79 was the consternation produced in the minds of the inhabitants, that they universally protested against the rebuilding, and, the feeUngs of the proprietors coinciding, the site and water privilege were soon after sold,, and an extensive paper-mill erected. LENOX. The Indian name of the greater part of the tract embraced in this township was Yokun, so called after an Indian sagamore of that name. Some small individual grants united ; the town was incor porated in 1767, and called Lenox, (the family name of the Duke of Richmond). Its length is about 6 miles, and its mean breadth 4. The first English inhabitant of this toAvn was Mr. Jonathan Hinsdale, from Hartford, Con. He moved into the place in 1750, and built a small dwelling about 50 rods south of Court-house hill, on the east side of the county road. A Mr. Dickinson soon after built a house just north of Mr. Hinsdale. In 1755, these, with some other families Avho had settled in the vicinity and in Pitts- field, removed to Stockbridge, through fear of the Indians, who were instigated to hostilities by the French in Canada. While the few families north of Stockbridge were hastening to that place for safety, a man by the name of Stephens, while passing a ledge of rocks in the south part of the town, was shot by the Indians, and fell dead from his horse. The horse was also killed, but a young woman by the name of Percy, who was on the horse with Mr. Stephens, by the aid of Mr. Hinsdale, escaped unhurt. Among the first permanent settlers were Jacob Bacon, Messrs. Hunt, McCoy, Gleason, Steel, Waterman, Root, DeAvy, Miller, Whitlocke, Parker, Richard, Collins, Treat, Andrus, Wright, and others. A majority of the familes Avho first settled in the tOAvn, moved from West Hartford and Wallingford, Con. The first town officers were chosen March 5, 1767. The inhabitants about this time began to make preparation for the organization of a church and the settle ment of a minister. The church Avas formed in 1769, by the Rev. Samuel Hopkins, then of Great Barrington. Rev. Samuel Munson, of New Haven, a graduate of Yale College, was ordained pastor November 8, 1770. Soon after his settlement, a house for public worship WEts erected near the place where the present Congrega tional meeting-house is located, and was occupied till Jan. 1, 1806, when the present one was dedicated. The first burying-ground was more than a mile north of the village, and Avest of the county road. Soon after the first meeting-house was built, a piece of ground near it was marked out for a grave-yard. It has since been enlarged, and is now the principal burying-place in the town. The land on which the meeting-house stands, and for the burying- ground, was given to the society by a Mr. Reynolds. Mr. Mun son was a man of good abilities, of ardent piety, sound in the faith, and zealous in promoting the cause of religion, but he lived in times of trouble. The revolutionary war occasioned very bitter animosities among the people ; and, subsequently, what is called 80 LENOX. the Shays' insurrection was productive of much evd in the tOAra. There has been an incorporated Episcopal society in the town since 1805. They have a handsome church, standing a few rods east of the court-house. There are also in this town a few fami lies of the Baptist and Methodist denominations. Lenox academy was incorporated in 1803. At the time of the incorporation, the legislature made to it the grant of half a township of land in the state of Maine, which at that time belonged to Massachusetts. This land, for a number of years, was wholly unproductive, but it was sold a few years since, and produced a respectable fund, the avails of Avhich are appropriated to the support of the institu tion. Lenox is the shire toAvn of Berkshire county. It is situated 130 miles W. of Boston, 6 S. of PIttsfield, 42 from Springfield, 56 from Hartford, 30 from Hudson, and 34 from Albany. Popula tion, 1,275. The judicial courts have been held here since 1787. Northern view of Lenoz. The above is a representation of Lenox village, as it is seen from near the Congregational church, which is situated on an eminence at the northern extremity of the village. On this spot the observer has a fine prospect of the village ; beyond Avhich, are seen various ranges of lofty hills and mountains, and, far in the distance, is seen, toAvering above all others, the lofty summit of Mount Wash ington. The village is uncommonly beautiful in its situation and general appearance ; it consists of about forty dAvelling-houses, 3 churches, (1 Congregational, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Methodist,) a court-house constructed of brick, in a handsome style of architec ture, a hotel, academy, printing-office, and other public buildings. The refined state of society in this place, the fine mountain air and scenery, and the superior accommodations at the hotel now kept by Mr. Wilson, all render Lenox a most desirable place of resort during the warm season of the year. LENOX. 81 The following, termed " the Covenant signed iii Lenox, 1774," was, by a unanimous vote of the town, in 1828, ordered to be put upon the town records, " at the special request of Hon. William Walker and Col. Elijah Northrup, the only persons now living in the town whose names are in the following list." "Whereas the Parliament of Great Britain have of late undertaken to give and grant away our money, without our knowledge or consent, and, in order to compel us to a servile submission to the above measures, have proceeded to block up the harbor of Boston ; also have or are about to vacate the charter and repeal certain laws of this province, heretofore enacted by the General Court, and confirmed to us by the king and his predecessors : therefore, as a means to obtain a speedy redress of the above grievances, we do solemnly and in good faith covenant and engage with each other, — 1st. That we will not import, purchase, or consume, or suffer any person for, l)y, or under us, to import, purchase, or consume in any manner whatever, any goods, wares, or manufactures which shall arrive in America from Great Britain, from and after the first day of October next, or such other time as shall be agreed upon by the American Congress ; nor any goods which shall be ordered from thence from and after this day, until our charter and constitutional rights shall be restored, or until it shall be determined by the major part of our brethren in this and the neighboring colonies, that a non-importation or non-consumption agreement will not have a ten dency to effect the desired end, or until it shall be apparent that a non-importation or non-consumption agreement will not be entered into by the majority of this and the neighboring colonies, except such articles as the said General Congress of North Ame rica shall advise to import and consume. 2dly. We do further covenant and agree, that we will observe the most strict obe dience to all constitutional laws and authority, and will at all times exert ourselves to the utmost for the discouragement of all licentiousness, and suppressing all disor derly mobs and riots. 3dly. We will exert ourselves, as far as within us lies, in promoting peace, lovo, and unanimity among each other, and for that end we engage to avoid all unnecessary lawsuits whatever. 4thly. As a strict and proper adherence to the non-importation and non-consump tion agreement will, if not seasonably provided against, involve us in many difficulties and inconveniences, we do promise and agree, that we will take the most prudent cara for the raising of sheep, and for the manufacturing all such cloths as shall be most useful and necessary, and also for the raising of flax, and the manufacturing of linen , further, that we will, by every prudent method, endeavor to guard against all those inconveniences which might otherwise arise from the foregoing agreement. 5th]y. That if any person shall refuse to sign this or a similar covenant, or, after having signed it, shall not adhere to the real intent and meaning thereof, he or they shall be treated by us with all the neglect they shall justly deserve, particularly by omitting all commercial dealing with them. 6thly. That if this or a similar covenant shall, after the first day of August next, be ofi'ered to any trader or shopkeeper, in this county, and he or they shall refuse to sign the same, for the space of forty-eight hours, that we will, from thenceforth, pur chase no article of British manufacture or East India goods from him or them, until such time as he or they shall sign this or a similar covenant. Witness our hands, dated at Lenox, this 14th dayof July, A. D. 1774. Israel Dibbell, Samuel Guthrie, Lazarus HoUister, Moses Miller, Bildad Clark, Jared Ingersol, Elisha Pangs, Moses Wood, John Adams, Amos Stanley, Timothy Way, Jedidiah Cruttenden, Jesse Hollister, Isaiah Smith, jr., Samuel Northrup, David Clark, Joel Goodrich, Joseph Hollister, Isaac Bateman, John Root, Pro,sper , Timothy Steel, Noah Yale, Mathias HaU, Silas Blin, Paul Dewy, Timothy Cruttenden, Isaiah Smith, Titus Curtiss, Thomas Tracy, Enos Curtiss, Joseph Dwight, Rozel Ballard, Joel Blin, Moses Hyde, Charies Mattoon, Jehiel Hollister, James Richards, Ephraim Cary, Reuben Root, Elijah Northrup, Samuel Munson, David Clark, jr., Eleazer Barret, Rufus Branch, Solomon HoUister, Job St. Leonard, Uriah Cross, Thomas Gates, Samuel Jerome, Thomas Benedict, Charles Dibbell, 62 Thomas Steel, Oliver Beldin, Caleb Hyde, John Paterson, Ephraim Smith, Edward Gray, EUas WUlard, Allen Goodrich, Alexander Mackay, Thomas Landers, Abraham Northrup, Thomas Bateman, WiUiam Maltby, Luther Bateman, Israel Dewey, MOUNT WASHINGTON. Elias Willard, jr., Matthew Miller, Ashley Goodrich, Reuben Sheldon, James Guthrie, Jonathan Foster, WiUiam WaUter, Samuel Whedon, Jonathan Hinsdale, WiUiam Martindale, Simon WUlard, Caleb Bull, Samuel Bement, Lemuel CoUens, Thomas Foster, Ebenezer Turrill, David Root, Jacob St. John, Daniel Keeler, Stephen Cruttenden, David Hinsdell, Gorden Hollister, Amos Benton, Ephraim HoUister, Samuel Wright, Jeremiah HiUl, Nehemiah Tracy, John Gray, Samuel Goodrich, Zenas Goodrich, Gershom Martindale, Titus Parker, Ashbel Treat, John Treat, James Richards, jr.,* Stephen Titus, Asa Bacon, Hopson Beebe, Caleb Culver, Samuel Pond, Elisha Osborn, David Perry, Enos Stone.f MOUNT WASHINGTON. As early as 1753 or 4, a few families moved into the towa. George Robinson, Joseph Graves, Thomas Wolcott, and John Dib ble, were among the first settlers. In 1757, the Indian right to the land, Avhatever it might have been, after the sale of the two Hou satonic toAvnships, was purchased for £15. Soon after this, John Dibble, John King, Nathan Benjamine, Peter Wooden, Benjamin Osborn, Charles Paterson, and others, petitioned the legislature to grant them a township here ; and in 1760 the toAvnship was actu ally surveyed, under the direction of the legislature, into 50 lots, though the grant prayed for was not made until 1774. The toAra was incorporated in 1779. The form of the township is irregular; its length is about six miles, and its average breadth three and a half It was formerly called Tagonic or Taconic Moimtain. Its surface is uneven, and is very elevated, the center being nearly 2,000 feet above the neighboring toAvns, while a mountain ridge around this center rises nearly 1,000 feet higher. This ridge con sists mostly of broken ledges of rocks, and but feAV trees of much size groAV upon it. There is only soil enough intermmgled with the rocks to support shrubs from one to four feet high. The whortleberry-bush abounds, and the inhabitants in the vicinity resort to it in the months of August and September, to gather the fruit. This town is 22 miles S. S. W. of Lenox, and 135 W. by S. of Boston. Population, 377. In 1835, it is stated in the " Mas sachusetts Directory," that this tOAvn "has no minister of any denomination, no doctor, no lawyer, no postoffice, and no tavern." Since this period a house of worship has been erected in the cen tral part of the town. * Mr. R. adds this to his signature : " I, James Richards, jr., do sign the whole 01 this paper, except these words put in, ' particularly by omUting all commercial dealing with them :' these words I refuse. J. R." t One of the first principal settlers of Rochester, N. Y. newmarlborough. 83 NEW ASHFORD. This tOAvn began to be settled about 1762, by emigrants from the eastern part of the state, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. Among the early settlers were Nathaniel, Abel, and Gideon Kent, Uriah, Peter, and Eli Mallory, William Green, Jacob Lyon, Samuel Grid- ley, Jonathan Beach, Samuel P. Tyler, Abraham Kirby, William Campbell, Amariah Babbit, Evans Rice, Capt. Martin, and a Mr. Mason. This place was incorporated as a district Feb. 26, 1781, and enjoyed all the privileges of a town, except that it could not elect a representative to the legislature. A small, neat house, for pub lic worship, was erected here in 1828, and dedicated in Jan., 1829. Most of the inhabitants are Methodists, who enjoy circuit preach ing about half of the time. This town is about 4 miles square, and is situated principally on the steep and rugged hills which make from Saddle mountain on the east, and the Taconic range on the Avest, and which here approach each other. In the narrow valley between these hills, along the rise of the western branch of the Housatonic and the eastern branch of Green river, are some small tracts of more feasi ble land. Valuable quarries of blue and white marble were opened in this town about 1822, which furnish a considerable branch of business. This town is 18 miles N. of Lenox, and 130 W. by N. of Boston. Population, 253. NEW MARLBOROUGH. Tms township was originally called No. 2, and was granted in 1736 to 72 proprietors, mostly belonging to Marlborough and its vicinity, in the county of Middlesex, by " The Great and General Court or Assembly of his Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in Ncav England, held at Boston." The proprietors obtained the township of the Indians and took a deed, which was confirm ed by the general court. Among other divisions of land into which the township was surveyed, were house lots cpnsisting of 60 acres each, to the number of 63, besides one for each grantee. The first improvements Avere made in 1739, by Mr. Benjamin Wheeler, from Marlborough. During the hard Avinter of 1739-40, he remained the only white inhabitant in the town. The Indians, though in most respects friendly, forbade him the use of the gun, lest he should kill the deer, and thus Avithheld from him part of the means of his support. His nearest Avhite neighbors were in Sheffield, a distance of 10 miles, some of whom came on snow- shoes to see him. In the following summer he visited Marlborough and returned Avith his family. Among the other first settlers were Noah Church, Jabez Ward, Thomas Tatlow, Elias Keyes, Joseph Blackmer, Jesse Taylor, John Taylor, William Witt, Philij) Brookins and Samuel Bryan, from Marlborough or the vicinity, hi 84 newmarlborough. 1741 ; Joseph Adams, Moses Cleaveland, Silas Freeman, in 1744; and Charles Adams, Solomon Randsford, Nathan Randsford and Jarvis Pike, in 1745, from Canterbury, Con. Families by the name of Sheldon, Wright and Allen, from Northampton, Mass. and Shel don Norton, and Harmon, from Suffield, Con., moved in about 1745, and' William Alexander and John Thompson tbe succeeding year, from Dedham. The first born in town were twins, children of Mr. Brookins. The first church in the town was organized on the 31st of Oct. 1744, with 5 members On the foUowing day, the Rev. Thoinas Strong, a native of Northampton and graduate of Yale CoUege, was ordained paslor of this church. His salary was £50. The first meeting-house was erected iii 1743. The expense of buUding it was defrayed by the proprietors of the town. The second meeting-house of this society was built in 1793 In consequence of some disagreement concerning the location of this house, anothei house was built the same year, and in 1794 the town was divided by the legislature, and a new parish, called the south parish, incorporated. On the 25th of AprU, 1794, the second or South church was formed, of 21 members, from the first church. The first pastor of this church. Rev. John Stevens, a native of Danbury, Con., and graduate of Yale CoUege, was settled over the society Oct. 22, 1794. This parish has a ministerial fimd, obtained by subscription in 1794, amounting to about $3,150. This town was incorporated in 1759, is eight and a half miles in length and 5 in breadth. The surface is generally uneven and hilly, and, like most ofthe more elevated towns in the county, stony; though at the time of the settlement, the stones Avere so deeply covered with vegetable mould that the first inhabitants are said to have expressed their fears that they should not find stone enough to answer the purposes of building. Their fears were removed by finding a quarry of white stone, split by nature into blocks of dif ferent sizes nearly square, on an elevation called Dry Hill. In the north-west part of the town is Six-mile pond, first so called by some Indians Avho lived six miles distant from it in Great Barrington, and who resorted to it, for the purpose of fishing. The outlet from this pond is called Konkapot, from the circumstance that an Indian family of that name lived by its side in the borders of Sheffield. A stream called Umpachene rises in the east part of the toAvn, and passing by the center, runs S. W. and empties in the Konkapot. This stream also derives its name from an Indian. In the S. E. part of the toAvnship is a pond nearly tAVO miles in circumference, called Hermit pond, which is the source of a stream, which runs S. W. into Canaan. This pond derived its name from the circum stance that a hermit lived for several years on the south-eastern side. The name of this hermit was Timothy Leonard. He came from Fredericksburg, Dutchess county, N. Y., five or six years before the revolutionary war ; and though he purchased a farm, he led a solitary Ufe till his death. He died June 13, 1817, from infirmity and old age, being, as was supposed, in his 70th year. UnwUling that any one should remain with him during a single night, he died as he lived, alone and un attended. The cause of his leading a solitary Ufe is supposed to be explained by the fact that he was an inveterate hater of woman. His description of them was, "They say they will, and they won't; What they promise to do they don't." " Let none smile at the history of Timothy Leonard, for he is not a soUtary instance in which disappointed hope and mortified pride have been suflered tc blot out the social affections, and produce uselessness, wretchedness and ruin." OTIS. 83 In the west part of the town is a cave of some little note. It has several apartments of various dimensions, whose sides and roofs are limestone, on which stalactites are continually forming. About one fourth of a mile S. W. of the south meeting-house is a rock judged to Aveigh 30 or 40 tons, so equally balanced on another rock, that a man may move it with one finger. This town is 20 miles S. by E. of Lenox, and 130 S. W. by W. of Boston. Popu lation, 1,570. OTIS. This tovm consists of the former town of Loudon and the dis trict of Bethlehem. Loudon was incorporated in 1773. Previously it Avas called Tyringham Equivalent, because it had been granted to the proprietors of that town to compensate them for some losses which they had sustained. Bethlehem was incorporated in 1789. This was originally called the north eleven thousand acres, in refer ence to Southfield, which was called the south eleven thousand acres. The settlement of Loudon commenced probably about 1750 or 55. Some of the earliest inhabitants whose names can be ascertained were David Kibbe, Stephen Kibbe, Isaac Kibbe, Dan. Gregory, Larkeom from Enfield, Con., Jeremy Stow, Eldad Bower, E. Pelton, George Troop, Ebenezer Trumbull, Jacob Cook, Timothy Whitney, Jonathan Norton and Samuel Marey. The vote to build the first school-house was passed in 1774. The town settled but very sloAvly. Bethlehem began to be settled several years after Loudon. The names of some of the first settlers were Thomas Ward, Daniel Sumner, Phineas Kingsbury, John Plumbe, Adonijah Jones, Ebenezer Jones, Miles Jones, James Brackenridge, John Spear, and Robert Hunter. Most of these, and the subsequent in habitants Avho moved into the district, came principally from Con. In June 1809 the district of Bethlehem was united with the town of Loudon, the town still bearing the name of Loudon. At a town meeting held in May 1810 it was proposed to have the name of the town altered at the discretion of P. Larkeom, Esq., then representa tive at the general court ; and in June he obtained for it the name of Otis, in honor of the speaker of the house of representatives, the Hon. H. G. Otis of Boston. It appears from the records of the town that money was voted from year to year to hire preaching. About 177'J, before the incorporation ofthe town, a person came into it by the name of George Troop, who asserted himself to be a candidate for the minis try, whom the inhabitants employed several years ; though it appeared finally that he had no license to preach. On a time appointed some ofhis hearers undertook to ordain him, and he on his part to form them into a church, after which he led them to the choice of deacons. The people at length becoming dissatisfied with him, an eccle siastical council, convened in 1775, decided that he had no authorUy to preach or to organize a church, and that his church was not a, regular church of Christ. He left the town in 1776 and joined the UnUed States army in the character of chaplain, and his church separated and dissolved. On the 2d of Feb. 1779 a regular church was formed of 7 members. The Bethlehem church was organized Sept. 14, 1795, of 8 members. At a conference of these churches, held June 5th, 1810, it was mutually agreed to become one church. No house of worship was ever built in Loudon, though different attempts were made for the purpose. Before the union of the town and dis trict in 1809,the united society agreed to erect a meeting-house, and procured timber and S6 PERU. fixed upon a place to set it. This house was buUt by subscription, and was dedicated Ul the autumn of 1813. For a while after, the society had the services of Rev. Aaron Kinne, and some other clergymen. In Nov. 1814, the Rev. Jonathan Lee was invited to preach in the place, and was ordained pastor June 28, 1815. When Shays' insurrection broke out in 1786, a number of people who Uvea in the north part of the town, and attended meeting al Sandisfield, became alienated from their minister, the Rev. Mr. Storrs, on account of his opposition to the party of Shays. They withdrew from his ministry and professed themselves Baptists, and united with some inhabitants in the western part of Bethlehem in forming a Baptist church. They built a meeting-house, which stands in the south-western corner of this town. In the south-eastern section is a Methodist society, who have a meeting-house, which was erected by subscription in 1816. There is an Episcopal society in the center of the town, which wets organized on the 1st of Jan. 1828. The general aspect of this town is uneven and broken. It abounds with granite rock, Avhich renders the tillage difficult and expensive. At the distance of half a mile Avest of the center is a rock, with an opening or cavity in it, near the surface of the groimd, where crystals of quartz and iron pyrites have been found. In the early settlement of Bethlehem, Daniel Sumner, while huntmg for deer near by this rock, heard a sudden loud explosion, which much surprised and alarmed him. Curiosity leading him to exam ine from what source it proceeded, he found an unusual appear ance of the rock, which Avas discolored, where a fissure had been made, from which he concluded that the sound had proceeded from that place. It was probably produced by the combustion of hydrogen gas. This toAvn is 15 miles S. E. of Lenox, and 120 W. by S. of Boston. Population, 1,077. PERU. This township included the greater part of Hinsdale until 1804. The whole Avas purchased at auction, at Boston, June 2, 1762, for £1,460. This was denominated No. 2 of the nine townships which Avere sold at that time. It Avent into the hands of Oliver Partridge and Elisha Jones, and, in honor of the former gentleman, was called Partridgefield from its incorporation in 1771 until 1806, when it received its present name. It is about 6 miles long and four and a half broad. Within these limits the settlement commenced about 1764. Between this time and 1768, Henry Badger, from New Jersey, Nathaniel StoAvell, from Connecticut, Peter, Daniel, and Nathan Thompson, brothers, from the eastern part of this state, set tled in it, and Ebenezer Pierce shortly after. This town, occupying the height of land on the Green mountain range, has a cold, severe climate. The surface is uneven, and the soil hard and stony, and best adapted to grazing. There is a limestone quarry, from Avhich lime is made of the best quality. The first team is said to have crossed the mountain in this toAvn in 1767, over Avhich a turnpike road now passes. The inhabitants of this place have been distinguished for their zeal in supporting the institutions of the gospel. They are mostly Congregationalists, though there are some Baptists and Methodists Drawn by J. W. Borbei^-Enffraved by S. E. Brown, Boston. CENTRAL PART OF PITTSFIELD MASS. This view shows the appearance of the Common, as seen from near the western side. The Congregational Church is the first buUding, ¦fh %nirp nn the left -the next the Town-House ; the next eastward is the Episcopal Church ; the other buildmgs near are connected ^th the Medical Institution The ancient elm, one hundred and twenty-six feet in height, is seen rising in the central part of the Common. PITTSFIELD. 87 belonging to societies ui the adjoining toAvns. The church was organized with about 35 members, in 1770, and the Rev. Stephen Tracy, from Norwich, Connecticut, was ordained their pastor in April, 1772. The first meeting-house was erected in 1780, and the present one July 18, 1807. It is a remarkable fact, that the rain from the east roof of this house flows into Connecticut river, and from the west into the Housatonic. This town is about 1.5 miles N. E. of Lenox, and 111 W. of Boston. Population, 656. PITTSFIELD. The settlement of this town Avas commenced in 1752, by Solo mon Deming, who moved with his family from Wethersfield, Con., and settled in the east part of the town. Charles Goodrich and a number of others soon followed. Mrs. Deming was the first white female who came into the town, and was often left alone through the night by the necessary absence of her husband, when there was not another white inhabitant in the town, and the wilderness was filled with Indians. She Avas the last, as well as the first, of the settlers, and died in March, 1818, aged 92. Mr. Goodrich (who died in 1815, in the 96th year of his age,) drove the first cart and team into the town from Wethersfield, and was obliged to cut his way through the woods a number of miles. In the year 1753, Simeon Crofoot, Charles Goodrich, Jacob Ensign, Solomon Deming, Stephen Crofoot, Samuel Taylor, and Elias Willard, obtained an act from the general court, incorporating them by the name of " The proprietors of the settling lots in the township of Poontoo- suck." This Avas the Indian name of the place, Avhich Avas retained until 1761, when the town Avas incorporated by the name of Pitts- field, in honor of the celebrated statesman William Pitt. The pro prietors were driven off" once or tAvice by the Indians in the time of the second French war. Three small forts Avere erected in dif ferent parts of the town, as places of safety against the Indians. The first meeting-house was erected a little south of the present Congregational church. The Rev. Thomas Allen Avas ordained the first pastor, April 18, 1764. He continued in that relation till his death, Avhich occurred Feb. 11, 1810. OAving to political differ ences this church Avas divided from 1808 till 1817, during Avhich time the minority Avere a separate church, and settled Mr. Thomas Punderson their minister, but Avere again united in the last-men tioned year, and Rev. Heman Humphrey installed their pastor. Pittsfield is finely situated at the junction ofthe principal branches of the Housatonic river, and occupies a beautiful expansion of the valley betAveen the Taconic and Green mountain range. The soil of this township is of a superior quality, and is divided into farms exhibiting fine specimens of agriculture. The village in the central part of the tOAVn is one of the largest and best built in the county. There is a public square in the center, containing about 88 RICHMOND. four acres: in the center of this square is a large elm, which was left standing when the original forest was cleared away. It is 126 feet in height, and 90 feet to the limbs. It is a striking object, and never fails to attract the notice of strangers. There are in the village 4 churches : 1 Congregational, 1 Episcopal, 1 Bap tist, and 1 Methodist; the Berkshire Medical Institution, and a number of other public buildings. There is also a bank, the " Agricultural Bank," incorporated in 1818, with a capital of flOO,- 000 ; a printing-office, an academy, and other seminaries of learn ing. The Berkshire Medical Institution was incorporated in 1823, and is connected with Williams College, at WilliamstoAvn. There is a Lyceum of Natural History connected with this institution, formed by its trustees, according to act of the legislature. Pitts- field is 6 miles from Lenox, 33 E. S. E. from Albany, and 125 W. firom Boston. Population, 3,575. In 1837, there were in the town 2 cotton mills, consuming 125,- 000 lbs. of cotton ; 500,000 yards of cotton manufactured ; 6 woollen mills, consuming 315,000 lbs. of wool; 233,000 yards of cloth manufactured, valued at $547,000. There were 2,135 Saxony sheep ; 10,534 merino sheep ; other kinds of sheep, 293 ; the value of the wool produced, $19,443 ; capital invested, $349,974. The value of muskets manufactured, $24,000 ; and 30 hands employed. Value of carriages manufactured, $20,000 ; hands employed, 30. Beside the above, various other articles are manufactured, such as buttons, brooms, hats, leather, chairs, &c. RICHMOND. This township was first purchased of two chieftains of the Stock- bridge tribe of Indians, by the agency of Samuel BroAvn, jr., Esq., of Stockbridge, in or about the year 1763. The consideration for the purchase was £1,700. It appears that by a resolve of the general court, passed Feb. 17 of the same year, the purchase was confirmed to the several proprietors on condition of their paying the stipulated sum of money to the Indians, and that they should, within five years' time, have 50 settlers residing within the limits, who should each have a good dAvelling-house, and that they should have a learned Protestant minister settled among them within the time specified. The settlement of the toAvn commenced in 1760. In the summer of that year, Capt. Micah Mudge moved his family into the place, and in the succeeding autumn Mr. Ichabod Wood, from Rehoboth. These tAVo famihes settled about 3 miles apart, and remained alone in the wilderness through a long and gloomy winter. In the year 1761, several families moved to this place, viz. Elijah and Isaac Brown, John Chamberlain, David Pixley, Joseph Patterson, and Daniel, Timothy, and Aaron Rowley, who generally settled in the south and west parts of the town. In 1762, Joseph and Paul Raymond, and John and Daniel Slosson, frora SANDISFIELD. 89 Kent, Con., moved in, and some others. From that time, the set tlement advanced rapidly, until every part of the town was inha bited. The most part of the first settlers were from Connecticut and Long Island. The church was formed in Richmond about 1765. In that year, the Rev. Job Swift, afterwards the minister of Bennington, Vt., was settled as their pastor. He was a native of Sandwich, Mass., and a graduate of Yale College in 1765. President Dwight says, " Dr. Swift was one of the best and most useful men I ever knew. To the churches and ministers of Ver mont he was a patriarch: and wherever he was known he is remembered with the greatest veneration." The present Congre gational meeting-house was built in 1794, at the cost of $4,000. The Methodist society have a neat and convenient meeting-house, which was built in 1825. This town was incorporated on the 20th of June, 1765, by the name of Richm^ond, (after the Duke of Richmond). In the year 1766, on the 26th of February, the township was divided by an act of the legislature, and the easterly part incorporated by the name of Lenox. The tract included between the mountains is a pleasant and fertile valley, averaging about 3 miles in width, enclosed by hills on the east and west, commanding delightful prospects. An intelligent gentleman, who had spent many years in foreign countries, after passing through this town, and viewing the valley from the hill on the west, observed that in natural scenery it excelled the view from the famous Richmxmd Hill, in England. This town joins Lenox : distance from that place, 5 miles, and 135 W. of Boston. Population, 820. There is a fur nace in the town for the manufacture of pig iron, which in 1837 employed 40 hands, who manufactured 600 tons, valued at $26,400. There were 4,835 merino sheep, whose fleeces averaged 3 pounds and valued at $8,703; capital invested, $90,000. SANDISFIELD. This town, in connection with others, was granted to a company Avho petitioned for the same in 1735. It was called No. 3. The proprietors mostly lived in the county of Worcester. The patent of the toAvn was granted in 1736, and soon after the location of town lots was made. No family moved into the place till 1750. Thomas BroAvn was the first. Soon after, his father, Daniel Brown, Esq., moved in with his numerous family. He was one of the principal men ; was born near Boston, but had lived for some tune in Enfield, Con. The settlement of the town advanced rapidly. A large number of families came in from Wethersfield, Con., and the adjoinmg towns, and also a considerable number from the toAvns below Plymouth, on Cape Cod. The first white child bom in the town was named Lot Smith, Aug. 7, 1757, because the pro prietors, meeting on the day he was bom, proposed giving him a lot of land. The town enjoyed the preaching of the gospel within 90 SAVOY. 5 or 6 years of the first settlement. The first meeting-house was erected m 1757, and stood till 1796, when a new one was built. The site is nearly in the center of the town, and the house is lite rally founded on a rock. The church Avas formed in 1756. Rev. Cornelius Jones, a native of Bellingham, and a graduate of Har vard College in 1752, Avas the first minister in the place. He was ordained at the time the church Avas organized. The place of the transactions of the day, for the Avant of a more convenient place, was a barn. The first President Edwards, then settled over the Stockbridge Indians, Avas moderator of the council, and preached the ordination sermon. There are tAvo Baptist churches in this town, though the meeting-house of the second society is in the N. W. corner of Otis. The first was organized Aug. 21, 1779. Their first pastor was Elder Joshua Morse, who was ordained Oct. 2, of the same year. The second Baptist church, consisting of 19 mem bers, was constituted April 25, 1788. Mr. Benjamin Baldwin, a native of Otis, was ordained over this church Jime 9, 1790. This town was incorporated in 1762, and now includes the original township of Sandisfield, and the tract formerly called the south 11,000 acres. This tract Avas incorporated as a district in 1797, and annexed to Sandisfield in 1819. The length of the toAvnship is about 9 miles and the breadth six. The surface is hilly ; the hills rise to a considerable height, but not abrupt, they being mostly large swells. A considerable mountain rises, hoAvever, on the western bank of Farmington river, in the S. E. section of the tOAvn, knoAvn by the name of Hanging mountain. It is 450 feet in height above the bank, and presents to the S. E. a mural perpen dicular front. This town was originally Indian hunting-ground. In clearing a piece of wood-land a few years ago, a large number of arrow-heads of stone were found carefully deposited between two rocks, probably placed there ages ago. It does not appear that the town was ever an Indian settlement. This toAVTi is 20 miles S. E. by E. of Lenox, and 112 W. by S. of Boston. Popu lation, 1,493. SAVOY. The general court, in 1770 or 71, granted to Col. William Bul lock, of Rehoboth, agent for the heirs of Capt. Samuel Gallop and company, a township of land 6 miles square, in consideration. of the services and sufferings of the said Gallop and com pany in an expedition into Canada in 1690, in King William's war. The greater part of this grant composes the present town of Savoy. The first family settled in this town in Sept., 1777, and within 10 years from that time 35 families were located in the place. Some of these were Lemuel Hatheway, Daniel Wetherell, William Wilbore, Zachariah Padelford, and Joseph, Wilham, Thomas, and Joseph (jr.) Williams, from Taunton, John SHEFFIELD. 91 Bourn, Joseph Bishop, Comfort Bates, Abiel Dunham, Michael Sweet, and David Matthews, from Attleborough, and families of the names of Babbit, Shearman, Reed, Bennet, Ingraham, Nelson Rogers, Fuller, Putney, and Heath, from other places. Public worship was early established in this town. Most of the people ire Baptists, though there are some Methodists and Congregation alists. The Baptist church was organized June 24, 1787. Their first minister was Elder Nathan Haskins, a native of Shutesbury, ordained in 1789. The society built their meeting-house half a mile north of the hollow, in 1804. Savoy is a mountainous town ship, and a large portion of it too broken for cultivation. The best lands are in the north and east parts. The inhabitants are mostly farmers, who raise stock and keep large dairies. The vil lage called Savoy village is in the south part of this town, on the north branch of the Westfield river. This little village consists of 2 churches, (1 Baptist, 1 Methodist,) 2 taverns, 2 stores, and about 15 dwelhng-houses. Distance, 25 miles from Lenox, 7 from South Adams, 28 to Northampton, 29 to Greenfield, and 44 to Troy, N. Y. SHEFFIELD As early as 1722, Joseph Parsons and 176 other persons within the county of Hampshire, petitioned the general court of Massa chusetts for two townships of land on the river Housatonic or Westbrook. This petition was granted Jan. 30, 1722-3, and a committee appointed for the purpose of making the purchase of the Indians, dividing the tract, granting lots, admitting settlers, &c. On the 25th of April, 1724, the committee made the pur chase of the Indians and received from them a deed, " in conside ration of £460, three barrels of cider, and thirty quarts of rum." This deed was signed and sealed by Konkepot and twenty other Indians at Westfidd, before John Ashley, justice of the peace. The Indians in this deed reserved to themselves two small tracts, which on their removal, about 10 years after, they exchanged for land in Upper Housatonic, within the present town of Stockbridge. There were two or three small Indian settlements in this town, though but a few traces of them are now to be found. On a gravelly hillock in the north part of the town, in a tract which they reserved, it is supposed was their burying-place. Human bones were discovered in making the turnpike road through the town two and a half miles south of the meeting-house, on the rise of ground a few rods south of the turnpike gate, which led< to the conclusion that this spot too was an Indian burying-place. In 1725, Capt. John Ashley and Capt. Ebenezer Pomroy, two of the committee, made a general division of the lower toAvnship, especially of the part lying upon the river ; and soon after the place began to be settled by individuals from the county of Hamp- 13 92 SHEFFIELD. Shire, and mostly from the town of Westfield. In 1^26 the settlers were subjected to much inconvenience ^"^ ^e^^^°^,\,Tron the Dutch inhabitants of the province of New York, Avho con tested the titles to the lands. They Avere also subjected to pnva- tion throueh fear of the Indians, and were obliged for safety to picket in two or three dwellings in difi'erent parts of the tOAvn, to which they resorted to spend the night. Soulhcrn view of Sheffield, (central part). In 1733 the loAver toAvnship Housatonic was set off and incorporated as a town, eight miles long on the river, and wide enough to include 7 square miles; and was nanaed Sheffield,jro- bablv from Sheffield in England. It extended north to Great Barrington bridge. In 1761 the toAvn was reduced to its present limits 8 miles in length and 7 in breadth. Among the first settlers of this town were those of the name of Noble, Austin, Westover, Kellogg, Pell, Callender, Corban, Huggins, Smith, Ingersoll, Dewey Root, (fcc., in all about 60, Avho had their lands, from 250 to 1 000 acres each, confirmed to them by the committee. Mr Obadiah Noble from Westfield, was the first white man Avho resided in the town ' He spent the first Avinter here with no other human being than the Indians. In spring he Avent back to Westfield and m June returned with his daughter. The first church in this town was organized on the 22d of Oct., 1735. Mr. Jonathan Hubbard, of Sunderland, and a graduate of Yale College, was ordained their pastor on the same occasion. The people had built a meeting house the summer previous, 45 feet by 35. This house stood till 1762, when a ncAV one Avas erected. The engraving above is a vieAV of the Congregational church (the only church in the toAvn) and some other buildings in the central part of the toAVn, Avith the east mountain in the distance. The first meeting-house stood about half a mile north of the pre sent house, near the house of Mr. Hubbard, the first minister, which is still standing and occupied by his son. This place is 20 miles from Lenox, 28 from Hudson, 28 from Litchfield, 48 from Hartford, and about 125 from Boston. Population, 2,308. SHEFFIELD. 93 A Baptist church was formed in this town on the 7th of July 1825, with 15 members. There are a few Episcopalians and Methodists in the town. The town includes an extensive vale, and, except on the east, is generally level. In that part there is an extensive chain of con siderable hills, extending from one end of the tOAvnship to the other. On the west it is mountainous : Taconic, or Mount Wash ington, as this part of the Taconic range is more generally called, is about 2500 feet in height, and presents a magnificent spectacle. A part of this mountain is within the limits of Sheffield. This town affords great abundance of white marble, and much of ex cellent quality. The soil of the township is generally productive, and in the vale easily tilled. Large quantities of hay are easily obtained from the extensive intervals lying upon the river. The Housatonic, which passes through the length of the toAvn, is here a silent, sluggish stream, from 6 to 8 rods in breadth. From this town it passes into Connecticut, and, floAving through the western part of the state, empties uito Long Island Sound betAveen Mil ford and Stratford, 13 miles Avest of Ncav Haven. The following singular occurrences are said to have taken place near the boundary line between Massachusetts and Connecticut. Part of these occurrences took place in this toAvn. and part in tho adjoinuig town of Salisbury, in Connecticut. The relation of these circumstances was obtained from Mr. S. Sage and his family, who are still living on the spot, (June, 1836,) and could be corro borated by great numbers of people now living : — " These occurrences commenced Nov. Sth, 1802, at a clothier's shop. A man and two boys were in the shop ; the boys had retired to rest, it being between 10 and 11 o'clock at night. A block of wood was thrown through the window ; after that, pieces of hard mortar, till the man and boys became alarmed, and went to the house to call Mr. Sage, who arose from bed and went to the shop, and could hear the glass break often, but could not discover from whence it came, notwithstanding the night was very Ught. He exerted himself to discover the cause without success. It con tinued constantly till day-Ught, and then ceased till the next evening at 8 o'clock, when it commenced agaui, and continued till midnight ; then ceased till the next evening at dusk, and continued till some time in the evening, and then ceased. The next day it commenced about an hour before sun-down, and continued about an hour, and then it left the shop and began at the dweUing-house of Mr. Ezekiel Landon, 100 rods north, in the town of Sheffield. It continued several hours, and ceased till the next morning : when the family were at breakfast it began again, and continued two or three hours, and ceased till evening, when it began again and continued several hours, and ceased till the next morning, when it began again and con tinued all the forenoon, and then ceased altogether. The articles thrown into the shop were pieces of wood, charcoal, stone, but principally pieces of hard mortar, such as could not be found in the neighborhood. Nothing but stones were thrown into the house of Mr. Landon, the first of which were thrown into the dooi. There were 38 panes of glass broke out of the shop, and 18 out of the dwelling houses : in two or three instances persons were hit by the things that were thrown. What was remarkable, nothing could be seen coming till the glass broke, and whatever passed through, fell directly down on the window-sill, as if it had been put through with a person's fingers, and many pieces of mortar and coal were thrown througli the same hole in the glass in succession. Many hundreds of people assembled to witness the scene, among whom were clergymen and other gentlemen, but none were able to detect the source of the mischief. The more credulous readily beUeved it to be witchcraft, but it was generaUy thought to be some slight of hand, effected by a combination of individuals, as the windows were broken on different sides of the buUdings nearly at the same time." 94 STOCKBRIDGE. The following inscriptions are taken from monuments in the grave-yards ui this place. Sacred to the memory of Jonathan Hubbard, and Mrs. Rachel Hubbard his consort, this monument is erected. The Rev. J. Hubbard was the first pastor of the church in Sheffield. He was blessed with a Uvely genius and solid judgment. His public dis- cources were judicious, and his conversation instructive. He departed this Ufe Jnly 6th, 1765, in the 62d year of his age. Our Fathers where are they ? and do the Pro phets live forever ? Beneath this stone lies the body of the Rev. John Keep, A. M., pastor of the church in Sheffield, who died Sept. 3d, A. D. 1784, jEtat. 36, et ministerii 13, calmly resign ing his mortal life in hope of a blessed immortaUty thro' the atonement of Jesus Christ. He was blessed wUh natural genius improved by education, and a benevolent heart, and was iUustrious as a Divine, a Preacher, a Friend and a Christian. When Suns and Planets from their orbs be hurl'd And livid flames involve this smoking world ; The Trump of God announce the Savior nigh And shining hosts of angels crowd the sky Then from this tomb thy dust shall they convey To happier regions of eternal day. Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Ephraim Judson, Pastor of the church in Sheffield. He died on the 23d of February, A. D. 1813, in the 76th year of his age, and 23d of his ministry in Sheffield, having been previously the pastor of the church in Norwich, and also in Taunton. Mr. Judson was esteemed as a leamed divine, an acute logician, and an evangeUcal preacher. He was mild, courteous, and hospitable. By his numerous friends he was deemed a wise counseUor, an active peace-maker, & a sincere christian. What he was in Truth, the Great Day wiU disclose. Here lies deposited the body of Major General John Ashley, who died Nov. 5, 1799, in the 64th year of his age. Make the extended skies your tomb, Let stars record your worth ; Yet know vain mortals aU must die. As natures sickliest birth. This monument is erected to perpetuate the memory of Col. John Ashley, who departed this life Sept. 1st, 1802, in the 93d year of his age. Virtue alone has majesty in death, And triumphs most when most the tyrant frowns ; Earth highest station ends in Here he lies And dust to dust concludes her noblest song. STOCKBRIDGE. This town was originally laid out by the general government of the state in 1735, for the accommodation of the Indians. In the year previous a mission was commenced among the Housa tonic Indians by Mr. John Sergeant, then a candidate for the ministry, assisted by Mr. Timothy Woodbridge as schoolmaster, under the patronage of the board of commissioners for Indian affairs in Boston, of which his excellency Jonathan Belcher, then British governor of Massachusetts, was an active and influential member. At that time about half of these Indians lived in the STOCKBRIDGE. 95 great meadow on the Housatonic in this town, called by them Wnahktukook. Here Konkapot the chieftain resided, who had just before been honored by Gov. Belcher with a captain's com mission. His cabin stood on a knoll a few rods north of the Konkapot brook, on the east side of the county road. The other Indians lived on their reservation in Sheffield, called by them Skatehook. For the better improvement of their moral condition it was soon found desirable to have these united and settled in one place, with such other Indians in the vicinity as might be disposed to join with them. Being made acquainted with their situation the legislature, on the 17th of March, 1735, granted them a town ship 6 miles square, to be laid out on the Housatonic river immediately north of Monument mountain, provided the proprie tors and settlers of the Upper Housatonic could be induced to give up their right to that portion of their lands on which the new township would partly fall. It Avas wished to include the fine alluvial ground at Wnahktukook, where the chieftain resided, and, which, to some extent, was under cultivation. The committee met with but little difficulty in performing the duties assigned them, and in April, 1736, they laid out the town in a square, which inclu ded the present townships of Stockbridge and West-Stockbridge. Early in May of that year the Indians began to move into their plantation, and by the last of June there were more than 90 persons in the settlement. In Jan., 1737, the subject being laid before the legislature by the governor, they ordered that a meeting-house 40 feet by 30, together with a, school-house, should be buUt for the Indians at the charge of the province. On the 7th of May in this year, the grant of the town was confirmed to the Indians, their heirs and assigns ; and in 1739, the town was incorporated by the name of Stockbridge, after the town of that name in Eng land. Their meeting-house was first opened for public worship on the 29th of Nov.. 1739, the day of thanksgiving in the commonwealth. It stood a few rods north-east of the site of the present south meeting-house. The settlement gradually increased for many years, untU they numbered, at one time, nearly 500, though it is probable that their average number, while they remained in the town, was about 400. A short time before the revolutionary war, a township, 6 miles square, was given them by the Oneidas, in the state of New York. After the close of the war, in 1783, some of them removed, a large proportion of them in 1785, and the residue in 1788. In 1810, they are represented to have numbered more than 600. In 1822 these Indians began to move to Green Bay, on the southern shore of Lake Michigan, on to a tract of 5,000,000 acres, purchased for them and other Indians in the state of New York, for 8500, of the Menominie and Winnebago tribes. The head of Green Bay is near the center of their purchase. The residence of Capt. Konkapot has been mentioned; that of King Ben [Benjamin Kokkewenaunaut] was on the elevated ground back of the Housatonic, half a mile west of the plain. In 1771, being then 94 years old, this chieftain told his people that they must appoint another king, and kin^ Solomon [Solomon Unhaunnauwaunnutt] was chosen his successor. His house was on the south bank of the Housatonic, opposite Little HUl. He died in Feb., 1777, aged 50. King Ben Uved tUl AprU 1781, being 104 years old. Some of the Indians' houses were on fhe plain, some on the meadows near the river, and a few about Barnum's brook. These Indians at first were called by the English River Indians, afterwards more generaUy Housatonic Indians, untU the incorporation of this town ; since which they have more generally been called Stockbridge Indians. They have also some times, as weU as the tribe at Norwich, Conn., been called Mohegans, which is a cor- rupUon of their proper name Mahhekaneew or Muhhekaneok, signifying "the people of the great waters, continually in motion." One very important effect which this mission produced was, that the friendship of these Indians was effectually secured to the English. They performed numerous kind offices for the early settlers of the county ; iu time of war they were spies for the English, and often fought and sometimes shed their blood for them in the army. 96 STOCKBRIDGE. Though Fort Massachusetts was repeatedly attacked in the time of the first French war, and terror was spread through all this region, yet, in consequence of the weU-knowa fi-iendship of the Muhhekaneews, no hostile Indians ventured down into the vicinity ol this place, and the southern section of the county was saved from such calamities as befel some of the settlements on Connecticut river, and others to the west, in the state of New York. Though in the second French war a few families in different parts of the county xvere disturbed, yet the mischief was small compared with what probably would have been done, had it not been for ihe friendship of the Stockbridge tribe. In this war many of the Indians ¦were received as soldiers in the service of Massachusetts, and showed their fidelity by fighting for the whiles. In the revolu tionary war a part of the company of minute men under the command of Captain Goodrich, of this town, was composed of these Indians. A company went lo White Plains under Capt. Daniel Niniham, where some were slain, and others died with sickness. Numbers served at other places. At the close of the war General Washington directed the contractors for supplying a division of the army at West Point with provisions, to give the Indians a least, in consideration of their good conduct in the service. An o.ic weighing 1, 100 lbs. xvas roasted whole; the whole tribe partook of it; the men first, and then the women, according to custom. The Rev. John Sergeant (the younger) and a Mr. Deane presided at the table, and the principal men of the place attended. The feast was kept near the residence of King Solomon, and after this was over the Indians buried the hatchet iu token that the war was past, and performed some olher ceremonies in their own style for the gratification of the com pany. The school commenced among these Indians by Mr. Woodbridge, in the autumn of 1734, was kept by him many years, and was regularly kept afterwards (for some time by Mr. John Sergeant, Jun.) until the Indians emigrated to the region of the Oneidas. The following account of Mr. Sergeant's labors is taken from the History of Stockbridge, by the Rev. David D. Field. In 1741, Mr. Sergeant projected the plan of a boarding-school, which was summa rily this : That a tract of land of about 200 acres should be set aside for the use of the school, and a house erected upon it ; that a number of children and youth, be tween the ages of 10 and 20, should be received, and placed under the care of two masters, one of whom should take the oversight of them in their hours of labor, and the other in their hours of study, and that their time should be so divided between the hours of labor and study, as to make one the diversion of the olher ; that the fruit of their labors should go towards their maintenance, and to carry on the general design; and that a stock of cattle should be maintained on the place for the same purpose. It was also proposed to take into the number, on certain conditions, children from any of the Indian tribes around, that by their means the principles of virtue and Christian knowledge might be spread as far as possible. This project was very popular among the Indian and EngUsh inhabUants of this place, and much was eventually done by them, considering their circumstances, for promoting it. It was also popular with the commissioners and their friends in Boston. But before much was done, the first French war commenced, which rendered it neces sary that the actual establishment of the school should be postponed for a season. In the mean while, as the Corporation for Indian Affairs, under which the commissioners acted, existed in London, the project attracted the favorable notice of such blessed men there as Dr. Isaac Watts and Capt. Thomas Coram, who exerted themselves to raise funds for the support of the school. The Prince of Wales headed a subscription with 20 guineas, and a few others high in rank and office subscribed for it. Mr. Isaac HoUis made provision at first for supporting 12 boys, and afterwards for supporting 24, and was so anxious that the children should be instructed immediately, that Mr. Sergeant took 12 under his care in the beginning of 1748. But as it was not alto gether safe for them to remain here during the war, he procured Capt. Martin Kel logg, of Newington, in Wethersfield, Conn., to take them in I\Iay, and instruct them for a year. In 1749, the war being closed, a house for the boarding-school was erected, which stood on the southern end of the garden belonging to Mr. Benoni C. WeUs. The heart of Mr. Sergeant was drawn exceedingly towards this school. His suc cessor. President Edwards, thought much of it, and, directly after his settlement in this place, a large councU from the Six Nations sat here to consider the subject of sending their children to the school. After it was opened, the Rev. Gideon Hawley, afterwards missionary at Marshpee, it is understood, instructed it for a time. " He taught a few famiUes of Mohawks, Oneidas and Tuskaroras." The Kev. Cotton STOCKBRIDGE. 97 Mather Smith, who afterwards settled in Sharon, Conn., also instructed it for a season. But arrangements for managing the school were never very thoroughly made ; and admirable as was the plan, and as much as it promised, the occurrence of the SPPond French war nearly destroyed it. Notwithstanding this unhappy issue, however, in this school, in connection with the common school, a considerable number of Indians received a good education. A few also were instructed at the Indian charity school at Hanover, N. H., and Peter Poli- quonnoppeet was graduated at the college in that town in 1780. This Sir Peter, as he was commonly called, was a man of good talents and character, and connected with Joseph Quanaukaunt, Capt. Hendrick Aupaumut, and Capt. John Konkapot, in a council, which, after the decease of King Solomon, regulated the affairs of the tribe. The regal power, it is said, belonged to Joseph Quanaukaunt ; but being avery modest and unassuming, as weU as sensible man, he chose not to be king, but wished the tribe to be governed by a council. Many ofthe Indians were fitted for the transaction of aU ordinary business. A part of the town offices were uniformly sustained by them while they remained in this place. The speech of one of the chiefs to the Massachusetts congress in 1775, in Bingham's Columbian Orator, tendering his services in the revolutionary war, may be taken as a specimen of the talent at oratory which some of them possessed. As to reUgion, it is evident that the Spirit of God was poured forth under the minis try of Mr. Sergeant, and that his labors were blessed to the conversion of many souls. The Lord's supper was first administered here on the 4th of June, 1738; but as a number had made a profession years before, the church must be considered as pre viously existing, although we have no express account of the time and manner of its organization. About 100, from first to last, made a profession of Christianity ; and though it is not certain all these were genuine converts, yet we have no authority lor restricting the operations of grace entirely to those who became professors, nor indeed to the members of this tribe ; for considerable numbers from other tribes occasionally Ustened here to the instructions of the gospel. But the extent to which they were civilized and christianized, will be more fully un derstood by attending to the labors of the successive missionaries. At the time Mr. Sergeant received his appointment, he was a tutor in Yale College. He visited the Indians in the autumn of 1734, and again in the spring of 1735, and in July in the latter year, having relinquished the duties of the tutorship, he took up his residence with the Indians for life. On the 31st of August following he was or dained at Deerfield, where Gov. Belcher had made an appointment to meet some In dian tribes about that time, for the purpose of making a treaty with them. The or dination took place on the Sabbath, in the presence of the congregation usuaUy wor shipping there, of the governor and a large committee of both houses of the legisla ture, of the Indians collected from several tribes, and of some of the Housatonic Indians, who sat by themselves, and formally received Mr. Sergeant as their mis sionary. In the winters of 1734 and 5, and of 1735 and 6, the Indians were instructed in Great Barrington, and in the intermediate summer in Sheffield and Stockbridge. Upon their removal to this town in May in the year last mentioned, Mr. Woodbridge removed here and boarded with Capt. Konkapot. Mr. Sergeant boarded with a fami ly in Great Barrington until January, 1737, when he moved into town, and boarded with Mr. Woodbridge, who had settled in a family state. The first residence of Mr. Woodbridge was on the " Hill," eastward from the house of Dea. Josiah Jones. He afterwards built a house on the farm now owned by Mr. Samuel Goodrich. In the course of 1737, Mr. Sergeant built the house on the " Plain," occupied at the present time by the widow of Gen. Silas Pepoon, and which is now the oldest house in town. He afterwards built the house on the Hill, now occupied by his grandson, Maj. SewaU Sergeant. In this he died. Ignorant of their language, Mr. Sergeant at first instructed the Indians, of neees sily, by the aid of an interpreter. In this way he translated into their language some prayers for their daily use, and Watts's first catechism for the benefit of children. But as the disadvantages of this mode were many, he applied himself diligently to the study of the language, and in August, 1737, began to declare unto them in their own tongue the wonderful works of God. Afterwards he made such proficiency in it, that the Indians were accustomed to say he spoke their language better than they did. The effect of his labors upon the Indians was very happy. From 8 or 10 families they had increased to more than 50, during his ministry, had been reclaimed from many errors and vices, had assumed a stable character as a society, regularly attended pubUc worship, had 20 houses buiU after the EngUsh manner, and paid considerable 98 STOCKBRIDGE. attention to the cultivation of the earth. In singing they were great proficients. Fifty or sixty who had become hopeful converts were admitted to full communion by him ; some of whom died in the faith before him; 42 survived him. He baptized 182 na tives, adults and infants. His services were also greatly useful to the EngUsh who settled here. Ancient House in Stockbridge. The above is a south-eastern vieAv of the house of Mr. Daniel B. Fenn, in the central part of Stockbridge village. It was buih by Mr. Sergeant in 1737, and is the oldest house in the toA\m. This house was occupied by the Rev. Jonathan Edwards while he resided in this town, and within its Avails he completed his cele brated production, " The Freedom of the Will," Avhich is thought by many to be the greatest production of the human mind. His study was on the lower fioor in the south-west corner of the build ing, and was quite contracted in its limits, being but about five feet by four, as it appears by the marks of the partition still remain ing. The walls of the house are lined with brick. After Presi dent Edwards left it Avas occupied by Jehiel Woodbridge, Esq., then by Judge Sedgwick, then Gen. Silas Pepoon, and now by Mr. Fenn. Mr. Sergeant was a native of Newark, N. J., and graduate of Yale College 1729. In stature he was rather small, but possessed a very intelligent, expressive countenance. He died on the 27th of July, 1749, and was succeeded in the labors of the mission by the Rev. Jonathan Edwards. He entered upon the same general course of instruction which his predecessor had pursued, and dis charged his duties with his wonted faithfulness, and to the good acceptance of both the people and commissioners. Besides per forming his ministerial duties, he here wrote some of his greatest works. Mr. Edwards continued here till Jan., 1758, when he was dismissed, to take the presidency of Princeton College. At the time of his dismission, the number of Indian families Avere reduced to 42. Rev. Stephen West, of Tolland, Conn., and a graduate of Yale College, was ordained the next pastor of this church, June 13th, 1759, and continued over them until the removal of the Indians to the state of New Ynrlc STOCKBRIDGE. 99 This toAvn was gradually settled by the English, Avho bought out the Indian rights one after another before their emigration. Some of the earliest white settlers, next to Mr. Sergeant and Mr' Woodbridge, were Col. Williams, Josiah Jones, Joseph Wood- bridge, Samuel Brown, Samuel Brown Jr., Joshua Chamberlain David Pixley, John Willard, John Taylor, Jacob Cooper, Elisha Parsons, Stephen Nash, James Wilson, Josiah Jones Jun., Thomas Sherman, and Solomon Glezen. Families by the name of Ball Hamilton, Cadwell, and Lynch were in the west part of the town' of Curtis and Churchill in the north, and of Bradley and Williams in the east, at an early period. The great body of the people in this town have ever been Con gregationalists ; though there are some Episcopalians, a few Bap tists and Methodists. The principal village, about half a mile in extent, is beautifully situated on the Plain, a tract of level land between " the Hill" and the Housatonic, moderately elevated above the river. It consists of about 40 dwelling-houses, a Congrega tional church, a bank, and academy. The scenery of the town has been much admired by strangers. It is situated 6 miles S. of Lenox, 44 from Springfield, 59 from Hartford, 32 from Hudson, 34 from Albany, and 130 W. of Boston. Population, 2,036. There are ui the tOAvn a cotton mill Avith 3,780 spindles, 2 woollen mills with 8 sets of machinery, and 2 furnaces, one of which is for the manufacture of pig iron, of which in 1837 thirteen hundred and thirty-seven tons were made, valued at $53,480. [From the Boston Post Boy, Sept. 3, 1739.] "In a letter from a friend in the country, dated Aug. 21, 1739, we have the foUow ing passages. I have lately been to see my friends at Housatonnoc, (now called Stock- bridge,) and was well pleased to find the Indians so well improv'd, particularly in husbandry, having good fields of Indian corn, and beans, and oiher sorts of grain, as oats, &c. They have good fence about their field, made with their own hands. Some of them Uve iu houses built after the EngUsh manner, and Capt. Concopot has built a barn that is well shingled, &c. They have several horses among them, and some cows, hogs, &c. They are many of them grown industrious and diUgent in busi ness ; I observed several young women sewing cloth, making shirts, &c. But I was in special gratify'd to find them improv'd in leaming ; several of them have made good proficiency, can read in their Testaments and Bibles, and some of them can write a good hand : the children are in general as mannerly as you find in any country town. There are about 20 families of Indians that live there ; and now the great and general court have taken such effectual care, and put them in possession of the land, they have designed for them, (which hitherto they have been hindered from possessing,) I make no doubt but they will greatly increase in number ; for several Indians have been with them, and manifested a desire to tarry with them, could they have land to work upon. There is a church gather'd and fourteen Indian communicants ; the number of the baptiz'd is near sixty. While I was at Stockbridge, the Rev. Mr. Ser geant (the minister there) was married to Mrs. Abigail Williams, a virtuous and agreeable young gentlewoman, daughter of Ephraim Williams, Esq. There were ninety Indians present at the marriage, who behaved with great gravUy while the prayers were made, yea, during the whole solemnity ; and seem'd exceedingly well pleased that their minister was married ; they show him great respect, &c. And I hope he may prove yet a great blessing among them, and be instrumental of tuming many of them from darkness to light. Iamyour's,^c." The following is the inscription on the monument of Mr. Ser geant, in the grave-yard near the Congregational church. 14 100 TYRINGHAM. Here lies the body of the Rev. Mr. John Sergeant, who dy'd the 27th day of July, A. D. 1749 in the 46th year of his age. Where is that pleasing form I ask, thou canst not show. He's not wUhin false stone, there's nought but dust below ; And Where's that pious soul that thinking concious mind, Wilt thou pretend vain cypher that's with thee inshrin'd? Alas, my friend's not here with thee that I can find. Here's not a Sergeant's body or a Sergeant's mind: I'll seek him hence, for all's a Uke deception here, I'll go to Heaven, and I shall find my Sergeant there. TYRINGHAM. The setdement of this toAvn commenced in 1739. In April of that year Lieut. Isaac Garfield, Thomas Slaton, and John Chad wick, moved into the place. In August following, Capt. John Brewer, from Hopkinton, moved into the town and put up ,a house ; and erected mills for the use of the inhabitants, agreeably to a contract with the proprietors, on the site of the present Lang don mills. Concerning Capt. Brewer, it is worthy of notice that he Avas the father of 13 children, and his youngest child, Col. Jo siah Brewer, (born in 1744,) had exactly the same number. In the French Avar beginning in 1744, several houses Avere fortified, and the fortifications Avere rebuilt upon the alarm produced by two or three murders in the vicinity, in August, 1755. The first and principal of these fortifications Avas around the house of Capt. Brewer, at which some soldiers were placed by the provincial gov ernment. Among these were William Hale, Avho had assisted in building Fort Massachusetts, in Adams. He became a settler here as early as 1747, and was afterAvards a deacon in the church. About 1750, John Jackson moved into the town from Weston, and persons by the names of Thomas and Orton ; and four brothers by the name of Warren, Avith their father Joshua, (the first person bom in WatertoAvn,) moved into it about the same time. The south part of the toAvn, sometimes called South Tyringham, was generally settled at an early period ; but Hopbrook, or North Ty ringham, Avas left as an insalubrious marsh for more than 20 years. The first log house in this section of the town was erected by Dea. Thomas Orton, about 1762. The first settlers were Congregational ists, and in 1743 they erected a meeting-house. The church Avas formed of 8 members, Sept. 25, 1750, and on the 3d of October fol lowing Rev. Adonijah Bidwell, a native of Hartford, Con., and graduate of Yale College in 1740, Avas ordained its pastor. In 1796, the society built the second meeting-house near the old one, which was dedicated July 4, 1798. In 1782, a portion of the peo ple became Shakers, and set up meetings at each other's houses, according to the customs of this sect. In 1792, they collected together in a body, and formed them.selves mto what they denominate chirch order. Their settlement is in the north part of the tOAvn, at Hopbrook, where they OAvn nearly 2,000 acres of land. The spiritual concerns of the three settlements at Tyring- WASHINGTON. JOJ ham, Hancock, and Enfield, ui Con., are supermtended by a presid ing elder, assisted by a subordinate elder in each settlement. After the close of the revolutionary war some Baptists moved into the town from Rhode Island, and there are also some families of Methodists. These denominations have meeting-houses in the north part of the town. This town is 7 miles in length and 5 in Avidth. It was incor porated by the general court May 18, 1762. It is said the name was given at the suggestion of Lord Viscount Howe, who owned property at Tyringham in England, and Avho passed through this toAvn a few days before he fell near Ticonderoga, July 6, 1758. This town is 14 miles S. E. of Lenox, and 116 W. of Boston, Populatioii, 1,288. WASHINGTON. This town was purchased of the Indians, in 1760, by a com pany, most of which lived in Hartford and Suffield, Con. Some of the proprietors settled on their lands the same year. These were George Sloan, Andrew Mumford, William Milekan, Elijah Crane, Amos Beard, William Beard, Joseph Knox, Nathan Ingraham, Joseph Chaplin, and Matthew DeWolf. After the settlement was commenced, the proprietors met with some difficulty by the pro vince authorities claiming a right to the township; whereupon Nathaniel Hooker, John Townly, and Isaac Sheldon, of Hartford, in behalf of themselves and 57 others, proprietors, in the begin ning of 1762 petitioned the general court of Massachusetts to grant them the township. This grant was made in February of the following year, from which time till 1777 it was called HartAvood. The church in this tOAvn weis formed as early as 1772. After two unsuccessful efforts to settle a pastor, the Rev. William G. Ballan- tine, of Westfield, was ordained, June 15, 1774. The first meet ing-house was built in 1773, Avhich stood till 1792, when a new one was erected. An Episcopal church, called St. John's church, was formed here in 1825. There are a considerable number of Baptists and also of Methodists in the toA\'n. This town Avas incorporated by its present name April 12, 1777. It being situated on the Green mountain range, the surface is uneven, diversified by hills and valleys. The toAvnship is well watered by pure springs and brooks, and furnishes in every part good farms for grazing. A few years since a considerable number of the principal farmers exchanged their improved farms in this place for new lands in Ohio, on the St. Lawrence, in New York, and elsewhere, and removed, by which the population and prop erty of the town have been much diminished. This town is situ ated 8 miles E. of Lenox, and 120 W. of Boston. Population, 758. 702 WEST STOCKBRIDGE. WEST STOCKBRIDGE. i North-roestern view of 'West Stockbridge 'Village. This town originally belonged to the Stockbridge Indians, and was sold by them in parcels to individual purchasers. -The first person who settled in the toAvn was Joseph Bryan, from Canaan, Conn., in 1766. In the fall of the same year Col. Elijah WiUiams, from Stockbridge, settled in that part of the town now called West Stockbridge village. BetAveen this time and 1774, about 40 families setded in the toAvn, among Avhom were the famihes of Increase He wings, Elisha Hooper, Lemuel Burghardt, Christopher Brazee, John Minkler and Samuel Boynton, from different places in this state, and Ichabod Miller, Samuel Mudge, Elijah Slosson, Josiah Arnold, John Deming, Matthew Benedict, Roderic Messen ger, Benjamin Lewis, John Ford, Ambrose Collins, and Amasa and James Spencer, from Connecticut. The early settlers generaUy planted themselves down in the north part of the toxvn, where the lands are the most feasible and productive. The first meeting-house in this town was built in 1788, and the church organized June 4, 1789. Their first minister was the Rev. OUver Ayres. The Baptist church was organized in 1792, and the society incorporated and a meeting-house built in 1794. The Rev. Samuel Whelpley, from Stockbridge, preached to them for a number of years from the time the society was formed. This town was incorporated in 1774, and its name was derived from its relation to Stockbridge. Before its incorporation it was called Queensborough. A coUection of rugged hills occupy the center of the town. Near the south-west comer is a mountain called Tom Ball, extending into Great Barrington and Alford, whUe Stockbridge moun tain is on the eastern side. The south aniJ south-eastern parts consist generaUy of rough, broken land. Lime quarries abound. There is much valuable marble in the town, of various colors ; some hardly less inferior in whiteness to snow, some parti colored, mostly with blue; some is dove-colored, some is gray, and some is black. In Boynston's quarry, near the village, (in 1828,) an opening or fissure in the rocks, about 15 feet deep and from 18 to 4 inches in diameter, was charged with 204 povmds ' of powder. Upon firing it a mass of marble was raised, about 60 feet square on the surface and 8 feet thick, and at least twice that quantity was loosened. West Stockbridge vUlage is situated near the north Une of the town, on WiUiams' river, a mill stream passing through the whole extent of the town. It consists of about 30 dwelling-houses, 2 churches, 1 Congregational and 1 Methodist, (erected in 1838,) and a number of mills for sawing marble. Stockbridge mountain rises immediately eastward of the village, and is the boundary between the towns. This place is 5 miles from Lenox, 5 from Stockbridge, 47 from Springfield, 63 from Hartford, 28 from Hud son, 30 from Albany, and 135 from Boston. Population of the town, 1,244. WILLIAMSTOWN. 103 WILLIAMSTOWN. This town is in the north-west corner of the state. It was ex plored, together with the town of Adams, and the limits traced, oy a committee of the general court, in 1749. The committee con sisted of Col. Partridge, of Hatfield, and Col. Choate and Capt. Nathaniel Dwight, of Belchertown. Both tOAvns were intended to be 6 miles square, but for some reasons they were laid out 7 miles in length and 5 in width. This township was called West Hoo sic and the adjoining one East Hoosic. This was the Indian name of the tract embraced in these towns. The first meeting of the proprietors of which any record is preserved was held Dec. 5, 1753, by virtue of a warrant of William Williams, Esq., of Pitts- field, " issued in pursuance of a vote of the general court of Mas sachusetts Bay," Sept. 10, 1753. But "the house lots" in the north part of the town Avere laid out previous to this meeting. The settlement of this town, like that of others of that day, was retarded by Indian hostilities. Nehemiah Smedley, William and Josiah Hosford, and some other young men, came to prepare for themselves ^ind families a settlement here, it is believed, in 1751 or 52. But they Avere interrupted by the increasing hostility of the Indians in those years. Returning to Connecticut, they enlisted in a company raised to protect the frontiers, and came again with others to this place and garrisoned a fort, which stood a few rods north of the present meeting-house, and also a block-house near the west college. A few soldiers Avere kept here in garrison till 1760. But the inhabitants were exposed to frequent alarms. Some were carried into captivity, and in an attack July 11, 1756, Capt. Chapin and two persons by the name of Chidestree were killed. The dangers nearly ceased at the close of the French war. The following are most of the early settlers from the first, till about 1770. Capt. Nehemiah Smedley, WUliam Hosford, Josiah Hosford, Col. B. Simmons, Seth Hudson, Richard Stratton, Jonathan Meacham, James Meacham, Thomas Train, Thomas Dunton, Wilson Webb, Derrick Webb, Elkanah Paris, Capt. Isaac Searle, John Newbury, EUsha Higgins, Dea. Nathan Wheeler, Mr. Seely, Elisha Baker and Son, WiUiam Hine, Seth Lewis, David Nichols, Stephen Davis, Titus Harrison, Isaac Ovitt, Thomas Ovitt, Josiah Wright, Jesse Ryan, Samuel Birchard, Joseph Wheeler, Asa Johnson, Robert Hawkins, Derrick Smith, Joseph Talmadge, Elisha Higgins, Stephen Olmsted, Nathan Smith, Isaac Stratton, Daniel Burbank, Robert McMaster, John McMaster, Moses Rich, Bartholomew Woodcock, Nehemiah Woodcock, David Johnson, Samuel Sloane, Alexander Sloane, Thomas Roe, Ichabod Southwick, Jesse Southwick, John Torrey, WUUam Torrey, Capt. Samuel Clark, Moses Young, Andrew Young, WilUam Young, Zebadiah Sabin, David Johnson, 2d, Asa Corben, Amasa Corben, Joseph Corben, Samuel Mills, Jonathan Sherwood, Samuel Sherwood, Isaac Sherwood, Deming, Lieut. Sampson Howe. Capt. Smedley (at the head of this list) had five brothers who settled in the place. 104 WILLIAMSTOWN. The town received also a large number of inhabitants at differ ent times, betAveen 1770 and 1800, from Colchester, Con., among which were all the Buckleys, Bridgeses, Chamberlains, Days, Fords, Judds, Northams, Skinners, Tylers, Judah and Elisha Williams, Elijah, Thomas, and Solomon Wolcott. At a meeting of the proprietors, March 10, 1763, it Avas voted, "that for the future" they "would have preaching," and accordingly a call was given to Rev. Moses Warren to preach on probation. Two years after this, and immediately after the incorporation of the town, the proprietors called Mr. Whitman Welch " to the work of the min istry in this to\vn," July 26, 1765. His settlement was £80, ($267) to be paid one half the first year, the other half the year following. His salary was at first £40, and was to be increased £3 annually, until it should amount to £70, and he was to have the use of the ministry-house lot. He was ordained the latter part of the year 1765, and contmued the pastor of the church nearly 12 years. Mr. Welch was a native of MUford, Con., and great-grandson of Thomas Welch, one ofthe 53 " flrst planters" of that toxvn. His father dying early, the care of his education devolved on an uncle, with whom he went to reside in New MUford. He graduated at Yale College, in 1762. He was a man of intelUgence, and was social in his habits, and at suitable times gay and sportive. He was an animated preacher, and attentive to the duties of his office. In the winter of 1776, he went xvith the American army to Canada as chaplain, in a regiment to which a party belonged, commanded by Lieut. Zebadiah Sabin, of WUUamstown. Mr. Welch died of the smaU-pox in March of the same year, near Quebec. The first proposal to build a meeting-house was in 1766, in De cember of which year it was voted to build a house 40 feet by 30, and to raise £180 for this purpose. The house was erected in 1768, and was occupied by the congregation for 30 years, when it was removed and fitted up for a toAvn-house, and a new meeting house erected, 76 feet in length and 55 ui width, at the cost of about $6,000. The meeting-house at the south part of the toAvn was erected by subscription in 1812, by the united exertions of Con gregationalists and Baptists. There was early a small Baptist congregation in this town. In May, 1791, the town refused " to incorporate Matthew Dunning and 14 others into a Baptist socie ty," according to their petition. The next year " Isaac Holmes was chosen tythingman for the Baptist society in this town," {town records'). This church included some members from Han cock, but was always small, and AA^as dissolved in 1811. In 1814, another Baptist church Avas organized, which is now in a flourish ing state. The principal street in WilliamstoAvn passes over the highest part of three eminences ; on the first of Avhich stands the east college and the chapel, on the second the Avest college, and on the third the Congregational church, from which the draAving for the engravmg was taken. There are about 50 dAvelling-houses near the colleges, standing compacdy enough togetlier to be called a village. This place is 20 miles from Pittsfield, 45 from Northampton, 14 from Bennington, 34 from Troy, and 135 miles from Boston. WILLIAMSTOWN. 103 Williams College, in Williamstown, was founded in 1790, was incorporated June 22, 1793, and held its first commencement in 1795, on the first Wednesday in September, which is still its anni versary. It was thus called in honor of Col. Ephraim Williams, a native of Newton, near Boston, and eldest son of Col. Ephraim ¦Western view of Williams College and other buildings. Williams, who was afterwards one of the first settlers of Stock- bridge, and a justice of the court of common pleas in the county of Hampshire. The following account of Williams College, and of Col. Williams its founder, is by the Rev. Chester Dewey, and is extracted from the History of Berksire County. " Col. Williams, the younger, led for a number of years a seafar ing hfe, but was induced to relinquish it by the persuasion of his father. In his several voyages to Europe, in which he visited England, Spain, and Holland, he acquired graceful manners, and a considerable stock of useful knowledge. In the war between England and France, which continued from 1744 to 1748, he dis tinguished himself as commander of a company in the army rais ed in New England for the Canada service. After the peace, he retired a while to Hatfield, but was soon appointed commander of the line of Massachusetts forts on the west side of Connecticut rivet, and resided principally at Fort Massachusetts, which stood not far from the north-eastern end of Saddle mountain, on the north border of the Hoosic, in the edge of Adams, three and a half miles from Williamstown. Under the protection of this fort, and a small one in WiUiamstown, which stood a few rods north west of the present site of the meeting-house, the settlers m this section of the county began their improvements. Col. Williams, who owned considerable land among them, was much conversant with them, witnessed their dangers, difficulties and hardships, and, for the purpose of encouraging them, intimated an intention ot doing something liberal and handsome for them at a future tune. In the second French war, in 1755, he was colonel of a regiment. 106 WILLIABISTOWN. and was ordered to join Gen. Johnson at the north. On his way to that station, on the 22d of July in that year, he made his will at Albany. On the morning of the Sth of September following, he was ordered out at the head of a scouting party, 1,200 strong, and was shot through the head by an ambush party of French and Indians, near French mountain, a little east of that point of Lake George on which Fort George was built in 1759, in the 42d year of his age. His detachment returned to the main army, which the same day obtained a memorable victory over the enemy. In his will, after scA'^eral bequests to his relatives and friends, he directed, " that the remainder of his land should be sold, at the discretion of his executors, within five years after an established peace ; and that the interest of the monies arising from the sale, and also the interest of his notes and bonds, should be applied to the support of a free school, in a toAvnship west of Fort Mas sachusetts, forever ; provided said toAvnship fall Avithin Massachu setts, upon running the line between Massachusetts and New York, and provided the said township Avhen incorporated shall be called Williamstown ;" otherwise it was to be applied to certain other pious and charitable uses. Both of these conditions took place. The executors of the will sold the land agreeably to the direc tions of the testator, and by their provident and faithful manage ment the fund was annually increased. In the year 1785, they applied to the general court for an act to enable them to carry into effect the benevolent intention of the testator ; and an act was ac cordingly passed, incorporating a free school in Williamstown. Nine gentlemen were appointed trustees of the fund and of the school, viz. William Williams of Dalton, Theodore Sedgwick, Woodbridge Little, John Bacon, Thompson Joseph Skinner, Esquires, the Reverend Seth Swift and Daniel CoUins, Mr. Israel .Tones and Mr. David Noble, who voted in 1788 to erect a building for its use. The legislature granted them a lottery, which yield ed about $3,500, the inhabitants of the toAvn raised by subscrip tion $2,000 more towards the building, and in 1790 the brick edifice, now the west college, was built on the middle eminence in the principal street, 82 feet long, 42 broad, four stories, contain ing 28 rooms and a small chapel. The expense of the building was about $11,700, and the funds then remaining at interest amounted to about the same sum. The school was opened in October, 1791, under Mr. Ebenezer Fitch, a native of Canterbury, Conn., who had been a tutor at Yale College. It consisted of two departments, an academy or grammar school, and an English free school ; and, under the direc tion of this gentleman, immediately became prosperous. A con siderable number of students resorted to it from Massachusetts and the neighboring states, and even from Canada. Upon the de sire of the people of Williamstown and others, and to effect more perfectly the object of the donor, the legislature, in June, 1793, WILLIAMSTOWN. 107 erected this into a college, and accompanied the charter with a grant of $4,000. The trustees of the original school, together with Henry Van Schaack, Esq., of Pittsfield, Elijah WiUiams, Esq., of Deerfield, and the Rev. Stephen West, were constituted trustees of the college. In the charter it was provided that the trustees might be seventeen in number, (of whom the president ex officio is one,) that they might fill their own vacancies, and hold property, the annual income of which shall amount to $20,000. Mr. Fitch, now the Rev. Dr. Fitch, was elected president, and the college be gan its operations in October of this year, by the admission of three smaU classes. The English free school was discontinued, but the academy continued for some years in connection with the college. In 1794, a lot was purchased and a house built for the president, which together cost $2,400. In January, 1796, the legislature granted to the president and trustees, two townships of land in the district of Maine, which were sold in May for about $10,000 ; which, Avith a considerable sum besides, were applied in 1797 and 8 to build the east college. ' This stands on the eastern eminence in the principal street, about 60 rods from the other col lege, on the south side of the road. This is also of brick, 104 feet long, 28 broad, four stories, containing 32 suites of rooms. Both colleges front the east. Two toAvnships have since been granted to the college, and sold less advantageously. The college also received from the com monwealth three thousand dollars annually for ten years, begin ning with 1814; the interest of one fourth of which ($7,500) is applied annually to the payment of the bills of such students as need assistance. Woodbridge Little, Esq., of Pittsfield, one ofthe first trustees, made a donation of $2,500 in 1811, and raised the sum to near $5,700 at the time of his death, in June, 1813 ; the interest of which is applied also to assist young men intended for the Christian ministry. In 1820, more than $17,500 were added to the funds of the college by subscription ; and in 1826, $25,000 more were raised in the same manner, for the establishment of a new professorship, and the erection of a new chapel. In the sum mer of 1828, the chapel was erected, and on the 2d of September dedicated to the service of God. It is of brick, stands on the op posite side of the road from the east college, facing the south, 93 feet long, 38 wide, and three stories high. It contains, besides the large and convenient room for the chapel, a chemical laboratory, lecture rooms, apartments for the philosophical apparatus, the mineralogical collection, the libraries, the meetings of the trustees, &c. In addition to the buildings already mentioned, the corpora tion own a house and lot, designed for the accommodation of one of the professors, and a right in the meeting-house. The fast property of the college, with the library, apparatus, and cabinet of minerals, has cost about $44,000, and the produc tive fund is $66,000. The college library is a choice selection of books, amounting to little more than 2,000 volumes. The library of the students, 15 108 WILLIAMSTOWN. called the Adelphic Union Library, the library of the Theolo^- cal Society, and a collection of class books, called the Franklin Library, for the immediate use of the indigent students, amount to about half that number. The philosophical and chemical apparatus is well selected. The immediate instruction and government of the college is placed in the president, professors and tutors, who compose the laculty. Besides the president and tutors, there is established a professorship of divinity, of law, of moral philosophy and rhet oric, of mathematics and natural philosophy, of chemistry and natural history, and of languages, and a lectureship of anatomy. There was formerly a professorship of the French language. The terms of admission and the course of instruction are the same substantially as in the other NeAv England colleges. With this college, the Berkshire Medical Institution, at Pittsfield, is connected. Williamstown Avas incorporated by the general court of Massa chusetts in 1765. The township is nearly 7 miles in length and a little more than 5 in breadth. The general character of the soil is clayey, though loam predominates in some places, and a few spots of some extent may be called graveUy. Some of the best lands lie along the Hoosic, particularly in the eastern part of the town, though not a very large tract can properly be called meadow. A tract of considerable extent in the south part of the town, about the junction of the two principal branches of Green river, and along up those streams, is also particularly fertile and beautiful. But the hills also, and generally the mountain sides, almost, and sometimes quite, upto their tops, have a good and in many places an excellent sod, suited both to grazing and tillage, though generally best for the former. In 1837, there were in the town 2,000 Saxony sheep, merino sheep 5,800, other kinds of sheep 200 ; Saxony wool produced, 5,000 lbs., merino wool, 17,400 lbs. ; 1 cotton and 2 AvooUen mills. Population, 1,981. The foUowing facts, though remarkable, are not solitary ; seve ral similar cases are recorded. In 1806, a strong and beautiful bug eat out of a table made from an apple-tree, which grew on the farm of Maj. Gen. Putnam, in Brooklyn, Con., and which was brought to WiUiamstown when his son, Mr. P. S. Putnam, removed to that town. It was cut down in 1786, sixty-five years after it was transplanted, and if the tree was then fifteen years old, it was 80 years old when cut down. As the cortical layers of the Zeo/of the table are about sixty, and extend xvithin about /»e of the heart, as the inner ones are quite convex, about fifteen layers have been cut off from the outside. In 1814, a third bug made his way out, the second having appeared two or three years before. The last bug came forth from nearest the heart, and 45 cortical layers distant, on the supposition of its age, from the outside. The tree had now been cut down 28 years. Of course, the egg must have been deposUed in the wood seventy-three years Deiore. This bug eat about three inches along the grain, tUl it emerged into the light. ine eating of the insect was heard for weeks before its appearance. These /acts were given Dy Mr. Putnam, in whose possession the table stUl remains, and were first pub- nsued in the Repertory at Middlebury, Vt., in 1810. One of the bugs, preserved for WINDSOR. 109 some time by the Eev. Dr. Fitch, " was about an inch and one fourth long, and one third inch in diameter ; color, dark glistening brown, with tints of yellow." Hist, of Berkshire, p. 39. WINDSOR. This township was purchased at Boston, by Noah Nash, for £1,430, on the 2d of June, 1762, and called, among the townships purchased at that time. No. 4. When it was incorporated in 1771, it was called Gageborough, in honor of General Gage, then British governor of Massachusetts. In 1778, at the request of the inha bitants, the general court gave to it its present name. The first inhabitants of the town were Joseph Chamberlain and Ephraim Keyes, from Ashford, Con., Edward Walker, from Hadley, John Hall, Jeremiah Cady, and Josiah Lawrence, from Plainfield, Con. Though Mr. Hall has many descendants still living here, he soon moved to Castleton, Vermont, and Avas killed by a party of Indians, about the time of the capture of Burgoyne. The first child born in the place was a daughter of Mr. LaAvrence ; born May, 1768. For many years the people had but one place of worship, and most of the inhabitants are yet Congregationalists. The first meeting-house erected was unfortunately burnt before it was com pleted. The present brick meeting-house Avas built in 1823, and dedicated the next year, on the 7th of January. The first church was formed in 1772, and on the 25th of March, 1773, the Rev. David Avery, a native of Groton, Con., and graduate of Yale CoUege, 1769, was installed their pastor, having been previously ordained an evangelist. He was dismissed April 14, 1777, that he might accept the office of chaplaiji in the army of the United States, during the revolutionary war.' He Avas much esteemed by the people here, who were extremely unwilling to part with him. A second Congregational church was formed in the autumn of 1811, in the north-east part of the town, with 20 members, taken principally from the church in Windsor. A few famUies in Savoy united with them, and they held their meetings, for a time, in a dwelling-house, fitted up for the purpose, on the line between the two towns. The Rev. Jephthah Poole, from Plainfield, was ordained their pastor Oct. 11, 1811. There is a Baptist society in this town, who erected their meeting-house in 1819. Elder Noah Y. Bushnel preached to them for some years. This township is about 7 mUes in length and 5 in breadth. The surface is uneven. A height of land lies a little west of the center, in a north and south direction, from which the descent is gradual, both to the east and west. On the east side rises Westfield river, and on the west the Housatonic. The origin and sources of these streams are but a few rods apart, a little south of the Congrega tional meeting-house. On the Housatonic, in the south-west part of the town, near the line of Dalton, are faUs, judged lo be about uo ATTLEBOROUGH. 70 feet. Though the quantity of water is not great, yet it is pre cipitated down the rock with such violence that it affords a pros pect truly sublime. The soil of the township is various ; in the eastern section it is sandy. In general it is well adapted to grazing and mowing. In 1837, there were in the town 7,157 sheep, pro ducing wool to the value of $10,500. This toAvn is situated 18 miles N. N. E. of Lenox, and 120 W. by N. of Boston. Popula tion 887. BRISTOL COUNTY. This county was incorporated in 1685. The surface of the coimty is somewhat broken, but generally level and sandy. It has a maritime coast of considerable extent, and many of the inha bitants of this county are engaged in navigation, and a large num ber employed in manufactures. Iron ore is found in large quanti ties in various parts. Taunton and Pawtucket rivers, both passing into Narragansett Bay, are the principal streams, and there is abim- dant water-power in many of the towns. The tonnage of the two districts in this county (New Bedford and Dighton,) is 75,188 tons. In 1837, there Avere 57 cotton mills, having 104,507 spindles ; 4,814,238 lbs. of cotton were consumed, and 18,382,828 yards of cotton goods were manufactured, the value of which was $1,678,- 226. Population of the county in 1837 was 58,152. The follow ing is a list of the towns. Attleborough, Berkley, Dartmouth, Dighton, Easton, Fairhaven, Fall River, FreetoAvn, Mansfield,New Bedford, Norton, PaAvtucket, Raynham, Rehoboth, Seekonk, Somerset, Swansey, Taunton, Westport. ATTLEBOROUGH. In 1661, Capt. Thomas Willett, of Rehoboth, having been em powered by the court, purchased of Wamsitta, a sachem of Poka noket, a tract of land, which was called the Rehoboth North Pur chase. It was bounded west by Pawtucket river, now the Black stone ; north by the Massachusetts colony, or the Bay line ; east by the Taunton North Purchase ; and south by the ancient Rehoboth. This purchase included Attleborough, Cumberland, R. I., and a tract extending east and west a mile and a half The land Avas divided uito seventy-nine and a half shares. The following are the names of the purchasers.* * This list is copied from the History of Attleborough, by John Daggett, Esq. It is to this work the author is aUnost entirely indebted forthe history of tfil town. ATTLEBOROUGH. Ill Capt. Thomas WiUett, Mr. Stephen Paine, Mr. Noah Newman, Lieut. Peter Hunt, Mr. James Browne, Samuel Newman, John Allen, sen., John Woodcock, Thomas Estabrooke, Thomas WiUmot, Sampson Mason, Anthoney Perry, John Butterworth, PhiUp Walker, John Ormsby, Richard Martin, Stephen Paine, Rober Joans, Obadiah Bowen, John Pecke, James Redeway, Samuel Carpenter, John Titus, Mr. John Myles, WiUiam Carpenter, Joseph Pecke, Thomas Cooper, . Ensign Henery Smith, Thomas Cooper, sen., Samuel Pecke, WilUam Buckland, Joseph Buckland, Benjamin Buckland, John Reade, sen.. John Reade, jr., Nicholas Pecke, Elizabeth Winchester, Hannah Winchester, Lydia AVinchester, Daniel Smith, Jonathan Bliss, Rice Leonard, WUUam Saben, John Perrin, sen., George Kendricke, George Robenson, John Doggett, John Fitch, Richard Bowen, Elizabeth BuUucke, John Miller, Robert Fuller, Robert Wheaten, Ester HaU, John Miller, sen., Jaret Ingraham, John KingSicy, Gilbert Brookes, Thomas Reade, Thomas Grant, Jonathan Fuller, James Gillson, Samuel Luther, Nicholas Tanner, John Allen, jr.. Preserved Abell, Francis Stephens, Nicholas Ide, Richard Whittaker, Nathaniel Pecke, Israel Pecke, Jonah Palmer, Robert Miller, Nathaniel Paine, Jeremiah Wheaton, Joanna Ide, John Savage, Thomas Ormsby, Jacob Ormsby, John PoUey, William Allen, John Lovell, Eldad Kingsley. The first settlement in the town was commenced by Mr. John Woodcock and his sons, in the neighborhood of the Baptist meeting house, where Hatch's tavern now stands : it was soon after the division in 1669. He built a public house on the Bay road, and laid out about 300 acres of land for his farm. He took up in seve ral parts of the town about 600 acres, some on his OAvn shares, and the rest on rights which he purchased of Roger Amidowne, James Redeway, Andrew Willett, &c. His house was occupied for a garrison. It was licensed in 1670, according to the foUowing record: "July 5 th, 1670. John Woodcock is allowed by the court to keep an ordinary at the Ten-mile river (so caUed), which is in the way from Rehoboth to the Bay ; and likewise enjoined to keep good order, that no unruliness or ribaldry be permitted there." Woodcock was a man of some consequence in those days. His name often appeared in town oflices and on committees. In 1691, he was chosen deputy to the general court from Rehoboth, and at several other times. He was shrewd, hardy, and brave. He did not much regard the rights of the Indians. On one occasion, he took the liberty of paying himself a debt due to him from an Indian, without his consent, for Avhich act the court passed the foUowing sentence upon him ; an example of the strict justice of the Puritans. " 1654. John Woodcock, of Rehoboth, for going into an Indian house, and taking away an Indian child and some goods, in lieu of a debt the Indian owed him, was sentenced to sit in the stocks at Rehoboth on a training-day, and to pay a fine of forty shillings." Woodcock died in 1701, at an advanced age. After his death the 112 ATTLEBOROUGH. scars of seA^en bullet-holes were counted on his body. He was a strong and implacable enemy to the Indians. His garrison was well known as a place of rendezvous in the great Indian war. It was part of a chain of fortifications extending from Boston to Rhode Island. There was one in Boston, one in Dedham, one in Rehoboth, and one at NcAvport, on the island. This stand, now owned and occupied by Col. Hatch, is the oldest in the county of Bristol : a public house has been kept on the spot without intermis sion nearly one hundred arid seventy years. It is located on the Boston and Providence turnpike. In 1806, the old garrison was torn down, having stood one hun dred and thirty-six years. The greater part of the timber was said to be perfectly sound, though pierced by many a bullet in king Philip's time. A large and elegant building has been erected on the spot. There was another early settlement at the Falls, now the Falls Factories. The advantage of a fine fall of water attracted many to the spot, John Daggett, of Rehoboth, was the 'West view of Attleborough. first person who laid out lands at the Falls. In 1677, he sold 50 acres of it to his brother, Thomas Daggett, of Martha's Vineyard. Edmund HaU also owned 50 acres here, which he gave to his son John, who sold it to John Stevenson and Samuel Penfield, in 1686. Penfield sold it to Thomas Daggett, of EdgartoAvn, and Joseph and Nathaniel Daggett, of Rehoboth. The first mill built at the Falls Avas a corn-mill, OAvned and occupied by Joseph Daggett. Tlie south-east part of the town was early settled by people from Rehoboth. The borders of the Bay road that passed through the neighborhood of Newell's and the City, were occupied by some of the first settlers. This Avas the first road in town. The above is a view taken in the principal village in Attlebo rough. The Boston and Providence raUroad passes through it, ATTLEBOROUGH. 113 and is but a few rods eastward of the Congregational church seen in the engraving. The " Attleborough Bank," in this viUage, is the flrst building westward of the church. This place is 11 miles from Taunton, 11 from Providence, and 21 from Boston. Popula tion of the town, 3,396. The foUowmg is from the statistical tables, published by the state in 1837. Cotton mills, 8 ; cotton spindles, 13,078; cotton consumed, 510,680 lbs.; cotton goods manufac tured, 2,500,811 yards; value of the same, $229,571; males em ployed, 157; females, 220; capital invested, $259,000 ; manufac tory of metal buttons, 1 ; metal buttons manufactured, 37,560 gross ; value of the same, $90,000 ; males employed, 42 ; females, 21; capital invested, $90,000; value of jcAA^elry manufactured. $92,000; hands employed, 112; capital invested, $50,000; value of planing machines manufactured, $40,000 ; hands employed, 15 ; capital invested, $18,000 ; value of boots and shoes manufactured, $10,000. The Rev. Matthew Short was the first settled minister in this tOAvn; he Avas ordained in 1712. Difficulties between him and his people soon commenced, which resulted in his dismission in 1715. According to the agreement made with Mr. Short, he Avas to be paid £50 a year, for the first six years, one third in money, and the other two thirds in grain, beef, pork, butter or cheese, at the cur rent price.* " At the 7th year, his salary was to be raised to £60, payable as above, and then to continue until there should be 100 famUies in town capable of paying public taxes, in the judgment of the selectmen, and then it was to be £70 per annum." The second minister was Rev. Ebenezer White; he was the pastor for 11 years, and died in 1726. He was succeeded by the Rev. Habijah Weld. He was distinguished for his usefulness in the ministry, and highly respected as a man, both at home and abroad. He united, to an uncommon degree, the affections of his people, for a period of 55 years, during which he was their pastor. He Avas a man of talents and respectable acquire ments, and was extensively known. He was ordained in 1727, and died 1782, in the 80th year of his age. "Mr. Weld was below the middle stature, and, in the latter part of his Ufe, corpu lent. His constUution was vigorous, and his mind almost singularly energetic. The stipend he received from his parishioners consisted of an annual salary of two hun dred and twenty dollars, and the use of a parsonage-lot, which furnished him with wood and a Uttle pasture. With his patrimony, he purchased a farm of about 70 acres, of moderately good land, and a decent house. He had fifteen children, ten of whom were married during his life, and one after his death. The remaining four died while young. This numerous family he educated, with the means which have been mentioned, in a manner superior to what is usuaUy found in simUar cir cumstances ; entertained much company in a style of genuine hospitality ; and was always prepared to contribute to the necessities of others. For the regulation of his domestic concerns, he prescribed to himself and his fainily a flxed system of rules, which were invariably observed, and contributed not a Uttle to the pleasantness and prosperity of his life. His children, laborers, and servants, submitted to them with * These articles were then valued as foUows. Com, 2s. 6d. per bushel; rye, 3s. 6d. per bushel ; pork, 3d. per lb. ; beef, 2d. per lb. ; butter, 6d. ; and good new miUc cheese, 4d. per lb. 114 ATTLEBOROUGH. cheerfulness • and his house became the seat of absolute industry, peace, and good order. Breakfast was on the table precisely at six o'clock, dinner at twelve, and sup per at six in the evening. After supper he neither made visits himself, nor permitted any of his family to make them." From the death of Mr. Weld to the settlement of Mr. Wilder in 1790, nearly 8 years, the first parish was destitute of a settled minis ter. Rev. John WUder was dismissed Nov. 28, 1822, having been settled upwards of 32 years. •The first meeting of the East Parish was on the 6th June, 1743. On the 20th a meeting was called "to consider and see what the parish wUl do in order to placing a meeting-house for the public worship of God." This is the first record of an attempt to build a meeting-house in this part of the town. The Rev. Peter Thatcher, their first minister, was ordained in 1748. The second meeting-house was built in 1825. The North Baptist Church was constituted in 1769. Its existence may be traced back as early as 1747. It was a smaU and feeble church, and of the Congregational order, though differing from that denomination in some respects. In 1769, they, by a vote, changed their constitution from a Congregational to a Baptist church, in what is called open communion. Previous to this, in 1767, the church moved Mr. Abraham Eloss from Sturbridge to Attleborough ; he preached to them tiU his death in 1769. He was succeeded by Elder Job Seamans, of SackviUe, Cumberland county, then in Nova Scotia ; he requested a dismission in 1788, which was granted. His successor was Elder Abner Lewis, who was settled 1789, and continued until 1795, when he was dismissed. After this, Mr. Laben Thurber preached two years, and then gave up the office of the ministry. He was followed by Elder James Reed, who commenced preaching here in 1800. He gave so much satisfaction, that in December of the same year the church invited him to settle, which invitation he accepted. He was installed in 1801. He died in 1814, universally respected as a man. His successor was the Rev. Stephen S. Nelson, who settled in 1815, and was dismissed in 1820. The first meeting-house was not finished till 1784. The present house was buUt in 1817. South Baptist. The records of this church cannot be found. In 1789, the first and second churches in Attleborough met and agreed upon fellowship as sister churches. Elder Elihu Daggett was the first preacher. The next iu succession was Elder EH sha Carpenter, who settled in 1780, and continued till 1798, when he removed to Pro vidence. This church is now extinct. First TJniversalist Society was incorporated in 1818. The first minister was the Rev. Richard Carrique, who was ordained 1818, and dismissed in 1822. His successor was the Eev. Robert Kilham, who commenced preaching in 1822, and was dismissed in 1828. Hebronville Church was gathered by Eev. Thomas Williams, after his dismission from the west parish in 1827. A smaU but neat house was buUt ou the Une between Attle borough and Seekonk, half in one town and half in the other, to which and the neigh borhood was given the name of Hebronville by the founder. JMr. WUUams' connec tion with the church was dissolved in 1832. .Rev. Naphtali Daggett, D. D., president of Yale College, a native of this town, was born 1727. His ancestor, John Daggett, ancestor of all the Daggetts here and in Connecticut, came to Attleborough from Chilmark, Martha's Vmeyard, in 1709. Rev. NaphtaU Daggett entered Yale CoUege in 1744, and graduated in 1748. He was settled as minister of Smithtown, on Long Island, in 1751. In 1755 he was elected Professor of divinity in Yale CoUege, which he accepted, and removed to New Haven. After the resignation of Mr. Clap in 1766, he officiated as president tiU 1777. During the barbarous attack on New Haven in July, 1779, he distinguished himself for the part he took in the defence of the country. He had made himself obnoxious by his bold opposition to the British cause. In the pulpit and in the lecture-room, he inculcated upon the students the duty of resisting British oppression ; consequently he incurred the marked displeasure of the invaders. AVhat he preached, that he practised. when the enemy landed, he shouldered his musket to repel them. He was taken pri soner, and treated with all possible indignity. His clerical character did not exempt tarn Irom their most outrageous abuse. When asked by them who he was, he imme diately replied, "My name is Naphtali Daggett; I am one of the officers of Yale Col lege. I require yon to release me." " But we understand that you have been pray- mg agamst our cause." " Tes, and I never made more sincere prayers in my Iifi.'' He BERKLEY. 115 was saved by the courage of the lady into whose house he had been conveyed. The enemy having retired, they sent back an officer and file of soldiers to convey him as prisoner on board their fleet. They came to the house, and were refused admittance by the lady, who pleaded the excuse that he was so badly wounded that it would be impossible to convey him on board alive. " My orders," said the officer, " are positive to take nim with me." But she pleaded that he was in the agonies of death. After continual demands and refusals, the officer left to report the case, but never returned. He died in 1780, in consequence of the wounds he had received in his engagement with the British. He held the office of professor of divinity twenty-five years, and presided over the University about eleven years. The foUoAving inscriptions are from monuments in this town. Bezaleel Mann, mort. die Octo. tert. 1796, an. setat. 74. Early imbued wUh the prin ciples of moral rectitude, he sustained through the diversified concerns of a long and acUve Ufe, the character of an honest man. As a physician, he commanded, during the period of near 50 years, that unlimited confidence and respect which talents alone can inspire. The features of his mind were sketched by the glowing pencil of nature, filled up with quaUties that adorn humanity, and shaded with few infirnuties, the fre quent attendants on mental exceUence. "Bebe Mann, his wife, mort. die Octo. tert. 1793, stat. 61. She was a person of bright genius, of few words and much reserved in mind. From early youth, she marked all her paths with virtue, and timely took the advice Christ gave to his disci ples, and made to herself a friend of the mammon of unrighteousness, and, when she failed, could with christian confidence say, that her witness was in heaven and her reward on high." This stone is erected by the grateful hand of fiUal piety to protect the awful dust of revered parents. In memory of Dr. Herbert Mann, who with 119 sailors, with Capt. James Magee, mas ter, went on board the Brig General Arnold in Boston Harbor 25th Dec. 1778, hoisted sail, made for sea, and were immediately overtaken by the most tremendous snow storm with cold, that was ever known in the memory of man, and unhappily parted their cable in Plymouth harbor, in a place called the Cow-yards, and he with about 100 others was frozen to death ; sixty-six of whom were buried in one grave. He was in the 21st year of his age. And now Lord God Almighty, just and true are all thy ways, but who can stand before thy cold ? The following is an epitaph on the negro slave Csesar, who Avas given to Lieut. Josiah Maxcy by his mother when he was a child. He was a member of the Baptist church, honest and faithful. He survived his first master, and after his own death Avas buried in the same grave-yard. A decent stone was erected to his memory by his younger master, Levi Maxcy, Avith this inscription, which may be seen in the north-east corner of the burying-ground, near Hatch's tavern. Here lies the best of slaves Now turning into dust ; Csesar the Ethiopian craves A place among the just. His faithful soul has fled To realms of heavenly Ught, And by the blood that Jesus shed Is changed from Black to White. January 15, he quitted the stage, In the 77th year of his age. 1780. BERKLEY. This town, situated on the east side of Taunton river, was for merly a part of Dighton. It was incorporated in 1735. It is 5 miles S. of Taunton, 18 E. of Providence, and 37 S. of Boston. Population, 878. In five years previous to 1837, there were 13 X16 DARTMOUTH. vessels built ; tonnage of the same, 1,267 ; valued at $38,010. Tliis place has about ten sail of coasting vessels, and some iron ore. The celebrated " Dighton" or " Writing Rock " is in the limits of this town, being situated on the eastern shore of Taunton river, which divides this town from Dighton. For a description of this rock, see Dighton. DARTMOUTH. This town Avas incorporated in 1664, and formerly included within its limits the present towns of AVestport, Ncav Bedford and Fairhaven. During Philip's war a great part of this town was laid desolate and many of the inhabitants kUIed. The most oi the Plymouth forces were ordered thither. In coming to Russel)'.s garrison at Ponaganset or Aponaganset, in this toAvn, they met with a number of the enemy that had surrendered themselves prisoners on terms promised by Captain Eels of the garrison, and Ralph Earl, who persuaded them to come in, by a friendly Indian Avhom he employed. It is to be regretted, however, that, notwith standing the promises made by the above persons to the Indians, they Avere by the superior authorities carried away to Plymouth, " then sold and transported out of the country, being about eight score persons." That part of Dartmouth Avhich was destroyed is about 5 miles S. W. of New Bedford. The cellars of Russell's garrison are still to be seen. They are on the north bank of the Aponaganset, about a mile from its mouth. It is stated that the Indians had a fort on the opposite side of the river, and used to show themselves, and act all manner of mockery to aggravate the English, they being at more than a common gunshot off. It is related, however, that an Indian came out at one time, and, hav ing turned his back sides, as usual, in a contemptuous manner towards the English, some one, having an uncommonly long gun, fired, and put an end to his mockery. Dartmouth is principally a farming and fishing town ; the cen tral part of which is about 3 miles from NeAv Bedford, and 21 from Taunton. There are 3 postoffices, Dartmouth, (at Smith's MUls,) North Dartmouth, and South Dartmouth. This last place is called Padan Aram ; it is a fishing village, containing a Congre gational church, and perhaps 50 or 60 dAvelling-houses. There are in the limits of the toAvn 4 houses of Avorship for Friends, 3 for Baptists, 2 of Avhich are Christian, 1 Congregationalist, and 1 for Methodists. Population of the town, 3,958. In 1837, 5 vessels were employed in the Avhale fishery; tonnage of the same, 1,490; sperm oil imported, 74,000 gallons; whale oU imported, 73,978 gallons ; hands employed in the whale fishery, 129. There were 13 establishments for the manufacture of salt ; ship-building is car ried on to some extent. DIGHTON. 117 DIGHTON. This town Avas incorporated in 1712, previous to which time it formed a part of the town of Taunton. It is finely situated on the west side of Taunton river, and is a port of entry. About half a mile from the landing place for sloops, there is a village of about 20 dwelling-houses, 7 miles from Taunton and 43 from Boston. Population of the toAvn, 1,453. There are 3 cotton mUls, Avith 3,564 spindles; a woollen miU, furnace, and nail factory. Ship-building is also carried on. *. - *^J** Dighton Rock as seen from Dighton Shore. The celebrated " Dighton Rock," the inscriptions ou Avhich have caused such a variety of speculations, is on the Berkley side of the river, opposite the landing place mentioned above. The engraving shows the appearance of the rock and the surrounding objects as seen from the Dighton shore. The " Writing Rock," as it is sometimes called, is the one by which tAvo persons are seen ¦Western side of Dighton Rock. Standing. The above shows the shape of the rock, with some thing of the appearance of the inscriptions upon it; which are, 118 DIGHTON. to some extent, foUoAved in the engraving. The lower part of this stone is generaUy covered to the dotted line at high water. Several drawings of these inscriptions have been taken at various periods ; the inscriptions, however, are so indefinite, that no tAvo of them agree entirely with each other. Several of these draw ings have been copied and recently published in Copenhagen, in a splendid Avork on the Antiquities of America. It is the opinion of some leamed men, that these inscriptions are the work of the Norwegian adventurers Avho it is supposed Ansited this coast about the year 1000 of the Christian Era. The folloAving account of this rock is extracted from the second volume of Kendall's Travels. Mr. Kendall travelled through the northern parts of the United States in 1807 and 1808 ; he made a careful examination of the Dighton Rock, visiting it several limes for the purpose. " The rock is an insulated mass of fine-grained gray granite or grunstein, lying north-west and south-west, on the sands of the river, a few feet above the present low- water mark, but covered at every tide. Its length is eleven feet, and its height four and a half. Toward the land, its form is broken and irregular, but inclining gradu ally outward from the summit to the base ; toward the water, it presents a regular face, and nearly smooth, forming an incUned plane, of about sixty degrees elevation. Of this face, which is of the length of the rock, and about five feet broad, the whole appears to have been originally filled with sculptures ; but those immediately at the base, if such there were, are now entirely worn away. A little above, sculptures dis cover themselves but fainUy ; whUe those at the summit are very perfect. " The whole is composed of outlines, hollowed, or cut in intaglio, and of which the breadth is generally less than an inch, and the depth, where deepest, does not exceed half an inch. From the appearance of the sculpture, and from the hardness of the stone, it is probable that the upper parts have suffered little injury; and yet the edges are here broken, and the whole execution appears barbarous. The different states of preservation, observable in the lower figures and the upper, may be attributed to the action of the water, and perhaps to the coUision of floating bodies of ice, both of which agents must operate on the lower part of the stone in a greater degree than on the upper ; the upper being covered, at every tide, for a much shorter space of Ume than the lower. The alternate action of salt and the atmosphere have produced an equal diversUy of color on the surface of the stone ; the upper part being of a deep red or purple color, and the lower graduaUy fading toward the base into a pinkish gray. The interior substance is gray. "After viewing the rock and its sculptures, which last are sufficiently conspicuous to attract notice from the deck ofa vessel saUing in the channel of the river, we demand, if not the meaning of the sculptures, at least the history of their formation ; but, upon the second subject, there is very little to be said, and upon the first, absolutely noth ing. The only solid history is, that the rock, with its sculptures, was found in its present place, and apparently in its present condition, by the fearliest colonists. "But, in the absence of history, there has been an abundance of conjecture. Two opinions, though with some subordinate varieties, chiefly divide the learned and unlearned. The unlearned believe that the rock was sculptured by the order of a pirate, either Captain Kyd or Captain Blackbeard, in order to mark the site of buried treasure ; and the shore, for more than a hundred fathom on a side, has been dug, in the hope of a discovery. The learned are more attached to a Phoenician origin, and suspect that the Writing Rock may be a momument of the first navigators that passed the Pillars of Hercules; indeed, they find the Pillars of Hercules among the sculptures. *** **##### " In accounting for the diversities observed in the copies, a favorite resource is that ot supposing that the stone moulders away ; but this theory, which would weU 1 ann^ •n'^'f ''^"^ ''^''^ sculptures seen in the year 1700 were not seen in the year J BUU, will by no means explam why those seen in 1800 were not seen in 1700: it WUl account for disappearance, but not for variation. Professor Sewall's drawing, EASTON. 119 which is the earliest. Dr. Mather's excepted, contains no figures that I did not see on the rock ; but the two later drawings contain several. " But, the question of decay in the sculptures affects the question of their antiquity • and Professor Sewall's drawing, and even Dr. Mather's, is evidence with me, that no perceptible decay has taken place within the last hundred years ; and this evidence, added to that derived from the durable quaUty of the stone, and from the degree ol' the decay that is really observable, induces me to believe that the sculptures are very ancient. "As to traditions, there is, though but in a few mouths, an Indian tradition, which purports that, some ages past, a number of white men arrived in the river, in a bird; that the white men took Indians into the bird, as hostages ; that they took fre-sh water for their consumption at a neighboring spring ; that the Indians fell upon and slaugh tered the white men at the spring ; that, during the affray, thunder and lightning issued from the Jird; that the hostages escaped from the bird; and that a 'spring, now called WhUe Spring, and from which there runs a brook, called White Man'.s Brook, has its name from this event. " This story beUeved, the inference is, that the rock, which is doubtlessly a monu- ment of some event in Indian history, is a monuinent of the adventure and slaugh ter of the white men of the bird ; but, upon visiting the spring, which is at the distance of a quarter of a mile from the rock, on the farm of a Mr. Asa Shove, I could hear nothing of the affair : on the contrary, a son of Mr. Shove's related to me, that he had always understood the spring and brook to have received their names from the death of a white hunter, (a colonist,) who, being heated with the chase, drank freely at the spring, and died in consequence, upon the spot. In regard to the spring, one neighbor had told me that it was a hot spring, and another that it was remarkable for its intense coldness ; and I found it neither warmer nor colder than springs in general. The spring is to the north-east of the rock, and the brook enters Taunton river a litUe above the rock. The rock itself is on the farm of a Mr. Deane ; and Asonnet Neck is said to have been a place of banishment among the Indians. I was informed that another sculptured rock had been seen in the river, at times when the water was particularly low ; but this account, on tracing it to its source, appeared to be untrue. The only sculptures on any rock, not on the Writing Rock, consist in two or three figures or characters, having some similitude to the letters XOO, and which are seen on the corner of a slab of stone, lying within a few yards of the Writing Rock." EASTON. This town, formerly a part of Taunton, Avas incorporated in 1725. It forms the north-eastern corner of Bristol county. Popula tion, 1,976. It is situated 10 miles northerly from Taunton, 22 from Providence, and 22 from Boston. The manufacture of iron has been carried on extensively, and the manufacture of shovels, spades, &c., is an important branch of business in this town. According to the statistical tables published by the state in 1837, there Avere two manufactories of shovels, spades, forks, or hoes, at which 84 hands Avere employed ; value of articles manufactured, $108,000; capital invested, $51,000. There Avere employed in the manufacture of boots and shoes, 141 males and 40 females ; "56,200 pair of boots, and 26,400 pair of shoes, bottomed." Four cotton mills ; cotton spindles, 1,824; cotton goods manufac tured, 180,000 yards ; value of the same, $32,400 ; males em ployed, 11 ; females, 45 ; capital invested, $31,000. Four air and cupola furnaces, Avhich made 250 tons of iron castings, valued at $20,000 ; 20 hands Avere employed ; 1 furnace for the manufacture of pig iron ; 1 manufactory of cutlery ; value of cutlery made, $5,000; lAvire manufactory; value of wire, $20,000; 1 manufac- 120 FAIRHAVEN, tory of surveyors' instruments ; value of instruments, $4,500 ; 1 manufactory of pegs, employing 14 hands; 15,000 straw bonnets were manufactured, valued at $14,000. FAIRHAVEN. This town was formerly included within the limits of New Bedford ; it was incorporated as a distinct town in 1812. The village was settled in 1764, and it is said to have received its name. Fair-haven, from the beauty of its situation. It is united to New Bedford by a long bridge, about three fourths of a mile in extent, and is associated with it in many of its enterprises. Western view of Fairhaven. The above shoAvs the appearance of the AiUage as it is seen from near the bridge on the New Bedford side of the river, or inlet. It contains 3 churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Freewill Bap tist, and 1 Methodist, a bank, (the Fairhaven Bank.) and an insu rance office. This place, in 1837, had 37 A^essels employed in the whale fishery, the tonnage of Avhich Avas 11,564 tons; sperm oil imported, 168,524 gallons; A\diale oil imported, 350,944 gallons; value of sperm oil, $144,178 56; value of Avhale oil, $152,780; hands employed in the fishery, 9 15 ; capital invested in the same, $957,000 ; whale-bone, 101,55 1 lbs.; value of Avhale-bone, $25,312 86. Population of the toAvn, 3,649. During the revolutionary Avar, on thc night of the 7th of Sep tember, 1778, the British troops made au attempt to destroy the village of Fairhaven, but Avere bravely repulsed by a small force in the command of Major Israel Fearing. The enemy a day or two previously had burnt houses and destroyed a large amount of property at New Bedford. The following is from Dwight's Travels, vol. 3d, p. 71. " From this place they marched around the head of the river to Sconticut Point, on the eastern side, leaving in their course, for some unknown reason, the villages of FALL RIVER. 121 Oxford and Fairhaven. Here they continued till Monday, and then re-embarked The foUowing night a large body of them proceeded up the river with a design to finish the work of destruction by burning Fairhaven. A critical attention to their move ments had convinced the inhabitants that this was their design, and induced them to prepare for their reception. The militia of the neighboring country had been sum- moned to the defence of this vUlage. Their commander was a man far advanced in years. Under the influence of that languor which at this period enfeebles both the body and the rnind, he determined that the place must be given up to the enemy, and that no opposition to their ravages could be made with any hope of success. This decision of their officer necessarUy spread its benumbing influence over the miUtia, and threatened an absolute prevention of aU enterprise, and the destruction of this handsome village. "Among the officers, belonging to the brigade, was Israel Fearing, Esq., a major of one of the regiments. This gaUant young man, observing the torpor which was spreading among the troops, invited as many as had sufficient spirit, to foUow him, and station themselves at the post of danger. Among those who accepted the invita tion was one of the colonels, who of course became the commandant ; but after they had arrived at Fairhaven, and the night had come on, he proposed to march the troops back into the country. He was warmly opposed by Major Fearing ; and, find ing that he could not prevail, prudenUy retired to a house three miles distant, where he passed the night in safety. " After the colonel had withdrawn. Major Fearing, now commander-in-chief, arranged his men with activity and skill ; and soon perceived the British approach ing. The militia, in the strictest sense raw, already alarmed by the reluctance of their superior officers to meet the enemy, and naturally judging that men of years must understand the real state of the danger better than Major Fearing, a mere youth, were panic-struck at the approach of the enemy, and instantly withdrew from' their post. At this critical moment Major Fearing, with the decision which awes men into a strong sense of duty, rallied them ; and, placing himself in the rear, declared, in a tone which removed all doubt, that he would kUl the first man whom he found re treating. The resolution of their chief recalled theirs. With the utmost expedition he then led them to the scene of danger. The British had already set fire to several stores. Between these buUdings and the rest of the viUage he stationed his troops, and ordered them to lie close in profound silence, untU the enemy, who were advanc ing, should have come so near that no marksman could easily mistake his object. The orders were punctually obeyed. AVhen the enemy had arrived within this dis tance, the Americans rose, and with a well-directed fire gave them a warm and un expected reception. The British fled instantly to their boats, and fell down the river with the utmost expedition. From the quantity of blood found the next day in their line of march, it was supposed that their loss was considerable. Thus did this heroic youth, in opposition to his superior officers, preserve Fairhaven, and merit a statue from its inhabitants." FALL RIVER. This town was formerly a part of Freetown, and was incorpo rated as a distinct town by the name of Troy in 1803. In 1834, its name was changed to that of the river within its borders, at the junction of Avhich with the Taunton river the village is built. It is estimated that about seven eighths of the inhabitants of the town are in the village. It is stated that thirty-six years since, there were but eleven dwelling-houses in the place. At the north end of Main street, there were four houses ; occupied by Charles Dur- fee, Daniel Duffington, John Luther, Mary Borden ; in East Cen tral street were Nathan BoAven and Parry Borden; in West Central street were Nathan and Daniel Borden ; in South Main street, Simeon Borden, Richard Borden ; Thomas Borden lived to the Avest, towards the shore. The first meeting-house in the 122 FALL RIVER, place stood on the dividing line between Fall River and Tiverton, R. I. The next meeting-house which was budt, was for Friends ; it was a small buUding, and was erected near where their present house now stands. The next was a Congregational church, now occupied as a school-house in Annawon street. The Baptists and Methodists erected their houses afterwards and at about the same time. During the revolutionary war about 200 of the enemy landed in the south part of where the present village is built ; they were opposed by about fifteen of our people, under the command of Col. Joseph Durfee, Avho from behind the stone walls fired on the British troops and killed two soldiers ; upon this, they rapidly re treated to their barges. The two soldiers Avere buried south of the river, where the Pocasset factory now stands. At the erection of this factory their remains were taken up and buried in the town grave yard. North view of Fall River. The above is a northern vicAV of Fall River village, as seen from the western side of Taunton river, at Slade' s ferry. Fall river, from whence the tOAvn derives its name, rises in Wattuppa Ponds; one of which is 11 miles in length and 1 in breadth. These ponds are produced by perpetual springs, and Ue about two miles east of the town. The descent of this river is 136 feet. The volume of water is constant ; not liable to excess, and of sufficient power for the largest manufactories. The harbor on Taunton river is safe, easy of access, and of sufficient depth for large ships. A marine railway was constructed here in 1834. The following vieAV is taken in the main street in the village, looking to the southAvard, shoAvmg some of the public buildings. This street is upwards of a mile in extent, and is thickly settled for about that distance. This village is situated near the Rhode Island line, and a fcAV houses, properly belonging to it, are in the town of Tiverton, in that state. There are 8 houses for public FALL RIVER , 123 Central worship, 1 for Friends, 1 Orthodox Congregational, 1 Unitarian, 1 Baptist, 1 Christian, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, and 1 Catholic. There are tAvo banks— the Fall River Bank, capital $400,000, Fall River Union Bank, capital $100,000— and an Insurance Company, capital $100,000. FaU River is 17 miles from Taun ton, 14 from New Bedford, 17 to Newport, 49 from Boston, and 30 by water to Providence. Population, 6,352. In 1837, there were in Fall River 10 cotton mills, having 25,000 spindles ; 1,547,300 lbs. of cotton were consumed. Cotton goods manufactured, 7,767,614 yards ; value of the same, $668,028 ; males employed, 337; females, 648; capital invested, $700,000. One woollen miU; woollen machinery, 8 sets; wool consumed, 175,000 lbs.: cloth manufactured, 150,000 yards; value of the same, $180,000; males employed, 65; females, 55; capital in vested, $50,000 ; sperm oU used, 6,500 gaUons. Two prmt works; cloth printed, 12,000,000 yards; value of the same, $1,680,000 ; capital invested, $300,000 ; hands employed, 500. One naU factory; naUs manufactured, 1,780 tons; value of the same, $260,000; hands employed, 40; capital mvested, $75,000. There were six vessels employed in the whale fishery ; tonnage of the same, 1,359; sperm oU imported, 63,000 gallons ; whale oU, 42,338 ; hands employed, 120; capital- invested, $125,000 There were also in the place 2 air and cupola furnaces, a rolling and slitting mill, and Ararious other establishments for manufacturing ^^TCfoUowing account of some remains found in this town is from an article by John Stark, Esq., of Galena, Illinois, published in the third volume ofthe American Magazme, Boston, 1837. " These remains were found in the town of FaU River, in Bristol county, Massaehu- setts^S toe lelrs since. In digging down a hiU near the vdlage, a hrge mass of 124 FALL RIVER, earth slid off leaving in the bank, and partiaUy uncovered, a human skuU, which on examination was found to belong to a body buried in a sitting posture ; the he^ bang about one foot below what had been for many years the surface of the ground. The surrounding earth was carefuUy removed, and the body found to be enveloped in a cov- ering of coarse bark of a dark color. Within this envelope were found the remains of another of coarse cloth, made of fine bark, and about the texture of a ManiUa coffee bag. On the breast was a plate of brass, thirteen inches long, six broad at the upper end and five at the lower. This plate appears to have been cast, and is from one eighth to three thirty-seconds of an inch in thickness. It is so much corroded, that whether or not any thing was engraved upon it has not yet been ascertained. It is oval in form, the edges being irregular, apparently made so by corrosion. " Below the breast-plate, and entirely encircling the body, was a belt composed of brass tubes, each four and a half inches in length, and three sixteenths of an inch m diameter, arranged longitudinally and close together ; the length of a tube being the width of the belt . The tubes are of thin brass, cast upon hollow reeds, and were fast- ened together by pieces of sinew. This belt was so placed as to protect the lower parts of the body below the breast-plate. The arrows are of brass, thin, flat, and tri- angular in shape, with a round hole cut through near the base. The shaft was fastened to the head by inserting the latter in an opening at the end of the wood, and then tying itwith a sinew through the round hole, — a mode of constructing the weapon never practised by the Indians, not even with their arrows of thin sheU. Parts ofthe shaft StiU remain on some of them. AVhen first discovered, the arrows were in a sort of quiver of bark, which fell in pieces when exposed to the air. "The annexed cut wiU give our readers an idea of the posture of the figure and the position of the armor. When the remains were discovered the arms were brought rather closer to the body than in the engraving. The arrows were near the right knee. " The skuU is much decayed, but the teeth are sound, and apparently those of a young man. The pelvis is much decayed, and the smaUer bones of the lower extremities are gone. The integu ments of the right knee, for four or five inches above and below, are in good preservation, appa rently the size and shape of Ufe, although quite black. "Considerable flesh is stUl preserved on tbe hands and arms, but none on the shoulders and elbows. On the back, under the belt, and for two inches above and below, the skin and flesh are in good preservation, and have the appearance of being tanned. The chest is much compressed, but the upper viscera are probably entire. The arms are bent up, not crossed ; so that the hands turned inwards touch the shoiUders. The stature is about five and a half feet. Much of the exterior envelope was decayed, and the inner one appeared to be preserved only where it had been in contact with the brass. " The preservation of this body may be the result of some embalming process ; and this hypothesis is strengthened by the fact, that the skin has the appearance of hav ing been tanned ; or it may be the accidental result of the action of the salts of the brass during oxydation ; and this latter hypothesis is supported by the fact, that the skin and flesh have been preserved only where they have been in contact with, or quite near, the brass ; or we may account for the preservation of the whole by supposing the presence of saltpetre in the soU at the time of the deposit. In either way, the preser vation of the remains is fully accounted for, and upon known chemical principles. " That the body was not one of the Indians, we think needs no argument. We have seen some of the drawings taken from the sculptures found at Palenque, and in those the figures are represented with breast-plates, although smaller than the plate found at Fall River. On the figures at Palenque the bracelets and anklets appear to be of a manufacture precisely simUar to the belt of tubes just described. These fig ures also have helmets precisely answering the description of the helmet of Hector in Homer. ¦¦'If the body found at Fall River be one ofthe Asiatic race, who transiently settled in Central North America, and afterward went to Mexico and founded those cities, in exploring the ruins of which such astonishing discoveries have recently been made ; then we may well suppose also that it is one of the race whose exploits vrith ' brazen MANSFIELD. 125 ipears ' have, although without a date and almost without a certain name, been im mortalized by the Father of Poetry ; and who, probably, in still earlier times, con structed the Cloaca under ancient Rome, which have been absurdly enough ascribed to one of the Tarquins, in whose time the whole population of Rome would have been insufficient for a work, that would, moreover, have been useless when finished. Of this Great Race, who founded cities and empires in their eastward march, and are finally lost in South America, the Romans seem to have had a glimmering tradition in the story of Evander. " But we rather incline to the belief that the remains found at Fall River belonged to one of the crew of a Phoenician vessel. " The spot where they were found is on the sea-coast, and in the immediate neigh borhood of ' Dighton Rock,' famed for Us hieroglyphic inscription, of which no suffi cient explanation has yet been given ; and near which rock brazen vessels have been found. If this latter hypothesis be adopted, a part of it is, that these mariners — the unwiUing and unfortunate discoverers of a new world^ived some time after they landed ; and, having written their names, perhaps their epitaphs, upon the rock at Dighton, died, and were buried by the natives." FREETOWN. This town Avas first settled about 1659, and incorporated in 1683. The principal village in the toAvn is Assonett, situated at the head of an inlet from Taunton river, 8 miles from Taunton, 8 from Fall River, 16 from New Bedford, and 26 from Boston. The vUlage consists of about fifty dwelling-houses and 2 churches, 1 Congregational and 1 Baptist. Ship-building is carried on in the viUage. Population of the town, 1,779. There are in the town 2 nail factories, 2 air and cupola furnaces, 1 axe manufactory, 1 manufactory of cutlery, and 1 for shovels, spades, &c. Eight ves sels were buUt in five years preceding 1837, tonnage 636 ; value of the same, $36,200 ; hands employed in building, eleven. MANSFIELD. This town was formerly a part of Norton ; it was incorporated as a distinct town in 1770. The central part of this town is 12 miles from Taunton and 28 from Boston. Population, 1,444. Col. Ephraim Leonard was one of the most distinguished of the first settlers of this place ; he buUt his house about two miles eastAvard of the Congregational church in the center of the town. The Rev. Mr. White, the first minister, lived about one mile south of the meeting-house. Nathan Williams, another of the first settlers, located his house where the tavern now stands. A number of famUies, by the name of Wellman, had their houses about half a mile south of the meeting-house ; Deacon Abial Leonard lived at the distance of about three miles. Benjamin, brother to Nathan WiUiams lived about a mile north of the meetmg-house ; these brothers owned lands extending to the old colony line. A family of Deans settled in the south part of the town; Deacon Skinner in the western part. Famihes by the name of Grover were araong the early inhabitants, , , , . . , , , i-m This toAvn is well watered by three principal branches of Taun ton river, called Rumford, Cocasset, and Canoe rivers ; the two 126 NEW BEDFORD. first mentioned are valuable streams. There are in the tOAVn 6 cotton mUls, running 3,412 spindles. In 1837, there were 680,971 yards of cotton goods manufactured, the value of which was up wards of $40,000. There is a woollen mUl, and 2 nail factories. In the same year 30,000 straw bonnets, valued at $30,000 ; 1,500 palm-leaf hats, valued at $382, and $4,000's worth of baskets, were manufactured. NEW BEDFORD. The Indian name of Ncav Bedford Avas Acchiisnutt or Acushnet. It was incorporated as a town in 1787, previous to which it formed a part of the toAvn of Dartmouth. At what time and by whom the first settlement Avas commenced in the limits of thc town, does not distinctly appear. It is supposed, however, that the Friends or Quakers were the first white inhabitants. The first settled minister appears to haA^e been the Rev. Samuel Hunt, who died about the year 1735 ; it is supposed he was ordained here about 1700. The next minister was Rev. Richard Pierce ; he was settled in 1735, and AVas succeeded by Rev. Mr. Cheever. Mr. Cheever was dismissed in 1759, and was succeeded by Rev. Samuel West, D. D., who Avas settled in 1761. The villages of New Bedford and Fairhaven, on the opposite side of the river, were settled about the same time, 1764. The first house in New Bedford village Avas built by Mr. John Louden, of Pembroke. The land on which the place is built Avas OAvned by a Mr. Russell. This being the family name of the Duke of Bedford, Mr. J. Rotch, one of the principal purchasers and settlers, declared that the place where they built should go by the name of Bedford. It afterAvards received the prefix New, on account of there being another tOAvu of the same name in the limits of the commouAvearth. Mr. Rotch, a member of the society of Friends, was a man of sagacity and enterprise. He speedily built a house, stores, and wharves ; and was joined by several associates. By his previous knoAAdedge of the whaling business which he had acquired in Nantucket, Mr. Rotch and his friends Avere able to carry on this business to great advantage, which has been a great source of great wealth and prosperity to the place to the present time. " By his peeuhar ad dress he procured first from the government of France, and then from that of Great Britain, the privUege of exporting oil to those countries, duty free ; and Avas thus enabled to carry on his own business with the highest profit, and essentiaUy to befriend that of his neighbors." New Bedford is a half shire town of Bristol county and port of entry, on the Avest side of the Acushnet river, or, more properly, an inlet from Buzzard's Bay. The ground upon Avhich the town IS built rises beautifully from the water, and as the toAvn is apr preached from the water or from the Fairhaven side it presents a fine appearance. 1 he harbor, though not easy of access, is capa- Drawn by 1. W. Barber— EngraTtd by S. E. Brown, Boston. SOUTH-EASTERN VIEW OF NEW BEDFORD, MASS. The above view was taken from the fortification, a short distance south from Fairhaven village. Palmer's Island is seen extendiag before the town, on the left of the engraving. The bridge connectmg the town with Fairhaven is discernible on the nght. NORTON. 127 cious, and well secured from winds. A wooden bridge and cause way, the whole of which extends about three fourths of a mUe, connects the tOAvn with the vUlage of Fairhaven. The almost entire business of the place is the whale fishery and other branches of business connected with it : this business was commenced before the revolutionary war, and has gradually risen to its present impor tance. In 1838, the number of vessels belonging to New Bedford, en gaged in the whale fishery, was one hundred and seventy, employ ing four thousand hands. There are seventeen candle houses and oil manufactories. In 1837, there was imported into the United States 181,724 bbls. of sperm oU, and 219,138 bbls. of whale oU: ofthis quantity 75,675 bbls. of sperm oil, and 85,668 bbls. of whale oil, was imported into the New Bedford district. There are 4 banks. The Bedford Commercial Bank, with a capital of $400,000, was in corporated in 1816 ; the Merchants Bank Avas incorporated in 1825, with a capital of $400,000 ; the Mechanics Bank incorporated in 1831, capital $200,000 ; and the Marine Bank, incorporated in 1832, with a capital of $300,000, There are three insurance offi ces, whose united capitals amount to 350,000 dollars. The " New Bedford Institution for Savings" has an amount invested of about 220,000 dollars. There are 14 churches : 3 Baptist, 2 of which are Christian societies ; 3 Congregational, 1 of which is Unitarian ; 2 Methodist Episcopal, 1 Episcopal, 1 for Friends, 1 Universalist, 1 Bethel, 1 African and 1 Catholic. Few towns in Massachusetts have increased more rapidly than New Bedford. By the census of 1790, the population of the village was about 700 ; in 1820, it was 3,947 ; in 1830, it was 7,592 ; and in 1836, it was 11,113 ; making an increase of nearly 47 per cent, in six years. Distance 52 miles S. of Boston, 52 N. W, of Nantucket, 24 from Taunton, and 214 north-easterly from New York. During the revolutionary war New Bedford was a place of resort for American privateers. In order to destroy them, 4,000 British troops, under Gen. Gray, landed upon Clark's Neck, the western boundary of the river at its mouth. From this point they marched to the town, and burnt houses, wharves, &c., to the amoimt of £11,241. They also destroyed English and West India goods, provisions, naval stores, shipping, &c,, to the amount of £85,739; amountmg in the whole to £96,980, or $323,266. NORTON, Norton was incorporated as a town in 1711. It was originally a part of Taunton, and when incorporated included in its limits the present towns of Easton and Mansfield. The first settler within the limits of the town was a cabin-boy, named William Witherell, who received a tract of land by the gift of his master, and buUt a house upon it in 1670.* A settlement was made in 1696, by * Spofford's Gazetteer of Massachusetts, 128 PAWTUCKET. George Leonard, Esq., a name which has been identified with much of the public and mechanical business of the town. He was led to the settlement by the discovery of iron ore, and finding water power suitable to its manufacture. The iron manufacture has been continued in the family of the Leonards till the present time. Several of this name have been distinguished m civU life, and are persons of wealth and respectability. " The soU is not of the first quality, though equal to the adjoining toAvns. Much of this town is occupied by tenants, greatly to the disadvantage of its agriculture ; there being 146 freeholders, and 107 tenants under lease."* Norton is 8 mUes N. W. of Taunton, 30 S. of Boston, and 17 N, E. from Providence. Population, 1,530. In 1837, there were in this town 4 cotton miUs, 1,993 spindles ; cotton goods manufac tured, 290,376 yards; value of the same, $53,167 82; males employed, 53 ; females, 35 ; one air and cupola furnace, which made 375 tons of iron castings, valued at $37,500 ; twenty-five hands were employed ; eight air and cupola furnaces for rolling and refining copper ; 500 tons of sheet copper and copper bolts were manufactured, valued at $280,000 ; thirty-three hands were employed ; capital invested, $226,000. PAWTUCKET, This town was formerly Avithin the limits of Seekonk. It was incorporated as a distinct town in 1828. It is two mUes square, lying on the east side of Pawtucket river. The village of Paw tucket is centrally divided by the river ; that part lying on the west side is Avithin the limits of the town of North Providence, in Rhode Island. The cut shoAvs the appearance of the village as it is entered from the south on the Rhode Island side of the river. It is said that the first manufacture of cotton cloth in this country, by water power machinery, was commenced at this place. The water power is very great, and the fall of the river Avithin a short dis tance is fifty feet. There are in the village 12 cotton factories, with 35,000 spindles and 1000 looms. The Franklin calico printing works do an extensive business. There are also 5 machine shops and a number of iron works. About 2000 operatives are employed in these establishments. The river is navigable to the village ; it runs 4 miles S. by W. to Providence river, at India Point — one mile below the center of the city of Providence. The river above the vUlage takes the name of Blackstone. This place is 4 mUes N. of Providence, 16 from Taunton, 38 S. E. of Worcester, and 36 from Boston. The whole village is said to contain about 6,000 inhabitants. There are 7 churches: 2 Baptist, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, and 1 Catholic on the Rhode Island side ; 1 Congrega- * Spofford's Gazatteer of Massachusetts. PAWTUCKET. 129 South view of Pawtucket, Mass. and R. I. tional and 1 FrecAvill Baptist on the Massachusetts side. In the town of Pawtucket, according to the Statistical Tables published by the state of Massachusetts, in 1837, there Avere 6 cotton mills, with 15,317 spindles; 2,156,266 yards of cotton goods manufac tured; 125 males and 243 females employed. One print works, which printed 4,894,597 yards of cloth, employing 196 males and 28 females. The " PaAvtucket Bank," with a capital of $100,000, is in this town. Population, 1,881. [From the Commercial Advertiser, 1838.] " Evasion or the Laws. — Following in the footsteps of Massachusetts, Rhode Island has prohibited the sale or vending of ardent spirits in less quantities than fifteen gal lons. These prohibitory laws in both states are producing great excitement, and we should not marvel were they to result in violent political action. Meantime the great inventor of the alembic is teaching his followers every possible device for evading the laws, as will appear from the following law report from the Providence Journal. " ' The Ark.' — At the present session of the supreme court in this city, evidence was brought before the grand jury to obtain an indictment for a violation of the Ucense law. It appears that some person or persons had procured a raft or scow, erected a shanty thereon, and moored the same on Pawtucket river, where it was regularly fur nished with a " great variety of choice Uquors." Attached to the scow was a platform, which, when lowered, enabled persons from the shore to walk to the ark, as the float was designated, and the vessel was moored so that this platform could be used on either side of the river, as profit or poUcy might dictate. On gaining it, there could be seen faucets variously marked, R, G, B, &c., from either of which, on being turned, gushed forth the beverage its initial represented. This place of resort became very soon as popular as any watering place in the country ; as al it glasses were always ready, although no attendants were at hand. Those who partook of the refreshing streams, as a matter of course, left something as satisfaction for trouble, which, by some legerdemain we could not comprehend, and therefore cannot describe, was taken possession of by some spirit unseen and unknown. As Ihe dividing line between Rhode Island and Massachusetts is at high-water mark on the east side of the river, it wiU be perceived that customers from our sister state, by the platform being placett on their side, could be accommodated without violation of Massachusetts laws. iMot so, however, with the laws of Rhode Island. Against these laws there -was an ofience committed, but establishing the identity of the offender was a very difficult matter. Witnesses in abundance were produced, who testified that they had dnink deeP M '^= waters of the ark, but whom they obtained them ,of. they had neither desire or abUity to say. One person in Pawtucket testified that he furmshed from «75 to 4. i iw » Ig 130 RAYNHAM. worth of liquors per week ; that he charged it to "the ark ;" that he delivered it some times to one and sometimes to another, who were employed to do chores ; and, finaUy, he identified one person who had at one time received it, against whom the grand jury returned a true bill, and whose trial wiU take place at the present term of the coiit It is surmised that, as none of the brood were preserved in the ancient, U was from "this modern ark came the "striped pig"* which has so recentiy been astonish ing the natives of Boston . Notwithstanding the cloud of mystery in which the operators envelop themselves, one thing is very certain, the parties have been stimulated in their course by evil spirUs." RAYNHAM. This toAvn was formerly a part of Taunton, and was incorpo rated as a distinct town in 1731. It originally made a part of those lands known by the name of Cohanet, in the colony of New Ply mouth. They Avere first purchased of Massasoit, the Indian chief, by Elizabeth Pool and her associates. It appears the first settle ment made in the town was about the year 1650. The first meet ing-house was buUt in 1730. At this period there were about thirty families in the place. This house stood for forty-two years. The second meeting-house was erected in 1771, nearly in the center of the town. The first minister ordained here was Rev. John Wales ; this was in 1731. Mr. Wales died in 1765, and Avas succeeded by Rev. Peres Fobes, LL. D., who was ordained in 1766. The lands in Raynham are in general level and the soil light. Taunton river washes the southern border of the toAvn; there are also a number of ponds, Avhich produce a water power. There is a large shovel factory, a wire mill, a furnace, and a nail factory, which has produced eleven tons of nails daily. Iron ore is foimd here. There are 3 houses of Avorship : 1 Unitarian, 1 Orthodox, and 1 Baptist. Population, 1,379. Distance 3 miles N. E. of Taun ton, 24 E. of Providence, and 30 miles S. of Boston. The following cut represents the original Leonard House in this town, "where tradition says that Philip's head was deposited for some time. It is still occupied by one of the family, of the sixth generation from the builder, and, so far as we are informed, is the oldest mansion now standing in this coimtry. The A'ane at one of the gable-ends is inscribed with the date 1700 ; but there is little doubt of the house having been erected at least thirty years previous. The Avorlonanship, especially within, is remarkably massive and sound. It is apparently modelled after an English * Reference is here made to the exhibition of a " striped pig" in Dedham, or some other place in the vicinity of Boston, on a day of general military muster. The exhi- biters of this curiosity, having obtained permission of the proper authorities, gave notice that this strange animal could be seen at the low price of si% cents. This pig drew quite a number of visUers. Those who visited the exhibition, state that they found the pig as represented ; the stripes, however, were laid on with a painter's brush. They found also a choice variety of Uquors, a glass of which was aUowed gratis to each visiter, in addition to the privilege of seeing this remarkable pig. There was something so attracting about the animal, that quite a number of individuals, not satis fied with one sight, were known to visit the exhibUion a number of times the same day. RAYNHAM. 131 Ancient Leonard House in Raynham. fashion of the eighteenth century, with some modifications proper for defence against the Indians. It was garrisoned during the war. The FowUng Pond, still so called, has become a thick SAvamp. An aged gentleman Avas living not many years since who in boy hood had frequently gone off in a canoe, to catch fish in its Avaters. Indian weapons and utensils are still found on its borders."* The first iron forge in America was set up in this town. On the banks of one of the ponds in this place, the celebrated King Philip had a hunting house. The foUoAving is taken from the Rev. Dr. Fobes' description of Raynham in 1793. " The first adventurers from England to this country, who were skilled in the forge iron manufacture, were two brothers, viz. James and Henry Leonard. They came to this town in the year 1652, which was about two years after the first settlers had plant ed themselves upon this spot ; and in the year 1652, these Leonards here built the first forge in America. Henry not long after moved from this place to the Jerseys and settled there. James, who was the great progenitor, from whom the whole race ofthe Leonards here sprang, Uved and died in this town. He came from Ponterpool in Monmouthshire, and brought with him his son Thomas, then a small boy, who after wards worked at the bloomery art, with his father, in the forge. This forge was situ ated on the great road ; and, having been repaired from generation to generation, it is to this day stiU in employ. On one side of the dam, at a smaU distance from each other, stand three large elms and one oak tree. Two of the elms are near three feet in cir cumference, and are stiU flourishing. These trees are now almost a hundred and twenty years old ; which, with the ancient buildings and other objects around, present to the eye a scene of the most venerable antiquity. In the distance of one mile and a quar ter from this forge is a place caUed the Fowling Pond, on the northerly side of which once stood King PhiUp's house. It was caUed PhiUp's hunting house, because, m the season most favorable to hunting, he resided there, but spent the winter chiefly at Mount Hope, probably for the benefit of fish. Philip and these Leonards, it seems, long Uved in good neighborhood, and often traded with each other ; and such was PhiUp's friendship, that as soon as the war broke out, which was in 1675, he gave out strict orders to aU his Indians never to hurt the Leonards. During the war, two houses near the forge were constantly garrisoned. These buUdings are yet standing. One of them was buiU by James Leonard, long before Philip's war. This house stiU remains in its original gothic form, and is now inhabited, together with the same pater nal spot, by Leonards of the sixth generation. In the cellar under this house, was deposited, for a considerable tune, the head of King Philip ; for it seems that even * Thatcher's Indian Biography.— This interesting reUc of antiquity, we regret to state, is now no more, it having been, as we are informed, taken down quite recentiv Dy the proprietor. 132 REHOBOTH. PhiUp himself shared the fate of kings ; he was decollated, and his head carried about and shown as a curiosity, by one Alderman, the Indian who shot hun. Thero is yet in being an ancient case of drawers, which used to stand in this house, upon which the deep scars and mangled impressions of Indian hatchets are now seen ; but the deeper impressions made on those affrighted women, who fled from the house when the Indians broke in, cannot be known. Under the door-steps of the same buUd ing now Ue buried the bones of two unfortunate young women, who in their flight here were shot down by the Indians, and their blood was seen to run quite across the road ; but more fortunate was the flight of Uriah Leonard, who, as he was riding from Taunton to the forge in this place, was discovered and fired upon by the Indians. He instantly plucked off his hat, swung it arotmd, which startled his horse, and in fuU career he reached the forge dam, without a wound; but several bullets were shot through the hat he held in his hand, and through the neck of the horse near the mane, from which the blood on both sides gushed and ran down on both his legs. While deacon Nathaniel WiUiams, with some others, were at work in the field, on the south side of the road about half a mUe from the forge, one of the number disco vered a motion of the bushes at a little distance ; he immediately presented his gun aud fired ; upon which the Indians were heard to cry, Cocoosh, and ran off; but soon after one of the Indians was found dead near the Fowling Pond. Near the great river are now to be seen the graves of Henry Andross and James PhUips, who, with James BeU and two sons, were kiUed by a number of Indians, who lay in ambush. This happened in the place called Squabette. The place already mentioned, by the name of FowUng Pond, is itself a great curios ity. Before Philip's war it seems to have been a large pond, nearly two mUes long and three quarters of a mile wide. Since then, the water is almost gone, and the large tract it once covered is grown up to a thick-set swamp of cedar and pine. That this, however, was once a large pond, haunted by fowls, and suppUed with fish in great plenty, is more than probable, for here is found, upon dry land, a large quantity of white floor sand, and a great number of that kind of smooth stones, which are never found except on shores or places long washed with water. There is also on the east side a bank of sand, which is called the Beaver's Dam, against which the water must formerly have washed up ; and if so, the pond must once have been of such ampUtude as that above mentioned. Add to this, that a large number of Indian spears, tools, pots, &c., are found near the sides of this pond. This indicates that the natives were once thick-settled here. But what could be their object ? What could induce PhUip to buUd his house here ? It was, undoubtedly, fishing and fowling, in this then large pond. But, more than all, there is yet Uving in this town a man of more than ninety years old, who can weU remember that when he was a boy he had frequently gone off in a canoe to fish in this pond ; and says, that many a fish had been caught where the pines and cedars are now more than fifty feet high. If an instance, at once so rare and well attested as this, should not be admitted as a curious scrap of the natural his- toiy of this country, yet it must be admitted as a strong analogical proof that many of our swamps were originaUy ponds of water : but, more than this, it suggests a new argument in favor of the wisdom and goodness of that Divine Providence which "changes the face of the earth," to supply the wants of man, as often as he changes from uncivilized nature to a state of cultivation and refinement. REHOBOTH. The original limits of Rehoboth were extensive, comprehending the present town, Seekonk, Pawtucket, Attleborough, Cumber land, R. I., and part of Swansey and Barrington. The first pur chase of land here for a settlement was made of Massasoit, in 1641, comprehending a tract of land about ten mUes square, embracing the present towns of Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Pawtucket. The first white settler in the original limits of the town was WUliam Blackstone, a non-conformist minister of England, who fled from persecution and sought an asylum in the wUds of America. He was the first white man who lived on the peninsula where the REHOBOTH. 133 1 1=^^ Boston now stands. He sold his lands on the penmsula in 1634, and probably removed to Rehoboth the next year. He loca ted himself m Avhat is now Cumberland, R. I., on the river which bears his name, about three miles above the village of Pawtucket His house, which he named " Study HaU," stood near the east bank ofthe river, a few rods east of a knoll which rises abruptly from the meadow on the brink of the river to the height of 60 or 70 feet His grave and the well which he dug are stUl to be seen The celebrated Roger Williams for a short time, when driven from Massachusetts, first pitched his tent in the limits of Rehoboth, and resided there for a short period. Rev. Samuel Newman* may be considered as the founder of Rehoboth. He removed here with part of his church in Weymouth in 1644. The first meeting of the original planters to be found on record is dated at " Weimouth the 24th ofthe 8th month [October] 1643." The second meeting was held in Dec. following, when regulations Avere made as to the planting of corn. The teacher was to have a certain portion from each settler ; servants, after four years, to be inhabitants, and entitled to their privileges. The foUowing appears to be a list of all the planters at Seekonk or Re hoboth in July, 1644. It is prefixed in the following manner : — « This combination, entered into by the general consent of aU the mhabitants, after general notice given the 23d of the 4th month. We whose names are tmderwritten, bemg, by the providence of God, uihabUants of Seacunk, intendmg there to settle, do covenant, &c. Walter Palmer, Samuel Newman, Peter Hunt, Ralph AUn, Edward Smith, Wm. Cheesborough, WUliam Smith, Thomas BUss, Edward Bennett, Richard Wright, John Peren, George Kendricke, Robert Titus, Robert Martin, Zachery Rhoades, John AUen, Abraham Martin, Richard Bowen, Job Lane, WUUam Sabin, John Matthewes, Joseph Torrey, Alex. Winchester, Thomas Cooper. Edward Sale, James Clark, Henry Smith, Ralph Shepherd, Ephraim Hunt, Stephen Payne, "Though the proprietors purchased their land of the Plymouth colony, yet it appears, from the compact signed by them, that they considered themselves independent of any jurisdiction but their own, though they were afterwards claimed by both Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay. In 1645, they submitted themselves to the jurisdiction of the Plymouth court, or rather were assigned to that by the commissioners of the United Colonies, and were incorporated by the Scripture name of Rehoboth, — a name selected by Mr. Newman ; for, said he, " the Lord hath made room for us."-\ The town of Rehoboth in its present limits is formed from the * Mr. Newman was a man of great leaming and piety. He compUed a Concor dance of the Bible, a herculean labor, which was pubUshed in London m 1643, in foUo. After his removal to Rehoboth (now Seekonk), he revised this work and greatly im proved it, using in the evening, according to President Stiles, pine knots instead of candles. He died at Seekonk, in 1663. "The manner of his death," says EUiot, " was pecuUar. He had a certain premonition of it, and seemed to triumph in the prospect of its being near. He was apparently in perfect health, and preached a ser. mon from these words. Job xiv. 14 : ' All the days of my appointed time mill I wait till my change come.' In the aftemoon of the foUowmg Lord's day he asked the deacon to pray with him, saying he had not long to Uve. As soon as he had finished his prayer, he said the time was come when he must leave the world; but his fiiends, seeing no immediate signs of dissolution, thought it was the influence of imagination. But he tumed round, saying, 'Angels, do your oflice,' and immediately expured." t BUss' History of Rehoboth, p. 31. 134 REHOBOTH. second precinct of the ancient Rehoboth. This was incorporated as a separate society in 1759. As early as 1711, the inhabitants ofthe south-east part of the town, called the "neighborhood of Palmer's river," petitioned for a division of the town into tAvo pre cincts. This was opposed by the western or older part of the toAvn. In 1717, the general court granted permission to the people at Palmer's River to buUd a meeting-house in their part of the town. This house was commenced the same year, and stood on a small elevation about half a mile N. W. of the Orleans factory. Jethnial Peck, Capt. Samuel Peck, and Jonathan Bliss, gave each an acre of land for the site of the meeting-house. In 1721 a church was organized here, under the pastoral care of Rev. David Turner. Mr. Turner was succeeded by Rev. Robert Rogerson, who was settled in 1759 ; he died in 1799, and was succeeded by Rev. Otis Thompson, who was ordained in 1800. The second meeting-house was erected in 1773, "upon the plaine near Timothy Readways," There are at present in Rehoboth 5 churches : 2 Baptist, 1 Congre gational, 1 Reformed Methodist, and 1 Christian. There is a cot ton factory, with 1,440 spindles. Population, 2,202. Distance, 10 miles S. W. of Taunton, 7 east of Providence, and 40 south-west erly of Boston. South-west view of Annawon's Rock, Rehoboth. The above is a representation of the celebrated rock, called AnnaiDon's Rock, in the eastern part of Rehoboth, a feAV rods south of the new turnpike from Taunton to ProAidence, about eight miles from the former and ten miles from the latter place. The whole rock extends N. E. and S. W. 70 or 80 feet, and its height is 25 or 30 feet. It is on the northern border of a great swamp of nearly 3000 acres, called Squannakonk, by Avhich it is rendered inaccessible except on the northern side. This place is rendered memorable by the capture of Annawon, the last and bravest of King Philip's chieftains, on 28th of Aug. 1676. Annawon, after the death of Philip, Aug. 12th, with a few brave Avarriors, ranged the woods in REHOBOTH, 135 the vicinity of Rehoboth and Swanzey, much to the terror of the inhabitants, Capt. Church, so celebrated in this war, was sent for, who with his party hnmediately commenced upon the pursuit. Having captured a number of Annawon' s company, one of them having his life spared offered to conduct him to his chieftain's retreat. The following interesting account is taken from the account given in Drake's Hiit. of Indian Chiefs, published in Boston m 1832. Having traveUed through swamps and thickets until the sun was setting, the pilot ordered a stop. The captain asked him if he had made any discovery. He said "About that holir of the day Annawon usually sent out his scouts to see if the coast was clear, and as soon as U began to grow dark the scouts returned, and then we may move securely." When it was sufficientiy dark, and they were about to proceed Capt. Church asked the old man if he would take a gun and fight for him. He bowed very low and said, "I pray you not to impose such a thing upon me as to fight against Capt. Annawon, my old friend, but I wiU go along with you, and be help ful to you, and wiU lay hands on any man that shall offer to hurt you." They had proceeded but a short space, when they heard a noise, which they concluded to be the pounding of a mortar. This warned them that they were in the vicinity of Anna- nion's retreat. When they arrived near the foot of the rock, Capt. Church, with two of his Indian soldiers, crept to the top of it, from whence they could see distinctly the situation of the whole company, by the light of their fires. They were divided into three bodies, and lodged a short distance from one another. Annawon' s camp was formed by felling a tree against the rock, with bushes set up on each side. With him lodged his son, Eind others of his principal men. Their guns were discovered standing, and leaning against a stick resting on two crotches, safely covered from the weather by a mat. Over their fires were pots and kettles boiling, and meat roasting upon their spits. Capt. Church was now at some loss how to proceed, seeing no possibUUy of getting down the rock without discovery, which would have been fatal. He therefore creeps sUently back again to the foot of the rock, and asked the old man, their pilot, if there were no other way of coming at them. He answered, " No," and said that himself and all others belonging to the company were ordered to come that way, and none could come any other without danger of being shot. The fruitful mind of Church was no longer at a loss, and the foUowing stratagem was put in successful practice. He ordered the old man and the young woman to go forward and lead the way, with their baskets upon their backs, which, when Anna- won should discover them, would take no alarm, knowing them to be those he had lately sent forth upon discovery. Capt. Church and his handful of soldiers crept down also, under the shadow of those two and their baskets. The captain himself crept close behind the old man, with his hatchet in his hand, and stepped over the young man's head to the arms. The young Annawon, discovering him, whipped his blanket over his head, and shrunk up in a heap. The old captain Annawon started up on his breech, and cried out "Howoh !" which signified, "I am taken." All hope of es cape was now fled forever, and he made no effort, but laid himself down again in perfect sUence, while his captors secured the rest of the company. For he supposed the Eng. lish were far more numerous than they were, and before he was undeceived his company were all secured. One circumstance much facilitated this daring project. It has been before mentioned that they heard the pounding of a mortar on their approach. This continued during their descent down the rock. A squaw was pounding green dried corn for their supper, and when she ceased pounding to turn the com they ceased to proceed, and when she pounded again they moved. This was the reason they were not heard as they lowered themselves down from crag to crag, supported by small bushes that grew from the seams of the rock. The pounded corn served afterwards for a supper to the captors. ## * * # # # # * * The two compaiUes situated at a short distance from the rock knew not the fate of their captain, until those sent by Church announced to them that they were aU pris oners ; and, to prevent their making resistance, were told that Capt. Church had en compassed them with his army, and that to make resistance would be immediate death ; but if they aU submitted peaceably, they should have good quarter. " Now 136 SEEKONK. they being old acquaintance, and many of them relations," readily consented i dell vering Up their gvms and hatchets, were all conducted to head quarters. Things being thus far settled, Captain Church asked Annawon what he had for sup. per ¦ " for " said he, " I am come down to sup with you." Annawon replied, " Taubut," with a majestic voice, and, looking around upon his women, ordered them to hasten and provide Capt. Church and his company some supper. He asked Capt. Church " whether he would eat cow beef or horse beef." He said he would prefer cow beef. It was soon ready, which, by the aid of some salt he brought in his pocket, he made a good meal. And here it should be told, that a small bag of salt, which Church carried in his pocket, was the only provision he took with him upon this expedition. When supper was over, Capt. Church set his men to watch, telling them that if they would let him sleep two hours they should sleep all the rest of the night, he not hav ing slept any for thirty -six hours before ; but after lying a, half hour, and no dispo. sition to sleep came, from the momentous cares upon his mind, for, " The dead alone in such a night can rest ;" he looked to see if his watch were at their posts, but they were all fast asleep. Anna- won felt no more like sleeping than Church, and they lay for some time looking one upon the other. Chtirch spoke not to Annawon, because he could not speak Indian, and thought Annawon could not speak English, but it now appeared that he could, from a conversation they held together. Church had laid down with Annawon to pre vent lUs escape, of which however he did not seem much afraid, for after they had laid a considerable time Annawon got up and walked away out of sight, which Church considered was on a common occasion. But being gone some time, " he began to suspect some ill design." He therefore gathered all the guns close to himself, and lay as close as he possibly could under young Annawon's side, that if a shot should be made at him it must endanger the life of young Annawon also. After lying a whUe m great suspense, he saw, by the light of the moon, Annawon coming with something in his hands. When he had got to Capt. Church he knelt down before him, and after presenting him what he had brought, spoke in EngUsh as follows: — "Great captain, you have killed Philip, and conquered his comitry. For I believe that I and my com. pany are the last that war against the English, so suppose the war is ended by your means, and therefore these things belong unto you." He then took out ofhis pack a beautifully wrought belt, which belonged to Philip, It was nine inches in breadth, and of such length as, when put about the shoulclers of Capt. Church, reached to his ankles. This was considered at that time of great value, being embroidered all over with money, that is wampampeag, of various colors, curiously wrought into figures of birds, beasts, and flowers. A second belt, of no less exquisite workmanship, was next presented, which belonged also to Philip. This, that chief used to ornament his head with ; from the back part of which flowed two flags, which decorated his back. A third was a smaller one, with a star upon the end of it, which he wore upon his breast. All three were edged with red hair, which Annawon said was got Ui the country of the Mohawks. These belts, or some of them, it is beUeved remain at this day, the property of a family in Swansey. He next took from his pack two horns of glazed powder and a red cloth blanket. These, it appears, were all of the effects of the great chief. He told Capt. Church that those were Philip's royalties, which he was wont to adorn himself with when he sat in state, and he thought himself happy in having an opportunity to present them to him. The remainder of the night they spent in discourse, in which Annawon " gave an account of what mighty success he had had formerly in wars against many nations of Indians, when he served Asuhmequin, Philip's father. Morning being come, they took up their march for Taunton. In the way they met Lieutenant Hmoland, according to appomtment, at his no smaU surprise. They lodged at Taunton that night. The next day Capt. Church took old Annawon, and half a dozen Indian soldiers, and his own men, and went to Rhode Island ; the rest were sent to Plymouth, tmder Lieut. Howland. Not long after this, to the g;reat grief of Capt. Church, Annawon was be headed at Plymouth. It is true Church did not guarantee his Ufe when he surrendered, but he had little doubt of his being able to save him, knowing how much the country was indebted to him in this war. SEEKONK. In 1812, the Avest part of Rehoboth was incorporated into a dis tinct township by its ancient name of Seekonk. This word in KING PHILIP OF POKONOKET. Drawn from an ancient print accompanying Dr. Stiles' edition of Church's History of Philips' War. This chieftain is represented in his robe of red cloth, and other usignla of royalty, copied, as is supposed, from an original painting. SllEKONK. 137 the Indian language is the name for the wild or black goose, and this place probably received its name from the circumstance that great numbers of wild geese used frequently to alight in Seekonk river and cove.* This tOAvn is properly the ancient Rehoboth, it being the place where the first settlement was made. Some account of the first settlers, and the names of some of the first planters, will be found in the account given in this Avork of the town of Rehoboth. The town, or first settlement, was built in a semi circular form, around what is now Seekonk common, (the south extremity of the plain,) with the meeting-house and parsonage in the center; the semi-circle opening toAvards Seekonk or Paw tucket river. This circle was afterwards called " The Ring of the Town." Seekonk is washed on the west by Providence river, separating it from the state of Rhode Island. There are three cotton facto ries in the town, running nearly 6,000 spindles, and about 150 looms. There are 2 houses of worship, 1 Congregational and 1 Baptist. Population. 2,016. Distance from Providence 4 miles, 14 S. W. of Taunton, and 41 miles southerly from Boston. Thc Boston and Providence railroad passes through this town. In the spring of 1676, during Philip's war, the Indians, dispers ing themselves in small parties, committed dreadful ravages both in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The country being alarmed, Capt. Pierce, from Scituate, with sixty-three Englishmen and twenty friendly Indians from Cape Cod, was ordered to drive the Indians towards Rhode Island. He arrived at Seekonk on the 25th of March. While in pursuit of the Indians, the next day, he was attacked and surrounded by an overwhelming force of savages; after a desperate resistance, Capt. Pierce, with nearly all his men, were killed, after having slain, it is supposed, nearly double the number of their enemies. " Two days after Pierce's fight, a party of the Indians, crossing the river, laid the town in ashes, burning 40 houses and 30 barns." These houses were around the "Ring of the Town ;" only two houses were left standing, — the garrison-house, which stood on the spot where the house of Phanuel Bishop now stands, and another house on the south end of the common, which was preserved by black sticks having been arranged around it, so as to give it at a distance the appearance of being strongly guarded. The houses were set on fire, as tradition informs us, early in the evening, and when the sim arose the next morning it beheld only a line of smoking ruins. It appears that only one person was killed ; he Avas an Irishman, a religious, but a smgular and superstitious man. On the approach of the Indians, he refused to go into the garrison-house, but remained in his own house with his Bible in his hand, believing that while he continued reading it, nothmg could harm him. He was, how ever, shot through the window. * Bliss' Hiitory of Eehoboth. 19 138 B E E K O N K . There is a chair now in possession of Capt. Caleb Abell of See konk, which has been in possession of that family since the burn ing by the Indians, and is dignified with the appellation of " King Philip's Chair." According to the tradition preserved in the family, Philip was in the habit of frequently visiting the house of Preserved Abell, and whenever he came, this chair, being the "big armed-chair ofthe house," Avas brought forth as a mark of distinction for his seat. At the burning of the place in 1676, the Indians brought it out of the house for their chief (who is said to have been King Philip) to sit in, and enjoy the conflagration. When they left this house for another, an Indian threw a fire brand into the chair, which consumed the bottom, but left the huge frame, with only scorching the parts to Avhich the bottom was attached. Capt. Thomas Willet, Avho came over to this country in 1630, was buried in the limits of this town, at the head of BuUock's Cove. He was a very young man when he arrived, and was a merchant by profession. He first resided at Plymouth, and soon became a useful and distinguished man in the colony. When New York was surrendered by the Dutch, Capt. Willet was sent for by his majesty's commissioners to assist them in organizing the new government. After a residence of a few years in New York, he returned to his seat at Swansea, where he died in 1674. " The English mayor of the first commercial metropohs in Ame rica, (says Mr. Daggett in his History of Attleborough,) lies buried on a lonely and barren heath, in the humble town of Seekonk, at a place seldom visited by the footsteps of man, with nought but the rudest monument to mark the spot." The foUowing is the rudely carved inscription, still legible. 1674. Here lyeth the body of the worthy Thomas Willet, Esq., who died August y 4tb, in the 64th year of his age. Anno . . . who was the first Mayor of New York, and twice did sustain the place. The following inscriptions are copied from monuments in the burying-ground in this toAvn. Here rests the body of Mr. George Allen, a native of Sherburn m Great Britam, who died Jan. 20th, A. D. 1774, aged 78 years. His mgenuity & appUcation to study were such, that in eariy Ufe he made uncommon advances m the prmcipal branches of Literature, & at the age of 17 was employed as a writing master in his native town. At the age of 21 he arrived at Boston, where he opened a school for the '"Struction of youth, in which occupation (in that & other towns) he spent tiie Prime of his life ; his latter researches were better calculated for the promotion of Science, tha.n for the advancement of his private interest. His friendly disposition and mode. ration were conspicuous to all who knew him. A tribute of respect to Hosea Humphrey, Esq., who died June 30th, 1816, aged 59. He was a native of Connecticut, was highly esteemed there as a Philosopher, Physi- p J . Statesman ; was honored with a seat in the Convention for adopting the ^deral Constitution, & also of the Legislature ; and ever defended the rights of man ^tn a Uberal independent spirit.— Erected by the affectionate regard of his afflicted SWANSEY. 139 SOMERSET. This town is pleasantly situated on the western side of Taun ton river, opposite the town of FaU River. Previous to its incor poration in 1790, it formed a part of Swansey, and was called the Shawamet Purchase. Taunton river to this place is navigable for vessels of considerable burthen. This place is 13 miles from Taunton, 16 from Providence, and 45 from Boston. Population, 1,063. In five years preceding 1837, there were 12 vessels built ; tonnage, 696. This tOAvn has about 1,200 tons of shipping, and 7 potteries, Avhere stone and earthen Avare are manufactured. There are 4 churches : 2 Baptist, 1 Friends, and 1 Methodist. SWANSEY. A PART of this town was originally comprehended in the ancient limits of Rehoboth, It forms a part of the tract called by the In dians Wannamoiset, situated in this town and Barrington, R. I. Swansey was incorporated as a town in 1667, and comprehended in its limits at that period the present town, Somerset, Barring ton, and the greater part of Warren, R. I. The town derived its name from Swansea in Wales, and was so spelled in the earliest records. In 1649, Obadiah Holmes and several others in Reho both, having embraced the Baptist sentiments, withdrew them selves from Mr. Newman's church, and set up a separate meeting of their own. The attempt to break them up, and the persecution they received, increased the number of Baptists. In 1663, they were much strengthened by the arrival of Rev. John Myles, with part of his church, which he had formed at Wales, whence he had been ejected for non-conformity. In the same year of his arrival Mr. Myles formed a Baptist church in Rehoboth, the fourth formed in America. It was organized in the house of John But terworth, and commenced with seven members, viz. John Miles (or Myles), pastor, James Brown, Nicholas Tanner, Joseph Car penter, John Butterworth, Eldad Kingsley, and Benjamin Alby. These and subsequent proceedings, were deemed such an evil by the rest of the inhabitants of the town and of the colony generally, that the court of Plymouth was called on to interfere. Each mem ber of this new church was fined £5, prohibited from worship for the space of one month ; and they were advised to remove from Rehoboth to some place where they might not prejudice any existing church. They accordingly removed to Wannamoiset, and erected a house near Kelley's bridge, on a neck of land now in the limits of Barrington. They afterwards erected another about half a mile from " Myles's bridge," onthe east side of Palmer's river, a short distance from where the present house of worship now stands. The central village of Swansey contains about a dozen dwelling- 140 SWANSEY. houses, and a Union church for various denominations. Some of the inhabitants of the town are engaged in navigation and ship building ; there is also a cotton factory, 2 paper-mills, and a wool len factory. There are 3 Baptist churches. Population, 1,627. Distance, 14 miles S. W. of Taunton, 20 from New Bedford, 14 from Providence, 10 N. E. of Bristol, R. I., and 46 southerly of Boston. This tOAvn will be memorable on account of its being the place where the first English blood was shed in " King Philip's War." Philip having laid his plans for the extermination of the English, his warriors were so impatient that he was obliged to pronuse them that on the next Lord's day, when the English were gone to meeting, they should rifie their houses and kill their cattle. Ac cordingly, on Sunday, June 20th, 1675, he permitted his men to march out into the neighborhood of SAvansey, and to annoy the English by killing their cattle, thus hoping to provoke them to commence the attack ; for it is said a superstitious opinion pre vaUed among them, that the side which did the first execution would finally be conquered. The Indians were so insolent in their deportment and language, that an Englishman was so pro voked that he fired upon one of them and wounded him. This, according to Mr. Hubbard, in his "Indian Wars," was the first gun fired. According to tradition, this Indian who was wounded, after killing a number of cattle in the field, went into the man's house and demanded liquor ; being refused, he attempted to take it by violence, and at the same time threatened revenge; this caused the Englishman to fire upon him. The Indians upon this commenced open war. The following is Mr. Hubbard's account of the first shedding of English blood: — "Onthe 24th of June, 1675, was the alarm of war first sounded in Plymouth colony, when eight or nine of the English were slain in and about Swansey ; they (the Indians) first making a shot at a company of English as they returned from the assembly, where they Avere met in a way of humihation on that day, whereby they killed one and wounded others ; and then likewise at the same time they slew two men on the high way, sent to call a surgeon ; and the same day barbarously mur dered six men in and about a dAvelling-house in another part of the town ; all of which outrages were committed so suddenly, that the English had no time to make resistance." At this period the house of Rev. John Miles was garrisoned. It stood a short distance west of Miles' bridge, probably near the site of the tavern of Mason Barney, Esq. Intelligence of the mur der of the Swansey people having reached Boston, a foot company, under Capt. Henchman, and a troop, under Capt. Prentice, imme diately marched for Mount Hope, and being joined by another company of 110 volunteers under Capt. Mosely, they all arrived at Swansey on the 28th of June, where they found the Plymouth forces under Capt. Cudworth. Mr. Miles' was made head-quar ters. About a dozen of the troop went immediately over the Drawn by J. W. Barber— Engraved by S. E. Brown, Boston. CENTRAL PART OF TAUNTON, MASS. The above is an eastern view of Taunton Green, with some of the surrounding buildings. The Court-House is seen on the left, and one ili.- «.M%/. ^j. ^j^g Congregational churches on the right. TAUNTON. 141 bridge, where they were fired upon out of the bushes, one kUled and one wounded. This action drew the body of the English forces after the enemy, whom they pursued a mile or two, until they took to a swamp, after having killed about half a dozen of their number. The next morning the troops commenced their pursuit of the Indians. Passing over Miles' bridge, and proceed ing down the east bank of the river, tUl they came to the narrow of the neck, at a place called Keekamuit or Kickemuit, they found the heads of eight Englishmen that the Indians had mur dered, set upon poles by the side of the way. These they took down and buried. On arriving at Mount Hope they found that PhUip and his Indians had left the place. TAUNTON. It is believed that the first Englishmen who first traversed the soil of this ancient town, (called by the Indians Cohannet,') were Edward Winslow and Stephen Hopkins, on their visit to Massa soit, in July, 1621. They found it depopulated and desolate ; the ravages of the great plague were every where discernible. At Tetiquet and Nairmsket there were Indian villages. The territory of Taunton proper (which formerly included within its limits the toAvns of Berkley and Raynham,) was claimed by the sachem of Tetiquet. In this territory there were no Indian settlements except in a small part of Raynham. It appears, however, that the country bordering on the river had been thickly populated, and the land cleared on both sides for a considerable distance. When first visited many of the remains of the natives were discovered unburied. At the head of the list of purchasers of Taunton, stands the name of Henry Uxley : who he was, does not appear. His house and lot were sold to Richard Williams, who may in some measure be considered as the father of Taunton, as he was in the place before the purchase of Miss Pool. Mr. WUliams was a Welshman, and it is not improbable that he was a relation of Roger Williams. A tradition has always existed amongst his descendants that he was related by blood to Oliver CromweU, the original name of whose famUy was WUliams, (which name was changed for an estate,) and one of Cromwell's ancestors bore the name of Richard WiUiams.* The mland situation of Taunton prevented for some time much ac cession to the number of settlers. The first settlers; with few excep tions, were from Somersetshire and Devonshire, and many of them from Taunton, in England. The first purchase was made in 1637, and confirmed afterwards ; this was called the Tetiquet purchase, this being the Indian name for the great river of Taunton. About the period of its settlement. Miss Elizabeth Pool, a lady of fainily and fortime, fi-om Taunton, hi Somersetshire, Eng., conceived the * BayUes' Hist. Memoir of Plymouth Colony, vol. i. p. 288. 143 TAUNTON. bold design of occupying the territory of Cohannet. It appears that an ardent desire of planting another church in the American wilderness, induced this pious puritan lady to encounter aU the dangers and hardships of forming a settlement in the midst of the Indians. She died in 1654, and her kinsman placed over her grave a stone with an inscription which commemorates her virtues. , . , ^ „ • j The first and ancient purchasers stand m the followmg order Henry Uxley, John Dean, William Hailstone, Francis Street, Richard Williams, John Strong, WUliam Parker, Hugh Rossiter, Joseph WUson, Henry Andrews, John Parker, John GUbert, Beniamin WUson, Thomas Cooke, John Richmond, Thomas GUbert, WiUiam Coy, John Smith, WiUiam Holloway, Robert HobeU, George HaU, Mr. Thomas FarweU, The Wid. RandaU, Richard Burt, David Corwithy, Edward Case, Francis Doty, John Crossman, Mr. WilUam Pool, John Kingsley, WiUiam Dunn, John Luther, George Macy, Richard PauU, WUUam Scaddmg, John Drake, WUUam Harvey, Richard Smith, John Bryant, Mr. John Brown. Hezekiah Hoar, Mr. John Gilbert, Anthony Slocum, Walter Dean, WiUiam PhilUps, John GengiUe, In a pamphlet entitled "Plain Dealing or Newes from New England," written by Thomas Lechford of Clements Inn, Jan, 17, 1641, and published in London, 1642, the writer, speaking of Taunton, says — Cohannet, aUas Taunton, is in Plymouth patent. There is a church gathered of late, and some ten or twenty of the church, the rest excluded ; Master Hooke, pastor ; Master Street, teacher. Master Hooke received ordination from the hands of one Master Bishop, a school-master, and one Parker, a husbandman, and then Master Hooke joyned in ordaining Master Street. One Master Doughty, a mmister, opposed the gathering of the church there, alleging that according to the covenant of Abraham, all men's children that Were of baptized parents, and so Abraham's chUdren, ought to be baptized ; and spoke so in publique, or to that effect, which was held a distuxbance, and the ministers spake to the magistrate to order him ; the magistrate commanded the constable, who dragged Master Doughty out of the assembly. He was forced to go away from thence with his wife and children. Rev. William Hooke, who must be considered the first pastor of the Taunton church, was born about the year 1600. He married the sister of Edward Whalley, a major general in the Parliament's army, one of the regicides, so called, from being one of the judges who condemned Charles I. to death. Mr. Hooke left Taunton about 1640, and removed to New Haven, Con., from whence in 1656 he returned to England. He was received in the family of the Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell, as domestic chaplain. After the restoration of Charles IL, he was silenced for non-conformity, and died in London, in 1677. Taunton is a shire town; it is pleasantly situated at the head of sloop navigation on Taunton river. This place has great water power by the junction of Canoe and Rumford rivers Avith the Taunton, and is well improved for manufacturing purposes. There are about 30 sail of coasters of considerable burthen which ply between this place and the neighboring ports. A branch of the Boston and Providence railroad is extended to this place. TAtIN TON, 143 There are 8 churches : 4 Congregational, 2 Baptist, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, and 1 Catholic. The center of the main village is orna mented with an enclosed green with shade-trees, on one side of which is situated the court-house and other handsome buildings. There are 3 banks, the "Taunton Bank," with a capital of $250,- 000, the " Bristol County Bank," capital $100,000, and the "Cohannet Bank," capital $100,000. There are two insurance companies. This place is 32 miles from Boston, 20 from Provi dence, and 32 from NeAvport, R. I. Population of the town, 7,647. In the Statistical Tables of the state, published in 1837, it is stated there were 8 cotton mills ; 3,043,887 yards of cotton goods were manufactured: males employed, 124; females, 468. One print works, which printed 5,869,860 yards of cloth ; males employed, 250 ; females, 40 ; capital invested, $200,000. Seven millions and one hundred thousand of bricks Avere manufactured, valued at $28,000 ; ninety-five hands employed. Forty thousand straw bonnets were manufactured, A^alued at $62,000. Three nail fac tories, which manufactured 256 tons, valued at $60,500. One air and cupola furnace, Avhich made 2,000 tons of iron castings, valued at $200,000 ; one forge, which manufactured 400 tons oi bar iron, valued at $35,000. Besides these, there are various other articles manufactured, such as boots, shoes, hats, &c. '¦^ f^^ -.^' _.5»«*!^^ i Monument of Miss Pool, Taunton Cemetery. A cemetery has been recently laid out in the immediate vici nity of the main village of Taunton, (called Mount Pleasant Ceme tery,) upon the plan of that at Mount Auburn, in the vicinity of Boston. The ground is well calculated for this object, being agree ably diversified Avith elevations and depressions, and the soil is superior to that of Mount Auburn. The engraving shows the ap pearance of the monument of Miss Pool, at the entrance of the cemetery. The following is the inscription on this monument. The Females of Taunton have erected tins monument in honor of Elizabeth Pool,, 30 144 TAUNTON. foundress of the town of Taunton, in 1637. Born before the settlement of America, in England, 1589, died at Taunton, May 21, 1654. The following account is taken from the pamphlet containhig Mr. Conant's sermon at the execution of Bristol, an African boy, for the murder of Miss McKinstry. It is proper to state that some accoiuits say that this boy had been informed, that if he would kill some one, and run aAvay, he would obtain his liberty. The bloody murder of Miss EUzabeth McKmstry, on June the 4th, 1763, which gave occasion for the preaching of the foregoing discourse, may Traly be placed among the astonishing Events of Providence and the alarming Frailties of human nature. One cannot caU to mind the particular circumstances of this tragic scene without the deepest Emotions of Horror, Pity and Indignation. The Negro Boy who perpetrated this lamentable crime was born in Africa, and at the age of "about eight years was brought to New England, where he Uved about five years in the same family with Miss McKinstry, at Windsor. His master then dymg, he was purchased by her brother. Dr. McKinstry, of Taunton, where he had Kved three years when the murder was committed, the deceased having been also about two years in the same family ; so that from his childhood ("excepting one year) he had lived in the same FamUy wUh her, and during this time he was treated with aU the tenderness and Instruction that could be desired. He always appeared happy in his sihiation, and showed an uncommon Readiness to do his business and Faithfulness to perform what he undertook, without the least appearance of SuUenness or MaUce. After he had the fact he rode to Newport, never showing the least concem tUl he was apprehended ; he then made some artful excuses, till he had been committed about tv/elve hours, when he confessed the whole fact ; the substance of which was, " thait early in the morning, Miss McKinstry, a Uttie GUI, and himself, bemg the only per sons' of the Family that were up, and the Uttle girl being gone up stairs, as Miss McKinstry was stooping over the fire, he catched up a Flat Iron that stood on the hearth, struck her on the head, and knocked her into the fire, which burnt her face ; he then gave her another Blow, and Immediately dragged her down the ceUar stairs, where, seeing an old ax, he struck her with it on the head, and made off as fast as he could." After his commitment he appeared very penitent, and expressed his sorrow for the crime, particularly for the grief he had brought on his master's Family, in speaking of which he always seemed the most affected. He declared constantly, during the whole of his imprisonment, to his last moments, that he never had any anger against the deceased, nor any of the FamUy, and that he had never received any Treatment that deserved it ; and though he always appeared free to answer any Questions that were asked him, yet he never gave any reason for committing the crime, but that he was prompted to it by a Negro Boy of his acquaintance, who Threatened to kUl him if he did not do it. This he persisted in to his dying moment. At his trial he pleaded guUty, but showed no emotion at the pronouncing sentence of Death, nor at the public worship, where in his hearing several sermons besides this were preached on the occasion, nor even at the . execution. This would naturaUy he construed to Stupidity or SuUenness, had not his discourse plainly shown that he had a tme sense of his Crime and right notions of a future state. At the GaUows he made a long speech to the Spectators, particularly to those ofhis own color, which for Substance was pertinent and important. He expressed great concem for his master's FamUy, was very particular in thanking every Body that had taken notice of him while in Prison ; he aclcnowledged his condemnation just ; he ex pressed his sense of his guilt and the hopes he had of forgiveness and future happiness through the Mercy of God in Christ ; and then, after repeating the Lord's Prayer dis tinctly, he was turned off. The deceased, who was the unhappy object of this unac countable MaUce, was a Daughter of the Rev. Mr. John McKmstry, late of Windsor, a young Lady of cheerful disposUion, an even, generous temper, and every way of a worthy character. After tarrying with her Brother, she was preparing to retum to her Mother at Windsor, when, in a moment that she thought not of, she was hurried in this cruel manner to her long home. The following inscriptions are copied from monuments in the ancient burying-ground. TAUNTON. 145 1 ^vTT. t^ '¦^°'^'"! °'' Mrs. Elizabeth Pool, a native of old England of good Fam- R^p'l!iTnf w 1'°^^"''' ^.11 °f .^hi<=h she left in the prime of her Ufe to%njoy the fht^^f T«2?nn ?fv "f"' " '**'' "^'f ^°' wilderness. A great proprietor of thi town ship of Taunton, a chief promoter of its settlement and its incorporation, A. D. 1639, w JirIw„Jf^ she settied near this spot, and having employed the opportunytys ol her virgm state m Piety, Liberality of manners, died May 21st, A. D. 1654, aged 65, Esq. A.T mV °^°"'™«"' i« gratefully erected by her next of km lohn BSrland! In memory of the Hon. Samuel White, Esq. Colonel of a foot Regiment of Militia, Barrister at Law and member of the Hon. his Majesty's Council, who often having been delegated to the offices of Govemment, faithfully served his God, his king and Us country, and exhibiting through an unspotted course of life, the virtues of the Patriot, Friend and Chnstian, feU asleep in Jesus, March XX, MDCCLXIX in the LIX vear of his age. ¦" This humble stone, smaU tribute of their praise Lamented shade ! thy weeping offspring raise ! O whUe their footsteps haunt ye haUow'd shrine. May each fair Branch shoot fertile as ye vine • Not with thy Dust be here thy virtue's tomb ' But bright'ning stiU each Grace transplanted bloom, Sire, Sons and Daughters shall a like renown ; Applauding angels ! a celestial crown ! Parentibus optimus bene merentibus.* Zephaniah Leonard, Esq. who died April the 23d, A. D. 1766, m the 63d year of his age, & Hannah, his wife, who died the same day, in the 62d year of her age. To dust and silence so much worth consigned, Sheds a sad gloom o'er vanities behind. Such our pursuUs ? proud mortals vainly soar. See here, the wise, the virtuous are no more. How mean Ambition ! how completely hate ; How dim the tinsel glories of the Great ! * # * * # & Death & hovering darkness hide us aU. Inscribed to the memory of the Hon"'- Seth Padelford, Esq., who deceased January 7th, 1810, aged 58 years and 1 month. For he was wise to know, and warm to praise, and strenuous to transcribe in human Ufe The Mind ALMianTV. Robert Treat Paine, a poet of some celebrity, was born in this town, December 9th, 1773. His father was the Hon. Robert Treat Paine, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. In his eighth year his father removed to Boston. He was graduated at Harvard in 1792, with a high reputation for genius. He was soon after placed in the counting-room of a merchant, but left it for literary occupations, and published several poems and ora tions, which at the time were highly popular. In 1802, he began the practice of law, but failed of success for want of appli cation ; and he spent the latter part of his life in poverty. He died Nov. 13th, 1811, aged 38. His national song, Adams and Liberty, is perhaps the most widely knoAvn ; of which the follow ing is the first stanza. Ye sons of Columbia, who bravely have fought For those rights, which unstained from your sires had descended, May you long taste the blessmgs your valor has bought, And your sons reap the soU which their fathers defended. ? A worthy son of worthy parents. 146 DUKES COUNTY. 'Mid the reign of mild peace May your nation increase. With the glory of Rome, and the wisdom of Greece ; And ne'er shaU the sons of Columbia be slaves, WhUe the earth bears a plant, or the sea roUs its waves. WESTPORT. This town, previous to its incorporation in 1787, was a part of Dartmouth. There are two small villages in the town, one at the head of East riA'er, the other at Westport Point. The people are much divided in religious sentiments. There are 5 meeting-houses : 2 for Friends, 2 for Baptists, and 1 for Methodists. There is also a small society of Congregationalists. The viUage at the head of East or Nochacuck river is about 8 miles from New Bedford, 8 from Fall River, and 21 from Newport. Formerly considerable quantities of timber were obtained in this town. The whale fish ery is now an important branch of business ; eight whaling ves sels now go out from Westport Point. There is a cotton mill in this town, having 3,072 spindles, which in 1837 consumed 300,000 lbs. of cotton ; 270,000 lbs. of cotton yarn were manufactured, the value of Avhich was $67,500. DUKES COUNTY This county is formed of the islands of Martha's Yineyard, Chappequiddick, Elizabeth Islands, and Neman's Land. The last- mentioned island is the southern extremity of Massachusetts. These islands lie ofi" south of Barnstable county and Buzzard's Bay, and contain about 120 square miles. The principal island, Martha's Vineyard, is 19 miles in length from east to west, and its breadth in the widest part is 10 mUes, and in the narrowest 2 mUes : its mean breadth may be about 5 miles. Its usual Indian name was Capawock, though sometimes called Nope. (It is believed that Nope was more properly the name of Gay Head.) The greatest part of the island is low and level land ; though in the western part there is a range of hills, Avhich begins a mile west of Lambert's Cove, where they are three quarters of a mile Avide, and running in a chain parallel with the sound, rise to the height of 250 feet, expand to the breadth of three miles, and terminate at Oay Head. These islands Avere discovered by Bartholomew Gos nold, in 1602. He landed at Neman's Land, Avhich he called Manila's Vineyard, passed round Gay Head, Avhich he named Dover Cliff, anchored in Vineyard sound, and landed on Catta- Smiik, wiiich he named Elizabeth Island, in honor of Queen Eliz- nhe.W). II,. re lie conrliided to begin a plantation, and accordingly chose a site at the west end of the island. Here, on the north side, IS a small pond of fresh water, two miles in circiunference ; in the DUKES COUNTY, 147 middle of its breadth, near the west end, is a small rocky islet. This they fortified, and upon it erected a storehouse.* While the men were occupied in this work, Gosnold crossed the bay in his vessel, went on shore, trafficked amicably with the natives, and, having discovered the mouths of two rivers, returned to the island. One of these rivers was that on the banks of which New Bedford is now built. This storehouse was the first house built by the English on the New England shores. When Gosnold Avas prepar ing to leave, discontent arose among those who were to have remained, so that the design of a settlement was relinquished, and the whole company returned to England. The next year, in June, Martin Pring entered the harbor of Edgartown, which he called Whitson's Bay, and anchored under the shelter of Chappequiddick neck, to which he gave the name of Mount AldAvorth. Here he remained till the beginning of August, when he sailed for England. In 1619, Capt. Thomas Dermer landed at Martha's Vineyard, and was attacked by the natives. He and his companions gallantly defended themselves with their swords, and escaped. Several Indians were killed in the fray. Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, and the Elizabeth Islands were not included in any of the New England governments. William, Earl of Sterling, in consequence of a grant from the crown of Eng land, laid claim to all the islands betAveen Cape Cod and Hudson's river. James Forcett, agent for the earl, in Oct. 1641, granted to Thomas Mayhew, of Watertown, and Thomas Mayhew his son, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, and the Elizabeth Islands, with the same powers of government which the people of Massachusetts possessed by charter. The elder Thomas Mayhew had been a merchant at Southampton, in England, and when he first came to America he followed the same employment. The next year after he obtained the grant of Martha's Vineyard, he sent his son and several other persons to begin a plantation, who established them selves at Edgartown. The father himself soon followed, and became the governor of the colony. In 1644, by an act of the commissioners of the United Colonies of New England, probably at the request of the inhabitants, Martha's Vineyard was annexed to the jurisdiction of Massachusetts. In 1664, the Duke of York received from his brother, Charles II. , a grant of New York, includ ing Long Island, Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket, and the islands adjacent, which had been previously purchased of Henry, grand son and heir of William Earl of Sterling, who previously resigned and assigned them to the duke. In consequence, these islands became a part of New York, but were left mostly to manage their own afiairs. It was Avhile Martha's Vineyard and Elizabeth Islands were connected Avith New York that, with Nantucket, they were made a county by the name of Dukes County. By the char- * The cellar of Gosnold's storehouse is yet to be seeii, the stones of which were taken from the neighboring beach ; the rocks of the islet being less movable and lying in .edges. This place is what Josselyn and other old authors caU " old Plymouth planta tion, begun m 1602." 148 CHILMARK. ter of William and Mary, which arrived in 1692, these islands were taken from New York and annexed to Massachusetts. In 1695 Martha's Vineyard, the Elizabeth Islands, and Neman's Land, were' separated by the legislature from Nantucket, and made a dis tinct county. These islands suflTered much in the revolutionary war. The vessels of the inhabitants were all taken and destroyed, the young men were captured, and many of them died on board prison ships. They lost most of their cattle and sheep, which were taken oif by the enemy. In the last war with England, the inhabitants of these islands, from their exposed situation, were obliged to remain neutral. In this county there are 3 tOAvns, viz. ChUmark, Edgartown, and Tisbury. CHILMARK, This township comprehends the west end of Martha's Vineyard, the Elizabeth Islands, and Neman's Land. The territory on Mar tha's Vineyard is 10 miles in length, and from 2 to 5 miles m breadth. The Indian name of this part of the island was Nash- ou-oh-ka-muck, and it was the last settled by the Enghsh. There was, however, a village here before the close of the seventeenth cen tury. Whilst it was under the government of New York, it was called the manor of Tisbury, but it was knoAvn by the name of Chilmark as long ago as 1698. The first town meeting was held in 1705, and in 1707 it first sent a representative to the general court. It was incorporated by the name which it now bears in 1714. The first minister in Chilmark was Rev. Ralph Thacher; the time of his ordination is unknown. He Avas dismissed at his request in 1714. In 1715 William Holmes Avas ordained. He was a man of worth, and died in the ministry. In 1746, Andrew Boardman was ordained; and died of the small-pox in 1777. He was succeeded by Jonathan Smith, ordained in 1788, dismissed in 1827. Here are 2 meeting-houses, 1 Congregational, 1 Methodist. Distance 12 miles S. W. by S. of EdgartOAvn, and 92 southerly from Boston. The surface of this toAvnship is more varied than that of the other towns in the county. The northern and Avestern part is uneven, having many hills, which afford an extensive prospect of the ocean, the sound, the Elizabeth Islands, the shore of Fal mouth, and the country beyond the islands. The scene is enlivened by vessels which are continually passing. There are several pleasant and fertile valleys betAveen the hills, about 2 miles from the sound, some of which afford iron ore. Considerable quantities of this ore have been exported to the forges on the main. Deli vered at the sound it is Avorth about 2 dollars per ton. The stones and rocks which lie on these hills are granite ; many of them are large, and some of singular shapes. Several at a distance might CHILMARK, 149 be mistaken for houses. One has a roof like a barn, another is almost a perfect cone, and is called the Sugar Loaf; and others are hollowed out in the form of a bowl. The soil is clay, inter mixed with sand, the clay predominating. There are several plains which are sandy. Both the clayey and sandy places are stony. The land, properly manured, produces good crops of Indian corn, rye, oats, and potatoes. There is more grass land in this town than in other parts of the island. There are but a few brooks, and those small. Swamps are more numerous, lying mostly in the western part of the township, but are not very extensive. Several of them have been cleared and converted into meadows. The best land in the island is at Gay Head, Avhich is reserved to the Indians. There are a number of ponds in the town, the largest of which is ChUmark Great Pond, which consists of tAVO parts connected by an artificial creek, the length of which is 2 miles, east and west. There is a smaU pond near the north-west corner of the township, covering about an acre of ground, and situated on land 70 feet above high Avater. It is so deep that its bottom has never yet J *'V ^ - . -^-^^ ^,..-'l *e value of boots and shoes, $1,005 424 55; males employed, 1,715; females, 1,170. There were 4 tanneries ; hides tanned, 8,050 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $115,630, (part of the leather tanned in other towns) ; hands employed, 47. Six hat manufactories ; hats manufactured, 125,593; value of hats, $75,365; males employed, 83; females, 25 184 HAVE&HIL!,. 39. One woollen mUl, which manufactured $7%000's worth ot woollen goods. For more than seventy years, Haverhill was a frontier town, and often suffered the horrors of savage warfare. The following accounts are taken from Mirick's History of Haverhill, published in Haverhill, in 1832. The accounts are evidently drawn up with a good deal of care and accuracy. On the 15th of March, lf)97, a body of Indians made a descent on the westerly part of the town, and approached the house of Mr. Thomas Dustin. They came, as they were wont, arrayed with all the terrors of a savage war dress, with their muskets charged for the contest, their tomahawks drawn for the slaughter, and their scalping knives unsheathed and glittering in the sunbeams, Mr. Dustin at this time was engaged abroad in his daily labor. When the terrific shouts of the blood-hotmds first fell on his ear, he seized his gun, mounted his horse, and hastened to his house, vrithr the hope of escorting to a place of safety his family, which consisted of his wife, whom he tenderly and passionately loved, and who had been confined only seven days in childbed, her nurse, Mrs. Mary Neff, and eight young chUdren, Immediately upon his arrival, he rushed into his house, and found it a scene of confusion — the women trembling for their safety, and the children weeping and caUing on their mother for protection. He instantly ordered seven of his children to fly in an oppo site direction from that in which the danger was approaching, and went himself to assist his wife. But he was too late — before she could arise from her bed, the enemy were upon them, Mr. Dustin, seeing there was no hope of saving his wife from the clutches of the foe, flew from the house, mounted his horse, and rode full speed after his flying chil dren. The agonized father supposed it impossible to save them all, and he determined to snatch from death the child which shared the most of his affections. He soou came up with the infant brood ; he heard their glad voices and saw the cheerful looks that overspread their countenances, for they felt themselves safe while under his protection. He looked for the child ofhis love — where was it? He scanned the little group from the oldest to the youngest, but he could not find it. They all fondly loved him — they called him by the endearing title of father, were flesh of his flesh, and stretched out their little arms toward him for protection. He gazed upon them, and faltered in his resolution, for there was none whom he could leave behind ; and, indeed, what parent could, in such a situation, select the child which shared the most of his affections ? He could not do it, and therefore resolved to defend them from the murderers, or die at their side, A small party of the Indians pursued Mr, Dustin as he fied from the house, and soon overtook him and his flying children. They did not, however, approach very near, for they saw his determination, and feared the vengeance of a father, but skulked behind the trees and fences, and fired upon him and his little company. Mr. Dustin dismounted from his horse, placed himself in the rear of his children, and returned the fire of the enemy often and with good success. In this manner he retreated for more than a mile, alternately encouraging his terrified charge, and loading and firing his gun, until he lodged them safely in a forsaken house. The Indians, finding that they could not conquer him, returned to their companions, expecting, no doubt, that they should there find victims, on which they might exercise their savage cruelty. The party which entered the house when Mr. Dustin left it, found Mrs. Dustin in bed, and the nurse attempting to fly with the infant in her arms. They ordered Mrs. Dustin to rise instantly, while one of them took the infant from the arms of the nurse, carried it out, and dashed out its brains against an apple-tree. After plundering the house they set it on fire, and commenced their retreat, though Mrs. Dustin had but partly dressed herself, and was without a shoe on one of her feet. Mercy was a stran ger to the breasts of the conquerors, and the unhappy women expected to receive no kindnesses from their hands. The weather at the time was exceedingly cold, the March-wind blew keen and piercing, and the earth was alternately covered with snow and deep mud. They traveUed twelve mUes the first day, and continued their retreat, day by day, following a circuitous route, untU they reached the home of the Indian who claimed them as his property, which was on a small island, now called Dustin's Island, at the mouth of the Contoocook river, about six miles above the state-house in Concord, New Hampshire. NotwUhstandmg their intense suffering for the death of the child —their anxiety for those whom they had left behind, and who-they expected had been HAVERHILL. 185 cruelly butchered — their sufferings from cold and hunger, and from sleeping on the damp earth, with nothing but an inclement sky for a covering — and their terror for themselves, lest the arm that, as they supposed, had slaughtered those whom they dearly loved, would soon be made red with their blood, — notwithstanding aU this, they performed the journey without yielding, and arrived at their destination in compara tive health. The family of their Indian master consisted of two men, three women, and seven chUdren ; besides an EngUsh boy, named Samuel Lennardson, who was taken pri soner about a year previous, at AVorcester. Their master, some years before, had Uved in the famUy of Rev. Mr. Rowlandson, of Lancaster, and he told Mrs. Dustin that " when he prayed the EngUsh way he thought it was good, but now he found the French way better." These unfortunate women had been but a few days with the Indians, when they were informed that they must soon start for a distant Indian settlement, and that, upon their arrival, they would be obUged to conform to the regulations always required of prisoners, whenever they entered the village, which was, to be stripped, scourged, and run the gauntlet in a state of nudity. The gauntlet consisted of two files of Indians, of both sexes and of all ages, containing all that could be mustered in the vUlage ; and the unhappy prisoners were obliged to run between them, when they v/ere scoffed at and beaten by each one as they passed, and were sometimes marks al which the younger Indians threw their hatchets. This cruel custom was often prac tised by many of the tribes, and not unfrequently the poor prisoner sunk beneath it. Soon as the two women were informed of this, they determined to escape as speedily as possible. They could not bear to be exposed to the scoffs and unrestrained gaze of their savage conquerors — death would be preferable. Mrs. Dustin soon planned a mode of e.scape, appointed the 31st inst. for its accomplishment, and prevailed upon her nurse and the boy to join her. The Indians kept no watch, ibr the boy had lived with them so long they considered him as one of their children, and they did not expect that the women, unadvised and unaided, would attempt to escape, when suc cess, at the best, appeared so desperate. On the day previous to the 31st, Mrs. Dustin wished to learn on what part of the body the Indians struck their victims when they would despatch them suddenly, and how they took off a scalp. With this view she instructed the boy to make inquiries of one of the men. Accordingly, at a convenient opportunity, he asked one of them where he would strike a man if he would kill him instantly, and how to take off a scalp. The man laid his finger on his temple — " Strike 'em there," said he ; and then instructed him how to scalp. The boy then communicated his information to Mrs. Dustin. The night at length arrived, and the whole family retired to rest, Uttle suspecting that the most of them would never behold another sun. Long before the break of day, Mrs. Dustin arose, and, having ascertained that they were all in a deep sleep, awoke her nurse and the boy, when they armed themselves with tomahawks, and despatched ten of the twelve. A favorite boy they designedly left ; and one of the squaws, whom they left for dead, jumped up, and ran with him into the woods. Mrs, Dustin kiUed her master, and Samuel Lennardson despatched the very Indian who told him where to strike, and how to take off a scalp. The deed was accomplished before the day began to break, and, after securing what little provision the wigwam of their dead master afforded, they seottled all the boats but one, to prevent pursuit, and with that started for their "homes, Mrs, Dustin took with her a gun that belonged to her master, and the tomahawk with which she committed the tragical deed. They had not pro ceeded far, however, when Mrs. Dustin perceived that they had neglected to take their scalps, and feared that her neighbors, if they ever arrived at their homes, would not credit their story, and would ask them for some token or proof. She told her fears to her companions, and they immediately retumed to the sUent wigwam, took off the scalps of the fallen, and put them into a bag. They then started on their jour ney anew, with the gun, tomahawk, and the bleeding trophies, — palpable witnesses of their heroic and unparaUeled deed. A long and weary journey was before them, but they comraenced it with cheerful hearts, each aUernately rowing and steering their littie bark. Though they had escaped frora the clutches of their unfeeUng master, sUU they were surrounded with dangers. They were thinly clad, the sky was stiU inclement, and they were liable to be re-captured by strolling bands of Indians, or by those who would undoubtedly pur sue them so soon as the squaw and the boy had reported their departure, and the ter rible vengeance they had taken ; and were they again made prisoners, they weU knew that a speedy death would follow. This array of danger, however, did not appaU them, 186 HAVERHILL. for home was their beacon-lightj and the thoughts of their firesides nerved their hearts. They continued to drop silently down the river, keeping a good lookout for strolling Indians • and in the night two of them only slept, while the third managed the boat. in this manner they pursued their journeyj until they arrived safely, with their trophies, at their homes, totally unexpected by their mourning friends, who supposed that they had been butchered by iheir ruthless conquerors. It must truly have been an affect ing meeting for Mrs. Dustin, who likewise supposed that all she loved — all she held dear on earth — was laid in the silent tomb. After recovering from the fatigue of the journey, they started for Boston, where they arrived on the 2lst of April. They carried with them the gun and tomahawk, and their ten scalps — those witnesses that would not lie ; and while there, the general court gave them fifty pounds, as a reward for their heroism. The report of their daring deed soon spread into every part of the country, and when Colonel Nicholson, governor of Maryland, heard of it, he sent them a very valuable present, and many presents were also made to them by their neighbors. The following lines, descriptive of the foregoing, were written by Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, editor of the Ladies' Magazine, recently pub lished in Boston. They contain much ofthe " soul of poetry.'* THE FATHER'S CHOICE. Now fly, as flies the rushing wind- Urge, urge thy lagging 8teed I The savage yell is fierce behind, And life is on thy speed. And from those dear ones make thy choice ; The group he wildly eyed, When "father!" burst from every voice, And "child!" his heart replied. There's one that now can share his toil, And one he meant for fame, And one that weara her mother's smile, And one that bears her name ; And one will prattle on his knee, Or slumber on his breast ; And one whose joys of infancy Are still by smiles expressed. They feel no fear while he ia near ; He'll'shield them from the foe ; But oh ! his ear must thrill to hear Their shriekings, should he go. In vain his quivering lips would speak; No words his thoughts allow; There's burning tears upon his cheek — Death's marble on his brow. And twice he smote his clenched hand- Then bade hia children fly I And turned, and e'en that savage band Cowered at his wrathful eye. Swift as the lightning, winged with death, Flashed forth the quivering flame ! Their fiercest warrior bows beneath The father's deadly aim. Not the wild cries, that read the skiea, His heart of purpose move ; He saves his children, or he dies The sacrifice of love. Ambition goads the conqueror on, Hate points the murderer's brand — But love and duty, these alone Can nerve the good man's hand. The hero may resign the field, The coward murd'rer flee; He cannot fear, he will not yield. That strikes, sweet love, for thee. They come, they c^.'ne — he heeds no cry. Save the soft child-J-, ¦¦ wail, " O, father, save !" " My ^ ""'Idren. fly !" Were mingled on tbe gale. And firmer still he drew his bi ^atn, And sterner flash'd his eye, As fast he hurls the leaden death, Still shouting, " Children, fly I" No shadow on his brow appeared. Nor tremor shook his frame, Save when at intervals he heard Some trembler lisp his name. In vain the foe, those fiends unchained. Like famished tigers chafe. The sheltering roof is near'd, ia gain'd, AU, all the dear ones safe ! The 29th of August, 1708, a party of French and Indians, from Canada, fell upon Haverhill, and killed and captured about forty inhabitants. The following is from Mirick's History of Haverhill. It is said that their first design was to attack Portsmouth, and then, marching rap»dly onward to other settlements, spread terror and desolation along the whole frontier. But being unable to accompUsh this on account of the unexpected desertions, they were obliged to compress their views. Their whole force was now about 250, a small number when compared with that which started from Canada. Probably tlie French officers felt ashamed to return without effecting something, after they had been at so much trouble and expense ; accordingly, HaverhiU, a compact village, consisting of about thirty houses, was selected for the slaughter. At the break of day, on the 2&th of August, they passed the frontier garrisons undis covered, and were first seen near the pound, marching two and two, by John Keezar, wno was returning from Amesbury. He immediately ran into the village aiid aianaed EeiCAFE OF THE DUSTAN FAMILY.— [Page 184.i Engagement at the North Bridge, at Concord.— [Page 382.] in 1775, by Mr. Doo- [The above is drawn from a large engraving, published ii little, of New Haven, Conn., entitled " The Engagement at the North Bridge, at Concord." This engraving represents what may bo eousideied tbe first regular cnoflict of the Revolution.] HAVERHILL. 187 the inhabitants, who seem to have slept totally unguarded, by firing his gun near the meeting-house. The enemy soon appeared, making the air ring with terrific yells, with a sort of whistle, which, says tradition, could be heard as far as a horn, and clothed in all the terrors of a savage war-dress. They scattered in every direction over the village, so that they inight accomplish their bloody work with more despatch. The first person they saw was Mrs. Smith, whom they shot as she was flying from her house to a garrison. The foremost party attacked the house of Eev. Benjamin Rolfe, which was then garrisoned with three soldiers, and he, and a part of his beloved and accomplished family, were suddenly awakened from their .slumbers, only to hear the horrid knell for their departure. Mr. Rolfe instantly leaped from his bed, placed himself against the door, which they were endeavoring to beat in, and called on the soldiers for assistance ; but these craven-hearted men refused to give it, for they were palsied with fear, and walked to and fro through the chambers, crying and swinging their arms. Had they displayed but half the ordinary courage of men, no doubt they would have successfully defended the house. But, instead of that, they did not fire a gun, or even lift a finger towards its defence. The enemy, finding their entrance strenuously opposed, fired two balls through the door, one of which took effect, and wounded Mr. Rolfe in the elbow. They then pressed against it with their united strength, and Mr. Rolfe, finding it impossible to resist them any longer, fied precipitately through the house, and out at the back door. The Indians followed, overtook him at the well, and despatched him with their tomahawks. They then searched every part of the house for plunder, and also for other victims, on whom they might inflict their savage cruelties. They soon found Mrs. Rolfe and her youngest child, Mehitable, and while one of them sunk his hatchet deep in her head, another took the infant from her dying grasp, and dashed its head against a stone near the LYNN. 195 called the Flax Pond. Their first houses were rade stractures, with steep roofs, covered with thatch, or small bundles of sedge or straw, laid one over another. The fire places were made of rough stones, and the chimneys of boards, or short sticks, cross ing each other, and plastered inside with clay. Beside the haste and necessity which prevented the construction of more elegant habitations, the people who had wealth were advised to abstain from all superfluous expense, and to reserve their money for the pubhc use. Even the deputy governor, Mr. Dudley, was censured for wainscot- ting his house. In a few years, houses of a better order began to appear. They were built with two stories in front, and sloped down to one in the rear. The windows were small, and opened outward on hinges. They consisted of very small diamond panes, set in sashes of lead. The fire-places were large enough to admit a four-foot log, and the children might sit in the corners and look up at the stars. On whichevei side of the road the houses were placed, they uniformly faced the south, that the sun at noon might "shine square." Thus each house formed a domestic sun-dial, by which the good matron, in the absence of the clock, could tell, in fair weather, when to call her husband and sons from the field — for the industrious people of Lynn, then as well as now, always dined exactly at twelve. It was the custom of the first settlers to wear long beards, and it is said that " some had their overgrown beards so frozen together, that they could not get their strong water bottells into their mouths." In very hot weather, " servants were priviledged to rest from their labours, from ten of the clocke till two." The common address of men and women was Goodman and Guodwife ; none but those who sustained some office of dignity, or belonged to some respectable family, were complimented ¦with the title of Master. In writing they seem to have had no capital F, and thus in the early records we find two small ones used instead ; and one m with a dash over it stood for two. The following song, which appears to have been written about this time, exhibits some of the peculiar customs and modes of thinking among the early settlers. The place where we live is a wilderness wood, Where grass is much wantine that's fruitful and good ; Our mouQtains and hills, and our valleys below, Being commonly covered with ice and with snow. And when the north-west wind with violence blows, Then every man pulls his cap over his noae; But if any is hardy and will it withstand, He forfeits a finger, a foot, or a hand. But when the spring opens we then take the hoe, And make the ground ready to plant and to sow; Our corn being planted, and seed being sown, The worms deslroy much before it ia grown. And while it is growing some spoil there is made By birds, and by squirrels, that pluck up the blade ; And when it is come to full corn in the ear, It is often destroyed by raccoon and by deer. And now our old garments begin to grow thin, And wool is much wanted to card and to spin j If we can get a garment lo cover without, Our other in-garments are clout upon clout. ¦Our clothes we brought with us are apt lo be torn, They need to be clouted soon after they're worn ; But clouting our garments, they hinder us nothing, Clouts double are warmer than single whole clothing. If fresh meat be wanting to fill up our dish, We have carrots, and pumpkins, and turnips, and fish; And if there's a mind for a delicate dish, We haate to the clam banlcs, and there we catch fish. 'Stead of pottage, and puddings, and custards, and pies, Our turnips and parsnips are common supplies; We have pumpkins at morning, and pumpkins at noon, If it was not for pumpkins we should be undone. If barley be wanting to make into malt, We must then be contented, and think it no fault ; For we can make liquor, to sweeten our lips, Of pumpkins, and parsnips, and walnut tree chips. Now while some are going, let others be coming, For while liquor's boiling it must have a scumming ; But I will not blame them, for birds of a feather, By seeking their fellows, are flocking together. Then you whom the Lord intends hither to bring, Forsake not the honey for fear of the sting ; But bring both a quiet and contented mind, And all needful blessings you surely will find. The following are the names of some of the persons who appear to have been inhabitants of Lynn in 1630. Joseph Armitage, Allen Breed, Wm. Ballard, Nicholas Brown, Edward Baker, Samuel Bennet, Nicholas Bro^wn, Thomas Coldam, Clement Coldam, Thomas Chadwell, William Cowdrey, Henry Collins, Thomas Dexter, William Dixey, Robert Driver, George Farr, Jeremy Fitch, Edmund Farrington, Adam Hawkes, Edward Holyoke, Edward Howe, Lieut. Danl. Howe, Ephraim Howe, WilUam Hathorne, Thomas Hudson, Christopher Hussey, Christopher Lyndsey, Thomas NewhaU, Robert Potter, John Bamsdell, John Taylor, Capt. Ed. TomUns, Timothy Tomlins, Capt. Nath. Turner, Capt. Rich. Walker Thomas WiUis, John White, William Witter, John Wood, "WilUam Wood. 196 LYNN. The following persons were also at Lynn as early as 1637. Abraham Belknap, Edmund Bridges, Jenkin Davis, Joseph Floyd, Christopher Foster, George Fraile, Nathaniel Handforth, Thomas Ivory, Richard Johnson, Thomas Keysar, Thomas Laighton, Richard Longley, John Pierson, Richard Boolton, Richard Sadler, William Andrews, Richard Brooks, Goodman Cox, Goodman Crosse, John Deacon, John Elderkin, William George, Francis Godson, Henry Gaines, John Gillow, Thomas Halsye, James Hewes, Robert Hewes, William Hewes, Jeremy Howe, John Hudson, Samuel Hutchinson, Thomas Hutchinson, Philip Kneeland, Thomas Painfe, Robert Parsons, Thomas Parker, Joseph Pell, Nicholas Poor, Wm. Partridge, Thoinas Read, Isaac Robinson, Jarett Spenser, Michael Spenser, Josias Stanbury, George Taylor, William Thorn, Mr. Wathin, George Welbye, Richard WeUs, Edward West, Thomas Wheeler, Nathanl. Whiteridge, John Humfrey, Edward Howe. Lynn in its present limits extends nearly six miles on the sea- coast, on the northern shore of Massachusetts Bay, and extends Western entrance of the central part of Lynn. about four miles into the woods. From the center of the southern side a beach of sand projects into the sea nearly two miles, and terminates in a peninsula, called Nahant. The whole town con tains 9,360 acres. The south-eastern part is a tract of excellent salt marsh ; and the northern part is a range of wood-land and pasture. The inhabited part of the town is an extensive plain, gently undulating toward the extremities into graceful elevations, skirted on the south by the sea, and defended on the north by a range of rocky hills. A considerable degree of attention is given to agriculture. The farmers have much improved their lands by cultivation, and by procuring sea weed and rock weed from the beaches for manure. These substances have been freely mingled with the soil, and since their use the crops of English grass have been increased in nearly a tenfold proportion. The other princi pal products are Indian corn, barley, and the common vegetable productions. The cold and damp sea breezes, which frequently prevail, have an unfavorable eftect, and the soil appears to be uncongenial to the finer sorts of grain. LYNN. 197 The foregoing view was taken at the western entrance of Lynn. The entrance to the common is seen on the right. This is a level tract of about twenty acres. A handsome circular pond has been recently dug near the center, and other improvements have been made. The village is principally built on a plain, back of which are hills composed of rough rocks, partially covered with bushes and trees. On the side next the ocean and on Saugus river are salt marshes. To the south-west of the village the turnpike from Bos ton to Salem passes over an extensive tract of marsh land. There are 8 churches in this place, 3 Methodist, 2 Congregational, 1 for Friends, 1 Baptist, and 1 Universalist. There are two banks, the Lynn Mechanics Bank, incorporated in 1814, and the Nahant Bank, incorporated in 1832, each with a capital of $150,000. There is a savings bank, incorporated in 1826, and three insu rance companies. The Lynn Academy, an incorporated institution, was first opened in 1805. A newspaper is published here. Lynn is 5 miles from Salem, and 9 from Boston. Population, 9,323. In 1837 there were manufactured in this town 2,220 pairs of boots, 2,543,929 pairs of shoes ; value of boots and shoes, $1,689,793 ; males employed, 2,631 ; females, 2,554. There were 6 morocco leather manufactories ; value of leather manufactured, $153,000 : males employed, 90 ; females, 16. There were 5 vessels employed in the whale fishery, and 14 in the cod and mackerel fishery. A manufactory of India rubber cloth has been recently established. " Nahant is a peninsula on the south of Lynn. In the beauty and sublimity of its scenery, combined with its pecuUar advantages of health and pleasure, it is not sur- passed by any place on the coast of America. It consists of two, elevated, rock-engir dled islands, called Great and Little Nahants, united together by a beach, half a mile in length, and connected to the main land by another beach, one mile and a half in length. From the center of the town, the Long beach projects directly into the sea, and is washed by the waves of the great ocean on the eastern side, and on the western by the waters of the harbor. It is a gently curving bar, of fine, silvery, gray sand, rising so high in the center as generaUy to prevent the waves from passing over it, and almost imperceptibly sloping to the water oh each side. It is unbroken by land, or rock, or shrub, for its whole extent, and the broad ridge of dry sand, which passes through its center, is interspersed with shells, and pebbles, and fragments of coral and other substances, which the storms have cast upon it, among which the white guU lays her spotted eggs, in little cavities scooped in the sand, and, soaring overhead, startles the traveller by her shrilling shriek. The portion of the beach which is left by the tide, is broad enough for My carriages to pass abreast, and presents a perfectly smooth surface of pure, fine sand, beaten hard and polished by the constant breaking of the waves, on which the horse's hoof leaves no print, and the wheel passes, with out sound or trace, Uke a velvet roller on marble, l'he hard sand frequently retains sufficient water, for an hour after the tide has left it, to give it the appearance of glass, in which objects are reflected as in a mirror. " Little Nahant is a hill, consisting of two graceful elevations, rising eighty feet above the sea, and defended by battlements of rock, from twenty to sixty feet in height. It is about half a mile in length, and contains forty-two acres, seventeen of which are in good cultivation The outer portion of the peninsula, called Great Nahant, is about two miles in length, and in some parts half a mile broad, containing four hundred and sixty-three acres. The surface is uneven, rising into elevations, from forty to one hundred feet above the level of the sea. The shores are extremely iiTegular, being composed, in many places, of huge precipitous rocks, in some places resembling iron, rising from twenty to sixty feet above the tide, with a great depth of water below ; and in others, stretching out into beautiful beaches, or curving into deUghtful recesses and coves, filled with pebbles, of every variety of form and color, 198 LYNN. from burning red to stainless white. The whole outUne presents the most agreeable interchange of scenery, from the low beach, that glistens beneath the thin edge of the Wave, to lofty precipices, and majestic cUffs that rise Like moonlight battlements, and lowers decayed by lime. Nahant Hotel, Long Beach, Lynn. " Nahant is much visited by persons for the improvement of health, and by parties of pleasure, from the neighboring towns, for whom it furnishes every accommodation. Two steamboats are constantly running from Boston during the pleasant season, but a ride by land, over the beaches, is much more delightful. A spacious and elegant hotel has been erected, of stone, near the eastern extremity. It contains nearly a hundred rooms, and is rurrounded by a double piazza, commanding the most deUght. ful prospects. Several other hotels and boarding-houses are situated in the ¦village, and about twenty beautiful cottages, the summer residence of gentlemen of fortune, are scattered over the peninsula. There is also a neal stone building erected for a chapel, which serves for a library and school-room." — Lewis' Hist, of Lynn. The church at Lynn was gathered in June, 1632, and was the fifth in Massachusetts. The first meeting-house was a plain small building, without bell or cupola, and stood on the eastern side of Shepard street. It was placed in a small hollow, that it might be the better sheltered from the winds, and was approached by descend ing several steps. Before this, part of the people of Lynn attended public worship at Salem. Rev. Stephen Batchelor, the first min ister, on his arrival in Lynn in 1632, immediately commenced the exercise of his ministerial duties, without installation. About four months afterwards a complaint was made of some irregularities in his conduct. He was arraigned before the court at Boston, Oct. 3d, when the following order was passed: "Mr. Bachelr- is re quired to forbeare excerciseing his giftes as past'- or teacher pub- liquely in of- Patent, unlesse it be to those he brought with him, for his contempt of authority, and till some scandals be removed." This was the commencement of a series of difficulties which agi tated the unhappy church for several years. The Rev. Samuel Whiting arrived from England in June, and was installed pastor of the church in November, 1636. The next year Rev. Thomas Cobbet who also came from England, was LYNNFIELD. 199 installed a colleague pastor with Mr. Whiting. Mr. W. was styled the pastor, as being the principal, and Mr. Cobbet was called teacher, an office in some degree subordinate, though his talents were superior. Rev. Jeremiah Shepard was the first minister of Lynn who was born and educated in America. He was ordained in 1680, and died in 1720, having preached at Lynn forty years. He was distinguished for his unafiected piety and his untiring exertions for the spiritual welfare of his people. The following epitaph was transcribed from his grave-stone with difficulty ; hav ing become greatly obliterated by the hand of time, for a period of more than one hundred years. EUjah's mantle drops, the prophet dies, His earthly mansion quits, and mounts the skies. So Shepard's gone. His precious dust, death's prey, indeed is here, But's nobler breath 'mong Seraphs does appear ; He joins adoring crowds about the throne. He's conquered aU, and now he wears the crown. LYNNFIELD. This town was originally called Ijynn End, having been granted to Lynn soon after the settlement of the town. A meeting house was built in 1715. It was incorporated into a district in 1782. In 1814 it became a separate town. The town abounds with wild and romantic scenery, its surface being broken and uneven, and its hills clothed with dense forests. Farming is the principal employment of the inhabitants. In 1837 there were 100 pairs of boots and 54,000 shoes manufactured, valued at $40,250 ; males employed, 93 ; females, 80. Population, 674. Distance, 12 miles from Boston. The Congregational church in this place was the second of Lynn, was formed 1720. The first pastor. Rev. Nathaniel Spar hawk, settled here at the formation of the church ; he resigned 1731. He was succeeded by the Rev. Stephen Chase in 1731, and resigned 1755. His successor was the Rev. Benjamin Adams, who was settled in 1755, died 1777. He was succeeded by the Rev. Joseph Motley in 1782, who died in 1821. The next was the Rev. Joseph Searl, who was settled here in 1824, resigned in 1827. There is also a society of Methodists in the town. The following is from the inscription on the monument of Mr. Daniel Townsend in this place, who was killed in Lexington, April 19th, 1775. He was born in 1738. Lie, vaUant Townsend, in the peaceful shades, we trust Immortal honors mingle -with thy dust. What though thy body struggle in its gore? So did thy Savior's body long before ; And as he raised his own by power divine, So the same power shall also quicken thine, And in eternal glory mayst thou shine ! 27 200 M A N C H fi o MANCHESTER. Manchester was once known by the name of Jeffrey's Creek, and formed a part of Salem. Upon the petition of several of the inhabitants it was incorporated, in 1645, by its present name. The surface of the township is rocky and uneven, and in many places is covered with extensive forests. Here is found the Mag nolia, a low tree, bearing many beautiful and sweet-scented flowers. Here is a variety of soil, which is in a good state of culture. The fishing business was commenced at this place at a very early pe riod, but of late years this business has somewhat declined. Some of the most enterprising ship-masters of Boston and vicinity are natives of this town. There is about 1000 tons of shipping em ployed. The vessels are of small size. The depth of water will not allow vessels exceeding 120 tons to come up to the town. The harbor is good, and affords anchorage for vessels of any size. South-western view of Manchester. There is a Congregational society here, which was gathered in 1716, under the ministry of the Rev. Amos Cheever. Before this year no church records of Manchester are found. The Universal ists have a small society, which was organized in 1820. The busi ness of making cabinet furniture is carried on here with great activity, employing 150 men or more. In 1837 there were 12 manu factories of chairs and cabinet ware ; value of articles manufac tured, $84,500 ; hands employed, 120. There were 14 vessels employed in the cod and mackerel fishery, employing 65 hands. Population, 1,346. The above shows the appearance of Manchester village as it is entered from the south-west upon the Beverly road. Coasters from 60 to 70 tons burthen can come up to this village, which consists of upwards of eighty dwelling-houses, built compactly together. Dis tance, 7 miles from Gloucester, 9 from Salem, and 23 from Boston. The following inscriptions are copied from monuments in the grave-yard in this place : MARBLEHEAD. 201 In memory of Benjamin Tappan, late pastor of the church in Manchester, who ex pired May 6, 1790, in the 70th year of his age, and 45th year of his ministry. He was a sincere and exemplary christian, a tender husband and parent, a judicious and sound divine, a prudent and faithful minister. Oh ever honor'd, ever dear, adieu. How many tender names are lost in you. Keep safe, 0 tomb, thy precious .sacred trast. Till Ufe divine awake his sleeping dust. Colo'- Benj'- Marston lies here, who died May 22, 1754, being 57 years & 3 mo. old. Art thou curious, reader, to know wh.it sort of man he was? Wait tiU the final day of Retribution, and then thou mayest be satisfied. Sacred to the memory of Capt. John Allen, who died Aug. 27, 1834, aged 59 years. Though Boreas' blasts and Neptune's waves Have toss'd me to and fro. In spite of both, by God's decree, I harbor here below. Now here at anchor I do lie. With many of our fleet. In hope again for to set sail My Savior Christ to meet. MARBLEHEAD. Marblehead was originally a part of Salera, from which it was detached and incorporated as a distinct town in 1649. At this time it contained 44 families, the heads of whieh were of the fol lowing names : James Smith, Rowland Smith, iSamuel Doliber, Edmund Nicholson, Francis Nicholson, John Gatchell, WiUiam Barber, David Thomas, John Legg, Peter Pitford, Erasmus James, Thomas Bo-winge, John Stacie, George Chine, John Northy, Nicholas Merrett, Thomas Pitman, Timothy Allen, Thomas Sams, Arthur Sanden, Isaac AUerton, Moses Maverick, Mr. Walton, John Lyon, Henry Stacie, WilUam Chichester, Samuel Corwithen, Thomas Gray, Richard Norman, John Peachy, Richard Curtice, John Hart, William Charles, John Deveroe, Abrm. Whitcare, John BartoU, Joseph Doliber Robert Knight, John Bennett, F. J. Walsingham, John Norman, William Luckis, Christoph. Lattimore, John Goyt. The township is a rough and very rocky* peninsula, extending between three and four miles into the sea, and it is inhabited prin cipally on accaunt of its convenience as a fishing port. The first ^settlers made their pitch on the eastern side of the town, taking advantage of a very good harbor, running north-east and south west, and towards half a mile on an average. " At the south-west ¦end of the harbor the town is connected with the Great Neck, so called, by a very narrow isthmus, separating the waters of Lynn bay from those of the harbor. About the year 1728, it was found that the sea was fast encroaching on the south-west side of this isthmus, so as to endanger the preservation and security of the har bor. The government of the province at that time attended to the subject, as it respected not only the town in particular, but the trade of the province in general ; and ordered by an act the sum * As the celebrated Mr. Whitefield was entering the settlement late in the autumn, when no verdure was to be seen, he exclaimed, "Pray where do they bury their dead ?" It may be observed, that, notwithstanding the rough and forbidding aspect of the ¦soil, it is very productive when cultivated. 202 marblehead, of £1,328 to be paid out of the public treasury for necessary re pairs. It seems that about the year 1762 some necessary repairs were made. In the year 1790, although the town had carefully endea vored to secure, support, and keep the same in good repair, the go vernment of the commonwealth of Massachusetts, considering the preservation of the said harbor was a matter of public concem, &c., granted a sum of £1000 to be raised by a lottery" for this purpose. About 1742 this town was authorized to erect a fortification for the defence of the place ; the government, it seems, having granted £690 for this purpose. In 1794 it was ceded to the United States by a vote of the town. The fortification which defends the har bor is now called Fort Sewall. North-eastern view of Marblehead from Fort Sewall. The above is a north-eastern view of Marblehead taken from Fort Sewall. The harbor in front of the town is a mile and a half long from north-east to south-west, and half a mile wide. It is formed by a narrow isthmus at the south-west that separates it from Lynn bay, and connects the town with Great Neck. It is deep and excellent, capable of being entered at all times by ships ofthe largest size, and would be one ofthe finest in the country, were it not for its exposure to storms, which often render its anchorage unsafe. In 1837 the town of Marblehead contained 5,549 inhabit-- ants : with the exception of about twenty farmers and their families, they are comprised within the limits of one mile by one quarter. The village is quite novel in its appearance, being compact and very irregularly built, owing to the very uneven and rocky surface of the ground on which it is built. There are five handsome churches in this place, viz. 2 Congregational, 1 of which is Unita rian, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, and 1 Baptist. There are two banks, the " Marblehead Bank," incorporated in 1803, capital $120,000, and the " Grand Bank," incorporated in 1831, capital $100,000 ; there are two insurance companies, each with a capi tal of $100,000. There is an academy, incorporated in 1792, and marblehead. 203 has ever been a respectable and useful institution. Distance, 4 miles from Salem, and 16 from Boston. The shipping owned here amounts to more than eight thousand tons. In 1837, there were 55 vessels employed in the cod and mackerel fishery, the tonnage of which was 4603 ; codfish caught, 49,403 quintals ; mackerel caught, 243 barrels ; 500 hands employed. In the same year were manu factured 97 pairs of boots, and 1,025,824 pairs of shoes, the value of which was $367,780 ; males employed, 503 ; females, 656. In the Rev. Mr. Barnard's diary,* (early in the century, or before 1720,) when speaking of this town, gives the following statement : " There was not a carpenter, a tailor, nor mason, nor butcher in the town ; nor any thing of a market worth naming. They had their houses built by country workmen, and their clothes made out of town, and supplied themselves with beef and pork from Boston, which drained the town of its money. Some years after, the town abounded with artificers, good workmen of every description, and the market had a full supply. At the time before mentioned, there was not one foreign vessel, although the town always possessed every advantage for a free and extensive navigation. The people contented themselves to be slaves to work in the mines, leaving it to the merchants of Salem, Boston, and Europe, to carry off" thc gains, by which means the town was poor and in debt : — so much were they involved in debt to the merchants of other places, that very few families, not more than twenty, were independent in their circumstances. They were generally a rude, swearing, drunken and fighting crew ; but as they increased in numbers they made improvements in social life, in virtue and good morals. By the middle of the century, the manners of the people were so much cultivated, as to be remarkable for their civilities, and especially for their hospitality to strangers. There were not only gentle manlike families, and pious and well-behaved people in the town, but the very fishermen rose superior to the rudeness of former gene rations. When they were persuaded by individuals of public spirit to send their fish to foreign markets, they soon became conver sant with the mysteries of trade, they soon became sensible of the advantage they should reap by it. And while individuals grew rich, the town also received the benefit." " Mr. Joseph Swett, a young man of strict justice, of great indus try, enterprising genius, quick apprehension, and firm resolution, but small fortune, was the first man who engaged in it. He sent a cargo to Barbadoes, and from the profits of the voyage found that he increased his stock, and went on building vessels, till he was enabled to send vessels to Europe, loading them with fish, and pointing out to others the path to riches. The more promising young men of the town folloAved his example; and from this small begin ning, Marblehead became one of the first trading towns of the Bay. In the year 1766, there were between thirty and forty ships, brigs, snows, and topsail schooners engaged in foreign trade." * CoU. Mass. Hist. Soc, vol. viii. 204 marblehead. About 1770 Marblehead was supposed to contain a greater num ber of inhabitants than any other town of the province, Boston ex cepted. During the revolutionary war this place suflered severely, and the business of the place was almost wholly destroyed. The inhabitants were firm in the cause of American liberty, and this place alone furnished, of its own inhabitants, for the public service, one entire regiment, completely officered and manned. The value of this regiment at that trying period, composed of men inured to fatigue and danger, and not wasted by sickness in any one instance, is best determined by a recollection of their patience, bravery, and effective service. Captain James Mugford, an inhabitant of this place, rendered an important service to the American army during the Revolution, by capturing, at a critical juncture, a British ship just arrived in the vicinity of Boston, richly laden with arms, am munition, and other warlike stores. He was killed the same day he made the capture, January 12th, 1776, in attempting to return from Boston to Marblehead, while defending his little privateer from the attack of some boats sent from the British men-of-war riding at Nantasket road. Their object was to take him at the moment his vessel run ashore on a point of land, which makes the entrance of Pudding Point Gut. Captain Mugford fought for a considerable time. At length, one of the boats attempting to board him, he sprung to the railing of his vessel in order the better to repel the enemy ; he was mortally wounded by a pistol-shot. Falling back, one of his crew anxiously inquired if he was wounded. He said, " Yes, but don't let the enenfiy know my situation, and if I die act as if I were alive and were still commanding ;" after which he immedi ately expired. His brave seamen made dreadful havoc of the limbs and lives of the enemy, beat them off, and got into Marblehead, where great respect was shown to the remains of Capt. Mugford. The Rev. Samuel Cheever, the first minister of Marblehead, was ordained in 1684, having preached here sixteen years previous to his settlement. He died in 1724, aged eighty-five. He preached upwards of half a century without being taken off" from his labors one Sabbath ; when he died, the lamp of life fairly burnt out, for he felt no pain even in his expiring moments. He was succeeded by Mr. John Barnard, who had been previously an assistant pastor with Mr. Cheever. He died in 1770, and was succeeded by Mr. William Whitwell. Mr. Ebenezer Hubbard succeeded Mr. Whit- well, was ordained in 1783, and died in 1800. Mr. Samuel Dana was ordained pastor in 1801. The second church in Marblehead was formed when Mr. Barnard was assistant pastor with Mr. Cheever. Mr. Edward Holyoke, afterward president of Harvard college, appears to have been the first minister. He was chosen president in 1737. His successor in the ministry at Marblehead was Mr. Simon Bradstreet, who was ordained in 1738. Mr. Brad street was succeeded by Mr. Isaac Story, in 1772. One of the first Episcopal societies in Massachusetts was planted in Marblehead. Their first minister was Mr. William Shaw ; the next Mr. David Monsam, who was succeeded by Mr. George Pigot and Alexander marblehead. 205 Malcolm. Mr. Peter Bours, their fifth minister, was highly es teemed by Christians of all denominations. He was succeeded by Mr. Joshua Wingate Weeks. For several years after the Revolu tion, the church was destitute. Mr. Thomas Oliver was their next minister ; he was succeeded by Mr. William Harris. The next clergyman was Mr. James Bowers, who was ordained in Trinity church, in Boston, May 25, 1802, by the hands of the Rev. Bishop Bass. In 1789 a number of the inhabitants of Marblehead erected a meeting-house for those "whose opinions differed from the opinions of their neighbors." In 1800 a meeting-house was built for the Methodist denomination. The Baptist society was estab hshed in 1803. John Glover, a brigadier general in the American army in the revolutionary war, was a native of this town. He had the command of a regiment from the beginning of the revolutionary cat>test. He had the honor, ¦with his brave officers and soldiers, of forming the advance part of the army which, in a bold and intrepid manner, crossed the Delaware in the night of the 25th of December, 1776, at a most inhospitable and hazardous juncture, and added much to the martial glory of the American forces by capturing, at Trenton, a thousand Hessians, under the immortal Washington. This propitious event inspired the conti ¦ nental army with confidence ofthe final happy result, and was foUowed ¦with victories iu every quarter, tUl Heaven sanctioned the justice of the American appeal with the dis comfiture of the enemy and the freedom of the United States. General Glover had the honor of conducting Burgoyne's army, after its surrender, through the New England states ; and, in various instances, during the war, he had the warm approbation and unqualified applause of his commander-in-chief. A want of documents prevents the author of this work from paying a more fuU tribute of res pect to the memory of one of the most brave, bold, and persevering officers of the revolutionary army. He, therefore, cannot better close this article, than with an extract from a letter, addressed to General Glover by General Washington, dated Morris, 26 April, 1777, soon after his appointment to the command of a brigade. " Diffidence in an officer is a good mark, because he wUl always endeavor to bring himself up to what he conceives to be the fuU line of his duty ; but, I think I may teU you -without flattery, that I know of no man better qualified than you to con duct a brigade. You have activity and industry, and as you very well know the duty of a colonel, you know how to exact that duty from othecs."— Alden's Coll. vol. iii. " Hon. Elbridge Gerry, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, was born in Marblehead, July 17, 1744, and from his first election as representative of his native town in the legis lature, he continued in public hfe, almost without intermission, fil ling the most important offices, such as that of a member of con gress, ambassador to France, governor of the commonwealth, and vice president of the United States, till his decease. His spirit was nourished by close communion with the Adamses, Hancock, Warren, &c. On the night preceding the battle of Lexington, he narrowly escaped capture as one of the ' rebel ' committee of the ])rovincial congress. In 1813, as he was proceeding to the senate chamber at Washington, ' a sudden extravasation of blood took place upon the lungs, and terminated his life within twenty minutes, almost without a struggle, and apparently without pain.' " — Essex Memorial. The following inscriptions are from monuments in this place 206 METHUEN. In memory of the rev. John Babnard, a faithful pastor of the flrst church in Mar- blehead. He was a learned divine, a judicious and profitable preacher, who has left exceUent performances to his and their posterity. He exhibited a bright example of piety and christian virtue, was a promoter of peace and friendship, an ornament to the church and town, and after a long life spent in the service of Christ and souls, on the 24th of Jan. 1770, in the 54 year of his ministry, and the 89 of his age, feU asleep in Jesus. Memoris sacrum rev. domini Johannis Baeward, primse Christi ecclesiee apnd Mar blehead pastoris fidelis. Theologus erat vere eruditus, concionator admodum sapiens utilisque. Suis non solum quin et posteris monita reliquit. Exemplum pietatis ao christianse virtutis insigne, amicitise et pacis cultor, ecclesiae et oppidi decus multos post labores Christi et animarum causa peractos hac vita, Januarii 24, 1770, et minis terii 54 aetatis que 89, placide decessit. Under this stone lies the body of the Rev. Peter Boues, once minister of this church, which office, for the space of nine years, he discharged with faithfulness, teaching the doctrines of the gospel with plainness and fervency, Ulustrating the truth and reaUty of what he taught, by his own life, the goodness of which, joined with great candor, and unbounded benevolence of mind, obtained for him not only the most sincere love of his own people, but also the love of virtuous men of every persuasion. He died 24 Feb- raary, 1762, aged 36 years. To his memory his people have erected this monument in testimony of his great worth and their sincere regards. Persuasion draws, example leads the mind ; Their double force compels, when meetly joined. METHUEN. The eastern part of this town was formerly a part of Haverhill. It was incorporated as a town in 1725. The soil near the Merri mac, which is the south-western boundary of the town, is not so good as that in the more northern part. The surface of the town ship is broken into a variety of hills and valleys, and the soil may be in general considered as good. Spicket or Spiggot river, in its course from New Hampshire, centrally intersects and falls into the Merrimac. This little river has a fall of about thirty feet down a rocky precipice, and affords a plentiful supply of water for manu facturing purposes. This has been improved, and there is now a flourishing village at this place, containing about 1,000 inhabitants, 3 churches, 1 Baptist, 1 Congregational, and 1 Universalist. Me thuen Falls village is situated about one mile south of the New Hampshire line. The engraving shows the appearance of the vil lage as seen from the eastward. The Congregational church ap pears on elevated ground in the distance on the extreme right ; the Baptist church, the largest in the village, is the nearest ; the Uni versalist church is seen beyond in the distance ; the large factory, built of brick, is seen on the extreme left, standing by the falls. Distance, 9 miles from Lowell, 9 from Haverhill, 5 from Andover, and 25 from Boston. A cotton factory was commenced here about 1812, by Stephen Minot, Esq. of Haverhill. This was burnt in 1818, but was rebuilt soon after. A newspaper, the "Methuen Falls Gazette," was commencedhere in Jan. 1835. Apaper-mill was erected in this town in 1826. The following, relative to this town, is from the Statistical Tables, published by the state in 1837. Cot ton mills 2- cotton spindles, 4,400; cotton consumed, 527,899 lbs. ; middleton, 207 Eastern view of Methuen Falls Village. cotton goods manufactured, 1,019,903 yards; value of the same, $190,000 ; males employed, 55 ; females, 225 ; capital invested, $180,000 ; sperm oil used by the manufacturers, 2,750 gallons. Shoes manufactured, 211,300 pairs; value of the same, $159,225; males employed, 190 ; females, 167. Manufactories of hats, 5 ; hats manufactured, 48,000 ; value of hats, $23,000 ; males employ ed, 36 ; females, 9. Paper-mills, 2 ; stock manufactured, 195 tons ; value of paper, $32,500. Value of piano forte frames, $10,000. The first church in this town was formed in 1729, and Rev. Christopher Sergeant was ordained the same year. He died in 1790. Rev. Simon F. Williams, a colleague with Mr. Sergeant, was dismissed in 1791. Rev. Humphrey C. Perley, his successor, was ordained in 1795, and dismissed in 1815. Rev. Jacob W. Eastman, the next pastor, was settled in 1815, and retired in 1828. A second church was formed in 1766, and Rev. Eliphaz Chapman was or dained in 1772. The second pastor was John H. Stephens, the third Josiah Hill. (The first and second churches were united from 1817 to 1830.) The Baptist church was formed in 1815, and Rev. Charles O. Kimball was ordained pastor the next year. The Universalist society was organized in 1824. A small Episcopal society was formed here in 1833. Population, 2.463. MIDDLETON. This town was incorporated tn 1728. It was formed of the uni ted corners pf several adjoining towns. The first church was gathered here in 1729, and Rev. Andrew Peters, the first pastor, was settled the same year. The second pastor. Rev. Elias Smith, was settled in 1759. He died in 1792, and was succeeded by Rev. Solomon Adams in 1793. Rev. Ebenezer Hubbard, the next pastor, was settled in 1816 ; his successor, Rev. Forrest Jefferds, was set 28 208 NEWBURY. tied in 1832. There is another society in this town, called the United Society. The surface of the township is uneTen, and the soil requires good management and great industry to render it productive. The inhabitants live scattered over the town, there being no village of importance. In 1837, there were 300 pairs of boots and 500 pairs of shoes manufactured, valued at $1,500 ; and one paper-miU, which manufactured 100 tons of stock ; value of paper, $35,000. Population, 671. Distance, 7 miles N. W. of Salem, 18 from New buryport, and 20 N. of Boston. NEWBURY. Newbury was originally one of the largest as well as one of the oldest towns in Massachusetts. "In 1633, arrived a number of people in the ship Hector, who settled at Qitafcacanquen. In May, 1634, arrived Mr. Thomas Parker and Mr. James Noyes. Mr. Parker, and about a hundred who came over with him, sat down at Ipswich, where he continued about a year, while Mr. Noyes preached at Medford. In May, 1635, some of the principal people of Ipswich petitioned the general court for liberty to remove to Quafcacanquen, which was granted, and the place incorporated by the name of Newbury. This was the tenth church gathered in the colony. Mr. Noyes was chosen teacher, and Mr. Parker pas tor of the church." The first settlement was made on the banks of Parker river, which is about 8 miles north of Ipswich, and about 4 south of the middle of Newburyport, on Merrimac river. Thence the settlements were soon extended westward up the river Parker about 4 or 5 miles to the falls, and northward to the Merrimac and the lands adjacent. The territorial limits of this town have been greatly reduced, and its wealth more than proportionably diminished, by the formation of the towns of Newburyport and West Newbury. Those parts of the town most compactly settled join on to Newburjrport. That portion which lies on the south-east side contains about 1,100 peo ple in a compact settlement, who are generally engaged in the fish eries. There are 4 churches within the present limits of the town, and a cotton factory. In five years preceding 1837, there were built 57 vessels, the tonnage of which was 11,907; valued at $721,610; hands employed in ship-building, 136. Population, 3,771. Distance from Boston, 31 miles. Plum Island, the greater f)art of which lies in this town, is mostly composed of sand. It is, towever, esteemed a salutary resort for invalids in the summer season ; it is also a favorite haunt for pleasure parties. One cause of attraction is from the copious supply of beach plums which are found on the island in the autumn. Dummer Academy, in the limits of this town, is located in Byfield parish, and is the oldest institution of the kind in New England, NEWBURY. 209 being founded by Lieut. Gov. Dummer, in 1756 ; it was not, how ever, incorporated till Oct. 1782, which was subsequent to the in corporation of Phillips Academy at Andover. It is richly endowed, and its location is retired, pleasant, and remarkably healthy. The following, relative to the ancient manner of building church es, is from the appendix to Rev. J. S. Popkins' Sermon, 1806. " OctobM: 5, 1698, the vote was passed to buUd ttie former meeting-house. April 22, 1700, Sergeant Stephen Jaques, the feuilder, was ordered to hang the bell in the new turret. October 18, Col. Daniel Pierce, Esq. and Tristram Coflin, Esq. were impower ed to procure a bell for the new meeting-house, of about 400 pounds weight. Decem ber 16, 1700, the place of each man and woman was assigned, by a committee. The number of men placed was about 176. This appears to have been the time of occupy ing the meeting-house. The body of the house was filled with long seats. Contiguous to the wall were twenty pews. The spaces for the pews were granted to particular persons who appear to have been principals. Before the pulpit and deacoas' seat was a large pew containing a table, where sat the chiefs of the fathers. The young people sat in the upper gaUery, and the ghildren on a seat in the aUey fixed to the outside of the pews. The floor measured 60 and 50 feet. The roof was constructed with four gable ends or projections, one on each side, each containing a large window, which gave light to the upper gaUeries. The turret was on the center. The space within was open to the roof, where was ¦visible plenty of timber, ¦with great needles and little needles point- mg downwards, which served at once for strength and ornament. There were many ornaments of antique sculpture aud wainscot. It was a stately building in the day of it, but it was not my lot to see it in aU its ancient glory. Long ago a wall was spread overhead, which was dropping down, and the floor was occupied by pews. The roof made plain, the four very steep sides terminating in a platform, which supported a steeple " The following inscriptions are from monuments in this town : — A Resun'ection to immortaUty — is here expected — for what was mortal — of the Rev erend Mr. John Richaedson, (once FeUow of Harvard CoUedge, afterwards Teacher to the church at Newbury,) putt ofi' Apr. 27, 1696, in the fiftieth year of his age. When Preachers dy the Rules the pulpit gave toliveweU, are still preached from the grave, The Faith and Life, which your dead pastor taught in one grave now with him, Syrs bury not. Abi, viator ; A mortuo disce vivere ut morituras, E. Tersio disee eogitare deCoelis.* Here lyes the Body of the Rev. Mr. Cheistophee Tappan, master of Arts, fourth Pastorof the First church in Newbury ; a gentleman of good Leaming, conspicuous Pi ety and virtue, shining feoth by his I> street. It is built of rough granite, with hammered stone pilasters entablature, cornice and portico. The roof is covered with zinc With the exception of the windows and window-frames, it is buil entirely of stone and brick. The style of architecture is the Gre cian Doric, and the cost of the building $25,000. There are eigh. 212 NKWBUBYPORT. churches, a stone jail and a keeper's house, an almshouse, an ele gant brick court-house, on Bartlett's mall. High street. Theije is also a brick market-house, containing a town hall, and rooms for municipal ofiicers. The Newburyport Academy, though situ ated within the bounds of Newbury, was built, as its name implies, by persons in Newburyport. It is a handsome brick building, situated on High street. A private school is now kept in it. The Newburyport Lyceum occupy the hall in the second story, which is a very handsome and convenient room, and was fitted for them at an expense of $1,200." There are 3 banks — the Mechanics, incorporated 1812, capital $200,000; the Merchants, incorporated 1831, capital $300,000; and the Ocean, incorporated in 1833, capital $200,000. There is an institution for savings, and 3 insurance companies. Two newspapers are published, one semi-weekly the other semi monthly. In 1837 there were 128 vessels employed in the cod and mackerel fishery from Newburyport and Newbury ; tonnage, 6,628; cod-fish caught, 11,400 quintals; value of the same, $34,200; mackerel caught, 20,500 barrels; value of the same, $143,500; hands employed, one thousand. Four vessels were employed in the whale fishery; tonnage, 1,440; sperm oil import ed, 148,480 gallons ; whale oil, 80,650 gallons ; hands employed, 120. The value of boots and shoes manufactured, $113,173; males employed, 206; females, 114. The population of New buryport in 1790 was 4,837; in 1800,5,946; in 1810, 7,634; in 1820, 6,789 ; in 1830, 6,388 ; and in 1837, 6,741. Distance, 20 miles N. of Salem, 24 southerly from Portsmouth, and 38 from Boston, on the main post road. The following account of the great fire in this place is from Cushing's History of Newburyport, published in 1826. But in addition to the evils arising to us from the cupidity of the European beUi- gerents, and the restrictive and retaliatory measures into which this country was con sequently driven, Newburyport was doomed to suffer by a peculiar misfortune. This was the great fire of 1811, which desolated the busiest portion of the to^mi, by its destructive ravages ; and whose effects still meet the eye, in the depopulation of streets formerly filled with dwelling-houses and shops. This conflagration commenced in a stable in Mechanic Row, near the Market Square, and of course in the center of the portion of the to^rni devoted to trade and business. The stable was at the time unoccupied, and when the fire was discovered was found to be completely enveloped in flames. This was at half past nine o'clock in the even ing of the thirty-first day of May, 1811. The fire quickly extended to Market Square on the one hand, and to State street on the other, and soon spread in various directions, with a degree of celerity and fury which baffled all exertions to stop its progress. The fire continued to rage until about two o'clock in the morning, soon after which its 'vio lence diminished ; and by sunrise it had in a great measure subsided, after ha'ving swept away everything on a tract of land of sixteen and a half acres, lea'ving there only a mass of deplorable ruins. No part of the town was more compactly buUt than this ; none contained so large a proportion of valuable buildings, merchandise, and other property. Indeed, the compactness of the buildings, which were chiefly construct ed of wood, served constantly to feed the flames with combustible materials, so that for a time the destruction of the whole town was seriously apprehended. It w£is esti mated that nearly 250 buildings were consumed, most of which were stores and dweU- ing-houses. This number included nearly aU the shops in town for the sale of dry goods; four printing-offices ; the custom-house ; the post-oflice ; two insurance offices ; NEWBURYPORT. 213 four bookstores ; and one meeting-house ; and the dweUings of more than ninety famiUes. The scene presented by this conflagration was truly terrible. It is described by an eye-witness in the ensuing words : " At the commencement of the fire, it was a bright moonUght night, and the evening was cool and pleasant. But the moon graduaUy became obscured, and at length disap peared in the thick cloud of smoke which shrouded the atmosphere. The glare of light throughout the town was intense, and the heat that of a sultry summer noon. The streets were thronged with those whose dweUings were consumed, conveying the remains of their property to places of safety. The incessant crash of falling buildings, the roaring of chimneys Uke distant thunder, the fiames ascending in curiing volumes from a vast extent of ruins, the air filled ¦with a shower of fire, and the feathered throng fluttering over their wonted retreats and dropping into the flames, the lowing of the cows, and the confused noise of exertion and distress, united to impress the mind ivith the most awful sensations." The unprecedented rapidity with which the flames spread themselves over the to-wn, may be inferred from the following circumstance. Many persons had, soon after the fire began, carried their goods and furniture seemingly to a secure distance, and depo sited them in the meeting-house of the Baptist society in Liberty street. But the fire al length reached this place, and consumed the church and its contents, which, being accumulated there, greatly increased the flames. Nothing was more remarkable during the heart-rending scene of this destructive conflagration, than the spectacle which State street exhibited on one occasion. Two large brick buildings, four stories in height, stood upon the western side of this street, and opposed a barrier to the destructive element, which it was hoped for a time would there be arrested in its course. But a sudden change of ¦wind threw the flames directly upon these immense piles, which were speedily involved in the general calamity. The opposite buUdings being now on fire, and the ¦wind blowing with great force, the flames ascended high on either side, and, meeting in the air, extended in a continual sheet of fire across the spacious street. The impression made by this tremendous scene upon the mind of the author of these pages, then a youthful spectator of it, wiU never be effaced from his recoUection. It was subUme beyond conception. The beholder could look through a long vista of over-arching blaze, whose extreme brilliancy dazzled and fatigued, while it irresistibly attracted, the straining eye. The .sufferings of the famUies, whose dwelUngs and property were consumed, imme diately excited the sympathy of the liberal and charitable. Meetings were held in many of the large towns in various parts of the country ; and generous donations were received from different quarters, for the reUef of the inhabitants. The citizens of Boston collected upwards of twenty-four thousand dollars, which, -with characteristic liberality, they presented to the sufferers by the fire. By these means, the losses of the poorer class were very much lightened, and the extent of the calamity was diminished. But the injury to the to^wn, and to very many individuals, by the absolute destruction of property, was stUl very serious ; and its effects must long continue to be felt. The first religious society in Newburyport was formed in 1725, out of the first parish in Newbury, and the Rev. John Lowell was ordained their first pastor in 1726. 'He died in 1767, and was suc ceeded by Rev. Thomas Cary. Rev. John Andrews was settled as colleague with Mr. Cary, in 1788. The first Presbyterian society dates its origin to the year 1744 ; it consisted of persons who se parated about that time from the first and third churches in New bury. They erected a house of worship in High street, in which they remained until 1756, when the present church in Federal street was built. The formation of this church took place in consequence of the excitement produced by the preaching of Mr. Whitefield. The Episcopal society was founded in 1711. The Orthodox Congregational church was founded 1767 ; the Indepen dent Orthodox in 1794 ; the second Presbyterian in 1795 ; the Baptist society in 1804, and the Methodist Episcopal in 1827. 29 214 NEWBURYPORT. J*» ^&^ M ! [ "J ifoase in which Mr. Whitefield died, Newburyport. The above ancient house is now standing in School street, in Newburyport. It was the residence of the Rev. Jonathan Parsons, the first regular pastor of the first Presbyterian society. It is an object of interest on account of its being the place where Mr. Whitefield, the celebrated preacher, died. His lodging-room was the northern chamber on the second floor, two sides of which are seen in the engraving. He died in the entry at the window over the front door, to which he was taken to olDtain the air. Some alterations have been made since that period about the window and front door. It was Mr. Whitefield's desire, should he die in this coimtry, to be buried under Mr. Parsons' pulpit. The people of Boston and other places were desirous of having Mr. White- field's remains interred among them, but Mr. Parsons would not consent, but followed Mr. Whitefield's wishes in this respect. The first Presbyterian church in which Mr. Parsons, and also Mr. Whitefield, preached, is still standing, a few rods from the aboTe house. The pulpit was formerly at the east side, and Mr. White- field's remains were buried under it : the pulpit is now at the south end of the church, and the remains, with those of Mr. Parsons and another minister, one each side, have been placed in a vault un derneath, where they are yet to be seen. An elegant monument of Egyptian and Italian marble stands within the walls of the church, at one corner, erected to the memory of Mr. Whitefield. It is the gift of an eminent merchant of this place to the society in which he worships ; it was designed by Strickland, and executed by Strother of Philadelphia. The following cut is from a draw ing of this monument, and a copy of the inscription. This Cenotaph is erected, with affectionate veneration , to the memory of the Rev. Geoege Whitefield, born at Gloucester, England, December 16, 1714. Educated at Oxford tJniversity; ordained 1736. In a ministry of Thirty-four years, He crossed the Atlantic Thirteen times, and Preached more than eighteen thousand sermons. As a soldier of the cross, humble, devout, ardent. He put on the whole Armour of God ; preferring the Honour of Christ lo his own Interest, Repose, Reputation, and Life, As TV" E W B U R Y P O K T . 215 WhitefieWs Monument. a -Christian orator, his deep Piety, disinterested zeal, and vivid Imagination, gave ua* exampled energy to his look, utterance, and actiosi. Bold, fervent, pungent, and popu lar in his eloquence, no other uninspired man £ver preached to so large assemblies, or enforced the simple Truths of the G-ospel, by motives so persuasive and awful, and with an Influence so powerful on the hearts of his 'hearers. He died of Asthma, Sep tember 30, 1770, suddenly exchanging his Life of unparalleled Labours for his Eter nal Rest. The following Elegy on Mr. Whitefield was written in England, by one of his admirers : " Warm, frequent, and successfully he preachM, While crowding thousands piously improv'd; His powerful voice to distant regioas neach'd, Two worlds attentive heard, admir'd, and lov'd. Great BTitain, Ireland and America, This apostolic preacher preas'd to hear ; Sinners of every sort, the grave, the gay, Fell hia reproofs, and learn'd their God to fear. His constant theme was Jp-riis and his grace ; Fir'd whh this subject, how his periods flow'd I Celestial radiance shone upon his face, And in his heart divine affection glow'd. The sacred influence so plenteous pour'd On humbled sinners, fell with mighty power : Converted thousands felt the quick'ning word, Bow'd to the grace, and hless'd the happy hour. Terror and soft compassion mutual join'd To atop the sinner in his mad career ; Zioa attd thundering Sinai he eomhined, To draw with gentleness, or urge with fear. Nor did poor fainting souls attend in vain, Rich gtDspel cordials dropped from his tongue; The wounded conscience lost its dreadful pain, And soiTow's plaint was changed to rapture's song. Whitefield is dead. — Not so his deathless fame; Nor time nor calumny shall that impair; Immortal excellence adorns his name, Immortal fruits his pious labors bear. Among the thousands of God's Israel, Most precious shall thy dear remembrance be, Religious fathers to their children tell The mighty work God ,brought to pass by ihea. The annals of the churches shall record With what amazing power the Spirit came ; • And while they give all glory to the Lord, Shall well jremember WhitefiMd's honor'd name." " Theophilus Parsons^ a name identified with the history of our law, laid the foundations of his eminence in Newburyport. Born in Newbury, in February, 1750, he received the rudiments of his education at Dummer Academy, under the celebrated master Moo dy. His father, the Rev. Moses Parsons, was minister of Byfield parish in Newbury. He was graduated at Harvard college, in 1769, aud afterwards studied law in Falmouth, now Portland, and • while there taught the grammar-school in that town. He prac- 216 NEWBURYPORT. tised law there a few years ; but the conflagration of the town by the British, in 1775, obliged him to return to his father's house, where he met Judge Trowbridge, and received the most valuable instructions from that eminent jurist. He soon resumed the prac tice of his profession in this town, and rapidly rose to unrivalled reputation as a lawyer. " In 1777, he wrote the famous Essex Result, and in 1779 was an active member ofthe convention which framed the state constitu tion. In 1789, he was a member of the convention for considering the present Constitution of the United States, and was pecuUarly instrumental in procuring its adoption. In 1801, he was appointed attorney-general of the LJnited States, but declined accepting his commission. In 1800, he removed to Boston. In 1806, he was appointed chief justice of the supreme court of Massachusetts, and his profound legal opinions have mainly contributed to settle the principles of our expository law. He died in Boston, October 13, 1813, with reputation as a judge and a lawyer unequalled in Massachusetts." — ^Cushing's History of Newburyport. " Jacob Perkins was bom at Newburyport, July 9, 1766. His father, Matthew Perkins, was a lineal descendant of one of the first settlers of Ipswich, and lived to the advanced age of ninety. After receiving a common school education, he became apprentice to a goldsmith, and soon displayed those extraordinary inventive powers in mechanics which have elevated him to distinction. " At the age of twenty-one, he was employed, when other artists had failed, to make dies for the copper coinage of Massachusetts, under the old confederation. At twenty-four, he invented the nail machine, which cut and headed nails at one operation. His me chanical genius was now fully developed ; and for twenty years and upwards, he continued to multiply useful inventions in the arts with a facility truly astonishing. His ingenuity in making a plate for bank notes incapable of being counterfeited, and in dis covering the art of softening and hardening steel at pleasure, was particularly useful to the public. The latter discovery opened a wide field for the labors of the engraver, and led to many happy results. " It would be endless to recount the great number of useful or ingenious inventions which he was constantly producing during the latter part of his residence in America. His talents found, for a time, a wider field for their display in Philadelphia, whither he removed from Newburyport. After residing there several years, he crossed the Atlantic, and is now exercising his genius in Eng land—the great theatre for the exhibition and encouragement of abilities like his. Besides many things of merely philosophical interest, which he has there been teaching to the teachers of the world, he has also made some signal improvements in the steam engine, the great mechanical agent of modern times. His inven tions in the arts of engraving and in calico printing, among other things, have been successfully put in operation ; while his genius, and his urbanity of deportment and simplicity of character, are ROWLEY. 217 procuring him the admiration and esteem of the wisest m^n and greatest nobles of Britain." ROWLEY. Rowley was settled in 1638 by a company of persons from Yorkshire, England, at the head of which was the Rev. Ezekiel Rogers, who had been a minister at Rowley, England. The town took its present name in honor of Mr. Rogers. The easterly part of the town is made up of broad tracts of marsh land, which yields vast quantities of salt grass. The central village of Rowley con sists of 2 churches, and upwards of thirty dwelling-houses. Dis tance from Boston, 28 miles. Mr. Rogers, says Dr. Spofford, "was born at Wethersfield, England, in 1590. He entered the university at thirteen years of age, and graduated A. M., at the age of twenty. After enduring many afflictions in England, he obtained a peaceful settlement in this place, to which he was a distinguished benefactor. He suf fered many domestic sorrows in the evening of his days, and died, worn out with labor and care, in 1660." His remains were disin terred a few years since, and removed to a more suitable part of the burying-ground, and a marble monument erected by the people of Rowley, who still enjoy the fruits of his bounty. Edward Carl ton was said to be the first person born here, ancestor of the Carltons who now live in the town, born 1639. The first mar riage took place the same year. The parties were Robert and Anna Haseltine. A fulling-mill was established here by some of the first settlers, who made the first cloth that was ever made in North America. The following are some of the names of the first settlers : Chaplin, Gage, Jewett, Mighill, Nelson, Payson, Spof ford, Stickney, and Tenney. The act incorporating the town is as follows : " 1639, 4th day of the 7th month, ordered that Mr. Eze kiel Roger's Plantation shall be called Rowley." The towns of Bradford and Boxford, with parts of one or two other towns, were then included. By a late act of the legislature another town has been made out of Rowley, by the name of Georgetown. Much attention is paid to the cultivation of fruit in the town ; upwards of 1,000 barrels of perry are annually made. There is |400,000 to $500,000 capital employed mostly in the manufacture of shoes and leather. In 1837, before Georgetown was set off from this town, there were 32,600 pairs of boots ; shoes, 300,250 pairs, were manufactured, valued at $315,360. There were 16 tanneries : the value of leather tanned and curried was $43,400. The first church in this place was organized in 1639. The first pastor, Rev. Ezekiel Rogers, settled on the formation of the church, and died 1661. He was succeeded by the Rev, Samuel Phillips, in 218 SALEM. 1650, died 1696. His successor was the Rev. Samuel Shepard, who was settled in 1665, died 1668. The fourth pastor was Rev. Edward Payson, direct ancestor of Dr. Payson of Portland; he was settled in 1682, and died 1732, In 1729 he was succeeded by the Rev. Jedediah Jewett, who died 1774. His succes.sor was the Rev. Ebenezer Bradford, who was settled in 1782, died iu 1801. The next was the Rev. David Tullar, who settled here in 1803, and was dismissed 1810. He was succeeded by the Rev. James W. Tucker, in 1812, who died 1829. His successor was Rev. Wil lard Holbrook, settled in 1818. The following is the inscription on the monument of Mr. Rogers, the first minister of Rowley. Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Ezekiel Eo&ers, first minister of the church in Rowley, who emigrated from Britain to this place, with his church and flock, in 1638. He finished his labors and life, 23 Jan. 1660, in his 70th year. He was a man of emi nent piety, zeal, and abilities. His strains of oratory were delightful. Regeneration and union to Jesus Christ, by faith, were points, on whieh he principally insisted. He so remarkably expressed the feelings, exercises, motives, and characters of his hearers, that they were ready to exclaim, who hath told him all this ? With the youth he took great pains, and was a tree of knowledge laden with fruit, which children could reach. He bequeathed a part of his lands to the town of Rowley for the support of the gospel, which generous benefaction we, in the first parish, enjoy to the present day, aad here gratefully commemorate, by raising this monmnent to his memory, in 180.5. SALEM. Salem, the chief town in Essex county, was the first town set tled in the bounds of the old Massachusetts colony. It was in debted for its first settlement to the failure of a "fishing planta tion" at Cape Ann. The Rev. John White, and a numlaer of gentlemen belonging to Dorchester, in England, were strongly set on establishing colonies in Massachusetts, in order that they might become places of refuge from the corruptions and oppressions which prevailed under James I. There being some difficulty among the Plymouth settlers, some of them were obliged to leave Plymouth and reside at Nantasket, the most distinguished of whom were Rev. John Lyford and Roger Conant. These per sons, with their companions, being chosen by Mr. White and his associates to manage their affairs at Cape Ann, they accordingly left Nantasket, and removed to this place in the autumn of 1625. Conant, finding a better place for a plantation a little to the west ward, called Naumkeag, gave notice of it to his friends in Eng land. This information gave rise to a project for procuring a grant for settling a colony in Massachusetts Bay. In 1628, a pa tent having been obtained, Capt. John Endicott was sent over with about 100 persons, to carry on the plantation at Naumkeag, where he arrived in September. For his dwelling, he purchased the materials of a house which had been located at Cape Ann, and belonged to the Dorchester company. Some remains of this build ing are said to be in existence. Those who remained at Naum keag passed through severe afflictions. Some had scarcely a Dnvn by J. W. Barbw— Bn^raTed by J. Dovnea, Worcotter. SOUTHERN VIEW IN THE CENTRAL PART OF SALEM. The above is a view of part of Washington and Court streets. The Court-House is seen in the distance, fronting the south, in the central part of the engraving. The City Hall is the buildin? seen on the eastern side of Court street, with pilasters in front. SALEM. 219 suitable place to lay their head, or food sufficient to satisfy the cravings of hunger. A large proportion died with scurvy and other diseases. In 1629, the Massachusetts company obtained a charter from the king, granting them powers to administer the government of the colony : they received the title of " The Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay, in New England." Their seal was in part the representation of an Indian, having a bow in one hand and an arrow in another, and a label from his mouth, with the scriptural expression, "Come over and help lis." The spirit of emigration now gained strength. During this year, four clergymen, the Rev. Francis Higginson, and Messrs. Skelton, Bight, and Smith, set sail in a fleet, which contained as passengers 300 men, 60 women, and 26 children. There were, also, on board, 115 neat cattle, some horses, sheep, goats, and 6 cannon, with stores suitable for a fort. The ship Talbot arrived with Messrs. Higginson and Smith at Cape Ann, June 27th. There they spent the Sabbath, and came to Naumkeag the 29th. On the condition of the plantation, Mr. Higginson writes : — " When we came first to Nehumkek, we found about half a score of houses ; we found also abundance of corn planted by them, very good, and well liking. And we brought with us more than 200 passengers and planters more, which by common consent of the old planters were combined together into one body politic, under the same governor. There are in all of us, both old and new planters, about 300, whereof 200 of them are settled at Nehumkek, now Salem. And the rest have planted themselves at Masathulets Bay, beginning to build a town there, which we do call Cherto, or Charlestown. We that are settled at Salem make what haste we can to build houses ; so that in a short time we shall have a fair town. We have great ordinance, where with we doubt not but we shall fortify ourselves in a short time to keep out a potent adversary. But that which is our greatest comfort and means of defence above all others is, that we have here the true religion and holy ordinances of Almighty God taught among us." Mr. Higginson and the others, after their arrival, deemed it expedient to alter the name of the town, and wished to designate it by a term significant of their freedom from civil and religious oppression. It therefore received the name Salem, a He brew word, meaning peace. It appears that the natives had for saken this spot, and no7ie ever claimed it, and the possession was uninterrupted. " The company's advice to Mr. Endicott shows how careful they were to have the Lord's day kept holy. They observe, 'To the end the Sabbath may be celebrated in a religious manner, we appoint that all that inhabit the plantation, both for the general and particular employments, may surcease their labour every Saturday throughout the year at 3 o'c. in the afternoon, and that they spend the rest of that day in chate- chizing and preparing for the Sabbath as the ministers shall direct.' They were equally desirous to have family order and reUgion kept up. On this subject they say : ' For the better accommodation of business we have divided the servants belonging to the company into several families, as we desire and intend they should live together, a copy whereof we send you here enclosed, that you may accordingly appoint each man his charge and duty ; yet it is not our intent to tie you so strictly to this direction 30 220 SALEM. but that in your discretion, as you shall see cause, from time to time, you may alter or displace any as you should think fit. Our earnest desire is that you take special care in settling these families, that the chief in the family (at least some of them)' be grounded in religion, whereby morning and evening family duties may be duly per formed, and a watchful eye held over all in each family, by one or more in each fam ily to be appointed hereto, that so disorders may be prevented and ill weeds nipt befoie they take too great a head.' #***** " In order to secure a primary object of their emigration, our fathers took measures for the regular establishment of the church and ministry among them. July 20th was set apart by Mr. Endicott for choice of the pastor and teacher. Of the services on that interesting day, Mr. Charles Gott writes to Gov. Bradford of Plymouth. He thus expresses himself: — ' The 20th of July, it pleased God to move the heart of our governor to set it apart for a solemn day of humiliation for the choice of a pastor and teacher ; the former part of the day being spent in praise and teaching ; the latter part was spent about the election, which was after this manner : The persons thought on were demanded concerning their callings. They acknowledged there was a two fold calling, the one inward calling, when the Lord moved the heart of a man to take that calling upon him, and filled him with gifts for the same ; the second was from the people ; when a company of believers are joined together in covenant, to walk together in all the ways of God, every member is to have a free voice in the choice of their officers. These two servants clearing all things by their answers, we saw na reason but that we might freely give our voices for their election after this trial. Their choice was after this manner, — every fit member wrote in a note his name whom the Lord moved him to think was fit ibr a pastor, and so likemse whom they would have for a teacher ; — so the most voice was for Mr. Skelton to be pastor and Mr. Higginson to be teacher ; and they accepting the choice, Mr. Higginsc«i, with three or four more of the gravest members of the church, laid their hands on Mr. Skelton, using prayers therewith. This being done, then there was imposition of hands on Mr. Higginson. Then there was proceeding in election of elders and deacons ; but they were only named, and laying on of hands deferred, to see if it pleased God to send us more able men over ; but since Thursday is appointed for another solemn day of humihation for the full choice of elders and deacons and ordaining them ; now, good Sir, I hope that you, and the rest of God's people with you, will say that here was a right foundation laid, and that these two blessed servants of the Lord came in at ths door and not at the window.' "When the 6th of August came the services in contem plation were performed. A platform of church government, a confession of doctrines in general, and a covenant were adopted. The last was subscribed by thirty persons. To this number many of good report were soon added. One particular contained in their covenant was, that they M'ould endeavor to be clear from being stumbhng- blocks in the way of the Indians. The Plymouth church were invited to take part in the ordination, with the understanding that their counsel was to be nothing more than discretionary. Of their delegates was Gov. Bradford. He and his attendants were prevented by adverse winds ii-om being here in the forenoon; but they arrived season ably enough to present the right hand of fellowship. " It will be perceived, that there were two ministers placed over the congregation here instead of one. This custom seems not to have been fully compUed with here in any other instance, excepting that in which Mr. WilUams served for a. short period with Mr. Skelton. It was a custom, however, so dear to some of the colony, they would not interrupt it, lest they should be chargeable with flagrant iniquity ; and those thus inclined succeeded to keep it alive over a century. Instead of being titled Reverend then and a considerable period afterwards, Congregational ministers were called Elders. The ruling elder selected for the church here was Mr. Henry Haughton. This oflice was considered an important one, and continued to be esteemed in the colonial churches till the middle of the last century. The duty of such ofiicers was to preach occasionally in the absence or on the illness of the ministers, and also to assist in cases of church discipline. When preachers except their own served, they were in the habit of remarking, previously to their beginning — ' If ye have any word of exhortation, say on.' " — Felt's Annals of Salem. " For a time, Salem increased so slowly that Ipswich and Lynn were before it in importance ; but in 14 or 15 years after the arri val of Mr. Endicott, the fisheries had been commenced with suc cess, and all other towns had been left behind in commercial enter prise. The township in 1637 comprehended, together with its SALEM. 221 present limits, Beverly, Danvers, Manchester, Marblehead, Middle- ton, a part of Lynn, Topsfield, and Wenham." The following description of Salem in 1639 is from Wood's Neiu England Prospect. " Salem stands on the middle of a necke of land very pleasantly, having a South river on the one side and a North river on the other side. Upon this necke where most of the hoitses stand, is very bad and sandie ground, yet for seaven years together it hath brought forth exceeding good corne, by being fished, but every third year. In some places is very good ground and good timber, and divers springs hard by the sea side. There likewise is store of fish, as Basses, Eels, Lobsters, Clammes, k.c. Although their land be none of the best, yet beyond these rivers is a very good soyle, where they have taken farms, and get their hay, and plant their corne ; there they crosse these rivers with small Cannowes, which were made of whole pine trees, being about two foote and a halfe over, and twenty foote long. In these Ukewise they goe a fowl ing, sometimes two leagues at sea. There be more cannowes in this towne, than in all the whole Patent, every household having a water horse or two. This Town wants an Alewife river, which is a great inconvenience. It hath two good harbours, the one being called Winter and the other Summer harbours, which lieth within Derbins Fort, which place, if it were well fortified, might keepe shippes from landing forces in any of those two places." During the spring and summer of 1692 occurred one of the most surprising and afflicting scenes ever witnessed in New England, from the supposed prevalence of witchcraft. This excitement commenced in Salem village, now Danvers, in the family of the Rev. Mr. Parris, the minister of that place. The town suffered greatly by the excitement ; a fourth part of the inhabitants left the place. Twenty persons were executed for witchcraft ; one of them, Giles Cory, refusing to put himself on trial, was pressed to death. About one hundred were accused, about fifty confessed themselves guilty, and about this number of other persons were afflicted. Those who confessed themselves guilty of this crime appear to have done it in order to save their lives, as they afterwards declared themselves innocent. Most of those who were executed exhibited a forcible example ofthe strength of moral principle ; rather than con fess what they knew to be untrue, they nobly suffered death. Those who suffered were executed on a hill in the westerly part of the town, ever since known as Gallows Hill. The house in which some of them were examined is the mansion standing in Essex street, upon the west corner of North street. Dr. Cotton Mather was a firm believer in the existence of witchcraft, and in his Mag nalia gives quite a number of examples, which he says are well attested. The following, giving a general account of these occur rences, is taken from that work, in his own words It is to be confessed and bewailed, that many inhabitants of New England, and young people especially, had been led away with little Sorceries, wherein they did secretly those things that were not right against the Lord their God : they would often cure hurts with spells and practice detestable conjurations with Sieves, and Keys, and Peas, and NaUs, and Horse Shoes, to learn the things for which they had a for bidden and impious curiosity. Wretched books had stolen into the land, wherein fools were instructed how to become able fortune tellers. Although these diabolical divinations are more ordinarily committed perhaps all over the world, than they are in the country of New England, yet that being a coun try devoted unto the worship and service of the Lord Jesus Christ above the rest of the world, he signalized his vengeance against these wickednesses with such extraordinary dispensations as have not often seen in other places. The Devils which had been so played withall, and it may be by some few criminals 222 SALEM. more explicitly engaged and employed, now broke m upon the country after as aston ishing a manner as was ever heard of. Some scores of people, first about Salem, the centre and first born of all the towns in the Colony, and afterwards in other places, were arrested with many preternatural vexations upon their bodies, and a variety of cruel torments which were evidently from the Demons of the invisible world. The people that were infected and infested with such demons, in a few days time arrived unto such a refining alteration upon their Eyes that they could see their tormentors ; they saw a Devil of a little stature, and of a tawny colour, attended still with spectres that appeared in more human circumstances. The tormentors tendered unto the afflicted a book requiring them to sign it, or to touch it at least, in token of their consenting to be listed in the service of the Devil j which they refusing to do, the Spectres under the command of that black man, as they called him, would apply themselves to torture them with prodigious molestations. The afliicted wretches were horribly distorted and convulsed ; they were pinched black and blue ; pins would be run every where in their flesh ; they would be scalded until they had bUsters raised on them ; and a thousand other things, before hundreds of witnesses, were done unto them, evidently preternatural ; for if it were pertematu- ral to keep a rigid fast for nine, yea, for fifteen days together ; or if it were preternat ural to have ones hands tied close together with a Rope to be plainly seen, and then by unseen hands presently pulled up a great way from the earth, before a crowd of people ; such preternatural things were endured by them. But of all the preternatural things which these people suffered, there were none more unaccountable than those wherein the prestigious Demons would ever now and then cover the most corporeal things in the world with a fascinating mist of invisibiUty. As now, a person was cruelly assaulted by a spectre, that she said came at her with a spindle, though nobody else in the room could see either the spectre or the spindle ; at last, in her agonies, giving a snatch at the spectre, she puUed the spindle away ; and it was no sooner got into her hand, but the other folks then present beheld that it was indeed a real, proper, Iron spindle ; which when they locked up very safe, it was, nevertheless, by the demons taken away to do farther mischief. Again, a person was haunted by a most abusive spectre, which came to her, she said, with a sheet about her, though seen to none but herself. After she had under gone a deal of teaze from the annoyance of the spectre, she gave a violent snatch at the sheet that was upon it ; wherefrom she tore a corner, which in her hand imme diately was beheld by aU that were present, a palpable corner of a sheet .- and her Father, which was of her, catched, that he might see what his Daughter had so strangely seized ; but the spectre had like to have TiTung his hand off, by endeavour ing to wrest it from him ; however he stdl held it ; and several times this od accident was renewed in the family. There wanted not the oaths of good credible people to these particulars. Also it is known, that these wicked spectres did proceed so far as to steal several quantities of money from divers people, part of which individual money dropt some times out of the air, before sufficient spectators, into the hands of the afflicted, while the spectres were urging them to subscribe their covensint with death. Moreover, poisons to the standersby wholly invisibly, were sometimes forced upon the afflicted ; which, when they have with much reluctancy swaUowed, they have swoln presently, so that the common medicines for poisons have been found necessary to reUeve them ; yea, sometimes the spectres in the struggles have so dropt the poisons, that the stand ersby have smelt them and viewed them, and beheld the pillows of the miserable stained with them. Yet more, the miserable have complained bitterly of burning rags run into their forcibly distended mouths ; and though nobody could see any such cloths, or indeed any fires in the chambers, yet presently the scalds were seen plainly by every body on the mouths of the complaine''s, and not only the smell, but the smoke of the burning sensibly filled the chambers Once more the miserable exclaimed extremely of Branding Irons, heating at the fire on the hearth to mark them ; now the standersby could see no Irons, yet they could see distinctly the print of them in the ashes, and smell them too, as they were carried by the not-seen furies unto the poor creatures for whom they were intended ; and those poor creatures were thereupon so stigmatized with them, that they will bear the marks of them to their dying day. Nor are these the tenth part of the prodigies that fell out among the inhabitants of New England. Flashy people may burlesque these things, but when hundreds of the most sober people, in a country where they have as much mother wit certainly as the rest of man- Irind, know them to be true, nothing but the absurd and froward spirit of saducism can question them. I have not yet mentioned one Uiing that will be iustified, if it be SALEM. 223 required, by the oaths of more considerate persons than can ridicule these od phe nomena. But the ¦worsi part of this astonishing tragedy is yet behind ; wherein Sir William Phips at last being dropt as it were from the machine of Heaven, was an instrument of easing the distresses of the land, now so darkened by the Lord of Hosts. There were very worthy men upon the spot where the assault from hel was first made, who apprehended themselves called from the God of Heaven, to sift the business unto the bottom of it ; and indeed, the continual impressions which the outcries and the havocks of the afflicted people that Uved nigh unto them caused on their minds, gave no Uttle edge to this apprehension. They did, in the first place, take it for granted, that there are witches, or wicked children of men, who upon covenanting with and commissioning of evil spirits, are attended by their ministry to accomplish the things desired of them : they had not only the assersions of the holy scriptures ; assersions which the witch advocates cannot evade without shifts too foolish for the prudent, or too profane for any honest man to use ; and they had not only well attested relations of the gravest authors, from Bodin to Bovet, and from Binsfield to Brombal and Baxter ; to deny all which, would be as reasonable as to turn the chronicles of all nations into romances of Don Quixot and the Seven Champions ; but they had also an occular demonstration in one, who a little before had been executed for witchcraft, when Joseph Dudley, Esqr. was the Chief Judge. There was one whose magical images were found, and who confessing her deeds, (when a Jury of Doctors returned her compos mentis,) actually showed the whole court by what ceremonies used unto them, she directed her famUiar spirits how and where to cruciate the objects of her malice ; and the experiment being made over and over again before the whole court, the effect foUowed exactly in the hurts done to the people at a distance from her. The existence of such witches was now taken for granted by the good men, wherein so far the generality of reasonable men have thought they ran well ; and they soon received the confessions of some accused persons to confirm them in it ; but then they took one thing more for granted, wherein it is now as generally thought they went out of the way. The afflicted people vehemently accused several persons, in several places, that the spectres which afflicted them did exactly resemble them ; until the importunity of the accusations did provoke the Ma gistrates to examine them. When many of the accused came upon their examination, It was found that the demons, then a thousand ways abusing of the poor afflicted peo ple, had with a marvelous exactness represented them ; yea, it was found that many of the accused, but casting their Eye on the afflicted, though their faces were never so much another way, would fall down and lie in a sort of a swoon, wherein they would continue, whatever hands were laid upon them, until the hands of the accused came to touch them, and then they would revive immediately ; and it was found that various kinds of natural actions, done by many of the accused in or to their own bodies, as leaning, bending, tuming awry, or squeezing their hands, or the like, were presently attended with the like things pretematurally done upon the bodies of the afflicted, though they were so far assunder that the afflicted could not at aU observe the accused. It was also found that the flesh of the afflicted was often bitten at such a rate, that not only the print of the teeth would be left on their flesh, but the very slaver of spittle too, even such as might be clearly distinguished from other peoples. And usually the afflicted went through a terrible deal of seeming difficulties from the tormenting spec tres, and must be long waited on, before they could get a breathing space from their torments to give in their testimonies. Now many good men took up an opinion, that the providence of God would not per mit an innocent person to come under such a spectral representation ; and that a con currence of so many circumstances would prove an accused person to be in a confede racy with the demons thus afflicting of the neighbors ; they judged, that except these things might amount unto a conviction, it would scarce be possible ever to convict a witch ; and they had some philosophical schemes of witchcraft, and of the method and manner wherein magical poisons operate, which further supported them in their opinion. Sundry of the accused persons were brought unto their trial, while this opinion was yet prevailing in the minds of the Judges and Juries, and perhaps the most of the people in the country, then mostly suffering ; and though some of them that were tried there came in so much other evidence of their diabolical compacts, that some of the most Judicious, and yet vehement opposers of the notions then in vogue, publicly declared, had they themselves been on the bench, they could not have acquitted them; nevertheless, divers were condemned, against whom the chief evidence was founded in the spectral exhibitions. 224 SALEM. And it happening, that some of the accused coming to confess themselves guilty, their shapes were no more seen by any of the afflicted, though the confession had been kept never so secret, but instead thereof the accused themselves became in all vexations just like the afflicted ; and this yet more confirmed many in the opiniou that had been taken up And another thing that quickened them, yet more to act upon it, was, that the afflicted were frequently entertained with apparitions of Ghosts, at the same time that the spectres of the supposed witches troubled them : which Ghosts always cast the beholders into a far more consternation than any of the spectres ; and when they exhibited themselves, they cried out of being murdered by the witchcrafts, or other violences of the persons represented in the spectres — once or twice the apparitions were seen by others at the very same time that they showed themselves to the afflicted ; and seldom were they seen at all, but when something unusual and suspicious had attended the death of the party thus appearing. The Dutch and French Ministers in the province of New York, having likewise about this time their Judgment asked by the Chief Judge of that province, who was then a gentleman of New England, they gave it under their hands that if we beUeve no 'Venefick 'Witchcraft, we must renounce the Scripture of God, aud the consent of almost all the world ; but that yet the apparition of a person afflicting another, is a very insufficient proof of a witch ; nor is it inconsistent with the holy and righteous government of God over men, to permit the affliction of the neighbors, by devils in the shape of good men ; and that a good name, obtained by a good Ufe, should not be lost by mere spectral accusations. Now upon a deUberate review of these things, his Excellency first reprieved, and then pardoned many of them that had been condemned ; and there feU out seveml strange things that caused the spirit of the country to run as vehemently upon the acquitting of all the accused, as it by mistake ran at first upon the condemning of them. In fine, the last Courts that sate upon this thorny business, finding that it was impos sible to penetrate into the whole meaning of the things that had happened, and that so many unsearchable cheats were interwoven into the conclusion of a mysterious business, which perhaps had not crept thereinto at the beginning of it, they cleared the accused as fast as they tried them ; and within a Uttle while the afflicted were most of them delivered out of their troubles also ; and the land had peace restored unto it, by the God of peace, treading Satan under foot. Salem is situated in latitude 42° 35' north, and in longitude 70° 47' west. It is the chief and a shire town in Essex comity, and from the early period of its history has been a place of importance. Its enterprising merchants were the first, in this country, to engage in the East India trade, which they have prosecuted with great energy and success. They have also taken an active part in the com merce with the West Indies, South America, and Europe. Perhaps the greatest degree of the commercial prosperity of Salem was pre vious to the war with Great Britain in 1812. Salem is built on a pe ninsula formed by, two inlets of the sea, called North and South rivers. The lower or eastern part of the pjeninsula is called the Neck, and has now but few houses upon it. The compact part of the town is about a mile and a half in length, and half a mile iji breadth. The land on which it is built lies low and is nearly level, scarcely any place being more than 20 or 24 feet above the surface of the water at high tide. The soil is generally light, dry, and sandy, and free from standing water. There are many islands in the harbor, most of them small and rocky. Winter Island lies on the north side of the entrance to the harbor, and contains 38 acres. Fort Pickering is located on its eastern point. The hght- houses are on Baker's Island, Avhich contains 55 acres. The streets of the town run somewhat irregularly. Essex street. SALEM, 225 the most noted, runs directly through the whole extent of the place, nearly east and west. The numerous streets are filled with well- built houses, many of which are elegant, particularly some of those in the vicinity of the Common; a view of which, taken ¦Western view of 'Washington Square, Salem. near the western entrance, is here given. This common is a beau tiful plot of eight and a half acres, almost perfectly level, enclosed by a neat railing, bordered by a large number of elms, and tra versed by gravel walks. The " East India Marine Society" was incorporated in 1801. It has a spacious hall, in which is collected a great variety of natural and artificial curiosities, collected from almost every part of the world. There are in Salem 16 churches : 8 Congregational, 4 of which are Unitarian, 2 Baptist, 1 Episcopal, 1 Friends, 1 Christian, 1 Universalist, 1 Catholic, 1 Methodist; besides these there is a Seamen's Bethel. There are eight banks, whose united capitals amount to $1,850,000. There are six insur ance companies, the capital of which is nearly a million of dollars. Six newspapers are published, 3 weekly and 3 twice a week. The Salem Laboratory was incorporated in 1819, and has a capi tal of $150,000. At this establishment are manufactured great quantities of aquafortis, muriatic acid or spirits of salt, oil of vitriol, and alum. Of this last from 800,000 to one million pounds are made annually. About 300,000 pounds of saltpetre are also refined annually. There are two white lead manufacturing establishments in South Salem, at which much business is done. To one of them is attached an India rubber factory. The tonnage of the district of Salem, which includes Beverly, is 34,906 tons. There are 30 ships, 12 barks, 70 brigs, 124 schooners, and 14 sloops. The popu lation of Salem in 1800 was 9,457 ; in 1810, 12,613 ; in 1820 12,731 ; in 1830, 13,886; in 1837, 14,985. The first Congregational church in Salem was organized Aug. 6 1629, 0. S., and is stated to be the first Protestant church formed in 226 SALEM. Thomas Barnard, 1755. Asa Dunbar, 1772. John Prince, 1779. Charles W. Upham, 1824. the new loorld.* The brethren at Plymouth belonged to a church which remained at Leyden, and are supposed not to have estab lished themselves as a distinct church until after the formation of this at Salem. The following is a list of the pastors of this church, and year in which they were settled. Francis Higginson, 1629. John Higginson, 1660. Samuel Skelton, 1629. Nicholas Noyes, 1683. Roger Williams, 1631. George Curwen, 1714. Hugh Peters, 1636. Samuel Fiske, 1718. Edward Norris, 1640. John Sparhawk, 1736. Roger Williams and Hugh Peters, whose names are in the above list, were both dis tinguished men. Mr. Williams was banished from the settlements on account of cer tain opinions which were deemed heretical. He retired into the wilderness, among savages, to a place which he named Providence, and became the founder of Rhode Island. Peters was a man of strong powers of mind. He did not confine his atten tion to the ministry, but entered with zeal into the political affairs of the nation. He went to England about the period of the civil wars, and supported the cause of the parliament by his preaching. After the restoration of monarchy in England, he was executed as a regicide, in 1660, aged sixty-one years. Hon. Nathaniel Bowditch, LL. D., F. R. S., one of the most celebrated mathematicians of the age, was a native of this town. He was born March 26th, 1773. His ancestors for three genera tions had been ship-masters, and his father on retiring from that business "carried on the trade of a cooper, by which he gained a scanty and precarious subsistence for a family of seven children." The early residence of Dr. Bowditch. The above is a representation of the house, in Danvers, in which Dr. Bowditch lived with his mother when a child, when his father was far off upon the sea. She used to sit at the chamber window and " show him the new moon." The advantages of a school he was obliged to forego at the early age of ten years, that he might go into his father's shop and help support the family. He was soon, however, apprenticed to a ship-chandler, in whose shop he conti nued until he went to sea, first as a clerk, then as supercargo, and finally as master and supercargo jointly. Whilst he was in the ship- chandler's shop, he manifested that genius for mathematical pur suits, for which he afterwards became so distinguished. In 1823 he removed to Boston, where he continued to reside till his death, * Newhall's Essex Memorial, 1836. SALISBURY. 227 on the 16th of March, 1838. The following resolves on the occa sion of his death, will serve to show the estimation in which Dr. Bowditch was held. At a special meeting of the Amencan Academy of Arts and Sciences, held March 20lh, 1838, the following resolves were presented by his excellency Edward Everett, and adopted unanimously by the Fellows of the Academy : — Resolved, That the Fellows of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences entertain the Uveliest sense of the exalted talents and eitraordinary attainments of their late presi dent, who stood pre-eminent among the men of science iu the United States, and who, by universal consent, has long been regarded as one of the most distinguished mathe maticians and astronomers of the age ; that we consider his reputation as one of the most precious treasures ofour common country; that we deeply deplore his loss in the fullness of his Intellectual power ; and that we esteem it our sacred duty to cherish his memory. Resolved, That in addition to the loss which they have sustained, aa members of this scientific body, in being deprived of their distinguished associate and head, whose name has for many years conferred honor on their institution, and whose communica tions are among the most valuable contents of the volumes of the Academy's Memoirs, the FeUows of the Academy, as members of the community, lament the loss of a friend and fellow-citizen, whose services were ofthe highest value in the active walks of Ufe ; — whose entire influence was given to the cause of good principles ;— whose life was a uniform exhibition of the loftiest virtues ; — and who, with a firmness and energy which nothing could shake or subdue, devoted himself to the most arduous and important duties, and made the profoundest researches of science subservient to the practical business of life. " The connection of the deceased with the Boston Atheneum Was so beneficial to this institution, that the trustees are urged alike by official duty and by private feeling to express their sense of his loss. This institution is deeply indebted to the late Dr. Bowditch for the zeal with which he labored to advance its interests. Finding it weak, he determined, in connection with several other public-spirited individuals, to make it prosper. Their appeals to the munificence of our iVealthy citizens were successful, and the resources of the Athenseum were greatly increased. For several years Dr. Bow ditch, continuing a member of this Board, aided in the appUcation of the funds which he had done so much to procure, and the high rank which the scientific portion of our library enjoys among similar institutions in the United States, is in a great measure owing to his judgment and exertions. " But Dr. Bowditch has far higher claims to notice. He stood at the head of the scien tific men of this country, and no man living has contributed more to his country's reputation. His fame is of the most durable kind, resting on the union of the highest genius with the most practical talent, and the application of both to the good of his feUoW-men. Every American ship crosses the ocean more safely for his labors, and the most eminent mathematicians of Europe have acknowledged him their equal in the highest walks of their science. His last great work ranks with the noblest pro ductions ofour age." — Extract from the Records ofthe Boston Athenceum. The following is from a granite monument in this place. Beneath this monument are deposited the remains of Timothy & Rebecca Pick- EKiNa. He was an assertor of the rights of the North American Colonies, a soldier in the War for their Independence, a Statesman in the cabinet of Washington. Integrity, disinterestedness, energy, ability, fearlessness in the cause of Truth and Justice, marked his public conduct : pure in morals, simple in manners, sincere, benevolent, and pious in private life, he was revered and honored. She, during a life of extraor dinary vicissitude, was distinguished by fortitude, resignation, discretion, maternal aflfection ; in the words of her bereaved husband, " A spirit more gentle, more inno cent, more pure, never perhaps appeared in the female form." He was born July 17th, 1745, and she on the 18th of the same month, 1754 : she died August 14th, 1828, he January 29th, 1829. SALISBURY. Salisbury is the oldest town in Massachusetts on the north bank of the Merrimac, it being incorporated in 1640. The R«r. 228 SALISBURY. John Wheelwright, the brother of the famous Mrs. Hutchinson, and founder of Exeter, N. H., was minister here some time, and died here in 1679, at a very advanced age. He embraced Mrs. Hutch inson's antinomian sentiments, and on this account was banished from the jurisdiction of Massachusetts ; he was, however, restored afterwards on confession. Several sessions of the general court have been held here ; an important sitting was had in 1737, for the purpose of settling the boundary between New Hampshire and Massachusetts ; the legislature of New Hampshire sitting at Hamp ton, the adjoining town, at the same time. The first church in this town was formed in 1638; the first pas tor was Rev. William Worcester, who came from Salisbury in England, and was settled at the organization of the church. He died in 1662, and was succeeded by Rev. John Wheelwright, of whom some mention has been made. The third pastor was R.ev. John Ailing, who settled here in 1687, and died 1696 ; he was suc ceeded by liev, Caleb Cushing, in 1698. The fifth pastor was Rev. Edmund Noyes, who settled here in 1751, and died 1809. The second Congregational church was founded in 1718. The first Baptist society was founded in 1779; the Methodist in 1805; the Christian in 1820 ; the Universalist in 1831 ; the Congregational Evangelical Union in 1835; and the Salisbury and Amesbury Mills Christian Union Society in 1833. Salisbury is a flourishing town, and most of the soil is good. The town is bordered on the river opposite Newburyport by a salt marsh, one raile and a half in extent; beyond that the ground rises and is gently uneven ; it grows narrower farther up the river. On the sea-shore is a beach of yellow sand, over which in high tides the sea sometimes rushes to a great extent. There are three villages in the township — one opposite Newburyport; another, called the Point, at the mouth of Powow river, where formerly much ship-building was carried on ; the other forms part of the Mills village. (See Amesbury.) In the limits of the town there were in 1837 1 cotton mill, 2 woollen mills, with 20 sets of machinery; 850,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, the value of which was $275,000; males em ployed, 200; females, 100. Shoes manufactured, 65,500 pairs, valued at $40,800 ; males employed, 87 ; females, 48. Nine ves sels were employed in the cod and mackerel fishery; hands employed, 45. In five years preceding 1837, there were 47 vessels built ; tonnage, 3,975 ; valued at $89,644 ; hands employed in ship building, 81. The continental frigate Alliance was built here during the Revolution. Population, 2,675. Distance, 35 miles N. E. from Boston. A tornado which took place in this vicinity, on the 1st of August, 1773, is thus described in a publication of that period : — The tornado took its course from the east, first struck Salisbury Point, and, foUowing the course of the Merrimac river, spread havoc before it for the space of a mile in width, extending to HaverhUl. The devastation was almost beyond conception or description. Almost every house and building from Salisbury Point to a quarter of a mile above Amesbury ferry, was levelled with the ground, uprooted, or otherwise dam SAUGUS. 229 aged, A Capt. Smith, who belonged to Beverly, was sitting in a sail-maker's loft, at Amesbujy, when the storm commenced, and in a moment he and the whole buUd ing were carried away together, the building rent to pieces and dispersed. Capt. Smith was found lying senseless ninety-four feet from the siU of the loft he was car ried from ; one of his legs was broken, and he was otherwise bruised. A large white oak post, fourteen feet in length, and twelve by ten inches, was transported one hun dred and thirty-eight feet. Two vessels of ninety tons, building in Amesbury, were lifted from the blocks, and carried sidewise through the air twenty-two feet. A large bundle of shingles was taken from the ground, and thrown three hundred and thirty feet, in an opposite direction to that of the post above mentioned, and at right angles to the course the vessels were carried. Large trees were torn up by the roots and cast into the river. Large oak planks were hurled, with the velocity of cannon balls, through the roofs of houses ; and, in fine, during the hurricane, which lasted a few minutes only, the air was fiUed with every thing that could be moved, whirling with the most surprising rapidity through the air, and surrounding the affrighted inhabi tants, some of whom were taken up by the winds, carried a considerable way, and let down safe ; others were buried in their cellars, but were dug out without receiving any hurt. About one hundred and fifty buildings fell. In Haverhill, the inhabitants fled in consternation from one large dwelling-house, which was blown down, and thought to save themselves in a barn, which was almost new, and filled with about thirty tons of hay ; but the barn was entirely blown to pieces, in another moment, and some parts of it carried to the distance of three miles. This tempest was preceded by heavy rain and gross darkness ; and it appeared first on the Merrimac river, which was in the utmost tumult, rolling upon the banks, and threatening to swallow up the affrighted inhabitants. SAUGUS. This town formed the west parish of Lynn till 1815, when it was incorporated as a distinct town, and received the name of Saugus, the Indian name of Lynn. The first church (the third of Lynn) was founded here in 1736, and Rev. Edward Cheever was settled here in 1739 ; the Rev. Joseph Roby in 1752 ; Rev. William Frothingham in 1804 ; Rev. Joseph Emerson in 1821 ; Rev. Ephraim Randall in 1826 ; and Rev. Sidney Holman in 1833. The Methodist society was organized in 1810 ; there is also a society of Universalists in this town. This town is centrally intersected by Saugus river, which winds its way through its whole length, with numerous bends. On the banks of the river are meadows and marsh lands, and the salt marshes near the sea are very extensive. The greater part of the rest of the township is rough and uneven, and to a considerable extent covered with wood. The land upon the river is generally good, well cultivated, and productive. In 1837, there were manu factured in this town 190,326 pairs of shoes, the value of which was $149,847; males employed, 269; females, 114. Snuff and cigars were manufactured to the value of $27,473, and 62 persons were employed in the manufacture. There is also a woollen fac tory and dying estabUshment. Population, 1,123. Distance, 3 miles from Lynn, 10 from Salem, and 9 from Boston. An iron mine was discovered at an early period on the west bank of the Saugus, and as early as 1645 iron works were established by a company in England. The village at the foundry was called Ham- mersmith by some of the workmen, who came from a place of that namfi in Ensland. Iron was manufactured here for more than ons 230 TOPSFIELD. hundred years, but seldom in large quantities. Heaps of scoria or cinder banks are still to be seen near where the works stood. In 1658 there was a great earthquake in New England, con nected with which is the following story, which is taken from Mr. Lewis' History of Lynn. Some time previous, on one pleasant evening, a little after sunset, a smaU vessel was seen to anchor near the mouth of Saugus river. A boat was presently lowered from her side, into which four men descended, and moved up the river a considerable distance, when they landed, and proceeded directly into the woods. They had been noticed by only a few individuals ; but in those early times, when the people were surrounded by danger, and easily susceptible of alarm, such an incident was weU cal culated to awaken suspicion, and in the course of the evening the intelligence was conveyed to many houses. In the morning, the people naturaUy directed their eyes toward the shore, in search of the strange vessel — but she was gone, and no trace could be found either of her or her singular crew. It was afterwards ascertained that, on that morning, one of the men at the iron works, on going into the foundry, dis covered a paper, on which was written, that if a quantity of shackles, handcuffs, hatchets, and other articles of iron manufacture, were made and deposited, with secrecy, in a certain place in the woods, which was particularly designated, an amount of silver, to their full value, would be found in their place. The articles were made m a few days, and placed in conformity with the directions. On the next morning they were gone, and the money was found according to the promise ; but though a watch had been kept, no vessel was seen. Some months afterward, the four men returned, and selected one of the most secluded and romantic spots in the woods of Saugus, for their abode. The place of their retreat was a deep narrow valley, shut in on two sides by high hills and craggy precipitous rocks, and shrouded on the others by thick pines, hemlocks, and cedars, between which there was only one small spot to which the rays of the sun at noon could penetrate. On climbing up the rude and almost perpen- dicular steps of the rock on the eastern side, the eye could command a fuU view of the bay on the south, and a prospect of a considerable portion of the sm-rounding country. The place of their retreat has ever since been called the Pirates' Glen, and they could not have selected a spot on the coast for many miles, more favorable for the purposes both of concealment and observation. Even at this day, when the neighbor hood has become thickly peopled, it is still a lonely and desolate place, and probably not one in a hundred ofthe inhabitants has ever descended into its silent and gloomy recess. There the pirates built a small hut, made a garden, and dug a weU, the appearance of which is still visible. It has been supposed that they buried money ; but though people have dug there, and in several otlier places, none has ever been found. After residing there some time, their retreat became known, and one of the king's cruisers appeared on the coast. They were traced to their glen, and three of them were taken and carried to England, where it is probable they were executed. The other, whose name was Thomas Veal, escaped to a rock in the woods, about two miles to the north, in which was a spacious cavern, where the pirates had previously deposited some of their plunder. There the fugitive fixed his residence, and practised the trade of a shoemaker, occasionally coming down to the vUlage to obtain articles of suste nance. He continued his residence tUl the great earthquake this year, when the top of the rock was loosened, and crushed down into the mouth of the cavern, enclosing the unfortunate inmate in its unyielding prison. It has ever since been called the Pirate's Dungeon. A part of the cavern is stUl open, and is much visited by the curious. TOPSFIELD. This town was at the time of its settlement called New Meadows. It was settled about 1639, but was not incorporated till 1650. The first settlers were from Salem and Ipswich. The names of some of the principal inhabitants were Bradstreet, Clark, Cura mings, Smith, Town, Wildes, and Easty. Mr. Knight and Mr. Wm. Perkins were preachers here before the formation of a church. WENHAM. 23 J Mr. Perkins died in 1682. A church was formed and Rev. Thomas Gilbert was ordained in 1663 ; he was dismissed in 1671, and succeeded by Rev. Jeremiah Hobart the next year. Mr. Ho bart was dismissed in 1680. Rev. Joseph Capen, his successor, was ordained in 1684. Rev. John Emerson, the next pastor, was ordained in 1728, and died in 1774. Rev. Daniel Breck, his suc cessor, was ordained in 1779, and dismissed in 1788. Rev. Asa hel Huntington was the next minister, in 1789, and died in 1813. Rev. Rodney G. Dennis was ordained in 1820. The Methodist society in this place was formed in 1830. The surface of the township is uneven, and there are some hills of considerable elevation. The plain on which the church stands, and the sides of the hills around it, present a pleasant prospect. There are some handsome buildings and an academy in the place. Newburyport turnpike passes a short distance from the meeting house. Population, 1,049. Distance, 9 miles from Salem, 13 from Haverhill, and 21 from Boston. In 1837, there were 900 pairs of boots and 124,396 pairs of shoes manufactured in this town ; 272 males and 269 females were employed in this business. The value of boots and shoes manufactured was estimated at $98,676. WENHAM. The first regular settlement in this town appears to have been made about the year 1639. It was then called Enon, and was within the limits of Salem. It was incorporated a town in 1643. The first sermon ever preached in the town was by the celebrated Hugh Peters, then minister of Salem, about the year 1636. It was on a small conical hill, on the bank of the pond, and the text was, " At j^non, near Salem, because there was m,uch water there." The first church was gathered here in 1644, and the first pastor Rev. John Fisk. In 1656, he removed with a large part of his church to Chelmsford, and commenced the settlement of that town. The following is a list of the succeeding pastors of this church, with the year of their settlement : Antipas Newman, set tled in 1663 ; Joseph Gerrish, in 1675 ; Robert Ward, in 1712 ; John Warren, in 1733 ; Joseph Swain, in 1750 ; Adonijah Judson, in 1792; Rufus Anderson, in 1805; John Smith, in 1817; Ebenezer P. Sperry, in 1820. A Baptist church was formed in 1831. There is no compact settlement in this town, the inhabitants being mostly farmers, and live scattered about on their farms. The surface of the land is generally level, and the soil good. The township is about six miles in length, and but a little more than one in breadth. Wenham pond is considered to be one of the most beautiful sheets of water in the county ; it is large, and pre sents an uncommonly romantic appearance ; about one third of it lies within the bounds of Beverly. Wenham swamp, so called, lies in the north-western section of the township, and extends into Hamilton. The Manchester woods extend over a considerable 232 WEST NEWBURY. part of the eastern end of this town. Population, 698. Distance, 6 miles from Salem, and 21 from Boston. In the joumal of John Duntan, a gentleman who travelled in this country in 168b, this town is thus noticed : " Wenham is a delicious paradise ; it abounds with rural pleasures, and I would choose it above aU other towns in America to dwell in. The lofty trees on each side of it are a sufficient shelter for the winds, and the warm sun so kindly ripens both the fruits and flowers, as if the spring, the summer and the autumn had agreed together to thrust winter out of doors." The same writer, speaking of Joseph Gerrish, the minister, says — " 'T were endless to enter on a detail of each faculty of learning Mr. Gerrish is master of, and therefore take his character in short hand. The philosopher, is acute, ingenious and subtle. The divine, curious, orthodox and profound. The man, of a majestic air, without austerity or sourness ; his aspect is masterly, yet not imperious or haughty. The Christian, is devout, without morose ness or starts of holy frenzy and enthusiasm. Th-e preacher, is primitive, without the occasional colors of whining or cant ; and methodical, without intricacy or affectation ; and, which crowns his character, he is a man of public spirit, zealous for the conver sion of the Indians, and of great hospitality to strangers. He gave us a noble dinner, and entertained us with such pleasant fruits as I must own Old England is a stran ger to." WEST NEWBURY. This town was settled at an early period, and was within the limits of Newbury. It was incorporated as a distinct town in 1819. The first church in this town was the second of Newbury. The first pastor was Rev. Samuel Belcher, who was settled here in 1698. The succession of ministers in this church is as follows ; John Tufts, settled here in 1714; Thomas Barnard, in 1739; Moses Hale, in 1752 ; True Kimball, in 1782 ; Samuel Tomb, in 1798; Ebenezer Hubbard, in 1809; Gilbert T. WiUiams, in 1814; Henry C. Wright, in 1826 ; Benjamin Ober, in 1834. The sec ond Congregational church (the fourth of Newbury) was formed in 1731. Rev. William Johnson was the first pastor, settled in 1731; David Tappan, in 1774; Leonard Woods, in 1798; John Kirby, in 1816 ; Elijah Demond, in 1821 ; Paul Couch, in 1827. The Friends have a meeting-house in this town. The town occupies an elevated situation on the south bank of the Merrimac. The soil is excellent, and grain and hay are pro duced in great quantities. The butter and cheese made in this town are held in high estimation. Fruit is also produced in abun dance. The town is connected with Rocks village, Haverhill, by an excellent bridge over the Merrimac, one thousand feet in length. This bridge was built in 1828 ; the one previous was erected in 1796, but was swept away in the great freshet of 1818. From' the elevated grounds in this town many fine prospects of the sur rounding scenery are obtained. Population, 1,448. Distance, 6 miles from Newburyport, 20 from Lowell, and 34 from Boston. ashfield. 233 FRANKLIN COUNTY. Franklin county was originally the north part of Hampshire county: it was incorporated as a distinct county in 1811. Con necticut river passes centrally through the county from north to south, and Deerfield river passes from west to east centrally through the western, and Miller's river from east to west through the eastern part of the county. Few tracts of country exceed this for the extent and value of its water powers. The great body of the people are engaged in agricultural pursuits. The fine grazing lands found upon the verdant hills and fertile valleys, enable the farmers in this section to raise large droves of fat cattle for market. The manufacturing interests have received considerable attention of late years, and are increasing in value and importance. The following is a list of the towns, which are 26 in number. Ashfield, Erving, Monroe, Shutesbury, Bernardston, Gill, Montague, Sunderland, Buckland, Greenfield, New Salem, Warwick, Charlemont, Hawley, Northfield Wendall, Coleraine, Heath, Orange, Whately. Conway, Leverett, Rowe, Deerfield, Leyden, Shelburne, In 1820, the population of this county was 29,268 ; in 1830, it was 29,344 ; in 1837, it was 28,655. ASHFIELD. The territory comprising this town was granted to Capt. Ephraim Hunt, of Weymouth, as a compensation for services rendered in the Canada expedition of 1690. It was actually conveyed to his heirs forty-six years afterwards, and was settled by a few families in 1742. It was incorporated as a town in 1764 ; previous to that time it went by the name of Huntstown, from the name of its ori ginal proprietor. Richard Ellis, a native of Ireland, was the first permanent settler ; Thomas Phillips, with his family, from Easton, was the next ; Chileab Smith, from South Hadley, was the third settler. These persons all settled in the north-eastern part of the town. Mr. Chileab Smith settled on the farm now owned and oc cupied by his son Chileab, who is 96 years of age, and in good health at this time, (1837.) The first regular church formed in this town was of the Baptist denomination. It was constituted in July, 1761, and consisted of nine members. In the following August the Rev. Ebenezer Smith, the eldest son of Chileab Smith, was ordained its pastor. He was succeeded in 1798 by elder Enos Smith, who deceased about two years since. The Congregational church in this town was formed by an ecclesiastical council, Feb. 22d, 1763, and Rev. Jacob Sher- 234 bernardston. win ordained its pastor the same year. Rev. Nehemiah Portet succeeded him in 1774, and died Feb. 29th, 1820, aged 99 years and 11 months. Rev. Alvan Sanderson was ordained colleague pastor in 1808. Rev. Thomas Shepherd succeeded Mr. Sanderson in 1819. Rev. Mason Grosvenor, the next pastor, was installed 1833; he was succeeded by Rev. Burr Baldwin, in 1836. In 1820 an Episcopal society was formed in this town, and they have a handsome church in the center of the place. There is also a small society of Methodists. Ashfield is a little over six miles square. The face of the town ship is uneven and hilly, better adapted for grazing than tillage. There is, however, much good tillage land interspersed among the hills. The principal productions are corn, potatoes, oats, and of late wheat. Some of the farmers have large dairies. In 1837, there were in this town 8,021 merino sheep, which produced 24,063 lbs. of wool. There are four churches, 2 for Baptists, 1 Congregational, and 1 Episcopal. The central village consists of about twenty dwelling-houses, an Episcopal church, an aca demy, and a number of mercantile stores. Distance, 18 miles from Greenfield, 18 from Northampton, and 105 to Boston. Population of the town, 1,656. BERNARDSTON. In 1735, the general assembly ofthe province of Massachusetts Bay granted a tract of land six miles square, north of Greenfield, inclu ding the present towns of Bernardston and Leyden, and a part of Coleraine, to the officers and soldiers who were in the Fail Fight, an account of which may be found under the head of Gill. In consideration of the services and sufferings of these men, the tract above mentioned was granted to them or their descendants 59 years after the battle. From the fact that this battle took place at the Falls, the town took the name of Fall Town, which it was called for nearly 20 years. The first meeting of the owners of this tract of country was held at Northampton, in January, 1736, the next month after it was granted by the legislature. The proprie tors were 97 ; among the names of these were the following : Ather ton, Field, Hitchcock, Cook, Chamberlain, Alexander, Chapin, Connable, Dickinson, Edwards, Hoit, Lyman, Munn, Hunt, Smith, Wright, Pomeroy, Pratt, Rogers, Sikes, Smead, Scott, Wells. The town was first settled in 1738. The four flrst houses that were built in town were Major Burk's, Mr. Samuel Connable's, Lieut. Ebenezer Sheldon's, and Dea. Sheldon's. Major Burk's house was situated a little north of the present bark-house ; Mr. S. Connable's stood near the house now occupied by Mr. Joseph Con nable ; Lieut. E. Sheldon's house was situated a little west of Mr. Hatsell Purple's late residence; and Dea. Sheldon's stood near Mr. Seorin Slate's, on Huckle Hill. BERNARDSTON. 235 These houses, or forts, as they were called, were built of hewn logs, and served the double purpose of houses to Uve in, and a defence against the sudden, and often fatal, attacks of the Indians. They were built with port-holes through the sides, through which those within could fire, with elevated stands for a watch, where they could better see the approach of the enemy, and give the alarm. These houses were occupied by those by whose name they were called, and the occupants were among the first settlers in this town. At a proprietors' meeting held in Deerfield, in June, 1739, it was voted that a meeting-house should be built, 59 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 23 feet between joists. This house was buUt in two years after the first settlement of the town. It was situated on Huckle Hill, and was the first meeting-house built in Fall Town. In Oct. 1740, it was voted that there be £20 paid out for the support of preaching. And at an adjourned meeting it was voted that a committee be chosen to cut the brush and burn them ten rods round the meeting-house. Rev. John Norton, from Windham, Con., the first minister, was ordained in 174 1 , and was dismissed, on account of the unsettled stale of the times, in 1745. In the first French war, he acted for a season as chaplain at the fort which was kept at Hoosic, near Adams. He was there at the time that fort was surprised and taken by a party of French and Indians, whence he was carried captive into Canada. After his release, he was installed a pastor in Chatham, Con. From 1750 to 1761 there was no ordained preacher in Fall Town. The Rev. Job Wright, the next minister, was settled in 1761. About 1755, commenced the French and Indian war, in which the settlers in the town suffered severely ; while it continued, the people lived mostly in Burk's fort. Every man that was capable, bore arms, and, in some cases, females were under the necessity of bearing arms to defend their dweUings from the attacks of a barbarous enemy. When the men went into the fields, they took their arms with them, aud constantly had some one on guard. Agriculture and education were but little attended to. The Indians were almost constantly lurking in the woods, which kept them in a perpetual state of danger and alarm. Fall Town was incorporated into a township in 1762, by the name of Bernardston, after Governor Bernard, the provincial governor of Massachusetts. . The first selectmen were Messrs. John Burk, Re- memberence Sheldon and Moses Scott. During the Revolutionary war the inhabitants of Bernardston furnished their full quota of men and means during the continuance of the struggle, and made many sacrifices for the American cause. In Jan. 1782, a vote was passed "that those persons who are professed Baptists, and have attended that particular form of worship, shall be free from the minister tax;" this appears to be the first account ofthe Baptist society in this town. The Rev. Amasa Cook, the third settled minister in this town, was or dained in Dec. 1783. In 1790, the first census was taken by Mr. David Saxton, of Deerfield, by order of the general government. The population of the town at that period was 691, being divided into 108 families. In 1789 the Baptist society was organized, and in 1790 their first meeting-house was built, and the same year Elder Hodge was ordained, and continued here about ten years. He was succeeded by Elder Rogers and Elder Green. The present Baptist meeting-house was built in 1817. In 1821 the Universal ist society v.'^as organized, and their meeting-house was built in 1823, and the same year Dr. Brooks was ordained as minister. The first Orthodox Congregational society was organized in 1823. The following is a representation of the public buildings and Cushman's tavern, in the central part of the village, as they appear when passing through to the northward. The Universalist church is the one-story buUding with four windows, on the western side ; Cushman's tavern appears on the left. The distance between this tavern and the Universalist church is about 35 rods. In the engra- 32 236 BERNARDSTON. South-west view of Bernardston, (central part.) ving this distance is contracted, and some buildings are left out, in order to show Mr. Cushman's house, long known as an excellent tavern stand, and, with the elms standing south, is a very striking feature in the appearance of this village. Within the distance of half a mile from this place there are upwards of fifty dwelling- houses, which, though mostly small, are neat in their general ap pearance. Distance, 7 mUes from Greenfield, 13 from Brattleboro', Vt., and 96 from Boston. Agriculture is the principal business of the inhabitants. Population, 878. The following is a letter of Maj. John Burk, (one of the prin cipal men of Bernardston,) to his wife, giving an account of the battle of Lake George. For this, and the journal of Maj. Burk, together with the materials for the preceding historical sketch, the author is indebted to the politeness of Henry W. Cushman, Esq., of Bernardston. Lake Sacrament, now called Lake George, Sept. 11, 1755. Dear Wife : I wrote fo you yesterday, but was not allowed to say any more than that I was well, and that we have had a battle, &;c. The particulars of the engagement I now send you by Capt. Wyman. On the 7th inst., our Indians discovered the track of a large body of the enemy east of us. On the Sth, Col. Williams, with a detachment 1000 strong, marched in pursuit, or to make discovery. They marched in the road 3 miles south, and being discovered by the enemy, (as ^e are told by the French general who is taken by us,) were waylaid by 1800 French and Indians. The French lay on one side the road on rising ground ; the Indians on the 'other side, in a swamp. Part of the French Avere regular troops ; these lay south. Their scheme was to let our men march quite to the south end of the ambush, the regular troops to give the first fire, then aU to fire and rush on ; which if they had done, they would have cut our men aU to pieces. But the general says that a heady Indian, who was very eager, fired as soon as they entered the ambush. Then the enemy pursued and fired briskly, and, having the ad vantage of the ground, obUged our men to retreat, which, the French general says, they did very regularly. We at the camp heard the guns ; were not suffered to go out, but to make ready to receive the enemy, lest they should rout us and take our baggage, for we knew they retreated by the guns, (viz. our men.) The enemy drove on very furi ously, but whUe they were coming we placed our cannon, felled trees and rolled logs to make a breast-work all round the camp, but it was a poor defence. The regulars marched along the road, 6 deep, till they got near our camps ; then all fired upon us, BERNARDSTON. 237 and we upon them with cannon and small arms. They made a very smart push but we stood firm, and I believe there was never such firing before, and had not our 'can non broke their regulars and affrighted their Indians, they might, perhaps, destroyed more of us, if not taken the camps. The battle began between 10 and 11 ; continued till between 5 and 6 afternoon, at which time we were so hot upon them, that they be gan to draw off. Our men pursued some way ; we were so fast upon them that they left their dead and wounded on the spot. The enemy all drew off to where they am bushed our men at the first. While we were engaged, the people at the other fort, at the carrying place, heard our great guns, and sent 200 New Hampshire and N. York men to relieve us. These met the enemy stripping our dead, engaged them smartly, drove them off the groimd. They fought 3 hours, took 2 prisoners and 2 scalps. We have taken about 25 prisoners in all. One is the general of all the French forces in North America. Another officer, called aid-de-camp, who was stunned by a cannon- ball and lay till night, came in and surrendered himself. The French general is wounded in the knee and in the thigh, and like to recover. Some of the captives are dead, others very badly wounded. One is Mr. Thos. French's sister's son, cousin to Lue. He says that Lue was killed in the engagement. We have had a very smart battle, but got the victory. The French general says we have broke his army all to pieces. We have been out and buried our dead, and got a great deal of plunder, guns, blankets, provisions, &c. We have lost some famous men in the battle, a Ust of which I send, belonging to our regiment, and also of the wounded and missing, as far as I am able. [Here follows a list of the dead and wounded, <^c.] This is the best account I can get at present of the dead, wounded and missing. Let cousin Chapin know that her dear husband is certainly dead and buried. Joel and Hezekiah are well. I can sympathize with her, for it is a great loss to me, as we were friends and neighbors. Pray God to comfort her. Hope our friends wiU not be dis heartened at this news, and so fail of coming to assist us. They that love their religion and liberty I hope wiU not fail to come to the help of the Lord against the mighty. Now is the time to exert ourselves. P. S. I have wrote in great haste, not so well as if otherwise. I received a letter from you last night. Pray send as often as you can. The army is in high spirits. Hope we shall have Crown Point sooner or later. We have done a good job toward it. Loving wife, since the scout is detained till to-morrow, I add something more. Yes terday we buried on the road 136 dead corpses of ours ; to-day 4. I believe about 15 or 20 more buried at the camp. Several of our Indians are killed. King Hendrick is killed. The day after the battle, every captain carried in an account of dead, wound ed and missing. The whole of the dead and missing was 191, and about 224 wounded in our regiment. Since this account several are come in that were missing. Col. Titcom is kUled ; Capt. Begas is dead — kiUed. I mention those because some may know them. The account carried in was as foUoweth : Col, Williams' regiment, 50. Col. Ruggles' regiment and others I must omit; I cannot find the account. The French general is a very great man, has been an old warrior in Flanders. He says his army consisted of some of the chief men in Canada, a great many of which are killed. The chief man that headed the army at Ohio against Braddock, is killed here. This general had an exact account of all our proceedings, our numbers, and chief officers, and also a list of aU his own troops and forces. Perhaps this may be of service to us. This is the best account I can send ; it is not altogether perfect. Your loving husband, John Bukk. The following is extracted from the daily journal kept by Major Burk at this period, and will serve to show a soldier's life during tlie French wars. Thursday, 31st, (1755.) I was ordered up the river with about 30 men to see what I eould discover, but saw nothing. Tarried still at Saratoga. Our men went out to Sara toga fort and dug out of the earth 1114 cannon ball. The men, about 300, went up the river to make the road. I tarried in the camp. Friday, Aug. 1st. The army all moved to the second falls above Saratoga, 4 miles. We drew the batteaux up the first faUs, load and all ; it was fatiguing, but the men worked Uke lions, some to the neck in water. We had about 180 batteaux. This day the men had half a pint of rum given more than allowance. Saturday, 2d. We tarried at the faUs and got our batteaux by in the river. The Dutch came up with 32 wagons, carried all our provisions by, and some tents. Our guard that went up the river to make ready, saw 4 or 5 Indians 238 BERNARDSTON. Sunday, Zd. We moved to carrying place, Col. Lydies' house, about 45 miles from Albany. It rained very hard this night ; some provisions got wet. Monday, ith. I was ordered to attend the court, which adjoumed to this day. It was adjoumed again to Friday next in the afternoon. I was ordered with 5 men to scout round the camps, but made no discovery. Tuesday, Sth. I was ordered to take 9 men and go to the Lake Sacrament. Lieut. May, Ensign Stratton and Ensign Stevens went to make the number. As we marched we saw 3 deer, 1 bear, and an old mare and a wolf, which was at the lake. We came a little back from the lake and camped. Wednesday, 6th. We returned to our camps, brought in an old mare, picked some huckleberries, brought some to Gen. Lyman. Made no discovery ; got back by 3 o'clock. This day the man confined for sodomy was whipped 100 stripes and drummed out of the company. Thursday, 1th. I tarried in the camps. The men got timber for a store-house and bark to cover it, &c. A scout was sent to the drowned land, at the place caUed by the Dutch Ziaborter. Friday, Sth. Tarried at the camp ; help aliout the fort. Capt. Pat terson set out for Wood Creek with 30 men. He was ordered to go to the mouth of the creek. Saturday, 9th. I tarried at the camps ; worked at drawing timber, &c. The scout that went for the drowned land returned, but did not find it. Sunday, 10th. We work at forting our company ; set up 15 foot of stockades. Mr. WilUams preached 2 sermons. The scout returned from Wood Creek ; they saw signs of Indians, viz. a piece of bread stuck up in the path. Maj. Hoar and Lieut. Nixson set out for Albany. Monday, 11th. I help get some timber, I tarried at the camps. A scout set out for Crown Point, another for the So. Bay, and another for Lake Sacrament, The two last returned. They reported that they saw Indians, but upon examination it was their own men. Some men went to Saratoga, to kill some Dutch cattle, Tuesday, 12th. I tarried at the camp, and help get timber. Some went to clear roads. The men that went to Saratoga retumed, brought some beef, and brought news that the rest of the army was coming near by, 'Wednesday, 13th. I tarried at the camps ; went over on the island afternoon to get gate timber. Gen. Lyman had an express from Gov. Fitch, and some newspapers, which gave an account of the death of Gen. Braddock, and that the army was defeated, Thursday, Uth. Gen, Johnson, Col, Titcom, and Col. Williams, with a great num ber of forces, came to the carrying place, with some Indians and 20 cannon, 2 of which were thirty-two pounders, and a great many wagons. The general was waited upon with a number of men, and on his arrival saluted by the officers and the discharge of field-pieces, Connecticut boys aud Rhode Island all come, Friday, 15th. A coun cil was held ; it was determined to send for more men to join us at our head-quarters. Little or no work done this day, A scout from Crown Point retumed ; no news. Saturday, 16th. I tarried at the camps ; did Uttle or nothing. A scout came from Fort Massachusetts, I heard from home. Sunday, nth. I was ordered by Gen. Johnson to scout, with 11 men and 7 Indians, to the Lake Sacrament, Capt, Passore, bound for the So, Bay, with 30 or 40 white men and 6 Indians, marched 4 mUes with us, and turned off, I marched 10 miles, Connecticut and New York forces arrived with women ; a man was drowned. Monday, 16th. We marched to the lake ; made no discovery of an enemy. Six of the Indians went farther westward. We sat out from the lake at one o'clock, and got home before dark. Tuesday, 19th. Tarried in the camps ; did nothing. A general court-martial was held. Gen, Lyman, Cols, Ruggels, Williams, Goodrich, were ordered to be ready to meet at all hours. 'Wed nesday, 20th. Tarried at the camps, A general court-martial was held in trial of Lieut. Noble and others. Capt. Ayres began to dig a trench. A great number was employed at digging. Thursday, 21st. Tarried in camp. Saw Nelly and Polly, in great taking for the women, — were all ordered away. Five Indians of the Six Nations came from Canada. General court-martial sat. About 120 men employed digging in the trenches. The Indians brought news from Canada, that 17 ships were at Quebec, 600 regulars ; that 8000 were expected at Crown Point, 300 out, Friday, 22d. I tarried at the camp, A councU sit ; determined to go by Lake Sacrament. I sent a letter to my wife. Trenching yet, sawing boards. Saturday, 23d. Four hundred men were ordered to go upon the road ; I went pilot. Cleared 6 mUe'.. The women were sent to Albany. When they went off there was a great huzza. Trenching and sawing with whip-saw yet. Sunday, 2ith. I was not weU j I had a bad cold. Kept in the tent aU day. Mr. WUUams preached 2 sermons. A number of men went upon the road. Some Indians came to us ; informed of more coming. Lieut. Noble read his acknowledgment before the assembly, Monday, 25th. I tarried at home in the camps, A scout sent to Fort Massachusetts, — Serg, Avery, who was one ordered to Deerfield. I wrote to my wife. Trenching and sawing, and making a powder-house. All going forward briskly. Tuesday, 26th. Gen. John- BERNARDSTON. 239 son, Cols. Ruggels, WUUams, Goodrich's regiments, and some of Rhode Island and York forces, about 1500 men and 200 wagons, marched forward for Lake Sacrament. March 6 miles and camped. 'Wednesday, 21th. We all marched 4 miles and camped. We had some clearing and large causeways to make this day. Thursday, 28th. We cleared the road 10 miles ; got to the lake. The men worlted very hard this day. One ofthe men found a gun and Indian pack. Friday, 29th. Went to clearing by the lake, making a causeway, &c. The wagons returned for more stores. About 20 Indians came to us, Saturday, 30th. I was made captain of the guard, Hendrick, with about 170 Indians, came to us ; they were saluted whh a round of guns, and the men all drew up to receive them. The clearing went off briskly. One man killed, 1 taken, 3 escaped. They were keeping cattle at the great carrying place, Sunday, 31st. A number of wagons and cannon came up, guarded by the Rhode Islanders and Workers. Clearing carried on stiU. At night the Indians had a great dance. Mon day, Sept. 1st. Capt, Porter, with some Indians, marched to the So, Bay to intercept the enemy that did the mischief. Some canoes were seen by our Indians up the lake. I tarried by the camp and cleared for tenting. Alarm at night ; a sentry shot at a horse. Tuesday, 2d. Capt. Porter and men returned. The Indians marched forward. Five Indians that went out 5 days ago, that went to the carrying place at the north end of the lake, saw 15 of the enemy. Could not come to speech. Our scout returned from Fort Massachusetts. I tarried at the camps. Moved our tents. 'Wednesday, 3d. Gen, Lyman, Col. Titcomb, Col. Gilbert came to us at Lake George. Some Indians came and joined us. It is said they came 1100 miles, I carried the camps, 3 Indians went a-scalping to Crown Point, Thursday, ith. I was ordered to go up the lake with Capt. Stoddard and Capt. Ingersoll, and 3 other white men, to carry 3 Indians, who were going to Lake West, and we saUed 15 miles. Landed the Indians ; returned by 11 at night. Began to build a fort, Friday, Sth. I was very bad with a cold ; tarried at the camps. No news this day. Saturday, 6th. I went to get a cask out of the store-house, &c. Heard that 8 or 9 of the sick were dead at the other forts. Batteaux, stores, daily coming up. Fort building, scows making. Sunday, Ith. A scout of Indians came in who have been to Crown Point, and inform that they saw as they returned the signs of a large army marching south in 3 files ; designed, as they suppose, for our fort at great carrying place, A man who was thought to have deserted was found dead at the other fort ; killed by the fall ofa tree, as is supposed, Monday, Sth. Col, WilUams was sent out with 1000 men in search of the enemy ; determined to march toward the south bay. They marched so in the road 3 miles, when they were waylaid by the enemy and fired upon. The enemy, having the advantage of the ground, obliged our men to retreat to the camps ; kUled and wounded a great number by the way. The enemy made a very smart attack upon the camps, but we stood ground and drove them back. Took the general and aid-de-camp, and about 25 prisoners. New Hampshire and York men at the other fort, at the carryi ng place, heard the great guns, came up and met the enemy stripping our dead; drove them from the ground and took 2 prisoners. They fought them 3 hours, and we fought them from between 10 and 11 till between 6 and 7 after noon. No such battle before in North America. Tuesday, 9th. About 300 we sent out to bury the dead, I went with them. The men forward took a start, ran back; were stopped by the officers. Found it too late to do the business. Returned to the camps, brought one wounded man of ours, a great deal of plunder, &c. Wednesday, 10th. We went out again, buried 136 dead of ours, and some French. Brought in a great deal of plunder and French provisions, and one of our wounded, a scout from the other fort, and from Hoosuck, Capt. Wyman. I sent a letter to my wife. All a-fortifying at the camps. Col, Willard, Capt, Symers, came up with a number of wagons with provisions, &c. Thursday, Uth. I wrote a large letter to my wife; sent it by Capt, Wyman. The wagoners went back, the Indians went off home. A great number of men went plundering ; found a great deal. Buried 4 more of our men. The following inscriptions are from monuments in the old bury ing-ground in this place, about one mile from the center. In memory of the Hon. Maj'- John Burke, who died Oct'- 27th, 1784, in y« 67th year of his age. Were I so tall to reach the pole. Or grasp the ocean with my span, I must be measur'd by my soul, — ^ The Mind's the standard ofthe man. 240 CHARLEMONT. To the memory of Doctor Polycarpus Cushman, who died 15th December, A. D. 1797, -Etate 47. Vain censorious beings little know, What they must soon experience below. Your lives are short, eternity is long, 0 think of death, prepare, & then begone. Thus art and natures powers & charms And drugs & receipts and forms Yield all last to greedy worms A despicable prey. Mors absque morbo vorax mortaUum rapuit medicum.* BUCKLAND. This town was incorporated in 1779. A part of its territory was within the limits of Charlemont. The first minister of this place was Rev. Josiah Spaulding, from Plainfield, Con. ; he was installed pastor in 1794. His successor, the Rev. Benjamin F. Clarke, was settled here 1824. The first settlement within the limits of the town was probably made on Deerfield river, about two and a half miles from the Congregatioijal church in the center of the town. A Mr. White is believed to have been the first per son who settled there. About the same time a settlement was made in the south part of the town by Capt. Nahmu Ward. His son, Jonathan Ward, was the first white child born in the town. Capt. Ward settled about one and a half miles westward of the center. Persons of the Baptist denomination settled about two miles south-easterly from the center of the town at a very early period. The surface of this town is hilly and broken. Clesson's river, a mill-stream, passes centrally through the town. It was formerly noted for trout, and on its banks were fine hunting-grounds. A park for deer was built about two miles northerly from the center of the town, by Othniel Taylor. Agriculture is the principal business of the inhabitants. There are 3 houses of worship — 1 Congrega tionalist, 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist. Distance, 12 miles from Greenfield, 23 to Northampton, and 105 from Boston. Population, 1,051. The following is the inscription on the monument of Mr. Spaul ding, the first minister : In memory of Rev. Josiah Spaulding, died May 8th, 1823, JE. 72. Rev, J. S, was born at Plainfield, Conn,, Jan, 10, 1751, graduated at Yale CoUege 1778, licenced to preach 1780, ordained 1782, Of the 41 yrs, of his ministry, 5 were spent at Uxbridge, fii at Worthington, 28i at Buckland. Merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. CHARLEMONT. This town was incorporated in 1765. During the French and Indian wars, this being one of the frontier towns, it was open to * Rapacious Death, without disease, has snatched away the healer of mortals. CHARLEMONT. 24t their ravages. In the limits of this town were three garrisons, Taylor's, Rice's, and Hawk's. These were of a cordon of fortifica tions projected by Col. Williams in the year 1754. These works were either mounts, a diminutive kind of block-house, or stockaded dwel ling-houses, bearing the names of the resident families, defensible only against musketry. In June, 1755, as a party of people were at work in a meadow in the upper part of Charlemont, near Rice's fort, they were attacked by a party of Indians ; Captain Rice and Phineas Rice were killed, and Titus King, and Asa Rice, a lad, were captured, conveyed to Crown Point, and from thence to Canada. King was some time afterward carried to France, then to England, and from thence he returned to Northampton, his native place. The Congregational church in this town was organized in June, 1788 ; the Rev. Isaac Babbit, the first Congregational minis ter, was settled here in 1796 ; he resigned in 1798. He was suc ceeded by Rev. Joseph Field, who resigned in 1823. The next minister. Rev. Wales Tileston, was settled in 1825 ; he resigned in 1837. j^ Eastern view in the central part of Charlemont. The above is an eastern view in the central part of Charlemont, showing the Baptist and Methodist churches ; 17 miles from Green field, 16 from Adams, 55 from Troy, N. Y., and about 104 from Boston. The Baptist church is the nearest building in the view, having six windows on the southern side ; the Methodist church, a small building, is seen farther northward ; it has a tower, and stands on an elevation of ground. There is a little village north ward of these churches, which is but partially seen in the engrav- uig. The highest mountainous elevation, seen in the distance, is called Mount Peak, and is upwards of 1000 feet in height. Deer field river, which flows at the foot of this elevation, winds through the whole length of the town. High hills and mountainous eleva tions in many places rise immediately from its banks, affording many views of picturesque and delightful scenery. Agriculture is 242 COLERAINE. the principal business of the inhabitants. In 1837, there were 3,355 merino sheep, and 1,398 of other kinds; the value of wool produced, $7,460. Population of the town, 994. In 1838, a large proportion of an unincorporated tract of mountainous and broken land, called Zoar, with few inhabitants, on the western border of the town, was, by an act of the legislature, added to this town. COLERAINE. Coleraine* was incorporated in 1761. It was previously called Boston Township. It Was partly settled by emigrants from Ireland, who were Presbyterians in religious sentiment. The church in this place was Presbyterian till 1819, when it became Congre gational. The first minister. Rev. Alexander McDowel, it is be lieved, was from Ireland. Rev. Daniel McClallen was born in Pennsylvania, but educated in Ireland. Very little is known of the early state of the religious affairs of the people, as either no church records were kept, or if kept have been lost. Mr. McDow el, the first minister, was settled in 1753 ; Mr. McClallen in 1769. The third minister. Rev. Samuel Taggart, was settled in 1777, and died in 1825 ; he retained his connection with his church and so ciety till the close of life. He was a member of the house of representatives of the United States, from 1804, for 14 years. He is said to have remarked to a christian friend, that he had read the Bible through at Washington every year during the time he had served as a member of congress. Rev. Aretas Loomis succeeded Mr. Taggart in 1829. Coleraine has a larger population than any other town in Frank lin county. It is finely watered by two branches of North river, a tributary stream of Deerfield river, affording water-power for a number of factories in various parts of the town, which are now in successful operation. After the union of the two branches of the North river in this town, in its course towards Deerfield river, it passes through a very narrow defile, with lofty elevations on each side, particularly on the north bank; the road, in some places, passes at a great elevation from the bed of the river, and to a lover of natural scenery in its varied forms this place possesses uncom mon attractions. The engraving is a western view of part of the village in the central part of the town. The Methodist church ap pears on the right, and the Congregational on the left. This place is surrounded by lofty elevations on almost every side. It is 9 miles from Greenfield, 30 from Adams, 30 from Northampton, 70 from Albany, N. Y., and 100 from Boston. Population, 1,998. In 1837 there were 3 cotton nulls, 5,000 cotton spindles ; 125,000 lbs. * It is said that this town was named from Lord Coleraine, in Ireland, His lordship was so well pleased with the honor done him that he sent the inhabitants a fine beU ; but, through the unfaithfulness of the agent to whom it was intrusted, it never reached them. It is beUeved to be still in existence, and used in one of the churches in Boston coleraine. 243 Western view of Coleraine, (central part.) of cotton were consumed ; 930,000 yards of cotton goods manufac tured, valued at $59,500; 40 males and 120 females were em ployed. There were 4,340 merino and 1,414 other kinds of sheep in the town; value of wool produced, $9,133 11 ; capital invested, $14,385. There were two air and cupola furnaces ; 150 tons of iron castings were made, valued at $17,500. Various other articles were also manufactured in the town. One of the first settlers in this town was Deacon Thomas McGee, a Protestant, from Ireland ; he located himself about two miles south from the center of the town. James Steward, who officiated as town-clerk for a number of years, lived a little east from Mr. McGee. Hugh McClallen located himself in the south-western part of the town ; he filled various public offices, and was the first acting magistrate. John Cochren, from Pelham, Hampshire coun ty, located himself in the center. He built the whole or part of the Barber House, so called, near the Congregational church : this house is now standing. John Clark, of Irish descent, had a house about half a mile north of the meeting-house, on land which was given to his father by the proprietors of Coleraine. Mr. Clark's father was killed in the last French war. Hugh Morrison located himself about one and a half miles north of the center. He was a captain, and commander of the north or Morrison's fort. Dea con George Clark settled about a mile easterly from the center. Capt. John Wood, from South Hadley, kept the first tavern, a build ing now standing. The first meeting-house built by the proprie tors stood about 80 rods north of Capt. Wood's tavern ; it was two stories in height, and was never completed on account of its loca tion. Rev. Mr. McDole, or Dowel, the first minister, lived about 80 rods north, in a buUding used as a fort. Besides the two forts men tioned, there were two others : one, called the east fort, was situated abont two miles eastward of the meeting-house ¦ the south fort was 33 244 CONWAY. near Deacon McGee' s. Hezekiah Smith, from Woodstock, in Con necticut, settled about two miles south-west down the North rivei. Thomas Fox and Deacon Moses Johnson were early settlers. Deacon Elliot Harroun and Joseph Thompson settled near Hugh McClallen, in the north-western part ofthe town. In May, 1746, Matthew Clark, with his wife and daughter, and two soldiers, were fired upon by the Indians. Clark was killed, and his wife and daughter wounded. One of the soldiers retumed the fire and killed one of the enemy, which gave them a check, and the wounded were brought into the fort and saved. In July, David Morrison was captured by the Indians. In 1756, John Morrison and John Henry were wounded near Morrison's fort, but getting on to a horse, made their escape. The enemy burned a house and killed some cattle on North river. In 1759, John McCown and his wife were captured, and their son was killed. CONWAY. This town was incorporated in 1767. The first minister of the place was Rev. John Emerson, who settled here in 1769. At this time the town contained but 400 or 500 inhabitants. Mr. Emerson afterwards shrewdly remarked, that when he came " it was lite rally John preaching in the wilderness." He lived to see a popula tion of about 2000 souls. Mr. Emerson was eminently a prayer ful and devoted minister of the gospel. " For several of his last years he had an impediment in his speech ; it was, however, scarce ly perceptible in his devotional exercises, showing it was more natural for him to pray than to converse." Rev. Edward Hitch cock was settled as colleague with Mr. Emerson in 1821. Mr. Emerson died in 1826, aged 80. Mr. Hitchcock was succeeded by Rev. Daniel Crosby, in 1827. The following is a southern view of the central part of Conway, as it appears from the road passing over the elevated ground south from the viUage. The village, which consists of about thirty dwelling-houses and other buildings, lies principally in a narrow valley between two elevated hills, the one westward called Beal's Hill, the one eastward Billings' HUl. South river, a mill-stream, passing into Deerfield river, divides the village into two parts. There are two churches in the village, one a Congregational, the other a Baptist church. The Congregational church is seen in the engraving in the southern part of the village. The Baptist church is without a spire, and stands in the northern part, on elevated ground. Distance, 7 miles S. W. from Greenfield, and 100 from Boston. Population, 1,445. In 1837, there was one cotton mill, 924 spindles ; cotton cour sumed, 10,045 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 151,140 yards, valued at $16,625 ; males employed, 8 ; females, 20 ; capital in vested, $10,000. One wooUen mill, which manufactured 3,600 yards of cloth, which employed 18 hands. There were in the town deerfield. 245 Southern view of Conway. 2,415 merino sheep ; other kinds of sheep, 2,415 ; merino wool pro duced, 7,245 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 7,245 ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $5,071 ; capital invested, $7,245.' The foUowing votes, passed during the "Revolutionary times," are copied from the records of this town. They wUl serve to show the process used against those who were disaffected towards the American cause, and who dared, like freemen, to let their senti ments be known. The orthography is retained. At a legal meeting, held June 25, 1777, Voted to try the minds of the town with re gard to the enemical persons that the selectmen have entered in a list and laid before the town as such seperately. Voted, the following persons are dangerously enemical to the American States, viz. Joseph Catlin, Elias Dickinson, Joseph Brunson, Elijah WeUs, Elijah Billings, James Dickinson, Wm. BilUngs, John Hamilton, Jonathan Oaks, Capt. Consider Arms. Eben'r Bedfield, and David Field, Voted, that Capt, Alexander Oliver be the person to collect the evidence, and lay it before the court, against the above enemical per sons. . At a legal meeting, held August 27th, 1777, Voted, that we proceed in some mea sures to secure the enemical persons called Tories among us. Then the question was put, whether we would draw a line between the Continent and Great Britain ; voted in the affirmative. Voted that al! those persons that stand on the side of the Contanant lake up arms and go hand in hand with us in carrying on the war against our unnatu ral enemies ; such we receive as friends, and all others treet as enemies. Voted, that the broad ally be a line, and the south end of the meeting-house be the Continant side, and the north end the British side ; then moved for trial, and found 6 persons to stand on the British side, viz, Elijah BiUings, Jonathan Oaks, Wm, Billings, Joseph Catlm, Joel Dickinson, and Elias Dickinson. Voted to set a gard over those enemical persons. Voted the town clerk emraediately desire Judge Mather to issue out his warrants against those enimical persons returned to him in a Ust heretofore. DEERFIELD. Deerfield is the oldest town in Franklin county. In 1669, a tract of 8,000 acres of land was granted by the general court at Pocumtuck to a company at Dedham, embracing most of 246 deerfield. the interval lying on Pocumtuck or Deerfield river, and the plain southerly as far as Hatfield bounds. The proprietors first met at Dedham in 1670 ; at which time it was agreed to lay out the lots at Pocumtuck. By subsequent grants it comprehended within its limits the present towns of Deerfield, Conway, Shelburne, Green field, and Gill. Whether the whole was purchased from the natives does not appear. A deed, however, of a part of the early grant, is still extant; it was made to John Pynchon, Esq., of Springfield, " for the use and behoof of major Eleazer Lusher, Southern view of Deerfield, (central part.) ensign Daniel Fisher, and other English at Dedham, their asso ciates and successors," by Chunk, alias Chague, the sachem of Pocumtuck, and his brother Wapahoalc, and is dated Feb. 24, 1665, prior to the grant by government. The deed is witnessed by Wequonock, who " helped the Sachem in making the bar gain ;" and reserves to the Indians " the right of fishing in the rivers and waters ; hunting deer, or other wild animals ; the gath ering of walnuts, chesnuts, and other nuts, and things on the com mons." The first settlement at Deerfield commenced in 1670, and within four years a considerable number of buildings were erected. In 1686, the Rev. John Williams was settled as minister of the place, on a salary of £60, to be paid in wheat at three shil lings and three-pence the bushel, pease at two shillings and six pence, Indian corn at two shiUings, and salted pork at two-pence halfpenny the pound. Deerfield is finely situated on the west bank of Connecticut river. Deerfield river, a large and beautiful stream, meanders through the center of the town, and on its banks are large tracts of interval land, the quality of which is equal to any in the state. The principal street runs north and south on a beautiful elevation above the meadows, which spreads out from the foot- of East or Deerfield mountain. deerfield. 247 The engraving on the opposite page, is a view (looking to the northward) in the central part of the viUage, showing the Unita rian Congregational church, and some other pubhc buUdings. The ancient house, which escaped destruction at the time the Indians burnt the town in 1704, is seen in the distance, standing a few feet westward of the church. Deerfield is principaUy an agricultural town. In 1837, there was one manufactory of cutlery, which employed seventy hands ; the value of cutlery manufac tured was $100,000. The value of palm-leaf hats manufactured was $7,800; the value of corn brooms made was $10,990; the value of pocket-books, &c., $11,000. Population, 1,952. Distance, 3 miles south from Greenfield, 18 mUes north of Northampton, 60 to Hartford, Conn., and 95 from Boston. Monument and Sugar-loaf Mountain, Deerfield. The above is a north-western view of the monument at Bloody Brook, erected in memory of Capt. Lathrop and his men, who fell on this spot, in an ambuscade of the Indians. This monument stands perhaps 30 or 40 rods southerly from the Congregational church. South-easterly from the monument is seen Sugar-loaf Mountain, a conical peak of red sand-stone, about 650 feet in height. In 1835, the 160th anniversary of the destruction of Capt. Lathrop and his men was commemorated in this place. The Hon. Edward Everett, now governor of Massachusetts, was appointed orator for the occasion, and General Epaphas Hoyt, of Deerfield, was appointed to make the address at the laying of the corner stone for the monument. About six thousand persons were present on this occasion. Governor Everett delivered his address under a walnut tree, a few rods eastward of the monument, the top of which is seen rising between the two mountainous elevations in the back ground. About forty years after Capt. Lathrop and his men were kUled, a rude monument was erected to their memory, but the different occupants of the soil removed it so many times, that it was a matter of uncertainty where he or his men were 2-^ deerfield, buried. In 1835, the committee of investigation, guided by the tradition of some aged people, found the spot where he and about thirty of his men were interred ; the grave was just in front of the door-yard of Stephen Whitney, Esq., and about twenty feet north west of his front door. Their bones were in a state of tolerable preservation, but fell to pieces on exposure to the air. "A grave, probably containing the bones of the ninety-six Indians who were slain on that day, was likewise found by accident about the same time, nearly one hundred rods west of the road leading from Bloody Brook to Conway, by Mr. Artemas Williams, and a little more than half a mile south-west of the grave of Lathrop." The monument is six feet square and about twenty feet in height; it is constructed of marble, by Mr. Woods, of Sunderland. On its completion an address was delivered at its foot by Mr. Luther B. Lincoln, of Deerfield. The following is the inscription on the monument : — On this ground Capt. Thomas Lothrop and eighty-four men under his command, including eighteen team.sters from Deerfield, conveying stores from that to-wn to Had ley, were ambuscaded by about 700 Indians, and the Captain aud seventy-six men slain, Sept. 18th, 1675, (old style.) The soldiers who feU were described by a co- temporary Historian, as " a choice company of young men, the very flower of the County of Essex, none of whom were ashamed to speak with the enemy in the gate." " Aud Sanguinetto teUs you where the dead Made the earth wet, and turn'd the unwiUing waters red." This monument erected August, 1838. The bearing and distance of the grave of the slain (south 21 rods) is inscribed on the monument, and a stone slab placed on the spot. In order to defend the frontier settlements from the Indians in PhUip's war, a considerable number of soldiers were posted at Hadley, and it became necessary to procure provisions and forage for their subsistence. The Indians having burnt the principal part of Deerfield, it was abandoned by the inhabitants ; their grain, consisting of about 3,000 bushels of wheat, remained stacked in the fields, having escaped the conflagration. Deter mining to avail himself of this supply, the commanding officer at Hadley detached Capt. Lathrop and his company, with a number of teams and drivers, to thrash it and transport it to head-quarters. Having thrashed the grain and loaded his teams, Capt. Lathrop, on the 18th of September, commenced his march for Hadley. As no Indians had been seen in the vicinity, he did not probably appre hend any danger. The following account of the fatal attack of the savages at Bloody Brook is taken from Hoyfs Itidian Wars, published at Greenfield in 1824. " For the distance of about three miles, after leaving Deerfield meadow, Lathrop' s march lay through a very level country, closely wooded, where he was every moment exposed to an attack on either flank ; at the termination of this distance, near the south point of Sugar-loaf Hdl, the road approximated Connecticut river, and the left was in some measure protected. At the village now called Muddy Brook, in the southerly part of Deerfield, the road crossed a small stream, bordered by a narrow morass, frora which DEERFIELD. 249 the village has its name ; though more appropriately it should be denominated Bloody Brook, by which it was sometimes known. Before arriving at the point of intersection with the brook, the road for about half a mile ran parallel with the morass, then, cross ing, it continued directly to the south point of Sugar-loaf HUl, tra versing what is now the home lots, on the east side of the vil lage. As the morass was thickly covered with brush, the place of crossing afforded a favorable point of surprise. On discovering Lathrop' s march, a body of upwards of seven hundred Indians planted themselves in ambuscade at this point, and lay eagerly waiting to pounce upon him while passing the morass. Without scouring the woods in his front and flanks, or suspecting the snare laid for him, Lathrop arrived at the fatal spot ; crossed the morass with the principal part of his force, and probably halted, to allow time for his teams to drag through their loads. The critical moment had arrived — the Indians instantly poured a heavy and destructive fire upon the column, and rushed furiously to close attack. Confusion and dismay succeeded. The troops broke and scattered, fiercely pursued by the Indians, whose great superiority enabled them to attack at all points. Hopeless was the situation of the scattered troops, and they resolved to sell their lives in a vigorous struggle. Covering themselves with trees, the bloody con flict now became a severe trial of skill in sharp shooting, in which life was the stake. Difficult would it be to describe the havoc, barbarity, and misery that ensued ; ' fury raged, and shuddering pity quit the sanguine field,' while desperation stood pitted, at ' fearful odds,' to unrelenting ferocity. The dead, the dying, the wounded, strewed the ground in all directions; and Lathrop's devoted force was soon reduced to a small number, and resistance became faint. At length the unequal struggle terminated in the annihUation of nearly the whole of the English ; only seven or eight escaped from the bloody scene, to relate the dismal tale ; and the wounded were indiscriminately butchered. Capt. Lathrop feU in the early part of the action. The whole loss, including teamsters, amounted to ninety." Capt. Mosely, who was at Deerfield with his company, between four and five miles distant, hearing the musketry, hurried on to the relief of Lathrop, but it was too late ; he found the Indians had done their bloody work, and were stripping the dead. Rush ing on in close order, he broke through the enemy, and, charging back and forth, cut down all within the range of his shot. After several hours of gallant fighting, the savages were compelled to seek for safety in the surrounding swamps and forests. Lieuten ants Savage and Pickering greatly distinguished themselves by their skill and bravery. Just at the close of the action. Major Treat, of Connecticut, who on the morning of this day had marched towards Northfield, arrived on the ground with one hundred men, consisting of English, Pequot and Mohegan Indians, and shared in the final pursuit of the enemy. Captam Mosely lost but two men in the various attacks, and seven or eight only were 250 deerfield. wounded. The loss of the Indians in the various attacks of tne day was estimated at ninety-six, the greatest proportion of which fell in the engagement with Mosely. On the approach of night. Treat and Mosely proceeded to Deerfield, where they encamped for the night, and the next morning returned to the field of slaugh ter to bury the dead. The day after this disaster, the Indians appeared at Deerfield, on the west side of the river in that town, and, displaying the garments they had stripped froni Lathrop's slain, made demonstrations of an attack on the fortified house, which then contained a garrison of only twenty-seven men. The commander held out delusive appearances of a strong force, — caused his trumpet signals to be given, as if to call in additional troops, which so intimidated the Indians that they withdrew with out making an attack. This post, however, was afterwards abandoned by the garrison, and the place was soon after des troyed by the enemy. During the French and Indian wars, Deerfield was often exposed to the incursions of the French and their savage allies. In the evening of the 29th of February, 1704, Major Hertel de RouviUe, with 200 French and 142 Indians, after a tedious march of between 2 and 300 miles through deep snow, arrived at an ele vated pine forest, about two miles north of the village, (now called Petty's plain,) bordering Deerfield meadow, where they lay con cealed till after midnight. Finding all quiet, and the snow being covered with a crust sufficient to support the men, RouviUe left his snow-shoes and packs at the foot of the elevation, and, crossing Deerfield river, began his march through an open meadow before daylight with the utmost caution, which, however, was unneces sary, as the guard had retired to rest a little before daylight. Arriving at the north-west quarter of the fort, where the snow had drifted in many places nearly to the top of the palisades, the enem^r entered the place, and found all in a profound sleep. Parties detached in different directions broke into the houses and dragged the astonished people from their beds, and wherever resistance was made they were generally killed. A party forced the door of the house of the Rev. Mr. Williams, who, awakened by the noise, seized a pistol from his bed tester and snapped it at one of the Indians who were entering his room. He was seized, bound, and kept standing in his shirt for near an hour. His house in the mean time was plundered, and two of his chil dren, with a black female servant, were murdered before the door. They then permitted him and Mrs. Williams, with five other chil dren, to put on their clothes. The house of Capt. John Sheldon was attacked, but as the dooj at which the Indians attempted to enter was firmly bolted, they found it difficult to penetrate. They then perforated it with their tomahawks, and, thrusting through a musket, fired and killed the captain's wife, as she was rising from a bed in an adjoining room. The captain's son and wife, awakened by the assault, leaped from a chamber window, at the east end of the house, by which the latter strained her ankle, ATTACK ON BROOKFIELD.— [Page 559.] 'i«.*V • ^^iwcit on Copt. Beers, at Bloody Brook.— [Page 248.] deerfield. 251 and was seized by the Indians, but the husband escaped to the woods and reached Hatfield. After gaining possession of the house, which was one of the largest in the place, the enemy reserved it as a depot for the prisoners as they were collected from other parts of the vUlage. The whole number made prisoners was 1 12, and the number of killed was forty-seven. Having collected the prisoners, plundered and set fire to the buildings, RouviUe left the place when the sun was about an hour high. Every building within the fort was reduced to ashes except the meeting-house and that of Captain Sheldon, which was the last fired, and saved by the Enghsh, who assembled immediately after the enemy left the place. This house is still standing near the center of the vil lage, of which the annexed engraving is a representation. South-east view of Ancient House in Deerfield. The ground plan of the building is 42 by 21 feet. The timber used in the construction of this house is of a large size and firm texture, most of which remains sound even to the sills, and the primitive clapboards at the gables are in a good state of preserva tion ; the walls are lined with brick. The door, showing the per foration made by the tomahawks, still remains. Other parts of the building have been repaired, and the general appearance of the house does not exhibit so antique an appearance as its age would indicate. The night following the attack, the enemy encamped in the meadow, in what is now Greenfield, about four miles from Deerfield viUage, where, by clearing away the snow and construct ing slight cabins of brush, the prisoners were as comfortably lodged as circumstances would admit. On the second day of their jour ney Mrs. Williams, who had lain in but a few weeks previous, be came exhausted through fatigue, and, proving burdensome, her Indian master sunk his tomahawk into her head and left her dead at the foot of a hUl near Green river. The march of the captives on Connecticiit river continued for several days without any inci- 252 deerfield. dent of note, excepting now and then murdering an exhausted captive and taking off the scalp. At the mouth of White river, RouviUe divided his force into several parties ; that which Mr. WUliams accompanied proceeded down Onion river to Lake Cham plain, and from thence into Canada. After his arrival there he was generally treated with civility, and often with humanity. In 1706 a flag-ship was sent to Quebec, and Mr. Williams and fifty- seven other captives were redeemed and brought to Boston.* All the surviving children of Mr. Williams returned, with the exception of his daughter Eunice, who was left behind, being about ten years old. She adopted the Indian manners, to one of whom she was married, and adopted the Catholic faith. She repeatedly visited her relatives in New England ; every inducement was offered to make her remain among her connexions, but she uniformly persisted in wearing her blanket and counting her beads. She left a number of descendants, one of whom, a grandson, was educated at Longmeadow, and afterward became a missionary to the Oneida Indians. Twenty-eight of the captives remained in Canada, and, mixing with the French and Indians, adopted their manners and customs, and were thus lost to their friends. The joumal which RouviUe kept while on his expedition against Deerfield is said to be still in existence, having been preserved in one of the Canadian convents ; also a small church bell, which the Indians took from Deerfield, when it was destroyed. It was conveyed on a sledge as far as Lake Champlain and buried, and was afterwards taken up and conveyed to Canada, and is now hanging in an Indian church in St. Regis. [From the Boston Post Boy, Sept. l.sf, 1746.] Friday sev'night some of our soldiers going from Deerfield to Colerain, were fired upon by a party of the enemy Indians, and one Mr. BUss, a Connecticut soldier, waps kill'd, scalp'd and his body left inhumanly cut and mangled by them. And last Monday seven men and a young woman being in a field at Deerfield, mak ing of hay, were surpris'd by about 40 of the enemy Indians, and five of the men were killed on the spot ; the young woman they struck three times, with their hatchetsj and wounded her terribly on both sides of her head. The people of this town, being alarm ed, went out after the enemy ; when they hastened off, leaving the wounded young woman, and the bodies of the men they had slain on the ground. The other two men escaped, and the young woman was brought into Deerfield, but is not like to live. The names of those kiU'd were Samuel AUen, two ofthe widow Amsdel's sons, Elea zer Hawkes, Jun., aU of Deerfield, and one GUlet, a soldier from Connecticut ; the young woman wounded aforesaid was daughter to the aforesaid Allen. One of the Indians was kill'd upon their assault ; and some of them had thrown his body into a pond, which was soon after found and his scalp taken off and bro't in by our men. It is supposed another of the enemy is mortally wounded, as a Tract was discovered where one of them had been carried off who had bled a great quantity. The following are inscriptions copied from monuments in the oM burying-ground in this place : * Mr. WiUiams after his return published a particular account of his sufferings and those of his famUy and townsmen, entitled the Redeemed Captive, drc. ; this work has passed through a number of editions. A recent work, by Stephen W. Williams, Esq., entitled " A Biographical Memoir of the Rev. John WUliams," has been recently pub Ushed in Greenfield. It contains many particulars respecting Mr. Williams and his famUy which never before have been published. ERVINO. 253 Here Ues buried the body of Lievt. Mehuman Hinsdell, died May y« 9, 1736, in the 63d year of his age, who was the first male child born in this place, and was twice cap- tivatea by the Indian Salvages.— Math, 5th. 7th. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtaiu mercy. Here lyeth the body of Mrs. Eunice WiUiams, the vertuous & desirable consort ofthe Eev"!- Mr. John Williams, & daughter to y« Rev"'- Mr. Eleazer & Mrs. Esther Mather of Northampton. She was born Augt. 2, 1664, and feU by rage of y" barbarous Enemy March 1, 1703-4. — Prov. 31. 28. Her children rise up and caU her Blessed. Here lyes y« body of the Reu''- Mr. John WiUiams, the beloved & faithful pastor of this place, who dyed on June y« 12">. 1729, in the 65"" year of his age. Reu. 14. 13. Write blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. ERVING. The territory comprising this town was an unincorporated tract, called Erving' s Crrant, lying on the north bank of Miller's river, bounded north by Northfield and Warwick. It was incorporated as a town in 1838. A Congregational church was organized here five or six years since, but there never has been any minister set tled in the place. At this time the inhabitants meet occasionally in a school-house for public worship. In the Statistical Tables published by the state, it is stated that in Erving's Grant there was 1 woollen mill, which manufactured 25,600 yards of satinet, valued at $16,640 ; 12 hands, 6 male and 6 female, were employ ed ; capital invested, $7,000. Two thousand and fifty pairs of boots and 744 pairs of shoes were manufactured, valued at $4,345. Population in 1837 was 292. There is a post-office in the town. Distance, 10 miles east from Greenfield, and 85 miles from Boston. GILL. This town was formerly a part of Deerfield ; it was incorporat ed in 1793. It received its name in honor of Lieutenant Governor Moses GUI. The church records have been lost, but it is supposed that the Congregational church was organized in 1793. The first minister was Rev. John Jackson, who was settled in 1798 ; his successor. Rev. Jabez MunseU, was settled in 1802 ; the next minis ter. Rev. Josiah W. Canning, was settled in 1806. The township is situated on a great bend of Connecticut river, and contains much fertile land. It lies on the west side of the Connecticut, and is separated from Greenfield by Fall river. There are two churches, 1 Congregational and 1 Methodist, both situated in the small vil lage in the central part of the town. Population, 809. Distance, 5 miles E. N. E. of Greenfield, 15 S. of Brattleborough, Vt., and 86 westerly from Boston. , . , , . Near the point where the boundaries of this town, Montague 254 qi L L . and Greenfield meet, there is in the Connecticut tne most interest ing waterfall in the state. They were formerly called Miller's falls, but of late have received the name of Turner's FaUs, in commemoration of Capt. Turner, who surprised a body of Indians, in 1676, at this place, during PhUip's war. A canal, three miles in length, in order to pass the falls, has been constructed in the town of Montague, on the eastern side of the river. An artificial dam has also been constructed at the falls, more than a thousand feet long, resting near the center upon two small islands. Over this dam the water descends more than thirty feet perpendicularly, and for half a mile continues descending rapidly and foaming in its course. From an elevation perhaps about fifty rods below the cataract, the observer perceives that he has a miniature resem blance of the falls of Niagara before him. The country about these is but httle cultivated. On the opposite side of the river, the Turner's FaUs, in Connecticut River. observer will, however, perceive a few dwellings and the head of a canal ; but a little beyond appear elevations, which are princi pally covered with evergreens, and terminate the landscape. The Indians during Philip's war resorted to the falls for the pur pose of taking fish, as vast quantities of shad, salmon, and other fish ascended the river during the spring season. Several hundred Indians took a station on the right bank of the river, on elevated ground ; a smaUer party occupied the opposite bank ; and another was stationed at what is now called Smead^s Island, upwards of a mile below. As the English forces at Hadley and the adjacent towns were not, at this time, numerous, the Indians appeared to have considered themselves but little exposed to an attack. Two lads, Stebbins and Gilbert, who had been taken prisoners and car ried to the falls, fortunately made their escape, and gave informa tion of the position and carelessness of the Indians. On the receipt ofthis intelligence, it was determined to attack them by surprise. About one hundred and sixty mounted men assembled at Hatfield, GILL. 256 under the command of Capt. Tumer of the colony troops. He was accompanied by Capt. Holyoke of Springfield, and Ensign Lyman of Northampton. Under the direction of two skilful guides the English commenced their march for the falls, about twenty miles distant, in the evening of 17th of May. " Passing the ruins of Deerfield, and the river at the northerly part of the meadow in that town, they were heard by a lodge of Indians, seated at what is now called Cheapside, a small distance below the place where the English forded. The Indians immedi ately turned out and examined the usual place of crossing, but, finding no trail, supposed the noise to proceed from moose wading the river, and retumed to their lodge. Turner having passed Green river and a trackless forest of about four miles, halted on elevated ground, a small distance west of FaU river, about half a mile from the Indian camp at the faUs, where his men dismounted and left their horses, tied to saplings, under a small guard. About the dawn of day the English crossed Fall river, and, climbing up an abrupt hill, went rapidly through an intervening wood, rushed upon the camp, and found the Indians in a deep sleep, without even a watch. Roused from their slumber by the sudden discharge of musketry, they fled towards the river, exclaiming, Mohawks ! Mohawks! verily believing this furious enemy was upon them. Many leaped into their canoes, some in the hurry forgetting their paddles, and, attempting to cross, were shot by the English or pre cipitated down the cataract and droAvned. Some were killed in their cabins, others were cut down under the shelving rocks of the river bank, where they had fled for shelter. One hundred Indians were left dead on the ground, one hundred and forty passed down the falls, but one of whom escaped drowning. Their whole loss, as was acknowledged afterwards, was about three hundred men, among whom were some of their principal chiefs. Turner, who at this time had lost but one of his men, now returned towards his horses. By this time the Indians from the east side of the river, having joined those from Smead's Island, advanced on the left and rear of the English. Capt. Holyoke, who with part of the force formed a rear guard, often drove back the savages with great re.so- lution. They, however, continued their attacks, being covered by a thick morass extending along the left flank of the retiring troops. By a captive which they took the English were informed that Philip was now approaching with a thousand Indians. This, with several attacks at various points, produced a panic among the men, and the main body at length fell into confusion, and separated into several parties under different leaders. Two of these parties were cut off by the Indians, and the prisoners of one party, as was after wards ascertained, were burnt to death. Capt. Turner, at the head of the van, being enfeebled by a previous sickness, was unable to act with his usual vigor, and with much difficulty reached Green river. The enemy came up as he was crossing over, and he soon fell by a shot. Capt. Holyoke, who then commanded, continued the retreat through the meadow bordering Green river, and, cross- 256 GREENFIELD. ing a pine plain and Deerfield river, entered the meadow in that town, hard pressed by the Indians, and after sustaining several furious attacks arrived at Hatfield, with the loss of thirty-eight men. ' The most fatal part of the retreat lay across the present town of Greenfield, to the north of the extended swamp, lying north of the old meeting-house. Capt. Turner is supposed to have fallen in Greenfield meadow, near the mouth of the brook, on which now stands Nash's mill, where his body was afterwards found by a scouting party of the English. The Indians followed Holyoke to the village, now called the Bars, at the south end of Deerfield meadow.' "* GREENFIELD. This town was formerly a part of Deerfield. It was incorpo rated as a town in 1753. Rev. Edward BiUings, the first minister of the first Congregational church in this town, was a native of Sunderland ; he settled here in 1754. He was succeeded by Rev. Roger Newton, D. D., in 1761. Rev. Gamaliel S. Olds was settled as colleague in 1813; he resigned in 1816, and became professor of mathematics and natural philosophy in the University of Ver mont and in Amherst college. His successor was Rev. Sylvester Woodbridge, who was succeeded by Rev. Amariah Chandler in 1832. Rev. Titus Strong, D. D., the present rector of the Episco pal church, was instituted by Rt. Rev. Bishop Griswold, in 1814. The first pastor of the second church was Rev. Charles Jenkins, who was settled in 1820 ; his successors have been Rev. Wm. C. Fowler, Rev. C. S. Henry, Rev. Th. Bellows, and Rev. Saml. Wash burn. The first minister of the Unitarian Congregational church was the Rev. Winthrop Bailey, who was installed in 1825, and died in 1835. He was succeeded by Rev. John Parkman Jr., in 1837. The principal part of Greenfield is composed of an extensive plain ; on the eastern part of the township runs a succession of eminences, of moderate height, which are a continuation of Deer field mountain. The soil on and near these eminences is, for some extent, light and sandy ; that of the plain is moderately good ; and that along Green river, near the western border, is excellent. Greenfield is the shire town of Franklin county. The village is beautifully situated on an elevated plain, rising above the interval on Green river, and built on two intersecting streets. The village consists of 100 well-built dwelling-houses, 4 churches, 2 Congre gational, one of which is Unitarian, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Methodist, a court-house, jaU, a bank, the " Greenfield Bank," with a capital of $150,000, 2 printing-offices, with quite a number of mercantile stores and mechanic shops. The "Greenfield High School for young Ladies " has a high reputation, and the buildings connected with it are large, extensive, and elegant, and add very much to the fine appearance of the village. The following statement of dis- * Hoyt's Indian Wars, p. 131. Drawn by J. W. Barber— Eograred by S. E. Brown, Boiton. CENTRAL PART OF GREENFIELD, MASS. The above is a northem view of part of the pubhc buUdings. The Court-House, with a small spire, is seen on the left - the first build- ing northward is the Greenfield Bank ; the Congregational Church is seen on the right ; the Greenfield High School is a 'few rods sonth • the elevation in the distance is beyond Green river, a mill stream, passing southward of the village. ' GREENFIELD. 257 tances was taken from a guide-board, (or a kind of pUaster,) stand- ing near the elegant hotel in the center of the place : 20 miles to Northampton ; 3 to Deerfield ; 7 to Bernardston ; 9 to Colerame • 40 to Springfield; 54 to Worcester; 20 to Brattleboro', Vt.; 118 to Haverhill ; 66 to Hartford, Con. ; 255 to Montreal, U. C. ; and 88 miles to Boston. Population of the town, 1,840. In 1837, there was in the town 1 wooUen mill, 4 sets of ma chinery ; 36,000 lbs. of cotton and 150,000 lbs. of wool were con sumed, and 180,000 yards of satinet were manufactured, the value of which was $110,000; males employed, 26; females, 63; capital invested, $80,000. Merino sheep, 1,000; other kinds of sheep, 1,153 ; merino wool produced, 2,730 lbs.; other kinds of wool, 3,459 lbs. This town during the Indian and French wars was made the theater for some of the horrors of Indian warfare. The fall fight, so called, took place near the eastern border of this town. (See account of Gill.) The most fatal part of the action to the English took place within the limits of this town. The following case of individual suffering deserves notice : it is extracted from Hoyfs Indian Wars. Mr. Jonathan WeUs, of Hatfield, one of the twenty who remained in the rear when Tumer began his march from the falls, soon after mounting his horse received a shot in one of his thighs, which had previously been fractured and badly healed, and another shot wouiided his horse. With much difficulty he kept his saddle, and, after several narrow escapes, joined the main body just at the time it separated into several parties, as has been related. Attaching himself to one that was making towards the swainp on the left, and perceiving the enemy in thatr direction, he altered his route, and joined another party flying in a different direction. Unable to keep up with the party, he was soon left alone, and not long after feU in -with one Jones, who was also wounded. The woods being thick and the day cloudy, they soon got bewildered, and WeUs lost his companion ; and afl;er wandering in various directions, accidentally struck Green river, and proceeding up the stream, arrived at a place, since called the country farms, in the northerly pai't of Greenfield. Passing the river, and attempting to ascend an abrupt hUl, bordering the interval west, he fell from his horse exhausted. Afl:er lying senseless some time, he revived and found his faithful animal standing by him ; making him fast to a tree, he again lay down to rest himself, but finding he should not be able to remount, he tumed the horse loose, and making use of his gun as a crutch hobbled up the river, directly ojiposite to the course he ought to have taken. His jH-ogress was slow and painful, and being much annoyed by musquetoes, towards night he struck up a fire, which soon spread in aU directions, and with some difficulty he avoided the flames. New fears now arose ; the fire, he conjectured, might guide the Indians to the spot, and he should be sacrificed to their fury. Under these impres sions he divested himself of his ammunition, that it might not fall into their hands- bound up his thigh with a handkerchief, and staunched the blood, and composing him self as much as possible, soon fell into a sleep. Probably before this he had conjec tured that he was pursuing a wrong course, for m a dream he imagined himself bewildered, and was impressed with the idea that he must turn down the stream to flnd his home. The rising of the sun the next morning convinced him that his sleeping impressions were correct— that he had travelled from, instead of towards Hatfield, and that he was then further from that place than the falls, where the action took ¦ place He was now some distance up Green river, where the high lands closed down to the stream. Reversing his course, he at length regained the level interval in the upper part of Greenfield, and soon found a foot path which led him to the trail of his retreating comrades ; this he pursued to Deerfield river, which, with much difficulty, he forded by the aid of his gun ; ascending the bank, he laid himself down to rest, and being overcome with fatigue, he feU asleep ; but soon awaking, he discovered an Indian tuaking directly towards him, in a canoe. Unable to flee, and finding his situation desperate, he presented bis gun, then wet and filled with sand and ^avel, as if in the act of firing ; the Indian, leaving his own gun, mstantly leaped from his canoe 35 258 GREENFIELD. into the water, escaped to the opposite shore, and disappeared. Wells now concluded he should be sacrificed by others, who he knew were but a smaU distance do-wn the river; but determining if possible to elude them, he gained an adjacent swamp, aud secreted himself under a pile of drift-wood. The Indians were soou heard in search of him, traversing the swamp in all directions, and passing over the drift-wood ; but lying close, he fortunately avoided discovery, and after they had given up the search and left the place, he continued his painful march through Deerfield meadows. Hunger now began to prey upon him, and looking about he accidentally discovered the skele ton of a horse, from the bones of which he gathered some animal matter, which he eagerly devoured, and soon after found a few birds' eggs, and some decayed beans, which in some measure allayed the cravings of nature, and added to his strength. Passing the ruins of Deerfield at dusk, he arrived the next morning at Lathrop's battle ground, at Bloody Brook, in the south part of Deerfield, where he found himself so exhausted that he concluded he must give up further efforts, lie do-wn, and die. But after resting a short time and recollecting that he was within about eight mUes of Hatfield, his resolution returned, and he resumed his march over pine woods, then smoking with a recent fire ; here he found himself in great distress from a want of water to quench his thirst, and almost despaired of reaching his approximated home. But once more rousing himself, he continued his route, and about mid-day on Sunday reached Hatfield, to the inexpressible joy of his friends, who had supposed him dead. After a long confinement, Mr, Wells' wound was healed, and he lived to an advanced age, a worthy member of the town. After the sacking of Deerfield, RouviUe, the commander of the French and Indians, after the destruction of the town, after a march of about four miles, encamped in the meadows on the bank of the river. The second day's march was slow. At the upper part of Greenfield meadow it was necessary to pass Green river, a small stream, then open, in which Mrs. Williams, the wife of the Rev. John Williams, plunged under water, but, recovering herself, she with difficulty reached the shore, and con tinued her route. An abrupt hill was now to be surmounted, and Mr. Williams entreated his Indian master for leave to return and help forward his distressed wife ; he was refused, and she left to struggle with difficulties beyond her power. Her cruel and bloody master, finding her a burthen, sunk his hatchet in her head, and left her dead at the foot of the hill. Her body was soon afterwards taken up and interred in the burial-ground in Deerfield. On the twelfth of August, 1766, a party of Indians attacked five men at labor at a place called the Country farms, in the northerly part of Greenfield. The Indians had secreted themselves on an adjacent eminence, and observed the people deposit their arms before they commenced their labor, and by a cautious approach placed them selves between them and the men, and rushing furiously on, gave their fire ; but it proved harmless. Destitute of the means of defence, the people fled in different direc tions ; Shubal Atherton leaped into a ravine, among thick brush, where he was dis covered, shot, and scalped ; Benjamin Hastings and Jolm Graves, dashing through Green river, outstripped the Indians, and escaped ; but Daniel Graves and Nathaniel Brooks were captured. The former being in years, and unable to travel -with the speed of the Indians, was killed a small distance from the place of capture ; Brooks was carried off, and never returned; whether he suffered'the fate of his fellow-pri soner, is not known. A party of people from Greenfield village hurried on to the spot, and followed thc trail of the enemy some distance, and were soon joined by Major WUUams with a party from Deerfield, but the enemy eluded their pursuers. The foUowing is copied from a monument in the grave-yard in this place : — Sacred to the memory of Thomas Chapman, Esq., a native of Barforth, in York shire, Great Britain ; and many years a resident at Cossim-buzar, in the East Inches. He departed this transitory life May 25th, A. D. 1819, aged 73 ; and was a Gentleman hawley. 269 of inviolable integrity, of great urbanity of manners, and a generous example of good old English hospUality. He was also an affectionate Father, an indulgent husband, a zealous friend of the primitive church, and a sincere follower of Jesus Christ. Hence he lived beloved, and died lamented, by a large circle of friends and acquain tance, and the few sorrowing relatives who have erected this marble to perpetuate his remembrance. HAWLEY. This town was incorporated in 1792. It has an elevated situa tion on the Green mountain range, and is well watered by several branches of Deerfield river. Rev. Jonathan Grout, the first Con gregational minister, was settled here in 1793 ; he died in 1835, aged 72. His successor was Rev. Tyler Thacher. No regular minister has yet been settled over the second parish. The names of some of the first settlers were Deacon Joseph Bangs, Adjutant Zebedee Wood, Daniel Burt, Samuel and Arthur Hitchcock, Timothy Baker, Reuben Cooley, Joseph Easton, Elisha Hunt, Abel Parker, Nathan West, Phineas Scott, Thomas King. Joseph Long- ley, William Mclntire, and James Percival. Part of the north part of the town is named from Bozrah, Con., from which place some of the first settlers came. Old Mr. Hale, one of the first settlers of this town, located him self about half a mile from the South Hawley post-office. He is described as being a very singular sort of a man. He was never married, but lived by himself: with his own hands he cleared up land and raised a considerable quantity of grain. He used to talk much to himself, and was very much harassed by the appearance of " spirits," which he said very much troubled him; he, however, like Fingal," showed fight " with his tormentors. He has been seen armed with a pitchfork, and to all appearance, as far as he was concerned, engaged in mortal combat with his enemies. He would violently thrust the fork into the air in various directions about him, furnishing a kind of representation of Fin gal's cele brated contest with the spirit of Loda, thus described in Carric- Thura, a poem of Ossian : " The flame was dim and distant : the moon hid her red face in the east, A blast came from the mountain ; on its wings was the spirit of Loda. He carae to his place in his terrors, and shook his dusky spear. His eyes appear like flames in his dark face ; his voice is like distant thunder. Fingal advanced his spear in night, and raised his voice on high. " ' Son of night, retire : call thy winds, and fly ! Why dost thou come to my presence with thy shadowy arms ? Do I fear thy gloomy form, spirit of dismal Loda ? Weak is thy shield of clouds ; feeble is that meteor thy sword ! The blast rol s them together ; and thou thyself art lost. Fly from my presence, son of night! call thy winds and "^"'Dost thou force me from my place?' replied the hoUow voice, 'The people bend before me, I turn the battle in the field of the brave, I look on the nations, and they vanish ; my nostrils pour the blast of death. I come abroad on he wmds ; the tempests are before my face. But my dwelUng is calm, above the clouds ; the ^'l-DweTiftt/pleSt'fieids,' said the king. -Let Combal's son be forgot. Do my steps ascend from my hills into thy peaceful plams ? Do I meet thee with a speai ^ thy cloud, spirit of dismal Loda ? Why then dost thou frown on me ? why shake 260 HEATH. thine airy spear ? Thou fro-wnest in vain : I never fled from the mighty in war. And shaU the sons of the wind frighten the king of Morven ? No : he knows the weakness of their arms ! ' " 'Fly to thy land,' repUed the form ; ' receive thy wind, and fly ! The blasts are in the hollow of my hand ; the course of the storm is mine. The king of Sora is my son; he bends at the stone of my power. His battle is arovmd Carric-thura ; and he wiU prevail ! Fly to thy land, son of Combat, or feel my flaming wrath ! ' " He Ufted high his shado-wy spear ! He bent forward his dreadful height. Fingal, advancing, drew his sword ; the blade of dark-brown Luno. The gleaming path of the steel winds through the gloomy ghost. The form feU shapeless into air, like a column of smoke, which the staff of the boy disturbs as it rises from the half-extin guished furnace." In 1837, there were in this town 2,716 merino sheep, which pro duced 8,148 lbs. of wool, valued at $4,574. The value of leather tanned and curried was $13,000. Population, 985. Distance, 20 miles from Greenfield, 23 from Northampton, 53 to Albany, and about 120 from Boston. HEATH. This town was incorporated in 1785. Rev. Joseph Strong, the first minister, was settled here in 1790. The church originated from that in Charlemont, at the close of the Revolutionary war, when Mr. Leavitt was the minister of the latter. " It was a period of some difficulty, owing, in part, to the state of the times." The number of original members was thirty-five. Rev. Moses Miller succeeded Mr. Strong in the ministry, in 1804. It is stated in the Amefican Quarterly Register, Feb. 1838, as follows, viz. : " The church now consists of about 200. It has been diminished 100, by emigration. About 60 families attend Mr. Miller's meeting; of which 15 do not belong to the parish. About 350 persons attend meeting statedly ; 30 famUies attend the Baptist meeting ; 10 the Methodist ; and 20 are Unitarians. At one time one third of the persons in town were professors of religion." This is principaUy an agricultural town. The principal articles manufactured in the town are palm-leaf hats ; of these, in 1837, there were 30,000 manufactured, valued at $5,000. The number of inhabitants in 1830 was 1,199 ; in 1837 it was reduced to 953. Distance, 4 miles N. of Charlemont, 13 from Greenfield, and 125 from Boston. There are three churches in the town, 1 Congrega tional, 1 Methodist, and 1 Baptist ; and two post-offices. One of the cordon of forts, built in 1744 for a defence against the Indians, was situated in this town, and was called Fort Shirley. LEVERETT. This town was incorporated in 1774. Rev. Henry Williams was installed pastor here in 1784. He died in 1811, and was succeed- leyden. 26 1 ed by Rev. Joel Wright, in 1812, who continued pastor tiU 1820 ; Rev. Joseph Sawyer, the next minister, was settled in 1822. The next was Rev. Jonas Colburn, who was settled in 1824 ; and was succeeded, in 1832, by Rev. Freegrace Reynolds. This is principaUy an agricultural town. In 1837, there were two scythe factories, which manufactured 2,400 scythes, valued at $1,600. Pahn-leaf hats manufactured, 30,400 ; the value of which was $4,590. There are two Congregational churches, one in the north, the other in the south part of the town ; there are two post- offices. Population, 902. Distance, 3 miles E. from Sunderland, 10 from Greenfield, and 85 from Boston. LEYDEN. This town was incorporated in 1809. It was formerly a part of Coleraine, and is now divided from that town by Green river, which, passing through Greenfield, passes into Deerfield river. There is one church in the town, which is situated in the central part, and belongs to the Baptists, the only regular denomination in the town. Agricultural pursuits is the business of the inhabitants. In 1837, there were 1,140 Saxony, 1,733 merino, and 269 other kinds of sheep in this town ; Saxony wool produced, 3,320 lbs. ; merino, 5,199 lbs. ; other kinds, 807 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs. ; value of wool, $5,129 30 ; capital invested, $7,855. Popu lation, 656. Distance, 7 miles from Greenfield, and 100 from Bos ton. The " Glen," a narrow rocky pass, through which a branch of the Green river passes, is much admired for its wild and pic turesque scenery. William Dorrell, the founder of the sect of Dorrellites, it is beUeved is stiU Uving in the north-west corner of this town. He is a native of England, and was bom in Glou cestershire, about 1750, and was the son of a farmer. He enlisted as a soldier when he was twenty years of age. He came to America and was captured with Burgoyne. He lived for a time in Petersham, where he married a woman by the name of Polly Chase ; he lived afterwards in Warwick, and then removed into Leyden, He was visited by a gentleman in 1834, from whom the above, and following particulars are derived. He was found Uving in a poor old house, situated in a bleak place, far from any travelled road. He was six feet or more in height. He did not believe in the Bible. He said the first revelation was made to him when he was chopping wood ; it was, " Ren der yourself an acceptable sacrifice," or something similar. He began to have follow ers in the spring of 1794, and at one time twenty or more famiUes joined him ; some were from Bernardston. DorreU held that aU days were alike, and also to non-resist ance, and would say that no arm of flesh could hurt him. Some of his followers wore wooden shoes and tow cloth. DorreU possessed a good deal of firmness of mind, and it is said that the organ for this was very fully developed m his cranium. He was in the habit of occasionally drmking too much; he was, however, very punctual in ful- filUng all his engagements, whether drunk or sober. The sect of which he was the head, it is believed, has become extinct. MONROE. This town was incorporated in 1822. It is situated on the high lands north of Hoosic river. Distance, 23 miles from Greenfield, 262 MONTAGUE. and 130 N. W. of Boston. Number of inhabitants, 232. It is stated that no religious society has yet been formed in the place. In 1837, there were 400 Saxony, 600 merino, and 103 other kinds of sheep' ; the average weight of whose fleeces were three and one fourth pounds. MONTAGUE. Montague was incorporated as a town in 1753. Before that time, the southern part belonged to the town of Sunderland, and the northern part belonged to the state. It is about 6 mUes square. The general face of the town is uneven, the soil various ; a range of highlands in the easterly part of the town, the parts of which North-west view of Montague, (central part.) are designated by different names, Harvey's HiU, Chesnut HUl, Bald HiU, Pine Hill, Uuarry Hill, &c. South-westerly from the present center of the town there is a hill called Taylor Hill. The northerly part consists of pine plains ; on the west of the town, bordering upon the Connecticut, there is quite an extensive tract of meadow land, of a good quality for cultivation. There is also upon the Saw-mill river, which takes its rise from Lock's Pond, Shutesbury, considerable meadow land. This river enters the town of Montague near the south-east corner, and winds its way in a north-westerly direction, passing northerly of the center of the town, and empties itself into the Connecticut, about one mile from the south-west corner of the town. The town affords many exceUent water privileges. Timber, clay, granite and other stone of a good quality for buUding, are abundant. The above is a view from the north-west of the central part of the town, on the bank of Saw-mill river, showing the two churches, and some other buildings in the vicinity. In 1837, there was $6,000's worth of scythe-snaiths and $3,000's worth of palm-leaf MONTAGUE. 263 hats manufactured. Population, 1,260. Distance, 7 miles from Greenfield, and 80 from Boston. In the north-westerly part of the town there is a canal 3 miles long, commencing at the head of Turner's falls, descent 70 feet, through which lumber and goods are conveyed in great abundance annually. There is a post-office at this place, called Montague Canal post-office. From time to time many traces of savage men are here discovered, such as points of arrows, stone chisels, &c. The first ordained minister was the Rev. Judah Nash, as appears upon a slab of slate-stone over his grave ; was settled Nov. 17, 1752, died Feb. 19, 1805, having continued with his people 53 years. And it is engraven upon said slab, that " He was faithful to his God, a lover of the church, a friend to mankind. Ever ready to hear affliction's cry. And trace his Maker's will with a curious eye. He tried each art, reproved each dull delay. Allured to brighter worlds and led the way. At church, with meek and unaffected gracej His look adorned the venerable place." The names of some of the first settlers are EUis, Harvey, Root, Gunn, Taylor, Clapp, &c. The celebrated Capt. Jonathan Carver had his residence in this town for many years.* One of his daugh ters married a Mr. Moses Gunn, who is stUl living in this place, and through the descent of his children by Capt. Carver's daughter claims an interest in what is called the Carver lands, granted him by the western Indians, situated in the Wisconsin Territory. The foUowing was transcribed from a grave-stone in said Mon tague, about one mile from the present center: — "In memory of Mrs. Olive, wife of Mr. Moses Gunn, and daughter of Capt. Jona than Carver of Montague, who died April 21, 1789, aged 30 years, leaving 4 children." That part of the town taken from Sunderland in early times was called Hunting-hill Fields. Tradition says that it was thick ly inhabited by animals of the forest, such as bears, wolves, deer, and moose. From the many stories of hunters, one only is select ed. "A Mr. Ebenezer Tuttle and his father, of this place, at the time of its first settlement, went out on a hunting expedition, agree ing to continue out over night, designating the spot, about 3 miles from any house, in the easteriy part of the town, in a gloomy forest. They separated for the objects of their pursuit. The son returned first to the place of encampment ; he had not been there long before he heard a noise, saw the bushes move, and, being somewhat frightened, he thought he saw a bear, levelled his piece and fired • his father replied, ' You have killed me ! ' and soon expir ed. It was then almost dark. He took his father in his arms, with what emotions nor pen nor tongue can describe, and continued with him tiU day, and then went and gave information of what had taken place." In the grave-yard in said Montague there is the following inscription: — * Communication from J. HartweU, Esq. 264 NEW SALEM. "In memory of Mr. Elijah BordweU, who died JanT 26, 1786, in y« 27th year of his age, having but a few days survived y" fatal night when he was flung from his horse and drawn by y= sturrap 26 rods along ye path, as appeared by y* place where his hat was found, and here he had spent y" whole of the following severe cold night tread ing down the snow in a smaU circle. The Family he left was an aged Father, a wife and three small children." NEW SALEM. This town was incorporated in 1753. The first inhabitants were chiefly from Middleborough, and some from Danvers. The first minister was Rev. Samuel Kendal, who died in 1792, and was succeeded in the ministry by Rev. Joel Foster, who was settled in 1779 ; he resigned in 1802, and was succeeded by Rev. Warren Pierce. Rev. Alpheus Harding succeeded Mr. Pierce in 1807. The north Congregational society erected their meeting-house in 1836, about three and a half miles north of the south church. The church (called the Orthodox) was organized in 1824. Rev. Levi French was settled pastor the next year ; he was succeeded by Rev. Erastus Curtiss, in 1834. There is a Baptist church near the southern line of the town. The south Congregational church and the academy, which was incorporated in 1795, stand on a very elevated hill, which com mands an extensive prospect over the neighboring valleys. " The fogs of Connecticut river seldom rise above this place, while it covers the surrounding country ; and the towering Monadnock on the north appear like islands rising from a boundless ocean." This place is 19 miles from Greenfield, 12 from Montague, 35 from Worcester, 10 from Athol, and 73 from Boston. The Millington post-office, in this town, is 3 miles distant from this place, in a little viUage in the south part of the town. Population, 1,255. Agri culture is the principal business of the inhabitants. The manu facture of palm-leaf hats, however, receives considerable attention. In 1837, seventy-nine thousand were manufactured, valued at $13,575. The following, relative to Revolutionary times, is copied from the Barre Gazette. " The news of the battle at Lexington flew through New England lUie -wildfire. The swift horseman with his red flag proclaimed it in every -viUage, and made the stirring call upon the patriots to move forward in defence of the rights so ruthlessly invaded and now sealed with the martyr's blood. Putnam, it wiU be recollected, left his plough in the furrow and led his gallant band to Cambridge. Such instances of promptness and devotion were not rare. We have the following instance of the display of fervid patriotism from an eye-witness — one of those valued reUcs of the band of '76, whom now a grateful nation delights to honor. " When the inteUigence reached New Salem in this state, the people were hastUy as sembled on the viUage green, by the notes of alarm. Every man came with his gun, and other hasty preparations for a short march. The miUtia of the town were then divided into two companies, one of which was commanded by Capt. G. This company was paraded before much consultation had been had upon the proper steps to be taken in the emergency, and while determination was expressed on almost every countenance. »he men stood silently leaning on their muskets, awaiting the movement of the spin* NORTHFIELD. 265 m the oflicers. The captain was supposed to be tinctured with toryism, and his present indecision and backwardness were ample proof, if not of his attachment to royalty, at least of his unfitness to lead a patriot band. Some murmurs began to be heard, when the first lieutenant, WUliam Stacy, took off his hat and addressed them. He was a man of stout heart, but of few words. PuUing his commission from his pocket, he said : ' Fellow-soldiers, I don't know exactly how it is with the rest of you, but for one, I will no longer serve a Mug that murders my o-wn countrymen ;' and tearing the paper in a hundred pieces, he trod it under his foot. Sober as were the people by nature, they could not restrain a loud, wUd hurra as he stepped forward and took his place m the ranks. G. stiU faltered, and made a feeble endeavor to restore order ; but they heeded him as little as the wind. The company was summarily disbanded, and a reor ganization begun on the spot. The gallant Stacy was unanimously chosen captain, and with a prouder commission than was ever bome on parchment, he led a small but efficient band to Cambridge. He continued in service through the war, reaching, we beUeve, before its close, the rank of Ueutenant-colonel, under the command of Put nam." The foUowing inscriptions are copied from monuments standmg in the grave-yard near the south Congregational church. Sacred to the memory of Rev^i- Samuel Kendall, who died Jan. 31, 1792, in the 85 year of his age, first minister of New Salem. Equal in dust we all must lie ; And no distinction we can make. But Faith forbids the rising sigh. And sees my sleeping dust awake. In memory of Mrs. Lucy Kendall, the late virtuous & amiable consort of Mr. Sam uel Kendall, Jr., who died Oct. y 22, 1784, in the 34"' year of her age. Tantum mors temporalem vastat felicitatem.* Nor art nor virtue could redeem from death, Nor anxious love prolong her lab'ring breath ; Conjugal bands asunder must be torn. And thou, surviving partner, left to moum ; But let her virtue now your grief suppress, And wait reluctant tiU you meet in bUss. NORTHFIELD. " In 1672, a township was granted to John Pynchon, Mr. Pearson, and other associates, at Squakheag, now Northfield, on Connecticut river; and the following year a few people from Northampton, Hadley, and Hatfield, began a plantation at that place. The township was laid out on both sides of the river, and included an area of six mUes by twelve, extending several miles into the pre- sent states of New Hampshire and Vermont mcluding a valuable tract of interval land. The northern boundary of Massachusetts was at this time unknown, but the grant was supposed to be withm the limits of the province. A deed to WUham Clark and John Kmg of Northampton, agents for the proprietors of Northfield, ^verins the grant, was made August 13, 1687, by Nawelet Gon- regu^AspfaSet, Addarawanset, and Meganichcha, Indians of *Thus does death destroy temporal (happiness) felicity. 36 266 NORTHFIELD. the place, in consideration of ' two hundred fathom of wampum and fifty-seven pounds worth of trading goods.' It was signed with the marks of the grantors, and witnessed by Jonathan Hunt, Preserved Clap, WUliam Clark, Jr., Peter Jethro, Joseph Atherton, and Israel Chauncey." "The planters buUt smaU huts, and co vered them with thatch ; made a place for public worship ; and built a stockade and fort." A great part of Northfield is excellent land, particularly several valuable intervals on both sides of Connecticut river. The village of Northfield is situated on an elevated plain, rising above the meadows on the Connecticut. The main street runs paraUel with the river, and is about a mile in length ; it is wide, and ornamented with shade trees. The houses are handsomely built. There are two churches and an academy in the village. Southern view in the central part of Northfield. The above is a southern view in the central part of the vUlage, showing the Unitarian church and some other buildings, with the shade trees ; the whole intended to give a characteristic view of the appearance of the viUage. This place is about 12 miles from Greenfield, 12 from Brattleborough, Vt, 16 from New Salem, 13 to Montague, 78 to Hartford, Ct., and 78 to Boston. Population, 1,605. Very little is done in the manufacturing business at present in this town. Northfield has suffered much from the horrors of Indian warfare and bloodshed. Upon the opening of PhUip's war, Northfield, be ing a frontier settlement, was much exposed to the attacks of the enemy. In the beginning of September, 1675, nine or ten people were killed in the woods at Northfield ; others escaped to the gar rison-house. The day after this took place, and before it was known at Hadley, Capt. Beers, with thirty-six mounted infantry, was detached by Major Treat, to convoy provisions to the garri son and people at Northfield. Beers' route led through the present NORTHFIELD. 267 Srint ?hen?'^''^r'^' f^^S^^' ^"^ the tract caUed Erving's Grant then a continued forest, through which was an imperfect x5se5'to"atS.°\"'^''^ ^!?"*^ "'''''' ^^^ though conZuSy S c M u f tacks, he passed several difficult places, and amons others MiUer's river without seeing an Indian. Dismountin^and leavmg the horses the march was continued on foot, and was ne- ofaS two r^i^/f '" accompanying baggage. At the distance ot about two miles from the garrison at Northfield, the route lav over a deep swampy ravine, through which ran a considerable brook emptying into Connecticut river. Discovering Beers' ap! proach, a large body of Indians formed an ambuscade at this place and lay ready to attack his front and right. Without discovering the snare. Beers arrived at the point, and received the fire of tht Indians from the margin of the ravine on his right. A considera ble proportion of the party fell on the spot ; the remainder instantly broke, and, in scattered order, retreated over a piece of level ground, closely followed by the Indians. Beers, with a few of his men, gamed an abrupt hill, about three fourths of a mUe in his rear, where they bravely maintained their ground some time against an overwhelming force ; but at length he received a fatal shot, and the survivors were compeUed to retire from the ground. Out of the thirty-six, only sixteen escaped back to Hadley, leaving the baggage and wounded in the hands of the enemy.* Two days after this fatal disaster. Major Treat, with one hundred men, ar rived on the ground where Beers was defeated, and witnessed the horrid barbarity of the savages. Several of the slain were behead ed, and their heads were elevated on poles near the road ; one man was_ suspended to the hmb ofa tree, by a chain hooked to his un der jaw, probably when ahve, and the whole scene was appaUing. Pursuing his march to the town, the major found the garrison safe, and brought them off with the inhabitants. The Indians soon after destroyed the fort, houses, and every thing valuable in the town. During the first part of "King William's war," which com menced in 1690, Northfield was again occupied by a few settlers, pro tected by small works, and a few troops, furnished by government ; but the people were at length compelled to abandon it, on which the Indians the second time destroyed the place. Immediately after the peace of 1713, the settlers of Northfield returned to their plantations, rebuilt their houses, and one for public worship; and in 1718, they settled Mr. Benjamin DooUttie, from Wallingford, Con., as minister of the place, which then consisted of about thirty families. The following is the date of the settlement of the cler gymen succeeding Mr. Doolittle : John Hubbard in 1750 ; Samuel * Hoyt's Indian Wars. The ground where this disaster took place is stiU called Beers' plain, and the hill where the captain feU, Beers' mountain. At a sandy knoU on the west side of the road, near the place where the attack commenced, the bones of the slain were a few years since to be found bleaching in the sun. The mail route from Montague to Northfield formerly passed over the ground ; it now mns a little to tho west. Janes' miU is situated a small distance north of the place of attack. 268 ORANGE. C. Allen in 1795 ; Thomas Mason in 1799 ; .George W. Hosmer in 1830; Oliver C. Everett in 1837. The Trinitarian church was formed in 1825. Eli Moody and Bancroft Fowler have been min isters of this church. The Methodist church stands in the south ern part of the town. [From the Boston Post Boy, May 12, 1746.] " By an express from the westward, we are informed, that the Indians kiU'd a man who was going from Lunenburg to Northfield, about a fortnight ago, but was not found untU last Monday. He had been to Boston, and was on his retum home, with about four or five hundred pounds with him in paper biUs, which he was carrying up to Northfield to pay the billeting of soldiers.— And that at No. 4, another man was killed last Friday sev'night, the circumstances of which are pretty remarkable. Maj. WiUard with several soldiers went as a guard to some women, not far from the fort, who went out to milk their cows. Two of the party having separated to go to the bam, one of them seeing a door of the stable open, ran before to shut it, fearing the cat tle might have got in there ; and just as he had got to the door, he saw 7 or 8 of them in the stable ; upon which he cried out, the stable is full of Indians .' They not minding it, the Indians rushed out and fired upon them, and shot this man. The major and guard hearing the guns, called the men to arras, and advanced in haste toward the enemy ; but before they got nigh enough, they saw one of the Indians, a very stout feUow, run up to the man they had shot and strike him on the head, which entirely dispatched him ; but the major getting good aim, fired, and supposes to have struck him, as they were scouring off, this fellow being seen from the fort to drop at some distance, but was carried off by the others ; also much blood was seen at the place, and his blankets, very bloody, were found," The following inscriptions were copied from monuments in the burial-ground in this place : Rev. John Hubbard, A. M., second minister of this town, died Nov. 28, 1794, in the 69"" year of his age, and 45"' of his ministry. A man he was to all his people dear And passing rich with eighty pounds a year ; Remote from towns, he held his godly race, Nor ever changed, nor wish'd to change his place. In duty, faithful, prompt at every call. He watch'd, and wept, and pray'd for all ; He try'd each art, reproved each duU delay, AUur'd to brighter worlds, and led the way. In memory of the Rev. Mr. Benjamin Doolittle, first pastor of the church in North field, who died Jaw- y* 9"'i 1748, in the 54"" year of his age & 30"' year of his minis try. Bless'd with good inteleclual parts, Well skilled in two important arts, Nobly he filled the double station Both ofa preacher and physician. To cure men's sicioiesses and sing, He took unwearied care and pains ; And strove lo make his patient wliole Throughout, in body and in soul. He lov'd his God, lov'd to do good, To all his friends vast kindness show'd ; Nor could his enemies exclaim, And say he waa .lot kind to them. His labors met a sudden close, Now he enjoys a sweet repose ; And when the just lo life shall rise. Among Ihe first, he'U mount the skies. ORANGE. This town was incorporated in 1783. The face of the township is generally rough and uneven. Miller's river, which now passes through the central part of the town, affords valuable water privi leges. Mr. Emerson Foster and Mr. Chandler are the only minis- . ROWE. 269 ters who have been settled over the old church in Orange, now in the northern section of the town. Mr. Foster was minister here about 1798. Mr. Chandler was in the place but a short time. In 1837 an ecclesiastical council convened and organized a church, called the " Evangelical Church of Orange." Southern view of Orange, (central part.) The above is a southern view of the flourishing little village of Orange, now in the central part of the town. Miller's river, which passes through the place, was formerly the southern boundary of Orange. The northern part of New Salem has been quite recently annexed to this town, so that this viUage is now in thc central part. The forests have been recently cleared away in the immediate vicinity, and the place presents the appearance of a new settlement springing up in thc wilderness. Population of the town in AprU, 1837, was 1,543. Distance, 75 miles from Boston. In 1837, there were manufactured in this town 72,300 palm-leaf hats, the value of which was $12,050. ROWE. This town was incorporated in 1785. It has an elevated situa tion, and was originaUy purchased by a Mr. Jones. In 1838, the legislature annexed a part of an unincorporated tract, called Zoar, to this town. This tract comprised 1,875 acres of land, adjoining the south part of the town, on which were six families. One of the cordon of forts erected about 1744 for a defence agamst the French and Indians was situated in this town. The rums of this fortifi cation called Fort Pelham, are situated south-east of the Congre gational church in the center of the town, on Pelham brook, a small stream, being the only one passing through the town Rev. Preserved Smith, the first minister, was settled here m 1787 ; his successor was Rev. Jonathan Keith, was settled in 1808, and was 270 , SHELBURNE. succeeded by Mr. Smith, who again settled in 1812. His successor was Rev. WiUiam D. Stearns, was settled in 1835. Rev. John C. Thompson was settled over the Trinitarian church in 1835. There are four religious societies and four meeting-houses in this town. Population, 688. Distance, 22 miles from Greenfield and 130 from Boston. There is a woollen mill in this town. In 1837 there were 302 Saxony, 1,630 merino, and 364 of other kinds of sheep, producing wool to the value of $4,249 80. SHELBURNE. This town was originally a part of Deerfield, called Deerfield North- West. It received its present name from Lord Shelburne, of England. It was incorporated a distinct town in 1768. The first settlement was made in the eastern part of the town ; the first meeting-house, which was built of logs and plastered, stood about half a mUe north of the present Congregational church in the cen ter of the town. The first Congregational minister was Rev. Ro bert Hubbard, who was settled in 1773 ; he died in Middletown, Ct. in 1788, aged 45. His successor was Rev. Jesse Townsend, who was settled in 1792, and resigned in 1797 ; the next pastor was Rev. TheophUus Packard, D. D., who was settled in 1799 ; he was succeeded by his son of the same name in 1828. The Shakers carne into this town in 1782; they continued here about three years, when they removed to New Lebanon : a Mr. Wood was their elder or leader. The oldest house now standing in Shelburne FaUs village was buUt by these people. The first Baptist church in this town was formed in 1788, and their first minister was a Mr. Green ; in 1792 Rev. David Long became its pastor, and con tinued his labors nearly forty years. The Unitarian society was formed in 1828. The Rev. Pliny Fiske, a missionary to Palestine, who died at Beyroot, in Syria, in 1825, was a native of this town. The following is a S. Eastern view of Shelburne Falls village, on Deerfield river, on the western boundary of the town. It consists of about thirty dwelling-houses, a church, an academy, and other buildings. The descent of the nver at this place is forty-seven feet in the distance of forty rods, which aff'ords abundant water power for several mills for different purposes. This village is uncom monly neat and beautiful in its general appearance. The engra ving shows the northern part. Deerfield river runs a few rods westward of the houses represented ; it bends round to the east ward, passing over a rocky bed, falling in some places perpen dicularly, foaming and roaring. This, with the elevated banks on each side, covered with forest trees, presents a wild and pictu resque scene. The church seen in the engraving in the distance is the Baptist church, erected in 1836. The second Baptist church was formed in 1833, and the Rev. John Alden, Jr., was constituted pastor. SHUTESBURY. South-eastern view of Shelburne Falls Village. The Franklin Academe/, located in this village, was incorporated m 1823. Two buUdings are connected with the institution: one, (the academy) is a brick edifice, 52 feet by 38, and three stories in height. It is seen in the engraving in the distance, with a small lower or steeple on the roof. The other is the house occu pied by the principal, and others connected with the academy. It is 80 feet by 30, and stands about 60 rods east of the brick building. The average number of scholars for the last five years has been abont 90 each term. Ever since its formation it has been under the charge of Mr. Alden, the Baptist clergyman mentioned above. This place is 4 miles from the center of the town, 9 from Greenfield, 25 from Northampton, and 100 from Boston. Popula tion, 1,018. In 1837 there was one woollen mill; 1 scythe manu factory, which manufactured 7,200 scythes, the value of which was $9,400. Fifteen hands were employed in the manufacture of scythe snaiths ; capital invested in this manufacture was $10,000. There were 6,000 pahn-leaf hats manufactured, valued at $1,000. The value of wool produced in the town was $4,500 ; boots and shoes, $4,000. SHUTESBURY. This town was incorporated in 1761. The town was first set tled mostly by people from Sudbury, in 1754, and was at that period called Road Town. The land is uneven, encumbered with stones, and the soil is generally of an inferior quality. The Rev. Abraham Hill, the first Congregational minister, was settled here in 1742. Imbibing political sentiments hostile to the American cause, Mr. Hill was alienated from his people, and was regularly dismissed, in 1778 ; the church was reduced to one member. It 272 SUNDERLAND. was reorganized in 1806 with 20 members. Rev. John Taylor was settled here, 1816 ; his successor was Rev. Martyn Cushman. Population, 816. Distance, 16 miles from Greenfield, 9 from Amherst, and 78 from Boston. In 1837, there were 22,000 palm- leaf hats manufactured. The following account of Mr. Ephraim Pratt, of this town, who lived to a very advanced age, is from the second volume of Dr. Dwight's Travels, page 358. "He was bom at Sudbury, Massachusetts, in 1687; and in one month from the date of our arrival (Wednesday, Nov. 13th', 1803) would complete his one hundred and sixteenth year. He was of middle stature ; firmly built; plump, but not encumbered with flesh; less withered than multitudes at seventy; possessed of considerable strength, as was evident from the grasp of his hand and the sound of his voice ; and without any marks of extreme age. About two months before, his sight became so impaired, that he was unable to distinguish persons. His hearing, also, for a short time had been so imperfect, that he could not distinctly hear common conversation. His memory was still vigorous ; his understanding sound ; and his mind sprightly in its conceptions, " The principal part of the time which I was in the house, he held rae by the hand ; cheerfully answered all my questions ; readily gave me an account of himself in such particulars as I wished to know ; observed to me that my voice indicated that I was not less than forty-five years of age, and that he must appear very old to me ; adding, however, that some men, who had not passed their seventieth year, probably looked almost, or quite, as old as himself The remark was certainly just ; but it was the first time that I had heard persons who had reached the age of seventy considered as being young. We were informed, partly by himself and partly by his host, that he had been a laborious man all his life ; and particularly, that he had mown grass one hun dred and one years successively. The preceding summer he had been unable to per form this labor. During this season his utraost effort was a walk of half a mile. In this walk he stumbled over a log, and fell, Iinraediately afterwards he began evi dently to decline, and lost in a considerable degree both his sight and hearing. In the summer of 1802, he walked without inconvenience two mUes, and mowed a small quantity of grass. " Throughout his life he had been uniformly temperate. Ardent spirits he rarely tasted ; cider he drank at times, but sparingly. In the vigorous periods of life he had accustomed himself to eat flesh, but much more abstemiously than most other per sons in this country. Milk, which had always been a great part, was now the whole of his diet. He is naturally cheerful, and humorous ; apparently unsusceptible of tender emotions ; and not much inclined to serious thinking. According to an account which he gave his host, he made a public profession of religion near seventy years before our visit to him ; but was not supposed by him, nor by others acquainted with him, to be a religious man. He conversed easily, and was plainly gratified with the visits and conversation of strangers. When he was ninety-three years old, he made a bargain with his host, (who told us the story,) that he should support him during the remainder of his life for £20, "He was never sick but once, and then with the fever and ague. It is scarcely necessary to observe, that a man one hundred and sixteen years old, -without religion, W£is a melancholy sight to me, " Three or four years before this time I saw in a newspaper an advertisement, written by a person who professed and appeared to be acquainted with him and his con cerns, in which it was said that his descendants, some of whom were of the fifth generation, amounted probably to raore than 1,500." SUNDERLAND. This town was originally a part of Hadley. It was incorpo rated as a town in 1718, and the Rev. Josiah Willard was ordained the first minister the same year. Mr. Willard died in 1790, aged, SUNDERLAND. 273 ninety years. The following ministers have succeeded him, viz. WUliam Rand, who settled here in 1724; Joseph Ashley, in 1747 ; Asa Lyon, in 1792 ; David H. Williston, in 1804 ; James Taylor, in 1807 ; Henry B. Holmes, in 1833. The central village of Sunderland is pleasantly situated on a fine interval of land on the east bank of Connecticut river. It consists • of about fifty dwelling-houses and a Congregational church. The viUage street is about three fourths of a mile in extent. The North village is about three miles from the center, and contains about fifteen or twenty dwellings, and a Baptist church. Plum Tree village is three miles south, and is about the size of the north village. At the central village there is a bridge over the Connecticut, 858 feet in length ; it was built in 1832, at an expense of $20,000. The village is handsomely built, and the scenery in the vicinity is uncommonly interesting : the Sugar-loaf mountain rises at about half a mile's distance, on the western bank of the river, in solitary and striking grandeur ; while Mount Toby rises to the eastward. Population, 729. Distance, 10 miles from Greenfield, 10 from Hadley, 5 from Montague, 29 from Spring field, 70 from Albany, N. Y., and 85 from Boston. The value of corn brooms manufactured in this place in 1837 was $11,415. Mount Toby is a sand-stone mountain, elevated about a thousand feet above Con necticut river, and lies partly iu Sunderland and partly in Leverett, and is almost covered with forests. On the north-west side of this mountain, in the north part of Sunderland, are a cave and fissure which have attracted some attention. " The follow. iug section wUl, I apprehend," says Prof. Hitchcock in his Geological Report, " ren der intelligible, not merely the form and situation of this cave and fissure, but alsc the mode of their production. They occur in a conglomerate rock of new red sand-stone, on the north-west side of Mount Toby, in the north part of Sunderland. The conglome rate strata are several feet thick ; and immediately beneath this rock lies a slaty micaceous sand-stone, which is very subject to disintegration ; as may be seen a little north of the cave, where the conglomerate projects several feet beyond the slate, whose ruins are scattered around. The spot is, perhaps, 300 or 400 feet above Connecticut river ¦ yet there is the most conclusive proof in aU the region around, that water once acted 'powerfuUy, and probably for a long period, at various elevations on the sides of this mountain ; and not improbably this aqueous agency assisted ui undermmmg the conglomerate rock by wearing away the sand-.stone," ,^ , .^ At A and B the rock is but slightly removed from its ongmal position ; but in the space between' these points, the slate appears to have been worn away, so as to cause the whole conglomerate stratum, which is from 50 to 60 feet thirik, and consequently of immense weight, to faU down, producing the fissure a and the cavern b. The fis sure is 9 feet wide at the top, and open to d, 40 feet ; below which it is fiUed with rubbish. The cavern is wider than this in some parts, though very irregular in this respect Its bottom also is rendered very uneven by the large masses of rock that have tninbled down. In the deepest spot (56 feet) the rocks are separated to the surface, 37 274 WENDELL. SO as to let the Ught from above. The whole length of the cavern is 148 feet. Its general direction is nearly east and west ; but towards its eastern part it turns almost at right angles to the left, in consequence of the rock A having been broken in a north and south direction from the mass of the mountain." WARWICK. The Indian name for this town was Shaomet. It was incorpo rated as a town in 1763. The first church which was formed here, in 1760, consisted of twenty-six members. Rev. Lemuel Hedge, the first minister, was ordained here December 3d, 1760, on the day of the formation of the church; he died in 1777, aged 44 years. His successor was Rev. Samuel Reed, who was settled here in 1779 ; he died in 1812, aged 57. Rev. Preserved Smith, the suc cessor of Mr. Reed, Avas settled in 1814. The church and society now worship in the third house that has been built for the society ; it was erected in 1836. The Trinitarian church in this place was organized in 1829, and consisted at that time of thirty members. Rev. Samuel Kingsbury, the first minister, was installed pastor in 1833, and resigned in 1835. His successor was Rev. Roger C. Hatch. There is in the central part of the town an insulated, mountain ous elevation, called Mount Grace, from which there is a fine prospect. There is a scythe factory in the town. In 1837, there were manufactured here 47,000 palm-leaf hats, which were valued at $6,400. Population, 1,111. Distance, 14 miles from Green field, 22 south from Keene, N. H., and 78 from Boston. In 1812, there was a glass manufacturing company established here, with a capital of $70,000. WENDELL. This town was incorporated in 1781. It is mostly a farming town, composed of scattered plantations, there being no considera ble village in the town. The surface is uneven, but not much broken or precipitous. There are two houses of worship in the central part of the town, one a Congregational, the other a Bap tist church. Rev. Joseph Kilburn, a Congregational minister, was settled here in 1783 ; he died in 1815, and his successors have been Rev. Hervey Wilbur, Rev. John B. Duncklee, and Rev. Wil liam Claggett. Miller river, which forms the northern boundary of the town, is here a fine stream, and adds much to the beauty and fertihty of this part of the township. Population, 847. Distance, 14 mUes from Greenfield, and 80 from Boston. In 1837, there were 37,000 palm-leaf hats manufactured here, valued at $5,000 ; the value of boots and shoes manufactured was $5,250. HAMPDEN COUNTY. 275 WHATELY. The territory comprising this town was a part of the original grant of Hadley, from which it was separated, with Hatfield, in 1761, with which town it remained one hundred years, till its incorporation in 1771. The Rev. Rufus Wells, the first Congre gational minister, was ordained here in 1771 ; he died in 1834, at the age of ninety. Rev. Lemuel P. Bates, a native of Blandford, Scotland, was settled as colleague with Mr. Wells in 1822 ; he resigned in 1832, and was succeeded by Rev. John Ferguson in 1836. There is a small Baptist church in the western part of the town. There is a considerable quantity of interval land on Connecticut river, but it is not of the first quality. The town street, which passes by the Congregational church, runs parallel with the river about two miles westward ; between this street and the river there is an extensive tract of swampy land, called Whately Swamp, extending from north to south almost the entire length of the town. Westward of the street above mentioned, the township is hilly, and the soil in many places rich and fertile. In 1837, there were 3 woollen mills, which consumed 52,500 lbs. of wool, employing 36 hands, 13 males, 23 females ; 57,000 yards of cloth were manufac tured, valued at $37,000. The value of palm-leaf hats manufac tured was $7,500 ; value of gimblets manufactured, $11,125 ; value of brooms and brushes manufactured, $6,877; value of pocket-books and wallets, $16,000; value of stone ware, $3,000. Population, 1,140. Distance, 11 miles south of Greenfield, 9 from Northampton, and 92 from Boston. HAMPDEN COUNTY. Hampden county was incorporated in 1812, previous to which it formed the southern part of the old county of Hampshire. The soil is generally quite fertile and well cultivated, particularly on Connecticut river, which centrally intersects the county. There are also fine lands on Westfield river. Chieopee river and its branches afford great water power ; it flows westward, and passes into the Connecticut in Springfield. Agriculture has been the principal business of the inhabitants; of late years great attention has been paid to the manufacturing business. The New Haven and Northampton canal runs through the -eastern section of the county, and promises great facilities for the transportation of various articles to, and from southern markets. The Western railroad from Boston to Albany is now in progress, and will extend through the whole length of this county from east to west. A range of the Green mountains lies along the whole western bor der of this county, separating it from Berkshire. The Lyme range of mountains rises in the eastern part, and extends in a southerly line into Connecticut. The foUowing is a Ust of the towns, which are 18 in number. 276 brimfield. Blandford, Longmeadow, Russell, Westfield, Brimfield, Ludlow, Southwick, West Springfield, Chester, Monson, Springfield, Wilhraham. Granville, Montgomery, Tolland, HoUand, Palmer, Wales, The population of this county in 1820 was 28,021 ; in 1830, it was 31,610; in 1837, it was 33,627. BLANDFORD. This town was incorporated in 1741. The inhabitants to a great extent are descended from a company of emigrants, of the Presbyterian denomination, from the north of Ireland, by whom this town was originally settled. The Rev. Mr. McClenathan appears to have been the first minister; it is supposed that he was from Ireland. Joseph Patrick and James Morton appear to have been the next in order, Joseph Badger and Jonathan Keep the next. Mr. Badger was for three years a soldier in the revolutionary war. Rev. Dorus Clark was settled here in 1823, he resigned in 1835 ; he was succeeded by Rev. Charles J. Hinsdale, in 1836. This township is situated principally upon the eastern side of a range of the Green mountains. In this town commences the ridge of rocky hills which extend to Pittsfield, in Berkshire county. In 1837, there were in this town 1 woollen mill, with 2 sets of machinery ; 13,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $18,000; 1 paper-mUl, which manufactured 60 tons of paper, val ued at $2,500. There were 1,535 cows ; cheese manufactured, 230,000 lbs,; butter, 20,000 lbs,; value of cheese, $16,100 ; butter, $3,000; males employed, 200; females, 300; capital invested, $60,000. Population, 1,443. Distance, 15 milesfrom Springfield, and 116 from Boston. BRIMFIELD. This town was granted by the general court, in the year 1701, to a number of petitioners, inhabitants of Springfield. The town ship as originally granted was 8 miles square, and was at first designated by the "Plantation adjoining Springfield;" but the committee, for the sake of convenience, as stated in the records, soon gave it the name of Brimfield. The first grants of land were made in December, 1701, to 13 persons. Very little seems to have been done towards the settlement of the place for a conside rable time, owing probably to the embarrassments occasioned by the war with the French and Indians. In 1717, the proprietors' committee petitioned for an extension of the township 3 mUes fur ther east, which was granted. After this the settlement progressed rapidly. Among the early settlers who came from Springfield are found the names of Sherman, Lombard, Pynchon, Hitchcock brimfield. 277 Brooks, Morgan, Burt, Charles, CoUins, Keep, Scott, Stebbins, Warriner, Nichols, Graves and Bliss. The Thomson family came from Woburn, and the Blodget and Russel families from Lexington. The first family which settled in Brimfield was of the name of Hitchcock, in 1714 or 1715. The principal settlers were from Springfield.* The town was incorporated in 1730, and included within its original limits the towns of Monson, Wales, and Hol land. In 1722, a meeting-house, 45 feet by 40, was erected, and stood more than eighty years. The records of the church were burnt in 1748, and some early interesting facts cannot now be ascertained. Rev. Richard Treat, the first minister, (a native of MUford, Conn.) was probably ordained in 1725; his successor. Rev. James Bridgham, was settled in 1736 ; the next minister was Rev. Nehemiah Williams, who continued in the ministry nearly twenty-two years, and died in 1796, aged 47. Rev. Clark Brown, his successor, was dismissed in 1803, agreeably to his oAvn request. Rev. Warren Fay, D. D., was settled here in 1808, and remained two years and eight months ; Rev. Joseph Vaill and Rev. Joseph Ful ler have been the succeeding ministers. Most of the people of Brimfield, from its first settlement, have continued of one religious denomination. South-eastern view of Brimfield. The above is a south-eastern view of the central part of the vU lage of Brimfield, which consists of about 40' dweUing-houses, a number of stores and mechanic shops. The manufacture of boots and shoes is an important branch of business in this place. A few rods south of the Congregational church, seen in the engra ving, was the residence of Gen. Eaton, celebrated for his daring * Notice of Brimfield in the "American Quarteriy Register," vol. x, by B. B. Edwards Mr Edwards has drawn up a full Ust of aU the Congregational minis ters in the old county of Hampshire, with historical notices, evidently with much labor and accuracy and the author of this work would here express his obligations to that valuable pubUcation for much historical information. 278 brimfield. expedition through the deserts of Barca, in Africa. This town contains much good land, and is finely watered by Chieopee and (iuinebaug rivers. In 1837, there were 10,000 pairs of boots and 36,000 pairs of shoes manufactured in this town, the value of which was $58,650; males employed, 125; females, 50. There were 12,780 palm-leaf hats manufactured, valued at $5,112. There was 1 cotton miU, with 1,332 spindles; 230,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $19,500. Distance, 19 miles from Springfield, 25 miles south-west of Worcester, and 70 from Boston. Population, 1,518. Gen. William Eaton spent the last years of his life in this town, where he died and was buried. He was born in Woodstock, Conn., Feb. 23, 1764. " At a very early period he disclosed strong indications of intellectual vigor, and of mental eccentricity. At the age of about 16 years, without the knowledge or consent pf his parents, he went from home and enUsted into the army. This was in 1780, near the close of the revolutionary war ; and young Eaton continued in the army until Ihe close of the war, a considerable part of the time in the humble station of a pri vate soldier ; but he attained the rank of a sergeant. After the peace, in 1784, he commenced the study of the Latin language, and the year after was admitted a member of Dartmouth college, where he graduated in 1790, the period of his coUe- giate Ufe having been protracted, from the circumstance of his having devoted a portion of his time to school-keeping, which his want of pecuniary resources rendered necessary, " In October, 1791, he was chosen clerk of the house of delegates of Vermont, resid ing at that time in the town of Windsor, where he had been engaged in school- keeping. In March, 1792, he was appointed a captain in the army of the United States ; and whilst in this situation, he performed various services upon the western and southern frontiers. He continued in the army until 1797, when he was appointed consul to Tunis, He continued in this diflicult (and it may be added, perilous) situa tion until 1803, during which period he discharged the consular functions with great firmness and ability. In 1804, Gen, Eaton returned to America and visited Washing ton, where he disclosed the famous enterprise which he had planned to restore the ex-bashaw of Tripoli, and having obtained the sanction of government, he embarked in July of the same year, in the Argus sloop of war, with the intention of engaging in this bold and hazardous undertaking, and arrived at Alexandria, in Egypt, on the 25th of November following. From Alexandria he proceeded to Cairo, where lie found the ex-bashaw, who approved of the enterprise, and after having made suitable arrange ments, and recruited about 500 men, (100 of which only were Christians,) it was determined by Eaton and the ex-bashaw to cross the desert and seize the province and city of Derne. After a difficult and fatiguing journey, through a dreary desert, pre- senting innumerable obstacles, they arrived within the province of Derne, and soon attacked and captured the city, having the assistance of the Hornet sloop of war. The boldness and desperate bravery of Gen, Eaton and his little party alarmed the reigning bashaw and his barbarian subjects, who almost thought they were something more than human beings; but the progress of Gen. Eaton was arrested by a peace which the American consul concluded with the bashaw. After this, Gen. Eaton returned to his native country, and was every where received -n-ith the most distin guished applause, the grateful tribute of patriotic and heroic achievements. " Gen, Eaton was avery extraordinary character; he possessed much original genius, was bold in his conceptions, ardent in his pEissions, determined in his resolu tions, and indefatigably persevering in his conduct. He possessed considerable lite rary acquirements, and the style of his writings was characteristic of his raind ; bold, energetic, and decisive. His courage was equalled only by his resolution; and the boldness of his enterprises, by his ability and perseverance to execute them."* His majesty the king of Denmark presented him with an elegant ¦* Pease and Niles' Gazetteer of Connecticut. CHESTER. 279 acknowledgment, in a gold box, of services he rendered several captured Danes at Tunis, and he also received from Massachu setts the gift of 10,000 acres of land, in token of the respect in which his talents and services were held by that state. Epitaphs copied from the burying-yard in Brimfield. This is erected as a faint expression of fiUal respect ; and to mark the spot where repose the remains of Gen. William Eaton, who died June 1st, 1811, JE, 4'7. In memory of Stephen Pynchon, Esq., who died Feb, 5, 1828, JE.. 55. One truth is certain, when this life is o'er Man dies to live ; and lives, to die no more.' CHESTER. This town was incorporated in 1765. The Rev. Aaron Bascom and Samuel M. Emerson appear to have been the first ministers. Rev. Rufus Pomeroy was settled here in 1819 ; he resigned in 1827, and was succeeded by Rev. Saul Clark in 1829. Mr. Clark was succeeded by Rev. Alanson Alvord, in 1834. Ai^ :^ „it Southern view of Chester. The above is a southern view of Chester village, situated in the south-eastern corner of the town of Chester. This place is situated at the corners of four towns, viz. Chester, Blandford, Norwich, and Montgomery. The Methodist church seen in the engraving stands on the line between the towns of Chester and Blandford ; the house on the left is in Blandford. This little vUlage consisting at present [1838] of about 15 dwelling-houses, a cotton factory, and some other buildings, is situated in the gorge through which the Westfield river passes. The route of the Wes tern railroad is laid out through the viUage. Part of the moun tainous elevation seen m the back ground is within the limits of 280 GRANVILLE. Norwich. This place is 5 mUes from the center of the town, 12 from Westfield, 16 from Northampton, 21 from Springfield, and 118 from Boston. The scenery along the Westfield river is wild and picturesque in many places. Population, 1,290. In 1837, there were 2 cotton mills; cotton spindles, 1,690; cotton goods manufactured, 225,000 yards ; value, $22,075 ; males employed, 13 ; females, 22. There were 1,055 Saxony sheep, 2,495 merino, and 170 of other kinds of sheep ; average weight of fleece, 2 and three fourths pounds ; value of wool produced, $5,817 38 ; capital invested, $11,347. There were 3 tanneries ; hides tanned, 33,500 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $10,900 ; the value of win dow blinds manufactured, $15,000 ; males employed, 14 ; females, twenty-six. GRANVILLE. This town was incorporated in 1754, and included in its origi nal limits the present town of Tolland. Rev. Moses Tuttle appears to have been the first minister. He was settled in 1747, and con tinued pastor here about six years; he was succeeded by Rev. Jedediah Smith, who was ordained in 1756. Mr. Smith was a man of uncommon piety, pleasantness, and affability. "After his dismission, in 1776, he preached his farewell sermon, and embarked at Middletown, Con., with his family, for Louisiana. In a long pas sage up the JMississippi, being exposed to an intense heat and nox ious atmosphere, he was attacked with a fever, and in a phrensy leaped into the river. Though rescued from the water, he soon after died, and was buried on the land. The river gradually encroached on the bank, till the grave was borne away, and ' no man knoweth of his sepulcher unto this day.' His family went on and founded a settlement in that remote country. The descend ants comprise some of the most respectable citizens of Louisiana. The church was destitute of a pastor for 20 years, and the place was a moral waste. Divisions were prevalent in the church, and profaneness, hor.se-racing, and intemperance in the town." The next settled minister after Mr. Smith was Rev. Timothy M. Cooley, D. D., who was settled in 1796, and his labors have had a happy influence in the town. The first minister of the Second church, or church in West Granville, was Rev. Aaron J. Booge, who was instaUed in 1786, and dismissed in 1793. He was suc ceeded by Rev. .Joel Baker, who was settled in 1797, and died in 1833 ; his successor. Rev. Seth Chapin, continued pastor tUl 1835. He was succeeded by Rev. Henry Eddy. The principal village in this town is in East Granville. It is situated on a very elevated hill, about 17 miles from Springfield. This is situated in a mountainous region, and agriculture is the principal business of the inhabitants. In 1837, pocket-books were the principal articles manufactured in the town ; the value of these was $6,240. Population, 1,439. The church in East GranviUe LONGMEADOW. 281 organized from their own number a church to form a settlement in GranvUle, Ohio. This colony laid the foundation of one of the most respectable churches in Ohio, and now consists of about 400 members. The church in West Granville likewise organized a church which settled in Charlestown, in the same state ; this is also in a flourishing state. HOLLAND. This town was formerly a part of Brimfield. It was incorpora ted as a town in 1796. The Rev. Ezra Reeve, the first Congrega tional minister, was settled here in 1765. He died in 1818, at the age of 85. The next minister settled here was Rev. Enoch Burt. James Sandford, who succeeded Mr. Burt, was installed here in 1831. Besides the Congregational, there is a Baptist church in the place. In 1837 there was one cotton miU, having 1,024 spindles ; it consumed 20,902 lbs. of cotton ; 104,512 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $10,451 20 ; males employed, 12 ; females, 17; capital invested, $15,000. Population, 495. Distance, 20 miles from Springfield, and 70 from Boston. LONGMEADOW. This place was originaUy a part of Springfield ; it", Indian name was Masacksick. It was incorporated as a distinct precinct in 1713, when there were a little less than 40 families. It was incor porated as a town in 1783. "It is not known exactly at what pe riod the settlement commenced in this town, but probably as ear ly as 1644. Among the earliest settlers were Benjamin Cooley, George Colton, (known in the records by the name of quarter-mas ter Colton,) and John Keep. These persons were the ancestors of all the families of their respective names in this part of the country. The original settlement in what is now Longmeadow began in the meadow near the bank of the river. In 1703 there was a pe tition from the inhabitants to the town, that, on account of the danger which they were in from floods, and some other inconve niences attending their situation, they might be permitted to move out of the general field, and build on the hill, about half a mile east of the river. This petition was granted, and the town voted to give them ' the land from Pecowsic brook to Enfield bounds, and from the hill eastward of Longmeadow, half a mUe further eastward into the woods.' " , . , , . The soil of Longmeadow is fertUe, and the inhabitants are al most exclusively devoted to agricultural pursuits. The principal village is pleasantly located near the east bank of Connecticut river. The following cut is a northern view of the first Congrega tional church, and exhibits the characteristic scenery of this plea- 38 282 LONGMEADOW. North view of Congregational Church, Longmeadow. sant viUage. The village is built on one wide level street, which passes through the town, following the course of the Connecticut, on the first rise of ground above the meadows, which extend fhe whole breadth of the town from north to south. The distance from the street to the river is generally about one mile. Distance, 4 mUes south of Springfield, 22 north of Hartford, 97 south-wester ly from Boston. There are 3 churches, 2 Congregational and 1 Baptist. The Baptist and one of the Congregational churches are in the eastern part of the town, called East Longmeadow. An ex tensive range of forest lands extend from north to south through the town, a little eastward of the main road. The western part of the township is generally level and free from stones. Popula tion, 1,251. The first minister of the place was Rev. Stephen Williams, who was ordained here in 1716. He was a son of Rev. John Williams, of Deerfield, and was carried captive with his father to Canada. He served as chaplain in three campaigns, and received the de gree of D. D. from Dartmouth college in 1773. He died in 1782, in the 90th year of his age, and 66th of his ministry. Dr. Wil liams was succeeded by Rev. Richard Salter Storrs, who was settled in 1785. Mr. Storrs died in 1819. The next minister was Rev. Baxter Dickinson, wlio was ordained in 1823. The first settled Baptist minister in this town was Rev. George B. Atwell, who was ordained in 1822. The Baptist meeting-house is in the eastern part of the town. " On the 26th of March, [1676,] a number of people from Longmeadow, being on their way to attend public worship in Springfield, escorted by a party of cavalry, were attacked, and two killed and several wounded. As the attack was made from the woods bordering the road, the escort afforded little protection ; two women, with their children, falling from their horses during the confusion, were seized by the Indians, and dragged into a swamp in LUDLOW. 283 the vicinity. In the mean time the people in the van were safely convoyed to Springfield by the cavalry, who returned expedi tiously to the place of attack; but the Indians had retired into the woods. The next day the captured women and children were found in the margin of the swamp, badly wounded by Indian hatchets, ?ome of whom died after being conveyed to their places of residence."— Hoyt's Indian Wars, p. 125. The following inscriptions are copied from monuments in the ancient grave-yard : In memory of Rev, Stephen WiUiams, D, D,, who was a prudent and laborious minis ter, a sound and evangelical preacher, a pious and exemplary christian, a sincere and faithful friend, a tender and atfectionate father and consort, and a real and disinterested lover of mankind ; departed this Ufe with humble and cheerful hope of a better, June 10th, 1782, in the 90 year of his age, and 66th of his ministry. Softly with fainting head he lay I His maker kissed his soul away, Upon his maker's breast ; | And laid his flesh to rest. Sacred to the memory of the Rev, Richard S. Storrs, pastor of the church in Long meadow. He was born at Mansfield, Conn,, Aug, 30th, 1763, graduated at Yale Col lege in 1783, ordained Dec, 7, 1785, died Oct, 3, 1819, In the private relations of life he eminently Ulustrated the graces of the christian. He was distinguished for his ap propriate, perspicuous, and affectionate exhibition of evangelical truth, for propriety, richness and fervor in social prayer, and for his instructive coversation and christian sympathy in pastoral duties. In testimony of their affectionate remembrance of his personal worth and their regard for his ability, zeal and usefulness as their christian pastor, his mourning congregation erect this monument. Religion, her almighty breath, I Amidst that calm of sweet repose, Rebuked the winds and waves of death ; | To Heaven his gentle spirit rose. In memory of Capt. Isaac CoUon, who died Jan?- 23"i. 1757, in his 57th year. Capt. I. Colton had a raUitary genius, commanded a company at Louisbourg, in 1745. Was respected & useful at home. Was a man of prayer. Isa. 31, 3. For behold the Lord doth take away the Captain. How art thou fallen in the midst of the battle ; O very pleasant hast thou been. In memory of Lieutenant Nathaniel Burt, who was slain in the memorable battle of Lake George, Sept. 8th, 1755, when his Colonel and other brave officers feU, yet a sig nal victory was obtained over the enemy. Mr. Nathaniel Burt was a deacon of this church, an exemplary christian, a raan of PubUc Spirit, & a good soldier ; weU be loved at home, and in y army. A concern for pure reUgion caused his going uato y« military service. He died in his 45th year. 2 Chron. 35 and 25. And Jeremiah la- mented over Josiah. Mr Nathaniel Burt, a respectable and worthy father of the town of Longmeadow, was born A. D. 1636, and died Sept, 29th, 1720, This monument is erected hy the inhabitants of said town, as a token of gratitude for his donation of lands made by hun to them for the support ofthe gospel, and public school. Isaiah 32, 8. The liberal de- viseth Uberal things, and by Uberal things he shall stand. LUDLOW. This town was incorporated in 1774. The first Congregational minister settled here was Rev. Antipas Steward, who was or darned in 1793- He resigned in 1803, and died in 1814, aged 80 years. His successor. Rev. Ebenezer B. Wright, settled here m 284 MONSON. 1819. Mr. Wright resigned in 1835, and was succeeded the same year by Rev. David R. Austin. Besides the Congregational, there is now, in the central part of the town, a Methodist church. This is principally an agricultural town ; the greater part of the inhabitants live scattered about on their farms. There is, however, a flourishing little village on the Chieopee river, which forms the southern boundary of this town, dividing it from Wilhraham and Springfield. Jenks' cotton factories, two in number, are at this place. The village lies on both sides of the Chieopee. In 1837, there were in this town 2 cotton miUs, having 10,000 spindles; 500,000 lbs. of cotton were consumed ; 1,600,000 yards of cotton goods were manufactured, valued at $160,000 ; males employed, 88 ; females, 200 ; capital invested, $100,000. Population, 1,329. Distance, 10 miles from Springfield, and 84 from Boston. MONSON. This town was originaUy a part of Brimfield. About one ninth of the proprietors of that town settled in this part of the township. The first house east of Springfield was erected more than 140 years ago within the present limits of this town. The name of the man who first planted himself here was Fellis. The general court granted him 200 acres of land, on condition that he would erect and keep a house of entertainment for travellers passing between Springfield and Brookfield. The man continued awhile, but soon returned to Springfield on account of alarm from the Indians. Al though he did not entirely fulfil the conditions of the grant, yet he held and sold the land. It afterwards came into the possession of Governor Hutchinson's family. Of the above-mentioned proprie tors who settled within the present limits of Monson, were Robert Olds, (as early as 1715,) Ezra and Samuel King, Benjamin Munn, John Keep, John Atchenson, Mark Ferry, Daniel Killam, Obadiah Cooley, and Samuel Kilborn. On petition to the general court, this part of Brimfield was incorporated as a district in the spring of 1760. Previous to this, the name of Monson was given to it by Gov. Pownal. When the act of incorporation was obtained, there were only 49 families in the limits of the district. In the month of August fol lowing, the first district meeting was held, at which all necessary officers were chosen. They immediately proceeded to make pre paration for the public worship of God. In 1762, about 2 years from the incorporation, land had been procured and a meeting house erected. During this period they had preaching in private houses, by candidates. The first who supplied them was Simeon Strong, afterwards judge of the supreme court. Rev. Abishai Sa bin was the first pastor, ordained in 1762. His relation to the church continued about 10 years, when he was dismissed. The second pastor was Rev. Jesse Ives, a native of Meriden, Con., and MONSON. 285 graduate of Yale college in 1758. He was installed in 1773, and continued with the people till his death, in 1805. The present pastor, Rev. Alfred Ely, D. D., a native of West Springfield, was ordained in 1806. The amount of settlement and salary which the people offered Mr. Sabin is not known, though it is evident he had a settlement. Mr. Ives had a settlement of £100, and £65 and 30 cords ot wood as an annual salary ; and the present pastor $500. Ihe first meeting-house was taken down in 1803, having stood 41 years, and the same year the present one was built. There is no notice of the existence of any organized society of another denomi nation tiU 1798, when " persons composing the first Baptist society were set off." m^f^^it:u^,H^l South-eastern view of Monson. The above is a representation of the centra part of Monson, as seen from the bridge, at the south-eastern extremity of the village. The academy is seen on the left, surmounted with a cupola ; the Congregational church is seen in the central part of the engraving ; the building standing northerly from the church, with a small tower, is the vestry. Monson Academy is well endowed, and is a very respectable institution. This town is about 8 miles in length, from N. to S., and about 6 miles in breadth. A narrow vale, interspersed with some small gravelly hiUs, runs from south to north through the center, bounded on each side by ranges of hills of moderate height. Through this vale flows for a considerable distance a small stream, which flows into the Chieopee river on the north. On this brook, within about 1 mUe of the center, are 4 factories, 2 cotton and 2 woollen. The public buUdings are a Congregational meeting-house, a vestry, an academy building and laboratory in the center, a Baptist meet ing-house on the west border, and a Methodist chapel about 2 miles south of the center. Distance, 13 miles E. from Sprmgfield, and 73 S. W. by W. of Boston. Population, 2,179. In 1837, there were in this town 3 cotton mills, 3,636 cotton spin dles ; 605,071 yards of cotton goods were manufactured, valued at 286 MONTGOMERY. $67,500; males employed, 47; females, 73; capital invested, $39,000. There were two wooUen mills and 5 sets of machinery ; wool consumed, 130,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 170,000 yards; valued at $117,000; males employed, 43; females, 37; capital invested, $29,250. There were 2,712 merino, and 349 other kinds of sheep in the town ; value of wool produced was $4,892 ; value of boots and shoes manufactured, $5,600; value of spectacles manufactured, $7,060; straw braid, $2,100. MONTGOMERY. This town was incorporated in 1780. A Congregational church was organized here in 1797; it consisted at the time it was organ ized of five male members. Rev. Seth Noble, the first pastor, was settled here in 1801, and resigned in 1806. He died in the state of Ohio, a few years since, whither he had removed. His succes sor in the ministry was Rev. John H. Fowler, who was ordained in 1822; he died in 1829, aged 58. The next pastor was Rev. Solomon Edson, who was settled in 1832, and resigned in 1836. Rev. Caleb Knight, the next pastor, was installed the same year. This is a small agricultural town. Population, 497. Distance, 12 miles from Springfield, 12 from Northampton, and 100 from Boston. In 1837, there were 1,189 merino and 279 other kinds of sheep ; the average weight of their fleece was two and three fourths pounds ; value of wool produced, $2,220 35. PALMER. Tms place was originally settled by emigrants from the north of Ireland ; many of whose descendants remain in the place. The records of the church and those of the town are scanty and defec tive. The town was incorporated in 1752. A church was probably organized here in 1730 or 1731, three years after the town was settled. Rev. John Harvey, who was ordained by the Londonder ry presbytery, was settled here in 1734, and was dismissed in 1748. He was succeeded by Rev. Robert Burns, in 1753. Mr. Burns was succeeded by Rev. Moses Baldwin, who was installed in 1761 ; he resigned in 1811, and died in 1813, aged 81. His successors have been Rev. Simeon Colton, settled in 1811 ; Rev. Henry H. F. Sweet, in 1825 ; Rev. Joseph K. Ware, in 1827 ; and Rev. Samuel Backus, instaUed in 1832. Till the settlement of Mr. Colton, this church was Scotch Presbyterian. This town is well situated for agriculture, between the forks made by Ware river with the Chieopee on the south, and the Swift river on the north. It is fast rising into importance as a manufacturing town. In the central part of the town there is a southwick. 287 little village of about a dozen dwelling-houses and a Congregational church. The village of Three Rivers is on the Chieopee, at the western extremity of the town, nearly three miles from the center ; this is a factory village, consisting of about 20 dwelling-houses and a Baptist church. There is another village now erecting, about one mile from the center, called Thorndike viUage. In each of these villages there is a large cotton mill. In 1837, there were 2 cotton mUls, 11,020 spindles ; 1,020,000 yards of cotton goods man ufactured, valued at $102,000 ; males employed, 100 ; females, 200. One woollen mill, with 2 sets of machinery ; 68,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $54,000. The value of boots and shoes manufactured was $8,956 ; value of scythes manufactured, $10,000 ; palm-leaf hats, $2,500. Population, 1,810. Distance, 16 miles from Springfield, 23 from Northampton, 7 to Ware village, 9 to Wilhraham, 31 to Worcester, and 71 from Boston. RUSSELL, This town was incorporated in 1792. It was formerly a part of Westfield, and was called the Neiv-addition. The first settlers in this town Avere two brothers by the name of Barber, and a Mr. Grey. They lived upon the road leading from Westfield to Bland ford, by Sackett's, and up the mountain, then called Glasgow mountain. A Congregational church was organized here in 1800, by Rev. Joseph Badger. The Congregationalists own a small well- finished meeting-house in connection with the Methodists. There is a small cotton mill in this town. Population, 475. Distance, 14 miles from Springfield and 100 from Boston. SOUTHWICK. This town was formeriy a part of Westfield ; it was incorporated as a distinct town in 1779. Samuel Fowler appears to have been the first settler within the limits of this town. About 1734, he located himself in the north part, then called Poverty so caUed probably from the lightness of the soil in this section of Southwick. A Congregational church was organized in this place m 1773; the first settled minister was ordained the same year. His successor. Rev. Isaac Clinton, was ordSined in 1788. Rev. Dudley D. Rossiter, the next minister, was ordained in 1816, but preached but a very few times on account of ill health. Rev. Calvin Foote, his succes sor was ordained in 1820. Rev. Elbridge G. Howe was installed here in 1831, and Rev. Thomas Fletcher in 1838. The first meet mg-house was erected about one mile south of the village ; it was biu-nt in 1823; a new one was erected in 1824. A Methodist Episcopal church was erected in 1824, in the south part of the 288 southwick. town. A Baptist church was erected in the central village about 1822. The viUage in the central part of the town consists of about 25 dwelling-houses, 2 churches, 1 Congregational and 1 Baptist, and an academy. Mr. Richard Dickinson, who died in this town in 1824, appropriated $17,000 in his will for the benefit of the schools. A sum not exceeding one half goes to the support of a grammar- school, and the remainder to the district schools. The interest only is appropriated. The grammar-school has been commenced, and is free to the youth of Southwick. This place is 11 miles from Springfield, 5 from Westfield, 6 from E. GranvUle, 22 from Hart ford, Con., and 108 from Boston. Population, 1,291. In 1837, the value of powder manufactured in this place was $32,725 ; hands employed, 13 ; capital invested $17,300 ; value of cigars manufac tured, $6,350 ; hands employed, 10 ; capital invested, $1,000 ; value of whips manufactured, $5,400; value of whip-lashes, $3,850; males employed, 5 ; females, 16 ; capital invested, $1,000. The New Ha ven and Northampton canal passes through this town, and com municates with several large ponds in the south-eastern section. It will be perceived, in all correct maps of Connecticut, that a tract of land, about two miles in length and breadth, on the west ern boundary of this town, projects into what would seem ought to belong to Connecticut. This tract has been left to the jurisdic tion of Massachusetts since the year 1800. It appears that the bounds of Springfield and Windsor were not defined with much accuracy in this section ; the bounds at the north-west point of the projection, however, appear to have been clearly defined. The western bounds of Springfield, in which part of Suffield was in cluded, were supposed, but erroneously, to extend to this point. A Mr. Moore, living on the tract in question, was knowing to the facts in the case. Having received a warning to a militia training, he refused to appear, denying that he was within the jurisdiction of Connecticut. The case was carried to the general assembly of Connecticut, who, upon an examination of the facts in the case, were obliged to leave this tract to the jurisdiction of Massachu setts. " The south line of Massachusetts, according to charter, runs west from a point three mUes south of the raost southerly branch of Charles river, and every part of it ; and the north line of Connecticut is the south hne of Massachusetts. When Mr. Pyn chon settled Springfield, and the first plantations were made in Connecticut, in 1635, it was not known whether the territory would fall within the limits of Massachusetts or not. But Mr. Pynchon at first considered himself as belonging to the jurisdiction of the Connecticut plantations. In 1642, Massachusetts employed two surveyors, Woodward and Saffery, to run the line between the colonies. These pretended to as certain the south line on Charles river, and then, saiUng round and going up the Con necticut, they attempted to fix the line there, in the same latitude. But either through inattention or the use of bad instruments, they determined the line to fall in Windsor, many miles south of the true line. Connecticut was dissatisfied with the determination of Woodward and Saffery, and made repeated proposals to Massachusetts for a mutual adjustment ofthe controversy, which were ineffectual. In 1694, a committee appoint ed by Connecticut run the line, and found the forraer survey very erroneous. In this situation, the inhabitants of Sufl[ield and Enfield, who settled under the claims and jurisdiction of Massachusetts, continued to encroach upon Windsor and Simsbury, which excited warto animosities. In the year 1700, further attempts were made lo SPRINGFIELD. 289 procure an amicable settlement of the dispute ; the line was run by commissioners of both colonies, in 1702, and found to fall far north of the former line ; but Massachusetts disagreed to their report. In 1708, Connecticut appointed commissioners with fuU powers to run the Une, and establish the boundary ; and resolved, that unless Massa chusetts would unite to complete the business, they would apply to the crown. Mas sachusetts did not agree at once to the proposal of Connecticut ; but in 1713, commis sioners were appointed on the part of both colonies, who came to an agreement on the 13th of July. On rnnnmg the Une it was found to fall north of Enfield, Suffield, and Woodstock, which of course came within the jurisdiction of Connecticut. As an equi valent for the land which had been taken from Connecticut by encroachments, Massa chusetts granted a tract of land in the western part of that colony, which, in 1716, was sold for two thousand two hundred and seventy-four doUars, which sum was applied to the use of Yale college. This agreement, however, was not considered as conclusive and satisfactory ; nor was the boundary between the two states definitely settled till May, 1804."* The following inscriptions are from monuments in the grave yard in this place : In memory ofthe Rev. Abel Forward. His talents & learningwere great. Formed to benefit & instruct mankind, he was a pulpit orator, A pious & benevolent divine, a wise and prudent councillor & skilful Guide, ic believing & teaching the Religion of Jesus, died in faith & hope, Jan'- y 15"'i 1786, in y« 38 year of his age and 13"" ofhis ministry. Flere et memlnifiis relictum est. In memory of Mrs. Keturah, wife of y Rev''' Abel Forward, who died Jan. 16". in her 23'' year, a sincere christian. How lov'd, how valu'd once, avaUs thee not, To whom related, or by whom begot ; A heap of Dust alone remains of thee, Tis all thou art ! & all the proud shaU be. Grace was in aU her steps. Heaven in her Eye, In every gesture dignity & love. Sunt Lacrymae rerum et mentum mortalia targunt. Keturah Sophia, daughter of the Rev. Abel & Mrs. Keturah Forward, died Apr. IS"*! 1775, aged 3 months. 0 welcome tears, a tribute due, to mother & daughter too, Whose ashes Ue mingled as one, beneath the limits of this stone. Pulsanti aperietur. Life how short, Eternity how long ! In memory of Isaac Coit, Esq., an eminent physician, who died 25''' .April, 1813, aged 58. Reflection long shaU hover o'er his Urn, And faithful friendship boast the power to moum ; Peace to his shade ! while truth shaU paint the rest. Lamented most by those who knew him best. SPRINGFIELD. William Pynchon, Esq. may be considered as the father of this town. He was one of the patentees in the colony charter, and was appointed a magistrate and assistant in 1629, in England, when the governor and ofiicers were appointed. He came from England * Webster's Histoid of United State*. 39 290 SPRINGFIELD. With Governor Winthrop, and began the settlement of Roxbury in 1630. In May, 1635, Mr. Pynchon and the inhabitants of Roxbury had the leave of the general court to remove to any place they should think proper, provided that they continued under the juris diction of Massachusetts, and would not prejudice any other plan tation. The fertility of the land upon Connecticut river having become known, Mr. Pynchon, Henry Smith, Jehu Burr, and proba bly some others, came to this place in 1635, called Agawam, and began to build a house on the west side of the river, on the Aga wam, in the meadow, called from that fact House-meadow. The Indians who were friendly informed them that the house would be exposed to the flood; they accordingly abandoned it, and built another house on the east side of the river, probably on the lot afterwards owned by Mr. Pynchon, and still possessed by his de scendants. It is supposed that they returned to Roxbury in the fall. In the spring of the next year, (1636,) Mr. Pynchon, with a number of other persons with their families, removed from Roxbury and came to this place. The settlers made an agreement, the ori ginal of which is preserved in the town records, consisting of fifteen articles. The first provides for the settlement of a minister ; the second limits the number of families to forty, and not to exceed fifty. The other articles provide for the rule and mode of division, and defraying the expenses of the settlement. The agreement was subscribed by only eight persons, though it appears that twelve were concerned. Those who subscribed were William Pynchon, Mat thew Mitchell, Henry Smith, Jehu Burr, William Blake, Edmund Wood, Thomas Ufford, and John Cabell. Jehu Burr and Thomas Uffbrd made their marks. The other four who were united with them were Thomas Woodford, John Reader, Samuel Butterfield, and James Wood. In making the settlement, the most general course was to " allow each settler a house-lot on the west side of what is now Main street, 8 rods wide from the street to the river ; a like width in the mea dow, in front of his house, to the foot of the hill ; and a wood-lot of the same breadth, extending at first eighty, and afterwards to an hundred rods, nearly to the top of the hill ; and, when practi cable, an allotment in the interval on the west side of the river, of the same width, as near as might be directly against his lot." The first settlers here, as well as those at Hartford, Windsor, and Weth ersfield in Connecticut, came on under the license and the pro fessed authority and protection of Massachusetts, but they were at such a distance from the towns on the Bay as to be obliged, principaUy, to rely on themselves. Agawam was, at first, united with the other towns below on the river. It appears by the Con necticut records that at a court holden at Hartford, Nov. 1636, Mr. Pynchon was present with the other magistrates. It appears that in 1637 Agawam was assessed with the towns in Connecticut, to furnish its quota of troops, and pay a portion of the expense of the Pequot war. This place, however, did not long continue united with Connecticut. On February 14, 1638, the inhabitants. Drawn by J. W. Barber— Engraved by S. E. Brown, Boiton. COURT SQUARE IN SPRINGFIELD, MASS. The above is an eastern view of the Court-House, Congregational Church, and some other buUdings around Court Square, m the central part of Springfield. A part of the Hampden Coffee-House is seen on the right SP RIN QFIELD , 291 believing themselves to be within the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, came into a voluntary agreement, and appointed Mr. Pynchon a magistrate with extensive powers, and directed the proper course of proceeding, tUl they should receive orders from Massachusetts. In 1640, by a vote of the town, its name was changed from Aga wam to Springfield. Hubbard, in his General History, states that the name was given out of regard to Mr. Pynchon, who had his mansion in a town of that name, near C];ielmsford, in Essex, before he came to this country. " Whatever be the origin, it is peculiarly appropriate. It is very rare that a place so abundantly watered with rivers, brooks, streams, and springs can be found." Much uncertainty has existed with regard to the precise date of the in corporation of the town. There is good reason to believe, however, that it was in 1641. The limits of the town, by various purchases from the natives and grants from the legislature, became very ex tensive, embracing a tract nearly twenty-five miles square. This territory included the towns of Westfield, Suffield, and a great part of Southwick, and the whole of West Springfield, on the west side of the river, and the towns of Springfield, Enfield, Somers, Wil hraham, Ludlow, and Longmeadow, on the east side. Extensive as this territory was, the most of it was obtained by fair purchase from the Indians. The following is a list of the inhabitants of Springfield from 1636 to 1664. WUliam Pynchon, Henry Smith, WUUam Blake, Edmund Wood, Thomas Uff'ord, John Cabel, Matthew Mitchell, Sarauel Butterfield, James Wood, John Reader, Thomas Woodford, John Seale, Richard Everitt, Thoraas Horton, Rev, George Moxon, Thomas Mirrick, John Leonard, Robert Ashley, John Woodcock, John AUin, .Tohn Burt, Henry Gregory, Samuel Hubbard, EUzur Holyoke, WilUam Warriner, Henry Burt, Rowland Stebbins, Thomas Stebbins, Samuel Wright, Richard Sikes, John Deeble, Samuel Chapin, Morgan Johns, Thomas Cooper, James Bridgman, Alexander Edwards, John Dobie, Roger Pritchard, Francis BaU, John Harmon, Wilham Vaughan, William Jess, Miles Morgan, Abraham Mundon, Francis Pepper, John Burrhall, Benjamin Cooley, John Matthews, George Colton, Joseph Parsons, John Clarke, James Osborne, Thoraas Rieve, Wid, Margaret Bliss, Nathaniel Bliss, Thomas Tomson, Richard Exell, William Branch, Griffith Jones, Reice Bedortha, Hugh Parsons, John Lombard, John Scarlet, George Langton, Lawrence Bliss, Samuel Bliss, John Bliss, Anthony Dorchester, John Lamb, Samuel Marshfield, John Dumbleton, Jonathan Taylor, Rowland Thomas, Thoraas Miller, Benjarain Parsons, Obadiah Miller, Abel Wright, Hugh Dudley, WilUam Brooks, Simon Beamon, Samuel Terry, John Lamb, Benjamin Mun, John Stewart, Thomas Bancroft, Thoraas Noble, Richard Maund, Thomas Gilbert, Simon Sacket, Richard FeUowes, Rev, Peletiah Glover, Tahan Grant, Nathaniel Ely, Samuel Ely, John Keep, Edward Foster, Thomas Sewall, Thomas Day, John RUey, John Henryson, WilUam Hunter, John Scott. The town increaced rapidly and extended in every direction, till an event took place, which at the first seemed calculated to check it. Mr. Pynchon, in 1650, fell under the censure of the general court for having published a work entitled " The Meritorious Price of Man's Redemption," in opposition to the general opinions respect- 292 SPRINGFIELD. ing the nature of the atonement. He was left out of the magis tracy, and cited to appear before the court, and laid under heavy bonds. The next year Mr. Pynchon, in a letter addressed to the general court, retracted his sentiments. The censure of him was suspended, but he was so much dissatisfied that he went to England, and Mr. Moxon with him. Whether he approved of Mr. Pyn- chon's book is not known. Mr. Pynchon did not take his family, but Mr. Moxon did. Neitherof them ever returned. Mr. Pynchon was a man of distinction, of a pious disposition of mind, and of respectable talents ; and appears to have had the confidence of the town, while he remained. His son-in-law Henry Smith, one of the principal men in Springfield, also removed with his family to England. The absence of Mr. Pynchon was made up in his son John Pynchon, who remained here. " He was a man of uncommon talents, and admirably adapted to his situation." Deacon Samuel Chapin and Elizur Holyoke were leading men in the town. Pynchon House, Springfield, erected about 1660. For forty years after the commencement of the settlement, the in habitants lived in peace with the Indians. Occasionally complaints were made of the misconduct of the Indians. They were, when complaints were substantiated, obliged to do right by their neigh bors. On the other hand, it is evident, that whenever any of the Indians were wronged by the whites, they had speedy justice done them. But when Philip's war broke out, in June, 1675, there was a general alarm. What fortified places there were in the town, does not certainly appear. The old brick house, built by John Pynchon, Esq., before the year 1660, was used as a fort. The above engraving is copied from a drawing of this house as it ap peared in 1784. It was taken down a few years since. There is reason to believe that there was one or two more forts south of the meeting-house. It has also been said that the south part of the town was palisadoed. The Indians who were this side of the river had their principal settlement on Long HUl, where they had a fort. During the night of the 3d or 4th of October, three SPRINGFIELD. 293 hundred of Philip's warriors were received into the fort and there concealed by the Springfield Indians. Toto, a Windsor Indian, was informed of a plot to burn the town arid massacre the inhabitants. This he communicated to the people of Windsor, who, without delay, sent an express to Springfield to give the alarm. This at first occasioned great consternation ; and the people betook them selves to the forts, and took such measures for security as they could upon the emergency. The Springfield Indians, however, appeared as usual, professed cordial friendship, and in a great de gree quieted the fears and alarms of the English. The Rev. Mr. Glover, who with others had retired to the fort, and had removed his library and some of his valuable effects to Mr. Pynchon's, upon finding all to be quiet, and nothing to be heard or seen of an enemy, moved back his library to his own house. The Indians lay per fectly stUl and concealed. Some of the English, however, were not satisfied ; and in the morning of October 5th, Lieutenant Tho mas Cooper and Thomas Miller went out as scouts, to examine and explore the fort and Indian settlement. While advancing towards it, they were both fired upon and killed. Mr. Cooper, being very athletic and vigorous, got into one of the forts before he expired. An assault upon the town immediately followed. Three men and one woman were killed, including the two above named. About thirty dwelling-houses and twenty-five barns were destroyed. The mills and house of correction, or jail, were also burnt ; but the old meeting-house was preserved. The Indians retreated before they had completed the work of destruction. At the time of the attack Major Pynchon and Capt. Appleton were at Hadley; they hurried on with the utmost speed to the relief of Springfield ; but the In dians had withdrawn with their plunder before they arrived. The following is extracted from Capt. Appleton's official account of the attack, &c., dated Oct. 12, 1675. He was at Hadley when he wrote. " As to the state of poor desolate Springfield, to whose relief we came (though with a march that had put our men into a most violent sweat, and was more than they could weU bear,) too late. Their condition is indeed most afflicted, there being about 33 houses and 25 barns burnt, and about fifteen houses left unburnt. The people are fuU of fear, and staggering in their thoughts as to their keeping or leaving of the place. They whose houses and provisions are consumed incline to leave the place, as think ing they can better labor for a living in places of less danger, than where they now are. Hence they seem unwilling to stay, except they might freely share in the com and provision which is remaining and preserved by the sword, I cannot but think it conducive to the public, and for ought I see to the private interest, that the place should be kept ; there being corn and provision enough and to spare, for the suste nance of the persons, whose number is considerable, and cannot be maintained else where without more than almost any place can afford to their relief. The worth of the place is also considerable, and the holding of it will give encouragement and help lo others, and the quitting of it great discouragement and hazard of our passage from one place to another, it being so great distance frora Hadley to any other town on this side of the river. I have in regard of the present distress of the poor people adven tured to leave Capt. SiU there to be ordered by the honored major till further order. In the account of Springfield houses, we only presented the number of them on the east side of the river and that in the town^ plat, for in aU, on the west side and in the outskirts on the east side, there are about ^ty> houses standing and much com in and about them." [In another letter, dated Oct. 17, 1675, Capt. A^ileton says,] " By a letter received from IVtajor Pynchon, I am informed of an old Indian stinaw taken at Springfield, who tells that the In(}ians who burnt that town lodged about six miles ofthe town. Some men went forth, found' twenty -four fires, and some 294 SPRINGFIELD. plunder. She saith there came of the enemy 270, that the enemy are in all about 600. The place where they keep is at Coassitt, as it is supposed, about 56 miles above Hadley." Springfield is the shire town for Hampden county, and one of the most important inland towns in New England, being the center of a large inland and river commerce, and is also the site of the largest armory in the United States. A considerable part of the village is on a single street, two miles in length. There is a court-house, jail, 2 banks, (the Springfield and Chieopee Banks,) several printing-offices, and 6 churches, 3 Congregational, 1 of which is Unitarian, 1 Episcopal, 1 Methodist, and 1 Baptist. There are many elegant private residences in this place, particularly on the elevated ground which rises eastward from the court-house. Distance, 17 miles from Northampton, 48 from Worcester, 27 from Hartford, Con., 87 from Boston, and 363 from Washington. Western view ofthe Armory Buildmgs, Springfield. The principal U. S. Armory buildings are situated on the ele vated table land eastward of the main village, called " the HUl." From the vUlage, on the main street, there is a gradual ascent to the summit of the hill, which is flanked on the north and south by a ravine. Most of the buildings connected with the armory, such as the arsenals or store-houses for the preservation of arms, the workshops, houses of the superintendents, &c., are situated on, and around an area of several acres. Some of these buildings are represented in the engraving ; those on the right are arsenals. The assessors of Springfield, in 1837, made the following return relative to the U. S. Armory, viz. : — " Public lands and buUdings, valued at $210,000 ; machinery, $50,000 ; one hundred and seventy thou sand muskets on hand, $2,040,000 ; muskets manufactured during the year ending April 1st, 1837, fourteen thousand, $154,000; ord nance and stock on hand, $80,000; two hundred and sixty men employed." SPRINGFIELD. 295 "During the revolutionary war, the town did not very much increase. It felt, in common with the country in general, the pressure of the struggle for indepen dence. But in that period, a foundation was laid for much of its subsequent in crease and present prosperity. In the time of the war, this was a recruiting post and a rendezvous for soldiers. Being centraUy situated, easy of access, and at the same time so far inland as to be out of the reach of sudden invasions of the enemy, it was I'arly in the war fixed upon as a suitable place for making and repairing the various munitions of war, and a depot for mihtary stores. At first, the whole was confined to Main street. The various artificers employed, had their shops where they could find a convenient place, and resided themselves in that part of the town. The laboratory for cartridges, and for the various fire-works manufactured on such occasions, was in the barn then owned by Ebenezer Stebbins, on the place now owned by Dr, Kings bury, south of Festus Stebbins'. After two or three years, the public works were removed on to the hUl, where they now are. This was done gradually, in the years 1778 and 1779, as accommodations could be found. At first, with the exception of the powder magazine, the whole of the public buildings were placed upon a square of ten acres, on the land appropriated by the town for a training field. A few cannon were cast here during that war, but no small-arras were raanufactured tiU after the peace of 1783, At the close of the war, the workmen eraployed were discharged, and the arsenals, magazine and shops, were left in the charge of a store-keeper, " When the object of making arms was under consideration of the national govem ment, in the year 1794, the convenience of the place, and the arsenals, magazines, and shops already here, were a suflicient inducement to establish the national armory here. This was done. At different periods since that time, lands have been pur chased, and erections made, for the public accommodation. This establishment has, without question, been one great source of the prosperity of the town," — Bliss' Hist. Address, 1828, South entrance of Chieopee Village, Springfield. The above is a view taken at the south entrance of Chieopee village, upon the Springfield road. A part only of the village is seen. The forest trees which are seen on each side of the road, Stand in the position in which they originally grew ; the novelty and beauty of the scene arrests the attention of the traveller, and to the lover of nature, this irregularity is far more pleasing and attractive than any artificial arrangement. By far the greater part of the village is on the southern side of the Chieopee. The elevation seen in the extreme distance is Mount Tom, on the west ern side of Connecticut river. This village is estimated to contain nearly two thousand inhabitiints. There are four cotton mills, run- 40 296 SPRINGFIELD. ning 20,000 spindles. There is also an establishment for the manu facture of machinery, saws, &c. This village is 4J miles from Springfield, and 87 from Boston. North view of CabotvUle, Springfield. The above is a northern view of the central part of CabotvUle, four miles from Springfield. The drawing from which the above was engraved, was taken but a few feet from the road, on the side of the elevated heights which rise in some places almost perpen dicularly from the road on the northern bank of the Chieopee. The viUage is buUt on the south bank of the Chieopee river, which is seen passing over its rocky bed in the engraving. This flourish ing village is of quite recent origin. It was named from the Hon. George Cabot. It is estimated that at this time there are more than 2,000 inhabitants in this village. There are two churches, 1 Con gregational, 1 Universalist, and a Baptist church now (1838) erect ing. The following statements respecting the manufacturing business done in this town are from the Statistical Tables, published by the state in 1837. " Cotton mUls, 7; cotton spindles, 35,000; cotton consumed, 3,495,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 11,062,000 yards; value of the same, $1,089,500; males employed, 330; fe- niales, 1,300; capital invested, $1,400,000." The foUowing isa list of the articles manufactured, their value, and the number of hands employed. Articles. Boots and Shoes, Leather, Hats, Paper,Iron Castings Cutlery,Chairs, &c., Ploughs, Tto-ware, 'Value. Hands employed. $16,000, 10,200, 4,800, 200,000, 43,800, 40,000, 16,000, 1,300, 15,000, 56 7 7 225 3060 28 2 14 Articles. Value. Hands employed. Hard-ware, 111,000, 11 Cards, 40,000, 19 Joiners' Tools, 12,000, 19 Paper-machinery, 12,000, 10 Shuttle & Bobbin, 4,500, 6 Rifles, 18,000, 18 Stoves, 12,000, 6 Machinery, 60,000, 80 Swords, &c,, 50,000, 35 SPRINGFIELD. 297 Besides the above, there were five steamboats built in five years preceding 1837, valued at $18,000. There is also an establishment for the manufacture of brass cannon, employing 25 hands, lately commenced, which it is estimated will manufacture cannon to the amount of $50,000 annuaUy. In 1810, the population of this town was 2,767 ; in 1820, it was 3,914; in 1830, it was 6,784; in 1837, it was 9,234. In Shays' insurrection, in 1786, the judicial courts being ad journed by the legislature to sit at Springfield on the 26th of December, Shays, with about 300 malcontents, marched into this town to oppose the administration of justice, and took possession of the court-house, and prevented the court from proceeding to business. In January, 1787, the movements of the insurgents were such, that the governor and council determined to raise a force of 4,400 men in order to put them down. Two thousand men of this force were ordered to rendezvous in the vicinity of Boston on the 19th of January, and Maj. Gen. Lincoln, of Hingham, was en trusted with the command. " Before the troops under Gen. Lincoln marched from Roxbury, Gen. Shepard had been ordered to take possession of the post at Springfield, He soon collected 900 men, and afterwards 200 more, the continental arsenal furnishing them with a sufficient number of field-pieces, and such equipments as were wanted. It became an object with the insurgents to gain this post, if possible, before the arrival of Lincoln's army. Their movements, therefore, were towards West Springfield on the one side, where about 400 men were collected under the command of Luke Day ; and towards the Boston road on the other, where 1100 more were headed by Shays himself. Besides these, a party of about 400 from the county of Berkshire, under the command of Eli Parsons, were stationed in the north parish of Springfield. Shays proposed to attack the post on the 25th of January, and wrote to Day on the 24th to co-operate with him. In a letter which was intercepted by Gen, Shepard, Day replied that he could not as sist him on the 25th, but would the day after. On the 25th, however. Shays, con fident of his aid, about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, approached the arsenal where the militia were posted, with his troops in open column. Gen, Shepard sent several times to know the intention of the enemy, and to warn them of their danger ; and received for answer, in substance, that they would have the barracks ; and they immediately marched onwards to within 250 yards of the arsenal. Another message was sent, in forming them that the militia were posted there by order of the governor and of con gress, and that if they approached any nearer they would be fired upon. One of their leaders replied, ' That is all we want ;' and they immediately advanced one hundred yards. Gen, Shepard was now compelled to fire ; but, in hope of intimidating them, ordered the two first shot to be directed over their heads, which, instead of retarding, quickened their approach ; and the artillery was at last pointed at the center of their column, which produced its effect. A cry of murder was raised in the rear of the insur gents ; their whole body was thrown into the greatest confusion, and, in spite of all the efforts of Shays to form them, the troops retreated precipitately about ten miles to Lud low, leaving three of their men dead on the field and one wounded. Had Gen, Shep ard been disposed to pursue, he might easily have cut many of them in pieces. But the object was not to destroy them, but to bring them to consideration and amendment. " Notwithstanding this retreat, there was serious apprehension of another attack from the insurgents ; for Day was now on the west side of Connecticut river with his men, and Parsons at Chieopee, whither the party of Shays repaired (after losing 200 men by desertion) on the 26th. This apprehension was allayed the next day, at noon, by the arrival of Lincoln's army." After the county of Hampshire was formed, in 1662, a part of the county courts were held in Springfield ; this continued to be the case till 1793, when they were all removed to Northampton. It was supposed that this would have an injurious eifect upon the 298 TOLLAND. place. The armory was established here the next year, and which undoubtedly contributed to prevent any injurious effects from being apparent. Upon the organization of Hampden county, Springfield again became a shire town, and the courts were re-established here in 1813. The following inscriptions were copied from monuments in the ancient grave-yard in this place : Heke lyeth the body of Mari, the wife of Elizvr Holyoke, who died October 26, 1657. Shee y'- lyes here was while she stood A very glory of womanhood ; Even here was sowne most pretious dvst, Which surely shall rise with the jvst. Here lyeth the body of lohn Glover, son of M'- Pelatiah Glover, who died y* 14th of lanuary, 1664. My body sleepes, my sovle hath sviet rest In armes of God, in Christ, who makes me blest ; The tyme drawes on apace when God the Sonne To see his face shall both vnUe in one. Here lies interr'd the body of Mr, John Mallefuild, a French gentleman, who, pass ing through the town of Springfield, dying, bequeathed aU his estate to the poor of this town. He died Nov, 26, 1711. Psal, 41, 1, Blessed is he that considereth the poor. In memory of the Rev, Robert Breck, A. M,, late pastor of the church of Christ in this place, who died on the 23d day of April, A. D, 1784, in the 71st year of his age, & in the 49th of his ministry, — This monument is erected by his affectionate and grateful parishioners, in addition to that in their breasts, to perpetuate the remerabrance of his singular worth & long continued labors among them in the service of their souls. He taught us how to live, & Oh ! too high A price for knowledge ! taught us how to die. TOLLAND. This town was incorporated in 1810 ; it was taken from Gran ville and Sandisfield, and what was formerly called Southfield. The Congregational church in this town was organized in 1797, and consisted of 70 members. The Rev. Roger Harrison was ordained here in 1798, and resigned in 1822. He was succeeded by Rev. Bennet F. Northrop in 1827, who resigned the next year. The celebrated missionary, Gordon Hall, was a native of this town. This township is on elevated land, which is adapted for grazing. Considerable quantities of butter and cheese are produced. It is watered by Farmington river, the western boundary of the town, which is here a beautiful and lively stream. In 1837 the value of shovels, spades, forks or hoes manufactured here was $3,500. Population, 570. Distance, 20 miles from Sprmgfield, and 110 from Boston. WESTFIELD. 299 WALES This town was formerly called South Brimfield. It received its name from James Wales, Esq., one of the principal men of the town. About 30 years since the population was divided between the Baptists, Universalists, and Congregationalists. A short time previously, the three denominations united in building a meeting house, each to occupy it according to the amount of taxes paid by each. Rev. Mr. Coddington was the first Baptist minister ; the Rev. Mr. Eveleth was the next pastor. A Congregational church was or ganized here in 1819, which consisted of about 12 persons ; it is now (1838) about extinct. The Methodists have a meeting-house in the central part of the town. The village in the center of the town consists of about 25 or 30 dwelling-houses and two churches. It is situated at the northern extremity of a pond, about three fourths of a mile in length and about half a mile in breadth. In 1837 there was a woollen mill, with 2 sets of machinery ; 36,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $32,400. The value of boots and shoes manufactured (boots 6,230, shoes 9,053 pairs) was $27,743 ; males employed, 42 ; females, 5. The value of palm-leaf hats manufactured was $1,500. Population, 738. Distance, about 20 miles from Springfield, and 67 from Boston. WESTFIELD. The Indian name of Westfield was Warronoce, (or Kee,) and was incorporated in 1669, Edward Tyng being magistrate of the Massachusetts colony. It was first proposed to call it Streamfield, because situated between two streams, but upon further conside ration it was called Westfield, because it was nearly we.'t from Boston, the metropolis of the colony, and also the most westerly plantation in New England. It is difficult to determine in what precise year the first permanent settlement was made in this town, though probably between 1658 and 1650. At a tOAvn meeting held in Springfield, Dec, 1658, a tract of land in Warrono';o was granted to Thomas Cooper, on condition he commenced improve ments upon said land in twelve months and continued them five years. This tract was situated over West river, probably not far from the county bridge. A similar grant was made in 1660 to Dea. S. Chapman, of land adjoining Cooper's. In 1661, a grant was made to Capt. Pynchon, Robert Ashley, and George Colton, of a tract of upland meadow, probably lying between the rivers. It hence appears that Warronoco belonged to Springfield. It was included in the original grant made to the first setUers of that town by the king of England. It was first settled by families from Springfield. The following is among the early records of that town: "Feb. 7, 1664. At a general town meeting, Capt. Pynchon, Major Holyoke, and Messrs. Ely, Colton, and Cooley, were chosen a standing committee, to have the sole power to order raatters con- 300 WESTFIELD. cerning Warronoco, both for admittance of inhabitants and to grant lands, or for any other business that may concern that place and conduce to its becoming a town of itself " Some to whom grants of land were made, forfeited their lands by a non-compliance with the conditions of the grantors. Lands were confirmed to those who continued their improvements five years. According to the re cords, the following persons had confirmed titles : George and Isaac Phelps, Capt. Cook, Mr. Cornish, Thomas Dewey, J. Noble, David Ashley, John Holyoke, John Ponder, and John IngersoU. These men lived near the confluence of Great and Little rivers. They took up their residence here about 1666, as appears from the following facts. Meetings were first held here in 1667 on the Sabbath. The first English child born here was Benj. Saxton, who died in 1754, aged 88 years, and was therefore born in 1666. Mention is made of the establishment of a trading-house at the confluence of the two rivers, by three young men, some years pre vious to a permanent settlement. They spent one summer here, and were never heard of afterward. It was supposed that they were cut off by the Indians. Each inhabitant owned a separate tract of land, but seem at first to have lived to a certain extent in common. They had a fort near the junction of the rivers, as sup posed, a few rods west of Harrison's tavern. In this they lodged every night, and fled to it by day in case of alarm. It seems from the records that a tract of land two miles in circuit about the fort was strongly enclosed. Within this enclosure they had all their dwellings. Houses were occupied as forts in different parts of the town until after the French war in 1757. Warronoco was at first nine miles long and three wide ; additions were made to it until it included what is now Westfield, Southwick, and Russell. Westfield is situated eight miles west of Connecticut river, sepa rated from it by West Springfield. Little river comes in from the west, and Westfield river from the north-west ; they unite half a mile east of the meeting-house. The central part of the town has the appearance of having once been a lake, and by geologists acquainted with the country is supposed to have been at some re mote period covered with water. It is surrounded by an abrupt bank, from. 20 to 70 feet in height. The bank in some places is clayey, in others gravelly, and in others rocky. The lake must have been about seven miles in length, from north-west to south east, and nearly three in width at the widest place. Westfield furnishes a greater variety of vegetable productions than most towns, on account of having such varieties of soil : sandy plains, mountains, meadows, and swamps. There are about 60 varieties of meadow grass, some of which have been found nowhere besides in North America. Alders, poplars, and willows, blossom about the middle of March. Chesnut fencing-stuff is brought from the neighboring mountains, and lumber from the towns west and north. The elm, buttonwood, and maple grow luxuriantly in this valley. Westfield is a considerable village of about two hundred build- WESTFIELD. 301 1-- - ¦ "- --^ "-^^ — ¦-= ¦¦¦¦¦ ..-¦. ^Sii ^^^^^^ - - ^ -^ — -TI — BP^^, ¦ =^ -=^ =. -^ ^^ f= ||Bg^^^^ ==^TT^-~ ^^=^ -:^ =^- _ -= — 1= ^^s^- ^^^ [ ^^ ===^B -^H ^^fc^^^4 1 ih^l 1 1 1^ ^ft^J jy~^^^^ji^ 9 IBEyg^^^^aaiS^alWiiii&ji^^^w^^^^^^^lfe j^)||^^^^j|^^=?^T^ H^jH TTrJff^milutiiin^ ila H^^H R" ll MM! i ^^^^^^^H^^^^^^^^a^^^^^^Mi nl ! BCct^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "iraiLT^I^^^^^PS Ju ^WWiMfflS^^^^.^";^^^?^!^.^ ,^Sfc^?=..,g,^g&^E^aftSglWW^^3JM&'i3ggs^^r^c Southern view in the central part of Westfield. ings, including stores and mechanic shops. The engraving shows the appearance of the central part of the viUage, as it is entered from the south. The building appearing on the extreme right is the Westfield Academy ; the two next buildings north are the old and new town-houses. The new one, which is surmounted by a small tower, was erected the present year, (1838). The Congre gational church and the Hampden Bank, with four pillars, fronting the south, are seen beyond ; the spire of the Baptist church is seen in the distance. A small enclosed common, oval in its form, is in the central part of the area, around which the public build ings are situated ; it is newly set out with shade trees, and will add to the beauty of the place. A range of stores, where a considera ble part of the mercantile business of the place is done, is immedi ately north of the Congregational church, fronting the common, but from the point where the above view was taken they could not be seen. This place is 9 mUes from Springfield, 17 from Northampton, 28 from Hartford, Con., 60 from New Haven, Con., and 97 from Boston. The New Haven and Northampton canal passes through the village, a few rods eastward of the buildings seen in the engraving. The manufacture of whips is the principal mechanical business of the town. In 1837, there were thirteen whip manufactories ; value of whips manufactured was $153,000 ; 154 males and 410 females were employed in this business. Forty persons were engaged in the manufacture of cigars, the value of which was $11,000. There were three powder-mUls, which manu factured 20,000 kegs of powder, the value of which was $50,000. Population, 3,039. Westfield Academy was chartered in 1796, and opened for the admission of students in Jan. 1800. The following gentlemen have been preceptors. Those in Italics became clergymen. Peter Starr, Henry C. Martendale, (since a member of congress,) Lyman 302 WESTFIELD. Strong, Alfred Perry, M. D., Horatio Waldo, Saul Clark, Theodore North, Sylvester Selden, Francis L. Robbins, Samuel M. Emerson, Alfred Stearns, Charles Jenkins, Stephen Taylor, Flavel S. Gay- lord, George W. Bendict, now professor of mathematics, &c. in Vermont University, Elnathan Gridley, now missionary to Pales tine, Alvan Wheeler, M. D., Emerson Davis, and Parsons Cooke. All are graduates of Williams college except Elnathan Gridley, who graduated at Yale. The building has two school-rooms on the lower floor, and on the other a large hall and lecture-room. The institution is furnished with a sufficient quantity of chemical and philosophical apparatus for illustrating the general principles of those sciences. There is also a respectable collection of mine rals for the use of the academy. Instruction is given in the depart ment of natural history to those who wish. About 3 000 have been educated at this academy since its establishment. Meetings were first held on the Sabbath in this town in 1667. Mr. Holyoke, son of Major I. Holyoke, of Springfield, conducted them. After him a Blr, Fiske preached here as a candidate for settleraent. People were called together on the Sabbath by the beat of the drura, A raan was eraployed for that purpose, and was paid 25 shUlings per year. The first meeting-house stood near Jedediah Taylor, Esqr,'s. A second house was built in 1720, which was destroyed by fire. In 1678 permission was granted by the governor of Massachusetts colony to organize a church in Warronoco, Mr. Edward Taylor was a candidate for settleraent. A council was convened on the last Wednesday of June, 1679, the church organized, and Mr. Taylor was ordained pastor. One of Mr. Taylor's daughters raarried Mr. Stiles, and was the mother of President Stiles, of Yale college, Mr, T, was a man eminently devoted to the work of the minis try. Besides performing the duties of a pastor and managing his domestic concerns, he left in manuscript 14 quarto volumes, closely written, of about 400 pages each. He died June 29, 1729, in the 50th year of his ministry. On account of the infirmi ties of age he had not preached for four or five years. His successor was the Rev, Neheraiah Bull, who was ordained Oct, 1726, Dnring Mr, Bull's ministry a mission to the Housatonic Indians was commenced. Mr, Hopkins, of West Springfield, labored among them, but, being taken sick, Mr, Bull, of Westfield, and WiUiams, of Deerfield, were appointed by Gov, Belcher, in 1734, to superintend tlie mission. They procured the Eev, J. Sargeant, then a tutor in Yale college. There was at that time, 1735, only one house between here and Sheffield, Mr. Bull, after having introduced Mr, Sargeant to the Indians, remained some days, and baptized the first Indian con vert. The Rev, John Ballantine succeeded Mr, Bull, and was ordained in June, 1741. He died Feb, 1776, Rev, Noah Atwater, a native of Hamden, New Haven Co^ Con., succeeded Mr. BaUantine ; was ordained in 1781, He died in 1802, He was a dis tinguished scholar and learned divine. He never preached the same sermon to his people twice, always kept twenty sermons ahead, and completed his two sermons for the Sabbath on Tuesday evening. He always rose before sunrise at all seasons ofthe year. He was a raan of a philosophical mind. Most of his papers feU into the hands of the late President Dwight, His successor was the Rev. Isaac Knapp, a native of Norfolk, Con, He was ordained over this church in 1803, The Baptist society of Westfield was organized in 1784, Rev, Adam Hamilton was the first pastor of this church. He was a native of Engl.ind, and for a long time highly esteemed. On account of misconduct he lost his reputation, and was rejected from the fellowship of the Baptist churches. He died at Chesterfield, and it is chari tably hoped he was a true penitent for some years before his death. In consequence of Mr. HamUton's conduct the church became nearly extinct ; but they revived again, and a new church was organized in 1806. In 1807, the Rev. Azariah Hawkes was ordained pastor of the society, and continued his labors about two and a half years, then removed to Euclid, Ohio. After this, the Rev,' Caleb Green preached for some time ; in 1819 he was dismissed. Rev, David Wright succeeded Mr. Green, and was ordained Nov. 1819. The following, relating principally to the depredations of the Indians upon this town, is copied from " A Historical Sketch of WESTFIELD. 303 Westfield, by Emerson Davis, A. M. ;" to which publication, the author is indebted almost entirely for the history of this town. No special harm was received from the Indians until the commencement of this war in 1675. I have compiled an account of the injuries received during this war from records kept by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, He remarks that they were sorely distressed, yet sovereignly preserved. " Our soil," he says, " was moistened by the blood of three Springfield men, young Goodman Dumbleton, who came to our mill, and two sons of Goodman Brooks, who came here to look for iron ore on land bought of Mr, J. Pyncheon, who accompanied them, but they fell in the way by the first assault of the enemy. At the same time Mr. Cornish's house was burnt to ashes, and also John Sackett's house and bam with its contents, it being the first snowy day of winter. They also lodged a ball in Mr. Granger's leg. It was thought the enemy received some loss, because in the ashes of Mr, Cornish's house the bones ofa man were found. Also in the winter some scattering rascals, upon a Lord's day, in the time of afternoon worship, fired Mr. Ambrose Fowler's house and barn, and in the week after Mr. Walter Lee's barn. On the last snowy day we had in the winter of 1675, we, discover ing an end of the Indians, did send out a scout to make a full discovery of the same, designing only three or four to go with orders not to assault them, but, to our woe and smart, there going ten or twelve, not as scouts, but as assailants, run furiously upon them, and received frora the enemy a furious charge, whereby Mr. Moses Cook, au inhabitant, and a soldier not an inhabitant, were killed," In the fall after, nine men from Westfield were at Deerfield, at the time of an attack upon that place, three of whom were killed. The few families residing here during the war were so impoverished and distressed that some left, and all more than once were upon the point of relinquishing their lands and uniting with other planta tions for the purpose of protection. Thus their lives were in constant jeopardy ; thor were feyr in the midst of savages, destitute of the luxuries and most of the comforts of life, contented with such food as their own valley produced. Previous to 1675, a griat mill and saw mill were erected ou a brook emptying into the great river just below the county bridge. These mUls were erected by a company of four men, Mr. Whiting and three Dewys. The toU was regulated by a vote of the town. Debts were paid in grain or meat, the price of which was also regulated by a vote of the town. In 1716 the price of rye was three shillings, corn two shillings and four-pence, and wheat and peas four shUlings and six-pence. When debts were paid in money a discount of one fourth was made by the creditor in all cases. The creditor was obliged to take what was offered in payment, money or grain. Besides grain, tar and turpentine were also an article of traffic, being manufactured by the inhabitants. Persons paid intc the town treasury two shilUngs for every hundred boxes they employed in collecting turpentine from the white pine. There was an old Indian, whom they called Grey Lock, that produced considerable commotion among the people. He was constantly skulking about, waylaying them for the purpose of taking: captives. He caught a young lad by the name of Loomis, who went out of the fort in the early part of the evening to get cherries. He was soon released, Mr. Bently, in the east part of the town, worked at ditching all of one sum mer. He uniformly set his loaded gun one rod before him, and Afhen he had cut his ditch up to the gun would move it forward again, but the next year he was taken. Grey Lock said he had watched for an opportunity to take him all the year previous, but could not ; he might have kUled him, but he wanted captives, Mr, Bently was afterwards released, Mr, Noble, who lived near where Mr, Ambrose Day now lives, was much exposed. One night during family prayers Grey Lock stepped up and pulled the string and let the door swing open ; some of the family shut the door, and as soon as aU was quiet he would pull the string again. Mr. Noble was persuaded by his friends to move into town. Grey Lock said he had several opportunities of kiUing most ofhis children at a shot, but did not want scalps so much as captives. Mr. Phelps, who hved in Shepard Lane, returning from work at Pochasuck, came to the fording place of Great river, and saw three Indians in the river. He considered his situation perilous. They were coming towards him. He clapped his hands and exclaimed, " Here they are, my brave boys ! rush on, we have them ! " at which the Indians took the alarm and escaped. Noah Ashley, of whom mention is made in another place, returning from work at Pochasuck, was met by an Indian near the Bancroft house. Both drew up their guns, but Ashley fired first and the Indian fled. He was tracked by blood through the brush to a place near by, but was never found. The plain has ever since been caUed " Indian Plain." ^ , 41 304 WEST SPRINGFIELD. A daughtei of the second wife of a Mr, Sackett (her narae I do not know) was taken captive by the Indians and carried to the north-west part of New York, married an Indian, and remained among them as long as she lived. Her descendants have been here to see their mother's friends several tiraes since the French war. Previous to that they used some exertions to make others of the Sackett family captives, but did not succeed. About the time of the French war a man was kiUed at the Farms while looking for his cow, and another at Southampton. He was in a bam threshing, with his gun standing near, but as he turned his back to the door he weis fired upon by the Indian and killed. A signal was given on the discovery of Indians in the vicinity by twice firing a gun. An alarm of this kind was once given, and the central village was deserted by all the male inhabitants ; while absent, a company of Indians appeared on the bank south of the town, with the intention, as it afterwards appeared, to make a hostile attack, but were deterred, on seeing the number of the houses and smoke curling from every chim ney, through fear of finding the whites of superior strength. Thus the town was pro videntially preserved, when four or five might have laid it in ashes. I have been informed that two tribes wandered about in this vicinity. The rivers afforded fish in great variety in tho,se days, such as bass, salmon, shad, &c., and the forests abounded with bears, deer, iScc, while on the meadows and plains maize was easily cultivated. A field on Little river, now called Squawfield, was probably cultivated by them. There arrow-heads and other Indian utensils were fonuerly found in abundance. There is a collection of their utensils in the academy, together with an Indian's head, the bones of the .skull and face nearly perfect, said to have been dug up in the vicinity of Harri son's tavern. Very few facts relative to the aborigines have been recorded, and there fore I am able to give only a very brief account of them at this period. WEST SPRINGFIELD. This town was originally a part of Springfield ; it was made a parish in 1696, and was incorporated as a distinct town in 1773. It is supposed that settlements commenced in this town as early as 1654 or '55, as there were in those years a number of house-lots granted on Chieopee plain, on the west side of the river. These grants were made to the following persons : — Francis Pepper, Anthony Dorchester, Samuel Terry, Hugh Dudley, John Dum bleton, Miles Morgan, John Stewart, Obadiah Miller, and Simon Sacket. Thomas Cooper and Abel Leonard settled on the south west side of the Agawam, about 1660, and in a short time Thomas Merrick was there also. A few years after this, house-lots were granted as far west as Paucatuck Brook, and among the settlers are found the names of Riley, Foster, Jones, Petty, Scot, Barber, Rogers, Parsons, Fowler, Ely, Bagg, and Day. In May, 1695, the inhabitants on this side of the river, consisting of thirty-two families and upwards of 200 souls, presented a petition to the general court " that they might be permitted to invite and settle a minister." This petition was granted ; a church was formed in 1698, and in 1702 the first meeting-house was erected. The first or " old burying-ground " is said to have been the gift of a person by the name of Foster. The oldest monuments to be found in it are those of Mr. Nathaniel Dwit, who died Nov. 1, 1711, and of Deacon John Barber, who died June 27, 1712. In 1750, a number of inhabitants in the north part of West Springfield united with a number on the east side of the river, WEST SPRINGFIELD. 305 and petitioned the general court that they might be incorporated into a distinct parish. This petition was granted the next year, and they were incorporated as the fifth parish in Springfield, and Rev. John M'Kinstry was set apart as their minister and a meet ing-house erected the same year. Afterwards the part on the west side became the third parish in West Springfield, being thus incorporated in 1786. This place has been usually called Ireland, from the circumstance, it is said, that several Irish families were among the eariiest settlers in this part of the town. The Congre gational church in this parish was formed in 1799, and consisted originally of 9 members. The Baptist church here was formed, and Rev. Thomas Rand constituted its pastor, in 1803. In 1757 the southern part of the town was erected into a dis tinct parish, containing about 75 families. It was then the sixth parish in Springfield ; in 1773 it became the second parish in West Springfield. In Nov., 1762, a church was formed here, and Rev. Sylvanus Griswold was constituted its pastor. In 1727, there were five persons baptized by immersion in the town, by Rev. Elisha Callender, pastor of a church in Boston. In 1740, they, with several others who had joined them, were formed into a church, and Rev. Edward Upham became their pastor. The prin cipal field of Mr. Upham's labors was in the second parish. In 1800 this parish was divided by an act of the legislature, form mg what are usually called the parishes of Agawam and Feeding Hills. The meeting-house, which had been built by the second parish, was removed in 1799 from its original site to where it now stands, in Feeding Hills. A meeting-house in Agawam, which the Baptists and Congregationalists occupied aUernately, was erected in 1803. West Springfield extends along the west bank of Connecticut river the whole breadth of Hampden county. It is intersected by Westfield river, and the soil is generally very fertile, particularly on the banks of the rivers. There are high hills or mountains in the north part of the town, and sandy plains at the south. Great quantities of rye are annually raised. In 1837, there was in this town 1 cotton mill, 2,700 cotton spindles; 261,000 yards of cotton goods were manufactured ; valued at $33,270. There were two woollen miUs ; woollen machinery 2 sets ; 26,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $16,600. There were 80 Saxony, 1,881 merino, 1,413 other kinds of sheep; average weight of fleece, 3 pounds ; value of wool produced, $5,107. There are 7 churches, 4 Congregational, 2 Baptist, and 1 Methodist. Population, 3,227. Distance, 10 miles N. of Suffield, and 93 westward from Boston. The following is believed to be a correct representation of the first meeting-house in this town, which was erected in 1702. The dimensions of this meeting-house, as near as can be ascertained, were 42 feet square on the ground, and 92 feet in height. The architect was John AUys, of Hatfield. UntU 1743, the people assembled for public worship at the beating of the drum. This continued to be occupied as a place of worship till June 20, 1802, 306 WEST SPRINGFIELD. Ancient Church, West Springfield. when, the new one being completed. Dr. Lathrop preached a vale dictory sermon, from Psalm xlviii. 9. The old house remained till 1820, when by a vote of the parish it was taken down. A large part of the timber was then quite sound, and some of it used in building the town-house. " The house in which Mr. Woodbridge [the first minister] lived," says Rev. Mr. Sprague in his historical discourse delivered at West Springfield in 1824, " stood a few rods north of the spot now occupied by the house of Mr. Aaron Day. There is a tradition that there was a cavern connected by a pas sage with the cellar of the house, to which the women and chil dren of the neighborhood fled for protection in case of alarm from the Indians. The present appearance of the grbund is such as to give a high degree of probability to the tradition." " The following account of a singular incident, which took place,'" says Dr. Dwight, (vol, i. Travels,) "in the first settlement ofthis towmship, was communicated to me in the year 1798, by Captain Noble, a respectable inhabitant of Hoosac, N. Y., at Noble's Falls, who was then about 76 years of age. It was transmitted from his ancestor, one of the persons concerned. One of the first planters of Springfield was a tailor, and another a carpenter. The tailor had for a small consideration purchased of an Indian chief a tract of land in what is now West Springfield, forming a square of three miles on a side. The carpenter had constructed a clumsy wheelbarrow, for which the tailor offered to make him a suit of clothes, or convey him the land. After some delibera tion he exchanged the wheelbarrow for the land. This tract contained the best settled part of West Springfield; many an acre of which might now be sold, for the purposes of cultivation only, at- the price of one hundred dollars, I will not assert that there is no error in the story ; yet on the face of it there is nothing improbable. When the fourth part of a township of the common size was sold by one Englishman to another for a wheelbarrow, it will be easily believed that it was of still less value to the aborigines. The sraall prices paid by the first colonists for the lands in this country, are no evidence that the bargains were fraudulent or inequitable. To the Indian without an English purchaser, the land was often worth nothing ; and to the colonist its value was created by his labor." The first minister in West Springfield was Rev. John Wood- bridge. He was constituted pastor at the formation of the first church, in 1698. He died in 1718, at the age of 40 years. His sue- WILBRAHAM. 307 cessor was Rev. Samuel Hopkins, who was ordained in 1720 ; he died in 1755, in the 36th year of his ministry. He has the reputa tion of being an eminently prudent and faithful minister, though it appears that in the early part ofhis ministry he was suspected by some of being heterodox. A Mr. Jonathan Worthington, of Spring field, was presented by the grand jury for making such an asser tion, and was fined by the court, in 1722. Mr. Hopkins was suc ceeded by Rev. Joseph Lathrop, who was consecrated to the minis try here in 1756, and died on the last day of December, 1820, in the 65th year of his ministry. The Rev. Dr. Lathrop was a descendant of the Rev. John Lothrop, who came to New England with several sons in 1634, and was afterwards settled in Barnstable. Samuel, the youngest son of this progenitor, went to Norwich in Connecticut, and settled there ; and there Joseph, his great-grandson, was born, in 1731, In his I'Jth year he entered Yale college, where he was graduated in 1754. In 1756 he setUed in the ministry in a parish in Springfield, Massachusetts, now the town of West Springfield, where he per formed the duties of the pastoral office upwards of 60 years. On the day which con eluded the 60th year of his ministry, 25 August, 1816, he preached to a large audience; and the sermon was printed. His ministrations were still continued until the las' Sabbath in March, 18 18, when, on account ofthe infirmities of age and the imperfec tion of sight, he declined the public services of the Sabbath, and requested his society to provide for him an assistant or colleague ; and in 1819, the 63d anniversary of hia own ordination, he attended the ordination of his colleague, the Rev. WUliam B. Sprague, and took a part in the public solemnities, Dr, Lathrop, to " an intellect of the first order," united the kindly affections. Benevolence marked his whole charac ter. To all his other estimable qualities, he added a serenity and cheerfulness of tem per, which gave to his old age a charm as rare as it was delightful. He was equally remote from the intemperate heat of enthusiasm, and that lifeless system, which excludes all exercise of the affections. He was exemplary in the observance of the duties of piety and devotion, and of the social and relative duties. As a Christian minister he was very conspicuous. To his comprehensive intellect and exalted piety was added the acquired knowledge necessary to constitute a great theologian. In his pastoral intercour.se he was peculiarly attentive to the state and circumstances ofhis flock, and an eminent example of prudence. " He was cautious without being timid, fami liar without sacrificing his dignity, condescending without abandoning what he beUeved to be principles of duty," In doubtful and perplexing cases of ecclesiastical concern, he was distinguished as a wise, judicious, and upright counsellor ; and great confidence was reposed in his judgraent. To the truly evangelical principles which he delivered to others he steadfastly adhered, and he finished his course in the faith and hope of the gospel. His occasional discourses have been extensively read and highly approved, especially the " Seasonable Warning to the Churches;'' and his other works have raet with an uncommonly favorable reception. Four volumes of sermons were published during his hfe, and a fifth volume, with a meinoir of his life, has been pubUshed since his decease."— iToZmes' Annjils, 2d edition, published in 1829 WILBRAHAM. This town was originaUy a part of the ancient town of Spring field. In May, 1731, Nathaniel Hitchcock removed from Spring field, and built a house on the spot afterwards occupied by the house of Dr. Samuel F. Merrick. This was the beginning of the settlement of the town. Mr. Hitchcock and his family lived here one year alone. In 1732, Noah Alvord, with his family, removed here ; and in 1733, Daniel Warner and four others, with their fami lies, also removed here. From that period, there was a gradual increase till 1741, when the number of families increased to twen- 308 WILBRAHAM. ty-four. In May of this year, the parish was incorporated by the name of the fourth parish of Springfield, but it usually went by the name of Springfield Mountains tiU 1763, when it was mcor- porated as a town by its present name. It had not, however, the privilege of sending a representative to the general court till the adoption of the new constitution, in 1780. Rev. Noah Merrick, the first minister in this place, was ordained in 1741. The or daining service was to have been performed under a large oak tree, but as the morning proved rainy the people assembled in a barn belonging to Mrs. Warriner, and there attended the ordaining solemnities. There were six male church mernbers, viz., Nathaniel Warriner and David Merrick, (afterwards deacons,) Moses Burt, Nathaniel Hitchcock, Stephen Stebbins, and Samuel Stebbins. Western view of the Wesleyan Academy in 'Wilbraham. It appears that the councU that convened to organize the church, determined that no less than seven could constitute a church, and were therefore brought to a stand in their proceedings. At length David Warriner stated that he had for some time wished to make a profession, but waited only for the ordination of a minister. Be ing admitted to the number, the council were relieved from their difficulty. The first meeting-house in Wilbraham was built in 1748. It stood 30 rods south of the house occupied by Mr. Mer rick, the first minister. In 1783, the town was divided into two parishes. The above is a western view of the " Wesleyan Academy" in Wilbraham, taken from the boarding-house, a tliree-story building on the opposite side of the street. This institution was incorpo rated in 1824, and is governed by a board of trustees. It has ever been in high repute ; it had during the last year (1837) upwards of 300 pupils, of whom 190 were males and 114 females. Scho lars are received from 10 years old and upwards. " The course of study is systematic and extensive, and includes all those branches which are requisite to ajrepare the pupil for the common business wilbraham. 309 of life, or for a higher course of collegiate or professional duties. The year is divided into four terms, corresponding, as nearly as possible, with the four seasons." The academy is 10 miles west of Springfield, 30 miles north-easterly from Hartford, and 83 wester ly from Boston. There are in the town 4 churches, 2 Congrega tional and 2 Methodist. Population, 1,802. In 1837, there were in this town 457 Saxony, 1,054 merino, and 781 other kinds of sheep, and the value of wool produced was $3,668 62 ; capital invested, $35,460. The value of boots and shoes manufactured, $8,498 75 ; value of straw bonnets and straw braid manufactured, $2,000 ; palm-leaf hats manufactured, 7,145, valued at $1,000 30. The following is from the Massachusetts Spy, (Worcester,) Nov. 20, 1805 : Mr. Thomas, Jun. Sir, — I have written the following at the earnest request of the relatives of the deceased. Please to give it a place in your paper, and you will gratify the public, and discharge a duty which humanity imposes. Your real friend, Z. L. L. HoEKiD Mdkder and Robbeky. Mr. Marcus Lyon, a young man of pecuUar respectability, about 23 years of age, left his friends in Woodstock, Con,, last March, and went to Cazenovia, N, Y,, and labored through the season. As he was on his retum to his native place, mounted on an exceUent horse, he was attacked by two merciless ruffians in Wilbraham, on the Spring field turnpike road, between the gate and Sikes' tavern, on the 9th inst. about 2 o'clock, P. M., and there murdered in the most barbarous manner. The circumstances attend ing the awful scene are almost too shocking to humanity to relate. It is supposed, from the best circumstantial evidence, that tlie unfortunate young gentleman was first shot with a pistol ; but the assassins, perceiving the wound not fatal, (as the ball weis afterwards found on the outside of his ribs,) fell upon him Uke bloodhounds, and with a club and breech of the pistol lacerated and mangled his head in a most savage and barbarous manner. The upper part of his head over the cerebrum, and also over his left eye, was indented with wounds, evidently made with the cock of the pistol, and the back part, against the cerebellum, was all mashed to a pulp. They beat him till the guard of the pistol flew off and the ramrod was knocked out, which were afterwards found lying on the fatal spot. Having thus far gratified their infernal disposition, they robbed him of his pocket-book, (how much money it contained we are not able to inform,) then threw him over the wall, dragged him a few rods to Chieopee river, and there deposited him, and placed large flat stones upon his head to prevent his rising. Without delay they next conveyed the horse through a sraaU piece of wood to a sequestered enclosure, and then turned him loose, with saddle, saddle-bags and bridle on, and then went on. Soon after the horse was found and taken up ; the neighbors conjectured he had by accident gotten away from some place where his rider had hUched him, and supposed that inquiry would soon be made for him, it being Saturday in the afternoon. They waited till Sunday morning, but, alas! no rider appeared! The alarm spread. The woods, fields, and every bye corner were searched, and at even ing they found the corpse close by the edge of the river, with aU his clothes on, mittens on his hands, and his great coat wrapped about his head, with a large stone pressing him to the bottom. The pistol was found on the brink, broken to pieces. The young man's hat, new and unharmed, was discovered under a small bridge near the spot. The corpse was conveyed to a neighboring house, and the inhabitants paid that pecu liar attention which sympathy alone can dictate and gratitude reward. The remains were conveyed to Woodstock on Tuesday, and the funeral attended on Wednesday, when the Rev. Abiel Ledoyt addressed the assembly from Mark xiii, 33, The grief of the mourners, the numbers convened, and the tears that profusely flowed, presented a scene which we conclude has never had a parallel in these our inland towns. The viUains who perpetrated the awful crime are supposed to be two foreigners in sailors' dress, who were seen that day by a number of people making their way toward Springfield. One particular circumstance tends much to strengthen the suspicion. A lad, about 13 years of age, being sent after some hogs in the woods, near the place of the murder, happened to come out into the road, within two or three rods of two men in sailors' habit. He declared imder oath before the jury of inquest, that befor* 310 AMHERST he got out of sight of them, he saw one mount the same horse which was afterwards found, and ride him up the hill into the woods, whUe the other stood with a new cud gel in his hand leaning upon the wall. The same persons, according to the descrip tion, were soon after observed travelUng in great haste towards Springfield. We are happy to learn that his excellency Governor Strong issued a proclamation oflfering a reward of five hundred dollars for the detection of the villains, and that the high sheriff of Hampshire county greatly interested himself in taking measures to detect them, which we learn have proved effectual, and the murderers are both committed to gaol in Northampton. (See Northampton.) HAMPSHIRE COUNTY. Hampshire county was incorporated in 1662, and embraced at that time the three counties of the state which are centrally intersected by Connecticut river. Before its division it was the largest county in the state, and Northampton, being in the central part, was a shire town. The county was divided into three by the legislature of 1811 and '12. Franklin county was formed from the northern section, Hampden the southern ; Hampshire, the central part, re tained the original name. The surface of Hampshire is generally hilly, and in some parts mountainous. The land in the western part of the county gradually rises, and its western border lies on the summits of the Green Mountain range. The Lyme and Mount Tom ranges of mountains begin in this county, and continue to the ocean, on the southern shore of Connecticut. The soil is of very unequal quality, being best in the center, and growing less and less fertile towards the eastern and western extremities. There are, however, fine interval lands on the banks of the Connec ticut, being some of the best lands in the state. The following is a list of the towns, which are 23 in number. Amherst, Granby, Northampton, Southampton, Belchertown, Goshen, Norwich, Ware, Chesterfield, Greenwich, Pelham, Westhampton, Cummington, Hadley, Plainfield, Williamsburg, Easthampton, Hatfield, Prescott, Worthington. Enfield, Middlefield, South Hadley, In 1820, the population of this county was 26,447; in 1830, it was 30,210; in 1837, it was 30,413. AMHERST, This town was originally a precinct of Hadley, called " Hadley East or Third Precinct." It was incorporated as a town in 1759. The first church was organized, and Rev. David Parsons, the first minister, was settled Nov. 7th, 1739 ; he died in 1781, and was succeeded by his son. Rev. David Parsons, D. D., who was or dained in 1782. "The ministers who belonged to the council which ordained Dr. Parsons, were the Rev. Messrs. Robert Breck, amherst. 311 of Springfield, Joseph Ashley, of Sunderland, John Hubbard, of Northfield, Samuel Hopkins, D. D., of Hadley, Roger Newton, D. D. of Greenfield, Simon Backus, of Granby, and Josiah Dana, of Barre." Dr. Parsons died suddenly at Wethersfield, Con., where his remains were interred. He , was succeeded by Rev. Daniel A, Clark, who was settled in 1820, and continued here in the ministry till Aug., 1824. Rev. Royal Washburn next suc ceeded, and continued his labors here five and a half years, and died in 1833. Rev. Micaiah T. Adam succeeded Mr. Washburn. He is a native of England, and passed a number of years a mission ary of the London Missionary Society at Benares, in Hindoostan. Rev. Josiah Bent succeeded Mr. Adam, in 1837. North-western view of Amherst College. The Second Parish in Amherst was incorporated in 1783. The church was organized the year previous, and their first minister. Rev. Ichabod Draper, was ordained in 1785. He Avas succeeded by Rev. Nathan Perkins in 1810. The South Parish was incor porated in 1824. The church was organized in 1824, and Rev. Horace B_ Chapin, the first minister, was ordained the following ¦y®^""- ,/he -^oritA Parish was incorporated in 1826, and Rev. Wil- Tu V -^ "^^^ ^®"^^*^ ^^ P^^'^o'' °f *e church the next year. ¦ u°l^ '^ ^ north-western view of the Amherst College build ings, which are four in number, constructed of brick. Three are occupied by students ; the one surmounted with a tower is occupied as a chapel, library, and for lecture-rooms. These buildings stand on a commanding eminence, and overlook the valley of the Con necticut to a great extent. " This institution was established in 1821. Its resources were comparatively limited at first, and its success, by some considered doubtful ; but it is now in a highly prosperous state. It has a fund of $50,000, made up ofthe contributions of individuals This fund is under the direction of five trustees, chosen by the subscribers; and the interest is annually appropri ated towards the support of the coUege. There are Tor 8 pro- 312 AMHERST. fessors, including the president, 3 or 4 tutors, besides other officers; and from 150 to 200 students. The yearly expenses of a student are from 90 to 118 doUars, including coUege bills and board. There are three vacations per annum ; the first for four weeks from commencement, which takes place the fourth Wednesday in August, the second for six weeks from the fourth Wednes day in December, the third for three weeks from the third Wednes day in May. The number of volumes in the library is 7,000 and upwards, and the terms of admission, and the courses of study, are similar to those of Yale college. Con. The numerous diffi culties which Amherst coUege encountered in its infancy are fresh in the recollection of many persons, as well as the violent opposi tion which was raised against the application of the trustees for a charter from the general court." — American Magazine, 1835. The venerable Noah Webster, LL. D., the author ofthe Ameri can Dictionary of the English Language, was for a time a resi dent of this town, and was one of the presidents of the board of the Amherst academy. He inaugurated the first president, and deli vered an address on the occasion, standing on the north-west corner-stone of the south college. Besides the college, there is in the place an academy, and a seminary, called the '^ Mount Pleasant Institution." There are 9 or 10 instructers, and it has acquired celebrity throughout the state. The village in the vicinity of the college consists of about 75 well-built dweUing-houses, a bank, and other public buildings. Distance, 6^ miles to Northampton, 108 from Dartmouth col lege, N. H., 46 from Hartford, and 82 miles west of Boston. Popu lation, 2,602. In 1837, there were in this town 2 woollen mills, 4 sets of woollen machinery ; wool consumed, 39,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 62,195 yards, valued at $40,337; males employed, 22 ; females, 30 ; capital invested, $30,000. Two hat manufacto ries ; value of hats manufactured, $3,600 ; palm-leaf hats manu factured, 60,000, valued at $12,000 ; value of carriages manufac tured, $100,000; hands employed, 100; capital invested, $30,000; value of joiners' planes manufactured, $8,000. There were 2 pa per mills; stock manufactured, 42 tons; value of paper, $7,000. The following inscriptions are copied from monuments in the grave-yard in this place : In memory of the ReV*- Mr. David Parsons, first pastor of the church at Amherst, who died Jan. 1, 1781, in the 69 year of his age, and 41st of his ministry. A man of God and faithful servant of Jesus Christ, Rev, 14, 13, Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord ; yea, saith the Spirit, their works do follow them. Rev. Royal Washburn, born at Royalton, Vt., Dec. 6, 1797, graduated at Vermont University, 1820, and at the Andover 'Theological Seminary, 1824, settled as pastor of the first church and parish, Amherst, Jan. 4, 1826, died Jan. 1, 1833. Honored & be loved in the church, having a good report of thera without ; seeming blameless as the steward of God ; in doctrine showing sincerity and sound speech, in practice a pattern of good works ; yet lowly of heart, & ascribing all to the grace of Gcd through Christ ; his ministry short, but blessed with joyous ft-uit ; his life as becometh saints ; his death full of peace. Multum diuque desiderabimus.* * Much ahd long shall we lament for him. BELCHERTOWN. 313 Hie jacet corpus sepultum Reverendi Zephani,^ Swift Moore, S. T. D., CoUegii Amherstiae Fraesidis. lUe homo ingenioque scientia, atque pietate sincera, praeclaras : ac mentis gravitate quoque insigni quum se demittens. Animo et consilio certus, sed tamen mitissimus semperque facilitate permagna, raodestus, placabilis, misericordia et fructibus bonis plenus. Non dijudicans, non simulator ; discipulis suis veneratus quasi illis pater dilectusque. Maximo omnium desiderio mortem obut, die XXX Jun., Anno Domini MDCCCXXIII. .iEtatis suae LIII. Hanoveriae gradum Artium Baccalaurei admissus, anno Domini MDCCXCIII. Ecclesiae Logecestriensis Pastor annos XIV, CoUegii Dartmuthensis linguarum Professor IV, CoUegii Gulielmi Prsses II. Cura- tores CoUegii Amherstiae hoc saxum ponendum curavere. [Here Ues buried the body of the Reverend Zephaniah Swift Moore, D. D., President of the College at Amherst. He was a man pre-eminent for genius, and science, and sincere piety, as well as greatness of mind and humility. He was firm in his pur poses, and yet very mild, easy to be entreated, modest, placable, full of mercy and good works. He was not censorious, and no dissembler. By his pupils he was loved and venerated as a father. To the great grief of all, he died on the 30th of June, in the year of our Lord 1823, and in the 53d year of his age. He received the degree of Bachelor of Arts at Hanover in 1793 ; he was pastor of the church at Leicester 14 years, Professor of languages at Dartmouth College 4 years. President of WiUiams Col lege 2 years. The trustees of the college at AnUierst have ordered this stone to be erected.] BELCHERTOWN.* The towns of Belchertown, Ware, and Pelham, were originally included in one tract, and styled the Equivalent Lands, from the following circumstance. The towns of Woodstock, Somers, En field, and Suffield, in Connecticut, were formerly supposed to be long to the province of Massachusetts, and were for many years under her jurisdiction; and though it afterwards appeared that they were included within the boundaries of Connecticut, the pro vince of Massachusetts still claimed jurisdiction over them. It was, therefore, agreed between the two governments, that an equal extent of territory should be given to Connecticut as an equiva lent. This, and the adjacent towns above mentioned, were inclu ded in that territory, and were thence denominated the Equivalent Lands. Connecticut afterwards sold a considerable portion of this township to six individuals, in and near Boston, one of whom was the Hon. Jonathan Belcher, who was for many years afterwards the governor of Massachusetts colony. About the year 1740, the towns in Connecticut above mentioned threw off" the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, and have since been incorporated with that state. The grant made to these proprietors was first laid out in 1727. Another grant, comprising about 14,000 acres, adjoining this, on the north, was subsequently made to several inhabitants of North ampton, of whom Pemberton, Vance, Saltonstall, and the reverend and venerable Jonathan Edwards, were the principal proprietors. This tract was laid out into lots of 100 acres each, about the year 1760, and the whole became a town corporate by an act of the gene ral court in 1761. The remaining section of the equivalent lands was sold to Col. Stoddard, of Northampton. * The author is indebted for the history of this town principally to a communication from the Hon. Mark DooUttie of this town. It was pubUshed in the Hampshire Centinel, a newspaper primed in this town, in 1827. 314 BELCHERTOWN. This tract of country, from Shutesbury to Chieopee river, it ap pears, was formerly distinguished as the best hunting-ground in this vicinity for deer and other wild game. The hunters were ac customed to encircle a large tract of land by a line of fires, which, burning in every direction, gradually encompassed the game in a circle so narrow, that they became an easy prey to their pursuers; and in process of time our native forests were destroyed, and, in a great measure, consumed by the hunters' fires. But these lands which had been thus burnt were soon covered with a species of wild grass, affording excellent pasturage for cattle ; and for many years great numbers of cattle and horses were annually sent out from Northampton and Hadley to graze upon these hills during the summer season. The practice of burning over these lands also continued a considerable time after the first settlement of the place. This town was first known by the name of Cold Spring. It took its name from a noted cold spring in the eastern part of the town, near the path that was formerly travelled from Northamp ton to Brookfield and Boston. After leaving Hadley, there was, for many years, no house nearer than Brookfield ; and this spring, lying midway between the two towns, aflforded a convenient place for Befreshment to the traveler in his solitary journey through the wilderness. As the communications between the towns upon the river and the eastern section of the state became more frequent, the spring became a celebrated watering-place for traveUers, and finally gave name to the township. In honor of Govemor Belcher, one of its original proprietors, it was, however, in the act of its in corporation, called Belcher's Town; which, by common usage, has |iassed into the name of Belchertown. The town is now about twelve miles in length, with an average breadth of about five miles, and is estimated to contain about 34,000 acres of land. The first settlement of the town was made about 1732, by two or three fami lies. The first permanent inhabitant was Dea. Aaron Lyman, who settled in the east part of the town, near the celebrated spring above mentioned. His son, the late Major Lyman, was the first male child born in the town. The next settlement that was made was by Col. Timothy Dwight, who established himself near the middle of the town. He was originally the sole proprietor of the lands in the central part of the town, a valuable portion of which remains to this day in the possession of his descendants. The set tlements were gradually increased by successive emigrants from Northampton and Hatfield. The following view was taken from near the public house, situated at the south end of the wide street or common, in the central part of Belchertown. It shows the two Congregational churches, and in the distance, at the north end of the common, is seen " the Belchertown Classical School." It was incorporated in 1836. This institution is one of much promise ; it is in a flourishing state, and has at present about sixty pupils of both sexes. The village is situated on a hill, and consists of about forty dwelling-houses, three BELCHERTOWN. 315 Southern view in Belchertown. churches, 2 Congregational and 1 Baptist, a number of mercan tile stores and mechanic shops. Distance, 15 miles from North ampton, 18 from Springfield, 28 from Greenfield, 10 from Ware vU lage, 9 from Amherst college, 38 from Worcester, and 77 from Boston. Population, 2,598. In 1837, there were 3,000 sheep in this town; wool produced, 9,000 lbs., valued at $5,400. About 600 one-horse wagons were manufactured, the value of which was estimated at $24,000. It appears probable, from some imperfect town records, that the first minister, the Rev. Edward Billings, was ordained here in 1739. Mr. Billings left no church records, and the names and number of the first members cannot be ascertained ; it appears, however, at this period, that the entire population of the town consisted only of twenty families. Mr. BiUings continued pastor about twelve years, when he was dismissed on account of a difference of senti ment between him and his church respecting the admission of members. He was afterwards installed over the church at Green field, and died in a few years. The next pastor was Rev. Justus Forward, who was ordained Feb. 25, 1756. The population had then increased to 55 or 60 families, comprising about 300 souls, and the church at that time consisted of 69 members. The following is a list of the male members, viz. : Dea, John Smith, Dea, Aaron Lyman, Abner Smith, Daniel Smith, Joseph Smith, Elijah Smith, Jonathan Graves, Ebenezer Bridgman, Joseph Bridgman, Benjamin Stebbins, Walter Fairfield, Stephen Fairfield, Samuel Hannum, Moses Hannum, Aaron Hannum, Gideon Hannum, Eliakim Phelps, Joseph Phelps, Nathan Parsons, Moses Warner, Ebenezer Warner, Nathaniel Dwight, Hezekiah Root, Thomas Brown, Thomas Chapin, Benjamin Morgan, Nathaniel Cowles, Israel Cowles, Ebenezer Stearns, Thomas Graves, John Graves, Benjamin BilUngsi, Joseph Bardwell. Mr. Forward continued in the ministry more than fifty-eight 316 CHESTERFIELD, years, and died March 8th, 1814, in the 84th year of his age. Rev. Experience Porter, the next minister, was instaUed pastor in 1814; he resigned in 1825, and was succeeded by Rev. Lyman Coleman the same year : Rev. Jared Reid, the next pastor, was installed in 1833. The Brainerd church was organized in 1834. The following inscriptions are copied from monuments in the grave-yard, about a mile eastward of the viUage : Sacred to the memory of Rev. Justus Forward, pastor of the chtu'ch in Belcherstown, who, skilled in EvangeUcal Doctrine, exemplary iu christian duty, prudent in councU, vaUant for the truth, faithful and successful in labours, after a long and useful minis try, in which with reputation to himself, and to the spiritual benefit of his flock, he served God, and his generation, feU asleep March 8, A. D. 1814, in the 84th year of his age, and the 59th of his ministry. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. In memory of Capt. Nathaniel Dwight, who died March 30th, 1784, in the 72d year of his age. He was one of the first settlers of this town, & was esteemed & em- ployea m public business in town and county thro' his whole life. Come honest sexton with your spade. And let my grave be quickly made ; On Heaven's decree I waiting Ue, And aU my wishes are to die. Tho' I must die and turn to dust, I hope to rise among the just. Jesus my body wiU refine, I shaU with him in glory shine. CHESTERFIELD This town was incorporated in 1762. The Congregational church in this town was formed in 1764, and the Rev. Benjamin Mills was ordained pastor the same year. He resigned in 1774, and died in 1785. Rev. Joseph Kilbourn was settled in 1780, and died within one year ; his successor was Rev. Timothy Allen, who was settled in 1785, and continued pastor about ten years. Rev. Isaiah Waters was settled in 1796, and was pastor till 1831 ; his successor was Rev. Israel G. Rose. This town is watered by the north branch of Westfield river. The channel of this river in the western part of the town may be regarded as a curiosity. " It is worn into the solid rock in places nearly thirty feet in depth, and may be traced from the bridge nearly sixty rods, appearing as if cut out by human hands." This town is situated on one of the eastern ridges of the Green moun tains. Beryl and emeralds have been found in the town. In 1837, there was in the town one woollen mill ; cloth manufactured, 4,500 yards, valued at $5,600. There were 1,000 Saxony, 5,000 merino, and 1,100 other kinds of sheep ; Saxony wool produced, 2,500 lbs. ; merino, 15,000 lbs. ; other kinds of wool, 3,300 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, two and three fourths pounds ; value of wool, $12,480 ; capital invested, $106,500. Population, 1,158. Distance, 12 miles from Northampton, 27 from Pittsfield, and 105 from Boston. CUMMINGTON. 317 CUMMINGTON. This town was sold by the general court to Col. John Cuni- mmgs, of Concord, in 1762. The first meeting of the proprietors was held at Concord, in December, of the same year, and the first meeting held at Cummington was in June, 1771. The first per son who resided within the present limits of the town was a Scotchman, by the name of Mclntire, who, with his family, began a settlement here in 1770. Many of the early settlers came from Bridgewater and Ahington. The town was incorpo rated by the legislature in 1779. The precise time when the church was gathered here was not known, though previously to the settlement of their first pastor, Rev. James Briggs, which was in 1779. He was a graduate of Yale college, in 1755, and he began to preach in Cummington in 1771. The town voted to give him 200 acres of good land, and £60 for settlement, to be estimated by rye, at 3s. 4d. per bushel, beef, 2d. a lb., and flax, 8d. a lb. Mr. Briggs was a very u.'^eful and respectable minister. He died in 1825 ; and the same year Rev. Roswell Hawkes was installed. Cummington is situated on a range of the Green mountains. A branch of the Westfield passes through the town, and affords good water power for mills and manufactories. There are two villages, the East and the West. The east village contains two churches, 1 Baptist and 1 Congregational, and about 30 dwelling-houses; about 18 miles from Northampton. In 1837, there were in this town 2 cotton mills; cotton spindles, 1,168; cot ton consumed, 23,000 lbs. ; 124,000 yards of cotton goods were manufactured, valued at $8,060. There were 4 woollen mills ; wool consumed, 18,000 lbs.; 74,000 yards of satinet were manu factured, valued at $31,000; eleven males and twenty females were employed; capital invested, $14,000. Twenty thousand scythe-snaiths were manufactured, valued at $12,000. Palm-leaf hats manufactured, 7,200, valued at $1,500 ; value of leather tanned and curried, $45,445 93. There were 4,162 merino sheep, which produced 12,486 lbs. of wool, valued at $7,491 60. It is stated that at the first settlement of the town deer were very plenty, and that a large number of them made their head quarters on Deer hiU, in this town ; but that they were extirpated by the hunters of those times. "It is stated that a large one was taken by some hunters, at a time when the snow in the woods would not bear him up, and one of the party, taking a fancy to ride him, he was tied on by the feet, and a bridle being put into the animal's mouth, he galloped off with his rider in fuU speed. On coming, however, to a cleared spot, the crust was so hard as to bear up both the deer and his rider ; so that, owing to the intracta ble disposition of the beast, and the rapidity and eccentricity of his movements, his ride was any thing but agreeable. It is said that he was dismounted without any serious hurt." WUUam CuUen Bryant, one of our best American poets, is a 318 EASTHAMPTON. native of this town. He is the son of Dr. Peter Bryant, and was born Nov. 3d, 1794. The following notice of Mr. Bryant is from Kettell's Specimens of American Poetry, vol. 3d. At ten years, he felt an incUnation for poetry, and wrote various pieces in verse, one of which was published in the Hampshire Gazette, at Northampton. In 1810, he entered WiUiams college, where he studied a year or two, and obtained a dismissal on llis own application : he turned his attention to the law. After completing the usual studies, he was admitted to the bar at Plymouth, in 1815. He removed to New York in 1820, and was one of the editors of the Umted States Review and LUerary Gazette. In 1828, he became associate edUor of the New York Evening Post. Mr. Bryant published, in 1808, at Boston, a volume of poems, with the tUle of " The Embargo, or Sketches of the Times." Although the author was but fourteen years of age, the book was so weU received, that it was reprinted the next year. In 1821, appeared the volume containing The Ages, Thanatopsis, and other pieces. He also furmshed many of the poetical articles in the United States Literary Gazette. As a poet, he is entUled to rank with the most eminent among us for originaUty, and finished, chaste execution. He does not offend us by abruptness and inequality. He presents us with here and there a bold image, but the tenor of his poetry is even and sustained. He shows good judgment, and a careful study of the materials of his verse. He does not aim with an over-daring attempt at those lofty and bewUdering flights, which too often fill the poet's pages with cloudy and confused representations. His delineations are clear and distinct, and without any indications of an endeavor to be startling and brilliant by strange metaphors, or unlicensed boldness of phraseology. His writings are marked by correct sentiment and propriety of diction. Mr. Bryant stands high in the general estimation, and his works have been the sub ject of frequent notice. The pages of our periodical cnticism show the manner in which he is appreciated by the highest literary authorities. EASTHAMPTON. This town was originally included in the limits of Northampton. It was incorporated into a district in 1785, by the name of East Hampton, and in 1809 was incorporated into a town. The first minister. Rev. Payson Williston, was settled here in 1789, and resigned in 1833, and was succeeded the same year by Rev. William Bement. In 1837, there was in this town 1 woollen mill ; cloth manufactured, 15,000 yards, valued at $14,000. The value of lasting buttons manufactured in 1837 was $40,000 ; males em- ?loyed, 2 ; females, 125 ; capital invested, $12,000. Population, 93. Distance, 5 mUes from Northampton, and 90 from Boston. On the borders of this town lies Mount Tom, the highest land in the valley of Connecticut, and is the head of a ridge of mountains, to which it gives the name of Mount Tom range, and which ex tends into the state of Connecticut, on the west bank of the river. The first settlement in this town was at the foot of Mount Tom, at a place called Paskhomuck ; this was about the year 1700. The following account of the attack of the Indians upon the setUement is from Williams' Historical Discourse respecting Northampton. " On the 13th of May, 1704, old style, the Indians attacked the village of Paskhomuck. The inhabitants had been settled there only two or three years, the town having granted them their home lots in 1699. The Indians had been to Merrimac EASTHAMPTON. 319 river, but met with no success ; they then directed their course toward Westfield ; but Westfield river was so high that they could not pass it. Some of the Indians had been at Northampton, in a friendly manner, the year before, and informed their companions that there was a small village at Paskhomuck, where they might get provisions, for they were almost famished, and intended, as they afterwards declared, to resign themselves up, if they could obtain no food otherwise. In the evening before the 13th of May, the Indians went upon Mount Tom, and observed the situation of the place. As the meadow was then covered with water, they sup posed the village might be taken, and that no aid could come sea sonably from the town, on account of the intervening flood. The village consisted only of five families : Samuel Janes', Benoni Jones' , John Searls' , Deacon Benjamin Janes', and Moses Hutch inson's. A little before day-light, the Indians attacked the vUlage. Benoni Jones' house, which stood on the lot where Nathaniel Kentfield afterwards lived, was encompassed with pickets. The Indians procured flax and other combustibles, and set them on fire, which was communicated to the house. A young woman, named Patience Webb, was waked, and, looking out of the win dow, was shot through the head. The people surrendered, and all the above families were killed or taken prisoners. Some of the prisoners were afterwards rescued by the people from the town. These, commanded by Capt. Taylor, went round by Pomroy's meadow, and met the Indians near the mountain, when a skir mish ensued, in which Capt. Taylor was killed. Of the five fami- lies before mentioned, the Indians killed the following persons: Samuel Janes, and his wife and three children ; Benoni Jones, and two children, and the young woman before named ; John Searls, and three children ; Deacon Benjamin Janes, and four children ; and Moses Hutchinson, and one child. The wife of Benjamin Janes was taken to the top of Pomroy's mountain, and was there knocked in the head and scalped. Our people found her in that situation, and, perceiving that she was still alive, brought her home, and she recovered, and lived till she was more than eighty years old. The wife of Moses Hutchinson was taken prisoner, but soon made her escape. John Searls' wife was also taken, and severely wounded, but was afterwards rescued from the In dians. Benoni Jones' wife, and Elisha, the son of John Searis, were taken prisoners to Canada. Ten Indians went to the lower farms, where there was then but one house, in which Captain Wright lived, at the place afterwards owned by Mr. Elias Lyman. Captain Wright refused to surrender, and shot one of the Indians, and broke his arm. They then attempted to burn the house, by shooting spiked arrows, dipped in brimstone, upon the roof; but a young man in the house, named Thomas Stebbins, wrapping him self in a feather bed, drew water from the well, and put out the fire." * ? " The season, at that time, was remarkably backward ; for, though so late in the year, being the 24th of May, according to the present style, the trees and bushes had 43 320 GRANBY. ENFIELD. This town was incorporated in 1814 ; previous to which it formed a part of the towns of Greenwich and Belchertown. The first minister was the Rev. Joshua Crosby, who was a chaplain in the Revolutionary war. The next pastor was Rev. Sumner G. Clapp, who was settled here in 1828, and resigned in 1837. Rev. John Whiton was the next minister. This town is watered by two branches of Swift river, a main branch of the Chieopee, and is an important stream for manufac turing purposes. In 1837, there were two cotton mills ; the value of cotton goods manufactured was $8,000. Two woollen miUs, five sets of machinery ; 150,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $100,000; twenty-five males and twenty-five females were employed. The value of boots and shoes manufactured was $11,729. Sixty thousand palm-leaf hats were manufactured, valued at $12,000. Value of wool cards manufactured, $35,000; twelve males and six females were employed; capital invested, $20,000; value of cotton batting and wicking manufactured, $10,000. Population, 1,058. Distance from Northampton, 15 miles, 5 from Ware, and 75 from Boston. GRANBY. This town, formerly the second parish in South Hadley, was incorporated as a town in 1768. The original Congregational church in the place was organized in 1762, and Rev. Simon Backus was settled as pastor the same year. He continued here till 1784. His successor. Rev. Benjamin Chapman, was settled in 1790, and died in 1804 ; he was succeeded by Rev. Elijah Gridley. In 1821, the church was divided, and two churches constituted, called the East and West churches. The division grew out of a difficulty respecting the location of a meeting-house. "At the time of divi sion, the West church had 130 members, and the East 144. An attempt was made, in the spring of 1836, to unite the churches. By this effort, a portion of the West church, with their minister, were transferred to the East. A portion still remain. The West church has, perhaps, about 40 members. The East church has 281 members." This town is Avatered on the north by a small stream, which originates in a pond in Belchertown, and runs westward along the foot of mount Holyoke, and passes into the Comiecticut in South Hadley. On this stream there is a number of manufacturing not budded ; and the year was so far advanced before the flood subsided from the meadow, that many persons doubted whether it was expedient to plant their corn ; but notwithstanding, as there was no frost tUl late in the season, the crop of com proved to be uncommonly good." GREENWICH. 321 establishments. In 1837, there were two woollen mills ; 26,200 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $20,200 ; ten males and ten females were employed. There were 1,900 merino, and 167 other kuids of sheep. The average weight of fleece was 3 lbs. ; value of wool produced, $3,670. Population, 922. Distance, 9 miles from Northampton, 12 from Springfield, and 90 from Boston. GOSHEN. This town, the smallest in the county of Hampshire, was in corporated in 1781. Rev. Samuel Whitman was installed pastor in this place in 1788, and continued such till 1818. He was suc ceeded, in 1821, by Rev. Joel Wright. The next minister was Rev. Henry B. Holmes, who was settled in 1830 ; he continued for nearly three years, and was succeeded by Rev. Stephen Mason, who was installed in 1836. This township is on elevated land. In the central part of the town there are 2 churches, 1 for Congregationalists and 1 for Baptists. In 1837, there were in the town 710 Saxony, 2,115 merino, and 223 other kinds of sheep. The value of wool pro duced was $4,500. The value of broom-handles manufactured was $3,000 ; the value of sawed lumber was $5,000. Population, 560. Distance, 12 miles from Northampton, and 105 from Boston. GREENWICH. This town was incorporated in 1754. It was originally settled by a colony from the north of Ireland, and many of their descend ants still remain in the town. Rev. Pelatiah Webster, the first minister, was ordained here in 1749 ; he resigned in 1765. He was succeeded by Rev. Robert Cutler, who was installed in 1760, and died in 1786, aged 68. Mr. Cutler was succeeded by Rev. Joseph Blodget, who was settled here in 1786, and died in 1833. Rev. Joseph H. Patrick was settled here as colleague pastor in 1830. This township is pleasantly situated on the east and west branches of Swift river, a branch of the Chieopee. In 1837, there was one woollen mill ; 3,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $3,000. One scythe manufactory; scythes manufac tured, 10,200, valued at $7,000; twelve hands were employed; capital invested, $4,000. There were 30,000 palm-leaf hats manu factured, valued at $4,375. Population, 842. Distance, 17 miles from Northampton, 26 from Worcester, and 75 from Boston. 322 HADLEY. HADLEY. John Webster and John Russell may be considered as the foun ders of Hadley. Mr. Webster was a magistrate of Connecticut in 1639, and was elected governor in 1656, and sustained that office a number of years ; Mr. Russell was a minister at Wethersfield, in Connecticut. About the year 1660, there was quite an excitement and controversy in the colony of Connecticut, respecting the quali fications of baptism, church-membership, &«. As the minds of the people could not be united on these subjects, many, in order to enjoy peace and harmony, thought it best to remove, and com mence settlements in other places. " The original agreement, or association, for removal, is on record, dated at Hartford, April 18, 1659. John Webster is the first signer, and about 30 names follow. Mr. Russell and his people signed another instrument, and his name, at the head of the list, is followed by about 30 of his con gregation. Mr. Russell was installed the first minister of Hadley. He removed to this place in 1659, and Mr. Webster, with three others of his name, it is believed, the same year." It is stated that these emigrants purchased the whole territory now included in the towns of Hadley, Hatfield, Granby, and Amherst. The Rev. Isaac Chauncy succeeded Mr. Russell, in 1695. The next minis ter was Rev. Chester Williams, who was ordained colleague pastor in 1740-1 ; he died 1753, and was succeeded by Rev. Samuel Hopkins, in 1775. Dr. Hopkins was succeeded by Rev. John Woodbridge, who was ordained colleague in 1810. Rev. John Brown, D. D., the next minister, was installed in 1831. Rev. Ebenezer Brown was instaUed pastor of the second church in 1835. Hadley is a fine agricultural town, and the meadows on the banks of the Connecticut river are some of the best in New Eng land. Large quantities of broom-corn are amiually raised, aud the manufacture of brooms is an important branch of business in this town. The value of brooms manufactured in 1837 was $89,248. There were also 42,300 palm-leaf hats manufactured, valued at $6,768. Connecticut river, between this town and Northampton, winds about in entirely opposite directions, and above Northampton village forms a kind of peninsula. On the isthmus, or neck, of this peninsula, the village of Hadley is situ ated. It lies mostly on one street, a mile in length, running di rectly north and south ; is sixteen rods in breadth ; is nearly a perfect level ; is covered, during the summer, with a rich verdure ; abuts at both ends on the river ; and yields every where a delight ful prospect. The following shows the appearance of the gorge between Moimt Holyoke and Mount Tom, as seen from the south end of the east street in Hadley, looking down the river. Mount Holyoke is seen in the distance, on the left ; the mountain house is just discerni ble on its summit, with the path leading up to it. Mount Tom is seen stiU farther to the south, on the right of the engraving. " In the beginning of April, (1676,) a number of inhabitants of Had- hadley. 323 View from the south end of Hadley Street. ley, who had gone down the river to Hoccanum, under a small guard, for the purpose of tillage, ventured out some distance from the guard, and a part to the summit of Mount Holyoke, to view the surrounding country from the peak so noted at this day. A party of Indians rushed upon them, and killed two of their num ber on the mount. Deacon Goodman, having proceeded some dis tance in a difi'erent direction, to view the enclosures of his field, was also killed." Hadley is situated about 3 mUes N. E. of Northampton ; it is connected with this town by a covered bridge, which was erected at a considerable expense, being 1,080 feet in length. It is 88 miles W. of Boston, 3 N. W. of Mount Holyoke, and 6 N. of South Hadley. Population, 1,805. Incorporated a town in 1661. Hadley is celebrated as being the place of refuge for Goff'e and Whalley, two of the judges of Charles I. of England, caUed by some " the regicides." Soon after the restoration of monarchy in England, thirty of the judges who condemned king Charles to death were apprehended and executed as traitors. Among those who made their escape, were Goffe and Whalley, who arrived at Boston in 1660. They were gentlemen of worth ; their appear ance and manners were dignified, commanding universal respect ; they were also highly esteemed by the colonists for their unfeigned piety. Whalley had been a lieutenant-general, and Goffe a ma jor-general, in Cromwell's army. An order for their apprehension, from Charles II., reached New England soon after their arrival. The king's commissioners, eager to execute this order, compelled the judges to resort to the woods, caves, and other places of con cealment ; and they would undoubtedly have been taken, had not the colonists secretly aided and assisted them in their conceal ments. Sometimes they found a refuge in a kind of cave, on West Rock, a mountain, about two miles from New Haven, and at others in the cellars of the houses of their friends ; and once they were secreted under a bridge, near New Haven, while their pur suers crossed it on horseback. 324 hadlet. "At or about the time the pursuers came to New Haven, and perhaps a little before to prepare the minds of the people for their reception, the Rev. Mr. Davenport preached pubUcly from this text : Isaiah xvi. 3, 4. — ' Take counsel, execute judgment, make thy shadow as the night in the midst of the noonday ; hide the outcasts, betray not him that wandereth. Let mine outcasts dwell with thee, Moab ; be thou a covert to them from the face of the spoiler.' This, doubtless, had its effect, and put the Whole town upon their guard, and united the people in caution and concealment. " To show the dexterity of the judges at fencing, the following story is told : That while at Boston, there appeared a fencing-master, who, on a stage erected for the pur pose, walked it for several days, chaUenging and defying any one to play with him at swords ; at length, one of the judges, disguised in a rastic dress, holding in one hand a cheese, Wrapped in a napkin, for a shield, with a broomstick, whose mop he had besmeared with dirty puddle water as he passed along — thus equipped, he mounted the stage. The fencing-master railed at him for his impudence, asked him what busi ness he had there, and bid him begone. The judge stood his ground, upon which the gladiator made a pass at him with his sword, to drive him off — a rencounter ensued — the judge received the sword into the cheese, and held it untU he drew the mop of the broom gently over his mouth, and gave the gentleman a pair of whiskers. He made another pass, and, plunging his sword a second time, it was caught and held in the cheese, whilst the mop was drawn gently over his eyes. At a third lunge, it was again caught and held in the cheese, until the judge had rubbed the broom all over his face. Upon this, the gentleman let fall his small sword, and took up the broad sword. The judge then said, 'Stop, sir; hitherto, you see, I have only played with you, and not attempted to harm you ; but if you come at me now with the broad sword, know that I will certainly take your life,' The firmness with which he spoke struck the master, who, desisting, exclaimed, ' Who can you be ? You must be either Goffe, Whalley, or the devil ; for there was no other man in England that could beat me.' " — Stiles' History of the Judges. After about three years and a half weary pilgrimage at New Haven and its vicinity, they, on October 13, 1664, set out for Hadley. TraveUing in the night only, probably with a guide, they were undiscovered, and arrived at the house of Mr. Russell, the minister of Hadley, after a journey of about 100 miles. The house of this friendly clergyman, situated on the east side of the main street, near the center of the village, was of two stories, with a kitchen attached, and ingeniously fitted up for the recep tion of the judges. The east chamber was assigned for their resi dence, from which a door opened into a closet, back of the chim ney, and a secret trap-door communicated with an under closet, from which was a private passage to the cellar, into which it was easy to descend, in case of a search. Here, unknown to the peo ple of Hadley, excepting to a few confidants and the family of Mr. Russell, the judges remained fifteen or sixteen years. The dangerous secret of their concealment was known to Peter Tilton, Esq., whose residence stood on the same side of the street with Mr. Russell's, about half the distance towards the south end of the village ; and here, it is said, the judges occasionally resided. A Mr. Smith, who lived in the northern part of the village, is said to have occasionally admitted the exiles to his house. Mr. Tilton was frequently at Boston, being often a member of the general court from Hadley, and through him donations from their friends in England, and elsewhere, were received by the judges. During his residence in Hadley, Goffe held a correspondence with his wife in England, under a fictitious name. By one of the letters, dated April 2, 1679, it appears that Whalley had died some time previ- hadley. 325 ously, at Mr. Russell's. He was buried in a sort of tomb, formed of mason work, and covered with flags of hewn stone, just with out the cellar wall of Mr. Russell's house ; where his bones were found by Mr. Gaylord, who built a house on the spot where Mr. Russell's was standing, as late as 1794. Soon after the death of Whalley, Goffe left Hadley, and travelled to the southward; after which, no certain information of him can be obtained. There is a tradition, however, that he also died at Hadley, and was buried in the garden or near the house of Mr. Tilton. Not long after the arrival of the two judges at Hadley, Col. John DixweU, an other of the judges, joined them at Mr. RusseU's, and resided there for a while ; he afterward settled down at New Haven, Con., under the assumed name of Davids, where he died in 1688-9. It has been conjectured by President Stiles, and others, that the re mains of both Goff'e and Whalley were interred near those of Dixwell's, there being monuments near that of Dixwell's inscribed with the initials of their names. During Philip's war, in 1676, Hadley was attacked on the morning of the 12th of June, by about seven hundred Indians. " In the preceding night, they approached the town, laid an am buscade at the southern extremity, and advanced the main body towards the other, and at day-light the attack was commenced with great spirit ; but the English, turning out, received them at the palisades. The Indians gained possession of a house at the north end of the street, and fired a barn, but were in a short time driven back with loss. The attack was renewed on other points, and the Indians, though warmly opposed, appeared determined on car rying the place ; but a discharge of a piece of ordnance checked their fury, and their ambuscade failing of their object, which was to attack the people who might be driven from the vUlage, they drew off'. Major Talcott, at Northampton, hearing the attack, hurried on, passed the river, and, joining the Hadley forces, pre cipitated the Indians into the woods. Only two or three men were lost by the English; the enemy's was not ascertained." "When the people were in great consternation, and rallying to oppose the Indians, a man of venerable aspect, diff"ering from the inhabitants in his apparel, appeared, and, assuming command, arrayed them in the best manner for defence, evincing much knowledge of mili tary tactics, and by his advice and example continued to animate the men throughout the attack. When the Indians drew off, the stranger disappeared, and nothing further was heard of him. Who the deliverer was, none could inform or conjecture, but by supposing, as was common at that day, that Hadley had been saved by its guardian angel. It will be recoUected that at this time the two judges, Whalley and Goff'e, were secreted in the village, at the house of the Rev. Mr. Russell. The supposed angel, then, was no other than Gen. Goflfe, who, seeing the village in imminent danger, put all at risk, left his concealment, mixed with the inha bitants, and animated them to a vigorous defence. Whalley, being 326 HATFIELD. then superannuated, probably remained in his secluded cham ber." * The following inscriptions were copied from monuments in the grave-yard in this town : — Reverend Rivssells remains, who first oatheeed, and for 33 years faithfvlly GOVERNED THB FLOCK OF ChRIST IN HaDLEY, TIL THE CHEIF ShEPHERD SVDDENLY CALLED HIM OFF TO RECIEVE HIS REWARD, IN THE 66 YEAR OF HIS AGE, DeCEM3ER 10, 1692. Rebeckah, made by God a meit help to Mr. Iohn Rvssell, and fellow labovk- er in Christ's work ; a wise, vertvovs, piovs mother in Israel lyes here, in fvll ASSVRANCE OF A JOYFVL ResVRRECTION. ShE DIED IN THE 57 YEAR OF HER A9E, NO VEMBER 21, 1688. To the memory of John Webster, Esq., one of the first settlers of Hartford, in Con necticut, who was many years a magistrate or assistant, & afterwards Deputy Gover nor of that Colony, & in 1659, with three sons, Robert, William & Thomas, associ ated with others in the purchase and settlement of Hadley, where he died in 1665, f This monument is erected, in 1818, by his descendant, Noah Webster, of Amherst, In memory of Mrs, Sarah Marsh, wife of Ebenezer Marsh, who departed this life January y= 31, 1794, in the 66 year of her age. Prudence is an eveness of soul, A steady temper, which no cares controul, No passions ruflie, no desires inflame. Still constant to itself, & stUl the same. Here lies the body of the rev, Isaac Chauncy, pastor of the first church in Hadley, who was of a truly peaceable and catholic spUit, a good scholar, an eloquent orator, an able divine, a Uvely, pathetic preacher, a burning and shining Ught in this candle stick, an exemplary christian, an Israelite indeed, in whom was no guUe. He de parted this Ufe 2 May, A. D. 1745, setat. 74. HATFIELD. Hatfield is one of the oldest settlements in the county, and was originally included within the bounds of Hadley. It was incorpo rated in 1670. The Rev. Hope Atherton appears to have been the first minister. Mr. Atherton died in 1679, aged 33.- He was succeed ed by Rev. Nathaniel Chauncy. Mr. Chauncy died in 1685, and was succeeded by Rev. William WiUiams, who died in 1741. Rev. Timothy Woodbridge was installed here in 1740, and was suc ceeded by Rev. Joseph Lyman, D. D., in 1772. Dr. Lyman died in 1828, and was succeeded by Rev. Jared B. Waterbury, in 1827, who was succeeded by Rev. Levi Pratt, in 1830. This is a fine agricultural town, and noted for its raising fine beef cattle. A part of the township is a pine plain, a part intervals of the first quality, and the remaining part valuable upland. The principal village lies on an interval opposite the north end of Hadley, at the distance of one mile and a half There is one Congregational church. Population, 937. Distance, 5 miles north of Northamp- * Hoyt's Indian Wars, p. 135. t This is an error ; it should be 1661. HATFIELD. 327 ton, and 95 west of Boston. The value of brooms manufactured in this town in 1837 was $28,600. Hatfield, like other ancient towns in this vicinity, has passed through many scenes of distress and danger. On October 19, 1675, in Philip's war, between seven and eight hundred Indians ap proached the outposts of Hatfield, flushed with their recent suc cesses in Deerfield and other places. Having cut off" several par ties who were scouring the woods in the vicinity, they made a rapid attack on the town in various directions. Fortunately, two companies, under the command of Captains Mosely and Poole, were at this time in the village. While Poole bravely defended one extremity, Mosely with no less resolution defended the center, while Captain Appleton, arriving with his company from Hadley, protected the other extremity. After a severe contest, the Indians were repulsed at every point ; many were driven across Mill river in confusion, and in their hurry, attempting to carry oflF their dead and wounded, lost many of their guns in the river. They how ever found time to fire several buildings, which were consumed, and to drive off' a number of cattle and sheep. Their retreat being made at the dusk of the evening, their loss could not be ascer tained ; the loss of the English is not given. Captain Appleton had a narrow escape, a ball passing through the hair of his head ; his sergeant at his side was mortally wounded. On the 30th of May, 1676, a body of 6 or 700 Indians fell upon Hatfield again, and burnt about a dozen houses and barns in the skirts of the town. One party attacked the fortified houses to which the inhabitants had fled, the other drove away the cattle belonging to the inha bitants. In the mean time twenty-five young men from Hadley crossed the river, and with invincible resolution broke their way through the enemy, and assisted in repelling the savages. In the expedition of Captain Turner and others, in 1676, against the Indians at the falls in the vicinity of Greenfield, Rev. Mr. Atherton of Hatfield accompanied him as chaplain. In the con fusion of the retreat from Greenfield, he was separated from the troops, and became lost in the woods. After wandering at random and despairing of finding his way home, he came to the resolution of deUvering up himself to the Indians. Approaching a party of the savages, he by signs offered to surrender himself a prisoner ; but, as unaccountable as it may appear, they refused to receive him. When he approached and called to them, they fled from his presence, and appeared fearful of his approach, and Mr. Atherton was left to his fate. Upon this he determined if possible to find the river and follow it to Hatfield. This he effected, after a wan dering march of several days of excessive fatigue and hunger, and arrived in safety among his people. The Indians, probably, know ing Mr. Atherton's profession by his dress, and having some knowledge of the sacredness of his office, considered him as a sacred person, whom they dare not injure. On the 19th of September, 1677, about fifty Indians, who had descended Connecticut river, feU upon Hatfield, as the people were 44 328 MIDDLEFIELD. raising a house, killed and captured about twenty, including among the latter several women and children. Among the pri soners were the wives of Benjamin Wait and Stephen Jennings. Having received authority from the government to ransom the captives, they commenced their hazardous journey on the 24th of October, and followed the enemy through New York by the lakes into Canada. They returned, after an absence of eight months, with nineteen of the prisoners. On the 22d of August, 1786, a convention of delegates from fifty towns in Hampshire county assembled in Hatfield, and passed certain seditious resolutions. " This was the first important blow struck against the government, in Shays' insurrection ; it was soon followed up by attempts, some of which were successful, to stop the proceedings of courts in various counties." The convention con tinued for three days. This body voted that the essential branches of the three legislative departments of the state were grievous; " material proceedings upon national concerns erroneous ; obvious measures for paying the debt blindly overlooked ; public moneys misappropriated, and the constitution itself intolerably defective. The directions for transmitting these proceedings to the convention of Worcester, and to the county of Berkshire, displayed a design in this assembly of doing more than passively representing their own grievances." — Minot's Hist. Insurrection. The following inscriptions are from monuments in this town : In memory of the Hon. Israel Williams, Esquire, who departed this Ufe 10 Janu ary, 1788, in the 79 year of his age. High and low, rich and poor, are death's equal prey, and no valuable distinction survives his resistless attack, but that, which enno bles an angel, the love of God. All on earth is shadow, all beyond Is substance ; the reverse is folly's creed. Hpw solid all, where change shall be no more ! To the memory of Mr. Jacob Walker, who, respected by the brave, beloved by his country's friends, dear to his relations, while manfully defending the laws and liberties of the commonwealth, nobly fell by the impious hand of treason and rebeUion, on the 17 of February, 1787, iu the 32 year of his age. Citizen pa.ssing, drop a tear, and leam to imitate the brave. MIDDLEFIELD. This town, which is situated on a range of the Green moun tains, was incorporated in 1783. Rev. Jonathan Nash, the first minister, was settled in 1792, and died in 1834. His successor. Rev. Samuel Parker, was installed pastor in 1832, and resigned in 1833. He was succeeded by Rev. John H. Bisbee, in 1834. Besides the Congregational, there is a Baptist church in the central part of the town. A Methodist church is situated in the south-eastern section of the town. This town is watered by two branches of Westfield river. The stream called Middle river divides this town from Worthington. Drawn by J. 'W. Barber — Eugjaved by S. E. Brown, Boston, CENTRAL PART OF NORTHAMPTON, MASS. Thc view shows the appearance of the Court-House, the First Congregational Church, and other buildings, as seen from the road in a north-eeistern direction. The Congregational Church is the building seen in the central part of the engraving. NORTHAMPTON. 329 Soap-stone and an extensive bed of serpentine, or rock of various colors, are found in the town. In 1837, there were two woollen mills, 4 sets of woollen machinery ; cloth manufactured, 26,000 yards, valued at $54,000 ; males employed, 26 ; females, 24 ; capi tal invested, $36,000. There were 9,724 Saxony sheep; wool produced, 26,741 lbs. ; average weight of fleece, two and three- fourths lbs.; value of wool, $17,381 65; capital invested, $120,945. Population, 710. Distance, 24 miles from Northampton, 17 from Pittsfield, and 110 from Boston. NORTHAMPTON. The Indian name of Northampton was Nonotuck. It formerly included Southampton, Westhampton, and Easthampton, since incorporated as _towns. The fertility, extent, and beauty of the fine intervals in this region attracted the attention of settlers at an early period. The township was purchased in 1653, and convey ed to John Pynchon, Esq., for the planters, by Wawhilloioa, Ne- nessahalant, Nassicohee, and four others, (one of whom was a married woman,) styled " the chief and proper owners," for one hundred fathom of wampum by tale, and ten coats, besides some small gifts, in hand paid to the sachems and owners, and also for ploughing up sixteen acres of land on the east side of Quonnecticut river the ensuing summer. These "all bargained for themselves, and the other owners by their consent." The original planters were twenty-one in number, and the legal grant was made to them in 1654, by " John Pynchon, Elizur Holyoke, and Samuel Chapin, commissioners for laying out Nonotuck, by the general court," and the settlement of the town commenced the same year.* In 1656, "towns men" (or selectmen) were chosen, and in 1657 three commissioners were chosen at a town meeting " as a court to end small causes." The same year, the town employed an agent "to obtain a minister, and to devise means to prevent the excess of liquors and cider from coming to the town." In 1662, at the for mation of the county of Hampshire, consisting of the three towns of Springfield, Northampton, and Hadley, Northampton was made a half shire, and in 1794 was made the county town. The village of Northampton is situated about a mile from Con necticut river, a little elevated above the surrounding meadows. These meadows are some of the best land in New England, and are in the highest state of cultivation. The village, although very irregularly laid out,f is one of the most beautiful and best built ?There is a tradition that one English family came to Northampton in 1652, and Uved on land which is east of what is now called Hawley street. f " It has been said that they [the streets] were laid out by the cows, and that wherever these animals, when going to feed in the forests, made their paths, the inha bitants located their streets. The probabUity is, that the first planters, being both m- clined and obUged to build near to each other, placed their houses wherever the ground 330 NORTHAMPTON. vUlages in New England. Situated in the delightful vaUey of the Connecticut, surrounded with beautiful and variegated prospects on every side, with the magnificent front of Mount Holyoke, rising to the height of 830 feet, on the opposite side of the river, the scenery of this place presents a specimen ofthe "subUme and beautiful." A fine stream passes the center of the town, possessing a good water power, on which are mills and factories of various kinds. This place has considerable river and inland commerce, which wUl pro bably be increased by the New Haven and Northampton canal, which terminates a little north of the village. The above is a representation of Round Hill, an elevation which rises immediately back of the court-house and the central part of the village. It is very regular in its form, and the summit is crowned by a noble grove. A number of elegant residences stand on the side of this elevation, overlooking the village ; and from this spot there is a fine prospect of Mount Holyoke and the delightful valley of the Connecticut. The view from which the above engraving was made, was taken standing on the western side of the first Congregational church. The building appearing on the left is the Town School ; the Gothic structure on the right is the young Ladies' Seminary. Round Hill is seen beyond. There are 5 churches, 3 Congregational, (1 of which is Unitarian,) 1 Episco pal, and 1 Baptist. There is 1 bank, the " Northampton Bank," with a capital of $200,000. Population, 3,576. Northampton is 91 mUes W. of Boston, 72 E. of Albany, 40 N. of Hartford, 22 S. of Greenfield, 17 northerly of Springfield, and 376 from Wash ington. In 1837, there were 3 woollen mills, 7 sets of machine ry ; 70,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $230,000 ; was sufficiently dry to furnish convenient building spots." — Dr. Dwight's Travels, vol ume i., page 328. NORTHAMPTON. 331 males employed, 64; females, 60; capital invested, $100,000. There are 2 silk manufactories ; value of ribbon and sewing silk manufactured, $40,000 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 40 ; capi tal invested, $100,000. There is a paper-mill, an air and cupola furnace, and other manufactories of various kinds. The inhabitants of Northampton appeared to have lived in great harmony with the Indians. In 1664, the Indians requested leave of the people to build themselves a fort within the town ; leave was granted, and their fort was erected perhaps about thirty rods from the most populous street. The conditions on which leave was obtairied for building their fort were, — that they should not work or game within the town on the Sabbath, nor powaw here or any where else ; they should not get liquor, nor cider, nor get drunk ; nor admit Indians from without the town ; nor break down fences, &C. " The Indians," says Dr. Dwight, " were always considered as having a right to dwell and to hunt within the lands which they had sold." Although the Indians lived in such close contact with the whites, there is not even a traditionary story of any quar rel between them and the people of Northampton. But after Phil ip's war commenced, the inhabitants were in continual danger. In 1675, a guard was kept continually ; several of the inhabitants had their houses burnt. In King William's war, in 1690, a forti fication was ordered to be run quite round the town. In 1704 a body of French and Indians, numbering, it is supposed, about five hundred, invaded the town, but it appears that the inhabitants were so vigilant and well fortified, that they made no serious at tempt upon the place. It appears that one house was fortified in every little neighborhood, so that all the inhabitants might have a place of refuge near, in case of an attack. " These fortifications must have been expensive. Those which were erected around the town, were palisadoes set up in the earth, thrown out of a trench ; and must from their great extent have involved an expense scarce ly supportable." The first road to Windsor, their only passage to market, was laid in 1664. The first bridge over Manhan river, a mill stream three miles south of their church, was voted in 1668. At the same time, they paid their taxes at Charlestown first, and afterwards at Boston, in wheat. This was conveyed to Hartford in carts and wagons, and there shipped for Boston. There is one account, only, of their expense in a transaction of this nature re corded. In this instance, they were obliged to pay one third of the cargo for the transportation from Hartford to Charlestown. During Shays' insurrection in 1786, after the insurgents had concerted their measures at Hatfield, they assembled to the num ber of about 1,500, under arms, at Northampton, took possession of the court-house, and effectuaUy prevented the sitting of the courts as prescribed by law. Upon this violence being committed, the governor issued his proclamation in a feeling and spirited man ner upon the officers and citizens, to suppress such treasonable proceedings, but such was the state of things in the common- 332 NORTHAMPTON. wealth at this time, that the ill-disposed paid but Uttle attention to this timely measure. The first minister of Northampton was Eleazer Mather, son of the Rev. Richard Mather, of Dorchester. He was ordained in 1661, and died in 1669, aged 32. Mr. Mather's health having de clined. Rev. Joseph Elliot, in 1662, was invited to settle in the ministry here ; he was the second son of Rev. John Elliot, of Rox bury, the celebrated apostle to the Indians ; he afterwards settled at Guilford, Con. Rev. Solomon Stoddard was the next minister, was ordained in 1672, and died in 1729. His successor was Jona than Edwards, the celebrated divine, who Avas invited in 1726 to assist Mr. Stoddard in the ministry. Mr. Stoddard "possessed probably more influence than any other clergyman in the province, during a period of thirty years. Here he was regarded with a reverence which will scarcely be rendered to any other man. The very savages are said to have felt towards him a peculiar awe. Once, when riding from Northampton to Hatfield, and passing a place called Dewey's Hole, an ambush of savages lined the road. It is said that a Frenchman, directing his gun towards him, was wamed by one of the Indians, who some time before had been among the English, not to fire, because ' that man was English man's God.' A similar adventure is said to have befallen him while meditating in an orchard, immediately behind the church in Deerfield, a sermon hc was about to preach. These stories, told in Canada, are traditionally asserted to have been brought back by English captives. It was customary for the Canadian savages, after they returned from their excursions, to report their adven tures, by way of triumph, to the captives taken in the English colonies. Among the works which Mr. Stoddard pubhshed, his Guide to Christ, and his Safety of appearing in the Righteousness of Christ, have ever been held in respectful estimation." "He published the Doctrine of Instituted Churches, London, 4to, 1700, in which he advanced some sentiments that were not very well received in this country, such as the following : — that the Lord's table should be accessible to all persons not immoral in their lives, that the power of receiving and censuring members is vested ex clusively in the elders of the church, and that synods have power to excommunicate and deliver from church censures." The Rev. Jonathan Edwards continued in Northampton more than twenty-three years, tiU he was dismissed in 1750. The causes which led to his dismissal were his endeavors to enforce what he considered to be his duty in regard to the discipline of the church, and likewise the opposition he made to the sentiment supported by his colleague and grandfather. Rev. Mr. Stoddard, that unconverted persons ought to be aUowed to come to the sacra ment of the Lord's supper. In 1751, he was settled at Stockbridge as missionary to the Indians, where he continued six years, preach ing to the Indians and white people. Here he found leisure to prosecute his theological and metaphysical studies, and produced those works which will probably hand down his name to the latest NORTHAMPTON. 333 posterity. In January, 1758, he reluctantly accepted the presiden cy of the college at Princeton, New Jersey. The small-pox pre vailing. President Edwards was induced to be inoculated, which was the cause of his death, March 22, 1758, in the 55th year of his age. David Brainerd, the celebrated missionary, died at the house of Jonathan Edwards, in this place, Oct. 9, 1747, in the thirtieth year of his age. His life was written by Mr. Edwards. " His life and diary," says a celebrated English divine, "exhibits a perfect pattern of the qualities which should distinguish the instructor of rude and barbarous tribes ; the most invincible patience and self- denial, the profoundest humility, exquisite prudence, indefatigable industry, and such a devotedness to God, or rather such an absorp tion of the whole soul in zeal for the divine glory and the salvation of men, as is scarcely paralleled since the age of the apostles. His constitutional melancholy, though it must be regarded as a physi cal imperfection, imparts an additional interest and pathos to the narrative, since we more easily sympathize with the emotion of sorrow than of joy. There is a monotony in his feelings, it must be acknowledged, and consequently a frequent repetition of the same ideas, which will disgust a fastidious or superficial reader, but it is the monotony of sublimity." [From the Massachusetts Spy, June 25, 1806.] " Springfield, June 10. " Execution of Daley and Hallisan, — On Thursday last, pursuant to their sen tence, Dominick Daley and James HalUganwere executed at Northampton. At half past 10 o'clock, they were conducted to the meeting-house, by the high sheriflT and his deputies, with a guard, composed of a company of artillery and a detachment of the militia. An appropriate and eloquent discourse was there delivered to a very crowded auditory, by the Rev. Mr. Cheveriis, of Boston, from 1 John, 3. 15 : ' Whoever hateth his brother is a murderer.' After the sermon, the criminals were constantly attended by Mr, Cheverus, with whom, during the greater part of the tirae, they appeared to be engaged in prayer. At 3 o'clock, sentence was executed by Major-General Mattoon, sheriff of the county. Notwithstanding their protestations of innocence, in which they persisted in to the last, it is beUeved that of the 15,000 persons supposed to be present, scarcely one had a doubt of their guilt. . Daley and HalUgan were natives of Ireland. Daley was about 34 years of age, and has been in this country two years ; he has left a wife, a mother, and brother in Boston. Halligan was about 27 years of age; and we believe has no connections in this country, in which he has resided for four years." The following inscriptions are copied from monuments in the Northampton grave-yard : Here is inter'd the body of the Revi- Mr. Solomon Stoddard, A. M., sometime FeUow of Harvard CoUege, pastor of y church in Northampton, N. E,, for near 60 years ; who departed this life Feb, 11, 1729, and m the 86 year of his age. A man of God, an able minister of the N. Testament ; singularly quaUfied for that sacred ofice, and faithful therein, sealed by the H : Spirit in numerous converts to Christ, by his solid, powerful, and most searching ministry. A light to the churches in general, a peculiar blessing to this ; eminent for the holiness of his life, as remarkable for his peace at death. Sacred to the memory of the Rev^- David Brainard, a faithful & laborious missiona- IT to the Stockbridge, the Delaware, & the Susquehannah tribes of Indians, who died in this town, Oct. 10, 1747, aged 30. A tabular monument of free-stone is placed over the grave of 45 334 NORWICH. this celebrated missionary. The inscription at first wis on an ui- let of schistus, which many years since was destroyed by the frost, and the inscription at present is said to be unknown. An inlet of marble with the above inscription now supplies the place of the former one in the horizontal slab over his remains. Here lies the ReVi- John Hooker, who died of y« smaU pox, Feb. e""- 1777, in the 49"» year of his age & 23"i of his ministry. In him an excellent & highly cultivated Genius, a graceful elocution, engaging manners, & the temper of the Gospel united to forra an able and faithful minister, & to render hira examplary and beloved in all the relations of life. The affectionate people of his charge, in remembrance of bis many amiable & christian virtues, erected this monument to his memory. Solomon Williams, born July 25, 1752, lived as a pastor of the church of Christ in Northampton 56 years and 5 months. His spirit ascended in sweet peace tothe upper Sanctuary on the morning of the Sabbath, Nov, 9, 1834. In memory of Caleb Strons, late Governor of Massachusetts, who, after a life emi nent for piety and devotion to the pubUc service, died November 7"'. 1819, in the IS'^ year of his age. John Breck, Esq., died Feb. 26, 1827, Mt. 56 years. Great day of dread decision and despair. At thought of thee, each sublunary wish Lets go its eager grasp, and drops the world. And catches at each reed of hope in heaven. In memory of Rev. Henry Lyman, son of Theodore and Susan W. Lyman, a mis sionary of the American Board, who, with his associate. Rev, Samuel Munson, suffered a violent death from the Battahs, in Sumatra, June 28'i>. 1834, aged 24. We are more than conquerors. NORWICH. This town was incorporated in 1793. The Rev. Stephen Tracy, of Norwich, Con., was the first Congregational minister of this town; he was settled here in 1781, and resigned in 1799. His successor was Rev. Benjamin R. Woodbridge, who settled here in 1799, and resigned in 1831. Rev. Samuel RusseU, the next minis ter, was installed in 1832, and resigned the next year. His suc cessor was Rev. Alvah C. Page. This is a hilly township ; a northern branch of Westfield river passes through the town, from north to south. In 1837, there was in the town one small woollen mill and an axe manufactory, in which were manufactured 3,000 axes, which were valued at $4,250; hands employed, five. Population, 714. Distance, 12 miles from Northampton, and 108 from Boston. The following is the inscrip tion on the monument of the Rev. Mr. Russell, one ofthe ministers of this place: 1 k" ™5™.°'"y "f '^^,?«^- Samuel Russell, a man who in doctrine was sound, in his l^iT/ 'u"'?°'^u^i5''*^"''.'"^.l^'^'= ^™P'« ^°d irreproachable, in his piety' distin- la his^F^h^? Jan"!'; IsTs'^lr "^ ^^^ "°^^ ' ^' ^°"^^' «"^ ^°-"^ ^""^ PLAINFIELD. 336 PELHAM. This town was originaUy a section of what was termed the Equivalent Lands, granted by Massachusetts to Connecticut. The tract comprising the town was sold to Col. Stoddard of Northamp ton, and was denominated Stoddard's Town. The township was afterwards sold by Col. Stoddard to a number of settlers from Worcester, and was incorporated into a town by the name of Pel ham in 1742. The ancestors of the first settlers of this town were Presbyterian emigrants from the north of Ireland. The first minis ter of the place was Rev. Robert Abercrombie, from Edinburgh, Scotland ; he was ordained here in 1744. His successors were Richard C. Graham, Nathaniel Merrill, Thomas F. Oliver, Elijah Brainerd, Winthrop BaUy. Mr. Baily died in 1835, in Greenfield. In the second church Matthias Cazier and Sebastian C. Cabot have been ministers. The soil of this township is good, but the situation is elevated and the surface is uneven. Swift river, a principal branch of the Chieopee, waters the eastern border, and Fort river, which falls into the Connecticut, waters the western part of this town. In 1837 there were 18,000 palm-leaf hats manufactured in this town, valued at $3,000. Population, 957. Distance, 13 miles from Northampton, 7 from Amherst, and 80 from Boston. PLAINFIELD. This town was formerly included in Cummington, and with that town was sold by Col. John Cummings, of Concord, in 1762. The first meeting of the proprietors was held at Concord, in December of that year. Many of the first settlers came from Bridgewater and Ahington. Plainfield was incorporated a district of Cummington in 1785, and in 1807 was incorporated a distinct town. A church of 14 members was organized here in 1780 ; but they had no settled minister till 1792, when Rev. Moses Hallock, a na tive of Long Island, was settled with them. He continued in the pastoral office till 1831, in which year he was succeeded by Rev. David Kimball. Few men have been more useful than Mr. Hal- lock ; none more humble, holy, consistent, and devoted to the proper work of man. He had no briUiancy, but was strongly characterized in his whole deportment by kindness, sincerity, meekness, and a deep and heartfelt interest in the welfare of all. He died in 1837. The meeting-house of this society was buUt in 1792. A Baptist society was formed in the eastern part of the town in 1833. The church was organized in June, by an ecclesiastical council. Elder David Wright, of Cummington, acting as moderator. This township lies on the eastern side of the Green mountain range, and, as might be expected, the surface is undulating, and in many parts rough and broken, less so, however, than that of the 336 PLAINFIELD. adjoining towns. Indeed, the summit of East Hill, on which ia the principal village, may be considered as level through nearly the whole breadth of the town. The soil is good and strong, and well adapted for grass. The township is exceedingly well supplied with springs and rivulets. There are no large streams in the town. Mill Brook is the largest. There are two ponds, both in the north west part of the town : the North Pond, which is about a mUe long and half a mile wide, and the Crooked Pond, so called from its figure. The scenery around these ponds is wild, and may perhaps be said to partake of the gloomy ; for here, for the most part, the forests have never been touched, and nature, in aU her wildness, StiU on her bosom wears the enamel'd vest, That bloomed and budded on her youthful breast. The waters of the North Pond empty into the Deerfield river at Charlemont, while those of the Crooked Pond empty into the South Pond in Windsor, which is the head of one of the branches of Westfield river. The North Pond is dotted with islands, and is a favorite place of resort for anglers and parties of pleasure ; and both have peculiar attractions to the botanist, as some very rare and interesting aquatic plants are found on the shores and in the water. In 1837, there were two woollen mills; 20,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $13,000; there were 238 Saxony, 1,775 merino, and 1,759 other kinds of sheep; the value of wool produced was $5,379 36 ; there were manufactured 48,000 palm-leaf hats, valued at $8,900. Population, 865. Distance, 20 miles N. W. of Northampton, and 110 W. by N. of Boston. " Rev. James Richards and Rev. WUliam Richards, American missionaries, were of this town, and sons of Dea. James Richards. They were both graduates of Williams college. The first mention ed sailed, in 1815, for the East Indies, where he arrived after a prosperous voyage of 5 months. The period of his labors was short, for his constitution soon sunk by undue exposure to the in fluence of a tropical climate. He died at Tillipaly, in Ceylon, Aug. 3, 1822, aged 38 years. Rev. William Richards was ordain ed missionary at New Haven, Sept. 12, 1822, from which place he sailed, with his wife, for the Sandwich Islands, Nov. 19, of the same year, where he arrived in April, 1823. His labors appear to have been very acceptable and useful. He resides in the village of Lahaina, (in the island of Maui,) one of the most delightful spots in the Sandwich Islands." The following account of the Mountain Miller was taken from the History of Plainfield, by Dr. Jacob Porter, page 40. " Deacon Joseph Beals, who will be known through the future ages of the church as the Mountain Miller, was a native of Bridge- water, in this state, and removed with his famUy to this place in 1779. Here, in 1789, a year of great scarcity, he met with a severe affliction, the loss of his house and nearly all his provisions by a fire. Previous to this, he hdd been depending on his exter- PEESCOTT. 337 nal morality for salvation, considering a change as unnecessary. He now found that he could not truly submit to the will of God, and betook himself to the seeking ofhis salvation in earnest. After a season of distressing anxiety, the Savior was pleased to reveal himself to his soul as ' the chief among ten thousand and alto gether lovely,' and he suddenly broke forth in new strains of de votion, penitence, and praise, for redeeming love. From this time he consecrated himself to the service of his Savior, and became distinguished for his meekness and humUity, his life of prayer, his exemplary deportment at all times and in all places, particularly in the house of God, his abiding sense of the uncertainty of life and the retributions of eternity, his preciousness to the awakened sinner, his care for the spiritual welfare of his family and of all with whom the providence of God brought him in contact, his perseverance in doing good, and his uniform and consistent piety. ' His conversation would never tire, and it seemed that he was ne ver tired of religious conversation.' He died after a short sickness, July 20, 1813. 'His body,' says the writer ofthe tract, 'was in terred in the grave-yard, near his accustomed place of worship, where a plain, neat marble slab, bearing his name, age, and date ofhis death, is erected as the only memorial of the Mountain Miller.' A notice of his death was inserted in the county newspaper, with this expressive and appropriate remark : ' His presence animated the Christian and awed the sinner ;' which would have been his whole recorded story, had not some special indications of Provi dence convinced the writer of this narrative of his duty to commu nicate it, for the benefit, he trusts, of thousands. The pious tra veller will hereafter delight to visit the place, consecrated by the residence of the Mountain MiUer, to drink at the spring by the road-side, bursting from the rock and shaded by the two beautiful sugar maples, where he so often drank in passing between his house and mUl, and, above all, to linger at the grave of this most devoted servant of the Most High. From this spot fiowers have already been culled, and sent to different parts of this country and of Europe." Thc tract entitled the Mountain MiUer, written by William A. Hallock, was first published by the American Tract Society, in 1831, and has since gone through numerous editions, and in various languages. PRESCOTT, This town was incorporated in 1822, previous to which it form ed a part of Pelham. Rev. Ebenezer Brown was installed pastor here in 1827, and resigned in 1835. The Rev. Job Cushman, his successor, was installed here the same year. A church formerly existed in this town while it was a part of Pelham, over which two ministers were settled, Matthias Cazier and Sebastian C. Cabot. 338 SOUTH hadley. This church became extinct. The church was re-organized in 1823, with 12 members. This town is watered by several branches of Swift river, which is a principal branch of the Chieopee. The principal article of manufacture is palm-leaf hats, of which, in 1837, 50,000 were manufactured, valued at $10,000. Population, 788. Distance, 16 miles from Northampton, 8 from Amherst, and 76 from Boston. SOUTH HADLEY. This town was originally a parish in Hadley ; it was incorpo rated as a town in 1753. " This town was settled as early as 1721 by a few famUies from Hadley. It was then called the South Precinct in Hadley. The first settlers for some time continued to attend public worship on the Sabbath in Hadley, a distance of about 7 or 8 miles. In 1733 the first town meeting as a sepa rate district was held, and it was resolved that a meeting-house, the frame of which was put up the year before, should be in part finished. The building, however, was not completed until the close of the year 1737. The families were few in number and indi gent in their circumstances, and the house was principally built by their personal labor; it was not large, containing only nine pews in the body of it. A gaUery was subsequently added. There was no steeple or bell. The people were called together at the ap pointed hour of public worship by the " blowing of a conch shell." The house still remains, and is occupied as a dwelling-house, on the north side of the common. In consequence of the house being too small to accommodate the people, at the meeting of the town in March, 1750, a vote was passed to build a new house, 55 feet in length and 45 in breadth, to be placed as near the old one as might conveniently be done, and as near the center of the town as possi ble. The difficulty of locating the house was almost without a paraUel. It was not till thirteen years afterwards that the question was settled, during which more than fifty meetings for the purpose of agreeing on the place were held. It was finaUy settled by lot. The lot fixed the place where the meeting-house of the first parish now stands. A part being dissatisfied, a council of ministers was called, consisting of the Rev. Dr. Williams of Longmeadow, Rev. Mr. Breck of Springfield, Rev. Mr. Ballantine of Westfield, and Rev. Mr. Lathrop of West Springfield, who decided that both par ties were under moral obligation to abide by the lot. The first pastor of the church in South Hadley was Rev. Grindall Rawson, who was settled in 1733. A grant of land, called the " Proprietors' Land," was set off to this town on its first settlement, by the town of Hadley, for the use of the ministry, on condition that the people should settle among them " a good orthodox minister." By a vote of the precinct, at their first meeting, this land was appropriated to Mr. Rawson. Rev. John Woodbridge, the successor of Mr. Raw- south hadley. 339 son, was instaUed pastor in 1742. He died in 1783, aged 80. He was succeeded in the ministry by Rev. Joel Hays, w'no was settled in 1782. Rev. Artemas Boies, the next minister, was settled in 1824, and was succeeded by Rev. Joseph D. Condit, in 1835. Rev. Flavel Griswold was the first pastor of the second or Canal church. He was instaUed pastor in 1828 ; Rev. William Tyler succeeded him in 1832. The soil in this township is light, warm, and in many places very productive. Considerable attention is paid by the farmers in this town to the raising of sheep. There is considerable Avater- power in the town, much of which is yet unimproved. The manu facture of paper, satinet, and other articles, forms an important branch of business in this place. There is a canal in this town, two miles long, on the east side of Connecticut river, and a dam across the river of 1100 feet, which is constructed to overcome a fall in the river of 50 feet. This dam produces a water-power of great extent. The canal has five locks, and a cut through solid rock of 40 feet in depth and 300 in length. The amount of tolls on the canal is from 10 to $18,000 annually. Northern view of Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. The above is a northern view of "Mount Holyoke Female Semi nary," in the central viUage of South Hadley, 6 miles from North ampton, and 13 from Springfield, which is now about opening for the reception of scholars. This institution is designed entirely for young ladies. " The design is to give a solid, extensive, and well- balanced English education, connected with that general improve ment, that moral culture, and those enlarged views of duty, which will prepare ladies to be educators of children and youth." One leading object in this seminary is to raise up female teachers. This institution is designed to be permanent, and to be placed on as lasting foundations as the coUeges in our country for the other sex. An act of incorporation has been obtained, and a self-perpetu ating board of trustees appointed. The institution is designed to furnish the best facilities for education at a very moderate expense. One very important feature in the system to be adopted here, is, 340 SOUTH HADLET. that all the teachers and pupUs, without a single exception, will constitute but one family, and all the pupils are to perform a part of the domestic work of the famUy. The place for an institution of this kind is well chosen, being easy of access, and at the same time removed from the evils attendant on a seminary of learning being located in a populous place. The view from the upper sto ries of the seminary is commanding and interesting. At the north, the towering heights of Mount Tom and Holyoke, rising in gran deur at the distance of two or three miles; the gorge between the two mountains, through which the Connecticut passes; the beauti ful interval on which Northampton is situated, seen beyond, pre sent a scene which is rarely equalled. There are 3 churches, 1 Congregational in the center, 1 Congregational and 1 Methodist in the village at the falls, on the south border of the town. Popu lation of the town, 1,400. In 1837, there were two woollen miUs, 3 sets of machinery ; 60,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, the value of which was $45,000. There were three paper mUls ; stock manufactured, 1,250 tons ; valueof paper, $161,500; males employed, 43; females, 41 ; capital invested, $100,000. Two pearl button manufactories; 18,000 gross of buttons were manufactured, valued at $8,500; males employed, 13 ; females, 18 ; capital invested, $4,200. The value of leather tanned and curried was $18i400. Mount Holyoke, on the northern borders of this town, rises 830 feet above the level of the Connecticut at its base, and from its summit presents probably the richest view in America in point of cultivation and fertile beauty, and is quite a place of fashionable resort. " It is a part of a mountain ridge of greenstone, commencing with West Rock, near New Haven, and proceeding northerly, in terrupted by only occasional valleys across the whole of Connec ticut, until it enters Massachusetts between West Springfield and Southwick, and proceeds along the west line of the first-named place, and along the east line of Westfield, Easthampton, and Northampton, to the banks of Connecticut. Until it reaches East hampton its elevation is small ; but there it suddenly mounts up to the height of a thousand feet, and forms Mount Tom. The ridge crosses Connecticut in a north-east direction, aud curving still more to the east, passes along the dividing line of Amherst and South Hadley, until it terminates ten miles from the river in the north-west part of Belchertown. All that part of the ridge east of the river is called Holyoke ; though the prospect house is erected near its south western extremity, opposite Northampton and near the Connecticut." The following view is from Mt. Holyoke, showing the appearance of the curve of the Connecticut, sometimes called the Ox-bow, which gracefully sweeps round a circuit of three miles without advancing its ocean course a hundred rods. "In the view from Holyoke we have the grand and beautiful united ; the latter, how ever, greatly predominating." "On the west is seen, a little elevated above the general level, the populous village of Northampton, with its elegant public and private buildings ; a little more to the right SOUTHAMPTON, 341 View from the summit of Mount Holyoke. the neat and substantial villages of Hadley and Hatfield ; and still further east and more distant, Amherst, with its college, gymnasium and academy, on a commanding eminence, form a pleasant resting place to the eye. On the south is seen the village of South Hadley. Springfield and other places south indistinctly visible along the banks of the Connecticut, and even the spires of the churches in Hartford may be seen in good weather, just rising above the trees. With a telescope the elevated peaks in the vicinity of New Haven may be seen. Facing the south-west, the observer has before him the ridge called Mount Tom, which rises one or two hundred feet higher than Holyoke." " In the north-west the Graylock may be seen peering above the Hoosic, and still farther north the Green mountains shoot up beyond the region of clouds. Near at hand, in the valley of the Connecticut, are seen the insulated Sugar-loaf and Toby presenting their fantastic outlines ; while far in the north east rises in insulated grandeur the cloud-capt Monadnoc." " Pro bably, under favorable circumstances, not less than 30 churches, in as many towns, are visible from Holyoke. The north and south diameter of the field of vision there can scarcely be less than 150 miles." SOUTHAMPTON. This town was incorporated in 1753, previous to which it was a part or precinct of Northampton. The first persons who took up their residence in this plantation were Judah Hutrhinson and Thomas Porter, in 1732; the next year fourteen other settlers came into the place. Some famUies had resided in the north part of the town, in Pomeroy's meadow ; they belonged however to the old town till after a meeting-house was built in the south pre cinct. Between 1733 and 1740, fourteen families removed to the place. The first meeting of freeholders qualified to vote in 46 342 WARE. precinct affairs was held in 1741. On the 8th of June, 1743, the first church was organized, and Rev. Jonathan Judd was ordained pastor at the same time ; and on the same day WaitstUl Strong and John Clark were chosen deacons. The clergymen at his ordination were Messrs. Edwards of Northampton, Hopkins of West Springfield, Woodbridge of South Hadley, Parsons of East Hadley, WiUiams of Hadley, Woodbridge of Hatfield, and BaUan tine of Westfield. "It was requested that each should bring a messenger with him." Mr. Edwards preached the sermon, which was afterwards published. Mr. Judd had for settlement 200 acres of land, 100 pounds old. tenor, and 125 pounds, old tenor, to be expended in work on his house. His salary for the first three years was 130 pounds, old tenor, per annum, and five pounds a year to be added till it reached 170 pounds. At the next meeting it was voted to give him his wood ; " and we will give him more according to our ability." His house during the Indian troubles was fortified.* Mr. Judd died in 1803, aged 83. Rev. Vinson Gould, his successor, was ordained coUeague pastor in 1801, and resigned in 1832. His successor. Rev. Morris E. White, was set tled the same year. The Manhan river, which rises in Westhampton, passes twice through this town, first from north to south, into Westfield, and then, returning, passes north-east, into Easthampton, affording water privileges. There is a small village in the central part of the town, containing a Congregational church and an academy. The New Haven and Northampton canal passes through this place. Agriculture is the principal business of the inhabitants. Population, 1,216. Distance, 8 miles from Northampton, and 97 from Boston. Several interesting minerals are found here ; and indications of a rich lead mine, so promising that a company was incorporated, with a capital of $200,000, in order to work it. The success ofthe undertaking however did not equal the expec tation of the projectors. At this time, this mine, which is situated. in the northern part of the town, is not worked. WARE. This town was incorporated in 1761. " Ware remained unset tled for many years after the adjoining towns were settled, the soil being so hard and rough that it was considered unfit for cultiva tion. At an early period nearly the whole territory now comprised in the town was granted by the general court to a military com pany from Narragansett, as a reward for expelling the Indians from that vicinity. So Uttle value was placed upon it by the com- *During this period a number of soldiers were stationed in this town, for the defence of the inhabitants. In August, 1747, Elisha Clark was kUled by the Indians, when he was thrashing in his bam. Noah Pixley was also kUled in this town during the French and Indian wars. WARE. 343 pany, that they shortly after sold it to John Reed, Esq., of Boston, for two coppers per acre ; yet it is now one of the most flourishing towns in this part of the state." The first church in this town was formed in 1757. Rev. Grindall Rawson, the first clergyman, was settled in 1751, and resigned in 1754; Rev. Ezra Thayer, his successor, was settled in 1759, and died in 1775. Rev. Benjamin Judd, the next minister, was settled in 1785 ; he resigned in 1787, and was succeeded by Rev. Reuben Moss, who was settled in 1792, and died in 1809. Rev. Samuel Ware, the next minister, was set tled in 1810 ; resigned in 1826, and was succeeded by Rev. Augus tus B. Reed, the same year. The second or village church was organized in 1826. Rev. Parsons Cooke was settled in the same year. His successor. Rev. Cyrus Yale, was instaUed pastor in 1835, and resigned in 1837. iTf?r >''5!;»^^^\^ South-western view of Ware Village. The above is a south-western view of Ware village, as seen from near the Northampton road. This village is situated in the eastern part of the town, on Ware river, a large and powerful stream, rising in the western part of Worcester county. A great change has taken place at the falls of the river in this town within a short period ; a flourishing village has arisen, containing, it is sup posed, at this time, upwards of 1,500 inhabitants, where a few years since was but a wilderness. The Ware Manufacturing Com pany was incorporated February, 1822, with a capital of $525,000. There is a bank in the village, the " Hampshire Manufacturers Bank," with a capital of $150,000. In 1837, there were 2 cotton mills, 6,544 spindles ; cotton consumed, 516,000 lbs. ; cotton goods manufactured, 1,450,000 yards, valued at $160,000 ; males employ ed, 62 ; females, 200 ; capital invested, $200,000. There were 2 woollen mills, 11 sets of woollen machinery ; 270,000 lbs. of wool were consumed; 230,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $280,000 ; males employed, 77 ; females, 80 ; capital invested, $200,000. There were manufactured 867 pairs of boots, and 344 WILLIAMSBURG. 61,623 pairs of shoes, valued at $53,164. Straw bonnets manu factured, 85,000, valued at $114,832 ; palm-leaf hats manufactur ed, 79,200, valued at $10,870; value of augers manufactured, $4,500. Population, 2,403. Distance, 25 miles from Northamp ton, 23 from Springfield, 27 to Worcester, 44 to Hartford, Con., and 67 to Boston. WESTHAMPTON. This town was incorporated in 1778. The first settlement of this town began about the year 1767. Lemuel Strong, the oldest son of Noah Strong, (in 1817 the oldest man in the town,) is sup posed to have been the first child born in this town. In 1779 there were about sixty families and three hundred souls in the town. The first minister. Rev. Enoch Hale, was settled here in 1779 ; he died 1837, aged 83. Mr. Hale was the brother of Capt. Nathan Hale of Connecticut, the martyr to American liberty, who was executed as a spy in 1775, aged 22. The successor of Mr. Hale in the ministry was Rev. Horace B. Chapin, who settled here in 1829, and resigned in 1837 ; his successor was Rev. Amos Drury, who was instaUed pastor the same year. This is principaUy an agricultural town. In 1837, there were 170 Saxony, 944 merino, and 1,404 other kuids of sheep; average weight of fleece, 2^ lbs. ; value of wool, $3,205 ; capital invested, $7,204. Population, 818. Distance, 8 mUes from Northampton, 8 from WUliamsburg, and 100 from Boston. WILLIAMSBURG. This town was incorporated in 1771. The first Congregational minister settled in this place was Rev. Amos Butler, a native of Hartford, Con. ; this was in 1773 ; he died in 1777, at the age of twenty-nine years. Mr. Butler was succeeded by Rev. Joseph Strong, in 1781. Mr. Strong died Jan. 1st, 1803, and was suc ceeded by Rev. Henry Lord in 1804. His successor was Rev. William Lusk, who was installed here in 1836. A considerable stream passes through this town, and unites with the Connecticut at Northampton, affording good water-power for manufacturing purposes. The following is a southern view of the central part of Williamsburg. The Methodist church recently erected is seen on the left ; the Congregational church is seen on the right, southerly of which is the bridge over the mill stream passing through the village. In the central part of the engraving is seen in the extreme distance the spire of the old Congregational church, situated about half a mile northward from the central part of the vUlage. This was built more than fifty years ago. WORTHINGTON, 345 Southern view of Williamsburg. This viUage is 8 miles from Northampton, and 103 from Boston. Population, 1,345. 'The Williamsburg woollen, linen and cotton manufactory was incorporated in 1825, with a capital of $250,000. In 1837, there were 3 wooUen mills; 42,150 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $69,235 ; males employed, 26 ; females, 25 ; capital m- vested, $33,700 ; value of flexible and japan buttons manufactured, $102,500; hands employed, 13 males and 105 females; capital invested, $39,000; value of axes manufactured, $6,106; value of augers, bitts, and bitt-stocks manufactured, $2,310 ; value of gimblets, screw-drivers, and punches manufactured, $4,066. WORTHINGTON. This town was incorporated in 1768. The Rev. Jonathan Hunt ington appears to have been the first minister in the place. He died in 1780, aged 48 ; his successor in the ministry was Rev. Josiah Spaulding, who died in 1803 ; the next minister was Rev. Jonathan L. Pomeroy, who died in 1836, aged 67. The next minister was Rev. Henry Adams, who was settled in 1833. This township occupies an elevated situation near the center of the Green mountain range, upon its eastern declivity. The waters in this township are discharged into the Connecticut by the Westfield river, the principal branch of which washes the south-west boun dary of the town, and other branches pass through the middle and north-east parts. It is one of the best townships of land in this vicinity ; the surface is handsome and pleasant, and much of the soil rich and productive, producing grain, fruits, >ank, the " Brighton Bank," with a capital of $200,000. Popula- BRIGHTON. 353 tion, 1,337. It is 16 miles S. E. from Concord, 35 E. of Wor cester, 8 northerly from Dedham, and 5 W. of Boston. A cattle fair was commenced here during the revolutionary war, and has been increasing in importance ever since. Most of the cattle for the supply of Boston market are brought in droves to this place, from two hundred to six thousand a week : every Mon day is the fair, or market day, when the dealers in provisions resort thither to make purchases. Western view of Brighton, (central part.) The above is a western view of the central part of Brighton, showing the place where the great cattle-market of New England is held. The street at this time is filled with cattle of various kinds, and with buyers and sellers. Large droves of cattle are driven from Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont to this market. Besides furnishing the Boston market, great numbers of cattle are collected, bought and slaughtered, and barreled up for exportation to various places. In the engraving the large building appearing on the left is the " Cattle Fair Hotel :" at times as many as 400 or 500 persons have been known to dine at this establishment on market days. The Unitarian church is the next building east ward ; the Brighton Bank is seen on the opposite side of the street. A reporter attends the market, and his reports of the prices, &c., are published in the newspapers. " Winship's Gardens," celebrated for their great variety of shrubs and flowers, are about half a mile north of the Cattle Fair Hotel. The Worcester railroad passes through the northern part of these gardens. The foUowing statement of Brighton market for 1837 and 1838 is from the public prints. In 1837, 32,664 beef cattle, 16,216 stores, 110,206 sheep, 17,052 swine ; total sales estimated at $2,449,231. In 1838, 25,850 beef cattle, sales estimated at $1,317,330; 9,573 stores, sales $315,909; 104,640 sheep, sales $261,600; 26,164 swine, sales $163,165— total sales estimated at $2 058,004. 354 CAMBRIDGE. BURLINGTON. This town was incorporated in 1799. The land in this town is rather rough and hard to cultivate. There is a small stream in the town, called Vine brook, a branch ofthe Shawshine river, which flows into the Merrimac in the town of Andover. There is a Congregational church in the central part of the town. In 1837 there were 5,800 pairs of shoes manufactured in this town, valued at $4,900. There were twelve males and nine females employed in this business. Population, 522. Distance, 10 miles north-east of Concord, 11 S. E. from Lowell, and 13 from Boston. i CAMBRIDGE. The settlement of Cambridge commenced in 1631. It was originally intended to make it the metropolis of the province of Massachusetts. Governor Winthrop, Deputy Governor Dudley, and the assistants, having examined the territory lying in the vicini ty of the new settlements, upon a view of this spot " all agreed it a fit place for a beautiful town, and took time to consider further about it." On Dec. 29, 1630, " after many consultations about a fit place to build a town for the seat of government, they agree on a place N. W. side of Charles river, about three miles W. of Charles town ; and all except Mr. Endicot and Sharp (the former living at Salem, and the latter purposing to return to England) oblige themselves to build themselves houses there the foUowing spring, and remove their ordnance and munition thither, and first call the place Newtoion."* The town was laid out in squares, the streets intersecting each other at right angles ; one square was reserved and left open for the purpose of a market. According to agreement, the governor and other principal gentlemen, in the spring of 1631, began to erect their houses. On some considerations, however, " which at first came not into their minds, " the governor took down the frame of his house and removed it to Boston, which he intended to make the place of his future abode, much to the disap pointment of the rest of the company, who Avere still resolved to build at Newtown. In 1632 the court ordered " that £60 be levied out of the several plantations, towards making a palisado about the New Town." This fortification was made ; and the fosse which was then dug about the town (says Dr. Holmes in his History of Cambridge) is in some places visible to this day. In some of the first years, the annual election of the governor and magistrates of the colony was holden in this town. "The people on these occasions assembled under an oak tree on the northerly side of the common, which long remained a venerable monument ofthe freedom, the patriotism, and the piety of the ancestors of New England." A considerable * Printe's Chronology, vol. u. CAMBRIDGE. 355 accession appears to have been made to this place in August, 1632, by the arrival of Mr. Hooker's company. Messrs. Hooker, Stone. and Haynes, the three principal fathers of the Connecticut colony, came over in 1633. The Rev. Mr. Hooker and his assistant, Rev. Samuel Stone, were the first settled ministers at Cambridge. The fame of the removal of these eminent men to America induced great numbers of the Puritans to come over, and the number of inhabitants so increased at Newtown, that Mr. Hooker and the whole of his church and congregation, in 1636, emigrated to Hart ford, on Connecticut river. Their houses and lands at Newtown were purchased by the Rev. Thomas Shepherd and his company, who thus had the advantage of entering a settlement furnished with comfortable accommodations. In 1636, the general court contemplated the erection of a public school at Newtown, and appropriated four hundred pounds for that purpose ; which laid the foundation of Harvard college. In 1638, the Rev. John Harvard,* of Charlestown, endowed the pub lic school with about eight hundred pounds. Thus endowed, this school was exalted to a college, and assumed the name of its prin cipal benefactor ; and Newtoion, in compliment to the college, and in memory of the place where many of our fathers received their education, was now denominated Cambridge. Cambridge is a half shire town, and may be divided into three parts. Old Cambridge, the seat of the University, is three miles from West Boston bridge, which divides Cambridge from Boston ; Cambridgeport is a compact, fiourishing village, about half way between the University and the bridge. East Cambridge, for merly Lechmere Point, is of newer growth, and is a very flourishing place. It is the seat of the county courts, and is connected with Boston by Canal bridge and the viaduct of the Boston and Lowell railroad over Charles river. There are three banks in the town : the Middlesex Bank, with a capital of $150,000, is located in East Cambridge ; the Charles River Bank (capital $100,000) is located in the ancient village ; the Cambridge Bank (capital $100,000) is located in Cambridgeport. The following is a south-eastern view of East Cambridge as seen from the Warren bridge, leading into Charlestown. The glass manufactories are seen on the right, with part of the bridge con necting the place with Charlestown ; part of the viaduct on which * A monument to his memory has been erected in Charlestown by the subscriptions of the graduates of Harvard college, in small sums. It is constructed of granite, in a solid shaft of fifteen feet elevation, and in the simplest style of ancient art, " On the eastern face of the shaft, the name of John Harvard is inscribed, with the following lines : ' On the 26th of September, A. D, 1828, this stone was erected by the gradu ates of the University at Cambridge, in honor of its founder, who died at Charlestown, on the 26th of September, 1638,' On the western side of the shaft is an inscription in Latin, of the following purport : ' that one who merUs so rauch from our Uterary men, should no longer be without a monument, however humble. The graduates of the University of Cambridge, New England, have erected this stone, nearly two hundred years after his death, in pious and perpetual remembrance of John Harvard.' " At the erection of this monument. Gov. Everett, who is considered one of the best scho- laib educated at Harvard college, deUvered an appropriate and eloquent address. 356 CAMBRIDGE. Eastern view of East Cambridge. the cars pass into Boston is seen on the left, beyond which is seen one of the churches and the court-house. One of the glass manu factories in this place produces some of the finest specimens of cut glass ware manufactured in this country. The soil in this part of Cambridge being of a clayey kind, large quantities of bricks are annually made. The following list of articles manufactured in this town, their value, and the number of hands employed, is taken from the Statistical Tables published by the state in 1837. Articles. Value, Hands. Articles, Value. Hands, Glass, 8453,076, 290 Bricks, $43,000, 91 Boots and Shoes, 28,768, 73 Ropes and Twine, 47,000, 40 Hats, 24,984, 36 Soap, 32,000, 60 Chairs and Cabinet Ware, 3,750, 8 Brushes, 21,-500, 2b Tin Ware, 5,000, 4 Varnish, &c,. 30,000, 2 Carriages, Harnesses, &c,, 41,905, 57 Confectionaries, 60,000, 22 Organs, 6,500, 8 Paper, stamped and stained, 10,000, 11 Clothing, 11,370, 12 Glue, kc, 6,000, 6 Carpenters' Rules and Hods, 5,000, 10 Pocket-books, 4,500, 4 Cigars, 9,788, 22 Stoves and Sheet Iron, 13,500, 4 Brass and Britannia , „ „„„ Ware finishing, ^^'"""' 15 Leather tanned, &c,, 15,200, 4 The population ofthe town in 1837 was 7,631. The college buildings stand on an enclosed plain of fourteen acres, around which, except in front, forest trees are planted. These buildings are large and commodious, which have been erected at different periods, as the accommodations of the officers and students required. Most of them are of brick ; the most mo dern are of granite ; they bear the names of various patrons of the institution. The buUding seen on the right of the engraving is Massachusetts Hall, the most ancient of the present buildings ; was built in 1720. Harvard Hall, the building with a cupola, was built in 1765. The University Hall is seen in the distance, stand ing between Massachusetts and Harvard Halls ; this was built in 1814, of Chelmsford granite, the color of which approaches nearly to white. It measures 140 by 50 feet, and is 42 feet in height. CAMBRIDGE. 367 «'[« «*-'^ I-i "S 111 y 14 " ¦ ¦ J n >. llf J*^ I i I B « Harvard University, Cambridge. Holworthy Hall was erected in 1812 ; Hollis Hall in 1764 ; and Stoughton HaU in 1804. Harvard University is the most ancient and best endowed of any scientific institution in the United States, and has fiourished for two centuries. It has received numerous and large donations fiom individuals, and has received the protection and munifi cence of the state. The funds at the present time exceed half a million of dollars. The library of the college contains forty- two thousand volumes, and is the largest in the United States ; its philosophical apparatus, chemical laboratory, anatomical muse um, and cabinet of minerals, are all very valuable. A botanical garden is attached to the institution ; the sciences of theology, law, and medicine, have each distinct departments, and courses of lec tures on those subjects are annually given. It is governed by a corporation and board of overseers. "The medical lectures com mence in Boston on the first Wednesday in November. A course is given at the college between the first of April and last of July. There are three vacations : the first, of two weeks, from the Wednesday preceding the 25th of December ; the .second, of two weeks, from the first Wednesday in April ; the third, of six weeks, next preceding commencement, the last Wednesday in August. The following curious document relative to the commons of the students is preserved in the archives of the state. One Mr. Na thaniel Eaton and his wife were, it appears, brought before the gene ral court at Boston, to answer for their misdemeanors. Eaton was accused of cruelty towards his usher, and likewise for keeping the students on poor diet, &c., and being proved against him, he was removed from his office. His wife was also examined before the court. Some overseer of the college, probably, either magistrate or minister, wrote it from the confession or dictation of the ac cused lady. It shows that trouble on account of college commons is not confined to any particular period. Mrs. Eaton confessed thus : " For their breakfast, that it was not so weU ordered, the flower not so fine as it might, nor so well boiled or stirred, at all times that it was so, it was my sin of neglect, 358 C AMBRIDGE. and want of that care that ought to have been in one that the Lord had intrusted with such a work. Conceming their beef, that was aUowed them, as they affirm, which, I confess, had been my duty to have seen they should have had it, and continued to have had it, because it was my husband's command ; but truly I must confess, to my sha.me, I cannot remember that ever they had it, nor that ever it was taken from them. And that they had not so good or so rauch provision in ray husband's absence as presence, I conceive it was, because he would call sometimes for butter or cheese, when I con ceived there was no need of it ; yet, forasmuch as the scholars did otherways appre hend, I desire to see the evil that was in the carriage of that as well as in the other, and to take shame to myself for it. And that they sent down for more, when they had not enough, and the maid should answer, if they had not, they should not, I must confess, that I have denied them cheese, when they have sent for it, and it have been in the house ; for which I shall humbly beg pardon of them, and own the shame, and confess my sin. And for such provoking words, which ray servants havS given, I cannot Own them, but ara .sorry any such should be given in my house. And for bad fish, that they had it brought to table, I am sorry there was that cause of offence given them. I acknowledge ray sin in it. And for their mackerel, brought to them with their guts in them, and goat's dung in their hasty pudding, its utterly unknown to me ; but I am much ashamed it should be in the family, and not prevented by myself or servants, and I humbly acknowledge my negligence in it. And that they made their beds at any time, were my straits never so great, I am sorry they were ever put to it. For the Moor, his lying in Samuel Hough's sheet and pillow-bier, it hath a truth in it : he did so one time, and it gave Samuel Hough just cause of offence ; and that it was not prevented by my care and watchfulness, I desire [to] take the shame and the sorrow for it. And that they eat the Moor's crusts, and the swine and they had share and share alike, and the Moor to have beer, and they denied it, and if they had not enough, for my maid to answer, they should not, I am an utter stranger to these things, and know not the least footsteps for them so to charge me ; and if my servants were guiky of .such miscar riages, had the boarders complained of it unto myself, I should have thought it my sin, if I had not sharply reproved my servants, and endeavoured reform. And for bread made of heated, sour meal, although I know of but once that it was so, since I kept house, yet John Wilson affirms it was twice ; and I am truly sorry, that any of it was spent amongst thera. For beer and bread, that it was denied them by me betwixt meals, truly I do not remember, that ever I did deny it unto thera ; and John Wilson will atfirm, that, generally, the bread and beer was free for the boarders to go unto. And that raoney was demanded of thera for washing the linen, it 's true it was pro pounded to them, but never imposed upon them. And for their pudding being given the last day of the week wUhout butter or suet, and that I said, it was mUn of Man chester in Old England, its true that I did say so, and ara sorry they had any cause of offence given them by having it so. And for their wanting beer, betwixt brewings, a week or half a week together, I ara sony that it was so at any tirae, and should trem ble to have it so, were it in my hands to do again," There is in this place a printing estabUshment, called the Uni versity Press, which has become celebrated for the beauty and ac curacy with which it sends out classical books in the various ancient and modern languages. This estabUshment may be con sidered as the most ancient printing establishment in America. In 1639, says Winthrop's Journal, " A printing house was begun at Cambridge, by one Daye, at the charge of Mr. Glover, who died on sea hitherward. The first thing printed was the freeman's oath ; the next was an almanack made for New England, by Mr. WUliam Peirce, mariner ; the next was the Psalms newly turned into metre." Mr. Glover was a worthy and wealthy non-conform ist minister. He contributed liberally towards a sum sufficient to purchase printing materials, and for this purpose solicited the aid of others in England and Holland. He gave to the college " a font of printing letters, and some gentlemen of Amsterdam gave towards furnishing of a printing press with letters forty-nine pcmnds and something more."— Rficwrfs of Harvard College. CAMBRIDGE. 359 Washington Elm, Cambridge. The above is an eastern view of the Washington elm, now standing near the westerly corner of the common in Cambridge. The following, descriptive of this tree, its antiquity, &c., is from .the 3d vol. of the American Magazine, p. 432. " The Washington elm stands in the westerly comer of the large coraraon near Har vard University, in Cambridge, Massachusetts ; and is probably one uf the trees that belonged to the native forest. Amid the changes which have taken place in the world, and particularly in Araerica and New England, it has stood Uke a watchman ; and if it could speak, it would be an interesting chronicler of events. The early settlers of this country had hardly finished their rude log-houses before they proposed to raake the viUage in which it stands the metropolis of the country ; and but few years elapsed before they laid the foundation of Harvard University, so near that it may almost be shaded by its branches. Not far from it was the spot where the public town meetings were held ; and also the tree under which the Indian council fires were lighted, more than two hundred years ago. When the drum was used in Cambridge, instead of the beU, to summon the congregation to the place of worship, or to give warning of ^ sa vage enemy, the sound floated throughout its trailing limbs ; and when the officers of the college discharged the duty of inflicting corporal punishment on young men with their own hands, who knows but their lugubrious lamentations may have mingled with the breezes that disturbed its foUage? Of how many college sports and tricks raight it tell ; such deeds, too, as no one who had not been educated in the haUs of Old Har vard would ever have dreamed of? Among the graver subjects of which it might make report, are the lessons of truth and piety which fell from the lips of Whitfield, when he stood in its shade and moved a vast multitude by his eloquence. And sub sequently, it seems, it has been heralding war and liberty ; for the revolutionary sol diers who stood shoulder to shoulder, — blessings be on their heads, — tell us that when Wsishington arrived at Cambridge, he drew his sword as commander-in-chief of the American army, for the first time, beneath its boughs, and resolved within him self that it should never be sheathed tUl the liberties of his country were established Glorious old tree, that has stood in sight of the smoke of Lexington and Bunker's Hill battles, and weathered the storms of many generations, — worthy of reverence. Though, in the spirit of modern improvement, guideboards may be naUed to thy trunk, thou pointest to the past and to the future. ^\ around are scattered memorials of what has been. Generations of men have died and been buried, and soldiers of the revolu tion sleep near thee. Thou lookest down upon monuments in the churchyard, robbed of their leaden armorial bearings that they might be converted into musket balls in the day of our national poverty and struggle ; and the old spikes stiU fastened into the beams of Massachusetts Hall, teU of suspended hammocks where the weary soldier took his rest. Across the river, where one Blackstone Uved, and where Governor Win throp took up his residence, because he found a good spring of water there, the forest 360 CAMBRIDGE has been cut away, the Indian wigman has disappeared, and a city grown up, contain ing more than 80,000 inhabitants, whose sails whiten every sea, whose iherchants are princes, and whose traffickers are the honorable of the earth. May no vmkind hand mar the last tree of the native forest. Though it may have stood century after cen tury, like a sentinel on duty, defym'g the Ughtning and the storm, stiU let it stand, an interesting and sacred meraorial of the past and the present, and continue to be asso ciated, for many years to come, with the history of our country. And let the iUustri ous name which it bears, and which it derives from one of the most important events in the Ufe of the father of his country, preserve it to remind the coming generations of his invaluable services and labors." Entrance to Mount Auburn Cemetery. The above Egyptian gateway is the principal entrance to Mount Auburn, at the commencement of the central avenue, on the main road. It has two lodges at its sides, and bears the foUowing in scription : " Then shall the dust return to the earth, as it was ; and the spirit unto God who gave it." This hallowed spot, dedicated Sept. 24th, 1831, has become the retired cemetery for many fami lies residing in Boston and the vicinity. The beauty, novelty, and great variety of scenery of this place, it is believed, far exceeds any thing in this country. It was formerly known as " Sweet Au burn," and was long a favorite walk for the students of Harvard and other inhabitants of Cambridge, being but about one mUe and a quarter from the university. The following account of this cemetery is taken from the American Magazine, vol. i. page 9 : " The cemetery of Mount Auburn, justly celebrated as the most interesting object of the kind in our country, is situated in Carabridge and Watertown, about four miles from the city of Boston. It includes upwards of one hundred acres of land, purchased at different times by the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, extending from the main road nearly to the banks of Charles river, A portion of the land next to the road, and now under cultivation, constitutes the experimental garden of the society, A long water-course between this tract and the interior woodland forms a natural boundary, separating the two sections. The inner portion, which is set apart for the purposes of a ceraetery, is covered, throughout most of its extent, with a vigorous growth of forest trees, many of them of large size, and comprising an unusual variety of kinds. This tract is beautifully undulating in its surface, containing a number of bold eminences, steep acclivities, and deep shadowy vaUeys, A remarkable natural ridge, with a level surface, runs through the ground from south-east to north-west, and has for many vears been known as a secluded and favorite walk. The principal eminence, called Mount Auburn, in the plan, which has been published, is 125 feet above the level of Charles river, and commands from its summit one of the finest prospects which can CAMBRIDGE. 361 be obtained in the environs of Boston. On one side is tne city m lull view, connected at its extremities with Charlestown and Roxbury. The serpentine course of Charles river, with the cultivated hills and fields rising beyond it, and the Blue HiUs of Milton in the distance, occupies another portion of the landscape. The vUlage of Cambridge, with the venerable edifices of Harvard University, are situated about a mile to the eastward. On the north, at a very smaU distance, Fresh Pond appears, a handsome sheet of water, finely diversified by its woody and irregular shores. Country seats and cottages in various directions, and especiaUy those on the elevated land at Water- town, add much to the picturesque effect of the scene. It is proposed, at some future period, to erect on the summit of Mount Auburn a tower after some clas.sic model, of sufficient height to rise above the tops of the surrounding trees. This wiU serve the double purpose of a land-mark, to identify the spot from a distance, and of an ob servatory, commanding an uninterrupted view of the country around it. From the foot of this monument wiU be seen in detail the features of the landscape, as they are successively presented through the different vistas which have been opened among the trees ; while from its summit a magnificent and unbroken panorama, embra,-ing one of the most delightful tracts in New England, wiU be spread out lieneath the eye. Not only the contiguous country, but the harbor and the bay of Boston, with their ships and islands, and, in a clear atmosphere, the distant mountains of Wachusett, and, probably, even of Monadnock, will be comprehended within the range of vision. " The grounds of the cemetery have been laid out with intersecting avenues, so as to render every part of the wood accessible. These avenues are curved and variously winding in their course, so as to be adapted to the natural inequalities of the surface. By this arrangement, the greatest economy of the land is produced, combining at the same time the picturesque effect of landscape gardening. Over the raore level por tions, the avenues are made twenty feet wide, and are suitable for carriage roads. The more broken and precipitous parts are approached by footpaths, six feet in width. These passage-ways are smoothly gravelled, and will be planted on both sides with flowers and ornamental shrubs. Lots of ground, containing each three hundred square feet, are set off, as family burial-places, at suitable distances on the sides of the avenues and paths. The perpetual right of inclosing and of using these lots, as places of sepulture, is conveyed to the purchasers of them, by the Horticultural So ciety," The annexed engraving is a representation of the monument erected over the remains of Dr. Spurzheim, the celebrated phre nologist ; it is about the first object that meets the eye after entering the cemetery. It is constructed of polished Italian marble, and is made after the model of Scipio's tomb at Rome. Dr. Spur zheim was born in Prussia, and educated at Treves. He afterwards studied medicine at Vienna, where he became acquainted with Dr. Gall, and entered with zeal into the doc trines of that professor. In 1807, Dr. Gall, assisted by Spurzheim, delivered his first public lectures on phrenology in Paris. Dr. Spurzheim af terwards delivered lectures in various places in Europe, and received the honors of a num ber of literary institutions. — ^ . , „ , . He arrived in New York Aug. Tomb of Spurzheim. 4th, 1832. After giving a si nes of lectures in Boston and Cambridge, he died of a fever, Oct. 10th, 1832. His body was embalmed, and a cast of his head 362 CAM FRIDGE. taken. Appropriate services were performed at the Old South meeting-house, in the midst of an immense concourse of specta tors, and from thence his body was conveyed to Mount Auburn. The following inscriptions are from monuments in this town : Hie jacent reliquiae honoratiss. et rev. admodum dom. Johannis Leverett, armig. qui raajoribus oriundus iUustribus, illustrius nomen reddidit quam accepit. Virtus et pietas, sapientia et gravitas juventuti, fuere laurea, nee non senectuti, corona ; majes- tas et authoritas in oculo, voce, vultu ; benignitas et humanitas in corde resedenmt. In secundis raoderatus, in adversis constanti et infracto fuit anirao. Maritus et pater amantissimus ; animus dulcis et fidus, prudens consiUarius, fortis auxiUarius, lingua- ) um et artium academicarum inter peritissimos, nee minus iu jurisprudentia et theolo- gia quam in philosophia conspicuus. Omnes fere honoris gradus conscendit et ornavit, Juvenem admodum mirataest et plausit acaderaia tutorem primarium et socium ; ut et postea communium domus pro- locutorem, de probatione testamentorum judicem, et in superiori tribunali jiistitiarum regi consiliis assistentem, et in variis legationibus honorificis et momentosis sagaciter et integre versantem, contemplata est universa patria. Tandem collegii principalis, et societatis regise socius coaptatus, scholl prophetarum ad annos sedecim pari authori- tate et lenitate praesidebat ; donee morte instantanea Deo visum sit a filiis propheta rum dominum e lecto et somno in coelum assumere, Mali tertio, 1724, aetatis, 62. M, S. viri admodum reverendi pariter atque honorandi Edwakdi Holyoke, qui praestanti decoratus ingenio ; doctrina instructissimus ; arte moderandi apprime felix ; praeclarus eloquentia ; mira in rebus suo tempore exequendis accuratione prsdittis; moribus ornatus sanctissimis, integritate prsesertim ab orani parte intacta ; collegii Harvardini praesidis, a jacto fundamento, undecimi munus, amplius triginta annis, cum summa laude sustinuit ac dignitate. In vita insuper privata edidit iraitandura omnibus exemplum conjugis amautissimi ; erga liberos pietatis ; urbanitatis in hospites iugenua; coraisque ; summi erga amicos studii et constantis ; pauperibus elargiendi saepissime ; religionis erga Deum, mediante Christo insignis. Vita demum optime peracta, aniraara Jesu comraendavit expiravitque Calendis Ju- nus, anno Christi, 1769, Eetatisque suae 80, Huic tumulo raandantur exuviae Johannis Wadsworth, A, M, Duxburgiae nati, collegii Harvardini alumni, cujus septem per annos fideUter utilissimeque tutoris offici- ura praestitit, et modo aptissimo, facillimo, gratissimoque, optimis praeceptis ac institu- tis juvenum animos irabuit, raoresque ipsorura amice ac sedulo curavit. Hujus tem- poris tres per annos et ultra senatus academi socii munera perite explevit, Ingenio sagaci et acutissimo Uteris scientiisque penitus instructo ; etiam facilitate mira sen- tentias irapertiendi, oraniura observantiara in sese attrajtit. Amicitia ingenua atque constanti, et consuetudinis suavitate facetiisque, amor ac deliciae fuit amicorum. In- ter alias virtutes pietas erga parentes et aflfectio fraterna praecipue fuerunt insignes. Viri tam boni ac utilis, omnibusque eari, in aetatem senectam spes vitam produxerat. Ah, spes inanis ! Varioiis, illo generis humani flagello, correptus, animam efflavit, die JulU 12 mo. anno salutis 1777, astatisque suaa 37, Thom.« Marsh, armigeri, septuaginta annos nati, quorum per viginti quinque. apud collegium Harvardinum, tutoris docti, seduli, et urbani ; undecira etiam socU vigilan- tis partes agebat ; qui, officiis pubUcis diligenter, domesticis peramanter exactis, Sep tembris vigesimo secundo, 1780, in spe revivendi Christiana mortem oppetiit, reliquia hoc tumulo reconduntur. An honest man 's the noblest work of God. GuLiELMUs Kneeland, armiger, M. M. S, S, vir ingenio praeditus eximio, artibusque ac scientiis penitus imbutus, in republica literaria locum perinsignem jure obtinuit. In universitate Harvardiana officuira tutoris novera per annos exornavit. Exinde in arte medendi raagna cum laude erat versatus ; atque societatis medicorum Massachu- settensis praeses bis fuit electus, Sag:ax ad res hominesque perspiciendos, multos ro- gantes consUio adjuvU. Officia omnia, tam privata quam publica, fidelitate, ordine, ac puncto temporis constituto praestitit. Amicus fuit sincerus, hospes liberalis, socius jucundus, vir honestus, et pauperum patronus. Talis quum vixisset 56 annos; am- CARLISLE. 863 mus subUmls, die secundo Novembris, 1788, subito effugit ; ast, eheu, quantum in- gemi, quantum integritatis, quantum benevolentiae terris convolavit ! Huic sepvUchro rnandantur exuviae Jahacobi Sheafe Willard, rev. praes. Josepht Willard filii ; juvenis ingenio solido praediti, probitate et virtute conspicui, temporis in nsu assidui, sodaUbus omnibus dUecti, matris, sororum, et fratrum spei. Ah spem dolosam ! Morbo crudeli subito correptus aniraara efflavit spe iramortalita- tis beatae firmissiraa, anno cursus acaderaici tertio, die JuUi 26, anno salutis 1805, aeta tis 18. M, S, die 7 mo, JuUi, A. D. 1810, ineunte aetatis anno 27 mo. obiit academise Har- vardinae alumnus, Samuel Harris, patre Samuele Harris et matre Sarah, natus Bos- tonias, Literarum a puero mire studiosus; et vixdum adultus omnibus fere Unguis orientalibus eruditus, rerum antiquarum abdita et mirabilia quibus maxime delecta- retur curiose et fehciter perscrutatus, cseteris suae aetatis facile prsecelluit, Cura spes amicorum maxime foveretur futurum patriae honorem et decus, cursu acaderaico jam prope peracto, infelici morte correptus, fiuctibus Caroli fluminis submersus, eheu ! mortalia reUquit. Tanta iili pietas et benevolentia, tanta morura suavitas, tanta mo- deslia, ut nullum suis, vel amandi vivus, vel mortuus lugendi statuerit modura. Hoc Uteris, hoc moribus, hoc eximiae virtuti, amicitiae quam irapar monuraentum ! sacra- verunt juvenes, amici, sodales. Heu ! quanto minus est cum aUis versari, quam tui meminisse. CARLISLE. The party divisions in Concord, occasioned principally by the religious controversies from 1740 to 1750, were the cause of the formation of several separate societies and districts. Carlisle was incorporated as a district of Concord in 1754. The first object of the inhabitants was the selection of a suitable place for erecting their meeting-house. After a great many fruitless attempts to fix the location, a committee was appointed to petition the general court that the district might be set back to the town of Concord, with all their former privileges. An act for this purpose was passed by the general court, in 1757. After the dissolution of "Old Carlisle," no definite attempts were made to obtain a sepa ration till about fifteen -years afterwards. During this time, the occasional preaching of the gospel had been supported, and a meeting-house was begun as early as 1760, though not completed till 1783. Several petitions were presented to the adjoining towns to obtain their consent by the inhabitants of Blood's farms and the extreme parts of Concord, Acton, Chelmsford, and BiUerica, and an act was passed incorporating them as a district of Acto7i, by the name of Carhsle. In 1805, they were incorporated as a town. The surface of the town is gi nerally uneven and rocky, though there are no considerable elevations ; and the soil is unfavorable to agriculture. Concord river washes its eastern bounds. Agri culture is the principal business of the inhabitants. There are two churches, 1 for the Orthodox and 1 Unitarian, and about a dozen dwelling-houses, in the center ofthe town. Distance, 5 miles north of Concord, and 18 miles north-west of Boston. Population, 696. The Rev. Paul Litchfield, the first settled minister, was or dained Nov. 7, 1781. He died Nov. 7, 1827, on the 46th anniver sary of his ordination. He was succeeded by Rev. Stephen Hull, in 1830. 364 CHARLESTOWN. CHARLESTOWN. Charlestown was settled in 1628, being the oldest town in Mid dlesex county, and one of the oldest in the state. It was incorpo rated in 1635. It derives its name from Charles I. of England, the reigning sovereign at the time of its settlement. Its Indian name was Mishawum. In 1628 " six or seven persons, with the consent of Gov. Endicott, traveled from Naumkeak (Salem) through the woods westward, and came to a neck of land, between Mystic and Charles rivers, called Mishawum. It was full of Indians, called Aberginians ; and with the unconstrained consent of their chief they settled there." Their old sachem being dead, his eldest son, John Sagamore, was chief in power. He is described as a man of gentle and good disposition, and was probably induced to give his consent to the settlement on account of the advantages he had derived from the skill of Thomas Walford, a blacksmith, who had previously taken up his residence, and built himself a house, which he had thatched and palisadoed, at the south end of the West Hill, not far from the river. In 1629, a considerable number of persons arrived at Salem from England. Being dissatisfied with their situation at this place, Thomas Graves, with some of the company's servants under his care, and others, to the number of one hundred in all, removed to Mishawum, where they laid out the foundation of a town. Mr. Graves laid out the town in two-acre lots, one of which he assigned to each inhabitant ; and afterward he built a great house for the accommodation of those who were soon to come over to New England. In 1630, a fleet, bringing more than 1,500 persons, arrived in Massachusetts Bay the sixth of July. Among the pas sengers were Governor Winthrop and several other distinguished gentlemen. The governor and several of the patentees took lodg ings in Charlestown, in the great house built there the year before ; and the rest of the company erected cottages, booths, and tents about the Town HiU. Their place of assembly for divine worship was under a tree. The first court of assistants was holden at Charlestown on the 23d of August, on board the Arabella. On the 27th of August, a day of solemn fasting and prayer was observed, when the governor, deputy governor, and others, entered into church covenant; Mr. WUson was chosen pastor; a ruling elder and two deacons were also chosen ; and thus was laid the founda tion of the churches of Charlestown and Boston. It was the general intention of the company to settle at Charles town, where the governor ordered his house to be framed; but the prevalence of a mortal sickness, ascribed to the badness of the water,* induced several of the people to explore the neighbor ing country for more eligible situations ; and from this circum- * "The neck of land on which Charle.stown is built abounds with good water, but the settlers had found only a brackish spring by the water-side, to which they had no access excepting when the tide was down,"— Prmce, 244, Drawn hy J. W. Sarber— -Engraved by S. E. Brown, Boston. SOUTH VIEW OF CHARLESTOWN, MASS. This view was taken from the burying-ground on Copp's Hill, in Boston. Bunker HiU Monument, in its unfinished state, on Breed's Hill, and Bunker Hill, a little to the northward, are seen in the distance in the central part of the view. A part of the buildings con nected with the U. S. Navy Yard are seen on the extreme right. " CHARLESTOWN. 365 Stance, probably, the settlement of Watertown, Boston, and Rox bury, was commenced this year, (1630.) The natural divisions of this town are distinguished as Charles town Peninsula and Charlestown " without the neck." These divisions are of very unequal size : the peninsula, on which tho town is principally built, is only about one mile and a quarter in length ; the tract beyond the neck is upwards of seven miles in length. The width varies from half a mile to a mile in various parts of the town. Charlestown peninsula is somewhat of an oval form, and is about half as large as that on which Boston is situated. It has, like Boston, three principal hills, viz. Bunker's HiU, Breed's HiU, and the West or Town HiU. Bunker's HiU is on the north-east part; itis 113 feet high, and is the largest of the three. Breed's HiU (on which was the battle of Bunker Hill, and where the monument is erected) commences near the south erly portion of Bunker's, and extends towards the south and west ; its height is 87 feet. Town Hill is in the south-west part ofthe peninsula ; its height has been somewhat reduced from what it was originaUy, but it never was as high as Breed's HiU. Its western base reached to the shore of Charles river. The avenufes from Charles River bridge and Warren bridge meet in Charlestown Square, an open space of two or three acres, regularly laid out soon after the opening of the town, in 1776, for the purposes of a market place. Around this square a number of the public build ings are situated. There are 9 churches, 3 Congregational, 2 Baptist, 2 UniversaUst, 1 Methodist, and 1 Catholic. There are 3 banks : the Bunker HUl Bank, with a capital of $150,000 ; the Phoenix Bank, capital $300,000 ; and the Charlestown, with a capi tal of $150,000. Charlestown is united to Boston by Charles and Warren bridges. Warren bridge is 1,390 feet in length and 44 in width. It was incorporated in 1828, and opened the same year. It is now the property of the state. Charlestown is also united to Boston as a port of entry, and in its various commercial pursuits. Population, 10,101. " The United States Navy Yard was first established in this town about the year 1798. The yard is situated on the north side of Charles river, on a plot of ground of about 60 acres. It is en closed by a high wall of durable masonry, and contains several ware-houses, dweUing-houses for the ofiicers, and a large amount of naval stores, Uve oak, and other timber. It also contains three large ship-houses, in which are the Vermont and Carolina of 74, and the Cumberland frigate of 44 guns. These ships can be launched and ready for sea in a very short time. The dry dock at this place is of hewn granite, and of unrivalled masonry. It is 341 feet in length, 80 in width, and 30 in depth. It cost $670,089. This dock was completed and received the Constitu tion on the 24th of June, 1833. Connected with this establishment are a naval hospital and magazine at Chelsea, now in progress. A large ropew^alk is now in the yard, and other additions are con templated This is considered one of the best naval depots hi the United States." — Hayward! s Mass. Directory, 1835. 366 CHARLESTOWN. McLean Asylum, Charlestown. "This establishment is located on a beautiful rise of ground, in Charlestown, near East Cambridge, and about a mile and a half from the City Hall. The buildings are large, and are exceedingly well adapted to their philanthropic design. They cost about $186,000. " This house was opened for patients on the 6th of October, 1818, and from that time to January 1, 1834, 1015 patients were received. Of this number, 264 were mar ried, and 340 unmarried, males ; 238 married, and 173 unmarried, females. Of this number, 70 were from 10 to 20 years of age ; 616 from 20 to 40, (of which 368 wen- males, and 248 females ;) 191 from 40 to 50 ; 91 from 50 to 60 ; and 47 from 60 to 80. Of this number, 362 recovered, 143 were much improved, 140 benefitted, 89 died, 21 eloped, 193 were not improved, and 67 remained in the asylum. Of this number 1 12 had been intemperate ; 122 had insane ancestors ; and 59 had near collaterals, but no ancestors stated as insane. The average current expenses of each patient at this asylum is estimated at $4 50 a week. The lowest rate for which patients belonging to this state are received, is $3 a week — from other states, S4 50 a week. The num ber of patients received from January 1, 1834, to June 19, 1835, was 150. The num ber of patients at the latter date was 88, which was a greater number than at any forraer period, Rufus Wyman, M. D., was superintendent and physician from the commencement of the asylum to May, 1835, to whom the pubhc is much indebted for the great inteUigence and fidelity by which he has advanced its usefulness. " Belonging to, and surrounding this asylum, are about 15 acres of land appropri ated to courts and gardens. These are laid out with graveUed walks; the former are furnished with summer-houses, and the latter are ornamented with groves of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery, and flowers. Surrounding the lower garden, and within the enclosure, is a carriage path, where patients are taken to ride. In the center is a small fresh-water pond, containing several hundred gold and silver fish, and immedi ately contiguous is a summer-house, where the patients at times resort for games and amusements, " The system of moral treatment adopted and pursued is founded upon principles of elevated benevolence and phUanthropy, and an acquaintance with human nature and the capabilities and wants of the insane. The previous tastes, habits, and pursuits, and the present inclinations and feelings of each individual, are habitually consulted. A library for the use of the patients has recently been purchased, and those of their who are disposed to read are permitted at stated periods to send in their names and the nuraber of the book desired ; the list is examined and approved by the physician, and the books are distributed by the librarian. In the same way, writing materials are distributed, and patients are engaged in keeping journals, writing sketches of their lives, poetry, "ddressing letters to their friends, and in drawing, &c. Some engage in games, as bowling, throwing the ring, battledoor, graces, jumping the rope, chess, draughts, back-gammon, &c., or are occupied in walking and riding into the country, CHARLESTOWN. 367 or in making fishing excursions in the company of their attendants ; while others are working on the farm and in the garden. The female patients, besides being employed in various kinds of needle and ornamental work, are engaged in various domestic labors. About 30 of the quiet and convalescent patients now regularly attend the reU gious exercises of the family, and a portion of them join in the vocal and instrumental music of the occasion ; a part of this number also attend church on the Sabbath, in company with the nur.ses and attendants, and dine with the family. A regulated in tercourse with the family and society is regarded as an important auxUiary in the means of cure, and on suitable occasions they are invited into the house, where parties are made for their special amusement and benefit." — Hayward's Mass. Directory. State Prison at Charlestown. This establishment is situated at the west or north-west of Charlestown village, or town, near the tide waters of a bay con nected with Charles river, and is enclosed by a high, solid stone wall ; and consists of four large stone buildings, besides a chapel and an extensive work-shed. The point of land on which the prison is located is connected with the village of East Cambridge by a lateral bridge of 1,820 feet in length, connected with Canal bridge. The following account of this prison, «fcc., is from the 2d vol. of the American Magazine. " This .state prison, or penitentiary, has been established nearly thirty years, and on a similar principle to that in Philadelphia, founded twenty years before. Some alter ations in the criminal laws of the state were made at that time ; and confinement to hard labor in this prison was substituted for imprisonraent in the county jails, where no employment was provided for the convicts, and for whipping and sitting in the pil lory. The number of capital criraes are now five, on conviction of which death fol lows as the legal punishment. For crimes of less enormity, the punishment is con finement in the state prison, with hard labor. It is intended by this establishment to keep the wicked secure from depredating on society, to require labor to meet the ex penses of the institution, and at the same time to aUow opportunity and provide means for the reformation of the prisoners. The object is a combined one — punishment and reform ; or rather the safety of society, and the reformation of the guUfy. The design is most praiseworthy, and honorable to the humanity of the present enlightened age. In the opinion of those best qualified to judge and most entitled to beUef, the institu tion has proved useful, and such as was hoped it would be by the founders. The criminal is safe from doing mischief to others ; he is obliged to labor, and thus acquires habits of industry ; he is kept in solitary confinement when not at work ; and has religious instruction and advice to aid him in his desires to reform, " For sorae years, the buUdings were not sufficient to provide a separate cell for each ; but that defect is remedied by new buildings. And order generally, as well as indi vidual reform, is now much better promoted and secured. Few who have been dis charged, within the last few years, have been returned to the prison, or convicted of new crimes, and there is reason to beUeve that many afterwards became sober, moral, and industrious citizens. The profits of the labor of the convicts are greater than the 368 CHARLESTOWN. expenses, for the two last years, by about seven thousand dollars. The govemmen of the convicts is firm and strict, but not severe. The error of a severe (Usoipline, and of power in the immediate officers to inflict corporal punishment, has been seen and abandoned ; and yet extra confinement is aUowed for gross disobedience or refu sal to work. The state prison of Massachusetts wais never better regulated, nor answered more truly to the character of a penitentiary. " The number of convicts in the prison in Oct., 1834, was two hundred and seventy- seven, twenty-five more than a year previous to that time. During the year ending in October, 1834, the number committed was one hundred and nineteen, fifteen of which had been confined in the prison before. This is a much smaUer portion than twelve and fifteen years ago. And though some of those discharged in 1832 and 1833, on the expiration of their sentence, left the state, and wjiy have committed crimes in other parts of the country, stiU there is reason to beUeve that now not more than one in twelve or fifteen are found repeating their crimes ; and that the residue become re formed, and are sober and industrious citizens. About a fourth part of the convicts are said to be aliens, and not naturalized. " The convicts are obUged to labor the greater part of the twenty-four hours, in which they can have the benefit of day-Ught ; except the time spent in reUgious worship and in eating. The number of hours of work in a day diflTer, therefore, in the different seasons of the year. They are employed in stone-cutting, at blacksmith work, cabinet makers, brush-makers, tailoring, shoe-making, upholstering, batting-making, and tin- workers." North-west of the Neck, about 2^ miles from Boston, is Mount Benedict. On the summit of this commanding eminence was situated the Ursuline Convent, which was constituted in 1826. It was burnt by a lawless mob, on the 11th of August, 1834, who were excited to this outrage by the reports of improper conduct in the convent, and of the confinement of some females by threats and force, who wished to leave the institution. The disfigured walls of the convent still remain, standing as a beacon to warn every friend to civil and religious freedom of the fatal efiects to be apprehended from the blind fury of a mob, who are suflered to trample upon the laws of the country and introduce a despot ism of the worst kind. On Winter Hill in this town, north-west of Bunker's Hill, General Burgoyne' s army encamped as prisoners of war, after their defeat and capture at Saratoga. Prospect HiU is situated a little to the south-west. On the 17th of June, 1775, the ever-memorable battle of Bunker Hill was fought in this town, and will render the heights ot Charlestown an object of interest to generations yet unborn. The following, stated to be a "/mZZ and correct account" of this battle, is taken from a pamphlet published in Boston, Jime 17th, 1825. " After the affair at Lexington and Concord, on the 19th of April, 1775, the people, animated by one common impulse, flew to arms in every direction. The husband man changed his ploughshare for a musket ; and about 15,000 men — 10,000 from Massachusetts, and the remainder from New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Coimec ticut — assembled under General Ward, in the environs of Boston, then occupied by 10,000 highly-disciplined and weU equipped British troops, under the command of Generals Gage, Howe, Clinton, Burgoyne, Pigot, and others. " Fearing an intention on the part of the British to occupy th« important heights at Charlestown and Dorchester, which would enable them to command the surrounding country. Colonel Pres cott was detached, by his own desire, from the American camp at Cambridge, on the evening of the 16th of June, 1775, with about 1000 mUitia mosUy of Massachusetts, including 120 men of Put- CHARLESTOWN. 369 nam's regiment from Connecticut, and one artiUery company, to Bunker Hill, with a view to occupy and fortify that post. At this hill the detachment made a short halt, but concluded to advance stUl nearer the British, and accordingly took possession of Breed's Hill, a position which commanded the whole inner harbor of Bos ton. Here, about midnight, they commenced throwing up a redoubt, which they completed, notwithstanding every possible eflGort from the British ships and batteries to prevent them, about noon the next day. " So silent had the operations been conducted through the night, that the British had not the most distant notice of the design of the Americans, until day-break presented to their view the half-formed battery and daring stand made against them. A dreadful cannonade, accompanied with shells, was immediately commenced from the British battery at Copp's Hill, and the ships of war and floating batteries stationed in Charles river. " The break of day on the 17th of June, 1775, presented a scene, which, for daring and firmness, could never be surpassed — 1,000 unexperienced militia, in the attire of their various avocations, without discipline, almost without artiUery and bayonets, scantily supplied with ammunition, and wholly destitute of provisions, defying the power of the formidable British fleet and army, deter mined to maintain the liberty of their soil, or moisten that soil with their blood. "Without aid, however, ftom the main body of the army, it seemed impossible to maintain their po.sition — the men, having been without sleep, toiling through the night, and destitute of the necessary food required by nature, had become nearly exhausted. Representations were repeatedly made, through the morning, to head quarters, of the necessity of reinforcements and supplies. Major Brooks, the late revered governor of Massachusetts, who commanded a battalion of minute-men at Concord, set out for Cambridge about 9 o'clock, on foot, it being impossible to procure a horse, soUciting succor ; but as there were two other points exposed to the British, Roxbury and Cambridge, then the head-quarters, at which place all the little stores of the army were collected, and the loss of which would be incalculable at that moment, great fears were entertained lest they should march over the neck to Rox bury, and attack the camp there, or pass over the bay in boats, there being at that time no artificial avenue to connect Boston with the adjacent country, attack the head-quarters, and destroy the stores : it was, therefore, deemed impossible to afford any reinforcement to Charlestown Heights, tiU the movements of the British ren dered evidence of their intention certain. " The fire from the Glasgow frigate and two floating batteries in Charles river, were wholly directed with a view to prevent any communication across the isthmus that connects Charlestown with the main land, which kept up a continued shower of missiles, and rendered the communication truly dangerous to those who shoukl attempt it. When the intention of the British to attack the heights of Charlestown became apparent, the remainder of Put nam's regiment, Col. Gardiner's regiment, both of which as to numbers were very imperfect, and some New Hampshire militia, marched, notwithstanding the heavy fire across the neck, for Charlestown Heights, where they arrived, much fatigued, just after the British had moved to the first attack. The British com menced crosbing the troops from Boston about 12 o'clock, and 370 CHARLESTOWN. landed at Morton's Point, S. E. from Breed's HiU. At 2 o'clock, from the best accounts that can be obtained, they landed between 3 and 4,000 men, under the immediate command of Gen. Howe, and formed, in apparently invincible order, at the base of the hill. " The position of the Americans at this time was a redoubt on the summit of the height of about eight rods square, and a breastwork extending on the left of it, about seventy feet down the eastern declivity of the hill. This redoubt and breast work was commanded by Prescott in person, who had superintended its construction, and who occupied it with the Massachusetts militia of his detachment, and a part of Little's regiment, which had arrived about one o'clock. They were dreadfully deficient in equipments and ammunition, had been toiling incessantly for many hours, and it is said by some accounts even then were destitute of provisions. A little to the eastward of the redoubt, and northerly to the rear of it, was a rail fence, extend ing almost to Mystic river ; to this fence another had been added during the night and forenoon, and some newly mown grass thrown against them, lo afford some thing like a cover to the troops. At this fence the 120 Connecticut mUitia were posted, " The movements of the British made it evident their intention was to march a strong column along the margin of the Mystic, and turn the redoubt on the north, while another column attacked it in front; accordingly, to prevent this design, a large force be came necessary at the breastwork and rail fence. The Avhole of the reinforcements that arrived, amounting in all to 800 or 1,000 men, were ordered by General Putnam, who had been extremely active throughout the night and morning, and who had accompa nied the expedition to this point. "At this moment thousands of persons of both sexes had collect ed on the church-steeples, Beacon Hill, house-tops, and every place in Boston and its neighborhood where a view of the battle ground could be obtained, viewing, with painful anxiety, the movements of the combatants — wondering, yet admiring the bold stand of the Americans, and trembling at the thoughts of the formidable army marshalled in array against them. " Before 3 o'clock, the British formed, in two columns, for the attack. One column, as had been anticipated, moved along the Mystic river, with the intention of taking the redoubt in the rear, while the other advanced up the ascent directly in front of the redoubt, where Prescott was ready to receive them. General Warren, president of the provincial congress and of the commit tee of safety, who had been appointed but a few days before a major general of the Massachusetts troops, had volunteered on the occasion as a nrivate soldier, and was in the redoubt with a musket, animating the men by his infiuence and example to the most daring determination. " Orders were given to the Americans to reserve their fire tiU the enemy advanced sufiiciently near to make their aim certain. Several volleys were fired by the British, with but little success; and so long a time had elapsed, and the British allowed to advance so near the Americans without their fire being returned, that a doubt arose whether or not the latter intended to give battle — but the fatal moment soon arrived : when the British had advanced to within about eight rods, a sheet of fire was poured upon them, and CHARLESTOWN. 371 continued a short time, with such deadly effect that hundreds of the assailants lay weltering in their blood, and the remainder re treated in dismay to the point where they had first landed. " From day-light to the time of the British advancing on the works, an incessant fire had been kept up on the Americans from the ships and batteries — this fire was now renewed with increased vigor. " After a short time the British oflicers had succeeded in rally ing their men, and again advanced, in the same order as before, to the attack. Thinking tO' divert the attention of the Americans, the town of Charlestown, consisting of 500 wooden buildings, was now set on fire by the British. The roar of the fiames, the crash ing of falling timber, the awful appearance of desolation presented, the dreadful shrieks of the dying and wounded in the last attack, added to the knowledge of the formidable force advancing against them, combined to form a scene apparently too much for men bred in the quiet retirement of domestic life to sustain ; but the stillness of death reigned within the American works, and nought could be seen but the deadly presented weapon, ready to hurl fresh destruction on the assailants. The fire of the Americans was again reserved till the British came still nearer than before, when the same unerring aim was taken, and the British shrunk, terrified, from before its fatal effects, flying, completely routed, a second time to the banks of the river, and leaving, as before, the field strewed with their wounded and dead. " Again the ships and batteries renewed their fire, and kept a continual shower of balls on the works. Notwithstanding every exertion, the British officers found it impossible to rally the men for a third attack ; one third of their comrades had fallen ; and finally it was not till a reinforcement of more than 1,000 fresh troops, with a strong park of artillery, had joined them from Boston, that they could be induced to form anew, " In the mean time every effort was made on the part of the Americans to resist a third attack ; Gen, Putnam rode, notwithstanding the heavy fire of the ships and batteries, several tiraes across the neck, to induce the militia to advance, but it was only a few of the resolute and brave who would encounter the storm. The British receiving reinforcements from their formidable main body — the town of Charlestown presenting one wide scene of destruction — the probability the Americans raust shortly retreat — the shower of balls pouring over the neck — presented obstacles too appaUing for raw troops to sustain, and embodied too much danger to allow them to encoun ter. Yet, notwithstanding all this, the Americans on the heights were elated with their success, and waited with coolness and determination the now formidable ad vance of the enemy. " Once more the British, aided by their reinforcements, advanced to the attack, but with great skill and caution. Their artillery was planted on the eastern declivity of the hill, between the rail fence and the breastwork, where it was directed along the line of the Americans, stationed at the latter place, and agaiust the gate-way on the north-eastern corner of the redoubt ; at the same time they attacked the redoubt on the south-eastern and south-western sides, and entered it with fixed bayonets. The slaughter on their ad vancing was great ; but the Americans, not having bayonets to meet them on equal terms, and their powder being exhausted, now 50 372 CHARLESTOWN. slowly retreated, opposing and extricating themselves from the British with the butts of their pieces. "The column that advanced against the raU fence was received in the most dauntless manner. The Americans fought with spirit and heroism that could not be surpassed, and, had their ammuni tion held out, would have secured to themselves, a third time, the palm of victory; as it was, they effectually prevented the enemy from accomplishing his purpose, which was to turn their fiank and cut the whole of the Americans off; but having become perfectly exhausted, this body of the Americans also slowly retired, retreat ing in much better order than could possibly have been expected from undisciplined troops, and those in the redoubt having extri cated themselves from a host of bayonets by which they had been surrounded. " The British followed the Americans to Bunker HiU, but some fresh militia, at this moment coming up to the aid of the latter, covered their retreat. The Americans crossed Charlestown Neck about 7 o'clock, having in the last twenty hours performed deeds which seemed almost impossible. Some of them proceeded to Cambridge, and others posted themselves quietly on Winter and Prospect HiUs. " From the most accurate statements that can be found, it ap pears the British must have had nearly 5,000 soldiers in the battle; between 3 and 4,000 having first landed, and the reinforcement amounting to over 1,000. The Americans, throughout the whole day, did not have 2,000 men on the field. " The slaughter on the side of the British was unmense, having had nearly 1,500 kiUed and wounded, 1,200 of whom were either killed or mortally wounded ; the Americans about 400. " Had the commanders at Charlestown Heights become terrified on being cut off from the main body and supplies, and surrendered their army, or even retreated before they did frora the terrific force that opposed thera, where would have now been that ornaraent and example to the world, the Independence of the United States ? When it was found that no reinforcements were to be allowed them, the most sanguine man on that field could not have even indulged a hope of success, but aU determined to deserve it ; and although they did not obtain a victory, their exam ple was the cause of a great many. The first attempt on the commencement of a war is held up, by one party or the other, as an example to those that succeed it, and a victory or defeat, though not, perhaps, of any great magnitude in itself, is most powerful and important in its effects. Had such conduct as wae here exhibited been in any degree imitated by the imraediate commander in the first military onset iu the last war, how truly different a result would have been effected, from the fatal one that terminated that unfortunate expedition ! " From the immense superiority of the British, at this stage of the war, having a large army of highly disciplined and well-equipped troops, and the Americans pos sessing but few other munitions or weapons of war, and but little more discipline than what each man possessed when he threw aside his plough and took the gun that he had kept for pastime or for profit, but now to be employed for a different purpose, from off the hooks that held it, — perhaps it would have- been in their power, by pursuing the Americans to Cambridge, and destroying the few stores that had been collected there, to implant a blow which could never have been recovered from : but they were completely terrified. The awful lesson they had just received, filled them with horror, and the blood of 1,500 of their companions, who fell on that day, presented to them a warning which they could never forget. From the battle of Bunker HiU sprung the protection and the vigor that nurtured the tree of liberty, and to it, in all probabiUty, may be ascribed our independence and glory. CHARLESTOWN. 373 " The name of the first martyr that gave his Ufe for the good of his country on that day, in the importance of the moment, was lost, else a monument, in connexion with the gaUant Warren, should be raised to his memory. The manner of his death was thus related by Col. Prescott : " ' The first man who fell in the battle of Bunker Hill was kiUed by a cannon ball which struck his head. He was so near me that ray clothes were besraeared with his blood and brains, which I wiped off in some degree with a handful of fresh earth. The sight was so shocking to many of the men, that they left their posts and ran to view him. I ordered them back, but in vain. I then ordered hira to be buried in stantly. A subaltern officer expressed surprise that I should allow him to be buried without having prayers said ; I replied, " This is the first man that has been kiHed, and the only one that will be buried to-day. I put him out of sight that the men may be kept in their places. God only knows who, or how many of us, wiU faU before it is over. To your post, my good fellow, and let each man do his duty." ' " The name of the patriot who thus fell is supposed to have been Pollard, a young man belonging to Billerica. He was struck by a cannon ball, thrown frora the Une- of-battle ship Somerset." On the 17th of June, 1825, the corner stone of an obelisk was laid on the battle-ground, by Gen. Lafayette, to commemorate the battle fought fifty years before. On this occasion, an immense concourse of citizens, from various parts of the country, assem bled to witness the interesting ceremonies of the day. The fol lowing account of the proceedings is from Snoic's History of Boston. " The day was temperate and fair, and all the arrangements made to honor it were executed with punctuality and good order. A procession was formed about half past 10, A. M., near the state house, under the direction of Brig, Gen, Theodore Lyman, Jr, The military escort was composed of 16 corapanies, and a corps of cavalry, all volunteers and in full uniform. Next to them followed the survivors of the battle, about 40 in number, and after thera about 200 other revolutionary officers and soldiers, each wearing an appropriate badge ; then the subscribers to the monument, in columns six deep, all wearing the badge of the B, H, M, Association. The Masonic frater- nity succeeded. This section of the procession was very splendid, and numbered at least 2,000 members, all with their jewels and regalia. The president and officers of the association, the chaplains and committees foUowed, General Lafayette, in a coach and four, came next, accompanied by Gen. Lallemand, and followed by a car riage in which were the general's son and suite. The governor and state officers, distinguished persons frora the different states, officers of the army, navy and militia, in uniform, and a large body of private citizens, closed the procession, "In this order, the whole raoved through Park, Common, School, Washington, Union, Hanover and Prince streets to Charles River bridge, and thence through the Main, Green, and High streets, in Charlestown, to the Monumental square. The front of the procession had nearly reached the bridge when the rear of it left the conimon. Arrived at the spot intended for the monument, (which is a little to the east of the site of the monument to Warren,) the procession formed in squares around it ; and the stone, being squared, levelled and plumbed by the grand master, the gene ral, and the Hon. Daniel Webster, (president of the association,) was declared in due form to be true and proper, and the ceremonies closed with the customary religious services. Cheers from the multitude of witnesses, and salutes from Bunker's and Copp's HiUs, announced the raoraent of the fact to the thousands who could not be gratified with the sight of it. " ' The procession then moved to an amphitheatrical area, where preparations had been made, on a most ample scale, for the accommodation of the auditors of the address of the pre.sident of the association. They included a large portion of the north-eastern declivity of the battle-hill. On each side of the bower, seats mth awn ings had been prepared, and were filled by over one thousand ladies, frora all parts of the Union, In the centre of the base, a rural arch and bower, surraounted by the American eagle, was formed for the government of the association and sorae of the guests, in front of which, after the venerable Mr, Thaxter had addressed the Throne ((f Grace, the orator, sub ccelo, pronounced an address, which none but its author is capable of doing justice to in a summary, and which wUl be read with a pleasure cijualled only by that which electrified the vast assemblage who Ustened to it for 374 CHELMSFORD. nearly one hour and a quarter. It is enough for us to say, that it was in every par ticular worthy of the celebrity of the orator, and that his address to the silver-headed worthies of the Revolution, and to the distinguished Guest of the Nation, fiUed every heart with transport.' " After the close of the address, the company repaired to Bunker's HiU, where a sumptuous entertainment was provided, at which more than four thousand persons partook. The guests separated at a seasonable hour, and the festivities of the occa sion terminated with a private party at the residence of a distinguished citizen." The depth to which the corner stone was laid was found in- sufiicient to resist the action of frost. It was taken up in 1827, and relaid to a greater depth, and the base, 50 feet in diameter, was completed. From this base, according to the plan, the monu ment is to rise two hundred and twenty feet. When completed it will form an obelisk, 30 feet square at the base and 15 at the top. It will consist of 80 courses of Quincy granite, each course 2 feet 8 inches in thickness ; and will be the highest of the kind known in the world, and only below the height of the Egyptian pyramids. At present, the monument is raised to only about 60 feet. CHELMSFORD. In 1652, about twenty persons from Woburn and Concord pe titioned the general court for liberty to examine a tract of land "lying on the other (west) side of Concord river." This request was granted; and having, by a committee, examined the land, and having found others, to the number of thirty-nine in all, de sirous of uniting with them in erecting a new plantation, they jointly petitioned the legislature for a grant of land, bordering upon the river Merrimac, near to Pawtuckett. They stated that there was a very " comfortable place to accommodate a company of God's people upon, who may with God's blessing do good in that place for church and state." They requested that said tract of land might begin on Merrimac river, at a neck of land on Con cord river, and so to run up by said river south and west, into the country, to make up a quantity of six miles square. About the same time, a petition was presented to the legislature by Rev. John Eliot of Roxbury, agent and trustee for the Indians, for a grant of land lying about Pawtuckett and Wamesit falls, to be appropriated to the sole and exclusive use of the tribe inhabiting thereabouts. This land, called the Great Neck, was the principal habitation of the Pawtucketts, once the most powerful tribe north of the Massachusetts. Here they had erected wigwams, and bro ken up land for planting. The court, taking into consideration both petitions, directed that both an Indian and, an English plan tation should be laid out. The plantation constituting the original Chelmsford was in the form of a parallelogram or oblong square. The town was incor porated in 1655, and received its name from Chelmsford in Eng- and, county of Essex, which derived its name from the river CHELMSFORD. 375 Chehner, on which it is situated. In 1656, the bounds of the town were enlarged. This additional tract comprised the whole of the territory now comprised within the town of Westford. To this tract the Indians had a common right with the inhabitants of Chelmsford. The tract on which the Indians lived was styled Wamesit. The Indians, from various causes, rapidly decreased, and having little or no use for their lands, sold them to the Eng lish. The first English settlements made on the Indian planta tion were on the borders of Concord river, upon a plat of ground much resembling a heater, which gave rise to the name of Concord River Neck. William How was the first weaver in the town. He was admitted an inhabitant as early as 1656, and granted twelve acres of meadow and eighteen of upland, " provided he set up his trade of weaving and perform the town's work." In the same year, 450 acres of land were granted to Samuel Adams, " provided he supply the town with boards at three shillings per hundred, or saw one log for the providing and bringing of another to be ready to work the next March." To this were added 100 acres more, in consideration of his erecting a corn mill, and to give him still far ther encouragement, they passed an order, "that no other corn mill should be erected for this town, provided the said Adams keep a sufficient mill and miller." Chelmsford is remarkably diversified by meadows and swamps, uplands and forest trees of various kinds, and intersected by brooks and rivulets. Upon the Merrimac and Concord, much of the land is alluvial and fertile. Thence proceeding south-west lies a pine plain, shallow and sandy, called Carolina plain, upwards of a mile wide, intersecting the north-east and south-west part of the town. The western part of the town is rocky. There are two villages in the town, one near the central part, the other, called Middlesex village, is in the north part of the town, where the Middlesex canal joins the Merrimac. The manufacture of glass has been carried on in this place for many years. The granite of this town is much used and highly valued for building. The University Hall, at Cambridge, many houses in Boston, and the Presbyterian church in Savannah, Georgia, were built of this stone. In 1837 there were seven air and cupola furnaces in this town, and one glass manufac tory ; value of glass manufactured, $30,000 ; hands employed, 30 ; one scythe manufactory ; value of scythes manufactured, $12,500 ; twelve hands employed; capital invested, $10,750; 1 machine shop, which employed 20 hands ; 1 hat manufactory ; value of hats manufactured, $32,500. Population, 1,613. Distance, 9 miles from Concord, 4 from Lowell, and 25 from Boston. The origin of the first church in Chelmsford is not certainly kno-wn. Its existence probably commenced about the arrival of Rev. John Fiske, the first minister, in 1654 or 1655. He was past the meridian of life when he commenced the work of the ministry in this uncultivated and thinly peopled town. For several years there was no other minister nearer than Concord and Woburn. " Coming from a paradise of pleasure in England to a wilderness of 376 CHELMSFORD. wants," his patience and fortitude were put to a severe trial. Hi,s care for the souls of his flock committed to him was unremitting, while his medical skill imposed upon him arduous additional duties. His services as a physician were of inestimable value in the new townships where he resided after he came to America. Upon the earnest solicitation of his people he composed a new cate chism for the use of their children. It was printed at their expense in 1657, by Samuel Green, Cambridge. It is styled the " Watering of the Plant in Christ's Garden, or a short Catechism for the en trance of our Chelmsford children. Enlarged by a three fold Ap pendix." After he had been many Lord's days carried to the church in a chair, and preached, as in primitive times, sitting, he, on Jan. 14, saw a rest from his labors.* The following account of the visit of the Rev. John Eliot and Gen. Gookin to the Indians at Pawtucket falls, is from " Gookin's Historical Account of the Indians," written in 1674.t "May fifth, 1674, according to our usual custom, Mr. Eliot and myself took our jour ney to Wamesit or Pawtucket ; and arriving there that evening, Mr. Eliot preached to as many of them as could be got together, out of Mat. xxU. 1 — 14, the parable of the marriage of the king's son. " We met at the wigwam of one called Wannalancet, about two miles from the town, near Pawtucket falls, and bordering upon the Merrimack river. This person, Wanna lancet, is the eldest son of old Pasaconaway, the chiefest Sachem of Pawtucket. He is a sober and grave person, and of years, between fifty and sixty. He hath been always loving and friendly to the English. Many endeavours have been used several years to gain this Sachem to embrace the christian religion ; but he hath stood off from time to time, and not yielded up himself personally, though for four years past he hath been wiUing to hear the word of God preached, and to keep the Sabbath. A great reaison that hath kept him off, I conceive, hath been the indisposition and aversion of sundry of his chief men and relations to pray to God, which he foresaw would desert him in case he turned christian. But at this time, May 6, 1674, it pleased God so to influence and overcome his heart, that, it being proposed to him to give his answer concerning prayer to God, after sorae deliberation and serious pause, he stood up and made a speech to this effect : " Sirs, you have been pleased for four years last past, m your abundant love, to apply yourselves particularly to me and my people, to exhort, press, and persuade us lo pray to God. I am very thankful to you for your pains. I must acknowledge, said lie, I have all my days used to pass in an old canoe, (alluding to his frequent custom to pass in a canoe upon the river) and now you exhort me to exchange and leave my old canoe, and embark in a new canoe, to which I have hitherto been unwiUing ; but now I yield up myself to your advice, and enter into a new canoe, and do engage to pray to God hereafter. * Rev. Mr. Allen's History of CheUnsford, published 1820. t " Maj. General Gookin of Cambridge, the author of this account of praying towns, was the superintendent of all the Indians that had subjected themselves to the provin cial government. He was accustomed to accompany Mr. Eliot in his missionary tours. WMle Mr, EUot preached the gospel to the Indians, General Gookin adminis tered civil affaiis araong them. In 1675, when PhiUp's war broke out, the English inhabitants generally were jealous of the praying Indians, and would have destroyed them, had not General Gookin and Mr, Eliot stepped forth in their defence. The Christian Indians were for a while kept on one of the islands in Boston harbor through fear of their becoming traitors and going over to the enemy. The issue proved that these fears were entirely groundless. Not a single praying Indian went over to the enemy. This fact affords abundant encouragement to civilize and christianize the savages of our western forests. This is the most effectual way to preserve our fron tier settlements from savage butchery. General Gookin died in 1687, an old man, whose days were filled with usefulness."— i^foflre'j Life of Eliot. Diawn by J. W. Barber— Engrared by J. Dowhm, WOTceBler. CENTRAL PART OF CONCORD, MASS. The above is a northern view in the central part of Concord vUlage. Pan of the Court-House is seen on the left. Burying-ground HiU (a post of observation to the British officers in the invasion of 1775) is seen a short distance beyond. The Unitarian Church and MiddlesBX Hotel are seen on the right. CONCORD. 377 " This his professed subjection was weU pleasing to all that were present, of which there were some EngUsh persons of quality; as Mr. Richard Daniel, a gentleman that Uved in BUlerica, about six miles off; and Lieutenant Henchman, a neighbour at CheUnsford ; besides brother Eliot and myself, with sundry others, English and Indians. Mr. Daniel, before named, desired brother Eliot to tell this Sachem from him that it may be whilst he went in his old canoe he passed in a quiet stream ; but the end thereof was death and destruction to soul and body ; but now he went tn a new canoe, perhaps he would meet with storms and trials ; but yet he should be encouraged to persevere, for the end of his voyage would be everlasting rest. Moreover, he and his people were exhorted by brother Eliot and myself to go on and sanctify the Sab bath, to hear the word and use the means that God had appointed, and encourage their hearts in the Lord their God. Since that time I hear the Sachem doth persevere, and is a constant and dihgent hearer of God's word, and sanctifieth the Sabbath, though he doth travel to Wamesit meeting every Sabbath, which is above two mUes ; and though sundry of his people have deserted him, since he subjected to the gospel, yet he continues and persists." The following are the inscriptions on the monuments of the second and fourth ministers in this town : Memento mori. Fugit hora. Huic pulveri mandatae sunt Reliquiae Rev. Dom. Thom. Clark, Gregis Christi Chelmfordianse Pastoris eximii ; qui fide et spe beatss resurrectionis animam. In sinum Jesu expiravit die VII Decembris, Anno Domini 1704, aetatis suae 52. [The remains ofthe Rev. Thomas Clark, the faithful Pastor of the flock of Christ in Chelmsford, are here committed to the dust. In the faith and hope of a blessed res urrection, he breathed his soul into the bosom of Jesus, Dec. 7, 1704, in the 52 year of his age, (and 27 of his ministry.)] By the church of Christ in Chelmsford, in testimony of their esteem and veneration, this sepultrial stone was erected to stand as a sacred meraorial of their late worthy pas tor, the Rev. Ebenezer Bridge, who, after having o£5ciated among them in the service of the sanctuary for more than a year above half a century, the strength of nature be- ing exhausted, stmk under the burden of age, and joined the congregation of the dead, Oct. 1, 1792, .ffi.76. CONCORD. In the year 1635, Musketaquid was purchased of the Indians, and called Concord, on account of the peaceable manner in which it was obtained, as appears by the testimony of two settlers, Wil liam Buttrick and Richard Rice, and two Christian Indians of Natick, Jehojakin and Jethro. They unitedly testify and say, "That they were present at the making of the bargain forthe town of Concord ; that at the house of the Rev. Peter Bulkley, Mr. Simon WiUard, Mr. John Jones, Mr. Spencer, and others, did pur chase of squaw sachem, Tahattawan and Nimrod, a tract of land six miles square, the center being the place (or near) where the bargain was made. That said WUlard and others did pay for said land in wampanpeague, hatchets, hoes, knives, cotton cloth, and chintz, to said Indians. And that Wappacowet, husband to squaw sachem, received a suit of cotton cloth, a hat, a white linen band, shoes, stockings, and a great coat on account of said bar gain. That in the conclusion, the Indians declared they were satisfied, and that the English were welcome." The first settlement commenced in the fall of 1635, at which period (Sept. 3) the town was incorporated. " The first houses 51 378 CONCORD. were built on the south side of the hill from the public square to Merriam's Corner, and the farm lots laid out extending back from the road across the great fields and great meadows, and in front across the meadows on Mill brook. This spot was probably selected because it contained land easy of tillage, and because it afforded the greatest facilities in constructing such temporary dwellings as would shelter the inhabitants from the inclemency of storms and winter. These huts were built by digging into the bank, driving posts into the ground, and placing on them a cover ing of bark, brushwood, or earth. The second year houses were erected as far as where the south and north bridges now stand." Many of the first settlers were men of acknowledged wealth, talents and education in their native country, and several were of noble families. The following is from Johnson's " WoTi.der-working Provi dence." This author being an inhabitant of Woburn, and often associated with the people of Concord, he had a good opportunity of being acquainted with the early history of the town. "Upon some inquiry of the Indians, who lived to the North West of the Bay, one Captaine Simon Willard, being acquainted with them, by reason of his trade, became a chiefe instrument 'm. erecting this towne. The land they purchase of the Indians, and with much difficulties travelling through unknowne woods, and through watery swamps, they discover the fitnesse of the place ; sometimes passing through the thick ets, where their hands are forced to make way for their bodies passage, and their feete clambering over the crossed trees, which when they missed they sunke into an uncertaine bottome in water, and wade up to their knees, tumbling sometimes higher and sometimes lower. Wearied with this toile, they at end of this meete with a scorch ing plaine, yet not so plaine, but that the ragged bushes scratch their legs foidy, even to wearing their stockings to their bare skin in two or three hours. If they be not otherwise well defended with bootes or buskings, their flesh will be torne. Some of them being forced to passe on without further provision, have had the bloud trickle downe at every step. And in time of summer, the sun casts such a reflecting heate frora the sweete feme, whose scent is very strong, that sorae herewith have beene very nere fainting, although very able bodies to undergoe rauch travel. And this not to be indured for one day, but for many ; and verily did not the Lord incourage their natural parts (with hopes of a new and strange discovery, expecting every houre to see some rare sight never seen before), they were never able to hold out and breake through." « * * " After some dayes spent in search, toyling in the day time as for merly said, like true Jacob, they rest them on the rocks where the night takes them. Their short repast is some smaU pittance of bread, if it hold out ; but as for drinke they have plenty, the countrey being well watered in all places that are yet found out. Their further hardship is to travell sometimes they know not whither, bewildred in deed without sight of sun, their compasse miscarrying in crouding through the bushes. They sadly search up and down for a known way, the Indian paths being not above one foot broad, so that a raan may travell many dayes and never find one." * * * " This intricate worke no whit daunted these resolved servants of Christ to go on with the worke in hand ; but lying in the open aire, while the watery clouds poure down aU the night season, and sometimes the driving snow dissolving on their backs, they keep their wet cloathes warrae with a continued fire, tiU the renewed morning give fresh opportunity of further travell. After they have thus found out a place of aboad, they burrow themselves in the earth for their first shelter under some hUl-side, casting Uie earth aloft upon timber ; they make a smoaky fire against the earth at the highest side. And thus these poore servants of Christ provide shelter for themselves, their wives and little ones, keepmg off the short showers from their lodgings, but the long raines pene trate through to their great disturbance in the night season. Yet in these poor wig wams they sing psalmes, pray and praise their God, tiU they can provide them houses, which ordinarily was not wont to be with many tUl the earth, by the Lord's blessing, brought forth bread to feed them, their ivives and little ones, which with sore labours they attain ; every one that can Uft a hoe to strike it into the earth, standing stoutly to CONCORD. 379 their labours, and tear up the rootes and bushes, which the first yeare bears them a very thin crop, tiU the soard of the earth be rotten, and therefore they have been forced to cut their bread very thin for a long season. But the Lord is pleased to provide for them great store of fish in the spring time, and especiaUy Alewives about the bignesse of a Herring. Many thousands of these they used to put under their Indian corne, which they plant in hills five foote asunder, and assuredly when the Lord created this corn, he had a speciall eye to supply these his people's wants with it, for ordinarily five or six grains doth produce six hundred. As for flesh they looked not for any in those times (although now they have plenty) unlesse they could barter with the Indians for venison or rockoons, whose flesh is not much inferiour unto lambe. The toile of a new plantation being like the labours of Hercules never at an end, yet are none so barbarously bent (under the Mattacusets especially) but with a new plantation they ordinarily gatlier into church fellowship, so that pastors and people suffer the in conveniences together, which is a great means to season the sore labours they under goe. And verily the edge of their appetite was greater to spirituall duties, at their first coming in time of wants, than afterward. Many in new plantations have been forced to go barefoot, and bareleg, till these latter dayes, and some in time of frost and snow ; yet were they then very healthy more than now they are. In this wildemesse worke men of estates speed no better than others, and sorae rauch worse for want of being inured to such hard labour ; having laid out their estate upon cattell at five and twenty pound a cow, when they came to winter thera with in-land hay, and feed upon such wild fother as was never cut before, they could not hold out the winter, but ordinarily the first or second yeare after their coraing up to a new plantation, many of their cattell died, especially if they wanted salt-marshes. And also those, who supposed they should feed upon swines flesh were cut short, the wolves coraraouly feasting themselves before them, who never leave neither flesh nor bones, if they be not scared away before they have made an end of their meale. As for those who laid out their estate upon sheepe, they speed worst of any at the beginning (although sorae have sped the best of any now) for untill the land be often fed by other cattell, sheepe cannot Uve, and therefore they never thrived till these latter days. Horse had then no better successe, which made many an honest gentleman travell a foot for a long time, and some have even perished with extreme heate in their travells. As also the want of English graine, wheate, barley, and rie, proved a sore affliction to some stomachs, who could not live upon Indian bread and water, yet were they compelled to it till cattell increased, and the plowes could but goe. Instead of apples and pears, they had pomkins and squashes of divers kinds. Their lonesome condition was very grievous to sorae, which was much aggravated by continuall feare of the Indians approach, whose cruelties were much spoken of, and more especially during the time of the Pequot wars. Thus this poore people populate this howling desert, marching manfully on (the Lord assisting) through the greatest difficulties, and sorest labours that ever any with such weak means have done," The soil of Concord is various, consisting of rocky, sandy, and moist land ; but it is in general fertile. It contains no hills of con sequence except Nassinutt, in the north-west part of the town. Concord river passes through the central part of the town; the North or Assabeth river unites with the Concord or Sudbury river about half a mile N. W. of the center of the village. Concord is the half shire town of the county of Middlesex. The viUage con tains two Congregational churches, a court-house, jaU, a bank, (the Concord Bank,) with a capital of $100,000, and about eighty dwelling-houses in the immediate vicinity. There is in the town one cotton factory, an establishment for the manufacture of lead pipes and sheet lead, one for carriages, and one for lead pencils, besides others for other articles. Concord is 13 mUes south of Lowell, 30 north-east of Worcester, and 16 north-westerly of Bos ton. Population, 2,023. The following is a south view of Col. Daniel Shattuck's residence m Concord, at the northern end of the wide street or common, in the central part of the village. A part of this buUding was erected 380 CONCORD. Colonel Shattuck's residence. Concord. during the revolutionary war, and used as a place of deposit for the public stores. The general court has frequently held its sessions in this town, and in the year 1774 the provincial congress selected it as the place of their meeting. A considerable quantity of provisions and military stores being deposited here. Gen. Gage, who commanded the British troops at Boston, on the memorable 19th of April, 1775, sent a detachment to destroy them. The British troops, who took every precaution to march secretly to Concord, were discovered at a very early period. The church bell at Concord rung an alarm a little before 3 o'clock in the morning. After the British troops had fired on the militia at Lexington, they proceeded on to Concord. The following very interesting and circumstantial account of the proceedings at this place is extracted from the History of the Town of Concord, by Lemuel Shattuck, Esq., an octavo volume of 392 pages, published in Boston by Russell, Odiorne & Co., and in Con cord by John Stacy, 1835. " Guards were stationed at the north and south bridges, below Dr. Heywood's, and in the centre of the village. Jonathan Farrar was then commander of the guard. In case of an alarm, it was agreed to meet at Wright's tavern, now Deacon Jarvis's. A part of the company under Captain Brown paraded about break of day ; and being uncertain whether the enemy was coming, they were dismissed, to be called together by the beat of drum. Soon afterward the minute-men and militia, who had assembled, paraded on the common, and, after furnishing themselves with ammunition at the court-house, marched down below the village in view of the Lexington road. About the same time a part of the minute com pany from Lincoln, who had been alarmed by Dr. Prescott, came into town, and paraded in like manner. The number of armed men, who had now assembled, was about one hundred. The morn ing had advanced to about seven o'clock ; and the British army were soon seen approaching the town on the Lexington road. The sun shone with peculiar splendor. The glittering arm's of eight CONCORD. 381 hundred soldiers, 'the flower of the British army,' were full in view. It was a novel, imposing, alarming sight. What was to be done 1 At first it was thought best that they should face the enemy, as few as they were, and abide the consequences. 01 this opinion, among others, was the Rev. William Emerson, the cler gyman of the town, who had turned out amongst the first in the morning to animate and encourage his people by his counsel and patriotic example. ' Let us stand our ground,' said he ; 'if we die, let us die here ! ' Eleazer Brooks, of Lincoln, was then on the hill. ' Let us go and meet them,' said one to him. ' No,' he answered, ' it will not do for us to begin the war.' They did not then know what had happened at Lexington. Their number was, however, very small in comparison with the enemy, and it was concluded best to retire a short distance, and wait for rein forcements. They consequently marched to the northern declivity of the burying-ground hill, near the present site of the court-house. They did not, however, leave their station till the British light infantry had arrived within a few rods' distance. * * * * " In the mean time the British troops entered the town. The six companies of light infantry were ordered to enter on the hill and disperse the minute men whom they had seen paraded there. The grenadiers came up the main road, and halted on the common. Unfortunately for the people's cause, the British officers had already been made somewhat acquainted, through their spies and the tories, with the topography of the town, and the situation of many of the military stores. On their arrival they examined, as well as they could, by the help of spyglasses, from a post of obser vation on the burying-ground hill, the appearance of the town, condition of the provincials, &c. It was found that the provin cials were assembling, and that no time was to be lost. The first object of the British was to gain possession of the north and south bridges, to prevent any militia from entering over them. Accord ingly, while Colonel Smith remained in the centre of the town, he detached six companies of light infantry, under command of Capt. Lawrence Parsons of his own regiment, to take possession of the north bridge, and proceed thence to places where stores were de posited. Ensign D'Bernicre, already mentioned, was ordered to direct his way. It is also intimated that tories were active in guid ing the regulars. Captain Beeman of Petersham was one. On their arrival there, three companies, under command of Captain Lawrie of the 43d regiment, were left to protect the bridge ; one of those, commanded by Lieutenant Edward Thornton Gould, para ded at the bridge, the other, of the 4th and 10th regiments, feU back in the rear towards the hUl. Captain Parsons with three companies proceeded to Colonel Barrett's, to destroy the stores there deposited. At the same time Captain Mundey Pole, of the 10th regiment, was ordered to take possession of the south bridge, and destroy such public property as he could find in that direction. The grenadiers and marines, under Smith and Pitcairn, remained in the centre of the town, where all means in their power were 382 CONCORD. used to accomplish the destruction of military stores. By the great exertions of the provincials the principal part of the public stores had been secreted, and many others were protected by the innocent artifice of individuals. In the centre of the town the grenadiers broke open about sixty barrels of flour, nearly one half of which was afterwards saved; knocked off the trunnions of three iron twenty-four pound cannon, and burnt sixteen new car riage-wheels, and a few barrels of wooden trenchers and spoons. The liberty-pole on the hill was cut down, and suflered the same fate. About five hundred pounds of balls were thrown into the mill-pond and into wells. ***** " While the British were thus engaged, our citizens and part of our mUitary men, having secured what articles of public property they could, were assembling under arms. Beside the minute-men and militia of Concord, the military companies from the adjoining towns began to assemble ; and the number had increased to about two hundred and fifty or three hundred. * * * "Joseph Hosmer, acting as adjutant, formed the soldiers as they arrived singly or in" squads, on the field westerly of Colonel Jonas Buttrick's present residence ; the minute companies on the right and the militia on the left, facing the town. He then, observing an unusual smoke arising from the centre of the town, went to the officers and citizens in consultation on the high ground near by, and inquired earnestly, ' Will you let them burn the town down?' They then, with those exciting scenes before them, deliberately, with noble patriotism and firmness, ' resolved to march into the middle of the town to defend their homes, or die in the attempt ;' and at the same time they resolved not to fire unless first fired upon. ' They acted upon principle and in the fear of God.' " Colonel Barrett immediately gave orders to march by wheeling from the right. Major Buttrick requested Lieutenant-Colonel Rob inson to accompany him, and led them in double file to the scene of action. When they came to the road leading from Captain Brown's to the bridge, a part of the Acton minute company, under Captain Davis, passed by in front, marched towards the bridge a short distance, and halted. Being in files of two abreast, the Con cord minute company, under Captain Brown, being befoie at the head, marched up the north side, till they came equally in front. The precise position, however, of each company cannot now be fully ascertained. This road was subject to inundations, and a wall was built with large stones on the upper side, in which posts were placed, connected together at their tops with poles to aid foot- passengers in passing over in times of high water. " The British, observing their motions, immediately formed on the east side of the river, and soon began to take up the planks of the bridge. Against this Major Buttrick remonstrated in an ele vated tone, and ordered a quicker step of his soldiers. The British desisted. At that moment two or three guns were fired in quick succession into the river, which the provincials considered as alarm- guns and not aimed at them. They had arrived within ten or fif- CONCORD. 383 teen rods of the bridge, when a single gun was fired by a British soldier, the ball from which, passing under Colonel Robinson's arm, slightly wounded the side of Luther Blanchard, a fifer in the Acton company, and Jonas Brown, one of the Concord minute men. This gun was instantly followed by a volley, by which Captain Isaac Davis and Abner Hosmer, both belonging to Acton, were killed, a ball passing through the body of the former, and another through the head of the latter. On seeing this. Major Buttrick instantly leaped from the ground, and partly turning to his men, exclaimed, 'Fire, fellow-soldiers, for God's sake, fire!' discharging his own gun almost in the same instant. His order was instantly obeyed ; and a general discharge from the whole line of the provincial ranks took place. Firing on both sides continued a few minutes. Three British soldiers were killed ; and Lieutenants Sunderland, Kelley, and Gould, a sergeant, and four privates, were wounded. The British immediately retreated about half way to the meeting house, and were met by two companies of grenadiers, who had been drawn thither by ' the noise of battle.' Two of the soldiers killed at the bridge were left on the ground, where they were afterwards buried by Zachariah Brown and Thomas Davis, Jun.; and the spot deserves to be marked by an ever-enduring monu ment, as the place where the first British blood was spilt, — where the life of the first British soldier was taken, in a contest which resulted in a revolution the most mighty in its consequences in the annals of mankind. Most of the provincials pursued them across the bridge, though a few returned to Buttrick's with their dead. About one hundred and fifty went immediately across the Great Field to intercept the enemy on their retreat at Merriam's Corner. From this time through the day, little or no military order was preserved. Every man chose his own time and mode of attack. It was between 10 and 11 o'clock when the firing at the bridge took place, and a short time after Captain Parsons and his party returned unmolested from Colonel Barrett's. * * * " By this time the provincials had considerably increased, and were constantly arriv ing from the neighboring towns. The British had but partially accomplished the objects of their expedition ; the quantity of public stores destroyed being very sraall in compari son with what remained untouched. They observed, however, with no little anxiety and astonishment, the celerity with which the provincials were assembling, and the de termined resolution with which they were opposed. Hitherto their superior numbers had given them an advantage over such companies as had assembled ; but they now began to feel that they were in danger, and resolved, from necessity, on an imraediate retreat. They coUected together their scattered parties, and raade sorae hasty provi sion for the wounded. #*##** " The designs of the enemy were now fuUy developed ; and the indignation of the provincials was highly excited. Many of them were determined to be revenged for the wanton cruelties which had been committed. They had followed the retreating party between the bridge and the village, and fired single-handed from the high ground, or from behind such shelter as came in theur way ; and thus began a mode of warfare ^ which cost many a one his life. " The king's troops retreated in the same order as they entered town, the infantry on the hill and the grenadiers in the road, but with flanking parties more numerous and farther from the main body. On arriving at Merriam's Comer they were attacked by the 384 CONCORD. provincials who had proceeded across the Great Fields, in conjunc tion with a company from Reading, under command of the late Governor Brooks. Several of the British were killed, and several wounded ; among the latter was Ensign Lester. None of the pro vincials were injured. From this time the road was literally lined with provincials, whose accurate aim generally produced the desired effect. Guns were fired from every house, barn, wall, or f»j-j'tr£i1*-f •Tt" "Jf w W w T? " An express was sent from Lexington in the morning to Gene ral Gage to inform him of what had happened there ; and about 9 o'clock a brigade of about 1,100 men marched out under the com mand of the Right Honorable Hugh Earl Percy, a brigadier-gene ral, consisting of the marines, the Welsh Fusiliers, the 4th, 47th, and 38th regiments, and two field-pieces. This reinforcement ar rived at Lexington about 2 o'clock, placed the field-pieces on the high ground below Monroe's tavern, and checked for about half an hour the eager pursuit of the provincials. During this time they burnt the house, barn, and other out-buildings of Deacon Jo seph Loring, the house, barn, and shop of Mrs. Lydia MuUiken, and the house and shop of Mr. Joshua Bond. By the aid of this reinforcement they were able to effect their retreat to Charlestown, though not without sustaining continual losses on the way. They arrived about 7 o'clock, having, during a day unusually hot for the season, marched upwards of 36 miles, and endured almost in credible suffering. All the provisions they had had were obtained by purchase or plunder from the people, their provision- wagons hav ing been taken by the Americans. Some of them ' were so much exhausted with fatigue, that they were obliged to lie down on the ground, their tongues hanging out of their mouths like dogs' after the chase.' Our militia and minute-men pursued them to Charles town Neck, many of whom remained there during the night; others returned home. " The damage to private property by fire, robbery, and destruction, was estimated at £274 165. Id. iu Concord ; £1761 Is. 5d. in Lexington ; and £1202 8s. Id. m Cam bridge. " Of the provincials 49 were killed, 36 wounded, and 5 missing. Captain Charles Miles, Captain Nathan Barrett, Jonas Brown, and Abel Prescott, jr., of Concord, were wounded. Captain Isaac Davis, Abner Hosmer, and James Hayward, of Acton, were kiUed, and Luther Blanchard wounded. Captain Jonathan Wilson of Bedford, was killed, and Job Lane wounded, " Of the British, 73 were killed, 172 wounded, and 26 missing ; amoji^ whom were 18 officers, 10 sergeants, 2 druraraers, and 240 rank and file. Among the woimded were Lieutenant Colonels Francis Sraith and Benjamin Bernard. Lieutenant Edwaird Hall w£is wounded at the north bridge and taken prisoner on the retreat. He died the next day, and his remains were delivered up to General Gage. Lieutenant Edward Thornton Gould was also wounded at the bridge and taken prisoner on the retreat." The following is a western view of the monument recently erected at Concord, at the place where the old north bridge of Con cord crossed the river. It is constructed of granite, with the foUow ing inscription on the marble inlet : — " Here, on the 19th of April, 1775, was made the first forcible re sistance to British aggression. On the opposite bank stood the Ame- CONCORD. 385 JjJll!!«'!..l'; Monument at Concord. ncan militia. Here stood the invading army, and on this spot the first of the enemy fell in the war of the Revolution, which gave Independence to these United States. In gratitude to God and in the love of Freedom, this monument was erected A. D. 1836." The monument stahds a few rods westward of the public road, near the house of the Rev. Dr. Ripley, who gave the land for the above purpose. The entrance to the bridge was between the trees seen standing by the water's edge on each side of the monument. These trees were standing at the time of the Revolution. The two British soldiers who were killed at this spot were buried a few feet from the monument. The place is marked by two rough stones, seen on the left, by the two persons represented in the engraving. The following inscriptions are copied from monuments in this town. The oldest monument is in the Hill burying-ground, in scribed thus: "Joseph Merriam, aged 47 years, died the 20 of April, 1677." Here hes Interred the Remains of the Rev. Mr. Daniel Bliss, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Concord, who Deceased the 11th day of May, Anno Dom : 1764, -ffitatis suae 50. Of this beloved Disciple and Minister of Jesus Christ 't is justly observable, that, in addition to his natural and acquired abilities, he was distinguishedly favoured with those eminent Graces of the Holy Spirit (Meekness, Humility, and Zeal,) which rendered him peculiarly fit for and enabled him to go thro' the great and arduous work of the Gospel Ministry, upon which he entered in the 25th year of his age. The Duties of the various Characters he sustained in life, were performed with great strictness and fidelity. As a private Christian he was a bright Example of Holiness in Life and Pu rity in Conversation. But in the execution of y= ministerial office he shone with Pe. culiar Lustre, — a spirit of Devotion animated all his performances : — his doctrine drop'd as y« Rain and his Ups distilled like the Dew : — his Preaching was powerful and Searching; — and he who blessed him with an uncommon Talent in a particular Appli cation to ye Consciences of men, crowned his skilful Endeavours w"" great success. As y work of the Ministry was his great Delight, so he continued fervent and diligent in y Performance of it, tiU his Divine Lord caUed him from his Service on Earth to the Glorious Recompense of Reward in Heaven ; where as one who has tumed many unto Righteousness he shines as a star for ever and ever. 52 386 DRACUT. " His soul was of y« Angelic Frame, The Same Ingredients, and the mould y' same, Whom y Creator makes a Minister of Fame." Watts. In Memory of Capt. JOHN STONE, the Architect of that Modern and justly Celebrated Piece of Architecture, Charles River Bridge, He was a man of good Natu ral abilities, which seemed to be adorned with Moral Virtues and Christian Graces. He departed this life in the year of our Lord 1791, in the 63 year of his age. This stone is designed by its durabiUty to perpetuate the memory, and by its colour to signify the moral character, of Miss ABIGAIL DUDLEY, who died Jan. 4, 1812, aged 73. The following, generally attributed to the pen of Daniel Bliss, Esq., has often been published and admired. God wiUs us free ; — man wills us slaves. I wiU as God wUls ; God's will be done. Here Ues the body of JOHN JACK, A native of Africa, who died March, 1773, aged about sixty years. Though born in a land of slavery. He was bom free. Though he .ived in a land of liberty, He lived a slave ; Till by his honest, though stolen labours. He acquired the source of slavery. Which gave him his freedom : Though not long before Death, the grand tyrant, Gave him his final emancipation. And put him on a footing with kings. Though a slave to vice. He practised those virtues, Without which kings are but slaves. Here lyes interred the remains of Mr. Hugh Cargill, late of Boston, who died in Concord, January 12, 1799, in the 60th year of his age, Mr, Cargill was bom in Bel- lyshannon, in Ireland, carae to this country in the year 1774, destitute of the comforts of life ; but by his industry and good economy he acquired a good estate ; and, hav ing no children, he at his death devised his estate to his wife. Mrs. Rebecca Cargill, and to a number of his friends and relations by marriage, and especially a large and generous donation to the town of Concord for benevolent and charitable purposes. How atrange, O God, who reigns on high, I To lay my bones with strangers dead. That I should come so far to die, But 1 have hopes when I arise And leave my friends, where I was bred, I To dwell with thee in yonder skies. DRACUT. This town was incorporated in 1701. This is principally an agricultural town, on the north bank of the Merrimac. This town has a tolerably good soU, and is watered by Beaver brook, which crosses it from New Hampshire, and many smaller streams. Since the rapid increase of the population in Lowell, a good market has been found for the agricultural productions of the town. "A fine and picturesqfle bridge was built many years since from this town to Chelmsford, over the head of Pawtucket falls. The piers are founded on the rocks that divide and break the falls, and the arches springing from rock to rock, and the water foaming be neath, has a wild and romantic appearance. Another elegant and costly bridge, just below the falls, connects this town with Lowell. It was built in 1826, is about 500 feet long, is roofed the whole length, and presents a very pleasing appearance." In 1837, there was in the town 1 woollen mill, with 4 sets of machinery ; • 700 pairs of boots and 13,600 of shoes were manufactured, valued at $12,000 ; the value of cutlery manufactured was |4,000. Popu lation, 1,898. Distance, 16 miles from Concord, 18 from Haver hill, and 27 from Boston. FRAMINGHAM. 387 DUNSTABLE. This town was incorporated in 1663. This is a small township; the land is rather level, and the soil is light and sandy. Nashua river forms the western border of the town, and then passes into New Hainpshire. There are three churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Baptist, and 1 Universalist. Population, 570. Distance, 18 miles from Concord, 6 south of Nashua village, and 37 from Boston. '' Capt. John LoveU, (or Lovewell, as his name was formerly written,) the hero of Pigwacket, and six of his men, were from this town. He had distinguished himself in several bloody fights with the Indians, and taken several scalps, for which he received a bounty of 100 pounds each, from the treasury of the colony. In Feb, 1724, he and his foUowers surprised and kUled a party of ten Indians, as they were sitting around a fire, and received 1 ,000 pounds for their scalps at Boston ! In AprU, 1725, Capt, Lovell and Lieut, Joseph Farwell, Lieut, Jonathan Robbins, Ensign John Harwood, Sergeant Noah Johnson, Robert Usher, and Samuel Whiting, from this town, Ensign Seth Wy man, Thomas Richardson, Timothy Richardson, Ichabod Johnson, and Josiah John son, of Woburn ; Ebenezer Davis, Josiah Davis, Josiah Jones, David Melvin, Eleazar Melvin, Jacob Farrar, and Joseph Farrar, of Concord ; chaplain Jonathan Frye, of Andover ; Sergeant Jacob FuUum, of Weston ; Corp. Edward Lingfield, of Derry ; Jonathan Kittredge and Solomon Kies, of Billerica; John Jefts, Daniel Woods, Thomas Woods, John Chamberlain, Elias Barron, Isaac Lakin, and Joseph Gilson, of Groton ; Ebenezer Ayer and Abiel Asten, of Haverhill ; with several others who returned without reaching the field of action, to the number of 46 in all, set out for Pigwacket, then the residence of the celebrated Indian chief, Paugus. On the Sth of May, having reached the borders of a pond in what is now Fryeburg, Maine, they were attacked by about 80 Indians, with all the fury of the most determined hostility, and the exultation of expected victory. The heroic band maintained the fight from morning till night, when the enemy withdrew ; having three-fourths of their number killed or wounded. Of LoveU's party, hiraself and eight more were dead, four were groaning with the agony of mortal wounds, several were wounded less severely, nine remained unhurt, and one had fled at the onset, Lieut, Robbins was left mortally wounded on the field of action ; Lieut. Farwell, chaplain Frye, Davis and Jones, pro ceeded about a mile and a half, when they failed and were left ; the two former per ished. Davis and Jones, after inexpressible suffering, reached a place of safety. The pond alone, by protecting their rear, saved them from total destruction, Capt, Tyng, of Mass,, after a few days, proceeded to the spot, to bury the dead ; 13 were interred on the field, and their names inscribed on the trunks of the trees ; but more durable records perpetuate the remembrance of the sanguinary conflict," — Spofford's Gaz. FRAMINGHAM. Framingham was incorporated as a town in 1700. In this year it was by the general court " ordered that said plantation, called Framingham, be henceforth a township retaining the name of Framingham, and have and enjoy all the priviledges of a town according to law. Saving unto Sherbon all the rights of land granted by the general court to the first inhabitants, and those since purchased by exchange with the Indians of Natick, or other wise, all the farms lying within said township according to the former grants of this general court." On the same day this grant was made by the legislature, a petition, by mutual concert, was made for a large tract of land north-east of said plantation, termed Sudbury Farms, to be annexed to the new township, which was 388 FRAMINGHAM. readily granted. The first minister of the place was Rev. John Swift, who was ordained Oct., 1701, and died in 1745, aged 67. The church at the time of its organization consisted of the follow ing members : Henry Rice, Simon Mellen, Daniel Rice, Deac. Peter Cloise, Jona. Hemingway, do. Benjamin Bridges, Thomas Drury, Caleb Bridges, Thomas Walker, Thomas MeUen, John Stow, Benjamin Nurse, Samuel Winch, Thomas Frost, John Haven, Isaac Bowen, Stephen Jennings, Nathaniel Haven. Eastern view of Framingham, (central part.) This village is about half way from Boston to Worcester, being 21 mUes from the former and 20 miles from the latter place. The vUlage consists of about 60 dwelling-houses, 4 churches, 2 Con gregational, one of which is Tfnitarian, 1 Baptist, and 1 Universalist. Part of the Unitarian church is seen on the right, the Orthodox church on the left, near which is seen in the distance the tower of the Universalist church. The next building in the distance west ward of the Unitarian church is the academy, which is constructed of stone; the spire seen near this building is that of the Baptist church. The town-house, having pillars at each end, is seen in the distance, in the enclosed green. Saxonville, a manufacturing village, is situated about two miles north-east from this place, and has a Congregational church. The " Framingham Bank" has a capital of $99, 450. Population, 2,881. The Boston and Worces ter railroad passes through this town, about 2 miles south from the village. This town is watered by Sudbury river, a principal branch of the Concord river. The surface of the town cannot be considered as hilly or plain ; it consists mosUy of gentle eminences and depressions, every acre being susceptible of cultivation. The soU on the high arable land is rather gravelly, but generally, GROTON 389 throughout the town, It is weU adapted for the raising ofrye and corn. The Framingham cotton and woollen manufactory was incor porated in 1813, with a capital of $50,000. The Saxon manufac tory was incorporated in 1824. "This company purchased the Leicester factory the same year, and the stock was united in the same corporation by act of court, Feb. 8, 1825 ; capital $150,000." In 1837, there were in this town 5 woollen mills, 11 sets of wool len machinery ; wool consumed, 744,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 268,640 yards, valued at $311,800; males employed, 105; females, 141 ; capital invested, $415,000. There were 1,524 pairs of boots and 34,955 pairs of shoes manufactured, valued at $31,293 ; value of paper manufactured, $46,000. There were 7,777 straw bonnets manufactured, the value of which was $16,358. The following is a copy of the Latin inscription on the monu ment of the Rev. Mr. Smith, the first minister of this place, with a translation. Hie jacet qui obiit A, D. 1745, ApriUs 24to, JEtatisque anno 67mo, vir iUe Reveren- dus D. Johannes Swift. Dotibus et nativis et acquisitis ornatus ; Docendi Artifex, Exemplar vivendi Felbc, dum vixit mores exhibens secundum Divinas Regulas Ep 0 necessaries : commiscens prudentiam Serpentis columbseque innocentiam commercium cum eo habentibus. In vita percharus, atque gratam sui etsi moestam memoriam post mortem suis relinquens : — Qui per varios casus variaque rerum dis- crimina, atque usque ad mortem, rarara Discretionem, Modestiam, Patientiam, volun- tatique Supremi Numinis submissionem spectandam prsebens, jam tandem in Domino requievit, adoptionem scilicet corporis obruti Redemptionem, expectabundus, [Here lies the Reverend John Swift, who died in 1745, AprU 24"'' in the 67th year ofhis age. Adorned-with gifts both native and acquired ; he was a master in the art of teaching ; a model of Uving, conforming all his acts to the divine laws. To all those with whom he had to do, he exhibited the wisdom of the serpent and the innocence of the dove. While Uving, he was very much beloved, and he left at death a grateful, though mournful memory to his friends. Through many scenes and trials, and even unto death, he manifested a rare discretion, modesty, patience, and submission to the Divine WiU. He at length rests with the Lord, looking for the adoption, that is, the redemption of the body.] GROTON. Groton was originally a grant by the general court, made May 23, 1655, of eight miles square, to Mr. Dean Winthrop and others, at a place called Petapaway, and included the greatest part of the towns of PeppereU and Shirley, and parts of Dunstable, Westford, Littleton, and Harvard. Mr. Dean Winthrop, being a son of John Winthrop, the first governor of Massachusetts colony, probably named the place Groton, from the town in England whence the family came. The grant, in the quaint language of the times, says, "the court judgeth it meet to grant the petitioners eight miles square in the place desired, to make a comfortable plantation," and it is ordered to be laid out " with all convenient speed, that so no encouragement may be wanting to the petitioners for the speedy procuring of a godly minister among them." Among the first set- 390 GROTON. tiers were William Martin, Richard Blood, Robert Blood, and John Lakin. The precise time of the first settlement is not known, but a committee of the general court, appointed October, 1659, report, that there are not above four or five families there, though " it will afford a comfortable accommodation for sixty families at least." The first town record to be found is as follows : — " At a generall town meeting, June 23''> 1662, It was agreed uppon, that the house for the minister should be set uppon the plane whare it is now framing." Also, " that the meeting-house shall be sett upon the right hand of the path, by a small Avhite oak, marked at the sow- west side with tv/o notches and a blaze." The number of inhabit ants increased until the year 1676, when, having been three times attacked by the Indians, in Philip's war, they abandoned the place. A new settlement took place, it is believed, in the spring of 1678. The first minister of Groton was the Rev. Samuel Willard, or dained 1663, left the inhabitants in 1676. His successors have been Gershom Hobart, ordained 1678, dismissed 1704 or 5 ; Dud ley Broadstreet, ordained 1706, dismissed 1712; Caleb Trowbridge, ordained 1715, died 1760 ; Samuel Dana, ordained 1761, dismis sed 1775 ; Daniel Chaplin, ordained 1778, retired by reason of age 1825 ; Charles Robinson, installed 1826, dismissed 1838 ; Rev. George W. WeUs, installed Nov. 21, 1838. A Presbyterian society was incorporated in 1788, but it never had an ordained minister, and has become extinct. In 1826, a part of the first parish seceded and formed an Orthodox society ; whose ministers have been John Todd, ordained 1827, dismissed 1833 ; Charles Kitteridge, install ed 1833, dismissed 1835 ; Dudley Phelps, installed 1836, the pre sent minister. A Baptist society was formed in 1832, and they have Amasa Saunderson for their minister. Groton, as now bounded, is of a very irregular shape, having many angles in its boundary lines. None of its original boundaries are retained, except one mile on Townsend on the west, and Massapoag Pond on the N. East. Its present area is about 27,350 acres ; one fourth of the whole, viz. the central part, is an excellent soil for grass, corn, barley, or most crops usually cultivated in New ' England. The village, in the center of the town, contains two meeting houses, one academy, two district school-houses, five mercantile shops, two taverns, and seventy other dweUing-houses. The en graving is a north-western view of the Unitarian church, and the academy, seen on the right, in the southern part of the village. This place is 17 miles from Concord, 14 to Lowell, 30 to Worces ter, and 34 to Boston. Population, 2,057. At the west part of the town, about two and a half miles from the center, on the Squannacook river, there is a paper-mill, which will employ from 8 to 10 hands. There are two tanneries, and 4 grist and saw-mUls. The town is mostly a farming town, and formerly has raised large quantities of hops, but the recent low prices have discouraged the hop growers. In 1837, the value of GROTON, 391 it. 1 J»- ->-' , ' fc.' ' tkb. North-western view ofthe Congregational Church and Academy, Groton. clothing manufactured was $24,000; number of garments, 11,000; males employed, 3 ; females, 245. The following, respecting the Indian depredations in this town, is from Dwight's Travels, vol. ii. " Groton, in the early periods of its settlement, experienced its share of Indian de predations. It was incorporated iu 1655, In 1576, a body of savages entered it on the second of March, plundered several houses, and carried off a nuraber of cattle. On the ninth, they ambushed four men, who were driving their carts, killed one, and took a second ; but, while they were disputing about the manner of putting him to death, he escaped. On the thirteenth, about four hundred of these people assaulted Groton again. The inhabitants, alarmed by the recent destruction of Lancaster, had retreated into five garrisoned houses. Four of these were within musket-shot of each other. The fifth stood at thc distance of a mUe, Between the four neighboring ones were gathered aU the cattle belonging to the inhabitants. " In the morning two of the Indians showed themselves behind a hill, near one of the four garrisons, with an intention to decoy the inhabitants out of their fortifications. The alarm was immediately given. A considerable part of the men in this garrison, and several firom the next, imprudently went out to surprise them ; when a large body, who had been lying in ambush for this purpose, arose instantaneously, and fired upon them , The EngUsh fled. Another party of the Indians, at the same time, carae upon the rear of the nearest garrison, thus deprived of its defence, and began to pull down the palisades. The flying English retreated to the next garrison ; and the women and children, forsaken as they were, escaped, under the protection of Providence, to the same placb of safety. The ungarrisoned houses in the town were then set on fire by the savages. " In a simUar manner they attempted to surprise the solitary garrison, one of their people being employed to decoy the English out of it, into an ambush in the neighbor- rood. The watch, however, discovering the ambush, gave the alarm, and prevented the mischief intended. The next day the Indians withdrew ; having burnt about forty dweUing-houses and the church, together wUh barns and out-houses, John Monoco, their leader, during the preceding day, with the same spirit which is exhibited with so much vanity and haughtiness in the proclamations of General Burgoyne, the duke ot Brunswick when entering France, and General Le Clerk when attacking St, Domin go, insulted the inhabUants of Groton with his former exploits in burning Lancaster and Medfield ; threatened that he would burn Groton, Chelmsford, Concord, and Bos ton ; and declared, amid many taunts and blasphemies, that he could do whatever he pleased. His threatening against Groton he executed ; but, instead of burning the other towns, he was taken a prisoner a few months afterwards, led through the streets of Boston with a haUer about his neck, and hanged. His three compeers in haughtiness 392 HOLLISTON. met with a fate differing in form from his ; but by the inglorious and miserable end of their efforts are exhibited to mankind as solemn monitions of the madness, as weU as impiety, of arrogating to a human arm that disposal of events which belongs only to God, One would think, that Sennacherib and Rabshakeh had long since taught this lesson effectually. For Monoco, ignorance may be pleaded ; for the Christian boasters there is no excuse." HOLLISTON The first settlements were made in this town about 1710. In 1724, the people had increased to thirty-four families, and finding it inconvenient, on account of the distance, to attend meeting and do duty in Sherburne, they petitioned the town to set them off", which was amicably voted. The same year, (1724) they were incorporated by the general court ; and as a mark of respect for Thomas Hollis, of London, one of the patrons of the university in Cambridge, the place was called HoUiston. The soil in this town is generaUy of a good quality ; a small branch of Charles river rises in this town, and affords a good water-power. There is one woollen factory, one of thread, and one of combs. A considerable quantity of brogans are made here, employing about 300 men, wo men and children. There are 2 churches, 1 for Congregationalists and 1 Methodist. Distance, 21 miles S. of Concord, 6 N. E. of Hopkinton, and 24 south-westerly from Boston. Population, 1,775. In 1837, there were manufactured in this town 20,803 pairs of boots, 244,578 pairs of shoes, valued at $241,626; males employ ed, 312 ; females, 149. There were 26,580 straw bonnets manu factured, valued at $33,210. The first church was gathered, and Mr, James Stone was or dained the first pastor here, in 1728. In 1743, Mr. Joshua Prentiss was ordained the second minister ; he continued pastor 42 years, and died in 1788. He was succeeded by Mr. Timothy Dickinson, the third minister, who was ordained in 1789. December, 1753, ahd January, 1754, were remarkable for what is called the great sickness in HoUiston. " The patients were violently seized Avith a piercing pain in the breast or side ; to be seized with a pain in the head was not common ; the fever high. The greater part of those that died were rational to the last ; they lived three, four, five, and six days after they were taken. In some instances, it appears, they strangled, by not being able to expectorate ; some in this case, who were thought to be in their last moments, were recovered by administering oil. In about six weeks fifty-three persons died, forty-one of whora died within twenty-two days." The following account of this sickness is extracted from the account kept by the Rev. Mr. Prentiss. " December 31st, seven lay unburied. Janu ary 4th, ten lay unburied, in which week seventeen died. There were two, three, four, and five buried for many days successively. Of those who died, fifteen were members of this church." " Wb are extremely weakened by the desolation death has made in many of the most substantial families among us ; four families wholly broken up, losing both their heads. The sickness was so HOPKINTON. 393 prevalent, that but few families escaped ; for more than a month, there was not enough well to tend the sick and bury the dead, though they spent their whole time in these services ; but the sick sufl'ered and the dead lay unburied; and that, notwithstanding help was procured, and charitable assistance afforded, by many in the neighboring towns." "We are a small town, consisting of about eighty families, and not more than four hundred souls." HOPKINTON, The principal part of this town was purchased of the natives by Mr. Leverett, president of Harvard college : its Indian name was Quansigomog. A hill in the eastern part of the town was called hy the natives Megonko. It was purchased for the purpose of perpetuating the legacy of Edward Hopkins, Esq. to Harvard col lege, and was called Hopkinton, in honor to his name. It was leased out by the president and trustees of the coUege to the first settlers. The settlement began about the year 1710 or 12, and was never interrupted ; the town was incorporated in December, 1715. Hopkinton is hilly, interspersed with small valleys, and well watered. There are two ponds in the westerly part of this town. From one, which is called White-Hall Pond, issues one of the ex treme branches of the Concord river, which empties itself into the Merrimac. From the other, called the North Pond, (although it lies nearly south of the first, about two miles distant,) issues one of the extreme branches of Providence or Blackstone river. One of the extreme branches of Charles river also takes its rise in this town. The Mineral Spring in this town, near White-Hall Pond, is much visited. It contains carbonic acid, and carbonate of lime, and iron. There is a large and commodious hotel at this place, and it is a fashionable place of resort, situated within three and a half miles of the Boston and Worcester railroad, at Westborough, and 7 miles from the Blackstone canal, at Northbridge. There are in the town 4 churches, (2 Congregational, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Methodist,) 2 cotton factories, and 2,166 inhabitants. Distant 24 miles S. W. of Concord, 30 northerly from Providence, 14 easterly from Worcester, and 30 miles S. W. of Boston. In 1837, there were 3 cotton mills ; 3,428 spindles ; cotton goods manufactured, 655,900 yards ; valued at $55,350. There were 72,300 pairs of boots and 15,600 pairs of shoes manufactured, valued at $152,300; males employed, 234 ; females, 24. There were 2,950 straw bonnets manufactured, valued at $5,350. The first church was gathered, and the first pastor. Rev. Samuel Barrett, was ordained, in 1724; in 1772, Rev. Elijah Fitch Was ordained colleague pastor with Mr. Barrett. Mr. Fitch died in 1788, and was succeeded by Rev. Nathaniel Howe, in 1791. Some time after the ordination of Mr. Barrett, the first Congregational 53 394 H OP KINTON. Western view in the central part of Hopkinton. minister, a number of the inhabitantsof the Episcopal order living in the town, the Rev. Roger Price, a gentleman of eminence and ability, came from England, and erected a house near the middle of the town for public worship, and endowed it with a glebe, and public worship was performed under his mmistry for a number of years. After his removal to England, he sent the Rev. Mr. Trout- beck, who officiated as minister for some tirae. — The two churches in the central part of the town, represented in the above engraving, are situated on an elevated hill, which descends with considerable abruptness to the eastward. In or about the year 1746, twelve men and a boy were enlisted in this town, by Capt. Prescott, of Concord, to go upon the expe dition to Cuba. They went, and all died there, except the boy. The boy returned ; and it was remarked by the old people, that they were twelve of the most robust young men in the town. Their names were Edward Carrel, Henry Walker, Henry Walker, Jr., Gideon Gould, Sainuel Frale, Samuel demons, Ebenezer CoUer, Samuel Rosseau. Francis Peirce, Thomas Belloes, Eleazer Rider, Cornelius Claflen, Within the Umits of this town was formerly a viUage of praying Indians; the following is from Gookin's account: " Magunkaquog is the seventh town where praying Indians inhabit. The signification of the place's name is a place of great trees. It is situated partly within the bounds of Natick and partly upon the lands granted to the country. It lieth west-southerly from Boston about twenty-four miles, near the mid-way between Natick and Hassanamessit. The number of their families is about eleven, and about fifty-five souls. There are men and women, eight members of the church at Natick, and about fifteen baptized per sons. The quantity of the land belonging to it is about three thousand acres. The Indians .plant upon a great hill, whieh is HOPKINTON. 395 very fertile. These people worship God and keep the Sabbath, and observe civil order, as do the other towns. They have a con stable and other oflScers. Their ruler's name is Pamphaman ; a sober and active man, and pious. Their teacher's name is Job ; a person well accepted for piety and abilities among them. This town was the last settling of the old towns. They have plenty of corn, and keep some cattle, horses, and swine, for which the place is well accommodated." The following is extracted from a second edition of a Century Sermon, preached in this place in 1815, by the Rev. Mr. Howe. It is introduced here to show the nature of some of the controversies which, owing to human imperfection, will occasionally take place between a minister and his people. Of the merits of the following case, the author has no information, excepting what is published in the sermon. He would, however, observe, that in controversies of this kind there is generally some fault on both sides, and that men, when associated in a body, will oftentimes do acts which they would be ashamed to do in their private capacity. Mr. Howe, in the course of this sermon, says — "When the public took sides upon politics, your minister was a federalist, though he was sensible a very great majority of the town were of diflferent sentiments. He be lieved then, as he believes now, that he ought to have more regard to his country than to any particular part of it ; and when he has occasionally preached political sermons, they have repeatedly occasioned uncomfortable feelings. " Another difficulty your minister has had to encounter was the want of support. A vast change has taken place in the expenses of dressing and living since my ordina tion, and yet no addition has been made to ray salary. "When a candidate, I determined I would never settle till I saw a reasonable pros pect of a comfortable support, and when settled that I would never complain of my salary, I remained of this mind till I had been your minister for fifteen years. " Borne down with the fatigues of manual labor, pressed into the woods in the win ter, to the plough in the spring, and into the meadow in the sumraer, to support my fainily comfortably and fulfil my promises, I felt the business of the ministry was greatly neglected ; — that it was impossible for rae to do what ought to be done in my profession, unless the people did more toward my support. " I committed my thoughts to paper, then communicated them to four brethren of the church, then to the church as a body, and afterward to the town." The following is extracted from this communication : " When you gave me a call to settle with you in the gospel ministry, and the town had concurred and made their proposals, I took the matter under serious consideration. I considered the unanimity of the church and town as favorable circumstances, and the proposals that were made with respect to my support, as reasonable, though not large. The ministerial land I was sensible was good, though the state of cultivation was very bad, and the fences extremely poor. It then appeared to me, if I should be favored with prosperity, with the knowledge I thought I had of agriculture, that I should be able to support a family. With those views I gave my answer in the affirmative, was ordained, and soon had a family. At this time, every article of provision was low, labor was cheap, and my income was suflicient for my support. But within two years from my ordination, money began to depreciate, and the price of labor to rise ; my sala ry has continued depreciating and labor rising, till it is not worth more than half what It was when I was settled, " I have always been sensible of the difiiculty of transacting money business with any people ; and from this impression have labored with my hands, to make provision for my family, and fulfil my promises, I have scarcely ever suffered myself to make any complaints ; but I find at present, that my expenses are increasing and my income decreasing. This has led me into considerable perplexity with respect to my duty. If 396 HOPKINTON, I ask a dismission and remove, it must be with a considerable loss of property. If I remain as I am, I see no reason to expect any better times. If I exert myself more in laboring with my hands, it must be disadvantageous both to you and me ; for then I must neglect my professional business. If I advertise my house and land for sale, it will appear precipitate. If I propose to the town to purchase it for the next minister, and ask them to dismiss me ; I know not how this will operate. I do not wish to leave the ministry ; but if I should ever remove, it is full time, for I have probably spent the best part of my life among you. Fifteen years ago, the expense of candidate preach ing was four or five dollars a Sabbath; now it is eight or ten. Then the members of our general court had one dollar per day, now they have two dollars per day. A com mon laborer at that time had fifty-five or sixty dollars per year ; now they have 130, 140, and some 150 doUars a year. ##**#* " In these circumstances, brethren, 1 request your advice. Shall I ask a dismission ? Or, shall I ask to have the depreciation made up on my salary? ShaU I ask the town to purchase my house and land ? Or, shall I advertise it in a public paper ? Or, ought I to remain satisfied as I am ? " It costs me this year one hundred and fifty doUars for one raan's labor, who can not do my business either winter or sumraer ; and if I add to this sum the reasonable expense of his board, it will amount to as much as the town pay to my support. It will be said that the ministerial land is much more productive than formerly : this is true ; but how comes it to pass ? Is it not in consequence of the labor and expense I have been at to cultivate and fence it ? Some years I have expended as much ou the land as the whole of the income, " If it should be said I have other income, I ask, is it right for me to spend the pro perty that was left to my wife, by her parents, while I am preaching to a people weU able to support me, when, perhaps, by and by, she may be left in poverty and dis tress ? " If a farm be let out at the halves, the buildings and fences wiU soon be out of re pair, and the land impoverished. If all the labor be hired to carry on afann, and pay the other expenses, the income to the owner will be but small. I say these things to show you my situation, and to convince you, that, should I ask a dismission in a few months, you ought not to think it unreasonable." The manner in which the town acted upon Mr. Howe's com munication is seen by the following. " The town met on Dec, 15, 1806, Mr, Howe was called upon to read to the town the communication he had made to the church. Upon which the vote was put, ' to see if the town will (on account of the depreciation of money) add $116 67 to the yearly salary of the Rev, Nathaniel Howe, till such time as labor and provisions fall in their prices as low as when he was ordained,' This passed in the negative by a large ma jority, "Then Mr, Howe proposed to see if the town would add f 116 67 till such time as the members of our general court receive less than two doUars per day for their ser vices. This was negatived by a large majority, " Then Mr, Howe proposed to see if the town will add S116 67 for seven years, from the first day of January next. This passed in the negative by a large majority. " Then Mr, Howe proposed to see if the town wiU make up one half the depreciation on his salary, from this time, while he continues their minister. This passed in the negative by a large majority. " Then Mr. Howe proposed to see if the town will, in future, give him two hundred dollars for his annual salary, and average it on labor, corn, rye, cider, butter and cheese, beef and pork, at the prices they bore on the day of his ordination. This passed in the negative by a large majority. " Then Mr, Howe proposed to see if the town wUl purchase his house and land, and keep it for the next minister. This passed in the negative by a large majority. " Then Mr, Howe proposed to see if the town will request the church by a vote to grant him a dismission. This passed in the negative by a large majority. " Then Mr, Howe said he had but one proposition more to make ; which was, to see It the town were willing he should publish the communication he had made to the church, and read to the town this day, and all the doings of the town thereon. And this also passed in the negative by a large majority. Attest, EPHRAIM READ, Town Clerk." Near the conclusion of the sermon Mr. Howe says, — LEXINGTON. 397 " My brethren, may I ask a question, a plain, simple question ? How shaU I obtain your consent ? ShaU I take silence for consent ? Your countenances discover a wil lingness. " The question is this : do you know by what means I have become so rich as tc have a great house, finished and furnished ; a farm, a herd of cattle, a flock of sheep, horses, and money at interest ? I say nothing about my debts to-day. " ShaU I answer the question ? The principal reason is this ; because I have been doing your business, and neglecting my own. What is your business ? Your bu.siness is to support your minister ; and that is what I have been doing, for more than twenty years. And what is my business ? My business is to study and preach ; and in this I have never abounded. It is true, I have been absent from public worship not more than four or five Sabbaths for twenty-five years ; but I have frequently been present, and attempted to preach, when it has been mortifying to me, and could not have been edifying to you. I have sometimes administered reproof, both to the church and the society, in a manner that has been thought to discover some degree of severity ; but in these cases you have always had good sense enough to know you richly deserved it." LEXINGTON. This town was incorporated in 1712. The face of the town is rather rough and uneven, and the soil is not of the first quality for ciUtivation. There are, however, some good farms and extensive meadows on the branches of the Shawshine river, several of which rise in this town. In 1837, the value of boots and shoes manufac tured in this place was $12,278; fur caps manufactured, 60,000 muffs and neck ties, 600; fur capes, 400 ; fur gloves, 1,000 pairs value of these articles, $73,000 ; males employed, 25 ; females, 75 capital invested, $55,000. There was also an establishment for calico printing. Population, 1,622. Distance, 7 miles from Con cord, 13 from Lowell, and 10 from Boston. The following is a representation of the far-famed spot where the first blood was shed at the opening of the great drama of the Revo lution. The engraving is a western view from the Concord road, showing the Unitarian church, and the monument on Lexington green, or common. The monument is situated on a small eleva tion of ground on the western side of the green ; a small school- house stood on this spot at the tirae the British troops fired upon the Americans, on the memorable 19th of April, 1775. The church seen in the engraving stands on the same spot where the ancient church stood, which was taken down in 1794, when the present building was erected. The following is the inscription on the monument : — Sacred to the Liberty and the Bights of Mankind ! ! !— The Freedom & Independ ence of America,— Sealed and defended with the blood of her sons,— This Monument is erected— By the InhabUants of Lexington— Under the patronage, and at the expense of— The Commonwealth of Massachusetts,— To the memory of their Fellow-Citizens —Ensign Robert Munroe, Messrs, Jonas Parker,— Samuel Hadley, Jonathan Harring ton, Jun'— Isaac Muzzy, Caleb Harrington, and John Brown— Of Lexington, and Asahel Porter of Woburn— Who feU on this field, the first victims to the— Sword of British Tyranny & Oppression— On the morning of the ever memorable— Nineteenth of April, An, Dom. 1775.— The Die was Cast ! ! !— The Blood of these Martyrs— In the cause of God & their Country,— Was the Cement of the Union of these States then- Colonies, & gave the spring to the Spirit, Firmness— And Resolution of their FeUow- 398 LEXINGTON, Congregational Church and Monument at Lexington. CUizens — They rose as one man to revenge their brethren's — Blood, and at the point of the sword to assist fe — Defend their native Rights. — They nobly dared to be free I ! — The contest was long, bloody & aflecting, — Righteous Heaven approved the solemn appeal ; — Victory crowned their arms ; — And the Peace, Liberty, & Independence, of the United — States of America, was their glorious Reward, — Built iu the year 1799. The house seen between the church and the monument was in 1775 the public inn, kept by Mr. John Buckman ; it is now the re sidence of Mr. Rufus Merriam. The Americans at the time they were fired upon were paraded, perhaps, four or five rods eastward of the monument, towards the barn seen in the engraving. In the extreme distance, on the right, is seen the tower of the Baptist church, on the Boston road. The village in the vicinity of the churches consists of about forty dwelling-houses, most of which are situated south-westward of the monument. The following is a view of the ancient meetmg-house and other buildings, as they appeared in 1775. In the afternoon, on their retreat, tliiC British troops fired a cannon ball through this meeting house ; it passed out through the pulpit Avindow. The drawing was made frora a large print, published by Mr. Amos Doolittle, of New Haven, Con., in 1775. Mr. Doolittle and Mr. Eari, who raade the original drawing, were both raerabers of the governor's guard at New Haven, which company, when the news of the bloodshed at Lexington reached New Haven, immediately volun teered their services, took up their march for Boston, and joined the American array investing that place. The company continued at Cambridge for a number of weeks before they returned. While here, Mr. Earl and Mr. Doolittle visited Lexington and Concord, and took a drawing of the buildings and surrounding scenery, par ticularly at Lexington, where the first blood was shed.* * The author of this work would here state that he was personally acquainted with Mr. DooUttie, and has conversed with him repeatedly upon the subject of these draw- LEXINGTON. 399 View of Lexington Meetmg-lwuse and Buckman's Tavern in 1775. "At about 10 o'clock in the evening ofthe 18th, a detachment of British troops, consisting of grenadiers and light infantry, in all about eight hundred, embarked from Boston in boats, and landed at Lechmere Point in Cambridge, just as the moon rose. To pre vent discovery, they took a bypath leading to the main road, which obliged them to wade through marshy places and water to a con siderable depth. " Governor Gage, by posting sentinels, endeavored to prevent the carrying intelligence of the embarkation of the troops into the country. But nothing of the kind could escape the notice of the vigilant and active General Warren and his compatriots. Colonel Revere and a Mr. Lincoln had been seasonably sent out of Boston, to give information to Hancock and Adams, and to others, of the movement of the British troops, and what might be expected. Revere and Lincoln, one through CharlesVown, the other through Roxbury, met at Lexington. They both brought written com munications from General Warren, that a large body of the king's troops (supposed to be a brigade of twelve or fifteen hundred men) had embarked in boats, and gone over to Lechmere Point, and it was suspected they were ordered to seize and destroy the stores belonging to the colony, then deposited at Concord. The march ings. They were four in number, and were engraved by Mr. DooUttie. Plate 1 , repre sented the Battle of Lexington. Plate 2. A 'View of the Town of Concord, with the ministerial troops destroying the stores. Plate 3. The Battle at the North Bridge, at Concord. Plate 4. The South Part of Lexington, where the first detachment was joined by Lord Percy. Being familiar with these engravings, and having visited the places of which they are a representation, the author would state that these plates, though rude in execution, and defective in point of perspective, are from drawings teien o« the spot, giving a faithful representation of the houses, fee, as they appeared at that time. These engravings may be considered as the first regular series of historical prints ever pubUshed in this country. Mr. Doolittle, the engraver, died in 1832, after having industriously applied himself to the bu.siness of engraving for more than half a century. The " Battle of Lexington" was his first attempt in the art ; and it may be men tioned, as somewhat remarkable, that the last day he was able to perform any labor, he assisted the author of this work in engraving a reduced copy of this plate. 40O LEXINGTON, of the British troops was silent and rapid. A little before 5 o'clock, A. M., they arrived at Lexington, near the meeting-house, and in sight of the militia there collected." Major Pitcairn, (who was afterwards killed at Bunker HUl,) led the van ; he rode up, and, addressing the mUitia as rebels, or dered them to throw down tlieir arras and disperse. This order, as far as it regarded the throioing down of their arms, appears not to have been obeyed. Pitcairn then fired his pistol, and, flourishing his sword, ordered his soldiers to fire. Eight of the Americans were killed ; three or four by the first fire of the British, the others after they had left the parade. The following deposition of Mr. Wood, of Woburn, published in Rev. Dr. Ripley's "History ofthe Fight at Concord," gives a circumstantial account of this event. " I, Sylvanus Wood, of Woburn, in the county of Middlesex and commonwealth ot Massachusetts, aged seventy-four years, do testify and say, that on the morning ofthe 19th of April, 1773, I was an inhabitant of Woburn, living with Deacon Obediah Ken dall; that about an hour before the break of day on said morning, I heard the Lexing ton bell ring ; and fearing there was difficulty there, I immediately arose, took my gun, and with Robert Douglass went in haste to Lexington, which was about three miles distant. When I arrived there, I inquired of Captain Parker, the coramander of the Lexington company, what was the news, Parker told me he did not know what to beUeve, for a man had come up about half an hour before, and informed him that the British troops were not on the road. But while we were talking, a messenger came up and told the captain that the British troops were within half a mile. Parker imme diately turned to his drummer, WUliam Diraan, and ordered him to beat to arms, which was done. Captain Parker then asked me ifl would parade with his company. I told hira I would, Parker then asked me if the young raan with rae would parade. I spoke to Douglass, and he said he would follow the captain and me. By this time many of the company had gathered around the captain at the hearing of the drum, where we stood, which was about halfway between the meeting-house and Buckman's tavern. Parker says to his men, ' Every man of you, who is equipped, follow me, — and those of you who are not equipped, go into the meeting-house and furnish your selves from the magazine, and immediately join the company,' Parker led those of us who were equipped to the north end of Lexington common, near the Bedford road, and formed us in single file, I was stationed about in the center of the company. While we were standing, I left my place, and went from one end of the company to the other, and counted every man who was paraded, and the whole number was thirty- eight and no more,* Just as I had finished and got back to ray place, I perceived the British troops had arrived on the spot between the raeeting-liouse and Buckman's, near where Captain Parker stood when he first led off his men. The British troops immediately wheeled so as to cut off those who had gone into the meeting-house. The British troops approached us rapidly in platoons, with a general officer on horseback at their head. The officer came up to within about two rods of the center of the com pany, where I stood, the first platoon being about three rods distant. They there halted. The officer then swung his sword, and said, ' Lay down your arras, you damn'd rebels, or you are all dead raen — fire.' Sorae guns were fired by the British at us from the first platoon, but no person was killed or hurt, being probably charged only with powder. Just at this time. Captain Parker ordered every man to take care of himself. The company imraediately dispersed ; and while the company was dispersing and leaping over the wall, the second platoon of the British fired, and kUled some of our men. There was not a gun fired by any of Captain Parker's company within my knowledge, I was so situated that I must have known it, had any thing of the kind taken place before a total dispersion of our company, I have been intimately acquaint ed with the inhabitants of Lexington, and particularly with those of Captain Parker's. company, and, with one exception, I have never heard any of them say or pretend that there was any firing at the British from Parker's company, or any individual in' it, un til within a year or two. One member of the company told me, many years since, that • This does not include those who went into the meeting-house and were " cut off.' THE BRITISH TROOPS FIRING ON THE AMERICANS AT LEXINGTON. Copied from a drawing raade by Mr. Eatle, on the spot, a few days after the Americans were kUled. — Lexingtou Meeting House aud some other buildings are seen in the background. LINCOLN. 401 after Parker's company had dispersed, and he was at some distance, he gave them ' the guts of his gun.' " After the British had begun their march to Concord, I returned to the common, and found Robert Roe and Jonas Parker lying dead at the north corner of the common, near the Bedford road, and others dead and wounded. I assisted in carrying the dead into the meeting-house. I then proceeded towards Concord with my gun, and when I came near the tavern in Lexington, now kept by Mr, Viles, I saw a British soldier seated on the bank by the road, I went to him, with my gun in readiness to fire, if he should offer to resist. I took his gun, cutlass, and equipments from him. I then proceeded with hira towards Lexington, and meeting a Mr. Welch and another person, I deUvered the prisoner to thera. " After Welch arrived in Lexington with the prisoner, I understood that another prisoner was taken by Mr. John Flagg, and that they were conducted to Burlington, and put under the care of Captain James Reed. I believe that the soldier who surren dered his gun to me was the first prisoner taken by the Americans on that day, SYLVANUS WOOD," " Middlesex, ss. June nth, 1826. Then the above-named Sylvanus Wood personaUy appeared, and subscribed and made oath to the foregoing affidavit. " Before me, NATHAN BROOKS, Justice of the Peace." The following is copied from an inscription on a monument in the Lexington grave-ya,rd. Here Ues the body ofhis Excellency WiUiam Eustiss, who was born at Cambridge, June 10th, 1753, and died in Boston, Feb. 6th, 1825. He served his country as a sur geon through the Revolutionary War. In her political aflTairs he subsequently took an active lead : he successively filled the distinguished places of Secretary at War of the United States, Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at the Court of the Netherlands, Representative to the National Congress, and Govemor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To the honored and beloved memory of a Revolutionary Patriot, a servant of his country in its highest trusts, a friend to his country in its darkest hours, an eminent orator, a practical statesman, a dutiful son, an affectionate husband, this monument is erected by his mourning widow, Caroline Langdon Eustiss. He hastened to his country's service on the eventful morning of the 19th of April, 1775, and here, within the precincts, haUowed by the blood which was shed that day, after an hon orable and useful Ufe, he rests in peace and hope, conformably lo liis last wish, by his mother's side. LINCOLN. Tms town was incorporated as the second precinct of Concord in 1746. ' It was incorporated as a town in 1754, by the name of Lincoln, which name was given by Chambers Russell, Esq., whose ancestors were from Lincolnshire, England. The town averages about 5 miles in length and 3 in Ijreadth. It has all the varieties of soil, from the richest to the poorest. Though rough and un even, it contains some of the best farms in the county. The most celebrated is that known at different times as the Russell, Codman, and Percival farm. Flint's or Sandy Pond, containing about 197 acres, derived its name from its being situated on the farm of Ephraim Flint, one of the original owners of Lincoln. It is a favorite resort for pickerel ; and its fisheries have been con sidered of so much importance, that an act was passed by the le gislature, in 1824, prohibiting any person, under the penalty of $2, from fishing with " more than one hook" between the 1st of De- 54 402 LITTLETON. cember and April. Lincoln is three and a half miles south-east erly from Concord, and 16 north-westerly from Boston. Popula tion, 694. It contains one Congregational church, which is situ ated on a hill 470 feet above high-water mark in Boston. This building has been several times repaired. A steeple was built in 1755, and furnished with a bell, the gift of Mr. Joseph Brooks. The first minister. Rev. Wm. Lawrence, was ordained in 1748. The following is the inscription on his monument : " In memory of the Rev. WilUam Lawrence, A, M., Pastor of the church of Christ m Lincoln, who died April 11, 1780, in the 57th year of his age, and 32d of his minis try. He was a gentleman of good abilities, both natural and acquired, a. judicious divine, a faithful minister, and firm supporter of the order of the churches. In his last sickness, which was long and distressing, he exhibited a temper characteristic of the minister and christian. ' Be thou faithful unto death, and I wUl give thee a crown of life.' " LITTLETON. This town was formerly a gore of land not included in any of the adjoining towns : it remained in this st^te many years after they were incorporated. It was but thinly inhabited by some English people, together with Indians living on their ancient settle ments, and was known by the name of Nashoba. In 1715, upon the petition of one Whitcomb and Powers, this place was incorpo rated into a town, by the name of Littleton. It was so called after the narae of the Hon. George Lyttleton, Esq., member of Parlia ment, and one of the commissioners of the treasury. In return for the honor done to his name, the noble gentleman presented this town with a church bell ; but, on account of an error in spelling the name, caused by substituting the i for the y, which formed the word Littleton, the valuable present miscarried, and was finally withheld, under the pretence that no such town as Lyttleton, to which the bell was to be presented, could anywhere be found. It is stated, that the sarae bell is now in the possession and use of the town in this commonwealth which purchased it. The first settled minister was Rev. Benjamin Shattuck, who was ordained in Dec. 1717. He continued in the ministry about 13 years, and was succeeded by Rev. Daniel Rogers, who died in 1782, after a ministry of more than half a century. He was succeeded by Rev. Edmund Foster, who was ordained in 1781. Littleton is principally an agricultural town. Population, 876. Distance, 10 miles from Concord, 5 miles from Groton, and 26 from Boston. Mr. Gookin, in his history of the Indian tribes, gives the following account of this place : " Nashoba is the sixth praying Indian town. This viUage is situated in a manner va. the center between Chelmsford, Lancaster, Groton, and Concord, about 25 mUes west-north-west of Boston. The inhabitants are about ten families, and consequently about fifty souls. This village is four miles square. The people live here as in In- ^an villages, upon planting corn, fishing, hunting, and sometimes labouring with the ingiish people. Their ruler of late years was John Ahatawana, a pious man. After LITTLETON. 403 his decease, Pennekennet, or Pennekannet, became their chief. Their teacher's name was John 'Thomas, a sober and pious man. The father of this John (Thomas) was murdered by the Maquas Indians, in the most secret manner, as he was fishing for eels at his wear. He was a pious and useful man In this place are or chards of apples. Near unto this town is a pond, wherein, at some seasons, there is a strange rumbUng noise, as the Indians affirm; the reason thereof is not yet known. Some have considered the hill adjacent as hollow, wherein the wind, being pent, is the cause of this rumbling, as in earthquakes. At this place they attend civU and reli. gious order, as in other praying towns ; and they have a constable and other officers. This town was deserted during the Maquas war in 1676 ; but is now again peopled, and in a hopeful way to prosper."* " The pond above mentioned" (says Mr. Foster ui his Century Sermon in 1815) " must be Nagog It lies on the eastern extremity of this town." The report of a strange noise, heard occasionally in this pond, was not without foundation. But the noise was not in the water, as they imagined, but from a hill, ly ing in a north-west direction, and about half a mile distant from the pond, partly in Littleton and partly in Westford, known by the name of Nashoba Hill. A rumbling noise, frora time to time, has been heard from this hill ever since the settleraent ofthe town. It has been repeated within two years past, and is called " the shooting of Nashoba Hill." At the south-easterly part of the town, and on the northerly side of a pond lying there, the Indians erected and maintained a fort, which gave to the waters adjoining the name of Fort Pond. The fort was built on an elevated spot of ground, occupied and im proved by the Indians, according to their manner of cultivation. The principal owner, or oldest possessor, of this plot of ground, was an Indian by the name of Spean ; and the land is known to this day by the name of " Spean's Hill." " The oldest dwelling- house in this town (says Mr. Foster) was erected as a garrison- house for the defence of the English settlers against their Indian enemies. This ancient and much decayed building is situated on the south-easterly side of Nashoba Hill. It is in possession of the family of Mr. Samuel Reed, deceased, is now inhabited by his widow, and is said to have been standing more than 170 years." In the Indian war, Isaac and Jacob Shepherd were killed, and a young maid, about the age of 15, was taken captive by the Indians. She had been set to watch the enemy on a hill, which lies about a third of a mile south of Nashoba Hill, on the road leading to Bos ton, and was called Quagana Hill. Tradition says that this girl was carried by the savages to Nashawa, now called Lancaster, or to some place in the neighborhood of it ; that in the dead of night, she took a saddle from under the head of her Indian keeper, when sunk in sleep, increased by the fumes of ardent spirit, put the sad dle on a horse, mounted on him, swam him across Nashawa river, and so escaped the hands of her captors, and arrived safe to her relatives and friends. , . ¦- — ¦- ..I ¦ ¦ .,.— .1 -^.1 J' ¦ I * Gookin's Historical Collections, chap. 7, p. 188. 404 LOWELL. LOWELL. The city of Lowell is now a part of the land granted for a town, called Wamesit, by the general court to the Pawtucket Indians, once the most powerful tribe north of the Massachusetts. The his torian Gookin states that " the tribe was almost wholly destroyed by the sickness in 1612 and '13; and at this day (1674) there are not above two hundred and fifty men, besides women and children. What that disease was, that so generally and mortally swept away these and other Indians in New England, I cannot learn. Doubt less it was some pestilential disease. I have discoursed with some Indians, that were then youths, who say ' that their bodies were exceeding yellow before, and after they died,' describing it by a yellow garment they showed me." The foUowing account of Wa mesit is from Gookin's Historical account of the Indians. "Wamesit* is the Mth praying town; and this place is situated upon the Merrimac river, being a neck of land where Concord river falleth into Merrimac river. It is about twenty miles from Boston, N. N. W., and within five miles of Billerica, and as much fVom Chelmsford ; so that it hath Concord river upon the W, N, W. and Merrimac upon the N,N, E, It hath about fifteen families, and consequently seventy-five souls. 'The quantity of land belonging to it is about twenty-five hundred acres. The land is fer tile, and yieldeth plenty of corn. It is excellently accommodated with a fishing place ; aud there is taken a variety of fish in their season, as salmon, shad, lamprey-eels, stur geon, bass, and divers others. There is a great confluence of Indians, that usually resort to this place in the fishing seasons. Of these strange Indians, divers are vicious and wicked, men and women, which Satan makes use of to obstruct the prosperity of religion here. The ruler of this people is called Numphow. He is one of the blood of their chief sachems. Their teacher is called Samuel ; son to the rjiler, a young man of good parts, and can speak, read, and write English competently. He is one of those that was bred up at school, at the charge of the corporation for the Indians. These Indians, if they were diligent and industrious, to which they have been frequently ex cited, might get much by their fish, especially fresh salraon, which are of esteem and a good price at Boston in the season ; and the Indians being stored with horses of a low price, might furnish the market fully, being hut a short distance from it. And divers other sorts of fish they might salt or pickle, as sturgeon and bass ; which would be much to their profit. But notwithstanding divers arguments used to persuade them, and some orders made to encourage them ; yet their idleness and improvidence doth hitherto prevail. " At this place, once a year, at the beginning of May, the English magistrate keeps his court, accompanied with Mr, Eliot, the minister ; who at this time takes his oppor tunity to preach, not only to the inhabitants, but to as many of the strange Indians as can be persuaded to hear him ; of which sort, usually, in times of peace, there are con siderable numbers at that season. And this place being an ancient and capital seal of Indians, they come to fish ; and this good man takes this opportunity to spread the net of the gospel, to fish for their souls." In 1726, Wamesit was annexed to the town of Chelmsford. Tradition says that the house erected by the Indians for public worship was built of logs, and located on the high ground at the head of Appleton street. As the English population increased, the Indians decreased, till their number became very small, when they sold out their remaining lands and removed to the north. Their last abiding place here was, it is stated, on Fort Hill, around which portions of a trench dug by thera are still visible. "The town of Lowell, as incorporated by an act of the legislature, * Now in Lowell, previously in Tewksbury .—For a number of interesting particu lars respecting the history of Lowell, the author is indebted to Floyd's Lowell Direc tory for 1837. Ilrawn by J. W. B»ibet— EiiEraved by E, L. Bubsr, New Htrea, Conn. EAST VIEW OF LOWELL, MASS. The above is an eastern view of the central part of LoweU as seen from the elevated ground on the Dracut or northern side of Merrimie river. The entrance of Concord river into the Merrimac is seen on the left. LOWELL. 405 passed on the first day of March, 1826, contained four square miles, and was formerly the north-eastern section of the town of Chelms ford. Thfe legislature, in 1834, annexed Belvidere village, the westerly corner of Tewksbury, to Lowell. This annexation ex tends the territory of Lowell to nearly five square miles. The population of Lowell in 1820 was about 2,000 ; in 1828, 3,532 ; in 1830, 6,477; in 1832, 10,254; in 1833, 12,363. In 1837, it was 18,010. " The first effort to promote manufactures in this place were made in 1813. In consequence of the restrictions that were laid on commerce, and of the war with Great Britain, the attention of many enterprising men was directed to domestic manufactures. Capt. Phi neas Whiting and Capt. Josiah Fletcher, having selected an eligible site on Concord river, at the Wamesit falls, about a hundred rods from the Merrimac, erected, at the expense of about $3,000, a large wooden buUding for a cotton manufactory. In 1818, they sold their buUdings and their right to the water-power, to Mr. Thomas Hurd. Mr. Hurd afterwards fitted up the wooden factory, and erected a large brick one and several dwelling-houses, and improv ed the same for fabricating woollen goods. The woollen factory was destroyed by fire on the 30th of June, 1826, but was rebuilt immediately after. Mr. Hurd continued the business till the great pressure in 1828, when he was compelled to assign his property for the benefit of his creditors, and which was afterwards pur chased by the Middlesex Company. "About the year 1820, Messrs. Patrick T. Jackson, Nathan Ap pleton, and Kirk Boott, of Boston, entered into a design to form a company for the purpose of manufacturing cotton goods, particu larly calicoes. They accordingly commenced an enquiry for a suitable water privilege. A large number of privileges were ex amined, and, for various reasons, rejected. At length Mr. Paul Moody, then connected with the manufacturing establishments at Waltham, while on a visit to his friends in Amesbury, met with Mr. Worthen, a gentleman of taste, with views congenial to his own, to whom he mentioned that an extensive water privilege was want ed by the above-named gentlemen. Mr. Worthen replied, ' Why do they not purchase the land around the Pawtucket falls, in Chelmsford? They can put up as many works as they please, and never want for water.' This conversation resulted in a visit of these gentlemen to this place, and from observation they were both satisfied that the privilege was exactly what was wanted. The Pawtucket canal was immediately purchased by Messrs. Jackson, Appleton, and Boott. " This canal was projected about the year 1790, and the propri etors were incorporated in 1792, by the name of ' The Proprietors of the Locks and Canals on Merrimac River.' It was open for the purpose of facilitating the transportation of wood and lumber from the interior to Newburyport. It is about one mile and a half in length, had four sets of locks, and was built at the expense of $50,000. Its direction is nearly east, and it enters Concord river. 406 LOWELL. just above its junction with the Merrimac, where the water is thirty-two feet lower than at the head of the Pawtucket faUs. "It is worthy of reraark, that a few years before the purchase was made by Messrs. Jackson, Appleton, and Boott, an engineer was sent to exaraine this place, by a nuraber of gentlemen in Boston, who made a report that there was no water privilege here. The company made the first purchase of real estate on the 2d of No vember, 1821. They began their work about the 1st of April, 1822. On the 10th of July, they began to dig the canal broader and deeper, and let the water into it about the 1st of September, 1823. Five hundred men were constantly employed in digging and blast ing. The gunpowder used in blasting amounted to f 6,000, at one shilling per pound. The whole expense of digging the canal was about $120,000. It is now sixty feet wide, has three sets of locks, and the water in it is eight feet deep, and is calculated to supply about fifty mills. In digging this canal ledges were found, conside rably below the old canal, which bore evident traces of its having once been the bed of the river. Many places were found worn into the ledge, as there usually are in falls, by stones kept con stantly in raotion by the water ; some of these cavities were one foot or more in diameter and two feet deep. " The company was first incorporated by the name of the ' Mer rimac Manufacturing Company.' In 1825, a new company was formed, called the ' Proprietors of Locks and Canals on Merrimac River,' to whom the Merrimac Manufacturing Company sold all the water privilege and all their real estate, together with the machine shop and its appurtenances, reserving water power suflBicient for five factories and the print works, and also the buildings occupied for boarding-houses, and the land on which they are situated. " There are ten houses for public worship in Lowell : 3 Baptist, 3 Congregational, 2 Methodist, 1 Universalist, and 1 Catholic ; 16 primary schools, 5 grararaar schools, and 1 high school. There are three banks, the 'City,' 'Lowell,' and 'Railroad' Banks. There are 5 newspapers published in this place. " Lowell becarae an incorporated city in February, 1836, by an act ofthe general court, accepted by a vote of the people April 11. On the first of May, the following oflicers were chosen for city go vernment. CITY OFFICERS. Elisha Bartlett, Mayor. ALDERMEN. William Austin, Oliver M. Whipple, Seth Ames, Benjamin Walker, Aaron Mansur, Alexander Wright. COMMON COUNCIL. Thomas Nesmith, Henry J. Baxter, Stephen Mansur, Thomas Ordway, Weld Spaulding, John Mixer, Samuel Garland, Jonathan Bowers, John A. Savels, George Brownell, Sidney Spaulding, James Cook, LOWELL 407 Cyril French, John Clark, Josiah B. French, Horace Howard, James Russell, Jonathan Tyler, William Wyman, H. W. Hastings, David Dana, Erastus Douglass, David Nourse, Tappan Wentworth. SCHOOL COMMITTEE. Rev. Lemuel Porter, John A. Knowles, Dr. John 0. Green, Jacob Robbins, Rev. A. Blanchard, Thomas Hopkinson. Samuel A. Coburn, City Clerk. Zacheus Shed, City Marshall.'^ "The Lowell railroad, from the capital and commercial emporium of Massachusetts to Lowell, the greatest manufacturing town in the state, was very early projected. It was obviously important, after it was known that Lowell was rapidly increasing, and the manufacturing establishments greatly extending, that the mode of conveyance, both fbr men and goods, should be facilitated as to time and expense. The passing of boats on the Middlesex canal, which extends almost the whole distance, is very slow ; usually not more than three miles an hour. The turnpike was, in most cases, a far better mode of conveyance. Railroads were then in operation in England, and highly approved as means of conveying passengers and goods to and from the manufacturing towns, " No town in New England has grown up so rapidly as LoweU. It is but about fif teen years since the settlements began ; and it now contains seventeen thousand inhabit ants. The capital employed in the manufacturing business is over seven and a half milUons. In 1830, the travel between this place and Boston had become very great ; and during that year a company was incorporated for constructing a railroad ; and in 1835, it was opened for travel. It is constructed in a strong and durable raanner. It has an iron edge rail, resting on cast-iron chairs, on stone blocks, and a stone founda tion. " The distance, frora the north-west part of Boston, where the road begins, to LoweU, is twenty-five miles and one thousand feet. For a great distance it is nearly straight. The time usuaUy occupied in the passage is one hour and fifteen minutes. There is a cut through a solid rock or ledge, of six hundred feet, which was made at the expense of forty thousand dollars. In the sumraer season, there are four trains of cars each way, every day in the week, excepting Sundays, The fare for a single passenger is one dollar ; and goods are transported at far less expense than they can be in any other way. The first cost and additional expenses to the close of 1835 araounted to 1,500,000 dollars ; and the receipts up to the same time, being the income for conveying people and goods, including raoneys paid for assessments on shares, were $1,361,000 ; of which $45,000 was received of passengers and owners of property transported. It is propos ed to have a double track on this railroad ; and a second has been commenced, the cost of which is estimated at 8300,000. " The usual rate of travel has been already stated. The cars can be run in much less time, and have, in some instances, passed over the whole road in fifty-six minutes. The number of persons conveyed on this road during the present year is far greater than the last ; but the precise number we are unable to give. " It is intended to extend the road to Nashua, in New Hampshire, and thence to Concord in that state. A branch from South Andover, to unite with the Lowell road at Wilmington, a distance of seven miles and a half, has been opened this year ; and it is proposed to continue it frora Andover to Haverhill." — American Magazine, vol. iu. 1837. The following account of the business done in LoweU is taken entire from the Statistical Tables, published by the state in 1837. " Cotton miUs, 22 ; cotton spindles, 141,334 ; cotton consumed, 16,053,000 pounds ; cotton goods manufactured, 48,434,000 yards ; value of sarae, $5,434,000 ; males em ployed, 862 ; females, 5,685; capital invested, 86,167,000. Woollen mills, including 1 carpet mUl, 5 ; sets of wooUen machinery, 42 ; wool consumed, 1,010,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, (including 147,000 yards carpeting and rugs,) 912,600 yurds ; value of woollen goods manufactured, $1,070,000 ; males employed, 359 ; females, 461 ; capi tal invested, $580,000 ; sperm oU used by manufacturers, 46,110 gallons ; olive oU, 15,000 gallons. Anthracite coal used by the c6tton and wooUen manufactories, 10,750 55 408 LOWELL. tons. Saxony sheep, 25; merino sheep, 25 ; Sdxony wool produced, 75 lbs. ; merino wool, 75 lbs, ; average weight of fleece, 3 lbs, ; value of wool, $100 ; capital invested, $200. Boots raanufactured, 3,450 pairs ; shoes, 12,350 pairs ; value of boots and shoes, $27,250; raales employed, 5i ; females, 19. Tinware manufactories, 3; value of tin ware, $11,000; hands employed, 10. Cotton batting mills, 4; capital invested, $20,000 ; Ijatting manufactured, 600,000 lbs. ; value of same, $75,000 ; raales employed, 30 ; females, 18, Printing and dyeing cotton goods, 3 mills ; capital invested, $700,000 cotton goods dyed and printed, 12,220,000 yards ; males eraployed, 450 ; females, 35 value of printing and dyeing, $550,000, PowdermiUs, 10 ; capital invested, $125,000 powder manufactured, 50,000 casks ; value of powder, $125,000 ; materials used, salt petre, 1,000,000 lbs,; brimstone, 150,000 lbs,; hands employed, 50, Carriage and harness manufactories, 3 ; capital invested, $20,000 ; value of manufactures, $37,000 ; hands eraployed, 30, Flour mill, 1 ; hands employed, 8 ; capital invested, $20,000 ; 60 barrels flour made per day, value not estimated. Card factory, 1 ; capital invested, $8,000; value of cards manufactured, $12,000; wire used in the raanufactory, i tons ; males eraployed, 4 ; females, 4. Reed factory, 1 ; capital employed, $2,000 ; value of manufacture, $6,000 ; wire used in the manufacture, 2 tons ; males employ ed, 2 Whip manufactory, 1 ; capital invested, $2,000 ; value of whips manufactured, $6,000; males eraployed, 4; females, 2, Brass and copper raanufactory, 1 ; capital invested, $2,500 ; value of raanufactures, $20,000 ; hands eraployed, 10. EstabUsh ments for manufacture of cotton machinery, engines and cars for railroads, Ice, 3; capital invested, $500,000 ; value of manufactures, $300,000 ; wrought and cast iron used in the said raanufactures, 1,200 tons; coal used, 400 tons ; oil used, 2,300 gallons ; hands eraployed, 500." The following respecting Lowell is extracted from M. Cheva lier's work on the United States, recently published in Europe. This traveller visited Lowell in 1834. " Lowell is a town which dates its existence twelve years, with 14 or 15,000 inhabit ants, including the adjoining Faubourg of Belvidere. Twelve years ago it was an uncultivated solitude, whose silence was broken only by the murmur of the Uttle river, the Concord, and by the roar of the transparent waters of the Merrimac over the ledges of granite which obstruct their passage. Now, here are immense buildings of five, six, seven stories each, surmounted with a sraall white cupola rising above the red brick work, and reflected on the neighboring hills which bound the horizon. Here are small square houses of wood painted white, with green blinds, very neat, and enclosed — well furnished with . carpets, with trees about them, or brick houses, in the English fashion, that is to say, pretty, — plain without, and comfortable within. " On one side are shops, stores, fashionable shops, (magazins de modes,) without number, for women abound in Lowell, large hotels after the American fashion, hke barracks, — the only barracks at Lowell ; on the other hand are canals, water-wheels, cascades, bridges, foundries, banks, schools, bookstores, for there is much reading here ; reading is, in fine, their only amuseraent, and there are no less than seven news papers, "In every direction are churches of every sect, — Episcopal, Baptist, Congregational ists, Methodist, Universalists, Unitarians, fcc; there is also a Catholic chapel. Here are all the edifices of a flourishing city of the old world, with the exception of prisons, hospitals, and theatres. Here are the sounds of hammers, of shuttles, of beUs, which call and dismiss the operatives ; here are stage coaches wth six horses arriving and departing. Here is the noise of gunpowder, blowing up rocks to make a passage for the water or to level the ground ; here is the peaceful farm of a laborious popu lation, all whose moveraents are as regular as clock-work, — a population not born at Lowell, and of which the half will die soraewhere else, after having successively laid the foundation of three or four other cUies ; for the American of pure blood has this in common with the Tartars, that he is encamped, not fixed, on the soU which he occu pies. " Massachusetts and the neighboring states, composing New England, contain manu facturing towns similar to Lowell, but no other has attained the sarae size. "Unlike the cities of Europe which were built by sorae derai-god, son of Jupiter, or by some hero of the siege of Troy, or by an inspiration of the genius of a Caesar or an Alexander, or by the assistance of some holy monk, attracting crowds by his miracles, or by the caprice of some great king, like Louis XIV. or Frederick, or by an edict of Peter the Great, it is neither a pious foundation, a refuge of the proscribed, nor a mili- Wiy post. It is a speculation of the merchants of Boston. The same spirit of enterprise, M A L D E N . 409 which the last year suggested to them to send a cargo of ice to Calcutta, that Lord WUUam Bentinck and the Nabobs of the India Company might drink their wine cool, has led them to build a city, wholly at their expense, with aU the edifices required by au advanced civiUzation, for the purpose of manufacturing cotton cloths and printed cali coes. They have succeeded, as they usually do in their speculations. The dividends • if the manufacturing companies of Lowell are usually 5 to 6 per cent, semi-annually. " Manufactures of cotton, which in America only date from the last war with Eng land, are making rapid progress, notwithstanding the modification of the tariff, result ing from the late demonstrations of South Carolina, has somewhat cooled the ardor for manufacturing. Boston, like Liverpool, seems destined to have her Lancashire about her. As waterfalls aliound in New England, in conformity with the general law applicable to regions of granite, it will be a long time before it will be necessary to resort to steam-engines. " This portion of America is generally far from fertile. It required the perseverance, and even the obstinacy of the Puritans, to transport thither the charms of civilized life. It is broken, mountainous, cold. It is the commencement of the chain of the AUega- nies, which runs towards the Gulf of Mexico, leaving the Atlantic coast. The inhabit ants possess in the highest degree a genius for mechanics. They are patient, skilfiU, full of invention ; — they must succeed in manufactures. It is in fact already done, and Lowell is a little Manchester. More than 30,000 bales of cotton are consumed there, or one sixth of the whole consumption of the United States, beside wool, which is there manufactured into broadcloths, carpets, and cassimeres. To increase the resemblance between Liverpool and their city, the merchants of Boston have decided that there shall be a railroad from Boston to Lowell, the distance being ten leagues. They have not permitted this raUroad to be constructed in the bold style and of the temporary character which are found in most of the American raUroads. They wished a Roman work, and their engineers have given them one. They have made them a railroad certainly the most soUd which exists in the world. They have only omitted the fine workmanship, the cut stone arches, the columns and monumental architecture, which make the Liverpool and Manchester railroad one of the wonders of modern times. These magnificent ornaments are of no importance. The raUroad from Bos ton to Lowell, in its Roman or Cyclopean simplicity, wiU cost 800,000 francs the league," MALDEN. Malden was originally a part of Charlestown. It was probably incorporated a distinct town about 1649. Some uncertainty exists respecting the exact time of the incorporation of sorae of the ancient towns in the state, frora the fact that such acts cannot be found in print. The records which remain are oftentimes quite laconic. The record respecting Maiden is thus expressed: "The Mistic north side men are incorporated into a town called Maiden." From this it appears that the bounds of the town were made to include all that part of Charlestown lying north of Mystic river. The precise period of erecting the first meeting-house is not known. It appears, however, that one existed in 1682, frora the town order of that date, which provides "that the meeting house be repaired, to keep out the weather, and to save the sills from rotting." At this time, the town was in possession of a bell, which for many years was placed upon an elevated rock, termed Bell Rock. This custom of locating the town's bell upon an elevation near the meeting-house was quite a common usage among the early settlers. The first church gathered in the town was in 1648. In 1651, they called a minister to the pastoral office, without the consent of the neighboring churches, and without permission from the legal 410 MALDEN. authority; for this they were fined by the general court. Mr. Blackman and Mr. Thomas Cheever appear to have been the first ministers ; after these. Rev. Michael Wigglesworth was pastor, and was a popular minister in the times in which he lived, being cotemporary with the famous Cotton Mather. Mr. Wigglesworth, " when the weakness of his lungs disqualified him from preaching, would strive, with his pen, to render truth attractive, by invest ing her with the garb of poetry." His " Day of Doom" went through six editions in this country, and was republished in London. It comprises a version, after the manner of Sternhold and Hopkins, of all the scripture texts relative to the final judg ment of man, and contains 224 stanzas of 8 lines each. He died in 1705, aged 74. Southern view of Maiden. The above is a view of the central part of Maiden, four and a half railes frora Boston, taken at the southern entrance of the village on the Boston road. The village consists of about 40 dwelling-houses, 4 churches, 1 Universalist, 1 Congregationalist, 1 Methodist, and 1 Baptist. The church appearing on the right is the Congregational ; the Universalist church, the largest in the village, is seen in the distance on the left. Population of the town, 2,303. In 1837, there were manufactured in this town 250 pairs of boots, 155,800 pairs of shoes, valued at $118,410 36 ; males employed, 214; feraales, 110. There were 5 establishments for currying leather ; 28,500 sides of leather were curried, valued at $99,750. The value of tin ware manufactured was $31,000; hands employed, 20. One rolling and slitting mill, which manu factured 550 tons of iron, valued at $78,000. There was also a last, dye wood, twine and block tin manufactory. The following are extracted from the ancient records : 1689. " Voted at a publick towne meeting, that no young trees under a foot over are to be felled for fire wood under a penalty of jiaying five shiUings for every such tree." MARLBOROUGH. 411 "The mark which Capt. John line doe put upon ye ears of those his cretures which he usuly eare markes — That is, ye top of ye near eare cut square of and a slit down in the same eare. Also a lialf peney cut out of ye under side of ye furder eare." 1684. " At a meeting of ye selectmen for ye regulation of Dis order in ye meeting house on ye Lord's day, by boys and youths playing, it is ordered by ye selectmen that all householders and masters of famUies in this town shall take their turns successively, every Lord's day, below and in the galleries." * In 1702, " John Sprague was appointed school master for the year msuing, to learn children and youth to Read and Wright ; and to Refmetick, according to his best skill ; And he is to have £10 paid him by the town for his pains. The school is to be kept for all ye inhabitants of ye town, and to be kept at four severall places, at four severall times, one quarter of a year in a place." MARLBOROUGH. A TRACT of land, six mUes square, was granted to a number of petitioners, inhabitants of Sudbury, in 1656, which was incor porated by the name of Marlborough, in May, 1660. The Indian name of this place was Okommakamesit. The last distinguished leader of the tribe, who resided here, was Onomog. By the reason assigned in the petition for the land, it appears that the EngUsh settlement was begun about 1654. The infant town was severely checked in its growth by the invasion of the savages. In Mr. Packard's account ofthe town (Mass. Hist. Coll., 4th vol.) it is stated, that, " on the Sabbath, when Mr. Brimsmead was in sermon, March 20, 1676, the worshipping assembly was suddenly dispersed by an outcry of ' Indians at the door.' The confusion of the first moment was instantly increased by a fire from the enemy ; but the God whom they were worshipping shielded their lives and limbs, excepting the arm of one Moses Newton, who was carrying an elderly and infirm woman to a place of safety. In a few minutes they were sheltered in their fort, with the mutual feelings peculiar to such a scene. Their meeting-house, and raany dwelling-houses, left without protection, were burnt. Fruit trees pilled and hacked, and other valuable effects rendered useless, perpetuated the barbarity of the savages, many years after the * " In 1675 and 1677, the general court passed several laws, founded upon the system of Alfred the Greatj designing thereby a better regulation of society, and a promotion of sound morals. These laws directed au appointment of tythingmen in each town, who were to have the inspection of 10 or 12 famiUes, and to prosecute for all trp.ns- gressions of the laws within their tythings or districts. Record is made of their appointment in this town as early as 1678. It was the duty of a tythingman to enforce the laws respecting the Sabbath, licensed houses, the use of spirituous liquors, and to see that no person was away from home after nine o'clock at night. How weU they discharged the duties of their office, the unruly who feU within their grasp would probably be the best judges." — Wright's Historical Discourse, Dec. 1831, 412 M ARLBO ROUGH. inhabitants returned. The enemy retired soon after their first onset, aeclining to risk the enterprise and martial prowess of the young plantation. The new settlers, being much debilitated by their various losses, being a frontier town, and still exposed to the ' adjudication ' of their savage neighbors, left their farms till the seat of war was further removed." Marlborough is one ofthe best agricultural towns in the county. Very little of what is called good land lies level, but is intersected in various directions by hills, declivities and valleys. The high lands are more moist, and less exposed to drought, than the inter vals below them, and often retain their verdure in dry seasons when the valleys are parched. This place is 14 miles south-west of Concord, 16 east of Worcester, and 25 west of Boston. Popu lation, 2,089. There are 4 churches : 1 Restorationist, 1 Ortho dox, 1 UniversaUst, and 1 Methodist. South-eastern view of Marlborough. The above is a south-eastern view of some of the principal buildings in the central part of Marlborough. The most prominent buUding seen on the left is the Universalist church ; the Congre gational church is the one seen in the distance, in the central part of the engraving. The West village is about one mile frora this place, and contains a Restorationist church and an academy. Feltonville village, in this town, i.s about three railes north. In 1837, there were manufactured in this town 103,000 pairs of shoes, valued at $41,200; there Avere 7,500 straw bonnets manu factured, valued at $10,850. Mr. Williara Brimsmead appears to have been the first rainister. He was ordained in 1666, and died in 1701. He Uved unraarried, and, according to tradition, appears to have been possessed of some singularities, one of which was his refusing to baptize children who were born on the Sabbath. Rev. Robert Breck was ordained here in 1707. He was succeeded by Rev. Benjamin Hunt, who MEDFORD. 413 was ordained m 1733, and dismissed in 1735. Rev. Aaron Smith was ordained in 1740, and dismissed in 1778. The next, the Rev. Asa Packard, was ordained in 1785. The following is copied from a monument in the grave-yard in the central village : — Reliquiee terrestres Theologi vere venerandi Bobekti Bkeck sub hoc tumulo con- servantur. Pars ccelestis ad ciElum myriadura angelorum et ad spiritus justorum qui perfecti sunt, abiit. Ingemi penetrantis : Quoad vires naturales, vir fuit amplissimEe mentis et judicii solidi una cum animi fortitudine singulari. Quod partes acquisitas special, in Unguis qua; doctse praesertim audiunt admodum peritus : — literarum poli- tarum raensura parum communi insiructus ; et quod aliis I'uit difiicile, lUe virtute genii proprii et studiis coar , , . , s feliciter subegit. In omnibus Theologiae partibus versatissiinns, et vere orthodoxiis scriba ad Eegnum Coelorura usquequaque institutus : officio pastoral! in Eccjesia Marlburieasi, ubi Spi ritus Sanctus ilium constituit Episcopum per xxvii, annos fideliter, sedulo, pacifice, multaque cum laude functus est, Doctrinae RevelatB?,, una cum cultu et regimine in Ecclesiis Novanglicanis institutis, assertor habilis et strenuus. Ad consilia danda in rebus arduis tura publicis turn privatis, integritate con.spicuus et prudentia instructissimus : — sincere dilexit amicos, patriam, et universam Christi ecclesiam. Denique, pietatis, omnis virtutis socialis, et quoad res terrenas, modera- minis, exemplar ; in doloribus asperis segritudinis ultimiE patieniia ejus opus perfee- tum habuit, et si non ovans, expectans tamen et placide discessit. Natus Decemb. 7, 1689. Denatus Januar. 6, 1731. Prophetas ipsi non in seculum vivunt. [Beneath this mound are preserved the earthly remains of that truly venerable theologian, Robert Breck. His celestial part has gone to the myriads of angels in heaven, and to the spirits of the just made perfect. He M-as of a discriminating genius ; and by nature a man of enlarged mind and sound judgment, united tn un- comraon courage of spirit. As to his acquired parts, he was in the learned tongues exceedingly skilful, and he was furnished with no common measure of polite litera, ture. What to others was difficult, he easily mastered by the force of his genius and his close application. In every department of theology he was well versed, and a truly orthodox scribe, thoroughly instructed unto the kingdom of heaven. He peacefully discharged the duties of the pastoral ofiice in the church at Marlborough, over which the Holy Ghost had made him Overseer, with diUgence, fidelity, and great success for 27 years. Of Divine Revelation, and of the doctrines, institutions and principles of the Churches of New England, he was an able and strenuous advocate. In giving counsel, in matters both public and private, he was conspicuous for his integrUy and wisdom. He sincerely loved his friends, his country, and the whole church of Christ. He was, in short, an exemplar of piety, of every social virtue, and of moderation in worldly desires. In the severe pangs of his last sickness, he finished his work in patience, and if not in triumph, yet in hope, he peacefully departed. Bom December 7, 1689. Died January 6, 1731. Even prophets do not live for ever,] MEDFORD. Medford is one of the oldest towns in Massachusetts, being incorporated in 1630. Gov. Dudley, in his letter of March 12th, 1630, to the countess of Lincoln, speaking of the " dispertion" of the settlers who had just arrived from England, says, " sorae of us upon Mistic, which we named Meadford." In Wood's New England Prospect, printed in London in 1639, the author, in giv ing an account of the various settlements, notices Mystic or Med- 414 MEDFORD. ford in the following manner : " The next town is Mistic, which is three miles from Charlestown by land, and a league and a half by water. It is seated by the water-side very pleasantly ; there are not many houses as yet. At the head of this river are great and spacious ponds, whither the alewives press to spawn. This being a noted place for that kind of fish, the English resort thither to take thera. On the west side of this river the Governor hath a farra, where he keeps most of his cattle. On the east side is Mr. Cradock's plantation, where he hath impaled a park, where he keeps his cattle, till he can store it with deer : Here, likewise, he is at charges of building ships. The last year one was upon the stocks of an hundred tons ; that being finished, they are to build one twice her burthen. Ships without either ballast or loading may fioat down this river; otherwise the oyster-bank would hinder them, which crosseth the channel." Southern view of Medford. Medford is a large and flourishing vUlage, built principally on the north-eastern bank of Mystic river, which here, though quite a narrow stream, is of sufficient depth to fioat to the ocean the numerous vessels which have been built in the place. There are in the village four churches, 2 Congregational, (one of which is Unitarian,) 1 Universalist, and 1 Methodist. The above engrav ing shows the appearance of the village as it is entered from the south, upon the Boston road. The south part of the town is com posed of rich marly soil, through which Mystic river winds its way to the ocean. The northern part of the town is broken and rocky. The Middlesex canal and the Lowell railroad pass to the westward of the village. Winter Hill, in this town, rises 124 feet above the level of the sea. It is noted in the history of the American Revo lution as the place of the encampment of Gen. Burgoyne and his army after their capture. Population, 2,075. Distance, 14 mUes from Concord, 2 west of Maiden, and 5 miles from Boston natick. 415 John Brooks, M. D., LL. D., and a governor of the common wealth, was a native and resident of this town. In 1837, there were 239 hands employed in ship-buUding ; 60 vessels were buUt during the five preceding years, the tonnage of which was 24,195-, valued at $1,112,970. One hat manufactory ; 10,043 hats were manufactured, valued at $40,275 ; hat bodies manufactured, 40,000, valued at $20,000. Bricks manufactured, 1,200,000, val ued at $7,200. Linseed oil manufactured, 13,500 gallons, from 7,300 bushels of seed; value of oU, $14,850. NATICK. This township was originally granted by the general court to the Indians, as a place for a permanent residence. It was incorpo rated into an English district in 1761, and into a town in 1781, by the name of Natick, a word in the Indian language, signifying ^^ the place of hills." It is watered by Charles river, and contains numerous fish-ponds. There are two vUlages, which are upwards of a mile apart. North Natick is a village newly erected ; it con sists of about 30 houses, two churches, 1 Congregational, and 1 Methodist. The Boston and Worcester railroad passes through this village. South Natick is the ancient village ; it consists of about 20 dwelling-houses and a Unitarian church. Population, 1,221. Distance from Concord, 12 miles, 9 frora Dedhara, and 16 from Boston. In 1837, there were 250,650 pairs of shoes manu factured here, valued at $213,052 50 ; males eraployed, 263 ; females, 189. The first Indian church in New England was formed here, fn 1660. The Indians were first brought together, by Mr. Eliot, at Nonantum, (in Newton) but not finding sufficient accommoda tion, they removed to Natick in 1651. Here they built a town on the banks of Charles river, " which consisted of three long streets; two on the Boston side of the river, and one on the other. To each house was attached a piece of ground. Most of the houses were built after the Indian fashion. One large house was erected in the English style, the lower apartment of which was employed as a school-room in the week, and as a place of worship on the Lord's day ; there was likewise a large handsome fort, of a circular figure, palisadoed with trees ; and a foot-bridge over the river, the foundation of which was secured with stone ; with several little houses after the English fashion." According to the advice of Mr. Eliot, they adopted the form of government pro posed by Jethro to Moses. About 100 of them met together, and chose one ruler of a hundred, two rulers of fifties, and ten rulers of tens. After their church was formed, they flourished under a succession of pious teachers, natives and English, until, by repeat ed wasting sickness and other causes so fatal to the race, they have now become nearly if not quite extinct. The following 56 416 NATICE. account of Natick, &c., is from the Memoirs of Eliot, by the Rev. Martin Moore, of Natick. " It lieth upon Charles river, eighteen miles south-west from Boston, and ten miles north-west from Dedham. It hath twenty -nine famiUes, which, computing five persons to a family, araount to one hundred and forty-five persons. The town contains about six thousand acres. The soil is good and weU watered, and produceth plenty of grain and fruit. The land was granted to the Indians at the motion of Mr. Eliot, by the general court of Massachusetts : and in the year 1651, a number of them combined together and formed a town, which is the place of the greatest name among Indians, and where their principal courts are held. * * * * " In this town was the first church of Indians embodied, in the year 1660. Unto this church sorae pious Indians of other places, both men and women, are since joined. The number of raen and women in full communion with this church were, in 1670, between forty and fifty. "We are to consider, that all those we call praying Indians are not all visible thurch members, or baptized persons ; which ordinance of baptism is not to be ad ministered unto any that are out of the visible church, until they profess their faith in Christ and obedience to him, but the infants of such as are members of the visible church are to be baptized. Here, I shall take the liberty, though it be a digres,sion, to relate a story of remark concerning a child at Natick, a youth of about eleven years of age, who was of a sober and grave carriage, and an attentive hearer of the word, considering his age and capacity, but he had a weak body and was consump tive. This child hearing Mr, Eliot preach upon a tirae at Natick when the ordinance of baptism was to be administered unto some children, whose parents had made pro fession of their faith and were joined to the church : upon which occasion Mr. Eliot said, that baptism was Christ's mark, which he ordered to be set upon his lambs, and that it was a manifest token of Christ's love to the ofiFspring of his people to set this mark upon thera. This chUd taking special notice of this passage, did often solicit his father and mother, that one or both of them would endeavour to join to the church, that he might be marked for one of Christ's lambs before he died. The parents, who were well inclined, especially the mother, and being also very affectionate to their chUd, as the Indians generaUy are, did seriously ponder the child's reiterated intreaties ; and not long after, first the mother, and then the father of the child, joined to the church. Soon after the lad was baptized ; in which he did greatly rejoice and triumph, that he was now marked for one of Christ's lambs. ' Now,' said he to his father and mother, ' I am willing to die ;' which shortly after came to pass ; and I doubt not, but as the child had Christ's name set upon hira in baptism and by faith, so his immortal soul is now in glory, rejoicing in comraunion with Christ, " There are raany Indians that Uve among those that have subjected themselves to the gospel, that are catechised ; who attend public worship, read the scriptures, pray in their families morning and evening, who have not yet attached themselves to the vi.'sible church. The manner practised by these Indians in the worship of God is thus. Upon the Lord's days, fast-days, and lecture-days, the people assemble together at the sound of a drum, (for bells they yet have not) twice a day, in the morning and after noon, on the Lord's days, but only once upon lecture-days, when one of their teachers begins with a solemn and aflTectionate prayer. In these acts of worship, for I have often been present with them, they demean themselves visibly with reverence, atten tion, modesty and solemnity ; the raen-kind sitting by themselves, and the women-kind by themselves, according to their age, quality and degree, in comely manner. And for my own part, I have no doubt, but am fuUy satisfied, according to the judgment of charity, that divers of them do fear God and are true believers ; but yet I wUl not deny but there may be some of them hypocrites, that profess reUgion, and yet are not sound-hearted. But things that are secret belong to God ; and things that are re vealed, unto us and our children. " Their teachers are generally chosen from among themselves, except some few EngUsh teachers of the most pious and able men among them. Mr. EUot hath of late years fallen into a practice araong the Indians, the better to prepare and furnish them with abilities to explicate and apply the scriptures, by setting up a lecture among them in logic and theology, once every fortnight aU the summer, at Natick : whereat he is present and ready, and reads and explains to them the principles of those arts. And God hath been pleased graciously so to bless these means, that several of them, especiaUy young men of acute parts, have gained much knowledge, and are able to speak methodically and profitably unto any plain text of scripture, yea, as weU as you can imagine such little means of learning can advantage them unto. From NATICK. 417 this church and town of Natick hath issued forth, as from a seminary of virtue and piety, divers teachers that are employed in several new praying towns. " In this town they have residing some of their principal rulers, the chief whereof is named Waban, who is now above seventy years of age. He is a person of great prudence and piety. I do not know any Indian that excels him. Other rulers there are living there, as Nattous and Piam, Boohan and others. These are good men and prudent, but inferior to the first. The teachers of this town are Anthony and John Speen, who are grave and pious men. They have two constables belonging to this place, chosen yearly; and there is a marshal-general belonging to all the praying Indian towns, called Captain Josiah, or Pennahanit. He doth attend the chief courts kept here, bnt he dweUs at another place, Nashobah." Mr. Eliot translated the whole Bible into the Natick (or Nip- muc) dialect. This Bible was printed at Cambridge, in 1663, and is the first Bible printed in America. A second edition was printed in 1685, in the correction of which Mr. Eliot received great assistance from Mr. John Cotton.* The following is the title-page : " Mamusse Wunneetupanatamwe Up Biblum God, Naneeswe Nukkone Testament Kah Wonk Wusku Testament." The following is the Lord's Prayer, in the Indian tongue, con tained in the above work. Our father heaven in hallowed thy name corae thy kingdom Nushun kesukqut ; Quttianatamunach ktowesuonk ; Peyaumuutch kukketassutamoonk; thy will done earth on as heaven in our food daily Kuttenantamoonk nen nach ohkeit neane kesukqut ; Nummeetsuongash asekesukoUsh give "us this this day and forgive us our sins as asamaiinean yeuyeu kesukod; Kah ahquontumaunnean nummatcheseongash neane wicked-doers we forgive them Also lead us not matchenekuk quengig nutahquontamounnonog ; Ahque sagkompagunaiinnean en temptation in Oh deUver us evU from for thine qutchhuaonganit; Wehe pohquohwussinnean mutch match itut ; Newutche kutahtaun kingdom and power and glory forever Amen. ketassutamoonk kah menuhkesuonk kah sohsumoonk micheme Amen. The foUowing is copied from a monument in the grave-yard near the Unitarian church in South Natick. Hie depositae sunt reliquiae domini reverendi Oliveki Peabody, viri, propter mentis facultates et Literaturam necessariam maxima veneratione digni. Speculationes the- ologicas optime delegit. In officio pastorali conspicue effulsit, per annos triginta, Populo apud Natick ministravit prsecipue aboriglnum eruditionis in religione Christi. ana causa. In vita sociali quoque fuit exemplar. Benevolentia Integra et hospitali- tate cathoUca maxime antecessit. Retributionem futuram certis.sime expectans, ministerium reliquit, die Februarii 2do, A. D. 1752, aetatis 54. [Here are deposited the remains of the reverend Oliver Peabody, a man venerable for the faculties of his mind and for all needful leaming. He delighted much in theological investigations. He discharged the pastoral office with great renown for thirty years ; ministering to the people of Natick, especially to Ihe aborigines, in the * " It is related that whUe Mr. Eliot was engaged in translating the Bible into the Indian language, he came to the following passage in Judges v, 28 : ' The mother of Sisera looked out at the window, and cried through the lattice,' &c. Not knowing an Indian word to signify lattice, he applied to several of the natives, and endeavored to describe to them what a lattice resembled. He described it as frame-work, netting, wicker, or whatever occurred to him as illustrative ; when they gave him a long, bar barous and unpronounceable word, as are most of the words in their language. Some years after, when he had leamed their dialect more correctly, he is said to have laughed outright upon finding that the Indians had given him the true term for eelpot. ' The mother of Sissra looked out at the window, and cried through the «4«t.' " 418 NEWTON. cause of sacred learning. He was a model in social Ufe. In benevolence and uni versal hospitality he was pre-eminent. In the firm expectation of a future retribution, he was caUed from his ministry on the 2d of February, A. D. 1752, aged 54 years,] NEWTON. The exact period of the commencement of the settlement of Newton is unknown. It was originally a part of Cambridge, and was styled Cambridge 'Village, or New Cambridge. It was incor porated in 1691. This is a beautiful agricultural and manufactur ing town, the Nonantiim of the Indians. It is 12 miles S. E. of Concord, 7 N. of Dedhara, and 7 railes west from Boston. Popu lation, 3,037. There are five churches, 2 Congregational, 2 Bap- Theological Seminary at Newton. tist, and 1 Episcopal. The Neicton Theological Seminary, under the patronage of the Baptist denomination, was founded in this place in 1825, and was incorporated by the legislature the next year. In 1828 a brick building, three stories in height, besides a basement story, 85 feet long and 49 wide, was erected, at an expense of about $10,000. Three convenient houses have been since erected for the professors. In the mansion-house are accommodations for the stew ard's family, a dining hall, a chapel, and recitation rooms. The regular course of study occupies three years. There are two vaca tions of six weeks each ; one frora the last Wednesday but one in August, the other frora the last Wednesday in March. The semi nary is about seven railes frora Boston, in a very healthy position, being beautifully situated on an elevated hill, which coramands an extensive prospect of Boston, and of the rich country around. In the central part of the town there are many elegant country resi dences. Newton lies in a bend of Charles river, which forms its bound ary on three sides, and, by two falls of considerable extent, affords NEWTON. 419 an extensive water power. There are two manufacturing viUages at these falls. The Upper Falls village is 9 miles from Boston and 7 from Dedham ; it consists of about 70 dwelling-houses, 2 churches, 1 Methodist and 1 Baptist, a nail factory, rolling mUl, and a ma chine shop, where 100 hands have been employed. At this place the water descends 35 feet in the distance of half a mile, and at one place pitches over a ledge of rocks 20 feet high. The village, which is well built, is irregularly situated on a rocky elevation which rises with some abruptness from the bed of the river. The Lower Falls vUlage is 11 miles from Boston, and about 2 miles N. W. from the Upper Falls village. A part of this vUlage is within the bounds of Needham ; it consists of about 50 dweUing-houses, an Episco pal church, and 10 paper-mills. The Boston and Worcester rail road passes to the north of this village. In 1837, there were 2 cotton mUls, 5,710 spindles ; 962,300 yards of cotton goods were manufactured, valued at $134,722 ; males employed, 53 ; females, 240 ; one woollen mill, 5 sets of wooUen machinery; 100,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $100,000; five paper-mUls; stock raanufactured, 975 tons; value of paper manufactured, $197,000 ; males employed, 53 ; females, 30 ; one nail manufactory ; nails manufactured, 700 tons, valued at $84,700 ; hands employed, 20 ; capital invested, $40,000 ; one manufactory of chairs and cabinet ware ; value of articles manu factured, $54,000 ; sixty males and six females employed ; one roUing mUl ; 950 tons of iron rolled, valued at $76,000. Value of soap and candles manufactured, $22,500; vitriol, 1,800,000 lbs., valued at $50,000 ; barUla, 130 tons, valued at $'1,550 ; value of machinery manufactured, $70,000; cost of materials, $35,000; capital invested, $120,000. Nonantum was " the first civilized and Christian settlement of Indians within the English colonies of North America." Mr. Goo kin, who formerly accompanied Mr. Eliot in his journeys, says " the first place he began to preach at was Nonantum, near Water- town, upon the south side of Charles river, about four or five miles from his own house ; where lived at that time Waban, one of their principal men, and some Indians with him." Mr. Eliot set out upon his mission in Oct., 1646, and sent forerunners to apprize the Indians of his intentions. Waban, a grave and wise man, of the same age of the missionary, forty-two, a person of influence, met him at a small distance from their settlement, and welcomed him to a large wigwam on the hill Nonantum. A considerable number of his countrymen assembled here from the neighborhood to hear the new doctrine. "After a short prayer in English, Mr. Eliot delivered a sermon (the first probably ever preached in this part of the old town) from Ezek, chap, xxxvii. ver, 9, 10 : 'Then said he unto me. Prophesy unto the wind, (to which the Indian term Waban is said to answer) prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, (say to Waban,) Thus saith the LoKD God, Come from the four winds, 0 breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live. So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived and stotS upon their feet, an exceeding great army.' This ser mon employed an hour. The preacher began with the principles of natural reUgion xcknowledged by themselves, and then proceeded to the leading doctrines and precepts 420 NEWTON. of Christianity. He repeated and explained the ten commandments. He informed them of the dreadful curse attending the violation of the divine law. He then spoke to them of the person of Jesds Christ, of the place of his present residence and exal tation, and of his coming to judge the world in flaming fire. He taught them the blessed state of all those who know and savingly believe in Christ. He related the creation and faU of man ; and spoke of the infinite greatness of God, of the joys of heaven, and the punishment of hell ; finally persuading them to repentance and a good Ufe, Having closed his sermon, he was desirous of knowing whether he had conveyed his sentiments inteUigibly, in a language so new to hiraself H& therefore inquired whether they comprehended his meaning ; to which their unanimous reply was, 'We understood all' Mr. Eliot and his friends then devoted about three hours to famUiar and friendly conference with thera, to hear and answer questions which naturally were suggested by the discourse. This first visit was received with cordial and general satisfaction. Many of his audience Ustened to the pathetic parts of the discourse with tears ; Waban, particularly, received those happy impressions which abode by him through life, and qualified him zealously and successfuUy to aid the generous design of converting his countrymen. " A still larger number attended the next visit of the apostolic Eliot to Nonantum, Nov, 11, He began first with the children, whoni he taught these three questions, and their answers, Q, 1. Who raade you and aU the world ' A.God. Q. 2. Whom do you expect to save you from sin and hell ? A. Jesus Christ, Q. 3, How many commandments hath God given you to keep ? A, Ten. He then preached about an hour to the whole company concerning the nature of God, and the necessity of faith in Jesus Christ for procuring his favor. He informed them what Jesus Christ had done and suffered for the salvation of sinners, and the dreadful judgments attendant upon the rejection of him and his salvation. The whole company appeared very serious. Liberty being given to ask questions for further information, an aged man stood up, and with tears inquired whether it was not too late for such an old man as he, who was near death, to repent and seek after God. Another asked how the English came to difier so much from the Indians in their knowledge of God and Jesus Christ, since they had all at first but one father. Another inquired how it came to pass that sea- water was salt and river-water fresh. Another, that if the water was higher than the earth, (as he supposed,) how it comes to pass that it does not overflow aU the earth. Mr. EUot and his friends spent several hours in answering these and some other ques tions. The Indians told them, upon their quitting them to return home in the evening, that ' they did much thank God for their coming ; and for what they had heard, they were wonderful things,' " At the third meeting, of Nov, 26, some of the Indians absented themselves through fear of their powaws or priests, who had threatened them with their secret power of inflicting the penalty of death upon those who should attend. One of these powaws was, however, immediately and solemnly addressed by the intrepid missionary, who silenced and convinced him. " Two or three days after this meeting, at which the audience appeared very serious, Wampas, a sage Indian, with two of his companions, carae to the English, and desired to be admitted into some of their famUies. He brought his son and two or three other Indian children with him, begging that they might be educated in the christian faith. His request was granted." A school was soon established among them, and the general court gave the neighboring Indians a tract of highland, called No nantum, and furnished thera with various impleraents of husbandry. The Indians raany of them professed Christianity, and the whole in the vicinity became settled, and conducted their affairs with prudence and industry. They erected a house of worship for theraselves ; they adopted the customs of their English neighbors, made laws, and had magistrates of their own. The increase of the Indian converts was such, that they found the place too strait for them, and there was a removal of the tribe to Natick, about 10 mUes S. W. of Nonantum. The records of the first church in this town were destroyed in the confiagration of the Rev. Mr. Merriam's house, in 1770. From NEWTON. 421 Other sources it appears that the first regular church gathered here was on July 20, 1664, and the first minister was Rev. John Eliot, Jr., son of the apostolic missionary of that name. He died, exceed ingly lamented, in 1668, in the 33d year of his age. Rev. Nehe miah Hobart was ordained his successor, Dec. 23, 1674. His character it is said may be collected from the following inscription placed on his tomb-stone : Hoc tumulo depositaa sunt reliquiae reverendi et perdocti D. D. Nehemi^e Hobart, CoUegU Harvardini socij lectissimi, ecclesiae Neotoniensis. per annos quadraginta pas toris fidelissimi et vigilantissimi, singulari gravitate, hiimilitate seque ac pietate et doctrina — a doctis et pijs eximia veneratione et amore recolendi. Natus erat Nov. 21, 1648. Denatus Aug. 25, 1712, anno aetatis 64. [In this tomb are deposUed the remains of the reverend and very learned teacher of divinity, Nehemiah Hobart, an estimable fellow of Harvard CoUege, a highly faithful and watchful pastor of the church of Newton for forty years. His singular gravity, huHiiUty, piety, and learning, rendered him the object of deep veneration and ardent esteem to men of science and religion. He was boru Nov. 21, 1648, and died Aug. 25, 1712, in the 64th year of his age,] Mr. Hobart was succeeded by Rev. John Cotton, who was or dained in 1714, and died in 1757. The following is the inscription on his monument : Hie depositum mori quod potuit reverendi vereque venerandi Johannis Cottoni, ecclesiae Newtoniensis fidelissimi, prudentissimi, doctissimique nuper peistoris, concio- nandi tam precandi facultate celeberrimi, pietate spectatissimi, moribus sanctissimis undequaque et suavissime ab omnibus bene meriti, deploratique auditoribus prjecipue, quibus vel mortuus concionari non desinit. Fama longe lateque vocalius et diutius marmore duratissirao, nomen perdulce proclamabit. Morbo non senecta fractus, e vita decessit. Mail 17, A. D, 1757, aetatis suae 64, officii ministralis 43. [Here lies the mortal part of the Rev, and truly venerable John Cotton, lately the very faithful, prudent and skilful pastor of the church of Newton, He was eminent for the faculty of praying and preaching, was respected for his piety, and held in high and universal esteem for his pure and attractive virtues. His loss is especially deplored by his flock, to whom even dead he ceases not to preach. Fame shall spread his en dearing name more loudly, extensively, and permanently than the most durable mar ble. Broken by disease, not by the infirmities of age, he departed this life May 17, A. D. 1757, in the 64th year ofhis age, and the 43d ofhis ministry.] Rev. Jonas Merriam succeeded Mr. Cotton, in 1758 ; he died in 1780, and his remains were conveyed to a family tomb in Boston. In 1780, a Baptist church was gathered in Newton, and Rev. Caleb Blood was pastor seven years ; he was succeeded by Rev. Mr. Grafton. Mr. Grafton died in December, 1836. Measures are taking to erect a monument to his memory. Captain Thomas Prentice, the partizan corara an der of horse so distinguished in King Philip's war, was of this town ; he died in 1709, at the age of 89, in consequence of a fall frora his horse. The following lines on the foot-stone of his grave have been de ciphered : " IV that's here interr'd needs no versifying, A virtuous life will keep the name from dying ; He'll live, though poets cease their scribbling rhym When that this stone shaU moulder'd be by tirae." Rev. John Elliot, A. M., son of the apostolic Elliot, assistant Indian nussionary. First paistor of the First Church, ordained on the day of its gathering, July 20, (Aug. 1, N. S.) 1664, eight years after the forming of a Society distinct from Cambridge, died Oct. 11th, 1668, JE XXXIII. Learned, Pious and beloved by English and Indians, 422 PEPPERELL. " My iyiag counsel is, secure an interest in the Lord Jesus Christ, and this wUl carry you safely to the world's end." As a preacher, lively, accomplished, zealons, and Heaven received his ascending Spirit, " 155 years since." — Erected by the town, 823. PEPPERELL. This town was incorporated in 1753. This town, with several others in the vicinity, sorae in Massachusetts and some in New Hampshire, were once included within the ancient limits of the town of Dunstable. The river Nashua forms the eastern boundary of the town, dividing it from Groton and the present town of Dunstable. The land bordering on the river is level, and the soil is good ; the land at a distance from the river is uneven. ' On Nisitissit river there are several mUls for various purposes, and the Nashua itself has several falls in its course along the border of the town, affording raany valuable water privileges. In the central part of the town there is a village, containing two Congregational churches, one of which is Unitarian, and an Insane Asylum, by Dr. Cutter. Population, 1,586. Distance, 17 miles from Concord, and 33 from Boston. In 1837, there were raanu factured 100 pairs of boots and 30,000 pairs of shoes, valued at $25,000; raales employed 30; females, 15. There were 3 paper-mills ; 550 tons of stock were raanufactured ; value of paper, $50,000; fifty hands (20 males, 30 females) were employed; 40,000 palm-leaf hats were manufactured, valued at $5,000. Maj. General Prescott, one of the commanders at the memorable battle of Bunker HiU, was a native of this town. READING. The town of Reading was incorporated in 1644. It is believed that the name of this town ought to have been applied to the town of South Reading, as the first settleraent of the ancient Reading appears to have been made within the present village of South Reading. This town was set off as a distinct precinct in 1769. There is much good land in this town, though some portions of it are uneven and hard of cultivation. The principal village in the town consists of about 30 dwelling-houses, handsomely built, and a number of stores, having a business-like appearance. There are two Congregational churches, one of which is Unitarian ; iu the northern part of the township there is another Congregational and a Baptist church. Population, 2,144. Distance, 17 miles from Concord, 10 west frora Salera, and 13 from Boston. In 1837 there were manufactured in this town 707 pairs of boots and 290,511 pairs of shoes, valued at $184,583 ; there were employed in this business 338 males and 494 females. There were eight manufactories of chairs and cabinet ware ; the value of chairs and SHERBURNE. 423 cabinet ware manufactured was $91,360; one hundred hands were employed. The following inscriptions are copied from monuments in the grave-yard of the principal village : Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Thomas Haven, the first Pastor of the 3d church in Reading, who quitted this scene of mortahty May 7th, 1782, in y« 39 year of his age, and 12th of his ministry. Stript of its earthly dress, a genius unfettered by bigotry, improved by study, sanctified by religion, ennobled by an evangelic temper, enlarged by the most diflTusive benevolence, has taken its flight to its native country. Beloved and esteemed as a most worthy character, whose exceUent and acquired abili ties and eminent moral endowments aflforded the most flattering hopes of great and growing usefulness, his exit at such an early period is sincerely lamented by aU his acquaintance, and raost especially a raost sorrowful event to the people of nis charge. According to common reckoning by days, months and years, his death was premature ; but computing human life by the advances made in knowledge, wisdom., piety and virtue, he lived to a good old age. In aflTectionate remembrance of James Bancroft, Esq, Venerated and beloved while living, his memory is blessed. Guided by Christian principle, he was enabled, through a long and useful life, to perform its various duties with fidelity, A defender of his country in her struggle for independence, he was magnanimous and devoted in the discharge of numerous civil offices, disinterested and faithful ; and a Deacon in the first church in the place during forty-six years, distinguished by integrity, consistency and independence. In private life he was endeared by mildness and benignity, and ever evinced obedience to the first command by an observance of the second " like unto it," He has gathered to his fathers, " as a shock of corn in its season," May 17, 1831 ; Mt. 92. SHERBURNE. This town was incorporated in 1674. It is separated from Dover and Medfield by Charles river. The township is on an elevated site, with a good soil. In the central part of the town there is a village, having two Congregational churches, one of which is Unitarian. Population, 1,037. Distance, 15 miles from Concord, 10 from Dedham, and 18 from Boston. In 1837, there were 40 pairs of boots and 48,000 pairs of shoes manufactured, valued at $40,000 ; sixty males and thirty females were eraployed ; 2,000 straw bonnets were manufactured, valued at $4,000. There was an axe, plough and fork manufactory. The value of whips raanu factured was $5,325 ; capital invested, $1,325 ; twenty-one hands were employed, seven of whom were females. Value of muskets manufactured, $1,600. SHIRLEY. This town was incorporated in 1753. This town is well watered, and a large proportion of the township consists of low lands, and its pastures are not considered so good as those of more hilly towns. In the central part of the town are two Con gregational churches, one of which is Unitarian. The largest 57 424 SOUTH READING, village in the town is in the southern part, near a stream which empties into Nashua river. There is a Universalist church in the viUage. A society of Shakers live on the southern borders of the town, and their lands extend into Lancaster, in Worcester county. The society consists of from 150 to 200 persons, and are distinguished for their neatness, industry, and the raising of garden seeds, &c. In 1837, there were 3 cotton mills, 2,568 spin dles ; 474,364 yards of cotton goods were manufactured, valued at $52,100; males employed, 19; females, 39; one woollen miU; 20,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $12,000; two paper-mills ; 300 tons of stock manufactured ; value of paper, $20,000; twenty hands (10 males, 10 females) eraployed; 70,000 palra-leaf hats were manufactured, valued at .$12,333. Popula tion, 967. Distance, 16 railes from Concord, 18 from Lowell, and 32 from Boston. SOUTH READING. The settlement of this place, now called South Reading, was first commenced by emigrants from Lynn. As early as the year 1639, a grant of land was made by the general court to the town of Lynn, as appears from the following extract from the records of the court : "Sept. 7, 1639. The petition of the inhabit ants of Lynn for a place for an inland plantation at the head of their bounds is granted them of four miles square." After this grant, certain persons from Lynn and other places imraediately commenced the settleraent of the place ; indeed, some had taken possession of certain spots of territory, and perhaps had removed hither, in 1638, the year before the grant. The settlement that coramenced was called Lynn Village, being a part of the town of Lynn. The land was also purchased of the Indians for £10 16s., and the deeds signed, in 1640, by Sagamore George, his sister Abigail, and Quanapowitt. Lynn village was incorporated by the narae of Reading about this tirae, being about five years since its first settlement. The following are the names of the first settlers, viz : Nicholas Brown, Boniface Burton, John Bacheller, Goodraan Barker, Goodman Blots, Isaac Barnup, Wm. Cowdrey, Thomas Clark, Josiah Dustin, Thomas Dunton, Samuel Dunton, Richard Walker, Geo. Davis, Wm. Fiaton, Jonas Eaton, Zachariah Fitch, Benjamin Fitch, Henry Feltch, Jeremiah Fitch, John Fuller, Goodman Gould, Thomas Hutchinson, Wm. Hooper, Samuel Walker, Thomas Hartshorn, Thomas Kendall, Goodman Knight, Wm. Mariin, Thoraas Marshall, John Poole, Thoraas Parker, John Person, Jeremiah Swaine, Richard Sader, Edward Taylor. SOUTH READING. 425 The first Congregational church in this town (being the 12th in the colony) was gathered in 1645, and Rev. Henry Green was ordained its first minister. Mr. Green died in 1648, and was suc ceeded by Rev. Samuel Haugh, in 1650. Johnson, in his " Wonder Working Providence of Zion's Saviour in New England," published about this time, says : " Reading is well watered, and situate about a great pond ; besides, it hath two miUs, the one a saw mill, the other a corn mill, which stand on two several streams. It hath not been so fruitful for children as her sister Woburn hath ; her habitation is fuller in the very centre of the country ; they are well stocked with cattle, for the number of people. They have gathered into a church and ordained a pastor from among themselves, at the same time a young man of good abilities to preach the word, and of a very humble behaviour, named Mr. Green, He, having finished his course, departed this life not long after, whose labors are with the Lord : after him succeeded in the place one Mr. Hagh, a young man, one of the first frqits of New England, a man studious to promote the truths of Christ. — They are both remembered in the following verse, written by Johnson : " On earth's bed thou at noon hast laid thy head, You that for Christ (as Green) here toiled have taken ; When nature fails, then rest it in earth's dead. Till Christ by 's word with glory thee awaken ; Young Hagh, thou must be second to this raan In field encounter, with Christ foes shalt thou Stand up and take his bright sword in thy hand, Error cut down, and raake stout stomacks bow. Green's gone before, thy warfare's now begun, And last it may to see Rome's Babel faU ; By weakest means Christ's mighty works hath done, Keep footing fast tiU Christ thee hence do call." The township of South Reading comprises a tract of 4,200 acres, and is about equidistant frora Boston, Cambridge, and Andover, being about ten mUes from each. It was originally the first parish in Reading. It was incorporated as a distinct town in 1812. About this period there was quite a political excitement in Read ing, as well as in many other places ; the inhabitants of the south parish, being mostly on the Democratic side, were left in the minority of the town. Feeling themselves aggrieved by their townsmen who were on the Federal side, they petitioned thS legislature for an act to incorporate them into a distinct town, which was accordingly granted. The following shows the appearance of the central part of South Reading, as it is seen while descending the hUl a little west of the village. On the left is seen the southern extremity of Reading Pond or lake, near which is the Congregational church ; the spire of the Baptist church is seen further to the south. South of the Congregational church extends a handsome green, called the " com mon," containing about 8 or 10 acres. The different parts of the town, when spoken of in reference to the residence of the people, are designated by the following terras : — "The Common," "Fitch's Hill," "Leather Street," "Side the Pond," "Cowdrey's Hill," "Lafayette Street," "Eaton Street," "Water Street," "Little Worid," " West Ward," " East Ward," and " South Ward." The village called the " Common " contains about twenty dwelling-houses, the two churches represented in the engraving, a number oi mercantile stores and mechanic shops, and a large 4^ south REAliin Western view of the central part of South Reading. hotel. This is the most thickly settled part of the town. That part called " Fitch's Hill" extends eastward of the north part of the Common, on the Salem road, about one fourth of a raile ; this spot received its narae from Zachary Fitch, who removed from Lynn, in 1644, and probably erected the first house in this part of the town. It was formerly caUed " Fitch's Lane," on account of its narrowness at that period. In reference to this, one raan rather unwittingly reraarked, " that it was so narrow that two teams could not meet." "Leather Street" extends westerly from the Common, on the road to Woburn and Reading ; it is said to have derived its name from the fact that, raany years since, a man lived in this street who was so rauch in the habit of stealing sole leather, that if any one lost this article it was said that it had gone to this street. That part designated " Side the Pond " extends about one mile on the Andover road, on the eastern verge of the Great Pond. " Cowdrey's Hill," in the western part of the town, received its name from the family of Cowdreys, who have long owned and still own a large portion of its territory. " Lafayette Street" was laid out for making building lots ; it is westerly frora the Common, and is about one furlong in extent. "Eaton Street" is on the easterly side of the Coraraon, and is a sort of court, extending about a furlong ; it was laid out in 1813, and received its name from L. Eaton, the proprietor of the land. Near this street is buUt the South Reading academy. " Water Street " extends easterly from the Common, about half a raile, towards Saugus ; it derives its name from running alongside of a current of water which comes from Smith's Pond, in the south part of the town. "Little World " is in the south-easterly part of the town, and was so named from its peculiar location, being somewhat remote from the center of the town, and is a small extent of territory surrounded by hills on every side. This spot was originally cleared and culti vated while all the land around was covered with trees, and thus south READING. 427 enclosing its inhabitants in what was called a " little world.*' " West Ward" includes that part of the town lymg west of the Common. "East Ward" is applied to the east and north-east part of the town ; " South Ward," to the southern part. The territorial extent of this town being quite limited, and most of the inhabitants being engaged in manufactures, very little attention is paid to agriculture ; the great staple and settled busi ness of the town is the manufacture of ladies' shoes. It is esti mated that of the four hundred male polls in the town, 250 are engaged in this manufacture. In 1837, there were manufactured 175,000 pairs of shoes, valued at $142,000 ; raales employed, 260; females, 186 ; value of tin ware manufactured, $24,000 ; hands employed, 28; value of block tin ware, $4,700; razor straps, $5,400; shoe tools, $3,000. Population, 1,488. Distance, > 18 miles from Concord, 10 from Salera, and 10 to Boston. The following is extracted from a manuscript History of South Reading, by Lilley Eaton, Esq., to which history the author is indebted for most of the facts relative to the history of this town : [In 1649,1 " Three married women were fined 5s. apiece for scolding. 1650. " 'The deputy to the general court was Richard Walker. The court ordered 400 acres of land to be laid out to Rev. Sarauel Haugh, " The majority of the court ordered a book lately imported from England, composed by Wm, Pynchon, of Springfield, on Redemption Justification, to be burnt in Boston, and its author called to an account. Deputy from Reading and 5 others dissented. 1662. " This year the town ordered that no woman, maid, nor boy, nor gall shall sit in the South Alley and East Alley of the M. House, upon penalty of twelvepence for every day they shall sit in the alley after the present day. — It was further ordered, ' That every dog that comes to the meeting after the present day, either of Lord's day or lecture days, except it be their dogs that pays for a dog whipper, the owner of those dogs shaU pay sixpence for every time they come to the meeting, that doth not pay the dog whipper.' The UEimes of 26 men are recorded as agreeing to pay to the dog whipper. 1664. " This year the town exchanged lands with Matthew Edwards, he paying 30s. and a gallon of liquor to boot. 1667. "This year the town contained 59 dwelling-houses. It was ordered, that every dog that comes into the meeting-house in time of service shaU pay sixpence for every time he comes. 1741. " CoUins, the Journalist remarks, ' that this year there were extraordinary commotions with respect to reUgion. The people meet often, especially at the East ward.' This extract refers to an excitement on the subject of religion begun the past year through the preaching of George Whitefield. Mr. Whitefield preached upon our common in the open air ; Mr. Hobby, the minister, went with the multitude to hear him. — It is said that Mr. Hobby afterwards remarked that he came to pick a hole in Mr. Whitefield's coat, but that he (Whitefield) picked a hole in his heart. Mr. H. afterwards wrote and published a defence of Mr. Whitefield, in a letter to Mr. Hench man, the minister of Lynn, who had written against him, 1799. " Twenty-three persons, members of the Baptist society, petitioned the parish for liberty to hold religious meetings in centre school house, wlien the sarae is not in use, and obUgating themselves to pay all damages — this request was not granted. 1800. " The meeting-house of the Baptist society was buiU this year ... the dimen sions of it were 34 by 38, with a porch. On the occasion of erecting the frame of this house, the society appointed a coraraittee to provide for the hands good beef, weU baked potatoes, bread and cheese, cider and grog, and enough of each, 1813. " The Universalist society ofthis town was formed. The town soon afler voted that the Universalists may use the centre school house for reUgious meetings one Sabbath in a month, preceding the full of the moon." The following inscriptions are from monuments in the ancient burying-ground in the center of the town : 428 STOW. Memento te esse mortalem — Fugit hora. Here lies fhe body of John Person. Aged 64 years. Died April 17, 1679 — vive memor Laethi — fugit hora. Sargent Thomas Kendall, died July 22, 1684. Aged 63 years. Reader weep, prepare to die I say, For death by none will be said nay. One of the 7, of this church foundation, So to remain tiU the powerful voice say Bise in health, a glorious habitation. A pattern of piety and of peace. But now, alas I how short his race. Here we mourn, and mourn we raust. To see Zion's stones Uke gold laid in dust. To the Memory of Capt. John Brown Esq,, who, after he had served his generation by the wUl of God, feU asleep March 11, A. D. 1717, J&. about 83. Witty, yet wise, grave, good, among the best. Was he. The memory of the just is blest. Prudent, a pattern, and more I say, A hearty mourner for the sins of the day ; Bless'd God, when dying, that he feared not death. His pious soul took wings, give up her breath, Dropp'd here her mantle in the sUent dust. Which waits the resurrection of the just. STONEHAM. This town was incorporated in 1725. It is about four mUes in length, and two in breadth. The surface of the township is rather rocky and uneven, and a considerable portion of it is wooded. There is a beautiful pond in the south part of the town, called Spot Pond, filled with pure water. The village, in the center of the town, consists of about 40 dwelling-houses. Distance, 15 miles from Concord, and 10 from Boston. Population, 932. The manufacture of shoes is the principal business of the town. In 1837, in the Statistical Tables published by the state, it is stated that in this town were " Shoes manufactured, 380,100 pairs; value of same, $184,717; males employed, 297; females, 180." STOW. The Indian names of this place were Pompsiticut and Shabbiikin, from " two notable hiUs." It appears that the first minister called to the pastoral office in this place was the Rev. John Eveleth ; this was in 1700. Mr. Eveleth was dismissed in 1717. Rev. John Gardner was ordained in 1718, as the next pastor ; he died in 1774, and was succeeded by Rev. Jonathan Newell the next year. Stow is 8 miles south-westerly from Concord, and 24 westward from Boston. It contains 1 Congregational church and 1,134 in habitants. The town is watered by Assabet river, on which is situated a broadcloth factory. Of late years the cultivation of hops has received considerable attention in this town. In 1837, SUDBURY. 429 there were In this town 2 woollen miUs, 7 sets of machinery ; 55,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $210,000 ; males employed, 40 ; females, 45. There were 587 pairs of boots and 61,044 pairs of shoes manufactured, valued at $18,905 50 ; males employed, 32 ; females, 30. The first settlement in this town appears to have been made by two adventurers from Charlestown, with their families, about the year 1650. Their names were Kettle and Boon ; they settled upon land which they purchased of the natives. Upon the breaking out of Philip's war, in 1675, these two defenceless settlers were so alarmed as to induce them to remove their families ; but the un happy Boon, in attempting to remove his household goods, was ambushed and murdered by the Indians. The affairs of this vil lage, as it was then called, were managed by a committee, under the appointment of the general court, until they were incorporated into a town in 1683, by the name of Stow. The first town officers were Sergeant Benjamin Bozworth, Thomas Stephens, Stephen Hall, Boaz Brown, and Joseph Freeman, selectmen; — Thomas Gates, constable. SUDBURY. Sudbury was first settled in 1638, and incorporated in 1639. The original number of sharers and settlers was 54. Mr. Edmund Brown, the first settled rainister, was ordained Aug., 1640; died June 22, 1677. Mr. Sherraan began to preach in Sudbury in 1677; in 1705, he was deposed from his pastoral office. Mr. Israel Loring was ordained pastor in 1706. Upon the division of the town, by the general court, the inhabitants of the west side of the river invited him to come over and settle with them, in 1722. In 1765, the number of houses on the west side of the river was 151 ; the number of famUies, 187 ; the number of inhabitants, 1,047; the number of church members, 203; of whom 76 were males and 127 females. Sudbury is divided on the east from Wayland by Sudbury river, on which large tracts of low land are annually overfiowed. There are 3 churches, 2 Congregational and 1 Methodist. There are about 30 houses in the central village. Distance, 7 miles south west of Concord, 24 north-east from Worcester, and 19 miles westward from Boston. Population, 1,388. There is a paper-mill in this town. In 1837, there were 50 tons of stock manufactured; value of paper, $5,463. The following is a western view of the monument of Captain Wadsworth and others, standing in an open field, about thirty rods eastward of the road, and a mUe south of the Congregational church in old Sudbury, in the central part of the town. It stands near a growth of pines and oaks, arid the soil on this spot is light and sandy. On the south and west there is a prospect of 430 TEWKSBURY. Monument of Captain Wadsworth and others. The following is the inscription the meadows on Sudbury river. on the monument : — " Capt. Sarauel Wadsworth of Milton, his Lieut. Sharp of BrookUn, Capt. Brocle- bank of Rowley, with about 26 other souldiers, fighting for the defence of their country, were slain by y= Indian enemy, April IS"". 1676, lye buried in this place." The foUowing account is taken frora Holmes' Annals. " This town was for some time a frontier settlement, and .suffered much from the Indians during King Philip's war. On the 18th of AprU, 1676, the day after ther had burned the few deserted houses at Marlborough, they violently attacked Sud bury, burned several houses and barns, and kiUed ten or twelve of the English who had come from Concord to the assistance of their neighbours. Captain Wads worth, sent at this juncture frora Boston with about fifty raen, to reUeve Marlborough, after having marched twenty-five miles, learning that the enemy had gone through the woods toward Sudbury, turned immediately back, in pursuit of them. When the troops were within a mile of the town, they espied, at no great distance, a party of Indians, apparently about one hundred ; who, by retreating, as if through fear, drew the English aiiove a mile into the woods ; when a large body of the enemy, supposed to be about five hundred, suddenly surrounded them, and precluded the possibUity of their escape. The gallant leader and his brave soldiers fought with desperate valour ; but they fell a prey to the numbers, the artifice, and bravery of their enemy. The few who were taken alive were destined to tortures unknown to their companions, who had the happier lot to die in the field of battle, " Some historians say that Captain Wadsworth's company was entirely cut ofi"; others, that a few escaped. Some represent his company as consisting of 50 ; some, as consisting of 70 men. All agree that 50 at least were killed. Captain Broclebank and some others ' fell into his corapany as he marched along ;' and this accession may account for the diflerence in the narratives. President Wadsworth, (of Harvard College,) a son of Captain Wadsworth, who fell on this occasion, caused a decent monument to be afterward erected over the grave of these heroes." TEWKSBURY. This town was incorporated in 1734. The Indian settlement called Wamesit was formerly within the limits of this town, on the site now occupied by the flourishing village of Belvidere. re- TYNGSBOROUGH. 431 cently included within the limits of Lowell. " There were fifteen families of Christian Indians here in 1674. The Indian title was extinguished in 1686; but the settlement ofthe English was slow, so that more than forty years elapsed from the extinguishment of the Indian title to its incorporation. The soil here is light and thin ; the surface rather level, except the northem parts of the town, which is somewhat hilly, with a plenty of stones and a better soil." Large quantities of hops have been raised in this town. By the annexation of Belvidere to LoweU, this town was considerably reduced in its population and business. The popu lation in 1830 was 1,527; in 1837, it was reduced to 907. Dis tance, 12 miles from Concord, and 19 from Boston. TOWNSEND. This town was incorporated in 1732. The land in this town ship is more level than the towns to the north and west ; most of it is gently undulating, and some of it consists of level pine plains. The soil generally is not of the first quality ; there are, however, some good farms in the town, and the soil is generally good for fruit-trees of all kinds which are common in this part of the country. In the central part of the town there is a village, containing two Congregational churches, one of which is Unita rian. Several brooks unite in this town, and form Squanicook river, which discharges its waters into the Nashua. In the eastern part of the town there is a village called Townsend Harbor, where there are several miUs, stores, &c. Population, 1,749. Distance, 22 mUes from Concord, 8 from Fitchburg, and 38 from Boston. In 1837, there were manufactured here 159,700 palm-leaf hats, valued at $22,750 ; the value of fish barrels, nail kegs and dry casks manufactured, was $9,357 ; there were 40,050 hides tanned and curried, valued at $25,150. TYNGSBOROUGH. This was taken from Dunstable, in 1789, and incorporated as the district of Tyngsborough. It was so named in honor of Madam Sarah Winslow (the daughter of Eleazer Tyng) and her famUy. On the organization of the district, Mrs. Winslow agreed to fund a sum of money which should afford the annual income of £80 lawful money, to be devoted equally to support a Congregational minister and a grammar-school. In gratitude for this gift the district was named Tyngsborough. It was incorporated as a town in 1809. The first minister was Rev. Nathaniel Lawrence, who was ordained in 1790. This town lies on both sides of the Merri mac, which is here a beautiful stream. Large quaiitities of excel- 58 432 waltham. lent granite have been quarried on the banks of this river, and sent from this place to the Boston market by the Middlesex canal. This place is 16 railes N. of Concord, 8 N. W. of LoweU, and 29 N. W. of Boston. Population, 870. " The narae of the first white inhabitant" (says Mr. Lawrence, in his history of Tyngsborough, in the Collections of the Massa chusetts Historical Society, 1815) " was Cromwell, originally from England, but last from Boston. It is about 150 years since he erected a hut in this place, on the bank of the Merrimac, for the purpose of trading with the Indians. This, at that time, was the only English settlement on the south to Woburn, and on the north between there and Canada. Cromwell, for some tirae, carried on a lucrative trade with the Indians, weighing their furs with his foot, till, enraged at his supposed or real deception, they formed the resolution to murder him. This intention was communicated to Cromwell, who buried his wealth and made his escape. Within a few hours after his flight a party of the Pennacook tribe arrived, and, not finding the object of their resentment, burnt his hut. Some time after, pewter was found in the well, and an iron pot and trararael in the sand; the latter are preserved. The present owner of the place was ploughing near the spot, and found his plough moving over a flat stone, which gave a hollow sound. On removing the earth and stone, he discovered a hole, stoned, about six inches in diameter, from which he took a sum of money." WALTHAM. This town was incorporated January 4th, 1737-38 ; previous to this time it was the western precinct of Watertown. It appears that there was considerable difficulty between the eastern and western parts of Watertown for a long period. As early as 1692 the town endeavored to select a place for -a new meeting-house, which should be " most convenient for the bulk of the inhabit ants." The same year, at the request of the selectmen, the gover nor and council appointed a committee to consider and report upon the subject. This committee advised the town to settle the Rev. Henry Gibbs, who had preached to them for several years, and build a meeting-house between the house of widow Stearns and Whitney's Hill, in which the whole town should worship. This house was built here, and completed in February, 1696. It was not satisfactory to some parts of the town, and Mr. Gibbs refused to preach in it. In August, the same year, the church chose Rev. Samuel Angler to be their pastor, and a majority of the town con curred in the choice. In 1697, Mr. Angler accepted of the call of the church and town, expressing his readiness to assume the duties of his office. At the same time, the church chose Rev. Mr. East erbrook, of Concord, " to give the pastoral charge, and to be the mouth and moderator of the church in the public management of waltham. 433 Eastern view of Massasoit Hotel, Waltham. the whole affair of perfecting the settlement of Mr. Angier." It appears that excepting Mr. Easterbrook no minister in the vicinity could be obtained to assist on this occasion. The church, agreeably to their vote, proceeded to induct their pastor into office. After a discourse had been preached by Mr. Angier, it was declared that the church had chosen Mr. Easterbrook to manage the whole affair, and give the pastoral charge. He accordingly read Mr. Angler's dismission and recommendation from the church at Reho both, desired the church to accept the same, and to receive Mr. A. into their fellowship ; asked them to renew their invitation to Mr. A. to be their minister, and him to repeat the acceptance of their call ; " and then, with much gravity and seriousness, gave a most solemn and scriptural charge to Mr. Angier, to attend to the whole pastoral duty in and towards the church." In the MSS. of Judge Sewall il is recorded: "Oct. 6, 1697, a church was gathered at Watertown, east end, and Mr. Henry Gibbs was ordained. The ceremony was abroad, because the western party got possession of the meeting-house." Though Mr. Angier and Mr. Gibbs were both ministers of Watertown, yet they can hardly be said to have been associates, as one preached in the old and the other in the new meeting-house, and the adherents appear to have been some what at variance. They were both, however, maintained from the town treasury. This state of things continued till 1720, when the town was divided into two precincts. Mr. Angier died in 1719. In 1723, Rev. Warham Williams was ordained their next pastor ; he was the son of Mr. Williams of Deerfield, and was carried off with his father by the Indians into Canada. Mr. WiUiams died in 1751, aged 52. He was succeeded by Rev. Jacob Cushing, who was ordained in 1752. Dr. Cushing died in 1809, aged 79 years. He was succeeded by Rev. Samuel Ripley the same year. l^he above is an eastern view of the Massasoit Hotel, situated at the eastern extremity of the principal street in Waltham. The 434 watertown. village consists of about 150 dwelling-houses, mostly situated on one street, running east and west, about 1 mile in extent, across the level plain on which the town is built. There are a number of elegant residences in the immediate vicinity, surrounded by grounds tastefuUy ornamented by evergreen and other trees. Waltham is one of the pleasantest towns in the vicinity of Boston. The land in the south part of the town which runs parallel with Charles river, the distance of two miles, and half a mile in breadth, is very level, and is mostly of a light sandy soil, not very deep. Adjoining the river it is fertile. In the interior the land is in gene ral uneven, and in some parts rocky. There are two ponds in the town — Beaver Pond, which is about one mile in circumference, and near the village, and Mead's Pond, which is .much larger, being a mile in length and raore than half a mile in breadth : it is situated in the N. W. part of the town. The principal branch of Beaver brook takes its rise from this pond. Gov. Winthrop and his companions, who traversed this part of the country in 1632, gave the name to Beaver brook "because the beavers had shorn down divers great trees, and made divers dams across the brook." Charles river, which washes the southern extremity of this town, affords considerable water power, which has been well improved. The " Waltham Cotton and WooUen Manufacturing Company," an extensive establishment, was incorporated in 1812. The Boston Manufacturing Company was incorporated in 1813. " By extra ordinary skill and good management, these establishments, though the first in the country on an extensive scale, and through all the various commercial changes, have proved lucrative to the proprie tors, and highly beneficial to the public." " The private gardens of the Honorable Theodore Lyman, in this town, are unsurpassed for costliness and beauty by any other in the United States." There are 6 churches, 3 Congregational, 1 Methodist, 1 Univer salist, and 1 Catholic. Population, 2,287. Distance, 9 mUes S. E. of Concord, 34 N. E. of Worcester, 10 northerly of Dedham, and 10 westerly from Boston. In 1837, there were 3 cotton mills, 11,488 spindles ; cotton con sumed, 895,446 lbs. ; 2,433,630 yards of cotton goods were manu factured, valued at $275,000; males employed, 76; females, 400; capital invested, $450,000. Value of boots and shoes manufactured was $17,787 ; value of hats manufactured, $24,000 ; value of paper manufactured, $12,480. There is a machine shop and a bleach- ery, each of which employs about 30 hands. WATERTOWN. This is an ancient town, it being settled the same year as Bos ton, in 1630. The first Englishmen who are known to have visited the place were Mr. Wareham and some of his people, who afterwards settled Dorchester ; for an account of which the WA TERTOWN. 435 reader is referred to the history of that town in this work. The place in Watertown where they remained a few days is stated yet to bear the name of Dorchester Fields. Shortly after their remo val, a permanent establishment was effected by another company. A party of the adventurous emigrants who came in Winthrop's fleet, with Sir Richard Saltonstall and Rev. George Phillips at their head, selected a place on the banks of Charles river for their plantation. On the 7th of Sept., 1630, (O. S.) the court of assist ants, at Charlestown, " ordered that Trimountain be called Boston, Mattapan, Dorchester, and the town on Charles river, Watertown." The name of Watertown is said to have originated from the circumstance of its being a " weU watered place," or, perhaps, from its being situated on a considerable fresh-water river, and the communication with Boston being at first by water, in boats. The Indian name of the town was Pigsguesset. The territory thus called Watertown was. Uke most of the towns of that early period, very large, and its boundaries on the west side for a considerable time somewhat undefined. Waltham, Weston, and a part of Lincoln, were once comprehended within its limits. There are no means of ascer taining with precision the number of the first inhabitants, but it appears by the town records that in 1636 there were 108 townsmen. Probably the original number in 1630 was considerably less than this. The following Ust is copied from Watertown record book first, and were names of persons who shared in a division of lands at Beaver brook, " divided and lotted out by the Freemen to all the Townsmen then inhabiting, being 108 in number." Timothy Hawkins, Gregory Stone, James Cutter, John Cutting, Daniel Perse, Barnaby Windes, John Kingsberry, Robert Feke, Isaac Stone, Thomas Smith, John Rose, Miles Nutt, John Hayward, Thomas Filbrick, Simon Stone, Robert Daniel, Isaac Mixer, Edward How, Henry Dengayne, Thomas Maihew, Geo. PhUUps, pastor, Nathaniel Baker, John Whitney, John Richardson, Thomas Hastings, George Munnings, Richard Woodward, Henry Bright, Robert Betts, NichoUs Knapp, John Grigs, Richard Sawtle, John Simson, John EUett, Charles Chadwick, Francis Smith, Robert Veasey, Henry Goldstone, John Smith, sen., John Tomson, John Eddy, WilUam Bassum, Benjamin Crispe, Edmund Sherman, William Bridges, Gregory Taylor, John Coolige, Daniel Patrick, Joseph Mosse, Ephraim Child, Robert Lockwood, Francis Onge, John Gay, Simon Eire, John Eaton, John Loveran, WiUiam Jennison, John Page, Samuel Hosier, Johu WinkeU, John Gofle, Nathaniel Bowman, Brian Pembleton, Richard Brown, John Lawrence, John Tucker, Thomas Cakebread, John Stowars, Robert Tuck, Richard Beere, Henry Cuttris, Richard Kemball, John Barnard, Edward Dikes, Sir Rich. Saltonstall, Thomas Brookes, Edmund James, John Firman, John Warrin, John Batcheler, WUUam Knop, Henry Kemball, William Palmer, Edmund Lewis, John Finch, WUUam Swift, John Winter, Edward Lam, John Smith, Jr., Roger WUUngton, Christopher Grant, John Nichols, John Dwight, Foster Pickram, John Springe, John V^'arner, Emanuel White, Edward Garfield, WiUiam Gutterig, Hugh Mason, Thomas Rogers, Thomas Bartlett, John Doggett, Lawrence Waters, Martin Underwood, WUUam Paine, Garrett Church, Abram Shaw. The first church in Watertown was gathered on the 30th of July, 1630, upon a day set apart for " solemn fasting and prayer," which had been appointed by Gov. Winthrop, on account of the prevailing sickness in the settlements. Cotton Mather says that Rev. Mr. PhUlips, with about 40 men, settlers of Watertown, on that occasion subscribed the covenant, in order unto their coales cence into a church estate. The Hon. James Savage, in a recent investigation of the subject, makes the first church in Boston and 436 watertown. the Watertown church precisely coeval, assigning the origin of both to the 30th of July, 1630. The first minister of Watertown was the Rev. George PhiUips, who continued in that office 14 years. At the first court of assistants, held at Charlestown, on board the Arabella, it was ordered that, as speedily as might be convenient, houses should be erected for the ministers at the pubUc charge. Sir Richard Saltonstall "undertook to have this done for Mr. PhiUips," and for salary he was to have £30 annuaUy. The first meeting-house stood on the north side of the road to Cambridge, near the old burying-yard ; there was a common before it, which was used as a training-field. Mr. PhilUps was sole minister of Watertown till 1639. In that year. Rev. John Knowles, "a godly man, and prime scholar," arrived in New England, and in December was ordained second pastor of the church, in connexion with Mr, Phillips. In 1642, Mr. Knowles went to Virginia, where he preached a short tirae, but retumed again to Watertown, He remained there a while after his return, but finally retumed to Eng land, after an absence of 11 years. He died in London, in 1685, at a very advanced age. On the 1st of July, 1644, died Rev. George Phillips, He is said to have been an able controversial writer, Mr, PhiUips was succeeded in the ministry by Rev. John Sherman, a native of Dedham, Essex county, England. He was educated at Eman uel CoUege, Carabridge, but left college when ready for a degree, under the character of a college puritan. In 1634-5 he emigrated to New England. He preached his flrst sermon at Watertown under a large tree, as an assistant to Mr, PhiUips. His per formance was much admired by several ministers present. Soon after this, he removed to New Haven colony, and preached in sundry places. The church in Milford invited him to become their teacher, but he decUned, and for a time altogether suspended his ministry, whereupon he was chosen one of the judges of the town, and a magistrate of the colony. It was much against the wishes of the people of MUford and New Haven that he removed to Watertown, At the same time he was invited to settle in Boston, and two churches in London tried to obtain him. He was a man of superior intellectual endowments, was the best mathematician of the day, and left voluminous manuscripts on the science of astronomy, Mr. Sherman was the father of 26 chU dren, by two marriages, 6 by the first and 20 in the other. He died in 1685, aged 72, and was succeeded by Rev. John Bailey, who was ordained in 1686. He was assisted for a time in the ministry by his brother, Mr. Thomas Bailey, till his death, in 1689 ; after which, Mr. Henry Gibbs was engaged as teacher. In 1692, Rev. John BaUey left Watertown and returned to Boston. Mr. Gibbs was now the only minister in the town, and was engaged from time to time, but not ordained. About 1692, there was much excitement on the subject of the location of a new meeting-house. In opposi tion to the wishes of the inhabitants of the eastern part of the town, it was located in the middle part. This caused a separation of the church. Blr, Gibbs continued to preach in the old meeting-house, and appears to have been settled in 1697. The part of the society who had built the new meeting-house obtained a pastor. Rev. Samuel Angier, who was also ordained in 1697, In 1720, a committee, appointed by the gene ral court, to run the dividing line between the societies, decided that the western or new meeting-house should be removed to an eminence in the present town of Waltham, and that the old or east meeting-house should be removed to the hill back of the pre sent meeting-house of the society, then called School-house Hill. Both societies soon erected new meeting-houses at the places directed by the committee. The western parish, in 1787, was incorporated a distinct town, by the name of Waltham. Mr. Gibbs died in 1723, in tho 56th year of his age, and in the 27th of his ministry, reckoned from the date of his ordination. He was interred in the old burying-yard. The successor of Mr. Gibbs was Rev, Seth Storer, (of Saco, Maine, and a graduate of Harvard in .1720,) who was ordained in 1724. He died in 1774, aged 73. The ministry of Mr. Storer was the longest which occurs in the history of Watertown, being half a century. The situation of the meeting-house was removed during his ministry from the summit of the hUl to the present location, but not without much opposition. Rev. Daniel Adams was the next minister in succes sion from Mr. Storer, and was ordained in 1 778. He was a native of Medway, and was of the Sth generation from Henry Adams, who came from Devonshire, England, about 1630, and settled in watertown. 437 Braintree, (Quincy.) His ministry was short, as he died in August foUowing his ordination. The next pastor of this church was Rev. Richard Rosewell Eliot, a native of New Haven, Con,, and descendant of Rev. John Eliot, the memorable teacher of the Indians. He graduated at Harvard, in 1774, and was ordained at Watertown in 1780. He died in 1818, aged 66, and was suc ceeded by the present pastor. Rev. Convers Francis;* ordained in 1819. The Universalist society was formed in 1826. In August, 1827, their meeting-house was dedicated, and on that occasion Rev. Russell Streeter was instaUed as pastor. In 1829, he was dismissed, and in 1830 succeeded by Rev. Wm. S. Balch. The Baptist church was formed in August, 1830; when their house was dedicated, and Rev. Peter Chase installed their pastor. Southern view of the central part of Watertown. Watertown village is large and compactly buUt, about 6 miles from Boston. The above is a representation of the appearance of the village as it is seen from the Newton road, on the south side of Charles river. Th'e tower of the Congregational (Unita rian) church, a fine Gothic structure, is seen in the distance, in the central partof the engraving; the Baptist church is seen on the right. The United States Arsenal, occupying a site of 40 acres, is about a mile eastward of the viUage, on the Boston road. The arsenal consists of several large brick buildings, enclosed by a high fence, on the north bank of Charles river. Water- town, in extent of territory, is one of the smallest towns in the state, containing but 3,833,^ acres, including land and water; the soil is generally remarkably good. A portion of the south eastern extremity of the town is sandy, poor, and barren; but with this exception the land is some of the most productive in * Mr, Francis is the author of a weU-written History pf Wa«nown, published in 1830, in a pamphlet form, containing 150 octavo pages, entitled " An Historical Sketch of Watenown," from the first settlement of the town to the close of the second century. 438 watertown. the commonwealth. Population, 1,739. In 1837, there were three soap and candle manufactories; tallow used, 300 tons; barilla, 350 tons ; palm oil, 50 tons ; rosin, 1,750 barrels ; fuel, 375 cords ; lime, 2,000 casks ; salt, 1,000 bushels ; capital invested, $27,000. There were 85,000 boxes manufactured, valued at $14,000, and 1 cotton and 2 paper mills in operation. It seems a very remarkable complaint so early as 1635, that " all the towns in the Bay began to be much straitened by their own nearness to one another, and their cattle being so much increased," This is said to be accounted for by the govemment hav ing at first required every man to live within half a mile from the meeting-house in his town. The want of room appears from some cause to have been peculiarly felt in Watertown ; and on several occasions the inhabitants emigrated and formed new settlements. 'The first of these was in 1635, at the place afterwards called Wethers field, in Connecticut, where, as we are told, some people of Watertown, before they had obtained leave to go beyond the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts government, " took the opportunity of seizing a brave piece of meadow," which it seems was also coveted by their neighbors of Cambridge. This Watertown plantation at Wethersfield was for a long course of years a scene of dissension within and without. In the course of three or four years the church at that place fell into such a state of discord that the plantation divided, and a part removed and settled in combination with New Haven. Watertown in early times received but Uttle trouble from the Indians. One remark able instance, however, of Indian vengeance on a citizen of this town, was the melan choly fate of Capt. John Oldham. Before the settlement of Massachusetts Bay, he had resided in Plymouth, from which place, for some misconduct, he was expeUed. He, however, was highly respected in Watertown, and weis a deputy frora the town to the first general court, in 1632. He became a distinguished trader among the Indians, and went to traffic with them at Block Island. The Indians got possession of Oldham's vessel, and murdered him in the most shocking manner. Two boys and two Narra gansett Indians the murderers had spared. This atrocious deed excited great indig nation in aU the English settlements, and was one of the iramediate causes of the celebrated Pequot war. In 1639, an order is found in the records by which " the meeting-house is appointed for a watch-house for the use of the town," which may lead to the inference that it was thought necessary to maintain a patrol in the night for fear of the Indians. In the early wars of the country, and in the revolutionary war, the inhabitants of Watertown took an active part. In the time of excitement preceding the war of American independence, the article of tea was proscribed in this town, in the following words : Voted, " That we consent to lay aside all foreign teas, as expen sive and pernicious, as well as unnecessary ; this continent abound ing with many herbs of a more salubrious quality, which, if we were as much used to as the poisonous bohea, would, no doubt, in time be as agreeable, perhaps much more so; and whilst, by a manly influence, we expect our women to make this sac ri lice to the good of their country, we hereby declare we shall highly honor and esteem the encouragers of onr own manufactures and the general use of the productions of this continent ; this being in our judgment, at this time, a necessary means (under God) of rendering us a happy and free people." The second and third sessions of the provincial congress were held at Watertown, in the meeting-house, within the first six months of the year 1775. Dr. Joseph Warren, the early and lamented martyr in the cause of freedom, on the memorable 17th of June, presided at their deliberations. The congress was busy in adopting such measures WATERTOWN. 439 as the distracted state of the colony required. Among the few newspapers printed at that time was " The Boston Gazette and Country Journal," published at Boston, by Edes and Gill, and was distinguished by the spirited and fearless tone in which it defended the American cause. The press of this paper Avas removed to Watertown, and the Gazette was there published for more than a year, from June 5th, 1775, to Oct. 28, 1776, when, the British having evacuated Boston, the office was raoved back. The inhabitants of Watertown bore their part of the losses and burdens of the country at this perilous period. One of their num ber was killed on the 19th of April, and raany others, during the war, either died by sickness in carap, or fell on the field of battle. Sir Richard Saltonstall, who has been mentioned as the leader of the planters to this town, was of an ancient and highly respectable family in Yorkshire. He was a gentleman of noble qualities of mind and heart, and has always been deservedly regarded as one of the venerated fathers of the Massachusetts settlement. He remained in the colony not quite a year, but was of much service to them in England, before and after his visit to Araerica, His liberal and tolerant spirit in religious matters was truly remarkable for the times in which he lived, and presents to the eye of the historical inquirer a trait of character as honorable and attractive as it was uncommon. Among his services to the colony, he was one of the early benefactors of Harvard coUege. He died in 1658. The following epitaphs are copied frora the old burying-ground, east of the village, on the Cambridge road : Johannis Shermani, maximae pietatis, gravltatis et candoris viri, in Theologia pluri- mum versati ; in concionando vere Chrysostomi, et in Artibus liberalibus pr^etipue Mathematicis, incomparabilis ; Aquitamensis ecclesise in Nov, Anglia fidehssimi pastoris, CoUegii Harvardini inspectoris et socU ; qui postquam annis plus minus xlt Christi fuit ' rTrrgJTiis* in ecclesia fidus ; morte matura transmigravit, et a Christo palma decoratus est. A, D, mdclxxxv, Augusti vm, iEtatis lxxii ; memorise, [To the memory of John Sherman, a man of the greatest piety, dignity and candor ; well versed in theology, in the pulpit a very Chrysostom ; and in the liberal arts, especially mathematics, exceedingly skilful. He was the faithful pastor of the church at Watertown, in New England, and an overseer and fellow of Harvard college. After he had been an undaunted .servant of Christ for forty -five years, he was removed when ripe for his departure, and received the palm from "his Redeemer, on the Sth of August, 1685, in the 72d year of his age,] Here lyes the precious dust of Thomas Bailey, A painful preacher, An eminent liver, A tender husband, A careful father, A brother for adversity A faithful friend, A most desirable neighbor, A pleasant companion, A common good, A cheerful doer, A patient suflferer. Lived rauch in Uttle time, A good copy for all survivors. * " Immediately after this word Mr, Bailey, who transcribed this epitaph into his manuscript book, has inserted in a parenthesis the following comment : 'i, e. one of the underrowers that .steer the ship towards the haven,' In thus explaining this Greek word according to its derivation, rather than its common and obvious sense, he has made it present to the mind a metaphor somewhat striking and pleasing." — Francis' History of Watertown. 59 440 WEST CAMBRIDGE. Aged 35 years. He slept in Jesus the 21st of January, 1688. Pious Lydia, made and given by God As a mo.st meet help unto John Bailey, Minister of the Gospel. Good betimes — Best at last, Lived by faith — Died in grace. Went off singing — left us weeping. Walked with God till translated, in the 39th yeare of her age, AprU 16, 1691. Read her epitaph in Prov. xxxi. 10, 11, 12, 28, 29, 30, 31. WAYLAND. This town bore the name of East Sudbury from 1780 until 1835. It is separated on the west from Sudbury by the river of that name, a sluggish stream, which annually overflows a large tract of low lands, which produce great crops of hay without the necessity of cultivation. In February, 1722-3, the church at Sudbury was, by a vote of the members, divided into two distinct churches. Mr. Cooke was ordained the pastor on the east side of Sudbury river, in March, 1723 ; he died in 1760. In 1765, the number of houses on the east side was 112; the number of fami lies, 129 ; the number of white inhabitants, 698. There are two Congregational churches in this town, one of which is Unitarian. It is 7 miles south of Concord, 7 north-east of Framingham, and 16 west of Boston. Population, 931. In 1837, there were manu factured in this town 230 pairs of boots, and 29,666 pairs of shoes, valued at $22,419. There were 4 forges, which manufactured 8 tons of bar iron, valued at $2,600. WEST CAMBRIDGE. West Cambridge was incorporated a town in 1807. It was previously a part of Cambridge, called Menotomy. The southern part of the town is low, and some of it swampy. The middle is dry and healthy, with good land for culture and pasturage ; the north part of the town is broken, rocky, and partially covered with wood. This town has a considerable village, situated prin cipally on a single street, about a mUe in length. There are three churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Universalist, and 1 Bap tist. Population, 1,308. Distance, 12 miles from Concord, 4 from Lexington, and 6 from Boston. In 1837, there were 500 pairs of boots and 31,000 pairs of shoes manufactured, valued at $25,500. There were 2 miUs for pulverizing drugs, medicines and dye-stuffs ; capital invested, $24,000 ; hands employed, 11 ; value ofthe same manufactured, $200,000. One dying and calico-printing manufac tory ; hands employed, 44 ; value of manufacture, $40,000. Vahie WESTON. 441 of saws manufactured, $30,000. Value of chairs and cabinet ware manufactured, $10,000. There was also a card manufactory and a turning and sawing mill. WESTFORD. This town was formerly a part of Chelmsford grant ; after a long controversy it was incorporated as a distinct town in 1729. '¦ The church and society was established here in 1724, and the town of Chelmsford paid 100 pounds towards building a meeting house for this parish, which was then called the west precinct in Chelmsford ; they also received their proportion of the ministerial lands." This is principally an agricultural township, the soil being strong and productive, well adapted to grass, grain, and fruit trees. The village in the center of the town contains two Congregational churches and an academy, one of the oldest in the state, having a respectable fund for the support of a preceptor. The viUage is situated on the summit of a large swell, having a fine prospect over the neighboring vaUeys and of the distant mountains. Wachusett, Monadnock, and many of less height, are distinctly visible. Population, 1,451. Distance, 10 miles from Concord, 30 from Salem, 8 from Lowell, 5 to Chelmsford, 6 to Carlisle, and 25 from Boston. In 1837, there were three forges in this town ; 90 tons of bar iron were manufactured, valued at $9,900. There are large quantities of granite quarried here, which is commonly called " Chelmsford granite." WESTON. " The exact period" (says Dr. Kendal in his Century Sermon, preached in 1813) " when what is now called Weston began to be settled is not known ; but it must have been pretty early ; for there are still standing houses which were erected about one hun dred and forty years ago. In ecclesiastical affairs, however, this town was connected with Watertown about sixty-eight, and in civil concerns about eighty-three years. The tradition is, that the inhabitants of the remote westerly part of this town went to worship at the remote easterly part of Watertown, at a house not far from the old burying place." Weston was incorporated as a distinct town in 1712, previous to which time it had been called the westerly, more westerly, and most westerly precinct in Water- town. In 1694, the town of Watertown passed the following vote: "Our neighbors, the farmers, being upon endeavours to have a meeting-house among themselves, the town consents that they may come as far as Beaver Brook upon the country road leading to Sudbury, and so run north and south upon a line, to the end there may be peace and settlement amongst us." There appears to hav been considerable difficulty in regard to the settle- 442 WOBURN. ment of a minister among them ; a Mr. Mors preached for a time, but was not settled. After having been twice directed to provide a man to preach among them, the precinct, in 1706, was presented at the court of sessions, on account of their not having a settled minister. After a period of more than eleven years after the Farms had become a distinct precinct, Rev. WiUiam Williams was ordained here, in 1709. Rev. Samuel Woodward, the successor of Mr. Williams, was ordained in 1751. Mr. Woodward died in 1782, and was succeeded by Rev. Samuel Kendal, D. D., in 1783. This township is in general an uneven, and in some parts a broken tract of land. A considerable portion is elevated above the common level of the adjacent country. There are three houses of worship in the limits of the town : 1 Baptist, 1 Methodist, and 1 Congregationalist. There are a number of beautiful country- seats, where persons from Boston reside during the summer months. Population, 1,051. Distance, 9 miles from Concord, 9 from Ded ham, and 14 from Boston. Boots and shoes are the principal arti cles manufactured in this town. In 1837, of the former there were manufactured 5,606 pairs, and of the latter, 17,182 pairs. WILMINGTON This town was incorporated in 1730. This township was com posed of the corners of the adjoining towns. " The soil of this town is thin and light, but produces most of the fruits of the cli mate, and especially hops have been raised here in great abun dance and perfection." The face of the township is comparatively level. A main branch of Ipswich river takes its rise in this town. There is a Congregational church in the center, but no considera ble village in any part of the town, the inhabitants being princi pally farmers, who live scattered over all parts of the town. Population, 795. Distance, 10 miles from Lowell, and 14 from Boston. The Middlesex canal and LoweU railroad pass through the western section of this town. WOBURN. WoBURN at the period of its first settlement was called " Charles town VUlage;" it was incorporated as a town in 1642. In the same year the first church was gathered, and Rev. Thomas Carter ordained the first minister. In the year 1640 news was brought to Charlestown of the conveniency of land adjoining their north bounds. Upon this a petition was presented to the general court for two miles square of land to be added to their head line. This petition was granted, and the addition afterwards increased to four mUes square. A committee was soon after chosen by Charlestown WOBURN. 443 church to explore the land, and make arrangements for erectmg a new church and town. AU was then a wilderness. The com mittee were obliged to spend nights without shelter, " whUst the rain and snow did bedew their rocky beds." They have recorded one remarkable providence as "never to be forgotten." Some of the company sheltering themselves under the body of a large tree, which lay at a distance from the ground, no sooner was the last of them come frora under it, at break of day, than, to their araaze- ment, it feU ; and they were obliged to dig out their provisions, their united strength being insufl5.cient to reraove it. Southern view in the central part of Woburn. The place for house lots and a raeeting-house was originally laid out on the plain, at the east end of our bounds, but afterwards re moved to this place. The first care was to procure a regular ad ministration of the words and ordinances of Christ. Indeed, a set tlement was hardly considered as fixed in those days before these were established. A meeting-house and house for a minister were among the first erected ; and to procure a minister appears frora the records to have been the principal concern of the inhabitants. " It is a remarkable circumstance," (says Mr. Chickering, in his Historical Discourse, printed in 1809,) " that the people had been so oppressed by ecclesiastical tyranny, and were so jealous of their religious rights, that they undertook, in the presence and with the consent of a respectable council, to ordain their own minister. The ordination was conducted in the foUowing manner. After the candidate had continued in preaching and prayer the greater part of the day, two persons, in the narae of the church, laid their hands upon his head, and said, ' We ordain thee, Thomas Carter, to be pastor unto this church of Christ!' Then one of the elder ministers present, at the desire of the church, made an appropriate prayer for God's assistance to his young servant in performing the duties of his office. * * * During his ministry, which was pro longed more than forty-two years, there appears to have been the greatest harmony between him and the society." 444 WOBURN. Woburn is a village consisting of about 70 or 80 dwelling-houses, a number of mechanic shops and mercantile stores, with 4 churches, 1 Congregational, 2 Baptist, and 1 Universalist, and an academy. The cut (p. 443) is a southern view of the Congregatiohal and Baptist churches, with some of the buildings in the vicinity. Distance, 12 miles from Concord, 13 to Lynn, 15 to Salem, 5 to Reading, 15 to Lowell, and 10 to Boston. The Middlesex canal runs a little to the west of the viUage, and the Lowell railroad a little to the east. Population, 2,643. The manufacture of shoes is a very important branch of business in this place. In 1837, there were manufactured in this town 800 pairs of boots, 279,844 pairs of shoes, valued at $221,251 ; males employed, 383 ; females, 320. There were " Tanneries, 4; hides tanned, 12,400; value of leather tanned and curried, (including 7,000 hides curried but not tanned in said town,) $150,200; hands employed, 77; capital invested, $72,533." There were 3 door, sash, and blind manufac tories ; value of manufactures, $26,500 ; hands employed, 17. One India rubber manufactory ; value of articles manufactured, $10,000. Southern view of Horn Pond at Woburn. Horn Pond, lying in the immediate vicinity of Woburn village, is a place of considerable resort during the warm season of the year. In the engraving, a small but beautiful island is seen on the left. On the extreme right, the house for the accommodation of visiters is partially seen, before which is a beautiful grove of pine and other trees. In this grove is erected a summer-house, with seats, &c., for the accommodation of visiters. An artificial fountain, jutting up its cooling waters, adds much to the beautiful and varie gated scenery of this place. Between the house and the lake the Middlesex canal passes, having 6 locks at this place, which are built in a very superior manner. Drawn bj J, W. Birbtr— Engraved by S, E, Brown, Bojton, SOUTH-EASTERN VIEW OF NANTUCKET, MASS. The above view shows the appearance of Nantucket, as it is seen from the shore of the inner harbor, south-east from the town. The Light-House, on Brant Point, is seen in the distance on the right ; beyond, in the extreme distance, are seen vessels near the sand bar, south from the outer harbor, and nearly two miles from the northern shore. NANTUCKET. 445 NANTUCKET COUNTY AND TOWN. This county is composed of 5 islands. Beginning west, the first is Muskeeket, which is about 6 miles east from Washqua Point, in Chappequiddick Island. It is a low, sandy island, and is not used for grazing. South-east of this island is Tuckernuck, an island containing about 1,000 acres of land, which affords pasture for 1,000 sheep and 50 head of horned cattle. Between Muskeeket and Tuckernuck are two small islands, called Gravelly Islands; which are of no value. The only island of importance is the large island of Nantucket. " The town of Nantucket is about 30 miles south of the main or continent, 60 miles S. E. from New Bedford, 100 S. S. E. from Boston, and 382 miles E. N. E. from Philadelphia. It lies in north latitude 41° 15' 22" ; in west longitude 70° 7' 56". It con tains nearly 30,000 acres of land, and is about 14 miles long, east and west, and 3 and a half broad, on an average, north and south." The population of Nantucket in 1837 was 9,048. The principal harbor is on the north side of the island, in the bottom or bend of an extensive bay, and is nearly land-locked by two points of beach, about three fourths of a mile apart ; one on the east, called Coetiie, the other on the west, called Brant Point. Within these points, and on the west side, are the wharves and the town. Nearly two miles from the shore, to the northward of the harbor, is a bar, which all vessels coming in or out are under the necessity of pass ing. Vessels drawing nine feet of water may, with good pilots, pass over this bar and into the harbor. The number of vessels belonging to the port in 1834 was 140, viz. 73 ships, 20 schooners, 46 sloops, 1 steam-boat. Total tonnage, 29,550, of which are en gaged in the whale-fishery 25,357 tons. About two thousand men and boys belonging to the island are eraployed in navigation. The whale-fishery commenced here at an early period, and this place is perhaps more celebrated than any other for the enterprise and success in this species of nautical adventure. There are 3 banks, the "Citizens Bank," capUal $100,000; the "Manufactur ers and Mechanics Bank," capital $100,000; and the "Pacific Bank," with a capital of $200,000. The "Phoenix Insurance Company" has a capital of $100,000, and the "Commercial In surance Company" a capital of $125,000. There is a regular daily communication between this place and New Bedford by a steam-boat and packets, which touch at Wood's Hole, near Fal mouth, and at Holmes' Hole on Martha's Vineyard. The town of Nantucket, which embraces nearly all the houses on the island, is very compactly built, most of the streets narrow, and the houses are mostly constructed of wood. The inhabitants seem sensible of their exposure to sweeping fires, to prevent which they have an efficient fire department, and eighteen public cisterns and wells. There are 9 religious societies or congregations, viz. one Unitarian Congregationalist, one Orthodox society, two meet ings of Friends, (one attached to the New York yearly meeting, the 60 446 NANTUCKET. Other to that of New England,) one Methodist Episcopal, one Re formed Methodist, one Episcopal, and tAvo for colored persons, one of them Baptist, the other denominated Zion's Church. Previous to 1827, very little was done by the town in their corporate capa city for the support of schools. Since that period much has been effected ; there are at present two large grammar and four primary schools, at which are taught about 800 scholars. The Cofiin School was incorporated in 1827. This institution originated with Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, of the British navy, who visited the island in 1826. He found that a large part of the inhabitants were more or less remotely related to hira. Having expressed a desire to confer on his kindred some mark of his attachment, it was suggested that the establishraent of a school would be the means of most permanent good to his relatives ; it imraediately met his approbation. He accordingly authorized the late WUliam Cof fin, Esq., to purchase a building for a school, and shortly after funded for its support two thousand five hundred pounds sterling. Athenceum at Nantucket. The Nantucket Athenasum was incorporated in 1834, and is an institution of rauch promise ; it has a library of more than two thousand volumes, and is rapidly increasing. The museum con nected with the institution contains a large nuraber of curiosities, consisting chiefly of weapons, dresses, and utensils of the islands in the Pacific Ocean. The island of Nantucket is raostly of a sandy soil, and almost entirely destitute of trees and shrubbery, and a great part of the island is a naked plain. The south part is a plain, which is not more than 25 feet above the level of the sea. On the north part the land rises into hiUs, which are 40 feet in height. The most elevated spot is Sancoty Head, which is 80 feet high. The best land is round the harbor, particularly on the south-east quarter. The village oi Siasconset is situated at the south-east extremity of the island, and contains about 70 houses. The cod-fishery NANTUCKET. 447 was carried on there a few years since, but of late it has been nearly rehnquished. The houses, with few exceptions, are occupied only in the warm season. The vUlage is compactly built on a level grass plat, near the edge ofa steep cUff; the land rises in the rear so as to cut off a view of the town of Nantucket. This place presents uncomraon attractions in the warm season for inva lids. It has a fine bracing air and excellent water. In front of the village "the eye rests on a broad expanse ofthe Atlantic, and below, the surf, rolling and breaking, gives animation to the scenes by day, and lulls to repose by night. . . . From a neighboring emi nence, called Sancoty Head, the eye comraands alraost the entire horizon. In the distant west is seen the town and shipping ; . . . . a view from this place, at a clear sunset, can hardly be surpassed in beauty and grandeur. The rich coloring of the sky, reflected by the distant waters, the distinct outlines of the town with its steeples and busy wind-mills, the repose of the surrounding plains, contrasted with the gloom which broods over the rolling and roar ing ocean in the rear, give rise to sensations which can be felt but not described."* Blue and yellow clay is found on the island, and also good iron ore. The original right of Nantucket was obtained by Thoraas Mayhew of James Forrett, agent of WUliam Earl of SterUng, in 1641, at New York. In May, 1660, Wanach- mamak and Nickanoose, head sachems of Nantucket, sold to Thomas Mayhew and others the land lying from the west end of the island to a pond called Wagutaquab, and from that pond upon a straight Une unto a pond situate upon Monnumoy Creek, and frora the north-west corner of the pond to the sea. This territory includes the town. The first EngUshman who settled at Nantucket was Thoraas Macy, in 1659. He removed with his family from Salisbury, in the county of Essex, to Madakit Har bor, at the west end of the island. Soon after there went frora Martha's Vineyard Edward Starbuck, Jaraes Coffin, and John Daget to the island for the sake of gunning, and lived with hira as boarders. The following is a Ust of the first proprietors to whom the island was granted by Gov. Mayhew, in 1659 : Thomas Mayhew, Thomas Look, Stephen Greenleaf, Joseph Coleman, John Sraith, Thomas Bernard, Tristram Coffin, Jr., WiUiara Worth, Tristram Coffin, Robert Bernard, John Swain, Peter Folger, Nathaniel Starbuck, Peter Cogin, Thomas Coleman, Eleazer Folger, Thoraas Macy, James Coffin, John Bishop, John Gardner, Edward Starbuck, Christopher Hussey, Richard Gardner, Samuel Stretor, Richard Swaine, Robert Pike, Joseph Gardner, Nathaniel Wier, Many of these proprietors moved to the island in 1660. At a raeeting of the proprie tors, held at Nantucket, in 1661, it was determined " that each man of the owners should have liberty to choose his house lots at any place not before taken up, and each house lot should contain 60 rods square." At first the settlers located theraselves at the west end of the island. In 1671, a patent was granted, confirraing the land to the pro prietors, by Francis Lovelace, governor of New York. It was incorporated a town by the narae of Sherburne in 1687, and as a county in 1695. At the time of the settlement by the EngUsh, there were nearly 3,000 Indians on the island. They were divided into two tribes, one at the west and the other at the cast end. The western tribe is supposed to have found its way thither from the main by the way of Martha's Vineyard, and the eastern to have crossed the sound from the southern shore of Barnstable county. Concerning the discovery of Nantucket by the Indians, they had the foUowing fabulous tradition, which was related to the early EngUsh settlers. » Nantucket shoals stretch away to the south-east of the island, 45 miles in width, to the distance of 50 miles, and are a dangerous place for vessels unacquainted with the coast. Very many vessels have been wrecked and lost on them in former years. 448 NANTUCKET. In former times, a great many moons ago, a bird, extraordinary for its size, used often to visit the south shore of Cape Cod, and carry from thence in its talons a vast number of sraall chUdren, Maushope, who was an Indian giant, as fame reports, re sided in these parts. Enraged at the havoc among the children, he on a certain time waded into the sea in pursuit of the bird, till he had crossed the sound and reached Nantucket. Before Maushope forded the sound, the island was unknown to the red men, Maushope found the bones ofthe children in a heap, under a large tree. He then, wishing to smoke a pipe, ransacked the island for tobacco, but finding none, he filled his pipe with poke, a weed which the Indians sometimes used as a substitute. E ver since the above memorable events, fogs have been frequent at Nantucket and ou the Cape. In allusion to this tradition, when the aborigines observed a fog rising, they would say, " There comes old Maushope's smoke."* This tradition has been related in another way : that an eagle having seized and carried off a papoose, the parents followed hira in their canoe till they carae to Nantucket, where they found the bones of their child, dropped by the eagle. There is another Indian tradition that Nantucket was formed by Maushope, by emptying the ashes from his pipe after he had done smoking, — The two tribes on the island were hostile to each other. Tradition has pre served a pleasing instance of the effect of love. The western tribe having determined to surprise and attack the eastern tribe, a young man of the forraer, whose mistress belonged to the latter, being anxious for her safety, as soon as he was concealed by the shades of night, ran to the beach, flew along the shore below the limit of high water, saw his raistress a moment, gave the alarm, and returned by the same route before day-break ; the rising tide washed away the traces of his feet. The next morning he accompanied the other warriors of the tribe to the attack : the enemy was found pre pared, and no impression could be made on them. He remained undetected till, seve ral years after, peace being restored between the two tribes, and the young man having married the girl, the truth came to light. Soon after the English had settled on the island, attempts were made to convert the Indians to the faith of the gospel, and in a course of years aU of them became nominal Christians. They were, during every period, generally friendly to the Eng lish, who, though they were sometimes alarmed, never experienced any thing from thera really hostile. In 1665, King Philip came to this island to kUl an Indian, whose narae was John Gill, He landed at the west end, intending to travel along the shore, under the bank, undiscovered, to the east part of the island, where John Uved. But an Indian, happening to discover his plan, ran and gave John word, in consequence of which John ran to the town, and got Thomas Macy to conceal him. John's crime was speaking evil the name of tlie dead, who was supposed to be one of King Philip's near connections ; for the Indians had a custom that no one should speak reproachfully of the dead. The English held a parley with PhUip, and aU the money which they were able to coUect at that time was barely sufficient to satisfy hira for John's life. These Indians had a singular way of punishing their children and servants. It was laying them on their backs, and putting a knee on each arm ; then, holding back the boy's head, by laying hold of the hair, they ejected a decoction of bayberry-root bark from their mouths into the noses of tlie boys. This was repeated a number of times, till the boys were near strangled. After a whUe, however, they would recover. This mode of punishment was called by the Indians medom-humar, or great punishment. The whale fishery began here in 1690. One Ichabod Paddock came from Cape Cod to instruct the people in the art of killing whales in boats from the shore. This business flourished tUl about the year 1760, when the whales appear generally to have left the coast. In 1718 the inhabitants began to pursue whales on the ocean, in small sloops and schooners, of about from 30 to 50 tons. The blubber was brought home and tried or boiled in try- houses. In a few years after, vessels of a larger burthen were employed, and the oil boiled out in try-works at sea. " At the breaking out of the Revolution, in 1775, Nantucket had 150 vessels, and employed in them 2,200 raen, on whaling voyages. They took annually about 30,000 * Col. Mass. Hist. Soc. vol. v. first series, p. 57. NANTUCKET, 449 barrels of oil. The pecuUar interests of the island suffered severely by the war, at the close of which the number of whaling vessels was reduced to 30. The enterprise of the people received another check in the late war, but has since again restored the business of the island to its accustomed channels and extent. In 1822, there belonged to the town 88 whaling vessels, averaging 300 tons each, " The Nantucket whalemen now extend their voyages to the coast of BrazU in South America, and frequently to the Pacific Ocean, and are often absent two or three years. The vessels designed for these distant voyages are generally navigated by 20 or 30 men . The terms on which the men are employed are somewhat peculiar. The owners of the vessel and its appurtenances receive a certain stipulated part out of the profits of the voyage, and the remainder of the proceeds is divided among the officers and seamen, according to certain rules previously known and understood by all parties. So that if the vessel meets with great success, the pay of the men, who navigate it, wUl be high ; but if the vessel have less success, their pay will be proportionably less. " Whales are sometimes found 200 feet in length, but generally are less than half that size. These monstrous animals are attacked by only six or eight men in an open boat. When in the region frequented by whales, the crew of the vessel in pursuit of them keep a sharp look-out, with all things ready for an attack. The instant a whale is discovered upon the surface of the water, a boat is manned for the pursuit. One man, the most daring and dexterous in the business, is armed with a harpoon, an in strument five or six feet long, with a barbed point. He stands up, with bis weapon in his hand, in the bow of the boat, while the others row, under his direction, with aU pos sible despatch toward the enemy, and usually to within eight or ten yards of him. The harpooner, having taken his position to the best advantage, and made all things ready for the blow, hurls his weapon with aU his strength, and aims to strike some part of the whale least protected by his thick skin, ¦ This is a moment of intense interest, for the success of a whole voyage may essentially depend upon a single stroke of the harpoon. It is also a moment of imminent danger ; for one blow from the tail of the wounded and enraged animal might upset the boat and dash it into a thousand pieces. The men, therefore, hastily withdraw a short distance from their danger, and wait the effects of their first onset. " As soon as the whale becomes sensible of his wound, he dives into the water with incredible velocity for so heavy and unwieldy an animal, carrying the harpoon, held fast in his wound by its barbed point. Several hundred fathoms of Une, fastened at one end to the harpoon and the other attached to the boat, are frequently run out be fore the whale is exhausted and obliged to return to the top of the water for air. The harpooner stands ready to attack him again the moment he appears, and fastens anoth er weapon in some part of his body, 'The whale again dives for a short time, and re turns only to receive a new attack. At length, exhausted by his wounds and the loss of blood, which colors the water for some distance around him, he yields to his con querors. He is then towed by the boat to the vessel, which keeps as near as possible to the scene of the battle, the crew witnessing with the deepest interest its progress and result. Several days are then spent in dissecting the prize and disposing of the valua ble parts, when the crew are ready for a new and similar exploit. The profits of a voyage have frequently been from $30,000 to $50,000, and sometimes more." The foUowing notice of Peter Folger, one of the first settlers of the island, is taken from " a short Journal of Nantucket, by Zach eus Macy," in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical So ciety, vol. in. page 159. " When the EngUsh flrst came to Nantucket, they appointed 5 men to divide and lay out 20 acres of hou.se lot land to every share, and Peter Folger was one of the five. But it appears by the records, that any 3 ofthe 5 might do the business, provided the said Peter Folger was one of them, from which it is plain the people saw soraething in him superior to others. It is observable also that the old deeds from the Indian sa chems were examined by Peter Folger, and he wrote at the bottom ofthe deed and sign ed it in addition to the signature of the justice ; for he understood and could speak the Indian tongue. Thus it is evident that both the English and the Indian had a great esteem for Peter Folger, who was grandfaUier to the famous Benjamin Franklin, the Printer, Statesman and Philosopher. His mother wsis the daughter of Peter Folger, and It seems that the whole of North America prides itself as much in Benjamin FrankUn as the people of Nantucket did in his grandfather, Peter Folger." 460 bellingham. NORFOLK COUNTY. This county was incorporated in 1793, previous to which time It formed a part of Suffolk county. This name was formerly ap plied to a county composed of the towns in this state north of the Merrimac, with others in New Hampshire. After the separation of the states by a line three miles north of the Merrimac, the towns in this state were annexed to the county of Essex. The principal streams are Charles and Neponset rivers, with their branches. Much ofthe surface of Norfolk is broken and uneven, but no part can be considered mountainous. The ridges called the Blue Hifls are the most noted elevations. Much of the soil is strong and rocky. That part of this county in the vicinity of Boston is generally in a high state of cultivation, as there is a good market for agricultural productions in the capital. The manufacture of boots and shoes is an important branch of business in this county. In 1837, there were 5,259 persons engaged in this manufacture. The following is a list of the towns, which are 22 in number. Bellingham, Dorchester, Milton, Stoughton, Braintree, Dover, Needham, Walpole, Brookline, Foxborough, Quincy, Weymouth, Canton, Franklin, Randolph, Wrentham. Cohasset, Medfield, Roxbury, Dedham, Medway, Sharon, In 1820, the population of this county was 36,471 ; in 1830, it was 41,901 ; in 1837, it was 50,399. BELLINGHAM. This town was set off from Dedham, and incorporated as a town in 1719. Rev. Jonathan Mills was ordained in 1727 over a Con gregational church which had been previously formed in this place. He continued here about ten years, though not in the raost harmo nious manner, and was dismissed in 1737. He retired to Boston, where he died, in 1773. The people had occasional preaching after the dismissal of Mr. Mills, till 1774, when the meeting-house was demolished. For about the period of sixty years past, no Congre gational minister has statedly held meetings in the town. The Congregational church has long been extinct. Sorae families of this order, however, are religiously associated with the west parish in Medway. In the center of the town there are 2 churches, and 10 or 12 dwelling-houses. Distance, 5 miles from Mendon, 18 from Ded ham, and 28 from Boston. Population, 1,159. In 1837, there were 2 cotton mills, 1,672 spindles ; 427,470 yards of cotton goods were manufactured, valued at $35,110 25 ; males employed, 20; females, 34: one woollen mill, 2 sets of machinery; 24,000 yards of cloth BROOKLINE. 451 were manufactured, valued at $62,000. There were 14,570 pairs of boots and 220 pairs of shoes manufactured, valued at $28,077; straw bonnets manufactured, 1,450, valued at $2,650. BRAINTREE. This town formerly included duincy and Randolph, and was at first called Mount Wollaston, and is one of the most ancient places in the state, the first settlement being made in the town as early as 1625. The ancient history of Braintree now properly comes under the head of Quincy, as Mount Wollaston, the place where the first settlement was made, is within the limits of that town. Braintree was incorporated in 1640, Quincy in 1792. The soil of this township, though not very fertile, is strong, and well repays cultivation. The Maniquot river, after passing through this town and affording many mill sites, meets the tide-waters of Weymouth Fore river at Braintree landing. In the town are manufactories of cotton, satinet, shovels, paper, nails, and choco late ; large quantities of shoes are made here. There is excellent granite found here, and large quantities are exported ; ship-build ing is also carried on to some extent. There are 3 churches, one of which is Unitarian. On the eastern line of the town is situated the flourishing settlement of Weymouth village ; about one third of it lies within the limits of this town. A view of this village is given in the account of Weymouth. (See Weymouth.) Population, 2,237. Distance, 12 miles S. E. of Dedhara, and 10 southerly from Boston. In 1837, there were 65,604 pairs of boots, 71,117 pairs of shoes, manufactured in this town, the value of which was $202,363 03; males employed, 357; females, 265. There were two paper-mUls ; stock manufactured, 182 tons ; value of paper, ^25,000 ; one naU factory; naUs manufactured, 215 tons; value of naUs manufactured, $33,460 ; hands employed, 19 ; value of cotton gins manufactured, $15,000 ; hands employed, 30. "A survey between the tide- waters of this town and those of Taunton river, to unite Massachusetts and Narragansett bays by a ship canal, was commenced by the United States government in 1827. From the tide lock at Somerset, 13 miles below Taunton, the distance is 36 miles. The summit level between the bays is at Howard's meadow, in Randolph, 134 feet above high-water mark at Braintree or Weymouth landing. A ship canal in this direction, or one across Cape Cod at Sandwich, would save many lives and a vast amount of property." — Hayward's Massachusetts Directory. BROOKLINE. This town, before its incorporation in 1705, belonged to Boston, from which it was separated by a bay formed by Charles river. 452 BROOKL Wood, the author of "New England's Prospect," in desciibmg Boston and other places ui the vicinity, in 1633, says — " The inhabitants of this place, [Boston] for their enlargement, have taken to them selves farm-houses in a place caUed Muddy River, [Brookline] two miles from the town, where there is good ground, large timber, and store of marsh land and meadow. In this place they keep their swine and other catUe in the summer, whilst the com is in the ground at Boston, and bring them to town in the winter." As early as 1686, the inhabitants at Muddy River had obtained an order that said hamlet should thence forth be free from paying taxes to the town of Boston, and to have the privilege of an nually choosing three men to manage their affairs. The conditions were, that they should bear their own expenses, erect a school-house, and maintain a reading and writ ing master. After the overthrow of Andross, the town of Boston disannulled the above order, and rigorously exercised over them all the authority they possessed. After some considerable opposition, a petition, signed by 32 freeholders, was presented to the legis lature in 1705, for a separation from Boston, The petition was granted, and the place was incorporated as a distinct town by the name of BrookUne, " It is supposed that this name was adopted from the circumstance that Smelt brook is a boundary between that town and Carabridge, and that another brook, which falls into Muddy river, is a boundary between it and Roxbury." The hills and woodlands of Brookline form a considerable part of the scenery presented to the view from the west of Boston com^ mon. The town contains sorae of the finest country seats and best managed lands which adorn the environs of Boston. It is 5 miles northerly from Dedham, and 5 W. of Boston. Population, 1,083. There are 2 churches, 1 Congregational and 1 Baptist. A direct communication with Boston is effected by the construction of an immense mill-dam, a mile and a half in length, and 100 feet in the widest and 50 feet in the narrowest part, built with walls of stone, filled up compactly with gravel and other materials, at an enormous expense. It is water-tight, and raised three or four feet above high-water raark. This " Western Avenue," as it is called, was opened for passengers July 2, 1821. There was a splendid ceremony on the occasion. A cavalcade of citizens, under the direc tion of Adj. Gen. Wra. H. Sumner, at an early hour entered the town over the dam, and were welcomed on the Boston side by the inhabitants. Several of the revolutionary forts may be traced in this town by some slight remains ; and the site of one of the an cient Indian forts, built by the natives before the settleraent by the English, is yet discernible, on what is called Sewall's farm. Zabdiel Boylston, F. R. S., an eminent physician, was a native of this town, born in 1680, and died in this town in 1766. He is distinguished as being the first who introduced the inoculation of the small-pox into America. " The inoculation of small-pox was first performed in the EngUsh dominions in AprU, 1721, upon a daughter of the celebrated Lady M. W. Montague, who had be come acquainted with inoculation as practised by Turkish women, during her residence in Constantinople. " About this time Dr. Zabdiel Boylston, of Boston, was induced to adopt the same expedient, from reading an account of inoculation, and made his first experiment by inoculating his only son and two negro servants, on the 27th of June, 1721. Probably there never was greater opposition to any measure of real public utiUty than was ex hibited on this occasion. Dr. Boylston was execrated and persecuted as a murderer, assaulted in the streets, and loaded with every species of abuse. His house was at tacked with violence, so that neither himself nor his famUy could feel secure in it. At CANTON. 453 one time he remained fourteen days in a secret apartment of his own house, unknown to any of his famUy except his wife. The enraged inhabitants patrolled the town in parties, with halters in their hands, threatening to hang him on the nearest tree, and repeatedly entered his house in search of him during his concealment. Such was the madness of the multitude, that, even after the excitement had in some measure subsid ed, Dr, Boylston only ventured to visit his patients at midnight, and then in disguise. He had also to encounter violent opposition from most of the members of his own pro fession, and notwithstanding he invited them all to visit his patients, and judge for theraselves, received nothing but threats and insults in reply. Indeed, many sober, pious people were deliberately of opinion, when inoculation was first comraenced, that, should any of his patients die, the doctor ought to be capitally indicted. He was re peatedly summoned before the selectmen of Boston, and received their reprehension. His only friends were Dr. Cotton Mather and other clergymen, most of whom became zealous advocates for the new practice, and consequently drew upon theraselves much odium from the populace. Some of them received personal injury ; others were insult ed in the streets, and were hardly safe in their own dwellings ; nor were their services acceptable on Sunday to their respective audiences, " A bill for prohibiting the practice of inoculation, under severe penalties, wa! brought before the legislature of Massachusetts, and actually passed the house of rep resentatives, but some doubts existing in the senate, it failed to become a law, " Dr, Boylston Uved to see the cause he espoused triumphant, and its utility gene. rally appreciated. So prone are raankind to vacillate from one extreme to the other that, on a subsequent appearance of the sraall-pox in Boston, in the year 1792, the whole town was inoculated in three days, to appease the infatuation of the inhabitants respecting the danger apprehended from this deadly pestilence. Persons were inocu lated indiscriminately, to the number of 9,152 ; and such was the hurry and confusion with which it was done, and such the impossibility of rendering proper assistance and attention to so large a number, that 165 deaths were the consequence." CANTON. Canton was originally the south precinct of Dorchester, called Dorchester village; it was incorporated in 1797. The first church was embodied here in the year 1717, and Rev. Joseph Morse was ordained its minister the sarae year. He had preached in the vUlage, previous to his ordination, nearly eleven years. He was succeeded by Rev. Samuel Dunbar, in 1727. Mr. Dunbar was a warm and decided friend to the liberties ofhis country. In 1755, he was chaplain to Col. Brown's regiment, in the expedition against Crown. Point. " His zeal and firmness in the American Revolution contributed not a little to support the hopes and sus tain the sinking spirits of his people, when clouds and darkness shrouded our prospects." He died in 1783, and was succeeded by Rev. Zachariah Howard, who was settled in 1786. The Rev. William Harlow was installed over the second church in 1829, resigned the same year. The following is a westerly view of the viaduct in this town, on which passes the Boston and Providence raUroad. It is constructed of granite, and is 600 feet in length, 63 feet above the foundation, on 6 arches, with a succession of arches at the top. It is an admirable piece of workmanship, and cost the corapany about $80,000. On the right of the engraving is seen the northern extremity of the stone factory, a large establishment for the manu facture of cassimeres, which, when in full operation, employs be- 61 454 COHASSET. South-western view of Canton 'Viaduct. tween 300 and 400 hands. The copper works of Mr. Revere, near the above, is an extensive establishment ; all kinds of copper are manufactured. There are also other large manufacturing estab lishments in the limits of the town. There are 4 churches (2 Congregational, 1 Baptist, and 1 Methodist) and a bank, the "Neponset Bank." Population, 2,185. Since 1830, the popula tion has increased one third. Distance, 5 miles from Dedham, IS frora Taunton, and 15 from Boston. In 1S37, there was 1 woollen mill, 14 sets of machinery; wool consumed, 300,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 254,000 yards, valued at $250,000 ; males employed, 125 ; females, 125. One cotton mill ; 1,560 spindles ; 463,547 yards of cotton goods were manufactured. There were 8 furnaces for the manufacture of copper ; 1 ,500,000 lbs. of copper were manufactured; value estimated, $400,000; forty hands were employed : one forge ; " shapes " raanufactured, 129 tons, value, $21,330 ; fifty hands were employed in the manu facture of hoes and coarse cutlery ; capital invested, $80,000. Two rolling mills, 1 cotton wicking mill, 1 cotton thread mill, and some other manufacturing establishments, were in operation. COHASSET. This town was originally a part of Hingham ; it was incorpo rated in 1770. The first minister of Cohasset was Rev. Nehemiah Hobart, the grandson of Rev. Peter Hobart, the first minister of Hinghara. He was ordained in 1721, and continued in the minis try tiU his death, in 1740. His successor was Rev. John Fowle, who continued here about thirteen years. Rev. John Brown was the next minister, who was settled here in 1747, and died in 1791. His successor was Mr. Shaw, who was in the ministry here about Drawn by J. W. Barber— Engraved by E. L. Barber, New Haven, Conn. SOUTHERN VIEW OF THE COURT-HOUSE IN DEDHAM. This Court-House, constructed of granite, is considered to be one of the best models for a public building in this country. The Unitarian and Orthodox churches are seen iu the distance on the left. DEDHAM. 455 i four years. The Rev. Jacob Flint, the next minister, was settled here in 1798. A Trinitarian church was built here in 1826, and Rev. Aaron Picket was installed the first pastor. This town is noted for its rocky coasts, and for the numerous shipwrecks which have taken place on its borders. Cohasset rock, which consists of several sraall islands and sunken rocks lies about three railes north-east of the harbor ; they have proved fatal to many vessels. This town has become quite a place of resort for citizens and strangers, in summer months, to enjoy the marine scenery and sea air. In 1837, there were 36 vessels em ployed in the cod and raackerel fishery, the tonnage of which was 2,284; codfish caught, 750 quintals, valued at $2,250; mackerel caught, 11,700 barrels, value, $73,286; hands employed, 324. In five years preceding 1837, there were 17 vessels built, the ton nage of which was 2,765, valued at $110,600. Population, 1,331. Distance, 6 miles from Hingham, and about 16 miles to Boston by water. DEDHAM, The settlement of this town was coramenced in 1635. In that year, the general court, then sitting at Newtown, (now Cambridge,) granted a tract of land south of Charles river to 12 men. "The next year 19 persons, including the first 12, petitioned the general court for an additional grant, lying on both sides of Charles river, which was raade, agreeably to this petition. The last-mentioned grant included the territory of the present town of Dedham, and of a number of other towns in the vicinity. The first recorded public raeeting was on the 15th of August, 1636, at which were present 18 persons. These adopted a covenant, by which each individual bound himself " to give information concerning any per son who applied for admission, to submit to such fines as might be imposed for violation of rules, and to obey all such bye-laws and regulations as the inhabitants shall judge necessary for the management of their temporal affairs, for religion, and for loving society." The govemment of the town was delegated by the freemen to 7 men, who were to be chosen annuaUy. These 7 men met raonthly, for many years, raade many necessary bye-laws, which were recorded in the records of the town. Concerning Ihe appropriation of the land, each man was provided with a lol of 12 acres if raarried, and 8 acres if unmarried ; this to begin with. The after grants seera to have been made according to the necessities of members, or as a reward for services performed. The number of persons in a family was also made a rule by which to divide the lands ; quality, rank or desert and usefulness in the church or commonwealth was also a rule considerable in the apportionment. In a petition to the general court the inhabitants requested that the town might be caUed Contentment ; which name is written over the record of the first several meet ings. It would seem that the word well expresses the leading motives of the first 24 settlers in coming into this town. They were soon, however, associated with men of somewhat a different and higher character. The celebrated John Rogers, of Dedham, in England, had been forbidden to preach before the first settlers came to this country. Many of his people emigrated and numbers settled in this place. From that circum- 456 DEDHAM. Stance, It may reasonably be inferred that the general court gave to the town the nams of Dedham. The first settlers were more immediately from Watertown. They were as follows, viz. : Edward AUyne, Abraham Shaw, Samuel Morse, Phileman Dalton, Ezekiel Holliman, John Kingsbury, John Dwite, John Cooledge, Richard Ewed, John Howard, Lambert Genere, Nicholas Phillips, Ralph Shepard, John Gay, Thomas Bartleet, Francis Austin, John Rogers, Joseph Shaw, William Bearstowe In July, 1637, John AUin and Eleazer Lusher, and ten other persons, came to Ded ham, bringing recomraendations, and were at the sarae time admitted freemen. These 12 persons gave a more decided character to the whole corapany. The foUowing is the list of freemen who had been adraitted into Dedhara previous to 1647. Mr. John Allin, Edward Kempe, Mr. Timothy Dalton, John Leuson, Mr. Thomas Carter, John Dwight, Mr, Ralph Wheelock, Henry Smith, Mr, John Hunting, John Rogers, Mr. Pruden, John Shawe, Mr, Henry PhUlips, Nathan Aldis, deac, F, Chickering, deac, Daniel Fisher, Abraham Shaw, Michael Metcalf, Edward AUyne, John Frayre, Eleazer Lusher, Robert Hinsdale, John Bullard, Joshua Fisher, Ferdinando Adams, Thomas Wight, Sarauel Morse, Nicholas Phillips, John Morse, John Page, Michael Powell, Joseph Kingsbury, Nathaniel Colbome, Tiraothy Dwight, Peter Woodward, John Baker, Nathaniel Whitmg, Anthony Fisher, Andrew Dewing, George Barber, Robert Onion, Robert FeEishe, Johu Gay, Lambert Genery, Samuel GuUe, John Ellis, Daniel Morse, Thomas Alcoke, John Batchellor, Joseph Morse. The first settlers located themselves on the margin of the mead ows, near the modern center. Each house-lot consisted of a part upland and a part meadow. These lots were laid out in narrow parallel slips. It is stated in Worthington's History of Dedham,* that in 1664, ninety-five small houses, near each other, were situ ated within a short distance of the place where the court-house stands ; the greater part of them east of that place and around Dwight's brook. A row of houses stood on the north side of High street, as that road was then called which extends from the bridge over Dwight's brook westwardly by the court-house. The greater number of these houses were built soon after the first settlement comraenced. Four only of these were valued at £20 ; the greater nuraber were worth from 3 to 10 pounds. At the time these houses were built, there were but very few carpenters, joiners, or masons in the colony. There was no saw-mill in the settlement for many years. The only boards which could be procured at first were those which were sawed by hand. The saw-pits yet to be seen denote that boards were sawed in the woods. The necessary ma terials of glass and nails were scarcely to be obtained. These houses, therefore, must have been principally constructed by farmers, not by mechanics, and have been very rude and incon venient. Most of them were probably covered with thatch roofs. By an ordinance of the town, a ladder was ordered to extend from * " The History of Dedham fi'om the beginning of its Settlement, in September, 1635, to May, 1827, by Erastus Worthington," It is to this work the author is principally mdebted for the fads in the history of this town. The " Historical Address " of Sam uel F, Haven, Esq,, on the second centennial anniversary, in 1836, with notes, U also another valuable publication respecting the history of this town DEDHAM. 457 the ground to the chimney, as a substitute for a more perfect fire engine. Around these houses nothing was seen but stumps, clumsy fences of poles, and an uneven and unsubdued soil. Wliere the meeting-house of the first parish now stands, there stood for more than 30 years a low building, 36 feet long and 20 wide, 12 feet high, with a thatched roof, and a large ladder resting upon it. This was the flrst meeting-house. Near by was the school-house, standing on an area of 18 feet by 14, and rising to 3 stories ; the third story, however, was a watch-house, of small dimensions, and which stood beside the ample stone chimney. The spectator there elevated might view the plain, the si'.e of the present viUage, then a common plough-field, containing about 200 acres of cleared land, partially subdued, yet fuU of stumps and roots. Around him at a further dis tance were the herd-walks, as the coraraon feeding lands were called, in the language of that time. One of these herd-walks was on Dedham Island, north of Charles river, and one was on East street, and more fully in view. The other herd-walk was on South Plain, The meadows were not yet cleared to any great extent. Beyond these herd-walks was a continued wilderness, which was becoming more disagreeable to the inhabUants, for the cattle, goats and sheep seem to have allured the wolves to their neighborhood. The dense swamps about Wigwam were not yet cleared. The numer ous dogs in the plantation, which were so troublesome to the worshipping assembly, were not a sufficient guard against the wolves ; and the killing of these animals was encouraged by a considerable bounty. A law of the colony, as well as the dangers of the people from Indian assaults, compeUed the first settlers to build their houses near each other. The necessity of adhering to this law continued more than 50 years. But as soon as the inhabitants could Uve wUh safety on their farms, houses were built in all parts of the present town. In about 70 years' time, the humble viUage of the flrst settlers had disappeared, and the place was occupied by a few farmers fcr about 100 years. When Dedham became the county town, in 1793, the second village was begun on the place of the fonner,* The first school-house in Dedham was built in 1648. The master's salary untU 1695 was £20 ; it was then raised to £25. The early settlers at various times made grants of land for the support of schools, and in 1680, Dr. WilUam Avery gave £60 for a Latin school, but from mismanagement these ftmds were many years ago lost. The first settlers early procured a minister, built a meeting house, and performed every other act necessary for the immediate establishment of public worship among them. They erected the first meeting-house in 1637. The pitts (as the pews are called in the records) were 5 feet deep and 4^ wide. The elders' seat and the deacons' seat were before the pulpit ; the comraunion-table stood before these seats, and was so placed that the people could approach it on three sides. This house was pulled down in 1672, and one much larger erected on the site of the old one. This house had 3 pair of stairs in 3 corners of the interior. Men were seated in the galleries on one side, and women on the other ; the boys in front. The duty of a tythingraan in those days was arduous, and he received as much pay for his services, many years, as the deputy to the general court. He was obliged to go on errands for the elders, whip the dogs out of the meeting-house, and prevent disorder among the boys. The business of seating persons in these two houses came under the jurisdiction of the » The first settlers brought with them a number of smaU hand-mills, with which to grind their grain ; the stones of which were about 2 feet in diameter. The stones of 2 of these hand-miUs are stated to be yet remaining in the town. The first water-mill in Dedham was buiU in 1640, In 1664, a saw-miU was built on Neponset river, by Joshua Fisher. In 1681, a fuUing-miU was buiU on Mother brook, by Draper and Fairbanks. 458 DEDHAM. elders. The greatest tax-payer had the highest seat. This was a subject of some difficulty. Rev, John Allin (so spelled by him) was the first settled pastor in Dedham. He came into the settlement in July, 1637, and immediately began to direct those pro ceedings which laid the foundation of the church, which was gathered in the fall ot 1638, and over which he was ordained in 1639. He carae here, as his records express it, in expectation of employraent in public work. He had received a liberal education in England, but had not been ordained. In forming the church, he required a stnct scrutiny into the actions and religious affections of each candidate before admis,sion, even in those cases where the candidate was a member of another church. This work he accomplished in a peaceful manner, and governed his church with increased repu tation 32 years. Gov, Winthrop says in his Joumal, that this church was gathered with good approbation, Mr, Allin was greatly esteemed by his church and the inhabit ants, and his iniinence in the civil and religious affairs of that day was very exten sive. Cotton Mather says that "he was a man of sweet temper, of a genteel spirit, a diligent student, of competent learning, a humble man, and sincere Christian. Mather proposes his epitaph, Vir sincerus, amans pacis, patiensque laborum, Perspicuus, simplex, doctrine purus amator, Mr. AUin died in 1671, and was succeeded by Rev. WiUiam Adams, who was ordained in 1673, He ministered to the people till his death, in 1685. The next pastor was Rev, Joseph Belcher, ordained 1693, died 1723. He was succeeded by Rev, Sarauel Dexter, who was ordained in 1724 ; he died in 1755. The next pastor of this church was Rev. Jason Haven, u. native of Framingham, ordained m 1756. After an active and useful life, he died in 1803, and the same year Rev, Joshua Bates was ordained. In 1818, he was dismissed for the purpose of taking the presidency of Middlebury college, Vt. He wjis succeeded the same year by the Rev. Alvan Lam son. During Mr. AUin's ministry of 32 years the records do not show any rate assessed for his support ; he depended on voluntary contributions and on the liberal grants of land frora the proprietors. All the successors of Mr. AUin had salaries voted them by the town, although the salary was paid voluntarUy by the people, with out a tax collector, raany years. The following appears to have been the recorded rule of proceeding on this subject. In case any shall be at some time shortened m money, he shall put in for that tirae a paper, wherein his name, and his day's payment, as shall be due, is entered, which paper he shall once within one month take out of the deacon's hands, and pay the debt. And every man shall put his money in a paper each Lord's day, and his name written therein, and so deliver it into the box. The second parish in Dedhara was incorporated in Nov. 1730 ; including at that time the inhabitants in the west part of the town. The first minister of this society was the Rev. Thomas Balch, ordained in 1736. He died in 1774, and in 1776 was succeeded by Rev. Jabez Chickering, who continued mth the people till his death, in 1812, Rev. Wm, Cogswell was ordained over this society in 1815, — The third parish was formed from the second, being composed of the inhabitants of the west part of the town, who settled Rev, Josiah Dwight as their first pastor, in 1735, His pastoral relation proved unhappy, and he was dismissed in 1742, and was succeeded, the next year, by Rev, Andrew Tyler, who continued with the people tUl 1772, when he was disraissed. The next minister was Rev, Thoraas Thatcher, ordained in 1780, died in 1812. The fourth pastor. Rev, John White, was ordained in 1814. A fourth Congre gational society originated from the first society in 1818, which is known by the name of the New Meeting-House society, over whom Rev, Ebenezer Burgess was ordained pastor in 1821, The Episcopal church in Dedhara coramenced in 1760, In the year 1768, it came under the direction of Rev, WiUiam Clark. A sraall church was then buUt by a few persons in Dedham and the neighboring towns. At the commencement of the Revo lution, Mr. Clark was prosecuted, before the revolutionary tribunal at Boston, for directing two loyalists to a place of safety who were in danger from the populace. Failing to convict hira of any crirae, he was about to be acquitted, when he was re quired to swear allegiance to the coraraonwealth. This he refused to do, and in con sequence was condemned to be transported to foreign parts, and was immediately confined in a prison-ship in Boston harbor. Through the influence of Dr, Ames, a decided whig, he procured his liberty and a license to go out of the country. After he had obtained a small pension from the British government, he resided some time in New Brunswick ; but he afterwards came to Quincy, where he spent the remainder of DEDHAM. 459 his dajTS. From Mr. Clark's departure to 1791, there was occasional preacning in the society through the exertion of Bishop Parker. In 1791, the Rev. William Mon tague came into this church, and became its rector, and continued in that office till 1818, when he was dismissed. In 1821, Rev. Isaac Boyle was instituted rector, at the unanimous request of the members. In 1811, a Baptist society, partly in Dedham and partly in Medfield, was incorpo rated, over which Rev. WUUam Gamel was ordained pastor. At the time of the first settlement of Dedham, the Indians were not as numerous there as in some other places, as those of that neighborhood had been, a year or two before', nearly all carried ofl' by the small.pox, and most of those remaining aUve had probably joined themselves to the tribes whose habitations were at some distance to the south or west. Numbers of them, it is supposed, united with the Naticks, a company of Indians placed on Charles river, about 10 miles west of the present viUage of Dedham, (and then within the limits of the town,) whom the Rev. John Eliot was endeavoring to civiUze and convert to Christianity. The settlers of Dedham obtained a title to the soil by fair and honorable contract. Very soon after the arrival of Gov. Winthrop and his associates, the chieftain, Chickatabot, made a conveyance to the EngUsh of the country around Boston, including the territory now occupied by Dedham, (which was called Tist by the Indians.) After the death of Chickatabot, in 1633, a committee was appointed to find out such Indians as remembered the bargain. This committee obtained a quit claim from Wampatuck, grandson of Chickatabot, in which he states that forasmuch as he is informed by several ancient Indians, .... that his grandfather did for a good and suflicient consideration convey to the EngUsh plant ers the tract of land now called Dedham ; he, therefore, in consideration of that fact and of a reasonable sum of money, quit claims to, &c. This deed, which is long and particular, is dated 1685. In Sept. 1673, the selectmen received orders from the general court to put the town in a posture for war. Upon this " the soldiers were frequently trained, the great gun mounted, a barrel of powder and other ammunition was procured, the people built a garrison, and set a watch." The fear excited was great, and many fled to Boston. Dedham, however, was well situated for defence. The town had been built in a compact manner, that it might be prepared for Indian hostilities. Little river and Charles river on the north would make the savages unwilling to approach in that direction. The plain all around Dedham was to a con siderable extent cleared and level, and overlooked by a person in the belfry of the new meeting-house. To this circumstance it may be owing that none of the parties of Philip made an assault on the town. It was doubtless reconnoitred by his spies, and had it been unprepared, might have shared the fate of Medfield and other places. That bloody contest, known as "King Philip's war," com menced in 1675. The first actual outrage was committed in Dedham. A white man shot through the body was found in the woods. The circumstance agitated the whole colony. An Indian was arrested on suspicion, but whether or not he was executed is unknown. As it was the fortune of Dedham to be particu larly connected with the events that immediately led to the break ing out of the war, so it had the honor of an exploit which contributed more than any single occurrence, perhaps, next to the death of King Philip, to bring it to a close. Pomham, sachem of Shaomet, (now Warwick, R. I.,) was probably the only chieftain, except Philip, possessing sufficient energy and talent to have united the scattered tribe and infused into them his own spirit and 62 460' DEDHAM. courage. He was a double traitor. He had quarrelled with Mi- antinimo, chief sachem of the Narragansetts, to whom he was tributary, and had placed himself under the colonial government for protection. When the war began, he joined Philip, and be came, next to him, the most dreaded of the Indian warriors. He was slain by a party of Dedhara and Medfield people, July 25, 1676. Fifty of his band were raade prisoners, but he, refusing to be taken alive, was slain raging like a wild beast. The death of Philip, eighteen days after, soon brought this destructive war to a close. The last of the aborigines in Dedhara were Alexander Quabish and Sarah his wife. Sarah died fn 1774, at the house of Mr. Jo.seph Wight. She was interred in the old Indian burial-place, about half a mile frora Mr. Wight's house, at the foot of Wigwam hill — the last person there deposited. The funeral was attended by Rev. Mr. Haven. Alexander died at Natick, or Needham, in 1776. J rtt' n1 /•^n . I [ Northern view of an ancient Oak, Dedham. A large oak tree now stands in East street, in front of Mr. Avery's dwelling, which is 16 feet in circumference, near the bottom of the trunk, and is doubtless rauch older than the town. By it we are forcibly rerainded how strong and stately stood his old companions of the forest. This tree is carefully and de.servedly cherished by its owner. It is stated that $70 was offered for it for timber, to have been used in the construction of the United States ship Constitution ; but the proposals were rejected. It is of noble growth ; and long raay it stand the monarch-tree of Dedham ! The drawing for the above engraving was taken in the month of AprU, and of course was seen without its foliage. The present village of Dedham is well buiU, and, including Connecticut Corner, contains upwards of 125 houses. Nearly ail of them are two stories in height, and raostly painted white. Dedham is the shire town of Norfolk county. The court-bouse is Situated op a beautiful green of more than two acres, and sur- DEDHAM. 461 rounded with a railing. This edifice contains an area of 98 feet by 48, and has at each end a projection of 10 feet from the main body of the building, with a pediment resting on 4 doric pillars of granite, which are nearly 21 feet high, and 3 feet 10 inches in diameter at the base. The material of the building is hewn, white granite, from a quarry 8 miles west of it. This is probably the best imitation of the models of antiquity in the country ; in which strength, durability, and just proportions are happily uni ted. The architect was Mr. Samuel Willard, of Boston. Near the court-house are two Congregational churches, (one of them Unitarian,) and 4 near the south-west part of the town, (2 of which are Congregational, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Baptist.) The Dedham Bank has a capital of $150,000. Here are 12 stores, 2 hotels, a fire insurance company, and 3 newspaper presses. There are in this town 2 cotton factories, 3 paper-mills, a woollen mill, with 7 sets of raachinery, Avhich in 1837 manufactured 91,102 yards of cloth, valued at $204,000 ; males eraployed, 75 ; females, 75 ; and 1 establishment for making lead pipe and pumps. A nura ber of these are situated on " Mother's Brook," which is an arti ficial canal, of 3^ mUes in length, which conducts about one third of the waters of Charles river into the Neponset river. This canal, as appears by the records of the town, was excavated in 1639, (only about four years from the comraenceraent of the set tlement,) for the purpose of forming good mill-sites. This is, undoubtedly, thefirstcanaleveTma.de in the country, and is no inconsiderable proof of the energy and wisdom of the early planters. In 1837, there were manufactured 7,175 pairs of boots, and 18,722 pairs of shoes, valued at $32,483 ; the value of chairs and cabinet ware manufactured, $21,250 ; the value of silk goods manufactured, $10,000 ; value of straw bonnets, $20,000 ; value of marble paper and cards, $18,000. Population, 3,532. Dis tance, 26 miles from Taunton, 35 frora Worcester, 35 frora Ply mouth, 30 from Providence, R. I., and 10 from Boston. On the north-west corner of the court-house square, on the Boston road from Dedham, is a granite pillar, about five feet in height, which was once the pedestal to a column erected in honor of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and surmounted with his bust. Tbe column and bust are now gone, but on two sides of the pedestal is the following inscription : ON THE NORTH SIDE. The pUlar of Liberty erected by the sons of Liberty in this vicinity. Laus Deo. Regit et Immunitat m autoribusq. maxime Patronus Pitt qui Rempub. rnrsum evulsit faucibus Orci. OK THE WEST SIDE. The PUlar of Libehtt to the honor of William Pitt, Esqr. and other patriots who saved Amekica from impending slavery, and confirmed our most loyal affection to King George III. by procuring a repeal of the Stamp Act, 18th March, 1766. Erected here July 22d, 1766, by Dr. Nathaniel Ames, 2d, Col. Ebenezer Battle, Major Abijah Draper, and other patriots friendly td the Bights of (he Gdlonies tx that day. Replaced by the Citizens July 4, 1823. 462 DEDHAM. In all the wars in which the country has been engaged, Dedham has furnished its full proportion of money and soldiers. In King Philip's war (as already mentioned) and the two French wars, the town lost a good number of men, who died of sickness in the camp or fell in battle. A number from the town engaged in the expedition against Havana, none of whom returned, and a con siderable number served at the long and memorable siege of Louisburg, Cape Breton. At the comraenceraent of the Revolu tion the inhabitants were unanimously opposed to the oppressive measures of the British ministry. Town meetings were frequently held, and many patriotic resolutions are found on the records. In Jan. 1774, the town voted, " that they heard, with infinite pleasure the determination of other colonies to prevent tea from being used to enlarge the British revenue in the colonies ; and as so many political evils are brought about by the unreasonable liking to tea, and it is also so baneful to the human constitution, that if any shall continue to use it, while the act creating a duty thereon is in force, we shall consider it as a fiagrant proof of their hostility to, the liberties of the country and of their own stupidity." At the reception of the news of the Lexington massacre, all the militia of the town forthwith repaired to the scene of action. In the war which succeeded, the town furnished upwards of 100 men, who served either in the regular continental army, or who in the state service performed military duty in one or more distant campaigns. Of the many eminent men who have lived in Dedham, are the following : Major Eleazer Lusher, came into the town with Mr. Allin, and maintained an eminent rank among the founders of the town, directing and taking the lead in all the most impor- tant affairs of the plantation. He was a representative to the general court, and a number of years, from 1662, an assistant. The foUowing couplet was frequently repeated by the generation which immediately succeeded him. " When Lusher was in office, all things went weU, But how they go since, it shames us to teU." Capt. Daniel Fisher, one of the first settlers, was rauch employed in public business, in the several offices of deputy to the general court, speaker of that assembly, and assist ant, in which office he died. He was a hater of tyranny, and was one of the four members of the general court against whom Randolph, the agent of James II. in the colony, exhibited articles of high misdemeanor to the lords in council. Capt. Daniel Fisher, 2d, inherited the spirit of his father, and was also much employed in the various affairs of the town. When Sir Edmund Andross was seized by the Bostonians on Fort HUl, he surrendered and went unarmed to Mr. Usher's house, where he re mained under guard for some hours. When the news of this event reached Dedham, Capt. Fisher instantly set out for Boston, and came rushing in with the country people, who were in such a rage and heat as to make all tremble. Nothing would satisfy the country party but binding the govemor with cords, and carrying him to a more safe place. Soon was Capt, Fisher seen among the crowd, leading the pale and trembling Sir Edmund by the collar of his coat back to Fort HiU, History has in formed us of this incident in that revolution, but uever told who took the lead of the country people, and who had the honor of leading the proud representative of a Stuart prince, the oppressor of the colony, through the angry crowd, and placing him in safe custody at the fort. The Hon. Fisher Ames, LL. D., was a native of this town. This civUian, eminent for his talents and oratory, graduated at Harvard college, in 1774. He not long afterwards studied law in DORCHESTER. 463 Boston. The affairs of the Revolution drew his attention to noli- tics, and he became conspicuous by his speeches in the convention of his native state, on the adoption of the federal constitution. He was chosen a member of the first congress, after the organization of the general government in 1789, and for eight successive years was one of the most distinguished members of that body. He held the first rank among his countrymen and contemporaries, in strength and splendor of endowments, lofty eloquence, a profound acquaintance with the science of government, and an enlightened and ardent patriotism. His health then failed, and he withdrew from public life. The lustre of his character, however, continued undiminished. His retirement was adorned by uncommon amia bility, modesty, and simplicity of manners, and the virtues of an enlightened and exemplary Christian. He died July 4th, 1808. His writings, prefaced by a memoir of his life, were published in one volume 8vo. 1809. — Lord's Lempriere's Diet. DORCHESTER. This town was one of the oldest in the old Massachusetts colo ny, it being settled and incorporated in 1630. Its original linuts were very extensive, comprehending the present towns of Dorches ter, Milton, Stoughton, Sharon, Canton and Foxborough. In the beginning of 1630, a Congregational church was gathered at Plymouth, England, of persons who intended to come to North America, in order to enjoy civil and religious privileges. After a day of fasting and prayer, they chose Rev. John Warham, a cele brated preacher at Exeter, and Rev. John Maverick, to accompany them as their ministers. They set sail on March 20th, and arrived in the Mary and John at Nantasket on May 30th, where Captain Squeb, the master of the vessel, put them on shore, notwithstand ing his engagement was to bring them up Charles river. Here they were " left in a forlorn wilderness, destitute of any habi tation, and most other necessaries of life." Several of the com pany having procured a boat, they proceeded to Charlestown, where they found several wigwams, a few English people, and one house with an old planter, who could speak the Indian lan guage. Ascending Charles river, until it became narrow and shallow, they landed their goods " at a well watered place," with much labor, " the bank being steep." This place, according to tradition, was in Watertown, near where the U. S. Arsenal now stands. At night they had notice that 300 Indians were encamped near them ; being alarmed, they sent their interpreter to inform the Indians of their pacific intentions, and to request that they would not molest them. The whole number of the English did not exceed ten. The next morning some of the natives appeared at a distance ; and one of them holding out a bass, a man was sent with a biscuit, which the Indian received in exchange for it. After 464 DORCHESTER. this introduction, the natives were very friendly, and furnished the English with fish, giving a bass for a biscuit. The company that were left at Nantasket during the absence of those who went to Watertown, finding out a neck of land joining to a place called Mattapan by the Indians, that was a fit place to turn their cattle upon, with less danger of straying, sent for their friends to return. They all accordingly repaired to this place, and commenced a set tlement about the first of June. They named the place Dorchester, " because several of the settlers came from a town of that name in England, and also in honor of Rev. Mr. White of Dorchester." " The first inhabitants of Dorchester came chiefly frora the counties of Devon, Dor- ^set, and Soraersetshire, They were a very godly and religious people, and many of them persons of note and figure, being dignified with the title of Mr., which but few in those days were. Some of the principal men were Blr, Rossiter, Mr, Ludlow, Mr. Glover, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Smith, Mr. Gallope, Mr, Hull, Mr. Stoughton, Mr, Cogan, Mr, HiU, Capt. Southcote, Capt, Lovell, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Pinney, Mr. Richards, Mr. Wey, Mr. Williams, and Mr. Tilley. Among them came also Capt. Roger Clap, a very worthy, religious gentleman, then a young man. It seems that many of these people were trading raen, and at first designed Dorchester for a place of commerce. Accordingly they built a fort upon Rock-hill, wherein were several pieces of ordon- nance, near the water side ; but the channel being poor, and the landing difficult, and Boston and Charlestown harbour being far raore commodious, they desisted from that design, and many of them removed afterwards to Boston and other places ; so that many families about in the country had their first rise from Dorchester. " These first settlers set down pretty thick together at the northerly end of the town, next the aforesaid neck of land, and on the easterly side near the sea, " The two first years were spent in working theraselves into settlements, and incor. porating into a body to carry on the affairs of the plantation ; in granting parcels of land and meadows, some to each family ; their homesteads being their own option. The many great straits and difficulties with which they met, are thus pathetically described by Captain Clap ; ' 0 the hunger that many suffered, and saw no hope in the eye of reason to be supplied, only by clams, and muscles, and fish. We did quickly build boats, and some went a fishing; but bread was with raany a scarce thing, and flesh of all kind as scarce. And in those day.s, in our straits, though I cannot say God sent a raven to feed us as he did the prophet Elijah, yet this I can say to the praise of God's glory, that he sent not only poor ravenous Indians, which came with their baskets of corn on their backs to trade with us, which was a good supply unto many ; but also sent ships from Holland and from Ireland with provisions, and Indian corn from Virginia, to supply the wants of his dear servants in this wilderness, both for food and raiment. And, when people's wants were great, not only in one town, but divers towns, such was the godly wisdom, care and prudence (not selflshness, but self-denial) of our governour Winthrop and his assistants, that when a ship came laden with provisions, they did order that the whole cargo should be bought for a general stock ; and so accordingly it was, and distribution was made to every town and to every person in each town as every man had need. Thus God was pleased to care for his people in times of straits, and to fiU his servants with food and gladness. Then did all the servants of God bless his holy name, and love one another with pure hearts fervently.' " Dorchester is agreeably diversified by hills and valleys, and the soU is generally rich and highly cultivated. Its fertile hills present beautiful building sites, commanding a fine prospect of the islands and waters at the head of Massachusetts Bay. The roads in this township are numerous and crooked, but mostly level and kept in good repair. Many fine country-houses and substantial farin-houses are thickly arranged on their sides. Perhaps "no section of our country, of its size, is better cultivated, and no where is the union of wealth with rural felicity more complete." DORCHESTEK. 45^ Savin Hill, which is situated between two inlets from Dorchester Bay, IS a place of some resort in this town ; it is four miles from fa*'": Commercial Point is a place of some note, a Uttle south ot Savin Hill, as is also the peninsula of Squantum on the oppo- .^te shore. This town is separated from Milton and Quincy by Neponset river, which affords a good water-power and sites for a great variety of manufactures. The first water-miU in this coun try was erected here in 1633. The " Dorchester and Milton Bank, in this place, has a capital of $100,000. There are seven churches, 4 Congregational, 1 Methodist, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Bap tist. Population, 4,564. Distance, 4 miles south of Boston and b north-east of Dedham. Dorchester Heights, celebrated iA the revolutionary annals, are two hills at a small distance from each other, on the eastern extremity of the peninsula of Dorchester Point, now within the limits of South Boston. Northern view of the central part of Dorchester. The above is a northern view of the central part of Dorchester as It is entered upon the Boston road. The Congregatonal church Lentl? Zn T "T^^ "^^'^ "^ '^' engraving; ft il situated Ta gentle, though rocky eminence, having an open area in front somewhat encumbered with masses of rocks. The village in the vicmity consists of about 75 dwelling-houses. In 1837 there were 3 cotton mills, 5,500 spindles ; ^, 100,000 yards of cotton in fpr/ll™'''^^'''"''f^' ^/l"^*^ ^' $125,000; sixty males and 220 females were employed. There were 10 manufactories of chairs andcabmetware; valueof articles manufactured, $101,300; mre? "^fZ' r- ^^", P-P^^ill^ ; value of paper manufacl tured, 115,000 Four vessels were employed in the whale fishery ; fffi^T^.ld,'vfPT °^^™P?'^ted, 56,616 gallons; whale oil 94,653 gallons; hands employed, 114. Sixteen vessels were emi P^^l/^onon ¦^"'? mackerel fishery; tonnage 1,050; codfish pi; J' 19« '^"'''*f fi "^^'^ri '^""ght' ^'000 barrels hands employed, 128 ; capital invested, $50,000. 466 DORCHESTER. Soon after the first settlement at Dorchester they were joined by other settVrs from England. In 1633, Mr, Oldham and sorae others traveUed from Dorchester through the wilderness to Connecticut, to view the country and trade with the Indians. They brought back such a flattering report, that it determined many of the Dorchester people to remove thither. Accordingly, on the 20th of October, 1635, about 60 men, women, and children, with their horses, cattle, and swine, comraenced their march through the wilderness, and after a journey of fourteen days arrived at Windsor, on the Connec ticut. Mr. Warham soon foUowed his congregation, but Mr. Maverick died before preparations were raade for his removal. After the departure of the first settlers, a new church was gathered in Dorchester, in August, 1636, and Rev, Mr. Richard Ma ther was chosen teacher. The first place for public worship was erected on the plain, not far from the " Old Harbor," where the settlers first landed. It was surrounded by palisadoes, was the place for the deposit of miUtary stores, and for resort in case of alarm from the Indians. A sentinel was posted by the gate every night; and the people carried their plate and most valuable articles to the church every evening for preser vation. " In 1676, a new meeting-house was erected on the hill, where the present one stands. The work was undertaken by Mr. Isaac Royal, and performed for two hundred pounds. The elm trees [cut down in the Revolutionary war] about it were set out by Mr, Thoraas Tilestone, After the buUding was completed, the old one was sold, by a vote of the town, to Mr. Royal, for £10 The next one was raised in 1743." — Dr. Harris' account of Dorchester, vol. ix. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. In 1695, a church was gathered in this town, and Mr. Joseph Lord was ordained its pastor, for the purpose of removing to South Carolina, " to encourage the settlement of churches and the pro motion of religion in the southern plantations." After a passage of fourteen days, they landed at Carolina, and on the 2d of Febru ary, 1696, " was the first sacrament of the Lord's supper that was ever celebrated at Carolina." They located themselves on Ashley river, about 18 railes north-west of Charleston, and named their new settlement Dorchester, in honor of the place from whence they emigrated. This place proving unhealthy, and the quantity of the lands too small for the inhabitants, in 1752 a new settlement was projected in Georgia, and a grant of upwards of 30,000 acres was procured of the legislature. This tract is about thirty miles south-westerly from Savannah. Mr. Osgood, the pastor at Dorchester, S. C, and his congregation, graduaUy collected here, and the town they formed is called Midway. The following inscriptions are from monuments in the ancient grave-yard in Dorchester. Heare lyes ovb capiaiwe and maior of Svffolk was withall A GODLY MASISTRATE WAS HE AND MaIOR GeNERALL two trovps of hors with hime heke came such worth his love did csavi Ten companyes also movrnins marcht to his grave Let all that read be svre to keep the faith as he hath done With Christ he livs now crown'd his name was Hvmphry Atherton. He dyed the 16 of September, 1661. The following, says Mr. Davenport, in a small publication en titled " The Sexton's Monitor," is on two chUdren lying in one grave, covered with a flat stone, but so broken, that the upper part, which probably bore the name of the parents, was gone. Abel, his offering accepted is ; His body to the grave, his aoul to bllaa ; Os October twenty and no more, In the year sixteen hundred 44, Submit submitted to her heiTenly king, Being a flower of the eternal spring; Near 3 years old she died in heaven to wait, Tho year was sixteen hundred 48. DOVER 467 D. 0. M. Sacer Richardus hie dormit Matherus. (Sed non totus, nee mora diu- turna) Laetatns genuisse pares. Incertum est utrum Doctior an Melior Animum et gloria non quseunt humari. Divinely rich and learned Richard Mather, Sons like him, prophets great, rejoic'd this father. Short time his sleeping dust's here's covered down. Not so his ascended spirit or renown. v. D. M. in Angl. XVI annos. In Dor. N. A. 34 an. Ob. Apr. 22, 1669, jE talis sure 73. Elder James Humphreys, who died May 12, 1686, aged 78. Inclosed within this shrine is sacred dust. And only waits for the rising of the just. Most useful while he Uved ; adorned his station, Even to old age he serv'd his generation : Since his death thought of with great veneration. How great a blessing this Ruling Elder he Unto the Church and Town and Pastors three. Mather he first did by him help receive ; Flint he did next of burdens much relieve ; Renowned Danforth he did help with skill. Esteemed high by aU ; — bear fruit until Yielding to death his glorious seat did fill. Gulielmus Stouohtonus, armiger Provinciae Massachusettensis in Nova Anglia Legatus, deinde Gubernator ; Nec-non Curiae in eadem Provincia Superioris Justicia rius Capitalis, Hie jacet. Vir conjugii nescius, Religione sanctus, Virtute clarus, Doctrina Celebris, Ingenio acutus. Sanguine et anirao pariter Ulustris ; jEquitatis amator, Legum propugnator, CoUegii Stoughtoniani fundator, Literarum et Litera torum fautor, celeberrimus, Impietatis et vitii hostis acerrimus. Hunc Rhetores amant facundum, Hunc Scriptores norunt elegantem, Hunc PhUosophi quseruni sapi entem, Hunc Doctores laudunt theologura, Hunc Pii venerantur austerum, Hunc omnes rairantur ! omnibus ignotum. Omnibus licet notum. Quid plura viator ? Quem perdidimus — Stoughtonum ? Heu I Satis dixi ; urgent lachrymas ; SUeo. Vixit annos septuaginta. Septimo die JuUi Anno Salutis 1701 Cecidit, Heu! Heu! Qualis Luctus ! DOVER. Dover was originaUy a part of Dedham; it was incorporated as a precinct in 1748, and as a town in 1784. The church was em bodied in 1762, and Rev. Benjamin Caryl was its minister the same year. He continued in the pastoral oflice 41 years, and was succeeded by Rev. Ralph Sanger, who was settled here in 1812. The surface of this township is uneven, and a considerable portion of it is covered with wood. Pine Hill, in this town and Medfield, is 400 feet above Charles river. Population, 518. Distance, 5 miles from Dedham, and 14 from Boston. In 1837, there was a nail factory, which "manufactured 300 tons, valued at $36,000 ; hands employed, 14; capital invested, $30,000. There is also a rolling mill, which manufactured 500 tons of hoops, rods, &c. ; the value of which is $55,000. 63 468 FOXBOROUGH. FOXBOROUGH. This town was originally a part of Stoughton ; it was incorpo rated in 1778. The Rev. Thoraas Kendall, the first minister, was ordained here in 1786. The church was embodied in 1779. Mr. Kendall continued its pastor till 1800. The Rev. Daniel Loring, his successor, was settled here in 1804, and resigned in 1806. Rev. Thomas Skelton, the third minister, continued here about four years ; his successor. Rev. Thomas Williams, was instaUed in 1816, Rev. WUlard Pierce, the next minister, was ordained in 1824. In the center of the town there are two churches, 1 Congrega tional and 1 Baptist, and a vUlage of about 25 well-buUt dwelling- houses. Distance, 15 miles frora Dedham, 15 to Taunton, 5 to Wrentham, 37 to Worcester, 20 to Providence, and 24 to Boston. Population, 1,416. The manufacture of straw bonnets is a very important branch of business in this place. In 1837, there were 133,654 straw bonnets raanufactured, valued at $121,571. There were 2 cotton raills ; 17 hands were employed, and $12,350 worth of goods manufactured; two woollen mills, cloth manufactured, 46,000 yards, vahied at $48,000; one air and cupola furnace; iron castings made, 300 tons, value, $30,000 ; hands employed, 20. The value of shovels, spades, forks or hoes manufactured, was $15,000. John Shepherd, who died in Attleborough in 1809, at the age of one hundred and nine years, was a native of this town. " He re tained all his faculties of mind and body, except his eye-sight, to the last, and was just able to walk, with a little assistance, tUl a few days before his death.* He lived over a hundred years on his native spot. He was a man of pious character : cheerful in disposition, jocose, witty, and of a quick understanding. He was deprived of his eye-sight on a sudden, during the night, and was not himself aware of it until the next morning, when he sought in vain for the light of day. He could distinctly recoUect events which had occurred a century before. He had one son and seve ral daughters. Two of his daughters lived to upwards of 80 years ; and another, Mrs. Mary Mann, of Wrentham, who died in 1828, lived to the age of 97 years. She retained all her faculties and usual cheerfulness and vivacity till the last fifteen years of her Ufe. She abstained almost wholly from animal food, and never was in the habit of drinking tea or coffee, and wondered how peo ple could love either. Her raost common food was mUk. She adhered to the sarae fashion in dress for 80 years." * It is of him that the well-known anecdote is told, that he lived in two counties and four diflerent towns, and yet never moved [during that time] from the spot where he was born. FRANKLIN. 469 The annexed engraving is a representa tion of a very singular monument standing in the grave-yard in the center of this town. In order to read the inscription, it is necessary to raise the lid or cover, which turns up like the lid of a tea-pot, and lays on the rest by the side. The cover is of iron, and is kept to its place by hooks ; the date, 1810, is cut upon it. The following is the inscription : This monument was erected by Doct. N. Miller, to the memory of his friend, Mr, Zadock Howe, who died 1819, JEt. 77, and who fought under the great Wash ington. To those who view, before your'e gone, Be pleas'd to put this cover on, 1810. On the inside of the cover, on a piece of sheet-iron, the foUowing is in gilt letters : The grave is waiting for your body. And Christ is waiting for your soul, 0, may this be your cheerful study. To be prepared when death doth call. The lower part of this raonuraent is of granite. This, with the apparatus at the top, was made by Mr. Howe, who kept it in his house some years before his death. FRANKLIN. Franklin was set off from Wrenthara, in 1737, as a distinct parish, and incorporated as a town by the narae of Franklin* in 1778. A church was organized here in 1738, and Rev. Elias Ha ven was ordained pastor the same year. He died of the consump tion, in 1754. About six years after the death of Mr. Haven, Rev. Caleb Barnum took the pastoral charge, in which office he con tinued about eight years, when, difficulties increasing, he resigned. When the Revolutionary war commenced, he was appointed chap lain in the western army, and died in the camp, in 1776. Rev. Nathaniel Emmons, D. D., succeeded Mr. Barnum, and was ordain ed in 1773, and continued pastor for fifty-four years. He was * " The name was selected in honor of Benjamin Franklin, LL, D. While Dr. Franklin was in France, a friend of his in Boston wrote to him that a town in the vicinity of Boston had chosen his name by which to be known in the world, and he presumed, as they had no beU with which to simimon the people to meeting on the Sabbath, a present of such an instrument from hira would be very acceptable, espe cially as they were about erecting a new meeting-house. The doctor wrote, in reply, that he presumed the people in Franklin were more fond of sense than of sound ; a.ni accordingly presented them with a handsome donation of books for the use of the parish." — Smalley's Centennial Sermon. 470 franklin. j-^">'- '-i.'''^2-^'^ .i-imStS Residence of Dr. Emmons, Franklin. succeeded in the ministry by Rev. E. Smalley, who was ordained here in 1829. The above is a southern view of the residence of the venerable Nathaniel Eraraons, D. D. This house was built by Mr. Haven, the first minister of this town. It stands about half a mile south of the Congregational church. The first meeting-house stood about 20 rods north of the present church. At the time Dr. Em mons was ordained, there was a forest within 20 rods of the church. His ordination took place in the open air ; he stood in a kind of valley, and the people stood on the elevated ground above him. In allusion to this circumstance, he pleasantly remarked that he was ordained under his people, not over them. Dr. Emmons was born at East Haddam, Con., in 1745, and is now in his 94th year. He is entirely of the old school in his dress, &c., even to the shoe- buckles, and three-cornered hat. One of his numerous visiters mentions that he called on Dr. Emmons in 1838, and, instead of finding him broken down by age, found him quite cheerful and f)leasant in conversation. The study of Dr. Emmons is on the ower floor in the south-western corner room, which he has occu pied for this purpose for more than sixty years. So closely has he confined himself to this room, that it is said he is quite a stran ger to the other parts of his house. Says Mr. Smalley in his cen tennial sermon, preached in 1838, "Few clergymen of any age or country have lived so long as he ; few have written so much ; and few have livd to such purpose In the unpretending form of sermons, he has embodied so much truth, settled so many principles, and cleared up so many difficulties, that not a few have already acknowledged themselves greatly indebted to him, and are prepared to unite with others in pronouncing him a public bene factor. .... Probably no clergyman unconnected with a theolo gical seminary has guided the studies of so many young men in theology as Dr. Emmons." The manufacture of straw bonnets is an important branch of MEDFIELD. 471 busuiess in this town. In 1837, there were 93,173 straw bonnets manufactured, the value of which was $160,186. There were also in the limits of the town 5 cotton mills ; cotton spindles, 1,968 ; cotton goods manufactured, 323,000 yards, valued at $31,140; males eraployed, 17; females, 31. Population, 1,696. Distance, 17 miles from Dedham, 18 from Providence, R. I., and 27 from Boston. The following account is abridged from a communication in the Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society, by Dr. Mann. It rests upon the authority of tradition, but appears to be well authenticated. " A man by the name of Rocket, in searching for a stray horse, discovered a train of 42 Indians, about sunset. From their appearance he suspected they intended to at tack the settleraent at Wrentham the next morning, after the men had dispersed to their work ; he therefore followed them, secretly, till they hahed for the night, when he hjistily returned to the settlement and gave notice to the inhabitants. A consulta tion was held, at which it was agreed to attack the Indians early the next morning. A company of 13, under the command of Captain Ware, was hastily collected from Wrentham and the vicinity ; who, having secured the women and children and the infirm in the garrison, set out for tlie Indian encampraent, where they arrived just be fore day-Ught ; and were posted within a short distance, with orders to reserve their fire tiU the enemy began to decamp. " Between day-Ught and sunrise the Indians suddenly rose from their resting places, when, upon a signal given, a general discharge was made, which threw thera into the utmost consternation. Some, in their confusion, while attempting to escape, leaped down a precipice of rocks from 10 to 20 feet in height ; some of the fugitives were overtaken and slain. Two of them, who were closely pursued, attempted to conceal themselves in MiU Brook, where they were found and kUled. It is related that one Woodcock discharged his long musket, called, in those days, a buccaneer, at a fugitive Indian, at the distance of 80 rods, and broke his thigh bone, and then killed him. " The number of Indians killed was from 20 to 24 ; and not one of the whites. The place where this bold adventure occurred is in that part of the ancient Wrentham which is now Franklin. The large rock where the Indians were encaraped is to this day called Indian Rock. The tirae is not certainly ascertained ; but it was, without much doubt, in the spring or sumraer of 1676, when the Indian forces were dispersed in parties throughout the country." MEDFIELD. This is the forty-third town in Massachusetts that secured an act of incorporation. It was originally a part of Dedham, and was incorporated as a town in 1650. A church was organized here in 1651, consisting of eight members; Rev. John Wilson, Jr. was installed pastor the same year. Mr. Wilson was born in England, and graduated in the first class in Harvard college. He united in hiraself the offices of a preacher, physician, and school-master, at the same time. He continued in the pastoral ofiice more than for ty years, and died in 1691. After a period of nearly six years, m which thirty-two candidates were employed, Joseph Baxter was settled, and sustained the pastoral oflice raore than 48 years. Mr. Baxter commenced his ministerial labors at the age of eighteen, and in consequence of his youth his settlement was delayed almost three years. " He was selected for a missionary during his minis- 472 medfield. try by Governor Shute. When his excellency had a conference with the Indians at Georgetown, on Arrousic Island, in August, 1717, he presented to thera Mr. Baxter, a Protestant missionary; but, through the influence of the Jesuit Raile, he was rejected. Mr. Baxter was succeeded by Rev. Jonathan Townsend, who was set tled in 1745, and died of the small-pox in 1776. His successor was Rev. Thomas Prentiss, D. D., who was settled in 1770. Dr. Prentiss died in 1814, deeply lamented." This town is pleasantly situated, has a fertUe soil, and is water ed by Charles and Stop rivers. In the vUlage are two Congrega tional churches (one of thera Unitarian) and 1 Baptist, and about 40 dwelling-houses. Considerable quantities of boots, shoes and straw are manufactured here. The principal business, however, is agriculture. There are extensive meadows west of the village, on Charles river, which are very valuable. It is stated that the name of the town (which is spelled on the ancient records Mead- field,) originated from the circumstance of the plantation being situated near these meadows. There is good peat in the town, and quarries of granite. Distance, 8 railes S. by W. of Dedham, and 17 S. S. W. frora Boston. Population, 899. The principal articles manufactured are straw bonnets, of which, in 1837, there were 124,000, the value of which was $135,000. Ancient House in Medfield. The above is a west view of one of the oldest houses now standing in New England. It is about one third of a mile east ward from the central village of Medfield, on the main road to Ded ham. This house was standing at the time when the principal part of the town was burnt by the Indians, in 1676. It is, proba bly, the only house of the kind now standing in this country. It is an interesting relic of antiquity, showing the manner in which most of the houses of the first settlers were built. This house is 24 feet in length, 14^ feet in breadth, 10 feet frora the ground to the eaves of the roof, about 12 feet from the eaves to the top of MEDFIELD. 473 the roof. There are three divisions on the ground floor, consisting of one principal room, an entry, and a pantry ; on the second floor are two chambers, above which is a narrow garret. The building standing on the side of the house is believed to be about as ancient as the house, and was formerly used as a weaver's shop. The floor of this building is sunk about 3 feet below the surface of the ground. Among the first settlers of this town, it is stated, there were a large number of weavers. In this town slaves were formerly coraraon and numerous. Con cerning witches, it is stated in Dr. Saunders' Historical Sermon, that the Rev. Mr. Baxter went to reprove Goody Lincoln for the sin of practising witchcraft, and felt a strange pain in his leg on his return, which was attributed to her ill influence. The greater part of this town was burnt in King Philip's war. The following account of attack of the Indians is taken from Dr. Saunders' Historical Sermon, preached at Medfield, in 1817, page 17. " Having arrived in a vast body at Wachusett mountain, in Princeton, they [the Indians] divided for more extensive mischiefs into two parties. One proceeded toward Concord, Chelmsford, Woburn, and Haverhill ; the other burnt Lancaster, Marlborough, and Sudbury, and soon reached Medfield. The Sunday before the assault, they were seen on the heights of mount Nebo and Noonhill, as the people came out from public worship. There were then four [14] garrisons in town. Nearly 300 soldiers had arrived for its defence ; but these had been billeted out upon the inhabitants in every direction. The Rev. Mr. WUson had charged his flock to be vigilant against surprise and guarded against dan gers. Monday morning, 21st February, 1676, was the fatal period. During the night preceding, the Indians had spread themselves over every part of the town, skulking beside every fence and building. At the first dawn of day, about 50 buildings were set into a blaze at the same instant. Many of the inhabitants through great perils were able to reach the garrisons, others were shot down as they rushed out of their houses, and one was burnt in his own dwelling. At length, the savages were compelled to retire over a bridge in the south-west part of the town. Burning the bridge in order to cut off pursuit, they retired to a savage feast on the top of the nearest hill, in view of the ruins they had occasion ed. Philip had been seen, riding upon a black horse, leaping over fences, exulting in the havoc he was making. Though he could neither read nor write, yet he caused a paper to be left, threaten ing to visit them every year for twenty years to come. He did not live to fulfil this promise. "The destruction commenced at the east part of the town. Most of the houses and barns were consumed between the meet ing-house and the bridge leading to Medway. Nearly 50 build ings and two mills were destroyed. The best houses and all the garrisons escaped. The damages were estimated at about 9,000 dollars. It was supposed that there were 500 Indians in this en- 474 MEDWAY. gagement. Their dread of cannon hastened them away. Soon after, they carried destruction to Rehoboth, Pawtucket, and Provi dence. Here, John Fussell, aged about 100, was burnt in his house. Eight inhabitants were killed, four were mortally wound ed, besides three soldiers who fell, amounting in all to fifteen. " On the Oth of May following, the Indians met with a notorious repulse at the stone-house near Medfield, in the north-east corner of Medway. On the 2d of July, there was near this a new con- fiict in the woods, and more execution was done upon the enemy. Among the captives recovered, a slave gave information of an in tended attack upon Taunton with 200 savages, which information proved the preservation of that town by timely auxiliaries sent to their protection. July 25 th, 30 of our men and 90 Christian Indians from Dedham and Medfield pursued the savages and capti vated about 50 of them, among whom was Pomham, the great sachem of the Narragansetts. Soon after, the savages retired from this part of the country, to carry new distresses into more distant regions." MEDWAY. This town was originally a part of Medfield : it was incorpo rated in 1713. Mr. David Deming, the first minister, was ordained in 1715, and continued nearly seven years pastor. Rev. Nathan Buckman, his successor, was settled in Dec, 1724, and continued the pastoral relation to this church more than seventy years. He died Feb. 6, 1795, in the 92d year of his age, and 71st of his minis try. Mr. Benjarain Green was colleague with the venerable Mr. Buckraan for a few years. Rev. Luther Wright succeeded Mr. Green in the pastoral office, and discharged its duties for seventeen years, and was dismissed in 1815. He was succeeded by Rev. Luther Baily. The second church in Medway was formed in 1750, and Rev. David Thurston was settled in 1752, as the first minister. In consequence of ill health and some difficulties in the church, he resigned the pastoral oflice in 1769. Rev. David San ford, the second pastor, continued his active and useful labors from 1773 tiU 1807, when they were terminated by a severe paralysis. He was succeeded by Rev. Jacob Ide, who was invested with the pastoral charge in 1814. The following engraving shows the appearance of Medway, or Factory ViUage, as it is entered from the east upon the old Med field road. The spire seen on the right is that of the Congrega tional church. The building on the left with a small low spire is a 4 story cotton factory, standing on Charles river. This village consists of 37 dwelling-houses, 3 stores, 3 cotton emd 1 woollen factories. The boot and shoe business is carried on to considerable extent in Medway village and in West Medway. In East Med way rs a bell-foundry, (owned by Col. Geo. H. Holbrook,) an organ manufactory, and a clock factory. This town is gradually MILTON. 476 Eastern view of Factory Village, Medway. improving in appearance, wealth, and population. There are in the limits of the town 4 churches, 3 Congregational one of which is Unitarian, and 1 Baptist. Distance, 12 mUes S. W. of Dedham, and 20 S. W. of Boston. Population, 2,050. In 1837, there were in the limits of the town 6 cotton mills ; 2,500 spindles ; 428,200 yards of cotton goods manufactured, the value of which was $42,120. Two woollen mills, 3 sets of ma chinery; 76,000 yards of cloth were manufactured, valued at $62,000. There were 38,494 pairs of boots and 100,650 pairs of shoes manufactured, valued at $149,774; males employed, 198; females, 98 ; there were 32,200 straw bonnets manufactured, val ued at $40,400; there was also a manufactory for cotton batting, and another for cotton wadding. MILTON. The Indian name of this place is said to have been Uncataquis- sett. In 1662, the town of Dorchester voted that Unquety, since called Milton, should be a township, if it had the consent of the general court. It had the consent of the court, and it was incor porated the same year. In the south-west part of this town there is a range of the Blue Hills, 710 feet above high-water mark, and is a noted landmark for sailors. It presents in full view Boston and its environs, Mas sachusetts Bay, the peninsula of Cape Cod, and Wachusett Moun tain in the interior. Milton is adorned with some pleasant country seats, and contains at the two falls, and at the bridge where the Neponset meets the tide, manufactories of cotton, paper, &c. For ty or fifty vessels annually visit the wharves with wood, coal, lumber, grain, &c. The first paper-mill ever established in Mas sachusetts was in this town. There are 3 churches, 2 Congrega- 64 476 MILTON Central part of Dorchester and Milton Village. tional and 1 Universalist. Population, 1,772. Distance, 7 miles S. of Boston, 6 E. of Dedham. The above is a southern view of the central part of Dorchester and Milton village, lying on both sides of Neponset river, which is the dividing line between the towns. The view is taken from the Milton side when descending the hill on the road to the bridge, connecting the north and south parts of the village, which consists of nearly 100 dwelling-houses, 3 churches, 2 Congregational, one of which is Unitarian, and 1 Methodist; two cotton factories, 2 pa per-mills, two chocolate mills, and a bank, the " Dorchester and Milton Bank ;" this institution is located on the Dorchester side. " The Governor Hutchinson House" is on the summit of the hiU on the Milton side, which rises immediately from the southern bank of the Neponset. The central part of the village is between six and seven miles from Boston. Milton was the summer residence of Gov. Hutchinson, the au thor of the History of Massachusetts Bay, and the last royal gover nor but one. He was supposed by raany to have forwarded the stamp act by letters written on the occasion. After the arrival of the stamps, a mob assaulted his house in Boston, in 1765, and having forced hira to retire, out of regard to his personal safety, either destroyed or carried off his plate, his faraily pictures, most of the furniture, the wearing apparel, about nine hundred pounds sterling in money, and the manuscripts and books which he had been thirty years collecting. In 1772, a number of his letters were found written to the British cabinet, stimulating them to enforce their plans against the liberties of the Americans. The general court, upon knowledge ofthis, voted to impeach him, and requested his majesty would remove him frora ofiice. Hutchinson, when informed of this, dissolved the assembly. He became at length so obnoxious to the province, that he was superseded by NEEDHAM. 477 Governor Gage, in 1774. He died in England, in 1780, aged 69 years. The following article is taken from the Boston Evening Tran script, Jan. 25th, 1839. " The first paper-mill built in New England. — An act to encourage the manufacture of paper in New England was passed by the general court of Massachusetts on the 13th Sept,, 1728, and a patent was granted to Daniel Henchman, Gillam PhilUps, Benjamin Faneuil, Thomas Hancock, and Henry Dering, for the sole manufacture of paper for ten years, on the following conditions : In the first fifteen raonths to make one hundred and forty reams of brown paper, and sixty reams of printing paper. The second year to raake fifty reams of writing paper, in addition to the first-mentioned quantity. The tiiird year and afterwards yearly, to raake twenty-five reams of a superior quality of writing paper, in addition to the former mentioned, that the total annual produce of the various qualities not to be less than five hundred reams a year. The afore-mentioned proprietors erected a small paper-miU in MUton, on a site adjoin ing Neponset river, near the lower bridge. What nuraber of years the original proprie tors carried it on, is not now known ; their master-workman's name was Heniy Wood man, an Englishman ; he raarried in MUton, and left children, two daughters, Abigail and Rebekah, The paper-mill, having been stopped for some time, was eventually sold to Mr. Jeremiah Smith, who, for want of workmen, was prevented making any use of it. In 1760, the business was again revived by James Boies, of Boston, wlio procured a paper-raaker from a British regiment, then stationed in Boston, by the name of Hazel ton, who obtained a furlough long enough to set the mill to work, there being an Araerican paper-raaker, Abijah Sraith, then living in Milton, a decent workman, who assisted him, and who continued at the business until an advanced age. On the regi ment to which Hazelton belonged being ordered to Quebec, the commander-in-chief would not perrait him to remain behind, and he went with the army to Canada, and received a wound on the plains of Abraham, when Wolfe fell, and died a few weeks after. After a short time, Richard Clarke, an Englishman, arrived from New York, and again set the mill at work. He was an excellent workman, and made his own moulds. After a few years he was joined by his son, a young man of 19 or 20 years, who was also considered a first-rate workman. Such is the origin of the first paper- miU built in New England, and probably the first erected this side of Philadelphia, if not the flrst in America : and such was the commencement of that now invaluable and extensive branch of New England productive industry, on which so many thou sands depend for support," NEEDHAM This town, originally a part of Dedham, was incorporated in 1711. It is something of the nature of a peninsula, being sur rounded by more than two-thirds of its limits by Charles river. There are large bodies of meadow on the banks of this river ; Broad meadow, lying partly in this town and the towns of Dedham and Newton, is said to be one of the largest in the state. The town is uncommonly well watered, and is diversified with hills and plains. In the course of the river which separates this town from Newton, there are two falls, called the upper and lower falls, which afford valuable water privileges. At the upper falls is the largest cataract in the whole of Charles river, from its source to its mouth. The water here falls twenty feet upon a bed of rocks. The principal settlements in the town are in the vicinity of the upper and lower falls. There is a manufacturing village at both of these falls, lying partly in this town and partly in Newton. In 1837, there were in the limits of this town 6 paper-mills ; 610 tons 478 quincy. of stock were manufactured, valued at $61,000 ; one cotton mill, 1,700 spindles ; cotton goods manufactured, 190,000 yards, valued at $19,000 ; three hat manufactories, which manufactured 15,004 hats, valued at $18,729; one window-blind hinge manufactory, which manufactured 50,000 pairs of hinges, valued at $12,500; there were 22,673 pairs of shoes manufactured, valued at $14,964 18 ; males employed, 26 ; feraales. 41. 'There are 5 churches, 2 Congregational, 2 Methodist, and 1 Baptist. Popula tion, 1,492. Distance, 4 miles north-west of Dedham, and 12 westerly from Boston. The first church was organized, and Mr. Jonathan Townsend was ordained the first rainister, in 1720. He continued in the rainistry upwards of forty-two years, and was succeeded by Samuel West, D. D., who was settled here in 1764. Dr. West vesigned his charge in 1788, and was succeeded by Mr. Stephen Palmer, who was settled in 1792. During the ministry of Dr. West, conflicting interests respecting the location of the meeting house occasioned a division of the town into two societies. The West parish was incorporated by the general court in 1778. They erected a meeting-house, but did not have constant preach ing for several years. A church was organized in 1798, and the next year Rev. Thomas Noyes was ordained their first minister. QUINCY. This town was originally the first parish in Braintree. It was first settled in 1625, by a Capt. Wollaston, and from him was named Mount Wollaston. It appears that he became discouraged, and the next year went to Virginia, appointing Lieutenant Filcher his agent. One Thoraas Morton, who had been a kind of petti fogger at Furnival's inn, being one of the corapany, excited a sedition against Filcher, and corapelled him to leave the plantation. Morton then assumed the control, and having received some goods from England, began to trade with the natives. The trade being profitable, the company devoted their gains to rioting and drunk enness, and changed the name of their residence to Merry Mount, where, as it is related in the New England Memorial, " setting up a May-pole, drinking and dancing about it, and frisking about it like so" many fairies, or furies rather, yea, and worse practices, as if they had anew revived and celebrated the feast of the Roman goddess Flora, or the beastly practices of the mad Bac chanalians." They soon after began to seU arms to the savages. This alarmed the other plantations. The magistrates of Plymouth colony wiote to hira civilly and repeatedly, requesting him to desist from this commerce; but Morton treated the proposition with contempt; upon which, Capt. Standish, with a small force, came to Mount Wollaston, took Morton, dispersed the rioters, and loft a few of the more sober and industrious planters. Morton was carried to Plymouth, and sent back to England. QUINCY. 479 Uuincy was incorporated as a town in 1792. It received its name from the family of Mr. Edmund Quincy, who was one of the early inhabitants of Boston, and one of the earliest and prin cipal proprietors of Mount Wollaston. The south-western part of this town forms, with little exception, a complete body of granite rock, rising to the height of 600 feet above the level of the sea. Here are inexhaustible quarries of stone, which furnish a beautiful material for building. A railroad, nearly three miles in length, has been constructed, at an expense of upwards of $30,000, to convey the stone from the quarries to Neponset river. The rails are of wood, six feet apart, firmly laid upon blocks of stone, and covered with iron plate, upon which the wheels of the wagon move so easily that one horse has drawn twenty tons, besides the wagon, which weighs six tons. This railway was built in 1826, and was the first constructed in America. Some vessels are owned here ; large quantities of boots and shoes, and some salt, are manufactured here. The pleasantness of the town, its nearness to Boston, and good schools, induce many families to make it their residence. There are 4 churches, 2 Congregational, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Uni versalist. Population, 3,049. Distance, 10 miles frora Dedham, 6 from Hinghara, and 8 frora Boston. In 1837 there was quarried in tnis town 64,590 tons of granite, valued at $248,737 ; hands employed, 533. The value of coach, chaise, harness and wheel wright business was $32,650 ; hands employed, 36. The value of coach lace manufactured was $12,000; males employed, 7; females, 16. Boots manufactured, 27,437 pairs ; shoes, 18,602 pairs, valued at $111,881; males eraployed, 163; females, 58. Vessels buUt in the five preceding years, 13 ; tonnage, 2,594 ; valued at $122,650 ; hands employed in ship-building, 50. Ten vessels were eraployed in the cod and mackerel fishery ; 6,200 quintals of codfish were caught, valued at $18,800 ; mackerel caught, 1,750 barrels, valued at $12,242 ; hands employed, 100. Quincy is distinguished as the birthplace of two presidents of the United States.* The following cut (a reduced copy from one in the American Magazine) is a representation of the two Adams houses, near the foot of Penn's Hill, in Quincy. The house on the right, with a lightoing-rod attached to it, is the house where John Adams, the elder president, was born, the other in which his son John Q. Adams was born, in July, 1767. In the garret was packed his valuable library while he was minister at Russia. It * It appears from an epitaph on a monument raised by the elder President Adams, that Henry Adams was the progenitor of the Adams famUy in this country; in the epitaph it is said, " He took his flight frora the Dragon persecution in Devonshire, England, and alighted, with eight sons, near Mount WoUaston, One of the sons retumed to England, and, after taking time to explore the country, four removed to Medfield and the neighboring towns, two to Chelmsford, one only, Joseph, remained here, and was an original proprietor in the township of Braintree," Joseph Adams had a son Joseph Adams, who was the father of John Adams, who was the father of John Adams the president. They were distinguished, as we learn from the epitaph referred to above, " for their piety, humility, simpUcity, prudence, patience, temper ance, frugality, industry, and perseverance." 480 QUINCY. Adams Houses in Quincy. was under the care of the Rev. Mr. Whitney, pastor of the first Congregational society, who occupied the house from 1800 to 1804. Back of the houses represented in the engraving is a meadow of some extent ; connected with this, there is the following anecdote, often related by the elder Adams, respecting himself: " When I was a boy, I had to study the Latin grammar, but it was dull, and I hated it. My father was anxious to send me to college, and therefore I studied grammar till I could bear it no longer, and, going to my father, I told him I did not like study, and asked for some other employment. It was opposing his wishes, and he was quick in his answer. ' Well, John,' said he, ' if Latin grammar does not suit, you raay try ditching ; per haps that will. My raeadow yonder needs a ditch, and you may put by Latin, and try that.' This seemed a delightful change, and to the meadow I went. But I soon found ditching harder than Latin, and the first forenoon was the longest 1 ever experi enced. That day I eat the bread of labor, and glad was I when night came on. That night I made sorae comparison between Latin grammar and ditching, but said not a word about it. I dug the next forenoon, and wanted to return to Latin at dinner ; but it was humiliating, and I could not do it. At night, toil conquered pride, and I told my father — one of the severest trials of my life — that if he chose I would go back to Latin grammar. He was glad of it; and if I have since gained any distinction, it has been owing to the two days' labor in that abominable ditch." The following inscriptions are from monuments in this place : Braintrey ! thy Prophet's gone, this Tomb inters The Reverend Moses Fisk, this sacred herse Adore Heaven's praiseful art that form'd the man Who souls not to hiraself but Christ oft wan, Sail'd thro' the straits with Peter's fanuly, Renown'd and Gaius's hospitality. Panic's patience, Jaraes his prudence, John's sweet love, Is landed, enter'd, clear'd and crown'd above. Obut August the z, mdccxhi, .£ talis su^ lxvi. RANDOLPH. 481 Here lies the body of the Rev. Mr. Henry Flynt, who came to New England in the year 1635, was ordained the first Teacher of the Church of Braintry 1639, and died 27lh April, 1663. He had the character of a gentleman remarkable for his piety, leaming, wisdom, and fideUty in his office. By him, on his right hand, lies the body of Margery, his beloved consort, who died March 1686-7, Her maiden name was Hoar. She was a gentlewoman of piety, prudence, and peculiarly accomplished for instructing young gentlewomen, many being sent to her frora other towns, especiaUy from Boston. Descendants of goodly families in Old England. The following is the inscription on Leonard Hoar, some time president of Harvard college, who died Nov. 28, 1675, aged 45 : Three precious friends under this lombatone lie. Patterns lo aged, youth, and infancy, A great mother, her learned son, with's child, The first and least went free. He was exiled. In love to Christ, this country, and dear friends, He left his own, crossed seas, and for amends Was here extolled, envied, all in a breath. His noble consort leaves, is drawn to death. Strange clianges may bfjfall us ei'' we die. Blest they who well arrive at eternity, God grant some names, O thou New England's friend, Don't sooner fade than thine, if times don't mend. Sacred to the memory of Josiah Quincy, jun,, of Boston, Barrister of Law, young est son of Josiah Quincy, Esq, late of this place. Brilliant talents, uncommon elo quence, and indefatigable application raised him to the highest eminence in his profession. His early, enUghtened, inflexible attachment to the cause of his country is attested by monuments more durable than this, and transmitted to posterity by well- known productions of his genius. He was born the 23d of February, 1744, and died the 26th of April, 1775. His mortal remains are here deposited, with those of Abigail, his wife, daughter of WUUam PhUUps, Esq., born the 14th of April, 1745, died the 25th March, 1793. Stranger, in contemplating this monument as the frail tribute of filial gratitude and affection. Glows thy bold breast with patriotic flame? Let his example point the paths of fame ! Or seeks thy heart, averse from public strife, The milder graces of domestic life? Her kindred virtues let thy soul revere. And o'er the best of mothers drop a tear ! RANDOLPH. Randolph was originally a part of Braintree ; it was incorpo rated as a town in 1793. A church was formed in 1731, and Rev. Elisha Eaton was ordained the first pastor, the same year. He continued about nineteen years in the ministry, when he resigned, and was succeeded by Rev. Moses Taft, who continued in the pastoral office nearly forty years. Rev. Jonathan Strong, D. D., was ordained colleague pastor with Mr. Taft, in 1789. Dr. Strong died in 1814, and was succeeded by Rev. Thaddeus Pomeroy, Mr. Pomeroy was dismissed in 1820, and was succeeded by Rev. Calvin Hitchkock. "During Mr. Pomeroy's ministry, the east part of the town of Randolph became a separate society. They erected a meeting-house, organized a church; and on the 29th of December, 1821, Mr. Brigham, the first and present pastor, was ordained." In the foUowing cut, the church seen on the left is the first Congregational church. The first meeting-house ever erected in this town stood on this spot. The present building is the third 482 R 0 X B U K Y . South-eastern view of the central part of Randolph. which has been built. The first settlement in this town was made in the vicinity of this church. The principal part of the central village is situated on a street running about a mile north westerly of this church, at the northern extremity of which is the Baptist church, which is just discernible in the distance, in the engraving. The village consists of about 100 dweUing-houses, with the usual number of stores and mechanic shops. This place is 14 miles from Boston, 11 frora Dedhara, and 8 frora Weymouth landing. East Randolph, a flourishing viUage, is about 2 miles eastward ; is about two thirds the size of the central viUage, and contains two churches, 1 Congregational and 1 Baptist. There is also another Baptist church in the south part of this town, near the Stoughton line. The Randolph Bank is located in this town. In 1837, there were manufactured in this town 200,175 pairs of boots, 470,620 pairs of shoes; the value of boots and shoes, $944,715; males employed, 804; females, 671. Population, 3,041. Distance, 12 miles from Dedham, 7 from Braintree landing, and 14 from Boston. ROXBURY. This town and Boston were incorporated the same year, 1630; it being also the same year in which this place was selected for a settlement by Mr. Pynchon and some others. A great part of this town is rocky land ; hence the name of Rocks'bury ; the soil is, however, strong, and in a very high state of cultivation, abounding in country seats and pleasure-grounds. The town is joined to Boston by a neck of land, over which are broad and pleasant avenues. That portion of the town next to Boston is thickly set tled, and forms a handsome village, and the principal street may be considered as a continuation of Washington street, Boston. In the western part of the town is an extensive level, called Jamaica Plains ; this is a pleasant spot, ornamented with elegant country ELLIOT, THE INDI.\N MISSIONARV. About the year 1646, Rev, John Elliot began his zealous and siiccepsful labors among the Indians of New England, To extend the benefits of Christianity and civilization, he performed many weariaome journeys, and endured many liaidships and privatians. K O X B U p. Y . 483 seats and well-cultivated gardens. The pond in this plain is the source from whence the Boston Aqueduct is supplied. It is about four miles from Boston, and there are four main logs from the pond, to and through the principal streets; these logs and the branches connected with thera amount to about forty miles in length. There are generally about eight hundred families sup plied with water from the aqueduct. North-western view in the central part of the Village of Roxbury. The above is a view on the elevated ground in the central part of Roxbury. The first Congregational church (Unitarian) appears on the left. The Norfolk House, a splendid establishment, is par tially seen on the right. The omnibuses which pass between this place and Boston start from this house. At this tirae they are 12 in number, with four horses each ; one of which starts from Rox bury and Boston every 15 minutes. The distance between the Norfolk House and the state-house is three railes. The fare frora Boston to Roxbury is twelve and a half cents ; by purchasing a number of tickets at one time, the price of a passage is reduced. As there are many persons who do business in Boston but reside in Roxbury, this method of conveyance is a great accommodation. There are 5 churches in this village, 2 Congregational, 1 Baptist, 1 Episcopal, and 1 Universalist. There are 2 banks, the " Peoples" and " Winthrop," each with a capital of $100,000. Owing to the uneven surface on which this large village is built, there is quite a variety of scenery in the place. The numerous genteel residences and cottages, which are mostly built of wood and painted white, contrast strongly with the evergreens and shrubbery by which most of them are surrounded ; and, during the suramer months, the appearance of this place is highly beautiful. In 1837, there viras 1 naU factory, which manufactured 1,000 tons of nails, valued at $120,000; hands employed, 75. There are 10 churches in the 65 484 ROXBURY. limits of the town, 6 Congregational, 2 Universalist, 1 Baptist, and 1 Episcopal. Population, 7,493. In Roxbury vUlage there is an establishment for the manufacture of carpets, and another for tho manufacture of India rubber cloths, &c., an article which it is be lieved is destined to be one of very great importance. The Rev. John Eliot, the celebrated missionary to the Indians, was nearly sixty years pastor to the church in this place. He is usually called " the Apostle of Indians." He was born in England, in 1604. The following biographical sketch is extracted from Al len's Biographical Dictionary. " His pious parents early imparted to him religious instruction, and it was not without eflect. After receiving his education at the university of Carabridge, he was for some time the instructer of youth. In 1631 he came to this country, and arriving at Boston harbor November third, immediately joined the church in that town, and preached to them, as Mr, Wilson, their minister, was then in England, Here he was earnestly requested to remain, but he was settled as teacher of the church in Roxbury Novem ber 5, 1632, In the following year Mr, Welde was ordained as his colleague, with the title of pastor. These two ministers lived together in much harmony. In 1637 they both opposed the wild notions of Mrs, Hutchinson, and were both witnesses against her at her trial. In 1639 they were appointed, with Mr, Richard Mather of Dorchester, to make a new version of the Psalms, which was printed iu the following year. For tuneful poetry it would not perhaps yield the palm even to that of Sternhold and Hop kins ; but it did not give perfect satisfaction. The reverend Mr. Shepard of Cambridge thus addressed the translators : ' Ye Roxbury poets, keep clear of the crime Of missing to give us very good rhyme ; And you of Dorchester, your verses lengthen. But with the text's own words you wiU thera strengthen,' The New England psalms were afterwards revised and improved by President Dunster, and they have passed through twenty editions. In 1641 Mr. Welde remraed to Eng land, Mr, Eliot's other colleagues in the ministry were the reverend Mr. Danforth and Mr, Walter, " His benevolent labors were not confined to his own people. Having imbibed the tme spirit of the gospel, his heart was touched with the wretched condition of the Indians, and he became eagerly desirous of making them acquainted with the glad tidings of salvation. There were, at the time when he began his missionary exertions, near twenty tribes of Indians within the limits of the EngUsh planters ; but they were very similar in manners, language, and religion. Having learned the barbarous dialect, he first preached to an assembly of Indians at Nonantum, in the present town of Newton, October 28, 1646. " He was violently opposed by the sachems and pawaws, or priests, who were appre hensive of losing their authority, if a new reUgion was introduced. When he was alone with them in the wilderness, they threatened him with every evil if he did not de sist from his labors ; but he was a man not to be shaken in his purpose by the fear of danger. He said to thera, ' I am about the work of the great God, and my God is with me ; so that I neither fear you, nor all the sachems in the country; I will go on, and do you touch me if you dare.' AVith a body capable of enduring fatigue, and a mind firm as the raountain oaks which surrounded his path, he went from place to place, relying for protection upon the great Head of the church, and declaring the salvation of the gospel to the children of darkness. His benevolent zeal prompted him to encounter with cheerfulness the most terrifying dangers, and to subrait to the most incredible hardships. He says in a letter, ' I have not been dry, night or day, from the third day of the week unto the sixth ; but so travelled, and at night puU off' my boots, wring my stockings, and on with them again, and so continue. But God steps in and helps. I have considered the word of God, 1 Tim, u, 3, Endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ,' He raade a missionary tour every fortnight, planted a number of churches, and visited all the Indians in Massachusetts and Ply mouth colonies, pursuing his way as far as Cape Cod, " He raade every exertion to promote the welfare of the Indian tribes ; he stimu lated many servants of Jesus to engage in the missionary work ; and ahhough he ROXBURY. 485 mourned over the stupidity of many, who preferred darkness to light, yet he lived to see twenty-four of the copper-colored aborigines fellow-preachers of the precious gospel of Christ. In 1661 he published the New Testament in the Indian language, and in a few years the whole Bible, and several other books, best adapted for the instruction of the natives. He possessed an influence over the Indians, which no other missionary could obtain. He was their shield in 1675, during Philip's war, when some of the people of Massachusetts, actuated by the most infuriate .spirit, intended to have de stroyed them. He suffered every abuse for his friendship to them, but nothing could quench the divine charity which glowed in his heart. His firmness, his zeal, his benevolence at this period increased the pure lustre of his character. When he reached the age of fourscore years, he oflTered to give up his salary, and desired to be liberated from the labors of his ofifice, as teacher of the church at Roxbury, It was with joy that he received Mr, Walter as his coUeague, in 1688, When he was bend ing under his infirmities and could no longer visit the Indians, he persuaded a nuraber of farailies to send their negro servants to hira once a week, that he raight instruct thera in the truths of God, He died May 20, 1690, aged about eighty-six years, say ing that all his labors were poor and small, and exhorting those who surrounded his bed to pray. His last words were, " welcome joy." Fac simile of the handwriting of the Rev. John Eliot, copied from an original tetter in tht possession ofthe Massachusetts Historical Society. Joseph Warren, a major-general in the Araerican army, and a martyr to the cause of American freedom, was born in this town, in 1740, and graduated at Harvard college, in 1759. " Directing his attention to medical studies, he in a few years became one of the most eminent physicians in Boston, But he lived at a period when greater objects clairaed his attention than those which related partlculariy to his profession. His country needed his efforts, and his zeal and courage would not perrait him to shrink from any labors or dangers. His eloquence and his talents as a writer were displayed on raany occasions, frora the year in which the stamp act was passed to the commencement of the war. He was a bold poUtician. While many were waverng with regard to the measures which should be adopted, he contended, that every kind of taxation, whether external or internal, was tyranny, and ought imraediately to be resisted; and he believed that America was able to withstand any force that could be sent against her. From the year 1768 he was a principal member of a secret meeting or caucus in Boston, which had great influence on the concerns of the country. With aU his bold ness, and decision, and zeal, he was circumspect and wise. In this assembly the plans of defence were matured. After the destruction of the tea, it was no longer kept secret. He was twice chosen the public orator of the town on the anniversary of the massacre, and his orations breathe the energy of a great and daring raind. It was he who, on the evening before the battle of Lexington, obtained information of the intend ed expedition agamst Concord, and at ten o'clock at night despatched an express to Messrs. Hancock and Adams, who were at Lexington, to warn thera of their danger. He himself on the next day, the memorable nineteenth of April, was very active. It IS said in General Heath's Memoirs that a baU took off' part of his ear-lock. In the confused state of the army, which soon assembled at Cambridge, he had vast influence in preserving order among the troops. After the departure of Hancock to congress, he wis chosen president of the provincial congress in his place. Four days previously to the battle of Bunker's or Breed's hill he received his coraraission of raajor general. When the intrenchments were made upon the fatal spot, to encourage the men within the hues he went down from Cambridge and joined them as a volunteer on the event ful day of the battle, June the seventeenth. Just as tbe retreat comraenced, a baU struck hira on the head, and he died in the trenches, aged thirty-five years. He was the first victim of rank that fell in the struggle with Great Britain. In the spring of 1776 his bones were taken up and entombed in Boston, on which occasion, as he had 486 SHARON. been grand master of the free-masons in America, a brother mason and an eloquent orator pronounced a funeral eulogy. With zeal in the cause of liberty, which blazed, Dr. Warren was yet judicious in counsel, and candid and generous towards those who had difi'erent sentiments respecting the controversy. His mind was vigorous, his disposition humane, and his manners aff'able and engaging. In his integrity and patriotism entire confidence was placed. To the most undaunted bravery he added the virtues of domestic life, the eloquence of an accompUshed orator, and the wisdom of an able statesman. He published an oration in 1772, and another in 1775, com memorative of the fifth of March, 1770," WUliam Heath, a major-general in the Revolutionary war, was born in this town, in 1737. He was brought up a farmer, and from his youth was remarkably fond of military exercises, and read whatever he could find on the subject. The following is from Alden's Collection. " At the commencement of that contest which issued in the independence of the Araerican states, the subject of this article was a colonel of the railitia, and one of the coraraittee of safety appointed by the provincial congress of Massachusetts. Soon after the war was begun, he received the commission of a brigadier-general in the army of the United States, and, the year following, he was promoted to the rank of a major-general. He continued in the public service of his country till the establish ment of peace, and was appointed to various important stations and extensive com mands, " On the restoration of peace, he retumed tc his family, and employed himself in agricultural pursuits, and the various duties of private life and of such public offices as his fellow-citizens called him to fill. He was a member of the state convention which ratified the federal constitution, and gave his vote for its adoption. He was repeatedly elected to a seat in the senate and in the council of Massachusetts, In the year 1806, he was chosen, by the suflrages of the people, Ueutenant govemor of the commonwealth, but, being far advanced in age, did not accept the proff'ered honor. As judge of probate, he served his county, very acceptably, for many years, and tUl the close of life, " In a domestic sphere, he was distinguished by his mUd and amiable disposition snd manners. Few raen appeared raore free from the influence of party spirit and ran cor, or expressed their sentiments on public men and measures with more prudence, than General Heath, Frora his youth, he was a believer and pubUc professor of the Christian religion, and adorned his profession by his exemplary life and conversation. After a few days of confinement with sickness, he died, on the 24th of January, 1814, meeting his dissolution with Christian fortitude, resignation, and hope," SHARON. This town, originally a part of Stoughton, was incorporated in 1765, This place was called Mashapoag by the Indians, and a principal branch of Neponset river rises in Mashapoag pond in this town. The church formerly denominated the second precinct in Stoughton was organized in 1741. Rev. PhUip Curtis, their first minister, was ordained in 1743, and continued in the ministry more than fifty-four years. His successor was Rev. Jonathan Whitaker, who continued here nearly 17 years, and was dismissed in 1816. Rev. Samuel Brimblecom was the next minister; he continued about three years, and was afterwards installed at West brook, Maine, a Universalist minister. The following is a N. Eastern view of the central part of Sharon, showing one of the churches, the spire of another, (now erecting) and some of the buildings in the vicinity. The main road appears stoughton. 487 North-eastern view in the central part of Sharon. on the right, at the southern extremity of which is seen in the dis tance one of the Bb/e Hills, which are the highest elevations m the limits of Norfolk county. The Boston and Providence raUroad passes within about half a mile from the central part of the village. There are 3 churches, 2 Congregational and 1 Baptist. Popula tion, 1,093. Distance, 8 railes from Dedham, 17 from Taunton, 24 from Providence, R. I., and 18 from Boston. The Sharon Cot ton Factory Company was incorporated in 1811, with a capital of $100,000. In 1837, there were 2 cotton miUs, spindles, 948 ; cot ton goods manufactured, 179,077 yards, valued at $22,760 22 ; one woollen null, which raanufactured 25,000 yards of cloth, val ued at $12,500; there were 2,804 straw bonnets manufactured, valued at $4,451 50. STOUGHTON. Stoughton was originally a part of Dorchester, and embraced within its limits the present towns of Canton, Sharon, and Foxbo rough. It was incorporated in 1726. A church was organized in 1744, and Rev. Jedediah Adams received the pastoral charge in 1746, and continued in the ministry fifty-three years. Dr. Rich mond was ordained colleague pastor in 1792, and continued twen ty-four years. He resigned in 1817, and was succeeded by Mr. Gay, who continued pastor about three years and a half, and resigned in 1822. Dr. Park, formerly a professor in Brown Uni versity, was installed over the church and the society who usually worship with them. Mr. Stearns was ordained over the first parish, and continued upwards of three years, when he was dismissed. Rev. Mr. Ballou, an Universalist minister, is the stated preacher in the first parish. The foUowing is a S. Western view of the central part of Stough- 488 stoughton. South-western view of Stoughton, (central part.) ton, showing two of the churches and sorae other buUdings in the vicinity. There are 4 churches, 1 Universalist, 1 Congregational, 1 Methodist, and 1 Baptist. Population, 1,993. Distance, 10 railes from Dedhara, and 17 from Boston. "A large quantity of gunpowder was raade here during the Revolutionary war, from salt-petre, the produce of the towns in its vicinity." The Stough ton woollen and cotton factory was incorporated in 1815, with a capital of $75,000. In 1837, there was one woollen miU, 2 sets of machinery ; 32,000 yards of satinet were raanufactured, valued at $35,000 ; two cotton raiUs for the manufacture of thread and twine. There were 174,900 pairs of boots, and 53,250 of shoes, valued at $487,390 ; males employed, 495 ; females, 386. There was forraerly a village of praying Indians in the limits of this town. The following is Gookin's account of the place. " The next town is Pakemitt or Punkapoag, The signification of the name is taken from a spring, that ariseth out of red earth. This towni is situated south of Boston, about fourteen miles. There is a great mountain called the Blue Hill lieth north-east from it two miles ; and the town of Dedhara about three miles north-west from it. This is a sraall town, and hath not above twelve families in it, and so about sixty souls. This is the second praying town. The Indians that settled here removed from Neponset Mill, The quantity of land belonging to this village is about six thousand acres ; and sorae of it is fertile, but not generally so good as in other towns. Here they worship God and keep the Sabbath, in the sarae raanner as is done at Natick, before declared. They have a ruler, a constable, and a school-master. Their ruler's name isAhawton; an old and faithful friend to the EngUsh. Their teacher is Wil liam Ahawton, his son; an ingenious person and pious man, and of good parts. Here was a very able teacher that died about three years since. His name was WilUam Awinian. He was a very knowing person, and of great abUity, and of genteel deportment, and spoke very good English, His death was a very great rebuke to this place. This town hath within this ten years lost by death several honest and able raen ; and sorae have turned apostates, and removed from them ; which dispen sations of God have greatly damped the flourishing condition of this place. Here it was that Mr, John EUot jun,, before mentioned, preached a lecture once a fortnight, for sundry years, until his decease. In this village, besides their planting and keeping cattle and swine, and fishing in good ponds and upon Neponset river, which Ueth near them ; they are also advantaged by a large cedar swamp ; wherein such as are labo rious and dUigent do get many a pound, by cutting and preparing cedar shingles and clapboards, which seU well at Boston and other English towns adjacent." WEYMOUTH. 489 WALPOLE. This town was set off from Dedhara in 1724, and incorporated the sarae year. The Rev. Philips Payson was settled here in 1730, and continued in the rainistry more than forty-seven years. He educated four sons, aU of whom settled in the ministry. Mr. Payson died in 1778, and was succeeded in 1783 by Rev. Csorge Morey. Rev. John P. B. Storer was settled colleague pastor with Mr. Morey in 1826. The second church was formed about the time of the settlement of Mr. Storer, and Rev. Asahel Bigelow was ordained pastor in 1828. Three considerable branches of Neponset river from Sharon, Foxborough, and Medfield unite in this town. There are 3 churches, 2 Congregational and 1 Methodist. Population, 1,592. Distance, 10 miles from Dedham, 21 from Providence, and 20 frora Boston. In 1837, there were 3 cotton mills; spindles, 1,924 cotton consumed, 85,2()0 lbs.; cotton goods raanufactured, 278,000 yards, valued at $46,500 ; males employed, 20 ; females, 39. Two woollen mUls; 4 sets of machinery; wool consumed, 80,000 lbs. ; cloth manufactured, 95,000 yards; value, $103,250; males em ployed, 28; females, 25. Two paper-mills; stock manufactured, 155 tons ; value of paper, $12,000. Two air and cupola furnaces; iron castings made, 413 tons, valued at $41,300; hands employed, 26; capital invested, $12,000. The value of hoes manufactured, $5,000; Ilands employed, 7; capital invested, $10,000; straw bonnets manufactured, 9,669 ; value, $19,338 ; value of twine manufactured, $6,666. WEYMOUTH. This place, the Wessagusset of the Indians, is the oldest settle ment in Massachusetts, except Plymouth. " In 1622, Thomas Weston, a merchant of good reputation in London, having pro cured for himself a patent for a tract of land in Massachusetts Bay, sent two ships, with 50 or 60 men, at his own charge, to settle a plantation. Many of the adventurers being sick on their arrival at Plymouth, most of the company remained there during the greater part of the summer, and were treated with hospitality and kindness by the inhabitants. Some of their number, in the mean time, finding a place in the Bay of Massachusetts, named Wessa gusset, which they judged convenient for a settleraent, the whole company removed to it, and began a plantation." This was rather of a disorderly company, there being, as it is stated, "raany of them rude and profane," and being badly governed, fell into disorder, and experienced much suffering frora their extravagance and conduct towards the natives, such as taking their corn, &c. The Indians were so incensed against them that they entered into a conspiracy to destroy the whole corapany. This was prevented by the daring exploit of Capt. Standish, some account of which is 490 WEYMOUTH. given on the 17th page of this work. Such, however, was the reduced state of the colony, and their danger from the natives, that it was deemed prudent to break up the settleraent. It appears, however, there were a few inhabitants here in 1624, as it is stated "that the few inhabitants of Wessagusset receiving an accession to their number from Weymouth, in England, the town is sup posed to have hence been called Weymouth." In 1635, a Mr. Hull and 21 famUies joined the settlement. Mr. Hull was a minister frora England, and appears to have been their first preacher. This town was attacked by the Indians in Philip's war, in 1676, and 7 or 8 houses were burnt. Aurin^zi-.'L ute/v of Uti/i/wuth ViUage. The above is a view of the vUlage of Weymouth, as seen from near the residence of Mitiot Thayer, Esq., whose house appears on the left of the engraving. The church appearing on the right is called the Union church ; this, with the house of Mr. Thayer, are within the limits of the town of Braintree. Ship-building, to some extent, is carried on in this place ; vessels of 400 tons have been launched above the bridge, over Maniquot river. This village (about one third of which is in the limits of Braintree) is 15 miles from Dedham, 5 from Randolph, and 10 from Boston. The surface of the town is undulating and stony, and the ^oU generaUy good. It has a good landing-place for vessels of light burthen; about 800 tons of shipping belong to the place, and it is estimated that about half a million of dollars' worth of boots and shoes are manufactured in the town. The "Union Bank" of Weymouth and Braintree, with a capital of $100,000, is Ideated here. There are 3 houses of worship, 2 Congregational, and 1 Methodist. Population, 3,387. In 1837, there were 70,155 pairs of boots and 2-42,083 pairs of shoes manufactured in this town, the value of which was $427,679; males employed, 828; females, 519, value of leather tanned and curripd. .ed; and in ih BOSTON MASSACRE, 1770. [The above is a reduced copy of a print engraved and published by Mr. Pau) Revere of Boston in ]770. This scene took place near the head of King (nowr State) street, in front of the Town House, which appears in the background. The names of those who were killed on the spot, were Samuel Gray, James Caldwell, and Crispus Attucks, a colored person Samuel Maverick and Patrick Carr, were mortally wounded ; Maverick died the ue.xt morning, and Cavr ou the Wednesday ofthe next week.] BOSTON. 547 iftonMon, seven ofthe hrst committee (viz. John Hancock, Samuel Adaius, Wm. Molineux, Wra. PhilllDs Joseph Warren, Joshua Henshaw, and Samuel Pemberton) were again deputed with the following messaffo ¦ ' [t is the unanimous opinion of this meeting, that the reply made to a vole of the inhabitants presented his honor this morning is by no means satisfactory ; and that nothing less will satisfy them than a total and immediate removal of the troops.' Samuel Adams acted as 'chairman of this delegation,' and dis. charged its dunes with an ability commensurate to the occasion. Ctol. Dalrymple was by the side of Hutchinson, who, at the head of the council, received them. He at flrst denied that he had power to grant the request. Adams plainly, in few words, proved to him that he had the power by the charter Hutchinson then consulted with Dalrymple in a whisper, the result of which was, a repetition of the offer to remove one of the regiments, the Hth, which had had no part in the massacre. At that critical moment Adams showed the most admirable presence of mind. Seeming not to represent, but to personify the universal feeling, he stretched forth his arm, as if il were upheld by the strength of thousands and 'with unhesitating promptness and dignified firmness replied, ' If the lieutenant governor, or Col. Dalrymple, or hoth together, have authority to remove one regiment, tliey have authority to remove two ; and nothing short ofthe total evacuation of the town, by all the regular troops, will satisfy the public mind or preserve the peace of the province.' The officers, civil and military, were in reality abashed, before this plain committee of a democratic assembly. They knew the imminent danger that impended : the very air was filled with the breathings of compressed indignation. They shrunk, fortunately shrunk, from all the arrogance which they had hitherto maintained. Their reliance on a standing army faltered before the undaunted, irresistible resolution of free unarmed citizens. " Hutchinson consulted ihe council, and they gave him their unqualified advice, that the troops should be sent out ofthe town. The commanding officer then pledged his word of honor that the demand ofthe town should be complied with, as soon as practicable ; and both regiments were removed lo the castle in less than fourteen days. " The funeral solemnities, which look place on Thursday, the Sth, brought together the greatest concoune that probably had ever assembled in America on one occasion. Attucks, who was a friendless mulatto, and Caldwell, who also was a stranger, wore borne from Faneuil Hall ; Maverick, who was about 17 years old, from his mother's house in Union street, and Gray from his brother's in Royal Exchange lane. The four hearses formed a junction in King street, and thence the procession marched, in columns of six deep, through the main street to the middle burial-ground, where the four victims were deposited in one grave." The following, respecting the ^^ Boston Tea-party," is taken from the account given in Snow's History of Boston. 'Onthe first of December, Capt. James Bruce, in the ship Eleanor, arrived with another portion of ths lea. On the 3d he was ordered to attend the next day on a committee of the people in Faneuil Hall, where he was commanded, by Samuel Adams and Jonathan Williams, assembled with John Rowe, John Hancock, Wm. Phillips, and John Pitts, Esqrs., and a great number of others, not to land any of the said lea, but to proceed to Griffin's wharf and there discharge the rest ofhis cargo. Capl. Hez. Coffin arrived In the brig Beaver near the same lime, and was ordered to pursue the same course. " Il being perceived that Mr. Rotch rather lingered in his preparations to return the Dartmouth to Irf)n- don, and the twenty days being nearly expired, afler which the collector might seize the ship and cargo, Mr. R. was summoned before the committee, and stated to them that it would prove his entire ruin if ha should comply with the resolutions ofthe 29lh and 30th of November, and therefore he should not do it. A meeting of the people was assembled at the Old South on Tuesday P. M., Dec. Hth, when Mr. R. appeared, and was enjoined forthwith to demand a clearance. Il was ascertained that one could not ba obtained till the next day, and therefore the meeting was adjourned to Thursday, at the same place. " On Thursday, there was the fullest meeting ever known ; 2000 men, at least, were present from the country. Samuel Phillips Savage, Esq., of Weston, was appoinled moderator. Mr. Rotch reported that the collector would not give him a clearance. He was then ordered upnn his peril lo gel his ship ready for sea this day, enter a protest immediately againsl the custom-house, and proceed directly to the govemor, (then at Milton, 7 miles distant,) and demand a pass for his ship to go by the castle. An adjournment to 3 P. M. then look place. At three having met, they waited very patiently till five o'clock, when, finding that Mr. Rotch did not retum, Ihey began to be very uneasy, called for a dissolution of tha meeting, and finally obtained a vote for il. But the more judicious, fearing what would be the conse- (luences, begged for a reconsideration of that vote, ' for this reason, that they ought to do every thing in their power to send the tea back, according to their resolves.' This touched the pride of the assembly, and they agreed to remain together one hour, "This inlerval was improved by Josiah Quincy, jr,, to apprize his fellow-citizens of the importance of the crisis, and direct their attention to the probable results of this controversy. He succeeded in holding them in attentive silence till Mr, Eotch's return, at three quarters past five o'clock. The answer which he brought from the governor was, ' that, for the honor of the laws, and from duty towards the king, ha could not grant the permit, until the vessel was regularly cleared,' A violent commotion immediately ensued, A person who was in the gallery, disguised after the manner ofthe Indians, shouted at this junc ture the cry of war; it was answered by about thirty persons, disguised in like manner, at the door. The meeting was dissolved in the twinkling of an eye. The multitude nished to Grifliii's wharf The dis guised Indians went on board the ships laden with the tea. In less than 2 hours, 240 chests and 100 half chests were staved and emptied into the dock. The affair was conducted without any tumult ; no damage was done to the vessels or to any other effects whatever. . , , v .. j i . j v "This was executed in the presence of several ships of war lying in the harbor, and almost under tho guns of the castle, where there was a large body of troops at the command of the commissioners. We are feft to conjecture for the reasons why no opposition was made to this bold adventure The names of the men who dared to engage in il have never been made public. Three or four of them are yet living. They had the honor of a part in the act which brought the kmg and parliament to a decision that America must be subdued by force of arms." After the battle of Bunker Hill, Boston was closely besiege(i by the American troops. No provision of any kinci, for man or beast, was allowed to enter ; and the troops and inhabitants experieiiced much suffering : and while in this state the smaU-pox broke out, 7S 548 BOSTON. and added to the general distress. The following account of the evacuation of the town is taken from Snow's History of Boston. " General Washington had taken command of the American forces, July 2d, and Gen. Gage had resigned the British to Gen. Howe, and sailed for England about the first of October. As the winter approached, the scarcity of fuel began to be sensibly felt. The old north meeting-house and above 100 other large wooden buildings were taken down and distributed for firewood. Some of the wharves also at the north end were broken up for the same purpose. The British officers found httle to amuse them, except the occEusional performance of a farce, in Faneuil Hall, where they themselves were the actors. Their soldiers had enjoyed a single day of mirth, in which they were employed in felling Liberty Tree and cutting it up for fuel. A squadron of cavalry, attached to the army, occasionaUy exhibited feats of horsemanship in that sanctuary of freedom, the Old South church, which was transformed into a riding-school. Hol- lis-street, Brattle-street, the West, and the First Baptist meeting-houses were occupied as hospitals or barracks for the troops. "Both parties were dissatisfied with so inactive a service. Washinston 'had been some time contemplating an attack on Boston, as soon as he could be j'ustified in attempting the execution of so bold a design. About the middle of February, 1776, the severe cold setting in, and the ice becoming sufficiently firm to bear the troops, he was disposed to make the attempt ; but a council of war, summoned on the occasion, being almost unanimous against the measure, he reluctantly abandoned it. " ' The effective regular force of the Americans now amounted to upwards of four teen thousand men ; in addition to which the commander-in-chief called out about sis thousand of the militia of Massachusetts. With these troops he determined lo take possession of the heights of Dorchester, whence it would be in his power greatly to annoy the ships in the harbor and the soldiers in the town. By taking this position, from which the enemy would inevitably attempt to drive him, he expected to bring on ar general action, during which he intended to cross over from Cambridge side with four thousand chosen men, and attack the town of Boston. To conceal his design, and to divert the attention of the garrison, a heavy bombardment of the town and lines of the enemy was begun on the evening of the 2d of March, and repeated the two succeeding nights. On the night of the 4th, iimnediately after the firing began, a con siderable detachment, under the command of Gen. Thomas, passing from Eoxbury, took silent possession of Dorchester heights. The ground was almost impenetrably hard, but the night was mild, and by laboring with great diligence their works were so far advanced by morning as to cover them in a great measure from the shot of the enemy. When the British after day-break discovered these works, which were mag nified to the view by a hazy atmosphere, nothing could exceed their astonishment. No alternative now remained, but to abandon the town, or to dislodge the provincials. General Howe, with his usual spirit, chose the latter part of the alternative, and took measures for the embarkation, on that very evening, of five regiments, with the hght infantry and grenadiers, on the important but most hazardous service. The transports fell down in the evening towards the castle, with the troops, amounting to about two thousand men ; but a tremendous storm at night rendered the execution of the design absolutely impracticable, A council of war was called the next morning, and agreed to evacuate the town as soou as possible, A fortnight elapsed before that measure was effected. Meanwhile the Americans strengthened and extended their works ; and on the morning of the seventeenth of March the British discovered a breast-work, fhat had been thrown up in the night at Nook's HiU, on Dorchester peninsula, which per fectly commanded Boston Neck and the south part of the town. Delay was no longer safe. By four in the morning, the king's troops, with those Americans who were attached to the royal cause, began to embark ; and before ten all of them were under sail. As the rear embarked, General Washington marched triumphantly into Boston, where he was joyfully received, as a deliverer.' " Cotton Mather, D. D., F. R. S., a celebrated minister and writer, was a native of Boston, born Feb. 12, 1663. He was distinguished for his early piety, and was ordain ed colleague with his father, in 1684. He was a man of unequalled industry, vast learning, and expansive benevolence, also distinguished for his credulity, pedantry and want of judgment. No person in America had so large a library, or had read so many books, or retained so much of what he had read. So precious did he consider his time, that, to prevent visits of unnecessary length, he wrote over his study door " be short. Hfl understood Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Spanish, and Iroquois, and wrot« in CHELSEA. 549 them all. By his diary, it appears that in one year he kept sixty fasts and twenty vigils, and published fourteen books, besides discharging the duties of his pastoral office. His publications amount in number to three hundred and eighty-two. His great work was his Magnalia Christi Americana, or ecclesiastical history of New Eng land, from its founding to the year 1698. His style abounds with puerilities, puns, and strange conceits, and he makes a great display of learning. In his Magnalia he has saved numerous and important facts from oblivion. In the work are contained bio graphical accounts of many of the first principal settlers. He died in 1728. I, -^ii-^fc^ct^f^ ^<^t^ F^j. 3ij„ile of the hand- " '" n Mather ; manuscript ^—P,p,y^t4', writing of Cotton Mather; J y'\^'rhr ^ copied from Co(etm 7n PRINCETON, This township was partly taken from Rutland, and partly made up of some lands in the neighborhood which belonged to the state. It was incorporated in 1771, and named Princeton, in honor of Rev. Thomas Prince, pastor of the Old South church in Boston, and a large proprietor of this tract of land. At the time of its incorporation there were about 20 families in the place. The inhabitants erected a meeting-house in 1762, and in 1764 the church was embodied ; and after a number of unsuccessful attempts to settle a minister. Rev. Timothy Fuller was ordained, in 1767, He was dismissed in 1776, and the church was destitute of a paslor till 1786, when Rev, Thomas Crafts was ordained. In consequence of ill health, he was dismissed in 1791, Rev, Joseph Russell, the next pastor, was ordained 1796, ana was succeeded by Rev. James Murdock, D. D.. in 1802. Rev. Samuel Clarke succeeded Dr. Murdock in 1817. Rev. Alonzo Phillips was ordained the pastor ofthe second church in 1820, and was succeeded by Rev. Elijah Demond in 1836. PRINCETON. 699 View of the central part of Princeton. The above is a south-west view of the Congregational church and some other buildings in the central part of Princeton, which is very elevated and commands an extensive prospect. The spire ofthe ancient church is seen rising in the extreme distance. The surface of this town is hilly, but has a good soil. It is watered by numerous springs and rivulets, and a branch of the Nashua river, which begins at the foot of Wachusett Hill. There are several places in the town where springs issue and the waters divide, running some into Merrimac, some into Connecticut river. Distant view of Wachusett Mountain. Wachusett Mountain lies in the north-west part of the township and is the highest land in the state east of the Green Mountain range. It is a httle more than 3,000 feet above the level of the sea, and rises, without any very steep ascent, about 1,900 feet higher than the surrounding country. The sides of the mountain are generally covered with wood, which gradually dwindles in size towards the top, till it becomes mere shrubbery, and on the summit vegetation almost entirely ceases. Wachusett gives to the spectator upon its summit a view of the country from 30 to 60 miles on every side. The principal rivers and ponds of the county, and many of the towns and villages, are presented very distinctly to the naked eye. This place is much frequented in the 600 ROYALSTON. summer months. Part of Wachusett Pond lies in this town, and part in Westminster, the dividing line passing through it. In the south-west part of the town is Quinepoxet Pond, some part of which falls within the limits of Holden. There are 4 churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Presbyterian, 1 Universalist, and 1 Baptist. Population, 1,267. Distance, 15 miles from Worcester, and 45 frora Boston. In 1837 there were 50,000 pairs of shoes manufactured; value, $20,000; there were 75,000 palm-leaf hats manufactured; value, $9,500. ROYALSTON. This town was granted by the general court, in 1752, to the Hon. Messrs. Hubbard, Erving, Royal, Otis, and others. The grant was known by the name of Royalshire, until its incorporation in 1765, when it was called Royalston, in comphment to the late Col. Isaac Royal, one of the original proprietors. Before the last French war, some who intended to settle at the place began to work upon their lands, but the breaking otit of the war put a stop thereto. Towards the close of that war, some people began to work there again, and in 1762 several families moved into the place, the first of which came in June. Its progress in improvement was very rapid, for in less than three years from that time it was incorporated with distinct town privileges. In 1766 a Congregational church was organized in the town, and in 1768 Rev. Joseph Lee was or dained their pastor. Mr. Lee continued an able and faithful pastor raore than 50 years. His successor. Rev. Ebenezer Perkins, was ordained in 1819. Among the first settlers there were about 10 Baptist families. Their first teacher was Rev. Elisha Rice, who continued but a short time. He was succeeded by Rev. Whitman Jacobs, installed in 1770. The land in this town consists generally of hills and valleys, and the soil is excellent, being suitable for tillage or grazing. It is watered by Miller's river and its tributary waters, upon which is much good meadow. Several small streams, one of which has upon it a perpendicular fall of 20 feet, and descends 100 feet in 40 rods, unite and form Tully river, which pours into Miller's river a great quantity of water. These various streams afford a number of good mill sites. Population, 1,629. Distance, 34 miles firom Worcester, and 70 from Boston. In 1837 there were two woollen mills, 6 sets of ma chinery ; '72,000 yards of cloth were manufactured ; value, $72,000; males employed, 34 ; females, 34 ; there were 129,000 palm-leaf hats manufactured ; value, $16,225 ; three manufactories of chairs and cabinet ware ; value of articles manufactured, $15,041; hands employed, 17 ; there were 11 saw-mills ; value of lumber, $18,165 ; hands em ployed, 22. RUTLAND. This town was purchased of the Indians, in 1686, for £23 of the currency of that time, and a deed executed to Henry Willard, Jo seph Rowlandson, Joseph Foster, Benjamin Willard, and Cyprian Stevens, by Wanapapan and Walipunit, of Natick, and others, In dian proprietors. The general name of this tract was Naquag. This deed was recorded, but nothing further was done with the purchase for 26 years. In niS, upon petition of the proprietors, it was confirmed to thera by the general court, conditionally, that within 7 years' time 60 families should be settled upon it. The con- RUTLAND. 601 ditions of the grant being fulfilled, the town was incorporated by the legislature, at their May session, in 1722. The Rev. Joseph Willard was chosen unanimously by the inhabitants to be their minister, but, as events wok place, was never settled with them. The church was gathered in November, 1727, and at the same time Rev. Thomas Frink was ordained their first pastor. He was dismissed in 1740, and was succeeded by Rev. Joseph Buckminster in 1742, He preached to the people 50 years, and died 1792. In about 8 months he was succeeded by Rev, Hezekiah Goodrich. Mr, Good rich died in 1812, and was succeeded by Rev, Luke B. Foster, in 1813. The next pas tor. Rev. Josiah Clarke, was ordained in 1818. Public Buildings in the central part of Rutland, The above is a south-western view of the Congregational church, town-house, and hotel, in the central part of Rutland. These buildings are situated on a very elevated situation, having a com manding prospect in almost every direction. This town is situated on the height of land between the sea and Connecticut river, and is hilly and very uneven. It has no large stream, but is watered by a branch of Ware river, which affords power for several mills. This is a good grazing township, and the inhabitants export considerable beef, butter, and cheese. There is fine fishing at Mustapaug and Long ponds. About half a mile east of the meeting-house is a spring, the waters of which soon divide •, part runs to the Merrimac and part to Connecticut river. Popu lation, 1,265. Distance, 12 miles from Worcester, and 51 from Bos ton. In 1837 there was 1 woollen mill, which manufactured 26,000 yards of cloth ; value, $15,080 ; there Avere 10,304 pairs of boots, and 5,950 pairs of shoes manufactured ; value, $23,369 ; males em ployed, 37; females, 13. The following account of the disturb ances from the Indians is from Whitney's History of Worcester County : " We have said the settlers, in 1721, invited the Rev. Joseph Willard to settle with them, which invitation he accepted. This Mr. Willard had been ordained a minister of Sunderland, in the county of Hampshire, but continued a very little time with them before he was dismissed. After he had accepted the invitation to settle with the people of Rutland, he met with many and great discouragements, and particularly by reason ofthe fears and dangers arising from the Indians ; so that an appointment of his instal lation was deferred. However, at length a day was fixed upon for his solemn separa tion to the work of the ministry in that place, in the fall of the year 1723 ; but he lived not to see the day, being cut ofi" by the enemy, as shall be now related. As Deacon Joseph Stevens and four of his sons were making hay in a meadow, at Rutland, a little north of the place where tbe meeting-house now stands, August Hth, 1723, they were 602 SHREWSBURY. surprised by five Indians. The father escaped in the bushes ; two of his sons were then and there slain ; the other two, (Phineas the eldest, and Isaac the youngest,) were made prisoners. Two of the five Indians waylaid a Mr, Davis and son, who that after noon were making hay in a meadow not far oflf, but, weary of waiting, they were return ing to the others, and met Mr, Willard in their way, who was armed. One of the Indians' guns missed fire, the others did no execution. Mr. Willard returned the fire, and wounded one of them, it is said mortally ; the other closed in with Mr. Willard, but he would have been more than a match for him, had not the other three come to his assistance ; and it was some considerable time before they killed Mr. Willard. This account Phineas Stevens gave upon his return from captivity, who was a spectator of some part ofthe tragedy. The Indians having killed and scalped Mr, Willard, and taken some of his clothes, went off to Canada, with the two captives above named. They were redeemed in about a year, Phineas Stevens was a famous warrior, a cap tain, and a principal man in building up and defending the then young plantation No. 4, now Charlestown, in New Hampshire state, Isaac Stevens lived at Rutland. They have both been dead many years. On the 3d of August, 1724, the Indians came again upon Rutland, killed three persons, wounded one, and made another prisoner. This is as I find it related in Governor Hutchinson's history. Others speak of but two killed; but the names of the killed, wounded, or prisoner, cannot now be ascertained. This was the last mischief done at Rutland by the Indians, so far as we can leam." SHREWSBURY. This township was granted to certain persons in 1717, most of whom belonged to Marlborough, and was originally larger than at present. It began to be settled the same year by a few people from Marlborough; but the settlement did not progress as rapidly as some other towns in its vicinity. Indeed, at that time people, not deem ing it a good tract of land, passed through and took up their resi dence elsewhere. Such progress was, however, made, in the course of ten years, that application was made to the general court to be invested with full town privileges. This petition was granted, and the town incorporated in 1727. The town originally included most of what is now Boylston, most of West Boylston, and a portion of Sterling, Westborough, and Grafton. It is a remarkable fact that the name of Indian, as is stated, does not occur on the records of the town. They had, some years before, retired to a distance too great to alarm the first settlers. The first church was gathered in this town on the 4th of December, 1723, Rev. Job Cushing was settled as their pastor on the same occasion. He died in 1760, and was succeeded by Eev. Joseph Sumner, D. D,, who was ordained in 1762. The next minis ter, Rev. Samuel B. Ingersoll, was settled in 1820, and died the same year. He was succeeded, in 1821, by Rev, Edwards Whipple, Rev, George Allen, the next pastor, was settled in 1823. The first meeting-house was erected in 1721, The cost of the building was defrayed by a tax of £5 on each proprietor, which amounted to the sum of £210. After a lapse of about 40 years, the society voted, in October, 1764, to build a new meeting-house, 60 feet in length and 45 in width. The Baptist society in this town was formed in 1812, and their meeting-house built in 1813, at the cost of about $450. Mr, Elias McGregory was their first settled minister, ordained June 17, 1818. The Restoration society was formed April, 1820, and was incorporated in 1824. The following is a southern vieAv of the Congregational church, which, with the principal part of the village, stands on a commanding elevation. Distance, 6 miles from Worcester, and 36 from Boston. Population, 1,507. This is principally an agricultural town. In 1837 there were 93,101 pairs of shoes manufactured; value, $88,993; males employed, 140 ; females, 109 ; value of clothing manufac tured, $60,000. This town presents to the eye an uneven surface, variegated with SHREW SBt/RY, 603 Southern view of the Congregational Church, Shrewsbury. hills and valleys. A range of highland, extending frora north to south, passes through the middle of the town. The numerous swells and tracts of rolling land, which are most of them in good cultivation, are to be seen in all directions from the middle of the town, and give a pleasing variety to the landscape. The town is well watered by springs and rivulets, though there are no large rivers in the town. Long pond, called by the natives Quinsigamond, lying in this town by the hne of Worcester, is a beautiful piece of water. It lies in the form of a crescent, nearly four miles long as it runs, and from 100 rods to near a mile in width. The water is in general, of considerable depth ; in sorae places it has been found to be 90 feet deep. There are twelve islands in this pond, of vari ous sizes. Stratton's Island, which contains 150 acres under culti vation, has several farailies living upon it. Some of the other islands are more or less cultivated. This pond is the principal feeder of Blackstone canal. In the south-west part of the town is a large meadow, which contains excellent peat. The following account of a fire which took place in the infancy of the settlement is from the Boston News Letter of Aug, 15, 1723 : " Boston, AiigHst 15th, 1723. "An exact account of the awful burning of Capt, John Reyes's house, with five per sons in it, at Shrewsbury, in the night between the 7tli and Sth of this inst,, taken frora a letter of the Rev, Mr. Breck of Marlborough, and from the mouth of Mr, Ebenezer Bragg of the same, formerly of Ipswich, the only person of those who lodged in the house who, by a distinguishing providence, escaped the flames, "Capt, Keyes was building an house about nine or ten feet off his old one. It was almo.st finished. And Mr. Bragg aforesaid, the carpenter, with his brother Abiel, of 17 years of age, and William Oaks of 18, his apprentices, were working about it, Capt. Keyes, with his wife and four daughters, lodged in the old one ; and the three carpen ters, with three sons of the Captain's, viz, Solomon of twenty, John of thirteen, and Ste phen of six years of age, lay in the new. On the Wednesday night, going to bed, they took a more than ordinary care of the fire, being excited thereto by the saying of one. He would not have the house burnt for an hundred pounds ; and the reply of another. He mould not for two hundred. Upon which, they carefully raked away the chips lying near it, and stayed till the rest were almost burnt out ; and then they went all six together into three beds in one of the chambers ; and wefe very cheerly and merry at their going to bed, which was about ten of the clock, " But about midnight Mr, Bragg was awaked with a notion of the house being on fire, aad a multitude calling to quench it; with which he got up, saw nothing, heard no voice, but could hardly fetch any breath, through the Stifling smoke ; concluded the house was on fire, perceived somebody stir.ring, against whom he hit two or three timet 604 SOUTHBOROtTQH. in the dark : And not being able to speak, or to breathe any longer, and striking hi» forehead against the chimney, he thought ofthe window and happily found it. When he gained it, he tarried a minute, holding it fast with one hand, and reaching out the other, in hopes of meeting with some or other to save thein, till the smoke and fire came so thick and scorching upon him, he could endure no longer ; and hearing no noise in thp chamber, only, as he thought, a faint groan or two, he was forced to jump out, and, the window lieing small, head foremost ; though he supposes, by God's good providence, he turned before he came to the ground. As Mr. Bragg was just got up again, Capt, Keyes, being awaked in the old house, was coming to this side of the new, and met him. But the flame immediately burst out of the windows, and the house was quickly all on a light fire No noise was heard of the other five who perished ; and it is very ques tionable whether more than one of them moved out of their beds. The old house was also burnt, and almost every thing in it ; but the people were saved, through the great goodness of God, But a most dreadful sight it was in the morning, to see the 5 bodies frying in the fire, among the timbers fallen down in the cellar, till towards the evening, when the few almost consumed fragments, without heads or limbs, were gathered, put into one coffin, and buried. Psalm lxvi, 3, Say unto God, How terrible art thou in thy works t James iv, 15lh, Ye know not what shall be on the morrow. Luke xii. 40th, Be ye therefore ready." Thus far the newspaper, " The Capt, Keyes above named was afterwards the well-kn.9wn and much esteemed Major John Keyes, who died in Shrewsbury, not many years since, in a very advanced age. The new house which was burnt stood on the great road, about three quarters of a mile eastward from the present meeting-house ; and upon the same spot a large dwelling-house now stands." The following is the inscription on the monument of Gen. Ward, in the grave-yard back of the church, represented in the engraving: Sacred to the memory of tlie Honorable Artemas Ward, Esqr., who wa.s born in Shrewsbury, Nov, 1727, graduated at Harvard College 1748, Being furnished with natural and aapjired abilities fur public and im- portant trusts, in 1751 he was commissioned a Justice of the Peace ; in 1762 he was appointed a Justice of the Court of Common Pleiis in this county ; in 1776 was made presideiit ofthe said court, llis firm attach ment to the rights of man induced him to talcc an active part m the cause of .America and when the con troversy with Great Britain waa about to be decided by the sword, he conseiited to take the command of the American army, and continued in comma, id during a most critical period of tlie conte.^t. In 1/79 he waa appointed a member of Congress, and by the free suffrages of his fello\v-citi2en.-< was repeatedly elected a meihbsr under the Federal Government, and continued in elevated public stations until age and bodily in firmity constrained him to retire. Such was the tirmness ofhis mind that he waa swayed neither by the applause or censures of man, but appeared ever to act under a sense of duty and accouiitability to God, in every public station he acquitted himself with dignity, ability, and integrity, and his memory will long be precious with the friends of liberty and religion. He died Oct, 28, 1809, in the 73d year ofhis age. SOUTHBOROUGH. This town was taken from the ancient town of Marlborough, and derived its name from the circumstance of its lying about south from that town. It was incorporated by the general court in 1727. The first church was embodied here in 1730, and the Rev. Nathan Stone ordained the first pastor. He remained with the people till his death, in 1781, after Mdiich the church was destitute of a settled minister till 1791, when Rev. Samuel Sumner was ordained. The next pastor, Rev. Jeroboam Parker, was ordained in 1799, and was succeeded by Rev. John D. Sweet. Rev. Walter Follet Avas or dained pastor of the second church in 1832. This church was organized in 1831. There is a Baptist church in the town. Popu lation, 1,113. Distance, 1.5 miles from Worcester, and 30 from Bos ton. The surface of this town is moderately uneven, and the soil productive. It is watered by a number of small streams and brooks. In 1837, there was a small woollen mill in the town; there were manufactured 170 pairs of boots and 39,312 pairs of shoes ; value, $31,560 ; males employed, 80 ; females, 75. There were 6,500 straw bonnets manufactured ; value, $9,000. SPENCER. 605 SOUTHBRIDGE. Southbridge was originally a part of Sturbridge, Charlton, and Dudley. It was incorporated as a town in 1814. The first church was organized here in 1801, and Rev. Jason Park was ordained the first pastor in 1816. He was succeeded by Rev. Henry J. Lamb, who was ordained in 1833. His successor, Rev, Eber Carpenter, was installed in 1835. There are 3 churches, 1 Congregational, I Baptist, and 1 Methodist. South-eastern view of the central part of Southbridge. The above is a south-eastern view in this flourishing village, which consists of about 40 or 50 dwelling-houses, besides other buildings. The Baptist church is seen on the right ; the South- bridge Bank, Hotel, &c., on the left. The township is watered by the Quinnebaug, which passes centrally through the town. Popu lation 1 740 Distance, 20 miles from Worcester, and 60 from Boston 'in 1837 there were 3 cotton mills, 6,844 spindles; 1,139,160 yards of cotton goods were manufactured; value, $95,900; males employed, 83; females, 89; one woollen mill, 4 sets of machinery; 50 000 yards of cloth were manufactured ; value, $150,000 ; males employed, 75; females, 50; boots manufactured 590 pairs ; shoes, 15,475; value, $15,712; males employed, 17; females, 14. In 1 Rn I the inhabitants of the south-eastern section of Sturbridge, (now Southbridge,) ninetv in nutnber werru% incorporated into a P.H Pansh. These So ™sw"th"hrr families, formed rather a distinct community for many years, and the place of Their residence was generally known by the name of Honest Town. SPENCER. Thtt whole of this town was included in the original grant of Leicester It was made a parish in the year 1744, by the nanrie of the West' Parish of Leicester, and was incorporated a town m 17.53, bv the name of Spencer. The church was organized here in 1 744, ' and Rev Joshua Eaton was ordained their pastor the same year. He continued with the people till his death, in 1772, and was suc- ceLf J, the next year, by Rev. Joseph Pope. The next mmistei 606 STEELING. was Rev. Stephen Crosby, who was settled in 1819. Mr. Crosby was succeeded by Rev. Levi Packard, in 1826. South-west view of Spencer. The above engraving shows the appearance of the central part of Spencer, as it is entered from the westward, upon the road to Brookfield. The Congregational church is seen on the right, on the elevated ground in the distance. The Universalist church is the building with a tower, standing in the compact part of the village, which consists of about 40 dwelling-houses. This town is elevated, and is said to be 950 feet above the tide waters in Boston harbor. The surface is rough and uneven, but the soil is very fertile. It is watered by many streams, which run through the different parts ; but none of them are of much size. Seven-Mile river is the largest. There are 3 churches, 1 Congre gational, 1 Baptist, and 1 tfiiiversalist. Population, 2,085. Dis tance, 11 miles from Worcester, and 51 from Boston. In 1837 there were 2 woollen mills, 4 sets of machinery ; 34,000 yards of cloth were manufactured ; value of woollen goods, $87,000 ; males em ployed, 31; females, 23; there were 52,091 pairs of boots and 2,940 pairs of shoes manufactured; value, $106,496; males employed, 162 ; females, 28 ; four wire-drawing mills ; 19 tons of wire manu factured; value, $10,480; ten hands employed; there were 2 powder mills ; 162,500 lbs. of powder were manufactured ; value, $14,500; there were 29,600 palm-leaf hats manufactured; value, $7,000 STERLING. Trfis was for many years the second parish in Lancaster, and was usually called Chockset, It was made a separate parish in the year 1743, and remained united with Lancaster until April 25, 1781 ; when it was incorporated by an act of the legislature, and leceived its present name in compliment to Lord Sterling, of New Jersey, who served as a general in the American army in the revo lutionary war. . The first inhabitants established themselves in this town as early as 1720. Gamaliel Beaman was the first inhabitant, and was immediately foUowed by Samuel Sawyer, STURBEIDQE. 607 Benjamin Haughton, David Osgood, and Jonathan Osgood. They were all natives of Lancaster old parish, and of families who had long resided there. Their houses were all within short distances of each other, lying north-westerly of the meeting-house. The first meeting-house was built in 1742. The church was gathered Dec. 19, 1744, and Rev. John Mellen was ordained their minister the same day. The second meeting house was erected in 1799, on the site of the old one. It was dedicated on the first Sunday of the year 1800, The successor of Mr, Mellen was Rev, Reuben Holcomb, who was ordained in 1779 ; he was succeeded by Rev, Lemuel Capen, who was ordain ed in 1815. Rev. Peter Osgood, the next minister, was settled in 1819. The surface of this town is hilly and uneven, but there is very little broken or waste land in it. The soil is fertile, producing in rich abundance, to repay the husbandman for its cultivation. The land is naturally moist, and by the help of the rivulets the water may be turned over the sides of most of the hills. There is but one river in this town, called Still river, from the placid motion of its waters. In the central part of the town there is an uncom monly beautiful Uttle village, consisting of 2 churches and about 20 dwelling-houses. Population, 1,650. Distance, 11 miles from Worcester, and 40 from Boston. In 1837, there were 24 manufac tories of chairs and cabinet ware ; the value of chairs and cabinet ware was $53,228 ; hands employed, 80. There were 22,500 palm-leaf hats manufactured; value, $7,200; value of scythe snaiths manufactured, $5,000. STURBRIDGE The land of this town was originally granted, in 1729, to seve ral petitioners of Medfield, and many of the first settlers were from that town, and hence the place was called New Medfield, until its incorporation in 1738, when it received the name of Sturbridge. The following, respecting the first settlers, is from Rev. Joseph S. Clark's Historical Sketch of Sturbridge, published in 1838 : " Henry Fiske, one of the original proprietors, and his brother Daniel pitched their tent near the top of the hill which has ever since borni theii name. They had been at work for some um? without knowing which way they must look for their nearest neighbor, or whether indeed they had a neighbor nearer than one of theSent wwns. At length on a elea! afternoon they heard the sound of an axe far off in a southerly directfon, and went in pursuit of it. The individual whose so uary axe they heard had alK. been attracted by the sound of their.^ and was advancing towards them on the same errand They came in sight of one another on opposite sides of the Quinebaug river. By felling two trees into the stream, one from each bank, a brMse w^ Eructed on which they were able to meet and exchange salutations. The unknown man of tl^r^r w^fS to be Jam^ Denison, one ofthe proprietors, who, in the absence of a better home, had Sen MKtaS n a erne, which is still to be seen not far from Westvill In that lonely den he continued hU abode iUs sSid till a neighboring wolf, who probably had a prior claim to the premises, signified a wish u. tlkfoissession When Mr D^^ peaceably withdrew and built him a house of his own, " For somei me Xr tl^e work of clearing the forest had been undertaken, no one had ventured to spend the Sx in H'ace lo desoTate and distant from the track of man, The prppr^tors or whomsoever they me winter m a piace so """"'"'•^ . . returned to their respect ve towns m the autumn, Joseph Smith, «nployed usually came in the spring, and^ wlio encountered the rigors of winter' in Sturi wlT °'^{^TI^Z^^ilt^o::Sxniei from human society on the island of Juan Fernandez, ,i,L„ Tir.«™^f^ J^L inthi^ nlace during four months, having neither seen nor heard from a human bemg than Mr, Smith was '"^^is place auringiiu ^ '15,0^6 from the frosts of that dreary winter may still Kien'rihe'farm'oVjat^HS^^^^^ planted soon after he came." The proprietors built a meeting-house, which was consecrate^ in 1733, by Kev. Jo- sprTh Havter of Medfield. In 1736 the Rev. Caleb Rice was ordained pastor. About 1747, a number of his church, conceiving they had received new light, difi-erent from the rest ofthe people, separated from him. Mr. Bice died in 1759. He was succeeded hv Ppv Toshua Paine, who was ordained in 1761. Rev. Otis Lane, the next mmister, was ordained n l^BOl, and was succeeded by Rev. Alvan Bond, in 1819. Rev. Joseph S^lark succeeded Mr. Bond in 1831. The persons who separated from Mr. Eice's f)OS STURBRIDGE. church formed themselves into a Baptist church about 1750. The first meeting-house of this society was built on Fisk's Hill, in 1784. Rev, "Wilham Ewing was their first minister. Rev. Jordan Dodge was ordained their pastor in 1784, and was dismissed in 1788, The next minister. Rev. Zenas L, Leonard, was ordained in 1796. His succes sor, Rev, Addison Parker, was installed in 1833. Rev. Isaac Merriam and Rev. 0. 0. Stearns have been the succeeding pastors. The central village lies in a valley between" two hills, which are about two miles apart. The soil in this valley is fertile. The \'il- lage consists of about 30 dwelling-houses, a Congregational and baptist church. The engraving shows the appearance of the vil lage as it appears when seen from the north-east, upon the Charlton road. Population, 2,004. Distance, 18 miles from Worcester, and 58 from Boston. The Quinebaug has its source in this town ; it originates fram near Lead-mine pond, takes a circuitous course into Union, Holland, Brimfield, and back into Sturbridge. Upon this stream are considerable tracts of interval and meadow lands. There are a number of ponds in this town, near one of which, called Lead- mine pond, a number of adventurers from Europe, many years since, dug deep for ore, a considerable quantity of which they car lied with them to England. They never, however, returned. '^¦^ .¦^-at - i^&Cj^^ i' ¦* i'lt/v oJ ihtttiitt-al vUlagf. in Sturbridge. In 1837 there were 6 cotton mills, 8,664 spindles ; 829,749 yards of cotton goods were niannlaciured ; value, $117,134; males em ployed, 71 ; females, 117; there were manufactured 2,220 pairs of boots, and 12,660 pairs of shoes ; value, $18,306 40 ; males em ployed, 35 ; females, 15 ; value of pocket rifles manufactured, $20,275 ; hands employed, 36. In the aouthem part ofthe township fs an extensive tract of broken land, called Breakneck, near which ihe Breakneck pond in Union, Conn., takes its rise. A ledge of rocks in thia tract extends about a mile, which, in some places, is 100 feet perpendicular. This ledge luia been a greiit place for rattlesnakes. It is stated that an old lady, the wife of an extensive farmer by the name of Howard, living in this vicinity, after her dairy business waa done in the morning, in the Month of May, used to go out and kill rattlesnakes ; and that she had been known to have killed as many as 16 in one morning. These snakes, some yeai*3 ago, were made considerable use of for medicinal purposes; the oil as a remedy for the quinsy and sprains, the skin for rheumatism and head-aches ; and the ^all waa alsn used in medicinal preparations. They were worth from about 50 to 75 cents per head, and it was for the profit of the business that il was foUowed by the old lady. The only instance known of any person being bit here by a rattlesnake waa thai of a lad — his father filled hia mouth with tobacco juice and sucked out the poison, so that the effects of the bite were scarcely perceptible. Black snakes, upwards of nine feet In length, have been killed in the Breakneck regk>a SUTTON. 609 SUTTON. ^rZ^V^^'^ "^^^ originally purchased by a number of persons of iT^f nT^""' ^ "^^^'^"1' and his company of Indians, who claim- 1701 T. ^''^%'^°nfii™ed to the purchasers by the general court in 1704. It was formed into a township and called Sutton by an act of the legislature m 1715. The settling of the town was retard ed tor some time by reason of the wars with the Indians win"er\herTwhich w.'fthT"f^^ ^""' ''^''^ '° l'.P^^'=«' ^"'^ "P^^' '^e succeeding davfrf&Irv m S >^nH '*"' ^'T '"T- ¦ ^'H' ^"°^ '¦'^l' "-^ «°™^ °f «he last S the faSs^i?ved^ Th "' '? ^^V^"' I' '^^°^^l ^"''^'"^ "^^^ *e hut in which one 01 tne lamilies lived. The man being from home, the faraily would probablv have suffered much, had not an Indian, who knew the circnmstanccs:con"e to their relief He found the cottage only by the hole which the smoke from the fireplace had made through the snow. In September, 1717, the first child was horn in the town n^ed Abigail Marsh, daughter of Mr, Benjamin Marsh. ' Congregational Church, Sutton. The above is a western view of the Congregational church in Sutton, which is situated on an elevated hill, commanding an ex tensive prospect in various directions. At present there are but few houses in the immediate vicinity of the church. This is a pleasant town, and extensively engaged in manufac turing. It is watered by the Blackstone river, and the Blackstone canal passes on the northern border. The township is generally hilly, though of good soil. It contains soap-stone, and excellent granite for building. In the town are 2 Congregational meeting houses, 2 Baptist, and 1 Episcopal. Population, 2,457. Distance, 10 miles from Worcester, and 44 from Boston. Wilkinsonville, a small manufacturing village, containing an Episcopal church, is on Blackstone river, on the northern border of the town. In 1837 there were in the limits of the town 4 cotton mills, 7,356 spindles; 1,301,727 yards of cotton goods were manufactured; value, $125,572; males employed, 94; females, 100; 2 woollen mills, 4 sets of machinery; 82,000 yards of cloth were manufactured; value, $110,000; males employed, 40; females, 24. There were 2,000'dozen of shuttles manufactured; value, $10,000; hands em- 610 TEMPLETON, ployed, 12. Boots manufactured, 9,314 pairs; shoes, 51,968 pairs; value, $55,656; males employed, 103; females, 99. Spindles manufactured, 30,000 ; value, $5,000. Value of scythes manufac tured, $3,350. The first church in Sutton was organized in the fall of 1720, and Bev. John McKinstry ordained their pastor. He was a native of Scotland, and was there edu cated. He was dismissed in 1728, and was succeeded the next year by Rev. David Hall, D, D,, who, after a life of usefulness, died 1789. He was succeeded by Rev. Ed mund Mills, in 1790. The next pastor, Rev, John Maltby, was ordained in 1826, His successor, Rev, Hiram Tracy, was ordained in 1835. The second parish in Sutton was incorporated hy the legislature in 1743, Rev, James Wilman was their first pas tor, ordained in 1747. The first Baptist society in the town was formed in 1785, and Kev. Benjamin Marsh was ordained their elder. Of the Baptist society in the south east part of the town. Elder Wm. Bachelder was the first pastor, ordained in 1792. TEMPLETON. This town was an original grant to certain persons who did ser vice in King Philip's war, or to their heirs, and was known by the North view of Templeton, (central part .) name of Narragansett No. 6 until its incorporation, in 1762, when the name of Templeton was given to it. The first meeting of the proprietors of this tract was held at Concord, in 1733. Its settlement was greatly retarded through danger from the Indians, bnt after the close of the French wars inhabitants moved in and the settlement rapidly improved. The first church was gathered here in 1755, and Rev, Daniel Pond was ordained pastor. He was dismissed in 1759, and succeeded by Rev, Ebenezer Sparhawk in 1761, The next minister, Rev. Charles Wellington, was ordained in 1807, Rev, Lemuel P. Bates was installed pastor of the second church in 1833. Hc was succeeded by Rev. Lewis Sabin in 1837. This is a pleasant town, of uneven surface, but contains much good land. It is watered by branches of Miller's and Chieopee rivers, and has many excellent mill-sites. The engraving above is a north view in the village of Templeton, which consists of 2 churches and about 30 dwelling-houses. The Unitarian church is seen on the right, the Orthodox on the left. Distance, 24 miles from Worcester, 30 from Greenfield, 10 from Royalston, 8 from Athol, and 58 from Boston. Population, 1,690. In 1837 there UPTON 611 ¦was 1 woollen mill, 2 sets of machinery; 30,000 yards of cloth were manufactured; value, $30,000; males employed, 15; females, Ihere were 8,530 pairs of boots and 9,280 pairs of shoes 15 ?it"on^*^*'^'*®'^! ^^^"^' #22,327; palm-leaf hats manufactured, 117,304; value, $22,108. There were 9 manufactories for chairs and cabinet ware; value, $12,586; hands employed, 22. There was 1 manufactory for tin ware, 1 for shovels, spades, forks or hoes, and 1 air and cupola furnace. Eleven saw-mills ; lumber sawed, 1,986,000 feet ; value, $16,040. ' UPTON. This town is not an original grant, but was taken from Mendon, Sutton, and Hopkinton. It was incorporated by the general court in 1735. The first church was formed in this town soon after its Southern view of the central part of 'Opton. incorporation, and Rev. Thomas Weld ordained their pastor. He remained a few years with the people, when he was dismissed, and succeeded by Rev. Elisha Fish, (from Stonington, Conn.,) ordained in 1751. He died in 1795. The next and the pre.sent pastor. Rev. Benjamin Wood, was ordained in 1796. The society of Baptists originated about 1750, and the next year Rev. Abraham Bloss was ordained their teaching elder. This town presents a varied surface, changing from smooth to rough, and from hilly to more level ground. The soil is generally good, and is pretty well watered. A small stream, known by the name of West river, passes through the west part ofthe town, and flows into the Blackstone in the lower part of Uxbridge. The village consists of about 50 dwelling-houses, and a Congregational church, which is represented in the engraving. Population, 1,451. Distance, 14 miles S. E. of Worcester, and 35 from Boston. In 1837 there was 1 woollen mill ; 2 sets of ma chinery ; 31,200 yards of cloth were manufactured ; value, $15,600; boots manufactured, 3,500 pairs; shoes, 117,699 pairs; value, $107,796 84 ; males employed, 156 ; females, 81 ; there Avere 14,000 straw bonnets manufactured; value, $35,110. 81 612 UXBRID G E , UXBRIDGE. This town is composed of what was formerly the western part of Mendon. It was set off" and incorporated by an act of the gene ral court in June, 1727, and then received its present name. The Indian name was Wacantuck. It was larger at first than at present, as thenorth part, in 1772, was set off and made a distinct town, by the name of Northbridge. Southern view of the central part of Uxbridge. A church was gathered here in 1731, (under the direction of Eev. Joseph Dorr, of Mendon,) of which Rev. Nathan Webb was ordained pastor. He continued with the people 41 years, till his death, in 1772, and was succeeded by Eev, Hezekiah Chapman, ordained in 1774. He was dismissed in 1781, and in 1783 Rev, Josiah Spaulding suc ceeded, who, continuing but about 4 years, was succeeded by Rev, Samuel Judson, who was ordained in 1792, Eev, Samuel Clarke was installed pastor ofthe parish church in 1833, Rev, David A, Grosvenor, the pastor of the second church, was settled in 1832. There is a Friends' church in this town. The above is a southern view of the central part of Uxbridge, taken from the residence of Rev. Mr. Grosvenor. The Unitarian church, a gothic structure, appears in the central part ; the other Congregational church is seen on the left. Some of the buildings in Rogerson's village, nearly two miles from the center, are discerned in the extreme distance. Population, 2,246. Distance, 18 miles from Worcester, and 38 from Boston. This is a very pleasant and flourishing town ; the center is level and has a light soil ; the surrounding hills are moist, and better adapted to grazing and orchards. There are in the town a quarry of stone, easily wrought and highly valuable, and an iron mine, from which much ore has been taken. Uxbridge enjoys important advantages in being situated, for nearly its whole length, on the Blackstone river and canal, as well as from the water power of West and Mumford rivers, which here join the Blackstone. In 1837 there were 3 cotton mills; 11,000 spindles; 936,000 yards of cotton goods were manufactured ; value, $168,000; males employed, 130; females, 250; five woollen mills; 13 sets of machinery; 295,000 WARREN, 613 yards of satinet were manufactured; value, $186,000; males em ployed, 62 ; females, 66. WARREN. This town was taken partly from Brookfield, and partly from Brimfield and Palmer, in Hampden county. It was incorpo rated in 1741, by the name of Western. In 1834 its name was changed to that of Warren, in memory of Gen. Warren, who fell at Bunker Hill. The Congregational church was formed here in 1743, and the next year Rev. Isaac Jones was ordained their first pastor. He died in 1784, and was succeeded East view of Warren, (central part.) by Rev. Stephen Baxter, who was ordained in 1791. The suc ceeding ministers have been Sylvester Burt, settled in 1806; Munson C. Gaylord, in 1816 ; Oren Cathn, in 1829 ; Charles Fitch, in 1832 ; and George Trask, in 1836. Warren is situated at the south-west angle of the county. The land, though rather rough, is productive. The river Quaboag, from Brookfield, enters this town from the north-east, and, passing through it, goes out at the west angle, and falls into the Chieopee river. Coy's hill, in the north part of this town, affords abundance of granite, being here valuable for building stone. At the foot of the hill, near the river, iron ore is found, and a mineral spring has been discovered, which has some visitants. The accompanying view shows the appear ance of the central part of the town as seen from the schoolhouse, on the Brookfield road. The Congregational church 's seen on the right ; the Universalist is the building seen in the distance with a tower. The railroad from Worcester to Springfield passes a few rods south of the hotel seen on the left of the engraving. There are at present in the town 1 cotton, 2 woollen, and 1 scythe factories. Population, 1,196. Distance, 24 miles westerly from Worcester, and 64 from Boston. In 1837, there were 45,000 palm-leaf hats manufactured ; value, $5,850. Value of woollen goods manufac tured, $51,300 ; value of cotton goods, $8,000 614 WESTBOROUGH . WEBSTER. Tms town was set off from Dudley and Oxford, and incorpo rated in 1832. It was named after the Hon. Daniel Webster. The surface of the town is rather rough, and the soil is not as good as that of the adjoining towns. The outlet of Char- gog g-a- gog g- man-chogg-a-gogg, a large pond in this town, three miles in length, affords fine water privileges. The engraving shows a north-east- North-east view of Webster. ern view of the central and principal village in Webster, as it is entered upon the Boston road. One of the Slater cotton mills is seen on the left. Mr. Slater, who, it is stated, first introduced the cotton manufacturing business into this country, lived the latter part of his life in this village ; his house is seen in the central part of the engraving, having 4 chimneys. The Methodist church and the center school-house, each with a spire, are seen in the back ground. The Baptist church is still farther westward. Popula tion, 1,210. Distance, 16 miles from Worcester, and 50 from Bos ton. In 1837, there were 3 cotton mills ; 6,088 spindles ; 1,155,535 yards of cotton goods were manufactured ; value, $103,427 ; males employed, 62; females, 101. There were 2 woollen mills, 6 sets of machinery ; 60,000 yards of cloth were manufactured ; value, $180,000; males employed, 50; females, 45. One thread mill; 42,000 lbs. of thread were manufactured ; value, $26,000 ; males employed, 11 ; females, 19. WESTBOROUGH. This town was taken from Marlborough, and lying the whole length of that town on the west side at the time of it's incorporation, in Nov. 1717, it was called Westborough. This part of Marlbo rough being a frontier, having no town between it and Brookfield on the west, about 40 miles distant, the settlement did not progress very rapidly. Several families, however, before 1700 were settled near where the Congregational meeting-house stands, of which were Messrs. Thomas and Edmund Rice's. The church was WESTBOROUGH. 615 Mr. Whitney's House, IVestborough. gathered here in 1724,. and Rev. Ebenezer Parkman Avas ordained their pastor ; his successor. Rev. John Robinson, Avas ordained in 1789. The next minister. Rev. Elisha Rockwood, was ordained in 1808. Rev. Hosea Hildreth was installed pastor of the parish church in 1834 ; his successors were Rev. Barnabas Phinney, in stalled in 1836, and Rev. Charles B. Kittredge, in 1837. There ia a pleasant and well-built village in the central part of the town, consisting of about 50 dwelling-houses, a Congregational and Bap tist church. The Boston and Worcester railroad passes through the center. The lands rise about a mile distant on the east, south, and west. The soil is good, and the township is well watered by Concord and Sudbury rivers. Population, 1,612. Distance, 12 miles from Worcester, and 32 from Boston. In 1837, there were manufactured 20,092 pairs of boots and 120,656 pairs of shoes ; value, $148,774 40; males employed, 360; females, 214. The above is a south-eastern view of the house in which Eli Whitney, the iiwentor ofthe cotton gin, Avas born, Dec. 8, 1765; it is now occupied by his brother, Mr. Benjamin Whitney, and is about tAVO railes Avestward of the central village, on a cross road. His mechanical genius discovered itself at an early age. The small building seen standing by the house was his work-shop, Avhere he manufactured various articles. His name is still to be seen cut on the door with his penknife. He graduated at Yale college, and soon after went into the state of Georgia ; while here he invented the cotton gin, which is worth millions of dollars an nually to the southern states. Before this invention, one person could clean from the seeds but one pound of cotton daily ¦ with the aid of this machine a single person can in one day clean a thousand pounds with ease Judge Johnson, of South Carolina, declared that by means of this invention " thei- lands were trebled in value." For this invention Mr. Whitney obtained a patent but like many other benefactors of the public, was plundered of the benefits of his invention. Mr. Whitney, by turning his attention to the manufacture o{ fire arms for the United States, was enabled to realize a comfortable independence. The village which he built up two miles from New Haven, Con., for his workmen, is called Wliineyville. Mr. Whitney died in New Haven, Jan. 8, 1825. 616 WEST BOYLBTON. WEST BOYLSTON. This town was settled as early as 1720, by several families from Marlborough, being then included in the grant of land called Shrewsbury. Among the first settlers were Benjamin Hinds, Isaac Temple, Edward Goodale, William Whitney, John Bixby, and William Holt. The town was incorporated in 1808. Vale of West Boylston, In 1796, the present town was incorporated a separate parish. In the same year a Congregational church was gathered, consisting of 32 members. Rev, William Nash, the first minister, was ordained on the 11th of Oct., 1797. His successor, Rev. John Boardman, was ordained in 1821 ; the next minister was installed in 1834. Eev. Philemon Russell, pastor of the Unitarian society, was ordained in 1834. In 1813, a so ciety of Baptists was formed in the town. In 1818, they built a meeting-house. The next year the church was organized, of about 50 members, who had been dismissed from the church in Holden, In 1821, they had constant preaching by Rev. Nicholas Branch. The first settlers of the town built a stockade fort, of square logs, for defence, on the land now owned by Mr. John Temple, This fort stood till about 1790 ; the only inti mations of any hostilities against it were a few bullets lodged in the timbers. A few traces of the aborigines are sometimes discovered. In the south part of the town is a beautiful and romantic spot, called Pleasant Valley. At some remote period it was the location of a small pond. The engraving shows the appearance of this spot as it is seen from the north. At this point, immediately north, and separated from the valley by a bar or ridge of land, is a depression of a number of feet lower than the vale, which is, perhaps, 10 or 12 rods in length, and in its formation resembles the bowl of a spoon. This place is about one mile southerly of the principal village of West Boylston. The following notice of this beautiful little spot, with the accompanying lines, are taken from the American Traveller of July 14, 1826 : "On leaving the road you enter a grove of oaks and maples, between two declivities, and continuing down this avenue that winds along through the shrub-oaks, at once opens to the view a plain of 3 or 4 acres, of an oval form, surrounded on every side, except the narrow pass by which you enter, by high and almost per pendicular banks, whose sides are covered by the birch and shrub-oak, and whose tops are aurmounlea by trees of the largest size. The plain is more level and smooth than art could make it ; no remains of ancient trees, no stone, not even a stray branch ofthe neighboring grove near the scene, A tine short grass coven the whole area, and presents to the e^e an enchanting fairy green. The stillness of death reigns, undis turbed by the noise of the world. It is a place for contemplation, where man can turn his thoughts home t;» his own breast and meditate oa the foUiea of the world, or where he can upturn them to Him the supiunt Architect of nature. winchendon. 617 " ^* ^ of West Boylston ! how calm a retreat ¦iivT.II'^ i.™!™™ ^"^ '"«« of 'his cold worid of woe : A„i.? *"='f-<=f";"ed hanks, where the wild flowrets meet, ana thy serpentine paths where tho evergreens grow. Oh, here the war trumpet shall never be heard. Mere the banners of foemen shall ne'er be unfurl'd; At tbe tramp ofthe war-horse, thy paths shall be barred, And peace with her wand bid him back to the world. Thy carpet so green, 'nealh Ihe blue sky outspread, Shall never be soil'd by the foot of dishonor- Here the children of nature by truth shall be led, And fear not the intrusions of care or of sorrow. Be this the retreat of the votaries of love, 1..?'"' "*? f"'""'^^ ofthe heart— be it piety's fane, Where their vows and their prayers shall ascend— and above hhall he heard, and Heaven grant that they be heard not in vain. Oh, here have I roam'd with the friend of my heart, vyhen the last rays of sunshine were gilding the spot— And the thoughts of that hour they shall never depart. And the friends that were there shall ne'er be forgot," In 1837, there were in this town 7 cotton mills ; 8,036 spindles • 1,502,000 yards of cotton goods were manufactured ; value) $151,450; males employed, 89; females, 168. Population, 1,330, Distance, 7 miles from Worcester, and 42 from Boston. WESTMINSTER. This town, with others, was granted by the general court to the soldiers who did service in the Narragansett or King Philip's Avar, or to their heirs. It was styled Narragansett No 2. until its incor poration in 1769, when it was named Westminster. The proprie tors of this town were chiefly inhabitants of Cambridge, Charles- toA»-n, Watertown, Weston, Sudbury, Newton, Medford, Maiden, and Reading. The first person who settled on the grant was Capt, Fairbanks Moor, who moved there with his family in March, 1737. In June following, Dea. Joseph Holden moved his family into the place. These two families contained 15 persons. It being an exposed plantation, settlers moved in but slowly. The proprietors erected a meeting house in 1739, The Congregational church was formed, and Rev, Elisha Marsb ordained pastor, in 1742. He was dismissed in 1757, and the town had no minister from that time till 1765, when the Rev. Asaph Rice was settled. Previously Mr. Rice had been a missionary among the Indians. The next pastor, Rev. Cyrus Mann, was settled in 1815. This town being exposed to Indian assaults, the general court, in 1743, granted £400 to fortify the place, with which ten forts were erected, and soldiers sta tioned there for the defence of the plantation. In 1746, some of the people of the place were put under pay as a town scout. But although the people suffered many trials and hardships, it is believed that no person belonging to the town was ever cut off by the enemy. This town is situated on the range of highlands which separate the waters of the Connecticut and Merrimac, The soil of the township is fertile, containing good grazing lands. There are three churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Universalist, and one Baptist, Population, 1,640. Distance, 26 miles from Worcester, and 50 from Boston. In 1837, there were 14 manufactories of chairs and cabinet ware ; value of articles manufac tured, «26,350 ; hands employed, 38. There were 8,400 straw bonnets manufactured ; value, $15,675. WINCHENDON. This town was granted by the general court, in 1735, to 60 per sons, all of whom, excepting 8, belonged to Ipswich, in Essex 618 WORCESTER. county. It was called " Ipswich Canada" till its incorporation, in 1764, by the name of Winchendon, because most of the grantees were soldiers or the heirs of soldiers who had served in an expedi tion to Canada in 1690. By the year 1752, ten families were fixed down here. But the settlement was retard ed by what is usually called the last French war. Most of the settlers left the place ; those who remained were obliged to keep in garrisons. The proprietors set up the first meeting-house, 45 feet by 35, in the spring of 1762. The church was organized, and Rev, Daniel Stimpson ordained their pastor, in December of the same year. He died in 1768, and was succeeded by Eev. Joseph Brown, who was ordained in 1769. Eev. Levi Pilsbury, the next pastor, was ordained in 1801 ; he was succeeded by Eev. Eber Clark, who was installed in 1820. Rev. Daniel 0, Morton was installed the next pastor in 1836. This town is rocky and moderately uneven, but the soil is deep and good. Manomo- nack Pond, lying partly in this town and partly in New Hampshire, is the head source of Miller's river. Several branches of the stream meet here, and the town enjoys valu able water privileges. There are 3 churches, 1 Congregational, 1 Baptist, and 1 Meth odist. Population, 1,802. Distance, 33 miles from Worcester, and 60 from Boston. In 1837, there was 1 cotton mill, 4,000 spindles ; 1,000,000 yards of cotton goods manu factured ; males employed, 25 ; females, 125 ; one woollen mill, 3 sets of machinery ; 55,000 yards of cloth were manufactured; value, $53,000 ; males employed, 25 j fe males, 25. WORCESTER. Worcester was incorporated in 1684, but in consequence of Indian hostilities the first town meeting was not held till 1722. This part of the country was called by the Indians Qui7isigam,ond, that being the name of a large pond on the eastern border of thc town. The central situation of this town both in regard to the county and state, the fertility of its soil and that of the sur rounding country, and the industry, intelligence, and Ayealth of the inhabitants, justly entitle it to the honor of being called the chief town of the " Heart of the Commonwealth." In October, 1668, a township of land of rather more than eight miles square, bounded easterly by Quinsigamond pond, was granted by the general court to Daniel Gookin, Daniel Henchman, Thomas Prentice, and their associates. On account of the Indian war prevailing about this period, the immediate settlement of the place was prevented. In 1685, the Indians appearing friendly, the persons named above, together with John Wing, George Danson, Peter Goulding, Dickery Sargeant, Isaac Bull, and Jacob Leon ard, ventured to begin the plantation. It appears, however, that there were six or seven houses erected here in 1675, but, on account of King Philip's war, which then raged, they were soon deserted. The natives who inhabited Quinsigamond were of the Nipmuc tribe. The principal settlement of these Indians in Worcester was on a hill in the south part of the town, extending into Ward, called by them Pakachoag, now known as Bogachoag. Wig wam hill, on the eastern shore of Quinsigamond, was probably a favorite residence for them, on account of the fish and wild game in the vicinity. These Indians were visited by Mr. Elliot, the " Indian apostle," and Mr. Gookin, in 1674 ; at this time they had made considerable advances in civilization, and some of them professed Chris tianity, In 1675, Pakachoag was visited by King Philip, who by his artifices and threats induced most ofthe Indians to take up arms against the whites. After the return of the whites to Worcester in 1685, the settlement of the place went on prosperously till 1701, when the Indians again began to attack the frontier towns, and Worcester was again depopulated. After all the other planters had fled, Dickery Sargeant, with his family, determined to remain and brave the dangers from the Indian foe. He remained unmolested till 1703 or 1704, The following particulars of his death are preserved. When the Indians surrounded his house, Sargeant seized his gun to defend himself; as he was retreating to the stair-way, he was shot down by the savages. Upon this they rushed into the house and completed the work of deaUi by their tomahawks, and tore off his scalp. They seized his wife and five children, and commenced a rapid retreat westward. Mrs, Sargeant, overcome with grief and fatigue, * I>rawn by J. W. Bftxber— Engnved by J. Downei, Woiceitw. MAIN STEEET IN WOECESTEE, MASS. The above is a view taken at the south-western entrance of the Main street in Worcester. The old South Church and the Town- House appear on the right. A number of private residences are seen on the left. Main street is seen extending in the distance to the north waxd. WORCESTER. 619 impeded their progress. As they were ascending the Tataesset or Tatnick hills, a p^^' stepped out of the file, and, while pretending to be looking for game, came up behind Mrs. Sargeant in an unsuspected moment, and deprived his sinking captive of life at a single blow. The children were carried into Canada, where they remained a long time before they were restored to their friends. Two of the children, Daniel and Mary, preferred remaining with their captors, and adopted the habits and manners of the Indians. In 1709, Elisha Ward, who was sent on an express from Marlborough to Hadley, having stopped to examine his deserted farm, was killed. Peace being concluded with the Indians, Mr. Jonas Eice, with his family, on the 21st of October, 1713, moved into Worcester, and were the only inhabitants of the town until the spring of 1715. The first white male child born in Worcester was Adonijah Eice, who was born Nov. 7, 1714, His father built his house on Sagatabscot hill, and his farm included some of the lands once cultivated by Sargeant. In 1715, a conside rable number of persons joined the settlement ; in 1718 their number was augmented by emigrants from Ireland, principally of Scotch descent. The first labor of the in habitants was to erect a garrison-house, on the west side oT the Leicester road, not far from the old south church. Another log fortress was built near the head of the street called Columbian avenue ; a third was on the Connecticut road, north of Lincoln square. A regular block-house was placed north of Adams square, where a long iron cannon was afterwards mounted to give alarm of coming danger. During the French war, this gun was removed to the green near the meeting-house. On the commence ment of the Eevolution, it was posted west of the court-house. On the news of the march of the British to Lexington, its voice aroused the people to arms. Meetings for religious worship were first held at the house of Gershom Rice. A building was soon erected for religious worship on Green street, north of the union of Frankhn .street, where the inhabitants met, until a spacious meeting-house was reared on the site of the old south church, in 1719. According to the evidence furnished by the proprietary records, there were in AVorcester, in 1718, fifty-eight dwelling-houses, "Tradition says they were humble edifices, principally of logs, one story high, with ample stone chimneys. Some were furnished with windows of diamond glass, where the resources of the proprietor afforded the means for procuring such luxury; tlie light was admitted in many through the dim transparency of oiled paper," Eev. Andrew Gardner, the first minister, was ordained in 1719. He was succeeded by Rev. Isa3.c Burr, in 1725. The next pastor was Rev. Thaddeus Maccarty, who was installed in 1747. Rev. Samuel Austin, D, D,, his successor, was installed in 1790. Rev, Charles A, Goodrich, the next minister, was settled in 1816, and was suc ceeded in 1821 by Rev, Aretius B, Hull, Mr, Hull was succeeded by Rev. Rodney A. Miller, in 1827, Rev. Aaron Bancroft, D. D,, was ordained pastor of the Second church in 1786. He was bom in 1755, and is the oldest clergyman in the county. Bev. Alonzo Hill was ordained colleague pastor in 1827. Rev. Loammi I, Hoadley was ordained pastor of the Calvinist church in 1823, He v/as succeeded by Rev. John S, C, Abbott in 1830, and by Rev. David Peabody in 1835. Rev, Jona. E. Woodbridge was installed pastor of the U/iion church in 1836. The first Baptist society was formed in 1812. Elder William Bentley was the first minister. He was succeeded by Eev. Jonathan Going in 1815. The next pastor, Rev. Frederick A, Willard, was settled iu 1832. The Catholic society was formed in 1834, the Methodist Episcopal in 1834, the Protestant Episcopal in 1835, and the Union society in 1836. Worcester is the shire town of the county, being situated 40 miles westward from Boston, 40 N. N. W. from Providence, about 50 from Northampton, 60 miles E. N. E. from Hartford, and 394 from Washington. Latitude 42° 16' 9" W., longitude from Lon don 71° 49'. The toAvnship is about six miles square. The surface is undulating, SAvelling into hills of moderate acclivity, gentle slopes, and rounded outlines. The soil is fertile, and is in a high state of cultivation, affording many beautiful prospects on which the eye delights to linger. The population of the town is 7,117. The principal village of Worcester is built chiefly upon one street, extending a mile from north to south, and is situated in a valley opening to the south, and is surrounded by hills of moderate ele vation on almost every side. It is one of the finest and most con siderable inland villages in the New England states. 620 WORCESTER. View at the north entrance to the village of Worcester. The above is a view of the north entrance to the village of Wor cester, taken from the old Boston road. The first building seen hi the center is the court-house. The next is the Unitarian church, and the spire on the left is that of the Central church. The build- ding on an elevation on the right is the mansion-house of Stephen Salisbury, Esq. The large Avarehonses and stores, croAvded Avith every variety of goods, the superior style and appearance of the public and private buildings, the passing of travellers and others in the streets, give this place the appearance and activity of a city. There are in the limits of the village 7 houses for public Avorship, 4 Congregational, (one of which is Unitarian,) 1 Baptist, 1 Catho lic, and 1 Methodist. There are 4 banks, the Worcester, the Central, the Quinsigamond, and Citizens' Banks, Avhose united capitals amount to $900,000. There are 2 Mutual Fire Insurance Com panies, a Lyceum, formed Nov. 4th, 1829, 5 printing-offices, from which are issued 5 ncAvspapers. Among the public buildings are a Court-House, the County House of Correction, the Hall of the Antiquarian Society, and the State Lunatic Hospital. It may be truly stated that fcAV tOAvns in this country " exhibit so uniform an appearance of taste, or contain so great a proportion of good build ings, and so small a proportion of those that are indifferent, as Worcester." The following is a representation of the Hall of the American Antiquarian Society at Worcester. The central part of the building was erected in 1819 and 1820, and dedicated on the 24th of Au gust of the latter year. This part of the building is 46 feet long, and 36 Avide. Wings Avere extended in 18,32reach28 feet long and 21 wide. The Avhole building is of brick. The central part, and the land on Avhich the building stands, is the donation of the late Isaiah Thomas, LL. D. The society Avas organized in 1812, and its officers annually chosen on its anniversary meeting, on the 23d of October, the day on which Columbus discovered America. Tha object of this institution is the collection and preservation of American antiquities. It Avas also the intention of Mr. Thomas, WORCESTER. 621 Western view of the Antiquarian Hall. the munificent patron of the society, that its library should embrace as perfect a collection of American literature as possible. To assist in attaining this object, he presented the society between four and five thousand volumes of books, among Avhich are many valuable works illustrating the history of the country, as Avell as many rare and interesting specimens of early printing. The library of the society now contains about 12,000 volumes, and is increasing. Visiters can haA'e easy access to it, and it is open to those Avho have occa sion to u,se the books. As it is national in its objects, this institution bids fair to haA^e the largest, as aa'oU as the most valuable, collection of books and manuscripts in this country. Isaiah Tliomas, the gentleman to whom this institution is so deeply indebted, was born in Boston, January 19th, 1749. At the age of less than six years he was bound apprentice to a Mr, Fowle, who carried on the printing business in a small way in Bos ton. Having purchased the printing materials of Mr. Fowle, Mr, Thomas issued a newspaper on March 7th, 1771, called the "Massachusetts Spy." The revolutionary contest was then impending, and Mr. Thomas being a warm friend of American freedom, his paper became the favorite champion of the rights of the people. Such a course rendered Mr, Thoma.s obnoxious to the royal officers of the government. He was put on the list of the proscribed, and was threatened with personal violence. Having been solicited by the whigs of Worcester to establish a newspaper in that place, he privately had his types and press conveyed thither, and the Spy made its appearance in this place May 3, 1775, after a suspension of three weeks. After the revolutionary war, Mr. Thomas, uniting the employments of printer, publisher, and bookseller, the manufacture of paper and binding, he was able to accomplish a great amountof business. At one period he had under his personal direction, and that of his partners, sixteen presses in constant motion. In 1802 Mr. Thomas relinquished a prosperous business to his son. He, however, did not remain idle. In 1810, his '• History of Printing," in two octavo volumes, was published, evincing great research and fidelity of narrative, and is a standard work of the kind. In 1814 he received the honorary degree of Master of Arts from Dartmouth college — that of Doctor of Laws from Alleghany college, in 1818. He was president of the Antiquarian Society from its foundation until his decease, April 4, 1831, at the age of 82 years. Lunatic Hospital. " This monument of the cliarity of the state is situated on a beautiful eminence eastward of the town. The buildings of the west front, erected in 1831, consist of a center, 76 feet long, 40 feet wide, and four stories high, projecting 22 feet forward of the wings, which extend to the north and south ninety feet each on the I'ront and 100 feet in the rear, are 36 feet wide, and three stories Jiigh. This arrangement was adoptcd so as to secure free communication with the central structure, occupied by the superintendent, steward, attendants, and domestics, and to 622 WORCESTER. Western view of the State Lunatic Hospital. permit the ventilation and lighting of the long halls reaching through the wings. The ranges of apartments for the insane, 8 feet by 10, have each a window, with the upper sash of cast-iron and lower sash of wood, both glazed ; on the exterior of the wooden sash is a false sash of iron, corresponding in its appearance and dimensions, but firmly set into the frame, giving the reality ofa grate without its gloomy aspect. In 1835, a building 134 feet in length and 34 feet in width was attached to the southern extremity of the hospital, of equal height, and extending eastward at right angles with the front ; in 1836, another edifice of the same magnitude was placed at the north end. Three sides ofa great square are now enclosed by these immense structures of brick. Pro vision is made for the diffusion of heat, the circulation of air, the supply of water ; and the most judicious regulations promote the health and comfort of the inmates. " In this hospital, those are placed under restraint by public anthority who are so furiously mad that their liberty would endanger the safety of the community. To feel its value, one must have heard the chained maniacs howling in the dungeons of the common gaols, in frantic excitement and hopeless misery, and seen the quiet of the great establishment where the insane receive every alleviation of their mental diseases which fit accommodations, remedial treatment, and high skill can bestow. The insti tution has been under the superintendence of Dr, Samuel B. Woodward since its commencement. Its statistics are fully detailed in the reports annually made by the trustees to the legislature," A number of the streams which form the head waters of Black stone river meet in this toAvn, and furnish a considerable Avater power. The Blackstone Canal extends from Worcester to Provi dence, a distance of about 45 miles. It is 18 feet wide at the bot tom, 36 at the top of the banks. It is built alternately on both sides of the Blackstone river, and passes nearly all the great manu facturing establishments in the valley of the Blackstone. The first boat which passed through the whole extent arrived at the upper bashi Oct. 7, 1828. The expense of the Avork was about 750,000 dollars ; of this amount more than half a million of dollars Avas paid by the citizens of Rhode Island. The canal has been more useful to the public than to the OAvners ; the amount of transporta tion, hoAvever, has increased. "The Boston and Wokcester Railroad was incorporated June 23, 1831. The road, extending 44 miles eastward, is laid with a single track of edge rails, on cast-iron chairs, resting on wooden sleepers, bedded in trenches filled with stones. The cost of oonstraction has been $1,500,000, including land, labor, cars, engines, and buildings WORCESTER. 623 Passenger cars go in each direction three times daily during the warm months, and twice in the cold season, except on Sundays. The time is from 2i to 3 hours, includ ing stops at ten places ; the fare has been |1 50, but in the autumn of 1836 was raised to $2. The freight of merchandise from Boston to Worcester, by the ton, is $3 50 ; from Worcester to Boston, $3. A branch railroad is soon to be laid to Millbury. About a mile from the depot on Main street, the road passes through a deep cutting of the slate rock, about 30 feet in its greatest depth, and extending about 30 rods. The strata are almost perpendicular, and were removed from their beds by a laborious process of blasting." "The Norwich and Worcester Railroad Company was incorporated March 2o, 1833. A charter had been previously obtained in Connecticut, for the route within her jurisdiction, at the May session, 1832. By an act of this commonwealth, April 10, and of that state. May, 1836, the two companies were united. From Norwich to Worcester is 58 miles ; to Boston, 102. The work of construction is now advancing. The capital stock is $1,500,000." "The Western Railroad Corporation was estabUshed March 15, 1833, for thc purpose of building a railroad from the western termination of the Boston and Wor cester railroad to Connecticut river in Springfield, and thence across the stream to the western boundary of the state, where it will connect with railroads in progress, one to Albany, one to Troy, and one to Hudson. The stock of $3,000,000 has been subscrib ed, two thirds by individuals, and one third by the state, and a portion of the road located." During the first movements of the Revolution, Worcester was the central point whence the animating influences in favor of Ameri can freedom were diffused over the surrounding country. In March, 1775, the company of minute men in this place Avere directed to train half a day in each week. This company had met almost daily for months, and, under the instruction of Capt. Bigelow, they attained great proficiency in military science. " Their services were soon to be required for the defence of the country. Before noon on the 19th of April, an express came to the town, shouting, as he passed through the street at full speed, ' To arms ! to arms ! the war is begun !' His white horse, bloody with spurring and dripping with sweat, fell exhausted by the church. Another was instantly procured, and the tidings went on. The passage of the messenger of war, mounted on his white steed, and gathering the population to battle, made vivid im pression on memory. The tradition of his appearance is preserved in many of our villages. In the animated description of the aged, it seems like the representation of death on the pale horse careering through the land with his terrific summons to the grave. The bell rang out the alarm, cannon were fired, and messengers sent to every part of the town to collect the soldiery. As the news spread, the implements of hus bandry were thrown by in the field, and the citizens left their homes with no longer delay than to seize their arms. In a short time, the minute men were paraded on the green, under Capt. Timothy Bigelow ; after fervent prayer by the Rev. Mr. Maccarty, they took up the line of march. They were soon followed by as many ol the train bands as could be gathered, under Capt. Benjamin Flagg. On that day, 110 men marched from the town of Worcester for Concord. Intelligence of the retreat of the enemy met them after they advanced, and they turned towards Boston. AVhen Capt. Bigelow reached the ancient Howe tavern, in Sudbury, he halted to rest his men. Capt. Benjamin Flagg, who had commenced his march an hour or two later, came up, and insisting on pushing forward without loss of time, both officers moved on to Cam bridge." On Saturday, July 14, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was received at Worcester. It was first publicly read by Isaiah Thomas from the porch of the old south meeting-house to the as sembled crowd. On Sunday, after divine service, it was read in the church. On the Monday followmg, the event which separated the colonies from the mother country was celebrated with formal solemnities. 624 WORCESTER. The following occurrences took place in Worcester during tho insurrectionary period called *' Shays' Rebellion." The following account is taken from the History of Worcester, by William Lin coln, Esq., an octavo volume containing 384 pages, published at Worcester, in 1837, by Messrs. Moses D. Philips & Co. This work is one of great research, is most ably written, and full of interesting details, and the author of this work is deeply indebted to it for the foregoing account of Worcester. "Although warning of danger had been given, confiding in the Inyalty of the people, their love of order, and respect for the laws, the officers of government had made no preparations to support the court, to be held in Worcester, in .September, 1786. On Monday night, of the first week in that month, a body of eighty armed men. under Capt. Adam Wheeler of Hubbardaion, entered the town, and look possession of the court-house. Early the next morning, their numbers were augmented to nearly one hundred, and aa many more collected without fire-arms. The juuges of the common pleas had assembled at the house of Ihe Hon. Joseph Allen. At the usual hour, with the justices of the sessioris and the members of the bar, attended by the clerk and sheritF, they moved towards the court-house. Chief Justice Artemas Ward, a general of the Revolution, united intrepid firmness with prudent moderation. His re.solute and manly bear mg on that day of difficulty and embarrassment sustained the dignity ofthe office he bore, and commanded the respect even of his opponents. On him devolved the responsibility of an occasion affecting deeply the future peace ofthe community ; and it was supported well and ably. " On the verge of the crowd thronging the hill, a sentinel wns pacing on his round, who challenged tha procession as it approached his post. Gen. Ward sternly ordered the soldier, formerly a aubaltem ofhis own particular regiment, to recover hia levelled musket. The man, awed by the voice he had been accus tomed lo obey, instantly complir;d, and presented hU piece in military salute to hia old commander. Tho court, having received the honors of war from him who was planted to ojipose their advance, went on. The multitude, receding to the right and left., made way in sullen silence, till the judicial officers reached the court-house. On the steps was stationed a file of men with fixed bayonets ; on the front slood Captain Wheeler, with his drawn sword The crier was directed lo open the door^. and permitted to throw ihem back, displaying a party of infantry with thair guns levelled, as if ready lo fire. Judge Ward then advanced, and the baynneu were turned against his bruddt. He demanded, repeatedly, who commanded the people there ; by what authority, and for what purpose, l hey had met in hostile array. Wheeler at length replied, Aft,er disclaiming the rank of leader, he elated, that they had come lo relieve ihe distresses of ifie country, by preventing the sittings of courts until they could obtain redress of grievances. The chief iustice an swered, that he would satisfy them their complaints were without just foundation. He was told by Capt. Smith of Barre, that any communication he had to make must be reduced to writing. Judge Ward indig nantly refused to do this; he said he ' did not value their bayonets; they might plunge them to his heart; but while that heart beat he would do his duty : when opposed to it, his life was of liltle consequence : If Ihey would take away their bayonets and give him some position where he could be heard by his fellow- cilizens. and not by the leaders alone who had deceived and deluded them, he would speak, but not other- wlae.* The insurgent officers, fearful ofthe eflfectof his determined manner on the minds of their followers, interrupted. They did not come there, they said, to listen to long speeches, but to resist oppression : they had the power to compel submission; and they demanded an adjournment without day. Judge Ward peremptorily refused to answer any proposition, unless it was accompanied by the name of him by whom It waa made. They then desired him to fall buck ; the drum was beal, and the guard ordered lo charge. The soldiers advanced, until the points of their bayonets pressed hard upon the breast ofthe chief justice, who stood as immovabla as a statue, without stirring a limb or yielding an inch, although ihe steel in tha hands of desperate men penetrated hia dress. Struck with admiration by hia intrepidity, and shrinking from the sacrifice of life, the guns were removed, and Judge Ward, ascending the steps, "addressed the as- eembly. In a style of clear and forcible argument, he examined their sup^Msed grievances; exposed their fallacy ; explained the dangerous tendency of their rash measures; admonished them that they were plac ing in peril the liberty acquired by the efforts and sufferings of years, plunging the country in civil war^ And involving themselves and their familiea in misery ; that the measures they had taken must defeat their own wishes; for the government would never yield that to force, which would be readily accorded to re •pectful representations : and wamed them that the majesty of the laws would be vindicated, and their reaiat* ance of its power avenged. He spoke nearly two hours, not without frequent interruption. But admoniticm and argument were unavailing: the insurgents declared ihey would maintain their ground until satia^tinn waa obtained. Judge Ward, addressing himself lo Wheelfer, advised him to suffer the iroops lo disperse : 'they were waging war, which waa treaaon, and its end would be.' he added, after a momentary pause, ' the gallows.' The judges then retired unmolested, through armed files. Soon after the court was opened at the United Slates Arms Tavern, and immediately adjourned lo the next day." In 1837, there were 3 cotton mills ; 3,424 spindles ; 546,521 yards of cottcfti goods were manufactured ; value, $62,182 ; males employed, 34 ; females, 47 ; there were 8 woollen mills ; 16 sets of machinery ; 326,790 yards of cloth manufactured ; value, $360,352; males employed, 112; females, 113 ; there were 18,697 pairs of boots and 27,075 pairs of shoes manufactured ; value, $59,020 34 ; males employed, 89 ; females, 33. Nine manufactories of woollen machinery; value of machinery manufactured, $240,000 ; hands employed, 160. Four hat manufactories ; 8,300 hats manufactured; value, $33,200. Two paper-mills ; value of paper manufactured, |54,815. One air and cupola furnace ; 300 tons of castings made: value, $30,000. "Wire manufactory; value of wire, $45,000 ; straw bonnets manufactured, 12,500 ; value, $25,000. Two coach and chaise manufactories ; value of coaches and chaises, $60,000 ; hands em ployed, forty. 4 [p 1? n ffl © a ^i I CONTAINING NOTICES OF GEORGETOWN. This town was formerly a part of Rowley. Among the early settlers, we find the names of Chandler, Boynton, Adams, Plummer, Tenney, Mighill, Chaplin, Gage, Fisk, Searle, Spofibrd, and Brocklebank. Rev. Isaac Braman, in his Centennial Discourse delivered in 1832, says, — "When this part of the town, called New Rowley, began to be settled, I cannot say. There was no house for public worship till the year 1729." In 1731, the parish was incorporated by the name of the 2d parish in Rowley. The Church was organized in 1732, and Rev. James Chand ler, the first pastor, was ordained soon after. He died in 1789, in the fifty eighth year of his ministry, aged 83 years. His successor, Rev. Isaac Braman, the present pastor, was ordained in 1797. In 1769, the present house for public worship was erected, and the dedication sermon was preached by the celebrated Mr. Whitfield. The Baptist church was organized in 1781, and was for a while connected with the Baptist church in Haverhill. Rev. Mr. Ewing was their first minister. His successor was Rev. Mr. Burden. The Universalist Church was erected in 1832. Georgetown was incorporated in 1838. It is a pleasant and very flour ishing place. It is watered by a branch of Parker's river. Its growth has been more rapid than that of any other village in the country. The greater part of it has been built since 1827. Real estate has more than doubled in value during the last 12 years. More than 50 buildings in cluding shops were erected in 1839. The shoe business was commenced here in 1808. The inhabitants are probably more extensively engaged in the manufacturing of boots and shoes than those of any other place of the same population in the United States. There are 27 Manufacturers of boots and shoes ; — Value of the same, $221,900 ; Capital invested, $99,000. Tanneries, 9 ; Capital invested, $10,800 ; "Value of Carriages manufactured, $2,500. The Manufacturers' Bank, Rowley, is located here. It was incorporated in 1836 ; Capital, $100,000. There are three Churches in the village ; one Congregational, one Baptist, and one Universalist. Population, 1,560. It is 16 miles from Salem, 10 from Newburyport, 11 from Andover Seminary, and 27 from Boston. 83 626 EOCK POET. ROCKPORT. This town was formerly the parish of Sandy Bay, or fifth parish of the town of Gloucester, and is situated on the eastern extremity of Cape Ann. It was incorporated as a town in 1840. This parish was not set tled at so early a period as other portions of the town, in consequence of a vote prohibiting a division or settlement of the lands, for the sake of selling wood to defray the expenses of the town. The first settler in Sandy Bay, was Richard Tarr, who erected a log house in 1696. In 1699, John Pool and family were settled here. Mr. Pool came from Taunton in England, and was a connexion of the cele brated Elizabeth Pool, mentioned in the account of Taunton, pages 141 and 143 of this work. In 1724, we find 15 families here, viz : Richard Tarr, John Pool, Hardy, Joshua Norwood, John Wonson, Thomas Dresser, Joshua Kendall, Samuel Davis, Joseph Thurston, Samuel Clark, John Rowe, Joseph Baker, Henry Witham, Edmund Grover, and Harris. Many of the present families are their descendants. In 1830, there were 115 persons bearing the name of Pool, descendants of John Pool, also many of the name of Tarr ; and these are now more numer ous than any other families in Rockport. Sandy Bay was incorporated as a parish in 1754. At the commencement of the revolutionary war, a company of brave young men marched to Boston, and at the memorable battle of Bunker Hill, some of them fell in defence of their country. It is said that the first prize taken in that war was brought into Sandy Bay. During the last war with Great Britain, the inhabitants were frequently annoyed by British privateers, and one of them was driven off by a well directed shot from a six pounder, which passed through the whole length of the privateer, below the deck, entering at the stem and passing out at the stern. In 1814, the British frigate Nymph sent in three barges, and burnt the watch-house, took a small fort erected by the inhabitants, spiked the cannon, and made prisoners of nine militia men, who were stationed at the fort. While one of the barges were firing at the Congregational Church, a plank started from the bottom of the barge, which caused it to sink, and 13 of her crew were made prisoners, who were the next day exchanged for the militia men. There are 4 churches in Rockport, viz : 1 Congregational 1 Baptist, 1 Universalist, 1 Methodist. Rev. Ebene zer Cleaveland was the first pastor of the Congregational Church, ordain ed in 1755. Mr. Cleaveland was for three years a chaplain in the revo lutionary war. His successors have been R,ev. David Jewett, settled in 1805, Rev. Wakefield Gale in 1836. The Baptist church was formed in 1808, society organized, 1811. Pastors, Rev. James Boswell settled in 1820, Rev. Reuben Curtis in 1828, Rev. Bartlett Pease in 1831, Rev. Otis Wing in 1834, Rev, Benjamin Knight in 1839. The Universalist society was organized in 1821. Pastors, Rev. Fayette Mace, settled in 1829, Rev. Lucius R. Paige, 1831, Rev. Benjamin B. Murray, 1833, Rev. Augustus A. L. Arnold, 1835, Rev. Charles Spear, 1837, Rev. Gib son Smith, 1839. The Methodist society was organized in 1832, Church built in 1838. SOMERVILLE. 627 A large and expensive pier in the harbor was built by the inhabitants in 1811, expense about $9000, and a breakwater is now erecting by the United States Government for the security of another harbor, at a proba ble expense of $100,000. At Pigeon Cove, a small village in Rockport, a pier and break-water have been built by a private corporation at an expense of $25,000. The granite quarries, in Rockport, are extensive. For six years past, the average quantity of stone annually shipped to different parts of the United States is about 30,000 tons, worth from 1 to 2 dollars a ton ; 100 men are employed at the quarries and working the stone ; and 10 or more vessels for their transportation. Isinglass is manufactured from Hake fish sounds at Rockport, the only one in the United States; quantities made yearly, about 6000 pounds; worth $4600. The business was commenced in 1824. This article is chiefly used in manufacturing cotton goods, and where it is best known it is highly valued as an improvement. The fisheries of Rockport are the principal business of the place. The following is an estimate of the average amount for 8 years past : Vessels employed in cod and mackerel fisheries, 76 — men employed in them, about 300 — in skiffs and worries, about 50 — Quintals of fish of all kinds taken, about 29,000 — worth when carried to market, about $65, 000. Barrels of mackerel caught, 1000. About 15 coasting vessels, averaging 50 tons each, belong to this place. Population of Rockport, 2738. There is a Marine Insurance ofiice here. Distance from Salem 21 miles, from Newburyport 28, from Bos ton, 35. The name given to this new town, Rockport, is a very appropriate one. More than half of the surface of the town was originally covered with rock or stone, but by the industry of the inhabitants, many portions of it have been brought to a high state of cultivation. When the ocean, which surrounds it on three sides, has been agitated by violent storms, the dash ing of its billows upon this " iron bound coast" is truly sublime. " The waves behind impel the waves before. Wide rolling, foaming high, and tumbling to the shore." The inhabitants'of Rockport are hardy, industrious and enterprising, and there has been of late years a great improvement in the moral char acter and habits of the people. It is pleasant and romantic, and is fast becoming a place of fashionable resort for invalids and persons travelling for pleasure. SOMERVILLE. Somerville was incorporated as a town in 1842. It was formed from the south western section of the town of Charlestown, and includes within its limits the McLean Asylum, which is about one and a half miles from 628 BLACKSTONE. — ASHLAND. McLean Asylum for the Insane, in Somerville. the City Hall, Boston. \_See page 366.] This town is allowed one rep resentative in the State Legislature. BLACKSTONE. Blackstone was incorporated as a town in 1845. It was originally the south parish of Mendon, in which was comprised most of the manufactur ing interests of that town. These manufacturing establishments are mostly situated on Mill and Blackstone rivers. The villages are called Millville, Blackstone, Waterford, and Upper and Lower Canadas. The first minister in this place, Rev. Benjamin Balch, was ordained here in the year 1768, as pastor of the congregational church. "And on Saturday morning, March 27th, 1772, before daylight," (says Mr. Whitney in his tory of Worcester Co.) "Mr. Balch left the parish, without knowledge or consent of the people of his charge." Mr. B. was afterwards installed at Barrington, N. H. It appears that at an early period, about one half the inhabitants were Baptists and Friends. ASHLAND. Ashland was incorporated as a town in 1846. It is situated on the line of the Boston and Worcester Rail Road, and was formed from parts of the towns of Framingham, Hopkinton, and HoUiston. lilST OF TOIVIVS IN THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS, AEEANGED BY COUNTIES, WITH THE NUMBER OP INHABITANTS IN 1840, AND THEIE EEPKESENTATION IN THE GENERAL COUET. Towns Barnstable,Brewster,Chatham, Dennis, Eastham, Pop. Reps. 4,302 2 1,522 2,3342,942 955 1 11 -4 Barnstable Conuty. Fahnouth, 2,589 1 1 Truro, Harwich, 2,930 1 WeUfleet, Marshpee district, 300 Yarmouth, Orleans, 1,974 1 Provincetown, 2,122 1 Sandwich, 3,719 2 Adams,Alford, Becket, Cheshire, Clarksburg, Dalton, Egremont, Florida, Great Barrington, Hancock,Hinsdale, 3,703 481 2 -3 1,342 -7 985 -5 370 -2 1,255 -7 1,038 441 2,704 922 957 Attleborongh,Berkley, Dartmouth, Dighton,Easton, Fairhaven,Fall Biver, Chilmark,Edgartown, Amesbury, Andover,Beverly,Boxford,Bradford, Danvers, 3,584 886 4,142 1,378 2,0743,952 6,738 702 1,736 -3 1 Georgetown, Gloucester, Hamilton, 2,471 I 5,207 2 4,689 2 641 -5 2,225 1 5,020 2 1,453 1 1,540 1 6,363 3 817 -5 1,920 1 2,377 1 2,554 1 Berkshire County. -6 1 1 -2-1 1 Lanesborough,Lee,Lenox, Mt. Washington, New Ashford, New Marlboro', Otis, Peru,Pittsfield, Eichmond, Sandisfield, 1,140 2,428 1,304 438 227 1,6821,177 -7 576 " 3,761 1,0971,464 -33 Bristol County. Freetown, Mansfield, New Bedford, Norton, Pawtucket,Eavnham,Eenoboth, 1,772 1,382 12,087 1,545 2,184 1,329 2,169 Dukes County. Tisbury, 1,520 1 Essex County. Haverhill, Ipswich, Lynn,Lynnfield, Manchester, Marblehead, Methuen,Middleton,Newbury, Newburyport, 4,337 2 3,001 1 9,375 4 701 -4 1,356 1 6,575 2 '2,'^i)l 1 '6,17 -4 3,789 2 7,161 S 13 towns, 32,240 Savoy, 915 -5 Sheffield, 2,322 1 Stockbridge, 1,992 1 Tyringham, 1,477 1 Washington, 983 -5 W. Stockbridge, 1,449 WiUiamstown, 2,153 1 1 '900 -5 Windsor, 30 towns, 41,754 Seekonk, Somerset,Swanzey, Taunton, Westport, 19 towns, 60,177 1,986 1 1,005 -5 1,489 1 7,645 3 2,820 1 3 towns. 3,958 Kockport, 2,647 1 Eowley, 1,203 1 Salem, 15,083 6 Salisbury, 2,740 1 Saugus, 1,098 1 Topsfield, 1,067 -6 Wenham, 690 -4 West Newbury, 28 towns. 1,560 1 95,017 630 LIST OF TOWNS, AND POPtTLATION. Franklin County. Ashfield, 1,610 1 Hawley, 978 -5 Shelburne, 1,022 -6 Bernardston, 992 -5 Heath, 897 -5 Shutesbury, 987 -6 Buckland, 1,084 -7 Leverett, 875 -5 Sunderland, 720 -4 Charlemont, 1,127 -7 Leyden, 632 -A Warwick, 1,071 -7 Colraine, 1,971 1 Monroe, 282 -1 WendeU, 875 -5 Conway, Deerfield,Erving, 1,410 1 Montague, 1,267 1 Whately, 1,069 -6 1,912 309 1 -4 New Salem, Northfield, 1,305 1 1,673 1 26 towns. 28,829 GiU, 798 -4 Orange, 1,502 1 Greenfield, 1,758 1 Rowe, 703 -4 Hampden County. Blandford, 1,425 1 Monson, 2,151 1 Wales, 686 -4 Brimfield, 1,419 1 Montgomery, 740 -4 Westfield, 3,524 2 Chester, 1,627 1 Palmer, 2,139 1 W. Sprmgfield, 3,626 2 Granville, 1,414 1 RusseU, 9,56 -6 WUbraham, 1,864 1 TTnllsTirl 423 1,270 _2 Southwick,Springfield, 1,210 1 10,986 5 JClUil£lIiLl,Longmeadow, 1 18 towns. 37,357 Ludlow, 1,267 1 ToUand, Hampshire 627 -2 County. Amherst, 2,551 1 Hadley, 1,816 1 Southampton, 1,159 -7 Belchertown, 2,554 1 Hatfield, 932 -5 Ware, 1,880 1 Chesterfield, 1,132 1 Middlefield, 1,715 1 Westhampton, 759 -4 Cummington, 1,239 1 Northampton, 3,750 2 WiUiamsburg, 1,308 1 Easthampton, 717 -4 Norwich, 750 -4 Worthington, 1,198 -7 Enfield, Goshen, 976 -5-3 PeUiam,Plainfield, 956 -6 905 -5 5,56 23 towns. 30,886 Granby, 971 -5 Prescott, 780 -4 Greenwich, 824 -5 South Hadley, 1,458 1 Middlesex County. Acton, 1,121 -7 HoUiston, 1,782 1 Stow, 1,230 1 Ashby, 1,246 1 Hopkinton, 1,245 1 Sudbury, 1,422 1 Ashland, Lexington, 1,642 1 Somerville, Bedford, 929 -5 Lincoln, 686 -4 Tewksbury, 906 -6 BiUerica, 1,632 1 Littleton, 937 -5 Townsend, 1,992 1 Boxborough, 426 -2 Lowell, 20,816 9 Tyngsborough,Waltham, S70 -5 Brighton, 1,425 1 Maiden, 2,514 1 2,504 1 Burlington, 510 -3 Marlborough, 2,098 1 Watertown, 1,810 1 Cambridge, 8,409 3 Medford, 2,478 1 Wayland, 998 -5 Carhsle, 556 -3 Natick, 1,285 1 W. Cambridge, 1,363 1 Charlestown, 11,483 5 Newton, 3,351 1 Westford, 1,436 1 Chelmsford, 1,697 1 PeppereU,Reading, 1,571 1 Weston, 1,092 -6 Concord, 1,784 1 2,193 1 WUmington, 859 -5 Dracut, 2,188 1 Sherburne, 995 -6 Woburn, 2,990 1 Dunstable,Frammgham, 603 _3 Shirley, South Reading, 957 _Q 3,034 1 1,517 1 48 towns. 106,635 Groton, 2,136 1 Stoneham, 1,017 -6 Bellingham, Braintree,Brookline,Canton, Cohasset, Dedham, Dorchester, Dover, 1,055 -6 2,168 1 1,265 -7 1,995 1 1,470 1 3,291 1 4,875 2 520 -3 Nantucket County. Nantucket, 9,051 4 IVorfolk County. Foxborough, Franklin,Medfield, Medway,Milton,Needham, Quincy, Eandolph, 1,298 1 1,717 1 883 -5 2,043 1 1,822 1 1,488 1 3,486 1 3,213 1 Roxbury, 9,089 3 Sharon, 1,076 -6 Stoughton, 2,142 1 Walpole, 1,491 1 Wejrmouth, 3,738 2 Wrentham, 2,015 1 22 towns, 53,040 LIST OF TOWNS, AND POPULATION. 631 Ahington, 3,214 1 Bridgewater, 2,131 1 Carver, ggg -6 Duxbury, 2,798 1 E. Bridgewater, 1,950 1 HaUfax, 734 -5 Hanover, 1,4S8 1 Hanson, 1040 -6 Boston, Ashbumham,Athol, Auburn, Barre,Berlin, Blackstone, Bolton, Boylston,Brookfield, Charlton, Dana, Douglas,Dudley,Fitchburg,Gardner, Grafton, Hardwick, Harvard, Holden, Hubbardston, 93,470 35 1,652 1,589 11 649 -3 2,751 1 763 -4 1,186 -7 797 -5 2,472 2,117 691 -4 1,618 1,352 2,604 1,260 2,940 1,789 1,579 Plymouth County. Hmgham, 3,567 1 HuU, 231 -1 Kingston, 1,440 1 Marshfield, 1,760 1 Middleborough, 5,085 2 N. Bridgewater, 2,616 1 Pembroke, 1,258 1 Plymouth, 5,281 2 Suffolk County. Chelsea, 2,390 1 | 2 towns, Worcester County. Plympton, S34 Rochester, 3,875 Scituate, 3,886 Wareham, 2,002 W. Bridgewater, 1,201 21 towns, 1,874 1 1,784 1 Lancaster, 2,019 Southborough, Leicester, 1,707 Southbridge, Leominster, 2,069 Spencer, Lunenburgh, 1,272 Sterling, Mendon, 3,524 Sturbridge, Milford, 1,772 Sutton, MiUbury, 2,163 Templeton, New Braintree, 752 -4 Upton, Northborough, 1,248 Uxbridge, Northbridge, 1,448 Warren, N. Brookfield, 1,485 Webster, Oakham, 1,038 -6 Westborough, Oxford, 1,742 West Boylston Paxton, 671 -4 Westminster, Petersham, 1,775 Winchendon, PhiUipston, 918 -5 Worcester, Princeton, 1,348 Royalston, 1,667 56 towns. Eutland, 1,260 Shrewsbury, 1,481 1,406 2,004 1,290 1,403 47,386 95,860 1,145 2.0311.604 1,6472,005 2,370 1,776 1 1,655 1 111 8 1,187 1,645 1,754 ' 7,497 95,305 RECAPITUtATIOW. Counties. No. towns. Pop^lr- lation. Biish. of In. Corn Bti^h of Rye. Tons of HoA/ Bnsh. of Potatoes Barnstable, Berkshire,Bristol,Dukes, Essex,Franljfin,Hampden, l^ampshire,Middlesex, Nantucket,Norfolk, Plymouth, SuffoUi,Worcester, 13 30 19 3 2826 18 23 48 1 2221 2 56 32,24041,75460,177 3,958 95,017 28,82937.35730,886 106,635 9,051 53,040 47,38695,86095,305 737,495 76,340 172,546139,332 12,615 172,618 193,652180,155 188,441 250,028 500 85,569 121,301 700 391,358 14,134 88,747 24,918 2,045 55,907 50,472 44,432 48,365 77,574 3,500 33,80929,550 1,453 12S,.576 17,092 59,026 15,165 1,167 16,448 52,827 11,611 60,627 49,887 14,240 21,111 200 61,458 90,455 329,918429,429 21,185 515,431 267,588 303,996 237,6-9 871,723 6000 396,924414,896 6000 875,908 14 counties. 310 1,985,215 603,482 446,925 4,767,115 rNoTE. In the column showing the number of Eepresentatives each town is entitled to send, the' figures before the dash (-) show the number they are entitled to send each year during the next ten years. The figures after the dash show the number of years, in the next ten, in which they are entitled to send one.] HI I I ilHnHU I 1 1 V ''"'"'ipiiiii iiiiiipiiiisiiiiil