Yale Uniuersitv Library 39002008713753 YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY WATERTOWN'S MILITARY HISTORY. AUTHORIZED BY A VOTE OF THE INHABITANTS OF THE TOWN OF WATERTOWN, MASSACHUSETTS. Published in 1907, under the direction of a Committee representing the sons of the american revolution, AND Isaac B. Patten Post 81, Grand Army of the Republic. BOSTON : DAVID CLAPP & SON, PRINTERS, 291 Congress Street. 1907. YALE CONTENTS. List of Illustrations ....... xiii Preface .......... xv Colonial Wars i A peaceful meeting between English Settlers and the Watertown Indians in 1630. Early preparations for self-defence. Night Guards established in April, 1631. A Council of War appointed in 1634. Roster of the Second Regiment, and Watertown's first company ......... 2 The Pequod War in 1636. First Muster on Boston Common in 1639. King Philip's War 3 Capt. Richard Beers of Watertown killed at Northfield. Capt. Nathaniel Davenport's company of Watertown men .......... 4 The Sudbury fight. Petition of Daniel Warren and Joseph Peirce for recom pense for services at Sudbury 5 Assignment of wages to Watertown soldiers . . 7 Soldiers' land grants 8 Sketch of Capt. Hugh Mason 9 Cost of King Philip's War. French and Indian Wars .10 The Revolutionary War . . . . . .12 Watertown town records. The town votes to discourage the importation of British goods. Many citizens petition for a town meeting to agree upon measures for a redress of grievances . . .13 Resolutions against violations of constitutional rights and privileges . 14 Protest against unjust taxation 15 Action in regard to the destruction of tea in Boston har bor "16 Watertown's Military History. Boycott on the use of tea in Watertown. The town appropriates £20 for purchase of powder, ballsand flints ........ 17 Voted to order the Militia Company to drill two hours each week ........ 18 Capt. Jonathan Brown chosen as representative to the Provincial Congress ; also John Remington and Samuel Fisk .......... 19 No more money to be paid by the town into the pro vince treasury. £20 appropriated for mounting two cannon in town. The town votes to sustain the acts of the Continental Con gress .......... 20 Officers of the Train chosen. Military officers selected ...... 21 Training expenses allowed ...... 22 Dorothy Coolidge's bill for rum, and John Draper's bill for bread, used by the men in the Lexington fight, paid by the town ........ 23 The citizens of Watertown vote to stand by and defend with their lives and estates the Declaration of Inde pendence of the thirteen colonies. Measures adopted for raising money and soldiers . . 24 Form of tax for war expense . . . . • ^5 Pay allowed to soldiers ....... 26 Citizens reimbursed for payments on account of War . 27 Committee chosen to provide for soldiers' families . . 30 The town opposes the quartering of Burgoyne's officers here .......... 31 Bounties granted to Continental soldiers ; £500 appro priated ......... 32 Payments to soldiers ....... 33 Appropriation of £2443 for soldiers . . . • 36 Measures for raising soldiers . . . . . -39 The sum of £12,000 voted to raise men and procure clothing for the army ...... 41 Granted £3000 to buy four horses ; also £6000 additional for hiring men. £15,000 granted to secure soldiers . . . . .42 £24,000 to purchase beef ...... 43 Seventy-five paper dollars for one of silver. New Tender of money act not approved by the town . 44 Voted to favor revival of lately repealed Tender act . 45 Town collectors ordered to receive no more old currency for taxes, but new money or hard coin . . .46 £100 to secure beef. $800 to hire men ........ 47 The town's stock of ammunition . . . . .48 Events leading to the Revolution . . . . .49 Contents. v The Provincial Congress 50 It meets at Watertown April 22, 1775. The selectmen allow the use of the Meeting House for its sessions . . . . .... 51 Conrlmittee appointed to take depositions in regard to the Battle of Lexington. Resolved to raise an army of 30,000 men. Dr. Joseph Warren chosen president. Voted that 600 enlistment papers be printed, and Com mittee on Supplies empowered to impress horses or teams. Active preparations for defence . . . . -52 Address to the people of Great Britain adopted . . 53 A powerful army the colonists' only hope . . -54 Letter read from John Hancock. Aid voted to the 5000 indigent people of Boston . . 55 Supplies furnished Col. Benedict Arnold . . -56 The Receiver General empowered to borrow £100,000. Pay assigned to the Train Band . . . . -57 Remonstrance to Gen. Gage adopted . . . • S^ Postal rates established. Letter sent to the Indians, asking them to raise a com pany 59 Advice in relation to a civil government asked of the Continental Congress. Lady Frankland's trip from Hopkinton to Boston . . 60 Committee of Safety chosen. Gen. Artemas Ward appointed Commander in Chief. Gen. Ward recommends large supplies for the army . 61 Third Provincial Congress 62 Mr. Edwards is admonished for calling the Committee of Safety " a pack of sappy-headed fellows" . . 63 Rations allotted to soldiers. Appeal to the Continental Congress. Proclamation by Gen. Gage, calling the Colonists rebels, and declaring martial law ...... 64 A vigorous reply to Gen. Gage. Committee report on profanation of the Sabbath, as one of the prevailing sins of the day. Dr. Joseph Warren chosen Major General. Hon. James Warren elected President of Congress. A day of fasting and prayer ...... 65 General Washington in Watertown . . . .66 His reception and entertainment along the route. Greeting by Congress. Gen. Washington's response . . . . . -67 Gen. Charles Lee's reply to an address of welcome . 68 Closing days of the Provincial Congress . . .69 vi 'Watertown's Military History. General Court of Massachusetts organized. Trial of Benjamin Church for treason ; his conviction and death. The Marshall Fowle House . . . . -70 Occupied by the Honorable Council in 1775 and 1776. History of the house. Sketch of Gen. Joseph Warren . . . . ¦ T^ Lady Washington entertained. Sketch of Dr. James Warren . . . . -7^ Members of the Council. Soldiers of the Revolution ...... 73 Watertown's condition in 1775. Assessors' list, showing names and estates of taxpayers. The Lexington Alarm 77 Gen. Gage sends out Lieut. Col. Smith with 800 troops. Battles at Lexington and Concord; retreat of British to Boston. Watertown's creditable part; Joseph Coolidge killed . 78 Muster roll of Capt. Barnard's Watertown company. Battle of Bunker Hill ..... 81 Col. Thomas Gardner, being mortally wounded, was suc ceeded by Col. William Bond of Watertown. Capt. Abner Craft's company was in this 37th Regiment. Names of the officers and men in the Watertown com pany. Battles of the Revolution anb Leading Events . 83 Washington at Dorchester Heights . . . -85 Pay Roll giving the names of the Watertown militia com pany that took part. Soldiers of Later Battles ...... 87 Hardships and discouragements. Alphabetical list of soldiers who served in the Revolu tion, as taken from the State Archives ... 88 Jonathan Brown's Payments ..... 105 Sketch of Capt. Brown. His payments, as Town Treasurer, for war services and supplies. Bond's List of Soldiers ...... Compiled from his Genealogical History of Watertown. Men who served before and during the Revolution and Shay's Rebellion. The Scrap Book . . . . . . . .116 Selections mainly from Rev. Edward A. Rand's scrap books. Dorothy Coolidge's Tavern. Paul Revere in Lexington . . . . . .117 09 Contents. The Battle of Lexington The Battle of Bunker Hill. The Watertown Meeting House Robert Harrington Marking Patriots' Graves. The Galen Street Bridge The Indians of Watertown . She captured a Redcoat. A Colonial Newspaper Captain John Fowle The Powder House. Paul Revere House The Stone Family. The late Rev. Edward A. Rand Story of the Watertown Seal. General Warren in Watertown The Civil War . . . The War of 1812 and that with Mexico not popular in Massachusetts. Great excitement when Fort Sumter was fired upon, April 12, 1861. The Sixth Regiment starts for Washington, April 17. Watertown people cheer the Sixth Regiment at Newton and decide to form a company. Civil War Records ....... Special town meeting held April 23, 1861 ; Miles Pratt moderator. Stirring resolutions adopted in support of the Union cause, and pledging faith to care for the families of vol unteers. Voted to borrow $5000 and to raise and equip a company, allowing a bounty of $30 to each volunteer July 10, 1862, voted to pay a bounty of $75 to volunteers under call of July 7. Bounty increased to $100 ...... Selectmen's report of Watertown's enlistments and war payments up to Dec, 1862. $400 appropriated for reception to Co. K, Fifth Regi ment ......... Bounty of $150 voted. $7000 appropriated for filling town quotas. Soldiers of the Civil War ...... Watertown's territory, population and wealth in i860. Where Co. K was encamped and fed by the town. Soldiers' Record, Town of Watertown By William H. Ingraham, Town Clerk. Roll of Honor. Roster of Co. K, Sixteenth Regiment. 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 129 130 131 132 133 135 136 Watertown's Military History. Soldiers added to the company after the regiment left the state 138 Death of Chaplain Arthur B. Fuller at Fredericksburg 139 The town's quota as filled Jul}' 7i 1862. Volunteers for three years allowed under call for 300,000 men .......... 140 Quota of 9 months' men, Aug. 4, 1862, in Co. K, Fifth Regiment. Watertown men in other commands .... 141 Recruiting Committee's Report ..... President Lincoln calls for 500,000 men, and a draft or dered, if necessary, in Sept., 1864. Watertown appoints a Recruiting Committee to fill quota. The town appropriates $5000 and citizens subscribe over $13,000 to pay for recruits Names of enlisted men. Names of substitutes . Quota is filled, with three to spare Civil War Service First Regiment Infantry (3 yrs.) Second " " (3 yrs.) . Third Battalion Rifles (3 mos.) Fifth Regiment Infantry (3 mos.) Fifth " " (9 mos.) Co. K of Watertow was in this regiment.' Fifth Regiment Infantry (100 days) Ninth " Eleventh " Twefth " Thirteenth " Fifteenth '< Sixteenth " SeventeenthEighteenthNineteenthTwentieth Twenty-third Twenty-fourthTwenty-eighth Twenty-ninthThirtiethThirty-secondThirty-thirdThirty-fifth Thirty-eighth Thirty-ninth Fortieth Forty-second ncluding Co. K of Watertown Regiment Infantry (100 days). 142 143 144 145 146147 152 153 '54 155156157 164 165166167 168169170171172 173174 Contents. u Forty-third Regiment Infantry (9 mos. Forty-fourth " .. . . Forty-seventh " Fiftieth " Fifty-third " Fifty-fourth " Fifty-sixth " Fifty-seventh " " Fifty-ninth " " Sixtieth " " First Regiment Cavalry. Second " " . . Third " " . Fourth " « First Battalion Frontier Cavalry Second Battery Light Artillery Fourth " " " (9 mos (9 mos. (9 mos. (9 mos. (100 days) SeventhEleventh (9 mos.) (3 yrs-) Twelfth " " Thirteenth " " Fifteenth " " " Sixteenth " " " First Battalion Heavy " First Regiment " " Second " " " Third " <' <¦<¦ Watertown's Quota of Colored Troops . " The Colored Troops fought nobly." Most of them were enlisted in Southern States, at bounty of $125 each. Watertown Men Who Were Credited to Other States Veteran Reserve Corps Soldiers of the Regular Army The Ordnance Corps Those connected with the Watertown Arsensl. Watertown's Naval Record Results and close of the Civil War The War with Spain The Battleship Maine blown up in Havana Harbor on night of Feb. 15, 1898. War begun in April. Calls for 200,000 volunteers. Admiral Dewey destroys the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay. 175 176177 178179 181182 183 184185 186 187 189191 193 195 196 197200 207 208 X Watertown's Military History. Admiral Cervera's Spanish fleet destroyed in Cuba, by Admirals Sampson and Schley. Losses and results of the war. Watertown men who took part in the war. The Veterans of Post 8i • . 211 Organization of the Post in 1871. Sketch of Rev. Arthur B. Fuller . . . .212 Record of Isaac B. Patten, for whom the Post was named. Halls occupied by Post 81. Memorial Day observances ..... 213 Testimonial to Adjutant John E. Bradlee. Reception to the Patten family. Income from fairs and legacies for charitable purposes 214 Patriotic exercises in the Public Schools. The Post adopts resolutions in support of the war against Spain, and keeps its flag flying during the whole war. Reunions of the Veterans ...... 215 Rev. Edward A. Rand, associate member, sketch. Record of Rev. William H. Savage's military service List of officers for 1907 Commanders of Post 81. Alphabetical list of those who have joined the Post up to 1907, giving their war record. Notes about Post 81 . Photograph of Post 81 Sons of Veterans .... Organization and charter members of 1894. List of Commanders . Officers for 1907. Members from 1894 to 1907 The Woman's Relief Corps Charter members. Original officers. Its Presidents up to 1906. Members in 1906 ....... 236 Outline of the excellent work of the Corps . . . 237 Watertown Chapter, D. A. R 238 Organized in January, 1898. Brief history of the Chapter, showing its patriotism and public spirit. List of Charter Members ..... Original officers chosen. Membership of the Chapter in 1907, and names of Rev olutionary ancestors. Watertown Women of 1861 — 1865 .... 241 The churches closed on Sunday, July 31, 1862, after the second Battle of Bull Run, and the women met in in the Town Hall, to prepare lint and bandages for wounded soldiers. 216 230231 232233234 235 239 242 243 245 247 Contents, President Lincoln's letter of thanks to Watertown peo ple. The First Volunteer ...... Interview with Sergt. Samuel F. Stearns of Watertown His record of 3 years and 8 months' service. "Fighting Joe" Hooker's letter to Gov. Andrew on death of Col. Wyman ..... Captain Banks' Diary Sketch of war events he noted in 1862. The Coolidge Monument ..... Erected in the Arlington Street cemetery, in honor of Joseph Coolidge of Watertown, who was killed in the Battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775. Dedication services, May 29, 1875. Sketch of Joseph Coolidge. The Soldiers' Monument 248 In memory of the men who served in the Civil War. Dedicated with impressive services on Oct. 31, 1889. Description of the monument. Soldiers' Graves in Watertown Cemeteries . . 250 Names of those whose memory is kept fresh in mind with flags and flowers, by Post 81, on each annually recurring Memorial Day. Arlington Street Cemetery. Common Street Cemetery. St. Patrick's Cemetery . . . . . .252 Ridgelawn Cemetery. Watertown in 1907 . 253 Its remarkable growth in population and wealth since 1861. New school buildings erected. The Charles River improvements. Mount Auburn Street widened, at a cost of $100,000 . 254 The water system purchased for $420,000. Sewerage system installed. Great growth of the debt and in the cost of maintenance of town departments. Appropriations compared for 1869 and 1906, showing many new expenses. Change in the character of the population . . . 256 The Public Library and its benefactors. Advancement of the public schools .... 257 Conservative management of the Water department. Excellent work of the Board of Health. Public parks a crowning glory of the town. The Fire and Police departments in new quarters. Highways better cared for than ever before. xii Watertown's Military History. Measures of relief for those in need broadened . . 258 The peril to shade trees from moths and beetles. A liberal spirit shown by Nation and Town toward the Veterans of the Civil War and the War with Spain. List of the town officers of Watertown for 1907. Index of Persons 261 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. I. Plan of the Old Meeting House in 1836 . 12 The First Parish Church. 2. The Provincial Congress Memorial ... 50 Tablet at the corner of Mount Auburn and Com mon Streets, Watertown. 3. Home of the Provincial Congress in 1775 . 62 Exterior of the First Parish Church. Drawn by Charles Brigham, Architect, from description. 4. General Washington on Horseback . . 66 Statue in the Boston Public Garden. 5. The Marshall Fowle House, Watertown, in 1907 70 6. Jonathan Brown's Bill for service in the Pro vincial Congress 105 7. Dorothy Coolidge's Tavern . . . .116 Remodeled in 1840 by John Brigham. Previously it had a low hip roof, and no ells. 8. Major General Joseph Warren . . . .118 9. The Old Bridge over the Charles River at Watertown 121 Easterly view, showing the appearance just be fore its removal in 1906. 10. Paul Revere's Memorial . . . . .125 Tablet on Watertown Street, Watertown. II. The Town Seal 126 Designed by Charles Brigham, Architect. 12. General Warren's Memorial .... 128 Tablet at the corner of Mount Auburn and Mar shall Streets, Watertown. 13. The Watertown Town Hall in 1907 . . 130 14. Call for 500,000 Troops 134 15. The Spring Hotel in Watertown . . . 136 Where Co. K was boarded by the Town in June, 1861. Until 1890, a large open yard, sheds and stable were at the right of building. xiv Watertown's Military History. 1 6. Last Call before the Draft . . . .142 17. Reception of Co. K, Captain Crafts, Mass. Fifth Regiment . . . . . -149 18. Portrait of Capt. Joseph Crafts . . 150 19. Reception of Co. K, Sixteenth Regiment, Mass. Vol., July 19, 1864 159 20. Charter of Post 81, G. A. R 211 21. Portrait of Isaac B. Patten . . . .212 22. A Louisiana Rebel Musket .... 230 Captured, and carved with a penknife, by U. S. Private R. T. Woodward, in 1862. 23. Photograph of Post 81 232 24. President Lincoln's Letter, of Sept. 5, 1862 . 241 25. Portrait of Samuel F. Stearns in 1861 . . 242 Watertown's First Volunteer. 26. The Coolidge Monument 247 27. The Soldiers' Monument 248 28. Capt. Moses Warren's Memorial . . . 250 In the Common Street Cemetery, Watertown. PREFACE. The beginning of this book is the last part to be written and printed. Nearly six years ago, at the annual town meeting of March, 1902, the following article in the warrant was acted upon favorably : " To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Sons of the American Revolution, and Isaac B. Patten Post, 81, G. A. R., to publish an Army and Navy Register for the Town of Water- town, and appropriate the sum of ^300 therefor." A chapter of the S. A. R. was then in existence in Water- town, of which Rev. Edward A. Rand was president, and it was through his efforts that the appropriation was made and the work started. A committee of six was appointed as follows : Rev. Edward A. Rand, Alberto F. Haynes and George A. Alden, these three representing the Chapter ; Captain William H. Ben jamin, Captain Orlendo W. Dimick, and T. Frank Holmes, selected by Post 81, G. A. R. Rev. Mr. Rand served as chairman of the committee until the time of his death in 1903. Since then Alberto F. Haynes has acted as chairman. Captain William H. Benjamin has been the treasurer. William H. Potter was chosen to fill the vacancy caused by Rev. Mr. Rand's death. Mr. Alden moved away from the town quite a while ago, but his place on the committee has not been filled. The services of Willie M. Russell were secured and he worked with an earnest purpose in gathering from the town and state archives, and other sources, the records of military services performed by Watertown men, or in behalf of this town. Then came his death, leaving the completion of the task to the committee. xvi , Watertown's Military History. An endeavor has been made to do this work well, yet it is not expected that the book will be found to be free from im perfections. It has been a long, laborious, loving task, with the one object in view of permanently recording the patriotic story of a town that has been foremost in the creation and preservation of the Union ; and of those individuals who have volunteered their services, and risked their lives on the battle field, as duly accredited representatives of the town. The ranks of these Veterans are thinning fast, but their record will live to inspire the minds of new generations with gratitude for what has been accomplished, and an ambition to keep free from stain the good name of Our Country ; its beautiful flag ever honored. Credit has been given in different parts of the book to many of those persons from whom material was obtained. The Colonial period, including King Philip's War, was described in part from Bodge's collation of facts, as taken from the Ar chives. Further data was obtained from the work entitled Regiments and Armories of Massachusetts. Bond's History of Watertown has been freely drawn upon. In addition to the archives of this State, information has come from those of New York, Missouri and Michigan, in response to letters sent by Captain William H. Benjamin. Watertown people have assisted in various ways. Charles F. Fitz, whose time has been freely given in preparing for publication the volumes of town records, has helped in making the index for this Military History. Charles A. Stearns has furnished valuable material, and his wife spent many days in culling out from faded manuscripts at. the State House the record of Revolutionary patriots, whose names appear herein. The scope of the work has been broadened, to include cuts of old war posters, and pictures of houses and places, inti mately connected with military affairs. George P. Osborn of Watertown has prepared these illustrations with excellent skill and much care. The Committee is indebted to the printers, David Clapp & Son, whose experience in this line of historical printing has been of wide extent, for the general accuracy of the composi tion and presswork. Preface. xvii It was not expected that the original appropriation of $300 would suffice to complete the publication. In March, 1903, the town voted ^$00 additional, and in March, 1906, it added ;j5200 more, but this is not quite enough. The book has ex panded greatly from what was at first contemplated ; this was due to a desire to preserve the memory of men and places of more than ordinary importance in the history of Watertown. That it may merit the approval of the Town, and prove to be worth what is has cost in money and time, is the earnest hope of the Committee. Alberto F. Haynes. William H. Benjamin. T. Frank Holmes. Orlendo W. Dimick. William H. Potter. WATERTOWN'S MILITARY HISTORY. COLONIAL WARS. Neither Indian massacre nor battle scene has stained the soil of Watertown since it was founded peacefully in 1630. Upon the Town Seal is a picturesque representation of the first meeting between an English settler and an American Indian, each bearing in his hand a welcome gift for the other, a loaf of bread being exchanged for a fish. The banks of Charles river were a favorite home for the Red Man, who found game in the virgin forest, fish in the unpolluted stream, and cooling drink in the spring-fed brooks. Many relics of his abiding place have been found. Stone arrow-heads and other weapons, and primitive utensils, were strewn by the river side. Graves reopened have disclosed aboriginal skulls and bones. Yet peaceful as the scene appears, it was a fatal meeting for the Indian. He has disappeared forever from the place of his natural inheritance on these Eastern shores, now the home of the descen dants of that foreigner whom he welcomed then, and of other restless wanderers from across the sea to New England. And while Watertown has not disclosed a bloody battlefield, it has been the starting place and sponsor of movements which main tained the power of the early settler, established his independence, and ultimately led to the formation of a new Republic which has become the noblest that the world has ever seen. In a new, wild country it became immediately necessary to prepare for self defence. As early as April 12, 1631, watches or night guards were established in Watertown and Dorchester, heavy penalties being fixed against the discharge of firearms after the watch was set. Every musketeer was required to keep ready a pound of powder, twenty bullets and twelve feet of match, -^a flaxen cord soaked in a solution of saltpetre. In September, 1634, Gov. John Winthrop, John Haynes, John Humphrey and John Endicott were appointed a Council of War. In the following March the Council was increased in number. Martial law was practically established, and the towns were or dered to build magazines within a month. In 1636, the military force of this jurisdiction was formed into three regiments. Following is the roster of the Second Regiment, the first organization with which Watertown was connected : 2 Watertown's Military History. Col. John Haynes, Cambridge ; Lieut. -Col. Roger Harlakenden, 1636 ; Charlestown, Capt. Roger Sedgwick, 1636-7 ; Newtowne, Capt. George Cooke, Lieut. William Spencer, Ensign Samuel Shepard, 1636; Watertowne, Capt. William Jennison, 1636-7; Concord, Lieut. Simon Willard, 1636-7 ; Dedham, no ofiicers mentioned. The first Indian outbreak of note, the Pequod War, originated, it is said, in the murder of a Watertown resident, John Oldham, at Block Island, in July, 1636. He was an able but turbulent man, who after causing trouble at Plymouth removed to Water- town, where he was admitted a freeman. May 18, 1631. He served as the town's Representative in 1634, and the same year, Apr. I, was granted by the General Court 500 acres of land in Watertown. The great farm lay between Waltham Plain and Stoney Brook, was bounded on the south-east by Charles River, and included Mount Feake. Cruising about with two Indians and two English lads, he ran into Block Island, where his vessel was boarded by a large body of Indians, by whom he was killed. The settlers resolved to avenge his death, and Massachusetts agreed to raise 160 men to be sent under command of Capt. Pat rick of Watertown, who with John Underbill had been brought over as a military instructoi' for the new colony. Underbill was an able, efficient officer, who did meritorious service in the Pequod War, but Patrick was of a dissolute character and of little worth as a soldier. In fact so nearly was the war over before his force was ready that it was not called into active service. Gov. Winthrop in his diary had this to say of Capt. Patrick : " He was entertained of us out of Holland, where he was a com mon soldier of the Prince's guard, to exercise our men. We made him a Captain and maintained him. Afterwards he was admitted to the church in Watertown and made a freeman. But he grew very proud and vicious, for although he had a wife of his own, a good Dutch woman, yet he despised her and followed after other women." This haughty, insolent, immoral officer met a violent death, be ing shot through the head by the leader of the Dutch on account of his treachery in matters pending between the Dutch and the Indians. The first general muster was held on Boston Common, then a cow pasture. May 6, 1639, with two regiments, 1000 men, iu the field. It was the beginning of a series of May trainings which for many years served to keep the musketeers in good trim, while affording joy unapproachable for the small boys. To the red- cheeked sweetheart and the fond mother it was a highly-colored season of rejoicing. 'Lection cake, peculiar to this season, held its fame and special fiavor nearly down to modern times. Never theless, those were serious days when firearms were carried to church, and the early settlers were constantly apprehensive of an attack by their restless dusky neighbors. Yet for nearly forty Colonial Wars. 3 years after the Pequod War there was comparative freedom from such attacks, except in isolated cases. English settlements were gradually pushed inward from the coast, until finally the Indians made a savage assault on Swansea, opening the bloody and fierce King Philip's War. KING PHILIP'S WAR. To the imagination of childhood, as awakened and fed by the school histories, King Philip, son of Massasoit, appears as one of the most picturesque chieftains of those thrilling times. There were in the Massachusetts Colony, in 1675, about 22,000 settlers, as estimated, while roaming through the forests of Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island were some 20,000 Indians. The total number of settlers in what are now known as the six New England states was about 50,000. King Philip, with a band of the Wampanoags, began the war at Swansea, June 24, 1675, which resulted in a general uprising that spread through New England, lasted for fourteen months, and ended with the death of King Philip, near his home in Mount Hope, now Bristol, R. I., at the hands of an Indian who was fighting as an ally of the Plj'mouth soldiers. The Massachusetts Historical Society has the lock and the Plymouth Society keeps the barrel of the gun with which the red chieftain was shot. Hadley, Deerfield, Northfield and other settlements had been practically wiped out by the Indians. Watertown assisted bravely in this the first serious conflict of Colonial days. Captain Richard Beers, one of its original pro prietors, who had been admitted freeman Mar. 16, 1636-7, lost his life near Northfield, Sept. 4, 1675, and about twenty out of his company of thirty-six men were killed in an Indian ambuscade. He was an important man in the community, serving as select man nearly the whole period from 1644 to 1675, and as represen tative for thirteen years. He was also an innkeeper in the town, recommended to the court for that position in October, 1654. Those were days of respectability, sociability and jollity at the inn or tavern, which became second only to the church as an institu tion of the town, while affording special opportunities for the dis cussion of measures to preserve the public safety, as well as furnishing fuel to keep at a bright glow the martial spirit of those troublous times. John Harrington of Watertown was badly wounded in the Northfield fight, under Capt. Beers, but escaped and lived to a good old age. John Sherman of this town, pro genitor of a family whose branches have spread throughout the country, culminating in the military glory of Gen. William Tecum- seh Sherman of the Civil War, served in Capt. Mosely's company, was wounded while fighting the Indians in Rhode Island, and was temporarily left in that State under the care of soldiers. Major Willard marched from Watertown, arriving at Groton, Mar. 14, 1775, only to find that the town had been just previously 4 Watertown's Military History. abandoned. Capt. Nathaniel Davenport's Company, which marched against the Narragansets, were mainly Watertown and Cambridge men, to whom he made a very civil speech, and whom he allowed to choose their own sergeants. It was the Fifth Com pany of the Massachusetts Regiment. Capt. Davenport was killed by the Indians, Dec. 19, and was succeeded by Lieut. Edward Tyng, who held command during the rest of the campaign. In the great Fort fight, Dec. 19, 1675, under Capt. Davenport, John Hagar of Watertown was slain and Nathaniel Healy and Isaac Learned, same town, were wounded. Following is a list of Watertown men who were impressed for this company : Daniell Warrein, sr., John Bigulah,sr., Nathaniel Healy, Joseph Tayntor, Jr., John Whettney, sr., George Herrington, James Cutting, Wil liam Hagar, jr., John Parkhurst, Michaell Flagg, Jacob Bullard, Isaac Learned, Joseph Wright, George Dill, Jonathan Smith, Willyam Price, jr., Nathaniell Sangar, Moses Whettney, Enoch Sawtell, John Bright, John Hastings, John Bacon, John Chad- wick, John Windham, Ben. Douse, Nath. Barsham, John Barnard, Ephraim Gearffield and Joseph Smith. The company numbered seventy-five men. Substitutes often appear for those impressed. It was a season of great excitement and general alarm for Water- town, as King Philip and his warriors came to the very borders of this town, inflamed by passion, jealousy, and the fierce de termination to root out the foreign invaders, whom, as it seemed to them, they had untimely welcomed, and whose hands they had unwisely clasped in friendship. Watertown at that period com prised about 29,000 acres of territory, extending from Cambridge to Sudbury, and comprising what is now Weston, Waltham, Lincoln, Belmont, and parts of Newton and Cambridge. It is now about one-thirteenth of its original size. So insecure did the settlement feel that General Daniel Denison, in a letter of Mar. 27, 1676, recommended the building of a stockade from Water- town to the Sudbury river. No time was allowed for this before a serious blow was struck at Sudbury, and afterwards it was not needed. News arriving of the advance of the Indians upon Marlboro, where Capt. Brocklebank was the garrison commander with only a small force to hold the enemy in check, reinforcements were hurriedly sent from Boston under command of Capt. Wadsworth. When the latter arrived in Marlboro he was informed that the Indians with King Philip at their head were headed for Sudbury. Captain Wadsworth immediately retraced his steps, although his men were weary from hard day and night marching. He was accompanied by Capt. Brocklebank and a few men who could be spared from Marlboro. The forenoon of the next day, April 21, this force of about fifty Colonists met the Indians at Sudbury, were decoyed into an ambuscade in the woods of Green Hill, South Sudbury, and were surrounded by an overwhelming force of savages. The Colonists fought well, but were forced by a forest fire to retreat, and about two-thirds of them were massacred. A King Philip's War. 5 granite monument, erected by the town and dedicated Nov. 23, 1852, states that Capt. Samuel Wadsworth of Milton, Capt. Brocklebank of Rowley, Lieut. Sharp of Brookline, and twenty- six others were slain. In the meantime the inhabitants of Sudburv were gathered in the various garrison houses, nobly defending themselves against from 1000 to 1500 Indians, whom they kept at bay. Companies from Concord and Watertown hastened that morning to their relief. The Concord men, twelve in number, also were attacked by the Indians in ambush and ten of them killed. Watertown sent a company of about forty men, who encoun tered about noon, after a march of ten miles from Watertown, some 200 Indians. With the aid of the few colonists of that section the Watertown company forced the savages to retreat to the west side of the river, whence they were unable to return, the bridge and causeway being strongly guarded. Near the west shore of the river, not far from the bridge, was located the Playnes garrison house, which was so fiercely beset that its occupants were in extreme danger, although they escaped serious harm, and finally, by brave sallies, drove their assailants away. The main body of King Philip's command, possibly 1000 strong, had attacked Capt. Wadsworth's men at Green Hill. The Water- town company boldly pushed across the river for the purpose of reinforcing Capt. Wadsworth. It was a vain attempt, on account of the great body of Indians encountered, and the English re treated to the Goodnow garrison. The shadows of night fell on the scene of battle, bringing the conflict to a final conclusion ; for when the morning light returned, the Indians, led in retreat as in attack by their monarch of the woods, King Philip, had van ished, never to reappear under similar conditions in Sudbury or vicinity. Then the Watertown soldiers took part in the sad and solemn duty of burying the scalped and otherwise mutilated vic tims of the conflict. A homely, but no doubt accurate, statement of what the Water- town men accomplished on that occasion is given by the following petition, in which a reasonable reimbursement is asked for services rendered. It is natural to suppose that, besides the two whose names are given in the petition, many of those who had been im pressed for service, as previously mentioned, were concerned in the Sudbury fight. A true list of the men engaged and of their officers does not appear upon record. Petition of Daniel Warren & Joseph Peirce. To Inform the Honoured Counsel of the Service done at Sudbury by severall of the Inhabatance of Watertown as our honoured Captain Mason hath Allready informed a part thereof in the petion : but we who wear thear can mover largely inform this honoured Councel ; that as it is said in the petion that we drove two hundred Indians over the River ; we followed the enimie over the river and joyned with som others and went to see if wee could relieve Captain Wadsworth upon the hill and thear we had a fight with the Indians but they beinge soe many of them and we stayed soe long that we wear allmost incomparsed bj them which cased us to retreat 6 Watertown's Military History. to Captain Goodanous Garrison ; and their we stayed it being ner night till it was darli and then we went to Mr. NoicesMill to see if we could find any that were escaped to that place all though they wear noe persons dwelling there; but tliear we found: 13: or: 14 of Captain Wadsworth's men who wear escaped some of them wounded and brought them to Sud bury towne. On the next day in the morning soe soon as it was light we went to look for — Concord men who wear slain in the River middow and thear we went in the colld water up to the knees where we found five and we brought them in Conus to the Bridge fut and buried them thear; and then we joyned ourselves to Captain Hunton with as many others as we could pro- cuer and went over the River to look for Captain Wadsworth and Captain Brattlebank and the soldiers that wear slain; and we gathered them up and Buried them ; and then it was agreed that we should goe up to Nobscot to bring the Carts from thence into Sudbury-Towne and soe returned Home againe ; to what is above written we whos nams are subscribed can testifi : dated the : 6 : of March : 78 : ¦19 ¦¦ Daniel Warrin Joseph Peirce. Our request is to the much honoured Counsel that they would be pleased to consider us in reference to our Request; their being 2 troops of hors appointed to bury the dead as we wear informed whos charg was spared a^d we as yet not allowed for what we did. Your most HumW« Servants to Command to the utmost of our poor S for our selves and in the behalf of the rest. Daniel Warrin Mass. Arch., Vol. 68, p. 224. Joseph Peirce Hugh Mason with Wm. Parker &. John Wayte examined Sudbury's claims and allowed £44-ios-as abatement in their last " Ten Country Rates by reason of their losses in Estates by the Common Enemy, as result of Sudbury fight with the Indians." Richard Beers of Watertown, eldest son of EInathan Beers, was in the Falls fight, above Deerfield, under Capt. William Turner, May 19, 1676. He was on the list of those entitled lo share in the legislative grant of a township near the battle site. Nov. 2, 1675, the Council instructed Capt. Joseph Sill, a Lieut. and successor of Capt. Richard Beers in command, to take charge of the soldiers raised from Charlestown, Watertown and Cam bridge, about sixty men, and march to Natick, and thence against the Indians, the purpose being to capture the Praying or Christian Indians of three villages. Capt. Sill was ordered by the Council, Jan. 21, 1675-6, to give direction to the constables of Watertown and other towns to send him horses and men for the transportation of ammunition and provisions from " Northbrow " to Brookfield. It was the custom for each town to pay its own soldiers, this money being distributed among their families. The following list of assignment of wages to Watertown is of value as showing the residence of some of these soldiers : King Philip's War, £. s. d. £. s. d. Abraham Williams - 3 5 6 Joseph Smith - I 0' 0 Richard Sawtell 0 19 8 John Stone 3 3 6 Enos Lawrence 0 8 9 Thomas Train 6 12 0 Jonathan Stimpson - o 2 6 Samuel Church I 18 5 George Woodward - o 7 8 Michel Bastow 2 16 6 Thos. Whitney - o 2 6 Thomas Whitney 0 4 2 Wm. Goddard - o 9 4 John Willington - 2 8 6 Joseph Willington - 4 i8 3 John Oynes 0 1.5 8 Samuel Whitney - o 19 8 Henry Spring 2 19 10 Zecheriah Cutting - 2 9 10 Jonathan Whitney 3 8 2 John Sawin 3 3 6 William Shattucke 4 10 0 Joseph Peirce - - I 6 0 Samuel Thacher - I 4 3 Theophilus Philips - 2 18 6 Jeremiah Norcrass 9 S 8 John Prescott - lO 0 0 Daniel Smith - I S 6 Moses Whitney - 2 16 0 William Price 2 13 0 Isaac Learned - I 12 2 John Stone - I 10 10 Joseph Bemish . . 2 10 0 Thomas Chadwick I 10 10 John Sterns I 7 0 Samuel Perry - 3 18 0 Jonathan Smith I lO 0 William Bull 0 4 2 William Bond I 0 0 William Price, jr. I 7 3 Josiah Jones I 2 0 Samuel Perry - I 5 6 Joseph Wait - - O is 4 Munning Sawin 0 12 0 Samuel Sterns - 2 3 6 Eliazer Beeres 0 12 0 John Parke 2 14 0 John Coolidge 2 10 0 John Fisk 4 13 6 Seubael Sternes 3 I 0 John Eames - 4 5 0 John Hastings 0 19 8 John Bigello - o 9 0 Stephen Coolidge I 2 J, Daniel Peirce - 2 12 6 John Oyne 2 0 0 Richard Child 3 3 6 Thomas Swann - I 8 10 Joseph Garfell - 2 7 0 John Bright 4 10 0 John Cutting - o 18 6 Daniel Gookin, Esq. 2 II 2i Daniel Warrin o 9 8 Samuel Wood 0 13 i4 Ephraim Bemish 3 5 0 Aug. 24, 1676. Indians resided in families, including that of a Mr. Yates of Watertown. In repayment for military services, certain grants of land were made. Of these, Narraganset No. 2, now Westminster, Mass., was considered the most desirable, as it was nearest Boston. It was drawn by James Lowden & Co., representing the grantees from Watertown and other towns. The committee for this com pany was composed of John Cutting and Joseph Bowman of Watertown and James Lowden of Charlestown. His Excellency, Jonathan Belcher, was given 500 acres as his honored father's right. A meeting of seven companies was held in Boston, Oct. 8 Watertown' s Military History. The Watertown grantees were Soldier Grantee. Thomas Sawen Ephraim Cutler Jaraes Cutting - John Barnard Joshua Biglow Wm. Shuttuck Joseph Grout Jonathan Smith John Hager- Geo. Herrington - John Herrington - Dr. (Palgrave) Willington Zachariah Cutting John Bright Wm. Parmenter Jacob Bullard Timothy Rice - John Sherman James Barnard Joseph Smith EInathan Beirs Michael Flag John Barnard John Cutting Joseph Preist Benjamin Willington as follows : Claimant. John, son. Alive. Jonas, son. Alive. Joseph, son. Zechariah, son. Samuel, nephew. Heirs. Alive. Heirs. Alive. John, nephew. George, son. Joseph Ball, nephew. Tho. Herrington, son-in-law. John, nephew. Joseph Bowman niece's husband. Joseph, son. Richard, son. Heirs. Joseph Bowman, son-in-law. John, son. Joseph, son. Heirs. The original list as above copied is signed by "Andrew Darby, Proprietors Clerk." The company held its first meeting in Cam bridge, Dec. 20, 1633. It is thought John Barnard, then alive, was the son of John, for whom Capt. Bowman drew in the right of his wife. Later credits of military service to Watertown are given below : £. d. £. s. d. Nov. 24, 1676. Jan. 24, 1676-7. Joseph Grant I I 0 Wm. Lamed 0 5 0 Dec. 24, 1676-7. Josep Child 3 9 0 Benony Lamed 3 13 6 Thomas Sawin I 7 4 James Cutting 2 14 0 Feb. 24, 1676-7. Thomas Underwood I 10 0 Obadiah Santell - - 0 12 0 The spelling of some of these names is noticeably incorrect, but their meaning can be generally understood. Our early ancestors, not being under the domination of Webster, Worcester, or even the authors of what is now known as " simplified spelling," felt free to follow a quaint and curious fancy of their own. King Philip's War. 9 From a sketch of the career of Capt. Hugh Mason, read before the Watertown Historical Society, Sept. 17, 1890, by a descend ant, Charles F. Mason, a resident of this town, it appears that Hugh Mason was born in England in 1606. At the age of 28 he sailed for Massachusetts with his wife Esther, who was twenty- two years old. His original homestall of three acres, increased to more than one hundred and fifty acres by subsequent grants and purchases, was located on what are now the Hittinger and Liver- more properties. School street, Belmont. Beginning with 1638, he served for twenty-nine years as selectman, the longest period on record in that office. While not a church officer, he was as signed important duties, including that of seating the church peo ple, the rules of precedence being office, age, state and gifts, a method which was far from satisfactory. He also performed duties similar to those later assigned to a justice of the peace, married couples in 1658 and for twenty years thereafter, and witnessed with a father's joy the marriage of his two daughters. May 20, 1668, the first recorded double wed ding in this town. Serving as deputy to the General Court for ten years, he was a member of important committees. In May, 1644, he represented Watertown at a Court of Election as " Leift iVIason " and was chosen Captain of the Watertown train band in May, 1652, hold ing that position until his death in 1678, the training field being at the junction of Mt. Auburn and Arlington streets. Alfred S. Hudson, author of the History of Sudbury, in an extended and graphic story of the Sudbury fight, speaks of the "noble work" done by Capt. Mason and his company who " through God's fa- for" were sent from Watertown, Apr. 21, 1676. Yet it is not clearly shown by the records that Capt. Mason led his command of Watertown men, either to Sudbury or Groton. He was at that time more than seventy years old, although still active as selectman and deputy to the General Court. He was one of a committee of three to provide a plan of defence for Mid dlesex County. The Court received a long report upon this mat ter, as well as his' reports, upon which it acted favorably in rela tion to claims for assistance from those who had suffered at the hands of the Indians. "On the last day of August in 1678, the selectmen, of whom he was one, recorded the grateful acceptance of the gift from an inhabitant of Watertown — a black cloth to be used by the town for burial purposes. In just six weeks an opportunity came for its use — at the burial of Hugh Mason." It is estimated that about a dozen settlements were destroyed in the fourteen months of King Philip's War, involving a loss of 600 houses, and a military expense of £100,000 sterling was in curred. Some 600 colonists, men, women and children, lost their lives by battle or massacre. Watertown, while doing its proportionate part, was not seri ously affected by subsequent wars up to the time of the Revolu- 10 Watertown's Military History. tion, an hundred years later. Bond's Genealogical History of the town presents frequently the names of townsmen who took part in the minor conflicts which disturbed the newly developing Eng lish colonies, but the full record of their services is not easy to ascertain. Many a hero and patriot, no doubt, sleeps in a name less grave, for the town neglected to keep the names of her sol diers properl}' recorded. Briefly is sketched the following list of subsequent encounters after King Philip's death. When the French and Indian War began, in 1690, there were about 40,000 colonists in Massachusetts. Eight small vessels with 700 or more militia and marines from this State sailed from Bos ton, April 28, captured Port Royal with little resistance, returning a month later with booty enough to pay all expenses. Queen Anne's War was renewed between France and England, May 4, 1702. In 17TO, Port Royal was a second time captured by two regi ments from this State. In 171 1, Massachusetts appropriated £140,000 and raised 1500 men to proceed against Canada. In 1716, the State contained a population of 94,000 white peo ple, who owned 2000 slaves. The colonists, in 1739, served in Jamaica during the war, which closed three years later between England and Spain. In the first capture of Louisburg from the French, the expedi tion left Boston, Mar. 24, 1745. Louisburg, although supposed to be able to withstand 30,000 soldiers, surrendered, June 16, i74S> to a force of 4000 militia. In 1748, there was an estimated strength of 30,000 militia in this State, out of a total population of 200,000. Braddock's disastrous expedition to Canada, when he was am bushed and defeated by the French and their Indian allies, occurred in 1755- War was declared between France and England in 17565 and 3000 troops were raised in Massachusetts. Two years later this State furnished about 7000 men, out of a total force of 20,000. Again, in 1759, the colony raised 7000, in a total of 25,000 from the thirteen colonies. July 25 of the same year, Ticonderoga was surrendered and Crown Point was abandoned. Quebec fell Sept. 13, 1759, and Montreal the following year. The war closed with the Treaty of Paris, Feb. 7, 1763. But conditions were changing rapidly, for the breath of partial freedom which the colonists enjoyed in the New England only made them yearn for a fuller sense of freedom and independence. They had fought the King's battles faithfully and well, winning, unaided, victories against stern ranks of regular troops. In 1762, a small brigade of the Massachusetts colonists fought side by side with Old England's regulars under the red cross flag for the last time, in the capture of Havana. On the next occasion when British and Colonial troops met, it was not as friends and allies, but as foes and antagonists, at the battle of Lexington and Con- King Philip's War. 1 1 cord. Soldiers of a common ancestry, alike brave and determined, what wonder that the contest which followed was of long dura tion, or that the result was for years in doubt. During the reign of the Royal Governors from 1692, when the Puritan charter was withdrawn, to 1774, when Gen. Gage succeeded Gov. Hutchin son, the Massachusetts colony had furnished more than 60,000 men for active military service in the field, besides a greater num ber for garrison duty. In treasure, a rich stream was poured forth from the constantly increasing wealth of the colonists, both for war and for taxes. THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Watertown's position during the war of the Revolution was unique. Closely allied with Boston, the town was also a centre around which were distributed the other eastern colonial settle ments. Its people saw the full significance of the gathering storm clouds. The town records, which since the first incorpora tion in 1630 had been mainly composed of statements regarding the regulation of a new freer personal town government, and with the division of the territory into homestalls and common lands, took on a deeper tone. Liberty, entire self-government, began to be the good folks' aspiration, although at first it was manifest in a declaration and movement against unjust taxation. The people felt their power, which that wonderful colonial institution, that forum of liberty and general debate, the town meeting, had wisely nurtured and fostered. To those town records, then, we turn, and from the time-stained pages draw the causes of an inspiration that led a brave people reluctantly to rebel against the King of England, and the practical measures which that people took to prosecute a war when it could no longer be avoided. The extracts from the town records begin with a selectmen's meeting in Feb., 1770, and conclude with a town meeting in 1782. WATERTOWN TOWN RECORDS. [15] Selectmens Meeting at house of Benjamin Prentice the 22d day of February 1770. Town meeting called for the 5th day of March. Art. 15. For y° town to agree upon Some Measures to Dis courage y* Importations of Goods from Great Britain and act any thing thereon they may think best. [19] Town Meeting March 5, 1770. Then the [15] article was Reed and it was put to Vote Whether the town will do anything to Discourage y^ importation of Goods from Great Britain and it past in y" affirmative. Then Voted to Choofe a Committee to Consider what is proper for the town to set in y° affair and Report at y^ Adjournment of this meeting. Voted & Chofe for S'' Committee Dea° Sam^ Fisk Cap' Daniel Whitney Jon° Brown M'^ Nath^ Stone M'^ Moles Stone M' John Remington M'' Thomas Clarke. [30] Adjourned Town Meeting March 8, 1770. Then the Committee appointed to make a Draught of Some Proper Votes and Refolves to Discourage y* Importation of Goods TKis Drawing akows a plon of iKc oU Meeting 'ilousc aa ir wa& wKen \&h\ uicd as a place of Worihip.-^-D- \83ti' \\ itood \t\ wKat li now a Burial Ground on ihe corner of Mount -Auburn and Common Streets It was built" in tke year- 1755; enlarged ir^ -1819 and demolisned m-lSSfe-wKcnancw cKurcK wasbuilt elsewhere. •Herein were Keld lfic mcctinqa of the Second and Third Provincial Gsnqresaes "in 177^ ^f^d Kere also, iri'e firit" (jreal" and GcncrdI Court- wai orqanized.orj July 19.1775. - PLAN-OF-GALLEECT- I I I lu /iote ¦ tKc namci Kercin aivcn are -tKosft of persona wKo ore now known +o have bctr\ Pew -Holders or to have had SiWlnqi - IS50 lo lS3fe - ¦ PIjAN • of ¦ G ROVND FIjOOR • T' Commtttee. The Revolutionary War. 15 The foregoing Report Read & accepted without opofsion. Voted that the Town-Clerk enter the Same on the town Records and return an attested Copy thereof to the Committee of Corrof-. pondance in Boston. attest Sam" Fisk Moderator [88] Selectmens Meeting Dec. 27-1773-at house of Mr. Thomas Wellington. Warrant for town meeting Jan. 3-1774. Fourthly — For the town to take into consideration the many Evils and DifHculties this province in perticular as well as Amer ica in General Labour under by the importation of Teas into this province Subject to Duties laid on the Same by an act of perli- ment, and to See if the Town can come into Some Meafures to Discourage the Importation thereof, or at the last to Come into Some Refolutions that may prevent the Trade and Confumption of that article within the Town of Watertown untill Such time as the Duty Shall be taken off the Same, and for the town to act anything Relating thereto as they may think best. [89] Town Meeting of Jan. 4-1774, after other business had been transacted adjourned to the house of Mr. Bezaleel Learned "to meet in half an Hour from this time." The town being meet at M"^ Bezaleel Learneds House accord ing to adjournment The Moderator Oppened the Meeting and the article Relating to East India Company's Sending Teas into this province Subject to Duty, being Read and after Consideration and Debate thereon. The Town Expreft their minds on this occation in manner and form as Entered on the next page. [90] Taking into Consideration the Difirefsed Scituation of this province as Well as the other Britilh American Colonies Occa- tioned by the Britilh Parli ments Claiming a Right to tax the Colo nies & bind them in all Cafes whatsoever. Thereby Denying us an Exclufive Right to tax ourSelves and Dispoling of our own properties, and have actually levied a Tax upon the Colonies by Impofing heavy Duties on Sundry articles Imported by the Colonies for the Exprefs purpofe of Reifing a Revenew to the Crown, and the Injurious Application of the Revenues So unjustly Extorted from us (Viz) for the Support of Civil Government and Defraying the Charges of the Administration of Justice. The bad Effects whereof are already felt in this Colony by Rendering one Branch of the Legislative Court intirely Independent of the others for its Support, and the Afpect is no lefs threatning with Refpect to the Executive part of Government. — having a tendency (as we apprehend) of Saping and finaly overthrowing our Civil Constitution of Government and Introducing an arbitary one. The publick Difstrefs is Greatly Increased by a late act of parli- ment, Impowering the East-India Company to Export their Teas 1 6 Watertown's Military History. to America Subject to Duties upon its being Landed. — and the proceedings of Said Company in Confequence of Said Act in Shiping a Very large Qiiantity for the Colonies a Large Quantity whereof hath lately arived in Boston Harbour, whereby the In habitants of Boston and the Neighbouring towns has been greatly alarmed, which has Occationed the Inhabitants of Boston & the Neighbouring towns to afsemble and Confult how the fatal Confe- quences of Landing & Vending Said Teas might be Prevented, and we are fully of oppinion that the people had a Right thus to meet & Confult for their Common Safty. We Read that the Jews in a State of Captivity & Slavery under an arbitary King when a Decree was gon forth to Deftroy them had Liberty to afsemble together & Defend themSelves & Confult how to ward off the blow that was coming on them by Preventing the wicked Edict being Carried into Execution, — under Providence they were Won derfully Succeeded having the kind Influences of a good Mordica in their favour who not accufing of Riot Sought their welfare & was Accepted by the multitude of his Bretheren, — and we are also fully of oppinion that the people afsembled at Boston on the 14"" & 16"^ of December last, had no Design or Desire that the Tea on Board the Vefsels in the Harbour Should be Deftroyed or anywa)' Damaged but on the Contrary were very Desirous and ufed their utmost Endeavours that Said Tea might be Safely Returned to the owners thereof. [91] But that the Destruction of the Tea was occationed by the Custom House officers and the Govenors Refuiing to grant a Clearance and pafs for the Vefsel that was Deligned to Carry Said Tea back to the owner, from whence it came. Being Influenced by y" foregoing Considerations Dreading of Slavery with which we Seem to be threatened, and being True Friends to Liberty to which we have an undoubted Right, we would Exert ourSelvei to the utmost of our power to avoid the former and Secure thi latter : and we would be Glad to be joined by all our Bretheren on the Continent (in like Tribulation) in this Laudable attempt. For this purpofe we Refolve, First To indeavour to Discourage & as far as it lies in our power prevent the Importation or bringing of Tea into this prov ince by the East India Company or any others, and accordingly Declare that for y" futer we will not Purchefe any Tea nor Suffer it to be used in our Families. Second That we will have no Dealings with an Shopkeeper or Tradsman or any others who Shall persist in Buying or Selling or useing of Tea in their Families. Third We give it in Charge to our Selectmen for the time be ing not to approbate any perfone for a Tavernkeeper or a Retailor who Shall Supply any Company or persons with Tea or Shall peifist in making use of it in their Families, and that they use their indeavours to prevent any Such from having their licenses Renewed. The Revolutionary War. 17 4 That in case any Teas Should be Imported by the East India Company or any others into this province, we will to the Utmost of our ability oppofe the Receiving and using Said Tea. 5 That if any perfons in this town Shall persist in Selling or Buying or Confuming any Teas Contrary to the true Intent & meaning of the fore going Refolves they Shall be Looked on as inemical to their town & Country and treted accordingly. 6 That the foregoing Refolves be in force and fully Executed till the Duties aforeSaid are taken off and no longer. Then it was put to Vote whether the foregoing Refolves &c : be agreeable to the town and it pafsed in the affirmative unani mously, and Voted that the town-Clerk Record the Same and transmit a Copy to the Committee of Correfpondence for the town of Boston which was don accordingly & attested by Jon* Brown Town- Clerk. [107] A general public Town Meeting June 27-1774, by adjournment. The Selectmen Informed the town that there not being a Suffi cient Stock of ammunition belonging to the town they had pur- chafed four half Barrils of powder & purpofe to purchafe Some Balls & Flints, and after the town had Confidered the matter, they Voted and appropriated the Sum of £20 pounds out of y" money arifeing by the Sale of the pews to pay for S* : ammunition. Selectmens Meeting July 4-1774, house of Mr. Thomas Wel lington. Warrant for Town Meeting July 18-1774, was drawn. (3) To agree where the Ammunition that has lately been purchafed shall be kept, and to act thereon as they See fitt. [108] (4) To take into confideration the difficult and Diftrefsed State to which this province in perticular as well as America in General are brought into by any late acts of y" Britilh Parlement, and to Agree upon Some proper meafures that will have a tendency to Relieve us under the prefent Burdens Occasioned thereby. (5) For the town to agree upon Some way to pay their part of the Expence of the purpofed Congrefs, and to do any thing thereon they think proper. (9) To know the minde of the town whether they will grant Some Releif to the town of Boston under their present Diftrefsed Circumftances and to Do thereon as they see fitt. Town Meeting July 18-1774. Voted that the ammunition that has lately been bought be kept in the Meeting Houfe. The (4) article being Read together with a Covenant purpofed to be Signed and after Some Debate thereon it appeared that the Form of the Covenant was not altogether agreable it being moved 1 8 Watertown' s Military History. & Seconeded that a Committee Should be Chofe to make a New Draft of what will be proper for the Inhabitants to Sign. ^ M"' Mofes Stone Voted and Chofe for S^ : Committee Dea° Sam' Fisk Jon* Brown M"^ Josiah Capen M' Nath' Stone Voted that they make Report at the adjournment of this meeting. Then Voted & Granted the Sum of i : 13:8 towards y" Intended Congrefs as their part of the Expence. Adjourned to 4th. Monday of August. [110] Adjourned Town Meeting Aug. 22-1774. at this Meeting it was Voted that the Selectmen are Desired to meet with Such perfons as may appear at a purpofed meeting to be held at Concord on the thirtieth day of this present month which may be Sent from the Several towns in this County to Confult what may be proper to do in order to preferve our Char ter Rights also Voted that the Selectmen Shall have Resfon- able pay for their time and Expence while in Said Service. [Ill] Adjourned Town Meeting Sept. 5-1774. The meeting being opened & the Refolves Entered into by the members of the County Meeting held at Concord being Read. The Question being put whether they be agreeable to the minde of the town and it paft in the affirmative. and it was Ordered that they be Recorded in the town Book. upon a Motion made & Seconded, it was Voted that it is y" minde of the town the officers of the Melitia Company that Refide in the town Should Exercife all such perfons as belong to the towns & all others that Refide therein two Hours in each & every week in Amies &c during the three fall months alfo take a View of the Armes & ammunition of all the perfons borne on the alarm list and Report the State thereof to the town at the adjournment of this meeting — also Voted that all peifons that are borne on the Arlarm & Training band list be provided with armes & ammuni tion accordingly the First monday in October Next. Voted that the Selectmen Secure the town Stock of ammunition in the best manner they Can. Adjourned to 1^' Monday in October. [112] Town Meeting October 1774. Capt. Jonathan Brown was chosen as Representative to a Pro vincial Congress to be held at Salem Oct. 5th. 1774. Voted to Cfioofe a Com*'=" to draw up Some Inftructions to give their Representative &c. Adjourned Meeting 5 o'clock same day. The Revolutionary War. 19 [113] a motion was made & Seconded & it was put to Vote whether it is the minde of the town that Jonathan Brown who is this day Chofen Representative Should joine with the Representatives of the Several towns in forming a Provincial Congrefs and it paft in the afirmative. Then it was put to vote whether the town will Choofe one or more perfons to joine with the Reprefentative in forming the Said Congrefs and it paft in the afirmative. Then they voted & Chofe for Delegates to joins S* : Congrefs at Such time and place as may be appointed M' John Remington and M"^ Samuel Fisk. Then a Motion was made to knowy" minde of the town Whether it is advifable for the Collectors of Tax's to pay anj- more money into the province Treafury at prefent and they voted that it was their opinion that they Should not till further orders from the town, and that the town will Save the Collectors harmlefs from all Charges that may arife by their So doing. Then it was Voted that the Collector Should proceed to Com- pleat their Collections as Soon as may be and pay the money into the town Treafury till further orders cf the town. [114] Town Meeting Oct. 17-1774, by adjournment. Then the Question was put whether the town will mount & Equip two peices of Cannon now Lodged in the Town at their own Charge and it past in the affirmative. Then it was Voted to Choofe three perfons as a Committee to git Said work don. ( M' David Sanger Voted & Chofe for S" Committee \ W Jonas White ( M^ Abner Crafts [115] Selectmens Meeting Nov. 17-1774. Warrant drawn for Town Meeting Nov. 2i-i774- Second to Grant money to pay for the two Carriages to the two peices of Cannon that were Ordered to be procured at the Expense of the town. (5) For the town to do or act any thing that they may Judge Necessary for to Carry the Refolutions of the Continental and Provincial Congrefs's into Execution by any Grants of money or otherwife as they think proper. Town Meeting Nov. 21-1774. Voted and Granted £20 pounds to pay for the Carriages for the Cannon. Adjourned to i o'clock Dec. 12-1774. [116] Town Meeting Dec. 12-1774, adjourned at 4 o'clock to Mr. Bez. Learned's at Said time & place. The meeting being opened & after y" Reading the Afsociation entered into by y" Several Delegates of the Colonies in a Congrefs held at Philadel- ¦ 20 Watertown's Military History. phia on y" 20 Day of October last also the Refolutions of the Provincial Congrefs. They Voted to Choofe a Committee of nine perfons to See that Said Afsociation & Refolutions be prop erly Executed. ^M"" John Remington M"^ Josiah Capen M"^ Sam' Soden I M' Tho« Clark Voted to Chofe for Said Committee / M"^ David Sanger I M"^ Nathan Coollidge M' Sam' White Col« Wm Bond i M"^ Edw* Harrington jun'' Voted & Chofe (Capt. Jonathan Brown) to be Capt of the train. (Note : — The name of Capt. Jonathan Brown is taken from the files of 1774.) w. M. R. Voted & Chofe M"' David Sanger to be Leiu*. Voted that they Appoint Such other officers as are needful. Voted to Choofe a Committee to Draw out on Qiiarter of the Melitia Company as minit men agreeable to the advice of Congreffs. I Col" Wm Bond Voted & Chofe for Said Committe -| L' Sam' Barnard (Enl"John Straton [117] Selectmens Meeting Dec. 23-1774. Warrant for Town Meeting Jan. 2-1775, ' o'clock. to Choofe one or mOre perfons to Reprefent the town in a Pro vincial Congrefs Propofed to be held at Cambridge on the first Day of February Next. and Likwife to warn all the Training Soldiers borne on the training list, & also all that are borne on the alarm list to appear at the meeting House at half past one of the Clock the Same Day. [118] For the Town then and there if they think proper to Choofe officers for the Milletary Company, and Draw out minit men agreable to the advice of the provincial Congrefs, and to determin upon What pay they Shall have for their Service and to Grant any Sum of money for that purpofe they think fitt. and to do or act any thing the town may Judge Necefsary to put the Melitia of this town into the best posture of Defence. Town Meeting Jan. 2d-i775. Voted to Choofe but one perfon for the purpofe aforesaid. Then the Votes were Called for bro' : in Counted & Sorted and it appeared that Jonathan Brown was unanimously Chofen. Then it was Voted that he Shall have power to Joine with the other members of the Congrefs when meet to adjourn from time to time and to any other place if they think proper, and to Con- The Revolutionary War. 21 tinue their Sefsion & Sefsions until the Tuesday before the last Wednesday in May Next. Then a motion was made & Seconded and Voted to Choofe a Committe to prepare a Draught of a proper Covenant for the In habitants of the town to Sign to, and to make Report to the town at the adjournment of y" meeting. M' Chris"^ Grant Voted & Chofe for S": Committe [119] Jon" Brown Dea- Sam' Fisk M'' Josiah Capen M'' Mofes Stone Corporals Then the Article Relating to the Miletarv Company was Read and Some debate it was Voted to Choofe officers for the Company with the addition of one more Leiutenant than what was before. Then they Voted & Chofe the following perfons for officers (Viz) Samuel Barnard Captain John Stratton i Leiu' Phinehas Stearnes 2 D° Edward Harrington Enfign Samuel Sanger y" i ] Stephen Whitney i Abner Crafts " 2 ! „ ^ Isaac Sanderson jr 2 Chris'- Grant jr " 3 | ^^"^^ Mofes Stone jr 3 Josiah Capen jr " 4 J Nath" Bright 4 * Voted & Granted the Sum of 53 : 19 : 2 to be improved for Defraying the Necefsary Charges of the Province as may be tho* proper by the Provincial Congrefs, and to be paid to Henry Gard ner Esq"- of Stow who has been Appointed Receiver General for the Province by the y" late Congrefs. (* This vote was omitted from its proper place ; see above.) w. M. R. [130] Town Meeting Jan. -1775, by adjournment. It was moved & Seconed to know whether the town will Choofe or Draw out minuit men and it was put to vote and it paft in the Negative. Then it was Put to Vote whether the town will grant any money tp incourage the learning the miletary art & it pafed in the affirmr ative. Then Voted to Grant and allow 4 Coppers to each for his at tendance once a week to learn military Exerfice to be laid out for Refrefhment. Also voted to allow one Shilling to pay for Fifing at each meeting. Then Voted & Chofe the four Commifsion officers with the Sergants to be a Committe to lay the money out. Then y" Com"" appointed to prepare a Covenant Reported which was accepted. Town Meeting Feb. 6-1775. 22 Watertown' s Military History. Adjourned to Mr. Bezaleel Learned's House. The town being meet at M' Learneds after Reading the War rant, it was put to Vote whether it be the minde of the town that the Committe appointed to mount y" great Guns do not Compleat the Same till after the Congrefs Rifes & it past in the affirmative. Voted that y" Representative take advice of Some of the Con grefs Relating to y" purpofed Afsociation in Such way and man ner as he thinks proper. [131] Town Meeting Feb. 20-1775. after Reading an adrefs from the Congrefs to the Inhabitants of this province with the Refolves &c : and after Some Debate on the publick affairs it was Voted that the Committe appointed to mount the Great Guns Compleat the Same as Soon as may be. Selectmens Meeting Feb. 21-1775. Warrant for Town Meeting March 6-1775. [133] 21 For the town to take into consideration the Difficult State of the publick affairs, and do or act any thing Relating to En courage the miletary, or any thing to forward the payment of the money Designed for the use of the province and act any thing Re lating thereto as the town Judge best. [133] Town Meeting March 6-1775. Miletary au'"'' To Col° W" Bond for fifing To Cap'" Samuel Barnard for Expence at trainings To L' John Stratton for D°- To L' Phinehas Stearns for D° - - To Enf" Edward Harrington for D° To Serjant Samuel Sanger for fifing To the wid" Dorothy Coollidge for Drinks &c - 6 12 I I [136] It was Voted before the adjournment of the meeting that every man that Appeared to Exercife in either of y" miletary Companys Shall Receive the Same allowance as before, till the adjournment of the Meeting. [137] Town Meeting March 13-1775 Then the accounts of y" Committe that were Appointed to mount and Equip the Cannon were Read & after Considering the Same, The town Voted to Choofe a Committe to Examin The accounts and Report to the town their next meeting. f M' Nath" Stone Voted & Chofe for Said Committe \ Jon'' Brown ( Lt : Phin : Stearnes 0 6 0 I 0 5 2 7 10 2 0 10 2 2 0 10 4 2 0 7 0 0 I 10 2 3 The Revolutionary War. 23 The (21) article being Read and it being moved to know if the town will Continue to encourage the learning y" miletarv art and it was Voted that y^'Same allowance be Continued as was allowed at former meetings (Viz) 4 Coppers per man each time he attends to Exercife provided it be not more than once a week & allowance For Fifers as before. [138] Selectmens Meeting May 24-1775 Warrant for Town Meeting May 29-1775. To Choofe one or more Representatives to attend the Provincial Congress to be held at Watertown Wednesday May 31-1775. [139] Town Meeting May 29-1775. Cap' Jonathan Brown was Chosen to Reprefent the town in a Provincial Congrefs appointed to be Convened at the above Said Meeting House on the 31'" Day of this inftant month of May. [130] Selectmens Meeting July 10-1775. Town Meeting called for July 17—1775 to elect Reprefentative to a Gen. Court to be held in Water- town July 19-1775. Cap' Jonathan Brown was Chosen. [136] These amounts were allowed at the March Meeting 1776. Wid° Dorothy Coollidge for Rum y" 19 Day of april j o for the men in the Lexington Battle ( her other account for Training Expence 2231 Major Sam' Barnard Training Expence o 40 Cap' Phinehas Stearnes for D° o 40 L' Edward Harrington jr for D° . - -094 Cap' Sam' Fisk for D° - 2 8 2 3 M"- John Draper for Bread at the Lexington Battle on y" 19 Day of April 1775 - 114 [137] Town Meeting May 20-1776. f Sam' Fisk Esq^ I M"^ Nath' Stone Voted & Chofe a Com"" of Correspondence «^ M"" Mofes Stone I M-- Jedei^ Leathe [ M' Richard Clark [143] Town Meeting May 20-1776. Then a Refolve of the late House of Representatives Relating to the Congrefs of the thirteen united Colonies Declaring them In dependent of Great Britain. The Qiiestion was put to know y" minde of the town whether they will Stand by & Defend the Same with their lives and Estates & it past in the affirmative unanimously. 24 Watertown's Military History. [144] Meeting of Selectmen July 2-1776. Warrant for Town Meeting, same day. (2) To Agree upon Some Proper method for Raifing Water- towns part of the five thousand men ordered for the Defence of this Country, and to Grant a Sum of money to forward the affair, and to act thereon as they See fitt. Town Meeting July 2-1776, house of Mr. Samuel Willington. Then Voted & Granted the Sum of Six pounds Six ffiillings & eight pence to each perfon that Shall inlist into the Service for the town of Watertown for the present Service till Watertowns proportion is Complaeted. Voted that the S" : Sum be allowed to thofe that inlist within two days. Voted that all thofe perfons that are now in the Service & thofe that are going be Excufed from paying a pole tax toward the above Voted Bounty. Voted that the Town Treafurerbe impowered to hire the money to pay the the Bounty untill Such time as the money Can be afsest. Voted that the assessors be Defired to afses the Inhabi tants of this town to Raife money to pay this Bounty emediatly in a Separete list. [145] Voted that the afsefsorsbe Directed that where any perfons hold lands by lease or otherwise that they lay the tax on the Landlords. It was moved to allow the bounty Granted at the former meet ing to Such as inlist on or before the fifteenth Day of this month which was Voted and allowed. Adjourned Town Meeting July 15-1776. It was Voted that the bounty be allowed till the thirty men be inlisted as Required as Watertowns proportion of the five thousand. [146] Meeting of Selectmen Sept. 23-1776. Warrant for Town Meeting Sept. 30-1776. (4) For the town to agree upon Some Proper method for Railing men for the Defence of the united States of America and to act any thing Relating thereto the town may think best. and also to Warn all the Male Inhabitants of the town that are free being twenty one years of age & upwards to afsemble at Said time & place to Consider and Determin whether they will give their Consent that the present House of Representatives with the Council Should agree upon a Form of Government for this State and act thereon as they See best. [147] Town Meeting Sept. 30-1776. Then the 4"' Article was Read and after Debate thereon it was Voted to Choofe a Committe to Consider thereon and Report what way they think will be best for the town to proceed in Raifing The Revolutionary War. 25 men for the Defence of america for the Futer & make Report at M^ Sam' White M"- David Bemis the adjou' Voted & Chofe for S* : Committe M"- Josiah Capen M"- David Sanger M"- Mofes Stone [148] Adjourned Town Meeting Oct. 7-1776. Then the town took into Consideration a Refolve of the Gen' Court of the 17"' of September last Relating to a Form of Govern ment and after Debate thereon They Voted unanimously that they give their Consent that the present Houfe of Reprefentatives with the Council Should Form a plan of Government for the State to be laid before the Several towns in the Same for their Considera tion before it be Ratified. [149] 2nd. adjournment of above meeting to Nov. 25-1776. The Committee appointed to conlider the Matter Relating to Raising men for the Defence of the Country made Verball Report that they had not don any thing on the affair. Then it was Voted not to act any thing on that article. [150] Selectmens Meeting Mar. 4-1777. Warrant for Town Meeting March 10-1777. (3) To know the minde of the town whether they will come into Some Method to proportion the Charge that has already been by hireing men to go into the Service, and to act any thing there on as they think proper. (4) To know the minde of the town what method they will take to Raife Watertowns proportion of men to Compleat the Continental Army and to act thereon as they think proper. (5) To Choofe a Committe of Correspondance &c agreeable to a Refolve of the General Court. [154] Town Meeting March 10-1777. ' M' Rich" Clark M"- Josiah Capen M'' Edward Richardfon M' David Sanger M' Stephen Harris [155] Then the 3d Article was Read & after Debate thereon it was Voted that the town will leave the whole Charge of the war in Equal proportions as They pay other Taxs. Voted to Choofe a Committe to bring in an Account of what Maj'' Sam' Barnard Cap' Phin^ Stearns Voted & Chofe Com"" of Corespondence has already arifen &c. Voted & Chofe for S'* : Committe Clerk Nathan Coollidge M' David Bemis M"- David Sanger L' Josiah Capen ju"- M' Elijah Bond 26 Watertown's Military History. Voted that y" Committe bring in a particular account what each man has don. Then the 4"^ article being Read after Debate thereon : Voted to Choofe a Committe to procure men at y" Expence of the Town. Voted that the Selectmen be a Committe for Sd : purpofe Voted & added Mr: Simon Whitney — L' : Chris': Grant ju. Voted that v" Committe give £24 pounds p' man if they Cannot be had for lefs & have power to hire money for y" purpofe in the Name & behalf of the Town. [156] Then the Com"" Appointed to Consider what Services perfons have don in the War & make Report. Their Report being Read after Debate thereon Voted to Re commit the Report & add four more to the Committe, Voted & chofe Mefs"^: Sam': White, Daniel Sawin, Sam': Fisk Esq': & M"-: W™: Hunt. Then M'' : Edward Richardfon Excufed himfelf from Serving on the Committe of Correspondance and M'' : Daniel Coollidge was Chosen in his Room. [158] Town Meeting March 31-1777, by adjournment. Then the Report of y" Com"" appointed to Consider what Ser vices each perfon has don for the town the present war was Read & was Voted & accepted and is as follows (Viz) : Watertown 2'" of March 1777. The Com"* Appointed by the Town to take into Consideration the Services don for the town in the present war, and what each Soldier Shall be allowed for their Refpective Services, Exclusive of the pay from the Continent or State beg leave to Report as follows (Viz) : (i) That there be paid by the town to each Non-Coramifsion officer & Soldier that engaged in the Service for eight months in 1775 the Sum of 2 pounds each y" N° 35 is - - £70 : 0:0 (2) That there be paid bv the town to each Non-Commifsion officer and Soldier that march""* from Cambridge to New York & from thence to Canada twenty pounds each 19 in Number (3) That there be paid by the town to each ) Non-Commifsion officer & Soldier that march'd I to New-York & engaged in the Service one year j 4° ¦ 0° • o £10 each being four in number - - - J 380: Carried Forward ... £490: The Revolutionary War. 27 Bro : forward - - - (4) That there be paid by the town to each Non-Commifsion officer and Soldier that engaged for one year & marched for Ticonderga in Aug' 1776 £6 each Number being 6 is . (5) That there be paid by the town to each ] Non-Commifsion officer and Soldier that engaged [ in the Service in July 1776 for five months Ex clufive of those y' were hired £5 each y" Num ber being 5 is-- .... (6) That there be paid by the town to each Non-Commifsion officer and Soldier, that en gaged in the Service for two months and Marched for New-York Ocf 1776 £5 each (exclufive of j those that were hired) being 9 in Number is J (7) That there be paid by the town to each j Non-Commifsion officer and Soldier that en- | gaged in the Service for three months and \ marched to New- York in Dec"^ 1776 (Exclufive | of those that were hired) £8 one only went J (8) That there be paid by the town to the following perfons the Refpective Soms affixed against their names, being money Expended by them for the benefit of the present War (Viz) : To Cash paid by David Stone To D° by John Draper To D° by Richard Everitt To D° by Sam' White - To D° by Simon Whitney - To D" by William Leathe To D° by Nathaniel Blight To D" by Ezekiel Hall To D" by Mofes Coollidge - To D° by Nathaniel Bemis To D° by Joel White To D° by Samuel Soden To D° by Elijah Bond To D° by Josiah Capen To D° by Samuel Barnard - To D° by Mofes Stone To D° by Jonas White no bounty rec* from y" town 490: 36: 25: o: O £604: o: o o: o o: o 6 13: 4 6 13: 4 6 13: 4 7 13: 4 7 13: 4 6 13: 4 6 13: 4 7 0: 0 6 13: 4 6 13: 4 6 13: 4 7 15 4 4 6 8 6 13 4 7 13 4 7 : 5 3 Carried over - £112 : 15 : 4 28 Watertown's Military History. [160] bro' over - . - . To Cash paid by John Stimson To D" by Stephen Whitney To D° by Simon Hastings - To D° by Daniel Whitney - To D» by Nathaniel Coollidge - To D" by Amos Bond To D° by Josiah Norcrofs To D" by Thomas Clark - To D° by Thomas Harrington To D° by John Cook To D° by Bezaleel Learned To D" by Thomas Pattin - To D° by Phinehas Stearnes To D° by Samuel Hager To D° by Samuel Benjamin To D" by Edmund Fowle - To D° by Jonathan Child - To D° by Eires Tainter To D" by Peter Harrington - To D" by Elkanah Wales - To D" by Oliver M. Roe - To D° by Eliflia Learned - To D° by Ephraim Jones - To D» by Samuel Nutting - To D" by Amos Livermore - To D° by Samuel Fisk Esq"^ To D° by Jonathan Brown Esq' To D° by David Bemis To D° by William Corkran To D" by John Cookson To D° by Marshall Spring - To D° by Eben' Stedfon To D° by Samuel Cook To D° by Nathaniel Harrington - To D° by Samuel Whitney - To D° by Christopher Grant To D° by Solomon Prentice Carried up - - - [161] bro' up To Cash paid by Isaac Sanderfon - To D° by Ebenezer Stone To D° by Nathaniel Stone - To D° by Phinehas Harrington -, To D" by David Sanger To D" by John Chenery To D" by Richard Clark - To D° by Daniel Sawin £lI2 is: 4 6 13: 4 3 0: 8 6 13: 4 7 5: 4 7 5: 4 6. 13: 4 6 ¦3: 4 7 5: 4 6: 13: 4 6 13: 4 6 13: 4 lO 13: 4 7 5: 4 II 0: 0 6 0: 0 4 18: 0 4 17: 4 4 13: 4 4 0: 0 IO 0: 0 7 10: 0 ID 0: 0 4 0: 0 IO 0: 0 8 6: 0 7 0: 0 IO 12 : 0 II 0: 0 IO 0: 0 IO 0: 0 IO 0: 0 IO 0: 0 IO 0: 0 IO 0: 0 IO 0: 0 ID 0: 0 IO : 0. 0 4o( 5: 0 ~S 406 : o ; 10: o; o: 12 ; o ; 6; o; 6; 10: 8: t. 10; 3: o o o o 8 o 8 16: o 465 : 1 2 : o 77/15 Revolutionary War. 29 The within Report is Submitted to the town by their Said Committe. Sam'- Barnard Pr Order. Then the Qiiestion was Put whether that Deceaf Soldiers &c Taxes Should be Stoped out of their allowance it passed in the affirmative. Selectmens Meeting April 25-1777, house of Samuel Wellington. Warrant for Town Meeting Apr. 28-1777. (2) To agree upon Some method to Raife Seven men to go & march to the State of Rhod-Island agreabled to an order of the General Court. [163] Town Meeting April 28-1777. Then the article Relating to Raifing Seven men to join the army at Providence was Read and after Debate thereon The town Voted to Choofe a Committe of Seven perfons to procure men on as eafie termes as they can. M' Mofes Stone Cap' Phin" Stearnes Maj' Sam' Barnard Voted & Chofe for S"* : Com'"" \ L': Josiah Capen M' Stephen Harris M' Jonas White M' Nathan Coollidge Then Voted that the Said Com"" Shall have power in the name & Behalf of the Town to hire money to pay the men they may hire to go into the S** : Service. Selectmens Meeting May 12-1777. [163] Warrant for Town Meeting May 19-1777. (5''') To make Grants of any Sums of money if Need be for past Services in the present war, and for further Services's and do any thing thereon as the town may think Proper. (6'y) To Choofe any Committee or Committees Required to be Chofe to See to the putting any laws of this State into Execution. (7'y) To here any Reports of Committees that have been Ap pointed for Perticular Services and to act anj'thing thereon as The town may See fitt. (10'^) To know the minde of the town whether the persons the town purpofe to allow any Sums of money to for past Services Shall Exhibit their accounts under oath and to act as they See fitt. [164] Town Meeting May 19-1777. (10) article Read & Voted that the Several persons that are to be allow'd money for their past Services in y" war Should Exhibit their accounts upon oath. 30 Watertown's Military History. [166] Town Meeting June 9-1777. Then the Account of the Committe Appointed to hire Seven men for Soldiers to go to providence was Read Amounting the Sum of 35 pounds and it was Voted that the former Committe that were Appointed to hire men Should pay Said 35 pounds with the money which is in their hands. Town Meeting June 23-1777, by adjournment. The (6) article being Read. Then the following perfons were Chofen to put the Act against Monopoly & Opprefsion into Exe cution viz : Mess' David Bemis, Simon Whitney, Jeddi'' : Leathe, Jonas White & Mofes Stone. [167] Then they Voted & Granted the Sum of £1183 : o: 10 pence to be Raifed by a Tax, to be paid to the Several perfons or their Le gal Representatives, that have done Services in the present War, and that have Advanced moneys for the Support of the Same. The perfons first making Oath to the payment of the Value affixed to their Several names, or produce proper Receipts from the officer or officers to whome they paid the Same, Agreeable to the Report of the Committe Chofen by the town to Consider S"* • Services Then Voted the above mentioned Sum be afsefsed as Soon as Conveniently may be in a listb}' it Self. at the aforementioned meeting Mefs: Jonas White and Thomas Learned were added to the Com"" of Corrofpondance. [169] Selectmens Meeting Nov. 3-1777. Warrant for Town Meeting Nov. 10-1777. Second to Choofe a Committe to provide for the Families of Such Persons as are gon into the Continental Army for y" town of Watertown, & to act any thing Relating thereto as the town may think proper. (3) to Grant money to pay for y" Armes Ammunition & Bread that the Selectmen provided meletia and to act any thing Relating thereto as they See fitt. (4) To know the minde of the town whether they will allow any thing to Such persons as are in the Service as a Reinforcement to the Continential Army, and to do and act any thing Relating thereto as they See fitt. [170] Town Meeting Nov. 10-1777. , The Second Article being Read & the Question being put whether they will Choofe a Committe to provide for the poor Fam ilies of perfons in the Continential army. It paft in the Negative. Then the Selectmens accounts for Armes &c was Read & the Sum of £52: 16: 2 was Granted to pay for the Same also the Sum of 13: 4: o was Granted to pay for the Flour provided by them for the use of the Melitia. The Revolutionary War. 31 Then Voted that the Selectmen Should Sell the Lead and Gun- Locks that they Bought and be accountable to the town for the Money arifing by the Sale thereof. Selectmens Meeting Dec. 14-1777, house Jonathan Brown. Warrant for Town Meeting Dec. 15-1777. [173] to manifest their minds Relating to the Qiiartering Some of the officers of the Army lately Commanded by Gen': Burgoyne in Watertown, and to act thereon as they think proper. [173] Town Meeting Dec. 15-1777. then the Article Relating to Quartering Burgoynes officers was Read & after a fair and Candid Debate thereon the following pafsed unanimously (Viz) That it is the Opinion of this town that the Quartering the British officers among the inhabitants thereof, at this time, is Very Dangerous to the peace & Safty of the town as Well as the publick, and therefore we Cannot give our confent thereto. Then they Chofe the Selectmen to be a Committe to Inform the D. Q; Master, and Such of the Inhabitants of the town as were Inclined to Receive Sd : officers into their families or houfes of this Vote. Selectmens Meeting Jan. 12-1778. Warrant for Town Meeting Jan. 16-1778. to hear the articles of Confederation Read and to act on the Same &c. Town Meeting Jan. 16-1778. then adjourned to the Houfe of m' Bez' Learned and being there Afsembeled, the Articles of Confederation & perpetual union be tween the united States of America as Purpofed by Congrefs were Read & Confidered, and Voted that the Reprefentative be and he is hereby fully Impowered & Inftructed to do and act any thing he Shall Judge proper in order to their being Rattified & Con firmed. Selectmens Meeting Feb. 19-1778. Warrant for Town Meeting March 9-1778. [175] (13) To Grant money to pay what was hired to pay the Bounty to the Continential Soldiers. (14) To Grant money to pay Such perfons as have been in the Service for which no allowance has been made and to act any thing thereon the town think proper. (15) To know the minde of the town whether they will Call in the money that is due to them & Appropriate it for Defraying the Charge of the war, and act thereon as they See fitt. (18) To Determine in what manner the money Shall be paid to the perfons that have been in the Service or have paid money therefor agreeable to the Grants that have been made for them. 32 Watertown's Military History. Selectmens Meeting March 6-1778. (among bills presented at this meeting were the following, no grant having been made :) [176] To Richard Leathe for making Cartriges - 2 : 16 : o To Hugh Mafon for d° &c -3:1:8 To Seth Norcross for Casting Bullets - o : 10 : o To John Draper For Baking &c - - 2 : 12 : o [177] Town Meeting March 9-1778. f M' : Sam' : White ^ r^ ¦.. cr^ I M' David Bemis For a Committe of Correspon- m' David Sanger dance Inspection and Safty | Cap* Phin- Stearnes Excufed [ M' Daniel Sawin [178] The 13 Article was put off to the adjournment. The 14 article being Read it was Voted to Choofe a Committe to procure a list of the perfons that have done Service in the War Since there has been any allowance made, and Report what their Service has been, & Report what is proper to be don thereon. Cap* Phin^ Stearnes M' David Bemis Maj': Sam' Barnard M' Sam White M' Elijah Bond L' Josiah Capen ju' L' Amos Bons M' Jonas White Serg' Mofes Stone M' : Daniel Sawin M' Josiah Bisco Then Voted that the money now in the Treafury that was on Interest before be appropriated to help pay What money has been hired to pay Soldiers. [179] Town Meeting March 23-1778. M' Elijah Bond was Chofen one of the Committe of Corre- fpondance in the Room of Cap' Phin° Stearnes. Voted & Granted the Sum of £500 towards paying the Bounty to the Continenti'l Soldiers. [180] Voted that the Sums that was Granted to each Soldier Shall be paid to them or their order. Then the Committe Appointed to Consider what Services per fons have don in the prefent war for which there has been no allowance made was Read and after Debate thereon the Vote Chofe for Said Committe < The Revolutionary War. 33 Voted & Chofe for S" : Com"" was put whether the Sums Shall be Accepted and it paft in the Negative. Then Voted to Commit the Report to a New Committe toCon- fider and Report what they think is proper to be don thereon and also to Report a plan for the Raifing men in futer in an Equitable manner. M' Jedi" Leathe Sam' Fisk Esq' M' Mofes Stone M' David Bemis Dea" Nath' : Stone \ M' Simon Whitney M' Daniel Whitney L' Chris' Grant ju' M' Richi Clark M' Josiah Capen M' James Barnard Voted that Said Committe make Report at the Next Town Meeting. [181] Selectmens Meeting March 23-1778. They also Signed an order to pay the Selectmen that Served y" last year the Sum of £65 : o : 2 which Sum they paid for armes Flour &c. [183] Town Meeting April 6-1778. Then they took under Consideration the Report of the Com mitte Relating to the men that have don Service in the War & have had no allowance. Voted that the men that went in perfon & thofe that hired others be paid alike for the Service. Voted that the following twelve perfons that were to Reinforce the Northern Army have 30 pounds each (Viz) : Daniel Parker Jacob Sanderfon Sam' Sprague Zach'' Shed Henry Bradffiaw Benj" Capen Mofes Hager Jedid" Leathe Jon* Stone Jon* Livermore John Sawin Peter Richardfon [183] Nov' : The nine that were Raifed to Guard the prifoners at Cambridge (Viz) : Ruggles Whitney Stephen Harris Jon" Crafts Tho= Learned David Bemis ju' Sam': Wellington Thad"= Fuller James Mallard Daniel Mafon 34 Watertown's Military History. The nine men for Dorchester heights (Viz) : Seth Norcrofs Josiah Learned Pennuel Park Andrew Stimfon Jon* Child Daniel Coollige Phin^ Child Benj" Hurd Benj" Hastings 177S Jan'S': to Reinforce the Guards at Cambridge being twenty-three men (Viz): Edw** Harrington ju' Joshua Stratton Sam' Bond Simon Coollidge ju' Nath' Bemis Converfe Spring Luke Bemis W" Learned Tho^ Prentice James Stone Rich'' Everit George Alen Nath' Coollidge John Vila Step" Cook Joseph Bright W" Sanger Andrew White W™ Morfe Jon* Brown ju' Phin^Jenifon Edm" Fowle Joseph Child March Eighteen men to go to the lines for one month all thefe to have their wages with what is allowed them by y" Conti nent & State made up to Six pounds P' month. Then the Report Relating to Raifing men for the futer was Read & Committed to a New Com"" to be taken into a new Draught. ( M' Josiah Capen Chofe for S" : Committe 4 Sam' Fisk Esq'. (M' Josiah Bisco [184] Town Meeting April 20-1778, by adjournment. Voted & Accepted the Report of the Committe on the plan for Raifing men for the Service in the army. See the Report. Voted that the Meletia officers with the Committe of Corre fpondence be a Committe to procure men for the Publick Service in the Army at the Expence of the Town. Voted that Said Committe have power in the Name & Behalf of the Town to hire money if Need be for Said Service. [185] Selectmens Meeting May 11-1778. house of Bezeleel Learned. Warrant for Town Meeting May 18-1778. (2''') For the town to grant money or to do any thing they think Necessary to Incourage the Raifing men for Recruiting the army as they think best. (3'^) For the Town to Determin what Sums of money Shall be afseft at this time. (4'y) For the Town to make grants to Such men as have been in the Service that were omitted before, if they See fitt. Voted & Chofe for S" Committe The Revolutionary War. 35 (6'y) To know if the Town will Call in the money that is due on Bond or Note of Hand & Appropriate it to Such ufes as they See fitt. [186] Town Meeting May 18-1778. Then they Voted to Choofe a Committe to Examin what Ex- pence the town has been at in hiring men for Service in the War & Report to the town. M' : Mofes Stone M' David Sanger M'Sam' White Cap' Phin' Stearnes Maj' Sam' Barnard Then Voted that the Selectmen be joined to the Committe of Corrofpondance & Melitia for Raifing Men to Recruit the army. Voted & Granted a further Sum of £5 pounds to each of the men that Went to the White plains in the year 1776. Voted that the men that went to the Northward in the year 1776 with Cap' Edw'': Harrington be allowed a further Sum of 1:13:4 each. Voted y* the Committe appointed to hire men Report what they Should Receive. [187] Voted that the Town Treafurer Call in all the money that is due to the town on Bond or Note as Soon as may be. Voted & Appropriated Said money to help Defray the expence of the present War. Voted that the Treafurer Report what money is due to the town as aforesaid & from whome due. Town Meeting June 1-1778, by adjournment. Voted & Granted a further Sum of £3 pounds P' : month to each of the men that went to Cambridge to Guard the prifoners & also to each of thofe that went afterwards as a Reinforcement to S"^ Guards and to the men that went to Roxbury lines in addition to what was granted them before. Voted & Granted the Sum of £720 pounds to hire men to go into the Continental army, also Voted & Granted the Sum of £270 pounds to pay the men to go to Peks-kiln [torn] Granted to Wellington & Crane for the [torn] 8 months 40/ each £4 pounds they being omitted [torn]. [188] Voted & Granted the Sum of twenty-two pounds to Cornelius Park for his Service the first eight months and for his Service for one year in going to New York & Canada. The Committe appointed to enquire into the whole Expence that the town had been at in hiring men for the Service Reported. See their Report on file. 36 Watertown's Military History. Voted that the Sum of 2443 : 18 : 11 be afsest as Soon as may be to pay the men according to the Several grants made them. Voted & Granted the Same Sums of money to Cap' Phin*: Stearnes and Leiuteants Josiah Capen & Amos Bond as were allow'd the privates that Served with them. [189] Selectmens Meeting June 4-1778. Warrant for Town Meeting June 8-1778. (2''') To take into Consideration a New Form of Government purpofed by a Convention of y" late General Court ordered to be laid before the Inhabitants for their Approbation or Disapproba tion and to act thereon as they See fitt. (4'y) To hear the Report of a Committe Relating to the Raif ing men for the Service of the war and to act thereon as they See proper. Town Meeting June 8-1778, at Mrs. Dorothy Coollidge. The purpofed Form of Government being Read & after Debate thereon. The Question was put whether they Approve of the Same, and it pafsed in the Negative unanimoufly, there being Sixty Voters present. Voted that the Reprefentative endevor to prevent any thing be ing don Relating to a New Constitution at present. [190] Then a Report of a Committe appointed to Report a Plan for a more eafie & Just way of Raifing men for the Publick Service was Read & accepted which is on file. Then Voted to Choofe a Com mitte to devide the Inhabitants into Lots agreable to S'' : Report. Voted that they Shall he paid 12/ each for each day they Shall Spend Necefsarily in the Service. Voted & Chofe for S": Comtt" Sam' : Fisk Esq' : Jon* Brown Esq' : M' Mofes Stone M' Sam' White M' Josiah Bisco Selectmens Meeting June 25-1778. Warrant for Town Meeting June 27-1778. Secondly to agree upon a Method to raife four men to go into the Service of the united States to do duty in the State of Rhoad- Island & to make a Grant of a Sum of money to encourage the Inlistment of the men for that Service or any futer Service & to do & act any thing thereon that may be thought Necefsary : [191] Then Voted to Reconsider their vote of y" 4 Inftant Relating to Raifing men &c : Voted to Choofe a Committe to hire 4 men for the Service at Rhoad-Ifland and also men for other Services as often as they are ordered by proper Authority with full power to hire money in The Revolutionary War. 37 the Name & behalf of the town for Such Services as often as Oc cation may Require. They to Continue a Com"" for S** purpofe during the towns Pleafure. ( M' : Mofes Stone Voted & Chofe for Said Committe ] M': Sam': White ( L': Amos Bond Voted to allow S*: Committe Reafonable pay for their Service. [193] Selectmens Meeting July 20-1778. At this meeting they Signed an order on the town Treaf to pay the Sum of £1054 : 12 : 8 to Such perfons as has been in the War or had paid money for such Services Agreeable to the Severall grants made them. [193] Selectmens Meeting Oct 1778. Warrant for Town Meeting Nov. 2-1778. (7) To know the minde of the town What Sums of money or Whether any that have been hired to Raife Soldiers, Shall be afsest at this time, and Determin what Shall be further don thereon. [194] Town Meeting Nov. 2-1778. One (Report of Committee) Signed by Mofes Stone & others being a Committe for hiring men for the War &c the Account ammounting to £342 : 12 : o which was Voted & Granted, one other Signed by Sam' Soden & others for like Services amounting to £874 : 3 : o which Sum was also Voted & Granted. [195] Then Voted that the Remainder of the Charge that the town has been at in hiring men for the War be afseft as soon as may be. [198] Selectmens Meeting Dec. 1-1778. They Signed an order to the town Treafurer to pay the Sum of Eleven Hundred & thirty Nine Pounds 17/8 Pence to Sundry Perfons that have don Services in the War each one the Sum that was Granted to them. [303] Town Meeting March 8-1779. M' Rich* Clark Committe of Correspondance Safty &c M' Jed'' Leathe M' Elijah Bond M' Sam' Soden M' Daniel Sawin [305] Town Meeting March i5-i779> '^y adjournment. The Committe Appointed to hire men to go into the Service in the War Reported that they had hired men for the Service to the amount of £80 : 18 : 2 and the town Voted & Granted the Same Sum. 38 Watertown's Military History. [309] Selectmens Meeting May 17-1779- Warrant for Town Meeting May 24-1779- (2) To Consider a Refolve of the General Court for forming a New Constitution or Form of Government, and to act thereon as the town Shall See proper. 310] (5) To Agree upon ways & means to Raife Soldiers for the Publick Service when Called upon by lawfuU Authority. [311] Town Meeting May 24-1779. They took into Consideration a Refolve of the Gen' : Court Re lating to a New Constitution or Form of Government and after Debate thereon the Qiiestion was put Whether they Chuse at this time to have a New Constitution or Form of Government made & it past in y" Negative twenty being against it but three for it. then the Second Qiiestion mentioned in S'' Refolve was put and it pafsed in the Negative. [313] Then they voted to Choofe a Committe to hire men to go into the Service when called for. ( M' Mofes Stone Voted & Chofe for S" : Committe -I M' Sam' White (L* Amos Bond [314] Selectmens Meeting June 28-1779. Warrant for Town Meeting July 7-1 779- (2'y) To consider & adopt any Meafures for Appretiation of the Currency and to act any thing thereon that they may Judge Necessary & proper. ^2'y) To See if the town will give any Inftruction or Directions to their Committe of Corrofpondance at Concord on the 14"" Day of July Next for the above Said Purpofes and to act anything thereon they See fitt. (5'^') For the town to Grant and order the Afsefsing the Mon ies that have been paid for Raising Soldiers and to act thereon as they See fitt. Town Meeting July 7-1779- The article being Read relating to taking Meafures for the Appreciating the Currency as Recommended by the Inhabitants of Boston & otVier places after Considering the Same. They voted to Choofe a Com"" to Consider y" Same and Report what is Proper to be don thereon & Report as Soon as may be. [315] Voted & Chofe for S" : Committe Sam' : Fisk & W"' HuntEsq'*: M' David Sanger M' Sam' : Cook & Jonathan Brown. The Revolutionary War. 39 Then Voted that Said Committe Sit emediately. who Pro ceeded & Considered the matter & in about one Hours time Re turned & made the following Report (Viz) : [Here follows a long report on page 215 original records, and page 279 of the copied records.] [318] Town Meeting July 30-1779, by adjournment. The 5"^ & Sixth articles being Read the Com"'' for Raifing Soldiers Reported the Expence attending the Raifing men for Rhoad-Island & the Continental army amounting to £3226: 19: 6 which was Voted & accepted. (See the Report on file.) [Pages 219 to 223 inclusive contain the Report of the Com mittee to fix the prices of Products of Labor.] [337] Town Meeting Sept. 13-1779. the following accounts were Voted allowed & Granted (Viz) To Cap' Phins Stearnes for Service in the War £45 : 0:0 To L' Amos Bond for D°- - - -22. 12:0 67 : 12:0 Voted that a Com"" Report the names of the officers that have don Service in the War which have had no Grant. Chofe for a Com"" Mefs David Bemis [torn]" Brown Esq' & [torn] Bond. [338] Voted that all the Grants that have been made for Soldiers & other Services Should be Afseft all which ammount to the Sum of £3468 : 19 : 9. Selectmens Meeting Oct. 12-1779. Warrant for Town Meeting Oct. 14-1779. To agree upon Some way to Raife nine men to go into the Publick Service agreable to the Order of the General Court — also to take Some Proper Meafures for filling up Watertowns Propor tion of the Continential Army, and to Grant Such Sums of money as may be thought Necefsary for Said Services, & to act any thing Relating to the Same that may be thought Necessary & proper. Town Meeting October 14-1779. Then voted to Raife a Sum of money to hire men for the Service in the War. Voted & Granted £1500 pounds for Said Service and voted that it be Afsefed emediately. Voted that it be paid into the Treafury by monday Next [torn] 6 : Clock afternoon. then Voted that Mefs David Bemis [torn] David Sanger, be of the Committe in the Room Sam Whi [torn] Amos Bond who are Excufed for the Present. 4° Watertown's Military History. Selectmens Meeting December 10-1779. [339] Warrant for Town Meeting December 20-1779- (4) To give Inftructions to their Delegates that belong to the Convention Relating to their Conduct at the Next meeting of that Body. [330] Town Meeting December 20-1779. Then it was Voted that only one of the Delegates that were Appointed to attend the Convention Should attend at a timeatthe Next Session, Except at the time of Pafsing on the whole Form. [334] Selectmens Meeting February 28-1780. They Signed an order on the Treafurer to pay Samuel White & others a Committe for hiring men for the war the Sum of 67 : 15 : o for their Service in full of their accounts. [338] Town Meeting March 20-1780, by adjournment. Voted & Granted the Sum of £48 pounds to pay mefs [torn] Mofes Stone, David Bemis & David Sanger for hiring m [torn]. [344] Town Meeting May 20-1780. Then the said Form of Gover : was Read to the Town then the Meeting was adjourned to three O : Clock afternoon. [Afternoon again read, after Debate a com. appointed to hear objections & report.] Sam' : Fisk Esq': Dea" Nath' Stone M' Daniel Parker W"' Hunt Esq' Voted and Chose for S* Committee \ L' Amos Bond M' Sam : Cook Jon" Brown Esq' : M' Jed" Leathe M' Josiah Bisco [345] [On this page is the report of above committee and the action thereon.] Town Meeting June 6-1780. Then they Voted & Chose the following perfons for a Com mittee to hire Men to Serve in the Army (Viz) L' Josiah Capen m' Josiah Bisco & Mofes Stone ju'. Voted that said Committee have full Power to hire men on the best terms they can for the Service of this town in the War. [346] Town Meeting June 12-1780. Then the town voted to add two more perfons to the Committee for hiring men. Then Voted & Chofe W" Hunt Esq' and M' David Sanger. The Revolutionary War. 41 [347] Then the town Voted & Granted the Sum of £12000 Thousand pounds to Raife men & procure Cloathing for the use of the Army agreeable to the Refolves of the General Court. Then it was voted that the Sum afore Said be emediatly afsefsed and Collected by next monday Night. Selectmens Meeting July 3-1780. Warrant for Town Meeting July 5-1780. (3) To agree upon Some Method for Raifing a Number more Soldiers agreable to the Refolves of the General Court. (4) To Grant any Sums of Money that may be thought Necef sary for Said purpofe. Selectmens Meeting July 5-1780. They Signed an order on town treafurer to pay the Sum of Seven Thousand & Seventy five Pounds ten Shillings to L*: Josiah Capen & others & Committe to hire men. [348] [Among orders signed on the treasurer] : and to pay Josiah Capen & others '\ a Committe to hire men to fill the > 12000 : o Continential Army J Town Meeting July 5-1780. Then the Committe Appointed to hire men to go into the Army Reported and it Appeared that there was a Ballance due to them of £7075 : 10 : o which Sum was Voted & Granted. Then they Voted & Granted the Sum of £12000 pounds to hire men agreable to the Last Refolves of the General Court. Voted that the Committe Appointed to hire men before Proceed to git the Remainder as Soon as may be. also Voted & Impowered S** : Com"" to hire money in Behalf of the town for Said purpofe. Voted & Granted £3000 Pounds to enable the Selectmen to procure the four Horfes Required by a Refolve of the General Court. Voted that the aforeSaid Grants be Afseft as Soon as may be. [349] Town Meeting July 12-1780, by adjournment. , Voted & Granted the further Sum of £6000 pounds to hire Men in Adition to the former Grant made for that Purpofe. Selectmens Meeting July 24-1780. At a Meeting of y" Selectmen on the 5"" of July 1780. They Signed an order on the Treafurer to pay the Sum of £7075 : 10 : o to L' Josiah Capen & others a Committee appointed to hire men for to go into the Army. and at their meeting on the 24 Day of the Same month they Signed an order to pay the Same Com"" £14000 pounds for the like purpofe. 42 Watertown' s Military History. [350] Selectmens Meeting August 26-1780. Warrant for Town Meeting. (2) To agree upon Some Method to provide the Cloathing ordered by the General Court & to act any thing thereon that may be thought Necefsary. [353] Town Meeting September 6-1780, by adjournment. Voted that money be hired to procure the Cloathing by the Selectmen. Voted & Granted £15000 pounds to pay the hire of Soldiers gon into the Army. Selectmens Meeting October 5-1780. Warrant for Town Meeting October 11-1780. (2'y) To agree upon a Method to procure a quantity of Beef agreeable to a Refolve of the General Court. — and to Grant a Sum of money for that Purpofe and to act any thing Relating thereto that may be thought Proper. [353] Town Meeting Oct. 11-1780. Then a Refolve of the General Court Requiring a Quantity of Beef was Read & after Consideration thereof they — Voted & Chofe M' Jonas White as a Committe to purchafe the Beef Required by Said Refolve. Voted to Choofe a Committe to hire the Sum of £15000 pounds in the name & behalf of town to purchafe S* : Beef. f W" Hunt Esq Voted & Chofe for Said Committee \ M' Sam' Soden (_ M' Sam' White Then Voted & Granted the Sum of Fifteen Thousand pounds and Voted that the Same be afsefsed & paid into the town Treaf ury by the first day of January Next, for to Repay the money that may be hired as above Said. [^54] Selectmen Meeting December 22-1780. Warrant for Town Meeting December 27-1780. (2) To agree upon Some Method to Procure a Quantity of Beef agreeable to a Refolve of the General Court or to provide money to Pay in lieu thereof, and to Act thereon as may be thought proper. (3) To agree upon Some method to raife men to fill the Con tinential Army, and to act any thing Relating thereto that may be thought proper. [355] Town Meeting at house of Mr Thomas Bullard by adjournment Dec. 27-1780. Then they Voted to Choofe a Committe to Con- The Revolutionary War. 43 sider & Report what is proper to be don Relating to the Raifing men. Sam' : Fisk Esq' M' David Bemis M' Mofes Stone Voted & Choofe for S" Committee the meeting house witnessed an unwonted scene, when Dr. Ben jamin Church was tried, convicted and publicly branded as a trai tor to his country. He had served the Provincial Congress on important committees, including the one which received General Washington at Springfield, when on his way to take command of the army at Cambridge. He was later discovered to be in secret correspondence with the British, and one of his letters was inter cepted. He was sentenced to Norwich, Conn., jail, where he remained confined until the following spring. Owing to his ill- health he was then released from prison, ordered to be transported for life, and was placed on board of a ship bound for the West Indies. It is supposed the vessel and its occupants went to the bottom of the ocean, as there were no further .tidings of them received. THE MARSHALL FOWLE HOUSE. Next in historic importance to the old meeting house, in which the sessions of the Provincial Congress and its worthy successor, the Great and General Court, were held, is the Marshall Fowle House, wherein the Provincial Council transacted its business of state. This Council was chosen by the deputies under special authority given, June 9, 1775, by the Continental Congress, to assume those duties that had previously been performed by the royal governor and lieutenant governor. From a paper read by Dr. Bennett F. Davenport, now president of the Watertown Historical Society, eleven years ago, before that So ciety, are gleaned the following facts : "On July 21, 1775, the 205 deputies, who met in the meeting house at Watertown and organized the General Court, chose 28 Councillors, of whom 14 attended the meeting of the board the 26"', and 17 on the 27'". On the 28** the house passed a preamble and resolve, to the effect that the governor and lieutenant governor having absented themselves and refused to govern the province according to the charter, therefore, until they return to their duty, or some governor shall be ap pointed to govern the province according to the charter, the house will recognize the Council, or major part of them, as governor, and will acquiesce in their doings as such. The new government then organized — the legislative board of the Council, commonly called the General Court Board, beginning on July 26 — held sway without any other executive head than the Council, until the adoption of the Constitution, in 1780. " Upon July 21, 1775, ' a committee was appointed to provide some convenient place for the Council to sit in.' It reported the next day ' that a large chamber in the house of Mr. Fowle might be procured, but, it being unfinished, the Committee recommended that there be a rough floor laid, and chairs provided for that pur pose.' The report was accepted, and a committee appointed to prepare said chamber. From the records the Honorable Council appear to have continued to occupy this chamber in the Marshall Fowle house so long as the assembly met in the meeting house at Watertown." This building is supposed to have been built by Edmund Fowle, in 1765. It was originally located a short distance back from Mount Auburn street, and was removed to its present site, on the westerly side of Marshall street, in order that the latter street might be cut through. Once it was a single homestead back of which were ample grounds, with garden, orchard and farm land, extending back to Spring street, in all about 3 J acres, and Edmund Fowle was, in i775) assessed for £47, making him appear as an "THE MARSHALL FOWLE HOUSE," WATERTOWN, IN 1907. The Marshall Fowle House. 7' important property holder among his fellow townsmen in those days of low valuations. It passed into the possession of his son, Marshall Fowle, and is known by his son's name. As the latter had no children, his sister, Mrs. Bradley, became owner of the house. Later, William Russell bought the estate, and he sold it, in 1S71, June 22, to Charles Brigham, the present owner, who, with his partner, Mr. Sturgis, moved back the dwelling, built the street, and divided and sold land in small house lots. The house was changed so as to provide accommodations for two families, a side porch and new front dormers being added, the great central chimney removed, and various other alterations made. The memorial stone at the junction of Mount Auburn and Mar shall streets, states that Gen. Warren slept in the Marshall Fowle house the night before the Battle of Bunker Hill. Charles Brig- ham's mother, Mary Brigham, frequently spoke of this as a gene rally accepted tradition of which she had been cognizant since her early days of nearly a century ago. A window pane, now destroyed, in the old house was inscribed with the name " War ren." Joseph Warren was born in Roxbury, Mass., in 1741 ; gradu ated at Harvard in 1759, and became a physician in Boston, in 1764. He was an orator of note, and a patriot of a high order. He delivered an excellent address on the second anniversary of the Boston Massacre, and another on the same subject in March, 1775- -^^ was president of the Provincial Congress, in i774 ^'^^ '775> ^* well as chairman of the Committee of Safety. He op posed the movements of Gen. Gage, had much to do with the success of the Colonists at Lexington, and objected to the occupa tion of Charlestown heights. Overruled by a majority of the Council which resolved to fortify Bunker Hill, he went there as a volunteer, and, although elected a major-general three days be fore, refused to take the chief command offered him by both Prescott and Putnam. As he was leaving the field among the last, he was struck by a bullet in the forehead, and died at the age of 34. It is said that he rode from Watertown on horseback upon the morning of that eventful day. " Prepare lint, for the poor fellows will need it," tradition says was his last injunction to the Water- town women as he bade them good bye. He galloped along Mount Auburn street to Cambridge, where he made a brief stop, and thence continued his rapid course to Bunker Hill. But the Fowle House had other noble guests, among them be ing General Washington and his wife. From an historical article read by Mrs. Ruth A. Bradford of Watertown before the Water- town Historical Society, May 19, 1891, it appears that Lady Washington was received and entertained in the house, Dec. 11, 1775, stopping awhile in the course of her journey by coach through Watertown to join General Washington in Cambridge. She was the guest of the Hon. James Warren and his wife, who were occupying the house. 72 Watertown's Military History. James Warren was born in 1726, and graduated at Harvard in 1745. He was a merchant, succeeding to his father's handsome estate in 1757. He also succeeded his father in the office of high- sheriff of Plymouth County. In 1766 he was elected to the legis lature, where he warmly advocated the rights of the Colonists. He became president of the Provincial Congress on the death of Gen.Joseph Warren, was for a time paymaster of the Continental Army, and afterwards speaker of the Massachusetts house of rep resentatives. He died in 1808. His wife, who before marriage was Mercy Otis, was a woman of note, a writer of poems and political articles, and also of a three volume history of the Revolutionary War. She was a sister of "James Otis the Patriot," one of the ablest and most influential Colonists in Massachusetts. It is well to know and reflect upon the dignified and honorable character of those men who constituted the original Council that met and organized in the Marshall Fowle house. Many of them had a brilliant part in the creation and firm establishment of our republican form of government. John Hancock, whose charac teristic signature on the Declaration of Independence is a pre dominating feature in that list of immortal names, was a member of the Council. So also were John Adams, Samuel Adams, Caleb Cushing and other illustrious men, as will be noted in the follow ing list of Councilors as chosen by the General Court, July 21, 1775 : Hon. James Bowdoin, Hon. James Pitts, Benjamin Greenleaf, Caleb Cushing, John Hancock, John Winthrop, Joseph Gerrish, John Adams, Jedediah Foster, James Prescott, Michael Farley, Thomas Cushing, Joseph Palmer, Benjamin Lincoln, Jabez Fisher, Azor Orne, Samuel Adams and Eldad Taylor, these rep resenting the territory of Massachusetts Bay ; for Old Colony of New Plymouth, Hon. William Seaver, Walter Spooner, James Otis and Robert Treat Payne ; for the late Province of Maine, Hon. Benjamin Chadbourn, Enoch Freeman. SOLDIERS OF THE REVOLUTION. At the opening of the Revolutionary War, Watertown's terri tory had been seriously reduced. In 1713, Weston was incorpo rated, taking away 10,372 acres; and Waltham, in 1738, was formed with 8S9 1 acres. In April, 1754, a generous slice was taken from the easterly end of the town and added to Cambridge. This last cut included the land from what is now Sparks street in Cam bridge to the Mount Auburn Cemetery, and involved the loss of Watertown's original town site and landing place on the Charles river. Gerry's landing, near the Cambridge hospital, is the place where experts have decided that the Watertown party of Colonists landed, in 1630, and near that point they built the first small village, which was protected by palisades against Indian attacks. Sub stantially, then, in 1775, the limits of Watertown comprised its present area, and the 1446 acres which, in 1859, were taken away to form the new town of Belmont. Watertown, in Jan. 1775, had 207 polls, and a total valuation of £6003, about $30,000. The assessors had an East list and a West list of property-holders and poll tax payers. Number of polls in West list, 127; in East list, 80. Total valuation, West list, £3276 and 9s. ; East list, £2726 and 14s. In order to give an idea, as to the persons who resided in the town at the period of the Revolutionary War, many of whom were liable to be called upon for military duty, the following com plete list of property holders and poll tax payers has been copied from the assessors' valuation report of Dec. i, 1774, four months previous to the battle of Lexington. These lists, neatly written, well spelled, and in good condition, were found with other papers of value in a safe at the Town House. The assessors, whose names are signed, were those old, familiar characters in Water- town's history, Jonathan Brown, Samuel Fisk, and Moses Stone. EAST SIDE LIST. £ s £ s Capt Ebenr Stone 0 0 Saml. Nutting 69 4 Widow Ann Clark 6 0 Moses Stone 161 12 Simon Coollidge 23 16 Nehii Mason 79 0 Sam'ljenison 20 0 Eben' Stone Jr. - 55 16 W™ Learned - 22 8 John Sawin 34 10 Widow Mary CooUi idge- I 10 Jon" Child - 71 18 Natl. Stone 59 10 Daniel Sawin - 36 8 Zachi Shedd 110 10 Elijah Bond 48 16 Isaac Sanderson 45 14 in Kemball's right 6 10 Millicent Bright 20 10 Phin» Child 21 0 74 Watertown' s Military History. £ s £ s in Kemball's right 77 0 estate of Israel Whitney, Jon" Learned 3 10 deceased 60 14 Jon" Learned, jr. 20 10 David Coollidge 44 8 Josiah Bright 76 4 Benj" Learned 4 8 Josiah Norcross - 44 4 Simon Hastings S3 6 Chris' Grant 52 18 Sol" Prentice 43 6 Chris' Grant, jr. 47 16 Isaac Prentice 0 0 Thos, Clark 82 I Ann Bainger 7 4 Rich* Clark 62 6 Thos. Coollidge 13 2 Edwd. Richardson 35 10 in his Mother's right 16 0 Jonas Barnard 51 16 David Stone 4 0 Joseph Coollidge 33 8 David Barnard 2 0 in Warrin's right 2 0 Moses Stone, jr. I 4 Sam' White 153 0 W°> Stone 2 8 in Bright's right 9 12 Jon" Stone 0 19 Jonas Bond - "7 5 Abijah Stone - 0 0 Ens. John Stratton - 45 0 Nath' Bright - - 9 0 Sam' Soden 64 0 Seth Sanderson 5 0 Nathan Coollidge 64 6 James Mallard - 3 12 in Mother's right 36 0 John Vila - 4 16 Tho= Learned 24 16 John Crane 0 0 in Coollidge right - 49 0 Oliver Learned - 0 0 Jonas Hastings - - - 36 18 Spencer Godding 14 10 in Bond's right . 56 0 Jonas Learned 0 0 Amos Livermore 39 16 Nicodemas Gigger - 0 0 in his Mother's right 26 0 Eben' Hovey - - - 0 0 Samijenison 0 0 William Leathe 0 0 Jon° Coollidge Godding 49 0 And^ White 0 0 John Chenery 23 6 Jonas Barnard jr 0 0 Thos. Harrington - 71 10 Simon Coollidge, jr. 9 10 Non Residents. Isaac Sanderson, jr. I 16 John Vassal esq. 26 0 Phin'Jenison - 8 IO Joseph Wellington - 16 0 W™Jenison 0 0 Sam' Swan 3 0 W"i Chenery - 13 0 Eben' Wj-th 5 0 Josiah Bisco 4 4 Jonas Prentise, Jr. - 5 0 WEST SIDE LIST. £ s £ s John Hunt, Esq. 67 2 John Bemis 120 10 Deacon Sam' Fisk III 4 John Cook ... 95 10 Capt. Daniel Whitney 135 0 Tho' Wellington 41 6 Capt. Edw* Harrington - 84 16 Phin" Stearns 59 12 in Stearnes's right - 2 8 Jonas White 135 14 widow Hannah Harris 15 0 Daniel Bond 20 10 Sam' Cook - 35 12 ' Bez" Learned 74 16 Capt. John Tainter - - 26 18 Josiah Capen, Esq. - 130 6 Nath' Harrington 46 16 Widow Dorothy Coollidge 85 o Soldiers of the Revolution. IS £ s £ s Jon" Brown - 52 16 John BuUman 0 0 David Bemis 141 6 Oliver M° Roe 7 0 in Hammond's right 18 0 Edma Fowle 47 0 Ezekiel Hall 161 0 Josiah Capen, jr. '7 6 in Hunt's right - 8 0 Capt. W"" Cookrain 56 0 Joseph Hay 13 0 Pend Park 14 0 David Sanger 37 6 Amos Bond 49 10 John Remington 121 10 Jon" Whitney 6 10 Simon Whitney 50 16 Elki- Wales . 10 0 Nat' Sanger 3 0 Daniel Cornwall 6 0 Jed" Leathe - 26 10 Abner Craft 45 0 John Draper 63 6 Jon" Craft - - 0 0 John Tainter, jr. 5 10 Nath' Craft - - 2 0 Tho" Pattin - 41 18 Benj" Bird - - 0 0 Sam' Sanger 56 6 James Austin - 6 0 Eben' Stetson 17 18 Tho" Prentice 0 0 Sam' Benjamin - 60 18 John Hunt, ju' 8 0 W™ Sanger II 8 W" Hunt 43 0 Elisha Learned - 10 4 W^McCurlain - 6 0 Col" Wm Bond - - 69 4 Capt David Parker - 2 0 Stephn Harris . 29 0 Eben' Everit 28 8 Sam' Hager - 29 14 Rich" Everit - 0 0 Moses Hager 22 0 Elijah Tolman 2 0 John Whitney, jr. 0 0 Benjn Capen 8 0 Joseph Gardner I 10 David Capen 0 0 Lt. Sam' Barnard 79 4 John Randal 0 0 John Cookson 54 0 Joseph Bemis 0 0 David Whitney - 12 0 Sam' Barber 0 0 Ezek' Whitney 8 0 in Spring's right 4 0 Sam' Whitney 25 8 Jon" Brewer 0 0 Tho" Draper 0 0 Sam' Bemis 0 0 Joseph Whitney II 10 Moses Souther 0 0 Elna" Whitney 5 8 Daniel Jackson 0 0 Ameriah Learned 10 0 Jonas White, ju' 0 0 Eires Tainter 31 16 Peter Harrington 27 0 Edw"! Harrington, jr. 31 4 John Fowle 19 10 Daniel Whitney, jr. 37 5 Jedii" Learned 5 0 Convers Spring II 18 Daniel Cook- 0 0 Jonas Coollidge 10 0 Barth^ Peirce 0 0 Staph" Whitney 17 2 John Wellington 0 0 Marshal Spring 28 0 Tho" Bogle 0 0. Seth Norcross 9 0 John Crane - 0 0 Henry Whitney 0 0 Johnson - - - 0 3 W"" Harrington 22 0 Elisha Brewer 0 0 Widow Eliz" Whitney II 10 Abra"° Whitney 4 0 Non Residents. in the right of his Fath Joshua FuUar 4 0 er's Heirs 32 0 Phin" Bond - - - 4 0 76 Watertown's Military History. £ E £ s Oaks Angier 4 O Jon" Hamond 4 0 W-" Park 2 o Nathan Fullar 2 o Wm Coollidge IO 0 John Brown i8 o Jon" Brewer 9 o Isaac Parkhurst 4 o Jon" Fullar - - - 9 0 THE LEXINGTON ALARM. September, 1774, in view of the troubled state of affairs. Water- town ordered its militia company to drill two hours each day for three months, and that its stock of ammunition should be inspected. The company was therefore in a fair condition of training the fol lowing spring. Tuesday night, Apr. 18, 1775, Gen. Gage sent Lieut. -Col. Smith with 800 British troops from Boston to Concord and vicini ty to destroy the stores collected there by the Colonists, and also to seize the persons of John Hancock and Samuel Adams, who were residing at the house of Rev. John Clark in Lexington. The Colonists became aware of this intent, and Paul Revere, galloping on horseback, " Spread the alarm. Through every Middlesex village and farm, For the country folk to be up and to arm." About 70 of these country folk, militia, under command of Capt. Parker, early on the morning of April 19, made a stand at Lexington Common, and were fired upon by the advance guard of British, by order of Major Pitcairn ; eight Colonists were killed and several wounded. The British pushed on to Concord, arriving about 7.30 a.m., where they destroyed such stores as they could find. Col. Barrett, with about 180 militia, engaged a por tion of them in conflict at the Concord river bridge, both Colonists and British suffering slight losses. On one side of the river near the bridge stands today a notable statue of the " Minute Man," to mark where the Americans fought. On the other side of the gently flowing stream is a monument which states that two British soldiers lost their lives in that engagement. The British retreated to Boston, followed and fired upon nearly all the way by the Colonists. The alarm had spread far and wide. From many towns the militia and plain untrained farmers hastened, gaining constantly in numbers and effectiveness ; while the regulars, in defensive warfare, continued to retreat. Watertown took a creditable part in the work of that day. Ac cording to a historical sketch written by Solon F. Whitney, who for many years has been the town's librarian, the Middlesex regi ment, under command of Col. Thomas Gardner, assembled at the Watertown meeting house early on the morning of Apr. 19. In that regiment was the company of Watertown Minute Men, of which Captain Samuel Barnard was in command. This company had been formed in accordance with a vote of the town meeting, Jan. 2, 1775, each man being allowed for his attendance upon 78 Watertown's Military History. military exercises, once each week, four coppers, " for refresh ment." While they were debating as to the proper course of action, Michael Jackson, in command of the Newton company, arrived. He declared that the time for fighting had come, and he intended to have his company take the shortest possible route to get a shot at the British. Each company choosing its course, the Water- town company hastened to Lexington. Near that town they joined the Newton company, and soon encountered Lord Percy's retreating forces. They followed and harassed the enemy. Joseph Coolidge, of the Watertown company, was slain. The British loss that day, in killed, wounded and missing, is said to have been 273 ; the loss of the Colonists, 93. In the military archives at the State House, Boston, is an an cient, wrinkled, and discolored manuscript ; with others of like import it is jealously guarded and must be handled with great care. It gives the names of the officers and men comprising Capt. Bar nard's company which marched from Watertown to Lexington, the number of days service for each one, and the amount of com pensation due. A Muster Roll of the company under the command of Capt. Samuel Barnard, in the late Col. Thomas Gardner's Regiment of Militia, which marched on the alarm April 19, 1775 : Samuel Barnard, Capt. John Stratton, Lieut. Phinehas Stearns, 2""* Lieut. Edw'' Harrington, Ensign Samuel Sanger, Sergt. Christopher Grant " Josiah Capen " Stephen Whitney " Isaac Saunderson, Corp. Moses Stone " Nath' Bright " Will'" Harrington " Nathan Coolidge Nath' Benjamin Stephen Cook Josiah Siiunderson Seth Sanderson John Sanger Tilly Mead Abra" Whitney John Whitney David Whitney John Villa Dan' Mason Wiir Leathe Tho' Learned Dan' CoUidge Moses CoUidge Francis Brown Isaac Prentice Thomas Hastings Amos Tainter Josiah Norcross Dan' Whitney Zacheriah Sheed Jonathan Whitney Spencer Gooding Jon^ Coolidge Gooding Thos Stafford Edw" Harrington Sr. Sam' Sodin David Capen Sam' White, Jr. Jon** Bright Phinehas Childs Jonas Bond, jr. Richard Clark John Remmington Simon Coollidge, jr. Jon^ Stone Benj" Capen Bazaleel Earned The Lexington Alarm. 79 John Bullman Pennel Parks Phinnehas Jenneson David Beamis, jr. Jedediah Learned Sam' Bond Joel White Tho* Prentice EInathan Whitney John Cook John Randall Elisha Tolman John Crane David Stone Wiir Chenery Richard Everitt Tho' Coollidge John Fowle Peter Harrington Sam' Barnard, Jr. Dan' Sawin, Jr. Joshua Stratton Tho» Clark Sam' White John Chennery Dan' Cook Phinehas Childs, Jr. John Hunt, jr. Amos Bond Elias Tuffts James Austin Henry Bradshaw Elkanah Wales Benj* Learned Jonas White Eben Everett James Mallard Zechariah Hicks Nath' Harris, jr. Sam' Benjamin, jr. Jonas Barnard, jr. March i6, 1776. Will" White Will"" Jennison Dan' Learned Jacob Saunderson Jonas Learned Moses Souter Will" Learned Oliver Monroe Phinehas Harrington Will" Watson Jonas Coollidge Edmond Fowle Stephen Harris Henry Gypson Ephraim Jones Will" Parks John Willington Cornelius Stone Jedediah Leithe David Parker Saml. Warrin Leonard Bond Peter Richardson Oliver Learned Jon* Benjamin Sam' Warrin, jr. Elijah Fiezie Will" McCurtain Moses Hagar Elisha Brewer Jon* Childs Tho' Hunt Simon Hastings Dan' Jackson Richard Leathe James Tufts Ezekiel Whitney Cornelius Parks Will" Sanger Tho' Wellington Converse Spring. A true muster roll errors excepted. Sam^ Barnard, Capt. In Council, Mar. 27, 1776. read and allowed and ordered that a warrant be drawn on the treasury for 44£ 13s. ^\A. in full of roll. Perez Morton, Clerk. 8o Watertown's Military History. Middlesex ss. Watertown, Mar. 22, 1776. Capt Sam' Bar nard made solemn oath that the above pay roll by him subscribed is true and just in all its parts. Before me Abr*"^ Watson, Jus. peace Examined and compared with the original E. Starkweather Com. The company traveled 20 miles for which an allowance of id. per mile was made. Capt. Barnard for his six days' service received i£ 7s. 4Jd. The period of duty for most of the others varied from four to six days. The Lieut was paid 2J shillings per day. Sergts. and corps, less and privates is. 5d. per day. The com pany had 12 officers and 122 privates; total, 134. BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL. Following the raid upon military stores and attack upon the colonists, at Lexington and Concord, came a lull which preceded the still more serious encounter between the British troops and the Massachusetts militia. The Committee of Safety by majority vote decided that the fortifying of Charlestown heights was necessary for the public welfare, although in this matter Gen. Warren did not agree with his associates as has been stated. This movement led to the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17, 1775- In that battle. Col. Thomas Gardner's Regiment participated. Col. Gardner was mortally wounded in the assault made by the British. He was succeeded in command by Col. William Bond of Watertown. In the regiment was a Watertown company un der the command of Capt. Abner Craft. The roll of this company, as taken from the State archives, is given as follows : Return of Capt. Abner Craft's company in the 37'" Regt. of Foot in the Continental Army, commanded by Lieu' Col. W" Bond. Name. Capt. Abner Craft Lieut. Christopher Grant Ensign John Child Sergt. Tho' Hunt " Elijah Tolman " Sam' Wales " Sam' Benjamin - Corp. W" Park - " Richard Leathe " John Moreland " Jonas Learned Sam' Mirick Edward Harrington Tho' Sanger Phinehas Child Oliver Learned John Stratton Cornelius Park Sam' DaUe - Town. Watertown Roxbury Watertown Boston Watertown Cambridge WatertownNewton Watertown Sam' Ward - Sam' White - Jonathan Benjamin John Cashwell • John Mcintosh Needham Watertown Boston 82 Watertown's Military History. Name. W" White - John Whitney Sam' Hinds - Charles Harrington Nath' Harris Henry Jipson Joseph Palmer Moses Souther Alexander Nelson Ebenezer Fesandon John Crane James Coollidge Thaddeus Ward Benjamin Learned Joshua Stratton John Leathe W" Jinnerson John Willington William Watson Stephen Frost David Sanger Spencer Coding Leonard Bond John Palmer William Chinrey Ezekel Whitney Zille Meade Sam' Warren, jun' Return dated Cambr Oct. 7, 1775. Town. Watertown idge Cambridge Watertown Cambridge u Watertown Cambridge Watertown Cambridge Watertown The names are given, in most instances, as spelled in the return. As a matter of interest, the list of battles of the Revolution is now presented, beginning with the Lexington Fight of Apr. 19, 1775, and concluding with the surrender of Cornwallis, at York- town, Oct. 19, 1781. The contest was continued for six years and six months, but after Mar. 17, 177^) ^vhen Boston was evacuated by the British, there was no more fighting on the soil of Massa chusetts. New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Virginia received the brunt of subsequent attacks, and, assist ed by their sister colonies, they made a gallant, although not al ways successful defence. BATTLES OF THE REVOLUTION AND LEADING EVENTS. 1775- Apr. 19 The Lexington Fight. May 10 Ticonderoga Captured. June 17 Battle of Bunker Hill. Nov. Arnold at Qiiebec. Dec. 13 Congress orders 13 ships of war. Dec. Alarm at Rhode Island. 1776. March 17 Boston Evacuated. April I 14 Washington arrives in New York. Aug. 22 British land on Long Island. u 27 Battle of Long Island. (i 30 Washington's 15,000 army evacuated Long Island. Sept. 15 British enter New York. (1 i6 Battle of Harlem Heights. Oct. 28 Battle of White Plains. Nov. 16 Fort Washington captured. (I 28 Washington retreats to Penn. side of Dela ware river. Dec, 26 Battle of Trenton. 1777. Jan. 3 Battle near Princeton. Apr. 26 " " Danbury. Sept. II " of the Brandy wine. 11 27 Philadelphia captured. Oct. 4 Battle of Germantown. Aug. 16 " " Bennington. Sept. 19 " " StUlwater. Oct. '7- Surrender of Gen. Burgoyne. 1778. Winter at Valley Forge. Feb. 6. Treaty with France. June 18. Philadelphia evacuated by the British. June 28. Battle of Monmouth Court House. Aug. 29. " " Rhode Island. ii 30- Retreat from " Dec. 29. Savannah taken. Massacre at Wyoming. 84 Watertown's Military History. 1779. July 15- Stony Point captured. Sept. 23. Paul Jones' victory. July 19. Massacre at Minisink, N. Y. 1780. Sept. 21. Andr4 captured — Executed Oct. 2. Constitution of Massachusetts adopted. 1781. Jan. 17. Battle of Cowpens. Mar. 15. '< " Guilford. Sept. 8. " " Eutaw. " 6. Attack on New London & Groton, Ct., by Arnold. Oct. 19. Surrender of Cornwallis. WASHINGTON AT DORCHESTER HEIGHTS. When Gen. Washington took command, July 3, i775' 'f* ^^^ shade of the famous elm tree, still standing, at Cambridge, the Colonial army contained 17,000 men, including the sick. It was lacking in arms, ammunition and accoutrements. The course of the Provincial Congress in making appointments had occasioned discontent among the officers. Washington reorganized the army, held the British within the limits of Boston during the year, and, on Mar. 4, 1776, took possession of Dorchester heights, which he fortified. On Mar. 17, 1776, the British sailed from Boston, and later captured Long Island and New York city. Watertown sol diers had a part in the victorious movement near Boston, as appears by the following record taken from the Massachusetts archives : Vol. 33-30. Pay Roll of a company of the Militia that marched fi:om Watertown, by order of Gen. Washington, to Reinforce the Army in taking Pofsefsion of Dorchester Heights, March, 177^- The company was in service five days, and received the regular pay therefor. Phineas Stearns, Capt. Edw"* Harrington, Lieut. Josiah Capen, jun, Sergt. Stephen Whitney, " Mofes Stone, jun"^. Corporal Nath' Bright " Nat' Coolidge, Clerk Eben'' Stutson Jed" Leathe John Tainter Simion Hastings Eben Baxter Newton Baxter W" Baxter Daniel Whitney Nat' Whitney Benj" Andrews William Leath Tho' Sanger Step" Harris Chas. Harrington Phin' Jennison Dan' Parker Roger Pierce Tho' Hichborn Cha' Willis Henry Sanderson Tho' Harrington John Ridgeway Ep" Wheeler Sam' White Jonas White Joel White John Bright Jon* Farnum Oliver Munroe Joseph Field John Draper John Savage Nat' Stratton Eph" Whitney Pease Tho' Patten Ed" Fowle Elisha Brewer Eph" Jones Dan' Bullard John Cook 86 Watertown's Military History. George Lush Jonas Hastings Tho' Learnard Sam' Learnard Willi" Learnard Cyrus Tainter Ab"" Whitney W" Watson Henry Jepson Cha' Coffin, jun"' Daniel Cook John Bodman John Bontang Day* Sanger Ersk" Whitney Con' Stone Abijah Stone Dan' Sawin James Austin Day** Townsend Dan' Cornwall Tho' Thatcher Benj. Capen Henry Bradffiaw Nath' Ingraham Oliver Learned Phin' Harrington Sam' Bond Step" Cook Moles Coolidge Robert Hawes Benj* Edes, jun"^ William Stone Tho' Coolidge Dan' Mason Jacob Sanderson Dan' Coolidge Eben"^ Wailes Henry Sanderson Jonas Goodding Eben"' Everett Rich" Everett Josiah Biscoe John Smith Joseph Gardner Chris"^ Grant Josiah Capon Moses Stone Eben"' Eustis W" Manning W" Hunt Jonas Stimpson Jacob Downing David Smith SOLDIERS OF LATER BATTLES. The progress of the Revolutionary war called out from time to time additional forces to recruit the Continental Army. From the town records of Watertown, as hereinbefore given, it appears that the frequent town meetings were busy with military affairs. There was a constant cry for money and men. The currency of the time became so sadly depreciated that its value stood at the ratio of i to 75 as compared with hard money. The rich metallic ring of the good old English sovereign was a music to which the ears of Colonists became unaccustomed. War, by long continu ance, had caused the usual difficulty in finding men who were able or willing to sunder family ties for the stern duties and hazard to life on the battlefield. It is a wonder that the Colonists did so well, with all the depressing influences which they were forced to withstand. Yet the records contain no word of murmur or com plaint. New committees were continually being appointed to fill the town's quotas, and the needed money for this purpose was free ly appropriated. Counterfeit money also, was made good by the town to the soldiers and citizens by whom it had been taken, as wit ness the following: May 28, 1778, a committee reported that counterfeit money had been received as follows : Hampshire bills, Samuel Barnard - Jonathan Brown - John Draper David Sanger 30. 6. o The following alphabetical list of soldiers was taken from the Massachusetts Archives. The names are credited to Watertown, some for service, others for residence, and a part for both. It seems hardly possible that the town could have furnished all these men for its own quotas, so it may be that some of them, belonging to other places, were simply recruited in Watertown. Such is not stated on the sheets of yellow paper on which the names are inscribed, however, and the list is therefore given as transcribed from those deaf and dumb files. A few of the names are of those who took service at the time of Shay's rebellion, which succeeded the Revolutionary War. Indians' names appear, proving that the dusky denizens of the forest were flattered, or otherwise attracted, into the Colonial army. Other nationalities than English are also represented. Some have fuller records than others, either by way of terms of service, or by personal description. £10. 0. 0 7- 0. 0 I. 10. 0 =;• 6. 0 6. 10. 0 88 Watertown's Military History. The relative importance of the several counties of this State as recruiting fields, is shown by the following paragraph, taken from the records of the Great and General Court, while it was still holding its sessions in the Watertown meeting house : Thursday, June 20, 1776, resolved " that the five thousand men to be raised in this colony, to go to New York and Canada, be ap portioned on the several counties as follows : Suffolk, 448 ; Essex, 457 ; Middlesex, 1070 ; Hampshire, 742 ; Plymouth, 380 ; Bris tol, 362; York, 105; Worcester, 1136; Cumberland, 39; Berk shire, 261." Alt.en, George. Age, 20 ; height, 5 ft. 6 in. ; complexion, light ; enlisted July 4, 1780, for 6 mos. in Fourth Division Mass. Artillery, Capt. Frothingham, arriving at Springfield July 5, 1780; discharged Dec. 24, 1780; traveled 215 miles from place of discharge to home ; length of service 5 mos. 22 ds. ; name on re turn of Brig. Gen. Paterson, Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service ; also, name on Major Jo seph Hosmer's list of 6 mos. men, as per General Court resolve, passed June 5, 1780. AspiNWALL, Caleb. Enlisted July 5, 1780 ; discharged Dec. 6, 1780; length of service, 5 mos. 13 ds. ; traveled 215 miles from place of discharge to home ; name on Watertown selectmen's re turn ; also name on return of Brig. Gen. Pateison, Camp Toto way, Oct. 25, 1780, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service; age, iS ; height, 5 ft. 9 in. ; complexion, dark ; enlisted for 6 mos. in Fourth Division, Mass. Artillery, Capt. Frothingham, arriving at Springfield July 5, 1780 ; name also on Major Joseph Hosmer's list of 6 mos. men, as per resolve of General Court, passed June 5, 1780. Badger, Timothy. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; resi dence and credited to Watertown ; served in 9th Mass. Regt. for 3 yrs. ; private, Capt. Amos Cogswell's (2d) co., Col. James Wes son's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 12, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also, Capt. Childs's co.. Col. Wes son's regt. ; list of men dated Boston, Mar. 30, 1777, returned by Nathaniel Barber, muster master ; also Capt. Cogswell's co.. Col. Wesson's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. I, 1780, to Jan. 12, 1780. Barnard, Samuel. Watertown ; Captain of a company in Col. Thomas Gardner's regt., vi'hich marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service 6 days; also ist -Major, Col. Samuel Thatcher's (ist Middlesex Co.) regt. ; list of officers of Mass. militia; also pay roll for service from Mar. 4 to Mar. 9, 1776, 5 ds. at Roxbury, at taking of Dorchester Heights ; also, list of offi cers dated Watertown, April 26, 1776. Barrett, Roger. Receipt for bounty, £60, paid him by Da vid Bemis, dated Springfield, May 36, 1782, from the town of Watertown, to serve in the Continental army for 3 years ; also, Soldiers in Later Battles. 89 order for 8 mos. pay as Private, given in a memorandum of orders accepted on account of wages, dated Jan. 23, 1784. Baxter, Newton, Sergt. Enlisted May 9, 1781, in Capt. Stephen Dana's co., Col. Josiah Whitney's regt. of militia, for ser vice in Rhode Island ; traveled 45 miles ; length of service 2 mos. 7 ds. ; also, Capt. Benjamin Edgell's co.,Col. John Jacobs' regt. ; enlisted July i, 1778; service 6 mos. 3 ds. ; also muster roll for Jan.-Oct., 1778) dated Freetown; enlistment to expire Jan. i, 1779 ; also Lieut., Capt. Stephen Frost's co.. Col. Cyprian How's regt.; enlisted June 39, 1780; discharged Nov. i, 1780; service 4 mos. 7 ds. at Rhode Island ; enlistment, 3 mos. ; also receipt for bounty paid him by Jonathan Brown, town treas. of Watertown, dated July 17, 1776. Benjamin, John. Name in index of Continental Army books ; enlisted for 3 yrs. ; served in Crane's Artillery 3 yrs. under Com mander Wells ; also name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1775 : residence and credited to Watertown ; also, return of men enlisted from Col. William Mcintosh's (ist Suffolk Co.) regt. dated Needham, Feb. 21, 177S ; residence Needham, enlisted for town of Needham. Benjamin, Jon'*^. Name in index of Continental Army books ; enlisted for 3 yrs. ; served in 13th Regt. 35 mos. 16 ds. under Col. Calvin Smith; also, name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; residence and credited to Watertown ; also Sergt. Capt. Ebenezer Smith's CO., Col. Calvin Smith's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 15, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also Capt. Na thaniel Alexander's co.. Col. Edward Wigglesworth's regt. ; re turn of men in service on or before Aug. 15, 1777 ; also, muster roll for May, 1778, dated Camp Valley Forge; also, muster roll for June, 1778, dated Camp near White Plains ; also, pay abstract for Oct., 1778; also Maj. John Foster's co. (late) Col. Wiggles- worth's regt., under command of Maj. Porter; muster roll for Mar. and Apr. 1779; reported transferred to Light Infantry co. ; also Capt. Daniel Pillsbury's co. Light Infantry, (late) Col. Wig glesworth's regt.; muster roll for Mar. and Apr.ji779; enlisted Feb. I, 1777- Benjamin, William. Born in Watertown, June 16, 1737. Private, Capt. Deliverance Davis' co.. Col. Asa Whitcomb's regt., which marched April 22, 1775, in response to the Lexington alarm of April 19, from Ashburnham, to which town he had removed in 1760. His son, William, enlisted Apr. 29, 17S1, for 3 yrs. as Private in Capt. Adams Bailey's co. of Col. John Bailey's regt. ; muster roll dated Jan. i, 17S2. The first-named William was great-grandfather of Capt. William H. Benjamin, who is now a resident of Watertown and Past Commander of Post 81, G. A. R. Blaver, William. Name on Joseph Hosmer's list ; enlisted Mar. 31, 1781, for 3 yrs. ; age, 35 ; height, 5 ft. i in. ; complex ion, light; hair, light ; eyes, dark ; blacksmith; discharged Apr. 19, 1782. 90 Watertown's Military History. Bliss, John. Name on Joseph Hosmer's list ; enlisted Dec. 19, 1780, for 3 yrs. ; age, 20 ; height, 5 ft. 5 in. ; complexion, dark ; hair, black ; eyes, blue ; farmer ; discharged Apr. 19, 1782 ; served in Capt. Banister's co. ; arrived at Springfield Dec. 18, 1781. Bond, Amos. Second Lieutenant, Capt. Stearns' (Watertown) CO., Col. Samuel Thatcher's (Middlesex Co.) regt.; request for commission dated Cambridge, Sept. 10, 1777; reported elected June 2, 1777; commissioned Sept. 24, 1777; also Capt. John Walton's CO., Col. Eleazer Brooks' regt. ; engaged Jan. 11, 1778; roll made up to Jan. 22, 177S ; service guarding troops of conven tion ; roll dated Cambridge ; also, muster roll for Feb. and March, 1778 ; service guarding troops of convention. Bond, Amos, Captain; certificate dated Watertown, Mar. 29, 1787, signed by said Bond, certifying that Jacob Watson served in his CO. Bond, Jonas. Name on abstract of First co. Artillery, Capt. Philip Marett, in Col. Thomas Craft's Regt., pay rolls for service from Dec. i, 1776, to May 8, 1777, 5 mos. 7 ds. ; also, pay abstract, dated Boston, July 9, 1777; reported enlisted Nov. 25, i77^- Bond, LEo^fARD, Watertown. Private, Capt. Samuel Bar nard's CO., Col. Thomas Gardner's regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service 3 ds. ; also Capt. Abner Craft's CO., Lieut. Col. "William Bond's (late Gardner's) 37th regt. ; com pany return dated Cambridge, Oct. 7, 1775; also, orders for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Cambridge, Jan. 16, 1776 ; also Capt. Abijah Child's co. ; pay abstract for mileage, etc., from Ticonderoga home in 1776. Bond, William. Lieut. Col. in Col. Thomas Gardner's regt. ; pay abstract of field and staff officers who marched on the alarm of Apr. 19, 1775, dated Prospect Hill; also. Colonel ; lists of offi cers of main and picket guard. May 19 and 20, 1775^ dated at Cambridge; also, Lieut. Col. ; list of officers of main and picket guard May 28, 1775, dated Cambridge; also list of officers in Col. Thomas Gardner's (Middlesex Co.) regt. ; commissioned June 2, 1775 ! also list of officers of main and picket guard June 3, i775' dated Cambridge; also lists of officers of main and picket guard June 3 and June 10, 1775 ; also, order for equipments, dated Cam bridge, June 30, 1775 ; also Colonel ; list of officers of main and picket guard June 3, i775 ! also, list of men who delivered fire locks Jan. 36 and Feb. 9, 1776. Boyonton, Jacob. Age, 16 ; height, 5 ft. 2 in. ; complexion, light; enlisted for 9 mos., as per resolve of June 9, 1779, by Gen eral Assembly; served in Capt. Stearns' co.. Col. Stearns' regt.; also name in index Continental Army rolls as enlisting for 3 yrs. ; served in loth Mass. Regt., Capt. Taylor, for 14 mos. 11 ds. ; also name on Continental town and county rolls for 1779, as serving- under Capt. James Cooper ; also enlisted by Capt. Smith, Sept. I5> 1779- Soldiers in Later Battles. 91 Bright, Josiah. Age, i7; height, 5 ft. 8 in.; enlisted June 21, 1778, in Capt. Stearns' co.. Col. Thatcher's regt. ; name on list of men to fill and complete the fifteen battalions Mass. troops, to serve 9 mos. from time of arrival at Fish-Kill ; received of Jon athan Warren, commissioner, July 20, 1778. Brown, Solomon. Name in index of Continental Army books ; enlisted for 3 yrs. ; served in Col. John Crane's Artillery, under Capt. Benjamin Eustis ; list of men mustered in Suffolk co. by Nathaniel Barber, muster master, dated Boston, Sept. 28, 1777 ; Continental pay accounts for service from Apr. i, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779' residence, Watertown ; credited to the town of Lexing ton ; also, muster rolls for Aug. -Dec, 1777; reported sick at Boston ; also, Capt. Vose's co.. Col. Crane's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. i, 1780, to Apr. 1, 1780; also, descriptive list of enlisted men, dated Jan. 10, 1781 ; Capt. Thomas Vose's co., 3d Artillery regt. ; age, 22 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. ID in. ; complexion, light ; residence, Lexington ; enlisted Apr. I, 1777, by Capt. Lieut. Brown; reported discharged Apr. i, 1780, by Gen. Knox. Bullman, John. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777 ; residence and credited to Watertown ; list of men mustered in Suffolk Co., by Nathaniel Barber, muster master, dated Boston, Apr. 27, i777 ' Capt. Child's CO., Col. Greaton's regt. ; also. Private, Capt. Abi jah Child's CO., Col. John Greaton's (2d) regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Apr. i, i777) to June 20, i779 i ^^' ported deserted. Capen, Josiah, Lieut. Name on return of Capt. Edward Ful ler's CO., Col. Eleazer Brooks' regt. ; wounded ; list of officers be longing to a regiment drafted from Middlesex Co. militia and or dered to march to Horse Neck by Brig. Oliver Prescott, Sept, 26, 1776; also, same co. and regt.; engaged Sept. 29, 1776; dis charged Nov. 16, 1776 ; service, 60 ds., travel included ; roll dated North Castle; also, Capt. Fuller's co.. Col. William Mcintosh's regt.; entered camp Mar. 19, 1778; discharged Apr. 5, 1778; service 18 ds. ; stationed at Roxbury ; roll dated Newton. Caswell, John. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777 ; residence and credited to Watertown ; served 3 yrs. in 3d Regt., under Capt. Watson ; list of men mustered in Suffolk Co. by Nathaniel Bar ber, muster master, dated Boston, Mar. 16, 1777; served in Col. John Greaton's regt. ; enlisted Jan. 24^ 1777! discharged Jan. 24, 1780. Cato, Negro. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777 ; residence and , credited to Watertown. Chardol, Peter. Age, 17; height, 5 ft. i in. ; Frenchman; enlisted for 9 mos. as per resolve of Apr. 20, 1778, by General As sembly ; served in Capt. Stearns' co.. Col. Thatcher's regt. Child, Amos. Name on Joseph Hosmer's list ; enlisted Mar. 24, 1781, for 3 yrs. ; age, 17 ; height, 5 ft. 5 in. ; complexion, light ; hair, light; eyes, blue ; laborer; discharged Apr. 19, 1782. 92 Watertown's Military History. Childs, Phinehas. Age, 22 ; height, 5 ft. 8 in. ; complexion, light; enlisted July 4, 1780, for 6 mos. in Fourth Division, Mass^ Artillery, Capt. Frothingham, arriving at Springfield July 5, 1780; discharged Dec. 6, 1780; service 5 mos. 13 ds. ; traveled 215 miles from place of discharge to home ; also, name on return of Brig. Gen. Paterson, Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service ; also, name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list of 6 mos. men, as per General Court resolve, passed June 5, 1780. Cook, Daniel. Name on return of Capt. Fuller's co.. Col. Brooks' regt. Cooke, Stephen, Sergt. Name on return of Capt. Joel Fletch er's CO., Col. Ephraim Doolittle's regt., camp Winter Hill, Oct. 6) 1775- Coolidge, Joseph. Age, 18 ; height, 5 ft. 9 in. ; conrplexion, light; enlisted July 4, 1780, for 6 mos. in Fourth Division Mass. Artillery, Capt. Frothingham, arriving at Springfield July 5, 1780; discharged Dec. 6, 1780; length of service, 5 mos. 13 ds. ; traveled 215 miles from place of discharge to home ; also, name on return of Brig. Gen. Paterson, Camp Totoway, Oct. 35, 1780, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service ; also, name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list of 6 mos. men, as per resolve of General Court, passed June 5, 1780. Cornwall, Daniel. Name on return of Capt. Fuller's co., Col. Brooks' regt.; company return endorsed Oct., 1776; also certificate dated Watertown, Feb. 10, 1778, signed by Alexander Shepard, stating that said Cornwall and others had enlisted to serve as guards to the Powder House in Watertown for a term of 6 mos., agreeable to a resolve of Oct. 13, 1777, and had received provi sions for only a portion of the time. Craft, Abner. Watertown ; Captain, Col. Thomas Gardner's regt. ; list of officers recommended for commissions by the Com mittee of Safety; ordered in Provincial Congress, June 2, 1775, that commissions be delivered ; also, Capt. in Lieut. Col. Bond's (late Gardner's) regt. ; company return dated Cambridge, Oct. 7, 1775- Cunningham, Robert. Enlisted July 27, 1781, in Capt. Asa Drury's co.. Col. Turner's regt., for service in Rhode Island ; length of service 3 mos. 4 ds. Cutler, Josiah. Name on abstract of mileage money to and from camp, at one penny a day, due Capt. Caleb Brooks' co.. Col. Nicholas Dike's regt. ; service 3 mos. to Dec. i, 1776, at Dorches ter Heights; dated Nov. 27, 1776; pay abstract dated Boston, Nov. 27, 1776. Dike, Nicholas. Name on abstract of mileage money to and from camp, at one penny per mile, due Capt. Caleb Brooks' co.. Col. Nicholas Dike's regt. ; service 3 mos. to Dec. i, 1776, at Dorchester Heights; dated Boston, Nov. 27, 1776. .Soldiers in Later Battles. 93 Dodge, Antipas. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; resi dence and credited to Watertown ; also name in index of Conti nental Army books; served 3 yrs. in 12th Regt. in Major's co. ; deserted Feb. 8, 1780. Downing, James. Receipt for bounty, £75, from the town of Watertown, to serve in the Continental Army 3 yrs. ; receipt for bounty dated Boston, Apr. 10, 1782, paid said Downing by Moses Stone, chairman of class 2, Watertown. Edwards, Benjamin. Name on list 3 yrs. men, 1777; resi dence and credited to Watertown. Fairservice, Ceaser. Age, 19 ; height, 5 ft. 5J in. ; negro ; hair, black; eyes, black ; laborer; enlisted Jan. 34, 1781, for3yrs. ; also, name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list ; discharged Apr. 19, 1782 ; also. Private, Capt. Jeremiah Miller's co.. Col. Joseph Vose's regt. ; muster rolls for June and July, 1781, dated Phillips- burg; reported on command at West Point; also, muster rolls for Sept.-Nov., 1781 ; also, muster rolls for Jan. and Feb., 17S2, dated York Hutts. Fowle, Jeremiah. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; resi dence and credited to Watertown ; list of men mustered by Na thaniel Barber, muster master for Suffolk Co., dated Boston, Feb. 2,1777; Capt. Wiilington's co.. Col. Edward Wigglesworth's regt.; also. Private, Capt. E. Smith's co., Col. Smith's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Feb. i, 1777, to Aug. 35, 1778; reported exchanged Aug. 35, 1778; also reported discharged; also, same co. and regt. ; muster roll for June, 1778, dated Camp Greenwich ; also. Private, Capt. Nathaniel Heath's CO.; enlisted Feb. 8, 1779; discharged May 7, 1779; service 3 mos. with guard under Maj. Gen. Gates of Boston. Fowler, Nathaniel. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; resi- dence and credited to Watertown. FuLFORD, John. Name on list of men to fill the 15 Mass. battalions, to serve 9 mos. from time of arrival at Fish Kill ; re ceived of Jonathan Warren, Commissioner, July 30, 177^; enlisted June 21, 1778) for 9 mos. in Capt. Stearns' co.. Col. Thatcher's Regt. Fuller, Nath'. Name in index of Continental army books; List of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, muster master for Suffolk Co., dated Boston, Apr. 13, 1777; Col. Crane's regt.; also. Gunner, Capt. Winthrop Sargent's co., Col. John Crane's (S'" Artillery) regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Mar. 28, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; credited to Watertown; also, same co. and regt.; muster rolls for Oct. and Nov. i777i reported on command at the Park ; also, same co. and regt. ; mus ter roll for Dec, i777> ^'s°! Sergeant same co. and regt.; Con tinental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. i, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780; reported as serving 5 mos. as Gunner and 7 mos. as Sergeant; also descriptive list returned by Gen. Heath; age, 20; 94 Watertown's Military History. stature, 5 ft. 9 in. ; complexion, light; enlisted May 39, i777' ^y Lieut. Hiwell, and promoted to Sergeant May 5, 1780. Gains, James. Name in index of Continental Army books; list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, muster master for Sufr folk Co., dated Boston, Feb. 16, 1777; Capt. Brewer's co.. Col. Brewer's regt. ; also, Private, Major's co., Cal. Ebenezer Sprout's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. i, i777) foDec 31, 1779; residence Watertown ; also, Capt. Brewer's CO., Col. Brewer's regt.; return dated camp, Valley Forge, Jan. 23, 1778; also, descriptive list dated West Point, Feb. 4, 1781; 3g6 38; stature, 5 ft. 7 in.; complexion, light; hair, brown; occu pation, tailor; served at West Point garrison, Phillipsburg, etc. Gale, Samuel. Name on return of Capt. Edward Fuller's CO., Col. Brooks' regt.; company return endorsed Oct., i77^- Gandal, John. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, i777) residence and credited to Watertown. Gardiner, Thomas. Age, 18; height, 5 ft. 7^ in. ; complex ion, light; enlisted for 9 mos., as per resolve of June 9, i779) by General Assembly; served in' Capt. Stearns' co.. Col. Stearns' regt. ; also, name on Continental town and county roll, i779) ^^ serving under Capt. James Cooper; enlisted Oct. 23, 1779, for 3 yrs., or during the war, by Capt. Parks, under whom he served 14 mos., 8 ds. in lo"" Mass. Regt. ; also name in index of Conti nental Army books; received $200 bounty. Gill, John. Name on return of Capt. Edward Fuller's co., Col. Brooks' regt.; co. return endorsed Oct., 1776. Gooding, Spencer. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; resi dence and credited to Watertown; Private, Capt. Abijah Childs' CO., Col. John Greaton's regt. (3d); Continental Army pay ac counts Feb. I, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; reported mustered by muster master 13arber; also, Capt. Williams' (Light Infantry) co.. Col. Greaton's (3d) regt.; enlisted Feb. i, 1777. Gray, Richard. Name in index of Continental Army bopks; name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; birthplace. West Indies; resi dence and credited to Watertown ; also, Capt. Thomas Willing- ton's CO., Col. Edward Wigglesworth's regt. ; also, Sergeant, same CO. and regt.; also, Capt. Ebenezer Smith's co.. Col. Wiggles worth's regt. ; enlisted Apr. i, 1777, during war; also, descrip tive list for deserters from Lieut. Col. Calvin Smith's (13th) regt. ; endorsed July 13, 1780; rank. Sergeant; age, 36 yrs.; stature, 5 ft. 10 in.; complexion, light; hair, brown; occupation, seaman; deserted May, 1779. Hall, Michael. Name on Joseph Hosmer's list; enlisted, Dec. 30, 1 78 1, for 3 yrs. ; age 35 ; height, 5 ft. 11 in. ; complexion, dark; hair, black; eyes, black; farmer; discharged Apr. 19, 1783; engaged for Watertown; arrived at Springfield Jan. 4, 1782. Hammon, Jonathan. Enlisted Aug. 36, 1781, in Capt. Asa Soldiers in Later Battles. 95 Drury's co., Col. Turner's regt. for service in Rhode Island; length of service, 3 mos. 5 ds. ; discharged Nov. 17, 1781 ; roll endorsed "five months service at Rhode Island." Harden, Thomas. Age, 19; height, 5 ft. 4 in. ; complexion, light; enlisted for 6 mos. in Fourth Division, arriving at Spring field July 5, 1780; served in the artillery, under Capt. Frothing ham ; also, name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list, as per General Court resolve of June 5, 1780. Harding, Thomas. Enlisted July 4, 1780; discharged Dec. 18, 1780; length of service 5 mos. 36 ds. ; traveled 315 miles from place of discharge to home; selectmen's return; also name on return of Brig. Gen. Paterson, Camp Totoway, Oct. 5, 1780, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service. Harris, Benjamin. Name in index of Continental Army books ; also, name on list of 3 yrs. men, i777 i residence and cred ited to Watertown ; Private Capt. Wiilington's co., Col. Asa Whit comb's regt. ; muster roll dated Camp at Ticonderoga, Nov. 37, 1776; enlisted Oct. 1, 1776; also, Capt. Ebenezer Smith's co.. Col. Calvin Smith's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Feb. 33, i777) to Dec 31, 1779; also, same co.. Col. Wig glesworth's regt ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. I, 1780, to Feb. 25, 1780. Harris, Nathaniel. Private, Capt. Parker's co.. Col. Je- duthan Baldwin's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for ser vice from Mar. I, 1777, to Apr. 3o, 1778; also, return dated Morristown, July 26, 1780, made by Col. Baldwin ; residence, Watertown; engaged Mar. i, 1777; term during war; said Har ris returned among non-effectives in Capt. Phineas Parker's co. of artificers; reported died Apr. 20, 1778- Harris, Stephen. Age, 17; height, 5 ft. 7 in; complexion, light; enlisted for 9 mos., as per resolve of June 9, i779' ^7 Gene ral Assembly; served in Capt. Stearns' co., Col. Stearns' regt.; also enlisted Oct. 26, 1779, for 3 yrs. or during the war, by Capt. Parks, under whom he served in the loth Mass. Regt. 14 mos. 5 ds. ; also name on Continental town and county rolls, as serving under Capt. James Cooper. Haskel, John. Name on abstract of mileage money to and from camp at one penny per mile, due Capt. Caleb Brooks' co.. Col. Nicholas Dike's regt.; service 3 mos. to Dec. i, 177^) ^t Dorchester Heights; dated Nov. 27,' 1 776- Hastings, James. Name on return of Capt. Fuller's co.. Col. Brooks' regt. ; wounded. Hastings, Samuel, Jr. Certified by Capt. Amos Bond to be a soldier in his co.. Mar. 29, 1787; Shay's rebellion. Holland, James. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; resi dence, Newfoundland; credited to Watertown; list of men mus tered by Nathaniel Barber, dated Boston, Mar. 30, 1777; Capt. Wiilington's co., Col. Wigglesworth's regt.; also Fife Major, 96 Watertown's Military History. Capt. Noah Allen's co.. Col. Smith's regt. ; Continental pay ac counts for service from Feb. 6, 1777, to Dec. 31, i779) ^"^^ from Jan. I, 17S0, to Feb. 6, 1780. Jenison, Samuel, Corp. Capt. Stephen Dana's co., Col. Josiah Whitney's regt. of militia, for service in Rhode Island; traveled 45 miles ; length of service 2 mos. 2 ds. ; arrived at des tination May 14, 1777; Private, Capt. Joseph Fuller's co.. Col. Samuel Bullard's regt. ; enlisted Aug. 20, 1777; discharged Nov. 29, 1777; service 3 mos., 22 ds., at Stillwater, travel (12 ds.) in cluded; Roll sworn to in Middlesex Co.; order on Henry Gard ner, Treasurer, dated Watertown, July 13, 1781, signed by said Jenison and others, for wages for service as guards under Sergt. Richards; receipt dated Watertown, July 17, 1776, for bounties paid said Jenison and others by Jonathan Brown, Town Treasurer, for enlisting " as Soldiers in defence of this Country." Jones, Samuel, Corp. Enlisted Sept. 3, 1781, in Capt. Asa Drury's co.. Col. Turner's regt., for service in Rhode Island; length of service 2 mos. 28 ds. ; discharged Nov. 27, 1781 ; Roll endorsed "five Months service at Rhode Island." Jones, Sam' Paine, Sergt. Enlisted July 4, 1780; discharged Dec. 10, 1780; length of service 5 mos. i8 ds. ; traveled 215 miles from place of discharge to home ; name on Watertown selectmen's return; also name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list of 6 mos. men, as per General Court resolve of June 5, 1780; also, name on return of Brig. Gen. Paterson, Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service ; served in Fifth Division Mass. 6 mos. men who marched from Springfield under Lieut. Taylor, 2d Regt. July 6, 1780; re-enlisted Mar. 24, 1781, for 3 yrs.; age, 22; height, 5 ft. 10 in.; complexion, light; hair, brown; eyes, dark; cordwainer; discharged, Apr. 19, 1782. Keith, Timothy. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; resi dence and credited to Watertown ; also name in index of Conti nental Army books; also, Capt. Child's co., 25"" regt. ; company receipt, given to Capt. Child for wages for July, 1776, dated Mt. Independence; also, enlistment agreement, dated Nov. 16, 1776, for 3 yrs. service ; also, list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, dated Boston, Apr. 13, 1777; Capt. Child's co., Col. Greaton's regt.; also. Private, Capt. Joseph Williams' co.. Col. John Greaton's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. I, 1780, to Apr. i, 1780; residence, Watertown. Lane, John. Age, 22; height, 5 ft. 3 in.; enlisted June 21, 1778, for 9 mos., in Capt. Stearns' co.. Col. Thatcher's regt. Larabee, John. Enlisted July 10, 1779, in Capt. Thomas Hovey's CO., Col. Nathan Tyler's regt. for Rhode Island service; discharged Dec. 25, 1779; service, 5 mos. 29 ds. ; also, same co. and regt., payroll for Dec. 1779, allowed i mo. 4 ds. for service at Rhode Island; traveled 74 miles. Larrabee, Jon*. Name in index of Continental Army books ; served 4 yrs. in ist Regt., Commander Ashley ; received $200 Soldiers in Later Battles. 97 bounty; also, name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; residence and credited to Watertown. Learned, Benj*- Name in index of Continental Army books ; served in Col. Crane's Artillery, Commander Eustis; also, list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, dated Boston, June 8, 1777; also, Matross, Capt. Benjamin Eustis' co.. Col. John Crane's regt. ; Continental pay accounts for service from April i, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; credited to "Watertown; also, Capt. Vose's co.. Col. Crane's (3'" Artillery) regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. i, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780. Learned, Jedidiah. Name on return of Capt. Edward Ful ler's CO., Col. Brooks' regt.; company return endorsed "Oct., 1776"; said Learned reported as having lost articles in battle. Learned, Oliver. Age, 35 ; height, 5 ft. 6J in. ; complexion, sandy; enlisted for 9 mos., as per resolve of Jnne 9, 1779, by General Assembly; served in Capt. Stearns' co.. Col. Stearns' regt.; also, name on Continental town and county rolls, 1779, as serving under Capt. James Cooper; also, name as Sergt. enlisted Aug. 26, 1781, in Capt. Asa Drury's co.. Col. Turner's regt., for Rhode Island service ; served 3 mos., 6 ds. ; also, name on return of Capt. Fuller's co.. Col. Brooks' regt. Learned, Oliver. Age, 38 ; height, 5 ft. 8 in. ; complexion, red; enlisted July 4, 1780, for 6 mos. in Fourth Division Mass. Artillery, Capt. Frothingham, arriving at Springfield July 5, 1780; discharged Dec. 14, 1780; length of service, 5 mos. 26 ds. ; trav eled 215 miles from place of discharge to home; name on Water- town selectmen's return; also, name on return of Brig. Gen. Pat erson, Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service; also, name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list of 6 mos. men, as per General Court resolve of June 5, 1780. Leathe, John. Name on list of men to fill the 15 Mass. battalions, to serve 9 mos. from time of arrival at Fish-Kill ; re ceived of Jonathan Warren, commissioner, July 20, 1778; age 22 ; height, 5 ft. 3 in. ; enlisted for 9 mos., as per resolve of Apr. 20,1778; served in Capt. Stearns' CO., Col. Thatcher's regt. ; also Private, Capt. Joseph Fuller's co.. Col. Samuel Bullard's regt.; enlisted Aug. 20, 1777' discharged Nov. 29, 1777; service 3 mos. 22 ds., at Stillwater, including 12 ds. (240 miles) travel home; also, Matross, Capt. Lieut. James Furnivall's detachment, drafted from Gen. Warner's brigade; engaged Sept. 10, 1777 ; discharged Nov. 39, 1777' service 2 mos., 20 ds., at the Northward; resi dence and credited to Watertown; also. Private, Capt. Jacob Wales' CO., Col. Thomas Marshall's regt, ; enlisted June 2i, 1778 ; discharged Mar. 21, i779i reported sick at Bedford in Jan. 1779. Lenard, Benj*. Enlisted Apr. i, 1777, for 3 yrs. or during the war, by Capt. Brown ; served in 3d Regt. Artillery under Capt. Thomas Vose; also, name on list of 3 yrs. men, i777i residence and credited to Watertown ; rank, Matross ; age, 39 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. *j\ in. ; complexion, dark. 98 Watertown's Military History. Lennen, John. Certified by Capt. Amos Bond to be a soldier in his CO., Mar. 29, 1787; Shay's rebellion. Letherbee, Jonathan. Name on return of Capt. W" Rogers' CO. of Col. Loammi Baldwin's regt. 38"' foot. Continental Army; also, name on return of Capt. Fuller's co.. Col. Brooks' regt. Lewes, James. Name on Joseph Hosmer's list; enlisted Feb. 13, 17SI) for 3 yrs.; age, 46; height, 5 feet, 5 in.; complexion, light; hair, light ; eyes, blue ; cordwainer; discharged Apr. 19, 17S3; credited to Watertown. Lewis, James. A Watertown resident who served the town of Needham, under Capt. Wallcutt, Col. Marshall; enlisted Feb. 31, 177:!, !or 3 yis. Lines, Francis, Corp. Name in index of Continental Army books; Capt. Ebenezer Cleavland's co., Col. Michael Jackson's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Dec. 29, 177S, to Dec. 31, 1779; residence, Watertown; also, Sergt., Major's CO., Col. Jackson's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for services from Jan. 1, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780; also, descriptive list dated Jan. 7, 1781 ; Capt. Abner Wade's co.. Col. Michael Jackson's (8th) regt. ; rank, Sergt. ; age, 32 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 9 in.; complexion, light ; hair, brown; occupation, hatter ; birth place, Kidderminster. Lisco, Peter. Age, 18; height, 5 ft. 10 in.; enlisted June 19, 177S) for 9 mos., in Capt. Stearns' co.. Col. Thatcher's regt.; also, name on list of men to fill and complete the 15 Mass. bat talions, to serve 9 mos. from time of arrival at Fish-Kill ; received of Jonathan Warren, commissioner, July 20, 1778. LissuAT, Peter. Frenchman ; enlisted for 9 mos. as per re solve of Apr. 20, 1778, by General Assembly; served in Capt. Stearns' co., Col. Thatcher's regt. ; age, 18 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 10 in. ; engaged for Watertown. Littleman, Sam>^, Name on Joseph Hosmer's list; enlisted Dec. 29, 1781, for 3 yrs.; age, 28; height, 5 ft. 6 in.; Indian; hair, black; eyes, black ; hunter; discharged Apr. 19, 1782 ; also, list of men enlisted and received at "this Post," as returned by Seth Banister, Capt. 4th Mass. regt., and Commandant at Spring field; arrived at Springfield Jan. 4, 1782. Martindell, John. Enlisted June 30, 1779, for 3 yrs. or dur ing the war, by Major Porter; served in 3rd Mass. Regt under Capt. Vose; Drummer, Capt. Fowle's co.. Col. Smith's regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for services from Jan. I, 1780, to Dec. 31, 17S0; residence, Watertown. Mason, Moses. Age, 16; height, 5 ft. 9 in.; complexion, light; enlisted July 4, 17S0, for 6 mos. in Fourth Division Mass Artillery, Capt. Frothingham, arriving at Springfield July 5, 1780: discharged Dec. 14, 1780; length of service, 5 mos. 22 ds; trav eled 315 miles from place of discharge to home; name on ¦Water- town Selectmen's return; also, name on return of Brig. Gen. Pat Soldiers in Later Battles, 99 erson, Camp Totoway, Oct. 35, 17S0, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service; also, name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list. of 6 mos. men, as per General Court resolve, passed July 5, 1780. McCurtin, William. Name on return of Capt. Edward Ful ler's CO., of Col. Brooks' regt. ; list of men who guarded the pow der house at Watertown from July 38, 1776, to Aug. i, 1776, under the direction of Alexander Shepard, jr., also. Gunner, Capt. Win throp Gray's (3rd) Co., Col. Thomas Crafts' (Artillery) regt.; service from Aug. i, 1777, 72 ds. ; return of men, same co., who marched on secret expedition to Rhode Island and were entitled to bounty, dated Boston, Jan. 8, 1778; also received additional bounty of £15. Mills, Ceaser. Age, 19; height, 5 ft. 6 in. ; negro; enlisted July 4, 1780, for 6 mos. in Fourth Division Mass. Artillery, Capt. Frothingham, arriving at Springfield July 5, 1780; discharged Dec. 31, 1780; length of service, 6 mos. 9 ds. ; traveled 315 miles from place of discharge to home ; name on Watertown Selectmen's return; also, name on return of Brig. Gen. Paterson, Camp Tot oway, Oct. 25, 1780, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service; also name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list of 6 mos. men, as per General Court resolve of June 5, 1780. MiRiCK, Samuel. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777 > residence and credited to Watertown ; Lieut, and Quartermaster, Col. Eben ezer Sprout's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. i, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780; reported as serving 7 mos. as Ensign ; also. Ensign, i2tli Mass. Regt. ; return of officers cer tified at Boston, July 13, 1780, by Lieut. Asa Bullard. Murpht, James. Name on Joseph Hosmer's list ; enlisted Dec. 26, 1780, for 3 yrs. ; age, 25 ; height, 5 ft. 9 in. ; complexion, light; hair, light; eyes, blue; farmer; discharged Apr. 19, 1782; also, list of men " enlisted and received at this Post," as returned by Seth Banister, Capt. 4th Mass. Regt. and Commandant at Spring field; reported as having arrived at Springfield Jan. 4, 1783. Norcross, Joseph, Fifer. Name on muster roll of Capt. Wm. Scott's CO., 38th foot. Col. Paul Dudley Sargeant; muster roll dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enlisted July 10, 1775, service, 33 ds. ; also CO. return dated Oct. 6, 1775 ; also, bounty coat or its equivalent in money ; order granted Dec. 38, i775- Norcross, Josiah. Receipt dated Watertown, July 17, i776» for bounties paid said Norcross and others by Jonathan Brown, Town Treasurer, for enlisting '' as Soldiers in the Defence of this Country." Notonksion, William. Name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list ; enlisted Dec. 29, 1780, for 3 yrs. ; age, 24 ; height, 5 ft. 11 in. ; Indian; hair, black; eyes, black; hunter; discharged Apr. 19, 1782. Nutting, Samuel. Name on return of Capt. Fuller's co. of Col. Brooks' regt. lOO Watertown's Military History. Parker, David. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; residence and credited to Watertown ; also, name in index of Continental Army books ; served 3 yrs. in loth Regt. ; also, same name given as a resident of Watertown who served the town of Needham, under Capt. Wallcutt, Col. Marshall, and enlisted Feb. 21, 1778, for 3 yrs. Parker, Nathaniel. Name in index of Continental Army books; served 6 mos. in 13th Regt., Capt. Woodbridge, Col. Calvin Smith ; age, 24 yrs. ; stature, 5 ft. 9 in. ; complexion, light ; occupation, farmer ; residence, Newtown ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from July i, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1780; resi dence, Watertown. Parkhurst, Isaac. Certified by Capt. Amos Bond to be a soldier in his co. Mar. 29, 1787; Shay's rebellion. Pierce, Mathew. Enlisted for 6 mos. in Fourth Division, arriving at Springfield July 5, 1780 ; age, 25 ; height, 5 ft. 9 in. ; complexion, light ; served in the Artillery under Capt. Frothing ham ; enlisted July 4, 1780; discharged Nov. 2, 1780; length of service, 4 mos. 9 ds. ; traveled 215 miles from place of discharge to home ; name on Watertown Selectmen's return ; also, name on return of Brig. Gen. Paterson, Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service ; also, name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list of 6 mos. men, as per General Court resolve of June 5, 1780. Pope, John. Age, 18 ; height, 5 ft. 6 in. ; complexion, light; enlisted July 4, 1780, for 6 mos. in Fourth Division Mass. Artil lery, Capt. Frothingham, arriving at Springfield July 5, 1 780; discharged Dec. 18, 1780; length of service, 5 mos. 26 ds. ; trav eled 315 miles from place of discharge to home ; name on Water- town Selectmen's return ; also, name on return of Brig. Gen. Pat erson, Camp Totoway, Oct. 35, 1780, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service ; also, name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list of 6 mos. men, as per resolve of General Court, June 5, 1780. Prentice, Benj*- Name on abstract of mileage money to and from camp, at one penny a mile, due Capt. Caleb Brooks' co.. Col. Nicholas Dike's regt. ; service 3 mos., to Dec. i, 1776 ; dated Nov. 27, 1776. Prentice, Joshua. Age, 18 ; height, 5 ft. 10 in ; complexion, light ; enlisted July 4, 1780, for 6 mos. in Fourth Division, Mass. Artillery, Capt. Frothingham, arriving at Springfield July 5, 1780 ; discharged Dec. 18, 1780 ; length of service, 5 mos. 36 ds. ; traveled 315 miles from place of discharge to home ; name on Watertown Selectmen's return : also name on return of Brig. Gen, Paterson, Camp Totoway, Oct. 35, 1780, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service ; also, name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list of 6 mos. men, as per General Court resolve of June 5, 1780. Prentice, Samuel. Certified by Capt. Amos Bond to be a soldier in his Co. Apr. 3, 1787; Shay's rebellion. Soldiers in Later Battles. loi Prentice, Smith. Name on Joseph Hosmer's list ; enlisted Mar. 14, i78i, for 3 yrs. ; age, 30; height, 5 ft. 9 in. ; complexion, dark; hair light; eyes, blue; potter; discharged Apr. 19, 1782; also, name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; residence and credited to Watertown ; also, name in index of Continental Army books, as having served 3 yrs. in 13th Regt., Major's Co. Prentice, Thomas. Name on return of Capt. Enoch Chapin's CO., Col. Danielson's regt., Roxbury Camp, Oct. 6, 1775 ; also list of men who guarded the powder house at Watertown from July 28, 1776 to Aug. I, 1776) under direction of Alexander Shepard, Jr- Price, Israel. Name on abstract of mileage money to and from camp, at one penny a mile, due Capt. Caleb Brooks' co.. Col. Nicholas Dike's regt. ; service 3 mos. to Dec. i, 1776, at Dorchester Heights; dated Nov. 37, 1776. Reinhart, Tillock. Name on Joseph Hosmer's list; enlisted Mar. 31, 1781, for 3 yrs; age, 35; height, 5 ft. 9 in. ; complexion, light; hair, light; eyes, blue; weaver; discharged Apr. 19, 1782. Richardson, Eben"^. Enlisted July 4, 1780, for 6 mos. in Fourth Division, arriving at Springfield July 5, 1780; age, 20; height 5 ft. 7 in. ; complexion, light ; served in the artillery under Capt. Frothingham; discharged Dec. 21, 1780; length of service 5 mos. 29 ds. ; traveled 215 miles from place of discharge to home ; name on Watertown Selectmen's return : also name on return of Brig. Gen. Paterson, Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service ; also, name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list of 6 mos. men, as per General Court resolve, passed June 5, 1780. Rotes, Andrus. Name on Joseph Hosmer's list; enlisted Mar. 14, 1781 for 3 yrs. ; age 23 ; height, 5 ft. 7^ in. ; complexion, dark; hair, light; eyes, blue; weaver; discharged Apr. 39, 1782. Russell, Abel. Enlisted May 14, 1781, in Capt. Stephen Dana's co.. Col. Josiah Whitney's regt. of militia, for service in Rhode Island; traveled 45 miles; length of service 3 mos. 2 ds., including travel (6 ds.) to camp and place of discharge home; roll dated South Kingston. Russell, William, Sergt. Name on abstract of the non-com missioned officers and privates, 1st. co. Mass. Artillery, Capt. James Swan, Col. Thomas Crafts' Battalion ; traveled 9 miles ; also, same co. and regt.; service from Aug. i, i77^' 'o Dec. i, 1776; also, Capt. Philip Marett's (ist.) co., Col. Crafts' regt.; service from Dec. i, 1776, to Feb. i, 1777; also same regt. ; ser vice from Feb. i, 1777, to Oct. i, 1777 ; also, same regt. ; service from Sept. 30, 1777, to Nov. i, 1777, in Rhode Island ; also, same regt. ; service from Jan. i, 1778, to Aug. i, 1778 ; also, same regt. ; service from Aug. i, 1778, to Oct. 31, 1778; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Nov. i, 1778, to Feb. 26, 1779 ; also petition dated Boston, Feb. 26, 1779, signed by said Russell, Ad- I02 Watertown's Military History. jutant, and other officers of Col. Crafts' regt., asking that their resignations be accepted, as the Legislature had failed to redress their grievances ; resignations accepted in Council Feb. 26, i779" Sanger, David. Name on return of Capt. Edward Fuller's CO., Col. Brooks' regt. Company returns endorsed, "Oct. 1776 ;" said Sanger reported as in camp fit for duty ; also reported as hav ing lost articles in battle. Sanger, Nathaniel. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, i777 ! resi dence and credited to Watertown; list of men mustered by Na thaniel Barber, dated Boston, Apr. 13, i777) Capt. Child's co., Col. Greaton's regt. ; Continental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. i, 1780, to Apr. i, 1780; also. Private, Capt. Joseph Williams' co.. Col. John Greaton's regt. Sanger, Samuel. Age, 17; height, 5 ft. 5 in.; enlisted June 21, 1778, for 9 mos., as per resolve of Apr. 20, 1778) by General Assembly ; served in Capt. Stearns' co.. Col. Thatcher's regt.; also, name on list of men to fill the 15 Mass. Battalions, to serve 9 mos. from time of arrival at Fish-Kill ; received of Jonathan Warren, Commissioner, July 20, i77^) ^'*o same name, enlisted Oct. 21, i779) for 3 yrs. or during the war, by Capt. Parks, and served in his co., loth Mass. Regt. ; also, name on Continental town and county rolls for i779) ^^ having served under Capt. James Cooper; also name in index of Continental Army books, as having served 14 mos. 10 ds. in loth Regt. SawW, Samuel. Age, 18; height, 5 ft. 11 in.; complexion, light; enlisted July 4, 1780, for 6 mos. in Fourth Division Mass. Artillery, Capt. Frothingham, arriving at Springfield July 5, 1780; discharged, Jan. 4, 1781 ; length of service, 6 mos. 11 ds. ; traveled 215 miles from place of discharge to home ; name on Watertown Selectmen's return ; also, name on return of Brig. Gen. Paterson, Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780, as having passed muster for 6 mos. service ; also, name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list of 6 mos. men, as per resolve of General Court, passed June 5, 1780. Sawing, Daniel. Name on return of Capt. Edward Fuller's CO., Col. Brooks' regt.; Company return endorsed "Oct. 1776;" said Sawing reported wounded and at a private house ; also re ported as having lost articles in battle. Shardol, Peter. Age, 17; height, 5 ft. 10 in. ; enlisted June 19, 1778, for 9 mos. in Capt. Stearns' co.. Col. Thatcher's regt. ; residence, Watertown. Sheldern, Peter. Name on list of men to fill the 15th Mass. Battalions, to serve 9 mos. from time of arrival at Fish-Kill; re ceived of Jonathan Warren, commissioner, July 20, 1778; en gaged for Watertown. Sprague, William. Name in index of Continental Army books; served 3 yrs. in Col. Crane's Artillery, Capt. Henry Bur beck; also, name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; residence and credi ted to Watertown ; Continental Army accounts for service from Soldiers in Later Battles. 103 Mar. 14, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also, Capt. David Briant's co.. Col. Crane's regt. ; pay roUs for Jan.-Sept., 1777; reported dis charged Mar. 14, 17S0. Spring, Converse. Capt. Fuller's co., Col. Samuel Bullard's regt.; enlisted Aug. 20, 1777; discharged Nov. 29, 1777; service 3 mos. 22 ds., at Stillwater ; also, Capt. Walton's co.. Col. Eleazer Brooks' regt. of guards; joined Jan. 13, 1778; service to Apr. 3, 1778) 2 mos. 21 ds. at Cambridge, guarding troops of con vention. Stearns, George. Enlisted Aug. 26, 1781, in Capt. Asa Drury's co.. Col. Turner's regt. for service in Rhode Island ; length of service, 3 mos. 5 ds. ; discharged Nov. 27, 1781 ; roll endorsed, "five months service at Rhode Island." Stearns, Habakkak. Enlisted May 14, 1781, in Capt. Stephen Dana's co.. Col. Josiah Whitney's regt. of militia, for service in Rhode Island ; traveled 45 miles ; length of service, 2 mos. 2 ds. Stone, Abijah. Name on returns of Capt. Fuller's co.. Col. Brooks' regt. ; return endorsed, "Oct. 1776 ;" said Stone reported as fit for duty ; also reported as having lost articles in battle ; also. Private, Capt. Phineas Stearns' co., service 5 ds. at Dorchester Heights. Stone, Moses, Sergt. Name on return of Capt. Fuller's co., Col. Brooks' regt. ; company return endorsed, "Oct. 1776;" said Stone reported fit for duty ; also reported as having lost articles in battle. Stratton, Nathan. Enlisted May 14, 1 781, in Capt. Stephen Dana's co.. Col. Josiah Whitney's regt. of militia, for service in Rhode Island ; traveled 45 miles ; length of service, 2 mos. 2 ds. Tervis, John. Name on Joseph Hosmer's list ; enlisted June I, 1781, for 3 yrs. ; age, 15 ; height, 5 ft. i J in. ; complexion, light ; hair, light; eyes, blue; laborer; discharged Apr. 19, 1782. Tolman, Elijah. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; resi dence and credited to Watertown. Tulford, John. Age, 17; height, 5 ft. 5 in.; enlisted for 9 mos., as per resolve of Apr. 20, 1778, by General Assembly; served in Capt. Stearns' co.. Col. Thatcher's regt. Ward, Thad'. Name in index of Continental Army books ; served 14 mos. 20 ds. in 13th Regt., Commander Smith ; also name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777 ; residence and credited to Water- town. Warren, Nathan. Enlisted for 9 mos., as per resolve of June 9, 1779, by General Assembly ; served in Capt. Stearns' co.. Col. Stearns' regt. ; also, name on Continental town and county roUs, 1779 ; age, 17 ; height, 5 ft. 5 in. ; complexion, light ; served under Lieut. William Story ; also, name in index of Continental Army books ; served 14 mos. 12 ds. in loth Regt. I04 Watertown's Military History. Warren, Nath'. Enlisted for 3 yrs. or during the war, Sept. 20, 1779, by Capt. Smith ; served in loth Mass. Regt. under Capt. Taylor. Warren, Samuel. Name in index of Continental Army books ; served 33 mos. 26 ds. in 3rd Regt., Commander Foster ; also name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; residence and credited to Watertown. Waumpey, Isaac. Name on Joseph Hosmer's list ; enlisted Dec. 37, 1780, for 3 yrs. ; age, 33 ; height, 6 ft. o in. ; Indian; hair, black ; eyes, black ; hunter ; discharged Apr. 19, 1782. Welch, James. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; residence and credited to Watertown. Wheeler, Ephraim. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, i777 > resi dence and credited to Watertown. Whiting, John. Receipt for bounty, £75, Boston, Apr. i, 1778, from the town of Watertown, to serve in the Continental Army for 3 yrs. Whitney, David. Name on return of Capt. Fuller's co.. Col. Brooks' regt. Whitney, John. Name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; residence and credited to Watertown. Willington, John. Name on Major Joseph Hosmer's list ; enlisted Feb. 23, 1 781, for 3 yrs.; age, 42; height, 5 ft. 5 in.; complexion, light ; hair, light ; eyes, blue ; cordwainer ; discharged Apr. 19, 1782; also name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777 ! residence and credited to Watertown. Willington, Jonathan. Name in index of Continental Army books; served 6 mos. 20 ds. in 13th Regt., Major's co. ; also, name on list of 3 yrs. men, 1777; residence and credited to Watertown; served 4 yrs. in 13th Regt., under Commander Smith; received $200 bounty. WiLLSON, Thos. Enlisted May 14, 1781, in Capt. Stephen Dana's co.. Col. Josiah Whitney's regt. of militia, for service in Rhode Island ; traveled 45 miles ; length of service, 2 mos. 2 ds. WiNSHip, Joshua. Enlisted Dec. 7, 1779, for 3 yrs. or during the war, by Lieut. Marton; served in 2nd Mass. Regt. under Capt. Bradford. f/ V^/ ^ B^^cy^f ^^^fS'j^/' - ^ ~f^S'/ a 'r ^ ^e,/a A^-t^ ', O '^rTtrr^ /^a::^j^/^2rD^ f/^^- J^A^ty<. A:ra/^j y TZ^^i- /^ JONATHAN BROWN'S BILL. Tor Service in the Provincial Congress. JONATHAN BROWN'S PAYMENTS. In the civil and military affairs of Watertown, preceding and during the Revolution, the personality of Jonathan Brown stands forth with special prominence. He it was who served continu ously as the town's representative in the sessions of the Pro vincial Congress. Bond's History states that he was born Aug. 24, 1724, and died Nov. 25, 1797. He was Captain of a Company at Lake George, in 1758; was town clerk and treasurer, a justice of the peace, and Representative of Water- town from 1772 to 17S6, inclusive. He also acted as Commis sary of Military Stores at Watertown in 1775 and 1776, and was a member of the Committee on Supplies in i775- -^ f^*^" simile cut of one of his bills for services rendered the town is given in this book. His conscientiousness is shown by this bill. The total sum charged is £22 for attendance in General Court in i774) May sessions, 17 days; in October, at Salem, 3 days ; at Concord, 4 days ; at Cambridge, two sessions, 24 days ; in February, i775) 14 days, at Cambridge, and in March and April, 20 days at Concord : a total of 82 days, for which, and ex penses of travel, the town paid him the equivalent of $110 in our form of currency. He adds an explanatory note, as follows: "I have not charged either the Sabbaths, or travel to Concord or Cambridge, nor for any time in Congress while sitting in Water- town." He was a member of the committees selected by the town to fill its quotas, and, as Treasurer, he had occasion to pay the soldiers for military services rendered. From the Treasurer's book it ap pears that Jonathan Brown made payments to various persons, from 1778 to 1783, as follows: 1778. £ s d July 20. Newton Baxter, services at Ticonderoga in 1776, Eben''. Eustis for do., Aug. 17. Selectmen, for arms, Sept. 8. Jed". Leathe, a grant made to his son John, John Wellington, war service, Francis Brown, " " Sept. 21. Hugh Mason, " " Oct. 16. Phin'. Child, " " Simon Whitney, expenses in war, Daniel Whitney, expenses in war, 5 0 0 5 6 0 65 0 2 23 0 0 8 0 0 5 0 0 20 0 0 12 0 0 7 13 4 7 5 4 io6 Watertown's Military History. Spencer Godding, war services in i775 and 177^' Dec. 23. Richard Everit, war service, Samuel White, Joel White, Phin'. Harrington, Daniel Cornwall, James Austin, John Stimson, Elka''- Wales Amos Bond, Edmund Fowle, Bez'. Learned, Jon*. Brown, jr., Dec 25. Marshall Spring, money advanced for war, Franpis Brown, war service, Samuel Fisk, money advanced, 1779. Jan.. 2. Sam'. Whitney, " " Oliver M°. Roe " " Tilly Mead, war service, Mar. i6" Dorothy Coolidge, training expense, June 28. Cash received of Selectmen, being boun ties allowed 4 men who went to Rhode Island last year, Apr. 12. Nathaniel Harrington, by order of his son Peter, for war service, EInathan Whitney, by order of Samuel Warrin, for war service, Aug. II. Samuel Wellington, order of John Ben jamin, for enlisting into the Conti nental Army, for Watertown, Sept. 13. Jonas Bond, war service, on order of Amos Bond, Oct. 18. David Bemis and others, to hire men to go to North River, Oct. 20. Paid do. for do., 22. Moses Stone, for do., 29. David Bemis, to hire men, Nov. 29. Jon*. Stone and others, for war service, Joshua Coollidge, for do., 1780. Feb. 15. Nath'. Stone, for David and Abijah Stone, for war service, Feb. 19. John Cook, money advanced for war, etc., Paid the following for money advanced to carry on the war : William Watson, 22 0 0 6 13 4 7 6 1313 44 9 0 0 5 0 0 56 0 13 0 4 10 0 0 6 4 6 13 18 13 4 04 14 10 0 10 0 0 I 13 4 7 0 0 10 0 0 7 10 0 22 0 0 4 5 2 71 0 0 4 0 0 22 0 0 24 0 0 22 0 0 568660 1712 40 201 6 0 444 460 0 15 0 0 14 10 0 II 13 4 13 4 4 200 Jonathan Brown's Payments. 107 Tho'. Pattin, Benj". Harris, Jon*. Child, Simon Hastings, Eires Tainter, Moses Coollidge, John Chenery, Phin'. Stearnes, Josiah Capen, money advanced for war. Cash for counterfeit money, James Flag, for his son's bounty. Cash paid Mr. Sanger out of bounties allowed : John Whitney's, David Whitney's, Jonas CooUidge's, John Wellington's, John Crane's, Mar. 4. Cornelius Park, for war service. Paid John Draper, Constable, for coun terfeit money. Do. for bread, April, 1775, Do., money advanced for war. Mar. 10. Sam'. Sanger, war service, 13. Amos Bond, " " etc., Sam'. Benjamin " " " Apr. 12. Nath'. Sanger, for going to Canada, Oct. 30. Major John Gardner, agent, beef for arm)', Nov. 20. Paid do. for do.. Counterfeit money, 60 dollars. Major John Gardner, for beef, Jon*. Brown, for services in convention. Do., to pay for beef, 1781. May 14. Josiah Capen and others, to hire men. May 23. Lt. Amos Bond, by Edmund Fowle, Also do. hard £15 o, equal to May 31, Major John Gardner, in lieu of beef, Aug. 27. David Sanger, to hire men, by Moses Stone, Josiah Capen and others, to hire men, in full of accts., Do. for like service, Nov. 20. Amos Bond, by Henry Bradshaw, to hire men, 70 8 5 1782. Jan. 27. Paid do. for do., 39 18 o Bounties of £6,6,8 each were paid to the following for war service, a total of £88,13.4: 10 13 4 24 0 0 % 1713 44 i '3 13 44 10 0 0 45 0 6 0 8 6 10 0 2 0 0 2 2 4 2 14 3 I 0 I I 0 I 0 10 10 22 0 0 5 6 0 I 6 156 56 6 I 13 040 44 0 00 20 0 0 4,696 18 16 4 0 0 0 0 9,180 0 0 204 0 0 24 0 0 3,000 0 0 5,400 0 0 1)125 0 0 13,822 0 0 11)338 0 0 4'075 10 0 12,000 0 0 io8 Watertown's Military History. Amos Bond, Eben"". Eustis, Step". Hagar, Benj. Learned, Jos". Bright, Nat'. Bright, Simon Whitney, John Draper, W". Leathe, Jonas White, Edw". Harrington, Sam'. White, Josiah Capen, Daniel Mason, John Stimson, Henry Whiting, Step". Whiting, Francis Brown, Simon Hastings, David Bemis, Nathan Coollidge, Josiah Norcross, Newton Baxter, W"- Baxter, David Smith, Joel White, Daniel Whitney, W". Watson, Sam'. Jenison, jr. 1783- June 27. Paid Sam'. Benjamin in full, 8 mos. ser vice, £0 8 o BOND'S LIST OF SOLDIERS. In the exhaustive Genealogical History of Watertown, pub lished by Henry Bond, to the compilation of which he devoted many years of thoughtful care, there is a bewildering array of military titles. Just how many of these were complimentary it is impossible to decide. In order to amplify to some degree the list already presented, the following names and descriptions of service have been selected from Bond and placed in alphabetical order. These cover the Colonial and Revolutionary periods, as well as some services of still later date. Bond states that the quota of Watertown for the Pequod war, under date of April iS, 1637, included Capt. Mason, Capt. Wil lard, Lieut. Goodenow, Lieut. Beers and Sergt. Wincoll. The following names of soldiers were taken from Bond's His tory of Watertown : Baldwin, Isaac. He was killed at the battle of Bunker HiU. Ball, John. Was born in 1644; Oct. 21, 1665, he sold to William Perry his farm in Watertown, which he had purchased of John Lawrence, and went to Lancaster, where he was killed by the Indians, Sept. 10, 1675. He was a son of John Ball, who was said to have come from VViltshire, England, and was admitted freeman in 1650. Barnard, Samuel, Major. Was baptized June 19, i737* Was one of the Boston "Tea Boys" and a Major in the Revolu tionary Army ; he died Aug. 8, 1783; was a son of Samuel Bar nard and Susanna Harrington, and married Mar. 34, i773' Eliza beth Bond; they had five children. Barsham, Nathan, Capt. Was a Lieut, in the forces raised in 1690, for an expedition against Canada. Beers, Eliezer. Was a member of Capt. Cutler's company in 1696. He married Susanna Cutting Apr. 3i, 1690, and died Dec. 5, 1701. Beers, Elnathan. He served as Sergeant in the company of his father, Capt. Richard Beers, and later under Capt. Joseph Sill; married Sarah Tainter, in 1681. Was blessed with five children, and died in 1696. Bemis, Edmund. Was born Nov. i, 1730; died Dec, 1800; was a Lieutenant at the capture of Louisburg, and a Captain in the expedition to Crown Point, 1755-56. I ID Watertown's Military History. Bemis, Jonas. Was born Mar. 25, 1737; died May 7, 1790; was a soldier in the French war and the Revolution. Married Dolly Wood of Brookfield. He was son of Samuel Bemis and Sarah Barnard, who settled first in Sudbury, and in 1721 moved to Spencer, and was the second settler in that town, where he died in August, 1776. Bemis, Jonathan. Was born June 12, 1762; married Sept. 23, 1781, to Mary Stearns; moved to Paris, Me., about 1800, where he died July 5, 1838. He was a Captain and an inn keeper, and was the son of David Bemis. Bemis, William, Capt. Was born Nov. i, 1733 ; died March 33, 1801. He was a Captain, and married July 5, 1750, Rebekah White; was a son of Samuel Bemis and Sarah Barnard. Benjamin, Samuel. Was baptized Feb. 10, 1753 ; was a Lieut, in the Revolutionary Army. He was son of Abel Ben jamin. Married, in 1782, Tabitha Livermore, and settled in Livermore, Me. Bigelow, Benjamin. Was born Jan. 30, 1683-4 > ^"^^^ wounded in the public service previous to 1708; died Oct. 37, 1709, of a fall from a horse ; he was son of Joshua Bigelow and Elizabeth Flagg. Bigelow, Jabez. Was a Lieut, in West Point at the time of Arnold's treason. Bigelow, Joshua. Was born Nov. 5, 1655 ; married Eliza beth Flagg Oct. 30, 1676; was wounded in King Philip's War, and later received a grant of land in Worcester. He died in Westminster, Mass., Feb. 3i, 1745, aged 90. He had 11 chUd ren. His Father, John Bigelow, a blacksmith, married Mary Warren, Oct. 30, 1643, this being the earliest marriage found in the town records. Bigelow, Timothy. Was born June 30, 1703 ; was a Lieut. in his Majesty's service; was son of Jonathan Bigelow, and mar ried Abigail Olcott. Biscoe, John. Was born in Watertown April 10, 1738 ; was a soldier at Lake George in 1756 or '7 ; went to Spencer, Mass., in 1763 ; was son of Thomas Biscoe of Watertown and Abigail Mason; married May 10, 1764. Bond, Amos. He was born Mar. 32, 1749 ; died Aug. 8, 1817. He served as Representative for Watertown most of the time from 1788 to 1803 ; was repeatedly elected senator of Middlesex county, and was a member of the Governor's council. He was a Col. of militia. Bond, Charles. He was a son of Col. William, and was born Feb. 16, 1769. He was Captain of militia in Watertown, and a Selectman; died in Keene, N. H., Nov. 19, 1801. Bond, Jonas, Col. He married, Jan. 39, i688-'9, Grace Coolidge, and April 11, 1699, married Mrs. Elizabeth Prentice; Bond's List of Soldiers. iii he held a justice's commission for more than 24 years, and was sometimes called the "Marrying Squire" ; he belonged to the mili tary force sent into Canada in 1690 ; represented the town iu the General Court, and was entrusted with its most important muni cipal business; was Lieut. -Col. of a company of militia ; died in 1727, aged 63 years. Bond, William, Col. Was the grandfather of Watertown's historian, Henry Bond ; served under Col. Thomas Gardner at the battle of Bunker Hill, where Col. Gardner was mortally wounded. Lieut.-Col. Bond succeeded to the command, and subsequently marched with the regular army to New York, and was ordered to Canada by way of the lakes. Upon his return he encamped on Mount Independence, opposite Ticonderoga, where he died Aug. 31, 1776. During his services in New York and Canada he was accompanied by his third son Henry, then quite a lad, who was present at the death of his patriotic father. His son Henry married Hannah, eldest daughter of Capt. Phineas Stearns, of Watertown, and moved to Livermore, Me., where he had purchased land and several mills ; was an active, influential citizen, and died Mar. 27, 1796, aged 34 years. Bond, William. He was a son of Col. William; was born Oct. 24, 1765, and died Mar. 28, 1819; was a Col. in the Mass. militia, and resided in Watertown until 1808, when he moved to Surry and afterward Gilsum, N. H., where he died. Bond, William. Was a son of Jonas and Rose Bond of Bury St. Edmunds, Eng. ; was baptized Sept. 3, 1635 ; came to Water- town where he married, Feb. 7, 1649, Sarah Biscoe, daughter of Nathaniel Biscoe, the rich tanner, who died Feb. 15, i693-'3 ; married in 1695, Mrs. Elizabeth Nevinson of Watertown ; he died Dec. 14, 1695, his widow surviving 35 years ; the children were 9 by first wife ; in 1676 he was a Lieut, of a company of horse, per haps under Capt. Thomas Prentice. In 1692, those parts of Watertown which were later Watertown, Waltham and Weston, were designated as the precincts of Capt. Bond's co., Capt. Gar field's CO., and Lieut. Jones' co. ; Oct. 7, 1679, he was appointed on a committee consisting of Capt. Thomas Prentice, Mr. W". Bond and Deacon John Stone, to rebuild Lancaster, which had been destroyed by the Indians. Bowman, Joshua. He was baptized Feb. 15, 1746-7; a graduate of Harvard College, 1766; was a Captain of Dragoons in the Continental Army, and died, shot from his horse, at Charleston, S. C, Mar. 30, 1780. Bowman, Samuel, Capt. He enlisted at the outbreak of the Revolution and served till its close ; is said to have been with Major Andre the night before the execution, and to have com manded the guards that led Andr6 to the gallows. Brown, Ebenezer. Was born Dec. 29, 1730; died at Ticon deroga, aged 28. 112 Watertown's Military History. Brown, Phineas. He was in the battle of Saratoga, and served several months during the war. Cakebread, Thomas, Capt. Was admitted freeman May 14, 1634; was a proprietor of Watertown in 1636-7 and 1643 ; set tled in Watertown, but probably resided a short time in Dedham ; was called a renowned soldier of Watertown in Mr. Haven's ad dress (1836), and was invited to be at the head of military affairs in Dedham ; he was one of the original members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Co., and in Sept. 1642, was appointed by the General Court "to lead the Company of Sudbury as En sign" ; died in Sudbury, Jan. 4, i643-'4. Chester, John. Was born in Watertown Aug. 3, 1635 ; was a Captain of Wethersfield ; admitted freeman May, 1658; was a member of the first troop in Conn. ; he was very useful and influ ential. Ciiinery, John. Was a son of Lambert ; married in Water- town, Mar. 13, 1655-6, Sarah Boylston ; was wounded by the In dians in battle at Northfield, Sept. 4, 1675, and died the next day, leaving one child. Coolidge, John. Was a carpenter, and son of John Coolidge of Watertown ; married and settled in Sherburne. He was a sol dier in King Philip's War. He had 8 children. Coolidge, John. Was sometimes designated as Ensign; took the oath of fidelity in 1653 ; married, Nov. 14, 1655, Hannah Livermore ; she died Dec. 33, 1678, aged 45, and he married, Sept. 16, 1679, Mary Maddock ; had 14 children; was son of John Coolidge, one of the earliest proprietors, who was admitted free man May 35, 1636. Coolidge, Joseph. Was a soldier in the French war; bap tized in 1698 ; died in 1724. Coolidge, Joseph. A son of Simon Coolidge, a bricklayer; was born June 18, 1730, and married Eunice Stratton, Sept. 11, '753 ' ^^^ killed at the battle of Lexington, Apr. 19, 1775. Coolidge, Lewis. Was born Sept. 16, 1783 ; was taken prisoner by the British in 1814, and lost his property. After his exchange he went to Vermont as teacher until 1818, when he moved to Waltham, Vt., afterwards to Illinois. Coolidge, Nathaniel. He married, Sept. 19, 1751, Dorothy Whitney; he kept a public house from 1764 to 1770, on the south side of the river at Watertown bridge, the first house. Coolidge, Samuel. He enlisted. Mar. 13, 1745-6, to go to Cape Breton. Corey, Isaac. Was born Jan. 9, 1739-40; was a soldier at Lake George in 1758, in Capt. Jonathan Brown's Company. Craft, Abner. An innholder of Watertown in 1772 ; a Cap tain in the 25th Regiment of Continental Army in 1775 ; he left 9 "children. Sondes List of Soldiers. 113 Cutting, David. Was burnt to death during the Revolution ary war in a barn, where he lay with a broken leg. Dix, John. Was a surgeon in the U. S. Navy ; died on board U. S. sloop of war Cyane, off the coast of Africa, April 16, 1823. Dix, Stephen. Was born June 30, 1735 ; died abroad in the army in 1755. FisKE, Robert, Lieut. Was admitted freeman May 18, 1631 ; Sept. 4, 1632, Lieut, under Capt. Patrick ; died in 1663-3, leaving £9; was one of the earliest and largest proprietors; Selectman in ''^37' '39' '40 ; Representative in 1634, '35 and '36 ; was appointed Lieut, by the Court, and is said to have united with Capt. Patrick in the purchase of Greenwich, Conn. ; appears to have become impoverished ; died at the house of Samuel Thatcher, who dis posed of his estate to pay expenses. Finch, John. He came over with Gov. Winthrop in 1630. In i636-'7, he settled in Watertown, where his wigwam and all of his goods were burned ; was one of a small colony that first set tled Wethersfield, Conn. ; was killed by an Indian Oct. 30, 1637. Firman, John. He settled in Watertown, where his wigwam was burned Nov. 10, 1630; was admitted freeman May 18, 1631 ; returned to England and re-embarked from Ipswich for New Eng land Apr. 1634, then aged 46; was a Deacon and also a Select man in 1638; his heirs sold his lands in Watertown to Barnabas Farr of Boston, who resold to Richard Beers, Feb. 35, 1653-3. Fiske, Nathan, Lieut. Was born in Watertown, Oct. 17, 1643 ; died Oct. 1694 ; bought of Thomas Underwood 320 acres of land in Weston for £10; inventory, £151. Flagg, Gershom, Lieut. Was born in Watertown, April 16, 1641 ; settled in Woburn ; killed by the Indians at Lamphrey River, July 6, 1690. Flagg, Timothy. Born Mar. 10, 1 740-1; belonged to the force sent to Lake George in 1758, and was a soldier of the Revo lution. Flagg, William. Was killed by the Indians at Lancaster, Aug. 23, 1675. Fulham, Jacob. Was born Nov. 19, 1693; served as Ser geant in Capt. Lovewell's co. and was killed by the Indians at Pigwacket (Fryesburg) in "Lovewell's Fight," May 8, 1725. "A Sergeant named Fulham, and an Indian, distinguished by his dress and activity, singled each other out, and both fell, mutually slain, each by his antagonist's weapon; " he was son of Major Francis Fulham; he married, Feb. 28, 1715-16, Tabitha Whitney. Fuller, David. Was born Sept. 14, 1787; 'was purser's steward in the U. S. sloop of war Wasp, Capt. Jones, when she captured the Frolic. Garfield, Benjamin, Capt. Was Representative of Water- town 9 times, between 1689 and i7i7> ^"'^ he\A numerous muni- 1 14 Watertown's Military History. cipal appointments. He was born in 1643 ; admitted freeman Apr. 18, 1690; died Nov. 28, 1717, aged 74. Hammond, John, Lieut. Was a son of Wm. Hammond; was born in England, and when 7 years old came here with his parents and two sisters, leaving Ipswich, Eng., Apr. 1634; had 3 wives and 9 children, his wives being Abigail, Sarah and Pru dence ; he died Nov. 22. 1709, aged over 80 years ; in 1690, his assessment was the largest in the town, and next to his was that of William Bond, Esq. Harrington, Edward. Was born May 22, 1735 ; a Captain in the Revolution; died at Ticonderoga, Sept. 23, i77^- Harrington, George. Was born Nov. 24, 1655 ; Ibelonged to Capt. Wadsworth's company and was killed by the Indians in Lancaster, Feb. 1675-6. Hastings, William. Resident of Watertown; belonged to Capt. Jonathan Brown's co. at lake George in 1758. Jenison, William. Was one of the first who desired to be admitted freeman, Oct. 19, 1630; was a member of the Artillery CO. in 1637; Captain of the train band, 1638; Selectman and Representative; commanded one of the companies sent, in 1636, to avenge the murder of John Oldham, by the Pequod Indians, at Block Island; returned to England soon after 1645, where he died. Johnson, Caleb. Was accidentally shot. May 4, 1654, "^^r his house " in the Liberties of Watertown." Learned, Jedediah. He belonged to Capt. Jonathan Brown's co. at lake George, in 1758. Norcross, Samuel. Was born Oct. 14, 1689 ; was a soldier in the expedition to Canada; died in Durham, Conn., in 1724, where he had lived 6 yrs. Olcott, John. He was born Nov. 21, 1739; was married to Hannah Wardsworth June 30, 1771. He was Major of Col. Ward's 3ist Regt. of the Continental Army, and accompanied Col. Arnold in his expedition to Canada. Pendleton, Bryan, Capt. Was made freeman Sept. 3, 1633; was Selectman and Representative ; a member of the artillery co. in 1646; a Capt. in Watertown; a Major in Portsmouth; coun cilor in 1680. Randall, John. Was born Oct. 2, 1750; said to have been one of the "Boston Tea Boys." Safford, Thomas. Resident of Watertown; he belonged to Capt. Jonathan Brown's co. at lake George in 1758. Saltmarsh, William, Lieut. Was a Lieut, under Capt. Jonathan Brown at Lake George in 1758. Sanger, Richard. Was born in Sudbury ; moved to Water- town in 1649, Sept 8 ; he with his two sons and 3 others, during King Philip's war, guarded the mill in Watertown. Bond's List of Soldiers. 115 Seeley, Robert. Was one of the first settlers of Watertown ; was admitted freeman May 18, 1630 ; in 1636 he went to Wethers field, Conn. ; was probably the Lieut. Seeley in the Pequod war, and perhaps the Capt. Seeley of Stratford, killed in battle by the Indians, in Dec. 1675. Sherman, John, Capt. He came to America in 1634; was admitted freeman May 17, 1637 ; was Selectman, town clerk and Representative; died Jan. 25, 1690; born in Dedham co., Eng., in 1613. Spring, Jeduthan. Was a Corporal in Capt. Jonathan Brown's Co. at Lake George in 1758, and his brother Josiah was a private in the same company ; both of Watertown. Spring, Marshall. Was a physician; arrived early at Lex ington Apr. 19, 1775; born Feb. 19, 1741-2; died Jan. 7, 1818; a tory. Stearns, Asa. He enlisted in Col. Ward's Mass. Reg. the day after the battle of Bunker Hill ; was with the Americans at Long Island in 1776, and in the battle of White Plains; served 20 mos. in Col. Ward's Reg. and then joined Col. Cilley's Reg. of N. Hampshire, in which he served 3 yrs. ; was at the capture of Burgoyne, in the battle of Monmouth, and with Gen. Sullivan at Wyoming, where he suffered excessively from privations ; later was at sea in a privateer and helped capture the "Hannah," richly laden with merchandise and which was taken to New Haven; after the war he moved to New Hampshire; died Feb. 2, 1852. Stearns, Peter. Was born Aug. 3, 1742, in Watertown ; enlisted in the French war and never returned ; estate administered in 1758. Stearns, Phinehas, Capt. Resident of Watertown ; was a soldier at Lake George, where he commanded a company. Stone, Moses, Capt. He owned a large part of the land which is now Mt. Auburn. Tainter, John, Jr. He belonged to Capt. Jonathan Brown's CO. in 1758, at Lake George; was born Aug. 12, 1732. Thompson, George. Resident of Watertown ; he belonged to Capt. Jonathan Brown's co. at Lake George in 1758. Wellington, George. He was born Oct. 21, 1749; wasa Revolutionary soldier. Wellington, Thaddeus. Born April 5, 1758; was a Revo lutionary soldier. White, Jedediah. Was born Feb. 3, 1734-5 > belonged to the expedition sent to Lake George in 1758; resident of Water- town ; served under Capt, Jonathan Brown. White, William. Resident of Watertown ; was a drummer in Capt. Jonathan Brown's co. at Lake George in 1758. THE SCRAP BOOK. One of the most devoted students of the history of Watertown was Rev. Edward A. Rand. He was instrumental in the form ation of the Watertown Historical Society, which was organized in Dr. Alfred Hosmer's parlors, Riverside Street, Nov. 20, 1888. At this meeting officers were chosen as follows : president. Dr. Alfred Hosmer ; vice-president, Rev. Edward A. Rand ; sect-e- taiy and treasurer, Solon F. Whitney. Other members of the standing committee : Dr. Bennett F. Davenport, and Dr. Julian A. Mead. Dr. Hosmer died suddenly on May 14, 1891, and his public funeral in the First Parish Church (Unitarian) was largely at tended and of an impressive character. Rev. Mr. Rand, in his scrap book, has this personal note : " Shall I ever forget the great, silent congregation ; the black- draped casket; the flowers piled up in front o! the pulpit; the emblem, across which lay the purple sickle of the reaper? In the midst of the stillness, suddenly rose up from the gallery a solitary voice, clear, sweet, birdlike, alone: 'I'm but a stranger here.' Then came the chorus, full yet subdued : ' Heaven is my Home.' " Rev. Mr. Rand succeeded as president of the society, holding that position up to the time of his death. He never missed a meeting from the date of organization till Sept. 8, 1903, a period of fifteen years. " I am sorry I am so crippled I cannot go," he wrote Sept. 7- He died in 1903, aged 66 years. His grave, in the Common Street cemetery, is marked by a white stone cross, and is decorated every Memorial Day by Post 81, which he had so faithfully served for years as chaplain. He was a true " Soldier of the Cross." He was also a prime mover in organizing the Watertown Chapter Sons of the Ameiican Revolution, a meeting for which purpose was held at the residence of Walter B. Snow, on Garfield Street, April 13, 1S98. This chapter had as its first president Dr. Bennett F. Davenport, and for secretary George A. Alden. Its field of effort bordered so closely upon that of 'the Historical Society, the chapter, after a few years of useful service, went oiit of existence. From the several scrap books of these tw^o societies, as coM- piled by Rev. Mr. Rand, gleanings follow : Dorothy Coolidge's Tavern. This famous hostelry stands on the easterly side of Galen Street, near the bridge. It was built by WiUiam Williams, a shipbuilder, "DOROTHY COOLIDGE TAVERN," WATERTOWN, IN 1907. Remodeled, in 1840, by John Brigham. Previously it had a low hip roof and no ells. The Scrap Book. 117 in 1740-42. Subsequently this house became the property of Nathaniel Coolidge, who kept a tavern, as licensed innholder, from 1764 to 177O1 when he died, and was succeeded by his widow, Dorothy (Whitney). This tavern was a popular resort for business and social meet ings. During the War of the Revolution, both American and British officers were entertained here. There are many inter esting records of Madame Coolidge's table. She was famous for her Johnny-cake, and served some, hot and golden, to volunteers the morning of the battle of Lexington. The legislators of Massachusetts met here, while stoves were set up in the meeting house. Here, in 1775, rendezvoused the Committee of Safety. In front of the door swung a sign-board bearing a portrait of George III., which was afterwards replaced by that of George Washington. General Washington stopped at Ma'am Coolidge's for breakfast, July 2, 1775' ^'"^ h*<^ some of her famous Johnny-cake. In Oc tober, 1789. President Washington again visited Watertown, on his way to Boston, took supper, and lodged in the tavern, occu pying a room near the river. He was served by attendants in white dresses and checked aprons. It is recorded that Lady Washington came in great state to Watertown, Dec.' 11, i775i riding in her coach and four, attended by colored postilions in gay livery of scarlet and white, a military escort and guard of honor. Paul Revere in Lexington. Rev. E. A. Rand. " Sam" Adams and John Hancock, exiles from Boston, " fire brands of treason " that General Gage wanted, were sheltered in the house of Rev. Jonas Clark, Lexington, the night before the battle of April 19, 1775. And hark ! between 12 and i there is the sound of a horse gal loping up to this very parsonage where the minister is secreting two rebels. It is a patriot messenger, Paul Revere. There is a house guard of eight men under Sergeant Munroe. To them the rebels are a republic's jewel in this clerical casket. Revere clamors for admittance. The sergeant refuses it. The family is abed. No noise must be made. " Noise," cries Revere. "You'll have noise enough here be fore long. The regulars are coming out." He bangs at the door. Ah, the parson in his night-cap, maybe ; but if so, a cap full of wonder, runs his head out of a window. He asks : " Who's there?" The parson is on guard. One of the jewels now appears. He recognizes a friend. " Come in. Revere ; we are not afraid of you I " Not afraid, and they trust the messenger. 'The clerical casket is empty of its jewels in the morning. I can seem to catch a " God bless you " from the minister who re ceived them and now follows them to the door. ii8 Watertown's Military History. The Battle of Lexington. The Boston News Letter. Major Pitcairn, with his aids, hastily rode up the Bedford road, passed around the meeting house, and returned by the Concord road. Having thus reconnoitred this handful of men, he drew his pistol and cried : " Disperse, rebels; throw down your arms and disperse"; gave orders to fire, and fired his own pistol. His soldiers at the same time ran up huzzaing, and fired at first some scattering guns, which were immediately followed by a general discharge that did no injury, except wounding one man slightly, and the fire was not returned, but the second was fatal to several Americans. They immediately returned the fire as far as the confusion in their ranks from the number of killed and wounded would permit. But it is supposed they fired too high, as the blood on the road where the British stood appeared to have been drawn from those in the rear of the British ranks that were en gaged. The militia dispersed immediately after firing, but were shot at as they retreated. Nearly half in their ranks had been killed or wounded by the regulars before the militia had fired a single musket. The British rushed forward to bayonet the remainder. The Battle of Bunker Hill. Rev. E. A. Rand. And here comes Gen. Joseph Warren, president of the Pro vincial Congress at Watertown, now Massachusetts' Capital. Can't you see that man coming over Bunker Hill, gun in hand? It is Warren, spirited and sacrificing. He will go to yon rail fence, stand a bit of a while by a cannon, and then go to the redoubt. He will never go from it, but he does not know it. The brave officer in command is William Prescott. And the astonished British? "We must carry those works immediately," says General Gage. And here they come, the British regulars, having landed at Morton's Point, that to-day's navy yard covers. Along the slope of Breed's Hill is a scarlet line that dares the assault, and falls back like autumn leaves when the wind strikes them. Again the scarlet line moves up, and again the tempest of fire from the redoubt drives back the autumn leaves. Once more the scarlet line goes up the hill, into and through the redoubt! It is a brave three-fold assault, and the same kind of British blood is on the farmers' side, who, without bread for their hunger, water for their thirst, fight in the heat of a June day, succeeding a night without sleep, a night of toil. An awful cost to the scarlet line ! MAJOR-GENERAL JOSEPH WARREN. The Scrap Book. 119 The Watertown Meeting House. Rev. E. A. Rand. This is the Meeting House on Watertown Common in 1775. It is a plain kind of a box, with two rows of eyes. There is not only a floor demanding windows, but three galleries. There are three doors, — in the front of southern wall, in the eastern, in a tower on the sunset side. The main entrance, the southern, is from the village common, an open, semi-civilized piece of green. At the eastern end of the meeting house there are horse-sheds, and on the Sabbath they overrun with as much life as the meeting house. On town-meeting days, it is a kind of life in the long sheds that may behave much better. There is a space of stillness between the sheds and the meeting house, for up to the latter creep the blue stones in the village graveyard, as if to gain shelter from the northeast storms sweeping from the Atlantic, a few miles away, sweeping shatteringly adown the slopes of Meeting House Hill. Beyond the graveyard, in a sombre isolation, is that shabby structure known as " the hearse house," with its one dismal occu pant of the town hearse, the children's awe, the old man's chariot to Paradise. Come round to that tower at the West end, a tower that sup ports a belfry that looks as if built for no other purpose than to hold up a rooster that never crows, but swings submissively with the wind. That faithful Provincial Congress, the last of its race. How it gave new lustre to the country town that it visited, making Water- town the capital of Massachusetts. Farmers were lo be disci plined into soldiers. One day the Provincial Congress rose up to greet George Washington. He came to the meeting house, Sun day, July 2, 1775- ^ "-^ri imagine the scene. How crowded must the house have been ! The honorable president of Congress, James Warren, tendered a message to Washington. How they listened, up in the singers' gallery, down on the floor, and even the tithing man, if assisting the Congress, must have forgotten to wield his rod, his mouth open, his eyes staring! But look down at the pews lining the walls, and then at those filling the body of the house. The popular style is not of this century, a slip not only slender but curved, as in an amphitheatre, but a good-sized square box. The " slip " suggests the individual ; the old-fashioned pew is the symbol of the family. There is no furnace, not even a stove, in the meeting house. There is a thick mantling of the body with winter comforts on an Arctic morning, while upon the floor of the old box-pew is deposited a little foot- stove with ruddy coals, and this stove is slipped under the feet of mother. Grandmother will have one ; Aunt Nabby, too, who is feeble. I20 Watertown's Military History. Robert Harrington. W. S. Harrington, in the Eastport (il/e.) Sentinel. Sept. 20, 1901. Robert Harrington, who settled in Watertown, Mass., in 1642, was the ancestor of the whole Harrington family then in the United States. In 1713, three Harringtons who were cousins settled in Lexington. In 1775, eleven Harringtons were enrolled in Capt. Parker's company of minute-men. On the morning of the battle on Lexington Common, Mrs. Harrington called her son, saying, " Jonathan, Jonathan, get up ; the British are coming, and something must be done." He arose, and with his drum and fife he called the minute-men together near the Common, and soon after that gun was fired that was heard around the world, and two Harringtons fell, pierced by British bullets. The family was also represented at Bunker HUl, Ticon deroga, and later at New Orleans and Gettysburg. Marking Patriots' Graves. Alberto F. Haynes. Graveyards are pokey places to most folks, but not to the Sons of the American Revolution, who simply revel in communing with the spirits of their patriotic ancestors. So it was not a sad company which assembled in the Common Street cemetery last Friday afternoon, to place markers on the graves of some of those brave men who struck the first blow for liberty in i775- Nor was the date, Nov. i, 1901, inauspicious. It was the anniversary of the futile attempt to enforce the Stamp Act, which led to the Revolution, and it was also All Saints' Day, when celestial friends have a special outing. Two graves were marked in this cemetery, — those of Maj. Samuel Barnard and Samuel Coolidge; vvhile later, at the Ar lington Street cemetery, markers were placed above the sacred dust of Col. Christopher Grant, Joseph Coolidge and Col. Moses Coolidge. Remarks were made by President Edward A. Rand of the Watertown Chapter S. A. R., to whose careful research was due the locating of these graves ; prayer was offered by Rev. Walter F. Greenman; historic sketches were read by Mrs. B. F. Daven port, Regent of the D. A. R., by Mrs. Fred E. Crawford, and by Watson Grant Cutter of Cambridge, great-grandson of Col. Christopher Grant; while, most fittingly, the beautiful bronze markers were placed by Secretary George A. Alden of the Water- town Chapter, a direct descendant of the John Alden who cut out Capt. John Smith by request of the fair Priscilla. Commander William H. Benjamin represented the G. A. R., Post 81. Maj. Samuel Barnard was captain of a company in Col. Gard ner's regiment, which marched from Watertown in response to THE OLD BRIDGE OVER THE CHARLES RIVER AT WATERTOWN. Easterly view, show^ing the appearance just before its removal, in 1906. The Scrap Book. i.'i-i. the Lexington Alarm, in 1775; was major of Col. Thatcher's regiment, and also served at Dorchester Heights. Samuel Coolidge enlisted for three years' service in the Conti nental army. . Col. Christopher Grant was a sergeant in Capt. Barnard's company, and lieutenant in Capt. Abner Crafts' company. His g^eat-grandson, Mr. Cutter, showed his commission as recruiting officer, given July 10, 1775, by Adjt.-Gen. Horatio Gates; also his commission, received from Gov. James Bowdoin, as colonel of the First Regiment of Militia, dated Middlesex County, Octl 18, 1786. Joseph Coolidge left his plow afield, went to Lexington, and was killed that day by the retreating British. Moses Coolidge was in Capt. Phineas Stearns' company at Dorchester Heights, and also served in Capt. Watson's company. There are many other graves which should have these markers, but it is difficult to locate them accurately. The Galen Street Bridge. Dr. Bennett F. Davenport. The building of a new bridge in a slightly different location across Charles River, in our town centre, makes of special interest the following account of the original bridge, as given by Dr. Davenport, taken from the old Colony records : " May 26, 1647. Whereas complaint hath been made of the want of a horse bridge near unto Watertown mill, and that the want thereof hath hazarded the lives of several persons, and may endanger many more, and for that the best and most commodious place is in the bounds of Watertown, it is ordered by the court that there be a sufiicient horse bridge made over the river there by the inhabitants of Watertown before the first of the 9th month next ensuing." After some delay the bridge was constructed, and at reasonable cost, under the direction of Mr. Bisco and Isaac Stearns, the former being allowed for eight days' work twelve shillings. Feb. 29, 1648, the rate of the bridge and other debts is given as £22 IS. 4d. In 1667, the bridge was carried away by ice in a freshet, and although Watertown humbly craved the favor of the court to give them relief, the court saw no cause to grant the request, and the town was forced to rebuild. Other reconstructions have been made from time to time. Soldiers of the Revolution, and even General and Lady Washington, crossed the bridge, and a more or less steady stream of citizens passed to and fro, a magnet of attraction being Widow Dorothy Coolidge's tavern near by. The town paid Dorothy 12 shillings and 8 pence for rum fur nished, April 19, 1775' ^'^ the men who served in the Lexington Battle ; which is only 9 shillings less than it paid Mr. John Draper for bread for the men on the same day. 122 Watertown's Military History. The Indians of Watertown. Cotton Mather's description of the Massachusetts Indians fol lows : "Know then that these doleful creatures are the veriest ruins of mankind which are to be found anywhere upon the face of the earth. One might see among them what a hard master the devil is to the most devoted of his vassals. These abject creatures live in a country full of mines; we have already made entrance upon our iron ; and in the very surface of the ground, among us, there lies copper enough to supply all this world, be sides other mines to be hereafter exposed. " But our shiftless Indians were never owners of so much as a knife till we came among them. Their name for an Englishman was a knife-man. They live in a country where we now have all the conveniences of human life. But as for them, their housing is nothing but a few mats tied about poles fastened in the earth, where a good fire is their bed-clothes in the coldest season. In most of their dangerous diseases, 'tis a powow that must be sent for; that is, a priest who has more familiarity with Satan than his neighbors. " This conjurer comes and roars and howls and uses magical ceremonies over the sick man, and will be well paid for it when he has done. If this don't effect a cure, the man's time is come, and there's an end. "Their way of living is infinitely barbarous. The men are most abominably slothful, making their poor squaws, or wives, to plant and dress and barn and beat their corn, and build their wigwams for them." She Captured a Redcoat. William B. Dorman in Boston Herald. Lydia Warren, born in Watertown, Jan. 7, 1745, was one of fourteen children of Phinehas and Grace (Hastings) Warren, and descendant of John Warren who arrived with Margaret his wife from England, in 1630, and settled in Watertown. The writer was at first disposed to doubt the historical accuracy of the statement which follows, but has since been assured that a detachment of the British did pass through Watertown on Apr. 19' 1775- Lydia Warren's house was off the main road and the latter part of the day her neighbors came running, crying out, " Mrs. Bar nard ! There is a Redcoat coming." Stepping through the group, she grasped the horse's bridle and ordered the soldier to dismount ; he not obeying, to pull him from the saddle was but the work of a moment. Shaking him vigorously, " You viUain ! " she exclaimed, " how do I know but what you have been killing some of my folks?" He protested that he had not fired a shot. " Let me see your cartridge box," said she, and opening it The Scrap Book. 123 found several missing. At this she shook him still more violently, and, her anger increasing, she grasped his sword in such a threatening manner that his fears overcame him, and falling upon his knees he begged for his life. She finally gave her prisoner in charge of those whom the af fair had attracted to the scene, and he was taken to the tavern for safe keeping, while the horse was turned loose in a pasture. In alluding to the aflfair in later years she was wont to say " that she never saw a man that she thought she could not have handled." A Colonial Newspaper. George S. Wright. The Boston Gazette was first published as a weekly newspa per Dec. 21, 1719- Soon after the news of the destruction of the tea in Boston harbor reached England, Parliament passed a law, in 1774' that the " port of Boston should be closed until the tea was paid for and humble submission made to the king," and another taking the government " out of the hands of the people" and putting the Colony under the control of Gen. Gage, who was sent to Boston with several regiments of troops. As might be expected, the office of the Gazette was soon under the espionage of the English troops, but not until June, i775> when " the avenues between Boston and the country were care fully guarded," did Benjamin Edes, its patriotic editor, seek safety in flight by the easiest and quietest way, rowing up the Charles, taking his " press and a few types," to Watertown. Edes located the Gazette in a building that stood on Galen street, near the bridge, a site which is now part of the Metropoli tan Park reservation. Here for more than a year and a half he printed and published the paper. In an issue of June 5, i775i ^"^ article appeared signed " The Printer," urgently calling on " all those who are in arrears, forthwith to discharge the respective balances, in order to enable him to discharge his just debts at this very critical season." Paper became so scarce that the Gazette was printed for a number of weeks as a leaflet, instead of in its usual quarto form. The issue of June 20, i775' gives the following brief account of the battle of Bunker Hill : " By many persons of undoubted veracity who were in Boston during the late battle at Charlestown and were soon after in the field of action, we learn that, the enemy sustained a greater loss than was at first apprehended. The ministerial troops, about 5000 in number, were commanded by Lord Howe, and by the most favorable accounts, 1000 ot them, amongst whom were 84 officers, were killed and wounded, but their loss is believed to be much greater. The work-house, almshouse, and manufactory- house and a number of private dwellings were improved for the 124 Watertown's Military History. wounded regulars, who were removing the whole of the night and Sabbath day succeeding the battle. " Some 700 Americans fought the battle, the residue of the army from Cambridge not having recovered Bunker Hill timely enough to reinforce our brave men. "The officers and regulars acknowledge that they have dearly purchased the hill, but say that the rebels fought more like devils than like men. Charlestown, containing about 300 dwelling houses and 150 or 200 other buildings, was laid in ashes by our humane adversaries." The GazetteyfdL% about 9x13 inches, with two or three columns to a page. The printing executed in Watertown did not do much credit to the art. Wretched ink, worn out type, and poor coarse paper, combined to make good work impossible. The Gazette suspended publication in 1794- Its editor, Ben jamin Edes, died in poverty and neglect. Captain John Fowle. Col. D. S. Lamson, of Watertown. Captain John Fowle, sixth son of Edward Fowle and Abigail Whitney, was born Feb. i, 1756, and married Mary Cook of Newton. They had four children, three girls and one boy. Capt. Fowle died at Watertown in 1824, aged 68 years. He served with credit and reputation during the whole of the Revolutionary War. At the time the Marquis de Lafayette was ordered to the southward, to oppose the progress of the army of Lord Cornwallis, Capt. Fowle was selected as one of his officers. Under that distinguished officer he served and endured all the fatigues and dangers incident to the campaign. When the army under the command of Gen. Washington formed a junction with the Marquis at Yorktown, Capt. Fowle continued to serve in the Light Infantry, and his company composed a part of the detach ment under the command of the Marquis which stormed Lord Cornwallis' advanced redoubts, and enabled Washington to ad vance and take such a position as compelled his Lordship to sur render. After the glorious struggle ended Capt. Fowle retired to private life. That he keenly felt the injustice done him by his country there can be no doubt. He never believed the wages due the officers and soldiers were honestly paid. It is well known that, at the close of the war, the army was paid in unfunded securities, which were not worth one-sixth part of their nominal value, al though the soldiers had been promised payment in specie at the end of each month. The Powder House. Feb. 14, 1896, at a meeting of the Watertown Historical Socie.? ty, Charles F. Mason stated that he had ascertained beyond ques- ..M-^ g-o §i/M^4jl'mp^V"^ ^^ y«tal -••. -.«.o... -aGiS7dOO> AND STATE AID TO FAMILIES. Or, iryoa see Gt to take the FIFTY DOIXABS BOUNTY, and 830 per raoath, 70B wlU get la. STATE 3BOUMTH - - - - --...--»...._»__ 8V70.0O oovBBmsxnirr bouutv •• •>---•---------- 4oa,oo QavMunsEST pat ---»-•------¦-._-- -40S.OO Total, ezclnslva of CloUalns, Stc, ---->--->._.. ^740.00 HEW HECHPggS will receive npon tho Mme prtBCW --•••--• loao.OO Come then Tonng Men of Watertown, join the gallant hort whieh hat a abead J gatkend, «Ht help the GfoBdAnuTin' ermfihing the traitors of our conntry. '¦^-^. FRANK W. HILTON, Captain 16th Regt. Mass. Volnnteers, Rectultliig Officer. CALKlNb & GOODWIN. f.riuu..rs. l»i Wii.Iiiii,^ii Sbwfc Buatoii. SOLDIERS OF THE CIVIL WAR. At the date of the opening of the Civil War, in 1861, Water- town had been shorn of a great proportion of its original territory, the latest loss having been the setting off of all that portion lying north of Belmont street, 1446 acres, to form the town of Belmont. This was consummated in 1859, after years of vigorous agitation and wordy debate, and it left the town about the size it is now, in 1907. Its population was, in i860, 3270, which had increased in 1865 to 3779- Its area was slightly under 2700 acres, of which less than 2050 acres were taxable. In June, i860, the valuation was $2,597,800; number of polls, 769; total tax, $19,338.10, and tax rate $7 per $1000. In the next five years, in spite of the heavy drain on its resources, and the bitter loss of its youthful citizens who answered to the call of Duty, it became a quarter of a million dollars richer. The first list of its soldiers which follows was prepared from the records at the town's request by William H. Ingraham, who for a quarter-century served as town clerk, as well as acting as assessor and in other official capacities. He was a high-minded, honorable and cherished citizen. Camp White, in Watertown, to which he refers in opening, was located on the southerly side of Main street, a short distance above Howard street in the direc tion of Waltham, a broad, open field just west of premises occu pied by Mr. Lathrop. For their " rations," which while they re mained encamped in Watertown were really three good square meals a daj', they marched down Main street to the Spring Hotel, then in its full glory, and run by mine host Samuel L. Batchelder. It was nice to be a soldier under such conditions, very attrac tive and alluring, especially so to the young men of the town. Camp Cameron, to which the company went from here, was in North Cambridge, near what was then known as Porter's sta tion. There the young volunteers were given good training and were mustered into the service of the United States. SOLDIERS' RECORD, TOWN OF WATERTOWN, By William H. Ingraham, Town Clerk. ROLL OF HONOR. As the record I am about to make agreeably to the Statute of this Commonwealth, may be examined by coming generations anxious to know who might be entitled to have their names en tered upon this " Roll of Honor," I will make such explanation as to me seems desirable, for a perfect understanding of all mat ters relating thereunto. At the opening of the Rebellion the loyal citizens of Watertown felt it incumbent upon them to take such measures as they deemed meet and proper to aid the General Government to sustain the institutions of our Fathers and to crush this iniquitous Rebellion, not only by word and vote, but by the more powerful weapons of war. They accordingly met, as the reader may see by referring to the town records of that date (April 23, 1861), and took such steps as led to the organization of a military company which was duly organized May 5, 1861, and which went into camp at " Camp White," Watertown, on the first of June. It was accepted by the Governor and ordered to report at " Camp Cameron" on the 2d of July following, at which date it was mustered into the service of the United States for three years or during the war. Uniforms for both officers and men were furnished by liberal citizens and the town, and the expenses of drill and organization were paid ; also a bounty of $30 to each of the volunteers, in addition to the other expenses incurred. I shall therefore enter upon the Roll all of the names of that com pany with their respective places of residence, whether they com posed the quota of this town or not, and also all of those who responded at the subsequent call of our country, but I shall index those only who as far as I shall be able to ascertain went to com pose the quota of our town. This company was attached to the i6th Regiment, commanded by Col. Powell T. Wyman, of Boston, and was entitled " Com pany K." Commanding Officers : Captain, Henry C. Lindley, Watertown. First Lieutenant, Stephen E. Meserve, " Second Lieutenant, Frank W. Hilton, " (who was promoted to First Lieutenant of Company D, Sept. 28, 1861, and John Eaton, South Reading, was commissioned Sept. 28, 1861.) Sergeants : Charles E. Clark, Waltham. Samuel F. Stearns, Lynn, resided in Watertown. Jonas F. Capell, Lexington, color bearer. Charles F. Coburn, Watertown. Thomas C. Norcross, " , M(h,"THE SPRING HOTEL." WATERTOWN, IN 1907. Where Co. K was boarded by the Town, in 1S61, for one month. Until 1890, a large open yard, sheds and stable were at the right of Building. The Civil War. 137 Corporals : Theodore Waters, E. Cambridge. Joseph D. Rupp, Watertown. Philip H. King, Watertown. E. A. King, " Mathias Brigham, Natick. John N. Farwell, Bolton. Asa D. Smith, " George E. Adams, Newton. Privates ; Atwood, Samuel S. Bright, Gilbert Bright, Joseph Bridges, Charles H. Benton, Perrin Bean, Edwin Brooman, Geo. H. Brown, Charles E. Bradley, James E. Cushman, Horace W Cole, Ralph CoUigan, John H. Cummings, Andrew, Jr. Corrigan, Joseph . Craigen, George F. Doloff, Benj. W. . Doloff, John E. . Doherty, John . Engley, George Eldridge, William E. Flynn, Cornelius J. Freem an , Joseph Flohr, Andrew . Franklin, Samuel Harned, David Harrington, Herman P. Harrison, Jaraes R. Holbrook, John G. Hanford, George C. Hancock, Charles Kenny, Patrick Kearney, James Keyes, Sylvester W. Knott, George . Keleher, J. . . Keating, Daniel Lyman, William H Lyman, Edward Lord, Eben N. Leaverton, James W Luker, J. . . Mansir, John H. Taunton. Watertown. Holbrook, N. H. Natick. W. Roxbury. Watertown. E. Braintree. Turner, Me. Lexington. Watertown. Cambridge. Boston.Watertown. Wrentham. Watertown. Newton. Waltham. Watertown. Cambridge. Watertown. Waltham.Watertown. Natick. Watertown.Newton.Brighton . Watertown. I3S Watertown's Military History. Mackin, James E. Miller, Henry I. . Miller, Charles A. Morse, Charles A. Morse, George F. . McGonnigal, Barney McCooliff, Patrick Mullaney, Mathew Murphy, Daniel Mullen, David . . Manchester, G. D. Nichols, Abram G. Quelter,John . Richardson, Charles Robbins, George, Jr Risley, George W. Risley, Chester Rodman, John . Rood, J. L. Sanderson, Horace Sanderson, Henry Sanger, Wm. H. . Smith, Gregg . . Smith, James H. . Sumner, Allison R. Swinburn, Samuel Sharp, James E. . Shattuck, Amory N. Sherman, Robert . Smith, John J. . Smith, Joshua . Sullivan, Dennis . Stacey, Albert H. Tainter, George W. Thompson, C. H. Tibbetts, N. D. . Whitemarsh, Thomas Ward, John N. . Webb, J. A. . Worth, Alonzo K. Wright, Frank Whittemore, George H. Watson, Joseph . . Watertown. Natick. Waltham. Ashby. Waltham. Cambridge. Burlington. Waltham.Littleton. Watertown. Waltham. Ludlow.Waltham. u Watertown. Natick. Watertown. Natick.Waltham. Cambridge. Watertown. Northboro. Charlestown. Waltham. Newton. East Bridgewater. Watertown. Natick. Watertown. Cambridge. Added to the company after the regiment left the State, and returned by the commanding officer : Cullen, Michael Gorson, Elijah . Lamoine, John Boston. Lexington. Watertown. The Civil War. 139 Moore, Peter Watertown. O'Brien, Thomas .... " Pratt, James R Boston. Rev. Arthur B. Fuller of Watertown received the appointment of Chaplain, and was with the regiment up to the battle of Fredricksburg, Va., when having resigned his position of Chap lain on the morning of that battle he took a gun and entered the ranks as a private, was among the first that volunteered to cross over the river to the attack, and fell shot dead, in the street of Fredericksburg. His body was recovered and was brought home to his friends, and was buried in Mt. Auburn by the side of his relatives. On July 7, 1862, a call came for 300,000 men. Watertown's quota was 36 men. One hundred dollars bounty was paid. Pomeroy, Alonzo Watertown. Co. G. 39th Reg't. Hutchins, Samuel W. " " " Ham, Henry W. " Serg't " " Whitney, John " u n Thomas, Orson C. " u n Delany, Jack " u u Corser, Wm. H. " n u Skeele, Milo B. " Woodbury, William H. " Serg't. Madden, Washington, South Randolph Goodwin, Geo. H. " " Hayden, Z. M. " " Hyland, Wm. Watertown. Spaulding, Charles A. " Bright, Willard " Broderick, James (( O'Hare, Patrick «c Adams, Joseph (C Cochran, George Boston. Mills, Palemon C. Watertown. 33d Reg't, Sheahan, Thomas It 35th " Mellen, William South Boston. u ti Chapman, Charles H. , Watertown. (( (C Haggerty, Daniel West, Wm. W. (£ <( Co. B. 11 11 33d " McCuen, Parker (( U fc( (( Donnally, John Crompton, John McKinley, John Evers, Emile U t( ii (( (( ii 35th " Gotleib, Joseph McNeil, Thomas Serg't. U 11 11 11 140 Watertown's Military History. Serg't. 11 35th Regt. Pickney, Edward N. Watertown. Hogan, Wm. H. " Atkins, Robert " Davison,John " " " The above were mustered at " Camp Stanton," Lynnfield. The following names are residents of Watertown who_ volun teered for three years service and went into other companies, but were allowed on the next call for 300,000 men : Babcock, Rufus Rogers, Terence Rogers, Hugh Rogers, Patrick Atcherson, Johnson Severance, Augustus Bernard, John F. Howard, George R. Sherman, Charles F. King, Phineas F. White, Wm. G. Jackson, Charles Jackson, Wm. H. Trull, E. J. Conly, John Crotty, Patrick Brigham, Edwin H. Norcross, Elijah Craig, Harrison J. Dowling, Wm. Ireland, Raselas Hempstead, Rev. Henry A. Rouse, Edward S. Wilkins, Henry A. Noyes, Samuel G. Johnson, Wm. H. Klouse, Adolphus Dimon, Owen Howard, Charles Hutchinson, James Warren, Michael Grey, Hugh Childs, James B. Co. Co. H. I. 1 6th. 2d Ca Co. Co. A. C. Q9th N. Y. Nim's Battery. 11 11 i6th. 13th. Co. A, 13th. New Orleans, with Butler. Co. I. 23d Reg't. Co. A. 13th " Co. L. 14th " Co. G. 7th Battery Lt. Art. " 32d Reg't. 14th " Chaplain 29th " St. Louis. 20th " Sharp Shooters, 40th Reg't Rhode Island Reg't. 5th Battery. 30th Reg't. 14th " 2d " 9th Reg't. 38th " July 29, 1862. Co. A, izthReg. August 4th, 1862, call for 300,000 men. Nine months. Boun ty, $150. Names of Watertown men in Co. K, 5th Regiment: Crafts, Joseph Ireland, Edward Csburn, Ira J. Jones, William Carter, John H. Kennedy, James Baldwin, Wm. F. Lindley, Austin The Civil War. 141 Brigham, Charles Boyce, Jacob G. Adams, Charles Lyman, Joseph Dexter, George A. Blanchard, James H. Burns, Patrick Bent, Judson DeWyre, Andrew Dardis, Thomas Dunn, James Ellis, James A. Foster, Charles Howes, Micajah Hill, Charles F. Harrington, George E. Wilson, James Ober, Oliver M. Hilton, Charles C. Horn, George W. Jr. Nichols, George C. Otis, Ward M. Ober, Peter A. Pond, John A. Priest, Charles H. Roscbrook, Seldon H. Russell, Jeremiah, Jr. Sibley, Mark N. Sanger, Charles E. Stanley, John S. Tvghe, Joseph G. Toole, Patrick Wilson, Daniel A. Derby, Amos L. Otis, Horace W. Stackpole, Edwin A. Rhoades, George L. Pendergast, Thomas Howard, F. A. Richardson, Edward Watertown men in other commands : Co. B, 44th Reg't. Tilton, Daniel P. Sylvester, J. W. Fields, C. S. Treadwell, Henry S. Hutchins, Frank S. Chant, Frank D. Booth, George W. Greenwood, Lemuel Degan, Chas. F. Miller, Charles Bodge, Samuel D. Coffin, Franklin Patten, Thomas H. Robbins, James A. Learned, Frank S. Pierce, Henry T. Wilkins, Joseph G. Day, J. L. Hartford, John W. Hawes, Daniel C. Kearney, James Christian, Henry W. Priest, George E. Co. A, 47th " 1 1 th Battery Lt. Art. 11 11 11 11 Jones' Battery. Co. E, 50th Reg't. 11 11 ti Assistant in Hospital. Conn. Reg't. Co. E, 44th Reg't. Co. A, 47th Co. B, 43d Co. H, 53d RECRUITING COMMITTEE'S REPORT. The serious period in a prolonged war comes when the first bright flush of enthusiasm has been darkened by stories of harsh service, bloodshed, death and defeat on the field of battle. So it was that after Watertown had sent forth many of its finest young men, and there still came repeated calls for further reinforcements, it became necessary to adopt strenuous measures to fill the town's quotas. Bounties were increased and additional inducements offered to attract new recruits. Some of the enrolled citizens were so enchained by family ties, or business cares, as to render it very difficult, if not almost impossible, for them to enlist ; while a few had conscientious scruples in regard to shedding the life-blood of others, or losing their own. These secured substitutes as a sort of vicarious sacrifice ; for a Nation's life must be preserved at all hazards, and it must needs be that a draft should. come. On the i8th day of July, 1864, President Lincoln issued a call for 500,000 men, which after allowing for various credits in military service concluded as follows : " And I hereby proclaim, order, and direct, that immediately after the fifth day of September, being fifty days from the date of this call, a draft for troops to serve one year shall be held in every town, township, ward of a city, precinct, election district, or a county not so sub-divided, to fill the quota, which shall be as signed to it under this call, or any part thereof which may be un filled by volunteers on the said fifth day of September, 1864." (Signed) Abraham Lincoln. Watertown appointed a Recruiting Committee to fill its quota under this call. From a printed report made by this committee the following facts appear : Of the list of enrolled men, 204 agreed to pay the assessment of $40 each, levied on them by the Recruiting Committee. 168 men paid $40 each - - . . $6,720 5 " " 20 " - - - 100 I " " 25 " - - - 25 I " " 30 " 30 10 furnished substitutes. 19 uncollected. $6,875 204 Subscriptions from other sources, $3,600. LAST CALL BEFORE THE DRAET Will you enlist, and receive the following liberal Bounty and Pay, or- be conscripted and receive thirteen dollars per month? You can have your choice of any Regiment of Infantry, Cavalry, or. Light Battery of Artillery now in the field. DECIDE IMMEDIATELY! Take this last chance, and do not risk uncertainties! Ri&ad the following liberal and bona-fide offers for Volunteers: J Month's advance pay, . . . . $13. Bounty 62. — 75. Pirst pay-day Bounty, 50. 2 Month's pay, 26, — 76- At flrst regular pay-day after 6 month's service, 50. " 1 year's " 50. « " II " " 50. *c « « « 2 " " 50. " " " " 21 '* " 50. At the expiration of 3 years, to any Soldier who may be honorably discharged, , . . 40. iAW iE^eyaTS, Pirst payment, same as veterans, ... 75. Pirst regular pay-day, 40. Pirst regular pay-day after 6 month's service. 40. " 1 year's " 40- U JI « « ^Q (( (( U (I n « ^f Af\ « « " 3 " *' 40l g@=In addition lo the above, the State of Massacliiasetts pays $325. ^bounty, making the whole bounty TO VETERANS, . $725.00 TO RAW RECRUITS, . 625.00 STATE AIP TO FAPIILIES. RECBUITIISre OFFICE • I • • 9 Captain JOSEPH CRAFTS, Eecruiting Agent. CALKUfS & OOOISWIN* Printexts^ 136 WAslhineton Street, 1863. James Riddeford. Age, 24; b. England; cr. Watertown; enl. Boston, June 13, 1861 ; served on "North Carolina," " Cur- ritick"; disch. June 23, 1863. William Roberts. Age, 46; b. Watertown ; ist Ass't Eng., April 24, 1861 ; Ch. Eng. April 21, 1863; served on " Housa- tonic," "Pawnee," "Niagara"; resigned, Feb. 19, 1869. Charles Robinson. Age, 37 ; b. New Brunswick; cr. Wa tertown; substitute; enl. Dec. 16, 1864; served on "Wando"; disch. Aug. 25, 1865, "Vermont." Frederick Sherman. Age, 22 ; b. Watertown ; cr. Harwich ; Ids.; enl. Boston, Aug. 5, 1862; served on "Morse," "Wilkes Sq."; disch. Aug. 4, 1863. Antonia Silva. Age, 34 ; b. Portugal ; cr. Watertown ; substitute; ship's cook; enl. Boston, Sept. 14, 1864; served on "Osceola," "Bienville"; disch. Sept. 9, 1867. John Smith. Age, 23; b. New Brunswick; cr. Watertown; Ids.; substitute; enl. Boston, July 37, 1864; served on "Harvest Moon," " Columbia"; disch. April 6, 1867. Otis A. Thompson. Cr. Watertown ; appointed Acting Mas ter's Mate, May 3, 1862; Acting Ensign, May 9, 1862; served on "Tioga," "Dunbarton," "Shawmut"; disch. May 23, 1867. William Thompson. Age, 21; blacksmith; b. Watertown ; cr. Winchester; coal heaver; enl. Boston, Feb. 3, 1864; served on " Saco"; disch. Jan. 25, 1865. William Thompson. Age, 21; b. Ireland; cr. Watertown 2d cl. fireman; enl. Boston, Mar. 10, 1864; served on " Circas sian"; disch. April 12, 1865. 2o6 Watertown's Military History. Charles S. Thurston. Age, 19 ; b. Boston ; cr. Watertown ; enl. seaman, Aug. 14, 1862; appointed Acting Ensign, Dec. 6, 1864 ; served on " Anacosta," " Ohio," " Courier," " Kanawha," "Penobscot"; disch. Aug. 7, 1865. Walter H. Tilton. Cr. Watertown ; appointed Act. Mas ter's Mate, Dec. 9, 1862; served on " Ohio," " Fredonia" ; disch. as Mate, May 3, 1866. F. Warren Towne. Cr. Watertown ; appointed Act. Ensign, Dec. 4, 1863; served on "Lehigh," "Huron" ; disch. Dec. 30, 1865. Alden W. Tripp. Cr. Watertown ; appointed Act. Master's Mate, Sept. 12, 1862 ; served on " Ottawa" ; dismissed April 23, 1864. Charles P. Turner. Cr. Watertown ; appointed Act. Mas ter's Mate, Sept. 16, 1862; served on " Stars and Stripes"; re signed March 14, 1864. Frank W. Tux^ner. Cr. Watertown ; appointed Act. Mas ter's Mate, Nov. 15, 1861 ; served on "Ottawa"; resigned Oct. 18, 1864. William Whall. Age, 21; res. Watertown; b. South Ber wick, Me.; cr. Charlestown; Ids.; enl. Boston, Aug. 5, 1862; disch. from " Morse," Aug. 4, 1863. (See ist Frontier Cavalry.) Charles H. White. Res. Watertown; b. Sandwich, N. H. ; appointed Assistant Surgeon, Dec. 26, 1861 ; Past Asst. Surgeon, Oct. 30, 1S65 ; Surgeon, Nov. 18, 1869; Medical Inspector, July 10, 1888; Medical Director, June 8, 1895; served on " Huron," " Roanoke." Silas C. Wilson. Age, 21 ; b. Wakefield, N. H. ; cr. Water- town ; enl. Boston, Aug. i3, 1863; disch. Aug. 4, 1863, from " Augusta." The Civil War, which had opened with the rebel attack on Fort Sumter, April 12, i86i, virtually closed April 9, 1865, when Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, near Richmond, Virginia. During the four years of serious conflict, the Union forces in the field totalled 2,667,000, of whom 294,000 were drafted. The amount of bounties paid by the United States was $300,223,500; by State and local authorities, $386,000. The casualties in the army num bered 380,739: 5,321 officers and 90,868 men were killed in ac tion or died of wounds; and 2,321 officers and 183,329 men died from disease or accident. The public debt, in 1866, amounted to $2,773,000,000, nearly all created by the war. The Confederates' total force enrolled was 600,000 men, and the loss about 300,000. Confederate cruisers, mainly fitted out in English ports, did great damage to the commerce of the United The Civil War. 207 States; for which, England, some years later, paid a pretty bill. The Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Lincoln, Jan. I, 1863, gave freedom to 4,000,000 slaves. On the night of April 14, 1865, exactly four years after the evacuation of Fort Sumter, by Major Robert Anderson and the Union forces. President Lincoln was assassinated in Ford's Thea tre, Washington, — a frightful ending of a bloody fratricidal war. THE WAR WITH SPAIN. There had been troublous times in Cuba for several years, prior to 1898, under Spanish rule, the conditions constantly growing more acute. Over the disturbances of its near neighbor the United States kept a watchful eye, finally sending a battleship, the Maine, on a friendly visit to Havana harbor. One intensely dark night, at 10.30, Feb. 15, 1898, the Maine was destroyed by an explosion, and 2 officers and 254 men lost their lives. An investigation by a United States court of enquiry, indicated that Spain was guilty, by implication, for the blowing up of the Maine. The indignation of our people was beyond restraint. North and South were once more united. War against Spain was declared, the President being author ized by Congress, April 30, 1898, to intervene in Cuban affairs. On April 25 a call was issued for 135,000 men, and on May 25 for 75,000 additional volunteers. It was a short, sharp conflict, mainly notable for two remark able naval victories. On May i Rear Admiral Dewey steamed into Manila Bay and destroyed the Spanish fleet under Admiral Montojo. On July 3 Spain's other fleet, under Admiral Cervera, was ruined as it was trying to effect an escape from the harbor of San Juan, Cuba, by the United States battleships under direc tion of Admirals Sampson and Schley. On July 26, Spain made overtures for peace, and Nov. 38, 1898, the final terms of the United States were accepted by Spain at Paris. The United States lost 253 men killed in battle, while 3577 was the total of those killed, wounded, or who died in camp. The cost of the war to this country was $232,500,000. It gained the Philippines, valued at $450,000,000; and Porto Rico, the value of which was $150,000,000. Spain lost about 2'5oo men killed, and the wounded numbered 3000. Its cost of the war was $150,000,000, and this, added to the value of Cuba, $300,000,000, the Philippines and Porto Rico, made the total loss to Spain, $1,075,000,000. Watertown's part in the war is shown by the following list of names : Gkorge R. Barnstead. ist Lieut. Co. H, 6th Inf. ; res. Stone ham ; b. Watertown; M. I. May 13, 189S ; M. O. Jan. 2, 1899. Philip Butler. Priv. Co. C, 5th Inf. ; res. Watertown ; b. No. Andover; M. I. July 2, 1898; M. O. March 31, 1899. The War with Spain. 209 William Curran. Coal passer, U.S.N. ; res. Watertown ; b. County Down, Ire. ; M. I. March 25, 1898 ; M. O. March 24, 1901, U. S. S. Indiana. Joseph A. Delany. Priv. Co. C, 5th Inf.; res. Newton; b. Watertown; M. I. July 2, 1898; M. O. March 31, 1899. Fred M. Fitch. Priv. Co. B, 5th Inf. ; res. Watertown; b. Watertown; M. I. July i, 1S98; M. O. March 31, 1899. Edward C. Fitzwilliams. Priv. Battery L., ist Hv. Art. ; res. Boston; b. Watertown; M. I. May 9, 1898; M. O. Nov. 14, 1898. Frank M. Fitzwilliams. Priv. Battery L, ist Hv. Art. ; res. Boston ; b. Watertown ; M. I. May 9, 1898 : M. O. Nov. 14, 1898. John F. Gallagher. Priv. Co. C, 5th Inf. ; res. Water- town ; b. Watertown ; M. I. July 2, 1898; M. O. Mar. 31, 1899. Leonard Whitney Johnson. Hospital Steward, U. S. Vol. ist Div. ist Corps, ist Brig.; res. Cambridge; b. Watertown; M. I. 1898 ; M. O. Nov. 12, 1898 ; served in Porto Rico. James Lavelle. Priv. Co. C, 5th Inf. ; res. Watertown ; b. York, Eng. ; M. I. July 2, 1898 ; M. O. March 31, 1899. John S. Lovely. Priv. Co. C, 5th Inf. ; res. Watertown (?) ; b. Watertown (?) ; M. I. July 2, 1898 ; M. O. March 31, 1899. William H. Mills. Priv. Co. F, 8th Inf.; res. Haverhill; b. Watertown; M. I. May 11, 1898 ; M. O. April 28, 1899 ; service in Cuba. Edward D. Roche. Priv. Co. C. 5th Inf. ; res. Newtonville ; b. Watertown; M. I. July 2, 1898; M. O. March 31, 1899. George L. Rockwell. Second cl. machinist; res. Water- town ; b. Fitchburg; M. I. April 28, 1898; M. O. Sept. 8, 1898, from U. S. S. " Machias." Francis A. Rooney. Corpl. Co. B, 5th Inf. ; res. Cambridge ; b. Watertown; M. I.July i, 1898;. M. O. March 31, 1899; ap pointed Sergt. Nov. 36, 1898. Arthur B. Rundlett. Res. Watertown ; b. Watertown ; M. I. April 25, 1898. Willie M. Russell. Hospital Steward, U.S.N. ; res. Water- town; b. Worcester; M. I. May 9, 1898; M. O. Sept. 4, 1898, U. S.M. "Lehigh." RoscoE L. Sprague. Priv. 5th U. S. Cav. ; res. Watertown; b. Watertown; M. I. March 11, 1898; M. O. March 10, 1901 ; served in Porto Rico. William Roy Sprague. Marine, U.S.N. ; res. Watertown ; b. Watertown; M. I. 1898; served on " Yosemite." Nicholas J. Spring. First cl. musician; res. Watertown; b. Dublin, Ire.; M. L Feb. 14, 1898; M. O. Feb. 13. 1899. (See Civil War record.) 2IO Watertown's Military History. Herbert C. Stearns. Corpl. Co. C, 5th Inf. ; res. Newton ; b. Watertown ; M. I, July 2, 1898 ; M. O. March 31, 1899. Frederick A. Thomas. Priv. Co. E, 2d Inf. ; res. Water- town ; b. Watertown ; M. I. May 10, 1898 ; M. O. Nov. 3, 1898. Charles E. Tolman. Priv. Co. F, 5th Inf. ; res. Watertown ; b. Effingham, N. H. ; M. I.July 2, 1898; M. O. March 31, 1899. Richard J. Wenmouth. Priv. Co. A, 9th Inf. ; res. Water- town ; b. Waterford, Ire. ; M. I. May 11, 1898; M. O. Nov. 20, 1898. Charles H. White. Medical Director, U.S.N. (See Civil War rec. Navy.) THE VETERANS OF POST 8i. The origin and development of Isaac B. Patten Post 8i are matters of exceeding interest in Watertown's military history. This organization has gathered, united, cheered and strengthened the soldier boys of 1861-1865, many of whom served on the town's quota ; while the others, credited to various communities of this and other States, have since the war taken up their resi dence here. All have joined hands in keeping fresh and bright the memory of their fallen comrades, upon whose graves, with each annually recurring Memorial Day, they have set G.A.R. markers and miniature flags, and placed bouquets of flowers ; a beautiful custom, which should be continued through the coming years. This labor of love will be the heritage of the Sons of Vet erans, a service to be more deeply hallowed by time and the loss of those who in life are now held dear. To the Woman's Relief Corps honor and credit are due for such assistance in this memorial work as only women can render, while they have also been active in the social life of the Post. Six years and more had elapsed, since the war closed, when, in obedience to an order from Department headquarter/s, signed by Adjutant General Henry B. Pierce, a small body of veterans met in the rooms of the Young People's Literary Society in the rear part, second floor of Noyes' block on Main Street, on the evening of Thursday, Dec. 28, 1871. This meeting was the official response to an application for a charter made on Dec. 11. Department Inspector Charles O. Welch was present, who con ducted the necessary ceremonies whereby Grand Army Post 81 was duly organized and constituted, with the following charter members : Charles H. Priest, Charles Brigham, Ward M. Otis, George E. Priest, Charies T. Perkins, Horace W. Otis, John E. Bradlee, Albert H. Hartwell, and James R. Harrison. There were also transferred to this Post, N. O. Walker, from Post 62, of Newton, and Christian Siebold, from Post 12, of Wakefield. Albert Peeler, Frank W. Lane, Charles W. Berry and Charles Q. Pierce were added to the list of those who received the obliga tion, in due form, on this first night. 212 Watertown' s Military History. With the unanimity of a vote by acclamation, officers were elected as follows : Commander, Charles T. Perkins. Senior Vice Commander, George E. Priest. Junior " " Charles H. Priest. Quartermaster, Horace W. Otis. Officer of the Day, Albert H. Hartwell. " " " Guard, James R. Harrison. Appointed officers : Adjutant, John E. Bradlee. QLiar. Mas. Sergt., Ward M. Otis. Sergt. Major, Frank W. Lane. Then came the selection of a suitable name. There were twO deemed especially worthy of consideration. One was that of Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, who, at the opening of the war, had re signed his peaceful charge, as minister of the First Unitarian Parish of Watertown, to serve as chaplain in the Sixteenth Regi ment Massachusetts Infantry. Commissioned Aug. 5, 1861, he resigned Dec. 10, 1S62 ; but it was only to leave his sacred service, of comforting the wounded and the dying, that hemight take up a musket, and join his comrades in the frightful charge at Frede ricksburg, where he gave up his life, that he would have been well justified in saving, and added his name to the immortal Roll of Honor. His home had been in Cambridge. The second name was that of Isaac B. Patten, a Watertown boy, son of Thomas Patten, a respected and worthy citizen, long a resident of this town. Enlisting, at the age of 19, Jan. 5, 1864, in the First Regiment of Massachusetts Cavalry, and mustered into service nine days later, it was his fate, within a few months, to be taken prisoner on the field of battle. He died in the Rebel prison at Salisbury, N. C, Dec. 4, 1S64. The death of this youth touched deeply the hearts of Watertown people and his comrades in arms. Thus it came about that they called this the Isaac B. Patten Post 81, as determined by ballot. Feb. 10, 1S72, the Post elected Charles Q. Pierce as Chaplain, and E. A. Burgoyne as Surgeon. Regular monthly meetings have since been held, at which new comrades were added to the membership, -the total admitted up to 1907 being 211. For two years these gatherings occurred in the small hall where the Post was organized; but in Feb., 1874, a much larger hall, in Central Block, Main street, was dedicated, with the usual ceremonies, including addresses, felicitious and eloquent, by Rev. C. L. Woodworth and other citizens. There for three years the Post met, until the present hall was taken, in a building erected by the Otis Brothers, Horace W. and Ward M., themselves members of the Post. This hall was dedicated Wednesday evening, Jan. 10, 1877, in the presence of members and official guests, the Posts at Newton, Waltham, Brighton and Cambridge being represented. ISAAC B. PATTEN. Post 8i, G. a. R. 213 On Memorial Day, May 30, of each year, the Post, either as a body or by delegations, visits the various cemeteries of the town, to decorate the graves of fallen comrades. Invited guests, including the town officers, join in the procession ; which, headed by a band of music, marches along the streets. In 1874, the Fire Depart ment, Veterans of 181 3, and the Watertown School Guard, were in the line. Later, a collation was served in the G.A.R. hall, and in the evening there was an oration in the Town Hall by Rev. F. G. Morris, the Methodist pastor of the town, and singing by the Choral Society. Some features of the observance have been changed, from year to year. In 1906 a new feature was the appearance of a large body of the Grammar School children, dressed mainly in white, who formed in the school yard, and then marched with the vete rans, as a novel and attractive part of the procession. The Sons of Veterans also march with the Post. The Woman's Relief Corps lends valuable assistance on these occasions by pro viding and arranging flowers, as well as in furnishing the colla tion, which is served at the close of the formal ceremonies. On the Sunday prior to Memorial Day a memorial service is held in some church of the town, the various societies gladly offering their church edifices for this purpose. Watertown, at its annual March meeting, regularly appropriates $300 to help pay the cost of flow ers, flags, music and other incidentals of the solemn, yet sweet, memorial observance in May. Among the pleasant social events of Post 81, was a testimonial given in the Town Hall, Oct. 16, 1874, when its Adjutant, John E. Bradlee, bade farewell to his friends just previous to taking up his residence in Chicago. He was presented with a beautiful badge, a gift from his comrades of the Post ; and a copy of Long fellow's Hyperion, given by the Young People's Literary Society, of which he had been an active member. Comrade Bradlee later returned to Watertown. He died at his home in Belmont a few years ago. A reception to the Patten family was given the evening of March 39, 1905, by Post 81, assisted by Camp 29, Sons of Vete rans, and the Woman's Relief Corps. It was a notable occasion, full of social enjoyment. There were present several of the relatives of Isaac B. Pat ten, for whom the Post was named, including a brother, Wen dell Patten, with his wife and child ; Miss Mannie Patten, a sis ter, an accomplished teacher for years in the public schools of Watertown ; Dr. E. W. Huckins of this town and Reuben L. Richardson of Belmont, whose wives were sisters of the Pattens ; and a kinsman, Senior Vice Commander J. Payson Bradley, of the Grand Army of Massachusetts, who, in 1906, was chosen commander of the department. A letter was read from Professor Patten, a brother, a resident of Hanover, N. H. Addresses were made by Chairman Bartlett M. Shaw of the Board of Selectmen, 214 Watertown' s Military History. and others. Commander George F. Robinson briefly explained why the Post was named after Isaac B. Patten. Fairs have been held to provide additional funds for charitable purposes and other expenses of the Post. One in December, 1873, netted $1200, another more than $1000; showing a generous re sponse on the part of citizens. Various entertainments have been given with profitable results. • Besides the Post fund, acquired in these and other ways, for the benefit of needy comrades, there are two special funds, use ful, although not of large proportions. One is a balance of $60, which remained in the hands of Lucy Titcomb, as treasurer of a company of ladies, banded together to aid the soldier veterans. That society was dissolved Dec. 28, 1882, and the money given in trust to Comrades George E. Priest and Albert H. Hartwell, both of whom are dead. Martha Sanger, who died in 1880, bequeathed $500 to the town, the income from which is used, under the direction of the Post, for purposes of charity. This fund is held in charge by the town, and interest, at the rate of five per cent, yearly, is guaranteed. The income is applied for the aid of sick soldiers, their wives and children. An endeavor to keep alive the spirit of patriotism, in the minds of the young, has been successfully made by members of the Post, through personal addresses in the public schools shortly before each Memorial Day. With natural eloquence, kindled into a brighter glow by the memories of past experiences, these com rades relate their personal reminiscences of the battlefield, and present pictures, vivid and impressive, of the stirring events which transpired from 1861 to 1865. To the children these recitals are of great interest, and they will remain of permanent value during the coming years. Nor is it alone upon children, the influence of these veterans bears. At all times, when a smaller crisis has appeared in the nation's history, since the great crisis in which they took a per sonal part, they have spoken nobly and clearly, upholding the powers of government with strenuous force. When, after more than thirty years of peace, the United States entered upon a war against Spain, for the preservation of life and promotion of tranquillity among the distracted people of the neighboring island of Cuba, Post 81, on April 25, 1898, unani mously adopted the following resolutions, presented by Comman der Jepson : " Whereas, The Republic has entered upon a war with Spain, in the interests of humanity, to assist in securing the independence of a down-trodden and persecuted people, and to sustain the honor and glory of the United States of America, be it " Resolved, That it is the sense of Isaac B. Patten Post, G.A.R., that the objects and purposes of this war should awaken the patri otism and devotion of every true American; that by word and Post 8i, G. a. R. 215 act, so far as we are able, we will, individually and collectively, sustain our Comrade, President McKinley, in all his measures for maintaining the honor and glory of the Republic, and " Resolved, That the stars and stripes shall be kept flying from the flagstaff of this Post every day while this righteous war shall last." A copy was sent to the President, and for several months, through days of storm and sunshine, the flag of a free nation floated above the entrance to Grand Army Hall, until glorious victory came, when a new Republic was fashioned by the sword, and a long-oppressed people set free. Dazzled by the light, that people is now trying to acquire and enjoy the art of self-govern ment. The great fraternal reunions of the veterans from the various States of our country are the Grand Army National Encampments, held annually. In 1904, Boston was the place selected. It was a season of good cheer, hearty fellowship and generous hospitality. Post 81 had, as its special guests, comrades from the General D. B. Birney Post 63 of Philadelphia, the Department of Pennsyl vania. So delighted were these visitors with their courteous treatment, that upon returning home they prepared and forwarded to the Watertown Post, photographs of the members of the Boston Club, as they called themselves. In returnfor this kindness. Post 81, at a meeting held Feb. 13, 1905, adopted a resolution of thanks for " this testimonial, composed of magnificently framed and ar tistically grouped photographs of the members of the Boston Club," A prominent position in the Grand Army Hall is given to this " testimonial " from the Quaker State. Rev. Edward A. Rand was an associate member of the Post during several years, always ready to speak and act in its behalf. Through his efforts the Common Street Cemetery, formerly neg lected, was resodded and put in an excellent condition, which has since been maintained. He secured the appropriation for the preparation and publication of this Military History. He was of Revolutionary ancestry, and was a member of the Christian Commission in the Civil War. A well-beloved chaplain and fellow comrade was Rev. William H. Savage, pastor of the First Unitarian Parish. He was en rolled at Augusta, Me., Sept. 29, 1862, as a private in Co. K, 7th Maine Infantry; appointed Corporal Dec. i, 1863; Sergeant May 5, 1864; and, subsequently, promoted to be Second Lieu tenant of Co. F,July 27, 1864. In Sept., 1864, he was transferred to Co. F, ist Maine Veteran Infantry; and Nov. 17, 1864, was made First Lieutenant of Co. B of that regiment. He was brevetted Captain of Volunteers April 2, 1865, "for gallant and meritorious service in the assault before Petersburg, Va." He was honorably discharged with the company, at Washington, June 28, 1865, as First Lieutenant. At the close of the war he studied for the min istry. His Watertown pastorate lasted for thirteen years, closing in 1899. He died in 1907. 2i6 Watertown' s Military History. The list of officers for 1907 is as follows : Linus A. Shaw - - - Commander. Charles H. Dean, - - - Sen. Vice Commander. Alonzo K. Worth - - - Junior " " David F. Tripp - - Chaplain. Charles W. Smith - - - Surgeon. Joseph Bright - - - - Officer of the Day. Thomas F. Holmes Qiiartermaster. Richard Kelley - - - - Officer of the Guard. John Welch - - - Adjutant. William H. Benjamin Patriotic Instructor. James H. Arnold - - - Sergeant Major. Alvin F. Tolman - - Quartermaster Sergeant. This election furnishes a new officer of the Post, that of Patri otic Instructor, to which position Capt. William H. Benjamin is appointed. His duties in part are to promote patriotic exercises by the pupils of the public schools, and other bodies. Commanders of Isaac B. Patten Post 81. Charies T. Perkins - - - - 1872, 1877. George E. Priest - - - - ,- 1873. Albert H. Hartwell - - - 1S74, 1875. George E. Teele - - - - 1876. Joseph F. Lovering - - - - 1878. Charles Q. Pierce 1879. Orlendo W. Dimick - - - 1880. George F. Robinson - - 1881,1883,1905. Henry W. Martin - - - 1883. Benjamin H. Dow - - - 1884. Charles W. Smith - - - 1885. Fred A. Thomas 1886. Samuel F. Stearns - . - - 1887, 1888. Michael A. Forrest - - - - 1889. James R. Harrison - - - . 1890. David F. Tripp 1891,1892. Joseph M. Burns - - - 1893. Edward W. Pillsbury - - - - 1894. George W. Foskett 1895. George E. Jepson 1896, 1897. William H. Benjamin - - - 1898, 1901, 1903. Thomas F. Holmes ----- 1899, 1900. Alvin F. Tolman - - - - 1903, 1904, 1906. Members of Post 81. Adair, George L. Served 1 1 mos. 23 dys. ; born in Lewis Co., Mo.; enlistment age, 22; private Co. D, 137th 111.; M.I. Post 8i, G. a. R. 217 May 4, 1864; M. O. Sept. 24, 1864. Second enl. : Sergt. Co. D, 148th 111.; M. I. Feb. 2, 1865; M. O. Sept. 5, 1865, as ist Sergt. Ahearn, Maurice. Served 11 mos. 8 dys. ; b. Ireland ; age, 30; private Co. H, 48th Mass.; M. I. Sept. 25, 1S62; M. O. Sept. 3, 1863. Ausberger, Sebastian. Served 4 yrs. 4 mos. 10 dys. ; b. Bavaria ; age, 19 ; private Co. B, 46th 111. ; M. I. Sept. 10, 1861 ; M. O. Jan. 20, 1866. Arnold, James H. Served 4 mos. 19 dys; b. Quincy; age, 20; private Co. B, 60th Mass. ; M. I. July 11, 1864; M. O.Nov. 30, 1864. Ashe, Maurice. Served 6 years ; b. Ireland ; age, 26 ; private Co. C, 4th U. S. Art. ; M. I. Feb. 23, 1861 ; M. O. Feb. 23, 1867. Atwood, Samuel F. Served 3 years; b. Taunton; age, 39 ; private Co. K, i6th Mass. ; M. I. July 2, 1861 ; M. O. July 2, 1864, as Corp. Barker, George T. Served 9 mos. ; b. Keene, N. H. ; age, 34; private Co. G, 45th Mass.; M. I. Oct. 8, 1862; M. O.July 8, 1863. Bedell, Austin. Served 2 yrs. 7 mos. 6 dys. ; b. Jefferson, N. H. ; age, 19 ; private Co. F, 2d N. H. ; M. I. Sept. 20, 1862 ; M. O. Oct. 9, 1S63. Second enl. : private Co. F, 2d Battalion Vet. Res. Corps; M. I. Dec. 19, 1863; M. O. June 6, 1865. Belt, George D. Served 3 mos. 18 dys. ; b. Carroll Co., Md. ; age, 19; private Co. I, nth Md. ; M. I. June 13, 1864; M. O. Oct. I, 1864. Benjamin, William H. Served 3 yrs. i day; b. Concord; age, 19; private Co. D, ist Mass. ; M. I. May 24, 1861 ; M. O. May 25, 1864. Berry, Charles W. Served i yr. 6 mos. 22 dys. ; b. Bristol, N. H.; age, 20; private nth Mass. Battery; M. I. Dec. 24, 1863; M. O. June 16, 1865. Blakney, Thomas R. Served 3 yrs. 16 dys. ; b. Dublin, Ire. ; age, 20; private Co. I, nth Mass. ; M. I, June 8, i86i ; M. O. June 24, 1864. Bradlee, John E. Served 9 mos. 6 dys. ; b. Boston ; age, 31; private Co. C, 44th Mass. ; M. I. Sept. 12, 1863; M. O. June 18, 1863. Brigham, Charles. Served 10 mos. i day ; b. Watertown ; age, 31 ; private Co. K. 5th Mass. ; M. I. Sept. i, 1862; M. O. July 2, 1863, as Sergeant. Bright, Joseph. Served i yr. 9 mos. 7 dys.; b. Watertown; age, 18 ; private Co. K, i6th Mass. ; M. I. July 2, 1861 ; M. O. April 9, 1863. 2i8 Watertown's Military History. Broadhurst, Stephen F. Served 3 yrs. i mo. 2 dys. ; b. Eng. ; age, 20 ; private Co. B, 3d R. I. Hv. Art. ; M. I. Sept. 3, 1861 ; M. O. Oct. 5, 1864. BuRCHSTEAD, David W. Served 2 yrs. 11 mos. 29 dys.; b. Salem ; age, 16; private Co. F, 23d Mass. ; M. I. Oct. 14, 1861 ; M. O. Oct. 13, 1864, as Corp. BuRDELL, Abraham H. Served i yr. 6 mos. 19 dys. ; b. Jef ferson, N. H. ; age, 18; private Co. H, 9th N. H. ; M. I. Dec. 9, 1863 ; M. O. June 28, 1865, Burgoyne, E. A. Served 3 yrs. 7 mos. 17 dys. ; b. Hamilton, Mo. ; age, 17; private nth U. S. Inf.; M. I. Aug. 14, 1861 ; M. O. April I, 1865, as Lieut. 14th U. S. Inf. Burke, James. Served 2 yrs. ; b. Boston ; age, 23 ; seaman U.S. Navy; M. L July, 1861 ; M.O.July 31, 1863, as Boat swain's Mate. Burke, William A. Served i yr. i mo. ; b. Boston ; age, 32 ; musician, U. S. Navy; M. I. May, 1861 ; M. O.June, 1862. Burns, Joseph N. Served 8 years ; b. Eng. ; age, 21 ; pri vate Co. C, 3d U. S. Cav. ; M. I. April 22, 1858; M. O. April 22, 1863. Second enl.: private Ord. Corps.; M. I. Sept. i, 1864; M. O. Sept. I, 1867, as Corp. Butler, Thomas R. ' Served i yr. 4 mos. 28 dys. ; b. Leba non, Me. ; age, 19; private Co. F, 4th Mass. Cav. ; M. I. June 16, 1864; M. O. Nov. 14, 1865. Clark, Charles E. Served 3 years ; b. Watertown ; age, 31 ; Sergt. Co. K, i6th Mass.; M. I. July 2, 1861 ; M. O. July 2, 1864. Clark, William H. Served 3 yrs. 9 mos. 15 dys. ; b. Cam bridge ; age, 27; private Co. H, 47th Mass. ; M. I. Oct. 16, 1862 ; M. O. Sept. I, 1863. Second enl.: private Ord. Corp.; M. I. April I, 1864; M. O. Mar. i, 1867, as Corpl. Cleveland, L. Sidney. Served 1 yr. 4 mos. 23 dys. ; b. Cam den, Me. ; age 15 ; private Co. E, 32d Me. ; M. I. Feb. 22, 1864 ; M. O. July 15, 1865. Cobb, Leander P. Served 4 mos. i day ; b. Wareham ; age, 49; private Co. K. 42d Mass. ; M. I. July 10, 1864; M. O. Nov. II, 1864. Coffin, John N. Served 3 years ; b. Portsmouth, N. H. ; age, 31 ; Lieut. 8th Mass Battery ; M. I. Nov., 1861 ; M. O. Nov. 1864. Coglan, Robert. Served 3 years; b. Dublin, Ire. ; age, 34; private Co. I, 3d U. S. Inf. ; M. I. April 8, 1865; M. O. April 8, 1868. Colby, Thomas R. Served 3 years ; b. Boston ; age, 22 ; pri vate Co. B, ist Conn. Art. ; M. L May 22, i86i ; M. O. May 21, 1864, as Corpl. Post 8i, G.A. R. 219 Connor, Robert W. Served 5 mos. 38 dys.; b. Ireland; age, 21 ; private Co. H, 30th Me. ; M. I. Feb. 22, 1865 ; M. O. Aug. 20, 1865. Cook, David W. Served i yr. 6 mos. 24 dys. ; b. Boston ; age, 19; private Co. E, loth Me.; M. I. Oct. 14, 1861 ; M. O. May 8, 1863. Corson, "William W. Served 3 yrs. i day; b. Gt. Falls, N. H. ; age, 16; private Co. B, 99th N. Y. ; M. I. Jan. 13, 1862 ; M. O. Jan. 14, 1865. Crafts, Joseph. Served 9 mos. 22 dys. ; b. Cambridge; age, 43 ; Capt. Co. K, 5th Mass. ; M. I. Sept. 10, 1863 ; M. O. July 2, 1863. Cross, George W. Served 3 yrs. i mo. 13 dys. ; b. Sebec, Me. ; age, 31 ; private Co. C, 5th M.V.M. ; M. 1. April 19, 1861 ; M. O. July 31, 1861. Second enl.: private Co. I, 32d Mass.; M. I. July 38, 1863; M. O. May 29, 1865. Cusick, Thomas. Served 4 years; b. Ireland; age, 16; pri vate U. S. Marine Corps; M. I. May 4, 1861 ; M. O. May 4, 1865. Dale, Thomas J. Served 2 yrs. 9 mos. i day; b. Cambridge; age, 18; private Co. G, 8th Md. ; M. I. Sept. 30, 1862; M. O. May 31, 1865. Dean, Charles H. Served i yr. 9 mos. 25 ds. ; b. Boston ; age, 26; seaman U. S. Navy; M. I. Sept, 1861 ; M. O. Sept. 26, 1862. Second enl. : private Co. G, 47th Mass. ; M. I. Nov. 6, 1862; M. O. Sept. I, 1863. Dever, Patrick. Served 5 yrs. 11 mos. 21 dys; b. Ireland; age, 24; private Co. B, 3d U. S. Inf. ; M. L March 19, 1861 ; M. O. March 10, 1867. Dimick, Carroll D. Served 3 yrs. i mo. 26 dys. ; b. Lyme, N. H.; age, 18; artificer; Co. I, istN. H. Cav.; M. I. Oct. 31, 1861 ; M. O. Dec. 17, 1864. Dimick, Orlendo W. Served 2 yrs. 9 mos. ; b. Braintree ; age, 23; First Lieut. Co. H. nth N. H.; M. I. Sept., 1862; M. O. June 4, 1865, as Capt. Doherty, John F. Served 4 yrs. 2 dys. ; b. Scotland ; age, 19; private Co. A, 9th Mass. ; M. I. June n, 1861 ; M. O. June 21, 1864, as First Lieut. Second enl. : private Co. H, 24th Mass. M. I. July 39, 1864; M. O.July 21, 1865. Donovan, Timothy J. Served 4 yrs. 3 mos. 13 dys. ; b. Low ell; age, iS; private Co. E, 24th Mass.; M. I. Oct. 7, 1861 ; M. O. Jan. 20, 1866. DORAN, John. Served i yr. 9 mos. 26 dys. ; b. Manchester, Eng.; age, 16; private Co. K, 29th Me.; M. I. Aug. 5, 1863; M. O. May 31, 1865. 220 Watertowr^s Military History. Dow, Benjamin H. Served 2 yrs. 10 mos. 12 dys.; b. Wel- fleet; age, 30; private Co. C, 39th Mass.; M. I. Aug. 14, 1862; M. O.June 26, 1865, as Corpl. DowLEY, Michael W. Served 3 yrs. 9 mos. ; b. Norwich, Conn.; age, 20; private Co. H, 26th Conn.; M. I. Aug. 30, 1862 ; M. O. June i, 1865. Dudley, William B. Served 9 mos. 20 dys. ; b. Charlton ; age, 43; private Co. E, 33d Mass.; M. I. Aug. 5, 1862; M. O. May 25, 1863. Dunklee, Charles. Served 3 yrs. 3 mos. ; b. Rockingham, Vt. ; age, 17; private Co. I, 4th Vt. ; M. I. Sept. 1861 ; M. O. Dec. 24, 1864. Dyer, Isaac F. Served 3 yrs. i day; b. Brighton; age, 20; private Co. B, 99th N. Y. ; M. I. Jan. 8, 1862; M. O. Jan. 9, 1865. Earl, OsmanO. Served i yr. 1 1 mos. ; b. Chester, Vt. ; age, 31 ; private Co. H., 17th 111. Cav.; M. I. Jan. 15, 1864; M. O. Dec. 15, 1865. Egan, Festus. Served i yr. 5 mos. 13 dys. ; b. England ; age, 17; Sergt. Co. E, 36th N. Y. ; M. I. June 16, 1861 ; M. O. Nov. 29, 1863. EsTY, Newell T. Served 3 yrs. i mo. 3 dys; b. Winstead, Conn.; age, 19; private Co. B, 3d R. I. Art.; M. I. Sept. 3, 1861 ; M. O. Oct. 5, 1864, as Sergt. Flohr, Andrew L. Served 3 years; b. Halifax, N. S. ; age, 39; private Co. K, i6th Mass. ; M. I. July 2, 1861 ; M. O. July 2, 1S64. Flynn, John. Served 2 yrs. 3 mos. 10 dys. ; b. Lowell; age, 19; private Co. F, i6th Mass. ; M. I. July 13, 1861 ; M. O. Oct. 22, 1863. Forknall, William S. Served 3 years; b. England; age, 22 ; private Co. L, ist Mass. Hv. Art. ; M. I. March, 1863 ; M. O. March 4, 1865, Forrest, Michael A. Served 6 yrs. ; b. Ireland ; age, 20 ; private Co. I, 2d Mass. ; M. I. May 23, 1861 ; M. O. May 23, 1864, as Corpl. Second enl. : Ord. Dept. ; M. I. Aug. 12, 1864; M. O. Aug. 12, 1867, as Corpl. Foskett, George W. Served 3 yrs, 12 dys. ; b. Boston ;¦ age, 18; private Co. F, 7th Mass.; M. I. June 15, 1861 ; M. O. June 27, 1864. Franklin, Samuel. Served 3 yrs. 25 dys. ; b. Needham ; age, 34; private Co. K, i6th Mass.; M. I. July 2, 1861 ; M. O. July 27, 1864. Eraser, Daniel. Served 3 yrs. 9 dys. ; b. Scotland ; age, 29 ; private Ord. Corps ; M. I. Nov. 20, 1862 ; M. O. Nov. 29, 1865, as Sergt. Post 8i, G. a. R. 221 Gibbs, William. Served io mos. 12 dys. ; b. Fitchburg ; age, 36; private Co. I, 56th Mass. ; M. I. Aug. 20, 1862 ; M. O. July 2, 1863. Gibson, Samuel S. Served 3 yrs. 8 mos. 12 dys. ; b. Notting ham, Eng. ; age, 37 ; bugler Co. M, ist Mass. Cav. ; M. I. Oct. 15, 1861 ; M. O. Oct. 15, 1864. Second enl. : bugler, 4th Mass. Cav. ; M. I. March 2, 1865; M. O. Nov. 14, 1865. Gildea, Michael. Served i year; b. Ireland; age, 17; fire man, U. S. Navy; M. I. Aug. 7, 1863 ; M. O. Aug. 7, 1863, Coding, Emalous. Served 3 yrs. i day; b. Livermore, Me. ; age, 20 ; private Co. C, 8th Me. ; M. I. Sept. 6, 1861 ; M. O. Sept. 7, 1864. Goodwin, Andrew. Served 2 yrs. 8 mos. 2 dys; b. Weld, Me. ; age, 24 ; private Co. H, 35th Me. ; M. I. Sept. 10, 1861 ; M. O. July II, 1863. Second enl. : private Co. K, 4th Mass. Hv. Art.; M.I. Aug. 16, 1864; M. O.June 17, 1865. Greenslit, Belden a. Served 10 mos. 10 dys ; b. Hinckley, O. ; age, 29; private Co. K, 13th Vt. ; M.I. Sept. 11,1862; M. O.July 21, 1863. Gurley, William O. Served 2 yrs. 9 mos. 15 dys. ; b. Box- ford; age, 17; private Co. H, 33d Mass.; M. I. Aug. 3, 1S62 M. O. May 18, 1865, as Corp. Hadlock, Charles H. Served i yr. 7 mos. 5 dys. ; b. St Johnsbury, "V't. ; age, 22 ; private Co. F, 27th Me. ; M. I. Sept. 10, 1862 ; M. O.July 17, 1863. Second enl. : private Co. K, ist. N. H Hv. Art.; M. I. Sept. 17, 1864; M. O. June 15, 1865, as Corp. Hallahan, John. Served i yr. 3 mos. 9 dys. ; b. Cork, Ire. age, 33 ; artificer, Co. C, 28lh Mass. ; M. I. Oct. i, 1861 ; M. O. Jan. 10, 1863, as Corp. Hallern, James B. Served 3 yrs. ; b. Nottingham, Eng. ; age, 28 ; private Co. D, loth N. H. ; M. I.June 21, 1865 ; M. O. June 21, 1865. Harrison, James R. Served i yr. 8 mos. ; b. New York ; age, 27; private Co. K, i6th Mass; M. I.July 2, 1861 ; M. O. March 2, 1863 ; wounded in left thigh. Hartwell, Albert H. Served 9 mos. 19 dys. ; b. Littleton ; age, 22 ; private Co. A, 44th Mass. ; M. I. Aug. 29, 1862 ; M. O. June 18, 1863, as Corpl. Hayden, L. M. Served 3 yrs. 4 dys. ; b. Clarksburg ; age, 30 ; private Co. E, 31st Mass. ; M. I. Nov. 22, 1861 ; M. O. Nov. 36, 1864, as Capt. Hazelton, Frank J. Served 9 mos. 8 dys. ; b. Boston ; age, 18; private Co. B, 44th Mass. ; M. I. Sept. 12, 1862 ; M. O. June 20, 1863. Heard, S. H. M. Served 3 mos. 27 dys.; b. Wayland; age, 36; Corpl. Co. D, 35th Mass.; M. I. Aug. i, 1863; M. O. Nov. 28, 1862. 222 Watertown's Military History. Hill, Joseph D. Served 9 mos. ; b. Canada; age, 39 ; private Co. I, 6th Mass.; M. I. Aug. 31, 1863; M. O. May 31, 1S63. Hill, Nelson. Served 2 yrs. 7 mos. 1 1 dys. ; b. Canada ; age, 17; private Co. B, 4th Mass.; M. I. Oct. 3, 1863; M. O. Aug. 38, 1863. Second enl. : Corpl. Co. M, 3d Mass. Hv. Art. ; M. I. Dec. 18, 1863 ; M. O. Sept. 3, 1865. Hinkley, Ora J. Served i yr. 7 mos. 35 dys. ; b. Madrid, Me. ; age, 31 ; private Co. E, 14th Me. ; M. I." Feb. 15, 1864; M. O. Oct. 10, 1865. Holbrook, Bradford. Served i yr. 8 mos. 35 dys. ; b. Wis- casset, Me.; age, 26; private Co. H, i6th Mass.; M. I. June 28, 1S61 ; M. O. March 33, 1S63. Holbrook, John G. Served i yr. 4 mos.; b. Princeton; age, 33 ; private Co. K, i6th Mass. ; M. I. July 2, 1861 ; M. O. Nov. I, 1862. Holmes, Thomas F. Served 3 yrs. 7 mos. 17 dys.; b. Sand wich; age, 17; private Co. K, 45th Mass.; M. I. Oct. 8, 1863; M. O. Oct. 8, 1863. Second enl. : Sergt. Co. I, 59th Mass. ; M. L Dec. 13, 1863; M. O. July 30, 1865. Howard, Frederick H. Served 9 mos. 24 dys. ; b. Portland, Me.; age, 38; private nth Mass. Battery; M. I. Aug. 5, 1863; M. O. May 29, 1863. Hubbard, Henry P. Served 3 yrs. 8. mos. n dys. ; b. Can terbury, N. H. ; age, 28; private Co. M, ist N. H. Cav.; M. L Nov. 4, 1861 ; M. O. July 15, 1S65, as Corp. Hughes, Michael. Served 2 yrs. i mo. 7 dys. ; b. Water- town ; age, i8; landsman U. S. Navy; M. I. Aug. 6, 1863 ; M. O. Sept. 13, 1865, as Cook. Ireland, J. L. Served 3 mos. 21 dys.; b. Watertown ; age 17; private Co. B, 5th Mass.; M. L July 25, 1864; M. O. Nov. 16, 1864. Ireland, Rasselas W. Served 3 yrs. 2 mos. 28 dys. ; b. Wa tertown ; age, 19; private Co. L, i st Mass. Hv- Art. ; M. I. March 12, 1862 ; M. O. June 10, 1865. Jackson, Charles F. Served 3 yrs. i mo. 26 dys. ; b. Water- town ; age, 17; private Co. C, 13th Mass.; M. I. July 16, 1861 ; M. O. Nov. 28, 1862. Second enl.: Sergt. Co. A, 59th Mass.; M. I. Dec. 5, 1863; M. O. Sept. 19, 1864; wounded in face. Jepson, George E. Served 3 yrs. 2 mos. ; b. Boston ; age, 20 ; private Co. A, 13th Mass.; M.I.June 4, 1S61 ; M. O. Aug. 4, 1864. Kelley, Richard. Served i yr. 2 mos. 21 dys, ; b. Win throp ; age, 21 ; private 9th Mass. Battery ; M. I. March 15, 1864 ; M. O. June 6, 1865. Kendrick, Michael. Served 3 yrs. 10 mos. 3 dys.; b. Ire land; age, 16; private Co. G, 33d Mass. ; M. I. Aug. 8, 1862; M. O. June II, 1865, as Corp. Post 8i, G. a. R. 223 Kennedy, James. Served 2 yrs. 4 mos. 5 dys. ; b. Ireland ; age 44; private Co. K, 5th Mass. ; M. I. Sept. 19, 1862; M. O. July 2, 1863. Second enl. : private Co. L, 2d Mass. Hv. Art. ; M. I. Dec. 22, 1863 ; M. O. July 15, 1865. Keyes, Michael. Served 3 y r i mo. 3 dys. ; b. Boston age, 22; sailor U. S. Navy; M'. I. Dec. 4, 1861"; M. O.Jan. 7, 1865, as Boatswain's Mate. King, Edward A. Served i yr. 6 mos. 4 dys. ; b. Roxbury ! age, 19; private Co. K, i6th Mass.; M. I. July 2, 1861 ; M. O. Jan. 6, 1863. King, William A. Served 7 mos. 27 dys. ; b. Calcutta, India ; age, 27; private Co. C, 6ist Mass.; M. I. Oct. 7, 1864; M. O. June 4, 1S65. Knapp, Charles P. Served 2 yrs. 10 mos. 27 dys. ; b. Nor ton; age, 18; private Co. A, 39th Mass. ; M. I. Aug. 6, 1862; M. O. July 3, 1865, as private Co. I, Vet. Res. Corps. Lane, Frank W. Served 3 mos. ; b. Fitchburg ; age, 35 ; pri vate Co. C, 5th Mass. ; M. I. May i, 1861 ; M. O.July 30, 1861. Lanehart, John. Served 3 years ; b. Schoharie, N. Y. ; age, 25 ; private Co. H, 153d N. Y. ; M. L Oct. 4, 1863 ; M. O. Oct. 2, 1865, as Corpl. Lassman, Robert E. Served 4 yrs. 2 mos. 7 dys. ; b. Prussia; age, 30; private Co. K, nth Mass.; M. L May 7, 1861 ; M. O. July 14, 1865. Lee,' John. Served 5 yrs. ; b. Ireland; age, 39; private Co. B, 3dU. S. Inf.; M. L Aug. n, i860; M. O. Aug. 11, 1865, as Corpl. Lenox, Charles W. Served 2 yrs. 5 mos. 22 dys. ; b. Water- town ; age, 38 ; private Co. A, 54th Mass. ; M. I. Feb. 28, 1863 ; M. O. Aug. 20, 1865, as Color Sergt. Leverton, John W. Served 3 yrs. ; b. Quebec, Can. ; age, 30; private Co. K, i6th Mass. ; M. L July 2, 1861 ; M. O. July I, 1864. Lewis, James. Served i yr. n mos. 13 dys.; b. Dublin, Ire. ; age, 43 ; private Co. F, 21st Mass. ; M. I. Sept. 17, 1862 ; M. O. Aug. 30, 1864. Livermore, Charles F. Served 3 yrs. 15 dys. ; b. Water- town ; age, 26 ; private Co. B, 2d Battery ; M. I. July 31, 1861 ; M. O. Aug. 16, 1864, as Sergt. Logan, Peter. Served 3 yrs. ; b. Connaught, Ire. ; age, 19 ; private Ord. Dept. U.S.A. ; M. I. April 5, 1864; M. O. April 4, 1867. Lord, Eben N. Served 4 yrs. 12 dys. ; b. Berwick, Me. ; age, 41 ; private Co. K, i6th Mass. ; M. I. July 2, 1S61 ; M. O.July i^, 1865, as Corp. 224 Watertown's Military History. Lord, Edward. Served 4 yrs. 16 dys.; b. Mass.; age, 22; private Co. A, 15th Mass; M. I. July 12, 1861 ; M. O. July 28, 1864. Second enl. : Co. F, ist Mass. Hv. Art. ; M. I. July, 1864 ; M. O. June 28, 1865. Lovering, Rev. Joseph F. Served i yr. 7 mos. ; b. Mass. ; Chaplain, 17th Me. ; M. I. Nov., 1863; M. O. June, 1865. Lyons, Michael W. Served 3 yrs. ; b. Watertown ; age, 18 ; private Ord. Corps; M. I. Feb. 23, 1865; M. O. Feb. 22, 1868. Mack, John B. Served 5 years; b. Dublin, Ire; age, 16; private Co. A, 35th U. S. Inf. ; M. I. Oct. 15, 1863 ; M. O. Oct. 15, 1868, as First Sergt. Mackin, Joseph E. Served 3 yrs. 5 dys.; b. New York; age, 18; private Co. K, i6th Mass. ; M. I. July 2, 1861 ; M. O. July 7) 1864 ; wounded in left arm and head. Mahony, Dennis. Served 3 yrs. 3 mos. 12 dys.; b. Ireland; age, 21 ; private Co. F, 8th M. V. M. ; M. I. Apr. 18, 1861 ; M. O. Aug. I, 1861. Second enl. : coalheaver U. S. Navy; M. I, Jan. 2, 1862; M. O. Jan. i, 1865. Martin, Henry W. Served 2 yrs. 4 mos. 21 dys. ; b. Brad ford, Me. ; age, 18 ; private Co. F, 2d Me. ; M. I. May 38, 1861 ; M. O. June 19, 1863, as musician. Second enl. : Corpl. 31st Me.; M. I. Aug. 36, 1864; M. O. Dec. 26, 1864. McCafferty, Owen. Served 3 years ; b. Ireland ; age, 23 ; private Ord. Corps; M. I. Dec. 3, 1863 ; M. O. Dec. 2, 1865. McDermott, James. Served 4 yrs. 1 1 mos. 20 ds. ; b. Ire land; age, 28; private Ord. Corps; M. I. Oct. 17, 1863; M. O. Oct. 7, 1868. McTiGH, Anthony. Served 3 yrs. 10 dys. ; b. Ireland ; age, 18; private Co. C, 9th Mass.; M. I.June 11, 1861 ; M. O. June 21, 1864. Melvin, Albert. Served i yr. 10 mos. 27 dys. ; b. Liver pool, N. S. ; age, 20; private Co. A, 2d Mass. Hv. Art.; M. I. June 29, 1863; M. O. May 26, 1865. Miller, Charles. Served i yr. 1 1 mos. 10 dys. ; b. Prussia, Ger. ; age, 17; private Co. D, 147th Penn. ; M. I. Aug. 5, 1863 ; M.O.July 15, 1865. MiLNER, Joseph F. Served 10 mos.; b. Boston; age, 54; private Co. I, 45th Mass. ; M. I. Sept. 7, 1862; M. O. July 7, 1863. Monahan, Owen. Served 3 years ; b. Ireland ; age, 32 ; pri vate Ord. Corps; M. I. Mar. 18, 1865 ; M. O. Mar. 17, 1868. Morrill, William F. Served 2 yrs. 1 1 mos. 5 dys. ; b. Po land, Me.; age, 26; private Co. C, 17th Me.; M. I. July 24, 1862 ; M. O. June 29, 1865, as Sergt. Morton, Thomas. Served 3 yrs. 6 dys. ; b. Plymouth ; age, 30; private Co. A, 33d Mass. ; M. I. Nov. 18, 1861 ; M. O. Nov. 34, 1864. Post 8i, G. a. R. 225 Moulton, Charles H. Served 3 years ; b. Topsfield ; age, 25 ; private Co. D, 22d Mass. ; M. I. Sept. 6, 1861 ; M. O. Sept. 6, 1864. MuRDOCK, John. Served 9 mos. 7 dys. ; b. Carver ; age, 36 ; private Co. B, 3d Mass. ; M. I. Sept. 19, 1862 ; M. 0. June 26, 1863. Noonan, Edward. Served 6 mos. 20 dys. ; b. Boston ; age, 15; private Co. G, 6th Mass. ; M. I. July 16, 1864; M. O. Feb. 6, 1865. North, F. E. Served 2 mos. 23 dys. ; b. Middleton, Conn. ; age, 18; private Co. F, ist R. I. Lt. Art. ; M. I. Apr. 5, 1865 ; M. O. June 27, 1865. O'Brien, John. Served n mos. 22 dys. ; b. Watertown ; age, 17; coalheaver U. S. Navy; M. I. Feb. 3, 1864; M. O. Jan. 25, 1865. O'Hearn, William. Served 2 yrs. 7 mos. 12 dys.; b. Ire land; age, 17; private Co. F, 41st Mass. ; M. I. Aug. 23, 1862; M. O. Apr. 5, 1865, as Sergt. O'Hearn, William. Served 2 yrs. 7 nios. 7 dys. ; b. Ireland ; age, 34; private Co. F, 41st Mass. ; M. I. Aug. 28, 1863; M. O. Apr. 5, 1865, as Corpl. Otis, Horace W. Served i yr. 10 mos. 26 dys. ; b. Leomin ster ; age, 21; private Co. K, 5th Mass.; M. I. Sept. i, 1863; M. O. July 3, 1863, as Corpl. Second enl.: private Co. L, ist Mass. Cav. ; M. I. June 6, 1864 ; M. O. July i, 1865, as a Quar. Mas. Sergt. ; gun shot wounds in arm, neck and shoulder. Otis, Ward M. Served 10 mos. i day ; b. Leominster ; age, 19; private Co. K, 5th Mass. ; M. I. Sept. i, 1862; M. O. July 2, 1863. Parker, James P. Served i yr. i mo. 28 dys. ; b. Dedham ; age, 16; private Co. G, 28th Mass.; M. I. Dec. 5, 1861 ; M. O. Feb. 3, 1863. Parrish, Lucius H. Served 5 mos. ; b. Bern, N. Y. ; age, 33 ; Band-master 16th N. Y. ; M. I. Sept. 15, 1861 ; M. O. Feb., 1862. Peeler, Albert. Served 4 yrs. 3 mos. ; b. Brattleboro, Vt. ; age, 19; private Co. C, 5th Mass. ; M. I. Apr., 1861 ; M. O. July, 1861. Second enl. : private Co. G, ist Mass. Cav. ; M. I. Sept. 22, 1861 ; M. O.June 26, 1865. Perkins, Albert W. Served i yr. 4 mos. n dys. ; b. Car ver; age, 21; Sergt. Co. C, i8th Mass.; M. L Sept. 17, 1861 ; M. O. Jan. 28, 1863. Perkins, Charles T. Served 2 yrs. 9 mos. ; b. So. Berwick, Me. ; age, 32; Sergt. Co. C, 34th Mass. ; M. I. Oct. 34, 1861 ; M. O. July 24, 1864, as First Lieut. Philbrook, H. a. Universalist Clergyman ; trans, from Maine. 226 Watertown' s Military History. Pierce, Charles Q. Served n mos. 2 dys. ; b. W. Boylston ; age, 21 ; private Co. C, 53d Mass. ; M. I. Sept. 30, 1862 ; M. O. Sept. 2, 1863, as Corpl. Pierce, Henry G. Served 2 yrs. 6 mos. 8 dys. ; b. No. Chelmsford; age, 24; private Co. B, 12th Mass.; M. I. May 11, 1861; M. O. Nov. 19, 1863. Pillsbury, Edward W. Served 3 yrs. 5 mos. 29 dys. ; b. Derry, N. H. ; age, 34 ; private Co. F, ist N. H. ; M. I. May 3, 1S61 ; M. O. Aug. 9. 1861. Second enl. : private Co. A, 8th N. H.; M.I. Oct. 35, 1861; M. O. Jan. 18, 1865, as Commissary Sergt. Pollard, Otis A. Served i yr. 8 mos. 23 dys. ; b. Lempster, N. H. ; age, 23 ; private Co. A, 40th Mass. ; M. I. July 18, 1862; M. O. Apr. n', 1864, as Sergt. PooLE, Charles A. Served 3 yrs. 3 dys. ; b. Brunswick, Me. ; age, 20; sailor U. S. Navy; M. I. Nov. 26, 1861 ; M. O. Nov. 39, 1864. Pope, George. Served 3 yrs. 2 mos. 34 dys. ; b. Boston ; age, 19; private Co. F, 44th Mass.; M. I. Aug 39, 1862; M. O. Apr. 16, 1S63, as Corpl. Second enl. : Capt. 54th Mass. ; M. I. May 13, 1863 ; M. O. Aug. 20, 1865, as Lieut. Col. Priest, Benjamin L. Served 2 yrs. 3 mos. 25 dys. ; b. Har vard; age, 34; private Co. M, 21st Ind. Hv. Art. ; M. I. Sept. 19, 1863; M. O. Jan. 14, 1866. Priest, Charles H. Served 10 mos. i day; b. Harvard; age, 20; private Co. K, 5th Mass.; M. I. Sept. i, 1862; M. O. July 2, 1863. Priest, George E. Served 2 yrs. 5 mos.; b. Watertown; age, 30; private Co. C, 53d Mass. ; M. I. Nov. 35, 1862; M. O. Sept. 2, 1863, as Second Lieut. Second enl. : First Lieut. 57th Mass. ; M. L Nov. 7, 1863; M. O. June 30, 1865. Quinlan, Thomas. Served 5 mos. 24 dys. ; b. Lubec, Me. ; age, 20; landsman U. S. Navy ; M. I. Aug. 7, 1862; M. O. Jan. 31, 1863. Regan, John. Served 3 yrs; b. Galway, Ire.; age, 28; pri vate Co. I, 3d U. S. Inf.;'M. L July 25, 1864; M. O. July 25, 1867. Richardson, Thomas. Served 2 yrs. 2 mos. 36 dys. ; b. Wa tertown ; age, 25 ; private Co. H, ist Mass. Cav. ; M. I. Aug. 11, 1862 ; M. O. Nov. 7, 1864. Roach, William F. Served 7 mos. 27 dys. ; b. Manchester, N. H. ; age, 25; private 13th Mass. Battery ; M.I.Nov, i, 1864; M. O. June 28, 1865. Robbins, Dexter A. Served 3 mos. 15 dys. ; b. Brimfield, N. J. ; age, 17; private Co. B, 2d N. J.; M. I. Mar. 26, 1865; M. O. July II, 1865. Post 8i, G.A. R. 227 Robbins, John. Served 3 mos. 18 dys. ; b. SoutVioridge ; age, 43; private Co. B, 2d N. J. ; M. I. Mar. 23, 1865; M. O. July II, 1865. Robbins, John L. Served i.yr. 5 mos.; b. Nashua, N. H. ; age, 20; private Co. F, ist Mass. Hv. Art.; M. I. Jan., 1864; M. O. June 15, 1865. Roberts, William. Served 7 mos. ; b. Birmingham, Eng. ; age, 17; private Co. I, loth N. Y. Cav.; M. I. Dec, 1864; M. O. July 19, 1865, as First Sergt. Robinson, George F. Served i yr. 5 mos. 24 dys. ; b. Bos ton ; age, 25 ; private Co. H, i6th Mass. ; M. I. June 39, 1861 ; M. O. Dec. 23, 1862 ; wounded in left thigh. Russell, James F. Served 3 yrs. n mos. 17 dys.; b. Wa tertown ; age, 27 ; private Co. G, ist Mich. ; M. I. July 5, 1861 ; M. O. June 22, 1865, as First Sergt. ; wounded in shoulder and back. Russell, Jeremiah H. Served 3 mos. 25 dys. ; b. Water- town ; age, 16; private Co. K, 5th Mass. ; M. I. Sept. 19, 1862; M. O. Jan. 14, 1863. Sanborn, George H. Served 6 mos. 22 dys. ; b. Loudon, N. H. ; age, 17; private Co. B, 12th N. H. ; M. I. Aug. 15, 1862; M. O. Mar. 7, 1863. Sands, John S. Served i yr. i mo. 23 dys. ; b. England ; age, 17; cook, U. S. Navy ; M. I. May 20, 1S63; M. O.July 13, 1864. Seldon, John S. Served 3 mos. 10 dys.; b. Bristol, Eng.; age, 23 ; private Co. B, 6th Mass. ; M. I. Apr. 22, 1861 ; M. O. Aug. 2, 1 861. Shaw, Jackson H. Served 9 mos. 6 dys. ; b. Exeter, Me. ; age, 41 ; private Co. B, 6ist Mass. ; M. I. Aug. 30, 1864; M. O. June 6, 1865, as Corpl. Shaw, Linus A. Served 2 yrs. 2 mos. 11 dys.; b. Carver; age, 23 ; private Co. K, 3d Mass. ; M. I. Apr. 17, 1861 ; M. O. July 17, 1861, as Sergt. Second enl. : Sergt. Co. C, i8th Mass. ; M.I. Sept. 17, i86i ; M. O. Aug. 28, 1863; wounded in leg. Shaw, Orlando H. Served n mos. 5 dys.; b. Middleboro; age, 34; Sergt. Co, C, 4th Mass.; M. I. Sept. 23, 1862; M. O. Aug. 28, 1863. Siebold, Christian. Served 5 yrs. 2 mos. 15 dys.; b. Ger many; age, 31 ; private Co. A, 2d Penn. Hv. Art. ; M. I. Sept. 2, 1862; M. O.Nov. 17, 1864, as Capt. Co. G. Second enl.: private Ord. Dept. ; M. I. Jan. 2, 1865 ; M. O. Jan. 2, 186S, as First Sergt. Skinner, Hiram D. Served 3 yrs. i. mo. 6 dys.; b. Med way; age, 21 ; private Co. K, 23d Mass. ; M. I. Sept. 7, 1861 ; M. O. Oct. 13, 1864. 228 Watertown's Military History. Smith, Charles W. Served 2 yrs. 5 mos. 23 dys. ; b. Win throp, Me. ; age, 22 ; private Co. A, 19th Me. ; M. I. Dec. 28, 1863 ; M. O. June 3i, 1866, as Corpl. Smith, D. C. Served i yr. i mo. 5 dys.; b. Waltham; age, 25 ; private Co. I, 44th Mass. ; M. I. Aug. 28, 1862 ; M. O. June 18, 1863. Second enl. : private Co. A, 6th Mass. ; M. I. July 12, 1864; M. O. Oct. 27, 1864. Smith, Guy. Served 10 mos. 26 dys. ; b. Brookfield, Vt. ; age, 24; private Co. I, 13th Vt. ; M. I. Aug. 25, 1862; M. O. July 21, 1863, as Quar. Mas. Sergt. Smith, Henry. Served i yr. 4 mos. 7 dys.; b. Nottingham, Eng.; fireman U. S. Navy; M. I. Aug. 11, 1864; M. O. Dec. 18, 1865. Smith, James H. Served 3 yrs. 25 dys. ; b. St. John's, N. B. ; age, 25; private Co. K, i6th Mass; M. I. July 2, 1861 ; M. O. July 27, 1864. Snodgrass, Ansel. Served 2 yrs. 8 mos. ; b. Jeflferson Co., Ind. ; age, 16 ; private Co. B, 3d Ind. Cav. ; M. I. Dec. 7, 1862 ; M. O. Aug. 7, 1865. Spring, Nicholas J. Served 8 mos. 24 dys. ; b. Dublin, Ire. ; age, 18; musician, 3d Brigade, 3d Div. 24th Corps; M. I. Feb. 18, 1865; M. O. Nov. 12, 1865. Stearns, Samuel F. Served 3 yrs. 8 mos. ; b. Lynn ; age, 21 ; Sergt. Co. K, i6th Mass. ; M. I. July 2, 1861 ; M. O. July I, 1864; wounded in left shoulder. Served later in ist Frontier Cav. Stevens, W. Henry. Served i yr. 8 mos. 23 dys. ; b. Strat- ham, N. H. ; age, 17 ; private Co. L, 2d Mass. Hv. Art. ; M. I. Dec. 10, 1863 ; M. O. Sept. 3, 1865. Stratton, Homer R. Served 3 yrs. 6 mos. 25 dys. ; b. Han cock, Me. ; age, 20; private Co. K, 17th Mass. ; M. I. Apr. 30, 1861 ; M. O. Apr. 17, 1863. Second enl. : Sergt. Co. B, 2d Me. Cav. ; M. I. Nov. 23, 1863 ; M. O. July i, 1865, as Sergt. Swift, George. Served 7 nios. ; b. Lakeville, Mich. ; age, iS; private Co. C, 56th Mass. ; M. I. Aug., 1863; M. O. Mar., 1864. Teele, George E. Served 3 yrs. 2 mos. 23 dys. ; b. Med ford ; age, 17; private Co. E, 5th Mass. ; M. I. Apr. 17, 1861 ; M. O. June 8, 1861. Second enl.: private Co. I, 19th Mass.; M. I. July 26, 1S61 ; M. O. Aug. 28, 1864, as Corpl. Thomas, Arad. Served 2 yrs. 7 mos. 26 dys. ; b. Dartmouth; age, 17; private Co. C, i8th Mass.; M. I. Sept. 12, 1861 ; M. O. Sept. 25, 1862. Second enl. : private Co. D, 4th Cav. ; M. I. Jan. 4, 1864; M. O. Aug. 17, 1865. Thomas, Fred A. Served 3 mos. 12 dys.; b. Middleboro; age, 17; private 19th unattached Co. Mass. Vols. ; M. I. Aug. 4, 1864; M. O.Nov. 16, 1864. Post 8i, G. a. R. 229 Thurston, Charles S. Served 2 yrs. 10 mos. 26 dys. ; b. Boston; U. S. N. ; M. I. Aug. 13, 1862; M. O. July 9, 1865, as Ensign. Thwing, Charles G. Served 2 yrs. 2 mos. ; b. Kennebec, Me. ; age, 28 ; Corpl. Co. C, ist Me. Cav. ; M. I. Sept. 25, 1861 ; M. O. Nov. 25, 1863, as Corpl. TiLLSON, Hiram B. Served 3 mos. 10 dys. ; b. Carver ; age, 21 ; private Co. K, 3d Mass. ; M. I. Apr. 16, 1861 ; M. O. July 26, 1861. Tolman, Alvin F. Served 10 mos. i day ; b. Camden, Me. ; age, 26; landsman U. S. Navy; M. I. Aug. 25, 1864; M. O. June 26, 1865. TowLK, Charles J. Served 3 yrs. ; b. Exeter, N. H. ; age, 15; sailor U. S. Navy; M. I. Sept. 24, 1861 ; M. O. Sept. 24, 1864. Townsend, Rev. Luther T. Served i yr. ; b. Orono, Me. ; age, 24; private Co. H, i6th N. H. ; M. I. Sept. 26, 1862; M. O. Sept., 1863, as Adjt. Tripp, David F. Served 3 yrs. i mo. 14 dys. ; b. Temple, Me.; age, 31 ; private Co. E, 13th Me.; M. I. Dec. 10, 1861 ; M. O. Jan. 24, 1865, as Corpl. Trundy, C. a. Served 9 mos. 3 dys. ; b. Wiscasset, Me. ; age, 17; private Co. G, 7th Me.; M. I. Aug. 7, 1861 ; M. O. May 10, 1862; Tyghe, Joseph. Served 9 mos.; b. Watertown; age, 18; private Co. K, 5th Mass. ; M. I. Oct. 2, 1862 ; M. O. July 2, 1863. Waite, Curtis M. Served i yr. 7 mos. 25 dys. ; b. London derry, Vt. ; age, 22 ; private Co. L, 2d Mass. Hv. Art. ; M. I. Jan. 8, 1864; M. O. Sept. 3, 1865. Walker, N. O. Served 8 mos. 4 dys. ; age, 24; private Co. H, 3d Mass.; M. I. Oct. 22, 1862; M. O. June 26, 1863, as Corpl. Wallace, Samuel. Served i yr. 7 dys. ; b. England ; age, 40; private Co. B, 53d Mass.; M. I. Aug. 25, 1862; M. O. Sept. 2, 1863. Waterhouse, Fred L. Served 2 yrs. i mo. 15 dys. ; b. Searsport, Me. ; age, 23 ; private Vet. Res. Corps ; M. I. July 19, 1862; M. O. Sept. 4, 1864. Webber, Charles H. Served 3 yrs. 1 1 mos. ; b. Knox, Me. ; age, 18; private Co. I, 14th Me. ; M. I. Dec, 1861 ; M. O. Nov. 15, 1865, Co. F, ist U. S. Art. Welch, John. Served 3 yrs. ; b. Boston ; age, 13 ; boy U. S. Navy; M. I. Aug. 21, 1861 ; M. O. Aug. 21, 1864, as ord. sea man. 230 Watertown' s Military History. Westerfield, Henry. Served 9 mos. 24 dys. ; b. New Dur ham, N. J. ; age, 21 ; private Co. K, 22d N. J.; M. I. Sept. i, 1863; M. O. June 25, 1863. White, Charles C. Served 2 yrs. 11 mos.; b. Plympton; age, 18; private Co. G, 38th Mass. ; M. I. Aug. 13, 1862; M. O. July 13, 1865, as Sergt. White, Charles W. Served i yr. 5 mos. 9 dys. ; b. Boston ; age, 17; drummer Co. A, 35th Mass. ; M.I.June 16, 1863; M. O. Nov. 25, 1863. Willey, Anni L. Served 4 mos. i day; b. Canada; age, 17; private Co. A, 8th Mass.; M. I. July 9, 1864; M. O. Nov. 10, 1864. Willie, Peter. Served 2 mos. 5 dys.; b. Suffolk, Va. ; pri vate Co. B, 54th Mass. ; M. I. Mar. 7, 1865 ; M. O. May 12, 1865. Wilson, Charles H. Served 9 mos. 17 dys.; b. Nova Sco- tia; age, 32; private Co. B, 44th Mass.; M. I. Sept. i, 1862; M. O. June 18, 1863. Worth, Alonzo K. Served 4 yrs. ; b. Boston; age, 25; pri vate Co. K, i6th Mass. ; M. I, July 2, 1861 ; M. O. July 2, 1S65, as Sergt. Worth, Charles S. Served i yr. 9 mos. 22 dys. ; b. East Bos ton; age, 20; private Co. I. 8th Me.; M. I. Aug. 23, 1863; M. O.June 12, 1865, as Sergt. Young, George U. Served i yr. 4 mos. 23 dys. 5 b. Eng land; age, 18; private Co. K, 31st Mass. ; M. I. Feb. 16, 1864; M. O. July 9, 1865. Notes About Post 81. One of the valued mementoes of a troublous war career is a pine tree stump, about eight inches in diameter and three feet long, which occupies a place in Grand Army Hall, and bears the following inscription : "Presented to Isaac B. Patten Post 81, G.A.R., by Francis Kendall, Esq. From the Battlefield of Chicamauga." Two solid shot, each about three inches in diameter, and a piece of shattered shell, are imbedded in the stump, grim leminders of the day when Death sent his messengers forth from the cannon's mouth and the field was red with human blood. Another remarkable keepsake is an old musket, on the stock of which is marvellously well carved the following story of the war : " This old U. S. Musket was captured at the Battle of Roanoke Island, Feb. 8, 1862, by R. T. Woodward of the 21st Regiment A LOUISIANA REBEL'S MUSKET. Captured, and carved with a penknife, by V. S. Private R. T. Woodward, in 1862. Post 8i, G. a. R. 231 Mass. Volunteers, from a Louisiana Rebel, after the capture of Fort Barton, and while, following up the enemy's retreat. At the time of wrenching it from the grasp of the wounded Rebel, I per ceived that the bayonet was still fresh with Union blood, the marks of which are to be seen at the present time. Presented to G. W. Tomlinson,Jan. 12, 1863, at the city of Boston, Mass. This carving was done by the above soldier with a common pen knife." On another section of the gunstock is curiously outlined the following : "The Heroes of our Country: Gen. Geo. Washington, Gen. Warren, Gen. Halleck, Gen. Burnside, Gen. Butler, Gen. Hook er and Gen. McClellan." It will be noticed that the above was inscribed in 1863 and 1863. Since then time and the fruits of war have revise^ this soldier's list of Heroes, making conspicuously brilliant the names of Grant, Sherman and Sheridan as Generals, and wreathing in a fame that shall be immortal the name of Abraham Lincoln our martyred President. On the 19th of April, 1875, a cold, blustering day, some 700 people from Watertown visited Concord and Lexington, to cele brate the centennial anniversary of the " Concord Fight." Post 81 sent its comrades, there were 60 descendants of the Revolution ary Minute Men, and 40 members of the Watertown School Guard. Watertown observed the one hundredth anniversary of the sign ing of the Declaration of Independence by a parade of Antiques and Horribles, with unique, local features, the morning of July 4, 1876. Later there was a civic parade, in which Post 81 partici pated, in company with the town officers, fire department and school children. An oration was given by Rev. Joseph F. Lov ering, a member of the Post and pastor of the First Parish Uni tarian Church of Watertown. Photograph of Post 81. The year was 1900, the occasion Memorial Day, when the Isaac B. Patten Post 81 lined up in the square opposite Grand Army Hall, at the junction of Mount Auburn and Main Streets. At the extreme front stands Commander Thomas F. Holmes. A few paces back of him may be seen, at the left, Senior Vice-Com mander George E. Jepson; at centre, near the flag. Adjutant William H. Benjamin ; at the right. Junior Vice-Commander Linus A. Shaw. The color-bearer, William O. Guriey, cannot be seen, as he is placed back of the commander. The members of the Post form a line farther back, and are distinguished by their white belts. Beginning at the left of the line of white belts they may be recognized by the following names : — 233 Watertown's Military History. John Welch, William Burke, David F. Tripp, Benjamin H. Dow, Fred A. Thomas, George F. Robinson, Andrew Goodwin, Isaac H. Dyer, Alvin F. Tolman, Charles W. Smith, Thomas G. Banks, Joseph Bright, Associate Citizen member, at right of Commander, Rev. I. H. Packard, Jeremiah H. Russell, Chaplain of the Day, Philip Conneally, Albert Melvin, Albert H. Hartwell, Albert Perkins, Robert E. Lassman, Horace W. Otis, James H. Arnold, at right of Sen. Vice, Charles J. Towle, Thomas R. Butler, at right of Jun. Vice, Leonidas S. Cleveland, Nelson Hill, John L. Robbins, Dexter Robbins. Thomas Quinlan, Back of the Post stand members of Camp 29, Sons of Veterans ; while at the extreme left one or two members of the band are seen. The background is of interest, and a portion of it quite attrac. tive. The first story of the plain gable-roofed structure at thg left was used for many years as a harness shop by Thomas Patten i father of Isaac B. Patten. At the right, in the shade of majestic elm trees, is the house formerly occupied by Dr. Luther B. Morsei a respected physician. Since his death it has been the home o his family. Seventy years ago Dr. Convers Francis, Unitarian clergyman, dwelt there. He was the last one to preach in the old First Parish Church edifice, at the corner of Mount Auburn and Common Streets, the structure wherein the Provincial Congress met during Revolutionary times. At the right, still farther, is the Charles River and the old Town Landing. Sons of Veterans. The first name chosen for a Camp of the Sons of Veterans, in Watertown, was that of Arthur B. Fuller 102, and for a few years it bore the designation. On April 17, 1894, however, it was constituted under a new name, which it still holds, and seems likely to retain, as it is the same as that of the Grand Army Post 81, whose strength it supplements. It is now called the Isaac B. Patten Camp 29, Sons of Veterans, which had the following list of charter members : — S. Ellis Ripley, John H. Holt, David A. S. Barker, Edward E. Howard, Charles W. Benjamin, Joseph R. Parlin, >> na>H1^W O The Sons of Veterans, 233 Orrin R. Hatch, Albion H. Hodsdon, Frank S. Tolman, Percy ShurtleflT, Charles G. Ham, Herbert Coding, Charies A. Worth, A. L. Howard, Arthur F. Gray, A. F. Nutting, Henry R. Skinner, Ira T. Curtis. Regular meetings have been held semi-monthly. The prelimi nary meeting occurred March 23, 1894, at which a committee was appointed to arrange for organization. On March 26, Division Mustering Officer H. F. Williams was in attendance to muster in the charter members. The following officers were chosen : — Commander - - - Abraham L. Howard. Senior Vice-Commander - Charles W. Benjamin. Junior " " - Orrin R. Hatch. f Charles A. Worth. Camp Council - - -< Henry R. Skinner. ( S. Ellis Ripley. The Camp has used the G. A. R. Hall for its gatherings, which was natural, as many of its members are sons of the veterans of Post 81, and it was organized to assist in the work of the Post. Upon three occasions there have been joint installations of officers by the Post, the Camp, and the Woman's Relief Corps. It has joined in the Memorial Day services, assisted in the re ception given to relatives of Isaac B. Patten, and has been useful in many ways. Its social occasions have been very enjoyable. The Commanders and their years of service in the position were as follows : — Abraham L. Howard - - - - 1894. Charles A. Worth - - - 1894. Charles W. Benjamin - - - - 1895, 1896. Thomas W. Cazmay - - - - 1897, 1903. Lewis F. Barney 1898. Albion H. Hodsdon - - - - 1899, 1902. J. Harry Kent 1900. Edward C. Richardson - - - 1901. Hiram McGlauflin .... 1904, 1905. William H. Arnold - - - 1906. List of officers for 1907 : — Commander ... William C. Newcomb. Senior Vice-Commander - Ernest C. Morse. Junior " " - John M. Qiiinlan. (Walter E. Mackin. Camp Council - - ] Frank A. Mills. ( Edward C. Richardson. 234 Watertown's Military History. List of members in full who joined from 1894 to 1907 ; Amesbury, Charles H. Arnold, William H. Barker, David A. S. Barney, Levi T. Barney, Lewis F. Benjamin, Charles W. Benjamin, Cyrus H. Benjamin, Fred A. Benjamin, George W. Butler, Frank W. Butler, Philip. Carpenter, William H. Cazmay, Thomas W. Collins, James A. Curtis, Ira T. Dean, Charles A. Emerson, Charles S. Ensign, Fred S. Evans, W. H. Follett, L. I. Foskett, George W., Jr. Coding, Herbert. Gray, Arthur F. Gregg, Walter H. Guriey, Henry A. Guriey, William O. Halliday, O. W. Ham, Charles G. Hatch, Orrin R. Herlihy, John J. Hill, Wilfred R. Hill, Woodman C. Hodsdon, Albion H. Holden, Casper B. Holmes, Austin H. Holmes, George A. Holmes, Luther L. Holt, John H. Howard, Abraham L. Howard, Edward E. Howard, Fred H. Hubbard, Herbert W. Jepson, George W. Kent, J. Harry. Levelley, Joseph M. Lyons, Thomas F. Lyons, William H. Mackin, Joseph S. Mackin, Walter E. McGinley, James A. McGlauflin, B. Fay. McGlauflin, Hiram. McGrath, Francis P. Melvin, Frank A. Mills, Frank A. Monahan, John J. Morse, Edward F. Morse, Ernest C. Nason, Guy H. Newcomb, William C. Nutting, Andrew F. Parlin, Joseph R. Perkins, James O. Perry, Frank A. Pillsbury, Fred S. Place, Arthur G. Prescott, W. Chester. Priest, Benjamin S. Qiiinlan, John J. Quinlan, John M. Richardson, Edward C. Ripley, S. Ellis. Robbins, Dexter A. Robbins, Harry W. Robbins, Henry D. Robbins, John W. Shurtleff, James A. Shurtlefl", Perez T. Skinner, Henry R. Skinner, Volney. Smith, Charles E. Smith, Frederick E. Smith, George E. Smith, Thomas F. Soper, Ralph T. Stearns, Samuel G. Stewart, George H. Stratton, George R. Thayer, Samuel G. Tolman, Frank S. Tyghe, Joseph L. Van Arsdale, Charles D. Wood, Herbert S. Worth, Charles A. The Woman's Relief Corps. 235 The Woman's Relief Corps. On Nov. 30, 1885, the Isaac B. Patten Relief Corps, No. 59, was duly constituted. It has been of very great value as an ad junct to Post 81. Following is the list of charter members : Berr}-, Mary A. Burchstead, Luthera E. Burns, Mary E. Clark, Annie M. Dow, Lizzie M. Farwell, Clara. Flanders, Augusta I. Flohr, Ellen F. Flohr, Hannah E. Forrest, Katie F. Forrest, Mary T. Foskett, Henrietta. Gregg, Annie T. Harrison, Mary E. Hartwell, Abbie M. Hartwell, Ella E. Howard, Annie B. Howard, C. Odella. Johnson, Augusta A. Johnson, Harriet M. Lamb, Mary P. Lord, Mary A. March, Josephine M. Martin, Susie E. Moore, Lydia A. Otis, Ellen S. Patten, Mannie B. Patterson, Mary E. Pierce, Julia A. Priest, Mary W. Rand, Clara T. Rand, Mary F. Robbins, Plattie E. Robinson, Josie M. Robinson, Mary A. Ross, Fannie T. Russell, Caroline W. Sanborn, Lizzie W. Sanborn, Mabel T. Smith, Abbie A. Smith, Caroline A. Smith, Edith M. Smith, Lizzie M. Snow, Nancy N. Stearns, Carrie M. Taylor, Jane B. Teele, Eliza M. Thomas, Mary A. White, Mary. Whitten, Margaret F. Worth, Cora A. Worth, Ellen S. The original officers elected, in 1885, were as follows : President - - . Sen. Vice ... Jun. Vice Secretary Treasurer Conductor Guard Mrs. Mary A. Berry. " Abbie Smith. " Lizzie M. Dow. " Jane B. Taylor. " Lizzie W. Sanborn. " Eliza M. Teele. " Lizzie M. Smith. The list of Presidents up to October, 1906 : Mary A. Berry. Abbie A. Smith. Lizzie M. Dow. Adell Elliot. Nellie Barney. Mabel Gray. Carrie Fisher. Agnes Lydiard. Anna M. Condon. Abbie Stone. Carrie B. Livermore. Eliza Griffin. Carrie B. Livermore. Sarah M. Fish. 236 Watertown's Military History. Following are the names of members in 1906. Mary A. Lord is the oldest member. With the exception of those otherwise designated, the prefix to each name should be Mrs. : Arnold, Josie M. Barker, Sarah A. Barney, Nellie F. Berry, Sarah. Bigelow, Edith M. Brackett, Lilla B. Bridges, Lydia A. Bright, Miss Emma. Brock, Laura. Broughton, Ellen E. Brown, Emma. Bugbee, S. Grace W. Butters, Lucinda. Clark, Grace. Cleveland, M. Alice. Dailey, Mary. Dean, Nettie. Dimick, Lizzie G. Dyer, Sarah. Farnham, Alice M. Fish, Sarah M. Fisher, Miss Carrie A. Flohr, Hannah E. Fowle, Rebecca B. Gardner, Annie M. Gerry, Mary L. Gray, Mabel S. Gregg, Annie J. Griffin, Eliza S. Harrison, Mary E. Hartwell, Ella E. Hayward, Dora. Holmes, Bessie. Howard, Bertha. Howard, E. Jarvis, Augusta J. Jarvis, Miss Grace. Johnson, Harriet M. Kent, S. E. Lewis, Elizabeth. Livermore, Annie E. Livermore, Carrie B. Lord, Mary A. Lydiard, Agnes. March, Josephine M. Mason, Abby M. Mayo, Alice A. McGlauflin, Margaret. McLauthlin, Mary. McNamee, Miss Mabel. McNamee, Miss Marion. Morris, Lydia. Newcomb, Addle. Otis, Ellen S. Parsons, Clara B. Parsons, Mildred. Patten, Miss Mannie B. Patterson, Christina. Patterson, Mary E. Pierce, Julia A. Pillsbury, Mary E. Polechio, Hattie F. Pond, Elsie F. Priest, Mary W. Putnam, Jennie. Quinland, Miss Margaret. Robbins, Hattie E. Robinson, Mary A. Rollins, Adelaide H. Ross, Miss Dr. Lydia. Sanger, Hanna S. Smith, Lizzie M. Soper, Agnes. Stewart, Sophie. Stone, Abbie H. Thomas, Mary A. Tilson, Hannah. Warren, Elizabeth. Weitar, Miss Louise. Wheeler, Lulu B. Whitton, Margaret E. Wilson, Margaret. The nature of the organization is clearly set forth in the follow ing statement, made by one of its ex-presidents, Mrs. Carrie B. Livermore : The Woman's Relief Corps. 237 The work of the Corps, done in as quiet a manner as possible, is mostly that of relief; that is, assisting veterans, or any of their dependent ones, either with money or food ; administering to them during sickness ; furnishing clothing, and often, with the help of the Post, finding a place for them at the Chelsea Soldiers' Home. The Corps, on two occasions, has presented the Post with a very large silk flag; and also, quite recently, has presented the Camp, Sons of Veterans, with a similar one. The Corps has full charge of the soldiers' lot in the Common Street Cemetery ; it has had shipped from Washington, through the government, markers of marble for all the graves in the lot. We hope soon to give the lot a fitting memorial. During the last few years the work of patriotic teaching in our public schools has been taken up ; not only here, by our Corps, but by the various Corps all over the State. We have been in strumental in placing in every school room a large silk flag ; and it is the custom for each school to salute it every morning. This was done at an expense of nearly seventy-five dollars. We are now at work raising funds with which to purchase flags for all the rooms in the new school buildings ; and we hope soon to over come the seeming scruples, and have placed in every room, also, olographs of the Declaration of Independence, and Origin of the Stars and Stripes. The Corps has, in the Soldiers' Home, a room, which it keeps well furnished and supplied with the necessary articles, such as bedding, towels and all else that is required. We have just pro vided the room with a large easy chair for its occupants. Every year we present the Post with the sum of fifty dollars, to be used by its members as they see fit. Memorial Day finds us busy in assisting with flowers for deco rating the graves and monuments; and we also furnish for the veterans a substantial lunch near the close of the day, at an ex pense of thirty dollars, or more. The Corps stands ready to respond heartily to all calls, and en deavors in every way to help in the work of charity. It may be reasonable to add to Mrs. Livermore's story, that the Corps is a thoroughly social organization, among its own mem bers, and takes delight in the good work it is doing. WATERTOWN CHAPTER, D. A. R. The Daughters of the American Revolution are well worthy of consideration in a Military History. Descendants of those men who took an active part in establishing by force of arms our free Republic, it is their purpose to keep clearly defined in the restless, busy, modern mind the recollection and value of those great en deavors. Disciples and lovers of peace, they are not unmindful of the necessity for the sacrifices by which an honorable peace has been secured. They have been instrumental in the permanent marking of historic sites, and have preserved from destruction and decay the Old South Church, and Paul Revere's Boston home on Hanover street, as well as other buildings of interest in connec tion with important Revolutionary events. The Watertown Chapter, D.A.R., was organized on Jan. lo, 1898, by Mrs. Alice M. Silsbee, the first meetings to consider the matter being held at her home. There were 37 charter members, and the membership was limited to 50. The charter was pre sented in 1901 by Miss Helen M. Winslow, the State Regent. Meetings have been held monthly from October to March. In July, 1898, the Chapter sent clothing and other articles for the use and comfort of the soldiers engaged in the Spanish War. It was active informing a branch of the Volunteer Aid Association. The Chapter has from its funds contributed in aid of Memorial Continental Hall; the public schools of Galveston, Texas; the Art Fund of the public schools in Watertown ; the restoration of the Royall House at Medford; the Roger Wolcott Memorial Fund; the Watertown Drinking Fountain Fund; and Isaac B. Patten Post, G.A.R. The history of the Chapter is replete with interesting and in structive gatherings. Its members have prepared many historical and genealogical papers, and have been active and alive in their duties, with the result, that the Chapter has had a large influence and usefulness in the community. The work of placing memorial tablets in different parts of the town had already been done by the Watertown Historical Society before the Chapter was formed. Since its organization the Chapter has had four Regents : Mrs. Alice M. Silsbee, who served two years ; Miss M. Caroline Wilson, who resigned after one month's service; Mrs. Bennett F. Daven- Watertown Cha-pter, D. A. R. 239 port, who held the office for three years, and Mrs. Herbert E. Davidson. List of Charter members : Mrs. Susan W. Allen Alden, " Agnes W. Andrews, " Mary A. Benyon, " Caroline M. Conant, " Martha J. Coolidge, " Mattie E. Crawford, " Annie E. Davenport, " Helen F. Davidson, " Sarah C. Davidson, " Mabelle W. Dickinson, " Caroline B. Elvin, " Caroline W. Hillman, " Mary D. Mead, " Julia F. Morse, Mrs. Ellen S. Otis, Miss Sarah H. Otis, Mrs. Daisy G. Potter, Miss Mabel Eaton Priest, " Addie L. Rice, Mrs. Harriette E. B. Rogers, " Emma C. Rugg, " Alice M. Silsbee, " Mabel R. Tabor, " Mary A. White, Miss Bial W. Willard, " M. Caroline Wilson, Mrs. Mary D. Woodward. The original list of officers chosen in 1898 : Regent, Mrs. Alice M. Silsbee. Vice " " Harriette E. B. Rogers Rec. Sec, Miss M. Caroline Wilson. Cor. " Mrs. Mattie E. Crawford. Treasurer, " Mabel W. Dickinson. Registrar, Miss Bial W. Willard. Historian, Mrs. Annie E. Davenport. In the list following, comprising the membership of the Chapter in 1907, are presented also the names of the Revolutionary an cestors of members : Members. Mrs. Agnes W. Andrews. " Mary A. Benyon. ' ' Lucinda W. R. Cavendar. Miss Lydia A. R. Ceiley. Mrs. Caroline M. Conant. E. A. R. Conant. E. B. Conant. Mattie E. Crawford. Miss Etta P. Dadmun. Mrs. Annie E. Davenport. Ancestors. John Doughty. tt t( Abraham F. Rogers. Francis Faulkner. Ephraim Brown. Amos Wright. David Fairbanks. David Melvin. Samuel Melvin. John Heard. Thomas Rand. James Kennard.' Jonathan Bancroft. Joseph Coolidge. Joseph Sturtevant. Lot Sturtevant. Philemon Priest. Joseph Coolidge. Joseph Sturtevant. Lot Sturtevant. Place of Enlistment. Unknown. Acton. (( Concord. Dedham. Concord. Rye, N. H. Eliot, Me. Pepperell. Watertown. Wareham. Harvard. Watertown. Wareham. 240 Watertown's Military History. Miss Grace C. Davenport. Mrs. Sarah C. Davidson. Mabelle W. Dickinson. Lena F. Hawes. Deborah G. Home. Annie L. Huntress. Josephine N. March. Mary D. Mead. Clara L. Monks. Julia F. Morse. Marion D. Murdock. " Ellen S. Otis. " Lucy M. Piper. " Daisy G. Potter. " May T. Read. Miss Addie L. Rice. Mrs. Harriette E. B. Rogers. " Adelaide H. Rollins. " Emma C. Rugg. Alice M. Silsbee. Bertha H. Snow. " Abbie C. Stearns. Miss Elise Stone. Mrs. Josie H. Stone. " Georgianna P. Tower. " Mary A. AVhite. " Minetta J. Whitney. " Alice L. Wilson. Joseph Coolidge. Joseph Sturtevant. Lot Sturtevant. William Hagar. Benjamin Davenport. Joseph Coolidge. Joseph Sturtevant. Lot Sturtevant. Samuel Walker. Roland Littlefield. Abijah Greenwood. Pjam Cushing. George Peck. Samuel Barnard. Jonathan Dearborn. Moses Lufkin. Edward Harrington. Joseph Coolidge. Joseph Sturtevant. Lot Sturtevant. Ambrose Bates. Roger Merrill. Moses Gray. Peter Tower. James Barrett ist. James Barrett 2d. Nathan Barrett. John Britten. Abraham Whitney. Joseph Coolidge. Joseph Sturtevant. Lot Sturtevant. Moses Gray. Samuel Home. Samuel Sanger ist. Samuel Sanger 2d. Morgan Lewis. David Stone. Charles Mather. Nathan Betts. Philip Lord, Jr. John Doughty. Samuel Osgood. Moses Lufkin. Watertown. Wareham. (( Waltham. Dedham. Watertown. Wareham. It Shirley, Scituate.Hubbardston. Hingham. Peer County, R. I. Watertown. Chester, N. H. Gloucester. Watertown. 1 1 Wareham. Cohasset.Newbury.Tewksbury. Hingham. Concord. Easton. Watertown. tt Wareham. tt Tewksbury. Southboro. Sandford, Me. Newton. Torringford, Ct. 1 1 tt Ipswich. Unknown. Gilmanton, N. H. Gloucester. As an honorary member appears one " Real Daughter," Mrs. Susan Wyeth Sawin Nash. The meetings are held at the residences of members, and are ^ery pleasant socially as well as of instructive merit. '1 ^ N? •^ ^ NJ ^ I ^'4 .43 (^ N| k :& ^ WATERTOWN WOMEN OF 1 861-1865. On a Sunday morning, July 31, 1862, the church services were in full progress, when there came a sudden interruption. The sanctity of the occasion was seemingly disturbed by the noise of a galloping horse. A moment later the rider brought his alarm ing message to the startled congregation. There had occurred a dreadful battle on the two preceding days ; the Battle of Manassas, or Second Bull Run. He, with other messengers, had been sent out to notify the people that there was an immediate and pressing need of hospital supplies for the wounded soldiers. All of the Watertown Churches at once suspended services. The Women of the town assembled in a body at the Town Hall, and there, assisted by the men and the children in such ways as possible, spent that Sabbath day in preparing lint, bandpges, and such other stores as were considered desirable, to be forwarded as speedily as possible to the vicinity of the late battle. It is notable to record that, as Massachusetts men were the first to respond to the President's call for troops ; so to Massachusetts women is due the honor of sending, at the earliest moment, those supplies so necessary for the solace, comfort, nay for the preser vation of the lives of wounded soldiers in the field. That this is not an overdrawn story is shown by the letter from President Lincoln, under date of Sept. 5, 1863, in which he " cordially thanks the patriotic citizens of Brookline, Brighton, Newton, Watertown and Roxbury for the large amount of Hos pital Stores, contributed for the use of the wounded soldiers of the United States Army." A copy of this letter was received by our town clerk, Wil liam H. Ingraham, and is now on file in the safe at the Water- town Town Hall. It is reproduced by a line cut in this book. Nor was this the only occasion when Watertown women sent supplies; for while the war lasted they were constant in their devotion to, and service for, the Union Cause. Their hearts might grow faint at the loss of relatives and friends, so dear and so greatly missed ; but their labor of love, their efforts to relieve the sufferings of the sick and wounded, never ceased during that period of civil strife, which began in April, 1861, and did not end until April, 1865. As it was in the Civil War, so it had been in the Revolution ; so it reappeared in the Spanish War; and so it always has been, and will continue to be ; because the Women are no less loyal to truth and duty than are the Men ; while their love and sacrifices for home and country are chastened by their tears. THE FIRST VOLUNTEER. " I'm going to enlist." The speaker was a youth of 3i years. The place was Watertown. The time, the evening of April 17, 1861. The audience, a party of eight or ten young men, including one of the selectmen, Luke Perkins. Forty-six years later the story of what followed was told to the writer, by Sergt. Samuel F. Stearns, the aforesaid speaker, who was the first Volunteer of Watertown. Still in good health, and a resident of this town, his record is of interest, as it was practi cally the experience of a large number of Watertown men. He said : " We had been up to Newton to see the Sixth Regiment pass on the train for Washington, in answer to President Lincoln's call for 75000 men. " There had been great excitement before, but this brought the matter nearer home. "On the evening of Apr. 33, 1861, a town meeting was held. The hall was well filled, there were stirring speeches by prominent citzens, and lots of enthusiasm, culminating in a call for volunteers. "I signed first, James R. Harrison second, and quite a lot fol lowed suit. "Col. Ladd came down from Lowell and formed a militia company in the town hall. May 11. There had been no militia company in Watertown, although some of the residents belonged to companies elsewhere, and promptly responded when the militia were called out to serve for three months. " The town voted to board us at the Spring Hotel. We went into camp in tents above Mr. Lathrop's, where a week or two later, Co. A, of the i6th Regiment, also encamped. There we stayed until July 3, when we were mustered into the service of the United States, as Co. K, i6th Mass. Infantry. Co. K was made the flag company of the regiment, enlisting for three years, at Camp Cameron, Cambridge. " August 17 we started for Baltimore, where we remained three weeks. Thence we moved to Fortress Monroe ; from there to Camp Hamilton, Va., where we did camp and picket duty until May, 1863 ; then to Norfolk and Portsmouth, doing no fighting. The week we were in Portsmouth the Merrimac was blown up SAMUEL F. STEARNS, IN 1861, Watertown's First Volunteer.' The First Volunteer. 24.3 by the Monitor. After spending a week in Suffolk, Va., we re turned to Whitehouse Landing, and joined the Army of the Poto mac, as a part of Hooker's Brigade. "A few days later we had our first fight at Fair Oaks, Va., in June, 1862. We stayed there until Gen. McClellan fell back to Harrison's Landing. Were in a fight at Glendale, Va., in which Col. Wyman was killed. The next day we took part in a skir mish at Malvern Hill. The regiment was also in the second bat tle of Malvern Hill. " Next, after a brief stay at Harrison's Landing and Alexandria, we went down lo Manassas, where we fought in the second battle of Bull Run. I was slightly wounded in the left shoulder. Fell back to Centreville ; next night were in the fight at Chantilly, where Gen. Carney was killed. "Again we fell back to Alexandria, and the regiment was re ported to be unfit for duty, in August, 1862, remaining in camp until November. "We were in the battle of Fredericksburg; marched in the mud, under Gen. Burnside ; served with Gen. Hooker in com mand, in May, 1863, at Chancellorsville. Fell back to Fredericks burg, until June. " In the three days' battle at Gettysburg, the regiment lost heavily on the second day. We followed the Rebs to a skirmish at Front Royal, and thence to Warrenton. "I then was detailed to come North, to Boston and Long Island, in Boston Harbor, under Gen. Devens, to conduct new recruits to the different regiments. I was mustered out on July I, 1864. " In the following December, Thomas Hooper, one of the Watertown Selectmen, came into the foundry, where I was at work, and called for sixteen new recruits. Fifteen men said they would enlist if I would. " I joined Co. E, First Frontier Cavalry, and was sent to Og- densburg, N. Y., then to Malone, Champlain City, and other points, guarding the St. Lawrence river. After eight months' service, I was sent home, in August, 1865." In this connection, it is well to record the character of the mili tary services rendered by Co. K, the first distinctively Watertown Company, and the i6th Regiment, of which it formed a part. " Fighting Joe " Hooker expresses his opinion of the valor of its officers and men, in a letter to Gov. Andrew, relating to the death of Col. Wyman, as follows : Headquarters Hooker's Division, 30? Corps, Camp near Harrison' s Landing, near James River, July 15, 1862. To His Excellency the Governor of Massachusetts. Dear Governor : I am rejoiced to be able to inform you that Mr. Way has been successful in his mission to our camp, and that 244 Watertown's Military History. he will return this morning with the remains of Colonel Wyman. The Colonel, with his regiment, reported for duty with my Division, and at that time, it had the honor to hold the advance of the army on the most direct approach to the rebel capital. He was soon called upon to take part in our conflicts with the enemy, and I had soon an opportunity to know the stuff and temper of my new acquisition. History has already recorded that, with its brave Colonel at its head, the i6th Massachusetts was all that I could desire. At the battle of Glendale, where he fell, he was the personifi cation of gallantry, and rendered services which will cover his name with renown. The enemy had put McCall's Division to flight, and came pour ing down on my right, the extreme of which Wyman held, with all the ardor inspired by success, until the career of the rebels was arrested by those stalwart men. The success of the enemy, at that moment, would have destroyed the army. The loss of Wyman falls heavily upon me, but if the gods had willed that his end should be, they could not have chosen a more befitting time and occasion. He was a glorious soldier, and his death in every sense was that of a hero, in a holy cause. I am, Governor, your friend and serv't, Joseph Hooker, Brigadier General. Gen. Hooker's equestrian statue in bronze now occupies a posi tion near the State House in Boston. CAPT. BANKS' DIARY. From a diary kept by Capt, Thomas G. Banks, of Watertown, the following items of war news were taken, all relating to occur rences in 1862 : Saturday, Jan. 25. " The 8th N. H. Regt., and other troops, arrived in Boston, on their way to Fort Independence, but the severe storm obliged them to remain in Boston all night." Monday, Feb. 17. " Great Union victory at Fort Donelson." Saturday, Feb. 22. " I attended a drill of military clubs at Music Hall, Boston. The Charlestown Cadets, Jamaica Plain and Dyer Zouaves drilled nearly up to the standard set by the Chicago Cadets." Saturday, Mar. i. "Gen. Banks with his division moved across the Potomac." Saturday, Mar. 22. " Fight at Winchester, Va." Monday, May 26. " Proclamation from Gov. Andrew, calling for more troops ; great rush to Boston ; great excitement all over the country. Gen. Banks defeated, and retreated back to the Po tomac." Monday, June 23. "Col. Parkhurst died this evening." Wednesday, July, 16. " Col. Cass buried at Mt. Auburn." Tuesday, July, 22. " Col. Wyman buried at Mt. Auburn." Monday, Aug. 4. " Draft for 300,000 men ordered by the President; great excitement." Friday, Aug. 29. "Col. Corcoran visited Boston; great dis play." Saturday, Aug. 30. "Lieut. H. B. Banks was killed in battle near Washington." Sunday, Aug. 31. "News of great battle near Washington (Manassas, second Bull Run) ; messengers sent about the coun try after surgeons and comforts for our wounded soldiers. No meetings were held in the churches of Watertown, but all ad journed to the town hall to work ; great excitement." Wednesday, Sept. 3. " Capt. Crafts presented with officer's equipments." Monday, Sept. 8. "Went to Faneuil Hall to see the body of Col. Webster." Friday, Sept. 12. " Capt. Crafts' Co. left town for camp." Sunday, Sept. 21. "Went to Readville Camp with Clark, Sharp and Stone. Had a fine time." 246 Watertown's Military History. Tuesday, Sept. 30. "Body of Capt. L. P. Thompson received at Cambridge. He died at Newbern, N. C." Sunday, Oct. 5. "Capt. Thompson buried with military and Masonic honors; great turnout; Boston encampment of Sir Knights." Wednesday, Oct. 15. "Drafting commenced in Boston." Wednesday, Oct. 22. "3rd, 5th and 44th Regiments left for Newbern." Saturday, Oct. 25. " Gen. J. H. Gage was buried at Nashua." Tuesday, Nov. 4. " Went to Boston with father to see Gen. Banks ; called on him at the Parker House." Wednesday, Nov. 5. " Gen. Banks left Boston with the 41st Regt. He had a fine escort, and started for New Orleans, to take Gen. Butler's place." THE COOLIDGE MONUMENT. THE COOLIDGE MONUMENT. A central and important feature of the oldest cemetery in Wa tertown, at the corner of Mount Auburn street and Coolidge ave nue, is a plain granite shaft, designated as the Coolidge Monu ment, and erected to the memory of Joseph Coolidge, the Revo lutionary patriot. It was dedicated on Memorial Day, May 29, 1875, a little more than one hundred years after the battle of Lexington. Austin J. Coolidge, in behalf of the descendants, presented the monument to the town, to receive its perpetual care. This charge was accepted by William H. Ingraham, chairman of the board of selectmen. The following report of the ceremonies appeared in the Water- town Enterprise, June 4, 1875 '• "A procession was formed on Main street and marched to the old cemetery. It included the town officers, the Isaac B. Patten Post 81, the fire department. Minute Men, School Guards, and the Watertown band. The monument is of granite, 18 feet high, and bears the following inscription : " 'Joseph Coolidge, born June 18, 1730; killed in the battle of Lexington, April 19, 1775. The only citizen of Watertown who fell on that day. Erected by his descendants, and presented to the town April 19, 1875.' " The company included over 50 members of the Coolidge family. " Austin J. Coolidge, in his address, said : ' But little is known of the personal history of Joseph Coolidge. He was an industri ous, thriving farmer ; married at the age of 23 by Rev. Seth Storer to Eunice, the daughter of John Stratton, by whom he had eight children. As a citizen he was held in high estimation. He was Collector for the East Precinct of the town. When the alarm came on April 19, 1775, he is said to have unyoked his team from the plow, told his wife where he had buried the town's money, taken his gun and powder horn, and joined a dozen or so Minute Men from Needham, guiding them to Lexington. He fell, mortally wounded, near the lower part of Lexington, his body pierced by three British bullets. His gun was exchanged, but the other gun has been kept.' "Post 81 decorated the shaft with flowers." This they have since done on every Memorial Day. THE SOLDIERS' MONUMENT. Erected by the town in the park on Main street, near the pub lic library, is the Soldiers' Monument, an attractive and appro priate memorial to the men who so freely and honorably repre sented Watertown in the Civil War. As early as 1881, in his Memorial Day address, Rev. E. P.Wilson of Watertown, Congre gational clergyman, called attention to the desirability of such a monument. June 29, i88i,Post8i, on motion of Comrade Hiram D. Skinner, appointed a committee to confer with leading citizens on the subject. This led in time to an appropriation by the town ; but it was not until eight years from its first inception that the memorial was completed and dedicated. At its annual March meeting, in 1889, the town appropriated $3600 for a soldiers' monument. The Board of Selectmen, and Comrades George E. Priest, L. S. Cleveland and Charles Q. Pierce, representing Post 81, were instructed to carry the vote into effect. This committee made a contract with the Hallowell Granite Co. of Maine, for the full sum appropriated, and the Work was expeditiously pushed forward to completion. Oct. 31, 1889, was a gala day in Watertown, as it was the date of dedication of the new and beautiful monument. Business was suspended, the schools closed, the Town Hall and other public and private build ings were gaily decorated with pictures, flags and bunting, and the people of this, and other, communities gathered in great num bers to witness the ceremonies. A procession was formed on Main Street and marched through the principal street's of the town. In the line, headed by the po lice and a band of music, with Capt. John N. Coffin as chief mar shal, were the Isaac B. Patten Post, 81, with 40 men, under the direction of Commander M. A. Forrest ; Posts 36 of Arlington, 62 of Newton, 29 of Waltham and 92 of Brighton ; Arthur B. Fuller Camp, 102, Sons of Veterans, of Watertown ; Battery of three guns from the U. S. Arsenal; Pequossette Lodge of Free-- masons, and Lafayette Lodge of Odd Fellows; the entire fire de partment, and barouches filled with invited guests. About 350 were in line. To President Lizzie M, Dow of the Woman's Relief Corps was assigned the honor of unveiling the memorial. Then followed the formal ceremonies of dedication, conducted by Commander For rest, who was assisted by other officers of Post 81. THE SOLDIERS' MONUMENT. The Soldier^ Monument. 249 The statue of a soldier, which dominates the monument, repre sents in features a former commander of a New Bedford Post. The position is that of " Load," the gun resting on the ground with muzzle held in the left hand. The front of pedestal is artis tically ornamented with a carved draping of flags, cannon and balls, while in an oblong panel below is this inscription : ' ' In Honor of the Men of Waterto^wn, Who Fought For the Preservation of the Union." It is a handsome tribute made by a grateful town to its heroes. In the afternoon the First Parish, Unitarian, Church was throng ed with soldiers and citizens, when a stirring oration on the lessons of the war was made by Rev. Luther T. Townsend, of Watertown, a member of Post 8i. Afterwards, an excellent collation was served in the Town Hall, which was followed by patriotic toasts, with eloquent responses. Mr. Edward F. Porter, Chairman of the Selectmen, presided at the exercises. SOLDIERS' GRAVES IN WATERTOWN CEMETERIES. Post 8 1 not only decorates the graves of Watertown soldiers, buried in the cemeteries of this town, but by request of, and in exchange with, various Posts does a like service for other departed heroes, at the Mount Auburn Catholic Cemetery. A list is given, as follows, of the burials in the four distinctively Watertown cem eteries. The oldest cemetery, at Arlington street, dating back to about 1643, contains only one veteran of the Civil War, Fred Sherman, whose body is placed in a tomb at the easterly end of the grounds. Three Revolutionary graves are marked ; but there are doubtless many more which cannot be located. Next in order of time comes the Common Street Cemetery, es tablished in 1754. This for a century and a half has been the principal place for local interments. It also contains the greatest number of soldiers' graves. St. Patrick's Cemetery was established in 1885, and Ridgelawn in 1899. The services not specially designated were rendered in the Civil War. Arlington Street Cemetery. Coolidge, Joseph . . . . . . S. A. R. Coolidge, Moses ....... " Grant, Christopher ...... " Sherman, Fred ....... Common Street Cemetery. Bacon, J. Otis P 598 Barnard, Samuel, Maj., S. A. R O 664 Bates, Hiram W M 88 Berry, William, Maine Vol O 193 Bridges, C. H M 57 Bright, Gilbert O 691 Bright, Nathaniel, S. A. R. . . O 685, no marker Bright, Willard O 691 Brown, Jonathan, S. A. R. . . 0^,644, no marker Burnham, Arthur . . . . . ." M 431 Coolidge, Samuel, S. A. R. . . . . M 39 Crafts, Joseph, Capt. ..... N 142 CAPTAIN MOSES WARREN'S MEMORIAL. In the Common Street Cemetery, Watertown. Soldiers' Graves. 251 Derby, Amos L M 480^. Fessenden, David B P 260. Flohr, Andrew L., G. A. R. lot . . . O 672. George, John, S. A. R. . . .0 645, no marker. Glidden, Eldridge 11 1. Godding, Emalous ..... M 7°- Greenslit, Belden A M 69. Greenwood, Miles, S. A. R. . . . N 613, no marker. Hammond, Charles . . . . . . M 43. Holbrook, John G. . . . • . N 134. Holmes, Irving T M 42. Horn, George W. Jr O 139. Home, W. B M 46. Howard, William C M451. Hubbard, Henry P O 246. Hunt, Robert O 752. Jackson, Antipas, War of 1812 M 58. Jones, Abel M 17. Jones, Franklin N 569. Lamonte, Charles W P 261. Learned, Frank S O 624. Learned, Helen A., army nurse . . . . N 435. Lenox, Charles W O 596. Lindley, Austin W N 550-1. Lindley, Dana E " Lord, Edward, G. A. R. lot O 672. Mackin, J. E. O 164. Mahoney, Dennis, G. A. R. lot . . . . O 672. Noonan, Edward " " ... " Norcross Lot M 93. Nutting, Samuel, S. A. R. . . . O 687 no Kiarker. Parrish, Lucius H., G. A. R. lot ... O 672 Patten, Isaac B N 578. Perkins, Charles T O i77- Priest, Benjamin L. ..... . 99- Rand, Rev. Edward A M 225. Robbins, George N 589. Royce, Jacob G O 241. Royce, T. W. D P 218. Sanger, CE N 437. Shedd, Luther A O 677. Smith, Eliakim, Capt., S. A. R. . .0 674, no marker. Smith, James H O 147. Smith, Thomas, G. A. R. lot . . . . O 672. Sprague, James M. (or Milner, Joseph F.) . . M 44. Sprague, Miles, Mexican War ... M 67. Stuart Lot M 483. Unknown ....•••• O 733- White, Sarah L., army nurse . . , , N 569. 252 Watertown's Military History. Whitney, B., Tomb N 579. Whitney, Charles . . . . . . . M 114. Whitney, John O 681 Whitney, Leonard, War of 181 2 . . . . M 53. Whitney, Moses M 79. Young, Joseph H., G. A. R. lot .... O 672. St. Patrick's Cemetery. Ahearn, Maurice ...... Post 81. Burke ......... Burns, J. M., Sergt Post 81. Clark, William H Connealy, Philip, Lt. Spanish War . Connealy, Philip P . Grave 34. Daley, Mathew ...... Dewyre, Andrew . . . .In W. C. Foley's lot. Dewyre, Daniel ...... Dunn, John ........ Flohr, Fred, S. of. V Leonard, William ...... Lucey, Michael ...... Mansfield, William 1262. McAleer, Charles, Spanish War .McAleer, Peter .""...- McGrath 604. Roach, William F Robbins, Elbridge Waldron lot. Shugrue, Michael . . . . . . . 329. Timony, John ....... Ridgelawn Cemetery. Bak€r, Calvin R 2799. Priest, George E 2804. Skinner, Hiram D. ...... 28311. WATERTOWN IN 1907. The population of Watertown, according to the census of 1905, was 11,202. In 1907, the year in which this Military History is being printed, it is estimated as more than 12,000; so that the town can, if it chooses, soon become a city. There is at present, however, no sentiment apparent in favor of any change in the form of government, either by adopting a city charter, or through an nexation to other communities. There has been a rapid develop ment in material affairs since i860, when the population, 3270, was a little more than one-fourth of what it is now. As the assessors value it, the town is about five times as rich as it was when the Civil War opened ; the number of polls has in creased from 769, in i860, to 3369 in 1907; while not to be out done, the tax rate has advanced from $7 per $1000 to $30.80 in the same period. We have many things now that did not exist in Watertown at that time ; some of our daily comforts and con veniences had not in i860, nor ten, nor twenty years later, been pictured even on the glowing canvas of the imagination. As the stage coaches gave way to the horse cars, so the latter have been superseded by the electric trolleys along our highways. We have the telephone, one of the most useful of modern inven tions ; the automobile, a vehicle of pleasure for the well-to-do, and growing to be of more and more service for commercial pur poses. In association with other towns and cities of the metropolitan district, we enjoy an excellent system of water supply : a fine system of sewerage has also been secured by a similar union of forces. Three new brick school buildings, the Francis, Hosmer and Marshall Spring, have been erected, as well as a new Fire and Police station. Our manufacturing industries have developed wonderfully, in size and importance. Costly and attractive churches have arisen ; comfortable homes for the people have greatly multiplied. A matter of the greatest importance has been the work of the Metropolitan Park Commission, in securing' control of the Charles river and its shores. A boulevard has been extended up to the town's centre, whence, in due time, it will be continued to Wal tham and beyond. This very year of 1907 witnesses the con struction of a new arched concrete and steel bridge, with granite facings and balustrades, at Galen street, spanning the Charles river, and built at a cost with its approaches exceeding $60,000. Surely " Peace hath its victories no less renowed than War." That this surfeit of comforts and luxuries has occasioned gie.it 254 Watertown's Military History. expense is also true. In order to present the striking contrast in municipal expense, between the years 1869 and 1906, the follow ing list of appropriations has been culled from the town reports. The Selectmen in their report dated February, 1870, say : " The appropriations for the past year have been exceedingly liberal, manifesting a public spirit truly becoming an enlightened and respectable community; and it is hoped that the expenditures (which, in the aggregate, have been kept within limits) will meet with the approval of every candid mind." Evidently Watertown was beginning to spend money more freely than for two centuries or more had been her habit. Exam ination of the items below will show that if she was liberal in 1869, she was becoming extravagant in 1906. Read the note of alarm in the Selectmen's report, dated Jan uary 31, 1907, in a paragraph headed Financial Affairs: "This is a matter that should engage the serious consideration and con stant watchfulness of all the citizens, particularly in regard to the matter of appropriations. An examination of the Treasurer's report indicates that our total indebtedness is $766,700 ; indebted ness outside of the debt limit, $403,000 ; borrowing capacity, none. " During and after Watertown's first real building boom, from 1880 to 1895, if we reflect we will discover that as a town it emerged in a measure from the lethargy in which it had peace fully slumbered for some two hundred and fifty years. Then came the new beginning of large expenditures of money for im provements." These expensive new features are enumerated in part as follows : Widening Mount Auburn street, at a cost of $100,000 ; purchase of the water system from the Watertown Water Company, $,^20, 000; the building of new brick school buildings; the widening of Galen street, to complete which will require an act of the Leg islature in order to enable the town to borrow from $50,000 to $75,000 outside of the debt limit. The total cost of these items of extras was $900,000. The schedule presented below gives many new items of expense for the town, together with a large increase of cost in the running of the old-time regular departments. Appropriations made by the Town at the annual March meet ings of 1906 and 1869 : Paving and Grading for New Engine House Schools Highways, Bridges and Culverts Sidewalks and Curbing Watering Highways Fire Department - - - Police " - - - March, 1906. March, 1869. $ 1,800 5 1 )000 $I3'850 12,000 14,500 3»5oo 6,000 14,900 1,300 14,500 2,000 Watertown in 1907. 255 Public Library - - - - Street Lights ----- Treasurer's and Collector's Bonds Election Expenses - - - Assessors' Expenses - - - . Legal Services - - - Cattle Inspection Printing - - - Salaries ------ Contingent - - - Town Hall Health and Cemeteries - . . House Connections, Sewer Main tenance and Extensions - - - Almshouse and Outside Aid Parks - - - - Inspection of Buildings Water Department - . - Soldiers' Aid Insurance Interest - - - Army and Navy Register - - - Post 81, G. A. R. - - . . Town Debt due this year Gipsy and Brown Tail Moth Department ----- Drainage - - - - . Sewer Extensions - - - Discounts and Abatements of Taxes Total $ 5,350 11,500 200 500 1,500 600 200 2,000 6,700 4,000 1,000 9,000 5,0008,500 1,250 600 9,000 700 1,000 15,000 200 300 98,700 5,000 10,000 7,000 $1,035 1,4001,500 800 3,000 100 3,000 1,000 3,000 $308,900 $44,475 It must be borne in mind that the Highway appropriation, for 1906, included the Street Railway and Highway Tax of more than $30,000, the actual expenditures amounting to $34,395,30. Nearly $100,000 of the town debt came due in 1906, in place of the $1000 for 1869; the interest on town debt required $15,000, even though the rate for much of the debt was only four per cent, while, in 1869, it was six per cent. The taxable acreage, in 1869, was 3,073 ; it remains practically the same to-day, about 1900 acres. In the contrasting tax levies of then and now it will be noticed that while the real estate valu ation has increased nearly fourfold, the personal has advanced little more than one-third. The Adams,. Payson, Bemis, and other wealthy families have been dispersed, and their earthly treasures removed from the town. This accounts, in part, for the poor exhibit in the personal column. Valuation of 1906. 1869. Real Estate - - - - $10,881,135 $2,474,895 Personal Estate - - 1,864,552 1,319,667 Total 12,745,677 $3,794,563 1900. 1869. $2i8,9oo $44,539 13.230 6,975 13.159 2,839 3.084 11,778 42 114 14,778 132 ,x $275,085 $54,485 In 1906. 1869. $19.10 $13.80 3369 1028 $766,700 $48,968 256 Watertown's Military History. Taxes Levied : Town Appropriations - - . State Tax - . - . County Tax ----- Metropolitan parks - - - " sewers - - - " highways Wellington Bridge tax - - . Water tax Overlayings - - - Tax rate - - - Number of polls - - - - Town debt - - - - Watertown, in the sixties, was a rural community, its good people were largely engaged in farming. Its growth had been very slow for more than two centuries. Its tastes were simple and its wants were few. Now all is changed, even to the character of its population. Discovered and founded by Englishmen, the townspeople for many years were of that nationality. But the vast influx of emigrants to this country, during recent years, has had its effect here. The increase in number and size of manufactories has created a de mand for laborers from far distant lands. Not from Great Britain, only, have they come to Watertovirn, but frora Italy, Russia, Ar menia, and other countries as well. One industry alone, which did not exist in this town until recently, now gives employment to nearly as many people as the whole town contained in i860. q^hese new comers are a vital working force, created by the great and increasing development of modern industry. They are brave ly fighting the battles of Peace. Should occasion require they will be equaUy ready and valiant in time of war ; for their patrio tism will not fail when their adopted country is in danger. Just at present there are no war clouds to be seen above the horizon ; while the avocations of Peace are thronged with bus}' men and women. The Public Library was first opened to the citizens March 31, 1869. Its success was immediate; its advance has been constant. Solon F. Whitney, who has been the librarian all these years, was at the first also principal of the Watertown High School. In his librarian's report of Feb., 1870, he gave the number of vol umes as 4683, an increase of 2563 during the year ; number of pamphlets, 824. Since then an attractive and convenient library building has been erected, due principally to private benefactions. Hollis Hunnewell and Charles Pratt, descendants of Watertown families, have been able, because of their large means, and out of regard Watertown in 1907. 257 for the town, to give most liberally, the one for the building, and the other to promote the development of the library along prac tical lines. In the report of January, 1907, the number of volumes was given as 32,889; number of papers and pamphlets, 10,866. There are many valuable books of reference, art collections, and all of the desirable features of a first-class library. The Schools have advanced into a higher grade of public use fulness. New and finer buildings have been erected. The system of instruction has been amplified and improved. In 1869, the number of children registered was 783 ; average nnmber of schol ars, 679 ; average attendance, 619. In 1906, the number enrolled wasi7i8; average number belonging, 1613 ; average daily attend ance, 1490. There is also a Parochial School, which instructs a large number of pupils, a feature of these later years. The Water department, under wise and conservative manage ment, shows, by the report of Jan., 1907, that the receipts, for 1906, amounted to $43,896; number of feet of piping, 197,610; number of services, 1849; meteis, 1S17 ; public hydrants, 288 : pri vate hydrants, 44. The great cost to the town of the water system, $420,000, makes a heavy load to bear, in the way of interest and bond payments, yet the department is gaining each year in the matter of net revenue. The Board of Health has an excellent work to do. The death rate, for 1906, was the lowest on record, being 10.34 *° 1000; total number of deaths, 164. The death rate, in 1885, was 21.64; average for the next ten years, 16, and for the following six years, 14, showing a steady gain, which may be attributed to better san itary conditions. There has been a marked improvement in the care of the town cemeteries, places that were, not many years ago, subject to sad neglect. The Park Commissioners have in their charge the crest of wood land, designated as Whitney Hill Park, as a crowning glory of the landscape ; Saltonstall Park, on Main street, and some smaller tracts publicly reserved. The town has arrived at the dignity of band concerts, and other means of public refreshment after the day's toil. There will be a rich enhlancement of privileges, with the coming changes along the Charles river, in the way of boat ing, skating and other sports and recreations. The Police and Fire departments, well housed in a new building, have each a duty to perform, which is faithfully done. Both have grown in size, as well as in effectiveness, and both are well pleased with what the town has done for them. A pension system has been adopted, whereby those grown old, or incapacitated, in the service, are retired on half-pay. Much greater care is given to the highways than ever before. At present an extension of Waverley Avenue to Orchard street is under process of construction. Roads are more thoroughly built with crushed stone and gravel, and have lasting qualities. Sur face drainage is being developed, to meet an imperative demand. 258 Watertown' s Military History. Measures of relief for those in need have been broadened in their scope, in a public way, through town appropriations, aug mented by private associations, and individual efforts of a kindly and sympathetic nature. A new peril, the threatened destruction of the trees by the Browntail and Gypsy moths, and Elm Beetles, is being combatted with at a large public expense. Already some fine woodlots have been cut down, by private owners, to get clear of the almost un bearable cost of maintenance. A new department, for the use of which the town appropriates $5000 annually, and is compelled to allow more than that amount, gives a close supervision over the beautiful trees that line many of our streets and adorn the parks. But while these numerous matters of public importance call for increasing care and large sums of money, the Veterans, who gave their services, and some of whom sacrificed their lives for our coun try, are not forgotten. By the Nation, a liberal system of pensions has been long since established. The town supplements this by appropriating $700 each year for Soldiers' Aid, and $300 for the Memorial Day expenses, including tributes of flags and flowers for decorating the graves of those soldiers who are buried in the local cemeteries. In the beginning of the Civil War the town pledged its faith " to each and all the persons who now are, or hereafter shall be come soldiers," to support their families in time of need. That pledge has been well kept. Following is the list of town officers for 1907 : Selectmen : Arthur H. Whitney, Walter C. Stone, James D. Evans. Town Clerk: Frederick E. Critchett. Town Treasurer : Charles W. Stone. Assessors: William H. Wilson, Thomas G. Banks, Edward C. Hall. Collector of Taxes: Charles A. Raymond. Auditor: S. Eugene Proctor. School Committee: P. Sarsfield Cunniff, Charles M. DeMeritt, Arthur F. Gray, Charles A. York, Joanna B. Richards, Edward N. Clancy. Trustees of Free Public Library: Walter B. Snow, Julian A. Mead, George E. Goodspeed, William H. Bustin., Charles Brigham, Rev. John M. Kelleher. Board of Health: Robert J. Graham, J. Horace Dennen, Francis H. Barnes. Park Commissioners: George H. Dale, Arthur F. Gray, James P. Ford. Water Commissioners: Charles Brigham, Charles H. Rollins, Edward F. Hughes. INDEX. INDEX, Abert, William S. Achason, Johnston Adair, George L. . Adams, Charles " George E. " John . . " Joseph " Samuel " Z. Boylston Ahearn, Maurice . Alden, George A. . " John . . " Susan W. All Allen, Ethan . . " George " John A. P " Noah . . Amesbury, Charles H, Amory, Thomas J. C " William A. Andalacia, Vincenes Anderson, Robert Andre Major . . Andrew, George L. " Gov. John A, Andrews, Agnes W, " Benjamin Angier, Oaks . . Anne, William . . Arnold, Benedict 56 " James H. " Josie M. . WiUiam H. Ashe, Maurice . . Aspinwall, Caleb . Atcherson, Johnson Atkins, Robert Atwood, Samuel F. Ausberger, Sebastian Austin, James . . Babcock, Rufus . Bachelor, N. Walter Bacon, Andrew J. " James K. " J. Otis " John . . " John O. . . 189 . 165 . 216 141, 149 . 137 61, 72, 127139 64, 72, 77, 117 . 169 217, 252 116, 120 120 239 69 34, 88 189 234 164188 144, 200207111 , 146 129, 245 . 239 85 76 . 143 61, 62, 63, 114 216, 217, 232 . 236 233, 234 . 217 . 140 . 140 137, 217 . 217 75, 79, 86, 106 . 140 . 156 . 174 181, 195 . 250 4 . 146 Badger, Timothy 88 Bailey, Mr 55 Bainger, Ann 74 Baker, Calvin R. . . 154,169,252 " James .... 143, 200 Bald-ndn, Isaac 109 " Jeduthan .... 95 " Loammi 98 William F. . . . 140, 149 Ball, John 109 Bancroft, Jonathan .... 239 Banister, Seth .... 90, 98, 99 Banks, H. B 245 N. P 245, 246 " Thomas G. 133, 232, 245, 258 Barber, Nathaniel 91, 93, 97, 102 " Samuel 75 Barker, David A. S. . . . 232, 234 George T 217 " Sarah A 236 " Stephen 188 Barnard, David 74 " James 8, 33 " John 4, 8 " Jonas 74, 79 Samuel, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 32, 35, 46, 75, 77, 78, 79, 87, 90, 109, 120, 121, 240, 250 " Sarah . . Barnes, Francis H, " James " Joseph H. Barney, Levi T. " Lewis F. " Nellie F. Barnstead, George R, Barre, Thomas 0. Barrett, Colonel . " George H. " James " Nathan . " Roger Barsham, Nathan Barstow, Michael Bartlett, Charles H, " William F. Batchelder, Samuel L< no 258 164168 234 233, 234 235, 236 208 147 61,77 177 240 240 88 4, 109 7 183 178136 262 Watertown's Military History. Bates, Ambrose 240 " Hiram W 250 " James L 170 " Joseph N 156 Baxter, Eben 86 Jedidiah H 155 " Newton . . 89, 106, 108 " William 108 Bean, Edwin 137 Beck, Conrad 200 Bedell, Austin 217 Beers, Eliezer 7, 109 " EInathan . . . 6, 8, 109 " Lieut 109 Richard . . 3, 6, 109, 113 Belcher, Jonathan .... 7 Bell, Benjamin 191 " Luther B 154 Belt, George D 217 Bemis, David 25, 28, 30, 32, 33, 39, 40, 43, 47, 75, 79, 106, 108, 110 " Edmund 109 " Ephraim 7 " John 74 " Jonas no " Jonathan .... 110 " Joseph 7, 75 " Luke 34 " Nathaniel ... 27, 34 Samuel .... 75, 110 " William 110 Benjamin, Abel 110 Charles W. . 232, 233, 234 Cyrus H 234 '>' Fred A 234 " George W 234 " John 89, 106 " Jonathan . . 79, 81, 89 " Nathaniel .... 78 Samuel 28, 75, 79, 81, 107, 108, no " Wniiam 89 William H. 120, 146, 216, 217, 231 Bent, Judson L 141, 149 Bentley, James 170 Benton, Perrin 137, 159 " Pierre A 154 Benyon, Mary A 239 Bernard, John F 140 " John L 180 Berry, Charles W. . 186, 211, 217 " Mary A 235 Sarah 236 " William 260 Betts, Nathan . ¦ 240 Bigelow, Benjamin .... 110 Edith M 236 " Jabez no John . . . 4, 7, 110, 184 Bigelow, Jonathan .... 110 " Joshua 8, 110 " Major 52 " Timothy 110 BUlings, Joseph E 147 Bird, Benjamin 75 Biscoe, John 110 " Josiah 32, 36, 40, 43, 44, 45, 74,86 Mr 121 " Nathaniel .... Ill " Sarah Ill " Thomas 110 Blackman, John 176 Blackmar, John 182 Blake, Charles F 132 Blakney, Thomas R. ... 217 Blanchard, Albert H. . . . 182 James H. 141, 149, 178, 179 Blaver, WUliam 89 BUss, John 90 " Major 61 Blood, Lyman R 166 Bodge, Samuel D 141 Bogle, Thomas 75 Bohner, Alois 166 BoUen, Charles 200 Bond, Amos 28, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 75, 79, 90, 96, 98, 100, 106, 107, 108, no Charles 110 Daniel 74 Elijah 26, 27, 32, 37, 45, 73 EUzabeth .... 109 Henry .... 109, 111 Jonas 74, 78, 90, 106, 110, 111 Leonard ... 79, 82 ,90 Phineas 75 Rose Ill Samuel . . . .34, 79, 86 WiUiam 7, 20, 22, 75, 81, 90, no. 111, 114, 200 Bontang, John 86 Boodro, Andrew 165 Booker, George A. W. . . . 200 William T. . . .196, 197 Booth, George W. . 141, 186, 186 Bowditch, Henry P. ... 177 Bowdoin, James .... 72, 121 Bowen, Jonas 167 Bowman, John 86 " Joseph 7 " Joshua Ill " Samuel .... 8, 111 Bowser, Henry W 200 Boyce, Jacob G 141, 149 Boyd, John T 147 Boyle, James 180 Boylston, Sarah 112 Index. 263 Boynton, Jacob 90 Brackett, LiUa B 236 Bradford, Captain . '. . . 104 Ruth A 71 " Thomas 200 Bradlee, John E. 211, 212, 213, 217 Bradley, James E 137 " J. Payson .... 213 Mrs 71 Bradshaw, Henry 33, 45, 79, 86, 107 Brattlebank, Captain ... 6 Brennan, John 197 Brennen, James E. . . . 153, 183 Brewer, David 64 EHsha ... 75, 79, 85 " Jonathan . 62, 64, 76, 76 Brewster, Oliver E 173 Briant, David 103 Bridgeham, Charles E. . . . 177 Bridges, Charles H. . 137, 159, 250 Lydia A 236 Brigham, Charles 71,141,149,211 217, 258 Edwin H. . 140, 156, 196 " Mary 71 " Mathias 137 Bright, Emma 236 GUbert . . 137, 159, 250 John . . . . 4, 7, 8, 85 " Jonathan .... 78 " Joseph 108, 137, 159, 216, 217, 232 Josiah .... 74, 91 " MUlicent .... 73 Moses H 180 " Nathaniel 21, 27, 74, 78, 85, 108, 193, 250 Willard . . 139, 172, 260 Britton, John 240 Broadhurst, Stephen F. . . 218 Brock, Laura 236 Brocklebank, Capt 4, 6 Broderick, James .... 139, 172 Brooks, Caleb . . 92, 95, 100, 101 " Colonel 97, 98, 99, 102, 104 Eleazer . . . . 90, 103 Brooman, George H. 137, 154, 159 Broughton, EUen E 236 Brown, Charles E. . 137, 155, 159 " Ebenezer Ill Edward A 177 " Emma 236 " Ephraim 239 Francis 45, 78, 106, 106, 108 Franklin T 193 " George 201 John . 17, 22, 60, 76, 166 Jonathan 12. 13, 14, 18, 21, 23, 28, 31, 34, 36, 38, 40, 43, 47, 48, 73, 75, 87, 97, 99, Brown, Jonathan, continued. 105, 106, 107, 112, 114, 115, 260 " Orlando . . . . 164,168 " Phineas . . . . . 112 " Soloman . . 91 " WUliam . . . . 143 WUliam S. . . . . 170 Bryant, Henry . . . . 166 Buckner, George H. T. . . 201 Bugbee, S. Grace W. . . . 236 Bull, WUliam . . . . . 7 Bullard, Asa . . . . . 99 Daniel . . . . . 85 " Jacob . . . 4,8 " John . . . . . . 44 " Samuel . . 96, 97, 103 " Thomas . . . . 42 Bullman, John . . 75, 79, 91 Bullock, Wm. Warren . . . 169 Burbank, EUsha M. . . . . 155 Burbeck, Henry . . . . 102 " WUUam . . 62 Burchstead, David W. . . 218 " Luthera E. . . . . 235 Burdell, Abraham H. . . . 218 Burgoyne, E. A. . . . 212,218 ' " General . . . . 31 Burke, James . . . . . 218 " John . . . . 144, 201 " Private . . . . 252 " Wmiam . . . . 232 " WiUiam A. . . 218 Burnham, Arthur . . . 250 Burns, Daniel . . . . 155, 159 " James S. . . 183, 201 " Joseph M. . 143, 216, 262 " Joseph N. . 196,197,218 Mary E. . . . 235 " Patrick . . . 141, 149 Burnside, General . . 231, 243 Burrell, Isaac S. . . . . . 174 Bush, Francis, Jr. . . 176 Bustin, WUliam H. . . . 268 Butler, Edmund 0. . . . 191 Frank W. . . . . 234 " General . . . . 231, 246 PhUip . . . 208, 234 " Thomas R. . . 218, 232 Butters, Lucinda . . . . . 236 Byram, Timothy M. . . 155 Cabot, Edward C. . . . . 175 " Louis . . . . . . 182 " Stephen . . . . . 187 Cakebread, Thomas . . . . 112 Callahan, James Lyon . . . 157 Campbell, WUUam H. . . . 201 CantUlan, WUliam . . . 197 Capell, Jonas F. . . . . 136 Capen, Benjamin, 33, 46, 75, 78, 86 " David, . . . . . 78 264 Watertown's Military History. Capen, Josiah, Carney, General . . Carpenter, William H. Carroll, John . . . Carrouth, Sumner . Carter, George T. John H. . Cartwright, George W, Cashwell, John . . Cass, Thomas . . Casswell, John . . Cato (Negro) . . Cavender, Lucinda W. Cazmay, Thomas W. Ceiley, Lydia A. R. . Cervera, Admiral Chadbourn, Benjamin Chadwick, John . . " Thomas . . Chamberlain, Edwin M, Chandler, Charles Peleg Chant, Frank D Chapin, Enoch Chapman, Charles H, Chardol, Peter Chenery, John " WUliam . Chester, John . . Chickering, Thomas Child, Abijah . . " Amos " Captain . " John . . 18, 20, 21, 25. 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 36, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 74, 75, 78, 86, 86, 91, 107, 108 243234 143 171 143 149, 183 167 81 163, 245 91 91 239 233, 234 239 R. E, 140, 28, 141, 208 72 4 7 186145185101139 91 74, 79, 107 74, 79, 82 112182 . 90, 94 91 91, 102 73, 81 Jonathan 28, 34, 45, 79, 107 Joseph 8, 34 Phineas 34, 45, 73, 78, 79, 81, 92, 106 " Richard . 7 Childs, James B. 140, 155 Chinery, John 112 " Lambert 112 Chipman, Charles 168 " James L. 172 Christian, Henry W 141, 175 Church, Benjamin 59, 60, 66 " Samuel . 7 CUley, Colonel . 115 Clancey, Edward N. 258 Clap, Roger . . 126 Clark, Ann . . 73 " Annie M. . . 235 " Charles E. . 136,218 " Edwin L. . . 155 " George, Jr. . . 154 " Grace 236 " John . . . . 77 " Jonas 117 Clark, Mr. 245 Richard 23, 25, 28, 33, 37, 43, 74, 78 " Thomas . 12, 20, 28, 74, 79 " William H. . . . 218, 262 Cleavland, Ebenezer ... 98 Cleveland, John P 169 L. S 218, 232, 248 M.Alice .... 236 Clusky, WiUiam 143 Cobb, Leander P. . . . 174,218 Coburn, Charles F. . . . 136, 159 Cochran, George 139 Coffin, Charles 86 " Franklin .... 141 « John N 218, 248 John W. . . . 133, 134 Coglan, Robert 218 Cogswell, George B. . . . 168 " WUliam 176 Colburn, Joseph 179 Colby, Thomas R 218 Cole, Ralph 137 CoUigan, John H. . .137,160,196 Collins, James A 234 " John , 149, 201 Conant, Caroline M. . .' . 239 " E. A. R 239 E. B 239 Condon, Anna M 236 Conly, John 140 Connealy, PhUip . . . 232, 262 " PhUip P 262 Connell, James 197 Connelly, John .... 143, 182 Connor, Robert W 219 Cook, Bernard 201 Daniel, . . 76, 79, 86, 92 David W 219 " George 2 John 28, 68, 79, 81, 85, 106, 126 " Mary 124 " Samuel . . 28, 38, 40, 74 " Stephen . . 34, 78, 86, 92 " Thomas 74 Cookrain, William .... 75 Cookson, John 28, 76 Coolidge, Austin J. ... 247 Daniel . . .26, 34, 78, 86 " David 74 Dorothy 22, 23, 36, 46, 74. 106, 117, 121, 127 Grace 110 " James 82 " John 7, 112 " Jonas ... 75, 79, 107 " Joseph 74, 92, 112, 120, 121, 239, 240, 247, 250 " Joshua . . . 106, 130, 133 " Lewis 112 Index. 265 Coolidge, Martha J. . . . . 239 Cushman, Austin S. . . 176 " Mary . . . . . 73 " Horace W. . . 137 Moses 27, 46 78, 86, 107, Cusick, Thomas F. . . 201 219 120, 121, ¦250 Cutler, Captain . . . 109 " Nathan . . . . 78, 108 Charles S. . . 201 Nathaniel 13, 20, 25, 28, 29, " Ephraim . . . 8 34,45,74,85,112, " Josiah . . . 92 117 Cutter, Mr 121 " Samuel 112, 120, 121, 250 " Watson Grant . 120 Simon 34, 73, 74, 78, 112 Cutting, David . . ¦ 113 " Stephen . . . . 7 " James . . . 4,8 " Thomas . . . 74,79,86 " John . . . . 7,8 wmiam . . . . 75 " Susanna . . . 109 Cooney, Jeremiah . . . 144, 201 " Zachariah . . 7,8 Cooper, James . . 9 0, 94, 97, 102 Copeland, R. Morris . . 146 Dabney, Charles W. 175 Corcoran, Colonel . . . . 245 Dadmun, Etta P. . . 239 Corey, Isaac .... . . 112 Dagenfield, Adolph . . ". 196 197 Corkran, WUUam . . . . 28 Daggett, Colonel . . . 52 Corkring, John . . . . . 197 Dailey, Mary .... 236 Cornwall, Daniel . 7 5, 86, 92, 106 Dale, George H. . . . 258 Cornwallis, Lord . . . . 124 Thomas J. . . 219 Corrigan, Joseph . . . . 137 Daley, Mathew . . . 262 Corson, WUliam H. 139, 173, 219 Dalle, Samuel .... 81 Cowdin, Robert . . . . . 145 Dalton, Joseph A. . . 173 Craft, Abner 21, 75, 81 92, 112, 121 Dame, Lorin L. . . . 187 " Jonathan . . . . 76 Dana, David .... 188 Crafts, Captain . . . . . 245 ." George E. . . 185 " Colonel . . . . 102 Stephen 48, 96, 1 01, 103 104 " Jonathan . . . . 33 Danielson, Colonel . . 101 Joseph 133, 140 160,219,260 Darby, Andrew . . . 8 " Nathaniel . . . . 75 Dardis, Thomas . . 1' u", 160 180 " Thomas . . . 90, 99, 101 DashieU, Alfi-ed H. . . 178 Craig, Harrison J. . . . 140, 185 Davenport, Annie E. 239 Craigen, George F. . 137, 160 *' Benjamin . . 240 Crane, Colonel . . 93 97, 102, 103 " Bennett F. ?0, 116 121 " John 74, 75, 79, 82, 91, 97 Mrs. B. F. . . . 120 238 Mr . . 51 Grace C. . , 240 Crawford, Mrs. Fred E. . . 120 " Nathaniel . . 4 Mattie E. . . . . 239 Davidson, Helen F. . . 239 Critchett, Frederick E. . . 258 " Henry . . . 185 Cromack, Joseph C. . . 165 Mrs. Herbert E. 239 Crompton, John . . . 139, 171 " Sarah C. . . . 239 240 Cross, George W. . . . . 219 Davis Charles A. . . 174 Crotty, PaLrick . . . . 140, 167 " Charles H. . . 186 Crowninshield, Casper . . 181 " Daniel . . . 52 CuUen, Michael . . . . 138 " Phineas A. . . 185 Cummings, Andrew, Jr. . 137, 160 " P. Stearns . . 172 " John . . . . . 197 Davison, John . . . 140 " Lucius . . . . 185 Day, J.L 141 CunniflF, P. Sarsfield . , . 258 " Joseph M. . . 173 Cunningham, Robert . . . 92 Dean, Charles A. . . . 234 Curran, WiUiam . . . . 209 " Charles H. . . . 216 219 Currier, Charles . . 152 " Nettie . . . 236 Curtis, Greely S. . . 179 Dearborn, Jonathan . . 240 HaU . . . 189 DeCosta, Benjamin F. . .' 147, 164 " IraT. . . 233, 234 Degan, Charles F. . . . 141, 177 Cushing, Caleb . . . 72 Henry D. . . 176 Colonel . . 61 Delany, Jack .... . . 139 " Nathan . . 62, 60 " Joseph A. . . . . 209 " Pyam . . . 240 " Patrick . . . 197 " Thomas . . 72 266 Watertown's Military History. 141 146, . 258 . 258 4 160, 261 . 52, 63 . 167 166, 243 51, 60 . 219 . 165 . 208 179, 181 180, 252 . 252 54 141, 150 56 239, 240 92, 95, 100, 101 4 . 219 . 236 216, 219 . 140 150 DeMerritt, Charles M. Dennen, J. Horace Dennison, Daniel Derby, Amos L. . " Captain . " George Devens, Charles . " Richard . Dever, Patrick Devreau, Arthur F. Dewey, Admiral . DeWolf, Oscar C. Dewyre, Andrew 14 " Daniel Dexter, Colonel " George A. " Samuel Dickinson, Mabelle W. Dike, Nicholas Dill, George . . Dimick, Carroll D. " Lizzie G. " Orlendo W. Dimon, Owen . . Dinan, Owen . . Dix, John . . . " Stephen . Dodge, Antipas " Joseph W. Doherty, John . . '• John F. . " Patrick . Dolan, Thomas DoUolf, Benjamin W, John E. . Donlan, Thomas . DonnaUy, John Donnelly, John Donovan, Timothy J Doolittle, Ephraim Doran, John . Dorman, William B Doughty, John . Dow, Benjamin H. " Lizzie M. Dowdall, John Dowley, Michael W, Dowling, William Downey, John Downing, Jacob . " James Dowse, Benjamin Drake, John 23, 27 Draper, John " Thomas Drew, Stephen W. Drury, Asa ... 92, 95, 97, 103 Dudley, Nathan A. M. . . 169 " WUliam B. ... 220 Dunham, WiUiam .... 154 Dunklee, Charles .... 220 216, 140 . 169 . 113 . 113 93 . 186 137, 160 . 219 . 133 . 181 137, 160 137, 160143 139 171 219 92 219 122 239, 240 220, 232 235, 248 168 . 220 170, 195 143, 198 86 93 4 32, 75, 85, 87 107, 108, 121 ... 75 ... 163 Dunn, James, 141, 143, 160, 163, 183, 198 John 143, 198, 201, 252 Durant, Mr 61 Dwight, Colonel 56 Wilder 146 Dyer, Isaac F 220, 232 " J. Franklin ... 165 " Sarah 236 Eagan, James 198 Eames, John 7 Earl, Osman 0 220 Eaton, John 136 Edes, Benjamin ... 86, 123, 124 Edson, John H 179 Edwards, Benjamin . . 93, 127 " Mr 62 Egan, Festus 220 Eichorn, G. Herman . . . 183 Eldridge, WiUiam E. 137, 160, 196 EUiot, AdeU 235 Ellis, James A. 141, 160, 180, 195 John 143 ElweU, Andrew 166 Elvin, Caroline B 239 Emerson, Charles S. . . . 234 Rev. Mr 62 Endicott, John 1 Engley, George 137 Ensign, Charles S 127 Fred S 234 Estabrook, James E. . . . 146 Esty, NeweU T 220 Eustis, Benjamin ... 91, 97 " Commander ... 97 Ebenezer . 86, 106, 108 William T, ... 147 Evans, James D 258 W. H 234 Everett, Ebenezer . 45, 76, 79, 86 Richard 27, 34, 46, 75, 79, 86, 106 Evers, EmUe 139, 171 Fairbanks, David Fairservice, Ceaser Farley, Colonel . Michael . Farnham, Alice M. Farnsworth, John E Farnum, Jonathan Farr, Barnabas Farrar, William E. Farrell, George W. Farwell, Clara " George O. " John N. Faulkner, Francis Faxon, WiUiam L. Fellows, John F. 239 93 65 72 236 178, 191 85 . 113 . 185 146, 189 . 235 . 176 . 137 . 239 . 169 . 164 Index. 267 FerreU, George W 164 Fesandon, Ebenezer ... 82 Fessenden, David B. . . . 251 Field, Joseph 85 Fields, C. S 141 Fiezie, Elijah 79 Finch, John 113 Firman, John 113 Fish, Sarah M 235, 236 Fisher, Carrie .... 236, 236 " Jabez 72 Theodore W. ... 176 Fisk, John 7 " Samuel 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 43, 50, 73, 74, 106 Fiske, Nathan 113 " Robert 113 Fitch, Fred M 209 FUzgerald, WUUam . . 144, 201 FitzwUliams, Edward C. . . 209 " Frank M 290 Flagg, Elizabeth .... 110 " Gershom .... 113 " James 107 " Michael 4, 8 " Timothy .... 113 WUliam .... 113 Flaherty, Edward .... 187 Flanders, Augusta I. . . . 235 Fleming, WiUiam L. . . . 201 Fletcher, Joel 92 Flohr, Andrew L. 137, 160, 196, 220, 261 EUenF 235 " Fred . . " Hannah E. Floyd, Robert Flynn, Cornelius J. " John FoUett, L. I. Forbes, WUUam H. Ford, James P. . ForknaU, WiUiam S Forrest, Katie F. " Mary T. " Michael A. Forster, General Foskett, George W. " George W. Jr. " Henrietta . Foster, Charles . . " Colonel . . " Commander " Daniel . . " Jedidiah Fowle, Captain . . " Edmund 28, 34, 43, 44, 70, 75, 79, 85, 106, 107 " Edward .... 124 . 252 235, 236 . 166 137, 160 220 234 181 258220236235 216, 220, 248 148, 149 216, 220 . 234 . 235 141, 150 60 104 . 170 63, 72 Fowle, Jeremiah .... 93 John ... 76, 79, 124 " MarshaU ... 70, 71 « Rebecca B. ... 236 Fowler, Nathaniel .... 93 Francis, Convers . . . 232 Frankland, Sir Henry ... 60 Lady 60 Frankle, John (Jonas) 164, 168 Franklin, Benjamin " Samuel 137, 160, Eraser, Daniel . . " David W. . Frazer, Daniel W. . Freeman, Enoch . . " Joseph . . " Mr. . . . " Samuel . . French, Edward Beecher Frost, Stephen Frothingham, Captain 92, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102 Fulford, John 93 Fulham, Francis .... 113 " Jacob 113 FuUer, Rev. Arthur B. 139, 167, 160, 212, 232 " Captain . . 98, 103, 104 " David 113 " Edward 91, 94, 97, 99, 102 " Jonathan .... 76 " Joseph 97 " Joshua ..... 76 " Major 62 " Nathaniel ... 76, 93 " Thadeus .... 33 Furnival, James 97 52 170, 220 . 220 . 190 143 . 60, 72 137, 160 51 . 62, 62 172, 176 82 Gage, General 11,61,54,66,67,68, 62, 71, 77, 117, 118, 123 " J. H 246 Gains, James 94 Gale, Samuel 94 GaUagher, John F. ... 209 Galloupe, Isaac F 164 GamweU, Harlow .... 181 Gandal, John 94 Gardner, Annie M 236 " Colonel 120 " Henry 21, 96 John 107 " Joseph 76, 86 Mr 56 " Thomas . . 77, 94, 111 Garfield, Benjamin .... 113 " Captain ..... Ill " Ephraim .... 4 " Joseph 7 Garvin, John 201 Gates, General 93 268 Watertown's Military History. 74 . . 121 . . 202 . , 166 . . 251 . . 64 59, 72 61, 127, 128 . . 236 Gates, Horatio Gavin, WUliam . Gaylord, Noah M. George, John . Gerrish, Colonel . " Joseph . Gerry, Elbridge . " Mary L. Gibbs, WUliam . Gibson, Samuel S. Gigger, Nicodemas GUdea, Michael . GUfiUan, Thomas Gilgan, Thomas . GUI, John . . . " Moses " Mr. . . GUman, Joseph . " Simon F. Glidden, Eldridge Glover, Colonel . Goddard, WUliam Godding, J. C. . " Jonas " Spencer . Goding, Emalous " Herbert " Spencer . Gooch, John G. . Goodenow, Lieut. Goodhue, John M. " Joseph . Goodman, Captain Goodspeed, George E Goodwin, Andrew " George H. " Ichabod Gookin, Daniel . Gordon, George H. Gorman, John Gorson, Elijah Gotleib, Joseph . Gould, Jacob Parker " Joseph P. Graham, Robert J Grant, Christopher 21, 28, 33, 74, 78, 81, 120, 121, 250 " Joseph 8 " Gen. Ulysses S. 206, 231 Gray, Albert Z 182 Arthur F. . 233, 234, 268 Hugh .... 172, 195 Mabel .... 235, 236 " Moses 240 . . 221 . . 221 . . 74 . . 221 . . 179 . 196, 198 . . 94 56, 66 . . 54 . . 202 . . 202 . . 251 . . 64 . . 7 . 45, 78 . . 86 78, 94, 106 221, 261 233, 234 82 131, 133 109 146 202 53 268 221, 232 139, 174 62 7 146202 138 139, 171166179 258 " Richard " Winthrop . Greaton, John . , Green, J. Durrell . " Samuel A. WUliam H. Greenleaf, Benjamin . . 94 . . 99 91, 96, 102 . . 147 . 146, 167 . 188, 202 60, 72 Greenleaf Captain . Greenman, Walter F. Greenslit, Belden A. Greenwood, Abijah " Lemuel MUes . . Gregg, Annie J. Walter H. GreUs, Gustaf . Grey, Hugh . Gridley, Richard . Griffin, EUza S. . " John Griswold, Charles E. Grooms, Hanibal . Groth, Theodore A. Guildea, Michael . Guriey, Henry A. . WUliam O. Gypson, Henry . . Hadlock, Charles H. . . . 221 Hagan, WUUam H. . . . 169 Hagar, John 4, 8 " Moses .... 33, 76, 79 " Samuel . . . . 28, 75 " Stephen .... 108 " WUliam .... 240 " WUUam, Jr. . . . 4 Hagerty, Michael . . . 196, 198 Haggerty, Daniel .... 139 Haley, WUliam D 164 HaU, Edmund H 176 Edward C. ... 258 Ezekiel .... 27, 76 " Michael . . . " Richard B. . . . 184 " Smith W. . . 166, 170 " WUliam .... 202 Hallahan, John .... 221 Halleck, General .... 231 Hallern, James B 221 HaUiday, O. W 234 HalloweU, Norwood P. . . 177 Ham, Charles G. . . . 233, 234 Henry W. . . 139, 173 HamUn, Charles H. J. . . . 187 Hammon, Jonathan .... 94 Hammond, AbigaU .... 114 Charles . . . 187, 261 " John 114 " Jonathan 76 " Prudence 114 " Sarah 114 WUUam . . . 114, 202 Hancock. Charles . . 137, 160, 196 Daniel 172 John 64, 69, 60, 72, 77, 117 Hanford, George C 137 Hankin, Franldiu (Frederick) 170 Harden, Thomas 95 64 120 221, 261 240 141 251 236, 236 234 202 140 63 236, 236202 178 202202 202 234 231, 234 79 Index. 269 Harding, Thomas .... 95, 202 Harlakenden, Roger .... 2 Harned, David 137 Harrington, Charles ... 82, 85 " Edward 20, 21, 22, 23, 34, 35, 74, 76; 78, 81, 85, 108, 114, 240 " George ... 4, 8, 114 " George E. . . 141, 160 (1 Herman P .... 137 II . . . . 3, 8 11 Jonathan .... 120 II Nathaniel . . 28, 74, 106 II Peter . 28, 76, 79, 106 II Phineas 28, 79, 86, 106 II Robert 120 •" Susanna .... 109 II Thomas . . 28, 74, 85 II WUUam . . 45, 75, 78 II W. S. . . . . . 120 Harris Benjamin . . .95, 107 11 Frank . . . . . 144 11 Hannah .... 74 II Nathaniel . . 79, 82, 95 " Stephen 25, 29, 33, 76, 79, 86, 95 Harrison, James R. 137,160,211,212, 216, 221, 242 II MaryE. . . . 235, 236 II Samuel . . . .177 Hartfoi d, John T, .... 203 II John W. . . 141, 176 HartweU, Abbie M 235 " AlbertH. 211,212, 214,216, 221, 232 EUa E. . . . 235, 236 " Samuel C 172 Harvey, Charles E 203 Haskel, John 96 HasseU, Robert 176 Hastings, Benjamin .... 34 " James 95 " John 4, 7 " Jonas 74, 86 " Samuel 95 Simon 28, 45, 74, 79, 85, 107, 108 " Thomas 78 " WUUam 114 Hatch, James T 203 " Orrin R. . . . 233,234 Haven, Mrs 112 " Samuel Foster ... 156 Hawes, Daniel C. . . . 141, 176 " LenaF 240 " Robert 86 Hay, Joseph 76 Hayden, L. M 221 Z. M 139 Hayes, James 203 " Joseph 164 236221 4 239 221178 93 140 168, 169 Haynes, Alberto F. . . 120, 127 " John 1, 2 Hayward, Dora . . Hazelton, Frank J. Healy, Nathaniel . . Heard, John . . . S. H. M. . . Heath, Charles E. . . " Nathaniel . . Hempstead, Henry A. " Henry E. . . Hepworth, George A. (George H.) 176 HerlUiy, John J 234 Herridge, George 203 Hichborn, Thomas .... 86 Hicks, Zachariah 79 Hight, Albert J 203 HUl, Charles F. . . . 141, 160 " Joseph D 222 " Nelson . . . 222, 232 " Peter 203 WUfredR 234 " Woodman C. ... 234 HiUman, CaroUne W. . . . 239 Hilton, Charles C. . . 141, 150 " Frank W. . . . 136, 161 Hinds, Samuel 82 Hinkley, Ora J 222 " WaUace 176 Hinks, Edward W 165 HiweU, Lieut 94 Hobbs, Joshua B. F 180 Hodges, John, Jr. . . . 176, 179 Hodsdon, Albion H. . . 233, 234 " Alonzo 1 174 Hofi'man, Southard . . . .149 Hogan, wmiam H 140 Holbrook, Bradford .... 222 Charles S 175 John G. 137, 161, 222, 261 " Mr 55 Holden, Casper B 234 " James 143 HoUand, James . . . .96,179 " John 203 " WUUam 143 HoUister, Edward P 178 Holmes, Austin H 234 " Bessie 236 " George A 234 " Irving L 183 " Irving T 261 " Luther L 234 " Mr 65 Thomas F. 179, 216, 222, 231 Holt, George F 203 " John H. . . . 232, 234 Holten, Dr 64 Holton, Samuel 60 Hooker, Joseph . . 231, 243, 244 270 Watertown' s Military History. Hooper, Thomas 243 Thomas N 133 Hopkins, Stephen 54 Horn, George W. . . 131, 133, 150 " George W. Jr. . 141, 251 Home, Deborah G 240 Samuel 240 " W. B. ..... . 261 Hosmer, Alfred 116 Joseph 90, 91, 93, 97, 98, 99, 100,101,102,103,104 Hovey, Ebenezer 74 Thomas 96 Howard, Abraham L. . 233, 234 Annie B 235 " Bertha 236 Charles ..... 140 C. OdeUa 235 E 236 " Edward E. . . 232, 234 " Frederick . . . .128 " Frederick A. . 141, 160 Frederick H. . 222, 234 George R. . 140, 147, 193 Hiram L 179 WiUiam C 251 " WUliam H 203 Howe, Colonel 56 Henry J 166 Lord 123 Howes, Micajah ..... 141 Micajah C. . . . 160, 163 Hoyt, Dixie 189 Hubbard, Henry P. . . 222, 261 Herbert W 234 Huckins, E. W 213 Hudson, Alfred S 9 Hughes, Edward F 258 Michael 222 Michael A 203 Humphreys, Charles A. . . .181 " John 1 HunneweU, HoUis .... 266 Hunt, Edward S 186 Edwin P 193 " John . . 74, 76, 79, 127 " Robert 261 " Thomas .... 79, 81 WiUiam 26, 40, 42, 44, 45, 48, 76, 86 Huntington, William H. . 203 Hunton, Captain .... 6 Huntress, Annie L. . 240 Hurd, Benjamin 34 " Samuel H. 147 Hussey, Charles H. 186 " Stephen . 52 Hutchins, Frank S. 141 " Samuel W. 139, 173 Hutchinson, George . . . 203 " Governor . ¦ 11. 69, 61 Hutchinson, James . . 140, 146 Hyland, Albert 173 WiUiam 139 IngaUs, WUliam .... 147, 179 Ingraham, Nathaniel .... 82 Timothy .... 164, 172 WiUiam H. 130, 131, 135, 136, 241,247 Ireland, Edward 140 " Edward C 160 James L. . . . 163, 222 " Raselas 140 Raselas W. . . 188, 222 " William H 186 Jackson, Antipas 251 Charles F. 140, 156, 179, 222 " Daniel 75, 79 Michael .... 78, 98 " Samuel 203 WiUiam H. . . . 140, 156 Jarvis, Augusta J 236 Grace 236 Jenkins, George N 185 Jennison, Phineas . . 34,74,79,85 " Samuel . . 73, 74, 96 " Samuel, Jr 108 William . 2, 74, 79, 82, 114 Jepson, George E. 214, 216, 222, 231 George W 234 Jewett, Charles C 157 Jipson, Henry 82, 86 Johnson, Abraham .... 204 " Augusta A 236 Caleb 114 " Charles 204 Charles C 143 " Daniel 204 " Gradis 204 " Harriet M. . . 235, 236 " JohnT 143 " Leonard Whitney . . 209 " Robert 143 " Samuel 66 " WiUiam .• ... 204 WUliam H 140 Jones, Abel 251 " Captain 113 " Edward F 129 " Edward J. . . . 185, 186 " Ephraim ... 28, 79, 85 " Franklin 261 " George H 162 " Josiah 7 " Lieut Ill " Samuel 96 WUliam . . 140, 161, 186 Woodbury .... 204 Kearney, James . . 137, 141, 164 Index. 271 216,143,130, 140,161, Keating, Daniel Keith, David B. " Thomas Keleher J. . . KeUeher, John M. KeUey, Richard Kemp, Nathan S. Kendall, Francis Kendrick, Michael Kennard, James Kennedy, James " John . Kenney, David ... " " Edward . . . " James ... " Patrick . . Kent, J. Harry . . . S. E. . . . , Kerwin (Kerson), James Keyes, HamUn W. . , " Michael . . , " Sylvester W. Kimball, John W. . . King, E. A. . . " Edward A. . , ** George H. Phmp H. . . , " Phineas F. . , " William A. . , Kingsbury, Captain . , Kinsley, EU C. ... Kirk, Jemies W. . . , Klouse, Adolphus . . . Knapp, Charles P. . , Knott, George . . . 137, 166, Knox, General . . Kohlbrand, Charles H, Kurtz, John .... 143, 233, 156, 137, 137, 140, 137 182 96 1372582i;2 173 230 222 239 189 223 161 198 161137 234 236 178 147 223 137 177 161 223 189 161184 223 63 176 187 140223 161 91 170 166 Ladd, Colonel . . Lafayette, Marquis de Lafiy, John . . Lamb, Mary P. . Lamonte, Charles W, Lamson, Daniel S. Lane, Everett " Frank W. " John Lanehart, John . Langely, Alonzo B. Larabee, John " Jonathan Lamed, Benony , " OMver . " wmiam Lassman, Robert E, Lathrop, Mr. . . LaveUe, James Lawrence, Enos . " John " Samuel C. 21 1, 212 242 124 198 235261 124, 157 175 223 69,96 223 187 9696 8 86 223, 232 135, 242 . 209 7 . 109 . 147 Josiah " OUver " Samuel " Thomas, " WUUam Leathe, Jedediah Lawson, Charles E. W. . 143, 195 Henry T 188 Leai-ned, Ameriah ... 75 " Benjamin, 74, 79, 82, 97, 108 Bezaleel, 15, 19, 28, 74, 106 " Daniel 79 " Elijah 28 " Elisha . . . . 76 Frank S. . 141, 176, 261 " Helen A 251 " Isaac 4, 7 Jedediah 75, 79, 97, 114 " Jonas ... 74, 79, 81 Jonathan .... 74 .... 34 . 74, 79, 81. 97 .... 86 30, 33, 74, 78, 86 . 34, 73, 79, 86 23, 30, 37, 40, 43, 45, 47, 75, 79, 85, 106 " John ... 82, 97, 105 Richard . . 32, 79, 81 " WUliam 27, 74, 78, 85, 108 Leaverton, James W. . . . 137 Lee, Charles 66, 68 " Francis L. ... 175 H. C 148 John 223 Robert E 206 " WiUiam Raymond . 165 Lemoyne, John 161 Lennen, John 98 Lenox, Charles W. 177, 191, 223, 251 Leonard, Samuel H. . . . 166 " wmiam 252 Letherbee, Jonathan ... 98 LeveUey, Joseph M. ... 234 Leverton, James W. . . . 161 JohnW 223 Lewando, A 144 Lewis, Elizabeth 236 James .... 98, 223 " Morgan 240 Lincoln, Abraham, President 129, 142,207,231,241, 242 " Benjamin " Colonel . " Edward M. " Francis M. WiUiam G. Lindley, Austin W. " Dana E. " Henry C. Lines, Francis Lisco, Peter . . Lissuat, Peter Littlefield, Harry D " James C. " Roland . Littleman, Samuel 57,72 52 . 180 . 171 . 133 161, 261 189, 251 136, 161 98 98 98 187167 240 98 272 Watertown's Military History. Livermore, Amos . . 28 , 45, 74 " Annie E. . . . . 236 Carrie B. . . . 236, 236 Charles F. . . . . 223 " Converse F. 184 " Hannah . . 112 •' Jonathan . . 33 Mrs 237 Tabitha . . 110 Livingston, Andrew 188 Locke, Artemas . . . 133 JohnW. . . 176 Logan, Peter .... 223 Longstreet, General 158 Lord, Eben N. 137, 165 161, 223 " ¦ Edward . . . 224, 251 " Mary A. . . 235, 236 Philip, Jr. . . . 240 Loring, Joseph . . . 66 Lothrop, Mr. . . . 65 Lovely, John S. . . . . 209 Lovering, Joseph F. . 21 3, 224, 231 Lovewell, Captain . . . 113 Lowden, James . . . 7 Lowell, Charles R. . . . 181 Lucey, Michael . . . . 262 Lufkin, Moses . . . . 240 Luker, John .... 137, 161 Lush, George .... 86 Lydiard, Agnes . . . . 235,|236 Lyman, Albert C. . . . 184 " Edward . . 137, 161 " Joseph . . . . 141 " Joseph D. . . . 151 William H. . . 137, 162 Lynch, CorneUus . . . 143, 198 " Jeremiah J. . 180 Lyon, James . 166 Lyons, Bernard . . . . 143 Michael W. . . 198, 224 " Thomas F. . 234 " WUliam H. . . , 234 Mack, John B 224 Mackin, James E. . . . 138, 261 " Joseph E. . . 162,224 " Josephs 234 " Walter E. . . 233, 234 Madden, Henry 0 146 Washington 139, 174, 196 Maddock, Henry 112 Maggi, Albert C 170 Mahoney, Dennis . . . 224, 261 Major, Captain ... 98, 101, 104 Makin, Joseph ...... 204 " Samuel 204 Mallard, James .... 33, 74, 79 Manchester, G. D 138 Manix, WiUiam 198 Manning, Charles H 186 " Jacob M 176 Manning, WiUiam . . ... 86 Mansfield, WUUam . ... 252 Mansir, John H. . . . 137,162 ... 133 " George N. . 134, 144 " Josephine M. 235, 236, 240 Marett, Philip . . . . . 90, 101 ... 176 MarshaU, Colonel . . . . 98, 100 " Thomas . . . . 97 Martin, George W. ... 180 Henry W. . . 216, 224 *' Oraniel ... 146 *' Susie E. . . ... 235 " Thomas ... 188 Martindell, John . . ... 98 ... 104 ... 236 " Abigail . . ... no " Augustus ... 176 " Captain . . . . 5, 109 Charles F. . . . 9, 124 " Daniel . 33, 45, 78, 86, 108 " Hugh, . . 6, 9, 32, 46, 106 " Moses . ... 98 " Mr ... 126 *' Nathaniel ... 73 ... 240 ... 122 ... 168 Mayhew, Joseph . . ... 62 ... 236 McAleer, Charles . . . ... 252 " Peter . ... 252 McCabe, WUUam . . ... 204 " WiUiam H . ... 180 McCafferty, Owen . . . 198, 224 " William . . ... 198 McCall, General . . ... 244 McCarty, Felix . . ... 198 McCleUan, General ... 231 McCollister, John Q. A. . . 177 McCooliff, Patrick ... 138 McCue, WiUiam P. . ... 204 McCuen, Parker . . . 139, 171 McCullum, James . . ... 187 McCurtain, WUliam . . 76,79,99 McDermott, Charles . ... 162 " James . . . . 198, 224 McDonald, Michael . ... 187 " William . . ... 192 McDoughall, Alexander ... 204 McGinley, James A. . ... 234 " John . . . . 144, 204 McGlauflin, B. Fay . ... 234 " Hiram . . . 233, 234 " Margaret . . ... 236 McGloin, Frank . . . 144, 204 McGonnigal, Barney . ... 138 McGrail, John . ... 174 McGrath ... 262 Index. 273 McGrath, Francis P 234 McGuire, PhUip 189 " Timothy 143 Mcintosh, John 81 " WUUam 91 McKinlev, John . . . 139, 171 " President 215 McLauthlin, Mary . . . .236 McMahan, Michael .... 204 McMasters, John H 153 McNamara, John 198 " Patrick 189 McNamee, Mabel 236 " Marion 236 McNeU, Patrick 143 Thomas . . . 139, 172 McRoe, Oliver 76, 106 McTigh, Anthony 224 Meacham, George A 157 Mead, Julian A. . . . 116,258 " Mary D. . . . 239, 240 Tmey 78, 106 Zme 82 MeUen, WiUiam 139 W. R. C 167 MeUsop, WUUam C 174 Melvin, Albert 224, 232 •' David 239 " Frank A 234 " Samuel 239 Mercer, Frederick W. . . 176, 182 Merriam, Waldo 158 Merrick, Thomas 168 MerriU, Roger 240 Merritt, Henry 166 Meserve, Stephen E. . . . 136, 162 Messer, Carlos P 176 MiUer, Charles .... 140, 224 " Charles A. . 138, 162, 196 Charles C 177 Henry F.H 171 Henry I. . . . 138, 162 « Jacob 186 " James 143 " Jeremiah 93 Mmiken, Widow 55 MUls, Csesai 99 Frank A. . . . 233, 234 Palemon C. . 139, 147, 171 WUUam H 209 MUner, Joseph F 224 Mkick, Samuel . . . . 81, 99 Mixer, Josiah 45 Monahan, John J 234 " Owen .... 198,224 Monks, Clara L 240 Monplaisir, Louis . . . 144, 169 Montieth, WUliam 167 Montojo, Admiral 208 Moore, Lydia A 235 " MacleUand . . . .167 Moore, Peter 139 Moreland, John 81 Merely, Captain 3 Moriarty, Michael 186 Morly, John 143 Morrm, Edward P. . . . 186, 186 WiUiam F 224 Morris, F. G 213 James M 192 " Lydia 236 Morse, Charles A. . . . 138, 162 Edward F 234 Ernesto. . . . 233,234 " George F 138 " Julia F. . . . 239, 240 Luther B 232 WUliam 34 Morton, Perez 79 " Robert . . . 143, 195 " Thomas 224 Mott, Edward 69 Motte, EUis L 187 Moulton, Charles H 225 Mullaney, Mathew .... 138 MuUen, David 138 Muni-oe, Oliver 79, 85 " Sergeant 117 Munsell, George N 171 Murdock, John 226 " Marion D 240 Murphy, Daniel 138 " James 99 Michael E 184 " Patrick 143 Murrey, Henry . . 146, 171, 179 John 51, 52 " Samuel 54 Nash, Susan Wyeth Sawin . 240 Nason, Guy H 234 Nelson, Alex 82 Nevinson, Elizabeth . . . . Ill Newcomb, Addie . ... 236 " wmiam C. . . 233, 234 Nichols, Abram G 138 George C. . . 141, 161 " George N 176 John .... 177, 191 Roberto 187 WUliam 189 NUiol, Daniel 165 Nims, Ormand F 184 Noonan, Edward . . . 225, 251 Norcross, Elijah . . . 140, 188 " Jeremiah 7 " Joseph 99 « Josiah 28, 45, 74, 78, 99, 108 " Samuel 114 Seth .... 32, 34, 76 " Thomas C. . . 136, 162 North, F.E 225 274 Watertown's Military History. Norton, George A 147 Notonksion, WUliam ... 99 Noyes, George L 133 " Samuel 131 ¦' Samuel G. . . 140, 174 Nutting, Andrew F. . . 233, 234 Samuel . . 28, 73, 99, 251 Oaks, T. Fletcher 178 Ober, Oliver M. . . 141, 161, 163 " Peter A. . . . 141, 151 O'Brien, John .... 205, 225 " Nicholas 168 •' Peter 206 Thomas . . 139, 162, 196 O'Connell, Patrick A. . ! . 168 O'Halloran, James .... 182 " Michael 198 O'Hare, Patrick 139 O'Harra, Patrick 173 O'Hearn, WUliam .... 225 O'Key, Thomas 168 Olcott, AbigaU 110 " John 114 Oldham, John 2, 1 14 OUver, Samuel C 188 Orne, Azor 60, 72 Osborne, Ira J. ... 140, 151 Osbourne, Francis A. ... 167 Osgood, Amos 193 " Lewis V 187 " Samuel 240 Otis, EUen S. . 235, 236, 239, 240 " Horace W. . 141, 161, 181, 211,212,225,232 " James 72 " Mercy 72 " Sarah H 239 WardM. 141, 151, 211, 212, 225 Oynes, John 7 Packard, I. H 232 Page, Calvin G 172 Paine, Robert T 72 Palfrey, Francis W 166 Palmer, Colonel 61 " John 82 " Joseph ... 60, 72, 82 Park, Captain 94, 102 Cornelius 35, 79, 81, 107 " John 7 Pennel ... 34, 76, 79 " William .... 76, 79 Parker, Captain 120 " Colonel 77 Daniel 33, 40, 43, 45, 48, 76, 85, 184 " David .... 79, 100 " Francis J 169 Parker, James P. " John . •• Nathaniel " Phineas " WUliam Parkhurst, Colonel " Isaac " John Parlin, Joseph R. Parmenter, William Parrish, Lucius H. Parsons, Captain . " Clara B. . " MUdred . Paterson, General . . 225 , . 62 , . 100 . . 95 . 6, 143 , . 245 76, 100 , . 4 232, 234 225,251 . . 67 . . 236 . . 236 92, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102 Patrick, Captain .... 2, 113 Patten, Isaac B. 181, 212, 213, 232, 233, 251 " Mannie B. . 213, 235, 238 " Professor 213 " Thomas 28, 45, 76, 86, 107, 141, 175, 189, 212, 232 WendeU 213 Patterson, Christina .... 236 " John 62 Mary E. . . . 235, 236 William C 179 Peard, Robert 163 Pearson, Timothy .... 187 Pease, Private 85 Peck, George ...... 240 Peeler, Albert .... 211, 225 Peirce, Bartholomew ... 75 " Daniel 7 " Isaac 185 " Joseph . . . . 6, 6, 7 Penderghast, Thomas . 141, 161 Pendleton, Bryan 114 Percy, Lord 55, 78 Perkins, Albert W. . . 226, 232 Charles T. 211, 212, 216, 226, 251 " James 0 234 Josephs 151 Luke . . .129, 133, 144 Perry, Frank A 234 " Samuel 7 " WiUiam 109 Phelps, Edward M 181 Philbrook, H. A 225 Philips, Theophilus Pickering, Edward N. Pierce, Charles Q. 7 140, 172, 191, 192 211, 212,216, 226, 248 ... 168 Ebenezer W. Henry B 211 Henry G 226 Henry T. . . 141,175 Index. 275 Pierce, Julia A 235, 236 " Levi M 205 " Mathew 100 " Roger 85 Pierson, Charles L 172 George H. . 147, 149, 162 Pigeon, John 60 PiUsbury, Edward W. . . 216, 226 " Fred S 234 " Mary E 236 Pines, Peter 163 Piper, Lucy M 240 Pitcairn, Major . . . . 77,118 Pitts, James 72 Place, Arthur G 234 Plimpton, Emerson F. . . 178 MerrUlF 178 Polechio, Hattie F 236 PoUard, Otis A 226 Pomeroy, Alonzo . . . 139, 173 " Colonel 62 Pond, Elsie F 236 John A. 141,151,153,184 " Joseph .... 55 Poole, Charles A 226 Pope, George ...... 226 " John 100 Porter, Burr 173, 183 " Edward F 249 " Major 98 Potter, Daisy G. ... 239, 240 Powers, James 206 Pratt, Charles 256 " James A 177 " James R 139 MUes .... 130, 133 Prentice, Benjamin ... 12, 100 Elizabeth " Isaac " Jonas " Joshua " . Samuel " Smith " Solomon " Thomas Price, Israel . " WUliam . . no .... 78 .... 74 .... 100 .... 100 .... 101 . . . . 28, 74 34, 75,79, 101, 111 .... 101 .... 4,7 " WUliam, Jr. . . . 7 Priest, Benjamin L. . 226, 234, 261 " Charles H. 141, 151, 211, 212, 226 " George E. 141,177,178,211, 212, 214, 216, 226, 248, 252 " Joseph 8 " Mabel E 239 « Mary W. . . . 235, 236 " PhUemon .... 239 Prescott, Colonel .... 62 " George L 169 " James 72 Prescott, John " Oliver " W. Chester " WUliam . Proctor, S. Eugene Putnam, General " Jennie Pyne, Peter . . Quelter, John . . Quigley, Frank . " James Quinlan, John " John J. . " John M. " Margaret " Thomas Quinn, Daniel " John . . " Thomas . Quint, Alonzo H. Rand, Arnold A. " Clara T. " Rev. Edward A. 7 91 234 118 258 128 236 183 138 195, 196199 205234 ,234 236 205, 226, 232 199 19^ 199 146 166 233, 7S, 79, 182235 116, 117, 118, 119, 120,126, 215, 251 " Mary F. " Thomas Randall, John . . Rawson, Deacon Raymond, Charles A. Read, May T. Reed, WUliam . . Regan, John . . Reinhardt, Frederick W. Reinhart, Tillock . . Remington, John 236 239 114 51 258240 66 226 186 101 12, 19, 20, 60, 75, 78 Revere, Paul . . .62, 77, 117, 125 Paul J 165 141, 162 239, 240 Rhodes, George L. . Bice, Addie L. . . " Timothy Richards, A. L. " Henry . . " Joanna B. . " Samuel ¦ Richardson, Charles " Ebenezer " Edward " Edward C. " Edward F. " James M. . Peter . . » Reuben L. " Thomas Riddeford, James Ridgeway, John . . Rinehart, Charles Ripley, S. EUis 25, 143, 144 183268 46 138 101 26, 74, 141 233, 234 . 152 189 5, 79, 133 213 . 226 . 205 85 . 143 232, 233, 234 276 Watertown's Military History. Risley, Chester . Chester W. " George W. Roach, WiUiam F. Robbins, Dexter " Dexter A. " Elbridge " George . " George, Jr. " Harry W. " Hattie E. " Henry D. " James A. " John " John L. John W. Roberts, William Robinson, Albert B. " Charles . " George F. 214, " Josie M, " Mary A. Roche, Edward D. . Rockwell, George L. Rodman, John " WUUam L. Roe, Oliver M. . . Rogers, Abraham F. " Harriet E. D. Hugh . . John P. " Patrick . " Terrence WiUiam Rolfe, Frank A. Rollins, Adelaide H. Charles H. Rood, J. L. ... Rooney, Francis A. Rosebrook, Seldon H. Ross, Fannie T. . . " Lydia . . " RosweU C. " Washington B WiUiam W. Rotes, Andrew Rouse, Edward S. Rowell, Cromwell G, Rowse, Albert Royce, Jacob G. T. W. D. Rugg, Emma C. Rundlett, Arthur B. Rupp, Joseph D . Russell, Abel " Caroline W, " Edward Henry S. " Ira . . " James F. " Jeremiah 138 141 . 138 . 162 162, 184 226, 262 . 232 226, 234262 . 261 138, 162 234 235, 236 . 234 176, 178 . 227 227, 232 . 234 206, 227 . 174 . 206 216,227,232 . 235 235,236 . 209 209 138 . 172 28 . 239 239,240140, 162 . 163 140 140, 163 . 188 236, 240258 . 138 . 209 , 144, 162 236 . 236 193 . 193193101140 . 153 . 187 . 261 . 251 239, 240 . 209 137, 163 101 141 Russell, Jeremiah Jr. 141, 152, 227, 232 " William ... 71, 101 " Willie M. . . . 145,209 Rye, James (enlisted under name of Rye, but correct name James Barnard Whit ney) .... 182 SaflFord, Thomas 114 SaUa, Joseph R. . . . 185, 186 Salter, Richard H 145 Saltmarsh, William .... 114 Sampson, Admiral .... 208 Sanborn, George H 227 " George W 186 " Lizzie W 236 Sanderson, Henry . . 85, 86, 138 " Horace 138 Isaac 21, 28, 33, 73, 74, 78 " Jacob 79 " Josiah .... 45, 78 Seth 74, 78 Sands, John S 227 Sanger, Charles E. . 141, 162, 261 David 20, 25, 28, 32, 35, 38, 39, 40, 43, 47, 76, 82, 86, 87, 102, 107 Hanna S 236 John 78 " Martha 214 " Nathaniel 4, 75, 102, 107 " Richard 114 Samuel 21, 22, 75, 78, 102, 107, 240 " Thomas .... 81, 85 William ... 34, 76, 79 " WiUiam H. . . 138, 163 Sargent, Horace Binney . . 179 " Lorenzo D 182 " Lucius M 146 N. P 62 " Paul Dudley ... 99 " Winthrop .... 93 Savage, John 85 William H 216 Sawen, Thomas 8 Sawin, Daniel 26, 28, 32, 37, 46, 73, 79, 86 " John . . 235 . 182 . 181 . 154 194, 227 130 John P. " Munning " Samuel Sawing, Daniel Sawtell, Enoch " Obadiah " Richard Sawyer, Captain " Ebenezer " John Jacob Scandlin, William G, 7, 33, 73 . 186 7 . 102 . 102 4 87 131, 132 . 59 . 46 . 156 Index. 277 Scherer, John .... 164, 170 Schley, Admiral 208 Scott, General ...... 129 " Henry D 187 " wmiam 99 " Woodburn C. . . . 174 Scruton, E. F 143 ScuUy, Thomas 163 Seaver, Mr 63 " WiUiam .... 72 Sedgwick, Roger 2 Seeley, Captain 116 " Lieut 115 Robert 115 Seldon, John S 227 Severance, Augustus . 140, 181 Shardol, Peter 102 Sharp, James 131 James E. . . 138, 163 " Lieut 6 Supply T 245 Shattuck, Amory N. ... 138 " wmiam 7, 8 Shaw, Bartlett M 213 " Jackson H 227 Linus A. . 216, 227, 231 " Orlando H 227 " Robert G. . . 177, 191 Sheahan, Thomas 139 Shed, Zachariah ... 33, 73, 78 Shedd, Luther A 261 Sheldon, Peter 102 Shepard, Alexander .... 92 " Alexander, Jr. . . 99, 101 " Samuel 2 Sheridan, General .... 231 Sherman, Charles F. . 140, 184 " Frederick . . 206, 250 " General .... 3, 231 John .... 3, 8, 115 " Robert 138 '¦ WUUam, Jr. ... 134 Shugrue, Michael 252 ShurtleflF, James A 234 " Perez (not Percy) 233, 234 Sibley, Mark N. . . . 141, 152 Siebold, Christian . . 211, 227 Sm, Joseph 6, 109 Silsbee, Alice M. . . 238, 239, 240 SUva, Antonia .... 144, 205 Sistrank, Wmiam .... 192 Skeele, MUo B. . . . 139, 173 Skinner, Charles 172 Henry R. . . 233, 234 Hiram D. . 227, 248, 252 " Lester ... 196, 199 " Volney 234 Slack, Charles B 187 Sleeper, George H. . . 131, 133 Smith, Abbie A 235 " Andrew 173 Smith, Asa D 137 Calvin .... 94, 100 " Captain 104 " Caroline A 236 " Charles E 234 " Charles W. . 216, 228, 232 " Colonel .... 62, 98 " Commander .... 104 " Daniel 7 " David .... 86, 108 David P 164 " D. C. . . . . 228 " E 93 Edith M 235 " Eliakim 261 " Frederick E. ... 234 " George 234 Gregg . . . 138, 163 " Guy 228 " Henry 228 " James H. 138, 163, 228, 261 " John . . 86, 120, 144, 205 " John J 138 " Jonathan . . . 4, 7, 8 " Joseph .... 4, 7, 8 " Joshua 138 " Lieut 77 " Lizzie M. . . 236, 236 " Oliver H. . . 165, 163 " Thomas 251 " Thomas F 234 Snodgrass, Ansel 228 Snow, Bertha H 240 " George K 144 George W 168 Nancy N. . . . 235 Walters. . . 116,258 WiUiam F 147 Soden, Samuel 20, 27, 37, 42, 44, 45, 74,78 Soper, Agnes 236 Ralph T 234 Soule, Horatio S 178 Southcot, Mr 127 Souther, Edward E 186 " (Souter) Moses 75, 79, 82 Spaulding, Charles A. . 139, 173 Spencer, A. A 143 " WiUiam 2 Spooner, Walter .... 63, 72 Sprague, A. B. R 188 " James M 251 " MUes 251 " RoscoeL 209 " Samuel 33 " wmiam 102 " WUliam Roy ... 209 Spring, Converse . 34, 76, 79, 103 " Henry 7 " Jeduthan .... 115 " Josiah 115 278 Watertown's Military History. Spring, MarshaU . 28,75,106,115 " Nicholas J. . . 209, 228 " Samuel 45 Sprout, Ebenezer .... 94, 99 Squeb, Captain 127 Stacey, Albert H. ' . . . . 138 Stackpole, Edwin A. . . 141, 152 Stafford, Thomas 78 Stakes, WUliam 192 Stanley, John S. . . . 141, 162 Stearns, Abbie C 240 Asa 116 " Captain . . .97, 98, 102 " Carrie M 235 Colonel 97 " George 103 " Habakkak .... 103 " Hannah Ill " Herbert C 210 " Isaac 121 " John 7 Mary 110 Peter 116 " Phineas 22, 23, 26, 28, 29, 32, 35, 36, 39, 74, 78, 85, 103, 107, 111, 115, 121 " Samuel 7 Samuel F. 129, 136, 163, 184, ' 216, 228, 242 " Samuel G " Seubael Stedman, Joseph Stelfox, James F. Stephenson, Luther, Jr. " Robert H. Thomas G. Stetson, Ebenezer . Stevens, Atherton H. " John wmiam H. Stewart, George H. " Sophie . Stickney, Albert " John K. Stiles, Frederick G Stimson, Andrew " John " Jonas " Jonathan Stone, Abbie H. " Abijah . 74 " Captain . Charles W, " Colonel . " Cornelius " David 27, 74 " Deacon . " Ebenezer " EUsa " George F, 28, 234 7 174170169167167 76, 86 182 166 189, 228234236 176133 174 34 28, 106, 108 6 7 235, 236 86, 103, 106 61,68 245, 258 126 . 79,86 , 79, 106, 240 64 28,73 240 194 Stone, James 34 John 7, 111 " Jonathan 33, 45, 74, T8, 106 " Josephine .... 126 " Josie H 240 " Lincoln R. ... 177 Moses 12, 14, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 43, 46, 73, 74, 78, 85,86,93,103,106, 115, 125, 126 Mr 246 " Nathaniel 12, 18, 22, 23, 28, 33, 40, 73, 106 Silas C 167 " Walter C 258 " WiUiam . . . . 74, 86 Storer, Seth 247 Story, WiUiam 103 Stratton, Eunice .... 112 George R. ... 234 " Homer R 228 John 20, 21, 22, 74, 78, 81, 247 " Joshua .... 34,79,82 " Nathan . " Nathaniel Sturgis, Mr. Sturtevant, Joseph " Lot . . SuUivan, Daniel (or " Dennis . " General . " James " Mr. . . " Timothy Sumner, Allison R. Swan, James . . " Samuel . " Thomas . Swift, George Swinburn, Samuel Sylvester, James W. Tabor, Mabel R. Tainter, Amos " Cyrus . " Eries " George W. " John " John, Jr. " Sarah Taylor, Captain . " Doctor . " Eldad . " George W. " Jane B. " John Tayntor, Joseph . Teele, George E. 61 103 86, 103 71 239, 240 239, 240 Dennis) 163 138, 189 . 115 63, 181 . 61, 58 182 138, 163, 195 . 101 74 7 . 228 . 138 141, 175 239 78 28, 76, 107 . 138 74, 76, 85 . 115 . 109 90, 104 64, 65, 63 72 185 . 236 . 143 4 216, 228 Index. 279 Teele, Eliza M. . . . Terry, Timothy W. Tervis, John . . . . Thatcher, Colonel 93, 97 121 " Samuel . " Thomas . Thayer, J. Henry " Samuel G Thomas, Arad Fred A. " Frederick A, " Mary A. " Orson C. Thompson, C. H. " De Witt C. " George . " James F. L. P. " Otis A. " WUliam . Thurston, Charles S Thwing, Charles G. Tibbetts, N. D. . TUeston, George F. Tmson, Hannah " Hiram B. TUton, Daniel P. Walter H. Timony, John Timothy, John Titcomb, Lucy Tolman, Alvin F. " Charles E. " Elijah . " Elisha . " Frank S. Tomlinson, G. W. Toohey, Isaac Toole, Patrick Tower, Georgianna ] " Peter Towle, Charles J. " Samuel K. Towne, F. Warren Townsend, David " Luther T. Train, Thomas Treadwell, Henry S. " Joshua B. Tremlett, Henry M. Tripp, Alden W. " David F. TruU, Ezra J. " George G. " Mr. . . Trumbull, Jonathan Trundy, C. A. Tucker, JiUius M. Tufts, EUas . . " James 216 . . 235 . . 187 . . 103 98, 102, 103, ,90, 113 86 . 173 234 . 228 228, 232 . 210 235, 236 139, 173 138 181 115166 246 205 206 206, 229 229 216 75, 138154 236 229 141,176 206262 199 214 229, 232210 1, 103 79 233, 234231189 1, 162 240240 229, 232 169, 188 . 206 86 229, 249 7 141,176 152 . 172 . 206 216, 229, 232 140, 166, 173184 132 66, 57 229 178 79 79 Tulford, John Turner, Charles P. " Colonel . Frank W. " Henry A. " WUUam Tyghe, Joseph " Joseph G. " Joseph L. Tyler, Nathan Tyng, Edward UnderhUl, John . Underwood, Adin B " Thomas . Van Arsdale, Charles D. Vassal, John . . Vaughan, John . VUa, John Vinton, Joseph, Jr Vose, Captain 103 206 97, 103 ¦ 206 175 6 152, 229 141234 96 4 2 170 8, 113 234 74 143 34, 74, 78 . 143 91, 97, 98 Wade, Abner 98 Wadsworth, Samuel . 4,5,6,114 Waite, Curtis M 229 " Joseph 7 Walcott, John W 184 Waldock, James 169 Wales, Ebenezer 86 Elkanah . 28, 76, 79, 106 " Jacob 97 " Samuel 8 Walker, N. 0 211, 229 Samuel . . . 192, 240 WaU, WUliam 199 WaUace, Daniel L 190 Samuel ... .229 " WUliam E. . 193, 194 WaUcutt, Captain ... 98, 100 Walton, Captain 103 John 90 Ward, Artemas ... 57, 60 " Colonel . . . 114, 115 Edwin F 172 " General .... 51, 66 " George H 156 " John M 163 JohnN 138 " Samuel 81 Thadeus .... 82, 103 Wardsworth, Hannah . . . 114 WardweU, David K 172 Ware, Robert 175 Warren, Colonel 63 Daniel . 4, 5, 6, 7, 61, 56 " Elizabeth .... 236 General . 97, 127, 128, 231 " Grace 122 J 63 James . . 64, 71, 72, 119 28o Watertown's Military History. Warren, John 122 " Jonathan 91, 93, 97, 98, 102 " Joseph 56, 60, 62, 64, 71, 118, 127 " Lydia 122 " Margaret .... 122 " Mary 110 " Michael 140 " Michael M 164 " Nathan . . . 103, 104 Nathaniel .... 104 Orin 170 " Phinehas .... 122 " Samuel . 79, 82, 104, 106 " WUliam 45 Washburn, Abraham ... 80 " Andrew 188 " Francis 182 Washington, G-ineral 66, 117, 119, 121, 124, 234 " Lady .... 117, 121 Wass, Ansel D 182 Colonel 179 Waterhouse, Fred L. ... 229 Waters, Joseph 199 Theodore .... 137 Watson, Abraham .... 60 " Captain 121 " Elisha F 154 " Jacob 90 " Joseph 138 Mr 51 " William 79, 82, 86, 106, 108 Waumpey, Isaac 104 Way, Mr 243 Wayte, John 6 Webb, James A. . . . 138, 163 Webber, A. Carter .... 175 Charles H 229 " Charles W 186 Webster, Fletcher . . . 156, 245 " Jonathan 62 Weitz, Louise 236 Welch, Charles 0 211 » James 104 " John . . . 216, 229, 232 Weld, Stephen M. 178 Wellington, Benjamin ... 8 " George 116 John 7, 76, 79, 82, 105, 107 " Joseph 7, 74 " Samuel .... 33, 106 Thaddeus 115 Thomas , . 16, 17, 74, 79 Wells, Edwin G 164 " George D 146 Wenmouth, Richard J. . , , 210 Wentworth, Andrew 0. . . ¦ 176 West, WiUiam M 171 WiUiam W 139 Westerfield, Henry .... 230 Whall, WUliam . . . 174, 206 WiUiam W 184 Wheaton, Charles, Jr. ... 146 Wheeler, Ephraim .... 25, 104 " LuluB 236 Whitcomb, Asa 96 " Colonel 51 " John 57, 64 White, Benjamin 60 " Captain 55 Charles Ci .... 230 Charles H. . . 206, 210 " Charles W 230 " , George T 146 " Jedediah 115 Joel . 27, 79, 85, 106, 108 " Jonas 19, 27, 29, 30, 32, 42, 43, 44, 45, 74, 76, 79, 86, 108 " Mary 235 " Mary A. . . . 239, 240 " Rebecca 110 Samuel 14, 20, 26, 26, 27, 32, 34, 36,37, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 74, 78, 79, 81, 86, 106, 108 Sarah L 261 Whitman V 178 William . . 79, 82, 116 William F 179 WiUiam G. . 140, 163, 196 Whitemarsh, Thomas F. . . 138 Whiting, Henry 108 " John 104 " Nathaniel . . . 131, 133 " Stephen 108 Whitney, AbigaU 124 Abram 46, 76, 78, 86, 240 " Allston W 166 " Arthur H 268 " B 252 " Charles 262 " Daniel 12, 33, 74, 76, 78, 85, 105, 108 " David . . . 78,^ 104, 107 " Dorothy 112 " Eliza 75 " EInathan . . 75, 79, 106 " Ephraim 85 " Ezekiel . . 75, 79, 82, 86 " Frank 126 " Henry 76 " Hiram 133 " Israel 74 " James E 176 " John 4, 76, 78, 82, 104, 107, 139, 143, 173, 262 " Jonathan ... 7, 76, 78 Josiah . . .101, 103, 104 Index. 281 Whitney, Leonard 262 " Leonard, Jr 133 " Minetta J 240 " Moses .... 4, 7, 262 " Nathaniel 85 " Ruggles 33 " Samuel . . 7, 28, 75, 106 Simon 27, 30, 33, 43, 45, 47, 76,105, 108 " Solon F. . . . 116, 256 " Stephen 21, 28, 75, 78, 85 " Tabitha 113 " Thomas 7 Whiton, John C 176 Whittemore, Benjamin F. . . 177 " George A 164 " George H 138 " Horace 0. . . • . 169 Whitten, Lyman B 189 " Margaret F 236 Whitton, Margaret E. ... 236 Wigglesworth, Edward . . 93, 94 WUbur, George B 133 WUde, Edward A 171 WUder, Jackson 192 WUkins, Henry A 140 Henry E 166 " Joseph G. . . . 141, 176 WUlard, Bial W 239 •' Captain 109 " Major 3 Sidney 171 " Simon 2 Wmey, Annie L 230 WUUams, Abraham .... 7 " Captain 94 Charles 168 H. F 233 Horace P 178 " Joseph 102 " Major 158 " Robert 179 WUliam 116 Wmie, Peter 230 WiUington, John 104 " Jonathan 104 " Palgrave 8 " Samuel .... 24, 29 " Thomas 94 WUlis, Charles 85 Henry A 177 Wmson, Thomas 104 WUson, Alice L 240 Charles H 230 WUson, Daniel A. . . . 141, 162 E. P 248 " Israel N 185 James .... 141, 162 John G 181 " Margaret 236 " M. Caroline . . 238, 239 " SUas C 206 Thomas . . 48, 196, 199 " WiUiam H 268 Wincol, Sergt 109 Windham, John 4 Winship, Joshua 104 Winslow, Helen M 238 Winthrop, Governor .... 113 " John 1, 2, 72 Wolcott, Oliver 66 Wood, Andrew 192 " Dolly no Herbert S 234 " Samuel 7 Woodbridge, Captain .... 100 Woodbury, WUUam H. . 139, 173 Woodfin, PhUip T 187 Woodsum, WiUiam .... 186 Woodward, George ... 7 " Mary D 239 R. T 230 Woodworth, C. L 212 Worcester, George S 189 WUliam E. C. . 147, 162 Worth, Alonzo K. 138, 156, 164, 216, 230 Charles A. . . 233, 234 Charles S 230 Cora A 235 Ellen S 236 Wray, James 166 Wright, Amos 239 " Frank 138 " George S 123 " Joseph 4 " LeviP 188 Wyer, Edwin F 152 Wyman, PoweU T. (Colonel) 136, 167, 243, 244, 245 Wyth, Ebenezer 74 Yates, Mr 7 York, Charies A 268 Young, George TJ 230 Joseph .... 143, 199 " Joseph H 262 3 9002 00871 3753 i:'f)h','i''i' '¦'> \'^ii: '0^ Jill? .*' '' 'tfc i ''il i'tir ¦' ' l"h VJt. .-"^^